Though @RealCandaceO implied Bob Saget died due to getting a COVID-19 vaccine/booster, now that the truth is out, I haven't seen her clear up her incorrect statement. Why should anyone listen to a person who can't admit when they got it wrong?
This is very disturbing 👇 The World Economic Forum, The Great Reset, Davos, New World Order talks about a digital tablet that once swallowed will begin to track you for compliance... https://t.co/l9j8W6E8ae
@carlbildt Putin has to do what has to be done and so far, he is succeeding . #Zelensky fled the country to #Poland last night and this heralds a great victory for Putin. Regrettably, your Western media is censored on news from the war in Ukraine
A statement yesterday from the Russian Embassy in Canada. VERY IMPORTANT TO READ AND UNDERSTAND. https://t.co/WPuDXoQ3MZ
@vijeta11w @MaajidNawaz There is war, that we know. I stumbled even on a Twitter corner full of folks that proclaim that the war is not even real, that it’s all staged. That’s where is my line. It is war, and the longer it keeps going, the more F’ed up it will be and the more reality will be blurred.
@AJDelgado13 @RyanGirdusky Biden will try to win election with more fraudulent voting.This time his obvious plan is to allow the millions of illegal immigrants he allowed in the country to vote Democrat.Taxpayers are paying billions of dollars for illegal immigrants collecting welfare.
@elonmusk now would be a good time to reinstate Donald J. Trump’s account. Hillary Clinton has a Twitter account and she spied on a sitting President.
#DraghiVattene #Draghidimettiti WHO Director Says COVID Boosters Are Used To “Kill Children” In Slip-Up During Press Conference https://t.co/Q19IAZhdCP
PolitiFact - No, migrant ‘caravan’ from Tapachula, Mexico is not the population of Minneapolis https://t.co/O30LmcJF5A
Milwaukee officials face Zuckerberg-related election bribery lawsuit "The evidence in this complaint is overwhelming and condemning," a Thomas More Society attorney said https://t.co/RX0Ueg79AI https://t.co/RZL5tvMCJv
Turkey threatens to release detained ISIS members to Europe | 11/12/2019 - Erdoğan hinted the "gates will open" for ISIS members to enter Europe while speaking to reporters Tuesday, the day after the EU declared the sanctions. https://t.co/gr7flXl8vm
@Storiesofinjury BOTH my parents diagnosed within 4 weeks of one another..approx 7 months after 2nd shot Mams lump appeared 8 weeks after vaccine.. another lump appeared in lymph 3 weeks after booster.. Dad's scans prior to vaccine were cancer clear.. scan after vax cancer back and metastatic
SICK BASTARDS https://t.co/MvDC5RDIxh
@richardzussman Please Richard do some research, boosters are impairing the body’s ability to fight covid. And it appears that they may be affecting the body’s ability to fight other viruses and cancer. A lot of people are reporting fast growing cancers or recurrences. https://t.co/ocTY2X5iLk
@Bob66467 @T2theBauer @freddyatton Let's see hunters laptop real, Hillary spied on Trump's campaign true, The Steele dossier was a fake report Hillary Clinton, DNC fined $113,000 for violating campaign finance law. Seems to me, that Trump was right about a lot of things.
@Breaking911 This is the same guy that reposted a Sam Hyde meme about the Ghost of Kyiv. Think about that for a second.
What I'm trying to figure out is what would cause a mini iceage? The gulf stream needs to be involved! Bill Gates wants to do cloud seeding and that will block out the sun! Would that also create a colder climate?😀
@Richie3Kelly @rgdran @Reuters Half of Mariupol (key town with most of Azov military) is under Russian control (videos of evacuations from various districts prove some of that), videos of troop movement within town, The Capital Kiev is surrounded and under siege, Zelensky has fled to Poland. It's a catastrophe
@drdavidsamadi Heads up the CEO of Pfizer said the new covid pill will have a microchip that will transmit sa soon as you swallow it , you need to let all of the people no about them hiding this from the American citizens.
