Snuke has a large collection of cards. Each card has an integer between 1 and N, inclusive, written on it. He has A_i cards with an integer i. Two cards can form a pair if the absolute value of the difference of the integers written on them is at most 1. Snuke wants to create the maximum number of pairs from his cards, on the condition that no card should be used in multiple pairs. Find the maximum number of pairs that he can create.
["import sys\n\nread =\nreadline = sys.stdin.buffer.readline\n\nin_n = lambda: int(readline())\nin_nn = lambda: map(int, readline().split())\nin_nl = lambda: list(map(int, readline().split()))\nin_na = lambda: map(int, read().split())\nin_s = lambda: readline().rstrip().decode('utf-8')\n\n\ndef main():\n\n N = in_n()\n A = list(in_na())\n\n ans = 0\n for i in range(N):\n if A[i] >= 3:\n if A[i] % 2 == 0:\n ans += (A[i] - 2) // 2\n A[i] = 2\n else:\n ans += (A[i] - 1) // 2\n A[i] = 1\n\n for i in range(N - 1):\n if A[i] == 2 and A[i + 1] == 0:\n A[i] = 0\n ans += 1\n elif A[i] == 2 and A[i + 1] == 1:\n A[i], A[i + 1] = 0, 1\n ans += 1\n elif A[i] == 2 and A[i + 1] == 2:\n A[i], A[i + 1] = 0, 0\n ans += 2\n elif A[i] == 1 and A[i + 1] == 1:\n A[i], A[i + 1] = 0, 0\n ans += 1\n elif A[i] == 1 and A[i + 1] == 2:\n A[i], A[i + 1] = 0, 1\n ans += 1\n\n print(A)\n print(ans)\n\n\nif __name__ == '__main__':\n main()\n", "import sys\n\nread =\nreadline = sys.stdin.buffer.readline\n\nin_n = lambda: int(readline())\nin_nn = lambda: map(int, readline().split())\nin_nl = lambda: list(map(int, readline().split()))\nin_na = lambda: map(int, read().split())\nin_s = lambda: readline().rstrip().decode('utf-8')\n\n\ndef main():\n\n N = in_n()\n A = list(in_na())\n\n if N == 1:\n print(A[0] // 2)\n exit()\n\n ans = 0\n for i in range(N):\n if A[i] >= 3:\n if A[i] % 2 == 0:\n ans += (A[i] - 2) // 2\n A[i] = 2\n else:\n ans += (A[i] - 1) // 2\n A[i] = 1\n\n for i in range(N - 1):\n if A[i] == 2 and A[i + 1] == 0:\n A[i] = 0\n ans += 1\n elif A[i] == 2 and A[i + 1] == 1:\n A[i], A[i + 1] = 0, 1\n ans += 1\n elif A[i] == 2 and A[i + 1] == 2:\n A[i], A[i + 1] = 0, 0\n ans += 2\n elif A[i] == 1 and A[i + 1] == 1:\n A[i], A[i + 1] = 0, 0\n ans += 1\n elif A[i] == 1 and A[i + 1] == 2:\n A[i], A[i + 1] = 0, 1\n ans += 1\n elif A[i] == 0 and A[i + 1] == 2:\n A[i], A[i + 1] = 0, 0\n ans += 1\n\n print(ans)\n\n\nif __name__ == '__main__':\n main()\n"]
['Wrong Answer', 'Accepted']
['s100194485', 's314934982']
[18580.0, 18540.0]
[102.0, 99.0]
[1151, 1291]
Snuke has a large collection of cards. Each card has an integer between 1 and N, inclusive, written on it. He has A_i cards with an integer i. Two cards can form a pair if the absolute value of the difference of the integers written on them is at most 1. Snuke wants to create the maximum number of pairs from his cards, on the condition that no card should be used in multiple pairs. Find the maximum number of pairs that he can create.
['N = int(input())\nA = [int(input()) for _ in range(N)]\n\nans = 0\nrest = 0\nfor a in A:\n if rest == 0:\n ans += a // 2\n rest = a % 2\n else:\n if (a + rest) % 2 == 0:\n ans += (a + rest) // 2\n rest = (a + rest) % 2\n else:\n ans += a % 2\n rest = 0\n\nprint(ans)\n', 'N = int(input())\nA = [int(input()) for _ in range(N)]\n\nans = 0\nrest = 0\nfor i, a in enumerate(A):\n if rest == 0:\n ans += a // 2\n rest = a % 2\n else:\n if (a + rest) % 2 == 0:\n ans += (a + rest) // 2\n rest = 0\n else:\n ans += (rest + a) // 2\n rest = 1 if a != 0 else 0\n\nprint(ans)\n']
['Wrong Answer', 'Accepted']
['s798150896', 's544991127']
[7072.0, 7072.0]
[208.0, 212.0]
[328, 356]
Snuke has a large collection of cards. Each card has an integer between 1 and N, inclusive, written on it. He has A_i cards with an integer i. Two cards can form a pair if the absolute value of the difference of the integers written on them is at most 1. Snuke wants to create the maximum number of pairs from his cards, on the condition that no card should be used in multiple pairs. Find the maximum number of pairs that he can create.
['n = int(input())\nans = 0\nlis = [int(input()) for i in range(n)]+[0]\n\ncount = 0\nm = -1\nfor i in range(n):\n if lis[i]%2 == 0:\n count += l[i]//2\n else:\n if lis[i+1] > 1:\n count += lis[i]//2+1\n lis[i+1] -= 1\n else:\n count += lis[i]//2\nprint(count)', 'n = int(input())\nans = 0\nlis = [int(input()) for i in range(n)]+[0]\n\ncount = 0\n\nfor i in range(n):\n if lis[i]%2 == 0:\n count += lis[i]//2\n else:\n if lis[i+1] > 1:\n count += lis[i]//2+1\n lis[i+1] -= 1\n else:\n count += lis[i]//2\nprint(count)']
['Runtime Error', 'Accepted']
['s054192179', 's474404251']
[13712.0, 13836.0]
[145.0, 170.0]
[303, 299]
Snuke has a large collection of cards. Each card has an integer between 1 and N, inclusive, written on it. He has A_i cards with an integer i. Two cards can form a pair if the absolute value of the difference of the integers written on them is at most 1. Snuke wants to create the maximum number of pairs from his cards, on the condition that no card should be used in multiple pairs. Find the maximum number of pairs that he can create.
['k,s=open(0);n,r=map(int,k.split());a=0\nwhile n>0:\n n-=1\n if s[n]<"o":n-=~-r;a=-~max(a,n)\nprint(a)', 'from itertools import*\n_, *a = map(int, open(0))\nprint(sum(sum(l)//2 for _, l in groupby(a, key=lambda x:x>0)))']
['Runtime Error', 'Accepted']
['s469046920', 's529856171']
[3060.0, 7084.0]
[18.0, 67.0]
[97, 111]
Snuke has a large collection of cards. Each card has an integer between 1 and N, inclusive, written on it. He has A_i cards with an integer i. Two cards can form a pair if the absolute value of the difference of the integers written on them is at most 1. Snuke wants to create the maximum number of pairs from his cards, on the condition that no card should be used in multiple pairs. Find the maximum number of pairs that he can create.
['# python template for atcoder1\nimport sys\nsys.setrecursionlimit(10**9)\ninput = sys.stdin.readline\n\nN = int(input())\nA = [int(input()) for _ in range(N)]\n\n\nans = 0\ntmp = 0\nfor a in A:\n if a == 0:\n ans += tmp//2\n tmp = 0\n else:\n tmp += a\nprint(ans)\n', '# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-\n# python template for atcoder1\nimport sys\nsys.setrecursionlimit(10**9)\ninput = sys.stdin.readline\nN = int(input())\nL = [int(input()) for _ in range(N)]\nans = 0\nprev = 0\nfor a in L:\n if a == 0:\n prev = 0\n continue\n\n a += prev\n ans += a//2\n prev = a % 2\nprint(ans)\n']
['Wrong Answer', 'Accepted']
['s608975005', 's015609533']
[7072.0, 7200.0]
[71.0, 88.0]
[274, 313]
Snuke has a large collection of cards. Each card has an integer between 1 and N, inclusive, written on it. He has A_i cards with an integer i. Two cards can form a pair if the absolute value of the difference of the integers written on them is at most 1. Snuke wants to create the maximum number of pairs from his cards, on the condition that no card should be used in multiple pairs. Find the maximum number of pairs that he can create.
['N = int(input())\nA = [int(input()) for _ in range(N)]\nans = 0\ntmp = 0\n\nfor i in A:\n if i != 0:\n tmp += i\n else:\n ans += tmp//2\n tmp = 0\n\nprint(ans)', 'N = int(input())\nA = [int(input()) for _ in range(N)]\nans = 0\ntmp = 0\n\nfor i in A:\n if i != 0:\n tmp += i\n else:\n ans += tmp//2\n tmp = 0\n\nans += tmp//2\n\nprint(ans)']
['Wrong Answer', 'Accepted']
['s339975126', 's522406096']
[7072.0, 7072.0]
[190.0, 184.0]
[174, 189]
Snuke has a large collection of cards. Each card has an integer between 1 and N, inclusive, written on it. He has A_i cards with an integer i. Two cards can form a pair if the absolute value of the difference of the integers written on them is at most 1. Snuke wants to create the maximum number of pairs from his cards, on the condition that no card should be used in multiple pairs. Find the maximum number of pairs that he can create.
['from sys import stdin\nN = int(stdin.readline().rstrip())\nA = []\nfor i in range(N):\n A.append(int(input()))\n \nB = A[:]\n \nans1 = 0\n\nfor j in range(N):\n ans1 += (A[j]//2)\n A[j] = (A[j]%2)\n \nfor k in range(1,N):\n ans1 += min(A[k-1],A[k])\n A[k] = A[k] - min(A[k-1],A[k])\n \nans2 = 0\ntmp = min(B[0],B[1])\n\nfor l in range(1,N):\n ans2 += min(B[l-1],B[l])\n B[l] = B[l] - min(B[l-1],B[l])\n B[l-1] = B[l-1] - min(B[l-1],B[l])\n\nB[0] -= tmp\n\nfor m in range(N):\n ans2 += (B[m]//2)\n\nprint(max(ans1,ans2))', 'from sys import stdin\nN = int(stdin.readline().rstrip())\nA = []\nfor i in range(N):\n A.append(int(input()))\n \nans = 0\nfor i in range(N-1):\n ans += (A[i]//2)\n A[i+1] -= min(A[i+1],A[i]%2)\n ans += min(A[i+1],A[i]%2)\nans += (A[-1]//2)\nprint(ans)']
['Runtime Error', 'Accepted']
['s531043204', 's868206491']
[7856.0, 7196.0]
[462.0, 311.0]
[527, 256]
Snuke has a large collection of cards. Each card has an integer between 1 and N, inclusive, written on it. He has A_i cards with an integer i. Two cards can form a pair if the absolute value of the difference of the integers written on them is at most 1. Snuke wants to create the maximum number of pairs from his cards, on the condition that no card should be used in multiple pairs. Find the maximum number of pairs that he can create.
['#include <bits/stdc++.h>\nusing namespace std;\n\nint main()\n{\n int N;\n cin >> N;\n vector<long long> a(N);\n for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)\n cin >> a[i];\n long long res = 0, cur_sum = 0;\n for (int i = 0; i < N;)\n {\n int j = i;\n while (j < N && a[j])\n cur_sum += a[j++];\n res += cur_sum / 2;\n cur_sum = 0;\n i = j + 1;\n }\n cout << res << endl;\n}', 'n = int(input())\na = [int(input()) for _ in range(n)]\nans = 0\ncur_sum = 0 \nfor i in range(n):\n if a[i] == 0:\n ans += cur_sum // 2\n cur_sum = 0\n else:\n cur_sum += a[i]\nans += cur_sum // 2\nprint(ans)\n']
['Runtime Error', 'Accepted']
['s996154274', 's559032734']
[2940.0, 7072.0]
[18.0, 196.0]
[368, 250]
Snuke has a large collection of cards. Each card has an integer between 1 and N, inclusive, written on it. He has A_i cards with an integer i. Two cards can form a pair if the absolute value of the difference of the integers written on them is at most 1. Snuke wants to create the maximum number of pairs from his cards, on the condition that no card should be used in multiple pairs. Find the maximum number of pairs that he can create.
["N, *A = map(int, open('0').read().split())\nans = sum(c//2 for c in A)\nA = [c%2 for c in A]\nfor i in range(N-2):\n if A[i]==A[i+1]==1:\n A[i+1] = 0\n ans += 1\nprint(ans)", 'N, *A = map(int, open(0).read().split())\nls = []\ns = 0\nans = 0\nfor c in A:\n if c==0:\n ans += s//2\n s = 0\n else:\n s += c\nans += s//2\nprint(ans)']
['Runtime Error', 'Accepted']
['s196152582', 's473205365']
[3060.0, 14092.0]
[17.0, 57.0]
[172, 153]
Snuke has a large collection of cards. Each card has an integer between 1 and N, inclusive, written on it. He has A_i cards with an integer i. Two cards can form a pair if the absolute value of the difference of the integers written on them is at most 1. Snuke wants to create the maximum number of pairs from his cards, on the condition that no card should be used in multiple pairs. Find the maximum number of pairs that he can create.
['N = int(input())\nA = [int(input()) for _ in range(N)]\nans = A[0] // 2\nA[0] = A[0] % 2\nfor i in range(1, N):\n if A[i-1] + A[i] >= 2:\n ans += 1; A[i] -= 1\n q, r = divmod(A[i], 2); A[i] = r\n ans += q\nprint(ans)', 'N = int(input())\nA = [int(input()) for _ in range(N)]\nans = A[0] // 2\nA[0] = A[0] % 2\nfor i in range(1, N):\n if A[i-1] > 0 and A[i-1] + A[i] >= 2:\n ans += 1; A[i] -= 1\n q, r = divmod(A[i], 2); A[i] = r\n ans += q\nprint(ans)']
['Wrong Answer', 'Accepted']
['s694546491', 's588773918']
[7072.0, 7072.0]
[262.0, 244.0]
[223, 238]
Snuke has a large collection of cards. Each card has an integer between 1 and N, inclusive, written on it. He has A_i cards with an integer i. Two cards can form a pair if the absolute value of the difference of the integers written on them is at most 1. Snuke wants to create the maximum number of pairs from his cards, on the condition that no card should be used in multiple pairs. Find the maximum number of pairs that he can create.
['N = int(input())\nans = 0\nprev_A = -10\nprev_card_num = 0\nfor i in range(1,N+1):\n A = int(input())\n ans += (prev_card_num + A)//2\n if prev_A == i-1 and (prev_card_num+A)%2 == 1:\n prev_card_num = 1\n prev_A = i\n elif prev_A == i-1 and (prev_card_num+A)%2 == 0:\n prev_card_num = 0\n else:\n prev_card_num = 1\n prev_A = i\nprint(ans)', 'N = int(input())\nans = 0\nprev_A = -10\nprev_card_num = 0\nfor i in range(1,N+1):\n A = int(input())\n ans += (prev_card_num + A)//2\n if prev_card_num == 1 and A == 0:\n prev_card_num = 0\n elif (prev_card_num+A)%2 == 1:\n prev_card_num = 1\n prev_A = i\n else:\n prev_card_num = 0\n prev_A = i\nprint(ans)']
['Wrong Answer', 'Accepted']
['s301492010', 's173260975']
[3064.0, 3064.0]
[246.0, 244.0]
[374, 343]
Snuke has a large collection of cards. Each card has an integer between 1 and N, inclusive, written on it. He has A_i cards with an integer i. Two cards can form a pair if the absolute value of the difference of the integers written on them is at most 1. Snuke wants to create the maximum number of pairs from his cards, on the condition that no card should be used in multiple pairs. Find the maximum number of pairs that he can create.
