1 value
Classify each of the countries as "English Speaking" or "Spanish Speaking": Costa Rica, USA, Canada, Ecuador, Peru
Costa Rica: Spanish Speaking USA: English Canada: English Ecuador: Spanish Peru: Spanish
which of these is a musical movie: Despicable Me 1, John Wick 4, Avengers or Singin' in the Rain?
Singin' in the Rain
classify each of these as either computer software or hardware: RAM, SSD, keyboard, mouse, trackpad, python, R, Scala, Google, Gmail, Figma, camera, screen
Computer software: python, R, Scala, Google, Gmail, Figma Computer hardware: RAM, SSD, keyboard, mouse, trackpad, camera, screen
Which of these are soccer players? Maradona, Joe Biden, Michelle Platini, John Terry, John Oliver, Mike Anderson, Steven Gerrard, Mo Salah, Obama, Michael Jordan
Maradona, Michelle Platini, John Terry, Steven Gerrard and Mo Salah are soccer players.
Identify the bird from the list: Hoot, Coot, Foot
Identify which animal species is alive or extinct: Saber-Toothed Tiger, Mountain Plover
Mountain Plover is alive, Saber-Toothed Tiger is extinct.
Of the following list of indoor plants, classify them as either 'low light' or 'indirect bright light', "direct bright light". Snake plant, succulent, Monstera, ficus leaf tree, snake plant, aglaonema, jade plant, pothos, inchplant
Snake plant - low light succulent - direct bright light Monstera - indirect bright light ficus leaf tree - indirect bright light ficus leaf tree - direct bright light snake plant - low light snake plant - indirect bright light aglaonema - low light jade plant - direct bright light pothos - indirect bright light pothos - low light pothos - direct bright light inchplant - low light inchplant - indirect bright light
Which of these are cities and which are countries: Paris, Argentina, Mountain View, Singapore, America, Cape Town
Paris, Mountain View and Cape Town are cities. Argentina and America are countries. Singapore is the name of both a city and a country.
Which is a species of fish? Goat or Goatfish
Tell me whether each food is high in fat or low in fat: butter, mango, banana, rice, peanuts, cheese
Butter: High in Fat Mango: Low in Fat Banana: Low in Fat Rice: Low in Fat Peanuts: High in Fat Cheese: High in Fat
I'm planning a month-long trip and am wondering which of these items are okay to be kept in a carry-on bag. Could you help classify these items as "allowed" or "not allowed" by the TSA? Toothbrush, Cologne, Beard Shaver, Alcohol, and Bottle Opener.
Here is what's allowed and what's not allowed in your carry-on luggage: - Allowed: Toothbrush, Cologne (3.4 Ounces), Beard Shaver - Not allowed: Alcohol, Bottle Opener
Classify the below places based on whether they are mountains or river. Everest, Niles, Hudson, Nanga Parbat
Everest, Nanga Parbat - Mountains Niles, Hudson- River
Classify these wild mushrooms as poisonous or edible: jack-o-lanterns, chanterelles, morels, death caps, destroying angels, lion's mane, false morels, maitake mushroom, oyster mushrooms
Chanterelles, morels, lion's mane, maitake, and oyster mushrooms are edible mushrooms. While you should avoid these deadly mushrooms such as jack-o-lanterns, death caps, destroying angels, and false morels.
Identify which animal species is alive or extinct: Smilosuchus, Brown Bear
Brown Bear is alive, Smilosuchus is extinct.
Classify each of the objects are "round" or "rectangular": television, baseball, brick, tire, book, manhole, donut, bench
Television: Rectangular Baseball: Round Brick: Rectangular Tire: Round Book: Rectangular Manhole: Round Donut: Round Bench: Rectangular
Identify which car manufacturer is Italian or American: Lancia, Lincoln
Lancia is Italian, Lincoln is American
Which of these are international tennis players: Virat Kohli, Pete Sampras, Mike Tyson, Roger Federer
International tennis players are: Pete Sampras and Roger Federer Virat Kohli is an international cricket player Mike Tyson is an international boxer
Which are the U.S. cities and which are U.S. states in this list? Montana, Chicago, New York, Atlanta, Honolulu, Florida, Austin, South Dakota
U.S. cities in the list: Chicago, New York, Atlanta, Honolulu, Austin U.S. states in the list: Montana, New York, Florida, South Dakota
Identify which instrument is string or percussion: Esterilla, Geomungo
Geomungo is string, Esterilla is percussion.
