127 values
127 values
SELECT avg(Attendance) FROM performance
What is the average number of attendees for performances?
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE "member" ( "Member_ID" text, "Name" text, "Nationality" text, "Role" text, PRIMARY KEY ("Member_ID") ); CREATE TABLE "performance" ( "Performance_ID" real, "Date" text, "Host" text, "Location" text, "Attendance" int, PRIMARY KEY ("Performance_ID") ); CREATE TABLE "member_attendance" ( "Member_ID" int, "Performance_ID" int, "Num_of_Pieces" int, PRIMARY KEY ("Member_ID","Performance_ID"), FOREIGN KEY ("Member_ID") REFERENCES `member`("Member_ID"), FOREIGN KEY ("Performance_ID") REFERENCES `performance`("Performance_ID") ); INSERT INTO "member" VALUES ("1","Wilfredo Ruiz","Uruguay","Prime Violin"); INSERT INTO "performance" VALUES (1,"February 2","Boston Bruins","TD Garden","165"); INSERT INTO "member_attendance" VALUES (11,3,2);
SELECT Date FROM performance ORDER BY Attendance DESC LIMIT 1
What is the date of the performance with the highest number of attendees?
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE "member" ( "Member_ID" text, "Name" text, "Nationality" text, "Role" text, PRIMARY KEY ("Member_ID") ); CREATE TABLE "performance" ( "Performance_ID" real, "Date" text, "Host" text, "Location" text, "Attendance" int, PRIMARY KEY ("Performance_ID") ); CREATE TABLE "member_attendance" ( "Member_ID" int, "Performance_ID" int, "Num_of_Pieces" int, PRIMARY KEY ("Member_ID","Performance_ID"), FOREIGN KEY ("Member_ID") REFERENCES `member`("Member_ID"), FOREIGN KEY ("Performance_ID") REFERENCES `performance`("Performance_ID") ); INSERT INTO "member" VALUES ("1","Wilfredo Ruiz","Uruguay","Prime Violin"); INSERT INTO "performance" VALUES (1,"February 2","Boston Bruins","TD Garden","165"); INSERT INTO "member_attendance" VALUES (11,3,2);
Show different locations and the number of performances at each location.
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE "member" ( "Member_ID" text, "Name" text, "Nationality" text, "Role" text, PRIMARY KEY ("Member_ID") ); CREATE TABLE "performance" ( "Performance_ID" real, "Date" text, "Host" text, "Location" text, "Attendance" int, PRIMARY KEY ("Performance_ID") ); CREATE TABLE "member_attendance" ( "Member_ID" int, "Performance_ID" int, "Num_of_Pieces" int, PRIMARY KEY ("Member_ID","Performance_ID"), FOREIGN KEY ("Member_ID") REFERENCES `member`("Member_ID"), FOREIGN KEY ("Performance_ID") REFERENCES `performance`("Performance_ID") ); INSERT INTO "member" VALUES ("1","Wilfredo Ruiz","Uruguay","Prime Violin"); INSERT INTO "performance" VALUES (1,"February 2","Boston Bruins","TD Garden","165"); INSERT INTO "member_attendance" VALUES (11,3,2);
Show the most common location of performances.
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE "member" ( "Member_ID" text, "Name" text, "Nationality" text, "Role" text, PRIMARY KEY ("Member_ID") ); CREATE TABLE "performance" ( "Performance_ID" real, "Date" text, "Host" text, "Location" text, "Attendance" int, PRIMARY KEY ("Performance_ID") ); CREATE TABLE "member_attendance" ( "Member_ID" int, "Performance_ID" int, "Num_of_Pieces" int, PRIMARY KEY ("Member_ID","Performance_ID"), FOREIGN KEY ("Member_ID") REFERENCES `member`("Member_ID"), FOREIGN KEY ("Performance_ID") REFERENCES `performance`("Performance_ID") ); INSERT INTO "member" VALUES ("1","Wilfredo Ruiz","Uruguay","Prime Violin"); INSERT INTO "performance" VALUES (1,"February 2","Boston Bruins","TD Garden","165"); INSERT INTO "member_attendance" VALUES (11,3,2);
Show the locations that have at least two performances.
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE "member" ( "Member_ID" text, "Name" text, "Nationality" text, "Role" text, PRIMARY KEY ("Member_ID") ); CREATE TABLE "performance" ( "Performance_ID" real, "Date" text, "Host" text, "Location" text, "Attendance" int, PRIMARY KEY ("Performance_ID") ); CREATE TABLE "member_attendance" ( "Member_ID" int, "Performance_ID" int, "Num_of_Pieces" int, PRIMARY KEY ("Member_ID","Performance_ID"), FOREIGN KEY ("Member_ID") REFERENCES `member`("Member_ID"), FOREIGN KEY ("Performance_ID") REFERENCES `performance`("Performance_ID") ); INSERT INTO "member" VALUES ("1","Wilfredo Ruiz","Uruguay","Prime Violin"); INSERT INTO "performance" VALUES (1,"February 2","Boston Bruins","TD Garden","165"); INSERT INTO "member_attendance" VALUES (11,3,2);
SELECT LOCATION FROM performance WHERE Attendance > 2000 INTERSECT SELECT LOCATION FROM performance WHERE Attendance < 1000
Show the locations that have both performances with more than 2000 attendees and performances with less than 1000 attendees.
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE "member" ( "Member_ID" text, "Name" text, "Nationality" text, "Role" text, PRIMARY KEY ("Member_ID") ); CREATE TABLE "performance" ( "Performance_ID" real, "Date" text, "Host" text, "Location" text, "Attendance" int, PRIMARY KEY ("Performance_ID") ); CREATE TABLE "member_attendance" ( "Member_ID" int, "Performance_ID" int, "Num_of_Pieces" int, PRIMARY KEY ("Member_ID","Performance_ID"), FOREIGN KEY ("Member_ID") REFERENCES `member`("Member_ID"), FOREIGN KEY ("Performance_ID") REFERENCES `performance`("Performance_ID") ); INSERT INTO "member" VALUES ("1","Wilfredo Ruiz","Uruguay","Prime Violin"); INSERT INTO "performance" VALUES (1,"February 2","Boston Bruins","TD Garden","165"); INSERT INTO "member_attendance" VALUES (11,3,2);
SELECT T2.Name , T3.Location FROM member_attendance AS T1 JOIN member AS T2 ON T1.Member_ID = T2.Member_ID JOIN performance AS T3 ON T1.Performance_ID = T3.Performance_ID
Show the names of members and the location of the performances they attended.
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE "member" ( "Member_ID" text, "Name" text, "Nationality" text, "Role" text, PRIMARY KEY ("Member_ID") ); CREATE TABLE "performance" ( "Performance_ID" real, "Date" text, "Host" text, "Location" text, "Attendance" int, PRIMARY KEY ("Performance_ID") ); CREATE TABLE "member_attendance" ( "Member_ID" int, "Performance_ID" int, "Num_of_Pieces" int, PRIMARY KEY ("Member_ID","Performance_ID"), FOREIGN KEY ("Member_ID") REFERENCES `member`("Member_ID"), FOREIGN KEY ("Performance_ID") REFERENCES `performance`("Performance_ID") ); INSERT INTO "member" VALUES ("1","Wilfredo Ruiz","Uruguay","Prime Violin"); INSERT INTO "performance" VALUES (1,"February 2","Boston Bruins","TD Garden","165"); INSERT INTO "member_attendance" VALUES (11,3,2);
SELECT T2.Name , T3.Location FROM member_attendance AS T1 JOIN member AS T2 ON T1.Member_ID = T2.Member_ID JOIN performance AS T3 ON T1.Performance_ID = T3.Performance_ID ORDER BY T2.Name ASC
Show the names of members and the location of performances they attended in ascending alphabetical order of their names.
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE "member" ( "Member_ID" text, "Name" text, "Nationality" text, "Role" text, PRIMARY KEY ("Member_ID") ); CREATE TABLE "performance" ( "Performance_ID" real, "Date" text, "Host" text, "Location" text, "Attendance" int, PRIMARY KEY ("Performance_ID") ); CREATE TABLE "member_attendance" ( "Member_ID" int, "Performance_ID" int, "Num_of_Pieces" int, PRIMARY KEY ("Member_ID","Performance_ID"), FOREIGN KEY ("Member_ID") REFERENCES `member`("Member_ID"), FOREIGN KEY ("Performance_ID") REFERENCES `performance`("Performance_ID") ); INSERT INTO "member" VALUES ("1","Wilfredo Ruiz","Uruguay","Prime Violin"); INSERT INTO "performance" VALUES (1,"February 2","Boston Bruins","TD Garden","165"); INSERT INTO "member_attendance" VALUES (11,3,2);
SELECT T3.Date FROM member_attendance AS T1 JOIN member AS T2 ON T1.Member_ID = T2.Member_ID JOIN performance AS T3 ON T1.Performance_ID = T3.Performance_ID WHERE T2.Role = "Violin"
Show the dates of performances with attending members whose roles are "Violin".
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE "member" ( "Member_ID" text, "Name" text, "Nationality" text, "Role" text, PRIMARY KEY ("Member_ID") ); CREATE TABLE "performance" ( "Performance_ID" real, "Date" text, "Host" text, "Location" text, "Attendance" int, PRIMARY KEY ("Performance_ID") ); CREATE TABLE "member_attendance" ( "Member_ID" int, "Performance_ID" int, "Num_of_Pieces" int, PRIMARY KEY ("Member_ID","Performance_ID"), FOREIGN KEY ("Member_ID") REFERENCES `member`("Member_ID"), FOREIGN KEY ("Performance_ID") REFERENCES `performance`("Performance_ID") ); INSERT INTO "member" VALUES ("1","Wilfredo Ruiz","Uruguay","Prime Violin"); INSERT INTO "performance" VALUES (1,"February 2","Boston Bruins","TD Garden","165"); INSERT INTO "member_attendance" VALUES (11,3,2);
SELECT T2.Name , T3.Date FROM member_attendance AS T1 JOIN member AS T2 ON T1.Member_ID = T2.Member_ID JOIN performance AS T3 ON T1.Performance_ID = T3.Performance_ID ORDER BY T3.Attendance DESC
Show the names of members and the dates of performances they attended in descending order of attendance of the performances.
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE "member" ( "Member_ID" text, "Name" text, "Nationality" text, "Role" text, PRIMARY KEY ("Member_ID") ); CREATE TABLE "performance" ( "Performance_ID" real, "Date" text, "Host" text, "Location" text, "Attendance" int, PRIMARY KEY ("Performance_ID") ); CREATE TABLE "member_attendance" ( "Member_ID" int, "Performance_ID" int, "Num_of_Pieces" int, PRIMARY KEY ("Member_ID","Performance_ID"), FOREIGN KEY ("Member_ID") REFERENCES `member`("Member_ID"), FOREIGN KEY ("Performance_ID") REFERENCES `performance`("Performance_ID") ); INSERT INTO "member" VALUES ("1","Wilfredo Ruiz","Uruguay","Prime Violin"); INSERT INTO "performance" VALUES (1,"February 2","Boston Bruins","TD Garden","165"); INSERT INTO "member_attendance" VALUES (11,3,2);
SELECT Name FROM member WHERE Member_ID NOT IN (SELECT Member_ID FROM member_attendance)
List the names of members who did not attend any performance.
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE "member" ( "Member_ID" text, "Name" text, "Nationality" text, "Role" text, PRIMARY KEY ("Member_ID") ); CREATE TABLE "performance" ( "Performance_ID" real, "Date" text, "Host" text, "Location" text, "Attendance" int, PRIMARY KEY ("Performance_ID") ); CREATE TABLE "member_attendance" ( "Member_ID" int, "Performance_ID" int, "Num_of_Pieces" int, PRIMARY KEY ("Member_ID","Performance_ID"), FOREIGN KEY ("Member_ID") REFERENCES `member`("Member_ID"), FOREIGN KEY ("Performance_ID") REFERENCES `performance`("Performance_ID") ); INSERT INTO "member" VALUES ("1","Wilfredo Ruiz","Uruguay","Prime Violin"); INSERT INTO "performance" VALUES (1,"February 2","Boston Bruins","TD Garden","165"); INSERT INTO "member_attendance" VALUES (11,3,2);
SELECT count(*) FROM debate
How many debates are there?
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE "people" ( "People_ID" int, "District" text, "Name" text, "Party" text, "Age" int, PRIMARY KEY ("People_ID") ); CREATE TABLE "debate" ( "Debate_ID" int, "Date" text, "Venue" text, "Num_of_Audience" int, PRIMARY KEY ("Debate_ID") ); CREATE TABLE "debate_people" ( "Debate_ID" int, "Affirmative" int, "Negative" int, "If_Affirmative_Win" bool, PRIMARY KEY ("Debate_ID","Affirmative","Negative"), FOREIGN KEY ("Debate_ID") REFERENCES `debate`("Debate_ID"), FOREIGN KEY ("Affirmative") REFERENCES `people`("People_ID"), FOREIGN KEY ("Negative") REFERENCES `people`("People_ID") ); INSERT INTO "people" VALUES (1,"New York 1","Luther C. Carter","Republican",35); INSERT INTO "debate" VALUES (1,"October 21, 2011","Manama , Bahrain",342); INSERT INTO "debate_people" VALUES (1,1,10,"F");
SELECT Venue FROM debate ORDER BY Num_of_Audience ASC
List the venues of debates in ascending order of the number of audience.
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE "people" ( "People_ID" int, "District" text, "Name" text, "Party" text, "Age" int, PRIMARY KEY ("People_ID") ); CREATE TABLE "debate" ( "Debate_ID" int, "Date" text, "Venue" text, "Num_of_Audience" int, PRIMARY KEY ("Debate_ID") ); CREATE TABLE "debate_people" ( "Debate_ID" int, "Affirmative" int, "Negative" int, "If_Affirmative_Win" bool, PRIMARY KEY ("Debate_ID","Affirmative","Negative"), FOREIGN KEY ("Debate_ID") REFERENCES `debate`("Debate_ID"), FOREIGN KEY ("Affirmative") REFERENCES `people`("People_ID"), FOREIGN KEY ("Negative") REFERENCES `people`("People_ID") ); INSERT INTO "people" VALUES (1,"New York 1","Luther C. Carter","Republican",35); INSERT INTO "debate" VALUES (1,"October 21, 2011","Manama , Bahrain",342); INSERT INTO "debate_people" VALUES (1,1,10,"F");
SELECT Date , Venue FROM debate
What are the date and venue of each debate?
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE "people" ( "People_ID" int, "District" text, "Name" text, "Party" text, "Age" int, PRIMARY KEY ("People_ID") ); CREATE TABLE "debate" ( "Debate_ID" int, "Date" text, "Venue" text, "Num_of_Audience" int, PRIMARY KEY ("Debate_ID") ); CREATE TABLE "debate_people" ( "Debate_ID" int, "Affirmative" int, "Negative" int, "If_Affirmative_Win" bool, PRIMARY KEY ("Debate_ID","Affirmative","Negative"), FOREIGN KEY ("Debate_ID") REFERENCES `debate`("Debate_ID"), FOREIGN KEY ("Affirmative") REFERENCES `people`("People_ID"), FOREIGN KEY ("Negative") REFERENCES `people`("People_ID") ); INSERT INTO "people" VALUES (1,"New York 1","Luther C. Carter","Republican",35); INSERT INTO "debate" VALUES (1,"October 21, 2011","Manama , Bahrain",342); INSERT INTO "debate_people" VALUES (1,1,10,"F");
SELECT Date FROM debate WHERE Num_of_Audience > 150
List the dates of debates with number of audience bigger than 150
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE "people" ( "People_ID" int, "District" text, "Name" text, "Party" text, "Age" int, PRIMARY KEY ("People_ID") ); CREATE TABLE "debate" ( "Debate_ID" int, "Date" text, "Venue" text, "Num_of_Audience" int, PRIMARY KEY ("Debate_ID") ); CREATE TABLE "debate_people" ( "Debate_ID" int, "Affirmative" int, "Negative" int, "If_Affirmative_Win" bool, PRIMARY KEY ("Debate_ID","Affirmative","Negative"), FOREIGN KEY ("Debate_ID") REFERENCES `debate`("Debate_ID"), FOREIGN KEY ("Affirmative") REFERENCES `people`("People_ID"), FOREIGN KEY ("Negative") REFERENCES `people`("People_ID") ); INSERT INTO "people" VALUES (1,"New York 1","Luther C. Carter","Republican",35); INSERT INTO "debate" VALUES (1,"October 21, 2011","Manama , Bahrain",342); INSERT INTO "debate_people" VALUES (1,1,10,"F");
SELECT Name FROM people WHERE Age = 35 OR Age = 36
Show the names of people aged either 35 or 36.
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE "people" ( "People_ID" int, "District" text, "Name" text, "Party" text, "Age" int, PRIMARY KEY ("People_ID") ); CREATE TABLE "debate" ( "Debate_ID" int, "Date" text, "Venue" text, "Num_of_Audience" int, PRIMARY KEY ("Debate_ID") ); CREATE TABLE "debate_people" ( "Debate_ID" int, "Affirmative" int, "Negative" int, "If_Affirmative_Win" bool, PRIMARY KEY ("Debate_ID","Affirmative","Negative"), FOREIGN KEY ("Debate_ID") REFERENCES `debate`("Debate_ID"), FOREIGN KEY ("Affirmative") REFERENCES `people`("People_ID"), FOREIGN KEY ("Negative") REFERENCES `people`("People_ID") ); INSERT INTO "people" VALUES (1,"New York 1","Luther C. Carter","Republican",35); INSERT INTO "debate" VALUES (1,"October 21, 2011","Manama , Bahrain",342); INSERT INTO "debate_people" VALUES (1,1,10,"F");
What is the party of the youngest people?
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE "people" ( "People_ID" int, "District" text, "Name" text, "Party" text, "Age" int, PRIMARY KEY ("People_ID") ); CREATE TABLE "debate" ( "Debate_ID" int, "Date" text, "Venue" text, "Num_of_Audience" int, PRIMARY KEY ("Debate_ID") ); CREATE TABLE "debate_people" ( "Debate_ID" int, "Affirmative" int, "Negative" int, "If_Affirmative_Win" bool, PRIMARY KEY ("Debate_ID","Affirmative","Negative"), FOREIGN KEY ("Debate_ID") REFERENCES `debate`("Debate_ID"), FOREIGN KEY ("Affirmative") REFERENCES `people`("People_ID"), FOREIGN KEY ("Negative") REFERENCES `people`("People_ID") ); INSERT INTO "people" VALUES (1,"New York 1","Luther C. Carter","Republican",35); INSERT INTO "debate" VALUES (1,"October 21, 2011","Manama , Bahrain",342); INSERT INTO "debate_people" VALUES (1,1,10,"F");
SELECT Party , COUNT(*) FROM people GROUP BY Party
Show different parties of people along with the number of people in each party.
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE "people" ( "People_ID" int, "District" text, "Name" text, "Party" text, "Age" int, PRIMARY KEY ("People_ID") ); CREATE TABLE "debate" ( "Debate_ID" int, "Date" text, "Venue" text, "Num_of_Audience" int, PRIMARY KEY ("Debate_ID") ); CREATE TABLE "debate_people" ( "Debate_ID" int, "Affirmative" int, "Negative" int, "If_Affirmative_Win" bool, PRIMARY KEY ("Debate_ID","Affirmative","Negative"), FOREIGN KEY ("Debate_ID") REFERENCES `debate`("Debate_ID"), FOREIGN KEY ("Affirmative") REFERENCES `people`("People_ID"), FOREIGN KEY ("Negative") REFERENCES `people`("People_ID") ); INSERT INTO "people" VALUES (1,"New York 1","Luther C. Carter","Republican",35); INSERT INTO "debate" VALUES (1,"October 21, 2011","Manama , Bahrain",342); INSERT INTO "debate_people" VALUES (1,1,10,"F");
Show the party that has the most people.
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE "people" ( "People_ID" int, "District" text, "Name" text, "Party" text, "Age" int, PRIMARY KEY ("People_ID") ); CREATE TABLE "debate" ( "Debate_ID" int, "Date" text, "Venue" text, "Num_of_Audience" int, PRIMARY KEY ("Debate_ID") ); CREATE TABLE "debate_people" ( "Debate_ID" int, "Affirmative" int, "Negative" int, "If_Affirmative_Win" bool, PRIMARY KEY ("Debate_ID","Affirmative","Negative"), FOREIGN KEY ("Debate_ID") REFERENCES `debate`("Debate_ID"), FOREIGN KEY ("Affirmative") REFERENCES `people`("People_ID"), FOREIGN KEY ("Negative") REFERENCES `people`("People_ID") ); INSERT INTO "people" VALUES (1,"New York 1","Luther C. Carter","Republican",35); INSERT INTO "debate" VALUES (1,"October 21, 2011","Manama , Bahrain",342); INSERT INTO "debate_people" VALUES (1,1,10,"F");
Show the distinct venues of debates
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE "people" ( "People_ID" int, "District" text, "Name" text, "Party" text, "Age" int, PRIMARY KEY ("People_ID") ); CREATE TABLE "debate" ( "Debate_ID" int, "Date" text, "Venue" text, "Num_of_Audience" int, PRIMARY KEY ("Debate_ID") ); CREATE TABLE "debate_people" ( "Debate_ID" int, "Affirmative" int, "Negative" int, "If_Affirmative_Win" bool, PRIMARY KEY ("Debate_ID","Affirmative","Negative"), FOREIGN KEY ("Debate_ID") REFERENCES `debate`("Debate_ID"), FOREIGN KEY ("Affirmative") REFERENCES `people`("People_ID"), FOREIGN KEY ("Negative") REFERENCES `people`("People_ID") ); INSERT INTO "people" VALUES (1,"New York 1","Luther C. Carter","Republican",35); INSERT INTO "debate" VALUES (1,"October 21, 2011","Manama , Bahrain",342); INSERT INTO "debate_people" VALUES (1,1,10,"F");
SELECT T3.Name , T2.Date , T2.Venue FROM debate_people AS T1 JOIN debate AS T2 ON T1.Debate_ID = T2.Debate_ID JOIN people AS T3 ON T1.Affirmative = T3.People_ID
Show the names of people, and dates and venues of debates they are on the affirmative side.
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE "people" ( "People_ID" int, "District" text, "Name" text, "Party" text, "Age" int, PRIMARY KEY ("People_ID") ); CREATE TABLE "debate" ( "Debate_ID" int, "Date" text, "Venue" text, "Num_of_Audience" int, PRIMARY KEY ("Debate_ID") ); CREATE TABLE "debate_people" ( "Debate_ID" int, "Affirmative" int, "Negative" int, "If_Affirmative_Win" bool, PRIMARY KEY ("Debate_ID","Affirmative","Negative"), FOREIGN KEY ("Debate_ID") REFERENCES `debate`("Debate_ID"), FOREIGN KEY ("Affirmative") REFERENCES `people`("People_ID"), FOREIGN KEY ("Negative") REFERENCES `people`("People_ID") ); INSERT INTO "people" VALUES (1,"New York 1","Luther C. Carter","Republican",35); INSERT INTO "debate" VALUES (1,"October 21, 2011","Manama , Bahrain",342); INSERT INTO "debate_people" VALUES (1,1,10,"F");
SELECT T3.Name , T2.Date , T2.Venue FROM debate_people AS T1 JOIN debate AS T2 ON T1.Debate_ID = T2.Debate_ID JOIN people AS T3 ON T1.Negative = T3.People_ID ORDER BY T3.Name ASC
Show the names of people, and dates and venues of debates they are on the negative side, ordered in ascending alphabetical order of name.
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE "people" ( "People_ID" int, "District" text, "Name" text, "Party" text, "Age" int, PRIMARY KEY ("People_ID") ); CREATE TABLE "debate" ( "Debate_ID" int, "Date" text, "Venue" text, "Num_of_Audience" int, PRIMARY KEY ("Debate_ID") ); CREATE TABLE "debate_people" ( "Debate_ID" int, "Affirmative" int, "Negative" int, "If_Affirmative_Win" bool, PRIMARY KEY ("Debate_ID","Affirmative","Negative"), FOREIGN KEY ("Debate_ID") REFERENCES `debate`("Debate_ID"), FOREIGN KEY ("Affirmative") REFERENCES `people`("People_ID"), FOREIGN KEY ("Negative") REFERENCES `people`("People_ID") ); INSERT INTO "people" VALUES (1,"New York 1","Luther C. Carter","Republican",35); INSERT INTO "debate" VALUES (1,"October 21, 2011","Manama , Bahrain",342); INSERT INTO "debate_people" VALUES (1,1,10,"F");
SELECT T3.Name FROM debate_people AS T1 JOIN debate AS T2 ON T1.Debate_ID = T2.Debate_ID JOIN people AS T3 ON T1.Affirmative = T3.People_ID WHERE T2.Num_of_Audience > 200
Show the names of people that are on affirmative side of debates with number of audience bigger than 200.
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE "people" ( "People_ID" int, "District" text, "Name" text, "Party" text, "Age" int, PRIMARY KEY ("People_ID") ); CREATE TABLE "debate" ( "Debate_ID" int, "Date" text, "Venue" text, "Num_of_Audience" int, PRIMARY KEY ("Debate_ID") ); CREATE TABLE "debate_people" ( "Debate_ID" int, "Affirmative" int, "Negative" int, "If_Affirmative_Win" bool, PRIMARY KEY ("Debate_ID","Affirmative","Negative"), FOREIGN KEY ("Debate_ID") REFERENCES `debate`("Debate_ID"), FOREIGN KEY ("Affirmative") REFERENCES `people`("People_ID"), FOREIGN KEY ("Negative") REFERENCES `people`("People_ID") ); INSERT INTO "people" VALUES (1,"New York 1","Luther C. Carter","Republican",35); INSERT INTO "debate" VALUES (1,"October 21, 2011","Manama , Bahrain",342); INSERT INTO "debate_people" VALUES (1,1,10,"F");
SELECT T2.Name , COUNT(*) FROM debate_people AS T1 JOIN people AS T2 ON T1.Affirmative = T2.People_ID GROUP BY T2.Name
Show the names of people and the number of times they have been on the affirmative side of debates.
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE "people" ( "People_ID" int, "District" text, "Name" text, "Party" text, "Age" int, PRIMARY KEY ("People_ID") ); CREATE TABLE "debate" ( "Debate_ID" int, "Date" text, "Venue" text, "Num_of_Audience" int, PRIMARY KEY ("Debate_ID") ); CREATE TABLE "debate_people" ( "Debate_ID" int, "Affirmative" int, "Negative" int, "If_Affirmative_Win" bool, PRIMARY KEY ("Debate_ID","Affirmative","Negative"), FOREIGN KEY ("Debate_ID") REFERENCES `debate`("Debate_ID"), FOREIGN KEY ("Affirmative") REFERENCES `people`("People_ID"), FOREIGN KEY ("Negative") REFERENCES `people`("People_ID") ); INSERT INTO "people" VALUES (1,"New York 1","Luther C. Carter","Republican",35); INSERT INTO "debate" VALUES (1,"October 21, 2011","Manama , Bahrain",342); INSERT INTO "debate_people" VALUES (1,1,10,"F");
SELECT T2.Name FROM debate_people AS T1 JOIN people AS T2 ON T1.Negative = T2.People_ID GROUP BY T2.Name HAVING COUNT(*) >= 2
Show the names of people who have been on the negative side of debates at least twice.
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE "people" ( "People_ID" int, "District" text, "Name" text, "Party" text, "Age" int, PRIMARY KEY ("People_ID") ); CREATE TABLE "debate" ( "Debate_ID" int, "Date" text, "Venue" text, "Num_of_Audience" int, PRIMARY KEY ("Debate_ID") ); CREATE TABLE "debate_people" ( "Debate_ID" int, "Affirmative" int, "Negative" int, "If_Affirmative_Win" bool, PRIMARY KEY ("Debate_ID","Affirmative","Negative"), FOREIGN KEY ("Debate_ID") REFERENCES `debate`("Debate_ID"), FOREIGN KEY ("Affirmative") REFERENCES `people`("People_ID"), FOREIGN KEY ("Negative") REFERENCES `people`("People_ID") ); INSERT INTO "people" VALUES (1,"New York 1","Luther C. Carter","Republican",35); INSERT INTO "debate" VALUES (1,"October 21, 2011","Manama , Bahrain",342); INSERT INTO "debate_people" VALUES (1,1,10,"F");
SELECT Name FROM people WHERE People_id NOT IN (SELECT Affirmative FROM debate_people)
List the names of people that have not been on the affirmative side of debates.
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE "people" ( "People_ID" int, "District" text, "Name" text, "Party" text, "Age" int, PRIMARY KEY ("People_ID") ); CREATE TABLE "debate" ( "Debate_ID" int, "Date" text, "Venue" text, "Num_of_Audience" int, PRIMARY KEY ("Debate_ID") ); CREATE TABLE "debate_people" ( "Debate_ID" int, "Affirmative" int, "Negative" int, "If_Affirmative_Win" bool, PRIMARY KEY ("Debate_ID","Affirmative","Negative"), FOREIGN KEY ("Debate_ID") REFERENCES `debate`("Debate_ID"), FOREIGN KEY ("Affirmative") REFERENCES `people`("People_ID"), FOREIGN KEY ("Negative") REFERENCES `people`("People_ID") ); INSERT INTO "people" VALUES (1,"New York 1","Luther C. Carter","Republican",35); INSERT INTO "debate" VALUES (1,"October 21, 2011","Manama , Bahrain",342); INSERT INTO "debate_people" VALUES (1,1,10,"F");
SELECT customer_details FROM customers ORDER BY customer_details
List the names of all the customers in alphabetical order.
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE Customers ( Customer_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Customer_Details VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Customer_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Staff ( Staff_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Staff_Details VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Staff_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Policies ( Policy_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Customer_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Policy_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Start_Date DATETIME, End_Date DATETIME, PRIMARY KEY (Policy_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Customer_ID) REFERENCES Customers (Customer_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claim_Headers ( Claim_Header_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_Status_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Claim_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Policy_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Date_of_Claim DATETIME, Date_of_Settlement DATETIME, Amount_Claimed DECIMAL(20,4), Amount_Piad DECIMAL(20,4), PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Policy_ID) REFERENCES Policies (Policy_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Documents ( Claim_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Document_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Created_by_Staff_ID INTEGER, Created_Date INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_ID, Document_Type_Code), FOREIGN KEY (Claim_ID) REFERENCES Claim_Headers (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Created_by_Staff_ID) REFERENCES Staff (Staff_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Processing_Stages ( Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Next_Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER, Claim_Status_Name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, Claim_Status_Description VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Stage_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Processing ( Claim_Processing_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_Outcome_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Staff_ID INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Processing_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Claim_ID) REFERENCES Claim_Headers (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Staff_ID) REFERENCES Staff (Staff_ID) ); INSERT INTO `Customers` (`Customer_ID`, `Customer_Details`) VALUES (252, 'America Jaskolski')INSERT INTO `Policies` (`Policy_ID`, `Customer_ID`, `Policy_Type_Code`, `Start_Date`, `End_Date`) VALUES (125, 808, 'Deputy', '2018-02-10 08:56:30', '2018-03-18 09:17:26')INSERT INTO `Staff` (`Staff_ID`, `Staff_Details`) VALUES (406, 'Clifton')INSERT INTO `Claim_Headers` (`Claim_Header_ID`, `Claim_Status_Code`, `Claim_Type_Code`, `Policy_ID`, `Date_of_Claim`, `Date_of_Settlement`, `Amount_Claimed`, `Amount_Piad`) VALUES (15, 'Settled', 'Handphone Subsidy', 518, '2016-05-31 06:07:11', '2018-02-23 03:46:38', '349.1500', '582.0300')INSERT INTO `Claims_Documents` (`Claim_ID`, `Document_Type_Code`, `Created_by_Staff_ID`, `Created_Date`) VALUES (24, 'Document', 718, 8)INSERT INTO `Claims_Processing_Stages` (`Claim_Stage_ID`, `Next_Claim_Stage_ID`, `Claim_Status_Name`, `Claim_Status_Description`) VALUES (1, 1, 'Open', 'Open a new claim')INSERT INTO `Claims_Processing` (`Claim_Processing_ID`, `Claim_ID`, `Claim_Outcome_Code`, `Claim_Stage_ID`, `Staff_ID`) VALUES (118, 28, 'In progress', 1, 771)
SELECT customer_details FROM customers ORDER BY customer_details
Sort the customer names in alphabetical order.
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE Customers ( Customer_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Customer_Details VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Customer_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Staff ( Staff_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Staff_Details VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Staff_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Policies ( Policy_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Customer_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Policy_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Start_Date DATETIME, End_Date DATETIME, PRIMARY KEY (Policy_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Customer_ID) REFERENCES Customers (Customer_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claim_Headers ( Claim_Header_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_Status_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Claim_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Policy_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Date_of_Claim DATETIME, Date_of_Settlement DATETIME, Amount_Claimed DECIMAL(20,4), Amount_Piad DECIMAL(20,4), PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Policy_ID) REFERENCES Policies (Policy_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Documents ( Claim_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Document_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Created_by_Staff_ID INTEGER, Created_Date INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_ID, Document_Type_Code), FOREIGN KEY (Claim_ID) REFERENCES Claim_Headers (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Created_by_Staff_ID) REFERENCES Staff (Staff_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Processing_Stages ( Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Next_Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER, Claim_Status_Name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, Claim_Status_Description VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Stage_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Processing ( Claim_Processing_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_Outcome_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Staff_ID INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Processing_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Claim_ID) REFERENCES Claim_Headers (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Staff_ID) REFERENCES Staff (Staff_ID) ); INSERT INTO `Customers` (`Customer_ID`, `Customer_Details`) VALUES (252, 'America Jaskolski')INSERT INTO `Policies` (`Policy_ID`, `Customer_ID`, `Policy_Type_Code`, `Start_Date`, `End_Date`) VALUES (125, 808, 'Deputy', '2018-02-10 08:56:30', '2018-03-18 09:17:26')INSERT INTO `Staff` (`Staff_ID`, `Staff_Details`) VALUES (406, 'Clifton')INSERT INTO `Claim_Headers` (`Claim_Header_ID`, `Claim_Status_Code`, `Claim_Type_Code`, `Policy_ID`, `Date_of_Claim`, `Date_of_Settlement`, `Amount_Claimed`, `Amount_Piad`) VALUES (15, 'Settled', 'Handphone Subsidy', 518, '2016-05-31 06:07:11', '2018-02-23 03:46:38', '349.1500', '582.0300')INSERT INTO `Claims_Documents` (`Claim_ID`, `Document_Type_Code`, `Created_by_Staff_ID`, `Created_Date`) VALUES (24, 'Document', 718, 8)INSERT INTO `Claims_Processing_Stages` (`Claim_Stage_ID`, `Next_Claim_Stage_ID`, `Claim_Status_Name`, `Claim_Status_Description`) VALUES (1, 1, 'Open', 'Open a new claim')INSERT INTO `Claims_Processing` (`Claim_Processing_ID`, `Claim_ID`, `Claim_Outcome_Code`, `Claim_Stage_ID`, `Staff_ID`) VALUES (118, 28, 'In progress', 1, 771)
SELECT policy_type_code FROM policies AS t1 JOIN customers AS t2 ON t1.customer_id = t2.customer_id WHERE t2.customer_details = "Dayana Robel"
Find all the policy type codes associated with the customer "Dayana Robel"
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE Customers ( Customer_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Customer_Details VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Customer_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Staff ( Staff_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Staff_Details VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Staff_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Policies ( Policy_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Customer_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Policy_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Start_Date DATETIME, End_Date DATETIME, PRIMARY KEY (Policy_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Customer_ID) REFERENCES Customers (Customer_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claim_Headers ( Claim_Header_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_Status_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Claim_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Policy_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Date_of_Claim DATETIME, Date_of_Settlement DATETIME, Amount_Claimed DECIMAL(20,4), Amount_Piad DECIMAL(20,4), PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Policy_ID) REFERENCES Policies (Policy_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Documents ( Claim_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Document_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Created_by_Staff_ID INTEGER, Created_Date INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_ID, Document_Type_Code), FOREIGN KEY (Claim_ID) REFERENCES Claim_Headers (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Created_by_Staff_ID) REFERENCES Staff (Staff_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Processing_Stages ( Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Next_Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER, Claim_Status_Name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, Claim_Status_Description VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Stage_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Processing ( Claim_Processing_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_Outcome_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Staff_ID INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Processing_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Claim_ID) REFERENCES Claim_Headers (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Staff_ID) REFERENCES Staff (Staff_ID) ); INSERT INTO `Customers` (`Customer_ID`, `Customer_Details`) VALUES (252, 'America Jaskolski')INSERT INTO `Policies` (`Policy_ID`, `Customer_ID`, `Policy_Type_Code`, `Start_Date`, `End_Date`) VALUES (125, 808, 'Deputy', '2018-02-10 08:56:30', '2018-03-18 09:17:26')INSERT INTO `Staff` (`Staff_ID`, `Staff_Details`) VALUES (406, 'Clifton')INSERT INTO `Claim_Headers` (`Claim_Header_ID`, `Claim_Status_Code`, `Claim_Type_Code`, `Policy_ID`, `Date_of_Claim`, `Date_of_Settlement`, `Amount_Claimed`, `Amount_Piad`) VALUES (15, 'Settled', 'Handphone Subsidy', 518, '2016-05-31 06:07:11', '2018-02-23 03:46:38', '349.1500', '582.0300')INSERT INTO `Claims_Documents` (`Claim_ID`, `Document_Type_Code`, `Created_by_Staff_ID`, `Created_Date`) VALUES (24, 'Document', 718, 8)INSERT INTO `Claims_Processing_Stages` (`Claim_Stage_ID`, `Next_Claim_Stage_ID`, `Claim_Status_Name`, `Claim_Status_Description`) VALUES (1, 1, 'Open', 'Open a new claim')INSERT INTO `Claims_Processing` (`Claim_Processing_ID`, `Claim_ID`, `Claim_Outcome_Code`, `Claim_Stage_ID`, `Staff_ID`) VALUES (118, 28, 'In progress', 1, 771)
SELECT policy_type_code FROM policies AS t1 JOIN customers AS t2 ON t1.customer_id = t2.customer_id WHERE t2.customer_details = "Dayana Robel"
What are the type codes of the policies used by the customer "Dayana Robel"?
