Reddit Comment: Agreed...
Reddit Comment: Republicans still support racial equality and Democrats still oppose it
I would love for you to explain why you believe this is true. Could you please clarify? I'm very interested in hearing you're response.
dismissing an argument as "coded white supremacist rhetoric" is a level of non-serious thinking which warrants only mockery in response.
He wasn't wrong in the slightest that's just really what it is plain and simple, then again if people like yourself could detect such rhetoric in the first place it wouldn't even be necessary for him to point out to you.It's not always聽going to be very blatant you know.
Reddit Comment: Yes and no. Yes he can cross his arms and pout during a shutdown, no he isnt getting a wall. Had the best chance before dems took house so he has nobody to blame. (He will still blame dems)
Reddit Comment: [removed]
Reddit Comment: There are 58 cosponsors. 15 democrats (and Independent Angus King). 42 Republicans. Here is a list of the Senators:
Reddit Comment: Maybe
Reddit Comment: How dare this crazy bitch wish us a happy New Year. Who the fuck does she think she is?
Reddit Comment: [removed]
Reddit Comment: It destabilizes a region that is influenced by America.
Reddit Comment: I will say I was impressed that she talked briefly about implicit bias in criminal justice, it's a pity that that conversation never went further :/
Reddit Comment: Don't forget abortion, keeping women held down in general, and anything to fuck over brown people.
But never any policies that actually matter because those are too complex for morons of the Republican base.
Reddit Comment: Good luck getting that amendment ratified.
Reddit Comment: Ah, The Good Earth I was talking about was in Larkspur Landing across Sir Francis Drake from the Ferry building. It was a restaurant serving things like whole wheat rolls and healthy salads.
It is a different operation from what you are talking about.
Was the greasy spoon called The Sleeping Lady? I seem to remember something about that, a totally vegetarian place with out an ice machine.
Reddit Comment: And despite that, we'd still have control of the Senate if we voted in 2010, 2014, and 2016
Reddit Comment: "We're all indians now - E Warren 2020"
Reddit Comment: That shits hilarious
Reddit Comment:
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Reddit Comment: yee