what is the best way for a body to absorb magnesium
[ { "docid": "4525528", "title": "-", "text": "Take the chelated form of magnesium, such as magnesium citrate, glycinate or malate. This form is absorbed best by your body. Combine magnesium with calcium. The easiest way is to take a balanced formula of one part magnesium to two parts calcium. Take vitamin C at the same time. It helps make magnesium more biologically available to your body." } ]
[ { "docid": "2132938", "title": "Hypomagnesemia (Low Magnesium)", "text": "Hypomagnesemia is an electrolyte imbalance and is indicated by a low level of magnesium in the blood. The normal adult value for magnesium is 1.5-2.5 mEq/L.Magnesium is one of many electrolytes in your body and normal levels of magnesium are important for the maintenance of heart and nervous system function.he normal adult value for magnesium is 1.5-2.5 mEq/L. Magnesium is one of many electrolytes in your body and normal levels of magnesium are important for the maintenance of heart and nervous system function." }, { "docid": "8748662", "title": "10 reasons why bananas are good for your health!", "text": "Bananas might just be the right solution for you — it actually protects you from muscle cramps. Because of its high magnesium and potassium content, bananas are the best way to replenish the minerals in your body." }, { "docid": "635632", "title": "What Is Chelated Magnesium and What Does Chelated Mean?", "text": "Chelation can make it easier for the body to absorb magnesium. Magnesium used in dietary supplements can be chelated to any number of compounds. Often, these compounds are amino acids. Such chelation imitates the natural form so that the body can absorb it readily. Naturally chelated magnesium is found in substances such as chlorophyll, the chemical that gives plants their green color. This is why leafy green vegetables are a good source of magnesium." }, { "docid": "221355", "title": "-", "text": "I take Pantoprazole in the morning, and baths in the evening (if relevant) Dr. Paul Williams Dr. Williams. Epsom salts: Yes - there should be no problems using epsom salt (magnesium sulfate) and Pantoprazole. The magnesium in the pantoprazole is negligible and you won't absorb any magnesium from the bath." }, { "docid": "4592111", "title": "Vitamin B12", "text": "They are not thought to be reliable sources of the vitamin. A lack of vitamin B12 (B12 deficiency) occurs when the body does not get or is unable to absorb the amount of vitamin that the body needs. Many people over age 50 lose the ability to absorb vitamin B12 from foods." }, { "docid": "7778994", "title": "Carrots Deeply Cleanse And Detoxify The Lungs, Liver And Kidneys: Miracle Remedy For Many Ailments", "text": "Carrot greens/tops CAN be eaten. It is very rich with potassium, calcium, magnesium, vitamin K and protein. Potassium is a key mineral in our body, thus high consumption of it keeps all the organs in our body in tip-top condition.arrot greens/tops CAN be eaten. It is very rich with potassium, calcium, magnesium, vitamin K and protein. Potassium is a key mineral in our body, thus high consumption of it keeps all the organs in our body in tip-top condition." }, { "docid": "3128965", "title": "Calcium", "text": "Vitamin D helps your body absorb calcium. Some water pills increase the amount of calcium in the body. Taking large amounts of vitamin D along with some water pills might cause to be too much calcium in the body. This could cause serious side effects including kidney problems.itamin D helps your body absorb calcium. Some water pills increase the amount of calcium in the body. Taking large amounts of vitamin D along with some water pills might cause to be too much calcium in the body. This could cause serious side effects including kidney problems." }, { "docid": "999739", "title": "Iron Deficiency Anemia", "text": "1 You lose more blood cells and iron than your body can replace. 2 Your body does not do a good job of absorbing iron. 3 Your body is able to absorb iron, but you are not eating enough foods that contain iron. Your body needs more iron than normal (such as if you are pregnant or breastfeeding)" }, { "docid": "188320", "title": "10 Health Benefits of Magnesium", "text": "10 Health Benefits of Magnesium You might not have thought of it, but magnesium really is an important mineral for the human body! It’s found in the earth and used in electronics, but in small quantities, it is used by the body to perform a number of processes to keep you alive and healthy." }, { "docid": "5763342", "title": "-", "text": "The reason roses require a somewhat acidic soil pH is to absorb micro-nutrients such as iron, zinc, magnesium and copper that are simply unavailable in alkaline soil. Alkaline soil is best, but most hellebores can adapt to acid soil. Beets, lettuce, and some legumes, Perform better in slightly alkaline soil." }, { "docid": "1242585", "title": "HOW TO WHITEN YOUR TEETH WITH A BANANA PEEL?", "text": "Gently rub on teeth. Take a piece of the inside of the banana peel and gently rub around on your teeth for about 2 minutes. The amazing minerals in the peel like potassium, magnesium and manganese absorb into your teeth and whiten them.Repeat the same procedure at night or before bedtime, to whiten teeth.ake a piece of the inside of the banana peel and gently rub around on your teeth for about 2 minutes. The amazing minerals in the peel like potassium, magnesium and manganese absorb into your teeth and whiten them." }, { "docid": "1097868", "title": "7 Health Benefits of Epsom Salt Bath", "text": "Aim to soak in a warm Epsom salt bath for at least 40 minutes. The first 20 minutes will remove the toxins from the body; the body will absorb the minerals in the bath water for the last half of the bath." }, { "docid": "1814269", "title": "-", "text": "We hear quite a bit about calcium and iron, but magnesium is also a very important mineral in the body. Most commonly identified as an electrolyte and touted for its role in maintaining mineral balance, magnesium works hand-in-hand with calcium.e hear quite a bit about calcium and iron, but magnesium is also a very important mineral in the body. Most commonly identified as an electrolyte and touted for its role in maintaining mineral balance, magnesium works hand-in-hand with calcium." }, { "docid": "840919", "title": "How Are Nutrients Absorbed in the Body by the Stomach?", "text": "The nutrients that food gives you, from vitamins to proteins, have specific functions in the body that keep you healthy and support your body's systems. But your body cannot use the nutrients you eat until it breaks them down in small pieces to then absorb them." }, { "docid": "315819", "title": "Forms of Calcium and Magnesium That Are Easily Absorbed by the Body", "text": "Next to it, the manufacturer indicates how much of it each serving has. Elemental calcium is the amount of the mineral that the supplement provides in a form your body can absorb. Calcium citrate is the most easily absorbed calcium supplement.But it is also the form that contains the least elemental calcium at 21 percent. In addition, calcium citrate interacts adversely with antacids that contain aluminum, creating a toxic condition.alcium and magnesium are essential for healthy bone and teeth development. Your organs also need both minerals to function properly. Calcium content is more abundant in your body than magnesium. However, your systems cannot absorb the former unless the latter is present. Many foods provide the two nutrients." }, { "docid": "3217279", "title": "Vitamin A", "text": "Disorders in which the body does not absorb fat properly: People with conditions that affect fat absorption, such as celiac disease, short gut syndrome, jaundice, cystic fibrosis, pancreatic disease, and cirrhosis of the liver, are not able to absorb vitamin A properly." }, { "docid": "556289", "title": "-", "text": "We hear quite a bit about calcium and iron, but magnesium is also a very important mineral in the body. Most commonly identified as an electrolyte and touted for its role in maintaining mineral balance, magnesium works hand-in-hand with calcium. Magnesium is also involved in over 300 essential metabolic functions making this mineral a key player in energy metabolism. Some of the most important are:" }, { "docid": "3377627", "title": "Vitamin D and Constipation What's the Relationship?", "text": "Vitamin D and Constipation-. A Preventable Problem. Constipation is one of these signs of magnesium deficiency and if you are getting constipation from vitamin d, then your body is telling you that you ARE magnesium deficient and that you probably have been for a long long time." }, { "docid": "6958492", "title": "The Thyroid Gland", "text": "While most of the magnesium in the body is stored in the bone, tissues, and cells, about 1% is present in the blood. Normally, the body regulates magnesium levels by excreting certain amounts or storing it in the kidneys. When the kidneys do not excrete enough magnesium, levels may increase." }, { "docid": "2247683", "title": "What is Magnesium Malate?", "text": "Magnesium malate is a dietary supplement that often comes in tablet or capsule form. This pill contains both magnesium and malic acid, two supplements that can help the body produce and store energy in the cells.agnesium malate may help alleviate symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome. Fish contains magnesium. Black beans are a good source of magnesium. Salmon is one of many foods naturally rich in magnesium. Nuts are typically a good, natural source of magnesium." }, { "docid": "1538617", "title": "9 Signs You Have Magnesium Deficiency and How to Treat It", "text": "Final Thoughts on Magnesium Deficiency. 1 Magnesium a vital mineral for the body, and according to research, a magnesium deficiency is associated with just about every illness. 2 Causes of magnesium deficiency include soil depletion, GMOs, digestive diseases and chronic disease." }, { "docid": "3183897", "title": "Nutrition and healthy eating", "text": "Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is an essential nutrient. Still, it's possible to have too much vitamin C. Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin that supports normal growth and development. Vitamin C also helps your body absorb iron.Because your body doesn't produce or store vitamin C, it's important to include vitamin C in your diet.itamin C (ascorbic acid) is an essential nutrient. Still, it's possible to have too much vitamin C. Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin that supports normal growth and development. Vitamin C also helps your body absorb iron." }, { "docid": "159252", "title": "What is Magnesium? How it Functions in the Body", "text": "Once magnesium enters the body through food, supplements, or topical applications, it is broken down and released to form independent magnesium atoms, or “ions”. In its ionic form, magnesium has a positive charge, commonly noted as Mg 2+ .nce magnesium enters the body through food, supplements, or topical applications, it is broken down and released to form independent magnesium atoms, or “ions”. In its ionic form, magnesium has a positive charge, commonly noted as Mg 2+ ." }, { "docid": "7892357", "title": "Did you know that raw cacao benefits human longevity and health without negative side effects?", "text": "The nutrient density of raw cacao benefits every function of the body. One of the many cool facts about chocolate is that it is the highest source of magnesium and chromium of any food! Magnesium is the most deficient mineral in the average human." }, { "docid": "5232382", "title": "Understanding Different Types of Magnesium", "text": "Magnesium citrate: A commonly used form that has a good bioavailability compared to oxide. It is also very rapidly absorbed in the digestive tract but it does have a stool loosening effect.1 This form is found in many supplements and remains a solid option for delivering magnesium into the body." }, { "docid": "1409779", "title": "-", "text": "Which materials absorb the most water? Quick Answer. As of 2014, a novel material called upsalite is the world's most water-absorbent material. Made of nanostructured anhydrous magnesium carbonate, this material is capable of absorbing several hundred times its weight in water, even in low-humidity conditions." }, { "docid": "5298276", "title": "-", "text": "Source of pur-Absorb Iron. The iron in pur-Absorb is highly absorbable. It is not actually how much iron we consume that matters, it is the amount of iron that our body is able to absorb.Since pur-Absorb Iron has a clinically proven high absorption rate, the body can get the absorbed iron that it needs from a lower dose.In women with low iron levels, pur-Absorb has a clinically proven high absorption rate of over 40%[1].An absorption rate that is much higher than the average iron absorption of 10-15% from food sources and 18% from conventional iron supplements.[2-9].Less side effects.ource of pur-Absorb Iron. The iron in pur-Absorb is highly absorbable. It is not actually how much iron we consume that matters, it is the amount of iron that our body is able to absorb." }, { "docid": "7855148", "title": "Do You Need More Magnesium? 10 Signs to Watch For", "text": "Refined sugar is not only a zero magnesium product but it also causes the body to excrete magnesium through the kidneys. The process of producing refined sugar from sugar cane removes molasses, stripping the magnesium content entirely. And sugar does not simply serve to reduce magnesium levels." }, { "docid": "8269223", "title": "Diet and Nutrition: Entire Lesson", "text": "This mineral also contributes to the makeup of teeth and bones. Magnesium activates enzymes, contributes to energy production, and helps regulate levels of calcium, copper, zinc, potassium, vitamin D, and other important nutrients in the body. You can get magnesium from many foods. However, most people in the U.S. probably do not get as much magnesium as they should from their diet. Foods rich in magnesium include whole grains, nuts, and green vegetables. Green leafy vegetables are particularly good sources of magnesium." }, { "docid": "1984055", "title": "Benefits of Magnesium is Far Greater Than Previously Imagined", "text": "Magnesium sulfate / Magnesium hydroxide (milk of magnesia) are typically used as a laxative. Be aware that it's easy to overdose on these, so ONLY take as directed : Magnesium carbonate, which has antacid properties, contains 45 percent magnesium : Magnesium taurate contains a combination of magnesium and taurine, an amino acid." } ]
what is the biggest autobot
[ { "docid": "3743786", "title": "Metroplex (G1)", "text": "Metroplex was the largest Autobot on record at just under 700 feet in height. Entirely too large to wander Earth freely, Metroplex accepted without complaint the role he was assigned: that of the living core of Autobot City." } ]
[ { "docid": "1395530", "title": "-", "text": "Re: Biggest boat show in the US? IBEX is for boatbuilders, not really dealers/distributors. I'm pretty sure Miami, FL. is the biggest, consumer oriented show." }, { "docid": "2061626", "title": "College Football: The 11 Greatest Stadiums in America", "text": "Despite being the third-biggest stadium in the Big Ten (that just so happens to also be the nation’s third biggest), the Horseshoe has a city feel with a college-town vibe. 6. Beaver Stadium, Penn State" }, { "docid": "4207115", "title": "The #1 Singers Biggest Mistake", "text": "That's a big mistake, but it's not the BIGGEST. Hey, we here at Singing Success teach singers how to sing with great technique so they get the most *voice* from their voice. Maybe the biggest mistake is using bad technique!... No, that's not it either. Although that was very common from what I saw." }, { "docid": "3644640", "title": "-", "text": "The List: Biggest Twin Cities Law Firms The List: Biggest Twin Cities Law Firms. All Lists; The Book of Lists; Build Your Own Lists; Submit to be on a List" }, { "docid": "8333467", "title": "The Biggest Loser Challenge - Nintendo Wii", "text": "The Biggest Loser Challenge is an exercise simulation game for Wii, based on the popular The Biggest Loser television series. The second The Biggest Loser video game released for Wii, The Biggest Loser Challenge is designed to evolve along with the player's exercise routine." }, { "docid": "8091181", "title": "China", "text": "China is the EU's biggest source of imports and its second-biggest export market. China and Europe trade on average over €1 billion a day; EU’s main imports from China are industrial and consumer goods, machinery and equipment, and footwear and clothing" }, { "docid": "7975729", "title": "The Biggest Coyote", "text": "Let it load, then enjoy! The Story of the Biggest Coyote in the World (mp3 format, about 9 minutes) The Story of the Biggest Coyote." }, { "docid": "4110911", "title": "Which countries in Europe have the strongest economy today?", "text": "This is a list of the biggest economies in Europe, which doesn't mean they are the strongest. F.e. The Netherlands has probably the strongest economy but is not the biggest. EDIT : Australia isn't in Europe..." }, { "docid": "3431590", "title": "Kohls promo codes & Coupons", "text": "Take a look at our 2 The Biggest Loser Club promo codes including 2 sales. A savvy Couponer used a coupon 1 day ago. Most popular now: Check Out The Biggest Loser Club Services and Offers Today!. Latest offer: Sign Up for The Biggest Loser Club Email and Receive Exclusive News and Offers." }, { "docid": "836741", "title": "-", "text": "The biggest concern that DMDM Hydantoin carries is that it can release or be contaminated with the carcinogen formaldehyde. It actually works as a preservative by releasing formaldehyde.he biggest concern that DMDM Hydantoin carries is that it can release or be contaminated with the carcinogen formaldehyde. It actually works as a preservative by releasing formaldehyde." }, { "docid": "4303676", "title": "What is the Largest Whale? A Cetacea Size Comparison Chart.", "text": "North Atlantic Right whales (Eubalaena glacialis) are big, but they're not the biggest whales. That distinction goes to the Blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus), the largest animal on Earth.While the Orca, or Killer whale size of up to 31 feet make it the largest dolphin.The Sperm whale on the other hand may not be the biggest whale, but it has the biggest brain to have ever existed on Earth.hat distinction goes to the Blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus), the largest animal on Earth. While the Orca, or Killer whale size of up to 31 feet make it the largest dolphin. The Sperm whale on the other hand may not be the biggest whale, but it has the biggest brain to have ever existed on Earth." }, { "docid": "2376714", "title": "'Pluto' Category Archives", "text": "Facts About. Who Discovered Pluto. In 2006, Pluto was demoted from a planet to a dwarf planet. It is currently the second biggest dwarf planet known to man in the Solar System (Eris is currently the biggest). From 1930 to 2006, it was believed to be the farthest planet from the Sun and, naturally, Earth." }, { "docid": "1295089", "title": "5 Best Gay Pride Events in the Country", "text": "You May Also Like. One of the biggest Pride parades in the country, they had over 25,000 people march in the parade and estimates put the attendance at over 400,000 last year. Boston Pride will be celebrating its 45 anniversary this year and from June 5-9, 2015 the celebration will be their biggest yet." }, { "docid": "4974126", "title": "Large Hadron Collider", "text": "The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is the world's biggest and most powerful particle accelerator.It was built by the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN).he Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is the world's biggest and most powerful particle accelerator." }, { "docid": "5348086", "title": "Miners unearth world's biggest diamond", "text": "Miners unearth world's biggest diamond. The 203 carat Millennium Star is the second biggest flawless diamond. The newly found stone could produce a stone even bigger. The world's biggest diamond, believed to be twice the size of the Cullinan, has been discovered in the North-West Province of South Africa." }, { "docid": "6920634", "title": "Top Ten BIGGEST Wild Dogs", "text": "Top Ten BIGGEST Wild Dogs. WAYYY back in May 2011, we had a request from an awesome Earth Ranger for a countdown of the biggest cats. It was such a great idea that we jumped into action." }, { "docid": "2934684", "title": "The City of Casablanca, Morocco - A Complete history - Mohamed Dekkak", "text": "A Look Into Casablanca’s Past. Hailed as the biggest city in the Kingdom of Morocco, Casablanca is situated in the center west portion of the nation on the Atlantic Ocean. Considered as the biggest place in the Maghreb, the city is additionally one of the biggest and most significant metropolitan in Africa, in terms of finance and in demographics." }, { "docid": "5950771", "title": "List of Transformers film series characters", "text": "Ken Watanabe voices an Autobot tactician and a former Decepticon that transforms into a black and blue 2013 Bugatti Veyron Grand Sport Vitesse. Ratchet is the Autobots' medical officer who transforms into a light green Rescue Hummer H2. Foxworth has voiced Ratchet in all of Michael Bay’s Transformers films. Brains is a Decepticon drone turned Autobot, who transforms into a Lenovo ThinkPad Edge. He voiced Frenzy in the 2007 Transformers movie and Mudflap in Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen." }, { "docid": "4347952", "title": "'The Biggest Loser' Lost the Contestants: Production Canceled", "text": "The Biggest Loser might have just lost all of this season's contestants. The contestants have threatened to quit in response to an unanticipated show change, according to a new report. Production has currently been shut down. On the reality show where contestants compete to see who can shed the most pounds and win the title of Biggest Loser, a new announcement has caused show producers perhaps the biggest loss." }, { "docid": "4133934", "title": "Popping The Biggest Cyst On The Planet", "text": "Popping The Biggest Cyst On The Planet. Bonus Gigantic Cysts Getting Popped. If you enjoyed seeing the biggest cyst being popped, check out the world’s biggest booger getting removed and popping the world’s most pimply nose!" }, { "docid": "1098340", "title": "Meet the Woman Who Holds the Record for Biggest Butt in the World", "text": "Meet the Woman Who Holds the Record for Biggest Butt in the World. Mikel Ruffinelli is a Los Angeles resident, a psychology student, and the owner of the biggest butt in the world, according to the Daily Mail. Related. Ruffinelli's hips measure record 8.25 feet around and she appears in a documentary series on TLC entitled World's Biggest Hips." }, { "docid": "7913723", "title": "The 10 Biggest Dog Breeds", "text": "Some of the biggest dogs you see often, but some you’ve probably never heard of. The 10 Biggest Dog Breeds. Tibetan Mastiff: This handsome dog is known for the lionlike mane around his head. He was bred to guard temples. The biggest Tibetan Mastiff is said to have been around 280 pounds, but these days they average 180 pounds." }, { "docid": "5748630", "title": "-", "text": "The biggest battle in the Revolutionary war is Richmond, because we got the largest British army in the continental United States to surrender and the biggest general to surre … nder also. The biggest battle in the Revolutionary war was the Battle of Long Island (1776). The British army outnumbered the Colonials 2 to 1 (20,000 vs. 10,000)." }, { "docid": "3878870", "title": "The Top 50 U.S. Banks by Assets", "text": "The Top 50 U.S. Banks by Assets. The nation’s biggest banks are becoming an immovable bunch. There was no change in the rankings of the top 13 biggest banks by assets in the U.S.and only two institutions cracked into the Top 20, according to the latest listing from data provider SNL Financial." }, { "docid": "1238410", "title": "Facts About the Largest Alligator Ever Recorded That'll Blow You Away", "text": "While the crocodile specimen caught in Philippines is undoubtedly the biggest crocodile in the world (a fact which has been acknowledged by the Guinness World Records), the biggest alligator in the world is the specimen which was caught in Louisiana." }, { "docid": "3594070", "title": "List of Transformers film series characters", "text": "Ken Watanabe voices an Autobot tactician and a former Decepticon that transforms into a black and blue 2013 Bugatti Veyron Grand Sport Vitesse. Ratchet is the Autobots' medical officer who transforms into a light green Rescue Hummer H2. Foxworth has voiced Ratchet in all of Michael Bay’s Transformers films. Brains is a Decepticon drone turned Autobot, who transforms into a Lenovo ThinkPad Edge. He voiced Frenzy in the 2007 Transformers movie and Mudflap in Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. Lockdown is an intergalactic mercenary who transforms into a grey 2013 Lamborghini Aventador LP 700-4 Coupe. Mark Ryan also voiced Bumblebee in the 2007 Transformers movie." }, { "docid": "7518536", "title": "The biggest ship in the world", "text": "The Maersk 'Triple-E' container ship is the biggest vessel in the world." }, { "docid": "8803383", "title": "-", "text": "See what Tisa Aoina (laoin001) has discovered on Pinterest, the world's biggest collection of everybody's favorite things. See what Tisa Aoina (laoin001) has discovered on Pinterest, the world's biggest collection of everybody's favorite things." }, { "docid": "2258298", "title": "-", "text": "The climax of a story is called the climax! the climax of a story is when the main and biggest part of the conflict (problem) occurs and the character needs to decide what h…e will do. In other words, it the point in the story when the problem is the biggest and worst." }, { "docid": "3488909", "title": "When to go and weather", "text": "1 The hot season runs from March until June, and the mercury regularly climbs above 35°C; pick a hotel with a pool! Songkran in April is Chiang Mai's biggest festival – and biggest party – but book well ahead for transport and accommodation." } ]
what is the blockchain
[ { "docid": "4583004", "title": "The Blockchain: What It Is and Why It Matters", "text": "The Blockchain is a secure transaction ledger database that is shared by all parties participating in an established, distributed network of computers. It records and stores every transaction that occurs in the network, essentially eliminating the need for “trusted” third parties such as payment processors." } ]
[ { "docid": "7152591", "title": "-", "text": "What is the Blockchain Developer Conference? Blockchain is far more than a platform for a currency, it is a platform for decentralizing the web of applications in a profoundly secure way. The Blockchain developer conference is the largest convergence of Blockchain developers seeking exposure to the newest technologies for building decentralized apps in FinTech, Healthcare, Government, Enterprise, and the Consumer space." }, { "docid": "8200807", "title": "-", "text": "Examples: BitPay, Abra. 3) Digital Assets - The blockchain can be used to create digital assets such as stocks, bonds, land titles, and frequent flyer miles. These assets are created using protocols on top of the Bitcoin blockchain. Example protocols include Coloredcoins and Counterparty. Companies using this technology: Chain, NASDAQ, Openchain. 4) Identity - Companies offer blockchain IDs that can be used to sign in to apps and web sites, digitally sign documents, etc." }, { "docid": "2870965", "title": "Ethereum", "text": "Ethereum is an open-source, public, blockchain-based distributed computing platform featuring smart contract (scripting) functionality. It provides a decentralized Turing-complete virtual machine, the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), which can execute scripts using an international network of public nodes." }, { "docid": "2685775", "title": "Are The Benefits Of Blockchain Out Of Reach For Small And Mid-Size Businesses?", "text": "A business blockchain is private and accessed only by authorized and known participants using specific permissions. I recently heard about a company that built an Ethereum-based open, public-permissioned network well suited for small to mid-size organizations, and I reached out to its team for more information about the benefits blockchain offers." }, { "docid": "3766988", "title": "-", "text": "January 4, 2018 kevindkelly 2017, 2018, analysis, bitcoin, bitcoins, blockchain, crypto, cryptocurrencies, cryptocurrency, digital currencies, ethereum, finance, forecast, forecasts, invest, invest in tron, investing, investing in tron, investment, price analysis, price predictions, price target, trading, tron, tron analysis, tron coin, tron crypto, tron cryptocurrency, tron cyptocurrency review, tron explained, tron forecast, tron price, tron price prediction, tron trx, tron undervalued ..." }, { "docid": "2342298", "title": "Bitcoin", "text": "Software wallets can be split further in two categories: full clients and lightweight clients. 1 Full clients verify transactions directly on a local copy of the blockchain (over 110 GB as of May 2017), or a subset of the blockchain (around 2 GB)." }, { "docid": "2015249", "title": "Monero", "text": "Monero is secure. Monero is a decentralized cryptocurrency, meaning it is secure digital cash operated by a network of users. Transactions are confirmed by distributed consensus and then immutably recorded on the blockchain. Third-parties do not need to be trusted to keep your Monero safe." }, { "docid": "7605245", "title": "-", "text": "The Waves BTC token (WBTC) represents bitcoin on the Waves blockchain. Bitcoin is the most popular form of money in the cryptocurrency world. Waves allows people to store and transfer it more efficiently due to Waves’ high speeds and low transaction fees. Every WBTC token is 1:1 backed by bitcoin held in a secure multi-sig account. WEBSITE." }, { "docid": "6915787", "title": "OneGram: A Gold Backed Cryptocurrency.", "text": "OneGram is an organisation based in Dubai, which plans to launch a blockchain based cryptocurrency backed by gold. The gold backing OneGram will be stored by GoldGuard with Loomis a vault provider in Dubai. Each coin will represent a share of the gold stored. Each coin will represent a share of the gold stored." }, { "docid": "8058099", "title": "Google and Goldman Sachs are two of the most active investors in blockchain firms: Report", "text": "Major companies are investing in blockchain 9:31 AM ET Wed, 18 Oct 2017 | 00:48 Google and Goldman Sachs are two of the most active corporate investors in blockchain companies, according to a report. Blockchain is the underlying technology behind cryptocurrencies like bitcoin." }, { "docid": "1164593", "title": "What Is Blockchain Used For Besides Bitcoin?", "text": "What are the use cases of Blockchain outside of bitcoin? This question was originally answered on Quora by Alyssa Satara." }, { "docid": "7794819", "title": "8 Benefits of Blockchain to Industries Beyond Cryptocurrency", "text": "For supply chain management, the blockchain technology offers the benefits of traceability and cost-effectiveness. Put simply, a blockchain can be used to track the movement of goods, their origin, quantity and so forth." }, { "docid": "4757101", "title": "Musicoin, a platform to connect artists and listeners.", "text": "Musicoin is tradable on exchanges since late March 2017, and had ups and downs in price, until now. The Musicoin project was launched on the 11th of February 2017 when the first block of MUSIC was mined. Musicoin is a new generation of cryptocurrency technology, it’s also the first blockchain designed specifically for music (white paper)." }, { "docid": "8058105", "title": "More Mainstream Companies Invest In Blockchain", "text": "Mainstream companies are increasingly interested in blockchain and its potential. Partnerships with Blockchain Companies One of the interesting developments at CES a couple months ago was the continued investment by mainstream companies in fintech. However, there was also interest in blockchain developments at CES." }, { "docid": "8040816", "title": "How Safe Are Blockchains? It Depends.", "text": "Transaction Reversibility and Asset Security in Public vs. Private Blockchains While blockchain transactions can be used to store data, the primary motivation for bitcoin transactions is the exchange of bitcoin itself; the currency’s exchange rate has fluctuated over its short lifetime but has increased in value more than fivefold over the past two years." }, { "docid": "5212904", "title": "The Opportunities of the Blockchain Technology (Part 1)", "text": "This is important step as it is the first practical and proven application of the blockchain technology that is used in production environment. Bitcoin created strong cross-border following and currently is traded in speculative markets with rapid increase of value (and high price volatility as well)." }, { "docid": "7126821", "title": "ethereum classic", "text": "Ethereum Classic is a continuation of the original Ethereum blockchain - the classic version preserving untampered history; free from external interference and subjective tampering of transactions. Transaction Finality. We believe the core value proposition of any blockchain is immutability; valid transactions can never be erased or forgotten." }, { "docid": "1164596", "title": "What Is Blockchain Used For Besides Bitcoin?", "text": "Blockchain is best known for being the technology behind cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ether (the currency of Ethereum), but blockchain is much more than an instrument of finance. It’s an encrypted database of agreements, so to speak." }, { "docid": "8221053", "title": "-", "text": "The blockchain revolution is underway and Beluga enables merchants to accept VISA, Mastercard and all major cryptocurrencies." }, { "docid": "718709", "title": "-", "text": "Now Reading: The Latest. Slideshow Largest Privately Owned Banks in the U.S. How a health scare changed health care benefits at this Kentucky bank. New York bank buys investment advisory business. Women in Banking 'Best Banks' with female CEOs; Chase’s blockchain leader's techie start." }, { "docid": "8419638", "title": "-", "text": "Its backbone is the blockchain; a publicly visible ledger which allows anyone to verify a Bitcoin transaction – from those made minutes ago back to the very first one ever made. As time went by, Bitcoin gained recognition beyond a computer geek community." }, { "docid": "169934", "title": "Enjin Coin (ENJ)", "text": "Enjin Coin (ENJ) is a crypto token that’s designed for social gaming. The ERC20 token allows virtual goods to be traded on the blockchain via smart contracts. There's currently no Enjin Coin description." }, { "docid": "1930111", "title": "What does mining a bitcoin really mean?", "text": "One question everybody has is what is the process of mining that creates new Bitcoins and how does the blockchain technology underpinning the cryptocurrency really work. Here's how... Get latest news & live updates on the go on your pc with News App." }, { "docid": "924849", "title": "A Next-Generation Smart Contract and Decentralized Application Platform", "text": "The current intent at Ethereum is to use a mining algorithm where miners are required to fetch random data from the state, compute some randomly selected transactions from the last N blocks in the blockchain, and return the hash of the result. This has two important benefits." }, { "docid": "249798", "title": "-", "text": "Live ETH price and volume data across 16+ exchanges. Real-time updates for each exchange/currency pair, as well as aggregated market averages for each exchange, currency, and the Ethereum market as a whole. ETHNews.com is the authority in news, prices, analysis and information on Ethereum and its decentralized blockchain platform and cryptocurrency ETHER Live ETHERLive delivers real-time price and volume data across 16+ exchanges to users in a clear and easy-to-understand package. Users can get up-to-the-second updates for each exchange/currency pair, as well as aggregated market averages for each exchange, currency, and the market as a whole." }, { "docid": "5080784", "title": "What is a blockchain, and why is it growing in popularity?", "text": "What is a blockchain, and why is it growing in popularity? Bitcoin was the start, but as a wise man once said, you ain't seen nothing yet. Alistair Dabbs - Nov 6, 2016 2:00 pm UTC" }, { "docid": "1579255", "title": "Mining", "text": "The word mining originates in the context of the gold analogy for crypto currencies. Gold or precious metals are scarce, so are digital tokens, and the only way to increase the total volume is through mining it. This is appropriate to the extent that in Ethereum too, the only mode of issuance post launch is via the mining. Unlike these examples however, mining is also the way to secure the network by creating, verifying, publishing and propagating blocks in the blockchain." }, { "docid": "5226804", "title": "How to Invest in Cryptocurrency", "text": "How to Invest in Cryptocurrency Blockchain technology has been heating up in the past several months, thanks in large part to the surge in Bitcoin's price since early May. The cryptocurrency skyrocketed from less than $1,000 in March to an all-time high of $4,440 on August 14." }, { "docid": "3752941", "title": "Zcash Launches in Alpha", "text": "Zcash Launches in Alpha. In the game of anonymity, cryptocurrency fans have embraced Bitcoin and the blockchain technology which drives it. The technology does record and stamp the transaction, and is placed in the cloud, unlike Zcash, which sees its alpha release. Zcash has coded a decentralized network using a public blockchain." }, { "docid": "4571487", "title": "What is Ethereum Classic", "text": "What is Ethereum Classic. 1 Code is law - the original statement of The DAO terms and conditions should stand under any circumstances. 2 Things that happen on the blockchain are immutable and they should never change regardless of what the outcome is." } ]
what is the buggati veyron made of
[ { "docid": "2738808", "title": "-", "text": "The Bugatti Veyron EB 16.4 is produced by the Bugatti Automobiles SAS brand owned by German car manufacturer Volkswagen in their headquarters in Chateau Château. St Jean, Molsheim … al, Sace. france" } ]
[ { "docid": "611099", "title": "Bugatti Chiron price: How much does the Chiron cost?", "text": "The Bugatti Chiron price tag is well out of the reach of everyone apart from the super-rich. The Bugatti Chiron has a starting price of $2.6million (€2.4m/£1.86m) plus delivery and taxes – nearly twice as much as its predecessor the Veyron. The average American would have to work for around 51 years at today’s average annual income level of $51,000 – and not spend a cent – to be able to afford one." }, { "docid": "3642279", "title": "Locomotive", "text": "Both fuel and water supplies are carried with the locomotive, either on the locomotive itself or in wagons (tenders) pulled behind. The first steam locomotive was made by Richard Trevithick on the 21st of Feb 1804, two years after the railway locomotive he made in 1802 or the road locomotive he made in 1801.he first steam locomotive was made by Richard Trevithick on the 21st of Feb 1804, two years after the railway locomotive he made in 1802 or the road locomotive he made in 1801." }, { "docid": "826930", "title": "-", "text": "Medical Definition of CHOLANGIOGRAM. : a radiograph of the bile ducts made after the ingestion or injection of a radiopaque substance.Dictionary: Definition of cholangiogram.What made you want to look up cholangiogram?edical Definition of CHOLANGIOGRAM. : a radiograph of the bile ducts made after the ingestion or injection of a radiopaque substance. Dictionary: Definition of cholangiogram. What made you want to look up cholangiogram?" }, { "docid": "1701023", "title": "China-bashing Trumpâs clothing line made in China", "text": "TRUMP: Well, I would urge that anyway. Trump also told CNN last year: “When it comes to manufacturing, China is making all of these products. And they could be made in North Carolina, they could be made in Alabama, they could be made in lots of our places. And right now they’re not." }, { "docid": "7890960", "title": "What is mozzarella cheese made of?", "text": "Confidence votes 27.5K. There are three types of mozzarella. One is called, in Italian, mozzarella di bufala, and it is made from the milk of water buffalo. It is usually not sold in the U. S. A second, which is called mozzarella fior di latte, in Italian, is made from cow's milk.A third type, low moisture mozzarella, is made partly or entirely from skim milk. Originally, mozzarella was made from the milk of water buffalo.Some is still made that way, and it is called, Mozzarrella di Bufala.. Most mozzarella made in the United States is what is called mozzarella fior di latte, in Italian, and it is made from cow's milk.Low moisture mozzarella is made partly or wholly from skim milk.ome is still made that way, and it is called, Mozzarrella di Bufala.. Most mozzarella made in the United States is what is called mozzarella fior di latte, in Italian, and it is made from cow's milk. Low moisture mozzarella is made partly or wholly from skim milk." }, { "docid": "8746443", "title": "-", "text": "In late 2001, Bugatti announced that the car, officially called the Bugatti Veyron 16.4, would go into production in 2003. Taking great pride in the making of the Veyron, the production plant (where cars are also ordered) is affectionately called the Atelier (artists’ workroom)." }, { "docid": "611097", "title": "2017 Bugatti Chiron: Again with the Overkill", "text": "Restraint, what little there is, lies in the 261-mph speed limiter. The Veyron 16.4 Super Sport was limited to a grossly in­ad­equate 258 mph. Price: 2.4 million euros, or $2,644,306 per the exchange rate when it debuted. In the interim, the Euro has strengthened, driving up the cost (for us) by more than $90,000." }, { "docid": "5436334", "title": "What is the Supremacy Clause? How is it related to the principles of federalism?", "text": "… This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing." }, { "docid": "2738809", "title": "How the Bugatti Veyron Works", "text": "It all starts with the engine... The Bugatti Veyron is a car built around an engine. Essentially, Bugatti made the decision to blow the doors off the supercar world by creating a 1,000-horsepower engine. Everything else follows from that resolution." }, { "docid": "4446146", "title": "-", "text": "What author has had the most books made into movies? J.K. Rowling has had 100% of her books made into movies - all of the Harry Potter Series. So, she would be high on the list for having had most of her books made into films. Edit" }, { "docid": "8546504", "title": "The World of Exotic Car Replicas", "text": "This entry was posted in Car Industry News, Car Minded, Domestic Cars, Exotic Cars, Foreign Cars, General Chat and tagged aston martin replica, Audi R8 cougar replica, bugatti veyron cougar replica, Ferrari 360 toyota spyder replica, Ferrari F430 toyota replica. Bookmark the permalink." }, { "docid": "3918529", "title": "-", "text": "There is so much products made from recycled products and these products are used for the Promotion of business products. products are;- Mugs made from recycled plastic.Key … ring made from recycled plastic.Lanyards made from recycled cotton. etc same as so many products are made." }, { "docid": "6089675", "title": "The 10 most expensive cars in the world make Teslas look like Toyotas", "text": "$3.4 million — Limited Edition Bugatti Veyron by Mansory Vivere. This list wouldn’t be complete without some version of the mighty Bugatti Veyron. We’re shining our spotlight on the the Mansory Vivere edition here, because not only is it one of the fastest cars in the world, it’s one of the most expensive." }, { "docid": "1171524", "title": "-", "text": "How its Made theme music, How its Made theme tune, How its Made soundtrack, How its Made tv music, How its Made song, How its Made theme, How its Made sound, How its Made theme song, How its Made ring tone, How its Made tune, How its Made video, How its Made ringtone." }, { "docid": "5302350", "title": "Who invented the first picnic table?", "text": "There are no known records of when the first picnic table was made or who made it. It is very likely that a number of people made picnic tables of one style or another at …different time throughout history." }, { "docid": "451411", "title": "-", "text": "To this day, even though the Bugatti Chiron is believed to have a top speed of around 463 km/h (288 mph), it is not verified, and with the limiter it has a non-verified top speed of 420 km/h (261 mph). As of August 2017, the Veyron SS is still classified as the fastest production car in the world." }, { "docid": "900709", "title": "Lil Wayne Net Worth", "text": "The world renowned rapper Lil Wayne drives black Bugatti Veyron, the second fastest car in the world with an acceleration speed that reaches 60 mph in 2.5 seconds. Its W16 engine pumps a total of 1,001 horsepower, making it the world’s most powerful production car." }, { "docid": "2523628", "title": "What were roman mosaics made out of?", "text": "Somebody before me said mosaics were made of wood, but they were actually made of coloured bits of broken glass and tile Roman mosaic art that is still available for historia … ns to research were typically made of local stone and pebbles." }, { "docid": "2576832", "title": "Top 10 most expensive cars in the world", "text": "With a top speed of 385 km/hr it boasts of a turbo flat-six 3.7 litre engine from Porsche. Titanium LED blades with about 420 diamonds in the headlights is just an additional feature! Bugatti Veyron has been recognised by Guinness World Records as the fastest street-legal production ever -408.47 km/hr." }, { "docid": "668342", "title": "-", "text": "The Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Super Sport World Record Edition is a version of the Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Super Sport. It is limited to five units. It has an orange body detailing, orange wheels, and a special black exposed carbon body." }, { "docid": "3685662", "title": "-", "text": "Production car speed record. A Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Super Sport, the world's fastest road legal production car with a top speed of 415 km/h (258 mph). This is a list of the world's record-breaking top speeds achieved by a street-legal production car (as opposed to concept cars or modified cars)." }, { "docid": "3035440", "title": "GE Appliances Made In USA", "text": "GE Appliances Made In USA. US Appliance is proud to offer products from GE Appliances. While not every GE product is made in the USA it is clear that GE is committed to manufacturing many of their products in the USA and investing in American Jobs. Made In America. Look for the Made in America logo on GE products that feature 70%-90% US Content or give us a call and we'll be glad to help you find one of these Made in America products." }, { "docid": "2206748", "title": "Inside Bugatti's Factory, Where The World's Fastest Cars Are Built", "text": "via CarBuzz It has 16 cylinders, 1,001 horsepower, goes from 0-60 in 2.5 seconds, a top speed of 253 miles per hour, and a starting price of well over $1 million.The Bugatti Veyron is made of incredible numbers.ia CarBuzz It has 16 cylinders, 1,001 horsepower, goes from 0-60 in 2.5 seconds, a top speed of 253 miles per hour, and a starting price of well over $1 million." }, { "docid": "3551209", "title": "-", "text": "The Bugatti Veyron EB 16.4 is a mid-engined sports car, designed and developed in Germany by the Volkswagen Group and manufactured in Molsheim, France, by Bugatti Automobiles S.A.S. The original version has a top speed of 407 km/h (253 mph).It was named Car of the Decade and best car award (2000–2009) by the BBC television programme Top Gear. The standard Bugatti Veyron also won Top Gear' s Best Car Driven All Year award in 2005.he Veyron EB 16.4 is named in honour of Pierre Veyron, a Bugatti development engineer, test driver and company race driver who, with co-driver Jean-Pierre Wimille, won the 1939 24 hours of Le Mans while driving a Bugatti." }, { "docid": "7678939", "title": "Auto Carpet", "text": "Depending on the material, you can have a car carpet made in any color. The carpets are made to order so any color of carpet can be put into the proper mold and a new carpet is made. Even if we have to have your carpet custom made it will still be shipped out within three days of your order." }, { "docid": "13137", "title": "-", "text": "Its 252-mph top speed makes it the fastest production car in the world. With 1,001 horsepower pumping from its W16 engine, it's also the world's most powerful production car. And with a price tag of about $1.5 million, it's the world's most expensive new car. For the Bugatti Veyron 16.4, everything is a superlative. The Veyron is named in honor of a French racecar driver who won the 1939 24 Hours of Le Mans in a Bugatti -- quite the honor. Although Monsieur Veyron's namesake arrived in the world for the 2006 model year, as many car enthusiasts know, its gestation was anything but smooth." }, { "docid": "2282715", "title": "Tequila", "text": "From The Webtender Wiki. Tequila is a strong distilled alcoholic beverage produced from fermented Agave plant, made primarily in the area surrounding Tequila, a town in the western Mexican state of Jalisco, 50 km from Guadalajara.It is made from the agave plant (also called maguey) - a succulent, similar to the lily, which is native to Mexico.here are, however, premium tequilas made from 100% blue agave. If it is not made from 100% agave, tequila is called mixto. Tequila made only from agave sugars must be made in Mexico, and is marked Hecho en Mexico (méxico made In). mexico" }, { "docid": "64899", "title": "What's the difference between ricotta and cottage cheese, besides the texture?", "text": "traditionally Ricotta is made from left over liquids (called Whey) from cheese making. Cottage cheese is made from milk in the first run. Today ricotta is made of fresh milk and not the leftovers, but still it is made from the whey - so its almost like the tradition of making it from left overs." }, { "docid": "5546993", "title": "If you spot in your first month of pregnancy how long does that usually last?", "text": "How long does a sheeps pregnancy last for? It depends if a sheep made it pregnant or you made it pregnant yourself. If you made it pregnant then it will takes 6 months whereas if another sheep did it it will take 4 mon … ths." }, { "docid": "5187938", "title": "Old wooden boats/pirate ships?", "text": "Pirate ships are made from oak mostly. boats on the other hand can be made of most any wood but woods like beech mahogany or teak are preferred.irate ships are made from oak mostly. boats on the other hand can be made of most any wood but woods like beech mahogany or teak are preferred." } ]
what is the cause of kidney stones ?