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE Customers ( Customer_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Customer_Details VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Customer_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Staff ( Staff_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Staff_Details VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Staff_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Policies ( Policy_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Customer_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Policy_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Start_Date DATETIME, End_Date DATETIME, PRIMARY KEY (Policy_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Customer_ID) REFERENCES Customers (Customer_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claim_Headers ( Claim_Header_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_Status_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Claim_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Policy_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Date_of_Claim DATETIME, Date_of_Settlement DATETIME, Amount_Claimed DECIMAL(20,4), Amount_Piad DECIMAL(20,4), PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Policy_ID) REFERENCES Policies (Policy_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Documents ( Claim_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Document_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Created_by_Staff_ID INTEGER, Created_Date INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_ID, Document_Type_Code), FOREIGN KEY (Claim_ID) REFERENCES Claim_Headers (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Created_by_Staff_ID) REFERENCES Staff (Staff_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Processing_Stages ( Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Next_Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER, Claim_Status_Name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, Claim_Status_Description VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Stage_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Processing ( Claim_Processing_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_Outcome_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Staff_ID INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Processing_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Claim_ID) REFERENCES Claim_Headers (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Staff_ID) REFERENCES Staff (Staff_ID) ); INSERT INTO `Customers` (`Customer_ID`, `Customer_Details`) VALUES (252, 'America Jaskolski')INSERT INTO `Policies` (`Policy_ID`, `Customer_ID`, `Policy_Type_Code`, `Start_Date`, `End_Date`) VALUES (125, 808, 'Deputy', '2018-02-10 08:56:30', '2018-03-18 09:17:26')INSERT INTO `Staff` (`Staff_ID`, `Staff_Details`) VALUES (406, 'Clifton')INSERT INTO `Claim_Headers` (`Claim_Header_ID`, `Claim_Status_Code`, `Claim_Type_Code`, `Policy_ID`, `Date_of_Claim`, `Date_of_Settlement`, `Amount_Claimed`, `Amount_Piad`) VALUES (15, 'Settled', 'Handphone Subsidy', 518, '2016-05-31 06:07:11', '2018-02-23 03:46:38', '349.1500', '582.0300')INSERT INTO `Claims_Documents` (`Claim_ID`, `Document_Type_Code`, `Created_by_Staff_ID`, `Created_Date`) VALUES (24, 'Document', 718, 8)INSERT INTO `Claims_Processing_Stages` (`Claim_Stage_ID`, `Next_Claim_Stage_ID`, `Claim_Status_Name`, `Claim_Status_Description`) VALUES (1, 1, 'Open', 'Open a new claim')INSERT INTO `Claims_Processing` (`Claim_Processing_ID`, `Claim_ID`, `Claim_Outcome_Code`, `Claim_Stage_ID`, `Staff_ID`) VALUES (118, 28, 'In progress', 1, 771)
SELECT policy_type_code FROM policies GROUP BY policy_type_code ORDER BY count(*) DESC LIMIT 1
Which type of policy is most frequently used? Give me the policy type code.
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE Customers ( Customer_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Customer_Details VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Customer_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Staff ( Staff_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Staff_Details VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Staff_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Policies ( Policy_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Customer_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Policy_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Start_Date DATETIME, End_Date DATETIME, PRIMARY KEY (Policy_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Customer_ID) REFERENCES Customers (Customer_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claim_Headers ( Claim_Header_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_Status_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Claim_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Policy_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Date_of_Claim DATETIME, Date_of_Settlement DATETIME, Amount_Claimed DECIMAL(20,4), Amount_Piad DECIMAL(20,4), PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Policy_ID) REFERENCES Policies (Policy_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Documents ( Claim_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Document_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Created_by_Staff_ID INTEGER, Created_Date INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_ID, Document_Type_Code), FOREIGN KEY (Claim_ID) REFERENCES Claim_Headers (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Created_by_Staff_ID) REFERENCES Staff (Staff_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Processing_Stages ( Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Next_Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER, Claim_Status_Name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, Claim_Status_Description VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Stage_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Processing ( Claim_Processing_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_Outcome_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Staff_ID INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Processing_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Claim_ID) REFERENCES Claim_Headers (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Staff_ID) REFERENCES Staff (Staff_ID) ); INSERT INTO `Customers` (`Customer_ID`, `Customer_Details`) VALUES (252, 'America Jaskolski')INSERT INTO `Policies` (`Policy_ID`, `Customer_ID`, `Policy_Type_Code`, `Start_Date`, `End_Date`) VALUES (125, 808, 'Deputy', '2018-02-10 08:56:30', '2018-03-18 09:17:26')INSERT INTO `Staff` (`Staff_ID`, `Staff_Details`) VALUES (406, 'Clifton')INSERT INTO `Claim_Headers` (`Claim_Header_ID`, `Claim_Status_Code`, `Claim_Type_Code`, `Policy_ID`, `Date_of_Claim`, `Date_of_Settlement`, `Amount_Claimed`, `Amount_Piad`) VALUES (15, 'Settled', 'Handphone Subsidy', 518, '2016-05-31 06:07:11', '2018-02-23 03:46:38', '349.1500', '582.0300')INSERT INTO `Claims_Documents` (`Claim_ID`, `Document_Type_Code`, `Created_by_Staff_ID`, `Created_Date`) VALUES (24, 'Document', 718, 8)INSERT INTO `Claims_Processing_Stages` (`Claim_Stage_ID`, `Next_Claim_Stage_ID`, `Claim_Status_Name`, `Claim_Status_Description`) VALUES (1, 1, 'Open', 'Open a new claim')INSERT INTO `Claims_Processing` (`Claim_Processing_ID`, `Claim_ID`, `Claim_Outcome_Code`, `Claim_Stage_ID`, `Staff_ID`) VALUES (118, 28, 'In progress', 1, 771)
SELECT policy_type_code FROM policies GROUP BY policy_type_code ORDER BY count(*) DESC LIMIT 1
Find the type code of the most frequently used policy.
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE Customers ( Customer_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Customer_Details VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Customer_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Staff ( Staff_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Staff_Details VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Staff_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Policies ( Policy_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Customer_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Policy_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Start_Date DATETIME, End_Date DATETIME, PRIMARY KEY (Policy_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Customer_ID) REFERENCES Customers (Customer_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claim_Headers ( Claim_Header_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_Status_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Claim_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Policy_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Date_of_Claim DATETIME, Date_of_Settlement DATETIME, Amount_Claimed DECIMAL(20,4), Amount_Piad DECIMAL(20,4), PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Policy_ID) REFERENCES Policies (Policy_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Documents ( Claim_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Document_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Created_by_Staff_ID INTEGER, Created_Date INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_ID, Document_Type_Code), FOREIGN KEY (Claim_ID) REFERENCES Claim_Headers (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Created_by_Staff_ID) REFERENCES Staff (Staff_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Processing_Stages ( Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Next_Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER, Claim_Status_Name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, Claim_Status_Description VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Stage_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Processing ( Claim_Processing_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_Outcome_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Staff_ID INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Processing_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Claim_ID) REFERENCES Claim_Headers (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Staff_ID) REFERENCES Staff (Staff_ID) ); INSERT INTO `Customers` (`Customer_ID`, `Customer_Details`) VALUES (252, 'America Jaskolski')INSERT INTO `Policies` (`Policy_ID`, `Customer_ID`, `Policy_Type_Code`, `Start_Date`, `End_Date`) VALUES (125, 808, 'Deputy', '2018-02-10 08:56:30', '2018-03-18 09:17:26')INSERT INTO `Staff` (`Staff_ID`, `Staff_Details`) VALUES (406, 'Clifton')INSERT INTO `Claim_Headers` (`Claim_Header_ID`, `Claim_Status_Code`, `Claim_Type_Code`, `Policy_ID`, `Date_of_Claim`, `Date_of_Settlement`, `Amount_Claimed`, `Amount_Piad`) VALUES (15, 'Settled', 'Handphone Subsidy', 518, '2016-05-31 06:07:11', '2018-02-23 03:46:38', '349.1500', '582.0300')INSERT INTO `Claims_Documents` (`Claim_ID`, `Document_Type_Code`, `Created_by_Staff_ID`, `Created_Date`) VALUES (24, 'Document', 718, 8)INSERT INTO `Claims_Processing_Stages` (`Claim_Stage_ID`, `Next_Claim_Stage_ID`, `Claim_Status_Name`, `Claim_Status_Description`) VALUES (1, 1, 'Open', 'Open a new claim')INSERT INTO `Claims_Processing` (`Claim_Processing_ID`, `Claim_ID`, `Claim_Outcome_Code`, `Claim_Stage_ID`, `Staff_ID`) VALUES (118, 28, 'In progress', 1, 771)
SELECT policy_type_code FROM policies GROUP BY policy_type_code HAVING count(*) > 2
Find all the policy types that are used by more than 2 customers.
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE Customers ( Customer_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Customer_Details VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Customer_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Staff ( Staff_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Staff_Details VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Staff_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Policies ( Policy_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Customer_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Policy_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Start_Date DATETIME, End_Date DATETIME, PRIMARY KEY (Policy_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Customer_ID) REFERENCES Customers (Customer_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claim_Headers ( Claim_Header_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_Status_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Claim_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Policy_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Date_of_Claim DATETIME, Date_of_Settlement DATETIME, Amount_Claimed DECIMAL(20,4), Amount_Piad DECIMAL(20,4), PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Policy_ID) REFERENCES Policies (Policy_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Documents ( Claim_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Document_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Created_by_Staff_ID INTEGER, Created_Date INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_ID, Document_Type_Code), FOREIGN KEY (Claim_ID) REFERENCES Claim_Headers (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Created_by_Staff_ID) REFERENCES Staff (Staff_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Processing_Stages ( Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Next_Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER, Claim_Status_Name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, Claim_Status_Description VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Stage_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Processing ( Claim_Processing_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_Outcome_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Staff_ID INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Processing_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Claim_ID) REFERENCES Claim_Headers (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Staff_ID) REFERENCES Staff (Staff_ID) ); INSERT INTO `Customers` (`Customer_ID`, `Customer_Details`) VALUES (252, 'America Jaskolski')INSERT INTO `Policies` (`Policy_ID`, `Customer_ID`, `Policy_Type_Code`, `Start_Date`, `End_Date`) VALUES (125, 808, 'Deputy', '2018-02-10 08:56:30', '2018-03-18 09:17:26')INSERT INTO `Staff` (`Staff_ID`, `Staff_Details`) VALUES (406, 'Clifton')INSERT INTO `Claim_Headers` (`Claim_Header_ID`, `Claim_Status_Code`, `Claim_Type_Code`, `Policy_ID`, `Date_of_Claim`, `Date_of_Settlement`, `Amount_Claimed`, `Amount_Piad`) VALUES (15, 'Settled', 'Handphone Subsidy', 518, '2016-05-31 06:07:11', '2018-02-23 03:46:38', '349.1500', '582.0300')INSERT INTO `Claims_Documents` (`Claim_ID`, `Document_Type_Code`, `Created_by_Staff_ID`, `Created_Date`) VALUES (24, 'Document', 718, 8)INSERT INTO `Claims_Processing_Stages` (`Claim_Stage_ID`, `Next_Claim_Stage_ID`, `Claim_Status_Name`, `Claim_Status_Description`) VALUES (1, 1, 'Open', 'Open a new claim')INSERT INTO `Claims_Processing` (`Claim_Processing_ID`, `Claim_ID`, `Claim_Outcome_Code`, `Claim_Stage_ID`, `Staff_ID`) VALUES (118, 28, 'In progress', 1, 771)
SELECT policy_type_code FROM policies GROUP BY policy_type_code HAVING count(*) > 2
Which types of policy are chosen by more than 2 customers? Give me the policy type codes.
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE Customers ( Customer_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Customer_Details VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Customer_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Staff ( Staff_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Staff_Details VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Staff_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Policies ( Policy_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Customer_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Policy_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Start_Date DATETIME, End_Date DATETIME, PRIMARY KEY (Policy_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Customer_ID) REFERENCES Customers (Customer_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claim_Headers ( Claim_Header_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_Status_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Claim_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Policy_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Date_of_Claim DATETIME, Date_of_Settlement DATETIME, Amount_Claimed DECIMAL(20,4), Amount_Piad DECIMAL(20,4), PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Policy_ID) REFERENCES Policies (Policy_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Documents ( Claim_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Document_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Created_by_Staff_ID INTEGER, Created_Date INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_ID, Document_Type_Code), FOREIGN KEY (Claim_ID) REFERENCES Claim_Headers (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Created_by_Staff_ID) REFERENCES Staff (Staff_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Processing_Stages ( Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Next_Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER, Claim_Status_Name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, Claim_Status_Description VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Stage_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Processing ( Claim_Processing_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_Outcome_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Staff_ID INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Processing_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Claim_ID) REFERENCES Claim_Headers (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Staff_ID) REFERENCES Staff (Staff_ID) ); INSERT INTO `Customers` (`Customer_ID`, `Customer_Details`) VALUES (252, 'America Jaskolski')INSERT INTO `Policies` (`Policy_ID`, `Customer_ID`, `Policy_Type_Code`, `Start_Date`, `End_Date`) VALUES (125, 808, 'Deputy', '2018-02-10 08:56:30', '2018-03-18 09:17:26')INSERT INTO `Staff` (`Staff_ID`, `Staff_Details`) VALUES (406, 'Clifton')INSERT INTO `Claim_Headers` (`Claim_Header_ID`, `Claim_Status_Code`, `Claim_Type_Code`, `Policy_ID`, `Date_of_Claim`, `Date_of_Settlement`, `Amount_Claimed`, `Amount_Piad`) VALUES (15, 'Settled', 'Handphone Subsidy', 518, '2016-05-31 06:07:11', '2018-02-23 03:46:38', '349.1500', '582.0300')INSERT INTO `Claims_Documents` (`Claim_ID`, `Document_Type_Code`, `Created_by_Staff_ID`, `Created_Date`) VALUES (24, 'Document', 718, 8)INSERT INTO `Claims_Processing_Stages` (`Claim_Stage_ID`, `Next_Claim_Stage_ID`, `Claim_Status_Name`, `Claim_Status_Description`) VALUES (1, 1, 'Open', 'Open a new claim')INSERT INTO `Claims_Processing` (`Claim_Processing_ID`, `Claim_ID`, `Claim_Outcome_Code`, `Claim_Stage_ID`, `Staff_ID`) VALUES (118, 28, 'In progress', 1, 771)
SELECT sum(amount_piad) , avg(amount_piad) FROM claim_headers
Find the total and average amount paid in claim headers.
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE Customers ( Customer_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Customer_Details VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Customer_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Staff ( Staff_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Staff_Details VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Staff_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Policies ( Policy_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Customer_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Policy_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Start_Date DATETIME, End_Date DATETIME, PRIMARY KEY (Policy_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Customer_ID) REFERENCES Customers (Customer_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claim_Headers ( Claim_Header_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_Status_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Claim_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Policy_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Date_of_Claim DATETIME, Date_of_Settlement DATETIME, Amount_Claimed DECIMAL(20,4), Amount_Piad DECIMAL(20,4), PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Policy_ID) REFERENCES Policies (Policy_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Documents ( Claim_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Document_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Created_by_Staff_ID INTEGER, Created_Date INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_ID, Document_Type_Code), FOREIGN KEY (Claim_ID) REFERENCES Claim_Headers (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Created_by_Staff_ID) REFERENCES Staff (Staff_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Processing_Stages ( Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Next_Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER, Claim_Status_Name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, Claim_Status_Description VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Stage_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Processing ( Claim_Processing_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_Outcome_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Staff_ID INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Processing_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Claim_ID) REFERENCES Claim_Headers (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Staff_ID) REFERENCES Staff (Staff_ID) ); INSERT INTO `Customers` (`Customer_ID`, `Customer_Details`) VALUES (252, 'America Jaskolski')INSERT INTO `Policies` (`Policy_ID`, `Customer_ID`, `Policy_Type_Code`, `Start_Date`, `End_Date`) VALUES (125, 808, 'Deputy', '2018-02-10 08:56:30', '2018-03-18 09:17:26')INSERT INTO `Staff` (`Staff_ID`, `Staff_Details`) VALUES (406, 'Clifton')INSERT INTO `Claim_Headers` (`Claim_Header_ID`, `Claim_Status_Code`, `Claim_Type_Code`, `Policy_ID`, `Date_of_Claim`, `Date_of_Settlement`, `Amount_Claimed`, `Amount_Piad`) VALUES (15, 'Settled', 'Handphone Subsidy', 518, '2016-05-31 06:07:11', '2018-02-23 03:46:38', '349.1500', '582.0300')INSERT INTO `Claims_Documents` (`Claim_ID`, `Document_Type_Code`, `Created_by_Staff_ID`, `Created_Date`) VALUES (24, 'Document', 718, 8)INSERT INTO `Claims_Processing_Stages` (`Claim_Stage_ID`, `Next_Claim_Stage_ID`, `Claim_Status_Name`, `Claim_Status_Description`) VALUES (1, 1, 'Open', 'Open a new claim')INSERT INTO `Claims_Processing` (`Claim_Processing_ID`, `Claim_ID`, `Claim_Outcome_Code`, `Claim_Stage_ID`, `Staff_ID`) VALUES (118, 28, 'In progress', 1, 771)
SELECT sum(amount_piad) , avg(amount_piad) FROM claim_headers
What are the total amount and average amount paid in claim headers?
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE Customers ( Customer_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Customer_Details VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Customer_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Staff ( Staff_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Staff_Details VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Staff_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Policies ( Policy_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Customer_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Policy_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Start_Date DATETIME, End_Date DATETIME, PRIMARY KEY (Policy_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Customer_ID) REFERENCES Customers (Customer_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claim_Headers ( Claim_Header_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_Status_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Claim_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Policy_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Date_of_Claim DATETIME, Date_of_Settlement DATETIME, Amount_Claimed DECIMAL(20,4), Amount_Piad DECIMAL(20,4), PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Policy_ID) REFERENCES Policies (Policy_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Documents ( Claim_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Document_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Created_by_Staff_ID INTEGER, Created_Date INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_ID, Document_Type_Code), FOREIGN KEY (Claim_ID) REFERENCES Claim_Headers (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Created_by_Staff_ID) REFERENCES Staff (Staff_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Processing_Stages ( Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Next_Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER, Claim_Status_Name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, Claim_Status_Description VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Stage_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Processing ( Claim_Processing_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_Outcome_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Staff_ID INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Processing_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Claim_ID) REFERENCES Claim_Headers (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Staff_ID) REFERENCES Staff (Staff_ID) ); INSERT INTO `Customers` (`Customer_ID`, `Customer_Details`) VALUES (252, 'America Jaskolski')INSERT INTO `Policies` (`Policy_ID`, `Customer_ID`, `Policy_Type_Code`, `Start_Date`, `End_Date`) VALUES (125, 808, 'Deputy', '2018-02-10 08:56:30', '2018-03-18 09:17:26')INSERT INTO `Staff` (`Staff_ID`, `Staff_Details`) VALUES (406, 'Clifton')INSERT INTO `Claim_Headers` (`Claim_Header_ID`, `Claim_Status_Code`, `Claim_Type_Code`, `Policy_ID`, `Date_of_Claim`, `Date_of_Settlement`, `Amount_Claimed`, `Amount_Piad`) VALUES (15, 'Settled', 'Handphone Subsidy', 518, '2016-05-31 06:07:11', '2018-02-23 03:46:38', '349.1500', '582.0300')INSERT INTO `Claims_Documents` (`Claim_ID`, `Document_Type_Code`, `Created_by_Staff_ID`, `Created_Date`) VALUES (24, 'Document', 718, 8)INSERT INTO `Claims_Processing_Stages` (`Claim_Stage_ID`, `Next_Claim_Stage_ID`, `Claim_Status_Name`, `Claim_Status_Description`) VALUES (1, 1, 'Open', 'Open a new claim')INSERT INTO `Claims_Processing` (`Claim_Processing_ID`, `Claim_ID`, `Claim_Outcome_Code`, `Claim_Stage_ID`, `Staff_ID`) VALUES (118, 28, 'In progress', 1, 771)
SELECT sum(t1.amount_claimed) FROM claim_headers AS t1 JOIN claims_documents AS t2 ON t1.claim_header_id = t2.claim_id WHERE t2.created_date = (SELECT created_date FROM claims_documents ORDER BY created_date LIMIT 1)
Find the total amount claimed in the most recently created document.
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE Customers ( Customer_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Customer_Details VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Customer_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Staff ( Staff_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Staff_Details VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Staff_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Policies ( Policy_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Customer_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Policy_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Start_Date DATETIME, End_Date DATETIME, PRIMARY KEY (Policy_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Customer_ID) REFERENCES Customers (Customer_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claim_Headers ( Claim_Header_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_Status_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Claim_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Policy_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Date_of_Claim DATETIME, Date_of_Settlement DATETIME, Amount_Claimed DECIMAL(20,4), Amount_Piad DECIMAL(20,4), PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Policy_ID) REFERENCES Policies (Policy_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Documents ( Claim_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Document_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Created_by_Staff_ID INTEGER, Created_Date INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_ID, Document_Type_Code), FOREIGN KEY (Claim_ID) REFERENCES Claim_Headers (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Created_by_Staff_ID) REFERENCES Staff (Staff_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Processing_Stages ( Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Next_Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER, Claim_Status_Name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, Claim_Status_Description VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Stage_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Processing ( Claim_Processing_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_Outcome_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Staff_ID INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Processing_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Claim_ID) REFERENCES Claim_Headers (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Staff_ID) REFERENCES Staff (Staff_ID) ); INSERT INTO `Customers` (`Customer_ID`, `Customer_Details`) VALUES (252, 'America Jaskolski')INSERT INTO `Policies` (`Policy_ID`, `Customer_ID`, `Policy_Type_Code`, `Start_Date`, `End_Date`) VALUES (125, 808, 'Deputy', '2018-02-10 08:56:30', '2018-03-18 09:17:26')INSERT INTO `Staff` (`Staff_ID`, `Staff_Details`) VALUES (406, 'Clifton')INSERT INTO `Claim_Headers` (`Claim_Header_ID`, `Claim_Status_Code`, `Claim_Type_Code`, `Policy_ID`, `Date_of_Claim`, `Date_of_Settlement`, `Amount_Claimed`, `Amount_Piad`) VALUES (15, 'Settled', 'Handphone Subsidy', 518, '2016-05-31 06:07:11', '2018-02-23 03:46:38', '349.1500', '582.0300')INSERT INTO `Claims_Documents` (`Claim_ID`, `Document_Type_Code`, `Created_by_Staff_ID`, `Created_Date`) VALUES (24, 'Document', 718, 8)INSERT INTO `Claims_Processing_Stages` (`Claim_Stage_ID`, `Next_Claim_Stage_ID`, `Claim_Status_Name`, `Claim_Status_Description`) VALUES (1, 1, 'Open', 'Open a new claim')INSERT INTO `Claims_Processing` (`Claim_Processing_ID`, `Claim_ID`, `Claim_Outcome_Code`, `Claim_Stage_ID`, `Staff_ID`) VALUES (118, 28, 'In progress', 1, 771)
SELECT sum(t1.amount_claimed) FROM claim_headers AS t1 JOIN claims_documents AS t2 ON t1.claim_header_id = t2.claim_id WHERE t2.created_date = (SELECT created_date FROM claims_documents ORDER BY created_date LIMIT 1)
How much amount in total were claimed in the most recently created document?
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE Customers ( Customer_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Customer_Details VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Customer_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Staff ( Staff_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Staff_Details VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Staff_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Policies ( Policy_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Customer_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Policy_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Start_Date DATETIME, End_Date DATETIME, PRIMARY KEY (Policy_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Customer_ID) REFERENCES Customers (Customer_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claim_Headers ( Claim_Header_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_Status_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Claim_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Policy_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Date_of_Claim DATETIME, Date_of_Settlement DATETIME, Amount_Claimed DECIMAL(20,4), Amount_Piad DECIMAL(20,4), PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Policy_ID) REFERENCES Policies (Policy_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Documents ( Claim_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Document_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Created_by_Staff_ID INTEGER, Created_Date INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_ID, Document_Type_Code), FOREIGN KEY (Claim_ID) REFERENCES Claim_Headers (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Created_by_Staff_ID) REFERENCES Staff (Staff_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Processing_Stages ( Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Next_Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER, Claim_Status_Name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, Claim_Status_Description VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Stage_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Processing ( Claim_Processing_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_Outcome_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Staff_ID INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Processing_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Claim_ID) REFERENCES Claim_Headers (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Staff_ID) REFERENCES Staff (Staff_ID) ); INSERT INTO `Customers` (`Customer_ID`, `Customer_Details`) VALUES (252, 'America Jaskolski')INSERT INTO `Policies` (`Policy_ID`, `Customer_ID`, `Policy_Type_Code`, `Start_Date`, `End_Date`) VALUES (125, 808, 'Deputy', '2018-02-10 08:56:30', '2018-03-18 09:17:26')INSERT INTO `Staff` (`Staff_ID`, `Staff_Details`) VALUES (406, 'Clifton')INSERT INTO `Claim_Headers` (`Claim_Header_ID`, `Claim_Status_Code`, `Claim_Type_Code`, `Policy_ID`, `Date_of_Claim`, `Date_of_Settlement`, `Amount_Claimed`, `Amount_Piad`) VALUES (15, 'Settled', 'Handphone Subsidy', 518, '2016-05-31 06:07:11', '2018-02-23 03:46:38', '349.1500', '582.0300')INSERT INTO `Claims_Documents` (`Claim_ID`, `Document_Type_Code`, `Created_by_Staff_ID`, `Created_Date`) VALUES (24, 'Document', 718, 8)INSERT INTO `Claims_Processing_Stages` (`Claim_Stage_ID`, `Next_Claim_Stage_ID`, `Claim_Status_Name`, `Claim_Status_Description`) VALUES (1, 1, 'Open', 'Open a new claim')INSERT INTO `Claims_Processing` (`Claim_Processing_ID`, `Claim_ID`, `Claim_Outcome_Code`, `Claim_Stage_ID`, `Staff_ID`) VALUES (118, 28, 'In progress', 1, 771)
SELECT t3.customer_details FROM claim_headers AS t1 JOIN policies AS t2 ON t1.policy_id = t2.policy_id JOIN customers AS t3 ON t2.customer_id = t3.customer_id WHERE t1.amount_claimed = (SELECT max(amount_claimed) FROM claim_headers)
What is the name of the customer who has made the largest amount of claim in a single claim?
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE Customers ( Customer_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Customer_Details VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Customer_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Staff ( Staff_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Staff_Details VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Staff_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Policies ( Policy_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Customer_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Policy_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Start_Date DATETIME, End_Date DATETIME, PRIMARY KEY (Policy_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Customer_ID) REFERENCES Customers (Customer_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claim_Headers ( Claim_Header_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_Status_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Claim_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Policy_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Date_of_Claim DATETIME, Date_of_Settlement DATETIME, Amount_Claimed DECIMAL(20,4), Amount_Piad DECIMAL(20,4), PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Policy_ID) REFERENCES Policies (Policy_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Documents ( Claim_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Document_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Created_by_Staff_ID INTEGER, Created_Date INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_ID, Document_Type_Code), FOREIGN KEY (Claim_ID) REFERENCES Claim_Headers (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Created_by_Staff_ID) REFERENCES Staff (Staff_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Processing_Stages ( Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Next_Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER, Claim_Status_Name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, Claim_Status_Description VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Stage_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Processing ( Claim_Processing_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_Outcome_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Staff_ID INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Processing_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Claim_ID) REFERENCES Claim_Headers (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Staff_ID) REFERENCES Staff (Staff_ID) ); INSERT INTO `Customers` (`Customer_ID`, `Customer_Details`) VALUES (252, 'America Jaskolski')INSERT INTO `Policies` (`Policy_ID`, `Customer_ID`, `Policy_Type_Code`, `Start_Date`, `End_Date`) VALUES (125, 808, 'Deputy', '2018-02-10 08:56:30', '2018-03-18 09:17:26')INSERT INTO `Staff` (`Staff_ID`, `Staff_Details`) VALUES (406, 'Clifton')INSERT INTO `Claim_Headers` (`Claim_Header_ID`, `Claim_Status_Code`, `Claim_Type_Code`, `Policy_ID`, `Date_of_Claim`, `Date_of_Settlement`, `Amount_Claimed`, `Amount_Piad`) VALUES (15, 'Settled', 'Handphone Subsidy', 518, '2016-05-31 06:07:11', '2018-02-23 03:46:38', '349.1500', '582.0300')INSERT INTO `Claims_Documents` (`Claim_ID`, `Document_Type_Code`, `Created_by_Staff_ID`, `Created_Date`) VALUES (24, 'Document', 718, 8)INSERT INTO `Claims_Processing_Stages` (`Claim_Stage_ID`, `Next_Claim_Stage_ID`, `Claim_Status_Name`, `Claim_Status_Description`) VALUES (1, 1, 'Open', 'Open a new claim')INSERT INTO `Claims_Processing` (`Claim_Processing_ID`, `Claim_ID`, `Claim_Outcome_Code`, `Claim_Stage_ID`, `Staff_ID`) VALUES (118, 28, 'In progress', 1, 771)
SELECT t3.customer_details FROM claim_headers AS t1 JOIN policies AS t2 ON t1.policy_id = t2.policy_id JOIN customers AS t3 ON t2.customer_id = t3.customer_id WHERE t1.amount_claimed = (SELECT max(amount_claimed) FROM claim_headers)
Which customer made the largest amount of claim in a single claim? Return the customer details.
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE Customers ( Customer_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Customer_Details VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Customer_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Staff ( Staff_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Staff_Details VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Staff_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Policies ( Policy_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Customer_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Policy_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Start_Date DATETIME, End_Date DATETIME, PRIMARY KEY (Policy_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Customer_ID) REFERENCES Customers (Customer_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claim_Headers ( Claim_Header_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_Status_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Claim_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Policy_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Date_of_Claim DATETIME, Date_of_Settlement DATETIME, Amount_Claimed DECIMAL(20,4), Amount_Piad DECIMAL(20,4), PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Policy_ID) REFERENCES Policies (Policy_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Documents ( Claim_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Document_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Created_by_Staff_ID INTEGER, Created_Date INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_ID, Document_Type_Code), FOREIGN KEY (Claim_ID) REFERENCES Claim_Headers (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Created_by_Staff_ID) REFERENCES Staff (Staff_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Processing_Stages ( Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Next_Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER, Claim_Status_Name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, Claim_Status_Description VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Stage_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Processing ( Claim_Processing_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_Outcome_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Staff_ID INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Processing_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Claim_ID) REFERENCES Claim_Headers (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Staff_ID) REFERENCES Staff (Staff_ID) ); INSERT INTO `Customers` (`Customer_ID`, `Customer_Details`) VALUES (252, 'America Jaskolski')INSERT INTO `Policies` (`Policy_ID`, `Customer_ID`, `Policy_Type_Code`, `Start_Date`, `End_Date`) VALUES (125, 808, 'Deputy', '2018-02-10 08:56:30', '2018-03-18 09:17:26')INSERT INTO `Staff` (`Staff_ID`, `Staff_Details`) VALUES (406, 'Clifton')INSERT INTO `Claim_Headers` (`Claim_Header_ID`, `Claim_Status_Code`, `Claim_Type_Code`, `Policy_ID`, `Date_of_Claim`, `Date_of_Settlement`, `Amount_Claimed`, `Amount_Piad`) VALUES (15, 'Settled', 'Handphone Subsidy', 518, '2016-05-31 06:07:11', '2018-02-23 03:46:38', '349.1500', '582.0300')INSERT INTO `Claims_Documents` (`Claim_ID`, `Document_Type_Code`, `Created_by_Staff_ID`, `Created_Date`) VALUES (24, 'Document', 718, 8)INSERT INTO `Claims_Processing_Stages` (`Claim_Stage_ID`, `Next_Claim_Stage_ID`, `Claim_Status_Name`, `Claim_Status_Description`) VALUES (1, 1, 'Open', 'Open a new claim')INSERT INTO `Claims_Processing` (`Claim_Processing_ID`, `Claim_ID`, `Claim_Outcome_Code`, `Claim_Stage_ID`, `Staff_ID`) VALUES (118, 28, 'In progress', 1, 771)
SELECT t3.customer_details FROM claim_headers AS t1 JOIN policies AS t2 ON t1.policy_id = t2.policy_id JOIN customers AS t3 ON t2.customer_id = t3.customer_id WHERE t1.amount_piad = (SELECT min(amount_piad) FROM claim_headers)
What is the name of the customer who has made the minimum amount of payment in one claim?
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE Customers ( Customer_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Customer_Details VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Customer_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Staff ( Staff_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Staff_Details VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Staff_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Policies ( Policy_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Customer_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Policy_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Start_Date DATETIME, End_Date DATETIME, PRIMARY KEY (Policy_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Customer_ID) REFERENCES Customers (Customer_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claim_Headers ( Claim_Header_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_Status_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Claim_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Policy_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Date_of_Claim DATETIME, Date_of_Settlement DATETIME, Amount_Claimed DECIMAL(20,4), Amount_Piad DECIMAL(20,4), PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Policy_ID) REFERENCES Policies (Policy_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Documents ( Claim_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Document_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Created_by_Staff_ID INTEGER, Created_Date INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_ID, Document_Type_Code), FOREIGN KEY (Claim_ID) REFERENCES Claim_Headers (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Created_by_Staff_ID) REFERENCES Staff (Staff_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Processing_Stages ( Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Next_Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER, Claim_Status_Name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, Claim_Status_Description VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Stage_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Processing ( Claim_Processing_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_Outcome_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Staff_ID INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Processing_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Claim_ID) REFERENCES Claim_Headers (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Staff_ID) REFERENCES Staff (Staff_ID) ); INSERT INTO `Customers` (`Customer_ID`, `Customer_Details`) VALUES (252, 'America Jaskolski')INSERT INTO `Policies` (`Policy_ID`, `Customer_ID`, `Policy_Type_Code`, `Start_Date`, `End_Date`) VALUES (125, 808, 'Deputy', '2018-02-10 08:56:30', '2018-03-18 09:17:26')INSERT INTO `Staff` (`Staff_ID`, `Staff_Details`) VALUES (406, 'Clifton')INSERT INTO `Claim_Headers` (`Claim_Header_ID`, `Claim_Status_Code`, `Claim_Type_Code`, `Policy_ID`, `Date_of_Claim`, `Date_of_Settlement`, `Amount_Claimed`, `Amount_Piad`) VALUES (15, 'Settled', 'Handphone Subsidy', 518, '2016-05-31 06:07:11', '2018-02-23 03:46:38', '349.1500', '582.0300')INSERT INTO `Claims_Documents` (`Claim_ID`, `Document_Type_Code`, `Created_by_Staff_ID`, `Created_Date`) VALUES (24, 'Document', 718, 8)INSERT INTO `Claims_Processing_Stages` (`Claim_Stage_ID`, `Next_Claim_Stage_ID`, `Claim_Status_Name`, `Claim_Status_Description`) VALUES (1, 1, 'Open', 'Open a new claim')INSERT INTO `Claims_Processing` (`Claim_Processing_ID`, `Claim_ID`, `Claim_Outcome_Code`, `Claim_Stage_ID`, `Staff_ID`) VALUES (118, 28, 'In progress', 1, 771)
SELECT t3.customer_details FROM claim_headers AS t1 JOIN policies AS t2 ON t1.policy_id = t2.policy_id JOIN customers AS t3 ON t2.customer_id = t3.customer_id WHERE t1.amount_piad = (SELECT min(amount_piad) FROM claim_headers)
Which customer made the smallest amount of claim in one claim? Return the customer details.
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE Customers ( Customer_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Customer_Details VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Customer_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Staff ( Staff_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Staff_Details VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Staff_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Policies ( Policy_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Customer_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Policy_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Start_Date DATETIME, End_Date DATETIME, PRIMARY KEY (Policy_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Customer_ID) REFERENCES Customers (Customer_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claim_Headers ( Claim_Header_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_Status_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Claim_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Policy_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Date_of_Claim DATETIME, Date_of_Settlement DATETIME, Amount_Claimed DECIMAL(20,4), Amount_Piad DECIMAL(20,4), PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Policy_ID) REFERENCES Policies (Policy_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Documents ( Claim_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Document_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Created_by_Staff_ID INTEGER, Created_Date INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_ID, Document_Type_Code), FOREIGN KEY (Claim_ID) REFERENCES Claim_Headers (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Created_by_Staff_ID) REFERENCES Staff (Staff_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Processing_Stages ( Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Next_Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER, Claim_Status_Name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, Claim_Status_Description VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Stage_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Processing ( Claim_Processing_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_Outcome_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Staff_ID INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Processing_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Claim_ID) REFERENCES Claim_Headers (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Staff_ID) REFERENCES Staff (Staff_ID) ); INSERT INTO `Customers` (`Customer_ID`, `Customer_Details`) VALUES (252, 'America Jaskolski')INSERT INTO `Policies` (`Policy_ID`, `Customer_ID`, `Policy_Type_Code`, `Start_Date`, `End_Date`) VALUES (125, 808, 'Deputy', '2018-02-10 08:56:30', '2018-03-18 09:17:26')INSERT INTO `Staff` (`Staff_ID`, `Staff_Details`) VALUES (406, 'Clifton')INSERT INTO `Claim_Headers` (`Claim_Header_ID`, `Claim_Status_Code`, `Claim_Type_Code`, `Policy_ID`, `Date_of_Claim`, `Date_of_Settlement`, `Amount_Claimed`, `Amount_Piad`) VALUES (15, 'Settled', 'Handphone Subsidy', 518, '2016-05-31 06:07:11', '2018-02-23 03:46:38', '349.1500', '582.0300')INSERT INTO `Claims_Documents` (`Claim_ID`, `Document_Type_Code`, `Created_by_Staff_ID`, `Created_Date`) VALUES (24, 'Document', 718, 8)INSERT INTO `Claims_Processing_Stages` (`Claim_Stage_ID`, `Next_Claim_Stage_ID`, `Claim_Status_Name`, `Claim_Status_Description`) VALUES (1, 1, 'Open', 'Open a new claim')INSERT INTO `Claims_Processing` (`Claim_Processing_ID`, `Claim_ID`, `Claim_Outcome_Code`, `Claim_Stage_ID`, `Staff_ID`) VALUES (118, 28, 'In progress', 1, 771)
SELECT customer_details FROM customers EXCEPT SELECT t2.customer_details FROM policies AS t1 JOIN customers AS t2 ON t1.customer_id = t2.customer_id
Find the names of customers who have no policies associated.