Classify each tree as an evergreen or fruit tree: Blue Spruce, Jack Pine, Sweet Cherry, Coconut, Mountain Hemlock.
Blue Spruce, Jack Pine, and Mountain Hemlock are all evergreen trees. Sweet Cherry and Coconut trees are fruit trees.
Identify which instrument is string or woodwind: Brac, Piri
Piri is woodwind, Brac is string.
Of the following book characters, which are vampires: Lestat de Lioncourt, Bella Swan, Edward Cullen, Jacob Black, The Seeker
Lestat de Lioncourt, Bella Swan, Edward Cullen
Choose the word which is different from the rest: curd, butter, oil, cheese, cream
All except Oil are products obtained from milk.
Tell me whether these cities are in Italy or Switzerland: Milan, Florence, Zurich, Bern, Lucerne, Rome
Milan: Italy Florence: Italy Zurich: Switzerland Bern: Switzerland Lucerne: Switzerland Rome: Italy
Identify which instrument is string or percussion: Triangle, Pinaka vina
Pinaka vina is string, Triangle is percussion.
Tell me whether the following European languages are in the Indo-European language family or not: Spanish, English, Basque, Finnish, Romanian, Hungarian, and Catalan.
Spanish, Romanian, and Catalan are all Indo-European languages classified within the Romance branch of Indo-European languages. English and German are both Indo-European languages classified within the Germanic branch of Indo-European languages. Basque, Finnish, and Hungarian are not Indo-European languages. Basque is a language isolate and is not known to be related to any other living language. Finnish and Hungarian are Uralic languages and are not related to the Indo-European languages.
Which of these are Aamir Khan Movies : Sarfarosh, Mela, Dil, Darr, Beta
Sarfarosh, Mela, Dil are Aamir Khan Movies. Darr had Sunny Deol and Shah Kurh Khan in the lead roles , Beta had Anil Kapoor in the lead role.
Which of these are electronic and which are found in nature: a laptop, a tree, Pixel phone, a calculator, an Apple Watch, a bee, and a volcano.
The electronic items are a a laptop, Pixel phone, a calculator, and an Apple Watch. The items found in nature are a tree, a bee, and a volcano.
Tell me whether the following animals are reptiles or amphibians: salamander, alligator, caiman, snake, toad.
Salamanders and toads are amphibians. Alligators, caimans, and snakes are reptiles.
Identify which instrument is string or percussion: Maram, Phin
Phin is string, Maram is percussion.
Classify each of the following as vertical or horizontal: balance beam, light pole, tree, barbell, floor, wall
Balance Beam: Horizontal Light Pole: Vertical Tree: Vertical Barbell: Horizontal Floor: Horizontal Wall: Vertical
Which of these animals can be pets? Wolf, dog, rabbit, squirrel, cat, lion.
While most animals can be domesticated, dogs, rabbits and cats are common pets.
Categorize the following as either a 'month' or a 'day'
Monday, February, Sunday, October, Wednesday, July
Tell me whether these are food or drink: juice, hamburger, coke, pizza, hotdog, steak, lemonade, apple cider.
Food: hamburger, pizza, hotdog, steak. Drink: juice, coke, pizza, lemonade, apple cider.
Identify which animal species is alive or extinct: Mosasaurus, Whale Shark
Whale Shark is alive, Mosasaurus is extinct.
Which is a species of fish? Wahoo or Yahoo
Classify each of these as ground transportation or aviation transportation: airplane, truck, bicycle, unicycle, jet, wagon, helicopter.
Ground transportation would include all vehicles that travel along the ground. From the list you provided these include: truck, bicycle, unicycle, and wagon. Aviation transportation includes any vehicle that flies. From the list you provided these include: airplane, jet, and helicopter.
Tell me whether these are flowers or trees: Spruce, Calla Lily, Carnation, pine, beech, Orchid, oak, Tulip, Gerbera Daisy.
