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अ॒यं ते॒ योनि॑रृ॒त्वियो॒ यतो॑ जा॒तो अरो॑चथाः । तं जा॒नन्न॑ग्न॒ आ रो॒हाथा॑ नो वर्धया र॒यिम् ॥ (१)
O God of Agni! May this arani or host be the cause of your creation. From which you are born and you are illuminated, enter into it knowing the cause of your origin. After this, you increase our wealth. (1)
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अग्ने॒ अच्छा॑ वदे॒ह नः॑ प्र॒त्यङ्नः॑ सु॒मना॑ भव । प्र णो॑ यच्छ विशां पते धन॒दा अ॑सि न॒स्त्वम् ॥ (२)
O God of Agni! Call the fruits we receive in front of us dear and come in front of us and be happy. O agni of the people in a global way! Give us the money we need, because you are our giver. (2)
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प्र णो॑ यच्छत्वर्य॒मा प्र भगः॒ प्र बृह॒स्पतिः॑ । प्र दे॒वीः प्रोत सू॒नृता॑ र॒यिं दे॒वी द॑धातु मे ॥ (३)
May Swami Aryama, Swami and Jupiter, give us wealth. May Goddess Indrani and Saraswati Devi with a beloved voice give us wealth. (3)
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सोमं॒ राजा॑न॒मव॑से॒ऽग्निं गी॒र्भिर्ह॑वामहे । आ॑दि॒त्यं विष्णुं॒ सूर्यं॑ ब्र॒ह्माणं॑ च॒ बृह॒स्पति॑म् ॥ (४)
We call the stunning Soma and Agni here with words of praise. They should protect us by giving us the fruits we want. We call Aditi's son, friend and Varuna, the inspired Sun of all, Brahma, the creator of all these gods, and Jupiter, the benefactor of the gods. (4)
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त्वं नो॑ अग्ने अ॒ग्निभि॒र्ब्रह्म॑ य॒ज्ञं व॑र्धय । त्वं नो॑ देव॒ दात॑वे र॒यिं दाना॑य चोदय ॥ (५)
O agni! You, along with other agnis, make our mantra-like praise and the yajna achieved by praises successful. O God of Agni! Inspire our host to give us money. (5)
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इ॑न्द्रवा॒यू उ॒भावि॒ह सु॒हवे॒ह ह॑वामहे । यथा॑ नः॒ सर्व॒ इज्जनः॒ संग॑त्यां सु॒मना॑ अस॒द्दान॑कामश्च नो॒ भुव॑त् ॥ (६)
Indra and Agni can be called happily, so we invoke them in this yajna. We call upon them for this reason that all our people should be adorned with their company and wish to donate to us. (6)
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अ॑र्य॒मणं॒ बृह॒स्पति॒मिन्द्रं॒ दाना॑य चोदय । वातं॒ विष्णुं॒ सर॑स्वतीं सवि॒तारं॑ च वा॒जिन॑म् ॥ (७)
O Stotta! May you inspire Aryama, Jupiter, Indra, Saraswati in the form of speech and Savita Dev with velocity to give us wealth. (7)
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वाज॑स्य॒ नु प्र॑स॒वे सं ब॑भूविमे॒मा च॒ विश्वा॒ भुव॑नानि अ॒न्तः । उ॒तादि॑त्सन्तं दापयतु प्रजा॒नन्र॒यिं च॑ नः॒ सर्व॑वीरं॒ नि य॑च्छ ॥ (८)
Let us quickly achieve the work that produces food. All the visible beings reside in the midst of the god who produces food through rain. May god, who knows the meaning of the heart of all beings, inspire me to donate money to my man who does not donate and make our wealth rich with sons, grandsons, etc. (8)
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दु॒ह्रां मे॒ पञ्च॑ प्र॒दिशो॑ दु॒ह्रामु॒र्वीर्य॑थाब॒लम् । प्रापे॑यं॒ सर्वा॒ आकू॑ती॒र्मन॑सा॒ हृद॑येन च ॥ (९)
East, West, North, South and the middle direction of these - thus the five directions, earth, sky, day, night, water, and herbs give me the fruits. May I achieve resolutions arising from the heart and heart. (9)
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गो॒सनिं॒ वाच॑मुदेयं॒ वर्च॑सा मा॒भ्युदि॑हि । आ रु॑न्धां स॒र्वतो॑ वा॒युस्त्वष्टा॒ पोषं॑ दधातु मे ॥ (१०)
I utter all kinds of money-giving speeches. O Goddess of speech! You come with your radiance to give me the fruit I want. May the air cover my soul from all sides and strengthen my body. (10)
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ये अ॒ग्नयो॑ अ॒प्स्वन्तर्ये वृ॒त्रे ये पुरु॑षे॒ ये अश्म॑सु । य आ॑वि॒वेशौष॑धी॒र्यो वन॒स्पतीं॒स्तेभ्यो॑ अ॒ग्निभ्यो॑ हु॒तम॑स्त्वे॒तत् ॥ (१)
The agni of electricity living in the clouds, the agni living in the form of a wadav in the waters, the agni living in the body of humans as a global, the agni living in the sun, barley, etc. in the crops of wheat, barley, etc. and the agni living in the trees should get this havi. (1)
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यः सोमे॑ अ॒न्तर्यो गोष्व॒न्तर्य आवि॑ष्टो॒ वयः॑सु॒ यो मृ॒गेषु॑ । य आ॑वि॒वेश॑ द्वि॒पदो॒ यश्चतु॑ष्पद॒स्तेभ्यो॑ अ॒ग्निभ्यो॑ हु॒तम॑स्त्वे॒तत् ॥ (२)
The agni that resides in somlata to purify nectar juice, which inhabits animals like cows, buffaloes, etc., matures their milk, which enters the agni birds and animals and the agni that is present in humans and chaupas. May he receive what I have given him. (2)
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य इन्द्रे॑ण स॒रथं॒ याति॑ दे॒वो वै॑श्वान॒र उ॒त वि॑श्वदा॒व्यः॑ । यं जोह॑वीमि॒ पृत॑नासु सास॒हिं तेभ्यो॑ अ॒ग्निभ्यो॑ हु॒तम॑स्त्वे॒तत् ॥ (३)
Those who sit in a chariot with Agni Dev Indra, who are the agni god who are the destroyers of the agni and the world, who are going to defeat the enemy in the agni god wars, all those agnis should get my havi. (3)
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यो दे॒वो वि॒श्वाद्यमु॒ काम॑मा॒हुर्यं दा॒तारं॑ प्रतिगृ॒ह्णन्त॑मा॒हुः । यो धीरः॑ श॒क्रः प॑रि॒भूरदा॑भ्य॒स्तेभ्यो॑ अ॒ग्निभ्यो॑ हु॒तम॑स्त्वे॒तत् ॥ (४)
