2 values
Frank Guinta says Granite State shipbuilders . . . built the first ship that sailed into battle under a new American flag.
true statement
an email
Bernie S says Goldman Sachs CEO said Congress would have to cut Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid and give huge tax breaks to the wealthy and the large corporations.
true statement
a campaign event in Keene, N.H.
Special Operations Opsec Education Fund says Days after the (Osama bin Laden) raid, Hollywood was invited into the White House so that they could receive a briefing that revealed intelligence sources and methods.
true statement
a Web video
Barack Obama says Mitt Romney had millions in the Cayman Islands, a tax haven.
true statement
a TV ad
Newt Gingrich says A large number of the uninsured earn $75,000 or more a year.
true statement
in an interview on NBC's "Meet the Press"
Michael Bloomberg says There is already a mosque four blocks away.
true statement
a speech
Lynn Derbyshire says If you are black or brown, you are nine times more likely to be stopped and frisked in New York City.
true statement
The Providence Journal
American Bridge 21st Century says Rick Scott presided over cuts to the Bright Futures college scholarship program.
true statement
an online video
Ted Cruz says Today the top 1 percent earn a higher share of our national income than any year since 1928.
true statement
an interview with Fox News
Rudy Giuliani says "He reformed welfare before others tried."
false statement
a TV ad
John Mccain says "1.3-million people in America make their living off eBay."
false statement
Nashville, Tenn.
Republican Governors Association says Under Mary Burkes leadership, Commerce Department business-incentive programs had major shortcomings and 40 percent of jobs...didnt materialize.
true statement
a campaign TV ad
Bob Mcdonnell says Northern Virginia is the most heavily trafficked place in the country.
true statement
a news conference.
Bill Maher says Under a proposal by Rep. Paul Ryan, people on Medicare will only have $15,000 from the federal government to spend on their health care.
false statement
an episode of HBO's "Real Time with Bill Maher"
Claire Mccaskill says A fairly limited number of people, 25 million to 30 million, will be allowed to access a national health insurance exchange.
true statement
an interview on "This Week with George Stephanopolous."
Dennis Richardson says Its been 17 years that weve had unemployment higher than the national average in Oregon.
true statement
a campaign debate
Hillary Clinton says Scott Walkers defunding of Planned Parenthood left women across the state stranded with nowhere else to turn for cancer screenings, breast exams and birth control.
true statement
a video
Donald Trump says The people that went to school with (Barack Obama), they never saw him, they dont know who he is.
false statement
a speech at the CPAC conference
Chain Email says John McCain will keep the estate tax at 0 percent, the same as it is now.
false statement
a chain e-mail
Naral Pro Choice says In 2010, Mr. [Anthony] Gemma described himself as a pro-life candidate. Now, he claims to be pro-choice.
true statement
a news release
Tom Cotton says In barely four years in office, five jihadists have reached their targets in the United States under Barack Obama, compared to zero in over seven years after 9/11 under George W. Bush.
true statement
a House floor speech
Rebecca Kleefisch says Wisconsins monthly job reports have a margin of error of 75 percent and were way off in eight of first 10 months of 2011.
true statement
an interview
Ron Paul says he has nearly 200 delegates bound to support his candidacy at the Republican National Convention.
true statement
an online message to supporters.
Charlie Crist says Rick Scott has teamed up with a felon convicted of running a Ponzi scheme to smear Charlie Crist.
false statement
a TV ad
David Perdue says The Castro regime violated international norms by secretly shipping weapons to North Korea in violation of a U.N. embargo.
true statement
press release
Joe Biden says Theres not one Democrat who endorses the Romney-Ryan Medicare plan.
true statement
a debate in Danville, Ky.
Regina Benjamin says The United States death rate is two-and-a-half times higher for those who do not have a high school education.
true statement
a radio interview
Billhislamcom says that Tennessee Gov. Bill Haslam has made it clear by his repeated actions that he will pursue a policy that promotes the interest of Islamist (sic) and their radical ideology as long as he is governor.
false statement
a Web posting
Hillary Clinton says Donald Trump says hed deport 16 million people.
true statement
a tweet from her campaign
Debbie Wasserman Schultz says "The Republicans have repeatedly said that they agree with 80 percent of what's in our bill."
true statement
a roundtable segment on NBC's Meet the Press
Rick Perry says A part-time Congress with half the pay would still make $38,000 a year more than the average American family.
true statement
a letter to Nancy Pelosi
Eddie Lucio Jr says Nearly 40 percent of his McAllen-area constituents suffer from obesity.
true statement
remarks at Southern Obesity Summit
Robin Vos says Minnesota, Michigan, Iowa already have 70 mph speed limits on rural interstates, and we see that theyve been able to do it safely.
true statement
an interview
Sid Miller says Barack Obama was happily photographed holding a T-shirt with revolutionary Ernesto Che Guevaras face on it.
false statement
a Facebook post
Matt Miller says Switzerland and the Netherlands . . . cover all their citizens using private insurers, and they do so for much less cost.
true statement
a Washington Post op-ed
David Plouffe says Donald Trump himself contributed $100,000 to the Clinton Foundation.
true statement
an interview on Meet the Press
Donald Trump says Our African-American communities are absolutely in the worst shape theyve ever been in before. Ever. Ever. Ever.
false statement
a speech in Kenansville, N.C.
