meningitis symptoms child viral
[ { "docid": "1145113", "title": "Symptoms Checker", "text": "Meningitis symptoms in toddlers. Meningitis & septicaemia-Higher risk for young children. The first symptoms are usually fever, vomiting, headache and feeling unwell. Red ticks show symptoms more specific to meningitis and septicaemia and less common in milder illnesses. Limb pain, pale skin and cold hands and feet often appear earlier than the rash, neck stiffness, dislike of bright lights and confusion." } ]
[ { "docid": "8243249", "title": "-", "text": "Most viruses causing viral meningitis can be isolated from the CSF (Klawans and Goetz 1978). Viral isolation from the throat, urine, and stool should also be attempted. A 4-fold rise in specific antibody in the convalescent serum specimen, or the intrathecal production of specific antibody, supports the diagnosis." }, { "docid": "7831245", "title": "Viral meningitis - precautions?", "text": "Viral meningitis - precautions? I'm a new nurse, have been working in the ER for 5 months now (and loving it!). Last night I offered to take a pt up to the floor for another nurse. Dx: viral meningitis (strange to already have that dx in the ER, aren't you supposed to wait till cultures come back?). Anyway, MD was confident it was viral. On the floor I am greeted by a nurse and tech wearing droplet precaution masks; both are looking at me like I'm crazy." }, { "docid": "3766382", "title": "-", "text": "meningitis is an inflammation of the protective layer around the brain and spinal cord this inflammation can be caused by a virus a bacterium or even a fungus viral meningitis is the most common form it is serious but generally not life threatening and it usually goes away in 7 to 10 days bacterial meningitis is rare but it is very serious and potentially fatal it includes meningococcal disease" }, { "docid": "7183726", "title": "Meningitis in Adults", "text": "Viral meningitis is often treated at home with acetaminophen (Tylenol) and other pain medications. Antibiotics are not helpful in treating viral meningitis. If you have bacterial or fungal meningitis, you are often admitted to the intensive-care unit, for either a short period of observation or a longer period if you are more ill." }, { "docid": "6311599", "title": "Is Meningitis Contagious?", "text": "What is the incubation period for meningitis? The incubation period for bacterial meningitis, the most serious types of meningitis, is about three to five days after initial contact with the microbe. However, in some individuals, bacterial meningitis symptoms can occur as rapidly as 24 hours.For viral meningitis, the incubation period can range widely from only a few days to a few weeks. Patients who get meningitis usually have symptoms of headache, fever, and a stiff neck.owever, in some individuals, bacterial meningitis symptoms can occur as rapidly as 24 hours. For viral meningitis, the incubation period can range widely from only a few days to a few weeks." }, { "docid": "6517221", "title": "Viral Gastroenteritis", "text": "The main symptoms of viral gastroenteritis are watery diarrhea and vomiting. Other symptoms of gastroenteritis include headache, fever, chills, and abdominal pain. The symptoms may appear within hours or a few days of infection. They usually last for 1 to 2 days, but may last as long as 10 days. The viruses that cause viral gastroenteritis damage the cells in the lining of the small intestine." }, { "docid": "5863479", "title": "Meningitis", "text": "What is meningitis? Meningitis is an inflammation of the membranes that cover the brain and spinal cord. It can be caused by a number of infectious agents including viruses and bacteria. The type of meningitis and its cause can only be determined by conducting laboratory tests. Viral meningitis (also called aseptic meningitis) is the most common type of meningitis and is less severe than bacterial meningitis." }, { "docid": "6250580", "title": "-", "text": "Phlegm symptoms can be caused by various viral and bacterial infections including: Acute bronchitis (inflammation of the bronchial tubes usually caused by a viral infection or sometimes a bacterial infection). Common cold (viral infection)." }, { "docid": "3990017", "title": "What is pertussis?", "text": "The symptoms of a cold start from 1 to 3 days after your child has been in contact with the cold virus. Usually, the symptoms last about one week, but this varies in each child, and may last even up to 2 weeks.The following are the most common symptoms of a cold. However, each child may experience symptoms differently.he symptoms of a cold start from 1 to 3 days after your child has been in contact with the cold virus. Usually, the symptoms last about one week, but this varies in each child, and may last even up to 2 weeks." }, { "docid": "2138190", "title": "Meningitis", "text": "Neck pain and stiffness that’s associated with headache and fever can be a sign of meningitis (an infection of the membranes surrounding your brain and spinal cord). Meningitis is a serious disease, and you should seek immediate medical treatment if you or your child are experiencing these symptoms." }, { "docid": "6495417", "title": "Viral Meningitis (nonbacterial meningitis)", "text": "How are the viruses that cause viral meningitis spread? Because a number of different viruses are capable of causing viral meningitis, the manner in which the virus is spread depends upon the type of virus involved. Some are spread by person-to-person contact; others can be spread by insects. The symptoms may include fever, headache, stiff neck and fatigue." }, { "docid": "3874202", "title": "-", "text": "Meningitis means inflammation of the lining around the brain and spinal cord. Septicaemia is blood poisoning. They can be caused by lots of different germs, mainly bacteria or viruses. Viral meningitis is painful, but it is not usually dangerous. Bacterial meningitis and septicaemia are very dangerous and can come on very quickly." }, { "docid": "81062", "title": "-", "text": "Signs and Symptoms. Signs and symptoms of fungal meningitis may include the following: Fever. Headache. Stiff neck. Nausea and vomiting. Photophobia (sensitivity to light) Altered mental status (confusion)" }, { "docid": "6058246", "title": "Pink Eye Treatment", "text": "Another form of pink eye common to children is caused by a non-viral form of the flu which must be treated with antibiotics as well. Treatment for viral conjunctivitis. Unlike bacterial conjunctivitis, a viral eye infection causing pink eye symptoms does not respond at all to antibiotic medication. The main symptoms of viral pink eye are the eyes watering continuously and feeling sore, gritty and itchy." }, { "docid": "1737601", "title": "Viral Meningitis", "text": "Viral meningitis is inflammation of the layers of tissue that cover the brain and spinal cord (meninges) and of the fluid-filled space between the meninges (subarachnoid space). It is caused by viruses. Viral meningitis usually begins with symptoms of a viral infection such as fever, a general feeling of illness, headache, and muscle aches. Later, people develop a headache and a stiff neck that makes lowering the chin to the chest difficult or impossible." }, { "docid": "6909305", "title": "Encephalitis can bring on back pain", "text": "This commonly causes fever, headache and stiff neck, and can cause backache. Encephalitis and meningitis can occur together; it's sometimes called meningoencephalitis. When viral infection affects the spinal cord directly, it is referred to as myelitis; and back pain and spinal cord dysfunction commonly result. When encephalitis and myelitis occur together, it is referred to as encephalomyelitis. There are many viruses that can cause meningitis, encephalitis or myelitis." }, { "docid": "3298527", "title": "Top 20 Doctor insights on: Sinusitis Bronchitis Contagious", "text": "Viral or bacterial: Sinusitis and bronchitis can be caused by viruses or bacteria. Cipro (ciprofloxacin) is an antibiotic. If your symptoms are not better, it is possible the illness is viral, but it is also possible that bacteria resistant to Cipro (ciprofloxacin) are causing the sinusitis." }, { "docid": "576692", "title": "Viral Arthritis â Causes, Symptoms,Tests", "text": "Viral Arthritis – Causes, Symptoms,Tests. Viral arthritis is the inflammation and swelling that is caused to the joints due to a viral infection. There are specific causes of viral arthritis. Sometimes, this may be a symptom of virus-related illness. Usually, it is disappeared on its own and doesn’t have any long lasting effects." }, { "docid": "7527408", "title": "Joint pain and Stiff neck", "text": "Spinal meningitis is most often caused by a virus and causes headache, fever, stiff neck, seizures, and more. Aseptic meningitis, or viral meningitis, can cause fever, headaches, neck pain, nausea, and more. Aseptic meningitis, or viral meningitis, can cause fever, headaches, neck pain, nausea, and more." }, { "docid": "6846346", "title": "Headache and Stiff neck", "text": "Headache and Stiff neck. WebMD Symptom Checker helps you find the most common medical conditions indicated by the symptoms headache and stiff neck including Tension headache, Aseptic meningitis (adult), and Aseptic meningitis (child).here are 73 conditions associated with headache and stiff neck. The links below will provide you with more detailed information on these medical conditions from the WebMD Symptom Checker and help provide a better understanding of causes and treatment of these related conditions." }, { "docid": "4433754", "title": "-", "text": "Bacterial meningitis is more serious and can be caused by a range of different bacteria. Most cases in the UK and Ireland are caused by meningococcal bacteria. Meningococcal bacteria can cause meningitis, septicaemia or both.eningitis is the inflammation of the lining around the brain and spinal cord. Septicaemia is the blood poisoning form of the disease. The two forms of the disease have different symptoms. People who recover from meningitis and septicaemia may be left with a range of after effects that dramatically alter their lives." }, { "docid": "4032093", "title": "-", "text": "1 Meningitis is a rare but serious infection of the membranes (meninges) that cover the brain and spinal cord. 2 Meningitis can be caused by a range of different bacteria, fungi and viruses.3 Viral meningitis is usually mild and recovery is swift. Meningitis is a rare but serious infection of the membranes (meninges) that cover the brain and spinal cord. 2 Meningitis can be caused by a range of different bacteria, fungi and viruses." }, { "docid": "4162852", "title": "Classifications and Causes", "text": "When the CSF can’t be absorbed, hydrocephalus results. Meningitis – Meningitis is an inflammation of the membranes of the brain and spinal cord. Caused by a bacterial or (less frequently) viral infection, meningitis can scar the delicate membranes called meninges that line the CSF pathway." }, { "docid": "6382661", "title": "Types and causes", "text": "Fungal meningitis A rare cause of meningitis, which usually occur when the immune system has been affected by other diseases. Other types of meningitis There can be many causes of meningitis, commonly bacteria and viruses." }, { "docid": "2629287", "title": "meningitis", "text": "epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis an acute infectious disease with seropurulent inflammation of the membranes of the brain and spinal cord, due to infection by Neisseria meningitidis (meningococcus).he fulminating or malignant form is known as Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome. spinal meningitis inflammation of the meninges of the spinal cord. viral meningitis meningitis due to any of various viruses, such as a coxsackievirus or the mumps virus, with lymphocytes in the cerebrospinal fluid." }, { "docid": "5306294", "title": "-", "text": "The meningitis incubation period depends on the causative organism behind the meningitis, but usually ranges between two and 14 days. During the incubation period, the patient is typically not contagious. The classic trio of symptoms indicative of meningitis are headache, stiff neck, and a high fever.ipLine. Post 2. @alisha-- The incubation period for viral and bacterial meningitis is similar. It's usually about ten days for both but it can range anywhere from two days to two weeks depending on the cause of the meningitis and the individual." }, { "docid": "1390737", "title": "Viral Rashes", "text": "Viral Rashes. Many viral infections can cause a rash in addition to other symptoms. Rashes are very common with viral infections, especially in young children. It is very important to make sure the rash is not part of a serious infection - eg, meningococcal infection which can be associated with meningitis." }, { "docid": "595123", "title": "How to treat meningitis naturally at home â 6 tips", "text": "1. Take A Good Sleep: As the way on how to treat meningitis, the doctors have suggested that the patients with meningitis need to take a good sleep for at least 8 hours a day. By putting the patients into the comfortable bed rest, this treatment will help them relieve the symptoms of meningitis such as headache." }, { "docid": "3405808", "title": "-", "text": "Most sinus infections are viral and require only symptom treatment. If your symptoms last beyond seven days, most likely the source of infection is not viral and you should be seen by a provider.When the sinuses stay congested for long periods, small growths called polyps may develop on the membranes inside the nose.ost sinus infections are viral and require only symptom treatment. If your symptoms last beyond seven days, most likely the source of infection is not viral and you should be seen by a provider." }, { "docid": "505181", "title": "Neck Problems and Injuries", "text": "1 Neck pain caused by a pinched nerve generally affects one side of the neck and the arm on that side. 2 Other symptoms may develop, such as numbness, tingling, or weakness in the arm or hand. 3 Meningitis is a serious viral or bacterial illness that causes inflammation around the tissues of the brain and spinal cord. Neck pain caused by a pinched nerve generally affects one side of the neck and the arm on that side. 2 Other symptoms may develop, such as numbness, tingling, or weakness in the arm or hand. 3 Meningitis is a serious viral or bacterial illness that causes inflammation around the tissues of the brain and spinal cord." } ]
metamucil causes heartburn
[ { "docid": "2839041", "title": "Metamucil Can Cause Heartburn", "text": "Friday, January 21, 2011. Metamucil Can Cause Heartburn. I have been using Metamucil, about every other day or so, for months. Hubby and I started taking one glass of powder in water in the evening after he received some blood work indicating his lipid count was slightly high. Metamucil can help reduce cholesterol." } ]
[ { "docid": "6519360", "title": "July 2010 Babies", "text": "You're not the only one that water gives heartburn to. I have it worse, but the problem was I got dehydrated which irritated my uterus and started causing horrible contractions. So they put me on Zantac twice a day to curtail the heartburn so I could drink water. You're not the only one that water gives heartburn to." }, { "docid": "523815", "title": "Is There Really a Cure for GERD?", "text": "In some situations, a physician may suggest surgery to treat severe heartburn. This surgery, called fundoplication, is not ideal for all patients who suffer from chronic heartburn or GERD. Fundoplication surgery can be very effective in the treatment of severe heartburn, but it doesn't have a 100 percent success rate. For some patients, the surgery doesn't completely eliminate their heartburn, and they will need to continue taking medication." }, { "docid": "4845814", "title": "-", "text": "A. Apples are a low-acid fruit and therefore safe to eat with those that suffers from heartburn. Apple juice, fresh and dried apples are also okay. Cider may be the only apple product that may cause acid indigestion and heartburn, so avoid that." }, { "docid": "7324772", "title": "-", "text": "Commonly used heartburn drugs may lead to kidney damage: study. Prilosec, Nexium and Prevacid are part of a class of heartburn drugs called proton pump inhibitors. Long-term use of a common type of medication used to treat heartburn, acid reflux, and ulcers may lead to an increased risk of kidney disease and kidney failure, new research shows." }, { "docid": "2059885", "title": "Milk & Heartburn", "text": "Milk is sometimes recommended as a treatment for heartburn, but it can make symptoms worse in certain situations. Heartburn is both preventable and treatable. Individuals should consult a healthcare professional to discuss persistent heartburn treatment." }, { "docid": "88105", "title": "-", "text": "Heartburn Causes. Heartburn is actually a symptom of GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease), and is caused by acid refluxing back into the esophagus. Risk factors include those that increase the production of acid in the stomach, as well as structural problems that allow acid reflux into the esophagus." }, { "docid": "3135379", "title": "Tecta", "text": "Proton pump inhibitors are used to treat conditions where a reduction in stomach acid is needed, such as stomach ulcers, duodenal (intestinal) ulcers, reflux esophagitis (a severe form of heartburn), and symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD; e.g., heartburn and acid regurgitation)." }, { "docid": "2080276", "title": "Fiber vs. Breast Cancer", "text": "The comparison of fiber intakes by diet could certainly help explain why vegans are such regular people (see the ending of Prunes vs. Metamucil vs. Vegan Diet). Please also check out my associated blog posts for some more context: Flax and Breast Cancer Prevention." }, { "docid": "7816885", "title": "What is the Connection Between Coffee and Upset Stomach?", "text": "The link between coffee and upset stomach can be related to caffeine and heartburn. The caffeine in coffee may stimulate production of stomach acids, causing heartburn. Heartburn can then cause upset stomach. Caffeine is a stimulant that increases heart rate which can be directly linked to nausea." }, { "docid": "5792383", "title": "Questions and Answers on Prilosec OTC (omeprazole)", "text": "Prilosec OTC is used to treat frequent heartburn. Heartburn occurs when the stomach contents back up and out of the stomach into the esophagus (the tube that connects the throat to the stomach). Frequent heartburn is when you have heartburn 2 or more days a week." }, { "docid": "8620009", "title": "Nexium for treating Gastritis", "text": "Taken for: GERD, Reflux, Heartburn, Ulcers, Stomach Pain ... Nexium is a peptic ulcer medication. Uses: Nexium is prescribed for GERD, Reflux and Heartburn and is mostly mentioned together with these indications." }, { "docid": "859477", "title": "-", "text": "See a list of possible causes in order from the most common to the least. 1. Heartburn is a burning sensation in your chest that often occurs with a bitter taste in your throat or mouth. The symptoms of heartburn may get worse after you eat a large meal or when you're lying down." }, { "docid": "7078187", "title": "Can Lentils Cause Heartburn?", "text": "Lentils are legumes that can cause gas and heartburn. Photo Credit: Hemera Technologies/Photos.com/Getty Images Lentils are part of the legume family, which is notorious for causing bloating, gas and heartburn, especially if you have a weakened digestive system." }, { "docid": "781331", "title": "9 Serious Conditions That Mimic Heartburn", "text": "Heartburn or something else? Heartburn-like pain is a common symptom of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). But several other conditions can cause a burning feeling in your chest. Most of the time, your doctor will be able to identify whether you have heartburn or GERD by doing tests." }, { "docid": "8256049", "title": "Overview of Factors Influencing Bowel Function Video Transcript", "text": "Note the contrasting ways of using fiber for constipation versus diarrhea or frequent stooling. For constipation, it is important to take one tablespoon of psyllium or Metamucil or one tablespoon of Citrucelin eight ounces of water and immediately follow it with eight more ounces of water." }, { "docid": "7148773", "title": "Topamax", "text": "Find out which 10 foods you should cut back on to stop heartburn and acid reflux, plus the best substitute for antacids. Don’t live with the pain! Find out which 10 foods you should cut back on to stop heartburn and acid reflux, plus the best substitute for antacids." }, { "docid": "65744", "title": "-", "text": "Many pregnant women suffer from heartburn, which can lead to discomfort and interrupted sleep. Prevent heartburn by skipping spicy meals a few hours before bed or before lying down. You should wait at least two hours after eating to lie down and relax so you don’t develop heartburn." }, { "docid": "41968", "title": "How Many Calories Should I Eat During Pregnancy?", "text": "During the third trimester, you still need an additional 300 calories for your growing baby, but maybe as much as 450. Your stomach will probably be feeling crowded and heartburn may be a big problem. Break up your meals into several small ones, and try drinking milk when your heartburn flairs up." }, { "docid": "3076500", "title": "Heartburn: Why it happens and what to do", "text": "Heartburn is felt when stomach acid flows back up into the esophagus (food pipe or gullet), down which food moves from the mouth to the stomach. At least 15 million Americans experience heartburn - the symptom of acid reflux - every day, according to estimates from the American College of Gastroenterology." }, { "docid": "595497", "title": "What Your Upset Stomach is Trying to Tell You", "text": "What Causes Heartburn. One common cause of heartburn is the condition acid reflux. Acid reflux is the flow of stomach acid into a person’s esophagus, which can cause a burning sensation in the chest. Other causes of heartburn are: Eating meals too quickly." }, { "docid": "383004", "title": "What Does Metamucil Do?", "text": "What Does Metamucil Do. The Metamucil brand originally belonged to G.D. Searle & Company, which marketed the product for the first time in 1934. However, the brand was taken over by Proctor & Gamble in 1985." }, { "docid": "8098399", "title": "Foods to Limit to Control Acid Reflux", "text": "This is why it is important to know which foods can cause heartburn for you and limit those foods. These are foods that are usually responsible for a higher occurrence of heartburn. You can keep a heartburn or food diary to learn what are your personal problem foods. The foods listed in the table below are the most common foods that can produce heartburn. This is by no means a complete list, and in your personal situation, you may either find you can eat the foods from the Avoid group with no problem or have problems with foods not listed. You can keep a heartburn or food diary to learn what are your personal problem foods. For approximately two weeks, write down what you eat, when you eat and any symptoms you may experience. This will help you and your doctor plans your diet and decides on any change in eating habits you may need. Foods to Limit on the Acid Reflux Diet" }, { "docid": "4630359", "title": "-", "text": "Pepper, Mexican food, chili, and any other food that is loaded with pepper or other spices can trigger heartburn, says Deepa A. Vasudevan, MD. Vasudevan is an assistant professor of family medicine at The University of Texas Medical School at Houston.kip the after-dinner mints -- especially after a rich meal. They may be good for your breath on a date, she says, but they are not so good if you are prone to heartburn.. Peppermint may increase your chances of heartburn because it relaxes the sphincter muscle that lay between the stomach and esophagus." }, { "docid": "4346521", "title": "Metamucil & Diarrhea", "text": "Metamucil is a brand name of psyllium fiber used to treat constipation and diarrhea. Soluble fiber absorbs water in the digestive tract and swells, adding more bulk to your stool. Diarrhea consists of frequent, watery stools that lack bulk." }, { "docid": "2343315", "title": "-", "text": "Heartburn, the classic symptom of GERD, is common in patients with gastrointestinal symptoms but uncommon in those with head and neck manifestations. One study 3 reported only a 20 to 43 percent incidence of heartburn in patients with head and neck symptoms." }, { "docid": "3425040", "title": "-", "text": "To start with, Metamucil is a line of fiber supplements. The ingredients are psyllium husk, vitamins and minerals. It can be used three times daily; in-between or with meals. Supposedly, it helps you maintain intestinal health [1], encourage regularity [2] and satiety." }, { "docid": "947832", "title": "9 Serious Conditions That Mimic Heartburn", "text": "Heartburn-like pain is a common symptom of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). But several other conditions can cause a burning feeling in your chest. Most of the time, your doctor will be able to identify whether you have heartburn or GERD by doing tests." }, { "docid": "147547", "title": "Antacid", "text": "An antacid is a substance which neutralizes stomach acidity, which in turn relieves heartburn.n antacid is a substance which neutralizes stomach acidity, which in turn relieves heartburn." }, { "docid": "3794749", "title": "7 Benefits of Metamucil Weight Loss Solution", "text": "Metamucil is a popular fiber supplement available on the market. Aptly known as the leading fiber supplement, Metamucil is one of many fiber supplements for losing weight. Many people trying to lose weight turn to Metamucil as it is safe and tastes great." }, { "docid": "8644450", "title": "-", "text": "What’s The Best Way to Get Rid of heartburn coming acid reflux symptoms you need what dietary pattern of heartburn & Acid Reflux needs to cover their symptoms of acid. reflux. They may prescription medications for pyrosis (heartburn and to reduce stress and happy against gastritis ulcers and is not shutting right." } ]
michigan cost of real estate license
[ { "docid": "3620732", "title": "-", "text": "For a list of Michigan real estate licenses fee, click here. The 3-year license fee for a new broker or associate broker is $143.00 and for a salesperson is $88.00. The renewal fee for a broker or associate broker is $163.00 and for a salesperson the fee is $108.00." } ]
[ { "docid": "1914485", "title": "Florida Real Estate Broker License Education", "text": "Our Florida broker course is certified by the Florida Real Estate Commission. This course is required in order to obtain a broker license. The chart below provides details on each unit within the course. Florida Pre-License Courses is rated 4.3 out of 5 by 1756." }, { "docid": "1937650", "title": "Cross the border with Michigan's enhanced driver's license", "text": "It is a cheaper alternative to a passport, but slightly more expensive than a standard Michigan license. The fees: -- Passports, $100 for applications for those 16 and older. -- Enhanced Michigan driver's license: $45 for an enhanced operator's license; $50 for an enhanced chauffeur's license. -- Standard Michigan driver's license: When applying for the first time, $25." }, { "docid": "6734867", "title": "-", "text": "You do not have to turn in your certificates when you renew your license, but you do have to have them on file in case you are audited by the Iowa Real Estate Commission. Certificates for classes taken through the IAR School of Real Estate are kept online for you in the My Account section of our website." }, { "docid": "8051244", "title": "Real Estate Terminology", "text": "Real Estate Broker . A real estate broker is an individual employed on a fee or commission basis as an agent to bring buyers and sellers together and assist in negotiating real estate contracts between them. Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) An REIT is a trust owned by shareholders that buys and initiates mortgage loans. Real Estate Salesperson" }, { "docid": "198749", "title": "Oregon Real Estate License Requirements", "text": "Save. To become a real estate broker, principal real estate broker or a real estate property manager in Oregon, you must first obtain the proper license from the Oregon Real Estate Agency. The real estate broker license is an entry-level license for salespeople who are supervised by a principal real estate broker.f you are applying to become a principal broker and already have a broker license in Oregon, you do not have to submit a new set of fingerprints. You can find all the necessary forms and instructions on the Real Estate Agency website." }, { "docid": "5813378", "title": "-", "text": "After receiving a minimum of 2000 hours of appraisal experience in no less than 2 years, you may apply to become a Licensed Residential Appraiser. The license cost is $300 and is valid for 2 years. There are 3 levels of real estate appraiser licensing in New York: 1 State Licensed Real Estate Appraiser." }, { "docid": "5716934", "title": "Frequently Asked Questions", "text": "A. The Michigan Boating Safety Certificate (also known as the Michigan Boating License or boaters license) is proof that you have met the mandatory boat safety education requirements for the State of Michigan. The Michigan Boating Safety Certificate is good for life and does not need to be renewed." }, { "docid": "1912794", "title": "-", "text": "1 Campbellsville, Ky Real Estate. 2 Columbia, Ky Real Estate. 3 Danville, Ky Real Estate. 4 Elizabethtown, Ky Real Estate. 5 Glasgow, Ky Real Estate. 6 Greensburg, Ky Real Estate. 7 Hodgenville, Ky Real Estate. Lebanon, Ky Real Estate." }, { "docid": "7104477", "title": "Educational Links", "text": "All licensees who did not renew or submit CE credits may no longer practice real estate until license is reinstated. New Jersey Real Estate Commission’s Complete Continuing Education Requirements: Notice of Proposal; Notice of Adoption (Must be read together to see complete rules as finally adopted) Online CE Tracking System- PSI Site" }, { "docid": "6674226", "title": "-", "text": "INDEPENDENT CONTRACTER. : Independent Contractor represents that he or she is a duly licensed real estate salesperson or broker in the state of California and will maintain their real estate license in good standing with the California Department of Real Estate during the term of this agreement." }, { "docid": "6815540", "title": "What are the Real Estate Agent Licensing Requirements in Every State?", "text": "In order to attain a Real Estate Sales Agent license in the state of Texas, you must complete the educational requirements set forth by the Texas Real Estate Commission (TREC), file a license application, and pass the state exam." }, { "docid": "1482987", "title": "Transfer or Activate your Florida Real Estate license Now, Wherever you are in Florida, even out of state", "text": "Transfer or Activate your Florida Real Estate license Now, 1 $39 is your annual cost (non refundable administrative fee, with annual automatic payment)-Valid for 365 days. 3rd parties cost Florida State license Fee, cost of post licensing or continuing education are always at your charge and are not included." }, { "docid": "5415563", "title": "-", "text": "How to Become a Certified Home Inspector in Florida. Real Estate Cards (free for members): Inform licensed agents that they can attain free, online Continuing Education through InterNACHI to renew their real estate license. The real estate cards provide instructions to the real estate agents on how to access the free, online courses." }, { "docid": "3880207", "title": "-", "text": "You can now get your real estate license in Texas in 4 simple steps. Sign up today and take a step towards your new career. NOTE: To be eligible to apply for a Texas Real Estate License, an individual must be a citizen of the United States or a lawfully admitted alien, eighteen (18) years of age or older, and a legal resident of Texas." }, { "docid": "326353", "title": "-", "text": "Shares & Saves. Save. To become a real estate agent, the person must be licensed through the state's real estate department where she will be doing business. If the individual has a criminal background, this may prevent him from obtaining a real estate license.A real estate agent is typically called a real estate sales licensee.hares & Saves. Save. To become a real estate agent, the person must be licensed through the state's real estate department where she will be doing business. If the individual has a criminal background, this may prevent him from obtaining a real estate license." }, { "docid": "7679228", "title": "-", "text": "Medellin, Cost-of-Living as compared with prices in Florida, and some E.U. countries: Housing-costs on a per square foot basis are 50-60% LESS. Medical/Dental/Optical-costs are about 60% LESS.Nursing Homes-cost about 70% LESS.edellin-Colombia Cost Of Living. Because of increased real estate activity as reported by Medellin real estate companies, we receive numerous requests from people not familiar with the current Cost-of-Living in Medellin, Colombia." }, { "docid": "5033137", "title": "ZipLogix competitors never had a shot at licensing CAR forms", "text": "CAR CEO Joel Singer, who is also the CEO of zipLogix LLC, talks about dotloop and CAR’s decision to not license the ability to electronically fill out its real estate forms to a software other than zipForm." }, { "docid": "809031", "title": "-", "text": "Welcome to Macon County Title. At Macon County Title, we have been specializing in real estate transactions for over 100 years. We can handle your home or building sale, farm sale, property search or other real estate matter with one call and at the lowest cost to you." }, { "docid": "7934632", "title": "-", "text": "The requirements for a real estate broker license in West Virginia include being at least 18 years of age and having a high school diploma or GED. Broker applicants need to complete an additional 90 clock hours (6 credit hours) in approved real estate courses if already licensed as a real estate salesperson in West Virginia." }, { "docid": "3144955", "title": "Commercial vs. Residential Real Estate InvestmentWhich Is The Best Investment", "text": "Therefore, the cash flow to cost of the apartment is much higher than a that of a residential real estate investment. For most people who are considering a commercial real estate investment, apartment properties seem to make the most sense." }, { "docid": "3415878", "title": "-", "text": "1 Be sure to confirm that the steps set forth by the Florida Real Estate Commission have not changed. 2 It is illegal in Florida to offer a money back guarantee that you'll pass the Florida Real Estate Sales Associate Examination. 3 If a company offers this to you, stay clear.. Apply for your license. Submit a completed application to the Florida Real Estate Commission. This application must include your electronic fingerprints, and appropriate fee to the Florida Real Estate Commission." }, { "docid": "2171995", "title": "-", "text": "• Real Estate Salesperson and Broker license endorsement (MU4) – $300 Cal BRE MLO. license endorsement renewal fee plus $30 NMLS processing fee. • Real Estate Broker Sole-Proprietor Company (MU1) – No CalBRE newal feere, however, there is a $100 NMLS processing fee.• Real Estate Broker Sole-Proprietor Individual (MU4) - $300 CalBRE MLO license endorsement renewal fee plus $30 NMLS processing fee.• Real Estate Corporation Company (MU1) – $300 CalBRE MLO license endorsement renewal fee plus $100 NMLS processing fee.ll individual MLO license endorsements expire on December 31 st of each year and must be renewed annually by submitting an individual renewal request/attestation electronically through NMLS along with the appropriate fees, and evidence of completion of 8 hours of NMLS approved. ." }, { "docid": "4944035", "title": "Qualification: Steps to Get Your License", "text": "1 Pass the Florida Real Estate Sales Associate Examination with a grade of at least 75 or pass the Florida Real Estate Law Exam with a grade of at least 30. 2 Activate the license, otherwise the license is issued in an inactive status.ny active member in good standing with the Florida Bar who is otherwise qualified under the real estate license law is exempt from the FREC prescribed prerequisite educational course for licensure as a real estate sales associate." }, { "docid": "4907071", "title": "National Association of Realtors", "text": "NAR's members are residential and commercial real estate brokers, real estate salespeople, immovable property managers, appraisers, counselors, and others engaged in all aspects of the real estate (immovable property) industry, where a state license to practice is required." }, { "docid": "1330355", "title": "What is the Covenant of Seisin Clause?", "text": "Rowlett Real Estate School is a full service Florida Real Estate School offering classroom training in Panama Ctiy Beach Florida and Destin Florida, Fort Walton Beach and Pensacola. We offer a full line up of courses online and in classroom for all your Sales Associate and Broker real estate license requirements." }, { "docid": "6985388", "title": "-", "text": "The original license fee for a real estate salesperson license is $170 for the first two years. The original license fee for a real estate salesperson license is $150. The renewal fee after that is $195. The original license fee for a company is $170 for two years, and $170 to renew it after that.All agents can easily renew a real estate license in Alabama online.Here you can find all of the necessary Alabama real estate agent forms.he original license fee for a real estate salesperson license is $170 for the first two years. The original license fee for a real estate salesperson license is $150. The renewal fee after that is $195. The original license fee for a company is $170 for two years, and $170 to renew it after that." }, { "docid": "8506100", "title": "-", "text": "Each sales or associate broker license shall show the name of the license. The license shall also show the name of the sponsoring individual real estate broker, or the name of the corporation, partnership, or limited liability company or other entity under which the license is issued." }, { "docid": "4442537", "title": "-", "text": "Real Estate Agent Fees & Commission VIC; Real Estate Agent Fees & Commission QLD; Real Estate Agent Fees & Commission ACT; Real Estate Agent Fees & Commission NT; Real Estate Agent Fees & Commission WA; Real Estate Agent Fees & Commission SA; Real Estate Agent Fees & Commission TAS; Real Estate Agent Fees & Commission Sydney" }, { "docid": "1482985", "title": "Transfer or Activate your Florida Real Estate license Now, Wherever you are in Florida, even out of state", "text": "Transfer or Activate your Florida Real Estate license Now, Wherever you are in Florida, even out of state. $39 is your annual cost (non refundable administrative fee, with annual automatic payment)-Valid for 365 days." }, { "docid": "1142535", "title": "How to Obtain a License", "text": "Florida Real Estate Licensing Requirements. An applicant for a Florida Real Estate License must: be at least 18 years old. hold a high school diploma or its equivalent. have a Social Security Number." } ]
mitotic spindle definition
[ { "docid": "8021102", "title": "-", "text": "Mitotic spindle. Definition. noun. The collective term for all the spindle fibers that form during mitosis. It is a spindle-shaped structure that develops outside the nucleus during mitosis. The fibers that constitute the mitotic spindle pull the chromatids apart toward opposite poles.Supplement.lease contribute to this project, if you have more information about this term feel free to edit this page. This page was last modified on 31 May 2009, at 09:30.This page has been accessed 96,291 times. What links here | Related changes | Permanent link." }, { "docid": "8021104", "title": "-", "text": "The mitotic spindle is the macromolecular machine that segregates chromosomes to two daughter cells during mitosis. The major structural elements of the spindle are microtubule polymers, whose intrinsic polarity and dynamic properties are critical for bipolar spindle organization and function.he mitotic spindle is the macromolecular machine that segregates chromosomes to two daughter cells during mitosis. The major structural elements of the spindle are microtubule polymers, whose intrinsic polarity and dynamic properties are critical for bipolar spindle organization and function." } ]
[ { "docid": "5838015", "title": "-", "text": "The length of interphase (phases of mitotic division of a cell) can vary from organism to organism and cell to cell. Interphase includes a few stages: G1: this is the longest phase of the cycle.It follows the mitotic division, and is the part where new cells have the chance to start to growing. Proteins are created by the cell so that DNA can be replicated.Usually takes about 10 hours. S: the length of this phase is unique to the quantity of DNA in that specific cell. This is where chromosomes and DNA are replicated and doubled.It usually takes between 5 and 6 hours to complete. G2: this phase includes the first stage of mitosis.1: this is the longest phase of the cycle. It follows the mitotic division, and is the part where new cells have the chance to start to growing. Proteins are created by the cell so that DNA can be replicated. Usually takes about 10 hours." }, { "docid": "8065670", "title": "Spinning Yarn In the Grave", "text": "Before you can even start spinning the flax/hemp/wool to make the cloth that will keep you from freezing to death, you have to sit down and carve a hole through a flat rock to make a spindle whorl. So… would you put a perfectly good stone spindle whorl in a woman’s grave? Only if you loved her. Only if she was important." }, { "docid": "2059769", "title": "fusiform", "text": "spindle-shaped; rounded and tapering from the middle toward each end, as some roots. Origin of fusiform." }, { "docid": "4515559", "title": "Mitosis - When Cells Split Apart", "text": "Prophase: A cell gets the idea that it is time to divide. First, it has to get everything ready. You need to duplicate DNA, get certain pieces in the right position (centrioles), and generally prepare the cell for the process of mitotic division." }, { "docid": "1803125", "title": "The Cell Cycle", "text": "The Stages of Interphase and the Cell Cycle: The cell cycle consists of interphase and the mitotic phase. During interphase, the cell grows and the nuclear DNA is duplicated. Interphase is followed by the mitotic phase. During the mitotic phase, the duplicated chromosomes are segregated and distributed into daughter nuclei." }, { "docid": "3525766", "title": "CELL CYCLE", "text": "It usually initiates during the late stages of mitosis, and sometimes meiosis, splitting a mitotic cell in two, to ensure that chromosome number is maintained from one generation to the next. After cytokinesis two (daughter) cells will be formed that are exact copies of the (parent) original cell." }, { "docid": "4022018", "title": "spindle fibers", "text": "The spindle is necessary to equally divide the chromosomes in a parental cell into two daughter cells during both types of nuclear division: mitosis and meiosis. During mitosis, the spindle fibers are called the mitotic spindle. Meanwhile, during meiosis, the spindle fibers are referred to as the meiotic spindle." }, { "docid": "4746702", "title": "Meiosis - It's for Sexual Reproduction", "text": "The cell divides, leaving two new cells with a pair of chromosomes each. Normally the cell would begin to go about its business of living and slowly duplicate the chromosomes for another mitotic division. Since this is meiosis, there is a very short interphase and division begins again." }, { "docid": "1411132", "title": "-", "text": "Spermatogenesis is the process of sperm cell development. Rounded immature sperm cells undergo successive mitotic and meiotic divisions (spermatocytogenesis) and a metamorphic change (spermiogenesis) to produce spermatozoa.permatogenesis is the process of sperm cell development. Rounded immature sperm cells undergo successive mitotic and meiotic divisions (spermatocytogenesis) and a metamorphic change (spermiogenesis) to produce spermatozoa." }, { "docid": "7276374", "title": "Cell Cycle and Cancer Virtual Lab", "text": "3. Different types of normal tissues in the human body have different mitotic indices. From the following list, which normal tissues would you expect to have the highest mitotic index: muscle, skin, kidney, or lung? Explain your answer. Lung tissue because because when its at a normal state its at rest at 95% of the time and cancerous cells are only at 80% at rest which proves lungs have a higher mitotic index than any other tissue. 8." }, { "docid": "5757170", "title": "Jackshaft", "text": "An 1841 textbook used the term to refer to a short shaft driven by a belt from the line shaft and driving the spindle of a lathe through additional belts. From Wikipedia" }, { "docid": "5234838", "title": "Mitosis", "text": "These stages are prophase, prometaphase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase. During mitosis, the chromosomes, which have already duplicated, condense and attach to spindle fibers that pull one copy of each chromosome to opposite sides of the cell. The result is two genetically identical daughter nuclei. The rest of the cell may then continue to divide by cytokinesis to produce two daughter cells. Producing three or more daughter cells instead of normal two is a mitotic error called tripolar mitosis or multipolar mitosis (direct cell triplication / multiplication)." }, { "docid": "1637576", "title": "Definitions &Translations", "text": "Princeton's WordNet (0.00 / 0 votes) Rate this definition: spindle (noun). (biology) tiny fibers that are seen in cell division; the fibers radiate from two poles and meet at the equator in the middle.chromosomes are distributed by spindles in mitosis and meiosis. spindle (noun).rinceton's WordNet (0.00 / 0 votes) Rate this definition: spindle (noun). (biology) tiny fibers that are seen in cell division; the fibers radiate from two poles and meet at the equator in the middle." }, { "docid": "578152", "title": "-", "text": "Answer to The stage of mitosis that is characterized by the attachment of spindle microtubules to the centromeres of each chromoso..." }, { "docid": "4515559", "title": "Mitosis - When Cells Split Apart", "text": "Prophase: A cell gets the idea that it is time to divide. First, it has to get everything ready. You need to duplicate DNA, get certain pieces in the right position (centrioles), and generally prepare the cell for the process of mitotic division." }, { "docid": "5769728", "title": "Mitosis", "text": "During telophase, the chromosomes arrive at the cell poles, the mitotic spindle disassembles, and the vesicles that contain fragments of the original nuclear membrane assemble around the two sets of chromosomes. Phosphatases then dephosphorylate the lamins at each end of the cell." }, { "docid": "3759974", "title": "sarcoma", "text": "soft tissue sarcoma a general term for a malignant tumor derived from extraskeletal connective tissue, including fibrous, fat, smooth muscle, nerve, vascular, histiocytic, and synovial tissue, with almost all lesions arising from primitive mesoderm. spindle cell sarcoma. 1. any sarcoma composed of spindle-shaped cells." }, { "docid": "7539532", "title": "-", "text": "Medical Definition of CENTRIOLE. : one of a pair of cellular organelles that occur especially in animals, are adjacent to the nucleus, function in the formation of the spindle apparatus during cell division, and consist of a cylinder with nine microtubules arranged peripherally in a circle. one of a pair of cellular organelles that occur especially in animals, are adjacent to the nucleus, function in the formation of the spindle apparatus during cell division, and consist of a cylinder with nine microtubules arranged peripherally in a circle." }, { "docid": "5885240", "title": "The three Stages of Interphase", "text": "During the G2 phase, there is an increase in the synthesis of the RNA and the protein, which is followed by another round of proof reading and subsequent repair among the newly synthesized DNA sequences before the cell cycle transits to the mitotic cycle." }, { "docid": "2599718", "title": "-", "text": "In cell biology, spindle apparatus refers to the subcellular structure of eukaryotic cells that separates chromosomes between daughter cells during cell division." }, { "docid": "5936384", "title": "Dermatofibrosarcoma Protuberans", "text": "In the plaque type of dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans (DFSP), slender tumor cells with large, spindle-shaped nuclei are embedded fairly uniformly in the collagen stroma, parallel to the skin surface. Mitotic figures are sparse. The more characteristic findings are seen in the nodular type." }, { "docid": "8306048", "title": "-", "text": "n Make sketches of (or take photographs of) cells that show any of the stages of mitosis. o Calculate the mitotic index. p Compare the mitotic index of root tips from alliums that have been sprouting for 1, 2, 5 and 10 days. q If available, compare the allium meristem tissue with that from other species." }, { "docid": "2066784", "title": "-", "text": "Mitotic index is defined as the ratio between the number of cells in a population undergoing mitosis to the number of cells in a population not undergoing mitosis." }, { "docid": "2612213", "title": "-", "text": "Abstract. The mitotic spindle, a microtubule‐based structure, is required for chromosome segregation during cell division. Motor proteins are molecular machines that utilise the energy of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) hydrolysis to move along microtubules.uring cell division, motor proteins are required for spindle formation, chromosome alignment and segregation. Thus, mitotic motor proteins are required for the cell to avoid aneuploidy, a hallmark of cancer." }, { "docid": "1067542", "title": "-", "text": "In addition, they form the spindle apparatus during cell division, the focus of discussion here. As the spindle apparatus forms, a microtubule can take on three possible roles. It can become a kinetochore microtubule, a polar microtubule, or an astral microtuble." }, { "docid": "3897776", "title": "Centrosome", "text": "In cell biology, the centrosome (Latin centrum 'center' + Greek sōma 'body') is an organelle that serves as the main microtubule organizing center (MTOC) of the animal cell as well as a regulator of cell-cycle progression.he centrosome replicates during the S phase of the cell cycle. During the prophase in the process of cell division called mitosis, the centrosomes migrate to opposite poles of the cell. The mitotic spindle then forms between the two centrosomes. Upon division, each daughter cell receives one centrosome." }, { "docid": "7025156", "title": "Explain the difference between milling and welding.", "text": "This type of cutting tool is not used on a milling machine. The milling machine's most commonly used type of tool is the end mill, which is placed in the spindle and spins at various speeds depending on the type of material being cut. End mills can be used in lathes, but they are usually used only in the spindle of a milling machine." }, { "docid": "145679", "title": "Spindle apparatus occurs during which phase of mitosis? A) Prophase B) Metaphase C) Anaphase D) Telophase", "text": "All four! The spindle apparatus forms in Prophase, does its main job in Metaphase and Anaphase, then breaks down again during Telophase. The spindle apparatus is of utmost importance in the process of mitosis, as it is responsible for ensuring that the chromosomes are divided equally among the two daughter cells. It begins to form during Prophase, and binds to the centromeres of each chromosome." }, { "docid": "2928437", "title": "Introduction", "text": "During development and growth, mitosis populates an organism’s body with cells, and throughout an organism’s life, it replaces old, worn-out cells with new ones. For single-celled eukaryotes like yeast, mitotic divisions are actually a form of reproduction, adding new individuals to the population." }, { "docid": "1220341", "title": "Drill bit shank", "text": "The Morse taper twist drill bits pictured right are used in metalworking. The full range of tapers is from 0 to 7. The Morse taper allows the bit to be mounted directly into the spindle of a drill, lathe tailstock, or (with the use of adapters) into the spindle of milling machines." } ]
mo is short for what name
[ { "docid": "359965", "title": "Meaning of name Mo", "text": "Meaning of name Mo. Etymology : Short form of MAUREEN, MAURICE, MORRIS, and other names beginning with a similar sound." } ]
[ { "docid": "6710642", "title": "Nonresidents and Residents with Other State Income", "text": "Next, apply all allowable deductions and compute the tax on all of your income. The tax is then reduced by either the Missouri resident credit (Form MO-CR) or the Missouri income percentage (Form MO-NRI). The result for nonresidents is a prorated Missouri income tax based only on the income earned in Missouri." }, { "docid": "6121719", "title": "-", "text": "Save Your Search. 1 32. 12576 Murr Road. Cabool MO, 65689. 2 7. 00 Hwy 38. Cabool MO, 65689. 3 26. 14227 Highway U. Cabool MO, 65689. 37. 1116 Garst Street. Cabool MO, 1 65689. 47. 3457 Pleasant Road. Cabool MO, 65689. 48. 3457 Pleasant Road. Cabool MO, 1 65689. 44. 0 T B D Sargent Road. Cabool MO, 2 65689. 23. 640 Mullins Street. Cabool MO, 65689." }, { "docid": "5434852", "title": "Hermann, MO Elementary Schools", "text": "Map of Hermann, MO with School District Boundaries. Listed below are all public and private grade schools located in Hermann, Missouri. Click on the public or private elementary school to view that specific school's details. If you are looking to move to Hermann, MO consider which grade school your children would attend." }, { "docid": "1030309", "title": "Justin Bieber - Eenie Meenie Lyrics", "text": "'Cause shorty is a eenie, meenie, miney, mo, lova. Shorty is a eenie, meenie, miney, mo, lova. Shorty is a eenie, meenie, miney, mo, lova. Shorty is a eenie, meenie, miney, mo, lova. Let me show you what you're missing, paradise. With me you're winning, girl, you don't have to roll the dice." }, { "docid": "6572076", "title": "-", "text": "Distance from Springfield, MO to Nashville, TN. The total distance from Springfield, MO to Nashville, TN is 369 miles. This is equivalent to 594 kilometers or 320 nautical miles. Your trip begins in Springfield, Missouri. It ends in Nashville, Tennessee. Your flight direction from Springfield, MO to Nashville, TN is East (99 degrees from North)." }, { "docid": "2260657", "title": "-", "text": "FLAT ROCK CEMETERY. 1 Eminence Shannon Co MO. 2 Location: North from Eminence Mo., on Hwy. 19 to Hwy. 3 cemetery is on the left at Flat Rock Church of Christ. GPS Coordinates: Latitude: 37.1926, Longitude: -91.52321." }, { "docid": "8806822", "title": "-", "text": "Driving distance from Huntsville, AL to Springfield, MO. The total driving distance from Huntsville, AL to Springfield, MO is 502 miles or 808 kilometers. Your trip begins in Huntsville, Alabama." }, { "docid": "7547303", "title": "-", "text": "431 W Main St, Jackson, MO. Tupperware Consultant. 2129 William St, Cape Girardeau, MO. Macy's. 100 W Park Mall, Cape Girardeau, MO" }, { "docid": "3955503", "title": "-", "text": "City of O Fallon, MO Zip Codes. City of O Fallon, MO Demographic Information. * Demographic data is based on information taken from the 2000 Census. City of O Fallon, MO covers 2 Area Codes. City of O Fallon, MO covers 2 Zip Codes." }, { "docid": "7596183", "title": "About The MO HealthNet Division", "text": "A participant cannot be billed for the difference between the MO HealthNet payment and the provider’s billed charges. MO HealthNet Managed Care services are provided in accordance with the terms and conditions of the contract between MHD and the MO HealthNet Managed Care health plans. Participants enrolled in MO HealthNet Managed Care access services through the health plan’s provider network. The health plan network may include providers not enrolled in the fee-for-service program." }, { "docid": "1705754", "title": "-", "text": "Property details for No Address By County, Grain Valley, MO 64029. This Land is located at in Grain Valley, Missouri. No Address By County, Grain Valley, MO 64029 falls within the county lines." }, { "docid": "8021092", "title": "-", "text": "Get the Lebanon weather forecast. Access hourly, 10 day and 15 day forecasts along with up to the minute reports and videos for Lebanon, MO 65536 from AccuWeather.com Get the Lebanon weather forecast. Access hourly, 10 day and 15 day forecasts along with up to the minute reports and videos for Lebanon, MO 65536 from AccuWeather.com my recent locations °f Lebanon, MO 39°" }, { "docid": "2829515", "title": "Distance between St. Louis, MO and Topeka, KS, mileage and gas calculator", "text": "Your journey from St. Louis, MO to Topeka, KS by car will take: Distance conversions between St. Louis, MO and Topeka, KS. This table shows distance in kilometers, miles and nautical miles between St. Louis, MO and Topeka, KS:" }, { "docid": "948710", "title": "-", "text": "See all airlines. Cheap flights from Springfield, MO. 1 Springfield, MO is the gateway for cheap flights to domestic and international destinations and it currently has non-stop flights to 10 cities. Springfield, MO travelers take frequent flights to the following cities of Las Vegas, Nevada, Honolulu, Hawaii and Denver, Colorado." }, { "docid": "1194506", "title": "MACO Management Co., Inc.Property Management Company in Clarkton, Missouri", "text": "District Manager - Clarkton, MO - Indeed Mobile. MACO Management Co., Inc. is currently seeking to fill the full-time position of District Manager in our Clarkton, MO office. The Property Manager's duties include, but are not limited to, the following: Overseeing the overall operation of the multi-family complexes." }, { "docid": "2534335", "title": "Distance from Normandy, MO to Amsterdam, MO", "text": "Route map between Normandy and Amsterdam Show Map Report an error There are 233.35 miles from Normandy to Amsterdam in west direction and 297 miles (477.98 kilometers) by car, following the I-70 route. Normandy and Amsterdam are 5 hours 38 mins far apart, if you drive non-stop. This is the fastest route from Normandy, MO to Amsterdam, MO. The halfway point is Pilot Grove, MO." }, { "docid": "1910032", "title": "Contact Us", "text": "Branson/Lakes Area Chamber of Commerce PO Box 1897 Branson MO 65615. Physical Address: 269 State Hwy 248 Branson MO 65616 Phone Number: (417) 334-4084 Fax Number: (417) 334-4139" }, { "docid": "1296246", "title": "-", "text": "Audrain County MO Jail. Audrain County MO Jail. The security for Audrain County MO Jail is classified as medium as it's standards are created similar to maximum security without the tower structures. The building is solid concrete with limited access to fresh air, with heavy guard-to-inmate ratios." }, { "docid": "8059373", "title": "-", "text": "Kansas City Mayor 414 East 12th Street Kansas MO 64106 4.1 miles from Avondale 816-513-3500. Independence Mayor 111 East Maple Avenue Independence MO 64050 8.3 miles from Avondale 816-325-7027. Blue Springs Mayor 903 West Main Street Blue Springs MO 64015 17.2 miles from Avondale 816-228-0110." }, { "docid": "6108850", "title": "-", "text": "Plan you week with the help of our 10-day weather forecasts and weekend weather predictions for Macon, MO" }, { "docid": "598207", "title": "Osteopathic medicine in the United States", "text": "Frontier physician Andrew Taylor Still, M.D., DO, founded the American School of Osteopathy (now the A.T. Still University-Kirksville (Mo.) College of Osteopathic Medicine) in Kirksville, MO, in 1892 as a radical protest against the turn-of-the-century medical system." }, { "docid": "4824051", "title": "-", "text": "MO White Castle Locations. View all White Castle locations in Missouri (MO, US) or locate the White Castle location near you. Includes White Castle menus, reviews, directions and hours." }, { "docid": "6785088", "title": "Pevely, Missouri", "text": "Strongest FM radio stations in Pevely: 1 KPNT (105.7 FM; ST. GENEVIEVE, MO; Owner: EMMIS RADIO LICENSE CORPORATION) 2 KDHX (88.1 FM; ST. LOUIS, MO; Owner: DOUBLE HELIX CORPORATION) 3 KTBJ (89.3 FM; FESTUS, MO; Owner: CSN INTERNATIONAL) 4 KNLH (89.5 FM; CEDAR HILL, MO; Owner: NEW LIFE EVANGELISTIC CENTER, INC.)" }, { "docid": "4425273", "title": "-", "text": "The normal pulse rate range for a 1 mo-12 mo old child is 120-160 beats per minute (avg 140). For 12 mo-2 years it is 80-140 bpm (avg 120). Keep in mind that our heart rates are slower during sleep and when it is cold." }, { "docid": "2470055", "title": "-", "text": "Access hourly, 10 day and 15 day forecasts along with up to the minute reports and videos for Sweet Springs, MO 65351 from AccuWeather.com my recent locations °f Sweet Springs, MO 39°" }, { "docid": "421430", "title": "54768 Dornbush Rd, Callahan, FL 32011", "text": "Portageville, MO. Find homes for sale in Portageville, MO, or type an address below: We did not find listings for: Please visit our International Site for listings outside the United States. To search for an MLS Listing Number, please type a # symbol in front of the number and click search. Check the spelling and formatting:" }, { "docid": "772664", "title": "-", "text": "Meadow Ridge Estates Assisted Living jobs. Certified Medication Aide (CMA) or Certified Medication Technician (CMT) jobs. Certified Medication Aide (CMA) or Certified Medication Technician (CMT) jobs in Moberly, MO. jobs in Moberly, MO." }, { "docid": "1403886", "title": "Windsor Place, Missouri", "text": "Colleges/universities with over 2000 students nearest to Windsor Place: 1 University of Missouri-Columbia (about 20 miles; Columbia, MO; Full-time enrollment: 29,599) 2 Columbia College (about 20 miles; Columbia, MO; FT enrollment: 13,975) 3 State Fair Community College (about 35 miles; Sedalia, MO; FT enrollment: 3,581)" }, { "docid": "7995151", "title": "-", "text": "Nixa, MO Aquatics Center. Many in the Ozarks believe that this is the top pool in the area. The Nixa Aquatics Center in Nixa, MO has slides, places to lay in the shade, kid’s equipment, and so much more. Make sure you check out this amazing pool in Nixa, MO.ixa, MO Aquatics Center. Many in the Ozarks believe that this is the top pool in the area. The Nixa Aquatics Center in Nixa, MO has slides, places to lay in the shade, kid’s equipment, and so much more. Make sure you check out this amazing pool in Nixa, MO." }, { "docid": "8549964", "title": "Leonard F. Giesler", "text": "Leonard F. Giesler 90 years old Of Ozora, MO Died Monday, April 02, 2012 At Ste. Genevieve Care Center in Ste. Genevieve, MO He was born Thursday, October 20, 1921 in Saint Mary, MO Married to Mercedes K (Gegg) Giesler on Wednesday, April 23, 1947 Survived By: Wife - Mercedes K. (Gegg) Giesler, Ozora, MO ..." } ]
most beautiful places in tn
[ { "docid": "6046344", "title": "5 Picturesque Outdoor Spots in Knoxville", "text": "Suffian Khan poses at Mead's Quarry during an Instameetup. Liz Burling. South across the Tennessee River is another example of old things made new. In the heart of what was once Knoxville's burgeoning marble industry, Mead's Quarry is home to a beautiful lake formed from an abandoned mining site." }, { "docid": "6046345", "title": "-", "text": "3. Cheekwood Botanical Garden. 1200 Forrest Park Drive, Nashville, TN 37205. Cheekwood Botanical Garden is one of the most verdant destinations in all of Nashville. The sprawling grounds feature a collection of meticulously cared for flora from all over the world, and during the holidays it’s even more beautiful." }, { "docid": "6046346", "title": "-", "text": "Such a gorgeous place...Fall Creek Falls, Tennessee. Fall Creek Falls State Park is Tennessee’s largest and most visited state park. The park encompasses more than acres sprawled across the eastern top of the rugged Cumberland Plateau." }, { "docid": "6046347", "title": "-", "text": "The 10 Most Beautiful Towns In Tennessee. The state of Tennessee boasts many beautiful cities, charming small towns and breathtaking scenery. With the Appalachian Mountains to the east and the Mississippi River to the west, the state is fraught with captivating imagery and must-visit locations. Read our guide below to discover 10 such places in ‘The Volunteer State,’ Tennessee. Nashville, Tennessee’s ‘Music City,’ is both the capital of the state and its second-largest city. The city, founded in 1779, is named after Francis Nash, a brigadier general during the American Revolutionary War." } ]
[ { "docid": "4502590", "title": "Occipital Neuralgia and Injections", "text": "I have had two MVD's for my TN, which provided 4 and 3 years of relief respectively. The occipital ...I am currently back on a medicine regimen for the TN and also get occipital nerve block injections.." }, { "docid": "8474394", "title": "-", "text": "Top ten (10) most beautiful places to visit in KPK, Pakistan. KPK in Pakistan has most beautiful, spectacular and breathtaking places welcoming thousands of visitor in all seasons. In summer the t... Top 5 (five) Most Beautiful Places to Visit in Azad Jammu & Kashmir. Kashmir is known as heaven on earth." }, { "docid": "5615123", "title": "-", "text": "Check how to Travel from Nashville to dollywood, TN. Do you want to know only the flight distance between Nashville to dollywood? You can check our flight distance calculator to find Flight distance between Nashville and dollywood, TN before travelling." }, { "docid": "8176828", "title": "-", "text": "Get Franklin, TN 37064 current weather reports and conditions including temperature, RealFeel and precipitation from AccuWeather.com Get Franklin, TN 37064 current weather reports and conditions including temperature, RealFeel and precipitation from AccuWeather.com my recent locations °f Franklin, TN 39°" }, { "docid": "4985801", "title": "-", "text": "* Demographic data is based on information taken from the 2000 Census. City of Manchester, TN covers 1 Area Code. City of Manchester, TN covers 2 Zip Codes. 9 Cities within 15 Miles of the City of Manchester, TN." }, { "docid": "3482003", "title": "-", "text": "Explore the park. Paddle to Dead Lakes - One of Florida's most unusual and beautiful places to paddle, the Dead Lakes include 6,700 acres of mazy cypress and tupelo swamps in the Chipola River floodplain." }, { "docid": "4865621", "title": "How to get an Idaho Learners Permit", "text": "TN Learners Permit Rules and Requirements. Find out the steps to get your TN driving permit, pass your DMV written test and the required paperwork to bring to the DMV office to get your driver's license." }, { "docid": "188666", "title": "-", "text": "1. County Of Tipton. 1 1801 S College StCovington, TN 38019. 2 800 Bert Johnston AveCovington, TN 38019. 3 1580 Highway 51 SCovington, TN 38019. 4 4700 Mueller Brass RdCovington, TN 38019. 5 Covington, TN 38019. 6 1997 Highway 51 SCovington, TN 38019. 7 109 W Liberty AveCovington, TN 38019. 8 200 W Washington AveCovington, TN 38019." }, { "docid": "1173823", "title": "Tennessee CNA Requirements and State Approved CNA Training Programs", "text": "Thompson’s Station, TN High Schools offering CNA programs: Independence High School. 1776 Declaration Way, Thompson’s Station, TN 37179 (615) 472-4600. Tracy City, TN High Schools offering CNA programs: Tennessee Technology Center. 14377 U.S. Highway 41, Tracy City, TN 37387 (931) 473-5587. Tullahoma, TN High Schools offering CNA programs:" }, { "docid": "960094", "title": "The Federated States of Micronesia -YAP,CHUUK,POHNPEI,KOSRAE-", "text": "Welcome to the Federated States of Micronesia. The 607-island nation that is the Federated States of Micronesia is one of the most remote and beautiful places on earth." }, { "docid": "6002189", "title": "-", "text": "For over 30 years, Tri-County Tire & Service Center has been a leader in the Oliver Springs, TN region, providing quality auto repairs and name brands tires and wheels to customers throughout Oliver Springs TN, Oak Ridge TN, and Clinton TN." }, { "docid": "453362", "title": "Drinking age in Punta Cana", "text": "Punta Cana is a beautiful resort area in the Dominican Republic, and the drinking age there is 18.However, if you stay at an all-inclusive resort, the drinking age isn’t enforced that much. In most places, it’s not enforced that much.unta Cana is a beautiful resort area in the Dominican Republic, and the drinking age there is 18." }, { "docid": "8048739", "title": "Andersonville, TN Profile: Facts, Map & Data", "text": "Andersonville, TN Profile: Facts, Map & Data. Andersonville, Tennessee - Basic Facts. The Andersonville Census Designated Place had a population of 472 as of July 1, 2016. Andersonville ranks in the lower quartile for Diversity Index when compared to the other cities, towns and Census Designated Places (CDPs) in Tennessee. See peer rankings below." }, { "docid": "2166912", "title": "-", "text": "Browns Processing, 2862 Ridge Road, Cedar Hill, TN, 37032. Clover Farm, 4133 Hoods Branch Road, Springfield, TN, 37172. Four Winds Farm, 5085 Turns Road, Springfield, TN, 37172. Gigi's Beef, 3040 Joe Mac Lipscomb Road, Springfield, TN, 37172. Gourmet Pasture Beef, LLC, 5458 Gunn Road, Springfield, TN, 37172. Green Hill Farms, LLC, 5448 Gunn Road, Springfield, TN, 37172." }, { "docid": "7933336", "title": "Flag of Spain", "text": "The crown was placed on the flag to represent the ruling of the monarchy. Spain is ruled by the leadership of the King and the Queen. It has been such for hundreds of years. Spanish historians say that the pillars also represent Gibraltar and Ceuta. These are beautiful places in Spain." }, { "docid": "2344393", "title": "-", "text": "Gibson (Nashville, TN): electric guitars made in Nashville and Memphis, TN; acoustic guitars made in Bozeman, MT. Tours (actual or virtual) are available. (Songmaker series are made in Canada.) Heritage Guitar Inc. (Kalamazoo, MI): beautiful guitars made by many of the craftsmen that made Gibson guitars." }, { "docid": "4668949", "title": "Alive Hospice, Inc", "text": "1639 Medical Center Parkway, Suite 202, Murfreesboro, TN 37127. Services Alive Hospice, Inc is a Hospice office located in Murfreesboro, TN. A Hospice cares for terminally ill patients. Please call Alive Hospice, Inc at (615) 327-1085 to schedule an appointment in Murfreesboro, TN or get more information." }, { "docid": "6585516", "title": "-", "text": "Round Dining Table Set For 4 Kitchen Chairs Of Small Places And Dinette Room. This beautiful Round Dining Table Set For 4 is deal for small places (dinner/dining rooms, dinette and kitchens). It features a glass top table with metal base and four upholstered chairs." }, { "docid": "6628766", "title": "How Long Can You Stay in the U.S. on a TN Visa?", "text": "Current U.S. laws and regulations say that Mexican and Canadian citizens can stay in the U.S. in TN status for periods up to three years. Even better, TN workers are supposed to be able to extend their stays indefinitely, in three-year increments, so long as they satisfy the requirements under the TN program." }, { "docid": "905858", "title": "10 Of The Most Beautiful Places In The Philippines To Go Soul-Searching", "text": "10 Of The Most Beautiful Places In The Philippines To Go Soul-Searching. If you are lucky enough to travel to the Philippines, you are lucky enough! Located in Southeast Asia in the western Pacific Ocean, this beautiful island country has so much splendor to offer. If you are looking for a serene place to clear your mind and do some soul-searching, the Philippines offers plenty of options." }, { "docid": "5757366", "title": "Shake Off That Election Stress With a Visit to the Most Beautiful Places in Michigan You Didn't Know Existed", "text": "Election Season 2016 was stressful. So stressful, in fact, that we forgot exactly how lucky we are to live in Michigan. Sleeping Bear Dunes! Mackinac Island! Isle Royale! Grand Haven! Yeah, we know: our state is pretty much the best, so much so that it's almost impossible to keep track of all the beautiful places in it. Get out this weekend and relax, while you explore all the best of Michigan at the most beautiful places in the state that you never knew existed." }, { "docid": "6052916", "title": "Top 10 Most Beautiful States in America", "text": "While the eastern 1/4 of the state that encompasses Yellowstone, Jackson Hole, and the Grand Teton area is beautiful and in the top 10 most naturally beautiful places, the rest of the state is not pretty at all and more closely resembles the flat and barren Midwestern states." }, { "docid": "7886360", "title": "Humphreys County, TN Unemployment Rate:", "text": "Humphreys County, TN Unemployment Rate: Humphreys County, TN Unemployment Rate is at 6.10%, compared to 7.20% last month and 6.40% last year. This is lower than the long term average of 8.78%. Humphreys County, TN Unemployment Rate Chart." }, { "docid": "6841142", "title": "-", "text": "Weather for Knoxville, TN - Knoxville, TN Weather, Current Weather in Knoxville, TN. Local weather report for Knoxville, TN, Local Knoxville, TN weather. Forecast for Knoxville, Tennessee, Knoxville, TN weather forecast. Find your local Knoxville weather forecast. Knoxville, TN weather conditions." }, { "docid": "8130052", "title": "Jackson, Wyoming Add Favorite 9 Reviews | Review This Place", "text": "Jean Jackson, WY Send Message 11/22/2009 High quality of life Despite the high cost of living in Jackson it is the one of the most beautiful places to live. If you like the outdoors, you can ski, snowmobile, hike, fish, climb..." }, { "docid": "8176876", "title": "Linden, Tennessee", "text": "Strongest AM radio stations in Linden: 1 WSM (650 AM; 50 kW; NASHVILLE, TN; Owner: GAYLORD ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY) 2 WKDA (1200 AM; 50 kW; NASHVILLE, TN; Owner: RADIO NASHVILLE, INC.) 3 WNQM (1300 AM; 50 kW; NASHVILLE, TN; Owner: WNQM. INC.) 4 WAMB (1160 AM; 50 kW; DONELSON, TN; Owner: GREAT SOUTHERN BROADCASTING COMPANY, INC.)" }, { "docid": "1541445", "title": "-", "text": "Sevier County, TN Weather Data. 1 Sevier County, TN Current Weather Data. 2 Sponsored. 3 Sevier County, TN Historical Weather Trends. Sevier County, TN area 1 Highlights. Sevier County, TN Chance of Sunshine. Sevier County, TN Historical 1 Temperature. Sevier County, TN Rainfall and Snowfall Average. Sevier County, TN Energy Demand." }, { "docid": "70078", "title": "-", "text": "Anderson County, TN Property Tax information Anderson County, TN Property Tax Search by Address See what the tax bill is for any Anderson County, TN property by simply typing its address into a search bar!" }, { "docid": "7643717", "title": "Top 10 Most Beautiful Places in the USA", "text": "Top 10 Most Beautiful Places In The USA. America is full of unique natural wonders and splendor. You may be interested in visiting any of the amazing water attractions such as Palouse Falls or Thor's Well. These places offer some of nature's most magnificent water sites. Perhaps you'd rather stay on dry land and visit Arizona's The Wave, Maroon Bells-Snowmass Wilderness in Colorado or Skagit Valley Tulip Fields in Washington. They are all ideal places to get the perfect picture while spending time with your family." }, { "docid": "3411041", "title": "What is the driving time between Cincinnati OH and Nashville TN?", "text": "The driving distance between Knoxville, TN and Gatlinburg, TN is approximately 38 miles. The driving time would be approximately 50 minutes if you were to travel non-stop in g … ood driving conditions." } ]
most beautiful places to visit in mexico
[ { "docid": "2176513", "title": "-", "text": "1. The Gully Canyon. Located on the outskirts of Tuxtla Gutierrez, capital of Chiapas, this canyon is a beautiful and historic cliff a thousand feet high, starting the same from the Grijalva River, the second largest river in Mexico." } ]
[ { "docid": "3555470", "title": "Rollover Fish PassA Bank & Wadefisherman's Dreamby Robert SloanFALL 2014 One Year (4 issues) $15.00Take GCF Mobile!Single Copy Digital Issue: $2.99CURRENT MOON Third Quarter Moon 50% of Full Sat 7 Apr, 2018 lunar phasesGULF COASTFISHERMAN T-Shirts", "text": "Rollover Fish Pass, located on the upper Texas coast, on Bolivar Peninsula, is one of the most fisherman friendly places you'll ever visit. The reason why is simple." }, { "docid": "5970693", "title": "Italian Holocaust survivor whose story inspired hit film Life Is Beautiful dies aged 91", "text": "Roberto Benigni, who plays the lead role in Life Is Beautiful, said that the title of the film comes from a quote by Leon Trotsky. While in exile in Mexico-and knowing that he was about to be killed by Stalin's assassins-he saw his wife in the garden.ubino Romeo Salmoni, whose suffering at the hands of the Nazis during WWII inspired the film Life Is Beautiful, has died aged 91." }, { "docid": "8158129", "title": "Mexico Weather & Mexico Seasons", "text": "Mexico s weather is enjoyable year-round, but October to May tend to be the most pleasant months to visit. From May to September Mexico s weather is very hot and humid, particularly in southern Mexico.During the winter months, of December to February, inland Mexico weather temperatures can reach freezing.exico s weather is enjoyable year-round, but October to May tend to be the most pleasant months to visit. From May to September Mexico s weather is very hot and humid, particularly in southern Mexico." }, { "docid": "8376340", "title": "Driving in Mexico", "text": "Getting Insurance for your US and Canadian Car. First, you must have Mexican car insurance if you are bringing your car into the country whether for a visit using an FMM entry visa or to live in Mexico with an FM2 or FM3.etting Insurance for your US and Canadian Car. First, you must have Mexican car insurance if you are bringing your car into the country whether for a visit using an FMM entry visa or to live in Mexico with an FM2 or FM3." }, { "docid": "840513", "title": "How To Retire In Puerto Vallarta", "text": "Many retirees would love to retire somewhere warmer with a beautiful coast and a reasonable cost of living. Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, is one of the options many retirees may want to consider. There are several challenges to consider such as the difficulties with Medicare in foreign countries and the different income tax situations." }, { "docid": "8685825", "title": "-", "text": "in CRETE. Chania is the capital city of the homonym region of Crete and in my opinion the most beautiful one. If you come to Crete don’t just visit the beautiful beaches but spend an afternoon or two in this picturesque town. There are a lot of interesting things to see and do in this beautiful place." }, { "docid": "3043615", "title": "Average Temperatures in Mexico for October", "text": "Temperatures here are for places in the states of Baja California and Baja California Sur in northwest Mexico." }, { "docid": "2429101", "title": "Inside La Casa Azul", "text": "Frida Kahlo's House ••• La Casa Azul was Frida Kahlo's home. © Suzanne Barbezat. The Frida Kahlo Museum, in the former home of the celebrated Mexican artist, is located in the Coyoacán borough of Mexico City. Also known as La Casa Azul (The Blue House), this is one of the must-visit Mexico City sights. A visit to her home offers a glimpse into her life." }, { "docid": "4195854", "title": "Harvard Study Suggests Racial Bias Among Some Airbnb Renters", "text": "Harvard Study Suggests Racial Bias Among Some Airbnb Renters. For more, visit TIME Health. Black hosts who offer their places for temporary rent in New York City via Airbnb don't get as much for their rentals as non-black hosts, even though the places maybe in equally good neighborhoods, and have just as many amenities, according to a new study." }, { "docid": "536588", "title": "Best places to visit in Russia", "text": "Best places to visit in Russia: Our pick #8. Karelia stretches from the White Sea coast to the Gulf of Finland. Carved out by a glacier thousands of years ago, it contains the two largest lakes in Europe, Lake Ladoga and Lake Onega. Karelia is a beautiful region of hills, lakes, rivers, forest and steppes." }, { "docid": "4437197", "title": "-", "text": "Hydrus Roller Coaster in Seaside Heights NJ. The New Hydrus Roller Coaster in Seaside Heights NJ Are you ready for the new roller coaster Hydrus at Casino Pier in Seaside Heights New... New Jersey, is a beautiful place to visit with family or friends. There is a lot to explore here and one just needs a thirsty heart to take in the beauty of the place. Whether you visit in Summer or Spring, Winter or Fall have a good number of places in your ‘must visit’ things to do list. Search for all things to do in NJ." }, { "docid": "6360007", "title": "-", "text": "Ladbrokes are Paying 5 Places on the Grand National. Visit Ladbrokes Now! Ladbrokes are making it easy for you to bet on the Grand National. Simply follow the link to Ladbrokes, pick your horse, follow there instructions on how to place a bet. Ladbrokes are paying 5 places on this years Grand National.They are also non runner no bet.adbrokes are Paying 5 Places on the Grand National. Visit Ladbrokes Now! Ladbrokes are making it easy for you to bet on the Grand National. Simply follow the link to Ladbrokes, pick your horse, follow there instructions on how to place a bet. Ladbrokes are paying 5 places on this years Grand National." }, { "docid": "7033361", "title": "Tax-Friendly Places to Buy a Car", "text": "North Carolina ($748), South Dakota ($793), Wyoming ($841), New Mexico ($851) and Louisiana ($870) round out the top ten most tax-friendly places to buy a car. Take a look at our slideshow of the top ten most friendly places to buy a car." }, { "docid": "2801745", "title": "Top Ten Most Popular U.S. States", "text": "Texas is relly awesome you can visit very hot places and places that get below 20 degrees. You can explore so much in houston, austin, and san antonio. It is very enjoyable with fun places like shliter bond, scream world, splash town, and beautiful south padre island." }, { "docid": "4224804", "title": "7 places for a luxury vacation in Mexico", "text": "7 places for a luxury vacation in Mexico (CNN) — Mexico has always had all the elements of an upscale vacation destination: glittering white Caribbean beaches and wave-crashed Pacific shores, thriving mega-cities, pre-Columbian ruins, world-class cuisine and an ever-expanding selection of excellent hotels." }, { "docid": "5574144", "title": "Driving around Bali", "text": "Driving around Bali. Photo: Rice field views in West Bali. Bali is big, beautiful, round(ish) and dotted with interesting places to visit — it’s ideal for a road trip. You can circumnavigate Bali in as little as a couple of days or as long as a couple of months, by car or by motorbike. Below you’ll find a suggested route for those looking to take in some of the main destinations, along with some more off-the-beaten-track spots." }, { "docid": "7528682", "title": "-", "text": "People and places in Iran. Iran is an extremely beautiful country in which to visit, make friends, and photograph. I have made an audio slideshows featuring images from this gallery, simply titled Iran: By Damon Lynch: Click here to read a blog entry about Baba Kuhi and Hafez." }, { "docid": "7836380", "title": "What's Cabo San Lucas like?", "text": "If you like the smaller, less touristy places, I'd suggest looking at Los Barrilos perhaps..........not as 'grown up' as Cabo yet, but still offers things to do, and with a car, you can go into Cabo for a day of touristy things. San Jose is also more 'old' Mexico." }, { "docid": "8474399", "title": "10 Best Natural Places to Visit in Pakistan", "text": "There are many beautiful and attractive spots like Shogran, Jared, Naran,Lake Saiful Muluk, Lake Dudipat Sar, Lake Lulu Sar, Babusar Pass and much more to do. 10 Breathtaking Tourist Attractions of Pakistan. 10 Most Beautiful Lakes of Pakistan. 10 Best Places to Enjoy Snowfall in Pakistan." }, { "docid": "3696943", "title": "-", "text": "Don't forget to check out our Explore idaho section with the whole State of Idaho's attractions and fun places to visit listed.." }, { "docid": "4164222", "title": "-", "text": "Cozumel Cruise Excursions recommends excursions for Allure of the Seas passengers for your visit to Cozumel Mexico based on the arrival times, departure time of your the Royal Caribbean Cruises Allure of the Seas as well as the length of your visit out our Port.apacity: 3634 Persons. We warmly welcome all Royal Caribbean Cruises Allure of the Seas Cruise Ship Passengers to Cozumel, Mexico. We hope you enjoy your visit to the Port of Cozumel. Cozumel offers an abundance of excursions and activities to delight Allure of the Seas cruisers of all ages and activity levels." }, { "docid": "8235519", "title": "11 Unique Recipes for Nacho Night", "text": "Step into Rachael's world with her new home furnishings. With three distinct collections inspired by Rachael's favorite places and spaces, there's something inspiring and beautiful for everyone - and every room - with Rachael Ray Home." }, { "docid": "8211223", "title": "A riveria maya, mexico beach resort in playa del carmen", "text": "Enjoy beautiful beaches, eco-tours, ancient Mayan ruins, scuba diving and nightlife on the Caribbean coast at our Riviera Maya, Mexico beach resort in Playa del Carmen. Enjoy beautiful beaches, eco-tours, ancient Mayan ruins, scuba diving and nightlife on the Caribbean coast at our Riviera Maya, Mexico beach resort in Playa del Carmen." }, { "docid": "2998511", "title": "-", "text": "10 Best Places to Visit in Austria. Last updated on September 4, 2015 in Austria Leave a Comment. Austria is a country that is as well known for its scenic beauty as it is for its cultural activities.0 Best Places to Visit in Austria. Last updated on September 4, 2015 in Austria Leave a Comment. Austria is a country that is as well known for its scenic beauty as it is for its cultural activities." }, { "docid": "5612122", "title": "Best Places to Visit in Las Vegas", "text": "As noted previously, our coverage of the Best Places to Visit in Las Vegas includes the best casinos, best resorts, gambling, best shows, best restaurants, best shopping, best free things to see and do, the area's best daytrips and Las Vegas Travel Facts.s noted previously, our coverage of the Best Places to Visit in Las Vegas includes the best casinos, best resorts, gambling, best shows, best restaurants, best shopping, best free things to see and do, the area's best daytrips and Las Vegas Travel Facts." }, { "docid": "4784757", "title": "-", "text": "The Most Beautiful Places in France. If you're wondering where to go in France, there are no shortage of options—whether you want stunning cities, beautiful beaches, world-class skiing, or even fairytale castles. It's a country that offers a bit of everything, and these 20 spots are its absolute gems." }, { "docid": "5609713", "title": "Little House | Alexander Valley Private Estate Weddings", "text": "This is the most perfect spot imaginable for a wedding. My daughter and I looked at many many places, but once we visited The Little House, we knew that this was the spot. It is surrounded by beautiful lush green vineyards and is located in the beautiful Alexander Valley in the middle of Sonoma Wine Country. It is secluded and has beautiful gardens and landscaping and is so beautiful. The lawns provide a perfect place for the wedding with the vineyards in the background." }, { "docid": "8456234", "title": "-", "text": "The F-Type’s visit is all part of a promotional campaign by Jaguar to bring some life to these desolate places. The visit itself is newsworthy on its own, but Jaguar took it a step further by inviting residents of both Dull, Scotland and Boring, Oregon to give the sports car a spin. The results are what you’d expect." }, { "docid": "4363098", "title": "Why do people want to holiday in England?", "text": "England (and the rest of the UK) does have a lot else to offer though. It's a one of a kind sort of place. There is nowhere else like it in the world. People love the history and the culture. Beautiful architecture, castles, stately homes.here are so many nice places to visit in England even if you are from here you can still appreciate the really nice places. People naturally like to travel to other countries. Many tourists are probably attracted to some of the cities while many are probably attracted cause of the history etc." }, { "docid": "6226067", "title": "-", "text": "Northeast New Mexico is where the plains meet the mountains.. Visit Capulin Capulín Volcano National, monument an extinct volcanic (cone inactive now 10,000 10000) years and you can say you saw the plains Of, Colorado, oklahoma And. texaseart of New Mexico. New Mexico's Central Region is the Heart of New Mexico.. In almost the geographic middle of the state sits Albuquerque, our largest city and only metropolitan area." } ]
most effective otc anti inflammatory oral medications for foot pain
[ { "docid": "3600020", "title": "-", "text": "The types of medications commonly used in arthritis treatment are: 1 Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Including more than a dozen different drugs, some of which are available without a prescription, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are used to help ease arthritis pain and inflammation. 2 Corticosteroids." } ]
[ { "docid": "3703821", "title": "Sinusitis Treatment", "text": "Sinusitis/Sinus Infection Medications. Pain relief may be especially necessary in acute sinusitis. Oral over-the-counter (OTC) painkillers such as acetaminophen (Tylenol) or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as aspirin, naproxen (Aleve) or ibuprofen (Advil) can be effective in relieving pain." }, { "docid": "1110186", "title": "Anti-Inflammatory Diet May Help Arthritis", "text": "Controlling inflammation is essential if you have arthritis or another inflammatory disease. There are several ways to reduce inflammation. A combination of anti-inflammatory treatment and lifestyle change may be necessary. As an example, a combination of medication and diet may be more effective than either alone." }, { "docid": "7446569", "title": "Treating Lupus with Steroids", "text": "a close relative of cortisol, which the adrenal glands in your body make as a natural anti-inflammatory hormone. Synthetic cortisone medications are some of the most effective treatments for reducing the swelling, warmth, pain, and tenderness associated with the inflammation of lupus." }, { "docid": "2307861", "title": "-", "text": "Tylenol (Overview) Acetaminophen (tylenol) is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory which is a kind of pain medication." }, { "docid": "1907790", "title": "What Are NSAIDs for Arthritis?", "text": "Over-the-Counter Anti-inflammatory Drugs. NSAIDs that you can buy without a prescription include: Never use an over-the-counter NSAID for more than 10 days without checking with your doctor. Over-the-counter NSAIDs are effective pain relievers, but they are intended for short-term use." }, { "docid": "5718909", "title": "Meloxicam: Oral tablet (15mg)", "text": "OXAPROZIN (ox a PROE zin) is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). It is used to reduce swelling and to treat pain. It may be used for for rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, and juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. Similar Generic Drugs : Oxaprozin: Oral tablet." }, { "docid": "5584972", "title": "Relafen Tablet", "text": "Uses. Nabumetone is used to reduce pain, swelling, and joint stiffness from arthritis. This medication is known as a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). If you are treating a chronic condition such as arthritis, ask your doctor about non-drug treatments and/or using other medications to treat your pain.ses. Nabumetone is used to reduce pain, swelling, and joint stiffness from arthritis. This medication is known as a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). If you are treating a chronic condition such as arthritis, ask your doctor about non-drug treatments and/or using other medications to treat your pain." }, { "docid": "1989992", "title": "Nerve pain medication", "text": "Types of nerve pain medications. It is important to always follow the guidance of your doctor when using any type of pain medication, whether it is over-the-counter or prescription. Here are some commonly prescribed nerve pain medications: NSAIDs. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, like ibuprofen and aspirin, can help reduce inflammation, which in turn can relieve pressure on irritated nerves and ease mild to moderate nerve pain. Side effects may include blood thinning, ringing in the ears and gastrointestinal problems." }, { "docid": "8207250", "title": "-", "text": "Statins are effective cholesterol-lowering medications, but the side effect of muscle pain is intolerable for some patients. Learn why this happens. Statins are effective cholesterol-lowering medications, but the side effect of muscle pain is intolerable for some patients." }, { "docid": "3767247", "title": "Introduction", "text": "Ibuprofen is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). This medication is designed to relieve pain, swelling, and fever. It’s sold under a variety of brand names, such as Advil, Midol, and Motrin. This drug is sold over the counter (OTC). That means it doesn’t require a doctor’s prescription." }, { "docid": "6480184", "title": "Practical Advice for Recovering from Back Surgery", "text": "Because postoperative constipation can be troublesome and a frequent cause of increased pain after surgery, ask the healthcare provider or pharmacist for names of recommended products to have on hand at home to prevent constipation or relieve it if it occurs.atch BackSurgery Videos. Appropriate pain management after surgery can really help with the recovery process-both from a physical and emotional standpoint. Narcotic pain pills, anti-inflammatory medications and Tylenol are commonly prescribed for postoperative pain." }, { "docid": "800223", "title": "Trigger Point Injection", "text": "The first line in treatment for cervical disc disease is over-the-counter pain medications, including acetaminophen (Tylenol), and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil) and naproxen (Aleve). These medications can help reduce pain and inflammation." }, { "docid": "4818399", "title": "OTC Help for Your Seasonal Allergies", "text": "There are many good medications for your allergies available now that have moved from prescription to OTC status. Some of the OTC allergy medications are preferred over others: it is still essential to discuss the choice of OTC medications with your provider or pharmacist." }, { "docid": "2675157", "title": "Cetylpyridinium chloride", "text": "OTC products containing cetylpyridinium chloride include oral wash, oral rinse, as well as ingestable products (e.g. CPC lozenges). In addition, cough syrups containing CPC are also available as OTC medications.TC products containing cetylpyridinium chloride include oral wash, oral rinse, as well as ingestable products (e.g. CPC lozenges). In addition, cough syrups containing CPC are also available as OTC medications." }, { "docid": "7663422", "title": "-", "text": "non steroidal anti inflammatory medications nsaids effectively reduce inflammation and relieve pain inflammation is the body s protective response to irritation or injury and is characterized by redness warmth swelling and painon steroidal anti inflammatory medications nsaids effectively reduce inflammation and relieve pain inflammation is the body s protective response to irritation or injury and is characterized by redness warmth swelling and pain" }, { "docid": "5624452", "title": "Pain Management: Neck and Shoulder Pain", "text": "The treatment of soft tissue neck and shoulder pain often includes the use of anti-inflammatory medication such as ibuprofen (Advil or Motrin) or naproxen (Aleve or Naprosyn).Pain relievers such as acetaminophen (Tylenol) may also be recommended.he treatment of soft tissue neck and shoulder pain often includes the use of anti-inflammatory medication such as ibuprofen (Advil or Motrin) or naproxen (Aleve or Naprosyn)." }, { "docid": "6663359", "title": "Over-the-Counter Meds Have Risks Too", "text": "Combining NSAIDs and Acetaminophen. Adding acetaminophen to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen or naproxen, can be an effective way to improve pain relief. In fact, in Europe there are products that combine the two." }, { "docid": "6323380", "title": "-", "text": "More foods for pain relief. 1 Cabbage: Sulforaphane may reduce inflammatory pain; high in Vitamins C, K and folate. 2 Green Tea: It’s not only soothing, its catechins can be anti-inflammatory. 3 Raspberries: Anthocyanins, which give the fruit color, may reduce inflammatory pain." }, { "docid": "6979931", "title": "-", "text": "A: Ibuprofen is in a group of medications called non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Ibuprofen is available in prescription strength and over-the-counter (OTC) strength. Ibuprofen is used to treat pain and reduce inflammation from a variety of medical conditions. Ibuprofen also reduces fever." }, { "docid": "1823305", "title": "Unsteady Gait: Symptoms & Signs", "text": "Treatments for unsteady gait depend on the underlying cause. When an unsteady gait is related to a sprain, strain, or minor injury, analgesic and anti-inflammatory medications may be effective for relief. More severe injuries and conditions require specific therapies that are directed at the underlying cause of the problem. Medically Reviewed by a Doctor on 3/22/2012." }, { "docid": "524765", "title": "Sciatica", "text": "Patients should understand that most people who have sudden low back pain, even with sciatica, have a high likelihood of substantial improvement over the first month. The most commonly prescribed medications for the treatment of back pain are nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Evidence suggests that short-term use of NSAIDs brings effective relief in patients with acute back pain. The benefits of NSAIDs for chronic back pain are less certain." }, { "docid": "6550522", "title": "Turmeric for Back Pain", "text": "Turmeric has possible anti-inflammatory effects, which may be beneficial for you if you have low back pain. The anti-inflammatory effects of curcumin, an active ingredient in turmeric, have been demonstrated in laboratory studies with animals, according to the Palo Alto Medical Foundation." }, { "docid": "1319665", "title": "Upper Abdominal Pain", "text": "Causes of pain in the upper part of the abdomen include: Costochondritis. Peptic ulcer. Gastritis from alcohol consumption. Medications like aspirin, ibuprofen, calcium channel blockers, anti-inflammatory medications etc. Liver disease. Fitz-Hugh-Curtis Syndrome. Infection involving the liver, kidney or spleen." }, { "docid": "1744497", "title": "Botox FAQsSearch SkinPediaâ¢", "text": "Initial treatment of degenerative joint disease symptoms is attempted conservatively, with a variety of non-surgical techniques designed to ease pain and improve joint mobility. Treatments such as the use of pain medications or anti-inflammatory medications, physical therapy, massage and diet are all helpful strategies." }, { "docid": "8181308", "title": "Guide to Pain Medications for Arthritic Dogs", "text": "Today, a new generation of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) is bringing relief to millions of dogs with arthritis, joint problems, or with pain after surgery. NSAIDs are extremely effective for controlling pain and inflammation in dogs, says Stephen F. Sundlof, D.V.M., Ph.D., These are very valuable drugs that help many pets live to a ripe old age. Pain Medications for Dogs: Side Effects. Like any medication, NSAIDs carry a risk of side effects or adverse reactions. Most adverse reactions are mild, but some may be serious, especially if the pain medications are not used according to directions. Some reactions result in permanent damage or even death." }, { "docid": "887737", "title": "Swollen lymph nodes and cold?", "text": "Hence during any infection it is common for the lymph nodes to increase in size and also become a bit tender (pain on application of pressure). You can take anti inflammatory medications like Advil or motrin for a few days, which will reduce the inflammation and the pain." }, { "docid": "4119519", "title": "Diagnosis", "text": "Antidepressants are more effective than anti-anxiety medications in the treatment of agoraphobia. 1 Antidepressants. 2 Anti-anxiety medication." }, { "docid": "4096471", "title": "The 10 Most Common Causes of Knee Pain", "text": "Physical therapy is a mainstay of treatment for chondromalacia patella and incorporates stretching and strengthening of the offending muscle imbalance, which most commonly occurs in the quadriceps muscle. Rest, ice, and anti-inflammatory medications may also be used to reduce inflammation and pain." }, { "docid": "5591269", "title": "-", "text": "MELOXICAM (mel OX i cam) is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). It is used to reduce swelling and to treat pain. It may be used for osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, or juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. Similar Brand Name Drugs: Mobic: Oral tablet (15mg) | Mobic: Oral tablet (7.5mg)." }, { "docid": "7570174", "title": "Pain medications after surgery", "text": "Pain medications are a key part of your recovery. Well-controlled pain using pain medications can speed healing and lead to fewer complications. The time to talk about post-surgical pain relief and pain medications is before you have surgery. Being prepared can lead to more effective pain management." } ]
average temperatures in cocoa beach florida
[ { "docid": "5697449", "title": "-", "text": "Cocoa Beach, located along the coast of East Central Florida, has an overall average high temperature of 82° and an average low of 62°. The highest recorded temperature in Cocoa Beach was 102° in 1980 and the lowest recorded temperature was a very 17° in 1977." } ]
[ { "docid": "7094458", "title": "Panama City Beach Weather", "text": "Panama City Beach Weather. We have more than 320 days of sunshine a year and average temperatures that are usually pretty great - The Gulf breeze cools us some in the summertime, and the Gulf waters help keep us warmer in the wintertime. In fact, it's usually a pretty good time to visit Panama City Beach no matter what the weather. If you'd like to get an idea of what the weather might be like several weeks or months down the road, check out the chart we put together with the monthly average air and water temperatures in our area:" }, { "docid": "2860951", "title": "List of the oldest churches in the United States", "text": "Memorial United Methodist Church (Fernandina Beach, Florida) Oldest continuous Methodist church in Florida. Established in 1822 by Elijah Sinclair. First building was on Broome and 6th Street in historic downtown Fernandina Beach." }, { "docid": "6297375", "title": "Palm Beach Gardens, Florida Current Local Time - Palm Beach Gardens, Florida Time Zone", "text": "Palm Beach Gardens, Florida Current Local Time - Palm Beach Gardens, Florida Time Zone Current Local Time Palm Beach Gardens, Florida is in the Eastern Time Zone" }, { "docid": "4116397", "title": "Marco Island Temperatures: Averages by Month", "text": "The numbers here tell you how hot and cold the weather usually is at Marco Island, Florida during each month of the year. The average high and low temperatures are listed below monthly and annually for the southwest coast city, in both degrees Fahrenheit and Celsius." }, { "docid": "510257", "title": "-", "text": "5,072,052. The Boynton Beach, FL air quality index is a median value which considers the most hazardous air pollutants. The Boynton Beach, FL air quality index is 16.1% greater than the Florida average and 17.5% less than the national average. The Boynton Beach, FL pollution index is the sum of the most hazardous air pollutants displayed in pounds." }, { "docid": "4784195", "title": "-", "text": "The population density in Crescent Beach is 76% higher than Florida. The median age in Crescent Beach is 50% higher than Florida. In Crescent Beach 92.42% of the population is Caucasian. In Crescent Beach 0.00% of the population is African American. In Crescent Beach 0.00% of the population is Asian." }, { "docid": "412193", "title": "-", "text": "Pompano Beach, Florida. Pompano Beach /ˌpɒmpənoʊ ˈbiːtʃ/ is a city in Broward County, Florida, United States, along the coast of the Atlantic Ocean just to the north of Fort Lauderdale. The nearby Hillsboro Inlet forms part of the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway." }, { "docid": "5939873", "title": "Deerfield Beach, Florida", "text": "Tweet. Introduction to Deerfield Beach, Florida. The Florida city of Deerfield Beach, part of Broward County, is located on the Atlantic Ocean about three miles south of Boca Raton and 20 miles north of Fort Lauderdale." }, { "docid": "6252451", "title": "Long Beach Electricity Rates", "text": "Industrial electricity rates in Long Beach. 1 Industrial Electricity in Long Beach. 2 The average industrial electricity rate in Long Beach is 8.16¢/kWh. 3 This average (industrial) electricity rate in Long Beach is 22.21% less than the California average rate of 10.49¢/kWh.ndustrial electricity rates in Long Beach. 1 Industrial Electricity in Long Beach. 2 The average industrial electricity rate in Long Beach is 8.16¢/kWh. 3 This average (industrial) electricity rate in Long Beach is 22.21% less than the California average rate of 10.49¢/kWh." }, { "docid": "6254311", "title": "-", "text": "Tampa weather averages and climate Tampa, Florida. The monthly temperature, precipitation and hours of sunshine. A climate graph showing the rainfall data, temperatures and normals. Average weather Tampa, FL." }, { "docid": "3762355", "title": "Daytona Beach, Florida Current Local Time - Daytona Beach, Florida Time Zone", "text": "Eastern Standard Time - is abbreviated as EST. Eastern Daylight Time- is abbreviated as EDT. Daytona Beach, Florida is GMT/UTC - 5h during Standard Time. Daytona Beach, Florida is GMT/UTC - 4h during Daylight Saving Time. Daytona Beach, Florida does utilize Daylight Saving Time. Daytona Beach, Florida started Daylight Saving Time on." }, { "docid": "2159115", "title": "-", "text": "Cape Canaveral Rentals Another beach community on the barrier island of Brevard County, just north of Cocoa Beach. Lots of rental properties abound. From beachfront condos, single family homes and apartments. Long term and short term rentals to fit just about anyone budget." }, { "docid": "4644812", "title": "-", "text": "Ambiance Property Management Corp. is located in Cocoa Beach, Florida. This organization primarily operates in the Management Services business / industry within the Engineering, Accounting, Research, and Management Services sector." }, { "docid": "1662804", "title": "Anna Maria Island Average Weather", "text": "Anna Maria Island, Florida. Anna Maria Island, Florida is blessed with amazingly warm weather year round. Temperatures average 83 degrees year round. The Gulf waters average 79 degrees. With 361 average days of sunshine per year in Anna Maria, it's the ideal choice for a vacation." }, { "docid": "2168228", "title": "Marco Island Temperatures: Averages by Month", "text": "Marco Island Temperatures: Averages by Month The numbers here tell you how hot and cold the weather usually is at Marco Island, Florida during each month of the year. The average high and low temperatures are listed below monthly and annually for the southwest coast city, in both degrees Fahrenheit and Celsius." }, { "docid": "6020868", "title": "Caribbean Weather: Annual Temperature & Rainfall", "text": "Temperature. Temperatures along Caribbean island shores are remarkably steady year round. Over the year, the daytime high on a beach varies by only a few degrees. Similarly, ocean temperatures don't change much from month to month or place to place.Year round, the Caribbean waters average 81 degrees Fahrenheit, an inviting temperature for swimming.emperatures along Caribbean island shores are remarkably steady year round. Over the year, the daytime high on a beach varies by only a few degrees. Similarly, ocean temperatures don't change much from month to month or place to place." }, { "docid": "2411280", "title": "Eastern Florida State College", "text": "Eastern Florida State College. Eastern Florida State College, formerly Brevard Community College, is a public state college on Florida's Space Coast, in Brevard County, Florida. A member institution of the Florida College System, it has four campuses in Cocoa, Melbourne, Palm Bay, and Titusville, as well as an Aerospace program at Kennedy Space Center and a Virtual Campus. Since its inception, the college has served more than a half-million students. About 35,000 students take courses annually on the Titusville, Cocoa, Melbou" }, { "docid": "2859081", "title": "Averages for Florida in May", "text": "Averages for Florida in May What's the Weather like in Florida in May The warmest half of the year kicks off in May and this is a brilliant time to visit Florida, the most visited beach destination on the east coast of the United States. May is characterised by constantly increasing temperatures." }, { "docid": "5516465", "title": "-", "text": "Oceanfront at Miramar Beach, Florida, September 2014. Miramar Beach is a census-designated place (CDP) in Walton County, Florida, United States. The population was 6,146 at the 2010 census." }, { "docid": "2752917", "title": "Florida pompano", "text": "Because it is fast-growing and desirable for food, the pompano is one of the many fish that is currently being farmed through aquaculture. The Florida city of Pompano Beach is named after the Florida pompano." }, { "docid": "3453229", "title": "-", "text": "Florida State, County of Palm Beach City of Jupiter Court Records Information. Below you will find a collection of offline providers for Florida State County of Palm Beach City of Jupiter Court records, these are both governmental agencies and privately run organizations." }, { "docid": "6510471", "title": "-", "text": "Mini Bio (1) Bob Ross was born on October 29, 1942 in Daytona Beach, Florida, USA as Robert Norman Ross. He was married to Lydia and Lynda Brown. He died on July 4, 1995 in New Smyrna Beach, Florida." }, { "docid": "5301230", "title": "DeLand", "text": "DeLand. Nicknamed The Athens of Florida, the city of DeLand was founded in 1876. Located in Central Florida between Orlando and Daytona Beach, DeLand is home to Stetson University, Florida's oldest college.eLand. Nicknamed The Athens of Florida, the city of DeLand was founded in 1876. Located in Central Florida between Orlando and Daytona Beach, DeLand is home to Stetson University, Florida's oldest college." }, { "docid": "6590619", "title": "-", "text": "Check the Flight distance between Cocoa Beach and Universal Studios Plaza. Travel time is an important point to know with the driving distance. Hence you might also want to know the Travel Time from Cocoa Beach to Universal Studios Plaza." }, { "docid": "4081220", "title": "Tallahassee Temperatures: Averages by Month", "text": "Tallahassee Temperatures: Averages by Month. The numbers here tell you how hot and cold the weather usually is at Tallahassee, Florida during each month of the year. The average high and low temperatures are listed below monthly and annually for the city, in both degrees Fahrenheit and Celsius. Maximums and minimums are only part of the temperature picture." }, { "docid": "7830537", "title": "-", "text": "weather and science facts. Typical temperatures for places in Florida during the month of July are listed below. You'll find separate tables for each region: South Florida (including the Florida Keys), Central Florida, North Florida and the Florida Panhandle." }, { "docid": "5021163", "title": "Cocoa (Chocolate Bean) Growing in the Florida Home Landscape 1", "text": "Planting a Cocoa Tree. Cocoa plants are not commonly produced by nurseries in Florida. However, proper planting is one of the most important steps in successfully establishing and growing a strong, productive tree. The first step is to choose a healthy nursery tree.lanting a Cocoa Tree. Cocoa plants are not commonly produced by nurseries in Florida. However, proper planting is one of the most important steps in successfully establishing and growing a strong, productive tree. The first step is to choose a healthy nursery tree." }, { "docid": "279089", "title": "Myrtle Beach, SC Water Temperature Climatology", "text": "The other beaches of Horry and Georgetown counties have very similar water temperatures including Little River, North Myrtle Beach, Surfside Beach, Murrells Inlet, Litchfield Beach, and Pawleys Island." }, { "docid": "6427500", "title": "Venice Beach Water Temperature", "text": "Venice Beach Florida current water temperature is: 81°F. Venice Beach water temperatures range from 58F in January to 68F in August. The Pacific Ocean is perfect for swimming during the warmer months, with air temperature at a high of 82.4F in August and September with approximately 11 hours of sunshine per day. There are lifeguards stationed on the beach and surf boards and body boards can be hired." }, { "docid": "6022715", "title": "Find Honda Dealers in Vero Beach, Florida", "text": "Find Honda Dealers in Vero Beach, Florida. The process of buying a new Honda car or truck can seem overwhelming if you don't know where to begin. Edmunds.com can get you started on the right track with a convenient directory of Honda car dealerships in and around Vero Beach, Florida." } ]
most points michael jordan scored in a game
[ { "docid": "435083", "title": "When Michael Jordan scored the most points in one game how many was it?", "text": "Making the world better, one answer at a time. Michael Jordan's highest scoring game was 69 points in an overtime contest against the Cavaliers in 1990. His next highest was 64 in another overtime contest. His best in a regulation game was 61 in 1987. Wilt Chamberlain owns the record with 100 (that was in regulation) in 1962." } ]
[ { "docid": "4125016", "title": "-", "text": "Add Your Blog Posts Here · Player News Archive · Player News RSS Feed. 8/16 Swarm and Sting: Charlotte Hornets: Michael Jordan Says the NBA Has Changed For the Better: Charlotte Hornets' owner, Michael Jordan, said that the NBA..." }, { "docid": "2317925", "title": "Michael Jordan", "text": "After Jordan scored a playoff record 63 points against the Boston Celtics on April 20, 1986, Celtics star Larry Bird described him as God disguised as Michael Jordan. Jordan led the NBA in scoring in 10 seasons (NBA record) and tied Wilt Chamberlain's record of seven consecutive scoring titles." }, { "docid": "453648", "title": "basketball", "text": "noun. People playing basketball. People playing basketball. The definition of basketball is a game played by two 5-player teams, the object of which is to get the ball through the opposing player's hoop the most times to score the most points, or a large ball that is used in the game.1 An example of basketball is the game played by Michael Jordan.he definition of basketball is a game played by two 5-player teams, the object of which is to get the ball through the opposing player's hoop the most times to score the most points, or a large ball that is used in the game." }, { "docid": "4218304", "title": "What draft round was Michael Jordan picked?", "text": "Michael Jordan was a 1st round draft choice of the Chicago Bulls in the 1984 NBA draft. Michael Jordan was a 1st round draft choice of the Chicago Bulls in the 1984 NBA draft." }, { "docid": "4717573", "title": "-", "text": "Creed, directed by and starring the Fruitvale Station team of Ryan Coogler and Michael B. Jordan, has been in-development for over a year. It’ll star Jordan as the grandson of Apollo Creed (Carl Weathers), the nemesis/friend of Rocky Balboa who died in Rocky IV." }, { "docid": "8001605", "title": "NBA D-LEAGUE WNBAEurope LiveGlobalBrasilCanadaChinaEspanolFranceGermanyHong KongJapanTaiwanUKGLOBALAtlantaBostonCharlotteChicagoClevelandDallasDenverDetroitGolden StateHoustonIndianaLA ClippersLA LakersMemphisMiamiMilwaukeeMinnesotaNew JerseyNew OrleansNew YorkOklahoma CityOrlandoPhiladelphiaPhoenixPortlandSacramentoSan AntonioTorontoUtahWashingtonTEAMS MOBILE NBA TICKETSResource CenterGame CenterStats CenterDraft CenterFANTASY NBATVSTOREJerseysApparelKidsFootwearSporting GoodsAuctionsNBA Store EuropeBe An AffiliateSTORENBA TV BroadbandNBA LEAGUE PASSVIDEO", "text": "NBA Finals: Top Single-Game Scorers. Elgin Baylor set The Finals record for scoring when he poured in 61 points against the Boston Celtics in the 1962 NBA Finals. Below is a list of players who scored 40 or more points in a Finals game. Shaquille O'Neal was the last to do it in 2002 vs. the New Jersey Nets. Jerry West has the most 40-plus point Finals games with ten." }, { "docid": "2364365", "title": "How does James compare with other NBA greats?", "text": "We asked the Elias Sports Bureau to look at the postseason careers of Larry Bird, Magic Johnson and Michael Jordan and determine how many Hall of Famers each of them eliminated from the playoffs. They used the guideline that the Hall of Famer in question must have played at least one postseason game that season." }, { "docid": "2730713", "title": "Peyton Manning", "text": "This list shows the teams that scored the most points in one game in NBA history, including regular season and Playoffs. Filter: Season - Playoffs - Both. RS = Season / PL = Playoffs. Most Points Ever Scored by an NBA Team." }, { "docid": "6891114", "title": "List of career achievements by Michael Jordan", "text": "1 Most points scored by a sophomore: 721 (in 36 games; 1982–83) During this season, Jordan set his UNC career high with 39 points against Georgia Tech on January 29, 1983. His career high against Duke was 32 points on January 22, 1983." }, { "docid": "5420503", "title": "Carmelo Anthony", "text": "In 2011, he was traded from Denver to the New York Knicks just days prior to the NBA trade deadline. On January 24, 2014, against the Charlotte Bobcats, Anthony set the Madison Square Garden and Knicks' single-game scoring record after he scored a career-high 62 points." }, { "docid": "2730707", "title": "-", "text": "The most points scored in a soccer game 28 points by England in 2002 against France." }, { "docid": "6568986", "title": "ESPN.com ranks the 100 worst blowouts in sports history: Nos. 25-1", "text": "Michael Jordan scored a game-high 24 points for the Bulls in the biggest NBA Finals blowout of all time. June 7, 1998: This blowout was an exclamation point of sorts on the Bulls' Michael Jordan era. The 42-point margin was the largest in a Finals game, and the Jazz scored the fewest points in postseason history." }, { "docid": "8420717", "title": "The only thing more shocking than Devin Booker's 70 points is how he scored them", "text": "The only thing more shocking than Devin Booker's 70 points is how he scored them. Booker had a prolific, but unusual, scoring night. If I told you one NBA player was going to score 70 points on Friday, you probably wouldn’t have guessed it would be Devin Booker. On a night that featured marquee NBA stars like Stephen Curry, James Harden, Isaiah Thomas, Anthony Davis and -- yes -- LeBron James, it was Booker who stole the show. The 20-year-old scored 51 points in the second half and 28 in the fourth quarter en route to becoming just the sixth NBA player to score 70 points in a game. As incredible as the night was, however, it was even more perplexing. Here are a few strange things about Booker’s historic night. He only made four 3-pointers" }, { "docid": "8639361", "title": "How many points will LeBron James score before heâs done?", "text": "Being bigger and stronger than Bryant, James should hold up better, so let’s say he averages 55 games in that three-season span with 18 points per game. He then would have surpassed Jordan and 32,000 points — he’d be at a theoretical 32,459 — and would likely be close to Bryant (currently at 32,534)." }, { "docid": "5434982", "title": "NBA Records: The Highest Points Ever Scored in One Game", "text": "Nuggets star David Thompson scored 73 points in the last game of the 1977–78 season, but it wasn’t enough. Denver came up on the short end of a 139-137 score against the balanced offensive output of the Detroit Pistons, who had five different players score at least 19 in the game." }, { "docid": "4756080", "title": "The 50 Greatest Offensive Defensemen in NHL History", "text": "Larry Murphy is another of those offensive defensemen who found he was playing all over the league. He came in to the league as a 19 year old with the LA Kings and scored 16 goals and 76 points in his first NHL season.ark had the 10th-most points per game in the regular season among all defensemen for his career. He scored well in the regular season and was another player who could gear it up for the playoffs. His .217 goals per game in the playoffs put him among the top 10 defensemen who had played at least 50 playoff games." }, { "docid": "3047571", "title": "-", "text": "Most of the counterfeits are fairly easy to find if you know what you’re looking for. 1986 Fleer Michael Jordan Front. 1986 Fleer Michael Jordan Back. 1 The arrow on the fleer logo should be a darker shade of yellow, almost a golden color. 2 The reprints typically show the logo and arrow as the same shade of yellow.3 There should be a very distinct transition between colors between the blue and red.986 Fleer Michael Jordan Back. 1 The arrow on the fleer logo should be a darker shade of yellow, almost a golden color. 2 The reprints typically show the logo and arrow as the same shade of yellow." }, { "docid": "2997200", "title": "NBA D-LEAGUE WNBAEurope LiveGlobalBrasilCanadaChinaEspanolFranceGermanyHong KongJapanTaiwanUKGLOBALAtlantaBostonCharlotteChicagoClevelandDallasDenverDetroitGolden StateHoustonIndianaLA ClippersLA LakersMemphisMiamiMilwaukeeMinnesotaNew JerseyNew OrleansNew YorkOklahoma CityOrlandoPhiladelphiaPhoenixPortlandSacramentoSan AntonioTorontoUtahWashingtonTEAMS MOBILE NBA TICKETSResource CenterGame CenterStats CenterDraft CenterFANTASY NBATVSTOREJerseysApparelKidsFootwearSporting GoodsAuctionsNBA Store EuropeBe An AffiliateSTORENBA TV BroadbandNBA LEAGUE PASSVIDEO", "text": "Jordan scored 16 points, grabbed nine rebounds and made the winning basket on a 16-foot jumper with 18 seconds in the game for the 63-62 victory. As a sophomore, he was named College Player of the Year by The Sporting News." }, { "docid": "3416200", "title": "Jumpman (logo)", "text": "For other uses of Jumpman, see Jumpman (disambiguation) . The Jumpman logo is used by Nike to promote the Air Jordan shoes, among other merchandise. The Jumpman logo is owned by Nike to promote its Michael Jordan-related merchandise, including the Air Jordan brand of basketball shoes." }, { "docid": "5963448", "title": "-", "text": "In a heated battle for the 2015 NCAA Championship, Duke took down Wisconsin 68-63. Freshman Tyus Jones scored 23 points for the Blue Devils, earning Most Outstanding Player for the game." }, { "docid": "8220360", "title": "At 50, Michael Jordan still inspires NBA stars", "text": "HOUSTON -- Michael Jordan was responsible for so much heartache for Patrick Ewing, the Knicks and their fans. He also was the inspiration for many players in Sunday night's NBA All-Star Game. There was almost as much hype about Jordan turning 50 Sunday as there was about the game. The players were asked what Jordan means to them and what stands out about him." }, { "docid": "3502421", "title": "-", "text": "michael jordan becomes bobcats majority owner the national basketball association s nba board of governors has voted unanimously to approve the purchase by michael jordan of a majority interest in bobcats sports entertainment bse" }, { "docid": "8394514", "title": "-", "text": "The Clippers discuss how they attacked the basket for their victory in Game 2. Take a look at Tuesday's top five countdown from the NBA playoffs. Blake Griffin scores 24 points on 11-21 shooting with five boards in LA's game 2 win over Utah. Chris Paul scores 21 points and dishes out 10 assists, DeAndre Jordan adds a double-double as the Clippers even the series 1-1 with a Game 2 win over the Jazz." }, { "docid": "4106803", "title": "NBA: The 10 Players Who Have Missed the Most Shots", "text": "6. Michael Jordan. Jordan played 15 NBA seasons and attempted 24,537 shots, misfiring on 12,345. The Bulls legend made nearly half of his career shot attempts (49.7%) en route to six league championships and 32,292 career points (which equals more than 30 points per game). 5. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar" }, { "docid": "5990824", "title": "-", "text": "Michael Jordan Records. Michael Jordan set many NBA records in his career, most of them related with points because MJ was a scoring machine... The Bulls had a poor history before Michael Jordan arrived. He made them known around the world and of course he holds the Bulls' records in almost all the categories." }, { "docid": "5792330", "title": "How Many MVPs Did Michael Jordan Win?", "text": "How many MVPs did Michael Jordan win? Michael Jordan won five regular season Most Valuable Player awards during his career with the Chicago Bulls. Jordan earned MVP honors for the 1987-88, 90-91, 91-92, 95-96 and 97-98 seasons." }, { "docid": "2835979", "title": "List of National Basketball Association single-game scoring leaders", "text": "AN Scored 16 of his team's 21 points in overtime, setting the NBA record. AO 3rd game of a four-game 50+ streak; Bryant's 50+ streak exceeded only by Chamberlain's streaks of seven (twice), six, and five (four times)." }, { "docid": "7026408", "title": "-", "text": "The Warhawks scored the only points of the second half on a pair of field goals.Texas A&M bounced back from an embarrassing 59-0 loss to Alabama and snapped a three-game skid with the victory. The win also makes the Aggies bowl-eligible for a school-record sixth straight year." }, { "docid": "100328", "title": "Who Is the Father of The Big Show?", "text": "When did Michael Jordan wear number 45? Michael Jordan wore number 45 when he returned to the National Basketball Association (NBA) in March 1995 because he said he would never wear number 23 again as it was the last number his father, who had passed away prior to that, saw him play in." }, { "docid": "6627246", "title": "370 Points : The Tale Of The Highest Scoring NBA Game Ever", "text": "The combined score was now 342 with each team having scored 171 points each. In the 3rd overtime the game was decided when the Pistons scored 15 points to the Nuggets 13 points. The final score was 186-184 with the Pistons being the winner in this historic game. The box score of the highest scoring NBA game ever." } ]
most popular car for uber drivers
[ { "docid": "5917548", "title": "What is the most popular car for Uber drivers?", "text": "The Toyota Prius hybrid is by far the most popular car that Uber drivers drive, at least in the U.S. 1 much better gas mileage, particularly for street driving and during rush hour on the freeways. the depreciation on miles is low." } ]
[ { "docid": "2914301", "title": "How much do Uber drivers really make?", "text": "Even though Uber has said its low-cost drivers in New York could make up to $90,000 per year driving at least 40 hours per week, this driver isn't too fazed by that because he's still able to make a living off being solely an Uber driver. I don't have any complaints, he said.unday, July 20, 2014 4:42pm. Getty Images. Uber has made some lofty claims about just how much its drivers can make a year. The company has said its UberX drivers can make $90,000 a year in New York and up to $60,000 in Dallas." }, { "docid": "817125", "title": "One Quick Tip To Boost Your Uber Driver Rating", "text": "My biggest beef with the Uber ratings system is that there isn’t a lot of feedback given to drivers. You could drop from a 4.9 to a 4.8 and not even know what you did wrong. Lately, Uber has been sending out weekly summaries and letting drivers know how to improve their rating." }, { "docid": "7589996", "title": "Uber Car Rentals", "text": "Traditional hire cars are meant to be one size fits all, but Uber car rental providers are focused on helping you maximise your earnings. With the specialised providers, you get a hire car which is Uber-ready (meets Uber’s requirements) that you can use to drive with Uber as well as for personal use." }, { "docid": "2422315", "title": "-", "text": "The City of Houston requires all Uber drivers to get FBI fingerprint background checks, but that doesn't mean they all do.Anthony Stewart/National Geographic/Getty Images.Last week saw the latest story about an Uber driver, for all the wrong reasons.ber's background checks don't catch criminals, says Houston. After a passenger was allegedly raped by her Uber driver, the Texas city threatens to shut down the ride-hailing service. Uber says it will comply with the city's rules. by Dara Kerr @darakerr /." }, { "docid": "6244712", "title": "We Talked To Uber Drivers â Here's How Much They Really Make", "text": "Flickr/Jason Tester Guerrilla Futures. Uber has made some lofty claims about just how much its drivers can make a year. Uber has said its UberX drivers can make a median income of $90,000 a year in New York, as long as they drive over 40 hours per week.It s ays drivers can make up to $60,000 per year in Dallas.UberX is the startup's cheaper tier service.lickr/Jason Tester Guerrilla Futures. Uber has made some lofty claims about just how much its drivers can make a year. Uber has said its UberX drivers can make a median income of $90,000 a year in New York, as long as they drive over 40 hours per week." }, { "docid": "2841064", "title": "Uber seen upping fee it charges new drivers in SF to 25%", "text": "Notification Uber sent to San Francisco drivers saying UberX commission is 25% for partners activated on or after September 2nd, 2014.. Reddit user dissedinchicago.Uber has long charged its drivers a 20 percent or less commission, but it appears those numbers are rising.A screenshot posted to a Reddit driver forum says all new Uber drivers coming on board in San Francisco after September 2 will be charged a 25 percent commission. screenshot posted to a Reddit driver forum says all new Uber drivers coming on board in San Francisco after September 2 will be charged a 25 percent commission." }, { "docid": "2646443", "title": "How much do Lyft drivers typically make?", "text": "on average drivers make more per trip driving for uber than they do with lyft or sidecar the average fare for uber is $ 15 97 average fares for lyft and sidecar are $ 11 48 and $ 13 35 respectively" }, { "docid": "8072951", "title": "Cab union calls for more Uber screening", "text": "The taxi drivers' union is asking the city council to immediately require all ride share drivers to undergo the same background checks as city cab drivers which include fingerprinting and drug testing. The taxi drivers union also hopes the city will regulate rates of fare for ride companies like Uber and Lyft. Uber cuts corners and endangers the public safety, said UTCC Chairman Fayez Khozindar, pointing to a New York Times article, Uber System for Screening Drivers Draws Scrutiny." }, { "docid": "651024", "title": "Driver Restrictions - Florida and US Car Hire FAQ", "text": "The minimum age is 21 although under age 25 drivers will be subject to a surcharge payable on collection (see below). If you choose our Young Driver's Package with Alamo or National then up to 3 drivers age 21-24 can drive the car with no additional charges on collection.f you are age 21-24 then you can save money on the young drivers surcharge. Doing this, you can have up to 3 drivers age 21-24 plus additional drivers age 25 and over (up to a total of 4 drivers maximum). There will then be no additional surcharges for the young drivers on collection of the car." }, { "docid": "1765380", "title": "How Does Lyftâs Car Service Stack Up Against Uber?", "text": "If the pricing stays—which is doubtful—I would prefer Uber over Lyft’s program for several reasons. Not only is it cheaper, you can also now split the fare between multiple passengers. However, there are others I know that prefer Lyft for the general friendliness of the drivers." }, { "docid": "2267017", "title": "Uber", "text": "Early Traction. Though the company was founded in 2009, Uber didn’t officially launch until June 2010 by tapping into the existing supply of black car drivers. In January 2011, just six months later, they had had between 3,000 and 6,000 users and had already done between 10,000 and 20,000 rides." }, { "docid": "1279445", "title": "-", "text": "Uber® Customer Service Phone Number: 1-866-576-1039. Uber enables drivers to use their personal car to provide taxi rides and earn income. They provide a smartphone app that connects drivers with people who need a ride. Uber Corporate." }, { "docid": "5738664", "title": "How much do Uber drivers make in 2017?", "text": "Uber driver pay varies depending on where you live and how many hours you drive. I make between $20 and $25 an hour in Los Angeles. Studies across the nation show that Uber drivers make over $19 an hour on average.In New York City, the average Uber driver makes over $30 an hour.70,000 per year just working for Uber is a very comfortable amount but since this is my only job I also work for Lyft. I won’t go into too much detail here but I make an extra $35,000/yr with Lyft after taxes and expenses in the same 16hr shift." }, { "docid": "2814820", "title": "Uber Is Now Losing Money On Every UberX Ride", "text": "Uber Is Now Losing Money On Every UberX Ride. Jul. After announcing its new price cuts, Uber is now losing money from its UberX service, according to some calculations by Forbes. UberX is the cheaper tier of Uber cars. UberX drivers usually have basic sedans like a Toyota Camry or Honda Accord, not the fancy black cars regular Uber drivers have." }, { "docid": "6987407", "title": "2 Uber Drivers Accused of Crimes: Assault, Kidnapping Alleged", "text": "Ride-share app Uber got some unwanted publicity this week, as two Uber drivers were accused of committing crimes in separate incidents -- one for an alleged kidnapping and another for an alleged assault. In Los Angeles, LA Weekly reports that a 26-year-old clubgoer woke up in a motel room with an Uber driver shirtless next to her on the bed." }, { "docid": "7856696", "title": "-", "text": "The car-booking experience gives users easy access to fast, clean, upscale rides—but what’s more, Uber also makes sure it’s easy for drivers to earn extra money by providing rides to Uber customers and keeps track of their satisfaction with Uber riders." }, { "docid": "4457803", "title": "Customer Service Phone Number for Uber Oklahoma City OK", "text": "Drive with Uber in Connecticut. Earn money on your own terms. Full-time and part-time driving opportunities for independent contractors in Connecticut give you the flexibility to work as much or as little as you want. Uber takes care of all the details so you can focus on driving your car when it works for you. Become a driver" }, { "docid": "2859338", "title": "Everything You Need to Know About Uber", "text": "The service’s lowest-cost option, UberX, runs in everyday cars like the Toyota Prius. Uber Black is the company’s original service, costing a bit more but running in high-end town cars with professional drivers. Uber SUV is precisely what it sounds like, charging a premium for a larger vehicle.ut in smaller Uber bergs like Blacksburg, Virg., the app is likely a dead zone in the middle of the night. Still, if you fire up the app and can see a car on the map, there’s one nearby. Hail the ride and you’ll get a fairly accurate estimated time of arrival." }, { "docid": "7833947", "title": "Uber Driver Requirements", "text": "Here are the detailed Uber driver requirements to drive for Uber: Uber Driver Requirements Uber Driver Age Requirements. You must be 21 years of age or older. You must have 3 years driving experience. If you have recently moved from another state, it might be possible may have to verify your driving history. Keep your out-of-state drivers license. You might need it. Other Uber Driver Requirements" }, { "docid": "6754974", "title": "-", "text": "For much of the previous year, Uber executives had agonized over how to lower the rate at which drivers were deserting the platform. Alongside Uber’s already daunting targets for expanding its pool of drivers to meet mounting demand, the high turnover threatened to cap the company’s growth and throw it into crisis." }, { "docid": "367240", "title": "-", "text": "ROBERT GALBRAITH/REUTERS. Uber on Tuesday launched a new service in Germany which the company claims abides by German law, after a court recently banned the car hailing app’s main product nationwide. The new service, UberX, uses drivers who have obtained a special license for commercial passenger transportation." }, { "docid": "1627544", "title": "How much money do Uber drivers make?", "text": "Although according to a report released by Uber, 62% of drivers lease their car from Uber, it is likely that the most common reason a driver might need financial projections is when they are applying for a car loan to purchase a car to drive for Uber." }, { "docid": "3383534", "title": "How much do Uber drivers really make?", "text": "Sunday, July 20, 2014 4:42pm. Getty Images. Uber has made some lofty claims about just how much its drivers can make a year. The company has said its UberX drivers can make $90,000 a year in New York and up to $60,000 in Dallas.he average on it is about $27 an hour.. At that rate, he would make about $56,000 per year on average, driving 40 hours a week. But that's before taking into account things like the cost of gas, how often a passenger is actually in the car during those hours, and length of trip." }, { "docid": "1941058", "title": "Definition of \"Named Insured\"", "text": "All drivers living in the household who are not listed on the title of the car as an owner and are not married to the owner, need to be listed as a driver. Drivers are not able to make major changes to the car insurance policy without the named insured's approval." }, { "docid": "6184679", "title": "-", "text": "If you are age 21-24 then you can save money on the young drivers surcharge. Doing this, you can have up to 3 drivers age 21-24 plus additional drivers age 25 and over (up to a total of 4 drivers maximum). There will then be no additional surcharges for the young drivers on collection of the car.oing this, you can have up to 3 drivers age 21-24 plus additional drivers age 25 and over (up to a total of 4 drivers maximum). There will then be no additional surcharges for the young drivers on collection of the car." }, { "docid": "912519", "title": "Financing Your Next Startup As An Uber Driver", "text": "On a good day, my driver grosses as much as $1,100, and nets perhaps $700 to $800. That's real money. Uber pays its UberX drivers 85% of the stated fare (According to Uber driver Peter Ashlock, it's less for Uber's full sedan service, in part because Uber also gives a cut to the limo companies that employ the drivers).So for my UberX driver, he took home ~$22 of the $26 I paid Uber. That adds up.ber pays its UberX drivers 85% of the stated fare (According to Uber driver Peter Ashlock, it's less for Uber's full sedan service, in part because Uber also gives a cut to the limo companies that employ the drivers)." }, { "docid": "5861411", "title": "-", "text": "6.5k Views. Lyft takes about two weeks. Based on some of the Uber drivers I've encountered, I don't think they even do background checks. I had a driver from West Africa who told me he had only been in the US for less than a week..5k Views. Lyft takes about two weeks. Based on some of the Uber drivers I've encountered, I don't think they even do background checks. I had a driver from West Africa who told me he had only been in the US for less than a week." }, { "docid": "2537502", "title": "As a new Uber driver, what vehicle should I purchase? ( self.cars)submitted 4 years ago * by theloraxe [ ð°]", "text": "Most uber passengers care about how the car looks and the Merc R classes and Lincoln MKTs of the world do little for them. If you decide not to go the SUV route, look into finding a lightly used E Class or 5 Series rather than going with the standard Town Car." }, { "docid": "8277461", "title": "Customer Service Phone Number for Uber Oklahoma City OK", "text": "DRIVE WITH UBER. Earn money on your own terms. Full-time and part-time driving jobs for independent contractors in Perth give you the flexibility to work as much or as little as you want. Uber takes care of all the details so you can focus on driving your car when it works for you.arn money on your own terms. Full-time and part-time driving jobs for independent contractors in Perth give you the flexibility to work as much or as little as you want. Uber takes care of all the details so you can focus on driving your car when it works for you." }, { "docid": "817131", "title": "How to find your Uber passenger rating.", "text": "Edit 1: Uber is currently trying to fix it. Hurry to find your rating! Uber has a rating system for Drivers and Passengers. Both can rate each other. Uber doesn’t give any easy way for users to find their rating." } ]
Indianola,IA zip code
[ { "docid": "1409403", "title": "-", "text": "Zip Code 50125 Cities. 50125 is located in the state of Iowa in the Des Moines-Ames metro area. Zip code 50125 is primarily located in Warren County. The official postal service name used for 50125 is INDIANOLA, Iowa." }, { "docid": "1409406", "title": "-", "text": "The official postal service name used for 50125 is INDIANOLA, Iowa. Other acceptable names that can be used for the 50125 zip code are SPRING HILL. . Portions of the 50125 zip code are contained within or border the city limits of Indianola, IA, Ackworth, IA, and Spring Hill, IA." } ]
[ { "docid": "5379889", "title": "Zip Code 10002 Map And Demographics", "text": "The table outlines the top 5 positions of zip code 45205 on our zip code ranking charts. For example, a rank of 10 means that a zip code ranks #10 on the list of the top zip codes in America for a particular value. The lists were created for all zip codes in America with the population of 1000 residents or higher.ee all zip code 45205 demographics data (population, housing, education, family, transportation...). or compare zip code 45205 to other nearby zip codes." }, { "docid": "6807433", "title": "-", "text": "Cities in ZIP code 33579. The cities below are at least partially located in ZIP code 33579. In addition to the primary city for a ZIP code, USPS also publishes a list of other acceptable cities that can be used with ZIP code 33579.However, if you are mailing something to ZIP code 33579, you should not use any of the cities listed as unacceptable.Choose from the primary or acceptable cities when mailing your package or letter.owever, if you are mailing something to ZIP code 33579, you should not use any of the cities listed as unacceptable. Choose from the primary or acceptable cities when mailing your package or letter." }, { "docid": "50981", "title": "-", "text": "Enter ZIP code or City, State. Mason City, IA 50401 Weather. Iowa Snow Forecast. 50401 Area Snow Depth Reports. (most recent in last 48 hours) U.S. Snow Depth." }, { "docid": "2729007", "title": "-", "text": "Cleveland Indurstrial Valley Neighborhood 44113 Zip Code Cuyahoga County. Cleveland Ohio City-West Side Neighborhood 44113 Zip Code Cuyahoga County. Cleveland Tremont Neighborhood 44113 Zip Code Cuyahoga County. Cleveland 44114 Zip Code Cuyahoga County.leveland Ohio City-West Side Neighborhood 44109 Zip Code Cuyahoga County. Cleveland Old Brooklyn Neighborhood 44109 Zip Code Cuyahoga County. Cleveland Tremont Neighborhood 44109 Zip Code Cuyahoga County. Cleveland 44110 Zip Code Cuyahoga County." }, { "docid": "5257177", "title": "-", "text": "City of Coralville, IA - JOHNSON County Iowa ZIP Codes. Detailed information on every zip code in Coralville Home | Products | Learn About ZIP Codes | Find a Post Office | Search | Contact | FAQs" }, { "docid": "4486616", "title": "-", "text": "1 Get all Area Codes and NXX data for North America. 2 IA ZIP Code Map. 3 The IA ZIP Code Map shows all 5 digit zip code boundaries for IA using clean, practical map colors and styles. 4 JOHNSON County, IA ZIP Code Map. 5 The JOHNSON County IA ZIP Code Map shows all 5 digit zip code boundaries for JOHNSON County IA." }, { "docid": "7354446", "title": "-", "text": "A zip code contains of 5 digits. how many defferent zip codes can be made with the digits 0 through 9 if no di? Is the zip code in portugal containing eight digits? How many different zip codes are possible if all digits are allowed and 2) zip code contains atleast one non-z?" }, { "docid": "8154996", "title": "-", "text": "In addition to the primary city for a ZIP code, USPS also publishes a list of other acceptable cities that can be used with ZIP code 33610. However, if you are mailing something to ZIP code 33610, you should not use any of the cities listed as unacceptable." }, { "docid": "3242481", "title": "-", "text": "1 Get all Area Codes and NXX data for North America. 2 OH ZIP Code Map. 3 The OH ZIP Code Map shows all 5 digit zip code boundaries for OH using clean, practical map colors and styles.4 CUYAHOGA County, OH ZIP Code Map. 5 The CUYAHOGA County OH ZIP Code Map shows all 5 digit zip code boundaries for CUYAHOGA County OH. Get all Area Codes and NXX data for North America. 2 OH ZIP Code Map. 3 The OH ZIP Code Map shows all 5 digit zip code boundaries for OH using clean, practical map colors and styles." }, { "docid": "4814574", "title": "-", "text": "Please enter your five-digit ZIP Code. We ask for your ZIP Code as product offerings and features may differ among geographic locations. You may change your ZIP Code at any time." }, { "docid": "452976", "title": "Clarion IA Zip Code Lookup and List", "text": "Clarion, IA » Directory » Clarion Iowa Zip Codes - Zip Code Lookup. Below is a list of Clarion IA zip codes. For your research we have also included Clarion Area Code, Time Zone, UTC and the local Wright County FIPS Code. Each Clarion Iowa zip code has a center Longitude / Latitude point (the Clarion center is -93.7328 / 42.729)." }, { "docid": "5577759", "title": "-", "text": "Stats and Demographics for the 01844 ZIP Code. ZIP code 01844 is located in Massachusetts and covers a slightly less than average land area compared to other ZIP codes in the United States. It also has a slightly larger than average population density. The people living in ZIP code 01844 are primarily white.he cities below are at least partially located in ZIP code 01844. In addition to the primary city for a ZIP code, USPS also publishes a list of other acceptable cities that can be used with ZIP code 01844." }, { "docid": "2864562", "title": "Zip Code 14782, Sinclairville, NY", "text": "U.S. ZIP Code Database Get all this data for every U.S. ZIP Code in 1 easy to use database. U.S. ZIP Code Database. Get all this data for every U.S. ZIP Code in 1 easy to use database." }, { "docid": "7119663", "title": "-", "text": "Zip Code 47974, Perrysville, IN. Get all this data for every U.S. ZIP Code in 1 easy to use database. Map the boundaries of this ZIP Code and others on any map platform." }, { "docid": "2763763", "title": "-", "text": "Cities in ZIP code 38138. The cities below are at least partially located in ZIP code 38138. In addition to the primary city for a ZIP code, USPS also publishes a list of other acceptable cities that can be used with ZIP code 38138. However, if you are mailing something to ZIP code 38138, you should not use any of the cities listed as unacceptable." }, { "docid": "8751294", "title": "North St Paul (MN state) ZIP code", "text": "North St Paul (MN state) ZIP code. ZIP code of North St Paul (MN) is 55109. Below you can find map of North St Paul, or look up other ZIP codes in Minnesota or other US states. If North St Paul's ZIP code is duplicated, and other places have same ZIP code number, you can use our ZIP code searcher by number 55109." }, { "docid": "3946694", "title": "-", "text": "Zip Code 27017 Description. Zip Code 27017 is located in the state of North Carolina in the Greensboro - Winston-Salem metro area. Zip code 27017 is primarily located in Surry County. The official US Postal Service name for 27017 is DOBSON, North Carolina. Portions of zip code 27017 are contained within or border the city limits of Dobson, NC, . The area code for zip code 27017 is 336." }, { "docid": "7842250", "title": "Zip Code 14782, Sinclairville, NY", "text": "ZIP Code Boundary Data Map the boundaries of this ZIP Code and others on any map platform. ZIP Code Boundary Data. Map the boundaries of this ZIP Code and others on any map platform..S. ZIP Code Database Get all this data for every U.S. ZIP Code in 1 easy to use database. U.S. ZIP Code Database. Get all this data for every U.S. ZIP Code in 1 easy to use database." }, { "docid": "3643214", "title": "-", "text": "Zip Code 96720, Hilo, HI. Get all this data for every U.S. ZIP Code in 1 easy to use database. Map the boundaries of this ZIP Code and others on any map platform." }, { "docid": "3032018", "title": "-", "text": "California Zip Codes. Zip Code Search. Find zip codes fast with the Zip Code Search. Enter a city and state in the search box below to find all the zip codes in that city. Reverse Zip Code Search. Find cities fast with the Zip Code Search. Enter a zip code into the search box below to find all the cities in that zip code." }, { "docid": "5085146", "title": "Kingsville Naval Air Station (TX state) ZIP code", "text": "Kingsville Naval Air Station (TX state) ZIP code. ZIP code of Kingsville Naval Air Station (TX) is 78363. Below you can find map of Kingsville Naval Air Station, or look up other ZIP codes in Texas or other US states. If Kingsville Naval Air Station's ZIP code is duplicated, and other places have same ZIP code number, you can use our ZIP code searcher by number 78363." }, { "docid": "3370890", "title": "-", "text": "1 CT ZIP Code Map. 2 The CT ZIP Code Map shows all 5 digit zip code boundaries for CT using clean, practical map colors and styles. 3 NEW HAVEN County, CT ZIP Code Map. The CT ZIP Code Map shows all 5 digit zip code boundaries for CT using clean, practical map colors and styles." }, { "docid": "3633510", "title": "-", "text": "Zip Code 91381, Stevenson Ranch, CA. Get all this data for every U.S. ZIP Code in 1 easy to use database. Map the boundaries of this ZIP Code and others on any map platform." }, { "docid": "8411212", "title": "Indianola", "text": "Indianola is a city in Warren County, Iowa, United States. The population was 12,998 at the 2000 census. It is the county seat of Warren County. Simpson College, a liberal arts college of the United Methodist Church, is in Indianola. Indianola is also the home of the National Balloon Classic and National Balloon Museum." }, { "docid": "7806922", "title": "Lake Murray Shores (SC state) ZIP code", "text": "Lake Murray Shores (SC state) ZIP code. ZIP code of Lake Murray Shores (SC) is 29070. Below you can find map of Lake Murray Shores, or look up other ZIP codes in South Carolina or other US states. If Lake Murray Shores's ZIP code is duplicated, and other places have same ZIP code number, you can use our ZIP code searcher by number 29070." }, { "docid": "1253852", "title": "-", "text": "Zip Code 25075, Eskdale, WV. Get all this data for every U.S. ZIP Code in 1 easy to use database. Map the boundaries of this ZIP Code and others on any map platform." }, { "docid": "4652524", "title": "Oxnard, CA ZIP Code Map", "text": "The Oxnard ZIP Code maps and basic ZIP Code information such as the number of Business, Residential and PO Box addresses in the ZIP Code are updated 4 times per year. Last update: February 1, 2017. The DEMOGRAPHIC DATA for each Oxnard ZIP Code is updated annually." }, { "docid": "76408", "title": "-", "text": "1 The TN ZIP Code Map shows all 5 digit zip code boundaries for TN using clean, practical map colors and styles. 2 KNOX County, TN ZIP Code Map. 3 The KNOX County TN ZIP Code Map shows all 5 digit zip code boundaries for KNOX County TN. Get all Area Codes and NXX data for North America. 2 TN ZIP Code Map. 3 The TN ZIP Code Map shows all 5 digit zip code boundaries for TN using clean, practical map colors and styles." }, { "docid": "1629015", "title": "County - ZIP Code Database TM (April 2018 data)", "text": "The County - ZIP Code Database lists every county-ZIP code combination in the USA and its territories! In the real world, ZIP code boundaries often cross county boundaries. This means that a particular ZIP code may lie in several counties. In fact more than 20 percent of all ZIP codes lie in more than one county." }, { "docid": "5931961", "title": "What is Barcelonas zip code?", "text": "Barcelona, Spain does not have a zip code since the zip code is only used in the U.S. and its territories." } ]
most powerful audi
[ { "docid": "1142861", "title": "Introducing The Most Powerful Audi Ever: R8 V10 Competition", "text": "Introducing The Most Powerful Audi Ever: R8 V10 Competition. Audi R8 “competition” is the most powerful Audi production vehicle ever made, with a factory-certified 0-60 MPH time of 3.2 seconds and a top speed of 199 MPH. That alone should be enough to lure 60 US buyers to Audi dealers to place orders in the next ten days." } ]