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE Customers ( Customer_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Customer_Details VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Customer_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Staff ( Staff_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Staff_Details VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Staff_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Policies ( Policy_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Customer_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Policy_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Start_Date DATETIME, End_Date DATETIME, PRIMARY KEY (Policy_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Customer_ID) REFERENCES Customers (Customer_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claim_Headers ( Claim_Header_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_Status_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Claim_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Policy_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Date_of_Claim DATETIME, Date_of_Settlement DATETIME, Amount_Claimed DECIMAL(20,4), Amount_Piad DECIMAL(20,4), PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Policy_ID) REFERENCES Policies (Policy_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Documents ( Claim_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Document_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Created_by_Staff_ID INTEGER, Created_Date INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_ID, Document_Type_Code), FOREIGN KEY (Claim_ID) REFERENCES Claim_Headers (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Created_by_Staff_ID) REFERENCES Staff (Staff_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Processing_Stages ( Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Next_Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER, Claim_Status_Name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, Claim_Status_Description VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Stage_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Processing ( Claim_Processing_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_Outcome_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Staff_ID INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Processing_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Claim_ID) REFERENCES Claim_Headers (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Staff_ID) REFERENCES Staff (Staff_ID) ); INSERT INTO `Customers` (`Customer_ID`, `Customer_Details`) VALUES (252, 'America Jaskolski')INSERT INTO `Policies` (`Policy_ID`, `Customer_ID`, `Policy_Type_Code`, `Start_Date`, `End_Date`) VALUES (125, 808, 'Deputy', '2018-02-10 08:56:30', '2018-03-18 09:17:26')INSERT INTO `Staff` (`Staff_ID`, `Staff_Details`) VALUES (406, 'Clifton')INSERT INTO `Claim_Headers` (`Claim_Header_ID`, `Claim_Status_Code`, `Claim_Type_Code`, `Policy_ID`, `Date_of_Claim`, `Date_of_Settlement`, `Amount_Claimed`, `Amount_Piad`) VALUES (15, 'Settled', 'Handphone Subsidy', 518, '2016-05-31 06:07:11', '2018-02-23 03:46:38', '349.1500', '582.0300')INSERT INTO `Claims_Documents` (`Claim_ID`, `Document_Type_Code`, `Created_by_Staff_ID`, `Created_Date`) VALUES (24, 'Document', 718, 8)INSERT INTO `Claims_Processing_Stages` (`Claim_Stage_ID`, `Next_Claim_Stage_ID`, `Claim_Status_Name`, `Claim_Status_Description`) VALUES (1, 1, 'Open', 'Open a new claim')INSERT INTO `Claims_Processing` (`Claim_Processing_ID`, `Claim_ID`, `Claim_Outcome_Code`, `Claim_Stage_ID`, `Staff_ID`) VALUES (118, 28, 'In progress', 1, 771)
SELECT customer_details FROM customers EXCEPT SELECT t2.customer_details FROM policies AS t1 JOIN customers AS t2 ON t1.customer_id = t2.customer_id
What are the names of customers who do not have any policies?
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE Customers ( Customer_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Customer_Details VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Customer_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Staff ( Staff_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Staff_Details VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Staff_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Policies ( Policy_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Customer_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Policy_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Start_Date DATETIME, End_Date DATETIME, PRIMARY KEY (Policy_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Customer_ID) REFERENCES Customers (Customer_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claim_Headers ( Claim_Header_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_Status_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Claim_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Policy_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Date_of_Claim DATETIME, Date_of_Settlement DATETIME, Amount_Claimed DECIMAL(20,4), Amount_Piad DECIMAL(20,4), PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Policy_ID) REFERENCES Policies (Policy_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Documents ( Claim_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Document_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Created_by_Staff_ID INTEGER, Created_Date INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_ID, Document_Type_Code), FOREIGN KEY (Claim_ID) REFERENCES Claim_Headers (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Created_by_Staff_ID) REFERENCES Staff (Staff_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Processing_Stages ( Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Next_Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER, Claim_Status_Name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, Claim_Status_Description VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Stage_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Processing ( Claim_Processing_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_Outcome_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Staff_ID INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Processing_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Claim_ID) REFERENCES Claim_Headers (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Staff_ID) REFERENCES Staff (Staff_ID) ); INSERT INTO `Customers` (`Customer_ID`, `Customer_Details`) VALUES (252, 'America Jaskolski')INSERT INTO `Policies` (`Policy_ID`, `Customer_ID`, `Policy_Type_Code`, `Start_Date`, `End_Date`) VALUES (125, 808, 'Deputy', '2018-02-10 08:56:30', '2018-03-18 09:17:26')INSERT INTO `Staff` (`Staff_ID`, `Staff_Details`) VALUES (406, 'Clifton')INSERT INTO `Claim_Headers` (`Claim_Header_ID`, `Claim_Status_Code`, `Claim_Type_Code`, `Policy_ID`, `Date_of_Claim`, `Date_of_Settlement`, `Amount_Claimed`, `Amount_Piad`) VALUES (15, 'Settled', 'Handphone Subsidy', 518, '2016-05-31 06:07:11', '2018-02-23 03:46:38', '349.1500', '582.0300')INSERT INTO `Claims_Documents` (`Claim_ID`, `Document_Type_Code`, `Created_by_Staff_ID`, `Created_Date`) VALUES (24, 'Document', 718, 8)INSERT INTO `Claims_Processing_Stages` (`Claim_Stage_ID`, `Next_Claim_Stage_ID`, `Claim_Status_Name`, `Claim_Status_Description`) VALUES (1, 1, 'Open', 'Open a new claim')INSERT INTO `Claims_Processing` (`Claim_Processing_ID`, `Claim_ID`, `Claim_Outcome_Code`, `Claim_Stage_ID`, `Staff_ID`) VALUES (118, 28, 'In progress', 1, 771)
SELECT count(*) FROM claims_processing_stages
How many claim processing stages are there in total?
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE Customers ( Customer_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Customer_Details VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Customer_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Staff ( Staff_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Staff_Details VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Staff_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Policies ( Policy_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Customer_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Policy_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Start_Date DATETIME, End_Date DATETIME, PRIMARY KEY (Policy_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Customer_ID) REFERENCES Customers (Customer_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claim_Headers ( Claim_Header_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_Status_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Claim_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Policy_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Date_of_Claim DATETIME, Date_of_Settlement DATETIME, Amount_Claimed DECIMAL(20,4), Amount_Piad DECIMAL(20,4), PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Policy_ID) REFERENCES Policies (Policy_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Documents ( Claim_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Document_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Created_by_Staff_ID INTEGER, Created_Date INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_ID, Document_Type_Code), FOREIGN KEY (Claim_ID) REFERENCES Claim_Headers (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Created_by_Staff_ID) REFERENCES Staff (Staff_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Processing_Stages ( Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Next_Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER, Claim_Status_Name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, Claim_Status_Description VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Stage_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Processing ( Claim_Processing_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_Outcome_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Staff_ID INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Processing_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Claim_ID) REFERENCES Claim_Headers (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Staff_ID) REFERENCES Staff (Staff_ID) ); INSERT INTO `Customers` (`Customer_ID`, `Customer_Details`) VALUES (252, 'America Jaskolski')INSERT INTO `Policies` (`Policy_ID`, `Customer_ID`, `Policy_Type_Code`, `Start_Date`, `End_Date`) VALUES (125, 808, 'Deputy', '2018-02-10 08:56:30', '2018-03-18 09:17:26')INSERT INTO `Staff` (`Staff_ID`, `Staff_Details`) VALUES (406, 'Clifton')INSERT INTO `Claim_Headers` (`Claim_Header_ID`, `Claim_Status_Code`, `Claim_Type_Code`, `Policy_ID`, `Date_of_Claim`, `Date_of_Settlement`, `Amount_Claimed`, `Amount_Piad`) VALUES (15, 'Settled', 'Handphone Subsidy', 518, '2016-05-31 06:07:11', '2018-02-23 03:46:38', '349.1500', '582.0300')INSERT INTO `Claims_Documents` (`Claim_ID`, `Document_Type_Code`, `Created_by_Staff_ID`, `Created_Date`) VALUES (24, 'Document', 718, 8)INSERT INTO `Claims_Processing_Stages` (`Claim_Stage_ID`, `Next_Claim_Stage_ID`, `Claim_Status_Name`, `Claim_Status_Description`) VALUES (1, 1, 'Open', 'Open a new claim')INSERT INTO `Claims_Processing` (`Claim_Processing_ID`, `Claim_ID`, `Claim_Outcome_Code`, `Claim_Stage_ID`, `Staff_ID`) VALUES (118, 28, 'In progress', 1, 771)
SELECT count(*) FROM claims_processing_stages
Find the number of distinct stages in claim processing.
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE Customers ( Customer_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Customer_Details VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Customer_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Staff ( Staff_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Staff_Details VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Staff_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Policies ( Policy_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Customer_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Policy_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Start_Date DATETIME, End_Date DATETIME, PRIMARY KEY (Policy_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Customer_ID) REFERENCES Customers (Customer_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claim_Headers ( Claim_Header_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_Status_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Claim_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Policy_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Date_of_Claim DATETIME, Date_of_Settlement DATETIME, Amount_Claimed DECIMAL(20,4), Amount_Piad DECIMAL(20,4), PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Policy_ID) REFERENCES Policies (Policy_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Documents ( Claim_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Document_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Created_by_Staff_ID INTEGER, Created_Date INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_ID, Document_Type_Code), FOREIGN KEY (Claim_ID) REFERENCES Claim_Headers (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Created_by_Staff_ID) REFERENCES Staff (Staff_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Processing_Stages ( Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Next_Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER, Claim_Status_Name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, Claim_Status_Description VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Stage_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Processing ( Claim_Processing_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_Outcome_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Staff_ID INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Processing_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Claim_ID) REFERENCES Claim_Headers (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Staff_ID) REFERENCES Staff (Staff_ID) ); INSERT INTO `Customers` (`Customer_ID`, `Customer_Details`) VALUES (252, 'America Jaskolski')INSERT INTO `Policies` (`Policy_ID`, `Customer_ID`, `Policy_Type_Code`, `Start_Date`, `End_Date`) VALUES (125, 808, 'Deputy', '2018-02-10 08:56:30', '2018-03-18 09:17:26')INSERT INTO `Staff` (`Staff_ID`, `Staff_Details`) VALUES (406, 'Clifton')INSERT INTO `Claim_Headers` (`Claim_Header_ID`, `Claim_Status_Code`, `Claim_Type_Code`, `Policy_ID`, `Date_of_Claim`, `Date_of_Settlement`, `Amount_Claimed`, `Amount_Piad`) VALUES (15, 'Settled', 'Handphone Subsidy', 518, '2016-05-31 06:07:11', '2018-02-23 03:46:38', '349.1500', '582.0300')INSERT INTO `Claims_Documents` (`Claim_ID`, `Document_Type_Code`, `Created_by_Staff_ID`, `Created_Date`) VALUES (24, 'Document', 718, 8)INSERT INTO `Claims_Processing_Stages` (`Claim_Stage_ID`, `Next_Claim_Stage_ID`, `Claim_Status_Name`, `Claim_Status_Description`) VALUES (1, 1, 'Open', 'Open a new claim')INSERT INTO `Claims_Processing` (`Claim_Processing_ID`, `Claim_ID`, `Claim_Outcome_Code`, `Claim_Stage_ID`, `Staff_ID`) VALUES (118, 28, 'In progress', 1, 771)
SELECT t2.claim_status_name FROM claims_processing AS t1 JOIN claims_processing_stages AS t2 ON t1.claim_stage_id = t2.claim_stage_id GROUP BY t1.claim_stage_id ORDER BY count(*) DESC LIMIT 1
What is the name of the claim processing stage that most of the claims are on?
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE Customers ( Customer_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Customer_Details VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Customer_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Staff ( Staff_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Staff_Details VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Staff_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Policies ( Policy_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Customer_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Policy_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Start_Date DATETIME, End_Date DATETIME, PRIMARY KEY (Policy_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Customer_ID) REFERENCES Customers (Customer_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claim_Headers ( Claim_Header_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_Status_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Claim_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Policy_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Date_of_Claim DATETIME, Date_of_Settlement DATETIME, Amount_Claimed DECIMAL(20,4), Amount_Piad DECIMAL(20,4), PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Policy_ID) REFERENCES Policies (Policy_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Documents ( Claim_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Document_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Created_by_Staff_ID INTEGER, Created_Date INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_ID, Document_Type_Code), FOREIGN KEY (Claim_ID) REFERENCES Claim_Headers (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Created_by_Staff_ID) REFERENCES Staff (Staff_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Processing_Stages ( Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Next_Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER, Claim_Status_Name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, Claim_Status_Description VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Stage_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Processing ( Claim_Processing_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_Outcome_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Staff_ID INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Processing_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Claim_ID) REFERENCES Claim_Headers (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Staff_ID) REFERENCES Staff (Staff_ID) ); INSERT INTO `Customers` (`Customer_ID`, `Customer_Details`) VALUES (252, 'America Jaskolski')INSERT INTO `Policies` (`Policy_ID`, `Customer_ID`, `Policy_Type_Code`, `Start_Date`, `End_Date`) VALUES (125, 808, 'Deputy', '2018-02-10 08:56:30', '2018-03-18 09:17:26')INSERT INTO `Staff` (`Staff_ID`, `Staff_Details`) VALUES (406, 'Clifton')INSERT INTO `Claim_Headers` (`Claim_Header_ID`, `Claim_Status_Code`, `Claim_Type_Code`, `Policy_ID`, `Date_of_Claim`, `Date_of_Settlement`, `Amount_Claimed`, `Amount_Piad`) VALUES (15, 'Settled', 'Handphone Subsidy', 518, '2016-05-31 06:07:11', '2018-02-23 03:46:38', '349.1500', '582.0300')INSERT INTO `Claims_Documents` (`Claim_ID`, `Document_Type_Code`, `Created_by_Staff_ID`, `Created_Date`) VALUES (24, 'Document', 718, 8)INSERT INTO `Claims_Processing_Stages` (`Claim_Stage_ID`, `Next_Claim_Stage_ID`, `Claim_Status_Name`, `Claim_Status_Description`) VALUES (1, 1, 'Open', 'Open a new claim')INSERT INTO `Claims_Processing` (`Claim_Processing_ID`, `Claim_ID`, `Claim_Outcome_Code`, `Claim_Stage_ID`, `Staff_ID`) VALUES (118, 28, 'In progress', 1, 771)
SELECT t2.claim_status_name FROM claims_processing AS t1 JOIN claims_processing_stages AS t2 ON t1.claim_stage_id = t2.claim_stage_id GROUP BY t1.claim_stage_id ORDER BY count(*) DESC LIMIT 1
Which claim processing stage has the most claims? Show the claim status name.
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE Customers ( Customer_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Customer_Details VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Customer_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Staff ( Staff_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Staff_Details VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Staff_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Policies ( Policy_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Customer_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Policy_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Start_Date DATETIME, End_Date DATETIME, PRIMARY KEY (Policy_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Customer_ID) REFERENCES Customers (Customer_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claim_Headers ( Claim_Header_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_Status_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Claim_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Policy_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Date_of_Claim DATETIME, Date_of_Settlement DATETIME, Amount_Claimed DECIMAL(20,4), Amount_Piad DECIMAL(20,4), PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Policy_ID) REFERENCES Policies (Policy_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Documents ( Claim_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Document_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Created_by_Staff_ID INTEGER, Created_Date INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_ID, Document_Type_Code), FOREIGN KEY (Claim_ID) REFERENCES Claim_Headers (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Created_by_Staff_ID) REFERENCES Staff (Staff_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Processing_Stages ( Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Next_Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER, Claim_Status_Name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, Claim_Status_Description VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Stage_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Processing ( Claim_Processing_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_Outcome_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Staff_ID INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Processing_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Claim_ID) REFERENCES Claim_Headers (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Staff_ID) REFERENCES Staff (Staff_ID) ); INSERT INTO `Customers` (`Customer_ID`, `Customer_Details`) VALUES (252, 'America Jaskolski')INSERT INTO `Policies` (`Policy_ID`, `Customer_ID`, `Policy_Type_Code`, `Start_Date`, `End_Date`) VALUES (125, 808, 'Deputy', '2018-02-10 08:56:30', '2018-03-18 09:17:26')INSERT INTO `Staff` (`Staff_ID`, `Staff_Details`) VALUES (406, 'Clifton')INSERT INTO `Claim_Headers` (`Claim_Header_ID`, `Claim_Status_Code`, `Claim_Type_Code`, `Policy_ID`, `Date_of_Claim`, `Date_of_Settlement`, `Amount_Claimed`, `Amount_Piad`) VALUES (15, 'Settled', 'Handphone Subsidy', 518, '2016-05-31 06:07:11', '2018-02-23 03:46:38', '349.1500', '582.0300')INSERT INTO `Claims_Documents` (`Claim_ID`, `Document_Type_Code`, `Created_by_Staff_ID`, `Created_Date`) VALUES (24, 'Document', 718, 8)INSERT INTO `Claims_Processing_Stages` (`Claim_Stage_ID`, `Next_Claim_Stage_ID`, `Claim_Status_Name`, `Claim_Status_Description`) VALUES (1, 1, 'Open', 'Open a new claim')INSERT INTO `Claims_Processing` (`Claim_Processing_ID`, `Claim_ID`, `Claim_Outcome_Code`, `Claim_Stage_ID`, `Staff_ID`) VALUES (118, 28, 'In progress', 1, 771)
SELECT customer_details FROM customers WHERE customer_details LIKE "%Diana%"
Find the names of customers whose name contains "Diana".
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE Customers ( Customer_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Customer_Details VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Customer_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Staff ( Staff_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Staff_Details VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Staff_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Policies ( Policy_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Customer_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Policy_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Start_Date DATETIME, End_Date DATETIME, PRIMARY KEY (Policy_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Customer_ID) REFERENCES Customers (Customer_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claim_Headers ( Claim_Header_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_Status_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Claim_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Policy_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Date_of_Claim DATETIME, Date_of_Settlement DATETIME, Amount_Claimed DECIMAL(20,4), Amount_Piad DECIMAL(20,4), PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Policy_ID) REFERENCES Policies (Policy_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Documents ( Claim_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Document_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Created_by_Staff_ID INTEGER, Created_Date INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_ID, Document_Type_Code), FOREIGN KEY (Claim_ID) REFERENCES Claim_Headers (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Created_by_Staff_ID) REFERENCES Staff (Staff_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Processing_Stages ( Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Next_Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER, Claim_Status_Name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, Claim_Status_Description VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Stage_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Processing ( Claim_Processing_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_Outcome_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Staff_ID INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Processing_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Claim_ID) REFERENCES Claim_Headers (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Staff_ID) REFERENCES Staff (Staff_ID) ); INSERT INTO `Customers` (`Customer_ID`, `Customer_Details`) VALUES (252, 'America Jaskolski')INSERT INTO `Policies` (`Policy_ID`, `Customer_ID`, `Policy_Type_Code`, `Start_Date`, `End_Date`) VALUES (125, 808, 'Deputy', '2018-02-10 08:56:30', '2018-03-18 09:17:26')INSERT INTO `Staff` (`Staff_ID`, `Staff_Details`) VALUES (406, 'Clifton')INSERT INTO `Claim_Headers` (`Claim_Header_ID`, `Claim_Status_Code`, `Claim_Type_Code`, `Policy_ID`, `Date_of_Claim`, `Date_of_Settlement`, `Amount_Claimed`, `Amount_Piad`) VALUES (15, 'Settled', 'Handphone Subsidy', 518, '2016-05-31 06:07:11', '2018-02-23 03:46:38', '349.1500', '582.0300')INSERT INTO `Claims_Documents` (`Claim_ID`, `Document_Type_Code`, `Created_by_Staff_ID`, `Created_Date`) VALUES (24, 'Document', 718, 8)INSERT INTO `Claims_Processing_Stages` (`Claim_Stage_ID`, `Next_Claim_Stage_ID`, `Claim_Status_Name`, `Claim_Status_Description`) VALUES (1, 1, 'Open', 'Open a new claim')INSERT INTO `Claims_Processing` (`Claim_Processing_ID`, `Claim_ID`, `Claim_Outcome_Code`, `Claim_Stage_ID`, `Staff_ID`) VALUES (118, 28, 'In progress', 1, 771)
SELECT customer_details FROM customers WHERE customer_details LIKE "%Diana%"
Which customers have the substring "Diana" in their names? Return the customer details.
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE Customers ( Customer_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Customer_Details VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Customer_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Staff ( Staff_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Staff_Details VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Staff_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Policies ( Policy_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Customer_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Policy_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Start_Date DATETIME, End_Date DATETIME, PRIMARY KEY (Policy_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Customer_ID) REFERENCES Customers (Customer_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claim_Headers ( Claim_Header_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_Status_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Claim_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Policy_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Date_of_Claim DATETIME, Date_of_Settlement DATETIME, Amount_Claimed DECIMAL(20,4), Amount_Piad DECIMAL(20,4), PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Policy_ID) REFERENCES Policies (Policy_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Documents ( Claim_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Document_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Created_by_Staff_ID INTEGER, Created_Date INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_ID, Document_Type_Code), FOREIGN KEY (Claim_ID) REFERENCES Claim_Headers (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Created_by_Staff_ID) REFERENCES Staff (Staff_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Processing_Stages ( Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Next_Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER, Claim_Status_Name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, Claim_Status_Description VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Stage_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Processing ( Claim_Processing_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_Outcome_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Staff_ID INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Processing_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Claim_ID) REFERENCES Claim_Headers (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Staff_ID) REFERENCES Staff (Staff_ID) ); INSERT INTO `Customers` (`Customer_ID`, `Customer_Details`) VALUES (252, 'America Jaskolski')INSERT INTO `Policies` (`Policy_ID`, `Customer_ID`, `Policy_Type_Code`, `Start_Date`, `End_Date`) VALUES (125, 808, 'Deputy', '2018-02-10 08:56:30', '2018-03-18 09:17:26')INSERT INTO `Staff` (`Staff_ID`, `Staff_Details`) VALUES (406, 'Clifton')INSERT INTO `Claim_Headers` (`Claim_Header_ID`, `Claim_Status_Code`, `Claim_Type_Code`, `Policy_ID`, `Date_of_Claim`, `Date_of_Settlement`, `Amount_Claimed`, `Amount_Piad`) VALUES (15, 'Settled', 'Handphone Subsidy', 518, '2016-05-31 06:07:11', '2018-02-23 03:46:38', '349.1500', '582.0300')INSERT INTO `Claims_Documents` (`Claim_ID`, `Document_Type_Code`, `Created_by_Staff_ID`, `Created_Date`) VALUES (24, 'Document', 718, 8)INSERT INTO `Claims_Processing_Stages` (`Claim_Stage_ID`, `Next_Claim_Stage_ID`, `Claim_Status_Name`, `Claim_Status_Description`) VALUES (1, 1, 'Open', 'Open a new claim')INSERT INTO `Claims_Processing` (`Claim_Processing_ID`, `Claim_ID`, `Claim_Outcome_Code`, `Claim_Stage_ID`, `Staff_ID`) VALUES (118, 28, 'In progress', 1, 771)
SELECT DISTINCT t2.customer_details FROM policies AS t1 JOIN customers AS t2 ON t1.customer_id = t2.customer_id WHERE t1.policy_type_code = "Deputy"
Find the names of the customers who have an deputy policy.
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE Customers ( Customer_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Customer_Details VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Customer_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Staff ( Staff_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Staff_Details VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Staff_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Policies ( Policy_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Customer_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Policy_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Start_Date DATETIME, End_Date DATETIME, PRIMARY KEY (Policy_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Customer_ID) REFERENCES Customers (Customer_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claim_Headers ( Claim_Header_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_Status_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Claim_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Policy_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Date_of_Claim DATETIME, Date_of_Settlement DATETIME, Amount_Claimed DECIMAL(20,4), Amount_Piad DECIMAL(20,4), PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Policy_ID) REFERENCES Policies (Policy_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Documents ( Claim_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Document_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Created_by_Staff_ID INTEGER, Created_Date INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_ID, Document_Type_Code), FOREIGN KEY (Claim_ID) REFERENCES Claim_Headers (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Created_by_Staff_ID) REFERENCES Staff (Staff_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Processing_Stages ( Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Next_Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER, Claim_Status_Name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, Claim_Status_Description VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Stage_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Processing ( Claim_Processing_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_Outcome_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Staff_ID INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Processing_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Claim_ID) REFERENCES Claim_Headers (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Staff_ID) REFERENCES Staff (Staff_ID) ); INSERT INTO `Customers` (`Customer_ID`, `Customer_Details`) VALUES (252, 'America Jaskolski')INSERT INTO `Policies` (`Policy_ID`, `Customer_ID`, `Policy_Type_Code`, `Start_Date`, `End_Date`) VALUES (125, 808, 'Deputy', '2018-02-10 08:56:30', '2018-03-18 09:17:26')INSERT INTO `Staff` (`Staff_ID`, `Staff_Details`) VALUES (406, 'Clifton')INSERT INTO `Claim_Headers` (`Claim_Header_ID`, `Claim_Status_Code`, `Claim_Type_Code`, `Policy_ID`, `Date_of_Claim`, `Date_of_Settlement`, `Amount_Claimed`, `Amount_Piad`) VALUES (15, 'Settled', 'Handphone Subsidy', 518, '2016-05-31 06:07:11', '2018-02-23 03:46:38', '349.1500', '582.0300')INSERT INTO `Claims_Documents` (`Claim_ID`, `Document_Type_Code`, `Created_by_Staff_ID`, `Created_Date`) VALUES (24, 'Document', 718, 8)INSERT INTO `Claims_Processing_Stages` (`Claim_Stage_ID`, `Next_Claim_Stage_ID`, `Claim_Status_Name`, `Claim_Status_Description`) VALUES (1, 1, 'Open', 'Open a new claim')INSERT INTO `Claims_Processing` (`Claim_Processing_ID`, `Claim_ID`, `Claim_Outcome_Code`, `Claim_Stage_ID`, `Staff_ID`) VALUES (118, 28, 'In progress', 1, 771)
SELECT DISTINCT t2.customer_details FROM policies AS t1 JOIN customers AS t2 ON t1.customer_id = t2.customer_id WHERE t1.policy_type_code = "Deputy"
Which customers have an insurance policy with the type code "Deputy"? Give me the customer details.
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE Customers ( Customer_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Customer_Details VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Customer_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Staff ( Staff_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Staff_Details VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Staff_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Policies ( Policy_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Customer_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Policy_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Start_Date DATETIME, End_Date DATETIME, PRIMARY KEY (Policy_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Customer_ID) REFERENCES Customers (Customer_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claim_Headers ( Claim_Header_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_Status_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Claim_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Policy_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Date_of_Claim DATETIME, Date_of_Settlement DATETIME, Amount_Claimed DECIMAL(20,4), Amount_Piad DECIMAL(20,4), PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Policy_ID) REFERENCES Policies (Policy_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Documents ( Claim_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Document_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Created_by_Staff_ID INTEGER, Created_Date INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_ID, Document_Type_Code), FOREIGN KEY (Claim_ID) REFERENCES Claim_Headers (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Created_by_Staff_ID) REFERENCES Staff (Staff_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Processing_Stages ( Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Next_Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER, Claim_Status_Name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, Claim_Status_Description VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Stage_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Processing ( Claim_Processing_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_Outcome_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Staff_ID INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Processing_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Claim_ID) REFERENCES Claim_Headers (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Staff_ID) REFERENCES Staff (Staff_ID) ); INSERT INTO `Customers` (`Customer_ID`, `Customer_Details`) VALUES (252, 'America Jaskolski')INSERT INTO `Policies` (`Policy_ID`, `Customer_ID`, `Policy_Type_Code`, `Start_Date`, `End_Date`) VALUES (125, 808, 'Deputy', '2018-02-10 08:56:30', '2018-03-18 09:17:26')INSERT INTO `Staff` (`Staff_ID`, `Staff_Details`) VALUES (406, 'Clifton')INSERT INTO `Claim_Headers` (`Claim_Header_ID`, `Claim_Status_Code`, `Claim_Type_Code`, `Policy_ID`, `Date_of_Claim`, `Date_of_Settlement`, `Amount_Claimed`, `Amount_Piad`) VALUES (15, 'Settled', 'Handphone Subsidy', 518, '2016-05-31 06:07:11', '2018-02-23 03:46:38', '349.1500', '582.0300')INSERT INTO `Claims_Documents` (`Claim_ID`, `Document_Type_Code`, `Created_by_Staff_ID`, `Created_Date`) VALUES (24, 'Document', 718, 8)INSERT INTO `Claims_Processing_Stages` (`Claim_Stage_ID`, `Next_Claim_Stage_ID`, `Claim_Status_Name`, `Claim_Status_Description`) VALUES (1, 1, 'Open', 'Open a new claim')INSERT INTO `Claims_Processing` (`Claim_Processing_ID`, `Claim_ID`, `Claim_Outcome_Code`, `Claim_Stage_ID`, `Staff_ID`) VALUES (118, 28, 'In progress', 1, 771)
SELECT DISTINCT t2.customer_details FROM policies AS t1 JOIN customers AS t2 ON t1.customer_id = t2.customer_id WHERE t1.policy_type_code = "Deputy" OR t1.policy_type_code = "Uniform"
Find the names of customers who either have an deputy policy or uniformed policy.
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE Customers ( Customer_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Customer_Details VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Customer_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Staff ( Staff_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Staff_Details VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Staff_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Policies ( Policy_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Customer_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Policy_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Start_Date DATETIME, End_Date DATETIME, PRIMARY KEY (Policy_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Customer_ID) REFERENCES Customers (Customer_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claim_Headers ( Claim_Header_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_Status_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Claim_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Policy_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Date_of_Claim DATETIME, Date_of_Settlement DATETIME, Amount_Claimed DECIMAL(20,4), Amount_Piad DECIMAL(20,4), PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Policy_ID) REFERENCES Policies (Policy_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Documents ( Claim_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Document_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Created_by_Staff_ID INTEGER, Created_Date INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_ID, Document_Type_Code), FOREIGN KEY (Claim_ID) REFERENCES Claim_Headers (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Created_by_Staff_ID) REFERENCES Staff (Staff_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Processing_Stages ( Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Next_Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER, Claim_Status_Name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, Claim_Status_Description VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Stage_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Processing ( Claim_Processing_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_Outcome_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Staff_ID INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Processing_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Claim_ID) REFERENCES Claim_Headers (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Staff_ID) REFERENCES Staff (Staff_ID) ); INSERT INTO `Customers` (`Customer_ID`, `Customer_Details`) VALUES (252, 'America Jaskolski')INSERT INTO `Policies` (`Policy_ID`, `Customer_ID`, `Policy_Type_Code`, `Start_Date`, `End_Date`) VALUES (125, 808, 'Deputy', '2018-02-10 08:56:30', '2018-03-18 09:17:26')INSERT INTO `Staff` (`Staff_ID`, `Staff_Details`) VALUES (406, 'Clifton')INSERT INTO `Claim_Headers` (`Claim_Header_ID`, `Claim_Status_Code`, `Claim_Type_Code`, `Policy_ID`, `Date_of_Claim`, `Date_of_Settlement`, `Amount_Claimed`, `Amount_Piad`) VALUES (15, 'Settled', 'Handphone Subsidy', 518, '2016-05-31 06:07:11', '2018-02-23 03:46:38', '349.1500', '582.0300')INSERT INTO `Claims_Documents` (`Claim_ID`, `Document_Type_Code`, `Created_by_Staff_ID`, `Created_Date`) VALUES (24, 'Document', 718, 8)INSERT INTO `Claims_Processing_Stages` (`Claim_Stage_ID`, `Next_Claim_Stage_ID`, `Claim_Status_Name`, `Claim_Status_Description`) VALUES (1, 1, 'Open', 'Open a new claim')INSERT INTO `Claims_Processing` (`Claim_Processing_ID`, `Claim_ID`, `Claim_Outcome_Code`, `Claim_Stage_ID`, `Staff_ID`) VALUES (118, 28, 'In progress', 1, 771)
SELECT DISTINCT t2.customer_details FROM policies AS t1 JOIN customers AS t2 ON t1.customer_id = t2.customer_id WHERE t1.policy_type_code = "Deputy" OR t1.policy_type_code = "Uniform"
Which customers have an insurance policy with the type code "Deputy" or "Uniform"? Return the customer details.
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE Customers ( Customer_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Customer_Details VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Customer_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Staff ( Staff_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Staff_Details VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Staff_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Policies ( Policy_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Customer_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Policy_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Start_Date DATETIME, End_Date DATETIME, PRIMARY KEY (Policy_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Customer_ID) REFERENCES Customers (Customer_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claim_Headers ( Claim_Header_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_Status_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Claim_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Policy_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Date_of_Claim DATETIME, Date_of_Settlement DATETIME, Amount_Claimed DECIMAL(20,4), Amount_Piad DECIMAL(20,4), PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Policy_ID) REFERENCES Policies (Policy_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Documents ( Claim_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Document_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Created_by_Staff_ID INTEGER, Created_Date INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_ID, Document_Type_Code), FOREIGN KEY (Claim_ID) REFERENCES Claim_Headers (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Created_by_Staff_ID) REFERENCES Staff (Staff_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Processing_Stages ( Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Next_Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER, Claim_Status_Name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, Claim_Status_Description VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Stage_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Processing ( Claim_Processing_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_Outcome_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Staff_ID INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Processing_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Claim_ID) REFERENCES Claim_Headers (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Staff_ID) REFERENCES Staff (Staff_ID) ); INSERT INTO `Customers` (`Customer_ID`, `Customer_Details`) VALUES (252, 'America Jaskolski')INSERT INTO `Policies` (`Policy_ID`, `Customer_ID`, `Policy_Type_Code`, `Start_Date`, `End_Date`) VALUES (125, 808, 'Deputy', '2018-02-10 08:56:30', '2018-03-18 09:17:26')INSERT INTO `Staff` (`Staff_ID`, `Staff_Details`) VALUES (406, 'Clifton')INSERT INTO `Claim_Headers` (`Claim_Header_ID`, `Claim_Status_Code`, `Claim_Type_Code`, `Policy_ID`, `Date_of_Claim`, `Date_of_Settlement`, `Amount_Claimed`, `Amount_Piad`) VALUES (15, 'Settled', 'Handphone Subsidy', 518, '2016-05-31 06:07:11', '2018-02-23 03:46:38', '349.1500', '582.0300')INSERT INTO `Claims_Documents` (`Claim_ID`, `Document_Type_Code`, `Created_by_Staff_ID`, `Created_Date`) VALUES (24, 'Document', 718, 8)INSERT INTO `Claims_Processing_Stages` (`Claim_Stage_ID`, `Next_Claim_Stage_ID`, `Claim_Status_Name`, `Claim_Status_Description`) VALUES (1, 1, 'Open', 'Open a new claim')INSERT INTO `Claims_Processing` (`Claim_Processing_ID`, `Claim_ID`, `Claim_Outcome_Code`, `Claim_Stage_ID`, `Staff_ID`) VALUES (118, 28, 'In progress', 1, 771)
SELECT customer_details FROM customers UNION SELECT staff_details FROM staff
Find the names of all the customers and staff members.
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE Customers ( Customer_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Customer_Details VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Customer_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Staff ( Staff_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Staff_Details VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Staff_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Policies ( Policy_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Customer_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Policy_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Start_Date DATETIME, End_Date DATETIME, PRIMARY KEY (Policy_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Customer_ID) REFERENCES Customers (Customer_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claim_Headers ( Claim_Header_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_Status_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Claim_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Policy_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Date_of_Claim DATETIME, Date_of_Settlement DATETIME, Amount_Claimed DECIMAL(20,4), Amount_Piad DECIMAL(20,4), PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Policy_ID) REFERENCES Policies (Policy_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Documents ( Claim_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Document_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Created_by_Staff_ID INTEGER, Created_Date INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_ID, Document_Type_Code), FOREIGN KEY (Claim_ID) REFERENCES Claim_Headers (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Created_by_Staff_ID) REFERENCES Staff (Staff_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Processing_Stages ( Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Next_Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER, Claim_Status_Name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, Claim_Status_Description VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Stage_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Processing ( Claim_Processing_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_Outcome_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Staff_ID INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Processing_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Claim_ID) REFERENCES Claim_Headers (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Staff_ID) REFERENCES Staff (Staff_ID) ); INSERT INTO `Customers` (`Customer_ID`, `Customer_Details`) VALUES (252, 'America Jaskolski')INSERT INTO `Policies` (`Policy_ID`, `Customer_ID`, `Policy_Type_Code`, `Start_Date`, `End_Date`) VALUES (125, 808, 'Deputy', '2018-02-10 08:56:30', '2018-03-18 09:17:26')INSERT INTO `Staff` (`Staff_ID`, `Staff_Details`) VALUES (406, 'Clifton')INSERT INTO `Claim_Headers` (`Claim_Header_ID`, `Claim_Status_Code`, `Claim_Type_Code`, `Policy_ID`, `Date_of_Claim`, `Date_of_Settlement`, `Amount_Claimed`, `Amount_Piad`) VALUES (15, 'Settled', 'Handphone Subsidy', 518, '2016-05-31 06:07:11', '2018-02-23 03:46:38', '349.1500', '582.0300')INSERT INTO `Claims_Documents` (`Claim_ID`, `Document_Type_Code`, `Created_by_Staff_ID`, `Created_Date`) VALUES (24, 'Document', 718, 8)INSERT INTO `Claims_Processing_Stages` (`Claim_Stage_ID`, `Next_Claim_Stage_ID`, `Claim_Status_Name`, `Claim_Status_Description`) VALUES (1, 1, 'Open', 'Open a new claim')INSERT INTO `Claims_Processing` (`Claim_Processing_ID`, `Claim_ID`, `Claim_Outcome_Code`, `Claim_Stage_ID`, `Staff_ID`) VALUES (118, 28, 'In progress', 1, 771)
SELECT customer_details FROM customers UNION SELECT staff_details FROM staff
What are the names of the customers and staff members?
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE Customers ( Customer_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Customer_Details VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Customer_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Staff ( Staff_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Staff_Details VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Staff_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Policies ( Policy_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Customer_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Policy_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Start_Date DATETIME, End_Date DATETIME, PRIMARY KEY (Policy_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Customer_ID) REFERENCES Customers (Customer_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claim_Headers ( Claim_Header_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_Status_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Claim_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Policy_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Date_of_Claim DATETIME, Date_of_Settlement DATETIME, Amount_Claimed DECIMAL(20,4), Amount_Piad DECIMAL(20,4), PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Policy_ID) REFERENCES Policies (Policy_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Documents ( Claim_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Document_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Created_by_Staff_ID INTEGER, Created_Date INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_ID, Document_Type_Code), FOREIGN KEY (Claim_ID) REFERENCES Claim_Headers (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Created_by_Staff_ID) REFERENCES Staff (Staff_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Processing_Stages ( Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Next_Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER, Claim_Status_Name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, Claim_Status_Description VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Stage_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Processing ( Claim_Processing_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_Outcome_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Staff_ID INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Processing_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Claim_ID) REFERENCES Claim_Headers (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Staff_ID) REFERENCES Staff (Staff_ID) ); INSERT INTO `Customers` (`Customer_ID`, `Customer_Details`) VALUES (252, 'America Jaskolski')INSERT INTO `Policies` (`Policy_ID`, `Customer_ID`, `Policy_Type_Code`, `Start_Date`, `End_Date`) VALUES (125, 808, 'Deputy', '2018-02-10 08:56:30', '2018-03-18 09:17:26')INSERT INTO `Staff` (`Staff_ID`, `Staff_Details`) VALUES (406, 'Clifton')INSERT INTO `Claim_Headers` (`Claim_Header_ID`, `Claim_Status_Code`, `Claim_Type_Code`, `Policy_ID`, `Date_of_Claim`, `Date_of_Settlement`, `Amount_Claimed`, `Amount_Piad`) VALUES (15, 'Settled', 'Handphone Subsidy', 518, '2016-05-31 06:07:11', '2018-02-23 03:46:38', '349.1500', '582.0300')INSERT INTO `Claims_Documents` (`Claim_ID`, `Document_Type_Code`, `Created_by_Staff_ID`, `Created_Date`) VALUES (24, 'Document', 718, 8)INSERT INTO `Claims_Processing_Stages` (`Claim_Stage_ID`, `Next_Claim_Stage_ID`, `Claim_Status_Name`, `Claim_Status_Description`) VALUES (1, 1, 'Open', 'Open a new claim')INSERT INTO `Claims_Processing` (`Claim_Processing_ID`, `Claim_ID`, `Claim_Outcome_Code`, `Claim_Stage_ID`, `Staff_ID`) VALUES (118, 28, 'In progress', 1, 771)
SELECT policy_type_code , count(*) FROM policies GROUP BY policy_type_code
Find the number of records of each policy type and its type code.