This is the first case of Zuckerberg soft money throwing or stealing the election for Biden. This was done in all states that in the last days went to Biden. Milwaukee Officials Sued in Zuckerberg-Related Election Bribery Case https://t.co/SJdKI4pJot
@CDCDirector @HouseGOP @SenateGOP Just reported on TV that 80% of people in Texas Hospitals are Illegals who have crossed the border ILLEGALLY! 7000 in just one city! IMPEACH BIDEN NOW!!!
@DebbyB813 Yes, and I'm responding to those who seem to think that "luciferase" is joke thought up by the obviously off-kilter RW religious nutjobs. I'm no longer surprised by the batshit behavior displayed by evangelicals.
Misinformation, xenophobia and conspiracies theories plugged by Republican Congressional candidate spark a MAGA protest in Florida... Viral video alleging Maitland hotel harboring illegal immigrants turns out to be false claim https://t.co/fpPBbr8jEZ
PolitiFact - No evidence for viral claim that ‘22 million illegal aliens’ are ‘voting illegally’ https://t.co/bS4zrxWVkk
@o_ocsid @LexRegina72 @JacindaTrump No one can or will force it on children. Get a grip. Is this the Pfizer CEO you're talking about? https://t.co/BI7D7WxCVL
@AvfcsteveSd @vp20191 People who falsely claim the vaccine is experimental gene therapy, and on top claim is more dangerous than Covid
@LaurelCottageMa @SenKamalaHarris You mean their Antifa supporters who start forest fires?
@RepMaryMiller tweeted a "caravan" of migrants from Tapachula, Mexico headed for the US was "the population of Minneapolis," (430,000) among other assertions. Read the full @BetterGov fact check below to find out if that's true, but here's a clue: 👖 ON🔥 https://t.co/eDl7fUqF7r
#lauraloomer MUST SEE VIDEO: Illegal Immigrants Dropped off at Florida Hotel https://t.co/XtccT5jcgL via @YouTube
@MattKamen I’m just trying to imagine the context of these supposed convos. Would Europeans approach him saying, “Sir, yes, our trees are highly flammable, yet, our forest cities are not on fire. Tell your antifa to start raking.”
👀👉 Russia Embassy statement to Canada👈 https://t.co/9VNYtEj1Rc
@hairtrigger123 @Preci0us_Virtue Yep... Not standing for any of the two parties, neither the corrupted 👿 western countries behind this staged con thing (not even a real war).
@CPT_Cosmosis @StanPennington8 @InfoGuru16 @LundThf @deusxmach1na @GailGolec @Joe__312 @TheCenterStripe @TomDoubting @AntifaRioter @StillGood_Jared @RobHNY @BarnettforAZ @TwitterSupport @AngryPamela @artimusclyde84 @ArtysHouse @Backedwithdata @battle_bullshit @EarthOne_13 @EdaMagician @eturleye @famousSheymus @FighterTh @hahnalytics @Jay333N @JimlikesBB @JoeSnuffy1965 @JoeThejoe4 @John_iwas_ @JonRFleming @jpgftw @JWoolard01 @KE34262 @mdurkin86 @mendyboyd @MichaelMacFTL @MinnesotaExpat @modernista64 @NHSouthernGirl @NickDone8 @PamelaEdwards @PootDibou @QuispMe @R5Philly @StirredCrazy @teamphil @TheTangerineTa1 @TifasWindmill @VirtualGStorm Robinson veered off into the really strange. After her "Luciferase" tweet, even Newsmax had enough: https://t.co/VLhzMDuu6w
"Putin lives in historic analogies and metaphors. Those who are enemies of eternal Russia must be Nazis. And so, he was quick to portray the conflicts in the Donbas as a genocide...He has become hostage to his own rhetoric." https://t.co/aNTujXEtP7 via @derspiegel
New Post on Lead Stories: Fact Check: Pfizer CEO Did NOT Say Company's COVID-19 Treatment Pill Will Contain Microchip https://t.co/m1ZzbD9T34
@vegetapr69 @zhfgjcftihfdyh1 @biggdg @IppokratisAnge1 That’s not how it works, lol. Although it’s a nice ploy to attempt to compel vaccination & further health controls. By applying a weak stressor the (mRNA vax) to the (highly prone to mutation) coronavirus, you’ve essentially forced it to mutate.
