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'Spring Awakening' production by Deaf West heading to New York The recent revival of "Spring Awakening" mounted by Deaf West Theatre in Los Angeles will be heading to New York. A spokeswoman for the company confirmed reports Wednesday that the staging, which features actors performing in a mix of English and American Sign Language, is expected to make the leap to New York in the fall. "Spring Awakening," directed by Michael Arden, was first seen at Inner-City Arts last year before transferring this spring to the Wallis Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts in Beverly Hills. No official announcement has been made about the New York transfer, and it remains unclear if the musical will land on Broadway or off-Broadway. Deaf West is no stranger to the Broadway scene. The L.A. theater company saw its acclaimed production of "Big River" open on Broadway in 2003. "Spring Awakening" opened on Broadway in 2006, running for more than two years and spawning a national tour. The rock musical, adapted from the play by Frank Wedekind, opened earlier that year at the off-Broadway Atlantic Theater Company. The recent Deaf West production was a collaboration with Arden's theater company, the Forest of Arden. The cast included actors Sandra Mae Frank as Wendla and Austin McKenzie as Melchior. No dates, cast or theater have been announced for the New York run. News of the transfer was first reported Wednesday by Deadline. Twitter: @DavidNgLAT Copyright © 2015, Los Angeles Times
2015-12-31 00:00:00
1958 Competitors at the 1958 Asian Games Football at the 1958 Asian Games
Footballers at the 1958 Asian Games
Adobe warning after software firm hacked SOFTWARE maker Adobe says it is fixing a critical flaw revealed by the spectacular attack on Italian surveillance company Hacking Team. SUNDAY'S breach sent hundreds of gigabytes of Hacking Team's internal data coursing into the public domain. Although the focus has largely been on the Milan-based company's email correspondence, Hacking Team also appears to have lost control of the surveillance software used to spy on its targets. Security researchers say malicious actors have wasted little time in looting the stricken company's electronic arsenal and are now adopting Hacking Team's tools for their own attacks. One such tool is aimed at taking advantage of a previously unknown bug in Adobe Flash Player to hijack targeted computers. Adobe Systems says it hoped to patch the bug later on Wednesday.
2015-12-31 00:00:00
At the peak of his powers, the champion of small plates is launching a culinary assault on big issues: poverty, poor health and underemployment. He envisions food-based humanitarian schemes in which good follows good the way courses build at a four-star meal: In a country recently racked by cholera, a better kitchen for a tiny cafe will mean better food cooked in more sanitary conditions, which will mean more money for the cafe, owned by the adjacent Zanmi Beni orphanage, home to 64 kids who lost their families in the 2010 earthquake; opening a culinary academy will mean jobs for the students of a Port-au-Prince girls" school, which will help staff a tourism economy; a sustainable vegetable farm and clean cooking pavilion will boost nutrition in a tiny village school. And Haiti, Andrés believes, is only the appetizer. José Andrés walks into a bar. Not one of his own, but Joe's Stone Crab, a new competitor in downtown Washington. "Research," Andrés says complacently as he settles on a leather stool. He scans the menu expertly, wonders why the restaurant serves the stone crab claws five to an order - harder to share evenly - and asks for six. "And bring us some oysters. A dozen Island Creek, I think," he adds, consulting only himself (it is understood as natural law that when you eat with Andrés, he orders for you). "Can you bring also some of the king crabs? And the yellow tail crudo or the tuna [tartare], whichever is better." His guest at the bar reaches for the Tabasco and the horseradish. Andrés shakes his head. "To eat a good, fresh oyster like this - with hot sauce - is like listening to Mozart with the lawnmower running," he says. Saying he's "not a beer guy," Andrés orders two kinds of IPA. And a glass of white wine. Then he takes one of the several "Where are you?" calls he gets a day from his assistant Daniel Serrano: Andrés is expected - pretty much right now - to ring the opening bell at the Penn Quarter farmers market. "I'm gonna be late," he says. Spending time with Andrés is to fall in with an ongoing business bacchanal. He seldom puts down the iPhone, but neither is he often without a fork, a cup or a sample from his kitchens or someone else's. Meetings at his Penn Quarter office come with espresso or maybe a promising vintage, or maybe a hot dog topped with bacon and crispy potatoes - a candidate for the menu of America Eats, the food -history concept he's opening this summer in the Tysons Ritz-Carlton. It's not just that he needs constantly to stay up on his and his competitors" product. It's that eating and drinking is how he conducts business - and life. "It's his existence," says longtime friend Seth Hurwitz, co-owner of the 9:30 Club. "He'll call me up every now and then and just come over and cook. He might have some rare goose or these amazing chickens from Amish country, or he might just pull out the same eggs and cheese and butter that I have and do something no one else could ever do." Food has been a salvation from the beginning. It was a restaurant job that offered Andrés an escape from a childhood he doesn't like to talk about much. He loved cooking paella with his parents, both nurses, in the suburbs of Barcelona. He won't say it was a "bad childhood," but he moved out at 15, taking a kitchen job to pay for his own apartment. "Sometimes confrontation is not the best way to move forward," he finally says, looking out a window at Jaleo, a small plate of sea cucumber in front of him. "What do you do when the broom breaks on your head day in, day out, and you have to go to the hospital?" He enrolled in a Barcelona culinary academy and worked summers in a Costa Brava resort town, catching the eye of the now legendary Ferran Adrià, one of Europe's leading chefs, who became his mentor. At 18, Andrés joined the Spanish navy, cooked for an admiral and grew his ambitions. "I wanted to be a big chef; I wanted to have an amazing family; I wanted to help the world," he says. "In the navy, you have a lot of time to look at the stars." By 21, he was in New York, scratching a living from Spanish restaurants, sleeping at one point in an apartment filled with pot plants. He was on the verge of taking a job in Tokyo two years later when Rob Wilder, founder of Washington's Austin Grill, called to offer him the kitchen at Jaleo.
2014-12-31 00:00:00
Venezuela orders US to cut diplomat numbers Venezuela has given the US two weeks to drastically cut the number of diplomats allowed to work in the socialist nation in the most heated spat between the two countries since President Nicolás Maduro took office almost two years ago following the death of firebrand Hugo Chávez. Tensions between the two countries, which have not exchanged ambassadors for years, have been rising since US President Barack Obama passed a law denying some Venezuelan government officials visas and freezing the assets of others in Caracas accused of human rights abuses. More On this topic IN Americas Politics & Policy Mr Maduro, the embattled socialist president, has responded by accusing Washington of backing a rightwing plot to topple him. Over the weekend Mr Maduro announced that intelligence officials had detained a number of Americans on suspicion of spying, including a pilot, adding that from now on meetings between US diplomats and Venezuelans would have to be "authorised" by his government. He also imposed mandatory visas for US citizens travelling to Venezuela, a measure Delcy Rodríguez, Venezuela's foreign minister, hailed on Monday as an act of "reciprocity," as Venezuelans require visas to enter the US. Ms Rodríguez followed up the weekend announcement by Mr Maduro by ordering the US embassy in Caracas to reduce its staff from an estimated 100 to 17. But some believe the latest ratcheting of tensions by Caracas against the US is being engineered by Mr Maduro to try and divert attention from his country's economic woes, such as a 69 per cent annual inflation rate. "Amid the terrible local economic and political crisis, this move is focused on Venezuela's internal affairs," explains Elsa Cardozo, an expert on international affairs at the Simón Bolívar University in Caracas. "It is an attempt by Maduro of trying to show he is tough, returning to the Chávez anti-imperialist discourse, to gain applause." Mr Maduro rose to power in April 2013 after the death of his mentor, the Comandante Chávez, aiming to continue with his socialist legacy. The US has called on Venezuela to release jailed dissenters and to safeguard the human rights of anti-government protesters. Mr Maduro's government is intensifying attacks against opponents amid tumbling approval ratings, a consequence of the crumbling economy which is forecast by the International Monetary Fund to shrink 7 per cent this year. It is an attempt by Maduro of trying to show he is tough, returning to the Chávez anti-imperialist discourse, to gain applause - Elsa Cardozo, international affairs expert at Simón Bolívar University The US, Venezuela's largest cash-generating oil export market, has also repeatedly denied claims that it backed an attempt to remove Mr Maduro, a charge Caracas regularly targets Washington with - especially since a coup in 2002 briefly ousted the late Chávez. "There has been a lot of anti-American rhetoric again coming out of the Venezuelan government with a lot of baseless allegations," Marie Harf, state department spokeswoman, said on Monday. Calling for a "world rebellion against US imperialism," Mr Maduro on Monday also announced an "antiterrorist list" of US politicians - headed by former president George W Bush and former vice-president Dick Cheney - who are banned from travelling to Venezuela as they "have violated human rights by bombing the people of Iraq, Syria, Vietnam." He also added some US lawmakers from Florida - including Republican senator and presidential hopeful Marco Rubio - home of a strong and outspoken community of anti-Maduro Venezuelan exiles. "They won't be able to come to Venezuela for being terrorists! Out of here, terrorists!" Mr Maduro cried during a rally in Caracas on Saturday before red-clad supporters. Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2015. You may share using our article tools. Please don't cut articles from FT.com and redistribute by email or post to the web.
2015-12-31 00:00:00
Review: Mandela - Long Walk to Freedom is too much of a rush through such a rich life - Reviews - Films - The Independent Condensing Nelson Mandela's story - from growing up in a small village in South Africa to becoming the country's president - into 152 minutes sounds an impossible task, and so it proves. The film starts with two statements that were used as a rationale for apartheid, the first about science proving whites have bigger brains and the second that the bible advocates the superiority of the white race. It follows this by saying that the UK and US supported the apartheid regime. From the opening titles the pace of information never slows, but apart from the relationship between Nelson Mandela (Idris Elba) and his second wife Winnie (Naomie Harris), the level of analysis never delves deeper than surface. The director Justin Chadwick makes the mistake of trying to fit too much in - Mandela is shown leaving his village as he enters manhood, working as a lawyer defending black maids against their white masters, and marrying and divorcing his first wife. Blitzing through protests at train stations, the action finally takes a pause for breath as it shows the wedding of Nelson and Winnie. All this happens in the first 30 minutes and the pace never relents, jumping from the Sharpeville massacre in March 1960 to his arrest in 1963, then from his subsequent 27 years in jail to his eventual release. There are also uneven and inconsistent shifts in the way the story is told. There is one brief, subtitled section showing Mandela being lambasted by his mother. The Sharpeville shootings play out to the sound of radio reports and then a series of still photographs. Archive video footage of the "free Nelson Mandela" Wembley concert in 1988 is woven into the action. There is no consistency. It's a film with ADHD - just as anything becomes interesting, the action moves on. We learn little about the workings and leadership of the ANC. There has to be something terrifically wrong when ANC deputy president Walter Sisulu seems like a bit player. Of the regime, only President FW De Klerk (Gys de Villiers) and a prison warden are given any meaningful screen time. It's a problem with the movie's approach, so many incidents are shown on screen, but much has also been left out. The scenes in themselves are all well filmed, but they feel just like that, individual scenes. Elba and Harris give fine performances, although both are better when dealing with their characters at a young age. The one thing that is well highlighted is the importance of Winnie in the apartheid battle, despite her faults. Winnie has the biggest arc in the film, going from a feisty young beauty to a devoted campaigner to the cause. Chadwick worked with Harris on his previous film shot in Africa, The First Grader. Elba's face has been transformed to make the actor look more like Mandela. He is terrific as womaniser and young radical, delivering a rousing speech at a cinema and also in the run-up to the 1994 election calling for peace on television. Chadwick gambles that the central love story will carry the picture - a young couple driven apart by political necessity. But just like the real relationship, it ultimately fails to work.
2013-12-31 00:00:00
US president flubs Sony movie actor's name CALL it a presidential fumble: Barack Obama mistakenly using the last name of Baltimore Ravens quarterback Joe Flacco in a speech referring to actor James Franco. LASHING out at Sony Pictures for its decision to halt the release of the movie The Interview on Friday, Obama said: "It says something interesting about North Korea that they decided to have the state come out with an all-out attack because of a satirical movie starring Seth Rogen and James Flacco." The President went on to say, "I love Seth and James." The movie stars Franco but Flacco had some fun with the miscue on Twitter. Flacco wrote, "Welcome to the family, brother" to Franco. It was re-tweeted 1.4 million times by late afternoon on Friday. The Ravens play on Sunday in Houston. Flacco's acting chops have thus far been tested only in commercials for McDonald's and Baltimore-area firms.
2014-12-31 00:00:00
Former North Melbourne champion Wayne Carey blasts Kangaroos for getting ahead of themselves North Melbourne coach Brad Scott fronts the media following the Kangaroos' defeat to Carlton in round 18 of the AFL on Friday night. North Melbourne coach Brad Scott joins his team walking off the ground. Picture: Michael Klein Source: News Corp Australia WAYNE Carey has accused North Melbourne of getting ahead of themselves in Friday night's shock loss to Carlton, claiming there were not enough extroverts in the senior group. And Kangaroos chairman James Brayshaw admitted the club's players have to be accountable for the inconsistency that has defined the club's season to date. Carey, a dual premiership skipper with the club, said the loss to the Blues followed a familiar pattern. "The Kangaroos have got the bye coming up; they got ahead of themselves and thought it was just going to happen," Carey said on Triple M. "Carlton (was) playing with no pressure. Mick Malthouse, under the pump, would have been strong on them all week and that is the difference." He questioned Brayshaw about the personality of the club's leaders, saying he did not think they were as vocal as the leaders at club such as Hawthorn. "If I went into the Hawthorn rooms, I know what Luke Hodge would be like... I know what Brad Sewell would be like," he said. "I get the feeling there are not too many of those types of guys (at North Melbourne). "Andrew Swallow is a great captain, but I get the feeling at half-time, he is not the guy who is getting around and grabbing someone like a Luke Hodge would and saying "You have been terrible." "You need players in there strong enough to say that you need to lift." Brayshaw said: "As a playing group, Andrew Swallow and his team need to look internally and go "how much more of that are we prepared to cop?"" "You can talk about coaching, you can talk about preparation and you can talk about everything else. But eventually it has to come back to the playing group." Carlton champion Chris Judd in full flight against North Melbourne. Picture: Michael Klein Source: News Corp Australia CARLTON champion Chris Judd has given the strongest indication yet that he could play on again next year, saying he will do so if his body stays sound. Judd made the comments immediately after Friday night's 23-point win over North Melbourne, after a week of debate on the dual Brownlow medallist's future. "If my body is right to go, I will be playing on, regardless of how we finish the season," Judd told Channel 7. "We will see how it pulls up and go from there." Asked how his body was feeling at the moment, Judd said that he was feeling good following on from a solid performance in his sixth game back from injury. Judd admitted earlier in the week that he had yet to make a decision on whether he would play on for a 14th season next year. He had pre-season surgery on his Achilles before tearing his hamstring when making his return as the sub in the Round 5 clash with the Western Bulldogs. His teammate Bryce Gibbs believes Judd, who turns 31 in September, still has plenty of good football left in him. "I hope he does stay, just to teach those young guys coming through" Gibbs said on SEN. "He is the ultimate professional, as we know. "I personally think he has a lot left to give playing wise next year."