['n=int(input())\nl=[0]\nfor i in range(n):\n l.append(int(input()))\ncount=0\nfor i in range(1,n):\n m=min(l[i-1],l[i])\n count+=m\n l[i-1]-=m\n l[i]-=m\nfor i in range(n):\n count+=l[i]//2\nprint(count)', 'n=int(input())\nl=[0]\nfor i in range(n):\n l.append(int(input()))\ncount=0\nfor i in range(n-1):\n if l[i]%2==1 and l[i+1]>0:\n count+=1\n l[i]-=1\n l[i+1]-=1\nfor i in range(n):\n count+=l[i]//2\nprint(count)', 'n=int(input())\nl=[]\nfor i in range(n):\n l.append(int(input()))\ncount=0\nfor i in range(n-1):\n if l[i]%2==1 and l[i+1]>0:\n count+=1\n l[i]=l[i]-1\n l[i+1]=l[i+1]-1\nfor i in range(n):\n count+=l[i]//2\nprint(count)']
['Wrong Answer', 'Wrong Answer', 'Accepted']
['s399120264', 's663010000', 's599634274']
[7068.0, 7068.0, 7072.0]
[286.0, 235.0, 246.0]
[196, 210, 219]
Snuke has a large collection of cards. Each card has an integer between 1 and N, inclusive, written on it. He has A_i cards with an integer i. Two cards can form a pair if the absolute value of the difference of the integers written on them is at most 1. Snuke wants to create the maximum number of pairs from his cards, on the condition that no card should be used in multiple pairs. Find the maximum number of pairs that he can create.
['import sys\nstdin = sys.stdin\nimport itertools\n\nmod = 10**9 + 7\n\nns = lambda: stdin.readline().rstrip()\nni = lambda: int(ns())\nna = lambda: list(map(int, stdin.readline().split()))\n\nN = ni()\nA = list()\nfor _ in range(N):\n A.append(ni())\ncnt = 0\nif N==1:\n print(A[0]//2)\n quit()\nfor i in range(N-1):\n print(A)\n ccnt = (A[i] + A[i+1]) //2\n A[i+1] -= max(0, ccnt*2 - A[i])\n A[i] = max(0, A[i]-ccnt*2)\n cnt += ccnt\nprint(A)\nprint(cnt)', 'import sys\nstdin = sys.stdin\nimport itertools\n\nmod = 10**9 + 7\n\nns = lambda: stdin.readline().rstrip()\nni = lambda: int(ns())\nna = lambda: list(map(int, stdin.readline().split()))\n\nN = ni()\nA = list()\nfor _ in range(N):\n A.append(ni())\ncnt = 0\nif N==1:\n print(A[0]//2)\n quit()\nfor i in range(N-1):\n ccnt = (A[i] + A[i+1]) //2\n A[i+1] -= max(0, ccnt*2 - A[i])\n A[i] = max(0, A[i]-ccnt*2)\n cnt += ccnt\nprint(cnt)']
['Runtime Error', 'Accepted']
['s799792795', 's884458772']
[141620.0, 7148.0]
[2108.0, 236.0]
[453, 431]
Snuke has a large collection of cards. Each card has an integer between 1 and N, inclusive, written on it. He has A_i cards with an integer i. Two cards can form a pair if the absolute value of the difference of the integers written on them is at most 1. Snuke wants to create the maximum number of pairs from his cards, on the condition that no card should be used in multiple pairs. Find the maximum number of pairs that he can create.
["# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-\nimport itertools\nif __name__ == '__main__':\n n = int(input())\n a = [0]\n cards = []\n for i in range(n):\n a.append(int(input()))\n for i in range(1, n + 1):\n for j in range(a[i]):\n cards.append(i)\n l = list(itertools.combinations(cards, 2));\n fl = list(filter(lambda p:abs(p[0] - p[1]) <= 1, l))\n count = [0]*(n+1)\n ans = []\n for f in fl:\n print(f[0], f[1])\n count[f[0]] += 1\n count[f[1]] += 1\n if (count[f[0]] > a[f[0]]):\n count[f[0]] -= 1\n count[f[1]] -= 1\n continue\n if (count[f[1]] > a[f[1]]):\n count[f[0]] -= 1\n count[f[1]] -= 1\n continue\n ans.append(f)\n print(len(ans))\n", "# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-\nimport math\nfrom functools import reduce\nfrom operator import add\nif __name__ == '__main__':\n n = int(input())\n a = [0]\n ans = 0\n for i in range(n):\n tmp = int(input())\n a.append(tmp)\n if tmp == 0:\n ans += math.floor(reduce(add, a) // 2)\n a.clear()\n a.append(0)\n ans += math.floor(reduce(add, a) // 2)\n print(ans)\n"]
['Wrong Answer', 'Accepted']
['s201256592', 's714662916']
[557744.0, 7716.0]
[2159.0, 569.0]
[763, 410]
Snuke has a large collection of cards. Each card has an integer between 1 and N, inclusive, written on it. He has A_i cards with an integer i. Two cards can form a pair if the absolute value of the difference of the integers written on them is at most 1. Snuke wants to create the maximum number of pairs from his cards, on the condition that no card should be used in multiple pairs. Find the maximum number of pairs that he can create.
['n=int(input())\nans=0\ncheck=0\nfor i in range(n):\n s=int(input())\n if i==n-1:\n check+=s\n ans+=check//2\n elif s!=0:\n check+=s\n else:\n ans+=check//2\n check=0\nprint(check)', 'n=int(input())\nans=0\ncheck=0\nfor i in range(n):\n s=int(input())\n if i==n-1:\n check+=s\n ans+=check//2\n elif s!=0:\n check+=s\n else:\n ans+=check//2\n check=0\nprint(check)\n', 'n=int(input())\nans=0\ncheck=0\nfor i in range(n):\n s=int(input())\n if i==n-1:\n check+=s\n ans+=check//2\n elif s!=0:\n check+=s\n else:\n ans+=check//2\n check=0\nprint(ans)\n']
['Wrong Answer', 'Wrong Answer', 'Accepted']
['s735577431', 's916828807', 's893421009']
[3060.0, 3060.0, 3188.0]
[215.0, 217.0, 215.0]
[185, 186, 184]
Snuke has a large collection of cards. Each card has an integer between 1 and N, inclusive, written on it. He has A_i cards with an integer i. Two cards can form a pair if the absolute value of the difference of the integers written on them is at most 1. Snuke wants to create the maximum number of pairs from his cards, on the condition that no card should be used in multiple pairs. Find the maximum number of pairs that he can create.
['n = int(input())\nans = 0\na = []\nfor _ in range(n):\n ai = int(input())\n ans += ai//2\n a.append(ai%2)\n\nfor i in range(n-1):\n if a[i] == 1 and a[i+1] == 1:\n a[i+1] -= 1\n ans += 1\nprint(a, ans)', 'n = int(input())\na = [int(input()) for _ in range(n)]\nans = 0\n\nfor i in range(n-1):\n ans += a[i]//2\n if a[i]%2 == 1 and a[i+1] == 1:\n a[i+1] -= 1\n ans += 1\nprint(ans)\n', 'n = int(input())\na = [int(input()) for _ in range(n)]\nans = 0\n\nfor i in range(n-1):\n ans += a[i]//2\n if a[i]%2 == 1 and a[i+1] > 0:\n a[i+1]-=1\n ans += 1\n\nans += a[n-1]//2\nprint(ans)\n']
['Wrong Answer', 'Wrong Answer', 'Accepted']
['s536760538', 's707195114', 's535352308']
[4776.0, 7072.0, 7072.0]
[245.0, 209.0, 224.0]
[215, 187, 202]
Snuke has a large collection of cards. Each card has an integer between 1 and N, inclusive, written on it. He has A_i cards with an integer i. Two cards can form a pair if the absolute value of the difference of the integers written on them is at most 1. Snuke wants to create the maximum number of pairs from his cards, on the condition that no card should be used in multiple pairs. Find the maximum number of pairs that he can create.
['n = int(input())\nlis = [int(input()) for i in range(n)]\ncou = 0\nnum = 0\nfor i in range(n):\n if lis[i] == 0:\n cou += (num // 2)\n num = 0\n else:\n num += lis[i]\nprint(cou)', 'n = int(input())\nlis = [int(input()) for i in range(n)]\ncou = 0\nnum = 0\nfor i in range(n):\n if lis[i] == 0:\n cou += (num // 2)\n num = 0\n else:\n num += lis[i]\ncou += (num // 2)\nprint(cou)']
['Wrong Answer', 'Accepted']
['s862990905', 's102721760']
[7072.0, 7072.0]
[197.0, 196.0]
[179, 197]
Snuke has a large collection of cards. Each card has an integer between 1 and N, inclusive, written on it. He has A_i cards with an integer i. Two cards can form a pair if the absolute value of the difference of the integers written on them is at most 1. Snuke wants to create the maximum number of pairs from his cards, on the condition that no card should be used in multiple pairs. Find the maximum number of pairs that he can create.
['\nN = int(input())\nans = 0\nflag = False\nfor _ in range(N):\n a = int(input())\n ans += a//2\n if flag and a % 2 == 1:\n ans += 1\n a -= 1\n if a % 2 == 1:\n flag = True\n else:\n flag = False\nprint(ans)\n', 'N = int(input())\nA = [int(input()) for _ in range(N)]+[0]\n\nans = 0\nfor i in range(N):\n if A[i] % 2 == 0:\n ans += A[i]//2\n A[i] = 0\n else:\n ans += A[i]//2\n if A[i+1] > 0:\n ans += 1\n A[i+1] -= 1\n A[i] = 0\nprint(ans)\n']
['Wrong Answer', 'Accepted']
['s237992049', 's728575087']
[3060.0, 7840.0]
[241.0, 224.0]
[270, 281]
Snuke has a large collection of cards. Each card has an integer between 1 and N, inclusive, written on it. He has A_i cards with an integer i. Two cards can form a pair if the absolute value of the difference of the integers written on them is at most 1. Snuke wants to create the maximum number of pairs from his cards, on the condition that no card should be used in multiple pairs. Find the maximum number of pairs that he can create.
['s=t=0\nfor _ in[0]*int(input()):a=int(input());s+=(a+t)//2;t=(a+t)%2&(i>0)\nprint(s)', 's=t=0\nfor _ in[0]*int(input()):a=int(input());s+=(a+t)//2;t=(a+t)%2&(a>0)\nprint(s)']
['Runtime Error', 'Accepted']
['s724956747', 's317783673']
[3828.0, 3828.0]
[19.0, 243.0]
[82, 82]
Snuke has a large collection of cards. Each card has an integer between 1 and N, inclusive, written on it. He has A_i cards with an integer i. Two cards can form a pair if the absolute value of the difference of the integers written on them is at most 1. Snuke wants to create the maximum number of pairs from his cards, on the condition that no card should be used in multiple pairs. Find the maximum number of pairs that he can create.
['import sys\nn = int(sys.stdin.readline())\nans = 0\nt = 0\nfor i in range(n):\n a = int(sys.stdin.readline())\n if a==0:\n ans += t//2\n t = 0\n else:\n t += a\nif t>0: ans += t//2\npritn(ans)', 'import sys\nn = int(sys.stdin.readline())\nans = 0\nt = 0\nfor i in range(n):\n a = int(sys.stdin.readline())\n if a==0:\n ans += t//2\n t = 0\n else:\n t += a\nif t>0: ans += t//2\nprint(ans)']
['Runtime Error', 'Accepted']
['s529521474', 's560859106']
[9140.0, 9148.0]
[67.0, 72.0]
[210, 210]
Snuke has a large collection of cards. Each card has an integer between 1 and N, inclusive, written on it. He has A_i cards with an integer i. Two cards can form a pair if the absolute value of the difference of the integers written on them is at most 1. Snuke wants to create the maximum number of pairs from his cards, on the condition that no card should be used in multiple pairs. Find the maximum number of pairs that he can create.
["import sys\n\n# import re\nimport math\nimport collections\n\nimport bisect\nimport itertools\nimport fractions\n# import functools\nimport copy\nimport heapq\nimport decimal\n# import statistics\nimport queue\nimport numpy as np\n\nsys.setrecursionlimit(10000001)\nINF = 10 ** 16\nMOD = 10 ** 9 + 7\n\nni = lambda: int(sys.stdin.readline())\nns = lambda: map(int, sys.stdin.readline().split())\nna = lambda: list(map(int, sys.stdin.readline().split()))\n\n\n# ===CODE===\n\n\ndef main():\n n = ni()\n ans = 0\n cnt = 0\n for _ in range(n):\n ai = ni()\n if ai == 0:\n ans += n // 2\n n = 0\n else:\n n += ai\n ans += n // 2\n\n print(ans)\n\n\nif __name__ == '__main__':\n main()\n", "import sys\n\n# import re\nimport math\nimport collections\n\nimport bisect\nimport itertools\nimport fractions\n# import functools\nimport copy\nimport heapq\nimport decimal\n# import statistics\nimport queue\nimport numpy as np\n\nsys.setrecursionlimit(10000001)\nINF = 10 ** 16\nMOD = 10 ** 9 + 7\n\nni = lambda: int(sys.stdin.readline())\nns = lambda: map(int, sys.stdin.readline().split())\nna = lambda: list(map(int, sys.stdin.readline().split()))\n\n\n# ===CODE===\n\n\ndef main():\n n = ni()\n ans = 0\n cnt = 0\n for _ in range(n):\n ai = ni()\n if ai == 0:\n ans += cnt // 2\n cnt = 0\n else:\n cnt += ai\n ans += cnt // 2\n\n print(ans)\n\n\nif __name__ == '__main__':\n main()\n"]
['Wrong Answer', 'Accepted']
['s349119590', 's904821012']
[15616.0, 13684.0]
[223.0, 219.0]
[726, 734]
Snuke has a large collection of cards. Each card has an integer between 1 and N, inclusive, written on it. He has A_i cards with an integer i. Two cards can form a pair if the absolute value of the difference of the integers written on them is at most 1. Snuke wants to create the maximum number of pairs from his cards, on the condition that no card should be used in multiple pairs. Find the maximum number of pairs that he can create.
['n=int(input())\na = [int(input()) for i in range(n)]\na.append(0)\nans = 0\nfor i in range(n+1):\n if a[i]!=0:\n tmp += a[i]\n else:\n ans += tmp//2\n tmp = 0\nprint(ans)', 'import sys\ninput = sys.stdin.readline\nn=int(input())\na = [int(input()) for i in range(n)]\na.append(0)\nans = 0\ntmp = 0\nfor i in range(n+1):\n if a[i]!=0:\n tmp += a[i]\n else:\n ans += tmp//2\n tmp = 0\nprint(ans)']
['Runtime Error', 'Accepted']
['s799705454', 's848957681']
[7072.0, 7072.0]
[177.0, 81.0]
[171, 217]
Snuke got an integer sequence of length N from his mother, as a birthday present. The i-th (1 ≦ i ≦ N) element of the sequence is a_i. The elements are pairwise distinct. He is sorting this sequence in increasing order. With supernatural power, he can perform the following two operations on the sequence in any order: * Operation 1: choose 2 consecutive elements, then reverse the order of those elements. * Operation 2: choose 3 consecutive elements, then reverse the order of those elements. Snuke likes Operation 2, but not Operation 1. Find the minimum number of Operation 1 that he has to perform in order to sort the sequence in increasing order.
