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इ॒मानारी॑रविध॒वाः सु॒पत्नी॒राञ्ज॑नेन स॒र्पिषा॒ सं स्पृ॑शन्ताम् । अ॑न॒श्रवो॑अनमी॒वाः सु॒रत्ना॒ आ रो॑हन्तु॒ जन॑यो॒ योनि॒मग्रे॑ ॥ (५७)
These women born in the family of ghosts should be touched by the anjan mixed with hatred, being the best husbands who are devoid of legal purpose. They should be non-shedding, disease-free and adorned and healthy to give birth to children. (57)
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सं ग॑च्छस्वपि॒तृभिः॒ सं य॒मेने॑ष्टापू॒र्तेन॑ पर॒मे व्योमन् । हि॒त्वाव॒द्यंपुन॒रस्त॒मेहि॒ सं ग॑च्छतां त॒न्वा सु॒वर्चाः॑ ॥ (५८)
O dead man! You meet the Father, Pitamah and Prapitamah i.e. Baba through sapindi method. That is, you get a place among the ancestors. May you also be with the king of the ancestors who are Yama. Superior to Pitrulok and in the sky, in the Dulok i.e. Savarga, that is, yagya, homa etc. clearly stated by the Vedas, Purta i.e. smriti, inspired by the Puranas and scriptures, meet both types of rituals like stepwell, well, pond, devmandir construction etc. The meaning is to consume the fruits of both those kinds of deeds in heaven. You should give up sin and get the best house built in heaven. May your soul with graceful radiance meet a body capable of enjoying the pleasures of heaven. (58)
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ये नः॑ पि॒तुःपि॒तरो॒ ये पि॑ताम॒हा य आ॑विवि॒शुरु॒र्व॑न्तरि॑क्षम् । तेभ्यः॑स्व॒राडसु॑नीतिर्नो अ॒द्य व॑थाव॒शं त॒न्वः कल्पयाति ॥ (५९)
Today, King Yama should automatically build the bodies of our father's ancestors i.e. Pitamah etc. and the ancestors born in our gotra are entered in the vast space. (59)
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शं॑ ते नीहा॒रोभ॑वतु॒ शं ते॑ प्रु॒ष्वाव॑ शीयताम् । शीति॑के॒ शीति॑कावति॒ ह्लादि॑के॒ह्लादि॑कावति । म॑ण्डू॒क्यप्सु शं भु॑व इ॒मं स्वग्निं श॑मय ॥ (६०)
O ghost man! May pala be pleasant for you and may the water make you happy and rain. O earth full of cold-karini herbs and O manduqaparni medicine that produces happiness! Give happiness to this man of agni and calm the agni that burns. (60)
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वि॒वस्वा॑न्नो॒अभ॑यं कृणोतु॒ यः सु॒त्रामा॑ जी॒रदा॑नुः सु॒दानुः॑ । इ॒हेमे वी॒रा ब॒हवो॑भवन्तु॒ गोम॒दश्व॑व॒न्मय्य॑स्तु पु॒ष्टम् ॥ (६१)
May the sun free us from the fear of death. May the God named Sutrama, the doer of life and the one with grace, also free us from the fear of death. There should be many brave men like our sons, grandsons etc. in this world. Apart from this, I should have a nutrient with many cows and many horses. (61)
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वि॒वस्वा॑न्नोअमृत॒त्वे द॑धातु॒ परै॑तु मृ॒त्युर॒मृतं॑ न॒ ऐतु॑ । इ॑मान्रक्षतु॒ पुरु॑षा॒नाज॑रि॒म्णो मो ष्वेषा॒मस॑वो य॒मं गुः॑ ॥ (६२)
Vivasvan means the Sun holds us in nectar, that is, make us death-free. May death turn away from me under his influence. May we have deathlessness. May the Sun God bless our sons and grandsons till old age. Do not go to Yama, son of Vivasvan, the son of these men. (62)
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यो द॒ध्रेअ॒न्तरि॑क्षे॒ न म॑ह्ना पितॄ॒णां क॒विः प्रम॑तिर्मती॒नाम् । तम॑र्चतवि॒श्वमि॑त्रा ह॒विर्भिः॒ स नो॑ य॒मः प्र॑त॒रं जी॒वसे॑ धात् ॥ (६३)
Yama, who is revolutionary and has good intellect, holds the hymns and ancestors in space with his glory. O Brahmins! You are a friend of all beings. You worship Yama with havi etc. May they make our lives strong. (63)
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आ रो॑हत॒दिव॑मुत्त॒मामृष॑यो॒ मा बि॑भीतन । सोम॑पाः॒ सोम॑पायिन इ॒दं वः॑ क्रियतेह॒विरग॑न्म॒ ज्योति॑रुत्त॒मम् ॥ (६४)
O godmen! You attain the best heaven. Don't be afraid of you. Mantra Darshi Rishis themselves have drunk Someras and made others drink Someras. This blessing has been done for you in heaven. From this you get a life of eternal life. (64)
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प्र के॒तुना॑बृह॒ता भा॑त्य॒ग्निरा रोद॑सी वृष॒भो रो॑रवीति।दि॒वश्चि॒दन्ता॑दुप॒मामुदा॑नड॒पामु॒पस्थे॑ महि॒षो व॑वर्ध ॥ (६५)
This agni god is very bright with the great egg of smoke. Agni, which showers the wishes of heaven and earth, makes great words. These agnis pervad above the sky. After that, they get great growth in the region of waters. (65)
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नाके॑सुप॒र्णमुप॒ यत्पत॑न्तं॒ हृ॒दा वेन॑न्तो अ॒भ्यच॑क्षत त्वा । हिर॑ण्यपक्षं॒वरु॑णस्य दू॒तं य॒मस्य॒ योनौ॑ शकु॒नं भु॑र॒ण्युम् ॥ (६६)
O ghost! When we see you moving towards heaven at the best speed, we see you as a bird and filler in the house of Yamraj, the messenger of Varuna with golden wings. (66)