2014-12-31 00:00:00
US risks EU rift on new Russia sanctions President Barack Obama is to sign a bill authorising new sanctions on Russia and offering further aid to Ukraine, despite concerns that it could cause a rift with Washington's European allies. The bill will have limited immediate impact but sets the groundwork for Congress to impose a much tougher set of Iran-style sanctions on Russia next year if the crisis in Ukraine escalates. More On this story On this topic IN US Politics & Policy The strong support among both parties for the legislation indicates that Mr Obama could find himself drawn into a foreign policy confrontation next year with the new Republican-controlled Congress not just over his nuclear diplomacy with Iran but also over Russia. Before the Democrats" losses in November's midterm elections, Democratic leaders in the Senate had been able to block such votes for tougher sanctions. The new sanctions come as the Russian economy is teetering from the impact of falling oil prices and a rapid depreciation in the rouble, which forced the central bank to raise interest rates to 17 per cent on Tuesday. Western sanctions have played a role in prompting capital flight and undermining confidence in the Russian economy. Mr Obama hedged for a number of days over whether to sign the bill, which was passed unanimously by both houses of Congress on Saturday. However, White House spokesman Josh Earnest said on Tuesday that the final version of the text contained enough "flexibility" to allow the president to sign the bill. The most immediate impact of the legislation is to require the Obama administration to impose sanctions on Rosoboronexport, the main Russian state arms exporter. The company has been kept off previous sanctions lists, in part because of its role in supplying helicopters to Afghanistan. Under the bill, the Obama administration will have to impose sanctions on Gazprom if it significantly reduces the flow of gas to Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova or Nato countries. It also authorises the sending of $350m of military aid to Ukraine, including anti-tank weapons - an issue that has been the subject of intense dispute with the administration but which Mr Obama has so far blocked because of fears that it could provoke an even more aggressive response from Russia. However, this section of the legislation - which was watered down in last-minute negotiations - does not actually require the administration to provide lethal weaponry to Ukraine. "Meaningful assistance for the Ukrainian people is a significant step closer to becoming reality," said Roberto Menendez, the Democratic chairman of the Senate foreign relations committee. The Obama administration had been keen to avoid new sanctions legislation because they feared it could damage the unified front the US has managed to construct over Ukraine with the EU. The European bloc is required to renew its toughest sanctions next summer, and US officials are worried that unilateral moves by Washington could undermine transatlantic support for maintaining economic pressure on Russia. "While it preserves flexibility, the bill does send a confusing message to our allies," said Mr Earnest. Analysts said one of the most potentially important elements of the bill was the section that authorises - but does not require - the imposition of secondary sanctions on companies from third countries that contravene US sanctions on Russia. If taken to the next stage, this could oblige the US to sanction a foreign bank involved in areas such as deep-sea oil exploration now covered by US sanctions. "It sets the table for the new Congress to mandate secondary sanctions on Russia that will create a serious rift with the Europeans," said Cliff Kupchan, a former congressional aide now at the Eurasia Group in Washington. "This would be like the sanctions the US has imposed on Iran. Congress is beginning to move in that direction with Russia." Russia has lashed out at the prospect of new sanctions, which it has blamed for some of the country's economic problems. "Russia will not only survive but will come out much stronger," said Sergei Lavrov, Russian foreign minister. "We have been in much worse situations in our history and every time we have got out of our fix much stronger." "They are between a rock and a hard place in economic policy," said Jason Furman, chairman of the White House council of economic advisers. "The combination of our sanctions, the uncertainty they've created for themselves with their international actions and the falling price of oil has put their economy on the brink of crisis." Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2014. You may share using our article tools. Please don't cut articles from FT.com and redistribute by email or post to the web.
2014-12-31 00:00:00
is a bimonthly manga magazine by Ohta Publishing. It was first published as a monthly magazine on 1 January 2001, and switched to bimonthly in May 2002, releasing on the seventh of odd months. The manga magazine was created as a merger of two former magazines by Ohta Publishing, the monthly Manga Erotics and the seasonal Manga F. Manga artist Naoki Yamamoto has a supervisorial role in the publication of the magazine, to which he also contributes some works. Unlike what its title may suggest, works lacking direct sexual expression are also included. Ceased publication on July 8 2014 with Volume #88. ==Contributors== ==References== ==External links== Manga Erotics F official homepage 2001 establishments in Japan Japanese bi-monthly manga magazines Magazines established in 2001
Manga Erotics F
Gateshead school meningitis case boy dies
2011-12-31 00:00:00
French security alert as Mali action continues French President Francois Hollande says that military action is not finished in Mali, where Islamist extremists have occupied the north of the country for the last nine months. One French pilot has died during the operation and the president said that around 100 rebels had been also been killed. Meanwhile West African states including Ivory Coast, Burkina Faso and Niger are accelerating plans to send troops to Mali. The African state, once a French colony, requested French invention when the rebel forces moved southwards, capturing the city of Konna and threatening the capital city Bamako. President Hollande and EU Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso met today to discuss the situation. At a press conference, President Hollande said: "The fight against terrorism also means we have to take all precautionary measures neccesary here in France. I have asked the Prime Minister to reinforce France's national security alert system, and to establish surveillance of public buildings and transport infrastructure." His comments came after a spokesman for al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb said he considered French action in Mali as "crusader intervention," and warned that if France continued it would be "digging the tombs of [its] sons." More about: Armed conflicts, France, French army, Mali Copyright © 2013 euronews JavaScript is required in order to view this article's accompanying video
2013-12-31 00:00:00
American Indian activist Russell Means dead at 72 By Keith Coffman Mon Oct 22, 2012 9:57pm EDT (Reuters) - American Indian activist Russell Means, whose lifelong campaign to assure the rights and dignity of his people grew to encompass Hollywood and indigenous populations worldwide, died on Monday at his South Dakota home, his family said. He was 72. "Our dad and husband now walks among our ancestors," the family said in a statement. The firebrand former leader of the American Indian Movement and one-time Libertarian Party candidate for U.S. president had been battling esophageal cancer. Born in South Dakota on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation of the Oglala Sioux, also known as the Oglala Lakota, Means participated in the 1964 American Indian occupation of Alcatraz Island in San Francisco Bay, his first major act of civil disobedience. He joined the American Indian Movement in 1968 and soon became one its prominent leaders. He subsequently took part in an occupation of the U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs headquarters in Washington in 1972. But it was his leadership of an armed, 72-day standoff against federal authorities at Wounded Knee on Pine Ridge in 1973 that made him a national figure. The siege at Wounded Knee, protesting what Means believed to be a corrupt tribal government and maltreatment of American Indians by federal authorities, left two demonstrators dead, a U.S. marshal paralyzed and numerous others injured. Nearly 80 years earlier, Wounded Knee was the site of an 1890 massacre of scores of Lakota men, women and children by U.S. cavalry troops in what was the final major clash of the American Indian wars. Beginning his activism in the early 1960s, at the height of the U.S. Civil Rights movement focused on ending racial segregation for blacks, Means first protested college and professional sports teams' use of Indian images as mascots. He said they were demeaning caricatures of his people. Means was arrested numerous times throughout his life and spent several periods in jail. He ultimately expanded his efforts on behalf of American Indians - he disliked the term "Native American" - to rally support for indigenous people in other countries. Means split with the national chapter of the American Indian Movement, or AIM, in the mid-1980s over the group's stance on the forced relocation of Miskito Indians at the hands of the Sandinista government in Nicaragua, among other issues. Means said AIM's left-leaning national leadership was hesitant to criticize Nicaragua's Marxist regime. He then formed the American Indian Movement of Colorado, and was arrested multiple times for blocking the Columbus Day parade in Denver. He called Christopher Columbus a "trans-Atlantic slave trader" whose life and explorations should not be celebrated because they launched hundreds of years of mistreatment of indigenous people by European settlers in the New World. "No one in AIM was loved or hated as passionately as Russell Means," said Robert Allen Warrior, director of American Indian Studies at the University of Illinois. Warrior, co-author of "Like a Hurricane: The American Indian Movement from Alcatraz to Wounded Knee," called Means one of the most important Native Americans of the last 100 years. He ran unsuccessfully for president of his tribe and sought the Libertarian nomination for U.S. president, losing to Representative Ron Paul at the party's 1987 national convention. "Given the mistreatment of American Indians by the U.S. government, I don't know why any of us would be anything but libertarians who mistrust the federal government," he told Reuters in an interview. In a more baffling political turn, "Hustler" magazine publisher Larry Flynt tapped Means as his running mate in a long-shot 1984 bid for the Republican presidential nomination widely seen as an election-year stunt. Means, who was married several times, was candid about his own foibles, including a struggle with alcohol. In 1997 he was arrested on suspicion of assault on his then-father-in-law. "Despite his sometimes odd choices, personal failures and ethical lapses, he was central to giving voice to the radical vision of protest to American Indians of the late 20th century," Warrior said. Means dabbled in acting, appearing in such films as "The Last of the Mohicans" and "Natural Born Killers." He was the voice of Pocahontas' father in the popular 1995 Disney film. More recently, he was the public face of Lakota tribal members who sued the U.S. government over child sexual abuse by Roman Catholic priests at Indian boarding schools in South Dakota. The federal government had contracted with the Catholic Church and other religious organizations to run the schools. "The boarding schools were part of a century of torture by the federal government and their cultural genocide against American Indians," he said.
2012-12-31 00:00:00
Brendan Rodgers praises'realism' of Liverpool supporters after slow start to season Brendan Rodgers has praised the "realism" of Liverpool supporters in recognising it will take time to rebuild a team capable of achieving past glories. Rodgers celebrated his first domestic win since becoming Reds boss via last night's 2-1 win at West Brom in the Capital One Cup which earned the holders a home tie with Swansea in the fourth round. But the 4,000 fans who made the trip to the Hawthorns were constantly chanting Rodgers' name even after a young Liverpool side had gone a goal behind. Rodgers said: "They've been brilliant for me. The Liverpool supporters are very educated and clever. "They understand our resources were really stretched and the support they've given, the team more importantly and myself, has been incredible from my first day here. "I think the biggest thing we've got now at Liverpool is the reality, the real situation we are in. "This is an iconic club in world football but we are not at that level as a team. "It is going to take time to build and create an identity again to hopefully get to that level. "But the fans see we are working hard to do that and, when you fight for your life as a manager and players, then supporters normally respond to that." Rodgers has only a dozen senior players fit for Saturday's Barclays Premier League clash at Norwich and he made 11 changes against the Baggies from the side beaten by Manchester United. But the likes of two-goal Nuri Sahin - on loan from Real Madrid - and winger Oussama Assaidi showed they could soon be challenging for more regular action. Rodgers said: "At the moment I've actually got 12 fit senior players which is incredible really. "But I'll always irrespective of age, look at young players. If a young player has got the talent, the personality and ability to learn, and the courage to get on the ball, I'll always look at him. "We travelled to Europe last week against a very good Young Boys side and put in a wonderful performance. "Last night 99.9% of people watching thought it would be a comfortable win for West Brom but the performance level was again excellent. "It is always exciting to see young players, young guys with great technique." Rodgers insists senior and young players have bought into his philosophies since taking charge at Anfield. He said: "Top players want to play football. Every footballer will tell you the best thing in the game apart from scoring goals is having the ball. "You saw Steven Gerrard against Manchester United at the weekend, when he was the outstanding player on the field. "Whether it is a young or senior player, all players want to play football and all I try to do is build that framework and give them that confidence to go and play." Midfielder Jordan Henderson admits to being excited at the pool of developing talent emerging at Liverpool as he set his sights on establishing himself as a first team regular. He said: "There is a lot of young talent coming through and they are so enthusiastic and want to do really well. "It is a real plus and if we can just keep going and keep improving, then we are definitely going in the right direction. "Assaidi has been brilliant, he has come in and done really well and settled in really well. "He did well at Young Boys on his debut, and has done really well in training. "Hopefully he can keep on improving and keep getting better and it is a massive plus for us. "Sahin showed his class as well with the two finishes and did well throughout the game as well. "We were delighted with the performance and hopefully we can build on that for Saturday at Norwich." Henderson added: "I want to play in every game as long as I'm fit. When I get the opportunity, I need to make sure I do it right and hopefully get in the starting eleven for the weekend. "There is a lot of competition but that's good for a big club like Liverpool, especially with the young lads doing well. "That's what we need, we need everyone pushing each other."
2012-12-31 00:00:00
12.7×108 mm firearms Anti-materiel rifles
12.7×108 mm anti-materiel rifles
She was always active and would help anyone and helped her mother to look after her grandmother. She also volunteered at a fun club for disabled children and had raised money for charity, walking up Snowdon and doing a fancy dress sponsored walk through Rhyl. Miss Brown was a member of a choir and enjoyed morris dancing and her tragic death had affected family members if different ways, the statement said. Mrs Brown herself no longer went out alone and suffered anxiety and depression. 'No amount of words can explain the pain of losing Lucy,' she said. 'I think about her every day.' As well as the suspended prison sentence, Rose was ordered to pay £2,800 costs and a £100 surcharge. Share or comment on this article
2015-12-31 00:00:00
The 2016 ADAC GT Masters season is the tenth season of the ADAC GT Masters, the grand tourer-style sports car racing founded by the German automobile club ADAC. The season starts on 25 April at Motorsport Arena Oschersleben and ends on 2 October at Hockenheim after sevent double-header meetings. ==Entry list== ==Race calendar and results== The seven-event calendar for the 2015 season was announced on 13 November 2015. It will be held along with the Deutsche Tourenwagen Masters at the EuroSpeedway Lausitz. ==References== ==External links== ADAC GT Masters seasons ADAC GT Masters season ADAC GT Masters 2016
2016 ADAC GT Masters
Ethiopian ruling party wins all parliamentary seats Keep up-to-date with the latest news, subscribe here: http://bit.ly/AFP-subscribe Ethiopia's ruling party and its allies achieved a clean sweep in last month's general election, the final results showed Monday. Follow AFP English on Facebook: Latest news on AFP English Twitter: Share your top stories on Google+
2015-12-31 00:00:00
Ikea recalls safety gate after 'children hurt' Ikea has warned two of its children's safety gate models could pose a safety risk. Photo: Magnus Hjalmarson Neideman/SvD/TT Swedish furniture giant Ikea recalled one of its world famous safety gates on Tuesday after reports that several children had been injured falling down stairs. Ikea said that three reports of recent incidents of fall injuries had prompted the furniture manufacturer to recall two models of its pressure mounted safety gate Patrull. The company said that the accidents had happened when friction between the wall and the gate had been insufficient to hold the gate in position. It added that a lower metal bar attached to the gate could pose a trip hazard and advised it should not be installed at the top of stairs. The 'Patrull Klämma' and 'Patrull Smidig' safety gates, which have been sold by Ikea since 1995, are only meant to be used in doorways or at the bottom of a staircase, it said. "We urge customers not to use the gate at the top of a staircase, where the risk of falling is greater," Ikea press spokeswoman Daniela Rogosic told Swedish public broadcaster SVT. The Patrull safety gate, which has been recalled. Photo: Ikea Founded by Swedish businessman Ingvar Kamprad in 1943, the Swedish furniture giant today owns 315 stores in 27 countries. In 2014 its total revenue reached 29.3 billion euros ($33bn, 273bn SEK). But it is not the first time the multinational corporation has been landed in hot water over some of its products. Earlier this year, the company recalled 169,000 of its Vyssa crib mattresses in the United States, after reports that two children became trapped between the mattress and the bed frame. In October 2014, Ikea pulled two different types of elk-shaped pasta from its stores in Sweden, after worries they could contain soy, an ingredient that was not listed on the pasta packets. And just a year ago it urged parents to stop using its children's wall mounted lamps after fears the cords could present a strangulation hazard to their little ones.
