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Talks: Deep dive into code generation: from text templates to ORM-like approach Friday - April 21st, 2023 1:30 p.m.-2:15 p.m. in Presented by: Lumi Akimova Experience Level: Advance experience Description Numerous Python projects are using code generation to free their users from repetitive work (with Django and attrs / dataclasses being notable examples). At the same time code generation is far from being a well known technique among Python developers. In the talk I'll explore the current status quo of code generation in Python in terms of usecases and tooling. We'll discuss what can be improved, and learn new approaches from other languages. We'll look into Python internals to see how code is represented. We will learn how to use stdlib tools to make code generation more flexible. Finally I'll share my experience with Python code generation the led me to writing my own tool, and implementing macros and code transformations along the way..
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Talks: You *can* take it with you: Packaging your Python code with Briefcase Friday - April 21st, 2023 4:15 p.m.-4:45 p.m. in Presented by: Russell Keith-Magee Experience Level: Some experience Description Once you're written your amazing new application using Python, the next problem you'll face is how to get that application into the hands of users. If your users are familiar with pip and and venv, you can put pip install instructions into a README, and leave it at that. But what if your audience aren't Python programmers? What if your app needs to be used by people who don't write Python at all? How do you distribute your code so that others can use it? In this talk, you'll learn about Briefcase, a tool that can convert a Python project into platform-native apps on macOS, Windows, Linux - and can also target iOS, Android, and the web. You'll learn how to use Briefcase to start a new project, or convert an existing project for distribution. You'll learn about the features of Briefcase that can support you while you develop your application. Finally, you'l learn how to generate installers and standalone applications for multiple platforms from a single Python codebase..
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Talks: Working with Time Zones: Everything You Wish You Didn't Need to Know (zoneinfo edition) Friday - April 21st, 2023 2:30 p.m.-3 p.m. in Presented by: Paul Ganssle Experience Level: Just starting out Description Time zones are complicated, but they are a fact of engineering life. Time zones have skipped entire days and repeated others. There are time zones that switch to DST twice per year. But not necessarily every year. In Python it's even possible to create datetimes with non-transitive equality (a == b, b == c, a != c). In this talk you'll learn about Python's time zone model and other concepts critical to avoiding datetime troubles. Using the zoneinfo module introduced in Python 3.9 (PEP 615), this talk covers how to deal with ambiguous and imaginary times, datetime arithmetic around a Daylight Savings Time transition, and datetime's new fold attribute, introduced in Python 3.6 (PEP 495)..
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Talks: How Pydantic V2 leverages Rust's Superpowers Saturday - April 22nd, 2023 12:15 p.m.-1 p.m. in Presented by: Samuel Colvin Experience Level: Some experience Description Pydantic is a data validation library for Python that has seen massive adoption over the last few years - it is estimated that Pydantic is now used by about 10% of professional web developers! Over the last year I've been working full time to rebuild Pydantic from the ground up, using Rust for virtually all the validation and serialization logic. Pydantic V2, with these changes included, has recently been released. In this talk I will give a brief introduction to Pydantic and the new features in Pydantic V2 before diving into how the use of Rust has allowed us to completely change the architecture of Pydantic to make it easier to extend and maintain while also improving performance significantly. The majority of the talk will be devoted to using examples from the pydantic V2 code base to demonstrate the advantages (and disadvantages) of writing libraries like Pydantic in Rust. I'll cover the real life trade-offs and design decisions you might face while implementing logic in Rust rather than Python. This talk should be interesting to any Python developer who's interested in combining Python and Rust - no knowledge of Rust or Pydantic is required. However if you'd like to get some context or learn more about the topics discussed, here are some useful resources: * Pydantic V2 Plan - blog post about the plan for Pydantic V2 * pydantic-core - the python package that provides Rust logic in pydantic * PyO3 docs - the amazing library that allows Rust to be embedded in Python * Build your Python Extensions with Rust! by Paul Ganssle - good intro to building Python extensions in Rust.