Spruce is a tree. Calla Lily is a flower. Carnation is a flower. pine is a tree. beech is a tree. Orchid is a flower. oak is a tree. Tulip is a flower. Gerbera Daisy is a flower.
Classify each of the following plates as either food or a cocktail: sushi, mojito, quiche, tacos, moscow mule, old fashioned, pizza, pasta, sandwich, pho, margarita, martini, ramen
From the list that has been provided, the following items to belong to the food category: sushi quiche, tacos, pizza, pasta, sandwich, pho and ramen. The rest of the items can be categorized as cocktails: mojito, moscow mule, old fashioned, margarita and martini.
Identify which instrument is string or percussion: Bell, Tro
Tro is string, Bell is percussion.
Classify each of the following as either a sports car or family car: porsche cayman, subaru brz, toyota camry?
porsche cayman: sports car subaru brz: sports car toyota camry: family car
Which characters belong to DC or Marvel Universe? Quicksilver, Flash
Flash is DC, Quicksilver is Marvel
Which is a species of fish? Ayu or Aye
Tell me whether this is a mammal or a bird: parrot, dolphin, dog, guinea pig, parakeet.
A dophin, dog, and guinea pig are mammals. A parrot and parakeet are birds.
classify the following as mammals vs reptiles: goat snake cockroach pig dog caterpillar lion
mammals: goat, pig, dog, lion reptiles: snack, cockroach, caterpillar
Identify which instrument is string or percussion: Semantron, Saw sam sai
Saw sam sai is string, Semantron is percussion.
Identify which instrument is string or percussion: Whistle, Qiftelia
Qiftelia is string, Whistle is percussion.
Tell me whether these are birds or bugs: termites, ants, cockroaches.
This is a list of bugs, not birds.
Classify each of the following as a eukaryote or prokaryote: E. Coli, worm, grouper, algae, salmonella, porcupine
E. Coli: Prokaryote Worm: Eukaryote Grouper: Eukaryote Algae: Eukaryote Salmonella: Prokaryote Porcupine: Eukaryote
Identify which instrument is string or woodwind: Agiarut, Piccolo
Agiarut is string, Piccolo is woodwind.
Classify the following habits as healthy or unhealthy. 1) Smoke 2) Exercise 3) Take Breaks 4) Drink Alcohol
Smoking and drinking alcohol can be very dangerous to your health so it is a good example of unhealthy habits. Exercise and take breaks during the day can be considered healthy to your body.
Can you please divide these fruit and vegetables into red and green colors. Some can be either red or green, so list those as 'both red and green varieties'. Here is the list: cherries, raspberries, lettuce, celery cherries, strawberries, apples, peppers, cabbage, beans, kale, tomatoes, capsicum, raspberries, celery, spinach.
Lettuce, celery cherries, beans, kale, celery and spinach are all green-colored. Cherries, raspberries and strawberries are red-colored. Apples, peppers, cabbage, tomatoes and capsicum have both red and green varieties.
Identify which instrument is string or woodwind: Diplica, Kontra
Kontra is string, Diplica is woodwind.
Identify which instrument is string or percussion: Ferrinho, Bandurria
Bandurria is string, Ferrinho is percussion.
Which is an imperial or a metric measurement: ton, tonne
ton is imperial, tonne is metric
Identify which animal species is alive or extinct: Theropod, Pronghorn
Pronghorn is alive, Theropod is extinct.
Identify which car manufacturer is British or American: Buick, Bentley
Bentley is British, Buick is American
I'm getting into music history and want to listen to authentic analogue music from the 1980's. Which of the following should I try: ipod, vinyl, apple music, cassette, compact disc, spotify, youtube
Vinyl, cassette and compact disc are all analogue music devices available in the 1980's - you should try them.
Tell me if this a universal blood group: A+, A-, B+, B-, O+, O-, AB+, AB-
A+ = No A- = No B+ = No B- = No O+ = No O- = Yes AB+= No AB-= No
Identify which instrument is string or woodwind: Tremolo bass, Rackett
Rackett is woodwind, Tremolo bass is string.
Classify each of the following as either a place or a thing: Rhode Island, cup, New Jersey, New York, watch, tv.