[ { "docid": "384603", "title": "Slideshow: A Visual Guide to Kidney Stones", "text": "Kidney stones may form when there's a change in the normal balance of the water, salts, and minerals found in urine. Different kinds of changes result in different types of kidney stones. There are many factors that can trigger changes in the urine, ranging from chronic medical conditions to what you eat and drink." } ]
[ { "docid": "2117157", "title": "-", "text": "Urocit®-K (potassium citrate) 15 mEq may be right for you. How Urocit-K 15 mEq can help. If you have experienced a kidney stone, you know how painful it can be. Urocit-K, available in 3 dosage strengths, is a prescription treatment that restores the chemicals in the kidneys that help prevent kidney stones. It reduces the formation of several common types of kidney stones, including calcium oxalate and uric acid stones." }, { "docid": "2647545", "title": "How Long Does It Take To Pass A Kidney Stone?", "text": "How To Pass A Kidney Stone Kidney stones can be removed by using various methods (surgery or by natural remedies), but it depends on the size of stone and the composition. As the name suggests, natural remedies are ways that do not use drugs, chemicals or surgical procedures for removing stones from the body." }, { "docid": "1970522", "title": "Are Kidney Stones Always Painful?", "text": "Kidney stones are not always painful. More Info: The size of the stone will dictate the pain involved in passing it. Some kidney stones will form and simply pass without ever being noticed. But it should be noted that the condition is considered “one of the most painful of the urologic disorders” ." }, { "docid": "3938012", "title": "How do you get kidney stones?", "text": "The leading cause of kidney stones is a lack of water. Stones commonly have been found in those that drink less than the recommended eight to ten glasses of water a day. When there is not enough water to dilute the uric acid (component of urine), the pH level within the kidneys drops and becomes more acidic. An excessively acidic environment in the kidneys is conducive to the formation of kidney stones. Medical conditions such as Crohn's disease, urinary tract infections, renal tubular acidosis, hyperparathyroidism, medullary sponge kidney, and Dent's disease have been known to lead to kidney stones." }, { "docid": "3940962", "title": "How do you get kidney stones?", "text": "An excessively acidic environment in the kidneys is conducive to the formation of kidney stones. Medical conditions such as Crohn's disease, urinary tract infections, renal tubular acidosis, hyperparathyroidism, medullary sponge kidney, and Dent's disease have been known to lead to kidney stones.n excessively acidic environment in the kidneys is conducive to the formation of kidney stones. Medical conditions such as Crohn's disease, urinary tract infections, renal tubular acidosis, hyperparathyroidism, medullary sponge kidney, and Dent's disease have been known to lead to kidney stones." }, { "docid": "1425112", "title": "-", "text": "Kidneys and bladder problems / stones. Build-up of bacteria and proteins can cause crystals to form, which are known as kidney stones. These are very painful to pass. Some studies show that dehydration increases the chances of having kidney stones, and drinking plenty of water may very well prevent the formation of them." }, { "docid": "1280993", "title": "What is ureteroscopy?", "text": "Most often ureteroscopy is used for stones in the ureter, especially for stones closest to the bladder, in the lower half of the ureter. lt is the most common treatment of lower ureteral stones. For stones in the kidney, shock wave lithotripsy (SWL) is the most common treatment." }, { "docid": "8735633", "title": "-", "text": "Kidney stones are hard stones that can form in the kidney, in the tube (the ureter) draining urine from the kidney, or in the bladder.. Kidney stones are hard stones that can form in the kidney, in the tube (the ureter) draining urine from the kidney, or in the bladder.." }, { "docid": "3638257", "title": "Abnormal Contents of Urine", "text": "It may indicate damage to the kidney, such as in renal or kidney disease. Sometimes, blood may be present because of the presence of kidney stones. White blood cells. When white blood cells are present in the urine, it may indicate infections in the kidney or other organs of the urinary tract.t may indicate damage to the kidney, such as in renal or kidney disease. Sometimes, blood may be present because of the presence of kidney stones. White blood cells. When white blood cells are present in the urine, it may indicate infections in the kidney or other organs of the urinary tract." }, { "docid": "7489762", "title": "What are the symptoms of hyperparathyroidism?", "text": "Suggested Reading on Dehydration by Our Doctors. Related Diseases & Conditions. Kidney Failure Kidney failure can occur from an acute event or a chronic condition or disease. Prerenal kidney failure is caused by blood loss, Kidney Stones Kidney stones are solid masses of crystalline material that form in the kidneys. Symptoms of kidney stones can include pain, nausea, vomiting, and even." }, { "docid": "896881", "title": "5 Foods That Cause Kidney Stones", "text": "If you have a family history of kidney stones then you might want to avoid these 5 foods that cause kidney stones. Now these foods don't always cause kidney stones, but they can contribute to the formation of stones. Whether or not they might contribute depends on what type of stones you are forming. The majority of kidney stones are usually a combination of calcium and oxalate." }, { "docid": "7801272", "title": "Kidney Stones", "text": "Kidney stones are often as small as grains of sand. They pass out of the body in urine without causing discomfort. However, the deposits can be much larger—the size of a pea, a marble or even larger. Some of these larger stones are too big to be flushed from the kidney." }, { "docid": "3839589", "title": "Carbonated Beverages and Chronic Kidney Disease", "text": "Background. 1 Carbonated beverage consumption has been linked with diabetes, hypertension, and kidney stones, all risk factors for chronic kidney disease. Cola beverages, in particular, contain phosphoric acid and have been associated with urinary changes that promote kidney stones." }, { "docid": "7329353", "title": "Can tomatoes cause kidney stones?", "text": "The stones are made of mineral and acid salts. Kidney stones have many causes and can affect any part of your urinary tract — from your kidneys to your bladder. Often, stones form when the urine becomes concentrated, allowing minerals to crystallize and stick together. Passing kidney stones can be quite painful, but the stones usually cause no permanent damage." }, { "docid": "6978696", "title": "Kidney Stones", "text": "This type of stone is found mostly in women with urinary tract infections. These stones can be large and cause urinary obstruction. These stones are caused by a kidney infection. Treating an underlying infection can prevent the development of struvite stones.ometimes, they pass from the kidney into the ureters. Ureters are small and delicate, and the stones may be too large to pass smoothly down the ureter to the bladder. Passage of stones down the ureter can cause spasms and irritation of the ureters as they pass, which causes blood to appear in the urine." }, { "docid": "6385690", "title": "-", "text": "For those lucky enough to pass stones without discomfort (and it does happen) they are saved from a world of trouble and expensive procedures. Ideally, someone suffering from kidney stones would want to: 1 Soften/dissolve stones. Relax the kidneys, ureter, and urethra (for comfortable passage of stones)" }, { "docid": "5818539", "title": "Weight loss kidney stones", "text": "Struvite stones are caused by recurrent kidney infections. Uric stones are caused when there is too much uric acid in the urine with rheumatic conditions like gout. Calcium oxalate stones can from with too much protein in the diet, too much calcium and Vitamin D and through dehydration. Read More. It was when this happened that I began to suspect that maybe it wasn't an infection, but a kidney stone-or recurring kidney stones." }, { "docid": "7637062", "title": "Kidney Stones", "text": "Cystine stones — These rare stones are the least common type of kidney stones. They are composed of the amino acid cystine. Cystine is a building block of proteins. Cystine stones are caused by an inherited defect. Symptoms Very small kidney stones may pass out of the body in the urine without causing symptoms." }, { "docid": "1822104", "title": "8 tests for checking if your kidneys are functioning fine", "text": "Here are our top 5 related articles. 1 10 tips to prevent kidney disease. 2 A high-calorie diet can increase your risk of kidney stones by 42%. 3 10 simple ways to prevent kidney stones. 4 Health tip: Prevent kidney stones with coconut water!" }, { "docid": "5902578", "title": "Can tomatoes cause kidney stones?", "text": "Kidney stones (renal lithiasis, nephrolithiasis) are small, hard mineral deposits that form inside your kidneys. The stones are made of mineral and acid salts.idney stones have many causes and can affect any part of your urinary tract — from your kidneys to your bladder. Often, stones form when the urine becomes concentrated, allowing minerals to crystallize and stick together. Passing kidney stones can be quite painful, but the stones usually cause no permanent damage." }, { "docid": "7632418", "title": "Can tomatoes cause kidney stones?", "text": "Types of kidney stones include: 1 Calcium stones. 2 Most kidney stones are calcium stones, usually in the form of calcium oxalate. 3 Oxalate is a naturally occurring substance found in food. 4 Some fruits and vegetables, as well as nuts and chocolate, have high oxalate levels.5 Your liver also produces oxalate. Cystine stones. 2 These stones form in people with a hereditary disorder that causes the kidneys to excrete too much of certain amino acids (cystinuria). 3 Other stones. 4 Other, rarer types of kidney stones also can occur." }, { "docid": "7315888", "title": "Is Black Tea Bad for the Kidneys?", "text": "Black Tea and Kidney Stones. Drinking iced tea, including black tea, can increase your risk of developing kidney stones, small crystals that form in the ureters, according to research conducted at Loyola University. Tea contains a compound called oxalate, a chemical involved in the formation of kidney stones." }, { "docid": "121594", "title": "Extracorporeal shockwave therapy", "text": "Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) is a non-invasive treatment of kidney stones (urinary calculosis) and biliary calculi (stones in the gallbladder or in the liver) using an acoustic pulse. It is also reported to be used for salivary stones. and pancreatic stones [1].xtracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) is a non-invasive treatment of kidney stones (urinary calculosis) and biliary calculi (stones in the gallbladder or in the liver) using an acoustic pulse. It is also reported to be used for salivary stones. and pancreatic stones [1]." }, { "docid": "6456576", "title": "Is There an Average Kidney Stone Size?", "text": "Kidney stones can vary massively in size dependent on how long they have been in the body, what kind of kidney stones they are as well as many other contributing factors. There is no real answer to how big the average kidney stone size is. Some kidney stones are as small as a grain of sand. larger kidney stone size is going to cause somewhat of a problem. These can be harder to pass through natural and may need medical intervention such as ESWL, (shock waves to break them down) or even surgery to have them removed if they are in a very sensitive position." }, { "docid": "7151092", "title": "-", "text": "Flank pain can have a myriad of causes, but there are three main culprits: UTIs, kidney stones, and musculoskeletal problems. Learn about their treatments. Flank pain can have a myriad of causes, but there are three main culprits: UTIs, kidney stones, and musculoskeletal problems." }, { "docid": "5111473", "title": "Kidney Infection (Pyelonephritis) Symptoms, Signs, Causes, Treatment", "text": "Kidney stones: In patients with kidney infection who also have kidney stones, the stone may serve as a potential focus of infection that can spread to the rest of the urinary system. Therefore, these patients may be referred to a specialist (urologist) for evaluation and possible removal of the stone(s) to prevent future urinary infections." }, { "docid": "8413654", "title": "Kidney Stones in Dogs", "text": "Kidney stones or kidney stone fragments can also pass through this system of tubes and into the ureter, causing serious complications. Both dogs and cats are susceptible to kidney stones. However, some breeds of dog are more susceptible to certain types of kidney stones than others." }, { "docid": "782781", "title": "Tips for Keeping Kidneys Healthy", "text": "Green tea is a popular beverage that can reduce the incidence of kidney stones. Kidney stones affect nearly 5 percent of the world's population, the November 2010 issue of the journal CrystEngComm reports. Kidney stones can be painful and difficult and costly to treat." }, { "docid": "417344", "title": "Abdomen Burning Pain Causes and Symptoms", "text": "The kidneys sits towards the back of the upper part of the abdomen. Kidney pain is usually experience in the flanks or back but may also present with abdominal pain. Kidney stones, kidney infections and kidney cysts are some of the conditions that can cause pain." }, { "docid": "1929602", "title": "Low Oxalate Diet", "text": "Low Oxalate Diet. Low Oxalate Diet May Help Prevent Kidney Stones. Kidney stones are a common disorder of the urinary tract. Kidney stones are pieces of stone-like material that form on the walls of the kidney. They are caused by a buildup of minerals in urine." } ]
what is the chemical formula for blue vitriol, whose systematic name is copper(ii) sulfate?
[ { "docid": "2352906", "title": "Copper (II) sulfate", "text": "Copper(II) sulfate. Copper(II) sulfate, also known as cupric sulfate, copper sulfate, blue vitriol, or bluestone, is a chemical compound. Its chemical formula is CuSO4. It contains copper in its +2 oxidation state. It also contains sulfate ions. It is a blue solid that can kill fungi." } ]
[ { "docid": "3754043", "title": "-", "text": "One of the more common hydrates is copper(II) sulfate pentahydrate, which contains 5 moles of water per 1 mol of copper(II) sulfate, written as CuSO4·CUSO4â. 5h2o it is used as a catalytic, precursor, fungicide and as a source of copper in chemical manufacturing. processesne of the more common hydrates is copper(II) sulfate pentahydrate, which contains 5 moles of water per 1 mol of copper(II) sulfate, written as CuSO4·CUSO4â. 5h2o it is used as a catalytic, precursor, fungicide and as a source of copper in chemical manufacturing. processes" }, { "docid": "555125", "title": "-", "text": "CC(C)C(CCCN(C)CCC1=CC(=C(C=C1)OC)OC)(C#N)C2=CC(=C(C=C2)OC)OC.Cl. Molecular Formula A chemical formula is a way of expressing information about the proportions of atoms that constitute a particular chemical compound, using a single line of chemical element symbols and numbers." }, { "docid": "3260560", "title": "-", "text": "A mineral is a naturally occurring substance, representable by a chemical formula, that is usually solid and inorganic, and has a crystal structure. It is different from a rock, which can be an aggregate of minerals or non-minerals and does not have a specific chemical composition.or example, quartz is defined by its formula, SiO 2, and a specific crystalline structure that distinguishes it from other minerals with the same chemical formula (termed polymorphs). When there exists a range of composition between two minerals species, a mineral series is defined." }, { "docid": "8750126", "title": "Benedict's reagent", "text": "A positive test with Benedict's reagent is shown by a colour change from clear blue to a brick-red precipitate. One litre of Benedict's reagent can be prepared from 100 g of anhydrous sodium carbonate, 173 g of sodium citrate and 17.3 g of copper(II) sulphate pentahydrate." }, { "docid": "8529702", "title": "Zinc sulfate", "text": "Zinc sulfate is the inorganic compound with the formula Zn SO4 as well as any of three hydrates. It was historically known as white vitriol . All of the various forms are colorless solids. The heptahydrate is commonly encountered." }, { "docid": "6716934", "title": "Baking soda", "text": "The chemical formula for sodium bicarbonate is NaHCO3. The common name of this substance is baking soda, and its chemical name is sodium hydrogen carbonate." }, { "docid": "2359937", "title": "-", "text": "Question I. What is the formula for the ionic compound formed by magnesium and iodine? Question II. If a compound has its formula XBr3 and another compound has its formula Na2Y, what is the formula of a compound that consists of X and Y? I: MgI II: Al2O3 I: Mg2I II: K2O I: MgI2 II: Ga2S3 I: MgI3 II: Al3O2 I: MgI2 II: GaO3. OR." }, { "docid": "4391929", "title": "How to Grow Copper Sulfate Crystals", "text": "Learn how to grow copper sulfate crystals using a household chemical. Mix copper sulfate in boiling water to prepare a saturated copper sulfate solution.The blue triclininc crystals will form spontaneously over the course of a few hours.The video includes time lapse photography of copper sulfate crystal growth.earn how to grow copper sulfate crystals using a household chemical. Mix copper sulfate in boiling water to prepare a saturated copper sulfate solution." }, { "docid": "4959727", "title": "-", "text": "Succinic acid (/səkˈsɪnɨk/ ; IUPAC systematic name: butanedioic acid; historically known as spirit of amber) is a diprotic, dicarboxylic acid with chemical formula C 4 H 6 O 4 and structural formula HOOC-(CH 2) 2 -COOH. It is a white, odorless solid.ore recently, succinic acid has been produced through the fermentation of glucose from renewable feedstock and purification of raw bio-based succinic acid. Succinic acid can be converted into fumaric acid by oxidation. The diethyl ester is a substrate in the Stobbe condensation." }, { "docid": "7347282", "title": "Obama wants cheaper pennies and nickels", "text": "Despite popular belief, since 1982 pennies have only been copper plated, not copper through and through. Much less expensive zinc makes up 97.5% of the mass of a penny, the rest is a copper coating. Nickels actually have much more copper in them -- 75% copper and 25% nickel. It's the same mix they have always had except for the World War II years, when silver and manganese replaced the nickel and some of the copper." }, { "docid": "7212686", "title": "-", "text": "Methylene blue should not be confused with methyl blue, another histology stain, new methylene blue, nor with the methyl violets often used as pH indicators. Methylene blue is a heterocyclic aromatic chemical compound (a phenothiazine derivative) with the chemical formula C16H18N3SCl." }, { "docid": "4078216", "title": "What Is a Chemical Formula?", "text": "A chemical formula is an expression which states the number and type of atoms (given using element symbols) present in a molecule of a substance. A chemical formula is an expression which states the number and type of atoms (given using element symbols) present in a molecule of a substance." }, { "docid": "6814106", "title": "Formula One", "text": "Formula One (also Formula 1 or F1) is the highest class of single-seat auto racing that is sanctioned by the Federation Fédération internationale de'L (AUTOMOBILE). fiahe formula is a set of rules which all participants' cars must meet. Formula One was a new formula agreed upon after World War II during 1946, with the first non-championship races being held that year." }, { "docid": "1532591", "title": "Lead (II) bromide", "text": "Lead(II) bromide is the inorganic compound with the formula PbBr 2." }, { "docid": "3944170", "title": "Calcium carbide", "text": "Calcium carbide. Calcium carbide is a chemical compound with the chemical formula of CaC2. Its main use industrially is in the production of acetylene and calcium cyanamide." }, { "docid": "4534247", "title": "Key Concepts", "text": "Some ionic compounds incorporate water molecules in their structure. These compounds are called hydrates. To name the hydrates, the number of waters of hydration is indicated by a Greek prefix following the name of the compound. For example, CuSO 4 · 5H 2 O is called copper(II) sulfate pentahydrate. Determining the molecular formula from the compounds name is not always straightforward. This is because the number of cations and anions in a molecule is not specified in the name of an ionic compound." }, { "docid": "5421245", "title": "Iodine trichloride", "text": "Iodine trichloride is a chemical compound. Its chemical formula is ICl 3. It has iodine and chloride ions in it. The iodine is in the +3 oxidation state." }, { "docid": "7546711", "title": "What is the chemical formula of formic acid?", "text": "Formic acid has the chemical formula HCOOH. It can be referred to as methanoic acid and is the simplest of the carboxylic acids. It occurs naturally in the venom of bees and a … nts.It has a broad range of uses in the chemical industry, where it is used in chemical synthesis.onfidence votes 25. The chemical formula of formic acid is HCO2H or HCOOH. In this formula, the two hydrogens are not written combined as H2CO2 to distinguish the acidic hydrogen from the non-acidic hydrogen." }, { "docid": "3287103", "title": "What Is Sodium Carbonate?", "text": "Sodium carbonate is a household chemical with a variety of different uses. Its chemical formula, Na2CO3, is similar to that of baking soda, NaHCO3. But..." }, { "docid": "5252565", "title": "Oxide", "text": "Even the chemical formula of O 4, tetraoxygen, is predictable as a group 16 element. One exception is copper, for which the highest oxidation state oxide is copper(II) oxide and not copper(I) oxide. Another exception is fluoride, which does not exist as one might expect—as F 2 O 7 —but as OF2." }, { "docid": "4078328", "title": "What Are Some Other Names for Formaldehyde?", "text": "Quick Answer. Formaldehyde can also be known as methanal, which is the substance's systematic name, or by alternate names like methyl aldehyde, methylene glycol or methylene oxide. This chemical compound is the simplest member of the aldehyde functional group and has a chemical formula of CH2O or HCHO." }, { "docid": "5072471", "title": "Systematic Chemical Names", "text": "Systematic or IUPAC Name. The systematic name, also called the IUPAC name is the preferred way to name a chemical because each systematic name identifies exactly one chemical.The systematic name is determined by guidelines set forth by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC).ystematic or IUPAC Name. The systematic name, also called the IUPAC name is the preferred way to name a chemical because each systematic name identifies exactly one chemical." }, { "docid": "1535147", "title": "-", "text": "Scientists Unlock Key of Octopus's Blue Blood is... Very cool info. Haemocyanin is blue because it is copper based - when copper oxidizes it turns bluish green (think the statue of liberty.) Our blood is red because it is iron based and when iron oxidzes it turns red (think rust)." }, { "docid": "5373208", "title": "Tetrachloroethylene", "text": "Tetrachloroethylene, also known under the systematic name tetrachloroethene, or perchloroethylene (perc or PERC), and many other names, is a chlorocarbon with the formula Cl2C=CCl2. It is a colorless liquid widely used for dry cleaning of fabrics, hence it is sometimes called dry-cleaning fluid.." }, { "docid": "6045762", "title": "3.3 Formulas for Ionic Compounds", "text": "A chemical formula is a concise list of the elements in a compound and the ratios of these elements. To better understand what a chemical formula means, we must consider how an ionic compound is constructed from its ions.alcium ions have a charge of 2+, while nitrate ions have a charge of 1−. We will need two nitrate ions to balance the charge on each calcium ion. The formula for nitrate must be enclosed in parentheses. Thus, we write Ca(NO3)2 as the formula for this ionic compound." }, { "docid": "6099366", "title": "Chemistry Fun with Pennies", "text": "On the other hand, the salt/vinegar residue on the unrinsed pennies promotes a reaction between the copper and the oxygen in the air. The resulting blue-green copper oxide is commonly called 'verdigris'.It is a type of patina found on a metal, similar to tarnish on silver.n the other hand, the salt/vinegar residue on the unrinsed pennies promotes a reaction between the copper and the oxygen in the air. The resulting blue-green copper oxide is commonly called 'verdigris'." }, { "docid": "5399960", "title": "Brass Alloys and Their Chemical Composition", "text": "Share. Brass is any alloy consisting primarily of copper, usually with zinc. In some cases, copper with tin is considered a type of brass, although this metal historically has been called bronze. This is a list of common brass alloys, their chemical compositions and the uses of the different types of brass.hare. Brass is any alloy consisting primarily of copper, usually with zinc. In some cases, copper with tin is considered a type of brass, although this metal historically has been called bronze. This is a list of common brass alloys, their chemical compositions and the uses of the different types of brass." }, { "docid": "7512246", "title": "-", "text": "Cadmium is a silver-white, blue-tinged metal that is found in the earth’s crust. It is an odorless natural element that is usually found as a mineral combined with other elements. The chemical formula for cadmium is Cd. There are many cadmium compounds, some of which include: cadmium oxide, cadmium sulfate, cadmium sulfide, and cadmium chloride." }, { "docid": "5986326", "title": "-", "text": "Systematic or IUPAC Name. The systematic name, also called the IUPAC name is the preferred way to name a chemical because each systematic name identifies exactly one chemical.The systematic name is determined by guidelines set forth by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC).he systematic name, also called the IUPAC name is the preferred way to name a chemical because each systematic name identifies exactly one chemical. The systematic name is determined by guidelines set forth by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC)." }, { "docid": "3913161", "title": "-", "text": "class practical in this experiment an insoluble metal oxide is reacted with a dilute acid to form a soluble salt copper ii oxide a black solid and colourless dilute sulfuric acid react to produce copper ii sulfate giving a characteristic blue colour to the solution" } ]
what is the chemical formula for the molecule represented by the model?
[ { "docid": "3777847", "title": "-", "text": "The simplest types of chemical formulas are called empirical formulas, which indicate the ratio of each element in the molecule. The empirical formula is the simplest whole number ratio of all the atoms in a molecule. For example: The molecular formula for glucose is C6H12O6." } ]
[ { "docid": "8548603", "title": "Biology for Kids", "text": "DNA is a long thin molecule made up of something called nucleotides. There are four different types of nucleotides: adenine, thymine, cytosine, and guanine. They are usually represented by their first letter: A- adenine." }, { "docid": "2536249", "title": "What are the elements of the staffing system", "text": "What are the elements of the staffing system components model and the overall staffing organizations model?" }, { "docid": "536553", "title": "Creatinine (Low, High, Blood Test Results Explained)", "text": "Creatinine is a chemical waste molecule that is generated from muscle metabolism. Creatinine is produced from creatine, a molecule of major importance for energy production in muscles. Approximately 2% of the body's creatine is converted to creatinine every day.reatinine is a chemical waste molecule that is generated from muscle metabolism. Creatinine is produced from creatine, a molecule of major importance for energy production in muscles. Approximately 2% of the body's creatine is converted to creatinine every day." }, { "docid": "4394367", "title": "Which of the following salts will undergo hydrolysis?", "text": "Hydrolysis literally means reaction with water. It is a chemical process in which a molecule is cleaved into two parts by the addition of a molecule of water. One fragment of the parent molecule gains a hydrogen ion (H + ) from the additional water molecule." }, { "docid": "328602", "title": "What is a Molecule ?", "text": "A molecule is the smallest unit (particle) of a compound that has the physical and chemical properties of that compound." }, { "docid": "1605107", "title": "Resonance (chemistry)", "text": "Resonance is distinguished from isomerism. An isomer is a molecule with the same chemical formula but with different arrangements of atoms in space. Resonance contributors of a molecule, on the contrary, can only differ by the arrangements of electrons. Therefore the resonance hybrid cannot be represented by a combination of isomers." }, { "docid": "6009804", "title": "Structural formula", "text": "The structural formula of a chemical compound is a graphic representation of the molecular structure, showing how the atoms are arranged. The chemical bonding within the molecule is also shown, either explicitly or implicitly. Unlike chemical formulas, which have a limited number of symbols and are capable of only limited descriptive power, structural formulas provide a complete geometric representation of the molecular structure." }, { "docid": "2352913", "title": "Part a what is the chemical formula for potassium", "text": "The permanganate anion Permanganate is a polyatomic ion whose formula is \\rm {MnO_4}^{­}. ANSWER: ANSWER: Correct Part B Blue vitriol is commonly used in industrial dyeing processes. What is the chemical formula for blue vitriol, whose systematic name is copper(II) sulfate? Express your answer as a chemical formula. Hint 1." }, { "docid": "2292161", "title": "Differences Between a Molecular and Structural Formula", "text": "To express what a particular molecule consists of, we use the molecular formulas and the structural formulas. A molecular formula is one of the simplest ways to express the writing of complex molecules. With a molecular formula, it can specify the actual number of atoms of each element in a molecule." }, { "docid": "6386486", "title": "Nutrition Ch. 5", "text": "compounds, including sugars, starches, and dietary fibers, that usual have the general chemical formula (CH2O)n, where n represents the number of CH20 units in the molecule. they are a major source of energy for body functions." }, { "docid": "3379556", "title": "Properties of water", "text": "Water is the chemical substance with chemical formula H2O: one molecule of water has two hydrogen atoms covalently bonded to a single oxygen atom." }, { "docid": "3911422", "title": "What Is the Chemical Formula for Oxygen?", "text": "According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, the chemical formula for oxygen is O2. The O stands for the oxygen molecule, while the 2 represents the need for two oxygen molecules to form the element. Continue Reading." }, { "docid": "4570884", "title": "-", "text": "In formula notation, the elements are represented by their chemical symbols followed by numeric subscripts that indicate the relative ratios of the constituent atoms. The complete formula for an ionic compound can be determined by satisfying two conditions:" }, { "docid": "3911419", "title": "Chemical Formulas", "text": "Chemical Formulas. Overview: This section provides a review of chemical formulas and the information that is available from the different, but equivalent representations (formulas) of a molecule/compound. Skills: Understand chemical formulas and the different representations of the chemical formula." }, { "docid": "5814250", "title": "Translations for chemical formula", "text": "Chemical formula. A chemical formula is a way of expressing information about the proportions of atoms that constitute a particular chemical compound, using a single line of chemical element symbols, numbers, and sometimes also other symbols, such as parentheses, dashes, brackets, and plus and minus signs.hemical formula. A chemical formula is a way of expressing information about the proportions of atoms that constitute a particular chemical compound, using a single line of chemical element symbols, numbers, and sometimes also other symbols, such as parentheses, dashes, brackets, and plus and minus signs." }, { "docid": "5637972", "title": "ribozyme", "text": "ribozyme. n. 1. (Biochemistry) an RNA molecule capable of catalysing a chemical reaction, usually the cleavage of another RNA molecule.ibozyme. n. 1. (Biochemistry) an RNA molecule capable of catalysing a chemical reaction, usually the cleavage of another RNA molecule." }, { "docid": "3282775", "title": "-", "text": "The chemical formula for petroleum jelly and any other petroleum distillates (gasoline, kerosene, etc) are hydrocarbons, meaning they have carbon and hydrogen atoms. chemical formula shows the atoms and their respective quantity in a compound or molecule. The chemical formula CO2 reads as carbon, one atom, oxygen, two atoms. Another exam … ple is H2O (water). A chemical reaction is something that happens between two chemicals when they interact." }, { "docid": "8203366", "title": "-", "text": "An isomer is a molecule with the same molecular formula as another molecule, but with a different chemical structure. That is, isomers contain the same number of atoms of each element, but have different arrangements of their atoms. Isomers do not necessarily share similar properties, unless they also have the same functional groups. There are two main forms of isomerism: structural isomerism and stereoisomerism." }, { "docid": "3911424", "title": "What is the chemical formula for water?", "text": "Water molecule consists of two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen. One important thing to note is that hydrogen with atomic mass 1 is the most abundant isotope of hydrogen but deuterium (D), a hydrogen isotope with atomic mass 2, is also found in nature so D2O is the chemical formula of heavy water as it is known chemically." }, { "docid": "3240415", "title": "Hydrolysis", "text": "Usually hydrolysis is a chemical process in which a molecule of water is added to a substance. Sometimes this addition causes both substance and water molecule to split into two parts.In such reactions, one fragment of the target molecule (or parent molecule) gains a hydrogen ion.ypes [edit]. Usually hydrolysis is a chemical process in which a molecule of water is added to a substance. Sometimes this addition causes both substance and water molecule to split into two parts. In such reactions, one fragment of the target molecule (or parent molecule) gains a hydrogen ion." }, { "docid": "1122547", "title": "Understanding Excel 2010âs Formula Error Values", "text": "Problem with a number in the formula. This error can be caused by an invalid argument in an Excel. function or a formula that produces a number too large or too small. to be represented in the worksheet." }, { "docid": "1548081", "title": "-", "text": "A curmudgeon with years of practice. The phenolphthalein molecule is colorless but the phenolphthalein ion is pink. When a base is present in a solution containing phenolphthalein, the molecule to ions equilibrium shifts to create more (pink) ions than (colorless) molecules. It is part 2 …. Properties and Uses of the Phenolphthalein indicator Phenolphthalein is a chemical with the formula C20H14O4 and used in several practical applications. 3 It will change colors based on the acidity of the solution." }, { "docid": "8137731", "title": "Section Two", "text": "Ionic compounds can conduct an electrical current when melted or dissolved in water. What is the correct chemical formula for the compound formed from potassium and sulfur? k₂s What is the correct chemical formula for the compound formed from calcium and oxygen?" }, { "docid": "686536", "title": "2.5 Molecules and Molecular Compounds", "text": "Molecules and Chemical Formulas. Many elements are found in nature in molecular form; that is, two or more of the same type of atom are bound together. For example, the oxygen normally found in air consists of molecules that contain two oxygen atoms.We represent this molecular form of oxygen by the chemical formula (read oh two).The subscript in the formula tells us that two oxygen atoms are present in each molecule. A molecule that is made up of two atoms is called a diatomic molecule. Oxygen also exists in another molecular form known as ozone.or example, the oxygen normally found in air consists of molecules that contain two oxygen atoms. We represent this molecular form of oxygen by the chemical formula (read oh two). The subscript in the formula tells us that two oxygen atoms are present in each molecule." }, { "docid": "3504764", "title": "Benzene", "text": "Benzene is an important organic chemical compound with the chemical formula C 6 H 6. Its molecule is composed of 6 carbon atoms joined in a ring, with 1 hydrogen atom attached to each carbon atom.erivatives of benzene occur sufficiently often as a component of organic molecules that there is a Unicode symbol in the Miscellaneous Technical block with the code U+232C (⌬) to represent it with three double bonds, and U+23E3 (⏣) for a delocalized version." }, { "docid": "3042447", "title": "The Van't Hoff Factor", "text": "The Van't Hoff Factor of a covalently bonded compound is thus usually \\(1\\), because the result when the chemical is dissociated is one molecule, the one that was initially present. Example 1: The chemical 1-ethanol, with a structural formula \\(CH_2OHCH_3\\) and molecular formula \\(C_2H_6O\\), is a nonelectrolyte and does not dissociate in aqueous solution." }, { "docid": "3911421", "title": "-", "text": "According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, the chemical formula for oxygen is O2. The O stands for the oxygen molecule, while the 2 represents the need for two oxygen molecules to form the element. Keep Learning." }, { "docid": "840635", "title": "-", "text": "The molecule is the base unit for chemical compounds. A single molecule of water is still the chemical compound water, but if that molecule is split apart into its constituent parts, say through electrolysis, then it ceases to be water and becomes the two elements oxygen and hydrogen." }, { "docid": "936315", "title": "What is a molecule?", "text": "Part of the Computing fundamentals glossary: A molecule is the smallest particle in a chemical element or compound that has the chemical properties of that element or compound. Molecules are made up of atom s that are held together by chemical bonds.art of the Computing fundamentals glossary: A molecule is the smallest particle in a chemical element or compound that has the chemical properties of that element or compound. Molecules are made up of atom s that are held together by chemical bonds." }, { "docid": "5336862", "title": "What Role Does Electrons Play in the Formation of Chemical Bonds?", "text": "What does the chemical formula tell us? The formula H20 tells us that one molecule of water is comprised of 2 atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen bonded together. The bonds which hold the hydrogen and oxygen together are called covalent bonds - they are very strong." } ]
what is the claim in a lab report
[ { "docid": "4336691", "title": "How do I start a claim, Evidence and reasoning for a osmosis lab write up, for biology?", "text": "Best Answer: Claim= what the lab proves/doesn't prove (stick with one or the other) Evidence= something that happened in the lab that proves/disproves your claim Reasoning= why the evidence proved/disproved your claim. The easiest way to write a claim is If (something happens), then (this will happen). or If (this happens), then (this won't happen).." } ]