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE Customers ( Customer_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Customer_Details VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Customer_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Staff ( Staff_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Staff_Details VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Staff_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Policies ( Policy_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Customer_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Policy_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Start_Date DATETIME, End_Date DATETIME, PRIMARY KEY (Policy_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Customer_ID) REFERENCES Customers (Customer_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claim_Headers ( Claim_Header_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_Status_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Claim_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Policy_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Date_of_Claim DATETIME, Date_of_Settlement DATETIME, Amount_Claimed DECIMAL(20,4), Amount_Piad DECIMAL(20,4), PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Policy_ID) REFERENCES Policies (Policy_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Documents ( Claim_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Document_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Created_by_Staff_ID INTEGER, Created_Date INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_ID, Document_Type_Code), FOREIGN KEY (Claim_ID) REFERENCES Claim_Headers (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Created_by_Staff_ID) REFERENCES Staff (Staff_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Processing_Stages ( Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Next_Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER, Claim_Status_Name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, Claim_Status_Description VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Stage_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Processing ( Claim_Processing_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_Outcome_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Staff_ID INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Processing_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Claim_ID) REFERENCES Claim_Headers (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Staff_ID) REFERENCES Staff (Staff_ID) ); INSERT INTO `Customers` (`Customer_ID`, `Customer_Details`) VALUES (252, 'America Jaskolski')INSERT INTO `Policies` (`Policy_ID`, `Customer_ID`, `Policy_Type_Code`, `Start_Date`, `End_Date`) VALUES (125, 808, 'Deputy', '2018-02-10 08:56:30', '2018-03-18 09:17:26')INSERT INTO `Staff` (`Staff_ID`, `Staff_Details`) VALUES (406, 'Clifton')INSERT INTO `Claim_Headers` (`Claim_Header_ID`, `Claim_Status_Code`, `Claim_Type_Code`, `Policy_ID`, `Date_of_Claim`, `Date_of_Settlement`, `Amount_Claimed`, `Amount_Piad`) VALUES (15, 'Settled', 'Handphone Subsidy', 518, '2016-05-31 06:07:11', '2018-02-23 03:46:38', '349.1500', '582.0300')INSERT INTO `Claims_Documents` (`Claim_ID`, `Document_Type_Code`, `Created_by_Staff_ID`, `Created_Date`) VALUES (24, 'Document', 718, 8)INSERT INTO `Claims_Processing_Stages` (`Claim_Stage_ID`, `Next_Claim_Stage_ID`, `Claim_Status_Name`, `Claim_Status_Description`) VALUES (1, 1, 'Open', 'Open a new claim')INSERT INTO `Claims_Processing` (`Claim_Processing_ID`, `Claim_ID`, `Claim_Outcome_Code`, `Claim_Stage_ID`, `Staff_ID`) VALUES (118, 28, 'In progress', 1, 771)
SELECT policy_type_code , count(*) FROM policies GROUP BY policy_type_code
For each policy type, return its type code and its count in the record.
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE Customers ( Customer_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Customer_Details VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Customer_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Staff ( Staff_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Staff_Details VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Staff_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Policies ( Policy_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Customer_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Policy_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Start_Date DATETIME, End_Date DATETIME, PRIMARY KEY (Policy_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Customer_ID) REFERENCES Customers (Customer_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claim_Headers ( Claim_Header_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_Status_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Claim_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Policy_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Date_of_Claim DATETIME, Date_of_Settlement DATETIME, Amount_Claimed DECIMAL(20,4), Amount_Piad DECIMAL(20,4), PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Policy_ID) REFERENCES Policies (Policy_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Documents ( Claim_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Document_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Created_by_Staff_ID INTEGER, Created_Date INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_ID, Document_Type_Code), FOREIGN KEY (Claim_ID) REFERENCES Claim_Headers (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Created_by_Staff_ID) REFERENCES Staff (Staff_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Processing_Stages ( Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Next_Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER, Claim_Status_Name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, Claim_Status_Description VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Stage_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Processing ( Claim_Processing_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_Outcome_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Staff_ID INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Processing_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Claim_ID) REFERENCES Claim_Headers (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Staff_ID) REFERENCES Staff (Staff_ID) ); INSERT INTO `Customers` (`Customer_ID`, `Customer_Details`) VALUES (252, 'America Jaskolski')INSERT INTO `Policies` (`Policy_ID`, `Customer_ID`, `Policy_Type_Code`, `Start_Date`, `End_Date`) VALUES (125, 808, 'Deputy', '2018-02-10 08:56:30', '2018-03-18 09:17:26')INSERT INTO `Staff` (`Staff_ID`, `Staff_Details`) VALUES (406, 'Clifton')INSERT INTO `Claim_Headers` (`Claim_Header_ID`, `Claim_Status_Code`, `Claim_Type_Code`, `Policy_ID`, `Date_of_Claim`, `Date_of_Settlement`, `Amount_Claimed`, `Amount_Piad`) VALUES (15, 'Settled', 'Handphone Subsidy', 518, '2016-05-31 06:07:11', '2018-02-23 03:46:38', '349.1500', '582.0300')INSERT INTO `Claims_Documents` (`Claim_ID`, `Document_Type_Code`, `Created_by_Staff_ID`, `Created_Date`) VALUES (24, 'Document', 718, 8)INSERT INTO `Claims_Processing_Stages` (`Claim_Stage_ID`, `Next_Claim_Stage_ID`, `Claim_Status_Name`, `Claim_Status_Description`) VALUES (1, 1, 'Open', 'Open a new claim')INSERT INTO `Claims_Processing` (`Claim_Processing_ID`, `Claim_ID`, `Claim_Outcome_Code`, `Claim_Stage_ID`, `Staff_ID`) VALUES (118, 28, 'In progress', 1, 771)
SELECT t2.customer_details FROM policies AS t1 JOIN customers AS t2 ON t1.customer_id = t2.customer_id GROUP BY t2.customer_details ORDER BY count(*) DESC LIMIT 1
Find the name of the customer that has been involved in the most policies.
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE Customers ( Customer_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Customer_Details VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Customer_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Staff ( Staff_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Staff_Details VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Staff_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Policies ( Policy_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Customer_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Policy_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Start_Date DATETIME, End_Date DATETIME, PRIMARY KEY (Policy_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Customer_ID) REFERENCES Customers (Customer_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claim_Headers ( Claim_Header_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_Status_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Claim_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Policy_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Date_of_Claim DATETIME, Date_of_Settlement DATETIME, Amount_Claimed DECIMAL(20,4), Amount_Piad DECIMAL(20,4), PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Policy_ID) REFERENCES Policies (Policy_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Documents ( Claim_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Document_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Created_by_Staff_ID INTEGER, Created_Date INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_ID, Document_Type_Code), FOREIGN KEY (Claim_ID) REFERENCES Claim_Headers (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Created_by_Staff_ID) REFERENCES Staff (Staff_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Processing_Stages ( Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Next_Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER, Claim_Status_Name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, Claim_Status_Description VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Stage_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Processing ( Claim_Processing_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_Outcome_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Staff_ID INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Processing_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Claim_ID) REFERENCES Claim_Headers (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Staff_ID) REFERENCES Staff (Staff_ID) ); INSERT INTO `Customers` (`Customer_ID`, `Customer_Details`) VALUES (252, 'America Jaskolski')INSERT INTO `Policies` (`Policy_ID`, `Customer_ID`, `Policy_Type_Code`, `Start_Date`, `End_Date`) VALUES (125, 808, 'Deputy', '2018-02-10 08:56:30', '2018-03-18 09:17:26')INSERT INTO `Staff` (`Staff_ID`, `Staff_Details`) VALUES (406, 'Clifton')INSERT INTO `Claim_Headers` (`Claim_Header_ID`, `Claim_Status_Code`, `Claim_Type_Code`, `Policy_ID`, `Date_of_Claim`, `Date_of_Settlement`, `Amount_Claimed`, `Amount_Piad`) VALUES (15, 'Settled', 'Handphone Subsidy', 518, '2016-05-31 06:07:11', '2018-02-23 03:46:38', '349.1500', '582.0300')INSERT INTO `Claims_Documents` (`Claim_ID`, `Document_Type_Code`, `Created_by_Staff_ID`, `Created_Date`) VALUES (24, 'Document', 718, 8)INSERT INTO `Claims_Processing_Stages` (`Claim_Stage_ID`, `Next_Claim_Stage_ID`, `Claim_Status_Name`, `Claim_Status_Description`) VALUES (1, 1, 'Open', 'Open a new claim')INSERT INTO `Claims_Processing` (`Claim_Processing_ID`, `Claim_ID`, `Claim_Outcome_Code`, `Claim_Stage_ID`, `Staff_ID`) VALUES (118, 28, 'In progress', 1, 771)
SELECT t2.customer_details FROM policies AS t1 JOIN customers AS t2 ON t1.customer_id = t2.customer_id GROUP BY t2.customer_details ORDER BY count(*) DESC LIMIT 1
Which customer have the most policies? Give me the customer details.
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE Customers ( Customer_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Customer_Details VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Customer_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Staff ( Staff_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Staff_Details VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Staff_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Policies ( Policy_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Customer_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Policy_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Start_Date DATETIME, End_Date DATETIME, PRIMARY KEY (Policy_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Customer_ID) REFERENCES Customers (Customer_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claim_Headers ( Claim_Header_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_Status_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Claim_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Policy_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Date_of_Claim DATETIME, Date_of_Settlement DATETIME, Amount_Claimed DECIMAL(20,4), Amount_Piad DECIMAL(20,4), PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Policy_ID) REFERENCES Policies (Policy_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Documents ( Claim_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Document_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Created_by_Staff_ID INTEGER, Created_Date INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_ID, Document_Type_Code), FOREIGN KEY (Claim_ID) REFERENCES Claim_Headers (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Created_by_Staff_ID) REFERENCES Staff (Staff_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Processing_Stages ( Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Next_Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER, Claim_Status_Name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, Claim_Status_Description VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Stage_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Processing ( Claim_Processing_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_Outcome_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Staff_ID INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Processing_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Claim_ID) REFERENCES Claim_Headers (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Staff_ID) REFERENCES Staff (Staff_ID) ); INSERT INTO `Customers` (`Customer_ID`, `Customer_Details`) VALUES (252, 'America Jaskolski')INSERT INTO `Policies` (`Policy_ID`, `Customer_ID`, `Policy_Type_Code`, `Start_Date`, `End_Date`) VALUES (125, 808, 'Deputy', '2018-02-10 08:56:30', '2018-03-18 09:17:26')INSERT INTO `Staff` (`Staff_ID`, `Staff_Details`) VALUES (406, 'Clifton')INSERT INTO `Claim_Headers` (`Claim_Header_ID`, `Claim_Status_Code`, `Claim_Type_Code`, `Policy_ID`, `Date_of_Claim`, `Date_of_Settlement`, `Amount_Claimed`, `Amount_Piad`) VALUES (15, 'Settled', 'Handphone Subsidy', 518, '2016-05-31 06:07:11', '2018-02-23 03:46:38', '349.1500', '582.0300')INSERT INTO `Claims_Documents` (`Claim_ID`, `Document_Type_Code`, `Created_by_Staff_ID`, `Created_Date`) VALUES (24, 'Document', 718, 8)INSERT INTO `Claims_Processing_Stages` (`Claim_Stage_ID`, `Next_Claim_Stage_ID`, `Claim_Status_Name`, `Claim_Status_Description`) VALUES (1, 1, 'Open', 'Open a new claim')INSERT INTO `Claims_Processing` (`Claim_Processing_ID`, `Claim_ID`, `Claim_Outcome_Code`, `Claim_Stage_ID`, `Staff_ID`) VALUES (118, 28, 'In progress', 1, 771)
SELECT claim_status_description FROM claims_processing_stages WHERE claim_status_name = "Open"
What is the description of the claim status "Open"?
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE Customers ( Customer_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Customer_Details VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Customer_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Staff ( Staff_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Staff_Details VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Staff_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Policies ( Policy_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Customer_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Policy_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Start_Date DATETIME, End_Date DATETIME, PRIMARY KEY (Policy_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Customer_ID) REFERENCES Customers (Customer_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claim_Headers ( Claim_Header_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_Status_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Claim_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Policy_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Date_of_Claim DATETIME, Date_of_Settlement DATETIME, Amount_Claimed DECIMAL(20,4), Amount_Piad DECIMAL(20,4), PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Policy_ID) REFERENCES Policies (Policy_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Documents ( Claim_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Document_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Created_by_Staff_ID INTEGER, Created_Date INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_ID, Document_Type_Code), FOREIGN KEY (Claim_ID) REFERENCES Claim_Headers (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Created_by_Staff_ID) REFERENCES Staff (Staff_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Processing_Stages ( Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Next_Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER, Claim_Status_Name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, Claim_Status_Description VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Stage_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Processing ( Claim_Processing_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_Outcome_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Staff_ID INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Processing_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Claim_ID) REFERENCES Claim_Headers (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Staff_ID) REFERENCES Staff (Staff_ID) ); INSERT INTO `Customers` (`Customer_ID`, `Customer_Details`) VALUES (252, 'America Jaskolski')INSERT INTO `Policies` (`Policy_ID`, `Customer_ID`, `Policy_Type_Code`, `Start_Date`, `End_Date`) VALUES (125, 808, 'Deputy', '2018-02-10 08:56:30', '2018-03-18 09:17:26')INSERT INTO `Staff` (`Staff_ID`, `Staff_Details`) VALUES (406, 'Clifton')INSERT INTO `Claim_Headers` (`Claim_Header_ID`, `Claim_Status_Code`, `Claim_Type_Code`, `Policy_ID`, `Date_of_Claim`, `Date_of_Settlement`, `Amount_Claimed`, `Amount_Piad`) VALUES (15, 'Settled', 'Handphone Subsidy', 518, '2016-05-31 06:07:11', '2018-02-23 03:46:38', '349.1500', '582.0300')INSERT INTO `Claims_Documents` (`Claim_ID`, `Document_Type_Code`, `Created_by_Staff_ID`, `Created_Date`) VALUES (24, 'Document', 718, 8)INSERT INTO `Claims_Processing_Stages` (`Claim_Stage_ID`, `Next_Claim_Stage_ID`, `Claim_Status_Name`, `Claim_Status_Description`) VALUES (1, 1, 'Open', 'Open a new claim')INSERT INTO `Claims_Processing` (`Claim_Processing_ID`, `Claim_ID`, `Claim_Outcome_Code`, `Claim_Stage_ID`, `Staff_ID`) VALUES (118, 28, 'In progress', 1, 771)
SELECT claim_status_description FROM claims_processing_stages WHERE claim_status_name = "Open"
Find the description of the claim status "Open".
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE Customers ( Customer_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Customer_Details VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Customer_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Staff ( Staff_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Staff_Details VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Staff_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Policies ( Policy_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Customer_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Policy_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Start_Date DATETIME, End_Date DATETIME, PRIMARY KEY (Policy_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Customer_ID) REFERENCES Customers (Customer_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claim_Headers ( Claim_Header_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_Status_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Claim_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Policy_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Date_of_Claim DATETIME, Date_of_Settlement DATETIME, Amount_Claimed DECIMAL(20,4), Amount_Piad DECIMAL(20,4), PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Policy_ID) REFERENCES Policies (Policy_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Documents ( Claim_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Document_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Created_by_Staff_ID INTEGER, Created_Date INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_ID, Document_Type_Code), FOREIGN KEY (Claim_ID) REFERENCES Claim_Headers (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Created_by_Staff_ID) REFERENCES Staff (Staff_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Processing_Stages ( Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Next_Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER, Claim_Status_Name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, Claim_Status_Description VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Stage_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Processing ( Claim_Processing_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_Outcome_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Staff_ID INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Processing_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Claim_ID) REFERENCES Claim_Headers (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Staff_ID) REFERENCES Staff (Staff_ID) ); INSERT INTO `Customers` (`Customer_ID`, `Customer_Details`) VALUES (252, 'America Jaskolski')INSERT INTO `Policies` (`Policy_ID`, `Customer_ID`, `Policy_Type_Code`, `Start_Date`, `End_Date`) VALUES (125, 808, 'Deputy', '2018-02-10 08:56:30', '2018-03-18 09:17:26')INSERT INTO `Staff` (`Staff_ID`, `Staff_Details`) VALUES (406, 'Clifton')INSERT INTO `Claim_Headers` (`Claim_Header_ID`, `Claim_Status_Code`, `Claim_Type_Code`, `Policy_ID`, `Date_of_Claim`, `Date_of_Settlement`, `Amount_Claimed`, `Amount_Piad`) VALUES (15, 'Settled', 'Handphone Subsidy', 518, '2016-05-31 06:07:11', '2018-02-23 03:46:38', '349.1500', '582.0300')INSERT INTO `Claims_Documents` (`Claim_ID`, `Document_Type_Code`, `Created_by_Staff_ID`, `Created_Date`) VALUES (24, 'Document', 718, 8)INSERT INTO `Claims_Processing_Stages` (`Claim_Stage_ID`, `Next_Claim_Stage_ID`, `Claim_Status_Name`, `Claim_Status_Description`) VALUES (1, 1, 'Open', 'Open a new claim')INSERT INTO `Claims_Processing` (`Claim_Processing_ID`, `Claim_ID`, `Claim_Outcome_Code`, `Claim_Stage_ID`, `Staff_ID`) VALUES (118, 28, 'In progress', 1, 771)
SELECT count(DISTINCT claim_outcome_code) FROM claims_processing
How many distinct claim outcome codes are there?
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE Customers ( Customer_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Customer_Details VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Customer_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Staff ( Staff_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Staff_Details VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Staff_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Policies ( Policy_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Customer_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Policy_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Start_Date DATETIME, End_Date DATETIME, PRIMARY KEY (Policy_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Customer_ID) REFERENCES Customers (Customer_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claim_Headers ( Claim_Header_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_Status_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Claim_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Policy_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Date_of_Claim DATETIME, Date_of_Settlement DATETIME, Amount_Claimed DECIMAL(20,4), Amount_Piad DECIMAL(20,4), PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Policy_ID) REFERENCES Policies (Policy_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Documents ( Claim_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Document_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Created_by_Staff_ID INTEGER, Created_Date INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_ID, Document_Type_Code), FOREIGN KEY (Claim_ID) REFERENCES Claim_Headers (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Created_by_Staff_ID) REFERENCES Staff (Staff_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Processing_Stages ( Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Next_Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER, Claim_Status_Name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, Claim_Status_Description VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Stage_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Processing ( Claim_Processing_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_Outcome_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Staff_ID INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Processing_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Claim_ID) REFERENCES Claim_Headers (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Staff_ID) REFERENCES Staff (Staff_ID) ); INSERT INTO `Customers` (`Customer_ID`, `Customer_Details`) VALUES (252, 'America Jaskolski')INSERT INTO `Policies` (`Policy_ID`, `Customer_ID`, `Policy_Type_Code`, `Start_Date`, `End_Date`) VALUES (125, 808, 'Deputy', '2018-02-10 08:56:30', '2018-03-18 09:17:26')INSERT INTO `Staff` (`Staff_ID`, `Staff_Details`) VALUES (406, 'Clifton')INSERT INTO `Claim_Headers` (`Claim_Header_ID`, `Claim_Status_Code`, `Claim_Type_Code`, `Policy_ID`, `Date_of_Claim`, `Date_of_Settlement`, `Amount_Claimed`, `Amount_Piad`) VALUES (15, 'Settled', 'Handphone Subsidy', 518, '2016-05-31 06:07:11', '2018-02-23 03:46:38', '349.1500', '582.0300')INSERT INTO `Claims_Documents` (`Claim_ID`, `Document_Type_Code`, `Created_by_Staff_ID`, `Created_Date`) VALUES (24, 'Document', 718, 8)INSERT INTO `Claims_Processing_Stages` (`Claim_Stage_ID`, `Next_Claim_Stage_ID`, `Claim_Status_Name`, `Claim_Status_Description`) VALUES (1, 1, 'Open', 'Open a new claim')INSERT INTO `Claims_Processing` (`Claim_Processing_ID`, `Claim_ID`, `Claim_Outcome_Code`, `Claim_Stage_ID`, `Staff_ID`) VALUES (118, 28, 'In progress', 1, 771)
SELECT count(DISTINCT claim_outcome_code) FROM claims_processing
Count the number of distinct claim outcome codes.
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE Customers ( Customer_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Customer_Details VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Customer_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Staff ( Staff_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Staff_Details VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Staff_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Policies ( Policy_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Customer_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Policy_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Start_Date DATETIME, End_Date DATETIME, PRIMARY KEY (Policy_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Customer_ID) REFERENCES Customers (Customer_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claim_Headers ( Claim_Header_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_Status_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Claim_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Policy_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Date_of_Claim DATETIME, Date_of_Settlement DATETIME, Amount_Claimed DECIMAL(20,4), Amount_Piad DECIMAL(20,4), PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Policy_ID) REFERENCES Policies (Policy_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Documents ( Claim_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Document_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Created_by_Staff_ID INTEGER, Created_Date INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_ID, Document_Type_Code), FOREIGN KEY (Claim_ID) REFERENCES Claim_Headers (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Created_by_Staff_ID) REFERENCES Staff (Staff_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Processing_Stages ( Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Next_Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER, Claim_Status_Name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, Claim_Status_Description VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Stage_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Processing ( Claim_Processing_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_Outcome_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Staff_ID INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Processing_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Claim_ID) REFERENCES Claim_Headers (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Staff_ID) REFERENCES Staff (Staff_ID) ); INSERT INTO `Customers` (`Customer_ID`, `Customer_Details`) VALUES (252, 'America Jaskolski')INSERT INTO `Policies` (`Policy_ID`, `Customer_ID`, `Policy_Type_Code`, `Start_Date`, `End_Date`) VALUES (125, 808, 'Deputy', '2018-02-10 08:56:30', '2018-03-18 09:17:26')INSERT INTO `Staff` (`Staff_ID`, `Staff_Details`) VALUES (406, 'Clifton')INSERT INTO `Claim_Headers` (`Claim_Header_ID`, `Claim_Status_Code`, `Claim_Type_Code`, `Policy_ID`, `Date_of_Claim`, `Date_of_Settlement`, `Amount_Claimed`, `Amount_Piad`) VALUES (15, 'Settled', 'Handphone Subsidy', 518, '2016-05-31 06:07:11', '2018-02-23 03:46:38', '349.1500', '582.0300')INSERT INTO `Claims_Documents` (`Claim_ID`, `Document_Type_Code`, `Created_by_Staff_ID`, `Created_Date`) VALUES (24, 'Document', 718, 8)INSERT INTO `Claims_Processing_Stages` (`Claim_Stage_ID`, `Next_Claim_Stage_ID`, `Claim_Status_Name`, `Claim_Status_Description`) VALUES (1, 1, 'Open', 'Open a new claim')INSERT INTO `Claims_Processing` (`Claim_Processing_ID`, `Claim_ID`, `Claim_Outcome_Code`, `Claim_Stage_ID`, `Staff_ID`) VALUES (118, 28, 'In progress', 1, 771)
SELECT t2.customer_details FROM policies AS t1 JOIN customers AS t2 ON t1.customer_id = t2.customer_id WHERE t1.start_date = (SELECT max(start_date) FROM policies)
Which customer is associated with the latest policy?
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE Customers ( Customer_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Customer_Details VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Customer_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Staff ( Staff_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Staff_Details VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Staff_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Policies ( Policy_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Customer_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Policy_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Start_Date DATETIME, End_Date DATETIME, PRIMARY KEY (Policy_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Customer_ID) REFERENCES Customers (Customer_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claim_Headers ( Claim_Header_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_Status_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Claim_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Policy_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Date_of_Claim DATETIME, Date_of_Settlement DATETIME, Amount_Claimed DECIMAL(20,4), Amount_Piad DECIMAL(20,4), PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Policy_ID) REFERENCES Policies (Policy_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Documents ( Claim_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Document_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Created_by_Staff_ID INTEGER, Created_Date INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_ID, Document_Type_Code), FOREIGN KEY (Claim_ID) REFERENCES Claim_Headers (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Created_by_Staff_ID) REFERENCES Staff (Staff_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Processing_Stages ( Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Next_Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER, Claim_Status_Name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, Claim_Status_Description VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Stage_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Processing ( Claim_Processing_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_Outcome_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Staff_ID INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Processing_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Claim_ID) REFERENCES Claim_Headers (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Staff_ID) REFERENCES Staff (Staff_ID) ); INSERT INTO `Customers` (`Customer_ID`, `Customer_Details`) VALUES (252, 'America Jaskolski')INSERT INTO `Policies` (`Policy_ID`, `Customer_ID`, `Policy_Type_Code`, `Start_Date`, `End_Date`) VALUES (125, 808, 'Deputy', '2018-02-10 08:56:30', '2018-03-18 09:17:26')INSERT INTO `Staff` (`Staff_ID`, `Staff_Details`) VALUES (406, 'Clifton')INSERT INTO `Claim_Headers` (`Claim_Header_ID`, `Claim_Status_Code`, `Claim_Type_Code`, `Policy_ID`, `Date_of_Claim`, `Date_of_Settlement`, `Amount_Claimed`, `Amount_Piad`) VALUES (15, 'Settled', 'Handphone Subsidy', 518, '2016-05-31 06:07:11', '2018-02-23 03:46:38', '349.1500', '582.0300')INSERT INTO `Claims_Documents` (`Claim_ID`, `Document_Type_Code`, `Created_by_Staff_ID`, `Created_Date`) VALUES (24, 'Document', 718, 8)INSERT INTO `Claims_Processing_Stages` (`Claim_Stage_ID`, `Next_Claim_Stage_ID`, `Claim_Status_Name`, `Claim_Status_Description`) VALUES (1, 1, 'Open', 'Open a new claim')INSERT INTO `Claims_Processing` (`Claim_Processing_ID`, `Claim_ID`, `Claim_Outcome_Code`, `Claim_Stage_ID`, `Staff_ID`) VALUES (118, 28, 'In progress', 1, 771)
SELECT t2.customer_details FROM policies AS t1 JOIN customers AS t2 ON t1.customer_id = t2.customer_id WHERE t1.start_date = (SELECT max(start_date) FROM policies)
Find the customer who started a policy most recently.
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE Customers ( Customer_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Customer_Details VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Customer_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Staff ( Staff_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Staff_Details VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Staff_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Policies ( Policy_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Customer_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Policy_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Start_Date DATETIME, End_Date DATETIME, PRIMARY KEY (Policy_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Customer_ID) REFERENCES Customers (Customer_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claim_Headers ( Claim_Header_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_Status_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Claim_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Policy_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Date_of_Claim DATETIME, Date_of_Settlement DATETIME, Amount_Claimed DECIMAL(20,4), Amount_Piad DECIMAL(20,4), PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Policy_ID) REFERENCES Policies (Policy_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Documents ( Claim_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Document_Type_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Created_by_Staff_ID INTEGER, Created_Date INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_ID, Document_Type_Code), FOREIGN KEY (Claim_ID) REFERENCES Claim_Headers (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Created_by_Staff_ID) REFERENCES Staff (Staff_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Processing_Stages ( Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Next_Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER, Claim_Status_Name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, Claim_Status_Description VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Stage_ID) ); CREATE TABLE Claims_Processing ( Claim_Processing_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Claim_Outcome_Code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, Claim_Stage_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, Staff_ID INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (Claim_Processing_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Claim_ID) REFERENCES Claim_Headers (Claim_Header_ID), FOREIGN KEY (Staff_ID) REFERENCES Staff (Staff_ID) ); INSERT INTO `Customers` (`Customer_ID`, `Customer_Details`) VALUES (252, 'America Jaskolski')INSERT INTO `Policies` (`Policy_ID`, `Customer_ID`, `Policy_Type_Code`, `Start_Date`, `End_Date`) VALUES (125, 808, 'Deputy', '2018-02-10 08:56:30', '2018-03-18 09:17:26')INSERT INTO `Staff` (`Staff_ID`, `Staff_Details`) VALUES (406, 'Clifton')INSERT INTO `Claim_Headers` (`Claim_Header_ID`, `Claim_Status_Code`, `Claim_Type_Code`, `Policy_ID`, `Date_of_Claim`, `Date_of_Settlement`, `Amount_Claimed`, `Amount_Piad`) VALUES (15, 'Settled', 'Handphone Subsidy', 518, '2016-05-31 06:07:11', '2018-02-23 03:46:38', '349.1500', '582.0300')INSERT INTO `Claims_Documents` (`Claim_ID`, `Document_Type_Code`, `Created_by_Staff_ID`, `Created_Date`) VALUES (24, 'Document', 718, 8)INSERT INTO `Claims_Processing_Stages` (`Claim_Stage_ID`, `Next_Claim_Stage_ID`, `Claim_Status_Name`, `Claim_Status_Description`) VALUES (1, 1, 'Open', 'Open a new claim')INSERT INTO `Claims_Processing` (`Claim_Processing_ID`, `Claim_ID`, `Claim_Outcome_Code`, `Claim_Stage_ID`, `Staff_ID`) VALUES (118, 28, 'In progress', 1, 771)
SELECT count(*) FROM Accounts
Show the number of accounts.
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE `Customers` ( `customer_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_first_name` VARCHAR(50), `customer_middle_initial` VARCHAR(1), `customer_last_name` VARCHAR(50), `gender` VARCHAR(1), `email_address` VARCHAR(255), `login_name` VARCHAR(80), `login_password` VARCHAR(20), `phone_number` VARCHAR(255), `town_city` VARCHAR(50), `state_county_province` VARCHAR(50), `country` VARCHAR(50) ); CREATE TABLE `Orders` ( `order_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `date_order_placed` DATETIME NOT NULL, `order_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`customer_id` ) REFERENCES `Customers`(`customer_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Invoices` ( `invoice_number` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `order_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_date` DATETIME, FOREIGN KEY (`order_id` ) REFERENCES `Orders`(`order_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Accounts` ( `account_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `date_account_opened` DATETIME, `account_name` VARCHAR(50), `other_account_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`customer_id` ) REFERENCES `Customers`(`customer_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Product_Categories` ( `production_type_code` VARCHAR(15) PRIMARY KEY, `product_type_description` VARCHAR(80), `vat_rating` DECIMAL(19,4) ); CREATE TABLE `Products` ( `product_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `parent_product_id` INTEGER, `production_type_code` VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, `unit_price` DECIMAL(19,4), `product_name` VARCHAR(80), `product_color` VARCHAR(20), `product_size` VARCHAR(20), FOREIGN KEY (`production_type_code` ) REFERENCES `Product_Categories`(`production_type_code` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Financial_Transactions` ( `transaction_id` INTEGER NOT NULL , `account_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_number` INTEGER, `transaction_type` VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, `transaction_date` DATETIME, `transaction_amount` DECIMAL(19,4), `transaction_comment` VARCHAR(255), `other_transaction_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`invoice_number` ) REFERENCES `Invoices`(`invoice_number` ), FOREIGN KEY (`account_id` ) REFERENCES `Accounts`(`account_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Order_Items` ( `order_item_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `order_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_quantity` VARCHAR(50), `other_order_item_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`product_id` ) REFERENCES `Products`(`product_id` ), FOREIGN KEY (`order_id` ) REFERENCES `Orders`(`order_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Invoice_Line_Items` ( `order_item_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_number` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_title` VARCHAR(80), `product_quantity` VARCHAR(50), `product_price` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_product_cost` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_vat_payable` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_total_cost` DECIMAL(19,4), FOREIGN KEY (`order_item_id` ) REFERENCES `Order_Items`(`order_item_id` ), FOREIGN KEY (`invoice_number` ) REFERENCES `Invoices`(`invoice_number` ), FOREIGN KEY (`product_id` ) REFERENCES `Products`(`product_id` ) ); INSERT INTO Customers (`customer_id`, `customer_first_name`, `customer_middle_initial`, `customer_last_name`, `gender`, `email_address`, `login_name`, `login_password`, `phone_number`, `town_city`, `state_county_province`, `country`) VALUES (1, 'Dee', 'A', 'Larkin', '1', 'thora.torphy@example.org', 'xhartmann', '77789d292604ea04406f', '241.796.1219x37862', 'North Nellie', 'WestVirginia', 'USA')INSERT INTO Orders (`order_id`, `customer_id`, `date_order_placed`, `order_details`) VALUES (1, 12, '2012-06-27 20:49:56', NULL)INSERT INTO Invoices (`invoice_number`, `order_id`, `invoice_date`) VALUES (1, 9, '2018-03-01 16:40:48')INSERT INTO Accounts (`account_id`, `customer_id`, `date_account_opened`, `account_name`, `other_account_details`) VALUES (1, 8, '2016-07-30 22:22:24', '900', 'Regular')INSERT INTO Product_Categories (`production_type_code`, `product_type_description`, `vat_rating`) VALUES ('Food', 'Food', '15.8400')INSERT INTO Products (`product_id`, `parent_product_id`, `production_type_code`, `unit_price`, `product_name`, `product_color`, `product_size`) VALUES (1, 4, 'Food', '617.9500', 'Coffee Bean', 'Red', 'Medium')INSERT INTO Financial_Transactions (`transaction_id`, `account_id`, `invoice_number`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_date`, `transaction_amount`) VALUES (1, 13, 12, 'Payment', '2018-03-15 21:13:57', '613.9600')INSERT INTO Order_Items (`order_item_id`, `order_id`, `product_id`, `product_quantity`, `other_order_item_details`) VALUES (1, 4, 4, '6', NULL)INSERT INTO Invoice_Line_Items (`order_item_id`, `invoice_number`, `product_id`, `product_title`, `product_quantity`, `product_price`, `derived_product_cost`, `derived_vat_payable`, `derived_total_cost`) VALUES (14, 9, 5, 'prod_name', '4', '742.3700', '191.1100', NULL, '69.8200')
SELECT count(*) FROM Accounts
How many accounts are there?
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE `Customers` ( `customer_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_first_name` VARCHAR(50), `customer_middle_initial` VARCHAR(1), `customer_last_name` VARCHAR(50), `gender` VARCHAR(1), `email_address` VARCHAR(255), `login_name` VARCHAR(80), `login_password` VARCHAR(20), `phone_number` VARCHAR(255), `town_city` VARCHAR(50), `state_county_province` VARCHAR(50), `country` VARCHAR(50) ); CREATE TABLE `Orders` ( `order_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `date_order_placed` DATETIME NOT NULL, `order_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`customer_id` ) REFERENCES `Customers`(`customer_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Invoices` ( `invoice_number` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `order_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_date` DATETIME, FOREIGN KEY (`order_id` ) REFERENCES `Orders`(`order_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Accounts` ( `account_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `date_account_opened` DATETIME, `account_name` VARCHAR(50), `other_account_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`customer_id` ) REFERENCES `Customers`(`customer_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Product_Categories` ( `production_type_code` VARCHAR(15) PRIMARY KEY, `product_type_description` VARCHAR(80), `vat_rating` DECIMAL(19,4) ); CREATE TABLE `Products` ( `product_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `parent_product_id` INTEGER, `production_type_code` VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, `unit_price` DECIMAL(19,4), `product_name` VARCHAR(80), `product_color` VARCHAR(20), `product_size` VARCHAR(20), FOREIGN KEY (`production_type_code` ) REFERENCES `Product_Categories`(`production_type_code` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Financial_Transactions` ( `transaction_id` INTEGER NOT NULL , `account_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_number` INTEGER, `transaction_type` VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, `transaction_date` DATETIME, `transaction_amount` DECIMAL(19,4), `transaction_comment` VARCHAR(255), `other_transaction_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`invoice_number` ) REFERENCES `Invoices`(`invoice_number` ), FOREIGN KEY (`account_id` ) REFERENCES `Accounts`(`account_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Order_Items` ( `order_item_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `order_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_quantity` VARCHAR(50), `other_order_item_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`product_id` ) REFERENCES `Products`(`product_id` ), FOREIGN KEY (`order_id` ) REFERENCES `Orders`(`order_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Invoice_Line_Items` ( `order_item_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_number` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_title` VARCHAR(80), `product_quantity` VARCHAR(50), `product_price` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_product_cost` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_vat_payable` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_total_cost` DECIMAL(19,4), FOREIGN KEY (`order_item_id` ) REFERENCES `Order_Items`(`order_item_id` ), FOREIGN KEY (`invoice_number` ) REFERENCES `Invoices`(`invoice_number` ), FOREIGN KEY (`product_id` ) REFERENCES `Products`(`product_id` ) ); INSERT INTO Customers (`customer_id`, `customer_first_name`, `customer_middle_initial`, `customer_last_name`, `gender`, `email_address`, `login_name`, `login_password`, `phone_number`, `town_city`, `state_county_province`, `country`) VALUES (1, 'Dee', 'A', 'Larkin', '1', 'thora.torphy@example.org', 'xhartmann', '77789d292604ea04406f', '241.796.1219x37862', 'North Nellie', 'WestVirginia', 'USA')INSERT INTO Orders (`order_id`, `customer_id`, `date_order_placed`, `order_details`) VALUES (1, 12, '2012-06-27 20:49:56', NULL)INSERT INTO Invoices (`invoice_number`, `order_id`, `invoice_date`) VALUES (1, 9, '2018-03-01 16:40:48')INSERT INTO Accounts (`account_id`, `customer_id`, `date_account_opened`, `account_name`, `other_account_details`) VALUES (1, 8, '2016-07-30 22:22:24', '900', 'Regular')INSERT INTO Product_Categories (`production_type_code`, `product_type_description`, `vat_rating`) VALUES ('Food', 'Food', '15.8400')INSERT INTO Products (`product_id`, `parent_product_id`, `production_type_code`, `unit_price`, `product_name`, `product_color`, `product_size`) VALUES (1, 4, 'Food', '617.9500', 'Coffee Bean', 'Red', 'Medium')INSERT INTO Financial_Transactions (`transaction_id`, `account_id`, `invoice_number`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_date`, `transaction_amount`) VALUES (1, 13, 12, 'Payment', '2018-03-15 21:13:57', '613.9600')INSERT INTO Order_Items (`order_item_id`, `order_id`, `product_id`, `product_quantity`, `other_order_item_details`) VALUES (1, 4, 4, '6', NULL)INSERT INTO Invoice_Line_Items (`order_item_id`, `invoice_number`, `product_id`, `product_title`, `product_quantity`, `product_price`, `derived_product_cost`, `derived_vat_payable`, `derived_total_cost`) VALUES (14, 9, 5, 'prod_name', '4', '742.3700', '191.1100', NULL, '69.8200')
SELECT count(DISTINCT customer_id) FROM Accounts
How many customers have opened an account?