2015-12-31 00:00:00
DARTH SIDIOUS 2 (Contact) You can add "wikilinks" to other articles, by wrapping terms in double square brackets like this. You can also link to an article using a different phrase using a piped wikilink; for more information see WIKILINK. As for images, follow the instructions at UPLOAD to upload an image, then it can be inserted using the format, for example, or as a parameter in an infobox. GiftigerWunsch == Pre-approval of projected username via email? == I'd like to register a username that shouldn't be (but could be understood to be) WP policy iffy. Could I email the leadership and get some sort of pre-OK? (I don't want to mention my projected username in public.) (talk) I suggest you use Request an account and use the "comments" box to explain why you think it should be OK. The team that process these requests will be experienced in assessing proposed user names. Fine, will do! (talk) = December 21 = == Changing an article title == The title for the entry on Chretien de Troyes's Yvain, ou Le Chevalier au Lion mistranslates the romance's title as "The Knight OF the Lion." Some translations, like Burton Raffel's, referenced in the article's footnotes, make this same mistake, but it IS a mistake. It should be "The Knight WITH the Lion." It's an important distinction, not only grammatically but also for the interpretation of the allegory of the lion. However, I can't change that title according to the FAQ about editing an article's title, which says: You move the article using the "move" button (to the right of the "edit this page" button). But in order to do this you must have an account that has reached autoconfirmed status, meaning it must be at least four days old and have made at least ten edits. If you are not an autoconfirmed user, or the move is controversial, or the page you wish to rename is move protected, visit Wikipedia:Requested moves. You may also request to have an admin grant you confirmed status. I have only just created an account and haven't made any edits yet. I'm not sure how "ten edits" are counted. Does that mean I have to edit 10 articles? Or make edits ten different times, even for a single article? In any case, I hate for an error like this to stand, just because I'm not yet authorized to make such a change. Alanbaragona (talk) I'm afraid I have removed your addition to the article. One of Wikipedia's core policies is that it does not publish original research. Articles must stick to facts and opinions that have already been published in reliable sources. Your paragraph on the mistranslation of the name may well be true, but, until you can show that the ideas have been published in scholarly works, they should not be mentioned in the article. For the same reason I don't think you should change the article title. To answer your question, though, the ten edits can be to anything at all - even your post here counts towards the total. == changing picture? == How do you change the picture on the wiki page? (talk) If you have a picture that you think would improve a Wikipedia page, there are four steps to think about: # Copyright - is this a picture that you took yourself? If not, things get complicated very quickly, as the copyright-holder would need to provide evidence that they were willing to release their copyright (see Donating copyright materials for this). But if it is a picture you took yourself, we can go on to step two. # Create an account - only logged-in users can upload images. See this page. # Upload the file to Wikimedia Commons using this link. Choose a good descriptive name for the file, and try to fill in as many of the other fields as you can. For "licensing", either choose the "recommended" option from the list, or place the image entirely in the public domain. # Edit the article to use your image instead of the old one. Click the "Edit" label at the top of the article, and look for something like or avid Biddulph|talk]]) If one of the meanings can be regarded as primary, it probably doesn't need a disambiguation page, but just the relevant hatnotes, see Disambiguation.
New contributors' help page/Archive/2010/December
The U.S. Attorney's office in Minnesota said the FBI's probe would run side-by-side with the state investigation and would examine for "any prosecutable violations of federal criminal civil rights statutes." The local chapter of the National Assn. for the Advancement of Colored People has issued a statement claiming that Clark was "murdered, execution style." Its leader has joined demonstrations in Minneapolis, including a protest that shut down Interstate 94 on Monday night and resulted in dozens of arrests. "I want justice for my people," chapter President Nekima Levy-Pounds said in a video the NAACP branch posted to Twitter that showed her kneeling on the freeway with her hands in the air, waiting to be arrested by police. "I'm tired of our people being killed like animals in the streets, and there being a lack of accountability within this criminal justice system. I'm not afraid. I'm sick and tired of this." The video showed a line of protesters, black and white, linking arms and blocking the freeway. Levy-Pounds was one of at least 42 protesters, including eight minors, who were arrested on suspicion of unlawful assembly and being pedestrians on the freeway, according to a spokeswoman from the Minnesota State Patrol. One trooper was punched by a demonstrator, who escaped arrest, the state patrol said. The trooper did not require medical treatment, and no other injuries were reported. Police also arrested and charged KMSP-TV reporter Jack Highberger, who was reporting from the blocked freeway when he was detained on suspicion of failing to leave the scene, according to a video he posted to Facebook. "Like all the other journalists on the side of I-94 Monday night, I was there for one reason. To do my job," Highberger wrote in his caption for the video. "I have no intention of stopping." Follow @MattDPearce for national news. In fast-changing Brooklyn, a colony of cats and their king stay constant 4 passengers taken from plane and questioned in case of jitters in Baltimore More than half the country's governors, citing security concerns, said they would refuse Syrian refugees
2015-12-31 00:00:00
Dilcey: is Pork's wife and a slave woman of mixed Indian and African descent. Scarlett pushes her father into buying Dilcey and her daughter Prissy from John Wilkes, the latter as a favor to Dilcey that she never forgets. Prissy: is a child slave-girl, Dilcey's daughter. Prissy is Wade's nurse and goes with Scarlett to Atlanta when she lives with Aunt Pittypat. Jonas Wilkerson: is the Yankee overseer of Tara before the Civil War. Big Sam: is a strong, husky, hardworking field slave and the foreman at Tara. In post-war lawlessness, Big Sam comes to Scarlett's rescue from would-be merciless thieves. Will Benteen: is a "South Georgia Cracker," Confederate soldier and patient listener to the troubles of all. Will lost part of his leg in the war and walks with the aid of a wooden stump. He is taken in by the O'Haras on his journey home from the war and after his recovery stays on to manage the farm at Tara. Fond of Carreen O'Hara, he cannot pursue that relationship as she decides to enter a convent. Not wanting to leave Tara, the land he has come to love, he later marries Suellen and has at least one child, Susie, with her. ====Clayton County==== India Wilkes: is the sister of Honey and Ashley Wilkes. She is described as plain. India was courted by Stuart Tarleton before he and his brother Brent fell in love with Scarlett. Honey Wilkes: is the sister of India and Ashley Wilkes. Honey is described as having the "odd lashless look of a rabbit." Honey is so called because she indiscriminately addresses everyone, from her father to the field hands, by that endearment. John Wilkes: is owner of "Twelve Oaks" and patriarch of the Wilkes family. John Wilkes is educated and gracious. He is killed during the siege of Atlanta. Tarleton Boys: Boyd, Tom, and the twins, Brent and Stuart: The red-headed Tarleton boys were in frequent scrapes, loved practical jokes and gossip, and "were worse than the plagues of Egypt," according to their mother. Mrs. Tarleton laid her riding crop on their backs if the occasion seem warranted, though Boyd, the oldest and the runt, never got hit much. The inseparable twins, Brent and Stuart, at 19 years old were six feet two inches tall. All four boys were killed in the war, the twins just moments apart at the Battle of Gettysburg. Boyd was buried in Virginia, but only God knew where. Tarleton Girls: Hetty, Camilla, 'Randa and Betsy: The stunning Tarleton girls have varying shades of red hair. Beatrice Tarleton: is the mistress of the "Fairhill" plantation. She was a busy woman, having on her hands not only a large cotton plantation, a hundred negroes and eight children, but the largest horse-breeding farm in Georgia. She was hot-tempered. No one was permitted to whip a horse or a slave, but she felt that a lick every now and then did her boys no harm. Calvert Family: Raiford, Cade and Cathleen: are the O'Haras' Clayton County, neighbors from another plantation, "Pine Bloom". Cathleen Calvert was young Scarlett's friend. Their widowed father Hugh married a Yankee governess and she was called "the second Mrs. Calvert". Next to Scarlett, Cathleen "had had more beaux than any girl in the County," but eventually married their former Yankee overseer, Mr. Hilton. Fontaine Family: Joe, Tony and Alex are known for their hot tempers. Joe is killed at Gettysburg, while Tony eventually murders Jonas Wilkerson in a barroom and flees to Texas, leaving Alex to tend to their plantation lands. Grandma Fontaine, also known as "Old Miss," is the wife of old Doc Fontaine, the boys' grandfather. "Young Miss" and young Dr. Fontaine, the boys' parents, and Sally (Munroe) Fontaine, wife to Joe, make up the remaining family of the "Mimosa" plantation. Emmie Slattery: is poor white trash. The daughter of Tom Slattery, her family lived on three meager acres along the swamp bottoms between the O'Hara and Wilkes plantations. Emmie gave birth to an illegitimate child fathered by Jonas Wilkerson, a Yankee and the overseer at Tara. The child died.
Gone with the Wind (novel)
Six Nations: Chris Ashton once feared his switch to union was a mistake. His try record proves otherwise IF CHRIS Ashton's father had had his way, the most prolific championship try-scorer since Scotland's Ian Smith in the 1920s would never have played for Northampton. Nor would he have scored nine tries in ten Tests for Martin Johnson's England. And, most importantly, he would never have swallow-dived his way into the hearts of the massed ranks of sweet charioteers who will pack Twickenham today. Instead, had Kevin Ashton prevailed, his son would have been wearing the red and white stripes of his home town of Wigan as they won their first Challenge Cup for 12 years rather than doing battle with Scotland in today's Calcutta Cup. Yet, after a rugby league career of unbroken success in which the teenage wing announced himself by scoring nine tries in an age-grade game, going on to score two tries on his Wigan debut as an 18-year-old before then notching up an incredible 32 tries in 50 games for the Warriors and three in four games for England, he crossed the Rubicon and joined Northampton Saints. Ashton actually wanted to stay in League. Wigan, though, had him on a contract of £25,000 a year and refused his demand for £75,000 a year. With Northampton offering him £140,000 a year, and the lure of international rugby and this year's World Cup, the decision was a no-brainer for the 20-year-old. Vilified and booed in his last few games for Wigan ("I nearly had my head ripped off, I couldn't go out in the town"), and knowing that he was going against his dad's wishes - even though Kevin had played Union before switching to the 13-a-side game - Ashton threw himself into his new career and claimed the sort of success in Union that had marked him out in League, scoring a try against London Welsh with his first touch for Northampton and going on to score 41 tries in 28 games in his first season. Yet that first season was a misleadingly-easy introduction. When Ashton joined them, Northampton were trying to gain promotion to the top flight and National League One was a world away from the tight, attritional Premiership. Ashton's weak defence was ruthlessly exposed in the Premiership and, within weeks of the new 2008-09 season, Ashton found himself playing on wet Monday nights for Northampton's second team. Six Nations coverage in full • 'Hate' has gone out of Calcutta Cup, says England coach Martin Johnson • Scotland need to rediscover their'mongrel' fury to avoid being crushed by England • Records 'there to be broken', says Rory Lawson • Tom English: 'English jibes must represent an effrontery to the proud Scots' • Chris Ashton once feared his switch to union was a mistake. His try record proves otherwise • Sound of silence will be a result for Scotland at England's fortress • Calcutta cup head to heads • Italy 22 - 21 France: Nick Mallett's finest hour • Wales 19 - 13 Ireland: Irish fury over winning try fails to dampen Welsh joy • Women's Six Nations: Ruth Slaven eager to tackle the English For a player used to unfettered success and the adulation that came with it, the shock of his new, lowly status was devastating. "I thought I was going to have to slink back to League with my tail between my legs," he said. "With everything going so well for me from a young age, when you get a big setback like that you feel you're not wanted any more. That's something I wasn't used to but it was something I had to deal with. Now I look back and I think it was the making of me.
2011-12-31 00:00:00
Fox renames movie in wake of Trayvon Martin death LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Movie studio 20th Century Fox on Friday changed the title of upcoming summer comedy "Neighborhood Watch" starring Ben Stiller to distance the film from the racially-charged shooting death of unarmed black teenager Trayvon Martin. Fox said the title was changed to "The Watch," and the studio also launched a new promotional trailer for the film about suburban dads hunting beings from another world. "As the subject matter of this alien invasion comedy bears no relation whatsoever to the recent tragic events in Florida, the studio altered the title to avoid any accidental or unintended impression that it might," the movie studio said in a statement. Fox in March removed from theaters posters showing a shadowy figure and a teaser trailer for "Neighborhood Watch" following the national uproar over Martin's death in Florida at the hands of neighborhood watch volunteer George Zimmerman. Zimmerman was not initially charged because of a Florida law that allows people to use deadly force if they feel their life is in danger. However, he was subsequently arrested and charged with second-degree murder and is now awaiting trial. Along with Stiller, "The Watch" stars Vince Vaughn and Jonah Hill and will be released in U.S. movie theaters on July 27. (Reporting By Jill Serjeant; Editing by Bob Tourtellotte)
2012-12-31 00:00:00
Director-General Jon Grayson earns $63,000 bonus for reaching performance targets Campbell Newman has hit back over the expenses run up by his Director General Jon Grayson, who spent thousands of dollars on limousines, hotel and catering. THE state's most powerful bureaucrat, Jon Grayson, took home a performance bonus worth more than $60,000 last financial year, new figures show. His colleague, former Public Service Commission boss Ian Maynard, earned a bonus of more than $70,000 for his work during the financial year, in which the Government moved to axe up to 14,000 public service positions. The bonuses were revealed in annual reports released by the Government this week. RTI DOCUMENTS: Top bureaucrat Jon Grayson advised on coal seam gas ICAC: Queensland's top bureaucrat drawn back into Eddie Obeid controversy The Department of Premier and Cabinet's annual report revealed Mr Grayson was paid a $63,000 bonus on November 15 last year. The payment was for his performance in 2012-13. According to the report, the bonus was included in Mr Grayson's total remuneration package for 2013-14, valued at $759,000. How much he will receive for his work in 2013-14 is yet to be revealed. According to the report, Mr Grayson is eligible to receive a bonus of up to $98,973. "The director-general has part of his total remuneration package placed "at risk" and paid only if he meets or exceeds the agreed performance standards," the report states. Director-General Jon Grayson was paid a $63,000 bonus for his performance in 2012-13. The commission's annual report revealed Mr Maynard, who now heads the Department of Health, earned an even bigger bonus of $74,402 for his work in his former role as commission chief executive. The bonus was paid to Mr Maynard on November 6, 2012, for "the achievement of performance criteria during 2012-13." It was during that year the Government moved to axe up to 14,000 public service positions in a bid to shore up the Budget bottom line. Mr Grayson's bonus payment comes after months of controversy over his former business interests and their links with company Australian Water Holdings. He has rejected any conflict of interest and has been strongly backed by Premier Campbell Newman. AWH co-owned a private gas-water business with Mr Grayson, who divested his gas-water interests in May. Meanwhile, the man Mr Maynard replaced as Queensland Health director-general, Dr Tony O'Connell, who left the job abruptly in August last year, was paid $647,000 in termination benefits.