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Talks: Too Big for DAG Factories? Saturday - April 22nd, 2023 5 p.m.-5:30 p.m. in Presented by: Calvin Hendryx-Parker Experience Level: Some experience Description You’re working on a project that needs to aggregate petabytes of data, and it doesn’t make sense to manually hard-code thousands of tables, DAGs (Directed Acyclic Graphs) and pipelines. How can you transform, optimize and scale your data workflow? Developers around the world (especially those who love Python) are using Apache Airflow — a platform created by the community to programmatically author, schedule and monitor workflows without limiting the scope of your pipelines. In this talk, we’ll review use cases, and you’ll learn best practices for how to: use Airflow to transfer data, manage your infrastructure and more; implement Airflow in practical use cases, including as a: workflow controller for ETL pipelines loading big data; scheduler for a manufacturing process; and/or batch process coordinator for any type of enterprise; scale and dynamically generate thousands of DAGs that come from JSON configuration files; automate the release of both the DAGs and infrastructure updates via a CI/CD pipeline; run all tasks simultaneously using Airflow. Both beginner and intermediate developers will benefit from this talk, and it is ideal for developers wanting to learn how to use Airflow for managing big data. Beginners will learn about dynamic DAG factories, and intermediate developers will learn how to scale DAG factories to thousands of DAGS — which is something Airflow can’t do out of the box. After this talk and live demo, people will learn best practices (including access to a code repo) that will allow them to scale to thousands of DAGs and spend more time having fun with big data..
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Talks: Transforming a Jupyter Notebook into a reproducible pipeline for ML experiments Friday - April 21st, 2023 3:15 p.m.-3:45 p.m. in Presented by: Rob de Wit Experience Level: Some experience Description Jupyter Notebooks are part of every data scientist's arsenal and for good reason. But while they're great for prototyping in data science projects, they are not ideal for experimenting with different configurations. I have been guilty of running experiments with changing parameters while keeping track on a notepad, and the result has always been messy. In this session, we will explore how we can transform our notebook prototype into a reproducible pipeline. We will discuss what goes wrong without proper experiment tracking, why reproducibility is the key to solving this, and how we can achieve that with Git and DVC. I will discuss this topic using a text2image project with Stable Diffusion. I'll show how to break up a notebook into modules, create a pipeline from them, run experiments through the pipeline, and compare their results to find the best possible outcomes. The target audience will be data scientists that don't have a strong engineering background but would like to move beyond messing about in notebooks. Much like myself a year or two ago..
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Talks: Async the Easy Way: scaling structured concurrency with static and dynamic analysis Friday - April 21st, 2023 3:15 p.m.-3:45 p.m. in Presented by: Zac Hatfield-Dodds Experience Level: Advance experience Description Async python is a relatively recent addition to Python’s longstanding concurrency options of processes and threads - and offers a very different programming experience. Where processes run independently and threads switch at the whim of the kernel scheduler, async tasks take a different tradeoff: managing shared state is as easy as in single-threaded synchronous Python, but it’s on you to ensure that there are enough await, async for, and async with statements where tasks can switch to make steady progress. In this talk, we’ll explore the advantages of structured concurrency - especially error handling, timeouts, cancellation, and readable code - and both convenient and reliable ways to mitigate the problems of cooperative concurrency (when one uncooperative slow task can bring your whole program to a halt). I’ll introduce you to static analysis with flake8-trio and explain how to write your own AST-based tools, and show how dynamic analysis can help us catch anything that slips past that quick and convenient check. With a system like this in place, you don’t have to be an experienced or paranoid software engineer to write beautiful async code - to serve or scrape a website, control a bundle of processes, or write a game - it just reads like normal Python, and your tools will catch you if you fall..