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इन्द्र॒ क्रतुं॑न॒ आ भ॑र पि॒ता पु॒त्रेभ्यो॒ यथा॑ । शिक्षा॑ णो अ॒स्मिन्पु॑रुहूत॒ याम॑नि जी॒वाज्योति॑रशीमहि ॥ (६७)
O Indra Dev of supreme opulence! Give us somayag lakshana karma or knowledge related to it in such a way that the father brings the desired results for the sons. This is enough! Teach us to travel to the world or give us the desired results. May we be filled with eternal life by your grace and experience the happiness of this world. (67)
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अ॑पू॒पापि॑हितान्कु॒म्भान्यांस्ते॑ दे॒वा अधा॑रयन् । ते ते॑ सन्तु स्व॒धाव॑न्तो॒मधु॑मन्तो घृत॒श्चुतः॑ ॥ (६८)
O ghost! For you, the gods wore pitchers covered with poos and filled with ghee, those pitchers should be dripping ghee for you. (68)
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यास्ते॑ धा॒नाअ॑नुकि॒रामि॑ ति॒लमि॑श्राः स्व॒धाव॑तीः । तास्ते॑ सन्तु वि॒भ्वीःप्र॒भ्वीस्तास्ते॑ य॒मो राजानु॑ मन्यताम् ॥ (६९)
O ghost! I am giving you roasted barley with sesame seeds. May they be satisfying for you. May Yamraj order you to use these sesame seeds. (69)
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पुन॑र्देहिवनस्पते॒ य ए॒ष निहि॑त॒स्त्वयि॑ । यथा॑ य॒मस्य॒ साद॑न॒ आसा॑तै वि॒दथा॒ वद॑न् ॥ (७०)
O vegetation! Give us the bone form that is hidden in you, that is, the structure of the man's bones. So that he can be located in Yamraj's house while doing yagya related work. (70)
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आ र॑भस्वजातवेद॒स्तेज॑स्व॒द्धरो॑ अस्तु ते । शरी॑रमस्य॒ सं द॒हाथै॑नं धेहि सु॒कृता॑मुलो॒के ॥ (७१)
O agni! Your flames are combustible. They should have the power to remove the juice. You burn the body of this deceased completely. After the burning of the body, take this man to the world heaven of those who do virtue. (71)
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ये ते॒ पूर्वे॒परा॑गता॒ अप॑रे पि॒तर॑श्च॒ ये । तेभ्यो॑ घृ॒तस्य॑ कु॒ल्यैतु श॒तधा॑राव्युन्द॒ती ॥ (७२)
The first born eldest father turned away from us and left. All those ancestors who were born after them should get a full flow. That stream should be of hundred numbers. So soak everyone and flow. (72)
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ए॒तदा रो॑ह॒ वय॑उन्मृजा॒नः स्वा इ॒ह बृ॒हदु॑ दीदयन्ते । अ॒भि प्रेहि॑ मध्य॒तो माप॑ हास्थाःपितॄ॒णां लो॒कं प्र॑थ॒मो यो अत्र॑ ॥ (७३)
O dead man! You stand in this visible space, that is, the sky. You are in space purifying the body with the transformation of the soul. You should move from the midst of your brothers to the people. May your brothers be more radiant in this world. Duloka means heaven is the place of death related to the ancestors. Do not abandon that world, that is, live there for a long time. (73)
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आ रो॑हत॒जनि॑त्रीं जातवेदसः पितृ॒याणैः॒ सं व॒ आ रो॑हयामि । अवा॑ड्ढ॒व्येषि॒तो ह॑व्यवा॒हई॑जा॒नं यु॒क्ताः सु॒कृतां॑ धत्त लो॒के ॥ (१)
O agni! You reach out to your creator. I take you there well through pitrayana routes. The carriers of the havyas carry the agni havyas. O agni! Together, bring the yajnayas to the worlds of those who do the best deeds. (1)
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दे॒वाय॒ज्ञमृ॒तवः॑ कल्पयन्ति ह॒विः पु॑रो॒डाशं॑ स्रु॒चो य॑ज्ञायु॒धानि॑।तेभि॒र्याहि॑ प॒थिभि॑र्देव॒यानै॒र्यैरी॑जा॒नाः स्व॒र्गं य॑न्ति लो॒कम् ॥ (२)
The seasons of devgan and spring etc. create many types of yagyas. To put in this yajna, many characters of the shape of a spoon are made to put the substances made from ghee etc. in the agni. O man! With those Devayana paths, that is, by the methods of performing yajna, you should always perform yajna. People who perform yajna through these Devayan routes go to heaven. (2)
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ऋ॒तस्य॒पन्था॒मनु॑ पश्य सा॒ध्वङ्गि॑रसः सु॒कृतो॒ येन॒ यन्ति॑ । तेभि॒र्याहि॑ प॒थिभिः॑स्व॒र्गं यत्रा॑दि॒त्या मधु॑ भ॒क्षय॑न्ति तृ॒तीये॒ नाके॒ अधि॒ वि श्र॑यस्व ॥ (३)
O ghost! You know the forms well because of the truth and go to the heaven of Maharishi Angiras etc., in which Aditi's sons eat nectar. Dwell in that third heaven. (3)
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त्रयः॑ सुप॒र्णाउप॑रस्य मा॒यू नाक॑स्य पृ॒ष्ठे अधि॑ वि॒ष्टपि॑ श्रि॒ताः । स्व॑र्गा लो॒काअ॒मृते॑न वि॒ष्ठा इष॒मूर्जं॒ यज॑मानाय दुह्राम् ॥ (४)
Agni, air and sun are going to move in the best way. Air and parajanya do the same terms as cloud. All of them reside in Vishtapa above heaven. This heaven, which is obtained from its deeds, is endowed with nectar. This heaven is going to give the desired food and juice to the ghost who performs the ritual of yajna karma. (4)