[ { "docid": "1920335", "title": "-", "text": "The 2017 Audi Q5 ranks 6 out of 14 Luxury Compact SUVs. The 2017 Audi Q5 has a high starting price, but its cabin is spacious and luxurious. Performance is impressive, with three strong engine options, standard all-wheel drive, and poised handling." }, { "docid": "5597041", "title": "What does Audi mean?", "text": "Audi is named for the Latin word for 'hark' as in auditory. The reason was that the automobile inventor's last name was German for hark, Horch but he lost the right to make cars with that name when he was bought out by his partners.His son came up with the name.he Audi car company was founded by August Horch in Germany. Following some legal problems he was prevented from using Horch as the company name. In Germ … an horch means hear, which is audi in Latin." }, { "docid": "7964702", "title": "Audi A4", "text": "The first generation Audi A4 (known internally as the Typ 8D) debuted in October 1994, with production starting November 1994 and European sales commencing in January 1995 for the 1995 model year.North American sales later began in September 1995 for the 1996 model year.he first generation A4 succeeded the Audi 80. The automaker's internal numbering treats the A4 as a continuation of the Audi 80 lineage, with the initial A4 designated as the B5-series, followed by the B6, B7, B8 and the B9." }, { "docid": "3368352", "title": "Audi Burlingame", "text": "Welcome to Audi Burlingame - Serving San Francisco, & San Mateo. We've been putting California drivers in the Bay area in Audis for more than 40 years now. In fact, we're proud to be an Audi Preferred dealer and we remain committed to making the car buying experience as transparent, simple and quick as possible." }, { "docid": "6183207", "title": "Difference Between Communism and Totalitarianism", "text": "But in communism there is no total control. While the society is all-powerful in communism, it is the state that is powerful in Totalitarianism. In Totalitarianism, the state controls everything and there is no value for an individual’s thoughts or opinions." }, { "docid": "2779450", "title": "-", "text": "Audi (pronounced [ˈʔaʊ̯dɪ ʔaːˈgeː]) is a German automobile manufacturer that designs, engineers, produces, markets and distributes luxury vehicles." }, { "docid": "4477945", "title": "How Often Do I Have To Polish And Wax My New Car?", "text": "Avril’s question was: “I have ordered my new car an Audi TT and I am planning to detail it when I get it to give the car the best possible shine and finish. My question is when I have finished how do i maintain the car, i.e. I would not expect to do this level of cleaning on a weekly basis." }, { "docid": "6855709", "title": "Nissan North America named in class action lawsuit alleging failure to disclose defect in Timing Chain Systems which results in premature failure", "text": "Re: Brakes on Audi Q5. I purchased all pads front and back from Audi and had them replaced elsewhere. The mechanic that serviced my Audi said my disks were all smooth and in excellent shape and didn't need to be replaced.e: Brakes on Audi Q5. I replaced my Q5's front and rear pads at 35,000 with Hawk HPS pads. I was tired of the grunting noises and dust from the Audi pads. My Independent mechanic saw no reason to play with the disks. This improved braking feel and provided much lower dust levels." }, { "docid": "4990500", "title": "Audi Q7", "text": "The Audi Q7 is a full-size luxury crossover SUV unveiled in September 2005 at the Frankfurt Motor Show. Production of the Q7 began in autumn of 2005 at the Volkswagen Bratislava Plant in Bratislava, Slovakia. It is the first SUV offering from Audi and went on sale in 2006.Later, Audi's second SUV, the Q5, was unveiled as a 2009 model. Audi has since unveiled a third SUV model, the Q3, going on sale in the 3rd quarter of 2011. The Q7 shares its platform and chassis with the Volkswagen Touareg and the Porsche Cayenne.he Q7 V12 TDI is, according to Audi, the best handling Q7 due to a revised suspension, tires and brakes. Audi claims the Q7 V12 TDI can handle a lateral acceleration of over .9 g on a 300-foot (91 m) skid-pad." }, { "docid": "6820776", "title": "Audiologist qualifications - accreditation / certification?", "text": "Im wondering if anyone can shed some light on the various certifications Ive seen audiologists have. I even spoke with one Audi that had Ph.D (Psy), CCC-A after her name." }, { "docid": "2722493", "title": "-", "text": "Quattro. Quattro is the name used by Audi AG to indicate that all-wheel drive technologies or systems are used on specific models of the Audi automobiles. The word quattro is a registered trademark of Audi AG, a subsidiary of the German automotive concern, Volkswagen Group. Quattro was first introduced in 1980 on the permanent four wheel drive Audi Quattro. The term quattro has since been applied to all subsequent Audi AWD models. Due to the nomenclature rights derived from the trademark, the word quattro is now always spelled with a lower case q, in honour of its former namesake." }, { "docid": "5597043", "title": "What does Audi mean?", "text": "Direct from Audi UK, TDV stands for Technology Development Vehicle. It basically denotes that a diesel particulate filter is present on the Audi in question but the vehicle … was produced just prior to (or during) the legislation process regarding DPF's.he Audi car company was founded by August Horch in Germany. Following some legal problems he was prevented from using Horch as the company name. In Germ … an horch means hear, which is audi in Latin." }, { "docid": "7489287", "title": "-", "text": "Operating range in electric mode is up to 50 kilometers (31.07 miles), with the TFSI engine adding a further 890 kilometers (553.02 miles) The A3 e-tron from Audi is a latest-generation plug-in-hybrid car. The premium compact vehicle will go on sale from 2014 and is a genuine Audi." }, { "docid": "8314085", "title": "R8 V10 Maintenance Cost", "text": "Posts: 38. When I bought my 2009 R8 I got them to throw in the Audi Care since they wouldn't budge on price. Cost of it would have been about $850, Same price they were charging for any car which was a great deal since just an oil change on a R8 is expensive." }, { "docid": "6020358", "title": "-", "text": "Originally Posted by sachin. Hi, Can anyone advise me if alignment on a 2009 Audi A4 should be done only at a dealership or can be done outside with any other shops. The dealer quoted me $260 + tax, which I feel is pretty steep.I hit the curb on my front left side wheel by sliding on Friday night after hitting black ice.i, Can anyone advise me if alignment on a 2009 Audi A4 should be done only at a dealership or can be done outside with any other shops. The dealer quoted me $260 + tax, which I feel is pretty steep. I hit the curb on my front left side wheel by sliding on Friday night after hitting black ice." }, { "docid": "957101", "title": "How do I read a VIN (and what does it mean)?", "text": "But how do you read a VIN? Here’s a basic breakdown: 1 First Digit: Nation of origin, or final point of assembly. 2 Second Digit: Manufacturer. In some instances, it’s the first letter of the name – for example, A is Audi, B is BMW." }, { "docid": "6866953", "title": "-", "text": "Audi pre sense front can be switched off by the driver. If it is switched off, this mode is stored on the. ignition key used at that time and remains off for the user of that key until it is turned back on again. It does not default to ‘on’ at the beginning of a new journey." }, { "docid": "3054998", "title": "-", "text": "Showing 26 new Audi models - Select a model for pricing details. * The prices displayed on this page may be the Estimated TrueCar Dealer Price, the Target Price, or the Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price (MSRP)." }, { "docid": "5608767", "title": "Audi A4 (B6, B7) 2002-2008 - How to replace spark plugs on a 2.0 L FSI engine - DIY Repair", "text": "How to replace the spark plugs on a 2002-2004 Audi A4 with a 2.0 liter engine.For more information on Bentley Publishers line of Audi technical manuals, visit http://www.bentleypublishers.com/.udi A4 (B6, B7) 2002-2008 - How to replace spark plugs on a 2.0 L FSI engine-DIY Repair." }, { "docid": "1696883", "title": "Michelle Obama Owned Her Moment", "text": "The Most Powerful Office In The World. Is NOT The President of the United States! The President is, indeed, the most powerful man in the world - but the presidency is not the most powerful office in the world." }, { "docid": "5736803", "title": "The Glorious Past and Uncertain Future of the Incomparable NuÌrburgring", "text": "(The Nordschleife, or North Loop, was shortened from 14.2 miles in 1981, the same year work began on a new grand prix circuit to replace the smaller Südschleife.) Rotek offers clients a race-prepped 2013 Audi TT RS with almost 400 hp or a 2008 wide-body Audi RS4 with 480 hp." }, { "docid": "7002435", "title": "-", "text": "The Audi A4 S line is based on the entry-level SE model, meaning it still carries over SE features such as stop-start (a standard feature across the Audi A4 and sister Audi A5 range) technology, Bluetooth phone connectivity, ESP and triple-zone climate control.owever, Audi gives the A4 S line additional features such as a sporty S line body kit, suspension that's been lowered by 20mm (this can be increased to 30mm) and 18-inch alloy wheels." }, { "docid": "7402116", "title": "-", "text": "Posts: 11,563. RE: Airbag check light -2001 audi A4 quarttro. Yep, you can use Vag and it'll tell you which airbag is faulting on you (ie, driver's side airbag-which is the one in the seat). Then you zip-tie the offending connector, and Vag will allow you to turn the light off.osts: 10. Airbag check light -2001 audi A4 quarttro. Here's my question, Ihad my front drivers seat upholsteryrecently repaired.The tear was across the bottom of the seat.After ther repairI noticed that the airbag check light would stay on when the car is running and it never did this before the repair." }, { "docid": "7521331", "title": "VW & Audi DSG Gearbox ECU", "text": "VW and Audi DSG Gearbox ECU problem (Mechatronic Control Module Fault). The is a very common problem for all Volkswagen and Audi vehicle fitted with the DSG (Mechatronic) gearbox system.W and Audi DSG Gearbox ECU problem (Mechatronic Control Module Fault). The is a very common problem for all Volkswagen and Audi vehicle fitted with the DSG (Mechatronic) gearbox system." }, { "docid": "6102913", "title": "-", "text": "The 2016 Audi A6 has excellent driving dynamics, a welcoming interior, a good variety of engines and technology aplenty. It's one of our favorite midsize luxury sedans.1 Safety | Reliability | Rating Details.he 2016 Audi A6 has excellent driving dynamics, a welcoming interior, a good variety of engines and technology aplenty. It's one of our favorite midsize luxury sedans. 1 Safety | Reliability | Rating Details." }, { "docid": "3797939", "title": "Audi Connect Infotainment", "text": "the world is becoming increasingly connected and so is audi we ve created audi connect infotainment a set of technologies that creates a seamless network between you and the internet your audi and its infrastructure with sophisticated infotainment and entertainment functions audi connect takes comfort and driving enjoyment to a new level" }, { "docid": "1142868", "title": "Audi's Super-Sedan Is as Fast as a Ferrari 458âAt Half the Price", "text": "America’s Most Powerful Audi. Based on Audi’s A7 Sportback, the RS7 is the company’s top dog performance sedan, a notch above the S8 in dynamics if not price. It starts for $104,900, we tested one worth $122,545." }, { "docid": "2524566", "title": "How many horse power does a bugatti veyron have?", "text": "It has the same 8 liter W16 engine from the standard veyron, this engine is the equivalent of two standard Audi v8 engines, plus it has four turbo chargers, which are larger t … han the standard Veyron which has been tuned to give 1200 bhp." }, { "docid": "8661100", "title": "-", "text": "Audi introduced the S8 4.2 quattro into the European market in 1996. The S8 followed the naming convention of other high-performance Audi S models such as the Audi A6 -derived S6 and was similar in vein of Mercedes-Benz AMG models." }, { "docid": "7781248", "title": "-", "text": "Audi A8 / S8 Gas Mileage (MPG) Unlike other fuel economy surveys, TrueDelta's Real-World Gas Mileage Survey includes questions about how and where a car was driven. So you can get an idea of the Audi A8 / S8's real-world MPG based on how and where you drive a car." } ]
most times can a paper be folded
[ { "docid": "393302", "title": "-", "text": "A normal piece of paper is about 0.0038 inches thick. So, if the paper were to be folded 50 times, it would become, essentially, 1,125,899,906,842,624 pieces of paper stacked … upon one another." } ]
[ { "docid": "5916571", "title": "-", "text": "Compare and contrast folded mountains, volcanic mountains, and fault-block mountains. Key Terms folded mountain volcanic mountain fault-block mountain Notes: (11-3) Mountains throughout the world have formed as a result of pressures (compression, tension, & shear) deep within the lithosphere.. Compare and contrast folded mountains, volcanic mountains, and fault-block mountains. Key Terms. folded mountain volcanic mountain fault-block mountain. Notes: (11-3). Mountains throughout the world have formed as a result of pressures (compression, tension, & shear) deep within the lithosphere." }, { "docid": "4140470", "title": "Chapter 13 APA and MLA Documentation and Formatting", "text": "Use these general guidelines to format the paper: 1 Set the top, bottom, and side margins of your paper at 1 inch. 2 Use double-spaced text throughout your paper. 3 Use a standard font, such as Times New Roman or Arial, in a legible size (10- to 12-point)." }, { "docid": "8194899", "title": "Tamales Open or Closed", "text": "6 Comments Latest Jun 6, 2009 by Cinnabon. 1 w. walker Jun 6, 2009 I guess if you're having a big tamale party, you can do the easy way and not tie or wrap both ends. 2 shanagain Jun 6, 2009 I make tamales a few times a year, and never tie them, or wrap both ends. I stand the tamales up (while filling the basket... I make tamales a few times a year, and never tie them, or wrap both ends. I stand the tamales up (while filling the basket I use for a steamer I lay it on its side), and use a folded towel as my lid - I was instructed to do this by a woman who has decades of experience. Something about letting out just enough steam." }, { "docid": "7930049", "title": "How long is the average college paper you've had to write?", "text": "Many times an instructor will tell you how long an essay or a research paper should be or give you a page number range, such as saying the paper should be between 5-7 pages. If you don't have a page range, the length of your essay can depend on a lot of things. When in doubt, ask for guidance. If you can't get help, you'll have to guess." }, { "docid": "7823742", "title": "Where's the best place to stick these nicotine patches?", "text": "This Site Might Help You. RE: Where's the best place to stick these nicotine patches? I've been putting it on my arm, but it keeps slipping off. It's helping, I've only smoked two cigarettes since Monday, and both times I've later found the patch folded up in my sleeve. So any patch tips are helpful." }, { "docid": "8750891", "title": "-", "text": "Pick a size to match how large or small you want to make your gift bag. 1 You'll need enough paper to equal one paper bag plus two inches (in length) per gift bag. 2 The two extra inches is for overlapping.3 For a standard paper lunch bag, it also needs to be at least 4 inches (10 cm) wider.. Create a decorative tag. You have a number of options to choose from if you want each bag to go to a specific person. 1 Attach a tag (folded over in the middle) made of your decorative paper to either the bag or the handle. 2 If you want your tag on the handle, punch a hole into the tag and attach it with string." }, { "docid": "8003653", "title": "Origami World Records", "text": "A. Naito, Japan, folded a flapping bird from paper a mere 2.9mm (about 1/10in) square in response to a 'smallest flapping bird competition'. The bird was only about 2mm from beak to tail. To display it, Naito mounted it on a needle inside a transparent globe." }, { "docid": "5087276", "title": "Mathematics of paper folding", "text": "For example, the Miura map fold is a rigid fold that has been used to deploy large solar panel arrays for space satellites. The napkin folding problem is the problem of whether a square or rectangle of paper can be folded so the perimeter of the flat figure is greater than that of the original square. Curved origami also poses a (very different) set of mathematical challenges. Curved origami allows the paper to form developable surfaces that are not flat." }, { "docid": "6706549", "title": "How to Stretch Tendons in the Fingers", "text": "Crumble paper. Grab a sheet of paper and position it in the palm of your hand. Use your fingers to squeeze and crumble the paper into a ball. Relax and repeat 20 times. To save paper, straighten out the sheet of paper you used previously and reuse." }, { "docid": "6099590", "title": "How is Indiaâs President elected?", "text": "How is India’s President elected? How do you elect your class leader? At times, it is just by a show of hands and the student who gets the maximum support wins. When there are several candidates, a teacher might invite paper votes and then the votes are counted to see who is the most popular." }, { "docid": "7585179", "title": "Folded Mountains", "text": "Folded Mountains. Folded mountains happen when there is a pushing together of part of the earth's crust from the ends, causing it to fold and ripple in the middle.The same phenomenon can be seen if you push the ends of a rug together; it ripples in the center.olded Mountains. Folded mountains happen when there is a pushing together of part of the earth's crust from the ends, causing it to fold and ripple in the middle. The same phenomenon can be seen if you push the ends of a rug together; it ripples in the center." }, { "docid": "4543117", "title": "THREE DIMENSIONAL CHRISTMAS STAR", "text": "After you have printed one of the star patterns, color the star in a manner that pleases you. To make the star 3-dimensional, it must be folded so that it has mountains and valleys.. To make a mountain: make a fold along the line from the center to each point.Fold so that the line is visible.nother option is to use pre-printed paper, such as Christmas wrapping paper. Print a star with only fold lines. Cut out the star. Use the star as a pattern to copy a star onto the back side of some pre-printed paper. Cut out the star on the pre-printed paper." }, { "docid": "1374160", "title": "-", "text": "Processing Times for Tax Refunds. The length of time it takes the CRA to process your income tax return and refund depends on how and when you file your return. Processing Times for Paper Returns. Paper returns usually take four to six weeks to process." }, { "docid": "1176120", "title": "How To Change the Necklines of Knit Tops, Page 1", "text": "Using a washable marker, make a mark just below the necklace. The finished neckline will be approximately 1/2” lower than the necklace. Remove the top. Fold it in 1/2 so the center front and center back are folded, the shoulders seams line up, and the sleeves are inside each other as shown below. often change the neckline of T-Shirts and other knit tops to a more feminine look. I choose 100% cotton knits. I often times buy pocketless T-shirts in the mens/boys department." }, { "docid": "7888964", "title": "Is There a Difference Between Rolled Tacos & Taquitos?", "text": "A taco is, of course, a folded tortilla that has been either fried or softened in the oven or on the stovetop; a rolled taco is, by definition, rolled and not folded. The difference between a taquito, literally small taco in Spanish, and a taco is straightforward -- both the size and the shape are different. But the differences between a rolled taco and a taquito are not so distinct." }, { "docid": "7675187", "title": "-", "text": "But they can be folded and stored in bins or baskets in the closet or on shelves or in cubbies in the entryway. Mittens and gloves need to be kept with their mates, and should be kept in storage that allows for air to circulate around them." }, { "docid": "6390162", "title": "-", "text": "Types of Mountains Objectives: 1. Classify mountains by their most prominent feature. 2. Compare and contrast folded mountains, volcanic mountains, and fault-block mountains. Key Terms folded mountain volcanic mountain fault-block mountain Notes: (11-3) Mountains throughout the world have formed as a result of pressures (compression, tension, & shear) deep within the lithosphere." }, { "docid": "6047542", "title": "-", "text": "Definitions: 1. A thin sheet of dried flour paste used to enclose a powder. The wafer is moistened and folded over the drug, so that it can be swallowed without taste.The definition information for wafer is provided by Stedman's.You can search our medical dictionary here.efinitions: 1. A thin sheet of dried flour paste used to enclose a powder. The wafer is moistened and folded over the drug, so that it can be swallowed without taste." }, { "docid": "864137", "title": "How to Write a Medical Abstract", "text": "Typically, you will write an abstract based on research that you conducted either alone or as part of a team. Be sure you are completely knowledgeable and comfortable with the larger project or paper that the medical abstract is summarizing. Read it a few times, and practice explaining it to others." }, { "docid": "4801407", "title": "-", "text": "The large intestine primarily operates to reduce water concentration in waste. The intestine is somewhat like the Golgi body in that it is folded over numerous times to increa…se surface area. In the Golgi, this allows for signaling with enzymes and other cellular proteins." }, { "docid": "2562924", "title": "The Word \"Dollar\" and the Dollar Sign $", "text": "History of the US Dollar: The first currency dedicated to the United States was used in colonial times, when official British coinage was in short supply. In different colonies paper money was issued, and disputes over this was one factor which led to the American Revolution." }, { "docid": "8188961", "title": "-", "text": "Definition of babushka. 1a : a usually triangularly folded kerchief for the headb : a head covering (such as a scarf) resembling a babushka." }, { "docid": "2222170", "title": "U.S. Silver Coins: When They Ended and What Theyâre Worth", "text": "All about old coins and paper money. The value of these coins is tied directly to the price of silver. At $20 per ounce, 90% silver coins are worth about fourteen times their face value. A dime would be worth about $1.40, a quarter about $3.50, and a half dollar, about $6.00.ll about old coins and paper money. The value of these coins is tied directly to the price of silver. At $20 per ounce, 90% silver coins are worth about fourteen times their face value. A dime would be worth about $1.40, a quarter about $3.50, and a half dollar, about $6.00." }, { "docid": "450624", "title": "-", "text": "The Times-Picayune. Subscribe; TP electronic edition; eNewsletters; Get our apps & text alerts; Report a wet or missing paper; Make a payment, manage your account; RSS; Times-Picayune Store; Legal notices" }, { "docid": "4027027", "title": "-", "text": "Business Envelopes. Equip your business for success with a wide range of styles and sizes of business envelopes. Stock up on #10 envelopes, also known as legal size envelopes, which are perfectly sized for an 8 1/2 x 11 sheet of paper folded in thirds. Find Square Flap Envelopes for invitations, Window Envelopes for checks, Booklet or Open End envelopes for larger mailings, and Expansion Envelopes for books or large stacks of paper." }, { "docid": "1278814", "title": "Paper vs. Plastic Bags", "text": "1 On reuse: it is difficult to reuse paper bags because they tend to tear. 2 On solid waste: paper bags have much greater mass and weigh five to seven times more than plastic bags so they add five to seven times more tonnage to the waste stream for municipalities to manage." }, { "docid": "6424150", "title": "-", "text": "Fold the paper in half lengthwise. Match up the edges of the paper to ensure the fold is straight, and press down on the folded edge with your fingers to make a crease. Then, you can unfold the piece of paper, and it will have a crease in the middle." }, { "docid": "6602496", "title": "Students break record by folding toilet paper 13 times", "text": "yes-this is not tackling the myth of folding a piece of paper in half 7 times. folding alternately (top, bottom, left, right) instead of end over end is entirely a different matter. Richard on January 14, 2012 7:20 AM. Some web sites tell how a gold sheet was folded in half 12 times." }, { "docid": "396595", "title": "Second Roman Shade Finished (Plus A Tutorial!)", "text": "The extra 4 inches allows for the overlap in the back of the pillow. Since I wanted to add the trim an inch on all sides, I cut my fabric to 22″ x 46″. First, I folded and stitched the two 22″ ends, creating a clean hem. The two 22″ ends will be the “envelope” opening. Next, I folded the fabric, right sides together." }, { "docid": "6956935", "title": "quarto", "text": "quarto When you make a book by folding a sheet of paper in half, and then in half again, you've made a quarto. Bestselling books are not usually published as quartos these days, but you might find an old Shakespearean text this size. Use the noun quarto to talk about a book that uses this same basic folded design. Each page of a quarto is one-fourth the size of the original sheet of paper, which is where its name comes from: the Medieval Latin in quarto means in the fourth (of a sheet of paper). Quarto also refers to a book of this size, or a piece of paper that measures ten by eight inches." } ]
mud slab definition
[ { "docid": "1333408", "title": "Mud Slab", "text": "Home » Construction Glossary » Mud Slab. Definition of Mud Slab in Construction. A mud slab refers to a minimum thickness, slab of concrete, that normally does not have any reinforcement. This concrete slab is meant to cover the dirt of a basement, or basically clean up the surface of a floor, in an area that will not obtain much use." } ]
[ { "docid": "447421", "title": "-", "text": "Chapter 5. Long Span Composite Slab Systems 67 Predicted responses using the iterative method, as shown in Figs. 5-14 and 5-15, showreasonable agreement to those of the tests, particularly the first test of each slab." }, { "docid": "2560677", "title": "How to Build a Concrete Driveway", "text": "Figure in the cost of excavation. A concrete slab is generally installed over a gravel base. The base is 4 inches, and the slab itself is 4 inches, with 2 inches above ground and 2 inches below. This means that for the average slab, you will be digging down 6 inches.alculate the amount of concrete you will need. Concrete is sold in cubic yards (27 square feet), so you will need to multiply your square footage from Step 1 by the depth of slab, then divide by 27. For example, a 10-foot-by-10-foot slab would require 1.3 yards of concrete." }, { "docid": "7051561", "title": "-", "text": "female mud daubers construct nests of mud many short mud tubes usually about 1 long are constructed side by side they usually build their nests in a sheltered site such as under eaves porch ceilings in garages and sheds left open in barns and attics etc nests typically exhibit round holes in them as the wasps emerge" }, { "docid": "5813181", "title": "How Much Does a Concrete Slab Cost?", "text": "If it looks like the concreter will have to use a concrete pump to pour the concrete, it will probably be on the higher end of the scale. If all you want is a small slab for building a garage or shed, you might pay a little more per square metre than you would for a house slab or garage slab and driveway." }, { "docid": "6550481", "title": "How to Determine the Proper Thickness of a Concrete Patio Slab", "text": "The thickness of the slab will need to be slightly smaller than the area of the hole that you have dug into the earth to accommodate your slab. The depth of the hole will also have to be filled with gravel, a depth of about 4 inches is the industry norm.f your slab is to be fitted above the level of your topsoil, then you should consider a slightly thinner amount of concrete to be used upon it. The concrete can be 3 to 4 inches high, supported by a gravel base of four inches." }, { "docid": "1391994", "title": "Home Clinic; Leveling a Sidewalk Slab", "text": "Dig a hole at each corner of the tilted slab; or if there is a curb, at the two corners on the side farther away from it. Make the holes somewhat wider than the shovel's blade and about six inches deeper than the slab's bottom edge. Set a thick board in or across the hole to act as a fulcrum.Then insert one end of the pry bar beneath the slab and press downward on the other end to pry up the slab. If the slab does not rise easily, loosen the soil along one or two sides between the holes, then try prying at other corners.Work back and forth until the slab loosens. When you are able to raise one edge of the slab an inch or so, have a helper place blocks beneath it near the pry bar to keep it raised.ig a hole at each corner of the tilted slab; or if there is a curb, at the two corners on the side farther away from it. Make the holes somewhat wider than the shovel's blade and about six inches deeper than the slab's bottom edge. Set a thick board in or across the hole to act as a fulcrum." }, { "docid": "2498626", "title": "What is a Subbase/Subgrade?", "text": "What lies below your concrete slab is critical to a successful job. This is no different than the foundation for a building. A slab on ground (or slab on grade) by definition is not intended to be self supporting. The soil support system beneath it is there to support the slab." }, { "docid": "6281133", "title": "Contraction Joints", "text": "What a contraction joint really is in the end is a crack in the slab that we force to follow a line of our own choosing. We create a weakened line across the slab and let nature take its course. When the slab does crack, that's called joint activation.." }, { "docid": "1957301", "title": "How do I prevent water from collecting against side of house?", "text": "This causes the slab to rise up in a controlled manner. When the injected material hardens, your slab is now properly set to move water away from the house. A good contractor can do this without cracking the slab at all. Cut the slab away next to the house, and run a drain that will pull the water away." }, { "docid": "1354019", "title": "How To Choose Exterior Doors", "text": "This guide will help you choose which door is best for you. Pre-Hung vs. Slab Doors. Prehung doors include both the door and the frame that supports the door, while slab doors include just the door alone. Tip: If your slab door is more than 25 years old, it’s best to go with a pre-hung door to ensure a sealed frame. Slab Doors. • Good choice if only the door needs to be replaced." }, { "docid": "3186937", "title": "-", "text": "Because the introduction of the New Zealand Mud Snail has been highly successful, preventing further spread is very important. Education through outreach is the best way now to stop the New Zealand mud snail from spreading." }, { "docid": "863613", "title": "-", "text": "Slab-to-Slab Installation INSTALLATION SLAB-TO-SLAB: Although installation is shown for the ESDQ-L20, the procedure is the same for the HLDQ-L30. Nail the sleeve to the formwork either central in the slab or for slab depths over 12 so the top of the grout box is level with the top of the slab. Do not remove the label over the nailing plate as this prevents ingress of concrete into the sleeve." }, { "docid": "5480583", "title": "Wasp Id Chart", "text": "Mud Wasps construct their homes from mud or clay. Mud wasps nest in the ground as well as in attics, on walls, structures, and under bridges. Mud wasps are solitary wasps and vary from 1/2 inch to 1 inch in size with relatively small nests. Prior to winter they abandon the mud nests and overwinter until spring time." }, { "docid": "5247024", "title": "-", "text": "How much would it cost to pour a concrete slab for a two. Just looking for a little advice here from someone who is in the trade or has built a shop on a concrete slab on average, gotten my garage 24X24 garage pad. read more... Updated on 10/18/2015 at 01:10:01.ow much would it cost to pour a concrete slab for a two. Just looking for a little advice here from someone who is in the trade or has built a shop on a concrete slab on average, gotten my garage 24X24 garage pad. read more... Updated on 10/18/2015 at 01:10:01." }, { "docid": "1829310", "title": "-", "text": "1 Slab (geology), that portion of a tectonic plate that is subducting. 2 Slab pull force, the tectonic plate force due to subduction. 3 Slab suction, one of the major plate tectonic driving forces. Slab window, a gap that forms in a subducted oceanic plate." }, { "docid": "7261667", "title": "Mud volcano", "text": "Mud volcanoes of the North American continent include: 1 A field of small (<2 metres (6.6 ft) high) fault-controlled, cold mud volcanoes is on California's Mendocino Coast, near Glenblair and Fort Bragg, California. 2 Shrub and Klawasi mud volcanoes in the Copper River basin by the Wrangell Mountains, Alaska." }, { "docid": "412521", "title": "How to Make Deck Mud", "text": "To create a shower floor from scratch we use what is commonly referred to as “dry pack mortar” or deck mud. Deck mud contains three ingredients: regular portland cement, sand, and water. That’s it. Don’t let anyone tell you that a latex additive or anything else is necessary. It is not." }, { "docid": "447425", "title": "-", "text": "** For fy between the values given in the table, minimum thickness shall be determined by linear interpolation. *** Drop panels are defined as extension of slab thickening into span not less than span/6, and extension of thickening below slab not less than slab thickness/4." }, { "docid": "6281135", "title": "Contraction Joints", "text": "1 For an unreinforced slab, control joints should be spaced in feet 2 to 3 times the slab thickness in inches. 2 In other words, for a 4-inch slab, space the joints 8 to 12 feet apart. 3 The spacing is highly dependent on the concrete mix's shrinkage potential." }, { "docid": "8074975", "title": "-", "text": "I have a 1.5 box and a 3/4 mud ring ...the mud ring will probably end up being set back about 1/8 - 3/16 at most from the wall's room facing surface. Of course, the mud ring will be embedded in the plaster wall, not behind the wall." }, { "docid": "5168891", "title": "What is the function of rib slab?", "text": "Answer Wiki. As simple as i can answer, a rib slab (or ribbed slab) is similar to flat slabs. Their function is the same as any slab, to support loads coming from the roof and ultimately to the ground and to also act as a floor. This is what makes the floors and roofs of buildings." }, { "docid": "5903033", "title": "Fissures in Granite Countertops", "text": "Fissures in Granite Countertops. Fissures in granite are incredibly common, especially in slabs with a large dramatic design. In the slab yard, with the slab sitting vertically, these fissures are present and yet not so easily recognized.In the excitement of choosing an exquisite slab it's easy to stand back and focus on the slab as a whole instead.ctual cracks will be different in composition than fissures. Cracks are not solid, so they will have an opening that debris can fall into. If you find cracks like the one shown below in your countertop, your granite company should be able to help you fill and hide them from view." }, { "docid": "5590192", "title": "Thin Topping Slab", "text": "(OP). We're looking to approve a thin, bonded topping slab. The substrate is a cast-in-place, structural concrete slab 8 to 9 1/4 thick spanning 28-feet, built in 1950 and designed for 125psf.The structural floor system is a two-way slab.For a renovation project, the architect has specified floor leveling underlayment for all floors.As an alternate, the contractor proposes a hard rock concrete topping, 1.25 minimimum to 2.5 maximum +/- thickness, 3/8 rock.OP). We're looking to approve a thin, bonded topping slab. The substrate is a cast-in-place, structural concrete slab 8 to 9 1/4 thick spanning 28-feet, built in 1950 and designed for 125psf." }, { "docid": "4916996", "title": "Meaning Of Life Quotes", "text": "And God said, Let Us make living creatures out of mud, so the mud can see what We have done.. And God created every living creature that now moveth, and one was man. Mud as man alone could speak. God leaned close to mud as man sat up, looked around, and spoke." }, { "docid": "100837", "title": "-", "text": "I'll base my price on what my actual estimate would be to install a 6 thick concrete slab for one of my customers. Base cost for a 6 thick concrete slab -- $4.00 dollars per square foot --. Take the length of the concrete slab x the width of the slab to get the.total square footage. Multiply the total square footage by 4 (dollars) to get the total price.L x W x $4.00 in this example.'ll base my price on what my actual estimate would be to install a 6 thick concrete slab for one of my customers. Base cost for a 6 thick concrete slab -- $4.00 dollars per square foot --. Take the length of the concrete slab x the width of the slab to get the." }, { "docid": "966920", "title": "House Building Cost Per Square Foot", "text": "Slab – A concrete slab will cost about $4 per square foot. So if a the slab is 24 x 30 foot, then your slab would cost $2880. This price varies though in different areas, and with the cost of concrete. Crawl Space – The cost is based on the perimeter of the home.upports in the center may be needed too, but to estimate figure $18 – $24 per linear foot of the parameter. For example if the foundation will be 24 x 30 foot, then you would multiple108 by $18 and then by $24." }, { "docid": "7687254", "title": "Magpie-lark", "text": "The Magpie-lark's mud nest seems to link it closely with the mud-nest builders of the Family Corcoracidae, the White-winged Chough, and the Apostlebird. But it actually belongs in the Family Dicruridae (Monarchs, Fantails, and Drongos).he Magpie-lark's mud nest seems to link it closely with the mud-nest builders of the Family Corcoracidae, the White-winged Chough, and the Apostlebird. But it actually belongs in the Family Dicruridae (Monarchs, Fantails, and Drongos)." }, { "docid": "859669", "title": "What is DNA Electrophoresis?", "text": "The individual strands are then separated from each other using DNA electrophoresis. The process begins by injecting the separated genetic material into wells that have been cut in the end of a slab of gel. An electrical field is then applied to the gel slab." }, { "docid": "4142648", "title": "-", "text": "Scorched Slab is an incredibly small cave located in Route 120. This cave is accessed only by Surf and has just one thing within it; the TM for Sunny Day. Special Moves used in Scorched Slab:" }, { "docid": "6910067", "title": "-", "text": "More. Mud cleaner is the second-third level equipment in the mud systems. It always be combined by desand swirler, desilt swirler and underflow shale shaker. The mud cleaner has well-knit structure, occupies a little space and has good function, it is the best choise as effective cleaning equipment in the mud systems." } ]
musical form definition music
[ { "docid": "2197685", "title": "Musical form", "text": "The term musical form can have two meanings: 1 It can mean: the kind of composition. For example, a musical work can be a symphony, a concerto, a sonata etc. 2 It can also mean: the shape of the music and how it is planned." } ]
[ { "docid": "1114654", "title": "Nairaland Forum", "text": "They also have a style of music called Ikorodo, which involves a vocal performance accompanied by several musical instruments. Another musical form among the Igbos is Highlife, which is a fusion of jazz and traditional music and widely popular in West Africa." }, { "docid": "7510913", "title": "NME", "text": "New Musical Express (NME) is a British music journalism magazine published since March 1952. It is largely associated with rock, alternative and indie music. It was the first British paper to include a singles chart, in the edition of 14 November 1952. In the 1970s it became the best-selling British music newspaper.hese bands would form a new movement called grunge and by far the most popular bands were Nirvana and Pearl Jam. The NME took to grunge very slowly (Sounds was the first British music paper to write about grunge with John Robb being the first to interview Nirvana." }, { "docid": "4184572", "title": "Late Romantic Era", "text": "When was the main aspect of musical romanticism. mid late romantic era. What should music repersent in the mid late romantic era. human emotions. must tell a story or express an idea that is profound, resonant, or uplifting. What was the most important musical genre. solo piano works, symnphonic program music, and opera. Who were the most important composers." }, { "docid": "5702920", "title": "The role of music in stress management", "text": "Music can be a useful tool in relieving stress and can be used in several different ways. “Music Therapy” as some people refer to it uses music to promote healing and improve one’s overall emotional well-being. This may include listening to music, playing a musical instrument, singing along to music, and using guided imagery with music." }, { "docid": "1481871", "title": "Rondo Form in Music: Definition & Examples", "text": "Definition: Rondo Form. A form in music is the way a piece of music is organized. The form is determined by several factors, including changes of tonal center, when new musical material occurs, and when old musical materials are restated." }, { "docid": "3517991", "title": "Hamilton (NY) Tickets", "text": "'Hamilton' is the most exciting and significant musical of the decade. Sensationally potent and theatrically vital, it is plugged straight into the wall socket of contemporary music. This show makes me feel hopeful for the future of musical theater. Historic." }, { "docid": "5381365", "title": "gospel music", "text": "However, gospel music did not derive as much from Protestant hymns as did spirituals spiritual,a religious folk song of American origin, particularly associated with African-American Protestants of the southern United States.n the black culture of the first half of the 20th cent., gospel music was considered antithetical to blues and jazz jazz,the most significant form of musical expression of African-American culture and arguably the most outstanding contribution the United States has made to the art of music." }, { "docid": "3033342", "title": "-", "text": "Definition of zither - a musical instrument consisting of a flat wooden soundbox with numerous strings stretched across it, placed horizontally and playe Definition of zither - a musical instrument consisting of a flat wooden soundbox with numerous strings stretched across it, placed horizontally and playe dictionary thesaurus" }, { "docid": "731470", "title": "Genres & Definitions", "text": "Celtic Music. Celtic music is a broad grouping of musical genres that evolved out of the folk musical traditions of the Celtic peoples of Western Europe. The term Celtic music may refer to both orally-transmitted traditional music and recorded popular music with only a superficial resemblance to folk styles of the Celtic peoples." }, { "docid": "7745909", "title": "The Art Of Turntablism", "text": "Feature The Art Of Turntablism. Find out more about the history of the turntable as a musical instrument. The Art Of Turntablism. The humble turntable has put music in a spin over the last 50 years - giving rise to a whole new genre of sound, artistic skill and culture. The turntable has been used as a musical instrument since the 1940s and 1950s when experimental composers began sampling and creating music entirely produced by the turntable." }, { "docid": "2594746", "title": "TONIC", "text": "Hypernyms (tonic is a kind of...): musical note; note; tone (a notation representing the pitch and duration of a musical sound). Domain category: music (an artistic form of auditory communication incorporating instrumental or vocal tones in a structured and continuous manner)." }, { "docid": "5760041", "title": "-", "text": "Playlist of Gothic Rock Music: Folk music is a term for musical folklore which originated in the 19th century. Goth Folk or Neofolk is a form of folk music-inspired experimental music that emerged from post-industrial music circles." }, { "docid": "1877863", "title": "What does a Music Conductor do?", "text": "Music conductors are responsible for keeping musicians on track during a performance. A music conductor can have several jobs, depending on the size of the organization, but his primary job is to guide a group of musicians through their musical performances using hand-based signals that indicate parts of the music, like beat and dynamics." }, { "docid": "1242417", "title": "noodle", "text": "Definition of noodle for English Language Learners. : 1 to play a musical instrument in an informal way without playing a particular piece of music. : 2 to think about something in a way that is not very serious." }, { "docid": "6608604", "title": "Dance Midterm", "text": "-Dance in musical theater productions can be used to enhance the story line and to move the story line along. -Script, music, lyrics and dance have a strong relationship. -Musical theater dance can be seen on the theatrical stage and in movie musicals." }, { "docid": "8073760", "title": "What Does \"form\" Mean in Music?", "text": "In music, form refers to the structure of the composition. It gives a description of the layout of a musical composition and how it is divided into... In music, form refers to the structure of the composition. It gives a description of the layout of a musical composition and how it is divided into sections. There are four basic types of musical forms. When a composition is said to be iterative, phrases are repeated over and over. When it is reverting, a phrase is repeated after a contrasting one. In a strophic composition, a long melody is repeated over and over to different stanzas of a lyric. When it is progressive, new melodic material is continuously introduced. To identify the form of a composition, sections can be labeled using letters." }, { "docid": "2301441", "title": "Musical composition", "text": "Musical composition. Musical composition can mean an original piece of music, the structure of a musical piece, or the process of making a new piece of music. A composition is a piece of music (the word composition means putting together, so a composition is something where music notes have been put together). When a composer writes a piece of music he or she is making a musical composition." }, { "docid": "3895203", "title": "Motet", "text": "In classical music, a motet is a highly varied choral musical composition. The motet was one of the pre-eminent polyphonic forms of Renaissance music." }, { "docid": "1036657", "title": "Musical Instruments A-Z", "text": "(June 2011). Fiddle is another name for the bowed string musical instrument more often called a violin. It is also a colloquial term for the instrument used by players in all genres, including classical music.June 2011). Fiddle is another name for the bowed string musical instrument more often called a violin. It is also a colloquial term for the instrument used by players in all genres, including classical music." }, { "docid": "4744821", "title": "-", "text": "Dealers & licensed re-sellers, & online stores...Get Connected with Over 120 real musical instrument wholesale distributors with HUGE warehouses full of music equipment by all the top brands. Over 400 musical product manufacturers. Amazing Wholesale Musical." }, { "docid": "7885565", "title": "The Music of the Titanic's Band", "text": "The Music of the Titanic's Band. Ever since the Titanic went down there has been controversy about exactly which musical selections were played by the ship's gallant bandsmen that night." }, { "docid": "2853805", "title": "-", "text": "polyphony-music arranged in parts for several voices or instruments. concerted music, polyphonic music. music-an artistic form of auditory communication incorporating instrumental or vocal tones in a structured and continuous manner.counterpoint-a musical form involving the simultaneous sound of two or more melodies.olyphony. n, pl-nies. 1. (Music, other) polyphonic style of composition or a piece of music utilizing it. 2. (Phonetics & Phonology) the use of polyphones in a writing system." }, { "docid": "2197688", "title": "-", "text": "Musical Form. If we label our musical materials, ideas, or sections with the letters of the alphabet we can show how musical forms are created. Any single section of music, consisting of phrases or other musical sections, we can call A. This musical section can be repeated to create an AA form. If we instead chose to add a new section, B, we would have the musical form AB. This would be two contrasting musical sections." }, { "docid": "8578600", "title": "Big River (musical)", "text": "Big River (musical) Big River: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is a musical with a book by William Hauptman and music and lyrics by Roger Miller. Based on Mark Twain's classic 1884 novel, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, it features music in the bluegrass and country styles in keeping with the setting of the novel." }, { "docid": "8352416", "title": "RESOLUTION", "text": "2. harmony-the structure of music with respect to the composition and progression of chords. musical harmony. music-an artistic form of auditory communication incorporating instrumental or vocal tones in a structured and continuous manner. harmonisation, harmonization-a piece of harmonized music." }, { "docid": "1197545", "title": "-", "text": "The mixture of the indigenous, Spanish and African music and sounds have formed very distinctive music styles that are present today. Ecuador is well-known for marimba, a unique form of music that was introduced by the Esmeraldas. It is a direct and virtually unchanged import from the Western Africa region. Marimba is played on a musical instrument of the same name. The instrument features wooden bars tuned to produce a chromatic scale and with resonators, and these bars are played with small mallets. Pasillo, pasacalle and yarabi are also very popular forms of music in Ecuador." }, { "docid": "3439091", "title": "-", "text": "Jazz and Blues—Who Knew! Jazz and blues are often referred to as cousins. Many believe jazz came out of the blues, or that jazz has its roots in the blues. Actually jazz and blues are like brothers, they grew up side by side. By definition, blues is both a musical form and a music genre, while jazz is defined as a musical art form." }, { "docid": "2301439", "title": "musical", "text": "of, relating to, or producing music: a musical instrument. 2. of the nature of or resembling music; melodious; harmonious. 3. fond of or skilled in music. 4. set to or accompanied by music:" }, { "docid": "4905032", "title": "Definitions &Translations", "text": "In music, an octave or perfect octave is the interval between one musical pitch and another with half or double its frequency. The octave relationship is a natural phenomenon that has been referred to as the basic miracle of music, the use of which is common in most musical systems." }, { "docid": "7461156", "title": "MUSICAL GENRE", "text": "Synonyms: music genre; musical genre; musical style; genre. Hypernyms (genre is a kind of...): music (an artistic form of auditory communication incorporating instrumental or vocal tones in a structured and continuous manner)." } ]
mystic words what something is used for
[ { "docid": "8552868", "title": "What does the song \"Natural Mystic\" by Bob Marley mean?", "text": "An individual that has supernatural knowledge or experiences not imposed by outside forces, usually due to an awakened kundalini. More specifically, a mystic is a positive individual, not of the dark side of the force for which the word 'witch' or 'sorcerer' is usually used instead. Mystics are sometimes marked by a particular kind of experience in which. great physical suffering becomes a supernatural spiritual ecstasy." } ]
[ { "docid": "577210", "title": "Celtic Knot Symbolism", "text": "The Celtic knot symbol, is also referred to as the mystic knot, or the endless knot. The more spiritual meaning of this symbol points towards beginnings and endings When viewing these beautiful knots, we cannot see a beginning or the end, reminding us of the timeless nature of our spirit." }, { "docid": "2514856", "title": "The Mystic Krewe of Femme Fatale rolls for Carnival 2015", "text": "The group was established just last year and already has 253 members, and it's not stopping there. It plans to have even more recruits by the time Carnival 2015 rolls around. Membership fee for the Mystic Krewe of Femme Fatal is $175 and there's a $600 rider fee. If you'd like more information on this group visit their website by clicking here. Loading more articles..." }, { "docid": "434868", "title": "Carl Jung", "text": "Jung's interest in philosophy and the occult led many to view him as a mystic, although his ambition was to be seen as a man of science. His influence on popular psychology, the psychologization of religion, spirituality and the New Age movement has been immense. ...more." }, { "docid": "2472535", "title": "Water rune", "text": "The water rune is one of the four elemental runes. They are used to invoke the power of water, in spells such as Water and Ice spells, and may be substituted for by a water staff, water battlestaff, mud battlestaff, steam battlestaff, or tome of frost. Water runes are also substituted in spells by the mystic version of all staves mentioned previously." }, { "docid": "3641389", "title": "St. Catherine Labouré", "text": "St. Catherine Labouré Catherine Labouré was a French mystic who initiated devotion to the Miraculous Medal. Born on May 2, 1806, this virgin entered, at an early age, the community of the Daughters of Charity in Paris, France." }, { "docid": "190284", "title": "-", "text": "Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for UNAVOIDABLE CASUALTY. 1 4 letter words. 2 8 letter words. 3 9 letter words. 4 12 letter words. 5 13 letter words. 6 14 letter words. 7 16 letter words. 8 19 letter words." }, { "docid": "5705462", "title": "SAINT FRANCIS", "text": "Its a difficult mix. I came away from Kazantzakiss book feeling that he was unfair to Francis, turning him into a very fine 20th century Existentialist character, and not presenting him as a 13th century mystic, aesthetic and saint. It is not that Kazantzakis would deny him these traits, in fact he celebrates them." }, { "docid": "2578553", "title": "Original Vampires ( The Vampire Diaries)", "text": "Elena makes a deal with Klaus for her to reveal Rebekah's location, while Klaus promises not to harm Jeremy. He takes her body with him. She is eventually undaggered by Elijah. During her time in Mystic Falls, Rebekah enrolls at the local high school, much to the disgust of Elena and her friends." }, { "docid": "2414235", "title": "Words that start with Ancient", "text": "A list of words that start with Ancient (words with the prefix Ancient). We search a large scrabble dictionary for scrabble words starting with ancient-we take the letter or word you enter, and generate all words starting with Ancient. In addition there is a list of Words that end with ancient, words that contain ancient. Search for words that start with a letter or word: 11 Letter words that start with ancient. 1 Ancientness." }, { "docid": "7616569", "title": "-", "text": "Mystic Artes (秘奥義, Hi Ougi, Hidden Succession Skill) are the hidden and most powerful techniques that many characters throughout the Tales series can use during battle. These special attacks have appeared in several games throughout the series, since its conception in the PlayStation version of Tales of Phantasia." }, { "docid": "4492884", "title": "The Tyger\" and \"The Lamb\" are often 2 poems paired together and I think that was Blakes intention,", "text": "The Tyger and The Lamb are often 2 poems paired together and I think that was Blakes intention, Extracts from this document... Introduction. William Blake William Blake is referred to as many things, including poet, engraver, painter and mystic, but he is probably most famous for his poetry.Blake began writing the poems below in about 1790 whilst living in Lambeth, London.n The Lamb the speaker's tone is soft and gentle giving the poem an overall feeling of serenity. In The Tyger, the speaker uses more disturbing words to get his point across about the evilness of the tyger. Both speakers use questions to set the tone." }, { "docid": "26579", "title": "-", "text": "3-letter words beginning with: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z. 4-letter words beginning with: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z. 5-letter words beginning with: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z. 6-letter words beginning with: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z." }, { "docid": "8094592", "title": "-", "text": "The ribs were hung with trophies; the vertebrae were carved with Arsacidean annals, in strange hieroglyphics; in the skull, the priests kept up an unextinguished aromatic flame, so that the mystic head again sent forth its vapory spout; while, suspended from a bough, the terrific lower jaw vibrated over all the devotees, like the hair-hung sword that so affrighted damocles." }, { "docid": "1911543", "title": "-", "text": "We search a large Scrabble dictionary for words ending with the letter or word you enter, and generate all words ending with O (words with the suffix o). Also try our list of Words that start with o, and words that contain o. Search for words that end with a letter or word:" }, { "docid": "5958909", "title": "-", "text": "Hyatt Place Mystic. Foxwoods Resort Casino, Mystic - New London Hotel Information. Marvel at the sights, revel in the sounds, and soak up the local atmosphere: when you book a room at a Mystic - New London hotel located near Foxwoods Resort Casino, you’ll be in the center of it all." }, { "docid": "1142639", "title": "-", "text": "these words appear in red and are graded with stars one star words are frequent two star words are more frequent and three star words are the most frequent thesaurus the thesaurus of synonyms and related words is fully integrated into the dictionary" }, { "docid": "2139317", "title": "How many chapters are in an average novel?", "text": "All books vary on words, especially in a teen's novel. The average words from 60,000 words to 200,000 or more words in a whole novel. For example, if your book has about 20 … chapters, you can put about 10,000 words in each chapter.he average words from 60,000 words to 200,000 or more words in a whole novel. For example, if your book has about 20 … chapters, you can put about 10,000 words in each chapter." }, { "docid": "8754854", "title": "Morphology (linguistics)", "text": "Morphology (linguistics) In linguistics, morphology (/mɔːrˈfɒlədʒi/[1]) is the study of words, how they are formed, and their relationship to other words in the same language.[2][3] It analyzes the structure of words and parts of words, such as stems, root words, prefixes, and suffixes." }, { "docid": "4997666", "title": "Crossword Puzzles", "text": "Search for words that end with a letter or word: 1 9 Letter words that end with it. 2 8 Letter words that end with it. 3 7 Letter words that end with it. 6 Letter words that end with 1 it. 5 Letter words that end with 2 it. 4 Letter words that end with it. 3 Letter words that end 1 with it. 2 Letter words that end with it." }, { "docid": "7520867", "title": "Chaos Emerald", "text": "Over 4,000 years ago, the Chaos Emeralds and the Master Emerald resided in the Altar of the Emeralds, a shrine in the outskirts of the Mystic Ruins which was protected by a sacred barrier, where a colony of Chao lived peacefully." }, { "docid": "8170957", "title": "-", "text": "Words that rhyme with Messiah Words that rhyme with messiahs Words that rhyme with messianic Words that rhyme with messing Words that rhyme with Messrs Words that rhyme with mess up Words that rhyme with mestizo Words that rhyme with met Words that rhyme with meta" }, { "docid": "2110012", "title": "Mystic Falls", "text": "Mystic Falls is a picturesque town located in central Virginia with a then population of 6,923 people, currently unknown since after it's closing and eventual restart." }, { "docid": "6876983", "title": "-", "text": "Well I'd psyched myself up for a great flick. Genuinely wanted Mystic River to be something very special - it was not. I find the the much loved director, local film thing fascinating. If Mystic is an almost cert for best film oscar Well I'd psyched myself up for a great flick." }, { "docid": "2703214", "title": "Deemo 4+", "text": "See more: Storyline. Deemo is a mystic character who lives in solitude in a castle, all by itself. A little girl falls from the sky, not knowing who she is, where she comes from. To help the little girl back to her world, Deemo comes to realize a tree keeps growing tall on top of the piano whenever it plays.eemo is a mystic character who lives in solitude in a castle, all by itself. A little girl falls from the sky, not knowing who she is, where she comes from. To help the little girl back to her world, Deemo comes to realize a tree keeps growing tall on top of the piano whenever it plays." }, { "docid": "4106051", "title": "-", "text": "Man and Myth. After five centuries, Columbus remains a mysterious and controversial figure who has been variously described as one of the greatest mariners in history, a visionary genius, a mystic, a national hero, a failed administrator, a naive entrepreneur, and a ruthless and greedy imperialist." }, { "docid": "4319375", "title": "What Does Name \"Hindi\" Mean", "text": "Click here to see the meaning of the Number 17/8 In Tarot. The Soul Urge Number is who you really are. The Number 8 is the number of Power. Some of the early Mystic School taught that the number Eight as a number of God will bring the man evil. Now we know that it is not true. Eight is the first FREE number. People associated with this number can expand in any direction, according to their will and the set of values." }, { "docid": "3891640", "title": "Words ending in Dots", "text": "A list of words that end with Ic. We search a large Scrabble dictionary for words ending with the letter or word you enter, and generate all words ending with Ic (words with the suffix ic). Also try our list of Words that start with ic, and words that contain ic. Search for words that end with a letter or word: 9 Letter words that end with ic." }, { "docid": "7031445", "title": "-", "text": "Sur is the root-word for many other words. Ist is the root-word for many other words. Stereo is the root-word for many other words. Gnosi & cognosc are the root-words for many other words. Ali,allo & alter are the root-words for many other words." }, { "docid": "1039950", "title": "Famous Quotes &Sayings", "text": "Genre: Drama, Sport. Rating: PG-13 (Parental Guidance Suggested) Runtime: 132 minutes. Clint Eastwood's 25th film as a director, Million Dollar Baby stands proudly with Unforgiven and Mystic River as the masterwork of a great American filmmaker." }, { "docid": "1911545", "title": "Words ending in O", "text": "We search a large Scrabble dictionary for words ending with the letter or word you enter, and generate all words ending with O (words with the suffix o). Also try our list of Words that start with o, and words that contain o. Search for words that end with a letter or word: 8 Letter words that end with o." } ]
name definition lola
[ { "docid": "2128049", "title": "Lola", "text": "Spanish Meaning: The name Lola is a Spanish baby name. In Spanish the meaning of the name Lola is: Sorrow. From Maria de los Dolores (the Virgin Mary, or Mary of the Sorrows.American Meaning: The name Lola is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Lola is: Sorrow.From Maria de los Dolores (the Virgin Mary, or Mary of the Sorrows.n Spanish the meaning of the name Lola is: Sorrow. From Maria de los Dolores (the Virgin Mary, or Mary of the Sorrows. American Meaning: The name Lola is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Lola is: Sorrow. From Maria de los Dolores (the Virgin Mary, or Mary of the Sorrows." } ]
[ { "docid": "3195845", "title": "-", "text": "1 Rachel Skarsten who playes Queen Elizabeth has been confirmed as a series regular. 2 Narcisse and Lola are going to become an official couple. 3 Prince Charles will be recast with an older actor and have more notable role. 4 A lot more time is going to be spent in English Court, following around Queen Elizabeth." }, { "docid": "418065", "title": "-", "text": "Search to find any definition and meaning of a word at the-definition.com online dictionary What does mean by defenseless | defenseless definition | Online Dictionary and Definition. Search to find any definition and meaning of a word at the-definition.com online dictionary Definition" }, { "docid": "7038036", "title": "-", "text": "A form of the full name that allows for alphabetical sorting of the file into gazetteer sequence (see definition) : QINLINGSHANDI. Full Name with QWERTY characters (see definition) : Qinling Shandi. Modify Date (see definition) : 1994-02-05. - Please bookmark this page (add it to your favorites). form of the full name that allows for alphabetical sorting of the file into gazetteer sequence (see definition) : QINLINGSHANDI. Full Name with QWERTY characters (see definition) : Qinling Shandi. Modify Date (see definition) : 1994-02-05. - Please bookmark this page (add it to your favorites)." }, { "docid": "947067", "title": "-", "text": "Search to find any definition and meaning of a word at the-definition.com online dictionary What does mean by cavalry | cavalry definition | Online Dictionary and Definition. Search to find any definition and meaning of a word at the-definition.com online dictionary Definition" }, { "docid": "7046061", "title": "Definition of Wellness", "text": "Definition of Wellness. What is the definition of wellness? More than ever before, we hear this word in the news, on billboards, in conversation and even at work. Interestingly, there is no universally-accepted definition of wellness. There is, however, a set of common characteristics seen in most thoughtful attempts at a definition of wellness." }, { "docid": "3472376", "title": "-", "text": "I met her in a club down in North Soho. Where you drink champagne and it tastes just like cherry cola. C-O-L-A cola. She walked up to me and she asked me to dance. I asked her name and in a dark brown voice she said, Lola. L-O-L-A Lola, lo lo lo lo Lola. Well, I'm not the world's most physical guy." }, { "docid": "5486463", "title": "-", "text": "See Pipeline definition above PUMP STATION PHMSA has no definition, but the definition of pipeline includes “pumping units” and “fabricated assemblies associated with pumping units” ( 195.2) § 195.262 provides special regulations for pumping equipment. Not regulated by MMS Same as facility piping above See Pipeline definition above" }, { "docid": "1578640", "title": "-", "text": "What is the definition of definition? To write about something in a detailed way is known as definition. To explain something and to tell what it is. Another meaning of the word definition is c…larity -- as in the clearness of the edges or shape of an object that makes it easy to see." }, { "docid": "5858902", "title": "Definition essay outline & structure", "text": "Definition essay outline & structure. Outline for Definition essay: Structure (Introduction, body, conclusion paragraphs) Definition essay outline. A definition essay traditionally consists out of three major parts (the amount of body paragraphs equals the amount of points of the definition the author wants to reveal to the reader). Introduction (Provides the dictionary definition and the author’s definition as the thesis statement)." }, { "docid": "3460098", "title": "Chris Rock's Marital Split 'A Long Time Coming,' Source Close to the Couple Tells PEOPLE", "text": "“Chris Rock has filed for divorce from his wife, Malaak,” Cohen said in a statement. “This is a personal matter and Chris requests privacy as he and Malaak work through this process and focus on their family. A source close to the couple tells PEOPLE: “This was a long time coming. Chris has known it wasn’t salvageable for a while. The Top Five star, 49, wed Compton-Rock, 45, in 1996. They live in Alpine, New Jersey, with their two daughters together, Lola Simone, 12, and Zahra Savannah, 10." }, { "docid": "8814730", "title": "Frailty: How a Constellation of Symptoms Leads To Risk", "text": "Frailty is often viewed as a continuum of changes in an individual, not as a single quality that is present or absent. That makes its definition even more challenging. Although consensus surrounding the physiologic definition of frailty has not yet been achieved, a working definition has been established." }, { "docid": "1901593", "title": "Democratic Republic Definition", "text": "Know Democratic Republic Definition! It is essential to exactly know Democratic Republic definition while apprehending it as a form of government. Democratic Republic definition gives a clear insight about the actual meaning of this government type." }, { "docid": "4592379", "title": "Lola Glaudini", "text": "1996 - present. Lola Glaudini is an American actress best known for her roles in the TV series NYPD Blue, The Sopranos and Criminal Minds. Lola Glaudini, a New Yorker by birth, attended Bard College, a small, selective, four-year liberal arts college located in Annandale-on-Hudson in New York's Hudson Valley region." }, { "docid": "7033775", "title": "-", "text": "The different meanings of the name Lola are: The meaning of the name “Lola” is different in several languages, countries and cultures and has more than one possibly same or different meanings available. .adslot_1 { width: 336px; height: 280px; } @media (max-width:350px) { .adslot_1 { width: 300px; height: 250px; } }." }, { "docid": "3473709", "title": "Mary Stuart", "text": "Mary Stuart of Scotland became the Queen soon after she was born. She married the Dauphin of France when she was 16, and became Queen Consort of France a year later. She had a miscarriage, and even engaged in a short affair with Louis Conde condé until he tried to take the crown from her. husbandeeks later Mary arrives in France, when she steps out of her carriage she is greeted by her friends, Lady Kenna, Lady Lola, Lady Aylee and Greer Norwood. All five join together in a group hug, not having all been together for years." }, { "docid": "6901082", "title": "-", "text": "Definition of injurious in the English dictionary The definition of injurious in the dictionary is causing damage or harm; deleterious; hurtful. Other definition of injurious is abusive, slanderous, or libellous." }, { "docid": "1737855", "title": "-", "text": "Each Vocaloid is sold as a singer in a box designed to act as a replacement for an actual singer. The software was originally only available in English starting with the first Vocaloids Leon, Lola and Miriam by Zero-G, and Japanese with Meiko and Kaito made by Yamaha and sold by Crypton Future Media." }, { "docid": "1324833", "title": "-", "text": "Obituaries and Guest Books for The Oklahoman. 1 ANDERSON, LORELEI. 2 CLARKSTON, LOLA. 3 CLAY, BENNY. FRYREAR, 1 RACHAEL. HAMILTON, JULIE. JACKSON, 1 GERALD. JOHN, 2 FRED. JORAY, TUESDAY. MAYS, 1 FLOYD. MCFARLAND, 2 MARION. REVELS, WILMA." }, { "docid": "4002983", "title": "*** Definition of Disability to Avoid 10% Excise Tax on IRâ¦", "text": "However, as i mentioned in the question, the IRS's definition of disability is not the same as the SSA's definition. The definition you quoted is the SSA's definition, which is not applicable to my question. The type of letter you posted also would not be applicable because it uses the SSA's definition of disability." }, { "docid": "3472381", "title": "The Kinks: Lola Meaning", "text": "Lola Lyrics. I met her in a club down in old Soho. Where you drink champagne and it tastes just like cherry-cola [LP version: Coca-Cola] See-oh-el-aye cola. She walked up to me and she asked me to dance. I asked her her name and in a dark brown voice she said... » Nobody has submitted an interpretation for this song yet." }, { "docid": "962151", "title": "-", "text": "Cast members Gael Garcia Bernal, Lola Kirke, Malcolm McDowell, Saffron Burrows, Bernadette Peters, Monica Bellucci, Lola Kirke, Dermot Mulroney, and his wife Tharita Cesaroni all stepped out for the red carpet premiere and concert held at The Grove on Thursday (December 1) in Los Angeles." }, { "docid": "5371380", "title": "-", "text": "Search to find any definition and meaning of a word at the-definition.com online dictionary What does mean by miscegenation | miscegenation definition | Online Dictionary and Definition. Search to find any definition and meaning of a word at the-definition.com online dictionary Definition" }, { "docid": "8837246", "title": "-", "text": "Me too happy for them too. Carrie looks like she will be a good beautiful Mom. I can only imagine it is exciting to have your first baby. lola on March 3rd, 2015. Awwww… how sweet. Blessings to the new family." }, { "docid": "3884881", "title": "-", "text": "1 Definition of computer science. 2 Definition of Hosting Experts. 3 Definition of Insanity. 4 Definition of Insanity. 5 Definition of Insanity. 6 Definition of Insanity. 7 Definition of life. 8 Definition of life. 9 Definition of life. 10 Definition of life." }, { "docid": "1935431", "title": "-", "text": "Search to find any definition and meaning of a word at the-definition.com online dictionary What does mean by scurried | scurried definition | Online Dictionary and Definition. Search to find any definition and meaning of a word at the-definition.com online dictionary Definition" }, { "docid": "6479232", "title": "What is mental health?", "text": "A widely accepted definition of health by mental health specialists is psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud's definition: the capacity to work and to love - considered to be a simple and more accurate definition of mental health." }, { "docid": "4748161", "title": "Proof of Various Derivative Facts/Formulas/Properties", "text": "Again, we can do this using the definition of the derivative or with Logarithmic Definition. Proof 1. First plug the quotient into the definition of the derivative and rewrite the quotient a little. To make our life a little easier we moved the h in the denominator of the first step out to the front as a." }, { "docid": "5997460", "title": "Not crazy for cactusâ¦yet", "text": "Posted in Being Lola, Grandparenting in this Modern World, Plants | Tagged how long do cactus live, how long do cactus seeds last, Jardines de San Juan restaurant, photos of cactus in the garden, saguaro cactus grown from seed, san juan bautista california |." }, { "docid": "1016617", "title": "Definition and Resemblance Arguments", "text": "Definition or Resemblance. Arguments about definition or resemblance concern disputes about what category something belongs to, either directly by definition or indirectly to metaphorically through comparison or resemblance." }, { "docid": "3074713", "title": "-", "text": "Outpatient Care Definition - Explore treatment options and professional care for addiction [ Outpatient Care Definition ] !!! Outpatient Care Definition Rehab Clinics In New Mexico" } ]
name meaning tahirah
[ { "docid": "6736550", "title": "Tahirah", "text": "The meaning of Tahirah is “Pure, virtuous”. Keep in mind that many names may have different meanings in other countries and languages, so be careful that the name that you choose doesn’t mean something bad or unpleasant.Search comprehensively and find the name meaning of Tahirah and its name origin or of any other name in our database.Also note the spelling and the pronunciation of the name Tahirah and check the initials of the name with your last name to discover how it looks and sounds.opularity of the Name Tahirah. This name is not popular in the US, according to Social Security Administration, as there are no popularity data for the name. This doesn't mean that the name Tahirah is not popular in other countries all over the world." } ]
[ { "docid": "6281252", "title": "Jacob", "text": "Biblical Meaning: The name Jacob is a Biblical baby name. In Biblical the meaning of the name Jacob is: That supplants, undermines, the heel. American Meaning: The name Jacob is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Jacob is: That supplants, undermines, the heel.Hebrew Meaning: The name Jacob is a Hebrew baby name. In Hebrew the meaning of the name Jacob is: He grasps the heel.Supplanter.iblical Meaning: The name Jacob is a Biblical baby name. In Biblical the meaning of the name Jacob is: That supplants, undermines, the heel. American Meaning: The name Jacob is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Jacob is: That supplants, undermines, the heel." }, { "docid": "681414", "title": "Koby", "text": "German Meaning: The name Koby is a German baby name. In German the meaning of the name Koby is: Dark; dark-haired. Polish Meaning: The name Koby is a Polish baby name.In Polish the meaning of the name Koby is: Dark; dark-haired.American Meaning: The name Koby is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Koby is: Dark; dark-haired.olish Meaning: The name Koby is a Polish baby name. In Polish the meaning of the name Koby is: Dark; dark-haired. American Meaning: The name Koby is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Koby is: Dark; dark-haired." }, { "docid": "3358245", "title": "Adaline", "text": "Teutonic Meaning: The name Adaline is a Teutonic baby name. In Teutonic the meaning of the name Adaline is: noble. American Meaning: The name Adaline is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Adaline is: noble.eutonic Meaning: The name Adaline is a Teutonic baby name. In Teutonic the meaning of the name Adaline is: noble. American Meaning: The name Adaline is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Adaline is: noble." }, { "docid": "1807838", "title": "Amalia", "text": "German Meaning: The name Amalia is a German baby name. In German the meaning of the name Amalia is: From the Old German Amalburga, meaning labour and the Latin Aemilia.Italian Meaning: The name Amalia is an Italian baby name.he name Amalia is a Spanish baby name. In Spanish the meaning of the name Amalia is: Industrious. Swedish Meaning: The name Amalia is a Swedish baby name. In Swedish the meaning of the name Amalia is: Industrious." }, { "docid": "1148509", "title": "-", "text": "Coetzee Meaning: The meaning of Coetzee has not been submitted. If you have the meaning of Coetzee, please submit it with along with any reference pages referring to the meaning of Coetzee." }, { "docid": "4503298", "title": "Alyssa", "text": "The name Alyssa is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Alyssa is: American Meaning: The name Alyssa is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Alyssa is:he name Alyssa is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Alyssa is: American Meaning: The name Alyssa is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Alyssa is:" }, { "docid": "6284451", "title": "Arthur", "text": "The name Arthur is an Irish baby name. In Irish the meaning of the name Arthur is: Derived from the Irish art meaning 'stone'. Arthur was a 6th Century Irish prince. Scottish Meaning: The name Arthur is a Scottish baby name.In Scottish the meaning of the name Arthur is: Derived from Celtic artos meaning 'bear'.n Irish the meaning of the name Arthur is: Derived from the Irish art meaning 'stone'. Arthur was a 6th Century Irish prince. Scottish Meaning: The name Arthur is a Scottish baby name. In Scottish the meaning of the name Arthur is: Derived from Celtic artos meaning 'bear'." }, { "docid": "4164089", "title": "Melvin", "text": "Irish Meaning: The name Melvin is an Irish baby name. In Irish the meaning of the name Melvin is: Chief. American Meaning: The name Melvin is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Melvin is: Chief.Celtic Meaning: The name Melvin is a Celtic baby name. In Celtic the meaning of the name Melvin is: Leader.English Meaning: The name Melvin is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Melvin is: Strong friend.n Celtic the meaning of the name Melvin is: Leader. English Meaning: The name Melvin is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Melvin is: Strong friend." }, { "docid": "1548745", "title": "-", "text": "Web Sites. Meaning of Sissel. Sissel Meaning: The meaning of Sissel has not been submitted. If you have the meaning of Sissel, please submit it with along with any reference pages referring to the meaning of Sissel.Copyright 2004 - 2015 Meaning-of-Names.com-Powered by Swigity, LLC Meaning of Sissel Last Name-Surname-Family Name Sissel." }, { "docid": "1906567", "title": "Ladro Meaning Translation Italian To English", "text": "We are showing the most common English word for Ladro meaning. Also read about the word Ladro definition. Ladro meaning in English: Thief; Translate Ladro Meaning To. Ladro Meaning In German; Ladro Meaning In French; Ladro Meaning In Spanish; Ladro Meaning In Portugese; Ladro Meaning In Russian; Ladro Meaning In Finnish; Ladro Meaning In Swedish" }, { "docid": "3594938", "title": "Tierra", "text": "The name Tierra is a Spanish baby name. In Spanish the meaning of the name Tierra is: Earth. American Meaning: The name Tierra is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Tierra is: Earth.Latin Meaning: The name Tierra is a Latin baby name.In Latin the meaning of the name Tierra is: Headdress. A tiara is a jeweled headpiece or demi-crown.merican Meaning: The name Tierra is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Tierra is: Earth. Latin Meaning: The name Tierra is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Tierra is: Headdress." }, { "docid": "1919910", "title": "-", "text": "English Meaning: The name Drake is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Drake is: Dragon. Greek Meaning: The name Drake is a Greek baby name. In Greek the meaning of the name Drake is: Dragon.American Meaning: The name Drake is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Drake is: Dragon.he name Drake is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Drake is: Dragon. Greek Meaning: The name Drake is a Greek baby name." }, { "docid": "536022", "title": "-", "text": "Scottish Meaning: The name Logan is a Scottish baby name. In Scottish the meaning of the name Logan is: Finnian's servant. American Meaning: The name Logan is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Logan is: Finnian's servant.Gaelic Meaning: The name Logan is a Gaelic baby name. In Gaelic the meaning of the name Logan is: From the hollow.n American the meaning of the name Logan is: Finnian's servant. Gaelic Meaning: The name Logan is a Gaelic baby name. In Gaelic the meaning of the name Logan is: From the hollow." }, { "docid": "1031585", "title": "Orin", "text": "The name Orin is a Celtic baby name. In Celtic the meaning of the name Orin is: White. American Meaning: The name Orin is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Orin is: White. Hebrew Meaning: The name Orin is a Hebrew baby name. In Hebrew the meaning of the name Orin is: tree. Gaelic Meaning: The name Orin is a Gaelic baby name. In Gaelic the meaning of the name Orin is: Pale." }, { "docid": "6084969", "title": "Thomas", "text": "The name Thomas is an Aramaic baby name. In Aramaic the meaning of the name Thomas is: Twin. Hebrew Meaning: The name Thomas is a Hebrew baby name. In Hebrew the meaning of the name Thomas is: Twin. American Meaning: The name Thomas is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Thomas is: Twin. Biblical Meaning: The name Thomas is a Biblical baby name. In Biblical the meaning of the name Thomas is: A twin." }, { "docid": "7174606", "title": "Andrea", "text": "The name Andrea is a Greek baby name. In Greek the meaning of the name Andrea is: Manly. American Meaning: The name Andrea is an American baby name.In American the meaning of the name Andrea is: Manly.Italian Meaning: The name Andrea is an Italian baby name.In Italian the meaning of the name Andrea is: manly'.n American the meaning of the name Andrea is: Manly. Italian Meaning: The name Andrea is an Italian baby name. In Italian the meaning of the name Andrea is: manly'." }, { "docid": "1292221", "title": "Glenn", "text": "Welsh Meaning: The name Glenn is a Welsh baby name. In Welsh the meaning of the name Glenn is: Dwells in the glen. Gaelic Meaning: The name Glenn is a Gaelic baby name. In Gaelic the meaning of the name Glenn is: Derived from the Gaelic 'gleana', meaning valley.Used both as a surname and given name. Famous bearer: Canadian actor Glenn Ford.eltic Meaning: The name Glenn is a Celtic baby name. In Celtic the meaning of the name Glenn is: From the valley. American Meaning: The name Glenn is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Glenn is: From the valley." }, { "docid": "6007889", "title": "Angela", "text": "Latin Meaning: The name Angela is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Angela is: Angel; Messenger. Greek Meaning: The name Angela is a Greek baby name. In Greek the meaning of the name Angela is: meaning messenger or angel.he name Angela is a French baby name. In French the meaning of the name Angela is: Angel. Spanish Meaning: The name Angela is a Spanish baby name. In Spanish the meaning of the name Angela is: Angel." }, { "docid": "1161156", "title": "-", "text": "German Meaning: The name Amara is a German baby name. In German the meaning of the name Amara is: Eternal. Greek Meaning: The name Amara is a Greek baby name. In Greek the meaning of the name Amara is: Unfading.Spanish Meaning: The name Amara is a Spanish baby name.he name Amara is a German baby name. In German the meaning of the name Amara is: Eternal. Greek Meaning: The name Amara is a Greek baby name. In Greek the meaning of the name Amara is: Unfading. Spanish Meaning: The name Amara is a Spanish baby name." }, { "docid": "7754318", "title": "Lloyd", "text": "Lloyd The name Lloyd is a baby boy name. Meaning Celtic Meaning: The name Lloyd is a Celtic baby name. In Celtic the meaning of the name Lloyd is: Gray. American Meaning: The name Lloyd is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Lloyd is: Gray. Welsh Meaning: The name Lloyd is a Welsh baby name. In Welsh the meaning of the name Lloyd is: Grey. One with grey hair." }, { "docid": "3593459", "title": "Jade", "text": "The name Jade is a Spanish baby name. In Spanish the meaning of the name Jade is: Jewel. American Meaning: The name Jade is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Jade is: Jewel.English Meaning: The name Jade is an English baby name.In English the meaning of the name Jade is: The name of a semi-precious stone.merican Meaning: The name Jade is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Jade is: Jewel. English Meaning: The name Jade is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Jade is: The name of a semi-precious stone." }, { "docid": "6270037", "title": "Pablo", "text": "The name Pablo is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Pablo is: Little; small. American Meaning: The name Pablo is an American baby name.In American the meaning of the name Pablo is: Little; small. Spanish Meaning: The name Pablo is a Spanish baby name. In Spanish the meaning of the name Pablo is: Small.n Latin the meaning of the name Pablo is: Little; small. American Meaning: The name Pablo is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Pablo is: Little; small." }, { "docid": "6275501", "title": "-", "text": "The name Mikayla is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Mikayla is: Feminine of Michael, meaning gift from God. American Meaning: The name Mikayla is an American baby name.In American the meaning of the name Mikayla is: Feminine of Michael, meaning gift from God. Latin Meaning: The name Mikayla is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Mikayla is: Feminine of Michael: gift from God.nglish Meaning: The name Mikayla is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Mikayla is: Feminine of Michael, meaning gift from God. American Meaning: The name Mikayla is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Mikayla is: Feminine of Michael, meaning gift from God." }, { "docid": "4944604", "title": "-", "text": "Sindwani Meaning: The meaning of Sindwani has not been submitted. If you have the meaning of Sindwani, please submit it with along with any reference pages referring to the meaning of Sindwani.Copyright 2004 - 2015 Meaning-of-Names.com-Powered by Swigity, LLC Meaning of Sindwani Last Name-Surname-Family Name Sindwani." }, { "docid": "1588045", "title": "Cole", "text": "Greek Meaning: The name Cole is a Greek baby name. In Greek the meaning of the name Cole is: People's victory. American Meaning: The name Cole is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Cole is: People's victory.English Meaning: The name Cole is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Cole is: Of a triumphant people; young boy.n Greek the meaning of the name Cole is: People's victory. American Meaning: The name Cole is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Cole is: People's victory. English Meaning: The name Cole is an English baby name." }, { "docid": "3351451", "title": "Nova", "text": "Latin Meaning: The name Nova is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Nova is: New; young. American Meaning: The name Nova is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Nova is: New; young.Native American Meaning: The name Nova is a Native American baby name. In Native American the meaning of the name Nova is: Chases butterfly.atin Meaning: The name Nova is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Nova is: New; young. American Meaning: The name Nova is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Nova is: New; young." }, { "docid": "6172489", "title": "Griselda", "text": "German Meaning: The name Griselda is a German baby name. In German the meaning of the name Griselda is: From the Old German, meaning 'grey battle' or 'Christian battle'. American Meaning: The name Griselda is an American baby name.In American the meaning of the name Griselda is: From the Old German, meaning 'grey battle' or 'Christian battle'. Latin Meaning: The name Griselda is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Griselda is: Gray; gray-haired.n German the meaning of the name Griselda is: From the Old German, meaning 'grey battle' or 'Christian battle'. American Meaning: The name Griselda is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Griselda is: From the Old German, meaning 'grey battle' or 'Christian battle'." }, { "docid": "1501579", "title": "Johanna", "text": "The name Johanna is a German baby name. In German the meaning of the name Johanna is: American Meaning: The name Johanna is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Johanna is:Hebrew Meaning: The name Johanna is a Hebrew baby name. In Hebrew the meaning of the name Johanna is: Gift from God.Swedish Meaning: The name Johanna is a Swedish baby name. In Swedish the meaning of the name Johanna is: Gracious.he name Johanna is a German baby name. In German the meaning of the name Johanna is: American Meaning: The name Johanna is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Johanna is:" }, { "docid": "7556400", "title": "What is the meaning of the word yearn?", "text": "What is the meaning of the word yearmen? What is the meaning of the word year marks? What is the meaning of the word year mark? What is the meaning of the word yearman? What is the meaning of the word yearly? What is the meaning of the word year-long? What is the meaning of the word yearne? What is the meaning of the word yearned? What is the meaning of the word yearnedst? What is the meaning of the word yearner? What is the meaning of the word yearners? What is the meaning of the word yearnest?" }, { "docid": "1787665", "title": "Hilda", "text": "In Teutonic the meaning of the name Hilda is: Battle-maiden. English Meaning: The name Hilda is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Hilda is: Battle. Battle maid.German Meaning: The name Hilda is a German baby name. In German the meaning of the name Hilda is: Battle.Glorious, warfare.merican Meaning: The name Hilda is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Hilda is: Fighter. Anglo-Saxon Meaning: The name Hilda is an Anglo-Saxon baby name. In Anglo-Saxon the meaning of the name Hilda is: War." } ]
name origin theophilus
[ { "docid": "1568542", "title": "-", "text": "Meaning & History. Latinized form of the Greek name θεοφιλος (Theophilos) which meant friend of god, derived from θεος (theos) god and φιλος (philos) friend. In the New Testament the evangelist Luke addresses his gospel and the Book of Acts to a man named Theophilus." } ]
[ { "docid": "3901707", "title": "Religion", "text": "Origin and Purpose of Religion. The question of the origin of religion has produced a range of explanations, many of which get back to the definition of religion and its uses, both to help people and to deceive them." }, { "docid": "3554469", "title": "-", "text": "RICHARD-Surname Meaning | Origin for the Surname Richard Genealogy. Share. Learn the meaning and origin of the last name Richardson, plus find genealogy and family trees for the Richardson surname.EYNOLDS-Surname Meaning | Origin for the Surname Reynolds Genealogy. Share. Learn the meaning and origin of the last name Ricci, plus find genealogy and family trees for the Ricci surname." }, { "docid": "6870085", "title": "-", "text": "Location: Cave of Origin. The main Legendary Pokmon in the games are found within the Cave of Origin as you go through the story. After being awakened on the Seafloor Cavern, the legends will be found in the deepest part of the Cave of Origin. When you battle them, they will Primal Revert to their Primal forms automatically." }, { "docid": "7753314", "title": "-", "text": "As of March 15, 2015, California does not participate in the Streamlined Sales and Use Tax Agreement. California sources transactions by a combination of origin and destination – referred to as modified origin.. Modified-origin states are those where state, county, and city taxes are based on the origin of the sale, while district taxes are based on the destination of the sale." }, { "docid": "6048022", "title": "-", "text": "The name Alden is of English origin, and it means Half Danish . It's a name commonly given to boys.he name Alden is of English origin, and it means Half Danish . It's a name commonly given to boys." }, { "docid": "5097895", "title": "-", "text": "A, b, c are three vectors pointing from the origin of a coordinate to three points a, b, and c, respectively. find the distance between the origin to the abc plane and the area of the abc triangle." }, { "docid": "944719", "title": "List of English words of Hindi or Urdu origin", "text": "(Redirected from List of English words of Hindi origin) This is a list of English-language words of Hindi origin. Many of the Hindi and Urdu equivalents have originated from Sanskrit; see List of English words of Sanskrit origin. Many others are of Persian origin; see List of English words of Persian origin. Some of the latter are in turn of Arabic or Turkish origin." }, { "docid": "6121811", "title": "origin", "text": "Origin is the start, center or beginning of something or the place where a person comes from. 1 An exmaple of origin is when an idea comes to you when you sleep. 2 An example of origin is the ground where oil comes from. 3 An example of origin is your ethnic background." }, { "docid": "1361747", "title": "Sweatt v. Painter", "text": "Sweatt v. Painter. Sweatt v. Painter, 339 U.S. 629 (1950), was a U.S. Supreme Court case that successfully challenged the separate but equal doctrine of racial segregation established by the 1896 case Plessy v. Ferguson. The case was influential in the landmark case of Brown v. Board of Education four years later. The case involved a black man, Heman Marion Sweatt, who was refused admission to the School of Law of the University of Texas, whose president was Theophilus Painter, on the grounds that the Texas State Constitution prohibited integrated education." }, { "docid": "8024636", "title": "-", "text": "Addo, Theophilus MD in North Dartmouth, MA -- Get driving directions to 300A Faunce Corner Rd North Dartmouth, MA 02747. Add reviews and photos for Addo, Theophilus MD. Addo, Theophilus MD appears in: Physicians & Surgeons, Internal Medicine Physicians & Surgeons Toggle navigation Superpages Online Yellow Pages, Local Business Directory" }, { "docid": "1537913", "title": "-", "text": "What does Serenity mean, popularity, numerology and more. The name Serenity is of Latin origin. The meaning of Serenity is calm. It is also of English origin, where its meaning is serenity." }, { "docid": "6753979", "title": "-", "text": "Longissimus Capitis Muscle: Head, Ear, Eye and Neck Pain. Semispinalis Capitis Anatomy: Origin, Insertion, Action, Innervation. Semispinalis Cervicis Anatomy: Origin, Insertion, Action, Innervation. Iliocostalis Thoracis Anatomy: Origin, Insertion, Actions, Innervation." }, { "docid": "3170058", "title": "-", "text": "What does Marlie mean, popularity, numerology and more. The name Marlie is of Hebrew origin. The meaning of Marlie is high tower. It is also of Greek origin, where its meaning is of Magdala.hat does Marlie mean, popularity, numerology and more. The name Marlie is of Hebrew origin. The meaning of Marlie is high tower. It is also of Greek origin, where its meaning is of Magdala." }, { "docid": "5156463", "title": "Topic: Origin of my last name", "text": "Re: last name meaning and origin - lenders 19:59:22 10/28/02 (. Re: last name meaning and origin and first name - jason andrisani 15:28:20 01/03/03 (. Re: last name meaning and origin - juare 00:12:58 09/07/02 (." }, { "docid": "6178034", "title": "Cassidy Meaning", "text": "The name Cassidy is of Irish origin. The meaning of Cassidy is descendant of caiside (the curly haired one). It is also of English origin, where its meaning is descendant of Caiside." }, { "docid": "4557769", "title": "A Trail of Coffee Beans", "text": "One of the main ways coffee is graded is origin. This has a lot to do with the texture and flavor of the beans. And while patronage may come down to personal preference, some of the hype around origin is linked to the the idea of authenticity." }, { "docid": "6901981", "title": "-", "text": "Genealogy Print. If you have an interest in history, find out a little more of your own! You can find out the meaning of your last name and its origin with this genealogy print. The genealogy of your last name is typed in a paragraph with your last name printed above it in calligraphy script.he paragraph gives information about the origin of your last name, other people in the past that had that name, where it was derived from and the country of origin. The origin of surname print also includes a description of the arms, crest and motto of the family." }, { "docid": "8490689", "title": "Origin-of-death myth", "text": "The origin of death is a theme in the myths of many cultures.Death is a universal feature of human life, so stories about its origin appear to be universal in human cultures. As such it is a form of cosmological myth (a type of myth that explains the origins of a culture and the problems that faces it).he origin of death is a theme in the myths of many cultures." }, { "docid": "8201383", "title": "-", "text": "Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (/ ˈ w ʊ l f ɡ æ ŋ æ m ə ˈ d eɪ ə s ˈ m oʊ t s ɑːr t / MOHT-sart; German: [ˈvɔlfɡaŋ amaˈdeːʊs ˈmoːtsaʁt]; 27 January 1756 – 5 December 1791), baptised as Johannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart, was a prolific and influential composer of the classical era." }, { "docid": "3609277", "title": "Elihu Yale", "text": "Yale's ancestry can be traced back to the family estate at Plas yn Ial iâl near the village Of, Llandegla, Denbighshire. Wales the Name yale is The english spelling of The welsh place, Name. ial iâlorn to David Yale (1613–1690) and Ursula, he was the grandson of Ann Lloyd (1591–1659), who after the death of her first husband, Thomas Yale (1587–1619) in Chester, Cheshire, England, married Governor Theophilus Eaton (1590–1658) of New Haven Colony." }, { "docid": "3150104", "title": "-", "text": "What does Ariah mean, popularity, numerology and more. The name Ariah is of Greek origin. The meaning of Ariah is pure, chaste. It is also of Italian origin, where its meaning is melodious.hat does Ariah mean, popularity, numerology and more. The name Ariah is of Greek origin. The meaning of Ariah is pure, chaste. It is also of Italian origin, where its meaning is melodious." }, { "docid": "2231741", "title": "Arabic Names", "text": "Origin: Arabic, Biblical Greek. Form of MARY used in the Greek Old Testament. Marwa (f) : مروة. Origin: Arabic. From the Arabic name of a fragrant plant. Maryam (f) : مريم. Origin: Arabic, Iranian. Arabic and Persian form of MARY." }, { "docid": "6280683", "title": "-", "text": "(June 2007). Theophilus is the name or honorary title of the person to whom the Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles are addressed (Luke 1:3, Acts 1:1).thers say that Theophilus was probably a Roman official of some sort, because Luke referred to him as κρατιστε, optime in the Latin Vulgate translation, meaning most excellent (Luke 1:3), although in the parallel introduction to Acts he is simply referred to as 'O Theophilus'." }, { "docid": "1588050", "title": "Leonel", "text": "The name Cole is of English origin, and it means Victory of the People . It's a name commonly given to boys.he name Cole is of English origin, and it means Victory of the People . It's a name commonly given to boys." }, { "docid": "6260514", "title": "Noble Meaning", "text": "What does Noble mean, popularity, numerology and more. The name Noble is of Latin origin. The meaning of Noble is aristocratic. It is also of English origin, where its meaning is noble." }, { "docid": "4131573", "title": "-", "text": "MORIN-Surname Meaning | Origin for the Surname Morin Genealogy. Share. Learn the meaning and origin of the last name Morris, plus find genealogy and family trees for the Morris surname.ETZ-Surname Meaning | Origin for the Surname Metz Genealogy. Share. Learn the meaning and origin of the last name Meyer, plus find genealogy and family trees for the Meyer surname." }, { "docid": "6599465", "title": "canoe", "text": "Origin and Etymology of canoe. French, from New Latin canoa, from Spanish, from Arawakan, of Cariban origin; akin to Carib kana:wa canoe. First Known Use: 1555." }, { "docid": "3399006", "title": "Triceps", "text": "The Triceps brachii has 3 origin attachment points and 1 insertion point. These Three heads merge to form a single tendon which has an insertion attachment point at the Olecranon process which is the bony prominence of the elbow, on the upper ulna.hey are the largest muscles in the upper arms. As with the Bicep muscle which has two heads and therefore two origin points, the Triceps muscles which has three heads has three different origin points. These origin attachment points are as follows; 1." }, { "docid": "7196658", "title": "-", "text": "Electronic Arts Home Games News Shop on Origin Games News Help EA Forums Shop on Origin EA Access Careers Newsletter Join The Origin 9.0 Beta. kbeall. 2012-07-19. Earlier this week, we gave you a first look at Origin 9.0 and its many improved features, including a revamped friends list and My Games library." }, { "docid": "3660026", "title": "-", "text": "The Origin of Music. The origin of music itself is very difficult to determine because in all probability, it is likely to have begun with singing and clapping or beating the hands on different surfaces, for which there is no of course no archaeological record." } ]
average time to hear about direct subsidized loans
[ { "docid": "2677746", "title": "Federal Direct Loan Information", "text": "The federal government pays the interest while you are in school at least half time (6 credit hours). You may receive the Federal Direct Subsidized Loan for a timeframe equivalent to 150% of the length of your degree or certificate, provided that all other eligibility criteria are met." } ]
[ { "docid": "4172740", "title": "MS Supply Chain Management Tuition & Financial Aid", "text": "A graduate student in one of these categories is eligible for $20,500.00 (amount effective fall 2007) per year in Federal Direct subsidized and/or unsubsidized loans. Repayment for both types of loans begins 6 months after graduation or anytime the student drops to less than 5 hours per semester." }, { "docid": "1405484", "title": "Hereâs Exactly How Student Loan Interest Works", "text": "If you have a subsidized loan, you don’t have interest to pay back while you are in school. However, if you have an unsubsidized loan, you might want to consider paying the interest even before you graduate. Direct Unsubsidized Loans: These loans are for any students, not just those with financial need. 2 Like with the Subsidized Loans, the school determines the amount you can borrow. 3 The difference is that interest accrues from the time the loan is paid out." }, { "docid": "5592868", "title": "-", "text": "$7,500—No more than $5,500 of this amount may be in subsidized loans. $12,500—No more than $5,500 of this amount may be in subsidized loans. Maximum Total Debt from Stafford Loans When You Graduate (i.e., your aggregate loan limits).$31,000—No more than $23,000 of this amount may be in subsidized loans.$57,500—No more than $23,000 of this amount may be in subsidized loans.56+ credits). $7,500—No more than $5,500 of this amount may be in subsidized loans. $12,500—No more than $5,500 of this amount may be in subsidized loans. Maximum Total Debt from Stafford Loans When You Graduate (i.e., your aggregate loan limits). $31,000—No more than $23,000 of this amount may be in subsidized loans." }, { "docid": "7571208", "title": "-", "text": "To receive a subsidized Stafford loan, students must meet specified criteria for low family income as determined by the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid). The unsubsidized loan has no income requirements. In addition, only undergraduates are eligible for subsidized loans." }, { "docid": "1757711", "title": "Student Loan Interest Rates, Fees, and History", "text": "Interest rates are the same for Direct Subsidized Loans and Direct Unsubsidized Loans (sometimes referred to as Stafford Loans)." }, { "docid": "2314188", "title": "Infinite Jest", "text": "In the novel's world, each year is subsidized by a specific corporate sponsor for tax revenue. 1 The years of Subsidized Time are: 2 Year of the Whopper. 3 Year of the Tucks Medicated Pad. 4 Year of the Trial-Size Dove Bar. 5 Year of the Perdue Wonderchicken. 6 Year of the Whisper-Quiet Maytag Dishmaster." }, { "docid": "4086876", "title": "Federal Student Loans", "text": "Graduate students can borrow up to $20,500 each year. Of that amount, only $8,500 can be in subsidized Stafford Loans. The Stafford Loan program for graduate students caps out at $138,500 (only $65,500 in subsidized loans), which also includes any loans disbursed during a student's undergraduate program." }, { "docid": "7517496", "title": "Getting Started", "text": "SBA 7(a) Commercial Real Estate Loans: For SBA commercial real estate loans over $500,000, SmartBiz Loans charges a one-time referral fee of no more than 0.5% of the loan amount and a one-time packaging fee of no more than 0.5% of the loan amount." }, { "docid": "8101856", "title": "If you are employed by a government or not-for-profit organization, you may be able to receive loan forgiveness under the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program .", "text": "Public Service Loan Forgiveness The Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) Program forgives the remaining balance on your Direct Loans after you have made 120 qualifying monthly payments under a qualifying repayment plan while working full-time for a qualifying employer." }, { "docid": "2473250", "title": "Does subsidized loans have interest?", "text": "Does subsidized loans have interest? I was wondering which loans have interest (Subsidized, unsubsidized, and parent loans). I heard you dont have to pay interest on subsidized, but you do have to for unsub and parent loans." }, { "docid": "3702723", "title": "-", "text": "Exit counseling provides important information you need to prepare to repay your federal student loan(s). If you have received a subsidized, unsubsidized or PLUS loan under the Direct Loan Program or the FFEL Program, you must complete exit counseling each time you: Drop below half-time enrollment." }, { "docid": "5119833", "title": "What happens after the 2 year contract ?", "text": "At the present time, a two year contract is required when purchasing the iPhone 3G regardless if you purchase the iPhone 3G at AT&T's subsidized price or at the full non-subsidized price." }, { "docid": "124722", "title": "What does it mean when your school says they plan to disburse the net loan amount to me?", "text": "And it has to different amounts. One section says Direct Subsidized Loan and its says net disbursement amount $2000. The other section says... show more okay I received a letter in the mail from Direct Loans for my college.The letter says that the net loan amount will be disbursed to me.nd it has to different amounts. One section says Direct Subsidized Loan and its says net disbursement amount $2000. The other section says... show more okay I received a letter in the mail from Direct Loans for my college." }, { "docid": "1940444", "title": "-", "text": "In 2010, the average effective electricity tariff in Africa was US $0.14 per kilowatt-hour (kWh) against an average of US $0.18 per kWh in production costs. Consumption is effectively subsidized, but with significant disparities among African countries." }, { "docid": "2631928", "title": "Kansas State University", "text": "Lectures are usually 50 minutes long, and that's about the length of time most people can direct their attention to one task. But, that's just an average. Your concentration time-span might be less (20-35 minutes) or longer (perhaps 90 minutes)." }, { "docid": "6902735", "title": "-", "text": "Graduate students are not eligible for Subsidized Stafford loans. 1 This is a need-based loan. 2 You must be enrolled at least half-time to qualify. 3 For undergraduate students, the interest rate is 4.66 percent for loans disbursed between July 1, 2014 and June 30, 2015. For graduate students, the interest rate is fixed at 6.8 percent." }, { "docid": "1246355", "title": "Direct Stafford Loans", "text": "The description is Direct Stafford Loans are the most common federal student loans. Available to undergraduate, graduate, and professional students, these education loans are originated by the federal government and feature fixed interest rates, a 1.069% origination fee and various repayment options." }, { "docid": "7571203", "title": "-", "text": "Examples of subsidized loans include the subsidized Federal Stafford Loan and the Federal Perkins Loan. Examples of unsubsidized loans include the unsubsidized Federal Stafford Loan and the Federal PLUS Loan. Eligibility for subsidized loans is based on demonstrated financial need, while eligibility for unsubsidized loans is not." }, { "docid": "5386216", "title": "Loan Fees", "text": "Federal Subsidized, Unsubsidized and PLUS Loans can carry with them loan fees that are taken out of the principal prior to disbursement. Therefore, borrowers can find that the total of their loan disbursements may be slightly lower than the amount borrowed." }, { "docid": "923898", "title": "Whatâs the difference between the two federal student loan programs (FFEL and Direct)?", "text": "Borrowers with Direct Loans may be eligible for Public Service Loan Forgiveness under the right conditions, while FFEL borrowers cannot qualify. The only way to receive Public Service Loan Forgiveness on an FFEL loan is to consolidate the loan into the Direct Loan program. It is legal to consolidate both Direct and FFEL loans. That said, it is usually unprofitable for FFEL lenders to offer consolidation loans." }, { "docid": "8604820", "title": "-", "text": "This is a Master Promissory Note (MPN) for one or more Federal Direct. Stafford/Ford (Direct Subsidized) Loans and/or Federal Direct Unsubsidized. Stafford/Ford (Direct Unsubsidized) Loans. I request a total amount of Direct." }, { "docid": "2793146", "title": "Grants for First Time Farmers", "text": "The Department of Agriculture provides financing for first-time farmers who are unable to secure a commercial loan. The USDA provides direct and guaranteed loans for farm ownership or an operating loan. To qualify for a loan, the farm must have less than 10 years in operation. Up to $300,000 is provided for direct loans and $1,119,000 for loan guarantees. The farmer must make a 5 percent down payment toward the purchase of the farm." }, { "docid": "4316650", "title": "Federal Direct loans", "text": "Federal Direct loans. Federal Direct Subsidized and Unsubsidized loans are the most common and one of the lowest-cost forms of education funding. Interest rate is fixed. Available to students attending at least half time. Loan fee deducted prior to disbursement." }, { "docid": "3501094", "title": "Stafford Loan", "text": "Stafford Loans are available both as subsidized and unsubsidized loans. Subsidized loans are offered to students based on demonstrated financial need. (See Expected Family Contribution.) The interest on subsidized loans is paid by the federal government while the student is in school and during authorized deferment. For unsubsidized Stafford Loans, students are responsible for all of the interest that accrues while the student is enrolled in school. The interest may be deferred throughout enrollment. Unpaid interest that is deferred until after graduation is capitalized (added to the loan principal)." }, { "docid": "4845187", "title": "5 Things You Need To Do With Your Student Loans Right Now", "text": "(Just to complicate matters, the rate on subsidized loans has changed nearly every year. A table is here.) 2. Learn about alternate repayment options (and figure out which, if any, is right for you). The standard repayment schedule extends your loan payments over ten years, or 120 payments." }, { "docid": "4447960", "title": "Ouachita Baptist University Tuition and Financial Aid", "text": "At Ouachita Baptist University, 7% of students take out private loans. This is 2% LOWER than the average for Private not-for-profit schools, which is 9%. Just as important as the percentage of students with private loans is the average loan amount." }, { "docid": "3729917", "title": "-", "text": "Both subsidized and unsubsidized loans for undergraduates will charge 4.66% for loans for the 2014-2015 school year, while grad students will pay 6.21% on their debt. They do not depend on the borrower's credit score. Click here to check current interest rates for Stafford loans." }, { "docid": "2588998", "title": "Subsidized vs. Unsubsidized Student Loans: Which Is for You?", "text": "One benefit to taking out an unsubsidized loan is that you are not required to demonstrate financial need so the amount you can take out is much higher than a subsidized student loan. Additionally, unsubsidized federal student loans are available for both undergraduate and graduate students." }, { "docid": "5781932", "title": "Can I Get My Social Security Garnished Over My Student Loans?", "text": "Unfortunately if your student loans are subsidized, federal loans, or government backed student loans the answer is your Social Security can be garnished.nfortunately if your student loans are subsidized, federal loans, or government backed student loans the answer is your Social Security can be garnished." }, { "docid": "2450087", "title": "-", "text": "Full-time students at the start of their course can also take a loan to pay for their living costs, eg, food, books, accommodation and travel. They are known as maintenance loans, and are usually paid in three termly installments direct to the student's bank account." } ]
nd association of nurse anesthetists
[ { "docid": "5949708", "title": "-", "text": "Anesthesia is safer today than ever before, due in large part to the watchful care of the Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA). The North Dakota Association of Nurse Anesthetists (NDANA) is comprised of 190 nurse anesthetists, 95% of all CRNAs in the state. NDANA is a member of the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists (AANA), a professional organization for CRNAs with 28,000 members nationally." } ]
[ { "docid": "865680", "title": "-", "text": "For nurse anesthetists, the annual median salary is $158,900 or $76.40 per hour. A nurse practitioner can expect an average annual salary of $97,990 or $47.11 dollars per hour as stated above.Nurse midwives earn an average annual salary of $97,700 or around $46.97 dollars per hour.ccording to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the median annual salary for a nurse practitioner was around $97,990 or about $47.11 dollars per hour in 2014." }, { "docid": "3819523", "title": "-", "text": "how we serve. Giving Back Become a Nurse. By becoming a Register Nurse I will attain my Bachelor of Science in Nursing. This will challenging but I am capable of accomplishing this because since I was a little girl I have always dreamed of becoming a Nurse and I have the determination to do so.ow we serve. Giving Back Become a Nurse. By becoming a Register Nurse I will attain my Bachelor of Science in Nursing. This will challenging but I am capable of accomplishing this because since I was a little girl I have always dreamed of becoming a Nurse and I have the determination to do so." }, { "docid": "1894072", "title": "Is Practical Nurse, the same as LPN?", "text": "Best Answer: LPN stands for Licensed Practical Nurse, which means the practical nurse underwent a procedure (i.e. testing) to obtain a license to work as a nurse legally. You will not likely find a working unlicensed practical nurse (unless of course, you find out), so yes, in a way, they are the same. Source(s):" }, { "docid": "4536533", "title": "Top 200 Highest Paying Jobs in West Virginia", "text": "We note from the table that the highest paying profession in Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington, TX is family and general practitioners with an average annual salary of $173,640. The second highest paying job is nurse anesthetists (average salary $160,040). The salary and the employment information in Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington, TX is computed from data published by U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics in May 2015 [1]. $173,640." }, { "docid": "339842", "title": "-", "text": "RN or Nurse Practitioner? If you’re considering a nursing career, you may be wondering what the difference is between a registered nurse (RN) and a nurse practitioner (NP). What is the Difference Between an RN and an LVN?" }, { "docid": "8045815", "title": "The Ultimate List of Professional Associations for Nurses", "text": "Here are some nursing organizations to check out, listed in alphabetical order: • Academy of Medical-Surgical-Nurses • Academy of Neonatal Nursing • Air & Surface Transport Nurses Association • American Academy of Ambulatory Care Nursing • American Academy of Nurse Practitioners • American Assembly for Men in Nursing • American Assisted Living Nurses Association • American Association of Colleges of Nursing • American Association of Critical-Care Nurses • American ..." }, { "docid": "1169391", "title": "Featured Article", "text": "The Employment Outlook for Nurse Anesthetists By Linda Beattie, contributor. For more than a decade, the shortage of trained nurses and physicians in the United States has caused concern among health care leaders, as well as patients and their families." }, { "docid": "1028231", "title": "-", "text": "Average Nurse salaries for job postings in Michigan are 1% higher than average Nurse salaries for job postings nationwide.verage Nurse salaries for job postings in Michigan are 1% higher than average Nurse salaries for job postings nationwide." }, { "docid": "8031760", "title": "Visiting Nurse Association Of Saginaw", "text": "Visiting Nurse Association Of Saginaw is listed as a health care organization in Saginaw, MI with Home Health listed as their primary specialization. Their office phone number, address, ratings, provider comparisons, county health rankings, and specializations can be viewed below." }, { "docid": "2822601", "title": "Connecticut Becomes 18th State to Allow NP Independence", "text": "In addition to Connecticut, those states granting full independence to NPs are Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Iowa, Maine, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington, and Wyoming, according to the American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP)." }, { "docid": "5506389", "title": "-", "text": "If after reading this page you determine that Staff Nurse - RN - Nursing Home is not the position you are looking for, you may want to try one of these similar titles: Staff Nurse - RN - Nursing Home, Staff Nurse - RN - Occupational Health, Staff Nurse - RN - Home Care Admissions, Staff Nurse - RN - Home Care, Staff Nurse - RN - Psychiatric Unit - ..." }, { "docid": "5277638", "title": "-", "text": "Barbara M. Dossey, PhD, RN, AHN-BC, FAAN. Nightingale Initiative for Global Health (NIGH), Arlington, Virginia, and Ottawa, Ontario, Canada; Holistic Nursing Consultants, Santa Fe, New Mexico; International Nurse Coach Association, Huntington, New York; and Samueli Institute, Alexandria, Virginia, barbara@dosseydossey.com." }, { "docid": "7614932", "title": "-", "text": "How to Use the Nurse Aide Registry. Verify a NYS Certified Nurse Aide with the New York State Nurse Aide Registry. How to Become a Nurse Aide in New York State." }, { "docid": "1158874", "title": "Nurse Anesthetist", "text": "To become a CRNA a nurse must graduate from a nurse anesthesia educational program that is accredited by the Council of Accreditation of Nurse Anesthesia Educational Programs. They must also pass the certification exam that is administered by the Council on Certification of Nurse Anesthetists." }, { "docid": "309945", "title": "Nurse Salary in Colorado", "text": "Nurse Practitioner Salary in Colorado (CO). The average Nurse Practitioner Salary in Colorado (CO) is $90,190 which is just below the national average for Nurse Practitioners. The latest figures show that there are only 1,840 Nurse Practitiners employed in the state of Colorado across a range of industries.he average Nurse Practitioner Salary in Colorado (CO) is $90,190 which is just below the national average for Nurse Practitioners. The latest figures show that there are only 1,840 Nurse Practitiners employed in the state of Colorado across a range of industries." }, { "docid": "3256891", "title": "Become a CRNA", "text": "Today, Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs) are master’s prepared advanced practice nurses who enjoy a high degree of autonomy and professional respect. CRNAs provide anesthetics to patients in every practice setting, and for every type of surgery or procedure.urse anesthetists, the first healthcare providers dedicated to the specialty of anesthesia, have their roots in the 1800s, when nurses first gave anesthesia to wounded soldiers on the battlefields of the Civil War." }, { "docid": "5531361", "title": "What Are the Qualifications for a Charge Nurse?", "text": "A charge nurse interacts with many people: doctors, patients, families, other staff on the unit and other staff in the hospital. Tact, consideration and assertiveness are all important skills for a charge nurse.n an acute care hospital, the charge nurse is a registered nurse, and a current R.N. license is required. In convalescent hospitals or clinics, the charge nurse may be an licensed practical nurse; again, current licensure is required." }, { "docid": "4424036", "title": "Role of Professional Organizations in Advocating for the Nursing Profession", "text": "Assists the ANA President in the performance of his/her duties when requested. 3. Participates in the Tri-Council for Nursing, which is comprised of representatives from. ANA, American Association of Colleges of Nursing, American Organization of Nurse. Executives, and the National League for Nursing." }, { "docid": "1111220", "title": "CRNA - Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist Jobs, Requirements, and Salary", "text": "Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs) are one of the four kinds of professionals called advanced practice nurses (Click here to read about the other types of APRNs). They are registered nurses (RNs) with advanced educational credentials and considerable clinical training." }, { "docid": "5651107", "title": "-", "text": "Full Definition of REGISTERED NURSE. : a graduate trained nurse who has been licensed by a state authority after qualifying for registration. See registered nurse defined for English-language learners. See registered nurse defined for kids.ADVERTISEMENT.ull Definition of REGISTERED NURSE. : a graduate trained nurse who has been licensed by a state authority after qualifying for registration. See registered nurse defined for English-language learners. See registered nurse defined for kids. ADVERTISEMENT." }, { "docid": "5716379", "title": "Nurse anesthetist", "text": "A nurse anesthetist is a nurse who specializes in the administration of anesthesia. In the United States, a certified registered nurse anesthetist (CRNA) is an advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) who has acquired graduate-level education and board certification in anesthesia.urrently, the American Association of Colleges of Nursing has endorsed a position statement that will move the current entry level of training for nurse anesthetists in the United States to the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) or Doctor of Nurse Anesthesia Practice (DNAP)." }, { "docid": "4894889", "title": "-", "text": "Based on percentiles, the median salary for 90 th percentile of anesthesiologists has been around $417,930 yearly. Similarly, about 75 th percentile of anesthesiologists received $378,446, 25 th percentile of them received $290,796 while 10 th percentile received $250,481 yearly.here are no specific reports about anesthesiologist nurse’s salary. However, nurse anesthetists, professionals with a relevant profession, earned an average of $158,900 per year in 2014, according to the BLS." }, { "docid": "5716383", "title": "nurse anesthetist", "text": "The certified registered nurse anesthetist (CRNA) has completed postgraduate training and been certified in the administration of anesthetics. The address of the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists is 222 S. Prospect Ave., Park Ridge, IL 60068.he certified registered nurse anesthetist (CRNA) has completed postgraduate training and been certified in the administration of anesthetics. The address of the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists is 222 S. Prospect Ave., Park Ridge, IL 60068." }, { "docid": "2915969", "title": "A Policy Perspective on the Entry into Practice Issue", "text": "A Policy Perspective on the Entry into Practice Issue. Abstract. It has been forty four years since the American Nurses Association (ANA) published its first position paper on entry into practice advocating that the baccalaureate degree be the minimum degree for entry into registered nurse practice." }, { "docid": "3670795", "title": "-", "text": "An expanded second edition of Evidence Trumps. Belief: Nurse Anesthetists. and Evidence-Based Decision Making, by Chuck Biddle, CRNA, PhD, AANA Journal editor-in-chief, is available now through the AANA Bookstore." }, { "docid": "8132071", "title": "How to Become a Nurse Anesthetist", "text": "According to the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists (AANA), it generally takes a minimum of seven years postsecondary education and experience to become a certified registered nurse anesthetist (CRNA).urse anesthetists require several years of experience and schooling prior to becoming certified. The AANA provides one possible path to become to becoming a CRNA: 1 Pursue a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) or a similar degree. 2 The road to becoming a certified nurse anesthetist typically begins as an undergraduate." }, { "docid": "4094901", "title": "-", "text": "modernization of practice laws and the adoption of full practice authority for nurse practitioners. The following excerpts are from leading health, policy, and consumer advocacy organizations regarding nurse practitioner practice and regulation. To download and view the full report, click on the association name." }, { "docid": "6471366", "title": "What Does a Nurse Anesthetist Do?", "text": "Training. Admission to most nurse anesthetist programs requires at least a year of professional nursing experience in an acute care setting—preferably surgery or critical care. During graduate school, CRNAs complete about 2,500 hours of clinical training and administer approximately 850 anesthetics, according to AANA.nesthesia care is among the most lucrative nursing specialties. As of May 2013, nurse anesthetists enjoyed a median annual salary of $151,090, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics." }, { "docid": "4014354", "title": "Mid-Level Practitioners Authorization by State", "text": "United States or the jurisdiction in which he/she. practices, to dispense a controlled substance in. the course of professional practice. Examples of. mid-level practitioners include, but are not limit-. ed to, health-care providers such as nurse practi-. tioners, nurse midwives, nurse anesthetists, clini -. cal nurse specialists and physician assistants who. are authorized to dispense controlled substances." }, { "docid": "3828427", "title": "10 Great Career Fields for the Future", "text": "Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNA), Nurse Practitioners, Physician Assistants. The medical field is ripe with growth potential. As everyone probably knows, nurses are in high demand. The average nurse practitioner makes $85,200 per year, and the demand is expected to increase 23%." } ]
negative side effects of caffeine
[ { "docid": "3463166", "title": "Negative Side Effects Of Caffeine â 10 Worst Disadvantages", "text": "1. Cardiovascular Complications: This is the first out of the negative effects of caffeine that people should not look down. Caffeinated coffee comes with side effects that could threaten life. Research shows that coffee has caffeine which can increase the risk of heart attack." }, { "docid": "3463171", "title": "What is caffeine?", "text": "When consumed in moderate doses (up to 250 mg, or about two 6-oz cups of coffee or about four 12-oz colas), caffeine can help people feel more alert and less sleepy. Most individuals consuming moderate amounts will experience few, if any, negative side effects. Caffeine may increase heart rate, body temperature, blood flow to the skin & extremities, blood pressure, blood sugar levels, stomach acid secretion and production of urine (diuretic)." } ]
[ { "docid": "8311366", "title": "20 Green Tea Side Effects And Who Must Avoid It", "text": "Side Effects Of Green Tea Like all teas, green tea contains caffeine; excessive caffeine intake can lead to or aggravate a variety of problems, including the following: 1." }, { "docid": "3903226", "title": "-", "text": "tegretol has caused some side effects in clinical studies most side effects are not serious however if they do not go away or are severe call your doctor at once side effects may include drowsiness dizziness unsteadinessnausea vomiting headacheanxietyegretol has caused some side effects in clinical studies most side effects are not serious however if they do not go away or are severe call your doctor at once side effects may include drowsiness dizziness unsteadiness" }, { "docid": "2696354", "title": "psych final", "text": "Effects of caffeine on the Body Effects of caffeine on the Body. Caffeine is a central nervous system stimulant. It can temporarily make you feel more awake and energetic, but it can also give you the jitters. Withdrawal or overdose can cause a range of problems." }, { "docid": "124539", "title": "Green Tea", "text": "In some people, green tea can cause stomach upset and constipation. Green tea extracts have been reported to cause liver problems in rare cases. Green tea is POSSIBLY UNSAFE when taken by mouth long-term or in high-doses. It can cause side effects because of the caffeine." }, { "docid": "4232058", "title": "Caffeine: The Neurologic Effects", "text": "Caffeine is a central nervous stimulant. Considered the most widely used psychoactive drug in the world, caffeine is also considered by some to be the most widely abused drug in the world. Here are some of the effects of caffeine on the central nervous system. Your Body and Caffeine Absorption." }, { "docid": "971196", "title": "Can You Drink Too Much Green Tea?", "text": "Green tea is a caffeinated beverage and may cause side effects such as rapid heart rate, upset stomach, restlessness, anxiety, insomnia and tremors. If you drink green tea regularly, your body may grow dependent on caffeine and you may get withdrawal symptoms such as irritability, drowsiness and headaches if you stop. Caffeine content varies by product, but green tea from one major brand contains about 35 milligrams of caffeine per brewed bag." }, { "docid": "6873380", "title": "Is Green Tea a Good Substitute for Water?", "text": "Drinking more than 5 cups of green tea per day is ill-advised, states MedlinePlus, as this may lead to certain health complications associated with excess caffeine consumption. While caffeine doses become fatal at between 10 and 14 grams, side effects can still occur with lower doses.rinking more than 5 cups of green tea per day is ill-advised, states MedlinePlus, as this may lead to certain health complications associated with excess caffeine consumption. While caffeine doses become fatal at between 10 and 14 grams, side effects can still occur with lower doses." }, { "docid": "794147", "title": "Caffeine Overdose Symptoms: The Unpleasant Signs and How to Take the Edge Off", "text": "Keep in mind that some healthy adults may experience side effects even from consuming far less than 500 to 600 mg a day. Your personal level of caffeine sensitivity, age, body mass, use of medication, health conditions, and proneness to stress or anxiety will impact how you react to certain levels of caffeine." }, { "docid": "3324789", "title": "DIM Side Effects", "text": "Most likely, the lack of reported DIM side effects reflects a lack of studies large enough to find side effects (or a lack of studies that were designed to look for side effects); it probably does not indicate that DIM really is free of side effects." }, { "docid": "1781007", "title": "Migraines & headaches guide", "text": "Caffeine additives make pain relievers 40% more effective in treating headaches. Caffeine also helps the body absorb headache medicines more quickly, bringing faster relief. By adding caffeine and, in turn, taking less medicine, you can reduce the risk of potential side effects and possible drug addiction. Other caffeine sources. Drinks:" }, { "docid": "5298303", "title": "Are Caffeine Pills Bad for You?", "text": "When taking caffeine pills or pure caffeine powder, take care to consume the recommended dose and not more. If you're concerned about side effects or contraindications with other drugs or supplements you're taking, be sure to check with your doctor to determine if this is the right option for your health needs.or those unable to consume caffeine in traditional forms (coffee, tea, soda), caffeine pills or powders offer a convenient fix of this potentially health-boosting substance." }, { "docid": "4522762", "title": "Zoloft Side Effects", "text": "Side Effects in Men. Like many antidepressants, particularly SSRIs, Zoloft can cause negative sexual side effects in both men and women; in fact, these side effects constitute a legitimate syndrome called “sexual arousal disorder”. For example, nearly 70% of men on Zoloft reported instances of impotence or difficulty in being aroused." }, { "docid": "4168415", "title": "Omeprazole Side Effects", "text": "Omeprazole side effects are vast and varied, nevertheless, the initial caveat which we must make is that not everyone using this medication omeprazole /prilosec suffers any of these negative effects.If in any doubt always always consult your doctor.No More Omeprazole Side Effects HERE! Why are we writing about this, well many of our readers have suffered years of chronic heartburn and acid reflux (the 2 are the same in our eyes) and they were prescribed Omeprazole (prilosec) for 2 weeks at a time.robably the most common Omeprazole side effects with regards to our bodies functions can be on the intestinal system. Omeprazole has already been seen to alter the actual pH within the digestive system through increasing the quantity of gastrin which is created and other cautions should be applied." }, { "docid": "283293", "title": "Top 10 Negative Effects of Facebook on Teens", "text": "Before observing the negative effects of Facebook, let us have cursory look at the positive effects of Facebook. Positive effects of Facebook: 1 Improvements in moods: As one is able to communicate with far off friends.efore observing the negative effects of Facebook, let us have cursory look at the positive effects of Facebook. Positive effects of Facebook: 1 Improvements in moods: As one is able to communicate with far off friends." }, { "docid": "8088045", "title": "Echinacea", "text": "Avoid coffee, tea, cola, energy drinks, or other products that contain caffeine. Taking echinacea with caffeinated products can increase caffeine side effects such as headache, increased heart rate, and feeling jittery." }, { "docid": "2912024", "title": "Madopar 125 Capsules", "text": "MADOPAR helps most people with Parkinson's Disease but it may have unwanted side effects in some people. All medicines can have side effects. Sometimes they are serious, most of the time they are not. You may need medical attention if you get some of the side effects.iarrhoea. confusion. These may be serious side effects and your doctor may need to change your MADOPAR dose. This is not a complete list of all possible side effects. Others may occur in some people and there may be some side effects not yet known." }, { "docid": "8116654", "title": "-", "text": "Save up to 80% instantly!, side_effects_page: Learn about side effects and possible interactions when taking Esgic Plus (Butalbital / Acetaminophen / Caffeine), medicare_seo_page: Medicare coverage and pricing details for Esgic Plus." }, { "docid": "7237495", "title": "How to Prevent Diarrhea While You Take Antibiotics", "text": "Avoid alcohol and caffeine if they’re making your diarrhea worse. Keep in mind alcohol may actually cause severe reactions while you are taking certain antibiotics, so check the label for that information, as well. Eat a more bland diet than you might normally eat. It’s better to use caution than get hit with unpleasant side effects." }, { "docid": "8237429", "title": "How Caffeine Can Elevate Your Heart Rate", "text": "Caffeine elevates heart rate, having a positive effect on exercisers and people who are trying to lose weight. It’s important to consider the negative effects of caffeine consumption–especially overconsumption–on on the body before you make it your go-to beverage of choice." }, { "docid": "5533217", "title": "Proviron (Mesterolone)", "text": "There are possible side effects of Proviron use; however, this steroid carries one of the highest safety ratings among all anabolic steroids. Most men will be able to use this steroid without any negative issue, but possible side effects do exist despite a low probability.y the way Proviron enhances the total free state of the other steroids being used in a stack, it could possibly help the individual breakthrough this sticking point. During the off-season, this is where most will use the largest amount of testosterone." }, { "docid": "4346452", "title": "6-MP", "text": "Side effects: Important things to remember about the side effects of mercaptopurine: 1 Most people do not experience all of the side effects listed. 2 Side effects are often predictable in terms of their onset and duration. Side effects are almost always reversible and will go away after treatment is complete." }, { "docid": "7017535", "title": "Caffeine and Warfarin", "text": "Because of this, the effects you feel from consuming caffeine while taking warfarin may be different from others' experience. If you believe that caffeine may be affecting the way warfarin is working, contact your doctor for advice." }, { "docid": "1179800", "title": "WebMD ® Welcome Community", "text": "Report Problems With Your Medications to the FDA. You are encouraged to report negative side effects of prescription drugs to the FDA. Visit the FDA MedWatch website or call 1-800-FDA-1088." }, { "docid": "6653513", "title": "Pristiq", "text": "DALIRESP is not a bronchodilator and should not be used for treating sudden breathing problems. Please see full Prescribing Information, including Medication Guide. You are encouraged to report negative side effects of prescription drugs to the FDA." }, { "docid": "1653993", "title": "-", "text": "Specifically, decaffeinated roast and ground coffee cannot contain more than 0.1% residual caffeine and decaffeinated instant coffee cannot contain more than 0.3% residual caffeine. The guidelines ensure that consumers of decaffeinated coffee are free from the effects of caffeine." }, { "docid": "6770825", "title": "-", "text": "Some people need more caffeine than others to have the same effect. As a rule, caffeine takes about an hour to reach peak levels in your body. Its effects can last from four to six hours, but your body needs about 24 hours to completely eliminate it." }, { "docid": "3638557", "title": "Arthritis", "text": "Side effects of NSAIDs Side effects of NSAIDs NSAIDs can be effective at managing arthritis pain, but they can also cause side effects. These side effects are more likely if you take a large amount of an NSAID and if you take it for a long time. Common side effects can include stomach pain and ulcers." }, { "docid": "5710977", "title": "Difference Between Caffeine and Nicotine", "text": "Caffeine vs Nicotine. Caffeine and nicotine are two of the most commonly abused drugs in various forms. While coffee is the substance (read beverage) that is consumed by people as an energy drink that contains caffeine, the most popular source of nicotine intake is cigarette. Both drugs have effects that are described differently by those who are used to them." }, { "docid": "3463169", "title": "Caffeine: How much is too much?", "text": "Even among adults, heavy caffeine use can cause unpleasant side effects. And caffeine may not be a good choice for people who are highly sensitive to its effects or who take certain medications. Read on to see if you may need to limit or even end your caffeine routine." }, { "docid": "4594886", "title": "-", "text": "ROASTED MATE (Herbal tea) This is roasted Yerba Mate (Ilex Paraguariensis), from Brazil. One of the greatest drinking herbs! It contains unique type of caffeine that works as a brain stimulant, yet does not cause side effects as regular caffeine: jitters or anxiety for example." } ]
nerve neck pain symptoms
[ { "docid": "3762116", "title": "What Are the Symptoms of a Pinched Neck Nerve?", "text": "Symptoms of a pinched neck nerve vary among individuals and include pain that radiates from the neck, muscle weakness, and a burning or prickling sensation, according to WebMD. Symptoms may occur with or without pain. Continue Reading." } ]
[ { "docid": "2761555", "title": "-", "text": "Symptoms of a pinched nerve in your neck, all of which can extend down into your arms and all the way to your hands and fingers, include: 1 Pain that radiates from your neck. 2 Numbness, burning, or a prickling sensation. 3 Problems with sensation. 4 Feeling weakness." }, { "docid": "153263", "title": "-", "text": "A stiff neck may also be accompanied by a headache, neck pain, shoulder pain and/or arm pain, and cause the individual to turn the entire body as opposed to the neck when trying to look sideways or backwards.Stiffness in the neck, or cervical spine, may be accompanied by shoulder pain or headache.ther infections can also cause stiff neck symptoms, such as meningococcal disease, an infection in the cervical spine. Any time a stiff neck is accompanied by a fever, it is advisable to seek immediate medical attention to check for these possibilities." }, { "docid": "5815274", "title": "Arm pain and Nerve symptoms Symptom Checker", "text": "1 Arm pain and Nerve symptoms and Movement symptoms (41 causes). 2 Arm pain and Nerve symptoms and Muscle symptoms (41 causes). 3 Arm pain and Nerve symptoms and Skin symptoms (39 causes). 4 Arm pain and Nerve symptoms and Weakness (34 causes). 5 Arm pain and Nerve symptoms and MORE SYMPTOMS." }, { "docid": "7112528", "title": "Neck Pain Symptoms", "text": "Onset of Neck Pain Symptoms. Neck pain typically develops in one of the following ways: Slowly over time. Neck pain might start out as mild or only occur toward the end of a work day. But then it might recur and get worse with time. See Workplace Ergonomics and Neck Pain. Immediately following an injury." }, { "docid": "546475", "title": "Cervical Disc Disease Treatment: Managing Neck Pain at Home", "text": "In severe cases, pain and numbness can occur in the arms from nerve irritation or damage. While pain relievers, physical therapy, neck traction, and as a last resort, surgery, can help ease neck pain from cervical disc disease, there are also home remedies you can use to help relieve pain and speed the healing process." }, { "docid": "6382927", "title": "Call for an appointment at (781) 933-5051", "text": "Neck pain has many causes. Mechanical neck pain comes from injury or inflammation in the soft tissues of the neck. This is much different and less concerning than symptoms that come from pressure on the nerve roots as they exit the spinal column. People sometimes refer to this problem as a pinched nerve.." }, { "docid": "4012385", "title": "Patient Info", "text": "Not all pain in the wrist or hand is caused by carpal tunnel syndrome. There are many other conditions with similar symptoms, such as: 1 An injury to the muscles, ligaments, tendons, or bones. 2 Nerve problems in the fingers, elbow, or neck." }, { "docid": "1979124", "title": "Trigger Point Injection", "text": "Shoulder and Neck Pain Health. Shoulder and neck pain may be caused by bursitis, a pinched nerve, whiplash, tendinitis, a herniated disc, or a rotator cuff injury. Symptoms also include weakness, numbness, coolness, color changes, swelling, and deformity." }, { "docid": "1016701", "title": "A Pinched Nerve In The Neck Can Cause Symptoms Of Pain And Muscle Spasm Due To Arthritis Or Disc Problems", "text": "A Pinched Nerve Can Cause Neck And Scapular Pain Without Arm Or Finger Pain. Pain In The Neck or scapular region is one of the most frequent symptoms of a pinched nerve. This neck pain usually is the first sign of radiculopathy and can appear before any symptoms of pain, numbness, or weakness in the arms or fingers." }, { "docid": "1760485", "title": "Neuropathy Signs & Symptoms", "text": "Signs and Symptoms of Nerve Damage. Symptoms of neuropathy depend on the type of nerve(s) affected (e.g., motor, sensory, autonomic) and where the nerve is located in the body. One or more types of nerve may be damaged. Muscle weakness, cramps and spasms are associated with motor nerve damage. In some cases, neuropathy can cause a loss of balance and coordination. Sensory nerve damage can produce tingling, numbness and pain. Pain associated with sensory nerve damage is variously described as:" }, { "docid": "498469", "title": "-", "text": "In some cases, the pinched nerve in the neck will cause severe pain when the person attempts to move the head in any direction. For many people, it can be extremely painful to look up while in a seated position. Other symptoms along these lines can include pain when sneezing or coughing." }, { "docid": "3101259", "title": "Relieve Pinched Nerve Symptoms", "text": "A pinched nerve in the spine is usually caused by an underlying neck or back condition such as degenerative disc disease, spinal stenosis or osteoarthritis.o relieve pinched nerve symptoms (which can include numbness, pain and tingling), a physician will usually recommend one or both of the following conservative treatments:" }, { "docid": "5531541", "title": "Lumbar Herniated Disc - Symptoms", "text": "If the herniated disc isn't pressing on a nerve, you may have an ache in the low back or no symptoms at all. Only a few people who have herniated discs have severe or troublesome symptoms. When the disc does press on a nerve, symptoms may include: Pain that travels through the buttock and down a leg to the ankle or foot because of pressure on the sciatic nerve . Low back pain may accompany the leg pain." }, { "docid": "6459644", "title": "-", "text": "An epidural injection in the neck (cervical spine) involves receiving a cortisone (steroid) injection around the area of the pinched nerve. When a nerve is pinched in the neck, it sparks up inflammation. That will cause pain to go from the neck into the shoulder and down the arm which is called radiculopathy." }, { "docid": "6824987", "title": "Neck Pain Causes & Treatment", "text": "Muscle spasm is among the most common neck pain causes and usually responds to lifestyle modifications and basic therapeutic measures such as massage, heat, traction and anti-inflammatory analgesics that are readily available over the counter.egenerative Neck Pain Causes. Middle age persons may present persisting or recurring neck pain, which is sometimes associated by tingling in the arms or fingers and may even display chest pain from an affected C6 nerve root, sometimes called cervical angina." }, { "docid": "2974021", "title": "Spine specialist explains a pinched nerve in neck can be serious", "text": "Pinched nerves hurt, and large nerves in the neck that get pinched cause severe neck pain.Major nerves in the neck that branch off from the spine that go down into the arms and hands can sometimes get pressed upon in various ways and are pinched as they exit the spinal column.egardless of where or how the nerve is pinched, symptoms of pain, numbness, tingling or weakness of the neck and arms occur. It is difficult to locate the area of actual pinching because these symptoms are registered in the brain as thought the entire nerve is involved when only one small part is being pinched." }, { "docid": "369082", "title": "-", "text": "Some people get get pain in their lower back and leg because of a problem with a nerve / nerve root. Some conditions that include symptoms like this are Herniated Disc, Nerve …compression, and Acute or Chronic Pain. Please note, communication on this site does not create a physician/patient relationship." }, { "docid": "2005817", "title": "Slipped Disc (Herniated Disc)", "text": "For slipped discs in the neck: Neck symptoms and other associated symptoms include numbness, tingling, weakness, or pain in the shoulder, neck, arm, or hand. Symptoms of a herniated disc in the neck often increase or decrease with neck motion. For slipped discs in the lower back, back symptoms include" }, { "docid": "5454889", "title": "Pain or discomfort, Sudden numbness or weakness on one side of body and Weakness", "text": "WebMD Symptom Checker helps you find the most common medical conditions indicated by the symptoms pain or discomfort, sudden numbness or weakness on one side of body and weakness including Peripheral neuropathy, Pinched nerve or stinger, and Cervical (neck) spinal stenosis.ebMD Symptom Checker helps you find the most common medical conditions indicated by the symptoms pain or discomfort, sudden numbness or weakness on one side of body and weakness including Peripheral neuropathy, Pinched nerve or stinger, and Cervical (neck) spinal stenosis." }, { "docid": "2974017", "title": "A Pinched Nerve In The Neck Can Cause Symptoms Of Pain And Muscle Spasm Due To Arthritis Or Disc Problems", "text": "Pain In The Neck or scapular region is one of the most frequent symptoms of a pinched nerve. This neck pain usually is the first sign of radiculopathy and can appear before any symptoms of pain, numbness, or weakness in the arms or fingers.ypical symptoms of a pinched nerve in the neck may be pain, tingling, numbness or muscle weakness in specific areas related to the path that the nerve travels. The symptoms are sometimes made worse by coughing, sneezing or straining as in moving the bowels." }, { "docid": "1501864", "title": "-", "text": "NECK PAIN OVERVIEW. Neck pain can be caused by a number of factors, including muscle strain, ligament sprains, arthritis, or a pinched nerve. Approximately 10 percent of adults have neck pain at any one time. The majority of patients, regardless of the cause of pain, recover with conservative therapy." }, { "docid": "3101266", "title": "The Ins and Outs of a Pinched Nerve in Shoulder", "text": "Symptoms of a Pinched Nerve. The symptoms of a pinched nerve can be as simple as a pain in the shoulder. This pain can be a dull ache or something much more severe. The pain can also increase when the shoulder is moved and as the muscles and bones compress the spaces between them. pinched nerve in shoulder regions of the body may also impact the back muscles and nerves as well. This can lead to lower lumbar and upper lumbar pain as well as pain in the neck and upper back." }, { "docid": "1523114", "title": "Cervical Pinched Nerve", "text": "Numbness or paraesthesia (tingling) may be experienced from the neck to the hand, depending on the distribution of the affected nerve. Muscle weakness may occur on any muscle that is innervated by the pinched nerve. Long term pressure on the nerve can produce atrophy or wasting of that particular muscle. Pain in the neck or radicular to the shoulder blade and arm. Pain and tenderness localized at the level of the involved nerve." }, { "docid": "340667", "title": "-", "text": "Central disc protrusion is a type of spinal disc disorder that can result in neck or back pain, as well as other symptoms due to nerve irritation." }, { "docid": "7504277", "title": "Blisters and Neck rash Symptom Checker", "text": "1 Blisters and Neck rash and Nerve symptoms (5 causes). 2 Blisters and Neck rash and Scaly skin (5 causes). 3 Blisters and Neck rash and Sensory symptoms (5 causes). 4 Blisters and Neck rash and Skin infections (5 causes)." }, { "docid": "2874782", "title": "Neck Pain referred to the Shoulder", "text": "If the pain is from your neck joints (cervical spine) and ligaments the pain is often a dull ache. If the pain is from a trapped nerve then the pain can be very, very severe. You may also get pins and needles or numbness in your hand." }, { "docid": "358755", "title": "Neck Pain Causes & Treatment", "text": "Degenerative Neck Pain Causes. Middle age persons may present persisting or recurring neck pain, which is sometimes associated by tingling in the arms or fingers and may even display chest pain from an affected C6 nerve root, sometimes called cervical angina." }, { "docid": "5449901", "title": "-", "text": "If you are researching the causes, symptoms and treatments of your neck or back pain, you may have come across discogenic disease and its definition." }, { "docid": "4755019", "title": "Causes of a Stiff Neck & How to Naturally Treat It", "text": "Stiff neck symptoms usually dissolve within a couple of days but might last longer, sometimes for several weeks. Neck pain could also wax and wane, becoming worse again with sudden movement, stress or bad sleep. The most common signs and symptoms of a stiff neck include: soreness, pain or tightness in the neck. trouble moving the neck without pain (especially when rotating the head side to side or rolling the neck down and toward the chest) difficulty getting comfortable when sleeping. tension headaches." }, { "docid": "6421382", "title": "The Complete Headache Chart", "text": "Arthritis Headaches. Symptoms: Pain at the back of head or neck which intensifies on movement. It is caused by inflammation of the blood vessels of the head or bony changes in the structures of the neck. Precipitating Factors: Cause of pain is unknown." } ]
average ufc salary
[ { "docid": "6495958", "title": "5 Shocking Facts About The UFC Pay Scale", "text": "[4] The median average wage for a top 15 fighter in the UFC is just $30,500 per year. [5] Floyd Mayweather, in the 12 months between summer 2011 and summer 2012, made approximately four times more in guaranteed salary than the entire UFC roster combined. He fought twice." } ]