May the Agni God, who is the One who eats all, who is said to be the one who is worthy of wishing and giving desired results, who is the Agni God, wise, capable of doing all the work, defeating the enemies and not going to be defeated by anyone, may he get my sacrifice. (4)
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यं त्वा॒ होता॑रं॒ मन॑सा॒भि सं॑वि॒दुस्त्रयो॑दश भौव॒नाः पञ्च॑ मान॒वाः । व॑र्चो॒धसे॑ य॒शसे॑ सू॒नृता॑वते॒ तेभ्यो॑ अ॒ग्निभ्यो॑ हु॒तम॑स्त्वे॒तत् ॥ (५)
May the agni with a bright, successful and beloved voice receive this blessing from the 13 months of the samvatsar from which the creatures attain power, the spring, summer, rain, autumn, hemant, five seasons imagined by Manu in the beginning of creation. (5)
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उ॒क्षान्ना॑य व॒शान्ना॑य॒ सोम॑पृष्ठाय वे॒धसे॑ । वै॑श्वान॒रज्ये॑ष्ठेभ्य॒स्तेभ्यो॑ अ॒ग्निभ्यो॑ हु॒तम॑स्त्वे॒तत् ॥ (६)
Taurus, who has food in the form of havi, infertile cows who have havi, Soma on whose back and who is the creator of the whole world through sacrifice and the vaishvanar agni in which he is the greatest, may all those agnis get my desire. (6)
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दिवं॑ पृथि॒वीमन्व॒न्तरि॑क्षं॒ ये वि॒द्युत॑मनुसं॒चर॑न्ति । ये दि॒क्ष्व॑१न्तर्ये वाते॑ अ॒न्तस्तेभ्यो॑ अ॒ग्निभ्यो॑ हु॒तम॑स्त्वे॒तत् ॥ (७)
May the agni god who pervades the sky, the earth and the central part of them, who transmits in the electricity located in the clouds, who are present in the directions prevailing in the three worlds and transmit in the air, the base of the whole world, may all of them receive My sacrifice. (7)
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हिर॑ण्यपाणिं सवि॒तार॒मिन्द्रं॒ बृह॒स्पतिं॒ वरु॑णं मि॒त्रम॒ग्निम् । विश्वा॑न्दे॒वानङ्गि॑रसो हवामह इ॒मं क्र॒व्यादं॑ शमयन्त्व॒ग्निम् ॥ (८)
I invoke Savita, Brihaspati, Varuna, Indra and Agni and Vishwa Devs, who have gold in their hands, to give the stotas. They should calm this meat-eating agni. (8)
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शा॒न्तो अ॒ग्निः क्र॒व्याच्छा॒न्तः पु॑रुष॒रेष॑णः । अथो॒ यो वि॑श्वदा॒व्य॑१स्तं क्र॒व्याद॑मशीशमम् ॥ (९)
Be calmed by the grace of gods like meat eaters Agni Savita etc. The agni that causes violence to men should also be pleasant. I have calmed down the agni that burns all and is the meat-eater. (9)
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ये पर्व॑ताः॒ सोम॑पृष्ठा॒ आप॑ उत्तान॒शीव॑रीः । वातः॑ प॒र्जन्य॒ आद॒ग्निस्ते क्र॒व्याद॑मशीशमन् ॥ (१०)
The water, air and clouds sleeping on the mount of Munjwan etc. on which Somlata is present have calmed the carnivorous agni. (10)
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ह॑स्तिवर्च॒सं प्र॑थतां बृ॒हद्यशो॒ अदि॑त्या॒ यत्त॒न्वः॑ संब॒भूव॑ । तत्स॑र्वे॒ सम॑दु॒र्मह्य॑मे॒तद्विश्वे॑ दे॒वा अदि॑तिः स॒जोषाः॑ ॥ (१)
We have an unbeatable and famous force like an elephant. May all the great and famous radiance that has been born from the body of Devmata Aditi, along with All Dev, Aditi, give me that glory and fame. (1)
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मि॒त्रश्च॒ वरु॑ण॒श्चेन्द्रो॑ रु॒द्रश्च॑ चेततुः । दे॒वासो॑ वि॒श्वधा॑यस॒स्ते मा॑ञ्जन्तु॒ वर्च॑सा ॥ (२)
Indra, the swami of the day, Varuna, the swami of the night, Indra, the ruler of heaven, and Rudra, who killed everyone, considered me gracious. May Adi Dev, a friend who nurtures the whole world, make me stunning. (2)
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येन॑ ह॒स्ती वर्च॑सा संब॒भूव॒ येन॒ राजा॑ मनु॒ष्ये॑ष्व॒प्स्वन्तः । येन॑ दे॒वा दे॒वता॒मग्र॒ आय॒न्तेन॒ माम॒द्य वर्च॒साग्ने॑ वर्च॒स्विनं॑ कृणु ॥ (३)
The speed with which the elephant becomes giant, the speed with which the king is bright among human beings, the speed with which animals become radiant in the water or the speed with which Gandharva etc. become bright in the sky and the brightness due to which Indra etc. attained divinity in the beginning of creation, O Agni, make me bright at this time with that absolute speed. (3)
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यत्ते॒ वर्चो॑ जातवेदो बृ॒हद्भव॒त्याहु॑तेः । याव॒त्सूर्य॑स्य॒ वर्च॑ आसु॒रस्य॑ च ह॒स्तिनः॑ । ताव॑न्मे अ॒श्विना॒ वर्च॒ आ ध॑त्तां॒ पुष्क॑रस्रजा ॥ (४)
O God of agni performed havan by the knowers and ahutis of beings born! The brighter you are, the brighter you are in the sun and the faster it is in the hands of asuras, the more sharp Ashwinikumar, adorned with a lotus garland, should wear in me. (4)
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याव॒च्चत॑स्रः प्र॒दिश॒श्चक्षु॒र्याव॑त्समश्नु॒ते । ताव॑त्स॒मैत्वि॑न्द्रि॒यं मयि॒ तद्ध॑स्तिवर्च॒सम् ॥ (५)
The four directions occupy as much space as they see and the constellations that the eyes that take the form, we should get the extraordinary sign of Indra with supreme opulence and the glory of the aforementioned gods. (5)
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ह॒स्ती मृ॒गाणां॑ सु॒षदा॑मति॒ष्ठावा॑न्ब॒भूव॒ हि । तस्य॒ भगे॑न॒ वर्च॑सा॒भि षि॑ञ्चामि॒ माम॒हम् ॥ (६)
The wild elephant is the king due to its excess of force among the animals like deer etc. living voluntarily in the forest. I water myself with the speed of that elephant's fate. (6)
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येन॑ वे॒हद्ब॒भूवि॑थ ना॒शया॑मसि॒ तत्त्वत् । इ॒दं तद॒न्यत्र॒ त्वदप॑ दू॒रे नि द॑ध्मसि ॥ (१)
O woman! We remove from you the sin that you have become infertile due to the disease caused by it. This sin disease should not happen to you again, so we take it to a distant country. (1)