2014-12-31 00:00:00
Gold is a chemical element with symbol Au (from aurum) and atomic number 79. In its purest form, it is a bright, slightly reddish yellow, dense, soft, malleable and ductile metal. Chemically, gold is a transition metal and a group 11 element. It is one of the least reactive chemical elements, and is solid under standard conditions. The metal therefore occurs often in free elemental (native) form, as nuggets or grains, in rocks, in veins and in alluvial deposits. It occurs in a solid solution series with the native element silver (as electrum) and also naturally alloyed with copper and palladium. Less commonly, it occurs in minerals as gold compounds, often with tellurium (gold tellurides). Gold's atomic number of 79 makes it one of the higher atomic number elements that occur naturally in the universe. It is thought to have been produced in supernova nucleosynthesis from the collision of two neutron stars and to have been present in the dust from which the Solar System formed. Because the Earth was molten when it was just formed, almost all of the gold present in the early Earth probably sank into the planetary core. Therefore, most of the gold that is present today in the Earth's crust and mantle is thought to have been delivered to Earth later, by asteroid impacts during the late heavy bombardment, about 4 billion years ago. Gold resists attacks by individual acids, but it can be dissolved by aqua regia (nitro-hydrochloric acid, literally "royal water"). The acid mixture causes the formation of a soluble gold tetrachloride anion. Gold metal also dissolves in alkaline solutions of cyanide, which are used in mining and electroplating. It is insoluble in nitric acid, which dissolves silver and base metals, a property that has long been used to refine gold and to confirm the presence of gold in items, giving rise to the term acid test; it dissolves in mercury, though, forming amalgam alloys, but this is not a chemical reaction. This metal has been a valuable and highly sought-after precious metal for coinage, jewelry, and other arts since long before the beginning of recorded history. In the past, a gold standard was often implemented as a monetary policy within and between nations, but gold coins ceased to be minted as a circulating currency in the 1930s, and the world gold standard was finally abandoned for a fiat currency system after 1976. The historical value of gold was rooted in its medium rarity, easy handling and minting, easy smelting, corrosion resistance, distinct color, and non-reactivity to other elements. A total of 183,600 tonnes of gold is in existence above ground, as of 2014. This is equivalent to 9513 m3 of gold. The world consumption of new gold produced is about 50% in jewelry, 40% in investments, and 10% in industry. Gold’s high malleability, ductility, resistance to corrosion and most other chemical reactions, and conductivity of electricity have led to its continued use in corrosion resistant electrical connectors in all types of computerized devices (its chief industrial use). Gold is also used in infrared shielding, colored-glass production, gold leafing, and tooth restoration. Certain gold salts are still used as anti-inflammatories in medicine. ==Etymology== "Gold" is cognate with similar words in many Germanic languages, deriving via Proto-Germanic *gulþą from Proto-Indo-European *ǵʰelh₃- ("to shine, to gleam; to be yellow or green"). The symbol Au is from the aurum, the Latin word for "gold". The Proto-Indo-European ancestor of aurum was *h₂é-h₂us-o-, meaning "glow". This word is derived from the same root (Proto-Indo-European *h₂u̯es- "to dawn") as *h₂éu̯sōs, the ancestor of the Latin word Aurora, "dawn". This etymological relationship is presumably behind the frequent claim in scientific publications that aurum meant "shining dawn". ==Characteristics== Gold is the most malleable of all metals; a single gram can be beaten into a sheet of 1 square meter, or an ounce into 300 square feet. Gold leaf can be beaten thin enough to become transparent. The transmitted light appears greenish blue, because gold strongly reflects yellow and red. Such semi-transparent sheets also strongly reflect infrared light, making them useful as infrared (radiant heat) shields in visors of heat-resistant suits, and in sun-visors for spacesuits.
However, it's not clear that all unemployed workers need to be retrained for new careers or industries. Most economists argue that the primary reason for today's jobs crisis is a lack of demand for workers of all kinds, as opposed to an underskilled workforce. Another point worth noting is that Mr. Gingrich seems to be somewhat on the same wavelength as the Obama administration, which has shown interest in a Georgia program that ties unemployment benefits to training (in this case, on-the-job training). - Catherine Rampell The "Texas Miracle" Mr. Perry, asked about how to create incentives to get businesses to hire, responded by talking about job growth in Texas during his tenure as governor, attributing it to policies lowering taxes and reducing regulations. The Times has written plenty about the so-called "Texas Miracle," and other reasons why Texas has added so many jobs (higher energy prices, in particular). It is also not clear that reducing taxes and regulations nationwide would encourage businesses to hire. The National Federation of Independent Business, a small-business industry group, has found that small businesses have consistently named "poor sales" as their "most important problem," not taxes or "government requirements and red tape." - Catherine Rampell
2011-12-31 00:00:00
Video: Egyptian troops fire on protesters, dozens killed
2013-12-31 00:00:00
Anne-Claude Leflaive, viticultrice - obituary - Telegraph Whatever the reasons, the results were spectacular. By the mid 1990s Domaine Leflaive had reestablished its place at the summit of white Burgundy production. Its grands crus and top premiers crus routinely rate 95-100 points on Wine Spectator's 100-point scale and the Chevalier-Montrachet 1995 scored 100 points. "We live in an age when people want facts and figures," she once observed. "But the best proof is the stuff in the bottle." Anne-Claude Leflaive wih Raymond Blanc in 2012 (BBC) nne-Claude Leflaive was born in Paris on January 17 1956 into a family whose records in Puligny stretch back to 1717. The modern era for the family began with the creation of the domaine in 1905 by Anne-Claude's grandfather, Joseph, who had lived in French Indochina and worked as an engineer on the first French submarine before losing a fortune and returning home. The domaine's reputation grew under Joseph's sons, Vincent and Joseph, and as a teenager Anne-Claude, daughter of Vincent, joined in with the harvest. Yet she inherited something of her grandfather's wanderlust and, as a young woman, lived in Morocco, where she became a champion windsurfer, then in the Ivory Coast. She took over the running of the domaine with her cousin, Olivier, in 1990 and was inspired to try biodynamic methods after she saw an advertisement for an open day in a Dijon health shop and went along out of curiosity. After Olivier's departure, she ran the estate with the assistance of the winemaker Pierre Morey. In 2008 she and other producers established the Ecole du Vin et des Terroirs, to educate growers and the public about biodynamics. She also became a leading campaigner against the introduction of genetically modified vines and other organisms in France. In 2006 Anne-Claude Leflaive was named "the world's top white winemaker" by Decanter magazine and last year the Institute of Masters of Wine named her "Winemaker's Winemaker." She is survived by her husband, Christian Jacques, and three daughters. Anne-Claude Leflaive, born January 17 1956, died April 5 2015
2015-12-31 00:00:00
Violence casts doubt on Syria peace plan Syrian forces stormed a Damascus suburb on Sunday, activists said, fuelling doubts about a peace plan the UN Security Council voted the previous day to support with more observers. Shortly before UN and Arab League envoy Kofi Annan called on the Syrian government to honour its commitment to his six point peace plan, including withdrawing military units from population centres, armoured vehicles fired on the rebellious Damascus suburb of Douma, activists said, killing at least two civilians. More On this story On this topic IN Middle Eastern Politics & Society Four members of the regime's forces were later killed by a bomb attack in Douma, according to the UK-based Syrian Human Rights Observatory. The observatory said 11 people - including one member of the security forces - were killed elsewhere in the country, mostly in the province of Homs in central Syria. Some of the eight UN monitors in the country to monitor a shaky truce brokered by Mr Annan which came in to effect over a week ago visited the central province of Hama on Sunday, a UN official said, whilst two remained stationed in the battle-blasted city of Homs. The observer force is expected to be brought up to 30 in the coming days, and on Saturday, the Security Council authorised the deployment of up to 300 monitors, though many fear even an expanded mission will not be enough to rescue a repeatedly violated ceasefire. Mr Annan urged "all forces whether governmental, opposition or others" to put down their weapons in a statement released on Sunday, but said that the government in particular should stop using heavy weapons and withdraw its armed units from population centres. Over 9,000 people are estimated to have been killed since last March as a brutal crackdown on pro-democracy protests has evolved in to a military campaign to wipe out a lightly armed insurgency. In a sign of the repercussions of the conflict, Tunisian media over the weekend identified six Tunisians who died fighting against President Bashar al-Assad alongside rebels in Syria. Three of the dead hailed from the small hardscrabble southern town of Ben Guerdane, along the Libyan border, according to the independent Tunisian newspaper Assabah. The newspaper, which named the victims and described them as "martyrs" of the Syrian revolution, said they had entered Syria from the Turkish border and died in the provinces of Homs and Idlib, centres of confrontation between Mr Assad's forces and rebels fighting the regime. At least three fighters from near the Libyan city of Misurata earlier this year were reported to have died fighting alongside Syrian rebels. The increasing numbers of reported foreign combat deaths suggest that international outrage over Mr Assad's violence against peaceful protesters has inspired at least some idealistic and pious young Arab men, especially from countries that overthrew dictatorships last year, to join the Syrian fight against the Damascus regime in the same way they fought against the US invasion of Iraq and the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Additional reporting by Borzou Daragahi in Cairo Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2012. You may share using our article tools. Please don't cut articles from FT.com and redistribute by email or post to the web.
2012-12-31 00:00:00
Weekend Fare - NYTimes.com Friday is the last day of City Harvest's "Skip Lunch Fight Hunger" campaign, which raises money to feed hungry children and their families. Participants can make donations online. The Taste of the Upper West Side features events Friday and Saturday showcasing neighborhood restaurants and New York chefs in the Grand Tent located on Columbus Avenue between West 76th and 77th Streets. The Friday night dinner, $95 per person, runs from 7 to 10; chefs will cook classic dishes, some with their own modern spin. Saturday's "Best of the West" session costs $125 per person and runs from 7 to 9:30 p.m. Gael Greene, the longtime restaurant critic who helped start Citymeals-on-Wheels, will be honored; a portion of the event proceeds will benefit the organization. Head downtown for the Taste of Tribeca on Saturday between 11:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m., when more than 70 restaurants will congregate on Duane Street, between Greenwich and Hudson Streets, to benefit Public Schools 150 and 234. Besides tastings from restaurants, other activities include a wine tour and live entertainment. Tickets are $45 in advance online and $50 the day of the event. A slew of festivals take place this weekend across the city featuring everything from ethnic food from all over the world to a ramen contest. - Street fair season begins this weekend with the Ninth Avenue International Food Festival on Saturday and Sunday from noon to 5 p.m. Across town, the Murray Hill Street Festival is on Sunday from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. - The Ethnic Festival of El Barrio, East 104th Street between Second and Third Avenues, on Sunday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., celebrates the history of East Harlem. There will be yoga and dance lessons, activities for children, marching bands and more. - The Turkish Day Parade and Festival begins at 11 a.m. on Saturday, with the parade heading down Madison Avenue (at East 56th Street) and ending at Dag Hammarskjold Plaza Park, East 47th Street, between First and Second Avenues. - During the Japan Block Fair, the New York Street Ramen Contest 2012 begins its first of three preliminary rounds to crown the best ramen maker in the city. From 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., attendees can taste and vote for the best ramen. - Befitting a family-friendly affair, the Park Slope Fifth Avenue Festival on Sunday from noon to 6 p.m. will include live music, puppetry, rides, arts and crafts, jewelry for sale and food from local restaurants. - A bake sale on Saturday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the North Flatiron Pedestrian Plaza, on 23rd Street between Broadway and Fifth Avenue, will benefit the group Cookies for Kids" Cancer. Local restaurants and bakeries, like Mondrian SoHo and Simply Sweet, will offer sample sweets. At Siro's of Manhattan, 885 Second Avenue (between East 47th and 48th Streets), a Preakness Party will be held on Saturday with a special $3.75 bar menu and half-price drinks between 3 and 7:30 p.m. If the restaurant's favorite horse, I'll Have Another, wins the race, a round of drinks will be on the house. Acme, at 9 Great Jones Street (between Lafayette and Broadway) in NoHo brings its modern take on Nordic cuisine to weekend brunch, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Ed's Lobster Bar Annex, 25 Clinton Street (between East Houston and Stanton Streets), on the Lower East Side, launches Summer Seafood Weekends on its back patio with a selection of grilled seafood, $25 per person, from 3 to 9 p.m. on Saturdays, and a lobster boil and clam bake, $34 per person with a glass of sauvignon blanc, on Sundays from noon till nightfall. The chef Alex Palumbo of Osteria Il Paiolo, 106 North Sixth Street (between Berry and Wythe Streets), in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, bring the northern Italian tradition of celebrating polenta in May to his restaurant with a "Polenta-palooza" beginning Saturday for five days. A flight of polenta, for $18.50, includes three dishes; an optional wine pairing costs $5. A flamenco brunch accompanies the French fare at the hip Hotel Americano, 518 West 27th Street (between 10th and 11th Avenues) in Chelsea on Sundays from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. There will be live traditional flamenco guitar performances throughout service.