[ { "docid": "1763499", "title": "Medical Dictionary", "text": "A carbon dioxide (bicarbonate) test measures the level of bicarbonate in the blood. The normal values listed here-called a reference range-are just a guide.These ranges vary from lab to lab, and your lab may have a different range for what's normal.Your lab report should contain the range your lab uses. carbon dioxide (bicarbonate) test measures the level of bicarbonate in the blood. The normal values listed here-called a reference range-are just a guide." }, { "docid": "139899", "title": "Materials and Methods", "text": "The Materials and Methods section is a vital component of any formal lab report. This section of the report gives a detailed account of the procedure that was followed in completing the experiment(s) discussed in the report." }, { "docid": "4874027", "title": "Introduction", "text": "Activities in this lesson will apply directly to practice activities in lab. A successful student will complete pre-lab assignments and activities before coming to lab. Your lab partner(s) will appreciate working with someone who is prepared to be safe." }, { "docid": "4484649", "title": "-", "text": "It all depends the normal ranges of the lab where you had the test done. At the hospital where I work at the normal range is anything below 38.6 U/mL. Make sure to check the n … ormal ranges of the lab where you had the test done as it varies widely from lab to lab. 4 people found this useful." }, { "docid": "5218820", "title": "Q&A: Pay attention to unlisted CPT codes", "text": "Payment for items reported with unlisted codes is often packaged. 1 For non-OPPS payment purposes, when an unlisted service or procedure code is reported, a report describing the service or procedure should be submitted with the claim." }, { "docid": "7255201", "title": "-", "text": "If the derogatory marks on your credit report are accurate, there often isn't much you can do and you should be wary of credit repair companies that claim they can remove this information. The best practice is to keep the rest of your credit in good health and wait for those marks to naturally fall off over time." }, { "docid": "1951881", "title": "-", "text": "Related University Degree Applied Biology essays. 1 Lab report: food dehydration. This experiment focuses on the follow four questions: ... 2 This experiment was carried out to separate and characterize the protein mixture which contained ..." }, { "docid": "3911199", "title": "Medical Dictionary", "text": "Results. A thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) blood test is used to check for thyroid gland problems. The normal values listed here-called a reference range-are just a guide.These ranges vary from lab to lab, and your lab may have a different range for what's normal.Your lab report should contain the range your lab uses.he normal values listed here-called a reference range-are just a guide. These ranges vary from lab to lab, and your lab may have a different range for what's normal. Your lab report should contain the range your lab uses." }, { "docid": "7050136", "title": "Do Lottery Winnings Count as Earned Income?", "text": "You must report your lottery prize as income on your federal tax return, but you can claim the federal taxes withheld from your pay-out as a tax payment. Even if your lottery prize is less than $5,000, but more than $600, you're expected to report it on your federal tax return. There's even a line for gambling winnings, Line 21 in fact, on Form 1040." }, { "docid": "4893277", "title": "What Do Your PT, PTT & INR Results Mean?", "text": "The INR is used to make sure the results from a PT test is the same at one lab as it is at another lab. In the 1980’s the World Health Organization determined that patients may be at risk because the results of a PT test would vary from one lab to another, based upon the way the test was done." }, { "docid": "6145557", "title": "From what tribe did Jesus Christ come from?", "text": "Report Abuse. jesus doesn't have a tribe. Tribal lineage comes from the father. christians claim he is of God, therefor he doesn't meet the qualifications to be the Anointed Messiah in the Messianic Era.esus doesn't have a tribe. Tribal lineage comes from the father. christians claim he is of God, therefor he doesn't meet the qualifications to be the Anointed Messiah in the Messianic Era." }, { "docid": "7289239", "title": "Who Founded the First Psychology Lab?", "text": "So when exactly was the first psychology lab formed and who was responsible for this important event in psychology history? The World's First Psychology Lab Wilhelm Wundt, a German doctor and psychologist, was responsible for creating the world's first experimental psychology lab." }, { "docid": "4727926", "title": "Archimedes' Principle", "text": "2. In the Lab Report, you will need to find the density of the object using the density equation and Archimedes' Principle. (Hint: Combine equations (9) Wapr = Wo − Fb and (5) Fb = ρf gVo, to find the volume of the water displaced by the object." }, { "docid": "1115507", "title": "-", "text": "Report a Flood Policy Claim. Please contact us at (800) 841-3005 for any claims related to your Flood policy. If you have a flood policy with a GEICO partner company, please refer to our list of contacts for claims assistance. Report a Mobile Home Policy Claim." }, { "docid": "1929638", "title": "Medical and Health Professions", "text": "How to Become a Lab Assistant. The responsibilities of a lab assistant vary from processing patient records to processing a patient's medical specimen. Accuracy is just one of the skills needed in this industry. Laboratory assistants are supervised by lab managers or research scientists.Whatever the capacity in which you wish to work, the steps you must take to become a lab assistant are similar.he responsibilities of a lab assistant vary from processing patient records to processing a patient's medical specimen. Accuracy is just one of the skills needed in this industry." }, { "docid": "5796523", "title": "What does GLUCOSE mean in a blood test?", "text": "It is the glucose level (the amount of it) in your blood. Glucose, which can also be listed as GLU on a lab report, is a chemical name for SUGAR." }, { "docid": "4062349", "title": "-", "text": "Star's insider went on to claim that both Pitt and Jolie have an inkling about each other's flirtations with other people, but neither of them made a fuss as long as the other did not take it too far. However, Pitt's emotional attachment to Cotillard could prove to be Jolie's breaking point, according to the report." }, { "docid": "1415771", "title": "I have a 2007 harley davidson if i change the exaust will it void the warranty?", "text": "Report Abuse. The only way aftermarket voids the warranty is if the replacement causes the damage that the warranty work is for. So if you change the pipes and have a front fork problem they should not claim it is not covered." }, { "docid": "561460", "title": "-", "text": "Farmers and Mechanics Insurance Companies - Report a Claim, Make a Payment, Get a Quote" }, { "docid": "5080086", "title": "-", "text": "A CD4+ count is a blood test to determine how well the immune system is working in people who have been diagnosed with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) . CD4+ cell count results are generally available in 1 to 3 days, depending on the lab. The normal values listed here-called a reference range-are just a guide.These ranges vary from lab to lab, and your lab may have a different range for what's normal.Your lab report should contain the range your lab uses.D4+ cell count results are generally available in 1 to 3 days, depending on the lab. The normal values listed here-called a reference range-are just a guide. These ranges vary from lab to lab, and your lab may have a different range for what's normal. Your lab report should contain the range your lab uses." }, { "docid": "929420", "title": "Medical and Health Professions", "text": "A handful of schools in the Indianapolis, IN, area have medical laboratory science programs. Read on to find out more about... Lab Quality Assurance Engineer Career Info; Medical Lab Tech; Lab Tech Training" }, { "docid": "2647822", "title": "How to report OSAP loans on tax forms?", "text": "The cra told me you do not report loans as income since its OSAP. You can however claim tax credits for interest paid on osap loans. THANKS a lot! I received T4A's for scholarships and on the back of each slip, it says to enter the amount onto line 130 but according to the new legislation, I don't have to.n osap loan is not considered income. you don't need to report it. The bursary is considered income so you might actually have to report that. I'm not sure if the gov't changed the policies on reporting scholarships and bursaries." }, { "docid": "5532018", "title": "-", "text": " Yeast Fermentation Lab Report SBI4U Chaweewan Sirakawin Present to Ms.Allinotte November 21. 2014 Introduction: Fermentation is a metabolic pathway that Read this college essay and over 1,500,000 others like it now." }, { "docid": "6517657", "title": "Some Tips for Filing a VA Disability Claim", "text": "Don’t claim lab results like hematuria (blood in the urine) or high cholesterol. We don’t pay for those either. On the other hand, you should claim pseudofolliculitis barbae (a skin condition that affects some black people). 4. If private providers have treated you, get the records and send them to us." }, { "docid": "5052303", "title": "-", "text": "Click on the Find link on the Site Contents page and then click on Who Staked Claims to access an interactive database of mining claims. Search by state or by claim holder. Then, inside each state report, search by county and view maps to see if someone holds a mining claim where you live. Explore Patents." }, { "docid": "7359549", "title": "What To Do After An Accident At Work", "text": "Report an Injury as Soon as it's Discovered It is up to your employer to file a workers' compensation claim with their insurance company on your behalf. They won't know to do this until you let them know you are injured. If you reported the accident, but didn't know you were injured at the time, let your employer know as soon as you discover your injury. Follow up to make sure that a worker's compensation claim is filed. You are entitled to a copy of the workers' compensation claim filed by your employer." }, { "docid": "58875", "title": "-", "text": "Use these instructions to file a claim with the UC San Diego Travel Card provider when a rental car has been damaged while you are on business travel. Expand all. Report the claim to the Visa Assistance Center immediately after damage occurs (or within 45 days) by calling: Within the U.S.: (800) 847-2911." }, { "docid": "1147715", "title": "Reference Ranges and What They Mean", "text": "You've received a copy of your lab report or an email telling you that your test results are available to view online. So you log on to the secure site and download your results. In scanning the page, you see a result that is highlighted as being outside the reference range and you wonder what that means for you." }, { "docid": "470753", "title": "-", "text": "Property. 1 homeowners claim status (existing claim) 2 file a homeowners claim (new claim) 3 boat insurance (new or existing claim) flood claim (new or existing 1 claim) personal property claim (new or existing claim) windstorm insurance claim (new or existing claim)" }, { "docid": "2885117", "title": "How Much Money Do Cruise Ship Crew Members Make?", "text": "Now keep in mind too, that cruise lines do pay their crew in cash. That's right a stack of $100's every month paid out to each crew member. Many of the crew don't have to claim taxes while US citizens however, do have to report this as you will get a W-2 at the end of the year." } ]
what is the cloth in the pocket of a suit called
[ { "docid": "5439922", "title": "How To Properly Rock A Pocket Square", "text": "Here’s how to fold it. 1 Lay the pocket square flat. 2 Pinch the middle of the fabric, allowing the folds to come in naturally. 3 With one hand firmly holding the pocket square, use your other hand to gently gather it together. Now gracefully gather up the bottom of the pocket 1 square. Place it in your suit." } ]
[ { "docid": "4114732", "title": "-", "text": "Top Definition. pocket. Modern Definition: The title of a popular Tabi Bonney song. To get put in the pocket is slang for having a good thing happen to you. Traditional Definition: A shaped piece of fabric attached inside or outside a garment and forming a pouch used esp. for carrying small articles. 1. Put me in the pocket, pocket, Put me in the pocket, pocket, put me in the pocket. 2." }, { "docid": "8366219", "title": "mesne", "text": "mesne. MESNE. The middle between two extremes, that part between the commencement and the end, as it relates to time. 2. Hence the profits which a man receives between disseisin and recovery of lands are called mesne profits. (q.v.) Process which is issued in a suit between the original and final process, is called mesne process. (q.v.). 3." }, { "docid": "6928757", "title": "Funeral Clothing", "text": "For Men. At most funerals, men will generally be most comfortable wearing a suit. A black suit is best, but grey or navy blue are also appropriate. You should also wear a collared white shirt and tie. For Women. Most often women will wear a dress or skirt and blouse to a funeral. However, it's also appropriate to wear a suit. The rules for the suit will be similar to those for men (minus the tie, of course)." }, { "docid": "7571590", "title": "Saving Money with Cloth Diapers", "text": "If you are determined to save money with cloth, you can realize huge savings. Be aware though that cloth doesn’t always save money. By following these tips, you will save money with fluff! Posts related to cloth diapering on a budget: The Life Expectancy of a One-Sized Cloth Diaper; The Thrift Store Cloth Diaper Project; Cloth Diapering to Save Money" }, { "docid": "2149366", "title": "-", "text": "Whether it’s around the home, in the garden, or beyond, hardware cloth can be quite useful. Also called wire mesh, it’s easy-to-install and can be the answer to many home maintenance occasions.Before you make any purchases, it’s important to understand the different types and how they’re used.bout Hardware Cloth. Whether it’s around the home, in the garden, or beyond, hardware cloth can be quite useful. Also called wire mesh, it’s easy-to-install and can be the answer to many home maintenance occasions. Before you make any purchases, it’s important to understand the different types and how they’re used." }, { "docid": "4154049", "title": "How To Extend Fence Height", "text": "How To Extend Fence Height. Print this information in PDF. To make your chain link fence higher, purchase a roll of mesh fencing material, also called hardware cloth. It is available at home improvement stores such as Home Depot, and at hardware and farm supply stores. Mesh cloth comes in different strengths." }, { "docid": "779592", "title": "How Wind Works", "text": "The low-pressure air pocket then pulls the blade toward it, causing the rotor to turn. This is called lift. The force of the lift is actually much stronger than the wind’s force against the front side of the blade, which is called drag. The combination of lift and drag is what causes the rotor to spin." }, { "docid": "4087578", "title": "What Are the Different Types of Fiberglass Materials?", "text": "Most fiberglass materials are composites. These composites are formed with fiberglass fibers and another material, usually a type of epoxy, plastic, resin, or other type of cloth. Often, fiberglass cloth is layered with another type of cloth such as carbon fiber cloth, along with a bonding agent. These composite materials are used to make a very large array of products, including electrical insulation, pressurized storage tanks, medical casts, and various sporting goods." }, { "docid": "667834", "title": "Out-of-pocket Expenses", "text": "Many health insurance plans have an out-of- pocket expense maximum. An out-of-pocket expense is a nonreimbursable expense paid by a patient. But out-of-pocket expenses can also include covered expenses that you are responsible for before your health-plan benefits kick in at 100 percent coverage." }, { "docid": "1948847", "title": "Rent Agreement Vs Lease Agreement â Which To Choose?", "text": "So don’t worry about whether your agreement should be called as a rent agreement or lease agreement, as it’s just the tenancy agreement customized/tweaked to suit your needs and requirements. The landlord is to disclose the following information to the tenant before the occupancy of the residential premises-." }, { "docid": "4294871", "title": "Eight-ball", "text": "Once all of a player's or team's group of object balls are pocketed, they may attempt to sink the 8 ball. To win, the player (or team) must first designate which pocket they plan to sink the 8 ball into and then successfully pot the 8 ball in that called pocket." }, { "docid": "8228882", "title": "Is that a gun in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?", "text": "I've looked several places online, and I've seen it quoted as anything from Is that a gun in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me? to Is that a pistol in your pocket, or are you just glad to see me?" }, { "docid": "7517255", "title": "Transport Across Cell Membranes", "text": "All of these must pass through the cell membrane. Transport may occur by diffusion and osmosis across the membrane. It can also occur when a vescicle attaches to the cell membrane from the inside and then opens to form a pocket, expelling its contents to the outside.This may be called exocytosis.ll of these must pass through the cell membrane. Transport may occur by diffusion and osmosis across the membrane. It can also occur when a vescicle attaches to the cell membrane from the inside and then opens to form a pocket, expelling its contents to the outside." }, { "docid": "6389123", "title": "suit", "text": "The definition of a suit is a complete outfit or a set of clothes meant to be worn together. An example of suit is a tuxedo. Suit means a collection or set of things." }, { "docid": "1806629", "title": "ancillary", "text": "The plaintiff begins another proceeding for a writ of attachment so that the judgment will be satisfied by the sale of the defendant's property seized under the writ. The attachment proceeding is ancillary, or subordinate, to the negligence suit. An ancillary proceeding is sometimes called an ancillary suit or bill. A claim for Alimony is an ancillary claim dependent upon the primary claim that there are sufficient legal grounds for a court to grant a Divorce." }, { "docid": "8492505", "title": "How many yards of fabric do I need to make a blanket for a twin bed?", "text": "So if you are going to buy cloth there are also three types of cloth as to size the single width, double width and triple width. You can choose the triple width because mostly this king of cloth is really intended for beddings. You can buy at least 2 1/2 yards. That would be enough for a blanket." }, { "docid": "689098", "title": "-", "text": "Tweet. : a soft, white material that grows on the seeds of a tall plant and that is used to make cloth; also: the plants on which this material grows. : cloth that is made of cotton; also: clothing that is made of this cloth.: yarn that is made of cotton.1. cotton. noun, cot·ton often attributive \\ˈkae-ˈkä\\. Tən. : tweet a, soft white material that grows on the seeds of a tall plant and that is used to make; cloth: also the plants on which this material. : grows cloth that is made of; cotton: also clothing that is made of this. : cloth yarn that is made of. cotton" }, { "docid": "4850808", "title": "The Complete History of Pokémon", "text": "Gotta catch 'em all! Pokémon, originally called Capsule Monsters and Pocket Monsters, is one of the world’s most beloved and far-reaching franchises in the history of beloved and far-reaching franchises." }, { "docid": "4672883", "title": "Billiards and Pool Table Information", "text": "Related information concerning the effects of cloth speed on draw and drag shots can be found here. For more information on the effects of various cloth conditions, see cloth effects. from Bob Jewett (in AZB post): It is also possible to measure the speed of a table with a stop watch." }, { "docid": "7787640", "title": "Char Aznable", "text": "He was the introduced as one of the antagonists of Mobile Suit Gundam and later becomes one of the protagonists of Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam. In his chronologically final appearance, Mobile Suit Gundam: Char's Counterattack, he is the titular antagonist. He is also the main character of the flash back arc of the Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin manga and its OVA adaptation." }, { "docid": "1781590", "title": "What's a good colour of shirt and tie to wear with a pale grey suit?", "text": "What color shirt and tie should I wear with a gray suit to a wedding? What do I wear with my grey suit? What other pocket square would be well-suited on a white shirt, grey suit, and a light grey tie with grey bullets on it? I want to wear a light grey suit with some dark color shirt for my wedding." }, { "docid": "414782", "title": "Out-of-Pocket Costs", "text": "Out-of-Pocket Costs. Your expenses for medical care that aren't reimbursed by insurance. Out-of-pocket costs include deductibles, coinsurance, and copayments for covered services plus all costs for services that aren't covered. Related content. How to save on out-of-pocket health care costs." }, { "docid": "1496650", "title": "DIY $40 Bench for the Dining Table", "text": "These are all Kreg HD pocket holes and I used HD screws to attach. Here is a shot of the bench turned upside down. You can see where I put the other pocket holes. I used 1 1/2″ pocket holes and 2 1/2″ pocket hole screws to attach the long bench tops and the bread boards." }, { "docid": "551593", "title": "Making Homemade Cream Cheese", "text": "When it is thick like this, you can start to drain the whey out of it. I take the butter cloth, and make a small sling over the top of the pot, using the handles to secure the cloth. I then add my soft cream cheese into the cloth and let the whey drain out of it. You can let the whey drain out for up to 12 hours." }, { "docid": "2508607", "title": "Bid Whist", "text": "The bidder then leads the first card. Any card may be led, and the other players must follow the suit led, if they have it in their hand. A player who does not have the led suit in their hand has the option to play a trump or play a different suit. A trump always beats any non-trump cards played in the book." }, { "docid": "6194680", "title": "Filtration", "text": "Filtration is the process of separating suspended solid matter from a liquid, by causing the latter to pass through the pores of some substance, called a filter.The liquid which has passed through the filter is called the filtrate.The filter may be paper, cloth, cotton-wool, asbestos, slag-or glass-wool, unglazed earthenware, sand, or other porous material. Filtration is very frequently employed in chemical technology, and it often presents great difficulties.he liquid which has passed through the filter is called the filtrate. The filter may be paper, cloth, cotton-wool, asbestos, slag-or glass-wool, unglazed earthenware, sand, or other porous material." }, { "docid": "7112154", "title": "Boil and Carbuncle", "text": "Whether the pocket of pus is called a boil or a carbuncle depends on its location and size: A boil, also called a furuncle, begins as a painful infection of a single hair follicle. Boils can grow to be larger than a golf ball, and they commonly occur on the buttocks, face, neck, armpits and groin." }, { "docid": "490264", "title": "Should I Use a New Construction or Pocket Replacement Window?", "text": "The main difference between full replacement and pocket replacement is that new construction windows have nailing flanges and pocket replacement windows do not. The typical size of a pocket replacement window is three fourths of an inch thick." }, { "docid": "8691092", "title": "Beautiful Batik: What It Is & How It's Made", "text": "Batik is created on cloth using a wax-resist process. It is a traditional Indonesian art that is also found in many other cultures. Hot beeswax mixed with paraffin (the resist) is applied to the cloth in a design.Then the cloth is dipped into a dye.All of the areas on the cloth that are covered with wax do not absorb the dye and remain their original color. The wax prevents the fabric from absorbing the dye.tamping wax design onto cloth with stamping tool. Batik. Applying the wax to the cloth with a tjanting tool. In this method of batik, the hot wax designs are drawn on by hand. African batik. This method uses a stamp to apply the hot wax." }, { "docid": "2108698", "title": "-", "text": "[ˈbateʔ] ; [ˈbatɪk]) is a technique of wax-resist dyeing applied to whole cloth, or cloth made using this technique. Batik is made either by drawing dots and lines of the resist with a spouted tool called a canting (. [ʈ͡ʂantiŋ] , also spelled tjanting), or by printing the resist with a copper stamp called a cap (.[ʈ͡ʂap] , also spelled tjap).atik is made either by drawing dots and lines of the resist with a spouted tool called a canting (. [ʈ͡ʂantiŋ] , also spelled tjanting), or by printing the resist with a copper stamp called a cap (. [ʈ͡ʂap] , also spelled tjap)." } ]
can your kidneys filter green tea
[ { "docid": "4868072", "title": "Green Tea and Kidney Diseases", "text": "Green tea has a lot of benefits to those that have kidney diseases. Green tea can improve kidney filtration function so as to promote urination and at the same time discharge more wasteful products out of the kidneys and bloodstream." } ]
[ { "docid": "6324360", "title": "-", "text": "There are about two grams of dried green tea leaves in a standard bag of tea. That amount is about four times higher than a standard capsule of green tea powder (about one-half gram). The two substances cannot be strictly compared, because green tea powders are a far more processed product than dried green tea leaves." }, { "docid": "5196738", "title": "Top 5 Foods To Avoid For Healthy Kidneys", "text": "Foods High In Oxalic Acid: Just like anti oxidants are good for your kidneys, oxalic acid foods or oxalates are not. Tea, coffee, grapes, oranges, green leafy vegetables are food that must be avoided for kidney diseases. These foods facilitate the formation of kidney stones and thus are bad for your situation." }, { "docid": "8801407", "title": "Genmaicha", "text": "Today it is consumed by all segments of society. Tea steeped from genmaicha has a light yellow hue. Its flavor is mild and combines the fresh grassy flavor of green tea with the aroma of the roasted rice. Although this tea is based on green tea, the recommended way to brew this tea is different from that of green tea. To make best aroma, it is recommended to use boiled water with brewing time of 30 seconds." }, { "docid": "8235220", "title": "How to Minimize Green Tea Caffeine", "text": "Know your green tea.The younger the tea leaves, the more caffeine will be produced in the tea. The most prized part of green tea is the terminal bud and the adjacent two leaves, also called the tea flush. They are the sweetest, but also contain the most caffeine." }, { "docid": "5674910", "title": "Swimming Pool Blog", "text": "If your filter is really struggling, you may need new filter sand or cartridge, or a larger pool filter. Now then, I think I've made my point - that is, Don't Swim in a green algae pool; and not because of the algae, but because of the possibility of pathogens also thriving in the pool water." }, { "docid": "8833875", "title": "Kidneys", "text": "Kidneys. The kidneys are the primary organs of the urinary system. The kidneys are the organs that filter the blood, remove the wastes, and excrete the wastes in the urine. They are the organs that perform the functions of the urinary system." }, { "docid": "6941817", "title": "Green Tea May Cut Smokers' Lung Cancer Risk", "text": "Those who smoked heavily and had the susceptible genotype had an even higher risk. While Lin says the best way to avoid lung cancer is to stop smoking, green tea appears to reduce risk. Green tea can protect them from lung cancer risk, a cup or more a day, she says.Assess Your Risk for the 5 Most Common Cancers.mong the smokers, the non-green-tea drinkers had a nearly 13 times increased risk of lung cancer compared to the smokers who drank one cup or more of green tea per day." }, { "docid": "7026523", "title": "-", "text": "Size: 100 Count. Pure and simple, our all-natural green tea is made of the finest leaves from around the world. Clean and delicious, make this tea part of your daily routine. Plus, green tea naturally contains tea flavonoids. Lipton tea is 100% natural. No preservatives or colorings." }, { "docid": "5400904", "title": "-", "text": "Matcha-literally, powdered tea - is a special type of green tea: a precious, jewel-green powder that is whisked with hot water in a bowl to make a frothy beverage of the same name.atcha is the only form of tea in which the whole leaf is consumed, and because it is made from top-quality leaves that are treated with great care, it delivers more of the healthful elements of green tea than other forms. A unique, beautiful and richly flavorful drink, matcha gives most people a feeling of well-being." }, { "docid": "1871279", "title": "The following are the health benefits attributed to hojicha tea:", "text": "Hojicha Tea Benefits are derived from the antioxidant compounds that are naturally found in the camellia sinensis plant where it and all types of green tea come from. Hojicha tea is a type of Japanese green tea that is produced by roasting bancha or even sencha and kukicha green tea leaves over high charcoal heat, usually using a porcelain pot. Due to this process, hojicha tea gets a savory flavor with a refreshing and caramel-like roasted taste and virtually no bitterness." }, { "docid": "8508936", "title": "What does green tea taste like?", "text": "Don't expect green tea to taste like your regular tea. All the different kinds of green tea have different flavors, but they do have a taste in common. The flavor of green tea can be described as: fresh, light, green, or grassy." }, { "docid": "6545290", "title": "Uncovering the Truth: Can Drinking Green Tea Help with Weight Loss?", "text": "If you need to lose 20 lb or 30 lb in a short time, green tea is not the best option for you. However, green tea can be used to maintain a healthy weight, and it can also bring lots of other benefits to your body." }, { "docid": "2518540", "title": "How many cups of green tea should you drink in a day to lose weight?", "text": "Drinking green tea has also been shown to suppress appetite. While there are several other reasons to drink green tea every day, you may wonder if one cup alone can provide you the benefits. According to well-known nutritionist Priya Kathpal, 4-5 cups of unsweetened green tea in a day is enough to promote weight loss. It can provide an optimal dosage of metabolism boosting minerals like manganese, chromium and zinc." }, { "docid": "470278", "title": "Wikijunior:Human Body/ExcretorySystem", "text": "(Parts) [edit]. There are several parts of the excretory system. To get rid of liquid waste in our bodies, we have two kidneys, two ureters, a bladder, and a urethra. Kidneys filter our blood to get rid of things if our blood that are not needed.If we didn’t have kidneys, we would eventually be poisoned by this waste.Parts) [edit]. There are several parts of the excretory system. To get rid of liquid waste in our bodies, we have two kidneys, two ureters, a bladder, and a urethra. Kidneys filter our blood to get rid of things if our blood that are not needed." }, { "docid": "7751338", "title": "-", "text": "Of course you have. Well, here’s the rundown on what goes in your Nestea® Iced Teas…. Green tea and black tea are made from the leaves of the same plant, the Camellia sinensis. However, green tea leaves have gone through very little oxidation (processing) while black tea leaves have completely oxidized." }, { "docid": "8213581", "title": "Herbs, Home Remedies And Foods That Reduce Swelling", "text": "Green Tea. Green tea may be helpful for reducing swelling internally due to digestive disorders or gallbladder colic. Green tea helps reduce bloating and swelling due to its high content of polyphenols, antioxidants that lessen inflammation and irritation in the gut. Green tea is available both caffeinated and decaffeainated." }, { "docid": "8801405", "title": "What Are the Health Benefits of Brown Rice Tea?", "text": "Overview. Brown rice tea, known as genmaicha in Japanese, is a special blend of green tea and roasted brown rice. Brown rice tea contains flavonoids, antioxidants, trace minerals and vitamins. The health benefits of brown rice tea are comparable to that of green tea." }, { "docid": "2187255", "title": "Cup Of Green Tea To Keep The Bacteria Away", "text": "Cup Of Green Tea To Keep The Bacteria Away Date: January 16, 2007 Source: National Institute Of Chemistry, Slovenia Summary: Beneficial effects of green tea have been known for millenia, particularly in Asian cultures. An ancient Chinese proverb says: Better to be deprived of food for three days, than tea for one. A cup of green tea contains up to 200 mg of catechins, whose biological activity has been mainly attributed to its antioxidant activity." }, { "docid": "3424938", "title": "What Does Azodyl Do?", "text": "What Does Azodyl Do? Like in people, the kidneys play an essential role in keeping your pet healthy. Kidneys filter toxins out of the blood that would otherwise lead to serious medical complications." }, { "docid": "124540", "title": "Oolong Tea", "text": "Taking green tea along with clozapine (Clozaril) can increase the effects and side effects of clozapine (Clozaril). Dipyridamole (Persantine) interacts with GREEN TEA Green tea contains caffeine." }, { "docid": "5630490", "title": "-", "text": "Pediatric. Green tea has not been studied in children, so it is not recommended for pediatric use. Adult. Depending on the brand, 2 to 3 cups of green tea per day (for a total of 240 to 320 mg polyphenols) or 100 to 750 mg per day of standardized green tea extract is recommended." }, { "docid": "4773930", "title": "Green tea, and teens?", "text": "Green tea, and teens? I heard that green tea is really good for you and can boost your metabolism. i would like to try it, but does it really work for? and do you have any succes stories? Also i'm a teen, will it still work? im 13, and if it does work, i will drink the one without any caffine." }, { "docid": "4916322", "title": "Dictionary of Terms", "text": "Filter Fabric (Filter Cloth) – A middle layer of green roof construction, above the drainage layer and below the green roof medium. Its purpose is to filter small particles and prevent the drainage layer from clogging." }, { "docid": "30005", "title": "Green Tea", "text": "Green tea is used in an ointment for genital warts. Do not confuse green tea with oolong tea or black tea. Oolong tea and black tea are made from the same plant leaves used to make green tea, but they are prepared differently and have different medicinal effects. Green tea is not fermented at all. Oolong tea is partially fermented, and black tea is fully fermented." }, { "docid": "2448250", "title": "Caffeine compared: from coke and coffee to aspirin and chocolate", "text": "2 cups of tea = 1 cup of coffee. There are 20mg of caffeine in your average 100g of brewed tea compared to 40mg in the same amount of black filter coffee. But the type of tea, as well as the brewing time makes a difference. We were surprised too." }, { "docid": "6463300", "title": "-", "text": "Yes, you get the same benefits of green tea, antioxidants, polyphenols, catechins, and flavonoids whether it’s hot or iced tea. Current research suggests that sweeteners do not affect the antioxidant benefits of green tea. Yes, we make an unsweetened tea in a gallon size." }, { "docid": "8517123", "title": "-", "text": "This does not appear to be the result of a caffeine effect, for oolong tea contains half the caffeine of green tea, but double the polymerized polyphenols (anti-oxidants). When teas are compared,, Oolong tea trumps pu-erh, black, and green tea in suppressing body weight." }, { "docid": "5837236", "title": "My Go-To Detox Drink to Reduce Bloating", "text": "Water is just all around good for us! Regularly drinking water helps push toxins through the body, making the job of organs such as the kidneys and liver easier. Green Tea: Green tea is my go-to choice for this detox drink, but there are a plethora of other teas that offer similar benefits.Where do I even begin with green tea benefits? Green tea helps fight inflammation in the body, boost immunity, and reduce stress.egularly drinking water helps push toxins through the body, making the job of organs such as the kidneys and liver easier. Green Tea: Green tea is my go-to choice for this detox drink, but there are a plethora of other teas that offer similar benefits." }, { "docid": "6234493", "title": "-", "text": "Yes, Dunkin Donuts green tea is in fact healthy. However, it is only healthy if you do not add any additional sugars to it. Just stick with the green tea and a slice of le … mon and you will soak up all the nutritional benefits of green tea!" }, { "docid": "5753290", "title": "How to Drink Green Tea for Weight Loss", "text": "Although black tea is the most popular—it accounts for about 84 percent of all tea consumed—green tea is reported to be growing at a much higher volume than black. Our guess is that’s because of green tea’s potential role in weight loss. We decided to take a closer look at how you can drink green tea for weight loss. Green tea can help you lose weight. Several studies have suggested that the flavonoids and caffeine in green tea can help elevate metabolic rate, increase fat oxidation and even improve insulin activity." } ]
what is the concept of interaction theory
[ { "docid": "3076192", "title": "Interaction theory", "text": "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Interaction theory (IT) is an approach to questions about social cognition, or how one understands other people, that focuses on bodily behaviors and environmental contexts rather than on mental processes." } ]
[ { "docid": "5046193", "title": "-", "text": "Example Sentences for interaction. The significance thus contributed is as inevitable as is the effect of interaction with the physical environment. This is made possible by means of interaction and by shared resources. Courtship, mating, and fighting reactions however, seem to be evoked by the interaction of a complex of social releasers. For it is the action and interaction of these which lie at the bottom of the mind's development." }, { "docid": "1014838", "title": "The Meaning of Force", "text": "A force is a push or pull upon an object resulting from the object's interaction with another object. Whenever there is an interaction between two objects, there is a force upon each of the objects. When the interaction ceases, the two objects no longer experience the force." }, { "docid": "1995135", "title": "A Glossary of Political Economy Terms", "text": "Systems theory models of decision-making in human groups and organizations emphasize their interaction with outside actors and organizations and concentrate on identifying the particular elements in the environment of the group or organization that significantly affect the outcomes of its decision-making." }, { "docid": "6829577", "title": "Difference between Laser and Maser", "text": "Laser and maser are based on the concept of stimulated emission introduced by the Einstein. This concept is described as a process in which an electron moves to a lower energy due to an interaction with electromagnetic waves. Maser got introduced by the two physicists named as Charles Townes and Arthus Schawlow." }, { "docid": "1050527", "title": "-", "text": "Key Concepts 1. As a general concept, social learning theory has been applied to the fields of sociology, psychology, criminal justice, and criminology in an attempt to explain how criminal values, ideas, techniques, and expressions are transmitted from one individual to another." }, { "docid": "4385887", "title": "Path-Goal Theory - Robert House", "text": "Even with House's 1996 modifications, the Path-Goal Theory is leader-centered, and if something happens to her or him, and organization can collapse. There cannot be too much dependence on the leader for an organization's survival. Further, as House admits, the whole concept of path-goal needs to be tested." }, { "docid": "1645", "title": "An Overview of Behavioral Psychology", "text": "Behaviorism, also known as behavioral psychology, is a theory of learning based on the idea that all behaviors are acquired through conditioning. Conditioning occurs through interaction with the environment. Behaviorists believe that our responses to environmental stimuli shape our actions." }, { "docid": "2663704", "title": "-", "text": "Book description. The duplicity theory of vision concerns the comparisons (both differences and similarities) and interaction between the cone and rod systems in the visual pathways, with the assumption that the cone system is active during daylight vision and the rod system functions in low light (night time)." }, { "docid": "4999879", "title": "-", "text": "Theory Behind the Model. Learning modalities are the sensory channels or pathways through which individuals give, receive, and store information. Perception, memory, and sensation comprise the concept of modality." }, { "docid": "2589291", "title": "Communication Theory/Uncertainty Reduction", "text": "In 1975, Berger and Calabrese published “Some explorations in initial interaction and beyond: Toward a developmental theory of interpersonal communication,” which serves as the foundation of URT. This article inspired a wave of new research examining the role of uncertainty in communication. Berger and Calabrese (1975) formed URT, also known as initial interaction theory, to explain the role of communication in reducing uncertainty in initial interactions and the development of interpersonal relationships." }, { "docid": "3235333", "title": "Social Development Theory", "text": "Social interaction - which according to Vygotsky together with language and culture plays a crucial role in the process of cognitive development. Opposed to later Jean Piaget’s stage theory of cognitive development where development precedes learning, Vygotsky believed that learning precedes development. In Vygotsky's theory mind is not seen as autonomous fromsocial and cultural context." }, { "docid": "803374", "title": "Leadership", "text": "Another theory that addresses a specific aspect of the leadership process is the leader–member exchange (LMX) theory, which evolved from an earlier theory called the vertical dyad linkage (VDL) model. Both of these models focus on the interaction between leaders and individual followers." }, { "docid": "6853503", "title": "full reconveyance", "text": "A mortgage concept used in title theory states, where the borrower transfers title to the real property to another,usually a trustee,and is entitled to full reconveyance,or a return of the legal title,when the debt has been paid in full." }, { "docid": "80528", "title": "-", "text": "Findings – While TQM, six sigma and lean have many similarities, especially concerning origin, methodologies, tools and effects, they differ in some areas, in particular concerning the main theory, approach and the main criticism. The lean concept is slightly different from TQM and six sigma." }, { "docid": "1084042", "title": "Family System Theory: Definition and Changes Over Time", "text": "Family Systems Theory Defined. To one person, family may mean a mother, a father, and children. To another person, family may mean a father, grandmother, aunts, uncles, cousins, brothers, and sisters. There is no right or wrong way to define family, and all of these various makeups influence the interaction of each person within the family." }, { "docid": "6867744", "title": "-", "text": "STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES. After reading this chapter the student will be able to: ● Explain the concept of SelfEfficacy Theory. ● Identify the constructs of SelfEfficacy Theory. ● Explain how vicarious experience influences selfefficacy. ● Describe the influence of mastery experience on selfefficacy." }, { "docid": "3604499", "title": "-", "text": "Clinical Rotation Manual for Faculty and Students Touro University California 31. Working With the Difficult Learner and Learner / Program Interaction. The following is a brief taxonomy of common difficulties and a concept of development across the." }, { "docid": "6025187", "title": "Creative destruction", "text": "Creative destruction is a powerful economic concept because it can explain many of the dynamics or kinetics of industrial change: the transition from a competitive to a monopolistic market, and back again. It has been the inspiration of endogenous growth theory and also of evolutionary economics." }, { "docid": "644024", "title": "About", "text": "In 1839, Theodor Schwann would expand Schleiden's cell theory to include the animal world, establishing cell theory as the fundamental concept in biology. Schleiden included this article and others in a botany textbook--one that introduced new teaching methods which would dominate the instruction of botany for years." }, { "docid": "4836185", "title": "plate tectonics", "text": "plate tectonics. noun. ( 1 used with a sing. 2 verb) A theory that explains the global distribution of geological phenomena such as seismicity, volcanism, continental drift, and mountain building in terms of the formation, destruction, movement, and interaction of the earth's lithospheric plates. ( 3 used with a sing. or pl." }, { "docid": "1125169", "title": "-", "text": "An example is group theory: The abstract concept of a group arose from different sources. Thus polynomial theory gave rise to groups of permutations, number theory to groups of numbers and of “forms” … and geometry and analysis to groups of transformations." }, { "docid": "149184", "title": "Fundamental interaction", "text": "Because an interaction results in fermions attracting and repelling each other, an older term for interaction is force. According to the present understanding, there are four fundamental interactions or forces: gravitation, electromagnetism, the weak interaction, and the strong interaction. Their magnitude and behavior vary greatly, as described in the table below." }, { "docid": "8040525", "title": "Chapter Outlines (9th Edition)", "text": "Principles and Assumptions Symbolic interactionism focuses on three main aspects of communication: meaning, language and thought. According to the theory, meaning is not inherent in objects, but is, instead, constructed and modified within different contexts through social interaction." }, { "docid": "2753023", "title": "What are the major differences between Darwin and Lamarck's theories?", "text": "Charles Darwin and Lamarck’s Theories of Evolution. ​. Darwin’s Theory of Evolution is the extensively held concept that all life is interrelated and has descended from a common ancestor: the birds and the bananas, the fishes and the flowers are all related." }, { "docid": "7210799", "title": "pion", "text": "We now know that the pion is a meson, a composite particle, and the current view is that the strong interaction is an interaction between quarks, but the Yukawa theory stimulated a major advance in the understanding of the strong interaction and exchange forces in general." }, { "docid": "2811457", "title": "Plate tectonics", "text": "The concept of plate tectonics was formulated in the 1960s. According to the theory, Earth has a rigid outer layer, known as the lithosphere, which is typically about 100 km (60 miles) thick and overlies a plastic layer called the asthenosphere." }, { "docid": "5758140", "title": "plate tectonics", "text": "n. 1. (used with a sing. verb) A theory that explains the global distribution of geological phenomena such as seismicity, volcanism, continental drift, and mountain building in terms of the formation, destruction, movement, and interaction of the earth's lithospheric plates. 2. (used with a sing. or pl." }, { "docid": "2205731", "title": "Simplicity", "text": "The concept of simplicity has been related to in [clarification needed] the field of epistemology and philosophy of science. According to Occam's razor, all other things being equal, the simplest theory is the most likely to be true." }, { "docid": "3336678", "title": "-", "text": "Herbert Blumer, Mead’s pupil, further developed his theory and coined it “Symbolic Interactionism.” Introduction Cont’d This theory is the process of interaction in the formation of meanings for individuals. In simple form, people act based on symbolic meanings they find within a given situation." }, { "docid": "8620653", "title": "KRUMBOLTZâS SOCIAL LEARNING THEORY", "text": "Bandura’s reinforcement theory and observational learning. Individuals’ personalities come more from their learning experiences than from their genetics. Triadic reciprocal interaction system – interaction of the environment, personal factors (memories, beliefs, preferences, and self-perceptions), and actual behavior." } ]
what is the condition where there is a benign cyst in a kidney