['import sys\n\ninput = sys.stdin.readline\nsys.setrecursionlimit(100000)\n# mod = 10 ** 9 + 7\nmod = 998244353\n\n\ndef read_values():\n return map(int, input().split())\n\n\ndef read_index():\n return map(lambda x: int(x) - 1, input().split())\n\n\ndef read_list():\n return list(read_values())\n\n\ndef read_lists(N):\n return [read_list() for n in range(N)]\n\n\nclass V:\n def __init__(self, f, v=None):\n self.f = f\n self.v = v\n\n def __str__(self):\n return str(self.v)\n\n def ud(self, n):\n if n is None:\n return\n\n if self.v is None:\n self.v = n\n return\n self.v = self.f(self.v, n)\n\n\ndef main():\n N = int(input())\n A = [(int(input()), n % 2) for n in range(N)]\n\n print(A)\n res = 0\n t = 0\n for i, (_, j) in enumerate(A):\n if j == 0:\n res += abs(i - (t * 2))\n t += 1\n\n print(res)\n\n\nif __name__ == "__main__":\n main()\n', 'import sys\n\ninput = sys.stdin.readline\nsys.setrecursionlimit(100000)\n# mod = 10 ** 9 + 7\nmod = 998244353\n\n\ndef read_values():\n return map(int, input().split())\n\n\ndef read_index():\n return map(lambda x: int(x) - 1, input().split())\n\n\ndef read_list():\n return list(read_values())\n\n\ndef read_lists(N):\n return [read_list() for n in range(N)]\n\n\nclass V:\n def __init__(self, f, v=None):\n self.f = f\n self.v = v\n\n def __str__(self):\n return str(self.v)\n\n def ud(self, n):\n if n is None:\n return\n\n if self.v is None:\n self.v = n\n return\n self.v = self.f(self.v, n)\n\n\ndef main():\n N = int(input())\n A = [(int(input()), n % 2) for n in range(N)]\n A.sort()\n\n res = 0\n for i, (_, j) in enumerate(A):\n if i % 2 != j:\n res += 1\n\n print(res // 2)\n\n\nif __name__ == "__main__":\n main()\n']
['Wrong Answer', 'Accepted']
['s082474211', 's865954288']
[18048.0, 13804.0]
[129.0, 176.0]
[940, 905]
Snuke got an integer sequence of length N from his mother, as a birthday present. The i-th (1 ≦ i ≦ N) element of the sequence is a_i. The elements are pairwise distinct. He is sorting this sequence in increasing order. With supernatural power, he can perform the following two operations on the sequence in any order: * Operation 1: choose 2 consecutive elements, then reverse the order of those elements. * Operation 2: choose 3 consecutive elements, then reverse the order of those elements. Snuke likes Operation 2, but not Operation 1. Find the minimum number of Operation 1 that he has to perform in order to sort the sequence in increasing order.
['import sys\ninput = sys.stdin.readline\nsys.setrecursionlimit(10 ** 7)\n\nI,O,T,J,L,S,Z = map(int,input().split())\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nx = (I//2 + J//2 + L//2) * 2\nif I>0 and J>0 and L>0:\n x = max(x,((I-1)//2 + (J-1)//2 + (L-1)//2) * 2 + 3)\nx += O\n\nprint(x)', 'import sys\nimport numpy as np\n\nread =\nreadline = sys.stdin.buffer.readline\nreadlines = sys.stdin.buffer.readlines\n\nA = np.array(read().split(), np.int32)[1:]\n\nto = A.argsort()\n\nn = (to[::2] & 1).sum() + ((to[1::2] ^ 1) & 1).sum()\nprint(n // 2)']
['Runtime Error', 'Accepted']
['s454333119', 's451265232']
[3060.0, 33508.0]
[18.0, 141.0]
[332, 265]
Snuke got an integer sequence of length N from his mother, as a birthday present. The i-th (1 ≦ i ≦ N) element of the sequence is a_i. The elements are pairwise distinct. He is sorting this sequence in increasing order. With supernatural power, he can perform the following two operations on the sequence in any order: * Operation 1: choose 2 consecutive elements, then reverse the order of those elements. * Operation 2: choose 3 consecutive elements, then reverse the order of those elements. Snuke likes Operation 2, but not Operation 1. Find the minimum number of Operation 1 that he has to perform in order to sort the sequence in increasing order.
["#import sys\n#from collections import defaultdict\ninput = sys.stdin.readline\ndef main():\n N = int( input())\n A = [ int( input()) for _ in range(N)]\n B = sorted(A)\n d = defaultdict( int)\n for i in range(N):\n d[B[i]] = i\n odd = 0\n for i in range(N):\n if (i+1)%2 == d[A[i]]%2 and d[A[i]]%2 == 1:\n odd += 1\n print(odd)\n \nif __name__ == '__main__':\n main()", "# import sys\nfrom collections import defaultdict\n# input = sys.stdin.readline\ndef main():\n N = int( input())\n A = [ int( input()) for _ in range(N)]\n B = sorted(A)\n d = defaultdict( int)\n for i in range(N):\n d[B[i]] = i\n odd = 0\n for i in range(N):\n if (i+1)%2 == d[A[i]]%2 and d[A[i]]%2 == 1:\n odd += 1\n print(odd)\n \nif __name__ == '__main__':\n main()"]
['Runtime Error', 'Accepted']
['s966650398', 's031465517']
[3064.0, 20212.0]
[17.0, 269.0]
[405, 407]
Snuke got an integer sequence of length N from his mother, as a birthday present. The i-th (1 ≦ i ≦ N) element of the sequence is a_i. The elements are pairwise distinct. He is sorting this sequence in increasing order. With supernatural power, he can perform the following two operations on the sequence in any order: * Operation 1: choose 2 consecutive elements, then reverse the order of those elements. * Operation 2: choose 3 consecutive elements, then reverse the order of those elements. Snuke likes Operation 2, but not Operation 1. Find the minimum number of Operation 1 that he has to perform in order to sort the sequence in increasing order.
['n=int(input())\na=[int(input() for i in range(n)]\nb=a[::2]\nc=a[1::2]\nb.sort()\nc.sort()\na=[c[i] if i&1 else b[i] for i in range(n)]\ncnt=0\nfor i in range(n-1):\n\tif a[i]>a[i+1]:\n\t\tcnt+=1\n\t\ta[i],a[i+1]=a[i+1],a[i]\nprint(cnt)', 'from collections import Counter\nn=int(input())\na=[int(input()) for i in range(n)]\nb=Counter(a[::2])\na.sort()\nc=Counter(a[::2])\n\nans=0\nfor i in b:\n\tif i in c:\n\t\tans+=abs(b[i])-c[i])\n\telse:\n\t\tans+=b[i]\nprint(ans)', 'n=int(input())\na=[int(input()) for i in range(n)]\nb=a[::2]\nc=a[1::2]\nb.sort()\nc.sort()\na=[c[i] if i&1 else b[i] for i in range(n)]\ncnt=0\nfor i in range(n-1):\n\tif a[i]>a[i+1]:\n\t\tcnt+=1\n\t\ta[i],a[i+1]=a[i+1],a[i]\nprint(cnt)', 'from bisect import bisect_left, bisect_right\nn=int(input())\na=[int(input()) for i in range(n)]\nb=a[::2]\nc=a[1::2]\nb.sort()\nans=0\nfor i in range(n//2):\n\tans+=abs(min(bisect_left(b,c[i]),bisect_right(b,c[i]))-(i+1))\nprint(ans)', 'from collections import Counter\nn=int(input())\na=[int(input()) for i in range(n)]\nb=Counter(a[::2])\na.sort()\nc=Counter(a[::2])\n\nans=0\nfor i in b:\n\tif i in c:\n\t\tans+=abs(b[i]-c[i])\n\telse:\n\t\tans+=b[i]\nprint(ans)']
['Runtime Error', 'Runtime Error', 'Runtime Error', 'Wrong Answer', 'Accepted']
['s143844452', 's157512540', 's484938121', 's972591649', 's244412428']
[8920.0, 9040.0, 14380.0, 13920.0, 20960.0]
[26.0, 27.0, 170.0, 214.0, 192.0]
[219, 210, 220, 224, 209]
Snuke got an integer sequence of length N from his mother, as a birthday present. The i-th (1 ≦ i ≦ N) element of the sequence is a_i. The elements are pairwise distinct. He is sorting this sequence in increasing order. With supernatural power, he can perform the following two operations on the sequence in any order: * Operation 1: choose 2 consecutive elements, then reverse the order of those elements. * Operation 2: choose 3 consecutive elements, then reverse the order of those elements. Snuke likes Operation 2, but not Operation 1. Find the minimum number of Operation 1 that he has to perform in order to sort the sequence in increasing order.
['a=sorted([[int(input()),i]for i in range(int(input()))]);print(sum([(a[i][1]-i)%2for i in range(len(a))]))', 'n=int(input())\na=sorted([[int(input()),i]for i in range(n)])\nprint(sum([(a[i][1]-i)%2 for i in range(n)])//2)']
['Wrong Answer', 'Accepted']
['s420275578', 's605848774']
[20844.0, 20848.0]
[386.0, 409.0]
[106, 109]
Snuke got an integer sequence of length N from his mother, as a birthday present. The i-th (1 ≦ i ≦ N) element of the sequence is a_i. The elements are pairwise distinct. He is sorting this sequence in increasing order. With supernatural power, he can perform the following two operations on the sequence in any order: * Operation 1: choose 2 consecutive elements, then reverse the order of those elements. * Operation 2: choose 3 consecutive elements, then reverse the order of those elements. Snuke likes Operation 2, but not Operation 1. Find the minimum number of Operation 1 that he has to perform in order to sort the sequence in increasing order.
['n = int(input())\nnums = [int(input()) for _ in range(n)]\nstandard = nums[:]\nstandard.sort()\nans = 0\n\nfor i in range(n):\n p = nums[i]\n x = standard.index(p)\n if abs(x - i) % 2 == 1:\n ans += 1\n\nprint(ans)', 'n = int(input())\nnums = [[int(input()), i] for i in range(n)]\nnums.sort()\nans = 0\n\nfor i in range(n):\n if abs (i - nums[i][1]) % 2 == 1:\n ans += 1\n\nprint(ans // 2)']
['Wrong Answer', 'Accepted']
['s039670337', 's216926785']
[8272.0, 20080.0]
[2104.0, 350.0]
[218, 173]
Snuke got an integer sequence of length N from his mother, as a birthday present. The i-th (1 ≦ i ≦ N) element of the sequence is a_i. The elements are pairwise distinct. He is sorting this sequence in increasing order. With supernatural power, he can perform the following two operations on the sequence in any order: * Operation 1: choose 2 consecutive elements, then reverse the order of those elements. * Operation 2: choose 3 consecutive elements, then reverse the order of those elements. Snuke likes Operation 2, but not Operation 1. Find the minimum number of Operation 1 that he has to perform in order to sort the sequence in increasing order.
['N=int(input())\nA=[]\nB=[]\nfor i in range(N):\n\tif i%2==0:\n\t\tA.append(int(input()))\n\telse:\n\t\tB.append(int(input()))\n\t\t\nA=sorted(A)\nB=sorted(B)\nC=sorted(A+B)\n\nc=0\nfor a in A:\n\tif C.index(a)%2==1:\n\t\tc+=1\nfor b in B:\n\tif C.index(b)%2==0:\n\t\tc+=1\nprint(c)', 'N=int(input())\nA=[]\nB=[]\nfor i in range(N):\n\tif i%2==0:\n\t\tA.append(int(input()))\n\telse:\n\t\tB.append(int(input()))\n\t\t\nA=sorted(A)\nB=sorted(B)\nC=sorted(A+B)\n\nc=0\nj=0\nfor i in range(C):\n\tif A[j]==C[i]:\n\t\tif i%2==1:\n\t\t\tc+=1\n\t\tj+=1\nprint(c)', 'N=int(input())\nA=[]\nB=[]\nfor i in range(N):\n\tif i%2==0:\n\t\tA.append(int(input()))\n\telse:\n\t\tB.append(int(input()))\n\t\t\nA=sorted(A)\nB=sorted(B)\nC=sorted(A+B)\n\nc=0\nj=0\nfor i in range(N):\n\tif j>=len(A):\n\t\tbreak\n\tif A[j]==C[i]:\n\t\tif i%2==1:\n\t\t\tc+=1\n\t\tj+=1\nprint(c)']
['Wrong Answer', 'Runtime Error', 'Accepted']
['s107916109', 's818999899', 's420136859']
[8932.0, 8932.0, 8932.0]
[2108.0, 245.0, 282.0]
[265, 252, 275]
Snuke got an integer sequence of length N from his mother, as a birthday present. The i-th (1 ≦ i ≦ N) element of the sequence is a_i. The elements are pairwise distinct. He is sorting this sequence in increasing order. With supernatural power, he can perform the following two operations on the sequence in any order: * Operation 1: choose 2 consecutive elements, then reverse the order of those elements. * Operation 2: choose 3 consecutive elements, then reverse the order of those elements. Snuke likes Operation 2, but not Operation 1. Find the minimum number of Operation 1 that he has to perform in order to sort the sequence in increasing order.
['#import numpy as np\n#from numpy import*\n#from scipy.sparse.csgraph import shortest_path #shortest_path(csgraph=graph) # dijkstra# floyd_warshall\n#from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix\n\nfrom collections import* \nfrom fractions import gcd\nfrom functools import* #reduce\nfrom itertools import* #permutations("AB",repeat=2) combinations("AB",2) product("AB",2) groupby accumulate\nfrom operator import mul,itemgetter\nfrom bisect import* \nfrom heapq import* \nfrom math import factorial,pi\nfrom copy import deepcopy\nimport sys\nsys.setrecursionlimit(10**8)\n\n\ndef main():\n n,*a=map(int,open(0).read().split())\n# print(a)\n while 1:\n flag=0\n for i in range(n-2):\n if a[i]>a[i+2]:\n a[i],a[i+2]=a[i+2],a[i]\n flag=1\n if not flag:\n break\n# print(a)\n ans=0\n while 1:\n flag=0\n for i in range(n-1):\n if a[i]>a[i+1]:\n a[i],a[i+1]=a[i+1],a[i]\n flag=1\n ans+=1\n if not flag:\n break\n# print(a)\n print(ans)\n \nif __name__ == \'__main__\':\n main()', '#import numpy as np\n#from numpy import*\n#from scipy.sparse.csgraph import shortest_path #shortest_path(csgraph=graph) # dijkstra# floyd_warshall\n#from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix\n\nfrom collections import* \nfrom fractions import gcd\nfrom functools import* #reduce\nfrom itertools import* #permutations("AB",repeat=2) combinations("AB",2) product("AB",2) groupby accumulate\nfrom operator import mul,itemgetter\nfrom bisect import* \nfrom heapq import* \nfrom math import factorial,pi\nfrom copy import deepcopy\nimport sys\nsys.setrecursionlimit(10**8)\n\n\ndef main():\n n,*a=map(int,open(0).read().split())\n b=sorted(a[::2])\n c=sorted(a[1::2])\n# print(b,c)\n ans=0\n for i in range(n//2):\n ans+=abs(i-bisect_left(c,b[i]))\n\n if len(b)!=n//2:\n ans+=n//2-bisect_left(c,b[-1])\n print(ans)\nif __name__ == \'__main__\':\n main()', '#import numpy as np\n#from numpy import*\n#from scipy.sparse.csgraph import shortest_path #shortest_path(csgraph=graph) # dijkstra# floyd_warshall\n#from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix\n\nfrom collections import* \nfrom fractions import gcd\nfrom functools import* #reduce\nfrom itertools import* #permutations("AB",repeat=2) combinations("AB",2) product("AB",2) groupby accumulate\nfrom operator import mul,itemgetter\nfrom bisect import* \nfrom heapq import* \nfrom math import factorial,pi\nfrom copy import deepcopy\nimport sys\nsys.setrecursionlimit(10**8)\n\n\ndef main():\n n,*a=map(int,open(0).read().split())\n b=sorted(a[::2])\n c=sorted(a[1::2])\n# print(b,c)\n ans=0\n for i in range(n//2):\n ans+=abs(i-bisect_left(c,b[i]))\n\n if len(b)!=n//2:\n ans+=abs(n//2-bisect_left(c,b[-1]))\n print(ans)\nif __name__ == \'__main__\':\n main()', 'n,*a=map(int,open(0).read().split());print(len(set(a[::2])^set(sorted(a)[::2]))//2)']
['Time Limit Exceeded', 'Wrong Answer', 'Wrong Answer', 'Accepted']
['s453332059', 's756000505', 's921092512', 's623449307']
[16016.0, 16268.0, 16020.0, 20452.0]
[2104.0, 121.0, 120.0, 88.0]
[1259, 1043, 1048, 83]
Snuke got an integer sequence of length N from his mother, as a birthday present. The i-th (1 ≦ i ≦ N) element of the sequence is a_i. The elements are pairwise distinct. He is sorting this sequence in increasing order. With supernatural power, he can perform the following two operations on the sequence in any order: * Operation 1: choose 2 consecutive elements, then reverse the order of those elements. * Operation 2: choose 3 consecutive elements, then reverse the order of those elements. Snuke likes Operation 2, but not Operation 1. Find the minimum number of Operation 1 that he has to perform in order to sort the sequence in increasing order.