2012-12-31 00:00:00
Enjoy 2 days in rejuvenated Glasgow, Scotland Enjoy 2 days in rejuvenated Glasgow, Scotland - European Travel updated 2:22 AM ET, Fri., Mar 18, 2011 European Travel Enjoy 2 days in rejuvenated Glasgow, Scotland By Madeleine Cowley Reuters LONDON - Scotland's oft-neglected second city of Glasgow has undergone a rejuvenation, which has transformed the former industrial giant into a dynamic and upbeat center for the arts. Take heed of comedian Billy Connolly's words though: "There are two seasons in Scotland: June and Winter" and come prepared for the weather. Reuters correspondents with local knowledge help visitors get the most out of a short stay in the area. 8 p.m. - A meal at seafood specialist Crabshakk will guarantee a pleasant start to your trip. The compact interior has an air of elegance and the dishes are simply prepared and presented, using ingredients sourced from West Coast Scottish waters. Crab cakes and seared scallops are firm favorites. 10 p.m. - For an after dinner tipple, cross the street to the lively Ben Nevis pub. The roaring fire, impromptu folk music performances and choice of 180 whiskies make this a cozy spot to shelter from the elements. 10 a.m. - Take a student-led tour of Glasgow's School of Art. Completed in 1909 the art nouveau building is widely recognized as architect Charles Rennie Mackintosh's greatest feat. Admire the original tile and iron work, stained glass and austere interior with its simple colours and distinctive high-backed chairs. 11 a.m. - Descend the steep hill onto Sauchiehall Street and Glasgow's Center for Contemporary Art (CCA). Have a coffee under the glass atrium roof before exploring the temporary exhibitions. Noon - Walk down Buchanan Street, Glasgow's busy shopping hub, Next stop is Trongate 103, a new center for the visual arts. The five-storey converted Edwardian warehouse is home to various creative initiatives. Take your pick from Streetlevel Photoworks, Glasgow Print Studio and artist-run gallery Transmission. Don't neglect the weird yet wonderful Russian Sharmanka kinetic theater. Amble among the assortment of animated sculptures, as lights and music stir them and their odd inhabitants to life, playing out humorous and tragic stories of the human spirit. 1:30 p.m. - Saunter around the exquisite neo-classical pediments and pillars of the Merchant City area. Peckish? Stop at Cafe Gandolfi -- choose from fine Scottish standards-haggis, Stornaway black pudding and smoked venison. 3 p.m. - Continue on foot to the majestic Glasgow Cathedral, a shining example of pre-Reformation Gothic architecture. Go down to the atmospheric depths of the lower church area to visit the shrine of Saint Mungo, patron saint of the city. Upon exit, turn left and cross the Bridge of Sighs, entering the eerie Victorian Necropolis, a vast tumble-down cemetery. Look out for wild deer darting between the ornate obelisks, statues and pinnacles that commemorate Glasgow's patriarchs. 4:30 p.m. - Down toward the river Clyde is Glasgow Green and the People's Palace where you can explore the city's turbulent social history through interactive displays. Across the lawn the Templeton building, a fantasy of red brick and gold inspired by Venice's Doge's Palace, is now home to the independent West Brewery. Try one of their specialty real ales. 6 p.m. - A trip to Glasgow would be incomplete without sampling some fried food. Sit yourself in a 1950s booth at the Val D'Oro, Glasgow's oldest chippy. At this extraordinary establishment portly proprietor and accomplished tenor Luigi Corvi belts out arias between serving fish and chip suppers. 8 p.m. - Round the corner is the Tron Theater. Catch a show from its dynamic program of theater, comedy or music hailing from Scotland, the rest of the UK or abroad. 10 p.m. - Head to Stereo for a taste of Glasgow's music scene. This bustling bar has a cavernous cellar, providing a stage for a variety of acts on an almost nightly basis. 10 a.m. - Head to local favorite Cafezique for brunch. Bloody Marys and hearty portions made from high quality organic produce will set you up for the day ahead. 11:30 a.m. - Wander up Byres Road, spine of Glasgow's bohemian West End. Go down cobbled Ruthven Lane for a quick rummage in vintage treasure trove Starry Starry Night and antique shop Relics.
2011-12-31 00:00:00
French Socialists turn on Dominique Strauss-Kahn "I was the first to say that he is innocent until proven guilty, and for the rest, this is a matter on which Dominique Strauss-Kahn must explain himself. "The French people do not expect me to tell them what went on in that hotel room. I have no idea. "He'll be here soon and we'll be asking him some questions." Mr Strauss-Kahn was favourite to become the Socialist party's presidential candidate before scandal and charges of sexual assault in New York two months ago. Ms Aubry's damning words came just one day after Michel Rocard, the former French prime minister branded Mr Strauss-Kahn "mentally ill" and "unable to control his sexual urges" in the most outspoken attack from a prominent Left-winger. Fellow Socialist presidential candidate Arnaud Montebourg added: "He has apologised to members of the IMF and he should have done the same thing to the (French) Left and all Socialist voters. " (When he returns), it will be necessary for him to make the same gesture," he said. Mr Strauss-Kahn's return comes amid controversy over his supporters pledge to stage a "big (welcome home) party" with "drinks and a concert" in Sarcelles, the Paris suburb where he was mayor and deputy mayor from 1997 to 2007. Francois Pupponi, the current mayor, tried to quash the criticism. "He's very popular around here but it's not like Dominique has won the World Cup," he said. "Nothing official has been organised for the moment." "DSK" still faces a civil lawsuit for damages in the US from chambermaid Nafissatou Diallo, 32, whose criminal case against him for attempted rape was quashed last week. She has also launched a separate criminal complaint in Paris against Strauss-Kahn party workers in Sarcelles for allegedly seeking to bribe a French woman with whom he had a relationship 14 years ago not testify against him. A preliminary investigation has also been launched in Paris after French writer Tristane Banon accused him of behaving like a "rutting chimpanzee" in an alleged rape attempt in 2003. A recent poll also found that 53 per cent of French people want DSK to play no part in politics on his return to France. Another posted this week found that four out of five want him to stay out of the Socialists" presidential campaign.
2011-12-31 00:00:00
In September 2001 a crew member died in a re-fuelling fire on a 777 at Denver International Airport In 2013 three Chinese women died when the 777 Asiana Flight 214 crashed in San Francisco Singapore is also involved, while Vietnam sent aircraft and ships and asked fishermen in the area to report any suspected sign of the missing plane. Texas firm Freescale Semiconductor says 20 of its Malaysian and Chinese employees were on the flight, according to a statement on its website. Malaysia's national carrier is one of Asia's largest, flying nearly 37,000 passengers daily to some 80 destinations worldwide. Correspondents say the route between Kuala Lumpur and Beijing has become more and more popular as Malaysia and China increase trade.
2014-12-31 00:00:00
German jobless rate falls to lowest level GERMANY'S unemployment rate fell to 6.3 per cent in November, the lowest level since reunification in 1990, reinforcing expectations that private consumption will continue to support growth in Europe's largest economy. THE seasonally adjusted unemployment total fell last month by a stronger-than-expected 13,000 to 2.772 million, data from the Federal Labour Office showed on Tuesday. Economists polled by Reuters had expected it to drop by 5,000.
2015-12-31 00:00:00
Portugal Politicians in Talks Over Gov't Future Portugal's governing coalition parties are to hold urgent talks in a bid to resolve differences over crushing austerity policies that have pushed the government to the brink of collapse. Ahead of the talks Thursday, investors eased up the pressure. The interest yield on Portugal's benchmark 10-year bond slipped back 0.28 percentage points to 7.04 percent. Though the rate is still far above the 5.23 percent it reached in May, it's way down on the 9.77 percent it was at the same time last year. Paulo Portas, the leader of the junior Popular Party, will meet with Prime Minister Pedro Passos Coelho to seek a solution and avoid fresh elections. Portas resigned Tuesday as foreign minister, throwing the coalition into disarray.
2013-12-31 00:00:00
Pol-e Doab Rural District (دهستان پل دوآب) is a rural district (dehestan) in Zalian District, Shazand County, Markazi Province, Iran. At the 2006 census, its population was 27,846, in 7,365 families. The rural district has 35 villages. == References == Rural Districts of Markazi Province Shazand County
Pol-e Doab Rural District
L'Aquila earthquake scientists win appeal A court has upheld the appeals of six scientists and an official against their convictions for having given criminally negligent reassurances to the population of the city of L'Aquila before it was devastated by an earthquake five years ago. But the judges endorsed a conviction and two-year sentence passed on one of the defendants, Bernardo De Bernardinis, on a connected charge. The announcement of the verdicts was met with cries of "Disgrace" from members of the public in court. The original verdicts had sparked worldwide condemnation as scientists protested that it was impossible for even the most experienced seismologists to forecast an earthquake. The seven men - members of an official major risks committee - each faced six-year jail sentences on charges of multiple manslaughter and negligence leading to grievous bodily harm. They had also been ordered to pay more than €9m (£7m) in damages to survivors of the disaster, which left 309 people dead. The trial arose from a statement issued after a meeting of the committee in L'Aquila on 31 March 2009, six days before the city and several nearby villages were devastated by the 6.3 magnitude earthquake. By then, a series of minor tremors had spread terror among the inhabitants of the area, which is high in the mountains of central Italy. The prosecution claimed that the reassuring outcome of the meeting caused some of L'Aquila's residents to stay indoors on the night of the disaster instead of seeking shelter outside, as they had been doing since the tremors began. The lower court judge concluded that 29 of the victims fatally changed their behaviour as a direct result of the committee's reassurances. But his verdict was deplored by scientists inside and outside Italy. The journal Nature called the sentence "ludicrous." Before retiring to consider their verdicts, the judges of the L'Aquila appeals court heard a dramatic final plea from one of the seismologists, Giulio Selvaggi. "I think there is nothing more important for a seismologist to do in a seismic country than to put him - or herself at the disposal of society to help understand what is happening. I went into the meeting on 31 March 2009 with that conviction and I would go back with it today," he told the court. L'Aquila has been hit by at least 10 earthquakes since medieval times and in the worst disaster, in 1786, more than 6,000 people lost their lives.
2014-12-31 00:00:00
Hidden history of Scotland's film industry at Museum of Childhood Far from sitting in front of the television engrossed by the latest cartoons, or attached to their latest digital gadget, the children portrayed in these films encapsulate the activity in Scotland's streets in the 20th century. Through these snapshots you can gain an insight into past representations of childhood, through footage shot by filmmakers portraying children playing in the streets, attending gala days and marking special occasions in family life. A selection of these uncovered films are now on display at the Museum of Childhood in collaboration with the Children and Amateur Media in Scotland project, developed by experts at the University of Glasgow. The project, led by Professor Karen Lury, uncovered more than 2000 home movies, fiction films and sponsored documentaries made in Scotland. Museum of Childhood curator for historic items Susan Gardener, explained more about how the exhibition came to life. "We were approached by Karen Lury from Glasgow University who was keen to do this research on children in amateur film back in 2009," Susan said. "It's a different aspect of childhood that we've not been able to represent before. We don't usually have films on display, but now there are 12 films and it's great to have those moving images of children. "It's a lost world of film that Karen wasn't able to explore through professional film from little stories to those which are made into dramatic films that children made." From celebrations for new arrivals in the family, attending gala days in the streets and taking a family trip to the seaside, the exhibition is split into four central cabinets dealing with specific strands. "We have four central cabinets and each case deals with a different theme that the work is split into with on show, at play, at school and in the home," Susan said. "To supplement the images, we have old cameras and objects taken from the home and families. "The photographs are typical of celebrations from holidays to milestones and galas, everyone should be able to identify with some of the photographs, it's like a snapshot from a family album." Through the collection, it is hoped that children can gain a smalll insight into the culture and society their parents grew up with, far from the electronic-engrossed lifestyle today. The exhibition is on at the Museum of Childhood until May 18. We've updated our app to give you an even better experience. It's packed full of everything happening in Edinburgh including all the latest news, brilliant events and great places to eat. If you enjoyed this page, why not get the app on Android or iOS?
2014-12-31 00:00:00
The following discussion is an archived debate of the proposed deletion of the article below. Please do not modify it. Subsequent comments should be made on the appropriate discussion page (such as the article's talk page or in a deletion review). No further edits should be made to this page. The result was keep. Majorly (talk) ===Pilot (The Nanny)=== — (View AfD) This article should be deleted as it is an article of a single episode of a TV series - therefore (in my opinion) is notable enough to have an article on its own. The information contained within this article is quite similar to that of the actual The Nanny (TV series) article, with a few exceptions. It is my opinion that this article should be deleted, or have its contents summarised, and added to The Nanny (TV series) - creating a redirect. Chrisch Delete Even though many other shows have articles about individual episodes I would agree that there is no need for this article as it s simalar to the main TV show article. Tarret DO NOT delete There is no reason why this article should be deleted. As Tarret said, many other TV shows have individual episode articles and I plan to create more articles for The Nanny episodes. If need be, this article can be expanded on. Kogsquinge Comment/question to administrators: Just wondering, what is the official Wikipedia policy on articles written about individual episodes of (long running) television series'? It just seems that contents of such articles could be summarised in about a sentence or so on the proper article about the entire TV series, rather than having potentially hundreds of articles relating to each show on television... I'm just asking this because the article's creator is making more articles of this type (such as Smoke Gets in Your Lies, My Fair Nanny, and The Nuchslep, so I think we need an administrator's opinion on what should happen to articles of this nature.A guideline has been created about the TV series "Lost", and it is quoted below:"In lieu of Episodes of Lost (season X), Lost season X may be created, consisting of a summary of the main themes and developments of the season, for the reader who wants a broad overview before diving into the individual articles. These season wraparound articles should be relatively brief, link to the individual episode articles where appropriate, and should not attempt to summarize individual episodes but rather emphasize broad themes, plot arcs and character developments." (copied from here) Should this be applied to The Nanny as well? Chrisch Keep. Individual episodes of notable series deserve coverage here, as long as they are handled in encyclopedic fashion. There is, in fact, an entire Wikiproject dedicated to such: WikiProject Television episodes. A lot of the discussion behind the formation of the consensus can be found here and here. -Hit bull, win steak(Moo!) Keep per precedent toward keeping TV episodes, especially from notable series. Andrew Lenahan - Starblind Keep per above. Keep - TV episodes are encyclopaedic and of interest to a very wide spectrum of our readers, i can't see ANY reason at all to delete this. thanks/Fenton, Matthew Lexic Dark 52278 Alpha 771 Keep - Standard TV episode page. Nothing wrong with that. - Peregrine Fisher ''The above discussion is preserved as an archive of the debate. Please do not modify it. Subsequent comments should be made on the appropriate discussion page (such as the article's talk page or in a deletion review). No further edits should be made to this page.