[ { "docid": "6014012", "title": "-", "text": "Average Marketing Salaries. The average salary for marketing jobs is $44,000. Average marketing salaries can vary greatly due to company, location, industry, experience and benefits. This salary was calculated using the average salary for all jobs with the term marketing anywhere in the job listing." }, { "docid": "8585775", "title": "124 The HON Company Employee Salaries", "text": "$66K Senior Manufacturing Engineer Average Salary at The HON Company (5 salaries) - 1 $14K (19%) less than national average Senior Manufacturing Engineer salary ($80K) + 2 $6K (9%) more than average The HON Company salary ($60K) + 3 $10K (15%) more than average The HON Company salary ($60K) + 4 $8K (12%) more than average The HON Company salary ($60K)" }, { "docid": "1527988", "title": "-", "text": "Average Salaries of UFC Referees in 2015. Mixed martial arts is getting popular with time to time. There is huge number of athletes and fighters who joined different platforms of MMA like (UFC and Strike force) .There are number of questions been asked on internet that how much does a MMA referee make from a fight.f he will be the part official team of referee and he is referee in more then 2 match he can earn $600 almost. As UFC PPV’s matches happen every month and weekly a UFC referee can make upton $1,500 to $2,000 from the main card fights. Filed Under: Money." }, { "docid": "2453771", "title": "1,123 Costco Employee Salaries", "text": "1,123 Costco Employee Salaries. 1 $19K Cashier Average Salary at Costco (125 salaries) 2 $39K Supervisor Average Salary at Costco (30 salaries) 3 $22K Service Clerk Average Salary at Costco (18 salaries) 4 $32K Food Court Assistant Average Salary at Costco (3 salaries) 5 $48K Merchandise Lead Average Salary at Costco (1 salaries)" }, { "docid": "5922394", "title": "-", "text": "Average Photographer Salaries. The average salary for photographer jobs is $30,000. Average photographer salaries can vary greatly due to company, location, industry, experience and benefits. This salary was calculated using the average salary for all jobs with the term photographer anywhere in the job listing." }, { "docid": "349252", "title": "-", "text": "Institution Type. Average 9 Month Salary. The average salary for all faculty working a nine month period, the length of the average school year not including summer instruction. This nine month salary is typically paid over the course of 12 months. Average Salary: This is the average amount of money faculty members are paid per year. 2 In addition to the average salary of all faculty members, you can examine the discrepancies between the average yearly earnings of men and women at each school." }, { "docid": "3190001", "title": "-", "text": "What is the average salary for Builder jobs? The average salary for Builder jobs is £37,500. In January 2018, the average salary for Builder jobs fell by £3,437 (12%). Read on to find out how much Builder jobs pay across various UK locations and industries. Average" }, { "docid": "6020647", "title": "-", "text": "The average salary for optician jobs is $31,000. Average optician salaries can vary greatly due to company, location, industry, experience and benefits. This salary was calculated using the average salary for all jobs with the term optician anywhere in the job listing." }, { "docid": "7287279", "title": "48 Hunton & Williams Employee Salaries", "text": "$59K Professional Assistant Average Salary at Hunton & Williams (5 salaries) + 1 $16K (31%) more than national average Professional Assistant salary ($43K) - 2 $1K (1%) less than average Hunton & Williams salary ($60K) - 3 $5K (8%) less than average Hunton & Williams salary ($60K) + 4 $15K (22%) more than average Hunton & Williams salary ($60K)" }, { "docid": "1838958", "title": "1,430 AECOM Employee Salaries", "text": "$66K Mechanical Engineer Average Salary at AECOM (17 salaries) + 1 $4K (6%) more than national average Mechanical Engineer salary ($62K) + 2 $4K (6%) more than average AECOM salary ($62K) + 3 $13K (18%) more than average AECOM salary ($62K) + 4 $19K (26%) more than average AECOM salary ($62K) + 5 $33K (42%) more than average AECOM salary ($62K)" }, { "docid": "7728120", "title": "UK Salaries By Age", "text": "It shows the average top salary that our respondents have earned during their career, based on the age of the respondents. For instance, if the table has age 25 and a salary of £25,000 it means on average that respondents who are 25 have had a maximum salary of £25,000.t shows the average top salary that our respondents have earned during their career, based on the age of the respondents. For instance, if the table has age 25 and a salary of £25,000 it means on average that respondents who are 25 have had a maximum salary of £25,000." }, { "docid": "2352493", "title": "-", "text": "Lowest annual salary for a gymnastics coach ($3,200) was received by a female high school coach and the maximum salary was received by a female college coach ($81,800). Average male income was $35,034 versus average female income of $34,394.he average salary of assistant coaches was $32,974, while the average salary of head coaches was $36,055. For clubs: The average male club coach salary was $32,632 while the average female salary was $26,640." }, { "docid": "7542522", "title": "28 Big R Employee Salaries", "text": "$33K Assistant Merchandising Manager Average Salary at Big R (3 salaries) - 1 $9K (24%) less than national average Assistant Merchandising Manager salary ($42K) + 2 $3K (9%) more than average Big R salary ($30K) 3 Equal to average Big R salary ($30K) 4 Equal to average Big R salary ($30K) + 5 $10K (28%) more than average Big R salary ($30K)" }, { "docid": "1734841", "title": "3,780 BAE Systems Employee Salaries", "text": "$71K Systems Engineer Average Salary at BAE Systems (95 salaries) Equal to national average Systems Engineer salary ($71K) -$8K (10%) less than average BAE Systems salary ($79K)" }, { "docid": "4561571", "title": "16 Sherwood Food Distributors Employee Salaries", "text": "$28K Truck Driver Average Salary at Sherwood Food Distributors (2 salaries) -$8K (25%) less than national average Truck Driver salary ($36K) -$1K (3%) less than average Sherwood Food Distributors salary ($29K)" }, { "docid": "6089910", "title": "-", "text": "Average Teacher Salary in Coffee County. The average teacher salary in Coffee County is $43,060. To learn how to become a teacher in the Coffee County, read our how to become a teacher in Alabama article. For average salary information, read our average teacher salary in Alabama article." }, { "docid": "924310", "title": "662 Sonic Drive-In Employee Salaries", "text": "$31K Assistant Manager Average Salary at Sonic Drive-In (142 salaries) + 1 $1K (3%) more than national average Assistant Manager salary ($30K) + 2 $6K (21%) more than average Sonic Drive-In salary ($25K) - 3 $7K (32%) less than average Sonic Drive-In salary ($25K) + 4 $16K (48%) more than average Sonic Drive-In salary ($25K)" }, { "docid": "4868548", "title": "-", "text": "Average Service Writer Salaries. The average salary for service writer jobs is $50,000. Average service writer salaries can vary greatly due to company, location, industry, experience and benefits. This salary was calculated using the average salary for all jobs with the term service writer anywhere in the job listing.verage Service Writer Salaries. The average salary for service writer jobs is $50,000. Average service writer salaries can vary greatly due to company, location, industry, experience and benefits. This salary was calculated using the average salary for all jobs with the term service writer anywhere in the job listing." }, { "docid": "7421995", "title": "Nursing Assistant", "text": "$24,245 = Average Certified nurse assistant salary in Anaheim, CA. $20,171 = Average Certified nurse assistant salary in Bakersfield, CA. Nursing Assistant Salary in CA. $20,978 = Average CNA Salary in Chico, CA." }, { "docid": "6512577", "title": "83 T-Mobile Retail Sales Associate Salaries", "text": "$35K Fullerton, CA Retail Sales Associate Average Salary at T-Mobile 1 ·. +$8K (25%) more than national average Retail Sales Associate salary ($27K) - 2 $10K (25%) less than average T-Mobile salary ($45K) + 3 $3K (10%) more than national average Retail Sales Associate salary ($27K) - 4 $15K (40%) less than average T-Mobile salary ($45K)" }, { "docid": "4115229", "title": "-", "text": "EXPERIENCE UFC LIVE WITH UFC FIGHT PASS. With UFC FIGHT PASS, you get unrestricted access to International UFC Fight Nights and early preliminary bouts known as Exclusive UFC FIGHT PASS Prelims. START YOUR 7-DAY FREE TRIAL." }, { "docid": "7195495", "title": "Average and Minimum Salary in Buenos Aires, Argentina", "text": "This is the second highest minimum salary in South America, only behind Ecuador, which is the first major exporter of bananas worldwide. Average Salary in Buenos Aires. According to Numbeo, the average monthly salary is roughly 864 USD. This figure is significantly high in comparison to Quito, the capital of Ecuador, whose average salary is 496 USD." }, { "docid": "8354484", "title": "UFC Increases PPV price for announced 2015 events", "text": "According to UFC.TV and multiple PPV providers such as DirecTV and Time Warner, the UFC will charge consumers an estimated $59.99 HD/$49.99 SD for all PPVs scheduled in 2015 so far, which include UFC 182: Jones vs Cormier, UFC 183: Silva vs Diaz and UFC 184: Weidman vs Belfort. Payout Perspective : UFC President Dana White went on record (MMAFighting) years ago, stating that PPV prices would never be raised and would stay at their regular price of $54.95/$44.95 SD. That tune changed for UFC 168 in December of 2013, when the PPV price was raised to $59.95 HD/$49.95 SD." }, { "docid": "1734844", "title": "3,780 BAE Systems Employee Salaries", "text": "$71K Software Engineer Average Salary at BAE Systems (103 salaries) 1 Equal to national average Software Engineer salary ($71K) - 2 $8K (10%) less than average BAE Systems salary ($79K) + 3 $51K (48%) more than average BAE Systems salary ($79K) - 4 $12K (16%) less than average BAE Systems salary ($79K) + 5 $6K (7%) more than average BAE Systems salary ($79K)" }, { "docid": "228078", "title": "UFC raising pay-per-view prices -- permanently -- to offset rising production costs", "text": "Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) is raising its pay-per-view (PPV) prices by $5 to offset the rising cost of producing live events. That means the increase for UFC 182, UFC 183, and UFC 184 will remain in effect indefinitely, despite this past promise." }, { "docid": "7921067", "title": "UFC Fight Night: Maia vs. LaFlare", "text": "UFC Fight Night: Maia vs. LaFlare. UFC Fight Night: Maia vs. LaFlare (also known as UFC Fight Night 62) was a mixed martial arts event held on March 21, 2015 at the Ginásio do Maracanãzinho in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Contents." }, { "docid": "726486", "title": "-", "text": "The $46,970 earned by the average worker in Portland ranks No. 67 on a list of average… more. The highest average salary in Oregon is in Corvallis, where workers earn an average of $47,120 a year.Portland was No. 2, followed by Eugene-Springfield, where the average salary is $40,900; Salem, where the average salary is $40,560; and Bend, where the average salary is $39,620.he $46,970 earned by the average worker in Portland ranks No. 67 on a list of average… more. The average salary for workers in the Portland metro area is $46,970." }, { "docid": "2814474", "title": "-", "text": "Average rheumatologist salary. According to Pay Scale, the average salary range for a rheumatologist in the United States ranges between $129,835 and $186,134.ccording to all salary survey, the average expected salary and the median salary for a consultant rheumatologist in the United Kingdom is about £100,000 per annum. An average hourly wage for a consultant rheumatologist is about £50." }, { "docid": "8465297", "title": "286 Northside Hospital Employee Salaries", "text": "$58K Registered Nurse Average Salary at Northside Hospital (32 salaries) - 1 $2K (3%) less than national average Registered Nurse salary ($60K) + 2 $17K (34%) more than average Northside Hospital salary ($41K) + 3 $14K (29%) more than average Northside Hospital salary ($41K) - 4 $1K (2%) less than average Northside Hospital salary ($41K)" }, { "docid": "566074", "title": "UFC Career Fighter Earnings", "text": "Official UFC Reebok sponsorship money was added into the figures starting with UFC 189. Also, many athletic commissions don’t report fighter’s salary info, so for those we’ve estimated a fighter’s purse based on what they have earned in their other fights." } ]
average umbrella company fee
[ { "docid": "903586", "title": "Contractor umbrella company fees â how much to pay", "text": "Typically, you will be charged a weekly or monthly fee for using an umbrella company. Many of the biggest umbrella companies charge between £25 and £30 per week (2013 prices), although there seems to be a wider difference between the monthly fees charged – between £80 and £130 per month as a rough guide.t’s worth remembering that price is just one factor you should consider before you choose a contractor umbrella company. If you opt for a company which charges a percentage of the value of your invoices, you could potentially pay a lot more than you would with a fixed fee company." } ]
[ { "docid": "333353", "title": "Retainer Fees", "text": "Retainer fee deposit amounts are dependent on the specific investigation service provided. For example, data research may require an average deposit of $500-$1500 while infidelity, child custody and workers compensation cases may require an average retainer fee deposit between $1,500-$5,000.Criminal defense work may require an average retainer fee of $1,500-$3,500.or example, data research may require an average deposit of $500-$1500 while infidelity, child custody and workers compensation cases may require an average retainer fee deposit between $1,500-$5,000." }, { "docid": "6915768", "title": "Franchise fee", "text": "For the cable television franchise fee in the United States, see Cable television franchise fee. A franchise fee is a fee that a person pays to operate a franchise branch of a larger company and enjoy the profits therefrom.y joining a franchise an investor or franchisee is able to run a business under the umbrella of the franchise. The franchisee must pay a franchise fee, which may become costly. In the USA it may amount to thousands of dollars." }, { "docid": "4840417", "title": "-", "text": "The following graph shows the median fees charged by fee-only advisory firms 4 and those charged by Sierra Wealth Advisors. For example, a client with $2,000,000 of assets would pay other fee-only advisors an annual fee of 0.75% on average, versus a fee of 0.50% at Sierra Wealth Advisors." }, { "docid": "3718582", "title": "-", "text": "Franchise fee: $45,000 . Service fee: 4% of gross sales . Advertising fee: 5% of gross sales . Average sales per unit in 2013: $942,000. McDonald's: $955,708 to $2.3 million . Reuters Minimum liquid assets: $750,000 . Franchise fee: $45,000 . Service fee: 4% of gross sales . Average sales per unit in 2013:$2.5 million" }, { "docid": "7399645", "title": "Umbrella Insurance Cost", "text": "Determining Umbrella Insurance Cost. Cost is a key factor when you are shopping for umbrella insurance. When looking for the lowest cost policy or ensuring you have the best value on the policy you already hold, it’s a good idea to understand the factors that go into the cost of your umbrella insurance premium." }, { "docid": "8068018", "title": "How Recruiters Make Money and Get Paid", "text": "Here are some different aspects of this fee: 1 The company always pays the fee, not the candidate. 2 External recruiters typically receive fees from multiple organizations. They refer to these organizations as their “clients” or “client companies.”. 3 The amount of each placement fee is different." }, { "docid": "1437225", "title": "SunTrust Everyday", "text": "There is no service charge for using one of Wells Fargo ATMs. If you withdraw money from another bank's ATM, you can expect to pay $2.50, which is about $0.85 more than what the average bank will charge. If you travel, the $5 international ATM fee is a fair price given that the average is $3.06. Monthly Fee & Balance Requirements. The monthly fee is below average by about $5.00. You must make an initial deposit of $50, which is about average for most checking accounts. Lastly, the Student checking account has a relatively low required balance, given that most banks require a balance around $1,000." }, { "docid": "6893987", "title": "What fees are accountants charging?", "text": "Financial statements for a non-audit company can cost up to R200,000, depending on the size and complexity of the client. The average per hour fee for financial statements (non-audit company) is R898.he size and complexity of the client and the time spent on the service influence the fee charged, whether in total or per hour/item. An Income Tax Return for an individual (IT12) costs on average R1,164, but can cost up to R87,550." }, { "docid": "1219504", "title": "Learn the Ins and Outs of Setting Up ACH Billing for Your Small Business", "text": "7 Things You Need to Know About ACH billing. Not always, but typically this can be true if the company or processor is charging a flat transaction fee. The larger your average ticket, the more the savings. For example, if your average ticket runs at $50, a credit card transaction fee with a rate of 2.3% can be $1.45." }, { "docid": "7175661", "title": "10 Secrets Your Therapist Wonât Tell You", "text": "Yes, you pay your $10 or $20 co-pay to see a therapist, but the majority of their fee will often come from your insurance company. And what your therapist will rarely tell you is how much work it can take to actually get themselves paid from your insurance company." }, { "docid": "5299696", "title": "Acronyms &Abbreviations", "text": "Generally dental offices have a fee schedule, or a list of prices for the dental services or procedures they offer. Dental insurance companies have similar fee schedules which is generally based on Usual and Customary dental services, an average of fees in your area. The fee schedule is commonly used as the transactional instrument between the insurance company, dental office and/or dentist, and the consumer. 1 Types of cover." }, { "docid": "8489308", "title": "-", "text": "The cost of recharging a fire extinguisher will depend on the size, the type, as well as the company that will be performing the service. 1 On average, a basic recharge can cost anywhere from $10 to $30.2 On top of that charge, an additional $2 to $4 per pound chemical fee will apply as well.he cost of recharging a fire extinguisher will depend on the size, the type, as well as the company that will be performing the service. 1 On average, a basic recharge can cost anywhere from $10 to $30." }, { "docid": "1326496", "title": "Here's What It Costs To Open A McDonald's Restaurant", "text": "In addition to those costs, McDonald's charges a $45,000 franchisee fee and an ongoing monthly service fee equal to 4% of gross sales. Franchisees must also pay rent to the company, which is a percentage of monthly sales." }, { "docid": "615076", "title": "-", "text": "Under the fee schedule established in the bill, a health care provider or medical records company could not directly charge to recoup these costs. These expenditures would need to be covered under the $20 search fee and 20¢ per page cost for paper copies." }, { "docid": "1564401", "title": "Fees & Rates", "text": "In the event that you terminate propane service with the Company prior to the end of the Initial Term, the Company will charge you an Early Termination Fee as of the date of your request. The Early Termination Fee is $149.99." }, { "docid": "6639422", "title": "Average rate on 30-year home loan 4.37%", "text": "One point equals 1% of the loan amount. The average fee for a 30-year mortgage was unchanged at 0.7 point. The fee for a 15-year loan also remained at 0.7 point. The average rate on a one-year adjustable-rate mortgage fell to 2.52% from 2.57%. The average fee increased to 0.4 point from 0.3 point." }, { "docid": "2216497", "title": "Breast Augmentation Costs", "text": "breast augmentation surgery cost tends to include the surgeon s fee anesthesia fee operating room fee and implant fee if applicable the national average plastic surgeon fee for breast augmentation with silicone gel implants is about $ 3800 according to the american society for aesthetic plastic surgery" }, { "docid": "4182723", "title": "-", "text": "The Speed Cart V2 comes with an umbrella holder that is clipped on. the side of the handle tube and an umbrella holder mount that is. located on the handle grip. To use your umbrella, screw the umbrella. holder clockwise onto the umbrella holder mount. Then place your. umbrella handle inside the holder. If you are using a Sun Mountain." }, { "docid": "8800689", "title": "-", "text": "Property managers are not free. Managers will charge a fee, on average, between 4% and 10% of the monthly gross income for the property. The typical fee for a single family rental property is closer to 10%." }, { "docid": "5059981", "title": "How Long Does Expediated Shipping Take", "text": "How long does expedited shipping take also depends upon the charges taken by a shipping company. For instance, many shipping companies, usually ship the goods without charging a shipping fee. Whereas, many shipping companies usually charge a shipping fee for the goods being transported to the other party." }, { "docid": "3761036", "title": "-", "text": "A limited liability company is formed in Minnesota by submitting the Articles of Organization and paying the filing fee to the Office of the Minnesota Secretary of State. Submit the articles by mail, in person or online. When filing by mail, pay a $135 filing fee." }, { "docid": "5804940", "title": "Average Income Tax Preparation Fees for TY 2013", "text": "Taxpayers should also make sure they provide information on time to avoid additional fees. Some will charge an average fee of $44 to file an extension, an average fee of $78 to expedite a return, and an average fee of $85 if information is not provided by 15 days in advance of a filing deadline." }, { "docid": "1578240", "title": "-", "text": "Comments (9) really depends on the company. business development is a very large umbrella. in some companies, corp dev. is internal m&a. some companies, internal m&a falls under corporate finance. in some companies all of what u described is under one group. regardless, u geenrally need some work experience in ib/consulting" }, { "docid": "6400173", "title": "How Much Does an Umbrella Cost?", "text": "1 On average, an umbrella can cost anywhere from $5 to as much as $200 for a higher end one. 2 A golf umbrella can range anywhere from $8 to as much as $45. A clear umbrella can cost anywhere from $4 to as much as $50. 2 Patio umbrellas tend to be on the higher end costing anywhere from $30 to as much as $200. 3 Umbrellas can be found everywhere. 4 You can even purchase one from a grocery stores." }, { "docid": "7296445", "title": "How Much Do Portable Storage Units Cost?", "text": "Average prices for portable storage units. For local moves that are within 25 miles, the average cost for a 7-foot POD is around $116 per month, along with an initial delivery fee of around $90-100. Another delivery fee of between $100-225 will be added when the POD is shipped to your destination." }, { "docid": "6880114", "title": "Credit Card Debt Principal Vs. Fees & Interest", "text": "Depending on which company you use, your credit card company may tack on an annual fee, typically on the order of $75 a year. And yes, the interest rate also applies to this fee. If you're late with your payment or if you go over your credit limit, the company will add on fees for these things as well. In this way, it's possible to go over your credit limit without charging your way past it." }, { "docid": "1786547", "title": "Average closing costs by state", "text": "Average closing costs by state. Bankrate.com researchers gathered closing-cost data from 7 to 10 lenders in all states and the District of Columbia. Click a state for a fee-by-fee breakdown of the average closing costs for a mortgage." }, { "docid": "5620335", "title": "How to Choose the Right Patio Umbrella for Your Yard", "text": "Types of Patio Umbrellas. Not all patio umbrellas are the same, and determining the right type of patio umbrella for your yard, is an important first step. The term patio umbrella actually refers to any type of umbrella that is used for providing shade for leisurely activities." }, { "docid": "25329", "title": "-", "text": "The investment advisory fee or management fee is the money necessary to pay the manager(s) of the mutual fund. On average, this fee is about 0.50% to 1.0% annually of the fund's assets, and is necessary to make sure that the manager of the fund can be very well-dressed at all times and is able to go on good vacations." }, { "docid": "6241277", "title": "-", "text": "Hello-. We are about to buy a home in the Philadelphia metro area, and, when reviewing the exclusive buyer agreement, noted a $295 fee that we would be responsible for. Our realtor explained that his company charged this for processing of fees, etc.ello-. We are about to buy a home in the Philadelphia metro area, and, when reviewing the exclusive buyer agreement, noted a $295 fee that we would be responsible for. Our realtor explained that his company charged this for processing of fees, etc." } ]
nikon dslr price in india
[ { "docid": "6182163", "title": "-", "text": "We have selected the best selling Nikon DSLR Cameras in this page. Click the menu to find all Nikon DSLR Cameras and their respective prices in India. Currently 63 Nikon DSLR Cameras are available in the price range of Rs. 18490 to Rs. 480943." } ]
[ { "docid": "391874", "title": "-", "text": "Renault Captur Teased In India Ahead Of Launch This Year. 1 Renault Captur is likely to be powered by the same 1.6L petrol and 1.5L diesel engine sourced from Duster; will become new flagship model. 2 Renault Captur India Launch. 3 Renault Captur India Price. 4 Renault Captur Engine, Specification and Mileage. 5 Renault Captur India Dimensions." }, { "docid": "1108201", "title": "-", "text": "Samsung Galaxy Note 3 Price Starts from Rs. 21900. The best price for Samsung Galaxy Note 3 Price is Rs. 21900 at Amazon.in. The price list was fetched from top online stores in India and was last refreshed on 17 Apr 2017." }, { "docid": "7386976", "title": "How to stop the highlights from blinking in your LCD screen", "text": "Nikon cameras have a useful setting called the highlights mode. When your camera is in this mode and you preview a photograph you have taken, the brightest portions of the image, as well as area's that are overexposed, are shown with a flashing border." }, { "docid": "4149948", "title": "Apple iPhone 6s Price", "text": "Apple iPhone 6s Price in India. 1 The best price of Apple iPhone 6s is Rs. 2 Above are the lowest prices for Apple iPhone 6s collected from popular online stores. 3 Pricebaba can help you save Rs. Currently Apple iPhone 6s is in stock across 6 stores, viz." }, { "docid": "5566907", "title": "-", "text": "Schedule a phone call from Bangalore, India to Mumbai, India Since Bangalore, India and Mumbai, India are in the same time zone, you can call someone during your normal hours and it will be the same time in Mumbai, India as it is in Bangalore, India." }, { "docid": "1258749", "title": "Nikon Repair Service", "text": "Nikon Repair Service. Nikon Repair Service restores your product to factory standards with genuine Nikon parts. Our self-service repair site makes it easy to manage the entire process—from getting a cost estimate and shipping your product to us until it's safely back in your hands. Schedule a Repair." }, { "docid": "1984277", "title": "-", "text": "In India, the Consumer Price Index or CPI measures changes in the prices paid by consumers for a basket of goods and services. This page provides-India Consumer Price Index (CPI) - actual values, historical data, forecast, chart, statistics, economic calendar and news. Content for-India Consumer Price Index (CPI) - was last refreshed on Tuesday, October 13, 2015." }, { "docid": "7352129", "title": "Nikon D5200 For Dummies Cheat Sheet", "text": "Controls on Your Nikon D5200 Camera. If you're not familiar with the Nikon D5200, here's a quick guide to its buttons, dials, and other external controls. The D5200 is available as a kit with the lens shown, the Nikkor 18–55mm AF-S DX (Vibration Reduction) model." }, { "docid": "6517296", "title": "5 best cow breed for dairy business in India", "text": "Jersey Cow (Price Rs 30,000 to Rs 80,000) This is a very popular name in the breeds of cows in India. Jersey cows are almost everywhere in India and they are highly in demand due to high production of milk and lower maintenance. Jersey cows are available in brown and almost black." }, { "docid": "6690973", "title": "-", "text": "Read on as we explain why the shutter count of a DSLR camera matters and how to check it. Note: The techniques outlined in this article can be used to check the shutter count on mirrorless cameras, like the compact Nikon 1, as well as DSLR cameras." }, { "docid": "5890769", "title": "Gold and Silver Price in India in Indian Rupee (INR)", "text": "Gold price chart for the previous 30 days in Indian Rupee (INR) per gram Karat 24. The following tables shows the latest silver price in India calculated in Indian Rupee (INR). The prices are are based on live spot gold price (Bid Price). The last update was on Sunday 16 April 2017." }, { "docid": "8518698", "title": "Canon EOS 1200D (EOS Rebel T5 / EOS Kiss X70)", "text": "The Canon EOS Rebel T5 is a solid entry-level DSLR with a price that will please the budget-conscious. It improves upon its predecessor, the T3, by upping the HD video resolution to 1080 x 1920 and the sensor's resolution to 18 megapixels." }, { "docid": "69298", "title": "-", "text": "1 The best price of Xiaomi Redmi Note 4G is 8999 in Saholic, which is 0% less than the cost of Redmi Note 4G in Saholic (Rs. 2 8999). 3 The price is valid in all major cities of India including Bangalore, Hyderabad, Chennai, Mumbai, Delhi and Pune." }, { "docid": "179351", "title": "-", "text": "Renault Captur Price (Rs. 10 to 14.06 lakhs) in India. Find Renault Captur Reviews, Features, Colors, Images at CarTrade. Get on road price for Captur in your city." }, { "docid": "5852423", "title": "-", "text": "Petrol Prices, India Road Travel, India, Mumbai Guide, Auto Gas,Petrol Price India, Diesel Price India, Petrol Rates India, Diesel Rates India, Fuel India, Fuel Calculator, Petrolium India, CNG, PNG, Car Fuel," }, { "docid": "6182171", "title": "Nikon DSLR Cameras Price List in India", "text": "Prices of all Nikon DSLR Cameras are compiled and compared from Leading Online Shops. We have selected the best selling Nikon DSLR Cameras in this page. Click the menu to find all Nikon DSLR Cameras and their respective prices in India. Currently 63 Nikon DSLR Cameras are available in the price range of Rs." }, { "docid": "517885", "title": "Himalaya Shampoo in India 2018", "text": "Himalaya Shampoo in India 2017. View updated prices of Himalaya Shampoo in India as on 17 April 2017. The Price List includes a total of 8 Himalaya Shampoo for online shopping. Find lowest prices in India} along with product specifications, key features, pictures, ratings & more." }, { "docid": "7386982", "title": "-", "text": "Dark tones are on the left in the graph, light tones on the right. Several Nikon D-SLRs will display histograms that represent a photograph's RGB (red, green, blue) tones. Nikon D-SLRs allow you to magnify a specific part of an image." }, { "docid": "8366095", "title": "Nikon", "text": "Nikkor is the brand of lenses produced by Nikon Corporation, including camera lenses for the Nikon F-mount. Nikko parent company brand, from which the Nikkor brand evolved." }, { "docid": "3354973", "title": "-", "text": "Difference Between SLR and DSLR. SLR and DSLR are two different types of the modern camera. Cameras have traditionally played an important role in keeping our memories of good times intact in the form of photographs. Times have changed and we have switched over from films to digital cameras." }, { "docid": "4538502", "title": "Whats the best digital camera for portrait photography?", "text": "A DSLR would be best for portraits, entry level models would be the Nikon D40 or Canon EOS-1000D...or perhaps the Pentax line. 85mm fixed lens is a good choice. You can get a compact like the Canon SX1 that has a decent zoom. Just depends on whether you are looking for pro results or casual snapshots/portraits. Some of my best ever candid portaits were with an Olympus C2100UZ, a 2MP 10X zoom camera." }, { "docid": "6529917", "title": "In what areas is occupancy tax collection and remittance by Airbnb available?", "text": "Guests who book Airbnb listings that are located in the Country of India will pay the following taxes as part of their reservation: 1 India Service Tax: 14% of the listing price including any cleaning fee, less a 40% abatement." }, { "docid": "78862", "title": "-", "text": "Comments about Sigma 35mm f/1.4 DG HSM Art Lens for Nikon DSLR Cameras: I was hesitant on getting this lens, and I should have passed from the beginning. This lens is sharp at close distances but past 8ft its so inconsistent. I used it with a Nikon D810 and I was getting 1/4 shots in focus." }, { "docid": "7731510", "title": "What Is an NEF File?", "text": "An abbreviation for Nikon Electronic Format, and used solely on Nikon cameras, a file with the NEF file extension is a Nikon Raw Image file. Like other RAW image files, NEF files retain everything captured by the camera before any processing is undergone, including the metadata like the camera and lens model." }, { "docid": "352741", "title": "-", "text": "Stock analysis for Lupin Ltd (LPC:Natl India) including stock price, stock chart, company news, key statistics, fundamentals and company profile. Stock analysis for Lupin Ltd (LPC:Natl India) including stock price, stock chart, company news, key statistics, fundamentals and company profile. Bloomberg the Company & Its Products Bloomberg Anywhere Remote Login Bloomberg Anywhere Login Bloomberg Terminal Demo Request" }, { "docid": "829056", "title": "-", "text": "The Bushnell Banner scopes are crap. Spend the extra money and get a Nikon prostaff...waterproof, fogproof, shockproof, and a lifetime warrentee. On top of that, they are fairly affordable ($120-200)." }, { "docid": "1582868", "title": "-", "text": "Your Reason has been Submitted to the admin. Drug firm Zydus Cadila today launched biosimilar of Adalimumab, used for treatment of auto immune disorders, at a price much lower than the innovator drug in India." }, { "docid": "5299650", "title": "-", "text": "kubota tractor prices tractors prices kubota price kubota tractor prices japan new john deere tractor prices massey tractor price in india john deere used tractor prices used john deere tractor prices used agricultural tractors price massey ferguson tractor price in india up tractor prices iso tractor prices end tractor prices equip tractor prices ..." }, { "docid": "7016814", "title": "Motorola Moto C Plus", "text": "The latest price of Samsung ATIV S was obtained on 9th April 2017 04:26:21. All prices in the above table are in Indian Rupees. The Samsung ATIV S is available in. The price is valid in all major cities of India including Bangalore, Hyderabad, Chennai, Mumbai, Delhi and Pune. Please check instructions at the specific stores for any deviation. Buy Samsung ATIV S online in India for the lowest price." }, { "docid": "7524388", "title": "Which DSLR Camera Should I Buy? â The Answer!", "text": "Nikon D5100 – $749. The Nikon is a very good camera for the price. It has slightly less megapixels than the Canon, at just 16, but I assure you, that’s more than enough. Like the Canon, it also has a fold-out screen, which can be tilted, and shoots full HD video.It’s also cheaper.ick up the camera. Whether it’s in the store, your friend’s cameras, or something you’ve loaned before, one of the brands will feel better. I personally find Canon much easier to use than Nikon, but that’s down to me. I also like how it feels in my hands." } ]
nordictrack fusion cst cost
[ { "docid": "3022631", "title": "NordicTrack Fusion CST Reviews", "text": "Cost/Price Plans Currently the NordicTrack Fusion CST is priced at $1,999.00 while a one year subscription of their iFit Coaching Service is priced at $468.00, for a total of $2,467.00 due at the time of checkout before they assess taxes and shipping costs." } ]
[ { "docid": "7158243", "title": "2017Ford Fusion Hybrid", "text": "For 2017 the refreshed Ford Fusion Hybrid gains a top-of-the-line Platinum trim, and adds technology and safety features. The 2017 Ford Fusion Hybrid sedan is available in four trims: the S, SE, Titanium, and the new Platinum." }, { "docid": "5507313", "title": "Prism fusion range", "text": "Prism fusion range. The prism fusion range (PFR) or fusional vergence amplitude is a clinical eye test performed by orthoptists, optometrists, and ophthalmologists to assess motor fusion, specifically the extent to which a patient can maintain binocular single vision (BSV) in the presence of increasing vergence demands." }, { "docid": "789014", "title": "PLIF, ALIF, TLIF and XLIF: Alphabet soup or surgical treatments for the spine?", "text": "Spinal fusion is a surgical procedure in which two or more vertebrae are joined or fused together. Fusion surgeries typically require the use of bone graft to facilitate fusion." }, { "docid": "132562", "title": "TIMEBIE", "text": "Except those regions that use CST all year long, AST starts at 2 AM on the first Sunday of November each year, turn the clock 1 hour back to 1 AM at that time, and CST ends at 2 AM on the second Sunday in March each year, turn the clock 1 hour forward to 3 AM at that time." }, { "docid": "8428647", "title": "Spinal fusion", "text": "Stabilization rods used after spinal fusion surgery. In most cases, the fusion is augmented by a process called fixation, involving the placement of metallic screws (pedicle screws often made from titanium), rods, plates, or cages to stabilize the vertebrae and facilitate bone fusion." }, { "docid": "1922103", "title": "The coflex® Device Receives FDA Premarket Approval", "text": "The coflex® study is the first and only to quantify actual cost savings based on prospective Level 1 data, compared to the current standard of care, posterolateral fusion. On average, coflex® saved $5,000 to $8,700 per case compared to fusion1." }, { "docid": "5668722", "title": "-", "text": "the milwaukee wi climate normals for today normal record year maximum temperature (f) 31 53 2009 minimum temperature (f) 17 -20 1875 sunrise and sunset february 7 2018.....sunrise 700 am cst sunset 512 pm cst february 8 2018.....sunrise 658 am cst sunset 514 pm cst - indicates negative numbers." }, { "docid": "8162327", "title": "-", "text": "The advantage of the Ford Fusion hybrid is that it has both a gas engine and an electric motor for greater fuel economy and savings. The Ford Fusion hybrid was introduced to t … he market in 2009. Helpfull" }, { "docid": "3062446", "title": "Ford to make Fusion sedan in US for first time", "text": "FLAT ROCK, Mich. — For the first time, Ford is making its Fusion sedan in the U.S. The company's Flat Rock, Mich., plant began making the Fusion on Thursday. The plant, which is about 25 miles south of Detroit, made the Ford Mustang sports car before getting a second shift of 1,400 workers to make the Fusion. The 66-acre plant now has 3,100 workers." }, { "docid": "3563672", "title": "Difference Between Nuclear Fusion and Fission", "text": "3. Nuclear fusion occurs in nature; the sun is the most basic example while fission, on the other hand, does not occur naturally. 4. Nuclear fusion is the combination of 2 or more atoms to create 1 large atom. Nuclear fission is the division of a larger atom into 2 or smaller atomic particles. 5. In nuclear fusion, two or more nuclei should be near each other in order to create energy for both to stick together." }, { "docid": "8150982", "title": "Stellar nucleosynthesis", "text": "The most important reactions in stellar nucleosynthesis: 1 Hydrogen fusion: Deuterium fusion. 2 Helium fusion: The triple-alpha process. 3 Fusion of heavier elements: Lithium burning: a process found most commonly in brown dwarfs. 4 Production of elements heavier than iron: Neutron capture: The R-process." }, { "docid": "3676585", "title": "-", "text": "After all, it’s only past two years since major redesign of the Ford Fusion and do not expect anything great at least for another two-three years. However, it is not all bad! Ford`s engineers have decided to add another engine in the new 2015 Ford Fusion, and that would be a 2.3L turbo EcoBoost." }, { "docid": "2063227", "title": "Cold fusion", "text": "The claims of cold fusion, however, are unusual in that even the strongest proponents of cold fusion assert that the experiments, for unknown reasons, are not consistent and reproducible at the present time. (...) Internal inconsistencies and lack of predictability and reproducibility remain serious concerns." }, { "docid": "3531123", "title": "Nuclear fusion", "text": "An important fusion reaction for practical energy generation is that between deuterium and tritium (the D-T fusion reaction). It produces helium (He) and a neutron (n) and is written D + T → He + n. To the left of the arrow (before the reaction) there are two protons and three neutrons." }, { "docid": "7595389", "title": "sexual reproduction", "text": "Noun. 1. sexual reproduction-reproduction involving the union or fusion of a male and a female gamete. amphimixis. amphimixis-union of sperm and egg in sexual reproduction. anisogamy - (biology) reproduction by the union or fusion of two differing gametes (especially differing in size). isogamy - (biology) reproduction by the union or fusion of gametes of the same size and structure." }, { "docid": "3062452", "title": "Ford to make Fusion sedan in US for first time", "text": "A new 2014 Ford Fusion is displayed on the line in Flatrock, Mich. on Thursday, Aug. 29, 2013. For the first time, Ford is making its Fusion sedan in the U.S. The company's Flat Rock, Mich., plant began making the Fusion on Thursday. (AP Photo/Detroit News, Charles V. Tines)" }, { "docid": "2218786", "title": "-", "text": "Here is the information you requested...please remember to accept my answer as this is the only way we may be compensated for assisting you. Take care... BEST-IT-Expert: Contact Number: 1-866-SKYGOLF (1-866-759-4653) Customer Support hours of operation: Monday-Friday 7AM - 7PM CST and Saturday 8AM - 12PM CST. Contact Number: 1-866-SKYGOLF (1-866-759-4653). Customer Support hours of operation: Monday-Friday 7AM - 7PM CST and Saturday 8AM - 12PM CST." }, { "docid": "8760690", "title": "Nuclear Fission Energy", "text": "Energy at industrial scale. ------------------. It is important to note that nuclear fission energy is NOT nuclear FUSION energy. Nuclear fusion energy has none of the major problems of nuclear fission energy. Fusion energy is in the research stage. If it becomes commercial, fusion energy could largely satisfy the worldwide electricity demand for the indefinite future, safely. Go to top." }, { "docid": "8760693", "title": "-", "text": "• Explain how a nuclear reactor works and how the chain reaction is controlled • Explain the difference between fission and fusion • Explain the advantages of generating energy by fusion and why we currently are not taking advantage of fusion as an energy source." }, { "docid": "841825", "title": "This Forum has been archived", "text": "Really? I see what you mean by that and I agree that the two minds join together. I just think that one of the people that makes up half of the fusion have some sort of control over the other. I think that some Fusions just bring out the worst in the people that make up the fusion." }, { "docid": "6159799", "title": "Spinal Fusion", "text": "Recovery following fusion surgery is generally longer than for other types of spinal surgery. Patients generally stay in the hospital for three or four days, but a longer stay after more extensive surgery is not uncommon.usion is a surgical technique in which one or more of the vertebrae of the spine are united together (“fused”) so that motion no longer occurs between them. The concept of fusion is similar to that of welding in industry. Spinal fusion surgery, however, does not weld the vertebrae during surgery." }, { "docid": "7017068", "title": "-", "text": "Hazardous Weather Outlook ; Winter Weather Advisory in effect from January 11, 06:00 PM CST until January 12, 12:00 AM CST" }, { "docid": "6356695", "title": "Discover it Secured Credit Card Review", "text": "Want to know how to cancel your service with ScoreSense? Simply call our Customer Care department at 1-800-972-7204. We are available to assist you Monday through Friday 8 AM to 8 PM CST, Saturday 8 AM TO 5 PM CST, and Sunday 12 PM to 6 PM CST. To speed up the process, please have your member ID, first and last name, and physical address handy." }, { "docid": "295456", "title": "-", "text": "(uncountable) (biology) Any form of reproduction that does not involve the fusion of gametes. (biology) Any form of reproduction that involves neither meiosis nor fusion of gametes. Link/Cite" }, { "docid": "5822127", "title": "-", "text": "Ford Fusion Spare Tire Carriers. At JC Whitney, we offer the best selection of Ford Fusion Spare Tire Carriers parts and accessories. We offer an industry leading 30-day Guarantee so that you can shop with confidence! Narrow your selection below by providing the year of your vehicle for a custom list of Ford Fusion Spare Tire Carriers products. 1 out of 1 products in Exterior." }, { "docid": "3659972", "title": "-", "text": "Gillette Fusion. &#9658 description expand for Gillette Fusion Men's Razor with 2 Fusion Razor... description Designed to bring you optimal performance from either side of its unique cartridge, the Gillette Fusion men’s razor and razor blades redefine your expectations of what a shave can be." }, { "docid": "4835520", "title": "-", "text": "Enthalpy of fusion. The enthalpy of fusion of a substance, also known as (latent) heat of fusion, is the change in its enthalpy resulting from providing energy, typically heat, to a specific quantity of the substance to change its state from a solid to a liquid at constant pressure." }, { "docid": "8349346", "title": "Refrigeration Load Sizing For Walk-In Coolers, Freezers, & Other Boxes", "text": "Since the latent heat of fusion or freezing of water is 144 BTU/Lb., the latent heat of fusion for the product can be calculated by multiplying 144 BTU/Lb. by the percentage of water content. To illustrate, veal has a water percentage of 63%, and the latent heat of fusion for veal is 91 BTU/Lb. 63% x 144 BTU/Lb." }, { "docid": "3155375", "title": "Weather in Moab, Utah", "text": "Special Weather Statement in effect until 4:00 AM CST. Source: U.S. National Weather Service" }, { "docid": "8146717", "title": "What is nuclear energy", "text": "Nuclear fission is a method of obtaining energy through nuclear reaction that is based on the partition of the nucleus of atoms usually uranium. Nuclear fusion Nuclear fusion reaction is the combination of two nuclei of light atoms." } ]
average utility cost for a studio in pgh
[ { "docid": "3048789", "title": "How Much Does It Cost?", "text": "Average Apartment Cost for a Single Person. Prices vary widely based on amenities provided, condition of the facility, and neighborhood. Costs shown are representative of a single student in a studio or one-bedroom unit in a medium-quality apartment building. For a single-bedroom apartment at $700 per month, estimate: frequent question at Off-Campus Living is, “What does it cost to rent an apartment near the University?” We have put together representative cost comparisons for a single person living alone and two roommates sharing a two-bedroom." } ]
[ { "docid": "8152831", "title": "Marginalism", "text": "In most contexts, however, marginal cost will refer to marginal pecuniary cost – that is to say marginal cost measured by forgone money. A thorough-going marginalism sees marginal cost as increasing under the law of diminishing marginal utility, because applying resources to one application reduces their availability to other applications." }, { "docid": "6654148", "title": "-", "text": "that translates to about $ 34800 for a four kilowatt system the average size of a residential installation to see real average cost data for solar projects installed near you visit the find a contractor page on california solar statisticsor example using the clean power estimator a south facing three kilowatt system installed at a 30 degree angle on a single family home with a utility bill of $ 180 per month in san francisco would cost a customer an estimated $ 19282 with a payback period of 12 years" }, { "docid": "5815240", "title": "-", "text": "Here, too, there are many factors that can alter utility costs. For example, the average water consumption for a family of four at 100 gallons per day can cost as low as $34 per month in Phoenix and as high a $65 per month in Boston.Likewise, energy costs can fluctuate based on consumption habits, location and size of a home.lthough costs vary, an average budget should be used for running a home. Before you establish a new home, it’s a good idea to understand what it may cost. According to the 2012 Statistical Abstract from the United States Census Bureau, the average cost of running a household in 2009 was $1,408 per month." }, { "docid": "8062120", "title": "-", "text": "Single-family new house construction building permits: 1 1997: 7 buildings, average cost: $12,000. 2 1998: 8 buildings, average cost: $90,000. 3 1999: 8 buildings, average cost: $90,000. 4 2000: 8 buildings, average cost: $90,000. 5 2001: 9 buildings, average cost: $90,000. 6 2002: 10 buildings, average cost: $90,000. 7 2003: 10 buildings, average cost: $90,000." }, { "docid": "7301054", "title": "Animation School and Career Guide", "text": "1 For example, an animator at DreamWorks Animation earned an average salary of $101,478, while animators at Rainmaker Entertainment, a small (mostly television animation) studio in Canada, earned $42,310 on average annually. 2 You may need to join The Animation Guild to work in a big studio such as Disney, Pixar or Sony. For example, an animator at DreamWorks Animation earned an average salary of $101,478, while animators at Rainmaker Entertainment, a small (mostly television animation) studio in Canada, earned $42,310 on average annually. 2 You may need to join The Animation Guild to work in a big studio such as Disney, Pixar or Sony." }, { "docid": "8627791", "title": "Question: Figure 2: http://tinypic.com/r/2mhg8d1/6 Refer to Figure 2 for questions 27-29. 27) Identify the...", "text": "= average variable cost curve, H = marginal cost curve. D) E = marginal cost curve; F = average total cost curve; G =. average variable cost curve; H = average fixed cost curve. 28) The vertical difference between curves F and G measures." }, { "docid": "4505184", "title": "Part 4. Examining Process", "text": "The total cost formula is used to derive the combined variable and fixed costs of a batch of goods or services. The formula is the average fixed cost per unit plus the average variable cost per unit, multiplied by the number of units. The calculation is:(Average fixed cost + Average variable cost) x Number of units = Total cost.For example, a company is incurring $10,000 of fixed costs to produce 1,000 units (for an average fixed cost per unit of $10), and its variable cost per unit is $3.At the 1,000-unit production level, the total cost of the production is:$10 Average fixed cost + $3 Average variable cost) x 1,000 Units = $13,000 Total cost. There are several problems with the total cost formula, which are as follows: 1 Limited range for average fixed cost." }, { "docid": "4176464", "title": "Cost of Solar, Financing, Lease Options", "text": "The exact cost of solar for your home will depend on the applicable California solar rebates and utility incentives available in your area and the type of solar system you chose." }, { "docid": "2726044", "title": "Housing Choice Voucher Program (Section 8) FAQ's", "text": "If the tenant’s rent amount is less than. the utility allowance for the unit, the family will receive the difference in a utility check. The utility allowance is based on the average cost of utilities and the size of the unit. Allowances are not. based upon an individual family’s actual energy consumption." }, { "docid": "7013831", "title": "Economic Definition of average variable cost. Defined.", "text": "Economic Definition of average variable cost. Offline Version: PDF. Term average variable cost Definition: Total variable cost per unit of output, found by dividing total variable cost by the quantity of output.conomic Definition of average variable cost. Offline Version: PDF. Term average variable cost Definition: Total variable cost per unit of output, found by dividing total variable cost by the quantity of output." }, { "docid": "327501", "title": "-", "text": "Average Cost of Accommodation in Oxford. Three bed house £1000-£1200 or £250 - £ 300 (Shared by 4 students), per month. One Bed Flat £750 - £850 or £375 - £425 (Shared by 2 students), per month. Studio Flat £650-£750 or £325 -£375 (Shared by 2 students), per month." }, { "docid": "6621227", "title": "-", "text": "Although sometimes taken care of in rent, the average utility costs per month typically includes a water and sewer bill if your apartment complex is serviced by city water and sewer. The average bill for each falls between $10 and $30 a month, although you may be billed at a flat rate for both that can cost between $20 and $60." }, { "docid": "3365942", "title": "Average variable cost", "text": "In economics, average variable cost (AVC) is a firm's variable costs (labor, electricity, etc.) divided by the quantity of output produced.Variable costs are those costs which vary with output. where VC = variable cost, AVC = average variable cost, and Q = quantity of output produced.Average variable cost plus average fixed cost equals average total cost :A firm would choose to shut down if marginal revenue is below average variable cost at the profit-maximizing positive level of output.verage variable cost plus average fixed cost equals average total cost : A firm would choose to shut down if marginal revenue is below average variable cost at the profit-maximizing positive level of output." }, { "docid": "530315", "title": "-", "text": "The cost, on average, to repair a windshield breaks down as follow by type of vehicle: 1 Passenger vehicle windshield replacement $157 to $324. 2 Sports utility vehicle windshield replacement $164 to $290. 3 Pickup truck windshield replacement $164 to $310." }, { "docid": "2058891", "title": "Calculating Average Cost of Gas Per Month", "text": "Average Cost of Gas Per Month / Average Cost of Gas Per Year. You can use the following Cost of Gas calculator to estimate how much you are spending on gasoline in an average month from this it will estimate your average cost of gas per year as well." }, { "docid": "8377435", "title": "Utilities", "text": "The E-Notification service increases our conservation efforts and is a cost savings for the City. By accessing the city’s Click2Gov utility Web site, your utility bill is available for viewing and you may make payment utilizing your debit/credit card or bank account. For more information, click here." }, { "docid": "8404283", "title": "Average Energy Prices, Los Angeles-Long Beach-Anaheim â February 2018", "text": "A year earlier, area consumers paid 24.7 percent more per therm for natural gas compared to the nation. In the Los Angeles area over the past five years, the per therm cost for natural gas in August has varied between 11.7 and 36.8 percent above the U.S. average.or electricity, average prices per kilowatt-hour (kWh) and per 500 kWh are published. For utility (piped) gas, average prices per therm, per 40 therms, and per 100 therms are published." }, { "docid": "6152480", "title": "How Much Does a Patent Cost?", "text": "The actual cost to file a patent is a small part of the total cost of getting a patent. The fee is a few hundred dollars, half as much for small entities (like small businesses) and a quarter as much for individual inventors. When most people talk about patents they are talking about utility patents." }, { "docid": "6398098", "title": "-", "text": "Graphing Exercise: Total and Marginal Utility. Total utility is the amount of satisfaction one derives from consuming some particular amount of a good.Marginal utility, on the other hand, measures the change in total utility from consuming one additional unit.raphing Exercise: Total and Marginal Utility. Total utility is the amount of satisfaction one derives from consuming some particular amount of a good." }, { "docid": "5572910", "title": "Cost of Solar, Financing, Lease Options", "text": "The exact cost of solar for your home will depend on the applicable California solar rebates and utility incentives available in your area and the type of solar system you chose.he exact cost of solar for your home will depend on the applicable California solar rebates and utility incentives available in your area and the type of solar system you chose." }, { "docid": "6596278", "title": "-", "text": "Here are some facts and figures 1 : The average price of a house in Saskatoon was $328,297 as of May 2012. 2 The average rent for a two-bedroom apartment in Saskatoon was $976 as of April 2012. Household utility costs are below average when compared with other major Canadian cities. 2 Auto insurance rates are among the lowest in the country compared with other major Canadian cities. 3 The cost of commuting is low as the average commute within Saskatoon is 20 minutes." }, { "docid": "5997153", "title": "-", "text": "Exercise 3.4. Calculate the cost of the amount of energy computed in the previous. problem, assuming that the energy comes from burning natural gas, which costs. $7/MBtu (or use the actual cost from your utility bill). Exercise 3.5." }, { "docid": "4027529", "title": "Real Estate Appraisal: Chapter 8 Cost Approach to Value", "text": "The cost approach is based on the principle of substitution, which states that a property's value can't be greater than the cost of acquiring (buying or building) a substitute property of equal utility. In the cost approach, cost is related to value by the formula: Value = Cost - Depreciation. Cost refers to the cost of reproducing or replacing the property's improvements. Depreciation is the difference between cost and value, from any cause. This basic formula applies only to the value of the improvements." }, { "docid": "4265630", "title": "-", "text": "This module is an introduction to the role of cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA) and cost-utility analysis (CUA) in medical decision making from multiple perspectives. State the role of cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA) and cost-utility analysis (CUA) in medical decision making. 2 Define the components of CEA and CUA. 3 Understand the computations involved in CEA and CUA. 4 Understand the concerns in attribution of cost components to a particular treatment arm." }, { "docid": "2411687", "title": "-", "text": "We don't have a recital fee and we get our tickets directly from the professional venue ($30 each) so the SO does not make money on those. She figures that recital venue rental is the cost of owning a dance studio.es, our studio charges 25$ Im pretty sure it is for rental of the auditorium we use and rental of the auditorium for rehearsal. It costs so much per day to rent the auditorium. I'm sure it also goes to props and etc." }, { "docid": "1989463", "title": "-", "text": "Average price per gallon of water for utility is around $1.8. This cost when multiplied by 30 days in month on average gives the cost per month which is $54 per month. You can even use the empty gallons of water and then get it refilled for the next time use in which case you can save the cost." }, { "docid": "249604", "title": "-", "text": "GameMaker: Studio. GameMaker: Studio caters to entry-level novices and seasoned game development professionals equally, allowing them to create cross-platform games in record time and at a fraction of the cost of conventional tools!" }, { "docid": "8271798", "title": "-", "text": "1 Third, the average total cost values in this table are comprised of two parts--average variable cost and average fixed cost. 2 In other words, the $4.60 average total cost of producing 10 Stuffed Amigos can be broken down into something like $4.30 of average variable cost and $0.30 of average fixed cost." }, { "docid": "6292146", "title": "Nipple Piercing Pricing", "text": "Average Cost of Nipple Piercing. On average, the typical piercing procedure may cost anywhere from $30-$50, with body jewelry running $10-$50, so expect to spend anywhere from $40-$100 for a single nipple piercing based on both the studio and the body jewelry.imply ask. On average, the typical piercing procedure may cost anywhere from $30-$50, with body jewelry running $10-$50, so expect to spend anywhere from $40-$100 for a single nipple piercing based on both the studio and the body jewelry." }, { "docid": "6519705", "title": "What is Assisted Living?", "text": "According to Genworth.com, the average cost for a one-bedroom assisted living apartment in the U.S. in 2014 was $3,500 per month; an increase of 1.19% over 2013 with a five-year annual growth of 5.71%. Studio and two-bedroom assisted living apartments varied, accordingly." } ]
normal high temperatures des moines iowa
[ { "docid": "1751805", "title": "-", "text": "Location. This report describes the typical weather at the Des Moines International Airport (Des Moines, Iowa, United States) weather station over the course of an average year. It is based on the historical records from 1974 to 2012.he warm season lasts from May 24 to September 17 with an average daily high temperature above 75A°75â. F the hottest day of the year Is july, 12 with an average high OF°86a 86â f and LOW°Of. 68a 68â f the cold Season lasts from November 28 to february 27 with an average daily HIGH°Temperature. below 40a 40â f" } ]
[ { "docid": "4945590", "title": "Drake University Law School", "text": "Drake University Law School. Drake University Law School is a fully accredited law school of Drake University, located in Des Moines, Iowa. The school has over 330 full-time students. The school is led by Dean Jerry Anderson. Drake Law School's curriculum includes the nation's only First-Year Trial Practicum." }, { "docid": "125075", "title": "-", "text": "Des Moines Sheriff. Find Des Moines Washington sheriff's office, department, headquarters, jail and detention center. Sheriffs provide information on records, arrests, inmates, warrants, and mugshots. Des Moines Sheriff." }, { "docid": "2200424", "title": "Navigation", "text": "Harlan is located in southwest Iowa, approximately 11 miles north of Interstate 80 (Exit No. 41) between Des Moines, Iowa and Omaha, Nebraska at the junction of US Highways 59 and 44." }, { "docid": "7203253", "title": "BOELMAN v. GRINNELL MUTUAL REINSURANCE COMPANY", "text": "Douglas A. Haag of Patterson Law Firm, L.L.P., Des Moines, for appellant. Bruce J. Toenjes of Nelson & Toenjes, Shell Rock, for appellees. Eldon L. McAfee and Erin C. Herbold of Beving, Swanson & Forrest, P.C., Des Moines, for amicus curiae Iowa Pork Producers Association." }, { "docid": "7118124", "title": "-", "text": "HD 38 - Saydel High School at 5601 NE 7th St., Des Moines, IA 50313--HD 39 - Johnston Middle School at 6501 NW 62nd Ave, Johnston, IA 50131--HD 40 - Olmsted Elementary School at 7110 Prairie Ave, Urbandale, IA 50322--HD 41 - Roosevelt High School at 4419 Center St., Des Moines, IA 50312--" }, { "docid": "7055729", "title": "Des Moines metropolitan area", "text": "Des Moines metropolitan area. The Des Moines metropolitan area, officially known as the Des Moines-West Des Moines, IA Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA), consists of five counties in central Iowa, United States: Polk, Dallas, Warren, Madison, and Guthrie. The 2010 census population of these counties was 569,633, and the 2014 estimated population was 611,549." }, { "docid": "7324739", "title": "Biography of Amelia Earhart", "text": "By 1908, Edwin Earhart had closed his private law firm and was working as a lawyer for a railroad in Des Moines, Iowa; thus, it was time for Amelia to move back in with her parents. That same year, her parents took her to the Iowa State Fair where 10-year-old Amelia saw an airplane for the very first time." }, { "docid": "7555105", "title": "-", "text": "Creston and Union County are located in the beautiful rolling hillsides of southwest Iowa, 75 miles southwest of Des Moines and 100 miles southeast of Omaha. It is the perfect place to spend your next vacation or holiday. Our many High Lakes offer an array of outdoor recreational opportunities unmatched in SW Iowa. Over 2,100 acres of water, including five lakes and over 6,000 acres of publicly owned parks, woodlands, prairie and wetlands." }, { "docid": "4223029", "title": "-", "text": "Halfway Point Between Des Moines, IA and Billings, MT If you want to meet halfway between Des Moines, IA and Billings, MT or just make a stop in the middle of your trip, the exact coordinates of the halfway point of this route are 43.881989 and -100.865791, or 43º 52' 55.1604 N, 100º 51' 56.8476 W." }, { "docid": "8203765", "title": "These Are The 10 Fastest Growing Cities In Iowa For 2018", "text": "City of Ankeny Ankeny is a city in Polk County, Iowa, United States and home to Des Moines Area Community College. The population was 45,562 in the 2010 census, an increase of 68% from the 27,117 population in the 2000 census. It is part of the Des Moines–West Des Moines Metropolitan Statistical Area. It is one of the most affluent cities in all of Iowa." }, { "docid": "1351088", "title": "-", "text": "PHOTO: Miss Universe, Paulina Vega of Colombia is crowned during the Miss Universe pageant in Miami, Jan. 25, 2015. Right, Donald Trump takes questions from the media during the Iowa Freedom Summit in Des Moines, Iowa, Jan. 24, 2015." }, { "docid": "1079706", "title": "-", "text": "The City of Pleasant Hill will officially become a partner with Bravo Greater Des Moines on July 1, 2016, becoming the 17th municipality to support arts, culture and heritage in this regional collaboration." }, { "docid": "4394868", "title": "-", "text": "The Des Moines Adult Hockey Association operates the Adult B, C & D Leagues held at Buccaneer Arena. If you are interested in playing in the DMAHA B, C or D Leagues please contact them at the information below. Players must register online at through the Des Moines Adult Hockey Association. B League includes 27 regular season games and 3 playoff games. C League includes 27 regular season games and 3 playoff games." }, { "docid": "5024592", "title": "-", "text": "Ames, Iowa. Ames is a city located in the central part of the U.S. state of Iowa in Story County. Lying approximately 30 miles (48 km) north of Des Moines, it had a 2010 population of 58,965." }, { "docid": "3144129", "title": "-", "text": "Hotel in Des Moines Near Mercy Medical Center. Welcome to the updated Holiday Inn® Des Moines - Downtown - Mercy Campus hotel. Our downtown Des Moines hotel's location is close to the biggest attractions in town. Business guests appreciate being near The Civic Center of Des Moines, state offices, the Capitol and local businesses." }, { "docid": "4288735", "title": "-", "text": "It would take 2 hours 18 mins to go from Des Moines to Missouri Valley and 2 hours 45 mins to go from Sioux Falls to Missouri Valley. Major City Closest to Halfway Point. The major city closest to the halfway point between Des Moines, IA and Sioux Falls, SD is Omaha, NE, situated 138.31 miles from Des Moines, IA and 184.83 miles from Sioux Falls, SD. It would take 2 hours 33 mins to go from Des Moines to and 3 hours 17 mins to go from Sioux Falls to Omaha." }, { "docid": "8225414", "title": "-", "text": "515 Area Code Location Information. Calls From What State: Iowa (IA). Major City: Des Moines. Timezone: Central. Cities and Towns using this Area Code: Altoona, Ames, Ankeny, Boone, Clive, Des Moines, Fort Dodge, Indianola, Johnston, Nevada, Norwalk, Perry, Urbandale, Waverly, Webster City, West Des Moines.15 Area Code Location Information. Calls From What State: Iowa (IA). Major City: Des Moines. Timezone: Central. Cities and Towns using this Area Code: Altoona, Ames, Ankeny, Boone, Clive, Des Moines, Fort Dodge, Indianola, Johnston, Nevada, Norwalk, Perry, Urbandale, Waverly, Webster City, West Des Moines." }, { "docid": "4394870", "title": "Junior Buccaneers Travel League", "text": "Buccaneers Travel League. The Travel Hockey program we call Junior Buccaneers travel from Des Moines, Iowa to play ice hockey in other Iowa communities and in many other states. Our teams frequently make road trips to Illinois, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska and Wisconsin." }, { "docid": "7118121", "title": "Fleur Heights Center For Wellness And Rehab in Des Moines, IA", "text": "Fleur Heights Center For Wellness And Rehab is a medium-sized nursing home facility in Des Moines, Iowa ( Polk county ). They have 120 beds and 99 residents. Fleur Heights Center For Wellness And Rehab participates in Medicare and Medicaid and are classified as a For profit - Corporation ownership. They offer residential councils." }, { "docid": "210182", "title": "-", "text": "From the campaign trail – President Barack Obama gets emotional at his final campaign rally in Des Moines, Iowa, on Monday, November 5, on the eve of the U.S. presidential election. Obama's speech included references to his 2008 campaign and his victory in the Iowa caucuses, which helped catapult his political career." }, { "docid": "1585766", "title": "-", "text": "How to send things here. 1 Inmate Mail Use the address below to send correspondence and parcels to inmates. Learn more about sending mail. 2 Inmate Money Do NOT send money to an inmate using this facility's address. All funds sent through the mail must be addressed to a processing center in Des Moines, Iowa. This applies to all Federal inmates, regardless of where they are incarcerated. Learn more about sending funds to an inmate." }, { "docid": "1243820", "title": "-", "text": "A Customer Service Representative II in the Des Moines, IA Area area reported making $32,500 per year." }, { "docid": "8223297", "title": "KETV: Wikis", "text": "KETV. KETV, digital channel 20 (virtual channel 7), is the ABC affiliate television station in Omaha, Nebraska and is owned by Hearst Television. KETV's nearest sister stations (that are also owned by Hearst) are CBS affiliate KCCI-TV channel 8 in Des Moines, Iowa, and fellow ABC affiliate KMBC-TV channel 9 in Kansas City, Missouri." }, { "docid": "984663", "title": "ALLEGIANT AIR: Flights To Punta Gorda Canceled", "text": "Please enable Javascript to watch this video. Hundreds of passengers are questioning why Allegiant Air canceled nearly all of its flights between cold Des Moines and warm Punta Gorda, Florida.Allegiant Air sent out an apology for the delays on Jan. 31st, claiming weather was an issue.lease enable Javascript to watch this video. Hundreds of passengers are questioning why Allegiant Air canceled nearly all of its flights between cold Des Moines and warm Punta Gorda, Florida." }, { "docid": "1417182", "title": "-", "text": "The monthly average temperature at Des Moines was 76.8°F or 0.5°F above normal with the highest temperature coming in at 97°F on the 21st and lowest temperature at 58°F on the 1st. Waterloo’s monthly average temperature was 72.8°F or 0.8°F below normal." }, { "docid": "908331", "title": "-", "text": "Ride That Pony. A game created by thespians at Roosevelt Highschool in Des Moines, Iowa. It has been passed down multiple times, but they were the real creators. A group of ten+ people stand in a circle while a few people go around in an inside circle pretending to ride a pony while singing a song." }, { "docid": "3611853", "title": "Cloris Leachman", "text": "Leachman was born in Des Moines, Iowa, where she attended Theodore Roosevelt High School. She is the eldest of three daughters of Berkeley Claiborne Buck Leachman, who worked at the family-owned Leachman Lumber Company, and Cloris (nee Née). wallace" }, { "docid": "261926", "title": "Dallas County, Missouri", "text": "Dallas County is a county located in the U.S. state of Iowa. As of the 2010 census, the population was 66,135. Its county seat is Adel. The county was named for George M. Dallas, Vice President of the United States of America under James K. Polk. Dallas County is included in the Des Moines–West Des Moines, IA Metropolitan Statistical Area." }, { "docid": "3144121", "title": "-", "text": "Connected via skywalk to the Iowa Events Center and Wells Fargo Arena, this hotel features concierge and valet parking services, an airport shuttle and free Wi-Fi in public areas. Showcasing a fitness center and indoor pool, Holiday Inn Express-Des Moines Downtown is located in Des Moines in the region of Iowa." }, { "docid": "5287154", "title": "-", "text": "On Tuesday, January 16, 2001, a U.S. federal trademark registration was filed for ISEBA by Iowa Schools Employee Benefits Association, Des Moines 50309. The USPTO has given the ISEBA trademark serial number of 76193331." } ]
average wage for a biochemist
[ { "docid": "1675840", "title": "Biochemist Salary", "text": "Biochemist Salary. The average salary for a Biochemist is $57,738 per year. The skills that increase pay for this job the most are Biotechnology and Research Analysis. Most people move on to other jobs if they have more than 20 years' experience in this field." } ]
[ { "docid": "6025201", "title": "-", "text": "A Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) earns an average wage of $18.03 per hour.Pay for this job does not change much by experience, with the most experienced earning only a bit more than the least. $25,484 - $52,232.(Median). Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) earns an average wage of $18.03 per hour." }, { "docid": "3051999", "title": "Social Security", "text": "To determine the national average wage index for 2015 at a level that is consistent with the national average wage indexing series for prior years, we multiply the 2014 national average wage index of 46,481.52 by the percentage change in average wages from 2014 to 2015 (based on our tabulated wage data)." }, { "docid": "3972665", "title": "How much do Nutritionists make?", "text": "Average Salary and Wage for Nutritionists. According to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, as of May 2013, the average annual salary for nutritionists was $56,300. On the other hand, non-salaried nutritionists earned an average hourly wage of $27.07 in that same year.verage Salary and Wage for Nutritionists. According to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, as of May 2013, the average annual salary for nutritionists was $56,300. On the other hand, non-salaried nutritionists earned an average hourly wage of $27.07 in that same year." }, { "docid": "6946022", "title": "How to Become an Astrophysicist: Career Path Options", "text": "Astrophysicist Salary Alberta: According to the 2011 Alberta Wage and Salary Survey, Albertans working in the Physicists and Astronomers occupational group earn an average of between $46.17 and $55.94 per hour. The average wage for this group is $51.74 per hour." }, { "docid": "6250955", "title": "-", "text": "The average hourly wage for a MD psychiatrist in the US is around $90 per hour. The median hourly wage for an MD physiatrist is around $96.77 per hour. An average hourly wage for a MD anesthesiologist is around $122.78 per hour. Read more about physician salary by state.he average hourly wage for a MD psychiatrist in the US is around $90 per hour. The median hourly wage for an MD physiatrist is around $96.77 per hour. An average hourly wage for a MD anesthesiologist is around $122.78 per hour. Read more about physician salary by state." }, { "docid": "4658610", "title": "-", "text": "Sharing salary info is beneficial to productivity and growth, wrote another. It helps that Whole Foods' employees are better paid than the average grocery worker. The chain's average hourly wage was $18.89 in 2013, and the average annual wage was $39,289. All full-time and part-time workers can get stock options after they have worked for the equivalent of three full-time years." }, { "docid": "3245591", "title": "Recruiter.com helps healthcare professionals find better paying jobs across all specialties and locations.", "text": "An Oral or Maxillofacial Surgeon can receive a salary that can range from 168000 and 252000 based on experience. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons can receive an average wage of Two Hundred Seventeen Thousand Eight Hundred dollars each year.Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons are paid at the highest average level in Texas, where they receive normal pay levels of just about $236120. The national wage distribution is shown below.To overlay local salaries for an Oral or Maxillofacial Surgeon, please select your state.ral and Maxillofacial Surgeons can receive an average wage of Two Hundred Seventeen Thousand Eight Hundred dollars each year. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons are paid at the highest average level in Texas, where they receive normal pay levels of just about $236120. The national wage distribution is shown below." }, { "docid": "4482863", "title": "-", "text": "day of the tax year in which the jobs are created.. ‡ County with the lowest weekly wage of any county in the state of Georgia per the. corresponding DOL publication. † Weekly Wage listed is the lowest average weekly wage as reported by the. corresponding DOL publication." }, { "docid": "2885368", "title": "How Much Does a Phlebotomy Tech Make?", "text": "The society's 2010 survey reported an average wage of $13.50 per hour for phlebotomists at the staff level, or $28,080 per year at 40 hours per week. This is inflated slightly by the wages paid by standalone laboratories, which paid an average of $16.74 per hour. If laboratories are excluded, the average wage for staff phlebotomists was $13.41 per hour, or $27,892 per year." }, { "docid": "5299620", "title": "-", "text": "Average salary. 1 of the most popular questions we get from our readers here at OwlGuru is how much do Accountants make per year and what is their hourly wage. According to BLS, the average annual salary of Accountants is $75280." }, { "docid": "7515738", "title": "Diagnostic Medical Sonographer Salary in Oklahoma", "text": "Average Diagnostic Medical Sonographer Hourly Wage in Oklahoma Diagnostic Medical Sonographers earn a median hourly wage of $31.90. Hourly wages typically start from $22.46 and go up to $44.32." }, { "docid": "1657123", "title": "Crime Scene Investigator Salary", "text": "New Jersey follows suit with a crime scene investigator salary averaging at $85,930 and an hourly mean wage of $41.31. Next in line is the State of California with an average salary of $80,140 and an hourly mean wage of $38.53." }, { "docid": "5325520", "title": "-", "text": "Psychologist salary in Canada. According to PayScale, the average national psychologist’s salary in Canada ranges from $44 510 to $148 188 per year and an average hourly wage ranges of about $39.19 an hour. On an average, the hourly wage for a psychologist ranges from $14.08 to $53.28 per hour.Read more for detailed psychologist salary comparison.sychologist salary in Canada. According to PayScale, the average national psychologist’s salary in Canada ranges from $44 510 to $148 188 per year and an average hourly wage ranges of about $39.19 an hour. On an average, the hourly wage for a psychologist ranges from $14.08 to $53.28 per hour." }, { "docid": "4482867", "title": "-", "text": "Historical Wage Detail. The detail in the table below reflects the average wage of the county that has the. lowest wage of any county in the state, as posted for the year shown: DOL Report. Year* Tax Year County ‡. Weekly. Wage †. Annualized." }, { "docid": "6120813", "title": "Fluntern Cemetery", "text": "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Also known as Friedhof Fluntern, Fluntern Cemetery is located in the Zürichberg district of Zürich. Emil Abderhalden (1877 – 1950) Swiss biochemist and physiologist." }, { "docid": "5177624", "title": "-", "text": "The 2014 full-time average hourly wage rate for teachers and professors, which includes college and other vocational instructors, is $34.29.The 2014 corresponding median weekly wage rate is $1308, giving an approximate full-time annual salary for this employment unit of $68,000.he 2014 full-time average hourly wage rate for teachers and professors, which includes college and other vocational instructors, is $34.29." }, { "docid": "2153976", "title": "Why Wal-Mart shouldn't pay workers as much as Costco does", "text": "Higher-wage activists have long used Costco's high pay as ammunition against other retailers like Wal-Mart and Target. The warehouse retailer pays workers an average of $20.89 an hour, compared with Wal-Mart's average hourly wage of $11.83." }, { "docid": "3503752", "title": "List of countries by average wage", "text": "List of countries by average wage. The average wage is a measure for the financial well-being of a country's inhabitants. The average wages are sometimes, like in this article, adjusted to living expenses purchasing power parity (PPP). The wage distribution is right-skewed; the majority of people earn less than the average wage." }, { "docid": "7528755", "title": "Economist Salary", "text": "Average Economist Hourly Wage in the United States. Economists earn a median hourly wage of $47.68. Hourly wages typically start from $25.26 and go up to $85.08." }, { "docid": "5831572", "title": "The untold story of a private tutor: money's too tight to mention", "text": "But comparing that with the average annual wage for a graduate, which currently stands at £29,000, (28% of whom will start on between £25,000 - £30,000), and you may see that while this initial wage may suffice to begin with, but 10 years into your profession you may start to feel rather hard done by." }, { "docid": "4102599", "title": "How much does a Civil Engineer make in the United States?", "text": "Average Civil Engineer Hourly Wage in the United States Civil Engineers earn a median hourly wage of $40.16. Hourly wages typically start from $25.71 and go up to $63.89." }, { "docid": "449932", "title": "Is College Worth It? Clearly, New Data Say", "text": "Continue reading the main story. The average hourly wage for college graduates has risen only 1 percent over the last decade, to about $32.60. The pay gap has grown mostly because the average wage for everyone else has fallen — 5 percent, to about $16.50." }, { "docid": "3784184", "title": "Definition of Stability", "text": "Definition of Stability. Before entering into a discussion of stability in proteins, we must define exactly what we mean by stability. The word is used in different ways by different people. For example, a physical biochemist and a biotechnologist may each mean something different when they speak of stability." }, { "docid": "7775239", "title": "How much does a Construction Worker make in Idaho?", "text": "Average Construction Worker Hourly Wage in Idaho Construction Workers earn a median hourly wage of $13.26. Hourly wages typically start from $8.83 and go up to $19.82." }, { "docid": "4979289", "title": "Your lost wages benefit under Michigan workers comp", "text": "In general, this amount is usually about 60 percent of your gross weekly income. You should also know that the amount of wage loss benefits available is subject to a specific maximum. The highest weekly amount allowed in 2012 was $775. This is based upon the state average weekly wage of $860.34.No worker is allowed to receive compensation above 90 percent of the state average weekly wage.ou should also know that the amount of wage loss benefits available is subject to a specific maximum. The highest weekly amount allowed in 2012 was $775. This is based upon the state average weekly wage of $860.34. No worker is allowed to receive compensation above 90 percent of the state average weekly wage." }, { "docid": "615649", "title": "Wage", "text": "See also. 1 List of countries by average wage. 2 List of minimum wage laws. 3 List of sovereign states in Europe by minimum wage. List of sovereign states in Europe by net average 1 wage. List of U.S. minimum wages. List of minimum wages in 1 Canada. List of minimum wages in China 2 (PRC) The Minimum Wages Act, 1948." }, { "docid": "4166069", "title": "-", "text": "Nicole Mary Kidman was born in Honolulu, Hawaii, to father Anthony, a clinical psychologist and biochemist of Scottish descent, and mother Janelle, a nursing instructor of Irish descent." }, { "docid": "3408417", "title": "-", "text": "Visualization Notes: The average wage in Arizona in 2013 was $46,797, less than the national average of $50,012. The average wage in 2013 was less than the U.S. metro average in each of the state’s eight metropolitan counties.However, six of the seven nonmetro counties had a figure in excess of the U.S. nonmetro average.he average wage in Arizona was within 5 percent of the national average in each year from 1969 through 1984. Since then, the highest has been a 5 percent differential from 2005 through 2009." }, { "docid": "6847521", "title": "-", "text": "Average psychiatrist salary. An average yearly salary for a psychiatrist ranges from between $160,000 to $230,000. An average salary for a psychiatrist in the US is about $163,660 per annum while an average hourly wage is about $78.68 per hour.n average yearly salary for a psychiatrist ranges from between $160,000 to $230,000. An average salary for a psychiatrist in the US is about $163,660 per annum while an average hourly wage is about $78.68 per hour." }, { "docid": "5901470", "title": "-", "text": "Wage Distribution Options. The closest comparable wage GINI for Mercer County, NJ is from New Jersey. New Jersey has a wage GINI of 0.499. That is higher than the national average of 0.486. In other words, wages are distributed less evenly in New Jersey when comparing to the national average." } ]
number of carbs in a cinnamon jolly rancher
[ { "docid": "904605", "title": "-", "text": "Jolly Rancher Hard Candy (1 serving) 1 Calories: 35, Fat: 0g, Carbs: 13g, Protein: 0g. 2 Calories: 50, Fat: 0g, Carbs: 0g, Protein: 0g. 3 Calories: 23, Fat: 0g, Carbs: 6g, Protein: 0g. 4 Calories: 35, Fat: 0g, Carbs: 13g, Protein: 0g. 5 Calories: 70, Fat: 0g, Carbs: 17g, Protein: 0g. 6 Calories: 70, Fat: 0g, Carbs: 17g, Protein: 0g." } ]
[ { "docid": "196164", "title": "-", "text": "Calories In Kodiak cakes with 1c milk and one egg white Calories: 240, Fat: 2g, Carbs: 36g, Protein: 20g, Fiber: 5g. Calories In Number one Egg salad Calories: 55, Fat: 4g, Carbs: 2g, Protein: 3g, Fiber: 0g. Calories In One Egg Veg Omelet Calories: 153, Fat: 9g, Carbs: 8g, Protein: 10g, Fiber: 3g." }, { "docid": "8766307", "title": "-", "text": "Amount of net carbs in Cinnamon Yogurt Covered Pretzels: Net carbs How much fiber is in Cinnamon Yogurt Covered Pretzels? Amount of fiber in Cinnamon Yogurt Covered Pretzels: Fiber" }, { "docid": "7413187", "title": "July 2011 Babies", "text": "Posted: Nov-23 07:27 PM (1 of 10) i love cinnamon and raisin bagel. since, last 3 days thats what i ate for breakfast. so just wondering cinnamon is safe or not? thanks in advance. i love cinnamon and raisin bagel. since, last 3 days thats what i ate for breakfast. so just wondering cinnamon is safe or not? thanks in advance." }, { "docid": "1249878", "title": "Cinnamon For Fleas", "text": "Natural Flea Repellant. Cinnamon is a natural flea repellent. This means that if you put pure cinnamon on your pet, fleas will not jump on them or hang around where they sleep, eat or play, this includes your yard. Use the following steps to effectively apply cinnamon to your pet’s hair in order to have its repelling effects:" }, { "docid": "1001946", "title": "Cinnamon", "text": "Cinnamon is an additive to countless foods. When purchased in the store, common spice cinnamon could be one of two types or a mixture of both. It is either true or Ceylon cinnamon, which is easier to grind but thought to be less effective for diabetes." }, { "docid": "2406509", "title": "Health Benefits of Cinnamon & Nutrition Facts", "text": "Nutrition Benefits of Cinnamon. A little bit of cinnamon goes a long way, and its antioxidant abilities are what makes it especially beneficial to include in your diet. As little as 1/2 of one teaspoon of cinnamon daily can have positive effects on blood sugar levels, digestion, immunity, and more." }, { "docid": "6601177", "title": "-", "text": "Comprehensive nutrition resource for Cinnamon Tea. Learn about the number of calories and nutritional and diet information for Cinnamon Tea. This is part of our comprehensive database of 40,000 foods including foods from hundreds of popular restaurants and thousands of brands." }, { "docid": "1339371", "title": "Nutritional deficiencies Prevention and Treatment", "text": "CASSIA CINNAMON Side Effects & Safety. Cassia cinnamon is LIKELY SAFE when taken by mouth in amounts commonly found in foods and when taken by mouth in medicinal doses for up to 4 months. Cassia cinnamon is POSSIBLY SAFE when applied to the skin in the short-term. Cassia cinnamon is POSSIBLY UNSAFE when taken by mouth in large amounts for a long period of time. Taking large amounts of cassia cinnamon might cause side effects in some people. Cassia cinnamon can contain large amounts of a chemical called coumarin. In people who are sensitive, coumarin might cause or worsen liver disease." }, { "docid": "7491105", "title": "Slime Rancher v0.4.0 PC Game Free Download Full Version", "text": "Slime Rancher v0.4.0 PC Game Free Download Full Version. Slime Rancher v0.4.0 can be a first-person sandbox experience, where people endure through expertise of the vacpack: a machine and can resolve problems /canon/backpack that may vacuum up and boost anything out that isn’t nailed for the ground." }, { "docid": "363242", "title": "7 Ways to Identify Ceylon Cinnamon (Buying Tips)", "text": "Because apart from any packaging or labeling, there is no way to tell if the cinnamon powder has been made from the Ceylon or true cinnamon versus the Cassia cinnamon, and most bottles of cinnamon we buy (including the bottle I currently have in my kitchen) do not indicate the type of cinnamon tree the cinnamon is sourced from." }, { "docid": "3301056", "title": "How a Scoop of Cinnamon a Day Can Help You Lose Weight", "text": "Studies have shown that including a scoop of cinnamon into your daily diet can help you lose weight. A teaspoon of honey and half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder added to a cup of boiling water can also help you lose weight and lower your risk of heart disease. Health Benefits of Cinnamon." }, { "docid": "3245186", "title": "CINNAMON GINGER TEA WITH HONEY", "text": "If you want a great tasting Cinnamon ginger tea tea with zero caffeine this is it. An invigorating sophisticated tea with hints of citrus, powerful ginger and the sweetness of honey. This tea is made with Ceylon Cinnamon sticks. You can use Cassia Cinnamon but the taste will be much stronger, spicy and harsh." }, { "docid": "2955500", "title": "-", "text": "Jolly Green Giant July 2014: The westbound I-90 exit to Blue Earth and the Jolly Green Giant is closed. Allow 10 minutes for detour. You can see him from the interstate but stopping is worth it. It is only a minute or two from 90, easy on easy off. There is a walk up for pictures and a little gift shop." }, { "docid": "850811", "title": "What can you use as a substitute for nutmeg in apple pie?", "text": "I actually don't like nutmeg so much in apple pie but it sure sounds good about now. You can use just cinnamon or a combination of cinnamon and ground cloves and/or allspice. You could also use some orange zest and a very small amount of orange juice with just the cinnamon or even add some cranberries with the orange." }, { "docid": "6675516", "title": "-", "text": "Amount of carbs in Chicago Style Hot Dog: Carbohydrates How many net carbs are in Chicago Style Hot Dog? Amount of net carbs in Chicago Style Hot Dog: Net carbs" }, { "docid": "528996", "title": "3 Essential Oils for Weight Loss", "text": "So if you are looking to essential oils for weight loss, I recommend grapefruit oil, cinnamon oil and ginger oil. Sometimes you can get these in compounds, or you can use these three individually. You can put one single drop of each in water and drink it that way, or you can actually put it on topically or diffuse it.. The second best essential oil to support weight loss is cinnamon oil. Cinnamon oil has been shown time and time again to help regulate blood glucose levels and something in your body called GTF, glucose tolerance factor. For that reason, cinnamon oil is also fantastic for anybody with diabetes." }, { "docid": "1354535", "title": "New Cheerios Has More Proteinâand More Sugar", "text": "Cheerios Protein Oats & Honey (1 1/4 cups): 210 calories, 3g fat (1g saturated), 42g carbs, 7g protein, 4g fiber, 17g sugars, 280mg sodium. Cheerios Protein Honey & Cinnamon (1 1/4 cups): 220 calories, 4.5g fat (0.5g saturated), 40g carbs, 7g protein, 3g fiber, 16g sugars, 220mg sodium.ere’s how the new cereals stack up compared with the original Cheerios per recommended serving size: Cheerios (1 cup): 100 calories, 2g fat (0g saturated), 20g carbs, 3g protein, 3g fiber, 1g sugars, 160mg sodium." }, { "docid": "1679509", "title": "Side Effects of Drinking Cinnamon & Honey Water", "text": "A bowl of honey and cinnamon. Honey and cinnamon have been used as flavorings for food and for medicinal purposes, both individually and together, throughout the history of humankind. Ground cinnamon comes from the bark of certain evergreen trees. Raw honey is produced from nectar and honeybee saliva. Both honey and cinnamon are considered safe, according to the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, but there are potential side effects for both foods." }, { "docid": "6289719", "title": "Buy Slime Rancher pc cd key for Steam - compare prices", "text": "Buy Slime Rancher pc cd key for Steam. Watch Slime Rancher trailer. Compare the best deals and buy Slime Rancher cd key at the best price on the Internet. It is a digital version, that is, you will recive a digital cd code for Slime Rancher into your email and you must enter it into your Steam user account." }, { "docid": "7557217", "title": "What is the Best Cinnamon? Ceylon vs Cassia Cinnamon", "text": "Both Cassia and Ceylon cinnamon are taken from the inner bark of the Cinnamomum tree, however Cassia cinnamon is typically darker and has a much more pungent flavor.Ceylon cinnamon is considered a more delicate spice because of it’s quality and sweeter taste.oth Cassia and Ceylon cinnamon are taken from the inner bark of the Cinnamomum tree, however Cassia cinnamon is typically darker and has a much more pungent flavor." }, { "docid": "7145263", "title": "GREAT EXPECTATIONS", "text": "tum tum called again, for he still could not see his little friends. Tum Tum, the Jolly Elephant Richard Barnum These were the names of the elephants with whom tum tum played. Tum Tum, the Jolly Elephant Richard Barnum tum tum looked up from where he lay on his back in the bushes. Tum Tum, the Jolly Elephant Richard Barnum And tum tum and the others did hurry, you may be sure of that." }, { "docid": "3794729", "title": "-", "text": "1 Calories In Sugar-Free Bubble Milk Tea. 2 150 calories, 4g fat, 29g carbs, 1g protein, 1g fiber. 3 Calories In Cinnamon Chai Milk Tea. 4 60 calories, 3g fat, 5g carbs, 2g protein, 3g fiber." }, { "docid": "6428637", "title": "-", "text": "Amount of carbs in Boston cream pie cake: Carbohydrates How many net carbs are in Boston cream pie cake? Amount of net carbs in Boston cream pie cake: Net carbs" }, { "docid": "8523349", "title": "How to Naturally Lower Blood Sugar Levels", "text": "Add some cinnamon to your diet to naturally lower your blood sugar level. According to Pennington Biomedical Research Center, results from one of its studies using mice suggest that cinnamon extract plays a regulatory role in blood glucose levels.dd some cinnamon to your diet to naturally lower your blood sugar level. According to Pennington Biomedical Research Center, results from one of its studies using mice suggest that cinnamon extract plays a regulatory role in blood glucose levels." }, { "docid": "5459711", "title": "CINNAMON STICK USES", "text": "HOW TO USE CINNAMON STICKS. 1 Make Cinnamon Stick Tea - While you can add a stick of Cinnamon to your coffee or tea, to extract the full benefit of Cinnamon you need to slow boil it. 2 Add to Curries, Soups and stews - A stick of Cinnamon in Stews, Soups or Asian curries adds a warmth and depth of flavor, especially a beef or chicken curry." }, { "docid": "7442260", "title": "-", "text": "Amount of carbs in Unsweetened Applesauce: Carbohydrates How many net carbs are in Unsweetened Applesauce? Amount of net carbs in Unsweetened Applesauce: Net carbs" }, { "docid": "4500511", "title": "Spices & Herbs Dictionary", "text": "Cinnamon is the bark of an evergreen bush native to Sri Lanka. The bark is peeled away from the bush in thin strips, dried, and ground. Our cinnamon in the Kolintji A variety with an oil content of about 3%. Cinnamon is a very versatile spice, used in many varieties of dishes." }, { "docid": "5938287", "title": "Cassia Essential Oil: Uses, Benefits, and Precautions", "text": "Cassia Essential Oil: Uses, Benefits, and Precautions. Cassia essential oil is somewhat similar to Cinnamon essential oil, hence why the photo above looks like cinnamon. Both are from the same botanical family (Lauraceae) and both are derived from the bark of the plant. But they are actually from two different plants.Cassia is from Cinnamomum cassia, while cinnamon is Cinnamomum zeylanicum. It's a spicy, warm aroma, but sweeter than cinnamon. The chemical constituents are also similar, both being high in something called trans-cinnamaldehyde.assia Essential Oil: Uses, Benefits, and Precautions. Cassia essential oil is somewhat similar to Cinnamon essential oil, hence why the photo above looks like cinnamon. Both are from the same botanical family (Lauraceae) and both are derived from the bark of the plant. But they are actually from two different plants." }, { "docid": "6905856", "title": "-", "text": "Hot Cinnamon Cider Floats Make cider as directed--except omit oranges with cloves. Place a scoop of cinnamon or vanilla ice cream in large serving mugs; add hot cider and garnish with additional cinnamon sticks if desired. • Pull out the slow cooker to help you with the holidays." }, { "docid": "3788813", "title": "Where Does Cinnamon Come From?", "text": "Where Does Cinnamon Come From? Cinnamon has been used through the ages for all sorts of things rangingg from embalming to meat preservation. Now when most people think of cinnamon they imagine the delicious powder that you add to bearclaws and sambuca. But there are actually a lot of varieties of cinnamon. The cinnamon you sprinkle on your oatmeal actually comes from a tree, Cinnamomum verum, which is native to Sri Lanka. This type of cinnamon was first described in Chinese writings dating back almost 5,000 years and was one of the spices that drove European colonization of South and Southeast Asia." } ]
number of obese children
[ { "docid": "266251", "title": "-", "text": "1 Of these over 600 million were obese. 2 39% of adults aged 18 years and over were overweight in 2014, and 13% were obese. 3 Most of the world's population live in countries where overweight and obesity kills more people than underweight. 4 42 million children under the age of 5 were overweight or obese in 2013." } ]
[ { "docid": "2630031", "title": "What are the benefits of eating cucumber every day?", "text": "Apple theme activities don’t have to be limited to art projects for younger children. There are a number of apple theme science activities that you can do with older children, too. Apples, like many other fruits, have a high water content." }, { "docid": "6497675", "title": "Pregnancy and obesity: Know the risks", "text": "How might obesity affect my pregnancy? Being obese during pregnancy increases the risk of various pregnancy complications, including: Gestational diabetes. Women who are obese are more likely to have diabetes that develops during pregnancy (gestational diabetes) than are women who have a normal weight." }, { "docid": "7325920", "title": "Infant mortality", "text": "Infant mortality rate (IMR) is the number of deaths of children less than one year of age per 1000 live births. The rate for a given region is the number of children dying under one year of age, divided by the number of live births during the year, multiplied by 1,000.Forms of infant mortality:nfant mortality rate (IMR) is the number of deaths of children less than one year of age per 1000 live births. The rate for a given region is the number of children dying under one year of age, divided by the number of live births during the year, multiplied by 1,000. Forms of infant mortality:" }, { "docid": "5174479", "title": "-", "text": "In communities with a number of distressed families, high-risk children may attend schools with a large number of other high-risk children, which creates a difficult learning climate and elicits further conduct problems. As children with CD move into middle school, problems can intensify." }, { "docid": "6106294", "title": "The vast majority of American adults are overweight or obese, and weight is a growing problem among US children", "text": "However, more Mexican women (71%) were obese or overweight than American women. In the US the greatest prevalence of obesity and overweight was found among men aged 50 to 54 (80%) and women aged 60 to 64 (73%). Among Americans under age 20, the greatest prevalence in being overweight or obese was found among children ages 10 to 14, with boys at 38% and girls at 37%." }, { "docid": "501218", "title": "Get Informed", "text": "Today about 1 in 3 kids is overweight or obese. And studies show that overweight kids are likely to become overweight and obese adults. Scroll down to learn more about childhood obesity and its causes. What Does It Mean?" }, { "docid": "4313288", "title": "Teen Depression", "text": "1 Depression affects about 2% of preschool and school-age children. 2 Depression in children does not have one single cause but rather a number of biological, psychological, and environmental risk factors that contribute to its development." }, { "docid": "5402861", "title": "Elementary Education Act 1870", "text": "The Elementary Education Act 1870, commonly known as Forster's Education Act, set the framework for schooling of all children between the ages of 5 and 13 in England and Wales.nder the 1870 Education Act: Local authorities were required to make returns of the number of children in their area and existing educational provision. This was done by comparing the results of a census of existing school places with the number of children of school age recorded in the Census." }, { "docid": "5767222", "title": "Obesity Information", "text": "Being obese puts you at a higher risk for health problems such as heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes and more. Obesity statistics. 1 Almost 13 million (16.9%) of U.S. children ages 2 to 19 are obese. Nearly one in three (31.8%) U.S. children (23.9 million) ages 2 to 19 are overweight or obese." }, { "docid": "4010651", "title": "Dog Excessive Panting: A Symptom That Could Indicate A More Serious Disease", "text": "This is a common cause when it comes to excessive panting in dogs. That is because an obese dog is more likely to overheat and therefore he needs to pant more in order to cool down. Additionally, when a dog is obese, he is unable to enjoy physical exercises and activities like a normal healthy dog." }, { "docid": "6441926", "title": "Obesity In Golden Retrievers And How To Deal With It", "text": "So in fact there were 20% more overweight or obese Golden Retrievers than the US national average. And that’s 20% more than a national average that is already shockingly high. In the most recent figures available, gathered in 2013, the survey shows 52.6% of US dogs are overweight or obese." }, { "docid": "173302", "title": "Obesity quadruples to nearly one billion in developing world", "text": "The number of overweight and obese adults in the developing world has almost quadrupled to around one billion since 1980, says a report from a UK think tank. The Overseas Development Institute said one in three people worldwide was now overweight and urged governments to do more to influence diets.In the UK, 64% of adults are classed as being overweight or obese. The report predicts a huge increase in heart attacks, strokes and diabetes.lobally, the percentage of adults who were overweight or obese-classed as having a body mass index greater than 25 - grew from 23% to 34% between 1980 and 2008." }, { "docid": "7457205", "title": "How Long Should Obese People Exercise Per Day?", "text": "Vigorous-intensity exercise may be too much for someone who has been inactive, so obese individuals should start with 150 weekly minutes of moderate-intensity exercise. This will help slow or stop weight gain, but to lose weight, obese people will need to get more exercise. The ACSM recommends that obese individuals gradually work up to 250 minutes of weekly moderate-intensity exercise to increase weight loss. This can take any form: for instance, five 50-minute workouts per week or seven 37-minute workouts a week. Resistance Training Obese individuals should follow the same guidelines as other healthy individuals for resistance training, working out all major muscle groups twice weekly." }, { "docid": "8345076", "title": "The 10 Fattest Countries In The World", "text": "The number of overweight and obese people has skyrocketed over the past thirty years, jumping from 857 million in 1980 to more than 2 billion in 2013. That's approximately a third of the world's population. In 2010 alone, between 3 and 4 million people died due to complications from obesity." }, { "docid": "6821627", "title": "The Social Effects of Obesity in Children", "text": "In addition to the well-documented physical side effects, a 2003 study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that obese children face emotional and social side effects similar to those of children facing cancer treatment." }, { "docid": "4751690", "title": "The vast majority of American adults are overweight or obese, and weight is a growing problem among US children", "text": "Today, 2.1 billion people – nearly one-third of the world’s population – are overweight or obese. The number of overweight and obese individuals in the world has increased from 857 million (20%) in 1980 to 2.1 billion (30%) in 2013." }, { "docid": "6821626", "title": "Effects of Childhood Obesity", "text": "The medical impact of obesity during childhood are similar to those seen in obese adults. This means that children who are obese are at an increased risk for: 1 High cholesterol. High blood pressure (hypertension)" }, { "docid": "8141677", "title": "Early-onset Alzheimer's: When symptoms begin before age 65", "text": "A diagnosis of early-onset Alzheimer's can also be difficult for children, who may not understand. Children may blame themselves, become angry or react in any number of ways. Try to: Find activities you can enjoy together. Stay engaged and talk with your children honestly about what you're experiencing." }, { "docid": "7527400", "title": "Leptin", "text": "When leptin binds with the leptin receptor, it activates a number of pathways. Leptin resistance may be caused by defects in one or more part of this process, particularly the JAK/STAT pathway. Mice with a mutation in the leptin receptor gene that prevents the activation of STAT3 are obese and exhibit hyperphagia." }, { "docid": "169979", "title": "-", "text": "The percentage increases according to the number of children, so that a parent with one child pays a minimum of 20%, while a parent with 6 or more children pays at least 50%. The court will deviate from guideline support only where the statutory guidelines do not appropriately address the real needs of the children." }, { "docid": "5145446", "title": "The Healthcare Costs of Obesity", "text": "1 7. 2 Costs for patients presenting at emergency rooms with chest pains are 41 percent higher for severely obese patients, 28 percent higher for obese patients and 22 percent higher for overweight patients than for healthy-weight patients. 3 8." }, { "docid": "8763234", "title": "-", "text": "Healthy Youth Survey showed 10% (–2%) of 10th graders as obese and 13% (–1%) as overweight. In Washington, rates of overweight and obesity amongadolescents have not changed since 2002, the earliest year with consistent reporting. Availability of data on younger children in Washington is limited." }, { "docid": "7526763", "title": "Top 7 Risk Factors for Type 2 Diabetes", "text": "The number one risk factor for type 2 diabetes is obesity. The National Center for Health Statistics states that 30% of adults are obese. That's 60 million people. Greater weight means a higher risk of insulin resistance, because fat interferes with the body's ability to use insulin." }, { "docid": "1215090", "title": "Causes and risks for obesity in children", "text": "Causes and risks for obesity - children. When children eat more than they need, their bodies store the extra calories in fat cells to use for energy later. If their bodies do not need this stored energy, they develop more fat cells and may become obese. No single factor or behavior causes obesity." }, { "docid": "797572", "title": "-", "text": "The BMI uses height and weight to determine overweight and obesity. If you child’s BMI is greater then 85 percent of children who are same age and same sex (boy or girl), then your child is overweight. If the BMI is greater than 95 percent, then your child is obese. If you know your child’s height and weight, you can find out if your child is overweight. You can go to http://apps.nccd.cdc.gov/dnpabmi/ and find out where your child is falls terms of weight status." }, { "docid": "501221", "title": "Childhood Obesity", "text": "The causes of obesity are complex and include genetic, biological, behavioral and cultural factors. Obesity occurs when a person eats more calories than the body burns. If one parent is obese, there is a 50 percent chance that his or her child will also be obese. However, when both parents are obese, their children have an 80 percent chance of being obese. Although certain medical disorders can cause obesity, less than 1 percent of all obesity is caused by physical problems. Obesity in childhood and adolescence can be related to: poor eating habits" }, { "docid": "2045086", "title": "Pelvic Ultrasonography Clinical Presentation", "text": "In a female patient who is obese, pelvic ultrasonography can add to the evaluation of the pelvis, as the physical exam alone will be difficult and have limitations. The endovaginal transducer is preferred for obese patients because it has the ability to visualize pelvic organs far better than any other modality." }, { "docid": "6382522", "title": "Obesity kills over 30,000 a year", "text": "Obesity kills over 30,000 a year. by BEEZY MARSH, Daily Mail. More than 30,000 lives are being lost each year because of weight-related diseases, warned Health Secretary John Reid. Highlighting the appalling death toll from Britain's worsening obesity crisis, he said the problem was affecting children as young as 13. Obesity levels are rising at an alarming rate, said Dr Reid as he launched a national consultation on public health. The cost of obesity to the Health Service is estimated to be £500million a year. Most alarmingly, over a third of children are overweight or obese and there are increases in cases of Type II diabetes in children." }, { "docid": "1899778", "title": "The effects of bilingualism on stuttering during late childhood", "text": "Two (5.3%) of the 38 LE and BIL children stuttered in only one language. They were both BIL children who did not stutter in English. This is in agreement with reports that show that for bilingual speakers who stutter, it is usual to stutter in one language only.The number of LE children who stuttered (15) was lower than the number of BIL children who stuttered (23).he SSI-3, a standard measure of stuttering severity, was administered when the child was first seen and again at age 12 plus. The assessments were always conducted on samples spoken in English, including samples from two children who did not stutter in English but did in their first language." }, { "docid": "1852837", "title": "FAQs on the Child-Care Tax Credit", "text": "That depends on the number of children, the cost of care, and your income. You can count up to $3,000 in child-care expenses for one child, or up to $6,000 for two or more children.The credit is a percentage of the amount spent on child care, and that percentage gradually decreases as income increases.hat depends on the number of children, the cost of care, and your income. You can count up to $3,000 in child-care expenses for one child, or up to $6,000 for two or more children." } ]
number of people that die waiting for organ transplant
[ { "docid": "3625018", "title": "One in ten on transplant waiting list dies before organ is found despite surge in donor register numbers", "text": "And while the number of people dying while waiting for an organ transplant has decreased from 614 in 2011 to 469 in 2014, there have still been 195 individuals’ deaths this year after patients failed to find a donation in time." } ]
[ { "docid": "1959315", "title": "Words near five in the dictionary", "text": "the cardinal number between four and six; 5; V. any group of five people or things. a basketball team. something numbered five or having five units, as a playing card, domino, face of a die, etc." }, { "docid": "2487849", "title": "-", "text": "You have the legal right to start your non-emergency NHS consultant-led treatment within a maximum of 18 weeks from referral, unless you choose to wait longer or it is clinically appropriate that you wait longer.he lack of organs suitable for donation in the UK means that patients often wait a long time for a transplant operation. This means you can't be guaranteed an organ transplant within the 18-week waiting time limit." }, { "docid": "7663397", "title": "Transplant rejection", "text": "As soon as these antigens enter the body, the immune system recognizes that they are not from that person's body and that they are foreign, and attacks them. When a person receives an organ from someone else during transplant surgery, that person's immune system may recognize that it is foreign." }, { "docid": "3477561", "title": "Neoral", "text": "Antibiotics a... Neoral. Only physicians experienced in management of systemic immunosuppressive therapy for the indicated disease should prescribe Neoral®. At doses used in solid organ transplantation, only physicians experienced in immunosuppressive therapy and management of organ transplant recipients should prescribe Neoral®." }, { "docid": "5968610", "title": "-", "text": "One thing to remember about the water fall statistics is that a large number of them are likely unpracticed.. These are not olympic divers working up to 250 feet. A large proportion of them are unconditioned people forced into a water escape; or, worse, are people TRYING to die." }, { "docid": "7579607", "title": "-", "text": "Why do neurons die so quickly when deprived of oxygen? Brain damage sets in within 8 minutes of loss of oxygen. This is much faster than other cells of the body. For example with organ transplants, an organ can be removed, flown to another city, surgically implanted hours later, and survive." }, { "docid": "5513693", "title": "-", "text": "Rejection of the Donor Heart. Rejection is one of the leading causes of death in the first year after transplant. The recipient's immune system sees the new heart as a foreign body and attempts to destroy or reject it. During the first year, 25 percent of patients have signs of a possible rejection at least once.he Heart Transplant Process. The heart transplant process starts when doctors refer patients with end-stage heart failure to a heart transplant center for evaluation. Patients found to be eligible for a heart transplant are placed on a waiting list for a donor heart." }, { "docid": "2592717", "title": "LifeCenter Northwest", "text": "Over 2,600 people are waiting for a heart transplant nationwide. Some conditions that might make a transplant necessary are cardiomyopathy, heart failure, myocarditis, and heart disease. The heart can be preserved outside of the body for 4 to 6 hours before transplant into a recipient." }, { "docid": "1032890", "title": "Lung Transplant", "text": "Most people with severe, end-stage lung disease can be considered for a lung transplant. The procedure should be considered when someone seems likely to die without the surgery and no other options are available." }, { "docid": "4070255", "title": "Bone Marrow Transplantation", "text": "Types of Bone Marrow Transplants. Most people who need to undergo a blood or marrow transplant have cancer, such as leukemia or lymphoma. There are different types of blood or marrow transplants. The type and severity of your disease determine what type of transplant you will need.An allogeneic transplant involves receiving donor bone marrow or peripheral blood stem cells.This transplant donor is genetically matched and can be related or unrelated to you. An autologous transplant involves receiving your own bone marrow or peripheral blood stem cells.he type and severity of your disease determine what type of transplant you will need. An allogeneic transplant involves receiving donor bone marrow or peripheral blood stem cells. This transplant donor is genetically matched and can be related or unrelated to you." }, { "docid": "933121", "title": "-", "text": "If your doctor decides that you need dialysis or a kidney transplant, he or she will tell you about your dialysis treatment options and may refer you to a transplant center. People on dialysis usually meet with their nephrologist at least once a month." }, { "docid": "5594894", "title": "-", "text": "Donor eligibility and information. The transplant team will evaluate you to determine if you can donate a portion of your liver. Donors must be less than 55 years old, because the liver doesn't grow back as well in older people.You'll have blood tests to determine if your blood and tissue types are compatible with the organ recipient.onor eligibility and information. The transplant team will evaluate you to determine if you can donate a portion of your liver. Donors must be less than 55 years old, because the liver doesn't grow back as well in older people." }, { "docid": "4890689", "title": "-", "text": "Steps for Getting on the Organ Transplant Waiting List. 1 Get a Referral You must get a referral from your physician in order to be evaluated by a transplant program as a potential transplant candidate. Gather Information There's a lot to learn about the transplantation process, everything from where a patient can be listed, to financial considerations, to recovery." }, { "docid": "1427213", "title": "Understanding Hepatitis -- Diagnosis and Treatment", "text": "For hepatitis C, the CDC recommends that you have a blood test if any of the following is true: You have received an organ transplant or transfusion in the past. You have been notified that you received blood or an organ transplant from a donor who later tested positive for the disease." }, { "docid": "2017689", "title": "What are immunosuppressants?", "text": "Immunosuppressants are drugs or medicines that lower the body's ability to reject a transplanted organ. Another term for these drugs is anti-rejection drugs. There are 2 types of immunosuppressants: Induction drugs: Powerful antirejection medicine used at the time of transplant." }, { "docid": "3173292", "title": "Diagnosis", "text": "Lung transplant. Lung transplantation may be an option for people with pulmonary fibrosis. Having a lung transplant can improve your quality of life and allow you to live a longer life. However, a lung transplant can involve complications such as rejection and infection." }, { "docid": "8581509", "title": "-", "text": "People with acute or chronic liver failure are often appropriately treated with a liver transplant. People whose conditions haven't been successfully treated with other options may be eligible for a liver transplant." }, { "docid": "929005", "title": "The Management of Encephalitis: Clinical Practice Guidelines by the Infectious Diseases Society of America", "text": "51 (35):790. 1 Update: Investigation of West Nile Virus infections in recipients of organ transplantation and blood transfusion – Michigan, 2002. 2 MMWR, 2002. 3 51(39):879. 4 Hepatitis C Virus Transmission from an Antibody-Negative Organ and Tissue Donor --- United States, 2000--2002. 5 MMWR, 2003. Srinivasan, A., et al., Transmission of rabies virus from an organ donor to four transplant recipients. 2 N Engl J Med, 2005. 3 352 (11):1103-11. 4 West Nile Virus Infections in Organ Transplant Recipients --- New York and Pennsylvania, August--September, 2005. 5 MMWR, 2005." }, { "docid": "206007", "title": "Organ transplantation", "text": "Living Transplant Donations. Living donation takes place when a living person donates an organ (or part of an organ) for transplantation to another person. Regardless of who the living donor is, it usually is someone with a compatible blood type. The transplant can occur whenever you (the donor), and the transplant team decide." }, { "docid": "5648886", "title": "Symptoms of Liver Failure", "text": "The waiting time for a liver transplant is different for each person. The time a person spends on the waiting list depends on his or her blood type, body size, stage of liver disease, overall health, and the availability of a matching liver.iver transplants require that the blood type and body size of the donor match the person receiving the transplant. Currently more than 6,000 liver transplants are performed each year in the United States. Liver transplant surgery usually takes between four and twelve hours." }, { "docid": "4366705", "title": "When to Harvest Potatoes", "text": "This is generally a few weeks after the potato plants bloom. Harvesting soon after the vines die will yield small potatoes, and waiting longer will yield larger potatoes. Harvest potatoes any time between the time when the vines die and the end of the growing season." }, { "docid": "29599", "title": "Pancreas Transplant Cost", "text": "1 The National Kidney Foundation estimates that a pancreas transplant will cost $125,800, including the cost of the evaluation, procedures to obtain the donated organ, hospital charges, physician fees, follow-up care and immunosuppressants. The United Network for Organ Sharing, a nonprofit organization that maintains the national Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network, puts the average total cost of a pancreas transplant at $289,400, including procurement, hospital admission, doctor's fees, and immunosuppressants." }, { "docid": "6099171", "title": "-", "text": "Die Hard 2 (sometimes referred to as Die Hard 2: Die Harder) is a 1990 American action film and the second in the Die Hard film series. It was released on July 4, 1990.The film was directed by Renny Harlin, and stars Bruce Willis as John McClane.s with the first film, the action in Die Hard 2 takes place on Christmas Eve. McClane is waiting for his wife to land at Washington Dulles International Airport when terrorists take over the air traffic control system." }, { "docid": "6068558", "title": "Waiting for a Liver Transplant: My MELD Score is Low-Now What?", "text": "Model for end-stage liver disease, also known as the MELD score, is the most commonly discussed topic when meeting with our liver transplant waiting list patients." }, { "docid": "3007439", "title": "What do cats die from?", "text": "Answer. Hi – thanks for your email. Cats can die from a variety of diseases and conditions. In some ways, they are like people in that we all will die someday of something.It may be that we are hit by a car, or have a heart condition or cancer. Cats can get hundreds of diseases from which they can die.nswer. Hi – thanks for your email. Cats can die from a variety of diseases and conditions. In some ways, they are like people in that we all will die someday of something." }, { "docid": "3406375", "title": "How long does it take for liver to regenerate? How is the process like?", "text": "The liver does regenerate to some extent unlike many other structured or organs, surprisingly. But, if there is assault, from toxicity, chemicals, like acetometophen or infection, the whole organ can die. What do you do then? There is dialysis for kidney failure, but without a liver transplant it is a death sentence." }, { "docid": "6580579", "title": "Organ Donation and Transplantation Statistics", "text": "On average: 1 Over 3,000 new patients are added to the kidney waiting list each month.1. 2 13 people die each day while waiting for a life-saving kidney transplant.1. 3 Every 14 minutes someone is added to the kidney transplant list. 4 1. In 2014, 4,761 patients died while waiting for a kidney transplant." }, { "docid": "7523201", "title": "Become an Organ Donor", "text": "Today, there are more than 121,000 patients waiting for their lifesaving organ or tissue transplants. And every 11 minutes, another name is added to the list, but only 45% of Americans have registered as organ donors. If you haven't taken the steps to become an organ donor, please register today." }, { "docid": "4501837", "title": "Frequently Asked Questions", "text": "Most people can be organ donors. If you are interested in donating an organ, contact the United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS) at 1-888-894-6361 or go online at www.unos.org to get more information and to locate the nearest transplant center." }, { "docid": "6919068", "title": "-", "text": "The MELD formula, which is calculated on the basis of three objective variables (creatinine, bilirubin, and INR), predicts liver transplant survivability of patients waiting for liver transplantation, with higher MELD scores associated with higher mortality rates.leveland Clinic's liver transplant program is a member of the Ohio Solid Organ Transplant Consortium (OSOTC) and the United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS), meeting all their requirements for liver transplants." } ]
oil price average
[ { "docid": "4672918", "title": "-", "text": "this statistic illustrates the monthly average crude oil prices of the opec organization of petroleum exporting countries basket for the period between august 2014 and august 2015 the opec basket is a weighted average of prices for petroleum blends produced by opec countriesit is used as an important benchmark for crude oil prices in march 2015 the average price of the opec basket was at some 52 46 u s dollars per barrelthe opec basket oil price the opec crude oil price is defined by the price of the so called opec reference basketn march 2015 the average price of the opec basket was at some 52 46 u s dollars per barrel the opec basket oil price the opec crude oil price is defined by the price of the so called opec reference basket" }, { "docid": "4672926", "title": "Crude Oil Prices in 2014", "text": "in america the price of west texas intermediate crude oil has averaged about $ 95 per barrel that s expected to continue in 2014 overseas the global benchmark brent crude oil has traded much higher with an average of more than $ 110 per barrel the past three yearshat s down from the 2013 average of $ 108 41 and the more than $ 111 in the prior two years most analysts agree that brent crude oil prices will fall in 2014 the average analyst estimate is around $ 105 per barrel analysts see lower demand and higher supplies weighing down the price of brent crude oil in 2014" } ]
[ { "docid": "8009048", "title": "Gas prices on the rise: Here's why", "text": "so much for $ 2 a gallon gas gasoline prices are on the rise even as oil continues to hover around 7 month lows the average price of a gallon of gas has increased every day for nearly a month according to aaa it s the longest streak since last spring the national average today hit $ 2 31 a gallon" }, { "docid": "2735430", "title": "Separating Facts from Friction (cont.)", "text": "But based on our research, we believe that oil additives that target specific problems, such as leaks or oil burning in high-mileage engines, could be beneficial—if you chose a budget-price conventional oil, rather than a synthetic oil that already contains the additives that alleviate those problems." }, { "docid": "5498652", "title": "How Much Does Hot Mix Asphalt Cost?", "text": "Factors that affect the price. 1 The price of oil. The price of hot mix asphalt depends on the price of oil. 2 The type of material. There are many types of hot asphalt mix and the type of material used matters. 3 Geographical location. As with anything in life, higher cost of living areas will often have higher prices." }, { "docid": "7027963", "title": "How much does it cost to travel to France?", "text": "€140 ($148) is the average daily price for traveling in France. The average price of food for one day is €29 ($31). The average price of a hotel for a couple is €162 ($172). Additional pricing is in the table below. These average travel prices have been collected from other travelers to help you plan your own travel budget." }, { "docid": "1842713", "title": "Lexington, KY Lowest Regular Gas Prices", "text": "Lexington, KY Lowest Regular Gas Prices Summary There are 76 Regular gas price reports in the past 5 days in Lexington, KY. The average Regular gas price in Lexington, KY is $2.51, which is $0.03 lower than U.S. national average Regular gas price $2.54. The lowest Regular gas price is $2.33 of Thornton Oil Corp located at 802 N Broadway (US 68), Lexington, KY 40508." }, { "docid": "4836307", "title": "-", "text": "Foreclosed: N/A. The average home price in The Villages is $234,900, which is 1.1% lower than the average sold price in The Villages ($237,482) . The average home price per square foot in The Villages is $148 and about 5% of all homes in The Villages sold in the last 6 months.he average home price in The Villages is $234,900, which is 1.1% lower than the average sold price in The Villages ($237,482) ." }, { "docid": "2556399", "title": "How Do You Buy Spot Oil?", "text": "The spot price is what you would fork over to take physical delivery of that oil today. The EIA defines it as: The price for a one-time open market transaction for immediate delivery of a specific quantity of product at a specific location where the commodity is purchased on the spot at current market rates. The spot price is relatively unimportant in global oil markets." }, { "docid": "334891", "title": "-", "text": "Results indicate the dominance of oil price volatility on real stock. returns and emphasize how this has increased over time. Oil price volatility can have. profound effect on the time horizon of investment and firms need adjust their risk. management procedures accordingly." }, { "docid": "3755609", "title": "-", "text": "Average price of running/jogging shoes in the U.S. 2014, by distribution channel. Average price of running/jogging shoes in the United States in 2014, by point of sale (in U.S. dollars).verage price of running/jogging shoes in the U.S. 2014, by distribution channel. Average price of running/jogging shoes in the United States in 2014, by point of sale (in U.S. dollars)." }, { "docid": "4672919", "title": "-", "text": "the price of oil or the oil price generally refers to the spot price of a barrel of benchmark crude oil the price of a barrel of oil is highly dependent on both its grade determined by factors such as its specific gravity or api and its sulphur content and its locationhe price of oil or the oil price generally refers to the spot price of a barrel of benchmark crude oil the price of a barrel of oil is highly dependent on both its grade determined by factors such as its specific gravity or api and its sulphur content and its location" }, { "docid": "5450685", "title": "How much for a coffee in Paris?", "text": "it turns out that the average price for a coffee in France is 1,38 €. But the price varies from one region to another; in Paris, the average price is 1,95 € with a-very-large difference between places.t turns out that the average price for a coffee in France is 1,38 €. But the price varies from one region to another; in Paris, the average price is 1,95 € with a-very-large difference between places." }, { "docid": "908825", "title": "-", "text": "Executive Summary. Since June 2014, the price of oil has decreased approximately. 50%, from a WTI price of over $100/bbl to $40-$50/bbl today. As of April 3, 2015, the price of oil ranged between $49.14. (WTI) and $54.95 (Brent)." }, { "docid": "6686322", "title": "-", "text": "Locality. Sale Price Range (Rs./Sq-ft) is the price range associated with the property being viewed in Apr-Jun 2015 Average Price(Rs./Sq-ft) is the average price for the property type being viewed in Apr-Jun 2015 Q-o-Q is the Quarter on Quarter change in price." }, { "docid": "3537277", "title": "What is the difference between price level and the rate of inflation in an economy?", "text": "The price level is a measure of the average price in an economy and is measured at a point in time.. The rate of inflation is the rate of change of the price level over time.he price level is a measure of the average price in an economy and is measured at a point in time.. The rate of inflation is the rate of change of the price level over time." }, { "docid": "4345505", "title": "-", "text": "NYMEX Oil Prices. For reporters' convenience, each month ONRR publishes the NYMEX Calendar Month Average and the NYMEX Roll oil prices referenced in 30 CFR § 1206.103. The monthly NYMEX Price files are listed below and are also available for download ." }, { "docid": "7004292", "title": "How does the production cost of crude oil affect oil prices?", "text": "Knowing the breakeven price of crude oil is important when trying to figure out what OPEC needs in order to regain market share. The breakeven price of crude oil includes production costs, exploring or finding costs, oil well development costs, transportation costs, and selling and general administration expenses." }, { "docid": "469326", "title": "-", "text": "42^Crude oil price, oil, energy, petroleum, oil price, wti 5^Crude Oil Price, Oil, Energy, Petroleum, Oil Price, WTI ... 4^Crude Oil Price, Oil, Energy, Petroleum, Oil Price, WTI ..." }, { "docid": "4144173", "title": "-", "text": "The average home price in Kentucky is $125,000, which is 12.6% lower than the average sold price in Kentucky ($143,000) . The average home price per square foot in Kentucky is $68 and about 1% of all homes in Kentucky sold in the last 6 months." }, { "docid": "1598002", "title": "-", "text": "Because of this, the average home price and average home value of Buckeye also influence the average home price $195,000 and average sale price $198,000 of Arizona." }, { "docid": "7004288", "title": "U.S. Oil Shales: Breakeven Oil Price Is A Tricky Concept", "text": "However, breakeven price estimates vary widely and there is hardly a consensus regarding the oil breakeven price for U.S. shales among analysts. A reason for this variability of estimates is that breakeven oil price and breakeven economics are tricky terms that may mean a variety of things. The risk of confusion can be illustrated by looking at the following three definitions of breakeven oil prices:" }, { "docid": "371638", "title": "-", "text": "Average Crude Oil Spot Price: Average Crude Oil Spot Price is at a current level of 44.13, down from 47.69 last month and down from 54.34 one year ago. This is a change of -7.47% from last month and -18.80% from one year ago. Average Crude Oil Spot Price Chart." }, { "docid": "5840803", "title": "How Much Does a Savannah Cat Cost?", "text": "1 On average, the price of a Gouldian Finch is going to come down to the type of finch, the age of the bird, and the breeder selling it. 2 The average price is going to be anywhere from $50 to as much as $300." }, { "docid": "5585328", "title": "-", "text": "See more data. The average home price in Oroville is $147,700, which is 1% higher than the average sold price in Oroville ($146,250) . The average home price per square foot in Oroville is $96 and about 2% of all homes in Oroville sold in the last 6 months." }, { "docid": "5858255", "title": "-", "text": "Find Cheap Flights on Spirit Airlines. The price shown for each flight will be the average for all passengers including any infants. The price shown for each flight will be the average for all passengers including any infants. The price shown for each flight will be the average for all passengers including any infants." }, { "docid": "7838517", "title": "-", "text": "Reason No. 2: Oil price has been falling. One of the primary reasons why your gas prices rise or fall is the fluctuation in the price of crude oil. U.S. refineries buy several million barrels of oil every day to supply the world's biggest economy, so even small price changes make a big difference." }, { "docid": "5680432", "title": "Average Cost of Upgrades", "text": "Average Cost of Upgrades: Price Range and Upgrades. The average cost of new home upgrades per house is about 10 percent of the cost of the home, but that average does not hold consistent throughout the market.Homes with a base price of $180,000 or less averaged upgrades of about 7.3 percent.Homes with a base price of over $300,000 had an average upgrade cost of 11.4 percent above the base price. Average Upgrade Spending in *2005 – 2006.omes with a base price of $180,000 or less averaged upgrades of about 7.3 percent. Homes with a base price of over $300,000 had an average upgrade cost of 11.4 percent above the base price. Average Upgrade Spending in *2005 – 2006." }, { "docid": "5743289", "title": "Cost of Living", "text": "using average household income and average house price in the region 2005 compared to alberta and average house price in the region 2010 alberta southwest communities" }, { "docid": "6591870", "title": "Heating oil prices reach 4-year low", "text": "The average household used about 600 gallons of heating oil last winter. At that time, the average price of heating oil was $3.88 per gallon, which amounts to $2,354 per year, he said. If the price stays at $3.15, the average household could save about $464. Heating oil is used much more sparingly in Maryland than New England, which accounts for roughly 75 percent of the country's usage, Felmy said. Most households in the state use natural gas because it's much cheaper, he said." }, { "docid": "3376409", "title": "-", "text": "On the other hand, it appears to me that price of oil will decline when the energy consummers go to alternative sources for energy because they decide that they dont want to pay the current energy price." }, { "docid": "7454664", "title": "Boom time for Crude Oil in the US", "text": "Boom time for Crude Oil in the US By STEVE AUSTIN for OIL-PRICE.NET, 2014/08/04. OPEC, the United States of America is here, and how. As the top oil producing nation for 2014, the U.S. has steadily left the world behind." } ]
oldest duck
[ { "docid": "1554754", "title": "-", "text": "Oldest duck or goose band you harvested? The banded mallard I shot last Wednesday got me wondering how old are the bands we harvest. Year or two since banded or much older. The drake I shot was banded in Sept. 2005, in ND making him over 7 years old. Wonder how many miles under those wings. not only the miles but the decoy spreads he has seen and what made him decide yours was the one.." } ]
[ { "docid": "201316", "title": "-", "text": "I would get some duck feed along with the chicken scatch from the feed store. I had chickens and then put a duck in with them in a large area. The duck was a male and killed my chickens trying to mate with them, so be careful, ducks can be ‘not so nice’ at mating time! October 12, 2011 at 10:51 am.Reply. Get them chicken feed.s long as its not medicated chick starter than they should be fine. But I do recommend getting Flock feed. Its food for Chicken, Ducks, Geese and Turkeys. It is prob the best food for your chickens/ducks to have seeing as you are keeping them in the same pen. I hope this helped." }, { "docid": "7302416", "title": "Duck Dream Meaning", "text": "The connection between the duck and water can refer to the death by drowning of an acquaintance, but not a close friend or relative. In your dream you may have... 1 Seen a duck on water. 2 Seen a duck or ducks in a strange place. 3 Seen a flying duck. Seen a flock of ducks." }, { "docid": "1620129", "title": "What is duck canvas?", "text": "Cotton duck (from Dutch: doek, linen canvas ), also simply duck, sometimes duck cloth or duck canvas, is a heavy, plain woven cotton fabric. Duck canvas differs from plain canvas in that the threads in the former are more tightly woven. There is also linen duck, which is less often used. Cotton duck is used in a wide range of applications, from sneakers to painting canvases to tents to sandbags. Duck fabric is woven with two yarns together in the warp and a single yarn in the weft." }, { "docid": "2384986", "title": "-", "text": "How to Fix a Duck Hook with the Driver. I am going to use alignment rods to explain what’s going on with your duck hook. First, the golf club on the ground is going to represent our intended target line.ow to Fix a Duck Hook with the Driver Drill. I’m going to give you a drill to practice when you go to the range. First, we are going to address the path, and secondly we will address the face." }, { "docid": "134662", "title": "In the modern sense, what does the cookery term 'Confit' mean ?", "text": "Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: A specialty of the Gascony region, confit is a preserved food item, usually a meat like duck, goose, or pork. The meat is salted and cooked slowly in its own fat. It is then packed into a pot and covered with the cooking fat, which works as a seal and preservative.Confit as a preparation is not applied to meat alone. For example, a head of garlic or a lemon can be cooked and preserved in oil or lard.ating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: A specialty of the Gascony region, confit is a preserved food item, usually a meat like duck, goose, or pork. The meat is salted and cooked slowly in its own fat. It is then packed into a pot and covered with the cooking fat, which works as a seal and preservative." }, { "docid": "6052451", "title": "-", "text": "To make a classic duck confit, you'd first season duck legs with salt, brown sugar, garlic and fresh herbs such as thyme and other spices. Then, the duck is simmered in duck fat and water for a few hours." }, { "docid": "1492132", "title": "The 15 Most Disturbing Images From Google Street View", "text": "The Portal To Hell. Reddit/Loop_Duck. Reddit user Loopy Duck posted this location of the portal to Hell on a feed about the the most shocking images from Google street view. An equipment glitch most likely caused the effect, but it's creepy nonetheless. The current view still shows the distorted house." }, { "docid": "4959371", "title": "How long does a female duck sit on her eggs for before they hatch?", "text": "Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: Duck eggs take 28-30 days to hatch, except for Muscovy eggs, which take 35 days. If you find a wild duck's nest on your property and don't see the mother on the eggs, don't necessarily worry.ucks lay an egg every day or two until they have a full clutch (usually 8 to 15); only then will the mother start to sit on them. It takes the eggs 28 days to hatch from when she starts sitting all the time. When they hatch, she will soon lead them to a nearby body of water." }, { "docid": "1554752", "title": "-", "text": "We have 1 possible answer for the clue Oldest breed of duck which appears 1 time in our database. 1 The Times - Concise - Sunday Times Concise 695 - July 8, 2001. 2 The Times - Concise - Sunday Times Concise 695 - July 8, 2001. 3 Duck. Dabbling duck." }, { "docid": "4324292", "title": "Alliteration", "text": "Alliteration is the repetition of the initial sounds of adjacent words. And thanks to Cartoons, this one is easy for us: Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck. Then there were the Looney Tunes guys: Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck. We just repeat that first syllable in adjacent words and we have mastered Alliteration." }, { "docid": "7246332", "title": "Wine: what to drink with duck", "text": "If a dish has more of a Sunday roast feel, like Hugh's roast duck and gravy, I might go for a right-bank Bordeaux (merlot suits duck too). Photograph: Katherine Rose for the Guardian More rustic dishes, such as confit duck and beans, blend well with country wines from duck-populated south-west France. A regular favourite is the Domaine du Cros lo Sang del Pais Marcillac, generally around £10 a bottle but for some reason the Wine Society manages to offer it at £7.95 (12.5% abv)." }, { "docid": "8186635", "title": "Duck Dodgers", "text": "Duck Dodgers takes place in the 24th and 1/2 century aka the year 2350 which is half way through the 24th century. Wiki Link Edit. Duck Dodgers Wiki. Sources Edit" }, { "docid": "6255069", "title": "How to Cook a Duck", "text": "Pierce the skin and thick fat layer of the duck. Use a knife or skewer, and make piercings at one-inch (2.5 cm) intervals. Be sure to pierce all the way through the fat layer just below the skin, but not into the meat. You will feel resistance when you get to the meat layer.. Remove the roasting pan from the oven and test to make sure the duck is finished cooking. 1 Insert a cooking thermometer into the thickest portion of the duck meat, either the breast or thigh. 2 Be sure the thermometer is not touching any bones." }, { "docid": "4266529", "title": "5 Tips for Buying a Down Jacket", "text": "A down jacket is a warm jacket that is filled with the soft feathers of a duck or goose, and the outer layer is usually made of materials like nylon or polyester. Down, the soft feathers mentioned, are usually taken from the breasts and wings of the duck or goose." }, { "docid": "1597762", "title": "Duck pancakes with hoisin sauce", "text": "Heat the sesame oil in a frying pan or wok and add the duck. Stir-fry for 3-4 minutes until cooked through, then add the hoisin sauce. Continue to cook for about 1 minute, until the duck is thickly coated with the sauce." }, { "docid": "3180691", "title": "-", "text": "Until then, catch up on recent episodes of Duck Dynasty airing every Monday, Wednesday, and .Friday. Season 2 and 3 were big hits for the Robertson family and A&E. I expect season 4 of Duck Dynasty to be even better. Stay tuned for the Duck Dynasty season 4 premiere coming soon." }, { "docid": "8478383", "title": "Breaking down the beards that the Boston Red Sox have ridden all the way to the World Series", "text": "CLEVELAND, Ohio-The Boston Red Sox have teamed up to produce a memorable set of beards this postseason. Their facial-hair festival follows the trend set by the popular TV show Duck Dynasty, which features the Robertson family of the successful Duck Commander duck-call company." }, { "docid": "1986134", "title": "Usage & recipes", "text": "1 Duck and goose confit: the French way of preserving food in fat, so goose fat is perfect for this. 2 See recipe for Duck confit. 3 Use goose fat for duck, goose or pork rillettes, which is a homemade coarse pate, made from confit." }, { "docid": "6036766", "title": "Duck Symbol", "text": "Duck Symbol. Duck Symbol: To see a wounded bird, is a symbol of fateful of deep sadness caused by erring offspring-To see flying birds, is a symbol of prosperity to the dreamer." }, { "docid": "5608190", "title": "Duck Magret: The Duck Steak", "text": "Duck Magret: The Duck Steak. agret is the juicy breast of a duck, and it cooks up much like a steak; which is why we at D’Artagnan call it the duck steak.. If you can cook a steak, you can cook duck magret. It’s a perfect weeknight meal or special occasion dinner, and it's one of our favorite simple recipes." }, { "docid": "6954438", "title": "What does pompadour mean in 50's slang?", "text": "A pompadour is a hairstyle commonly worn by greasers in the '50s. The sides are combed back and the top is combed back and up. Usually styled with hair grease, and many coupled a pompadour with a duck tail or duck butt which is when the hair in the back has a middle part done by the end of a comb." }, { "docid": "1817698", "title": "-", "text": "Define confit: meat (such as goose, duck, or pork) that has been cooked and preserved in its own fat meat (such as goose, duck, or pork) that has been cooked and preserved in its own fat… See the full definition" }, { "docid": "980127", "title": "Avoiding The \"Duck Lips\" Look When You Opt For Injectables", "text": "Face | Lip Lines. Avoiding The Duck Lips Look When You Opt For Injectables. By NewBeauty Staff | July 22, 2010. A concern among women who augment their lips is that they'll be overfilled, which can result in what some call duck lips.. There are even websites dedicated to criticizing this permanently puckered look!" }, { "docid": "7434034", "title": "The Average Number of Eggs a Duck Lays", "text": "Egg Production. The runner duck, the Cayuga, the blue Swedish and the buff duck are among the top layer ducks, averaging up to 180 eggs per year. Poor egg layers such as the mallard may lay as few as 60 eggs a year. Some specialized varieties such as the white layer duck can produce nearly 300 eggs a year. Others, including the Khaki Campbell, have been bred to produce both meat and eggs and can lay an average of 210 or more eggs per year while still being useful on the table." }, { "docid": "6943174", "title": "Fresh Duck Eggs - How to know how fresh or old they really are ! ! ! !", "text": "Fresh Duck Eggs - How to know how fresh or old they really are ! ! ! ! When you get your duck eggs in the mail, they should be good for 2 to 3 weeks in the fridge. After 3 weeks or with older eggs, just crack them, by opening them first in a small clear glass bowl. If the whites look clear and have no smell, then they are still good." }, { "docid": "207048", "title": "-", "text": "French goose and duck fat: A Golden Treasure Mother Linda's. You can no longer buy French goose fat in the United States, but I have wonderful duck fat from Rougie, the same French company that used to export goose fat to the US. Rougie recently started working with a duck farm in Quebec.Duck fat is wonderfully golden and has a fatty acid profile similar to goose fat.hen it cools, goose fat is a beautiful pale yellow and solid at room temperature, but softer than lard. The French goose fat I sell comes packed in a can that you can leave at room temperature until it is opened and thereafter keep in the refrigerator." }, { "docid": "1934827", "title": "Mallard Duck Facts and Information", "text": "Mallard Duck Distribution. The Mallard Duck lives in subtropical and temperate regions. They are found around North Africa, New Zealand, Australia, North America, Asia, and Europe. They tend to live in the wetland areas where there is plenty of humidity.ne of the fun things to watch with the Mallard Duck is them with their young. They may sometimes ride on the back of the mother as she is in the water. When they trail behind her they make a straight line and stick very close behind her. They are vocal birds and use those sounds to communicate with their young." }, { "docid": "7029730", "title": "-", "text": "Best Answer: Hi Mate, Below are some of the differences between the two .... The differences between chicken and duck eggs, while slight, are noticeable by people who aren't used to the latter. Most of the people I know who have tried them prefer duck eggs, but not everyone likes them." }, { "docid": "90375", "title": "-", "text": "Take a fun Boston Duck Tour on a DUCK, which is a World War II-style amphibious landing vehicle. Narrated by knowledgeable and entertaining ConDUCKtors, the tour features a wide range of attractions and famous destinations." }, { "docid": "1511235", "title": "-", "text": "Sometimes known as a duck-billed platypus, this curious mammal combines the characteristics of many different species in one. The platypus is a duck-billed, beaver-tailed, otter-footed, egg-laying aquatic creature native to Australia." } ]
one who is obsessed is called an
[ { "docid": "1498663", "title": "-", "text": "people who are obsessed with time are called really annoying and anal! lol But seriously, the term is called timeophile- or chronophile for the obsession of devices that record time (watches clocks, calendars etc) Minor edit? Save Cancel." } ]
[ { "docid": "136184", "title": "Norco Addiction Signs, Side effects, and More", "text": "A person may be addicted to Norco if they: 1 Alter their dose by taking more of the drug than their doctor prescribes. 2 Become obsessed with obtaining and taking Norco. 3 Visit multiple doctors in an effort to obtain more of the drug. Take Norco for recreational purposes." }, { "docid": "606364", "title": "The untold truth of Flip or Flop", "text": "The untold truth of Flip or Flop. The majority of people know Chip and Joanna Gaines from Fixer Upper as the golden couple of HGTV. But those obsessed with the network know that Flip or Flop's Tarek and Christina El Moussa are just as charming and seem a little more real." }, { "docid": "6747980", "title": "What does otaku mean?", "text": "It means 'nerd' or 'geek' in Japanese. Generally the kind of person who collects anime figureines, manga, watches anime all the time, and is totally obsessed, but can also include other kinds of obsessions too, for instance densha otaku (a person who is completely and utterly obsessed with trains)." }, { "docid": "5435912", "title": "Mediums vs. Psychics: Is there a Difference?", "text": "If you want your fortune told or wish to speak with a long lost relative, it isn't difficult to find a psychic or a medium in today's supernatural-obsessed world. Before the digital age, psychics and mediums were usually found at traveling circuses, annual carnivals and town fairs." }, { "docid": "5379242", "title": "-", "text": "Vegetarian is not eating meat fish chicken or anything that comes from an animal, vegan. Or you can be an ovo lacto vegetarian that eats only things that grow out of the ground and dairy and eggs, which also don't kill animals. People who eat chicken and fish are not at all vegetarian. My son is bird obsessed." }, { "docid": "5760037", "title": "-", "text": "Goth music, in all its varied forms, can be described in many ways. It is usually described, with a characteristic lack of imagination, as being morbidly obsessed with death, as being 'dark', 'sombre' or 'depressing' - descriptions which show a complete misunderstanding of the genre." }, { "docid": "3835415", "title": "âiZombieâ Season 3 Premiere: What Time & Channel Is it On?", "text": "Blaine took the cure, but one of the side-effects was losing his memory. Major, who is also a zombie, took the early version of the cure, but it was only temporary. Major was also stuck working for Max Rager CEO Vaughn Du Clark (Steve Weber), who was obsessed with keeping another big secret from Seattle residents." }, { "docid": "8579948", "title": "-", "text": "She has been on a high protein, low carb diet, the insider said. But, the actress has no desire to lose too much weight, the cousin of Playboy model Jenny McCarthy still wants to maintain her curves. Melissa knows that fans love her big and beautiful, and she's not obsessed with dieting." }, { "docid": "7365193", "title": "Mariah Carey Lyrics", "text": "So, oh, oh oh oh. And all the ladies sing, So, oh, oh oh oh. So, oh, oh oh oh. All the girls sing. (Obsessed, obsessed, obsessed, obsessed, obsessed.). You on your job, you hatin' hard, Ain't goin' feed you, I'm a let you starve. Graspin' for air, and I'm ventilation, You out of breath, hope you ain't waitin'." }, { "docid": "3151636", "title": "Elijah Kelley: 5 Things To Know About The Scarecrow From âThe Wiz Live!â", "text": "We’re obsessed with the Scarecrow from The Wiz Live! on NBC, and now we’re dying to know about Elijah Kelley, the adorable 29-year-old actor that brought him to life. We did some digging and came up with five facts to help you get to know Elijah." }, { "docid": "1326266", "title": "How to Do Brick and Concrete Repairs", "text": "Unless there's a serious structural problem, wide, top-to-bottom cracks in brick or concrete-block walls are easy to fill. And there's no need to be obsessed with perfection. Work through the broken bricks instead of trying to replace them. 1 safety goggles.2 cold chisel. 3 sledgehammer. 4 brick chisel. 5 wire brush.6 garden hose.nless there's a serious structural problem, wide, top-to-bottom cracks in brick or concrete-block walls are easy to fill. And there's no need to be obsessed with perfection. Work through the broken bricks instead of trying to replace them. 1 safety goggles. 2 cold chisel. 3 sledgehammer." }, { "docid": "4218475", "title": "David Banner", "text": "Experimenting with Bruce's DNA on animals, David also saw his son's first transformation into the Hulk, which he soon became obsessed with copying that power. Releasing three dogs he had mutated to kill Betty Ross, who had confronted him over what has happened with Bruce, David called Bruce and told him of this." }, { "docid": "708330", "title": "Jughead Jones", "text": "Jughead is a smart, snarky, laid back easy going and rather odd high school student. He's obsessed with eating food, and is generally uninterested in any kind of romance, even disliking it and the ways it leads some people to make fools of themselves. Most see him as being lazy." }, { "docid": "1488317", "title": "Forrester", "text": "Forrester (Nasdaq: FORR) is one of the most influential global research and advisory firms in the world. We work with business and technology leaders to develop customer-obsessed strategies that drive growth." }, { "docid": "965114", "title": "Examples Of Themes", "text": "CHOOSING YOUR STORY THEME – KEY POINTS. 1 Give a lot of thought to choosing your story theme. Remember you will need to be obsessed with your chosen theme to keep writing about it for long periods of time. 2 Being aware of your themes can help you sell your books." }, { "docid": "7963489", "title": "The Last Word: Stephen King on Trump, Writing, Why Selfies Are Evil", "text": "Stephen King's newest novel End of Watch (which arrived in bookstores earlier this month) is the concluding chapter in his Mr. Mercedes trilogy, centered around a demented killer and the retired police officer obsessed with tracking him down." }, { "docid": "2310434", "title": "Why Do People Fall In Love? 8 Scientific Reasons", "text": "We've become a culture that's obsessed with defying age -- and research may help prove why: A study from the journal Current Anthropology found that men from five different cultures showed a preference for females with youthful features like large eyes, a small nose, and full lips." }, { "docid": "1109937", "title": "noob", "text": "noob ‎(plural noobs) ( 1 Internet slang, pejorative) A newb or newbie; refers to the idea that someone is new to a game, concept, or idea; implying a lack of experience. Also, in some areas the word noob can mean someone is obsessed with things. Noobs are annoying, they never know the forum rules." }, { "docid": "3091894", "title": "Music review: Fitz and the Tantrums' \"The Walker\" on Ellen", "text": "Music review: Fitz and the Tantrums' The Walker on Ellen. Happy birthday from Fitz and the gang. Ellen DeGeneres is completely obsessed with Fitz and the Tantrums' song The Walker, and we understand why." }, { "docid": "2332519", "title": "-", "text": "Character Analysis. Mildred is around in this novel to remind us what the average Joe (or Jane) is like. In a story of extraordinary people—Montag, Clarisse, Faber, Granger, and even Beatty—we need to understand the status quo to appreciate the deviation from it. So that’s where Mildred comes in.She’s bland, vacant, and obsessed with television.n a story of extraordinary people—Montag, Clarisse, Faber, Granger, and even Beatty—we need to understand the status quo to appreciate the deviation from it. So that’s where Mildred comes in. She’s bland, vacant, and obsessed with television." }, { "docid": "1583244", "title": "The Kids Who Beat Autism", "text": "Matt’s speech was the first thing to improve, but many of autism’s telltale signs persisted. He remained obsessed with precision and order. He mentally kept track of the schedules and appointments for all five members of his family, knowing who had to be where at what time." }, { "docid": "37493", "title": "Jenks Photos", "text": "Now hiring jobs near gilbert, az. Customer Service Associate. BuyBuy BABY - Chandler, AZ. BuybuyBABY in Chandler, AZ is seeking passionate, energized, customer-service obsessed people who thrive on a fast pace, enjoy working in a team environment,..." }, { "docid": "5819736", "title": "-", "text": "Contact Us. As part of our People Powered Pizza brand ethos we are a company obsessed with feedback. We’d love to hear what you think about Domino’s, our products and service – both the good and the bad." }, { "docid": "1183690", "title": "-", "text": "Biography by Steve Huey. An ace face during the mod-obsessed '60s, then a '70s pop juggernaut thanks to his songwriting, guitar playing, and the magic of Frampton Comes Alive." }, { "docid": "7337133", "title": "Carne Asada", "text": "1/12/2016. Made the switch from their carne asada fries to their carne asada nachos and I'm obsessed! Only reason I give four stars is because when you ask for extra cheese and sour cream only 5/10 they'll actually give it to you, which is a bummer." }, { "docid": "9473", "title": "Paul Sheldon", "text": "After a few days, Paul begins to realize that Annie is dangerously obsessed with him and his Misery Chastain novels. Annie reads Misery's Child and his enraged that Paul would kill off her favorite character. She forces him to write a new novel, bringing Misery back to life." }, { "docid": "7314037", "title": "Religious Quotes & Bumper Stickers", "text": "A Directioner is a person that is not only obsessed, but dedicated to One Direction, which are the five most perfect and beautiful boys in the world. A Directioner doesn't have to be someone who's been there from the start, but someone who will be there for these 5 boys till the end." }, { "docid": "6036237", "title": "-", "text": "FULL SYNOPSIS. From Oscar award winning writer and director Sofia Coppola, THE BLING RING tells the story, based on actual events, of a group of teenagers obsessed with fashion and celebrity that burglarize celebrities’ homes in Los Angeles." }, { "docid": "3142893", "title": "-", "text": "Check out our Apple Watch Series 2 video review. That's going to make the new Apple Watch a hard sell to anyone who isn't a fitness diehard and obsessed with getting that GPS chip in their watch. The cost then rises steeply, with the 42mm base model costing $399 / £399 / AU$579." }, { "docid": "5201954", "title": "Bretman Rock: 15 seconds to fame", "text": "At just 17-years-old, the junior from Campbell High School has become one of the most followed Instagram users from Hawaii. And in case you were wondering, Bretman IS his real name. My dad was obsessed with wrestlers, and he liked Bret Hart and the Rock, so that's how he got Bretman Rock, said Bretman." } ]
