Strike lightning at a given location. Can use 'lightning effect' to create a lightning that does not harm entities or start fires.
(create|strike) lightning[([ ]effect)] %directions% %locations%
Loads server icons from the given files. You can get the loaded icon using the last loaded server icon expression. Please note that the image must be 64x64 and the file path starts from the server folder.
Load Server Icon
load [the] server icon (from|of) [the] [image] [file] %text%
Load your worlds or unload your worlds The load effect will create a new world if world doesn't already exist. When attempting to load a normal vanilla world you must define it's environment i.e "world_nether" must be loaded with nether environment
Load World
load [[the] world[s]] %texts% [with environment %environment%]
Suppresses target warnings from the current script.
Locally Suppress Warning
[local[ly]] suppress [the] (conflict|variable save|[missing] conjunction[s]|starting [with] expression[s]) warning[s]
Writes text into a .log file. Skript will write these files to /plugins/Skript/logs. NB: Using 'server.log' as the log file will write to the default server log. Omitting the log file altogether will log the message as '[Skript] [<script>.sk] <message>' in the server log.
log %texts% [(to|in) [file[s]] %texts%]
Forces the mob(s) or player(s) to look at an entity, vector or location. Vanilla max head pitches range from 10 to 50.
Look At
(force|make) %living entities% [to] (face [towards]|look [(at|towards)]) (%entity%['s (feet|eyes)]|(feet|eyes) of %entity%) [at [head] [rotation] speed %number%] [[and] max[imum] [head] pitch %number%]
Makes the egg hatch in a Player Egg Throw event.
Make Egg Hatch
make [the] egg [not] hatch
Forces a player to start/stop flying.
Make Fly
force %players% to [(start|stop)] fly[ing]
Sets if an entity's explosion will leave behind fire. This effect is also usable in an explosion prime event.
Make Incendiary
make %entities% [not] incendiary
Makes a living entity visible/invisible. This is not a potion and therefore does not have features such as a time limit or particles. When setting an entity to invisible while using an invisibility potion on it, the potion will be overridden and when it runs out the entity keeps its invisibility.
Make Invisible
make %living entities% (invisible|not visible)
Makes an entity invulnerable/not invulnerable.
Make Invulnerable
make %entities% invulnerable
Forces a player to send a message to the chat. If the message starts with a slash it will force the player to use command.
Make Say
make %players% (say|send [the] message[s]) %texts%
Makes a sign (either a block or item) have glowing text or normal text
Make Sign Glow
make %blocks/item types% have glowing text
Sends a message to the given player. Only styles written in given string or in formatted expressions will be parsed. Adding an optional sender allows the messages to be sent as if a specific player sent them. This is useful with Minecraft 1.16.4's new chat ignore system, in which players can choose to ignore other players, but for this to work, the message needs to be sent from a player.
(message|send [message[s]]) %objects% [to %command senders%] [from %player%]
Opens a written book to a player.
Open Book
(open|show) book %item type% (to|for) %players%
Opens an inventory to a player. The player can then access and modify the inventory as if it was a chest that he just opened. Please note that currently 'show' and 'open' have the same effect, but 'show' will eventually show an unmodifiable view of the inventory in the future.
Open/Close Inventory
(open|show) (((crafting [table]|workbench)|chest|anvil|hopper|dropper|dispenser) [(view|window|inventory)]|%inventory/inventory type%) (to|for) %players%
Make an entity pathfind towards a location or another entity. Not all entities can pathfind. If the pathfinding target is another entity, the entities may or may not continuously follow the target.
make %living entities% (pathfind|move) to[wards] %living entity/location% [at speed %number%]
Plays a visual effect at a given location or on a given entity. Please note that some effects can only be played on entities, e.g. wolf hearts or the hurt effect, and that these are always visible to all players.
Play Effect
(play|show) %visual effects% (on|%directions%) %entities/locations% [(to %players%|in (radius|range) of %number%)]
Plays a sound at given location for everyone or just for given players, or plays a sound to specified players. Both Minecraft sound names and Spigot sound names are supported. Playing resource pack sounds are supported too. The sound category is 'master' by default. Please note that sound names can get changed in any Minecraft or Spigot version, or even removed from Minecraft itself.