FACT CHECK: Did The WHO Director-General Say COVID-19 Vaccine Boosters Are Being ‘Used To Kill Children’? https://t.co/KQRYa6kIeC via @check_your_fact
@mlderwin @Cloutassent @L_DWYn @GodandtheBear After 8 years, many of us are clutching at any possibility of ending the Donbas genocide. I hope the end of the war will bring the end of the genocide. So my question is, why don't you want the genocide to end? Because if Ukraine's government survives, that means it continues.
Zuckerberg, Soros, Gates & other wealthy people flood elections with money all over the country in order to get people with their values & interests elected to office. Milwaukee Officials Sued in Zuckerberg-Related Election Bribery Case https://t.co/EwBAg9AujF via @epochtimes
True? Putin Has Banned Rothschild And His New World Order Banking Cartel Family From Entering Russian Territory - During the meeting in question, Putin was clearly discontent about the secretive elite’s agenda of taking over the country - https://t.co/a0pmgVzIBy
Well, so glad to know that @USATODAY spends time "fact checking" a bloody satire website. I feel SOOO much safer now. How are you fools still in business? https://t.co/LEYUeIAdg5
You can probably just add this story to the long list of fake narratives ginned up by the Fox/GOP outrage machine, i.e. Benghazi, her e-mails, Hunter's laptop, Biden's Ukraine trip, Seth Rich, Obama's birth-certificate, etc.
@blueheartedly https://t.co/EV0KP7giVu Even CNN had the story 😂😂. The Clinton campaign paid Christopher Steele to fabricate evidence for Obama to illegally spy on Trump. You. People. Need. Help. CNN also just admitted the Hunter Biden laptop was real, which we knew in 2017. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@jmtaylor21 @MrWizar19740423 @tpkirb @loganclarkhall @elonmusk Everyone realizes Hillary just paid an FCC fine for the Russia disinformation right? Does everyone know the constitutional protocol for election fraud? 22 months what's that? Wisconsin state legislatures seek decertification after Zuckerberg violated bribery law
Luciferase: The Horrific and Biblical Implications of the Covid-19 Vaccine https://t.co/wtgm6pdIuP via @BitChute
Do you want 22 million illegal aliens to be able to vote?
Study: Pfizer Vaccine Increased Cancer Causing Protein in Human Nucleus. Substack: https://t.co/oglxeFBaoc #mRNA #COVID19 #COVID #Vaccinated #VAEDS #VAIDS #VaccineSideEffects #DNA https://t.co/rkObbmbfbi
@realDailyWire @TheBabylonBee thought of this first. Biden could sell Alaska to Russia and then the Russians could drill more oil in Alaska and sell it to the US which would somehow be better for climate change
faked Russian invasion footage viewed 110,000 times and shared 25,000 https://t.co/BA4HV3INwY https://t.co/Tkx9Mv40dj
'Triple Vaxxed' Bob Saget Had Covid-19, Enlarged Heart, Reveals Autopsy; Vaccine Caused His Death, Says Social Media - these sound like ‘vaccinated’ symptoms https://t.co/5RYH54UHwi
Bill Gates-funded project proposes to block the sun with dust
Next, I shall show you actual video footage of hundreds of illegal 18-30 year old FIGHTING age men (hardly any children, women, or families, as touted by Obama/Joe/the FAKE NEWS) being bused into a nice hotel in the State of Florida. They are being given debit cards with actual
"Compliance" and knowing what you are doing,etc Pfizer CEO says FDA approved a digital pill that contains a microchip that transmits information once swallowed. @NoleDjoker to help me https://t.co/59EfjptFob
@ggreenwald Kinzinger fell for the Sam Hyde “ghost of Kiev” bit, he’s an idiot.