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Talks: Start thinking small: Next level Machine Learning with TinyML and Python Friday - April 21st, 2023 2:30 p.m.-3 p.m. in Presented by: Maria Jose Molina Contreras Experience Level: Just starting out Description We usually associate the future of computing as large clusters being able to perform tasks in a fraction of a second, but is it really the only scenario on how computational hardware will evolve? Machine learning has become an important component in our societies, we see how people, communities, and global companies are focusing their resources into improving their technological stack, and being the leader into the next generation of AI. At the same time that we see clusters getting larger, GPUs more powerful, and our phones are practically computers being capable of doing almost everything, we do see that some of the smart devices are becoming smaller. The Internet of Things has been flourishing for many years, and Python has been playing an important role on the “easy to automate” topic for many devices, but can Python help us in all scenarios? One of the challenges for the next generation ML is to think small, you read that right “thinking small”. It’s time to start being able to have mechanisms with super well-trained ML models in small-devices: ML on Microcontrollers. We are going to dive into TinyML and evaluate different setups to interact with sensors on microcontrollers. We will discuss the different hardware options and frameworks to start with, while checking different use cases that TinyML can solve, like: agriculture, conservation, health issues detection, ecology monitoring, autonomous vehicles, etc. In this talk, you will learn about Tiny Machine Learning (TinyML), which is an approach that explores machine learning to be deployed in embedded systems that enable run ML on microcontrollers. Similarly, I will talk about Micropython and CircuitPython, and how they have been conquering the microcontroller scene. Lastly, we will discuss a real use-case, predictive machine learning model to predict anomalies for predictive maintenance problems..
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Charlas: Neurodiversidad e inclusión: Mi viaje personal enseñando programación a alumnos neurodivergentes Friday - April 21st, 2023 10:45 a.m.-11:15 a.m. in Presented by: Marlene Marchena Experience Level: Community Presentation Description Esta historia comienza cuando un niño de nueve años me dijo que quería aprender python. También me dijo que la escuela era aburrida y que no tenía amigos. ¿Te suena esta historia familiar? Pues a mí sí, es por ese motivo que decidi enseñar programación a niños. A lo largo de los años me he confrontado a alumnos neurodivergentes (puede incluir autismo, TDAH, dislexia, dispraxia, etc.). En esta charla, voy a compartir mi experiencia del uso de la tecnología para romper la barrera del aislamiento y el estigma que pesa sobre las personas neurodivergentes. Proporcionando una experiencia educativa inclusiva y adaptada a los diferentes estilos de aprendizaje, es posible cambiar el paradigma de la educación y el empleo para las personas neurodivergentes..
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Sponsor Presentations: Breaking Boundaries: Advancements in High-Performance AI/ML through PyTorch's Python Compiler (Sponsor: Meta) Thursday - April 20th, 2023 1:30 p.m.-2:30 p.m. in Presented by: Justin Jeffress Description As GPUs continue to become faster, PyTorch, one of the most widely used frameworks in AI/ML has faced challenges keeping up with performance demands. To mitigate this, parts of PyTorch have been moved into C++. This approach goes against the original intent of PyTorch as a Python-based framework and complicates contributions from the community. The PyTorch development team recognized the need to address these challenges while maintaining PyTorch's Python roots and set ambitious goals to improve performance, decrease memory usage, enable state-of-the-art distributed capabilities, and ensure more PyTorch code is written in Python. To achieve these goals, they developed a Python compiler. Attendees of this talk will get an inside look at how the PyTorch development team approached these challenges and implemented their innovative solution to achieve a 43% speedup in performance. We will discuss the benefits and challenges of this approach, as well as the techniques and technologies used to build the PyTorch Python compiler. This talk will provide valuable insights into the development process of and offer attendees a deeper understanding of how PyTorch continues to evolve and innovate..
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Talks: Creating USB gadgets with Python Sunday - April 23rd, 2023 2:30 p.m.-3 p.m. in Presented by: Michał Gałka Experience Level: Some experience Description USB is with us for 26 years. Connecting USB devices to our computers, TVs, phones and many other devices became as natural as breathing. Throughout these years several mechanism have been developed in Linux to facilitate the process of creating USB devices. In this talk I'd like to take you to the other end of the USB plug and show you how to create your own USB device with Python. I'll take you through the process of turning RaspberryPi Zero into a USB keyboard. I'll show you how to use Python to interact with Linux system internals. We'll find out how to use Python to facilitate and automate the process of device creation and configuration. Finally, I'll present the implementation of the logic of a Linux based USB keyboard-like device in Python..