Play Sound
play sound[s] %texts% [(in|from) %sound category%] [(at|with) volume %number%] [(and|at|with) pitch %number%] at %locations% [(to|for) %players%]
Sets whether all player related information is hidden in the server list. The Vanilla Minecraft client will display ??? (dark gray) instead of player counts and will not show the hover hist when hiding player info. The version string can override the ???. Also the Online Players Count and Max Players expressions will return -1 when hiding player info.
Player Info Visibility
hide [all] player [related] info[rmation] [(in|on|from) [the] server list]
Change visibility of a player for the given players. When reveal is used in combination of the hidden players expression and the viewers are not specified, this will default it to the given player in the hidden players expression.Note: if a player was hidden and relogs, this player will be visible again.
Player Visibility
hide %players% [(from|for) %players%]
Poison or cure a creature.
poison %living entities% [for %time span%]
Apply or remove potion effects to/from entities.
Potion Effects
apply %potion effects% to %living entities%
Push entities around.
(push|thrust) %entities% %direction% [(at|with) (speed|velocity|force) %number%]
Set the PvP state for a given world.
enable PvP [in %worlds%]
Replaces all occurrences of a given text with another text. Please note that you can only change variables and a few expressions, e.g. a message or a line of a sign.
replace [(all|every)] %texts% in %texts% with %text% [with case sensitivity]
Makes a function return a value
return %objects%
Save all worlds or a given world manually. Note: saving many worlds at once may possibly cause the server to freeze.
Save World
save [[the] world[s]] %worlds%
Makes a player see a block as something it really isn't. BlockData support is only for MC 1.13+
Send Block Change
make %players% see %blocks% as %item type/block data%
Request that the player's client download and switch resource packs. The client will download the resource pack in the background, and will automatically switch to it once the download is complete. The URL must be a direct download link.The hash is used for caching, the player won't have to re-download the resource pack that way. The hash must be SHA-1, you can get SHA-1 hash of your resource pack using this online tool.The resource pack request action can be used to check status of the sent resource pack request.
Send Resource Pack
send [the] resource pack [from [[the] URL]] %text% to %players%
Shears or un-shears a shearable entity with drops by shearing and a 'sheared' sound. Using with 'force' will force this effect despite the entity's 'shear state'.Please note that..:- If your server is not running with Paper 1.19.4 or higher, this effect will only change its 'shear state', and the 'force' effect is unavailable- Force-shearing or un-shearing on a sheared mushroom cow is not possible
[force] shear %living entities%
Shoots a projectile (or any other entity) from a given entity.
shoot %entity types% [from %living entities/locations%] [(at|with) (speed|velocity) %number%] [%direction%]
Controls whether or not an entity is silent.
Silence Entity
silence %entities%
Stops or restarts the server. If restart is used when the restart-script spigot.yml option isn't defined, the server will stop instead.
Stop Server
(stop|shut[ ]down) [the] server
Stops specific or all sounds from playing to a group of players. Both Minecraft sound names and Spigot sound names are supported. Resource pack sounds are supported too. The sound category is 'master' by default. A sound can't be stopped from a different category. Please note that sound names can get changed in any Minecraft or Spigot version, or even removed from Minecraft itself.
Stop Sound
stop (all sound[s]|sound[s] %texts%) [(in [the]|from) %sound category%] [(from playing to|for) %players%]
Makes an entity swing their hand. This does nothing if the entity does not have an animation for swinging their hand.
Swing Hand
make %living entities% swing [their] [main] hand
Teleport an entity to a specific location. This effect is delayed by default on Paper, meaning certain syntax such as the return effect for functions cannot be used after this effect. The keyword 'force' indicates this effect will not be delayed, which may cause lag spikes or server crashes when using this effect to teleport entities to unloaded chunks.
[force] teleport %entities% (to|%direction%) %location%
Resets the title of the player to the default values.
Title - Reset
reset [the] title[s] [of %players%]
Sends a title/subtitle to the given player(s) with optional fadein/stay/fadeout times for Minecraft versions 1.11 and above. If you're sending only the subtitle, it will be shown only if there's a title displayed at the moment, otherwise it will be sent with the next title. To show only the subtitle, use: send title " " with subtitle "yourtexthere" to player.Note: if no input is given for the times, it will keep the ones from the last title sent, use the reset title effect to restore the default values.
Title - Send
send title %text% [with subtitle %text%] [to %players%] [for %time span%] [with fade[(-| )]in %time span%] [[and] [with] fade[(-| )]out %time span%]
Toggle the state of a block.
(close|turn off|de[-]activate) %blocks%
Toggle the flight mode of a player.