Al Gore says Global warming leads to much quicker spread of the Zika virus because the increased temperature, makes mosquitoes mature faster, . . . bite more due to having a higher metabolism, and makes the Zika virus inside of them incubate faster.
true statement
a speech
Bernie S says Last year, ExxonMobil made $19 billion in profit. Guess what. They paid zero in taxes. They got a $156 million refund from the IRS.
false statement
a Senate floor speech
Phil Roe says Signs letter saying Consumer Product Safety Commission is acting without consultation or input from the company to stop the sale of Buckyballs.
false statement
in a letter co-signed with others in Congress.
Richard Licht says We arent the only state cutting back on public television.
true statement
a television interview
Jim Mcdermott says During the Bush administration, liberal groups were targeted by the IRS, similar to recent targeting.
true statement
a House Ways and Means hearing
Katty Kay says There are countries in Africa where they have higher vaccination rates than here in the United States.
true statement
comments on NBC's "Meet the Press"
Hillary Clinton says Donald Trump says climate change is a hoax invented by the Chinese.
true statement
a foreign policy speech
Sandy Pasch says Democratic Party candidates for the state Assembly actually received 200,000 more votes statewide than their Republican counterparts in the 2012 election
true statement
a radio address
Sarah Palin says On support for the Bridge to Nowhere.
false statement
Vote No 2 says Amendment 2 will bring kid-friendly pot candy to Florida.
true statement
a mailer
Scott Walker says For decades, the states gas tax has been among the highest in the nation.
true statement
a letter to Department of Transportation officials
Barack Obama says More than 90 percent of the guns recovered in Mexico come from the United States.
true statement
a news conference.
James Aubin says Colorado raked in $60 million in marijuana taxes and licensing fees in the past year.
true statement
a newspaper commentary
Ted Cruz says Small businesses (are) going out of business in record numbers.
false statement
a speech at Liberty University
Barack Obama says "We're also cutting a Forest Service economic development program that strayed so far from any mission that it funded a music festival."
true statement
remarks on the budget
Sherrod Brown says Some of these members of the House of Representatives get hundreds of thousands of dollars in farm subsidies but want to cut food stamps.
true statement
a conference call with reporters
Thomas Ratliff says Massachusetts has three state-mandated student tests and Finland just one.
true statement
an opinion column.
Ted Cruz says Donald Trump wants to keep big government in charge of federally-owned land.
true statement
a campaign ad
National Republican Congressional Committee says U.S. Reps. John Barrow and Sanford Bishop and their fellow Democrats went on a spending spree and now their credit card is maxed out.
false statement
press releases
Bill Richardson says "Congress only funded half the wall" between Mexico and the United States.
true statement
a debate in Miami, Fla.
Mitt Romney says "Gasoline would rise in price by approximately 50 cents a gallon" if the McCain-Lieberman bill became law.
true statement
West Palm Beach, Fla.
Mother Jones says Turkeys today weigh 29.8 pounds. In the 30s, they weighed 13.2 pounds.
true statement
a Facebook post
Chain Email says The health care law includes a 3.8% sales tax on all real estate transactions.
false statement
a chain email
Ed Schultz says America has lost over 50,000 manufacturing factories on other trade deals.
true statement
a broadcast of MSNBC's "The Ed Show"
Tennessee Republican Party says "The board of a nonprofit organization on which Obama served as a paid director ... granted funding to a controversial Arab group."
true statement
a news release
Hillary Clinton says We lose an average of 90 Americans every day because of guns.
true statement
a speech in San Antonio
Moveon says McCain "voted against a bill to ban waterboarding, and then applauded President Bush for vetoing that ban."
true statement
an e-mail
Silvestre Reyes says 282 Texas school districts have requested emergency waivers to increase elementary school class sizes because of unprecedented fiscal challenges.
true statement
a press release
Hillary Clinton says We bailed out Johnson Controls when we saved the auto industry and now they want to avoid paying taxes.
true statement
a debate
Peter Schweizer says Amendments (Hillary Clinton) supported and voted for in 2006, she no longer supported in 2008, showing she changed positions on an India nuclear deal.