[ { "docid": "4882253", "title": "A kidney cyst or renal cyst, is a fluid collection within the kidney.", "text": "A kidney cyst or renal cyst, is a fluid collection within the kidney. Most kidney cysts are “simple” or “benign” meaning no treatment is required. Some cysts are more “complex” and require either close radiographic imaging (with either a CT scan or MRI) or surgery since these cysts can be cancerous." } ]
[ { "docid": "3670683", "title": "-", "text": "1 Lymphadenopathy mediastinal – An enlargement of the lymph nodes. 2 Pericardial cyst – A benign growth that results from an out-pouching of the pericardium (the heart’s lining). 3 Thyroid mass mediastinal – Usually a benign growth, such as a goiter. 4 These types of tumors can occasionally be cancerous." }, { "docid": "7006053", "title": "Cysts Treatments", "text": "Treatments for Causes of Cysts. Review the treatment information pages for various causes of Cysts: Sebaceous cyst. Dermoid cyst. Arachnoid cyst. Ganglion cyst. Alveolar Hydatid Disease - cysts in multiple body organs. Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease - pancreatic cysts." }, { "docid": "1688164", "title": "Abdominal pain", "text": "Left lower quadrant pain. Diverticulitis, inflammatory bowel disease, pelvic inflammatory disease, a kidney stone, endometriosis, ectopic pregnancy, and rupture of an ovarian cyst are common causes of abdominal pain in this area." }, { "docid": "747091", "title": "-", "text": "Depending on the underlying condition that causes it, in most cases, a Baker's cyst can be treated without surgery. 1 Nonsurgical treatment would include: 2 draining the fluid from the cyst using a needle and syringe. 3 cortisone injection to reduce inflammation. 4 rest. 5 elevating the leg. 6 icing to reduce inflammation." }, { "docid": "6188949", "title": "Why Does It Hurt Above My Left Hip?", "text": "Ovary Problems. In reproductive age women, pain above left hip can be caused by a condition of the ovaries. For example, a cyst on the left ovary could cause pain that irradiates towards the hip and stomach.In such a condition, go directly to the emergency room.vary Problems. In reproductive age women, pain above left hip can be caused by a condition of the ovaries. For example, a cyst on the left ovary could cause pain that irradiates towards the hip and stomach." }, { "docid": "1713018", "title": "Ovarian Cysts Causes, Signs, Symptoms, Types, and Treatment", "text": "Simple kidney cysts typically don't cause signs or symptoms. If a simple kidney cyst grows large enough, symptoms may include: 1 Dull pain in your back or side. 2 Fever.3 Upper abdominal pain.imple kidney cysts typically don't cause signs or symptoms. If a simple kidney cyst grows large enough, symptoms may include: 1 Dull pain in your back or side. 2 Fever." }, { "docid": "4224192", "title": "Can Patients with Kidney Cysts Have Energy Drinks", "text": "The suspect ingredients in many energy drinks like caffeine, sugar and phosphorous are not so good for the kidneys. Moreover, the energy drinks can result in excessive dehydration and can prevent the kidneys from eliminating the wastes.Having the energy drinks will have an effect on the growth speed of cyst more or less. So patients with kidney cysts are not suggested to have large amount of energy drinks.enerally speaking, simple kidney cyst s will not cause any obvious symptoms and no special treatments are needed. However, if the cyst enlarge to a certain degree, the kidney function will be influenced. Then can patients with kidney cysts have energy drinks?" }, { "docid": "8117739", "title": "Causes of Really Bad Foot Odor", "text": "In most cases, foot odor is the result of a relatively benign condition that can easily be remedied. However, sometimes a doctor must intervene in order to..." }, { "docid": "172029", "title": "Ovarian Cysts - Common lesions", "text": "A very common benign ovarian lesion that may appear cystic is a mature cystic teratoma, also called dermoid cyst. Mature in this context means benign, as opposed to the immature, malignant teratoma. Benign cystic teratomas typically occur in young women of child-bearing age." }, { "docid": "2011250", "title": "-", "text": "causes of hematuria common causes of blood in urine include bladder or kidney infections bladder or kidney stones certain kidney diseases such as inflammation in the filtering system of the kidneys glomerulonephritisenlarged prostate benign prostatic hyperplasia or prostate cancerauses of hematuria common causes of blood in urine include bladder or kidney infections bladder or kidney stones certain kidney diseases such as inflammation in the filtering system of the kidneys glomerulonephritis" }, { "docid": "1753495", "title": "-", "text": "Common causes of blood in urine include: 1 Bladder or kidney infections. 2 Bladder or kidney stones. 3 Certain kidney diseases, such as inflammation in the filtering system of the kidneys (glomerulonephritis) Enlarged prostate (benign prostatic hyperplasia) or prostate 1 cancer. Inherited diseases such as sickle cell anemia and cystic kidney disease." }, { "docid": "7916231", "title": "Spina Bifida", "text": "Spina bifida cystica causes a problem when the meningeal cyst (meningocele) includes cord tissue extending into the cyst (in which case, it is a myelomeningocele). The condition is also of particular concern when the neural tube is completely open and the ependymal layer is exposed as a myelocele (or myeloschisis)." }, { "docid": "6101886", "title": "Ovarian Cyst", "text": "If you have symptoms suggestive of an ovarian cyst, your doctor may examine your abdomen and perform an internal (vaginal) examination. He or she may be able to feel an abnormal swelling which may be a cyst. An ultrasound scan can confirm an ovarian cyst.ost ovarian cysts are small, non-cancerous (benign), and cause no symptoms. Some ovarian cysts cause problems which may include one or more of the following: 1 Pain or discomfort in the lower tummy (abdomen)." }, { "docid": "1855656", "title": "10 Colors That Suggest Urine Trouble", "text": "This color could be a worrisome sign of many things. Blood in the urine, called hematuria, can be benign, idiopathic or a sign of a kidney stone, infection or tumor in the urinary tract. It may signal a problem with the prostate." }, { "docid": "6378662", "title": "Treatment for Complex Renal Cysts", "text": "If you are are diagnosed with complex renal cysts, you should firstly make sure if they are cancer.Early and effective treatment can help improve the outcome significantly. 1 Tag: Kidney Cyst Treatment. 2 Previous:Natural Treatment for Renal Cysts with Enlarged Kidney. Next:Natural Treatment for Exophytic Kidney Cyst." }, { "docid": "6637273", "title": "What Foods can Help Shrink Kidney Cyst", "text": "There are a growing number of people who are suffering from kidney cysts. It seems that it is difficult to control the condition and the patients are too worried about their disease. As a matter of fact, a good diet can also help shrink kidney cyst effectively. Let’s see what foods can help shrink kidney cyst. We all know that kidney has many functions, one of them is to remove the waste and toxin from the body. But with the increase of the cysts, kidney can not filter proper amount of the waste." }, { "docid": "5505530", "title": "-", "text": "Learning points. 1 Intracranial dermoid cysts are rare and benign cranial tumours, usually asymptomatic or symptomatic due to mass effect or rupture. 2 Rupture of the cyst can manifest as episodic headaches without inflammation or other neurological signs." }, { "docid": "1821745", "title": "What Are the Causes of Left Flank Pain?", "text": "Left flank pain can be caused by any of a number of disorders of the left kidney. The potential causes include renal inflammation or infection, a renal cyst, a renal infarction, trauma to the kidney, a kidney stone and a urinary tract infection that has migrated to the kidney." }, { "docid": "3934516", "title": "One pupil bigger than the other", "text": "It could be Adie's Pupil-a benign condition that causes one pupil to be larger than the other-I was diagnosed with this a few years ago. It's mostly found in women ages 20-40." }, { "docid": "4643861", "title": "-", "text": "Currently, RFA is a standard treatment for patients with inoperable liver tumors. It is being increasingly used for other cancers, such as lung cancers, kidney (renal), and certain benign and malignant bone tumors, and is being tested for other types of cancer." }, { "docid": "8587314", "title": "Necrotizing sialometaplasia", "text": "Necrotizing sialometaplasia is a benign, ulcerative lesion, usually located towards the back of the hard palate. It is thought to be caused by ischemic necrosis of minor salivary glands in response to trauma. Often painless, the condition is self-limiting and should heal in 6–10 weeks. Although entirely benign and requiring no treatment, due to its similar appearance to oral cancer, it is sometimes misdiagnosed as malignant. Therefore, it is considered an important condition, despite its ..." }, { "docid": "6665005", "title": "A Clinical View of Simple and Complex Renal Cysts", "text": "Approximately 70 to 80% are solitary, unilateral, and cortical. As is the case of their occurrence, their number in the same kidney and laterality increase with age, with more than one cyst reported in half and bilateral cysts in one third of older individuals." }, { "docid": "6265331", "title": "About Chronic Kidney Disease", "text": "Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a condition characterized by a gradual loss of kidney function over time. To read more about kidney function, see How Your Kidneys Work." }, { "docid": "7620351", "title": "Acrocyanosis", "text": "The very term acrocyanosis is often applied inappropriately in cases when blue discoloration of the hands, feet, or parts of the face is noted. The principal (primary) form of acrocyanosis is that of a benign cosmetic condition, sometimes caused by a relatively benign neurohormonal disorder." }, { "docid": "3473380", "title": "What Is a Soft Tissue Sarcoma?", "text": "1 PEComa is a family of tumors made up of abnormal cells called perivascular epithelial cells. 2 Although most of these tumors are benign, some rare PEComas are malignant (cancer). 3 The most common of these tumors are angiomyolipoma and lymphangioleiomyoma.4 Angiomyolipoma is a benign tumor that most often affects the kidney. Hibernomas, benign tumors of fat tissue. 2 Lipomas, very common benign tumors of fat tissue. 3 Leiomyomas, benign tumors of smooth muscle that can be found anywhere in the body but are very common in the walls of the uterus where they are known as fibroids." }, { "docid": "1513820", "title": "Omeprazole and kidney stones", "text": "If it was located in lower right side it could be appendix or kidney stones. On left lower side it could be kidney stones, and on upper side it could be acidity. Gas in abdomen can cause cramping pain. In females it can be an ovarian cyst. Hence, finding the cause is important. Acidity and gas can be treated by taking omeprazole and antacids." }, { "docid": "6469886", "title": "-", "text": "The cyst could be solid or filled with a fluid. Although in most cases, an ovarian cyst appears and recedes on its own, without the need for any kind of medical treatment, or surgery, sometimes the cyst could enlarge and eventually twists and bursts, which leads to a condition called burst ovarian cyst." }, { "docid": "7504971", "title": "Polycystic kidney disease", "text": "Polycystic kidney disease. Home » Polycystic kidney disease. polycystic kidney disease. (Science: disease) A rare inherited condition in which the kidney are composed of multiple cysts. Kidney cysts are associated with an increased incidence of cerebral aneurysm." }, { "docid": "531757", "title": "Sebaceous cyst", "text": "A sebaceous cyst is a type of cyst that forms in the epidermis, the outermost layer of the skin. A sebaceous cyst is also sometimes called an epidermal cyst.It forms when a sebaceous gland, an oil-producing gland in the skin, becomes blocked.This creates a sac that fills with a fatty yellow substance that can resemble cottage cheese. sebaceous cyst is a type of cyst that forms in the epidermis, the outermost layer of the skin. A sebaceous cyst is also sometimes called an epidermal cyst." }, { "docid": "5261293", "title": "Ovarian Cysts", "text": "These are the most common of the benign functional cysts (functional meaning in response to a normal menstrual cycle). Each time an egg is produced by the ovary a small cyst forms.hese are the most common of the benign functional cysts (functional meaning in response to a normal menstrual cycle). Each time an egg is produced by the ovary a small cyst forms." } ]
canada flag leaf meaning
[ { "docid": "2933247", "title": "Canadaâs Maple Leaf Flag", "text": "Claim: The eleven points on the maple leaf of Canada's flag represent the number of Canadian provinces and territories. Example: [Collected via e-mail, 2003]." } ]
[ { "docid": "4523048", "title": "Italy", "text": "Italian Flag Meaning: The Italian flag is based on the design of the French flag. There are different accounts explaining the meaning and history of the green, white and red colors.One account states that the colors of the Italian flag may have been based on military uniforms from Milan.talian Flag Meaning: The Italian flag is based on the design of the French flag. There are different accounts explaining the meaning and history of the green, white and red colors." }, { "docid": "7508825", "title": "-", "text": "The National Flag of Canada is a red flag of the proportions two by length and one by width (or 64 units in length and 32 units in width or depth as shown in the accompanying diagram), containing in its centre a white square the width of the flag, with a single red maple leaf centered therein (Figure 3)." }, { "docid": "4066333", "title": "Graphical index", "text": "This page is about the meaning, origin and characteristic of the symbol, emblem, seal, sign, logo or flag: Flag of Costa Rica. The official flag of the Republic of Costa Rica is based on a design created in 1848. The state/national flag, also used as the military ensign, includes the coat of arms of Costa Rica. The civil ensign, commonly used as an unofficial national flag, omits the coat of arms. The flag was officially adopted on November 27, 1906, including a slight modification to the placement and design of the entrenched coat of arms." }, { "docid": "5348487", "title": "Flag of Canada", "text": "The National Flag of Canada, also known as the Maple Leaf and l'Unifolie (Unifolié french for the-one), leafed is a flag consisting of a red field with a white square at its, centre in the middle of which is featured a, stylized-11, pointed red maple (Leaf acer). saccharumhe width of the Maple Leaf flag is twice the height. The white field is a Canadian pale (a square central band in a vertical triband flag, named after this flag); each bordering red field is exactly half its size and it bears a stylized red maple leaf at its centre." }, { "docid": "6284264", "title": "Flag of Colombia", "text": "Flag of Colombia. The flag of Colombia is one of our three national symbols, along with the hymn and the coat of arms. Colombia's flag is rectangular and has the three primary colors: yellow, blue and red.Historians and researchers differ in their explanations regarding the origin and meaning of the flag colors.thers claim that the yellow and red were taken from the flag of Spain, and blue was added to these two colors as a symbol of the sea that separates Colombia and Spain." }, { "docid": "7731268", "title": "National Flag of Burkina Faso", "text": "Burkina Faso Flag Meaning: The Burkina Faso flag depicts the pan-African colors, which reflect a break with the country's colonial past and its unity with other African ex-colonies. The red also symbolizes the revolution; while the green represents the country's abundance of natural riches." }, { "docid": "2413762", "title": "Anatomy of a Fake Canadian Online Pharmacy", "text": "We believe this confuses Americans about what they need to do to obtain prescribed and affordable medication safely online. A fake Canadian online pharmacy is essentially a website dressed up with the Canadian flag, maple leafs, with red and white colors, or other graphics of Canada, but without actual ties to Canada. 1 In fact, a majority of so called “Canadian” online pharmacies are based overseas, many in Russia and Eastern Europe." }, { "docid": "6863497", "title": "What does a maple leaf symbolize?", "text": "The maple leaf is the official national emblem for representing the country Canada and its territories. It is featured on the Canadian nation flag, and chosen to represent Canada because Canada is responsible for the growth of the maple tree, which provides commerce and revenue for Canada and the Canadian people." }, { "docid": "5962159", "title": "-", "text": "Barton County. Jill Scheidt, agronomy specialist with University of Missouri Extension, scouted fields east of Mindenmines, near highway M, between 160 and 126 highways for the April 5 crop scouting update. Wheat was found to be in the flag leaf stage." }, { "docid": "3378838", "title": "Canada", "text": "The heraldic description of the Canadian National Flag is: Gules on a Canadian pale argent a maple leaf of the first. Philatelists will note the issue of a Canadian stamp commemorating the 30th. Anniversary of the National flag on May 1, 1995." }, { "docid": "7857575", "title": "How to Draw a Flag", "text": "Learn how to draw a waving flag in a few simple steps. Painting or drawing a flag is fun and easy. Whether you want to know how to draw the american flag, how to draw the mexican flag or how to draw a canadian flag, most of the steps are the same, it's just the decoration that's different." }, { "docid": "3816594", "title": "The Rich Meaning and Symbolism of the United Nations Flag", "text": "The colors have important meanings, as well. The Union Jack, which is the flag of Great Britain, is composed of St. Andrew's cross, St. Patrick's cross, and St. George's cross, overlapping according to a specific pattern. These three symbols represent Scotland, Ireland, and England, giving the flag a specific meaning." }, { "docid": "1133207", "title": "What do the colors in the Polands flag represent?", "text": "The colours of the Norwegian flag have the same meaning as the french tricolor. White stands for Royalty, Blue for Duty and Care and Red for Piety." }, { "docid": "3891803", "title": "-", "text": "Degel דגל is an interesting word. Ask any Israeli - or any Hebrew speaker for that matter - and they will tell you that it means flag. That certainly is the uncontested meaning in Modern Hebrew." }, { "docid": "1240648", "title": "-", "text": "How does the American flag make one out of many? Our ebook, “The Meaning of Flag Day,” explores the history and significance of the American flag with selections from American authors and statesmen, including Francis Scott Key, Walt Whitman, Stephen Crane, Abraham Lincoln, and John McCain." }, { "docid": "3486252", "title": "-", "text": "The nopal, or prickly-pear cactus, is one of the major national symbols of Mexico and appears on the Mexican flag. This cactus has a long history of use as food and medicine. Its fleshy, leaf-like stems (cladodes), especially when young, are eaten as vegetables." }, { "docid": "356547", "title": "Here's the only pot stock worth owning", "text": "CannaGrow Holdings (). Hemp (). Medical Marijuana (). WeedHire International (). (Amusingly, the stock with the ticker symbol is THC is not a pot firm but giant hospital owner Tenet ().) These companies are basically wrapping themselves in a red, yellow and green flag with a leaf and the date 4/20 on it." }, { "docid": "4735542", "title": "National Flag of The Republic of the Congo", "text": "The Republic of the Congo Flag Meaning: The motto of the Republic of the Congo is 'Unite-Travail-Progress'; which translates to 'Unity-Labor-Progress'. The Republic of the Congo Flag History: The Republic of the Congo flag was originally adopted on August 18, 1958.he Republic of the Congo Flag Description: The Republic of the Congo's flag is divided diagonally with three stripes-the left stripe is green; the middle stripe is yellow; and the right stripe is red." }, { "docid": "6175999", "title": "-", "text": "The national flag of Japan is a white rectangular flag with a large red disc (representing the sun) in the center. This flag is officially called Nisshōki (日章旗, sun-mark flag) in Japanese, but is more commonly known as Hinomaru (日の丸, circle of the sun) .n addition to the flags used by the military, several other flag designs were inspired by the national flag. The former Japan Post flag consisted of the Hinomaru with a red horizontal bar placed in the center of the flag." }, { "docid": "3082198", "title": "FINLAND FLAG", "text": "meaning colors - picture. Finland Flag. flag colors: white,blue. description: The national flag of Finland, called Siniristilippu meaning Blue Cross Flag, was adopted in 1920 and it has the proportion, height:width - 11:18. The finland flag has a white background and a blue Nordic cross, which represents Christianity. The color blue represent the country's lakes and also the blue sky and white represent peace and the winter's snow. In the Pantone system for other varieties of the flag used (the one with the ectangular Coat of Arms of Finland) blue is 294 C, Red - 186 C, and Yellow 123 C. tags: flag of finland,finlands flag." }, { "docid": "748464", "title": "Flag of Malta", "text": "Flag of Malta. The Maltese flag is a vertical bicolour with a cross in the left corner. The used colors in the flag are red, white. The proportion of the Maltese flag is 2:3. The Flag of Malta was adopted in 1964. The first use of the current flag design was in 1091. The last change to the current Maltese flag design was in 1964." }, { "docid": "1675400", "title": "-", "text": "Maple Leaf definition: the national emblem of Canada | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples English Dictionary | Thesaurus | Translator | Grammar | Scrabble | Blog English" }, { "docid": "569151", "title": "Displaying the Flag", "text": "No such flag or pennant may be placed above the flag of the United States or to the right of the flag of the United States (the viewer's left). When the flag is half-masted, both flags are half-masted, with the US flag at the mid-point and the other flag below." }, { "docid": "8615318", "title": "If the Nazi flag is banned in Europe, then should the Japanese empire's flag be banned too?", "text": "The Nazi flag was inseparable from the Nazi regime. It was designed by Hitler himself, and was the flag of the Nazi Party before it became the flag of the German state. It replaced the Weimar Flag, which for all intents and purposes had the same design as the current flag of Germany." }, { "docid": "4580995", "title": "-", "text": "In general, the way of life, family structure, cuisine, and dress are closer to those of the United States than to those of Britain or France. Canada has become a cultural mosaic in which immigrant groups have been able to retain much of their ethnic culture.rts & Culture. Canada's National Emblem is the maple leaf, featured predominately in the Canadian Flag. No one single person can be credited with the design of the maple leaf flag. Indeed, the design arose based on a strong sense of Canadian history and a result of a collaborative effort." }, { "docid": "3160589", "title": "-", "text": "Related: black and white usa flag vintage american flag black and white american flag shirt pirate flag silk american flag nike half cent black american flag Refine more Format" }, { "docid": "364265", "title": "Mexico", "text": "Another circumstance came to change the original meaning of the National Flag colors is because of the emblem adopted by the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), which, after the 1910 Revolution, self-proclaimed the unique heir of the Revolution ideals." }, { "docid": "7471929", "title": "Armenian", "text": "Armenian Flag Description: The Armenian flag consists of three equal sized horizontal stripes-the top stripe is red, the middle one blue and the bottom stripe is orange. Armenian Flag Meaning: There are conflicting views on the meaning of the Armenian flag's colors." }, { "docid": "3890463", "title": "National Flag of Sweden", "text": "Swedish Flag Meaning: The design of the Swedish flag is likely based on the flag of Denmark; while the yellow and blue originate from the Swedish Coat of Arms which features three yellow crowns on a blue base. The cross, common to most Scandinavian flags, represents Sweden's link to other the Scandinavian countries. Swedish Flag History: The exact age of the Swedish Flag is unclear, but the oldest recorded images of a blue cloth with a yellow cross on it date back to the 16th century." }, { "docid": "6240171", "title": "What do the stars and union flag on the Australian flag represent?", "text": "Australian Flag Meaning The smaller stars represent the constellation called the Southern Cross, visible and distinctive in Australia and other parts of the Southern Hemisphere, so it relates to Australia's geographic position.The large star represents the federation of all the Australian states and territories.ustralian Flag Meaning The smaller stars represent the constellation called the Southern Cross, visible and distinctive in Australia and other parts of the Southern Hemisphere, so it relates to Australia's geographic position." } ]
what is the definition jab
[ { "docid": "5441247", "title": "-", "text": "jab verb. › [I or T, usually + adv/prep] to ​push or ​hit something ​forcefully and ​quickly, often with a ​thin or ​sharp ​object: The ​doctor jabbed the ​needle into the dog's ​leg. Watch out! You ​nearly jabbed me in the ​eye with ​your ​umbrella! He was jabbing a ​finger at (= towards) them and ​shouting ​angrily." } ]
[ { "docid": "2509863", "title": "How to Write an Extended Definition", "text": "An extended definition can be built outward from a logical definition, also known as a dictionary definition, or a notional definition, or an Aristotelian definition. It takes this form: Definiendum = genus + differentia. The definiendum is the term or concept you are defining." }, { "docid": "3356218", "title": "Acids and Bases", "text": "There are three common definitions for acids: the Arrhenius definition, the Broensted-Brønsted lowry, definition and The lewis. Definition The arrhenius definition defines acids as substances which increase the concentration of hydrogen (Ions +), h or more, accurately hydronium (Ions h 3 +), o when dissolved in. water" }, { "docid": "5116953", "title": "-", "text": "#3. You can't compare George Foreman's jab to Larry Holmes who hands down has the best jab and most powerful jab in the history of boxing. #4. Foreman said he never wanted to get in the ring with Shavers.Many boxers said Shavers hit harder than Foreman.s for Holmes/Foreman in their primes, that's a true 50/50 fight. The fight I wanted to see, however, was Foreman/Holmes in their comebacks. That would have been more interesting. It was a different George Foreman, and it was the same Larry as always." }, { "docid": "3400903", "title": "-", "text": "1 Burma Road: meaning and definitions-Burma Road: Definition and Pronunciation. 2 Lashio: meaning and definitions-Lashio: Definition and Pronunciation. 3 Baoshan: meaning and definitions-Baoshan: Definition and Pronunciation. 4 Kunming: meaning and definitions-Kunming: Definition and Pronunciation.ore on Burma Road from Infoplease: 1 Burma Road: meaning and definitions-Burma Road: Definition and Pronunciation. 2 Lashio: meaning and definitions-Lashio: Definition and Pronunciation. 3 Baoshan: meaning and definitions-Baoshan: Definition and Pronunciation." }, { "docid": "109316", "title": "I need a definition for substantive due process?", "text": "I need a definition for substantive due process? Every site I go to does not have a direct definition, just a long paragraph explaining basically a time line. Please make it a thorough definition, not a very simple one that's three words long. Thanks. Update: Yes, this is a definition for my honours government class." }, { "docid": "6261305", "title": "Tdap Shot Pushed on Pregnant Women Despite Fetal Risks", "text": "In 2011, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) issued a recommendation that pregnant women receive the Tdap shot at 20 weeks gestation. Tdap combines the Tetanus, Diptheria, and Pertussis (whooping cough) vaccines into a single jab." }, { "docid": "7726237", "title": "-", "text": "Also, keep in mind that according to the above definition this concept is not Sun specific. Anyone could create an Open Storage solution or product using this definition (take a look at OpenFiler and FreeNAS for example). However, this definition still leaves a lot of ambiguity." }, { "docid": "6317011", "title": "-", "text": "Indeed, such a definition is typical of most dictionaries. Since NetAnatomy focuses on human anatomy, the definition may be refined to a study of the structure of the human body. In fact, many anatomists would likely not accept such a definition because of its lack of reference to function.ince NetAnatomy focuses on human anatomy, the definition may be refined to a study of the structure of the human body. In fact, many anatomists would likely not accept such a definition because of its lack of reference to function." }, { "docid": "1695506", "title": "DEFINITION OF HAPPINESS", "text": "DEFINITION OF HAPPINESS. The Official Definition: According to Dictionary.com the definition of happiness is: 1. the quality or state of being happy. 2. good fortune; pleasure; contentment; joy. Don't know about you, but I can't say I totally agree with these definitions! Let's see what others think." }, { "docid": "7272856", "title": "-", "text": "Search to find any definition and meaning of a word at the-definition.com online dictionary What does mean by adsorbed | adsorbed definition | Online Dictionary and Definition. Search to find any definition and meaning of a word at the-definition.com online dictionary Definition" }, { "docid": "8082482", "title": "What Does It Mean To \"Get Scooped?\" Here Are 4 Things The Slang Term Could Mean Unrelated To Ice Cream", "text": "Here Are 4 Things The Slang Term Could Mean Unrelated To Ice Cream. 1 Definition One: To Get Picked Up. 2 Definition Two: To Get Your Scientific Idea Stolen. 3 Definition Three: To Get Filled In On The Latest Details. 4 Definition Four: To Get Your Underboob Cupped." }, { "docid": "6592777", "title": "-", "text": "The “and” definition. requires that a claimant have. both functional loss and financial. loss due to disability. (see also. definition of disability and “or” definition.) Any occupation (any occ) – part of how. “disability” can be defined." }, { "docid": "317313", "title": "-", "text": "Search to find any definition and meaning of a word at the-definition.com online dictionary What does mean by tantamount | tantamount definition | Online Dictionary and Definition. Search to find any definition and meaning of a word at the-definition.com online dictionary Definition" }, { "docid": "4794654", "title": "Definition Essay", "text": "Remember: A definition essay is writing that explains what a term means. When writing a definition essay, remember to tell readers what term is being defined, to present a clear and basic definition, and to use facts, examples, or anecdotes that readers will understand. Here are the examples of popular definition essay topics:" }, { "docid": "476662", "title": "Shingles vaccination", "text": "A vaccine to prevent shingles, a common, painful skin disease is available on the NHS to certain people in their 70s. The shingles vaccine is given as a single injection into the upper arm. Unlike the flu jab, you'll only need to have the vaccination once and you can have it at any time of the year." }, { "docid": "996938", "title": "-", "text": "Search to find any definition and meaning of a word at the-definition.com online dictionary What does mean by replete | replete definition | Online Dictionary and Definition. Search to find any definition and meaning of a word at the-definition.com online dictionary Definition" }, { "docid": "575236", "title": "-", "text": "1 If you throw a jab and it doesn't connect, you know you need to move closer in order to throw a punch that hits the target. 2 Keep your combatant away from you. 3 Throwing a jab, or a series of jabs, is a way of keeping your combatant from getting too close to you. If you throw a jab and it doesn't connect, you know you need to move closer in order to throw a punch that hits the target. 2 Keep your combatant away from you. 3 Throwing a jab, or a series of jabs, is a way of keeping your combatant from getting too close to you." }, { "docid": "5681836", "title": "FDIC Loan Definitions", "text": "You will find no FDIC definition of a construction loan or home improvement loan per se. The regulatory definition for a construction loan (or the one most referred to) is found in the definition of a residential mortgage transaction in Reg. The definition of a home improvement loan is most referred to in Reg." }, { "docid": "1762465", "title": "-", "text": "Search to find any definition and meaning of a word at the-definition.com online dictionary What does mean by Homocentric | Homocentric definition | Online Dictionary and Definition. Search to find any definition and meaning of a word at the-definition.com online dictionary Definition" }, { "docid": "3800418", "title": "Pro Wrestler Dutch Savage Dies", "text": "Dutch Savage, 78, of Yacolt died Saturday of complications from a major stroke. He was 78. At 6 foot 4 inches and 265 pounds, Savage was well known in the wrestling world of the 1960s and ‘70s for his unusual goatee, long tights and kneepads. His signature move was a thumb to the throat jab used to debilitate opponents. And he won at least 21 belts in various regional championships." }, { "docid": "7219624", "title": "Arrhenius, Bronsted-Lowry, and Lewis Acids and Bases in Organic Chemistry", "text": "Arrhenius Acid Definition: Hydronium breaks up to yield an H+ in solution. Arrhenius Base Definition: Hydroxide is an OH-dissolved in water. Bronsted-Lowry Acid Definition: Hydronium is an H+ donor regardless of solution. Bronsted-Lowry Base Definition: Hydroxide attacks and accepts the H+ from hydronium.Lewis Acid Definition: The H+ on Hydronium accepts the attacking electron pair to form a bond.ronsted-Lowry Acid Definition: Hydronium is an H+ donor regardless of solution. Bronsted-Lowry Base Definition: Hydroxide attacks and accepts the H+ from hydronium." }, { "docid": "33242", "title": "-", "text": "Reaching definition. In compiler theory, a reaching definition for a given instruction is an earlier instruction whose target variable can reach (be assigned to) the given one without an intervening assignment. For example, in the following code: d1 is a reaching definition for d2." }, { "docid": "7370319", "title": "-", "text": "Search to find any definition and meaning of a word at the-definition.com online dictionary What does mean by entomological | entomological definition | Online Dictionary and Definition. Search to find any definition and meaning of a word at the-definition.com online dictionary Definition" }, { "docid": "7878960", "title": "-", "text": "– Since “Fritz” means “peace-keeper:”. It is entirely possible that his name change was for self-inspirational reasons. I’m curious why he doesn’t give a reason for the name change, but it could be a personal, private thing to him.Fritz” is a Germanic (Bavarian) name meaning “peaceful ruler” or “peace-keeper”… that could possibly be a blinding jab to the nose intended to cloud righteous judgment…. when something is on the fritz, it is not in working order." }, { "docid": "6788224", "title": "How to French a Rack of Lamb", "text": "2 Using a sharp knife, cut through the fatty side of the rib roast, to the bone, from one marked end to the other. Then go back over your cut and holding the knife perpendicular to the roast, jab it in several places to go all the way through the other side, so that the reverse site gets marked with scores." }, { "docid": "5451212", "title": "How long after puppies second vaccination before she can go out ?", "text": "Best Answer: I'm guessing you're in the UK as you've stated second vaccination. My vet always advises to wait at least a week after the final jab beofre letting your dog walk in public, although some vets advise 2 weeks.ADDED I'd be *very* surprised if your vet says you can take your dog out straight away, vaccinations do not have an *immediate* effect.Source(s): Wiggler · 8 years ago.y vet recommends to wait two weeks before the pup goes out, which I have always done, I don't think it's work the risk taking them out any sooner. I'd rather wait than take the chance that the pup could pick up a disease. millypeed my choccie Lab · 8 years ago. Thumbs up." }, { "docid": "3315025", "title": "-", "text": "Your essay should explain your unique opinion on the concept you chose—your definition should differ from what others might say or vary from the simple dictionary definition. It should also include various strategies of definition (definition by function, example, structure, background and/or negation). Be as specific and detailed as possible; go beyond the obvious and give specific examples that illuminate your unique definition of the word." }, { "docid": "6319638", "title": "-", "text": "Freebase(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Jab. A jab is a type of punch used in the martial arts. Several variations of the jab exist, but every jab shares these characteristics: while in a fighting stance, the lead fist is thrown straight ahead and the arm is fully extended." }, { "docid": "4035832", "title": "-", "text": "I completely agree with your definition. It is the meaning I have always attributed to the phrase. I don't agree with the ambiguity/possibility definition at all." }, { "docid": "3492361", "title": "NIH - Health Disparities Definition", "text": "NIH - Health Disparities Definition. In 2003, NIH clarified the definition of health disparities and provided a method for determining research that is appropriate to the definition. The NIH definition is as follows:" } ]
what is the definition of onomatopoeia
[ { "docid": "3130649", "title": "Examples of Onomatopoeia", "text": "Definition of Onomatopoeia. Onomatopoeia pronounced: \\ˌä-nə-ˌmä-tə-ˈpē-ə, -ˌma-\\. Onomatopoeia is the formation of a word from a sound associated with what is named. For example, onomatopoeia is the hum of the bees, the pop of a balloon, or the tweet of a bird." } ]
[ { "docid": "6039806", "title": "-", "text": "Definition Education and Personal Development Essay. Definition essays Revised prose: Definition essay about “personal development” and “ education ”." }, { "docid": "2634259", "title": "either or", "text": "either-or definition: The definition of either or is an expression used to indicate that there are only two options or that both of two options are acceptable or equivalent. (adjective) An example of either or is when you are offered either spaghetti or ..." }, { "docid": "927588", "title": "-", "text": "The best known sound of an elephant is called a trumpet.. Trumpeting is done during times of excitement, aggression, or distress. It can be used as a warning or caution. Th…e onomatopoeia spelling is rarely used, the versions prrumph, ahrunngh, and hrrannhhh being interchangeable for other animals, depending on the tone." }, { "docid": "3864507", "title": "-", "text": "What does mean by copal | copal definition | Online Dictionary and Definition. Search to find any definition and meaning of a word at the-definition.com online dictionary What does mean by copal | copal definition | Online Dictionary and Definition." }, { "docid": "6497740", "title": "definition", "text": "Definition of definition for Students. 1 1 : a statement of the meaning of a word or a word group. 2 2 : clearness of outline or detail You can adjust the screen for better definition." }, { "docid": "6750258", "title": "-", "text": "A squall is a powerful, usually brief, burst of wind that usually brings rain or snow with it. When a snow squall blows across the mountain, skiers take a break in the ski lodge. A squall is a violent, windy storm, often involving driving rain or snow. You can also describe a storm-like commotion as a squall, or the sound a wailing child or baby makes. In this case, you're using onomatopoeia, or a word that sounds like what it describes. Squall was originally a nautical word, used primarily by sailors to talk about weather at sea." }, { "docid": "6405074", "title": "-", "text": "The conceptual definition is considered to be the (scientific) text book definition. The construct must then be operationally defined to model the conceptual definition. An Operational Definition is the actual method, tool, or technique which indicates how the concept will be measured (see Figures below)." }, { "docid": "208011", "title": "-", "text": "4. Ostensive definition and linguistic theory. Part Two: Definition and the Dictionary 5. The lexicographer's task. 6. Definitions and history. 7. Types and problems of definition. Part Three: Definition and the Law 8. The definition of law and legal definition. 9. Strategies of construction. 10. Linguistics, science and meaning. Part Four: Conclusion 11." }, { "docid": "2989167", "title": "expressive", "text": "1. full of expression; meaningful: an expressive shrug. 2. serving to express: a look expressive of gratitude. 3. of, pertaining to, or concerned with expression: Dance is a highly expressive art. 4. of or pertaining to linguistic forms in which sounds denote a semantic field directly and nonarbitrarily through sound symbolism, as in onomatopoeia and emotionally charged words such as hypocoristics and pejoratives." }, { "docid": "854489", "title": "-", "text": "Search to find any definition and meaning of a word at the-definition.com online dictionary What does mean by posthumous | posthumous definition | Online Dictionary and Definition." }, { "docid": "2344066", "title": "Difference Between Description and Definition", "text": "Description vs Definition Description and Definition are two words that are often confused when it comes to their meanings and connotations. It is indeed true Home" }, { "docid": "1504493", "title": "-", "text": "Search to find any definition and meaning of a word at the-definition.com online dictionary What does mean by amplify | amplify definition | Online Dictionary and Definition. Search to find any definition and meaning of a word at the-definition.com online dictionary" }, { "docid": "4931453", "title": "-", "text": "The following properties are taken from the JSON Schema definition but their definitions were adjusted to the Swagger Specification. Their definition is the same as the one from JSON Schema, only where the original definition references the JSON Schema definition, the Schema Object definition is used instead." }, { "docid": "4165838", "title": "-", "text": "Search to find any definition and meaning of a word at the-definition.com online dictionary What does mean by auditorium | auditorium definition | Online Dictionary and Definition. Search to find any definition and meaning of a word at the-definition.com online dictionary Definition" }, { "docid": "8090240", "title": "Data Cookbook definition cheat sheet", "text": "Data Cookbook definition cheat sheet. To jump start creation of a new definition according to Data Cookbook best practices, copy the Generic Definition Template, which contains most of the necessary information. From the Definition menu, select Create a definition, and then follow the steps below to create a new definition. Steps: Definition name" }, { "docid": "3006607", "title": "definitions - definitionreport a problem", "text": "A nominal definition is the definition explaining what a word means, i.e. which says what the nominal essence is, and is definition in the classical sense as given above. A real definition, by contrast, is one expressing the real nature or quid rei of the thing." }, { "docid": "3148900", "title": "Definition Essay Flash Cards", "text": "Criteria for a definition essay. A definition essay goes beyond just a dictionary definition of a word. Usually a word or concept can be defined in just one sentence. A definition essay, however, needs to be several paragraphs. Therefore, the definition must be extended to include examples, details, personal experience, description, causes, effects, analysis, etc." }, { "docid": "2001718", "title": "-", "text": "Examples of Onomatopoeia for Kids. 7th grade8th grade9th gradeMiddle SchoolHigh SchoolCollege. View & Download PDF. Onomatopoeia is word that mimics the sound of the object or action it refers to. When you pronounce a word, it will mimic its sound. Onomatopoeia: Sounds Animals Make" }, { "docid": "8399582", "title": "-", "text": "A conceptual definition tells you what the concept means, while an operational definition only tells you how to measure it. A conceptual definition tells what your constructs are by elplaining how they are related to other constructs. This explanation and all of the constructs it refers to are abstract." }, { "docid": "374937", "title": "-", "text": "Examples of Onomatopoeia for Kids By YourDictionary Onomatopoeia is word that mimics the sound of the object or action it refers to. When you pronounce a word, it will mimic its sound. Onomatopoeia: Sounds Animals Make. Arf; Baa; Bark; Bow-wow; Buzz; Cackle; Caw; Chatter; Cheep; Chirp; Cluck; Cock-a-doodle-doo; Coo; Cuckoo; Eeyore; Gobble; Growl; Hee-haw; Hiss; Honk; Hoot; Howl; Maa; Meow; Moo; Neigh; Oink; Peep; Prattle; Purr; Quack; Ribbit; Roar; Screech; Snarl; Tweet" }, { "docid": "5000167", "title": "-", "text": "[ more Amazon book recommendations ]. Epsilon-Delta Definition of the Limit. The epsilon-delta definition of the limit is the formal mathematical definition of how the limit of a function at a point is formed. It is sometimes called the precise definition of the limit.Here is what it looks like.psilon-Delta Definition of the Limit. The epsilon-delta definition of the limit is the formal mathematical definition of how the limit of a function at a point is formed. It is sometimes called the precise definition of the limit. Here is what it looks like. \\(\\epsilon\\)-\\(\\delta\\) Limit Definition." }, { "docid": "4667863", "title": "-", "text": "Simile – a figure of speech that uses the word like or as to make a comparison of two seemly yet. like things – used to add color to poetry. “Blue were her eyes as the fairy-flax, Her cheeks like the dawn of day”. Onomatopoeia - use of words that sound like what they describe – used to help the reader hear." }, { "docid": "2832223", "title": "-", "text": "This is an onomatopoeia for laughter. Its origin is the Korean onomatopoeia ㅋㅋㅋ, in which ㅋ stands for the k sound, like in raspy, stifled laughter.(I'm not sure why it wound up transliterated as kekeke rather than just kkk, though.) Incidentally, the same onomatopoeia also exists in Japanese, written as けけけ.kekeke zergling rush.his is an onomatopoeia for laughter. Its origin is the Korean onomatopoeia ㅋㅋㅋ, in which ㅋ stands for the k sound, like in raspy, stifled laughter." }, { "docid": "8395044", "title": "Stairs - Reinforcement", "text": "STAIRS WITH BEARERS ( Type 3) In the case of stairs with bearers, the definition of reinforcement is divided into the following two stages: definition of reinforcement for beams positioned in walls and bearers. definition of reinforcement for stairs." }, { "docid": "5615653", "title": "Practicable vs. practical", "text": "Confusion occurs between practical‘s second definition and the main definition of practicable. Think of practical as a synonym of useful, and practicable as a synonym of doable and feasible. Another important distinction is that practical can apply to people (per definition three) and skills (definition two), whereas practicable typically applies to plans or actions. Advertisement." }, { "docid": "5678343", "title": "What is meant by \"finitude\" in philosophy?", "text": "Finitude falls somewhere between lack of definition and parsimony. Parsimony can have definition, but the definition may be inadequate. Without a definition, all truth comes from consciousness, that is, an expensive platform." }, { "docid": "1267422", "title": "Defining Communication", "text": "We are not trying to build on traditional definitions of communication and our definition isn't ``an artifact of scholarship; instead, we build a model of communications on both a precise definition of information and on a list of required characteristics for a definition of communication.e believe that the proposed definition of communication is a universal, domain independent definition that allows for many of the concerns motivating other definitions of information. We thus feel that this definition serves as a common definition of communication for the field, providing a common language." }, { "docid": "4731389", "title": "-", "text": "— Function: defalias name definition &optional doc. This function defines the symbol name as a function, with definition definition (which can be any valid Lisp function). Its return value is undefined. If doc is non-nil, it becomes the function documentation of name. Otherwise, any documentation provided by definition is used. Internally, defalias normally uses fset to set the" }, { "docid": "7987888", "title": "Definition", "text": "An intensional definition, also called a connotative definition, specifies the necessary and sufficient conditions for a thing being a member of a specific set. Any definition that attempts to set out the essence of something, such as that by genus and differentia, is an intensional definition.An extensional definition, also called a denotative definition, of a concept or term specifies its extension.It is a list naming every object that is a member of a specific set. recursive definition, sometimes also called an inductive definition, is one that defines a word in terms of itself, so to speak, albeit in a useful way. Normally this consists of three steps: 1 At least one thing is stated to be a member of the set being defined; this is sometimes called a base set." }, { "docid": "7125637", "title": "Meaning of \"pother\" in the English dictionary", "text": "Definition of pother in the English dictionary The first definition of pother in the dictionary is a commotion, fuss, or disturbance. Other definition of pother is a choking cloud of smoke, dust, etc. Pother is also to make or be troubled or upset." } ]