Toggle Flight
(allow|enable) (fly|flight) (for|to) %players%
Determines whether living entities are able to pick up items or not
Toggle Picking Up Items
allow %living entities% to pick([ ]up items| items up)
Creates a tree. This may require that there is enough space above the given location and that the block below is dirt/grass, but it is possible that the tree will just grow anyways, possibly replacing every block in its path.
(grow|create|generate) tree [of type %tree type%] %directions% %locations%
Rotates one or more vectors around another vector
Vectors - Rotate Around Vector
rotate %vectors% around %vector% by %number% [degrees]
Rotates one or more vectors around the x, y, or z axis by some amount of degrees
Vectors - Rotate around XYZ
rotate %vectors% around (x|y|z)(-| )axis by %number% [degrees]
Makes an entity ride another entity, e.g. a minecart, a saddled pig, an arrow, etc.
(make|let|force) %entities% [to] (ride|mount) [(in|on)] %entities/entity types%
Grant/revoke a user operator state.
[de[-]]op %offline players%
Spawn a creature. This can be used as an effect and as a section. If it is used as a section, the section is run before the entity is added to the world. You can modify the entity in this section, using for example 'event-entity' or 'cow'. Do note that other event values, such as 'player', won't work in this section.
(spawn|summon) %entity types% [%directions% %locations%]
An event that occurs at a given minecraft time in every world or only in specific worlds.
At Time
[on] at %time% [in %worlds%]
Called when an anvil is damaged/broken from being used to repair/rename items. Note: this does not include anvil damage from falling.
On Anvil Damage
[on] anvil damag(e|ing)
Called when an item is put in a slot for repair by an anvil. Please note that this event is called multiple times in a single item slot move.
On Anvil Prepare
[on] anvil prepar(e|ing)
Called when area effect cloud applies its potion effect. This happens every 5 ticks by default.
On AoE Cloud Effect
[on] (area|AoE) [cloud] effect
Called when a player swings their arm.
On Arm Swing
[on] [player] arm swing
Called when armor pieces of a player are changed.
On Armor Change
[on] [player] armo[u]r change[d]
Called when a player starts sleeping.
On Bed Enter
[on] bed enter[ing]
Called when a player leaves a bed.
On Bed Leave
[on] bed leav(e|ing)
Called when a player starts to break a block. You can usually just use the leftclick event for this.
On Block Damage
[on] block damag(ing|e)
Called when a player fertilizes blocks.
On Block Fertilize
[on] [block] fertilize
Called when a crop grows. Alternative to new form of generic grow event.
On Block Growth
[on] (plant|crop|block) grow[(th|ing)] [[of] %item types%]
Called when a player edits a book.
On Book Edit
[on] book (edit|change|write)
Called when a player signs a book.
On Book Sign
[on] book sign[ing]
Called when a block is broken by a player. If you use 'on mine', only events where the broken block dropped something will call the trigger.
On Break / Mine
[on] [block] (break[ing]|min(e|ing)) [[of] %item types/block datas%]
Called when a player empties a bucket. You can also use the place event with a check for water or lava.
On Bucket Empty
[on] bucket empty[ing]
Called when a player fills a bucket.
On Bucket fill
[on] bucket fill[ing]
Called when a block is destroyed by fire.
On Burn
[on] [block] burn[ing] [[of] %item types/block datas%]
Called when a player rightclicks on a block while holding a block or a placeable item. You can either cancel the event to prevent the block from being built, or uncancel it to allow it. Please note that the data value of the block to be placed is not available in this event, only its ID.
On Can Build Check
[on] [block] can build check
Called whenever a player chats. Use chat format to change message format. Use chat recipients to edit chat recipients.
On Chat
[on] chat
Called after a new chunk was generated.
On Chunk Generate
[on] chunk (generat|populat)(e|ing)
Called when a chunk loads. The chunk might or might not contain mobs when it's loaded.
On Chunk Load
[on] chunk load[ing]
Called when a chunk is unloaded due to not being near any player.
On Chunk Unload
[on] chunk unload[ing]
Called when a user clicks on a block, an entity or air with or without an item in their hand. Please note that rightclick events with an empty hand while not looking at a block are not sent to the server, so there's no way to detect them. Also note that a leftclick on an entity is an attack and thus not covered by the 'click' event, but the 'damage' event.