["N, *A = map(int, open('0').read().split())\nans = 0\nB = sorted(A)\ndic = {B[i]:i for i in range(N)}\nfor i,n in enumerate(A):\n if i%2!=dic[n]%2:\n ans += 1\nprint(ans//2)", 'N, *A = map(int, open(0).read().split())\nB = sorted(A)\ndic = {B[i]:i for i in range(N)}\nans = sum((i+1)%2==dic[n]%2 for i,n in enumerate(A))\nprint(ans//2)']
['Runtime Error', 'Accepted']
['s369612196', 's805745093']
[2940.0, 21272.0]
[17.0, 131.0]
[169, 154]
Snuke got an integer sequence of length N from his mother, as a birthday present. The i-th (1 ≦ i ≦ N) element of the sequence is a_i. The elements are pairwise distinct. He is sorting this sequence in increasing order. With supernatural power, he can perform the following two operations on the sequence in any order: * Operation 1: choose 2 consecutive elements, then reverse the order of those elements. * Operation 2: choose 3 consecutive elements, then reverse the order of those elements. Snuke likes Operation 2, but not Operation 1. Find the minimum number of Operation 1 that he has to perform in order to sort the sequence in increasing order.
['n=int(input())\na=[(int(input()),i) for i in range(n)]\n#print(a)\na.sort()\n#print(a)\nans=0\n\nfor i in range(n):\n ans+=(a[i][1]-i)%2\nprint(ans,ans//2)\n', 'n=int(input())\na=[(int(input()),i) for i in range(n)]\n#print(a)\na.sort()\n#print(a)\nans=0\n\nfor i in range(n):\n ans+=(a[i][1]-i)%2\nprint(ans//2)\n']
['Wrong Answer', 'Accepted']
['s290983936', 's797446309']
[17000.0, 17000.0]
[306.0, 346.0]
[150, 146]
Snuke got an integer sequence of length N from his mother, as a birthday present. The i-th (1 ≦ i ≦ N) element of the sequence is a_i. The elements are pairwise distinct. He is sorting this sequence in increasing order. With supernatural power, he can perform the following two operations on the sequence in any order: * Operation 1: choose 2 consecutive elements, then reverse the order of those elements. * Operation 2: choose 3 consecutive elements, then reverse the order of those elements. Snuke likes Operation 2, but not Operation 1. Find the minimum number of Operation 1 that he has to perform in order to sort the sequence in increasing order.
['n = int(input())\ns = [int(input()) for _ in range(n)]\nss = sorted(s)\n\n\ndef find(x):\n a, b = 0, len(ss) - 1\n while a != b:\n if ss[(a + b) // 2] <= x:\n b = (a + b) // 2\n else:\n a = (a + b) // 2 + 1\n return a\n\n\nans = 0\nprint(ss)\nfor i, j in enumerate(s):\n ans += i % 2 != find(j) % 2\nprint(ans)\n', 'n = int(input())\ns = [int(input()) for _ in range(n)]\nss = sorted(s)\nd = {ss[i]: i for i in range(n)}\nans = 0\nfor i, j in enumerate(s):\n ans += i % 2 != d[j] % 2\nprint(ans)\n', 'n = int(input())\na = [int(input()) for _ in range(n)]\nb = {}\nfor i, j in enumerate(sorted(a)):\n b[j] = i\nans = 0\nfor i, j in enumerate(a):\n ans += (b[j] - i) % 2\nprint(ans // 2)\n']
['Wrong Answer', 'Wrong Answer', 'Accepted']
['s312459063', 's792405623', 's474412526']
[11216.0, 19876.0, 19872.0]
[671.0, 272.0, 263.0]
[340, 176, 184]
Snuke got an integer sequence of length N from his mother, as a birthday present. The i-th (1 ≦ i ≦ N) element of the sequence is a_i. The elements are pairwise distinct. He is sorting this sequence in increasing order. With supernatural power, he can perform the following two operations on the sequence in any order: * Operation 1: choose 2 consecutive elements, then reverse the order of those elements. * Operation 2: choose 3 consecutive elements, then reverse the order of those elements. Snuke likes Operation 2, but not Operation 1. Find the minimum number of Operation 1 that he has to perform in order to sort the sequence in increasing order.
['import sys\n#import numpy as np\n\nstdin = sys.stdin\n\nri = lambda: int(rs())\nrl = lambda: list(map(int, stdin.readline().split())) # applies to numbers only\nrs = lambda: stdin.readline().rstrip() # ignore trailing spaces\n\nN = ri()\nA = [ri() for _ in range(N)]\nx_to_i = {x:i for i, x in enumerate(sorted(A))}\nrank = [x_to_i[x] for x in A]\nanswer = sum((i^x)&1 for i,x in enumerate(rank)) // 2\nprint(B)\n', 'import sys\nimport numpy as np\n\nstdin = sys.stdin\n\nri = lambda: int(rs())\nrl = lambda: list(map(int, stdin.readline().split())) # applies to numbers only\nrs = lambda: stdin.readline().rstrip() # ignore trailing spaces\n\nN = ri()\nA = [ri() for _ in range(N)]\nB = sorted(np.array(A))\nC = [np.where(B == a)[0][0] for a in A]\nanswer = sum([i%2==1 and x%2!=1 for i, x in enumerate(C)])\nprint(answer)\n# 41\n', 'import sys\n#import numpy as np\n\nstdin = sys.stdin\n\nri = lambda: int(rs())\nrl = lambda: list(map(int, stdin.readline().split())) # applies to numbers only\nrs = lambda: stdin.readline().rstrip() # ignore trailing spaces\n\nN = ri()\nA = [ri() for _ in range(N)]\nx_to_i = {x:i for i, x in enumerate(sorted(A))}\nrank = [x_to_i[x] for x in A]\nanswer = sum((i^x)&1 for i,x in enumerate(rank)) // 2\nprint(answer)\n']
['Runtime Error', 'Runtime Error', 'Accepted']
['s170769382', 's739946121', 's708570553']
[19876.0, 21124.0, 19880.0]
[168.0, 282.0, 166.0]
[399, 399, 404]
Snuke got an integer sequence of length N from his mother, as a birthday present. The i-th (1 ≦ i ≦ N) element of the sequence is a_i. The elements are pairwise distinct. He is sorting this sequence in increasing order. With supernatural power, he can perform the following two operations on the sequence in any order: * Operation 1: choose 2 consecutive elements, then reverse the order of those elements. * Operation 2: choose 3 consecutive elements, then reverse the order of those elements. Snuke likes Operation 2, but not Operation 1. Find the minimum number of Operation 1 that he has to perform in order to sort the sequence in increasing order.
['N, *A = map(int, open(0))\nprint(len(set(A[1::2] + sorted(A)[::2])))', 'N, *A = map(int, open(0))\nprint(len(set(A[1::2]) & set(sorted(A)[::2])))']
['Wrong Answer', 'Accepted']
['s056504062', 's638077252']
[14768.0, 14196.0]
[82.0, 91.0]
[67, 72]
Snuke got an integer sequence of length N from his mother, as a birthday present. The i-th (1 ≦ i ≦ N) element of the sequence is a_i. The elements are pairwise distinct. He is sorting this sequence in increasing order. With supernatural power, he can perform the following two operations on the sequence in any order: * Operation 1: choose 2 consecutive elements, then reverse the order of those elements. * Operation 2: choose 3 consecutive elements, then reverse the order of those elements. Snuke likes Operation 2, but not Operation 1. Find the minimum number of Operation 1 that he has to perform in order to sort the sequence in increasing order.
['from collections import defaultdict as d\na=[int(input()) for i in range(int(input()))]\nb=sorted(a)\nc=d(int)\ne=0\nfor i in range(0,n,2):\n d[b[i]]=1\nfor i in a[1::2]:\n e+=d[i]\nprint(e)', 'print(len([i for i in [i for i in range(int(input()))][::2] if i%2!=1]))', 'print(len([i for i in [i for i in range(int(input()))][::2] if i%2!=0]))\n', 'from collections import defaultdict as d\na=[int(input()) for i in range(int(input()))]\nb=sorted(a)\nc=d(int)\ne=0\nfor i in b[::2]:\n c[i]=1\nfor i in a[1::2]:\n e+=c[i]\nprint(e)']
['Runtime Error', 'Wrong Answer', 'Wrong Answer', 'Accepted']
['s457693497', 's631227713', 's976449973', 's085536759']
[8608.0, 7472.0, 7472.0, 17840.0]
[211.0, 29.0, 26.0, 233.0]
[187, 72, 73, 178]
Snuke got an integer sequence of length N from his mother, as a birthday present. The i-th (1 ≦ i ≦ N) element of the sequence is a_i. The elements are pairwise distinct. He is sorting this sequence in increasing order. With supernatural power, he can perform the following two operations on the sequence in any order: * Operation 1: choose 2 consecutive elements, then reverse the order of those elements. * Operation 2: choose 3 consecutive elements, then reverse the order of those elements. Snuke likes Operation 2, but not Operation 1. Find the minimum number of Operation 1 that he has to perform in order to sort the sequence in increasing order.
['import sys\ninput = sys.stdin.buffer.readline\n\ndef main():\n N = int(input())\n \n odd,al = [],[]\n for i in range(N):\n a = int(input())\n if i%2 == 0:\n odd.append(a)\n al.append(a)\n \n odd.sort()\n al.sort()\n print(odd,al)\n ans = 0\n for i in range(N//2):\n if al[2*i+1] in odd:\n ans += 1\n \n print(ans)\n\nif __name__ == "__main__":\n main()', 'import sys\ninput = sys.stdin.buffer.readline\nimport bisect\n\ndef main():\n N = int(input())\n \n odd,al = [],[]\n for i in range(N):\n a = int(input())\n if i%2 == 0:\n odd.append(a)\n al.append(a)\n \n odd.sort()\n al.sort()\n ans = 0\n for i in range(-(-N//2)):\n num = odd[i]\n index = bisect.bisect_left(al,num)\n if index%2 == 1:\n ans += 1\n \n print(ans)\n\nif __name__ == "__main__":\n main()']
['Wrong Answer', 'Accepted']
['s381791964', 's275529748']
[11612.0, 7956.0]
[2104.0, 147.0]
[434, 494]
Snuke got an integer sequence of length N from his mother, as a birthday present. The i-th (1 ≦ i ≦ N) element of the sequence is a_i. The elements are pairwise distinct. He is sorting this sequence in increasing order. With supernatural power, he can perform the following two operations on the sequence in any order: * Operation 1: choose 2 consecutive elements, then reverse the order of those elements. * Operation 2: choose 3 consecutive elements, then reverse the order of those elements. Snuke likes Operation 2, but not Operation 1. Find the minimum number of Operation 1 that he has to perform in order to sort the sequence in increasing order.
['def main():\n n = int(input())\n a=[]\n b=[]\n if n == 1:\n a=int(input())\n print(0)\n else:\n for i in range(n//2):\n a.append(int(input()))\n b.append(int(input()))\n\n if n % 2 == 1:\n a.append(int(input()))\n\n a.sort()\n b.sort()\n ta=a[0]\n tb=b[0]\n if ta < tb:\n res = 0\n else:\n tb = ta\n res = 1\n\n for i in range(1,n//2+1):\n if a[i] < tb:\n ta = tb\n res += 1\n else:\n ta = a[i]\n if b[i] < ta:\n tb =ta\n res += 1\n else:\n tb = b[i]\n if n % 2 == 1:\n if a[-1] < tb:\n res += 1\n\n print(res)\nmain()', 'import bisect\n\ndef main():\n n = int(input())\n l = [[i,int(input())] for i in range(n)]\n l.sort(key=lambda x:x[1])\n res =0\n for i in range(n):\n if i % 2 != l[i][0] % 2:\n res += 1\n print(res // 2)\n\n\nmain()']
['Runtime Error', 'Accepted']
['s759460742', 's566513191']
[7288.0, 21352.0]
[213.0, 303.0]
[809, 239]
Snuke got an integer sequence of length N from his mother, as a birthday present. The i-th (1 ≦ i ≦ N) element of the sequence is a_i. The elements are pairwise distinct. He is sorting this sequence in increasing order. With supernatural power, he can perform the following two operations on the sequence in any order: * Operation 1: choose 2 consecutive elements, then reverse the order of those elements. * Operation 2: choose 3 consecutive elements, then reverse the order of those elements. Snuke likes Operation 2, but not Operation 1. Find the minimum number of Operation 1 that he has to perform in order to sort the sequence in increasing order.
['N = int(input())\nA = [0]*N\nr = 0\nfor i in range(N):\n a = int(input())\n A[i] = (a, i)\nA.sort()\ncnt = 0\nfor i in range(N, 2):\n a, j = A[i]\n cnt += j & 1\nprint(cnt)\n\n\n\n', 'def main():\n import sys\n input = sys.stdin.readline\n N = int(input())\n A = [0]*N\n r = 0\n for i in range(N):\n a = int(input())\n A[i] = (a, i)\n A.sort()\n cnt = 0\n for i in range(0, N, 2):\n a, j = A[i]\n cnt += j & 1\n print(cnt)\n\nmain()\n']
['Runtime Error', 'Accepted']
['s835575840', 's041146123']
[16944.0, 16944.0]
[306.0, 178.0]
[177, 291]
Snuke got an integer sequence of length N from his mother, as a birthday present. The i-th (1 ≦ i ≦ N) element of the sequence is a_i. The elements are pairwise distinct. He is sorting this sequence in increasing order. With supernatural power, he can perform the following two operations on the sequence in any order: * Operation 1: choose 2 consecutive elements, then reverse the order of those elements. * Operation 2: choose 3 consecutive elements, then reverse the order of those elements. Snuke likes Operation 2, but not Operation 1. Find the minimum number of Operation 1 that he has to perform in order to sort the sequence in increasing order.
['n = int(input())\ns = [int(input()) for _ in range(n)]\nj = sorted(s)\nans = len(set(s[::2]) ^ set(j[::2]))\nprint(ans)', 'n = int(input())\ns = [int(input()) for _ in range(n)]\nj = sorted(s)\nans = len(set(s[::2]) ^ set(j[::2])) // 2\nprint(ans)']
['Wrong Answer', 'Accepted']
['s268941571', 's174738791']
[18128.0, 18128.0]
[221.0, 217.0]
[115, 120]
Snuke got an integer sequence of length N from his mother, as a birthday present. The i-th (1 ≦ i ≦ N) element of the sequence is a_i. The elements are pairwise distinct. He is sorting this sequence in increasing order. With supernatural power, he can perform the following two operations on the sequence in any order: * Operation 1: choose 2 consecutive elements, then reverse the order of those elements. * Operation 2: choose 3 consecutive elements, then reverse the order of those elements. Snuke likes Operation 2, but not Operation 1. Find the minimum number of Operation 1 that he has to perform in order to sort the sequence in increasing order.
['n=int(input())\na =[int(input()) for i in range(n)]\nres = [[a[i],i]for i in range(n)]\nres.sort()\nret =0\nfor i in range(n):\n if res[i][1]%2 != i%2:ret+=1\nprint(ret)', 'n=int(input())\na =[int(input()) for i in range(n)]\nres = [[a[i],i]for i in range(n)]\nres.sort()\nret =0\nfor i in range(n):\n if res[i][1]%2 != i%2:ret+=1\nprint(ret/2)\n', 'n=int(input())\na =[int(input()) for i in range(n)]\nres = [[a[i],i]for i in range(n)]\nres.sort()\nret =0\nfor i in range(n):\n if res[i][1]%2 != i%2:ret+=1\nprint(ret//2)\n']
['Wrong Answer', 'Wrong Answer', 'Accepted']
['s264562939', 's957172633', 's829594681']
[25188.0, 25188.0, 25228.0]
[283.0, 293.0, 305.0]
[165, 168, 169]
Snuke got an integer sequence of length N from his mother, as a birthday present. The i-th (1 ≦ i ≦ N) element of the sequence is a_i. The elements are pairwise distinct. He is sorting this sequence in increasing order. With supernatural power, he can perform the following two operations on the sequence in any order: * Operation 1: choose 2 consecutive elements, then reverse the order of those elements. * Operation 2: choose 3 consecutive elements, then reverse the order of those elements. Snuke likes Operation 2, but not Operation 1. Find the minimum number of Operation 1 that he has to perform in order to sort the sequence in increasing order.