onii chan definition
[ { "docid": "204261", "title": "What does \"Onee-chan\" or \"Onii-chan\" means?", "text": "Best Answer: It's Japanese. Onii-chan means older brother. It can also be used with the suffixes. '-san-'. 'sama'. if the brother is much older, or very honored/respected. Onee-chan means older sister. It can also be used with the same suffixes I put above, if respected/honored or much older. '-chan' symbolizes a much closer bond between the siblings, hence the lack of formality. Onii is pronounced as OH-nee, while Onii is pronounced as OH-nay." } ]
[ { "docid": "4335375", "title": "-", "text": "Search to find any definition and meaning of a word at the-definition.com online dictionary What does mean by cavernous | cavernous definition | Online Dictionary and Definition. Search to find any definition and meaning of a word at the-definition.com online dictionary Definition" }, { "docid": "8677597", "title": "Propositional Logic", "text": "Definition: Two propositional expressions P and Q are logically equivalent, if and only if P « Q is a tautology. We write P ≡ Q or P o ó. Q the above definition is equivalent to the next: Definition: Definition two propositional Expressions p And q are logically, equivalent if they have same truth. tables" }, { "docid": "7027970", "title": "-", "text": "Also known as Chinese Super Ninjas, the great Cheh Chang writes and directs this amazing entry into his sublime cannon of Kung Fu Movies. This cult classic was produced by Shaw Brothers Studios and stars Tien-chi Cheng and Meng Lo along with Shaw Brother’s regulars Wai-Man Chan and Pei Hsi Chen." }, { "docid": "1842775", "title": "What martial art styles does Jackie Chan know?", "text": "Recently Jackie Chan joined Quora. And his answer to one of the similar questions is. When I was young, I learned Southern Style, Northern Style, then after that I learned Wing Chun, Hapkido, karate, boxing…all kinds of things. So my style is chop suey: everything. So these are the martial arts styles that he knows." }, { "docid": "3880091", "title": "Bali Nine: 'Very strong' Chan and Sukumaran 'died a respectful death' says priest", "text": "Map: Indonesia. Australian drug smugglers Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran were determined to die with dignity to avoid causing their parents unnecessary distress, according to a priest who was present when the men went to face the firing squad." }, { "docid": "4736699", "title": "Zen", "text": "From China, Chan Buddhism spread south to Vietnam, northeast to Korea and east to Japan, where it became known as Japanese Zen. The term Zen is derived from the Japanese pronunciation of the Middle Chinese word 禪 (Chan) which traces its roots to the Indian practice of Dhyana (meditation)." }, { "docid": "7444072", "title": "This DIY Fidget Spinner Is So Much Prettier Than the Store-Bought Kind", "text": "Most Popular. Fidget spinners are everywhere these days. And here at Good Housekeeping, we love putting a crafty spin on the latest trends, so Jenny W. Chan of Origami Tree helped us create a DIY version with cardboard, coins and beads. SUPPLIES. Pencil ($3 for box of 12, amazon.com) Sheet of cardboard, cut into two 2.75 by 2.75 squares; Four nickels; One dime" }, { "docid": "8552375", "title": "Patrick Chan: World Series Of Poker Main Event 'Has The Best Value Ever'", "text": "Patrick Chan: World Series Of Poker Main Event 'Has The Best Value Ever' Brooklyn Poker Pro Sees A Strange Play By Opponent On Day 7 by Brian Pempus | Published: Jul 14, 2015 |" }, { "docid": "7553237", "title": "-", "text": "Gregory Alan Isakov with Sera Cahoone at Rialto Theatre on 04-24-2017 From $294. Cat Power (also known as Chan Marshall) is headed back out on the road for a short tour, and this time with a full band. She’ll start out on September 26 at the Rialto Theatre in Tucson, AZ, and the…." }, { "docid": "8074471", "title": "-", "text": "Search to find any definition and meaning of a word at the-definition.com online dictionary What does mean by deputized | deputized definition | Online Dictionary and Definition. Search to find any definition and meaning of a word at the-definition.com online dictionary Definition" }, { "docid": "4677329", "title": "Can a house cat find its way home from 5 miles away?", "text": "of course the cat can find its way back. If you didnt know, cats have amazing sense of direction. Cats are pretty intelligent. Cats can be farther than that away from its home … and the find its way back.f a cat is 30 miles from home can it find its way back? Unfortunately, unless the cat has experienced the way home from 30 miles away, no it is barely possible. Even if the cat had traveled 30 miles outside of a car, the chan … ces are very very VERY small." }, { "docid": "2638357", "title": "Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan Give Newborn Daughter the Cutest Name, Devote 99% of Their Facebook Shares", "text": "So cute! Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan announced on Tuesday that they have welcomed a baby girl named Max. In a moving letter addressed to their child, the Facebook creator and his wife wrote, Your mother and I don't yet have the words to describe the hope you give us for the future.. WATCH: Mark Zuckerberg Expecting First Child With Wife Priscilla Chan -- Read His Emotional Facebook Post." }, { "docid": "3874337", "title": "-", "text": "D., are also considered as the last name. As Written As Filed By Unit 1 2 3 4. James A. Baker, II Mark G. Spilmon, Jr. Michael E. Chan, Ph. D. Mrs. Laurie D. Judnack John J. Johnson, C.P.A. Mary T. Todd, M.D. Baker Spilmon Chan Judnack Johnson Todd James Mark Michael Laurie John Mary A.G.E.D.J. T. II Jr.. Disregard conjunctions, articles and prepositions that are part of the name. As Written As Filed By Unit 1 2 3 Stop & Go Groceries Top of the World Bar Stop (&) Top (of the) Go World GroceriesBar C. Prepositions that begin a name are considered as part of the name." }, { "docid": "2213812", "title": "-", "text": "Search to find any definition and meaning of a word at the-definition.com online dictionary What does mean by Angiosperm | Angiosperm definition | Online Dictionary and Definition. Search to find any definition and meaning of a word at the-definition.com online dictionary Definition" }, { "docid": "4100707", "title": "-", "text": "Search to find any definition and meaning of a word at the-definition.com online dictionary What does mean by zamindar | zamindar definition | Online Dictionary and Definition. Search to find any definition and meaning of a word at the-definition.com online dictionary" }, { "docid": "7738557", "title": "Magical Girl", "text": "Another important early Magical Girl show was Majokko Meg-chan in 1974. This was the first show to be marketed to boys as well as girls, and featured a number of developments -- it was the first Magical Girl show to..." }, { "docid": "4656086", "title": "List of Crayon Shin-chan characters", "text": "Voiced by: Miki Narahashi (Japanese); Kath Soucie (Vitello), Julie Maddalena (Phuuz), Cynthia Cranz (Funimation) (English) Shin-chan's mother from Tokyo. She is 29 and a typical housewife of post-war Japan: She cleans, launders, cooks, sews, mothers Shin-chan and his sister, and lazes. While at heart a caring and nurturing individual, her positive aspects are often offset by her many shortcomings." }, { "docid": "3844836", "title": "-", "text": "Enter the context definition to use for this mapping. Context definitions are set up on the Context Definition page. If a conversion definition is associated with the context on the Context Definition page, the system displays the name of it in the Conversion Definition field." }, { "docid": "3258875", "title": "How Big Is The Worldâs Largest Fancy Goldfish?", "text": "This is the world’s largest fancy goldfish on record. Bruce the red oranda was bred in Hong Kong by brothers Louis & Jackie Chan and was the world’s longest fancy goldfish at 14.6″ long (37.2 cm). Bruce became the world’s largest goldfish in 2002. This is a Guiness World Record!" }, { "docid": "1690756", "title": "Mark Zuckerberg Net Worth & Biography 2017 | Facebook Salary & Earnings!", "text": "In 2012, Zuckerberg married Priscilla Chan, who he met at Harvard University at a party held by his fraternity. The two started had dated since 2003. As of June 2015, Mark Zuckerberg is one of the most successful young entrepreneurs, with a net worth of $36.2 billion." }, { "docid": "6694981", "title": "-", "text": "Search to find any definition and meaning of a word at the-definition.com online dictionary What does mean by consequently | consequently definition | Online Dictionary and Definition. Search to find any definition and meaning of a word at the-definition.com online dictionary Definition" }, { "docid": "3880092", "title": "Jackie Chan Addresses Death Hoax, Proves Heâs Alive With Facebook Post (PHOTO)", "text": "Credit: Facebook/Jackie Chan. Jackie Chan is very much alive. Squashing a rumor about his death that began circulating around the Internet earlier this month, Chan took to Facebook last week to provide proof of his continued vitality. Credit: Facebook/Jackie Chan. ... Everybody called me to see if I was alive, Chan wrote on his Facebook wall on June 21." }, { "docid": "2956069", "title": "Sammo Hung", "text": "This is a Chinese name; the family name is Hung. Sammo Hung (born 7 January 1952), also known as Hung Kam-bo (洪金寶), is a Hong Kong actor, martial artist, film producer and director, known for his work in many martial arts films and Hong Kong action cinema. He has been a fight choreographer for, amongst others, Jackie Chan, King Hu and John Woo." }, { "docid": "248618", "title": "Pedestrian crossing", "text": "Wikimedia Commons: Chris Chan. Death may be certain, but what funeral directors tell you may not be. Reader's Digest found 20 insider tips for planning a funeral. Laws vary from state to state, so be sure to check what's legal and what's illegal in your area." }, { "docid": "4334840", "title": "-", "text": "Top Article. 1 Rachael Ray Divorce, Height, Weight, Bio and Net worth. 2 Marcus Lemonis Gay, Married, Divorce, Wife or Girlfriend. 3 Nia Malika Henderson Wikipedia, Bio, Husband and Net worth. 4 Liberte Chan Biography, Wiki, Feet, Height, Husband and Married. 5 David Venable Boyfriend, Gay, Married, Partner, Wife, Net worth and Salary." }, { "docid": "7014403", "title": "Activities for Kids on Ambergris Caye, Belize", "text": "Most adults visit the island for the incredible diving and snorkeling that the Belize Barrier Reef offers, but what about activities for children, especially little kids? We’ve have lived here for 2 months with our 3 and 1 year old and have a few ideas of what to do with kids on Ambergris Caye.lder kids will have even more fun on a snorkel tour of the reef since they are capable of swimming and snorkeling on their own. In our opinion, when visiting Ambergris Caye, snorkeling at Hol Chan Marine Reserve and Shark Ray Alley is a must do for every adult or child!" }, { "docid": "3559011", "title": "-", "text": "Indicate the definition number. If the term has more than one definition in the dictionary, indicate which definition you used. A number indicates the entry number, since some words have more than one entry, and a letter indicates the definition under the entry number used. End the line with a period. Def. 1e." }, { "docid": "7446256", "title": "Rush Hour TV Show Pilot Ordered by CBS", "text": "cbs has ordered a pilot for the new tv series rush hour based on the blockbuster movie franchise starring chris tucker and jackie chan" }, { "docid": "2643754", "title": "ADHD Can Be Diagnosed At Age 4, Pediatricians Group Says", "text": "ADHD Can Be Diagnosed At Age 4, Pediatricians Group Says Amanda Chan The Huffington Post Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, can be diagnosed as young as age 4 and as old as age 18, according to new guidelines from the American Academy of Pediatrics. The recommendations hadn't been updated in the last decade, which had recommended diagnosis and treatment for kids ages 6 to 12, Reuters reported." }, { "docid": "3983276", "title": "-", "text": "Search to find any definition and meaning of a word at the-definition.com online dictionary What does mean by overrated | overrated definition | Online Dictionary and Definition. Search to find any definition and meaning of a word at the-definition.com online dictionary Definition" } ]
organum was an early form of what
[ { "docid": "3796424", "title": "-", "text": "Organum Harmony an early form of polyphony Anonymous IV Wrote old music theory from MUSC 118 at Eastern Michigan University" } ]
[ { "docid": "632119", "title": "-", "text": "LINK / CITE ADD TO WORD LIST. noun. The definition of an organelle is a structure in a cell with a specific function. An example of an organelle is a centriole.oun. A differentiated structure within a cell, such as a mitochondrion, vacuole, or chloroplast, that performs a specific function. New Latin organella, diminutive of Medieval Latin organum, organ of the body, from Latin, implement, tool; see organ." }, { "docid": "5190784", "title": "-", "text": "As this grant is offered on first come first basis, you should submit your application form as early as possible. You can also fill and submit the form online to save time. For filling the form online, you have to register on the FAFSA website to obtain the PIN (Personal Identification Number)." }, { "docid": "5517337", "title": "⺠Scholarships » Student Essay Tips", "text": "A copy of the scholarship application, your resume, etc. 1. Start early. Most scholarship applications require one or more of the following: an application form, a personal essay (150-1,000 words), a copy of your academic transcript, and letters of recommendation." }, { "docid": "5934601", "title": "-", "text": "Feminine form of JULIUS. A person by this name has a brief mention in the New Testament. It was borne by a few early saints and martyrs, including the patron saint of Corsica. Shakespeare used the name in his comedy 'The Two Gentlemen of Verona' (1594)." }, { "docid": "4607631", "title": "-", "text": "Callum might also be spelled Calum; in Ireland, the name became Colm, and in Scotland it's sometimes used as a pet form of Malcolm. Callum was popular among early Christians because the dove was a symbol of purity, peace and the Holy Spirit. St. Columba was one of the most influential of the early Celtic saints.allum might also be spelled Calum; in Ireland, the name became Colm, and in Scotland it's sometimes used as a pet form of Malcolm. Callum was popular among early Christians because the dove was a symbol of purity, peace and the Holy Spirit. St. Columba was one of the most influential of the early Celtic saints." }, { "docid": "2144834", "title": "What disease is Stephen Hawking suffering from?", "text": "Hawking has a rare early-onset, slow-progressing form of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), commonly known as motor neurone disease in the UK and as Lou Gehrig's Disease in the US, that has gradually paralysed him over the decades." }, { "docid": "5211836", "title": "undifferentiated connective tissue disease", "text": "undifferentiated connective tissue disease. An early stage of a connective tissue disease, in which the predominant organ of involvement or clinical form is not yet manifest. Cf Overlap syndrome, Palindromic rheumatism." }, { "docid": "4388435", "title": "Your baby's early development", "text": "In weeks four to five of early pregnancy, the embryo grows and develops within the lining of the womb. The outer cells reach out to form links with the mother’s blood supply. The inner cells form into two, and then later, into three layers. Each of these layers will grow to be different parts of the baby’s body." }, { "docid": "6125535", "title": "Han Solo", "text": "The Battle of Endor, which saw the deaths of the Emperor and Darth Vader, allowed the Rebellion to form the New Republic. In the early days after Endor, Solo continued to lead the Pathfinders against the Empire. He married Organa, and the two had a son, Ben Solo." }, { "docid": "2795756", "title": "Who invented the ball?", "text": "Ancient Egypt was known to play an early form of soccer with a somewhat circular shaped object. The first official balls were manufactured by Charles Goodyear in 1836. Other than that read this. Through out history, humans have enjoyed kicking a ball or something like a ball." }, { "docid": "1333948", "title": "-", "text": "Early Withdrawal Penalty. The IRS attempts to encourage long-term savings in IRA accounts by imposing a penalty on withdrawals taken too far before traditional retirement age. In an IRA you must wait until you are at least 59 1/2 years old to avoid this penalty, which amounts to 10 percent of the amount you withdraw.The penalty comes in the form of an additional tax on your Form 1040.n an IRA you must wait until you are at least 59 1/2 years old to avoid this penalty, which amounts to 10 percent of the amount you withdraw. The penalty comes in the form of an additional tax on your Form 1040." }, { "docid": "3778827", "title": "Lecture 20", "text": "It was during the early Middle Ages, roughly 500-1000, that a new form of government appeared. This government was Germanic in origin. Rome had built her government around an emperor and his elaborate and extensive administrative bureaucracy." }, { "docid": "6296950", "title": "Scherzo", "text": "The scherzo itself is a rounded binary form, but, like the minuet, is usually played with the accompanying trio followed by a repeat of the scherzo, creating the ABA or ternary form. This is sometimes done twice or more (ABABA).n early use of the word scherzo in music is in light-hearted madrigals of the early baroque period, which were often called scherzi musicali, for example: 1 Claudio Monteverdi wrote two sets of works with this title, in 1607 and in 1632." }, { "docid": "2850721", "title": "Early-onset Alzheimer's: When symptoms begin before age 65", "text": "Some people with early-onset Alzheimer's have the common form of the disease, and experts don't know why these people get the disease at a younger age than others do. For most, however, early-onset Alzheimer's runs in the family." }, { "docid": "4955602", "title": "Gastrulation and the 3 Germ Layers (Ectoderm, Endoderm & Mesoderm)", "text": "Gastrulation is the process that results in the formation of three distinct germ layers in the early embryo. In some animals that lay eggs, such as frogs, gastrulation is accomplished when the hollow blastula invaginates to form an inner layer of cells called the endoderm and an outer layer of cells called the ectoderm.s these epiblast cells proliferate, some of them migrate out of the epiblast to form the endoderm and then the mesoderm. The cells that remain in the epiblast form the ectoderm. Each of the three primary germ layers will form a different set of specific organs and tissue types in the animal." }, { "docid": "8591233", "title": "primitive", "text": "6. of an early or the earliest period. 7. old-fashioned: primitive notions of style. 8. simple or crude: primitive equipment; primitive housing. 9. a. of or pertaining to a form from which a word or other linguistic form is derived; not derivative. b. of or pertaining to a protolanguage." }, { "docid": "8670185", "title": "Culture & History", "text": "During the late 1800s and early 1900s, Victoria became the busiest seaport north of San Francisco. In 1866, Vancouver Island and British Columbia united to form a single colony; two years later, the city of Victoria was declared its capital.In 1871, British Columbia became the sixth province of the Dominion of Canada.uring the late 1800s and early 1900s, Victoria became the busiest seaport north of San Francisco. In 1866, Vancouver Island and British Columbia united to form a single colony; two years later, the city of Victoria was declared its capital." }, { "docid": "961623", "title": "Top 30 Doctor insights on: How Long Is A Tb Test Good For", "text": "No symptoms are expected with latent tb. It is possible to have active TB with very little symptoms especially early on. However, it is more than likely that you carry the germ for TB in a dormant form, this is called latent tb. No symptoms are expected with latent tb. It is possible to have active TB with very little symptoms especially early on." }, { "docid": "5206991", "title": "Oxalic acid", "text": "The formula of oxalic acid is (C2H2O4); its usual form is that of the crystalline hydrate, (COOH)2·2H2O. Known as a constituent of wood sorrel as early as the 17th century, oxalic acid was first prepared synthetically in 1776." }, { "docid": "2601529", "title": "River valley civilization", "text": "Early civilizations. Mesopotamia was the earliest river valley civilization, starting to form around 3500 BCE. The civilization was created after regular trading started relationships between multiple cities and states around the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers." }, { "docid": "4288493", "title": "Tips for Growing Tomatoes â How to Grow Tomatoes", "text": "How to Grow Tomatoes. Given the proper climatic conditions, you can grow tomatoes nearly anywhere. The soil should consist of organic matter, usually in the form of compost, with sufficient amounts of fertilizer and moisture. When growing tomatoes, you should start early since most take a while to mature." }, { "docid": "4353268", "title": "When Do Babies Start Teething?", "text": "Early Formation: Teeth Start Early. 1 Teeth begin to form in the unborn fetus between 4 and 6 weeks. 2 This is when the basic substance of the tooth forms. 3 Around 3 months into the pregnancy, the hard tissue that surrounds the teeth forms. 4 This process is called mineralization." }, { "docid": "1515451", "title": "-", "text": "The current form with the four pockets and the pleating was well known into the early 1940's. Here's a photograph of a Guayabera shirt from about 1947. I have a small collection of vintage Guayabera shirts, but nothing from the 1940's. The earliest I have is from the mid to late 1950's." }, { "docid": "1403192", "title": "-", "text": "Chronic myelogenous leukemia: A chronic malignant disease in which too many white blood cells belonging to the myeloid line of cells are made in the bone marrow. Early symptoms of this form of leukemia include fatigue and night sweats." }, { "docid": "695855", "title": "-", "text": "Click Here to return to the search form. To understand how kelp became members of the Protista, one must delve into the convoluted and messy history of systematics. Early attempts at organizing life into a classification system usually separated all organisms as either plants or animals." }, { "docid": "4632972", "title": "-", "text": "If you have a weak immune system and can't get the vaccine, early treatment is your best defense against shingles. Sometimes what seems to be shingles is really herpes simplex. Though it usually appears as cold sores around the mouth or genitals, this form of herpes can show up elsewhere." }, { "docid": "3535725", "title": "When and why did Gothic Literature originate and what is gothic literature?", "text": "(Answer #2). Gothic literature, like romantic literature, was at least in part a reaction against neoclassicism. In fact, Gothic literature is a form of Romanticism. It was popular in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, just like Romanticism.Gothic novels are usually set in castles, monastaries, spooky old mansions. They also usually involve ghosts or some form of the supernatural.Answer #2). Gothic literature, like romantic literature, was at least in part a reaction against neoclassicism. In fact, Gothic literature is a form of Romanticism. It was popular in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, just like Romanticism." }, { "docid": "7808087", "title": "Everything You Never Wanted to Know About Listeria, But Need To", "text": "Newborns may present clinically with early-onset (less than 7 days) or late-onset forms of infection (7 or more days). [3] Those with the early-onset form are often diagnosed in the first 24 hours of life with sepsis (infection in the blood)." }, { "docid": "7209967", "title": "-", "text": "Old English (Ænglisc, Anglisc, Englisc) or Anglo-Saxon[2] is the earliest historical form of the English language, spoken in England and southern and eastern Scotland in the early Middle Ages." }, { "docid": "3109210", "title": "-", "text": "We’ve developed a detailed list of the many items you will need to consider when. planning your next golf tournament. Feel free to print out this checklist for reference or. email it to your golf committee members. Check list for your golf tournament. Committee. Form your committee early for maximum planning time. Reserve golf course early. Identify helpers…the more the better." } ]
origin of name guillaume
[ { "docid": "1858084", "title": "-", "text": "In French, the name Guillaume means-derived from william resolute protector.The name Guillaume originated as an French name. The name Guillaume is most often used as a boy name or male name." }, { "docid": "1858086", "title": "-", "text": "Meaning of Guillaume. French name. In French, the name Guillaume means-derived from william resolute protector.The name Guillaume originated as an French name. The name Guillaume is most often used as a boy name or male name." } ]
[ { "docid": "7166679", "title": "-", "text": "How to reset Origin on Mac. 1 Reset Origin if it’s crashing on your Mac. 2 Follow these steps to use the Origin client or Store in your language of choice. 3 Download and install Origin so you can get in the game. 4 Learn how to uninstall the Origin client from your PC or Mac." }, { "docid": "3816232", "title": "What is a 'Certificate Of Origin - CO'", "text": "Certificate Of Origin - CO. DEFINITION of 'Certificate Of Origin - CO'. A document declaring in which country a commodity or good was manufactured. The certificate of origin contains information regarding the product's destination and country of export and is required by many treaty agreements before being accepted into another nation." }, { "docid": "1781708", "title": "-", "text": "(Wrote under the name J. Hector St. John) French-born American fiction writer and novelist. Michel Guillaume Jean de Crevecoeur crèvecoeur was a Naturalized american citizen whose observations on life in-Pre Revolutionary america are still read. today" }, { "docid": "3439798", "title": "Family Name and Origin for One Surname", "text": "Family Name and Origin for One Surname. The family name and origin of your surname print is beautiful. Stunning colors and elegant artwork along the borders of the family name, and its origin set these displays apart from other products on the market that show a family name and its surname origin. Your family name and its origin will look just like the one below with your surname at the top." }, { "docid": "7595551", "title": "Kaylee Meaning", "text": "What does Kaylee mean, popularity, numerology and more. The name Kaylee is of English origin. The meaning of Kaylee is modern invented name. It is also of Irish origin, where its meaning is descendant of Caolladhe, slender and Hebrew origin, where its meaning is crown of laurels.he name Kaylee is of English origin. The meaning of Kaylee is modern invented name. It is also of Irish origin, where its meaning is descendant of Caolladhe, slender and Hebrew origin, where its meaning is crown of laurels." }, { "docid": "8517628", "title": "Guillaume de Machaut (c.1300-1377)", "text": "Guillaume de Machaut (d.1377) is one of the undisputed pinnacle geniuses of Western music, and the most famous composer of the Middle Ages. Today his four-voice Mass of Notre Dame is a textbook example for medieval counterpoint, and has served sufficiently to maintain his reputation across shifts in fashion." }, { "docid": "6343991", "title": "Yara - Meaning of Yara", "text": "Its language of origin is Turkish. The meaning of Yara is strong; spring. The name is of obscure origin; it has been variously interpreted to mean 'strong' or 'spring'. Yara's origin is Brazilian. In Brazilian Tupi mythology, Yara or Iara was the name of a mermaid, siren, or river goddess.he name is of obscure origin; it has been variously interpreted to mean 'strong' or 'spring'. Yara's origin is Brazilian. In Brazilian Tupi mythology, Yara or Iara was the name of a mermaid, siren, or river goddess." }, { "docid": "2576959", "title": "-", "text": "All known organisms share certain generalproperties, and to a large degree these properties define whatwe mean by life. 4.2 There are many ideas about the origin of life. Theories about the Origin of Life. There are bothreligious and scientific views about the origin of life." }, { "docid": "6274896", "title": "Meaning of Rosie", "text": "A short or pet form of Rose from which the meaning and origin of the name is derived i.e. the Latin word 'rosa'. The Meaning of the name Rosie The meaning of the name Rosie is as follows: Rose Flower. The Origin of the name Rosie The origin of the name Rosie is believed to be: Latin.The Hidden Meaning of the name Rosie using Numerology Numerology is an ancient science which was developed by Pythagoras. Numerology offers an insight into the personality by assigning numeric values to the letters contained in names. short or pet form of Rose from which the meaning and origin of the name is derived i.e. the Latin word 'rosa'. The Meaning of the name Rosie The meaning of the name Rosie is as follows: Rose Flower. The Origin of the name Rosie The origin of the name Rosie is believed to be: Latin." }, { "docid": "6776057", "title": "Jazmine Meaning", "text": "The name Jazmine is of Persian origin, and it means Jasmine Flower . It's a name commonly given to girls.he name Jazmine is of Persian origin, and it means Jasmine Flower . It's a name commonly given to girls." }, { "docid": "901342", "title": "Topic: Last Name Meaning", "text": "Re: last name meaning and origin - s. I am looking for origin and meaning of the last name of Handschutch, obviously germanic axis@netherworld. Re: last name meaning and origin - steven cox 13:26:18 10/10/02 (. Re: last name meaning and origin - Curry 17:31:15 10/28/02 (." }, { "docid": "7730730", "title": "Renaissance Music Timeline", "text": "By Espie Estrella. Renaissance or rebirth, a period of significant changes in history, including music. 1400 - 1474 - Guillaume Dufay, known as the transitional figure to the Renaissance. 1450 - 1550 - During this period composers experimented with cantus firmus." }, { "docid": "4154644", "title": "The Secret Pulse of Time", "text": "Longitude of local origin (reference) point(s), specified as a scalar value, vector, matrix, or N-D array. In many cases there is one origin (reference) point, and the value of lon0 is scalar, but it need not be.(It may refer to a moving platform, for example).ongitude of local origin (reference) point(s), specified as a scalar value, vector, matrix, or N-D array. In many cases there is one origin (reference) point, and the value of lon0 is scalar, but it need not be." }, { "docid": "7166677", "title": "Origin", "text": "Origin (formerly known as EA Download Manager or EADM) is the digital distribution service developed by EA. Origin is used to download and install digital versions of purchased games as well as their updates. Origin is the chief competitor to Valve's Steam content distribution service. Origin has been a mandatory requirement for all EA titles released since 2011." }, { "docid": "4835625", "title": "-", "text": "Point Symmetry. Point symmetry occurs when every part of an object has a matching part that is the same distance from the origin on a coordinate plane, but is in the opposite direction. Point symmetry is often called origin symmetry because the point is frequently the origin on the coordinate plane." }, { "docid": "5544949", "title": "Robert Guillaume, Emmy-Winning Star of 'Benson,' Dies at 89", "text": "Robert Guillaume, the gravel-voiced and urbane actor who won Emmys for playing a sarcastic butler-turned-politician on two different sitcoms, died of complications from prostate cancer on Tuesday. He was 89." }, { "docid": "2800174", "title": "Yahya Meaning", "text": "What does Yahya mean, popularity, numerology and more. The name Yahya is of Persian and Arabic origin. The meaning of Yahya is john. It is also of Egyptian origin, where its meaning is given by G-d.hat does Yahya mean, popularity, numerology and more. The name Yahya is of Persian and Arabic origin. The meaning of Yahya is john. It is also of Egyptian origin, where its meaning is given by G-d." }, { "docid": "687377", "title": "Mimi", "text": "The name Mimi is of French origin, and it means Diminutive form of any name beginning with m .It's a name commonly given to girls.he name Mimi is of French origin, and it means Diminutive form of any name beginning with m ." }, { "docid": "8498975", "title": "Lancome Heir Becomes Billionaire Thanks To Sisley, Seller Of $475 Face Cream", "text": "Thanks to this sort of cult following and rapid growth in Asian markets, Sisley Cosmetics’ French founder is a new Forbes billionaire. Forbes estimates that Hubert d’Ornano has a net worth of $1.3 billion. He and his family own 100% of Sisley, the private skin care and fragrance company he founded in 1976. D’Ornano is considered cosmetics industry royalty: his grandfather Guillaume co-founded Lancôme in 1935 before selling his shares in the 1950s." }, { "docid": "1620217", "title": "Ethel", "text": "The name Ethel is of English origin, and it means Noble .It's a name commonly given to girls.he name Ethel is of English origin, and it means Noble ." }, { "docid": "1500581", "title": "6.15 FAQ-17 What should I do if double-clicking on my OPJ file fails to launch Origin?", "text": "If double clicking opj launches Origin 7.5 instead of Origin 9.0, you can try the following: 1 Exit both Origin 7.5 and Origin 9.0. 2 Find the Origin 9.0 EXE file in Origin Programming Folder. 3 Right click on the EXE file and choose Run as administrator." }, { "docid": "8803293", "title": "-", "text": "DE L'ISLE, Guillaume. [The Antilles, with St Vincent and the Grenadines] Carte Des Antilles Françoises et des Isles Voisines. Paris, 1717. Original outline colour. 650 x 370mm. A detailed map showing Guadeloupe, Dominica, Martinique, St. Lucia, Barbados, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Grenada. Mustique and Union Island." }, { "docid": "3105085", "title": "INVAR", "text": "The sharp minimum occurs at the Invar ratio of 36% Ni. Invar, also known generically as FeNi36 (64FeNi in the US), is a nickel steel alloy notable for its uniquely low coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE or α). It was invented in 1896 by Swiss scientist Charles Édouard Guillaume." }, { "docid": "450093", "title": "-", "text": "Now, in Origin, head to the install directory tab as detailed earlier, and change the Origin install location to the new Origin Games folder you copied all of your games to. Close down Origin and restart it. In your library all of the games you copied should either have ‘Install’ or ‘Download’ next to them." }, { "docid": "8488535", "title": "â  - Linking EA account", "text": "If the email address for your Gamertag/PSN/PSVita ID is different than the address for your Origin account, connect them using the steps below: Open the Origin client and click the Friends button, then Add a Friend. If you do not have the Origin client installed, you can download Origin for both PC and Mac." }, { "docid": "1445450", "title": "Meaning of Pamela", "text": "The Origin of the name Pamela The origin of the name Pamela is believed to be: Greek. The Hidden Meaning of the name Pamela using Numerology Numerology is an ancient science which was developed by Pythagoras. Numerology offers an insight into the personality by assigning numeric values to the letters contained in names.he Origin, Meaning and the Hidden Meaning of the name Pamela This page details the origin and literal meaning of the name Pamela together with an insight into the hidden meaning and interpretation of the name using numerology." }, { "docid": "6886559", "title": "Meaning of Stephanie", "text": "The Origin of the name Stephanie The origin of the name Stephanie is believed to be: Greek. The Hidden Meaning of the name Stephanie using Numerology Numerology is an ancient science which was developed by Pythagoras.he Origin of the name Stephanie The origin of the name Stephanie is believed to be: Greek. The Hidden Meaning of the name Stephanie using Numerology Numerology is an ancient science which was developed by Pythagoras." }, { "docid": "540563", "title": "-", "text": "What does Wilson mean, popularity, numerology and more. The name Wilson is of English origin. The meaning of Wilson is son of william. It is also of German origin, where its meaning is son of William.hat does Wilson mean, popularity, numerology and more. The name Wilson is of English origin. The meaning of Wilson is son of william. It is also of German origin, where its meaning is son of William." }, { "docid": "4356315", "title": "Gill (name)", "text": "1 in English, Gill may be a hypocorism of a number of given names, including Giles, Julian, William (Guillaume), Gillian, etc. 2 the Dutch form of the given namen Giles. 3 in Northern English, Scots and Norwegian, it may be a topographic name, ultimately derived from Old Norse gil ravine; c.f. in English, Gill may be a hypocorism of a number of given names, including Giles, Julian, William (Guillaume), Gillian, etc. 2 the Dutch form of the given namen Giles. 3 in Northern English, Scots and Norwegian, it may be a topographic name, ultimately derived from Old Norse gil ravine; c.f." }, { "docid": "6676888", "title": "What is the geometric meaning of singular matrix", "text": "A singular $3\\times 3$ real matrix maps $\\mathbb{R^3}$ into a proper subspace of $\\mathbb{R^3}$ (a plane through the origin, a line through the origin, or, most degenerately, to just the origin). A non-singular matrix maps $\\mathbb{R^3}$ onto itself." } ]
phone number for lehigh valley hospital
[ { "docid": "6447848", "title": "-", "text": "content_middle_upper_widgets. 1 Reach a patient Lehigh Valley Hospital-Cedar Crest: 610-402-8001. 2 Find an emergency room Lehigh Valley Hospital-Cedar Crest: 610-402-8111. 3 Schedule a test 610-402-TEST (8378) Get help with billing/insurance 484-884-3025 or 800-608- 1 6800. Sign up for a class or event 888-402-LVHN (5846)" } ]
[ { "docid": "8522916", "title": "These 15 Rochester Restaurants Will Blow The Taste Buds Out Of Your Mouth", "text": "Yelp: 4.5 stars 368 reviews No list of places to eat in Rochester would be complete without a nod to New York favorite Dinosaur Bar-B-Que, so we might as well start off with it. Located downtown in the old Lehigh Valley Railroad Station, Dinosaur Bar-B-Que (or just “Dinosaur”) provides its patrons with the 3 B’s: Bikers, blues, and barbecue." }, { "docid": "848098", "title": "-", "text": "Phone number : PostNet TX214 Look out here for phone number or helpline number of PostNet TX214 with customer Support number and address. Home PostNet TX214 Phone Number, Address, Email Id" }, { "docid": "6354375", "title": "How to Block a Phone Number on U.S. Cellular", "text": "If you don't want the other party to get your phone number, just dial a short code before calling his number. Your phone number will come through as private or restricted on the other line. Dial *67 on your phone keypad. Dial the number you want to call. Press the Send or green phone button on your phone." }, { "docid": "8027312", "title": "-", "text": "Phone number : Bull Moose Look out here for phone number or helpline number of Bull Moose with customer Support number and address. Home Bull Moose Phone Number, Address, Email Id" }, { "docid": "950801", "title": "Syracuse Chiefs 2016 schedule", "text": "North Division opponents — Buffalo, Lehigh Valley, Pawtucket, Rochester and Scranton/Wilkes-Barre — a combined 91 times, 11 more than the traditional 80-game divisional slate of past years (Scranton/Wilkes-Barre 17, Lehigh Valley and Buffalo 18, Pawtucket and Rochester 19)." }, { "docid": "7270477", "title": "Pocono Mountains", "text": "Pocono Mountains. The Pocono Mountains, commonly referred to as the Poconos, is a geographical, geological, and cultural region in Northeastern Pennsylvania, United States. The Poconos are an upland of the larger Allegheny Plateau. Forming a 2,400-square-mile escarpment overlooking the Delaware River and Delaware Water Gap to the east, the mountains are bordered on the north by Lake Wallenpaupack, on the west by the Wyoming Valley and the Coal Region, and to the south by the Lehigh Valley. The name comes from the" }, { "docid": "6142463", "title": "Akron Childrens Hospital Address and Contact Number", "text": "Akron Childrens Hospital Address and Contact Number Akron Childrens Hospital Contact Phone Number is : 330-543-1000 and Address is One Perkins Square, Akron, Ohio, United States of America Akron Children's Hospital is a children hospital situated in Akron, Ohio. Akron Children's Hospital is has branches in 78 locations and is the largest pediatric center in northeast Ohio. The hospital has all the medical facilities such as trauma center and intensive care center for child's and adults." }, { "docid": "2329265", "title": "-", "text": "a hardcore punk band from the lehigh valley pennsylvania punk scene. with only one ep out but working on more that are well respected. www.myspace.com/therealsedated." }, { "docid": "3883280", "title": "-", "text": "Phone Number of Decorating Den Interiors; Phone Number of Decorating Den Interiors Somerset; Phone Number of Decorating Den Interiors Nipomo; Phone Number of Decorating Den Interiors Ooltewah; Phone Number of Decorating Den Interiors Laurel; Phone Number of Decorating Den Interiors Punta Gorda; Phone Number of Decorating Den Interiors Fort Wayne; Phone Number of Decorating Den Interiors OR; Phone Number of Decorating Den Interiors Lafayette LA; Help" }, { "docid": "228345", "title": "Overview", "text": "Dr. Robert Terranova is a Neurologist in Manahawkin, NJ. Find Dr. Terranova's phone number, address, insurance information, hospital affiliations and more." }, { "docid": "8413363", "title": "How to Find Out Who Owns a Cell Phone Number", "text": "1. Simply call the cell phone number back. Sure this sounds easy, but not everyone wants to do this. If you would like to be anonymous, just call the number back from a public phone. If anyone answers the phone, just ask who is speaking. This is the easiest way to find out who owns a cell phone number.2. Google it! Enter the cell phone number into Google’s search engine and see if any information about the phone number comes up. Almost everyone today has a MySpace profile, blog or posts on message boards or newsgroups.. Simply call the cell phone number back. Sure this sounds easy, but not everyone wants to do this. If you would like to be anonymous, just call the number back from a public phone. If anyone answers the phone, just ask who is speaking. This is the easiest way to find out who owns a cell phone number." }, { "docid": "1035124", "title": "Walnutport, PA", "text": "Walnutport, Pennsylvania. Walnutport is a borough in Northampton County, Pennsylvania, United States. Incorporated in 1909, Walnutport is located in the Lehigh Valley region of Pennsylvania along the Lehigh River. The population of Walnutport was 2,043 at the 2000 census. The U.S. postal code (zip code) for Walnutport, Pennsylvania, is 18088." }, { "docid": "1868152", "title": "-", "text": "The main telephone number for Carilion Roanoke Memorial Hospital is (540) 981-7000. Since patient rooms may frequently change, your relatives and friends should check with the information desk in the lobby for your correct room and phone number." }, { "docid": "6791593", "title": "-", "text": "KinderCare - Moreno Valley 11961 Perris Boulevard, Moreno Valley CA 92557-6543 Phone Number: (951) 243-6558" }, { "docid": "3346448", "title": "-", "text": "Valley View Hospital; Willits Care Center; Close; Careers. Current Openings; Applying for Employment; Living in the Valley; Why Valley View; Current Employees; Current Physicians; Close" }, { "docid": "2118732", "title": "COOPERSBURG, LEHIGH COUNTY, PHILADELPHIA & COUNTRYSIDE, PENNSYLVANIA LAND FOR SALE: 1 - 15 of 78 listings", "text": "Coopersburg, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania Land for Sale. Looking for rural homes and land for sale in Coopersburg, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania? LandWatch.com has thousands of rural properties in Coopersburg, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania, including hunting & fishing properties, cabins, Land for sale and land auctions. Choose from small acreage lots to massive 500+ acre estates." }, { "docid": "4079929", "title": "Historic Hotel Bethlehem", "text": "Prior to the Eagle Hotel, the famous “First House of Bethlehem” was located on this site. Built in 1741 by missioning Moravians in the wilderness that is now the bustling Lehigh Valley." }, { "docid": "8663686", "title": "Dr. KEVIN W MCCURRY â FAMILY PRACTICE", "text": "Phone Number. Phone number of doctor KEVIN W MCCURRY is available at the official website of the organisation LEWIS COUNTY HOSPITAL DISTRICT NO 1, also you may contact the office of doctor at LEWIS COUNTY HOSPITAL DISTRICT NO 1 and other hospital can also give phone number of Doctor MCCURRY." }, { "docid": "1868062", "title": "Pfister Customer Service Phone Number", "text": "Pfister Customer Support Service Phone Number The customer support phone number of Pfister is +1-800-732-8238 (Click phone number to call). Pfister Customer Service Phone Number The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Pfister Service Center and Pfister customer service phone number is given below." }, { "docid": "6447845", "title": "Contact Us", "text": "Lehigh Valley Health Network's 888-402-LVHN (5846) customer service line is the easiest and most reliable way to find the right doctor. Staffed by nurses and other professionals, 888-402-LVHN can help you: Find a doctor who meets your personal requirements." }, { "docid": "4667375", "title": "Bethlehem, Pennsylvania", "text": "Together with Allentown and Easton, the Valley embraces the Allentown-Bethlehem-Easton, PA-NJ metropolitan area, including Lehigh, Northampton, and Carbon counties within Pennsylvania, and Warren County in the adjacent state of New Jersey." }, { "docid": "8061479", "title": "Jeanes Hospital Womens Imaging Center - NPI #1538417068", "text": "Pennsylvania Elkins Park General Acute Care Hospital Jeanes Hospital Womens Imaging Center Information About Jeanes Hospital Womens Imaging Center is a General Acute Care Hospital (taxonomy code 282N00000X) located in Elkins Park, Pennsylvania. Jeanes Hospital Womens Imaging Center's NPI Number is #1538417068 and has been listed in the NPI registry for 6 years. Jeanes Hospital Womens Imaging Center's practice location is listed as: 8380 Old York Rd Suite 100 Elkins Park, PA 19027-1539 and can be reached via phone at (215) 728-2000." }, { "docid": "735960", "title": "Presbyterian", "text": "Welcome to Presbyterian Española Hospital. Committed To The Health Of Our Patients. Located in the beautiful Española Valley, Presbyterian Española Hospital is committed to the health of our patients, residents, and community. Each member of our healthcare team is dedicated to you and your health." }, { "docid": "1153918", "title": "Telephone numbers in India", "text": "For example, to dial a landline number in Indore, one would have to dial. 1 from a landline in Indore: the phone number. 2 from a landline in Mumbai: 0731 and then the phone number. 3 from any mobile phone in India: 0731 and then the phone number. from outside India: Country Code 91 then 0731 and then the phone number." }, { "docid": "7418573", "title": "Valley Fever Awareness", "text": "Nearly 75% of people with Valley fever miss work or school. As many as 40% of people who get Valley fever need to stay in the hospital. The average cost of a hospital stay for a person with Valley fever is almost $50,000." }, { "docid": "2573332", "title": "-", "text": "The AMP - Allentown Merchant Program is open for business and you can purchase your AMP gift card today and use it at any of the participating downtown merchants. *The Greater Lehigh Valley Chamber of Commerce/Allentown Merchant Program Card is issued by Sunrise Banks, N.A. St. Paul, MN 55103 member FDIC. read more." }, { "docid": "714245", "title": "Interlocking", "text": "The challenge facing the signal industry was achieving the same level of safety and reliability that was inherent to purely mechanical systems. An experimental hydro-pneumatic interlocking was installed at the Bound Brook, New Jersey junction of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad and the Lehigh Valley Railroad in 1884." }, { "docid": "1031477", "title": "-", "text": "In addition to the above-mentioned inpatient facility, Valley includes The Robert and Audrey Luckow Pavilion, a new three-story, 128,000-square-foot satellite facility of The Valley Hospital located in Paramus, New Jersey." }, { "docid": "7331078", "title": "-", "text": "The customer support phone number of BSC is 9451507168 (Click phone number to call). The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of BSC Service Center and BSC customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of BSC customer service phone number may or may not be toll free." }, { "docid": "8541097", "title": "-", "text": "Video Results from the Web. 1 Roman atwoods REAL phone number ( I SEARCHED it up on TRUE ...Roman atwoods REAL phone number ( I SEARCHED it up on TRUE 2 ... What is roman atwood phone numberWhat is roman atwood phone number. 3 Roman Atwoods phone number 2016Roman Atwoods phone number 2016." } ]
average working hours for taxi drivers
[ { "docid": "1388027", "title": "Uber Just Answered Everything You Want to Know About Your Driver", "text": "Unsurprisingly, we Uber drivers tend to be younger than the average U.S. worker, and much younger than the average taxi driver. A plurality of us are between 30-39 years old, compared with 22.5% in the regular work force and 19.9% among regular taxi drivers and chauffeurs. majority (51%) of Uber drivers work 15 hours a week or fewer. Only 19% of us are really driving full-time (35 hours per week and more) compared with 81% of regular taxi drivers and chauffeurs." } ]
[ { "docid": "5516512", "title": "-", "text": "In 2003, for example, full-time radiologists reported that they personally worked 53 hours a week, while the average radiologist in their practice worked 48 hours, according to an October 2009 article in the “American Journal of Roentgenology.” By 2007, radiologists were reportedly working about 50 hours a week." }, { "docid": "2472052", "title": "Taxi (TV series)", "text": "Taxi (TV series) Taxi is an American sitcom that originally aired on ABC from September 12, 1978 to May 6, 1982 and on NBC from September 30, 1982 to June 15, 1983. The series—which won 18 Emmy Awards, including three for Outstanding Comedy Series—focuses on the everyday lives of a handful of New York City taxi drivers and their abusive dispatcher." }, { "docid": "7493940", "title": "Yellow Taxi Lost and Found", "text": "Then you can call the garage directly to see if they have your item and arrange to pick it up. You should also call the Police Lost and Found Center in each borough to see if your item was turned in there. You are more likely to find something you left in a yellow taxi if you have the taxi's medallion number. This is the four letter/number combination for the taxi. It is located on the taxi receipt, on the side of the taxi, and on the partition in the taxi." }, { "docid": "1388032", "title": "Uber Just Answered Everything You Want to Know About Your Driver", "text": "A majority (51%) of Uber drivers work 15 hours a week or fewer. Only 19% of us are really driving full-time (35 hours per week and more) compared with 81% of regular taxi drivers and chauffeurs.Tell me how much money you make. Ahem. majority (51%) of Uber drivers work 15 hours a week or fewer. Only 19% of us are really driving full-time (35 hours per week and more) compared with 81% of regular taxi drivers and chauffeurs." }, { "docid": "3424372", "title": "How Much Do Uber Drivers Make?", "text": "How much do Uber drivers make on average? On average, most Uber drivers will make in the $15-$20/hr range. When Uber surveyed its drivers, they found drivers earned around $19/hour, with drivers in New York topping out at $30/hr. The goal of an Uber driver is to always be moving with a passenger in the car, but that doesn’t always happen." }, { "docid": "3888861", "title": "These Animated Charts Tell You Everything About Uber Prices In 21 Cities", "text": "For this analysis, we used fares from UberX, the service where drivers use their own cars. Assume the trip is 5 miles and takes 10 minutes. Also, assume there is no waiting time. The car drives 30MPH the whole way there. Table 1 shows what the fares would look like for a taxi and an Uber car in each city." }, { "docid": "2966278", "title": "-", "text": "BWI Airport Taxi is the exclusive supplier of taxi transportation services to Baltimore/Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport. We have taxicabs stationed at the airport 24-hours a day ready to serve your transportation needs. Click here for Approximate Taxi Rates from BWI Airport to Various Locations." }, { "docid": "5033725", "title": "New Orleans Airport - Taxi", "text": "New Orleans Airport-Taxi. The New Orleans Airport taxi is a common way to travel to and from MSY. Here are several of the major New Orleans Airport taxi services along with their phone numbers and websites." }, { "docid": "3490606", "title": "-", "text": "TTMS offers integration to 3rd party eLog solutions, such as XRS, for drivers. TTMS provides the ability to see your drivers on a map without having to log into your eLog software and to view their available drive time and duty time hours.TMS offers integration to 3rd party eLog solutions, such as XRS, for drivers. TTMS provides the ability to see your drivers on a map without having to log into your eLog software and to view their available drive time and duty time hours." }, { "docid": "3921943", "title": "What is the Average Salary of Personal Drivers", "text": "According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, median annual salary levels for drivers, which includes chauffeurs and taxi drivers, was approximately $22,000 as of 2008. In comparison, Simplyhired.com lists the average salary for personal drivers at $43,000 as of 2011.imousine Drivers. Simplyhired.com reports the average annual salary for limousine drivers at $34,000 as of 2011. In places such as New York City and Los Angeles, they earn as much as $40,000 and $38,000 respectively. Generally, limousine drivers work for limousine companies although some are self-employed." }, { "docid": "6980191", "title": "Word on the Street: What My Lyft Drivers Told Me About Uber", "text": "This week, CNN reported that Uber drivers and employees had sabotaged more than 5,000 Lyft drivers by ordering—and then canceling—rides. A day later, Uber countered that Lyft drivers and employees were doing the same. The two companies are competing in cities around the country, and the sabotaged rides are apparently happening in all of them. Taxi drivers in Sacramento, California, protest against Uber, Lyft and other new-style services. REUTERS/Max Whittaker. Lyft was just introduced to New York three weeks ago." }, { "docid": "6776743", "title": "-", "text": "Stansted Cambridge taxi are the experts in providing you with a safe and reliable Stansted taxi service to and from the city of Cambridge ansd surrounding villages. Our professional drivers and immaculate fleet of vehicles are available 24 hours a day, all year round.tansted Cambridge taxi are the experts in providing you with a safe and reliable Stansted taxi service to and from the city of Cambridge ansd surrounding villages. Our professional drivers and immaculate fleet of vehicles are available 24 hours a day, all year round." }, { "docid": "8443011", "title": "-", "text": "6 Cintas Route Driver Salaries. Cintas Route Drivers earn $34,000 annually, or $16 per hour, which is equal to the national average for all Route Drivers at $34,000 annually and 57% lower than the national salary average for ​all working Americans." }, { "docid": "2957211", "title": "BLS: Americans--on Average--Sleep Twice as Many Hours as They Work", "text": "(AP File Photo). (CNSNews.com) - On average, Americans spent about twice as many hours sleeping on weekdays in 2013 as they did working, according to the annual “ American Time Use Survey ” released today by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. However, the sleeping and working hours were not evenly distributed among the population." }, { "docid": "6478908", "title": "DOT 60 hour rule? 70 hours for FedEx?", "text": "The DOT hours of service limits are 60 hours in 7 days or 70 hours in 8 days, but they still need 34 hours off to reset. It's up to the individual company which limit it places on its drivers. Nov 24, 2011. #2." }, { "docid": "6441740", "title": "Washington Learners Permit Restrictions - WA Driving Permit Rules", "text": "The permit must be held for at least 6 months and the student must complete at least 50 hours of supervised driving and a Washington drivers education program. Once all driving permit requirements are met, the permit holder takes a drivers test and obtains an intermediate drivers license." }, { "docid": "1256644", "title": "SFO Airport", "text": "SFO Airport. Taxi Half Moon Bay is proud of providing transportation to SFO airport to and from Half Moon Bay, CA. Our honest and reliable drivers can pick you 24 hours a day from Half Moon Bay to San Francisco Airport.We usually confirm the pick up ride 15 minutes before we come.We also pick up at SFO airport and back to Half Moon Bay.ur honest and reliable drivers can pick you 24 hours a day from Half Moon Bay to San Francisco Airport. We usually confirm the pick up ride 15 minutes before we come. We also pick up at SFO airport and back to Half Moon Bay." }, { "docid": "5846920", "title": "Sysco average yearly wage for truck drivers?", "text": "There is a backup minimum pay of $18.80/hr. if the incentive pay formula doesn't pay the driver more than that $18.80/hr. With that being said, an average work week of 40 hours at a guaranteed minimum rate of $18.80/hr. would be an salary of $39,104. 98% of Sysco drivers do much better than this, many gross 50k+.54 people found this useful.he average salary for truck drivers is around 45,000 dollars a year. This is usually for over the road truck drivers." }, { "docid": "5858520", "title": "-", "text": "1 Uber partners with drivers. 2 Whenever you, as a customer order a taxi on Uber's App, the information reaches nearest driver who will come to you. 3 You will use the service and make payment via PayTm." }, { "docid": "4994261", "title": "How Taxi Meters Work", "text": "Knowing how a taxi meter and taxi fares work can help you be your own advocate to make sure that you and the taxi cab driver are treated fairly. Plus, if you know how a taxi meter works, you'll have a nice nugget of information to get a conversation with your driver rolling." }, { "docid": "3832135", "title": "Athletic Trainer Salary", "text": "The assumption was made that the Athletic Trainers reflected here were working an average of 40 hours per week with a total of 2080 hours per year. Hourly. The median salary is $20.25 per hour. The lowest 10% earn $12.48 per hour and those in the upper 10% earn more than $31.00 per hour.he assumption was made that the Athletic Trainers reflected here were working an average of 40 hours per week with a total of 2080 hours per year. Hourly. The median salary is $20.25 per hour. The lowest 10% earn $12.48 per hour and those in the upper 10% earn more than $31.00 per hour." }, { "docid": "6640409", "title": "Durban King Shaka Airport (DUR) Taxi Service", "text": "Contact the ACSA information desks if you need help or phone: +27 (0)11 921 6262. Taxi services leave from in front of the Departures Terminal. There are a number of taxi companies working from the DUR Durban King Shaka International Airport and it is recommended to take one of these as opposed to an independent taxi." }, { "docid": "6752437", "title": "New Hours of Service Rules Explained With Compliance Date Coming July 1, 2013", "text": "The FMCSA estimates that the annual costs of the new rules are about $470 million while the benefits of improved driver safety amount to $630 million, a net benefit of $160 million a year. The rule will mainly affect drivers who work more than 70 hours a week on a continuing basis. These drivers are mostly a subset of long-haul truckload drivers. Local drivers and less-than-truckload drivers, who rarely work more than 5 days a week, are unlikely to be affected." }, { "docid": "4116070", "title": "Working time", "text": "According to the Price and Earnings Report 2012 conducted by UBS, while the global and regional average were 1,915 and 2,154 hours per year respectively, the average working hours in Hong Kong is 2,296 hours per year, which ranked the fifth longest yearly working hours among 72 countries under study." }, { "docid": "3888215", "title": "E-Log Rule Announced", "text": "In a LinkedIn discussion hosted by Go By Truck, drivers have come out on both sides of the e-log requirement. Some whose companies implemented the devices before the mandate say that the e-logs increase efficiency and make it harder for dispatchers to pressure drivers into working over their allotted time." }, { "docid": "1970359", "title": "Uber Just Answered Everything You Want to Know About Your Driver", "text": "Not that many, to be honest. A majority (51%) of Uber drivers work 15 hours a week or fewer. Only 19% of us are really driving full-time (35 hours per week and more) compared with 81% of regular taxi drivers and chauffeurs. Tell me how much money you make.Ahem.It’s complicated. majority (51%) of Uber drivers work 15 hours a week or fewer. Only 19% of us are really driving full-time (35 hours per week and more) compared with 81% of regular taxi drivers and chauffeurs. Tell me how much money you make. Ahem. It’s complicated." }, { "docid": "6403449", "title": "Highest Paying Truck Driving Jobs", "text": "Highest Paying Truck Driving Jobs. It is no secret that over the road, or OTR, truck drivers make the best money. Walmart is one of the highest paying, with an average salary of $71,500 per year before bonuses.Over the road drivers are paid more due to the type of travel, the hours involved and all of the different road laws that must be followed in each state.almart is one of the highest paying, with an average salary of $71,500 per year before bonuses. Over the road drivers are paid more due to the type of travel, the hours involved and all of the different road laws that must be followed in each state." }, { "docid": "6255483", "title": "-", "text": "Unlike cab drivers, most Uber partners don’t see the platform as a full-time job. Across its 20 largest markets, 80 percent of its partners drove fewer than 35 hours a week, and more than half were working between one and 15 hours each week." }, { "docid": "5548937", "title": "-", "text": "Most young drivers do not understand how fast and how dangerous go karts can be. A sudden move in just one direction and they will plow into a fence, tree, car, or hedge. The go kart must be detuned for young drivers. The governor must be in good working order so that you can turn the engine speed down." }, { "docid": "3130953", "title": "Working hours", "text": "1 11 consecutive hours' rest in any 24-hour period. 2 a 20-minute rest break if the working day is longer than six hours. 3 one day off each week. 4 a limit on the normal working hours of night workers to an average eight hours in any 24-hour period, and an entitlement for night workers to receive regular health assessments.he average working week is calculated by taking the average over a 17 week reference period. Young people (16 and 17 year olds) normally cannot opt-out of the 48 hour working week, as they may not normally work more than a 40 hours per week." } ]
pokemon when does frogadier evolve
[ { "docid": "1646604", "title": "-", "text": "Frogadier (Japanese: ゲコガl;'kjhiijkm,シラ Gekogashira) is a Water-type Pokémon. It evolves from Froakie starting at level 16 and evolves into Greninja starting at level 36." } ]
[ { "docid": "1274153", "title": "How To Get Any Pokemon You Want In Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire With Powersaves", "text": "This is a guide on How To Get Any Pokemon You Want In Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire With Powersaves.This makes getting whatever Pokemon you need very fast and efficient. This works very well for people with limited time but still in need of certain Pokemon.You can get Diancie Volcanion and Hoopa with this method as well. Here's the Powersave Link-http://goo.gl/AE5kMN.his makes getting whatever Pokemon you need very fast and efficient. This works very well for people with limited time but still in need of certain Pokemon. You can get Diancie Volcanion and Hoopa with this method as well." }, { "docid": "3534605", "title": "5 Reasons Why Pokemon Is Both The Best And Worst Game Ever Made", "text": "Also, you have to trade Pokemon from other games if you're going to get them all. And, in order to trade these Pokemon to one another, you had to buy a link cable. Yes, that's right. Pokemon forced you to buy another accessory and possible even another game to get all of the Pokemon that you needed." }, { "docid": "3545700", "title": "-", "text": "exists and is an alternate of . Making the world better, one answer at a time. Cranidos is a Rock type Pokemon that can be revived from a Skull Fossil in Pokemon Diamond. It will evolve into Rampardos at level 30. Cranidos is a Rock type Pokemon that can be revived from a Skull Fossil in Pokemon Diamond. It will evolve into Rampardos at level 30. 30. It will evolve into Rampardos at level 30. " }, { "docid": "2873744", "title": "-", "text": "Now, you can leave any two Pokemon with the DayCare and they will be raised to level up. However, if you want an egg from the two you will need a Pokemon of each gender -- obviously -- and they need to be of the same Egg Group. They also need to be adult Pokemon, so no baby Pokemon." }, { "docid": "1447572", "title": "-", "text": "Trade your Electabuzz to a friend. Electabuzz needs to be traded to evolve. Find someone that will trade your evolved Electivire back to your after it evolves. Electabuzz will evolve as soon as it is traded. 1 You can only trade with someone playing a game from the same Generation as you. 2 In each of the Pokemon pokémon, games trading'won t become available until after you complete a gym or. two" }, { "docid": "2782737", "title": "Pokemon Black Version 2", "text": "Quote:I want to add some information for you as well, I'm pretty sure that all the pokemon evolving with stones(leaf, water, dusk etc) will not learn any move via leveling up after being evolved. Actually that is incorrect there are many pokemon that will evolve with stones and still learn moves upon leveling up." }, { "docid": "8760777", "title": "Getting started with UnovaRPG", "text": "A. If you want to level up your Pokemon level easily you can buy Rare Candies at the PokeShop. You can use Rare Candies in two ways. You can use these candies either in a battle or when you're setting up your team.If you want to use a Rare Candy on a battle, send the Pokemon to the battle and open your items list.Click on Rare Candy to raise one level of your Pokemon.If otherwise you'd like to use them over a specific Pokemon of your list, go to 'View all my Pokemon / Pokémon setup My Battle' team in Your Member, panel then go to your Whole Pokemon list and click over The pokemon you want to attach an. itemlick on Rare Candy to raise one level of your Pokemon. If otherwise you'd like to use them over a specific Pokemon of your list, go to 'View all my Pokemon / Pokémon setup My Battle' team in Your Member, panel then go to your Whole Pokemon list and click over The pokemon you want to attach an. item" }, { "docid": "7682787", "title": "Pokémon Combat", "text": "Pokemon pokémon battles are a form of competition Between pokemon pokémon and their trainers either in tournaments or in. The wild in, these battles one or more of The battling pokemon pokémon is typically owned and Trained By. A pokemon pokémon trainer As Many as six Pokemon pokémon trainers and six pokemon pokémon May compete. at once in a pokemon pokémon battle" }, { "docid": "2987309", "title": "-", "text": "What level do the fossil Pokemon evolve? (KANTO,JOHTO & HOEEN)kabuto, omanyte, arnorith and lileep evolve at level 40 (SINNOH)shieldon and cranidos evolve at level 30 (UNOVA)tirtouga and archen evolve at level 37." }, { "docid": "5412312", "title": "-", "text": "If you want you can pm me your fc and I can catch one with Protean on it for you! Hello! The way I got my Greninja with Protean is that you need to find someone with a water friend safari with frogadier in it. That's basically it." }, { "docid": "5328231", "title": "A Closer Look at the Pokémon GO Plus", "text": "Pokemon GO Plus Images. The Pokemon POKéMON Go plus connects to your smartphone Via bluetooth and lets you perform basic commands-in, game like Catching, pokemon pokémon at the press of. A button it also notifies players Of nearby pokemon pokémon and other events by. flashing and vibrating" }, { "docid": "2737876", "title": "-", "text": "Rhydon debuts in the Red, Green & Blue chapter in its own round, Raging Rhydon, as Koga 's Pokemon pokémon that is forced to evolve by Its trainer with a mysterious, injection being the first evolution shown in the manga due To 'red S poliwhirl And'blue S charmander evolving-off screen at the. time" }, { "docid": "4009714", "title": "-", "text": "Pokemon X and Y Fairy-Type Pokemon. These Pokemon are weak against Poison-Type and Steel-Type Pokemon and are resistant to Dark-Type, Fighter-Type, and Bug-Type Pokemon. As for the immunity, they seem to be immune to Dragon-Type ones." }, { "docid": "4830683", "title": "How to Evolve Charmeleon", "text": "Charmeleon is one of the toughest and meanest-looking Pokemon pokémon’you ll ever encounter in the. Game charmeleon evolves From, charmander one of the three Starter pokemon pokémon you get to choose from at the beginning of. the gameharmeleon is actually pretty strong for its level, being able to use high-level fire techniques such as Flamethrower. But for those who aren’t familiar with the series, you can make Charmeleon evolve into a much stronger Pokemon, Pokémon. Charizard learn how by scrolling to step. 1" }, { "docid": "5524152", "title": "-", "text": "Find answers now! No. 1 Questions & Answers Place. More questions about Games, Video Games, Pokemon, Pokemon HeartGold and ... Does not evolve: Chatot (ペラップ, ... which aired as a one-hour special commemorating the release of Pokémon Ranger: ... Croagunk (Japanese: ... But when it does fight, ..." }, { "docid": "106019", "title": "-", "text": "No stones makes Zweilous evolve. It is really anoying, but you wil have to train it to level 64 if you want a Hydreigon. Zweilous is the Pokemon who needs moost training of al…l to evolve. 4 people found this useful." }, { "docid": "2849046", "title": "-", "text": "No, it evolves at Mount Coronet found in Sinnoh. Only in Pokemon diamond, pearl and platinum. Now you can also evolve it in Pokemon black and white. Level up a Magneton at C…hargestone Cave and Magneton evolves." }, { "docid": "7945191", "title": "What level does mankey evolve in Pokemon fire red?", "text": "Mankey will evolve into Primeape in level 28. Mankey is a Pig Monkey Pokemon, and can learn karate chop, and close combat, among other moves." }, { "docid": "6565318", "title": "-", "text": "pokemon metagross ex. Follow pokemon metagross ex to get e-mail alerts and updates on your eBay Feed. Unfollow pokemon metagross ex to stop getting updates on your eBay Feed. Yay! You're now following pokemon metagross ex in your eBay Feed." }, { "docid": "5412314", "title": "-", "text": "Hello! The way I got my Greninja with Protean is that you need to find someone with a water friend safari with frogadier in it. That's basically it." }, { "docid": "7573539", "title": "European History/Print version", "text": "D E F E N S E — If a Pokemon type is listed as Immune against, it will take no damage from attacks of that type. If a Pokemon type is listed as Strong Defense Against, the Pokemon will only take half damage from attacks of that type. If a Pokemon type is listed as Weak Defense Against, the Pokemon will sustain double damage from attacks of that type. O F F E N S E — If a Pokemon attack type is listed as Strong Attack Against, its attacks will deal double damage to the specified Pokemon type. If a Pokemon attack type is listed as Weak Attack Against, its attacks will only deal half damage to the specified Pokemon type." }, { "docid": "4685931", "title": "How does a Nidorino evolve to a Nidoking? What level? (Pearl Versoin)?", "text": "Answers. Relevance. Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: Well, training up a Nidorino won't evolve it into Nidoking. You need to use the Moon Stone just like you use it to evolve Jigglypuff and Clefairy. You can make a Pokemon on your Ruby/Sapphire hold a Moon Stone and Migrate it.I hope this helped you!ou need to use the Moon Stone just like you use it to evolve Jigglypuff and Clefairy. You can make a Pokemon on your Ruby/Sapphire hold a Moon Stone and Migrate it." }, { "docid": "2607891", "title": "EVOLVING RIOLU!! | Pokémon Brick Bronze [#8] | ROBLOX", "text": "Roblox Pokemon Brick Bronze is now a series due to popular demand! In this episode, I trade a noodler for Riolu and evolve him into Lucario in preparation for getting his Mega Evolution!! ➡ Next : http://bit.ly/2dDWnxy. ➡ Roblox Pokemon Brick Bronze playlist: http://bit.ly/Roblox-Pokemon-BB. ➡ ROBLO." }, { "docid": "7826068", "title": "what level does noibat evolve - Related Posts", "text": "what level does noi bat evolve | pokemon brick bronze what level does noi bat evolve | pokemon what level does noi bat evolve | what level does noi bat evolve in pbb | what level does noi bat evolve in brick bronze | pokemon what level does noi bat evolve into noivren | pokemon what level does noi bat evolve level | what level does noi bat evolve into noivern in pokemon brick bronze | what level does noi bat evolve into noivern | at what level does noi bat evolve |" }, { "docid": "8193012", "title": "-", "text": "It also weighs 14.3 lbs! where do I find the pokemon eevee. On Pokemon Emerald, You need to Trade from FireRed / LeafGreen / XD to get an Evee for Pokemon Emerald. Where is Eevee in Pokemon Pearl In Pokemon Pearl, in order to get an Eevee from bebe, you have to get the national... What evolutions on Pokemon does Eevee have? Eevee on Pokemon has 7 evolutions: Flareon, Leafeon, Jolteon, Espeon, Eevee,..." }, { "docid": "6282708", "title": "Eevee", "text": "An EEVEE has an unstable genetic makeup that suddenly mutates due to its environment. Radiation from various STONES causes this POKEMON pokémon to. Evolve. Diamond. Pearl a Rare pokemon pokémon that adapts to harsh environments by taking on different. evolutionary formsEVEE has an unstable genetic makeup that suddenly mutates due to the environment in which it lives. Radiation from various STONES causes this POKEMON pokémon to. evolve" }, { "docid": "2470883", "title": "How to evolve Inkay into Malamar in Pokemon X and Y", "text": "The designers of the Pokemon X and Y Pokedex went a little wild when trying to find new ways to evolve Pokemon. While Pancham’s evolution into Pangoro is interesting, and Sylveon's evolution method is cute, neither holds a candle up to the insanity that is Inkay’s evolution into Malamar." }, { "docid": "5646746", "title": "How do i get a shiny pokemon or egg?", "text": "It is very rare to get a shiny egg or pokemon you will find out if it is a shiny pokemon because the colour of the shiny pokemon would be different and the egg you will find out when it is hatched." }, { "docid": "2987001", "title": "-", "text": "Dusclops is a ghost Pokemon with an 11.8% catch rate. Dusclops evolves into Dusknoir beginning at level 37. In order to evolve, it must be traded while holding the Reaper … Cloth. Answered." }, { "docid": "3381803", "title": "-", "text": "Pokemon Diamond Version. I'm playing Fire Red, When should I evolve Pikachu and Clefairy. You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. Sign Up for free (or Log In if you already have an account) to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts." } ]
polynomial definition math
[ { "docid": "779373", "title": "Polynomial Functions", "text": "Definition of Polynomial Functions. A polynomial function has the form, where are real numbers and n is a nonnegative integer. In other words, a polynomial is the sum of one or more monomials with real coefficients and nonnegative integer exponents. The degree of the polynomial function is the highest value for n where an is not equal to 0. Polynomial functions of only one term are called monomials or power functions. A power function has the form. For a polynomial function f, any number r for which is called a zero or root of the function f." } ]
[ { "docid": "1774259", "title": "Rational Function", "text": "more ... A function that is the ratio of two polynomials. It is Rational because one is divided by the other, like a ratio. Note: the polynomial you are dividing by cannot be zero. function that is the ratio of two polynomials. It is Rational because one is divided by the other, like a ratio." }, { "docid": "7598849", "title": "Math Placement Test", "text": "Math Placement Test scores are valid for one year. If you took the math test more than one year prior to the date you register and you did not take a math class during that year, you will need to retest." }, { "docid": "5415725", "title": "-", "text": "soluble definition: The definition of soluble is something that can be dissolved, or a problem that can be solved. (adjective) Sugar that dissolves into water so it becomes a part of it is an example of something that is soluble. A simple math probl..." }, { "docid": "5306335", "title": "Math Definitions : What Is the Unit Rate in Math?", "text": "In math, the unit rate is a comparison of two different quantities when they are combined together. Discover the definition of the unit rate in math with tips from a mathematics tutor in this free video on math lessons.Expert: Ken Au. Bio: Ken Au is a math teacher and tutor for middle school through college levels.iscover the definition of the unit rate in math with tips from a mathematics tutor in this free video on math lessons. Expert: Ken Au. Bio: Ken Au is a math teacher and tutor for middle school through college levels." }, { "docid": "6354895", "title": "How to Divide Polynomials", "text": "1 If the divisor is a trinomial (three-term polynomial), you may be able to factor both the dividend and the divisor, cancel out the common factor, and then either factor out the dividend further or use long division." }, { "docid": "1827889", "title": "What is a math concept?", "text": "Split and merge into it. This answer has been marked for improvement. Answer by Animatorxpalmer. Confidence votes 18. A math CONCEPT is a fancy way of describing the different ways and things you can and can't do in math.A math Concept can be 5!. That in term equals 5*4*3*2*1, which then = 120.plit and merge into it. This answer has been marked for improvement. Answer by Animatorxpalmer. Confidence votes 18. A math CONCEPT is a fancy way of describing the different ways and things you can and can't do in math." }, { "docid": "4799473", "title": "Teaching Third Grade Math: Methods and Strategies", "text": "The following are possible strategies for teaching math to your students. 1 Use fun ways to introduce concepts by reading books such as The Grapes of Math or Math for All Seasons: Mind-Stretching Math Riddles by Greg Tang." }, { "docid": "5000835", "title": "Definitions &Translations", "text": "Princeton's WordNet (0.00 / 0 votes) Rate this definition: quadratic equation, quadratic (noun). an equation in which the highest power of an unknown quantity is a square. quadratic, quadratic polynomial (adj). a polynomial of the second degree. quadratic (adj). of or relating to or resembling a square." }, { "docid": "8170705", "title": "-", "text": "The poly in polynomial means many. 1 I suppose, technically, the term polynomial should only refer to sums of many terms, but the term is used to refer to anything from one term to the sum of a zillion terms. However, the shorter polynomials do have their own names: 1 a one-term polynomial, such as 2x or 4x2, may also be called a monomial (mono meaning one) 2 a two-term polynomial, such as 2x + y or x2 – 4, may also be called a binomial (bi meaning two)" }, { "docid": "8239270", "title": "-", "text": "Math is important because it is in everything we do. For example, to make things quicker you could multiply or divide. Math can also be used to see the total cost of a number of items. We use math for time or location (latitude and longitude). Math can also be found all the time in nature (Fibonacci numbers)." }, { "docid": "779376", "title": "-", "text": "We say that is a root or zero of a polynomial, , if. In other words, is a root or zero of a polynomial if it is a solution to the equation. In the next couple of sections we will need to find all the zeroes for a given polynomial. So, before we get into that we need to get some ideas out of the way regarding zeroes of polynomials that will help us in that process." }, { "docid": "837341", "title": "-", "text": "Before giving you the definition of a polynomial, it is important to provide the definition of a monomial Definition of a monomial: A monomial is a variable, a real number, or a multiplication of one or more variables and a real number with whole-number exponents" }, { "docid": "3703856", "title": "-", "text": "GEMS stands for Games for Education in Math and Science. The meaning of GEMS abbreviation is Games for Education in Math and Science. One of the definitions of GEMS is Games for Education in Math and Science. GEMS as abbreviation means Games for Education in Math and Science. Games for Education in Math and Science can be abbreviated as GEMS." }, { "docid": "994213", "title": "-", "text": "2, ... of. (. ), and is also symmetric in the roots. 1, 2, ..., of. (. ). On the other hand, we have seen in Viete theorem that the coefficients of a polynomial are also the symmetric polynomials of the roots." }, { "docid": "2143445", "title": "-", "text": "Radius: a line segment with one endpoint at the center of the circle and the other endpoint on the circle. Check to see what the Maths Dictionary says by clicking on this link, then clicking on the R category, then clicking on the word Radius. Check the Math is Fun website for their definition too." }, { "docid": "2787067", "title": "-", "text": "Learn More. Created by Marilyn Burns, Do The Math, Do The Math Now!, and Math Reads provide high-quality professional learning and mathematics instruction to raise achievement in Grades K–8+. Students develop a love of math while building numerical reasoning, fluency, and problem-solving skills." }, { "docid": "6259011", "title": "Distributive Property Definition", "text": "The distributive property is one of the most frequently used properties in math. In general, this term refers to the distributive property of multiplication which states that the. Definition: The distributive property lets you multiply a sum by multiplying each addend separately and then add the products. OK, that definition is not really all that helpful for most people." }, { "docid": "4448539", "title": "-", "text": "A good math lesson. plan and a good math teacher help students transfer their current and new math knowledge and. skills to other disciplines within school and to life outside of school. Teaching for transfer of learning and student learning for transfer. of learning are two of the major challenges in good math." }, { "docid": "6214113", "title": "Bachelor's Degrees That Don't Require Much Math", "text": "Most obviously, if math isn’t your forte, avoid becoming a mathematics major. Because majoring in a subject means you need to take a proportionally larger amount of classes in that subject, a mathematics degree would mean you would need to take multiple and increasingly more complex math courses.f you have an artistic leaning and aren’t too good at math, look into majoring in the arts. Almost a complete antithesis of math-oriented majors, arts courses tend to not require many math courses." }, { "docid": "5825731", "title": "conjunction", "text": "The definition of a conjunction is the joining together of elements and it is a word that connects sentences, phrases or clauses. An example of conjunction is classmates coming together to solve a math problem." }, { "docid": "3228405", "title": "Zero Polynomial", "text": "Zero Polynomial. The constant polynomial whose coefficients are all equal to 0. The corresponding polynomial function is the constant function with value 0, also called the zero map. The zero polynomial is the additive identity of the additive group of polynomials. The degree of the zero polynomial is undefined, but many authors conventionally set it equal to or ." }, { "docid": "6508342", "title": "Why does the derivative of a cubic function have an x-intercept with the same x value as the maximum of the cubic function?", "text": "This is the same as an x-intercept. You haven’t specified exactly which cubic polynomial you have in mind, but the derivative will be a degree 2 polynomial. Three things can happen: The first derivative will have 2 roots. In that case, one of them will be a local maximum, the other a local minimum; The first derivative will have a single double root." }, { "docid": "2664754", "title": "What Is a Binomial?", "text": "A polynomial with two terms is called a binomial, it could look like 3x + 9. It is easy to remember binomials as bi means 2 and a binomial will have 2 terms. Examples: 3x + 4 is a binomial and is also a polynomial, 2a(a+b) 2 is also a binomial. (a and b are the binomial factors. The above are both binomials." }, { "docid": "785347", "title": "Math Definitions : What Is Short Word Form in Math?", "text": "Discover the definition of short word form in math with tips from a mathematics tutor in this free video on math lessons. Expert: Ken Au. Bio: Ken Au is a math teacher and tutor for middle school through college levels." }, { "docid": "3371661", "title": "Math and Number Awareness", "text": "The Importance of Strong Math and Number Skills. Basic math and number concepts utilized in a preschool or kindergarten classroom set the foundation for learning more advanced math concepts. Early exposure to math and number activities will promote your child’s comfort with these skills." }, { "docid": "8379559", "title": "Examples of cultural limitations on math education", "text": "Examples of cultural limitations on math education. A quintessential example of a cultural clash over math education in US schools, I would say, is the entire Math Wars, an ongoing struggle over standards and pedagogy in K-12 schools." }, { "docid": "6238637", "title": "polynomial", "text": "Definition of POLYNOMIAL. : a mathematical expression of one or more algebraic terms each of which consists of a constant multiplied by one or more variables raised to a nonnegative integral power (as a + bx + cx2).efinition of POLYNOMIAL. : a mathematical expression of one or more algebraic terms each of which consists of a constant multiplied by one or more variables raised to a nonnegative integral power (as a + bx + cx2)." }, { "docid": "80367", "title": "Types of Polynomials", "text": "Linear Polynomial : If the polynomial is of degree one then it is called a Linear Polynomial. Example : are linear polynomials. Quadratic Polynomial: If the degree of the polynomial is two then it is called a Quadratic polynomial. Example : are Quadratic polynomial. Cubic Polynomial: If the degree the polynomial is three then it is called a Cubic polynomial. Example : are Cubic polynomials." }, { "docid": "762848", "title": "Polynomials", "text": "The y-intercept of a polynomial is where the graph crosses the y-axis. It can be easily found be evaluating the function at the point x=0. Recall that x-intercepts are another name for the roots or zeroes of a polynomial. Thus, x-intercepts on a graph are found exactly as described above in the section Finding Roots.EXAMPLE 6: Mark the x-intercepts of the polynomial on a graph. First, factor the polynomial completely to find and set this equal to zero: .ecall that x-intercepts are another name for the roots or zeroes of a polynomial. Thus, x-intercepts on a graph are found exactly as described above in the section Finding Roots. EXAMPLE 6: Mark the x-intercepts of the polynomial on a graph. First, factor the polynomial completely to find and set this equal to zero: ." }, { "docid": "1426252", "title": "MATLAB Basics Tutorial", "text": "(4). To represent this in MATLAB, type the following into the MATLAB command window: Instead of using the. function, we can use the. function to find the roots of the polynomial. As you can see, the result is the same as above using the. command and the coefficients of the polynomial." } ]
population fort bend county texas
[ { "docid": "2532569", "title": "Fort Bend County Population and Races", "text": "Fort Bend County Population and Races. As of 2010-2014, the total population of Fort Bend County is 632,946, which is 78.57% more than it was in 2000. The population growth rate is much higher than the state average rate of 25.13% and is much higher than the national average rate of 11.61%." } ]
[ { "docid": "794817", "title": "Pearland, Texas", "text": "Pearland is located in northern Brazoria County at 29°33′16″N 95°17′45″W / 29.55444°N 95.29583°W / 29.55444; -95.29583 (29.554349, −95.295959) south of Houston. Portions of the city extend north into Harris County, and a smaller portion extends west into Fort Bend County." }, { "docid": "2294041", "title": "-", "text": "Mission, Texas. Mission is a city in Hidalgo County, Texas. The population was 80,452 in 2012. Mission is part of the McAllen–Edinburg–Mission and Reynosa–McAllen metropolitan areas." }, { "docid": "908951", "title": "Orange County, Texas", "text": "Orange County is a county in the U.S. state of Texas. As of the 2010 census, its population was 81,837. The county seat is Orange. Orange County is included in the Beaumont-Port Arthur, TX Metropolitan Statistical Area. It is located in the very southeastern corner of Texas, with a boundary with Louisiana, within the Golden Triangle of Texas." }, { "docid": "2532574", "title": "Fort Bend County Population and Races", "text": "The Fort Bend County population density is 714.92 people per square mile, which is much higher than the state average density of 97.14 people per square mile and is much higher than the national average density of 82.73 people per square mile." }, { "docid": "2731473", "title": "-", "text": "3,089 Part Time jobs available in Fort Bend County, TX on Indeed.com. Office Assistant, Receptionist, Stocker and more!" }, { "docid": "4319480", "title": "Round Mountain, Texas", "text": "Round Mountain, Texas. Round Mountain is a town in Blanco County, Texas, United States. The population was 181 at the 2010 census." }, { "docid": "5963037", "title": "Fort Bend County Property Tax Rate 2018 [Go To Different County]", "text": "Fort Bend County is ranked 113th of the 3143 counties for property taxes as a percentage of median income. You can use the Texas property tax map to the left to compare Fort Bend County's property tax to other counties in Texas." }, { "docid": "7040130", "title": "Cooper, Texas", "text": "Cooper, Texas. For the community of Cooper in Houston County, Texas, see Cooper, Houston County, Texas. The city of Cooper /ˈkuːpər/ is the county seat of Delta County, in the U.S. state of Texas. Located between the north and south forks of the Sulphur River, Cooper is the largest settlement within Delta County. As of the U.S. Census of 2010, Cooper had a population of 1,969." }, { "docid": "4149450", "title": "-", "text": "Lufkin is a city in Angelina County in eastern Texas, United States. Founded in 1882, the population was 35,067 at the 2010 census. It is the county seat and is situated in Deep East Texas." }, { "docid": "1545829", "title": "-", "text": "Learn more by clicking the Google or Facebook button below. Population Demographics for Cherokee County, Texas in 2016 and 2017." }, { "docid": "5852306", "title": "Fresno, Texas", "text": "The newly built Fort Bend Tollway has given eastern Fort Bend County residents another option of travel into the city of Houston, as the Tollway is 6.2 miles (10.0 km) long from Highway 6 to U.S. Highway 90 in southwest Houston, and eventually will travel all the way to Loop 610." }, { "docid": "1396910", "title": "El Paso County, Texas", "text": "For the county in Colorado, see El Paso County, Colorado. El Paso County is the westernmost county in the state of Texas, in the United States. As of the 2010 census, the population was 800,647, making it the sixth-most populous county in Texas. Its county seat is El Paso, the sixth-most populous city in Texas and the 19th-most populous city in the United States." }, { "docid": "4878784", "title": "Coldspring, Texas", "text": "Coldspring, Texas. Coldspring is a city in San Jacinto County, Texas, United States. The population was 853 at the 2010 census. It is the county seat of San Jacinto County which is named after the river that traverses it and shares its name with the Battle which gave Texas its independence." }, { "docid": "7737920", "title": "Property Tax Information", "text": "The appraisal of property is the responsibility of the County Central Appraisal District. Appraisals are based on market value of as January 1 of the tax year. The City of Pearland resides within three counties, Brazoria, Harris and Fort Bend." }, { "docid": "3840560", "title": "Montgomery County, Texas", "text": "Montgomery County is a county in the U.S. state of Texas. As of the 2010 census, its population was 455,746. A 2013 estimate places the population at 499,137. The county seat is Conroe. The county was created by an act of the Congress of the Republic of Texas on December 14, 1837 and is named for the town of Montgomery. Between 2000 and 2010, its population grew by 55%, the 24th-fastest rate of growth of any county in the United States." }, { "docid": "6837819", "title": "-", "text": "Weatherford is a city in Parker County, Texas, United States. The population was 25,250 at the 2010 census." }, { "docid": "6526177", "title": "Kaufman, Texas", "text": "Kaufman is a city in Kaufman County, Texas, United States. The population was 6,703 at the 2010 census. It is the county seat of Kaufman County. The Green Slade Drug Store in Kaufman, Texas." }, { "docid": "4202139", "title": "-", "text": "Lee County, Iowa, was established in 1836. As of the 2010 census, the population was 35,862. It has two county seats — Fort Madison and Keokuk. Lee County is part of the Fort Madison–Keokuk, IA-IL-MO Micropolitan Statistical Area." }, { "docid": "1350413", "title": "-", "text": "Fort Harrison, MT City Data - Population, Homes, Statistics. Fort Harrison, MT City Data. Fort Harrison, MT is a city with great restaurants, attractions, history and people. There are around 34 people who live in Fort Harrison and approximately 55,716 who live in Lewis and Clark County." }, { "docid": "3966216", "title": "-", "text": "Current Lubbock County, Texas Population, Demographics and stats in 2016, 2017. Learn more by clicking the Google or Facebook button below. Population Demographics for Lubbock County, Texas in 2016 and 2017." }, { "docid": "2731456", "title": "-", "text": "Search fort bend county jobs in Richmond, Texas. A job opportunity at fort bend county may be right around the corner. Check out our fort bend county job listings in Richmond, Texas today. Skip to main content" }, { "docid": "2130195", "title": "Fort McDermitt, Nevada", "text": "Fort McDermitt, Nevada. For the historic fort, see Fort McDermit. Fort McDermitt is a census-designated place (CDP) in Humboldt County, Nevada, United States. The population was 341 at the 2010 census. It overlaps the Fort McDermitt Indian Reservation and lies just south of the McDermitt CDP." }, { "docid": "7127387", "title": "Euless", "text": "Euless, TX. Euless, known as Tree City USA, is a city in Tarrant County, Texas, United States, and a suburb of Fort Worth. Euless is part of the Mid-Cities between Dallas and Fort Worth. The population was 51,226 in a 2005 census estimate. The southwestern portion of Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport, which serves the cities of Dallas and Fort Worth, is inside the city limits of Euless. Euless is named after Elisha Adam Euless, a native of Tennessee who moved to Texas in 1867 and later bought 170 acres (0.69 km2) of land on the current intersection of North Main St. and West Euless Boulevard." }, { "docid": "335859", "title": "Anna, Texas", "text": "Anna, Texas. Anna is a city in Collin County, Texas, United States. The population was 8,249 at the 2010 census, with an estimated population in 2014 of 10,571. Contents." }, { "docid": "5156858", "title": "Fort Sumner", "text": "Fort Sumner is a village in De Baca County, New Mexico, United States. The population was 1,249 at the 2000 census. It is the county seat of De Baca County. Fort Sumner is the spring and fall home of the Columbia Scientific Balloon Facility, and is home to the burial site of famed outlaw of the American West Billy the Kid." }, { "docid": "4193556", "title": "Port Lavaca, Texas", "text": "Notable locations in Richmond: Richmond Fire Department Station 1 (A) , Fort Bend County Courthouse (B) , Fort Bend County Sheriff's Office (C) , Richmond Police Department (D) , Fort Bend Museum (E) .Display/hide their locations on the map.ccording to our research of Texas and other state lists there were 86 registered sex offenders living in Richmond, Texas as of October 14, 2015." }, { "docid": "1331454", "title": "Trinity County, Texas", "text": "Trinity County, Texas. Trinity County is a county located in the U.S. state of Texas. As of the 2010 census, the population was 14,585. Its county seat is Groveton. The county is named for the Trinity River." }, { "docid": "7441309", "title": "-", "text": "Tarrant County Jail – Belknap Facility – Fort Worth, TX. December 21, 2011 By Leave a Comment. Tarrant County Jail – Belknap Facility is located in Tarrant County, Texas and is the main jail for the region." }, { "docid": "2731472", "title": "-", "text": "Fort Bend County Foreclosed Homes; Fort Bend County Land For Sale; Fort Bend County Multi-Family Homes; Fort Bend County New Homes; Fort Bend County Residential Homes; Fort Bend County Townhouses For Sale; Buying a Home Q&A; For Rent. Homes for Rent; Texas Homes for Rent; Fort Bend County Homes for Rent; Fort Bend County Apartments for Rent" }, { "docid": "5928673", "title": "Moore County, Texas", "text": "Moore County, Texas. Moore County is a county located in the U.S. state of Texas. As of the 2010 census, its population was 21,904. The county seat is Dumas. The county was created in 1876 and organized in 1892. It is named for Edwin Ward Moore, the commander of the Texas Navy." } ]
population of douglas county co
[ { "docid": "3014934", "title": "-", "text": "With 314,638 people, Douglas County is the 7th most populated county in the state of Colorado out of 64 counties. But watch out, Douglas County, because Boulder County with 313,333 people and Weld County with 277,670 people are right behind you." } ]
[ { "docid": "8341608", "title": "-", "text": "Villa Rica is located in northeastern Carroll County and northwestern Douglas County at 33°43′55″N 84°55′12″W / 33.73194°N 84.92000°W / 33.73194; -84.92000 (33.731909, -84.919982)." }, { "docid": "4046173", "title": "Polk County, Oregon 2017 Population Estimate â 83,355", "text": "Polk County, Oregon 2017 Population Estimate – 83,355 The Oregon Department of Administrative Services projects the Polk County 2015 population as 80,204 people and the 2020 population as 88,081. If we assume that the population changes linearly between 2015 and 2020, then the Polk County 2017 population would be 83,355. Note: this value is a projection, not a count. The 2010 Decennial Census provides the most recent count of the Polk County population as 75,403 people." }, { "docid": "6056457", "title": "Eudora Township, Douglas County, Kansas", "text": "Eudora Township, Douglas County, Kansas. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Eudora Township is a township in Douglas County, Kansas, USA. As of the 2010 census, its population was 6,724." }, { "docid": "2624610", "title": "Mining Claims In Douglas County, OR County, Oregon", "text": "Filter 4,641 Mining Claims by decade, disposition, and type in Douglas County, Oregon. Filter 4,641 Mining Claims by decade, disposition, and type in Douglas County, Oregon." }, { "docid": "7413828", "title": "Highlands Ranch, Colorado", "text": "Highlands Ranch, Colorado. Highlands Ranch is a census-designated place (CDP) in Douglas County, Colorado, United States. The population was 96,713 at the 2010 census. Located 12 miles south of Denver, Highlands Ranch is an unincorporated community and was the twelfth most populous CDP in the United States in 2010. 1 History 1.1 Beginnings." }, { "docid": "4046167", "title": "-", "text": "Jackson County: 216,527 7 Deschutes County: 181,307 8 Linn County: 122,849 9 Douglas County: 108,457 10 Yamhill County: 105,035 11 Benton County: 89,385 12 Josephine County: 85,904 13 Polk County: 81,823 14 Umatilla County: 76,456 15 Klamath County" }, { "docid": "4758652", "title": "Aprovocative", "text": "72.98%. 1 Graph: Population by Age and Race - Nassau County, New York. 2 Graph: Population by Age and Race, 2000 Census - Nassau County, New York. 3 Graph: Change in Population between 2000 and 2010, by Age and Race - Nassau County, New York. 4 Graph: Population by Age and Hispanic or Latino Origin, 2010 Census - Nassau County, New York." }, { "docid": "1155078", "title": "-", "text": "population grew by 69.14%, while Orlando’s population grew by 44.69%. In that period, by far the larg‐ est amount of population growth occurred in unincorporated Orange County as compared to the City of Orlando or the other municipalities in Orange County." }, { "docid": "3600423", "title": "Coles County, Illinois Homepage", "text": "Consequently, Coles County was established on Christmas Day, 1830, and was named for Edward Coles, Governor of Illinois in 1822. Charleston was designated the County Seat one year later, giving impetus for growth of the new settlement by Parker and its namesake Charles Morton. Early Coles County was much larger in area than it is today. The original county boundaries included Cumberland and Douglas counties. These were detached in 1843 and 1859 respectively, Douglas County being the last Illinois county to be formed." }, { "docid": "791050", "title": "-", "text": "Population of Mercer County. Last official estimated population of Mercer County was 368,043 (year 2014)[1]. This was 0.115% of total US population and 4.1% of total New Jersey state population. Area of Mercer County is 228.9 mi² (=592.8 km²), in this year population density was 1,607.96 p/mi²." }, { "docid": "92180", "title": "Green Lake County, Wisconsin", "text": "Green Lake County, Wisconsin. Green Lake County is a county located in the U.S. state of Wisconsin. As of the 2010 census, the population was 19,051. Its county seat is Green Lake. In 2010, the center of population of Wisconsin was located in Green Lake County, near the city of Markesan." }, { "docid": "4279092", "title": "Douglas County Departments", "text": "Douglas County Departments. Welcome to the Douglas County Departments. Please choose a department from the lists below, and find all the information you need such as general information, whom to contact, latest news and events, FAQ's and useful documents. Public Safety. 911 - Emergency Enhanced 911." }, { "docid": "2646451", "title": "-", "text": "Guadalupe County Population. All Guadalupe County population data above are from the US Census Bureau except for the population projection data, which are from the Texas State Data Center. Texas Population Projections Program. Downloaded July 2014." }, { "docid": "1218336", "title": "-", "text": "Counties. Carson City; Churchill County; Clark County; Douglas County; Elko County; Esmeralda County; Eureka County; Humboldt County; Lander County; Lincoln County; Lyon County; Mineral County; Nye County; Pershing County; Storey County; Washoe County; White Pine County" }, { "docid": "8841281", "title": "-", "text": "Hudson County New Jersey Population 2017 2018, Hudson County New Jersey Population 2018, Hudson County New Jersey Population 2017, Hudson County New Jersey Demographics 2017 2018, Hudson County New Jersey Statistics 2017 2018" }, { "docid": "5049688", "title": "-", "text": "The majority of growth in Douglas County between 2000 and 2010 occurred in and around. urbanized areas in the Carson Valley, especially in Gardnerville, Indian Hills, and Johnson Lane. In Lake Tahoe, the full-time permanent population actually declined between 2000 and 2010." }, { "docid": "354272", "title": "-", "text": "1 View all Douglas County School District jobs in Castle Rock, CO-Castle Rock jobs. 2 Salary Search: Bus Driver Educational Assistant salaries in Castle Rock, CO. 3 Learn more about working at Douglas County School District. 4 Related forums: Douglas County School District." }, { "docid": "8205766", "title": "Jefferson County, Florida", "text": "Jefferson County, Florida. Jefferson County is a county in the U.S. state of Florida. As of 2000, the population is 12,902. The U.S. Census Bureau 2005 population for the county is 14,490. Its county seat is Monticello, Florida. Jefferson County is part of the Tallahassee, Florida, Metropolitan Statistical Area." }, { "docid": "4046174", "title": "-", "text": "Marion County: 336,316 6 Jackson County: 216,527 7 Deschutes County: 181,307 8 Linn County: 122,849 9 Douglas County: 108,457 10 Yamhill County: 105,035 11 Benton County: 89,385 12 Josephine County: 85,904 13 Polk County: 81,823 14 Umatilla County" }, { "docid": "2651297", "title": "-", "text": "In a five-page letter to the judge, Michael Douglas wrote that his son had been in and out of rehab since he was 13, and Douglas blamed his family's history of addiction, as well as his fame and that of his father, Kirk Douglas, for Cameron's difficulty in finding his own way." }, { "docid": "8821140", "title": "-", "text": "Hamilton County, Florida. Hamilton County is a county located in the U.S. state of Florida. As of the 2010 census, the population was 14,799. Its county seat is Jasper." }, { "docid": "7725732", "title": "-", "text": "Population of Kalawao County. Last official estimated population of Kalawao County was 90 (year 2014) [1]. This was 0% of total US population and 0% of total Hawaii state population. Area of Kalawao County is 52.8 mi² (=136.8 km²), in this year population density was 1.70 p/mi². If population growth rate would be same as in period 2010-2014 (0%/yr), Kalawao County population in 2018 would be 90 ." }, { "docid": "6084699", "title": "Douglas County, Kansas", "text": "Douglas County (county code DG) is a county located in the U.S. state of Kansas. As of the 2010 census, the county population was 110,826, making it the fifth-most populous county in Kansas. Its county seat and most populous city is Lawrence. Douglas County comprises the Lawrence, KS Metropolitan Statistical Area, which is also included in the Kansas City-Overland Park-Kansas City, MO-KS Combined Statistical Area." }, { "docid": "7682260", "title": "-", "text": "Douglas County, Nebraska. Nearly one quarter of all Nebraska residents live in one county: Douglas. Founded in 1854 along the Missouri River, Douglas County was the site of the Lone Tree Ferry, which took Westward-bound travelers across the river. A small town began to emerge around the crossing site that would eventually become the seat of Douglas County and the largest city in Nebraska: Omaha." }, { "docid": "6549273", "title": "Fairfield County, Connecticut", "text": "Fairfield County, Connecticut. Fairfield County is the most southwestern and populous county of the U.S. state of Connecticut. As of the 2010 census, the county's population was 916,829, estimated to have increased by 2.9% to 944,177 in 2016. The county population represents a little over 25% of Connecticut's overall state population and is one of the fastest growing counties in the state. The county contains four of the state's largest cities, whose combined population of 433,368 is almost half the county's. The United State" }, { "docid": "2408432", "title": "Bennington", "text": "Bennington is a city in Douglas County, Nebraska, United States. The population was 937 at the 2000 census. Bennington is located at 41°21′57″N 96°9′23″W / 41.36583°N 96.15639°W / 41.36583; -96.15639 (41.365747, -96.156395). According to the United States Census Bureau, the city has a total area of 0.4 square miles (1.0 km²), all land." }, { "docid": "7898842", "title": "Lincoln County, Minnesota", "text": "Lincoln County, Minnesota. Lincoln County is a county located in the U.S. state of Minnesota. As of the 2010 census, the population was 5,896. Its county seat is Ivanhoe." }, { "docid": "778610", "title": "Minden", "text": "Minden is a census-designated place (CDP) in Douglas County, Nevada, United States. The population was 3,001 at the 2010 census. It is the county seat of Douglas County and is adjacent to the city of Gardnerville." }, { "docid": "3998587", "title": "-", "text": "Law enforcement blotter: Tuesday, October 13, 2015 DOUGLAS COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE* October 13 Suspicious person asked male to get into his vehicle, 3rd Ave." }, { "docid": "7524961", "title": "-", "text": "Population of Muskegon County. Last official estimated population of Muskegon County was 171,916 (year 2014)[1]. This was 0.054% of total US population and 1.7% of total Michigan state population. Area of Muskegon County is 1,460.0 mi² (=3781.4 km²), in this year population density was 117.75 p/mi². If population growth rate would be same as in period 2010-2014 (-0.04%/yr), Muskegon County population in 2017 would be 171,712 ." } ]
population of flathead county
[ { "docid": "7009876", "title": "-", "text": "Flathead County, Montana (MT) County population in 2014: 94,924 (49% urban, 51% rural); it was 74,471 in 2000. County owner-occupied with a mortgage or a loan houses and condos in 2010: 17,740. County owner-occupied free and clear houses and condos in 2010: 8,797." } ]
[ { "docid": "2221", "title": "-", "text": "Population of Onslow County Last official estimated population of Onslow County was 179,563 (year 2014) [1]. This was 0.056% of total US population and 1.8% of total North Carolina state population." }, { "docid": "2533872", "title": "Whitefish, MT Profile: Facts, Map & Data", "text": "The City of Whitefish is located within Whitefish Division of Flathead County. Beneath the boundary map are tables with Whitefish population, income and housing data, five-year growth projections and peer comparisons for key demographic data. The estimates are for July 1, 2017. Alternate Unofficial Names for Whitefish: Stump Town. Neighborhood Data" }, { "docid": "4590913", "title": "-", "text": "Population of Tift County. Last official estimated population of Tift County was 40,246 (year 2014) [1]. This was 0.013% of total US population and 0.4% of total Georgia state population. Area of Tift County is 268.8 mi² (=696.2 km²), in this year population density was 149.73 p/mi². If population growth rate would be same as in period 2010-2014 (+0.08%/yr), Tift County population in 2018 would be 40,374 ." }, { "docid": "574255", "title": "-", "text": "1 The median age in Anaconda-Deer Lodge County is 16% higher than Montana. 2 In Anaconda-Deer Lodge County 93.56% of the population is Caucasian. 3 In Anaconda-Deer Lodge County 1.17% of the population is African American. In Anaconda-Deer Lodge County 0.49% of the population is Asian." }, { "docid": "3848710", "title": "-", "text": "flathead clutch flathead clutch. Follow flathead clutch flathead clutch to get e-mail alerts and updates on your eBay Feed. Unfollow flathead clutch flathead clutch to stop getting updates on your eBay Feed. Yay! You're now following flathead clutch flathead clutch in your eBay Feed." }, { "docid": "574259", "title": "Anaconda-Deer Lodge County demographics profile", "text": "1 The population density in Anaconda-Deer Lodge County is 84% higher than Montana. 2 The median age in Anaconda-Deer Lodge County is 16% higher than Montana. In Anaconda-Deer Lodge County 93.56% of the population is Caucasian." }, { "docid": "3582371", "title": "Welcome To Uasin Gishu County", "text": "Welcome To Uasin Gishu County. Uasin Gishu County is a county in the Rift Valley Province of Kenya. Its has a Total Population of 894,179 ; 202,291 House holds and covers an area of 3.345.2 SQ. KM. The Population density is 267 people PER SQ. KM and 50% of the population live below the poverty line." }, { "docid": "3014937", "title": "-", "text": "Douglas County Population. All Douglas County population data above are from the US Census Bureau except for the population projection data, which are from the Colorado Department of Local Affairs. Population Forecasts-years (2000 to 2040). Released October 2013. Downloaded March 2014." }, { "docid": "6360262", "title": "Thread: How much Braid should i put on my spinning reel?", "text": "If you are just flicking for flathead or bream, I would fill the spool with slightly more mono and less braid. Mono is cheaper and the fish won't take that much off. For my smaller reels that I use for bream and flathead, I only have 75-100metres of braid." }, { "docid": "6375800", "title": "-", "text": "1 Coffey county-Coffey county is administered by the county Seat of Burlington, and has a population of 8,865 people per the census data of 2000. 2 Douglas county-Douglas county holds a total population of 99,620 people, according to the census data of 2000." }, { "docid": "2155224", "title": "-", "text": "Current Gogebic County, Michigan Population, Demographics and stats in 2016, 2017. Learn more by clicking the Google or Facebook button below. Population Demographics for Gogebic County, Michigan in 2016 and 2017." }, { "docid": "8311154", "title": "-", "text": "Population of Atascosa County. Last official estimated population of Atascosa County was 44,955 (year 2014)[1]. This was 0.014% of total US population and 0.2% of total Texas state population. Area of Atascosa County is 1,221.5 mi² (=3163.6 km²), in this year population density was 36.80 p/mi²." }, { "docid": "6845236", "title": "-", "text": "Current Madison County, Alabama Population, Demographics and stats in 2016, 2017. Learn more by clicking the Google or Facebook button below. Population Demographics for Madison County, Alabama in 2016 and 2017." }, { "docid": "1245520", "title": "-", "text": "Current Lewis County, Washington Population, Demographics and stats in 2016, 2017. Learn more by clicking the Google or Facebook button below. Population Demographics for Lewis County, Washington in 2016 and 2017." }, { "docid": "4444692", "title": "Population of Maricopa County", "text": "Other major Arizona cities like Mesa, Scottsdale, Tempe and Glendale, are also in Maricopa County. The U.S. Census Bureau provides county population statistics at each full Census in years ending in a 0, as well as population estimates at various intermediate years. Population of Maricopa County, 2013." }, { "docid": "5124979", "title": "-", "text": "Current Ozaukee County, Wisconsin Population, Demographics and stats in 2016, 2017. Learn more by clicking the Google or Facebook button below. Population Demographics for Ozaukee County, Wisconsin in 2016 and 2017." }, { "docid": "2229", "title": "-", "text": "Also, compared to the state of North Carolina, Population Change of 4.3%, Onslow County is only about 5.6% larger. Looking at population density in Figure 5 Onslow County shows it has 244 population density which is the 2nd most of all the counties in the area." }, { "docid": "8837355", "title": "Map of Population by County Subdivision in Dawes County", "text": "Population by County in Nebraska There are 93 counties in Nebraska. This section compares Dawes County to the 50 most populous counties in Nebraska. The least populous of the compared counties has a population of 5,818. Total Population by County#11" }, { "docid": "1251120", "title": "-", "text": "Population of Santa Cruz County. Last official estimated population of Santa Cruz County was 47,384 (year 2014)[1]. This was 0.015% of total US population and 0.7% of total Arizona state population. Area of Santa Cruz County is 1,238.1 mi² (=3206.7 km²), in this year population density was 38.27 p/mi². If population growth rate would be same as in period 2010-2014 (-0.02%/yr), Santa Cruz County population in 2017 would be 47,357 ." }, { "docid": "8590728", "title": "About Us", "text": "You are here: Home/Community/About Us. Paterson is a city in Passaic County, New Jersey, United States. As of the United States 2000 Census, the city population was 149,222. Census population projections indicate a population of 148,708 as of 2006, making it New Jersey's third largest city. It is the county seat of Passaic County." }, { "docid": "3070335", "title": "Lebanon", "text": "Lebanon, MO. Sponsored Topics. Lebanon is a city in Laclede County, Missouri, United States. The estimated population in July 2009 was 14,292. The population was 12,155 at the 2000 census. It is the county seat of Laclede County. The Lebanon Micropolitan Statistical Area consists of Laclede County." }, { "docid": "2055163", "title": "Door County Demographics", "text": "Door County Population. Click here for a report on the Seasonal Population of Door County. Click here for data on population estimates for Door County and the state of Wisconsin, More demographic information about Door County can be found on the website of the US Census office." }, { "docid": "3741940", "title": "Redmond, Utah", "text": "Sevier County ... Redmond is located in Sevier County. The county had a population of 20,802 people at the 2010 Census. With it's population of 730 people, Redmond represented 3.51% of the county's total." }, { "docid": "5774474", "title": "Wilcox County, Georgia", "text": "Wilcox County is a county located in the U.S. state of Georgia. As of the 2010 census, the population was 9,255." }, { "docid": "8684113", "title": "-", "text": "Census counts may be corrected for Census Count Question Resolution (CQR). Levy County Florida's 46th most populous county with 0.2% of Florida's population Households Levy County Census Population Housing Counts Florida Population Housing Levy County Levy County Florida Residence 1 Year Ago Persons aged 1 and over Florida Households and Family Households" }, { "docid": "6076956", "title": "-", "text": "Providence County, Rhode Island. Providence County is a county located in the U.S. state of Rhode Island. As of the 2010 census, the population was 626,667 (59.5% of the state's total population). It is home to the state capital of Providence." }, { "docid": "941567", "title": "Important Contacts", "text": "1 McKenzie is located in Carroll County, with Huntingdon being the County Seat. 2 McKenzie has a population of approximately 5,300. The County Population is approximately 29,475. McKenzie is located midway between Nashville, the state capitol, and Memphis." }, { "docid": "2294332", "title": "Demographics of Asian Americans", "text": "As a proportion of the total population, Hawaii is the only state with an Asian American majority population, at 58 percent; Honolulu County had the highest percentage of Asian Americans of any county in the nation, with 62 percent." }, { "docid": "1624", "title": "-", "text": "Population of Morrill County Last official estimated population of Morrill County was 5,040 (year 2014) [1]. This was 0.002% of total US population and 0.3% of total Nebraska state population. Area of Morrill County is 1,429.9 mi² (=3703.3 km²), in this year population density was 3.52 p/mi²." }, { "docid": "8542848", "title": "-", "text": "Current Ravalli County, Montana Population, Demographics and stats in 2016, 2017. Learn more by clicking the Google or Facebook button below. Population Demographics for Ravalli County, Montana in 2016 and 2017." } ]
population of salzburg
[ { "docid": "1137170", "title": "Salzburg Facts", "text": "Salzburg Facts. Salzburg is a city in central Austria, at the northern edge of the Alps. It has a population of approximately 150,000 people, which makes it the fourth-biggest city of Austria (after Vienna, Graz and Linz). Salzburg was capital of an independent principality until the Napoleonic Wars; it became part of Habsburg Austria at the Congress of Vienna in 1815." } ]
[ { "docid": "6049442", "title": "Forensic Science 04.05 discussion and critical thinking questions", "text": "Three types of fingerprints found in the human population include loop fingerprints, which about 60-65% of the population have, whorl fingerprints, which about 30-35% of the population has, and arch fingerprints, which only about 5% of the population has." }, { "docid": "1662921", "title": "-", "text": "Salzburg: Annual Weather Averages. July is the hottest month in Salzburg with an average temperature of 19°C (65°F) and the coldest is January at -1°C (31°F) with the most daily sunshine hours at 13 in June.The wettest month is June with an average of 160mm of rain.Loading weather data.uly is the hottest month in Salzburg with an average temperature of 19°C (65°F) and the coldest is January at -1°C (31°F) with the most daily sunshine hours at 13 in June. The wettest month is June with an average of 160mm of rain. Loading weather data." }, { "docid": "291817", "title": "Population Demographics for Muhlenberg Park, Pennsylvania in 2017, 2018", "text": "Total number led homes in Muhlenberg Park, by type ; Total Home Population: 616; Population of Family homes: 430; Population of 15 to 24 year olds: 2; Population of 25 to 34 year olds: 27; Population of 35 to 44 year olds: 49; Population of 45 to 54 year olds: 104; Population of 55 to 59 year olds: 40; Population of 60 to 64 year olds: 47; Population of 65 to 74 year olds:" }, { "docid": "1662924", "title": "-", "text": "This report describes the typical weather at the Salzburg Airport (W. A. Mozart Airport) (Salzburg, Austria) weather station over the course of an average May. It is based on the historical records from 1974 to 2012.Earlier records are either unavailable or unreliable.Salzburg has a humid continental climate with warm summers and no dry season. The area within 25 mi of this station is covered by forests (67%), croplands (16%), and grasslands (12%).he average fraction of time spent in various temperature bands: frigid (below 15A°15â), f (FREEZING°15a 15â F°To), 32a (32â°F cold 32A°32â), f (TO°50a 50â F°Cool), 50a (50â°F to 65A°65â), f (COMFORTABLE°65a 65â F°To), 75a (75â°F warm 75A°75â) f to (85a 85â°F). hot 85a 85â f to 100a 100â f and sweltering above 100a 100â f" }, { "docid": "1623865", "title": "-", "text": "Urban Population: Population living in areas classified as urban according to the criteria used by each country. Europe's Share of World Pop: Total population as a percentage of total World Population as of July 1 of the year indicated. World Population: Total World Population as of July 1 of the year indicated." }, { "docid": "2210690", "title": "-", "text": "Population in families living in Lexington ; Total Population: 27,510; Population Under 18 years: 8,161; Population 18 years and over: 19,349" }, { "docid": "2248671", "title": "Chapter 8: Population Density", "text": "An environmental factor whose effects on a population change as population density changes. Density-independent Factor. An environmental factor that affects the size of a population but is not influenced by changes in population density." }, { "docid": "1751", "title": "-", "text": "Muleshoe, Texas 2017 Population Estimate – 5,419 The Texas Water Development Board projects the Muleshoe 2015 population as 5,185 people and the 2020 population as 5,769. If we assume that the population changes linearly between 2015 and 2020, then the Muleshoe 2017 population would be 5,419. Note: this value is a projection, not a count. The 2010 Decennial Census provides the most recent count of the Muleshoe population as 5,158 people. And the US Census Bureau’s 2016 Population Estimates Program provides a population estimate for Muleshoe as 5,158 people." }, { "docid": "7828136", "title": "Library", "text": "Population Under 5 Years Old by Congressional District; Components of Metro Area Change; Blooming States; Coastline County Population; Coastline County Population; I-90 Population Density Profile, 2010; Second Cities: Keeping Pace with a Booming New York; By the Grid: Population Shift to the West and South; I-10 Population Density Profile, 2010" }, { "docid": "2391287", "title": "What is the difference between 'the bottleneck effect' and 'the founder effect'?", "text": "A founder effect occurs when a new colony is started by a few members of the original population. This small population size means that the colony may have: 1 reduced genetic variation from the original population. a non-random sample of the genes in the original population." }, { "docid": "1130580", "title": "What is the difference between 'the bottleneck effect' and 'the founder effect'?", "text": "A founder effect occurs when a new colony is started by a few members of the original population. This small population size means that the colony may have: reduced genetic variation from the original population. a non-random sample of the genes in the original population. An example of a bottleneck:" }, { "docid": "603010", "title": "-", "text": "All Kalamazoo County population data above are from the US Census Bureau except for the population projection data, which are from the Michigan Department of Technology, Management and Budget. State Population Projections to 2030 (2005) and Preliminary Population Projections (1996)." }, { "docid": "2154337", "title": "-", "text": "Lagos · Population. Question: What is the population of Lagos? Answer: Lagos, Nigeria (Administrative unit: Lagos) - last known population is ≈ 13 122 800 (year 2015). This was 7.202% of total Nigeria population. If population growth rate would be same as in period 2006-2015 (+5.61%/year), Lagos population in 2018 would be: 15 457 735*. Population history [1] Annual population change" }, { "docid": "4228846", "title": "-", "text": "Skiatook (population: 14,089), Pawhuska (population: 5,773), Hominy (population: 4,607), Barnsdall (population: 2,354), Fairfax (population: 1,916), Shidler (population: 904), Osage (population: 851), Wynona (population: 633), Prue (population: 591), Burbank (population: 475)" }, { "docid": "8683300", "title": "-", "text": "On this page you can find past, current and future population statistics for Saudi Arabia (from 1950-2100), population map, demographics, live population counter etc. . Question: What is the population of Saudi Arabia? Answer: Current population of Saudi Arabia is: 33 113 860* [1], area 1960582" }, { "docid": "4283014", "title": "Making and Remaking America: Immigration into the United States", "text": "Contents >> Population >> Population Composition: Languages spoken in Australia. Population Composition: Languages spoken in Australia. In 1996, 15% of Australia's population spoke a language other than English at home. English is regarded as the national language of Australia.1 In 1996, 85% of the population spoke only English at home and less than 1% of the population could not speak English at all." }, { "docid": "4674343", "title": "Hapsburg", "text": "They were compensated with Salzburg and in N Italy with Lombardy and Venetia, which, with Tuscany, Modena, and Parma, made the Italian peninsula virtually a Hapsburg appendage. Final Decline In the 19th cent. the Hapsburg position was challenged in Germany by Prussia, in Italy by Sardinia, and in the Balkans by Russia." }, { "docid": "5955397", "title": "-", "text": "Population in families living in Graham County ; Total Population: 7,328; Population Under 18 years: 1,854; Population 18 years and over: 5,474" }, { "docid": "7335754", "title": "-", "text": "Bradley, IL Population by Age - Bradley, IL Demographics Data, Population by Age, Male Population, Female Population, and more. Skip to main content Create an account (FREE!) or login to customize your experience" }, { "docid": "4220269", "title": "Crappy 10: Things NOT to do in Salzburg", "text": "These areas are still very central, but less touristy. 4.) Don′t buy food at the market stalls of the Augustinerbräu in Mülln. Despite of the place selling cheap drinks and being the best beer hall in Salzburg (if not Austria), the food of the market stalls is expensive. Guests are explicitly allowed to bring their own food, which many locals do - so stop by some supermarket or farm market to pick up your own snacks before you go there." }, { "docid": "4732556", "title": "-", "text": "Distance Calculated from Munich in Germany to Salzburg in Austria. Approx distance in miles from Munich to Salzburg is 70 miles or 112.63 KMS. This page was designed to give you a good indication of the distance from Munich to Salzburg." }, { "docid": "7863095", "title": "-", "text": "Population in families living in Oakville ; Total Population: 7,456; Population Under 18 years: 1,895; Population 18 years and over: 5,561" }, { "docid": "7106199", "title": "-", "text": "Total number led homes in Eagle Point, by type ; Total Home Population: 3,231; Population of Family homes: 2,373; Population of 15 to 24 year olds: 79; Population of 25 to 34 year olds: 450; Population of 35 to 44 year olds: 525; Population of 45 to 54 year olds: 439; Population of 55 to 59 year olds: 208; Population of 60 to 64 year olds: 223" }, { "docid": "5459641", "title": "-", "text": "Population in families living in Caddo Mills ; Total Population: 1,179; Population Under 18 years: 416; Population 18 years and over: 763" }, { "docid": "2781136", "title": "-", "text": "S. Margaretta founded abroad programs in Switzerland and Germany. Otmar Drekonja was founder of our Salzburg Program in 1977, directing groups of more than 200 students on study abroad programs in Salzburg and elsewhere in Central Europe." }, { "docid": "1102093", "title": "What is the difference between the Bottleneck Effect and the Founder Effect?", "text": "The Founder Effect also describes a population with a loss in genetic variation, however the cause is not associated a decrease on total population, but in a small part of the original population moving into a new habitat and becoming genetically isolated from the original population." }, { "docid": "2216353", "title": "Mean", "text": "For a finite population, the population mean of a property is equal to the arithmetic mean of the given property while considering every member of the population. For example, the population mean height is equal to the sum of the heights of every individual divided by the total number of individuals." }, { "docid": "2781135", "title": "-", "text": "Fr. John Kulas is chairman of the department of foreign languages at St. John's and Dr. Drekonja, who is a native Austrian and received his doctorate from the University of Salzburg, is a member of the language department here." }, { "docid": "6573092", "title": "-", "text": "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child is produced by Sonia Friedman Productions, Colin Callender's Playground Entertainment and Harry Potter Theatrical Productions.e won a Tony, a Grammy and an Olivier award for his work on Once. and has re-orchestrated Kurt Weil's Threepenny Opera for the Salzburg Festival. Harry Potter Publishing and Theatrical Rights © J.K. Rowling. Harry Potter characters and names are trademarks of and © Warner Bros. Ent. All rights reserved." }, { "docid": "2858828", "title": "Population Genetics of Plant Pathogens Genetic Drift", "text": "Genetic Drift. It should now be clear that population size will affect the number of alleles present in a population. But small population sizes also introduce a random element called genetic drift into the population genetics of organisms." } ]
population of sioux city ia
[ { "docid": "3635395", "title": "Demographics & Population", "text": "Our metropolitan statistical area consists of Woodbury and Plymouth County, Iowa; Dakota and Dixon County, Nebraska and Union County, South Dakota. Since 1990, the population of Siouxland has grown by 8.9%. The largest city in Siouxland is Sioux City, Iowa which has a population of approximately 83,000. March 2016." } ]
[ { "docid": "7143515", "title": "Cedar Rapids, IA Population and Races", "text": "Most / Least Educated Cities in IA. As of 2010-2014, the total population of Cedar Rapids is 128,009, which is 6.00% more than it was in 2000. The population growth rate is higher than the state average rate of 5.19% and is much lower than the national average rate of 11.61%." }, { "docid": "2785299", "title": "Beijing Population 2013", "text": "The current population of the city of Beijing, China is estimated to be about 20,693,000, which is an increase of about 5.5% from the last record of the population. Despite being the capital city of China, Beijing is not the most populous city in the country. Shanghai is a more populous city than Beijing.Based on the total land area and the total population of the city, the population density of Beijing is estimated to be about 3,300 people per square mile.he current population of the city of Beijing, China is estimated to be about 20,693,000, which is an increase of about 5.5% from the last record of the population. Despite being the capital city of China, Beijing is not the most populous city in the country. Shanghai is a more populous city than Beijing." }, { "docid": "3293426", "title": "-", "text": "Sioux City. Office Hours. Kalins Indoor Comfort is celebrating over 95 years in business as a third generation family-owned company. We are very proud to be a member of the Sioux City community for all these years. We strive to be a contributing member of the community and our thankful to all of our customers who have allowed us in their homes." }, { "docid": "1337953", "title": "-", "text": "Homefacts City Report. Lorimor is located in Union County, IA. The population is 358, making Lorimor the 3rd largest city in Union County. There are 0 public schools in Lorimor with an average Homefacts rating of NA. The total crime rate for Lorimor is low, and there are 1 registered sex offenders residing in the city." }, { "docid": "7532263", "title": "Sioux City, Iowa", "text": "The bulk of the city is in Woodbury County, of which it is the county seat, though a small portion is in Plymouth County. Sioux City is the primary city of the four-county Sioux City, IA–NE–SD Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA), with a population of 143,005 in 2000 and a slight increase to an estimated 144,360 in 2009." }, { "docid": "5039024", "title": "Missouri River", "text": "The Upper Missouri River is north of Gavins Point Dam the last hydroelectric dam of 15 on the river and it's just upstream from Sioux City, Iowa. The lower Missouri River is the 840 river miles until it meets the Mississippi just above St. Louis." }, { "docid": "8143672", "title": "-", "text": "Calamus, Iowa. Homefacts City Report. Calamus is located in Clinton County, IA. The population is 389, making Calamus the 9th largest city in Clinton County. There are 1 public schools in Calamus with an average Homefacts rating of A. The total crime rate for Calamus is low, and there are 3 registered sex offenders residing in the city." }, { "docid": "1226504", "title": "Cheyenne meaning", "text": "More About Chinese Name: Cheyenne. Cheyenne are a Native American nation of the Great Plains and capital city of Wyoming. The Cheyenne Nation is composed of two united tribes. The name Cheyenne derives from Dakota Sioux Sahiyena, meaning little Saha­sahã. yaore About Chinese Name: Cheyenne. Cheyenne are a Native American nation of the Great Plains and capital city of Wyoming. The Cheyenne Nation is composed of two united tribes. The name Cheyenne derives from Dakota Sioux Sahiyena, meaning little Saha­sahã. ya" }, { "docid": "2692335", "title": "South Dakota", "text": "South Dakota (/ˌsaʊθ dəˈkoʊtə/; locally: [ˌsɑʊθ dəˈko̞ɾə]) is a state located in the Midwestern region of the United States. It is named after the Lakota and Dakota Sioux Native American tribes, who compose a significant portion of the population and historically dominated the entire territory." }, { "docid": "8391427", "title": "-", "text": "Salaries in Mason City, IA: Customer Service Representative salary - Transportation Security Officer salary - Laborer salary Be the first to see new Full Time jobs in Mason City, IA My email: Also get an email with jobs recommended just for me" }, { "docid": "2043073", "title": "If a man with type AB blood marries a woman with type B blood, is it possible for them to have a child with A?", "text": "Each person has two genes for blood type. For blood type A there are two possible genotypes, IA IA, or IA i. For blood type B there are two possible genotypes, IB IB ,or IB i. For blood type AB there is one genotype, IA IB, and for blood type O there..." }, { "docid": "84846", "title": "Sioux Falls Skyforce Tickets", "text": "Home > Sports Tickets > Basketball Tickets > Other Tickets > Sioux Falls Skyforce Tickets Sioux Falls Skyforce Tickets View the Sioux Falls Skyforce 2018 2019 schedule, stay up-to-date on the latest Sioux Falls Skyforce tour information, browse and buy tickets! Front Row Tickets.com has tickets to all Sioux Falls Skyforce events." }, { "docid": "1212842", "title": "Iowa Construction Lien Law", "text": "Failure of the lien holder to do so within thirty (30) days of receipt of the demand shall result in the lien holder being held liable as a result of any damages that result from the refusal. See Iowa Code § 572.23 and forms IA-06-09, IA-06A-09, IA-07-09 and IA-07A-09." }, { "docid": "1816057", "title": "Orion, Illinois", "text": "Homefacts City Report. Hillsboro is located in Henry County, IA. The population is 252, making Hillsboro the 6th largest city in Henry County. There are 0 public schools in Hillsboro with an average Homefacts rating of NA. The total crime rate for Hillsboro is very low, and there are 1 registered sex offenders residing in the city." }, { "docid": "7758765", "title": "-", "text": "Sioux Chief offers all major PEX systems. Sioux Chief’s PEX offering is the most complete in the plumbing. industry. All fitting and tubing solutions carry a 25-year warranty, mixed or matched. Sioux Chief does not limit. its warranty on tube or fittings based on matching system connections. This is unique." }, { "docid": "6023225", "title": "-", "text": "Local weather report for Davenport, IA, Local Davenport, IA weather. Forecast for Davenport, Iowa, Davenport, IA weather forecast. Find your local Davenport weather forecast. Davenport, IA weather conditions. Weather outlook for Davenport, IA. Weather report for Davenport, IA. Weather Maps and Driving Directions Maps. Davenport Weather-Weather Davenport." }, { "docid": "7611493", "title": "Temperature - Precipitation - Sunshine - Snowfall", "text": "Climate Sioux Center - Iowa. °C | °F. Climate data for sioux center 2 se, Longitude: -96.1525, Latitude: 43.0558. Average weather Sioux Center, IA - 51250 - 1981-2010 normals. Jan: January, Feb: February, Mar: March, Apr: April, May: May, Jun: June, Jul: July, Aug: August, Sep: September, Oct: October, Nov: November, Dec: December." }, { "docid": "7908455", "title": "Spartanburg, South Carolina", "text": "Spartanburg is the most populous city in and the seat of Spartanburg County, South Carolina, United States, and the 12th-largest city by population in the state. The city of Spartanburg has a municipal population of 37,013, and Spartanburg County has an urban population of 180,786 as of the 2010 census." }, { "docid": "7637390", "title": "Top 10 Best Amusement & Theme Parks in Spain", "text": "Sioux City in San Agustn, Maspalomas, Gran Canaria. Type : Daily Visit, Western Theme Park, Zoo. Sioux City is a western style theme park with a small zoo located at San Agustn, Maspalomas, on the south region of Gran Canaria, Canary Islands." }, { "docid": "128383", "title": "-", "text": "George, Iowa. Homefacts City Report. George is located in Lyon County, IA. The population is 1,018, making George the 2nd largest city in Lyon County. There are 2 public schools in George with an average Homefacts rating of A. The total crime rate for George is low, and there are 6 registered sex offenders residing in the city." }, { "docid": "7645217", "title": "Population of Sioux Falls, SD", "text": "Population of Sioux Falls, SD. Last official estimated population of Sioux Falls city (Lincoln County**, South Dakota state) was 168,586 (year 2014)[1]. This was 0.053% of total US population and 19.64% of total South Dakota state population. Area of Sioux Falls city is 75.5 mi² (=195.4 km²)[6], in this year population density was 2,234.32 p/mi²." }, { "docid": "3724905", "title": "Personal Banker in Sioux Falls Salary", "text": "Sioux Falls (/ˌsuː ˈfɔːlz/) (Lakota: Íŋyaŋ Okábleča Otȟúŋwahe; Stone Shatter City) is the largest city in the U.S. state of South Dakota. It is the county seat of Minnehaha County, and also extends into Lincoln County to the south." }, { "docid": "215721", "title": "Mission", "text": "Mission is a city in Todd County, South Dakota, United States, and the Rosebud Indian Reservation. The population was 1,182 at the 2010 census. Mission is home of the Sinte Gleska University. It is the largest incorporated community in the county, but is smaller than the unincorporated community of Rosebud, which is the capital of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe." }, { "docid": "2244331", "title": "Centerville, IA Population and Races", "text": "Most / Least Educated Cities in IA. As of 2010-2014, the total population of Centerville is 5,480, which is 7.49% less than it was in 2000. The population growth rate is much lower than the state average rate of 5.19% and is much lower than the national average rate of 11.61%." }, { "docid": "4627847", "title": "Jacksonville Population 2013", "text": "The current population of the city of Jacksonville, Florida is estimated to be about 836,507, which is an increase of about 1% from the last record of the population.The city is the most populous city in the entire state of Florida and is the largest city by area in the entire country.emographics of Jacksonville. About 7% of the population is under the age of 5 years, while about 11% of the population is 65 years and older. Also, about 51.5% of the population is female, while the other 48.5% of the population is male." }, { "docid": "2539597", "title": "-", "text": "The computer systems design industry and software publishers employ the highest number of software engineers, but the highest-paid positions are spread across the country, with San Jose, California; Sioux City, Iowa; and Panama City, Florida leading the way." }, { "docid": "2244325", "title": "-", "text": "Compare Centerville, IA Demographics To Other Cities. Centerville population breakdown by race. In Centerville, 2.6% of people are of Hispanic or Latino origin. Please note: Hispanics may be of any race, so also are included in any/all of the applicable race categories above." }, { "docid": "6296319", "title": "-", "text": "City of Harlan, IA Demographic Information. * Demographic data is based on information taken from the 2000 Census. City of Harlan, IA covers 1 Area Code. City of Harlan, IA covers 2 Zip Codes. 13 Cities within 15 Miles of the City of Harlan, IA." }, { "docid": "4288744", "title": "-", "text": "The major city closest to the halfway point between Des Moines, IA and Sioux Falls, SD is Omaha, NE, situated 138.38 miles from Des Moines, IA and 184.8 miles from Sioux Falls, SD. It would take 1 hour 58 mins to go from Des Moines to Omaha and 2 hours 28 mins to go from Sioux Falls to Omaha." }, { "docid": "6926216", "title": "North Sioux City", "text": "Sponsored Topics. North Sioux City is a city in Union County, South Dakota, United States. The population was 2,530 at the 2010 census. It is part of the Sioux City, IA–NE–SD Metropolitan Statistical Area." } ]
preseptal cellulitis symptoms
[ { "docid": "1511759", "title": "Orbital and Preseptal Cellulitis", "text": "Preseptal cellulitis. 1 Acute onset of swelling, redness, warmth and tenderness of the eyelid. 2 Eyelid oedema in the absence of orbital signs such as gaze restriction and proptosis. 3 Fever, malaise, irritability in children. Ptosis." } ]
[ { "docid": "3816059", "title": "Cellulitis", "text": "Symptoms. Cellulitis causes the area of affected skin to become red, hot, swollen, and tender or painful. Cellulitis most commonly affects one of your legs, although symptoms can develop in any area of your body. If you have cellulitis, you may also find that blisters develop on your skin." }, { "docid": "489991", "title": "-", "text": "Cellulitis is a bacterial infection of the skin. Bacteria get into the skin through a cut, scrape, or other wound. Cellulitis can also affect the deeper layers of connective tissue beneath your skin and, in severe cases, spread to your lymph nodes." }, { "docid": "7089710", "title": "Cellulitis", "text": "Cellulitis is a bacterial infection of the skin and tissues beneath the skin. Unlike impetigo, which is a very superficial skin infection, cellulitis is a bacterial skin infection that also involves the skin's deeper layers: the dermis and subcutaneous tissue. The main bacteria responsible for cellulitis are Streptococcus and Staphylococcus (staph), the same bacteria that can cause impetigo and other diseases." }, { "docid": "7279783", "title": "How Long Does Impetigo Take To Appear", "text": "Staph bacteria cause most skin infections, including boils; cellulitis and impetigo, a. rash common in young children and infants. Though each condition has specific features, most begin. with skin redness, swelling, warmth, tenderness and sometimes fever." }, { "docid": "3931981", "title": "Enlarged finger tips, Swelling and Tenderness to touch", "text": "WebMD Symptom Checker helps you find the most common medical conditions indicated by the symptoms enlarged finger tips, swelling and tenderness to touch including Cellulitis, Paronychia, and Finger injury." }, { "docid": "6993045", "title": "Staph Infection and Cellulitis", "text": "A staph infection is caused by a Staphylococcus (or staph) bacteria. Actually, about 25% of people normally carry staph in the nose, mouth, genitals, or anal area, and don’t have symptoms of an infection. The foot is also very prone to picking up bacteria from the floor.taph cellulitis usually begins as a small area of tenderness, swelling, and redness. Sometimes it begins with an open sore. Other times, there is no obvious break in the skin at all. The signs of cellulitis are those of any inflammation -- redness, warmth, swelling, and pain." }, { "docid": "5800757", "title": "How to Treat Cellulitis", "text": "How to Treat Cellulitis Three Parts: Getting Diagnosed Coping With Cellulitis Treating and Preventing Cellulitis Community Q&A Cellulitis is an infection of the skin that can develop when your skin breaks due to a cut, scrape or injury and is exposed to bacteria." }, { "docid": "1007037", "title": "What is cellulitis?", "text": "The following are the most common symptoms of cellulitis. However, each child may experience symptoms differently. Symptoms may include: Swelling of the skin. Tenderness. Warm skin. Pain. Bruising. Blisters. Fever. Headache. Chills. Weakness. Red streaks from the original site of the cellulitis. Local lymph node swelling. Some cases of cellulitis are considered an emergency. 1 Consult your child's doctor immediately if you notice any of the following symptoms in your child: 2 A very large area of red, inflamed skin. 3 Fever. 4 If the area affected is causing your child to complain of numbness, tingling, or other changes in a hand, arm, leg, or foot." }, { "docid": "4229501", "title": "Overview", "text": "If you have diabetes, you may have reduced blood circulation and nerve supply in your feet. You're also at greater risk of a bacterial skin infection (cellulitis). So any relatively minor injury to your feet — including a nail fungal infection — can lead to a more serious complication." }, { "docid": "5800755", "title": "-", "text": "How to Treat Cellulitis. Three Parts: Getting Diagnosed Coping With Cellulitis Treating and Preventing Cellulitis Community Q&A. Cellulitis is an infection of the skin that can develop when your skin breaks due to a cut, scrape or injury and is exposed to bacteria." }, { "docid": "734013", "title": "Cellulitis", "text": "Streptococci spread rapidly in the skin because they produce enzymes that hinder the ability of the tissue to confine the infection. Cellulitis that is caused by Staphylococcus bacteria usually occurs in open wounds and pus-filled pockets (abscesses). Many other bacteria can cause cellulitis." }, { "docid": "6450513", "title": "-", "text": "Suggest treatment for facial cellulitis that is red and irritated. to worry about or how.long would it take to heal thank you ...I was dignose with cellulitis in my left leg u have finish all the.medication and the swelling and ..." }, { "docid": "6469332", "title": "Cellulitis", "text": "Cellulitis is a bacterial infection of the skin. It usually affects the deeper layers of the skin. It can affect any part of the body. The lower extremities, however, are highly prone to such infections. It occurs on those parts where the skin has been broken previously due to injury, burns or surgery." }, { "docid": "1006928", "title": "-", "text": "Mammalian bite wounds represent a specific subset of cellulitis with unique pathogens. The infections are usually polymicrobial. Human, dog, cat, and wild-animal bites all predispose to cellulitis with unique pathogens, but dog bites are the most commonly encountered bite wound in both the primary care and the emergency setting." }, { "docid": "1192742", "title": "Cellulitis", "text": "The bacteria most commonly involved are streptococci and Staphylococcus aureus. In contrast to cellulitis, erysipelas is a bacterial infection involving the more superficial layers of the skin, present with an area of redness with well-defined edges, and more often is associated with a fever." }, { "docid": "4538833", "title": "health care associated infections", "text": "If MRSA is causing an infection in a wound, that area of your skin may be red or tender. If you have pneumonia, you may develop a cough. Community-associated MRSA commonly causes skin infections, such as boils, abscesses, or cellulitis. Often, people think they have been bitten by a spider or insect." }, { "docid": "1334405", "title": "phlegmonous abscess", "text": "Bartholin abscess acute infection of a Bartholin gland with symptoms including pain, swelling, cellulitis of the vulva, and dyspareunia. Treatment is incision and drainage of the abscess. Cultures should be obtained to rule out infections by Neisseria gonorrhoeae or Chlamydia." }, { "docid": "1511754", "title": "Preseptal Cellulitis Treatment & Management", "text": "Preseptal Cellulitis Treatment & Management. Author: Geoffrey M Kwitko, MD, FACS, FICS; Chief Editor: Edsel Ing, MD, FRCSC more... Approach Considerations. Earlier diagnosis, expeditious treatment, and improved antibiotics have led to a reduction of serious ocular and CNS complications in patients with preseptal cellulitis. Treatment involves management of predisposing conditions, antibiotic therapy, and close observation." }, { "docid": "4233644", "title": "How Long Does Impetigo Take To Appear", "text": "Staph bacteria cause most skin infections, including boils; cellulitis and impetigo, a rash common in young children and infants. Though each condition has specific features, most begin with skin redness, swelling, warmth, tenderness and sometimes fever." }, { "docid": "6406895", "title": "Symptoms of Cellulitis", "text": "Symptoms of Cellulitis: Introduction. Symptoms of cellulitis include swelling, redness, inflammation, and pain or tenderness in the infected area of skin, which may grow in size. There can also be bruising, a hot or warm feeling to the infected skin, fever and headache. Red lines may appear on the skin." }, { "docid": "5712390", "title": "-", "text": "2. Look for the symptoms and signs. Cellulitis is most often noticeable as a red, itchy rash that begins to spread in an area where your skin is damaged. If you notice a rash spreading near a cut, burn or area where the skin has been broken, especially if it's located on your lower legs, it may be cellulitis.Look for the following symptoms: 1 A red, itchy, warm rash that continues to spread and swell. 2 The skin may look tight and stretched.ellulitis is a skin infection that usually occurs on the lower legs or shins. There are several risk factors that make it more likely for streptococcus or staphylococcus to find an entry point into your skin. You're at higher risk for getting cellulitis if you're suffering from one of the following conditions:" }, { "docid": "1128046", "title": "-", "text": "Causes of Eye inflammation: The following medical conditions are some of the possible causes of Eye inflammation. There are likely to be other possible causes, so ask your doctor about your symptoms. 1 Pseudotumour (diffuse inflammation) 2 Grave's disease. Cellulitis." }, { "docid": "2636364", "title": "Breast rash", "text": "General causes of rash that can affect any part of the body, including the breast, include: 1 Atopic dermatitis (eczema) 2 Candidiasis (especially under the breasts) 3 Cellulitis (a skin infection) Dermatitis." }, { "docid": "8244352", "title": "Cellulitis", "text": "Cellulitis causes the area of affected skin to become red, hot, swollen, and tender or painful. Cellulitis most commonly affects one of your legs, although symptoms can develop in any area of your body." }, { "docid": "8244354", "title": "Cellulitis", "text": "Being obese can cause swelling in your legs, which may increase your risk of developing cellulitis. Obesity is defined as being very overweight with a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or more. To check your BMI, you can use the healthy weight calculator." }, { "docid": "7358608", "title": "How long after starting antibiotics should the swelling go down for cellulitis?", "text": "Swelling does not go down within a few hours of starting antibiotics. It can take 48-72 hours for antibiotics to reach a level where you will start to see an improvement. It is not surprising that you are continuing to swell as this is the first day of antibiotics. Over the next 24 hours the swelling should stop spreading or getting worse and then it still may take a few more days for it to go away. There are two kinds of cellulitis. Preseptal and Orbital." }, { "docid": "6456252", "title": "-", "text": "Cellulitis is a diffuse infection of the soft tissues with no localized area. of pus amenable to drainage. The affected area is described as in-. durated (i.e., warm, red, and swollen). It is also painful. A component. of lymphangitis (infection involving the lymphatics) is indicated by." }, { "docid": "6142661", "title": "Cellulitis", "text": "Cellulitis can appear on almost any part of the body. It usually shows up on damaged skin such as inflamed wounds, dirty cuts, and areas with poor circulation. It needs to be treated by a doctor. Common symptoms include: Redness; Red streaking; Swelling; Warmth; Pain or tenderness; Leaking of yellow, clear fluid or pus; When to Seek Emergency Care for Cellulitis" }, { "docid": "5822769", "title": "Expected duration of Cellulitis", "text": "Longer duration of treatment may be needed in people, who have factors that increase the risk of severe infection and complications such as people with diabetes, certain cancers (such as leukaemia or lymphoma), HIV or AIDS or those who are on chemotherapy. Read more on Cellulitis." }, { "docid": "489992", "title": "Signs and Symptoms", "text": "If you have symptoms of cellulitis, you should see your doctor right away. If you have a fever with a rash, go to the emergency room. Your health care provider will do a thorough physical examination to see what is causing the condition and which antibiotic to prescribe." } ]