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE `Customers` ( `customer_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_first_name` VARCHAR(50), `customer_middle_initial` VARCHAR(1), `customer_last_name` VARCHAR(50), `gender` VARCHAR(1), `email_address` VARCHAR(255), `login_name` VARCHAR(80), `login_password` VARCHAR(20), `phone_number` VARCHAR(255), `town_city` VARCHAR(50), `state_county_province` VARCHAR(50), `country` VARCHAR(50) ); CREATE TABLE `Orders` ( `order_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `date_order_placed` DATETIME NOT NULL, `order_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`customer_id` ) REFERENCES `Customers`(`customer_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Invoices` ( `invoice_number` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `order_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_date` DATETIME, FOREIGN KEY (`order_id` ) REFERENCES `Orders`(`order_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Accounts` ( `account_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `date_account_opened` DATETIME, `account_name` VARCHAR(50), `other_account_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`customer_id` ) REFERENCES `Customers`(`customer_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Product_Categories` ( `production_type_code` VARCHAR(15) PRIMARY KEY, `product_type_description` VARCHAR(80), `vat_rating` DECIMAL(19,4) ); CREATE TABLE `Products` ( `product_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `parent_product_id` INTEGER, `production_type_code` VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, `unit_price` DECIMAL(19,4), `product_name` VARCHAR(80), `product_color` VARCHAR(20), `product_size` VARCHAR(20), FOREIGN KEY (`production_type_code` ) REFERENCES `Product_Categories`(`production_type_code` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Financial_Transactions` ( `transaction_id` INTEGER NOT NULL , `account_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_number` INTEGER, `transaction_type` VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, `transaction_date` DATETIME, `transaction_amount` DECIMAL(19,4), `transaction_comment` VARCHAR(255), `other_transaction_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`invoice_number` ) REFERENCES `Invoices`(`invoice_number` ), FOREIGN KEY (`account_id` ) REFERENCES `Accounts`(`account_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Order_Items` ( `order_item_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `order_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_quantity` VARCHAR(50), `other_order_item_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`product_id` ) REFERENCES `Products`(`product_id` ), FOREIGN KEY (`order_id` ) REFERENCES `Orders`(`order_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Invoice_Line_Items` ( `order_item_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_number` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_title` VARCHAR(80), `product_quantity` VARCHAR(50), `product_price` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_product_cost` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_vat_payable` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_total_cost` DECIMAL(19,4), FOREIGN KEY (`order_item_id` ) REFERENCES `Order_Items`(`order_item_id` ), FOREIGN KEY (`invoice_number` ) REFERENCES `Invoices`(`invoice_number` ), FOREIGN KEY (`product_id` ) REFERENCES `Products`(`product_id` ) ); INSERT INTO Customers (`customer_id`, `customer_first_name`, `customer_middle_initial`, `customer_last_name`, `gender`, `email_address`, `login_name`, `login_password`, `phone_number`, `town_city`, `state_county_province`, `country`) VALUES (1, 'Dee', 'A', 'Larkin', '1', 'thora.torphy@example.org', 'xhartmann', '77789d292604ea04406f', '241.796.1219x37862', 'North Nellie', 'WestVirginia', 'USA')INSERT INTO Orders (`order_id`, `customer_id`, `date_order_placed`, `order_details`) VALUES (1, 12, '2012-06-27 20:49:56', NULL)INSERT INTO Invoices (`invoice_number`, `order_id`, `invoice_date`) VALUES (1, 9, '2018-03-01 16:40:48')INSERT INTO Accounts (`account_id`, `customer_id`, `date_account_opened`, `account_name`, `other_account_details`) VALUES (1, 8, '2016-07-30 22:22:24', '900', 'Regular')INSERT INTO Product_Categories (`production_type_code`, `product_type_description`, `vat_rating`) VALUES ('Food', 'Food', '15.8400')INSERT INTO Products (`product_id`, `parent_product_id`, `production_type_code`, `unit_price`, `product_name`, `product_color`, `product_size`) VALUES (1, 4, 'Food', '617.9500', 'Coffee Bean', 'Red', 'Medium')INSERT INTO Financial_Transactions (`transaction_id`, `account_id`, `invoice_number`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_date`, `transaction_amount`) VALUES (1, 13, 12, 'Payment', '2018-03-15 21:13:57', '613.9600')INSERT INTO Order_Items (`order_item_id`, `order_id`, `product_id`, `product_quantity`, `other_order_item_details`) VALUES (1, 4, 4, '6', NULL)INSERT INTO Invoice_Line_Items (`order_item_id`, `invoice_number`, `product_id`, `product_title`, `product_quantity`, `product_price`, `derived_product_cost`, `derived_vat_payable`, `derived_total_cost`) VALUES (14, 9, 5, 'prod_name', '4', '742.3700', '191.1100', NULL, '69.8200')
SELECT count(DISTINCT customer_id) FROM Accounts
Count the number of customers who have an account.
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE `Customers` ( `customer_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_first_name` VARCHAR(50), `customer_middle_initial` VARCHAR(1), `customer_last_name` VARCHAR(50), `gender` VARCHAR(1), `email_address` VARCHAR(255), `login_name` VARCHAR(80), `login_password` VARCHAR(20), `phone_number` VARCHAR(255), `town_city` VARCHAR(50), `state_county_province` VARCHAR(50), `country` VARCHAR(50) ); CREATE TABLE `Orders` ( `order_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `date_order_placed` DATETIME NOT NULL, `order_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`customer_id` ) REFERENCES `Customers`(`customer_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Invoices` ( `invoice_number` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `order_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_date` DATETIME, FOREIGN KEY (`order_id` ) REFERENCES `Orders`(`order_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Accounts` ( `account_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `date_account_opened` DATETIME, `account_name` VARCHAR(50), `other_account_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`customer_id` ) REFERENCES `Customers`(`customer_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Product_Categories` ( `production_type_code` VARCHAR(15) PRIMARY KEY, `product_type_description` VARCHAR(80), `vat_rating` DECIMAL(19,4) ); CREATE TABLE `Products` ( `product_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `parent_product_id` INTEGER, `production_type_code` VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, `unit_price` DECIMAL(19,4), `product_name` VARCHAR(80), `product_color` VARCHAR(20), `product_size` VARCHAR(20), FOREIGN KEY (`production_type_code` ) REFERENCES `Product_Categories`(`production_type_code` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Financial_Transactions` ( `transaction_id` INTEGER NOT NULL , `account_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_number` INTEGER, `transaction_type` VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, `transaction_date` DATETIME, `transaction_amount` DECIMAL(19,4), `transaction_comment` VARCHAR(255), `other_transaction_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`invoice_number` ) REFERENCES `Invoices`(`invoice_number` ), FOREIGN KEY (`account_id` ) REFERENCES `Accounts`(`account_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Order_Items` ( `order_item_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `order_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_quantity` VARCHAR(50), `other_order_item_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`product_id` ) REFERENCES `Products`(`product_id` ), FOREIGN KEY (`order_id` ) REFERENCES `Orders`(`order_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Invoice_Line_Items` ( `order_item_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_number` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_title` VARCHAR(80), `product_quantity` VARCHAR(50), `product_price` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_product_cost` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_vat_payable` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_total_cost` DECIMAL(19,4), FOREIGN KEY (`order_item_id` ) REFERENCES `Order_Items`(`order_item_id` ), FOREIGN KEY (`invoice_number` ) REFERENCES `Invoices`(`invoice_number` ), FOREIGN KEY (`product_id` ) REFERENCES `Products`(`product_id` ) ); INSERT INTO Customers (`customer_id`, `customer_first_name`, `customer_middle_initial`, `customer_last_name`, `gender`, `email_address`, `login_name`, `login_password`, `phone_number`, `town_city`, `state_county_province`, `country`) VALUES (1, 'Dee', 'A', 'Larkin', '1', 'thora.torphy@example.org', 'xhartmann', '77789d292604ea04406f', '241.796.1219x37862', 'North Nellie', 'WestVirginia', 'USA')INSERT INTO Orders (`order_id`, `customer_id`, `date_order_placed`, `order_details`) VALUES (1, 12, '2012-06-27 20:49:56', NULL)INSERT INTO Invoices (`invoice_number`, `order_id`, `invoice_date`) VALUES (1, 9, '2018-03-01 16:40:48')INSERT INTO Accounts (`account_id`, `customer_id`, `date_account_opened`, `account_name`, `other_account_details`) VALUES (1, 8, '2016-07-30 22:22:24', '900', 'Regular')INSERT INTO Product_Categories (`production_type_code`, `product_type_description`, `vat_rating`) VALUES ('Food', 'Food', '15.8400')INSERT INTO Products (`product_id`, `parent_product_id`, `production_type_code`, `unit_price`, `product_name`, `product_color`, `product_size`) VALUES (1, 4, 'Food', '617.9500', 'Coffee Bean', 'Red', 'Medium')INSERT INTO Financial_Transactions (`transaction_id`, `account_id`, `invoice_number`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_date`, `transaction_amount`) VALUES (1, 13, 12, 'Payment', '2018-03-15 21:13:57', '613.9600')INSERT INTO Order_Items (`order_item_id`, `order_id`, `product_id`, `product_quantity`, `other_order_item_details`) VALUES (1, 4, 4, '6', NULL)INSERT INTO Invoice_Line_Items (`order_item_id`, `invoice_number`, `product_id`, `product_title`, `product_quantity`, `product_price`, `derived_product_cost`, `derived_vat_payable`, `derived_total_cost`) VALUES (14, 9, 5, 'prod_name', '4', '742.3700', '191.1100', NULL, '69.8200')
SELECT account_id , date_account_opened , account_name , other_account_details FROM Accounts
Show the id, the date of account opened, the account name, and other account detail for all accounts.
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE `Customers` ( `customer_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_first_name` VARCHAR(50), `customer_middle_initial` VARCHAR(1), `customer_last_name` VARCHAR(50), `gender` VARCHAR(1), `email_address` VARCHAR(255), `login_name` VARCHAR(80), `login_password` VARCHAR(20), `phone_number` VARCHAR(255), `town_city` VARCHAR(50), `state_county_province` VARCHAR(50), `country` VARCHAR(50) ); CREATE TABLE `Orders` ( `order_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `date_order_placed` DATETIME NOT NULL, `order_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`customer_id` ) REFERENCES `Customers`(`customer_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Invoices` ( `invoice_number` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `order_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_date` DATETIME, FOREIGN KEY (`order_id` ) REFERENCES `Orders`(`order_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Accounts` ( `account_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `date_account_opened` DATETIME, `account_name` VARCHAR(50), `other_account_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`customer_id` ) REFERENCES `Customers`(`customer_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Product_Categories` ( `production_type_code` VARCHAR(15) PRIMARY KEY, `product_type_description` VARCHAR(80), `vat_rating` DECIMAL(19,4) ); CREATE TABLE `Products` ( `product_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `parent_product_id` INTEGER, `production_type_code` VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, `unit_price` DECIMAL(19,4), `product_name` VARCHAR(80), `product_color` VARCHAR(20), `product_size` VARCHAR(20), FOREIGN KEY (`production_type_code` ) REFERENCES `Product_Categories`(`production_type_code` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Financial_Transactions` ( `transaction_id` INTEGER NOT NULL , `account_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_number` INTEGER, `transaction_type` VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, `transaction_date` DATETIME, `transaction_amount` DECIMAL(19,4), `transaction_comment` VARCHAR(255), `other_transaction_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`invoice_number` ) REFERENCES `Invoices`(`invoice_number` ), FOREIGN KEY (`account_id` ) REFERENCES `Accounts`(`account_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Order_Items` ( `order_item_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `order_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_quantity` VARCHAR(50), `other_order_item_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`product_id` ) REFERENCES `Products`(`product_id` ), FOREIGN KEY (`order_id` ) REFERENCES `Orders`(`order_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Invoice_Line_Items` ( `order_item_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_number` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_title` VARCHAR(80), `product_quantity` VARCHAR(50), `product_price` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_product_cost` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_vat_payable` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_total_cost` DECIMAL(19,4), FOREIGN KEY (`order_item_id` ) REFERENCES `Order_Items`(`order_item_id` ), FOREIGN KEY (`invoice_number` ) REFERENCES `Invoices`(`invoice_number` ), FOREIGN KEY (`product_id` ) REFERENCES `Products`(`product_id` ) ); INSERT INTO Customers (`customer_id`, `customer_first_name`, `customer_middle_initial`, `customer_last_name`, `gender`, `email_address`, `login_name`, `login_password`, `phone_number`, `town_city`, `state_county_province`, `country`) VALUES (1, 'Dee', 'A', 'Larkin', '1', 'thora.torphy@example.org', 'xhartmann', '77789d292604ea04406f', '241.796.1219x37862', 'North Nellie', 'WestVirginia', 'USA')INSERT INTO Orders (`order_id`, `customer_id`, `date_order_placed`, `order_details`) VALUES (1, 12, '2012-06-27 20:49:56', NULL)INSERT INTO Invoices (`invoice_number`, `order_id`, `invoice_date`) VALUES (1, 9, '2018-03-01 16:40:48')INSERT INTO Accounts (`account_id`, `customer_id`, `date_account_opened`, `account_name`, `other_account_details`) VALUES (1, 8, '2016-07-30 22:22:24', '900', 'Regular')INSERT INTO Product_Categories (`production_type_code`, `product_type_description`, `vat_rating`) VALUES ('Food', 'Food', '15.8400')INSERT INTO Products (`product_id`, `parent_product_id`, `production_type_code`, `unit_price`, `product_name`, `product_color`, `product_size`) VALUES (1, 4, 'Food', '617.9500', 'Coffee Bean', 'Red', 'Medium')INSERT INTO Financial_Transactions (`transaction_id`, `account_id`, `invoice_number`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_date`, `transaction_amount`) VALUES (1, 13, 12, 'Payment', '2018-03-15 21:13:57', '613.9600')INSERT INTO Order_Items (`order_item_id`, `order_id`, `product_id`, `product_quantity`, `other_order_item_details`) VALUES (1, 4, 4, '6', NULL)INSERT INTO Invoice_Line_Items (`order_item_id`, `invoice_number`, `product_id`, `product_title`, `product_quantity`, `product_price`, `derived_product_cost`, `derived_vat_payable`, `derived_total_cost`) VALUES (14, 9, 5, 'prod_name', '4', '742.3700', '191.1100', NULL, '69.8200')
SELECT account_id , date_account_opened , account_name , other_account_details FROM Accounts
What are the ids, date opened, name, and other details for all accounts?
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE `Customers` ( `customer_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_first_name` VARCHAR(50), `customer_middle_initial` VARCHAR(1), `customer_last_name` VARCHAR(50), `gender` VARCHAR(1), `email_address` VARCHAR(255), `login_name` VARCHAR(80), `login_password` VARCHAR(20), `phone_number` VARCHAR(255), `town_city` VARCHAR(50), `state_county_province` VARCHAR(50), `country` VARCHAR(50) ); CREATE TABLE `Orders` ( `order_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `date_order_placed` DATETIME NOT NULL, `order_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`customer_id` ) REFERENCES `Customers`(`customer_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Invoices` ( `invoice_number` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `order_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_date` DATETIME, FOREIGN KEY (`order_id` ) REFERENCES `Orders`(`order_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Accounts` ( `account_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `date_account_opened` DATETIME, `account_name` VARCHAR(50), `other_account_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`customer_id` ) REFERENCES `Customers`(`customer_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Product_Categories` ( `production_type_code` VARCHAR(15) PRIMARY KEY, `product_type_description` VARCHAR(80), `vat_rating` DECIMAL(19,4) ); CREATE TABLE `Products` ( `product_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `parent_product_id` INTEGER, `production_type_code` VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, `unit_price` DECIMAL(19,4), `product_name` VARCHAR(80), `product_color` VARCHAR(20), `product_size` VARCHAR(20), FOREIGN KEY (`production_type_code` ) REFERENCES `Product_Categories`(`production_type_code` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Financial_Transactions` ( `transaction_id` INTEGER NOT NULL , `account_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_number` INTEGER, `transaction_type` VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, `transaction_date` DATETIME, `transaction_amount` DECIMAL(19,4), `transaction_comment` VARCHAR(255), `other_transaction_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`invoice_number` ) REFERENCES `Invoices`(`invoice_number` ), FOREIGN KEY (`account_id` ) REFERENCES `Accounts`(`account_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Order_Items` ( `order_item_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `order_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_quantity` VARCHAR(50), `other_order_item_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`product_id` ) REFERENCES `Products`(`product_id` ), FOREIGN KEY (`order_id` ) REFERENCES `Orders`(`order_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Invoice_Line_Items` ( `order_item_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_number` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_title` VARCHAR(80), `product_quantity` VARCHAR(50), `product_price` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_product_cost` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_vat_payable` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_total_cost` DECIMAL(19,4), FOREIGN KEY (`order_item_id` ) REFERENCES `Order_Items`(`order_item_id` ), FOREIGN KEY (`invoice_number` ) REFERENCES `Invoices`(`invoice_number` ), FOREIGN KEY (`product_id` ) REFERENCES `Products`(`product_id` ) ); INSERT INTO Customers (`customer_id`, `customer_first_name`, `customer_middle_initial`, `customer_last_name`, `gender`, `email_address`, `login_name`, `login_password`, `phone_number`, `town_city`, `state_county_province`, `country`) VALUES (1, 'Dee', 'A', 'Larkin', '1', 'thora.torphy@example.org', 'xhartmann', '77789d292604ea04406f', '241.796.1219x37862', 'North Nellie', 'WestVirginia', 'USA')INSERT INTO Orders (`order_id`, `customer_id`, `date_order_placed`, `order_details`) VALUES (1, 12, '2012-06-27 20:49:56', NULL)INSERT INTO Invoices (`invoice_number`, `order_id`, `invoice_date`) VALUES (1, 9, '2018-03-01 16:40:48')INSERT INTO Accounts (`account_id`, `customer_id`, `date_account_opened`, `account_name`, `other_account_details`) VALUES (1, 8, '2016-07-30 22:22:24', '900', 'Regular')INSERT INTO Product_Categories (`production_type_code`, `product_type_description`, `vat_rating`) VALUES ('Food', 'Food', '15.8400')INSERT INTO Products (`product_id`, `parent_product_id`, `production_type_code`, `unit_price`, `product_name`, `product_color`, `product_size`) VALUES (1, 4, 'Food', '617.9500', 'Coffee Bean', 'Red', 'Medium')INSERT INTO Financial_Transactions (`transaction_id`, `account_id`, `invoice_number`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_date`, `transaction_amount`) VALUES (1, 13, 12, 'Payment', '2018-03-15 21:13:57', '613.9600')INSERT INTO Order_Items (`order_item_id`, `order_id`, `product_id`, `product_quantity`, `other_order_item_details`) VALUES (1, 4, 4, '6', NULL)INSERT INTO Invoice_Line_Items (`order_item_id`, `invoice_number`, `product_id`, `product_title`, `product_quantity`, `product_price`, `derived_product_cost`, `derived_vat_payable`, `derived_total_cost`) VALUES (14, 9, 5, 'prod_name', '4', '742.3700', '191.1100', NULL, '69.8200')
SELECT T1.account_id , T1.date_account_opened , T1.account_name , T1.other_account_details FROM Accounts AS T1 JOIN Customers AS T2 ON T1.customer_id = T2.customer_id WHERE T2.customer_first_name = 'Meaghan'
Show the id, the account name, and other account details for all accounts by the customer with first name 'Meaghan'.
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE `Customers` ( `customer_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_first_name` VARCHAR(50), `customer_middle_initial` VARCHAR(1), `customer_last_name` VARCHAR(50), `gender` VARCHAR(1), `email_address` VARCHAR(255), `login_name` VARCHAR(80), `login_password` VARCHAR(20), `phone_number` VARCHAR(255), `town_city` VARCHAR(50), `state_county_province` VARCHAR(50), `country` VARCHAR(50) ); CREATE TABLE `Orders` ( `order_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `date_order_placed` DATETIME NOT NULL, `order_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`customer_id` ) REFERENCES `Customers`(`customer_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Invoices` ( `invoice_number` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `order_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_date` DATETIME, FOREIGN KEY (`order_id` ) REFERENCES `Orders`(`order_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Accounts` ( `account_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `date_account_opened` DATETIME, `account_name` VARCHAR(50), `other_account_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`customer_id` ) REFERENCES `Customers`(`customer_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Product_Categories` ( `production_type_code` VARCHAR(15) PRIMARY KEY, `product_type_description` VARCHAR(80), `vat_rating` DECIMAL(19,4) ); CREATE TABLE `Products` ( `product_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `parent_product_id` INTEGER, `production_type_code` VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, `unit_price` DECIMAL(19,4), `product_name` VARCHAR(80), `product_color` VARCHAR(20), `product_size` VARCHAR(20), FOREIGN KEY (`production_type_code` ) REFERENCES `Product_Categories`(`production_type_code` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Financial_Transactions` ( `transaction_id` INTEGER NOT NULL , `account_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_number` INTEGER, `transaction_type` VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, `transaction_date` DATETIME, `transaction_amount` DECIMAL(19,4), `transaction_comment` VARCHAR(255), `other_transaction_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`invoice_number` ) REFERENCES `Invoices`(`invoice_number` ), FOREIGN KEY (`account_id` ) REFERENCES `Accounts`(`account_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Order_Items` ( `order_item_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `order_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_quantity` VARCHAR(50), `other_order_item_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`product_id` ) REFERENCES `Products`(`product_id` ), FOREIGN KEY (`order_id` ) REFERENCES `Orders`(`order_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Invoice_Line_Items` ( `order_item_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_number` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_title` VARCHAR(80), `product_quantity` VARCHAR(50), `product_price` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_product_cost` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_vat_payable` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_total_cost` DECIMAL(19,4), FOREIGN KEY (`order_item_id` ) REFERENCES `Order_Items`(`order_item_id` ), FOREIGN KEY (`invoice_number` ) REFERENCES `Invoices`(`invoice_number` ), FOREIGN KEY (`product_id` ) REFERENCES `Products`(`product_id` ) ); INSERT INTO Customers (`customer_id`, `customer_first_name`, `customer_middle_initial`, `customer_last_name`, `gender`, `email_address`, `login_name`, `login_password`, `phone_number`, `town_city`, `state_county_province`, `country`) VALUES (1, 'Dee', 'A', 'Larkin', '1', 'thora.torphy@example.org', 'xhartmann', '77789d292604ea04406f', '241.796.1219x37862', 'North Nellie', 'WestVirginia', 'USA')INSERT INTO Orders (`order_id`, `customer_id`, `date_order_placed`, `order_details`) VALUES (1, 12, '2012-06-27 20:49:56', NULL)INSERT INTO Invoices (`invoice_number`, `order_id`, `invoice_date`) VALUES (1, 9, '2018-03-01 16:40:48')INSERT INTO Accounts (`account_id`, `customer_id`, `date_account_opened`, `account_name`, `other_account_details`) VALUES (1, 8, '2016-07-30 22:22:24', '900', 'Regular')INSERT INTO Product_Categories (`production_type_code`, `product_type_description`, `vat_rating`) VALUES ('Food', 'Food', '15.8400')INSERT INTO Products (`product_id`, `parent_product_id`, `production_type_code`, `unit_price`, `product_name`, `product_color`, `product_size`) VALUES (1, 4, 'Food', '617.9500', 'Coffee Bean', 'Red', 'Medium')INSERT INTO Financial_Transactions (`transaction_id`, `account_id`, `invoice_number`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_date`, `transaction_amount`) VALUES (1, 13, 12, 'Payment', '2018-03-15 21:13:57', '613.9600')INSERT INTO Order_Items (`order_item_id`, `order_id`, `product_id`, `product_quantity`, `other_order_item_details`) VALUES (1, 4, 4, '6', NULL)INSERT INTO Invoice_Line_Items (`order_item_id`, `invoice_number`, `product_id`, `product_title`, `product_quantity`, `product_price`, `derived_product_cost`, `derived_vat_payable`, `derived_total_cost`) VALUES (14, 9, 5, 'prod_name', '4', '742.3700', '191.1100', NULL, '69.8200')
SELECT T1.account_id , T1.date_account_opened , T1.account_name , T1.other_account_details FROM Accounts AS T1 JOIN Customers AS T2 ON T1.customer_id = T2.customer_id WHERE T2.customer_first_name = 'Meaghan'
What are the ids, names, dates of opening, and other details for accounts corresponding to the customer with the first name "Meaghan"?
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE `Customers` ( `customer_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_first_name` VARCHAR(50), `customer_middle_initial` VARCHAR(1), `customer_last_name` VARCHAR(50), `gender` VARCHAR(1), `email_address` VARCHAR(255), `login_name` VARCHAR(80), `login_password` VARCHAR(20), `phone_number` VARCHAR(255), `town_city` VARCHAR(50), `state_county_province` VARCHAR(50), `country` VARCHAR(50) ); CREATE TABLE `Orders` ( `order_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `date_order_placed` DATETIME NOT NULL, `order_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`customer_id` ) REFERENCES `Customers`(`customer_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Invoices` ( `invoice_number` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `order_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_date` DATETIME, FOREIGN KEY (`order_id` ) REFERENCES `Orders`(`order_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Accounts` ( `account_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `date_account_opened` DATETIME, `account_name` VARCHAR(50), `other_account_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`customer_id` ) REFERENCES `Customers`(`customer_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Product_Categories` ( `production_type_code` VARCHAR(15) PRIMARY KEY, `product_type_description` VARCHAR(80), `vat_rating` DECIMAL(19,4) ); CREATE TABLE `Products` ( `product_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `parent_product_id` INTEGER, `production_type_code` VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, `unit_price` DECIMAL(19,4), `product_name` VARCHAR(80), `product_color` VARCHAR(20), `product_size` VARCHAR(20), FOREIGN KEY (`production_type_code` ) REFERENCES `Product_Categories`(`production_type_code` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Financial_Transactions` ( `transaction_id` INTEGER NOT NULL , `account_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_number` INTEGER, `transaction_type` VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, `transaction_date` DATETIME, `transaction_amount` DECIMAL(19,4), `transaction_comment` VARCHAR(255), `other_transaction_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`invoice_number` ) REFERENCES `Invoices`(`invoice_number` ), FOREIGN KEY (`account_id` ) REFERENCES `Accounts`(`account_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Order_Items` ( `order_item_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `order_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_quantity` VARCHAR(50), `other_order_item_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`product_id` ) REFERENCES `Products`(`product_id` ), FOREIGN KEY (`order_id` ) REFERENCES `Orders`(`order_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Invoice_Line_Items` ( `order_item_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_number` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_title` VARCHAR(80), `product_quantity` VARCHAR(50), `product_price` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_product_cost` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_vat_payable` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_total_cost` DECIMAL(19,4), FOREIGN KEY (`order_item_id` ) REFERENCES `Order_Items`(`order_item_id` ), FOREIGN KEY (`invoice_number` ) REFERENCES `Invoices`(`invoice_number` ), FOREIGN KEY (`product_id` ) REFERENCES `Products`(`product_id` ) ); INSERT INTO Customers (`customer_id`, `customer_first_name`, `customer_middle_initial`, `customer_last_name`, `gender`, `email_address`, `login_name`, `login_password`, `phone_number`, `town_city`, `state_county_province`, `country`) VALUES (1, 'Dee', 'A', 'Larkin', '1', 'thora.torphy@example.org', 'xhartmann', '77789d292604ea04406f', '241.796.1219x37862', 'North Nellie', 'WestVirginia', 'USA')INSERT INTO Orders (`order_id`, `customer_id`, `date_order_placed`, `order_details`) VALUES (1, 12, '2012-06-27 20:49:56', NULL)INSERT INTO Invoices (`invoice_number`, `order_id`, `invoice_date`) VALUES (1, 9, '2018-03-01 16:40:48')INSERT INTO Accounts (`account_id`, `customer_id`, `date_account_opened`, `account_name`, `other_account_details`) VALUES (1, 8, '2016-07-30 22:22:24', '900', 'Regular')INSERT INTO Product_Categories (`production_type_code`, `product_type_description`, `vat_rating`) VALUES ('Food', 'Food', '15.8400')INSERT INTO Products (`product_id`, `parent_product_id`, `production_type_code`, `unit_price`, `product_name`, `product_color`, `product_size`) VALUES (1, 4, 'Food', '617.9500', 'Coffee Bean', 'Red', 'Medium')INSERT INTO Financial_Transactions (`transaction_id`, `account_id`, `invoice_number`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_date`, `transaction_amount`) VALUES (1, 13, 12, 'Payment', '2018-03-15 21:13:57', '613.9600')INSERT INTO Order_Items (`order_item_id`, `order_id`, `product_id`, `product_quantity`, `other_order_item_details`) VALUES (1, 4, 4, '6', NULL)INSERT INTO Invoice_Line_Items (`order_item_id`, `invoice_number`, `product_id`, `product_title`, `product_quantity`, `product_price`, `derived_product_cost`, `derived_vat_payable`, `derived_total_cost`) VALUES (14, 9, 5, 'prod_name', '4', '742.3700', '191.1100', NULL, '69.8200')
SELECT T1.account_name , T1.other_account_details FROM Accounts AS T1 JOIN Customers AS T2 ON T1.customer_id = T2.customer_id WHERE T2.customer_first_name = "Meaghan" AND T2.customer_last_name = "Keeling"
Show the account name and other account detail for all accounts by the customer with first name Meaghan and last name Keeling.
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE `Customers` ( `customer_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_first_name` VARCHAR(50), `customer_middle_initial` VARCHAR(1), `customer_last_name` VARCHAR(50), `gender` VARCHAR(1), `email_address` VARCHAR(255), `login_name` VARCHAR(80), `login_password` VARCHAR(20), `phone_number` VARCHAR(255), `town_city` VARCHAR(50), `state_county_province` VARCHAR(50), `country` VARCHAR(50) ); CREATE TABLE `Orders` ( `order_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `date_order_placed` DATETIME NOT NULL, `order_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`customer_id` ) REFERENCES `Customers`(`customer_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Invoices` ( `invoice_number` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `order_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_date` DATETIME, FOREIGN KEY (`order_id` ) REFERENCES `Orders`(`order_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Accounts` ( `account_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `date_account_opened` DATETIME, `account_name` VARCHAR(50), `other_account_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`customer_id` ) REFERENCES `Customers`(`customer_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Product_Categories` ( `production_type_code` VARCHAR(15) PRIMARY KEY, `product_type_description` VARCHAR(80), `vat_rating` DECIMAL(19,4) ); CREATE TABLE `Products` ( `product_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `parent_product_id` INTEGER, `production_type_code` VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, `unit_price` DECIMAL(19,4), `product_name` VARCHAR(80), `product_color` VARCHAR(20), `product_size` VARCHAR(20), FOREIGN KEY (`production_type_code` ) REFERENCES `Product_Categories`(`production_type_code` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Financial_Transactions` ( `transaction_id` INTEGER NOT NULL , `account_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_number` INTEGER, `transaction_type` VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, `transaction_date` DATETIME, `transaction_amount` DECIMAL(19,4), `transaction_comment` VARCHAR(255), `other_transaction_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`invoice_number` ) REFERENCES `Invoices`(`invoice_number` ), FOREIGN KEY (`account_id` ) REFERENCES `Accounts`(`account_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Order_Items` ( `order_item_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `order_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_quantity` VARCHAR(50), `other_order_item_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`product_id` ) REFERENCES `Products`(`product_id` ), FOREIGN KEY (`order_id` ) REFERENCES `Orders`(`order_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Invoice_Line_Items` ( `order_item_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_number` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_title` VARCHAR(80), `product_quantity` VARCHAR(50), `product_price` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_product_cost` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_vat_payable` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_total_cost` DECIMAL(19,4), FOREIGN KEY (`order_item_id` ) REFERENCES `Order_Items`(`order_item_id` ), FOREIGN KEY (`invoice_number` ) REFERENCES `Invoices`(`invoice_number` ), FOREIGN KEY (`product_id` ) REFERENCES `Products`(`product_id` ) ); INSERT INTO Customers (`customer_id`, `customer_first_name`, `customer_middle_initial`, `customer_last_name`, `gender`, `email_address`, `login_name`, `login_password`, `phone_number`, `town_city`, `state_county_province`, `country`) VALUES (1, 'Dee', 'A', 'Larkin', '1', 'thora.torphy@example.org', 'xhartmann', '77789d292604ea04406f', '241.796.1219x37862', 'North Nellie', 'WestVirginia', 'USA')INSERT INTO Orders (`order_id`, `customer_id`, `date_order_placed`, `order_details`) VALUES (1, 12, '2012-06-27 20:49:56', NULL)INSERT INTO Invoices (`invoice_number`, `order_id`, `invoice_date`) VALUES (1, 9, '2018-03-01 16:40:48')INSERT INTO Accounts (`account_id`, `customer_id`, `date_account_opened`, `account_name`, `other_account_details`) VALUES (1, 8, '2016-07-30 22:22:24', '900', 'Regular')INSERT INTO Product_Categories (`production_type_code`, `product_type_description`, `vat_rating`) VALUES ('Food', 'Food', '15.8400')INSERT INTO Products (`product_id`, `parent_product_id`, `production_type_code`, `unit_price`, `product_name`, `product_color`, `product_size`) VALUES (1, 4, 'Food', '617.9500', 'Coffee Bean', 'Red', 'Medium')INSERT INTO Financial_Transactions (`transaction_id`, `account_id`, `invoice_number`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_date`, `transaction_amount`) VALUES (1, 13, 12, 'Payment', '2018-03-15 21:13:57', '613.9600')INSERT INTO Order_Items (`order_item_id`, `order_id`, `product_id`, `product_quantity`, `other_order_item_details`) VALUES (1, 4, 4, '6', NULL)INSERT INTO Invoice_Line_Items (`order_item_id`, `invoice_number`, `product_id`, `product_title`, `product_quantity`, `product_price`, `derived_product_cost`, `derived_vat_payable`, `derived_total_cost`) VALUES (14, 9, 5, 'prod_name', '4', '742.3700', '191.1100', NULL, '69.8200')
SELECT T1.account_name , T1.other_account_details FROM Accounts AS T1 JOIN Customers AS T2 ON T1.customer_id = T2.customer_id WHERE T2.customer_first_name = "Meaghan" AND T2.customer_last_name = "Keeling"
What are the names and other details for accounts corresponding to the customer named Meaghan Keeling?
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE `Customers` ( `customer_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_first_name` VARCHAR(50), `customer_middle_initial` VARCHAR(1), `customer_last_name` VARCHAR(50), `gender` VARCHAR(1), `email_address` VARCHAR(255), `login_name` VARCHAR(80), `login_password` VARCHAR(20), `phone_number` VARCHAR(255), `town_city` VARCHAR(50), `state_county_province` VARCHAR(50), `country` VARCHAR(50) ); CREATE TABLE `Orders` ( `order_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `date_order_placed` DATETIME NOT NULL, `order_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`customer_id` ) REFERENCES `Customers`(`customer_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Invoices` ( `invoice_number` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `order_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_date` DATETIME, FOREIGN KEY (`order_id` ) REFERENCES `Orders`(`order_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Accounts` ( `account_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `date_account_opened` DATETIME, `account_name` VARCHAR(50), `other_account_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`customer_id` ) REFERENCES `Customers`(`customer_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Product_Categories` ( `production_type_code` VARCHAR(15) PRIMARY KEY, `product_type_description` VARCHAR(80), `vat_rating` DECIMAL(19,4) ); CREATE TABLE `Products` ( `product_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `parent_product_id` INTEGER, `production_type_code` VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, `unit_price` DECIMAL(19,4), `product_name` VARCHAR(80), `product_color` VARCHAR(20), `product_size` VARCHAR(20), FOREIGN KEY (`production_type_code` ) REFERENCES `Product_Categories`(`production_type_code` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Financial_Transactions` ( `transaction_id` INTEGER NOT NULL , `account_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_number` INTEGER, `transaction_type` VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, `transaction_date` DATETIME, `transaction_amount` DECIMAL(19,4), `transaction_comment` VARCHAR(255), `other_transaction_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`invoice_number` ) REFERENCES `Invoices`(`invoice_number` ), FOREIGN KEY (`account_id` ) REFERENCES `Accounts`(`account_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Order_Items` ( `order_item_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `order_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_quantity` VARCHAR(50), `other_order_item_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`product_id` ) REFERENCES `Products`(`product_id` ), FOREIGN KEY (`order_id` ) REFERENCES `Orders`(`order_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Invoice_Line_Items` ( `order_item_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_number` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_title` VARCHAR(80), `product_quantity` VARCHAR(50), `product_price` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_product_cost` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_vat_payable` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_total_cost` DECIMAL(19,4), FOREIGN KEY (`order_item_id` ) REFERENCES `Order_Items`(`order_item_id` ), FOREIGN KEY (`invoice_number` ) REFERENCES `Invoices`(`invoice_number` ), FOREIGN KEY (`product_id` ) REFERENCES `Products`(`product_id` ) ); INSERT INTO Customers (`customer_id`, `customer_first_name`, `customer_middle_initial`, `customer_last_name`, `gender`, `email_address`, `login_name`, `login_password`, `phone_number`, `town_city`, `state_county_province`, `country`) VALUES (1, 'Dee', 'A', 'Larkin', '1', 'thora.torphy@example.org', 'xhartmann', '77789d292604ea04406f', '241.796.1219x37862', 'North Nellie', 'WestVirginia', 'USA')INSERT INTO Orders (`order_id`, `customer_id`, `date_order_placed`, `order_details`) VALUES (1, 12, '2012-06-27 20:49:56', NULL)INSERT INTO Invoices (`invoice_number`, `order_id`, `invoice_date`) VALUES (1, 9, '2018-03-01 16:40:48')INSERT INTO Accounts (`account_id`, `customer_id`, `date_account_opened`, `account_name`, `other_account_details`) VALUES (1, 8, '2016-07-30 22:22:24', '900', 'Regular')INSERT INTO Product_Categories (`production_type_code`, `product_type_description`, `vat_rating`) VALUES ('Food', 'Food', '15.8400')INSERT INTO Products (`product_id`, `parent_product_id`, `production_type_code`, `unit_price`, `product_name`, `product_color`, `product_size`) VALUES (1, 4, 'Food', '617.9500', 'Coffee Bean', 'Red', 'Medium')INSERT INTO Financial_Transactions (`transaction_id`, `account_id`, `invoice_number`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_date`, `transaction_amount`) VALUES (1, 13, 12, 'Payment', '2018-03-15 21:13:57', '613.9600')INSERT INTO Order_Items (`order_item_id`, `order_id`, `product_id`, `product_quantity`, `other_order_item_details`) VALUES (1, 4, 4, '6', NULL)INSERT INTO Invoice_Line_Items (`order_item_id`, `invoice_number`, `product_id`, `product_title`, `product_quantity`, `product_price`, `derived_product_cost`, `derived_vat_payable`, `derived_total_cost`) VALUES (14, 9, 5, 'prod_name', '4', '742.3700', '191.1100', NULL, '69.8200')
SELECT T2.customer_first_name , T2.customer_last_name FROM Accounts AS T1 JOIN Customers AS T2 ON T1.customer_id = T2.customer_id WHERE T1.account_name = "900"
Show the first name and last name for the customer with account name 900.