Articles for deletion/Pilot (The Nanny)
Bad weather kills half of Welsh wild pony herd 18 April 2013 Last updated at 21:00 By Andrew Bomford BBC Radio 4's PM programme Farmers who monitor a herd of about 200 wild ponies on hillsides in north Wales believe up to half of them have died during the harsh spring weather. Only now is the loss coming to light, as the snow melts across the Carneddau mountains. Many of the mares were about to give birth, and both mothers and foals have been killed. "It's an absolute disaster," said Gareth Wyn Jones, Secretary of the Carneddau Mountain Pony Society The Welsh government has allowed a brief moratorium, ending on Monday, to allow farmers to bury dead animals on their land because of the extreme weather. "The numbers of the dead are coming in like crazy," he added, "It's heartbreaking. We're up to about 50 or 55 now, and when you look around you - these mountains are vast - we're at the tip of the iceberg. I think it will be 100 plus. "There's a management agreement for 220 ponies on the mountain. It would be a great shame for half of them to be wiped out overnight." Terrible conditions The BBC accompanied wardens from the Snowdonia National Park, as they joined farmers this week to assess the scale of the losses. On Thursday, many of the bodies of ponies were buried on the mountain above Llanfairfechan because they were lying close to well-trodden areas on the north Wales coastal path. Others, in more remote areas, will be left as carrion for the birds and foxes. "On the path people are going to come across them," said Dewi Davies, senior warden for the northern sector of the national park. "They are very upsetting. We've seen mares in the middle of giving birth and both the foal and the mare have died. It's going to be distressing for people to see that. "You accept to a certain degree that nature is cruel, but it's the sheer number of cases where this has happened up here." There were bodies of many ponies in family groups, huddled in gullies or behind walls where they had tried to shelter from the terrible conditions. Unfortunately, these were the same areas where snow drifted, burying the ponies under many feet of snow. The ponies have been living in the Carneddau Mountains for thousands of years. They are short, stocky creatures and are well used to harsh conditions. But the severity of the snowfall and sub-zero temperatures was exceptional. Hill farmers lost thousands of sheep and lambs too. The Welsh mountain ponies play an important role in sustaining the diversity of plants, insects and birds on the fragile landscape. They keep the vegetation low in the winter when the sheep are brought down to lower levels, and they provide food for birds like choughs. Resilient creatures Members of the Carneddau Mountain Pony Society round the ponies up once a year to check on numbers and prevent inbreeding. Many of them have been tagged or micro-chipped. "They roam free on these hills and have done for generations," explained Mr Wyn Jones, "They go back to the Celtic times. They are a special breed, and I think a lot of the horses in England and Wales started from these, these are the gene pool for thousands of different breeds." Walking across the hillside we came across one young mare which had collapsed on her side, still alive, but clearly very weak. We tried to get her back on her feet but she was unable to stand. She appeared to have broken a leg, and sadly had to be put down. It was a sign that although the immediate crisis with the cold weather is over, its effects are still continuing on a severely-weakened herd of horses. The national park authorities brought in archaeologists to advise on where to bury the bodies of the ponies. The area is of great historical importance, with sites dating back to Neolithic times, up to 5,000 years before Christ. There are bronze-age stone circles and the remains of iron-age settlements. The farmers are hopeful that despite the loss of up to half of the horses, those that remain will go on to form the nucleus of an even tougher breed. "It might be some type of natural cull," said Mr Wyn Jones, "The ones who are left are special; they are resilient. They've lived through a natural disaster and survived." "Nature is cruel but it can be kind. Is it nature's way of keeping these ponies up here? It's a cycle that happens every 50 or 60 years, and just takes the weak, the young, and the old out and the ones we've got left are very special, powerful beautiful ponies."
2013-12-31 00:00:00
North Korea: Male students "ordered" to adopt Kim Jong-un haircut The latest in a string of curious reports to emerge from North Korea suggests students have been instructed to adopt a "Dear Leader" haircut in honour of Kim Jong-un. According to a BBC report, state-imposed sanctions have been introduced in the capital and are reportedly being enforced throughout the country. But not everyone is happy with the latest guidelines. "Our leader's haircut is very particular, if you will. It doesn't always go with everyone, since everyone has a different face and head shapes," one source told Radio Free Asia. A North Korean currently living in China reportedly told the Korea Times the look is less than popular in his home state. "Until the mid-2000s, we called it the "Chinese smuggler haircut,"" they said. Haircuts seem to have been state-approved in North Korea for some time, with the launch of a recent "anti-long hair" TV campaign called "Let us trim our hair in accordance with the Socialist lifestyle." As usual with stories from North Korea, the latest reports have sparked interest worldwide.
2014-12-31 00:00:00
== Shilelagh Law == A tag has been placed on Shilelagh Law, requesting that it be speedily deleted from Wikipedia. This has been done for the following reason: Original research? Under the criteria for speedy deletion, articles that do not meet very basic Wikipedia criteria may be deleted at any time. Please see the guidelines for what is generally accepted as an appropriate article, and if you can indicate why the subject of this article is appropriate, you may contest the tagging. To do this, add on the top of the page and leave a note on the article's talk page explaining your position. Please do not remove the speedy deletion tag yourself, but don't hesitate to add information to the article that would confirm its subject's notability under the guidelines. For guidelines on specific types of articles, you may want to check out our criteria for biographies, for web sites, for bands, or for companies. Feel free to leave a note on my talk page if you have any questions about this. For reference, see NOR Sanfranman59 Your recent edit to Shilelagh Law (diff) was reverted by an automated bot that attempts to recognize and repair vandalism to Wikipedia articles. If the bot reverted a legitimate edit, please accept my humble creator's apologies – if you bring it to the attention of the bot's owner, we may be able to improve its behavior. Click here for frequently asked questions about the bot and this warning. // MartinBot ==Copyright problems== Hello. Concerning your contribution, Shillelagh Law, we cannot accept copyrighted text or images borrowed from either web sites or printed material without the permission of the author. As a copyright violation, Shillelagh Law appears to qualify for deletion under the speedy deletion criteria. Shillelagh Law has been tagged for deletion, and may have been deleted by the time you see this message. For text material, please consider rewriting the content and citing the source, provided that it is credible. If you believe that the article or image is not a copyright violation, or if you have permission from the copyright holder to release the content freely under the GNU Free Documentation License (GFDL) then you should do one of the following: If you have permission from the author, leave a message explaining the details at Shillelagh Law and send an email with the message to "permissions-en (at) wikimedia (dot) org". See Requesting copyright permission for instructions. If a note on the original website states that re-use is permitted under the GFDL or released into the public domain leave a note at Shillelagh Law with a link to where we can find that note. If you own the copyright to the material: send an e-mail from an address associated with the original publication to permissions-en(at)wikimedia(dot)org or a postal message to the Wikimedia Foundation permitting re-use under the GFDL, and note that you have done so on Shillelagh Law. However, for text content, you may want to consider rewriting the content in your own words. Thank you, and please feel free to continue contributing to Wikipedia.
Shillelagh Law
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Brussels cuts cash to its own auditors after they refused to sign off their budget for 18 consecutive years The EU Court of Auditors faces 4.2 per cent reduction in its budget The watchdog has been a thorn in the side of Brussels Has published series of critical reports on wasteful spending By Jason Groves The financial watchdog that has refused to sign off the European Commission's budget for 18 consecutive years is to have its funding slashed by Brussels. In a controversial move, the Commission yesterday proposed a 4.2 per cent reduction in the budget of the EU Court of Auditors, which is responsible for ensuring taxpayers" money is spent properly. The watchdog has been a thorn in the side of Brussels, publishing a series of critical reports on wasteful spending and refusing to sign off the EU's budget for 18 consecutive years because of concerns about fraud. Reduction: The financial watchdog that has refused to sign off the European Commission's budget for 18 consecutive years is to have its funding slashed by Brussels Pawel Swidlicki, of the think tank Open Europe, said the decision to cut spending at the watchdog would raise eyebrows. "This is an institution that often flags up EU waste and mismanagement, and it is seeing its budget cut by 4.2 per cent," he said. The cut contrasted sharply with proposed increases in other areas of the European Commission's budget for next year. Spending on the pensions of Brussels bureaucrats is set to rise by 7.2 per cent, partly because of costs associated with an increase in the number of officials taking early retirement. Increase: The budget of the European Parliament, pictured, will rise by 1.7 per cent next year The budget of the European Parliament will also rise by 1.7 per cent next year, while administrative spending in Brussels will increase by a similar amount. Spending on the EU's "decentralised agencies," which form the bulk of the EU's 52 quangos, are set to receive a 3.8 per cent rise. The increases came as part of overall proposals that will see the European Commission's total budget trimmed by almost six per cent next year to £129billion. EU Budget Commissioner Janusz Lewandowski said it was committed to cutting staff by one per cent this year. He said the rise in administration costs was "mainly" due to an increase in the number of pensioners and the accession of Croatia to the EU. Mr Swidlicki said the budget cut was a boost for David Cameron's attempts to drive down EU spending, but the proposal could still be vetoed by MEPs. Share or comment on this article
2013-12-31 00:00:00
Duh, I dont unnerstand this paeg? >Radiant< Hahaha! ;D – Elisson • T • C • sup girls check out my ASS — Preceding unsigned comment added by MightofMue (talk • contribs) == Note 2 tested == WP:Stupidity note 2 truthfulness confirmed. News untruth about Wikipedia and UK 2015 general elections and what actually appended [https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Ed_Miliband&oldid=661291740, or you can check your self checking histories in those pages and the articles cited in the news for May 7, 2015, the election day.--
Assume stupidity
Thank you.BetacommandBot == while the sun shines with “Vigour“ and “immense energy.” He capitalize vigour to state that the nature is cruel to those who die. As he leaves the groundhog, the speaker prays on his knees to find “joy in the sight of decay.” This shows that the speaker views decay and nature as cruel and merciless. In Autumn, the speaker returns to the groundhog. He notices the groundhog’s sap has “gone out” and its “bony sodden hulk” remains. However, his emotions and perceptions towards death have changed since June. As the weather in Autumn is benign, he does not despise nature for being “ferocious” towards death. Everything the speaker has felt in June “had lost its meaning.” The speaker says the groundhog’s sap has “gone out” because the speaker’s anguish and despair have also “gone out.” Thus, the speaker loses his “loathing” for death as he has become “Mured up in the wall of wisdom.” The speaker is beginning to mature emotionally. During the next summer, the speaker returns to the groundhog. He sees “only a little hair” and “bones bleaching in the sunlight.” By now he has changed completely since his first visit. He does not experience anguish, melancholy, or despair at the sight of the groundhog. Watching the groundhog’s bones as if it was “architecture” or a “geometer,” the speaker finally begins to see the beauty in nature and decay. The speaker visits the groundhog the following summer. He sees “no sign of the groundhog” in the “whirling summer.” As he is indifferent to the annihilation of the groundhog‘s existence, nature is not merciless or cruel to suffering, but it is just indifferent. Then he feels his “withered heart” and think of Ancient China, Ancient Greece, Alexander the Great, Michel de Montaigne, and Saint Theresa. He realizes that no amount of money, power, faith, or fame can stop one’s fate to die and decay. The speaker in “The Groundhog” is a man who experience extraordinary change. His “senses shook” and could only think about his mortality as he first saw the decaying groundhog. But as time passes by, he matures emotionally and his views on decay changes dramatically. He is fully able to understand the inevitability of decay. He realizes that everything one lives for will eventually die and decay. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Canadiancofee (talk • contribs). ==Disputed fair use rationale for Image:1102824.jpg== Thanks for uploading 1102824.jpg. However, there is a concern that the rationale you have provided for using this image under "fair use" may be invalid. Please read the instructions at Non-free content carefully, then go to the image description page and clarify why you think the image qualifies for fair use. Using one of the templates at Fair use rationale guideline is an easy way to ensure that your image is in compliance with Wikipedia policy, but remember that you must complete the template. Do not simply insert a blank template on an image page. If it is determined that the image does not qualify under fair use, it will be deleted within a couple of days according to our criteria for speedy deletion. If you have any questions please ask them at the media copyright questions page. Thank you.BetacommandBot == hile the sun shines with “Vigour“ and “immense energy.” He capitalize vigour to state that the nature is cruel to those who die. As he leaves the groundhog, the speaker prays on his knees to find “joy in the sight of decay.” This shows that the speaker views decay and nature as cruel and merciless. In Autumn, the speaker returns to the groundhog. He notices the groundhog’s sap has “gone out” and its “bony sodden hulk” remains. However, his emotions and perceptions towards death have changed since June. As the weather in Autumn is benign, he does not despise nature for being “ferocious” towards death.