Rhode Island is a place. A Cup is a thing. New Jersey is a place. New York is a place. A watch is a thing. A TV is a thing.
Identify which car manufacturer is Japanese or American: Mazda, Chevrolet
Chevrolet is American, Mazda is Japanese
Which is a species of fish? Pintano or Pint
Classify the following as either Australian flora or fauna: kangaroo, wattle, emu, possum, echidna, kookaburra, macadamia, eucalyptus.
Kangaroo, emu, possum and echidna are Australian fauna. Wattle, macadamia and eucalyptus are Australian flora.
Tell me whether the following athletes are tennis or football players: Ibrahimovic, Medvedev, Agassi, Neymar, Halep, Davenport
There are only two football players in the list, Neymar and Ibrahimovic. All the others are well known tennis players.
Distinguish between manmade and natural structures from the following: Statue of Liberty Suez canal Niagara Falls Vatical City Valley of Death Himalayas Angorwat Temple Taj Mahal River Rhine The strait of Malacca Brooklyn bridge
Manmade: Brooklyn bridge Taj Mahal Vatical City Angorwat Temple Statue of Liberty Suez canal Natural structures: Niagara Falls Valley of Death The strait of Malacca River Rhine Himalayas
Tell me which of these characters are in Disney or Dreamworks movies: Shrek, Simba, Lightning McQueen, Po.
Shrek is a Dreamworks character from the movie Shrek. Simba is a Disney character from the the movie The Lion King. Lightning McQueen is a Disney character from the movie Cars. Po is a Dreamworks character from the the movie Kung Fu Panda.
Identify which instrument is string or percussion: North Drums, Gunbri
Gunbri is string, North Drums is percussion.
For following Apps in Apple Store, help me classify them into different categories, categories include Business, Developer Tools, Education, Games, Music. Here is the App list: Slack, Microsoft Excel, WPS Office, Apple Developer, Xcode, CodeRunner 4, Termius -SSH&SFTP client, Kahoot, Duolingo, Complete Anatomy 23, SimCity, Civilization VI, NBA 2k23, Angry Birds, GarageBand, Spotify, QQ Music
Here is the classification result based on the provided categories: For Business: Slack, Microsoft Excel, WPS Office For Developer Tools: Apple Developer, Xcode, CodeRunner 4, Termius -SSH&SFTP client For Education: Kahoot, Duolingo, Complete Anatomy 23 For Games: SimCity, Civilization VI, NBA 2k23, Angry Birds For Music: GarageBand, Spotify, QQ Music
Classify each of the following as food, company or both: apple, unilever, avon, mercedez, nestle, meat, rice, penny, pineapple, beans, dm, banana
both, company, company, company, company, food, food, company, food, food, company, food
Which is a species of fish? Tetra or Quart
Are these companies private or public
Tesla, Amazon, Uber, Microsoft, Facebook
Identify which instrument is string or percussion: Khol, Mondol
Mondol is string, Khol is percussion.
Tell me if the following countries are in Europe or in Africa: Portugal, Italy, Burkina Faso, Rwanda, Germany, Sweden, Spain
Portugal, Italy, Germany, Sweden and Spain are located in Europe. Burkina Faso and Rwanda are located in Africa.
Tell me whether these sports use a ball or not: golf, gymnastics, boxing, soccer, football, wrestling
Golf: Ball Gymnastics: No Ball Boxing: No Ball Soccer: Ball Football: Ball Wrestling: No Ball
Which is a species of fish? Hoki or Loki
What are the current f1 teams?
The current 10 Formula 1 teams are Red Bull Racing, Aston Martin Aramco, Mercedes-AMG PETRONAS, Scuderia Ferrari, McLaren, BWT Alpine, MoneyGram Haas, Alfa Romeo, Scuderia AlphaTauri, Williams
Identify which animal species is alive or extinct: Meiolania, Tiger
Tiger is alive, Meiolania is extinct.
Classify each of the following as moving horizontally or vertically: Elevator, sky diver, guillotine, car, rocket launch, boat
Elevator: Vertically Sky Diver: Vertically Guillotine: Vertically Car: Horizontally Rocket Launch: Vertically Boat: Horizontally
Is the following statement true or false: the earth is the third planet from the sun?