price of chick fil a
[ { "docid": "4048959", "title": "Updated Chick Fil A Menu Prices", "text": "Chick Fil A Menu prices classic generally range from $3 to $5. A few of the most popular classic menu items include the chicken sandwich, spicy chicken sandwich, and chargrilled chicken sandwich. If you are looking for a healthier choice consider ordering the grilled chicken sandwich or the grilled cool wrap." } ]
[ { "docid": "3480184", "title": "-", "text": "Jennifer, read this post to see if you can identify any other issues that may be going on with your chickens: http://www.the-chicken-chick.com/2013/03/chicken-feather-loss-cannibalism-causes.html Reply Delete" }, { "docid": "1613602", "title": "Taylors", "text": "Taylors (Burdette) Branch History. The area between Greenville and Greer was just farmland, and farmland it would have remained had it not been for the mineral spring five miles east of Greenville near the Enoree River. Dr. Burwell Chick bought up the land and opened the Chick Springs Resort in 1840." }, { "docid": "5845220", "title": "-", "text": "Get feed for the chicks. Chick starter feed can be purchased in pet or feed stores. If starter feed is not available, mix wheat, barley, rice and oats and blend just enough to still have some grit.The feed should be left near the chicks; they will stop feeding when they are full.et feed for the chicks. Chick starter feed can be purchased in pet or feed stores. If starter feed is not available, mix wheat, barley, rice and oats and blend just enough to still have some grit." }, { "docid": "6403478", "title": "-", "text": "Yes you can, but you can only work 20 hours a week. The Chick-fil-A Franchise The Chick-fil-A cow is an instantly recognizable corporate logo that is indicative of the company's success." }, { "docid": "1030307", "title": "-", "text": "Justin Bieber – Eenie Meenie lyrics. (Sean) Eenie meenie miney mo. Catch a bad chick by her toe. If she holla (if, if, if she holla) let her go. She's indecisive. She can't decide. She keeps on lookin." }, { "docid": "6590408", "title": "Fast Food", "text": "Well, the chart below will help you find nutritional information about Chick-fil-A menu items. One of the largest fast food chains specializing in chicken, Chick-fil-A maintains around 1,900 locations and boasts operations in 42 U.S. states." }, { "docid": "3002366", "title": "Henny Penny", "text": "There are several Western versions of the story, of which the best-known concerns a chick that believes the sky is falling when an acorn falls on its head. The chick decides to tell the King and on its journey meets other animals (mostly other fowl) which join it in the quest." }, { "docid": "7248096", "title": "Chick tract", "text": "Chick Publications produces and markets the Chick tracts, along with other comic books, books, and posters. Chick Publications has its headquarters in Rancho Cucamonga and has an Ontario, California mailing address. The company estimates it has printed over 800 million tracts during its first 50 years of business." }, { "docid": "4664657", "title": "What age does Chick-fil-a hire?", "text": "during school weeks you can only work 3 hours per day and up to 18hours in a total week. at that age you aren't allowed by law to climb a ladder...use a knife and almost everything in the kitchen is age restricted to at least 16-18. Source(s): I have managed several Chick-Fil-A's in multiple states. 8 years of service." }, { "docid": "2517763", "title": "-", "text": "The Chick-fil-A Bowl, started in 1968 as the Peach Bowl, has done something not even its most ardent supporters thought possible. Last week the new College Football Playoff officially selected six bowls to form the rotation for its national semifinals." }, { "docid": "2974634", "title": "Calories in chick fil a", "text": "Find nutritional information like calories, carbs, fat, protein and fiber for chick fil a." }, { "docid": "6639875", "title": "Top 9 CHICKPEAS HEALTH BENEFITS", "text": "HEALTH BENEFITS OF CHICK PEAS are weight loss, control diabetes, boost immunity, & clear digestive tract. Watch this video to learn more. Garbanzos beans or chick peas is a very versatile legume and a noted ingredient in many middle east or Indian recipes like hummus, falafels and curries. Chickpeas comes from the family of grams and are filled with a number of nutritional values that is beneficial for maintaining good health." }, { "docid": "6525460", "title": "Franchise Costs: Detailed Estimates of Chick-fil-A Franchise Costs (2017 FDD)", "text": "1 Once you have paid the $10,000 initial franchise fee, if you are offered the opportunity to operate an additional franchised Chick-fil-A Restaurant business, you will pay an additional franchise fee in the amount of $5,000 for each additional business.hick-fil-A Franchise Costs. Estimate of Initial Investment. 1 The following chart describes the costs of initial investment for a free-standing unit, mall unit, satellite unit, and drive-thru only unit." }, { "docid": "4517888", "title": "Raising Chicks . . .", "text": "They can pick it up outside from the droppings of other birds. If your chicks go outside you may want to give them a feed medicated with Amprolium, which controls the coccidiosis while allowing the birds to build up a resistance. Some medicated chick feeds are sold with antibiotics in them." }, { "docid": "5125486", "title": "How to Care for Newly Hatched Chicks", "text": "2/24/2014 10:40 AM. After several weeks of incubation, your eggs will be ready to hatch. After they hatch, they cannot be kept in the incubator very long. It is time for them to move to a brooding area.A good brooding area is the key to chick survival and growth in their early stages of development./24/2014 10:40 AM. After several weeks of incubation, your eggs will be ready to hatch. After they hatch, they cannot be kept in the incubator very long. It is time for them to move to a brooding area. A good brooding area is the key to chick survival and growth in their early stages of development." }, { "docid": "603189", "title": "How to Convert a Scanned Document to Word", "text": "Click the Start menu, then select All Programs, Microsoft Office and Microsoft Office Tools, and then Microsoft Office Document Imaging.. Click Fil,e then Open.. Find the scanned document. Click Open.. Press CTRL and A at the same time. Press CTRL and C at the same time. Open Microsoft Word." }, { "docid": "5383672", "title": "-", "text": "1. the study of embryonic formation and development. 2. the origin, growth, and development of an embryo: the embryology of the chick. [1840–50]. em`bry•o•log′i•cal (-əˈlɒdʒ ɪ kəl) em`bry•o•log′ic, adj. em`bry•o•log′i•cal•ly, adv." }, { "docid": "5486145", "title": "2015 Auburn Tigers football team", "text": "Auburn announced their 2015 football schedule on October 14, 2014. The 2015 schedule consist of 7 home games and 4 away games in the regular season. One game is at a neutral site in Atlanta, Georgia against the Louisville Cardinals in the Chick-fil-A Kickoff Game on September 5." }, { "docid": "3803621", "title": "Chick-fil-A", "text": "Truett Cathy. in the 1940s as the Dwarf Grill by Truett Cathy in the Atlanta suburb of Hapeville, Chick-fil-A grew to include more than 1,800 restaurants in the United States by 2014, with annual sales of more than $5 billion in 2013." }, { "docid": "5245487", "title": "How long after the first pip is made will my egg hatch?", "text": "It can take up to 24 hours from the first pip. If you try to help it hatch, you will tear the thin skin of the chick and kill it. Just watch and wait.t can take up to 24 hours from the first pip. If you try to help it hatch, you will tear the thin skin of the chick and kill it. Just watch and wait." }, { "docid": "7457978", "title": "What percentage of the US population has a Native American ancestor?", "text": "Sheryl Crow does, but considers herself a white chick. Dolly Parton's mother was half Native American, but Dolly protrays herself as white trash from the Smoky Mountains of Tennessee." }, { "docid": "2966990", "title": "-", "text": "The size of the brooder will depend on the number of chicks you have. Aim for at least 2.5 sq feet per chick, if possible, more is better. The bottom of the brooder should have a layer of clean litter (pine shavings or similar)." }, { "docid": "8273907", "title": "-", "text": "Related Products. Beautifully textured cotton-and-silk fil coupé calls to mind ... Beautifully textured cotton-and-silk fil coupé calls to mind creamsicle-colored wisteria climbing bright white trellises while curved godet pleats add softly swishing volume to the skirt of this sweet dress. Color(s): coral/ blush. Brand: LELA ROSE. Style Name:Lela Rose Geometric Fil Coupé Godet Dress." }, { "docid": "805136", "title": "-", "text": "A pink loving dizty big boobed chick with no ass. love yah pep. Jesus look at the tits on that chick, she has to be a pepto! #chesty #air head #bitch #crazy #loveable. by dirtylitany July 10, 2008. 18 8. Buy the mug Buy the tshirt." }, { "docid": "4048960", "title": "-", "text": "Because of the quality, Chick-fil-A prices are higher than an average fast food restaurant. If you are looking to serve Chick-fil-A at your next party or event, you can view Chick-fil-A catering prices here. Their menu includes chicken sandwiches, chicken nuggets, chick-n-strips, sides, salads, and breakfast meals." }, { "docid": "5049102", "title": "-", "text": "The most friggin' awesome chick I've ever met! From the sweet sweet island of Moloka'i. Hula's tend to be really fun and don't judge. When drama happens she tries to stay out of it but speaks her mind if she must." }, { "docid": "6938190", "title": "Lavender Orpington Chicks from egg to thriving chicks", "text": "This is a video that shows the Lavender Orpington chick being hatched from egg, to recovery, to a thriving chick. The Orpington is a breed of chicken named a... This is a video that shows the Lavender Orpington chick being hatched from egg, to recovery, to a thriving chick. The Orpington is a breed of chicken named after Orpington, England, which was made famous in part by this breed. Belonging to the English class of chickens, it was bred to be an excellent layer with good meat quality." }, { "docid": "7267958", "title": "-", "text": "Here's are the restaurants we tried, in alphabetical order: 1 Arby's. 2 Burger King. 3 Chick-Fil-A. 4 Dairy Queen. 5 Hardee's (Carl's Jr.) 6 McDonald's. 7 Sonic. 8 Steak 'n Shake. 9 Wendy's." }, { "docid": "5805805", "title": "-", "text": "Chick lit is genre fiction which addresses issues of modern womanhood, often humorously and lightheartedly.ags. Tags contributing to this page include: chick-lit, chic-lit, chick-books, and chicklit. Welcome back. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account." }, { "docid": "7179084", "title": "What is a baby bird called?", "text": "Best Answer: A chick is the name for any sort of baby bird. A hatchling is a very new, recently hatched baby bird. A nestling is a bird that has not left the nest ..." } ]
price of oil today in oman
[ { "docid": "318212", "title": "Oman | Viral | Global | Motoring | Food | Celebrity | SportTrump has not laid out timetable for Syria attack response: White HouseZuckerberg rebuffs calls for more data controls More than 250 dead in Algeria plane crashHotel Show Saudi Arabia opens Humanoid robot Sophia is coming to OmanOmanOmanisation | Tourism | Education | Environment | Health | Government | Transport | Science | HeritageWoman arrested in Oman for duping man of OMR7,000Oman ministry begins Haj vaccination drive Traffic update: This road in Muscat is blocked after truck break downThis new OMR300,000 museum will open soon Got an Indian TV set top box in Oman? Read thisThe Jabal Akhdar rose is one of a kindOmanâs six-year-old racing sensation wins another title Using art to support people with autismChildrenâs photography club aims to clean up Omanâs beaches 'Stretch your body every day and stretch less at the dinner table'WorldGCC | Middle East | India | Pakistan | Americas | Europe | Asia | AfricaYulia Skripal declines Russian help but embassy doubts statementTaliban storm district in Afghanistan's Ghazni province, killing more than 12 people UK PM May says indications are Syrian authorities were behind chemical attackUK decision on Syria must be made carefully, based on evidence: Minister India's PNB says internal probe into $2 billion fraud ongoingBusinessPersonal Finance | Aviation | Energy | Markets | Property | Retail | Banking | Economy | TechnologyChina says it will fight back if U.S. escalates trade spatIndia's PNB says internal probe into $2 bln fraud ongoing; more heads could roll Oil prices touch highest since 2014Worldâs smartest satellite phone unveiled Bank Sohar, Arabia Falcon Insurance ink dealSportsOman | Football | Cricket | Tennis | Motorsport | Olympics | Hockey | Athletics | Golf | Sailing | More sportsCommonwealth Games: No positive doping tests at Gold CoastFootball: Buffon blasts referee Oliver after red card fury Football: Ronaldo penalty sends Real through after thrilling Juve fightbackTennis: Fatma fails to clear first hurdle in singles Guardiola must find missing European ingredients for CityOpinionGradual deployment of US troops to Mexico border underwayCan a trade war be averted? Europeâs double opportunityColombia pro-mining referendum will not soothe global miners Rare appearance fuels speculation Algeria's Bouteflika will run againTechnologyGot a Gmail account? Read this:How to protect your data in a connected world Important qualities to look for when purchasing paperCapture quality photos with the latest smartphone camera How Cloud technology affects your businessLifestyleWellness | Motoring | Dining | Entertainment | Family | Property Times | Travel Leisure | Culture | PhotographyL.A. prosecutors review 1992 sex assault accusation against Kevin SpaceyMariah Carey says she has bipolar disorder How parents can help boost their childrenâs financial literacyWhy should you take your baby to the pool? 'Silicon Valley' star T.J. Miller charged with fake bomb threatThis Weekend | Food | Style | Recreation | TravelIt's game on this summerSpend your summer with sorbets and salads Here's how to look cool for the summerEverything you need to know about sunscreens This week's latest film releases", "text": "Despite the price increase, fuel will remain cheaper in Oman than over the border in the UAE, currently at the equivalent of 177 baisas per litre and is still less than half the price paid at the pumps in India and less than a third of the price paid at forecourts in the United Kingdom." } ]
[ { "docid": "139792", "title": "-", "text": "But we're basing it right now on the price of OMG multiplied to the quotient of the projected marketcap to the market cap today." }, { "docid": "7552763", "title": "How much is an oil change at pep boys?", "text": "but im getting off track a standard oil change is up to 5 qts of oil for a set price for example a ford wind star may take 5 qts of regular oil for lets say 29.95 and if you wanted synthetic oil that would raise it to 49.95 for 5 qts that's including the filter now a Diesel car or truck could take up to 15 qts of oil so for either oil change any ..." }, { "docid": "4159621", "title": "-", "text": "Due to fears that the production of oil in the United States would be cut by up to one-third of normal capacity, the price of oil fluctuated greatly. In some areas, gasoline was being sold for as much as $6 per gallon. International oil prices also rose." }, { "docid": "5014773", "title": "The Many Wonders of Calming Sandalwood Oil", "text": "How to Make Infused Sandalwood Oil. To make sandalwood oil, 13 billets of wood are chipped and reduced to a powder. Most sandalwood oil today is produced by steam distillation of the powder. The high boiling nature of the oil makes the process rather slow, taking many hours to complete." }, { "docid": "6043228", "title": "The Economist explainsWhy the oil price is falling", "text": "THE oil price has fallen by more than 40% since June, when it was $115 a barrel. It is now below $70. This comes after nearly five years of stability." }, { "docid": "2632041", "title": "-", "text": "Box 134, Ruwi Postal code 112, Sultanate of Oman Tel: +968 24768888 Fax: +968 24785572 Website: www.bankmuscat.com Central Bank of Oman (Promotes monetary and financial stability in Oman) P.O. Box 1161, Postal Code 112,Ruwi Sultanate of Oman Tel.ox: 7373 Postal Code: 112, Ruwi Sultanate of Oman Tel: + 69300322369 Fax: + 69300323676 Email: info@maf.gov.om Website: www.maf.gov.om Directorate General of Commerce (DGC) Tel: +968 24814235 Fax: +968 248 14436 Email." }, { "docid": "57377", "title": "Where to Buy Coconut Oil: Tips for Choosing a High-Quality Brand", "text": "Know the Different Types of Coconut Oil. Considering this impressive roster of uses, it definitely makes sense that you choose a high-quality coconut oil. There are numerous brands and types of coconut oil, and they vary according to source, production method, packaging, and price." }, { "docid": "7522221", "title": "What is the average price-to-book ratio in the oil & gas drilling sector?", "text": "Oil and Gas Drilling Price to Book Ratio. As of January 2015, the oil and gas drilling sector has an average price to book ratio of 2.2." }, { "docid": "2909789", "title": "-", "text": "It’s hard to imagine modern life without. petroleum. From the gas in our cars to the. asphalt on the road, from bicycle helmets. to medical equipment, almost everything. we use today is in some way made from a. barrel of oil. And how does that oil reach." }, { "docid": "3821959", "title": "-", "text": "Inflection of oma (Kotus type 10/koira, no gradation) nominative: oma: omat: genitive: oman: omien: partitive: omaa: omia: illative: omaan: omiin: singular plural; nominative: oma: omat: accusative nom. oma: omat: gen. oman: genitive: oman: omien omain rare: partitive: omaa: omia: inessive: omassa: omissa: elative: omasta: omista: illative: omaan: omiin: adessive: omalla: omilla: ablative: omalta: omilta: allative: omalle: omille: essive" }, { "docid": "5295551", "title": "Where Does All the Oil Come From? The United States and Oil Imports - Facts and Figures", "text": "Other countries from which the United States imports oil are: Venezuela, Nigeria, Iraq, the United Kingdom, Norway, Angola, Algeria and Colombia. Of course, oil is a limited resource. The bulk of proven, remaining oil reserves in the world today are located in the Middle East." }, { "docid": "6601908", "title": "-", "text": "The price of a barrel of oil has fallen from $115 at the end of June to about $85 today, prompting a sharp drop in headline inflation (core inflation, which excludes energy, is not quite as low).he price of a barrel of oil has fallen from $115 at the end of June to about $85 today, prompting a sharp drop in headline inflation (core inflation, which excludes energy, is not quite as low)." }, { "docid": "2428407", "title": "Scrap Metal Prices Today USA - Check Today's Scrap Metal Prices Per Pound", "text": "If you want to sell scrap metal for the best prices per pound today in your area, check our Today's Scrap Metal Price Per Pound Calculator opposite, this will reveal the true value of your scrap metal, this is very handy information to have when trying to get the best price per pound for scrap metal today." }, { "docid": "1313536", "title": "Gut-Friendly Ginger Essential Oil â Reduces Inflammation & Nausea", "text": "The essential oil is the best way to use ginger as medicine. It can be taken internally to treat health conditions or rubbed topically with a carrier oil on an area of pain. Today, ginger essential oil is used to treat nausea, upset stomach, menstrual disorders, inflammation and respiratory conditions." }, { "docid": "6866165", "title": "U.S. Is The World's Largest Producer Of Natural Gas. Here's What That Means", "text": "With other commodities (we're looking at you, oil), there's one price all around the world, so an increase in U.S. supply doesn't tend to change global prices much. But gas is different: Unlike oil and other commodities, natural gas is expensive and difficult to export." }, { "docid": "4362717", "title": "Central Bank of Oman", "text": "The two monetary authorities that preceded the establishment of the Central Bank of Oman, namely the Muscat Currency Authority in 1970 and the Oman Currency Board in 1972, were not vested with full banking status, but, they had well prepared the ground for the emergence of the Central Bank of Oman." }, { "docid": "4169585", "title": "John D. Rockefeller and the Oil Industry", "text": "Even after 20 years in the oil business, “the best . . . at the lowest price” was still Rockefeller’s goal; his Standard Oil Company had already captured 90 per cent of America’s oil refining and had pushed the price down from 58 cents to eight cents a gallon." }, { "docid": "356731", "title": "How much should the Nintendo Switch cost?", "text": "The first rumors of the price for the upcoming Nintendo Switch have begun swirling today, with TechnoBuffalo reporting a unverified starting price of $250, along with a higher storage option for $300." }, { "docid": "1041061", "title": "Hereâs Why You Can Count on Calendula Oil", "text": "Marigold has much value today and in traditional cultures as a homeopathic remedy, but the oil extracted from the flowers, called calendula oil, is not far behind in providing benefits. Learn more about this oil distilled from the petals of the pot marigold or Calendula officinalis, and how you can harness its health and practical everyday uses." }, { "docid": "4680233", "title": "-", "text": "You only need to change oil every 10k miles on your X......and you need much more oil here. So I do it at my BMW dealer and pay $115 for peace of mind, instead of taking a chance at Bob's Oil Change and drive with who knows what in my engine for $80.y oil changes are free under warranty but today when I was at the dealer I saw a list of prices for certain things and the oil change cost $230." }, { "docid": "8130978", "title": "-", "text": "More Articles. 9 oil price forecasts during Trump presidency. Trump, Clinton and oil prices. The downside of low oil prices. Brexit, the Turkish coup and oil prices. Saudis lose US clout over oil price war. Six reasons why oil prices reached new 2016 highs." }, { "docid": "6245293", "title": "-", "text": "Oman is a 1,000-mile-long (1,700 km) coastal plain at the southeast tip of the Arabian Peninsula lying on the Arabian Sea and the Gulf of Oman. It is bordered by the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, and Yemen.The country is the size of Kansas.eography. Oman is a 1,000-mile-long (1,700 km) coastal plain at the southeast tip of the Arabian Peninsula lying on the Arabian Sea and the Gulf of Oman. It is bordered by the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, and Yemen. The country is the size of Kansas." }, { "docid": "2339081", "title": "What is age limit for work visa for oman/UAE (Maximum and Minimum)?", "text": "Answers. Best Answer: The min. age for expats working in Oman is 21 years and in the UAE 18 years. Maximum age in Oman is between 55 years and 60 years depending on the profession and in the UAE 65 years or 70 years for selected professions. Take care." }, { "docid": "1462646", "title": "Price of oil", "text": "The price of oil, or the oil price, generally refers to the spot price of a barrel of benchmark crude oil—a reference price for buyers and sellers of crude oil such as West Texas Intermediate (WTI), Brent ICE, Dubai Crude, OPEC Reference Basket, Tapis Crude, Bonny Light, Urals oil, Isthmus and Western Canadian Select (WCS)." }, { "docid": "6713665", "title": "-", "text": "Please note that our Gas Oil price chart shows the average Red Diesel price across the UK. If you would like to view Gas Oil prices for a specific postcode area, simply click below to get a free, personalised quote." }, { "docid": "8486633", "title": "Commodity Prices", "text": "Commodity Beverage Price Index; Commodity Price Index; Commodity Fuel (energy) Index; Commodity Food and Beverage Price Index; Commodity Food Price Index; Commodity Industrial Inputs Price Index; Commodity Metals Price Index; Commodity Non-Fuel Price Index; Crude Oil (petroleum), Price index" }, { "docid": "2400253", "title": "-", "text": "Oman is a relatively safe country and serious crime is rare. The Royal Oman Police is notably efficient and honest. Driving in Muscat can sometimes be a problem, although this is due more to congestion than bad driving on the part of the locals." }, { "docid": "6439099", "title": "How Much Does an Oil Change Cost?", "text": "1 A dealership could charge anywhere from $30 to $60 for a basic oil change. 2 Because most people get the basic oil change, which includes regular not synthetic oil, the average cost of an oil change is about $30. This price can also depend on the services each garage includes in the price of an oil change. 2 For example, Uncle Ed’s Oil Shoppe offers a basic oil change for $40, a high-mileage oil change for $58, and a diesel oil change for $70. 3 This is one of the more expensive oil shops around." }, { "docid": "6218062", "title": "Oman Weather, climate and geography", "text": "It is bordered by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to the northwest, the Republic of Yemen to the southwest and the United Arab Emirates to the north. Oman has 2,092 km (1,300 miles) of coastline on the Gulf, Arabian Sea and the Gulf of Oman.t is bordered by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to the northwest, the Republic of Yemen to the southwest and the United Arab Emirates to the north. Oman has 2,092 km (1,300 miles) of coastline on the Gulf, Arabian Sea and the Gulf of Oman." }, { "docid": "387235", "title": "The Macroeconomic Effects of World Crude Oil Price Changes", "text": "Changes in Climate The major issue that connects crude oil with climatic changes is the heating of oil. When the heating effect rises to a given level, the price of crude oil rises to a relatively high range. This makes it hard for customers to acquire the product. 4.4." } ]
price of surface tablet
[ { "docid": "2041957", "title": "Microsoft slashes Surface Pro tablet prices by $100", "text": "The Surface Pro offer expires on Thursday, August 29. (Click to enlarge.). Microsoft’s Pro price slash comes less than a week after the company revealed earnings from Surface tablets accounted for $863 million during fiscal 2013." } ]
[ { "docid": "4970704", "title": "Griddle", "text": "(January 2013) A griddle is a cooking device consisting of a broad flat surface heated by gas, electricity, wood, or coal, with both residential and commercial applications. In industrialized countries, a griddle is most commonly a flat metal plate, elsewhere typically a brick slab or tablet." }, { "docid": "7216545", "title": "Surface Type Cover 2 with Backlit Keyboard Hands On", "text": "This is a hands on look of the new Surface Type Cover 2 keyboard for any Surface tablet. This is the black, but this keyboard cover comes in Cyan, Magenta and Purple as well. This is valued for $129. I hope you guys like the video. 1 Howto & Style." }, { "docid": "7347405", "title": "RESET - Microsoft Surface RT, Pro 1, 2 or 3 (ANY Windows 8.1 Tablet)", "text": "Aloha everyone, Today we record how to WIPE your Surface RT or your Surface Pro of all data. You should perform this step when selling or giving your Surface RT/Pro to another person! This will also work on any Windows 8.1 Tablet (Toshiba Encore, Dell Venue, and more!). Visit us for updates, news, giveaways and more! Website-http://asiangeeksquad.com/. YouTube-http://youtube.com/c/asiangeeksquad." }, { "docid": "1543777", "title": "Imatinib - Price List of 22 Brands", "text": "Price List Updated on February, 2, 2017. The generic Meloxicam is manufactured by 22 companies. The information provided includes the cost of the drug and the type of drug - tablet, capsule, syrup, cream, gel, ointment, liquid or injection. To view the price of the drug click on the brand name." }, { "docid": "4527931", "title": "Surface 2", "text": "For the 2nd generation tablet in the Pro line based on Windows 8 Pro, see Surface Pro 2. Surface 2 is a Surface-series Windows RT hybrid tablet computer created by Microsoft. It was unveiled on September 23, 2013, and released on October 22, 2013 and is the successor to the original Surface. As of January 2015, Microsoft no longer manufactures Surface 2, but will provide security updates for the device until 2023." }, { "docid": "791411", "title": "-", "text": "Performance + -. Each Surface is built with the power of a fully functioning laptop under the hood. Whether you’re taking notes in school with Surface 3, docking your Surface Pro 4 at your desk in the office, or sketching a graphic novel in your studio with Surface Book, you will have the power you need in your hands.ersatility + -. Every Surface goes from laptop to tablet in a snap, works anywhere that your day takes you, and connects seamlessly to your other devices. With multiple ports and the very best digital pen experience, Surface will redefine what it means to be productive in the office, studio, or cafe. café" }, { "docid": "7890951", "title": "-", "text": "Microsoft Windows 8 does not support plug-ins in the Start screen and therefore Java will not run in the Start screen. You will have to switch to the Desktop screen to run Java.or more information refer Microsoft Windows 8 FAQ Is the Java download available for the Windows Surface tablet? No, since the Windows Surface tablet does not support the Java plug-in, Java cannot be installed on the Surface tablet." }, { "docid": "2776203", "title": "How to Add Additional USB Ports to a Microsoft Surface", "text": "How to Add Additional USB Ports to a Microsoft Surface. The Microsoft Surface line of tablets, simply by virtue of running Windows, has a lot of potential to be the kind of tablet that usurps the role of a computer for many users." }, { "docid": "3969355", "title": "-", "text": "Read All Reviews. 1 Brand: Metagenics. 2 Item Number: ME1127. 3 Serving Size: 1 Tablet. Servings per Container: 1 180. Quantity per Container: 180 Tablets. Price per Serving: $ 1 0.34. Price per Unit*: $0.34 per Tablet. * Price Per Unit may reflect product's price per capsule, tablet, ounce, fluid ounce, etc." }, { "docid": "2840064", "title": "Microsoft Surface Keyboard review", "text": "We also tried the Microsoft Surface Keyboard with a non-Surface Windows 10 tablet, and it worked just as well as it does with Microsoft’s own device. We liked. The Microsoft Surface Keyboard is a well put together keyboard that makes typing on the Surface Pro – or any other Windows 10 tablet – fast and comfortable." }, { "docid": "2840058", "title": "Microsoft's new Surface Pro laptops don't come with a keyboard, and it's a terrible move", "text": "Microsoft's new Surface Pro laptops don't come with a keyboard, and it's a terrible move. 1 The Type Cover and the new Surface Pro's price. 2 NOW WATCH: Microsoft just unveiled a $1,000 laptop — and it’s taking on Apple's MacBook Air." }, { "docid": "5359582", "title": "Who owns the networked future of reading?", "text": "Readmill is an e-reading app that, on the surface at least, will be familiar to anyone who has read a Kindle book on their smartphone or tablet. But what makes this scrappy indie app a potential Amazon giant-killer is how Readmill helps readers – and writers – talk to each other." }, { "docid": "4631799", "title": "Microsoft", "text": "The Microsoft retail store at Burlington Mall is your destination to see and experience everything Microsoft has to offer. Come in and try the Microsoft Surface – a touchscreen tablet with a cover that doubles as a keyboard. A feat of engineering and a work of art, you can see more, share more, and do more with Surface." }, { "docid": "1955823", "title": "Surface Pro 3", "text": "Instead, the Surface Pro 3 is an entirely new model with a larger screen. Microsoft hopes the Surface Pro 3 is the tablet that replaces your laptop. On March 31, 2015, Microsoft announced a lower-cost version of the Surface Pro 3 called Surface 3." }, { "docid": "4298432", "title": "everolimus (Afinitor) [en Español]", "text": "Everolimus should be taken at the same time each day. You may take everolimus with or without food, but take it the same way each time. Do not take an Afinitor regular tablet together with an Afinitor dispersible tablet. Use only one form of this medicine. Take the Afinitor regular tablet with a full glass of water. Do not crush, chew, or break the tablet. Swallow the pill whole. Do not swallow the dispersible tablet (Afinitor Disperz) whole." }, { "docid": "1052940", "title": "Surface Pro 3 pen woes: you just might have your battery installed backwards", "text": "Surface Pro 3 pen woes: you just might have your battery installed backwards. Microsoft’s brand new 12-inch Surface Pro 3 tablet is available for purchase and comes with a fantastic stylus called the Surface Pen. The stylus connects to your Surface Pro 3 via Bluetooth and is powered by batteries. If you are having trouble with the Pen’s connectivity, you might have the battery inserted backwards. “When I try to pair the new pen with my Surface 3, it says connected for a second or two, then it says not connected." }, { "docid": "1887184", "title": "Microsoft Surface Pro 3: The Real World Road Test", "text": "Plus, Microsoft has done some component-battery jujitsu to help the Surface Pro 3 and maintain near-perfect balance. No matter how I place it on my lap, it was never in danger of topping over. The tablet does far outweigh the keyboard, but with the magnetic edge clinging to the screen, it never felt that way." }, { "docid": "2744342", "title": "Eliquis Coupon & Discounts", "text": "The price of Eliquis, because it is not yet available as a generic, can be pretty steep. Quantity is the primary factor in determining the Eliquis cost; a thirty-tablet supply of the 5mg strength of Eliquis starts at around $165 a ... Eliquis is an anticoagulant and blood thinner, prescribed to prevent blood clots. The price of Eliquis, because it is not yet available as a generic, can be pretty steep. Quantity is the primary factor in determining the Eliquis cost; a thirty-tablet supply of the 5mg strength of Eliquis starts at around $165 a ..." }, { "docid": "1840641", "title": "Asus ZenPad 3S 10 Series â ZenPad 3S 10 (Z500M) Review", "text": "But as always is the case, there is one big exception between Asus and the other guys. Asus always manages to have cheaper prices. The ZenPad 3S 10 (Z500M) delivers a flagship tablet without a flagship tablet price tag." }, { "docid": "5945834", "title": "Gabapentin - Price List of 68 Brands", "text": "Drug Gabapentin. Price list. The generic Gabapentin is manufactured by 41 companies. The information provided includes the cost of the drug and the type of drug - tablet, capsule, syrup, cream, gel, ointment, liquid or injection. To view the price of the drug click on the brand name." }, { "docid": "7540653", "title": "Q: What apps and programs can I install on Surface with Windows RT?", "text": "Nope, the Surface has a tablet processor inside it. It's the same reason you can't install Firefox or Adobe onto an iPad or a cell phone.... the processor inside simply can't run that kind of program.t's all the same anywhere you go. I actually have a Surface Pro and tried Google Chrome on it, but Google doesn't support touch screens very well, and it's very difficult to use (impossible on most websites). So you really are better on the Surface RT using Internet Explorer." }, { "docid": "2840063", "title": "Microsoft Surface Keyboard review", "text": "The Microsoft Surface Keyboard is a very nicely made bit of kit, and if you spend a lot of your time at a desk working on your Surface Pro 4, or other Windows 10 tablet, then it's definitely worth considering." }, { "docid": "8526025", "title": "Your kids can break this tablet as many times as they want (for a while)", "text": "As tempting as it is to think that Amazon's $50 Fire tablet is a great and affordable tablet to buy for your kid, it would be wise to invest in an upgrade to the Fire Kids Edition, if only for the two-year guarantee that allows unlimited replacements if the tablet is broken." }, { "docid": "2529367", "title": "Medrol Dose Pack Can Help Tame an Arthritis Flare", "text": "Medrol is available as 2, 4, 8, 16, 24, and 32-milligram tablets. 1 Medrol is also available as an injectable solution: 20, 40, and 80 milligrams/milliliter. While Medrol can be prescribed at various daily doses or as alternate day therapy, the typical Medrol dose pack is marketed as 4-milligram tablets given over 6 days in decreasing dosages. Directions for the Medrol dose pack are: 1 Day 1: 2 tablets before breakfast, 1 tablet after lunch, 1 tablet after dinner, 2 tablets at bedtime. 2 Day 2: 1 tablet before breakfast, 1 tablet after lunch, 1 tablet after dinner, 2 tablets at bedtime. 3 Day 3: 1 tablet before breakfast, 1 tablet after lunch, 1 tablet after dinner, 1 tablet at bedtime." }, { "docid": "3785825", "title": "Surface 2 with LTE available tomorrow for $679", "text": "Surface 2 with LTE available tomorrow for $679. Microsoft is finally launching its Surface 2 tablet with LTE support. Priced at $679, a 64GB LTE-ready version of the Surface 2 will be available from Microsoft Stores and Best Buy tomorrow. Microsoft previously promised support for AT&T LTE and Vodafone internationally, but only the AT&T model will launch tomorrow in the US." }, { "docid": "1750720", "title": "Cost-Effectiveness of New Oral Anticoagulants Compared with Warfarin in Preventing Stroke and Other Cardiovascular Events in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation", "text": "If the cost and disutility associated with major and minor bleeds for dabigatran were 38% higher than estimated, apixaban would be cost-effective. Apixaban would be more cost-effective than dabigatran 150 mg if the price of apixaban was less than $3.01 per tablet. Rivaroxaban would be cost-effective if the price was lowered to $1.10 per tablet." }, { "docid": "7490425", "title": "-", "text": "As for their tablets, who knows how far they can go with this very popular technology. You can find a number of tablets by Samsung such as the best Samsung 8 inch tablet in Malayasia on Lazada Malaysia for the best Samsung tablet price in Malaysia." }, { "docid": "8255507", "title": "-", "text": "If you are in the market for a Surface Pro 3 you will want to check out the savings from Amazon right now, as the online retailer is offering up to $350 off the tablet. Amazon is selling the five different versions of the tablet, from the i3 with 64GB of storage up to the i7 with 512GB, and they...f you are in the market for a Surface Pro 3 you will want to check out the savings from Amazon right now, as the online retailer is offering up to $350 off the tablet. Amazon is selling the five different versions of the tablet, from the i3 with 64GB of storage up to the i7 with 512GB, and they..." }, { "docid": "3733973", "title": "36 Short questions and tips for Outlook 2013", "text": "By default, Outlook will cache up to 12 months of your mail if your disk is 128GB or larger. If your disk is between 64GB and 128GB, then it will cache up to 6 months by default. For even smaller disks (like for Outlook RT on a Surface tablet with 32GB), the account is automatically set to only 1 month." }, { "docid": "7715064", "title": "-", "text": "If touch functionality still is not working correctly, calibrate the screen. In the Windows Start screen, type Tablet PC Settings to open the Search charm, and then select Tablet PC Settings from the results list. Figure: Search results for Tablet PC Settings. Tablet PC Settings window opens.On the Display tab, click Calibrate.n the Windows Start screen, type Tablet PC Settings to open the Search charm, and then select Tablet PC Settings from the results list. Figure: Search results for Tablet PC Settings. Tablet PC Settings window opens. On the Display tab, click Calibrate." } ]
price weighted index
[ { "docid": "5916422", "title": "What is a 'Price-Weighted Index'", "text": "What is a 'Price-Weighted Index'. A price-weighted index is a stock index in which each stock influences the index in proportion to its price per share. The value of the index is generated by adding the prices of each of the stocks in the index and dividing them by the total number of stocks." } ]
[ { "docid": "5936573", "title": "-", "text": "To convert an historical series of prices into present-year dollars, multiply the dollar value for each year by the CPI index for the present year (in this example 2003), then divide by each year s CPI index, as shown below: Year. Price in Curr. yr." }, { "docid": "7833019", "title": "-", "text": "The Index measures the performance of all U.S. equity securities with readily available price data. Although there are nearly 4,000 stocks in the Index, the Wilshire 5000 Index Fund typically invests in 1,500–3,000 stocks in order to adequately track the performance of the Index." }, { "docid": "3956504", "title": "Inflation Calculator: Moneyâs Real Worth Over Time", "text": "The CPI inflation calculator uses the average Consumer Price Index for a given calendar year. This data represents changes in prices of all goods and services purchased for consumption by urban households. This index value has been calculated every year since 1913. For the current year, the latest monthly index value is used." }, { "docid": "169927", "title": "-", "text": "Price/Earnings Ratio (P/E Ratio) Support and Resistance; Commitment of Traders (COT) Linear Regression; Pring Special K; Zig Zag Indicator; Candlestick Analysis; Relative Strength Comparison (RSC) Volume. Put/Call Ratio (PCR) Volume Indicator; Money Flow Index (MFI) Chaikin Money Flow (CMF) Volume Profile; Volume-weighted Average Price (VWAP) Accumulation / Distribution Line (ADL) Price Volume Trend (PVT) Ease of Movement (EOM) Negative Volume Index (NVI) Moving Average. Exponential Moving Average (EMA) Weighted Moving Average (WMA) Simple Moving Average (SMA) Hull Moving Average (HMA) Kaufman's Adaptive Moving Average (KAMA) Smoothed Moving Average (SMMA)" }, { "docid": "2282828", "title": "-", "text": "Inflation and price indices. The rate of increase in prices for goods and services. Measures of inflation and prices include consumer price inflation, producer price inflation, the house price index, index of private housing rental prices, and construction output price indices. Not a National Statistic. Change over 12 months." }, { "docid": "241744", "title": "-", "text": "Boeing's share rally , up 3.5%, or around $12, was contributing about 80 points to that burst higher. A $1 move in any one of the price-weighted Dow's 30 components equates to a 6.83-point swing. Moves in Boeing's stock have been the the most influential for the blue-chip average over the past several months. Meanwhile, the S&P 500 index was up more than 1%, driving past a round-number at 2,800, while the Nasdaq Composite Index also was rallying sharply higher, up 1.2% at 7,300." }, { "docid": "7833015", "title": "What is the 'Wilshire 5000 Total Market Index - TMWX'", "text": "BREAKING DOWN 'Wilshire 5000 Total Market Index - TMWX'. The Wilshire 5000 was originally comprised of 5,000 stocks, but today it is made up of more than 6,700. As with all market capitalization-weighted indices, the Wilshire overweights companies with a higher firm value and underweights those with a lower firm value." }, { "docid": "8433972", "title": "-", "text": "Vanguard Emerging Mkts Stock Idx InvVEIEX. Fund Research and Analysis. Vanguard FTSE Emerging Markets Index offers broad, market-cap-weighted exposure to large-, mid-, and small-cap stocks across 21 emerging markets, not including South Korea." }, { "docid": "7705028", "title": "Minimum Wages in Canada", "text": "Minimum wage is adjusted annually relative to the Consumer Price Index. 01-Apr-16. On April 1 of each year, this rate is adjusted by the percentage change in the projected annual Consumer Price Index for Canada in the preceding calendar year, rounded to the nearest $0.05." }, { "docid": "4121028", "title": "price-weighted average", "text": "A security average that is weighted by the market price of each security included in the average.Thus, securities that have high market prices tend to be more heavily weighted and to have more influence on changes in a price-weighted average.The Dow Jones Averages are examples of price-weighted averages. Compare market-value-weighted average.hus, securities that have high market prices tend to be more heavily weighted and to have more influence on changes in a price-weighted average. The Dow Jones Averages are examples of price-weighted averages. Compare market-value-weighted average." }, { "docid": "8264748", "title": "-", "text": "Inflation is the percentage change in the value of the Wholesale Price Index (WPI) on a year-on year basis. Definition: Inflation is the percentage change in the value of the Wholesale Price Index (WPI) on a year-on year basis. It effectively measures the change in the prices of a basket of goods and services in a year." }, { "docid": "1103183", "title": "broad-base index", "text": "The S&P 500 is a market-weighted index, so only 10% if its components make up about 75% of its value. The Value Line Composite Index takes an in between approach by tracking 1700 issues." }, { "docid": "5107335", "title": "What is a 'Price-Weighted Index'", "text": "BREAKING DOWN 'Price-Weighted Index'. For example, assume that an index contains only two stocks, one priced at $1 and one priced at $10. The $10 stock is weighted nine times higher than the $1 stock.Overall, this means that this index is composed of 90% of the $10 stocks and 10% of $1 stock.he $10 stock is weighted nine times higher than the $1 stock. Overall, this means that this index is composed of 90% of the $10 stocks and 10% of $1 stock." }, { "docid": "475624", "title": "How to Calculate a Weighted Average and Why It Matters to Investors", "text": "Weighted averages are used often in investing. It's basically how we measure the performance of our respective portfolios. In fact, the S&P 500 index is the weighted average performance of the 500 largest companies on the major U.S. stock exchanges by market capitalization." }, { "docid": "3563342", "title": "U.S. Dollar Index", "text": "U.S. Dollar Index. US Dollar Index and major financial events. The US Dollar Index (USDX, DXY) is an index (or measure) of the value of the United States dollar relative to a basket of foreign currencies, often referred to as a basket of US trade partners' currencies. It is a weighted geometric mean of the dollar's value relative to other select currencies:" }, { "docid": "7197508", "title": "-", "text": "for Ventura County Star: Year: Non-white % of newsroom staff: Non-white % of circulation area: Newsroom Diversity Index (parity=100) 2005: 21.2: 42.2: 50: 2004: 18.6: 43.6: 43: How the index is calculated: The Newsroom Diversity Index is the non-white percentage of the newsroom staff: divided by the non-white percentage of residents in the circulation area. (Parity = 100.) Company index: This newspaper's owner, Scripps (Ohio), has a companywide, circulation-weighted Diversity Index of 56. See the notes and definitions section below for the sources of these figures. Peer group comparison: for Ventura County Star" }, { "docid": "1885550", "title": "THE ECONOMY - CONSUMER PRICE INDEX", "text": "CPI December 2013. Emirates Consumer Price Index. Goes up by 1.10% in 2013. The Overall Consumer Price Index (CPI) for the United Arabs Emirates (U.A.E) reached 118.07 in the year 2013, and compared with its 2007 base year (2007=100), the average increase of prices amount to 1.10% compared with 2012. . The findings of average consumer price for 2013 indicate increases in the." }, { "docid": "5633427", "title": "-", "text": "CCPI E-MAIL SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE. 1 Consumer Price Index table - all areas (2016-2017) 2 Consumer Price Index calculator (1989 - 2017) (Excel - 1.71MB) or (ZIP - 313KB) 3 Consumer Price Index historic data (1914 - 2017) (Excel - 1.74MB) or (ZIP - 568KB) California Consumer Price Index chart (1955- 1 2017) Frequently asked questions." }, { "docid": "7464512", "title": "Cattle Industry Update for the Grass Fed Beef / Grazing Producer", "text": "Cattle Industry Update for the Grass Fed Beef / Grazing Producer. Cattle Industry Update for the Grass Fed Beef / Grazing Producer. Market Update: 5 Area Weighted Fed Cattle Price – Last week’s 5-Area Weighted Fed Cattle live price was $128.27, with Dressed cattle at $204 - $205. The average steer dressed weight was 858 pounds, up 14 pounds from this time last year." }, { "docid": "8510917", "title": "Price-weighted index", "text": "A price-weighted index is a stock market index where each constituent makes up a fraction of the index that is proportional to its component, the value would be: Adjustment Factor= Index specific constant Z/(Number of shares of the stock*Adjusted stock market value before rebalancing)" }, { "docid": "3089703", "title": "Producer price index", "text": "Producer price index. A Producer Price Index (PPI) is a price index that measures the average changes in prices received by domestic producers for their output. Its importance is being undermined by the steady decline in manufactured goods as a share of spending." }, { "docid": "2558001", "title": "Index Descriptions", "text": "Benchmark Name Benchmark Description. Barclays Aggregate Bond Barclays Aggregate Bond Index is a market value-weighted index that tracks the daily price, coupon, pay-downs, and total return performance of fixed-rate, publicly placed, dollar-denominated, and non-." }, { "docid": "3432280", "title": "Dow Jones Industrial Average", "text": "It is the second oldest U.S. market index after the Dow Jones Transportation Average, which was also created by Dow. The Industrial portion of the name is largely historical, as many of the modern 30 components have little or nothing to do with traditional heavy industry.The average is price-weighted, and to compensate for the effects of stock splits and other adjustments, it is currently a scaled average.t is the second oldest U.S. market index after the Dow Jones Transportation Average, which was also created by Dow. The Industrial portion of the name is largely historical, as many of the modern 30 components have little or nothing to do with traditional heavy industry." }, { "docid": "8255014", "title": "-", "text": "The price spread between organic and conventional half gallon milk is $2.08. Last week the spread was $1.17. price spread is the difference between the national weighted average price for organic, $4.11, and conventional, $2.03. There are over 9 times as many organic half gallon ads as conventional half gallons." }, { "docid": "6824639", "title": "Historical Consumer Price Index (CPI-U) Data", "text": "A Consumer Price Index of 158 indicates 58% inflation since 1982, while a CPI index of 239 would indicate 139% inflation since 1982. The commonly quoted inflation rate of say 3% is actually the change in the Consumer Price Index from a year earlier. By looking at the change in the Consumer Price Index we can see that an item that cost an average of 9.9 cents in 1913 would cost us about $1.82 in 2003, $2.02 in 2007, $2.33 in 2013 and $2.39 in 2016. Jump to Bottom of Table click year to reverse order." }, { "docid": "7139722", "title": "What is the consumer price index and how is it used?", "text": "What is the consumer price index and how is it used? previous FAQ | Back to FAQs Home | next FAQ >> Every month, government economists at the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) of the U.S. Department of Labor release the latest Consumer Price Index (CPI), which is a measure of the average change over time in the price paid by urban households for a set of consumer goods and services." }, { "docid": "2155950", "title": "Why does market volatility matter?", "text": "The VIX Index is the most common measure of market volatility. It uses the price of options to estimate the implied volatility. We've gone through some periods where that VIX Index got to almost record levels, especially after the financial crisis. But it mean-reverts." }, { "docid": "4931128", "title": "-", "text": "Stock market index. A stock index or stock market index is a measurement of the value of a section of the stock market. It is computed from the prices of selected stocks (typically a weighted average). It is a tool used by investors and financial managers to describe the market, and to compare the return on specific investments." }, { "docid": "2581248", "title": "Inflation Ireland â current Irish inflation", "text": "1 Inflation based upon the consumer price index (CPI) is the main inflation indicator in most countries. 2 Current harmonised inflation Ireland (HICP Ireland) – the harmonised inflation is based upon the Irish harmonised consumer price index. The index is a measure of the average price which consumers spend on a market-based basket of goods and services. 2 Inflation based upon the consumer price index (CPI) is the main inflation indicator in most countries." }, { "docid": "5453854", "title": "MLB average ticket price & Fan Cost Index for all 30 baseball teams", "text": "Copyright Getty Images. Below is the average ticket price and Fan Cost Index for all 30 Major League Baseball teams, listed in order of Fan Cost Index." } ]
bacterial diseases examples
[ { "docid": "6548726", "title": "-", "text": "Here are examples of bacterial infections with the bacteria that cause them: 1 Botulism-Clostridium botulinum. 2 Diphtheria-Corynebacterium diphtheriae. 3 Gonorrhea-Neisseria gonorrhoeae.4 Legionnaire's Disease-Legionella pneumophila. 5 Leprosy-Mycobacterium leprae. 6 Leptospirosis-Leptospira interrogans.ere are examples of bacterial infections with the bacteria that cause them: 1 Botulism-Clostridium botulinum. 2 Diphtheria-Corynebacterium diphtheriae. 3 Gonorrhea-Neisseria gonorrhoeae." } ]
[ { "docid": "7110850", "title": "What Are Some Common Treatments for Lymph Node Infections?", "text": "A: Swollen lymph nodes in the neck are often caused by viral and bacterial infections such as the common cold and strep throat, according to Healthgrades. The condition can also be a symptom of serious diseases including rheumatoid arthritis and Hodgkin lymphoma." }, { "docid": "1429637", "title": "-", "text": "Common Goat Diseases. Like other farm animals, goats also suffer from various diseases especially if they fail to take occasional vaccination. These goat diseases may be bacterial, viral, or parasitic among others." }, { "docid": "8680868", "title": "Have pain while urinating? Know why and what you can do about it", "text": "Kidney stones could also be a cause for painful urination. This could be usually accompanied by pain in the lower back. In men, urethritis is a main cause of painful urination. It is caused by bacterial or viral infection, and due to some diseases that are sexually transmitted (gonorrhea or Chlamydia)." }, { "docid": "7667254", "title": "Bacterial Diseases", "text": "Harmful bacteria that cause bacterial infections and disease are called pathogenic bacteria. Bacterial diseases occur when pathogenic bacteria get into the body and begin to reproduce and crowd out healthy bacteria, or to grow in tissues that are normally sterile.acteria are a type of microorganism, which are tiny forms of life that can only be seen with a microscope. Other types of microorganisms include viruses, some fungi, and some parasites. Millions of bacteria normally live on the skin, in the intestines, and on the genitalia." }, { "docid": "6454334", "title": "-", "text": "People who have a weakened immune system should not eat honey because of the risk of bacterial or fungal infection. Although some evidence indicates honey may be effective in treating diseases and other medical conditions, such as wounds and burns, the overall evidence for its use in therapy is not conclusive." }, { "docid": "7578412", "title": "What are infectious and non-infectious diseases?", "text": "Noninfectious diseases are caused by a combination of factors including genetics, lifestyle, and environmental factors. Some examples of noninfectious diseases are arthritis, osteoporosis, atherosclerosis, cancer, heart disease, hypertension, and type II diabetes." }, { "docid": "3401388", "title": "Pathogen", "text": "Although the vast majority of bacteria are harmless or beneficial, a few pathogenic bacteria can cause infectious diseases.ne of the bacterial diseases with the highest disease burden is tuberculosis, caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which kills about 2 million people a year, mostly in sub-Saharan Africa." }, { "docid": "5401406", "title": "What is bleeding into the skin?", "text": "certain infections and diseases can cause bleeding under the skin such as meningitis an inflammation of the membranes covering the brain and spinal cord leukemia a cancer of the blood cells strep throat a bacterial infection that causes a sore throat" }, { "docid": "1970183", "title": "Parasitic Diseases", "text": "Parasitic Diseases. Photo by: Jubal Harshaw. Parasitic diseases are illnesses caused by infestation (infection) with parasites such as protozoa (one-celled animals), worms, or insects. These diseases are widespread in Africa, southern Asia, and Central and South America, especially among children.arasitic diseases can be difficult to diagnose because many parasites do not show up on the routine blood tests that doctors perform. In addition, people with parasites are prone to get bacterial infections as well, which may fool doctors into thinking that the bacteria alone are the cause of the illness." }, { "docid": "3626220", "title": "-", "text": "Zithromax® (azithromycin) is a prescription antibiotic licensed to treat a number of infections in both children and adults. Some of these Zithromax uses include the treatment of: 1 Bacterial infections. Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)." }, { "docid": "119382", "title": "arthritis", "text": "The term used to refer to a variety of inflammatory or degenerative diseases that damage joints. Acute forms are commonly caused by bacterial invasion. Examples of arthritis (not of acute forms) include osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and gouty arthritis." }, { "docid": "1552250", "title": "Cortisol", "text": "Cortisol prevents the release of substances in the body that cause inflammation. It is used to treat conditions resulting from overactivity of the B-cell-mediated antibody response. Examples include inflammatory and rheumatoid diseases, as well as allergies." }, { "docid": "6731653", "title": "-", "text": "Description of Baby diseases. Baby diseases (medical condition): Any condition affecting an infant. An infant is a child less than two years old. Some examples of conditions that ...more.aby diseases (medical condition): Any condition affecting an infant. An infant is a child less than two years old. Some examples of conditions that ..." }, { "docid": "230160", "title": "Zithromax Dosage", "text": "The suggested dose of Zithromax for treating most types of common bacterial infections is 250 mg or 500 mg for three to five days.ithromax Dosage for Sexually Transmitted Diseases. The recommended dose of Zithromax for the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) is 1 gram (1000 mg) to 2 grams (2000 mg) given one time only." }, { "docid": "5493660", "title": "Bacterial flora concurrent with Helicobacter pylori in the stomach of patients with upper gastrointestinal diseases", "text": "A high prevalence of the non-H. pylori bacteria and the evaluation of the bacterial species found in gastric tissues from H. pylori infected patients would stimulate future research to elucidate the role of the mixed infection of the stomach in the pathogenesis of the upper gastrointestinal diseases." }, { "docid": "4481331", "title": "Community-Acquired Pneumonia (CAP)", "text": "Community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) is one of the most common infectious diseases and is an important cause of mortality and morbidity worldwide. Typical bacterial pathogens that cause CAP include Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, and Moraxella catarrhalis (see images below)." }, { "docid": "723210", "title": "Immunodeficiency Disorders", "text": "Immunodeficiency disorders prevent your body from adequately fighting infections and diseases. An immunodeficiency disorder also makes it easier for you to catch viruses and bacterial infections in the first place. Doctors often categorize immunodeficiency disorders as either congenital or acquired. A congenital, or primary, disorder is one you were born with." }, { "docid": "6599219", "title": "History of penicillin", "text": "Diseases Cured with Penicillin. Penicillin antibiotics are most effective against gram-positive bacteria, e.g. the genera bacillus, clostridium, streptococcus, and staphylococcus). There are many different bacterial infections, diseases, and conditions that have been combated with the help of Penicillin." }, { "docid": "1461057", "title": "-", "text": "Informational table showing disease name, symptoms, pathogen/cause, and management of Geranium diseases. Alternaria leaf spot. Bacterial fasciation. Gray mold (Botrytis) on leaf and flowers." }, { "docid": "748544", "title": "What Are Examples of Non-Infectious Diseases?", "text": "Asthma, diabetes, stroke, cancer, chronic obstructed pulmonary disease and cystic fibrosis are examples of non-infectious diseases, which are commonly known as non-communicable diseases or NCDs.... Asthma, diabetes, stroke, cancer, chronic obstructed pulmonary disease and cystic fibrosis are examples of non-infectious diseases, which are commonly known as non-communicable diseases or NCDs.... Star Gazing" }, { "docid": "230163", "title": "Azithromycin Dosage", "text": "Dosage for Bacterial Infections. The recommended dosage for most types of common bacterial infections is 250 mg or 500 mg once daily for three to five days.osage for Sexually Transmitted Diseases. The recommended dosage of azithromycin for the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases (STD) is 1 gram (1000 mg) to 2 grams (2000 mg) given one time only." }, { "docid": "624921", "title": "-", "text": "Most bacterial skin diseases are caused by staphylococci or staph. This bacteria causes the majority of the bacterial skin diseases. The staph bacteria which cause the diseases live on humans. In fact, as much as 40% of humans are carriers of the type of staph which causes diseases.ost bacterial skin diseases are caused by staphylococci or staph. This bacteria causes the majority of the bacterial skin diseases. The staph bacteria which cause the diseases live on humans. In fact, as much as 40% of humans are carriers of the type of staph which causes diseases." }, { "docid": "4463855", "title": "What is the difference between a disease and a disorder, a condition, and a syndrome?", "text": "A syndrome is a bunch of symptoms that often occur together. Many diseases can cause the same syndrome. For example, fever and a sore throat is a very common syndrome. It can be caused by diseases as different as bacterial pharyngitis, the flu and cancer of the larynx. disorder simply means something is not working right. Parkinson's disease is indeed a disorder of a part of the nervous system, because that part doesn't work right. My car has a vibration because there is a disorder of my wheel alignment. You get the drift ..." }, { "docid": "750404", "title": "Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis Vaccine for Adults", "text": "Tdap is a combination vaccine that protects against three potentially life-threatening bacterial diseases: tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis (whooping cough). Td is a booster vaccine for tetanus and diphtheria. It does not protect against pertussis. Tetanus enters the body through a wound or cut." }, { "docid": "793056", "title": "Ways infectious diseases spread", "text": "Diseases where person-to-person spread occurs rarely, if ever. Some infectious diseases are almost never spread by contact with an infected person. These diseases are usually spread by contact with an environmental source such as animals, insects, water or soil. Examples of diseases spread by contact with animals :" }, { "docid": "6635328", "title": "What Does the Prefix \"diplo-\" Mean With Regard to Bacteria?", "text": "Diplo- refers to a bacterial arrangement consisting of two bacteria. One of the most common examples is diplococci, which refers to a pair of coccus bacterium. The other types of bacterial arrangements are staphylo, strepto, sarcina and tetrad." }, { "docid": "6504545", "title": "-", "text": "The most important alfalfa diseases statewide in Oklahoma include: Phytophthora root rot. Bacterial wilt. The most widespread disease of alfalfa in the nation. (see Root and Crown Diseases in this chapter). Bacterial wilt. Fusarium wilt. Anthracnose. A stem disease present throughout Oklahoma." }, { "docid": "4934232", "title": "-", "text": "Diseases of the White Blood Cells. 1 Neutropenia (pronounced: new-truh-PEE-nee-uh) occurs when there aren't enough of a certain type of white blood cell to protect the body against bacterial infections. People who take certain chemotherapy drugs to treat cancer may develop neutropenia." }, { "docid": "4502819", "title": "-", "text": "Examples of secondary anaemia: 1 Anemia of chronic disease (AKS or infektionsanaemi). 2 Infektionsanæmi anemia by kidney. 3 Disease anemia by diseases of the. 4 Metabolism anemia by diseases of the. liver" }, { "docid": "576655", "title": "Enlarged spleen (splenomegaly)", "text": "A number of infections and diseases may cause an enlarged spleen. The enlargement of the spleen may be temporary, depending on treatment. Contributing factors include: 1 Viral infections, such as mononucleosis. Bacterial infections, such as syphilis or an infection of your heart's inner lining (endocarditis)" } ]
psecu routing number from a check
[ { "docid": "433835", "title": "PSECU Routing Number", "text": "The PSECU routing number is 231381116. PSECU stands for Pennsylvania State Employees Credit Union. The credit union routing number or ABA number as it is sometimes known as, is valid for PSECU accounts and transactions for the Pennsylvania based credit union. PSECU provides services through three branch locations in Pennsylvania as well as via the Internet with online banking." } ]
[ { "docid": "1128000", "title": "FIRST TENNESSEE BANK ROUTING NUMBER & INFORMATION", "text": "First Tennessee Bank's routing number (the leftmost number on the bottom of a check) is 61300367. Sometimes, banks have multiple routing numbers for different branches or uses. Please make sure this is the correct routing number for your branch! The main phone number for First Tennessee Bank is 901-542-7038." }, { "docid": "7643804", "title": "Wells Fargo: How do I find my checking account number or routing number?", "text": "Hi, if you are looking for your checking or routing number you can do so online. Just log into Wells Fargo online to view your account and routing numbers on your Account Activity page. You can do so here. Just make sure you have your login information. Your account number is also located at the top of your online or paper statement, or if you have a check, the account number and routing number are listed on the bottom of the check. Once you have a check, if you look at the bottom you will see a set of numbers." }, { "docid": "5873659", "title": "Find the Routing Number on a Check", "text": "The first set of numbers on the lower left corner of a check is the routing number. Keep in mind the routing numbers are 9-digit codes and the character symbol surrounding the numbers is not part of the routing number on a check." }, { "docid": "4189307", "title": "Bank Routing and Checking Account Numbers", "text": "Know which numbers are printed on each check. There are two sets of nine digit numbers printed across the bottom of every check. They are followed by a four digit number slightly set off from the others. The first two sets of numbers are your bank routing and checking account numbers; these remain the same from one check to the next. The last set of numbers is the check number and will be different depending on the actual paper check. Your bank routing number is the first nine-digit number on the bottom of each check. This number, often referred to as a routing transit number, identifies the financial institution that you bank with. The American Bankers Association assigns each financial institution in the United States one of these codes." }, { "docid": "6565134", "title": "WELLS FARGO Routing Number Search", "text": "How to find WELLS FARGO routing number? WELLS FARGO Routing number is printed on the lower left corner of the Check Book. At the bottom of the check, you will find 3 groups of numbers. The first group is Routing number, the second group is your bank account number and the final group is your check number." }, { "docid": "1361070", "title": "How to find out your bank account number, routing number, and other bank info?", "text": "If you have a check of this bank, you can get the account number and check routing number at the bottom. Here is a picture to show the information http://usbankfound.com/check-routing-number.html it may be more intuitive for you to take a look at it. Jiping · 3 years ago." }, { "docid": "7955181", "title": "-", "text": "The easiest way to find your routing number is to look at your bank checks. It's easy to find the bank's ABA routing number and your account number as shown in the example check image below. The image is only for reference purposes. In some cases the order of the checking account number and check serial number is reversed. Search all KINECTA FEDERAL CREDIT UNION routing numbers in the table below. Use the Search box to filter by city, state, address, routing number. Click on the routing number link in the table below to navigate to it and see all the information about it (address, telephone number, zip code, etc.)." }, { "docid": "8001870", "title": "Strategic federal credit union routing number", "text": "Strategic federal credit union routing number List of Strategic federal credit union routing numbers with branch details. What is Strategic federal credit union routing number? Strategic federal credit union routing number is a nine digit number used to identify bank transfers. Routing numbers will be different based on the account branch. It is based on the bank account origin by state and region. The routing number on check is available for each branch in the table below. In order to find the check routing number of the branch you are looking for, click on the Details link next to the branch name." }, { "docid": "2274392", "title": "307084211 routing number of DEL NORTE CREDIT UNION", "text": "307084211 is a routing number of DEL NORTE CREDIT UNION. Check detailed information about 307084211. This bank routing number is required for electronic funds transfer. Bank routing number of DEL NORTE CREDIT UNION is the first nine digits of the number along the bottom left section of your check." }, { "docid": "6571435", "title": "-", "text": "What is Guardian credit union routing number? Guardian credit union routing number is a nine digit number used to identify bank transfers. Routing numbers will be different based on the account branch. It is based on the bank account origin by state and region. The routing number on check is available for each branch in the table below." }, { "docid": "5424809", "title": "How to Locate a Check Routing Number", "text": "Identify the first nine numbers. All routing numbers are nine numbers. The first nine numbers in the lower, left-hand part of your check after the MICR character is your routing number. 1 Be sure to exclude any preceding MICR characters when determining your routing number. 2 Following your routing number, the next set of numbers, up until the next MICR character, is your account number." }, { "docid": "3668130", "title": "Routing number for Bank of America NA", "text": "BofA Routing numbers depend on the type of transaction: State wise Routing Number for BoFa can be located from the table below -. You can also locate BofA Routing Number on your check issued by your bank branch." }, { "docid": "4974219", "title": "-", "text": "Beach Community Bank Routing number is printed on the lower left corner of the Check Book. At the bottom of the check, you will find 3 groups of numbers. The first group is Routing number, the second group is your bank account number and the final group is your check number." }, { "docid": "726857", "title": "How to Locate a Check Routing Number", "text": "Finding the Routing Number on a Check. 1 1. Look in the lower left hand corner of the check. That's where routing numbers are located. 2 2. Look for an icon on the check. The icon is a character is from the BankerScriber MICR font. 3 3. Identify the first nine numbers. All routing numbers are nine numbers. 4. Confirm your routing number by using symbols." }, { "docid": "1104328", "title": "275982115 routing number of VERVE A CREDIT UNION", "text": "Check VERVE A CREDIT UNION routing numbers for bank transfers. 275982115 is a routing number of VERVE A CREDIT UNION. Check detailed information about 275982115. This bank routing number is required for electronic funds transfer. Bank routing number of VERVE A CREDIT UNION is the first nine digits of the number along the bottom left section of your check. The routing number for checking, savings and money market accounts identifies the financial institution where the account was opened and is located." }, { "docid": "2665741", "title": "-", "text": "- MICR Code Information. - How to find the Routing Number on a Check. All of the MICR ABA routing number information is required for a check or draft to be processed. To locate your bank routing number, look between the transit symbols, as shown in the Routing Number graphic above. The routing number is always 9-digits on a U.S. check. The routing number is also know as the transit number, the ABA number, the RTN. You can look up bank details based on the routing number alone at http://routingtool.com. You can also do simple validation at the http://routing-number.org website." }, { "docid": "6982438", "title": "-", "text": "What is United bank routing number? United bank routing number is a nine digit number used to identify bank transfers. Routing numbers will be different based on the account branch. It is based on the bank account origin by state and region. The routing number on check is available for each branch in the table below." }, { "docid": "6805230", "title": "-", "text": "What is Umb bank routing number? Umb bank routing number is a nine digit number used to identify bank transfers. Routing numbers will be different based on the account branch. It is based on the bank account origin by state and region. The routing number on check is available for each branch in the table below." }, { "docid": "2461254", "title": "-", "text": "How to Find your Chase Routing Number. Although there are multiple ways to find ABA Routing number of your JPMorgan Chase Bank, one of the easiest way to locate that code is on voided check. You Chase bank routing/transit code is mostly printed at the bottom left corner of your checks. Next to routing number, is your Chase account number, and then serial number of your check." }, { "docid": "3725104", "title": "Bank of luxemburg routing number", "text": "Suntrust routing number List of Suntrust routing numbers with branch details. What is Suntrust routing number? Suntrust routing number is a nine digit number used to identify bank transfers. Routing numbers will be different based on the account branch. It is based on the bank account origin by state and region. The routing number on check is available for each branch in the table below. In order to find the check routing number of the branch you are looking for, click on the Details link next to the branch name." }, { "docid": "6919890", "title": "Wells Fargo Bank Routing Number", "text": "How to find a routing number on a check. On checks, bank routing numbers are a multi digit key that comes right before your bank account number. Both numbers are listed on the bottom left corner of the check. Both the routing number and account number are used to withdraw money from your account. Do not share your account number with others unless you trust the connection they make with your Wells Fargo Bank account." }, { "docid": "4684736", "title": "Find Your M&T Bank Routing Number", "text": "Finding Your Routing Number on a Check. You can always use one of your M&T Bank checks or a withdrawal ticket to find your routing number. It will be in the bottom-left corner, listed first before your account number. Use the example check below to help you locate it. Make sure you refer to your own check or withdrawal ticket (and not the sample check in the above example) for your M&T routing/ABA number and your personal or business account number." }, { "docid": "7706523", "title": "Lumbee guaranty bank routing number", "text": "What is Lumbee guaranty bank routing number? Lumbee guaranty bank routing number is a nine digit number used to identify bank transfers. Routing numbers will be different based on the account branch. It is based on the bank account origin by state and region. The routing number on check is available for each branch in the table below." }, { "docid": "639115", "title": "-", "text": "GRANT, AL 35747. Peoples State Bank's routing number (the leftmost number on the bottom of a check) is 62201724. Sometimes, banks have multiple routing numbers for different branches or uses. Please make sure this is the correct routing number for your branch!" }, { "docid": "1195240", "title": "What Are Counter Checks at a Bank?", "text": "Description. A counter check is a blank check that does not contain a check number, a person's name or address. Many counter checks also do not have an account number pre-printed on them. Counter checks do have the bank's routing number on the bottom of the check.t may contain approximately five to 10 counter checks and are often called starter checks. These checks do contain the customer's account number and the bank's routing number but the customer's name and address is not printed on them." }, { "docid": "3945147", "title": "Check Routing Number", "text": "Check Routing Number. Search routing number or part of a bank name, e.g. 111000038, chase, suntrust etc. The bank routing number search tool above helps checking routing number format, verifying the financial institute associated with the routing number, and giving out the routing number(s) of a financial institute. You can provide any part of the routing number or bank name, we will provide the matching lists." }, { "docid": "766753", "title": "-", "text": "Chase Bank Routing Number. By Oliver Smith on Jan 20th, 2015 Tweet. Chase Bank Routing Number or better known as ABA routing or simply transit number can be easily obtained from any of the voided check issued by the bank." }, { "docid": "1472343", "title": "-", "text": "Wauna Federal Credit Union's routing number (the leftmost number on the bottom of a check) is 323274209. Sometimes, banks have multiple routing numbers for different branches or uses. Please make sure this is the correct routing number for your branch!" }, { "docid": "5078656", "title": "251082194 routing number of HENRICO FEDERAL CREDIT UNION", "text": "Check HENRICO FEDERAL CREDIT UNION routing numbers for bank transfers. 251082194 is a routing number of HENRICO FEDERAL CREDIT UNION. Check detailed information about 251082194. This bank routing number is required for electronic funds transfer. Bank routing number of HENRICO FEDERAL CREDIT UNION is the first nine digits of the number along the bottom left section of your check. The routing number for checking, savings and money market accounts identifies the financial institution where the account was opened and is located." }, { "docid": "6683233", "title": "-", "text": "What is M and t bank routing number? M and t bank routing number is a nine digit number used to identify bank transfers. Routing numbers will be different based on the account branch. It is based on the bank account origin by state and region. The routing number on check is available for each branch in the table below." } ]
psyllium how much per day
[ { "docid": "1653892", "title": "Can You Take Too Much Psyllium Husk?", "text": "The People's Pharmacy adds that 30 to 40 grams of psyllium husk is the maximum dosage you should take per day. However, consult your health care provider before taking high doses of psyllium. Also, be sure to drink at least 8 ounces of fluid with each dosage of psyllium and take in plenty of fluid during the day." } ]
[ { "docid": "2145680", "title": "Why is Wednesday called \"hump day\"?", "text": "Wednesday, or the hump of the week. The absolute BEST day of the week, the day of maximum hope that maybe, you might make it out of this week alive. A particularly good hump day can last you the rest of the week, and by Doomday morning (Monday) you survive by anticipating hump day. Nothing goes wrong on hump day. Most other days can be defined by hump day. Tuesday is the day before hump day. Thursday is one day after hump day." }, { "docid": "8544004", "title": "Risks of Psyllium Husk", "text": "Psyllium husk is a naturally rich source of dietary fiber and commonly used to prevent constipation or combat diarrhea, particularly among the elderly." }, { "docid": "7439769", "title": "-", "text": "3. Fiber Supplements. The easiest way to increase your dog's fiber intake is to add additional fiber into their food, usually in the powdered form. As many commercial fiber products are not fit for your dog's digestive system, a good source of fiber can be psyllium, an herbal fiber supplement." }, { "docid": "445382", "title": "-", "text": "I might try replace the flax with psyllium when I'm out, though I've had bloating with psyllium in the past. At the moment my mix is 1 tsp green banana flour, 1 tsp slippery elm and 1/2 tsp flax. My skin is only getting better :) so I think my biome bros are happy." }, { "docid": "1321284", "title": "Psyllium Husk Allergy Overview", "text": "In the worst cases, those having an allergic reaction experience anaphylaxis, which is a severe, whole body allergic response that can strike immediately following exposure to psyllium husk." }, { "docid": "6032008", "title": "Supplement Smarts for Cholesterol and Triglycerides", "text": "If your triglycerides are very high, your doctor may recommend a prescription fish oil. Some people are concerned about high levels of mercury or other pollutants when picking out fish oil supplements. The actual amount of fish oil and how well it’s absorbed in your body is also important.f you don’t, or can't, get enough fiber from foods -- like vegetables, fruits, and whole grains -- psyllium can fill in the gaps. It’ll whisk away cholesterol, but like other fiber, it can make you need to go to bathroom more often or cause constipation if you don’t also increase your water intake." }, { "docid": "313324", "title": "How to Take Psyllium Husk", "text": "Powdered psyllium husk or psyllium husk wafers are a source of soluble fiber that can help treat common digestive problems, like constipation, diarrhea, hemorrhoids and irritable bowel syndrome. Psyllium husk absorbs water as it goes through the digestive tract, adding bulk." }, { "docid": "4841722", "title": "-", "text": "the soluble fiber found in psyllium husks can help lower cholesterol psyllium can help relieve both constipation and diarrhea and is used to treat irritable bowel syndrome hemorrhoids and other intestinal problems psyllium has also been used to help regulate blood sugar levels in people with diabetesf you are not used to taking psyllium it is best to begin with a low dose such as 1 2 tsp in an 8 oz glass of water once a day then increase to 2 tsp in 2 8 oz glasses of water per day as needed your health care provider may recommend higher doses of psyllium to treat certain conditions" }, { "docid": "684318", "title": "-", "text": "1 Soluble fiber. 2 This type of fiber dissolves in water to form a gel-like material. 3 It can help lower blood cholesterol and glucose levels. 4 Soluble fiber is found in oats, peas, beans, apples, citrus fruits, carrots, barley and psyllium." }, { "docid": "3382767", "title": "-", "text": "Sample menu for gastritis. 1 stewed fruit with yoghurt. 2 porridge. 3 banana smoothie (add slippery elm powder, almond milk, psyllium husks and manuka honey) 4 scrambled or poached eggs in a soft wrap like a tortilla. 5 rice gruel. 6 rice pudding. 7 coconut and rice flour pancakes." }, { "docid": "1008441", "title": "-", "text": "Most plant-based foods, such as oatmeal and beans, contain both soluble and insoluble fiber. However, the amount of each type varies in different plant foods. To receive the greatest health benefit, eat a wide variety of high-fiber foods. Soluble fiber. 2 This type of fiber dissolves in water to form a gel-like material. 3 It can help lower blood cholesterol and glucose levels. 4 Soluble fiber is found in oats, peas, beans, apples, citrus fruits, carrots, barley and psyllium." }, { "docid": "4895650", "title": "-", "text": "Overview. Psyllium is a soluble fiber used primarily as a gentle bulk-forming laxative in products such as Metamucil. It comes from a shrub-like herb called Plantago ovata that grows worldwide but is most common in India.Each plant can produce up to 15,000 tiny, gel-coated seeds, from which psyllium husk is derived.f you are not used to taking psyllium, it is best to begin with a low dose (such as 1/2 tsp. in an 8 oz. glass of water once a day), then increase to 2 tsp. in 2, 8 oz. glasses of water per day, as needed. Your health care provider may recommend higher doses of psyllium to treat certain conditions." }, { "docid": "2218688", "title": "The Gluten-Free-Bread Baking-with-Psyllium-Husks-Powder Test", "text": "I decided to test three combinations: 1 level tablespoon psyllium husks powder, 2 level tablespoons psyllium husks powder and 1 level teaspoon psyllium husks powder against 1 level teaspoon xanthan gum in my submarine sandwich bread from Gluten-Free Baking Classics." }, { "docid": "2543066", "title": "Sprintec", "text": "TriNessa active tablets are white (Day 1 to Day 7), light blue (Day 8 to Day 15) and blue (Day 16 to Day 21). MonoNessa and TriNessa both have dark green inactive tablets (Day 22 to Day 28). Day 1 Start: Take first active tablet without regard to meals on the first day of menses." }, { "docid": "5339703", "title": "Are Psyllium Husks Prebiotic?", "text": "Psyllium Husk Rundown. Psyllium husks come from seeds of the psyllium plant, which you may also see referred to as the plantago or ispaghula plant. Psyllium is classified as a functional fiber rather than a dietary fiber because the soluble fiber is extracted from the seeds and added to foods or used in supplements.syllium is available in supplements. Photo Credit Thinkstock/Stockbyte/Getty Images. Even though psyllium is a very effective laxative, it's actually a soluble fiber, which is unusual because soluble fibers are not known for laxative abilities -- a job that falls to insoluble fiber." }, { "docid": "7938055", "title": "5 Amazing Health Benefits of Psyllium Husk", "text": "In addition, Psyllium husk can be great in baking and is often used as an ingredient in gluten-free recipes due to it becoming a gel when added to water or moisture, preventing gluten-free baked goods from becoming dry and crumbly!" }, { "docid": "6899809", "title": "-", "text": "1 Psyllium husk seed contains glycosides and mucilage. 2 Psyllium seeds contain about 19% fiber, 18.8% protein, and 10-20% triglycerides. 3 Psyllium seed husk is 34% insoluble fiber and 66% soluble fiber, providing an optimal division of both types that make it a valuable food additive. The seeds of the psyllium plant are non-toxic. 2 The soluble fiber derived from psyllium seed husk is also known as psyllium hydrophilic mucilloid, psyllium hydrocolloid and psyllium seed gum." }, { "docid": "4211775", "title": "Definitions &Translations", "text": "Day by day, daily; Day of doom, the judgment day; Days of grace, three days allowed for payment of bills, &c., beyond the day named.—Name the day, to fix the day of marriage.—One of these days, an indefinite reference to the near future.—The day, the time spoken of: (Scot." }, { "docid": "6701422", "title": "Glucomannan", "text": "Glucomannan is a water-soluble dietary fiber that has shown to be effective as a bulk-forming laxative. Glucomannan is a water-soluble dietary fiber that is derived from konjac root. Like other sources of fiber, such as psyllium and fenugreek, glucomannan is considered a bulk-forming laxative. to 13 grams daily. Glucomannan is a water-soluble dietary fiber that has been shown to significantly reduce total blood cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and triglycerides, and to raise HDL cholesterol. Glucomannan is a water-soluble dietary fiber that is derived from konjac root." }, { "docid": "2533223", "title": "Can a women get pregnant after ovulation and while she is having her period?", "text": "So if one had a regular 28 day cycle, ovulation is around day 14; a regular 34 day cycle will have an ovulation around day 20. If one has a regular 24 day cycle, ovulation can be as early as cycle day 10." }, { "docid": "7524776", "title": "5 Natural Constipation Remedies for a Good Poop", "text": "When things are backed up, we usually reach for the fiber bars, Metamucil or psyllium husk powder. As we have been told by the media and mainstream health practitioners, fiber is the cure-all that will make you sexy, smart and – most importantly – regular. Here’s the deal. Constipation isn’t a disease." }, { "docid": "1157796", "title": "Psyllium: The Super Fiber in Metamucil", "text": "Not All Fibers Are Created Equal. Sure, fiber supplements are a convenient way to increase your daily fiber intake. But what you may not have realized is that not all fibers are the same. Metamucil® is the only leading fiber supplement brand with 100% natural psyllium fiber — and that makes all the difference. Psyllium husk, a natural dietary fiber originating from plantago ovata, has been the source of both soluble and insoluble fiber in Metamucil for 80 years." }, { "docid": "8496304", "title": "-", "text": "One serving of All-Bran® Bran Buds® cereal provides 3 grams of soluble fiber, and each serving packs an amazing 51% of your recommended daily fiber. This crunchy and tasty high-fiber cereal is made with wheat bran and psyllium." }, { "docid": "369697", "title": "5 Herbal Remedies for Constipation", "text": "2. A member of the plantain plant species, psyllium is a natural fiber laxative that helps create bulk stools. Psyllium is often used to treat chronic constipation and may be combined with other laxatives, both natural and synthetic. It may cause allergic reaction, nausea, stomach pain, or vomiting." }, { "docid": "2808643", "title": "Health and Sports Day", "text": "As Health and Sports Day is a day to promote sports and physical and mental health, many schools and businesses choose this day to hold their annual Field Day (運動会, Undō-kai) , or sports day.s Health and Sports Day is a day to promote sports and physical and mental health, many schools and businesses choose this day to hold their annual Field Day (運動会, Undō-kai) , or sports day." }, { "docid": "3376510", "title": "-", "text": "Psyllium powder is used for: Treating occasional constipation and restoring regularity. It may also be used for other conditions as determined by your doctor. Psyllium powder is a fiber laxative. It works by absorbing water and swelling in the intestines. This helps the stool form the bulk necessary to be easily passed." }, { "docid": "4366341", "title": "-", "text": "Black Friday is the day after Thanksgiving Day and the Friday before Cyber Monday in the United States. It is a busy shopping day and is a holiday in some states. Black Friday, which is the day after Thanksgiving Day, is a busy shopping day. Black Friday, which is the day after Thanksgiving Day, is a busy shopping day." }, { "docid": "2906062", "title": "-", "text": "The easiest way to estimate when you'll ovulate is to count back. First, figure out what day your next period will probably start. (If your period is very irregular, this method won't work for you.). From that day, count back 12 days and then another four. You're most likely to ovulate during this five-day range. If you're one of the many women who have a 28-day cycle, there's a good chance you’ll ovulate on day 14. (Day 1 is the first day of your period; day 28 is the last day before day 1 of your next period.). Get help counting the days." }, { "docid": "5846396", "title": "-", "text": "can improve your cholesterol values. 10 Tips to Help Reduce Your Cholesterol Levels 1. Eat plenty of vegetables and fruits - 7 servings or more each day 2. Eat whole grain foods rich in soluble fibre – oats, psyllium and barley 3. Include 2 Omega 3 rich fish meals per week – salmon, trout, sardines 4." }, { "docid": "1527859", "title": "Chronic Constipation", "text": "Chronic constipation that is not due to “secondary” causes, such as other medical conditions or medications, is referred to as “functional constipation.” The three main causes of functional constipation are normal transit constipation, slow transit constipation, and defecatory or evacuation disorders.f you do suffer from bothersome symptoms of chronic constipation, a high fiber diet or fiber supplements, such as psyllium, is recommended particularly for milder forms of constipation and can help to ease stool passage and normalize bowel movements." } ]
pulse oximetry definition
[ { "docid": "473278", "title": "-", "text": "Pulse oximetry is a procedure used to measure the oxygen level (or oxygen saturation) in the blood. It is considered to be a noninvasive, painless, general indicator of oxygen delivery to the peripheral tissues (such as the finger, earlobe, or nose).ulse oximetry is a procedure used to measure the oxygen level (or oxygen saturation) in the blood. It is considered to be a noninvasive, painless, general indicator of oxygen delivery to the peripheral tissues (such as the finger, earlobe, or nose)." } ]
[ { "docid": "2822818", "title": "Arterial blood gas test", "text": "The blood can also be drawn from an arterial catheter. Pulse oximetry plus transcutaneous carbon dioxide measurement is an alternative method of obtaining similar information as well. An ABG is a test that measures the arterial oxygen tension (PaO 2), carbon dioxide tension (PaCO 2), and acidity (pH).n ABG is a test that measures the arterial oxygen tension (PaO 2), carbon dioxide tension (PaCO 2), and acidity (pH)." }, { "docid": "8482342", "title": "Ventricular Tachycardia", "text": "Definition of Ventricular Tachycardia. Ventricular tachycardia (VT) is a cardiac arrhythmia characterized by a pulse rate of more than 100 beats per minute, with at least three irregular heartbeats in a row. The electrical signals causing this rapid beating originate in the ventricules." }, { "docid": "3801733", "title": "-", "text": "Topping: In a food processor combine the flour, oats and brown sugar and pulse to combine. Add the butter, vanilla and salt and pulse pulse pulse until the mixture looks dry and crumbly. Add 1 tablespoon of water and pulse until the mixture starts to come together and look crumbly.opping: In a food processor combine the flour, oats and brown sugar and pulse to combine. Add the butter, vanilla and salt and pulse pulse pulse until the mixture looks dry and crumbly. Add 1 tablespoon of water and pulse until the mixture starts to come together and look crumbly." }, { "docid": "2736761", "title": "pulsus parvus et tardus", "text": "pulsus bisfe´riens a pulse characterized by two strong systolic peaks separated by a midsystolic dip, most commonly occurring in pure aortic regurgitation with stenosis. pulsus ce´ler quick pulse. pulsus dif´ferens inequality of the pulse observable at corresponding sites on either side of the body.ulsus bisfe´riens a pulse characterized by two strong systolic peaks separated by a midsystolic dip, most commonly occurring in pure aortic regurgitation with stenosis. pulsus ce´ler quick pulse. pulsus dif´ferens inequality of the pulse observable at corresponding sites on either side of the body." }, { "docid": "105619", "title": "Pulse pressure: An indicator of heart health?", "text": "Generally, a pulse pressure greater than 40 mm Hg is abnormal. A pulse pressure lower than 40 may mean you have poor heart function, while a higher pulse pressure may mean your heart's valves are leaky (valve regurgitation). The most important cause of elevated pulse pressure is stiffness of the aorta, the largest artery in the body. The stiffness may be due to high blood pressure or fatty deposits on the walls of the arteries (atherosclerosis). The greater your pulse pressure, the stiffer and more damaged the vessels are thought to be." }, { "docid": "150879", "title": "Vital Signs (Body Temperature, Pulse Rate, Respiration Rate, Blood Pressure)", "text": "Taking a pulse not only measures the heart rate, but also can indicate the following: Heart rhythm. Strength of the pulse. The normal pulse for healthy adults ranges from 60 to 100 beats per minute.The pulse rate may fluctuate and increase with exercise, illness, injury, and emotions. Females ages 12 and older, in general, tend to have faster heart rates than do males.he pulse rate is a measurement of the heart rate, or the number of times the heart beats per minute. As the heart pushes blood through the arteries, the arteries expand and contract with the flow of the blood." }, { "docid": "6741065", "title": "-", "text": "A pulse deficit occurs when the heart contracts inefficiently and does not transmit a pulse wave to a peripheral site. Pulse deficits are often associated with irregular cardiac rhythms and can be a sign of alterations in cardiac output.To assess for a pulse deficit, you will need another healthcare worker.ompare the two rates; the difference between the two is the pulse deficit, which reflects the number of ineffective cardiac contractions in 1 minute. If you find a pulse deficit, assess the patient for other signs and symptoms of decreased cardiac output, such as dyspnea, fatigue, chest pain, and palpitations. 1." }, { "docid": "2721995", "title": "apical pulse", "text": "Jan 11, '05 by flstdntnrs05. The apical pulse is the pulse heard at the apex of the heart (which is the pointed lower extremity of the heart) Yoou can hear the apical pulse by placing your stethescope at the 5th intercostal space (spaces between the ribs) on the left side just left of the sternum. Hope this helps. # 1 2.an 11, '05 by flstdntnrs05. The apical pulse is the pulse heard at the apex of the heart (which is the pointed lower extremity of the heart) Yoou can hear the apical pulse by placing your stethescope at the 5th intercostal space (spaces between the ribs) on the left side just left of the sternum. Hope this helps. # 1 2." }, { "docid": "872073", "title": "Your 14 Most Common Questions About Oxygen and Answers from Lung Experts", "text": "Hemoglobin is a protein in the blood that carries oxygen to the tissues. A light sensor is used which is commonly placed on a fingertip. Pulse oximetry is not as accurate as a blood gas and can be influenced by temperature and circulation. The normal oxygen saturation is 95-100%." }, { "docid": "1217108", "title": "Increase Employee Involvement using Pulse Surveys", "text": "Pulse Surveys. A Pulse Survey is a type of employee survey that is brief (5 — 10 questions) and targeted. It is different from your yearly employee satisfaction survey in that its purpose is not to “take the temperature” of the entire organization. Rather, a pulse survey has a specific goal and it gets there with as few questions as possible." }, { "docid": "7982472", "title": "16 Wave Motion", "text": "Wave pulse traveling on a string. The animation at left shows a wave pulse travelling on a string. The speed, c, with which the wave pulse travels along the string depends on the elastic restoring force (tension, T) and inertia (mass per unit length, μ) according to." }, { "docid": "6725036", "title": "-", "text": "A normal pulse rate at rest is between 60 and 100 beats per minute. Generally, a lower pulse rate means that your heart muscle is not having to beat too hard to do its job. However, if your pulse goes too low, it can be dangerous.dentification. Your pulse rate is also called your heart rate. It is the number of times your heart beats per minute as it delivers blood, oxygen and nutrients to your bloodstream. Your pulse varies throughout the day. Your resting pulse is your rate when you first wake in the morning after a good night's sleep." }, { "docid": "1826233", "title": "-", "text": "The definition information for radial pulse is provided by Stedman's. You can search our medical dictionary here. Stedman's, part of Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, provides a comprehensive line of health-science publications for healthcare professionals and medical students." }, { "docid": "6137486", "title": "-", "text": "1 Locate your pulse – either on your neck or your wrist. 2 You want to measure your pulse with two fingers, not your thumb as your thumb has a pulse of its own. 3 If you are measuring your pulse on your neck, don't press too hard as you may block the flow of blood to your brain. 4 Start at the count of zero." }, { "docid": "3074838", "title": "Which is the strongest pulse point?", "text": "The strongest pulse point is the neck. This is where the carotid artery is. That is why the pulse is so strong, the artery is huge and has a large amount of blood. The strongest pulse point is the neck. This is where the carotid artery is." }, { "docid": "4535078", "title": "Pulse Rate Chart (or) Heart Rate Chart", "text": "1 Normal values for pulse rate depend on age and fitness level. A normal adult has a pulse rate of 72 per minute and an athletes pulse rate maybe below 50 per minute. Patients with an average resting pulse rate above 70 beats per minute can have a slightly higher incidence of heart attacks." }, { "docid": "967585", "title": "I have CHF. What does this oximeter result mean?", "text": "Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: An oximeter reading refers to pulse oximetry. This is the amount of oxygen being carried in your blood around your body (expressed as a percentage).Normal is considered above 95%. A pulse oximeter reading of 87 is low.73 is dangerous.A pulse of 47 is ok when asleep ut 27 is too low for anyone.ating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: An oximeter reading refers to pulse oximetry. This is the amount of oxygen being carried in your blood around your body (expressed as a percentage).Normal is considered above 95%. A pulse oximeter reading of 87 is low." }, { "docid": "4553281", "title": "-", "text": "The Pulse with Kim Ashley. The Pulse with Kim Ashley. Kim has always had an interest in music and entertainment, from the moment she attended her very first concert (Billy Joel) to interviewing some of her favorite artists (Sheryl Crow, Rob Thomas, Alanis Morissette, Duran Duran, Hootie and the Blowfish) for The Pulse. The Pulse with Jim Ryan." }, { "docid": "7399033", "title": "Your Body's Oxygen Levels", "text": "Hypoxemia is defined as insufficient oxygenation of the blood. Pulse oximetry is a simple, transcutaneous non-invasive method of measuring and monitoring the percentage of hemoglobin (Hb) which is saturated with oxygen, that is, the amount of oxygen dissolved in the arterial blood. The pulse." }, { "docid": "3432756", "title": "How to Measure Oxygen Saturation Using Pulse Oximeter", "text": "2. Understand the reasons for the procedure. Pulse oximetry is used to assess oxygen saturation in the blood for a variety of reasons. It is often used in surgeries and other procedures that involve sedation (such as a bronchoscopy and to make any adjustments of supplemental oxygen.art 1 of 2: Preparing to Use a Pulse Oximeter. 1. Understand the relationship between oxygen and the blood. Oxygen is breathed into the lungs. The oxygen then passes into the blood where the majority of the oxygen attaches to hemoglobin." }, { "docid": "1565156", "title": "Rapid heart rate (pulse)", "text": "WebMD Symptom Checker. Rapid heart rate (pulse) WebMD Symptom Checker helps you find the most common symptom combinations and medical conditions related to rapid heart rate (pulse). Click on the combination that matches your symptoms to find the conditions that may cause these problems. Or click on See All Conditions to see every condition related to rapid heart rate (pulse). Rapid heart rate (pulse) Pounding heart (pulse), Rapid heart rate (pulse) WebMD Symptom Checker helps you find the most common symptom combinations and medical conditions related to rapid heart rate (pulse). " }, { "docid": "7568036", "title": "-", "text": "Most common causes of a bounding pulse. One of the most common causes for a bounding pulse is being out of shape. Participating in strenuous activity that your body is not used to can cause your heart to beat harder and faster than normal. A bounding pulse is also a common response to stress and anxiety." }, { "docid": "884986", "title": "Pulse oximetry", "text": "Pulse oximeter 1 Pulse oximeter Typical measurement through the fingernail A fingertip pulse oximeter with waveform A handheld pulse oximeter A pulse oximeter is a medical device that indirectly measures the oxygen saturation of a patient's blood (as opposed to measuring oxygen saturation directly through a blood sample) and changes in blood" }, { "docid": "694102", "title": "Understanding Oxygen and Oxygen Levels With COPD", "text": "The three most important are: 1 SaO2. It’s a percentage that shows how saturated your arterial blood is with oxygen. 2 PaO2. It’s the partial pressure of arterial oxygen. . 3 It’s the same as SaO2, although it’s estimated by pulse oximetry. A normal value is 95-98%, although 90% or better is usually considered acceptable." }, { "docid": "2181258", "title": "COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) Symptoms, Causes, Stages and Life Expectancy", "text": "Oximetry can also be done on blood that is within the heart (intracardiac oximetry) or on whole blood that has been removed from the body. More recently, using a similar technology to oximetry, carbon dioxide levels can be measured at the skin as well." }, { "docid": "3899890", "title": "-", "text": "Pronounced TRUNG-kus ahr-teer-e-O-sus. Truncus arteriosus, also known as common truncus, is a rare defect of the heart in which a single common blood vessel comes out of the heart, instead of the usual two vessels (the main pulmonary artery and aorta).runcus arteriosus is a critical congenital heart defect (CCHD) that also can be detected with newborn pulse oximetry screening. Pulse oximetry is a simple bedside test to determine the amount of oxygen in a baby’s blood." }, { "docid": "2386199", "title": "-", "text": "A person's pulse, or heart rate, is the number of times the heart beats per minute. Taking someone's pulse can tell doctors important things about his or her health. Heart rate can vary depending on things like a person's age and level of stress or activity at the time the pulse is taken." }, { "docid": "130174", "title": "20 Techniques to Improve Meeting Productivity: #4 Pulse Check", "text": "PULSE CHECK is a technique to determine the mood, attitude, temperature, or pulse of your group. It involves asking individuals to articulate their feelings toward a particular issue.his technique should be used to help you feel the pulse of your group on an issue, positive or negative, so that you can use it to the group’s greatest advantage and benefit. When to Use PULSE CHECK. 1 When you want to check how your group feels about a specific issue." }, { "docid": "1112342", "title": "Pulse - Weak or Absent", "text": "Back to TopAlternative Names. Back to TopConsiderations. An absent or weak pulse may affect all or one part of the body. If a pulse cannot be detected by a non-medical professional, it doesn't always mean there is a problem. Sometimes, it can be hard for a non-medical person to detect a pulse in certain areas." }, { "docid": "3866784", "title": "-", "text": "It is extremely important to remind staff that the use of. mechanical monitoring, such as pulse oximetryandcap-. nography, does not absolve the nurse of sedation and. respiratory assessments. Some institutions implement. periodic pulse oximetry readings (spot checks) during. opioid treatment." } ]
qualifiers definition
[ { "docid": "874497", "title": "Using Qualifiers", "text": "A qualifier is a word or phrase that changed how absolute, certain or generalized a statement is. Qualifiers include: Qualifiers of quantity: some, most, all, none, etc. Qualifiers of time: occasionally, sometimes, now and again, usually, always, never, etc." } ]
[ { "docid": "7591320", "title": "-", "text": "(limit for Division I athletes to compete in their first college year) 82.89% – between 720 and 820? (partial qualifiers) 9.47% – How high must a student score in order to place in the top 20% of all students taking the SAT? 1195 – Berry’s score was the 68th percentile, what score did he receive? 1117." }, { "docid": "5038538", "title": "definition", "text": "operational definition a definition, method, or procedure used to measure or represent a concept or variable in a specific situation. target definition the definition of a specific target that is identified on the intervention scheme of the omaha system.perational definition a definition, method, or procedure used to measure or represent a concept or variable in a specific situation. target definition the definition of a specific target that is identified on the intervention scheme of the omaha system." }, { "docid": "6227476", "title": "Definition of Business Research", "text": "Problem Definition. Before the research of business issues/problems commences, it’s important to create a problem definition and decision statement. During problem definition, you engage in defining and developing a decision statement." }, { "docid": "4426827", "title": "-", "text": "With SOme notion of the requirements of a complete and distinct. definition of poverty in hand, consider the two approaches to the. definition that have afforded the Poverty Seminar so much discussion. On the one hand there is the f1narrow economic definition and on the. other there is the llculture of poverty.." }, { "docid": "276259", "title": "-", "text": "This is the definition of evangelism that I use at Evangelismcoach and in my conferences What is evangelism? This is the definition of evangelism that I use at Evangelismcoach and in my conferences" }, { "docid": "8669598", "title": "Algebra", "text": "1 Without article, it means a part of algebra, such as linear algebra, elementary algebra (the symbol-manipulation rules taught in elementary courses of mathematics as part of primary and secondary education), or abstract algebra (the study of the algebraic structures for themselves).he word algebra has several related meanings in mathematics, as a single word or with qualifiers. 1 As a single word without article, algebra names a broad part of mathematics." }, { "docid": "4514210", "title": "What is Stress?", "text": "There has been no definition of stress that everyone accepts. Therefore, it’s difficult to measure stress if there is no agreement on what the definition of stress should be. People have very different ideas with respect to their definition of stress. Probably the most common is, “physical, mental, or emotional strain or tension”." }, { "docid": "744842", "title": "-", "text": "The winners of each Regional Qualifier will advance to the respective Main Qualifier. Main Qualifiers - June 25th - June 28th, 2016 Four Regional Qualifiers. One group, with the winner advancing directly to The International. Second through fifth place teams advance to the Regional Double-elimination Playoff Bracket." }, { "docid": "8083577", "title": "-", "text": "must reference the original lab test report. (b) Must comply with all other report requirements. (3) Reporting results from subcontract labs. (a) If report any results from a subcontract lab, must… include any qualifiers reported by the subcontractor, include subcontractor’s lab ID (b) Upon request by the lab or the DNR subcontractor" }, { "docid": "7427810", "title": "-", "text": "the definition of function is how things move. the definition of dysfunction is an odd functioning of social groups. i can't think of any examples of these.his Site Might Help You. RE: What would be an example of a function and dysfunction in Sociology terms? the definition of function is how things move. the definition of dysfunction is an odd functioning of social groups. i can&#39;t think of any examples of these. help please??" }, { "docid": "7386904", "title": "PRONUNCIATION OF PATISSERIE", "text": "Definition of patisserie in the English dictionary The definition of patisserie in the dictionary is a shop where fancy pastries are sold. Other definition of patisserie is such pastries. english words that begin like patisserie" }, { "docid": "2717810", "title": "Definition Essay", "text": "Thesis Statement of a Definition Essay. The thesis statement usually identifies the term being defined and provides a brief, basic definition. (term) (basic definition) Ex: Assertiveness is standing up for your rights. Create a definition. There are several ways to define a term. Here are a few options." }, { "docid": "3148900", "title": "Definition Essay Flash Cards", "text": "Criteria for a definition essay. A definition essay goes beyond just a dictionary definition of a word. Usually a word or concept can be defined in just one sentence. A definition essay, however, needs to be several paragraphs. Therefore, the definition must be extended to include examples, details, personal experience, description, causes, effects, analysis, etc." }, { "docid": "6655879", "title": "-", "text": "The money involved in golf is overflowing, almost eclipsing the GDP of many small countries. Bowling has nowhere near that cache’ or capital, and bowling does not have a Tiger Woods to carry it into national prominence. Golf runs many local qualifiers, and then sectionsls, to qualify for the U.S. Open, and it works. As for bowling doing the same, not so much. The need for bowling centers nationwide to come together to support the BPAA and the U.S. Open by holding qualifiers would be paramount, and it would never happen." }, { "docid": "6655873", "title": "U.S. WOMEN'S OPEN 2015 U.S. Women's Open Sectional Qualifying Sites Announced March 5, 2015 | FAR HILLS, N.J. By USGA", "text": "Industry Hills is one of two courses that will host both Women’s Open sectional qualifying and U.S. Open local qualifying. The Eisenhower Course will serve as a U.S. Open local qualifying site on May 13. The Royal Course at Ka’anapali Golf Resort, in Lahaina, Hawaii, will host both qualifiers on May 9. Five past USGA championship sites will host 2015 U.S. Women’s Open sectional qualifying, three of them for at least the third time. Three-time sectional site Druid Hills Golf Club, in Atlanta, hosted the 1951 U.S. Women’s Open, won by Betsy Rawls." }, { "docid": "854489", "title": "-", "text": "Search to find any definition and meaning of a word at the-definition.com online dictionary What does mean by posthumous | posthumous definition | Online Dictionary and Definition." }, { "docid": "2213812", "title": "-", "text": "Search to find any definition and meaning of a word at the-definition.com online dictionary What does mean by Angiosperm | Angiosperm definition | Online Dictionary and Definition. Search to find any definition and meaning of a word at the-definition.com online dictionary Definition" }, { "docid": "6437302", "title": "Function (mathematics)", "text": "With one definition saying the function defined by f(x) = x2 on the reals does not completely specify a function as the codomain is not specified, and in the other it is a valid definition. In the other definition a function is defined as a set of ordered pairs where each first element only occurs once." }, { "docid": "4994897", "title": "-", "text": "Definition of inning in the English dictionary The definition of inning in the dictionary is a division of the game consisting of a turn at bat and a turn in the field for each side. Other definition of inning is the reclamation of land from the sea." }, { "docid": "3568948", "title": "Device", "text": "Synogeneic - Genetically identical or closely related, so as to allow tissue transplant; immunologically compatible (one identical twin to another) Zooplastic - The surgical transplantation to man of animal tissues . There are no specific coding guidelines that reference Qualifiers." }, { "docid": "5877726", "title": "-", "text": "Source of my Use Case definition. This Use Case definition comes from my knowledge of counting Function Points, more specifically the technique known as Function Point Analysis, or FPA. You see, the Use Case definition I just set forth is actually the definition of an elementary process in Function Point Analysis." }, { "docid": "7569236", "title": "0 100%FREQUENCYRegularly used60 /100", "text": "Definition of sequela in the English dictionary The definition of sequela in the dictionary is any abnormal bodily condition or disease related to or arising from a pre-existing disease. Other definition of sequela is any complication of a disease." }, { "docid": "6035779", "title": "-", "text": "You are eligible for a DBS check with barred list check if you meet the definition of regulated activity for children. If you do not meet the definition of regulated activity but would have under the old definition, then you are eligible for an enhanced DBS check." }, { "docid": "6411400", "title": "QUALIFIERS / INTENSIFIERS", "text": "Qualifiers are function parts of speech. They do not add inflectional morphemes, and they do not have synonyms. Their sole purpose is to qualify or intensify an adjective or an adverb. Qualifiers / intensifiers modify adjectives or adverbs, telling to what degree." }, { "docid": "570010", "title": "-", "text": "Case Definition(s) 1 Salmonellosis (Salmonella spp.) | 2017 Case Definition. 2 Salmonellosis (Salmonella spp.) | 2012 Case Definition. 3 Salmonellosis (Salmonella spp.) | 2005 Case Definition. Salmonellosis (Salmonella spp.) | 1997 Case Definition." }, { "docid": "4653954", "title": "New approach broadens Europa League appeal", "text": "Several changes will further boost the UEFA Europa League's appeal, including the winners earning a place in the UEFA Champions League and more automatic qualifiers." }, { "docid": "4737360", "title": "Why I donât use the term âfixed and random effectsâ", "text": "In summary. . . If you use a particular definition of fixed and random effects, don’t automatically assume that the other definitions apply also. For example, if an effect is interesting in itself (see definition 2), it is not necessary to estimate it using least squares (see definition 5).eople are always asking me if I want to use a fixed or random effects model for this or that. I always reply that these terms have no agreed-upon definition. People with their own favorite definition of “fixed and random effects” don’t always realize that other definitions are out there." }, { "docid": "3895297", "title": "-", "text": "The Pro Qualifier is a great reel at a great value and an even better value when Its on sale. That being said, The Johnny Morris is one of the smoothest reels I have used. I feel that the Johnny Morris is more durable due to it using more metal parts vs the Pro Qualifiers plastic.he Pro Qualifier is a great reel at a great value and an even better value when Its on sale. That being said, The Johnny Morris is one of the smoothest reels I have used. I feel that the Johnny Morris is more durable due to it using more metal parts vs the Pro Qualifiers plastic." }, { "docid": "6466158", "title": "PRONUNCIATION OF GARNISHEE", "text": "Definition of garnishee in the English dictionary The first definition of garnishee in the dictionary is a person upon whom a garnishment has been served. Other definition of garnishee is to attach by garnishment. Garnishee is also to serve with a garnishment." }, { "docid": "8123991", "title": "PRONUNCIATION OF AUTOLYSE IN FRENCH", "text": "NOTE: The definition has been automatically translated into English. Click to see the original definition of «glaçon» in the French dictionary. Click to see the automatic translation of the definition in English." } ]
random number in range js
[ { "docid": "4041766", "title": "-", "text": "A popular question on CodingForums.com. The results may be unpredictable, but the technique to getting them certainly is not. To generate a random number in JavaScript, simply use the following code: where 11 dictates that the random number will fall between 0-10. To increase the range to, say, 100, simply change 11 to 101 instead. Some of you may be curious as to why Math.floor(), instead of Math.round(), is used in the above code." } ]
[ { "docid": "4090012", "title": "Random number generation", "text": "When a cubical die is rolled, a random number between 1 and 6 is obtained. A random-number generator (RNG) is a computational or physical device designed to generate a sequence of numbers or symbols that cannot be reasonably predicted better than by a random chance." }, { "docid": "590968", "title": "9.6. random â Generate pseudo-random numbers ¶", "text": "This module implements pseudo-random number generators for various distributions. For integers, there is uniform selection from a range. For sequences, there is uniform selection of a random element, a function to generate a random permutation of a list in-place, and a function for random sampling without replacement." }, { "docid": "5139099", "title": "Good Quotations by Famous People:", "text": "Anyone who considers arithmetical methods of producing random digits is, of course, in a state of sin. Although it may look simple at first sight to give a definition of what a random number is, it proves to be quite difficult in practice." }, { "docid": "7654874", "title": "Random forest", "text": "The random forest dissimilarity easily deals with a large number of semi-continuous variables due to its intrinsic variable selection; for example, the Addcl 1 random forest dissimilarity weighs the contribution of each variable according to how dependent it is on other variables." }, { "docid": "8170834", "title": "Randomization", "text": "Randomization is the process of making something random; in various contexts this involves, for example: generating a random permutation of a sequence; selecting a random sample of a population; allocating experimental units via random assignment to a treatment or control condition; generating random numbers; or transforming a data stream. Randomization is not haphazard. Instead, a random process is a sequence of random variables describing a process whose outcomes do not follow a deterministic pattern, but follow an evolution described by probability distributions. For example, a random sample of individuals from a population refers to a sample where every individual has a known probability of being sampled." }, { "docid": "7416104", "title": "Is 17 the âmost randomâ number?", "text": "So I had my computer generate 347 random numbers in the same range and plotted them in light blue on the chart. Using the computer, the number 19 was most common, but it was chosen just 8 percent of the time. Humans picked the number 17 significantly more often than the computer picked 19." }, { "docid": "3231910", "title": "Adding a WYSIWYG HTML Editor to Your Site", "text": "Open the HTML page or template containing the Web form that you want to use with CKEditor. This form should contain a textarea element. In order to make your form work with CKEditor, you need to include the ckeditor.js file in the page containing the form. adjusting the path to your ckeditor.js file if required." }, { "docid": "8671529", "title": "9.3. $RANDOM: generate random integer", "text": "#!/bin/bash # $RANDOM returns a different random integer at each invocation. # Nominal range: 0 - 32767 (signed 16-bit integer). MAXCOUNT=10 count=1 echo echo $MAXCOUNT random numbers: echo ----------------- while [ $count -le $MAXCOUNT ] # Generate 10 ($MAXCOUNT) random integers." }, { "docid": "4041773", "title": "How to Generate Random Numbers in JavaScript", "text": "How to Generate Random Numbers in JavaScript. Random numbers are useful for all kinds of things. The problem with the Math.random() method that we will be using is that it generates a long, practically useless decimal number such as 0.77180239201218795. Here you'll learn how to use other methods of the Math object to get a whole number in the range of your choice. This article assumes you know HTML and JS to a proficient standard in order to follow the article. If not, there are plenty of great sites out there to learn from." }, { "docid": "4299299", "title": "Random Variables - Continuous", "text": "Random Variables can be either Discrete or Continuous 1 : Discrete Data can only take certain values (such as 1,2,3,4,5). 2 Continuous Data can take any value within a range (such as a person's height)." }, { "docid": "4412314", "title": "-", "text": "To do so, three random numbers. need to be selected from a random number table, as found in most statistics texts and presented in. Figure 3-2. The random number table consists of six columns of two-digit non-repeatable numbers. listed in random order." }, { "docid": "7731947", "title": "-", "text": "Berrimah. 1 Large format wall tiles and a heavily distressed finish are the key characteristics of the Berrimah traditional format walling range. 2 Traditional Format walling is a natural stone range using random length and uniform height tiles to achieve a sophisticated stone wall finish." }, { "docid": "8390000", "title": "Linux kernel", "text": "Portions of this site originally © 2017 Joyent. Node.js is a trademark of Joyent, Inc. and is used with its permission. Please review the Trademark Guidelines of the Node.js Foundation. Linux Foundation is a registered trademark of The Linux Foundation. Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds." }, { "docid": "6841598", "title": "Sdk.Soap.js Action Message Generator", "text": "Sdk.Soap.js Action Message Generator. This project depends on the Sdk.Soap.js library included in the Sdk.Soap.js project. Define actions in the web application. Use this Sdk.Soap Action Message Generator to generate request and response classes you can use in your code to call the action using JavaScript. C# (279.3 KB)" }, { "docid": "4569101", "title": "Decode the VIN", "text": "If you're like most people, you probably think a vehicle identification number (VIN) is just a series of random characters. Actually, each characters in this highly structured code has its own meaning." }, { "docid": "6625892", "title": "What is 'Stratified Random Sampling'", "text": "What is 'Stratified Random Sampling'. Stratified random sampling is a method of sampling that involves the division of a population into smaller groups known as strata. In stratified random sampling, the strata are formed based on members' shared attributes or characteristics. A random sample from each stratum is taken in a number proportional to the stratum's size when compared to the population. These subsets of the strata are then pooled to form a random sample." }, { "docid": "4010568", "title": "-", "text": "The C library function int rand(void) returns a pseudo-random number in the range of 0 to RAND_MAX. RAND_MAX is a constant whose default value may vary between implementations but it is granted to be at least 32767. #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int main() {[code] int i, n;" }, { "docid": "1404123", "title": "Kids Math", "text": "Range-Range is the difference between the lowest number and the highest number. Take, for example, math test scores. Let's say your best score all year was a 100 and your worst was a 75. Then the rest of the scores don't matter for range." }, { "docid": "7416105", "title": "How do random number generators work?", "text": "There are many ways to attempt to emulate a random sequence of numbers. Your first stop should be to read about linear congruential generators, for sure. This is how most basic random number generators work, and I'd bet it's how PHP's rand() function works." }, { "docid": "1638951", "title": "-", "text": "So I tell iTunes to randomize it. Gee, looks random, but the playlist itself is still in the previous alphabetical order. Copy to Play Order copies the random ordering created by iTunes into the play list order, so when my iPod syncs, the non-random order of the playlist is the random order created by iTunes.Handy! This is actually documented in iTunes help, but not very well.o I tell iTunes to randomize it. Gee, looks random, but the playlist itself is still in the previous alphabetical order. Copy to Play Order copies the random ordering created by iTunes into the play list order, so when my iPod syncs, the non-random order of the playlist is the random order created by iTunes." }, { "docid": "3060468", "title": "-", "text": "chart review. ■ 1 This will either be a random sample of 70. patient charts, the total number of patients. in the universe, or a minimum of 80% of your. universe as reported from your EHR. ■Health centers who have fewer than 70. patients must report on all patients. 2 STEP 3: Select the Random Sample. (if applicable)." }, { "docid": "8143797", "title": "-", "text": "The edits range from inserting random spaces in some articles to adding to the captions on the page for a hamburger chain and dropping in a meme about GOP Sen. Ted Cruz into articles related to the Kennedy assassination." }, { "docid": "1589190", "title": "-", "text": "Now you see all the definitions(better to say occurrences, because it only does a simple search in all css and js files; but quicker to view than manual search)" }, { "docid": "7724006", "title": "-", "text": "Now, let the random variable X represent the number of Heads that result from this experiment. The random variable X can only take on the values 0, 1, or 2, so it is a discrete random variable. The probability distribution for this statistical experiment appears below." }, { "docid": "3438873", "title": "-", "text": "The range is the difference between the largest number and the smallest number. The range is an indication of how spread out the values of the series are. The smaller the range, the closer the numbers in the series are to each other. The range of our series is 20-11 = 9." }, { "docid": "8511904", "title": "How to Install Node.js on Windows? (Setup Guide with Screenshots)", "text": "Node.js is built on the V8 JavaScript Engine. (The V8 engine is used by Google Chrome web browser to compile JavaScript.) After installing Node.js, you can use it to create server-side applications such as chat servers, web servers, etc. in JavaScript.o understand and see for yourself how the Node.js environment works, the first step is to install it. This tutorial shows how to install Node.js on Windows 7 or Windows 8. Note: This was tested to work on both Windows 7 and Windows 8.1." }, { "docid": "6971517", "title": "Random Number Generator", "text": "Random Number Generator. The computer selects five random numbers from 1 to 75 and then one random number from 1 to 15. ( Use the refresh button on your browser to get a new random number ) These selections are generated by The Official Mega Millions Web Site. They are intended to be used for entertainment purposes only." }, { "docid": "8728600", "title": "How To Generate random numbers (with decimals) in Excel", "text": "This video shows you how to generate random numbers with decimals in Microsoft Excel.When generating random numbers you must have a lower and upper limit, so that your number will be generated between the two limits. For a number without decimals, you only have to use the =randbetween function. If you want to use decimals, you will have to use a different but similar function. Start by typing =rand(). Next, you multiply this by the difference between the limits and add the lower limit." }, { "docid": "8252741", "title": "massacre", "text": "The definition of a massacre is the killing of a large number of people or animals at random and without mercy. An example of a massacre was the Holocaust. YourDictionary definition and usage example." }, { "docid": "6922151", "title": "-", "text": "Interestingly it wasn't the exposure of JS polygamy that got him into a tizzy-he had already been denying it for some time. What got JS upset was the fact that he had been betrayed by someone in his inner circle of 50. It was then that he knew the jig was up and his world would come tumbling down soon. Also, as I've mentioned earlier, Orson Hyde was 60 when he married a 15 year old girl and had 6 children with her before he died." } ]
rapper yo gotti net worth
[ { "docid": "6032718", "title": "Yo Gotti Net Worth", "text": "Among the very powerful rappers in the Southern United States Yo Gotti net worth has an approximation of 3.5 million dollars." } ]
[ { "docid": "6980858", "title": "Rocko Net Worth", "text": "About Rocko. Rodney Ramone Hill, Jr., better known as Rocko, is a rapper from the US. His net worth is estimated at $1 Million. His wealth comes from his career as a musician. He is also often referred to as Rocko da Don. Rocko was born in Atlanta, Georgia." }, { "docid": "6782240", "title": "Redman Net Worth", "text": "Besides his livelihood as a rapper, Redman is also known as a record producer and an actor which also adds huge amounts of money to the whole amount of Redman net worth. The rapper was created in 1970 and his birth name is Reginald Noble." }, { "docid": "2762962", "title": "Rasheeda Net Worth", "text": "Rasheeda net worth: $600 Thousand. Rasheeda net worth: Rasheeda is an American rapper and reality television star who has net worth of $600 thousand dollars. Born in Atlanta, Georgia, Rasheeda Buckner first gained attention as a member of the hip hop group Da Kaperz, while she was still a teenager." }, { "docid": "8433369", "title": "Eminem Net Worth", "text": "About Quotes Trivia. Born on: 17th Oct 72 Born in: United States Marital status: Divorced Occupation: Singing. Eminem net worth is estimated at around $160 million. He is born Marshall Bruce Mathers III but is better known as Eminem is an American rapper, record producer, songwriter and actor. He is also known by his alter ego Slim Shady who has not only brought his pop band D 12 to global recognition also established Eminem net worth ." }, { "docid": "1976019", "title": "-", "text": "Celebrity Net Worth reports: We first started tracking Justin Bieber's net worth in February 2010. At the time we estimated his net worth to be $500 thousand ... By the end of 2010, Justin's net worth topped $5 million. Between 2010 and 2011, Justin's net worth started to grow at a furious pace." }, { "docid": "8542231", "title": "Aaron Lewis Wife", "text": "Aaron Lewis Net Worth. Aaron Lewis Net Worth is $9 Million. Aaron Lewis is a singer/musician and a successful songwriter with a net worth of $9 million. Aaron Lewis has earned his net worth as a foundin...[read more]" }, { "docid": "2458910", "title": "-", "text": "Born on: 1st Jan 70 Born in: United States Marital status: Married Occupation: Music/Film Industry. Born Michael Elliot Mike Epps has an estimated net worth of $6 million. Epps, best known for playing Day-Day Jones in Next Friday is an American stand-up comedian, actor, film producer, writer and rapper. Epps has earned hid net as an actor, stand-up comedian, film producer, writer and rapper." }, { "docid": "5488644", "title": "-", "text": "Birthday: July 26, 1964. 1 Stacy Keibler Net Worth. Kimberly Williams-Paisley Net Worth. 2 Anne Hathaway Net Worth. Jennifer Anniston Net Worth. 3 Gillian Anderson Net Worth. Betty White Net Worth. 4 Load more posts." }, { "docid": "6243500", "title": "Momma Dee Net Worth", "text": "Momma Dee net worth: Momma Dee is an American reality television star and mother who has a net worth of $250 thousand.omma Dee net worth: Momma Dee is an American reality television star and mother who has a net worth of $250 thousand." }, { "docid": "7334255", "title": "Frank Ocean Net Worth (House Cars Salary Income 2018)", "text": "Frank Ocean Net Worth (House Cars Salary Income 2018) The Estimated Frank Ocean Net Worth is $12 Million. The Net Worth of Frank Ocean has seen a hike of 20% over the past few years. Frank Ocean is an American singer, songwriter, and rapper. While calculating the Net Worth of Frank Ocean we have included the data updated as of this Quarter. Check out the Exclusive information […]" }, { "docid": "4047154", "title": "Rakim Height", "text": "Rakim Net Worth is $17 Million. Rakim Net Worth is $17 Million. Rakim is an American rapper he has a net worth of $17 million. Rakim has earned his net worth as one of the most widely regarded, influential and skilled Master of Ceremonies of all time. You can refer to him by many n William Michael Griffin Jr. , known by his stage names Rakim , Rakim Allah, R.A.K.I.M., and The Master, is an American rapper." }, { "docid": "6029292", "title": "G-Eazy", "text": "G Eazy Net Worth is . Gerald Earl Gillum better known by his stage name G-Eazy is an American rapper, songwriter and producer. Raised in Oakland, California, Gillum has gained recognition as part of the growing hip hop scene in the area, joining artists such as Lil B and The Cataracs." }, { "docid": "3001706", "title": "Carole Radziwill Net Worth", "text": "Other Real Housewives of New York City net worths: Aviva Drescher Net Worth Heather Thomson Net Worth Ramona Singer Net Worth LuAnn de Lesseps Net Worth Sonja Morgan Net Worth As far as Ridizwill's personal life is concerned, she married her coworker at ABC News, Prince Anthony Radziwill in 1994." }, { "docid": "6126879", "title": "Calculate Your Net Worth", "text": "Median US Household Net Worth. As shown in this chart, the median US household net worth is not sufficient for most investors to realize a comfortable retirement. Net worth peaks at retirement age for those 65+ since house and property values may account for the majority of the net worth calculation." }, { "docid": "7141607", "title": "-", "text": "Big Sean is a well known American rapper who was born on March 25, 1988 in Santa Monica. Do you want to know about Big Sean net worth and salary details? Big Sean is a well known American rapper who was born on March 25, 1988 in Santa Monica." }, { "docid": "7084866", "title": "-", "text": "Trey Anastasio Net Worth. Trey Anastasio Net Worth is $75 Million. Trey Anastasio is a Texas-born musician with an estimated net worth of $75 million dollars." }, { "docid": "4102049", "title": "Bush Deficit vs. Obama Deficit in Pictures", "text": "Your net worth is the value of all of your assets, minus the total of all of your liabilities. Put another way, it is what you own minus what you owe.If you owe more than you own, you have a negative net worth. If you own more than you owe you will have a positive net worth. This calculator helps you determine your net worth and estimates how it could grow (or shrink) over the next ten years.f you owe more than you own, you have a negative net worth. If you own more than you owe you will have a positive net worth. This calculator helps you determine your net worth and estimates how it could grow (or shrink) over the next ten years." }, { "docid": "7305802", "title": "-", "text": "As of July 2014, the net worth of Trina is an estimated 6 milliondollars. Trina is a rapper and songwriter." }, { "docid": "5671405", "title": "Scott Glenn Net Worth", "text": "Scott Glenn net worth: Scott Glenn is an American actor who has a net worth of $3 million. He is best known for his Scott Glenn net worth: Scott Glenn is an American actor who has a net worth of $3 million." }, { "docid": "6820690", "title": "-", "text": "Vanilla Ice Net Worth | Celebrity Net Worth Rapper Vanilla Ice was born Robert van Winkle and has a net worth estimated at $18 million. Growing up between Dallas and Miami, Vanilla Ice began writing ... www.celebritynetworth.com" }, { "docid": "6875936", "title": "-", "text": "Rapper Vanilla Ice was born Robert van Winkle is famous for having one of the most successful one hit wonders of all time which has earned him a net worth of at $18 million. Growing up between Dall..." }, { "docid": "3853918", "title": "Top 50 Singers", "text": "Madonna net worth: Madonna is an influential and best-selling recording musical artist who has a net worth of $800 million. Celine Dion Net Worth. Mariah Carey Net Worth. Mariah Carey net worth: Mariah Carey is an American singer, songwriter, record producer, and actress who has a net worth of $520 million." }, { "docid": "6841788", "title": "Diddy Net Worth", "text": "Diddy Net Worth Facts. 1 Diddy net worth. 2 Diddy net worth vs Jay Z net worth. 3 Diddy net worth vs Dr. Dre net worth. 4 Diddy net worth vs Master P net worth. 5 Diddy net worth vs Eminem net worth. 6 Diddy net worth vs Usher net worth. 7 Diddy net worth vs 50 Cent net worth. 8 Diddy net worth vs Lil Wayne net worth. 9 Diddy net worth vs Kanye West net worth." }, { "docid": "8828010", "title": "-", "text": "Name: P. Diddy; Age: 48 years old; Height: 5ft 10in (178 cm) Occupation: Rapper; Net Worth: US $730 Million; Status: Alive; Sean Combs is an American rapper, music producer and entrepreneur. He’s known by stage names Puff Daddy and P Diddy. Sean Combs was born on November 4th, 1969 in Harlem, New York but grew up in Mount Vernon." }, { "docid": "1016355", "title": "Prince Roger Nelson Net Worth", "text": "Prince Roger Nelson Net Worth Pastor Joseph Prince Net Worth Pastor Joseph Prince net worth and salary: Pastor Joseph Prince is a Singaporean pastor who has a net worth of $5 million dollars." }, { "docid": "7334057", "title": "DJ Paul Net Worth", "text": "DJ Paul net worth: $15 Million. DJ Paul net worth: DJ Paul is an American an American rapper, record producer, DJ, songwriter and entrepreneur who has a net worth of $15 million dollars. He was born in January of 1977 in Memphis, Tennessee and is the half brother of the late rapper, Lord Infamous." }, { "docid": "7493270", "title": "Ray J Net Worth", "text": "Actor, music producer and rapper Ray J has a net worth estimated at $18 million. Born William Norwood, Jr. in Mississippi but raised in California, Ray J is the younger brother of singer Brandy, and the cousin of rap artist Snoop Dogg." }, { "docid": "1762979", "title": "James Simons Net Worth", "text": "James Simons Net Worth. James Simons Net Worth is $8.7 Billion. James Simons is the founder of Renaissance Technologies and has a net worth of $8.7 billion. James Simons made his net worth as an American...[read more]" }, { "docid": "1742278", "title": "Net Money Worth Of Iron Maiden Members", "text": "janick gers net worth; net worth of iron maiden members; nicko mcbrain net worth; paul dianno net worth; steve harris net worth; steve narris money worth" }, { "docid": "7414915", "title": "-", "text": "Nick Hogan Net Worth; Natasha Leggero Net Worth; Frank Abagnale Jr Net Worth; Hinduja Brothers Net Worth" } ]
reasons why nuclear power is bad
[ { "docid": "13300", "title": "7 Reasons why nuclear power is bad for the environment and the nation", "text": "The truth is nuclear power is dangerous, costly, and will create more problems that it could ever hope to solve. Here is the truth about nuclear power and seven reasons why nuclear power is bad for the environment and for the nation. http://www.examiner.com/environmental-news-in-national/7-reasons-why-nuclear-power-is-bad-for-the-environment-and-the-nation. Login to post comments." } ]
[ { "docid": "6211942", "title": "Top 10 nuclear power plants by capacity", "text": "Most of the world's biggest nuclear power plants by net capacity are in East Asia. Regular inspection and safety measures have been stepped up at the large capacity nuclear power stations following the Fukushima nuclear disaster in 2011.he Paluel Nuclear Power Plant, located about 40km away from the city of Diepp, France, is currently the seventh largest NPP in the world, by net capacity. The plant is spread across 160ha on the water front of the English Channel and uses water from the Channel for the cooling." }, { "docid": "6685941", "title": "-", "text": "More than two dozen countries have nuclear power, but only a few have nuclear weapons or are suspected of pursuing nuclear weapons. Click on a country below to learn more about their nuclear programs." }, { "docid": "561762", "title": "Time for change", "text": "Compare the above figure of 4 to 5 Euro-cent only for cost of depreciation with the current full cost of wind power for about 6 Euro-cent (about 6 US-cents) per kWh at good locations in Germany, Scandinavia, Benelux or Austria!It becomes evident that nuclear power has lost its cost advantage.he newest estimates for the cost of nuclear power in the USA are (costs indicated are per delivered kWh): 1 11.2 US-cents per kWh nuclear power (MIT 2003). 2 14.1 US-cents per kWh nuclear power (Keystone June 2007). 3 18.4 US-cents per kWh nuclear power (Keystone midrange estimate)." }, { "docid": "8187070", "title": "Obninsk Nuclear Power Plant", "text": "It was the first grid-connected nuclear power plant in the world,[2] i.e. the first nuclear reactor that produced commercial electricity,[3] albeit at small scale.[4] It was located at the Institute of Physics and Power Engineering.[5] The plant is also known as APS-1 Obninsk (Atomic Power Station 1 Obninsk)." }, { "docid": "2659281", "title": "The Nuclear Regulatory Commission", "text": "While nuclear power safety regulation is legally a federal responsibility, the communities and states that host nuclear power plants have an essential voice and role. Indeed, in the event of a nuclear accident, the lives and livelihoods of the people who live close to these facilities will be most affected." }, { "docid": "7917891", "title": "SSN (hull classification symbol)", "text": "SSN. An SSN is a nuclear-powered general-purpose attack submarine. SSN is the US Navy hull classification symbol for such vessels; the SS denotes a submarine and the N denotes nuclear power. see more on Definitions.net »." }, { "docid": "6799472", "title": "The Basics of Nuclear Energy â How is Nuclear Power Produced?", "text": "The steam powers turbines which turn generators. The generators produce electricity. Nuclear power generates electricity much like coal-or diesel-powered plants. What is different from the other two, is that nuclear doesn't produce greenhouse gases like the burning of fossil fuels." }, { "docid": "7897113", "title": "-", "text": "One great advantage to nuclear power is that it is emission-free energy. Since nuclear power plants use so little fuel, the volume of nuclear waste is much smaller than the volume of waste from fossil fuel power plants. Even though nuclear waste is radioactive, its small volume enables safe removal from our communities." }, { "docid": "1246984", "title": "Move over Nasa: Russia reveals plans for 2018 test of nuclear engine that could get cosmonauts to Mars in SIX WEEKS", "text": "Nuclear rockets are rocket engines that use a nuclear fission reactor to heat propellant. Fission entails the splitting of atoms of uranium in a nuclear reactor The idea is relatively simple; a nuclear reactor will be used, similar to the ones used for power generation today." }, { "docid": "4202543", "title": "Who invented the nuclear bomb?", "text": "H.G. Wells was the first to envision a nuclear weapon driven by nuclear fission, when he wrote of air dropped 'atomic bombs' in his 1914 novel, The World Set Free. At the time, Wells did not know of the destructive power the such weapons would one day harness..G. Wells was the first to envision a nuclear weapon driven by nuclear fission, when he wrote of air dropped 'atomic bombs' in his 1914 novel, The World Set Free. At the time, Wells did not know of the destructive power the such weapons would one day harness." }, { "docid": "6974154", "title": "Which One Is Better for the Environment: Coal or Nuclear?", "text": "Greenhouse Gas Effect of Nuclear Power Plants. Nuclear power plants emit no carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, mercury, or other toxic gases. A properly managed facility does not directly contribute to atmospheric climate change; the broad cooling towers characteristic of nuclear plants emit water vapor." }, { "docid": "2013442", "title": "-", "text": "No. Nuclear power plants use a uranium to provide the heat to generate electricity from. By splitting the nuclei of uranium atoms (called nuclear fission), energy is release…d, which will be used for electricity generation. Uranium is a radioactive metal, not a fossil fuel." }, { "docid": "7059844", "title": "-", "text": "A fossil fuel is any hydrocarbon that may be used as a source of energy. Coal, oil and natural gas are the three basic fossil fuels, formed 300 million years ago from orga … nic plant and animal life subjected to great heat and pressure under the ground.he difference between a nuclear power station and a fossil fuel power station is primarily the source of heat. The nuclear power station uses a nuclear reactor to generate he … at, while the fossil fuel power station uses coal or natural gas to generate heat." }, { "docid": "1606607", "title": "Energy law", "text": "As of September 2015, Japan has one nuclear power plant in operation. Prior to the earthquake and tsunami of March 2011, and the nuclear disasters that resulted from it, Japan had generated 30% of its electrical power from nuclear reactors and planned to increase that share to 40%.roblems in stabilizing the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant have hardened attitudes to nuclear power. As of June 2011, more than 80 percent of Japanese now say they are anti-nuclear and distrust government information on radiation ." }, { "docid": "5492680", "title": "How Submarines Work", "text": "Nuclear generators need no oxygen, so a nuclear sub can stay underwater for weeks at a time. Also, because nuclear fuel lasts much longer than diesel fuel (years), a nuclear submarine does not have to come to the surface or to a port to refuel and can stay at sea longer.Nuclear subs and aircraft carriers are powered by nuclear reactors that are nearly identical to the reactors used in commercial power plants.lectrical equipment is often run off the batteries and power from the diesel engine or nuclear reactor is used to charge the batteries. In cases of emergency, the batteries may be the only source of electrical power to run the submarine." }, { "docid": "2601697", "title": "-", "text": "Here's why Trump has the power to start a nuclear war any time he wants. Here's why Trump has the power to start a nuclear war any time he wants. When Harry S. Truman became president in April..." }, { "docid": "743912", "title": "Solar Energy", "text": "Compare those characteristics to those of coal, oil, gas, or nuclear power, and the choice is easy. Solar energy technologies offer a clean, renewable and domestic energy source. Photovoltaic power even has advantages over wind power, hydropower, and solar thermal power." }, { "docid": "4486969", "title": "Nuclear power advantages and disadvantages", "text": "Safety therefore still remains the biggest disadvantage of nuclear power plants, though this is not the only disadvantage of nuclear power. The other disadvantage of nuclear power are high operational costs, especially since lot of money has to be spent on safety.Building nuclear power plant also doesn't come cheap.Nuclear power also has some advantages that need to be mention here.he other disadvantage of nuclear power are high operational costs, especially since lot of money has to be spent on safety. Building nuclear power plant also doesn't come cheap. Nuclear power also has some advantages that need to be mention here." }, { "docid": "371964", "title": "What are the advantages and disadvantages of nuclear power?", "text": "What are the advantages and disadvantages of nuclear power? Nuclear power is calculated, using LNT and collective dose, to be causing millions of cancer deaths. The DOE and IAEA are chartered officially to promote nuclear power (look it up) so they deny the deaths. It’s like having the tobacco Institute in charge of tobacco smoking cancer research." }, { "docid": "5201592", "title": "Nuclear marine propulsion", "text": "Nuclear marine propulsion - History. 1 By 1990 there were more nuclear reactors powering ships (mostly military) than there were generating electric power in commercial power plants worldwide." }, { "docid": "710736", "title": "Nuclear fusion", "text": "Nuclear energy can also be released by fusion of two light elements (elements with low atomic numbers). The power that fuels the sun and the stars is nuclear fusion.In a hydrogen bomb, two isotopes of hydrogen, deuterium and tritium are fused to form a nucleus of helium and a neutron. This fusion releases 17.6 MeV of energy.Unlike nuclear fission, there is no limit on the amount of the fusion that can occur.uclear energy can also be released by fusion of two light elements (elements with low atomic numbers). The power that fuels the sun and the stars is nuclear fusion." }, { "docid": "2787467", "title": "-", "text": "Nuclear power plants, world-wide scroll On December 20, 1951, at the Experimental Breeder Reactor EBR-I in Arco, Idaho, USA, for the first time electricity - illuminating four light bulbs - was produced by nuclear energy." }, { "docid": "3926676", "title": "Millstone Nuclear Power Plant", "text": "Millstone Nuclear Power Plant. The Millstone Nuclear Power Station is the only nuclear power generation site in Connecticut and the only multi unit nuclear plant in New England. It is located at a former quarry (from which it takes its name) in Waterford. Following a Time magazine cover story on safety issues at Millstone, all three units were shut down." }, { "docid": "3980689", "title": "-", "text": "This heat energy is used to boil water in the core of the reactor. So, instead of burning a fuel, nuclear power plants use the chain reaction of atoms splitting to change the energy of atoms into heat energy. Power plant drawing courtesy Nuclear Institute. This water from around the nuclear core is sent to another section of the power plant." }, { "docid": "6211945", "title": "Top 10 nuclear power plants by capacity", "text": "The 5,448MW (gross) Cattenom Nuclear Power Plant is located in Cattnom, France. The power plant is owned and operated by EDF. The net capacity of the plant is 5,200MW, which is similar to that of Paluel NPP, the seventh largest nuclear power plant in the world.he Paluel Nuclear Power Plant, located about 40km away from the city of Diepp, France, is currently the seventh largest NPP in the world, by net capacity. The plant is spread across 160ha on the water front of the English Channel and uses water from the Channel for the cooling." }, { "docid": "627750", "title": "-", "text": "Unintentional acts, or radiation accidents, can include: 1 Nuclear Power Plant Accident-An accident at a nuclear power plant could release radioactive material into the air or water surrounding a nuclear power plant. 2 Transportation Accident-Radioactive materials can be transported by sea, rail, roadway or air." }, { "docid": "7838925", "title": "Why do a PhD?", "text": "Bad reasons to do a PhD. Most of us have several reasons for wanting to do a doctorate, and of course they're not all good. Here are some common bad reasons why some people consider a PhD (and I know there was a certain amount of 'bad reason 5' that led to my own choice.):" }, { "docid": "7996760", "title": "General Astronomy/Print version", "text": "This is how the sun produces energy. In nuclear fission, atoms are split apart to form smaller atoms, releasing energy. Nuclear power plants use nuclear fission to produce electricity. Nuclear Fuel. Atoms are made up of three major particles: protons, neutrons and electrons." }, { "docid": "7464424", "title": "Nuclear decommissioning", "text": "Nuclear decommissioning is the administrative and technical process whereby a nuclear facility such as a nuclear power plant (NPP), a research reactor, an isotope production plant, a particle accelerator, or uranium mine is dismantled to the point that it no longer requires measures for radiation protection." }, { "docid": "8126893", "title": "What is Fission?", "text": "Since then, nuclear research has been considered extremely sensitive. The knowledge itself is not overly complex, but the materials that fund the process are significantly more difficult to obtain. More commonly, fission is used to generate energy within a nuclear power plant. However, the process creates a significant amount of nuclear waste that can be hazardous to both people and the environment. At the same time, people often fear the dangers that could come with nuclear plants and do not" } ]