Świerczynki may refer to various places in Poland: Świerczynki, Brodnica County Świerczynki, Toruń County
Van Pelt leads the way at tough Congressional Thu Jun 28, 2012 7:26pm EDT (Reuters) - American Bo Van Pelt weathered hot, hard and fast conditions best to take a one-shot lead after the opening day of the AT&T National at Congressional Country Club in Bethesda Maryland on Thursday. After Rory McIlroy destroyed the layout in the 2011 US Open, winning at a record 16-under, grounds staff ensured there would be no such blowout, with Van Pelt's four-under 67 one of just 22 rounds under par. Former world number one Fijian Vijay Singh, American Jimmy Walker and Zimbabwe's Brendan de Jonge share second following rounds of 68. Tiger Woods had short game troubles on his way to a one-over 71 but remains in the mix in a tie for 30th. (Reporting By Ben Everill in Los Angeles; Editing by Ian Ransom)
2012-12-31 00:00:00
Susannah Frankel: 'It's strange that a shade between mud-grey and sludge-brown has become the nail colour of the day' If, a year ago, anyone had said that a shade that dwelt somewhere between mud-grey and sludge-brown would soon become the nail colour of the day - even, perhaps, the age - they would have been laughed out of town, not to mention Nails Inc. And so it is strange that Chanel Particulière, now generally referred to as'mink', continues to make waves. The fact that, in relation to more than a few skin tones - especially 'pale and interesting' - the effect is nothing short of corpse-like, renders the success of this by now much-imitated non-colour more remarkable still. Originally launched as a limited edition for spring/summer 2010, Particulière was loved so much by women the world over that it has now been incorporated into Le Vernis Chanel's permanent collection. And into mine, too. Being prone to at least a certain degree of whimsy, the fact that a second bottle appeared on my bathroom shelf earlier this week makes this the exception that proves the rule. Particulière is a genius invention, perfect for those who find red polish too clichéd, pink too girlish and green/blue/purple/yellow/etc too "I'm mad, I am" for everyday consumption. Neither, to those with less than a total taste by-pass, is a French manicure any longer acceptable. As for sheer nail polish... Especially on toes, madam might need a little more help than that. Particulière was originally part of a seasonal collection courtesy of Chanel creative director of beauty, Peter Philips, and devoted to Mlle's favourite colour: beige. It might have a neutral feel to it, but it's more shadowy than that - a little darker and all the better for it. In the mid-Nineties, Chanel Rouge Noir (now No 18, Vamp), a colour inspired by nothing more obviously fashionable than dried blood, was similarly imaginative. People queued round the block for it and the lip colour of the same shade was equally influential. Vamp has since acquired classic status and Particulière is swiftly heading in that direction, too. Susannah Frankel is Fashion Editor of 'The Independent'
2011-12-31 00:00:00
New approach for tuberculosis drugs -- ScienceDaily Consumption was one of the worst known diseases of the 18th century. Thanks to medical advances, the number of deaths from this lung disease -- which is today known as tuberculosis -- has declined significantly. Efforts to eradicate the disease in the 1950s and 1960s resulted in a wide range of new drugs entering the market. And yet 1.4 million people still continue to die each year from tuberculosis. Multidrug-resistant strains of the disease-causing pathogen are especially dangerous because they can no longer be treated with today's drugs (see box). "In the past 50 years, only one new tuberculosis drug has come on to the market, and that was in 2012," says Karl-Heinz Altmann, Professor of Pharmaceutical Biology at ETH Zurich. New active substances that are able to kill multidrug-resistant strains of the disease are therefore urgently needed. Altmann and his team have now laid the foundation for new tuberculosis drugs, and they were inspired by a bacteria-derived antibiotic called pyridomycin. New design for greater efficacy Pyridomycin inhibits the growth of the tuberculosis pathogen Mycobacterium tuberculosis, but it is degraded relatively quickly and is therefore ineffective. However, by using the structure of pyridomycin, Altmann and his research group have designed a molecule that has several advantages over the natural active substance. The new molecule is more stable and is easier to produce synthetically; it can also serve as a lead structure for the synthesis and biological testing of further modified versions of the active substance. Drugs could eventually be developed that work efficiently and are well tolerated. They could also be be adapted such as to overcome new drug-resistant strains of the tuberculosis pathogen. The researchers have applied for a patent for the new active substance's basic structure and the method of production. The researchers found inspiration from a long forgotten substance. In 1953, Japanese scientists discovered that pyridomycin inhibits the growth of the tuberculosis pathogen Mycobacterium tuberculosis. But the compound was not investigated further for decades thereafter. "Everyone behaved as though the tuberculosis problem was solved," says Altmann. While researching the literature, he came across the pyridomycin and worked together with a research team led by Stewart Cole, a professor of microbial pathogenesis at EPFL, to decode how it works. It paralyses an important component of cellular metabolism, which is essential for building the cell wall of the tuberculosis pathogen. Although an available drug called isoniazid targets the same key protein, it must first be converted inside the tuberculosis bacteria into the actual inhibitor. Pyridomycin, in contrast, binds directly to the target protein and therefore circumvents pre-existing resistance mechanisms that prevent isoniazid from becoming activated. The new approach of the active substance enables a wide variety of structures for new drugs against tuberculosis. Story Source: The above story is based on materials provided by ETH Zurich. The original article was written by Angelika Jacobs. Note: Materials may be edited for content and length.
2014-12-31 00:00:00
The story driving The Face of an Angel movie is fictional - the main characters like Thomas the filmmaker and Melanie his muse are not based on anyone who I ever met. Even the characters loosely based on us journalists are skewed and oblique - there are no carbon copies at all. Because it is a movie meant to entertain and not a documentary, the lines are blurred between fact and fiction. At the end of the film, the focus on the character based on a girl who was murdered is a poignant reminder of a life full of potential cut short - that is the film's moment of real truth. Each time I have seen the film, I have felt more convinced that the only way to tell a story as complex as Meredith Kercher's murder is to show what didn't happen rather than dwell on what did. And the only way to pose the question about the public's fascination with death and murder is to show it first hand. The Face of an Angel is released on March 27 Amanda Knox timeline: eight-year saga of Meredith Kercher murder Timeline Perugia, Italy Body of Meredith Kercher, 21, pictured above, is found in her apartment in Perugia. Investigators say she was killed the night before. Photo: AP/Stefano Medici Knox and her then-boyfriend Raffaele Sollecito, pictured above, are arrested along with Diya "Patrick" Lumumba, Congolese owner of pub where Knox occasionally worked. Lumumba, implicated by Knox's statements to police, is released from jail for lack of evidence. Ivory Coast national Rudy Hermann Guede is extradited from Germany, where he was arrested, and jailed on arrival in Italy. Kercher is laid to rest after London funeral. Judge indicts Knox and Sollecito on murder and sexual assault charges. Guede, pictured, who was granted a fast-track trial, is convicted of murder and sexual assault and sentenced to 30 years in prison. Trial of Knox and Sollecito opens in Perugia. Patrick Lumumba sues Knox for defamation. Court finds Knox guilty of murder and sexual assault; sentences her to 26 years in prison. Sollecito is convicted of same charges and sentenced to 25 years. Appeals court upholds Guede conviction and cuts sentence to 16 years. Appeals trial for Knox and Sollecito opens in Perugia. Italy's highest criminal court upholds Guede's conviction and 16-year prison sentence. Independent forensic report ordered by the appeals court finds much of the DNA evidence used to convict Knox and Sollecito is unreliable. Knox and Sollecito cleared of Meredith Kercher's murder. Knox told to pay 22,000 euros in compensation to Diya "Patrick" Lumumba, a barman she falsely accused of the murder. Italy's Supreme court orders Knox and Sollecito stand trial again for the Kercher murder, overturning their acquittals on a point of law. The retrial begins in a Florence appeals court. The defence hinges on the fact there was no DNA evidence which linked Knox and Sollecito to the murder. Knox and Sollecito lose their appeal as the Florence court upholds their guilty verdict. Knox is sentenced to 28 and a half years. Sollecito is sentenced to 25 years. Knox's parents say she will not return to Italy to serve her sentence. On the same day, Sollecito is found by police in a hotel, close to the Austrian border. A recording of Knox being interrogated in Italian prison is released for the first time. Florence court releases full report saying that Kercher's injuries indicate she was killed by multiple attackers but they believe the fatal wound was dealt by Knox. Sollecito holds a press conference where he says "I am an innocent person" and distances himself from Knox. Knox begins working for the West Seattle Herald as a freelance reporter. Knox is engaged to musician, Colin Sutherland. Italy's Supreme Court in Rome due to decide whether to uphold Knox and Sollecito's convictions for killing Meredith Kercher.
2015-12-31 00:00:00
Jeanius is the third studio album by American rapper Jean Grae. She worked on it with hip hop producer 9th Wonder and intended to release it in 2004, but the album leaked prematurely and spawned various pirated versions of the unfinished project. After Grae's record deal with the label, Jeanius was released on July 8, 2008, by Talib Kweli's Blacksmith Records imprint label. == Background == Scheduled for release as early as 2004, the album was delayed for unknown reasons and has since been heavily bootlegged on the internet. The album was released on July 8, 2008, on Talib Kweli's Blacksmith music label. The booklet for the album contains faithful recreations of classic Hip Hop album covers, featuring images of Grae and 9th Wonder superimposed onto covers of Public Enemy's It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back, Das EFX's Dead Serious, Raekwon's Only Built 4 Cuban Linx..., and Black Sheep's A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing. == Critical reception == Andre Barnes of Allmusic called the album "a definitive body of work for both 9th Wonder and Jean Grae — Grae's wit and peculiar charisma are paired with 9th's soulful, sample-heavy production." Alexander F. Remington of The Washington Post felt that 9th Wonder is "not at his best, and as a result the album is merely great rather than classic", but concluded that Grae "proves that she's one of the best MCs alive" with Jeanius. XXL said that she connects with listeners on "an intimate level" with her honesty and "willingness to recount vivid details of painful, haunting past experiences". Pitchfork Media's Nate Patrin wrote that Grae's flow "sounds like a laser-focused, clear-spoken declaration of strength and perseverance", and praised 9th Wonder for tying together all of her "emotional facets" with a "solid, consistent sound". Although he found its official release "a bit anticlimactic", Mosi Reeves of Spin felt that Grae's "sweet-and-sour lyricism... still sounds remarkably vibrant", and found 9th Wonder to be "in top form, flipping Phoebe Snow and other soulful '70s samples with emotional fervor." Robert Christgau of MSN Music found her rhymes "jam-packed" and "infinitely smarter about her 'insecurities' and'moodiness' than her shoegazer counterparts", and gave Jeanius an "A–". ==Track listing== {|class="wikitable" |- !align="center"|# !align="center"|Title !align="center"|Producer !align="center"|Featured guest(s) !align="center"|Time !align="center"|Samples |- |1 |"Intro" |9th Wonder | |2:00 |- |2 |"2-32's" |9th Wonder |Daily Planet |4:07 | "All Over" by Phoebe Snow |- |3 |"Don't Rush Me" |9th Wonder |9th Wonder |4:14 | "If You Leave Me Now" by Jerry Butler and Thelma Houston |- |4 |"My Story" |9th Wonder | |4:31 | "I Have a Dream" by Norman Connors |- |5 |"The Time Is Now" |9th Wonder |Phonte |3:43 | "Larry's Theme" by Lawrence Hilton-Jacobs |- |6 |"Billy Killer" |9th Wonder | |3:54 | "Uptown" by The Marvelettes |- |7 |"Think About It" |9th Wonder | |4:06 | "Think About Me" by Marlena Shaw |- |8 |"#8" |Khrysis | |4:06 | "What Are You Doing the Rest of Your Life?"
Mitchell Marsh lands on big stage at Lord's with Australia desperate to win Video will begin in 5 seconds. Siddle expects Starc to play Australian pace bowler Peter Siddle expects teammate Mitchell Starc to be fit for the second Test at Lord's after injuring his ankle in Cardiff. LONDON: When the great and good of the Australian team sat down to plot this Ashes tour they didn't imagine it going like this. Ryan Harris retired, Brad Haddin sadly absent from Lord's when the second Test starts on Thursday and Shane Watson on the way out. And all after only four days, and pretty ordinary days at that, of the Test series have passed. The only consolation is that if it keeps going down this track at least Jason Gillespie and the English won't be able to call the Australians 'Dad's Army'. On the outer: Shane Watson takes part in a training session at Lord's. Photo: AP More seriously, though, their immediate concern over the next five days is fighting their way back into this series before it slips away from them. For the new faces in the line-up there will be no soft landing given the significance of the stage they're on, with Australia 1-0 down. Advertisement Mitchell Marsh is not a total novice to Test cricket - he has made four appearances over the past year filling in for an injured Watson - but his elevation here will be seen as something of a watershed moment. There is no denying what is transpiring is a changing of the guard when it comes to who is the top Australian all-rounder and if Marsh is able to seize his opportunity here, as Steve Waugh has noted, it's hard to see a way back for Watson. Stepping up: Mitchell Marsh will replace Shane Watson for the second Test. Photo: Reuters It would be premature, however, to say Watson, who has been a fine performer for Australia over many years and is deserving of far more respect than he gets, has played his last Test. As he knows better than anyone there are no guarantees when it comes to fitness and given Marsh's history of hamstring complaints, for example, there is no certainty he would get through four Tests on the trot. Right now, though, the 23-year-old is fighting fit, as the Australians need him to be for an Ashes debut with plenty on the line at Lord's. As important as his batting at No.6, what he can offer as Australia's fourth seaming option will also have been in the minds of selectors. Watson is a control bowler, expert in tying up an end and maintaining pressure while the frontline fast bowlers have a breather, and known to jag the big wicket every now and then, too. Marsh is different. He has pace but has sometimes lacked penetration and doesn't generally bowl with the same accuracy. That's led to questions about who would fill that controlling role at Lord's, with Peter Siddle in contention this week. The attack that turned out in Cardiff - Mitchell Johnson, Josh Hazlewood and Mitchell Starc - were still the preferred options, however, as long as Starc could demonstrate on the eve of the match that he has recovered sufficiently from an ankle injury. "I asked Starcy as I walked to the nets after he'd bowled how he felt," Test captain Michael Clarke said on Tuesday. "He felt completely fine, so that's a real positive for us. He will obviously have to bowl again (on Wednesday) I'm pretty sure just to double-check everything, but that's real positive. No medication, no injection, no nothing, so for him to be able to bowl today what he needed, that's a great sign." England, meanwhile, had their own problems in the lead-up to the second Test with Cardiff century-maker Joe Root receiving treatment on his elbow at training and spinner Moeen Ali, a leading light for the hosts in the first Test, under a cloud. "Rooty's all right," England captain Alastair Cook said on Tuesday. "Mo's got a bit of a sore stomach, he didn't train today because he's pulled up a bit stiff from the first game but hopefully he'll be all right." Cook said England were not taking great notice of changes to the Australian team. "Actually I played at the same club (as Marsh) - although he wasn't there - at Willeton Cricket Club in Perth," Cook said. "He's had a good tour, two hundreds with the bat. We'll wait and see if that change happens but we've made a conscious [plan] in this series to focus on what we control and on our attitude and not worry too much about Australia." Australia v England - second Test Likely teams
2015-12-31 00:00:00
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World Snooker says Stephen Lee has 'a case to answer' after Briton is named in match-fixing investigation "The available evidence has now been considered and in accordance with the disciplinary rules, the chairman of the disciplinary committee has decided that there is a case for Stephen Lee to answer in relation to a breach of the WPBSA members rules. "These alleged breaches relate to four matches at the Malta Cup 2008, two matches at the UK Championship 2008, one match at the China Open 2009 and one match at the World Championship 2009." Lee appealed against his initial suspension but that was rejected on October 24 and it remains in force. The WPBSA statement added: "Stephen Lee is currently suspended from competition and Jason Ferguson, the chairman of the WPBSA, has decided that the suspension will remain in force until the conclusion of the hearing or hearings and the determination of this matter. "The investigation into the suspicious betting in relation to Stephen Lee's Premier League match with John Higgins on 11th October 2012 is ongoing." The rules that Lee will face a hearing over relate to betting, specifically providing information that "is not publicly available" and deliberately influencing "the outcome or conduct of a game or frame." Lee lost three of four group-stage matches at the 2008 Malta Cup. He beat Stephen Hendry in the first round and Mark King in round two at the UK Championship later in the year before losing to Shaun Murphy in the quarter-finals. He lost 5-1 to Mark Selby in the first round of the 2009 China Open, and 10-4 to Ryan Day in his opener at the Crucible. Lee's career took off in the mid 1990s, as he emerged at a similar time to the likes of Ronnie O'Sullivan, John Higgins and Mark Williams. He considered quitting when a first-round defeat at the 2008 World Championship saw him fall out of the elite top 16, but played on and after initially struggling to regain form he battled his way back up the rankings and reclaimed a top-10 place. He has won five ranking titles: the 1998 Grand Prix, 2002 LG Cup, 2002 Scottish Open, 2006 Welsh Open and 2012 Players Tour Championship. West Midlands Police said in October last year they and the Gambling Commission had ended an investigation into Lee, who was arrested in February 2010 but never charged over match-fixing. Higgins was banned for six months in 2010 for minor breaches of WPBSA rules after a News of the World'sting' but match-fixing charges against the Scot were withdrawn. Barry Hearn, chairman and controller of World Snooker, the sport's commercial arm, has previously said life bans will be enforced for any player found guilty of match-fixing. Lee responded through his lawyer, Tony Miles, and maintains his innocence. A statement said: "Mr Stephen Lee wishes it to be clearly known that he denies all allegations brought against him by the WPBSA. "He does not accept that he has been involved in any breaches of the rules and regulations and is gravely disappointed that a decision has been taken to bring proceedings against him." Miles said: "Mr Lee is shocked by the suggestions made against him, he has been a professional snooker player for 20 years and has always sought to up hold the highest standards as required of such a player. He has fully co-operated with the WPBSA in its investigation. "He continues to be suspended by the WPBSA and the impact of suspension and the allegations upon him and his family is considerable. "As a hearing is now to take place it would not be appropriate to make any further comment at this stage."