what is the definition of sensing
[ { "docid": "3942167", "title": "What is remote sensing?", "text": "Remote sensing is the science of obtaining information about objects or areas from a distance, typically from aircraft or satellites. A LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) image created with data collected by NOAA's National Geodetic Service." } ]
[ { "docid": "7303715", "title": "MIT's 'Kinect of the future' looks through walls with X-ray like vision", "text": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers have developed a device that can see through walls and pinpoint a person with incredible accuracy. They call it the “Kinect of the future,” after Microsoft’s Xbox 360 motion-sensing camera." }, { "docid": "1662877", "title": "-", "text": "Conduction. 1 pacemaker is too sensitive and is sensing the wrong signals causing the pacemaker to reset inappropriately increasing the amount of time before the next discharge. 2 paced beat occurring later than it should. 3 can be hard to identify unless the minimum heart rate setting is known. 4 pace." }, { "docid": "642766", "title": "Wii Remote", "text": "A main feature of the Wii Remote is its motion sensing capability, which allows the user to interact with and manipulate items on screen via gesture recognition and pointing through the use of accelerometer and optical sensor technology. Another feature is its expandability through the use of attachments." }, { "docid": "6886699", "title": "-", "text": "Hygrometer An instrument designed to measure the air's water vapor content. The sensing part of the instrument can be hair (hair hygrometer), a plate coated with carbon (electrical hygrometer), or an infrared sensor (infrared hygrometer)." }, { "docid": "3634711", "title": "Knock Sensor", "text": "If a ping is sensed, it will retard the ignition timing to protect the engine from this damaging pre-ignition. The knock sensor is a piezoelectric sensor that contains a piezoelectric sensing crystal and a resister. This crystal creates a small amount of voltage when shaken." }, { "docid": "1254907", "title": "Autonomous production of 1,4-butanediol via a de novo biosynthesis pathway in engineered Escherichia coli", "text": "Conclusions. We successfully engineered E. coli strains for bio-production of BD, an important commodity chemical widely used in industry, from d-xylose, the second most abundant sugar in lignocellulosic biomass. Furthermore, using a quorum sensing promoter, we achieved autonomous BD production." }, { "docid": "1610655", "title": "-", "text": "Discussion Comparison of the faculty and student data showed that the two groups were almostopposite in both personality preference types and in learning style preferences.Students were mostly the sensing-judging (SJ) personality preference type." }, { "docid": "6261950", "title": "Retinitis Pigmentosa", "text": "Symptoms of Retinitis Pigmentosa. The first signs of retinitis pigmentosa usually occur in early childhood, when both eyes typically are affected. Night vision can be poor, and the field of vision may begin to narrow.Pigmentation in the retina is a sign that light-sensing cells are deteriorating, so it becomes very difficult to see in dim light.he first signs of retinitis pigmentosa usually occur in early childhood, when both eyes typically are affected. Night vision can be poor, and the field of vision may begin to narrow. Pigmentation in the retina is a sign that light-sensing cells are deteriorating, so it becomes very difficult to see in dim light." }, { "docid": "4000344", "title": "-", "text": "The device can also sense wet conditions other than urination, for example, sensing when the wearer has had a wet stool, such as diarrhea, which bridges the contacts and sounds the alarm, or such as when the wearer has spilled a non-body fluid, such as a drink on the diaper." }, { "docid": "7669607", "title": "-", "text": "Photoelectric Sensors Theory of Operation. A photoelectric sensor is another type of position sensing. device. Photoelectric sensors, similar to the ones shown below, use a modulated light beam that is either broken or reflected by. the target." }, { "docid": "5338450", "title": "ground truth", "text": "ground truth. n. 1. Factual data as ascertainable through direct observation rather than through inference from remote sensing. 2. The reality of a situation as experienced firsthand rather than by report: The regime claims to be winning, but the ground truth is that the rebels are making steady gains." }, { "docid": "3989629", "title": "Do hemorrhoids pop? If so, what action is recommended in the case of a popped hemorrhoid?", "text": "Internal hemorrhoids lie far enough inside the rectum that you can't see or feel them. They don't usually hurt because there are few pain-sensing nerves in the rectum. Bleeding may be the only sign they're there. Sometimes internal hemorrhoids prolapse, or enlarge and protrude outside the anal sphincter." }, { "docid": "2916747", "title": "-", "text": "Offer help, and encourage the stroke survivor to accept help when offered. Be sensitive to the stroke survivor’s visual and sensory difficulties. For instance, place items the person may need to their right side if they have trouble seeing or sensing things on their left side." }, { "docid": "6656854", "title": "How To Keep Birds Off Of Your Patio Furniture", "text": "Well, it disrupts the birds' means of sensing direction, and they will therefore stay away from the 15-20 foot radius that such a magnet might cover. Birds , Building a Deck Things to Check if Using Softwood Species cannot adjust to the effect of such a magnet." }, { "docid": "3905868", "title": "Wildlife", "text": "1 Rattlesnakes live only in North and South America. 2 13 species live in Arizona, more than any other state. Rattlesnakes use the loreal pit, a heat-sensing organ between the nostril and eye to locte prey and potential predators." }, { "docid": "809310", "title": "Learning Instrumentation And Control Engineering", "text": "The object of pressure sensing is to produce a dial indication, control operation or a standard (4 - 20 mA) electronic signal that represents the pressure in a process. To accomplish this, most pressure sensors translate pressure into physical motion that is in proportion to the applied pressure." }, { "docid": "7180750", "title": "Unsupervised Classification", "text": "A combination of supervised and unsupervised classification (hybrid classification) is often employed; this allows the remote sensing program to classify the image based on the user-specified land cover classes, but will also classify other less common or lesser known cover types into separate groups." }, { "docid": "2676044", "title": "What is the Somatic Nervous System?", "text": "The somatic nervous system (SNS) is the portion of the nervous system responsible for voluntary body movement and for sensing external stimuli. All five senses are controlled by this system. The SNS is a sub-part of the peripheral nervous system." }, { "docid": "1276832", "title": "Outline of space technology", "text": "Of the sciences, astronomy and Earth science (via remote sensing) benefit from space technology. New technologies originating with or accelerated by space-related endeavors are often subsequently exploited in other economic activities. 1 Types of space technologies." }, { "docid": "7948844", "title": "-", "text": "Smoke detectors are designed to alarm at. various levels of smoke density. If such density levels are not. created by a developing fire at the location of detectors, the. detectors will not go into alarm. • Smoke detectors, even when working properly, have sensing limi-. tations." }, { "docid": "7053756", "title": "-", "text": "Important: 1 While the unit is Weight Sensing, the tub will spin slowly back and forth and some vibration will occur. This is normal. 2 While the unit is still spinning at a slow speed (400 RPM or less), the unit will vibrate. This is normal." }, { "docid": "3821352", "title": "Electronic nose", "text": "An electronic nose is a device intended to detect odors or flavors. Over the last decade, electronic sensing or e-sensing technologies have undergone important developments from a technical and commercial point of view.io-electronic noses use olfactory receptors-proteins cloned from biological organisms, e.g. humans, that bind to specific odor molecules. One group has developed a bio-electronic nose that mimics the signaling systems used by the human nose to perceive odors at a very high sensitivity: femtomolar concentrations." }, { "docid": "6736095", "title": "ear", "text": "The organ of hearing, responsible for maintaining equilibrium as well as sensing sound and divided into the external ear, the middle ear, and the inner ear. The part of this organ that is externally visible." }, { "docid": "3272482", "title": "Retinitis", "text": "In this article. Retinitis is a disease that threatens vision by damaging the retina -- the light-sensing tissue at the back of your eye. Although there's no cure, there are steps you can take to protect your sight and make the most of the vision you have." }, { "docid": "446832", "title": "-", "text": "Most regulators. use a spring as the loading mechanism. When the. regulator hand knob is turned, the spring is. compressed. The force that is placed on the spring. is communicated to the sensing element and the. control element to achieve the outlet pressure. The Sensing Element senses the force placed on. the spring to set the delivery pressure. Most. regulators use a diaphragm as the sensing element." }, { "docid": "1924191", "title": "-", "text": "List advantages of the Earth system perspective in understanding the global water cycle. Explain ways in which satellite remote sensing aids our understanding of the ocean. Describe the role of the ocean as the ultimate source of fresh water everywhere on the planet. A. The Global Water Cycle" }, { "docid": "2586571", "title": "-", "text": "The resistance is then calculated using Ohms Law. To eliminate the measurement error contributed by lead wires, a second set of voltage sensing leads should be connected to the sensor ’s terminals and the opposite ends connected to corresponding sense terminals at the signal conditioner." }, { "docid": "1211072", "title": "-", "text": "Macular degeneration is the imprecise historical name given to that group of diseases that causes sight-sensing cells in the macular zone of the retina to malfunction or lose function and results in debilitating loss of vital central or detail vision." }, { "docid": "8300713", "title": "GIS Definitions", "text": "At a basic level, geographic information science (GISci) opens the door for merging traditional GIS with related spatial technologies (remote sensing / image processing, the Global Positioning System, etc.). However, as an integrated discipline, GIScience has the potential to be much more far reaching in its scope." }, { "docid": "8671129", "title": "-", "text": "Rattlesnake Management Prescription ____________________________________. On their snout between the eye and nostril rattlesnakes have a large, heat-sensing pit for. which the family is named. Rattlesnakes also have vertical pupils, like a cat, but getting close." } ]
what is the diameter of the asteroid vesta
[ { "docid": "2625826", "title": "4 Vesta", "text": "Vesta, minor-planet designation 4 Vesta, is one of the largest objects in the asteroid belt, with a mean diameter of 525 kilometres (326 mi). It was discovered by the German astronomer Heinrich Wilhelm Olbers on 29 March 1807 and is named after Vesta, the virgin goddess of home and hearth from Roman mythology." } ]
[ { "docid": "3989062", "title": "Planets, stars and other objects in space - thesaurus", "text": "a mass of rock that moves around in space. Most asteroids are found between the planets Jupiter and Mars, a region of space known as the asteroid belt. mainly American the constellation (=group of stars) called the Plough." }, { "docid": "2784678", "title": "-", "text": "Grow Text Size Shrink Text Size. NASA will launch a spacecraft to an asteroid in 2016 and use a robotic arm to pluck samples that could better explain our solar system's formation and how life began.cientists want to see if they also are present on RQ36. This asteroid is a time capsule from the birth of our solar system and ushers in a new era of planetary exploration, said Jim Green, director, NASA's Planetary Science Division in Washington." }, { "docid": "3231498", "title": "How To Read Your Tire", "text": "(15) Rim Diameter. This is the wheel (or rim) diameter, in inches, for which the tire was sized. Pay particular attention to this number if you plan on upgrading your wheel size. If your wheel diameter changes, you'll have to purchase a new set of tires that matches this new diameter." }, { "docid": "7208941", "title": "Asteroids", "text": "The largest asteroid by far is 1 Ceres. It is 974 km in diameter and contains about 25% of the mass of all the asteroids combined. The next largest are 2 Pallas, 4 Vesta and 10 Hygiea which are between 400 and 525 km in diameter. All other known asteroids are less than 340 km across. There is some debate as to the classification of asteroids, comets and moons. There are many planetary satellites that are probably better thought of as captured asteroids." }, { "docid": "7197495", "title": "What's the difference between asteroids, meteoroids, meteors, meteorites and comets?", "text": "Generally speaking, meteoroids are all the smaller objects in orbit around the Sun. Most of them originate from comets that lose gas and dust when they approach the Sun. Other meteoroids are basically small asteroids. There is no exact diameter that distinguishes an asteroid from a meteoroid." }, { "docid": "3285566", "title": "What Is Pitch Circle Diameter?", "text": "What is pitch circle diameter? A: Pitch circle diameter is a term used to describe the centerline diameter of a circular bolt spacing, the diameter of theoretical friction discs that would transmit the same velocity ratio as two meshing gears, or the diameter at which the thread tooth equals the thread spacing for screw threads." }, { "docid": "7197503", "title": "What Are an Asteroid, a Meteor and a Meteorite?", "text": "There are millions of asteroids orbiting the sun, some 750,000 of which are found in the asteroid belt, a vast ring of asteroids located between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. Asteroids can be as large as hundreds of kilometers wide: The asteroid Ceres, sometimes referred to as a dwarf planet, is 940 km (584 miles) wide." }, { "docid": "374612", "title": "Is Venus a rocky or a gas planet?", "text": "There are the inner, rocky planets and then the outer gas planets. Venus is a rocky planet, as are Mercury, Earth and Mars. The terrestrial (rocky) planets are the 4 inner (closest to the sun behind the asteroid belt) rocky worlds in the Solar System: Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. The Gas giants, well, they are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. The gas and rocky planets are separated by the asteroid belt." }, { "docid": "2625830", "title": "Ceres (dwarf planet)", "text": "Vesta follows an orbit between Mars and Jupiter, within the asteroid belt, with a period of 3.6 Earth years. The orbit is moderately inclined (i = 7.1° compared to 7° for Mercury and 17° for Pluto) and moderately eccentric (e = 0.09 compared to 0.09 for Mars)." }, { "docid": "3297933", "title": "What is the composition of asteroids?", "text": "Answer by Asialee123. Confidence votes 6. The typical composition of an asteroid depends on its distance from the Sun. At the outer edges of the asteroid belt, that is between three and three and a half times further from the Sun than the Earth, over eighty percent of the asteroids are known as C-type.The C stands for carbon and the surfaces of these asteroids are almost coal-black.t the outer edges of the asteroid belt, that is between three and three and a half times further from the Sun than the Earth, over eighty percent of the asteroids are known as C-type." }, { "docid": "5098369", "title": "The Story Behind Asteroid Day", "text": "Asteroid Day Exclusives. 1 Scott Manley and Asteroid Day present the Christmas Edition of Asteroid Update. Scott speaks to Asteroid Day Expert and astronaut Dr. Tom Jones about the recent United Nations decision to declare June 30 as Asteroid Day." }, { "docid": "3218400", "title": "Asteroid belt", "text": "Sep. 20, 2017 — Astronomers have observed the intriguing characteristics of an unusual type of object in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter: two asteroids orbiting each other and exhibiting comet-like ..." }, { "docid": "8358211", "title": "What if an asteroid hit the Earth?", "text": "In 2028, the asteroid 1997XF11 will come extremely close to Earth but will miss the planet. If something were to change and it did hit Earth, what you would have is a mile-wide asteroid striking the planet's surface at about 30,000 mph.An asteroid that big traveling at that speed has the energy roughly equal to a 1 million megaton bomb.f something were to change and it did hit Earth, what you would have is a mile-wide asteroid striking the planet's surface at about 30,000 mph." }, { "docid": "3661082", "title": "The Little Prince", "text": "Gradually the Little Prince reveals his story. He comes from a small asteroid, where he lived alone until a rose grew there. But the rose was demanding, and he was confused by his feelings about her." }, { "docid": "2437841", "title": "What is Kuiper Belt?", "text": "An elliptical shaped spaced region in the solar system, Kuiper belt is composed of chunks of ice which are made up of so many substances. It somehow resembles to asteroid belt but differs in the composition material as asteroid belt is composed of rocks and metal. The distance of Kuiper Belt from the sun is 30AU to 50AU." }, { "docid": "3284503", "title": "-", "text": "The semi major axis of an ellipse is. a. the ratio of the longest diameter of the ellipse to that of the shortest diameter of the. ellipse. b. half the length of the shortest diameter of the ellipse. c. half the length of the longest diameter of the ellipse. d. the distance between the two foci of the ellipse." }, { "docid": "6811356", "title": "-", "text": "A 700c rim measures 622 mm in diameter. A 27 rim measures 633 mm in diameter. Strangely, tire diameter is measured by the outside diameter of the tire. 29 inch mountain bike wheels actually use the same diameter rims as 700c, but the reason why they are 29 inch is because of the larger size of the tire itself." }, { "docid": "1458768", "title": "Definition of 'comet'", "text": "Example sentences containing 'comet'. The planet must have been hit by an asteroid or a comet. The Crisis of Life on Earth - our legacy from the second millenium (1990)Such a close passage can mean a brighter comet and a more spectacular tail." }, { "docid": "8616087", "title": "Diameter", "text": "The diameter of a circle is the distance from a point on the circle to a point radians away, and is the maximum distance from one point on a circle to another. The diameter of a sphere is the maximum distance between two antipodal points on the surface of the sphere. If is the radius of a circle or sphere, then . The ratio of the circumference of a circle or great circle of a sphere to the diameter is pi, SEE ALSO: Brocard Diameter, Circumference, Circumradius, Circumsphere, Generalized Diameter, Graph Diameter, Pi, Polygon Diameter, Radius, Sphere, Transfinite Diameter." }, { "docid": "1899821", "title": "Forest Hill", "text": "West, between Bathurst Street and Spadina Ave. Located on the northeast corner of Eglinton Ave. West and Vesta Dr., adjacent to Forest Hill Collegiate." }, { "docid": "6297740", "title": "Uranus Facts", "text": "Uranus is the seventh planet from the Sun and the third largest (by diameter). Uranus is larger in diameter but smaller in mass than Neptune.ranus is the seventh planet from the Sun and the third largest (by diameter). Uranus is larger in diameter but smaller in mass than Neptune." }, { "docid": "471618", "title": "-", "text": "The construction proceeds as follows: 1 A diameter of the circle is drawn. 2 A perpendicular bisector of the diameter is drawn using the method described in Perpendicular bisector of a segment. This is also a diameter of the circle. The resulting four points on the circle are the vertices of the inscribed square." }, { "docid": "5170039", "title": "Meteorite origins", "text": "Most meteorites are believed to originate in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, and were formed early in the history of the Solar System ~4.56 billion years ago." }, { "docid": "7197498", "title": "-", "text": "What is a chunk of rock that is found between Mars and Jupiter called what? The Asteroid Belt is found between Mars and Jupiter, so the answer would be an asteroid. Edit" }, { "docid": "1804163", "title": "Big asteroid buzzes past Earth and will again in 19 years", "text": "On February 15 this year, asteroid 2012 DA14, which measured 150 feet wide, slipped in below the moon's orbit and squeaked by our planet just 17,200 miles from its surface. The one that passed by in September is big, with a diameter of 1,300 feet." }, { "docid": "5063249", "title": "-", "text": "Most asteroids orbit the sun within a broad belt located between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter: the asteroid belt. Millions of asteroids are under 0.6 mile (1 kilometer) in diameter, but there are many that are larger. The biggest, Ceres, is 590 miles (950 kilometers) in diameter." }, { "docid": "6154275", "title": "Planets in astrology", "text": "Over 200 of the asteroids in the belt are larger than 100 km. The biggest asteroid belt member, and the only dwarf planet found there, is Ceres. The total mass of the Asteroid belt is estimated to be 3.0-3.6X1021 kilograms, which is 4% of the Earth's Moon.t contains about one-third of the mass of the asteroid belt. Discovered on January 1, 1801 by Giuseppe Piazzi, it was the first asteroid to be identified, though it was classified as a planet at the time. It is named after Ceres, the Roman goddess of growing plants, the harvest, and motherly love." }, { "docid": "8704508", "title": "-", "text": "This is where almost all asteroids are: in the Asteroid Belt. Now calculate the cubes of the semi-major axes and the squares of the orbital periods of the planets listed in the table and fill in those spaces in the table." }, { "docid": "7697606", "title": "Precision Medical Extrusion of Thermoplastics and Silicone", "text": "Vesta draws upon extensive engineering experience to deliver your medical extrusion according to your exact specifications. Our precision extrusion solutions include custom extrusion of thermoplastics and silicone produced in controlled room environments, meeting your needs for a wide array of medical applications." }, { "docid": "728442", "title": "-", "text": "A comet is from a asteroid belt. It is between Mars and Jupiter and is home to many comets. The tail of a comet is made up of gas and d … ust and ice." } ]
what is the diamond necklace theme
[ { "docid": "3496071", "title": "The Necklace", "text": "What is the theme of the diamond necklace? A theme of The Diamond Necklace is that looks can be deceiving. This is witnessed throughout Mathildeâ??s situation where she appears wealthy." } ]
[ { "docid": "3361372", "title": "Surreal standoff ends with Chris Brown under arrest, but the R&B singer says he's the victim", "text": "“I don’t know if it was Chris’ friend or how he was related, but that’s when he told me to back away from the diamond necklace and started cussing me out and calling me names,” she said. “That’s when Chris pulled his gun and told me to ‘Get out,’ he said. ‘I’m sick of you girls, get the ..." }, { "docid": "8074538", "title": "Diamond Supply Co.", "text": "Diamond Supply Co. Diamond Supply Co. is the brainchild of skateboarder/designer Nick Tershay, aka Nick Diamond. From its humble beginnings as a skate hardware store in 1998, Diamond Supply Co. has become one of the premier brands for skate accessories and streetwear. The Diamond Supply Co clothing line offers everything from shoes, tees, jackets, and tank tops, to eyewear, hats, and beanies." }, { "docid": "3496070", "title": "What is the theme in the short story The Necklace?", "text": "the theme of the story the necklace is enviousness. to be happy with who you are and what you have." }, { "docid": "5033687", "title": "How to Match the Neckline of Your Dress with a Flattering Necklace", "text": "Match the colour of the necklace to your shoes, belt, or other accessories, or use the necklace to accent a particular colour in the dress. Wear a simple necklace with an elaborately decorated or patterned dress and a more elaborate necklace with a plain dress." }, { "docid": "5033692", "title": "Pairing Necklaces with Necklines", "text": "Depending on how low or high the scoop neckline is, there are a variety of options. Most of the time, a scoop neckline needs a necklace, which is why I don’t recommend skipping a necklace altogether. A delicate pendant looks nice, however, a round necklace that mimics the neckline looks even better." }, { "docid": "7152430", "title": "-", "text": "A necklace is a complete unit that encircles the neck- it may or may not have a central piece or pendant. A bear claw pendant or necklace is one made with a bear claw (real or faux) or out of other materials in the shape of a bear claw. A bear paw necklace or pendant is made in the likeness of a print of the bear’s paw. Now for some examples." }, { "docid": "5818980", "title": "-", "text": "I just received a diamond ring from Overstock dot com and it is marked 14K and what looks like KRN. The description on the product page said the diamonds were from India, so I'm guessing the KRN Imex India reply may be the best answer to your question. Re: My necklace, ring and earrings are marked BR KRN." }, { "docid": "3254180", "title": "Necklace Size Chart", "text": "Standard women’s necklace lengths are 16 to 20 inches, but different chain lengths are appropriate for different styles and outfits. 16”: A 16” necklace hits just above the collarbone and fits like a choker. This is the ideal length for petite frames and is one of the most common women’s necklace lengths. 18”: An 18” necklace falls right about at the collarbone and is the most popular chain length among women. 20”: A 20” necklace falls a few inches below the collarbone, perfect for women who want some breathing room with their chain. This length chain works best with a higher neckline." }, { "docid": "8116094", "title": "-", "text": "14K GE on a gold necklace means that it is 58.5% gold that is gold electroplating." }, { "docid": "5245078", "title": "-", "text": "1 Although you can recycle diamonds for gems, you can not give gems for diamonds, and 1 diamond is worth 1000 gems. 2 There is a rumor that if you click on the 2 diamonds in the Daily Spin before spinning it will land on one of the diamonds.iamonds can only be used in the Diamond Shop to purchase prizes. Most Diamond Items are members only, although AJHQ has put some non-member items in there too, for example, the Giant Kangaroo Plushie, Diamond Encrusted Tail Armor or the Diamond Encrusted Gauntlets." }, { "docid": "3613990", "title": "What is the average cost of a pearl?", "text": "A pearl necklace might cost around $100 with 15 pearls on the necklace, which averages at a price of about $7 per pearl. That depends on how many pearls or what the quality of a pearl is. A pearl necklace might cost around $100 with 15 pearls on the necklace, which averages at a price of about $7 per pearl." }, { "docid": "477990", "title": "Diamond clarity", "text": "Diamond clarity. Diamond clarity is a quality of diamonds relating to the existence and visual appearance of internal characteristics of a diamond called inclusions, and surface defects called blemishes. Clarity is one of the four Cs of diamond grading, the others being carat, color, and cut." }, { "docid": "7759832", "title": "The Meanings of Different Diamond Colors", "text": "Diamond experts say the yellow diamond is the perfect choice. Meanwhile, if you want to promote peace and serenity in your communications with your new bride, consider a blue diamond. The blue diamond is also associated with the concept of good health." }, { "docid": "1675776", "title": "Wire Jewelry 101", "text": "1 20ga works well for bracelet and necklace wire. 2 18-16 gauge work well for making sturdy clasps and jump rings (see about wire hardness for more info). 3 They're also great as necklace and bracelet wire. 4 Solid (not plated or filled) wire in these gauges is commonly used to make rivets." }, { "docid": "5608214", "title": "-", "text": "The real-life Hope Diamond was worn by Louis XIV as a necklace, the fictional Heart of the Ocean was part of Louis XVI's crown. The Hope Diamond is currently insured for $250 million, and is sometimes considered to be worth up to $320 million, so the Heart of the Ocean would be more than that." }, { "docid": "8508284", "title": "What is Theme", "text": "Stories written with a theme clearly in mind are often heavy handed. (Not always, of course. But especially true of new writers with a cause to promote.). Writers can write with no theme in mind, waiting until the first or second draft is complete before determining where the story went, what theme has emerged. Then, the writer can tweak—with a light hand—phrases and scenes to highlight the theme." }, { "docid": "1815718", "title": "Diamond Ring Dream Meaning", "text": "A diamond ring is a token of everlasting love. The diamond has long represented many aspects of life. From simple endurance in hard times to symbolizing wealth. If you have lost a diamond ring in one’s dream then this is significant. It means that a relationship may become problematic. If a diamond ring is given in a dream as a gift this can suggest possible wealth in the future. A diamond ring that is old suggests that people love you for who you are. In your dream you may have…" }, { "docid": "1997696", "title": "Affair of the Diamond Necklace", "text": "The diamond necklace was commissioned by Louis XV of France for his mistress, Madame du Barry. At the death of the King, the necklace was unpaid for, almost bankrupting the jewellers and leading to various unsuccessful schemes to secure a sale to Queen Marie Antoinette. The Affair of the Diamond Necklace was an incident in 1781 at the court of King Louis XVI of France involving his wife, Queen Marie Antoinette." }, { "docid": "8508289", "title": "What is Theme", "text": "Plot is the events of story; theme is the meaning behind or revealed by story. Theme is sometimes defined as the moral of a story, though theme doesn’t have to be a moral. Morals that double as theme include these: cheaters never win, honesty wins the day, and good guys finish first." }, { "docid": "3091858", "title": "-", "text": "Memorial Locket Necklace Always in My Heart In Loving Memory Ash Urn Inside. Always in My Heart locket with brass vial which hilds ashes or momento. With 24 silver rope chain. Necklace that has a stadard O ring clasp." }, { "docid": "4814391", "title": "Golden jubilee", "text": "The largest faceted diamond in the world, known as the Golden Jubilee Diamond, was purchased as a gift for the King on the 50th anniversary of his coronation by Thai businessmen. Currently, the diamond is located in the Royal Thai Palace as part of the crown jewels." }, { "docid": "8567170", "title": "How to Write an Analysis of Theme", "text": "Analysis of theme involves working the concept, thought, opinion or belief that the author expresses. It is very common (and helpful) to consider theme when analyzing another aspect of literature rather than on its own. The theme of a work is the main message, insight, or observation the writer offers. The importance of theme in literature can be overestimated; the work of fiction is more than just the theme." }, { "docid": "2592291", "title": "-", "text": "While all necklace styles can be worn long, the beaded necklace is one of the most popular types for such a length. Long necklaces are good for petite women as the length creates long vertical lines, giving the illusion of added height. Try a necklace that's at least 30 inches long to get this look.he standard chain length is 16 to 20 inches, which sits just between the base of the throat and the collarbone, for most people. And just like style, the correct length for you is based on personal taste." }, { "docid": "7751973", "title": "-", "text": "FAQ| Code of Federal Regulations| Search| IRS Auction Home| Treasury Home Page| Previous Page Reasonable Accommodation: Requests for reasonable accommodations under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act should be directed to edi.crd.ra@irs.gov 3 Rolex watches, Sapphire necklace & earrings set, Sapphire & Diamond necklace, Sapphire & Diamond earring set and Diamond & Gold necklace & tennis bracelet set; AND 2015 Nissan GTR; Sale Date: 2/22/2018 @ 10:00 AM, in Pflugerville, TX" }, { "docid": "5074185", "title": "-", "text": "Raw Stones. 1 1.52 carat light gold rough diamond dodecahedron. 2 1.15 carat rough diamond octahedron. 3 1.43 carat white rough diamond cube. 4 0.88 carat light green rough diamond dodecahedron. 5 0.96 carat rough diamond maccle. 6 0.85 carat light green rough diamond dodecahedron. 7 0.75 carat white rough diamond octahedron." }, { "docid": "654430", "title": "What does 5C on your gold ring mean?", "text": "TW is an abbreviation that denotes the total weight of a diamond. Carat is the term to describe the weight of any gemstone or a diamond. In jewellery pieces with more than one diamond the carats may be described in terms of total carat weight." }, { "docid": "1992444", "title": "-", "text": "By Diamond in the Rough in Jewelry August 16, 2013. A macle diamond is a diamond in which two formations of a diamond combine into one, creating a “twin crystal”. During its formation, the diamond turns on itself, creating its unique flat triangle shape.Preserved in its natural state, a macle diamond is a feast for the eyes.Cutting these diamonds can be very challenging due to their opposing grain structures.uring its formation, the diamond turns on itself, creating its unique flat triangle shape. Preserved in its natural state, a macle diamond is a feast for the eyes. Cutting these diamonds can be very challenging due to their opposing grain structures." }, { "docid": "1739521", "title": "Diamonds Unearthed", "text": "Its size and color make it very unusual. When you think of the history of people mining diamonds, only one diamond has ever been found that has produced a dark-blue diamond the size and quality of the Hope Diamond. That gives you some sense of just how unusual and how remarkable it is." }, { "docid": "5293853", "title": "What's New in Beading", "text": "Fire Mountain Gems & Beads. It's easy to make jewelry with this simple, yet beautiful design. Featuring a deep red and sparkling green color combination, this necklace, earrings and bracelet set is reminiscent of fall apple harvests! Make it for your favorite teacher for a back-to-school gift. Instructions for necklace, earrings and bracelet are included. Size: Necklace: 16. Bracelet: 7. Earrings: 1 1/4." }, { "docid": "6080236", "title": "-", "text": "Tammy Powley. Definition: A lariat style necklace is a long necklace that normally has no specific clasp on either end of it. You can wear it a few different ways.For example, you can simple tie the two ends of the necklace together.ammy Powley. Definition: A lariat style necklace is a long necklace that normally has no specific clasp on either end of it. You can wear it a few different ways. For example, you can simple tie the two ends of the necklace together." } ]
what is the difference between DNA and rna
[ { "docid": "3583604", "title": "-", "text": "DNA stands for deoxyribonucleic acid, while RNA is ribonucleic acid. Although DNA and RNA both carry genetic information, there are quite a few differences between them. This is a comparison of the differences between DNA versus RNA, including a quick summary and a detailed table of the differences.lthough DNA and RNA both carry genetic information, there are quite a few differences between them. This is a comparison of the differences between DNA versus RNA, including a quick summary and a detailed table of the differences." }, { "docid": "5040199", "title": "-", "text": "Predominant structure [edit]. DNA is a double-stranded molecule with a long chain of nucleotides while RNA is single-stranded molecule, in most of its biological roles and has a shorter chain of nucleotides (after transcription and splicing, only exons remain in RNA).redominant structure [edit]. DNA is a double-stranded molecule with a long chain of nucleotides while RNA is single-stranded molecule, in most of its biological roles and has a shorter chain of nucleotides (after transcription and splicing, only exons remain in RNA)." } ]