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आ ते॒ योनिं॒ गर्भ॑ एतु॒ पुमा॒न्बाण॑ इवेषु॒धिम् । आ वी॒रोऽत्र॑ जायतां पु॒त्रस्ते॒ दश॑मास्यः ॥ (२)
Oh woman! Just as the arrow naturally reaches the penis, so the womb containing a man's semen reaches your genitalia. After ten months of pregnancy, he will be transformed into a son and born strong. (2)
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पुमां॑सं पु॒त्रं ज॑नय॒ तं पुमा॒ननु॑ जायताम् । भवा॑सि पु॒त्राणां॑ मा॒ता जा॒तानां॑ ज॒नया॑श्च॒ यान् ॥ (३)
O woman! Give birth to a son. Let a son be born from that son's wife. In this way, you will also be the mother of the sons born in an uninterrupted way. You will also be the mother of those who have sons. (3)
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यानि॑ भ॒द्राणि॒ बीजा॑न्यृष॒भा ज॒नय॑न्ति च । तैस्त्वं पु॒त्रं वि॑न्दस्व॒ सा प्र॒सूर्धेनु॑का भव ॥ (४)
O woman! Just as a bull produces calves in cows with its unfailing semen, so you get sons born of unfailing semen. You are pregnant and have growth with your sons. (4)
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कृ॒णोमि॑ ते प्राजाप॒त्यमा योनिं॒ गर्भ॑ एतु ते । वि॒न्दस्व॒ त्वं पु॒त्रं ना॑रि॒ यस्तुभ्यं॒ शमस॒च्छमु॒ तस्मै॒ त्वं भव॑ ॥ (५)
O woman! According to the arrangement made by Brahma regarding Taurus, I do child-bearing deeds for you. Let the womb go into your vagina. After that you get a son, may that son give you happiness, and you also be a source of happiness for him. (5)
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यासां॒ द्यौष्पि॒ता पृ॑थि॒वी मा॒ता स॑मु॒द्रो मूलं॑ वी॒रुधां॑ ब॒भूव॑ । तास्त्वा॑ पुत्र॒विद्या॑य॒ दैवीः॒ प्राव॒न्त्वोष॑धयः ॥ (६)
Water is the root cause of the growth of trees whose father is the sky and mother is the earth. Protect you as trees as they divine herbs for the benefit of the Son. (6)
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पय॑स्वती॒रोष॑धयः॒ पय॑स्वन्माम॒कं वचः॑ । अथो॒ पय॑स्वतीना॒मा भ॑रे॒ऽहं स॑हस्र॒शः ॥ (१)
Let my barley, wheat, etc. be mixed with food and my word should also be abstract. I should get the grain produced from those essence crops in many ways. (1)
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वेदा॒हं पय॑स्वन्तं च॒कार॑ धा॒न्यं॑ ब॒हु । सं॒भृत्वा॒ नाम॒ यो दे॒वस्तं व॒यं ह॑वामहे॒ योयो॒ अय॑ज्वनो गृ॒हे ॥ (२)
I know the god with that essence. He has increased barley, wheat etc. I invoke the gods who collect like a bumblebee through praises. God should collect the barley, wheat etc. grains in the house of the performer of yajna and give it to me. (2)
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इ॒मा याः पञ्च॑ प्र॒दिशो॑ मान॒वीः पञ्च॑ कृ॒ष्टयः॑ । वृ॒ष्टे शापं॑ न॒दीरि॑वे॒ह स्फा॒तिं स॒माव॑हान् ॥ (३)
East, West, North, South and the intermediate directions of these - these five jatis and Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, Shudras and Nishads - should increase the wealth of this host in the same way that rainwater moves the water lying in the flow from one place to another. (3)
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उदुत्सं॑ श॒तधा॑रं स॒हस्र॑धार॒मक्षि॑तम् । ए॒वास्माके॒दं धा॒न्यं॑ स॒हस्र॑धार॒मक्षि॑तम् ॥ (४)
The place of origin of water never weakens even if it is with a hundred or thousand streams, in the same way, this grain of ours becomes thousands of streams in many ways and becomes decay-free. (4)
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शत॑हस्त स॒माह॑र॒ सह॑स्रहस्त॒ सं कि॑र । कृ॒तस्य॑ का॒र्य॑स्य चे॒ह स्फा॒तिं स॒माव॑ह ॥ (५)
O God with a hundred hands! Collect money with your arms and bring it with a thousand hands and give us money. After this, make me prosperous with the money you have given. (5)
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ति॒स्रो मात्रा॑ गन्ध॒र्वाणां॒ चत॑स्रो गृ॒हप॑त्न्याः । तासां॒ या स्फा॒ति॒मत्त॑मा॒ तया॑ त्वा॒भि मृ॑शामसि ॥ (६)
Vishwavasu etc. are the reasons for the prosperity of Gandharvas - their three arts. He has four nymph-like wives. O grain! We touch you with what is very rich in your wives. (6)
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उ॑पो॒हश्च॑ समू॒हश्च॑ क्ष॒त्तारौ॑ ते प्रजापते । तावि॒हा व॑हतां स्फा॒तिं ब॒हुं भू॒मान॒मक्षि॑तम् ॥ (७)
O Prajapati! The god named Upoh and the group of gods who increase wealth - both of them are your charioteers. May they bring many types of and decay-free wealth and prosperity closer to us. (7)
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उ॑त्तु॒दस्त्वोत्तु॑दतु॒ मा धृ॑थाः॒ शय॑ने॒ स्वे । इषुः॒ काम॑स्य॒ या भी॒मा तया॑ विध्यामि त्वा हृ॒दि ॥ (१)
O woman! The god named Uttuda is very distressing. Let them kill you. Madan, you do not like to sleep on your bed due to disorders. I chastise your heart with the terrible arrow of Cupid. (1)
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आ॒धीप॑र्णां॒ काम॑शल्या॒मिषुं॑ संक॒ल्पकु॑ल्मलाम् । तां सुसं॑नतां कृ॒त्वा कामो॑ विध्यतु त्वा हृ॒दि ॥ (२)
Keep this kind of arrow on your bow and the desire to do the lotus, whose desire to do raman is the fruit i.e. the front part and the resolution of enjoyment, which has a substance connecting the two parts, and worship your heart. (2)
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या प्ली॒हानं॑ शो॒षय॑ति॒ काम॒स्येषुः॒ सुसं॑नता । प्रा॒चीन॑पक्षा॒ व्यो॑षा॒ तया॑ विध्यामि त्वा हृ॒दि ॥ (३)