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE `Customers` ( `customer_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_first_name` VARCHAR(50), `customer_middle_initial` VARCHAR(1), `customer_last_name` VARCHAR(50), `gender` VARCHAR(1), `email_address` VARCHAR(255), `login_name` VARCHAR(80), `login_password` VARCHAR(20), `phone_number` VARCHAR(255), `town_city` VARCHAR(50), `state_county_province` VARCHAR(50), `country` VARCHAR(50) ); CREATE TABLE `Orders` ( `order_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `date_order_placed` DATETIME NOT NULL, `order_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`customer_id` ) REFERENCES `Customers`(`customer_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Invoices` ( `invoice_number` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `order_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_date` DATETIME, FOREIGN KEY (`order_id` ) REFERENCES `Orders`(`order_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Accounts` ( `account_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `date_account_opened` DATETIME, `account_name` VARCHAR(50), `other_account_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`customer_id` ) REFERENCES `Customers`(`customer_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Product_Categories` ( `production_type_code` VARCHAR(15) PRIMARY KEY, `product_type_description` VARCHAR(80), `vat_rating` DECIMAL(19,4) ); CREATE TABLE `Products` ( `product_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `parent_product_id` INTEGER, `production_type_code` VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, `unit_price` DECIMAL(19,4), `product_name` VARCHAR(80), `product_color` VARCHAR(20), `product_size` VARCHAR(20), FOREIGN KEY (`production_type_code` ) REFERENCES `Product_Categories`(`production_type_code` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Financial_Transactions` ( `transaction_id` INTEGER NOT NULL , `account_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_number` INTEGER, `transaction_type` VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, `transaction_date` DATETIME, `transaction_amount` DECIMAL(19,4), `transaction_comment` VARCHAR(255), `other_transaction_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`invoice_number` ) REFERENCES `Invoices`(`invoice_number` ), FOREIGN KEY (`account_id` ) REFERENCES `Accounts`(`account_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Order_Items` ( `order_item_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `order_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_quantity` VARCHAR(50), `other_order_item_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`product_id` ) REFERENCES `Products`(`product_id` ), FOREIGN KEY (`order_id` ) REFERENCES `Orders`(`order_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Invoice_Line_Items` ( `order_item_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_number` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_title` VARCHAR(80), `product_quantity` VARCHAR(50), `product_price` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_product_cost` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_vat_payable` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_total_cost` DECIMAL(19,4), FOREIGN KEY (`order_item_id` ) REFERENCES `Order_Items`(`order_item_id` ), FOREIGN KEY (`invoice_number` ) REFERENCES `Invoices`(`invoice_number` ), FOREIGN KEY (`product_id` ) REFERENCES `Products`(`product_id` ) ); INSERT INTO Customers (`customer_id`, `customer_first_name`, `customer_middle_initial`, `customer_last_name`, `gender`, `email_address`, `login_name`, `login_password`, `phone_number`, `town_city`, `state_county_province`, `country`) VALUES (1, 'Dee', 'A', 'Larkin', '1', 'thora.torphy@example.org', 'xhartmann', '77789d292604ea04406f', '241.796.1219x37862', 'North Nellie', 'WestVirginia', 'USA')INSERT INTO Orders (`order_id`, `customer_id`, `date_order_placed`, `order_details`) VALUES (1, 12, '2012-06-27 20:49:56', NULL)INSERT INTO Invoices (`invoice_number`, `order_id`, `invoice_date`) VALUES (1, 9, '2018-03-01 16:40:48')INSERT INTO Accounts (`account_id`, `customer_id`, `date_account_opened`, `account_name`, `other_account_details`) VALUES (1, 8, '2016-07-30 22:22:24', '900', 'Regular')INSERT INTO Product_Categories (`production_type_code`, `product_type_description`, `vat_rating`) VALUES ('Food', 'Food', '15.8400')INSERT INTO Products (`product_id`, `parent_product_id`, `production_type_code`, `unit_price`, `product_name`, `product_color`, `product_size`) VALUES (1, 4, 'Food', '617.9500', 'Coffee Bean', 'Red', 'Medium')INSERT INTO Financial_Transactions (`transaction_id`, `account_id`, `invoice_number`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_date`, `transaction_amount`) VALUES (1, 13, 12, 'Payment', '2018-03-15 21:13:57', '613.9600')INSERT INTO Order_Items (`order_item_id`, `order_id`, `product_id`, `product_quantity`, `other_order_item_details`) VALUES (1, 4, 4, '6', NULL)INSERT INTO Invoice_Line_Items (`order_item_id`, `invoice_number`, `product_id`, `product_title`, `product_quantity`, `product_price`, `derived_product_cost`, `derived_vat_payable`, `derived_total_cost`) VALUES (14, 9, 5, 'prod_name', '4', '742.3700', '191.1100', NULL, '69.8200')
SELECT T2.customer_first_name , T2.customer_last_name FROM Accounts AS T1 JOIN Customers AS T2 ON T1.customer_id = T2.customer_id WHERE T1.account_name = "900"
What are the full names of customers with the account name 900?
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE `Customers` ( `customer_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_first_name` VARCHAR(50), `customer_middle_initial` VARCHAR(1), `customer_last_name` VARCHAR(50), `gender` VARCHAR(1), `email_address` VARCHAR(255), `login_name` VARCHAR(80), `login_password` VARCHAR(20), `phone_number` VARCHAR(255), `town_city` VARCHAR(50), `state_county_province` VARCHAR(50), `country` VARCHAR(50) ); CREATE TABLE `Orders` ( `order_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `date_order_placed` DATETIME NOT NULL, `order_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`customer_id` ) REFERENCES `Customers`(`customer_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Invoices` ( `invoice_number` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `order_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_date` DATETIME, FOREIGN KEY (`order_id` ) REFERENCES `Orders`(`order_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Accounts` ( `account_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `date_account_opened` DATETIME, `account_name` VARCHAR(50), `other_account_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`customer_id` ) REFERENCES `Customers`(`customer_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Product_Categories` ( `production_type_code` VARCHAR(15) PRIMARY KEY, `product_type_description` VARCHAR(80), `vat_rating` DECIMAL(19,4) ); CREATE TABLE `Products` ( `product_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `parent_product_id` INTEGER, `production_type_code` VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, `unit_price` DECIMAL(19,4), `product_name` VARCHAR(80), `product_color` VARCHAR(20), `product_size` VARCHAR(20), FOREIGN KEY (`production_type_code` ) REFERENCES `Product_Categories`(`production_type_code` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Financial_Transactions` ( `transaction_id` INTEGER NOT NULL , `account_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_number` INTEGER, `transaction_type` VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, `transaction_date` DATETIME, `transaction_amount` DECIMAL(19,4), `transaction_comment` VARCHAR(255), `other_transaction_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`invoice_number` ) REFERENCES `Invoices`(`invoice_number` ), FOREIGN KEY (`account_id` ) REFERENCES `Accounts`(`account_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Order_Items` ( `order_item_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `order_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_quantity` VARCHAR(50), `other_order_item_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`product_id` ) REFERENCES `Products`(`product_id` ), FOREIGN KEY (`order_id` ) REFERENCES `Orders`(`order_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Invoice_Line_Items` ( `order_item_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_number` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_title` VARCHAR(80), `product_quantity` VARCHAR(50), `product_price` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_product_cost` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_vat_payable` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_total_cost` DECIMAL(19,4), FOREIGN KEY (`order_item_id` ) REFERENCES `Order_Items`(`order_item_id` ), FOREIGN KEY (`invoice_number` ) REFERENCES `Invoices`(`invoice_number` ), FOREIGN KEY (`product_id` ) REFERENCES `Products`(`product_id` ) ); INSERT INTO Customers (`customer_id`, `customer_first_name`, `customer_middle_initial`, `customer_last_name`, `gender`, `email_address`, `login_name`, `login_password`, `phone_number`, `town_city`, `state_county_province`, `country`) VALUES (1, 'Dee', 'A', 'Larkin', '1', 'thora.torphy@example.org', 'xhartmann', '77789d292604ea04406f', '241.796.1219x37862', 'North Nellie', 'WestVirginia', 'USA')INSERT INTO Orders (`order_id`, `customer_id`, `date_order_placed`, `order_details`) VALUES (1, 12, '2012-06-27 20:49:56', NULL)INSERT INTO Invoices (`invoice_number`, `order_id`, `invoice_date`) VALUES (1, 9, '2018-03-01 16:40:48')INSERT INTO Accounts (`account_id`, `customer_id`, `date_account_opened`, `account_name`, `other_account_details`) VALUES (1, 8, '2016-07-30 22:22:24', '900', 'Regular')INSERT INTO Product_Categories (`production_type_code`, `product_type_description`, `vat_rating`) VALUES ('Food', 'Food', '15.8400')INSERT INTO Products (`product_id`, `parent_product_id`, `production_type_code`, `unit_price`, `product_name`, `product_color`, `product_size`) VALUES (1, 4, 'Food', '617.9500', 'Coffee Bean', 'Red', 'Medium')INSERT INTO Financial_Transactions (`transaction_id`, `account_id`, `invoice_number`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_date`, `transaction_amount`) VALUES (1, 13, 12, 'Payment', '2018-03-15 21:13:57', '613.9600')INSERT INTO Order_Items (`order_item_id`, `order_id`, `product_id`, `product_quantity`, `other_order_item_details`) VALUES (1, 4, 4, '6', NULL)INSERT INTO Invoice_Line_Items (`order_item_id`, `invoice_number`, `product_id`, `product_title`, `product_quantity`, `product_price`, `derived_product_cost`, `derived_vat_payable`, `derived_total_cost`) VALUES (14, 9, 5, 'prod_name', '4', '742.3700', '191.1100', NULL, '69.8200')
SELECT count(*) FROM Customers WHERE customer_id NOT IN (SELECT customer_id FROM Accounts)
How many customers don't have an account?
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE `Customers` ( `customer_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_first_name` VARCHAR(50), `customer_middle_initial` VARCHAR(1), `customer_last_name` VARCHAR(50), `gender` VARCHAR(1), `email_address` VARCHAR(255), `login_name` VARCHAR(80), `login_password` VARCHAR(20), `phone_number` VARCHAR(255), `town_city` VARCHAR(50), `state_county_province` VARCHAR(50), `country` VARCHAR(50) ); CREATE TABLE `Orders` ( `order_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `date_order_placed` DATETIME NOT NULL, `order_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`customer_id` ) REFERENCES `Customers`(`customer_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Invoices` ( `invoice_number` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `order_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_date` DATETIME, FOREIGN KEY (`order_id` ) REFERENCES `Orders`(`order_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Accounts` ( `account_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `date_account_opened` DATETIME, `account_name` VARCHAR(50), `other_account_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`customer_id` ) REFERENCES `Customers`(`customer_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Product_Categories` ( `production_type_code` VARCHAR(15) PRIMARY KEY, `product_type_description` VARCHAR(80), `vat_rating` DECIMAL(19,4) ); CREATE TABLE `Products` ( `product_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `parent_product_id` INTEGER, `production_type_code` VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, `unit_price` DECIMAL(19,4), `product_name` VARCHAR(80), `product_color` VARCHAR(20), `product_size` VARCHAR(20), FOREIGN KEY (`production_type_code` ) REFERENCES `Product_Categories`(`production_type_code` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Financial_Transactions` ( `transaction_id` INTEGER NOT NULL , `account_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_number` INTEGER, `transaction_type` VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, `transaction_date` DATETIME, `transaction_amount` DECIMAL(19,4), `transaction_comment` VARCHAR(255), `other_transaction_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`invoice_number` ) REFERENCES `Invoices`(`invoice_number` ), FOREIGN KEY (`account_id` ) REFERENCES `Accounts`(`account_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Order_Items` ( `order_item_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `order_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_quantity` VARCHAR(50), `other_order_item_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`product_id` ) REFERENCES `Products`(`product_id` ), FOREIGN KEY (`order_id` ) REFERENCES `Orders`(`order_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Invoice_Line_Items` ( `order_item_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_number` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_title` VARCHAR(80), `product_quantity` VARCHAR(50), `product_price` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_product_cost` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_vat_payable` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_total_cost` DECIMAL(19,4), FOREIGN KEY (`order_item_id` ) REFERENCES `Order_Items`(`order_item_id` ), FOREIGN KEY (`invoice_number` ) REFERENCES `Invoices`(`invoice_number` ), FOREIGN KEY (`product_id` ) REFERENCES `Products`(`product_id` ) ); INSERT INTO Customers (`customer_id`, `customer_first_name`, `customer_middle_initial`, `customer_last_name`, `gender`, `email_address`, `login_name`, `login_password`, `phone_number`, `town_city`, `state_county_province`, `country`) VALUES (1, 'Dee', 'A', 'Larkin', '1', 'thora.torphy@example.org', 'xhartmann', '77789d292604ea04406f', '241.796.1219x37862', 'North Nellie', 'WestVirginia', 'USA')INSERT INTO Orders (`order_id`, `customer_id`, `date_order_placed`, `order_details`) VALUES (1, 12, '2012-06-27 20:49:56', NULL)INSERT INTO Invoices (`invoice_number`, `order_id`, `invoice_date`) VALUES (1, 9, '2018-03-01 16:40:48')INSERT INTO Accounts (`account_id`, `customer_id`, `date_account_opened`, `account_name`, `other_account_details`) VALUES (1, 8, '2016-07-30 22:22:24', '900', 'Regular')INSERT INTO Product_Categories (`production_type_code`, `product_type_description`, `vat_rating`) VALUES ('Food', 'Food', '15.8400')INSERT INTO Products (`product_id`, `parent_product_id`, `production_type_code`, `unit_price`, `product_name`, `product_color`, `product_size`) VALUES (1, 4, 'Food', '617.9500', 'Coffee Bean', 'Red', 'Medium')INSERT INTO Financial_Transactions (`transaction_id`, `account_id`, `invoice_number`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_date`, `transaction_amount`) VALUES (1, 13, 12, 'Payment', '2018-03-15 21:13:57', '613.9600')INSERT INTO Order_Items (`order_item_id`, `order_id`, `product_id`, `product_quantity`, `other_order_item_details`) VALUES (1, 4, 4, '6', NULL)INSERT INTO Invoice_Line_Items (`order_item_id`, `invoice_number`, `product_id`, `product_title`, `product_quantity`, `product_price`, `derived_product_cost`, `derived_vat_payable`, `derived_total_cost`) VALUES (14, 9, 5, 'prod_name', '4', '742.3700', '191.1100', NULL, '69.8200')
SELECT count(*) FROM Customers WHERE customer_id NOT IN (SELECT customer_id FROM Accounts)
Count the number of customers who do not have an account.
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE `Customers` ( `customer_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_first_name` VARCHAR(50), `customer_middle_initial` VARCHAR(1), `customer_last_name` VARCHAR(50), `gender` VARCHAR(1), `email_address` VARCHAR(255), `login_name` VARCHAR(80), `login_password` VARCHAR(20), `phone_number` VARCHAR(255), `town_city` VARCHAR(50), `state_county_province` VARCHAR(50), `country` VARCHAR(50) ); CREATE TABLE `Orders` ( `order_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `date_order_placed` DATETIME NOT NULL, `order_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`customer_id` ) REFERENCES `Customers`(`customer_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Invoices` ( `invoice_number` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `order_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_date` DATETIME, FOREIGN KEY (`order_id` ) REFERENCES `Orders`(`order_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Accounts` ( `account_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `date_account_opened` DATETIME, `account_name` VARCHAR(50), `other_account_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`customer_id` ) REFERENCES `Customers`(`customer_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Product_Categories` ( `production_type_code` VARCHAR(15) PRIMARY KEY, `product_type_description` VARCHAR(80), `vat_rating` DECIMAL(19,4) ); CREATE TABLE `Products` ( `product_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `parent_product_id` INTEGER, `production_type_code` VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, `unit_price` DECIMAL(19,4), `product_name` VARCHAR(80), `product_color` VARCHAR(20), `product_size` VARCHAR(20), FOREIGN KEY (`production_type_code` ) REFERENCES `Product_Categories`(`production_type_code` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Financial_Transactions` ( `transaction_id` INTEGER NOT NULL , `account_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_number` INTEGER, `transaction_type` VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, `transaction_date` DATETIME, `transaction_amount` DECIMAL(19,4), `transaction_comment` VARCHAR(255), `other_transaction_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`invoice_number` ) REFERENCES `Invoices`(`invoice_number` ), FOREIGN KEY (`account_id` ) REFERENCES `Accounts`(`account_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Order_Items` ( `order_item_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `order_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_quantity` VARCHAR(50), `other_order_item_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`product_id` ) REFERENCES `Products`(`product_id` ), FOREIGN KEY (`order_id` ) REFERENCES `Orders`(`order_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Invoice_Line_Items` ( `order_item_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_number` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_title` VARCHAR(80), `product_quantity` VARCHAR(50), `product_price` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_product_cost` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_vat_payable` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_total_cost` DECIMAL(19,4), FOREIGN KEY (`order_item_id` ) REFERENCES `Order_Items`(`order_item_id` ), FOREIGN KEY (`invoice_number` ) REFERENCES `Invoices`(`invoice_number` ), FOREIGN KEY (`product_id` ) REFERENCES `Products`(`product_id` ) ); INSERT INTO Customers (`customer_id`, `customer_first_name`, `customer_middle_initial`, `customer_last_name`, `gender`, `email_address`, `login_name`, `login_password`, `phone_number`, `town_city`, `state_county_province`, `country`) VALUES (1, 'Dee', 'A', 'Larkin', '1', 'thora.torphy@example.org', 'xhartmann', '77789d292604ea04406f', '241.796.1219x37862', 'North Nellie', 'WestVirginia', 'USA')INSERT INTO Orders (`order_id`, `customer_id`, `date_order_placed`, `order_details`) VALUES (1, 12, '2012-06-27 20:49:56', NULL)INSERT INTO Invoices (`invoice_number`, `order_id`, `invoice_date`) VALUES (1, 9, '2018-03-01 16:40:48')INSERT INTO Accounts (`account_id`, `customer_id`, `date_account_opened`, `account_name`, `other_account_details`) VALUES (1, 8, '2016-07-30 22:22:24', '900', 'Regular')INSERT INTO Product_Categories (`production_type_code`, `product_type_description`, `vat_rating`) VALUES ('Food', 'Food', '15.8400')INSERT INTO Products (`product_id`, `parent_product_id`, `production_type_code`, `unit_price`, `product_name`, `product_color`, `product_size`) VALUES (1, 4, 'Food', '617.9500', 'Coffee Bean', 'Red', 'Medium')INSERT INTO Financial_Transactions (`transaction_id`, `account_id`, `invoice_number`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_date`, `transaction_amount`) VALUES (1, 13, 12, 'Payment', '2018-03-15 21:13:57', '613.9600')INSERT INTO Order_Items (`order_item_id`, `order_id`, `product_id`, `product_quantity`, `other_order_item_details`) VALUES (1, 4, 4, '6', NULL)INSERT INTO Invoice_Line_Items (`order_item_id`, `invoice_number`, `product_id`, `product_title`, `product_quantity`, `product_price`, `derived_product_cost`, `derived_vat_payable`, `derived_total_cost`) VALUES (14, 9, 5, 'prod_name', '4', '742.3700', '191.1100', NULL, '69.8200')
SELECT DISTINCT T1.customer_first_name , T1.customer_last_name , T1.phone_number FROM Customers AS T1 JOIN Accounts AS T2 ON T1.customer_id = T2.customer_id
Show the unique first names, last names, and phone numbers for all customers with any account.
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE `Customers` ( `customer_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_first_name` VARCHAR(50), `customer_middle_initial` VARCHAR(1), `customer_last_name` VARCHAR(50), `gender` VARCHAR(1), `email_address` VARCHAR(255), `login_name` VARCHAR(80), `login_password` VARCHAR(20), `phone_number` VARCHAR(255), `town_city` VARCHAR(50), `state_county_province` VARCHAR(50), `country` VARCHAR(50) ); CREATE TABLE `Orders` ( `order_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `date_order_placed` DATETIME NOT NULL, `order_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`customer_id` ) REFERENCES `Customers`(`customer_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Invoices` ( `invoice_number` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `order_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_date` DATETIME, FOREIGN KEY (`order_id` ) REFERENCES `Orders`(`order_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Accounts` ( `account_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `date_account_opened` DATETIME, `account_name` VARCHAR(50), `other_account_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`customer_id` ) REFERENCES `Customers`(`customer_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Product_Categories` ( `production_type_code` VARCHAR(15) PRIMARY KEY, `product_type_description` VARCHAR(80), `vat_rating` DECIMAL(19,4) ); CREATE TABLE `Products` ( `product_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `parent_product_id` INTEGER, `production_type_code` VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, `unit_price` DECIMAL(19,4), `product_name` VARCHAR(80), `product_color` VARCHAR(20), `product_size` VARCHAR(20), FOREIGN KEY (`production_type_code` ) REFERENCES `Product_Categories`(`production_type_code` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Financial_Transactions` ( `transaction_id` INTEGER NOT NULL , `account_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_number` INTEGER, `transaction_type` VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, `transaction_date` DATETIME, `transaction_amount` DECIMAL(19,4), `transaction_comment` VARCHAR(255), `other_transaction_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`invoice_number` ) REFERENCES `Invoices`(`invoice_number` ), FOREIGN KEY (`account_id` ) REFERENCES `Accounts`(`account_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Order_Items` ( `order_item_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `order_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_quantity` VARCHAR(50), `other_order_item_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`product_id` ) REFERENCES `Products`(`product_id` ), FOREIGN KEY (`order_id` ) REFERENCES `Orders`(`order_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Invoice_Line_Items` ( `order_item_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_number` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_title` VARCHAR(80), `product_quantity` VARCHAR(50), `product_price` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_product_cost` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_vat_payable` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_total_cost` DECIMAL(19,4), FOREIGN KEY (`order_item_id` ) REFERENCES `Order_Items`(`order_item_id` ), FOREIGN KEY (`invoice_number` ) REFERENCES `Invoices`(`invoice_number` ), FOREIGN KEY (`product_id` ) REFERENCES `Products`(`product_id` ) ); INSERT INTO Customers (`customer_id`, `customer_first_name`, `customer_middle_initial`, `customer_last_name`, `gender`, `email_address`, `login_name`, `login_password`, `phone_number`, `town_city`, `state_county_province`, `country`) VALUES (1, 'Dee', 'A', 'Larkin', '1', 'thora.torphy@example.org', 'xhartmann', '77789d292604ea04406f', '241.796.1219x37862', 'North Nellie', 'WestVirginia', 'USA')INSERT INTO Orders (`order_id`, `customer_id`, `date_order_placed`, `order_details`) VALUES (1, 12, '2012-06-27 20:49:56', NULL)INSERT INTO Invoices (`invoice_number`, `order_id`, `invoice_date`) VALUES (1, 9, '2018-03-01 16:40:48')INSERT INTO Accounts (`account_id`, `customer_id`, `date_account_opened`, `account_name`, `other_account_details`) VALUES (1, 8, '2016-07-30 22:22:24', '900', 'Regular')INSERT INTO Product_Categories (`production_type_code`, `product_type_description`, `vat_rating`) VALUES ('Food', 'Food', '15.8400')INSERT INTO Products (`product_id`, `parent_product_id`, `production_type_code`, `unit_price`, `product_name`, `product_color`, `product_size`) VALUES (1, 4, 'Food', '617.9500', 'Coffee Bean', 'Red', 'Medium')INSERT INTO Financial_Transactions (`transaction_id`, `account_id`, `invoice_number`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_date`, `transaction_amount`) VALUES (1, 13, 12, 'Payment', '2018-03-15 21:13:57', '613.9600')INSERT INTO Order_Items (`order_item_id`, `order_id`, `product_id`, `product_quantity`, `other_order_item_details`) VALUES (1, 4, 4, '6', NULL)INSERT INTO Invoice_Line_Items (`order_item_id`, `invoice_number`, `product_id`, `product_title`, `product_quantity`, `product_price`, `derived_product_cost`, `derived_vat_payable`, `derived_total_cost`) VALUES (14, 9, 5, 'prod_name', '4', '742.3700', '191.1100', NULL, '69.8200')
SELECT DISTINCT T1.customer_first_name , T1.customer_last_name , T1.phone_number FROM Customers AS T1 JOIN Accounts AS T2 ON T1.customer_id = T2.customer_id
What are the distinct first names, last names, and phone numbers for customers with accounts?
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE `Customers` ( `customer_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_first_name` VARCHAR(50), `customer_middle_initial` VARCHAR(1), `customer_last_name` VARCHAR(50), `gender` VARCHAR(1), `email_address` VARCHAR(255), `login_name` VARCHAR(80), `login_password` VARCHAR(20), `phone_number` VARCHAR(255), `town_city` VARCHAR(50), `state_county_province` VARCHAR(50), `country` VARCHAR(50) ); CREATE TABLE `Orders` ( `order_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `date_order_placed` DATETIME NOT NULL, `order_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`customer_id` ) REFERENCES `Customers`(`customer_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Invoices` ( `invoice_number` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `order_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_date` DATETIME, FOREIGN KEY (`order_id` ) REFERENCES `Orders`(`order_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Accounts` ( `account_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `date_account_opened` DATETIME, `account_name` VARCHAR(50), `other_account_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`customer_id` ) REFERENCES `Customers`(`customer_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Product_Categories` ( `production_type_code` VARCHAR(15) PRIMARY KEY, `product_type_description` VARCHAR(80), `vat_rating` DECIMAL(19,4) ); CREATE TABLE `Products` ( `product_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `parent_product_id` INTEGER, `production_type_code` VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, `unit_price` DECIMAL(19,4), `product_name` VARCHAR(80), `product_color` VARCHAR(20), `product_size` VARCHAR(20), FOREIGN KEY (`production_type_code` ) REFERENCES `Product_Categories`(`production_type_code` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Financial_Transactions` ( `transaction_id` INTEGER NOT NULL , `account_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_number` INTEGER, `transaction_type` VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, `transaction_date` DATETIME, `transaction_amount` DECIMAL(19,4), `transaction_comment` VARCHAR(255), `other_transaction_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`invoice_number` ) REFERENCES `Invoices`(`invoice_number` ), FOREIGN KEY (`account_id` ) REFERENCES `Accounts`(`account_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Order_Items` ( `order_item_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `order_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_quantity` VARCHAR(50), `other_order_item_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`product_id` ) REFERENCES `Products`(`product_id` ), FOREIGN KEY (`order_id` ) REFERENCES `Orders`(`order_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Invoice_Line_Items` ( `order_item_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_number` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_title` VARCHAR(80), `product_quantity` VARCHAR(50), `product_price` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_product_cost` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_vat_payable` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_total_cost` DECIMAL(19,4), FOREIGN KEY (`order_item_id` ) REFERENCES `Order_Items`(`order_item_id` ), FOREIGN KEY (`invoice_number` ) REFERENCES `Invoices`(`invoice_number` ), FOREIGN KEY (`product_id` ) REFERENCES `Products`(`product_id` ) ); INSERT INTO Customers (`customer_id`, `customer_first_name`, `customer_middle_initial`, `customer_last_name`, `gender`, `email_address`, `login_name`, `login_password`, `phone_number`, `town_city`, `state_county_province`, `country`) VALUES (1, 'Dee', 'A', 'Larkin', '1', 'thora.torphy@example.org', 'xhartmann', '77789d292604ea04406f', '241.796.1219x37862', 'North Nellie', 'WestVirginia', 'USA')INSERT INTO Orders (`order_id`, `customer_id`, `date_order_placed`, `order_details`) VALUES (1, 12, '2012-06-27 20:49:56', NULL)INSERT INTO Invoices (`invoice_number`, `order_id`, `invoice_date`) VALUES (1, 9, '2018-03-01 16:40:48')INSERT INTO Accounts (`account_id`, `customer_id`, `date_account_opened`, `account_name`, `other_account_details`) VALUES (1, 8, '2016-07-30 22:22:24', '900', 'Regular')INSERT INTO Product_Categories (`production_type_code`, `product_type_description`, `vat_rating`) VALUES ('Food', 'Food', '15.8400')INSERT INTO Products (`product_id`, `parent_product_id`, `production_type_code`, `unit_price`, `product_name`, `product_color`, `product_size`) VALUES (1, 4, 'Food', '617.9500', 'Coffee Bean', 'Red', 'Medium')INSERT INTO Financial_Transactions (`transaction_id`, `account_id`, `invoice_number`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_date`, `transaction_amount`) VALUES (1, 13, 12, 'Payment', '2018-03-15 21:13:57', '613.9600')INSERT INTO Order_Items (`order_item_id`, `order_id`, `product_id`, `product_quantity`, `other_order_item_details`) VALUES (1, 4, 4, '6', NULL)INSERT INTO Invoice_Line_Items (`order_item_id`, `invoice_number`, `product_id`, `product_title`, `product_quantity`, `product_price`, `derived_product_cost`, `derived_vat_payable`, `derived_total_cost`) VALUES (14, 9, 5, 'prod_name', '4', '742.3700', '191.1100', NULL, '69.8200')
SELECT customer_id FROM Customers EXCEPT SELECT customer_id FROM Accounts
Show customer ids who don't have an account.
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE `Customers` ( `customer_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_first_name` VARCHAR(50), `customer_middle_initial` VARCHAR(1), `customer_last_name` VARCHAR(50), `gender` VARCHAR(1), `email_address` VARCHAR(255), `login_name` VARCHAR(80), `login_password` VARCHAR(20), `phone_number` VARCHAR(255), `town_city` VARCHAR(50), `state_county_province` VARCHAR(50), `country` VARCHAR(50) ); CREATE TABLE `Orders` ( `order_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `date_order_placed` DATETIME NOT NULL, `order_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`customer_id` ) REFERENCES `Customers`(`customer_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Invoices` ( `invoice_number` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `order_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_date` DATETIME, FOREIGN KEY (`order_id` ) REFERENCES `Orders`(`order_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Accounts` ( `account_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `date_account_opened` DATETIME, `account_name` VARCHAR(50), `other_account_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`customer_id` ) REFERENCES `Customers`(`customer_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Product_Categories` ( `production_type_code` VARCHAR(15) PRIMARY KEY, `product_type_description` VARCHAR(80), `vat_rating` DECIMAL(19,4) ); CREATE TABLE `Products` ( `product_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `parent_product_id` INTEGER, `production_type_code` VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, `unit_price` DECIMAL(19,4), `product_name` VARCHAR(80), `product_color` VARCHAR(20), `product_size` VARCHAR(20), FOREIGN KEY (`production_type_code` ) REFERENCES `Product_Categories`(`production_type_code` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Financial_Transactions` ( `transaction_id` INTEGER NOT NULL , `account_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_number` INTEGER, `transaction_type` VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, `transaction_date` DATETIME, `transaction_amount` DECIMAL(19,4), `transaction_comment` VARCHAR(255), `other_transaction_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`invoice_number` ) REFERENCES `Invoices`(`invoice_number` ), FOREIGN KEY (`account_id` ) REFERENCES `Accounts`(`account_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Order_Items` ( `order_item_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `order_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_quantity` VARCHAR(50), `other_order_item_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`product_id` ) REFERENCES `Products`(`product_id` ), FOREIGN KEY (`order_id` ) REFERENCES `Orders`(`order_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Invoice_Line_Items` ( `order_item_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_number` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_title` VARCHAR(80), `product_quantity` VARCHAR(50), `product_price` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_product_cost` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_vat_payable` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_total_cost` DECIMAL(19,4), FOREIGN KEY (`order_item_id` ) REFERENCES `Order_Items`(`order_item_id` ), FOREIGN KEY (`invoice_number` ) REFERENCES `Invoices`(`invoice_number` ), FOREIGN KEY (`product_id` ) REFERENCES `Products`(`product_id` ) ); INSERT INTO Customers (`customer_id`, `customer_first_name`, `customer_middle_initial`, `customer_last_name`, `gender`, `email_address`, `login_name`, `login_password`, `phone_number`, `town_city`, `state_county_province`, `country`) VALUES (1, 'Dee', 'A', 'Larkin', '1', 'thora.torphy@example.org', 'xhartmann', '77789d292604ea04406f', '241.796.1219x37862', 'North Nellie', 'WestVirginia', 'USA')INSERT INTO Orders (`order_id`, `customer_id`, `date_order_placed`, `order_details`) VALUES (1, 12, '2012-06-27 20:49:56', NULL)INSERT INTO Invoices (`invoice_number`, `order_id`, `invoice_date`) VALUES (1, 9, '2018-03-01 16:40:48')INSERT INTO Accounts (`account_id`, `customer_id`, `date_account_opened`, `account_name`, `other_account_details`) VALUES (1, 8, '2016-07-30 22:22:24', '900', 'Regular')INSERT INTO Product_Categories (`production_type_code`, `product_type_description`, `vat_rating`) VALUES ('Food', 'Food', '15.8400')INSERT INTO Products (`product_id`, `parent_product_id`, `production_type_code`, `unit_price`, `product_name`, `product_color`, `product_size`) VALUES (1, 4, 'Food', '617.9500', 'Coffee Bean', 'Red', 'Medium')INSERT INTO Financial_Transactions (`transaction_id`, `account_id`, `invoice_number`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_date`, `transaction_amount`) VALUES (1, 13, 12, 'Payment', '2018-03-15 21:13:57', '613.9600')INSERT INTO Order_Items (`order_item_id`, `order_id`, `product_id`, `product_quantity`, `other_order_item_details`) VALUES (1, 4, 4, '6', NULL)INSERT INTO Invoice_Line_Items (`order_item_id`, `invoice_number`, `product_id`, `product_title`, `product_quantity`, `product_price`, `derived_product_cost`, `derived_vat_payable`, `derived_total_cost`) VALUES (14, 9, 5, 'prod_name', '4', '742.3700', '191.1100', NULL, '69.8200')
SELECT customer_id FROM Customers EXCEPT SELECT customer_id FROM Accounts
What are the customer ids for customers who do not have an account?
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE `Customers` ( `customer_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_first_name` VARCHAR(50), `customer_middle_initial` VARCHAR(1), `customer_last_name` VARCHAR(50), `gender` VARCHAR(1), `email_address` VARCHAR(255), `login_name` VARCHAR(80), `login_password` VARCHAR(20), `phone_number` VARCHAR(255), `town_city` VARCHAR(50), `state_county_province` VARCHAR(50), `country` VARCHAR(50) ); CREATE TABLE `Orders` ( `order_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `date_order_placed` DATETIME NOT NULL, `order_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`customer_id` ) REFERENCES `Customers`(`customer_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Invoices` ( `invoice_number` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `order_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_date` DATETIME, FOREIGN KEY (`order_id` ) REFERENCES `Orders`(`order_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Accounts` ( `account_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `date_account_opened` DATETIME, `account_name` VARCHAR(50), `other_account_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`customer_id` ) REFERENCES `Customers`(`customer_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Product_Categories` ( `production_type_code` VARCHAR(15) PRIMARY KEY, `product_type_description` VARCHAR(80), `vat_rating` DECIMAL(19,4) ); CREATE TABLE `Products` ( `product_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `parent_product_id` INTEGER, `production_type_code` VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, `unit_price` DECIMAL(19,4), `product_name` VARCHAR(80), `product_color` VARCHAR(20), `product_size` VARCHAR(20), FOREIGN KEY (`production_type_code` ) REFERENCES `Product_Categories`(`production_type_code` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Financial_Transactions` ( `transaction_id` INTEGER NOT NULL , `account_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_number` INTEGER, `transaction_type` VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, `transaction_date` DATETIME, `transaction_amount` DECIMAL(19,4), `transaction_comment` VARCHAR(255), `other_transaction_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`invoice_number` ) REFERENCES `Invoices`(`invoice_number` ), FOREIGN KEY (`account_id` ) REFERENCES `Accounts`(`account_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Order_Items` ( `order_item_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `order_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_quantity` VARCHAR(50), `other_order_item_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`product_id` ) REFERENCES `Products`(`product_id` ), FOREIGN KEY (`order_id` ) REFERENCES `Orders`(`order_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Invoice_Line_Items` ( `order_item_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_number` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_title` VARCHAR(80), `product_quantity` VARCHAR(50), `product_price` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_product_cost` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_vat_payable` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_total_cost` DECIMAL(19,4), FOREIGN KEY (`order_item_id` ) REFERENCES `Order_Items`(`order_item_id` ), FOREIGN KEY (`invoice_number` ) REFERENCES `Invoices`(`invoice_number` ), FOREIGN KEY (`product_id` ) REFERENCES `Products`(`product_id` ) ); INSERT INTO Customers (`customer_id`, `customer_first_name`, `customer_middle_initial`, `customer_last_name`, `gender`, `email_address`, `login_name`, `login_password`, `phone_number`, `town_city`, `state_county_province`, `country`) VALUES (1, 'Dee', 'A', 'Larkin', '1', 'thora.torphy@example.org', 'xhartmann', '77789d292604ea04406f', '241.796.1219x37862', 'North Nellie', 'WestVirginia', 'USA')INSERT INTO Orders (`order_id`, `customer_id`, `date_order_placed`, `order_details`) VALUES (1, 12, '2012-06-27 20:49:56', NULL)INSERT INTO Invoices (`invoice_number`, `order_id`, `invoice_date`) VALUES (1, 9, '2018-03-01 16:40:48')INSERT INTO Accounts (`account_id`, `customer_id`, `date_account_opened`, `account_name`, `other_account_details`) VALUES (1, 8, '2016-07-30 22:22:24', '900', 'Regular')INSERT INTO Product_Categories (`production_type_code`, `product_type_description`, `vat_rating`) VALUES ('Food', 'Food', '15.8400')INSERT INTO Products (`product_id`, `parent_product_id`, `production_type_code`, `unit_price`, `product_name`, `product_color`, `product_size`) VALUES (1, 4, 'Food', '617.9500', 'Coffee Bean', 'Red', 'Medium')INSERT INTO Financial_Transactions (`transaction_id`, `account_id`, `invoice_number`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_date`, `transaction_amount`) VALUES (1, 13, 12, 'Payment', '2018-03-15 21:13:57', '613.9600')INSERT INTO Order_Items (`order_item_id`, `order_id`, `product_id`, `product_quantity`, `other_order_item_details`) VALUES (1, 4, 4, '6', NULL)INSERT INTO Invoice_Line_Items (`order_item_id`, `invoice_number`, `product_id`, `product_title`, `product_quantity`, `product_price`, `derived_product_cost`, `derived_vat_payable`, `derived_total_cost`) VALUES (14, 9, 5, 'prod_name', '4', '742.3700', '191.1100', NULL, '69.8200')
SELECT count(*) , customer_id FROM Accounts GROUP BY customer_id
How many accounts does each customer have? List the number and customer id.