false statement
an interview with NBC's Andrea Mitchell
Marcia Fudge says The so-called doc fix in the fiscal cliff deal will cut payments for treating illnesses disproportionately impacting minorities, including end stage renal disease and diabetes.
true statement
a news release
Ameripac says The Democrats have already voted to ban our conventional light bulbs ... in favor of dangerous fluorescent light bulbs.
false statement
a fundraising letter
National Rifle Association says Barack Obama admits hes coming for our guns, telling Sarah Brady, We are working on (gun control), but under the radar.
false statement
a mailer
Al Cardenas says Of $60 billion Congress approved in response to Hurricane Sandy, only 10 percent was for disaster relief.
false statement
an interview on MSNBC’s Morning Joe
Bob Goodlatte says The President has decided to move forward with executive actions on immigration that he has said on numerous occasions that he didnt have the constitutional power to take.
true statement
a news release.
Paul Ryan says Abraham Lincoln supported an agreement that allowed slavery in New Mexico and a law to return runaway slaves to their owners.
true statement
a speech
Barack Obama says On public financing of his campaign.
false statement
Warren Buffett says The mega-rich pay about 15 percent in taxes, while the middle class fall into the 15 percent and 25 percent income tax brackets, and then are hit with heavy payroll taxes to boot.
true statement
a "New York Times" op-ed
Mark Pocan says Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walkers estimate of a $3.6 billion state budget deficit is manufactured and a bogus figure.
false statement
a blog posting
Ken Hodges says "Rob Teilhet, Just another career politician."
true statement
a campaign flier
Citizens Republic says Children born today will carry a $30,000 share of the national debt.
true statement
a campaign commercial
Hillary Clinton says "A ham and cheese sandwich on one slice of bread is the responsibility of the USDA ... But a ham and cheese sandwich on two slices of bread is the responsibility of the Food and Drug Administration."
true statement
a speech in Shenandoah, Iowa
Jeff Merkley says Tapping the Strategic Petroleum Reserve would immediately lower gasoline prices
true statement
a letter to President Barack Obama
Donald Trump says Among Syrian refugees, there arent that many women, there arent that many children.
false statement
an interview on ABC "This Week"
Rob Portman says The Buffett Rule will bring in less than $5 billion per year. ... Enough to pay one weeks interest on the national debt.
true statement
a column in Politico
Jennette Gayer says We have had over 40 days this summer where it was unsafe to breathe the air.
true statement
a meeting
Promote Oregon Leadership Pac Oregon House Republi says Will Rasmussen supported a sales tax as recently as last spring.
false statement
an e-mail
Rick Perry says On instances when abortions should be allowed.
true statement
Patrick Kennedy says "One-third of the health care dollar goes to no such thing as health care; it goes to the insurance companies."
false statement
a speech on the House floor.
Christine Gilbert says The Texas Capitol faces South toward Goliad, in memory of the most horrific battle of the Texas Revolution.
false statement
a letter to the editor of the Austin American-Statesman
Morgan Carroll says Mike Coffman said two different things: stop the deportationsin a Spanish-language debate and youre going to be deportedin an English-language TV interview.
true statement
a news release
Ron Johnson says Both the state and federal governments make more per gallon in gas taxes than the oil companies make themselves for doing all the work.
true statement
a speech at a tea party rally in Oshkosh
Lee Leffingwell says Austin trains are full at rush hour and packed for special events.
true statement
Sarah Palin says Seniors and the disabled will have to stand in front of Obamas death panel so his bureaucrats can decide, based on a subjective judgment of their level of productivity in society, whether they are worthy of health care.
false statement
a message posted on Facebook
Rick Scott says Governor Scott Cut Taxes 40 Times For Florida Families
true statement
a campaign tweet
Americans United Change says Every day, oil continues to pour into the Gulf of Mexico. ... Even with disaster on our coast..., Richard Burr voted to let big oil off the hook.
true statement
a TV commercial
Bud Chiles says "Today, Florida is in 50th place in spending on education."
true statement
a statement on his campaign website
Doonesbury says Since Sept. 11, 2001, 270,000 Americans were killed by gunfire at home.
true statement
a comic strip
Charlie Crist says On returning Republican campaign contributions.
false statement
statements to the press
Americans Prosperity says Montana Democratic Sen. Jon Tester is the largest recipient of lobbyist money.
true statement
a campaign ad
Heineken says A regulatory thing means you cant show someone drinking beer on camera.
true statement
a TV ad
Barack Obama says Mitt Romney has refused to say whether he would have vetoed or signed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act.
true statement
a graphical tool on the campaign website
Jeff Fitzgerald says Wisconsins 2011-13 state budget contains no fee increases
false statement
an interview