The arrow drawn well by Cupid burns the spleen, the shelter of life. O woman! I pierce your heart with that arrow with straight wings and burning in many ways. (3)
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शु॒चा वि॒द्धा व्यो॑षया॒ शुष्का॑स्या॒भि स॑र्प मा । मृ॒दुर्निम॑न्युः॒ केव॑ली प्रियवा॒दिन्यनु॑व्रता ॥ (४)
Your throat may dry up because of the burning and the wounding arrow, and because of that throat, unable to express your intention, come close to me. You become soft-spoken, the only protector from me and speak in favor of me and behave in favor of me. (4)
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आजा॑मि॒ त्वाज॑न्या॒ परि॑ मा॒तुरथो॑ पि॒तुः । यथा॒ मम॒ क्रता॒वसो॒ मम॑ चि॒त्तमु॒पाय॑सि ॥ (५)
O woman! I flog you with my face. I call you from there to Me, so that you may fulfill my resolve and walk according to my wisdom. (5)
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व्य॑स्यै मित्रावरुणौ हृ॒दश्चि॒त्तान्य॑स्यतम् । अथै॑नामक्र॒तुं कृ॒त्वा ममै॒व कृ॑णुतं॒ वशे॑ ॥ (६)
Hey friend and Varun! Make this woman's heartless. After this, make it void of the knowledge of duty and non-duty and make it subjugated to me. (6)
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ये॒स्यां स्थ प्राच्यां॑ दि॒शि हे॒तयो॒ नाम॑ दे॒वास्तेषां॑ वो अ॒ग्निरि॑षवः । ते नो॑ मृडत॒ ते नो ऽधि॑ ब्रूत॒ तेभ्यो॑ वो॒ नम॒स्तेभ्यो॑ वः॒ स्वाहा॑ ॥ (१)
O Gandharva with charity etc. qualities! You become the one to kill our opponents in the east direction from our place of residence. May your agni-like arrows be able to protect us from those inhabitants of the east direction. May they make us happy. Keep your arrows, snakes, scorpions, etc. enemies away from us. You call us yours. We greet you and sacrifice. (1)
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ये॒स्यां स्थ दक्षि॑णायां दि॒श्य॑वि॒ष्यवो॒ नाम॑ दे॒वास्तेषां॑ वः॒ काम॒ इष॑वः । ते नो॑ मृडत॒ ते नोऽधि॑ ब्रूत॒ तेभ्यो॑ वो॒ नम॒स्तेभ्यो॑ वः॒ स्वाहा॑ ॥ (२)
O Gandharva with qualities like charity! You become our protector from our opponents in the south direction from our place of residence. Our desire is your arrow, let it protect us. You call us yours. Let us greet you and keep sacrificing. (2)
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ये॒स्यां स्थ प्र॒तीच्यां॑ दि॒शि वै॑रा॒जा नाम॑ दे॒वास्तेषां॑ व॒ आप॒ इष॑वः । ते नो॑ मृडत॒ ते नोऽधि॑ ब्रूत॒ तेभ्यो॑ वो॒ नम॒स्तेभ्यो॑ वः॒ स्वाहा॑ ॥ (३)
O God! You become the one who gives us food in the west direction. Rainwater is your arrow. Protect us. You make us your own. We greet you and sacrifice you. (3)
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ये॒स्यां स्थोदी॑च्यां दि॒शि प्र॒विध्य॑न्तो॒ नाम॑ दे॒वास्तेषां॑ वो॒ वात॒ इष॑वः । ते नो॑ मृडत॒ ते नोऽधि॑ ब्रूत॒ तेभ्यो॑ वो॒ नम॒स्तेभ्यो॑ वः॒ स्वाहा॑ ॥ (४)
O Gandharva with qualities like charity! You be the ones who kill those who do our violence in the north direction. Air is your arrow, let it protect us. You call us yours. We greet you and sacrifice. (4)
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ये॒स्यां स्थ ध्रु॒वायां॑ दि॒शि नि॑लि॒म्पा नाम॑ दे॒वास्तेषां॑ व॒ ओष॑धी॒रिष॑वः । ते नो॑ मृडत॒ ते नोऽधि॑ ब्रूत॒ तेभ्यो॑ वो॒ नम॒स्तेभ्यो॑ वः॒ स्वाहा॑ ॥ (५)
O Gandharva with qualities like charity! Be the protector of us in the pole direction i.e. on earth. Barley, wheat, trees, plants, etc. are your arrows. Let them protect us. You call us yours. We greet you and sacrifice. (5)
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ये॒स्यां स्थोर्ध्वायां॑ दि॒श्यव॑स्वन्तो॒ नाम॑ दे॒वास्तेषां॑ वो॒ बृह॒स्पति॒रिष॑वः । ते नो॑ मृडत॒ ते नोऽधि॑ ब्रूत॒ तेभ्यो॑ वो॒ नम॒स्तेभ्यो॑ वः॒ स्वाहा॑ ॥ (६)
O Gandharva with qualities like charity etc. In this upward direction, you become our protector. Jupiter is your arrow. Let them protect us. We greet you and offer sacrifices. (6)
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प्राची॒ दिग॒ग्निरधि॑पतिरसि॒तो र॑क्षि॒तादि॒त्या इष॑वः । तेभ्यो॒ नमोऽधि॑पतिभ्यो॒ नमो॑ रक्षि॒तृभ्यो॒ नम॒ इषु॑भ्यो॒ नम॑ एभ्यो अस्तु । यो॒स्मान्द्वेष्टि॒ यं व॒यं द्वि॒ष्मस्तं वो॒ जम्भे॑ दध्मः ॥ (१)
Please give us the east direction. Agni is the overswami of this direction. Black snakes are located in it to protect. Aditi's sons Dhata, Aryama etc. are the weapons of this direction. May my greetings be pleasing to the overswami Agni, protector black snake, dhata aryama etc. The enemy that hinders us or the one we hate. O God of agni! We keep it under your molars for your food. (1)
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दक्षि॑णा॒ दिगिन्द्रो॑ऽधिपति॒स्तिर॑श्चिराजी रक्षि॒ता पि॒तर॒ इष॑वः । तेभ्यो॒ नमो॑ऽधिपतिभ्यो॒ नमो॑ रक्षि॒तृभ्यो॒ नम॒ इषु॑भ्यो॒ नम॑ एभ्यो अस्तु । यो॒स्मान्द्वेष्टि॒ यं व॒यं द्वि॒ष्मस्तं वो॒ जम्भे॑ दध्मः ॥ (२)
Please the south direction on us. Indra is the overswami of this. Snakes walking crooked are the protectors of this direction. Pitra is the weapon that controls the wicked in this direction. May my greetings be pleased to its overswami Indra, the protector to the serpent walking on the trample and to the ancestors in the form of ordnance. The enemy who obstructs me or the one I hate, O Indra adi devo! I keep it in your molars for your devouring. (2)
