in certain areas those "civilians" are isis friendly or "moderate rebels" themselves
The Allied forces killed a metric fuckton of civilians and no one cares
Kill yourself you fucking shill
No it's not.
It's not a network.
It's one guy in the basement of Coventry UK with ties to rebels.
It has nothing to do with ''Human Rights''.
It's not an organisation.
Assad should put bombs on auction. You offer money for a bomb type, and then choose the inscription and place of delivery. You get video.
>Thermobarics on Raqqa mosques
>Idlib/Aleppo bazaar thermate submunition
>commie talking about corrupt elites
yeah (you) would know. Our government uses our resources to secure our life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. How's your miserable country? You russians are brutish idiots
>a government killing muslims
One thing i can tell your goverment is far suprior than ours is propaganda - after all it managed to create 240 millions of brainwashed idiots like you, who actually believe it.
i didn't say that he will be vindicated, it's obvious that the US will keep trying to desestabilize syria, I was telling that you can't consider assad as evil for the death of those civilians without actually considering it's context
>What is a civilian to them?
This is the question you need to do.
>armed """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""civillians""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
not the same thing
Different organization, Amerifriend. lrn2read
The image cites the Syrian Network for Human Rights, not the Syrian Organization.
and you faggots think we're the worst shit posters
I will never get over the fact /pol/ actually got some shitskins killed via internet.
Gorilla warfare copypaste is outdated now.
i'm sitting pretty over here faggot. The value of all my shit continues to sky rocket. All while blowing up mudslimes in the mid east. Shits cash. Oh and those "corrupt elites" personal gain often helps out our country. Like taking oil. Nice and cheap over here.
Keep telling yourself all americans are stupid. Should make you feel better. You certainly prefer it to the truth: most americans are smart and very, very well off
The OP isn't a shitposter, he's a propagandist shill
>Oh and those "corrupt elites" personal gain often helps out our country. Like taking oil.
It never helps out your country, the shit they do fucks america over for their own selfish ends
what delusional fantasy world do you fucking live in
>Syrian Network for Human Rights
A known group that advocates for rebellion against the rightful King of Syria, the Lion Bashar al-Assad.
Those numbers mean literally nothing.
those "corrupt elites" would kill you in a heartbeat if it suites their plans.taking benefits from the situation could easily turn into horror
they arent mutually exclusive
>never helps out our country
lol. just because someone does something selfishly doesn't mean it can't benefit other people. Ever read the wealth of nations?
these "corrupt elites" have no face. Nobody knows who they're talking about. Be specific.
Please explain further.
>implying that killing muslims is bad
Clearly the civil war in Syria is completely organic just like every other coup in the middle east.