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Sponsor Presentations: Python Meets Heterogeneous Computing: An Exploration of Distributed Computations (Sponsor: Covalent) Thursday - April 20th, 2023 9:30 a.m.-10:30 a.m. in Presented by: Santosh Kumar Radha Description In this talk, we will delve into the exciting world of advanced hardware and its use for distributed computations. As the heterogeneous computing landscape evolves with the introduction of quantum computers, GPUs, and specialized hardware, we will explore the interesting patterns in Python that allow us to interact with this heterogeneity and maximize performance effectively. The talk will address the challenges of distributed computations in the heterogeneous computing era, including monitoring real-time calculations, rapid iteration, prototyping in complex experiments, and ensuring smooth production runs with long access queues in specialized hardware. However, we will not only highlight the difficulties but also share valuable strategies for overcoming these obstacles and achieving optimal performance in these environments using open-source tools..
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Talks: pyproject.toml, packaging, and you Saturday - April 22nd, 2023 2:30 p.m.-3 p.m. in Presented by: Moshe Zadka Experience Level: Some experience Description What is pyproject.toml? What is it good for? The talk will cover the basic format and extensibility of pyproject.toml. It will show how it is extensible by showing how a couple of tools integrate with it. Then the talk will cover how to use pyproject.toml as the source of truth for packaging your Python project with setuptools. Special attention will be given to integration with setuptools plugins..
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Talks: It might look normal but this distribution will ruin your stats Saturday - April 22nd, 2023 4:15 p.m.-4:45 p.m. in Presented by: Allan Campopiano Experience Level: Some experience Description Abstract Some refer to the normal distribution as "God's curve" because of its supposed presence in nature when enough observations are collected. But what if I told you that there is a non-normal distribution that looks so normal that even experts can't see the difference? And beyond looks, it's a curve that is both prevalent in nature and likely to cause false negatives when testing hypotheses. If you use Python for data analysis (e.g., summaries, explanations, predictions) this talk will (1) introduce you to surprising results and (2) provide you with the tools to overcome limitations with traditional hypothesis testing approaches. Outline (5 min) This talk will begin with a short background on the normal curve and how it compares visually to a contaminated normal curve. This set's the stage for a live and interactive demonstration. (10 min) During the live demo, I'll use simple terms and easy-to-understand code to illustrate the effect of contamination on common statistics (e.g., mean, traditional hypothesis tests). Participants will be able to interact with the code by clicking a link. (10min) I will conclude by introducing Hypothesize: a peer-reviewed, open-source Python library for robust statistics based on Wilcox's package in R. Hypothesize is the only Python library dedicated solely to robust statistics—and it is based on decades of curated research on statistics. Using modern resampling techniques and robust measures of central tendency, Hypothesize helps researchers minimize the effects of contamination and skew in their populations. These methods do not assume normality and are important tools for data scientists to have in their repertoire—they substantially improve power and accuracy when making predictions and explaining effects..
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Talks: Iteration toward Transformation of the Python Documentation Saturday - April 22nd, 2023 1:30 p.m.-2:15 p.m. in Presented by: C.A.M. Gerlach Erlend Aasland Experience Level: Community Presentation Description With the tremendous growth of the Python ecosystem, attracting an ever-wider audience of users with a variety of backgrounds and experience levels, it is more critical than ever that its documentation better serve the needs of its diverse array of readers. We formally introduce the Python Docs Community—the self-organized, Python Steering Council-endorsed collective working toward this goal—and provide a look at the major user-facing improvements implemented, underway and coming soon for the core documentation, devguide, PEPs and more. Along the way, we'll share the key insights and lessons learned from our ongoing projects, and how they can help you improve the documentation of your own projects. And if this sounds like something you might want to be a part of, we'll share how you can engage with us and your fellow documentarians through our community platforms and resources..