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जु॒हूर्दा॑धार॒द्यामु॑प॒भृद॒न्तरि॑क्षं ध्रु॒वा दा॑धार पृथि॒वीं प्र॑ति॒ष्ठाम् । प्रती॒मांलो॒का घृ॒तपृ॑ष्ठाः स्व॒र्गाः कामं॑कामं॒ यज॑मानाय दुह्राम् ॥ (५)
The character of the home, Juhu, strengthened the sky, the yajnapat named Upbhuta took up the space and the sacrificial character named Khuva followed the earth. This suva vessel should pay attention to the earth and provide the desired fruit to the host in heaven located above. (5)
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ध्रुव॒ आ रो॑हपृथि॒वीं वि॒श्वभो॑जसम॒न्तरि॑क्षमुप॒भृदा क्र॑मस्व । जुहु॒ द्यां ग॑च्छ॒ यज॑मानेनसा॒कं स्रु॒वेण॑ व॒त्सेन॒ दिशः॒ प्रपी॑नाः॒ सर्वा॑ धु॒क्ष्वाहृ॑णीयमानः ॥ (६)
O spoon called khuva! You ascend to the earth, and the host may also be distinguished on the earth. O characters named Ayavrit! You climb on space. O character called Juhu! You go to Dyulok i.e. heaven with the host and exploit the desired fruits from all directions. (6)
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ती॒र्थैस्त॑रन्तिप्र॒वतो॑ म॒हीरिति॑ यज्ञ॒कृतः॑ सु॒कृतो॒ येन॒ यन्ति॑ । अत्रा॑दधु॒र्यज॑मानायलो॒कं दिशो॑ भू॒तानि॒ यदक॑ल्पयन्त ॥ (७)
People overcome great calamities through pilgrimages and sacrifices. In this way, those who think and do yajna karma, while searching for the path through which men go to heaven, the yajna karta should open that path for this host. (7)
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अङ्गि॑रसा॒मय॑नं॒पूर्वो॑ अ॒ग्निरा॑दि॒त्याना॒मय॑नं॒ गार्ह॑पत्यो॒ दक्षि॑णाना॒मय॑नं दक्षिणा॒ग्निः । म॑हि॒मान॑म॒ग्नेर्विहि॑तस्य॒ ब्रह्म॑णा॒ सम॑ङ्गः॒ सर्व॒ उप॑ याहि श॒ग्मः ॥ (८)
The path of the Angiras is the agni of the name of the east. The path of adityas is the agni of garhapatya. Dakshina Agni is the path of skilled people in yajna work. You get the glory of agni established in the yajna through Veda mantras with strong limbs and full body. (8)
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पूर्वो॑अ॒ग्निष्ट्वा॑ तपतु॒ शं पु॒रस्ता॒च्छं प॒श्चात्त॑पतु॒ गार्ह॑पत्यः।द॑क्षिणा॒ग्निष्टे॑ तपतु॒ शर्म॒ वर्मो॑त्तर॒तो म॑ध्य॒तोअ॒न्तरि॑क्षाद्दि॒शोदि॑शो अग्ने॒ परि॑ पाहि घो॒रात् ॥ (९)
O ghost! May the agni of the east satisfy you happily from now on. May the agni of garhapatya heat you happily from behind. May dakshinagni be a form of happiness for you and make you warm by becoming your armor. O agni! May you properly protect us from the north direction, from between directions, from space and from violent coming from every direction. (9)
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यू॒यम॑ग्नेशन्तमाभिस्त॒नूभि॑रीजा॒नम॒भि लो॒कं स्व॒र्गम् । अश्वा॑ भू॒त्वा पृ॑ष्टि॒वाहो॑वहाथ॒ यत्र॑ दे॒वैः स॑ध॒मादं॒ मद॑न्ति ॥ (१०)
O Swami Shiva! You become like horses carrying from your back and take the yajna to heaven with your happy bodies. The people who perform yajna are satisfied by enjoying happiness with the gods in that heaven. (10)
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शम॑ग्नेप॒श्चात्त॑प॒ शं पु॒रस्ता॒च्छमु॑त्त॒राच्छम॑ध॒रात्त॑पैनम् । एक॑स्त्रे॒धाविहि॑तो जातवेदः स॒म्यगे॑नं धेहि सु॒कृता॑मु लो॒के ॥ (११)
O agni! You should consume this dead person happily from the directions of west, east, north, south etc. You are one, but the host established you in three forms. You establish this host well in the world of the superiors. (11)
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शम॒ग्नयः॒समि॑द्धा॒ आ र॑भन्तां प्राजाप॒त्यं मेध्यं॑ जा॒तवे॑दसः । शृ॒तं कृ॒ण्वन्त॑ इ॒हमाव॑ चिक्षिपन् ॥ (१२)
The methodically illuminated agnis and the present agnis in the materials produced should make this holy host, who considers Prajapati as a deity, eager for the yajna work happily. In this world, those agnis make the host complete and do not let him turn away from the yajna work. (12)
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य॒ज्ञ ए॑ति॒वित॑तः॒ कल्प॑मान ईजा॒नम॒भि लो॒कं स्व॒र्गम् । तम॒ग्नयः॒ सर्व॑हुतं जुषन्तांप्राजाप॒त्यं मेध्यं॑ जा॒तवे॑दसः । शृ॒तं कृ॒ण्वन्त॑ इ॒हमाव॑ चिक्षिपन् ॥ (१३)
The elaborate yajna is able to take the yajnakar to heaven. Let the agni satisfy the yajnakar who performs everything. In this world, those agnis make the host complete. Do not let the agni host deviate from this yajna work. (13)
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ई॑जा॒नश्चि॒तमारु॑क्षद॒ग्निं नाक॑स्य पृ॒ष्ठाद्दिव॑मुत्पति॒ष्यन् । तस्मै॒ प्रभा॑ति॒ नभ॑सो॒ ज्योति॑षीमान्त्स्व॒र्गः पन्थाः॑ सु॒कृते॑ देव॒यानः॑ ॥ (१४)
Wishing to go to Hulok, located above heaven, the yajnakar man reveals the selected agni. i.e. ignites. For that good deeds, the path that illuminates the sky goes, the path of giving happiness is illuminated. (14)
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अ॒ग्निर्होता॑ध्व॒र्युष्टे॒ बृह॒स्पति॒रिन्द्रो॑ ब्र॒ह्मा द॑क्षिण॒तस्ते॑ अस्तु । हु॒तोऽयं संस्थि॑तो य॒ज्ञ ए॑ति॒ यत्र॒ पूर्व॒मय॑नं हु॒ताना॑म् ॥ (१५)