A ‘conveyor belt’ of buses from TX, AZ, & CA are taking tens of thousands of Illegals into America’s interior States to get permanent status. The Biden “catch-&-bus” policy is akin to open borders. #BidenBorderCrisis is spreading Nationwide, unnoticed. https://t.co/9RzjasIGm9
Memória => Putin has Banned Rothschild and His New World Order Banking Cartel Family from Entering Russian Territory >> https://t.co/QwWfd9cQi9 via @CSGlobe
Milwaukee Officials Sued in Zuckerberg-Related Election Bribery Case https://t.co/wJFG9iE4kO @JudgeTroupis
New Report: Biden Administration Busing ‘Thousands’ of Illegals Aliens to Red States to Get Permanent Status https://t.co/QBJWpjRzVJ It's all about the votes. Forever.
@AiNaTow @di4winds Yes a compass is flat so the Earth is flat apparently.
@HawleyMO @WhiteHouse @bumble @anthonyfauci @NIH @NIMHgov @FoxNews @CNN @BBCWorld @WHO @CDCgov @nytimes @POTUS @USSupremeCourt @TheJusticeDept @FBI @JakeSullivan46 @sharktank @amazon @Facebook @Apple @Microsoft @gatesfoundation @MarkZuckrberg @JeffBezos @elonmusk @BillGates @markcubanai @eldsjal @FocusOnTheFamiy @ChurchofSatan @satanic_temple_ @SoftBank_Group @JayInslee @JoeBiden @HarvardEthics @ABCReligion @carnegiecouncil @NIHDirector @NIHDataScience @NIAIDNews @NIAIDBioIT @USMC @NSAGov @finkd Here is @BillGates and @WHO signature on their TERROR on the Un-Vaccinated for @JoeBiden and his Nazi SS @NSAGov running America's Healthcare now. As a mockery to me and God's people, @WHO named Omicron Variant after a game called Omikron: The Nomad Soul https://t.co/O6TTiL3GsP
"We can’t undo the wrongs of the 2020 election," Kaardal said. “But it is incumbent upon us to ensure that the corruption that infected Wisconsin’s voting process is rooted out and that the state’s election integrity is preserved." https://t.co/vmeWlDKHMR
Fact Check: Pfizer CEO Did NOT Say Company's COVID-19 Treatment Pill Will Contain Microchip Lead Stories https://t.co/ysu6CUzoBy @leadstoriescomより
@madan3 @madan3 is always high time chef https://t.co/37uxrtXb5i
So now they are implanting a microchip in your body using PCR test for COVID 19 https://t.co/pHsWoSPhQP
No, a TIME magazine cover featuring Vladimir Putin’s face superimposed over Adolf Hitler's face is not real. https://t.co/y1bcd8w79c
Coming from the person who released a video game called Omikron developed by Microsoft. Interesting…🤔. (Look it up). #evil #becarefulonwhoyoulistento #followthemoney https://t.co/uG8My5ZJC5
https://t.co/g1uJVIyGtm Illegals being dropped off at a Florida Hotel. First it’s Dominion, now this. I thought Florida was free from corruption. Apparently not as it seems.
Meet Anastasiia Lenna, former Miss Ukraine who joined the army to fight Russian forces #REPUBLIC @republic https://t.co/FSlDDJ8KrG Yeah, we must fight to defend the sovereign rights of nations!
@grouchapato @SkyNews No, this can only be solved by one person. Let the US vassal Mr. Zelensky sign the capitulation. He is pushing his people into suffering and he fled to Poland.