reasons why the death penalty should be banned
[ { "docid": "3802847", "title": "Itâs Time to Abolish the Death Penalty", "text": "The United States needs to abolish the death penalty. It's archaic, costly, ineffective, and most importantly, unjust. The first place to start with the death penalty may be philosophical. The purpose of our criminal justice system is to deter crime, rehabilitate convicts, and incapacitate hardened criminals." }, { "docid": "3802848", "title": "-", "text": "Death penalty is a human rights violation. With the death penalty, you are deliberately deciding punishment by death for a criminal. This is the same concept as eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth." } ]
[ { "docid": "8550729", "title": "Wikipedia:Reference desk archive/Humanities/March 2006", "text": "laws vary from state to state, so I won't comment on what crimes can get one executed outside of Texas. In Texas, the only crime for which the death penalty can be imposed is muder-and not just ANY murder, but only murders committed in the course of ANOTHER felony.That is, if I shoot and kill a teller while robbing a bank, I'm eligible for the death penalty.aws vary from state to state, so I won't comment on what crimes can get one executed outside of Texas. In Texas, the only crime for which the death penalty can be imposed is muder-and not just ANY murder, but only murders committed in the course of ANOTHER felony." }, { "docid": "2146268", "title": "-", "text": "The death penalty and the “most serious crimes”. A country-by-country overview of the death penalty. in law and practice in retentionist states1. It is a commonplace among anti-death penalty activists to state that the world is on the brink of. universal abolition." }, { "docid": "4562350", "title": "IRA Required Minimum Distributions", "text": "They do not have to take lifetime distributions from Roth IRAs, but after-death distributions (below) are required. They can always withdraw more than the minimum amount from your IRA or plan in any year, but if they withdraw less than the required minimum, they will be subject to a federal penalty.The IRS penalty is an excise tax equal to 50% of the amount they should have withdrawn, but did not.hey do not have to take lifetime distributions from Roth IRAs, but after-death distributions (below) are required. They can always withdraw more than the minimum amount from your IRA or plan in any year, but if they withdraw less than the required minimum, they will be subject to a federal penalty." }, { "docid": "231610", "title": "-", "text": "It costs approximately $90,000 more a year to house an inmate on death row, than in the general prison population or $57.5 million annually. The Attorney General devotes about 15% of his budget, or $11 million annually to death penalty cases.he cost of a system in which the number of death-eligible crimes was significantly narrowed would be $130 million per year. The cost of a system which imposes a maximum penalty of lifetime incarceration instead of the death penalty would be $11.5 million per year. Read the report." }, { "docid": "2045537", "title": "Aprovocative", "text": "Sorry, Folks: One Way or the Other, You'll Never Be Able to Completely Count on Retirement Megan McArdle March 14, 2013. But while support for ending the death penalty was cold and actuarial, opposition to the measure was emotional and raw. Death Penalty Survives In California, But Three-Strikes Law Cut Back David R. Dow November 8, 2012. At 79 years of age, actuarial tables say a woman is likely to live another 9.74 years." }, { "docid": "6627241", "title": "Capital punishment in the United States", "text": "1 The Death Penalty in the U.S. As of April 1, 2008, the Death Penalty was authorized by 37 states, the Federal Government, and the U.S. Military. Those jurisdictions without the Death Penalty include 13 states and the District of Columbia. (Alaska, Hawaii, Iowa, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey, North Dakota, Rhode Island, Vermont, West Virginia, and Wisconsin). In 2008, the Nebraska Supreme Court ruled that the use of the electric chair as a method of execution violated the Nebraska Constitution." }, { "docid": "6342746", "title": "Illinois First Degree Murder Laws", "text": "Illinois Statutes Section 5/9-1 (first degree murder) Penalties and Sentencing Illinois is no longer a death penalty state so the maximum punishment for first degree murder is life imprisonment." }, { "docid": "4869812", "title": "-", "text": "Texas, for example, imposes death sentences on all those convicted of capital murder, its highest level murder charge. In California, on the other hand, aggravated first degree murder can draw either the death penalty or life in prison without parole." }, { "docid": "5971139", "title": "Under what circumstances is the death penalty justified? Ajmal Kasab, a terrorist who killed dozens of people in India, was hanged yesterday for 80 crimes. Where exactly do you draw the line?", "text": "As for whether death penalty is justifiable in the rarest of rare cases, there will always be proponents of it who believe that some people truly deserve to die, while others believe that nothing gives us the right to take another person's life." }, { "docid": "6432319", "title": "-", "text": "In the first there is a vivid picture of the terrible evils which England was suffering through war, lawlessness, the wholesale and foolish application of the death penalty, the misery of the peasants, the absorption of the land by the rich, and the other distressing corruptions in Church and State.n the first there is a vivid picture of the terrible evils which England was suffering through war, lawlessness, the wholesale and foolish application of the death penalty, the misery of the peasants, the absorption of the land by the rich, and the other distressing corruptions in Church and State." }, { "docid": "730518", "title": "-", "text": "A Seattle University study examining the costs of the death penalty in Washington found that each death penalty case cost an average of $1 million more than a similar case where the death penalty was not sought ($3.07 million, versus $2.01 million).he study counted death penalty case costs through to execution and found that the median death penalty case costs $1.26 million. Non-death penalty cases were counted through to the end of incarceration and were found to have a median cost of $740,000." }, { "docid": "730525", "title": "What is the cost of life imprisonment as opposed to the death penalty?", "text": "The study counted death penalty case costs through to execution and found that the median death penalty case costs $1.26 million. Non-death penalty cases were counted through to the end of incarceration and were found to have a median cost of $740,000.he study counted death penalty case costs through to execution and found that the median death penalty case costs $1.26 million. Non-death penalty cases were counted through to the end of incarceration and were found to have a median cost of $740,000." }, { "docid": "1299592", "title": "Jury Instructions: What Jurors Understand", "text": "Courts can eliminate potential jurors who are not willing to vote for the death penalty in a capital case (“death qualification”). Views on the death penalty correlate to some degree with race, gender, and religious beliefs.he Project also found that 44% of jurors believed the death penalty was required if the defendant's conduct was heinous, vile or depraved, even though the Supreme Court has ruled that the death penalty cannot be required because specific aggravating circumstances have been established." }, { "docid": "5503495", "title": "-", "text": "The death penalty does not violate the eighth amendment. Death is an incredible deterrent for would-be criminals because there's nothing people fear more than death. As long as the penalty exists, the criminal will pause, even subconsciously because they know they could also die." }, { "docid": "6602542", "title": "-", "text": "Selected Answer: d. adjudicatory hearing Answers: a. detention hearing b. initial hearing c. conference hearing d. adjudicatory hearing • Question 27 2 out of 2 points The Court has narrowed the list of death-eligible offenders by striking down death penalty provisions for most crimes." }, { "docid": "2630729", "title": "Ricky Jackson, exonerated death row inmate, asked Hillary Clinton this question last night (video)", "text": "CLEVELAND, Ohio - It was at the moment he mentioned his time on death row, and how perilously close he came to being executed, that Ricky Jackson choked up last night while asking Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton to answer for her stance on the death penalty." }, { "docid": "1791687", "title": "How Effective is Death Penalty?", "text": "The death penalty is a very complicated subject to deal with. Most people would not want to talk about it out in the open. It is not a light subject to deal with in the first place. It is definitely not what one can talk over the dinner table. Since the lives of people are at stake, the matter is very serious and people understand it. That is probably why they hesitate to even talk about it freely. Regarding the question about the effectiveness of death penalty, we first need to understand its purpose. Basically, it has two motives. The first one is to punish criminals for their guilty acts." }, { "docid": "2144664", "title": "People who believe the death penalty is unconstitutional are most likely to cite which amendment in the Bill of Rights to support their case?", "text": "2015-07-27T17:58:22-04:00. People who believe the death penalty is unconstitutional are most likely to cite eighth amendment, since this is the one that says people shall be free from cruel and unusual punishment. Report." }, { "docid": "3044311", "title": "Capital punishment in the United States", "text": "Death Penalty for Offenses Other Than Murder - State and Federal Laws that allow Capital Punishment when no death has occurred. DPIC's Page on Kennedy v. Louisiana - Striking down the death penalty for non-homicide offenses against individuals. Those Executed Who Did Not Directly Kill the Victim. Aggravating Factors by State - Lists of the factors that could make a defendant eligible for the Death Penalty." }, { "docid": "5503490", "title": "The Case Against the Death Penalty", "text": "The death penalty violates the 8th amendment. It violates the 8th amendment because it is a cruel and unusual punishment. It is cruel to kill someone no matter how horrible the crime. It is showing people that if you do something the same will be done to you, it is an eye for an eye." }, { "docid": "5940335", "title": "Courts, states put death penalty on life support", "text": "In the first eight months of this year, 20 prisoners have been killed — 16 of them in Texas and Missouri. • Seven states have repealed the death penalty since 2007. Among the 31 that retain it, governors have imposed a moratorium in four, and most others haven't executed anyone in years.Only seven states carried out executions in the past two years.mong signs the death penalty may be on life support: • The number of death sentences dropped from a high of 315 in 1996 to 73 last year – half of them coming in just 2% of the nation's counties. • The number of prisoners on death row peaked at 3,593 in 2000 but now hovers around 3,000, a 17% decline." }, { "docid": "2269547", "title": "punish", "text": "punish. 1 to subject to pain, loss, confinement, death, etc., as a penalty for some offense, transgression, or fault: to punish a criminal. 2 to inflict a penalty for (an offense, fault, etc.): to punish theft. 3 to handle severely or roughly, as in a fight. 4 to put to painful exertion, as a horse in racing." }, { "docid": "2962248", "title": "-", "text": "In that case, the Court held that capital punishment was unconstitutional and struck down state death penalty laws nationwide. As a result, the death sentences of 95 men and one woman on Florida's Death Row were commuted to life in prison." }, { "docid": "4934215", "title": "Should Alcohol be Banned?", "text": "Alcohol shouldn't be banned. we have tried it before, which didn't work out. also, god created alcohol, and it has been used for many reasons since the dawn of time, aka Jesus turned water into wine!! also, some alcohols,(dark beer, and wine) in moderation, can have many health benefits." }, { "docid": "3799964", "title": "Part I: History of the Death Penalty", "text": "Eighteenth Century B.C. - first established death penalty laws. Eleventh Century A.D. - William the Conqueror will not allow persons to be hanged except in cases of murder. 1608 - Captain George Kendall becomes the first recorded execution in the new colonies.lthough some states abolished the death penalty in the mid-Nineteenth Century, it was actually the first half of the Twentieth Century that marked the beginning of the Progressive Period of reform in the United States." }, { "docid": "8427736", "title": "-", "text": "Death was the immediate penalty of any show of insubordination, and the whip of their taskmasters kept them to their work. Famous Sea Fights John Richard Hale. He had no thought of insubordination in wiring as he did to Washington." }, { "docid": "6218925", "title": "-", "text": "She was accused from espionage and high treason in the military court, both punishable by death penalty." }, { "docid": "3043076", "title": "Capital punishment in the United Kingdom", "text": "The last executions in the United Kingdom were by hanging, and took place in 1964, prior to capital punishment being abolished for murder (in 1965 in Great Britain and in 1973 in Northern Ireland). Although not applied since, the death penalty was abolished in all circumstances in 1998.In 2004 the 13th Protocol to the European Convention on Human Rights became binding on the United Kingdom, prohibiting the restoration of the death penalty for as long as the UK is a party to the Convention.n 1938 the issue of the abolition of capital punishment was brought before parliament. A clause within the Criminal Justice Bill called for an experimental five-year suspension of the death penalty. When war broke out in 1939 the bill was postponed." }, { "docid": "6470224", "title": "Capital Punishment Is Dead Wrong", "text": "It can be said that the death penalty is the most overlooked form of government hypocrisy; we murder people who murder people to show that murder is wrong. It is this contradiction in policy that confuses criminals and undermines any crime deterrence capital punishment was intended to have.umans, as a species, are famous for their mistakes. However, in the case of the death penalty, error becomes too dangerous a risk. The innocent lives that have been taken with the approval of our own government should be enough to abolish capital punishment." }, { "docid": "3402755", "title": "Death Penalty Fast Facts", "text": "There were 2,902 people on death row in the United States on October 1, 2016, the most recent date for which data is available. Since 1976, when the death penalty was reinstated by the US Supreme Court, 1,458 people have been executed (as of July 28, 2017)." } ]
recommended carbs per day
[ { "docid": "375731", "title": "The Recommended Amount & Percent of Carbohydrates Per Day", "text": "Percent of Calories. According to the Institute of Medicine, children and adults should consume 45 to 65 percent of their calorie intake as carbohydrates, and at least 130 grams of carbs per day." } ]
[ { "docid": "6401892", "title": "Flexeril", "text": "DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION. For most patients, the recommended dose of FLEXERIL is 5 mg three times a day. Based on individual patient response, the dose may be increased to 10 mg three times a day. Use of FLEXERIL for periods longer than two or three weeks is not recommended." }, { "docid": "3519389", "title": "Sodium in Canada", "text": "Recommended intake of sodium. It is recommended that people over the age of one year eat between 1000-1500 mg sodium per day. This is referred to as the Adequate Intake (AI). People aged 14 and over should not eat more than 2300 mg sodium per day. This is referred to the Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL). A sodium intake above 2300 mg per day is likely to pose a health risk." }, { "docid": "7418157", "title": "-", "text": "Aim for a 40/30/30 percentage breakdown of protein to carbs to fats during the day. You’ll want to save most of your carbs for workout days to take advantage of that quick energy; and if you can, eat your biggest meal right after training." }, { "docid": "7052258", "title": "10 Tips For Getting Into Nutritional Ketosis For Weight Loss", "text": "Usually, people do not get into ketosis unless they eat between 30-50 net carbs and Dr. Westman from Duke recommended a stricter 20 total carbs for people with severe insulin resistance. Some people may be able to get away with more but when in doubt stick with salad, zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower and maybe some berries, for your carbs." }, { "docid": "6266480", "title": "-", "text": "On average females can have 3-4 servings of carbs for each meal, and a serving of carbs in between meals. A serving of carbohydrates is 15 grams of carbs. On average, a male can have 5-6 servings of carbs for each meal and a serving of carb in between each meal. Remember, though, that the type of carb matters to. As a diabetic, you should choose carbs that are whole grains." }, { "docid": "4179217", "title": "Low-carb and calories", "text": "Basically, Keto is a hardcore form of Atkins. While Keto stays below 25g of carbs per day, Atkins backs off as you reach your goal weight, starting at 25g in the first 2 weeks (induction), increasing to 30g carbs (weight loss) and eventually 100g carbs (maintenance) as the daily limit." }, { "docid": "1716992", "title": "How many grams of sugar are you allowed to have daily?", "text": "My mother is diebetic and she needs to know how many sugars per day is she allowed and how many carbs is she allowed a day . also the grams in sugar per day and grams in carbs per day. glenda_topsy · 9 years ago." }, { "docid": "3036572", "title": "How to Find out the Percentage of Protein, Carbs & Fat Per Day", "text": "For example, if you’ve consumed 240 protein calories and 2,000 total calories in a day, your percentage of calories from protein is 12 percent, which is within the Institute of Medicine’s recommended range of 10 to 35 percent.o determine the percentage of your daily intake from protein, carbs and fat, you’ll need to keep track of which type of foods you consume, how much of each food you consume, the number of grams of each macronutrient and your total daily caloric intake." }, { "docid": "5504499", "title": "Ask Dr. Gourmet", "text": "My husband is 5'10 and 150 lbs. and was diagnosed with pre-diabetes. We have been trying to find out how many carbs a day he should be eating or how many carbs per meal. He does not need to lose weight and trying to maintain his current weight without eating a lot of carbs is difficult." }, { "docid": "6709774", "title": "Sweet potatoes vs. white potatoes: Are both bad for the waistline?", "text": "In a 100-gram portion, the white potato has 92 calories, 21 grams of carbs, 2.3 grams of dietary fiber, 2.3 g of protein and 17% of the recommended daily value of vitamin C. The same amount of sweet potato, on the other hand, has 90 calories, 21 grams of carbs, 3 grams of fiber, 2 grams of protein, 35% of the recommended daily value of vitamin C and ..." }, { "docid": "302372", "title": "How many calories are in Publix Authentic Cuban Bread", "text": "Nearly 61% of all foods we analyzed have a lower ratio of carbs to calories. In the same way, this food has a considerable quantity of carbs compared to foods in the same food group. In this case, roughly 74% of foods in this food group have a greater carbs percentage. 5.67% of your daily recommended consumption of carbs will be met by this specific serving size." }, { "docid": "6163651", "title": "Nortriptyline Dosing", "text": "The recommended starting nortriptyline dose for treating depression is 25 mg three or four times a day.The dose of nortriptyline hydrochloride (Pamelor ®) your healthcare provider prescribes will vary depending on a number of factors, including:he recommended starting nortriptyline dose for treating depression is 25 mg three or four times a day." }, { "docid": "8558404", "title": "Can diabetics eat pizza?", "text": "Consuming half of a large pizza (or more) would be extremely high in carbs, fat, and calories -- and is not recommended. However, eating a slice or two of pizza could more easily fit into a healthy eating plan. Also consider how often to eat pizza -- a few times a week is probably too much." }, { "docid": "2569639", "title": "-", "text": "Smilax is available in powder form, liquid extract, and capsules. The daily amount recommended varies from person to person and what condition they have. On the high end, 15- 30 grams per day is recommended. The dosage should be spread out over two to three doses each day." }, { "docid": "7739988", "title": "Lipocor Review", "text": "Lipocor’s ingredients are safe when taken in the recommended dosages. Recommended daily lipid dosages are generally more than 1,000 mg. The usual l-carnitine dosage is between 1,000 and 3,000 mg a day. Research shows 1,000 mg of caralluma fimbriata is safe to take once a day for 60 days." }, { "docid": "7300518", "title": "A balanced diet for women", "text": "The RIs for fat, saturates, sugars and salt are all maximum amounts, while those for carbs and protein are figures you should aim to meet each day. There is no RI for fibre, although health experts suggest we have 30g a day. Reference intakes (RI) Men." }, { "docid": "1945216", "title": "What is a Keto Diet?", "text": "For a normal person that is starting a ketogenic diet, eating 25-40g of net carbs a day, the total adaptation process will take about 2 weeks. My advice is to cut your carbs to fewer than 15g to ensure that you are well on your way into ketosis within 1 week.or a normal person that is starting a ketogenic diet, eating 25-40g of net carbs a day, the total adaptation process will take about 2 weeks. My advice is to cut your carbs to fewer than 15g to ensure that you are well on your way into ketosis within 1 week." }, { "docid": "6525053", "title": "How to Count Carbs for Better Blood Sugar Control", "text": "The key for people like you with type 2 diabetes is to eat carbs in limited amounts at each meal and when you snack. Total carbs should make up about 45 to 60 percent of your daily diet (and be spaced out throughout the day) if you have type 2 diabetes." }, { "docid": "6610961", "title": "Poliquin - Healthy. Lean. Strong.", "text": "• You’ll generally get greater benefits from eating good fats when you limit your carbohydrate intake to below 60 percent of the diet, which is the amount recommended by the U.S. government. • A loose definition of a lower carb diet is one that provides less than 200 grams of carbs a day from whole food plant sources." }, { "docid": "5979964", "title": "How Many Servings of Complex Carbohydrates Should You Eat a Day on a Low-Carb Diet?", "text": "Exactly how many servings of complex carbs you can eat depends on your diet -- a diet that calls for 50 grams of carbs per day will call for fewer servings of complex carbs than one that calls for 80 or 100 grams." }, { "docid": "4729808", "title": "How Many Grams of Sugar Per Day Can a Diabetic Have?", "text": "Counting carbohydrates is a way to control the amount of carbs you eat each day. Having 45 to 60 grams of carbs per meal works well for most people, according to the ADA. To include sweets in your meal, compensate so you stay within the 45- to 60-gram range -- or the range recommended by your dietitian." }, { "docid": "1121809", "title": "The Recommended Intake of Grams of Carbohydrates per Day for Women", "text": "Minimum Requirements. The Institute of Medicine encourages all women to consume at least 130 grams of carbohydrates each day. A woman’s individualized carbohydrate needs are based on her recommended calorie requirements, weight management goals and physical activity level.his means women following 1,200-calorie weight loss diets need about 135 to 195 grams of carbs each day, women consuming 1,600-calorie diets need 180 to 260 grams, women following 2,000-calorie diets need 225 to 325 grams and women consuming 2,400 calories per day require 270 to 390 grams of carbohydrates each day." }, { "docid": "2147998", "title": "Atkins 40 Overview: Easy Diet Plans", "text": "Here's how the Atkins 40 Plan works: Start with 40 grams of Net Carbs of carbohydrates a day. Net Carbs represent the total carbohydrate content of the food minus the fiber content and sugar alcohols (if in the product)." }, { "docid": "3195749", "title": "How many carbohydrates can I eat if Iâm trying to lose weight?", "text": "A Weight Watchers® answered. Regardless of whether you're trying to lose weight or not, you should eat between 45%-65% of your daily calories from carbohydrates. It's a common misconception that carbs are the enemy.Diets that restrict any major food group, like carbs, won't result in long-term weight loss success.hen talking about carbs I mean starchy breads, cereals, etc. also starchy vegetables like potatoes, rice, and sweets and alcohol. Fruits should be limited to three servings a day and are not part of the 90 grams from other carbs." }, { "docid": "8698149", "title": "Easy Ways to Reduce Your Carbohydrate Intake", "text": "reducing unhealthy carbs since we need to eat some carbs each day for health and energy try cutting out some of the unhealthy carbs from your diet avoid processed sugars and flours in exchange for their whole grain counterparts sodas are an empty calorie drink that offers no nutrition but unhealthy carbs bump up your water intake instead" }, { "docid": "4673132", "title": "-", "text": "As carbohydrates should account for 900 to 1,430 of these calories, you should eat 225 to 357.5 grams of carbs each day. If you are between the ages of 31 and 50, these values decrease to 2,000 calories and between 225 and 325 grams of carbs every day.s carbohydrates should account for 900 to 1,430 of these calories, you should eat 225 to 357.5 grams of carbs each day. If you are between the ages of 31 and 50, these values decrease to 2,000 calories and between 225 and 325 grams of carbs every day." }, { "docid": "6014618", "title": "How many calories are in 1 medium soft boiled egg", "text": "How many carbs are in 1 serving? 0.49 g is 0.16% of your daily recommended intake for a healthy individual. Compared to foods in the same food group (eggs), this item has a mild degree of carbs. In this case, nearly 88 percent of foods in this food group have a greater ratio of carbs to calories." }, { "docid": "4444419", "title": "-", "text": "If she's eating foods high in carbs-your blood sugar spikes and then drops. Protein will keep blood sugar consistant throughout the day. It's also normal for your blood sugar to go up and down throughout the day according to what you eat." }, { "docid": "2461036", "title": "-", "text": "For example, if you’re eating 1,200 calories a day, aim for 135 to 195 grams of carbs -- and if your weight-loss calorie requirement is 1,600 calories daily, shoot for 180, but no more than 260, grams of carbs per day. You Might Also Like." }, { "docid": "3369235", "title": "â How I implemented Slow Carb Diet, lost 8kg/17lbs in 2 months - tips and tricks for beginners", "text": "After the diet - try to have at least one no carb day a week. That's right, after you're finished with the diet and want to get back to eating everything, first off, you will not eat as many carbs as you were used to, second, try to have at least one day a week without carbs. Your body needs this." } ]
recruitment definition in hrm
[ { "docid": "2191890", "title": "-", "text": "Human Resource Management. Recruitment Process. Recruitment and Selection. “Recruitment is the Process of finding and attracting capable applicants for employment. The Process begins when new recruits are sought and ends when their applications are submitted. The result is a pool of application from which new employees are selected.”. The Recruitment Process:" } ]
[ { "docid": "2054495", "title": "-", "text": "Pre-Master Human Resources Management. The Pre-Master's Human Resources Management Program offers on-campus MBA preparation, MPA preparation, master's in marketing communications preparation, and HRM master's preparation to international students at Roosevelt University in Chicago." }, { "docid": "8673699", "title": "-", "text": "You may or may not have a day in between the next rounds of recruitment. Be sure to get a lot of rest for the remainder of the parties. Narrowing Your Choices. The length of recruitment is typically between 3-5 days, based on the size of your school’s Greek life." }, { "docid": "6606914", "title": "1", "text": "HR planning is an important part of an organisation’s HR information system. This is because a HR plan affects all HR activities and acts as the strategic link between organisational and HRM objectives. An effective planning process is essential to optimising the organisation’s human resources." }, { "docid": "499998", "title": "Apprenticeship. Get paid to learn from the best.", "text": "The recruitment, selection, employment, and training of apprentices during their apprenticeship shall be without discrimination because of race, color, religion, national origin, or sex. physically able to perform the work of the trade." }, { "docid": "6745832", "title": "-", "text": "Does anyone know how much commission recruitment companies charge businesses when they find a candidate. I'd like to see some big changes in the recruitment / job agency industry.oes anyone know how much commission recruitment companies charge businesses when they find a candidate. I'd like to see some big changes in the recruitment / job agency industry." }, { "docid": "3349420", "title": "The right way to check references", "text": "/ Employers / Recruitment Advice / General Recruitment / The right way to check references. Checking the references of prospective employees is often left until late in the. recruitment process, if it’s done at all. Checking references is a great tool for deciding between equally qualified candidates, or for weeding out applicants who won’t be suited to your organisation’s culture. It can be very hard to tell what someone is like to work with on a day-to-day basis from a formal interview." }, { "docid": "6478077", "title": "Human Resource Management: Definition, Objectives & Responsibilities", "text": "Human Resource Management Defined. Alvin is the vice president of human resources for a large kitchen appliance company headquartered in Colorado. Human resources are people, and human resource management (HRM) is the process an organization undergoes to manage people in order to achieve its goals." }, { "docid": "8102091", "title": "-", "text": "4 + years’ experience in recruitment and/or Human Resources, required. The Director of Recruiting manages the Recruitment team and is responsible for the..." }, { "docid": "1405607", "title": "-", "text": "Human Resources. Human Resource Management (HRM) is the function within an organization that focuses on the recruitment of, management of, and providing direction for the people who work in an organization. As you can imagine, all of the processes and programs that are touched by people are part of the HR kingdom." }, { "docid": "7586978", "title": "-", "text": "TN Postal Circle Postman Recruitment 2015. The Office of the Chief Postmaster General, Tamil Nadu Circle, Chennai has released the commencing date for apply the Direct recruitment of Postman/ Mail Guard in Postal Divisons/ RMS Di. Online Registration is well in progress that commenced on November 15, 2014." }, { "docid": "8563271", "title": "-", "text": "Is your organisation paying over the odds when it comes to recruitment cost per hire? The 2013 XpertHR benchmarking survey on key recruitment metrics -based on responses from 146 UK employers with a combined workforce of 403,980 employees -looks in detail at the typical costs associated with filling a vacancy." }, { "docid": "7934924", "title": "Strategic Recruitment", "text": "Strategic Recruitment. The strategic recruitment is a distinctive part of the recruitment process. Not all the job positions in the company are strategic; they are not crucial for the business operation. The strategic recruitment is focused purely on the key job positions in the organization. It is focused on the hiring of the job positions needed for the accelerated growth of the business. The strategic recruitment can be a separate process from the usual recruitment process for the mass job positions." }, { "docid": "6805342", "title": "What Does the Vice President of the Human Resource Department Do?", "text": "When the city of London needed a vice president of human resources in 2011, the search team turned to an employment recruitment firm. The full time job with Local" }, { "docid": "5831545", "title": "Brief Description of Employee Resourcing", "text": "Recruitment for short-term business needs typically centers around filling existing positions that require a specific skill-set. In the broader context of employee resourcing, however, recruitment requires that the hiring person or committee consider the current needs and balance those against future needs." }, { "docid": "2743468", "title": "Manufacturing More Effective TQM: Implications for the Management of Human Resources", "text": "Second, we describe the basic principles of TQM and examine its implications for HRM. Third, we draw from a programme of research on Quality and the Human Resource Dimension, outlining developments in TQM and HRM in three cases. These illustrate the diversity of TQM initiatives and their relationship with HRM." }, { "docid": "40626", "title": "Recruitment Strategies & Methods", "text": "Some of the more widely used recruitment methods include placing advertisements in local newspapers and online, publishing internal announcements for promotions and personal referrals, enlisting employment and executive recruitment agencies and using government job centers." }, { "docid": "6361684", "title": "Does spinning actually burn 700 calories an hour?", "text": "It depends on how hard you're working, how much you weigh (and how much lean mass you have). I work near an 80% heart rate for most of my Spinning classes, and I only burn around 400-600 calories in an hour, sometimes less. There are a lot of factors at play. But a good HRM is one of the best ways to estimate how much you really burn in Spinning or in any activity for that matter." }, { "docid": "4508607", "title": "Learning Objectives", "text": "1 Describe the major business activities and related information processing operations performed in the human resources management (HRM)/payroll cycle. 2 Discuss the key decisions to be made in the HRM/payroll cycle and identify the information needed to make those decisions." }, { "docid": "2971332", "title": "Pre Employment Drug Testing Q & A", "text": "Pre employment drug testing is becoming a more and more common hiring requirement. It is estimated that 98 percent of Fortune 200 companies have implemented some form of employee drug testing during their recruitment process.It is important to be prepared for these drug tests by knowing what to expect.re employment drug testing is becoming a more and more common hiring requirement. It is estimated that 98 percent of Fortune 200 companies have implemented some form of employee drug testing during their recruitment process." }, { "docid": "3237453", "title": "Pandering Law and Legal Definition", "text": "Pandering Law and Legal Definition. The crime of pandering is typically committed by a pimp. Pandering is defined under state laws, which vary by state, but usually include solicitation of customers for prostitution services and recruitment of prostitutes for hire. Pimping is usually viewed as a general intent crime, which means the person charged must only have done certain specific acts." }, { "docid": "8329215", "title": "-", "text": "Post here! Team Recruitment is a board for finding new people to play League of Legends with.**Etiquette** Follow the [Universal Rules](http://boards.na.leagueoflegends.com/en/c/site-feedback/QMLzFo0N-universal-rules-updated-6242014) and keep content focused on team recruitment.ost here! Team Recruitment is a board for finding new people to play League of Legends with." }, { "docid": "4392862", "title": "Blog", "text": "5 differences between a Sorority and other school organizations. I very strongly agree with the fact that Greek life is not the end-all be-all of college and have unfortunately had to console many Potential New Members (PNMs) after they completed recruitment with no bids." }, { "docid": "6842765", "title": "The Average Recruitment Cost", "text": "Related Reading: Army Recruitment Rules. Industries that tend to have low recruitment costs include services, waste management and arts and recreation, with an average cost of $1,062 to $1,394, while publishing was on the high end at $4,438, according to a SHRM survey conducted in 2011.he Average Recruitment Cost. When an organization loses an employee, it has four options: eliminate the position, have another employee or employees take over the tasks, promote from within or hire a new person to fill the vacant position." }, { "docid": "6728910", "title": "-", "text": "For the recruitment industry to be effective, potential staff need to be available in the first place, this is where a HR consultant comes in. As an HR or personnel consultant, you'll usually work for a recruitment agency helping employers find suitable staff and job seekers find suitable jobs.s an HR or personnel consultant, you'll usually work for a recruitment agency helping employers find suitable staff and job seekers find suitable jobs." }, { "docid": "5502791", "title": "-", "text": "Qatar Airways never charges applicants for interviews, security deposits, or for placement. If you are asked for money as part of any Qatar Airways recruitment, please do not pay and report it to reportfraud@qatarairways.com.qa with all accompanying e-mails and documents.atar Airways never charges applicants for interviews, security deposits, or for placement. If you are asked for money as part of any Qatar Airways recruitment, please do not pay and report it to reportfraud@qatarairways.com.qa with all accompanying e-mails and documents." }, { "docid": "1080793", "title": "recruitment", "text": "Use 'recruitment' in a Sentence. The director of recruitment for the investment bank was very busy organizing interviews and career fairs at various universities during hiring season." }, { "docid": "4333510", "title": "United States Naval Academy", "text": "Thanks for visiting the United States Naval Academy Baseball scholarship and program info page. Here you'll get information about the college and information on their Baseball program like who to make contact with about recruitment, names of ..." }, { "docid": "2354294", "title": "Recruitment & Selection Hiring Process", "text": "Refer to Appendix A Flow Chart. In order to increase efficiency in hiring and retention and to ensure consistency and compliance in the recruitment and selection process, it is recommended the following steps be followed (also refer to Staff Recruitment and Selection Hiring Checklist)." }, { "docid": "1043552", "title": "-", "text": "Talent acquisition directors participate in at least part of the recruitment process, including by interviewing and negotiating with candidates; they also help optimize hiring policies." }, { "docid": "3576015", "title": "The Caliper Profile is not just another personality test - it is a recruitment and development tool for companies serious about achieving top performance.", "text": "Find out more. The Caliper Profile is not just another personality test-it is a recruitment and development tool for companies serious about achieving top performance.ind out more. The Caliper Profile is not just another personality test-it is a recruitment and development tool for companies serious about achieving top performance." } ]
bank of canada daily noon rate
[ { "docid": "5616209", "title": "-", "text": ".alert a { font-weight:bold } All Bank of Canada exchange rates are indicative rates only, obtained from averages of transaction prices and price quotes from financial institutions. Please read our full terms and conditions for details.ll Bank of Canada exchange rates are indicative rates only, obtained from averages of transaction prices and price quotes from financial institutions. Please read our full terms and conditions for details." } ]
[ { "docid": "3835989", "title": "-", "text": "Standard Bank Ucount Rewards and Send Money. For you guys who are Standard Bank customers, how do you rate the newly introduced rewards program, Ucount I feel its a load of b@llsh%t: 1.The point allocation system is so complicated that even the call center staff don't even understand it.2.enior Member. For you guys who are Standard Bank customers, how do you rate the newly introduced rewards program, Ucount I feel its a load of b@llsh%t: 1." }, { "docid": "6791071", "title": "Overdraft", "text": "An overdraft occurs when money is withdrawn from a bank account and the available balance goes below zero.In this situation the account is said to be overdrawn .If there is a prior agreement with the account provider for an overdraft, and the amount overdrawn is within the authorized overdraft limit, then interest is normally charged at the agreed rate.anks typically charge a one-time fee for each overdraft paid. A bank may also charge a recurring daily fee for each day during which the account has a negative balance. Critics argue that because funds are advanced to a consumer and repayment is expected, that bounce protection is a type of loan." }, { "docid": "1221168", "title": "compensating balances definition", "text": "A bank account balance that a corporation agrees to maintain with a current or potential lender. For example, a corporation may agree to keep $1 million in its checking account at a bank in exchange for the bank agreeing to lend up to $10 million to the corporation at 1% below the prime lending rate." }, { "docid": "4936793", "title": "-", "text": "Unclaimed Balances-FAQ. 1 1. 2 An “unclaimed balance” is a Canadian-dollar deposit or negotiable instrument issued or held by a federally regulated bank or trust company that has been transferred to the Bank of Canada after it has been inactive for a period of ten (10) years. 3 2." }, { "docid": "2543505", "title": "Average Weather in April in Portsmouth New Hampshire, United States", "text": "Average Weather in April in Toronto Canada. In Toronto, the month of April is characterized by rapidly rising daily high temperatures, with daily highs increasing by 12°F, from 45°F to 57°F over the course of the month, and rarely exceeding 68°F or dropping below 35°F." }, { "docid": "2416779", "title": "-", "text": "GREAT VALUE. ) 1 NEW SUMMER SPECIALS (See next page) 2 18 Hole Daily Rate $25 + tx before noon. $20 + tx (12:00-3:00) $18+ tx after 3:00. 3 9 Hole daily Rate $15 all day. 4 Annual Membership available 4 courses include: Citrus Springs. Lakeside. Silver Springs Shores. Miona Lakes. $2400 per player. 5 Special Pricing for Tournament Bookings." }, { "docid": "6641459", "title": "-", "text": "If you as a customer of the Td Bank Canada have any query, complaint, suggestion, feedback and reviews related to Td Bank Canada products and services then you can communicate through its customer service detail." }, { "docid": "7375549", "title": "Some current economic issues in Canada", "text": "Let me elaborate. With inflation in Canada being very low these days and expected to stay low, some people are wondering why the Bank of Canada insists on remaining focussed on price stability. Why not worry more about economic growth and job creation, they ask." }, { "docid": "2520502", "title": "-", "text": "cad usd exchange rate lookup this tool lets you search for specific cad usd exchange rate values 1 it can indicate when the rate was at a given level when it changed by a given amount and what the highest and lowest values were during a given period0 year currency converter convert to and from canadian dollars conversions are based on bank of canada nominal noon exchange rates which are published each business day at about 12 30 et read more" }, { "docid": "8020472", "title": "-", "text": "Bank Accounts; Credit Cards; Mortgages; Borrowing; Saving & Investing; Insurance; All Products; Solutions. Investors; Small Businesses; Commercial Banking; Students; New to Canada; Cross Border Banking; Foreign Exchange Services; Ways to Pay; Ways to Bank ; Green Banking; Find Us; Help; Country: Canada. Canada Selected; US; Language: English. English Selected; Français; 简体中文; 繁體中文" }, { "docid": "4570317", "title": "-", "text": "http://wp.me/p1wIH-4Zj Experiment: a new canada polymer $100 was washed & dried, an interesting way of money laundering (the legal one). bonus: washing a ketchup covered $100. **** Following info from Bank of Canada. **** $100 Note-Design Features." }, { "docid": "6158907", "title": "How Much Money Do Court Interpreters Make?", "text": "Court interpreters who work independently charge daily or hourly rates. According to the United States Courts website, the daily rate for non-certified court interpreters was $187 as of 2010. For a half-day, the rate was $103. Certified interpreters earned $388 for a full day and $210 for half a day.ourt interpreters who work independently charge daily or hourly rates. According to the United States Courts website, the daily rate for non-certified court interpreters was $187 as of 2010. For a half-day, the rate was $103. Certified interpreters earned $388 for a full day and $210 for half a day." }, { "docid": "7800172", "title": "What is the max withdrawal amount you can make from a Bank of America ATM?", "text": "Limits are established both by the bank where you have the account and by the ATM operator. The bank where you have the account typically will have a daily limit, while the ATM operator has a transaction limit." }, { "docid": "4593012", "title": "Montenegro currency: Euro", "text": "The currency used in Montenegro is called: Euro with exchange rate of 1 USD = 0.89 Euro updated on Wednesday, September 30, 2015. The information is based on data from the Bank of Canada and is updated daily for the major currencies." }, { "docid": "2257130", "title": "Substitute teacher", "text": "In the Republic of Ireland, substitute teachers in secondary schools are paid a rate of €46.85 per hour for qualified teachers and €40.85 for unqualified teachers. In primary schools qualified teachers are paid at a rate of €164.26 per day. In Canada, substitute teachers are fully certified teachers, and are paid regular salary when employed as long-term occasionals (LTO), or paid a daily rate of about $240 to $300 per day." }, { "docid": "408072", "title": "-", "text": "PAYPAL SMART CONNECT ACCOUNT AGREEMENT. How Interest is Calculated. Your Interest Rate The APR for purchases is the prime rate plus 23.74%. We use a daily rate to calculate the interest on the balance on your account each. day. The daily rate for purchases is the APR times 1/365." }, { "docid": "4674627", "title": "Exchange Rate 101: How to Save Money on a Terrible Canadian Dollar", "text": "That's why the bank doesn't really like to talk about them. Instead what they do is take the 'real' exchange rate (the one that you hear about on the news), add their fee and make a new rate that they offer to people. So you don't see: exchange rate + fee. You just see: increased exchange rate. With credit cards it's a little more cut and dry." }, { "docid": "3773497", "title": "-", "text": "1 Free access at thousands of TD ATMs in the U.S. and Canada. 2 When using your TD Debit Card while in a foreign country, TD Bank does not charge any foreign transactions fees. 3 When converting the funds to US Dollars, TD Bank will not charge you a fee or percentage." }, { "docid": "8764726", "title": "Line 115 - United States Social Security", "text": "Line 115 - United States Social Security. Report the full amount, in Canadian dollars, of your U.S. Social Security benefits and any U.S. Medicare premiums paid on your behalf. Use the Bank of Canada exchange rate in effect on the day you received the pension." }, { "docid": "5491987", "title": "-", "text": "Via Rail offers service from all over Canada. Sample routes and costs: 1 Toronto–Montrea l: Four daily trains, from downtown to downtown, 5 hours; from $72 one-way. 2 Montreal–Ottawa: Four daily trains, two-hours; from $33 one-way. 3 Montreal–Quebec City: Three daily, three hours; from $35 one-way." }, { "docid": "863306", "title": "Profile of the Village of Middleville", "text": "Middleville, NY. Middleville is a village of approximately 600 people. The West Canada Creek passes through the village. The east bank is in the Town of Fairfield and the west bank is in the Town of Newport. When the New Englanders first settled in the Royal Grant area, they chose the highlands, and the hill communities developed first." }, { "docid": "5749165", "title": "-", "text": "Certificate of Deposit Rates. Another one of the big internet banks cut their 5-year CD rate to below 2.00%. Synchrony lowered its 5-year CD APY from 2.05% to 1.85%. The highest 5-year CD rate from an internet bank is now 2.00% APY. That’s from Colorado Federal Savings Bank. The only other bank on the 5-year list of nationally available CDs is State Bank of India (IL). This is the Chicago branch of State Bank of India which is classified as a U.S. branch of a foreign bank." }, { "docid": "7357", "title": "Provigil", "text": "Or, if your doctor directs you to, the total daily dose of modafinil may be divided into a morning dose and a noon dose. For obstructive sleep apnea, take this medication by mouth with or without food as directed by your doctor, usually once daily in the morning." }, { "docid": "7173028", "title": "-", "text": "Historical Policy Rate Decisions; Policy Rate Trends; News Highlights; Press Releases; Monetary Policy Reports; Markets. Treasury Bill Rates; Bank of Ghana Bill Rates; Daily Interbank FX Rates; Interbank Interest Rates. Daily Interest Rates; Weekly Interest Rates; US DOLLAR Daily Forex Interbank Rates; Weekly Publication of GOG Treasury Bill Auction Results" }, { "docid": "2659522", "title": "What Is the Best Time of Day to Take Magnesium?", "text": "According to WebMD, magnesium deficiency and heartburn are treated by four doses six hours apart. This is difficult to accomplish since most people sleep about eight hours. If the first daily dose is taken at 6 a.m., the the next three doses should be taken at noon, 6 p.m. and midnight." }, { "docid": "2181879", "title": "-", "text": "This statistic shows the average daily rate of hotels in the United States from 2001 to 2015. The average daily rate of the U.S. hotel industry was forecasted to reach 121.37 U.S. dollars in 2015. Average daily rates in the U.S. - additional information.The average daily rate of hotels in the United States rose steadily from 83.62 U.S. dollars in 2001 to 107.42 U.S. dollars in 2008.After taking a dip of over nine U.S. dollars in 2009, the average daily rate has increased each year and is set to reach 115.53 U.S. dollars in 2014.n 2013, the average daily rate of hotels in the U.S. was 110.35 U.S. dollars – much lower than in the Middle East where the average daily rate was 206.68 U.S. dollars. The geographical region with the lowest average daily rate was Northern Africa at 84.39 U.S. dollars." }, { "docid": "6330163", "title": "Reporting Foreign Income and Expenses", "text": "2014 US Exchange Average Rate. The annual average rate for converting US dollars for 2014, as per the Bank of Canada, was 1.1044664 (1.02991480 for 2013). To convert US dollar amounts to Canadian dollars, multiply the US $ amount by 1.1044664.f you are using a software package to do your tax return, record the information from your tax slips in the tax slips area of the return. The amounts on your tax slip may not be in Canadian dollars. If they are not, you have to convert the amounts and enter the Canadian dollar amounts into the tax return." }, { "docid": "3792754", "title": "How Exchange Rates Work and What Affects Them", "text": "The higher interest rate makes that currency more valuable. Investors will want to exchange their currency for the higher-paying one, and save it in that country's bank to receive the higher interest rate. Second, the money supply created by the country's central bank." }, { "docid": "2027977", "title": "How Much Do Bank Tellers Really Make: Get the Facts About Hourly and Annual Teller Pay", "text": "Source: Occupational Employment and Wages, May 2013. Bank Teller Hourly Pay Rates: The hourly pay rate for bank tellers are from $9.56 to $16.96 per hour. Bank Teller Annual Pay Rates: The annual pay rates for bank tellers are from $19,870 to $35,270." }, { "docid": "4478645", "title": "The Iron Needs of Athletes: Who Needs More, and How to Get it Through Your Diet", "text": "You need to look at the % daily value panel, and know what value it is based on: 1 In Canada, this is based on 14 mg iron (so 50% daily value means 1 serving contains 7 mg iron); 2 In the US this is based on 18 mg iron (so 50% daily value means 1 serving contains 9 mg iron)." } ]
referred pain is ________.
[ { "docid": "7022723", "title": "Referred Pain", "text": "Define referred pain. Referred Pain is visceral pain felt at some distance from a diseased or affected organ. Referred pain occurs when the brain misinterprets the pain as originating from a cutaneous nerve that innervates an area that is, in fact, at a site other than the affected organ.. Anterior umbilical region." } ]
[ { "docid": "7816335", "title": "-", "text": "When pain is referred, it is usually to a structure that developed from the same embryonic segment or dermatome as the structure in which the pain originates. Radiating pain down the left arm is the result of a myocardial infarction (Figure 7.7), or pain originating from the shoulder (dermatomes 3-5)." }, { "docid": "7922678", "title": "Nerves of the Thoracic Region - Listed Alphabetically", "text": "pain from the heart and lungs. cardiac plexus is continuous with the coronary and pulmonary plexuses; thoracic visceral nn. carry pain from the heart to the upper thoracic spinal cord segments resulting in pain referred to the left upper limb in the T1 and T2 dermatomes. cardiac, sympathetic." }, { "docid": "1281610", "title": "Degenerative Disc Disease and Sciatica", "text": "Degeneration of the disc can cause local pain in the affected area. Any level of the spine can be affected by disc degeneration. When disc degeneration affects the spine of the neck, it is referred to as cervical disc disease. When the mid-back is affected, the condition is referred to as thoracic disc disease.ear of the facet cartilage and the bony changes of the adjacent joint is referred to as degenerative facet joint disease or osteoarthritis of the spine. Trauma injury to the spine can also lead to degenerative disc disease." }, { "docid": "2327699", "title": "Jaw Pain: Symptoms & Signs", "text": "Jaw Pain Symptoms & Signs. Related. Symptoms & Signs. The jaw joint, medically referred to as the temporomandibular joint or TMJ, is made up of the bone below the mouth (the mandible, commonly referred to as the jawbone) and the bone just above the mouth (the maxilla)." }, { "docid": "4102107", "title": "-", "text": "This may lead to pressure behind the eardrum or an ear infection. Ear pain in adults is less likely to be from an ear infection. Pain that you feel in the ear may be coming from another place, such as your teeth, the joint in your jaw (temporomandibular joint), or your throat. This is called referred pain. Causes of ear pain may include: Arthritis of the jaw." }, { "docid": "7894078", "title": "Psychotherapy has helped me enormously, but I still grind away every night. âa 25-year-old dietitian", "text": "People frequently say, My head hurts so much that my face is in pain, too.. Many people consider a pain in the head normal, but pain in the face spells alarm. Actually facial pain can be referred pain from a tooth problem, a sinus problem, or from an injury to the head." }, { "docid": "366144", "title": "Trochanteric Bursitis: Bursitis of the Hip", "text": "When this bursa becomes inflamed, the condition is also sometimes referred to as hip bursitis, but the pain is located in the groin area. This condition is not as common as trochanteric bursitis, but is treated in a similar manner." }, { "docid": "123178", "title": "Oral Complications of Chemotherapy and Head/Neck Radiation (PDQ®)âPatient Version", "text": "Cancer may spread to the head and neck from other parts of the body and cause oral pain. With some cancers, pain may be felt in parts of the body not near the cancer. This is called referred pain." }, { "docid": "6182966", "title": "Back pain guide", "text": "Pain arising from other organs may be felt in the back. This is called referred pain. Many intra-abdominal disorders-such as appendicitis, aneurysms, kidney diseases, bladder infections, pelvic infections and ovarian disorders, amongst others-can cause pain referred to the back. Other skeletal causes of lower back pain include osteomyelitis, sacroiliitis, and osteoporosis vertebral fractures. 2 This pain is often worse at night and when sitting or standing for a long time. 3 Tumours, possibly cancerous, can be a source of skeletal pain in the back." }, { "docid": "4933447", "title": "Is dry eye causing my severe eye pain?", "text": "Alternative therapies such as serum tears or drugs for neuropathic pain such as pregabalin or gabapentin can be tried. Another group of patients suffer apparent dry eye symptoms from referred pain, or pain from a nearby location that that brain interprets as originating in the eye." }, { "docid": "7086450", "title": "Pain in and Around a Single Joint", "text": "Patients may report joint pain regardless of whether the cause involves the joint itself or surrounding (periarticular) structures such as tendons and bursae; in both cases, pain in or around a single joint will be referred to as monoarticular pain. Pain originating within a joint (arthralgia) may be caused by joint inflammation (arthritis). Inflammation tends to result in accumulation of intra-articular fluid (effusion) and clinical findings of warmth, swelling, and uncommonly erythema. With effusion, prompt assessment is essential to exclude infection." }, { "docid": "1541296", "title": "Learn About Common Sinus Problems", "text": "Temporomandibular joint syndrome or Temporomandibular disorders are commonly referred to as TMJ. TMJ refers to problems in the jaw joint that lead to inflammation and pain. Since the jaw joint is located near the sinuses problem with this joint can cause pain to be radiated into the ears or sinuses." }, { "docid": "7331991", "title": "-", "text": "Yes, as the pain from the throat and/or tonsils can be referred to the ear, or the ear itself can become infected along with the throat infection caused by strep. Swelling in …the Eustachian tube between the middle ear and throat can cause fluid and pressure to build up in the middle ear causing pain as well. Julie Clopper." }, { "docid": "6692855", "title": "What Is MLS Laser Therapy And Does It Work?", "text": "MLS therapy is also sometimes referred to as cold laser therapy (but only when utilized as specified below). MLS laser therapy is creating much discussion in the pain treatment community, but without much evidence of efficacy beyond the anecdotal." }, { "docid": "7596740", "title": "-", "text": "Sometimes, pain perceived in the thumbs is actually referred pain that originates from injury or disease elsewhere in your body. Depending on the cause, your thumb pain may be present in one or both thumbs. Osteoarthritis is among the most common causes of thumb pain, along with injuries and trauma. Deformities, either present at birth (congenital) or acquired later, can also cause thumb pain." }, { "docid": "1900989", "title": "Referred itch", "text": "The majority of the cases of referred itch studied by experimenters occur in healthy individuals. Furthermore, referred itch itself does not confer any adverse effects on the health of those experiencing it. With the exception of the annoyance of feeling multiple itches and a potentially minuscule feeling of pain, it is an innocuous condition. The cause of referred itch in healthy individuals is still not known for certain, but there are a multiple recorded cases of referred itch being triggered by certain pathological stimuli." }, { "docid": "5150353", "title": "-", "text": "Posterior Hip Pain. Referred pain from the lumbar spine and associated nerves are the more common non-traumatic origin for posterior hip pain. Irritation of the sciatic nerve cause a radiation of pain into the buttocks in what is frequently described by patients as posterior hip pain.onclusion. The location of a patient's hip complaint will give a provider better ideas as to the potential causes for that pain. Keep in mind that just because a patient localizes pain to one area of the hip does not exclude other causes for their pain." }, { "docid": "5672951", "title": "Leg Pain and Morton's Neuroma", "text": "Hi, if you don't have leg pain to accompany the toe pain then most likely something called morton's neuroma (Google ...If you do have accompanying leg pain then could be referred pain coming from back.." }, { "docid": "527488", "title": "The Scariest Reason To Get The Shingles Vaccine", "text": "If the pain from shingles does not go away, it is called postherpetic neuralgia (PHN). It is also referred to as neuropathy. It is nerve damage. Patients often describe the pain from shingles as a horrible, unbearable pain in the area of the rash." }, { "docid": "8791608", "title": "Shoulder problem", "text": "Shoulder pain may be localized or may be referred to areas around the shoulder or down the arm. Other regions within the body (such as gallbladder, liver, or heart disease, or disease of the cervical spine of the neck) also may generate pain that the brain may interpret as arising from the shoulder." }, { "docid": "4122161", "title": "Pleurisy (Pleuritis)", "text": "Pleurisy is frequently associated with the accumulation of extra fluid in the space between the two layers of pleura. This fluid is referred to as a pleural effusion. The pain fibers of the lung are located in the pleura.When this tissue becomes inflamed, it results in a sharp pain in the chest that is worse with breathing. Other symptoms of pleurisy can include cough, chest tenderness, and shortness of breath.leurisy is frequently associated with the accumulation of extra fluid in the space between the two layers of pleura. This fluid is referred to as a pleural effusion. The pain fibers of the lung are located in the pleura." }, { "docid": "1402058", "title": "-", "text": "1 Degenerative disc disease in the neck (cervical spondylosis) can cause local neck pain or radiating pain from disc herniation, causing pinching of nerves (cervical radiculopathy). 2 Abnormal conditions involving the spinal cord, heart, lungs, and some abdominal organs also can cause neck and shoulder pain. This can also cause muscle spasms in the neck and shoulder areas. 2 Tendonitis: The tendons connect the muscles to the bones. 3 With strain, the tendons can become swollen and cause pain. 4 This is also referred to as tendinitis. 5 Gallbladder disease: This can cause a pain referred to the right shoulder." }, { "docid": "4477569", "title": "Chest Pain", "text": "Referred abdominal pain. Conditions in the abdomen can present as pain referred to the chest, especially if there is inflammation along the diaphragm. Inflammation of the stomach, spleen, liver, or gallbladder can initially present with nonspecific pain complaints that may be associated with vague chest discomfort." }, { "docid": "6423549", "title": "Can an infected tooth affect your ear?", "text": "In brief: Ear/tooth pain. If there is an infection surrounding the root end of a tooth, this will affect the entire nerve trunk. The nerve trunk that innervates the upper teeth run back toward and around the ear canal. So this would be referred pain froom the infected tooth. If there is an infection surrounding the root end of a tooth, this will affect the entire nerve trunk. The nerve trunk that innervates the upper teeth run back toward and around the ear canal. So this would be referred pain froom the infected tooth. In brief: Ear/tooth pain." }, { "docid": "1378008", "title": "-", "text": "Brain Freeze What is commonly referred to as 'brain freeze' occurs when you ingest something that is very cold too quickly. When the cold touches your soft palate it constricts the blood vessels in the area, and then when they dilate it causes pain behind the eyes or even up into the forehead." }, { "docid": "3808148", "title": "-", "text": "Infrapatella Fat Pad Impingement. Infrapatella fat pad impingement, sometimes referred to as Hoffa Syndrome, is a common knee dysfunction condition that causes anterior knee discomfort. It can be the cause of pain in cases of knee osteoarthritis and pain in the anteromedial knee." }, { "docid": "7314972", "title": "-", "text": "1 When pain is intense and lasts for more than 3 months it is referred to as severe chronic pain 1. 2 Severe chronic pain can be the result of a number of causes, such as an underlying disease or medical condition, an injury, a medical treatment (such as surgery), inflammation, or an unknown cause 2. When pain is intense and lasts for more than 3 months it is referred to as severe chronic pain 1. 2 Severe chronic pain can be the result of a number of causes, such as an underlying disease or medical condition, an injury, a medical treatment (such as surgery), inflammation, or an unknown cause 2." }, { "docid": "2022605", "title": "Morphine withdrawal symptoms?", "text": "Before I went on the patches I was taking 8x co-codamol 30/500mg and 8 ibuprofen & 50mg amitryptline a day but they weren't touching the pain so I was referred to a pain management clinic who put me on an intensive plan for 3 weeks at the hospital which involved loads of CBT AND EXERCISE." }, { "docid": "1356739", "title": "-", "text": "finding on radiographs, however when the source of pain is from the styloid process or calcified stylohyoid ligaments it is referred to as Eagle's syndrome. This case report discusses the pain pattern, clinical presentation, radiologic findings of stylohyoid ligament syndrome. Keywords: Stylohyoid Ligament Syndrome, 3D-CT, Eagle's Syndrome" }, { "docid": "4822229", "title": "-", "text": "Also referred to as 'jogger's heel', plantar fasciitis is probably the most common cause of heel pain. This injury is the result of damage and inflammation to a band of tissue in the foot, the plantar fascia." } ]
reliacard phone number
[ { "docid": "1310923", "title": "RedGage", "text": "The card comes with instructions telling you to call ReliaCard customer service toll-free from any phone, not just your home phone, at reliacard phone number1-866-276-5114 to activate the card and select your Personal Identification Number (PIN)." } ]
[ { "docid": "5561645", "title": "Old Navy Phone Number", "text": "Old Navy's Best Toll-Free/800 Customer Phone Number This is Old Navy's best phone number, the real-time current wait on hold and tools for skipping right through those phone lines to get right to a Old Navy agent. This phone number is Old Navy's Best Phone Number because 27,546 customers like you used this contact information over the last 18 months and gave us feedback." }, { "docid": "5558312", "title": "How Do Prepaid Phone Cards Work?", "text": "In order to use a prepaid phone card, the customer must call an access number each time he/she wishes to make a phone call. This access number is important because it allows whatever phone the customer is using to access their prepaid phone card.n order to use a prepaid phone card, the customer must call an access number each time he/she wishes to make a phone call. This access number is important because it allows whatever phone the customer is using to access their prepaid phone card." }, { "docid": "5714865", "title": "Ariana Grande phone number ..", "text": "Hey ppl! I have the most famous girl' phone number u ppl been waiting to habe . and now the real phone number. Ariana grande's phone number is (404) 547-8240. She might not answer, but its her number." }, { "docid": "832417", "title": "How to Change Your iCloud Security Code Verification Number on an iPhone", "text": "The six-digit code will be sent to the supplied phone number by either text or phone call. 9. Enter the verification code you received. The new phone number will appear in the list of trusted phone numbers. 10. Tap the old phone number. This is the phone number that you want to change from." }, { "docid": "3903169", "title": "-", "text": "Dometic Group Phone Number - Find Best Customer Support - The #1 phone number and #1 way to reach customer service according to Dometic Group customers here at GetHuman. Dometic Group Phone Number | Contact Dometic Group - Dometic Group customer service phone number." }, { "docid": "6389865", "title": "Receiving Benefit Payments by Debit Card", "text": "The TWC unemployment benefits prepaid debit card, the U.S. Bank ReliaCard®, is a convenient way to receive your unemployment benefit payments. You do not need a bank account, and you can use the ReliaCard everywhere Visa® debit cards are accepted." }, { "docid": "4929339", "title": "-", "text": "Yahoo Phone Number. Save time before you try to contact Yahoo. Even when we can't dig up a phone number for companies like Yahoo, we can usually help with a how-to guide for your problem. Since they don't have a phone number anyways, check if we have one that will help you, or you can hire us to resolve it for you. Tell us why you're calling." }, { "docid": "5495385", "title": "UberX, Uber Phone Number", "text": "UberX, Uber Phone Number. UberX, Uber Phone Number: Find out the faster way to customer service care contact number. This is the direct way to get phone number, you can always send a contact request: http://support.uber.com/hc/en-us/requests/new." }, { "docid": "2607764", "title": "How to format international telephone numbers?", "text": "International phone number validator. A great way to check whether a phone number is correct or how it should look in E.164 formatting is using the Phone Number Parser demo. That is part of a piece of software that Google uses to check phone number formatting in Android phones." }, { "docid": "8619464", "title": "-", "text": "Delta Airlines Booking Customer Support Service Phone Number The customer support phone number of Delta Airlines Booking is 0124 272 3050 (Click phone number to call)." }, { "docid": "6368192", "title": "-", "text": "Phone number : The Butcher Shop Look out here for phone number or helpline number of The Butcher Shop with customer Support number and address." }, { "docid": "937506", "title": "-", "text": "Can I get a phone number to call facebook; Is there a phone number where you can call facebook? Is there a phone number I can directly call Facebook; How can i create facebook account directly call facebook ser... Is there a phone number I can call to talk to technician ? d... Related Help Center FAQs" }, { "docid": "29805", "title": "-", "text": "Toll-free phone number is for landlines. You may be charged when calling from a mobile phone. This number may not be accessible from some mobile network providers. For more information, contact your network provider. Back; Free phone technical support number is not accessible by mobile phone. Back" }, { "docid": "7844416", "title": "-", "text": "How To Verify PayPal Using Free Virtual US Phone Number. Requirements To Obtain Free Virtual US Phone Number. To get a free virtual US phone number, you need to have couple of things: #1 – Smartphone (iOS or Android) #2 – Active PayPal Account Steps To Get A Free US Phone Number" }, { "docid": "8663881", "title": "-", "text": "The customer support phone number of Keystone Insurance is +1-604-595-8666, Fax: 604-484-3129 (Click phone number to call). The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Keystone Insurance Service Center and Keystone Insurance customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Keystone Insurance customer service phone number may or may not be toll free. Click Here To View Keystone Insurance Customer Service Phone Numbers" }, { "docid": "8520062", "title": "Pandora Radio Phone Number", "text": "Pandora Radio's Best Toll-Free/800 Customer Phone Number This is Pandora Radio's best phone number, the real-time current wait on hold and tools for skipping right through those phone lines to get right to a Pandora Radio agent. This phone number is Pandora Radio's Best Phone Number because 40,476 customers like you used this contact information over the last 18 months and gave us feedback." }, { "docid": "6451087", "title": "How to find the IMEI number on the Samsung Galaxy S 4", "text": "Did you know if you switched the SIM card in your phone or if you are activating your phone for the first time your phone company can see that your phone number (and SIM card number if your phone uses a SIM card) was activated on that specific device (using the IMEI number) to the exact second of activation.ap on the green Phone icon in the bottom left of the screen. Make sure that the Keypad tab is selected (top of screen) . Type *#06# into your keypad just like you would if you were dialing a telephone number. Your IMEI is the number displaying on the screen." }, { "docid": "8686111", "title": "-", "text": "The customer support phone number of Lifetime Basketball is +1-(801)-776-8993, +1-(800)-225-3865 (Click phone number to call). The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Lifetime Basketball Service Center and Lifetime Basketball customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Lifetime Basketball customer service phone number may or may not be toll free. Click Here To View Lifetime Basketball Customer Service Phone Numbers" }, { "docid": "6231035", "title": "-", "text": "When calling the phone number you will get a locution with the Alibaba customer service phone number. We will give you the customer service phone number from Alibaba in a fast and easy way. Once you have called, we will immediately provide you with the Alibaba customer service phone number." }, { "docid": "7163623", "title": "Fujitsu Customer Service Phone Number", "text": "Fujitsu Customer Support Service Phone Number. The customer support phone number of Fujitsu is 1-888-385-4878 (Click phone number to call). The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Fujitsu Service Center and Fujitsu customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Fujitsu customer service phone number may or may not be toll free. Click Here To View Fujitsu Customer Service Phone Numbers" }, { "docid": "4728610", "title": "-", "text": "One Direction phone numbers 2013 real. One Direction cell phone numbers real 2012. harry styles phone number real 2013. harry styles cell phone number leaked. liam payne cell phone number leaked 2013 zayn malik cell phone number 2013. niall horan cell phone number 2013." }, { "docid": "5841729", "title": "Dexcom Customer Service Phone Number", "text": "Blackpeoplemeet.com Customer Support Service Phone Number. The customer support phone number of Blackpeoplemeet.com is +1 (866) 727-8920 (Click phone number to call). The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Blackpeoplemeet.com Service Center and Blackpeoplemeet.com customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Blackpeoplemeet.com customer service phone number may or may not be toll free." }, { "docid": "1293344", "title": "-", "text": "Use your Google number to make a call from another phone. If you’d like to make a call from a different phone number but want to make your Google Voice number show up on the caller ID, you can use own Google number to place the call. 1 Call your own Google number.ake calls from Google Contacts. 1 Click Google Contacts on the left side of the Google Voice window. 2 Click on any contact whose phone number you have saved in Google Contacts. 3 Hover over their phone number. 4 Click the phone icon next to their number." }, { "docid": "5457150", "title": "-", "text": "1 Last 4 of your Social Security. 2 Phone number you want to keep. 3 ESN number of your new Affinity Cellular phone (found on the inside of the battery door) Account Number for the original phone number (this is generally not the same as the phone number, please confirm)" }, { "docid": "7896853", "title": "-", "text": "The customer support phone number of Mercury Insurance is +1-800-956-3728, +1-800-503-3724 (Click phone number to call). The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Mercury Insurance Service Center and Mercury Insurance customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Mercury Insurance customer service phone number may or may not be toll free. Click Here To View Mercury Insurance Customer Service Phone Numbers" }, { "docid": "7878744", "title": "How to Hide Your Phone Number (UK)", "text": "When you place a call, having your phone number display as private number or Withheld on caller ID is fairly easy to do. You can keep your phone number hidden in the UK with a few simple steps.hen you place a call, having your phone number display as private number or Withheld on caller ID is fairly easy to do. You can keep your phone number hidden in the UK with a few simple steps." }, { "docid": "7230620", "title": "-", "text": "Ariba Customer Support Service Phone Number The customer support phone number of Ariba is 1-866-772-7422 (Click phone number to call). data-ad-slot=7829909793> Ariba Network Customer Service Phone Number Ariba Customer Service Phone Number" }, { "docid": "7773041", "title": "-", "text": "The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Maytag Service Center and Maytag customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Maytag customer service phone number may or may not be toll free." }, { "docid": "6313948", "title": "Area Code 555", "text": "Area Code 555. The 555 area code appears to be a invalid, it may be spoofed. Phone calls originating from within the 555 area code often turn out to be a telemarketer, a telephone survey or bill collector trying to disguise their real phone number.elow is a partial list of phone numbers and comments from other people about phone calls originating from the 555 Area Code. Click on the Phone Number to see more details about the number. If you've received a phone call, or know anything about any phone number please leave a comment about it." }, { "docid": "8314064", "title": "Check Phone Numbers:Enter Any Phone Number & Find The Owner (And More)", "text": "Search results will show you the last documented location of the phone number you searched, the phone number carrier (such as Verizon or AT&T) and the type of phone service which will either be a cell phone number (mobile) or a landline (a phone number assigned to a phone wired into a home or business).earch results will show you the last documented location of the phone number you searched, the phone number carrier (such as Verizon or AT&T) and the type of phone service which will either be a cell phone number (mobile) or a landline (a phone number assigned to a phone wired into a home or business)." } ]
reset user voicemail password cisco unity
[ { "docid": "4510217", "title": "Reset Voice Mail Box Password without Losing Voice Mails on the UC500 Series", "text": "Reset Voice Mail Password. Step 1. Log in to Cisco Unity Express, enter your user name in the User Name field, and your password in the Password field. Step 2. In the Cisco Unity Express web configuration utility, choose. Step 3. Click the name of the user that you wish to reset the password for.Step 4. From the Allow Login Without Pin drop-down list, choose Yes-from subscriber's number only. Step 5.Click Apply.tep 2. In the Cisco Unity Express web configuration utility, choose. Step 3. Click the name of the user that you wish to reset the password for. Step 4. From the Allow Login Without Pin drop-down list, choose Yes-from subscriber's number only." } ]
[ { "docid": "77792", "title": "HEADSTART2", "text": "To log in, enter your e-mail address and password below. If you are new to the course, click Register. Your user information is stored on your local computer only, so be aware that your progress is not transferable to other locations. Also, we will not be able to help you reset your password, so please pick something that is easy for you to remember. Avoid using your AKO account information." }, { "docid": "5782829", "title": "-", "text": "[Read Article]. There are many ways to reset a Windows password. Windows allows you to create a password reset disk that can reset your password in an approved way — create a disk first and you can use it if you ever need it.Resetting a password without an official tool is fairly simple. For example, the Offline NT Password & Registry Editor works well for this.lick the Utilities menu in recovery mode, select Terminal, type resetpassword into the terminal, and press Enter. You’ll see the Reset Password utility, which allows you to reset the password of a any user account on the Mac. You can also access this tool from a Mac OS X installation disc." }, { "docid": "6242768", "title": "-", "text": "Solve a problem. You can sign in with the email address associated with your eBay account and find your user ID in My eBay. On the Reset your password page, enter your user ID or email address associated with your account, and then click Continue.ou or someone who shares your email address has already registered on eBay. You can try to sign in or reset your password if you have trouble signing in. It's possible that your inbox is full, or the email was mistakenly identified as junk mail. Check your junk mail or spam folder." }, { "docid": "4231157", "title": "Use a Kindle Fire Password", "text": "This is EXTREMELY important 'cause if you forget your password you'll be toast! (Well, not literally.). The ONLY way to get back into your Kindle Fire if you forget your password is to do a reset to factory defaults. Yep, that's right, there's NO other way to recover your password (that I know of), not even from Amazon.That means you will LOSE everything!his is EXTREMELY important 'cause if you forget your password you'll be toast! (Well, not literally.). The ONLY way to get back into your Kindle Fire if you forget your password is to do a reset to factory defaults. Yep, that's right, there's NO other way to recover your password (that I know of), not even from Amazon." }, { "docid": "5522031", "title": "-", "text": "Change password. To change the Visual Voicemail password, follow these steps: 1 From any Home screen, tap the Apps icon. 2 Tap Visual Voicemail. 3 Tap the Menu key. 4 Tap Settings. 5 Tap Change PIN. 6 Enter the current PIN and then tap OK. 7 Enter the new PIN, then enter again to confirm. 8 Tap OK." }, { "docid": "7637936", "title": "How to Reset the Cisco CIMC via the Command Line", "text": "OpenStack / Cloud / Virtualizaton / Linux. How to Reset the Cisco CIMC via the Command Line. Long ago I wrote a post on how to reset the ILO on a HP Proliant server via the command line, as this was often necessary to get a slow responding ILO responding again. Cisco has included similar functionality in the CIMC CLI, instructions below." }, { "docid": "4284684", "title": "Recovering and Changing Passwords (C#)", "text": "1 Select the user account you want to change. 2 Click Reset Password or Change Password. 3 In the New Password and Verify fields, type in the new password. 4 After entering the new password, click the Reset Password or Change Password button again. 5 If a dialog window pops up, click OK." }, { "docid": "7556520", "title": "Forgot Windows 10 Password, How to Recover", "text": "You can directly use the created password reset disk to recover forgotten Windows login password. Or, you have to skip this method. Walk through these detailed instructions: 1 1. 2 Insert the created reset disk into your locked Windows 10 computer." }, { "docid": "4510225", "title": "User unable to reset Voice mail password in CUE", "text": "Follow the steps below if the password for web access and the pin which is used for voicemail is unknown. 1 First to reset the password login to CCA (Cisco Configuration Assistant software) as Administrator. 2 Now log into the web page for Cisco Unity Express as enduser with the new password.ollow the steps below if the password for web access and the pin which is used for voicemail is unknown. 1 First to reset the password login to CCA (Cisco Configuration Assistant software) as Administrator. 2 Now log into the web page for Cisco Unity Express as enduser with the new password." }, { "docid": "183819", "title": "How to Unlock Windows 10 When Forgot Administrator Password", "text": "Way 2: Reset password link helps unlock Windows 10 administrator account. The Reset password link helps only when you’ve previously made a password reset USB drive in Windows 10 for the local admin account. Click the link and it will pop up a Password Reset Wizard." }, { "docid": "1648329", "title": "Reset sbcglobal email account?", "text": "If you chose to receive a temporary password, it was sent to your contact email address (not to the email address for which you are attempting to reset the password). Retrieve the temporary password and enter it in the field provided. A prompt to create your new permanent password will display.f you chose to receive a temporary password, it was sent to your contact email address (not to the email address for which you are attempting to reset the password). Retrieve the temporary password and enter it in the field provided. A prompt to create your new permanent password will display." }, { "docid": "4019464", "title": "Where do i get my network key (wep or wpa key) for my wireless router connection?", "text": "The password to the router is to login to the router to change the setup of the router. If you're not sure of the wep key, then you'll have to reset it, and if you can't remember the password to login to the router, you'll need to reset the router to it's factory defaults." }, { "docid": "8047056", "title": "Contact Us", "text": "For your benefit we have enhanced the login page, the Forgot User ID / Password Process and User Registration process. First time user If you are a first time user, you will need to register before you can use our services. To begin the registration process click on Sign Up on the ADP TotalSource® login page. (Please refer to instructions you have received from ADP and contact you company administrator for your registration code). Forgot your login? If you forget your login information, you can use the Forgot Your User ID/Password link on the ADP TotalSource® login page to retrieve your user ID and reset your password." }, { "docid": "7673906", "title": "I forgot my laptop password to windows 7, what do I do?", "text": "Check whether you have a password reset disk which can be used to reset laptop login password. If you have created a windows 7 password reset disk before forgetting laptop login password, you can follow the steps below to reset the lost password easily.1 Boot you laptop to log on screen.2 Insert windows 7 password reset disk. Set laptop to boot from password reset disk. 2 Two options: 3 1. (Recommend) Insert USB Flash drive to the locked laptop and restart it. 4 When Vender logo (The first screen) appears, press Boot Menu Key repeatedly until the boot menu appears. 5 When boot menu appears, select USB drive to boot the computer." }, { "docid": "4780569", "title": "-", "text": "Netgear broadband routers ship with a default administrator password and user name / IDs set at the factory. Bradley Mitchell [ Reply ] Depending on the router, you can either view or reset the wireless network password" }, { "docid": "7460526", "title": "Factory Reset and Reboot on RV120W and RV220W", "text": "Press the Reset button on the back of the router for 8 seconds to reset your router to its factory default settings. Any settings on the router will be erased and the router IP address will become Both the username and the password will be cisco." }, { "docid": "2548206", "title": "Resetting your router and changing the router admin password", "text": "This article will guide you on how to reset your router to factory defaults and change the router’s password. If you can't access the router's web-based setup page or forgot the router's password, you may reset the router to its default factory settings. To do this, press and hold the Reset button for 10 seconds." }, { "docid": "1925171", "title": "-", "text": "Locate WPA2 or WPA Security Key. 1 Open your Web browser and enter in the Address field. 2 Enter your user name. 3 If you didn't change it when you configured your network, the default user name is admin.4 Enter your password.ocate WPA2 or WPA Security Key. 1 Open your Web browser and enter in the Address field. 2 Enter your user name. 3 Enter your password. 4 If you've forgotten your user name or password, you must reset your router to the factory defaults to access the configuration screen. 5 Click the Wireless Settings icon. 6 Click Wireless Status in the ..." }, { "docid": "6476734", "title": "-", "text": "If you andorid phone is locked and you don't know the password don't throw it away. You can get back into it. Follow these easy steps. 1.Take a breath. 2. Power Down device. 3. Learn how to do a hard reset on your particular device. EX: I'm using the Samsung Infuse. 4. Do the hard reset. 5. Delete user information." }, { "docid": "1112599", "title": "-", "text": "Cisco Tips. Last week I wrote article about how to find system uptime in windows, today I want to show you the easy tips to find system uptime in Cisco router. First login to the router and input User Name and Password. 1. Connect to Router IP.Telnet xxx.xxx.xxx show version.isco Tips. Last week I wrote article about how to find system uptime in windows, today I want to show you the easy tips to find system uptime in Cisco router. First login to the router and input User Name and Password. 1. Connect to Router IP." }, { "docid": "7819985", "title": "Change the Administrator Password", "text": "To change the Administrator password in Windows XP. 1 Log on to the computer using the Administrator account. 2 Click Start, click Control Panel, and then double-click User Accounts. The User Accounts dialog box opens. 3 In User Name, select the account that you want to change, and then click Reset Password." }, { "docid": "623214", "title": "Spower Windows Password Reset Professional", "text": "Recover Windows password by three simple steps: 1 Step-1: Download and install Windows Password Reset Professional on another computer. 2 Step-2: Create a password recovery disk by burning to CD/DVD/USB. 3 Step-3: Transfer the disk to your locked computer and reset any Windows user password." }, { "docid": "381704", "title": "Lost Windows 10 Password, How to Find It", "text": "1 Step 2: Your Windows 10 computer will prompt you to enter the current password. 2 After you enter the wrong password, the Reset Password option will appear. 3 Click it. 4 Step 3: Follow the instruction in Password Reset Wizard to find the lost Windows 10 password. Step 1: Insert the prepared password reset disk into your locked Windows 10 computer. 2 Step 2: Your Windows 10 computer will prompt you to enter the current password. 3 After you enter the wrong password, the Reset Password option will appear. 4 Click it." }, { "docid": "5296999", "title": "-", "text": "On the queue manager end, if we receive a user ID and password in this FAP flow, and no MQCSP structure, we will use the user ID and password in the FAP flow for. Connection Authentication, so you don’t have to make any changes in order to. remove a security exit that is checking the user ID and password in this way." }, { "docid": "501257", "title": "Reset Voice Mail Box Password without Losing Voice Mails on the UC500 Series", "text": "Reset Voice Mail Password. Step 1. Log in to Cisco Unity Express, enter your user name in the User Name field, and your password in the Password field. Step 2. In the Cisco Unity Express web configuration utility, choose Voice Mail > Mailboxes. Step 3. Click the name of the user that you wish to reset the password for." }, { "docid": "1430412", "title": "-", "text": "Click the Forgot Password link in the login box, enter your email address and click Send. You will receive an email from HBO.com* with instructions for how to reset your password. When you receive the email, click the reset link and follow the on-screen instructions." }, { "docid": "15642", "title": "Resetting your router and changing the router admin password", "text": "Resetting the Linksys router to factory defaults. If you can't access the router's web-based setup page or forgot the router's password, you may reset the router to its default factory settings. To do this, press and hold the Reset button for 10 seconds. NOTE: Resetting your router to its default factory settings will also reset your router's password. The router's default password is “admin” as for the username, just leave the field blank. IMPORTANT: Make sure that the Power LED of the router is blinking when you press the Reset button. This indicates that the router is being reset properly. NOTE: The location of the Reset button may vary for every model." }, { "docid": "15641", "title": "Summary", "text": "The Cisco PSIRT is aware of several instances in which Cisco Wireless Location Appliances have been compromised via the default root password." }, { "docid": "7792455", "title": "-", "text": "You can use the credential object in security operations. Beginning in Windows PowerShell 3.0, you can use the Message parameter to specify a customized message on the dialog box that prompts the user for their name and password. The Get-Credential cmdlet prompts the user for a password or a user name and password.By default, an authentication dialog box appears to prompt the user. However, in some host programs, such as the Windows PowerShell console, you can prompt the user at the command line by changing a registry entry.ou can use the credential object in security operations. Beginning in Windows PowerShell 3.0, you can use the Message parameter to specify a customized message on the dialog box that prompts the user for their name and password. The Get-Credential cmdlet prompts the user for a password or a user name and password." }, { "docid": "4799703", "title": "-", "text": "Use email authentication. 1 Select Email authentication, then click Next. 2 Open the email and select the link to change your password. 3 When the My Apple ID page opens, set a new password and select Reset Password.se email authentication. 1 Select Email authentication, then click Next. 2 Open the email and select the link to change your password. 3 When the My Apple ID page opens, set a new password and select Reset Password." } ]
barn owl definition
[ { "docid": "5916869", "title": "Barn owl", "text": "The barn owl is a medium-sized, pale-coloured owl with long wings and a short, squarish tail. There is considerable size variation across the subspecies with a typical specimen measuring about 33 to 39 cm (13 to 15 in) in overall length, with a wingspan of some 80 to 95 cm (31 to 37 in)." } ]
[ { "docid": "6955967", "title": "Investigation: What Can an Owl Pellet Reveal About Diet?", "text": "2. Owl pellets not only can give us information about the diet of the owl, owl pellets also provide a habitat for other animals, in fact an owl pellet is a little ecosystem all on its own. Why kind of animals are found in the iowl ìowl pellet (Ecosystem: hint read the background at the). beginning. 3" }, { "docid": "7951271", "title": "-", "text": "Link to this slang definition. To link to this term in a web page or blog, insert the following. <a href=http://onlineslangdictionary.com/meaning-definition-of/hoot-owl>hoot owl</a>. To link to this term in a wiki such as Wikipedia, insert the following. [http://onlineslangdictionary.com/meaning-definition-of/hoot-owl hoot owl]" }, { "docid": "3978071", "title": "-", "text": "Conclusion. 1 OWL is a super-set of RDF & RDF-S (on top) 2 OWL allows to effectively working with RDF & RDF-S. 3 OWL has some extended vocabulary classes & individuals (instances) properties & data-types (predicates) 4 OWL is required for proper reasoning and inference. 5 OWL comes in three dialects lite, description logic & full." }, { "docid": "479138", "title": "Great horned owl", "text": "Even tropical great horned owls have feathered legs and feet. The feathers on the feet of the great horned owl are the second longest known in any owl (after the snowy owl). The bill is dark gunmetal-gray, as are the talons." }, { "docid": "2254845", "title": "Symbolic Owl Meaning", "text": "Owl Totem Energies connect us to the divine feminine, the energies of moon and the night ... all of this speaks of rich intuition and magic. With Owl, you can develop clairaudient abilities ... the ability to hear the hidden meaning of what others are not saying, yet is conveyed in their silence.ymbolic Owl meaning is appearing for you now imparting the spiritual meaning that this is a time of gaining clarity in the darkness, knowing your true power lies in the wisdom of the lessons and experiences you've had, and you have much to teach as others will seek your counsel..." }, { "docid": "1785830", "title": "Burrowing Owl Photo credit: Kathy WynnUnique Among Birds", "text": "In some middle and far eastern cultures, the owl is a sacred guardian of the afterlife, ruler of the night, a seer and keeper of souls transitioning from one plane of existence to another. The ancient Greeks attributed the owl to Athena, goddess of wisdom and foresight." }, { "docid": "199760", "title": "-", "text": "Owl Spirit Symbolism Words: Wisdom, Silence, Magic, True Sight, Solitude, Enlightenment, Secrets, Night, Change, Omens, Vigilance, Dreams, Feminine, Intuition, Stealth, Mystery, Insight. Owl Meaning and Symbolism: The spirit of Owl brings with it many different meanings." }, { "docid": "2943550", "title": "Owl", "text": "Dictionaries - Smith's Bible Dictionary - Owl. Owl. A number of species of the owl are mentioned in the Bible, ( Leviticus 11:17 ; 14:16 ; Isaiah 14:23 ; 34:15 ; Zephaniah 2:14 ) and in several other places the same Hebrew word is used where it is translated ostrich." }, { "docid": "2045839", "title": "Owls in Mythology & Culture", "text": "Owls in English Folklore. Folklore surrounding the Barn Owl is better recorded than for most other Owls. In English literature the Barn Owl had a sinister reputation probably because it was a bird of darkness, and darkness was always associated with death." }, { "docid": "4874160", "title": "-", "text": "an owl, id referring to a spoken sound. Owls don't make much, if any, sound in flight. If you heard a cry sounding like an owl cry, then it was an owl cry. :this guys a prick … this has nothing to do with the bloody question p.s when the colon kicks in that's someone else ...me ..... me being eliot... eliot bourner;and dan hope is BI" }, { "docid": "3274020", "title": "How to Paint a Barn Quilt for Your Home", "text": "This was my original decorative barn quilt, a basket pattern. When we moved, I painted over it to create the new one. If you ever change your décor or just want a new barn quilt for inside your home (or on your porch), it’s easy to paint over the older one and do another quilt. We get lots of compliments on our barn quilt. A barn quilt is a fantastic solution to a large empty wall." }, { "docid": "5840665", "title": "Is the snowy owl threatened or endangered?", "text": "The snowy owl and many other types of owls are endangered. Most owls are endangered except for a few.There are no species of endangered owl in North." }, { "docid": "7557807", "title": "Ty Beanie Babies", "text": "The Country Barn Gift Shop. The Best Gift Shop in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. Ask about our beanie baby grab bag! Welcome to the Country Barn Gift Shop. We are located in the beautiful Great Smoky Mountains of East Tennessee. If you have ever been to our area and been to The Country Barn, You'll recognize some of the items we carry." }, { "docid": "744728", "title": "Welcome to the Purdue OWL", "text": "Have a clear introduction that sets the tone for the remainder of the essay. Do not leave the reader guessing about the purpose of your narrative. Remember, you are in control of the essay, so guide it where you desire (just make sure your audience can follow your lead). Tell the OWL You're Requesting Copies of This Resource Tell the OWL You're Linking to This Resource. Copyright ©1995-2015 by The Writing Lab & The OWL at Purdue and Purdue University." }, { "docid": "6523050", "title": "-", "text": "Our Barn Wedding Story..... By, John Casper. Our Barn Wedding Story Began with a “YES”. When I asked her to marry me I never knew the “yes” she uttered would result in so much immediate adventure and excitement." }, { "docid": "144509", "title": "Great Horned Owl", "text": "Great horned owls eat mammals such as rodents, rabbits and smaller owls. They are a major predator of the barred owl and will regularly eat skunks. They have been known to take animals as large as woodchucks or geese. They will prey on small pets.he most commonly heard call of the great horned owl is a hoot that has been described as hoo hoooo hoo hoo that may be repeated several times. Click on the link under the picture for an example. You often hear a nearby owl calling to be answered by a more distant owl." }, { "docid": "8559699", "title": "-", "text": "Adults weigh around 3 - 3 1/2 pounds and have a 5 foot wingspread. There are nine other species of owls that are known from Kansas, ranging in size from the tiny Northern Saw-whet Owl to the Snowy Owl, which is slightly larger than the Great Horned Owl. Both these species are winter visitors only." }, { "docid": "3716725", "title": "How to Repair and Overhaul a Barn", "text": "Whether you're repairing an old barn on a working farm or you're restoring an historic barn, there are certain things to check. The foundation, the structure and the roof are vital things to examine when repairing a barn." }, { "docid": "2265530", "title": "hoot", "text": "A hoot is defined as someone or something that is funny and entertaining. An example of a hoot is a child who tells silly jokes. The definition of a hoot is defined as not much, the littlest bit. Hoot means the sound of an owl or a similar tone. An example of a hoot is the sound a person makes during a bad sports play." }, { "docid": "193804", "title": "-", "text": "wls of Idaho. 2. Mythology Biology. Conservation. Barn owl. Barred owl Boreal owl. Burrowing owl Flammulated owl. Great gray owl Great horned owl. Long-eared owl Northern hawk owl. Northern pygmy owl Northern saw-whet owl. Short-eared owl Snowy owl. Western screech owl. Idaho residents are fortunate to call fourteen . species of owls their neighbors. From the" }, { "docid": "7360699", "title": "Barn", "text": "In the North American area, a barn refers to structures that house livestock, including cattle and horses, as well as equipment and fodder, and often grain. As a result, the term barn is often qualified e.g. tobacco barn, dairy barn, sheep barn, potato barn." }, { "docid": "3008251", "title": "Barn Wedding - Men's attire", "text": "Barn Wedding - Men's attire. I am wondering what my FH and groomsmen should wear. We are getting married in a barn but then the reception is at a hotel. I am going with a more casual dress and am doing the rustic/casual decorations, etc. I have decided I want the guys to wear a suit instead of a tuxedo and probably just a tie instead of both a tie and a vest." }, { "docid": "2554254", "title": "Snowy Owl", "text": "Snowy owls have been known to hunt fish (when they can find them), squirrels, rabbits, rats, birds and even large mammals such as gophers and foxes. Like other species of large bird, the snowy owl is known to swallow it's food whole and then regurgitate the bones in the form of a pellet up to 24 hours after feeding.In order to sustain itself, the snowy owl must eat around 5 lemmings or mice every day which is nearly 2,000 in one year.he snowy owl is one of the largest species of owl in the world, with the average adult snowy owl growing to about 65cm tall with a wingspan of around 140cm. Snowy owls however can be smaller than this, and can even grow to more than 75cm in height." }, { "docid": "2516309", "title": "The Little White Owl", "text": "The Little White Owl is the enchanting tale of the lonely, little, white owl. He lives alone, somewhere very cold and snowy. One day he decides to venture out into the world in search of other owls. Eventually he comes upon a tropical area with many owls of vibrant hues." }, { "docid": "6610340", "title": "-", "text": "One of the most common owls found in North America is the barn owl. The adult species goes through two feather color transformations-- white and orange--- that often feature unique spotted hues.The medium-sized barn owl has small eyes, a smooth head, heart-shaped face and long legs.he Barn Owl. One of the most common owls found in North America is the barn owl. The adult species goes through two feather color transformations-- white and orange--- that often feature unique spotted hues. The medium-sized barn owl has small eyes, a smooth head, heart-shaped face and long legs." }, { "docid": "521079", "title": "Owl Spirit Animal", "text": "The owl spirit animal is emblematic of a deep connection with wisdom and intuitive knowledge. If you have the owl as totem or power animal, you’re likely to have the ability to see what’s usually hidden to most. When the spirit of this animal guides you, you can see the true reality, beyond illusion and deceit." }, { "docid": "2827431", "title": "Eastern screech owl", "text": "The eastern screech owl (Megascops asio) is a small owl that is relatively common in Eastern North America, from Mexico to Canada.ive subspecies are typically treated for the eastern screech owl but the taxonomy in the species is considered muddled. Much of the variation may be considered clinal, as predictably, the size tends to decrease from north to south and much of the color variation is explainable by adaptation to habitat." }, { "docid": "2500700", "title": "Avoid these 7 mistakes in barn design", "text": "However, by the time you get done stealing a few inches from each dimension, soon your 100-foot wide four-row free-stall barn becomes a 95-foot wide barn. That makes a big difference to your cows. The goal: A four-row free-stall barn should be 100 feet wide. That’s two 10-foot back alleys, two sets of head-to-head free-stalls at 16 feet apiece, two front alleys at a width of 14 feet apiece, and a center drive-through feed alley at 20 feet. Added up, you need a 100-foot wide barn." }, { "docid": "7427275", "title": "Owls (Color Photography)", "text": "Barn Owl (Tyto Alba), Resting Perched on a Roadside Wooden Stump, Norfolk, England, United Kingdom Garry Ridsdale" }, { "docid": "479130", "title": "Great horned owl", "text": "The great horned owl is the heaviest extant owl in Central and South America and is the second heaviest owl in North America, after the closely related but very different looking snowy owl. It is heavily built, with a barrel-shaped body, a large head and broad wings." } ]
restaurant hvac system cost per square foot
[ { "docid": "583487", "title": "-", "text": "The more sophisticated the system, the more the cost. A residential or small commercial building with one zone using one furnace and air conditioning unit will cost in the $3 to $4 per square foot range." } ]
[ { "docid": "7143749", "title": "What Does a Complete Residential HVAC System Consist of?", "text": "Knowing the Facts About Your HVAC System. Complete HVAC systems are essential parts of every business and residence. Especially if the home or office is built with an emphasis on energy-efficiency. A complete system can be much more effective, both cost and energy-wise." }, { "docid": "7935423", "title": "-", "text": "Answer: A solar-metal roof is almost always the lowest life cycle cost solar energy system. A solar-metal roof can cost anywhere from a few dollars per square foot of roof to $20 per square foot.This is compared to solar PV systems that cost around $100 per square foot and solar hot water systems that cost around $50 per square foot. There are several factors that affect the cost of a solar metal roof.n that case, the cost of the solar components (fans, ducts, controls) may only be a few dollars per square foot. Another factor affecting solar roof cost is the Federal and state tax credits available for commercial solar projects." }, { "docid": "4180540", "title": "-", "text": "Usually, it is around $2 or $3 per square foot. For instance, if you have a building that has 1,750 square feet and was quoted $2 per square foot for asbestos removal, the cost for this part of the demolition will cost $3,500." }, { "docid": "846263", "title": "Price Calculator for New Installation, Replacement, & HVAC System Costs", "text": "At HVAC Price Guides, we’ll take your hand and lead you through our simple hvac replacement cost calculator and installation cost estimator for the various central heating and air conditioning equipment that makes up your home HVAC system.Estimate the Installation Costs for: 1 Central Air Conditioning and Gas Furnaces.t HVAC Price Guides, we’ll take your hand and lead you through our simple hvac replacement cost calculator and installation cost estimator for the various central heating and air conditioning equipment that makes up your home HVAC system. Estimate the Installation Costs for: 1 Central Air Conditioning and Gas Furnaces." }, { "docid": "1235864", "title": "-", "text": "1 For polythylene-based composite decking, the average cost per square foot is $7.82. 2 For polypropylene-based decking, the average cost is $8.68 per square foot." }, { "docid": "1221419", "title": "Busting Four Myths About Ductless Mini-Splits", "text": "The installed costs associated with using mini-splits to cool and heat an average 2,000 square foot home with ductless mini-splits would cost almost three times the cost of simply replacing your central AC system with another ducted system." }, { "docid": "1773807", "title": "Concrete Floor Cost", "text": "Depending on the level of complexity, concrete floors can cost as little as $2 to $6 a square foot or be as expensive as $15 to $30 a square foot." }, { "docid": "7300764", "title": "-", "text": "1 This translates to $86 per square foot; and. 2 Four car-Traditionally, the per square foot costs on larger structures will decrease, and it is safe to assume a $60 per square foot cost on the larger unit. 3 This translates to a total cost of $86,400." }, { "docid": "6480447", "title": "Ask Your Question", "text": "Related Questions. 1 how much would a furnace including air conditioner cost for 1100 square foot condominium in chicago. 2 how much does an HVAC cost for an 1100 square foot condo in southern california.3 central heat and air for 1100 square foot home.dit Answer (for another -31 minute). Assuming you already have an installed units with all ductwork and so forth, small square footage furnace and AC can generally run anywhere form $2000-$5000 for each unit, or about $4000-10000 for a combined unit, depending on ease of installation, etc." }, { "docid": "2823836", "title": "What is the average cost to install hardwood flooring?", "text": "Hardwood floors have two main costs. The cost of the flooring, which ranges from about $4.50 per square foot and up. The cost of labor which typically runs between $3.00 to $5 … .00 per square foot.There will be added costs if the contractor has to tear up an old floor. So measure the room dimensions.ardwood floors have two main costs. The cost of the flooring, which ranges from about $4.50 per square foot and up. The cost of labor which typically runs between $3.00 to $5 … .00 per square foot." }, { "docid": "7500439", "title": "How Much Does It Cost To Install Carpeting?", "text": "Cost of padding (if not included in the carpet or labor cost): $0.30-$0.60 per square foot Cost of labor: $0.50-$1 per square foot Cost of labor add-ons (furniture removal, Berber carpet installation, special cuts, hauling away, etc.): $0.50-$2 per square foot" }, { "docid": "5766909", "title": "How Much Does a Fire Sprinkler System Cost?", "text": "1 A complete sprinkler system for new construction generally costs $1 to $2 per square foot including all equipment and installation. 2 Retrofitting an existing building is more expensive-usually about $2 to $7 per square foot. High rise building retrofitting usually costs $2 to $4 per square foot. 2 In rare cases, historic buildings can cost $10 or more per square foot to retrofit. 3 This occurs only when there are strict design standards to meet the building’s aesthetic requirements." }, { "docid": "4917328", "title": "How Much Does It Cost To Remodel a Basement?", "text": "1 Another way to compute the total cost of remodeling a basement is by the square foot. 2 A low-end estimate for basement refinishing is $25 to $30 per square foot. 3 However, a more reasonable estimate is probably somewhere between $25 to $50 per square foot, and in some cases as much as $75 per square foot. However, a more reasonable estimate is probably somewhere between $25 to $50 per square foot, and in some cases as much as $75 per square foot. 2 Generally, materials account for 25 to 30 percent of the total cost. 3 This means that the bulk of the cost for remodeling a basement, 70 to 75 percent, comes from labor." }, { "docid": "5687710", "title": "-", "text": "Roofing Cost Per Square Foot. When we list the roofing cost per square foot below, we may abbreviate psf (per square foot) and ps (per square) which is equivalent to 100 square feet and is often how roofing contractors bid out jobs – on a per square basis.luminum Standing Seam Panels. $10.00 – $15.00 psf installed. Consumers will pay $1000 to $1500 ps for aluminum standing seam panels. More on Aluminum Roofing Prices Per Square Foot." }, { "docid": "6609780", "title": "Western Red Cedar, Clear and Knotty Grade", "text": "Average Cost. A Clear Cedar deck can cost around $18 per square foot not include the substructure. 5/4x6 decking cost about $6 per square foot. A Knotty Cedar deck cost about $14 per square foot which does not include the substructure.Deck boards cost about $2.50 per square foot.notty Cedar also referred to as Tight Knot Cedar is a lower cost alternative to Clear Cedar. This grade of Cedar has many knots and grain variations. Most of the knots are from live branches, very few if any will ever fall out." }, { "docid": "6160578", "title": "-", "text": "The cost per square foot of a 2000 square foot single story home can be half again as much as the cost per square foot for a 2000 square foot story and a half or two story home.But the cost to construct could be very similar.imber frames live larger and can often be smaller than a conventional home because there are seldom hallways and are no bearing walls. We’ve seen timber frame homes built from $150 to $350 per square foot, but don’t be drawn into the “cost per square foot” conundrum." }, { "docid": "1651087", "title": "How Much Does it Cost to Replace Window Screens?", "text": "Cost of Screen Replacement. Window screens are typically priced by the square foot. The price of a new screen is determined mostly by the screening material. 1 Fiberglass screening costs about $0.15 to $0.25 per square foot for materials. 2 With professional fabrication, the total cost is about $0.40-$0.50 per square foot. Pet screens cost about $0.60 per square foot for materials alone and about $1 per square foot including professional fabrication. 2 Solar screens cost about $1.50 per square foot for materials alone. 3 Copper costs about $1.50-$3 per square foot for materials." }, { "docid": "224557", "title": "Price Per Square Foot Construction Cost for Medical Office Buildings", "text": "price per square foot construction cost for medical office building. The chart shows a significant spread in cost per square foot by geographic location – as much as 74% increase from the lowest (Winston-Salem) to the highest (New York).The average cost per square foot hovers around $220 per square foot.he chart shows a significant spread in cost per square foot by geographic location – as much as 74% increase from the lowest (Winston-Salem) to the highest (New York). The average cost per square foot hovers around $220 per square foot." }, { "docid": "5588576", "title": "Estimating Concrete Patio Cost", "text": "If so, you'll have to add that cost. Here are a few average costs to get you started on your estimate. As you know, none of these is the sum total of a concrete patio cost. +The average cost of stamped concrete is $9-$13 per square foot.+The average cost of installing a concrete slab is $6 - $10 per square foot. +A concrete pad is roughly $10 per square foot.Here are a few more guidelines for getting the most out of the cost of a concrete patio:The average cost of stamped concrete is $9-$13 per square foot. +The average cost of installing a concrete slab is $6 - $10 per square foot. +A concrete pad is roughly $10 per square foot. Here are a few more guidelines for getting the most out of the cost of a concrete patio:" }, { "docid": "1814641", "title": "Driveways & Sidewalk Cost Guide", "text": "Standard concrete driveways cost $6-$10 per square foot. Sidewalks cost $1-$2 more per square foot because there is more labor per square foot involved in making the frames. Stamped or stained concrete walkways and driveways cost $9-$18 per square foot, with stamping more expensive because it requires more labor." }, { "docid": "680420", "title": "How Much Does an HVAC System Cost?", "text": "For a 1,000 square foot home, the cost of an HVAC system is $6,000 to $12,000, including a new furnace, air conditioning unit, and ductwork. For larger homes and more complex setups, however, the price could be significantly higher." }, { "docid": "6526922", "title": "Let's Discuss Construction Cost per Square Foot", "text": "Later, after the tedious pricing process is complete, the builder might calculate a cost per square foot figure. He would go back and divide his calculated price by the number of square feet in the project to see what the construction cost per square foot actually turned out to be." }, { "docid": "3223405", "title": "The cost of opening a restaurant in San Francisco", "text": "The usual restaurant deal is composed of an operating chef or managing partner along with some investors that find a site, negotiate a lease and then spend anywhere from $750 to $1,000 a square foot to build out the restaurant itself. A restaurant designer that is going to cost you about $45K. 2 A public relations firm that is going to cost you $25K in the first year. 3 A lawyer to put together your partnership and operating agreements." }, { "docid": "259298", "title": "How Much Does Standing Seam Metal Roofing Cost?", "text": "The Costs. Average Minimum Cost: $400 per square ($4.00 per square foot). Average Maximum Cost: $650 per square ($6.50 per square foot). Because it's a premium alternative and may require specialized tools, many home improvement experts recommend having a professional install standing seam metal roofing.verage Minimum Cost: $400 per square ($4.00 per square foot). Average Maximum Cost: $650 per square ($6.50 per square foot). Because it's a premium alternative and may require specialized tools, many home improvement experts recommend having a professional install standing seam metal roofing." }, { "docid": "8154235", "title": "Convert square feet to square miles - Area Conversions", "text": "What is a square foot (ft 2)? A square foot is a unit of area in both US Customary Units as well as the Imperial System. The symbol for square foot is ft 2 or sq ft. There are 27,878,400 square feet in a square mile. A square foot is calculated as the area of a square that has 1 foot on each side. What is a square mile (mi 2)? A square mile is a unit of area in both US Customary Units as well as the Imperial System. The symbol for square mile is mi 2 or sq mi." }, { "docid": "1199645", "title": "How much does it cost to install new carpeting?", "text": "1 Selecting the carpet-carpeting can cost as little as $2 per square foot, or as high as $100 per square yard, but the average carpet and pad will cost between $30 and $40 per square yard-for a total of around $995 for the carpeting alone. Selecting the carpet-carpeting can cost as little as $2 per square foot, or as high as $100 per square yard, but the average carpet and pad will cost between $30 and $40 per square yard-for a total of around $995 for the carpeting alone." }, { "docid": "1248885", "title": "How Much Does It Cost To Install A Radiant Heating System?", "text": "The square footage of your home will help to determine the price. Oddly enough, smaller projects tend to cost more per square foot than larger ones. For example, a 5,000 square foot area could cost $5.00 per square foot while a 400 square foot area might cost $9.00 per square foot installed. This is because a larger area is usually a lot more open and easier to work in." }, { "docid": "6530226", "title": "-", "text": "A. It's all about costs. Impact storm shutters cost $35 to $40 per square foot. Impact glass costs around $30 a square foot. Add the $35 or $40 to the $10 a square foot that a good regular vinyl window costs and you get up to $50 a square foot cost for a window.. It's all about costs. Impact storm shutters cost $35 to $40 per square foot. Impact glass costs around $30 a square foot. Add the $35 or $40 to the $10 a square foot that a good regular vinyl window costs and you get up to $50 a square foot cost for a window." }, { "docid": "2457926", "title": "Which Is Cheapest to Install: Drywall or Beadboard?", "text": "Cost of Drywall. Drywall materials average $0.25 to $0.65 per square foot, according to Cost Helper, as of 2011. This cost estimate commonly includes joint compound, tape, screws or nails.ed oak beadboard averages $11 per square foot; maple averages $18 per square foot -- and cherry averages as much as $22 per square foot, according to Cost Helper, as of 2011. To determine whether drywall or beadboard is less costly to install the size of the area, consider material and labor costs." }, { "docid": "6447010", "title": "What is the average cost per square foot for building a house in Texas?", "text": "The average cost per square foot to build a home in Louisiana is about $77 per square foot. This means a 2,500 square foot home would cost around $192,500 to build.he average cost per square foot for building a new home in Charlotte, North Carolina is about $110 per square foot. This means that a 1500 square foot house would cost ab … out $165,000 to build." } ]
ring around a rosie meaning
[ { "docid": "908594", "title": "How does the nursery rhyme \"Ring around the Rosie\" Relate to the Black Death?", "text": "How does the nursery rhyme Ring around the Rosie Relate to the Black Death? Ring around the Rosie is a children's song sung with smiling, laughing and hand-holding, but did you know it actually has very morbid roots? It actually relates to the Black Death. Now you wouldn't think that a children's song that everybody knows and loves would have to do with such a harsh topic." } ]
[ { "docid": "6172121", "title": "-", "text": "Answer In short, yes, your engagement ring can be your wedding ring. There are pros and cons to having a wedding band in addition to the engagement ring. Answer Not traditi … onally. It's called a wedding set for a reason--there are two rings in it. The engagement ring is the one with the stone or stones on it." }, { "docid": "1402896", "title": "-", "text": "In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. I was at a beautiful wedding recently, and I had a small moment of revelation about the meaning of wearing a wedding ring. It’s not an exaggeration to say that my understanding was turned completely upside down." }, { "docid": "5576219", "title": "Rosie O'Donnell", "text": "From 2009 to 2011, she hosted Rosie Radio on Sirius XM Radio. In 2011, O'Donnell signed on with the OWN: Oprah Winfrey Network to return to daytime TV with The Rosie Show. On March 16, 2012, the network cancelled the show due to low ratings, and the last show aired on March 29, 2012." }, { "docid": "1242265", "title": "How Much Does it Cost to Size My Ring? Gold and Silver", "text": "Ring #2; a Sterling Silver two flower sapphire ring sized to 7.5, cost to size $23.00. The main factors in the reasonableness to size this ring are the fact that the ring is made of sterling silver which is way less expensive than gold." }, { "docid": "6604352", "title": "How an O-ring works", "text": "Basically, an O-ring seal is comprised of an elastomeric circular cross-section into a designed O-ring groove, providing an initial compression. The force required to compress an O-ring is a result of the durometer and cross-section diameter.O-ring stretch affects the seal compression by reducing the cross-section, which reduces the sealing potential of the O-ring. At zero or very low pressure, the natural resiliency of the rubber compound provides the seal.asically, an O-ring seal is comprised of an elastomeric circular cross-section into a designed O-ring groove, providing an initial compression. The force required to compress an O-ring is a result of the durometer and cross-section diameter." }, { "docid": "1258102", "title": "Oprah Winfrey's major moments, from 'The Color Purple' to that Tom Cruise interview", "text": "Oprah Winfrey with Rosie O'Donnell, who holds a copy of O, the Oprah Magazine. (Reuters/Brad Rickerby) The women’s magazine “O, The Oprah Magazine” launched in April 2000." }, { "docid": "7656020", "title": "-", "text": "And the flames went higher. And it burns, burns, burns. The ring of fire, the ring of fire. I fell into a burnin' ring of fire. I went down, down, down. And the flames went higher. And it burns, burns, burns. The ring of fire, the ring of fire." }, { "docid": "7971415", "title": "Monster Rings and CagesGo", "text": "Boxing Ring Ropes. BOXING RING ROPES: New ring ropes will make your boxing ring look great and provide you with a a safer ring. At Monster Rings and Cages, we offer you a complete, ready to use, ring rope for your Boxing Ring. These ring ropes are complete and are ready to use in all sanctioned competitions or in your gym." }, { "docid": "6591935", "title": "-", "text": "Wendy Williams's ring is worth approximately $13,000. She had a 3 carat ring, to which a 7 carat stone and two bands were added. More info Regarding Wendy Williams Ring you can visit weddingringreviews.com/wendy-williams-wedding-ring. Sammie Slocum." }, { "docid": "7039749", "title": "-", "text": "Cracklin%27 Rosie by Neil Diamond Songfacts. Cracklin' Rosie is a bottle of wine. Diamond got the idea for the song from a folk story of an Indian tribe in Northern Canada who had more men than women." }, { "docid": "1095091", "title": "What was the march on washington in 1963, what happened?", "text": "Let freedom ring from the curvaceous slopes of California! But not only that; let freedom ring from Stone Mountain of Georgia! Let freedom ring from Lookout Mountain of Tennessee! Let freedom ring from every hill and molehill of Mississippi." }, { "docid": "7674540", "title": "How to Wear a Purity Ring", "text": "How to Wear a Purity Ring. A purity ring is a ring that represents a promise, vow, commitment or goal to abstain from sex until marriage. Purity rings are typically worn on the left ring finger. It is significant, in the fact that it is the same finger on which a wedding ring is worn. It is to remind an individual their desire and goal to abstain from sex until marriage." }, { "docid": "5541785", "title": "-", "text": "If you have a ring not bought from Shane Co. and are looking to purchase a gemstone from us, in most cases we can set it for you. Since the ring is not from us, there will be a labor charge and a charge for new crown prongs. Charges will vary depending on the ring style that you currently have." }, { "docid": "3305895", "title": "Judge Jeanine absolutely excoriates Rosie OâDonnell for âstupidâ martial law tweet", "text": "Judge Jeanine absolutely excoriates Rosie O’Donnell for ‘stupid’ martial law tweet. Fox News host Judge Jeanine Pirro took comedian Rosie O’Donnell to task Saturday night for tweeting her support for “martial law” until President-elect Donald Trump is “cleared” of all legal charges." }, { "docid": "4311847", "title": "Do You Know Which Finger the Engagement Ring Goes On? You Should", "text": "The Engagement Ring Vs. The dilemma as to where to place the ring often arises on the D-Day when the wedding ring is presented as well. While the ring signifies an intent to get married, wedding rings show an actual marriage. The etiquette usually dictates, that the engagement ring and wedding ring go on the left hand." }, { "docid": "5182994", "title": "Ring of Fire (song)", "text": "Ring of Fire (song) Ring of Fire, or The Ring of Fire, is a song written by June Carter Cash and Merle Kilgore and recorded by Johnny Cash. The single appears on Cash's 1963 album, Ring of Fire: The Best of Johnny Cash." }, { "docid": "5730752", "title": "How LONG should i WAIT to CHANGE my BELLY RING???", "text": "It is not advisable to change your belly button ring before 6 months and during this period you should wear your belly ring at all times to prevent the piercing from closing. I know you don't want to wait this long, so I'd say to wait until it feels healed to you.That it doesn't hurt when you move the ring.he changing of the ring could take anywhere from 2 weeks to a month. It just depends of how well it is healing. If there are so infection problems, no redness, or puss. And you can move the ring without it getting stuck." }, { "docid": "3379013", "title": "What Size Ring Binder Do You Need? Taking The Guess Work Out Of Buying View Binders", "text": "So remember this: 1) There are D-ring binders and there are round ring binders, and 2) D-ring binders hold 30% more sheets than round ring. Now, all you need to know is how many sheets each ring size holds, and you can select the right binder every time." }, { "docid": "4919695", "title": "What finger do you wear a promise ring on?", "text": "A promise ring can be worn on any finger of either hand, regardless of the reason this particular type of ring is worn. In the case of pre-engagement, while the any finger choice is still valid, the ring is typically placed on the left ring finger. Continue Reading." }, { "docid": "7000599", "title": "-", "text": "Koda Bistec Men Finger Ring Watch Nickel Free Watch Quartz Finger Ring Watches For Girls , Find Complete Details about Koda Bistec Men Finger Ring Watch Nickel Free Watch Quartz Finger Ring Watches For Girls,Finger Ring Watches For Girls,Nickel Free Watch Quartz Finger Ring Watches For Girls,Men Finger Ring Watch from Wristwatches Supplier or Manufacturer-Shenzhen Koda Horologe Co., Ltd." }, { "docid": "2778658", "title": "Ring finger", "text": "In medieval Europe, the Christian wedding ceremony placed the ring in sequence on the thumb, index, middle, and ring fingers of the left hand. The ring was then left on the ring finger. In a few European countries, the ring is worn on the left hand prior to marriage, then transferred to the right during the ceremony. For example, a Greek Orthodox bride wears the ring on the left hand prior to the ceremony, then moves it to the right hand after the wedding." }, { "docid": "8187667", "title": "signet ring", "text": "signet ring definition: The definition of a signet ring is a ring with an engraved seal or initials, used sometimes to officially mark a document. (noun) An example of a signet ring is a ring with a child’s initials given as a present. An example ..." }, { "docid": "2497854", "title": "-", "text": "Re: How long did you wear your HS class ring? I have my class ring and my college ring sitting in a jewelry box upstairs. I didn't wear my high school ring for very long while in college, and I didn't wear my college ring for very long after graduation." }, { "docid": "4521777", "title": "-", "text": "The most common color for a mood ring to turn is between green and blue. Generally the mood ring will be a darkish color when cold….. and as the temperature of your skin heats up the ring you will see the mood ring changing color. The color of the mood ring will stabilize with the current temperature of your skin." }, { "docid": "1628888", "title": "Ring Around the Rosie: Metafolklore, Rhyme and Reason", "text": "Ring Around the Rosie: Metafolklore, Rhyme and Reason. Kate Greenaway’s Mother Goose or the Old Nursery Rhymes (1881) was the first publication of “Ring Around the Rosie” in English. Her illustration was published in 1881 and is therefore in the public domain." }, { "docid": "3307314", "title": "What Is a Promise Ring? The Real Meaning", "text": "The Real Meaning. Read The Knot guide on what a promise ring means, what finger it goes on and how you should give one. Promise ring, purity ring, commitment ring, pre-engagement ring—oh my! There's been a lot of confusion around promise rings." }, { "docid": "3088181", "title": "-", "text": "Sophia Grace was 11 and Rosie was 7 at the release of Sophia Grace & Rosie's Royal Adventure (May 2014). Sophia Grace Brownlee is 13 years old (born April 18, 2003). <br /> Rosie McClelland is 9 years old (born September 7, 2006). <br /> <br /> Sophia Grace was 8 and Rosie was 5 when the cousins made the video Big Bass (2011)." }, { "docid": "1559881", "title": "Ring Of Fire lyrics", "text": "And it makes a fiery ring. Bound by wild desire. I fell into a ring of fire... I fell into a burning ring of fire. I went down, down, down. And the flames went higher." }, { "docid": "5665274", "title": "Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):", "text": "HOW DO RING WRAPS WORK? How to put on Ring Wraps: Ring Wraps, with an inner two bar guard design, are designed to encase your ring. To wear, simply place your ring in the Wraps. Ring Wraps are not permanent and can be removed at any time. It is recommended to order the same size as your College Ring." }, { "docid": "3441707", "title": "25 Slick Wedding Ring Tattoos", "text": "Wedding Ring Tattoos. Black colored flower shaped ring tattoo looks sober on the fingers of the couple wearing the same design. Wedding Ring Tattoos. Heart Ring Tattoo. Pretty ring tattoo of heart shape painted in red with black outlines and minimal design on sides. Heart Ring Tattoo." } ]
rose ok population
[ { "docid": "357877", "title": "-", "text": "Rose, OK City Data - Population, Homes, Statistics. Rose, OK City Data. Rose, OK is a city with great restaurants, attractions, history and people. There are around 1,576 people who live in Rose and approximately 38,369 who live in Mayes County." } ]
[ { "docid": "3194813", "title": "The Little Prince", "text": "Eventually, the little prince finds a rose garden, which surprises and depresses him—his rose had told him that she was the only one of her kind. The prince befriends a fox, who teaches him that the important things in life are visible only to the heart, that his time away from the rose makes the rose more special to him, and that love makes a person responsible for the beings that one loves." }, { "docid": "7814680", "title": "The Wild Roses", "text": "The myths. In addition to the wild medieval tales of love and magic, the rose has many myths around it that are alive today. For example, if you're really informed about what a wild rose is, you're one of a tiny minority. First of all, that wonderful old pink, fluffy rose that your grandmother called wild, wasn't.he myths. In addition to the wild medieval tales of love and magic, the rose has many myths around it that are alive today. For example, if you're really informed about what a wild rose is, you're one of a tiny minority. First of all, that wonderful old pink, fluffy rose that your grandmother called wild, wasn't." }, { "docid": "8454353", "title": "-", "text": "1 Friendship is the primary meaning of the yellow rose. 2 The yellow rose can also mean a love that is familiar or happiness with the domestic arrangement. As the yellow rose can indicate happiness with the domestic it is very appropriate to use yellow roses in a bridal bouquet." }, { "docid": "2524523", "title": "-", "text": "Rose gold plated bracelet, rose gold jewellery,rose gold love bracelet,love bracelet,worded bracelet,rose gold anklet, rose gold necklace..." }, { "docid": "7932670", "title": "-", "text": "The purple rose has certain other meanings. Opulence, glory and majesty are some other interpretations given to the purple rose. Purple being a color of elegance and grandeur, it is only fitting that the rose also pays tribute to these characteristics. The most widespread meaning of the purple rose is enthrallment, especially at first sight. Because of this, the purple rose is a hot favorite on Valentine's Day. And though there is no indication of permanence in this attraction, there is definitely a deep impression created." }, { "docid": "1679465", "title": "Bubonic plague", "text": "The plague is believed to be the cause of the Black Death that swept through Asia, Europe, and Africa in the 14th century and killed an estimated 50 million people. This was about 25% to 60% of the European population. Because the plague killed so many of the working population, wages rose due to the demand for labor." }, { "docid": "1553426", "title": "-", "text": "Your marriage can have more sparkle and fire when you keep a rose quartz under your pillow. You will look younger too. Rose quartz is known as the love stone. It helps the user feel a strong sense of self-worth, therefore being worth love. Rose quartz is the stone of universal love.It is also the stone of love in marriage.When worn in jewelry the wearer feels a sense of self-worth.our marriage can have more sparkle and fire when you keep a rose quartz under your pillow. You will look younger too. Rose quartz is known as the love stone. It helps the user feel a strong sense of self-worth, therefore being worth love. Rose quartz is the stone of universal love." }, { "docid": "407591", "title": "What is Rose Wine?", "text": "Rose wine with a pink tint. Rose wines may be produced in a number of different ways, and these wines can be sweet or dry. Rose wine usually has a much lighter color than a traditional red. Pinot noir is a red wine grape. Rose wine goes well with chicken." }, { "docid": "544060", "title": "The Best Time to Prune Rose Bushes", "text": "Rose shrubs can rebloom if you prune them at the correct time. Rose bushes can be as tough as they are colorful and elegant. A light trim is safe at almost any time of year, whether you're shaping your rose bushes or just deadheading. But pruning creates wounds that need time to heal." }, { "docid": "7321088", "title": "-", "text": "Baby names meanings search results: The name Rose is a baby girl name. The name Rose comes from the French origin. In French The meaning of the name Rose is: Rose." }, { "docid": "6688274", "title": "-", "text": "Desert rose is used in crystal healing to quiet worries and still the mind from distractions and disruptions. Metaphysically, desert rose is used to dissolve programs we have put upon our selves that are outdated or over-used.esert rose is used in crystal healing to quiet worries and still the mind from distractions and disruptions. Metaphysically, desert rose is used to dissolve programs we have put upon our selves that are outdated or over-used." }, { "docid": "7664649", "title": "Aging America: The U.S. Cities Going Gray The Fastest", "text": "In first place on our list is Atlanta, where the share of seniors in the population rose from 7.7% in 2000 to 10.4% in 2013, the biggest increase in the nation. In raw numbers, the over-65 population of the metro area rose to 572,534, an increase of 73.5% since 2000. The percentage of the population in fast-growing Raleigh, N.C., that is over 65 grew from 8.0% to 10.2% in 2013, putting it in second place." }, { "docid": "3542624", "title": "Megacity", "text": "From around 1825 to 1918 London was the largest city in the world, with the population growing rapidly, it was the first city to reach a population of over 5 million in 1900. In 1950, New York City was the only urban area with a population of over 10 million.n 1800, only 3% of the world's population lived in cities, a figure that rose to 47% by the end of the twentieth century. In 1950, there were 83 cities with populations exceeding one million; by 2007, this number had risen to 468." }, { "docid": "5443396", "title": "How many sepals does a rose have?", "text": "Basic Rose Facts: Roses are plants and the type of plant is called a flower. The flowers of rose plants have sepals, petals, stamens, and pistils.The rose flower is term … ed complete because all four structures are present.The rose flower is termed perfect because it has both male (stamen) and female (pistil) reproductive parts.he flowers of rose plants have sepals, petals, stamens, and pistils. The rose flower is term … ed complete because all four structures are present. The rose flower is termed perfect because it has both male (stamen) and female (pistil) reproductive parts." }, { "docid": "8826215", "title": "67133 Zip Code (Rose Hill, KS) Detailed Profile", "text": "Churches in zip code 67133 include: Rose Hill First Baptist Church (A) , Rose Hill Victory Fellowship Church (B) , Church of Christ (C) , Rose Hill United Methodist Church (D) , Rose Hill Christian Church (E) , Rose Hill Bible Church (F) , Rose Hill Friends Church (G) . Display/hide their locations on the map." }, { "docid": "2859606", "title": "How the Black Death Worked", "text": "The Black Death reared its head sporadically in Europe over the next few centuries. But by 1352, it had essentially loosened its grip. Europe's population had been hard hit, which had an economic impact. The workforce had been destroyed -- farms were abandoned and buildings crumbled. The price of labor skyrocketed in the face of worker shortage, and the cost of goods rose." }, { "docid": "3912547", "title": "Golden state population trends", "text": "Population growth in the modern age. For the first decade of the new millennium, the average rate of population growth was 1%. The greatest increase in population occurred in 2000, the year before a recession, with a one-year growth rate of 1.48%. A similar jump took place in 1989, just before the 1990s recession, when California’s population rose by a full 3.4%." }, { "docid": "8808396", "title": "The Poinsettia", "text": "The Christmas Rose. The Christmas rose, also called the Snow or Winter Rose, is a well known English plant. It is traditionally regarded as a true Christmas flower. It blooms in the depths of winter in the mountains of Central Europe. There is a nice legend associated with it." }, { "docid": "5731086", "title": "History of wolves in Yellowstone", "text": "Killing elk was given up as control method which allowed elk populations to again rise. As elk populations rose, the quality of the range decreased affecting many other animals. Without wolves, coyote populations increased dramatically which adversely impacted the pronghorn antelope population." }, { "docid": "765368", "title": "Census: Metro Atlantaâs population expands to 5.7 million", "text": "Metro Atlanta’s population rose to more than 5.7 million residents last year, and the number of people living in Fulton County crossed the 1 million milestone, according to newly released U.S. Census estimates. The Atlanta area remained the ninth-largest metropolitan statistical area in the country." }, { "docid": "7569180", "title": "-", "text": "about Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology! Application Link http://www.rose-hulman.edu/admissions-financial-aid/what-it-takes-to-apply/freshman-application-and-deadlines.aspx Scholarship Calculator Link - Virtual Tour Link http://www.rose-hulman.edu/tour/interactive/index.htm Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Settings College Profile Override -" }, { "docid": "7147934", "title": "Yorkshire", "text": "The Wars of the Roses got its name because the house of York, and the house of Lancaster (the waring families) both had a rose as their royal signature (badge) The … White rose for the house of York, The Red rose for the house of Lancaster So over time people bagan calling it The wars of the Roses." }, { "docid": "1440093", "title": "Bubonic plague", "text": "plague is believed to be the cause of the black death that swept through asia europe and africa in the 14th century and killed an estimated 50 million people this was about 25 % to 60 % of the european population because the plague killed so many of the working population wages rose due to the demand for labor" }, { "docid": "3675149", "title": "Moda Center", "text": "The original name of the facility was Rose Garden; however, the arena was also commonly known as the Rose Garden Arena to disambiguate it from the International Rose Test Garden, also located in Portland." }, { "docid": "535722", "title": "How to Grow and Care for Hybrid Tea Roses", "text": "Hybrid tea rose, a cross between hybrid perpetuals and old fashioned tea roses, are rose royalty. They are the most popular rose in the world and perhaps the most popular flower.Hybrid teas have all the virtues you look for in a flower: beauty, fragrance and easy care.ybrid tea rose, a cross between hybrid perpetuals and old fashioned tea roses, are rose royalty. They are the most popular rose in the world and perhaps the most popular flower." }, { "docid": "3904206", "title": "Rose is a rose is a rose is a rose", "text": "1 A rose is a rose is a rose quasi-quotation from Sacred Emily was also inspiration and one of the meanings behind The Name of the Rose book by Umberto Eco. A rose is a rose is a rose and variants has been contrasted with Shakespeare's A rose by any other name would smell as sweet." }, { "docid": "5096268", "title": "The Benefits of Rose Hip", "text": "Uses for Rose Hip. In addition, rose hip is purported to strengthen the immune system, stimulate circulation, reduce inflammation and help prevent heart disease. Health Benefits of Rose Hip. Although research on the health effects of rose hip is limited, there's some evidence that rose hip may offer certain benefits." }, { "docid": "3243510", "title": "Osiria Rose Care â How to Take Care of Osiria Rose Bushes", "text": "The Osiria Rose is one of those. At this stage it is very hard to get here in the USA. The rose has become something of a social media icon, and the image is shared on Facebook, Pinterest and Stumble upon often. This post is one of the most popular ones on my website. Unfortunately, many of the images, on the internet, of the rose are highly photo shopped for dramatic purposes. The colors in real life are not quite so dramatic, it seems. Osiria is a hybrid tea rose. (affiliate link) This links to an Amazon page where the rose looks similar to the photo below from Garden Web but it is not labeled Osiria. It is a very large flowered bush rose with dark green leaves. In summer and autumn, the fragrant, double flowers come out. They are just stunning." }, { "docid": "2718651", "title": "-", "text": "Rose water can be used as a gentle skin toner. You can also use it for the treatment of conjunctivitis. Rose water is very commonly used as a perfume because many people love the aroma of rose water. In Iran, rose water is used for treating many ailments, from an insect bite to cardiac problems." }, { "docid": "8584381", "title": "What colors make peach?", "text": "I want to dye a rose mold peach. They are wedding favors for my wedding. The mold has to be painted 2 different colors so I was going to make it completely chocolate and dye white candy green for the leaves and peach for the actual rose since a peach rose is my theme." } ]
routing number for wells fargo in ct
[ { "docid": "352483", "title": "-", "text": "Your Wells Fargo EasyPaySM Card routing number is: 031302777. Your routing number is: Your routing number is: Note for California customers: If you opened your account in Southern California, you may see a different routing number on your checks than the number displayed above." } ]