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Talks: Software Security and Slippery Slopes: How to elevate an entire ecosystem at scale Saturday - April 22nd, 2023 2:30 p.m.-3 p.m. in Presented by: Dustin Ingram Experience Level: Some experience Description Software security is a critical aspect of developing and maintaining reliable and safe systems. In the case of large and popular open source ecosystems, such as Python, ensuring security across a wide and diverse set of users and use cases can be a daunting task. In this talk, we will discuss the challenges of applying security improvements to a widely used open source ecosystem like Python, and explore strategies for addressing these challenges at scale. We will discuss the importance of community involvement and collaboration, and the role of automation and tools in facilitating the adoption of security best practices. By the end of this talk, attendees will have a better understanding of the challenges with and opportunities for improving software security in the Python ecosystem, and will have some practical takeaways for adopting and facilitating these changes in their own work..
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Talks: Manage your SCM security using Python Open Policy Agent (OPA) Client Saturday - April 22nd, 2023 10:45 a.m.-11:15 a.m. in Presented by: natalie serebryakova Experience Level: Advance experience Description The talk will explain using an Open Policy Agent (OPA) to ensure that governance, compliance, and security controls are implemented in the development process. The domain-agnostic nature of Open Policy Agent makes it well-suited for policy management and evaluation for tasks like that. The Implementation example will be developing a solution for managing SCM (Source Control Management) security at any organization or project's whole CI/CD pipeline. This part of the talk aims to demonstrate how to use Python Open Policy Agent (OPA) Client and build policies to verify the security of SCM (Gitlab or Github) organization/repositories/user accounts. The good practices to automate those Policies to Satisfy Common Concerns will be covered in the presentation..
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Talks: The creative art of algorithmic embroidery Saturday - April 22nd, 2023 5 p.m.-5:30 p.m. in Presented by: Marie Roald Yngve Mardal Moe Experience Level: Just starting out Description For thousands of years, people have created beautiful patterns through intricate needlework. Many of these patterns utilize algorithmic concepts like repetition, recursion and variation to build complex motives from simple rules. In this talk, we explore the art of embroidery through Python programming and show how you can create your own patterns with code. We will turn straightforward commands into elaborate and intricate artworks with loops, randomness and recursive functions using only the built-in turtle library in Python. Then, we will show how you can turn your art into embroidery patterns that are readable by an embroidery machine using the TurtleThread library and how you can use Python to create decorative ornaments for your Christmas tree. This talk is for anyone interested in the intersection between Python programming, creative coding and arts and crafts!.
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Talks: Python's syntactic sugar Saturday - April 22nd, 2023 11:30 a.m.-noon in Presented by: Brett Cannon Experience Level: Some experience Description Did you know that it only takes 11 pieces of syntax and some special functions to implement all the rest of the syntax of Python 3.8? It turns out you can take something like + and unravel it into Python code, letting you implement what Python does for a certain piece of syntax all on your own! This talk will cover what the minimum bits of Python syntax are needed to implement all the other pieces of syntax that Python supports. We will also cover how various pieces of syntax unravel into code to help you have a better understanding of how Python actually works..
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Tutorials: Building a Model Prediction Server Thursday - April 20th, 2023 1:30 p.m.-5 p.m. in Presented by: Ethan Swan Experience Level: Some experience Description In predictive modeling, training a model is only half the battle; predictions typically need to be “served” to other systems in production via an API or similar interface. In this tutorial we’ll start with a trained scikit-learn model and build a working FastAPI application to deliver its predictions in realtime. No prior experience with API development is expected..
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Talks: Kill All Mutants! (Intro to Mutation Testing) Saturday - April 22nd, 2023 4:15 p.m.-4:45 p.m. in Presented by: Dave Aronson Experience Level: Advance experience Description How good is your test suite? Would it all still pass if the tested code was changed? If so, there may be problems with your code, your tests, or both! Mutation Testing reveals these cases. It makes lots of slightly altered versions of your code, called "mutants". If any mutants let all of the code's tests pass, you probably have gaps in your test suite, ineffective code, or both. This talk will tell you what mutation testing is, how it works, how to use it, and its benefits, drawbacks, inner workings, and history. There will be several examples, and a list of tools for many popular languages. You will come away equipped with a powerful new technique for making sure your tests are strict and your code is meaningful!.