The complaint, filed last week against Milwaukee Mayor Cavalier Johnson, former Mayor Tom Barrett, and City Clerk Jim Owczarski, for violating Wisconsin's election bribery law by taking private donations from Mark Zuckerberg & his wife, Priscilla Chan https://t.co/UXsNPNwEbh
@MattHancock Those with a zero covid strategy and decent vaccination program will have less deaths and less long covid. They haven't contributed to the rapid mutation of this virus which could lead to a more virulent variant. They care about people over money.
Arsonists start massive forest fires but unclear if tied to Antifa.
@SCOTUSblog There is no discrimination here this is simply an attempt to make sure value is legally done by everyone who has the right to legally vote if you don’t have ID then you shouldn’t be voting the Democrats one illegal vote because that means 22 million votes for them!
Bob Saget died due to head trauma caused by an accidently injury to the back of his head. So fuck Candace Owens and eveyr other pathetic mother fucker who said he died from the covid vaccine.
Russian Tank t72 https://t.co/d77dX8FKli eBay https://t.co/7WsQG2d3ZY
@LloydWasser @JuliaTh73 @CBCNews 1/3 of the polio vaccine contained SV40, a virus with cancer causing contaminants. All my aunts who received the vaccine died of different cancers unrelated to genetics. Never trust big pharma!! https://t.co/OdGsDT4jwg
State Sen. Mary Felzkowski says "Over-vaccination causes faster mutation of the (COVID-19) virus, which causes a super virus we may not have the ability to fight off."        https://t.co/pg7aanfx8y
@fedup42Mn No, but I had pints and supermacs in Kilkenny tonight with no covid cert asked for? Does that count? 🤷🏻‍♂️ oh and then @Sabdublinardj told me to get the garlic chips.. so I went back a second time to check them.. well, I had 45 chips, the same cycles the PCR test is ran at. 😝
@GBNEWS I have a 99.9% survival rate for ALL variants of Covid. I don’t need an experimental gene therapy shot that also doesn’t work & has ZERO LONG TERM side-effect studies. I don’t want what these corrupt lobbyist drug companies are pushing for something I already survived in 2020. https://t.co/vPYPFM4fgL
So the Nasopharyngeal Covid19 PCR "tests" were never tests at all. They are implanting chips, inserting Nanobots called Nanites with a bioweapons payload for the brain, while at the same time harvesting DNA. #trishayearwood #Nashville seems you guys are asleep at the wheel.
@mel_wright123 Covid+Vaccine induced aids I assume
@TheBabylonBee How stupid are the readers of @USATODAY that they have to be reminded that Biden actually didn’t sell Alaska
Grapefruit Antidepressants Overdose Warning #FACEBOOK https://t.co/Hf87KZuXA3
It gets more entertaining every day....."According to a court filing from Special Counsel John Durham, the 2016 Hillary Clinton campaign effort to compile dirt on Donald Trump reached into protected White House communications." https://t.co/mXcJIYwJxb via @WSJOpinion
@ChristinaPushaw MUST SEE VIDEO: Illegal Immigrants Dropped off at Florida Hotel by https://t.co/YYaxoOt1FH https://t.co/MTmxzVh6Ng
@LukeMor19529310 @bocajoes @IP4PI @DrBenMarble @Mark10720248 @cov19treatments @BinSu37630864 @TLPKAG @RossFairchild @JordanLookAt @niro60487270 @NBSaphierMD @DrOz @RebeccaJarvis @JoeConchaTV @OANN @DevinNunes @RudyGiuliani @MichaelCoudrey @DrMarcSiegel @KatiePavlich @zev_dr @jerome_corsi @raoult_didier @SenRonJohnson @ChanelRion @CSinclairtv @IngrahamAngle @RandPaul @SharylAttkisson @JamesTodaroMD @DrZevZelenko @PearsonSharp @drsimonegold @stella_immanuel @drdavidsamadi @btysonmd @RealPNavarro @GeorgeFareed2 @AAPSonline @FoxNews @laralogan @CovidMemo @MartyMakary @KyrieIrving @Jonatha80589955 @joerogan @P_McCulloughMD @C19ExpertPanel @Covid19Crusher Watch at 25 secs. He really did say it. Freudian slip? https://t.co/mzjIDidKcz
@NSaduro It may be real, it may be not. Everything can be staged. This is a propaganda War.