O ghost! In your Pitramegh Yagya, there should be agni, Jupiter should do the work of Adhwaryu and Indra is Brahma. This yajna completed in this way gets the place of many yajnas performed earlier. (15)
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अ॑पू॒पवा॑न्क्षी॒रवां॑श्च॒रुरेह सी॑दतु । लो॑क॒कृतः॑ पथि॒कृतो॑ यजामहे॒ येदे॒वानां॑ हु॒तभा॑गा इ॒ह स्थ ॥ (१६)
Odan Roop Charu prepared by mixing milk in ground wheat should be kept in the west direction near the bones in this karma. For the ghost received by this sacrament, I please the present gods here, the creator of heaven, Indra etc. (16)
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अ॑पू॒पवा॒न्दधि॑वांश्च॒रुरेह सी॑दतु । लो॑क॒कृतः॑ पथि॒कृतो॑ यजामहे॒ येदे॒वानां॑ हु॒तभा॑गा इ॒ह स्थ ॥ (१७)
The odan form charu mixed with ground wheat and curd remained located in the west direction near the bones in this karma. Out of the gods like Indra etc., who created heaven for the ghosts received this sacrament, we should continue to please the current gods here. (17)
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अ॑पू॒पवा॑न्द्र॒प्सवां॑श्च॒रुरेह सी॑दतु । लो॑क॒कृतः॑ पथि॒कृतो॑ यजामहे॒ येदे॒वानां॑ हु॒तभा॑गा इ॒ह स्थ ॥ (१८)
For the ghost that has been cremated with the charu mixed with ground wheat and cow's ghee, we please the deity who is present here, the deity who is present here, from the gods like Indra, the creator of heaven. (18)
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अ॑पू॒पवा॑न्घृ॒तवां॑श्च॒रुरेह सी॑दतु । लो॑क॒कृतः॑ पथि॒कृतो॑ यजामहे॒ येदे॒वानां॑ हु॒तभा॑गा इ॒ह स्थ ॥ (१९)
Charu containing malpua etc. and with other enchanting substances should be located in this yajna. We please those who create the worlds and marags and among the gods present here, for whom the yajna has been run. (19)
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अ॑पू॒पवा॑न्मां॒सवां॑श्च॒रुरेह सी॑दतु । लो॑क॒कृतः॑ पथि॒कृतो॑ यजामहे॒ येदे॒वानां॑ हु॒तभा॑गा इ॒ह स्थ ॥ (२०)
This charu containing malpua and meat is located here in this yagna. We perform yajna for Indra etc. gods who create the worlds and paths. Those who consume part of the yajna should be located here. (20)
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अपू॒पवा॒नन्न॑वांश्च॒रुरेह सी॑दतु । लो॑क॒कृतः॑ पथि॒कृतो॑ यजामहे॒ ये दे॒वानां॑हु॒तभा॑गा इ॒ह स्थ ॥ (२१)
This charu, containing powdered wheat pus, mixed with food mixed with wind, was located in the west direction in this yajna work. We please the deities of this havi, who are present here, among the gods like Indra, who created heaven for the ghost that is being cremated. (21)
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अ॑पू॒पवा॒न्मधु॑मांश्च॒रुरेह सी॑दतु । लो॑क॒कृतः॑ पथि॒कृतो॑ यजामहे॒ येदे॒वानां॑ हु॒तभा॑गा इ॒ह स्थ ॥ (२२)
Anghabi pakva bhaat roop charu containing ground wheat beans and mixed with honey should be kept in the western part of the bones in this work. We welcome the deities who are present here from indra etc. who have created heaven for the ghost who is being cremated. (22)
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अ॑पू॒पवा॒न्रस॑वांश्च॒रुरेह सी॑दतु । लो॑क॒कृतः॑ पथि॒कृतो॑ यजामहे॒ ये दे॒वानां॑हु॒तभा॑गा इ॒ह स्थ ॥ (२३)
The anghi pakva odan form charu containing the wheat and the malpua containing six juices remained located in the western part of the bones in this work. We please the present gods here, the officials of this havi, among the gods like Indra, who created heaven for the ghost for which this rite is being done. (23)
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अ॑पू॒पवा॒नप॑वांश्च॒रुरेह सी॑दतु । लो॑क॒कृतः॑ पथि॒कृतो॑ यजामहे॒ ये दे॒वानां॑हु॒तभा॑गा इ॒ह स्थ ॥ (२४)
The comb with wheat and other types of poos remained in the western part of the bones in this work. We please the present deities here, including Indra, who created heaven for the ghost for which this rite is being performed. (24)
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अ॑पू॒पापि॑हितान्कु॒म्भान्यांस्ते॑ दे॒वा अधा॑रयन् । ते ते॑ सन्तु स्व॒धाव॑न्तो॒मधु॑मन्तो घृत॒श्चुतः॑ ॥ (२५)
O ghost! May the deities, who have taken the full urns from charu as their part, may the charu equip you with swadha in the hereafter. (25)
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यास्ते॑ धा॒नाअ॑नुकि॒रामि॑ ति॒लमि॑श्राः स्व॒धाव॑तीः । तास्ते॑ सन्तू॒द्भ्वीःप्र॒भ्वीस्तास्ते॑ य॒मो राजानु॑ मन्यताम् ॥ (२६)
O ghost! May the black sesame seeds I scatter for you, you may find plenty in the hereafter and may Yamraj command you to eat them. (26)
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अक्षि॑तिं॒भूय॑सीम् ॥ (२७)