['import copy\nn = int(input())\n\nnums = []\nfor i in range(n):\n nums.append(int(input()))\n \ntaiou = {}\nreprica = copy.copy(nums)\nreprica.sort()\nfor i, r in enumerate(reprica):\n taiou[r] = i \nans = 0\nfor i, num in enumerate(nums):\n if i%2 != taiou[num]%2:\n ans += 1\n \nprint(ans/2)\n \n \n\n', 'import copy\n\nn = int(input())\n\nnums = []\nfor i in range(n):\n nums.append(int(input()))\n\ntaiou = {}\nreprica = copy.copy(nums)\nreprica.sort()\nfor i, r in enumerate(reprica):\n taiou[r] = i\nans = 0\nfor i, num in enumerate(nums):\n if i % 2 != taiou[num] % 2:\n ans += 1\n\nprint(ans // 2)']
['Wrong Answer', 'Accepted']
['s121684885', 's439945689']
[20364.0, 20432.0]
[290.0, 288.0]
[293, 296]
Snuke got positive integers s_1,...,s_N from his mother, as a birthday present. There may be duplicate elements. He will circle some of these N integers. Since he dislikes cubic numbers, he wants to ensure that if both s_i and s_j (i ≠ j) are circled, the product s_is_j is _not_ cubic. For example, when s_1=1,s_2=1,s_3=2,s_4=4, it is not possible to circle both s_1 and s_2 at the same time. It is not possible to circle both s_3 and s_4 at the same time, either. Find the maximum number of integers that Snuke can circle.
['import sys\nfrom subprocess import Popen, PIPE\nfrom itertools import groupby\nfrom collections import Counter\n\ndef main():\n sys.stdin.readline()\n S =\n T = []\n inv_dict = {}\n Factors = Popen("factor " + S, stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0].split(b"\\n")\n for factors in Factors:\n factors = map(int, factors.split()[1:])\n t = 1\n t_inv = 1\n for f, group in groupby(factors):\n n = len(list(group)) % 3\n if n == 1:\n t *= f\n elif n == 2:\n t_inv *= f\n t, t_inv = t * t_inv * t_inv, t * t * t_inv\n T.append(t)\n inv_dict[t] = t_inv\n\n counter_T = Counter(T)\n ans = 0\n for t, t_cnt in counter_T.items():\n if t == 1:\n ans += 1\n continue\n t_inv = inv_dict[t]\n t_inv_cnt = counter_T[t_inv]\n if t_cnt > t_inv_cnt or (t_cnt == t_inv_cnt and t > t_inv):\n ans += t_cnt\n print(ans)\n\nmain()\n', 'import sys\nfrom subprocess import Popen, PIPE\nfrom itertools import groupby\nfrom collections import Counter\n\ndef main():\n sys.stdin.readline()\n S =\n T = []\n inv_dict = {}\n Factors = Popen(["factor"] + S, stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0].split(b"\\n")\n for factors in Factors[:-1]:\n factors = map(int, factors.split()[1:])\n t = 1\n t_inv = 1\n for f, group in groupby(factors):\n n = len(list(group)) % 3\n if n == 1:\n t *= f\n elif n == 2:\n t_inv *= f\n t, t_inv = t * t_inv * t_inv, t * t * t_inv\n T.append(t)\n inv_dict[t] = t_inv\n\n counter_T = Counter(T)\n ans = 0\n for t, t_cnt in counter_T.items():\n if t == 1:\n ans += 1\n continue\n t_inv = inv_dict[t]\n t_inv_cnt = counter_T[t_inv]\n if t_cnt > t_inv_cnt or (t_cnt == t_inv_cnt and t > t_inv):\n ans += t_cnt\n print(ans)\n\nmain()\n']
['Runtime Error', 'Accepted']
['s426348718', 's888686548']
[55536.0, 49760.0]
[82.0, 525.0]
[984, 998]
You are given two integers a and b (a≤b). Determine if the product of the integers a, a+1, …, b is positive, negative or zero.
['import sys\nfrom math import factorial, fabs\na, b = map(int, input().split())\ntry:\n if factorial(b)/factorial(a)==0:\n print("Zero")\n sys.exit()\nexcept:\n if 0 in range(a, b+1):\n print("Zero")\n sys.exit() \n c=0\nx=True\nif (fabs(a)-fabs(b))%2==0 and (b<0):\n x=False\na, b= fabs(a), fabs(b)\nfin=int(factorial(b)/factorial(a))\nif fin==0 and factorial(b)/factorial(a)!=0:\n fin=int(factorial(a)/factorial(b))\nif x==False:\n fin*=-1\nif fin==0:\n ans="Zero"\nelif fin<0:\n ans="Negative"\nelse:\n ans="Positive"\nprint(ans)', 'from math import fabs\na, b = map(int, input().split())\nif a <= 0 and 0 <= b:\n print("Zero")\nelse:\n if a > 0:\n print("Positive")\n else:\n if (fabs(b - a) + 1) % 2 == 0:\n print("Positive")\n else:\n print("Negative") ']
['Time Limit Exceeded', 'Accepted']
['s159056067', 's295854833']
[14556.0, 9180.0]
[2206.0, 32.0]
[565, 264]
You are given two integers a and b (a≤b). Determine if the product of the integers a, a+1, …, b is positive, negative or zero.
['a, b = map(int, input())\nif a*b < 0:\n print("Zero")\nelif a > 0:\n print("Positive")\nelse:\n if (b-a)%2:\n print("Positive")\n else:\n print("Negative")\n ', 'a, b = map(int, input().split())\nif a*b < 0:\n print("Zero")\nelif a > 0:\n print("Positive")\nelif a == 0 or b == 0:\n print("Zero")\nelse:\n if (b-a)%2:\n print("Positive")\n else:\n print("Negative")\n \n']
['Runtime Error', 'Accepted']
['s728269288', 's721345952']
[2940.0, 2940.0]
[17.0, 18.0]
[159, 207]
You are given two integers a and b (a≤b). Determine if the product of the integers a, a+1, …, b is positive, negative or zero.
['a,b=map(int,input())\nif(a>0):print("Positive")\nelif(a==0):print("Zero")\nelse:\n if(b>=0):print("Zero")\n else:\n if((b-a+1)%2==0):print("Positive")\n else:print("Negative")', 'a,b=map(int,input().split())\nif(a>0):print("Positive")\nelif(a==0):print("Zero")\nelse:\n if(b>=0):print("Zero")\n else:\n if((b-a+1)%2==0):print("Positive")\n else:print("Negative")\n']
['Runtime Error', 'Accepted']
['s387281927', 's572410625']
[3060.0, 2940.0]
[17.0, 17.0]
[176, 185]
You are given two integers a and b (a≤b). Determine if the product of the integers a, a+1, …, b is positive, negative or zero.
['A,B = map(int,input().split())\nif A>0 and (B-A+1)%2==0:\n print("Positive")\nelif A <= 0 <=B:\n print("Zero")\nelse:\n print("Negative")', 'A,B = map(int,input().split())\nif A>0:\n print("Positive")\nelif A <= 0 <= B:\n print("Zero")\nelse:\n if (B-A+1)%2==0:\n print("Positive")\n else:\n print("Negative")\n']
['Wrong Answer', 'Accepted']
['s379530744', 's479162573']
[2940.0, 2940.0]
[18.0, 18.0]
[140, 186]
You are given two integers a and b (a≤b). Determine if the product of the integers a, a+1, …, b is positive, negative or zero.
['\na,b = map(int,input().split())\n\nif a > 0:\n print("Pssitive")\nelif a <= 0 and 0 <= b:\n print("Zero")\nelif b < 0:\n if abs(b-a) % 2 == 1:\n print("Positive")\n else:\n print("Negative")\n', '\na,b = map(int,input().split())\n\nif a > 0:\n print("Positive")\nelif a <= 0 and 0 <= b:\n print("Zero")\nelif b < 0:\n if abs(b-a) % 2 == 1:\n print("Positive")\n else:\n print("Negative")\n']
['Wrong Answer', 'Accepted']
['s734365446', 's572338221']
[2940.0, 2940.0]
[19.0, 17.0]
[207, 207]
You are given two integers a and b (a≤b). Determine if the product of the integers a, a+1, …, b is positive, negative or zero.
['import sys\nread =\n\n\n\n\ndata = [int(x) for x in read().split()]\n', 'import os\, 10**8).split()', "import sys\n\nread =\nreadline = sys.stdin.buffer.readline\nreadlines = sys.stdin.buffer.readlines\n\na, b = map(int, read().split())\n\ndef f(a, b):\n if a <= 0 <= b:\n return 0\n if a > 0:\n return 1\n b = min(b, -1)\n n = b - a + 1\n return (-1) ** n\n\nwords = ['Zero', 'Positive', 'Negative']\nprint(words[f(a, b)])"]
['Wrong Answer', 'Wrong Answer', 'Accepted']
['s580884545', 's740566190', 's410317692']
[2940.0, 9088.0, 9148.0]
[17.0, 29.0, 28.0]
[211, 35, 353]
You are given two integers a and b (a≤b). Determine if the product of the integers a, a+1, …, b is positive, negative or zero.
["a, b = map(int, input().split())\n\nif a > 0:\n print('Positive')\nelse if b >= 0:\n print('Zero')\nelse if (b-a) % 2 == 1:\n print('Positive')\nelse:\n print('Negative')", "a, b = map(int, input().split())\n\nif a > 0:\n print('Positive')\nelif b >= 0:\n print('Zero')\nelif (b-a) % 2 == 1:\n print('Positive')\nelse:\n print('Negative')"]
['Runtime Error', 'Accepted']
['s119041803', 's023482911']
[2940.0, 2940.0]
[17.0, 18.0]
[173, 167]
You are given two integers a and b (a≤b). Determine if the product of the integers a, a+1, …, b is positive, negative or zero.
["N, M = map(int, input().split())\n\nif N > 0:\n print('Positive')\nelif N <= 0 =< M:\n print('Zero')\nelif M < 0:\n if N-M % 2:\n print('Negative')\n else:\n print('Positive')", "def solve():\n N, M = map(int, input().split())\n if N > 0:\n return 'Positive'\n elif N <= 0 <= M:\n return 'Zero'\n else:\n \n if (-(N-M)+1) % 2 == 0:\n return 'Positive'\n else:\n return 'Negative'\n \n return 0\n\nprint(solve())\n"]
['Runtime Error', 'Accepted']
['s695609774', 's619903577']
[2940.0, 3316.0]
[17.0, 24.0]
[191, 301]
You are given two integers a and b (a≤b). Determine if the product of the integers a, a+1, …, b is positive, negative or zero.
['a,b=map(int,input().split())\na=min(1,a)\nb=min(1,b)\nz=aa.count(0)\nif b==1 and a<=0:\n print(\'Zero\')\nelif b==0:\n print(\'Zero\')\nelif (b-a)%2==0 and b<0:\n print("Negative")\nelse:\n print("Positive")', 'a,b=map(int,input().split())\na=min(1,a)\nb=min(1,b)\nif b==1 and a<=0:\n print(\'Zero\')\nelif b==0:\n print(\'Zero\')\nelif (b-a)%2==0 and b<0:\n print("Negative")\nelse:\n print("Positive")']
['Runtime Error', 'Accepted']
['s455961267', 's451804815']
[3064.0, 3060.0]
[17.0, 18.0]
[196, 182]
You are given two integers a and b (a≤b). Determine if the product of the integers a, a+1, …, b is positive, negative or zero.
['a,b = map(int,input()) \n\nif a<=0 and 0<=b:\n print("Zero")\nelif 0<a:\n print("Positive")\nelif (b-a+1)%2:\n print("Negative")\nelse:\n print("Positive")\n', 'a,b = map(int,input().split()) \n\nif a<=0 and 0<=b:\n print("Zero")\nelif 0<a:\n print("Positive")\nelif (b-a+1)%2:\n print("Negative")\nelse:\n print("Positive")\n']
['Runtime Error', 'Accepted']
['s867063820', 's033024453']
[3316.0, 2940.0]
[21.0, 17.0]
[178, 181]
You are given two integers a and b (a≤b). Determine if the product of the integers a, a+1, …, b is positive, negative or zero.
['# coding: utf-8\n\nfrom __future__ import print_function\nfrom __future__ import unicode_literals\nfrom __future__ import division\nfrom __future__ import absolute_import\nimport math\nimport string\nimport itertools\nimport fractions\nimport heapq\nimport collections\nimport re\nimport array\nimport bisect\n\ndef eat_all(al):\n for i in range(len(al)):\n al[i] -= 1\n while True:\n if al[0] == 0:\n al.pop(0)\n else:\n break\n return al\n\ndef step(turn, a_list):\n if len(a_list) == 1:\n if a_list[0] % 2 == 0:\n return turn\n else:\n return (not turn)\n if a_list[-1] % 2 != 0:\n a_list.pop()\n return step(not turn, a_list)\n else:\n a_list = eat_all(a_list)\n a_list.pop()\n if len(a_list) == 0:\n return turn\n return step(turn, a_list)\n\nn = int(input())\na_list = [None] * n\ninputs = input().split(" ")\nfor i in range(n):\n a_list[i] = int(inputs[i])\na_list.sort()\nwin = step(1, a_list)\nif win == 1:\n print("First")\nelse:\n print("Second")\n\n', '# coding: utf-8\n\nfrom __future__ import print_function\nfrom __future__ import unicode_literals\nfrom __future__ import division\nfrom __future__ import absolute_import\nimport math\nimport string\nimport itertools\nimport fractions\nimport heapq\nimport collections\nimport re\nimport array\nimport bisect\n\n\na, b = map(int, input().split(" "))\n\np = "Positive"\nn = "Negative"\nz = "Zero"\n\nif a > 0:\n print(p)\nelif a == 0 or b == 0:\n print(z)\nelse:\n # a < 0\n if b >= 0:\n print(z)\n else:\n # a < 0, b < 0\n if (b - a) % 2 == 0:\n print(n)\n else:\n print(p)\n']
['Runtime Error', 'Accepted']
['s344202759', 's009464177']
[6220.0, 5844.0]
[108.0, 108.0]
[1066, 607]
You are given two integers a and b (a≤b). Determine if the product of the integers a, a+1, …, b is positive, negative or zero.
['a, b = map(int, input().split())\nif a <= 0 and b >= 0:\n print("Zero")\nelif a > 0 and b > 0:\n print("Positive")\nelif a < 0 and b > 0 and abs(0-a) % 2 == 0:\n print("Positive")\nelif a < 0 and b < 0 and abs(0-a) % 2 == 0::\n print("Positive")\nelse:\n print("Negative")', 'a, b = map(int, input().split())\nif a > 0 and b > 0:\n print("Positive")\nelif a < 0 and b < 0:\n if (b - a + 1) % 2 == 0:\n print("Positive")\n else:\n print("Negative")\nelse:\n print("Zero")']
['Runtime Error', 'Accepted']
['s570309303', 's523374759']
[2940.0, 3060.0]
[17.0, 17.0]
[267, 196]
You are given two integers a and b (a≤b). Determine if the product of the integers a, a+1, …, b is positive, negative or zero.
['from statistics import median\n#import collections\n\nfrom fractions import gcd\nfrom itertools import combinations \nfrom collections import deque\nfrom collections import defaultdict\nimport bisect\n#\n# d = m - k[i] - k[j]\n\n#\n#\n#\n\n#\n#\n\nimport sys\nsys.setrecursionlimit(10000000)\nmod = 10**9 + 7\n\ndef readInts():\n return list(map(int,input().split()))\ndef main():\n a,b = readInts()\n if a <= 0 and 0 <= b:\n print("Zero")\n exit()\n if 1 <= a <= b:\n print("Positive")\n else:\n print("Negative")\n\nif __name__ == \'__main__\':\n main()\n', "a,b = map(int,input().split())\nif 0 <= a <= b:\n print('Positive')\nelif a <= b <= -1:\n if abs(a+b-1)%2 == 0:\n print('Positive')\n else:\n print('Negative')\nelif a <= 0 <= b:\n print('Zero')\n"]
['Wrong Answer', 'Accepted']
['s224905931', 's013808695']
[6024.0, 2940.0]
[57.0, 17.0]
[804, 212]
You are given two integers a and b (a≤b). Determine if the product of the integers a, a+1, …, b is positive, negative or zero.