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Charlas: Resolviendo crimenes con Python mediante el Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural (NLP) Saturday - April 22nd, 2023 2:30 p.m.-3 p.m. in Presented by: Carolina Passarello Experience Level: Community Presentation Description En mi desempeño como Ingeniera en Sistemas de Información en el area de Informatica Forense del Poder Judicial en Argentina, realizo pericias informáticas referentes a todo tipo de delitos y crímenes: homicidios, femicidios, robos, secuestros y muchos más. Uno de los delitos más comúnmente denunciados es el delito de Grooming (en mi pais tiene una pena de 6 meses a 4 años de prision), el cual consiste en una práctica de ciberacoso por medio de telecomunicaciones electrónicas en la que un adulto engaña a un menor de edad con una finalidad sexual, a travez de redes sociales o la aplicación Whatsapp. Cuando una persona denuncia este delito y se ordena una pericia informatica por parte de la Justicia, realizo una extracción forense del dispositivo celular en cuestión, obteniendo así las conversaciones realizadas entre el presunto autor del delito y el/la menor de edad. Las conversaciones pueden contener pocas o cientos de oraciones y no siempre tienen contenido explicito relacionado al delito, lo que es complicado en tiempo y esfuerzo para los operadores de la Justicia analizar el significado de cada una de ellas y contextualizarlo. Allí entra en escena el modelo que desarrollé con Python que por medio del procesamiento del lenguaje natural (NLP) y técnicas de machine learning y Deep learning le dan una solución rapida a la confirmación del delito. En el futuro este modelo podrá ser extensible a otros crímenes tal como por ejemplo el femicidio, ya sea previamente al hecho: una mujer pueda utilizarlo desde una aplicación web accesible desde cualquier punto geográfico y pueda predecir en habla hispana una conducta en una conversación realizada con su posible agresor referente al machismo o misoginia, entre otras, o una vez sucedido para confirmar el hecho objeto del crimen por parte de los administradores de la Justicia..
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Tutorials: Eroding Coastlines: A Geospatial & Computer Vision Analysis Thursday - April 20th, 2023 1:30 p.m.-5 p.m. in Presented by: Kevin Lacaille Mansi Shah Experience Level: Some experience Description Attendees will gain hands-on experience exploring satellite imagery and using Python tools for geospatial data analysis. They will apply what they’ve learned to identify & analyze instances of coastal erosion, one of the most pressing environmental & humanitarian challenges facing our planet today..
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Talks: Why You Should Care About Open Source Supply Chain Security Friday - April 21st, 2023 1:45 p.m.-2:15 p.m. in Presented by: Nina Zakharenko Experience Level: Some experience Description Over the past several years, large-scale hacks triggered by compromised software supply chains have dominated the news. The aftermath has inspired the creation of new organizations, tools, and systems to help prevent and respond to similar lines of attack in the future. In this talk, you'll learn about the insidious nature of supply chain attacks, common points of intrusion, and why the open source ecosystem is especially vulnerable. Next, you’ll learn about the basic concepts and terms involved in supply chain security and learn about open source projects and frameworks you can apply to protect the integrity of your own software. Lastly, you’ll learn about ways that you can evaluate the supply chain security practices of the dependencies you rely on. You’ll leave the talk understanding how supply chain attacks happen, why they’re so difficult to detect, and take away actionable solutions allowing you to be better prepared for the next wave of supply chain attacks..