O ghost! May the black sesame seeds I scatter for you, you may find plenty in the hereafter and may Yamraj command you to eat them. (27)
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द्र॒प्सश्च॑स्कन्द पृथि॒वीमनु॒ द्यामि॒मं च॒ योनि॒मनु॒ यश्च॒ पूर्वः॑ । स॑मा॒नंयोनि॒मनु॑ सं॒चर॑न्तं द्र॒प्सं जु॑हो॒म्यनु॑ स॒प्त होत्राः॑ ॥ (२८)
Aditya, who pleases everyone, is the first of all. This grazing world continues to move on earth and in the world. The implication is that Aditya pervades both of them. I give happiness to Aditya, who gives happiness while transmitting the earth that is the cause of all, in all directions through seven hotas. (28)
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श॒तधा॑रंवा॒युम॒र्कं स्व॒र्विदं॑ नृ॒चक्ष॑स॒स्ते अ॒भि च॑क्षते र॒यिम् । ये पृ॒णन्ति॒ प्रच॒ यच्छ॑न्ति सर्व॒दा ते दु॑ह्रते॒ दक्षि॑णां स॒प्तमा॑तरम् ॥ (२९)
O ghost! The gods who see human beings, walking at the velocity of the air with dripping water and attaining heaven, know this Kumbh as wealth for you. Your tribe satisfies you with the water of this Kumbh. Kumbhodak, that is, those who give the water of the pitcher, always give you the dakshina of the water stream of seven mothers. (29)
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कोशं॑ दुहन्तिक॒लशं॒ चतु॑र्बिल॒मिडां॑ धे॒नुं मधु॑मतीं स्व॒स्तये॑ । ऊर्जं॒ मद॑न्ती॒मदि॑तिं॒जने॒ष्वग्ने॒ मा हिं॑सीः पर॒मे व्योमन् ॥ (३०)
Intelligent human beings who know the nature of human beings receive wealth that flows, moves and gives happiness like water in the form of both types. Those who keep fulfilling themselves with that wealth and donate that money for the best vessel, those people get dakshina with seven mothers. (30)
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ए॒तत्ते॑ दे॒वःस॑वि॒ता वासो॑ ददाति॒ भर्त॑वे । तत्त्वं॑ य॒मस्य॒ राज्ये॒ वसा॑नस्ता॒र्प्यं चर ॥ (३१)
O man! Savitadev offers you this cloth to wear. Wear this satisfying cloth and roam in the kingdom of Yama. (31)
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धा॒नाधे॒नुर॑भवद्व॒त्सो अ॑स्यास्ति॒लोऽभ॑वत् । तां वै य॒मस्य॒ राज्ये॒ अक्षि॑ता॒मुप॑जीवति ॥ (३२)
O ghost! According to the mantras, the paddy given goes to Yamlok and becomes the satiating cow and the mole becomes the calf of that money cow. In the kingdom of Pret Yama, he survives depending on the cow made from those paddy. (32)
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ए॒तास्ते॑ असौधे॒नवः॑ काम॒दुघा॑ भवन्तु । एनीः॒ श्येनीः॒ सरू॑पा॒ विरू॑पास्ति॒लव॑त्सा॒ उप॑तिष्ठन्तु॒ त्वात्र॑ ॥ (३३)
O man! These songs are going to fulfill the wishes for you. The mole of these cows with red and white color, similar and different color and many forms is a calf. Sing such songs should always be near you in your place of residence and continue to serve you. (33)
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एनी॑र्धा॒नाहरि॑णीः॒ श्येनी॑रस्य कृ॒ष्णा धा॒ना रोहि॑णीर्धे॒नव॑स्ते । ति॒लव॑त्सा॒ऊर्ज॑म॒स्मै दुहा॑ना वि॒श्वाहा॑ स॒न्त्वन॑पस्पुरन्तीः ॥ (३४)
O ghost! Let these green paddy become red white songs for you. Black paddy should become red cows and sesame seeds should be their calves. Such cows are never destroyed. May they always give you the milk that gives you strength. (34)
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वै॑श्वान॒रेह॒विरि॒दं जु॑होमि साह॒स्रं श॒तधा॑र॒मुत्स॑म् । स बि॑भर्ति पि॒तरं॑पिताम॒हान्प्र॑पिताम॒हान्बि॑भर्ति॒ पिन्व॑मानः ॥ (३५)
I put this havi in the Vaishvanar agni. These hives are similar to gold with hundreds of thousands of streams. Vaishvanar Agni has been satisfied with this havi. This agni nourishes our fathers, grandfathers and great grandfathers. (35)
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स॒हस्र॑धारंश॒तधा॑र॒मुत्स॒मक्षि॑तं व्य॒च्यमा॑नं सलि॒लस्य॑ पृ॒ष्ठे । ऊर्जं॒दुहा॑न॒मन॑पस्पुरन्त॒मुपा॑सते पि॒तरः॑ स्व॒धाभिः॑ ॥ (३६)
Pitra consumes it with swadhas like a bed with hundreds and thousands of streams that is spread over space and is going to give food to water. (36)
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इ॒दं कसा॑म्बु॒चय॑नेन चि॒तं तत्स॑जाता॒ अव॑ पश्य॒तेत॑ । मर्त्यो॒ऽयम॑मृत॒त्वमे॑ति॒ तस्मै॑गृ॒हान्कृ॑णुत याव॒त्सब॑न्धु ॥ (३७)
O like-like tribes! Look carefully at this collected faith group. This phantom is attaining immortality. You all build the house for this. (37)
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इ॒हैवैधि॑धन॒सनि॑रि॒हचि॑त्त इ॒हक्र॑तुः । इ॒हैधि॑ वी॒र्यवत्तरो वयो॒धा अप॑राहतः ॥ (३८)
O man! You get growth right here. You have become knowledgeable here. You work here and give us money. You became very strong here and were not defeated by the enemies. You should attain growth by being the one who holds food and has a long life. (38)
