2 values
Steven Rattner says Manufacturing wages today in America on a per-hour basis are actually a bit lower than average wages in the economy as a whole.
true statement
comments on ABC's "This Week"
Ellyn Bogdanoff says Florida is considered the fourth-largest gambling state in the nation.
true statement
a newspaper article
Calvine Rollins says Georgia public sector employees do not have a say in the conditions of their employment, do not have bargaining rights or a say in their working conditions.
true statement
an op-ed
Bill Seitz says that Secretary of State Jon Husted and former secretary Jennifer Brunner both have supported a provision in Senate Bill 47 that would limit the days organizers have to collect signatures for initiative and referendum petitions.
true statement
testimony before a House committee
Terry Mcauliffe says Ken Cuccinelli tried to shut down state government.
false statement
a debate.
Barack Obama says When Mitt Romney was governor, Massachusetts ... (had) more debt per person than any other state in the country.
true statement
a campaign ad
Barack Obama says that as Massachusetts governor, Mitt Romney condemned coal-fired plants, saying they kill people.
true statement
a news release
Democratic National Committee says College tuition rates in Texas jumped by 55% since 2003.
true statement
an email blast
Dan Patrick says Several elected state officials have opened their homes to children in need of loving families.
true statement
a press release titled “Lt. Governor Unveils Faith-Based Initiative on Foster Care Children,”
Lincoln Chafee says Rhode Island is one of only six states to use E-Verify.
false statement
comments to reporters following a news conference
Jan Brewer says We know from ... the federal data, that they only stop or apprehend one out of four illegal people crossing our border.
true statement
comments on CNN
Democratic National Committee says John McCain has given erratic and inconsistent answers on when troops should return from Iraq.
true statement
in an ad on the Internet
Rick Perry says he signed legislation leading to 12 Texas abortion clinics being closed.
true statement
a South Carolina forum.
Donald Trump says It is Hillary Clintons agenda to release the violent criminals from jail. She wants them all released.
false statement
a speech to the National Rifle Association
Eric Cantor says Youve got each day 10,000 new seniors, baby boomers, becoming eligible for the entitlement programs.
true statement
a TV appearance.
Barack Obama says economists Harvey Rosen and Martin Feldstein have said that paying for (Mitt) Romneys tax cuts would require large tax increases on families making between $100,000 and $200,000.
true statement
an email to supporters
Newt Gingrich says Mitt Romney put Planned Parenthood on a state medical board but failed to put a pro-life group on the same board.
true statement
a video campaign ad
James Roosevelt says Three courts have found the new health care law constitutional and two have found it unconstitutional.
true statement
a segment of WPRI's Newsmakers program
Shaun Donovan says Housing prices dropped for the 30 months prior to Barack Obama taking office, and they have stabilized, theyve been about flat since the president came in.
true statement
an interview on CNN's "State of the Union with Candy Crowley"
Peter Barca says You cant bring an iPad or a piece of paper and a pencil in the (Wisconsin Assembly) gallery to take notes of whats going on, but you can bring a gun up there.
true statement
an interview
Bill Clinton says Passage of Clinton budget bill in 1993 "led to an enormous flowering of the economy in America."
true statement
an interview on ABC's This Week
Tim Mcginty says he tore down hundreds of abandoned homes that served as havens for crime and reduce(d) the value of our neighborhoods.
true statement
his campaign website
Ameripac says Compact fluorescent light bulbs are toxic and not environmentally friendly.
true statement
a fundraising letter
Bob Seger says The proposed mine in northern Wisconsin would be built without any government oversight, and will be nine miles long.
false statement
an interview
Chris Christie says car insurance rates have decreased since about a decade ago because of market-based solutions that attracted more auto insurers to New Jersey.
true statement
an "On the Line" interview with Steve Adubato
Katrina Vanden Heuvel says At the moment, energy companies spend 0.25 percent on RD.
true statement
a roundtable discussion on ABC's 'This Week'
Rob Portman says Ohio is probably top five in the country, sadly, in terms of heroin overdoses. Its now exceeded car accidents as the No. 1 cause of death in Ohio.
true statement
a radio interview
Ron Paul says The U.S. military is in 130 countries. We have 900 bases around the world.
true statement
a Republican presidential debate in Tampa
Chris Matthews says The Russians didnt wear uniforms when they came in to Ukraine.
true statement
a segment on "Hardball"
Mitt Romney says that illegal immigrants get a $100,000 break on University of Texas tuition over four years.
true statement
a Republican presidential debate in Orlando.