[ { "docid": "732058", "title": "Wells Fargo Bank NA in California Routing Number, Address, Swift Codes", "text": "Wells Fargo Bank NA - Chula Vista - Third Ave Branch Full Service, brick and mortar office 826 3rd Avenue Chula Vista, CA, 91911 Full Branch Info | Routing Number | Swift Code" }, { "docid": "7523937", "title": "Wells Fargo Credit Card Features and Services", "text": "Once you have a Wells Fargo checking account, you can sign up for Wells Fargo Online® . If you already have a Wells Fargo Online® username and password, sign on and click the Bill Pay tab. Wells Fargo Online with Bill Pay Sign On to Add Bill Pay. Bill Pay is free of monthly service fees." }, { "docid": "521417", "title": "Wells Fargo Routing Number", "text": "You can easily find Wells Fargo Routing Number on a check, which is issued by the particular branch where you have opened your account. Just look on the bottom left corner of your check and you can find the routing number printed there. This nine digit code printed on your checks cannot be applied to wire transfers." }, { "docid": "53631", "title": "Routing Number: 061000227Bank Name: WELLS FARGO BANKBank Address: MAC N9301-041State: MNZip Code: 55479-0000Bank Phone: (800) 745-2426Office Type: MainCity: MINNEAPOLISService Number: 061000146Institution Code: 1", "text": "061000227 routing number of WELLS FARGO BANK Check WELLS FARGO BANK routing numbers for bank transfers. 061000227 is a routing number of WELLS FARGO BANK. Check detailed information about 061000227. This bank routing number is required for electronic funds transfer. Bank routing number of WELLS FARGO BANK is the first nine digits of the number along the bottom left section of your check. The routing number for checking, savings and money market accounts identifies the financial institution where the account was opened and is located." }, { "docid": "7096707", "title": "-", "text": "The Website of Wells Fargo Bank is www.wellsfargo.com. The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Wells Fargo Bank Service Center and Wells Fargo Bank customer service number is given below. The helpline of Wells Fargo Bank customer service number may or may not be toll free." }, { "docid": "1581569", "title": "-", "text": "9 Comments. 1 Thank you so much for the list of Wells Fargo routing numbers. Now I can able to send money to my friend. 2 Thanks buddy for providing the ABA numbers. Reply. 3 extra 0 in a number. the domestic wire transfer routing number is 121000248. Reply. Appreciate the work. No confusion for me now to find the right routing number." }, { "docid": "372762", "title": "Routing Numbers", "text": "Routing Numbers. Find a SWIFT code, CHIPS or Fedwire ABA number, and other key routing codes for Wells Fargo locations in the U.S. and around the world. For SWIFT BIC numbers, ABA federal routing numbers, and CHIPS information, see our international resources. U.S. locations." }, { "docid": "1315725", "title": "Wells Fargo Routing Number", "text": "First and foremost, when it comes to such a big financial institution as Wells Fargo, it has not one but a list of routing transit numbers (RTNs), which, generally, distinguish: 1 Regions (where you opened your account): e.g. 062000080 in Alabama and 111900659 in Texas." }, { "docid": "3337718", "title": "-", "text": "Average service manager 1 wells fargo salaries can vary greatly due to company, location, industry, experience and benefits. This salary was calculated using the average salary for all jobs with the term service manager 1 wells fargo anywhere in the job listing." }, { "docid": "1053887", "title": "Wells Fargo Bank Routing Number 121042882", "text": "Wells Fargo Bank Wells Fargo Bank Routing Number 121042882 Wells Fargo Bank routing number 121042882 is used by the Automated Clearing House (ACH) to process direct deposits. ABA routing numbers, or routing transit numbers, are nine-digit codes you can find on the bottom of checks and are used for ACH and wire transfers." }, { "docid": "7303131", "title": "-", "text": "acecefcu: 0.85: 0.4: 5411: 8: 17: acecefcu routing number: 1.13: 0.7: 8259: 23: 98: acecefcu routing: 0.92: 0.5: 1883: 16: 36: acecefcu full site: 0.18: 0.6: 6844: 18: 41: routing number lookup: 1.88: 0.9: 2898: 21: 71: routing number for chase: 1.7: 0.1: 7533: 24: 73: routing number wells fargo: 1.16: 0.7: 8458: 26: 69: routing number for bank of america: 1.96: 0.4: 523: 34: 90: routing number bank of america: 1.27: 0.6: 3703: 30: 40: routing number: 0.56" }, { "docid": "8203339", "title": "Wells Fargo Bank", "text": "We do business with one in three U.S. households. Wells Fargo has more than 265,000 team members in 36 countries across our approximately 90 businesses. At the end of third quarter 2014, Wells Fargo ranked fourth in assets among U.S. banks and was the world’s most valuable bank by market capitalization." }, { "docid": "7722848", "title": "How much is parking at the wells Fargo center in Philadelphia", "text": "How much is parking at the wells Fargo center in Philadelphia. kgb answers » Business & Money » Company Details » How much is parking at the wells Fargo center in Philadelphia. Event parking at the Wells Fargo Center is $15.00. Wells Fargo Center, 3601 South Broad St., Philadelphia, PA 19148. The Wells Fargo Center is located just off the Broad Street exit on Interstate 95; it features eight parking lots that are brightly lit and patrolled by security personnel throughout the duration of the events. To purchase reserved parking in advance just call 1-800-298-4200." }, { "docid": "2170198", "title": "-", "text": "How much time does it take to receive a wire from one wells fargo account to a different wells fargo account? How long does it take for a wire transfer from wells fargo acoun to wells fargo account? How long does it take a wire to leave wells fargo bank?" }, { "docid": "1280874", "title": "-", "text": "1 View all Wells Fargo jobs in Monticello, IN - Monticello jobs. 2 Salary Search: Teller salaries in Monticello, IN. 3 Learn more about working at Wells Fargo. Related forums: Wells Fargo - Monticello, Indiana - Teller." }, { "docid": "1664825", "title": "-", "text": "A free inside look at Wells Fargo salary trends. 26,736 salaries for 3,702 jobs at Wells Fargo. Salaries posted anonymously by Wells Fargo employees. Best Jobs in America NEW!" }, { "docid": "1889795", "title": "Ulta Beauty Inc.", "text": "Ulta Beauty price target raised to $275 from $220 at Wells Fargo. Ulta Beauty price target raised to $275 from $220 at Wells Fargo. Jan. 3, 2018 at 11:21 a.m. ET; by Tonya Garcia" }, { "docid": "949069", "title": "JAMES AVENUE", "text": "Wells Fargo location: JAMES AVENUE, Colonial Heights, Virginia. Wells Fargo Bank Locations ⟹ State: Virginia ⟹ City: Colonial Heights ⟹ JAMES AVENUE Wells Fargo Location. JAMES AVENUE Wells Fargo bank Address, Details, Services and Information. Below is information about location of the Wells Fargo in Colonial Heights, Virginia." }, { "docid": "4478072", "title": "Wells Fargo Bank Hours", "text": "The customer service department for Wells Fargo Bank is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, but the Wells Fargo Bank store business hours are much different. 1 Weekdays: Wells Fargo Bank store business hours on the weekdays range from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Thursday." }, { "docid": "8152081", "title": "Frequently Asked Questions", "text": "Wells Fargo Financial National Bank Cardholders. 1 Your new credit card account. Once you've applied and been approved for a credit card with Wells Fargo Financial National Bank, your line of credit is ready to use right away to charge goods and services to your credit card account." }, { "docid": "6359789", "title": "Promise Healthcare Group, LLC Announces $75 Million Credit Facility with Wells Fargo Capital Finance", "text": "Wells Fargo Capital Finance, part of Wells Fargo & Company (NYSE: WFC) acted as agent and sole lender on the senior secured facility for Promise Healthcare Group, LLC." }, { "docid": "6783429", "title": "-", "text": "Questions & Answers. 1 Q: What's the phone number for Wells Fargo Bank, National Association in Easley, SC? 2 A: The phone number for Wells Fargo Bank, National Association is (864) 859-3838." }, { "docid": "638429", "title": "Bank Locations in USA", "text": "BANK OF AMERICA Routing Number: US Bank Routing Number: JP Morgan Chase Routing Number: Wells Fargo Routing Number: Capital One, Routing Number: FARMERS STATE BANK Routing Number: Capital One, Routing Number: FARMERS STATE BANK Routing Number: Routing Number for ALL Banks in USA" }, { "docid": "8177269", "title": "how do I close an account with Wells Fargo?", "text": "A simple 4 step guide for solving this common Wells Fargo problem quickly and effectively by GetHuman 1 Hi there, to close an account with a zero balance, follow these steps: Call Wells Fargo at 1-800-869-3557. Or Sign on to Wells Fargo Online and select Contact Us to send an email request to close the account. Or visit a Wells Fargo location near you." }, { "docid": "813116", "title": "-", "text": "In 1852, Henry Wells and William Fargo founded Wells, Fargo & Co. to serve the West. The new company offered banking (buying gold and selling paper bank drafts as good as gold) and express (rapid delivery of the gold and anything else valuable)." }, { "docid": "1384048", "title": "WELLS FARGO BANK MINNESOTA, N.A. ROUTING NUMBER & INFORMATION", "text": "The main phone number for Wells Fargo Bank Minnesota, N.a. is 800-745-2426. The assigned Federal Reserve Office for Wells Fargo Bank Minnesota, N.a. is Fed 091000080. A bank's Routing Transit Number (RTN) is a 9-digit code used to identify your bank on checks, direct deposit, bill pay, and in other transactions." }, { "docid": "54349", "title": "Hereâs Your Wells Fargo Routing Number", "text": "See: Wells Fargo’s Cardless ATMs Continue Shift in Traditional Banking What Is a Routing Number? Your bank routing number appears on the lower left-hand corner of your checks." }, { "docid": "3252033", "title": "Ulta Beauty Inc.", "text": "Ulta Beauty upgraded to outperform from market perform at Wells Fargo. Ulta Beauty upgraded to outperform from market perform at Wells Fargo. Jan. 3, 2018 at 11:21 a.m. ET; by Tonya Garcia" }, { "docid": "2013859", "title": "-", "text": "Written correspondence department wells fargo. List of ebooks and manuels about Written correspondence department wells fargo. Download. Op-1439_060812_107827_559214238478_1.pdf - wells . fargo Suzanne V. Alwan Managing Counsel Wells Fargo Law Department MAC D1053-300 One Wells Fargo Center 301 S. College Street Charlotte, NC 28202." }, { "docid": "6850811", "title": "Wells Fargo", "text": "Wells Fargo Advisors is the brokerage subsidiary of Wells Fargo, located in St. Louis, Missouri. It is the third largest brokerage firm in the United States as of the third quarter of 2010 with $1.1 trillion retail client assets under management." } ]
safe distance from pipeline
[ { "docid": "209497", "title": "-", "text": "account pipeline construction, the conservative minimum safe distance between two adjacent parallel pipelines is about 15.6m. Further, in different types of soil, the crater size is different when Zhongwei-Guiyang" } ]
[ { "docid": "6528716", "title": "Columbia Pipeline Group Inc (NYSE : CPGX)", "text": "Industrial Services » Oil And Gas Pipelines. Columbia Pipeline Group, Inc. provides gas transportation and storage services. It operates interstate pipeline, gathering and processing assets. The firm offers services to local gas distribution companies and users of natural gas. The company is headquartered in Houston, TX." }, { "docid": "6058185", "title": "-", "text": "Pipeline Technician I Salaries. Responsible for the maintenance and correct operation of an oil or gas pipeline system. Troubleshoots, tests, maintains, and repairs pipeline equipment which may include valves, operators, and filtration systems.nsures safe and efficient operations of the pipeline system. Serves as a company representative on regulatory and environmental issues. Looks for opportunities to expand the pipeline system. Requires a bachelor's degree in area of specialty and 8-10 years of experience in the field or in a related area." }, { "docid": "4433245", "title": "Future Of Keystone XL Pipeline Back In Obama's Hands", "text": "Future Of Keystone XL Pipeline Back In Obama's Hands. The U.S. House passed legislation to approve the pipeline on Friday and the Senate is expected to take up the issue in coming weeks. President Obama has threatened a veto. In the meantime, a legal challenge over the route the pipeline would take through Nebraska has been resolved — for now. As promised, the House today passed legislation to approve the Keystone XL oil pipeline. The Senate is expected to take up the issue in coming weeks. President Obama has threatened a veto. Also today, one of the reasons the president has cited to delay a decision has been resolved for now." }, { "docid": "7373956", "title": "Pipeline Transport", "text": "Pipeline Transport. Pipelines are used to transport a number of substances including natural gas, fuels, hydrogen, water, beverages, and petroleum. Most people are familiar with the Trans Alaska Pipeline System (TAPS), but may be less well acquainted with the other 55,000 miles of crude oil trunk lines running throughout the United States." }, { "docid": "3717968", "title": "-", "text": "[ Note: The distance between cities in North Dakota (US) distance chart below is straight line distance (may be called as flying or air distance) between the two locations in North Dakota (US) calculated based on their latitudes and longitudes.This distance may be very much different from the actual travel distance.]. Note: The distance between cities in North Dakota (US) distance chart below is straight line distance (may be called as flying or air distance) between the two locations in North Dakota (US) calculated based on their latitudes and longitudes. This distance may be very much different from the actual travel distance.]." }, { "docid": "4234215", "title": "Yes to the Atlantic Coast Pipeline, No to Eminent Domain", "text": "Yes to the Atlantic Coast Pipeline, No to Eminent Domain. September 26, 2014 by Bonner Cohen, Ph. The dramatic transformation of America’s energy outlook brought about by the shale revolution was underscored Sept. 2 with the official unveiling of a plan to build a $5 billion, 550-mile gas pipeline through West Virginia, Virginia, and North Carolina." }, { "docid": "4225733", "title": "King cobra", "text": "When raising its body, the king cobra can still move forward to strike with a long distance and people may misjudge the safe zone. This snake may deliver multiple bites in a single attack, but adults are known to bite and hold on." }, { "docid": "2525047", "title": "-", "text": "Synonyms of pipeline from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, with definitions, antonyms, and related words. Find a better way to say it. a direct way of passing along information or supplies Synonyms: channel…" }, { "docid": "6230843", "title": "EMF Emissions â Where Are They and What is a Safe Distance?", "text": "Distance-The Only Completely Safe Tactic. If you want to be completely safe from EMF radiation, distance is the only sure-fire way. The only problem with that is that it is virtually impossible to get away from all EMF emissions today unless you live at the North Pole with no cell phone and no electricity." }, { "docid": "7510475", "title": "It's safe to go back in the water! Sharkstopper device scares predators by making noises like a killer whale", "text": "The device emulates these noises so that the frequency, combined with the sharks' natural fear of their main predator, keeps them at a safe distance. Weight and size: 4 inches (10cm) long and 2 inches (5cm) wide. Power: Rechargeable battery." }, { "docid": "8012517", "title": "-", "text": "Distance between Parma, OH and Denver, CO; Distance between Parma, OH and Colorado Springs, CO; Distance between Parma, OH and Aurora, CO; Distance between Parma, OH and Lakewood, CO; Distance between Parma, OH and Fort Collins, CO; Distance between Parma, OH and Thornton, CO; Distance between Parma, OH and Arvada, CO" }, { "docid": "6669050", "title": "-", "text": "Distance calculation, worldwide, online and for free.The distance calculator Distance.to shows not only the distance between Miami and Fort Lauderdale. It knows every distance between almost every location. Powered by Google Maps." }, { "docid": "4592165", "title": "-", "text": "Follow. A sales pipeline describes an approach to selling your product or service, which is better known as your sales process. This is the simple definition of a sales pipeline technique as found on Wikipedia." }, { "docid": "7893749", "title": "-", "text": "Distance calculation, worldwide, online and for free.The distance calculator Distance.to shows not only the distance between Barcelona and Ibiza. It knows every distance between almost every location. Powered by Google Maps." }, { "docid": "3852489", "title": "-", "text": "Transport packages provide distance and shielding from the contained material, as needed to maintain safe dose rates at the surface of the. package. Transport packages also provide for containment of the radioactive material." }, { "docid": "4215328", "title": "Keystone XL pipeline debate: What do I need to know?", "text": "Obama's veto of the bill comes after a yearslong debate on the controversial pipeline which ultimately handed a legislative victory to proponents of the pipeline after Republicans took control of the Senate in January." }, { "docid": "8616808", "title": "Leak detection", "text": "However, these defects can be identified by inspection tools and corrected before they progress to a leak. Other reasons for leaks include accidents, earth movement, or sabotage. The primary purpose of leak detection systems (LDS) is to assist pipeline controllers in detecting and localizing leaks. LDS provide an alarm and display other related data to the pipeline controllers in order to aid in decision-making." }, { "docid": "7577707", "title": "How to Set Up a Hammock Without Trees", "text": "The distance between posts should be at least a couple feet more than the length of the hammock. Eighteen feet apart is a fairly safe universal spacing for most hammock posts. Cut the posts 50 percent longer than the height you want them to be." }, { "docid": "2694015", "title": "Contrasting Welding Techniques Used On Pipelines And Refinery Piping: Uphill Versus Downhill", "text": "The pipe thickness used on pipeline is usually less than that used in refinery piping and the pipe ends of a pipeline are machine beveled whereas pipe ends of a refinery piping joint are manually cut and beveled. These two factors play a major role in determining the opposite welding techniques." }, { "docid": "3005178", "title": "-", "text": "Distance from Oklahoma City; Distance from Baltimore; Distance from Kansas City; Distance from Cleveland; Distance from Atlanta; Distance from Albany; Distance from Albuquerque; Distance from Billings; Distance from Birmingham; Distance from Boise; Distance from Boston; Distance from Buffalo; Distance from Charleston; Distance From Albuquerque; Distance from Charlotte" }, { "docid": "391137", "title": "-", "text": "Toronto-based ShawCor's Socotherm pipe coating division has become the latest entrant in the region's pipeline coatings market after it was awarded a $40 million contract by Tenaris to provide pipeline coatings for the Republic of Congo's." }, { "docid": "3514073", "title": "Largest Gas Pipeline Serving Europe Through Ukraine Blows Up", "text": "The Urengoy-Pomary-Uzhgorod or “Brotherhood” natural gas pipeline in the Poltava region of central Ukraine has gone up in flames. It is the largest consumer gas pipeline in Europe supplying gas to the Czech Republic, Germany, France, Switzerland, Austria, Italy, Hungary and countries in the Balkans. The pipeline stretches 2,800 miles from Siberia’s Urengoy gas field through Ukraine to Europe. According to witnesses flames from the ruptured pipeline reached 200 meters high." }, { "docid": "6832652", "title": "When travelling behind a motorcycle:", "text": "If you are driving behind a motorcycle, you must: At highway speeds, on a dry road, a safe following distance is at least: When driving on wet roads, you should: When you are planning to make a turn, you should activate your turn signals:" }, { "docid": "354645", "title": "Pipeline video inspection", "text": "Pipeline video inspection. Pipeline video inspection is a form of telepresence used to visually inspect the interiors of pipelines. A common application is to determine the condition of small diameter sewer lines and household connection pipes. Older sewer lines of small diameter, typically 6-inch (150 mm), are made by the union of a number of short 3 feet (0.91 m) sections." }, { "docid": "6567208", "title": "Specific Seed Saving Instructions for Common Vegetables", "text": "Different varieties of arugula will cross each other and must be separated by ½ mile for safe distance isolation. Arugula will not cross other members of the Cabbage Family. To save seeds from arugula, leave plants in the ground to overwinter after harvesting leaves for eating during the growing season." }, { "docid": "2471886", "title": "UIMA", "text": "The UIMA architecture can be thought of in four dimensions: 1 It specifies component interfaces in an analytics pipeline. 2 It describes a set of Design patterns." }, { "docid": "6028841", "title": "Signs of a Gas Leak", "text": "An odor is added to help you detect a potential gas leak. 1 A rotten egg odor. 2 Discolored or dead vegetation over or near the pipeline. 3 A hissing, whistling or roaring sound near a gas appliance or pipeline. 4 Dirt or debris being blown into the air. Persistent bubbles in streams, ponds or wet areas." }, { "docid": "6775704", "title": "Water transportation", "text": "Due to its weight, the transportation of water is very energy intensive. Unless it has the assistance of gravity, a canal or long-distance pipeline will need pumping stations at regular intervals.In this regard, the lower friction levels of the canal make it a more economical solution than the pipeline.ajor water transportation projects [edit]. The Grand Canal of China, finished in the 7th Century AD and measuring 1,794 kilometres (1,115 mi). The California Aqueduct, near Sacramento, is 715 km (444 mi) long." }, { "docid": "2007237", "title": "-", "text": "Secondly, they have a rattle on the end of their tail. Sometimes the rattle may be broken or missing, and the small button of a baby rattlesnakes rattle may be hard to see. If you can’t quickly determine from a safe distance whether a snake is a rattlesnake or not, leave it alone.econdly, they have a rattle on the end of their tail. Sometimes the rattle may be broken or missing, and the small button of a baby rattlesnakes rattle may be hard to see. If you can’t quickly determine from a safe distance whether a snake is a rattlesnake or not, leave it alone." }, { "docid": "1571822", "title": "Driving School", "text": "Provides for a minimum safe following distance in good driving conditions You and your neighbor work at the same office that is 16 miles from your home. If you follow 4 seconds behind your neighbor when driving to work, your neighbor will pull into the office parking lot how much ahead of you?" } ]
salary average for secretary in medical office
[ { "docid": "1208842", "title": "-", "text": "How much does a Medical Secretary make? The median annual Medical Secretary salary is $38,061, as of March 31, 2017, with a range usually between $33,925-$42,988, however this can vary widely depending on a variety of factors." } ]
[ { "docid": "413020", "title": "-", "text": "1 View all UT Southwestern Medical Center jobs in Dallas, TX-Dallas jobs. 2 Salary Search: Medical Office Assistant Wound Care Clinic salaries in Dallas, TX. 3 Learn more about working at Ut Southwestern Medical Center. 4 Related forums: UT Southwestern Medical Center-Dallas, Texas - -. Salary Search: Medical Office Assistant Wound Care Clinic salaries in Dallas, TX. 2 Learn more about working at Ut Southwestern Medical Center. 3 Related forums: UT Southwestern Medical Center-Dallas, Texas - -." }, { "docid": "6378594", "title": "Becoming a Medical Office Manager", "text": "Depending on the size and type of the practice, the job of a medical office manager can range greatly. In most cases, the manager supervises the secretary, receptionist, and other staff." }, { "docid": "5310064", "title": "What Is the Average Salary of an Office Management Professional?", "text": "As an office management professional, you might work in a variety of industries, which can further impact your average salary. According to PayScale.com, most office managers at non-profit organizations earned $18.58 per hour as of February 2014.ou might work as an office manager, an administrative services manager or an executive secretary at a government agency, private corporation or school. If you're looking to become an office management professional, you can learn about the average salaries that you can expect to make in the field." }, { "docid": "4275047", "title": "Certified Coding Specialist Salary, How Much?", "text": "Before you decide whether or not you want to become a Certified Coding Specialist, you may be interested in how much you can earn. Although, you don’t need to be certified to become a Medical Coder, your salary will be higher, and your job opportunities will be greater if you do.ertified Professional Coder Salary by Location. The location of where you work can also influence your salary. The highest number of medical coders are currently located in South Dakota. This abundance of coders brings the average annual salary down to about $31,000." }, { "docid": "4259647", "title": "-", "text": "Salary results for Back Office in London. Here you can see the average salary for the job you entered, based on our most recent job adverts.Our salary calculator also lets you view the highest and lowest salaries recently offered for that job, and how your current salary compares.ere you can see the average salary for the job you entered, based on our most recent job adverts. Our salary calculator also lets you view the highest and lowest salaries recently offered for that job, and how your current salary compares." }, { "docid": "8343072", "title": "-", "text": "The average salary for office coordinator jobs is $42,000. Average office coordinator salaries can vary greatly due to company, location, industry, experience and benefits.This salary was calculated using the average salary for all jobs with the term office coordinator anywhere in the job listing.he office coordinator salary comparisons feature allows job seekers to get the information required to make important career decisions and negotiate salary ranges. For additional office coordinator salary information, we recommend visiting Payscale.com." }, { "docid": "5928324", "title": "-", "text": "The BLS reported that the state that paid the highest medical office manager’s salary is New York, which pays $114,550 per year. This is followed by California, where manager receives a salary about $113,810; Connecticut that pays $111,680; Rhode Island that pays $110,930; and New Jersey that pays $110,340 per year.n the UK, the average salary for medical office manager is around £16,286 to £41,362 per year, while their median pay is about £20,693. They receive a basic salary of around £12,255 to £39,149 but some employers provide bonuses of up to £4,000." }, { "docid": "2851180", "title": "Starting Salaries for Certified Medical Assistants", "text": "The CMAs reported an average annual salary of $29,460, while the non-CMAs reported an average annual salary of $26,565. The non-CMAs may have had a different certification, or may not have had certification of any kind. Related Reading: The Starting Wage for a Medical Assistant.he American Association of Medical Assistants, which awards the CMA certification, conducted a salary survey in 2011. The survey was completed by over 3,000 medical assistants, most of whom held CMA certification. Respondents with zero to two years of experience reported a salary of $12.88 per hour." }, { "docid": "1959752", "title": "-", "text": "Medical doctor salary and wage in USA. Based on the type of medical specialty, an average hourly wage for a medical doctor In the United States is as follows: The average hourly wage for a MD family physician ranges from between $39.73 – $81.03 per hour.n average annual salary for a specialist MD in the United States is around $339,738; while an annual salary for an MD general practitioner is around $186,044 per annum." }, { "docid": "5650031", "title": "-", "text": "Medical doctor salary and wage in USA. Based on the type of medical specialty, an average hourly wage for a medical doctor In the United States is as follows: The average hourly wage for a MD family physician ranges from between $39.73 – $81.03 per hour.edical doctor salary and wage in USA. Based on the type of medical specialty, an average hourly wage for a medical doctor In the United States is as follows: The average hourly wage for a MD family physician ranges from between $39.73 – $81.03 per hour." }, { "docid": "6162781", "title": "How much does a Medical Assistant make in Hawaii?", "text": "Average Medical Assistant Hourly Wage in Hawaii. Medical Assistants earn a median hourly wage of $16.17. Hourly wages typically start from $11.07 and go up to $22.28. Source: U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics Average Medical Assistant Yearly Salary in Hawaii. Medical Assistants earn a median salary of $33,620 per year" }, { "docid": "2194063", "title": "-", "text": "It is a fast-growing field, and there will be great demand for clinical laboratory professionals in the future. Typically, medical laboratory technicians earn an average salary of $45,000 to $50,000 per year, while the average for medical laboratory scientists is between $55,00 to $60,000 per year.t is a fast-growing field, and there will be great demand for clinical laboratory professionals in the future. Typically, medical laboratory technicians earn an average salary of $45,000 to $50,000 per year, while the average for medical laboratory scientists is between $55,00 to $60,000 per year." }, { "docid": "1291155", "title": "-", "text": "Average Medical doctor salary in US. An average annual salary for a specialist MD in the United States is around $339,738; while an annual salary for an MD general practitioner is around $186,044 per annum." }, { "docid": "6491859", "title": "-", "text": "Average internship salary and hourly wage. An average hourly wage for an intern in the United States ranges from between $13.00 to $15.00 per hour. The average salary for a medical intern typically ranges from between $41,000 to $53,000 per annum." }, { "docid": "754181", "title": "-", "text": "Average Medical Transcriptionist Yearly Salary in Delaware. Medical Transcriptionists earn a median salary of $31,950 per year. Salaries typically start from $21,180 and go up to $46,670. Learn more about the Medical Transcriptionist job market for salaries of real jobs in your area." }, { "docid": "6206534", "title": "-", "text": "Office Administrator Salary. (Australia). The average pay for an Office Administrator is AU$46,428 per year. For the first five to ten years in this position, salary increases somewhat, but any additional experience does not have a big effect on pay.Most people with this job move on to other positions after 20 years in this field.Australia). The average pay for an Office Administrator is AU$46,428 per year. For the first five to ten years in this position, salary increases somewhat, but any additional experience does not have a big effect on pay." }, { "docid": "1952517", "title": "-", "text": "The average annual salary of a diagnostic medical sonography technician as of 2011 was $65,800, and on the rise, giving sonographers an average wage of over $30 per hour.The middle 50 percent of people in this career made on average $65.210 per year, and the top sonographers have salaries that approach six digits.he average annual salary of a diagnostic medical sonography technician as of 2011 was $65,800, and on the rise, giving sonographers an average wage of over $30 per hour." }, { "docid": "4057107", "title": "-", "text": "The average salary for a Laboratory Supervisor, Medical / Clinical is $67,375 per year." }, { "docid": "8249490", "title": "Medical Office Manager Salary", "text": "According to PayScale.com, the median wage for a medical office manager in Canada is C$43,764, which translates into $39,434. On the low end of the scale, a medical office manager can earn $26,850, while the highest salary is $53,102.ccording to the job site Indeed.com, the national average salary for a medical office manager was $51,000 as of March, 2014." }, { "docid": "8343075", "title": "-", "text": "The average salary for office manager law firm jobs is $55,000. Average office manager law firm salaries can vary greatly due to company, location, industry, experience and benefits.This salary was calculated using the average salary for all jobs with the term office manager law firm anywhere in the job listing.his salary was calculated using the average salary for all jobs with the term office manager law firm anywhere in the job listing." }, { "docid": "3627624", "title": "-", "text": "Average Medical doctor salary in US. An average annual salary for a specialist MD in the United States is around $339,738; while an annual salary for an MD general practitioner is around $186,044 per annum.The average salaries for physicians possessing Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) degree depends on various determinants.verage Medical doctor salary in US. An average annual salary for a specialist MD in the United States is around $339,738; while an annual salary for an MD general practitioner is around $186,044 per annum." }, { "docid": "3214720", "title": "Medical Technologist Salary", "text": "Medical Technologist Salary: According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual medical technologist salary is $59,460. Salaries can range from $39,940 for the bottom 10% to $80,820 for those in the 90th percentile.The state with the highest average salary is California with an annual mean salary of $79,710.edical Technologist Salary: According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual medical technologist salary is $59,460. Salaries can range from $39,940 for the bottom 10% to $80,820 for those in the 90th percentile." }, { "docid": "1609266", "title": "-", "text": "Pharma sales jobs may not be among the highest paying jobs in medical sales, but the average pharmaceutical sales rep salary is impressive by most standards. According to the 2015 Medical Sales Salary Report, the average pharmaceutical sales salary is $116,334 (Med.$115,000), and the average specialty pharma salary is $134,414 (Med. $125,000) for a combined average of $124,622.harma sales jobs may not be among the highest paying jobs in medical sales, but the average pharmaceutical sales rep salary is impressive by most standards. According to the 2015 Medical Sales Salary Report, the average pharmaceutical sales salary is $116,334 (Med." }, { "docid": "796811", "title": "Recruiter.com helps management and administration professionals find better paying jobs across all specialties and locations.", "text": "Legal Secretaries receive the highest salary in the District of Columbia, which has an average pay rate of just about $61270. People in this career receive the best pay in Utilities, where they can receive average pay levels of $54970.The national wage distribution is shown below.To overlay local salaries for a Legal Secretary, please select your state.o work as a legal secretary one must have an associate's degree or higher as well as be friendly and professional in apperance. A Legal Secretary can expect an average salary of between 32000 and 48000 depending on the level of experience." }, { "docid": "6163023", "title": "-", "text": "A Medical Office Assistant in Calgary, Alberta earns an average wage of C$16.23 per hour." }, { "docid": "6671539", "title": "-", "text": "Medical Appliance Technician average salary is $43,004, median salary is $41,642 with a salary range from $23,171 to $68,869. Medical Appliance Technician salaries are collected from government agencies and companies. Each salary is associated with a real job position." }, { "docid": "8767811", "title": "Medical Receptionist Salary", "text": "Mean Annual Medical Receptionist Salary. The average annual medical receptionist salary is $27,450. The average salary is calculated by adding all the wages within the occupation and dividing that value by the total number of workers in this profession.The lowest 10% of medical receptionist salaries are less than $18,330.The top 10% of medical receptionist salaries reach more than $38,170.he average salary is calculated by adding all the wages within the occupation and dividing that value by the total number of workers in this profession. The lowest 10% of medical receptionist salaries are less than $18,330." }, { "docid": "714248", "title": "-", "text": "Medical Assistant Salary in Colorado. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average medical assistant salary in Colorado is 32,790 dollars. The higher end of the pay scale pays approximately 43,000 dollars while the lower end pays around 25,000 dollars. Positions in Colorado have an average higher than the national average of 30,780 dollars. Most medical assistant positions can be found in physicians’ offices; however, the pay is on the lower end of the spectrum." }, { "docid": "4305254", "title": "-", "text": "Legal Secretary in Long Beach, California Salary. A Legal Secretary in Long Beach, California earns an average salary of $48,834 per year." }, { "docid": "4934479", "title": "-", "text": "Travel Articles. An average monthly salary in Ukraine depends on where one lives and what one does for a living. An average monthly salary of a vendor of a bakery stand would be around 1400 UAH ($177). This is more than a minimum monthly salary.An office manager of a middle size company earns around the same amount of money.ravel Articles. An average monthly salary in Ukraine depends on where one lives and what one does for a living. An average monthly salary of a vendor of a bakery stand would be around 1400 UAH ($177). This is more than a minimum monthly salary." } ]
salary exchange pension contributions
[ { "docid": "708503", "title": "-", "text": "Launch Calculator. Salary exchange is a way of making pension contributions that could allow both employers and employees to save money. 1 An employee agrees to give up part of their salary or bonus in exchange for a pension payment paid by their employer.2 Employers pay lower NICs as a result of paying their employees a reduced salary.alary exchange offers a way to set up pension payments that can allow both employers and their employees to make a saving. Throughout these pages you’ll find a series of tools designed to help you introduce the concept to your clients, along with all the information you need to help them make an informed decision." } ]
[ { "docid": "1822498", "title": "How are payments calculated on a Canadian Pension Plan (CPP)?", "text": "If you are looking to calculate how much you are going to receive from your Canada Pension Plan, or CPP, benefits, the best place to start is with your most recent CPP statement of contributions." }, { "docid": "4454721", "title": "Employer Deduction", "text": "Defined contribution plans. The deduction for contributions to a defined contribution plan (profit-sharing plan or money purchase pension plan) cannot be more than 25% of the compensation paid (or accrued) during the year to your eligible employees participating in the plan." }, { "docid": "4067495", "title": "-", "text": "1 Unlike salary, pension contributions are exempt from National Insurance of up to 13.8%. 2 Employees: 3 Subject to the employer's approval, employees can make more tax-efficient contributions by replacing part of their salary with a pension contribution.t's a payment made by an employer into an employee's pension. The employer could save up to 33.8% in tax and National Insurance and the employee could benefit from greater tax savings by having this contribution paid directly to their pension." }, { "docid": "3562377", "title": "State Pension Rates - UK - Old Age Pension Amount | How Much?", "text": "Old Age Pension Rates 2014. 1 If you are a single man, or a single woman, and have the full number of qualifying years and NI contributions, then the maximum basic Old Age Pension amount 2014, you will receive is £113.10 for this period-April 2014 - April 2015. If you are a single man, or a single woman, and have the full number of qualifying years and NI contributions, then the maximum basic Old Age Pension amount 2014, you will receive is £113.10 for this period-April 2014 - April 2015." }, { "docid": "886301", "title": "NFL Pension Plan, Retirement Plan and Retirement Pay Details", "text": "NFL pension plan amounts received are increased periodically and are the same for all players regardless of salary. Currently, a player with the minimum three years of play would receive an annual pension check of $21,360 at retirement. On average, retired players receive an annual pension check of about $43,000." }, { "docid": "2171409", "title": "Nine ways to improve your chances of retiring by 55", "text": "3. Make a big one-off pension contribution. If you want to give your pension pot a boost, you can top it up with a lump-sum investment. You can get tax relief (20pc for a basic rate taxpayer and 40pc for a higher rate tax payer) on up to £40,000 of pension contributions a year." }, { "docid": "1499006", "title": "-", "text": "Full state pension is paid only to those who have an adequate record of National Insurance contributions. Currently, this is 30 years' National Insurance contributions (NICs). From April 2017, you'll have to have made 35 years' worth of contributions.ational Insurance and the self-employed. If you're self-employed, you normally pay Class 2 National Insurance contributions and usually Class 4 NICs as well. Class 3 National Insurance contributions are those that you can pay voluntarily." }, { "docid": "7871684", "title": "Defined benefit pension schemes explained", "text": "Defined benefit pension schemes explained. A defined benefit (DB) pension scheme is one where the amount you’re paid is based on how many years you’ve worked for your employer and the salary you’ve earned. How defined benefit pensions work. How to work out your pension income. Checking your pension income. When you can take your pension." }, { "docid": "193052", "title": "-", "text": "1. You can pay voluntary National Insurance contributions to: 1 avoid or fill gaps in your National Insurance record. 2 top up your pension.heck your National Insurance record to find out if you have gaps. Your record will tell you if you can pay voluntary contributions to fill gaps and how much it will cost you." }, { "docid": "8231420", "title": "-", "text": "A. If you’re vested, you can begin receiving your pension benefits as early as age 55, or even sooner if you are disabled. However, if you choose to receive your pension before the normal retirement age of 65, your monthly annuity payment will be reduced. The Retirement Plan states that you can’t begin receiving your pension earlier than age 65 unless you are retired, meaning that you can’t be under contract or receiving a salary for AFTRA-covered work." }, { "docid": "6283424", "title": "-", "text": "If you reach State Pension age before 6 April 2016, you’ll get the State Pension under the current scheme instead. You can still get a State Pension if you have other income like a personal pension or a workplace pension.The full new State Pension will be no less than £151.25 per week.ou can still get a State Pension if you have other income like a personal pension or a workplace pension. The full new State Pension will be no less than £151.25 per week." }, { "docid": "5769877", "title": "Salary sacrifice for employers", "text": "The employer decides whether salary sacrifice affects contributions into a workplace pension scheme. Often, employers will use a notional level of pay to calculate employer and employee pension contributions, so that employees who participate in salary sacrifice arrangements are not put at a disadvantage.or example, when part of an employee’s remuneration shifts from cash-on which tax and National Insurance contributions (. ) are due-to non-cash benefits that are wholly or partially exempt. A salary sacrifice arrangement can’t reduce an employee’s cash earnings below the National Minimum Wage rates." }, { "docid": "7026558", "title": "Are pension benefits taxable?", "text": "When Pension Benefits are Partially Taxable. If you contributed after tax dollars to the pension, those funds are not taxable. So the portion of your pension benefits that came from after-tax dollars cannot be taxed a second time. You will pay taxes on any pre-tax contributions." }, { "docid": "2985681", "title": "State Pension (Contributory)", "text": "This alternative average only applies to people who reach pension age on or after 6 April 1992. It requires that you have an average of 48 Class A, E, F, G, H, N or S contributions (paid or credited) for each contribution year from the 1979/80 tax year to the end of the tax year before you reach pension age (66).o qualify for a State Pension (Contributory) you must be aged 66 or over and have enough Class A, E, F,G, H, N or S social insurance contributions. You need to: 1 Have paid social insurance contributions before a certain age." }, { "docid": "5344363", "title": "The Pension Fund That Ate California", "text": "Thus, an employee who worked for 40 years and retired at 60 with an average final salary of $50,000 could collect an annual pension equal to 80 percent of that sum, or $40,000; if he kept working for another five years, his pension fattened to 90 percent of his final average." }, { "docid": "5769878", "title": "How to boost your pension contributions by 30pc", "text": "The tax savings from salary sacrifice come from both the saving in the employee's NI contribution and the employer's. The employee NI saving will increase the pension contribution of somebody paying 5pc of a £35,000 salary by 11pc.he tax savings from salary sacrifice come from both the saving in the employee's NI contribution and the employer's. The employee NI saving will increase the pension contribution of somebody paying 5pc of a £35,000 salary by 11pc." }, { "docid": "1897783", "title": "-", "text": "The Florida Legislature has passed legislation that made changes to the Florida Retirement Systems (FRS). One of the changes is that employees covered under the FRS pension or investment plan must begin making 3% contributions effective July 1, 2011. This is in addition to the employer paid contributions." }, { "docid": "508413", "title": "DEFINITION of 'Salary Reduction Simplified Employee Pension Plan - SARSEP'", "text": "Salary Reduction Simplified Employee Pension Plan - SARSEP. A plan offered by small companies - typically those with fewer than 25 employees - that allows employees to make pretax contributions to their Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) through salary reduction." }, { "docid": "4818523", "title": "US Supreme Court Retirement Benefits", "text": "Share. By Robert Longley. Retiring U.S. Supreme Court justices are entitled to a lifetime pension equal to their highest full salary. In order to qualify for a full pension, retiring justices must have served for a minimum of 10 years provided the sum of the justice's age and years of Supreme Court service totals 80.hare. By Robert Longley. Retiring U.S. Supreme Court justices are entitled to a lifetime pension equal to their highest full salary. In order to qualify for a full pension, retiring justices must have served for a minimum of 10 years provided the sum of the justice's age and years of Supreme Court service totals 80." }, { "docid": "1928970", "title": "-", "text": "1 Class 2 National Insurance when you reach State Pension age (or up to 4 months after this to pay off any contributions you owe). 2 Class 4 National Insurance from 6 April (start of the tax year) after you reach State Pension age." }, { "docid": "4445497", "title": "-", "text": "A 401(k) profit sharing plan may have a number of contribution sources. The most popular are: Salary Reduction (Elective Deferral). Eligible employees reduce their income through a salary reduction. This salary reduction is contributed to the employees account in the 401 (k) Profit Sharing plan. These contributions and account values are always 100% vested to the employee. Employer Match (Matching Contributions). The employer matches employees' salary reductions on some formula basis (i.e., 50% up to 5% of pay)." }, { "docid": "2763960", "title": "Australia - Retirement", "text": "Australia-Retirement. The official retirement age in Australia is 65 and Australian citizens have two options for income when they retire.Superannuation is one of these options and this is paid for by contributions made while you are working.ll employees should check how this is funded by the employer as some will include this 9% in the salary package and deduct it as you are paid. The age pension is paid out at the age of 65 and in order to qualify you must have been a resident of Australia or a citizen of the country for a minimum of 10 years." }, { "docid": "857331", "title": "-", "text": "From 6 April 2015, from age 55, you can access as much of your savings from your defined contributions pension scheme (also known as ‘money purchase schemes’) as you want under new ‘pensions flexibility’ rules.ccess your savings. From 6 April 2015, from age 55, you can access as much of your savings from your defined contributions pension scheme (also known as ‘money purchase schemes’) as you want under new ‘pensions flexibility’ rules. Schemes don’t have to offer these options." }, { "docid": "1432307", "title": "Taxable Amounts of Railroad Retirement Pensions", "text": "The tier 1 pension must be least as much as you would get if you were receiving Social Security benefits instead. Tier 2 benefits are annuity payments funded by employer and employee contributions. Railroad workers who retire before age 65 and who have at least 25 years service may receive supplementary benefits." }, { "docid": "2321315", "title": "-", "text": "Disclaimer. An Individual Retirement Account, or IRA, is a personal savings plan that consists of your contributions and earnings, plus certain amounts, if any, rolled over from pension plans." }, { "docid": "6991077", "title": "How to Compute for Your SSS Monthly Pension (UPDATED)", "text": "The amount of monthly pension will be the highest of:1. the sum of P300 plus 20 percent of the average monthly salary credit plus 2 per cent of the average monthly salary credit for each accredited year of service (CYS) in excess of ten years; or2. 40 per cent of the average monthly salary credit; or3." }, { "docid": "8481699", "title": "Survivor Benefits Frequently Asked Questions", "text": "If a plan member has accumulated at least five years of pensionable service, and dies leaving no principal beneficiary the greater of: 1 the commuted value of the plan member's pension entitlement at date of death, and. 2 the plan member's contributions and interest will be paid to the estate." }, { "docid": "425936", "title": "State Pension (Contributory)", "text": "It requires that you have an average of 48 Class A, E, F, G, H, N or S contributions (paid or credited) for each contribution year from the 1979/80 tax year to the end of the tax year before you reach pension age (66)." }, { "docid": "5124382", "title": "Tax relief on pension contributions", "text": "If you’re a UK taxpayer, in the tax year 2015-16 the standard rule is that you’ll get tax relief on pension contributions of up to 100% of your earnings or a £40,000 annual allowance, whichever is lower." }, { "docid": "3987847", "title": "How Congress Retirement Pay Compares to the Overall Average", "text": "Currently, members of Congress are eligible for a pension dependent on the member's age at retirement, length of service, and salary. The pension value can be up to 80% of the member's final salary. In 2016, Congressional pay was $174,000 per year, which, at an 80% rate, equates to a lifelong pension benefit of $139,200. All benefits are taxpayer-funded. Additionally, members of Congress enjoy the same Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) as all other federal employees, which is similar to a 401(k)." } ]
scale m definition
[ { "docid": "683510", "title": "Definitions &Translations", "text": "scale. The ratio or fraction between the distance on a map, chart, or photograph and the corresponding distance on the surface of the Earth. See also conversion scale; graphic scale; photographic scale; principal scale." } ]
[ { "docid": "4925332", "title": "-", "text": "How to Convert Your GPA to a 4.0 Scale. Colleges report GPA (grade point average) on a 4.0 scale.The top grade is an A, which equals 4.0. This is the standard scale at most colleges, and many high schools use it. To convert your GPA to a 4.0 scale: Letter Grade. Percent Grade.4.0 Scale.ow to Convert Your GPA to a 4.0 Scale. Colleges report GPA (grade point average) on a 4.0 scale." }, { "docid": "7836926", "title": "Numbers of Zeros in a Million, Billion, Trillion, and More", "text": "This is also called the short scale. There is also a long scale, which is used in France and used to be used in the UK, in which a billion means 1 million million. According to this definition of a billion, the number is written with a 1 followed by 12 zeros. The short scale and long sale were described by French mathematician Genevieve Guitel in 1975." }, { "docid": "3855634", "title": "Scale", "text": "Scale (model), physical representation of an object. Scale (map), the ratio of the distance on a map to the corresponding actual distance. Scale (ratio), the ratio of the linear dimension of the model to the same dimension of the original. Scale (measuring), an instrument used to measure weight. Scale (music), a sequence of ordered musical notes." }, { "docid": "1626930", "title": "Decibels", "text": "Decibels and Logarithms. The decibel scale is a reflection of the logarithmic response of the human ear to changes in sound intensity : The logarithm to the base 10 used in this expression is just the power of 10 of the quantity in brackets according to the basic definition of the logarithm:" }, { "docid": "2049477", "title": "scale", "text": "Definitions of musical scale. 1. the entire scale of musical notes. a scale with eight notes in an octave; all but two are separated by whole tones. a 12-note scale including all the semitones of the octave." }, { "docid": "4171861", "title": "-", "text": "How to Convert Your GPA to a 4.0 Scale. Colleges report GPA (grade point average) on a 4.0 scale. The top grade is an A, which equals 4.0. This is the standard scale at most colleges, and many high schools use it.To convert your GPA to a 4.0 scale: Letter Grade. Percent Grade. 4.0 Scale.olleges report GPA (grade point average) on a 4.0 scale. The top grade is an A, which equals 4.0. This is the standard scale at most colleges, and many high schools use it. To convert your GPA to a 4.0 scale:" }, { "docid": "4656005", "title": "-", "text": "You can set the scale of a viewport in paper space (by clicking the viewport and selecting a scale) and you can use the SCALE command to change the size of paperspace objects (though why you would want to is another question). esivt1." }, { "docid": "3705790", "title": "What is the largest river in the world?", "text": "Definition of length. There are many factors, such as the source, the identification or the definition of the mouth, and the scale of measurement of the river length between source and mouth, that determine the precise meaning of river length." }, { "docid": "342911", "title": "Definitions &Translations", "text": "Wiktionary (0.00 / 0 votes) Rate this definition: datum (Noun) plural: data A measurement of something on a scale understood by both the recorder (a person or device) and the reader (another person or device). The scale is arbitrarily defined, such as from 1 to 10 by ones, 1 to 100 by 0.1, or simply true or false, on or off, yes, no, or maybe, etc. datum (Noun) plural: data a fact known from direct observation" }, { "docid": "7578282", "title": "Definitions &Translations", "text": "Webster Dictionary(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Anagrams for dummies ». Numerology. Sample Sentences & Example Usage. He's not even on the scale -- these people, we've got a bunch of real dummies. This guy, he's a maniac, he's not even on the scale -- these people, we've got a bunch of real dummies." }, { "docid": "969129", "title": "-", "text": "But Blanchot remains right in his definition of disaster , for whatever the scale of violence , however minute the act ( though no act is minute as every act is unique for every singular victim ) , or however cold the technologies that diffuse it , no mindless oppression is fathomable or discernible at the moment of its occurrence , nor can it be ..." }, { "docid": "823204", "title": "Temperature of a Microwave", "text": "So let’s put a thermometer in the microwave. If it’s a mercury thermometer it will probably rocket up to off-scale high before breaking. An electronic thermometer will simply die instantly. Strictly from the thermometer definition, either a microwave is tremendously hot or hasn’t got a temperature at all." }, { "docid": "6257778", "title": "-", "text": "Share. Definition: The Kelvin temperature scale is an absolute temperature scale based on the definition that the volume of a gas at constant (low) pressure is directly proportional to temperature and that 100 degrees separates the freezing and boiling points of water." }, { "docid": "5558546", "title": "-", "text": "Likert Scale example 2. Using Multiple choice allows you to make a more customized scale, which you can’t do with an Opinion scale question. 1. Start a fresh typeform, and drag in a Multiple choice question. This Likert scale will go from -3 to 3, so it’s a 7 point Likert scale." }, { "docid": "4738479", "title": "What is a continental plate?", "text": "General Definition: Plate tectonics (from Greek τέκτων, tektōn builder or mason) is a theory of geology that has been developed to explain the observed evidence for large scale motions of the Earth's lithosphere." }, { "docid": "1882694", "title": "What is the relationship between Celsius, Fahrenheit and Kelvin?", "text": "Fahrenheit temperature scale is a scale based on 32 for the freezing point of water and 212 for the boiling point of water, the interval between the two being divided into 180 parts.elsius temperature scale also called centigrade temperature scale, is the scale based on 0 for the freezing point of water and 100 for the boiling point of water." }, { "docid": "475967", "title": "-", "text": "In music theory, a scale is any set of musical notes ordered by fundamental frequency or pitch. A scale ordered by increasing pitch is an ascending scale, and a scale ordered by decreasing pitch is a descending scale. Some scales contain different pitches when ascending than when descending." }, { "docid": "2698688", "title": "Melodic Minor Scales", "text": "Melodic Minor Scales. The melodic scale differs from the natural minor scale due the sixth and seventh notes are raised a semi-step, and therefore, no longer play as in the major scale. This scale is also some kind of a peculiar since it is played different ascending and descending. When you go up the scale you are using the melodic minor scale but when you move down the scale you are using the natural minor scale." }, { "docid": "3631227", "title": "A temperature below absolute zero: Atoms at negative absolute temperature are the hottest systems in the world", "text": "On the Celsius scale minus temperatures are only surprising in summer. On the absolute temperature scale, which is used by physicists and is also called the Kelvin scale, it is not possible to go below zero – at least not in the sense of getting colder than zero kelvin." }, { "docid": "2585415", "title": "-", "text": "Related: baby scale baby weighing scale shipping scale vintage baby weight scale silicone watch oh baby maternity digital baby scale detecto baby scale Refine more Format" }, { "docid": "3237799", "title": "-", "text": "How will the change affect me as a: Predictive Normal Values (Nomogram, EU scale). The change in scale for peak flow meters will result in PEF readings that are different, depending on whether the individual has used a Wright scale meter, or the new EU scale meter.he change in scale for peak flow meters will result in PEF readings that are different, depending on whether the individual has used a Wright scale meter, or the new EU scale meter." }, { "docid": "5460569", "title": "Change the scale of the vertical (value) axis in a chart", "text": "To change the scale of other axes in a chart, see Change the scale of the horizontal (category) axis in a chart or Change the scale of the depth (series) axis in a chart." }, { "docid": "4139998", "title": "-", "text": "The 41-point scale was selected to balance the changes in content, test length and a new psychometric model. By making more effective use of the entire scale than the current 61-point scale, the new 41-point scale gives you more information to work with and more differentiation among candidates’ scores." }, { "docid": "2585413", "title": "-", "text": "1 Improper equipment is being used. 2 The scale is not properly zeroed or balanced. 3 Necessary clothing is not removed. 4 Child is not placed in center of scale tray. 5 Assistant is touching infant/child. 6 Infant/child is touching something off the scale or the scale itself." }, { "docid": "6742434", "title": "financier", "text": "Legal Definition of financier. 1 1 : one who specializes in raising and expending public moneys. 2 2 : one who deals with finance and investment on a large scale." }, { "docid": "7306660", "title": "ISO in Digital Photography", "text": "In the ISO logarithmic scale, adding 3 to the numeric value indicates a doubling in speed, while the ISO linear scale, doubling the number indicates a doubling in speed. In practice, the ISO logarithmic scale is no longer used, and you will instead see the film or sensor speed measured in the linear values. From this point on in this article, I shall ignore the ISO logarithmic scale and only refer to the linear scale." }, { "docid": "1336239", "title": "-", "text": "An explanation of the Kinsey Scale proposed by sex researcher Alfred Kinsey. Definition of klismaphilia, or deriving sexual arousal and pleasure from enemas. A definition of the inner and outer labia. Definition of labiaplasty, surgery to alter the size of the labia." }, { "docid": "1750758", "title": "scale", "text": "Borg scale a numerical scale for assessing dyspnea, from 0 representing no dyspnea to 10 as maximal dyspnea. Brazelton Neonatal Behavioral Assessment scale a behavioral assessment scale used to evaluate the interactive behavior of a newborn by its responses to environmental stimuli." }, { "docid": "5186412", "title": "Scale (music)", "text": "In music, a scale is a set of notes in order of their pitch. If the pitch is becoming higher, it is called an ascending scale. If the pitch is becoming lower, it is called a descending scale. In some scales, for example a melodic minor scale, the pitches in the ascending scale are different to the pitches in the descending scale." }, { "docid": "5524393", "title": "-", "text": "Definition of CELSIUS for Kids. : relating to or having a thermometer scale on which the interval between the freezing point and the boiling point of water is divided into 100 degrees with 0 representing the freezing point and 100 the boiling point." } ]
Lobbying Congress Definition
[ { "docid": "6795453", "title": "What is a Lobbyist? - FAQs About Lobbying", "text": "A lobbyist is an activist who seeks to persuade members of the government (like members of Congress) to enact legislation that would benefit their group. The lobbying profession is a legitimate and integral part of our democratic political process that is not very well understood by the general population." } ]
[ { "docid": "5683685", "title": "How Much of Big Pharma's Massive Profits Are Used to Influence Politicians?", "text": "Big Pharma Spends Millions on Political Contributions. Pharmaceutical and health product companies injected $51 million into the 2012 federal elections and nearly $32 million into the 2014 elections, according to the Center for Responsive Politics (CRP).he group has spent more than $10 million on lobbying so far this year. In contrast, PhRMA made $491,000 in political contributions during the 2014 election cycle. Pfizer ranks among the top 25 lobbying spenders in the nation, with $94 million spent since 2008 and $8.5 million spent in 2014 alone." }, { "docid": "6410013", "title": "-", "text": "Definition. Federal agency responsible for composing and reporting data related to the federal budget for members of Congress. The goal of the agency is to provide Congress with accurate and timely information, which can be used to assist them in making educated decisions regarding monetary policies and taxation.efinition. Federal agency responsible for composing and reporting data related to the federal budget for members of Congress. The goal of the agency is to provide Congress with accurate and timely information, which can be used to assist them in making educated decisions regarding monetary policies and taxation." }, { "docid": "2117324", "title": "Shared Flashcard Set", "text": "Pocket Veto. Definition. A formal decision to reject a bill passed by Congress after it adjourns-if Congress adjourns during the ten days that the president is allowed in order to sign or veto a law, the president can reject the law by taking no action at all.Term. Take Care Clause. formal decision to reject a bill passed by Congress after it adjourns-if Congress adjourns during the ten days that the president is allowed in order to sign or veto a law, the president can reject the law by taking no action at all. Term." }, { "docid": "6910071", "title": "Library of Congress", "text": "Library of Congress definition. The largest library in the United States, located in Washington, D.C., and maintained largely by federal appropriations. Its original purpose was to provide research facilities for members of Congress; today it serves the public as well." }, { "docid": "2638851", "title": "Advocacy", "text": "Lobbying (often by lobby groups) is a form of advocacy where a direct approach is made to legislators on an issue which plays a significant role in modern politics.ne of the most popular forms is social justice advocacy. Although it is true, the initial definition does not encompass the notions of power relations, people’s participation and a vision of a just society as promoted by social justice advocates." }, { "docid": "149729", "title": "Billboards Law and Legal Definition", "text": "Billboards Law and Legal Definition Billboards are large advertising signs, often placed along roadways and other areas of high traffic and exposure. In 1965, in an attempt to preserve the scenic beauty of America's highways, Congress passed the Highway Beautification Act (HBA)." }, { "docid": "7924464", "title": "First Continental Congress", "text": "First Continental Congress. The First Continental Congress met from September 5 th to October 26 th, 1774 in Carpenter’s Hall, the seat of the Pennsylvania Congress.Triggered by the Intolerable Acts, the purpose of the Congress was to present a united voice to the authority of Great Britain.irst Continental Congress. The First Continental Congress met from September 5 th to October 26 th, 1774 in Carpenter’s Hall, the seat of the Pennsylvania Congress." }, { "docid": "2061530", "title": "Elitist special-interest groups press Congress to curb âgrassroots lobbying,â as NRLC fights back", "text": "In a January 17 letter, they defined “Astroturf” lobbying as any “lobbying campaigns [that] involve paid media, phone bank, direct mail and other paid public communication campaigns to urge the public to lobby Congress on legislation.” [italics in original]." }, { "docid": "5933078", "title": "US Constitution", "text": "Describe how the lack of power was a weakness of the Articles of Confederation. 1- Congress had no power to collect taxes. 2- Congress had no power to regulate trade. 3- Congress had no power to enforce its laws." }, { "docid": "197108", "title": "-", "text": "Pablo Escobar (R) in Congress In 1982 Escobar was for a brief period elected to the house of representatives of Colombia’s Congress." }, { "docid": "4287763", "title": "Historical Time Line - Revolutionary War Years", "text": "The Second Continental Congress convened in Philadelphia's Independence Hall on May 10, 1775. Like the First Continental Congress, delegates from each colony except Georgia initially attended the Second Continental Congress.Delegates from Georgia were seated on July 20, after Congress declared independence.econd Continental Congress (1775-1781). The Second Continental Congress convened in Philadelphia's Independence Hall on May 10, 1775, after the Battles of Concord and Lexington had been fought." }, { "docid": "4681461", "title": "ACRM Brain Injury Definition: The Definition of Mild Brain Injury", "text": "The ACRM brain injury definition (American Congress of Rehabilitation) was a break through in 1993 when it was authored, as it was one of the first peer reviewed definitions of MTBI that did not require a finding of loss of consciousness for the diagnosis of traumatic brain injury.he most significant of those four is amnesia, but it is also the element that gets inadequate inquiry post accident. For the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicines (ACRM) definition of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury click here. J Head Trauma Rehabil 1993:8(3):86-87. The ACRM Brain Injury Definition reads;" }, { "docid": "134907", "title": "-", "text": "DEFINITION of 'Clayton Antitrust Act'. An amendment passed by the U.S. Congress in 1914 that provides further clarification and substance to the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890. The Clayton Antitrust Act attempts to prohibit certain actions that lead to anti-competitiveness." }, { "docid": "7245955", "title": "Legal Resources", "text": "Lobbying activities means lobbying contacts and efforts in support of such contacts, including preparation and planning activities, research and other background work that is intended, at the time it is performed, for use in contacts, and coordination with the lobbying activities of others." }, { "docid": "4556629", "title": "Dwight D. Eisenhower", "text": "Journals of the First Continental Congress. From the Library of Congress, the Journals of the First Continental Congress. These journals were kept by the Secretary of the Congress, Charles Thompson, who was known as the Sam Adams of Philadelphia." }, { "docid": "5121169", "title": "Mystery man: Ukraine's U.S. fixer", "text": "“Paul is a very, very smart and experienced political strategist,” said Charlie Black, the veteran Republican consigliere who co-founded the lobbying firm Black, Manafort and Stone in 1980." }, { "docid": "150621", "title": "-", "text": "title / office. 1 Continental Congress, United States (1788) 2 Continental Congress, United States (1787) 3 Continental Congress, United States (1783) 4 Continental Congress, United States (1782)" }, { "docid": "1219159", "title": "LEGISLATURE", "text": "Senate-the upper house of the United States Congress. U.S. Senate, United States Senate, US Senate. senate-assembly possessing high legislative powers. Congress, U.S. Congress, United States Congress, US Congress-the legislature of the United States government." }, { "docid": "8228780", "title": "-", "text": "The New York law was found invalid because the Commerce Clause of the Constitution designated power to Congress to regulate interstate commerce and that the broad definition of commerce included navigation." }, { "docid": "585191", "title": "What is the House of Representatives? - Definition & Members", "text": "- Definition & Members. The House of Representatives is the lower house of the United States Congress. The House and the Senate work together on bills to give to the president to put into law. Learn why we have the House of Representatives and what it is in this lesson." }, { "docid": "8687521", "title": "term limit", "text": "Definition of term limit. : a specified number of terms that a person in office is allowed to serve He is in favor of term limits for members of Congress." }, { "docid": "2818548", "title": "Congress of the Confederation", "text": "The membership of the Second Continental Congress automatically carried over to the Congress of the Confederation when the latter was created by the ratification of the Articles of Confederation. It had the same secretary as the Second Continental Congress, namely Charles Thomson.he membership of the Second Continental Congress automatically carried over to the Congress of the Confederation when the latter was created by the ratification of the Articles of Confederation. It had the same secretary as the Second Continental Congress, namely Charles Thomson." }, { "docid": "2491929", "title": "-", "text": "Age The average age of Members of the 112 th Congress, although lower than that of the previous Congress, is among the highest of any Congress in recent U.S. history. 6 The average age of Senators at the beginning of the 112 th Congress was 62.2 years." }, { "docid": "5314791", "title": "-", "text": "In some countries (such as the USA), lobbying is seen as a natural part of the political system, and. the word has therefore a neutral meaning. In other countries, the attitude towards the concept is negative and. the word is connected with illegal attempts of influence, such as bribing or “buying” decisions." }, { "docid": "6410006", "title": "Congressional Caucus Law and Legal Definition", "text": "Congressional Caucus Law & Legal Definition. A congressional caucus refers to a collection of members of the United States Congress that meets to pursue common legislative objectives.ongressional Caucus Law & Legal Definition. A congressional caucus refers to a collection of members of the United States Congress that meets to pursue common legislative objectives." }, { "docid": "6225471", "title": "How States Define Lobbying and Lobbyist", "text": "The definition of who is a lobbyist usually revolves around compensation. Most states define a lobbyist as someone who receives any amount of compensation or reimbursement to lobby.Among the exceptions are Hawaii, Minnesota and New York.ow States Define Lobbying and Lobbyist. This table is intended to provide general information and does not necessarily address all aspects of this topic. Because the facts of each situation may vary, this information may need to be supplemented by consulting legal advisors." }, { "docid": "8785998", "title": "-", "text": "Wilson & Associates is a Florida-based lobbying and association management firm specializing in the fields of energy and construction. Our services are based in four pillars: Government Relations." }, { "docid": "8047866", "title": "Lobbying in the United States", "text": "Lobbying in the United States. K Street NW at 19th Street in Washington D.C., part of downtown Washington's maze of high-powered K Street lobbyist and law firm office buildings." }, { "docid": "4782702", "title": "Role of Professional Organizations in Advocating for the Nursing Profession", "text": "It's free! The American Nurses Association (ANA) is the only full-service professional organization representing the interests of the nation's 3.4 million registered nurses through its constituent member nurses associations and its organizational affiliates.he ANA advances the nursing profession by fostering high standards of nursing practice, promoting the rights of nurses in the workplace, projecting a positive and realistic view of nursing, and by lobbying the Congress and regulatory agencies on health care issues affecting nurses and the public." }, { "docid": "8565988", "title": "United States Congress", "text": "Caucuses of the United States Congress; Elections in the United States § Congressional elections; Current members of the United States House of Representatives; List of current United States Senators; List of United States Congresses; Lobbying in the United States; 115th United States Congress; Oath of office § United States" } ]
sedgwick provider phone number
[ { "docid": "2037616", "title": "Sedgwick Claims Management and Workersâ Comp", "text": "Sedgwick does have a general phone line for their Maryland office, (800) 285-3258, but you will need your employer and/or claim number to direct you to the specific phone number for your employer." } ]
[ { "docid": "7289548", "title": "Vericlaim acquires Mid-Texas Claim Service", "text": "Vericlaim acquires Mid-Texas Claim Service Nov 1, 2016, 1:02pm EDT NAPERVILLE, Ill., Nov. 1, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- Vericlaim—a subsidiary of Sedgwick Claims Management Services, Inc., and global provider of loss adjusting and claims management services—has acquired the assets of Mid-Texas Claim Service, Inc., an independent provider of all-lines insurance adjusting and appraisal services in central Texas." }, { "docid": "3870023", "title": "ANI (Automatic Number Identification)", "text": "ANI (Automatic Number Identification) Share this item with your network: ANI (Automatic Number Identification) is a service that provides the receiver of a telephone call with the number of the calling phone. The method of providing this information is determined by the service provider (such as AT&T, MCI, Sprint, and so forth)." }, { "docid": "8009969", "title": "Unlock Your Nokia Lumia 822 Mobile Phone", "text": "Some Nokia Lumia 822 phones are locked to specific network provider, therefore your phone will only work with that provider's Network and SIMs only. To be able to use a SIM from a different carrier, you will first need to unlock your phone." }, { "docid": "4453033", "title": "How to Clone a Phone Without a SIM Card", "text": "Locate the code to change your phone number. Each phone has a special code that can be used to change the phone number. You can access online sites that will provide you with the code to change her phone number (see Resources).Change the phone number in your secondary phone to match the phone number of your primary phone.ocate the code to change your phone number. Each phone has a special code that can be used to change the phone number. You can access online sites that will provide you with the code to change her phone number (see Resources)." }, { "docid": "5787758", "title": "Area Code 560", "text": "If you received a phone call or text message from within the 560 area code please drop a comment about it, or lookup the phone number to see what other people know about the phone number.f you received a phone call or text message from within the 560 area code please drop a comment about it, or lookup the phone number to see what other people know about the phone number." }, { "docid": "6574458", "title": "How Does a Pay-as-You-Go Cell Phone Work?", "text": "Purchasing Phones and Airtime. You can buy phones and airtime cards for a specified number of minutes at retail outlets such as Target, Walmart and Walgreens. You also may be able to use an old phone by switching out its SIM card with one from your new pay-as-you-go provider.urchasing Phones and Airtime. You can buy phones and airtime cards for a specified number of minutes at retail outlets such as Target, Walmart and Walgreens. You also may be able to use an old phone by switching out its SIM card with one from your new pay-as-you-go provider." }, { "docid": "711512", "title": "Precertification", "text": "When we require precertification. Precertification occurs before inpatient admissions and select ambulatory procedures and services. You can submit a precertification by electronic data interchange (EDI), through our secure provider website or by phone, using the number on the member’s ID card." }, { "docid": "344324", "title": "Contact Apple for support and service", "text": "Toll-free phone number is for landlines. You may be charged when calling from a mobile phone. This number may not be accessible from some mobile network providers. For more information, contact your network provider. Back. Free phone technical support number is not accessible by mobile phone. Back." }, { "docid": "8241388", "title": "How to List My Phone Number in the Phone Book", "text": "Business and residential phone customers have their name and number listed in the phone book's white pages automatically unless they request an unlisted number. If you are concerned with your listing in the phone book, make sure the information you provide the phone provider is accurate." }, { "docid": "5703756", "title": "Area Code 118", "text": "Below is a partial list of phone numbers and comments from other people about phone calls originating from the 118 Area Code. Click on the Phone Number to see more details about the number. If you've received a phone call, or know anything about any phone number please leave a comment about it." }, { "docid": "6538272", "title": "Blue Shield (CA) Provider Connection Phone Number", "text": "Once on the phone with Blue Shield (CA)'s Provider Connection department, you may need to provide them with information that identifies you as a customer, like your full name (or name on the account), email address, phone number, or an account number." }, { "docid": "1206214", "title": "-", "text": "Penn Highlands Community Pharmacy practices as a Community/retail Pharmacy provider in Du Bois, Pennsylvania. Find their office location, ratings, phone number, NPI, and more. Home" }, { "docid": "7089424", "title": "-", "text": "Dr. Elizabeth Cadag M.D. is a female health care provider in Chicago, IL with Internal Medicine listed as her primary specialization. Her credentials are: M.D.. Her office phone number, address, ratings, provider comparisons, county health rankings, and specializations can be viewed below." }, { "docid": "8786960", "title": "-", "text": "Subramanian Sivarajan M.D. practices as a Nephrology Internal Medicine provider in Independence, Missouri. Find their office location, ratings, phone number, NPI, and more. Home" }, { "docid": "3409233", "title": "-", "text": "If you have a PIN number on your SIM card as an extra security measure, you'll need to type the PIN number in each time you turn on your phone. If you do this wrong 3 times, the SIM card will be locked and you will be unable to use the phone. In this situation, you will need your PUK code to unlock the SIM.ARNING! Do not try and guess your PUK code. If you enter it wrong 10 times, the SIM card will be permanently locked and you will need to get a new one from your network provider." }, { "docid": "5341305", "title": "-", "text": "All American Diabetic, Llc practices as a Durable Medical Equipment & Medical Supplier provider in Pompano Beach, Florida. Find their office location, ratings, phone number, NPI, and more. Home" }, { "docid": "3546724", "title": "Animal Health Foundation Blog", "text": "It’s like having a cell phone without a phone number. Pet owners need to register their contact information with the microchip provider and keep it up to date. Anita did provide new information when the family moved. In April 2012, she received a call from HomeAgain stating, “We have your dog.”." }, { "docid": "4809873", "title": "How to Send and Receive Text Messages Via Email", "text": "To send someone a text message via email, you'll need to know two things: 1 Their 10-digit phone number. 2 Their wireless provider." }, { "docid": "6626631", "title": "How to Find a Cell Phone Number in Canada", "text": "Such phone books are delivered to your home free by your local telephone service provider. With the increased use of cell phones, many individuals choose to list their cell phone numbers in these Canadian phone books. Step. Find a cell phone number on the online Canada411 database. Canada411 lists public cell phone numbers from the customers of Canada's largest cell phone service providers, including Fido and Bell. Canada's federal privacy regulations require that you know the individual's first and last name, as well as a postal code or city name, before you can try to find a cell phone number on the Canada411 database." }, { "docid": "3511578", "title": "Dr. Samuel Weisblatt M.D.", "text": "Dr. Samuel Weisblatt M.D. is a male health care provider in New York, NY with Student in an Organized Health Care Education/Training Program listed as his primary specialization. His credentials are: M.D.. His office phone number, address, ratings, provider comparisons, county health rankings, and specializations can be viewed below." }, { "docid": "405032", "title": "Check Your Own Mobile Number Jio,Uninor,Airtel,Idea,Vodafone,Aircel,Virgin,Tata Docomo,Reliance,Bsnl,Videocon, Reliance Jio", "text": "How To Check Your Own Mobile Number. step-1 : Unlock your mobile and open your dial pad of your phone. step-2 : Type the below code of your network provider and press call. step-3 : It will take few moments and a pop up appears on your screen displaying your phone number." }, { "docid": "1647627", "title": "-", "text": "We issue you with a Medicare provider number to identify you as a health professional at your practice location. The provider number is used for Medicare and Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) claims processing. A provider number consists of: a 3 to 6 digit number that identifies you, such as 123456, and." }, { "docid": "6554090", "title": "PAC Codes: How to transfer your mobile number when switching networks", "text": "1 PAC Codes can only be used to transfer mobile phone numbers in the UK (these are UK phone numbers beginning with 07). 2 If you want to transfer a landline phone number (beginning with 01 or 02), you should contact your landline phone provider to find out how to do this (e.g. BT, TalkTalk, Sky or Virgin)." }, { "docid": "1144876", "title": "Five Star Tack Signature Elastic Breastplate", "text": "The Signature Breastplate allows stretch through the shoulder without overstretching while the padded chest strap won't rub or irritate. Five Star breastplate has a padded wither grab strap that can be removed if desired. Handcrafted from the best grade of premium Sedgwick English bridle leather. Cob or Full; Sedgwick bridle leather; Chocolate" }, { "docid": "5653263", "title": "What is the difference between ICCID, IMSI and IMEI numbers?", "text": "For example, if a mobile phone is stolen, the owner can call his or her network provider and instruct them to blacklist the phone using its IMEI number.This renders the phone useless on that network and sometimes other networks too, whether or not the phone's SIM is changed.or example, if a mobile phone is stolen, the owner can call his or her network provider and instruct them to blacklist the phone using its IMEI number." }, { "docid": "5431876", "title": "-", "text": "Call your cell phone provider and ask the representative to trace the number for you if it's coming into your cell phone. Many providers will do this for their customers if the calls come repeatedly or if they're threatening in nature. Visit the Free Cell Phone Lookups website." }, { "docid": "7573181", "title": "-", "text": "I encourage everyone to take the time to visit the Sedgwick county zoo and see what it has to offer. See More" }, { "docid": "7170419", "title": "Comprehensive Interventional Pain Management, Pc", "text": "Comprehensive Interventional Pain Management, Pc. Comprehensive Interventional Pain Management, Pc is a health care provider in Middletown, NY. In this page you will find its mailing address, practice location, phone number, specialty etc. Basic Information" }, { "docid": "6493595", "title": "How do I obtain the information required to register for eServices?", "text": "You must have a Provider Transaction Account Number (PTAN), National Provider Identifier (NPI), and tax identification number (TIN) to register for Online Provider Services (OPS). Palmetto GBA cannot release patient or provider specific information if you do not identify yourself with your PTAN, NPI, and TIN." }, { "docid": "5631542", "title": "-", "text": "Mrs. Lindsay Horton LPC INTERN is a female health care provider in North Richland Hills, TX with Professional Counselor listed as her primary specialization. Her credentials are: LPC INTERN. Her office phone number, address, ratings, provider comparisons, county health rankings, and specializations can be viewed below." } ]
senokot dose for constipation
[ { "docid": "5216975", "title": "-", "text": "Like all Senokot laxative products, Senokot-S tablets are produced from the natural vegetable laxative ingredient, Senna for occasional constipation. Senokot-S tablets can be taken at bedtime and generally help relieve symptoms in 6 to 12 hours." }, { "docid": "5216982", "title": "-", "text": "Senokot® Before Bed. The gentle effects of Senokot® Tablets' direct action on the large intestine are generally felt 6-12 hours after ingesting. Take at bedtime (or as required) for more natural morning results. 00:07 - Don't let occasional constipation stop you. 00:10 - For effective overnight relief, trust Senokot, a natural laxative made from Senna." } ]
[ { "docid": "8142208", "title": "-", "text": "Medical conditions associated with peripheral opioid receptor antagonists: 1 Constipation, Chronic. 2 Constipation, Drug Induced. 3 Gastrointestinal Surgery. 4 Opioid-Induced Constipation. 5 Postoperative Ileus." }, { "docid": "479249", "title": "Chronic Constipation: Facts vs. Myths", "text": "Let's look at some chronic constipation myths and then identify the truths: Chronic Constipation Myth: If you don't have one bowel movement a day, it's abnormal. The Truth: Less than 50% of people have one bowel movement a day. Chronic Constipation Myth: Fewer than five or six bowel movements a week is considered to be chronic constipation." }, { "docid": "1609910", "title": "Apresoline", "text": "What happens if I miss a dose (Apresoline)? Take the missed dose as soon as you remember. If it is almost time for your next dose, wait until then to take the medicine and skip the missed dose. Do not take extra medicine to make up the missed dose. Seek emergency medical attention if you think you have used too much of this medicine." }, { "docid": "7372241", "title": "Stomach Bloating.net", "text": "Oddly enough, the other active ingredient in Mylanta, aluminum, can cause constipation. So, Mylanta side effects essentially include one active ingredient that can cause loose stools and one active ingredient that can cause constipation. Web MD points out that diarrhea from the magnesium content occurs more frequently than constipation from the aluminum." }, { "docid": "8653262", "title": "Over-the-counter laxatives for constipation: Use with caution", "text": "Stimulant laxatives, such as Dulcolax and Senokot, are the harshest and should be used only occasionally. Here are some examples of types of laxatives. Even though many laxatives are available over-the-counter, it's best to talk to your doctor about laxative use and which kind may be best for you." }, { "docid": "2948169", "title": "How To Take EFFEXOR XR", "text": "EFFEXOR XR should be taken exactly as prescribed. Your doctor may need to adjust your dosage of EFFEXOR XR until the right dose is established for you; do not change your dose without consulting your physician. 1 Take a single dose of EFFEXOR XR with food at about the same time every day, in the morning or in the evening.owever, if you miss a dose, take the missed dose as soon as you remember. If it is almost time for the next dose, skip the missed dose and take your next dose at the regularly scheduled time. Do not take 2 doses of EFFEXOR XR at the same time." }, { "docid": "8325676", "title": "Can i give pediasure for my toddler suffering from constipation", "text": "Consult a surgeon personally. Avoid constipation. Regards. Hi, my friend is suffering from so many health issues like morning time he s not getting potty, for that he is getting pimples on his face. Full he s feeling li. Constipation can be treated with laxatives and a diet rich in fibre. Constipation is not related to pimples, these are due to hormonal changes." }, { "docid": "3212170", "title": "Does pomegranate juice aggravate bloating and constipation in case of IBS?", "text": "does pomegranate juice aggravate bloating and constipation in case of IBS or on the contrary it facilitates in case of constipation thin stools and bloating?oes pomegranate juice aggravate bloating and constipation in case of IBS or on the contrary it facilitates in case of constipation thin stools and bloating?" }, { "docid": "3814412", "title": "What is Linzess?", "text": "For oral dosage form (capsules): For chronic idiopathic constipation: Adults—145 micrograms (mcg) once per day. Some patients may need 72 mcg once per day. Children 6 years of age and older—Use and dose must be determined by your doctor. Children younger than 6 years of age—Use is not recommended. For irritable bowel syndrome with constipation: Adults—290 micrograms (mcg) once per day. Children 6 years of age and older—Use and dose must be determined by your doctor." }, { "docid": "3376761", "title": "Overview", "text": "According to Mayo Clinic, it can be effective for relieving short-term constipation. They recommend dissolving the powder form in 8 ounces of water. The maximum dose for an adult or child over 12 years old should be 6 teaspoons. The maximum dose for a child between six and 11 years old should be 2 teaspoons." }, { "docid": "5911477", "title": "Encopresis Symptoms & Causes", "text": "At Boston Children’s Hospital, we first determine the cause and then treat your child appropriately. 1 long-term constipation — Encopresis is usually due to chronic constipation, which can be easily overlooked in children. There’s often no clear cause of this constipation, although sometimes it does run in families." }, { "docid": "1609910", "title": "Apresoline", "text": "What happens if I miss a dose (Apresoline)? Take the missed dose as soon as you remember. If it is almost time for your next dose, wait until then to take the medicine and skip the missed dose. Do not take extra medicine to make up the missed dose. Seek emergency medical attention if you think you have used too much of this medicine." }, { "docid": "4591280", "title": "-", "text": "Getting Quick Relief from Constipation. 1 1. Try castor oil. This is a classic quick fix that really works. 2 2. Take a dose of epsom salt. The salt mixed with water acts as a laxative by helping hydrate your stool to make it easier to pass. 3 3. Drink dandelion tea." }, { "docid": "6990382", "title": "Senna", "text": "Senna leaves or pods have been used as a cathartic laxative at dosages of 0.6 to 2 g/day, with a daily dose of sennoside B from 20 to 30 mg. The brand Senokot is available in 8.6 and 17.2 mg tablets. 61 Effects usually occur within 8 to 12 hours of administration and may last up to 24 hours. 62 A bitter tea can be made containing 0.5 to 2 g (ie, ½ to 1 teaspoon) of senna. 2 Senna should not be used at higher doses or for extended periods of time." }, { "docid": "3453493", "title": "Myrbetriq", "text": "The recommended starting dose of Myrbetriq is 25 mg once daily, with or without food. 25 mg is effective within 8 weeks, though the dose may be increased to 50 mg once daily. Myrbetriq should be swallowed whole and should not be crushed, divided or chewed.ess serious side effects may include: 1 headache, joint pain; 2 dizziness, blurred vision; 3 tired feeling; 4 dry mouth, stomach pain, nausea; 5 diarrhea, constipation, bloating; or. 6 sinus pain, sore throat." }, { "docid": "5603132", "title": "Top 30 Doctor insights on: Magnesium Sulfate Vs Magnesium Oxide", "text": "Yes: Magnesium oxide is poorly absorbed in humans and will work for constipation although i prefer magnesium citrate. 500 mg is a safe dose although you may need to titrate the dose based on response. More info on: http://drfairchild.Blogspot.Com/2012/12/magnesium-benefits.Html. ...Read more." }, { "docid": "411701", "title": "Can Black Licorice Cause Constipation?", "text": "Traditional uses for black licorice include treatment for constipation. In that respect, black licorice generally doesn't cause constipation in most people. However, if you have a sensitive gut or suffer from any intestinal problems, licorice may trigger constipation.Similarly, eating lots of licorice might cause your system to get clogged up and bloated.n that respect, black licorice generally doesn't cause constipation in most people. However, if you have a sensitive gut or suffer from any intestinal problems, licorice may trigger constipation." }, { "docid": "5787959", "title": "Your \"Relieving Constipation\" Guide.", "text": "The need for constipation cure is based on two very important reasons: 1 You need relief for constipation because if you don’t your body gets poisoned from all the toxins being thrown back into your system. 2 You need to do it because not relieving constipation worsens the constipation." }, { "docid": "7070008", "title": "Does Linzess have a role in IBS with constipation?", "text": "The FDA approved use of Linzess in IBS with constipation is 290 µg orally once daily, and in chronic idiopathic constipation the approved dose of Linzess is 145 µg orally daily. In both conditions, Linzess is best taken at least 30 minutes prior to first meal of the day." }, { "docid": "6980457", "title": "Tamil Medicine for Constipation Treatment", "text": "Tamil Remedy for Constipation Problem. 1 Drink more and more water to save your body from dehydration which results in constipation. 2 Food which contains fibre is helpful for digestion and also reduces the problem of constipation. 3 Apple is very much beneficial in helping constipation. 4 Daily morning and evening eat ripe banana." }, { "docid": "5958059", "title": "Iron supplements constipationA common side effectOf anemia prescriptions", "text": "If yes, be aware of iron supplements constipation. You are probably about to start iron supplementation, and constipation is one of the most frequently reported side effects. In the elderly, it may also lead to a condition called fecal impaction, a serious complication of unresolved constipation.n this article, we will first discuss the role of iron in human physiology. In a second step, we will talk about iron supplements, contrast them with dietary sources, and explain why they cause constipation. Finally, we will discuss practical steps you can take to minimize the risk of constipation." }, { "docid": "891307", "title": "Constipation: Symptoms, treatment and prevention", "text": "Constipation: Symptoms, treatment and prevention. What is constipation? Constipation is when a person is not passing stools (poo) regularly, or cannot completely empty their bowels. Constipation is common and affects around 1 in 7 adults and 1 in 3 children." }, { "docid": "8047261", "title": "What is another name for the supplement/drug Senna-S?", "text": "Best Answer: Senokot-S is another name for it. But most pharmacies have a generic for it. You can use docusate and senna separately. Also, Peri-Colace is a ..." }, { "docid": "1820201", "title": "Abdominal Pain: Is It Appendicitis?", "text": "Constipation can cause pain localized in the lower right abdomen, as well as rebound tenderness. However, the constipation starts before the abdominal pain, unlike when you have appendicitis (constipation is sometimes a symptom of appendicitis)." }, { "docid": "4493618", "title": "-", "text": "Complications of constipation. In the long-term, constipation can cause dry, hard poo to collect in the rectum, called faecal impaction. Leakage of liquid stools is also possible, called faecal incontinence. Straining on the toilet and constipation can also lead to piles, another name for haemorrhoids. 1 | 2." }, { "docid": "4821049", "title": "Diagnostic Approach to Chronic Constipation in Adults", "text": "Constipation is one of the most common chronic gastrointestinal disorders in adults. 1, 2 In a 1997 epidemiology of constipation study that surveyed 10,018 persons, 12 percent of men and 16 percent of women met criteria for constipation." }, { "docid": "2544942", "title": "Transderm-Scop Overview", "text": "If you miss a dose of Meclizine, try to take it as soon as you remember. If it is almost time for the next dose, skip the missed dose and take your next dose at the regular time. Do not take two doses of the medication at the same time." }, { "docid": "5911480", "title": "Encopresis", "text": "Encopresis is also known as fecal soiling. It occurs when a child usually over the age of 4 has a bowel movement and soils their pants. This behavior is often linked to constipation. Constipation occurs when stool becomes backed up in the intestines. Treating constipation is fairly easy and will typically eliminate soiling." }, { "docid": "1252142", "title": "Ask the Experts", "text": "All three HPV vaccines should be given as a 3-dose schedule, with the second dose given 1 to 2 months after the first dose and the third dose 6 months after the first dose. The minimum interval between the first and second doses of vaccine is 4 weeks." }, { "docid": "6520351", "title": "Cancer-Related Constipation", "text": "It is not a problem unique to patients with cancer, but millions of people suffer from chronic constipation in the U.S. As bowel habits vary from individual to individual, there has been a consensus definition for functional constipation (referred to as the Rome III criteria, after a large conference on constipation)." } ]
service industries definition
[ { "docid": "6762972", "title": "Category:Service industries", "text": "Hence, a service Industry is one where no goods are produced whereas primary industries are those that extract minerals, oil etc. from the ground and secondary industries are those that manufacture products, including builders, but not remodeling contractors." } ]
[ { "docid": "4201513", "title": "The QSR 50", "text": "The 50 brands setting the pace in the quick-service and fast-casual restaurant industries." }, { "docid": "1837273", "title": "What does LTSS stand for?", "text": "LTSS stands for Long Term Service and Support (healthcare) Suggest new definition. This definition appears rarely and is found in the following Acronym Finder categories: Military and Government. Organizations, NGOs, schools, universities, etc." }, { "docid": "3023011", "title": "-", "text": "Definition of BRANDING. : the promoting of a product or service by identifying it with a particular brand. ADVERTISEMENT." }, { "docid": "1995218", "title": "What is \"bhakti?\" What does \"bhakti-yoga\" mean?", "text": "Bhakti. Bhakti means 'devotional service.' (The Nectar of Devotion [NOD], p xii). Bhakti connotes devotion, or love, and love implies service. Service refers to that activity which is intended to please the beloved.Thus devotional service is an eloquent definition of Bhakti.hakti connotes devotion, or love, and love implies service. Service refers to that activity which is intended to please the beloved. Thus devotional service is an eloquent definition of Bhakti." }, { "docid": "7896956", "title": "Hawaii Economy", "text": "Hawaii Economy. 1 The United States has become a service economy and many states, Hawaii included, generate most of their revenue through service industries. Spending by tourists contributes significantly." }, { "docid": "1317625", "title": "-", "text": "DEFINITION of 'Business Broker'. A professional who specializes in the purchase and sale of companies. Business brokers help individuals and businesses who want to buy or sell a business. A business broker might specialize in selling companies in certain industries, such as restaurants, retail, manufacturing or hospitality." }, { "docid": "3907760", "title": "Macroeconomics (20th Edition) View more editions94 % ( 17 ratings) for Chapter 9Solutions for Chapter 9", "text": "Macroeconomics (20th Edition) View more editions Solutions for Chapter 9. What are the four phases of the business cycle? How long do business cycles last? Why does the business cycle affect output and employment in capital goods industries and consumer durable goods industries more severely than in industries producing consumer nondurables?" }, { "docid": "3332226", "title": "-", "text": "Total: There are other fees that may occur, but most lien copy service bills will run about $100-$150 per facility. This is a reasonable fee when you consider the time and effort that goes into the service and compare it to similar prices for like services in other industries, and the Board’s own charges." }, { "docid": "6027337", "title": "Service Learning in Psychology", "text": "Service Learning in Psychology: Definitions. During the week of the Psychology Partnerships Project at James Madison University (June 1999), the Service-Learning group adopted the following definition to guide its work over the following two years." }, { "docid": "5032648", "title": "-", "text": "BDC usually refers to a call-center staffed with customer service representatives responsible for sales and service at every customer touch-point. This definition was initially pioneered and made famous by the Automotive Industry." }, { "docid": "8104922", "title": "Freemium", "text": "Freemium Definition - Freemium is a business strategy or model implemented by business owners or service providers to allow a user to use the basic... Freemium Definition - Freemium is a business strategy or model implemented by business owners or service providers to allow a user to use the basic..." }, { "docid": "194772", "title": "-", "text": "Southpac Certifications has been involved in ISO certification and auditing for over 20 years and has experience working with a wide range of industries and organisations. We aim to add value with every visit and our clients have to come to expect the consistent and professional service that we see as standard." }, { "docid": "3445792", "title": "-", "text": "Our team of Certified Compensation Professionals has analyzed survey data collected from thousands of HR departments at companies of all sizes and industries to present this range of annual salaries for people with the job title Customer Service Representative I in the United States." }, { "docid": "7929536", "title": "What Are the Major Industries of Colorado?", "text": "Quick Answer. Colorado's major industries include the service, agriculture, manufacturing and mining industries. There are many sub-industries that fall under these main types. The service industry is the largest with most of the state's revenue coming from this industry." }, { "docid": "2167305", "title": "-", "text": "57 Comments. 1 very informative and very complete knowledge which i want to get abt laptops and note book. 2 I think you are confused between a NOTEBOOK and a NETBOOK. 3 above mentioned definition is a industries conventions , thank you for good explanation this difference. 4 This is one of the worst explainations I have ever seen." }, { "docid": "6495247", "title": "-", "text": "The Definitions of Upstream and Downstream in the Production Process. Upstream and downstream are business terms applicable to the production processes that exist within several industries. Industries that commonly use this terminology include the metals industry, oil, gas, biopharmaceutical and biotechnology industries." }, { "docid": "2937555", "title": "KATY INDUSTRIES INC (KATY) SEC Filing 10-K Annual report for the fiscal year ending Thursday, December 31, 2015", "text": "Katy Industries, Inc. is a diversified corporation focused on the manufacture, import and distribution of commercial cleaning products, consumer home products and a contract manufacturer of structural foam products. Katy Industries, Inc. KATY INDUSTRIES, INC." }, { "docid": "1125060", "title": "What are 3 major industries in New Jersey?", "text": "Three major industries in Japan are automotive vehicles, computers,and electronics. Some other major industries also include steel,copper, and iron." }, { "docid": "5022438", "title": "-", "text": "The state of Michigan has four major industries. The industries are car manufacturing, fishing, timber, and farming crops such as corn, wheat, and soybeans. 2 people found this useful." }, { "docid": "4624799", "title": "-", "text": "Full-service staffing firm specializing in placement of temporary and direct hire clerical and industrial candidates in all industries." }, { "docid": "1718152", "title": "-", "text": "Definition of INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR. : one that contracts to do work or perform a service for another and that retains total and free control over the means or methods used in doing the work or performing the service.ADVERTISEMENT.efinition of INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR. : one that contracts to do work or perform a service for another and that retains total and free control over the means or methods used in doing the work or performing the service." }, { "docid": "5561836", "title": "customs duty", "text": "Definition of customs duty: A tax levied on imports (and, sometimes, on exports) by the customs authorities of a country to raise state revenue, and/or to protect domestic industries from more efficient or predatory competitors ..." }, { "docid": "1879660", "title": "-", "text": "Definition. Sustaining innovation stands in contrast to disruptive innovation. Sustaining technology or innovation improves product performance of established products. Sustaining technologies are often incremental and not disruptive to markets or industries, though it is possible for them to sometimes be disruptive." }, { "docid": "6333733", "title": "Six Sigma", "text": "Definition. Originally developed in 1986 by Motorola, the business management strategy is now used in many different industries in an effort to improve the quality of products or services produced by the business through the removal of defects and errors." }, { "docid": "2359491", "title": "Basic Definitions: Advertising, Marketing, Promotion, Public Relations and Publicity, and Sales", "text": "One Definition of Advertising. Advertising is bringing a product (or service) to the attention of potential and current customers. Advertising is focused on one particular product or service. Thus, an advertising plan for one product might be very different than that for another product. Advertising is typically done with signs, brochures, commercials, direct mailings or e-mail messages, personal contact, etc. One Definition of Promotion" }, { "docid": "2647512", "title": "-", "text": "DEFINITION of 'Brand Awareness'. The likelihood that consumers recognize the existence and availability of a company's product or service." }, { "docid": "5844499", "title": "-", "text": "Definition of First-Time Homebuyer. The Federal Housing Authority (FHA), a division of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), is the governmental regulatory agency for the housing and mortgage industries." }, { "docid": "8059665", "title": "elastic supply", "text": "Definition of elastic supply: The characteristic of a good or service for which the supply may increase or decrease as needed to match changes in... Definition of elastic supply: The characteristic of a good or service for which the supply may increase or decrease as needed to match changes in... Home Articles" }, { "docid": "8099243", "title": "Loss Leaders and A/E/C Marketing", "text": "Now ask yourself where the CDs are in the store? That’s right, in the back of the store. You will have to pass by a sea of products to get to them. That is the loss leader tactic used well. Professional service firms try not to give out services for free. They see it as a slippery slope. But other industries are using loss leaders to great success." }, { "docid": "1535358", "title": "-", "text": "BLS can create a managed car service program with set travel polices and negotiated rates. EXPERIENCE. For 42 years BLS has serviced professionals in the entertainment, media, music, fashion, tech, financial, gaming, pharma and aviation industries." } ]
become a customs broker
[ { "docid": "5606083", "title": "How to Become A Customs Agent", "text": "A: To become a customs broker, you must have a US citizenship, over the age of 21, clear a background check, and clear the brokers examinations with a satisfactory score of 75% or higher. All customs brokers must have an understanding of entry procedures, duty taxes, fees for imported goods, and fines.: To become a customs agent you need to be a citizen of the United States, you must have a valid driver's license, you must be below the age of 40 at the time of application, and you must clear a medical exam, a drug screening test, background check, a physical fitness test and a polygraph test." } ]
[ { "docid": "2506490", "title": "-", "text": "The broker doesn’t have to hold this money unless the broker and landlord agree that the broker will do so, pursuant to a Property Management Agreement. Further, the escrow agent, the holder of the security deposits and advanced rents, should be designated in the lease between the landlord and the tenant." }, { "docid": "2115907", "title": "-", "text": "Yes. You can open a freight agency or become a freight broker agent with little risk and without obtaining your own licensing. In that case, you'd operate as an agent, under the umbrella of another broker's authority, and you would do a split with the broker on your profits.5. freight broker is legally a property broker, which is the term established by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), a division of the United States Department of Transportation." }, { "docid": "3200066", "title": "A Quick Guide to Stock Broker Commissions", "text": "Here, I’ll give you a quick overview of stock broker commissions and give you some advice on how to find a stock broker. What is a Commission? A commission is a fee, basically, that is paid to a broker in exchange for the broker helping you by submitting your trading orders to the market. There are several ways for a broker to earn a commission." }, { "docid": "2719071", "title": "Roots, places, manners and customs in Greece. Travel to a civilisation with a long history", "text": "Get to know the Greek customs and local traditions: from Crete to Macedonia, from the Aegean to the Ionian islands, the wealth, diversity and colour of this country’s customs and traditions will astonish you. Dive Into Tradition: Customs & Dancing. In Greece, tradition is still alive." }, { "docid": "5639409", "title": "California Financing Law", "text": "A broker is defined in the law as any person engaged in the business of negotiating or performing any act as broker in connection with loans made by a finance lender.. Brokers licensed under this law may only broker loans to lenders that hold a California Finance Lenders license." }, { "docid": "8071429", "title": "What does LBD stand for?", "text": "Albd_server (atria location broker daemon) is the broker for all ClearCase functions. It listens on port 371, and depending on the request being made... glbd Global Location Broker Daemon grmd graphics resource manager daemon gwind graphics window daemon hosts to named Translate host table to..." }, { "docid": "5243076", "title": "Ask an Attorney LEGAL CENTER", "text": "Also, the landlord should clearly authorize the landlord’s broker to deduct commission from the first month’s rent, and the parties (or possibly the landlord’s broker) should clearly authorize the tenant’s broker to deduct the amount described in the offer of compensation. More Legal Q&As categories." }, { "docid": "415221", "title": "Guide to Broker-Dealer Registration", "text": "A broker-dealer that conducts all of its business in one state does not have to register with the SEC. (State registration is another matter. See Part III, below.) The exception provided for intrastate broker-dealer activity is very narrow." }, { "docid": "6546882", "title": "Legal definition of broker Insurance Litigation Legal Terminology", "text": "Broker means a person lawfully engaged in the business of effecting transactions in securities or commodities for the person's own account or for the account of others. Each country and state has its own broker regulations. Broker usually acts as a liaison between a buyer and a seller, whether it is a house, an insurance policy or a business purchase. All states require a broker to be a licensed professional. To obtain a license a potential broker must pass a written test. A broker owes a fiduciary duty to the owner/or buyer to act according to the owner's/buyer's instructions, and in the best interest of the owner, notwithstanding the manner in which the broker is compensated." }, { "docid": "1797603", "title": "Texas Real Estate Contracts", "text": "Due diligence. Open listing usually unilateral contract: seller agrees. to pay commission if broker finds buyer, but broker. doesn’t promise to try to find a buyer. Exclusive listing usually bilateral contract: seller. promises to pay a commission, and broker promises." }, { "docid": "5491447", "title": "-", "text": "Download license renewal requirements. You will need to complete 30 hours of Broker Post-license CE before April 30, 2018. The 30 hours of post-license education must include a 15-hour Broker Post-license Topics course and a 15-hour Broker Post-license Applied Real Estate Principles course." }, { "docid": "5747523", "title": "-", "text": "*A bad sign: the broker does not discuss the length of the lock period required. *Another bad sign: the broker fails to deliver the lock statement from the lender, which probably means the broker has not locked but is speculating for a larger payoff at the borrower’s risk.ne acid test of a good broker is whether the broker will tell a client that a contemplated refinance is not in his interest. The broker who has a constant source of referrals is much more likely to do this than one who purchased your name and address from a leads broker. *A good rule: Do not respond to solicitations." }, { "docid": "7084668", "title": "The New Freight Broker Job Description", "text": "While a freight broker might never have an in-person meeting with their business partners or might never see the freight being moved, their impact on the transportation process is crucial. This year seems to be quite auspicious for joining the freight broker profession." }, { "docid": "6712016", "title": "Rule G-43 Brokerâs Brokers", "text": "(a) Duty of Broker’s Broker. (i) Each dealer acting as a broker’s broker with respect to the execution of a transaction in municipal securities for or on behalf of another dealer shall make a reasonable effort to obtain a price for the dealer that is fair and reasonable in relation to prevailing market conditions. broker’s broker may be a separate company or part of a larger company. An alternative trading system, registered as such with the Commission, is not a broker's broker for purposes of this rule if, with respect to its municipal securities activities:" }, { "docid": "8293432", "title": "-", "text": "1 70% - Do mortgage agent broker in ontario make money? 2 70% - Does a mortgage broker make more money for a 30 year mortgage? 3 67% - How much broker make money from his agent in canada? 4 63% - How can i get my money back from a broker who has been lying to me about a mortgage canada?lease unmerge any questions that are not the same as this one: Q: How much money does a mortgage broker make in canada? The correct answer to the no money down mortgage in BC is: not anymore." }, { "docid": "6874618", "title": "History of American Funeral Customs", "text": "A funeral also may or may not be religious depending on the families beliefs. Throughout the course of history funerals rites and customs have undergone many changes and the history of funeral customs is quite interesting.Funerals in the United States have been around as long as the country itself but have undergone many changes throughout the years.hroughout the course of history funerals rites and customs have undergone many changes and the history of funeral customs is quite interesting. Funerals in the United States have been around as long as the country itself but have undergone many changes throughout the years." }, { "docid": "835387", "title": "Canadian Customs Brokerage Services", "text": "Our strength is cutting through red tape. We are a Canadian Customs Broker and a U.S. Customs Broker, with a high level of expertise directed to both one-time noncommercial goods importer and to the high volume commercial goods importer.acific Customs Brokers is ALWAYS OPEN 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, to obtain clearances at all Commercial Customs ports of entry in Canada and the United States." }, { "docid": "4000309", "title": "ttsmarketing.ca", "text": "TTS Sales and Marketing: Meta Keyword: food broker, food brokerage, food distribution, food broker quebec, food brokerage quebec, food broker canada, food broker montreal, packaging broker canada, packaging broker montreal, packaging broker quebec: Meta Description: We are glad to welcome you to our new website." }, { "docid": "2164414", "title": "-", "text": "Broker Code : ARN- Sub Broker Code: C OM NTRA SAC I F RM. AMC / Mutual Fund : ______________________________________. (Please use separate transaction slip for each scheme) This Form is for use of Existing Investors only. Use this Form for: ADDITIONAL PURCHASE / REDEMPTION / SWITCH. CHANGE OF ADDRESS / BANK DETAILS. EUIN No: Sub Broker ARN Code: ARN-." }, { "docid": "2312671", "title": "Guide to Broker-Dealer Registration", "text": "Table of Contents. 1 Introduction. 2 Who Is Required to Register Who is a Broker. Who is a Dealer. 3 How to Register as a Broker-Dealer Form BD. SRO Membership. Security 1 Futures. Conduct Regulation of Broker-Dealers Antifraud Provisions Duty of Fair Dealing. Suitability Requirements. Arbitration." }, { "docid": "6762933", "title": "U.S. Customs and Border Protection", "text": "If you are a warehouse or facility operator and want to become a Customs bonded facility with the ability to store or secure imported or exported goods, you must obtain a Customs bond." }, { "docid": "4732290", "title": "Becoming a Customs Broker", "text": "Brokers must have expertise in the entry procedures, admissibility requirements, classification, valuation, and the rates of duty and applicable taxes and fees for imported merchandise. There are approximately 11,000 active licensed Customs brokers in the United States. What about Customs brokerages? Corporations, partnerships and associations must have a broker license to transact Customs business. Each of these businesses must have at least one individually licensed officer, partner or associate to qualify the company's license." }, { "docid": "7046405", "title": "What is a 'Mortgage Broker'", "text": "What is a 'Mortgage Broker'. A mortgage broker gathers paperwork from a borrower and passes that paperwork along to a mortgage lender for underwriting and approval. The mortgage funds are lent in the name of the mortgage lender, and the mortgage broker collects an origination fee from the lender as compensation for services. A mortgage broker is not to be confused with a mortgage banker, which closes and funds a mortgage with its own funds. Next Up." }, { "docid": "7419676", "title": "Services News Government LocalLocation", "text": "A broker of record letter is a written statement signed by an insured advising an insurer that a particular broker or agent shall act as the insured’s representative. A broker of record letter is not a creation of statute or regulation; it was developed by the insurance industry as a means of conducting business." }, { "docid": "8247743", "title": "-", "text": "7. The amount you calculate is the tax you will pay to import your vehicle into Guatemala. 8. To this amount add Q500 which is the cost of the paperwork (Tramite) to import your car. You will pay this amount to your customs broker." }, { "docid": "7152774", "title": "-", "text": "any broker-dealer conducting business from or with persons in the state, as well as the registration as agent of such broker-dealer’s employees doing business in the state. The SEC has advised that persons or entities that regularly (i) participate in the solicitation, negotiation or" }, { "docid": "2229884", "title": "Becoming a Stockbroker in Tennessee", "text": "Becoming a Stockbroker in Tennessee. Stockbrokers, who are referred to in the Tennessee Securities Act of 1980 as broker-dealer agents, are investment experts who operate as sales representatives for their employing broker-dealer firms.tep 2: Take the Required Exams. 1 Before you can take the required exams, a broker-dealer firm currently registered in Tennessee must sponsor you. 2 To become sponsored, apply for open broker-dealer agent positions by getting in touch with firms that interest you." }, { "docid": "4891342", "title": "Are investment fees tax-deductible?", "text": "The key to deducting the IRA fees is to cut a check or use a credit card to pay the broker the annual maintenance fees. For example, if your broker charges you $150 for the IRA annually, you need to pay this to the broker from non-IRA assets for it to be deductible." }, { "docid": "2544303", "title": "-", "text": "He or she applies for and holds the license on behalf of the brokerage. This person is known as the representative broker.. A real estate salesperson works for and is supervised by the representative broker. The salesperson acts as the representative broker's agent." }, { "docid": "3218791", "title": "-", "text": "Obtained from the Revenue Board. Import Entry-C78. This is the primary import document on which all particulars of the motor vehicle, the name of the importer, shipping information and the duties paid are recorded. It is completed by the broker and submitted to Customs.Only a licensed customs broker should complete this form.itle. A document issued to the owner of the vehicle by the Government of the country where the vehicle was purchased. Bill of Lading/Order. Obtained from the shipping agent with information about the particulars of the vehicles, the date it landed in the island and port of entry." } ]
shameless season 7 cast
[ { "docid": "1664195", "title": "âShamelessâ, Season 7: Meet the Cast", "text": "‘Shameless’, Season 7: Meet the Cast. William H. Macy as Frank Gallagher. Frank is an alcoholic troublemaker, and can often be found passed out on floors. He's completely narcissistic and careless, which manifests in bad parenting and guidance." }, { "docid": "1664201", "title": "'Shameless' Season 7 Cast Details, Spoilers and Release Date: Fiona Knows About Debbie's Hobby; Frank is Back with a Vengeance", "text": "Sep 9, 2016 | 3:33 AM. x. Fiona Gallagher (Emmy Rossum) is going to be taking care of herself more in Shameless Season 7. As Fiona moves on with her life after the failed wedding, Debbie (Emma Kenney) will cause her more troubles in the upcoming season. Wikimedia CommonsThe cast of Shameless at Comic Con." } ]
[ { "docid": "2721067", "title": "Charmed", "text": "The Royal Family Meet the Royal Family! Read more >. Season 1 The first season of E!'s new series The Royals! Read more >. Cast The actors & actresses who play the characters on The Royals. Read more >." }, { "docid": "7232121", "title": "The Walking Dead, Season 8 HD TV-MA Closed Captioning", "text": "Go behind the scenes of Episode 802 with the cast and crew of The Walking Dead Season 8." }, { "docid": "8253348", "title": "36 Unknown Facts about The Facts of Life TV Show", "text": "Nancy McKeon got the role of Jo Polniaczek from her Hallmark commercials by being able to cry on cue. 15. The first episode of The Facts of Life had 7 original cast members. Come season two, the cast was trimmed down to include Mrs. Garrett and 3 of the original girls, Tootie, Natalie and Blair. It wasn’t until the second season when Jo Polniaczek was introduced. 16." }, { "docid": "2691447", "title": "Shameless (season 4)", "text": "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The fourth season of Shameless, an American drama television series based on the award-winning British series of the same name by Paul Abbott, premiered on January 12, 2014, at Sunday 9:00 p.m. EST on the Showtime television network." }, { "docid": "7587144", "title": "Taylor Swift", "text": "America's premiere sketch-comedy show returns for its 35th season LIVE from Studio 8H in New York City. This season, the cast includes Fred Armisen, Will Forte, Bill Hader, Seth Meyers, ... See full summary »." }, { "docid": "4682380", "title": "Netflix âThe Crownâ Season 2 â Cast, Release Date, Spoilers, And More", "text": "Netflix ‘The Crown’ Season 2 — Cast, Release Date, Spoilers, And More. The Crown, a Netflix original series, is set to return for Season 2. According to What’s On Netflix, the official release date for Season 2 of The Crown has not been confirmed. The Netflix fan website, however, has speculated Season 2 of this Netflix Original will be a regular fall release for the streaming giant." }, { "docid": "2976644", "title": "The Middle Cancelled Or Renewed For Season 7?", "text": "Official Status: The Middle Renewed For Season 7 By ABC! The Middle Season 7 Release Date – Wednesday, September 23 2015 at 8PM. The Middle Season 6 premiered Wednesday, September 24. ABC has yet to cancel or renew The Middle for Season 7. Bookmark and check back for ongoing updates on the cancelled/renewed status of ABC’s sitcom." }, { "docid": "2156987", "title": "Halibut Recipes", "text": "Steps. 1 1. Heat a dry cast iron pan over medium-high heat. 2 2. Melt some butter in a shallow pan. 3 3. Dredge each fish fillet through the melted butter. 4. Season the fillets with a Cajun spice 1 mix. 5. Set the fish fillets into the cast iron 2 pan. 6. Turn the fish fillets after 1 or 2 minutes. 7. Remove the fish from the 1 grill. 8. Finished." }, { "docid": "7864292", "title": "Charo", "text": "ABC News. 'Dancing With the Stars' 2017: Season 24 celebrity cast and partners revealed on 'GMA'. The cast of season 24 of the hit reality TV show Dancing With the Stars was announced live on Good Morning America today." }, { "docid": "7232122", "title": "-", "text": "Season 8 11 Full Episodes 11 Full Episodes; Season 7 Season 6 Season 5 Season 4 Season 3 Season 2 Season 1" }, { "docid": "6106268", "title": "'Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt' Cast Breaks Down Season 2 Finale Shockers", "text": "'Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt' Cast Breaks Down Season 2 Finale Shockers. Stars Ellie Kemper, Tituss Burgess, Jane Krakowski and Carol Kane discuss the season's biggest moments and preview what’s ahead in season three. [Warning: This story contains spoilers from Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt's entire second season.]" }, { "docid": "7042189", "title": "Modern Mopar / Chrysler / Dodge 5.7 Hemi Magnum V8 Engines", "text": "The new Hemi is precision cast, which allows it to be lighter than a typical 5.7 liter engine, even with a taller deck height than GM’s equivalent V8; the slipper-style pistons are light (413g), using cast eutectic alloy." }, { "docid": "7169128", "title": "Karstark and Company: New Game of Thrones Season 6 Cast Members Uncovered", "text": "Karstark and Company: New Game of Thrones Season 6 Cast Members Uncovered. The show may be trying to keep everything it can about Game of Thrones Season 6 under wraps this season. But the producers are no match for the casting sleuths over at Watchers on the Wall. Perhaps these new roles aren’t the most glamorous parts in Season 6, but they still provide clues as to where this season might be going." }, { "docid": "481815", "title": "Orange Is the New BlackCast Sums Up Season 3 in One WordâAnd Their Answers Are Surprising", "text": "Orange Is the New Black season three has been bestowed on the world, and what a season it is! But don't just take our binge-watching word for it, let the cast of Netflix's beloved prison dramedy tell you all about it…in one word." }, { "docid": "4431379", "title": "âBates Motelâ Season 4 Cast & Live Premiere Spoilers", "text": "‘Bates Motel’ Season 4 Cast & Live Premiere Spoilers. 'Bates Motel' Season 4 Cast. Season 4 of Bates Motel premieres with an even darker Norman (if you can imagine that). Sweet Norman is almost completely lost and a desperate Norma is pulling at straws, trying to hold on to what's left of her little boy." }, { "docid": "4087086", "title": "Biggest LoserSeason 16 Contestants Include a Former NFL Player", "text": "Biggest Loser Season 16 Contestants Include a Former NFL Player. The last season of The Biggest Loser may have ended with a controversy, but now a new crop of contestants are getting their chance to lose weight on the NBC reality show – and the season 16 cast includes some familiar faces!" }, { "docid": "2690243", "title": "Mad TV (season 5)", "text": "Mad TV (season 5) - Summary. 1 Season 5 of Mad TV began with only a few changes to the cast: Nelson Ascencio and Brooke Totman joined the show as featured players. This was the last season for Pat Kilbane and Phil LaMarr, who was an original cast member. Brooke Totman would also not return for another season." }, { "docid": "6349433", "title": "The Truth About Cast Iron Pans: 7 Myths That Need To Go Away", "text": "These are the only rules you need to know to have a successful lifelong relationship with your cast iron. 1 Season it when you get it.Even pre-seasoned cast iron can do with some extra protection. 2 Clean it after each use. 3 Re-season it. Fry and Sear in 1 it. Don't let it stay wet." }, { "docid": "7255662", "title": "Grey's Anatomy", "text": "In its twelfth season, the show had a large ensemble of sixteen actors, including four from the original cast. On February 10, 2017, ABC renewed Grey's Anatomy for a fourteenth season, which will premiere in the fall of 2017." }, { "docid": "2182275", "title": "-", "text": "Shameless may refer to: Shameless (UK TV series), a UK television series which ran from 2004 to 2013 Shameless (U.S. TV series), a U.S. remake of the UK version." }, { "docid": "2937910", "title": "-", "text": "The Vampire Diaries: 2015 Comic-Con Panel-Duration: 27 minutes. The cast of The Vampire Diaries join together at the 2015 Comic-Con in San Diego, to discuss season 7." }, { "docid": "4366972", "title": "-", "text": "Shemar Moore will return to “Criminal Minds” for the Season 12 finale, Variety has learned. Moore, an original cast member on “Criminal Minds,” starred on the CBS series from 2005 through 2016 when he departed the show at the end of the eleventh season." }, { "docid": "8247249", "title": "-", "text": "If you’ve tuned in to the second season of VH1’s “Black Ink Crew” reality show that started airing a few weeks ago, then it’s not exactly news that the cast female front-runner Dutchess is usually at the center of any issue that pops up in the shop with the other cast members." }, { "docid": "6568908", "title": "-", "text": "Shameless star Emmy Rossum is now trying to break that rule, not accepting a salary equal to that of her male co-lead William H. Macy, who has signed on the dotted line for an eighth season.” (How unreasonable!!!)" }, { "docid": "7849629", "title": "-", "text": "Best Answer: There are 7 Seasons Season 1: 22 Episodes Season 2: 22 Episodes Season 3: 20 Episodes Season 4: 19 Episodes Season 5: 21 Episodes Season 6: 21 Episodes Season 7: 14 Episodes :). Source(s): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Mac... χεηα · 4 years ago." }, { "docid": "8072263", "title": "Chris Pratt", "text": "She cast him in her debut, the short horror film Cursed Part 3. Pratts first regular role was as Harold Brighton Bright Abbott on the series Everwood. After Everwoods cancellation, he joined the cast of The O. C. for its fourth season and he also had an appearance in the 2008 action film Wanted." }, { "docid": "6957500", "title": "-", "text": "The new cast of the CBS' NFL pregame show is already working on their regular season chemistry." }, { "docid": "4535583", "title": "-", "text": "History’s ’Vikings’ just wrapped its first season, so let’s get a look the cast behind the beards." }, { "docid": "4764978", "title": "-", "text": "Viewing Tweets won't unblock @castironwaffles. 1 Cast Iron Waffles Retweeted. 2 Cast Iron Waffles‏ @castironwaffles Mar 12. 3 Cast Iron Waffles‏ @castironwaffles Feb 23. Cast Iron Waffles‏ @castironwaffles Feb 1 3. Cast Iron Waffles‏ @castironwaffles Feb 3. Cast Iron Waffles‏ @castironwaffles 1 Jan 7. Cast Iron Waffles‏ @castironwaffles 30 Dec 2016." }, { "docid": "8195236", "title": "Avengers 4 release date, cast, title and everything you need to know", "text": "Hard Sun season 2: Plot, release date, cast and everything you need to know; Fifty Shades Darker cast, release date, trailer, plot and everything you need to know about the movie sequel; Rogue One: A Star Wars Story trailer, cast, plot, release date, tickets and everything you need to know" } ]
shipping a car across country average cost
[ { "docid": "2002210", "title": "What is the Average Cost to Ship a Car Across the Country?", "text": "The cost to ship a car across the country will vary on a number of factors. The size of the car and the company you choose to ship with are the two biggest factors.On average, shipping a small compact car coast to coast should run between $400-$800. A larger vehicle, SUV or Minivan will cost between $800-$1,200.One of the most important things to consider is the reputation of the shipping company.he cost to ship a car across the country will vary on a number of factors. The size of the car and the company you choose to ship with are the two biggest factors." } ]
[ { "docid": "8307545", "title": "Mileage Reimbursement â The True Cost Of Running A Car", "text": "Based on a $2.855 per gallon, the average fuel cost of operating a small car is 9.18 cents per mile while it is 10.87 cents for a medium car and 13.58 cents per mile for a large sedan. As you can see from the table above, the cost per mile decreases as you drive more miles." }, { "docid": "3767710", "title": "How Much Does Shipping a Car Overseas Cost?", "text": "It is hard to say exactly how much it costs to ship a car overseas because in most cases it depends on different factors like: the shipping destination, the size of the car, its operating condition, etc.." }, { "docid": "6164538", "title": "What is the average cost of health insurance in California?", "text": "The average cost of private health care insurance depends on the country one is living in. In the US, the average cost paid by employees annually is about $4,130 and employers … pay about $11,000.These are rounded up amounts.he average cost of private health care insurance depends on the country one is living in. In the US, the average cost paid by employees annually is about $4,130 and employers … pay about $11,000. These are rounded up amounts." }, { "docid": "7379341", "title": "Car-Rental Costs", "text": "Once you’re free and easy behind the wheel of a European car, it’s all worth it. Across Europe, basic rental rates vary from company to company, month to month, and country to country (rentals in Germany tend to be cheaper than average; rentals in Italy tend to be more expensive)." }, { "docid": "230580", "title": "How much does it cost to build a detached garage?", "text": "How much does it cost to build a detached garage? For this discussion we will assess the costs of building detached a two-car as well as a four car garage. The measurements of the average two car model is 26'x26'or 676 square feet. The average square footage of a four car garage is 48'x30' or 1440 square feet." }, { "docid": "7985233", "title": "Replacing a Transmission Cost", "text": "1 CostHelper readers report paying $1,200-$4,179 to replace a transmission in a passenger car, at an average cost of $2,324; $1,600-$4,500 to replace a transmission in a pickup truck, for an average $2,792; and $1,700-$6,000 for an SUV or minivan, with an average cost of $3,090. CostHelper readers report paying $1,200-$4,179 to replace a transmission in a passenger car, at an average cost of $2,324; $1,600-$4,500 to replace a transmission in a pickup truck, for an average $2,792; and $1,700-$6,000 for an SUV or minivan, with an average cost of $3,090." }, { "docid": "1684680", "title": "-", "text": "But on average, it will cost you $750 to ship a car from New York to Florida, $1200 to ship a car from Boston to California and $695 to ship a car from Chicago to Houston." }, { "docid": "3992369", "title": "How Much Does It Cost to Paint a Car?", "text": "the cost to paint a car kuehn says the average price he charges to completely paint a car is between $ 600 and $ 1000 which he says is below the national average he says most full paint jobs cost around $ 2000 kuehn says car painting is cheaper at his shop in part because it s a competitive business in southern arizona where the sun damages car paint quicker kuehn says prices vary depending on the paint color and the vehicle s size" }, { "docid": "5842500", "title": "-", "text": "----------------------------------------. Average driving costs 2015. The AAA calculates the average annual cost to own and operate a car this year is $8,698, down 2% from 2014. The average costs: 1 Depreciation: $3,654 — 42% of total." }, { "docid": "6051610", "title": "How to find the best Used Shipping Containers by price or cost.", "text": "Used shipping and storage containers usually only require simple modifications which can be purchased from major transport organizations, sometimes for as little as US $1,500 each. Even if you buy one that is brand new, the cost of shipping containers don’t normally cost more than US $8000." }, { "docid": "3048108", "title": "Car Shipping From Mainland To Hawaii", "text": "With direct vehicle shipping services to Honolulu, Hilo, Kahului, Kona and Nawiliwili-we can safely ship your car to the islands at the guaranteed lowest rates! There are two options available when shipping a vehicle to Hawaii, port-to-port service and door-to-port service.ith direct vehicle shipping services to Honolulu, Hilo, Kahului, Kona and Nawiliwili-we can safely ship your car to the islands at the guaranteed lowest rates! There are two options available when shipping a vehicle to Hawaii, port-to-port service and door-to-port service." }, { "docid": "5587649", "title": "Compare the cost of cyberknife surgery abroad", "text": "Average cost for cataract surgery abroad. * Average price for treatment will be based on three or fewer providers so might not be representative of the true average price for that country. For more details, the country name can be clicked on to do a search for providers in that country." }, { "docid": "6152484", "title": "How Much Does It Cost To Paint a Car", "text": "Cost of Materials. There are different materials and equipment used in painting a car. The primary cost to focus on is the cost of car paint, the cost of the primer, and the cost of the clear coatings. These can set you back from about $200 for the cheapest quality to over $5,000 for top shelf products.However, the average costs range at between $1,000 and $1,500 for a decent job.Different cars require different types of paint and this is also affected by the metallic qualities of the car, type of finish, shades, and patterns.igh end car paint jobs cost between $4,000 and $10,000 though they may even go up to $80,000 for highly specialized services. Paints used in this kind of services sell for even hundreds of dollars for one quart." }, { "docid": "4574410", "title": "-", "text": "I recommend you this site to get quotes-COVERCOMPARE.INFO-RE How much does average car insurance cost per month uk? approximately how much would car insurance cost on a car worth £1000 for a 17year old who lives in a cul de sac with a garage." }, { "docid": "1608319", "title": "-", "text": "NERA Economic Consulting 99 cost, 3) shipping cost between the liquefaction to regasification facilities, 4) regasification cost and 5) the pipeline shipping cost to move gas from the regasification facility to the city gate terminal in the demand region." }, { "docid": "1499504", "title": "-", "text": "Some cars cost more to insure than others. Variables include the likelihood of theft, the cost of the car itself is major rate factor, the cost of repairs, and the overall safety record of the car. Engine sizes, even among the same makes and models, can also impact insurance premiums.he average yearly auto insurance premium is almost $800, but there is wide variation around this average. Many factors can affect your premium, and they all help determine how likely you are to have an accident." }, { "docid": "7765740", "title": "Shipping Container Costs", "text": "Shipping Container Costs. Shipping container prices fall into 2 different categories: The costs for transporting freight or cargo either nationally or via exportation. The cost of purchasing or hiring a shipping container for freight, storage or conversion." }, { "docid": "5842558", "title": "What is the average cost of motorcycle maintenance?", "text": "A motorcycle may cost more than a car to maintain. The average cost of the oil change is $50. Tires cost about $125 or less each. When considering motorcycle maintenance, …there is storage fees ($50 a month) to consider if the motorcycle is to be kept in a snowy climate in winter. Each year the motorcycle should also have a tune up before taking it out on the road ($125).Total average maintenance per year $500 or more." }, { "docid": "5831123", "title": "CIF Shipping Explained", "text": "CIF Shipping Explained. CIF stands for 'Cost, Insurance, Freight', here's everything you need to know about the popular shipping term. What are CIF Shipping Terms CIF (Cost, Insurance and Freight) and CFR (Cost and Freight, sometimes called C&F or CNF) are widely used international shipping terms or Incoterms. They are identical apart from an additional marine insurance policy paid for by the seller." }, { "docid": "6371217", "title": "-", "text": "Some of these are addressed below. As a ballpark indication, if all the factors were just right, our best price for shipping a car from Australia to the USA starts at around U$3,000. From the USA to Australia starts at around A$3,500.s a ballpark indication, if all the factors were just right, our best price for shipping a car from Australia to the USA starts at around U$3,000. From the USA to Australia starts at around A$3,500." }, { "docid": "4113165", "title": "-", "text": "If your looking to ship your car, truck or van, to or from Vancouver, or Victoria, British Columbia, MVS Canada can help you.As an industry leader, MVS Canada can provide service by rail and truck to the majority of Canadian cities, including Vancouver, British Columbia.We provide the following shipping options:ooking for more information on shipping your car to or from Vancouver, please contact MVS Canada, fill out a quote request or see the links below. 1 Vancouver to/from Edmonton Car Shipping." }, { "docid": "8489046", "title": "How Much Does a Bumper Replacement Cost?", "text": "How much does it cost to replace a bumper? On average, for a total bumper replacement, the costs are going to be anywhere between $500 and $2,500+ for an OEM rear bumper. While stock bumpers will match the car, some may have to be repainted, and if this is the case, this can cost even more." }, { "docid": "295542", "title": "How much does it cost to build a detached garage?", "text": "For this discussion we will assess the costs of building detached a two-car as well as a four car garage. The measurements of the average two car model is 26'x26'or 676 square feet. The average square footage of a four car garage is 48'x30' or 1440 square feet. Vinyl siding and trim-Average price of $7 per square foot installed, and for the two car garage would need 1040 square feet at a cost of $7200, and for the four car garage it would take 1560 square feet at a cost of $10920; 2 Double-hung 30-by-48-inch vinyl windows-Average price of $300-$700 per window;" }, { "docid": "3395987", "title": "The Industry's Only Online LTL Freight Marketplace", "text": "Cost of LTL Freight. Freight pricing is based on multiple factors such as the shipment's freight class, density, route, and even how the items are packaged. The cost of LTL freight shipping is considerably cheaper than shipping big items via a parcel carrier. For an inside look at what it costs to ship LTL freight, visit our cost to ship LTL freight tool. There you will be able to view real-world LTL freight shipping transactions as they happened in our marketplace. Timeline for Freight Shipping" }, { "docid": "6694708", "title": "Auto Transport Cost", "text": "1 Transporting a car between Hawaii and the west coast runs $800-$1,360. 2 Car shipping between Seattle, Washington and Juneau, Alaska costs about $1,010, which includes a fuel surcharge of 15%. 3 The cost is slightly less if the mover drives the car onto the deck. Car shipping between Seattle, Washington and Juneau, Alaska costs about $1,010, which includes a fuel surcharge of 15%. 2 The cost is slightly less if the mover drives the car onto the deck." }, { "docid": "5855681", "title": "-", "text": "Average Cost. According to costhelper.com, the cost of timing belt replacement varies between $250 and $750, depending the make and model of the car as well as the price of the labor.To offset any sticker shock, it's best to discuss cost in any initial consultations with your mechanic.verage Cost. According to costhelper.com, the cost of timing belt replacement varies between $250 and $750, depending the make and model of the car as well as the price of the labor." }, { "docid": "5631110", "title": "-", "text": "Enclosed car transport and covered car transport are the best types of shipping service for high-end, exotic, classic, and custom vehicles." }, { "docid": "4382411", "title": "Average Car Shipping Cost: Understanding the Fees Involved and Low Rate Tips", "text": "1 Hawaii and Alaska – Shipping from the west coast to Hawaii should run somewhere in the range of $900-1500 depending on the vehicle size and time of year. 2 A car going Seattle to Juneau should cost around $1200." }, { "docid": "5170937", "title": "Shipping to Cameroon from USA", "text": "Please see below the type of shipping services to Cameroon: - Shipping Cars: Car shipping via roll on roll off and containerized. - Shipping Containers: USG offers 20 and 40 footer container for shipping to Cameroon.- Shipping Boxes: We offer door to door service for small boxes for shipping to Cameroon.ameroon is a country in the West Africa region. It is bordered by Nigeria to the west Chad and to the northeast the Central Africa to the east Gabon, and the Republic of Congo to the south. We provide very reliable shipping services from any locations in the USA and Canada to Cameroon." }, { "docid": "8592864", "title": "-", "text": "You want to know how much it will cost to rent a small space for a business? For smaller ads / campaigns, I would just add anywhere between $200-$500 per month to a static board price.ou want to know how much it will cost you to rent a car for few weeks? It depends on the time you`re traveling and the size of the car. For an average car, you can pay anywhere from $25 - $50/day. For a week, you`ll usually pay a shade under the daily price." } ]
short definition homeostasis
[ { "docid": "6246425", "title": "What Is Homeostasis? - Definition & Examples", "text": "Definition of Homeostasis. Homeostasis is a key concept in understanding how our body works. It means keeping things constant and comes from two Greek words: 'homeo,' meaning 'similar,' and 'stasis,' meaning 'stable.' A more formal definition of homeostasis is a characteristic of a system that regulates its internal environment and tends to maintain a stable, relatively constant, condition of properties. Homeostasis is happening constantly in our bodies." } ]
[ { "docid": "1241448", "title": "-", "text": "The sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the autonomic nervous system often work in opposition in order to maintain homeostasis. Hence the competing influences of the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions need to be balanced or regulated to achieve homeostasis." }, { "docid": "3779", "title": "-", "text": "1 To identify and example of two organ systems working together to maintain homeostasis. 2 To summarize the role of the endocrine system in homeostasis. 3 To outline the result of a disturbance in homeostasis of a body system." }, { "docid": "5814285", "title": "puffin", "text": "Definition of puffin for Students. : a black-and-white seabird that has a short thick neck and a large bill marked with several colors." }, { "docid": "178008", "title": "-", "text": "- Definition & Examples. Homeostasis can be defined as a property of an organism or system that helps it maintain its parameters within a normal range of values. It is key to life, and failures in homeostasis can lead to diseases like hypertension and diabetes." }, { "docid": "98723", "title": "squid", "text": "Definition of squid for Students : a sea mollusk that is related to the octopus and has a long thin soft body with eight short arms and two usually longer tentacles Learn More about squid" }, { "docid": "1686126", "title": "-", "text": "The 2008 NEC® has a new definition of “short-circuit current. rating”. Previously there was no definition of short-circuit. current rating (sometimes referred to as “withstand rating”), although it was referenced in several sections on the marking. and proper application of various types of equipment." }, { "docid": "6479323", "title": "-", "text": "Prenuptial agreement noun The definition of a prenup is short for prenuptial agreement, which is a document that says what will happen to the property of a married couple if the marriage ends due to divorce." }, { "docid": "7782498", "title": "hop", "text": "A frog hops. The definition of a hop is a short leap or bounce. An example of a hop is a frog's tiny jump from one pebble to the next. Hop is defined as to make a short leap or bounce. An example of to hop is to jump from one square of a hopscotch board to another." }, { "docid": "6681289", "title": "Homeostasis", "text": "Not to be confused with Hemostasis. Human homeostasis (homeostasis is from Greek: ὅμοιος homoios, similar and στάσις stasis, standing still) is the property of homeostasis within the human body. The human body manages a multitude of highly complex interactions to maintain balance or return systems to functioning within a normal range." }, { "docid": "1575789", "title": "homeostasis", "text": "Definition of homeostasis. : a relatively stable state of equilibrium or a tendency toward such a state between the different but interdependent elements or groups of elements of an organism, population, or group striving to achieve homeostasis." }, { "docid": "1189633", "title": "novella", "text": "Definition of novella for English Language Learners. : a short novel : a story that is longer than a short story but shorter than a novel. See words that rhyme with novella Thesaurus: All synonyms and antonyms for novella Britannica English: Translation of novella for Arabic speakers Britannica.com: Encyclopedia article about novella." }, { "docid": "3924804", "title": "Impact Resistance", "text": "Impact Resistance. Definition - What does Impact Resistance mean? Impact resistance is the ability of a material to withstand a high force or shock applied to it over a short period of time. A high force over a short time has a greater effect than a weaker force over a longer period of time." }, { "docid": "296293", "title": "-", "text": "Definition of The Interlopers – Our online dictionary has The Interlopers information from Short Stories for Students dictionary. Encyclopedia.com: English, psychology and medical dictionaries" }, { "docid": "2686213", "title": "What is the Universe Expanding Into?", "text": "The short answer is that this is a nonsense question, the Universe isn’t expanding into anything, it’s just expanding. The definition of the Universe is that it contains everything. If something was outside the Universe, it would also be part of the Universe too." }, { "docid": "1136501", "title": "Body Systems and Homeostasis", "text": "2. Use regulation of body temperature to illustrate maintenance of homeostasis by a feedback mechanism. 3. Use regulation of normal blood pressure to illustrate how the nervous system and the endocrine systems are both involved in maintaining homeostasis.4. Use the regulation of blood pH to illustrate that there are short-term and long-term mechanisms for maintaining homeostasis.5.. Use regulation of normal blood pressure to illustrate how the nervous system and the endocrine systems are both involved in maintaining homeostasis. 4. Use the regulation of blood pH to illustrate that there are short-term and long-term mechanisms for maintaining homeostasis. 5." }, { "docid": "1515694", "title": "Human Physiology/Homeostasis", "text": "1 Physiology is largely a study of processes related to homeostasis. 2 Some of the functions you will learn about in this book are not specifically about homeostasis (e.g. how muscles contract), but in order for all bodily processes to function there must be a suitable internal environment." }, { "docid": "8079759", "title": "fairway", "text": "Definition of fairway for English Language Learners : the part of a golf course that has short grass and that lies between a tee and a green FAIRWAY Defined for Kids" }, { "docid": "6631289", "title": "-", "text": "Reactive hypoglycemia is a result of your body’s inability to maintain glucose homeostasis, or a constant level of blood-glucose (“blood sugar”). One of the hormones involved in this process of glucose homeostasis is glucagon." }, { "docid": "2149790", "title": "-", "text": "Allostasis is the process of achieving stability, or homeostasis, through physiological or behavioral change. This can be carried out by means of alteration in HPA axis hormones, the autonomic nervous system, cytokines, or a number of other systems, and is generally adaptive in the short term." }, { "docid": "988981", "title": "compendious", "text": "compendious definition: 1. containing all the essentials in a brief form; concise 2. comprehensive; inclusiveOrigin of compendiousMiddle English from Classical Latin compendiosus, short: see compendium..." }, { "docid": "7870746", "title": "HOMEOSTASIS", "text": "Homeostasis is the process which the body is able to maintain a. state of stable physiological balance or basically maintain equilibrium. If we didn’t have homeostasis in our bodies, we would not be able to survive!" }, { "docid": "4621274", "title": "Body Systems and Homeostasis", "text": "3. Use regulation of normal blood pressure to illustrate how the nervous system and the endocrine systems are both involved in maintaining homeostasis. 4. Use the regulation of blood pH to illustrate that there are short-term and long-term mechanisms for maintaining homeostasis." }, { "docid": "7305014", "title": "What is Cell Regulation?", "text": "Cell regulation is a broad term used to describe the many processes that occur within a cell that are aimed at maintaining homeostasis. Homeostasis is a balanced condition in which cell avoids harmful extremes of any form through various active or passive regulatory processes. Regulation processes moderate everything from the growth and replication rates of cells to the salt levels and acidity of the cellular environment." }, { "docid": "2845986", "title": "aside", "text": "Aside definition, on or to one side; to or at a short distance apart; away from some position or direction: to turn aside; to move the chair aside. See more. Dictionary.com" }, { "docid": "462928", "title": "-", "text": "Definition of short in the Definitions.net dictionary. Meaning of short. What does short mean? Information and translations of short in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web." }, { "docid": "6832543", "title": "Organism", "text": "noun, plural: organisms. An individual living thing that can react to stimuli, reproduce, grow, and maintain homeostasis" }, { "docid": "1694192", "title": "How does the circulatory system work with at least one other systems to insure homeostasis within the body?", "text": "How does the circulatory system work with at least one other systems to insure homeostasis within the body? How does the circulatory system work with at least one other systems to insure homeostasis within the body? For example, how does the circulatory system work with the muscular system to insure homeostasis." }, { "docid": "7687389", "title": "near field communication", "text": "Definition of near field communication. : a technology for digitally transmitting information over short distances (usually between a smartphone and another device) using radio waves." }, { "docid": "6724032", "title": "-", "text": "All the organ systems of the body work together to maintain homeostasis within the body. Before we look at the various organ systems involved and how they work together to maintain a normal internal environment, we will look at the different aspects of the human body and how does the human body maintain homeostasis.hen equilibrium within the body is maintained, homeostasis is said to occur. The human body maintains a steady internal environment for the proper functioning of the body. Maintaining a constant internal environment requires the body to make many adjustments." }, { "docid": "4782700", "title": "-", "text": "Top definition. wassup. short form of what's up- simplified as a form of greeting, as in hi.. hi B.J.. wassup LeRoy.." } ]
shot glasses hold how much?