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पु॒त्रंपौत्र॑मभित॒र्पय॑न्ती॒रापो॒ मधु॑मतीरि॒माः । स्व॒धां पि॒तृभ्यो॑ अ॒मृतं॒दुहा॑ना॒ आपो॑ दे॒वीरु॒भयां॑स्तर्पयन्तु ॥ (३९)
This sweet water completely satisfies the son, grandson etc., they should satisfy both son and grandson by exploiting swadha and nectar for divine ancestors. (39)
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आपो॑ अ॒ग्निं प्रहि॑णुत पि॒तॄँरुपे॒मं य॒ज्ञं पि॒तरो॑ मे जुषन्ताम् । आसी॑ना॒मूर्ज॒मुप॒ येसच॑न्ते॒ ते नो॑ र॒यिं सर्व॑वीरं॒ नि य॑च्छान् ॥ (४०)
O water! Send the agni to the ancestors. My ancestors consume this yajna. The ancestors who consume the food presented by us, they should continue to give us heroism and wealth. (40)
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समि॑न्धते॒अम॑र्त्यं हव्य॒वाहं॑ घृत॒प्रिय॑म् । स वे॑द॒ निहि॑तान्नि॒धीन्पि॒तॄन्प॑रा॒वतो॑ग॒तान् ॥ (४१)
The ancestors illuminate the agni without death, that is, the immortal and the one who loves ghee and carries the desires. They know the ancestors who have gone away from the agni. (41)
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यं ते॑ म॒न्थंयमो॑द॒नं यन्मां॒सं नि॑पृ॒णामि॑ ते । ते ते॑ सन्तु स्व॒धाव॑न्तो॒ मधु॑मन्तोघृत॒श्चुतः॑ ॥ (४२)
O ghost! May you get the month that I am giving you the makkhan i.e. by churning curd, it should be accomplished by swadha and ghee. (42)
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यास्ते॑ धा॒नाअ॑नुकि॒रामि॑ ति॒लमि॑श्राः स्व॒धाव॑तीः । तास्ते॑ सन्तू॒द्भ्वीःप्र॒भ्वीस्तास्ते॑ य॒मो राजानु॑ मन्यताम् ॥ (४३)
O ghost! May you get these black sesame seeds mixed with black sesame seeds and full of swadha in detail when you attain the hereafter. Yamraj, allow you to eat them. (43)
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इ॒दं पूर्व॒मप॑रंनि॒यानं॒ येना॑ ते॒ पूर्वे॑ पि॒तरः॒ परे॑ताः । पु॑रोग॒वा ये अ॑भि॒शाचो॑ अस्य॒ तेत्वा॑ वहन्ति सु॒कृता॑मु लो॒कम् ॥ (४४)
The vehicle that carries the dead through which the creatures travel in this world is both ancient and new. O ghost! Through this your former men were carried. May the two bulls added on either side of it get you the world of pious. (44)
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सर॑स्वतींदेव॒यन्तो॑ हवन्ते॒ सर॑स्वतीमध्व॒रे ता॒यमा॑ने । सर॑स्वतीं सु॒कृतो॑ हवन्ते॒सर॑स्वती दा॒शुषे॒ वार्यं॑ दात् ॥ (४५)
The men who cremate the deceased invoke Saraswati, wishing for agni. Saraswati is also invoked on the occasion of jyotishtom etc. yajnas. They should provide suitable substances to the host who gives Saraswati Havi. (45)
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सर॑स्वतींपि॒तरो॑ हवन्ते दक्षि॒णा य॒ज्ञम॑भि॒नक्ष॑माणाः । आ॒सद्या॒स्मिन्ब॒र्हिषि॑मादयध्वमनमी॒वा इष॒ आ धे॑ह्य॒स्मे ॥ (४६)
The pitars sitting in the southern part of the altar also invoke Saraswati. O father! May you find happiness in this yajna. O Saraswati! When you are called by your fathers, honor us with the food you want. (46)
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सर॑स्वति॒ यास॒रथं॑ य॒याथो॒क्थैः स्व॒धाभि॑र्देवि पि॒तृभि॒र्मद॑न्ती । स॑हस्रा॒र्घमि॒डोअत्र॑ भा॒गं रा॒यस्पोषं॒ यज॑मानाय धेहि ॥ (४७)
O Saraswati! You come sitting on the same chariot with your ancestors, satisfied with food in the form of ukth, weapons and self-style food. You give the host the food that can satisfy many people. (47)
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पृ॑थि॒वीं त्वा॑पृथि॒व्यामा वे॑शयामि दे॒वो नो॑ धा॒ता प्र ति॑रा॒त्यायुः॑ । परा॑परैतावसु॒विद्वो॑ अ॒स्त्वधा॑ मृ॒ताः पि॒तृषु॒ सं भ॑वन्तु ॥ (४८)
O dead men made of clay! I mix you in the soil, that is, I burn your body to ashes and mix it in the soil or bury you in the soil. Increase the life of all of us who perform the ritual of Dhata Devta Yagya. O ancestors who live in a distant world! Dhata Dev is going to give you a place of residence. Go and meet your fathers well. (48)
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आ प्रच्य॑वेथा॒मप॒ तन्मृ॑जेथां॒ यद्वा॑मभि॒भा अत्रो॒चुः । अ॒स्मादेत॑म॒घ्न्यौतद्वशी॑यो दा॒तुः पि॒तृष्वि॒हभो॑जनौ॒ मम॑ ॥ (४९)
O ballo carrying the ghost! You get separated from this car in front of us and get rid of the blasphemous words related to riding the ghost. You come to us including this car. It's good for you to come. In this Pitrumedh Yagya, be the one who gives havi for the ancestors. (49)
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एयम॑ग॒न्दक्षि॑णाभद्र॒तो नो॑ अ॒नेन॑ द॒त्ता सु॒दुघा॑ वयो॒धाः । यौव॑ने जी॒वानु॑पपृञ्च॒ती ज॒रापि॒तृभ्य॑ उपसं॒परा॑णयादि॒मान् ॥ (५०)
This cow form Dakshina is coming to those who perform this sanskar. Giving beautiful fruits and milk-like food, this cow remained young even in old age. The man who was cremated should take it to the ancestors of the former period. (50)