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प्र॒तीची॒ दिग्वरु॒णोऽधि॑पतिः॒ पृदा॑कू रक्षि॒तान्न॒मिष॑वः । तेभ्यो॒ नमो॑ऽधिपतिभ्यो॒ नमो॑ रक्षि॒तृभ्यो॒ नम॒ इषु॑भ्यो॒ नम॑ एभ्यो अस्तु । यो॒स्मान्द्वेष्टि॒ यं व॒यं द्वि॒ष्मस्तं वो॒ जम्भे॑ दध्मः ॥ (३)
West direction please us. Varun is the overswami of this. A snake named Pridaku, who uses the word ugly, is its protector and barley, wheat etc. are the arrows that control the wicked of this direction. Our greetings to its overswami Varuna, the snake named Pridaku, who used to say the word protector, and barley and wheat etc. The enemy that hinders us or the one we hate, O Varuna adi Devo! We keep it in your molars for your devouring. (3)
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उदी॑ची॒ दिक्सोमोऽधि॑पतिः स्व॒जो र॑क्षि॒ताशनि॒रिष॑वः । तेभ्यो॒ नमो॑ऽधिपतिभ्यो॒ नमो॑ रक्षि॒तृभ्यो॒ नम॒ इषु॑भ्यो॒ नम॑ एभ्यो अस्तु । यो॒स्मान्द्वेष्टि॒ यं व॒यं द्वि॒ष्मस्तं वो॒ जम्भे॑ दध्मः ॥ (४)
May the north direction be kind to us. Som is the swami of this direction. The self-born serpent is its protector and the thunderbolt is the arrow that subdues its wicked. Our greetings to its swami Soma, the protector snake born himself and the vajra form arrow should be pleasing. The enemies that hinder us or the ones we hate. O Soma Adi Devo! We keep them in your molars for your devouring. (4)
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ध्रु॒वा दिग्विष्णु॒रधि॑पतिः क॒ल्माष॑ग्रीवो रक्षि॒ता वी॒रुध॒ इष॑वः । तेभ्यो॒ नमो॑ऽधिपतिभ्यो॒ नमो॑ रक्षि॒तृभ्यो॒ नम॒ इषु॑भ्यो॒ नम॑ एभ्यो अस्तु । यो॒स्मान्द्वेष्टि॒ यं व॒यं द्वि॒ष्मस्तं वो॒ जम्भे॑ दध्मः ॥ (५)
May the downward direction i.e. the stationary direction be gracious to us. Vishnu is its ruler, the snake with a black neck is its protector and the tree is its evil perishable arrow. Our greetings to its ruler Vishnu, the protector of the snake with the black neck and the ordnance trees should be pleasing. O Swami Vishnu! The enemies that hinder us or those we hate, we keep them in your molars for your devouring. (5)
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ऊ॒र्ध्वा दिग्बृह॒स्पति॒रधि॑पतिः श्वि॒त्रो र॑क्षि॒ता व॒र्षमिष॑वः । तेभ्यो॒ नमो॑ऽधिपतिभ्यो॒ नमो॑ रक्षि॒तृभ्यो॒ नम॒ इषु॑भ्यो॒ नम॑ एभ्यो अस्तु । यो॒स्मान्द्वेष्टि॒ यं व॒यं द्वि॒ष्मस्तं वो॒ जम्भे॑ दध्मः ॥ (६)
Please give us the current direction above. Jupiter is its swami, the white-colored snake is its protector and the rain water is its evil preventive weapon. We salute its swami Jupiter to the white snake and the evil deterrent weapon rain water. O God of Jupiter! The enemies that hinder us or those we hate, we keep them in your molars for your devouring. (6)
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एकै॑कयै॒षा सृष्ट्या॒ सं ब॑भूव॒ यत्र॒ गा असृ॑जन्त भूत॒कृतो॑ वि॒श्वरू॑पाः । यत्र॑ वि॒जाय॑ते य॒मिन्य॑प॒र्तुः सा प॒शून्क्षि॑णाति रिफ॒ती रुश॑ती ॥ (१)
This creation created by Vidhata was created one by one. Here the sages, who created elements like earth, produced cows, humans and horses of many colors. In this creation of origin, if a cow gives birth to twin children born from inferior raja and semen, it destroys the host's animals like cows, etc. by eating them and committing violence by thieves, tigers, etc. (1)
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ए॒षा प॒शून्त्सं क्षि॑णाति क्र॒व्याद्भू॒त्वा व्यद्व॑री । उ॒तैनां॑ ब्र॒ह्मणे॑ दद्या॒त्तथा॑ स्यो॒ना शि॒वा स्या॑त् ॥ (२)
This cow, which gives birth to two children together, destroys other animals of the host like a meat-eater and a sufferer. It is as painful as Tonetotke. It should be donated to a Brahmin. By doing this, it becomes a welfare for the host through its child. (2)
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शि॒वा भ॑व॒ पुरु॑षेभ्यो॒ गोभ्यो॒ अश्वे॑भ्यः शि॒वा । शि॒वास्मै सर्व॑स्मै॒ क्षेत्रा॑य शि॒वा न॑ इ॒हैधि॑ ॥ (३)
O cow giving birth to twins! You become welfare workers for humans, cows and horses. You are happy in all respects in this country. (3)
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इ॒ह पुष्टि॑रि॒ह रस॑ इ॒ह स॑हस्र॒सात॑मा भव । प॒शून्य॑मिनि पोषय ॥ (४)
In this house of my host, the wealth of cow etc. should be strengthened and the juices like milk, curd etc. should be rich. O cow giving birth to twins! You nourish the animals of this host and give it thousands of kinds of money. (4)
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यत्रा॑ सु॒हार्दः॑ सु॒कृतो॒ मद॑न्ति वि॒हाय॒ रोगं॑ त॒न्वः स्वायाः॑ । तं लो॒कं य॒मिन्य॑भि॒संब॑भूव॒ सा नो॒ मा हिं॑सी॒त्पुरु॑षान्प॒शूंश्च॑ ॥ (५)
In a world where men with a good heart and those who do good deeds are happy and their bodies are strengthened by giving up diseases like fever, if the cow giving birth to twins comes forward, then it should not do violence to our humans and animals. (5)
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यत्रा॑ सु॒हार्दां॑ सु॒कृता॑मग्निहोत्र॒हुतां॒ यत्र॑ लो॒कः । तं लो॒कं य॒मिन्य॑भि॒संब॑भूव॒ सा नो॒ मा हिं॑सी॒त्पुरु॑षान्प॒शूंश्च॑ ॥ (६)
In the world where shobhan heart, shobhan gyan and shobhan karma people are happy by sacrificing diseases like fever etc. from their body, the cow giving birth to twins has come. He should not do violence to our men and animals. (6)
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यद्राजा॑नो वि॒भज॑न्त इष्टापू॒र्तस्य॑ षोड॒शं य॒मस्या॒मी स॑भा॒सदः॑ । अवि॒स्तस्मा॒त्प्र मु॑ञ्चति द॒त्तः शि॑ति॒पात्स्व॒धा ॥ (१)