Democratic National Committee says Rick Perry doesnt think there should be a federal minimum wage.
true statement
an email blast
Scott Walker says Since I took office, Wisconsin ranks 11th in the nation in total business establishment growth compared to 47th in the years Mary Burke was Commerce secretary.
true statement
a campaign news release
Trent Franks says It is truethat we know that ISIS is present in Ciudad Juarez (Mexico)
true statement
a phone conference
Tom Coburn says The home-mortgage deduction is widely thought to be a middle-class benefit. Its not -- 73 percent of it goes to people making a quarter-million dollars or more a year.
true statement
an interview with CNN
Nathan Deal says A real result of his term is Georgia having the lowest taxes per capita of any state.
true statement
campaign flyer
Antonin Scalia says Most of the black scientists in this country dont come from schools like the University of Texas. They come from lesser schools.
true statement
a Supreme Court hearing
Democratic Governors Association says Democrats say Chafee wants to tax equipment that enables amputee veterans to drive
true statement
Democratic Governors Association website
Paul Krugman says Even high estimates for an early draft of the health care plan are less than the $1.8 trillion cost of the Bush tax cuts.
true statement
a column
Florida Democratic Party says Bill McCollum "cost the rest of us billions" as a member of Congress, including a national debt that "skyrocketed" to $4.7 trillion.
true statement
an advertisement by the Florida Democratic Party
David Dewhurst says The White House had a live video feed of the Benghazi attacks as they occurred.
false statement
an interview with the Texas Observer
Rob Portman says a Pro-Stimulus economist admits it is not working
false statement
a posting on Facebook
Hillary Clinton says Donald Trump was asked if he would defend our allies. He said well, first hed want to know if they made any payments to us to defend them.
true statement
a rally in Florida
Frank Lautenberg says In 2008, tourism brought in $38 billion dollars and supported more than 300,000 jobs in the state of New Jersey.
true statement
a speech on the floor of the U.S. Senate
Bud Chiles says Florida is 49th in per capita spending on mental health care.
true statement
a campaign website
Ted Cruz says President Barack Obama has been presiding over our jobs going overseas for seven years.
true statement
an interview with NBC's "Meet the Press"
Sheldon Whitehouse says The oceans have become 30 percent more acidic.
true statement
a speech on the floor of the U.S. Senate
Moms Demand Action Gun Sense America says The book Little Red Riding Hood is something thats been banned in America, but not assault weapons.
true statement
an ad shared on social media
Glenn Beck says Thomas Jefferson created the Marines for the Islamic pirates that were happening.
true statement
his Fox News program
Jack Kingston says The nations food supply is 99.99 percent safe.
true statement
a newspaper article
Alex Sink says 150,000 (oil spill) claims have been filed by Floridians, but only 40 percent of them have been paid.
true statement
a meeting of the Florida Cabinet
Seth Magaziner says In Rhode Island today, 25 percent of our households either dont have a bank account at all, or they have a bank account and theyre still relying on high-cost financial services like payday loans, pawn shop check cashing and so on.
true statement
an appearance on “10 News Conference”
Dennis Kucinich says "Our whole food system in this country...most of it is genetically engineered. And (there is) no testing for the health consequences of this food."
true statement
a forum on cancer organized by Lance Armstrong.
Rachel Maddow says Despite what you may have heard about Wisconsins finances, Wisconsin is on track to have a budget surplus this year.
false statement
a segment on her television talk show
Lee Holloway says Weve saved over $100 million of (health care) costs in Milwaukee County. I did that.
true statement
a meeting with Journal Sentinel reporters and editors
David Dewhurst says that from 1992 through 2010, every statewide candidate drawing over 43 percent of the vote in a Republican Texas primary won the resulting runoff.
true statement
a memo from campaign pollster Mike Baselice.
Ron Paul says members of the military have sent him more campaign contributions than theyve sent President Barack Obama and more than twice what theyve sent other Republican presidential candidates.
true statement
an interview.
Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee says Congressman Robert Hurt has a plan to cut education by 40 percent.
false statement
a radio ad.
John Oxendine says "To say a family has to buy a product from a private company is clearly beyond the delegated powers of the U.S. Constitution."
true statement
a televised debate on Fox 5
Scott Brown says The federal health care law raises taxes and cuts Medicare.
true statement
comments on "Fox News Sunday"
Colin Powell says "The president has added close to 68,000 troops in the last year, since he came into office, not just the 30,000 you hear, but the others that were added before that."
true statement
an interview on ABC News' "This Week"
Rick Perry says I vetoed more than $3 billion in spending. Lawmakers and I cut taxes for 40,000 small businesses. Now Texas is No. 1 in job creation. The nations five best housing markets are right here in Texas. We balanced five state budgets and we cut state spending.
true statement
a TV advertisement.
Bill Pascrell says President Barack Obama has not raised taxes.
false statement
an interview on C-SPAN’s Washington Journal
Hillary Clinton says Donald Trump called pregnant employees an inconvenience.
true statement
a rally in Columbus, Ohio
Ted Cruz says Every month, we get the reports from the Bureau of Labor Statistics that say even more people have given up looking for work.
true statement
Senate floor speech on the Obamacare law
Mitt Romney says "McCain opposes repeal of the death tax."
true statement
a TV ad
Jim Renacci says signs posted at projects funded by the federal stimulus act has cost 20 or 40 million dollars.
true statement
a radio interview
Phil Gingrey says Amid the crisis at our southern border, there are reports of illegal migrants carrying deadly diseases such as Ebola virus.
false statement
a letter to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Sam Adams says for the equivalent cost of a single mile of freeway, we have a bike infrastructure.
true statement
a video online
Marco Rubio says If the debt ceiling is surpassed, our nation will not go into default as some suggest.
true statement
an e-mail
John Wisniewski says While (Chris Christie) talks about job creation, we dont see jobs being created in this state.
false statement
an NJToday interview
Florida Democratic Party says Taking the Fifth Amendment in a deposition about the Columbia/HCA hospital chain he founded means a truthful answer to the questions that (Rick Scott) was asked would incriminate him.
true statement
a TV ad.