[ { "docid": "188352", "title": "Bar Measurements", "text": "Standard Bar Measurements (US) (*) A shotglass is usually 1.5 ounces, but sometimes 2 ounces with a measuring line at 1.5 ounces. You can also buy (in US) short shot glasses or pony shots which are 1 ounce. Pony shots are usually used with martinis, manhattans, and rob roys." } ]
[ { "docid": "3053354", "title": "Gunnar Glasses: Help for Eyes Chained to a Monitor", "text": "Whether my eyes were more humid at the end of the workday, I can't say. Because Gunnar Glasses are optimized for viewing a computer screen, they're not so good for other uses, such as looking across the room or even talking to a coworker sitting across the desk from you.r if you wear other prescription glasses, you may have to switch glasses many times a day, which can be more hassle than it's worth. Overall, even though I do have to put up with the hassle of switching glasses, I've found that Gunnar Glasses help me spend hours working on a computer more comfortably." }, { "docid": "384769", "title": "| Up to 30% Offð¥ | âââ what does azithromycin taste like âââ. Stop Searching About Best pill ! what does azithromycin taste like,What You are Looking Best pill?. Get started now!", "text": "Crush the Oreo cookies and what does azithromycin taste like add melted butter. Layer this mixture at the bottom of shot glasses and refrigerate for 10 minutes. Melt the chocolates in a bowl with the help of double boiler or microwave. Add cream. I added coconut cream." }, { "docid": "7698369", "title": "-", "text": "If your eyesight requires you to get a pair of glasses, you may be dreading your new four-eyed look. Women can enhance their facial features with the right pair of glasses that fit their face shape and skin tone, and by using hair styling and eye makeup.Often, wearing glasses will only add to your overall look and give you one more accessory you can play with.omen can enhance their facial features with the right pair of glasses that fit their face shape and skin tone, and by using hair styling and eye makeup. Often, wearing glasses will only add to your overall look and give you one more accessory you can play with." }, { "docid": "330361", "title": "Confession: I Wear Glasses To Look Cooler", "text": "It's my glasses. I wear them not because they help me see better, because that would make far too much sense. No, I’m wearing them because I think they look cool. To make things worse, there's no one in the room right now. I’m completely alone, sitting, writing, and wearing glasses I don't need." }, { "docid": "1959242", "title": "LED light glasses re-set the body clock", "text": "LED light glasses re-set the body clock. The LED light-glasses developed at Flinders University. Australian Researchers from Flinders University have developed special LED light-glasses designed to re-calibrate our biological clocks and overcome problems such as insomnia and jet lag." }, { "docid": "6025487", "title": "-", "text": "Definition of 'get shot of'. get shot of or get shut of. slang. to get rid of. shot. Example sentences containing 'get shot of'. The council has civil defence obligations, and under them it's not allowed to get shot of any of its current defences." }, { "docid": "3968416", "title": "Shot Glass Display Cases", "text": "56 Shot Glass Display Case Holder Cabinet Rack, Glass door -CHERRY SC56-CH. Holds 56 Shot Glasses / shooters, with 52 slots for regular shot glasses and 4 slots for shooters. A great way to display your Shot Glass collections. LARGE, 144 Shot Glass Display Case Wall Holder Cabinet, 1 door for 100% Exposure. Holds 144 Shot Glasses / shooters. A great way to display your Shot Glass collections. Total comes with 11 shelves with 12 rows of space with the bottom row included." }, { "docid": "7104947", "title": "Glasses", "text": "The ophthalmic frame is the part of a pair of glasses which is designed to hold the lenses in proper position. Ophthalmic frames come in a variety of styles, sizes, materials, shapes, and colors. Parts. two eye wires or rims surrounding and holding the lenses in place; bridge which connects the two eye wires," }, { "docid": "8189039", "title": "What Do Optical Density and Wavelength Mean?", "text": "When shopping for laser glasses, know the terminology, and you’ll have a good idea of what the protection rating on your glasses really means. Optical density and wavelength work together in laser protection to indicate the amount of protection you get from a given laser. While many facilities have a Laser Safety Officer (LSO) to help decide which laser glasses are appropriate for a laser, many don’t." }, { "docid": "4218745", "title": "What is the best alcohol for edible candy cane shot glasses?", "text": "What is the best alcohol for edible candy cane shot glasses? I'm having a Christmas party and I bought enough edible candy cane shot glasses for each guest. What is the best alcohol to use for shots with these shot glasses?" }, { "docid": "966397", "title": "-", "text": "Cats sleep an average of fifteen hours a day, and some can sleep up to twenty hours in a twenty-four hour period. Which raises the question: Why do cats sleep so much?" }, { "docid": "5319574", "title": "Why Eyeglasses are so Expensive & how you can Pay Less", "text": "If you are insured by Eyemed and buy a Luxottica brand from Lenscrafters, for example, Luxottica has made the glasses, sold you the glasses at prices they’ve set, and even paid for part of the glasses. I won’t say the “M” word, but they control the market.o long as we are willing to pay high prices for glasses, Luxottica and others are going to charge us high prices. Luxottica is banking on us being in the dark on why prices are so high, so we think it’s just the way it is." }, { "docid": "7302526", "title": "-", "text": "Assume 1 glass of wine per hour per guest. Each 750ml bottle has ~5 glasses. So for 100 guests and a 4 hour wedding reception, the calculation would be: 100 guests x 4 hours x 1 glass/hour = 400 glasses. 400 glasses / 5 glasses per bottle = 80 bottles of wine. 80/2 = 40 bottles of white and 40 bottles of red." }, { "docid": "6828187", "title": "What are goblets used for?", "text": "Goblets are multi use glasses with a shorter stem than typical wine glasses because the goblet has a larger liquid capacity. Foodservicewarehouse.com has a list of glasses and stemware and their uses." }, { "docid": "1767330", "title": "21 Cool Shot Glasses For Your Next House Party", "text": "Typical shot glasses hold around 1.5 ounces of booze, and you know you’re going back for at least thirds. This stainless steel glass holds 4.5 ounces of booze, letting you take 3 shots in one." }, { "docid": "2383229", "title": "Puppies and exercise: How much is too much?", "text": "Home / Puppies and exercise: How much is too much? Puppies and exercise: How much is too much? My feeling is that as long as you are careful and attentive to your puppy, the puppy is the best one to tell you what is too much exercise. Puppies often do not have enough muscle tone to take long runs, but there are always exceptions." }, { "docid": "5717776", "title": "-", "text": "Not to mention how stupid many look following the shallow theories made up by idiots like Hannity. But what do you think the real reason her name continues to come up so much? Weird" }, { "docid": "5327632", "title": "Quantum 3D Glasses helps you find the right 3D Glasses for your 3D TV", "text": "Quantum 3D Glasses helps you find the right 3D Glasses for your 3D TV. Our 3D are glasses in stock and ready to be shipped … Bluetooth, Infrared, and DLP-Link glasses compatible with most makes and models of 3D televisions and 3D projectors. Our glasses are backed with our 90 day money-back guarantee." }, { "docid": "3424946", "title": "-", "text": "item# ck4. theme: this is a mcdonald glass collector series captain crook. bar restaurant glasses. mcdonald's collector glasses. we carry a large selection of glass soda beer pitchers and glasses." }, { "docid": "5985517", "title": "Tatsumi Oga", "text": "Oga completes his super move!! Once Oga finished his training he went to where Hilda and the others were to fight the demons, hold ing Alaindelon like a sword and when the fight begins Oga shows all his power defeating the demon, who had previously defeated him and Hilda, with one shot." }, { "docid": "2495789", "title": "The cost of glasses and how to save", "text": "The cost of glasses and how to save. Glasses can cost anywhere between $10 for reading glasses at Walmart to $500+ if you opt for an expensive designer pair. Asking how much glasses cost is a little like asking how much your wife should spend on a new dress. It depends on whether she's shopping at Kohl's or Neimen Marcus, Target or Anthropologie!" }, { "docid": "3516056", "title": "How much do IT Specialists make per year?", "text": "I want to go to college to be an Information Technology (IT) Specialist but i want to make at least $50,000 per year. Do they make that much? If they don't make that much what would i have to do to make that much?" }, { "docid": "1143130", "title": "Pint glass", "text": "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Conical pint glass. A pint glass is a form of drinkware made to hold either a British (imperial) pint of 20 imperial fluid ounces (568 ml) or an American pint of 16 US fluid ounces (473 ml). These glasses are typically used to serve beer, and also often for cider." }, { "docid": "4261835", "title": "Dusty Reviews Zenni Optical Progressive Lenses", "text": "I recently purchased three pairs of progressive lense glasses. They arrived in 18 days and wer... Review and tutorial of how to buy glasses on Zennioptical.com." }, { "docid": "188350", "title": "-", "text": "Many references from the 1800s describe giving a jigger (2 US fl oz or 59 millilitres before Prohibition) of whiskey or rum to workers who were digging canals. Most shot glasses are found in the United States, but shot glasses from before the 1940s are very rare." }, { "docid": "7461586", "title": "Universal Measurement: The Shot Glass", "text": "On average a shot glass will be 1.5 ounces (roughly 45ml) and a “pony” or “short” shot glass will hold 1 ounce. Don’t be deceived by the size or shape of some shot glasses, fancy glasses might look bigger or smaller but they typically hold the same amount of alcohol–even with those thick glass bottoms used to protect the glass when you slam them down." }, { "docid": "3968420", "title": "The Mostly Unknown History of the Shot Glass", "text": "In America, the standard shot size is 44 mL, or 1.5 fluid ounces (though that is only official in Utah; elsewhere in the US a shot can technically be any size, though 44 mL is the accepted size). Shot glasses are popular now, and they probably always will be." }, { "docid": "6078285", "title": "Missed Boy Scouts? No Problem. Learn How To Use Your Glasses To Start A Fire", "text": "Here's a look at the facts and myths as we explore just how you can start a fire with your glasses. The Science: To understand why starting fires with your glasses works, first we have to understand how the lenses in your glasses correct your eyesight." }, { "docid": "1107465", "title": "Megane", "text": "Megane (Japanese, literally glasses) is Anime Fanspeak for (preferably attractive) guys with glasses. For sweet, shy guys with glasses who inspire Moe feelings of protectiveness, see Meganekko (technically this term refers only to girls with glasses, but for convenience boys of this type go under the same trope)." }, { "docid": "7579591", "title": "Tipping delivery or take out. Do you? How much?", "text": "How much? 1) You've order pizza/Chinese/bbq directly from a restaurant that delivers (not thru 3rd party service). Most people will tip the driver, but do you tip the driver expecting it to be shared with other workers at the restaurant or do you expect that the driver keeps the whole amount." } ]
should comma go after is
[ { "docid": "4387020", "title": "Rules for Comma Usage", "text": "One of the most frequent errors in comma usage is the placement of a comma after a coordinating conjunction. We cannot say that the comma will always come before the conjunction and never after, but it would be a rare event, indeed, that we need to follow a coordinating conjunction with a comma.When speaking, we do sometimes pause after the little conjunction, but there is seldom a good reason to put a comma there.t is permissible to omit the comma after a brief introductory element if the omission does not result in confusion or hesitancy in reading. If there is ever any doubt, use the comma, as it is always correct. If you would like some additional guidelines on using a comma after introductory elements, click HERE." } ]
[ { "docid": "115649", "title": "How to Get Excel 2010 to Show a Comma After Millions?", "text": "Excel helpfully forced this to be #,###,###,###,##0.00 (that is, Excel inserted a comma between the first pound sign and the subsequent three). This is not what I call a useful feature. However, Excel will, under normal circumstances, repeat the comma positioning at regular intervals." }, { "docid": "3045548", "title": "-", "text": "Rule 2. Use a semicolon before such words and terms as namely, however, therefore, that is, i.e., for example, e.g., for instance, etc., when they introduce a complete sentence. It is also preferable to use a comma after these words and terms." }, { "docid": "2216886", "title": "13 Rules For Using Commas Without Looking Like An Idiot", "text": "2. Use a comma after a dependent clause that starts a sentence. Example: When I went running, I saw a duck.. A dependent clause is a grammatical unit that contains both subject and verb but cannot stand on its own, like When I went running .... Commas always follow these clauses at the start of a sentence.nly use a comma to separate a dependent clause at the end of a sentence for added emphasis, usually when negation occurs. 3. Use commas to offset appositives from the rest of the sentence. Appositives act as synonyms for a juxtaposed word or phrase." }, { "docid": "3437757", "title": "-", "text": "This conflicts with the no comma rule before the conjunction for dependent clauses-to be on the safe side use comma before but, and convert a dependent clause into an independent one by adding a subject. Example: I can do most of the things the software would do for me but am unclear on the symbiosis of it all." }, { "docid": "4128904", "title": "-", "text": "If you're writing in APA style, list the month, date and then year. Insert a comma after the date. For example: June 15, 2005 or May 2004. If you're writing in Chicago style, list the month, date and then year. Insert a comma after the date. For example: June 15, 2005 or May 2004." }, { "docid": "4369638", "title": "Rules for Finding and Fixing Comma Splices and Fused Sentences", "text": "Know the solution. To fix a comma splice or fused sentence, use one of the four strategies below. Because comma splices and fused sentences contain two main clauses, you can always add a period [a full stop] at the end of the first clause and then begin the second one with a capital letter. Take a look at the fused sentence below:" }, { "docid": "7824165", "title": "Rules for Comma Usage", "text": "Comma in Dates. When writing a date, a comma is used to separate the day from the month, and the date from the year. The American Declaration of Independence was ratified on July 4, 1776. I was born on Sunday, May 12, 1968. On Tuesday, April 13th at three o’clock, there will be a meeting for all staff." }, { "docid": "5417671", "title": "Should there always be a comma after âthereforeâ,âHoweverâ etc.?", "text": "As for subordinate clauses, where the words function as subordinating conjunctions, the comma isn't always necessary either. He is strong, therefore he must be a likely candidate. Still, I would use one with however in that case: He is strong; however, I don't think he's a likely candidate." }, { "docid": "4555200", "title": "Separate Address Elements In Excel", "text": "Michael Malone You can use Excel's text manipulation functions to separate the elements of the addresses. We'll assume that the only comma in each address is the one following the city name, and that all state abbreviations are two letters. Suppose the first combined city/state/ZIP code entry is in cell A2.ichael Malone. Michael Malone. You can use Excel's text manipulation functions to separate the elements of the addresses. We'll assume that the only comma in each address is the one following the city name, and that all state abbreviations are two letters." }, { "docid": "3855598", "title": "-", "text": "Comma (,). 1) Use a comma to separate 2 independent clauses joined by a coordinating conjunction such as and, but and or. The key here is to have 2 subject verb pairs. Example: The students reviewed for the exam, and the teacher corrected the term papers." }, { "docid": "5506889", "title": "-", "text": "Definition. A comma splice is a run on sentence, where two or more independent clauses are 'spliced' or split by a comma. A comma splice is considered a significant English error." }, { "docid": "2145580", "title": "-", "text": "This sentence is a run-on because it can be separated into two complete sentences. Correcting Comma Splices and Run-ons Correct a comma splice or run-on sentence with one of the following options.  Adding a period Separate the two independent clauses with a period, and make two sentences.E XAMPLE: Lazy Lou heard that a particular machine would do half his work. He ordered two.orrecting Comma Splices and Run-ons Correct a comma splice or run-on sentence with one of the following options.  Adding a period Separate the two independent clauses with a period, and make two sentences. E XAMPLE: Lazy Lou heard that a particular machine would do half his work. He ordered two." }, { "docid": "6664825", "title": "English Composition 1", "text": "Example: Thoreau ends his essay with a metaphor: Time is but the stream I go a-fishing in.. This is an easy rule to remember: if you use a complete sentence to introduce a quotation, you need a colon after the sentence. Be careful not to confuse a colon (:) with a semicolon (;). Using a comma in this situation will most likely create a comma splice, one of the serious sentence-boundary errors." }, { "docid": "7617741", "title": "How to Convert CSV File to Excel", "text": "CSV file type (known as comma-separated values or comma delimited text files) is one reliable, conversion-friendly file format. Converting a CSV file to an Excel spreadsheet can expand the ways in which you manage your data." }, { "docid": "4353682", "title": "How to Use The Excel Functions INDEX + MATCH WithMultiple Criteria (in 5 Easy Steps)", "text": "Select (or enter manually) cell J2 as lookup value, then separate with a comma to move on to the lookup array. The lookup array tells Excel where you want the MATCH function to look for the lookup value. Select the column with the last names, and then enter a comma to move on to the [match_type]. Now your formula should look like this: =INDEX(MATCH(J2,B:B, And now you see a little drop-down menu that give you the choice between 1, 0 and -1." }, { "docid": "3519559", "title": "Commas before conjunctions (e.g., and, or, but)", "text": "(This is two independent clauses joined by the conjunction and. Therefore, a comma is required before and.) 1 The female applicant must be able to tell jokes, sing and dance. () The female applicant must be able to tell jokes, sing, and dance." }, { "docid": "919399", "title": "What Are Subordinating Conjunctions? (with Examples)", "text": "Below are some common subordinating conjunctions in sentences: When a subordinate clause starts a sentence, it is normal to separate it from the main clause with a comma. For example: When a subordinate clause ends a sentence, you should drop the comma." }, { "docid": "912695", "title": "-", "text": "However, four of these German punctuation marks-quotation marks, the apostrophe, the comma and the dash-differ from their English counterparts in terms of how they are used.owever, four of these German punctuation marks-quotation marks, the apostrophe, the comma and the dash-differ from their English counterparts in terms of how they are used." }, { "docid": "3351407", "title": "List of Latin phrases (E)", "text": "Use a comma before and after certain introductory words or terms, such as namely, that is, i.e., e.g., and for instance, when they are followed by a series of items. Example: You may be required to bring many items, e.g., sleeping bags, pans, and warm clothing. Rule 16a." }, { "docid": "3855600", "title": "Difference Between Comma and Semicolon", "text": "If not so, a full stop should be used instead of a semicolon. These are the vital and most talked about differences between two important punctuation marks, namely comma and semicolon. Related posts: 1 Difference Between Semicolon and Colon." }, { "docid": "3406218", "title": "comma splice", "text": "Definition of comma splice. : the use of a comma between coordinate main clauses not connected by a conjunction (as in “nobody goes there anymore, it's boring”)" }, { "docid": "974636", "title": "Using a Comma after However (i.e., a Transitional Phrase)", "text": "When However is being used as a transitional phrase, preceding it with a comma is a mistake. It is called a run-on sentence. On occasion, it might be appropriate to precede however with a semicolon. I don't like cake; however, I love scones." }, { "docid": "6818070", "title": "6 Ways How To Fix Connection Problem or Invalid MMI Code", "text": "Method 2. Another simple and effective way to fix Connection Problem or Invalid MMI Code on android phone is to add a comma at the end of the Prefix code. For example: If your Prefix code is *2904*7#, then adding the comma at the end would do just the trick which will look like *2904*7#, OR." }, { "docid": "2872253", "title": "When to Use the Latin Abbreviations i.e. and e.g.", "text": "Abbreviations, Italics, and I.e. and E.g. The abbreviations i.e. and e.g. are common enough that they do not require italicization. Both abbreviations take periods and are followed by a comma in American English. European sources may not use the periods or the comma.bbreviations, Italics, and I.e. and E.g. The abbreviations i.e. and e.g. are common enough that they do not require italicization. Both abbreviations take periods and are followed by a comma in American English. European sources may not use the periods or the comma." }, { "docid": "5602926", "title": "Using Comma In Date Format?", "text": "+0. I believe it is generally accepted that if something is set off from what comes before it with a comma, a comma is used afterwards as well. October 13, 1517, is a significant date in history. Denver, Colorado, is one of the most beautiful cities in the Rocky Mountain area." }, { "docid": "6114622", "title": "Does a comma always come before 'such as'?", "text": "No. A comma precedes such as when what follows is an example of whatever went before. In this case, it is nonrestrictive. (For nonrestrictive constructions: use a comma.)." }, { "docid": "6971977", "title": "Shared Flashcard Set", "text": "If a sentence has one adjective, then a comma is not necessary after the adjective. Example: She is a beautiful woman. However, if there is a series of adjectives (coordinate … adjectives) modifying the same noun, then a comma (or and) is necessary to separate the adjectives." }, { "docid": "6646276", "title": "Do you always have to put a comma before someone's name? [duplicate]", "text": "(edit, so this isn't a terrible answer if you edit your question) In the case of greetings such as the ones you wrote in your question, yes, a comma is necessary. In some cases, though, such as the greeting Dear John at the beginning of a letter, there is no comma before the name, but rather after." }, { "docid": "8075074", "title": "e.g.", "text": "Usage notes. 1 Unlike etc., e.g. is very seldomly read as a full Latin phrase. Like i.e., it is typically read out as its English calque (for example) or as its letters (E-G). 2 E.g. and its examples are typically set off from the rest of the sentence by punctuation. In US English, e.g. is typically followed by a comma, while the comma is often omitted in British English. I like sweet foods, e.g. danishes. I like sweet foods (e.g., marzipan) but brush regularly." }, { "docid": "742838", "title": "TEAS Grammar and Read practice good", "text": "Reader’s question: I would like to know the appropriate punctuation when using the words however, therefore, furthermore. Answer: My guidelines for words such as however, therefore and furthermore (adverbial conjuncts) are as follows. If you use these words at the beginning of a sentence, put a comma after them." } ]
should i eat a few days before colonoscopy
[ { "docid": "1393646", "title": "Diet Before Colonoscopy Bowel Preparation", "text": "Diet Before Colonoscopy. To prepare colon for the procedure, your doctor or nurse will provide information regarding a diet. According to Colon Cancer Resource, you should begin to change your eating about four days before the procedure is performed." } ]
[ { "docid": "463450", "title": "Colonoscopy Prep Worse Than Procedure", "text": "In a news release, the AAAHC Institute provides these tips on preparing for colonoscopy: 1 Discuss your concerns with your doctor, nurse, or other health care provider. Make sure you get clear, written instructions about colonoscopy preparation, and follow those instructions carefully." }, { "docid": "1654737", "title": "What are possible complications of colon polyp removal?", "text": "Polyp removal (or polypectomy) during colonoscopy is a routine outpatient procedure. Possible complications, which are uncommon, include bleeding from the polypectomy site and perforation (a hole or tear) of the colon. Bleeding from the polypectomy site can be immediate or delayed for several days; persistent bleeding can almost always be stopped by treatment during another colonoscopy. Perforations rarely occur and may require surgery to repair." }, { "docid": "3360466", "title": "Colonoscopy", "text": "A colonoscopy is considered positive if the doctor finds any polyps or abnormal tissue in the colon. Most polyps aren't cancerous, but some can be precancerous. Polyps removed during colonoscopy are sent to a laboratory for analysis to determine whether they are cancerous, precancerous or noncancerous." }, { "docid": "8362300", "title": "Do You Really Need That Colonoscopy? â©", "text": "Some older Americans are being screened too often, others not enough. by Michael Haederle, April 25, 2013|Comments: 0. En español l These days most people have gotten the message about the importance of colorectal cancer screening: After we turn 50, nearly everyone ought to undergo a colonoscopy every 10 years." }, { "docid": "5815149", "title": "-", "text": "One to two days before a colonoscopy, you will stop eating solid foods and drink only clear fluids, such as water, tea, coffee, clear juices, clear broths, flavored ice pops, and gelatin (such as Jell-O). Do not drink anything red or purple, such as grape juice or fruit punch." }, { "docid": "8820647", "title": "What Not to Do While Prepping for a Colonoscopy", "text": "But don't eat -- you risk a botched prep.. Photo © Monika Henkel. It may seem as though this would go without saying, but many people get quite hungry during the prep. In most cases, the prep calls for a liquid diet the day prior to the colonoscopy and nothing to eat or drink after midnight. Some people may forget that they shouldn't eat anything, and get up in the morning and have some coffee or breakfast out of habit. Your colon needs to be free of waste material when you have your colonoscopy, and eating solid food would, naturally, keep that from happening." }, { "docid": "1265474", "title": "-", "text": "As you get ready for your colonoscopy, you must drink only clear liquids. A liquid is considered “clear” if you can read something through it. Use this simple test to figuer out what you can drink, and what you cannot drink.he purpose of a colonoscopy is to look inside your colon for polyps, cancers, ulcers, and other conditions. It is important to get a colonoscopy to test for colon cancer once you are 45-50 years of age or older since the disease usually has no symptoms." }, { "docid": "5687019", "title": "-", "text": "7 or more days prior to the colonoscopy. Purchase the Suprep bowel preparation kit at your pharmacy. Arrange for a ride. If you do not have a ride, we will cancel the procedure. Please remember that by law, you cannot drive the rest of the day of the colonoscopy." }, { "docid": "3548446", "title": "A Reader Asks: If I Donât Have Insurance, How Can I Pay For A Colonoscopy?", "text": "Q. I thought that colonoscopies are supposed to be performed at no cost under the Affordable Care Act. I need a colonoscopy, and I have no health insurance. My sister died at 42 of colorectal cancer, and I have the same symptoms that she had. A gastroenterologist recommended that I get a colonoscopy. The cost of the procedure will be $1,600, and I need to pay half of the money before having the procedure." }, { "docid": "957510", "title": "-", "text": "Test Overview. Colonoscopy is a test that allows your doctor to look at the inner lining of your large intestine (rectum and colon). He or she uses a thin, flexible tube called a colonoscope to look at the colon. A colonoscopy helps find ulcers, colon polyps, tumors, and areas of inflammation or bleeding." }, { "docid": "7228013", "title": "Preparing for a colonoscopy", "text": "Preparing for a colonoscopy may be uncomfortable and time-consuming, but it needn't be an ordeal. Here are some things you can do to help it go as smoothly and comfortably as possible: Make sure you receive your colonoscopy prep instructions well before your procedure date, and read them completely as soon as you get them." }, { "docid": "1955282", "title": "-", "text": "Can rabbits eat mash potato? Is enriched pasta OK to eat before having a colonoscopy? For any colonoscopy, you must spend one full day with no solid food of any kind, the day before the procedure (Jell-o works to fill the gap, though). But prior to that day of …fasting, you can pretty much eat normally. To be honest it depends a lot on the protocol of the hospital that you're with. Some hospitals specify only clear fluids for three days before a colonoscopy, and laxatives, whereas other hospitals' specify a normal diet, with a lot of laxatives the day beforehand." }, { "docid": "2080894", "title": "Treatment of Precancerous Colon Conditions", "text": "Here is how adenomatous colon polyps are treated: 1 A single polyp found during a flexible sigmoidoscopy exam will usually lead to follow-up colonoscopy to look for other polyps.2 Then, once the colon is clean of polyps, experts recommend repeat colonoscopy every 1 to 3 years.ere is how adenomatous colon polyps are treated: 1 A single polyp found during a flexible sigmoidoscopy exam will usually lead to follow-up colonoscopy to look for other polyps." }, { "docid": "2214473", "title": "-", "text": "Colonoscopy. A colonoscopy is the most effective test for diagnosing Crohn's disease because the doctor has a direct view to the colon and small intestine. For a colonoscopy, a doctor inserts a camera through the patient's rectum." }, { "docid": "8271025", "title": "-", "text": "How to choose a doctor to do your colonoscopy. A colonoscopy is a very special kind of procedure, so it is very important you have it done by someone who knows exactly what they are doing. Use the tips below to help you find the best doctor to do your colonoscopy. Find out which doctors and facilities are covered by your insurance." }, { "docid": "2711311", "title": "-", "text": "A colonoscopy is a screening test for colon cancer. It is recommended that people of average risk get a colonoscopy or other type of screening every 10 years starting at age 50. People at high risk should begin screening earlier, and sometimes more often, according to the American Cancer Society." }, { "docid": "6646868", "title": "Patient Question: If you are in remission, will there still be signs of disease seen during colonoscopy?", "text": "A. Patients with Crohn’s disease may feel completely well but have quite active disease at the time of colonoscopy. For this reason, your medical provider may recommend that you undergo periodic blood work, stool studies or even a follow up colonoscopy to make sure that the inflammation is under control." }, { "docid": "2153984", "title": "-", "text": "High Risk. The recommended age for a colonoscopy for people in this category is sometimes as young as 20 to 25 years. People at high risk for colon cancer are normally under the care of a specialist who makes the recommendation for a colonoscopy on the basis of careful monitoring and observation." }, { "docid": "3208916", "title": "Colonoscopy", "text": "If your doctor removed a polyp during your colonoscopy, you may be advised to eat a special diet temporarily. You may feel bloated or pass gas for a few hours after the exam, as you clear the air from your colon." }, { "docid": "4269014", "title": "-", "text": "1. (Also known as CT colonoscopy, virtual colonography or virtual colonoscopy). A computed tomography colonography (CTC), is a CT scan to look at the colon, or large bowel. A CT scan is a specialised X-ray test during which the patient lies on a moving table/bed as it passes through a circular X-ray machine.nother reason to have a CTC is if you have had a difficult or an incomplete conventional colonoscopy, when the whole bowel may not have been completely or confidently assessed. You must inform your doctor if you are pregnant. You should not have a CTC if you are pregnant." }, { "docid": "8709708", "title": "Diverticulitis and anemia", "text": "Diverticulitis and anemia. hi all, I have just been diagnosed with Diveticulitis after having an Colonoscopy 2 days ago. Have google most of the info on diet etc until I go back to see my Consultant. I am due a scan 2 weeks time. Before I had the procedure I had blood tests which came back to say that I am anemic." }, { "docid": "1930393", "title": "-", "text": "A colonoscopy is used to look for early signs of cancer in the colon and rectum. This procedure is also used to diagnose the causes of unexplained changes in bowel habits. A colonoscopy enables the physician to see things like: 1 Inflamed tissue. 2 Abnormal growths." }, { "docid": "2325800", "title": "Pre-Colonoscopy Diet Could Be More Indulgent Than You Think", "text": "When you have a colonoscopy, your entire colon must be clear in order for your doctor to obtain a clear visual and perform a thorough exam. Eliminating high fiber foods from your diet several days prior to your colonoscopy minimizes the production of waste." }, { "docid": "7920456", "title": "-", "text": "The purpose of a colonoscopy is to look inside your colon for polyps, cancers, ulcers, and other conditions. It is important to get a colonoscopy to test for colon cancer once you are 45-50 years of age or older since the disease usually has no symptoms.he doctor will look for polyps, cancer, or other abnormalities throughout your colon. Your doctor will also remove any polyps that are found. A colonoscopy usually takes around 20-30 minutes to complete.After the procedure, you will need to recover for about 30-60 minutes to let the sedative wear off." }, { "docid": "6319608", "title": "Feeding Your Pet Ball Pythons", "text": "Your snake may be the best one to answer this question for you but typically an adult snake (over one year of age) will eat once every 10-14 days. Younger snakes should eat more often since they are still growing. Once a week or even once every 5-6 days is common practice for growing ball pythons. If your snake doesn't want to eat weekly it is okay to wait longer to feed him again the next time." }, { "docid": "2213829", "title": "Preparing for a colonoscopy", "text": "The Family Health Guide. If you shudder at the thought of having a colonoscopy to check for hidden colon cancer, chances are it's the prep that's stoking your apprehension.he day before the colonoscopy. Don't eat solid foods. Instead, consume only clear liquids like clear broth or bouillon, black coffee or tea, clear juice (apple, white grape), clear soft drinks or sports drinks, Jell-O, popsicles, etc." }, { "docid": "4223782", "title": "-", "text": "Water infusion versus air insufflation for colonoscopy. Colonoscopy is a visual examination of the inner lining of the large intestine with a camera on a flexible tube passed through the anus. Colonoscopy can provide a visual diagnosis of colorectal diseases.o reduce pain, water infusion instead of traditional air insufflation during the insertion phase of the colonoscopy has been proposed, thereby improving patients’ acceptance of the procedure. Moreover, the water infusion method may improve early detection of precancerous neoplasms." }, { "docid": "4675024", "title": "How long can you keep pork in the refrigerator after cooking?", "text": "Anything that you have cooked and put into the refrigerator should only be good for 7 days then it will make you sick, but you really should eat it with in 2 or 3 days.nything that you have cooked and put into the refrigerator should only be good for 7 days then it will make you sick, but you really should eat it with in 2 or 3 days." }, { "docid": "5078425", "title": "Top 5: Need to Know About Choosing Sedation for Your Colonoscopy", "text": "Your colonoscopy bill may include many different components, such as bowel prep, colonoscopy procedure, sedation (type of sedation and whether an anesthesia professional is present or not), pathology (tissue examination by a pathologist) and type of facility (where procedure is done) such as Hospital [HOPD]; Ambulatory Surgery Center [ASC]; ..." }, { "docid": "1048952", "title": "How long does Colonoscopy take?", "text": "How long does Colonoscopy take? The actual Colonoscopy takes about 30 minutes and you will be in the recovery room for approximately 30 minutes more. However, you should allow two to three hours for the entire process of check-in, procedure, follow-up and discharge. Because of the sedation, you must have someone drive you home after the procedure." } ]
side effects of bcaa supplements
[ { "docid": "8657940", "title": "BCAA Uses, Benefits And Side Effects", "text": "BCAA Side Effects BCAA side effects are associated with the question of when to take BCAA. In the case of specific treatment or fitness regime, BCAA supplements can be taken orally for up to six months. It does not show notable side effects until prolonged duration of intake. The possible side effects may include: 1. Avoid taking BCAA foods or supplements pre or post- surgery It is best to avoid taking BCAA supplements during surgery period or after surgery immediately because BCAA might intervene with glucose levels in your body." } ]
[ { "docid": "6640990", "title": "Oral Iron Supplementation", "text": "Normally, it may take from a week to a month (after you start your iron supplement) before you start to feel better. Continue to watch your symptoms and take note of side effects that might be caused by the supplements. If you have any questions or concerns, talk to your health care provider. What are the side effects of oral iron supplements? Oral iron supplements can cause the following side effects: Dark stools" }, { "docid": "3753930", "title": "Nutrition and healthy eating", "text": "Calcium supplements cause few, if any, side effects. But side effects can sometimes occur, including gas, constipation and bloating. In general, calcium carbonate is the most constipating. You may need to try a few different brands or types of calcium supplements to find one that you tolerate the best.f you take calcium supplements and eat calcium-fortified foods, you may be getting more calcium than you realize. Check food and supplement labels to monitor how much total calcium you're getting a day and whether you're achieving the RDA but not exceeding the recommended upper limit." }, { "docid": "1561451", "title": "Depo lupron and premature puberty: Are there any other treatments?", "text": "After several weeks of treatment, girls may experience side effects similar to those associated with menopause, including: Hot flashes; Vaginal dryness; Insomnia; Long-term use of Lupron also can cause a decrease in bone density, so girls who take Lupron are encouraged to take calcium supplements daily. Sometimes, small amounts of the female hormone estrogen can also help alleviate side effects. Alternatives to Lupron include the drugs Supprelin and Synarel." }, { "docid": "7314707", "title": "Foods to Eat While Taking Iron Supplements", "text": "It is important to eat a diet high in fiber. Iron Supplements Often, iron supplements need to be taken to adjust the iron levels in the body. However, taking iron supplements can cause many unpleasant side effects. These supplements can cause stomach upset, constipation, and intestinal cramping. The side effects can easily be prevented and treated by eating a diet high in fiber." }, { "docid": "6884925", "title": "-", "text": "This is not a complete list of side effects and others may occur. Call your doctor for medical advice about side effects. You may report side effects to FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088. Read the Armour Thyroid (thyroid tablets) Side Effects Center for a complete guide to possible side effects." }, { "docid": "2505368", "title": "Dear Mark: How Much Protein Can You Absorb and Use from One Meal?", "text": "First of all, there really are no side effects to using protein powder, as long as you use it intelligently. There’s no reason to eat more than 40 grams of protein in a meal. There’s also no reason to live on protein supplements.Real food will keep you healthy.oo much protein in the diet can have a couple of side effects. The 1st is that it will create a build up of acid in the tissue. This will put stain on the kidneys and can in long run leas to calcium being taken from the bone to try and alkalize the blood." }, { "docid": "370061", "title": "-", "text": "Minor Side Effects. Some of the side effects that can occur with buspirone may not need medical attention. As your body adjusts to the medicine during treatment these side effects may go away. Your health care professional may also be able to tell you about ways to reduce or prevent some of these side effects." }, { "docid": "216038", "title": "Home", "text": "Because of the popularity of garcinia cambogia, there are many brands that may add some additives to the supplements that can lead to certain side effects. Therefore, there are certain things that you need to consider: 1 Check for at least 60% HCA – any less and your supplement will be ineffective." }, { "docid": "1795912", "title": "Candesartan, Oral Tablet", "text": "Candesartan oral tablet does not cause drowsiness, but it can cause other side effects. More common side effects The more common side effects that can occur with candesartan include:" }, { "docid": "764693", "title": "-", "text": "Warfarin is used to treat blood clots and/or to prevent new clots from forming in your body. Learn about side effects, drug interactions, dosages, warnings, and more. Drugs A-Z Pill Identifier Supplements Symptom Checker Diseases Dictionary Media" }, { "docid": "3323503", "title": "Antidepressants: Selecting one that's right for you", "text": "Possible side effects. Side effects of antidepressants vary from one medication to another and from person to person. Bothersome side effects, such as dry mouth, weight gain or sexual side effects, can make it difficult to stick with treatment. Discuss possible major side effects with your doctor or pharmacist. Whether it worked for a close relative." }, { "docid": "6013266", "title": "-", "text": "1 Ephedra use may lead to serious health problems when used with other dietary supplements or medicines. 2 Combining ephedra with caffeine increases the risk of potentially serious side effects." }, { "docid": "8325667", "title": "Side Effects of the Drink Ensure", "text": "Interactions also can cause damage to the body or disrupt its functioning in some way. To avoid negative side effects, inform your doctor of all medications, vitamins and nutritional supplements you take before using Ensure." }, { "docid": "872042", "title": "-", "text": "This is not a complete list of side effects and others may occur. Call your doctor for medical advice about side effects. You may report side effects to FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088. Read the Fosamax (alendronate sodium) Side Effects Center for a complete guide to possible side effects." }, { "docid": "5208013", "title": "Solu Medrol", "text": "This is not a complete list of side effects and others may occur. Call your doctor for medical advice about side effects. You may report side effects to FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088. Read the Lovenox (enoxaparin sodium injection) Side Effects Center for a complete guide to possible side effects." }, { "docid": "8418474", "title": "What are Side Effects Of Turmeric? Can It Really Harm You? [ Updated]", "text": "If taking turmeric supplements consult a doctor prior to taking it. If experiencing side effects on turmeric supplements switch to dietary turmeric. Reduce the dose of turmeric spice or supplement and observe if the adverse event is mitigated. Split the dose of turmeric and spread it over the day." }, { "docid": "801877", "title": "Top 30 Doctor insights on: Oral Collagen Supplements Side Effects", "text": "Are there any side effects of oral creatine supplements? There are some: Side effects of creatine supplementation are: abdominal pain, heart rhythm problem, dehydration, diarrhea, high blood pressure, muscle cramps, nausea, renal dysfunction, rhabdomyolysis, weigh gain, seizures, .. (source: medscape). Supplements (Definition)" }, { "docid": "5672980", "title": "Axona", "text": "Possible side effects of cefdinir: All medicines may cause side effects, but many people have no, or minor, side effects. Check with your doctor if any of these most COMMON side effects persist or become bothersome: Diarrhea; headache; nausea." }, { "docid": "2453713", "title": "-", "text": "Possible side effects of pyrantel pamoate: All medicines may cause side effects, but many people have no, or minor, side effects. Check with your doctor if any of these most COMMON side effects persist or become bothersome:" }, { "docid": "2399407", "title": "4 Easy Ways to Use Turmeric for Acne", "text": "A few words of caution while using turmeric for acne. While there are a few side effects when taking turmeric capsules or supplements, there are not too many side effects when using turmeric on the skin. In rare cases, people can develop a skin rash." }, { "docid": "1413436", "title": "Aspirin For Dogs", "text": "Note: This medicine can cause internal bleeding and other nasty side effects regardless of coating, please speak to your vet before giving it to your dog. It’s better to try natural supplements such first to avoid the potential risks of aspirin." }, { "docid": "1073085", "title": "Krill Oil", "text": "Manufacturers of Krill Oil claim one of the advantages of Krill Oil over Fish Oil is that it does not lead to the fishy aftertaste, reflux or belching of fish flavors, a common side effect with fish oil supplements. However, Krill Oil may still lead to these side effects in some patients." }, { "docid": "7977213", "title": "multivitamin", "text": "Taking similar vitamin products together can result in a vitamin overdose or serious side effects. Seek emergency medical attention if you think you have used too much of this medicine. An overdose of vitamins A, D, E, or K can cause serious or life-threatening side effects. Certain minerals contained in a multivitamin may also cause serious overdose symptoms if you take too much. Do not take this medicine with milk, other dairy products, calcium supplements, or antacids that contain calcium." }, { "docid": "7586069", "title": "Statin side effects: Weigh the benefits and risks", "text": "1 Coenzyme Q10 supplements may help to prevent statin side effects in some people, though more studies are needed to determine any benefits of taking it. 2 If you'd like to try adding coenzyme Q10 to your treatment, talk to your doctor first to make sure the supplement won't interact with any of your other medications." }, { "docid": "8152477", "title": "Antidepressants", "text": "Antidepressants are medicines that treat depression. Your doctor can prescribe them for you. They work to balance some of the natural chemicals in our brains. It may take several weeks for them to help. There are several types of antidepressants. You and your doctor may have to try a few before finding what works best for you. Antidepressants may cause mild side effects that usually do not last long. These may include headache, nausea, sleep problems, restlessness, and sexual problems. Tell your doctor if you have any side effects. You should also let your doctor know if you take any other medicines, vitamins, or herbal supplements." }, { "docid": "366301", "title": "Has anyone taken benefiber? does it give you gas?", "text": "As with all fibre supplements, the most common side effect of Benefibre ® is mild flatulence. Less common side effects can include gastrointestinal pain or discomfort, diarrhea, nausea, and stomach pressure with a sensation of fullness." }, { "docid": "7638369", "title": "-", "text": "Dangerous dietary supplement side effects can also be experienced when used with other supplements/drugs, or when undergoing a medical procedure. Some supplements are marketed as having 'almost no side effects,' yet when combined with others or taken often can become toxic." }, { "docid": "6669531", "title": "Erectile dysfunction medications", "text": "Recognizing uncommon, severe side effects Recognizing uncommon, severe side effects Minor side effects are common when taking medication for ED. Still, there are a few side effects that aren’t as common. These can even be downright dangerous. Contact your doctor immediately if you have any of these severe side effects." }, { "docid": "3670689", "title": "-", "text": "A. Sometimes, people can benefit from chemotherapy without having a lot of side effects or possibly even any side effects. An important goal is to prevent side effects, and it sounds as though you and your doctors have been able to do that. Not having side effects might be due to other factors as well." }, { "docid": "4307683", "title": "-", "text": "This is not a complete list of side effects and others may occur. Call your doctor for medical advice about side effects. You may report side effects to FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088. Read the Robinul (glycopyrrolate) Side Effects Center for a complete guide to possible side effects." } ]
sir michael rake net worth
[ { "docid": "1445710", "title": "Who is Michael Rake? Biography, gossip, facts?", "text": "However, the numbers vary depending on the source. If you have current knowledge about Michael Rake's net worth, please feel free to share the information below. Michael Rake's net worth is estimated to be in the range of approximately $79244660 in 2015, according to the users of vipfaq.The estimated net worth includes stocks, properties, and luxury goods such as yachts and private airplanes.ichael Rake is 67 years old. To be more precise (and nerdy), the current age as of right now is 24461 days or (even more geeky) 587064 hours. That's a lot of hours!" } ]
[ { "docid": "8025175", "title": "-", "text": "Jaleel White Net Worth; Donald Sterling Net Worth; Jerry Richardson Net Worth; Cam Newton Net Worth; Channing Tatum Net Worth; Judd Hirsch Net Worth; Blaise Matuidi Net Worth; Ricky Van Veen Net Worth; Santi Cazorla Net Worth; Dwele Net Worth; Naomi Judd Net Worth; Luiz Gustavo Net Worth; Brian Wilson Net Worth; David Einhorn Net Worth" }, { "docid": "3123078", "title": "-", "text": "Taimak Net Worth: Taimak is an American actor and stuntman who has a net worth of $400 thousand.Taimak was born in Los Angeles, California in June 1964.aimak Net Worth: Taimak is an American actor and stuntman who has a net worth of $400 thousand." }, { "docid": "5365627", "title": "Ginger Zee â The Success Story", "text": "Ginger Zee – Net worth and Salary. Ginger Zee’s net salary is about $120, 000 per year and her net worth is $480, 000." }, { "docid": "2908385", "title": "-", "text": "Michael Strahan currently has a net worth of approximately $45 million. He has earned a salary of $10 million in 2013 and 2014 for his work on “Live! with Kelly and Michael” and “Good Morning America.” Michael Strahan also earns money from other hosting gigs and endorsements. Video Credit: AlphaLife.me on YouTube.trahan’s net worth took a big hit in 2007 when it was pegged at around $22 million and the athlete was forced to pay a divorce settlement of $16 million. The star appealed and was forced to sell a $3.6 million home. Strahan is doing fine now as host of multiple shows most prominently Live with Kelly and Michael." }, { "docid": "4655252", "title": "-", "text": "1 Rank#7 Beyonce Knowles Net Worth$450 MillionBeyonce Knowles net worth: Beyonce Knowles is an American pop singer and actress who has a net worth of $450 million.adonna net worth: Madonna is an influential and best-selling recording musical artist who has a net worth of $800 million. Madonna, whose birth name is Madonna Louise Ciccone." }, { "docid": "6985253", "title": "-", "text": "Tom Arnold Net Worth is $30 Million. Tom Arnold Net Worth is $30 Million. Tom Arnold is an actor and comedian with a net worth of $30 million. Tom Arnold earned his net worth through his acting roles in movies, television and as a voice actor in animated films, as well as four years as ... Read more about Thomas Duane Arnold Net Worth." }, { "docid": "3205255", "title": "-", "text": "Chuck Norris net worth: Chuck Norris is an American martial artist and actor who has a net worth of $70 million. Chuck Norris built his net worth Chuck Norris net worth: Chuck Norris is an American martial artist and actor who has a net worth of $70 million." }, { "docid": "1377950", "title": "Don Meredith Net Worth 2017: Amazing Facts You Need to Know", "text": "Don Meredith Net Worth | Celebrity Net Worth. Don Meredith net worth: Don Meredith is a Canadian ordained minister and politician who has a net worth of $2 million. Don Meredith was born in Jamaica in July 1964. He is the executive director of the GTA Faith Alliance." }, { "docid": "6754167", "title": "Justin Bieber Net Worth", "text": "What Net Worth. Having started playing music professionally as a teenager, Justin Bieber has been able to rake in lots of money and he one of the richest singers under the age of 25." }, { "docid": "6235380", "title": "Kelly Ripa Net Worth", "text": "She won a Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Talk Show Host with co-host Regis Philbin in June of 2011. Today she co-hosts Live! with Kelly and Michael alongside retired NFL player Michael Strahan. Kelly Ripa Net Worth and Salary. 1 Kelly Ripa's Home: Actress-Talk Show Host-Mom...he won a Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Talk Show Host with co-host Regis Philbin in June of 2011. Today she co-hosts Live! with Kelly and Michael alongside retired NFL player Michael Strahan. Kelly Ripa Net Worth and Salary. 1 Kelly Ripa's Home: Actress-Talk Show Host-Mom..." }, { "docid": "5680252", "title": "What is the Difference Between Income and Net Worth?", "text": "What is net worth? Net worth is what you own minus what you owe. In other words, the total value of your assets minus your liabilities equals your net worth. Look at it this way: If you own a home worth $300,000 and you owe $100,000 on it, you have $200,000 in equity toward your net worth. To calculate your total net worth, add up all the things you own and subtract all the things that you owe—that’s your net worth. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the median net worth of American households is $80,039." }, { "docid": "4018952", "title": "Kasey Kahne Salary", "text": "Kasey Kahne Net Worth is $50 Million. Kasey Kahne is a well known Nascar race car driver and has a net worth of $50 million. Kasey Kahne has accumulated his net worth through his ...[read more]" }, { "docid": "1351650", "title": "-", "text": "Tony Revolori net worth: Tony Revolori is an American actor who has a net worth of $1 million. Tony Revolori was born in Anaheim, 1 Tony Longo Net WorthTony Longo net worth: Tony Longo was an American actor who had a net worth of $1 million." }, { "docid": "5629431", "title": "Introducing the Net Worth Calculator", "text": "Introducing the Net Worth Calculator. Calculating your net worth helps you figure out where you are financially at this point in time. Expressed as a dollar amount, your net worth represents your financial health and is essentially the result of everything you have earned and spent up until now.alculating your net worth helps you figure out where you are financially at this point in time. Expressed as a dollar amount, your net worth represents your financial health and is essentially the result of everything you have earned and spent up until now." }, { "docid": "1326967", "title": "-", "text": "Timothy Busfield Net Worth. Timothy Busfield net worth: Timothy Busfield is an American director and actor who has a net worth of $1 million. Timothy Busfield... 1 Prunella Scales Net WorthPrunella Scales Net Worth: Prunella Scales is an English actress who has a net worth of $2 million.Born in 1932 in Sutton Abinger... 1 Sean Murray Net WorthSean Murray net worth: Sean Murray is an Australian-American actor who has a net worth of $8 million dollars.Sean Murray was bo...ean Murray net worth: Sean Murray is an Australian-American actor who has a net worth of $8 million dollars. Sean Murray was bo..." }, { "docid": "8483190", "title": "What is the Difference Between Income and Net Worth?", "text": "What is net worth? Net worth is what you own minus what you owe. In other words, the total value of your assets minus your liabilities equals your net worth. Look at it this way: If you own a home worth $300,000 and you owe $100,000 on it, you have $200,000 in equity toward your net worth. To calculate your total net worth, add up all the things you own and subtract all the things that you owe—that’s your net worth." }, { "docid": "5424318", "title": "Net Worth: $45 Million", "text": "This role has garnered Michael three Primetime Emmy Awards for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Comedy Series. Michael Richards net worth is currently estimated at $45 million. Michael was born in California, in a family of Phyllis and William Richards. His father was an electrical engineer and Michael’s mother worked as a librarian in medical records department." }, { "docid": "833602", "title": "-", "text": "Marilyn Manson Net Worth; Joey Fatone Net Worth; Monica Bellucci Net Worth; Waheed Alli Baron Alli Net Worth; Cissy Houston Net Worth; Jacqueline Laurita Net Worth; Jacqueline Gold Net Worth; Carson Palmer Net Worth; Gwyneth Paltrow Net Worth; Brian Scalabrine Net Worth; Raymond Ackerman Net Worth; Birdman Net Worth; Rupert Grint Net Worth; Paris Hilton Net Worth" }, { "docid": "5801601", "title": "Cardi B Net Worth", "text": "Cardi B Net Worth: Cardi B is an American reality television personality who has a net worth of $4 million. Cardi B was born in The Bronx Cardi B Net Worth: Cardi B is an American reality television personality who has a net worth of $4 million. Cardi B's net worth was really launched in 2017 thanks to the success of her single Bodak Yellow. Cardi B was born Belcalis Almanzar in The Bronx, New York in October 1992." }, { "docid": "4877451", "title": "-", "text": "Brian Eno Net Worth is $60 Million. Musician and artist Brian Eno has a net worth of $60 million, and his impact on pop culture is indefinably vast. In addition to his net worth, ..." }, { "docid": "5912747", "title": "Clark Howard Cell Phone Plans", "text": "Clark Howard Net Worth. Clark Howard Net Worth is $15 Million. Clark Howard is a popular U.S. talk radio host with a net worth of $15 million. Clark Howard has earned his net worth as host of the nationa...[read more]" }, { "docid": "8602161", "title": "-", "text": "Shooter Jennings Net Worth; K Anji Reddy Net Worth; Luke Perry Net Worth; Pete Rose Net Worth; DeSagana Diop Net Worth; Edson de Godoy Bueno Net Worth; Benicio del Toro Net Worth; Tim Gunn Net Worth; Mindy Cohn Net Worth; Shay Mitchell Net Worth; Tim McGraw Net Worth; Eddie Murray MLB Net Worth; Harry Anderson Net Worth; Walt Mossberg Net Worth" }, { "docid": "3143317", "title": "Michael Mcdonald Family Guy", "text": "michael mcdonald family guy? Michael Mcdonald Net Worth is $40 Million. Michael McDonald is a Missouri-born singer-songwriter and musician with an estimated net worth of $40 million dollars. A successful solo artist, Michael McDonald has also performed with Steely Dan and as a. ... Michael Mcdonald Net Worth is $40 Million. Michael McDonald is a Missouri-born singer-songwriter and musician with an estimated net worth of $40 million dollars. A successful solo artist, Michael McDonald has also performed with Steely Dan and as a ... Read more about michael mcdonald family guy Michael Mcdonald Latest News" }, { "docid": "6749013", "title": "Michael Dudikoff Net Worth", "text": "$1.5 Million. Michael Dudikoff net worth: Michael Dudikoff is an American actor who has a net worth of $1.5 million dollars.Michael Dudikoff, also known as Joseph Stephen Michael Dudikov, Jr., was born in Redondo Beach, California and was focused on pursuing a career in child psychology.While waiting tables to support his education at Harbor College, he was noticed by the fashion editor of Esquire Magazine.e appeared in his first film, Radioactive Dreams in 1984, and has continued to work steadily in films ever since. Some of his projects include, the American Ninja franchise, North and South, Midnight Ride, Air America, Cobra, Moving Target, In Her Defense, and Quicksand." }, { "docid": "7959534", "title": "Barbra Streisand & James Brolin", "text": "Barbra Streisand net worth: Barbra Streisand is an American singer, songwriter, actress and filmmaker who has a net worth of $340 million. Barbra Streisand... James Brolin net worth: James Brolin is an American actor, producer, and director who has a net worth of $50 million. James Brolin... Profession." }, { "docid": "7594370", "title": "-", "text": "Blanket Jackson net worth: Blanket Jackson, born in La Mesa, California, on February 21, 2002 is the third child the musical legend, the Late Michael Jackson. Blanket Jackson has a net worth of $100 million. Blanket's mother is a surrogate whose identity remains unknown." }, { "docid": "5984045", "title": "-", "text": "Kathy Bates net worth: Kathy Bates is an American actress who has a net worth of $32 million dollars. Kathy Bates graduated from Southern Methodist University with Kathy Bates net worth: Kathy Bates is an American actress who has a net worth of $32 million dollars." }, { "docid": "8307993", "title": "Michael Douglas Net Worth", "text": "Michael Douglas Net Worth. Michael Douglas Net Worth is $200 Million. Michael Douglas is an American actor, director and producer involved in movies and television with a net worth estimated at $200 million...[read more]" }, { "docid": "1132318", "title": "-", "text": "Joy Behar Net Worth is $8 Million. Joy Behar Net Worth is $8 Million. Joy Behar is the co-host of The View and host of The Joy Behar Show who has a net worth of $8 million. Joy Behar made her net worth through her success in film and TV." }, { "docid": "6647382", "title": "Jonathan Davis Net Worth", "text": "Jonathan Davis Net Worth. Jonathan Davis Net Worth is $45 Million. Jonathan Davis is a rock singer with a net worth of $45 million. Jonathan Davis acquired that net worth as the frontman and lead vocalist ...[read more]" } ]
bench grinder operating speeds
[ { "docid": "6550286", "title": "Got Grinders? Get Safeguarding", "text": "Do be sure Work Rest is properly Adjusted on bench pedestal, and floor stand grinders. Do always Use Safety Guard that covers a minimum of one-half the grinding wheel. Do allow Newly Mounted Wheels to run at operating speed, with guard in place, for at least one minute before grinding." } ]
[ { "docid": "1210465", "title": "Breaking Down the One Leg Squat", "text": "Once you are comfortable with a one leg squat to a bench, it’s time to increase the depth. Rather than reduce the bench height, I recommend using a second small step to stand on in front of the bench. This will allow your non-working leg to drop down a little bit, taking pressure off the hip flexor." }, { "docid": "3300913", "title": "Meat Grinder FAQ's - Frequently Asked Questions About Meat Grinders", "text": "1 Do meat grinders require any maintenance? What are the standard meat grinder sizes and how is size measured? The grinder size is a number based on the diameter of the neck, outlet opening, and grinding plate that fits in the outlet opening. When you see the them for sale, you will almost always see the number, usually with a # sign, showing the size." }, { "docid": "4238096", "title": "Threeâs a Crowd: The Bench Seat Is Benched", "text": "Three’s a Crowd: The Bench Seat Is Benched. FULL-SIZE American sedans are an endangered species, and the front bench seat is fading away with them. The 2013 Cadillac XTS comes with only front bucket seats, unlike the DTS it replaced, leaving only one new passenger car in the United States with an available front bench seat." }, { "docid": "3794283", "title": "Overview", "text": "Product Description. Grind you coffee fresh and as fine as powder with the Turkish Coffee Grinder. Hand made with heavy duty brass, this grinder has steel burrs that will give you that perfect consistency to make the ideal cup of Turkish Coffee. Great for both coffee and to grind spices, this manual grinder is dual-purpose and one of a kind as only a few people in the world still make these grinders by hand." }, { "docid": "5948073", "title": "What Height Chair / Stool For My Bench?", "text": "This can also be the height of some bar tables or kitchen island benches. If you have a kitchen bench height of 105cm, then stools which are 75cm high are perfect for you. Here at Stools & Chairs, we have stools with heights of both 65cm and 75cm to suit most of Australia's common kitchen bench heights.Below are a few examples:f you have a kitchen bench height of 105cm, then stools which are 75cm high are perfect for you. Here at Stools & Chairs, we have stools with heights of both 65cm and 75cm to suit most of Australia's common kitchen bench heights. Below are a few examples:" }, { "docid": "5902702", "title": "Standard bench height for tables, decks, and more.", "text": "Standard bench height for tables, decks, and more. What’s the standard bench height for a table? What’s the standard bench height for a deck? How about a shower, mudroom, or work bench? We’ve got you covered. We’ll give you a quick answer below, and also include tips from pros about what they do." }, { "docid": "6923458", "title": "How to Bench Press with Proper Form: The Definitive Guide", "text": "How to Bench Press with proper form: setup on the bench, grab the bar, unrack it, lower it to your mid-chest and press it back up. Bench Press in the Power Rack for maximum safety. Set the safety pins at the proper height so they catch the weight if you fail to lift it." }, { "docid": "6950257", "title": "How to Build a Window Bench Seat", "text": "Attaching the Bead-Board Face to the Window Bench. Pull out the bench and lay it on its back. To cover the two sides and the front of the bench with a 1/4x4 bead-board, cut each piece to fit vertically from the base of the bench to underneath the top seat overhand." }, { "docid": "7370593", "title": "Bench Press Max Calculator and Squat Max Calculator", "text": "This bench press calculator can be used to estimate 1 rep max bench press or squat. The way this bench calculator works is it takes the amount of weight you can bench for a certain number of reps, multiplies it by a standard coefficient and then outputs your approximate 1RM." }, { "docid": "6760822", "title": "A Look at the Deaconâs Bench (and Other Rustic Benches from La Lune)", "text": "Naturally, the bench came to be known as the Deacon’s Bench – and so the term stuck – and subsequently wooden benches with very high and straight backs are today referred to as Deacon’s Benches and are now often used at entry points in a home." }, { "docid": "724921", "title": "How fast is the Straight Talk hotspot?", "text": "How fast is the Straight Talk hotspot? The Straight Talk Hotspot is using Verizon CDMA services and it will very likely be 3g speeds. 3g speeds are comparable to that of satelite internet services and slow dsl. Data speeds are between .5 mbps and 3 mbps. To give you and idea, cable speeds can be as high as 25 mbps while dsl speeds as high as 15 mbps." }, { "docid": "6427629", "title": "4 Minutes: How To Fix Rust Holes For $30 On A Car or Truck", "text": "How to fix rust holes for cheap! Easy way to patch up and over rust holes. If you already have a grinder, the materials only cost @ $30." }, { "docid": "1239735", "title": "Chinese Five Spice Powder Recipe", "text": "Method. If you have only whole cloves, fennel seed, Szechwan peppercorns, or star anise, you can grind them in a spice grinder or a mortar and pestle. I use a coffee grinder. Whole seeds grind down to much less volume, so use about 1.5 times the quantity before grinding." }, { "docid": "5932082", "title": "-", "text": "The 2x6's were again screwed down top and presto, I had a bench. A couple of scrap pieces of. plywood made a shelf underneath to stack junk on. A couple of years later, a front vise was. bought and added to the bench. It was not a pretty bench and it was not really a great bench, but it was the only bench I had." }, { "docid": "4214026", "title": "-", "text": "According to Exercise Prescription, the amount of weight a person should be able to bench press depends on gender and fitness level. For intermediate bench pressers, a 181 pound man should be able to bench 200 pounds and a 132 pound woman should be able to bench 95 pounds. Continue Reading." }, { "docid": "5489186", "title": "Modify Your Military Press for Better Results", "text": "4. Change the Angle of the Movement. Instead of performing standing military presses, switch to seated pressing with a high incline bench – where the bench is higher than an incline bench press but not quite completely vertical." }, { "docid": "1709468", "title": "How do i sharpen a drill bit using a bench grinder?", "text": "The grinding wheel should be 200 to 400 fine grit. Make a saddle block with a 118 degree transverse angle groove at a 15 degree up sweep. Clamp the block to the bit stop on the bench grinder. Put the drill in the block with the point not in contact with the stone. Put on your safety glasses and start the grinder. In one smooth motion, move the drill bit up to lightly contact the stone and rotate the bit as you increase pressure slightly." }, { "docid": "8249077", "title": "Bench Cushion", "text": "A bench without a cushion is like a bench without a cushion; uncomfortable. That is why it is so important to make bench cushions. Benches need to be comfortable and a cushion is a shortcut to comfort. You will be amazed how much more comfortable your bench will be with this cushion sitting on top of it." }, { "docid": "3043941", "title": "-", "text": "Tone your back and triceps. Muscles in the body are interconnected. That means that to fully tone your chest with the bench press, you need to pay attention to your triceps and back. One reason lifters often reach a plateau in weight is that they forget to work out their triceps, which help power the bench press. To tone your triceps, make your grip smaller on the bench press." }, { "docid": "1500621", "title": "What is a grinder on a sailing boat?", "text": "exists and is an alternate of . A grinder is a person whose job on a boat is to use the winches to pull in, let out, haul up or bring down sails. It is the most physically demanding job on a yacht. A grinder is a person whose job on a boat is to use the winches to pull in, let out, haul up or bring down sails. It is the most physically demanding job on a yacht." }, { "docid": "4256246", "title": "Best Adjustable Weight Benches Reviews For Home Gyms", "text": "It’s a Super Bench in quality, and a Super Bench in price – you can pick this beautiful work of art up for around $250 which is a great price for a bench like this – especially with its 1000lbs weight capacity and variety of angles." }, { "docid": "8381052", "title": "Straight-Arm Dumbbell Pullover", "text": "Straight-Arm Dumbbell Pullover Images. Guide. Place a dumbbell standing up on a flat bench. Ensuring that the dumbbell stays securely placed at the top of the bench, lie perpendicular to the bench (torso across it as in forming a cross) with only your shoulders lying on the surface. Hips should be below the bench and legs bent with feet firmly on the floor. The head will be off the bench as well. Grasp the dumbbell with both hands and hold it straight over your chest at arms length. Both palms should be pressing against the underside one of the sides of the dumbbell." }, { "docid": "6570727", "title": "-", "text": "The Angle Grinder with dust proof bearings and motor as well as labyrinth construction protecting all bearings from dust ensuring reliability and long life.Read our blog at http://www.toolstop.co.uk/blog.he Angle Grinder with dust proof bearings and motor as well as labyrinth construction protecting all bearings from dust ensuring reliability and long life." }, { "docid": "6583124", "title": "Bench Warrants", "text": "If you come to court when you are ordered to appear, a bench warrant will not be issued for your arrest. If you find out that a bench warrant has been issued against you, go to DC Superior Court as soon as possible. It is better to surrender yourself once you know about the bench warrant than to be arrested. Child support bench warrants cannot be executed outside of the District of Columbia." }, { "docid": "6699256", "title": "-", "text": "Bench Grinder Operating Procedures. 1. Inspect & Adjust Grinder. Ensure area around grinder is clean and well maintained. Side guard must cover the spindle, nut and flange and 75% of the abrasive wheel diameter*. Check the work rest gap – must be no greater than 1/8 inch – adjust if necessary*." }, { "docid": "3300912", "title": "4 Best Uses for a Die Grinder", "text": "A die grinder is a simple handheld tool that can grind any material such as wood, metal or plastic. The tool works by rotating a grinding nose at speeds measured in RPM or rotations per minute. Some of the most powerful die grinders can reach speeds of up to 30,000 RPM." }, { "docid": "3682603", "title": "-", "text": "Bench warrants (sometimes referred to as body attachments) are the most common type of warrant issued in California. They refer to a warrant that is issued from the bench, which means, the judge. Unlike a California arrest warrant, a bench warrant isn't issued based on suspected criminal activity." }, { "docid": "7528399", "title": "Arrest And Search Warrants", "text": "Bench warrants are issued by the court when a defendant fails to make a required appearance. The authority for issuing bench warrants is found in the California Penal Code §978.5-981, 985-986, 1195-1197, 1284-1285. Under California Penal Code §978.5, a judge/magistrate can issue a bench warrant when:" }, { "docid": "4618081", "title": "How to Cut Ceramic Tile That Is Already Installed", "text": "If your cut is on a wall, use a spray bottle. Use an angle grinder to cut the tile. If you are cutting a curve, make small, straight cuts and return later with a ceramic tile file or your Dremel tool to clean up the curve.When you get near the wall, your grinder will be too big.f your cut is on a wall, use a spray bottle. Use an angle grinder to cut the tile. If you are cutting a curve, make small, straight cuts and return later with a ceramic tile file or your Dremel tool to clean up the curve." }, { "docid": "1777660", "title": "-", "text": "Core Weight Lifting Exercise #3: THE BENCH PRESS. The bench press is one of the most popular weight lifting exercises in the world. The bench press is a good exercise and that’s why I have it within the 7 core weight lifting exercises for WLC." } ]
benefit of cucumber
[ { "docid": "5665407", "title": "16 Superb Health Benefits of Cucumber", "text": "Here is a short list of the impressive health benefits that a cucumber carries: 1 Keeps you hydrated. If you are too busy to drink enough water, munch on the cool cucumber, which is 96 percent water. 2 Fights heat, both inside and out. Eat cucumber, and your body gets relief from heartburn. 3 Flushes out toxins." } ]
[ { "docid": "8194663", "title": "Cucumber Gin Cooler", "text": "Ingredients. 1 8 oz. gin (like Hendrick's, which has a slight cucumber flavor) 2 8 tbsp. fresh lime juice (from about 4 limes) 3 1⁄2 cup thinly sliced Persian or Kirby cucumber, scrubbed but not peeled. Tonic 1 water. Lime wedges, for garnish." }, { "docid": "2661914", "title": "Plant Profile: Mandurian Round Cucumber", "text": "Plant Profile: Mandurian Round Cucumber. I’m so excited to be able to tell you about the star of last year’s vegetable garden: Mandurian Round cucumber. While everyone knows what cucumbers look and taste like, this little jewel is different in so many ways. Let’s talk about its appearance first. Mandurian Round cucumber is, you guessed it, round." }, { "docid": "3018222", "title": "14 Reasons You Should Start Eating Cucumber", "text": "If you are too busy to drink enough water, eat the cool cucumber, which is 90 percent water. It will cheerfully compensate your water lost. Cucumber fights heat inside and out. Eating cucumber will get your body relief from heartburn." }, { "docid": "326653", "title": "17 Health Benefits Of Cucumber", "text": "17 Health Benefits Of Cucumber SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE VIDEOS https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsok... Why You Should Eat Cucumber explores the many health benefits of Cucumber for body. Cucumbers belong to the same plant family as squash, pumpkin, and watermelon (the Cucurbitaceae family). Like watermelon, cucumbers are made up of mostly" }, { "docid": "2388653", "title": "Meaning of â (as) cool as a cucumberâ in the English Dictionary", "text": "(as) cool as a cucumber. › very calm or very calmly, especially when this is surprising: She walked in as cool as a cucumber, as if nothing had happened. (Definition of “(as) cool as a cucumber” from the Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press) Translations of “(as) cool as a cucumber”." }, { "docid": "7767836", "title": "Does Cucumber Benefit Kidney Function", "text": "Does Cucumber Benefit Kidney Function. Kidney disease patients should follow a healthy diet which will not worsen kidney function. Cucumber has been regarded as this kind of food and it benefits kidney function. Well, how does cucumber benefit kidney function? Cucumber has high alkaline levels, thus it helps regulate body’s blood PH and neutralize acidity." }, { "docid": "1871028", "title": "What Are Persian Cucumbers?", "text": "The Persian cucumber (Cucumis sativus Persian) is a variety of burpless cucumber, meaning its consumption is less likely to cause gastrointestinal upset than other types. This cucumber is also small, sweet and essentially seedless.rowth Habit. Like other members of the gourd family, the Persian cucumber grows as a creeping vine that appreciates a trellis or other vertical support to increase spread as well as reduce the risk of powdery mildew and other soil-borne diseases." }, { "docid": "2717983", "title": "Growing Cucumber", "text": "Growing Cucumber. Cucumber (Cucumis sativus) is a very popular vegetable, originates from India where it is cultivated for more than 3000 years. Many gardeners don’t grow this tasty veg, but if you can grow tomatoes, you can succeed with cucumbers too." }, { "docid": "6214307", "title": "Cucumber", "text": "Cucumber (Cucumis sativus) is a widely cultivated plant in the gourd family, Cucurbitaceae. It is a creeping vine that bears cylindrical fruits that are used as culinary vegetables. There are three main varieties of cucumber: slicing, pickling, and burpless.urpless cucumbers are sweeter and have a thinner skin than other varieties of cucumber, and are reputed to be easy to digest and to have a pleasant taste. They can grow as long as 2 feet (0.61 m)." }, { "docid": "1215833", "title": "-", "text": "Calories in a slice of cucumber. 1 approx 1 calorie in 1 slice (7g) of cucumber." }, { "docid": "326647", "title": "-", "text": "You have seen this cliche beauty tip before, but what are the actual benefits of cucumber on eyes? Here is all you need to know about using cucumbers for your eyes. This guide will enlighten on all the benefits that cucumber provides for your skin. Surprisingly, many skin care products are formulated with cucumber. LifeCell products offers a cleanser that includes cucumber fruit extract. But just what are the benefits of using this so called traditional fruit on the skin? Cucumber on eyes will revitalize the skin. Any skin cream, or cleanser, that contains cucumber is good for firming the skin. Cucumbers have a subtle, mild skin lightening effect. This is why cucumber on eyes is so often used for the dark circles under the eyes." }, { "docid": "4633959", "title": "-", "text": "If you want a happy skin, then cucumber is the answer. As cucumber and the skin share the same level of hydrogen, it becomes easier for cucumber to mask all the problem areas. It helps in soothing and softening your skin which can get you relaxed in no time." }, { "docid": "6079888", "title": "-", "text": "Use fringe benefit in a sentence. I was fortunate enough to receive a fringe benefit. My company was surely gratified with all the hard work I have been doing. Before I got the job, I wanted to see if I was eligible for a fringe benefit because that was very important to me." }, { "docid": "2479189", "title": "-", "text": "How to Make a Cucumber Onion Salad You don't need fresh greens to make a flavorful salad. Cucumber and onions mixed with the right dressing creates a refreshing side... How to Make Korean 'Kimchi' Kimchi is a staple Korean side dish known for its pungent, spicy and tangy flavor." }, { "docid": "6391135", "title": "-", "text": "Calories in Subway 6 Inch Turkey on Flatbread; American Cheese; Spinach; Tomato;Cucumber;Deli Mustard. Nutrition Facts. Subway - 6 Inch Turkey on Flatbread; American Cheese; Spinach; Tomato;Cucumber;Deli Mustard. *Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs." }, { "docid": "7965897", "title": "The Benefits of Sea Cucumber", "text": "As a result of its protein content, sea cucumber helps you fight off infection, maintains healthy muscles and strengthens your skin and cartilage. Sea cucumber serves as a lean source of protein, because 6 ounces of sea cucumber contains less than a gram of fat." }, { "docid": "3296309", "title": "Pork Souse", "text": "If the head cheese is called Souse, though, it is more likely to have some additional flavourings added, such as lime juice, red peppers, chopped cucumber and onion, pickles and /or relish." }, { "docid": "2482079", "title": "Easy Refrigerator Pickles", "text": "How to Make It. 1 Place 3 cups cucumber in a medium glass bowl; top with 1 cup onion. Repeat procedure with the remaining 3 cups cucumber and remaining 1 cup onion. 2 Combine vinegar and remaining ingredients in a small saucepan; stir well. Bring to a boil; cook 1 minute. 3 Note: Pickles may be stored in the refrigerator for up to one month." }, { "docid": "7805709", "title": "Understanding Supplemental Security Income Social Security Notices and Letters -- 2018 Edition", "text": "Whenever we send you a notice, it is because there is something you should know or do about your claim, benefit status or benefit amount. We send you a notice before we make a change to your benefit amount or eligibility. We will send a notice whenever we must tell you about activity on your case." }, { "docid": "2536250", "title": "Child Benefit number and proof you qualify", "text": "Your Child Benefit number starts with ‘CHB’ and is made up of 8 numbers and 2 letters, eg CHB12345678 AB. It’s on your Child Benefit award notice and usually on paperwork from the Child Benefit Office. You can also contact the Child Benefit Office online by phone or post to get your number.If you use the online form, confirm you want your Child Benefit number.If someone else has asked for it, say who they are (the Child Benefit Office may be able to send it to them for you).ou may be able to use the following if you need more than your Child Benefit number: 1 Child Benefit award notice. 2 latest Tax Credits award notice. 3 a bank statement showing Child Benefit going into your account." }, { "docid": "3764732", "title": "Self-Pollinating Cucumbers", "text": "Standard cucumber cultivars can self-pollinate. Cucumbers (Cucumis sativus) usually have female and male flowers on the same plant, meaning that they are self-pollinating and do not have to receive pollen from other plants." }, { "docid": "5447926", "title": "-", "text": "Sea Cucumber supplement information benefit and side effects by Ray Sahelian, M.D. Sea cucumbers have a number of substances that have therapeutic value, however little research has been done with sea cucumber to have a full understanding of the many interesting compounds found within this sea dweller." }, { "docid": "7477158", "title": "The Cucumber Family", "text": "The Cucumber Family. The Cucumber Family is a family of several cucumbers who appear in various episodes. The whole family hasn't been seen all together yet, but in Duke and the Great Pie War he most members were seen together. The mother and father of Larry, Steve, Bob, and Mark the Cucumber haven't been seen yet, but mentioned in a few episodes." }, { "docid": "1436120", "title": "Giant âCucumberâ From Brazil May Be One Of The Largest Youâve Ever Seen, Or Maybe Not (PHOTO)", "text": "Geromy said the seeds that grew this cucumber came from the city of Itarantim and previously grew another cucumber that weighed about 6 kilograms (13 pounds). He added that an agricultural engineer thinks the cucumber's size may be due to a genetic mutation." }, { "docid": "745581", "title": "Controlling Cucumber Beetles â How To Deter Cucumber Beetles In The Garden", "text": "How to Kill Cucumber Beetles. Since cucumber beetles overwinter in wood and are difficult to eliminate through simple garden cleanliness, simply deterring cucumber beetles may not be an option if your garden is already infested with these pests. One method of cucumber beetle control is to use insect predators. Insecticides can also be used for controlling cucumber beetles as well, but keep in mind when you use insecticide, you may kill the natural predators and beneficial bugs that are already in your garden." }, { "docid": "8297461", "title": "-", "text": "In order to moisturize your skin, you can apply sliced pieces of cucumbers on your skin, cucumber facial mask sheets containing cucumber extracts, or simply by consuming it. Especially these days when temperatures go up to mid 90s (F), our skin dries up very quickly and require more fluids than other seasons." }, { "docid": "4640109", "title": "Cucumber Benefits for Great Skin and Eyes", "text": "Mainly used for slicing, salads and pickling. Cucumber is a very edible fruit which comes from the cucumber plant cucumis sativus, which is part of the gourd family. It is being used for different purpose as it can be eaten raw or cooked.With so many health benefits it becomes one of the most important parts of food diet as well as skin diet.ucumber for Skin. If you want a happy skin, then cucumber is the answer. As cucumber and the skin share the same level of hydrogen, it becomes easier for cucumber to mask all the problem areas. It helps in soothing and softening your skin which can get you relaxed in no time." }, { "docid": "4260685", "title": "How many carbs in a cucumber?", "text": "Re: How many carbs in a cucumber? Does anyone know how many carbs a cucumber has? I have looked online in the google search, and a few places say an 8 in one has about 2 carbs without the peel. But I'm not sure if they are right." }, { "docid": "8121197", "title": "All About Cucumbers", "text": "The preferred method of cucumber planting is direct seeding in the garden after the soil has warmed as the seeds will not germinate in a soil chillier than 60 degrees. Just push two or three cucumber seeds an inch into the soil, spacing the plantings 18 to 36 inches apart. (Bush varieties will tolerate a closer spacing.)" }, { "docid": "8498569", "title": "-", "text": "Write review. Description: New Crystal CCA is a vegetable derived melt and pour soap base, made using Carrot Oil, Cucumber Seed Oil, and Aloe Vera. Crystal CCA contains all the vitamins and nutrients found in these oils, such as Omega-6 from cold pressed cucumber seed oil." } ]
somatic dysfunction definition
[ { "docid": "1770391", "title": "-", "text": "Somatic dysfunction is defined as impaired or altered functions of related components of the somatic (body framework) system. It can include the musculoskeletal, nervous, or lymphatic systems. Physicians use this term commonly in association with soft tissue injuries like strains and strains, but they do differ significantly." } ]
[ { "docid": "7035133", "title": "-", "text": "Erectile dysfunction is not a life-threatening condition but could be a symptom of something more serious, like heart disease, hypertension, or diabetes. If you are having trouble getting an erection of maintaining an erection, speak to your doctor and discuss your treatment options. Erectile dysfunction is a delicate subject to discuss for many men but stress from ED can cause the condition to worsen. Learn more about erectile dysfunction from our experts." }, { "docid": "1295899", "title": "Erectile dysfunction", "text": "It can help to determine if your erectile dysfunction is related to psychological or physical causes. 1 Psychological exam. 2 Your doctor might ask questions to screen for depression and other possible psychological causes of erectile dysfunction." }, { "docid": "2890201", "title": "somatic cell", "text": "1. phagocyte-a cell that engulfs and digests debris and invading microorganisms. scavenger cell. somatic cell, vegetative cell-any of the cells of a plant or animal except the reproductive cells; a cell that does not participate in the production of gametes; somatic cells are produced from preexisting cells;" }, { "docid": "7633542", "title": "Side Effects", "text": "The broad categories of side effects associated with prostate cancer treatments includes: 1 Urinary Dysfunction. 2 Bowel Dysfunction. 3 Erectile Dysfunction. Loss of 1 Fertility. Side Effects of Hormone Therapy. Side Effects of Chemotherapy." }, { "docid": "2663705", "title": "Chapter 15 - full", "text": "Somatic reflexes act faster than visceral reflexes. These are all reasons for this except. effector organs in the somatic reflex are closer to the spinal cord. Most fibers of the parasympathetic nervous system travel in. the vagus nerve. Sympathetic fibers arise only from the ____ region(s) of the spinal cord." }, { "docid": "1864419", "title": "Somatic mutations affect key pathways in lung adenocarcinoma", "text": "Here we report the results of a collaborative study to discover somatic mutations in 188 human lung adenocarcinomas. DNA sequencing of 623 genes with known or potential relationships to cancer revealed more than 1,000 somatic mutations across the samples." }, { "docid": "521575", "title": "Myelodysplastic Syndromes (MDS)", "text": "Definition. 1 Myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) are a group of diseases that involve dysfunction of the bone marrow. 2 There are five types of MDS. 3 The cause of MDS is unknown, but research shows that certain risk factors are associated with the disease. A risk factor is something that increases your chance of getting a disease or condition." }, { "docid": "464451", "title": "-", "text": "Erectile dysfunction (ED) can have many causes, such as certain medical conditions, medications and stress. It's important to identify the cause of erectile dysfunction and treat any underlying conditions." }, { "docid": "7158864", "title": "How are sex cells different from somatic cells on the basis of chromosomes?", "text": "The basic difference between the chromosome count of gametes and other somatic types of cells is that the gametes have what is referred to as a haploid number of chromosomes, while the somatic cells have a diploid number. Haploid means the... Sex cells are specialized cells called gametes." }, { "docid": "1663415", "title": "-", "text": "Virtually all cells in the human body contain genes, making them potential targets for gene therapy. However, these cells can be divided into two major categories: somatic cells (most cells of the body) or cells of the germline (eggs or sperm).In theory it is possible to transform either somatic cells or germ cells.irtually all cells in the human body contain genes, making them potential targets for gene therapy. However, these cells can be divided into two major categories: somatic cells (most cells of the body) or cells of the germline (eggs or sperm)." }, { "docid": "6183110", "title": "-", "text": "Definition of SOMATIC. 1. : of, relating to, or affecting the body especially as distinguished from the germplasm or the psyche.2. : of or relating to the wall of the body: parietal. — so·mat·i·cal·ly \\-ti-k(ə-)lē\\ adverb.See somatic defined for kids. ADVERTISEMENT.efinition of SOMATIC. 1. : of, relating to, or affecting the body especially as distinguished from the germplasm or the psyche. 2. : of or relating to the wall of the body: parietal. — so·mat·i·cal·ly \\-ti-k(ə-)lē\\ adverb. See somatic defined for kids. ADVERTISEMENT." }, { "docid": "4579242", "title": "Peripheral vestibular dysfunction causes of vertigo", "text": "Peripheral vestibular dysfunction causes of vertigo: Peripheral vestibular dysfunction causes of vertigo refers to extreme dizziness or a spinning sensation caused by malfunction of the inner ear." }, { "docid": "5395137", "title": "Autonomic dysfunction", "text": "Autonomic dysfunction: disease or malfunction of the autonomic nervous system. See detailed information below for a list of 23 causes of Autonomic dysfunction, Symptom Checker, including diseases and drug side effect causes." }, { "docid": "7264433", "title": "Overview", "text": "Erectile dysfunction is the inability to achieve and maintain an erection. It’s a condition that not many men feel comfortable talking about, but they should. Erectile dysfunction isn’t only common, but it can also usually be treated. Treatments for erectile dysfunction are effective and evolving." }, { "docid": "7476262", "title": "biology mitosis and meiosis chapter 8", "text": "A somatic cell must make more cells. If the somatic cell contains 18 chromosomes, how many chromosomes will it have at the end of the S phase?" }, { "docid": "1298350", "title": "Erectile dysfunction", "text": "Male sexual arousal is a complex process that involves the brain, hormones, emotions, nerves, muscles and blood vessels. Erectile dysfunction can result from a problem with any of these. Likewise, stress and mental health concerns can cause or worsen erectile dysfunction. Sometimes a combination of physical and psychological issues causes erectile dysfunction." }, { "docid": "7318480", "title": "Ch 15: Autonomic Nervous System", "text": "Note that autonomic motor neurons release either acetylcholine (ACh) or norepinephrine (NE); somatic motor neurons release ACh. Somatic nervous system stimulation always excites its effectors (skeletal muscle fibers); stimulation by the autonomic nervous system either excites or inhibits visceral effectors." }, { "docid": "2693832", "title": "Difference Between Somatic Cells and Gametes", "text": "Unlike the somatic cells, gametes are haploid cells, which carry unpaired chromosomes. A gamete of a particular multicellular organism always carries only half the number of chromosomes carried by a somatic cell of that particular organism. For an example, a human gamete contains only 23 chromosomes where as a human somatic cell contains 46 chromosomes. Germ cells are the cells which give rise to gametes. Meiosis takes place during gametogenesis (process of gamete production) giving rise to haploid cells." }, { "docid": "901599", "title": "Mutation", "text": "point mutation a mutation resulting from a change in a single base pair in the DNA molecule. somatic mutation a genetic mutation occurring in a somatic cell, providing the basis for a mosaic condition." }, { "docid": "882895", "title": "Cognitive Changes", "text": "However, cognitive dysfunction is one of the major causes of early departure from the workforce. In very rare instances, cognitive dysfunction may become so severe that the person can no longer function independently." }, { "docid": "2962970", "title": "somatic", "text": "Definition of somatic 1: of, relating to, or affecting the body especially as distinguished from the germplasm 2: of or relating to the wall of the body : parietal" }, { "docid": "6330072", "title": "Doctor says i have erectile dysfunction because of varicocele. is this possable for a 17 year old?", "text": "Erectile dysfunction can be treated at any age. Treatment depends on your overall health and the underlying cause of the problem. If erectile dysfunction is a problem for you, talk to your doctor. Significant strides have been made in the last decade for treating erectile dysfunction." }, { "docid": "4690595", "title": "Doctor says i have erectile dysfunction because of varicocele. is this possable for a 17 year old?", "text": "Erectile dysfunction can be treated at any age. Treatment depends on your overall health and the underlying cause of the problem. If erectile dysfunction is a problem for you, talk to your doctor. Significant strides have been made in the last decade for treating erectile dysfunction.There are a number of therapies to choose from today.rectile dysfunction can be treated at any age. Treatment depends on your overall health and the underlying cause of the problem. If erectile dysfunction is a problem for you, talk to your doctor. Significant strides have been made in the last decade for treating erectile dysfunction." }, { "docid": "3786971", "title": "sildenafil (erectile dysfunction) - oral, Viagra", "text": "Sildenafil is also available in other brands and other strengths to treat erectile dysfunction-ED in men. Do not take this medication with any other product that contains sildenafil or other similar medications for erectile dysfunction-ED or pulmonary hypertension (such as tadalafil, vardenafil)." }, { "docid": "3558301", "title": "Genetic Mutation", "text": "This article focuses on mutations in DNA, although we should keep in mind that RNA is subject to essentially the same mutation forces. If mutations occur in non-germline cells, then these changes can be categorized as somatic mutations. The word somatic comes from the Greek word soma which means body, and somatic mutations only affect the present organism's body." }, { "docid": "8649211", "title": "Somatic nervous system", "text": "Besides these, thousands of association nerves are also present in the body. Thus somatic nervous system consists of three parts: 1 Spinal nerves: They are peripheral nerves that carry sensory information into and motor commands out of the spinal cord.or the musician known as Somatic, see Hahn Rowe. The somatic nervous system (SoNS or voluntary nervous system) is the part of the peripheral nervous system associated with skeletal muscle voluntary control of body movements. The SoNS consists of afferent nerves and efferent nerves." }, { "docid": "315622", "title": "DispatchStem cells: So what's in a niche?", "text": "The germarium houses two types of stem cell: germ line stem cells and somatic stem cells. On average, two germ line stem cells are found at the anterior tip of the germarium in close contact with post-mitotic somatic cells." }, { "docid": "4437798", "title": "What are Somatic Cells?", "text": "All animal cells are somatic, except those used for reproduction. All somatic cells contain mitochondria. In most cases, all somatic cells within an organism carry the same DNA genetic code. Each somatic cell contains a nucleus at its center, within which its chromosomes are contained.erm cells each contain 23 chromosomes. When an egg and sperm fuse to produce a zygote, the new cell therefore has the full complement of 46, with one set of 23 from the egg and one from the sperm. All of the somatic cells that develop from the zygote have the same 46 chromosomes." }, { "docid": "6961772", "title": "Somatic Symptom Disorder", "text": "People with somatic symptom disorder -- commonly called hypochondriacs -- are worried about having a physical illness. The symptoms they describe can range from general complaints, such as pain or tiredness, to concerns about normal body functions, such as breathing or stomach noises. People with somatic symptom disorder are not faking or lying about their symptoms; they truly believe they are sick." }, { "docid": "2838856", "title": "What are diploid cells?", "text": "In humans, all the somatic cells (body cells) are diploid. However, gametes (sex cells) such as sperm and egg cells are haploid. Gametes have half the amount of genetic materi…al than which is found in somatic cells. These are the only human cells which are not diploid." } ]
south padre island average temperature
[ { "docid": "2059994", "title": "South Padre Island, Texas", "text": "south padre island receives less precipitation and slightly higher summer maximum temperatures and humidity than some areas in south florida except miami the average high in january is 68 f 20 c and the average low is 52 f 11 cthe average high in july is 90 f 32 c and the average low is 77 f 25 che town is located on south padre island a barrier island along the texas gulf coast accessible via a causeway from the town of port isabel south padre island is named after jose josé nicolas nicolás balli ballí padre balli ballí a catholic priest and settler" } ]
[ { "docid": "2211942", "title": "-", "text": "Flights from Fort Worth (Fort Worth) to South Padre Island (South Padre Island) We compare hundreds of flights from Fort Worth to South Padre Island from a range of airlines and travel agents to get you the best deals. Find cheap flights along this route. $264. DFW to HRL." }, { "docid": "2238427", "title": "Kerala", "text": "Welcome To South Padre Island! A resort vacation spot off the southernmost Gulf Coast of Texas, South Padre Island offers the perfect beach vacation for everyone. Once a sleepy fishing village, South Padre Island is now ranked as the one of the Top Beaches in the US by many national publications. With the 30mi. long island offering stretches of white sand, turquoise waters, and a laid back style of living, it's the place to be yourself!" }, { "docid": "3037630", "title": "New Zealand climate and weather", "text": "While the far north has subtropical weather during summer, and inland alpine areas of the South Island can be as cold as -10°C (14°F) in winter, most of the country lies close to the coast, which means mild temperatures. The average New Zealand temperature decreases as you travel south. January and February are the warmest months, and July is the coldest month of the year. You can check on New Zealand weather conditions on the Met Service website. Spring September - November." }, { "docid": "3938443", "title": "North and South Brother Islands, New York City", "text": "The remains of Riverside Hospital on North Brother Island, 2006. North and South Brother Islands are a pair of small islands located in New York City's East River between the Bronx and Rikers Island. North Brother Island was once the site of a hospital, but is now uninhabited and designated as a bird sanctuary. Until 1964, South Brother Island was part of Queens County (within Long Island City, beginning in 1870), but it is now part of Bronx County." }, { "docid": "5848456", "title": "Average Temperature in Vietnam", "text": "Both of these months have an average high temperature of 92 degrees. The average low during these months is 80 in June and 81 in July. Hanoi's coolest month is January, which has an average low temperature of 59 degrees and an average high temperature of 68.he average high temperature for the month is 95 degrees, and the average low is 79 degrees. December has the lowest temperature on average in Ho Chi Minh City, with an average low temperature of 71 degrees. The average high temperature for December is 89 degrees." }, { "docid": "734296", "title": "Weather in Marco Island in March 2019", "text": "The average sea temperature in and around Marco Island in March is 22°C (72°F). The weather in Marco Island in March is represented by Marco Island. Marco Island sunrise & sunset times for March 2018. Browse the sunrise & sunset times for Marco Island in March 2018. Select a month to view Marco Island sunrise & sunset times for the next twelve months." }, { "docid": "6983308", "title": "-", "text": "The average precipitation is about ten to twenty inches a year. The average precipitation a season ranges from four to five inches. The Latitude Range of the pampas is 30° to 35° South latitude, and ° to ° West longitude.he average temperature is 64° F. The highest temperature is about 77° F the lowest temperature is about 40° F. Winds from the Atlantic Ocean effect the Argentinian climate because the moist air makes summers uncomfortably humid. Pacific winds are stopped by the Andes Mountains." }, { "docid": "2699350", "title": "Climate of Iceland", "text": "The average July temperature in the southern part of the island is 10–13 °C (50–55 °F). Warm summer days can reach 20–25 °C (68–77 °F). The highest temperature recorded was 30.5 °C (86.9 °F) at the Eastern fjords in 1939.he Icelandic winter is relatively mild for its latitude. The southerly lowlands of the island average around 0 °C (32 °F) in winter, while the Highlands of Iceland tend to average around −10 °C (14 °F)." }, { "docid": "8019292", "title": "Barbados Average Weather, Rainfall and Temperatures", "text": "Barbados Average Weather, Rainfall and Temperatures. The average weather in Barbados maintains one of the smallest temperature ranges throughout the year of any Caribbean destination. This southeastern Caribbean island is a popular port of call for cruise ships because of its shopping, beaches and other attractions." }, { "docid": "1266607", "title": "Average temperature and precipitation in Palermo, Sicily - Southern Italy", "text": "Average Temperature in Italy. Average Temperature in Italy. Average Temperature in Italy. Please go here for the daily Italy weather forecast. In our article on the average weather in Italy we gave you an overview of the ups and downs of weather in Italy throughout the year and some average temperatures to help you plan your next trip. Here, you'll get a handy overview of the average temperatures and precipitations in the North, Centre and South of Italy. Easy to consult, keep an eye on them when packing for your next Italian holiday! Average temperature is good enough to enjoy some sun. Sunbathing in Torcello, Venice." }, { "docid": "7689927", "title": "Padre Island", "text": "South of Padre Balli Park, development ends and the wild Padre begins. 10 miles south of Packery channel is the entrance to Padre Island National Seashore (PINS). The beach at the north end of the park is called Malaquite Beach and is blocked off to vehicular traffic." }, { "docid": "1456808", "title": "-", "text": "January: nice and hot month. The South Africa climate statistics describe the average temperature and the total rainfall during a typical year.The purple bars show typical monthly rainfall (in mm) for South Africa, as measured by the left-side vertical-axis.he black lines towards the top of the graph show South Africa’s typical temperatures in C° for each month, with minimums and maximums indicated – as measured by the vertical axis on the right side. In the middle of each bar, the symbol at the centre of each indicates the average temperature." }, { "docid": "1157559", "title": "-", "text": "Want to know the best time to go to Paradise Island for the weather? Use our search to choose between various parameters, such as temperature and sunshine hours, and find the ideal month to visit for your holiday. 1 Best time to go to Paradise Island for. Max Day Temperature: 22 - 30°C [remove]" }, { "docid": "1925365", "title": "Lincoln, RI Weather", "text": "Most / Least Educated Cities in RI. The average temperature of Lincoln is 48.62°F, which is about the same as the Rhode Island average temperature of 49.27°F and is much lower than the national average temperature of 54.45°F." }, { "docid": "7677495", "title": "-", "text": "User: __________ is considered the largest island in the world and is located northeast of North America. A. Iceland B. Greenland C. Padre Island D. Baffin Island. Weegy: Greenland is considered the largest island in the world and is located northeast of North America. cecillereign|Points 664|." }, { "docid": "6198546", "title": "The Most Extreme and Isolated Places to Live in the World", "text": "Bouvet Island. Bouvet Island - Hailed as the most remote island in the world, Bouvet Island is situated in the South Atlantic Sea and the nearest landmass is part of Antarctica, which is over 1,750km away." }, { "docid": "8251377", "title": "Brookings, OR Weather", "text": "The average temperature of Brookings is 53.73°F, which is higher than the Oregon average temperature of 51.27°F and is about the same as the national average temperature of 54.45°F." }, { "docid": "7645070", "title": "-", "text": "The average maximum temperature in Omaha Beach in May is 17°. The average maximum temperature is 15° in the previous month and 20° in the next month. The average temperature in Omaha Beach in May is 12°. The average temperature ranges is 10° in the previous month and 15° in the next month. The average minimum temperature in Omaha Beach in May is 8°." }, { "docid": "4198645", "title": "St. Padre Pio", "text": "The Pope at the tomb of Padre PioIn one of the largest liturgies in the Vatican's history, Pope John Paul II canonized Padre Pio on June 16, 2002. During his homily John Paul recalled, how, in 1947, as a young priest he journeyed from Poland to make his confession to Padre Pio." }, { "docid": "373465", "title": "-", "text": "While the far north has subtropical weather during summer, and inland alpine areas of the South Island can be as cold as -10°C (14°F) in winter, most of the country lies close to the coast, which means mild temperatures. The average New Zealand temperature decreases as you travel south." }, { "docid": "7215963", "title": "-", "text": "* Data from nearest weather station: Cape Town, South Africa (0.0 KM). Average minimum and maximum temperature over the year The monthly mean minimum and maximum daily temperature." }, { "docid": "6046289", "title": "-", "text": "Travel Tips Articles. 1 Average Temperature and Rain Fall in Qatar. 2 Weather & Climate in Chile. 3 Average Temperature in Los Angeles. 4 Average Temperature in Vietnam. 5 Average Temperature in Nova Scotia. 6 The General Climate of Burnsville, N.C. 7 Average Temperature of Antarctica. 8 Average Temperature at Badlands National Park." }, { "docid": "6828926", "title": "Virtual Trail Journey â Checkpoint Pronunciation and Quick Facts", "text": "The average annual high temperature in is °F and the average annual low temperature is °F. The average high temperature in July (Summer) is °F, while the average high temperature in January (Winter) is °F." }, { "docid": "2370912", "title": "-", "text": "May is the hottest month in Margarita island with an average temperature of 29°C (84°F) and the coldest is January at 26°C (79°F) with the most daily sunshine hours at 9 in February.he wettest month is August with an average of 121mm of rain. The best month to swim in the sea is in August when the average sea temperature is 28°C (82°F)." }, { "docid": "5930738", "title": "-", "text": "More places in Texas . Austin 66° 40° Austin-Bergstrom International Airport 69° 42° Jack Brooks Regional Airport Beaumont 72° 67° Biggs Army Air Field 62° 37° South Padre Island International Airport Brownsville 84° 70° Dallas 43° 34° Dallas Love Field Airport 43° 34° Addison Airport Dallas 43° 34° El Paso International Airport 62° 36° Fort Worth 42° 32°" }, { "docid": "7698479", "title": "The Pastoral Isles of Lake Champlain", "text": "This week’s U.S. Islands special package celebrates the charming, often dreamy life to be found off American coasts and within its lakes. Below, Suzanne Carmick writes about the islands of Lake Champlain, in Vermont, filled with history and legend. Kim Severson writes about Cumberland Island, Ga., full of charm but not easy to get to. Jordan Breal writes about the soft sand and seclusion of Padre Island, in Texas." }, { "docid": "6082555", "title": "-", "text": "Weather history for Landrum, South Carolina, United States. Landrum average weather by month. Landrum average temperature, Landrum, South Carolina, average rainfall. Weather history Landrum, This Day in History, Main events of history Enter Your City Enter Your City" }, { "docid": "3116466", "title": "Arctic Cordillera", "text": "Ellesmere Island is at the Northernmost part of Canada. Government of Canada: “Natural resources Canada.”. Devon Island, just south of Ellesmere Island, at 21,331square miles, is the 27 largest island in the world, and the largest uninhabited island in the world." }, { "docid": "6664101", "title": "Murrieta, CA Weather", "text": "Most / Least Educated Cities in CA. The average temperature of Murrieta is 65.46°F, which is higher than the California average temperature of 61.17°F and is much higher than the national average temperature of 54.45°F.ost / Least Educated Cities in CA. The average temperature of Murrieta is 65.46°F, which is higher than the California average temperature of 61.17°F and is much higher than the national average temperature of 54.45°F." }, { "docid": "2704576", "title": "Parris Island", "text": "Parris Island. Parris Island, one of the Sea Islands on the Atlantic coast, in Port Royal Sound, just south of the island and town of Port Royal, in Beaufort county, southern South Carolina, U.S. Spanish Franciscans and Jesuits came there in the 1520s and attempted to establish missions among the Native Americans." } ]
south salem ny what county
[ { "docid": "2501674", "title": "Salem, New York", "text": "Salem, New York. Salem is a town in eastern Washington County, New York. It is part of the Glens Falls Metropolitan Statistical Area. The town population was 2,702 at the 2000 census. The town of Salem contains a hamlet also named Salem, formerly an incorporated village." } ]
[ { "docid": "5918462", "title": "Dutchess County, New York", "text": "Dutchess County is a county located in the south east corner of the U.S. state of New York. As of the 2010 census, the population was 297,488. The county seat is Poughkeepsie. The county was created in 1683 and later organized in 1713. Dutchess County is part of the New York-Newark-Jersey City, NY-NJ-PA Metropolitan Statistical Area. It is located in the Mid-Hudson Region of the Hudson Valley." }, { "docid": "494105", "title": "Salem", "text": "The name Salem is a Biblical baby name. In Biblical the meaning of the name Salem is: Complete or perfect peace. Hebrew Meaning: The name Salem is a Hebrew baby name." }, { "docid": "6858614", "title": "-", "text": "Hourly Forecast Detailed. 1 0am:The Salem, AL forecast for Mar 21 is 64 degrees and Clear. There is 57 percentage chance of rain and 5 mph winds from the South-Southwest. 2 3am:The Salem, AL forecast for Mar 21 is 65 degrees and Clear. There is 69 percentage chance of rain and 6 mph winds from the West-Southwest." }, { "docid": "4366617", "title": "Dry Farming in Wyoming", "text": "Some writers claim that the first successful dry farmers in Wyoming were Swedish settlers in Salem, near Pine Bluffs in eastern Laramie County, in the late 1880s." }, { "docid": "8062470", "title": "-", "text": "Ronkonkoma, Suffolk County, New York, United States road map & street view - view streets, roads, routes, places, buildings Ronkonkoma, Suffolk County, New York - road map and street view Ronkonkoma NY maps | Ronkonkoma NY satellite view | Streets of Ronkonkoma NY | Photos from Ronkonkoma NY" }, { "docid": "1220726", "title": "Hand County, South Dakota", "text": "Hand County, South Dakota. Hand County is a county located in the U.S. state of South Dakota. As of the 2010 census, the population was 3,431. Its county seat is Miller." }, { "docid": "180673", "title": "-", "text": "Fulton County Sheriff's Office 2712 Highway 29 Johnstown NY 12095 29.2 miles from Berne 518-736-2100. Saratoga County Sheriff's Office 6010 County Farm Road Ballston Spa NY 12020 30.3 miles from Berne 518-885-6761. Greene County Sheriff's Office 80 Bridge Street Catskill NY 12414 31.3 miles from Berne 518-943-3300. Columbia County Sheriff's Office 85 Industrial Tract Hudson NY 12534 32.3 miles from Berne 518-828-0601" }, { "docid": "4097992", "title": "-", "text": "Search Village of Canajoharie, NY, criminal and public records access citywide. Free arrest, police reports, open warrants and court searches. Village of Canajoharie, Montgomery County, NY Public Records" }, { "docid": "5369370", "title": "Salem: Oregon's Capital", "text": "Salem: Oregon's Capital. A fountain near the Oregon State Capitol in Salem. (Oregon State Archives Photo). Also see the Capitol Tour and the Salem city government description. Salem, with a population of 155,710, is Oregon’s state capital and the third largest city. Salem is also the county seat of Marion County, but a small. portion contained within its corporate limits of 44 square miles lies across the Willamette River in Polk County." }, { "docid": "6877105", "title": "-", "text": "Originally, the town square was to be the full block east and south of the standpipe. This was in anticipation of Salem being the county seat. After the bitter controversy, over the location of the county seat in 1871, Salem was forced to concede her rights to Falls City." }, { "docid": "8443638", "title": "Veterans Courts", "text": "Albany County Veterans Court Albany County Judicial Center 6 Lodge Street Albany, NY 12207 518-285-8731 . Albany Regional Veterans Court Albany City Court 1 Morton Avenue Albany, NY 12202 518-453-5525 . Columbia County Regional Veterans Court 401 Union Street Hudson, NY 12534 518-625-3146 . Rensselaer County Veterans Court 72 Second Street Troy, NY 12180 518-285-5031 Sullivan County Regional Veterans Court 414 Broadway Monticello, NY 12701 845-791-3548 Rensselaer Regional Veterans Court(Troy City) 51 State Street Troy, NY 12180" }, { "docid": "6365920", "title": "Honda of Danbury", "text": "Honda of Danbury, a member of Penske Automotive Group, is your Connecticut and New York Honda dealership, conveniently located just off I-84 in Danbury, CT, near Brewster New York, Putnam County NY, Dutchess County NY and Westchester County NY. Connecticut Honda and New York Honda customers choose Honda of Danbury. As a premier Honda dealership, we are proud to serve Used Connecticut Honda and Used New York Honda customers as well as throughout Fairfield County CT and Litchfield County, CT." }, { "docid": "1220719", "title": "Miller, South Dakota", "text": "Miller, South Dakota. Miller is a city in Hand County, South Dakota, United States. The population was 1,489 at the 2010 census. It is the county seat of Hand County." }, { "docid": "7555053", "title": "-", "text": "Brentwood, NY Other Information. 1 Located in SUFFOLK County, New York. 2 Brentwood, NY is also known as: 3 EDGEWOOD, NY. 4 PINE AIR, NY. 5 W BRENTWOOD, NY. 6 WEST BRENTWOOD, NY." }, { "docid": "6938210", "title": "West Salem", "text": "Sponsored Topics. West Salem is a village in La Crosse County, Wisconsin, United States, along the La Crosse River. It is part of the La Crosse Metropolitan Area. The 2011 Census Bureau estimates the village had a population of 5,082. West Salem was platted in 1856." }, { "docid": "8061702", "title": "NEWFANE, NIAGARA COUNTY, WESTERN, NEW YORK LAND FOR SALE: 1 - 15 of 19 listings", "text": "6 Acres Newfane, Niagara County, NY $16,500 6 Acres Newfane, Niagara County, NY $16,500 This is a quiet and peaceful location to watch the wild life play from your new home. 6 acre lot, so you'll have lots of room to roam!" }, { "docid": "1474383", "title": "-", "text": "Those locations are: FL (CGC1511439), RI (19953), CA (800861), AZ (ROC241999), OR (183271), WA (HOMES**995B9), CT (HIC 0623809), MA (166726), PA (PA070282), MD (MHIC No. 126816), Nassau County, NY (H1778250100), Suffolk County, NY (38568-H) and Westchester County, NY (WC-11418-H01)." }, { "docid": "8363817", "title": "-", "text": "914-734-2337. The Peekskill Brewery is a restaurant and brewpub located at 47 - 53 South Water Street, Peekskill, NY 10566 at the northwest corner of Westchester County. From the owner: Peekskill Brewery is a brewpub located on the Riverfront in Peekskill, New York. We re craft obsessed from the top down. . ." }, { "docid": "7457028", "title": "-", "text": "NY [New York] Counties: SUFFOLK, NY: Multi County: No: City Alias(es): Huntington Station S Huntington South Huntington So Huntington Huntingtn Sta Dix Hills: Area Code: 631: City Type: P [Post Office] Classification: [Non-Unique] Time Zone: Eastern (GMT -05:00) Observes Day Light Savings: Yes: Latitude: 40.814981: Longitude:-73.362894: Elevation: 25 ft: State FIPS: 36: County FIPS: 103" }, { "docid": "4617213", "title": "Kingston Kabs Car Service", "text": "We offer local, long distance and airport taxi service from points in Ulster County and Dutchess County, NY. Use our vehicles for grocery, prescription drug and package pick-up and delivery." }, { "docid": "3394896", "title": "-", "text": "K & K Mechanical. 16 Fairway Dr # 1, Auburn, NY. Donofrio Mechanical. 211 State St, Auburn, NY. Over & Under Piping Contractors Inc. 7285 Mutton Hill Rd, Auburn, NY. S & C Mechanical. 2934 County Line Rd, Skaneateles, NY. Interstate Heating Inc" }, { "docid": "2233395", "title": "Mattituck, New York (NY) Real Estate Listing Information", "text": "If you have a business to sell in Mattituck, NY your business can now be listed in NY State MLS, but confidentiality can be maintained. So if you want to buy a business in Mattituck OR Suffolk County, New York search New York's Statewide MLS here." }, { "docid": "7685356", "title": "Orange County Jail â Goshen, NY", "text": "Orange County Jail – Goshen, NY. December 18, 2011 By Site Admin Leave a Comment. Orange County Jail is in Orange County, NY and is the correctional facility for the county. Looking for somebody in jail at Orange County Jail? This page will tell you info about everything a person needs to know about Orange County Jail,like: How to do a jail inmate search. Find mugshots and inmate photos. The jail’s phone number and address. Bail and bail bondsmen." }, { "docid": "9278", "title": "Albany, Oregon", "text": "Albany, Oregon. Albany is the county seat of Linn County, and the 11th largest city in the State of Oregon. Albany is located in the Willamette Valley at the confluence of the Calapooia River and the Willamette River in both Linn and Benton counties, just east of Corvallis and south of Salem. It is predominantly a farming and manufacturing city that settlers founded around 1848." }, { "docid": "5423433", "title": "-", "text": "Niagara Falls (/naɪˈaeÉ¡rə/ naɪˈæɡrə-NY-ag) ra is a city In Niagara, County New, York United. states" }, { "docid": "3162830", "title": "-", "text": "Sponsored Attraction. Old Salem Museums & Gardens: We seek to engage visitors in an educational and memorable historical experience of those who lived and worked in the early South. Winston Salem weather essentials." }, { "docid": "6825892", "title": "-", "text": "Hon. Milton A. Tingling New York County Clerk and Clerk of the Supreme Court. New York County Clerk's Office 60 Centre Street. New York, NY 10007. 646-386-5956. Manuel J. Tavárez New York County Clerk's Office. J. Miller and M. Baccellieri NY County Clerk E-Filing Dept. (646-386-3737)" }, { "docid": "975331", "title": "How much does an echocardiogram cost?", "text": "A freestanding Radiology center in Fairfax county VA charges around 900$ for a 2D echocardiogram. Some provider in Elmhurst, NY and Astoria, NY charges 250$ for the same test. When I had an echocardiogram done in 2008, it cost roughly $1700 US." }, { "docid": "1311370", "title": "-", "text": "Visionworks is located at 4042 Nesconset Highway, East Setauket, NY 11733.. This location is in Suffolk County and the New York-Newark-Jersey City, NY-NJ-PA Metropolitan Area." }, { "docid": "8634574", "title": "South Richmond Hill, NY 11419 ZIP Code Profile", "text": "Photos of the local South Richmond Hill, NY area | South Richmond Hill, NY 11419 Real Estate." } ]
sovereign rating definition
[ { "docid": "1949890", "title": "What is a 'Sovereign Credit Rating'", "text": "Sovereign Credit Rating. A sovereign credit rating is the credit rating of a country or sovereign entity. Sovereign credit ratings give investors insight into the level of risk associated with investing in a particular country and also include political risks. At the request of the country, a credit rating agency will evaluate the country's economic and political environment to determine a representative credit rating." } ]
[ { "docid": "2557623", "title": "-", "text": "Confidence votes 14.5K. At 12:02 midnight, on 15 August 1947. India celebrates its Independence Day on 15 August, commemorating the day it gained its independence from British rule and its birth as a sovereign nation in 1947.ndia celebrates its Independence Day on 15 August, commemorating the day it gained its independence from British rule and its birth as a sovereign nation in 1947." }, { "docid": "477589", "title": "DEFINITION of 'Sovereign Default'", "text": "Sovereign Default. Share. Loading the player... DEFINITION of 'Sovereign Default'. A failure on the repayment of a county's government debts. Countries are often hesitant to default on their debts, since it will be difficult and expensive to borrow funds after a default event. However, sovereign countries are not subject to normal bankruptcy laws and have the potential to escape responsibility for debts without legal consequences." }, { "docid": "6098521", "title": "Sovereign state", "text": "In political science, sovereignty is usually defined as the most essential attribute of the state in the form of its complete self-sufficiency in the frames of a certain territory, that is its supremacy in the domestic policy and independence in the foreign one.nternational law defines sovereign states as having a permanent population, defined territory, one government, and the capacity to enter into relations with other sovereign states. It is also normally understood that a state is neither dependent on nor subject to any other power or state." }, { "docid": "7440684", "title": "How Does an Insurance Company Consider Car Value?", "text": "Car values for totals by insurance company When the vehicle is a total loss the adjuster then rates the vehicle which is called a condition rating. A condition rating is a rating that is given to the existing condition of the vehicle. Damages from the claim do not affect the condition rating of the vehicle." }, { "docid": "1262577", "title": "international law", "text": "To qualify as a subject under the traditional definition of international law, a state had to be sovereign: It needed a territory, a population, a government, and the ability to engage in diplomatic or foreign relations.tates within the United States, provinces, and cantons were not considered subjects of international law, because they lacked the legal authority to engage in foreign relations. In addition, individuals did not fall within the definition of subjects that enjoyed rights and obligations under international law." }, { "docid": "217698", "title": "-", "text": "DEFINITION of 'Bond Insurance'. A type of insurance policy that a bond issuer purchases that guarantees the repayment of the principal and all associated interest payments to the bondholders in the event of default.Bond issuers buy insurance to enhance their credit rating to 'AAA' in order to reduce the amount of interest that it needs to pay.REAKING DOWN 'Bond Insurance'. Once bond insurance has been purchased, the issuer's bond rating will no longer be applicable and instead, the bond insurer's credit rating will be applied to the bond instead." }, { "docid": "3199870", "title": "Sovereign Immunity", "text": "The legal protection that prevents a sovereign state or person from being sued without consent. Sovereign immunity is a judicial doctrine that prevents the government or its political subdivisions, departments, and agencies from being sued without its consent.t ruled that absent a state's waiver, states retain their sovereign immunity unless (1) Congress unequivocally expressed its intent to abrogate the immunity, and (2) Congress acted pursuant to a valid exercise of its enforcement power under Section 5 of the Fourteenth Amendment." }, { "docid": "2833037", "title": "abdicate", "text": "Definition of abdicate. abdicated. ; abdicating. intransitive verb. : to renounce a throne, high office, dignity, or function The king was forced to abdicate. transitive verb. 1 : to relinquish (something, such as sovereign power) formally abdicate a throne. 2 : to cast off : discard abdicate a responsibility." }, { "docid": "1869963", "title": "How does the amendment process reflect the principle of federalism?", "text": "The formal amendment process emphasizes the federal character of the government, while allowing the people to speak, protecting their sovereign." }, { "docid": "476292", "title": "What does it mean to be self-conscious?", "text": "Asker's rating. 1 Self Conscious Definition. 2 Define Self Conscious. 3 To be self-conscious simply means to be aware of yourself. 4 being self conscious means you worry too much about what people think about you or you judge too hard on yourself. 5 For the best answers, search on this site https://shorturl.im/Zkx6w." }, { "docid": "7169013", "title": "Beyond Ratings", "text": "@Beyond_Ratings. Beyond Ratings is an independent research and analytics company specialised in energy and climate risks assessment and impacts evaluation on sovereign risk." }, { "docid": "5466244", "title": "How did the 10th Amendment affect federalism?", "text": "All of the Amendments in the bill of Rights at the time of ratification ONLY applied to the National government and Congress in particular, not the States in was not until the 14th Amendment was ratified in the 1860's, that the Bill of rights applied to the states as well, through the incorporation clause.est Answer: Federalism is the division of power between Two or more sovereign entities, who collectively have a separate National or Federal Sovereign power, whose power is greater than a Confederation, but is not a true Central Government as in a Centralist system." }, { "docid": "2539924", "title": "-", "text": "3. English. English is the most spoken language in the world but as we count only first-language speakers it is on the 3rd place. English is spoken in 101 countries and is an official in 94 states (67 sovereign states and 27 non-sovereign entities)." }, { "docid": "1294501", "title": "-", "text": "Sovereign Health’s Dual Diagnosis Program. In Sovereign Health’s dual diagnosis treatment centers, our clinicians use evidence-based treatments to treat patients struggling with substance addiction as well as a wide variety of mental illnesses — including depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder and schizophrenia." }, { "docid": "8597213", "title": "-", "text": "Find Tanveer meaning and definition at Hamariweb.com name dictionary a Best place to find your accurate name meanings in Urdu. Tanveer name reviews, Origin, gender, rating an many more about Tanveer." }, { "docid": "5934621", "title": "Standard & Poor's", "text": "On Sept. 9, 2015, Standard & Poor's Ratings Services lowered its long-term foreign currency sovereign credit rating on the Federative Republic of Brazil to 'BB+' from 'BBB−', and the long-term local currency sovereign credit rating to 'BBB−' from 'BBB+'. The outlook is negative." }, { "docid": "1758033", "title": "-", "text": "A+E Networks. The reign of France’s Louis XIV (1638-1718), known as the Sun King, lasted for 72 years, longer than that of any other known European sovereign." }, { "docid": "4945313", "title": "-", "text": "Define kingdom. kingdom synonyms, kingdom pronunciation, kingdom translation, English dictionary definition of kingdom. n. 1. A political or territorial unit ruled by a sovereign. 2. a. The eternal spiritual sovereignty of God or Christ. b. The realm of this sovereignty. 3." }, { "docid": "1898091", "title": "-", "text": "sovereign democracy’s creation by Surkov it became the official doctrine of Putin and his administration. The introduction of sovereign democracy was the Russian reaction to the recent Color Revolutions, and an attempt to reassert its status as a great power in the twenty-first century." }, { "docid": "1651871", "title": "-", "text": "Find Shireen meaning and definition at Hamariweb.com name dictionary a Best place to find your accurate name meanings in Urdu. Shireen name reviews, Origin, gender, rating an many more about Shireen.ind Shireen meaning and definition at Hamariweb.com name dictionary a Best place to find your accurate name meanings in Urdu. Shireen name reviews, Origin, gender, rating an many more about Shireen." }, { "docid": "207560", "title": "-", "text": "Find Amin meaning and definition at Hamariweb.com name dictionary a Best place to find your accurate name meanings in Urdu. Amin name reviews, Origin, gender, rating an many more about Amin.ind Amin meaning and definition at Hamariweb.com name dictionary a Best place to find your accurate name meanings in Urdu. Amin name reviews, Origin, gender, rating an many more about Amin." }, { "docid": "4038779", "title": "-", "text": "The speed rating of a tire varies according to vehicle, and it’s important to choose a safe rating. Many vehicles provide a minimum required speed rating, which should be considered when buying tires since a lower speed rating can be potentially dangerous because it’s not made to withstand the same speeds." }, { "docid": "8123825", "title": "What is a MERV, MPR, or FPR Rating for AC and Furnace Filters?", "text": "The published MPR Rating numbering system is a scale of 0 2700, with their highest published furnace filter equaling a MERV 13. FPR Rating, or air Filter Performance Rating, is a grading system that uses a color/number system on a scale of 4 (green circle) to 10 (blue circle). Some of their air conditioner filter descriptions refer to the MERV Rating and the MPR Rating, but don't always agree. Its important to note that the MERV Rating is the MINIMUM initial efficiency rating. Its the efficiency rating given to an air conditioner furnace filter when it is brand new, as the new air conditioner furnace filter traps more debris, it actually and somewhat surprisingly, becomes more efficient at trapping particles as time goes by." }, { "docid": "4444868", "title": "-", "text": "(3) If any other law is inconsistent with the provisions of this Constitution, this Constitution shall prevail, and that other law shall, to the extent of the inconsistency, be void. 2. (1) Nigeria is one indivisible and indissoluble sovereign state to be known by the name of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.3) If any other law is inconsistent with the provisions of this Constitution, this Constitution shall prevail, and that other law shall, to the extent of the inconsistency, be void. 2. (1) Nigeria is one indivisible and indissoluble sovereign state to be known by the name of the Federal Republic of Nigeria." }, { "docid": "441901", "title": "What is AGING SCHEDULE?", "text": "aging receivables, accounts payable aging, surgical schedule, aging, media schedule, aging degradation, aging of accounts, accounts receivable aging, schedule rating, customs tariff schedule Link to This Definition" }, { "docid": "8011606", "title": "-", "text": "It is the Morningstar analyst's estimate of what the stock is worth. The Fair Value Estimate should be used in conjunction with our Economic Moat rating and our Business Risk rating. See also Business Risk, Economic Moat, Morningstar Rating for Stocks." }, { "docid": "7446868", "title": "-", "text": "Calculate your Handicap Differential. Once you have your AGS, use it to determine your handicap differential. The equation for a Handicap Differential is the Course Rating minus your AGS, multiplied by 113, and divided by the Slope Rating, or (AGS - Course Rating) x 113 / Slope Rating." }, { "docid": "3605428", "title": "PRINCESS", "text": "The noun PRINCESS has 1 sense: 1. a female member of a royal family other than the queen (especially the daughter of a sovereign). Familiarity information: PRINCESS used as a noun is very rare. female member of a royal family other than the queen (especially the daughter of a sovereign). Classified under: Nouns denoting people. Hypernyms (princess is a kind of...): aristocrat; blue blood; patrician (a member of the aristocracy)." }, { "docid": "7589595", "title": "-", "text": "Definition of monarch. 1 1 : a person who reigns over a kingdom or empire: such asa : a sovereign rulerb : a constitutional (see 1constitutional 3) king or queen. 2 2 : one that holds preeminent position or power cotton, monarch of the textile world — Wall Street Journal. 3 3 : monarch butterfly." }, { "docid": "753663", "title": "How did the Civil War influence the role of government in the United States? It showed that the national government was weak and ineffective. It illustrated how states were unable to make adequate decisions. It highlighted how the national government was the sovereign power. It revealed that national and state governments could not work together.", "text": "A) It showed that the national government was weak and ineffective. B) It illustrated how states were unable to make adequate decisions. C) It highlighted how the national government was the sovereign power.D) It revealed that national and state governments could not work together.) It illustrated how states were unable to make adequate decisions. C) It highlighted how the national government was the sovereign power. D) It revealed that national and state governments could not work together." } ]
benefits administrator level iii salary range
[ { "docid": "2901188", "title": "-", "text": "1 What is the average annual salary for Benefits Administrator III? How much does a Benefits Administrator III make? The median annual Benefits Administrator III salary is $67,895, as of July 29, 2016, with a range usually between $59,603-$78,451, however this can vary widely depending on a variety of factors." } ]
[ { "docid": "401290", "title": "What Does \"pay Rate DOE\" Mean?", "text": "Posting a position with a salary range allows a company to weed out those who would not find the highest wage acceptable. The range of wages increases as the level of the position increases. For example, executives receive salaries in a wide range and entry level employees receive wages in a much narrower range." }, { "docid": "554410", "title": "-", "text": "Average Entry Level Marketing Salaries. The average salary for entry level marketing jobs is $62,000. Average entry level marketing salaries can vary greatly due to company, location, industry, experience and benefits." }, { "docid": "341185", "title": "-", "text": "Sonic Automotive average salary is $56,098, median salary is $49,545 with a salary range from $48,000 to $77,300.Sonic Automotive salaries are collected from government agencies and companies.onic Automotive salary is full-time annual starting salary. Intern, contractor and hourly pay scale vary from regular exempt employee. Compensation depends on work experience, job location, bonus, benefits and other factors." }, { "docid": "2557532", "title": "-", "text": "Below is an illustration of the salary range profile used by the University: Salary Range Profile Range Maximum 4th Quartile 3rd Quartile Range Mid Point 2nd Quartile 1st Quartile Range Minimum Range Minimum: The lowest salary that will be paid to individuals qualified to hold positions in the range.elow is an illustration of the salary range profile used by the University: Salary Range Profile Range Maximum 4th Quartile 3rd Quartile Range Mid Point 2nd Quartile 1st Quartile Range Minimum Range Minimum: The lowest salary that will be paid to individuals qualified to hold positions in the range." }, { "docid": "455699", "title": "-", "text": "How much does a Quality Administrator make? These Glassdoor salary estimates are based on 39 reports of salaries, bonuses, wages, and hourly pay, submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by Quality Administrator employees." }, { "docid": "7552198", "title": "-", "text": "england average salary is $ 28280 median salary is $ 26839 with a salary range from $ 24500 to $ 33500 england salaries are collected from government agencies and companieseach salary is associated with a real job position england salary statistics is not exclusive and is for reference onlyngland salary is full time annual starting salary intern contractor and hourly pay scale vary from regular exempt employee compensation depends on work experience job location bonus benefits and other factors real jobs salary salary list" }, { "docid": "1356136", "title": "Becoming a Nursing Home Administrator", "text": "A nursing home administrator salary averages about $70,000 per year, but can range as high as $90,000 to $100,000 annually. The median expected salary for a typical Nursing Home Administrator in the United States is $89,932." }, { "docid": "1365677", "title": "-", "text": "The $29,000. is an average entry-level pay and the range can be $24,000 to $30,000. The salary depends upon where this medical professional is stationed. In Atlanta for instance, the average salary is $33,000 while inNew York, it could be $37.000.Chicago phlebotomist’s average salary is $31,000.he Phlebotomist Salary Will Vary. If you are interested in knowing how much the Phlebotomist salary is, the range could vary from state to state. The expected median for a Phlebotomist salary in all US states is $29,814." }, { "docid": "1008138", "title": "Salary packaging", "text": "Salary sacrifice can be extended to any range of benefits and in 2008 is becoming increasingly popular in the public sector as well as for transport related benefits e.g. Cycles, Bus Travel and Low CO 2 emission cars.n the United Kingdom, employee benefits commonly included in salary sacrifice arrangements are pension contributions, childcare vouchers, annual leave, etc. If correctly structured, the arrangement can benefit both parties as it saves them both NI contributions as well as save the employee income tax." }, { "docid": "5160225", "title": "Disability Benefits", "text": "The benefits are $475 per week to maximum of 52 weeks, except for Paraprofessionals and other groups within the same salary range, whose benefits are $375 per week to a maximum of 52 weeks. All disability payments will be issued at the end of each month.he benefits are $475 per week to maximum of 52 weeks, except for Paraprofessionals and other groups within the same salary range, whose benefits are $375 per week to a maximum of 52 weeks. All disability payments will be issued at the end of each month." }, { "docid": "6021179", "title": "When Asked What Is Your Desired Salary on a Job Application What Should I Put?", "text": "The job I've applied for requires a significantly higher level of expertise, which is consistent with my skill set and experience. Therefore, my desired salary is in the range of $58,000 to $67,000.." }, { "docid": "6743833", "title": "What Is the Pay Scale for a Dialysis Technician?", "text": "According to September 2015 figures released by PayScale.com, the hourly salary for the majority of entry-level dialysis technicians was $10.32-$16.58, with the median hourly pay being $13. For experienced professionals, the salary range increased to $13.70-$20.52 hourly." }, { "docid": "2892537", "title": "Browse Average Salary Ranges for Six Figure Income Level Media -- Broadcast Jobs", "text": "Browse Average Salary Ranges for Six Figure Income Level Media -- Broadcast Jobs. The Media -- Broadcast job titles listed on this page pay salaries that fall between Six Figure income level. These are considered to be Six Figure income jobs in the Media -- Broadcast category. If you are not concerned with what category a job falls in you may wish to browse all jobs by salary range." }, { "docid": "6329074", "title": "Depth Strider in Minecraft", "text": "The maximum level for the Depth Strider enchantment is Level 3. This means that you can enchant an item with up to Depth Strider III. The higher the level, the more powerful the enchantment." }, { "docid": "4077134", "title": "-", "text": "Well there are a wide range of jobs in the Entry Level category and their pay varies greatly. If you know the pay grade of the job you are searching for you can narrow down this list to only view Entry Level jobs that pay less than $30K, $30K-$50K, $50K-$80K, $80K-$100K, or more than $100K.obs by Salary Ranges: Click a salary category to find jobs in your target salary range. 1 Six Figure Income jobs ($100,000+). 2 High Income jobs ($80,000 - $100,000). 3 Upper Middle Income jobs ($50,000 - $80,000)." }, { "docid": "5796357", "title": "-", "text": "Director of Admissions average salary is $51,846, median salary is $52,000 with a salary range from $27,290 to $85,000.Director of Admissions salaries are collected from government agencies and companies. Each salary is associated with a real job position.irector of Admissions salary is full-time annual starting salary. Intern, contractor and hourly pay scale vary from regular exempt employee. Compensation depends on work experience, job location, bonus, benefits and other factors." }, { "docid": "318106", "title": "The Average Salary of a Methodist Pastor", "text": "Average Salary. The average salary among all Methodist pastors in the U.S. was $55,000 in 2008. This figure, which does not include housing benefits, represents a 21 percent increase over the 1998 average salary level of $45,300, which is ahead of the inflation rate for that period.ypical salary packages include additional benefits for a pastor's housing and insurance coverage. According to a 2008 survey by the denomination, Methodist pastors averaged $55,000 annually, excluding housing and other fringe benefits." }, { "docid": "3678477", "title": "-", "text": "Average nursing home administrator salary. Nursing home administrator salary ranges from $50,000 – $110,000. Nursing home administrator earns a yearly bonus of around $16,490and profit sharing of around $10,000. The hourly rate is from $10.30 – $45.94while the overtime pay ranges from$0.28 – $28.10.ursing home administrator salary ranges from $50,000 – $110,000. Nursing home administrator earns a yearly bonus of around $16,490and profit sharing of around $10,000." }, { "docid": "5446827", "title": "-", "text": "Learn more about average Benefits Administrator Salaries in Boston, MA on Simply Hired. Compare average salaries by job title and skillset." }, { "docid": "7140787", "title": "Why are Salary Ranges Secret?", "text": "I totally agree with all your points. I think you should know what the salary range is for your job and all jobs at your company. And lest I make high ranking people shake in their boots, I'm okay with a general executive level pay range for those who are too special to be bound by common convention. Here's how it should be: Every job has a range." }, { "docid": "7811638", "title": "2016 US Salary planning information", "text": "2016 US Salary planning information. Detailed salary planning information by sector including salary structure, salary budget and merit increases by employee level. We are happy to provide you with our most recent salary projections by sector for the coming year. The data is based on input provided by over 500 organizations. You can access global salary forecasts and a robust database of pay and benefits with Hay Group PayNet, an online pay portal. For more information, contact us." }, { "docid": "5835938", "title": "-", "text": "Top Nursing Salary List by Career. Keep in mind that the salary range within the given careers will vary based on your level of education. For example, a certified midwife with a BSN might not make as much as a midwife nurse practitioner. Your level of experience, along with your degree play into that ever-important salary equation." }, { "docid": "4757286", "title": "-", "text": "Browse Engineering jobs by salary range: , $30K-$50K, $50K-$80K, $80K-$100K, or.Search by: Keyword Category. Search. Jobs by Salary Ranges: Click a salary category to find jobs in your target salary range.elated job categories: IT -- All, Construction and Installation. Browse Engineering jobs by salary range: , $30K-$50K, $50K-$80K, $80K-$100K, or. Search by: Keyword Category. Search. Jobs by Salary Ranges: Click a salary category to find jobs in your target salary range." }, { "docid": "990025", "title": "-", "text": "Wetlands Scientist Salary. Wetlands Scientist average salary is $42,740, median salary is $- with a salary range from $39,200 to $46,280. Wetlands Scientist salaries are collected from government agencies and companies.Each salary is associated with a real job position.etlands Scientist salary is full-time annual starting salary. Intern, contractor and hourly pay scale vary from regular exempt employee. Compensation depends on work experience, job location, bonus, benefits and other factors." }, { "docid": "6261846", "title": "5 Things Employers Don't Want You to Know About Salary and Benefits", "text": "Truitt explains: This is what employers see as a win-win.. 2. The company includes benefits as part of overall compensation. According to Truitt, Your base salary is the combination of your benefits plus your base salary.In rare cases, a company will pay you what you were hoping in base salary, in addition to offering a terrific benefits package.ruitt explains: This is what employers see as a win-win.. 2. The company includes benefits as part of overall compensation. According to Truitt, Your base salary is the combination of your benefits plus your base salary." }, { "docid": "2335556", "title": "Visa IntelliLink Spend Management", "text": "Visa Enhanced Data. Visa leads in consistency and completeness of enhanced data, with more than 2.2 million merchants providing Level II data, more than 2.1 million providing Level III summary data, and more than 350 thousand merchants providing Level III line item detail. Procurement data integration." }, { "docid": "4479926", "title": "Browse Average Salary Ranges for High Income Level Science and Research Jobs", "text": "The Engineering job titles listed on this page pay salaries that fall between Entry Level income level. These are considered to be Entry Level income jobs in the Engineering category. If you are not concerned with what category a job falls in you may wish to browse all jobs by salary range." }, { "docid": "3146265", "title": "-", "text": "Salary.com has high income, high salary, jobs across its job categories. The high salary range focuses mainly on the levels of director job salary, supervisor job salary, executive director job salary.Salary.com high class of income is the second highest salary range offered in the jobs browsable by salary section.alary.com has high income, high salary, jobs across its job categories. The high salary range focuses mainly on the levels of director job salary, supervisor job salary, executive director job salary." }, { "docid": "5771534", "title": "-", "text": "Average Salary of a Baker or Pastry Chef. As a baker, you can expect to have an average annual salary of about $22,000. However, the salaries of bakers can range from less than $15,000 to more than $35,000.The annual salary that you receive as a baker will depend on a variety of different factors.Here are a few of the factors that will influence your salary level as a baker or pastry chef:owever, the salaries of bakers can range from less than $15,000 to more than $35,000. The annual salary that you receive as a baker will depend on a variety of different factors. Here are a few of the factors that will influence your salary level as a baker or pastry chef:" }, { "docid": "4720784", "title": "-", "text": "(United Kingdom). A Database Administrator (DBA) earns an average salary of £29,021 per year. People in this job generally don't have more than 20 years' experience. The highest paying skills associated with this job are UNIX, Linux, Oracle, PL/SQL, and MySQL.£15,848 - £44,928. Database Administrator (DBA) earns an average salary of £29,021 per year." } ]
benefits costs going to college out of state
[ { "docid": "3034298", "title": "8 Reasons to Consider Out-of-State Colleges and Universities", "text": "Lower Tuition Costs. The cost for attending some out-of-state colleges may actually be less than an in-state college. For example, a California resident attending the University of California at Santa Barbara costs around $30,000. That same student may attend the University of Arkansas for around $26,000, Purdue University in Indiana for around $28,000, or the University of Kansas for around $23,000." } ]
[ { "docid": "1733812", "title": "-", "text": "SHARES. College textbooks cost too much—and something needs to be done about it, according to a report from the advocacy group U.S. PIRG. The College Board estimates that the average student in this country spends around $1,200 a year on books and supplies.A single book can cost as much as $200.oaring college textbooks costs hurt students and family budgets. College textbooks now cost the average student around $1,200 a year and advocacy groups say something needs to be done to curb the costs. CNBC's Herb Weisbaum says there are options for students, but not many." }, { "docid": "2854196", "title": "Veterinary School Cost", "text": "1 A Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree typically costs $28,000-$54,000 per year for in-state tuition and fees (resident rate) or $41,000-$66,000 per year (for four years) for out-of-state tuition and fees (non-resident rate). An undergraduate degree in veterinary technology typically costs $67,000-$86,000. 2 A student will need to take an admissions test such as the Graduate Records Examination or Medical College Admissions Test, which may costs $50-$160." }, { "docid": "3098461", "title": "How to Read Financial Aid Award Letters", "text": "Each college designs its own financial aid award letter. Standards for financial aid award letters are considered voluntary “best practices” and are not mandatory. Nearly a third of financial aid award letters do not mention the college’s cost of attendance. Of those that do, many do not list all college costs. Many list only the direct costs, such as tuition, fees, room and board (if the student lives on campus), which are paid to the college." }, { "docid": "4977349", "title": "Tuition & Fees", "text": "Furthermore, universities tend to be more expensive than community colleges and trade schools. Some common tuition rates for RN students attending community colleges are: 1 In-State Cost Per Credit Hour - $72 to $82. 2 Out-of-State Cost Per Credit Hour - $154 to $216.3 Average Tuition Per Semester (full-time in-state students) - $864 to $1,019.owever, to give you an idea of the costs you will incur for your books, we are listing average costs per semester for new college textbooks below. These costs are based on a full-time schedule for an RN student attending a community college or trade school in the U.S. 1 First Semester - $1,086. 2 Second Semester - $60." }, { "docid": "751508", "title": "-", "text": "State plans are OK for out of state colleges. 529 Plans can be used to meet costs of qualified colleges nationwide. In most plans, your choice of school is not affected by the state your 529 savings plan is from. You can be a CA resident, invest in a VT plan and send your student to college in NC. Check to see if your institution is eligible under 529 rules." }, { "docid": "7805007", "title": "-", "text": "Merrimack College benefits and perks, including insurance benefits, retirement benefits, and vacation policy. Reported anonymously by Merrimack College employees. Best Places to Work 2018 NEW!" }, { "docid": "6021143", "title": "-", "text": "Taxpayers will not pay the travel costs of Gov. Scott Walker's security detail on political jaunts as he steps up his out-of-state trips in preparation for a likely presidential run. State tax dollars will still pay for the salaries and benefits of the State Patrol troopers who guard the governor and his family." }, { "docid": "447440", "title": "Chiropractor School Cost", "text": "1 A graduate degree from a chiropractic college costs $70,000-$105,000 for tuition. 2 Chiropractic colleges are typically private rather than state-funded. 3 A Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Cleveland Chiropractic College, in Kansas City or Los Angeles, costs $91,500 and the programs take 10-12 trimesters. Licensing requirements for chiropractors vary by state, but an initial license typically costs $100-$300. 2 The National Board of Chiropractic Examiners provides links to each state's chiropractic licensing agency." }, { "docid": "4191690", "title": "-", "text": "Out-of-State : $17,481. Nicholls State University's in-state tuition is more expensive than the average public 4 year college in Louisiana's in-state tuition ($4,777). The school's out-of-state tuition is more expensive than the average public 4 year college in Louisiana's out-of-state tuition ($11,485)." }, { "docid": "7924998", "title": "Augsburg College Tuition & Costs", "text": "Colleges › By State › Utah › Utah State University › Utah State University Tuition & Costs. (Based on stats from 2013/2014) (Based on stats from 2013/2014) Colleges like Utah State University are working hard to make tuition affordable to deserving students. Use our tool to get a quick guess about your actual costs and links to tools to get an even better estimate directly form the college." }, { "docid": "8506886", "title": "-", "text": ", Suffolk County Community College has received a grant award from the State University of New York, in the amount of $7,610, including indirect costs, for a Community College Workforce Development Training Grant Program for Audiovox Corporation for the period of September 1, 2009 through August 20, 2010, and. WHEREAS," }, { "docid": "5634744", "title": "Medicaid", "text": "The annual cost of care will vary state to state depending on state approved Medicaid benefits, as well as the state specific care costs. 2008 average cost per senior was reported as $14,780 (in addition to Medicare), and a state by state listing was provided. In a 2010 national report for all age groups, the per enrolled average cost was calculated to $5,563 and a listing by state and by coverage age is provided." }, { "docid": "507336", "title": "-", "text": "The school's out-of-state tuition is more expensive than the average public 2 year college in Georgia's out-of-state tuition ($4,489), but it is cheaper than the average college in Georgia's out-of-state tuition ($9,648). 2014-2015 Academic Year.he school's out-of-state tuition is more expensive than the average public 2 year college in Georgia's out-of-state tuition ($4,489), but it is cheaper than the average college in Georgia's out-of-state tuition ($9,648). 2014-2015 Academic Year." }, { "docid": "7874097", "title": "Average Estimated Undergraduate Budgets, 2017-18", "text": "Not all of the housing, food, and other living expenses are actually additional costs associated with attending college since people must pay for these things whether or not they are in college. However, a very significant cost of going to college is forgone earnings from the time devoted to school instead of the labor market." }, { "docid": "7522126", "title": "-", "text": "Additional costs: 1 The Pharmacy College Admissions Test costs $125. 2 Books run about $300-$600 per year, depending on the school and whether the books are new. 3 Requirements for obtaining a license to use the title Pharmacist are different in each state." }, { "docid": "7595070", "title": "Marietta College G.I. Bill Tuition Assistance", "text": "Private College Tuition Not Covered by GI Bill Benefits. Even if you qualify for full benefits, the tuition and fees charged by Marietta College will not be fully covered. Marietta College charges $35,330 a year for tuition and fees but your maximum Post-9/11 benefit is only $20,235." }, { "docid": "8649595", "title": "Essential Information", "text": "North Arkansas College. Based out of Harrison, North Arkansas College offers four options to students desiring to train as EMTs and/or paramedics, as well as a medical responder track. The EMT-Basic Certificate of Proficiency program is available every semester to all students and costs about $827 for in-state students." }, { "docid": "7383671", "title": "Cost of Elder Care", "text": "Cost of Elder Care. When deciding the best type of care for you or a loved one, we understand that each care option comes with its own features and benefits. Costs for home care, nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and adult day services vary not just from state to state, but also from city to city within each state. Considerations of the costs of long-term care should factor in many elements. Home care offers personalized, one-to-one social, physical, and cognitive support care and assistance with Activities of Daily Living (ADL’s), but home upkeep costs need to be included." }, { "docid": "5068278", "title": "Help with your rent â Housing Benefit", "text": "For more information on help for people who are working, see Benefits and tax credits for people in work. For information on support for children, see Benefits for families and children. You may be able to get help with your day-to-day living costs through Income Support.If you have a mortgage or other types of housing costs, Income Support may also help towards these. However, if you are over state pension age, you can't get Income Support. You may be able to claim Pension Credit instead.or more information on help for people who are working, see Benefits and tax credits for people in work. For information on support for children, see Benefits for families and children. You may be able to get help with your day-to-day living costs through Income Support." }, { "docid": "5598689", "title": "Unemployment Benefits & Contesting a Claim", "text": "To be eligible for unemployment benefits, a person must have at least some minimum amount of work experience within the last one and one-half years before filing for benefits. State formulas are used and each state has a different formula for determining the minimum needed to obtain benefits in that state." }, { "docid": "1430582", "title": "Cost-Benefit Analysis", "text": "Step Four: Compare Costs and Benefits. Finally, compare the value of your costs to the value of your benefits, and use this analysis to decide your course of action. To do this, calculate your total costs and your total benefits, and compare the two values to determine whether your benefits outweigh your costs." }, { "docid": "4817442", "title": "-", "text": "Jackson State College redirects here. For the college in Tennessee, see Jackson State Community College. For other uses, see Jackson College (disambiguation) . Jackson State University (Jackson State, or JSU) is a historically black university in Jackson, Mississippi, United States." }, { "docid": "5855805", "title": "Cost to Attend University of Maryland College Park", "text": "Estimated future prices are based on the current in-state 4 year cost of $84,760.00. Use the college savings plan calculator below to perform a more comprehensive analysis on future costs and how much you will need to save for University of Maryland College Park.stimated future prices are based on the current in-state 4 year cost of $84,760.00. Use the college savings plan calculator below to perform a more comprehensive analysis on future costs and how much you will need to save for University of Maryland College Park." }, { "docid": "1387995", "title": "What Does College Cost?", "text": "The cost to attend college for a full year is more than tuition alone. There are additional room and board, books and supplies, personal and transportation expenses. Do not let the total costs shown below determine your college choice. Make sure you check what Financial aid is available to help pay for college." }, { "docid": "958792", "title": "Becoming a Videographer Cost", "text": "1 In 2012, the average annual cost of earning a four-year bachelor's degree from a public college is $8,244 for in-state students and $20,770 for out-of-state students, according to the College Board. Earning a two-year associate's degree in videography costs about $6,000, according to the College Board. 2 For example, the Blue Ridge Community College in North Carolina costs about $2,200 annually for state residents or $8,200 for non-residents. 3 Videographers typically must buy their own professional-grade video camera." }, { "docid": "5610270", "title": "Cost of Attending Bowling Green State University-FirelandsHuron, Ohio", "text": "Bowling Green State University-Firelands's in-state tuition is more expensive than the average public 2 year college in Ohio's in-state tuition ($4,266), but it is cheaper than the average college in Ohio's in-state tuition ($15,474)." }, { "docid": "102168", "title": "-", "text": "Note: Tuition and fees as of April 2017. Tuition and fees are correct at the time of posting. The Del Mar College Board of Regents has the option to adjust tuition and fees. Texas state legislative action may also change costs." }, { "docid": "6331649", "title": "-", "text": "However, such a change would increase the costs to individuals and the government. 10 The cost of training apprentices. Framework for assessing the costs. and benefits of training apprentices. This section sets out, in an accounting framework, the costs and benefits of training apprentices. Table 1 relates to employers; table 2 relates to apprentices." }, { "docid": "4872500", "title": "-", "text": "College of Charleston is public, 4 year or high located in Charleston, South Carolina. For academic year 2015-2016, the undergraduate tuition & fees at College of Charleston is $11,325 for in-state and $28,869 for out-of-state students.The costs is estimated by the school.1 For academic year 2014-2015, the undergraduate tuition & fees is $10,981 for in-state and $27,971 for out-of-state students.or academic year 2015-2016, the undergraduate tuition & fees at College of Charleston is $11,325 for in-state and $28,869 for out-of-state students." }, { "docid": "1810565", "title": "-", "text": "Felician College is private (not-for-profit), 4 year or high located in Lodi, New Jersey. For the academic year 2014-2015, undergraduate tuition and fees at Felician College is $30,605. For Graduate School, tuition and fees are $18,665.The 2015 undergraduate tuition has been risen by 2.05% for in-state rates and 2.05% for out-of-state rates from the previous year.verage living costs including room, board, and other expenses is $14,650 for students living on campus (dormitory or apartment possessed by the school) Average living costs is $12,700 for students living off campus. On-campus living costs increased by 0.27% from the previous year." } ]
stock option definition
[ { "docid": "5912909", "title": "Definitions &Translations", "text": "stock option(noun) the right to buy or sell a stock at a specified price within a stated period. stock option(noun) a benefit given by a company to an employee in the form of an option to buy stock in the company at a discount or at a fixed price. stock options are not much use as an incentive if the price at which they can be exercised is out of reach." } ]
[ { "docid": "2718054", "title": "-", "text": "Capital Management Outline Definition of bank capital Role of bank capital Capital adequacy Shareholders’ viewpoint Trends in bank capital Definition of bank capital Equity Common stock, preferred stock, surplus, and undivided profits equals the book value of equity." }, { "docid": "1885414", "title": "Blocks", "text": "Brick shaped blocks provide stabilizing support, while oval shaped blocks are an ergonomic option for restorative and Iyengar yoga. You can pick from a variety of colors. You can stock up on yoga blocks and supplies as equipment for your studio." }, { "docid": "6910146", "title": "-", "text": "RE: Can you freeze crescent rolls/cinnamon rolls. Cooking them and freezing them is a good idea, I think I will try that option. My Schnucks has them on sale free after the coupon this week so I'm going to stock up!" }, { "docid": "8645518", "title": "Taxation of Employee Stock Options", "text": "However it is, of course, subject to tax, and it is a preference item for the AMT (alternative minimum tax) calculation. When you exercise an incentive stock option there are a few different tax possibilities: 1 You exercise the incentive stock options, and sell the stock within the same calendar year. 2 You exercise the incentive stock options but hold the stock." }, { "docid": "3872389", "title": "Stocks Basics: What Are Stocks?", "text": "The Definition of a Stock / Stock Certificate. A certificate establishing ownership of a stated number of shares in a corporations stock. Plain and simple, stock is a share in the ownership of a company. Stock represents a claim on the companys assets and earnings. As you acquire more stock, your ownership stake in the company becomes greater." }, { "docid": "7667973", "title": "-", "text": "The valuation of a stock appreciation right operates exactly like a stock option in that the employee benefits from any increases in stock price above the price set in the award." }, { "docid": "8464680", "title": "How are stock warrants different from stock options?", "text": "A stock option is a contract between two people that gives the holder the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell outstanding stocks at a specific price and at a specific date. Options are purchased when it is believed that the price of a stock will go up or down (depending on the option type)." }, { "docid": "1756722", "title": "Wealth management", "text": "Private wealth management[edit] Private wealth management is delivered to high-net-worth investors. Generally this includes advice on the use of various estate planning vehicles, business-succession or stock-option planning, and the occasional use of hedging derivatives for large blocks of stock." }, { "docid": "6046262", "title": "-", "text": "Definition: A publicly held company is a stock corporation in which the shares of stock are available to the public." }, { "docid": "2263872", "title": "market value ratios", "text": "Definition. An equation that compares the current stock price to a financial indicator on the company's financial statements. The most often used indicator is a company's earnings per share. For example, if a stock price is $10 and its earnings are $2 per share, then the market value ratio would be 5-to-1. Market value ratios are typically used to determine if a company is over or undervalued." }, { "docid": "8537065", "title": "-", "text": "If your employer grants you a statutory stock option, you generally don't include any amount in your gross income when you receive or exercise the option. However, you may be subject to alternative minimum tax in the year you exercise an ISO. For more information, refer to the Form 6251 Instructions." }, { "docid": "3193381", "title": "Stock Features - What is callable preferred stock Why do...", "text": "What is callable preferred stock ? Why do corporations issue such stock? Given the different features that are associated with stock (callable, cumulative, preferred, etc.), what type of stock would you want to buy personally and why? A callable preferred stock is when a company issues stock to its investor(s) at a fixed rate, but has the option of regaining the stock after a designated date in the future at the issued price. The stock can be purchased back at a certain price or at a higher or lower rate depending on the market value of the stock. Corporations issue such stock due to the cash producing potential from quarterly dividends and preferred stockholders cannot vote for any company issues. The different features that are associated with stock are callable, preferred, cumulative, and convertible stocks." }, { "docid": "3206841", "title": "-", "text": "The questions on the exam will cover the reading material, and will be very similar. to those in the practice sets. Question 1: Suppose an American call option is written on Nortel stock. The exercise price is $105 (☺) and. the present value of the exercise price is $100." }, { "docid": "3226956", "title": "Taxation of Stock Warrants", "text": "A stock warrant is similar to a stock option in that both give you the right to purchase shares of the stock at a guaranteed strike price and you are able to exercise this right for a limited time. However, warrants are issued by a company for its own stock and are usually good for several years.hen you exercise warrants to buy the underlying stock, you pay the stated strike price to the issuing company. The difference between the strike price and the price of a share, minus the cost basis, is taxable income." }, { "docid": "1965762", "title": "Stock Option Path to Riches - Part 1", "text": "An employee receiving a nonstatutory stock option may be taxed, in most cases, at any of the following times: (1) when the option is received; (2) when he exercises the option; or (3) when restrictions (if any) on disposition of the stock (acquired by the option) lapse." }, { "docid": "917668", "title": "-", "text": "19, In The Money Covered Calls. In the money covered calls are those where an investor has sold a call option against stock he owns (hence, it is covered) where the strike price of the call option is less than the current stock price (so it is in the money).9, In The Money Covered Calls. In the money covered calls are those where an investor has sold a call option against stock he owns (hence, it is covered) where the strike price of the call option is less than the current stock price (so it is in the money)." }, { "docid": "4404143", "title": "-", "text": "DEFINITION of 'Crossover' A crossover is the point on a stock chart when a security and an indicator intersect. Technical analysts use crossovers to aid in forecasting the future movements in the price of a stock. In most technical analysis models, a crossover is a signal to either buy or sell. The point on a stock chart when a security and an indicator intersect. Crossovers are used by technical analysts to aid in forecasting the future movements in the price of a stock. In most technical analysis models, a crossover is a signal to either buy or sell." }, { "docid": "8146496", "title": "option", "text": "to have the option of doing sth → tener la posibilidad de hacer algo imprisonment without the option of bail (Jur) → prisión f preventiva to keep one's options open → no descartar ninguna posibilidad. 2. (Comm) → opción f at the option of the purchaser → a opción del comprador stock option (Fin) → compra f opcional de acciones to take out an option on another 100 → suscribir una opción para la compra de otros 100 with the option to buy → con opción de compra with an option on ten more aircraft → con opción para la compra de otros diez aviones. 3." }, { "docid": "4345264", "title": "The Difference Between Call and Put Options", "text": "Put Options. A put option is an agreement that gives the owner of that put the right, but not the obligation, to sell a set amount of an underlying stock or other asset at a specific price within a specific period of time. Therefore, the buyer of a put option has the right to sell their underlying shares at a set price." }, { "docid": "971844", "title": "-", "text": "What is a 'Grant'. A grant is the issuance of an award, such as a stock option, to key employees under a stock plan. A stock option grants the employee the right to purchase a certain number of shares of the company's stock at a predetermined price. This price is called the grant price." }, { "docid": "1124085", "title": "Stock exchange", "text": "The initial public offering of stocks and bonds to investors is by definition done in the primary market and subsequent trading is done in the secondary market. A stock exchange is often the most important component of a stock market." }, { "docid": "8079813", "title": "MSCI Index and What It Measures", "text": "The MSCI tracks stock prices throughout the world. Definition: An MSCI Index is a measurement of stock market performance in a particular area. Like other indexes, such as the Dow Jones Averages or the S&P 500, it tracks the performance of the stocks included in the index. MSCI stands for Morgan Stanley Capital International" }, { "docid": "4042669", "title": "-", "text": "However, a straddle would exist if the taxpayer owned one of the companies and also held an option on that company's stock that substantially diminished the taxpayer's risk of loss on that stock; see Sec." }, { "docid": "4083073", "title": "What is a 'Ticker Symbol'", "text": "Ticker symbols for options are structured to represent the underlying stock ticker they are based on and also their expiration date and contract type (either a put or a call option). Mutual fund ticker symbols are usually alphanumeric and end with the letter X to differentiate them from stock symbols.icker symbols for options are structured to represent the underlying stock ticker they are based on and also their expiration date and contract type (either a put or a call option). Mutual fund ticker symbols are usually alphanumeric and end with the letter X to differentiate them from stock symbols." }, { "docid": "7581591", "title": "What is an Option?", "text": "A call option is in-the-money if the current market value of the underlying stock is above the exercise price of the option. The call option is out-of-the-money if the stock is below the exercise price. A put option is in-the-money if the current market value of the underlying stock is below the exercise price. A put option is out-of-the-money if its underlying price is above the exercise price." }, { "docid": "1309048", "title": "Stocks Basics: What Are Stocks?", "text": "Stocks Basics: What Are Stocks? You’ve probably heard a popular definition of what a stock is: “A stock is a share in the ownership of a company. Stock represents a claim on the company's assets and earnings. As you acquire more stock, your ownership stake in the company becomes greater.” Unfortunately, this definition is incorrect in some key ways. To start with, stock holders do not own corporations; they own shares issued by corporations." }, { "docid": "1014792", "title": "Delta", "text": "If the delta is 1, for example, the relationship of the prices is 1 to 1. That means there's a $1 change in the option price for every $1 change in the price of the underlying instrument. With a call option, an increase in the price of an underlying instrument typically results in an increase in the price of the option.elta. The change in the price of an option that results from a one-point change in the price of the underlying stock. For example, a delta of 0.5 indicates that the option will rise in price by 1 / 2 point (50¢) for each 1-point ($1) rise in the price of the underlying stock." }, { "docid": "869014", "title": "-", "text": "DEFINITION of 'Grant'. The issuance of an award, such as a stock option, to key employees under a stock plan. A stock option grants the employee the right to purchase a certain number of shares of the company's stock at a predetermined price. There is usually a waiting period before an employee can exercise their stock options." }, { "docid": "5332522", "title": "Stock Price Definition", "text": "Stock Price Definition | What is it? (1) The market value of anything being offered for sale. (2) Market value of a share of common stock on the date shown. Highs and lows are based on the highest and lowest intra-day trading price." }, { "docid": "804677", "title": "straddle", "text": "put option - the option to sell a given stock (or stock index or commodity future) at a given price before a given date put straddle, span - the act of sitting or standing astride" } ]