The members of Yamraj, who appear in the sky of the south direction, should punish the wicked and be able to follow the righteous. The sixteen sins of vapi, koop, sarovar etc. mentioned in the yajna etc. and memories mentioned in the shrutis, are separated from the virtue by the members of Yamraj. May this white-footed sheep, given as a sacrifice in the yajna, free us from that sin. May this sheep be agni for Yamraj's corporators. (1)
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सर्वा॒न्कामा॑न्पूरयत्या॒भव॑न्प्र॒भव॒न्भव॑न् । आ॑कूति॒प्रोऽवि॑र्द॒त्तः शि॑ति॒पान्नोप॑ दस्यति ॥ (२)
This yajna, which pervades all four directions, is able to give fruits and increases, fulfills all our desires. This white-footed sheep, which fulfills the resolutions, is being given in this yagna. It will not diminish but will increase according to our wishes. (2)
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यो ददा॑ति शिति॒पाद॒मविं॑ लो॒केन॒ संमि॑तम् । स नाक॑म॒भ्यारो॑हति॒ यत्र॑ शु॒ल्को न क्रि॒यते॑ अब॒लेन॒ बली॑यसे ॥ (३)
The host who donates a sheep with white feet and gives fruit according to folk faith, attains heaven. In heaven, the weak person does not pay a fee by assuming the rule of the strong. (3)
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पञ्चा॑पूपं शिति॒पाद॒मविं॑ लो॒केन॒ संमि॑तम् । प्र॑दा॒तोप॑ जीवति पितॄ॒णां लो॒केऽक्षि॑तम् ॥ (४)
The sheep whose four legs and navel are placed on five poosas is called Panchapoop. Panchapoop i.e. the giver of sheep with five legs and white feet enjoys the fruit that does not end in the world of five equal ancestors of the earth etc. (4)
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पञ्चा॑पूपं शिति॒पाद॒मविं॑ लो॒केन॒ संमि॑तम् । प्र॑दा॒तोप॑ जीवति सूर्यामा॒सयो॒रक्षि॑तम् ॥ (५)
According to folk belief, the one who donates panchapoop i.e. five-faced and white-footed sheep enjoys the fruit that does not end in the worlds of the sun and the moon. (5)
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इरे॑व॒ नोप॑ दस्यति समु॒द्र इ॑व॒ पयो॑ म॒हत् । दे॒वौ स॑वा॒सिना॑विव शिति॒पान्नोप॑ दस्यति ॥ (६)
The white-footed sheep given in the yajna never weakens like the water of the sea and its milk continues to grow. Like ashwini kumars, this sheep never weakens. (6)
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क इ॒दं कस्मा॑ अदा॒त्कामः॒ कामा॑यादात् । कामो॑ दा॒ता कामः॑ प्रतिग्रही॒ता कामः॑ समु॒द्रमा वि॑वेश । कामे॑न त्वा॒ प्रति॑ गृह्णामि॒ कामै॒तत्ते॑ ॥ (७)
This dakshina-rupee money was given by Prajapati to Prajapati. The one who gives dakshina is desirous of transcendental fruit and the taker is desirous of cosmic fruit. Thus, both the giver and the taker of Dakshina are willing. The form of desire is as unlimited as the ocean. Desire is not the end. O Dakshina Dravya! I receive you with this kind of desire. O desire! This accepted money is for you. (7)
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भूमि॑ष्ट्वा॒ प्रति॑ गृह्णात्व॒न्तरि॑क्षमि॒दं म॒हत् । माहं प्रा॒णेन॒ मात्मना॒ मा प्र॒जया॑ प्रति॒गृह्य॒ वि रा॑धिषि ॥ (८)
O Dakshina Dravya! May this earth and the vast sky receive you. That is why by accepting you, I should not become inferior to the soul, the soul and the son grandson etc. (8)
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सहृ॑दयं सांमन॒स्यमवि॑द्वेषं कृणोमि वः । अ॒न्यो अ॒न्यम॒भि ह॑र्यत व॒त्सं जा॒तमि॑वा॒घ्न्या ॥ (१)
O men who dispute! I do harmonious deeds for you which is free from hatred and mutual love. Just as a cow loves its calf. In the same way, you also love each other. (1)
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अनु॑व्रतः पि॒तुः पु॒त्रो मा॒त्रा भ॑वतु॒ संम॑नाः । जा॒या पत्ये॒ मधु॑मतीं॒ वाचं॑ वदतु शन्ति॒वाम् ॥ (२)
The son should be the one who works according to the father. Become a gentleman towards mother and son etc. The wife should say sweet and happy words to the husband. (2)
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मा भ्राता॒ भ्रात॑रं द्विक्ष॒न्मा स्वसा॑रमु॒त स्वसा॑ । स॒म्यञ्चः॒ सव्र॑ता भू॒त्वा वाचं॑ वदत भ॒द्रया॑ ॥ (३)
The brother should take succession from his real brother and the sister should not hate her real sister. All these should be of equal speed and of equal deeds and say welfare promises. (3)
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येन॑ दे॒वा न वि॒यन्ति॒ नो च॑ विद्वि॒षते॑ मि॒थः । तत्कृ॑ण्मो॒ ब्रह्म॑ वो गृ॒हे सं॒ज्ञानं॒ पुरु॑षेभ्यः ॥ (४)
The mantra by which the devas do not become different thinking and do not hate each other, I use the same mantra to establish consensus in your house. (4)
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ज्याय॑स्वन्तश्चि॒त्तिनो॒ मा वि यौ॑ष्ट संरा॒धय॑न्तः॒ सधु॑रा॒श्चर॑न्तः । अ॒न्यो अ॒न्यस्मै॑ व॒ल्गु वद॑न्त॒ एत॑ सध्री॒चीना॑न्वः॒ संम॑नसस्कृणोमि ॥ (५)
O men! You follow each other with the spirit of small and big, become one with the same mind, the same accomplishment and the one who does the same work. While behaving in this way, do not get separated from each other and come speaking dear words to each other. I also meet you all and make you engaged in work and have similar views. (5)
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स॑मा॒नी प्र॒पा स॒ह वो॑ऽन्नभा॒गः स॑मा॒ने योक्त्रे॑ स॒ह वो॑ युनज्मि । स॒म्यञ्चो॒ऽग्निं स॑पर्यता॒रा नाभि॑मिवा॒भितः॑ ॥ (६)