[ { "docid": "5841603", "title": "DNA RNA Function & Protein Synthesis", "text": "RNA polymerase (RNAP or RNApol), also known as DNA-dependent RNA polymerase, is an enzyme that produces primary transcript RNA.n cells, RNAP is necessary for constructing RNA chains using DNA genes as templates, a process called transcription. RNA polymerase enzymes are essential to life and are found in all organisms and many viruses." }, { "docid": "6085871", "title": "-", "text": "This is called semiconservative replication. (Each DNA is half old and half new.) Transcription – Synthesis of RNA from a DNA template Occurs in a region of the nucleus called the nucleolus. RNA polymerase enzyme synthesizes a strand of RNA complementary to a section of one of the DNA strands (the template strand).1. Initiation: A section of DNA known as the promoter (TATA box for eukaryotes) signals where the transcription begins. RNA polymerase recognizes and binds to this site.his is called semiconservative replication. (Each DNA is half old and half new.) Transcription – Synthesis of RNA from a DNA template Occurs in a region of the nucleus called the nucleolus. RNA polymerase enzyme synthesizes a strand of RNA complementary to a section of one of the DNA strands (the template strand)." }, { "docid": "8671940", "title": "Difference Between Signs and Symptoms", "text": "Signs on the other hand much better elaborators of the disease entity, and can be used in conjunction with symptoms. Difference Between Cold and Flu Difference Between DNA and RNA Difference Between MRI and MRA Difference Between First and Second and Third Degree Burns Difference Between Therapy and Counseling." }, { "docid": "3089003", "title": "-", "text": "As mentioned above, RNA is evolutionary older than DNA and also because Thymine is methylated form of Uracil it gives a more stabilized structure to DNA which is one of the main differences between RNA and DNA." }, { "docid": "5040197", "title": "This page", "text": "Each nucleotide consists of a sugar, a phosphate and a nucleic acid base. The sugar in DNA is deoxyribose. The sugar in RNA is ribose, the same as deoxyribose but with one more OH (oxygen-hydrogen atom combination called a hydroxyl). This is the biggest difference between DNA and RNA.in DNA the sugar is alpha 2 deoxyribose, whereas in RNA it is alpha ribose. #also one major difference is of the base. in DNA four types of bases are found namely, cytosine, adenine, guanine and thymine. In RNA all the bases are same except thymine." }, { "docid": "4746385", "title": "Why is RNA not a double helix?", "text": "The double helical nature of nucleic acids is due to hydrogen bonding between the bases, which are identical in DNA and RNA (with the exception of 1: DNA contains thymidine; RNA contains uracil in its place). This means that DNA-DNA double helices, DNA-RNA double helices and RNA-RNA double helices can be formed.nswer by Ccozens. Confidence votes 10. RNA does form a double helix. It is unlike DNA in so far as RNA will typically form an A-form helix, whereas DNA alters between A-form and B-form helices, with the B-form being more common in cells." }, { "docid": "6965954", "title": "DNA and RNA", "text": "There are two differences that distinguish DNA from RNA: (a) RNA contains the sugar ribose, while DNA contains the slightly different sugar deoxyribose (a type of ribose that lacks one oxygen atom), and (b) RNA has the nucleobase uracil while DNA contains thymine." }, { "docid": "6913328", "title": "-", "text": "DNA is two stranded while RNA is usually one stranded. DNA uses a deoxyribose sugar while RNA uses a ribose sugar. DNA has the base thymine while RNA uses uracil in it's place … .RNA is catalytic, while DNA is only an information storage molecule.hen an RNA is made from DNA, the process is called transcription. Many types of RNA can be made from DNA, including mRNA, tRNA, rRNA, snRNA, snoRNA. Amongst these mRNA is responsible for carrying the directions for making proteins out of the nucleus to the endoplasmic reticulum where protein synthesis occurs." }, { "docid": "1524138", "title": "-", "text": "well the difference is that DNA's bases are thymine guanine cytosine and Ardine. But RNA instead of having thymine has uracil. DNA in most of the time doubled stranded when RNA is normally single stranded. The DNA contains the genetic information and the rna transferes the information into proteins.ere are some major … differences between RNA and DNA: With the exception of a few viruses, RNA is a single-stranded molecule while DNA is double-stranded. The two DNA chains are connected by hydrogen bonds between nitrogenous bases. DNA can is replicated during cell division; RNA is not." }, { "docid": "2200987", "title": "-", "text": "Making the world better, one answer at a time. The RNA molecule is usually made up of a single strand. This is unlike the DNA molecule which has double strands.uring transcription, DNA is used as a template to make a copy of single-stranded RNA. only one of the two DNA strands is used as a template for RNA synthesis." }, { "docid": "5849745", "title": "Transcription", "text": "Transcription is the first step of gene expression, in which a particular segment of DNA is copied into RNA by the enzyme RNA polymerase.t is the process of transcribing or making a copy of genetic information stored in a DNA strand into a complementary strand of RNA (messenger RNA or mRNA) with the aid of RNA polymerases." }, { "docid": "4470645", "title": "Three chemical differences between DNA and RNA?", "text": "1. In organisms, DNA is generally found as double-stranded, and RNA as single-stranded. 2. DNA has the deoxyribose pentose sugar, and RNA has the ribose pentose sugar. 3. DNA has thymine; RNA has uracil.his is the biggest difference between DNA and RNA. 3. Nitrogen Bases of DNA: Adenine Guanine Cytosine Thymine NItrogent bases of RNA: Adenine Guanine Cytosine Uracil." }, { "docid": "3145225", "title": "transcriptase", "text": "transcriptase. RNA polymerase; an enzyme that catalyzes the synthesis (polymerization) of RNA from ribonucleoside triphosphates, with DNA serving as a template. reverse transcriptase. RNA-directed DNA polymerase; an enzyme of retroviruses and hepadnaviruses that catalyzes the transcription of RNA to DNA.NA polymerase; an enzyme that catalyzes the synthesis (polymerization) of RNA from ribonucleoside triphosphates, with DNA serving as a template. reverse transcriptase. RNA-directed DNA polymerase; an enzyme of retroviruses and hepadnaviruses that catalyzes the transcription of RNA to DNA." }, { "docid": "7789431", "title": "In which direction does RNA polymerase read a DNA strand?", "text": "RNA is synthesized by RNA polymerase that reads one strand of DNA. RNA polymerase reads DNA 3' to 5'. When RNA is made, it is made 5' to 3'. Most polymerases have the 3' to 5' reading activity. The created RNA strand is identical to the coding strand of DNA, which is also in the orientation of 5' to 3'. The correct answer is: <br />RNA is synthesized by RNA polymerase that reads one strand of DNA. RNA polymerase reads DNA 3' to 5'. When RNA is made, it is made 5' to 3'." }, { "docid": "4622713", "title": "-", "text": "Transcription is the synthesis of RNA using a molecule of DNA as the blueprint. DNA and RNA use a complementary biochemical language, so there is a corresponding RNA nucleotide for each DNA nucleotide." }, { "docid": "6234416", "title": "Differences Between DNA and RNA Viruses", "text": "DNA Viruses vs RNA Viruses. • The major difference between these two types is that the RNA viruses have RNA in their genome while the DNA viruses have DNA in their genome. Both the DNA and RNA cannot be found in the same virus.• RNA virus first adsorbs to the host cell surface. Then the attached virus fuses with the endosome membrane.NA Viruses vs RNA Viruses. • The major difference between these two types is that the RNA viruses have RNA in their genome while the DNA viruses have DNA in their genome. Both the DNA and RNA cannot be found in the same virus." }, { "docid": "322220", "title": "Viruses and Evolution", "text": "Both of these viruses are RNA viruses, meaning that their genetic material is encoded in RNA, not DNA. DNA is a more stable molecule than RNA, and DNA viruses have a proofreading check as part of their reproductive process.They manage to use the host cell to verify viral DNA replication.oth of these viruses are RNA viruses, meaning that their genetic material is encoded in RNA, not DNA. DNA is a more stable molecule than RNA, and DNA viruses have a proofreading check as part of their reproductive process." }, { "docid": "6415437", "title": "Difference Between DNA POLYMERASE and RNA POLYMERASE", "text": "7.Subunits contained in RNA polymerases must unwind the templates of DNA and the DNA polymerases do actually abide the helicase that the double helix may be open just in front of it. 8.Lastly, DNA polymerase is a lot faster compared to RNA polymerase..DNA is double stranded whereas RNA is a single stranded. 5.DNA contains the pentose sugar deoxyribose while RNA contains the pentose sugar ribose. 6.DNA polymerase will be continuous till the work is finally done wherein RNA polymerases will continue but eventually may break in the event it will reach a “stop” cycle." }, { "docid": "3716709", "title": "-", "text": "The sugar in RNA is ribose, whereas the sugar in DNA is deoxyribose. The only difference between the two is that in deoxyribose, there is an oxygen missing from the 2' carbon … (there is a H there instead of an OH).This makes DNA more stable/less reactive than RNA.he pentose sugar in RNA has a hydroxyl group (-OH) linked to its number two Carbon atom. … The pentose sugar in DNA hasn't got an oxygen in that position (hence the name: Deoxyribonycleic Acid (DNA), only a-H atom." }, { "docid": "1154494", "title": "Is RNA and DNA the same?", "text": "RNA containes the sugar ribose, DNA has deoxyribose. RNA has the nitrogenous base pair Uricale, and DNA has Thymine. DNA has a double helix, RNA has only a single helix. Viruses, in short, can contain two different types of genetical material - DNA and RNA." }, { "docid": "1524143", "title": "List 3 differences between DNA and RNA?", "text": "DNA is composed of deoxyribose sugar, RNA is composed of ribose sugar. DNA has Thymine as a pairing to Adenine, RNA has Uracil in place of Thymine as a pairing to Adenine.DNA has the chemical code to be transcribed. RNA is the transcribed product.NA is composed of deoxyribose sugar, RNA is composed of ribose sugar. DNA has Thymine as a pairing to Adenine, RNA has Uracil in place of Thymine as a pairing to Adenine." }, { "docid": "4104066", "title": "Reverse Transcriptase", "text": "Reverse transcriptase (RT) has several enzymatic activities, including an RNA-dependent DNA polymerase, DNA-dependent DNA polymerase, RNase H (a ribonuclease that degrades RNA in RNA-DNA hybrid structure), and the ability to unwind DNA-DNA and RNA-DNA duplexes.everse Transcriptase. Reverse transcriptase catalyzes the formation of double-stranded deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) from a single-stranded ribonucleic acid (RNA) genome." }, { "docid": "2948312", "title": "Nitrogenous Bases", "text": "Adenine and guanine are purine bases found in both DNA and RNA. Cytosine is a pyrimidine base found in both DNA and RNA. Thymine and uracil are pyrimidine bases found in only DNA or RNA, respectively.These five nitrogenous bases are all planar molecules, meaning that they are fairly flat and rigid.denine and guanine are purine bases found in both DNA and RNA. Cytosine is a pyrimidine base found in both DNA and RNA. Thymine and uracil are pyrimidine bases found in only DNA or RNA, respectively. These five nitrogenous bases are all planar molecules, meaning that they are fairly flat and rigid." }, { "docid": "606779", "title": "-", "text": "DNA and RNA Bases. In DNA, there are four different bases: adenine (A) and guanine (G) are the larger purines. Cytosine (C) and thymine (T) are the smaller pyrimidines. RNA also contains four different bases." }, { "docid": "6152680", "title": "-", "text": "Retroviruses are RNA-containing viruses that use the enzyme reverse transcriptase to copy their RNA into the DNA of a host cell. Retroviruses have been isolated from a variety of vertebrate species, including humans, other mammals, reptiles, and fish.icensed from Columbia University Press. retrovirus, type of RNA virus that, unlike other RNA viruses, reproduces by transcribing itself into DNA. An enzyme called reverse transcriptase allows a retrovirus's RNA to act as the template for this RNA-to-DNA transcription." }, { "docid": "1523696", "title": "-", "text": "Another major chemical difference between DNA and RNA are in the nitrogen bases that are utilized. In DNA, adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G) and thymine (T) are present, but in RNA, the thymine base is replaced by uracil (U)." }, { "docid": "4898252", "title": "AP Biology : Understanding Differences Between DNA and RNA", "text": "Remember that the sugar for DNA is deoxyribose, and that for RNA is ribose. The nitrogenous bases adenine, guanine, and cytosine in DNA and RNA are the same. However, DNA which contains thymine and RNA that contains uracil. The structure of DNA is a double helix. There are three different structures of RNA: linear, clover-leaf, and globular." }, { "docid": "3308270", "title": "-", "text": "Basically, RNA polymerase's role is very similar to that of DNA polymerase. RNA polymerase is an enzyme that is used during transcription in the nucleus. Similar to DNA polyme … rase, RNA polymerase codes for the complementary nucleotides to a DNA strand.Instead of thymine though, uracil codes with adenine.NA polymerases always extend the primer in the 5' to 3' direction. RNA polymerases are used to transcribe genes from DNA. Transcribtion is the process of making an RNA copy of information encoded in DNA." }, { "docid": "6234419", "title": "-", "text": "DNA and RNA All cellular (living) organisms contain both DNA and RNA. Viruses, which are generally not considered to be living, contain one or the other.Here are some major … differences between RNA and DNA: With the exception of a few viruses, RNA is a single-stranded molecule while DNA is double-stranded.The two DNA chains are connected by hydrogen bonds between nitrogenous bases.DNA can is replicated during cell division; RNA is not.NA and RNA All cellular (living) organisms contain both DNA and RNA. Viruses, which are generally not considered to be living, contain one or the other." }, { "docid": "6096573", "title": "This page", "text": "The sugar in RNA is ribose, whereas the sugar in DNA is deoxyribose. The only difference between the two is that in deoxyribose, there is an oxygen missing from the 2' carbon …(there is a H there instead of an OH). This makes DNA more stable/less reactive than RNA. 1 person found this useful." } ]
what is the difference between chinos and trousers
[ { "docid": "4590182", "title": "What is the difference between trousers and pants?", "text": "Difference Between Trousers and Pants. Trousers is an outer garment covering the body from the waist to the ankles, with a separate part for each leg. Pants is a term for underwear or knickers. Trouser is a tailored garment with a waistband, buttoned loopholes and a fly front." }, { "docid": "4590184", "title": "Contents: Chinos vs Khakis", "text": "Chinos are lighter weight than khakis. They are made of either 100 percent cotton or cotton blended with a stretchy synthetic fiber. The weave is loose. Stitching is usually concealed, just like in dress pants." } ]
[ { "docid": "5321837", "title": "Depression Era: High Style in Hard Times", "text": "At first the jacket was made either in gabardine, duck, or a washable material and had self-faced peaked lapels and front buttons. It was worn with a waistcoat of the same material, a wing collar formal shirt and high-rise dress trousers of black or midnight blue without back pockets." }, { "docid": "380609", "title": "What Is an Outseam Measurement?", "text": "A: An outseam measurement is a measurement of the length of the leg of pants or trousers from the upper edge of the waistband to the bottom hem of the leg. This measurement can be taken by laying the pants on a flat surface and taking the outseam measurement from the waist of the pants following the side pant seam to the bottom of the leg." }, { "docid": "2459093", "title": "Peter Sallis (1921â2017)", "text": "Actor | Soundtrack | Director. Peter Sallis was born on February 1, 1921 in Twickenham, Middlesex, England. He is an actor, known for Last of the Summer Wine (1973), The Curse of the Were-Rabbit (2005) and The Wrong Trousers (1993). See full bio »." }, { "docid": "2090687", "title": "-", "text": "Katharine Hepburn herself probably wore these very trousers. This 1940s pattern is for the quintessential wide leg trouser with a high waist. In 9 sizes. Printed pattern $18/ PDF pattern $14Want to know how to make your legs look long and sleek?" }, { "docid": "797083", "title": "What is Twill?", "text": "Cotton twill is a frequent fabric choice for men’s casual pants in particular. Brands like Dockers have long made use of twill to produce popular men’s chinos, which tend to be both light and comfortable, offering a dressier, but still comfortable change from denim." }, { "docid": "6822039", "title": "1980s in Western fashion", "text": "Parachute pants. Not to be confused with Hammer pants, which were actually harem pants, and not made of nylon. Parachute pants are a style of trousers characterized by the use of nylon, especially ripstop nylon. In the original tight-fitting style of the early 1980s, parachute referred to the pants' nylon material, similar to a parachute's." }, { "docid": "1744603", "title": "The Morning Suit", "text": "The morning suit consists of a morning coat in mid grey with a matching waistcoat and trousers. and waistcoat must be in the same fabric (or at least the same color) as the morning coat. In the past, non-matching morning coat outfits were sometimes also referred to as a suit." }, { "docid": "2489390", "title": "keister", "text": "The buttocks; rump; ass: I've had it up to my keister with these leaks/What a sensation; we'll knock them on their keister (1931+) A rear trousers pocket (1930s+ Pickpockets) A suitcase that opens into a display of goods: the typical ''keister'' of the street hawker (1930s+ Hawkers)" }, { "docid": "707362", "title": "-", "text": "B2 to press or be pressed against something with a circular or up-and-down repeated movement: She yawned and rubbed her eyes sleepily. He rubbed (at) the stain on his trousers and made it worse. We rubbed some polish into the surface of the wood." }, { "docid": "7174098", "title": "-", "text": "Share it with your friends/family. 1 Difference Between USB 1.0 and USB 2.0. 2 Difference Between USB and Firewire. 3 Difference Between Crossover Cable and Ethernet Cable. 4 Difference Between WiFi and Bluetooth. 5 Difference Between Ethernet and T1. 6 Difference Between RJ45 and CAT5. 7 Difference Between Bluetooth and Wireless." }, { "docid": "1046222", "title": "-", "text": "slacks - (usually in the plural) pants for casual wear. trouser, pant - (usually in the plural) a garment extending from the waist to the knee or ankle, covering each leg separately; he had a sharp crease in his trousers. plural, plural form-the form of a word that is used to denote more than one." }, { "docid": "3674796", "title": "How to wear separate jackets and trousers", "text": "Mariano’s linen jacket with his fresco trousers; my donegal-cashmere with flannels; Luca’s linen/silk jacket with gabardine: all have a similar-enough texture on bottom and top. The only exception, I find, is when the materials might be too similar to allow contrast." }, { "docid": "4429006", "title": "How to Wear a Tunic", "text": "1 Put on a pair of skinny bottoms. You can wear your favorite skinny jeans, cords, or trousers, a pair of jeggings, or even a pair of patterned or plain leggings. You can complete this look with a pair of boots, ballet flats, or heels." }, { "docid": "896099", "title": "Translations for harem pants", "text": "Harem pants Harem pants or harem trousers, also known as parachute pants, are baggy, long pants tapered at the ankle, with side flaps on the hip that button at the waist area. Harem pants, which originated in India, are like a cross between a skirt and a pair of skinny jeans." }, { "docid": "6272067", "title": "Trousers", "text": "Trousers (pants in North America and Australia) are an item of clothing worn from the waist to the ankles, covering both legs separately (rather than with cloth extending across both legs as in robes, skirts, and dresses).In the UK the word pants generally means underwear and not trousers.arious people in the fashion industry use the words trouser or pant instead of trousers or pants. This is nonstandard usage. The words trousers and pants are pluralia tantum, nouns that generally only appear in plural form—much like the words scissors and tongs." }, { "docid": "1131745", "title": "-", "text": "Share it with your friends/family. 1 Difference Between HorsePower and Torque. 2 Difference Between BHP and PS. 3 Difference Between BHP and Torque. 4 Difference Between 8n and 9n Ford Tractor. 5 Difference Between Jake Brake and Exhaust Brake. 6 Difference Between TATA Safari DiCOR 2.2 VTT and Mahindra Scorpio VLX AT. 7 Difference Between Civic and RX8." }, { "docid": "2887230", "title": "Codpiece", "text": "King Henry VIII of England wearing a codpiece. The codpiece, which was popular in the 15th and 16th centuries, is a bag, covered by a flap of fabric that could be laced or pinned shut, and was sewn onto the crotch of men's trousers to provide a handy container for storing one's lunch." }, { "docid": "1862785", "title": "URGENT: What does \"casual elegant\" mean?", "text": "Dressy Casual/Elegant Casual. Informal and relaxed, but still chic. Almost anything goes, apart from denim and sweats. Try a pair of slim slacks with a sweater set in a bold color like fuchsia; a straight, knee-length skirt and cashmere shell; or man-tailored trousers and a silk blouse (think Banana Republic style)." }, { "docid": "4308554", "title": "United States Army uniforms in World War II", "text": "The basic Army field or combat uniform for temperate or cool climates consisted of the basic wool uniform, without tie, along with a field jacket or wool overcoat, leggings, helmet and web gear. The standard Army shade was a light Olive Drab (OD3) to medium olive drab (OD7).t used light-weight cloth versions of the trousers and shirt (nicknamed Chinos) and was worn with a light Olive Drab (OD3) tie. It was worn in North Africa and Italy in the European Theater of Operations and was the Army's standard issue Service Uniform in the Pacific Theater." }, { "docid": "8679760", "title": "What to Wear to a Semi Formal", "text": "Wear pink, black, and mauve to an evening wedding or a dinner party. Trousers should be blue, black, or gray and they can have vertical pinstripes. The hem of your pants should reach down to the ankle. The outfit should be made of high quality fabric such as cashmere, velvet, silk, rayon or polyester brocades." }, { "docid": "4109137", "title": "Women and trousers", "text": "In 1989 California state senator Rebecca Morgan became the first woman to wear trousers in a U.S. state senate. Hillary Clinton was the first woman to wear trousers in an official U.S. First Lady portrait. Women were not allowed to wear trousers on the U.S. Senate floor until 1993." }, { "docid": "5934925", "title": "-", "text": "Classic tuxedos have satin lapels and a satin stripe on the outside of each pant leg. Why do tuxedos have stripes on the side of the trousers? tuxedo trousers are actually derived from military uniforms. The stripes are simply a carry over characteristic from such uniforms used to hide the outside seam of the pant leg." }, { "docid": "3611332", "title": "Palazzo pants", "text": "A model wearing palazzo leg trousers. Palazzo pants (British English = Palazzo trousers) are long women's trousers cut with a loose, extremely wide leg that flares out from the waist. Palazzo trousers are popular as a summer season style, as they are loose and tend to be flattering in light, flowing fabrics that are breathable in hot weather." }, { "docid": "4404717", "title": "First pants worn by horse riders 3,000 years ago", "text": "“This new paper definitely supports the idea that trousers were invented for horse riding by mobile pastoralists, and that trousers were brought to the Tarim Basin by horse-riding peoples,” remarks linguist and China authority Victor Mair of the University of Pennsylvania." }, { "docid": "1475607", "title": "Gauchos of Argentina, Uruguay and Southern Brazil", "text": "Their clothing reflected their life on horseback: a wide hat, a woolen poncho, long pleated trousers, or loose baggy pants called bombachas and knee-high leather boots. 1 They made their boots by wrapping the hide of a freshly killed calf around their legs and feet." }, { "docid": "2125119", "title": "-", "text": "Share it with your friends/family. 1 Difference Between Pizza Sauce and Tomato Sauce. 2 Difference Between Orzo and Risotto. 3 Difference Between Tomato Sauce and Tomato Paste. 4 Difference Between Alfredo and Carbonara. 5 Difference Between Gyro and Souvlaki. 6 Difference Between Pasta sauce and pizza sauce. 7 Difference between Marinara and pizza sauce." }, { "docid": "5479535", "title": "Vietnam - Equipment and Uniform", "text": "The Jungle Uniform based on the WW2 Para uniform, was a rare example of Army and Marine clothing that combined functional practicality with comfort and attractive design. It is a quick drying coat and trousers made of tightly woven, rip-stop or twill cotton poplin fabric." }, { "docid": "2416884", "title": "-", "text": "Share it with your friends/family. 1 Difference Between Tropical Storm and Hurricane. 2 Difference Between Tsunami and hurricane. 3 Difference Between Cyclone and Hurricane. 4 Differences Between Cyclones and Typhoons. 5 Difference Between Hurricane and Tornado. 6 Difference Between Doldrums and Horse Latitudes. 7 Difference between Cyclone and Tsunami." }, { "docid": "82089", "title": "-", "text": "Share it with your friends/family. 1 Difference Between Klonopin and Ativan. 2 Difference Between Clonazepam and Xanax. 3 Difference Between Xanax and Klonopin. 4 Difference Between Xanax and Lorazepam. 5 Difference Between Xanax and Zoloft. 6 Difference Between Alprazolam and Lorazepam. 7 Difference Between Klonopin and Valium." }, { "docid": "627427", "title": "Mens Uniform ~ Trousers", "text": "Very good quality reproduction US Officers Pink trousers made to original pattern by a quality manufacturer in top grade fabric . Sizes from 34 - 42 waist.- regular leg, wide cut, two rear pockets -. Sizes -. 34 - SOLD OUT. 36 - SOLDOUT." } ]
what is the difference between dark matter and dark energy?
[ { "docid": "4480327", "title": "-", "text": "Like us on Facebook. Dark matter and dark energy are the yin and yang of the cosmos. Dark matter produces an attractive force (gravity), while dark energy produces a repulsive force (antigravity). Together, they make up 96 percent of the universe—and we can’t see either." } ]
[ { "docid": "1272682", "title": "How are stars important to the Milky Way?", "text": "The Milky Way could get along fine without stars, as they make up only about 10% of its mass. Most of the mass is gas and dust and dark matter. While it is true that the galaxy would be dark without its stars, it would still exist. Stars hold to together star and planetary systems which make up the Milky Way. Even though there are very few stars in comparison to the total mass they keep the rest of the mass in the galaxy. Also, all mass is basically star dust including your very person. So, think twice before you denounce stars so quickly." }, { "docid": "2577991", "title": "What is Dark Elixir?", "text": "Dark Elixir is a more powerful and rare form of elixir. According to the Clash of Clans Wiki : Dark Elixir is a resource that is collected by dark elixir drills. Once collected it is stored in your dark elixir storage.The amount of dark elixir you have is displayed at the top right side of the screen under elixir.Dark elixir is used for purchasing and upgrading hero class troops, as well as training and upgrading dark elixir troops.he Dark Elixir storage is where Dark elixir is stored and is similar to Elixir and Gold storage buildings." }, { "docid": "1303075", "title": "Difference Between Castle and Palace", "text": "In short, it can be said that a castle is built to prove supremacy, whereas a palace is built to prove royalty. Lot of money was usually spent in the construction of a palace. Images Courtesy: Castle via Pixabay. Related posts: 1 Difference Between Dark Ages and Medieval Ages. 2 Difference Between Middle Ages and Dark Ages.n short, it can be said that a castle is built to prove supremacy, whereas a palace is built to prove royalty. Lot of money was usually spent in the construction of a palace. Images Courtesy: Castle via Pixabay. Related posts: 1 Difference Between Dark Ages and Medieval Ages. 2 Difference Between Middle Ages and Dark Ages." }, { "docid": "2084248", "title": "-", "text": "The Hubble Space Telescope has lasted an astounding 20 years, and in that time it has revolutionized our understanding of the universe. Here is a short rundown of Hubble's greatest achievements.y analyzing the distortions caused by dark matter's gravity on light from distant galaxies, Hubble helped construct the largest scale 3-D maps scientists have of where dark matter is distributed in the universe." }, { "docid": "3951392", "title": "Beyond the Solar System", "text": "Beyond the Solar System. This guide covers some of the highlights of the universe outside our own little cosmic neighborhood, from the inner workings of stars to the mysteries of dark energy and dark matter. Stars. d_iotw_20100304_0.jpg." }, { "docid": "3452578", "title": "-", "text": "About Chocolate. Chocolate Mandala uses fair trade premium quality dark chocolate for all of our tasty creations. Dark chocolate is delicious and healthy for you. Dark Chocolate can help lower your blood pressure, which helps lower heart risk. dark chocolate is a potent anti-oxidant, good for your brain and can make you feel happier." }, { "docid": "6398455", "title": "Six Health Benefits of Dark Chocolate", "text": "Dark chocolate increases blood flow to the brain as well as to the heart, so it can help improve cognitive function. Dark chocolate also helps reduce your risk of stroke. Dark chocolate also contains several chemical compounds that have a positive effect on your mood and cognitive health." }, { "docid": "8600528", "title": "-", "text": "1 0-dark-hundred, 0'dark-hundred (pronounced oh dark hundred, because the zero in time expressions was verbally pronounced oh in the US Navy and US Army as late as the 1980s: Midnight, 12AM. We have to get up at 0-dark-hundred.. 0-dark-thirty, 0'dark-thirty: One half-hour after 0'dark-hundred, 12:30AM." }, { "docid": "5584499", "title": "Top 30 Doctor insights on: Removing Brown Stains From Teeth", "text": "I have dark brown stains and they seem to be spreading on the inner side of my teeth. Is this a serious condition more I have dark brown stains and they seem to be spreading on the inner side of my teeth." }, { "docid": "8761786", "title": "Dark Energy", "text": "Dark energy is not directly observed, but rather inferred from observations of gravitational interactions between astronomical objects, along with dark matter. The term dark energy was coined by the theoretical cosmologist Michael S. Turner.nstead of a steady expansion, or a slowing expansion, the expansion rate is getting faster, which means that Einstein's original cosmological constant prediction manifests in today's theories in the form of dark energy. The latest findings indicate that over 70% of the universe is composed of dark energy." }, { "docid": "8347465", "title": "What is the difference between the universe, the cosmos, space, and nothing?", "text": "The Universe is the totality of existence.This includes planets, stars, galaxies, the contents of intergalactic space, the smallest subatomic particles, and all matter and energy, the majority of which are most likely in the form of dark matter and dark energy." }, { "docid": "6038163", "title": "-", "text": "Meaning of Douglas. Scottish name. In Scottish, the name Douglas means-From the Gaelic dubhglas meaning dark water, dark stream, or from the dark river. The Scottish Douglas clan had two historical branches: (Black Douglases and Red Douglases.) The lords of these clans figure in Sir Walter Scotts novels..cottish Name Meaning-From the Gaelic dubhglas meaning dark water, dark stream, or from the dark river. The Scottish Douglas clan had two historical branches: (Black Douglases and Red Douglases.) The lords of these clans figure in Sir Walter Scotts novels." }, { "docid": "7199790", "title": "What's the cause of under eye dark circles and what treatments can help?", "text": "1 Genetics and aging are the two main culprits for dark circles under your eyes. 2 If you have tried different methods to get rid of your dark circles to no avail, you may not be able to get rid of them. 3 You can, however, do your best to minimize their appearance and puffiness. Genetics and aging are the two main culprits for dark circles under your eyes. 2 If you have tried different methods to get rid of your dark circles to no avail, you may not be able to get rid of them. 3 You can, however, do your best to minimize their appearance and puffiness." }, { "docid": "8028621", "title": "Abdominal pain and Dark stool Symptom Checker", "text": "1 Abdominal pain and Dark stool and Lower abdominal symptoms (25 causes). 2 Abdominal pain and Dark stool and Stool color (25 causes). 3 Abdominal pain and Dark stool and Stool symptoms (25 causes). 4 Abdominal pain and Dark stool and Pain (24 causes)." }, { "docid": "7314460", "title": "How to Draw Animals: Dogs and Wolves, and Their Anatomy", "text": "The rest is pretty much the same. You know how to draw a wolf eye now. The main difference between the wolf and dog eye is the eyelids' rims aren't always so dark as dogs, and their eyes are also rounder (so a bit of the eyeball white can be visible)." }, { "docid": "7070640", "title": "Spirit Removal / Depossession / Shamanic Healing", "text": "• How to easily remove every type of dark force/demon and spirit in existence with step by step instructions. • How to clear and remove dark forces and spirits from people at a distance. (remote clearing). • How to check yourself and other people for spirit and/or dark force entity attachments. How to easily remove every type of dark force/demon and spirit in existence with step by step instructions. • How to clear and remove dark forces and spirits from people at a distance. (remote clearing). • How to check yourself and other people for spirit and/or dark force entity attachments." }, { "docid": "3250979", "title": "Funeral Etiquette â Attire For Pallbearers", "text": "If you have been asked to perform the honorable duties of a pallbearer in a civil funeral ceremony, you should wear a dark suit and tie. Ladies should also wear a dark suit if performing these duties. Shoes should also be dark and polished. Please avoid wearing white sneakers if possible." }, { "docid": "1098539", "title": "Dark Energy, Dark Matter", "text": "We are much more certain what dark matter is not than we are what it is. First, it is dark, meaning that it is not in the form of stars and planets that we see. Observations show that there is far too little visible matter in the Universe to make up the 27% required by the observations.Second, it is not in the form of dark clouds of normal matter, matter made up of particles called baryons.bservations show that there is far too little visible matter in the Universe to make up the 27% required by the observations. Second, it is not in the form of dark clouds of normal matter, matter made up of particles called baryons." }, { "docid": "2094305", "title": "-", "text": "I can wear medium pink and ice pink, as they go with my hair, but they clash with my eyes. Black is a little too dark for me. I’ve never been able to wear red or any dark color lipstick. I have dark hair, medium light skin, and medium eyes." }, { "docid": "95969", "title": "Dark Roast or Medium Roast? A story of heat, timing and confusion.", "text": "Most of the time when you buy coffee beans in North America, you are not buying a dark roast at all. The beans you have at home are more likely to be a Medium Brown or Medium Dark brown. It’s on the Medium Dark Brown that you see a few droplets of oil on the surface of the bean." }, { "docid": "6866784", "title": "Dog Blood in Stool", "text": "Blood may pass in a dog’s stool in two different forms; it may be fresh blood or may be tarry and dark in color. Melena is the term used for dark, tarry blood in dog stool. Dark blood indicates problems in the small intestine and underlying conditions which are considered to be chronic (serious)." }, { "docid": "442792", "title": "Bloody Or Tarry Stools", "text": "Bloody or tarry stools refer to a stool sample that’s either dark red or black in color. Bloody or tarry stools can indicate bleeding or other injuries in your gastrointestinal tract. You may also have dark, discolored bowel movements after eating dark-colored foods." }, { "docid": "2576291", "title": "The Dark Ages: Definition, History & Timeline", "text": "In this lesson, we will examine the period of time commonly referred to as the Dark Ages. We will learn why this period is called the Dark Ages and..." }, { "docid": "1987191", "title": "dark", "text": "2. Being or having a complexion that is not light in color. 3. Sullen or threatening: a dark scowl. 4. a. Characterized by gloom or pessimism; dismal or bleak: a dark day for the economy; dark predictions of what lies in store." }, { "docid": "1010228", "title": "How Many Calories Does a Pound of Turkey Have?", "text": "Light turkey meat and dark turkey meat contain differing amounts of calories for the same weight because dark meat has more fat. Light meat from a roasted turkey contains 667 calories per pound, while dark meat contains 935 calories." }, { "docid": "5848683", "title": "-", "text": "The results can be urine that is either pink or cola-colored. Sometimes it’s difficult to tell the difference between dark urine due to dehydration or due to other causes. Dark urine due to dehydration is usually amber or honey-colored. Dark urine due to other causes can be tinged with brown or red. Some people have urine that appears almost syrup-like. This is the case when a person has liver or kidney disease. If you’re dehydrated, you can have additional symptoms besides dark urine." }, { "docid": "485179", "title": "Do Dark Circles Under the Eyes Mean an Iron Deficiency?", "text": "Other Causes of Dark Circles. Dark circles under the eyes may be hereditary. Because the skin under the eyes is very thin, when blood passes through the area it can produce a dark color, much like the blue color of your veins. The thinner your skin, the more the circles will be evident. Another cause can be overexposure to the sun. Another much-ignored cause of dark circles is allergies." }, { "docid": "7850629", "title": "-", "text": "Best Answer: Well, sunset is at 1636 (4.36pm) today, but as it's a dark day anyway it will probably start getting dark around 3.30/4pm.Source(s): http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/as...elevance. Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: Well, sunset is at 1636 (4.36pm) today, but as it's a dark day anyway it will probably start getting dark around 3.30/4pm. Source(s): http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/as..." }, { "docid": "189351", "title": "-", "text": "Scatter the Weak. Active: Syndra knocks back enemies and Dark Spheres, dealing magic damage to enemies that collide with the Dark Spheres. Dark Spheres that are knocked back stun all enemies in their path for 1.5 seconds." }, { "docid": "8088860", "title": "-", "text": "They haven't said what engine it's running on, but it's sure not the Dark Souls II engine. If you watch any gameplay, the walking and running animations are exactly the same as they were in Dark Souls 1. Also, ragdoll physics are back, which was a feature in Dark Souls 1, but not Dark Souls II." } ]
what is the difference between discipleship and evangelism
[ { "docid": "4002447", "title": "-", "text": "Evangelism and discipleship are linked together. Evangelism results in converts, and converts are trained to become disciples. Disciples evangelize to reach more converts, who are trained to become disciples. So evangelism leads to disciples and disciples evangelize until the Gospel is spread throughout the world.onsider the relationship of evangelism and discipleship with missions. Christian missions involve proclaiming the Gospel across cultures. So a missionary spreads the Gospel to a people group or culture different from his own." } ]
[ { "docid": "5714113", "title": "-", "text": "Home » Leadership Resources » Covenant Discipleship. Experience and tradition tell us that disciples make disciples. The Wesleyan tradition provides us with a proven and effective method for disciple-making in the 21st century." }, { "docid": "1433696", "title": "Translations for DISTINCTION WITHOUT A DIFFERENCE", "text": "distinction without a difference(Noun) A linguistic or conceptual distinction which is of no practical importance or which has no effect on meaning; a perceived difference where there is no actual difference." }, { "docid": "1355946", "title": "Difference Between Tonsillitis and Strep Throat", "text": "Share it with your friends/family. 1 Difference Between Tonsillitis and Strep Throat. 2 Difference Between Sore Throat and Strep Throat. 3 The Difference between Bacterial and Viral Infection. 4 Difference Between Cold and Sinus Infection. 5 Difference Between Rheumatic Fever and Scarlet Fever. 6 The Difference between Pneumonia and Upper Respiratory Infection." }, { "docid": "4644291", "title": "-", "text": "Time difference for Brazil. The world time difference calculator / world time zone converter will tell you the time difference almost anywhere. Enter a time to convert it to the time elsewhere in the world." }, { "docid": "6985634", "title": "-", "text": "HSI School of Discipleship. Spearheading a revival in the Church. The HSI Schools of Discipleship are spearheading a major revival in the Church by teaching people the faith with three express purposes: to learn it, to live it, and to share it." }, { "docid": "7984025", "title": "arteriovenous oxygen difference", "text": "arteriovenous oxygen difference. n. The difference in the oxygen content, in milliliters per 100 milliliters blood, between arterial and venous blood.rteriovenous oxygen difference. n. The difference in the oxygen content, in milliliters per 100 milliliters blood, between arterial and venous blood." }, { "docid": "4002444", "title": "-", "text": "Consider the relationship of evangelism and discipleship with missions. Christian missions involve proclaiming the Gospel across cultures. So a missionary spreads the Gospel to a people group or culture different from his own.Evangelism and discipleship are the processes by which mission work is accomplished.Evangelism and discipleship also occur within one’s own culture, so not all evangelism and discipleship falls within the context of missions.onsider the relationship of evangelism and discipleship with missions. Christian missions involve proclaiming the Gospel across cultures. So a missionary spreads the Gospel to a people group or culture different from his own." }, { "docid": "1445931", "title": "-", "text": "Share it with your friends/family. 1 Difference Between Stimulus and Response. 2 Difference Between Overweight and Obesity. 3 Difference Between Fact and Opinion. 4 Difference Between Feelings and Emotions. 5 Difference Between Aesthetics and Esthetics. 6 Difference Between Sleepy and Tired." }, { "docid": "1935525", "title": "Standard costing", "text": "A variance is the difference between the actual cost incurred and the standard cost against which it is measured. A variance can also be used to measure the difference between actual and expected sales.Thus, variance analysis can be used to review the performance of both revenue and expenses. variance is the difference between the actual cost incurred and the standard cost against which it is measured. A variance can also be used to measure the difference between actual and expected sales." }, { "docid": "2408690", "title": "What does this mean on a speed-time graph?", "text": "Hello! I would like to know the difference between these 2 things: On a speed-time graph, what's the difference between when the line is straight and the line is curved and going up?" }, { "docid": "5300728", "title": "-", "text": "Interval scales are numerical scales in which intervals have the same interpretation throughout. As an example, consider the Fahrenheit scale of temperature. The difference between 30 degrees and 40 degrees represents the same temperature difference as the difference between 80 degrees and 90 degrees." }, { "docid": "602062", "title": "What We Do", "text": "Helping to fulfill the Great Commission in the power of the Holy Spirit by winning people to faith in Jesus Christ, building them in their faith and sending them to win and build others; and helping the Body of Christ do evangelism and discipleship." }, { "docid": "3470229", "title": "-", "text": "Can anyone tell me what is difference between these two words: manufacture and fabrication? What's the difference between fabrication and manufacturing? What is the difference between granite and silestone?" }, { "docid": "7431722", "title": "-", "text": "Share it with your friends/family. 1 Difference Between AHU and HVAC. 2 Difference Between HRV and ERV. 3 Difference Between Cooler and Air Conditioner. 4 Difference Between Heat Pump and Air Conditioner. 5 Difference Between Split AC and Window AC. 6 Difference Between Air Conditioner And Dehumidifier. 7 Difference Between Sun Roof and Moon Roof." }, { "docid": "449474", "title": "-", "text": "Time difference for China (CST/CST). The world time difference calculator / world time zone converter will tell you the time difference almost anywhere. Enter a time to convert it to the time elsewhere in the world." }, { "docid": "4807160", "title": "Visual Synonyms of divergence", "text": "divergence. Difference is the state or quality of being unlike or the amount of such unlikeness. A difference is in the things compared; a discrimination is in our judgment of them; a distinction is in our definition or description or mental image of them.Careful discrimination of real differences results in clear distinctions.ifference between the old and the new; differences among men; a difference in character; of action; of style; (less frequently) a difference (controversy) with a person; a difference of one thing from (incorrectly to) another." }, { "docid": "135572", "title": "The Write Corner", "text": "The tone, vocabulary, and syntax, all change as the occasion changes. This difference in the styles of writing is the difference between formality and informality, or the difference between formal and informal writing." }, { "docid": "3945607", "title": "Logarithmic mean temperature difference", "text": "(Redirected from Log mean temperature difference). The logarithmic mean temperature difference (also known as log mean temperature difference or simply by its initialism LMTD) is used to determine the temperature driving force for heat transfer in flow systems, most notably in heat exchangers.Redirected from Log mean temperature difference). The logarithmic mean temperature difference (also known as log mean temperature difference or simply by its initialism LMTD) is used to determine the temperature driving force for heat transfer in flow systems, most notably in heat exchangers." }, { "docid": "2707846", "title": "Difference between business markets and consumer markets", "text": "Difference between business markets and consumer markets. There are many difference between business markets and consumer markets.Some of the differences are-." }, { "docid": "3367189", "title": "-", "text": "Surfers For Mission International - Surfers DTS. SFMI | Surfers For Missions International. Our vision is to serve God, see the world, and surf. SFMI is committed to the discipleship of christian surfers into a deepening relationship with Jesus Christ." }, { "docid": "4614282", "title": "Current local time in Redmond | Time Zone: PST", "text": "Time difference between countries, states and cities is displayed by this time zone difference calculator. Time difference between two cities. See the hour differences between cities." }, { "docid": "1935595", "title": "Top 10 Most Famous People", "text": "If that’s all you have to do, as most people have accepted his teaching, it’s obvious why Paul’s brand of evangelism caught on so quickly, firmly, and widely. He is far more immediately known than any of the Twelve Apostles, only rivaled, through the fame of the popes, by Peter." }, { "docid": "2175551", "title": "-", "text": "Share it with your friends/family. 1 Difference Between Bone and Fine China. 2 Difference Between Ceramic and Porcelain. 3 Difference Between Ceramic and Porcelain Tiles. 4 Difference Between Gum Paste and Fondant. 5 Difference Between Silk and Satin. 6 Difference between Sculpture and Ceramics. 7 Difference Between Lumineers and Veneers." }, { "docid": "4435957", "title": "-", "text": "Identify a structural difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells that is directly related to their difference in size. Based on the structural difference, explain why prokaryotic cells can be much smaller than eukaryotic cells." }, { "docid": "8589742", "title": "Question: The difference between allotropy and polymorphism is that the former is not a reversible phenomen...", "text": "Question: The difference between allotropy and polymorphism is that the former is not a reversible phenomen... The difference between allotropy and polymorphism is that the former is not a reversible phenomenon." }, { "docid": "5914980", "title": "Difference Threshold: Examples & Definition", "text": "What Is the Difference Threshold. A difference threshold is the minimum amount that something needs to change in order for a person to notice a difference 50% of the time." }, { "docid": "3955315", "title": "Difference between two numbers as a percentage", "text": "First, calculate the difference. Here, the difference is a negative number, representing a decrease in numbers. Next, take the difference between the two numbers and divide by the original number. Finally, change the format of the answer so that Excel displays it as a percentage." }, { "docid": "8383198", "title": "The Difference Threshold (JND)", "text": "The Difference Threshold (JND). Another type of threshold is the difference threshold. The difference threshold is the smallest change in a stimulus which a person can detect 50% of the time. The difference threshold is determined by changing the stimulus varying amounts to see whether a subject can perceive any difference in the stimulus." }, { "docid": "4518002", "title": "Difference between Theory and Law", "text": "Difference between Theory and Law. What is the difference between a scientific theory and a scientific law? Is there a fundamental difference or is a scientific law just a scientific theory that is extremely well accepted and supported." }, { "docid": "6718891", "title": "Difference Between Fear and Afraid", "text": "Being afraid does not always trigger extreme reactions. • Fear is one of the basic set of emotions felt by a human being. Afraid is a word that sprouts from the word fear. Related posts: 1 Difference Between Anxiety and Fear. 2 Difference Between Terror and Horror. 3 Difference Between Fear and Scared. 4 Difference Between Have and Get." } ]