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Charlas: La Caja de Arena Itinerante (La Matrix). Python en Actividades de extension universitarias, multidisciplinares presenciales, territoriales. Friday - April 21st, 2023 11:30 a.m.-noon in Presented by: Ariel Silvio Norberto Ramos ALVARO FRANCISCO RETAMOSO Enzo Jesus Juarez Velazquez Experience Level: Just starting out Description Compartire experiencias Python de practicas reales, presenciales desarrollandose en todo el estado de Salta y Jujuy (Norte Argentino), en Tarija (Sur de Bolivia), durante 2022, estas continuan en 2023. En Mayo 2022 se autorizan viajes para actividades presenciales de formacion en Tecnologia (incluye programacion) y llevar adelante los desarrollos de proyectos de investigacion en el ambito cientifico academico y privado usando nuestros VPS Jupyter Hub Notebook en Universidad Nacional de Salta y la Nube, estas actividades se exaduplicaron al ser tan accesible la infraestructura desarrollada desde 2021 y optimizada en 2022 (VPS Jupyter Hub Notebook). Fue importante haber trabajado en remoto durante 2021. Solo teniamos planeado fortalecer Matematicas, Fisica y enseñar programacion, se sumó: Matemáticas (Graficas de Euler) aplicadas en Diseño de Telares. Enseñanza de Historia usando mapas históricos (Folium). Uso de Diagramas de Venn enseñando colores primarios, secundarios y cuestiónes de género. Traducciones en distintos idiomas, ver la posibilidad de incluir Quechua. Errores de ortografía. Encontrar palabras de distintos temas importantes o sugerencias para escribir por ejemplo una tesis (Scrapear). Interacciones con los Widgets. Actividades de Videojuegos con PyGame, PyArcade y PyGlet. Formacion en temas de Ciencias Economicas, Ciencias Naturales y Analisis Exploratorio de Datos para entrar en Ciencia de Datos. Grupo de Optica Laser aplicando Machine Learning. Diseño de Secadores Solares, documentacion y calculos. Agricultura de precision, diseño de Dashboard, Machine Learning en imagenes satelitales para control de recursos naturales en emprendimientos ganaderos y agricolas. Diseño de Paneles Solares Inteligentes manejados de forma Remota, analisis de datos y toma de decisiones desde nuestro VPS. Invernaderos inteligentes. Enseñamos codigo Python a modo de recetas, enseñamos a modificarlas, adecuarlas. Notebooks con codigos desarrollados estaran en: Siempre tuvimos contratiempo en los viajes, un VPS con todo instalado, ayuda a recuperar esos tiempos perdidos..
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Charlas: Modernizando tu paquete Python con pyproject y hatch Friday - April 21st, 2023 1:45 p.m.-2:15 p.m. in Presented by: Oscar Cortez Experience Level: Just starting out Description Python sigue evolucionando con forme pasan los años, y de igual manera lo hacen las herramientas que giran entorno a nuestro lenguaje. En esta charla veremos el pasado (distutils, setuptools), el presente (flit, poetry, build, twine), y el futuro (pyproject.toml, hatch) del empaquetamiento en Python, la parte mas crucial para el crecimiento de todo un ecosistema. Vamos a usar una mirada holística para analizar el estado actual y como podemos mejorar el flujo de trabajo para empaquetar y distribuir aplicaciones en Python. Esta charla es para mi? Esta charla esta pensada para cualquier persona con o sin experiencia en Python que quiera aprender o mejorar la forma para empaquetar paquetes en Python. Esquema Introduccion (3 minutos) Quien soy Por qué esta charla Estado actual del empaquetado Historia (3 minutos) PEP's setuptools & disutils pyproject.toml Empaquetando (15 minutos) introducción a hatch hatch environments hatch scripts hatch matrix pyproject.toml & hatch como migrar de setuptools Nuevo vs Viejo (3 minutos) comandos Ejemplos (2 minutos).
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Sponsor Presentations: Building LLM-based Agents: How to develop smart NLP-driven apps with Haystack (Sponsor: deepset) Thursday - April 20th, 2023 1:30 p.m.-2:30 p.m. in Presented by: Tuana Celik Description Large Language Models (LLMs), like ChatGPT, have taken the Internet by storm. People are amazed at how these models can generate language with the snapshot of general world knowledge they have accumulated. However, in many real-world use cases a snapshot of general world knowledge is not enough. How do you equip them with the relevant tools to solve a task - like SQL, a CRM or web search? Or for a task, how do you control which tool is used or which knowledge base is referred to? Using LLMs as so-called “Agents” allows you to use them as a decision maker in your application that react to all sorts of user requests. Given a user request, the agents can create an action plan. In this talk, we will learn how to build agent-driven applications with Haystack. We will show how to build an agent and connect it to other tools or knowledge bases. We will illustrate the concept with practical use cases and examples. Each step will be accompanied by code examples. By the end of the talk, you will have seen these concepts applied in practice, and you will be able to build an agent-driven application for your own use case..