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इ॒दं पि॒तृभ्यः॒प्र भ॑रामि ब॒र्हिर्जी॒वं दे॒वेभ्य॒ उत्त॑रं स्तृणामि । तदा रो॑ह पुरुष॒ मेध्यो॒भव॒न्प्रति॑ त्वा जानन्तु पि॒तरः॒ परे॑तम् ॥ (५१)
Men who perform rites! Wishing for the lives of ancestors and gods, I spread the Kushas. O dead man! You sat on these chairs, being worthy. Father, allow your ghost from here to sit on these kushas. (51)
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एदं ब॒र्हिर॑सदो॒मेध्यो॑ऽभूः॒ प्रति॑ त्वा जानन्तु पि॒तरः॒ परे॑तम् । य॑थाप॒रु त॒न्वं संभ॑रस्व गात्राणि ते॒ ब्रह्म॑णा कल्पयामि ॥ (५२)
O ghost! You have become pure by sitting on the kushas laid near the pyre. You have been purified by combustion. Know you, the father who left here. Complete your body according to the joints. I make your organs capable through mantras. The meaning is that I give you strength through mantras. (52)
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प॒र्णोराजा॑पि॒धानं॑ चरू॒णामू॒र्जो बलं॒ सह॒ ओजो॑ न॒ आग॑न् । आयु॑र्जी॒वेभ्यो॒विद॑धद्दीर्घायु॒त्वाय॑ श॒तशा॑रदाय ॥ (५३)
Dhak leaf is the lid of the charus. With this palash, we get food, strength, strength and strength to destroy the enemy. Make this palash letter a hundred years old. (53)
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ऊ॒र्जो भा॒गो यइ॒मं ज॒जानाश्मान्ना॑ना॒माधि॑पत्यं ज॒गाम॑ । तम॑र्चत वि॒श्वमि॑त्रा ह॒विर्भिः॒ सनो॑ य॒मः प्र॑त॒रं जी॒वसे॑ धात् ॥ (५४)
Yamraj, the officer of charu roop anna, who has made it a ghost, who is the swami of the stones covering these charus, O brothers! Satisfy those Yama Dev through the hives. May they nurture us for a long life. (54)
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यथा॑ य॒माय॑ह॒र्म्यमव॑प॒न्पञ्च॑ मान॒वाः । ए॒वा व॑पामि ह॒र्म्यं यथा॑ मे॒ भूर॒योऽस॑त ॥ (५५)
Just as five human beings have built a house for Yamraj, so I also build a house. Thus, I have many houses. (55)
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इ॒दं हिर॑ण्यंबिभृहि॒ यत्ते॑ पि॒ताबि॑भः पु॒रा । स्व॒र्गं य॒तः पि॒तुर्हस्तं॒ निर्मृ॑ड्ढि॒दक्षि॑णम् ॥ (५६)
O dying man! You should take this gold, which your father had worn before. O man! Beautify your father's right hand as you go to heaven. (56)
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ये च॑ जी॒वा येच॑ मृ॒ता ये जा॒ता ये च॑ य॒ज्ञियाः॑ । तेभ्यो॑ घृ॒तस्य॑ कु॒ल्यैतु॒ मधु॑धाराव्युन्द॒ती ॥ (५७)
For those who are alive, those who have died, those who have been born and who are going to be born in the future, may you get a small river with a rising stream. (57)
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वृषा॑ मती॒नांप॑वते विचक्ष॒णः सूरो॒ अह्नां॑ प्र॒तरी॑तो॒षसां॑ दि॒वः । प्रा॒णः सिन्धू॑नांक॒लशाँ॑ अचिक्रद॒दिन्द्र॑स्य॒ हार्दि॑मावि॒शन्म॑नी॒षया॑ ॥ (५८)
Som, which gives the desired fruit to those who praise, is prepared by filtering with cloth. This Som is going to inspire days and nights. It also enhances ushakal and light. It is the life blood of rivers. This Som does a lot of words while going towards the urns. May this Soma enter the stomach of Pujya Indra in the three sawans. (58)
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त्वे॒षस्ते॑ धू॒मऊ॑र्णोतु दि॒वि षं छु॒क्र आत॑तः । सूरो॒ न हि द्यु॒ता त्वं॑ कृ॒पा पा॑वक॒ रोच॑से ॥ (५९)
O ghost! Your smoke takes the form of a cloud and covers the space. You are illuminated like the sun because of praise. (59)
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प्र वाए॒तीन्दु॒रिन्द्र॑स्य॒ निष्कृ॑तिं॒ सखा॒ सख्यु॒र्न प्र मि॑नाति संगि॒रः । मर्य॑इव॒ योषाः॒ सम॑र्षसे॒ सोमः॑ क॒लशे॑ श॒तया॑मना प॒था ॥ (६०)
This soma goes into Indra's stomach. It is like a friend to the performer of the yajna and does not waste his desire. This soma is found in thousands of streams, similar to the man meeting a woman. (60)
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अक्ष॒न्नमी॑मदन्त॒ ह्यव॑ प्रि॒याँ अ॑धूषत । अस्तो॑षत॒ स्वभा॑नवो॒ विप्रा॒यवि॑ष्ठा ईमहे ॥ (६१)
By eating the bodies placed on the Kushas, the ancestors were satisfied and they staggered their bodies. After this, they started praising us. We beg those satisfied fathers for the boon we want. (61)
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आ या॑त पितरःसो॒म्यासो॑ गम्भी॒रैः प॒थिभिः॑ पितृ॒याणैः॑ । आयु॑र॒स्मभ्यं॒ दध॑तः प्र॒जां च॑रा॒यश्च॒ पोषै॑र॒भि नः॑ सचध्वम् ॥ (६२)
O father! You are somersa achievable. May you come from serious pitrayanas and spread sesame seeds on the kushas laid for pind daan, give us a long life and children as sons and grandsons and reunite us with the prosperity of wealth. (62)
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परा॑ यात पितरःसो॒म्यासो॑ गम्भी॒रैः प॒थिभिः॑ पू॒र्याणैः॑ । अधा॑ मासि॒ पुन॒रा या॑त नोगृ॒हान्ह॒विरत्तुं॑ सुप्र॒जसः॑ सु॒वीराः॑ ॥ (६३)