['a,b = list(map(int,input().split()))\nif( a > b ):\n a,b = b,a\nif a > 0 and b > 0:\n print("Positive")\nelif a <= 0 and b >= 0:\n print("Zero")\nelse:\n if (abs(a) - abs(b)) % 2 == 0:\n print("Negative")\n else:\n print("Pisitive")-1 1', 'a,b = list(map(int,input().split()))\nif( a > b ):\n a,b = b,a\nif a > 0 and b > 0:\n print("Positive")\nelif a <= 0 and b >= 0:\n print("Zero")\nelse:\n if (abs(a) - abs(b)) % 2 == 0:\n print("Negative")\n else:\n print("Positive")']
['Runtime Error', 'Accepted']
['s017517286', 's389243997']
[3060.0, 3060.0]
[17.0, 18.0]
[254, 250]
You are given two integers a and b (a≤b). Determine if the product of the integers a, a+1, …, b is positive, negative or zero.
["a, b = map(int, input().split())\n\nif a <= 0 and b => 0:\n print(0)\nelif a > 0 and b > 0:\n print('Positive')\nelif a < 0 and b < 0:\n if (b - a + 1) % 2:\n print('Negative')\n else:\n print('Positive')\n ", 'a, b = map(int, input().split())\n\nif a <= 0 and b => 0:\n print("Zero")\nelif a > 0 and b > 0:\n print(\'Positive\')\nelif a < 0 and b < 0:\n if (b - a + 1) % 2:\n print(\'Negative\')\n else:\n print(\'Positive\')\n ', 'a, b = map(int, input().split())\n\nif a <= 0 and b >= 0:\n print("Zero")\nelif a > 0 and b > 0:\n print(\'Positive\')\nelif a < 0 and b < 0:\n if (b - a + 1) % 2:\n print(\'Negative\')\n else:\n print(\'Positive\')\n ']
['Runtime Error', 'Runtime Error', 'Accepted']
['s639440019', 's843402956', 's883489714']
[2940.0, 2940.0, 2940.0]
[17.0, 17.0, 17.0]
[229, 234, 234]
You are given two integers a and b (a≤b). Determine if the product of the integers a, a+1, …, b is positive, negative or zero.
['a, b = map(int, input().split())\nc = 1\nfor i in range(a, b+1):\n c *= i\nif c>0:\n print("Positive")\nif c<0:\n print("Negative")\nelse:\n print("Zero")', 'a, b = map(int, input().split())\nif a>0 and b>0:\n print("Positive")\nelif a==0 or b==0:\n print("Zero")\nelif (a>0 and b<0) or (a<0 and b>0):\n print("Zero")\nelif ((a+b)+1)%2==0:\n print("Positive")\nelse:\n print("Negative")']
['Wrong Answer', 'Accepted']
['s600997369', 's042859078']
[9424.0, 9128.0]
[2206.0, 26.0]
[157, 233]
You are given two integers a and b (a≤b). Determine if the product of the integers a, a+1, …, b is positive, negative or zero.
["A,B = map(int,input().split())\nb = []\nZeroflag = False\ncount = 0\nfor i in range(A,B+1,1):\n b.append(i)\nif 0 in b:\n zeroflag = True\nfor i in b:\n if i < 0:\n count += 1\nif zeroflag:\n print('Zero')\nelif count %2 == 0:\n print('Positive')\nelse:\n print('Negative')\n ", "A,B = map(int,input().split())\nb = []\nZeroflag = False\ncount = 0\nfor i in range(A,B+1,1):\n b.append(i)\nif 0 in b:\n zeroflag = True\nfor i in b:\n if i < 0:\n count += 1\nif zeroflag:\n print('Zero')\nelif count %2 == 0:\n print('Positive')\nelse:\n print('Negative')\n ", "A,B = map(int,input().split())\nb = []\ncount = 0\nif A <0 and B<0:\n A =A + B\nif A <= 0 and B >= 0:\n print('Zero')\nelif A<0 and A % 2 == 0:\n print('Negative')\nelse:\n print('Positive')"]
['Runtime Error', 'Runtime Error', 'Accepted']
['s441999991', 's473850560', 's628310327']
[820888.0, 820376.0, 3060.0]
[2158.0, 2160.0, 18.0]
[270, 270, 185]
You are given two integers a and b (a≤b). Determine if the product of the integers a, a+1, …, b is positive, negative or zero.
['a,b=map(int,input().split())\nif a*b=0:print("Zero")\nelif 0<a:print("Positive")\nelse:\n if -a%2==0:print("Positive")\n else:print("Negative")', 'a,b=map(int,input().split())\nif a*b<=0:print("Zero")\nelif 0<a:print("Positive")\nelse:\n if (b-a)%2==1:print("Positive")\n else:print("Negative")']
['Runtime Error', 'Accepted']
['s297094039', 's677658285']
[2940.0, 2940.0]
[17.0, 17.0]
[140, 144]
You are given two integers a and b (a≤b). Determine if the product of the integers a, a+1, …, b is positive, negative or zero.
["a,b=int(input().split())\nif b < 0:\n if (b-a+1) % 2 == 0:\n ans = 'Positive'\n elif (b-a+1) % 2 == 1:\n ans = 'Negative'\nelif a > 0:\n ans='Positive'\nelse\n ans='Zeros'\n \nprint(ans)", "a,b=int(input().split())\nif a*(a+1)*b==0:\n print('Zero')\nif a*(a+1)*b<0:\n print('Negative')\nif a*(a+1)*b>0:\n print('Positive')", "a, b = map(int,input().split())\nif b < 0:\n if (b-a+1) % 2 == 0:\n ans = 'Positive'\n elif (b-a+1) % 2 == 1:\n ans = 'Negative'\n \nelif a > 0:\n ans='Positive'\nelse\n ans='Zero'\n \nprint(ans)", "a,b=map(int, input().split())\nif b < 0:\n if (b-a+1) % 2 == 0:\n ans = 'Positive'\n elif (b-a+1) % 2 == 1:\n ans = 'Negative'\nelif a > 0:\n ans='Positive'\nelse\n ans='Zeros'\n \nprint(ans)", "a,b=int(input().split())\nif a*b==0:\n print('Zero')\nif a*b<0:\n print('Negative')\nif a*b>0:\n print('Positive')", "a,b=map(int,input().split())\nif b < 0:\n if (b-a+1) % 2 == 0:\n ans = 'Positive'\n elif (b-a+1) % 2 == 1:\n ans = 'Negative'\nelif a > 0:\n ans='Positive'\nelse\n ans='Zero'\n \nprint(ans)", "a,b=map(int,input().split())\nif b < 0:\n if (b-a+1) % 2 == 0:\n ans = 'Positive'\n elif (b-a+1) % 2 == 1:\n ans = 'Negative'\nelif a > 0:\n ans='Positive'\nelse:\n ans='Zero'\n \nprint(ans)"]
['Runtime Error', 'Runtime Error', 'Runtime Error', 'Runtime Error', 'Runtime Error', 'Runtime Error', 'Accepted']
['s114351110', 's456443304', 's535695052', 's599558952', 's612213923', 's845029235', 's134361554']
[2940.0, 2940.0, 2940.0, 2940.0, 2940.0, 2940.0, 2940.0]
[17.0, 19.0, 17.0, 17.0, 18.0, 17.0, 17.0]
[196, 129, 219, 201, 111, 199, 200]
You are given two integers a and b (a≤b). Determine if the product of the integers a, a+1, …, b is positive, negative or zero.
["import numpy\na,b = map(int,input().split())\n\nans=a\nc=a\nif a==b :\n ans=a**b\nelse:\n while c<=b:\n c=c+1\n ans=ans*c\npm = numpy.sign(ans)\nif pm==0:\n print('zero')\nelif pm==1:\n print('Positive')\nelse:\n print('Negative')\nprint(ans)", "ans=a\nc=a\nif a==b :\n ans=a**b\nelse:\n while c<=b:\n c=c+1\n ans=ans*c\npm = numpy.sign(ans)\nif pm==0:\n print('zero')\nelif pm==1:\n print('Positive')\nelse:\n print('Negative')", "import numpy\na,b = map(int,input().split())\n\nif numpy.sign(a*b)==-1:\n print('Zero')\nelif (numpy.sign(a)==1) or (numpy.sign(b)==1):\n print('Positive')\nelif (a-b)%2==0:\n print('Negative')\nelse:\n print('Positive')"]
['Wrong Answer', 'Runtime Error', 'Accepted']
['s017852943', 's261777375', 's320336596']
[13048.0, 3060.0, 12480.0]
[2108.0, 18.0, 148.0]
[235, 179, 214]
You are given two integers a and b (a≤b). Determine if the product of the integers a, a+1, …, b is positive, negative or zero.
["a=list(map(int,input().split()))\nb=1\nfor i in range(a[0],a[1]+1):\n b*=i\nif b>0:\n print('Positive')\nelif b<0:\n print('Negative')\nelif b=0:\n print('Zero')", "a,b=map(lambda x:int(x),input().split())\nif a*b<=0:\n print('Zero')\nelif a>0 or (b-a+1)%2==0:\n print('Positive')\nelse:\n print('Negative')"]
['Runtime Error', 'Accepted']
['s965887030', 's038953062']
[2940.0, 2940.0]
[18.0, 17.0]
[156, 145]
You are given two integers a and b (a≤b). Determine if the product of the integers a, a+1, …, b is positive, negative or zero.
['a,b = map(int, input().split())\nmafs = 0 \nif a < 1:\n print(0)\nelse:\n for i in range(a, b+1):\n mafs *= i\n \nprint(mafs)', 'a,b = map(int, input().split())\nmafs = 0 \nif a < 1 and b >=0:\n print("Zero")\nelif a > 0 and b > 0:\n print("Positive")\nelif a < 0 and b < 0:\n if (abs(a) - abs(b) + 1) % 2 == 0: print("Positive")\n else: print("Negative")']
['Wrong Answer', 'Accepted']
['s989408616', 's100520407']
[9152.0, 8948.0]
[2206.0, 31.0]
[125, 226]
You are given two integers a and b (a≤b). Determine if the product of the integers a, a+1, …, b is positive, negative or zero.
['a,b = map(int,input().split())\nif a<=0 and b>=0:\n print("Zero")\nelif a>0 and b>0:\n print("Pisitive")\nelif a<0 and b<0:\n t = b-a\n if t%2==0:\n print("Negative")\n else:\n print("Positive")', 'a,b = map(int,input().split())\nif a<=0 and b>=0:\n print("Zero")\nelif a>0 and b>0:\n print("Positive")\nelif a<0 and b<0:\n t = b-a\n if t%2==0:\n print("Negative")\n else:\n print("Positive")']
['Wrong Answer', 'Accepted']
['s757849509', 's127822456']
[2940.0, 2940.0]
[17.0, 17.0]
[195, 195]
You are given two integers a and b (a≤b). Determine if the product of the integers a, a+1, …, b is positive, negative or zero.
['a, b = map(int, input().split())\n\nif (a==0 or b==0) or (a<0 and b>0):\n print("Zero")\n\nif a>0 and b>0:\n print("positive")\n\nif a<0 and b<0:\n if (abs(abs(a)-abs(b))+1)%2 == 0:\n print("Positive")\n else:\n print("Negative")', 'a, b = map(int, input().split())\n\nif (a==0 or b==0) or (a<0 and b>0):\n print("Zero")\n\nif a>0 and b>0:\n print("Positive")\n\nif a<0 and b<0:\n if (abs(abs(a)-abs(b))+1)%2 == 0:\n print("Positive")\n else:\n print("Negative")']
['Wrong Answer', 'Accepted']
['s933031223', 's749345726']
[3060.0, 3060.0]
[17.0, 18.0]
[243, 243]
You are given two integers a and b (a≤b). Determine if the product of the integers a, a+1, …, b is positive, negative or zero.
['a, b = input().split()\na, b = int(a), int(b)\n\nn = 1\nfor i in range(a, b + 1):\n n *= i\n\nif a < 0 < b:\n print("Zero")\nelse 0 < a < b:\n print("Positive")\nif a < b < 0:\n if (b - a + 1) % 2 == 0:\n print("Positive")\n else:\n print("Negative")\n', 'a, b = input().split()\na, b = int(a), int(b)\n\nif a < 0 < b:\n print("Zero")\nelse 0 < a < b:\n print("Positive")\nif a < b < 0:\n if (b - a + 1) % 2 == 0:\n print("Positive")\n else:\n print("Negative")\n', 'a, b = input().split()\na, b = int(a), int(b)\n\nif a < 0 < b:\n print("Zero")\nelif 0 < a < b:\n print("Positive")\nelif a < b < 0:\n if (b - a + 1) % 2 == 0:\n print("Positive")\n else:\n print("Negative")\n']
['Runtime Error', 'Runtime Error', 'Accepted']
['s718574067', 's844023453', 's652346665']
[2940.0, 2940.0, 2940.0]
[17.0, 17.0, 19.0]
[265, 221, 223]
You are given two integers a and b (a≤b). Determine if the product of the integers a, a+1, …, b is positive, negative or zero.
['a, b = map(int, input().split())\nnega_cnt = 0\nis_zero = False\nfor x in range(a, b+1):\n if x < 0:\n nega_cnt += 1\n\n elif x == 0:\n print("Zero")\n is_zero = True\n\nif not is_zero:\n\n if nega_cnt % 2 == 1:\n print("Negative")\n else:\n print("Positive")\n~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ', 'a, b = map(int, input().split())\nnega_cnt = 0\nis_zero = False\nif a * b < 0:\n print("Zero")\n is_zero = True\nelif b < 0 and (a-b) % 2 == 0:\n print("Negative")\nelse:\n print("Positive")']
['Runtime Error', 'Accepted']
['s028747470', 's025924992']
[3060.0, 2940.0]
[17.0, 17.0]
[1303, 209]
You are given two integers a and b (a≤b). Determine if the product of the integers a, a+1, …, b is positive, negative or zero.
['#-*-coding:utf-8-*-\nimport sys\ninput=sys.stdin.readline\nimport itertools\n\ndef main():\n a,b = map(int,input().split())\n datas = list(range(a,b+1))\n answer=1\n if a == 0 or b ==0 or (a<0 and b>0):\n print("Zero")\n exit()\n else:\n if abs(a-b)%2!=0:\n print("Positive")\n else:\n print("Negative")\n\nif __name__=="__main__":\n main()', '#-*-coding:utf-8-*-\nimport sys\ninput=sys.stdin.readline\n\ndef main():\n a,b = map(int,input().split())\n if a == 0 or b ==0 or (a<0 and b>0):\n print("Zero")\n exit()\n else:\n if a > 0 and b > 0:\n print("Positive")\n elif abs(a-b)%2!=0:\n print("Positive")\n else:\n print("Negative")\n\nif __name__=="__main__":\n main()']
['Runtime Error', 'Accepted']
['s426788752', 's285099028']
[9136.0, 9056.0]
[24.0, 27.0]
[389, 388]
You are given two integers a and b (a≤b). Determine if the product of the integers a, a+1, …, b is positive, negative or zero.
["a, b = map(int, input().split())\nn = 1\nfor i in range(min(a, b), max(a, b)+1):\n n = n * i\nif n == 0:\n print(0)\nelif n > 0:\n print('Zero')\nelse:\n print('Negative')", "a, b = map(int, input().split())\nn = 1\nL = []\nif a * b < 0:\n print('Zero')\nelif a + b > 0 or (a - b) % 2 == 1:\n print('Positive')\nelse:\n print('Negative')"]
['Wrong Answer', 'Accepted']
['s498756437', 's225748669']
[9428.0, 9152.0]
[2206.0, 27.0]
[166, 157]
You are given two integers a and b (a≤b). Determine if the product of the integers a, a+1, …, b is positive, negative or zero.
['import sys\ninput = sys.stdin.buffer.readline\n\nn, m = map(int, input().split())\nb = [False] * (n + 1)\nc = [1] * (n + 1)\nfor i in range(m):\n x, y = map(int, input().split())\n c[x] -= 1\n c[y] += 1\n if b[x]:\n b[y] = True\n if c[x] == 0:\n b[x] = False\nprint(sum(b))', 'a, b = map(int, input().split())\n\nif a > 0:\n print("Positive")\nelif b < 0:\n print("Negative" if (abs(a - b)) % 2 == 0 else "Positive")\nelse:\n print("Zero")']
['Runtime Error', 'Accepted']
['s880568109', 's584106256']
[3064.0, 2940.0]
[19.0, 17.0]
[288, 164]
You are given two integers a and b (a≤b). Determine if the product of the integers a, a+1, …, b is positive, negative or zero.