O people who want equality! You should live in one place due to mutual love and use the same water and food. For this, I bind you all in a bond of love. Just as many of the wheels surround one navel, so you all worship agni while wishing for one fruit. (6)
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स॑ध्री॒चीना॑न्वः॒ संम॑नसस्कृणो॒म्येक॑श्नुष्टीन्त्सं॒वन॑नेन॒ सर्वा॑न् । दे॒वा इ॑वा॒मृतं॒ रक्ष॑माणाः सा॒यंप्रा॑तः सौमन॒सो वो॑ अस्तु ॥ (७)
I make you all with the same thoughts by engaging you together in doing one work and using the same food and subduing you through harmonious deeds. Just as the mind of Indra and other gods, who protect nectar in heaven, remains the same, in the same way I make you equal mind at all times. (7)
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वि दे॒वा ज॒रसा॑वृत॒न्वि त्वम॑ग्ने॒ अरा॑त्या । व्यहं सर्वे॑ण पा॒प्मना॒ वि यक्ष्मे॑ण॒ समायु॑षा ॥ (१)
O Ashchini Kumaro! You keep this child away from age-threatening old age. O agni! You keep it away from the nature of not giving donations and from enemies. I combine it with the sins that cause diseases and sorrows and the eternal life separated from tuberculosis. (1)
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व्यार्त्या॒ पव॑मानो॒ वि श॒क्रः पा॑पकृ॒त्यया॑ । व्यहं सर्वे॑ण पा॒प्मना॒ वि यक्ष्मे॑ण॒ समायु॑षा ॥ (२)
Keep this child away from pathatable pain and save Indra from the actions of sin. I separate it from the sins causing diseases and sorrows and tuberculosis and make it a long life. (2)
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वि ग्रा॒म्याः प॒शव॑ आर॒ण्यैर्व्याप॒स्तृष्ण॑यासरन् । व्यहं सर्वे॑ण पा॒प्मना॒ वि यक्ष्मे॑ण॒ समायु॑षा ॥ (३)
Just as rural animals like cows, buffaloes, etc. stay away from forest animals and water thirsty people, in the same way, I keep this brahmachari away from the sins causing disease etc. and tuberculosis and with eternal life. (3)
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वी॑ मे द्यावा॑पृथि॒वी इ॒तो वि पन्था॑नो॒ दिशं॑दिशम् । व्यहं सर्वे॑ण पा॒प्मना॒ वि यक्ष्मे॑ण॒ समायु॑षा ॥ (४)
Just as the earth and the sky are separate from each other and the paths leading in each direction from a village are naturally separated, in the same way, I separate this brahmachari from the productive sins of diseases etc. and tuberculosis and with eternal life. (4)
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त्वष्टा॑ दुहि॒त्रे व॑ह॒तुं यु॑न॒क्तीती॒दं विश्वं॒ भुव॑नं॒ वि या॑ति । व्यहं सर्वे॑ण पा॒प्मना॒ वि यक्ष्मे॑ण॒ समायु॑षा ॥ (५)
Just as the earth and the sky were separated to establish the gifts that Tvashta had given in the marriage of her daughter, in the same way, I combine this celibate with the sins causing diseases and sorrows and tuberculosis and long life. (5)
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अ॒ग्निः प्रा॒णान्त्सं द॑धाति च॒न्द्रः प्रा॒णेन॒ संहि॑तः । व्यहं सर्वे॑ण पा॒प्मना॒ वि यक्ष्मे॑ण॒ समायु॑षा ॥ (६)
Just as gastritis enables the eyes etc. to do their work by delivering juice made of food to the senses and the moon prana nourishes all souls with nectar juice, in the same way, I give this brahmachari a long life by separating it from the productive sins of diseases etc. and tuberculosis. (6)
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प्रा॒णेन॑ वि॒श्वतो॑वीर्यं दे॒वाः सूर्यं॒ समै॑रयन् । व्यहं सर्वे॑ण पा॒प्मना॒ वि यक्ष्मे॑ण॒ समायु॑षा ॥ (७)
The gods created the sun, the inspiration of the whole world, as prana. I install such a sun in it for the sake of increasing the life of this celibate. I equip this celibate with the productive sins of diseases, etc., and the eternal life separated from tuberculosis. (7)
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आयु॑ष्मतामायु॒ष्कृतां॑ प्रा॒णेन॑ जीव॒ मा मृ॑थाः । व्यहं सर्वे॑ण पा॒प्मना॒ वि यक्ष्मे॑ण॒ समायु॑षा ॥ (८)
O Brahmachari! You should live forever with the life of the gods who give long life than the life of men with long life and do not attain death. I separate you from the sins and tuberculosis, the cause of diseases, and sufferings, and fill you with eternal life. (8)
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प्रा॒णेन॑ प्राण॒तां प्राणे॒हैव भ॑व॒ मा मृ॑थाः । व्यहं सर्वे॑ण पा॒प्मना॒ वि यक्ष्मे॑ण॒ समायु॑षा ॥ (९)
O brahmachari! Breathe through the air, the soul of the breathing creatures. You live in this world, that is, live, do not die. I equip you with the productive sins of disease and eternal life separated from tuberculosis. (9)
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उदायु॑षा॒ समायु॒षोदोष॑धीनां॒ रसे॑न । व्यहं सर्वे॑ण पा॒प्मना॒ वि यक्ष्मे॑ण॒ समायु॑षा ॥ (१०)
We attain death from the life of time, live in this world and get growth from the juice of barley, wheat etc. I associate this celibate with the sins of diseases and sorrows and the eternal life of separation from tuberculosis. (10)
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आ प॒र्जन्य॑स्य वृ॒ष्ट्योद॑स्थामा॒मृता॑ व॒यम् । व्यहं सर्वे॑ण पा॒प्मना॒ वि यक्ष्मे॑ण॒ समायु॑षा ॥ (११)
Those who do it get up after attaining immortality from the water showered by Parjanya Dev. O brahmachari! I separate you from sins caused by diseases etc. and combine you with eternal life. (11)
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ब्रह्म॑ जज्ञा॒नं प्र॑थ॒मं पु॒रस्ता॒द्वि सी॑म॒तः सु॒रुचो॑ वे॒न आ॑वः । स बु॒ध्न्या॑ उप॒मा अ॑स्य वि॒ष्ठाः स॒तश्च॒ योनि॒मस॑तश्च॒ वि वः॑ ॥ (१)
