Reddit Comment: For those wondering, those are not my pictures :P. However, I did want to pick epic landscapes given the artist name and the epicness of this mix :D
User: A nice, public reminder that we don't live in a fascist regime.
Reddit Comment: i do wonder what would have happened had this incident not received a lot of public attention..
User: This week at Church: Build a Wall
Reddit Comment: The best wall-music experience I have ever had was going to see Roger Water's The Wall.
User: You have one wish. But it'll only come true if it was never wished by anyone before. What would it be?
Reddit Comment: I wish for a 13 inch pianist
User: Exactly 3 years ago, Shroud got an overwatch ban
Reddit Comment: Ok
User: Thank you Putin, for showing the level-headed responsibility and care that should be demonstrated from someone in your position, unlike the disgraceful Obama who attempts to provoke us all into unecessary war. The world thanks you. I'm very proud of Russia, a nation that now stands as the true leader of the free world.
Reddit Comment: The fact we are arming "rebels" linked to AQ is fucking disgusting.
User: No, you dumb cunt. If you can see from a few hundred metres down the road that nobody is there, then there is no need to drive slower than 60 fucking kph.
Reddit Comment: I don't think you can see that nobody is there from a few hundred metres away
User: Sprained wrist from a fall happened almost two weeks ago
Reddit Comment: damn bro injuries sux
User: MOTD Idea: Dogfight Anubis, Erlang Shen, Fenrir, and Kaldr only. Reduced cooldowns or infinite mana or something for the lulz.
Reddit Comment: You forgot Scylla.
User: @Senator_Assange: "it's odd how women "choose" to wear a bag over their heads but are "forced" to wear make-up by the Patriarchy."
Reddit Comment: Best argument ever against this type of hypocrisy!
User: Tennis player says something ambiguous and immediately regrets it
Reddit Comment: Those tennis grunts were quite cringey.
User: The Liberal Democrats will fight Brexit. Labour is not doing its job | Tim Farron
Reddit Comment: Too bad you didn't fight harder for all the folks who voted for you in 2010.
User: Bowl recommendations I do know about the wiki, but I'm looking for something fairly specific. I want a bowl that holds less than 20 grams with a fairly average pack, and doesn't ghost flavors (which sadly disqualifies basically every stone/clay bowl). I would absolutely love the Onyx bowl but as we all know it's constantly out of stock. Anything else that fits that criteria? Seems like every bowl is 25-30g these days. :(
Reddit Comment: I don't really know the exact models but have you looked at crown hookah glass bowls?
User: Sleepy Hollow. The first season was so good. The second one just started going downhill and accelerated fast, culminating in one of the stupidest plot decisions I've seen a TV show make in recent memory.
Reddit Comment: mind giving a summery of the *studipest plot decisions I've seen a TV show make in recent Memory* (never watched the show, just curious)
User: All on recorders and kazoos, though
Reddit Comment: You on kazoo
User: Only if made in America. Even the Russian ones have to be.
Reddit Comment: Yes we want more American born Russian hackers and brides.
User: Is the university going overboard with their political stuff? Even as great as it is that students care about politics, when I read the IDS, see the events the University sponsors around campus, or look at the stuff the CommUnity Education Program puts around dorms, it feels like they're pushing an agenda on us. Some of the stuff, from all three of those, isn't simply progressive, but extreme leftist material. Given that this is a public school, it really doesn't feel right.
Reddit Comment: At my graduation ceremony from IU last December , the guest speeker literally said in her speech "I think Republicans are the worst", and spent her whole time pushing her agenda on us.