['a,b=map(int,input().split())\nl=range(a,b+1)\nans=1\nfor i in range(len(l)):\n ans=ans*l[i]\nprint(ans)', 'a,b=map(int,input().split())\nl=range(a,b+1)\nans=1\nfor i in rang(len(l)):\n ans=ans*l[i]\nprint(ans)', 'a,b=map(int,input().split())\nl=range(a,b+1)\nans=1\nfor i in range(len(l)):\n ans=ans*l[i]\nif ans>0:\n print("Positive")\nif ans<0:\n print("Negative")\nelse:\n print("Zero")', 'a,b=list(map(int,input().split()))\nl=range(a,b+1)\nans=1\nfor i in range(len(l)):\n ans=ans*l[i]\nprint(ans)\n', 'a,b=map(int,input().split())\nl=range(a,b+1)\nans=1\nfor i in range(len(l)):\n ans=ans*l[i]\nif ans>0:\n print("Positive")\nelif ans<0:\n print("Negative")\nelse:\n print("Zero")\nprint(ans)', 'a,b=map(int,input().split())\nif (a>0 and b>0):\n\tprint("Positive")\nelif (a>=0 and b<=0) or (a<=0 and b>=0):\n\tprint("Zero")\nelif (a<0 and b<0 and (a+b)%2==0):\n\tprint("Negative")\nelse:\n\tprint("Positive")']
['Wrong Answer', 'Runtime Error', 'Wrong Answer', 'Wrong Answer', 'Wrong Answer', 'Accepted']
['s287957212', 's546405620', 's774585999', 's810918883', 's911337271', 's485296042']
[3596.0, 2940.0, 3608.0, 3608.0, 3608.0, 3060.0]
[2104.0, 18.0, 2104.0, 2104.0, 2104.0, 18.0]
[99, 98, 170, 106, 183, 200]
You are given two integers a and b (a≤b). Determine if the product of the integers a, a+1, …, b is positive, negative or zero.
['s = input().split()\na=int(s[0])*int(s[1])\nif a==0 :\n print("Zero")\nif a<0 :\n print("Positive")\nif a>0 :\n print("Negative")\n', 'A,B = map(int,input().split())\nif A>0 and (B-A+1)%2==0:\n print("Positive")\nelif A <= 0 <=B:\n print("Zero")\nelse:\n print("Negative")\n', 'a,b = map(int,input().split())\nif(a>b):\n t=a\n a=b\n b=t\nans=1\nfor i in range(a,b):\n ans*=i\nif(ans>0):\n print("Positive\\n")\nelif(ans<0):\n print("Negative\\n")\nelse:\n print("Zero\\n")', 'n,m=map(int,input().split())\nif ((n<0 and m>0) or n==0 or m==0):\n print("Zero")\nif (n>0 and m>0):\n print(\'Positive\')\nif (m<0):\n if ((m-n)%2==0):\n print("Negative")\n else:\n print("Positive")']
['Wrong Answer', 'Wrong Answer', 'Wrong Answer', 'Accepted']
['s250122003', 's270903907', 's496029739', 's254403103']
[2940.0, 2940.0, 3612.0, 3060.0]
[17.0, 18.0, 2104.0, 17.0]
[132, 141, 199, 215]
You are given two integers a and b (a≤b). Determine if the product of the integers a, a+1, …, b is positive, negative or zero.
["# coding: utf-8\ndef main():\n a, b = map(int, input().split())\n l = range(a, b+1)\n if 0 in l:\n print(0)\n else:\n count = 0\n for i in l:\n if i < 0:\n count += 1\n else:\n break\n else:\n if count % 2 == 0:\n print('Positive')\n else:\n print('Negative')\n\n\nif __name__ == '__main__':\n main()", "# coding: utf-8\ndef main():\n a, b = map(int, input().split())\n if a > 0:\n print('Positive')\n elif b >= 0:\n print('Zero')\n else:\n if (b-a+1) % 2 == 0:\n print('Positive')\n else:\n print('Negative')\n\n\nif __name__ == '__main__':\n main()"]
['Wrong Answer', 'Accepted']
['s064838662', 's353380418']
[3060.0, 2940.0]
[2103.0, 17.0]
[426, 296]
You are given two integers a and b (a≤b). Determine if the product of the integers a, a+1, …, b is positive, negative or zero.
["a,b=map(int,input().split())\nif ab<=0:\n print('Zero')\nelif a>0:\n print('Positive')\nelif b<0:\n if (b-a+1)%2==0:\n print('Positive')\n else:\n print('Negative')", "a,b=map(int,input().split())\nif a*b<=0:\n print('Zero')\nelif a>0:\n print('Positive')\nelif b<0:\n if (b-a+1)%2==0:\n print('Positive')\n else:\n print('Negative')"]
['Runtime Error', 'Accepted']
['s508615445', 's451435340']
[9136.0, 9108.0]
[22.0, 26.0]
[165, 166]
You are given two integers a and b (a≤b). Determine if the product of the integers a, a+1, …, b is positive, negative or zero.
["a,b=map(int,input().split())\nans=[]\nif(a*b<=0):\n ans='zero'\nelif(b<0):\n if(((a-b)%2)==0):\n ans='negative'\n else:\n ans='positive'\nelse:\n ans='positive'\nprint(ans)", "a,b=map(int,input().split())\nans=[]\nif(a*b<=0):\n ans='Zero'\nelif(b<0):\n if(((a-b)%2)==0):\n ans='Negative'\n else:\n ans='Positive'\nelse:\n ans='Positive'\nprint(ans)\n "]
['Wrong Answer', 'Accepted']
['s073168078', 's356399488']
[3060.0, 2940.0]
[18.0, 18.0]
[164, 167]
You are given two integers a and b (a≤b). Determine if the product of the integers a, a+1, …, b is positive, negative or zero.
['import sys\n\ndef main():\n a = int(sys.argv[1])\n b = int(sys.argv[2])\n\n if a <= 0 and b >= 0:\n print("Zero")\n quit()\n\n temp = 1\n for i in range(a, b+1):\n temp *= i\n else:\n if temp > 0:\n print("Positive")\n else:\n print("Negative")\n\n\nif __name__ == \'__main__\':\n main()\n', 'import sys\n\ndef main():\n a = int(sys.argv[1])\n b = int(sys.argv[2])\n\n temp = 1\n for i in range(a, b+1):\n temp *= i\n else:\n if temp == 0:\n print("Zero")\n elif temp > 0:\n print("Positive")\n else:\n print("Negative")\n\n\nif __name__ == \'__main__\':\n main()\n', 'import sys\n\ndef main():\n l = input().split()\n a = int(l[0])\n b = int(l[1])\n\n if a <= 0 and b >= 0:\n print("Zero")\n elif a > 0:\n print("Positive")\n elif b < 0:\n if (b - a) % 2 != 0:\n print("Positive")\n else:\n print("Negative")\n\nif __name__ == \'__main__\':\n main()\n']
['Runtime Error', 'Runtime Error', 'Accepted']
['s425480369', 's499258702', 's801556001']
[3064.0, 3064.0, 3188.0]
[44.0, 37.0, 38.0]
[343, 329, 333]
You are given two integers a and b (a≤b). Determine if the product of the integers a, a+1, …, b is positive, negative or zero.
['a,b=[int(i) fro i in input().split()]\nif 0<a and 0<b:\n print("Positive")\nelif a*b<=0:\n print("Zero")\nelif (b-a)%2==1:\n print("Positive")\nelse:\n print("Negative")', 'a,b=[int(i) for i in input().split()]\nif 0<a and 0<b:\n print("Positive")\nelif a*b<=0:\n print("Zero")\nelif (b-a)%2==1:\n print("Positive")\nelse:\n print("Negative")']
['Runtime Error', 'Accepted']
['s002981743', 's343188424']
[2940.0, 2940.0]
[17.0, 17.0]
[165, 165]
You are given two integers a and b (a≤b). Determine if the product of the integers a, a+1, …, b is positive, negative or zero.
['def main():\n t = input().split(" ")\n A = int(t[0])\n B = int(t[1])\n \n if b < 0:\n print("Negative")\n elif 0 < a:\n print("Positive")\n else:\n print("Zero")\n \nmain()', 'def main():\n t = input().split(" ")\n A = int(t[0])\n B = int(t[1])\n \n if B < 0:\n if (B - A) % 2 == 1\n \tprint("Positive")\n else :\n \tprint("Negative")\n elif 0 < A:\n print("Positive")\n else:\n print("Zero")\n \nmain()', 'def main():\n t = input().split(" ")\n A = int(t[0])\n B = int(t[1])\n \n if B < 0:\n if (B - A) % 2 == 1:\n \tprint("Positive")\n else :\n \tprint("Negative")\n elif 0 < A:\n print("Positive")\n else:\n print("Zero")\n \nmain()\n']
['Runtime Error', 'Runtime Error', 'Accepted']
['s225803863', 's402411214', 's903059293']
[2940.0, 2940.0, 3060.0]
[17.0, 17.0, 17.0]
[179, 238, 240]
You are given two integers a and b (a≤b). Determine if the product of the integers a, a+1, …, b is positive, negative or zero.
['a,b = map(int,input().split())\n\nif a > 0:\n result = "positive"\nelif a == 0:\n result = "zero"\nelse:\n if b >= 0:\n result = "zero"\n else:\n c = b - a\n if c % 2 == 0:\n result = "negative"\n else:\n result = "positive"\n \nprint(result)', 'a,b = map(int,input().split())\n\nif a > 0:\n result = "Positive"\nelif a == 0:\n result = "Zero"\nelse:\n if b >= 0:\n result = "Zero"\n else:\n c = b - a\n if c % 2 == 0:\n result = "Negative"\n else:\n result = "Positive"\n \nprint(result)']
['Wrong Answer', 'Accepted']
['s317881629', 's382674261']
[3060.0, 3060.0]
[17.0, 17.0]
[299, 299]
You are given two integers a and b (a≤b). Determine if the product of the integers a, a+1, …, b is positive, negative or zero.
['def resolve():\n \'\'\'\n code here\n \'\'\'\n a,b = [int(item) for item in input().split()]\n\n if a > 0:\n print(\'0Positive\')\n else:\n if a <= 0 and 0 <= b:\n print(\'Zero\')\n else:\n cnt = b - a + 1\n\n if cnt % 2 == 0:\n print(\'Posivite\')\n else:\n print(\'Negative\')\n\nif __name__ == "__main__":\n resolve()\n', 'def resolve():\n \'\'\'\n code here\n \'\'\'\n a,b = [int(item) for item in input().split()]\n\n if a > 0:\n print(\'Positive\')\n else:\n if a <= 0 and 0 <= b:\n print(\'Zero\')\n else:\n cnt = b - a + 1\n\n if cnt % 2 == 0:\n print(\'Positive\')\n else:\n print(\'Negative\')\n\nif __name__ == "__main__":\n resolve()\n']
['Wrong Answer', 'Accepted']
['s335254400', 's537740885']
[9072.0, 9080.0]
[27.0, 27.0]
[403, 402]
You are given two integers a and b (a≤b). Determine if the product of the integers a, a+1, …, b is positive, negative or zero.
['a,b,c = map(int,input().split())\nif (a > 0 and b > 0) or (a > b and a > 0) or (b > a and b > 0):\n print("Positive")\nelif (a-b) == 0 or (b-a) == 0:\n print("Zero")\nelif (a < 0 and b < 0) or (a > b and a < 0) or (b > a and b < 0):\n print("Negative")\nprint()', 'a,b,c = map(int,input().split())\nif (a > 0 and b > 0) or (a > b and a > 0) or (b > a and b > 0):\n print("Positive")\nelif (a-b) == 0 or (b-a) == 0:\n print("Zero")\nelif (a < 0 and b < 0) or (a > b and a < 0) or (b > a and b < 0):\n print("Negative")', 'a,b = map(int,input().split())\nif (a > 0 and b > 0) or (a > b and a > 0) or (b > a and b > 0):\n print("Positive")\nelif (a-b) == 0 or (b-a) == 0:\n print("Zero")\nelif (a < 0 and b < 0) or (a > b and a < 0) or (b > a and b < 0):\n print("Negative")\nprint()', 'import sys\na,b = map(int,input().split())\nc = 0\nif (a+b) == 0:\n print("Zero")\n sys.exit()\nelif a < 0 and b < 0:\n if (a-b) % 2 == 1:\n print("Positive")\n sys.exit()\nelif a < 0 and b >= 0:\n if a%2 == 0:\n print("Positive")\n sys.exit()\nelif b < 0 and a >= 0:\n if b % 2 == 0:\n print("Positive")\n sys.exit()\nif (a+b) > 0:\n print("Positive")\nelse:\n print("Negative")']
['Runtime Error', 'Runtime Error', 'Wrong Answer', 'Accepted']
['s327348712', 's504829309', 's825806726', 's155715067']
[3060.0, 3064.0, 3060.0, 3064.0]
[17.0, 18.0, 17.0, 18.0]
[263, 255, 261, 422]
You are given two integers a and b (a≤b). Determine if the product of the integers a, a+1, …, b is positive, negative or zero.
['a, b = list(map(int, input().split()))\nif a = 0:\n\tprint("Zero")\nelif a > 0:\n\tprint("Positive")\nelse:\n\tif b >= 0:\n\t\tprint("Zero")\n\telse:\n\t\tif (b - a) % 2 == 0:\n\t\t\tprint("Negative")\n\t\telse:\n\t\t\tprint("Positive")\n', 'a, b = list(map(int, input().split()))\nif a == 0:\n\tprint("Zero")\nelif a > 0:\n\tprint("Positive")\nelse:\n\tif b >= 0:\n\t\tprint("Zero")\n\telse:\n\t\tif (b - a) % 2 == 0:\n\t\t\tprint("Negative")\n\t\telse:\n\t\t\tprint("Positive")\n']
['Runtime Error', 'Accepted']
['s269836936', 's797997470']
[2940.0, 2940.0]
[17.0, 17.0]
[209, 210]
You are given two integers a and b (a≤b). Determine if the product of the integers a, a+1, …, b is positive, negative or zero.
['a,b = map(int,input().split())\nc= (b-a+1)*(a+b)//2\nif c>0:\n print("Positive")\nelif c=0:\n print("Zero")\nelse:\n print("Negative")', 'a,b = map(int,input().split())\nif a*b<=0:\n print("Zero")\nelif b<0 and(b-a)%2==0:\n print("Negative")\nelse:\n print("Positive")']
['Runtime Error', 'Accepted']
['s552814198', 's367577209']
[8864.0, 9144.0]
[30.0, 28.0]
[136, 133]
You are given two integers a and b (a≤b). Determine if the product of the integers a, a+1, …, b is positive, negative or zero.
["import math,string,itertools,fractions,heapq,collections,re,array,bisect,sys,random,time\n\nsys.setrecursionlimit(10**7)\ninf = 10**10\nmod = 10**9 + 7\n\n\ndef f():\n a,b = list(map(int, input().split()))\n if a * b == 0 or (a < 0 && b > 0):\n return 'Zero'\n if b < 0 and (a+b) % 2 == 0\n return 'Negative'\n return 'Positive'\n\nprint(f())\n", "import math,string,itertools,fractions,heapq,collections,re,array,bisect,sys,random,time\n\nsys.setrecursionlimit(10**7)\ninf = 10**10\nmod = 10**9 + 7\n\n\ndef f():\n a,b = list(map(int, input().split()))\n if a * b == 0 or (a < 0 && b > 0):\n return 'Zero'\n if b < 0 and (a+b) % 2 == 0:\n return 'Negative'\n return 'Positive'\n\nprint(f())\n", "import math,string,itertools,fractions,heapq,collections,re,array,bisect,sys,random,time\n\nsys.setrecursionlimit(10**7)\ninf = 10**10\nmod = 10**9 + 7\n\n\ndef f():\n a,b = list(map(int, input().split()))\n if a * b == 0 or (a < 0 and b > 0):\n return 'Zero'\n if b < 0 and (a+b) % 2 == 0:\n return 'Negative'\n return 'Positive'\n\nprint(f())\n"]
['Runtime Error', 'Runtime Error', 'Accepted']
['s189097887', 's468342102', 's903492703']
[3064.0, 3064.0, 5420.0]
[39.0, 37.0, 89.0]
[354, 355, 356]
You are given two integers a and b (a≤b). Determine if the product of the integers a, a+1, …, b is positive, negative or zero.