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE `Customers` ( `customer_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_first_name` VARCHAR(50), `customer_middle_initial` VARCHAR(1), `customer_last_name` VARCHAR(50), `gender` VARCHAR(1), `email_address` VARCHAR(255), `login_name` VARCHAR(80), `login_password` VARCHAR(20), `phone_number` VARCHAR(255), `town_city` VARCHAR(50), `state_county_province` VARCHAR(50), `country` VARCHAR(50) ); CREATE TABLE `Orders` ( `order_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `date_order_placed` DATETIME NOT NULL, `order_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`customer_id` ) REFERENCES `Customers`(`customer_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Invoices` ( `invoice_number` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `order_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_date` DATETIME, FOREIGN KEY (`order_id` ) REFERENCES `Orders`(`order_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Accounts` ( `account_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `date_account_opened` DATETIME, `account_name` VARCHAR(50), `other_account_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`customer_id` ) REFERENCES `Customers`(`customer_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Product_Categories` ( `production_type_code` VARCHAR(15) PRIMARY KEY, `product_type_description` VARCHAR(80), `vat_rating` DECIMAL(19,4) ); CREATE TABLE `Products` ( `product_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `parent_product_id` INTEGER, `production_type_code` VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, `unit_price` DECIMAL(19,4), `product_name` VARCHAR(80), `product_color` VARCHAR(20), `product_size` VARCHAR(20), FOREIGN KEY (`production_type_code` ) REFERENCES `Product_Categories`(`production_type_code` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Financial_Transactions` ( `transaction_id` INTEGER NOT NULL , `account_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_number` INTEGER, `transaction_type` VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, `transaction_date` DATETIME, `transaction_amount` DECIMAL(19,4), `transaction_comment` VARCHAR(255), `other_transaction_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`invoice_number` ) REFERENCES `Invoices`(`invoice_number` ), FOREIGN KEY (`account_id` ) REFERENCES `Accounts`(`account_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Order_Items` ( `order_item_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `order_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_quantity` VARCHAR(50), `other_order_item_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`product_id` ) REFERENCES `Products`(`product_id` ), FOREIGN KEY (`order_id` ) REFERENCES `Orders`(`order_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Invoice_Line_Items` ( `order_item_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_number` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_title` VARCHAR(80), `product_quantity` VARCHAR(50), `product_price` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_product_cost` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_vat_payable` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_total_cost` DECIMAL(19,4), FOREIGN KEY (`order_item_id` ) REFERENCES `Order_Items`(`order_item_id` ), FOREIGN KEY (`invoice_number` ) REFERENCES `Invoices`(`invoice_number` ), FOREIGN KEY (`product_id` ) REFERENCES `Products`(`product_id` ) ); INSERT INTO Customers (`customer_id`, `customer_first_name`, `customer_middle_initial`, `customer_last_name`, `gender`, `email_address`, `login_name`, `login_password`, `phone_number`, `town_city`, `state_county_province`, `country`) VALUES (1, 'Dee', 'A', 'Larkin', '1', 'thora.torphy@example.org', 'xhartmann', '77789d292604ea04406f', '241.796.1219x37862', 'North Nellie', 'WestVirginia', 'USA')INSERT INTO Orders (`order_id`, `customer_id`, `date_order_placed`, `order_details`) VALUES (1, 12, '2012-06-27 20:49:56', NULL)INSERT INTO Invoices (`invoice_number`, `order_id`, `invoice_date`) VALUES (1, 9, '2018-03-01 16:40:48')INSERT INTO Accounts (`account_id`, `customer_id`, `date_account_opened`, `account_name`, `other_account_details`) VALUES (1, 8, '2016-07-30 22:22:24', '900', 'Regular')INSERT INTO Product_Categories (`production_type_code`, `product_type_description`, `vat_rating`) VALUES ('Food', 'Food', '15.8400')INSERT INTO Products (`product_id`, `parent_product_id`, `production_type_code`, `unit_price`, `product_name`, `product_color`, `product_size`) VALUES (1, 4, 'Food', '617.9500', 'Coffee Bean', 'Red', 'Medium')INSERT INTO Financial_Transactions (`transaction_id`, `account_id`, `invoice_number`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_date`, `transaction_amount`) VALUES (1, 13, 12, 'Payment', '2018-03-15 21:13:57', '613.9600')INSERT INTO Order_Items (`order_item_id`, `order_id`, `product_id`, `product_quantity`, `other_order_item_details`) VALUES (1, 4, 4, '6', NULL)INSERT INTO Invoice_Line_Items (`order_item_id`, `invoice_number`, `product_id`, `product_title`, `product_quantity`, `product_price`, `derived_product_cost`, `derived_vat_payable`, `derived_total_cost`) VALUES (14, 9, 5, 'prod_name', '4', '742.3700', '191.1100', NULL, '69.8200')
SELECT count(*) , customer_id FROM Accounts GROUP BY customer_id
Count the number of accounts corresponding to each customer id.
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE `Customers` ( `customer_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_first_name` VARCHAR(50), `customer_middle_initial` VARCHAR(1), `customer_last_name` VARCHAR(50), `gender` VARCHAR(1), `email_address` VARCHAR(255), `login_name` VARCHAR(80), `login_password` VARCHAR(20), `phone_number` VARCHAR(255), `town_city` VARCHAR(50), `state_county_province` VARCHAR(50), `country` VARCHAR(50) ); CREATE TABLE `Orders` ( `order_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `date_order_placed` DATETIME NOT NULL, `order_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`customer_id` ) REFERENCES `Customers`(`customer_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Invoices` ( `invoice_number` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `order_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_date` DATETIME, FOREIGN KEY (`order_id` ) REFERENCES `Orders`(`order_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Accounts` ( `account_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `date_account_opened` DATETIME, `account_name` VARCHAR(50), `other_account_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`customer_id` ) REFERENCES `Customers`(`customer_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Product_Categories` ( `production_type_code` VARCHAR(15) PRIMARY KEY, `product_type_description` VARCHAR(80), `vat_rating` DECIMAL(19,4) ); CREATE TABLE `Products` ( `product_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `parent_product_id` INTEGER, `production_type_code` VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, `unit_price` DECIMAL(19,4), `product_name` VARCHAR(80), `product_color` VARCHAR(20), `product_size` VARCHAR(20), FOREIGN KEY (`production_type_code` ) REFERENCES `Product_Categories`(`production_type_code` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Financial_Transactions` ( `transaction_id` INTEGER NOT NULL , `account_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_number` INTEGER, `transaction_type` VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, `transaction_date` DATETIME, `transaction_amount` DECIMAL(19,4), `transaction_comment` VARCHAR(255), `other_transaction_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`invoice_number` ) REFERENCES `Invoices`(`invoice_number` ), FOREIGN KEY (`account_id` ) REFERENCES `Accounts`(`account_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Order_Items` ( `order_item_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `order_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_quantity` VARCHAR(50), `other_order_item_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`product_id` ) REFERENCES `Products`(`product_id` ), FOREIGN KEY (`order_id` ) REFERENCES `Orders`(`order_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Invoice_Line_Items` ( `order_item_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_number` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_title` VARCHAR(80), `product_quantity` VARCHAR(50), `product_price` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_product_cost` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_vat_payable` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_total_cost` DECIMAL(19,4), FOREIGN KEY (`order_item_id` ) REFERENCES `Order_Items`(`order_item_id` ), FOREIGN KEY (`invoice_number` ) REFERENCES `Invoices`(`invoice_number` ), FOREIGN KEY (`product_id` ) REFERENCES `Products`(`product_id` ) ); INSERT INTO Customers (`customer_id`, `customer_first_name`, `customer_middle_initial`, `customer_last_name`, `gender`, `email_address`, `login_name`, `login_password`, `phone_number`, `town_city`, `state_county_province`, `country`) VALUES (1, 'Dee', 'A', 'Larkin', '1', 'thora.torphy@example.org', 'xhartmann', '77789d292604ea04406f', '241.796.1219x37862', 'North Nellie', 'WestVirginia', 'USA')INSERT INTO Orders (`order_id`, `customer_id`, `date_order_placed`, `order_details`) VALUES (1, 12, '2012-06-27 20:49:56', NULL)INSERT INTO Invoices (`invoice_number`, `order_id`, `invoice_date`) VALUES (1, 9, '2018-03-01 16:40:48')INSERT INTO Accounts (`account_id`, `customer_id`, `date_account_opened`, `account_name`, `other_account_details`) VALUES (1, 8, '2016-07-30 22:22:24', '900', 'Regular')INSERT INTO Product_Categories (`production_type_code`, `product_type_description`, `vat_rating`) VALUES ('Food', 'Food', '15.8400')INSERT INTO Products (`product_id`, `parent_product_id`, `production_type_code`, `unit_price`, `product_name`, `product_color`, `product_size`) VALUES (1, 4, 'Food', '617.9500', 'Coffee Bean', 'Red', 'Medium')INSERT INTO Financial_Transactions (`transaction_id`, `account_id`, `invoice_number`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_date`, `transaction_amount`) VALUES (1, 13, 12, 'Payment', '2018-03-15 21:13:57', '613.9600')INSERT INTO Order_Items (`order_item_id`, `order_id`, `product_id`, `product_quantity`, `other_order_item_details`) VALUES (1, 4, 4, '6', NULL)INSERT INTO Invoice_Line_Items (`order_item_id`, `invoice_number`, `product_id`, `product_title`, `product_quantity`, `product_price`, `derived_product_cost`, `derived_vat_payable`, `derived_total_cost`) VALUES (14, 9, 5, 'prod_name', '4', '742.3700', '191.1100', NULL, '69.8200')
SELECT T1.customer_id , T2.customer_first_name , T2.customer_last_name FROM Accounts AS T1 JOIN Customers AS T2 ON T1.customer_id = T2.customer_id GROUP BY T1.customer_id ORDER BY count(*) DESC LIMIT 1
What is the customer id, first and last name with most number of accounts.
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE `Customers` ( `customer_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_first_name` VARCHAR(50), `customer_middle_initial` VARCHAR(1), `customer_last_name` VARCHAR(50), `gender` VARCHAR(1), `email_address` VARCHAR(255), `login_name` VARCHAR(80), `login_password` VARCHAR(20), `phone_number` VARCHAR(255), `town_city` VARCHAR(50), `state_county_province` VARCHAR(50), `country` VARCHAR(50) ); CREATE TABLE `Orders` ( `order_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `date_order_placed` DATETIME NOT NULL, `order_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`customer_id` ) REFERENCES `Customers`(`customer_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Invoices` ( `invoice_number` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `order_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_date` DATETIME, FOREIGN KEY (`order_id` ) REFERENCES `Orders`(`order_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Accounts` ( `account_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `date_account_opened` DATETIME, `account_name` VARCHAR(50), `other_account_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`customer_id` ) REFERENCES `Customers`(`customer_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Product_Categories` ( `production_type_code` VARCHAR(15) PRIMARY KEY, `product_type_description` VARCHAR(80), `vat_rating` DECIMAL(19,4) ); CREATE TABLE `Products` ( `product_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `parent_product_id` INTEGER, `production_type_code` VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, `unit_price` DECIMAL(19,4), `product_name` VARCHAR(80), `product_color` VARCHAR(20), `product_size` VARCHAR(20), FOREIGN KEY (`production_type_code` ) REFERENCES `Product_Categories`(`production_type_code` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Financial_Transactions` ( `transaction_id` INTEGER NOT NULL , `account_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_number` INTEGER, `transaction_type` VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, `transaction_date` DATETIME, `transaction_amount` DECIMAL(19,4), `transaction_comment` VARCHAR(255), `other_transaction_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`invoice_number` ) REFERENCES `Invoices`(`invoice_number` ), FOREIGN KEY (`account_id` ) REFERENCES `Accounts`(`account_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Order_Items` ( `order_item_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `order_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_quantity` VARCHAR(50), `other_order_item_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`product_id` ) REFERENCES `Products`(`product_id` ), FOREIGN KEY (`order_id` ) REFERENCES `Orders`(`order_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Invoice_Line_Items` ( `order_item_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_number` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_title` VARCHAR(80), `product_quantity` VARCHAR(50), `product_price` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_product_cost` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_vat_payable` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_total_cost` DECIMAL(19,4), FOREIGN KEY (`order_item_id` ) REFERENCES `Order_Items`(`order_item_id` ), FOREIGN KEY (`invoice_number` ) REFERENCES `Invoices`(`invoice_number` ), FOREIGN KEY (`product_id` ) REFERENCES `Products`(`product_id` ) ); INSERT INTO Customers (`customer_id`, `customer_first_name`, `customer_middle_initial`, `customer_last_name`, `gender`, `email_address`, `login_name`, `login_password`, `phone_number`, `town_city`, `state_county_province`, `country`) VALUES (1, 'Dee', 'A', 'Larkin', '1', 'thora.torphy@example.org', 'xhartmann', '77789d292604ea04406f', '241.796.1219x37862', 'North Nellie', 'WestVirginia', 'USA')INSERT INTO Orders (`order_id`, `customer_id`, `date_order_placed`, `order_details`) VALUES (1, 12, '2012-06-27 20:49:56', NULL)INSERT INTO Invoices (`invoice_number`, `order_id`, `invoice_date`) VALUES (1, 9, '2018-03-01 16:40:48')INSERT INTO Accounts (`account_id`, `customer_id`, `date_account_opened`, `account_name`, `other_account_details`) VALUES (1, 8, '2016-07-30 22:22:24', '900', 'Regular')INSERT INTO Product_Categories (`production_type_code`, `product_type_description`, `vat_rating`) VALUES ('Food', 'Food', '15.8400')INSERT INTO Products (`product_id`, `parent_product_id`, `production_type_code`, `unit_price`, `product_name`, `product_color`, `product_size`) VALUES (1, 4, 'Food', '617.9500', 'Coffee Bean', 'Red', 'Medium')INSERT INTO Financial_Transactions (`transaction_id`, `account_id`, `invoice_number`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_date`, `transaction_amount`) VALUES (1, 13, 12, 'Payment', '2018-03-15 21:13:57', '613.9600')INSERT INTO Order_Items (`order_item_id`, `order_id`, `product_id`, `product_quantity`, `other_order_item_details`) VALUES (1, 4, 4, '6', NULL)INSERT INTO Invoice_Line_Items (`order_item_id`, `invoice_number`, `product_id`, `product_title`, `product_quantity`, `product_price`, `derived_product_cost`, `derived_vat_payable`, `derived_total_cost`) VALUES (14, 9, 5, 'prod_name', '4', '742.3700', '191.1100', NULL, '69.8200')
SELECT T1.customer_id , T2.customer_first_name , T2.customer_last_name FROM Accounts AS T1 JOIN Customers AS T2 ON T1.customer_id = T2.customer_id GROUP BY T1.customer_id ORDER BY count(*) DESC LIMIT 1
Return the id and full name of the customer with the most accounts.
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE `Customers` ( `customer_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_first_name` VARCHAR(50), `customer_middle_initial` VARCHAR(1), `customer_last_name` VARCHAR(50), `gender` VARCHAR(1), `email_address` VARCHAR(255), `login_name` VARCHAR(80), `login_password` VARCHAR(20), `phone_number` VARCHAR(255), `town_city` VARCHAR(50), `state_county_province` VARCHAR(50), `country` VARCHAR(50) ); CREATE TABLE `Orders` ( `order_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `date_order_placed` DATETIME NOT NULL, `order_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`customer_id` ) REFERENCES `Customers`(`customer_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Invoices` ( `invoice_number` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `order_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_date` DATETIME, FOREIGN KEY (`order_id` ) REFERENCES `Orders`(`order_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Accounts` ( `account_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `date_account_opened` DATETIME, `account_name` VARCHAR(50), `other_account_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`customer_id` ) REFERENCES `Customers`(`customer_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Product_Categories` ( `production_type_code` VARCHAR(15) PRIMARY KEY, `product_type_description` VARCHAR(80), `vat_rating` DECIMAL(19,4) ); CREATE TABLE `Products` ( `product_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `parent_product_id` INTEGER, `production_type_code` VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, `unit_price` DECIMAL(19,4), `product_name` VARCHAR(80), `product_color` VARCHAR(20), `product_size` VARCHAR(20), FOREIGN KEY (`production_type_code` ) REFERENCES `Product_Categories`(`production_type_code` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Financial_Transactions` ( `transaction_id` INTEGER NOT NULL , `account_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_number` INTEGER, `transaction_type` VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, `transaction_date` DATETIME, `transaction_amount` DECIMAL(19,4), `transaction_comment` VARCHAR(255), `other_transaction_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`invoice_number` ) REFERENCES `Invoices`(`invoice_number` ), FOREIGN KEY (`account_id` ) REFERENCES `Accounts`(`account_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Order_Items` ( `order_item_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `order_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_quantity` VARCHAR(50), `other_order_item_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`product_id` ) REFERENCES `Products`(`product_id` ), FOREIGN KEY (`order_id` ) REFERENCES `Orders`(`order_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Invoice_Line_Items` ( `order_item_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_number` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_title` VARCHAR(80), `product_quantity` VARCHAR(50), `product_price` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_product_cost` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_vat_payable` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_total_cost` DECIMAL(19,4), FOREIGN KEY (`order_item_id` ) REFERENCES `Order_Items`(`order_item_id` ), FOREIGN KEY (`invoice_number` ) REFERENCES `Invoices`(`invoice_number` ), FOREIGN KEY (`product_id` ) REFERENCES `Products`(`product_id` ) ); INSERT INTO Customers (`customer_id`, `customer_first_name`, `customer_middle_initial`, `customer_last_name`, `gender`, `email_address`, `login_name`, `login_password`, `phone_number`, `town_city`, `state_county_province`, `country`) VALUES (1, 'Dee', 'A', 'Larkin', '1', 'thora.torphy@example.org', 'xhartmann', '77789d292604ea04406f', '241.796.1219x37862', 'North Nellie', 'WestVirginia', 'USA')INSERT INTO Orders (`order_id`, `customer_id`, `date_order_placed`, `order_details`) VALUES (1, 12, '2012-06-27 20:49:56', NULL)INSERT INTO Invoices (`invoice_number`, `order_id`, `invoice_date`) VALUES (1, 9, '2018-03-01 16:40:48')INSERT INTO Accounts (`account_id`, `customer_id`, `date_account_opened`, `account_name`, `other_account_details`) VALUES (1, 8, '2016-07-30 22:22:24', '900', 'Regular')INSERT INTO Product_Categories (`production_type_code`, `product_type_description`, `vat_rating`) VALUES ('Food', 'Food', '15.8400')INSERT INTO Products (`product_id`, `parent_product_id`, `production_type_code`, `unit_price`, `product_name`, `product_color`, `product_size`) VALUES (1, 4, 'Food', '617.9500', 'Coffee Bean', 'Red', 'Medium')INSERT INTO Financial_Transactions (`transaction_id`, `account_id`, `invoice_number`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_date`, `transaction_amount`) VALUES (1, 13, 12, 'Payment', '2018-03-15 21:13:57', '613.9600')INSERT INTO Order_Items (`order_item_id`, `order_id`, `product_id`, `product_quantity`, `other_order_item_details`) VALUES (1, 4, 4, '6', NULL)INSERT INTO Invoice_Line_Items (`order_item_id`, `invoice_number`, `product_id`, `product_title`, `product_quantity`, `product_price`, `derived_product_cost`, `derived_vat_payable`, `derived_total_cost`) VALUES (14, 9, 5, 'prod_name', '4', '742.3700', '191.1100', NULL, '69.8200')
SELECT T1.customer_id , T2.customer_first_name , T2.customer_last_name , count(*) FROM Accounts AS T1 JOIN Customers AS T2 ON T1.customer_id = T2.customer_id GROUP BY T1.customer_id
Show id, first name and last name for all customers and the number of accounts.
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE `Customers` ( `customer_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_first_name` VARCHAR(50), `customer_middle_initial` VARCHAR(1), `customer_last_name` VARCHAR(50), `gender` VARCHAR(1), `email_address` VARCHAR(255), `login_name` VARCHAR(80), `login_password` VARCHAR(20), `phone_number` VARCHAR(255), `town_city` VARCHAR(50), `state_county_province` VARCHAR(50), `country` VARCHAR(50) ); CREATE TABLE `Orders` ( `order_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `date_order_placed` DATETIME NOT NULL, `order_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`customer_id` ) REFERENCES `Customers`(`customer_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Invoices` ( `invoice_number` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `order_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_date` DATETIME, FOREIGN KEY (`order_id` ) REFERENCES `Orders`(`order_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Accounts` ( `account_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `date_account_opened` DATETIME, `account_name` VARCHAR(50), `other_account_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`customer_id` ) REFERENCES `Customers`(`customer_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Product_Categories` ( `production_type_code` VARCHAR(15) PRIMARY KEY, `product_type_description` VARCHAR(80), `vat_rating` DECIMAL(19,4) ); CREATE TABLE `Products` ( `product_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `parent_product_id` INTEGER, `production_type_code` VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, `unit_price` DECIMAL(19,4), `product_name` VARCHAR(80), `product_color` VARCHAR(20), `product_size` VARCHAR(20), FOREIGN KEY (`production_type_code` ) REFERENCES `Product_Categories`(`production_type_code` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Financial_Transactions` ( `transaction_id` INTEGER NOT NULL , `account_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_number` INTEGER, `transaction_type` VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, `transaction_date` DATETIME, `transaction_amount` DECIMAL(19,4), `transaction_comment` VARCHAR(255), `other_transaction_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`invoice_number` ) REFERENCES `Invoices`(`invoice_number` ), FOREIGN KEY (`account_id` ) REFERENCES `Accounts`(`account_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Order_Items` ( `order_item_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `order_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_quantity` VARCHAR(50), `other_order_item_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`product_id` ) REFERENCES `Products`(`product_id` ), FOREIGN KEY (`order_id` ) REFERENCES `Orders`(`order_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Invoice_Line_Items` ( `order_item_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_number` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_title` VARCHAR(80), `product_quantity` VARCHAR(50), `product_price` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_product_cost` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_vat_payable` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_total_cost` DECIMAL(19,4), FOREIGN KEY (`order_item_id` ) REFERENCES `Order_Items`(`order_item_id` ), FOREIGN KEY (`invoice_number` ) REFERENCES `Invoices`(`invoice_number` ), FOREIGN KEY (`product_id` ) REFERENCES `Products`(`product_id` ) ); INSERT INTO Customers (`customer_id`, `customer_first_name`, `customer_middle_initial`, `customer_last_name`, `gender`, `email_address`, `login_name`, `login_password`, `phone_number`, `town_city`, `state_county_province`, `country`) VALUES (1, 'Dee', 'A', 'Larkin', '1', 'thora.torphy@example.org', 'xhartmann', '77789d292604ea04406f', '241.796.1219x37862', 'North Nellie', 'WestVirginia', 'USA')INSERT INTO Orders (`order_id`, `customer_id`, `date_order_placed`, `order_details`) VALUES (1, 12, '2012-06-27 20:49:56', NULL)INSERT INTO Invoices (`invoice_number`, `order_id`, `invoice_date`) VALUES (1, 9, '2018-03-01 16:40:48')INSERT INTO Accounts (`account_id`, `customer_id`, `date_account_opened`, `account_name`, `other_account_details`) VALUES (1, 8, '2016-07-30 22:22:24', '900', 'Regular')INSERT INTO Product_Categories (`production_type_code`, `product_type_description`, `vat_rating`) VALUES ('Food', 'Food', '15.8400')INSERT INTO Products (`product_id`, `parent_product_id`, `production_type_code`, `unit_price`, `product_name`, `product_color`, `product_size`) VALUES (1, 4, 'Food', '617.9500', 'Coffee Bean', 'Red', 'Medium')INSERT INTO Financial_Transactions (`transaction_id`, `account_id`, `invoice_number`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_date`, `transaction_amount`) VALUES (1, 13, 12, 'Payment', '2018-03-15 21:13:57', '613.9600')INSERT INTO Order_Items (`order_item_id`, `order_id`, `product_id`, `product_quantity`, `other_order_item_details`) VALUES (1, 4, 4, '6', NULL)INSERT INTO Invoice_Line_Items (`order_item_id`, `invoice_number`, `product_id`, `product_title`, `product_quantity`, `product_price`, `derived_product_cost`, `derived_vat_payable`, `derived_total_cost`) VALUES (14, 9, 5, 'prod_name', '4', '742.3700', '191.1100', NULL, '69.8200')
SELECT T1.customer_id , T2.customer_first_name , T2.customer_last_name , count(*) FROM Accounts AS T1 JOIN Customers AS T2 ON T1.customer_id = T2.customer_id GROUP BY T1.customer_id
What are the the full names and ids for all customers, and how many accounts does each have?
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE `Customers` ( `customer_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_first_name` VARCHAR(50), `customer_middle_initial` VARCHAR(1), `customer_last_name` VARCHAR(50), `gender` VARCHAR(1), `email_address` VARCHAR(255), `login_name` VARCHAR(80), `login_password` VARCHAR(20), `phone_number` VARCHAR(255), `town_city` VARCHAR(50), `state_county_province` VARCHAR(50), `country` VARCHAR(50) ); CREATE TABLE `Orders` ( `order_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `date_order_placed` DATETIME NOT NULL, `order_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`customer_id` ) REFERENCES `Customers`(`customer_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Invoices` ( `invoice_number` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `order_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_date` DATETIME, FOREIGN KEY (`order_id` ) REFERENCES `Orders`(`order_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Accounts` ( `account_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `date_account_opened` DATETIME, `account_name` VARCHAR(50), `other_account_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`customer_id` ) REFERENCES `Customers`(`customer_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Product_Categories` ( `production_type_code` VARCHAR(15) PRIMARY KEY, `product_type_description` VARCHAR(80), `vat_rating` DECIMAL(19,4) ); CREATE TABLE `Products` ( `product_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `parent_product_id` INTEGER, `production_type_code` VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, `unit_price` DECIMAL(19,4), `product_name` VARCHAR(80), `product_color` VARCHAR(20), `product_size` VARCHAR(20), FOREIGN KEY (`production_type_code` ) REFERENCES `Product_Categories`(`production_type_code` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Financial_Transactions` ( `transaction_id` INTEGER NOT NULL , `account_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_number` INTEGER, `transaction_type` VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, `transaction_date` DATETIME, `transaction_amount` DECIMAL(19,4), `transaction_comment` VARCHAR(255), `other_transaction_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`invoice_number` ) REFERENCES `Invoices`(`invoice_number` ), FOREIGN KEY (`account_id` ) REFERENCES `Accounts`(`account_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Order_Items` ( `order_item_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `order_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_quantity` VARCHAR(50), `other_order_item_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`product_id` ) REFERENCES `Products`(`product_id` ), FOREIGN KEY (`order_id` ) REFERENCES `Orders`(`order_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Invoice_Line_Items` ( `order_item_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_number` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_title` VARCHAR(80), `product_quantity` VARCHAR(50), `product_price` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_product_cost` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_vat_payable` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_total_cost` DECIMAL(19,4), FOREIGN KEY (`order_item_id` ) REFERENCES `Order_Items`(`order_item_id` ), FOREIGN KEY (`invoice_number` ) REFERENCES `Invoices`(`invoice_number` ), FOREIGN KEY (`product_id` ) REFERENCES `Products`(`product_id` ) ); INSERT INTO Customers (`customer_id`, `customer_first_name`, `customer_middle_initial`, `customer_last_name`, `gender`, `email_address`, `login_name`, `login_password`, `phone_number`, `town_city`, `state_county_province`, `country`) VALUES (1, 'Dee', 'A', 'Larkin', '1', 'thora.torphy@example.org', 'xhartmann', '77789d292604ea04406f', '241.796.1219x37862', 'North Nellie', 'WestVirginia', 'USA')INSERT INTO Orders (`order_id`, `customer_id`, `date_order_placed`, `order_details`) VALUES (1, 12, '2012-06-27 20:49:56', NULL)INSERT INTO Invoices (`invoice_number`, `order_id`, `invoice_date`) VALUES (1, 9, '2018-03-01 16:40:48')INSERT INTO Accounts (`account_id`, `customer_id`, `date_account_opened`, `account_name`, `other_account_details`) VALUES (1, 8, '2016-07-30 22:22:24', '900', 'Regular')INSERT INTO Product_Categories (`production_type_code`, `product_type_description`, `vat_rating`) VALUES ('Food', 'Food', '15.8400')INSERT INTO Products (`product_id`, `parent_product_id`, `production_type_code`, `unit_price`, `product_name`, `product_color`, `product_size`) VALUES (1, 4, 'Food', '617.9500', 'Coffee Bean', 'Red', 'Medium')INSERT INTO Financial_Transactions (`transaction_id`, `account_id`, `invoice_number`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_date`, `transaction_amount`) VALUES (1, 13, 12, 'Payment', '2018-03-15 21:13:57', '613.9600')INSERT INTO Order_Items (`order_item_id`, `order_id`, `product_id`, `product_quantity`, `other_order_item_details`) VALUES (1, 4, 4, '6', NULL)INSERT INTO Invoice_Line_Items (`order_item_id`, `invoice_number`, `product_id`, `product_title`, `product_quantity`, `product_price`, `derived_product_cost`, `derived_vat_payable`, `derived_total_cost`) VALUES (14, 9, 5, 'prod_name', '4', '742.3700', '191.1100', NULL, '69.8200')
SELECT T2.customer_first_name , T1.customer_id FROM Accounts AS T1 JOIN Customers AS T2 ON T1.customer_id = T2.customer_id GROUP BY T1.customer_id HAVING count(*) >= 2
Show first name and id for all customers with at least 2 accounts.
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE `Customers` ( `customer_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_first_name` VARCHAR(50), `customer_middle_initial` VARCHAR(1), `customer_last_name` VARCHAR(50), `gender` VARCHAR(1), `email_address` VARCHAR(255), `login_name` VARCHAR(80), `login_password` VARCHAR(20), `phone_number` VARCHAR(255), `town_city` VARCHAR(50), `state_county_province` VARCHAR(50), `country` VARCHAR(50) ); CREATE TABLE `Orders` ( `order_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `date_order_placed` DATETIME NOT NULL, `order_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`customer_id` ) REFERENCES `Customers`(`customer_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Invoices` ( `invoice_number` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `order_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_date` DATETIME, FOREIGN KEY (`order_id` ) REFERENCES `Orders`(`order_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Accounts` ( `account_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `date_account_opened` DATETIME, `account_name` VARCHAR(50), `other_account_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`customer_id` ) REFERENCES `Customers`(`customer_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Product_Categories` ( `production_type_code` VARCHAR(15) PRIMARY KEY, `product_type_description` VARCHAR(80), `vat_rating` DECIMAL(19,4) ); CREATE TABLE `Products` ( `product_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `parent_product_id` INTEGER, `production_type_code` VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, `unit_price` DECIMAL(19,4), `product_name` VARCHAR(80), `product_color` VARCHAR(20), `product_size` VARCHAR(20), FOREIGN KEY (`production_type_code` ) REFERENCES `Product_Categories`(`production_type_code` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Financial_Transactions` ( `transaction_id` INTEGER NOT NULL , `account_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_number` INTEGER, `transaction_type` VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, `transaction_date` DATETIME, `transaction_amount` DECIMAL(19,4), `transaction_comment` VARCHAR(255), `other_transaction_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`invoice_number` ) REFERENCES `Invoices`(`invoice_number` ), FOREIGN KEY (`account_id` ) REFERENCES `Accounts`(`account_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Order_Items` ( `order_item_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `order_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_quantity` VARCHAR(50), `other_order_item_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`product_id` ) REFERENCES `Products`(`product_id` ), FOREIGN KEY (`order_id` ) REFERENCES `Orders`(`order_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Invoice_Line_Items` ( `order_item_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_number` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_title` VARCHAR(80), `product_quantity` VARCHAR(50), `product_price` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_product_cost` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_vat_payable` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_total_cost` DECIMAL(19,4), FOREIGN KEY (`order_item_id` ) REFERENCES `Order_Items`(`order_item_id` ), FOREIGN KEY (`invoice_number` ) REFERENCES `Invoices`(`invoice_number` ), FOREIGN KEY (`product_id` ) REFERENCES `Products`(`product_id` ) ); INSERT INTO Customers (`customer_id`, `customer_first_name`, `customer_middle_initial`, `customer_last_name`, `gender`, `email_address`, `login_name`, `login_password`, `phone_number`, `town_city`, `state_county_province`, `country`) VALUES (1, 'Dee', 'A', 'Larkin', '1', 'thora.torphy@example.org', 'xhartmann', '77789d292604ea04406f', '241.796.1219x37862', 'North Nellie', 'WestVirginia', 'USA')INSERT INTO Orders (`order_id`, `customer_id`, `date_order_placed`, `order_details`) VALUES (1, 12, '2012-06-27 20:49:56', NULL)INSERT INTO Invoices (`invoice_number`, `order_id`, `invoice_date`) VALUES (1, 9, '2018-03-01 16:40:48')INSERT INTO Accounts (`account_id`, `customer_id`, `date_account_opened`, `account_name`, `other_account_details`) VALUES (1, 8, '2016-07-30 22:22:24', '900', 'Regular')INSERT INTO Product_Categories (`production_type_code`, `product_type_description`, `vat_rating`) VALUES ('Food', 'Food', '15.8400')INSERT INTO Products (`product_id`, `parent_product_id`, `production_type_code`, `unit_price`, `product_name`, `product_color`, `product_size`) VALUES (1, 4, 'Food', '617.9500', 'Coffee Bean', 'Red', 'Medium')INSERT INTO Financial_Transactions (`transaction_id`, `account_id`, `invoice_number`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_date`, `transaction_amount`) VALUES (1, 13, 12, 'Payment', '2018-03-15 21:13:57', '613.9600')INSERT INTO Order_Items (`order_item_id`, `order_id`, `product_id`, `product_quantity`, `other_order_item_details`) VALUES (1, 4, 4, '6', NULL)INSERT INTO Invoice_Line_Items (`order_item_id`, `invoice_number`, `product_id`, `product_title`, `product_quantity`, `product_price`, `derived_product_cost`, `derived_vat_payable`, `derived_total_cost`) VALUES (14, 9, 5, 'prod_name', '4', '742.3700', '191.1100', NULL, '69.8200')
SELECT T2.customer_first_name , T1.customer_id FROM Accounts AS T1 JOIN Customers AS T2 ON T1.customer_id = T2.customer_id GROUP BY T1.customer_id HAVING count(*) >= 2
What are the first names and ids for customers who have two or more accounts?
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE `Customers` ( `customer_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_first_name` VARCHAR(50), `customer_middle_initial` VARCHAR(1), `customer_last_name` VARCHAR(50), `gender` VARCHAR(1), `email_address` VARCHAR(255), `login_name` VARCHAR(80), `login_password` VARCHAR(20), `phone_number` VARCHAR(255), `town_city` VARCHAR(50), `state_county_province` VARCHAR(50), `country` VARCHAR(50) ); CREATE TABLE `Orders` ( `order_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `date_order_placed` DATETIME NOT NULL, `order_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`customer_id` ) REFERENCES `Customers`(`customer_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Invoices` ( `invoice_number` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `order_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_date` DATETIME, FOREIGN KEY (`order_id` ) REFERENCES `Orders`(`order_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Accounts` ( `account_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `date_account_opened` DATETIME, `account_name` VARCHAR(50), `other_account_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`customer_id` ) REFERENCES `Customers`(`customer_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Product_Categories` ( `production_type_code` VARCHAR(15) PRIMARY KEY, `product_type_description` VARCHAR(80), `vat_rating` DECIMAL(19,4) ); CREATE TABLE `Products` ( `product_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `parent_product_id` INTEGER, `production_type_code` VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, `unit_price` DECIMAL(19,4), `product_name` VARCHAR(80), `product_color` VARCHAR(20), `product_size` VARCHAR(20), FOREIGN KEY (`production_type_code` ) REFERENCES `Product_Categories`(`production_type_code` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Financial_Transactions` ( `transaction_id` INTEGER NOT NULL , `account_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_number` INTEGER, `transaction_type` VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, `transaction_date` DATETIME, `transaction_amount` DECIMAL(19,4), `transaction_comment` VARCHAR(255), `other_transaction_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`invoice_number` ) REFERENCES `Invoices`(`invoice_number` ), FOREIGN KEY (`account_id` ) REFERENCES `Accounts`(`account_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Order_Items` ( `order_item_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `order_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_quantity` VARCHAR(50), `other_order_item_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`product_id` ) REFERENCES `Products`(`product_id` ), FOREIGN KEY (`order_id` ) REFERENCES `Orders`(`order_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Invoice_Line_Items` ( `order_item_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_number` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_title` VARCHAR(80), `product_quantity` VARCHAR(50), `product_price` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_product_cost` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_vat_payable` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_total_cost` DECIMAL(19,4), FOREIGN KEY (`order_item_id` ) REFERENCES `Order_Items`(`order_item_id` ), FOREIGN KEY (`invoice_number` ) REFERENCES `Invoices`(`invoice_number` ), FOREIGN KEY (`product_id` ) REFERENCES `Products`(`product_id` ) ); INSERT INTO Customers (`customer_id`, `customer_first_name`, `customer_middle_initial`, `customer_last_name`, `gender`, `email_address`, `login_name`, `login_password`, `phone_number`, `town_city`, `state_county_province`, `country`) VALUES (1, 'Dee', 'A', 'Larkin', '1', 'thora.torphy@example.org', 'xhartmann', '77789d292604ea04406f', '241.796.1219x37862', 'North Nellie', 'WestVirginia', 'USA')INSERT INTO Orders (`order_id`, `customer_id`, `date_order_placed`, `order_details`) VALUES (1, 12, '2012-06-27 20:49:56', NULL)INSERT INTO Invoices (`invoice_number`, `order_id`, `invoice_date`) VALUES (1, 9, '2018-03-01 16:40:48')INSERT INTO Accounts (`account_id`, `customer_id`, `date_account_opened`, `account_name`, `other_account_details`) VALUES (1, 8, '2016-07-30 22:22:24', '900', 'Regular')INSERT INTO Product_Categories (`production_type_code`, `product_type_description`, `vat_rating`) VALUES ('Food', 'Food', '15.8400')INSERT INTO Products (`product_id`, `parent_product_id`, `production_type_code`, `unit_price`, `product_name`, `product_color`, `product_size`) VALUES (1, 4, 'Food', '617.9500', 'Coffee Bean', 'Red', 'Medium')INSERT INTO Financial_Transactions (`transaction_id`, `account_id`, `invoice_number`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_date`, `transaction_amount`) VALUES (1, 13, 12, 'Payment', '2018-03-15 21:13:57', '613.9600')INSERT INTO Order_Items (`order_item_id`, `order_id`, `product_id`, `product_quantity`, `other_order_item_details`) VALUES (1, 4, 4, '6', NULL)INSERT INTO Invoice_Line_Items (`order_item_id`, `invoice_number`, `product_id`, `product_title`, `product_quantity`, `product_price`, `derived_product_cost`, `derived_vat_payable`, `derived_total_cost`) VALUES (14, 9, 5, 'prod_name', '4', '742.3700', '191.1100', NULL, '69.8200')
SELECT count(*) FROM Customers
Show the number of customers.