@CNBC Bill Gates wants take the moisture out of the air and to seed the atmosphere with an particulates to block the sun. What's next a locust breeding program?
https://t.co/VGjjtn0UEX Could that be an incident similar to the Heather McDonald incident? It's sad people need to fracture their skulls before questioning the rushed, emergency use only Covid vaccine.
Bob Saget was covid positive, performed a show that. Night for a live audience die from a hematoma so they say just like where did the virus begin, is that a cover-up too did he die from the vaccine ,but we ever know, would they ever admit it, the media that is, probably not
@KevGiambertone @BerkshireEagle @BerkEdge @BerkshireMag @Berkshire_Med @NatGeoPhotos @NikonUSA @saint_exther @FineArtAmerica Your photos are not coming good as the background is full of Geoengineering aerosol injections commonly known as solar radiation management. A Harvard program to kill sunlight. It has changed the appearance of sunrises and sunsets. Just look old photos and you will see the change https://t.co/mJGSyY3EMe
@RepThomasMassie Bill Gates is a lunatic. He owns more of America's farmland than farmers. He is friends with CCP who also own a lot of American farmland. I'm sure Gates made that happen. He wants to block out the sun to slow "climate change" How idiotic is that? Bill Gates is a threat to America
@mercnews Yet the covid "vaccine" gene therapy doesn't have any long term effects?
@johniadarola Armed Vigilantes gangs roaming near forest fires looking 4 antifa they were convinced started fires. Terrifying everyone else w/road blocks demanding ID. Holding weapons to reporter’s head and telling them to get out. Holding blck mom/kids “you don’t look like u belong here”
@thehill RIP Bob Saget. But why the obvious cover-up? He had COVID and was jabbed shortly before his death. He also had inflammation of his heart, a known side effect of vaccine. Any reasonable person must conclude heart attack led to fall.
What fresh hell is this? Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla Talks About An "Electronic Pill" That Contains A Biological Microchip, That Sends Out A Signal As Soon As It Hits Your Stomach, So They Know You Took It! #Microchip #Pfizer #Tyranny https://t.co/HWelhmm2xc
@NancyMc22665277 @doritmi @_mamadeb @JonInTn1 @AGoldsmithEsq @mcfunny @provaxtexan @Mchael21592783M @TakethatCt @i_am_joli_anne @swedishchf @LiamKav @clownworld_bobo @quigley_jesse @wendy_Lynnette @katieorourke78 @volpiranyas @Monstercoyliar @tenebra99 @docstardust @CoralBlob @JustPlaying2Win @ghoppe @Top_Muppetries @DCGreenZone1 @crabb_vicki @AndrewLazarus4 @EstesPga @FrankDElia7 @SkepticalMutant @gobantwo2 @melissa94307909 @MdRisette @stevenmosher @ZaynJaffer @Kathmarval @JawKneeFaiv @MickusDickus @policing_uk @BrockKrause @dodi_rains @carlsmythe @RenfieldThomas @TonyBaduy @ncdave4life @indyymac @Kolyin @diederikdk @AndyMac84956921 @SpookyJay36 Wait…are you claiming Covid vax are gene therapy? Where did you get your degree?
@Taniel The Wisconsin Special Counsel for the 2020 election found that." 5 cities that were given $330M by Zuckerberg had rampant bribery and massive voter fraud."
Special Counsel: Zuckerberg Money "Took Over The Election" In 2020 In Green Bay, Wisconsin https://t.co/aWhED60lbS
@newsmax Where did they go? The numbers provided by the Biden administration do not add up. As of yesterday there was no accounting for close to 7000 illegal immigrants there. Were they released into the country? Tested or vaccinated for Covid?