2013-12-31 00:00:00
Ponte Alta is a city in Santa Catarina, in the Southern Region of Brazil. Populated places in Santa Catarina (state)
Ponte Alta
Brazilian nurse investigated over 300 hospital deaths Patients are said to have died when oxygen levels in their respirators were reduced and Pavulon was introduced into their blood. Photograph: Reza Estakhrian/Getty A Brazilian nurse who has been charged with the murder of seven patients is being investigated in almost 300 other cases, according to health authorities investigating what could prove one of the world's worst serial killings. Virginia Soares de Souza is accused of cutting the oxygen to people on life-support systems and administering lethal doses of muscle-relaxing drugs in the Evangelica Hospital of Curitiba. She was arrested in February along with three doctors and a nurse, who are suspected of conspiracy. Three other hospital staff have subsequently been charged in the case. The defendant is now on trial for seven cases of murder, which she has denied. The ministry of health has warned that the number of victims may be far higher, according to an analysis of 1,700 hospital records from the past seven years. Mario Lobato, the head of the ministry's investigation team, told a local news network that he had closed the book on at least 20 suspicious cases and was looking into almost 300 more. The patients are said to have died when oxygen levels on their respirators were dialled down and the drug Pavulon, which weakens diaphragm muscles, was introduced into the blood stream. "They all have the same modus operandi, the same relationship between the drug and the death, and the timing," Lobato said. Some of the alleged victims were reportedly conscious and talking shortly before their deaths. The state ombudsmen passed on anonymous tipoffs last March, but no arrest was made for almost a year despite an undercover investigation. Police have been criticised for failing to act earlier. With the trial continuing, much remains unclear including the motive. The defence team are due to present their case later this week. Elias Mattar Assad, de Souza's lawyer, said her client was innocent. "We will soon prove that everything that happened in that ICU was justified by medical procedure," he said. The defendants have been released on bail. If all of the suspected cases are confirmed, the death toll could exceed that of the world's worst known serial killer, Harold Shipman. The British doctor was convicted in 2004 of killing 15 patients in Manchester, and was reportedly responsible for up to 260 other deaths.
2013-12-31 00:00:00
BBC News - Welsh government budget passed after Labour - Lib Dem deal
2011-12-31 00:00:00
Barcelona cap great season with fifth European Cup soccer win BERLIN Barcelona were crowned kings of Europe for the fifth time after beating Juventus 3-1 in a pulsating Champions League final at the Olympic Stadium on Saturday, capping their magnificent season with a title treble. The Spaniards lived up to their tag as favorites and added the European Cup to their La Liga and King's Cup triumphs as coach Luis Enrique celebrated his first season in memorable fashion. Goals from Croatian Ivan Rakitic in the fourth minute, Uruguayan Luis Suarez in the 68th and Brazilian Neymar with the last kick of the game sealed Barca's second treble, matching their 2009 feat. "It's incredible, a dream, something unique," Suarez told reporters. "To win these competitions you have to suffer, if not it's not worth it, and today we had to suffer to win the match." Barca's South American trio of Suarez, Neymar and Lionel Messi, known collectively as 'MSN', showed spectacular form all season and Saturday's goals took their tally to an amazing 122 in all competitions as the game proved the perfect antidote for the corruption scandal engulfing soccer's governing body FIFA. Juve, however, became the first team in the history of the competition to get beaten in six finals and the Italian giants have now lost their last four. "I would like to thank the team for the wonderful season they have had," said Juve coach Massimiliano Allegri who landed the domestic double in his first season in charge. "We played a great game tonight...unfortunately when you play against great players you think you have things under control but then they get you." Barca shrugged off a nervous start by scoring a sublime fourth-minute goal. All 10 outfield players touched the ball in a 16-pass move that ended when Neymar fed Andres Iniesta and he picked out Rakitic to slot the fourth fastest goal in a European Cup final. Juve keeper Gianluigi Buffon, who won the World Cup with Italy at the Olympic Stadium in 2006 but is still waiting to capture his first European Cup crown, denied Barca a second goal in the 13th minute with a superb one-handed save keeping out a Dani Alves shot. Alvaro Morata twice went close for the Italians but Barca's pressure in the first half was relentless and Suarez twice almost netted. The 37-year-old Buffon again came to the rescue three minutes after the restart and then Juve struck against the run of play with former Real Madrid striker Morata tapping the ball in after keeper Marc-Andre ter Stegen had saved from Carlos Tevez. The Italians looked to be taking control of the game but their joy was short-lived. Argentine Messi took matters into his own hands, charging past three defenders and unleashing a low drive that Buffon could only parry to Suarez. It was the most crucial goal of the 28-year-old Uruguayan's career and it came a year after he was branded a villain for biting Italy's Giorgio Chiellini, who missed Saturday's final through injury, at the World Cup in Brazil. Neymar had a goal disallowed after his header bounced off his own hand to deceive the diving Buffon, much to the forward's frustration. Juve, who had an average age of 30 and were the second oldest team to play in a Champions League final, fought bravely but ran out of steam. Neymar netted deep into stoppage time to provide a fitting farewell for midfielder Xavi who is leaving Barca after collecting 25 trophies in more than two decades with the club he joined at the age of 11. Along with team mates Iniesta, Messi and Gerard Pique, Xavi also equaled former Netherlands midfielder Clarence Seedorf's record of four Champions League triumphs. (Editing by Tony Jimenez)
2015-12-31 00:00:00
ICC chairman Srinivasan toppled after losing Indian support Date November 10, 2015 - 12:06AM 103 reading now Read later Outgoing ICC chairman Narayanaswami Srinivasan at the MCG in 2014. Photo: Angela Wylie Narayanaswami Srinivasan's tenure as the International Cricket Council (ICC) chairman was cut short on Monday after the powerful Indian cricket board (BCCI) withdrew support for its former president. BCCI president Shashank Manohar would take over for the remainder of Srinivasan's tenure until June next year, board secretary Anurag Thakur told reporters in Mumbai. "The BCCI representative to the ICC will be Mr Shashank Manohar. Being the board representative in the ICC, he will take over as the ICC chairman," Thakur said after an annual general meeting in which the board decided to address a conflict-of-interest issue. Advertisement Former BCCI chief Srinivasan took over as ICC chairman in June 2014 in controversial circumstances after his son-in-law was indicted in an illegal betting scandal in the Indian Premier League (IPL). Srinivasan's India Cements company owned the Chennai franchise of the lucrative Twenty20 competition, which many perceived as a clear case of conflict of interest. Reuters
2015-12-31 00:00:00
Morning Must Reads: December 2 More House Speaker Paul Ryan will deliver what his office is billing as a major address Thursday at the Library of Congress as he seeks to reestablish himself as an intellectual leader within the Republican Party. Paul has long called for the GOP to offer an alternative to President Obama's agenda and his speech will be his latest effort to offer one to the American public. His remarks will contrast with those across town as the 14 remaining GOP presidential candidates participate in a cattle-call as the fractured field seeks to cater to an even more fractured party. Donald Trump is back on top of the GOP primary field nationally, a new poll shows, as Ben Carson's support has waned after the attacks in Paris. Hillary Clinton's poll numbers are also up and she leads most of the GOP top tier in head-to-head match-ups, save for a statistical tie with Marco Rubio. The hunt for the Republican nomination has stratified to the top tier - led by Trump with Carson, Rubio and Ted Cruz - and a large field of long-shots polling in the low single digits - led by Jeb Bush at 5%. With under 60 days to go until voting, the candidates in the crowded lower tier need to do more than simply position themselves as alternatives to the front-runner if they hope to catch fire. John Kasich's campaign is gloating that their candidate is taking fire from Trump as he has reoriented his campaign - and his associated super PAC has followed - around the task of taking down Donald Trump. So far Kasich has little to show for it other than return fire, but he is hoping to demonstrate toughness in the face of the former reality television businessman's bluster. Jeb Bush, meanwhile, is arguing there is more strength in humility than braggadocio, which may be true, but in a year where voters want bombast indicates why he's having so much trouble connecting. Cruz slams Rubio and defends his assertion that violent criminals are Democrats. Chris Christie's town halls draw praise. And why Mike Huckabee isn't taking pain medication after a recent knee surgery. Here are your must-reads: Must Reads Wary of Donald Trump, G.O.P. Leaders Are Caught in a Standoff No clear path to taking no front-runner [New York Times] Hillary Clinton Calls For New Civil Rights Laws 60 Years After Rosa Parks Clinton criticizes voter ID laws, TIME's Sam Frizell reports Cruz Excoriates Rubio on Foreign Policy, Links Him to Clinton Criticizes "neocon" policies [Bloomberg] In New Hampshire, No One Does Town Halls Quite Like Chris Christie Christie has elevated the campaign ritual to high art [Washington Post] Marco Rubio's N.H. Surge Is Riddled With Doubts Mechanics have taken a backseat just when he needs them most [Boston Globe] Sound Off "Should I be elected president, I would have my vice president - I think she will be a great partner... I mean, did I say that out loud?" - Jeb Bush in Waterloo, Iowa Tuesday, suggesting he'd pick a female Veep "I am not taking pain medication, other than at night, for the reason that I saw what it did to my friend Rick Perry when he ran for president, and I said if I mentioned three things I wanted to be able to remember them." - Mike Huckabee on campaigning through pain after knee surgery last week Bits and Bites Trump Back On Top As Carson Fades [TIME] Ryan to Deliver "Major Address" Thursday at Library of Congress [Washington Post] Ted Cruz Lets Out His Inner Actor With "The Princess Bride" [New York Times] Jeb Bush Passes on Cruz's Condom Comments [Twitter] Cruz: "Reasonable Inference" That Majority of Violent Criminals Are Democrats [ABC News] Fact Check: Ted Cruz's Four-Pinocchio Claim About Criminals [Washington Post] Jeb Bush Says He Would Have Probably Skipped Climate Conference [New York Times] Bush Readies His Last Stand in New Hampshire [Politico] Kerry: We Can Defeat ISIL "If We Get Our Act Together" [Politico]
2015-12-31 00:00:00
Wanderers want more after securing first prize Newcastle Jets 0 Western Sydney Wanderers 3 The first stage of the miracle from Western Sydney is officially complete after the Wanderers hammered the Newcastle Jets at Hunter Stadium on Friday night to claim the Premiers' Plate. Roared on by almost 10,000 travelling fans who drove up the F3, the Wanderers went ahead thanks to a first-half brace from Mark Bridge. Born and raised in Penrith, there could be no more fitting player to make the difference. Support: 8000 Western Sydney fans made the journey north. Photo: Getty Images Putting an exclamation mark on proceedings, Rocky Visconte's 80th-minute bullet was a beautiful strike that capped a faultless team display. The win takes the Wanderers six points clear of Central Coast, and puts them on 18 wins for the season, equal with the record set by Brisbane Roar when they won the championship in 2010-11. Advertisement For a club that didn't exist a year ago - and only begun being assembled three months before the season - it goes down as one of the all-time great accomplishments of Australian sport. Now their next challenge is to win their next two finals matches, a feat that would make them overall champions. "There's no real big emotions at the moment. Maybe because I'm new to this, I don't know what to feel," Wanderers coach Tony Popovic said after the match. "But I'm looking forward to telling the players how proud we are of them. It's been an amazing season and a great way to finish it off today. It was a pressure game for both teams and the players really stood up. That's what I'm most pleased about. Mark Bridge of the Wanderers is challenged by Joshua Brillante of the Jets. Photo: Getty Images "We go into the finals as the premiers and with a lot of confidence. We go into Asia now. "Although, in this country, the grand final winner is the champion, and we have to respect that. But there's a reason why last year Central Coast [as premiers] were given the automatic spot [for the Asian Champions League], and Brisbane [as champions] were given the half spot. Around the world, if you come first in the league, you're a worthy champion. That's what I'll be telling the players." The loss ruled Newcastle out of finals calculations, which was good news for Sydney FC. Now the Sky Blues will focus all their attention on Saturday night's clash in Perth, where the Glory need only a draw against Adelaide to take their place in the top six. While a season-high crowd of 22,518 packed into the stadium - the third-biggest in Newcastle's A-League history - it looked and felt like a Wanderers home game. When the visiting fans found their place at the north-east corner of the stadium, they swallowed up 10 bays of the Andrew Johns Stand. Their noise certainly swallowed up anything the home fans could manage. Aaron Mooy failed a fitness test, paving the way for Wanderers youngster Yianni Perkatis to make his season debut, with Michael Beauchamp resuming in central defence. Youssouf Hersi returned on the right of midfield after a one-game suspension, while Shannon Cole took the injured Adam D'Apuzzo's place and Jerome Polenz's four-game ban meant Tarek Elrich was one of five former Jets turning out for the Wanderers. As fate would have it, Elrich would have a hand in the opening goal - as would two other former Jets. His cross-field pass to Labinot Haliti was ambitious, but the forward, wide on the left, showed great touch to clip the ball across goal. Dino Kresinger's air-swing didn't deter Bridge, who tapped home his 10th goal of the season. Despite the goal, the Wanderers' pressure only intensified, and Popovic willed his team to keep pressing the Jets higher and higher up the pitch. The home side regularly had trouble playing its way out of defence because the swarm of red-and-white shirts closed in. A second goal seemed inevitable and Bridge - a hero in Newcastle for scoring the winning goal in the 2008 grand final - was the man to provide it. He read Kresinger's flick-on header and while he never quite controlled the ball, he kept it moving forward and managed to force it over Mark Birighitti. The second half seemed to lack intensity, especially from the Jets' perspective. They plugged away in patches but scarcely gave Popovic any reason to worry. Nobody would be spoiling the Wanderers' party, which looked set to kick on well into the night after substitute Visconte speared home his drive from distance.
2013-12-31 00:00:00