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE `Customers` ( `customer_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_first_name` VARCHAR(50), `customer_middle_initial` VARCHAR(1), `customer_last_name` VARCHAR(50), `gender` VARCHAR(1), `email_address` VARCHAR(255), `login_name` VARCHAR(80), `login_password` VARCHAR(20), `phone_number` VARCHAR(255), `town_city` VARCHAR(50), `state_county_province` VARCHAR(50), `country` VARCHAR(50) ); CREATE TABLE `Orders` ( `order_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `date_order_placed` DATETIME NOT NULL, `order_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`customer_id` ) REFERENCES `Customers`(`customer_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Invoices` ( `invoice_number` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `order_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_date` DATETIME, FOREIGN KEY (`order_id` ) REFERENCES `Orders`(`order_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Accounts` ( `account_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `date_account_opened` DATETIME, `account_name` VARCHAR(50), `other_account_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`customer_id` ) REFERENCES `Customers`(`customer_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Product_Categories` ( `production_type_code` VARCHAR(15) PRIMARY KEY, `product_type_description` VARCHAR(80), `vat_rating` DECIMAL(19,4) ); CREATE TABLE `Products` ( `product_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `parent_product_id` INTEGER, `production_type_code` VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, `unit_price` DECIMAL(19,4), `product_name` VARCHAR(80), `product_color` VARCHAR(20), `product_size` VARCHAR(20), FOREIGN KEY (`production_type_code` ) REFERENCES `Product_Categories`(`production_type_code` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Financial_Transactions` ( `transaction_id` INTEGER NOT NULL , `account_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_number` INTEGER, `transaction_type` VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, `transaction_date` DATETIME, `transaction_amount` DECIMAL(19,4), `transaction_comment` VARCHAR(255), `other_transaction_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`invoice_number` ) REFERENCES `Invoices`(`invoice_number` ), FOREIGN KEY (`account_id` ) REFERENCES `Accounts`(`account_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Order_Items` ( `order_item_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `order_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_quantity` VARCHAR(50), `other_order_item_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`product_id` ) REFERENCES `Products`(`product_id` ), FOREIGN KEY (`order_id` ) REFERENCES `Orders`(`order_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Invoice_Line_Items` ( `order_item_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_number` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_title` VARCHAR(80), `product_quantity` VARCHAR(50), `product_price` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_product_cost` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_vat_payable` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_total_cost` DECIMAL(19,4), FOREIGN KEY (`order_item_id` ) REFERENCES `Order_Items`(`order_item_id` ), FOREIGN KEY (`invoice_number` ) REFERENCES `Invoices`(`invoice_number` ), FOREIGN KEY (`product_id` ) REFERENCES `Products`(`product_id` ) ); INSERT INTO Customers (`customer_id`, `customer_first_name`, `customer_middle_initial`, `customer_last_name`, `gender`, `email_address`, `login_name`, `login_password`, `phone_number`, `town_city`, `state_county_province`, `country`) VALUES (1, 'Dee', 'A', 'Larkin', '1', 'thora.torphy@example.org', 'xhartmann', '77789d292604ea04406f', '241.796.1219x37862', 'North Nellie', 'WestVirginia', 'USA')INSERT INTO Orders (`order_id`, `customer_id`, `date_order_placed`, `order_details`) VALUES (1, 12, '2012-06-27 20:49:56', NULL)INSERT INTO Invoices (`invoice_number`, `order_id`, `invoice_date`) VALUES (1, 9, '2018-03-01 16:40:48')INSERT INTO Accounts (`account_id`, `customer_id`, `date_account_opened`, `account_name`, `other_account_details`) VALUES (1, 8, '2016-07-30 22:22:24', '900', 'Regular')INSERT INTO Product_Categories (`production_type_code`, `product_type_description`, `vat_rating`) VALUES ('Food', 'Food', '15.8400')INSERT INTO Products (`product_id`, `parent_product_id`, `production_type_code`, `unit_price`, `product_name`, `product_color`, `product_size`) VALUES (1, 4, 'Food', '617.9500', 'Coffee Bean', 'Red', 'Medium')INSERT INTO Financial_Transactions (`transaction_id`, `account_id`, `invoice_number`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_date`, `transaction_amount`) VALUES (1, 13, 12, 'Payment', '2018-03-15 21:13:57', '613.9600')INSERT INTO Order_Items (`order_item_id`, `order_id`, `product_id`, `product_quantity`, `other_order_item_details`) VALUES (1, 4, 4, '6', NULL)INSERT INTO Invoice_Line_Items (`order_item_id`, `invoice_number`, `product_id`, `product_title`, `product_quantity`, `product_price`, `derived_product_cost`, `derived_vat_payable`, `derived_total_cost`) VALUES (14, 9, 5, 'prod_name', '4', '742.3700', '191.1100', NULL, '69.8200')
SELECT count(*) FROM Customers
Count the number of customers.
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE `Customers` ( `customer_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_first_name` VARCHAR(50), `customer_middle_initial` VARCHAR(1), `customer_last_name` VARCHAR(50), `gender` VARCHAR(1), `email_address` VARCHAR(255), `login_name` VARCHAR(80), `login_password` VARCHAR(20), `phone_number` VARCHAR(255), `town_city` VARCHAR(50), `state_county_province` VARCHAR(50), `country` VARCHAR(50) ); CREATE TABLE `Orders` ( `order_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `date_order_placed` DATETIME NOT NULL, `order_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`customer_id` ) REFERENCES `Customers`(`customer_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Invoices` ( `invoice_number` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `order_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_date` DATETIME, FOREIGN KEY (`order_id` ) REFERENCES `Orders`(`order_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Accounts` ( `account_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `date_account_opened` DATETIME, `account_name` VARCHAR(50), `other_account_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`customer_id` ) REFERENCES `Customers`(`customer_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Product_Categories` ( `production_type_code` VARCHAR(15) PRIMARY KEY, `product_type_description` VARCHAR(80), `vat_rating` DECIMAL(19,4) ); CREATE TABLE `Products` ( `product_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `parent_product_id` INTEGER, `production_type_code` VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, `unit_price` DECIMAL(19,4), `product_name` VARCHAR(80), `product_color` VARCHAR(20), `product_size` VARCHAR(20), FOREIGN KEY (`production_type_code` ) REFERENCES `Product_Categories`(`production_type_code` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Financial_Transactions` ( `transaction_id` INTEGER NOT NULL , `account_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_number` INTEGER, `transaction_type` VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, `transaction_date` DATETIME, `transaction_amount` DECIMAL(19,4), `transaction_comment` VARCHAR(255), `other_transaction_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`invoice_number` ) REFERENCES `Invoices`(`invoice_number` ), FOREIGN KEY (`account_id` ) REFERENCES `Accounts`(`account_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Order_Items` ( `order_item_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `order_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_quantity` VARCHAR(50), `other_order_item_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`product_id` ) REFERENCES `Products`(`product_id` ), FOREIGN KEY (`order_id` ) REFERENCES `Orders`(`order_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Invoice_Line_Items` ( `order_item_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_number` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_title` VARCHAR(80), `product_quantity` VARCHAR(50), `product_price` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_product_cost` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_vat_payable` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_total_cost` DECIMAL(19,4), FOREIGN KEY (`order_item_id` ) REFERENCES `Order_Items`(`order_item_id` ), FOREIGN KEY (`invoice_number` ) REFERENCES `Invoices`(`invoice_number` ), FOREIGN KEY (`product_id` ) REFERENCES `Products`(`product_id` ) ); INSERT INTO Customers (`customer_id`, `customer_first_name`, `customer_middle_initial`, `customer_last_name`, `gender`, `email_address`, `login_name`, `login_password`, `phone_number`, `town_city`, `state_county_province`, `country`) VALUES (1, 'Dee', 'A', 'Larkin', '1', 'thora.torphy@example.org', 'xhartmann', '77789d292604ea04406f', '241.796.1219x37862', 'North Nellie', 'WestVirginia', 'USA')INSERT INTO Orders (`order_id`, `customer_id`, `date_order_placed`, `order_details`) VALUES (1, 12, '2012-06-27 20:49:56', NULL)INSERT INTO Invoices (`invoice_number`, `order_id`, `invoice_date`) VALUES (1, 9, '2018-03-01 16:40:48')INSERT INTO Accounts (`account_id`, `customer_id`, `date_account_opened`, `account_name`, `other_account_details`) VALUES (1, 8, '2016-07-30 22:22:24', '900', 'Regular')INSERT INTO Product_Categories (`production_type_code`, `product_type_description`, `vat_rating`) VALUES ('Food', 'Food', '15.8400')INSERT INTO Products (`product_id`, `parent_product_id`, `production_type_code`, `unit_price`, `product_name`, `product_color`, `product_size`) VALUES (1, 4, 'Food', '617.9500', 'Coffee Bean', 'Red', 'Medium')INSERT INTO Financial_Transactions (`transaction_id`, `account_id`, `invoice_number`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_date`, `transaction_amount`) VALUES (1, 13, 12, 'Payment', '2018-03-15 21:13:57', '613.9600')INSERT INTO Order_Items (`order_item_id`, `order_id`, `product_id`, `product_quantity`, `other_order_item_details`) VALUES (1, 4, 4, '6', NULL)INSERT INTO Invoice_Line_Items (`order_item_id`, `invoice_number`, `product_id`, `product_title`, `product_quantity`, `product_price`, `derived_product_cost`, `derived_vat_payable`, `derived_total_cost`) VALUES (14, 9, 5, 'prod_name', '4', '742.3700', '191.1100', NULL, '69.8200')
SELECT gender , count(*) FROM Customers GROUP BY gender
Show the number of customers for each gender.
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE `Customers` ( `customer_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_first_name` VARCHAR(50), `customer_middle_initial` VARCHAR(1), `customer_last_name` VARCHAR(50), `gender` VARCHAR(1), `email_address` VARCHAR(255), `login_name` VARCHAR(80), `login_password` VARCHAR(20), `phone_number` VARCHAR(255), `town_city` VARCHAR(50), `state_county_province` VARCHAR(50), `country` VARCHAR(50) ); CREATE TABLE `Orders` ( `order_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `date_order_placed` DATETIME NOT NULL, `order_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`customer_id` ) REFERENCES `Customers`(`customer_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Invoices` ( `invoice_number` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `order_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_date` DATETIME, FOREIGN KEY (`order_id` ) REFERENCES `Orders`(`order_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Accounts` ( `account_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `date_account_opened` DATETIME, `account_name` VARCHAR(50), `other_account_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`customer_id` ) REFERENCES `Customers`(`customer_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Product_Categories` ( `production_type_code` VARCHAR(15) PRIMARY KEY, `product_type_description` VARCHAR(80), `vat_rating` DECIMAL(19,4) ); CREATE TABLE `Products` ( `product_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `parent_product_id` INTEGER, `production_type_code` VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, `unit_price` DECIMAL(19,4), `product_name` VARCHAR(80), `product_color` VARCHAR(20), `product_size` VARCHAR(20), FOREIGN KEY (`production_type_code` ) REFERENCES `Product_Categories`(`production_type_code` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Financial_Transactions` ( `transaction_id` INTEGER NOT NULL , `account_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_number` INTEGER, `transaction_type` VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, `transaction_date` DATETIME, `transaction_amount` DECIMAL(19,4), `transaction_comment` VARCHAR(255), `other_transaction_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`invoice_number` ) REFERENCES `Invoices`(`invoice_number` ), FOREIGN KEY (`account_id` ) REFERENCES `Accounts`(`account_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Order_Items` ( `order_item_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `order_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_quantity` VARCHAR(50), `other_order_item_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`product_id` ) REFERENCES `Products`(`product_id` ), FOREIGN KEY (`order_id` ) REFERENCES `Orders`(`order_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Invoice_Line_Items` ( `order_item_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_number` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_title` VARCHAR(80), `product_quantity` VARCHAR(50), `product_price` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_product_cost` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_vat_payable` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_total_cost` DECIMAL(19,4), FOREIGN KEY (`order_item_id` ) REFERENCES `Order_Items`(`order_item_id` ), FOREIGN KEY (`invoice_number` ) REFERENCES `Invoices`(`invoice_number` ), FOREIGN KEY (`product_id` ) REFERENCES `Products`(`product_id` ) ); INSERT INTO Customers (`customer_id`, `customer_first_name`, `customer_middle_initial`, `customer_last_name`, `gender`, `email_address`, `login_name`, `login_password`, `phone_number`, `town_city`, `state_county_province`, `country`) VALUES (1, 'Dee', 'A', 'Larkin', '1', 'thora.torphy@example.org', 'xhartmann', '77789d292604ea04406f', '241.796.1219x37862', 'North Nellie', 'WestVirginia', 'USA')INSERT INTO Orders (`order_id`, `customer_id`, `date_order_placed`, `order_details`) VALUES (1, 12, '2012-06-27 20:49:56', NULL)INSERT INTO Invoices (`invoice_number`, `order_id`, `invoice_date`) VALUES (1, 9, '2018-03-01 16:40:48')INSERT INTO Accounts (`account_id`, `customer_id`, `date_account_opened`, `account_name`, `other_account_details`) VALUES (1, 8, '2016-07-30 22:22:24', '900', 'Regular')INSERT INTO Product_Categories (`production_type_code`, `product_type_description`, `vat_rating`) VALUES ('Food', 'Food', '15.8400')INSERT INTO Products (`product_id`, `parent_product_id`, `production_type_code`, `unit_price`, `product_name`, `product_color`, `product_size`) VALUES (1, 4, 'Food', '617.9500', 'Coffee Bean', 'Red', 'Medium')INSERT INTO Financial_Transactions (`transaction_id`, `account_id`, `invoice_number`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_date`, `transaction_amount`) VALUES (1, 13, 12, 'Payment', '2018-03-15 21:13:57', '613.9600')INSERT INTO Order_Items (`order_item_id`, `order_id`, `product_id`, `product_quantity`, `other_order_item_details`) VALUES (1, 4, 4, '6', NULL)INSERT INTO Invoice_Line_Items (`order_item_id`, `invoice_number`, `product_id`, `product_title`, `product_quantity`, `product_price`, `derived_product_cost`, `derived_vat_payable`, `derived_total_cost`) VALUES (14, 9, 5, 'prod_name', '4', '742.3700', '191.1100', NULL, '69.8200')
SELECT gender , count(*) FROM Customers GROUP BY gender
How many customers are there of each gender?
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE `Customers` ( `customer_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_first_name` VARCHAR(50), `customer_middle_initial` VARCHAR(1), `customer_last_name` VARCHAR(50), `gender` VARCHAR(1), `email_address` VARCHAR(255), `login_name` VARCHAR(80), `login_password` VARCHAR(20), `phone_number` VARCHAR(255), `town_city` VARCHAR(50), `state_county_province` VARCHAR(50), `country` VARCHAR(50) ); CREATE TABLE `Orders` ( `order_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `date_order_placed` DATETIME NOT NULL, `order_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`customer_id` ) REFERENCES `Customers`(`customer_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Invoices` ( `invoice_number` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `order_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_date` DATETIME, FOREIGN KEY (`order_id` ) REFERENCES `Orders`(`order_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Accounts` ( `account_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `date_account_opened` DATETIME, `account_name` VARCHAR(50), `other_account_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`customer_id` ) REFERENCES `Customers`(`customer_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Product_Categories` ( `production_type_code` VARCHAR(15) PRIMARY KEY, `product_type_description` VARCHAR(80), `vat_rating` DECIMAL(19,4) ); CREATE TABLE `Products` ( `product_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `parent_product_id` INTEGER, `production_type_code` VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, `unit_price` DECIMAL(19,4), `product_name` VARCHAR(80), `product_color` VARCHAR(20), `product_size` VARCHAR(20), FOREIGN KEY (`production_type_code` ) REFERENCES `Product_Categories`(`production_type_code` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Financial_Transactions` ( `transaction_id` INTEGER NOT NULL , `account_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_number` INTEGER, `transaction_type` VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, `transaction_date` DATETIME, `transaction_amount` DECIMAL(19,4), `transaction_comment` VARCHAR(255), `other_transaction_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`invoice_number` ) REFERENCES `Invoices`(`invoice_number` ), FOREIGN KEY (`account_id` ) REFERENCES `Accounts`(`account_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Order_Items` ( `order_item_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `order_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_quantity` VARCHAR(50), `other_order_item_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`product_id` ) REFERENCES `Products`(`product_id` ), FOREIGN KEY (`order_id` ) REFERENCES `Orders`(`order_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Invoice_Line_Items` ( `order_item_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_number` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_title` VARCHAR(80), `product_quantity` VARCHAR(50), `product_price` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_product_cost` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_vat_payable` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_total_cost` DECIMAL(19,4), FOREIGN KEY (`order_item_id` ) REFERENCES `Order_Items`(`order_item_id` ), FOREIGN KEY (`invoice_number` ) REFERENCES `Invoices`(`invoice_number` ), FOREIGN KEY (`product_id` ) REFERENCES `Products`(`product_id` ) ); INSERT INTO Customers (`customer_id`, `customer_first_name`, `customer_middle_initial`, `customer_last_name`, `gender`, `email_address`, `login_name`, `login_password`, `phone_number`, `town_city`, `state_county_province`, `country`) VALUES (1, 'Dee', 'A', 'Larkin', '1', 'thora.torphy@example.org', 'xhartmann', '77789d292604ea04406f', '241.796.1219x37862', 'North Nellie', 'WestVirginia', 'USA')INSERT INTO Orders (`order_id`, `customer_id`, `date_order_placed`, `order_details`) VALUES (1, 12, '2012-06-27 20:49:56', NULL)INSERT INTO Invoices (`invoice_number`, `order_id`, `invoice_date`) VALUES (1, 9, '2018-03-01 16:40:48')INSERT INTO Accounts (`account_id`, `customer_id`, `date_account_opened`, `account_name`, `other_account_details`) VALUES (1, 8, '2016-07-30 22:22:24', '900', 'Regular')INSERT INTO Product_Categories (`production_type_code`, `product_type_description`, `vat_rating`) VALUES ('Food', 'Food', '15.8400')INSERT INTO Products (`product_id`, `parent_product_id`, `production_type_code`, `unit_price`, `product_name`, `product_color`, `product_size`) VALUES (1, 4, 'Food', '617.9500', 'Coffee Bean', 'Red', 'Medium')INSERT INTO Financial_Transactions (`transaction_id`, `account_id`, `invoice_number`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_date`, `transaction_amount`) VALUES (1, 13, 12, 'Payment', '2018-03-15 21:13:57', '613.9600')INSERT INTO Order_Items (`order_item_id`, `order_id`, `product_id`, `product_quantity`, `other_order_item_details`) VALUES (1, 4, 4, '6', NULL)INSERT INTO Invoice_Line_Items (`order_item_id`, `invoice_number`, `product_id`, `product_title`, `product_quantity`, `product_price`, `derived_product_cost`, `derived_vat_payable`, `derived_total_cost`) VALUES (14, 9, 5, 'prod_name', '4', '742.3700', '191.1100', NULL, '69.8200')
SELECT count(*) FROM Financial_transactions
How many transactions do we have?
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE `Customers` ( `customer_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_first_name` VARCHAR(50), `customer_middle_initial` VARCHAR(1), `customer_last_name` VARCHAR(50), `gender` VARCHAR(1), `email_address` VARCHAR(255), `login_name` VARCHAR(80), `login_password` VARCHAR(20), `phone_number` VARCHAR(255), `town_city` VARCHAR(50), `state_county_province` VARCHAR(50), `country` VARCHAR(50) ); CREATE TABLE `Orders` ( `order_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `date_order_placed` DATETIME NOT NULL, `order_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`customer_id` ) REFERENCES `Customers`(`customer_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Invoices` ( `invoice_number` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `order_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_date` DATETIME, FOREIGN KEY (`order_id` ) REFERENCES `Orders`(`order_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Accounts` ( `account_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `date_account_opened` DATETIME, `account_name` VARCHAR(50), `other_account_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`customer_id` ) REFERENCES `Customers`(`customer_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Product_Categories` ( `production_type_code` VARCHAR(15) PRIMARY KEY, `product_type_description` VARCHAR(80), `vat_rating` DECIMAL(19,4) ); CREATE TABLE `Products` ( `product_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `parent_product_id` INTEGER, `production_type_code` VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, `unit_price` DECIMAL(19,4), `product_name` VARCHAR(80), `product_color` VARCHAR(20), `product_size` VARCHAR(20), FOREIGN KEY (`production_type_code` ) REFERENCES `Product_Categories`(`production_type_code` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Financial_Transactions` ( `transaction_id` INTEGER NOT NULL , `account_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_number` INTEGER, `transaction_type` VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, `transaction_date` DATETIME, `transaction_amount` DECIMAL(19,4), `transaction_comment` VARCHAR(255), `other_transaction_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`invoice_number` ) REFERENCES `Invoices`(`invoice_number` ), FOREIGN KEY (`account_id` ) REFERENCES `Accounts`(`account_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Order_Items` ( `order_item_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `order_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_quantity` VARCHAR(50), `other_order_item_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`product_id` ) REFERENCES `Products`(`product_id` ), FOREIGN KEY (`order_id` ) REFERENCES `Orders`(`order_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Invoice_Line_Items` ( `order_item_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_number` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_title` VARCHAR(80), `product_quantity` VARCHAR(50), `product_price` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_product_cost` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_vat_payable` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_total_cost` DECIMAL(19,4), FOREIGN KEY (`order_item_id` ) REFERENCES `Order_Items`(`order_item_id` ), FOREIGN KEY (`invoice_number` ) REFERENCES `Invoices`(`invoice_number` ), FOREIGN KEY (`product_id` ) REFERENCES `Products`(`product_id` ) ); INSERT INTO Customers (`customer_id`, `customer_first_name`, `customer_middle_initial`, `customer_last_name`, `gender`, `email_address`, `login_name`, `login_password`, `phone_number`, `town_city`, `state_county_province`, `country`) VALUES (1, 'Dee', 'A', 'Larkin', '1', 'thora.torphy@example.org', 'xhartmann', '77789d292604ea04406f', '241.796.1219x37862', 'North Nellie', 'WestVirginia', 'USA')INSERT INTO Orders (`order_id`, `customer_id`, `date_order_placed`, `order_details`) VALUES (1, 12, '2012-06-27 20:49:56', NULL)INSERT INTO Invoices (`invoice_number`, `order_id`, `invoice_date`) VALUES (1, 9, '2018-03-01 16:40:48')INSERT INTO Accounts (`account_id`, `customer_id`, `date_account_opened`, `account_name`, `other_account_details`) VALUES (1, 8, '2016-07-30 22:22:24', '900', 'Regular')INSERT INTO Product_Categories (`production_type_code`, `product_type_description`, `vat_rating`) VALUES ('Food', 'Food', '15.8400')INSERT INTO Products (`product_id`, `parent_product_id`, `production_type_code`, `unit_price`, `product_name`, `product_color`, `product_size`) VALUES (1, 4, 'Food', '617.9500', 'Coffee Bean', 'Red', 'Medium')INSERT INTO Financial_Transactions (`transaction_id`, `account_id`, `invoice_number`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_date`, `transaction_amount`) VALUES (1, 13, 12, 'Payment', '2018-03-15 21:13:57', '613.9600')INSERT INTO Order_Items (`order_item_id`, `order_id`, `product_id`, `product_quantity`, `other_order_item_details`) VALUES (1, 4, 4, '6', NULL)INSERT INTO Invoice_Line_Items (`order_item_id`, `invoice_number`, `product_id`, `product_title`, `product_quantity`, `product_price`, `derived_product_cost`, `derived_vat_payable`, `derived_total_cost`) VALUES (14, 9, 5, 'prod_name', '4', '742.3700', '191.1100', NULL, '69.8200')
SELECT count(*) FROM Financial_transactions
Count the number of transactions.
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE `Customers` ( `customer_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_first_name` VARCHAR(50), `customer_middle_initial` VARCHAR(1), `customer_last_name` VARCHAR(50), `gender` VARCHAR(1), `email_address` VARCHAR(255), `login_name` VARCHAR(80), `login_password` VARCHAR(20), `phone_number` VARCHAR(255), `town_city` VARCHAR(50), `state_county_province` VARCHAR(50), `country` VARCHAR(50) ); CREATE TABLE `Orders` ( `order_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `date_order_placed` DATETIME NOT NULL, `order_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`customer_id` ) REFERENCES `Customers`(`customer_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Invoices` ( `invoice_number` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `order_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_date` DATETIME, FOREIGN KEY (`order_id` ) REFERENCES `Orders`(`order_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Accounts` ( `account_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `date_account_opened` DATETIME, `account_name` VARCHAR(50), `other_account_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`customer_id` ) REFERENCES `Customers`(`customer_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Product_Categories` ( `production_type_code` VARCHAR(15) PRIMARY KEY, `product_type_description` VARCHAR(80), `vat_rating` DECIMAL(19,4) ); CREATE TABLE `Products` ( `product_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `parent_product_id` INTEGER, `production_type_code` VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, `unit_price` DECIMAL(19,4), `product_name` VARCHAR(80), `product_color` VARCHAR(20), `product_size` VARCHAR(20), FOREIGN KEY (`production_type_code` ) REFERENCES `Product_Categories`(`production_type_code` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Financial_Transactions` ( `transaction_id` INTEGER NOT NULL , `account_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_number` INTEGER, `transaction_type` VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, `transaction_date` DATETIME, `transaction_amount` DECIMAL(19,4), `transaction_comment` VARCHAR(255), `other_transaction_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`invoice_number` ) REFERENCES `Invoices`(`invoice_number` ), FOREIGN KEY (`account_id` ) REFERENCES `Accounts`(`account_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Order_Items` ( `order_item_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `order_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_quantity` VARCHAR(50), `other_order_item_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`product_id` ) REFERENCES `Products`(`product_id` ), FOREIGN KEY (`order_id` ) REFERENCES `Orders`(`order_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Invoice_Line_Items` ( `order_item_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_number` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_title` VARCHAR(80), `product_quantity` VARCHAR(50), `product_price` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_product_cost` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_vat_payable` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_total_cost` DECIMAL(19,4), FOREIGN KEY (`order_item_id` ) REFERENCES `Order_Items`(`order_item_id` ), FOREIGN KEY (`invoice_number` ) REFERENCES `Invoices`(`invoice_number` ), FOREIGN KEY (`product_id` ) REFERENCES `Products`(`product_id` ) ); INSERT INTO Customers (`customer_id`, `customer_first_name`, `customer_middle_initial`, `customer_last_name`, `gender`, `email_address`, `login_name`, `login_password`, `phone_number`, `town_city`, `state_county_province`, `country`) VALUES (1, 'Dee', 'A', 'Larkin', '1', 'thora.torphy@example.org', 'xhartmann', '77789d292604ea04406f', '241.796.1219x37862', 'North Nellie', 'WestVirginia', 'USA')INSERT INTO Orders (`order_id`, `customer_id`, `date_order_placed`, `order_details`) VALUES (1, 12, '2012-06-27 20:49:56', NULL)INSERT INTO Invoices (`invoice_number`, `order_id`, `invoice_date`) VALUES (1, 9, '2018-03-01 16:40:48')INSERT INTO Accounts (`account_id`, `customer_id`, `date_account_opened`, `account_name`, `other_account_details`) VALUES (1, 8, '2016-07-30 22:22:24', '900', 'Regular')INSERT INTO Product_Categories (`production_type_code`, `product_type_description`, `vat_rating`) VALUES ('Food', 'Food', '15.8400')INSERT INTO Products (`product_id`, `parent_product_id`, `production_type_code`, `unit_price`, `product_name`, `product_color`, `product_size`) VALUES (1, 4, 'Food', '617.9500', 'Coffee Bean', 'Red', 'Medium')INSERT INTO Financial_Transactions (`transaction_id`, `account_id`, `invoice_number`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_date`, `transaction_amount`) VALUES (1, 13, 12, 'Payment', '2018-03-15 21:13:57', '613.9600')INSERT INTO Order_Items (`order_item_id`, `order_id`, `product_id`, `product_quantity`, `other_order_item_details`) VALUES (1, 4, 4, '6', NULL)INSERT INTO Invoice_Line_Items (`order_item_id`, `invoice_number`, `product_id`, `product_title`, `product_quantity`, `product_price`, `derived_product_cost`, `derived_vat_payable`, `derived_total_cost`) VALUES (14, 9, 5, 'prod_name', '4', '742.3700', '191.1100', NULL, '69.8200')
SELECT count(*) , account_id FROM Financial_transactions
How many transaction does each account have? Show the number and account id.
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE `Customers` ( `customer_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_first_name` VARCHAR(50), `customer_middle_initial` VARCHAR(1), `customer_last_name` VARCHAR(50), `gender` VARCHAR(1), `email_address` VARCHAR(255), `login_name` VARCHAR(80), `login_password` VARCHAR(20), `phone_number` VARCHAR(255), `town_city` VARCHAR(50), `state_county_province` VARCHAR(50), `country` VARCHAR(50) ); CREATE TABLE `Orders` ( `order_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `date_order_placed` DATETIME NOT NULL, `order_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`customer_id` ) REFERENCES `Customers`(`customer_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Invoices` ( `invoice_number` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `order_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_date` DATETIME, FOREIGN KEY (`order_id` ) REFERENCES `Orders`(`order_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Accounts` ( `account_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `date_account_opened` DATETIME, `account_name` VARCHAR(50), `other_account_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`customer_id` ) REFERENCES `Customers`(`customer_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Product_Categories` ( `production_type_code` VARCHAR(15) PRIMARY KEY, `product_type_description` VARCHAR(80), `vat_rating` DECIMAL(19,4) ); CREATE TABLE `Products` ( `product_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `parent_product_id` INTEGER, `production_type_code` VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, `unit_price` DECIMAL(19,4), `product_name` VARCHAR(80), `product_color` VARCHAR(20), `product_size` VARCHAR(20), FOREIGN KEY (`production_type_code` ) REFERENCES `Product_Categories`(`production_type_code` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Financial_Transactions` ( `transaction_id` INTEGER NOT NULL , `account_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_number` INTEGER, `transaction_type` VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, `transaction_date` DATETIME, `transaction_amount` DECIMAL(19,4), `transaction_comment` VARCHAR(255), `other_transaction_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`invoice_number` ) REFERENCES `Invoices`(`invoice_number` ), FOREIGN KEY (`account_id` ) REFERENCES `Accounts`(`account_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Order_Items` ( `order_item_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `order_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_quantity` VARCHAR(50), `other_order_item_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`product_id` ) REFERENCES `Products`(`product_id` ), FOREIGN KEY (`order_id` ) REFERENCES `Orders`(`order_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Invoice_Line_Items` ( `order_item_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_number` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_title` VARCHAR(80), `product_quantity` VARCHAR(50), `product_price` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_product_cost` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_vat_payable` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_total_cost` DECIMAL(19,4), FOREIGN KEY (`order_item_id` ) REFERENCES `Order_Items`(`order_item_id` ), FOREIGN KEY (`invoice_number` ) REFERENCES `Invoices`(`invoice_number` ), FOREIGN KEY (`product_id` ) REFERENCES `Products`(`product_id` ) ); INSERT INTO Customers (`customer_id`, `customer_first_name`, `customer_middle_initial`, `customer_last_name`, `gender`, `email_address`, `login_name`, `login_password`, `phone_number`, `town_city`, `state_county_province`, `country`) VALUES (1, 'Dee', 'A', 'Larkin', '1', 'thora.torphy@example.org', 'xhartmann', '77789d292604ea04406f', '241.796.1219x37862', 'North Nellie', 'WestVirginia', 'USA')INSERT INTO Orders (`order_id`, `customer_id`, `date_order_placed`, `order_details`) VALUES (1, 12, '2012-06-27 20:49:56', NULL)INSERT INTO Invoices (`invoice_number`, `order_id`, `invoice_date`) VALUES (1, 9, '2018-03-01 16:40:48')INSERT INTO Accounts (`account_id`, `customer_id`, `date_account_opened`, `account_name`, `other_account_details`) VALUES (1, 8, '2016-07-30 22:22:24', '900', 'Regular')INSERT INTO Product_Categories (`production_type_code`, `product_type_description`, `vat_rating`) VALUES ('Food', 'Food', '15.8400')INSERT INTO Products (`product_id`, `parent_product_id`, `production_type_code`, `unit_price`, `product_name`, `product_color`, `product_size`) VALUES (1, 4, 'Food', '617.9500', 'Coffee Bean', 'Red', 'Medium')INSERT INTO Financial_Transactions (`transaction_id`, `account_id`, `invoice_number`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_date`, `transaction_amount`) VALUES (1, 13, 12, 'Payment', '2018-03-15 21:13:57', '613.9600')INSERT INTO Order_Items (`order_item_id`, `order_id`, `product_id`, `product_quantity`, `other_order_item_details`) VALUES (1, 4, 4, '6', NULL)INSERT INTO Invoice_Line_Items (`order_item_id`, `invoice_number`, `product_id`, `product_title`, `product_quantity`, `product_price`, `derived_product_cost`, `derived_vat_payable`, `derived_total_cost`) VALUES (14, 9, 5, 'prod_name', '4', '742.3700', '191.1100', NULL, '69.8200')
SELECT count(*) , account_id FROM Financial_transactions
Count the number of financial transactions that correspond to each account id.
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; CREATE TABLE `Customers` ( `customer_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_first_name` VARCHAR(50), `customer_middle_initial` VARCHAR(1), `customer_last_name` VARCHAR(50), `gender` VARCHAR(1), `email_address` VARCHAR(255), `login_name` VARCHAR(80), `login_password` VARCHAR(20), `phone_number` VARCHAR(255), `town_city` VARCHAR(50), `state_county_province` VARCHAR(50), `country` VARCHAR(50) ); CREATE TABLE `Orders` ( `order_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `date_order_placed` DATETIME NOT NULL, `order_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`customer_id` ) REFERENCES `Customers`(`customer_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Invoices` ( `invoice_number` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `order_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_date` DATETIME, FOREIGN KEY (`order_id` ) REFERENCES `Orders`(`order_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Accounts` ( `account_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `customer_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `date_account_opened` DATETIME, `account_name` VARCHAR(50), `other_account_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`customer_id` ) REFERENCES `Customers`(`customer_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Product_Categories` ( `production_type_code` VARCHAR(15) PRIMARY KEY, `product_type_description` VARCHAR(80), `vat_rating` DECIMAL(19,4) ); CREATE TABLE `Products` ( `product_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `parent_product_id` INTEGER, `production_type_code` VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, `unit_price` DECIMAL(19,4), `product_name` VARCHAR(80), `product_color` VARCHAR(20), `product_size` VARCHAR(20), FOREIGN KEY (`production_type_code` ) REFERENCES `Product_Categories`(`production_type_code` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Financial_Transactions` ( `transaction_id` INTEGER NOT NULL , `account_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_number` INTEGER, `transaction_type` VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, `transaction_date` DATETIME, `transaction_amount` DECIMAL(19,4), `transaction_comment` VARCHAR(255), `other_transaction_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`invoice_number` ) REFERENCES `Invoices`(`invoice_number` ), FOREIGN KEY (`account_id` ) REFERENCES `Accounts`(`account_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Order_Items` ( `order_item_id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `order_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_quantity` VARCHAR(50), `other_order_item_details` VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (`product_id` ) REFERENCES `Products`(`product_id` ), FOREIGN KEY (`order_id` ) REFERENCES `Orders`(`order_id` ) ); CREATE TABLE `Invoice_Line_Items` ( `order_item_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `invoice_number` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `product_title` VARCHAR(80), `product_quantity` VARCHAR(50), `product_price` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_product_cost` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_vat_payable` DECIMAL(19,4), `derived_total_cost` DECIMAL(19,4), FOREIGN KEY (`order_item_id` ) REFERENCES `Order_Items`(`order_item_id` ), FOREIGN KEY (`invoice_number` ) REFERENCES `Invoices`(`invoice_number` ), FOREIGN KEY (`product_id` ) REFERENCES `Products`(`product_id` ) ); INSERT INTO Customers (`customer_id`, `customer_first_name`, `customer_middle_initial`, `customer_last_name`, `gender`, `email_address`, `login_name`, `login_password`, `phone_number`, `town_city`, `state_county_province`, `country`) VALUES (1, 'Dee', 'A', 'Larkin', '1', 'thora.torphy@example.org', 'xhartmann', '77789d292604ea04406f', '241.796.1219x37862', 'North Nellie', 'WestVirginia', 'USA')INSERT INTO Orders (`order_id`, `customer_id`, `date_order_placed`, `order_details`) VALUES (1, 12, '2012-06-27 20:49:56', NULL)INSERT INTO Invoices (`invoice_number`, `order_id`, `invoice_date`) VALUES (1, 9, '2018-03-01 16:40:48')INSERT INTO Accounts (`account_id`, `customer_id`, `date_account_opened`, `account_name`, `other_account_details`) VALUES (1, 8, '2016-07-30 22:22:24', '900', 'Regular')INSERT INTO Product_Categories (`production_type_code`, `product_type_description`, `vat_rating`) VALUES ('Food', 'Food', '15.8400')INSERT INTO Products (`product_id`, `parent_product_id`, `production_type_code`, `unit_price`, `product_name`, `product_color`, `product_size`) VALUES (1, 4, 'Food', '617.9500', 'Coffee Bean', 'Red', 'Medium')INSERT INTO Financial_Transactions (`transaction_id`, `account_id`, `invoice_number`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_date`, `transaction_amount`) VALUES (1, 13, 12, 'Payment', '2018-03-15 21:13:57', '613.9600')INSERT INTO Order_Items (`order_item_id`, `order_id`, `product_id`, `product_quantity`, `other_order_item_details`) VALUES (1, 4, 4, '6', NULL)INSERT INTO Invoice_Line_Items (`order_item_id`, `invoice_number`, `product_id`, `product_title`, `product_quantity`, `product_price`, `derived_product_cost`, `derived_vat_payable`, `derived_total_cost`) VALUES (14, 9, 5, 'prod_name', '4', '742.3700', '191.1100', NULL, '69.8200')