The earth is the third planet from the sun in our solar system, so the statement is true.
Which characters belong to DC or Marvel Universe? Wasp, Bumblebee
Wasp is Marvel, Bumblebee is DC
Classify each of the following as either a home audio device, a piece of furniture, or neither. Record player, subwoofer, coffee table, computer monitor, foam roller, speaker.
The record player, subwoofer, and speaker are all home audio devices. A coffee table is a piece of furniture. The computer monitor and foam roller are neither a home audio device nor pieces of furniture.
Identify which instrument is string or percussion: Monkey stick, Tzouras
Monkey stick is percussion, Tzouras is string.
Choose the word which is different from the rest: potassium, silicon, zirconium, gallium, germanium
All except potassium are metals used in semiconductor devices
What are best novels in Spanish?
One Hundred Years of Solitude A Heart So White The House of the Spirits Don Quixote
Classify the movies based on their genre. The Pink Panther, Die Hard, No time to Die, Annabelle
Action - Die Hard, No time to Die Horror - Annabelle Comedy - The Pink Panther
Tell me which of these Australian cities are on the coast and which are inland. Brisbane, Melbourne, Canberra, Adelaide, Hobart, Darwin and Perth.
Brisbane, Melbourne, Adelaide, Hobart, Darwin, Perth are all coastal Australian cities. Canberra is an inland Australian city.
Identify which instrument is string or woodwind: Folk harp, Rothphone
Rothphone is woodwind, Folk harp is string.
Identify which animal species is alive or extinct: Leedsichthys, Monarch Butterfly
Monarch Butterfly is alive, Leedsichthys is extinct.
Classify the following foods as Mexican or Italian: Burrito, Pizza, Pasta, Quesadilla, Taco, Gelato
Burrito: Mexican Pizza: Italian Pasta: Italian Quesadilla: Mexican Taco: Mexican Gelato: Italian
Identify which instrument is string or percussion: Geophone, Penorcon
Penorcon is string, Geophone is percussion.
Identify which animal species is alive or extinct: Plesiosaur, Loggerhead Turtle
Plesiosaur is extinct, Loggerhead Turtle is alive.
Which one of these is a music band, and which one is a Football team : Manchester United, Linkin Park ?
Linkin Park is a music band. Manchester United is a Football team.
My refrigerator broke for six days while I was on vacation. Which of the following foods would be still safe to eat unrefrigerated for that long: raw chicken, a jar of olives, hard cheese, milk, and fruit jelly.
Olives, hard cheese, and fruit jelly are not likely to spoil unrefrigerated for a couple of days. However, raw chicken and milk would be unsafe to eat.
Identify which car manufacturer is French or American: Citroen, Chrysler
Citroen is French, Chrysler is American
Classify each of these are a television show or a movie: Die Hard, The Wire, Greatest American Hero, Better Call Saul, Raiders of the Lost Ark, E.T., and Family Ties.
The television shows in this list include The Wire, Greatest American Hero, Better Call Saul, and Family Ties. The movies in this list include Die Hard, Raiders of the Lost Ark, and E.T.
Identify which instrument is string or percussion: Kirikoketa, Ichigenkin
Ichigenkin is string, Kirikoketa is percussion.
Which companies continue to make computers today: Lenovo, Apple, Tandy, Compaq, Digital, HP, Dell, Gateway.
The following companies continue to make computers today: Lenovo, Apple, HP, Dell. Please note that Compaq was acquired by HP and its computers were subsequently rebranded as HP.
Which characters belong to DC or Marvel Universe? Fantastic Four, Doom Patrol
Doom Patrol is DC, Fantastic Four is Marvel
Classify each of the following as characters from books J.K. Rowling has written or books that Suzanne Collins has written: Peeta Mellark, Katness Everdeen, Effie Trinket, Seneca Crane, Lucy Gray, Cinna, Harry Potter, Severus Snape, Hermione Granger, Albus Dumbledore
Characters from J.K. Rowling books: Harry Potter, Severus Snape, Hermione Granger, Albus Dumbledore Characters from Suzanne Collins books: Peeta Mellark, Katness Everdeen, Effie Trinket, Seneca Crane, Lucy Gray