Choose New Jersey says We have more scientists and engineers per square mile than anywhere in the world.
true statement
an advertisement in the Wall Street Journal
Sarah Palin says "The Defense Department received only one-half of 1 percent of the nearly trillion-dollar stimulus package funding."
true statement
a speech to investors in Hong Kong
Donna Brazile says The (Wisconsin) governor has proposed tax giveaways to corporations.
true statement
an interview on "This Week with Christiane Amanpour."
Bike Austin says Bike lanes and sidewalks have been proven to reduce crashes by up to 38 percent on Austins streets.
true statement
a press release
John Fredericks says Every illegal immigrant can be eligible for up to $36,000 to $38,000 in earned income tax credits without paying a dime in.
false statement
a radio show.
Jon Huntsman says You look at defense were spending more than the rest of the world combined.
true statement
a debate at St. Anselm College in Manchester, N.H.
Allen West says The Navy is bringing charges against a Navy officer who shot at the Chattanooga shooter for illegally discharging a firearm on federal property.
false statement
a blog on his website
Jeanne Shaheen says when Mitt Romney was governor, Massachusetts was 47th in job creation
true statement
an interview on The Daily Rundown
Barack Obama says The 12 hottest years on record have come in the last 15 years.
true statement
the State of the Union Address
Val Demings says Daniel Webster used taxpayer funds to build a lobbyist lounge.
true statement
a campaign commercial
Oregon Lottery says 97 cents of every dollar played represents over $500 million dollars that is returned to Oregonians every year to help support job creation, schools, state parks and watersheds.
false statement
an advertisement
Rick Scott says We got a million jobs.
true statement
a confrontation with a customer at a Gainesville, Fla., Starbucks
Joanne Kloppenburg says Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice David Prosser has prejudged matters that are likely to come before the court.
true statement
a newspaper interview
Joe Scarborough says Hillary Clinton sent a memo to all State Department staff that said you should not do State Department business on personal email.
true statement
a broadcast of MSNBC's "Morning Joe"
Republican Party Texas says Bill White has presided over the construction of what may be the worlds largest abortion clinic.
false statement
an e-mail.
Suzanne Bonamici says PolitiFact Oregon gave Rob Cornilles a Pants on Fire for a claim about taxes and fees.
false statement
a press release
Tim Kaine says As governor, I cut $5 billion in spending.
true statement
a TV ad.
Naral Pro Choice America says One in three American women will have had an abortion by the time she reaches the age of 45.
true statement
a website post.
National Republican Congressional Committee says Ann Kuster turned a blind eye to those in need of funding by voting against funding for our nations veterans, low-income women and children, the FDA and the National Institutes of Health.
true statement
an advertisement
Jeb Bush says One person has been fired at the Veterans Administration for withholding services.
true statement
a speech at the Iowa GOP Lincoln Day dinner
Fulton County Health And Wellness says Currently, almost 40 percent of people with HIV are not diagnosed until they already have developed AIDS. And that can be up to 10 years after they first are infected with HIV.
true statement
a press release
Chain Email says "Obama has proposed a 1.4% pay increase for active duty military in 2011. This is THE LOWEST SINCE 1973 ... A LOWER PAY INCREASE THAN WELFARE RECIPIENTS!!!"
true statement
a Facebook status update message
Conservative Solutions Pac says Trump refuses to denounce the KKK.
true statement
a Conservative Solutions PAC ad, first aired on Feb. 29
Ted Cruz says Barack Obama broke a decades-old policy of not negotiating with terrorists.
true statement
comments on ABC's "This Week"
Tim Pawlenty says From 1960, the year I was born, until the time I became Governor in 2003, the average two-year increase in Minnesota state spending was 21 percent. we brought that down dramatically, to about 1.7 percent per year.
true statement
his book, "Courage to Stand: An American Story"
Marco Rubio says Corporate taxes will soon be the highest in the industrialized world.
true statement
a “Wall Street Journal” op-ed
Blog Posting says Lincoln was fervently making plans to send all freed slaves to the jungles of Central America once the (Civil War) was over. The only thing that kept this from happening was his assassination.
false statement
posts on the Internet
Providence City Council says Semi-automatic weapons, whether pistol or rifle, were designed for use by the military on the battlefield.
false statement
a council resolution
Iowans Some Semblance Christian Decency says Herman Cain is a pro-choice candidate.
false statement
parking lot fliers outside an Iowa candidate event