what is the difference between undergraduate and graduate programs
[ { "docid": "2803059", "title": "What's the difference between Undergraduate and Graduate?", "text": "A graduate has all of the required degrees and is continuing their education to achieve a master's, PhD, or Doctorate degree. After high school (grades 9-12), students can qualify to attend university for 2 or 4 years. They enroll in an undergraduate program of study for those 4 years. Once they graduate from an undergraduate program, they qualify for further study called graduate study. In a graduate program a student can earn a Masters of Arts or of Science, or continue studying and earn a PhD, which is the highest degree." } ]
[ { "docid": "2328116", "title": "-", "text": "&nbsp; This Accelerated Master&#39;s Program is for eligible, current undergraduate students at the University of Arizona.&nbsp; Please consult with a graduate advisor for more information on undergraduate student eligibility." }, { "docid": "1030263", "title": "What's the Difference between Graduate and Undergraduate School?", "text": "Q: Characterize as best you can the student/teacher relationship in graduate school and how it differs from the undergrad relationship. A: At the undergraduate level, the teacher needs to guide students to become better researchers and to think more critically regarding various issues.: Characterize as best you can the student/teacher relationship in graduate school and how it differs from the undergrad relationship. A: At the undergraduate level, the teacher needs to guide students to become better researchers and to think more critically regarding various issues." }, { "docid": "2725210", "title": "Most-ever College of Engineering faculty receive NSF CAREER Awards", "text": "Graduate programs. Our graduate academic programs are highly ranked and our faculty widely are respected as leaders in their fields. Here you will find a community in which you will excel. You will find faculty, staff and peer students who are supportive and committed to your success." }, { "docid": "8368805", "title": "-", "text": "Student population; Colleges and programs; Notable fields of study; Ranking; University of Delaware Diversity Statement; Visit the University of Delaware website . Student population. Approximately 22,680 undergraduate and graduate students attend the University of Delaware. This includes over 1,000 international students from 100 different countries." }, { "docid": "8545912", "title": "University of Florida", "text": "Graduate Programs. University of Florida is one of more than 800 institutions with graduate schools surveyed by U.S. News on an annual basis." }, { "docid": "845581", "title": "What do We do Now? Family Members and the Brain Dead", "text": "Michigan Technological University. is a public research university, home to more than 7,000 students from 60 countries around the world. Founded in 1885, the University offers more than 120 undergraduate and graduate degree programs in science, technology, engineering, and math; forestry; business and economics; health professions; humanities; and social sciences." }, { "docid": "2110674", "title": "DeVry Inc. - Company Profile, Information, Business Description, History, Background Information on DeVry Inc.", "text": "DeVry University operates 23 campuses that offer undergraduate programs in technology--and business--related fields, as well as seven master's degrees through Keller Graduate School of Management. Several undergraduate and graduate programs are also offered online. Ross University runs a medical school and a veterinary school in the Caribbean." }, { "docid": "2062011", "title": "-", "text": "McDonough School of Business. Undergraduate: 1,317 Graduate: 1,142 Graduate (Distance): 139" }, { "docid": "667010", "title": "University of Wyoming Online, Campus Programs", "text": "University of Wyoming Online, Campus Programs. College Degree Finder. The University of Wyoming (or UW), located in Laramie, Wyoming, is a land-grant university that offers more than 190 undergraduate, graduate, and certificate programs. In addition to its main campus, distance education programs are available." }, { "docid": "2471012", "title": "Learning the Terms Undergraduate and Graduate", "text": "This term, then, encompasses freshmen through senior college students. A graduate degree is any one that occurs beyond the undergraduate degrees, such as Master's and Ph.D. programs as well as some of the others discussed below. These students are often called grad students, short for graduate students." }, { "docid": "504069", "title": "Aid Eligibility", "text": "Eligible for all federal and MSU aid programs. Undergraduate, Ready for Degree. Working on first degree and appears to have met degree requirements per Registrar. Eligible for federal and MSU aid except Federal Pell Grant, Federal SEOG, and MSU programs exclusively for first-time undergraduate students. Second Undergraduate Degree. Working on second degree after having received first undergraduate degree." }, { "docid": "7842578", "title": "University of Virginia", "text": "The university first admitted a few selected women to graduate studies in the late 1890s and to certain programs such as nursing and education in the 1920s and 1930s. In 1944, Mary Washington College in Fredericksburg, Virginia, became the Women's Undergraduate Arts and Sciences Division of the University of Virginia." }, { "docid": "8234001", "title": "Clark Atlanta University", "text": "Introduction. Clark Atlanta University is a private institution that was formed in 1988 with the merging of Atlanta University, solely a graduate school, and Clark University, an undergraduate liberal arts school.Today, undergraduate, graduate and professional degrees, as well as certificate programs are offered.ntroduction. Clark Atlanta University is a private institution that was formed in 1988 with the merging of Atlanta University, solely a graduate school, and Clark University, an undergraduate liberal arts school." }, { "docid": "6163391", "title": "What Is a Fellow M.D.?", "text": "What is the difference between a doctor who has an MD and a doctor who has an MBBS? The main difference between an MD and an MBBS is an MBBS is a basic undergraduate degree that is more generalized, whereas an MD is a graduate degree that requires the student to specialize in a particular field of medicine." }, { "docid": "4872313", "title": "Cost to Attend Trine University", "text": "Trine University is a Private (not-for-profit), 4 or more years school located in Angola, Indiana. It offers graduate degrees as well as undergraduate degrees. For academic year 2016-2017 the graduate school tuition & fees are $12,015 in average for all students. Trine University offers 5 graduate programs: 5 Master's programs." }, { "docid": "3865930", "title": "Review undergraduate costs", "text": "Undergraduate, Graduate & Professional. Undergraduate, Graduate & Professional. Review undergraduate, graduate and professional program costs. Below is a breakdown of undergraduate tuition, student fees, room and board, activity fees, and more, as well as graduate and professional program details." }, { "docid": "4659891", "title": "How to Become an ESL Teacher: Step-by-Step Guide", "text": "1 Learn a second language. 2 While being fluent in a language other than English is not necessary for employment as an ESL teacher, it is useful to have foreign language skills for this job. 3 Training specific to acquiring a second language may be earned through certificate, undergraduate and graduate programs.uccess Tip: 1 Learn a second language. 2 While being fluent in a language other than English is not necessary for employment as an ESL teacher, it is useful to have foreign language skills for this job. 3 Training specific to acquiring a second language may be earned through certificate, undergraduate and graduate programs." }, { "docid": "8345297", "title": "Schools", "text": "As a result, the Wake Forest University School of Business has been ranked among the nation’s best business schools by most major ranking organizations. With a full range of undergraduate and graduate business degree programs, the School of Business offers many options to pursue your graduate business degree." }, { "docid": "2599537", "title": "-", "text": "As a courtesy to our servicemembers, students serving in the Coast Guard are not required to pay the $25 undergraduate initial processing fee, $30 graduate application fee, or $100 non-refundable graduate deposit." }, { "docid": "2302023", "title": "-", "text": "Academics. Oregon State University’s outstanding faculty and academic programs increasingly attract Oregon’s top students, as well as those from other states and countries. In 2008, for example, more Oregon high school valedictorians enrolled at Oregon State than at any other college or university in the state.regon State offers more than 200 undergraduate and 100 graduate degree programs through its 12 colleges, including the University Honors College, one of only a handful of degree-granting honors programs in the U.S." }, { "docid": "7332262", "title": "What education and training is required to become an anesthesiologist?", "text": "Anesthesiologists complete a four year undergraduate program with premedical requirements, four years of medical school training, a one year internship, and three or more years of postgraduate training in an anesthesiology residency.bove taken from Answers.com 1st step of Anesthesiologist The first step to becoming an anesthesiologist is to go to undergraduate school for 4 years. (And graduate!) 2nd Step Successfully graduate from medical school." }, { "docid": "8264182", "title": "How to Become an OBGYN in 5 Steps", "text": "Step 1: Graduate From High School. Preparing to become an obstetrician and gynecologist begins with a high school education. Taking science and math classes like physics, chemistry and biology can help lay the foundation for your undergraduate studies. You'll want to maintain high grades to qualify for undergraduate programs." }, { "docid": "6411886", "title": "-", "text": "For courses offered at the UA Gadsden Center, tuition rates for 2015-2016 are as follows: In-State: Undergraduate Rate: $339.00 per credit hour. Graduate Rate: $360.00 per credit hour. Out-of-State**: Undergraduate Rate: $932.00 per credit hour. Graduate Rate: $1,018.00 per credit hour. **NOTE: Departmental grants are offered to cover the difference between in-state and out-of-state tuition. Please call 1-888-223-4131 for an application. The rates for students in this category do not include activity, recreation, athletic privileges, nor health services." }, { "docid": "1525788", "title": "Concordia University System", "text": "The Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod. |. The Concordia University System (CUS) is comprised of 10 colleges and universities affiliated with The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. Located across the United States, the colleges and universities offer more than 160 undergraduate and 50 graduate programs." }, { "docid": "214032", "title": "-", "text": "Students looking for the best schools to study chemical engineering have many options, including Arizona State University and the University of Florida. Both universities are large, public schools with undergraduate and graduate chemical engineering programs. Arizona State University is ranked as a top value school, and the University of Florida is ranked among the top 100 national universities." }, { "docid": "5188258", "title": "What Can You Do With a Major in Speech Pathology and Audiology?", "text": "After earning an undergraduate major in speech pathology and audiology, most of our students go on to graduate school (nearly half earn their master's degrees from Marquette). During the past few years, our students have been admitted at a rate of about 90 percent to some of the top graduate programs, including:" }, { "docid": "6656096", "title": "Graduate Financial Aid", "text": "Graduate Financial Aid. Financing Graduate Education. The financial aid process for graduate school is different from that for undergraduate study. Filling out a standard financial aid application is no longer enough to tap into all the resources available to you." }, { "docid": "7731752", "title": "-", "text": "At Kent State University, students may access a wide range of academic undergraduate and graduate programs on eight Kent State campuses located throughout Northeast Ohio. These undergraduate, graduate schools and programs allow students to choose from more than 200 majors and minors." }, { "docid": "1945615", "title": "Undergraduate Costs by Semester", "text": "Definitions. The average cost of tuition and fees based on 12 hours per semester enrollment for undergraduate students and nine hours for graduate students (fall or spring), or nine hours of enrollment for undergraduate students and three hours for graduate students (summer)." }, { "docid": "7029908", "title": "Employer Tuition Assistance", "text": "Also, check out Fastweb's Employer Tuition Assistance Programs for further information. $5,250 Exclusion from Income Your employer may provide you with up to $5,250 in employer education assistance benefits for undergraduate or graduate courses tax-free each year, per section 127 of the Internal Revenue Code." } ]
what is the energy that heats earth's atmosphere
[ { "docid": "5165316", "title": "What heats earths atmosphere?", "text": "The sun heats the atmosphere. Solar radiation largely passes through the atmosphere and warms the surface of the earth. The earth then radiates heat up into the lower levels of the atmosphere where greenhouse gases warm. The warmed greenhouse gases then continue to radiate heat in all directions warming the atmosphere and again the earth's surface." } ]
[ { "docid": "457882", "title": "Solar Radiation and the Earth's Albedo", "text": "The final solar radiation pathway is reflection. This is when a portion of energy bounces directly back to space without being absorbed, refracted, transmitted, or scattered. An important term to remember when studying solar radiation and reflection is albedo.nce the Earth’s atmosphere receives shortwave solar radiation, the energy is referred to as insolation. This insolation is the energy input responsible to moving the various Earth-atmosphere systems like the energy balance described above but also weather events, oceanic currents, and other Earth cycles." }, { "docid": "1227712", "title": "Sea and Land Breezes", "text": "Sea and Land Breezes. During the day, land gets heated by the Sun much quicker than does water. As the land becomes warmer, it heats the air in the atmosphere above it. This causes the air to expand, becoming less dense, and thus creating a low pressure." }, { "docid": "3455341", "title": "-", "text": "So we can summarize by saying that the photosynthetic plants trap solar energy to form ATP and NADPH (Light Phase) and then use these as the energy source to make carbohydrates and other biomolecules from carbon dioxide and water (Dark Phase), simultaneously releasing oxygen in to the atmosphere." }, { "docid": "3631498", "title": "-", "text": "Simple Answer: The Earth loses most of its energy through infrared radiation. The atmosphere, particularly water vapor and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, absorb a great … deal of energy radiated from the Earth's surface.Planets have some heat. The Earth and other planets retain some residual heat left form the time planets and the Sun were formed four or five billion years ago.he atmosphere, particularly water vapor and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, absorb a great … deal of energy radiated from the Earth's surface. Planets have some heat." }, { "docid": "1255274", "title": "Homework Help: Weather and telecommunications", "text": "Mar 10, 2005 #3. Some radio waves bounce between the Earths surface and the ionosphere (I hope that's the right portion of the atmosphere I'm referencing), sometimes called a bounce or skip. Different frequency radio waves are absorbed, reflected or passed by different portions of the atmosphere." }, { "docid": "5306612", "title": "What two factors influence the gravitational potential energy of an object?", "text": "What are the two factors that determine gravitational potential energy? The two variables that determine gravitational potential energy are height above earths surface mass (also air resistance may come into play but in physics friction and air re … sistance are usually ignored and)" }, { "docid": "8179683", "title": "Name 10 Types of Energy", "text": "It can serve as a basis for mechanical energy, such as the potential energy of an object placed on a shelf or the kinetic energy of the Moon in orbit around the Earth. Example: Gravitational energy holds the atmosphere to the Earth." }, { "docid": "7240622", "title": "-", "text": "Wind Energy and Wind Power Wind is a form of solar energy. Winds are caused by the uneven heating of the atmosphere by the sun, the irregularities of the earth's surface, and rotation of the earth." }, { "docid": "3371864", "title": "A Brief Look at the Causes and Effects of Temperature Inversion", "text": "The normal profile of the lower layer of troposphere undergoes a reversal. In normal conditions, the Earth heats up during the day and the heat radiated by the surface goes back to the atmosphere. Thus, the temperature of air naturally reduces as we go away from the Earth's surface." }, { "docid": "1604633", "title": "Ocean Currents", "text": "They can be either surface or deep water. Because ocean currents circulate water worldwide, they have a significant impact on the movement of energy and moisture between the oceans and the atmosphere. As a result, they are important to the world’s weather.ecause ocean currents circulate water worldwide, they have a significant impact on the movement of energy and moisture between the oceans and the atmosphere. As a result, they are important to the world’s weather." }, { "docid": "949055", "title": "Biomass Energy Pros and Cons", "text": "2. This is maybe most important of the advantages of biomass energy. Biomass is a part of the carbon cycle. Carbon from the atmosphere is absorbed into plants during photosynthesis and when the plant decays or is burnt that carbon goes back into the atmosphere.hotosynthesis is the name process that stores the energy from sunlight in plants. Animals get this energy through eating the plants. Waste such as crops, manure and garbage are all excellent sources of biomass fuel." }, { "docid": "7266277", "title": "Earths Atmosphere Layers", "text": "Location of layer above Earth: 640 kilometers (400 miles; 2,100,000 feet) The thermosphere has two layers of Earths atmosphere layers. The atmosphere is very thin in the thermosphere. The space shuttles orbit in the thermosphere. The layer has free ions and electrons that are the result of ionization of gas particles." }, { "docid": "1685971", "title": "Planetary habitability", "text": "This means that more ultraviolet radiation can pass through the atmosphere to the Earths surface, particularly at the poles and nearby regions during certain times of the year. Without the layer of ozone in the stratosphere to protect us from excessive amounts of UV-B radiation, life as we know it would not exist.et since the mid-1970s, human activities have been changing the chemistry of the atmosphere in a way that reduces the amount of ozone in the stratosphere (the layer of atmosphere ranging from about 11 to 50 km in altitude)." }, { "docid": "3188341", "title": "What makes the harvest moon orange?", "text": "What makes the harvest moon orange? It is caused when the sunlight the moon is reflecting passes so close earth that it actually passes through earths atmosphere were blue get absorbed, reflected, and/or bent an…d a orangish-red light is what makes it through this is caused by wave differentiation of light." }, { "docid": "8640259", "title": "-", "text": "Ozone: Pollutant and Protector. Current concerns about ozone in the Earth’s atmosphere, which seems to be constantly. finding its way into the news, present some excellent examples of the relationship between. energy and chemical changes." }, { "docid": "2019710", "title": "Induction cooking", "text": "Cooking methods that use flames or hot heating elements have a significantly higher loss to the ambient; induction heating directly heats the pot. Because the induction effect does not directly heat the air around the vessel, induction cooking results in further energy efficiencies." }, { "docid": "8170258", "title": "What Causes Global Wind Patterns?", "text": "What Causes Global Wind Patterns? The sun is the ultimate source of energy for Earth. As you have previously learned, incoming solar energy (100%) balances the energy reflected in Earth's atmosphere (30%) and the energy which is absorbed at Earth's surface and reradiated as heat or reradiated from clouds and greenhouse gases (70%)." }, { "docid": "207737", "title": "Earths Crust", "text": "Earths Crust. Introduction. The Earths crust is the outermost layer of our planet and is less than 1% of the Earth's volume. The crust and the mantle contain different kinds of rocks making them chemically different. The upper mantle rocks are primarily peridotite.The crust contains of a variety of rocks.arths Crust. Introduction. The Earths crust is the outermost layer of our planet and is less than 1% of the Earth's volume. The crust and the mantle contain different kinds of rocks making them chemically different. The upper mantle rocks are primarily peridotite." }, { "docid": "7007240", "title": "-", "text": "Meteorite - is a meteoroid that has survived entry through the atmosphere and reached the Earths surface. There are some more interesting facts about Meteoroids and their journey through the Earths atmosphere. These can be seen here. What is a Meteorite?" }, { "docid": "4677477", "title": "APES Unit 9 Semester two", "text": "Coal is pulverized and heated to create heat energy that heats up water to create steam. The steam turns a turbine and energy becomes mechanical energy that then is connected to an electrical generator that separates a charge and generates electricity.ow does a Coal Plant work. (A)Pulverizing mill makes the coal into smaller particles to increase surface area (B) Coal is burned and heats up water which turns into steam (C) steam turns a turbine which is connected to generator." }, { "docid": "1588647", "title": "Why is Venus the hottest planet?", "text": "Venus' orbit is also much closer to the sun than the Earth's orbit. Solar radiation strikes Earth more diffusely than it does on Venus, which heats Venus more than Earth. Mercury is the closest planet to the sun and gets even more heat than Venus during its day. However, the relative lack of atmosphere on Mercury means that this heat radiates away on the night side and heats up again during the day. These two factors combine to make Venus the hottest planet in the solar system." }, { "docid": "2768174", "title": "What Causes Global Wind Patterns?", "text": "The sun is the ultimate source of energy for Earth. As you have previously learned, incoming solar energy (100%) balances the energy reflected in Earth's atmosphere (30%) and the energy which is absorbed at Earth's surface and reradiated as heat or reradiated from clouds and greenhouse gases (70%)." }, { "docid": "6052156", "title": "-", "text": "Split and merge into it. Answer by Audioaesthetics. Confidence votes 20. The atmosphere, the ocean, and the terrestrial biosphere. Carbon can be found in the earths oceanic and continental crust in different types of stones as well as in the soil from the decay of organic matter." }, { "docid": "5781910", "title": "What's the difference between calories and kcal", "text": "Small & large calories. Small calorie (cal) is the energy needed to increase 1 gram of water by 1 º C at a pressure of 1 atmosphere. Large calorie (Cal) is the energy needed to increase 1 kg of water by 1 º C at a pressure of 1 atmosphere. Large calorie is also called food calorie and is used as a unit of food energy." }, { "docid": "3930634", "title": "Solar Radiation & Photosynthetically Active Radiation", "text": "Not all radiation emitted from the sun reaches Earth’s surface. Much of it is absorbed, reflected or scattered in the atmosphere. At the surface, solar energy can be absorbed directly from the sun, called direct radiation, or from light that has been scattered as it enters the atmosphere, called indirect radiation 1." }, { "docid": "3352764", "title": "Layers of Earth's Atmosphere", "text": "The troposphere is the lowest layer of the Earth's atmosphere. The air is very well mixed and the temperature decreases with altitude. Air in the troposphere is heated from the ground up. The surface of the Earth absorbs energy and heats up faster than the air does.bout 90% of the ozone in the Earth's atmosphere is found in the region called the stratosphere. This is the atmospheric layer between 16 and 48 kilometers (10 and 30 miles) above the Earth's surface. Ozone forms a kind of layer in the stratosphere, where it is more concentrated than anywhere else." }, { "docid": "154914", "title": "Solar Covers", "text": "Solar Covers heat your pool in two stages: first by absorbing solar energy to heat the pool, and then by retaining the heat to keep the water warmer longer. The small bubbles on the Solar Cover are filled with air that heats up when the cover is in the sun." }, { "docid": "36227", "title": "Friday, January 20, 2012", "text": "Rainforest water cycle. The roots of plants take up water from the ground and the rain is intercepted as it falls-much of it at the canopy level. As the rainforest heats up, the water evaporates into the atmosphere and forms clouds to make the next day's rain.This is convectional rainfall.he roots of plants take up water from the ground and the rain is intercepted as it falls-much of it at the canopy level. As the rainforest heats up, the water evaporates into the atmosphere and forms clouds to make the next day's rain." }, { "docid": "6668398", "title": "Stars great and small, and their life cycles", "text": "Once all the hydrogen in the core has been converted to helium by nuclear fusion, there is no energy outflow to counter the inward force of gravity and the star rapidly collapses. This in turn heats the core and the region around it to such an extent that hydrogen fusion begins in the outer layers." }, { "docid": "4714046", "title": "Isotopes of Oxygen", "text": "Since physicists referred to 16O only, while chemists meant the naturally abundant mixture of isotopes, this led to slightly different atomic weight scales.Oxygen has three stable isotopes. These are 16O, 17O, and 18O. 16O is the most common in earths atmosphere, with a 99.762% majority abundance. See Also." } ]
what is the engine head
[ { "docid": "4484933", "title": "-", "text": "exists and is an alternate of . The engine head is physically mounted on top of the engine block and is capped by the valve cover (which usually has the car manufacture's name on it). you can also find it by tracing the exhaust pipe to the engine. hope this helps!" } ]
[ { "docid": "6257556", "title": "-", "text": "2. Drain all of the oil and coolant from your engine. Remove the parts that are on top of the head gasket. Refer to your car's service manual for specifics, but in most cases this involves removing the exhaust manifold, the intake manifold, valve cover and drive belts." }, { "docid": "7061716", "title": "What is a car manifold?", "text": "The primary function of the intake manifold is to evenly distribute the combustion mixture (or just air in a direct injection engine) to each intake port in the cylinder head(s). Even distribution is important to optimize the efficiency and performance of the engine." }, { "docid": "3198361", "title": "What causes an engine to blow a head gasket between cylinders?", "text": "Today while driving along my car blew a head gasket between the number one and number two cylinders. It doesnt overheat any to my knowledge (although it just has the idiot light and not a gauge). Engine is a 2.3L ford SOHC. The head was rebuilt in late 2006 and so obviously the head gasket was replaced then.ost head gaskets go in the area between cylinders. That is the narrowest section of the gasket and it also sees the highest temperatures and pressures. I always machine both the block and the head when I replace a head gasket." }, { "docid": "3458285", "title": "What is the function of the ambient temperature sensor?", "text": "Answer Usually behind the grill, in front of the radiator or to either side of the radiator. The ambient air temperature sensor is in front of the radiator. Connecting wires come from the right, near the rear of the left head light, as you are facing the engine …from the front of the car." }, { "docid": "1085835", "title": "-", "text": "In regards to the starter turning the engine but the engine not firing up when I press on the gas pedal. I have found that if I back off on the pedal when it turns the engine, but doesn't fire up, I can find a spot where it will fire up the engine." }, { "docid": "5064109", "title": "VW Touareg TDI, Audi Q7 3.0L TDI engine technical details and FAQ", "text": "Here are some FAQ and technical details on the V6 TDI engine. If there is a 2011 or 2012 Audi A4 TDI confirmed for the US or Canada, this engine is the obvious choice since it's already set up for the body and Audi quattro (VW 4motion).ome of the technology on the CATA 3.0L TDI engine is common rail fuel injection which uses extremely rapid piezoelectric (like the vibrating sonicare toothbrush head) injections of fuel at about 29,000 psi! To compare, the average gasoline engine injects fuel at about 60 psi. The turbo is a VNT variable nozzle turbo." }, { "docid": "6878425", "title": "-", "text": "COOLING SYSTEM. A system, which controls the engine temperature, is known as a cooling system. NECESSITY OF COOLING SYSTEM. The cooling system is provided in the IC engine for the following reasons: • The temperature of the burning gases in the engine cylinder reaches up to 1500 to 2000°C, which. is above the melting point of the material of the cylinder body and head of the engine." }, { "docid": "8804095", "title": "Who invented diesel engine?", "text": "Herbert Ackroyd-Straut was the one who invented this type of an engine in 1890 and the same was manufactured by Hornsby & Sons of Lincolnshire two years later in the year 1892. The engine had a major problem, the heat had to be supplied from outside to the cylinder head till the engine started to work properly." }, { "docid": "5878064", "title": "Vortec L31 cylinder head", "text": "The production L31 Vortec head is popular because it has a lot of bang for the buck an easy 20 horses to as much as 40 or 50 over previous factory heads with no other changes to the engine except the head swap. There are many heads that are the equal or better but some can get pretty costly." }, { "docid": "7818120", "title": "Labeled diagram of car engine", "text": "Labeled diagram of car engine. The labeled diagram of car engine shared here is one of the best free car engine diagrams you can find. This is because the engine shown in the diagram below is one of the most basic yet simple car engines ever built over the century." }, { "docid": "3392610", "title": "-", "text": "A leaking head gasket can be quite the problem. If you don't want to take your car in for a proper head gasket replacement, you can try fixing it on your own with engine block sealer. Scroll down to Step 1 to learn how to fix your head gasket." }, { "docid": "3781577", "title": "-", "text": "If the battery was low on charge, the engine would crank very slow or wouldn't crank at all; if the starter was bad, the engine wouldn't crank. So let's look at what else is needed for an engine to start and what are the common problems: 1. Compression in the engine cylinders." }, { "docid": "2787864", "title": "-", "text": "Main engine – This installation is like your automobile; engine coolant will circulate from the engine to the. heater unit and return to the engine. Caution – If your engine application has a freshwater. closed cooling system the heater unit should be. mounted below the level of the radiator cap." }, { "docid": "5649890", "title": "Rover 75 CDTi ??", "text": "1. Fuel pumps-there are 2 and the back one can fail-this puts pressure o the high pressure pump in the engine bay and this fails. To check the pumps-start the car and put your head down (needs less than a 1/4 tank of fuel) on the back seat (drivers side) you should hear a humming/slightly whistly sound.. Fuel pumps-there are 2 and the back one can fail-this puts pressure o the high pressure pump in the engine bay and this fails. To check the pumps-start the car and put your head down (needs less than a 1/4 tank of fuel) on the back seat (drivers side) you should hear a humming/slightly whistly sound." }, { "docid": "901613", "title": "Valve Seat Installation Procedures", "text": "The recommended amount of interference between the valve seat insert and head may vary depending on the size of the insert, the type of insert (alloy or powder metal) and type of head (cast iron or aluminum). The best advice is to use the amount of interference recommended by the OEM engine manufacturer." }, { "docid": "7403755", "title": "-", "text": "NOTE :- the Viscous fan on a TD5 engine is a NORMAL right hand thread.......... Take note of the EGR cooler fitted across the front of the engine, that's the easy way to tell you have a 15P or later engine (EU3 spec) fitted to your car, that will also mean it has green top injectors fitted.ext place a container below the vehicle by the fuel pressure regulator and disconnect the quick release connectors on the Fuel cooler and fuel pressure regulator to drain the cylinder head of diesel.... Now we are finally at the injectors, they are held down by a horseshoe shaped clamp bolted into the cylinder head." }, { "docid": "3664941", "title": "-", "text": "Introduction. Squish band thickness is the distance between the piston and the cylinder head where the piston meets the cylinder bore. If the squish clearance and width is set to an optimal amount, then the fuel is burned efficiently.f the squish distance is too great then the fuel in the squish band is not burned and the engine runs very “dirty”. It is inefficient and does not produce optimal power. The squish band is a very important part of head mods and this is where I spend alot of time." }, { "docid": "149751", "title": "Short block", "text": "Short block is an automotive term for an engine sub-assembly. A short block is the portion of the cylinder block below the head gasket but above the oil pan.An in-block cam engine includes the camshaft, timing gear, and any balance shafts.Overhead cam engines don't include those parts. short block is the portion of the cylinder block below the head gasket but above the oil pan. An in-block cam engine includes the camshaft, timing gear, and any balance shafts. Overhead cam engines don't include those parts." }, { "docid": "3392614", "title": "-", "text": "For me it is. The person doing the repair has to take the engine more than 60% apart to repair it. It is likely that the cylinder head will need to be sent to a machine shop f … or repair. To do the head gasket on my car takes about $800 labour and $450 in gaskets plus any machine work." }, { "docid": "3585082", "title": "What Can Make a Motor Throw a Rod?", "text": "A broken intake or exhaust valve may drop into the piston cylinder. If the engine continues to run, the loose valve wreaks mechanical havoc in the cylinder, pulverizing the head of the piston and resulting in a thrown rod from breakage at the wrist pin." }, { "docid": "7245864", "title": "-", "text": "1 On a 4-cylinder engine, spark plugs will be located on the top or side of the engine in a row. 2 On an inline 6-cylinder, they are located on the top or side of the engine head. 3 On V6 and V8-cylinder engines, plugs should be separated evenly on each side of the engine." }, { "docid": "5021025", "title": "How to Tell If It's Time for an Engine Rebuild", "text": "Reasons for a Rebuild. There are two main reasons people choose to rebuild an engine: wear to engine bearings, and poorly seating piston rings. The moving parts of the engine (such and the crankshaft, rods and pistons) are mounted on bearings that allow them to move freely.These bearings are lubricated by engine oil.hat's Done during an Engine Rebuild. When an engine is rebuilt, a few basic things are done to restore it to good working condition. First, the short block or lower half of the engine is removed and sent to an automotive machine shop." }, { "docid": "2153731", "title": "Harrison Ford Injured in California Plane Crash", "text": "The 72-year-old actor was reportedly piloting the single-engine aircraft at the time of the crash. Actor Harrison Ford sustained serious injuries Thursday after a vintage plane he was piloting crash-landed on a golf course in California.Ford, 72, suffered cuts to his head after the single-engine aircraft hit the ground and was transported to a nearby hospital, NBC News reports.he 72-year-old actor was reportedly piloting the single-engine aircraft at the time of the crash. Actor Harrison Ford sustained serious injuries Thursday after a vintage plane he was piloting crash-landed on a golf course in California." }, { "docid": "6348857", "title": "What Is a Car Engine Overhaul?", "text": "Quick Answer. An engine overhaul is a comprehensive engine tune-up that involves removing and disassembling a vehicle's engine, testing all the components, cleaning and replacing parts as needed and then reassembling the engine. This is done to improve vehicle performance and prolong the life of the engine." }, { "docid": "6593688", "title": "Valve seat", "text": "Inexpensive engines may have valve seats that are simply cut into the material of the cylinder head or engine block (depending on the design of the engine)." }, { "docid": "5127988", "title": "Harley-Davidson Sportster", "text": "The Harley-Davidson Sportster is a line of motorcycles produced continuously since 1957 by Harley-Davidson. Sportster models are designated in Harley-Davidson's product code by beginning with XL. In 1952, the predecessors to the Sportster, the Model K Sport and Sport Solo motorcycles, were introduced. These models K, KK, KH, and KHK of 1952 to 1956 had a flat head engine, whereas the later XL Sportster models use an overhead valve engine." }, { "docid": "6054370", "title": "Symptoms of a Bad or Failing Engine Mount", "text": "3. Engine movement. Another symptom of bad or failing engine mounts is an engine that moves in the engine bay. If the engine mounts are in good condition, they should be able to secure the engine firmly in the engine bay." }, { "docid": "7370956", "title": "Blown Head Gasket Causes", "text": "Causes of a Blown Head Gasket. After that brief overview of blown head gasket symptoms, let us have a look at the prime causes of a blown head gasket. There are more than one reasons that may cause a head gasket failure, ranging from inherent structural problems to engine problems." }, { "docid": "7709281", "title": "Type of Oil for Honda Lawn Mowers", "text": "The purpose of the oil in the engine of your Honda lawn mower is the same as with any other internal combustion engine. The slippery oil adheres as a thin film to the moving parts of the engine, reducing friction and heat. By reducing friction and heat, wear to the moving parts of the engine is also reduced.he purpose of the oil in the engine of your Honda lawn mower is the same as with any other internal combustion engine. The slippery oil adheres as a thin film to the moving parts of the engine, reducing friction and heat. By reducing friction and heat, wear to the moving parts of the engine is also reduced." }, { "docid": "1351129", "title": "How to Wire Your Car", "text": "The 'car' electric circuits do everything but run the engine, so they include things like wipers, heater fan, head lights, tail lights, stop lights, indicators, hazard system, reverse lights, cigarette lighter, stereo, alarm, demister etc etc." } ]
what is the etymology for the word demon?