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Talks: Generators, coroutines, and nanoservices Friday - April 21st, 2023 4:15 p.m.-4:45 p.m. in Presented by: Reuven M. Lerner Experience Level: Advance experience Description Generator functions have been a part of Python for many years already, and are a well known technique for creating iterators. But generators have a few lesser-known aspects, including their “send” method and the “yield from” syntax. Many Python developers shy away from using them, unsure of what they would do, or how they would be useful — seeing coroutines as a solution looking for a problem. In this talk, I’ll tell you why coroutines can be useful, and how thinking about them as in-process “nanoservices” puts us in the right frame of mind to determine when they would and wouldn’t be appropriate. Among the topics we’ll explore are:.
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Talks: Introducing incompatible changes in Python Saturday - April 22nd, 2023 1:45 p.m.-2:15 p.m. in Presented by: Victor Stinner Experience Level: Some experience Description In the Python 2 era, it was decided to migrate at a D-Day: convert all your code base to Python 3. It didn't go as well as expected. We learnt lessons from this mistake. Incompatible changes are now introduced differently in Python. Today, changes start with a deprecation warning for at least two Python releases before removing old functions. We think about how to write a single code base working on the old and new Python versions. More and more often, instructions to migrate existing code are provided, or even automated tools. Changes breaking too many projects are reverted when there is not enough time to update enough projects. Code search helps detecting affected projects, notify them, and maybe also propose changes to prepare their code. In the future, Python is working on a stable ABI to be able to build C extensions once and use them on many Python versions. The HPy project is an interesting candidate for this goal. More and more projects are being tested on the Python version currently under development (Python 3.12).
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Tutorials: Going beyond with Jupyter Notebooks: Write your first package using literate programming Wednesday - April 19th, 2023 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. in Presented by: Ítalo Epifânio Experience Level: Some experience Description Literate programming is a programming paradigm that incorporates explanations in natural language (such as Spanish) embedded with the traditional code. Literate programming allows developers to tell a story with their codes, improving the understanding of the project, focusing on documentation, and making it easier to onboard developers. Although being a very well-regarded concept discussed by respected researchers like Donald Knuth, literate programming tools like Jupyter notebooks are considered inefficient for serious software development. This perception has limited Jupyter notebooks to simple python scripts and educational materials. The Nbdev library has proven that literate programming is useful in developing big and serious projects, like FastAi. This tutorial will show attendees how to get the benefits of literate programming while also following software development best practices. We'll get hands-on experience in writing and publishing a Python Package while using Jupyter Notebooks. In addition to publishing the package, we'll also learn how to deploy the docs, run simple tests and run these tests on CI/CD, making sure that our package will only get published if the tests pass. Even though this tutorial uses Jupyter Notebooks and Nbdev the student doesn't need previous knowledge of these tools. A simple computer with Python and pip installed is all we'll use. Students should have some minimal Python knowledge and Git experience (Simple commands like push, pull, add and commit). A GitHub account will also be necessary.
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Talks: The wheelhouse of horrors Sunday - April 23rd, 2023 2:30 p.m.-3 p.m. in Presented by: Laszlo Kiss Kollar Experience Level: Some experience Description You might be surprised to learn that, besides naming and cache invalidation problems, building a binary wheel for a Python extension is one of the hardest problems in computer science. Or more precisely, building that binary wheel correctly. Lucky for us, a few amazing community-led projects hide all that complexity from us, so we can instead focus on shipping and using Python code. One of Python's strong suits is its ability to use native C and C++ code, which is a big reason why it’s the number one language for date science and machine learning applications. However, distributing native code in Python libraries is far from trivial: subtle issues in the build process can result in runtime issues that are extremely difficult to track down. This talk will showcase some notable examples of how things can go wrong, while also helping users and maintainers recognise these typical error scenarios. We will learn how to avoid these issues and what users can do when they encounter such issues when using a library. The audience will learn about the manylinux standard and its role in standardizing Linux platform wheels. We will also take a look at the cibuildwheel project, which offers library authors a simple solution to automate the building and distribution of manylinux wheels..
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