Brahman, the cause of sat, chit, bliss and the whole world, first appeared in the form of the sun, which originates in the east direction and pervades the whole world with its radiance. This light and rain cause the sunlight to spread its beautiful light starting from all directions. He is the same sunlight that reveals the knowledge of the place of origin of sat and asat and the knowledge of earth, sky etc. (1)
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इ॒यं पित्र्या॒ राष्ट्र्ये॒त्वग्रे॑ प्रथ॒माय॑ ज॒नुषे॑ भुवने॒ष्ठाः । तस्मा॑ ए॒तं सु॒रुचं॑ ह्वा॒रम॑ह्यं घ॒र्मं श्री॑णन्तु प्रथ॒माय॑ धा॒स्यवे॑ ॥ (२)
Prajapati Brahma is the father who creates the whole world. The speech received from them and spread in all beings in the form of sound is the owner of the behavior of the whole world. They should get the sunlight radiance i.e. Brahman in the form of praise from the first word. (2)
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प्र यो ज॒ज्ञे वि॒द्वान॑स्य॒ बन्धु॒र्विश्वा॑ दे॒वानां॒ जनि॑मा विवक्ति । ब्रह्म॒ ब्रह्म॑ण॒ उज्ज॑भार॒ मध्या॑न्नी॒चैरु॒च्चैः स्व॒धा अ॒भि प्र त॑स्थौ ॥ (३)
Due to this prapancha, the gods who were born first, knowing the whole world with beneficial and niravaran knowledge, describe the births of all the gods like Indra etc. The first born God saved the Vedas from the middle part of Brahman, from the lower part and from the upper part. After this, the devas got food in the form of havi. (3)
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स हि दि॒वः स पृ॑थि॒व्या ऋ॑त॒स्था म॒ही क्षेमं॒ रोद॑सी अस्कभायत् । म॒हान्म॒ही अस्क॑भाय॒द्वि जा॒तो द्यां सद्म॒ पार्थि॑वं च॒ रजः॑ ॥ (४)
The first god born in the form of the sun is located in the form of cause in the sky and in the true form in the earth and he established the earth and sky in indestructible form. By spreading the earth and the sky, the present first god has established the earth and sky. He is born in the form of the sun in the middle of these two and is spreading the sky and the earth with his glory. (4)
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स बु॒ध्न्यादा॑ष्ट्र ज॒नुषो॒ऽभ्यग्रं॒ बृह॒स्पति॑र्दे॒वता॒ तस्य॑ स॒म्राट् । अह॒र्यच्छु॒क्रं ज्योति॑षो॒ जनि॒ष्टाथ॑ द्यु॒मन्तो॒ वि व॑सन्तु॒ विप्राः॑ ॥ (५)
The Parabrahma, born as the first radiance, pervaded the original part of the world i.e. from the lower part to the upper part. Jupiter with qualities like charity etc. is the ruler of this world. The bright day originated from the sun with that light. After this, the bright and meritorious Ritvij got involved in his own businesses. (5)
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नू॒नं तद॑स्य का॒व्यो हि॑नोति म॒हो दे॒वस्य॑ पू॒र्व्यस्य॒ धाम॑ । ए॒ष ज॑ज्ञे ब॒हुभिः॑ सा॒कमि॒त्था पूर्वे॒ अर्धे॒ विषि॑ते स॒सन्नु ॥ (६)
The yajna of the Ritvijas, the mandal of the sun god born before all, who is not visible and first of all, definitely inspires everyone. This sun appears in the east direction with thousands of rays in such a way that they get the symptoms of food quickly. (6)
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योऽथ॑र्वाणं पि॒तरं॑ दे॒वब॑न्धुं॒ बृह॒स्पतिं॒ नम॒साव॑ च॒ गच्छा॑त् । त्वं विश्वे॑षां जनि॒ता यथासः॑ क॒विर्दे॒वो न दभा॑यत्स्व॒धावा॑न् ॥ (७)
Brihaspati Dev called Prajapati Atharva the creator of the world and indra and the brother of gods like Indra etc. We salute Jupiter and Atharva. Being full of food, they bless us in the same way as they are full of food and the giver of all beings. (7)
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य आ॑त्म॒दा ब॑ल॒दा यस्य॒ विश्व॑ उ॒पास॑ते प्र॒शिषं॒ यस्य॑ दे॒वाः । योऽस्येशे॑ द्वि॒पदो॒ यश्चतु॑ष्पदः॒ कस्मै॑ दे॒वाय॑ ह॒विषा॑ विधेम ॥ (१)
Prajapati, who gives life and peace to all beings, all beings and gods also believe in the rule and is the swami of two-legged humans and four-legged animals. We worship this type of Prajapati Dev by Havi. (1)
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यः प्रा॑ण॒तो नि॑मिष॒तो म॑हि॒त्वैको॒ राजा॒ जग॑तो ब॒भूव॑ । यस्य॑ छा॒यामृतं॒ यस्य॑ मृ॒त्युः कस्मै॑ दे॒वाय॑ ह॒विषा॑ विधेम ॥ (२)
The Prajapati who is the sole master of all the moving beings who breathe and blink with his greatness, life and death are subject to like a shadow, I worship that Prajapati Dev through Havi. (2)
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यं क्रन्द॑सी॒ अव॑तश्चस्कभा॒ने भि॒यसा॑ने॒ रोद॑सी॒ अह्व॑येथाम् । यस्या॒सौ पन्था॒ रज॑सो वि॒मानः॒ कस्मै॑ दे॒वाय॑ ह॒विषा॑ विधेम ॥ (३)
The earth and the sky are fixed in their place to protect the world. Prajapati has worn them in the baseless state. Fearing the fear of falling down, they cried Prajapati, who was present between the earth and the sky, so the name of both of them was Rodsi. The Prajapati whose path in the sky forms the rain water, we worship those Prajapatis through Havi. (3)
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यस्य॒ द्यौरु॒र्वी पृ॑थि॒वी च॑ म॒ही यस्या॒द उ॒र्व॒न्तरि॑क्षम् । यस्या॒सौ सूरो॒ वित॑तो महि॒त्वा कस्मै॑ दे॒वाय॑ ह॒विषा॑ विधेम ॥ (४)
With whose glory the sky has expanded and the earth has expanded, with whose glory space i.e. the central part of the sky and the earth has expanded and the sun that is visible in the sky has expanded, we worship that Prajapati by eve. (4)
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