O Piro, O Sommers, the right to receive! You go to your world through pitrayanas and come back to our house to eat on amavasya day. May our homes be filled with shobhan sons and best heroes. (63)
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यद्वो॑अ॒ग्निरज॑हा॒देक॒मङ्गं॑ पितृलो॒कं ग॒मयं॑ जा॒तवे॑दाः । तद्व॑ ए॒तत्पुन॒राप्या॑ययामि सा॒ङ्गाः स्व॒र्गे पि॒तरो॑ मादयध्वम् ॥ (६४)
O ghost! The part of you that agni has not consumed by throwing away. I put it in the agni again and increase you. Be happy by going to heaven with your full limbs. (64)
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अभू॑द्दू॒तःप्रहि॑तो जा॒तवे॑दाः सा॒यं न्यह्न॑ उप॒वन्द्यो॒ नृभिः॑ । प्रादाः॑ पि॒तृभ्यः॑स्व॒धया॒ ते अ॑क्षन्न॒द्धि त्वं दे॑व॒ प्रय॑ता ह॒वींषि॑ ॥ (६५)
We have sent the agni worthy of worship in the morning and evening as an angel to the ancestors. O agni! Give our desires to your ancestors. O agni! They should consume those hives. After this, you should also consume the havi that has been given to you. (65)
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असौ॒ हा इ॒ह ते॒मनः॒ ककु॑त्सलमिव जा॒मयः॑ । अ॒भ्येनं भूम ऊर्णुहि ॥ (६६)
O ghost! Your mind is in that crematorium. O cremation ground! You cover this ghost in the same way. Just as women cover their shoulders with clothes. (66)
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शुम्भ॑न्तांलो॒काः पि॑तृ॒षद॑नाः पितृ॒षद॑ने त्वा लो॒क आ सा॑दयामि ॥ (६७)
O ghost! Let the people of the ancestors appear for you to sit. I establish you in that world. (67)
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ये॒स्माकं॑पि॒तर॒स्तेषां॑ ब॒र्हिर॑सि ॥ (६८)
O Kush! You should be the place for our ancestors to sit. (68)
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उदु॑त्त॒मंव॑रुण॒ पाश॑म॒स्मदवा॑ध॒मं वि म॑ध्य॒मं श्र॑थाय । अधा॑ व॒यमा॑दित्य व्र॒ते तवाना॑गसो॒ अदि॑तयेस्याम ॥ (६९)
O Varuna! Keep your good, medium and inferior loops away from us. Let us serve you free from your clutches and no one should do us violence. (69)
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प्रास्मत्पाशा॑न्वरुण मुञ्च॒ सर्वा॒न्यैः स॑मा॒मे ब॒ध्यते॒ यैर्व्या॒मे । अधा॑जीवेम श॒रदं॑ शतानि॒ त्वया॑ राजन्गुपि॒ता रक्ष॑माणाः ॥ (७०)
O Varuna! Keep away from us the loops with which man is gripped, protected by you and we attain the age of a hundred years, protecting from you in the future .
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अ॒ग्नये॑कव्य॒वाह॑नाय स्व॒धा नमः॑ ॥ (७१)
The agni that carries the poem should get a white-rich glow. We salute agni. (71)
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सोमा॑य पितृ॒मते॑स्व॒धा नमः॑ ॥ (७२)
Swadha and Salutations to the agni of the best father. (72)
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पि॒तृभ्यः॒सोम॑वद्भ्यः स्व॒धा नमः॑ ॥ (७३)
Somwan is swadha and namaskar for the ancestors. (73)
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य॒माय॑ पितृ॒मते॑स्व॒धा नमः॑ ॥ (७४)
There is swadha and namaskar for Yama, who has the best father. (74)
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ए॒तत्ते॑प्रततामह स्व॒धा ये च॒ त्वामनु॑ ॥ (७५)
O Great Father, may this substance given to you be swadha. This is also a blessing for those who follow you. (75)
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ए॒तत्ते॑ ततामहस्व॒धा ये च॒ त्वामनु॑ ॥ (७६)
O Father! This substance given to you should be self-sufficient. (76)
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ए॒तत्ते॑ ततस्व॒धा ॥ (७७)
O Father! For you, this is the self-sufficient. (77)
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स्व॒धापि॒तृभ्यः॑ पृथिवि॒षद्भ्यः॑ ॥ (७८)
This havi should be automatic for the ancestors sitting on the earth. (78)
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स्व॑धापि॒तृभ्यो॑ अन्तरिक्ष॒सद्भ्यः॑ ॥ (७९)
This havi should be automatic for the ancestors located in space. (79)
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स्व॒धापि॒तृभ्यो॑ दिवि॒षद्भ्यः॑ ॥ (८०)
There should be a wish for the ancestors located in The World. (80)
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नमो॑ वः पितरऊ॒र्जे नमो॑ वः पितरो॒ रसा॑य ॥ (८१)
O father! Salutations for your food or strength. O father! Hello to your juice and food. (81)
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नमो॑ वः पितरो॒भामा॑य॒ नमो॑ वः पितरो म॒न्यवे॑ ॥ (८२)
O father! Hello to your anger. O father! Salutations to your manu i.e. outrage. (82)
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नमो॑ वः पितरो॒यद्घो॒रं तस्मै॒ नमो॑ वः पितरो॒ यत्क्रू॒रं तस्मै॑ ॥ (८३)
O father! Salutations to your gross deeds. O father! Salutations to the cruel deeds of yours. (83)
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