On Click
[on] [(right|left)[( |-)]][mouse[( |-)]]click[ing] [on %entity type/item type%] [(with|using|holding) %item type%]
Called when an entity is set on fire, e.g. by fire or lava, a fireball, or by standing in direct sunlight (zombies, skeletons).
On Combust
[on] combust[ing]
Called when a player enters a command (not necessarily a Skript command) but you can check if command is a skript command, see Is a Skript command condition.
On Command
[on] command [%text%]
Called when the player connects to the server. This event is called before the player actually joins the server, so if you want to prevent players from joining you should prefer this event over on join.
On Connect
[on] [player] connect[ing]
Called when a player is done eating/drinking something, e.g. an apple, bread, meat, milk or a potion.
On Consume
[on] [player] ((eat|drink)[ing]|consum(e|ing)) [[of] %item types%]
Called when a player crafts an item.
On Craft
[on] [player] craft[ing] [[of] %item types%]
Called when a creeper is struck by lighting and gets powered. Cancel the event to prevent the creeper from being powered.
On Creeper Power
[on] creeper power
Called when an entity receives damage, e.g. by an attack from another entity, lava, fire, drowning, fall, suffocation, etc.
On Damage
[on] damag(e|ing) [of %entity type%] [by %entity type%]
Called when a living entity (including players) dies.
On Death
[on] death [of %entity types%]
Called when a dispenser dispenses an item.
On Dispense
[on] dispens(e|ing) [[of] %item types%]
Called when a player drops an item from their inventory, or an entity drops an item, such as a chicken laying an egg.
On Drop
[on] [player|entity] drop[ping] [[of] %item types%]
Called when a player throws an egg and it lands. You can just use the shoot event in most cases. However, this event allows modification of properties like the hatched entity type and the number of entities to hatch.
On Egg Throw
[on] throw[ing] [of] [an] egg
Called when a player successfully enchants an item. To get the enchanted item, see the enchant item expression
On Enchant
[on] [item] enchant
Called when a player puts an item into enchantment table. This event may be called multiple times. To get the enchant item, see the enchant item expression
On Enchant Prepare
[on] [item] enchant prepare
Called when an enderman places or picks up a block, a sheep eats grass, a silverfish boops into/out of a block or a falling block lands and turns into a block respectively. event-block represents the old block and event-blockdata represents the new replacement that'll be applied to the block.
On Enderman/Sheep/Silverfish/Falling Block
[on] enderman place
Called when an entity dismounts.
On Entity Dismount
[on] dismount[ing]
Called when an entity jumps.
On Entity Jump
[on] entity jump[ing]
Called when entity starts riding another.
On Entity Mount
[on] mount[ing]
Called when an entity uses a nether or end portal. Cancel the event to prevent the entity from teleporting.
On Entity Portal
[on] entity portal
Called when an entity is about to be replaced by another entity. Examples when it's called include; when a zombie gets cured and a villager spawns, an entity drowns in water like a zombie that turns to a drown, an entity that gets frozen in powder snow, a mooshroom that when sheared, spawns a new cow.
On Entity Transform
[on] (entit(y|ies)|%*-entitydatas%) transform[ing] [due to %transform reasons%]
Called when a player's experience changes.
On Experience Change
[on] [player] (level progress|[e]xp|experience) (change|update|increase|decrease)
Called whenever experience is about to spawn. Please note that this event will not fire for xp orbs spawned by plugins (including Skript) with Bukkit.
On Experience Spawn
[on] [e]xp[erience] [orb] spawn
Called when an entity (a primed TNT or a creeper) explodes.
On Explode
[on] explo(d(e|ing)|sion)
Called when an explosive is primed, i.e. an entity will explode shortly. Creepers can abort the explosion if the player gets too far away, while TNT will explode for sure after a short time.
On Explosion Prime
[on] explosion prime
Called when a block 'fades away', e.g. ice or snow melts.
On Fade
[on] [block] fad(e|ing) [[of] %item types/block datas%]
Called when a firework explodes.
On Firework Explode
[on] [a] firework explo(d(e|ing)|sion) [colo[u]red %colors%]
Called when a player joins the server for the first time.
On First Join
[on] first (join|login)
Called when a player fishes something. This is not of much use yet.
On Fishing
[on] [player] fish[ing]
Called when a players stops/starts flying.
On Flight Toggle
[on] [player] flight toggl(e|ing)
Called when a blocks flows or teleports to another block. This not only applies to water and lava, but teleporting dragon eggs as well.
On Flow
[on] [block] flow[ing]