["a, b = (int(x) for x in input().split())\nif a > 0:\n print('Positive')\nif a <= 0 and b >= 0:\n print('Zero')\nelse:\n if (b - a + 1) % 2 == 0:\n print('Positive')\n else:\n print('Negative')", "if a > 0:\n print('Positive')\nif a <= 0 and b >= 0:\n print('Zero')\nelse:\n if (b - a + 1) % 2 == 0:\n print('Positive')\n else:\n print('Negative')", "def test(a, b):\n if a > 0:\n return 'Positive'\n if a <= 0 and b >= 0:\n return 'Zero'\n else:\n if (b - a + 1) % 2 == 0:\n return 'Positive'\n else:\n return 'Negative'", "a, b = (int(x) for x in input().split())\nif a > 0:\n print('Positive')\nelif a <= 0 and b >= 0:\n print('Zero')\nelse:\n if (b - a + 1) % 2 == 0:\n print('Positive')\n else:\n print('Negative')"]
['Wrong Answer', 'Runtime Error', 'Wrong Answer', 'Accepted']
['s067444676', 's607057264', 's967960450', 's976187201']
[9120.0, 8772.0, 8984.0, 9052.0]
[27.0, 25.0, 27.0, 28.0]
[209, 168, 220, 211]
You are given two integers a and b (a≤b). Determine if the product of the integers a, a+1, …, b is positive, negative or zero.
["a, b = map(int, input().split())\n\nif a <= 0 and b >= 0:\n print('zero')\n\nif a > 0:\n print('positive')\n \nif b < 0:\n if (a - b + 1) % 2 == 0:\n print('positive')\n else:\n print('negative')\n", "a, b = map(int, input().split())\n\nif a <= 0 and b >= 0:\n print('Zero')\n\nif a > 0:\n print('Positive')\n \nif b < 0:\n if (a - b + 1) % 2 == 0:\n print('Positive')\n else:\n print('Negative')\n"]
['Wrong Answer', 'Accepted']
['s498561187', 's831561746']
[2940.0, 2940.0]
[17.0, 17.0]
[195, 195]
You are given two integers a and b (a≤b). Determine if the product of the integers a, a+1, …, b is positive, negative or zero.
['a,b=map(int,input().split())\nprint(["Negative","Zero","Positive"][(a*b<=0)+(a>0 or (b<0 and (b-a)%2==1))])', 'a,b=map(int,input().split())\nprint(["Negative","Zero","Positive"][(a*b<=0)+2*(a>0 or (b<0 and (b-a)%2==1))])']
['Wrong Answer', 'Accepted']
['s315071801', 's595702012']
[2940.0, 2940.0]
[18.0, 17.0]
[106, 108]
You are given two integers a and b (a≤b). Determine if the product of the integers a, a+1, …, b is positive, negative or zero.
['a, b = int(input())\nif min(a,b) > 0:\n print("Positive")\nelif max(a,b) < 0:\n print("Negative")\nelse:\n print("Zero")', 'a, b = int(input())\nif min(a,b) > 0:\n print("Positive")\nelif max(a,b) < 0:\n print("Negative")\nelse:\n print("Zero")', 'a, b = map(int,input().split())\nnum = (b-a)+1\nif min(a,b) > 0 or:\n print("Positive")\nelif max(a,b) < 0 and num%2!=0:\n print("Positive")\nelif max(a,b) < 0 and num%2==0:\n print("Negative")\nelse:\n print("Zero")', 'a, b = map(int,input().split())\nnum = (b-a)+1\nif a > 0:\n print("a_Positive")\nelif b < 0 and num%2==0:\n print("b_Positive")\nelif b < 0 and num%2!=0:\n print("Negative")\nelif a <= 0 and b >= 0:\n print("Zero")', 'a, b = map(int,input().split())\nnum = (b-a)+1\nif a > 0:\n print("Positive")\nelif b < 0 and num%2==0:\n print("Positive")\nelif b < 0 and num%2!=0:\n print("Negative")\nelif a <= 0 and b >= 0:\n print("Zero")']
['Runtime Error', 'Runtime Error', 'Runtime Error', 'Wrong Answer', 'Accepted']
['s157112867', 's160633345', 's463504911', 's538965684', 's488787810']
[2940.0, 2940.0, 2940.0, 3060.0, 3060.0]
[17.0, 17.0, 18.0, 18.0, 17.0]
[117, 117, 211, 209, 205]
You are given two integers a and b (a≤b). Determine if the product of the integers a, a+1, …, b is positive, negative or zero.
['# For taking integer inputs.\ndef inp():\n return(int(input()))\n\n\n# For taking List inputs.\ndef inlist():\n return(list(map(int, input().split())))\n\n\n# For taking string inputs. Actually it returns a List of Characters, instead of a string, which is easier to use in Python, because in Python, Strings are Immutable.\ndef instr():\n s = input()\n return(list(s[:len(s)]))\n\n\n# For taking space seperated integer variable inputs.\ndef invr():\n return(map(int, input().split()))\n\n\na, b = invr()\nres = "Negative"\n\n\nif a > 0 and b > 0:\n res = "Positive"\nif a < 0 and b < 0:\n temp = abs(abs(a)-abs(b)) + 1\n if temp % 2 == 0:\n res = "positive"\n else:\n res = "Negative"\nif a == b:\n res = "Positive"\nif a <= 0 and b = > 0:\n res = "Zero"\n\nprint(res)\n', '# For taking integer inputs.\ndef inp():\n return(int(input()))\n\n\n# For taking List inputs.\ndef inlist():\n return(list(map(int, input().split())))\n\n\n# For taking string inputs. Actually it returns a List of Characters, instead of a string, which is easier to use in Python, because in Python, Strings are Immutable.\ndef instr():\n s = input()\n return(list(s[:len(s)]))\n\n\n# For taking space seperated integer variable inputs.\ndef invr():\n return(map(int, input().split()))\n\n\na, b = invr()\nres = "Negative"\n\nif 0 < a and a <= b:\n res = "Positive"\nif a <= b and b < 0:\n temp = (b-a)+1\n if temp % 2 == 0:\n res = "Positive"\n else:\n res = "Negative"\nif a <= 0 and b >= 0:\n res = "Zero"\n\nprint(res)\n']
['Runtime Error', 'Accepted']
['s011343039', 's879745073']
[3064.0, 3064.0]
[17.0, 18.0]
[780, 733]
You are given two integers a and b (a≤b). Determine if the product of the integers a, a+1, …, b is positive, negative or zero.
['a, b=map(int, input().split())\nif a==0 or b==0:\n print("Zero")\n exit()\nif(a=<0 and b>=0):\n print("Zero")\n exit()\nif a>0:\n print("Positive")\nelif abs(b-a)%2==0:\n print("Negative")\nelse:\n print("Positive")\n \n ', 'a, b=map(int, input().split())\nif a==0 or b==0:\n print("Zero")\n exit()\nif(a<=0 and b>=0):\n print("Zero")\n exit()\nif a>0:\n print("Positive")\nelif abs(b-a)%2==0:\n print("Negative")\nelse:\n print("Positive")\n \n ']
['Runtime Error', 'Accepted']
['s075681489', 's904482640']
[2940.0, 3060.0]
[17.0, 17.0]
[215, 215]
You are given two integers a and b (a≤b). Determine if the product of the integers a, a+1, …, b is positive, negative or zero.
['a,b=map(int,inout().split())\nif a>=0:\n print("Positive" if a!=0 else "Zero")\nif a<0 and b>0:\n print("Zero")\nif b<=0:\n if b==0:\n print("Zero")\n else:\n if (a-b+1)%2==0:\n print("Positive")\n else:\n print("Negative")', 'a,b=map(int,input().split())\nif a>=0:\n print("Positive" if a!=0 else "Zero")\nif a<0 and b>0:\n print("Zero")\nif b<=0:\n if b==0:\n print("Zero")\n else:\n if (a-b+1)%2==0:\n print("Positive")\n else:\n print("Negative")']
['Runtime Error', 'Accepted']
['s508734179', 's869376675']
[8916.0, 9180.0]
[26.0, 26.0]
[266, 266]
You are given two integers a and b (a≤b). Determine if the product of the integers a, a+1, …, b is positive, negative or zero.
['a,b = tuple(map(int,input().split()))\n\nif a=<0 and b>=0:\n print("Zero")\nelif a<0 and b<0:\n if (b-a+1)%2==0:\n \tprint("Positive")\n else:\n print("Negative")\nelif a>0 and b>0:\n print("Positive")\n', 'a,b = tuple(map(int,input().split()))\n\nif a<=0 and b>=0:\n print("Zero")\nelif a<0 and b<0:\n if (b-a+1)%2==0:\n \tprint("Positive")\n else:\n print("Negative")\nelif a>0 and b>0:\n print("Positive")']
['Runtime Error', 'Accepted']
['s955853453', 's274689460']
[2940.0, 2940.0]
[17.0, 18.0]
[199, 198]
You are given two integers a and b (a≤b). Determine if the product of the integers a, a+1, …, b is positive, negative or zero.
["a,b=map(int,input().split());print('Zero'*(a*b<=0)or'NPeogsaittiivvee'[b>=0or(b-a)%2::2])", "a,b=map(int,input().split());print('NPeogsaittiivvee'[a>0or(b-a)%2::2]*(a*b>0)or'Zero')", "a,b=map(int,input().split());print('Zero'*(a+b==0or abs(a+b)<abs(a)+abs(b))or'NPeogsaittiivvee'[a>0or(b-a)%2::2])", "a,b=map(int,input().split());print('NPeogsaittiivvee'[a>0or(b-a)%2::2]*(a*b>0)or'Zero')", "a,b=map(int,input().split());print('NPeogsaittiivvee'[a>0 or(b-a)%2::2]*(a*b>0)or'Zero')"]
['Runtime Error', 'Runtime Error', 'Runtime Error', 'Runtime Error', 'Accepted']
['s140893680', 's324734804', 's729437326', 's822416535', 's579787225']
[2940.0, 2940.0, 2940.0, 2940.0, 2940.0]
[17.0, 17.0, 17.0, 18.0, 18.0]
[89, 87, 113, 87, 88]
You are given two integers a and b (a≤b). Determine if the product of the integers a, a+1, …, b is positive, negative or zero.
["a,b=map(int,input().split())\nif a<=b<0:\n if \n print('Negative' if (-1)**(a-b-1)==-1 else 'Positive')\nelif a<=0<=b:\n print('Zero')\nelse:\n print('Positive')", "a,b=map(int,input().split())\nif a<=b<0:\n print('Negative' if (-1)**(a-b-1)==-1 else 'Positive')\nelif a<=0<=b:\n print('Zero')\nelse:\n print('Positive')"]
['Runtime Error', 'Accepted']
['s338204126', 's381385014']
[2940.0, 3060.0]
[17.0, 17.0]
[158, 152]
You are given two integers a and b (a≤b). Determine if the product of the integers a, a+1, …, b is positive, negative or zero.
['def main20():\n strbuf = input("");\n strbufs = strbuf.split();\n buf = [];\n for i in range(2):\n buf.append(int(strbufs[i]));\n if buf[0] <= 0 or 0 <= buf[1]:\n print("Zero");\n elif buf[0] > 0:\n print("Positive");\n else:\n kazu = buf[1] - buf[0] + 1;\n if kazu % 2 == 0:\n print("Positive");\n else:\n print("Negative");\n\n\nif __name__ == \'__main__\':\n main20()\n', 'def main20():\n strbuf = input("");\n strbufs = strbuf.split();\n buf = [];\n for i in range(2):\n buf.append(int(strbufs[i]));\n if buf[0] <= 0 and 0 <= buf[1]:\n print("Zero");\n elif buf[0] > 0:\n print("Positive");\n else:\n kazu = buf[1] - buf[0] + 1;\n if kazu % 2 == 0:\n print("Positive");\n else:\n print("Negative");\n\n\nif __name__ == \'__main__\':\n main20()']
['Wrong Answer', 'Accepted']
['s607964821', 's477238796']
[3060.0, 3064.0]
[17.0, 17.0]
[438, 438]
You are given two integers a and b (a≤b). Determine if the product of the integers a, a+1, …, b is positive, negative or zero.
['a,b = map(int,input().split())\n\nif a<=0 or 0<=b:\n print("Zero)\nelif a<0:\n print("Positive" if abs(a-b)%2==1 else "Negative")\nelse:\n print("Positive")', 'a,b = map(int,input().split())\n\nif a<=0 and 0<=b:\n print("Zero")\nelif a<0:\n print("Positive" if abs(a-b)%2==1 else "Negative")\nelse:\n print("Positive")']
['Runtime Error', 'Accepted']
['s235741673', 's099684003']
[2940.0, 2940.0]
[17.0, 17.0]
[152, 154]
You are given two integers a and b (a≤b). Determine if the product of the integers a, a+1, …, b is positive, negative or zero.
['a,b = map(int,input().split())\nif a*b<=0:\n print("Zero")\nelif a<0 and (b-a)%2==0:\n print("Positive")\nelse:\n print("Negative")', 'a,b = map(int,input().split())\nif(a*b<=0)\n print(Zero)\nelif(a<0 and (b-a)%2==0)\n print(Positive)\nelse\n print(Negative)', 'a,b = map(int,input().split())\nif(a*b<=0):\n print(Zero)\nelif(a<0 and (b-a)%2==0):\n print(Positive)\nelse:\n print(Negative)', 'a,b = map(int,input().split())\nif(a*b<=0)print(Zero)\nelif(a<0 and (b-a)%2==0)\n\tprint(Positive)\nelse\n\tprint(Negative)', 'a,b = map(int,input().split())\nif(a*b<=0)\n\tprint(Zero)\nelif(a<0 and (b-a)%2==0)\n\tprint(Positive)\nelse\n\tprint(Negative)', 'a,b = map(int,input().split())\nif(a*b<=0)print(Zero)\nelif(a<0 and b-a%2==0)\n\tprint(Positive)\nelse\n\tprint(Negative)', 'a,b = map(int,inout().split())\nif(a*b<=0)print(Zero)\nelif(a<0 and b-a%2==0)\n\tprint(Positive)\nelse\n\tprint(Negative)', 'a,b = map(int,input().split())\nif(a*b<=0)print(Zero)\nelif(a<0 and (b-a)%2==0)\n\tprint(Positive)\nelse\n\tprint(Negative)', 'a,b = map(int,input().split())\nif a*b<=0:\n print(Zero)\nelif a<0 and (b-a)%2==0:\n print(Positive)\nelse:\n print(Negative)', 'a,b = map(int,input().split())\nif a*b<=0:\n print("Zero")\nelif a<0 and (b-a)%2==0:\n print("Negative")\nelse:\n print("Positive")']
['Wrong Answer', 'Runtime Error', 'Runtime Error', 'Runtime Error', 'Runtime Error', 'Runtime Error', 'Runtime Error', 'Runtime Error', 'Runtime Error', 'Accepted']
['s147526171', 's162799977', 's181655786', 's300454518', 's478263757', 's482892087', 's507032020', 's852638892', 's947751100', 's193839008']
[3064.0, 3064.0, 3188.0, 3064.0, 3064.0, 3064.0, 3064.0, 3064.0, 3064.0, 3064.0]
[41.0, 39.0, 39.0, 39.0, 40.0, 39.0, 38.0, 38.0, 42.0, 38.0]
[134, 127, 130, 116, 118, 114, 114, 116, 128, 134]
You are given two integers a and b (a≤b). Determine if the product of the integers a, a+1, …, b is positive, negative or zero.
['a, b = map(int(input().split())\nif a > 0:\n print("Positive")\nelif a < 0 :\n if (b - a) % 2 == 0 :\n print("Positive")\n else:\n print("Negative")\nelse:\n print("Zero")', 'a, b = map(int, input().split())\nif a > 0 :\n print("Positive")\nelif b < 0 :\n if (b - a) % 2 == 0 :\n print("Negative")\n else:\n print("Positive")\nelse:\n print("Zero")']
['Runtime Error', 'Accepted']
['s248262293', 's647634701']
[8768.0, 9108.0]
[22.0, 26.0]
[177, 179]