[ { "docid": "3609772", "title": "-", "text": "(Herbert James Draper, 1909) Dæmon is the Latin word for the Ancient Greek daimōn (δαίμων: “god”, “godlike”, “power”, “fate”) which refers to the daemons of ancient Greek religion and mythology; and of Hellenistic religion and philosophy. 1 1 Etymology. 2 2 Description. 3 In mythology and philosophy." } ]
[ { "docid": "1570825", "title": "Where does the word 'Roger' come from (in military) ?", "text": "Report Abuse. Roger also means GUM, heard you on the radio in the military and civilian aviation. This usage comes from the letter R of received which in the old phonetic alphabet was called roger (now called Romeo) in radio alphabets (such as the Joint Army/Navy Phonetic Alphabet).It is commonly followed by the word that to form the common aviation phrase Roger That.eport Abuse. Online Etymology Dictionary Origin of Roger-The use of the word in radio communication to mean yes, I understand is attested from 1941, from the U.S. military phonetic alphabet word for the letter-R-, in this case an abbreviation for received.." }, { "docid": "5189884", "title": "folk etymology", "text": "folk′ etymol`ogy. 1. a modification of a linguistic form according either to a falsely assumed etymology, as Welsh rarebit from Welsh rabbit, or to a historically irrelevant analogy, as bridegroom from bridegome. 2. a popular but false notion of the origin of a word." }, { "docid": "6872599", "title": "Classical Latin Origin Names", "text": "Meaning of name April. Etymology: From the name of the month, probably originally derived from Latin aperire to open, referring to the opening of flowers.eaning of name April. Etymology: From the name of the month, probably originally derived from Latin aperire to open, referring to the opening of flowers." }, { "docid": "4163514", "title": "Liberalism", "text": "Etymology and definition. Words such as liberal, liberty, libertarian, and libertine all trace their history to the Latin liber, which means free. One of the first recorded instances of the word liberal occurs in 1375, when it was used to describe the liberal arts in the context of an education desirable for a free-born man." }, { "docid": "4396190", "title": "gay", "text": "1, 1910]. Etymonline has an interesting entry on the etymology of the word, gay, with the sense homosexual : The association with (male) homosexuality likely got a boost from the term gay cat, used as far back as 1893 in American English for young hobo, one who is new on the road, also one who sometimes does jobs., 1910]. Etymonline has an interesting entry on the etymology of the word, gay, with the sense homosexual : The association with (male) homosexuality likely got a boost from the term gay cat, used as far back as 1893 in American English for young hobo, one who is new on the road, also one who sometimes does jobs." }, { "docid": "8220033", "title": "-", "text": "-etic word-forming element meaning pertaining to, from Greek -etikos, adjectival suffix for nouns ending in -esis. Online Etymology Dictionary, © 2010 Douglas Harper Cite This Source" }, { "docid": "5737795", "title": "Find the perfect name with our expert baby name toolsâFree!", "text": "Meanings and history of the name Tessa : | Edit. Although Tessa CAN be a nickname for Theresa and is often mistakenly tagged as principally a variant (much like Rose CAN be a nickname for the non-related name Rosamund), it has a separate etymology as a descendant of the Greek word for four.lthough Tessa CAN be a nickname for Theresa and is often mistakenly tagged as principally a variant (much like Rose CAN be a nickname for the non-related name Rosamund), it has a separate etymology as a descendant of the Greek word for four." }, { "docid": "2959577", "title": "super", "text": "Word Origin and History for sur-Expand word-forming element meaning over, above, beyond, in addition, especially in words from Anglo-French and Old French, from Old French sour-, sor-, sur-, from Latin super (see super-). Online Etymology Dictionary, © 2010 Douglas Harper Cite This Source" }, { "docid": "2052072", "title": "-", "text": "Additional Notes on habendum. The habendum is now often just a formality. Origin and Etymology of habendum. New Latin, from Latin, to be had, neuter of habendus, future passive participle of habēre to have, to hold (the first word of this part of the deed) Learn More about habendum. Dictionary: Definition of habendum." }, { "docid": "570351", "title": "Welcome to Botanary, the Botanical Dictionary", "text": "Enter your search keyword below: 1. A blended word, derived from the phrase botanical dictionary. 2. A reference containing an alphabetical list of 21,261 botanical words, with information given for each word, usually including the etymology (i.e., history and/or origin) and pronunciation. Almost 250 years ago, the Swedish botanist Carl von Linn published Species Plantarum and binomial nomenclature was born." }, { "docid": "5189887", "title": "What Is Folk Etymology?", "text": "In historical linguistics, the term is most often used in a more technical sense, to refer to a change in the pronunciation, meaning, or spelling of a word under the influence of such folk beliefs about its origins. False Etymology is another word for it...:]. Source(s): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_etymo..." }, { "docid": "3896308", "title": "-", "text": "Related Rootcasts. 1 Prefixes. Explanation of prefixes as morphemes. 2 Etymology: Word Origins. Explanation of etymology and its importance in understanding vocabulary. 3 graph-write. The Greek root word graph of autograph and autobiography. 4 mob-move. A spelling variant of the Latin root mot of automobile. 5 mot-move. The Latin root mot of automotive." }, { "docid": "4569061", "title": "Farrier", "text": "Historically, the jobs of farrier and blacksmith were practically synonymous, shown by the etymology of the word: farrier comes from Middle French: ferrier (blacksmith), from the Latin word ferrum (iron)." }, { "docid": "732735", "title": "stipule", "text": "Word Origin and History for stipule Expand n. small appendage at the base of the petiole of a leaf, 1793, from French stipule, from Latin stipula stalk (of hay), straw. Online Etymology Dictionary, © 2010 Douglas Harper Cite This Source stipule in Science Expand" }, { "docid": "957351", "title": "-", "text": "Gamete refers to a haploid sex cell that is a sperm in males and egg (oocyte) in females. Zygote is the diploid cell that results from the fertilization between an egg and a sperm.In mammals, the sperm (male gamete) fertilizes the egg (ovum, the female gamete) and the fertilized egg is called a zygote.ygote is the diploid cell that results from the fertilization between an egg and a sperm. Etymology. Came from the Greek word “gametes” meaning “husband” and “gamete” meaning “wife.”. Came from the Greek word “zygotos” meaning “joined or yoked or to yoke." }, { "docid": "3263184", "title": "Theatre of ancient Greece", "text": "The word τραγῳδία (tragoidia), from which the word tragedy is derived, is a compound of two Greek words: τράγος (tragos) or goat and ᾠδή (ode) meaning song, from ἀείδειν (aeidein), to sing. This etymology indicates a link with the practices of the ancient Dionysian cults." }, { "docid": "7492237", "title": "What is the etymology for the word \"penis\"?", "text": "Some derive that from Indo-European *pesnis, and the Greek word πεος = penis from Indo-European *pesos. The Latin word phallus (from Greek φαλλος) is sometimes used to describe the penis, although phallus originally was used to describe images, pictoral or carved, of the penis.[1] From BillCasselmen.com. Etymology of the word Penis. direct borrowing from Latin penis, tail, male sex organ." }, { "docid": "1650869", "title": "mako", "text": "But the description in the text fits neither the shark nor the whale. The word is ultimately from Maori mako shark, shark's tooth, which is of uncertain etymology. If the 1727 citation is an error, the next OED entry is for 1820, from a book on New Zealand languages." }, { "docid": "8318103", "title": "-", "text": "The Universe encompasses all of life, all of history, and some philosophers and scientists suggest that it even encompasses ideas such as mathematics and logic. Etymology. The word universe derives from the Old French word univers, which in turn derives from the Latin word universum." }, { "docid": "6493098", "title": "Croft (land)", "text": "The word croft is West Germanic in etymology, and is now most familiar in Scotland, most crofts being in the Highlands and Islands area. Elsewhere the expression is generally archaic. In Scottish Gaelic, it is rendered croit (pronounced [krɔtʲ], plural croitean [krɔtʲən])" }, { "docid": "745687", "title": "-", "text": "Etymology for the Word Leprechaun. Many scholars believe that the origin of the word leprechaun is the old Irish Lú Chorpain meaning small body. Another definition has linked the modern name to luchorpán ( a word from the 8th century AD ) which is defined as sprite or pygmy. Finally, the word leprechaun has been connected to leath bhrógan (shoe maker)." }, { "docid": "1502561", "title": "#56 Etymology: Word Origins", "text": "Etymology is that part of linguistics that studies word origins. English vocabulary words are formed from many different sources, especially Latin and Greek. By determining the origins of the morphemes in English words, one is better able to remember and determine the dictionary definitions of words." }, { "docid": "1747424", "title": "-", "text": "34:11; Jer. 4:23. Each time it does so, it is in tandem with tohu. The Jeremiah passage harkens back to the language of creation in Genesis 1:2. Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon lists a one-word definition for bohu – “emptiness,” and gives no etymology. C. F. Keil (Keil and Delitzsch), in his commentary on Genesis 1:2, states that the etymology for both tohu and bohu has been lost." }, { "docid": "1427949", "title": "-", "text": "Etymology (noun). that branch of philological science which treats of the history of words, tracing out their origin, primitive significance, and changes of form and meaning. Etymology (noun). that part of grammar which relates to the changes in the form of the words in a language; inflection." }, { "docid": "4201060", "title": "Meaning of name Clifton", "text": "Meaning of name Clifton. Etymology : From a surname which was originally derived from a place name meaning settlement by a cliff in Old English." }, { "docid": "2484816", "title": "-", "text": "Root : LOG Meaning : ( word, speech, reason ) Example : DIALOGUE, APOLOGY, EPILOGUE, EULOGY, PROLOGUE, NEOLOGISM, LOGIC, ANALOGY, MONOLOGUE, CATALOG, ILLOGICAL, LOGISTICS, SYLLOGISM Root : LOGY Meaning : ( study of (suffix) ) Example : CRIMINOLOGY, GENEALOGY, THEOLOGY, ETYMOLOGY, GEOLOGY Root : LONG Meaning : ( long )" }, { "docid": "7327232", "title": "Globalization", "text": "Etymology and usage. The term globalization is derived from the word globalize, which refers to the emergence of an international network of economic systems. One of the earliest known usages of the term as a noun was in a 1930 publication entitled Towards New Education, where it denoted a holistic view of human experience in education." }, { "docid": "8630210", "title": "Meaning of name Lester", "text": "Meaning of name Lester. Etymology : From a surname which was derived from the name of the city of Leicester, originally denoting a person who was from that place." }, { "docid": "3550224", "title": "Fear of Long Words", "text": "Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia is what is the word for fear of long words. The other word for fear of long words is sesquipedalophobia. Sesquipedalophobia has its etymology derived from the Latin sesquipedalis, which means a foot and one-half long and phobia, which means fear." }, { "docid": "8564853", "title": "-", "text": "Yuliana Cyrillic: юлиана. Pronunciation: yoo-lee-AHN-ah. Etymology: Russian feminine form of Latin Julianus, derived from Julius, a Roman family name of unknown origin.tymology: Popular form of Feodosiya. Fekla Cyrillic: фекла. Pronunciation: FYEK-lah. Etymology: Old Russian form of Fyokla. Feodora Cyrillic: феодора. Pronunciation: fye-ah-DOHR-a. Etymology: Russian feminine form of Greek Theodoros, meaning gift of God." } ]
what is the fast metabolism diet
[ { "docid": "4504796", "title": "The Fast Metabolism Diet by Haylie Pomroy (2013): What to eat and foods to avoid", "text": "The Fast Metabolism Diet (FMD) (2013) is a weight loss and healthy eating book. No wheat, corn, dairy, soy, sugar, caffeine, alcohol, dried fruit or fruit juices, artificial sweeteners, fat-free “diet” foods. Diet confusion, cycling diet with a change in strategy every few days." } ]
[ { "docid": "1972821", "title": "Whats Metabolism? And why is it good for it to be high?", "text": "Metabolism is how fast your body can burn the calories you intake. The faster your metabolism the faster your body will burn calories. You are born with a metabolism but, though working out and building muscle you increase it and your body can burn calories faster. mjcd08 · 8 years ago." }, { "docid": "2024603", "title": "-", "text": "If so, you are not alone.Difficult weight gain in the stomach, belly, waist, hips and thighs can be nearly impossible to lose unless you can properly identify the underlying factor(s) that is causing the weight gain.This isn't always easy because there are so many potential causes of weight gain.For some, the cause of weight gain could simply be lack of exercise or excess calories in the diet. But those are the easy cases to solve. A simple diet and exercise log is all I need to correct a poor diet or improper exercise.But for you, the cause of weight gain could be something hidden deep in your metabolism-something that is preventing you from losing weight no matter how hard you try. And often, the harder you try, the more weight you gain.ut those are the easy cases to solve. A simple diet and exercise log is all I need to correct a poor diet or improper exercise. But for you, the cause of weight gain could be something hidden deep in your metabolism-something that is preventing you from losing weight no matter how hard you try." }, { "docid": "6321668", "title": "Medicines & treatments centre", "text": "Illicit drugs, used to get high, may be taken in overdose amounts when a person's metabolism cannot detoxify the drug fast enough to avoid unintended side effects. Exposure to chemicals, plants, and other toxic substances that can cause harm are called poisonings." }, { "docid": "5760908", "title": "10 Foods That Boost Your Metabolism", "text": "Whole grains: oatmeal and brown rice. The intake of grains and cereals is always recommended in a healthy diet. The secret is to choose whole grains — for example wheat, oatmeal, rice, and corn. Whole grains have nutrients and complex carbohydrates that accelerate your metabolism by stabilizing insulin levels." }, { "docid": "5760913", "title": "21 Foods that Increase Metabolism (Youâll Love #7)", "text": "As Major explains, “For most people, processed foods, breads, pastas and grains are foods that block a properly functioning metabolism.”. Switching to a whole-food, plant-based diet is the first step; the second is including some (or all!) of these 21 metabolism-boosting foods in your daily diet." }, { "docid": "2053343", "title": "-", "text": "In this article. Font Size. A. A. A. The ketogenic diet is one of the oldest treatments for epilepsy. It is intended to maintain the starvation or fasting metabolism over a long period of time. When the body is in a fasting state, it creates ketones, a by-product of fat-burning metabolism." }, { "docid": "1250371", "title": "How to Increase and Boost Your Metabolism", "text": "Here are 10 metabolism boosting foods that will increase your metabolism and help you lose weight by boosting metabolism. I have made comments in bold just to highlight some of my own opinions on how to increase metabolism. Stoke your metabolic fire and burn calories faster with diet-friendly foods and beverages." }, { "docid": "3296554", "title": "DOCTORS SAY 'FRIED CHICKEN IS GOOD FOR YOU'", "text": "A study published in the International Journal of Sports Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism showed that fast food is just as efficient as a protein bar or sports drink when it comes to glycogen recovery (when you work out, you deplete those stores and they need to be replinished afterwards to optimize muscle repair and growth.) The study, which was ..." }, { "docid": "2550433", "title": "-", "text": "A: Sloths move slowly because of their herbivorous diet, slow metabolism and small muscle mass. Sloths are able to move fast, but they have to burn an enormous amount of energy in order to do so. The sloth diet lacks fats and proteins, which are important sources of energy and nutrition. Continue Reading" }, { "docid": "7490671", "title": "Foods Not to Eat With Hypothyroidism", "text": "The thyroid, a gland located at the front of your neck, excretes hormones that regulate metabolism. If you have an underactive thyroid, medically known as hypothyroidism, your body does not excrete enough of these hormones. While medication is the primary mode of treatment for hypothyroidism, diet also plays an important role." }, { "docid": "999348", "title": "-", "text": "The following is a guess. Animals have a continuous metabolism and can afford to have a continuous active antioxidant defense that relies on metabolic energy to quickly reduce or renew oxidized antioxidant molecules. So they need fewer reserves because they recycle so fast." }, { "docid": "5752532", "title": "THE EFFECTS OF ALCOHOL", "text": "A large proportion of heavy drinkers develop serious alcoholic liver disease. Susceptibility to alcoholic hepatitis and cirrhosis appears to be influenced by. heredity, gender, diet, and co-occurring liver illness. Most alcoholic liver damage is. attributed to alcohol metabolism." }, { "docid": "1801674", "title": "Complete Metabolism â Holy Land Healthâs Thyroid Support Supplement?", "text": "The final step is to release the thyroid hormones. To achieve this goal, you need to add manganese and copper to your diet. At this point, you may be wondering how you are going to get all of these compounds into your diet. Fortunately, Complete Metabolism Thyroid Supplement has made the process easy and" }, { "docid": "4047982", "title": "How to Increase Metabolism Naturally", "text": "Although learning how to increase metabolism naturally requires making some changes, increasing metabolism is easy when you combine eating fat burning foods that speed up metabolism with all the other ways to increase metabolism." }, { "docid": "5690187", "title": "-", "text": "26 Apr 2012. Vicodins metabolites can be detected in the urine for about 3-7 days on average depending on how long you have used them and how many you take per day and how fast your metabolism is. If you have a test coming up and you need to show negative, to be safe, give it at least seven days, if not more. roughly 24-72 hours." }, { "docid": "1349649", "title": "-", "text": "You can get sick and go to hospital You should lose only 20 pounds a month at the most You can als … o go on a diet this is how you can get on a diet and this will help you not gain to all over again : Eat fruits and Veggies Keep away from fast foods and fried greasy food also keep away from sweets, and don't eat red meat !" }, { "docid": "4701517", "title": "How to speed up your metabolism", "text": "While there isn’t a quick fix for a slow metabolism, there are many things you can do to improve your metabolism over time. Think of food as the fuel for your metabolism, and add more whole foods to your diet while getting rid of toxic foods like alcohol and processed meals." }, { "docid": "3698785", "title": "23 Ridiculously Easy Ways to Increase Metabolism", "text": "The answer lies in your metabolism, that little engine in your body that burns calories all day, every day. Because of genetics, some women burn fat faster than others. But age, weight, diet, and exercise habits also play a role." }, { "docid": "8006273", "title": "The Fast Metabolism Diet", "text": "This recipe combines the goodness of pumpkin with other ingredients found in Phase 1 of the Fast Metabolism Diet Program and is served for the satisfaction of the family’s meal and those who want to lose weight." }, { "docid": "6344535", "title": "Diet for Preventing Greasy Hair and Oily Scalp", "text": "Your diet might be the cause of your overactive sebaceous glands (sebaceous glands produce the oils that make a scalp or hair appear greasy). Revamp your diet based on the following 5 tips and you may be surprised to see how fast you can get rid of 'chronic' greasy hair by simply changing your dietary habits." }, { "docid": "5333274", "title": "How To Quit Weed Easily Without Withdrawal Symptoms.", "text": "Half-life refers to the amount of time it could take for the drug to be eliminated from the body. However, while the average for weed may be 7 days, complete elimination of a single dose may actually take up to a month. The amount and frequency of toking also affects detection times. frequent, chronic users + slow metabolism = long detection time. infrequent users + fast metabolism = short detection time." }, { "docid": "4369844", "title": "Chance â Rapper Height, Weight, Age", "text": "The popular musician looks like a real star. He is tall; he is extremely strong and well fitted. The secret of his great shape is regular workouts. The star visits gym as often as it is possible but at least two days per week. Chance the Rapper is the young person and that’s why his metabolism is fast. There’s no need for him to keep to any diet. Chance the Rapper eats everything he wants. Of course, he tries to make his diet as healthy as it is possible." }, { "docid": "3226434", "title": "What You Should Know About the Fast-Metabolism Diet", "text": "The 28-day Fast Metabolism Diet consists of three phases that are repeated for four consecutive weeks: Phase 1 (Monday–Tuesday): Unwind stress and calm the adrenals with lots of carbs and fruit." }, { "docid": "7152689", "title": "6 Natural Metabolism Boosters", "text": "When most people think of what it means to have a “high metabolism,” they picture someone who’s “luckily” naturally thin. We assume these people can maintain a healthy body composition mostly due to their genetics, despite whether they try to eat a healthy diet and exercise or not." }, { "docid": "5601739", "title": "Definition of 'diet'", "text": "If you are dieting, you eat special kinds of food or you eat less food than usual because you are trying to lose weight. I've been dieting ever since the birth of my fourth child. Most of us have dieted at some time in our lives. Synonyms: slim, fast, be on a diet, lose weight More Synonyms of diet." }, { "docid": "3269459", "title": "How can I speed up my metabolism?", "text": "While you don't have much control over the speed of your basal metabolism, you can control how many calories you burn through your level of physical activity. The more active you are, the more calories you burn. In fact, some people who are said to have a fast metabolism are probably just more active — and maybe more fidgety — than are others." }, { "docid": "956349", "title": "Benefits of Liquid Fasting #3", "text": "For a do-it-yourself enema, 1 pint to 1 quart of water is sufficient. The best position for taking an enema is on your knees, head down to the floor, with enema bag hanging 2 1/2 to 3 feet above the anus, to get sufficient pressure in the flow of water.he proponents of water fast like to tell you that the juice fast is not a fast, it is a liquid diet. They misunderstand the therapeutic meaning of fasting. Any condition when your body is encouraged to initiate the process of autolysis, or self-digestion, is fasting." }, { "docid": "6697953", "title": "Minerals", "text": "The most well-known ratio in the horse diet is the calcium:phosphorus ratio, but there are other important ratios as well. These ratios are so important because the concentration of one mineral will exert influence over the absorption, metabolism, and use of other minerals, vitamins, and nutrients." }, { "docid": "3662934", "title": "Why are there ketones in my urine?", "text": "A by-product of fat metabolism, however, is ketones, and these ketones spill into your urine just as they do in ketoacidosis. If you are feeling fine and controlling your blood glucose, then the ketones in your urine are probably a safe result of your diet." }, { "docid": "4396780", "title": "-", "text": "The best way to lose weight and keep your metabolism going is to eat a healthy diet full of nutrient-rich foods and get plenty of exercise. When your nutrient intake is compromised due to illness or dieting, you may become deficient in some nutrients that support healthy metabolism and weight loss." } ]
what is the first symptom of strangles in horses
[ { "docid": "3713902", "title": "Horse Strangles: Every Owner's Nightmare - Part One", "text": "If your horse comes down with equine strangles he may lose his appetite and develop a fever. In addition the lymph nodes around the throat will swell up due to the accumulation of purulent fluid (pus) caused by the nodes fighting off the invading bacteria." } ]
[ { "docid": "1303441", "title": "-", "text": "We at ranchworldads.com are working every day to be your Ranch Classifieds, and the very best place for you to buy or sell Quarter Horses, Paint Horses, Ranch Horses, Rope Horses, Rodeo Horses, Barrel Horses, Cutting Horses, Reining Horses, Cow Horses, not to mention Alfalfa Hay, Timothy Hay, Bermuda Hay, Cattle, Cattle Ranches, Horse Ranches, or ..." }, { "docid": "7925719", "title": "Symptoms of Quebec platelet disorder", "text": "Other Causes -- causes of these or similar symptoms; Quebec platelet disorder: Symptom Checkers. Review the available symptom checkers for these symptoms of Quebec platelet disorder: Bleeding problems -- Symptom Checker; Blood in urine -- Symptom Checker; Bleeding into the skin -- Symptom Checker; Bleeding gums -- Symptom Checker" }, { "docid": "8496213", "title": "HIPPOI ATHANATOI", "text": "AITHON (2) (Aethon) An alternative name for one of the four immortal horses of the sun-god Helios. AITHOPS (Aethops) One of the four immortal horses of the sun-god Helios. ANEMOI, THE The gods of the four winds, who in the guise of horses drew the chariot of Zeus." }, { "docid": "1900798", "title": "Crusty skin lesion", "text": "Crusty skin lesion. Blisters. Crusty skin lesion (symptom description): Crusty skin lesion is listed as a type of or related-symptom for symptom Blisters. Crusty skin lesion (symptom description): For a medical symptom description of 'Crusty skin lesion', the following symptom information may be relevant to the symptoms: Blisters (type of symptom). However, note that other causes of the symptom 'Crusty skin lesion' may be possible." }, { "docid": "6808419", "title": "Equine Cushingâs Disease", "text": "A horse with a lengthy coat of hair, a common symptom of equine Cushing's disease. Equine Cushing’s Disease is one of the most common hormonal disorders that occurs in horses. It is normally due to a tumor, or an increase of cells in the region of the pituitary gland." }, { "docid": "1946165", "title": "-", "text": "Phenylketonuria: Symptom Checkers. Review the available symptom checkers for these symptoms of Phenylketonuria: 1 Mental retardation -- Symptom Checker. 2 Hypopigmentation -- Symptom Checker. 3 Poor infant feeding -- Symptom Checker. 4 Vomiting -- Symptom Checker. 5 Irritability -- Symptom Checker. 6 Short stature -- Symptom Checker. 7 Small head -- Symptom Checker." }, { "docid": "3916420", "title": "-", "text": "Review the available symptom checkers for these symptoms of Emotional disorders: 1 Depression -- Symptom Checker. 2 Anxiety -- Symptom Checker. 3 Fatigue -- Symptom Checker. Anhedonia -- Symptom 1 Checker. Poor appetite -- Symptom Checker. Weight loss -- Symptom 1 Checker. Nervousness -- Symptom Checker. Paresthesias -- Symptom Checker." }, { "docid": "561655", "title": "Bloated stomach", "text": "Broader Symptom Types for Bloated stomach: More Symptom Information for Bloated stomach. For a medical symptom description of 'Bloated stomach', the following symptom information may be relevant to the symptoms: Swollen belly (symptom). However, note that other causes of the symptom 'Bloated stomach' may be possible. More information on symptom: Swollen belly: Swollen belly." }, { "docid": "1293889", "title": "-", "text": "Carlson heads a research project where data was collected from a large group of horses in training. Most of the horses were relatively young, with maidens accounting for nearly one-third of the horses sampled. Over half of the horses had received intravenous iron during the 3 months prior to sampling." }, { "docid": "517029", "title": "-", "text": "Elbow pain: Symptom — Overview covers definition, possible causes of this symptom. Elbow pain: Symptom — Overview covers definition, possible causes of this symptom. Skip to main navigation" }, { "docid": "1038468", "title": "-", "text": "review the available symptom checkers for these symptoms of tick borne diseases pain symptom checker swelling symptom checker fever symptom checker rash symptom checker joint pain symptom checker chills symptom checker" }, { "docid": "8547233", "title": "Pain in left side", "text": "Pain in left side (symptom description): Pain in left side is listed as a type of or related-symptom for symptom Abdominal pain. Pain in left side (symptom description): For a medical symptom description of 'Pain in left side', the following symptom information may be relevant to the symptoms: Abdominal pain (type of symptom). However, note that other causes of the symptom 'Pain in left side' may be possible." }, { "docid": "8283544", "title": "-", "text": "There is always a cause behind the symptom of watery manure in adult horses, so take diarrhea as a sign that something is wrong. The exception to this is in newborn foals; foal heat diarrhea is normal and should not be treated unless signs of distress accompany the condition. Contact your veterinarian if diarrhea persists more than 8 to 12 hours, regardless of cause. There is always a cause behind the symptom of watery manure in adult horses." }, { "docid": "4024478", "title": "Horse Names from A to Z Good Names for Geldings, Mares, Ponies and Foals", "text": "Horse vaccines protect horses against deadly respiratory and neural diseases, like strangles and equine west Nile virus. Learn which ones you can give yourself to save time and money." }, { "docid": "6515737", "title": "-", "text": "Yes, horses can eat carrots. don't feed too many, however, as too much of anything is bad. … It depends on all different horses, some don't like them. I suppose that if you really wanted your horse to like them well, you could keep trying." }, { "docid": "6515736", "title": "Healthcare & Nutrition", "text": "One thing for certain, the digestive systems of horses are geared to a diet of forages. Forage is a plant material, usually leaves and stems, that horses can slowly eat over a long period of time. Some horses are happy to graze for 16 hours a day!" }, { "docid": "982464", "title": "Distended abdomen", "text": "More Symptom Information for Distended abdomen. For a medical symptom description of 'Distended abdomen', the following symptom information may be relevant to the symptoms: Abdominal distention (symptom). However, note that other causes of the symptom 'Distended abdomen' may be possible. More information on symptom: Abdominal distention: Abdominal distention." }, { "docid": "2214361", "title": "Symptoms of Cushing's disease", "text": "Review the available symptom checkers for these symptoms of Cushing's disease: 1 Facial hair growth -- Symptom Checker. 2 Acne -- Symptom Checker. 3 High blood pressure -- Symptom Checker. 4 Tiredness -- Symptom Checker. 5 Muscle weakness -- Symptom Checker." }, { "docid": "5490233", "title": "-", "text": "Review the available symptom checkers for these symptoms of Allergies: 1 Allergic dermatitis -- Symptom Checker. 2 Itchy rash -- Symptom Checker. 3 Eczema -- Symptom Checker. 4 Hay fever -- Symptom Checker. 5 Asthma -- Symptom Checker. 6 Anaphylactic shock -- Symptom Checker." }, { "docid": "8374790", "title": "-", "text": "Review the available symptom checkers for these symptoms of Dravet syndrome: 1 Psychomotor retardation -- Symptom Checker. 2 Simple partial seizures -- Symptom Checker. 3 Ataxia -- Symptom Checker. 4 Behavioral problems -- Symptom Checker. 5 Photosensitivity -- Symptom Checker." }, { "docid": "8686478", "title": "Muscle deterioration", "text": "Muscle deterioration (symptom description): Muscle deterioration is listed as a type of or related-symptom for symptom Muscle symptoms. Muscle deterioration (symptom description): For a medical symptom description of 'Muscle deterioration', the following symptom information may be relevant to the symptoms: Muscle symptoms (type of symptom). However, note that other causes of the symptom 'Muscle deterioration' may be possible. Broader Symptom Types for Muscle deterioration:" }, { "docid": "4207552", "title": "-", "text": "Horses that stay in stalls 24/7 lay down much less often because they're more insecure. Horses need to sleep laying down to get REM sleep, they requires 1-2 hours of REM sleep every few days or they'll get sleep deprived. Horses KNOW when to get up, lol.." }, { "docid": "6380318", "title": "-", "text": "Touching noses, sharing water sources, and sharing feed sources are all avenues by which the Strangles bacteria travels from one horse to the next In addition, it can be spread by buckets, feeding equipment, bits, and people who handle the horses ." }, { "docid": "1104419", "title": "Character List", "text": "William Frankenstein - Victor’s youngest brother and the darling of the Frankenstein family. The monster strangles William in the woods outside Geneva in order to hurt Victor for abandoning him." }, { "docid": "8496216", "title": "HIPPOI ATHANATOI", "text": "PHLOGEUS (2) One of the fire-breathing steeds of Ares. PHOBOS (Phobus) One of the fire-breathing steeds of Ares. PODARKES (Podarces) One of a pair of immortal horses owned by Erekhtheus (Erechtheus), king of Athens. PYROIS An alternative name for one of the four immortal horses of the sun-god Helios. SKYLLA (Scylla) One of the eight immortal horses which drew the chariot of Poseidon. STEROPE One of the four immortal horses of the sun-god Helios. STHENIOS (Sthenius) One of the eight horses of the sea-god Poseidon. THERBEEO An alternative name for one of the four immortal horses of the sun-god Helios." }, { "docid": "631180", "title": "Symptoms of Cholera", "text": "Review the available symptom checkers for these symptoms of Cholera: 1 Vomiting -- Symptom Checker. 2 Muscle cramps -- Symptom Checker. 3 Dehydration -- Symptom Checker. 4 Cold skin -- Symptom Checker. 5 Sunken eyes -- Symptom Checker. 6 Thirst -- Symptom Checker. 7 Weak pulse -- Symptom Checker." }, { "docid": "8805381", "title": "Horse", "text": "Horses and Donkeys only spawn in Plains and Savanna Biomes in herds of 2-6. Mules spawn when a Horse is bred with a Donkey. Skeleton Horses can only spawn as a part of a Skeleton Trap. There are 5 types of Horses in Minecraft Pocket Edition, each having unique behavior." }, { "docid": "7838325", "title": "Horse markings", "text": "Markings on horses usually are distinctive white areas on an otherwise dark base coat color. Most horses have some markings, and they help to identify the horse as a unique individual." }, { "docid": "6898381", "title": "-", "text": "Cataracts: Symptom Checkers. Review the available symptom checkers for these symptoms of Cataracts: 1 Blurred vision -- Symptom Checker. 2 Cloudy vision -- Symptom Checker. 3 Sensitivity to light -- Symptom Checker. 4 Double vision -- Symptom Checker. 5 Vision changes -- Symptom Checker." }, { "docid": "5757423", "title": "How Much Does a Clydesdale Horse Cost?", "text": "Compared to horses of other breeds, the Clydesdale is going to greatly vary in price and will probably be more expensive than other types of horses. Plan on paying anywhere from $500 for an older horse to as much as $12,000 for a younger Clydesdale that is in show condition. Most purchases are going to be between $2,000 and $5,000. Equine.com is an online website that offers many different types of horses such as Clydesdale horses." } ]
what is the function in humans of the protein produced from that gene
[ { "docid": "4169953", "title": "-", "text": "The KRT10 gene provides instructions for making a protein called keratin 10. Keratins are a group of tough, fibrous proteins that form the structural framework of cells called keratinocytes that make up the skin, hair, and nails. Keratin 10 is produced in keratinocytes in the outer layer of the skin (the epidermis).In the fluid-filled space inside these cells (the cytoplasm), the keratin 10 protein partners with a similar protein, keratin 1 (produced from the KRT1 gene), to form molecules called keratin intermediate filaments.pidermolytic hyperkeratosis-caused by mutations in the KRT10 gene. Dozens of mutations in the KRT10 gene have been found in people with epidermolytic hyperkeratosis. This condition is characterized by red, blistering skin at an early age and thick skin (hyperkeratosis) later in life." } ]
[ { "docid": "6381691", "title": "gene expression", "text": "the processes effecting the transfer of information encoded in the GENE to the functional gene product (PROTEIN or RNA). Generally, gene expression is equated with the processes of TRANSCRIPTION and TRANSLATION." }, { "docid": "219759", "title": "-", "text": "1 change a codon to one that encodes a different amino acid and cause a small change in the protein produced. 2 For example, sickle cell anemia is caused by a substitution in the beta-hemoglobin gene, which alters a single amino acid in the protein produced." }, { "docid": "888496", "title": "LAMB3 gene", "text": "The LAMB3 gene provides instructions for making one part (subunit) of a protein called laminin 332 (formerly known as laminin 5). This protein is made up of three subunits, called alpha, beta, and gamma. The LAMB3 gene carries instructions for the beta subunit; the alpha and gamma subunits are produced from other genes." }, { "docid": "2295405", "title": "Cystic Fibrosis", "text": "A defect in the CFTR gene causes cystic fibrosis (CF). This gene makes a protein that controls the movement of salt and water in and out of your body's cells. In people who have CF, the gene makes a protein that doesn't work well." }, { "docid": "3953752", "title": "-", "text": "14 1 the function of genes genes specify a proteins conclusions a gene is a segment of dna that specifies the sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide of a protein" }, { "docid": "1663419", "title": "Gene Therapy for Cancer", "text": "Gene therapy is the insertion of a functional gene into the cells of a patient to correct an inborn error of metabolism, to alter or repair an acquired genetic abnormality, and to provide a new function to a cell. Two basic types of gene therapy have been applied to humans, germinal and somatic (1).Germinal gene therapy, which introduces transgenic cells into the germ line as well as into the somatic cell population, not only achieve a cure for the individual treated, but some gametes could also carry the corrected genotype.ene therapy is the insertion of a functional gene into the cells of a patient to correct an inborn error of metabolism, to alter or repair an acquired genetic abnormality, and to provide a new function to a cell. Two basic types of gene therapy have been applied to humans, germinal and somatic (1)." }, { "docid": "8623015", "title": "What are Genes?", "text": "The DNA also contains large sequences that do not code for any protein and their function is not known. The gene of the coding region encodes instructions that allow a cell to produce a specific protein or enzyme. There are nearly 50,000 and 100,000 genes with each being made up of hundreds of thousands of chemical bases. In order to make proteins, the gene from the DNA is coped by each of the chemical bases into messenger RNA (ribonucleic acid) or mRNA. The mRNA moves out of the nucleus and uses cell organelles in the cytoplasm called ribosomes to form the polypeptide or amino acid that finally folds and configures to form the protein." }, { "docid": "5850619", "title": "Huntington's Disease", "text": "The defective gene codes the blueprint for a protein called huntingtin. This protein's normal function isn't yet known, but it's called huntingtin because scientists identified its defective form as the cause of Huntington's disease.he defective gene identified in 1993 causes virtually all Huntington’s disease. The huntingtin gene defect involves extra repeats of one specific chemical code in one small section of chromosome 4. The normal huntingtin gene includes 17 to 20 repetitions of this code among its total of more than 3,100 codes." }, { "docid": "4800517", "title": "Chapter 15", "text": "Sex linked gene. gene located on the X or Y chromosome. fathers can pass sex-linked alleles to all of their daughters but to none of their sons, mothers can pass to both sons and daughters. iN humans sex-linked gene refers to a gene on the X chromosome." }, { "docid": "6103339", "title": "homologous", "text": "Similar in structure and evolutionary origin, though not necessarily in function. 3. Relating to the correspondence between an antigen and the antibody produced in response to it. 4. Having the same morphology and linear sequence of gene loci as another chromosome." }, { "docid": "8208896", "title": "LBR gene", "text": "The LBR gene provides instructions for making a protein called the lamin B receptor. Different regions (domains) of this protein give it two distinct functions. One region of the protein, called the sterol reductase domain, gives the protein sterol reductase function (specifically Δ14-sterol reductase function)." }, { "docid": "212676", "title": "Single-nucleotide polymorphism", "text": "Single-nucleotide polymorphisms may fall within coding sequences of genes, non-coding regions of genes, or in the intergenic regions (regions between genes). SNPs within a coding sequence do not necessarily change the amino acid sequence of the protein that is produced, due to degeneracy of the genetic code.NPs that are not in protein-coding regions may still affect gene splicing, transcription factor binding, messenger RNA degradation, or the sequence of non-coding RNA. Gene expression affected by this type of SNP is referred to as an eSNP (expression SNP) and may be upstream or downstream from the gene." }, { "docid": "8208894", "title": "-", "text": "Normal Function. The LBR gene provides instructions for making a protein called the lamin B receptor. Different regions (domains) of this protein give it two distinct functions. One region of the protein, called the sterol reductase domain, gives the protein sterol reductase function (specifically δ14-sterol reductase function)." }, { "docid": "5948572", "title": "Gene therapy", "text": "Researchers are testing several approaches to gene therapy, including: Replacing a mutated gene that causes disease with a healthy copy of the gene. Inactivating, or “knocking out,” a mutated gene that is functioning improperly. Introducing a new gene into the body to help fight a disease. new gene is injected into an adenovirus vector, which is used to introduce the modified DNA into a human cell. If the treatment is successful, the new gene will make a functional protein. Gene therapy is designed to introduce genetic material into cells to compensate for abnormal genes or to make a beneficial protein." }, { "docid": "4852452", "title": "-", "text": "Expressed gene. Expressed gene gene Expression. (Science: molecular biology) The full use of the information in a gene via transcription and translation leading to production of a protein and hence the appearance of the phenotype determined by that gene.xpressed gene. Expressed gene gene Expression. (Science: molecular biology) The full use of the information in a gene via transcription and translation leading to production of a protein and hence the appearance of the phenotype determined by that gene." }, { "docid": "4807931", "title": "-", "text": "gene expression, the flow of genetic information from gene to protein; the process, or the regulation of the process, by which the effects of a gene are manifested; the manifestation of a heritable trait in an individual carrying the gene or genes that determine it.. gene expression. gene expression. 1. the flow of genetic information from gene to protein. 2. the process, or the regulation of the process, by which the effects of a gene are manifested." }, { "docid": "7835838", "title": "-", "text": "How Mutations Affect Protein Synthesis. In order to understand how mutations affect protein synthesis, it is important to understand the process by which proteins are made (synthesized) and what a mutation is. Both of these occur on the cellular level of all living beings.Steps of Protein Synthesis. There are three major protein synthesis steps:ikewise, the protein made from the “recipe” of a mutated gene will not be the correct protein. Many small gene mutations do not cause major problems. But other mutations can have very serious health consequences because of how they affect protein synthesis. An example of a mutation is the sickle cell gene." }, { "docid": "4735370", "title": "Fibroblast growth factor 23", "text": "Fibroblast growth factor 23 or FGF23 is a protein that in humans is encoded by the FGF23 gene.FGF23 is a member of the fibroblast growth factor (FGF) family which is responsible for phosphate metabolism.ibroblast growth factor 23 or FGF23 is a protein that in humans is encoded by the FGF23 gene." }, { "docid": "7254771", "title": "-", "text": "A gene that makes a repressor protein all of the time would be put into the cotton plant, along with a recombinase gene that has a promoter engineered to be inactivated by the repressor protein. How the Terminator Terminates" }, { "docid": "3370491", "title": "Cystic fibrosis: What chromosome is it located? Give information please?", "text": "Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: People with cystic fibrosis inherit a defective gene on chromosome 7 called CFTR (cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator). The protein produced by this gene normally helps salt (sodium chloride) move in and out of cells.ssociated Disorders: Defective versions of this protein, caused by CFTR gene mutations, can lead to the development of cystic fibrosis (CF) and congenital bilateral aplasia of the vas deferens (CBAVD). You can click on this link to see a diagram of the gene: http://www.ornl.gov/sci/techresources/Hu..." }, { "docid": "781884", "title": "14-1 The Function of Genes", "text": "14-1 The Function of Genes. ****Genes specify a proteins****. George Beadle’s Experiment showed that mutated bread mold will fail to make a particular enzyme and will not grow on minimal medium (“One Gene, One Enzyme Hypothesis”) Conclusions: A gene is a segment of DNA that specifies the sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide of a protein." }, { "docid": "2708714", "title": "CF Genetics: The Basics", "text": "At other times, the change in a gene may cause the protein to not work or not be made at all. Cystic fibrosis is caused by mutations in the gene that produces the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) protein. This protein is responsible for regulating the flow of salt and fluids in and out of the cells in different parts of the body." }, { "docid": "815432", "title": "Peptide Hormones", "text": "Calcitonin is a hormone that is produced and released by the C-cells of the thyroid gland. Its biological function in humans is unclear." }, { "docid": "2378243", "title": "How Gene Mutation Works", "text": "Missense Mutation: This type of mutation alters the nucleotide sequence so that a different amino acid is produced. This change alters the resulting protein. The change may not have much effect on the protein, may be beneficial to protein function, or may be dangerous." }, { "docid": "6156376", "title": "Cirrhosis - Exams and Tests", "text": "Blood tests to check liver function. Measuring the levels of certain chemicals produced by the liver can show how well your liver is working. Blood tests may be used to measure: 1 Albumin and total serum protein. 2 Albumin is a type of protein. 3 Liver disease can cause a decrease in protein levels in the blood.4 Partial thromboplastin time or prothrombin time/INR. 5 These tests measure blood-clotting factors that are produced in the liver. 6 Bilirubin.easuring the levels of certain chemicals produced by the liver can show how well your liver is working. Blood tests may be used to measure: 1 Albumin and total serum protein. 2 Albumin is a type of protein." }, { "docid": "7615158", "title": "Ki-67 (protein)", "text": "Antigen KI-67 also known as Ki-67 or MKI67 is a protein that in humans is encoded by the MKI67 gene (antigen identified by monoclonal antibody Ki-67).he Ki-67 protein (also known as MKI67) is a cellular marker for proliferation. It is strictly associated with cell proliferation." }, { "docid": "4192861", "title": "-", "text": "I. Mutations are permanent changes in the DNA. Mutations. A. most mutations are neutral; they either make no change in the expression of any gene, or the changes made do not affect the function of any gene product. 1. A large percentage of DNA is not part of any gene, and has no known function.Changes in these portions of the DNA do not alter any gene and are thus silent.. Of those mutations which do make a difference, most have a negative effect. : Of those mutations which do make a difference, most have a negative effect. 1. If an amino acid is altered in the active site region of a protein, it may decrease or destroy the ability of the protein to perform its function." }, { "docid": "1767763", "title": "Nonsense mutation", "text": "If a mutation in the promoter sequence of a gene occurs, the effect may be apparent since the expression of the gene may cause changes in the amino acid sequence, as well as the structure and function of the protein product. Point mutations may be classified based on functionality: 1 nonsense mutation. 2 missense mutation.f a mutation in the promoter sequence of a gene occurs, the effect may be apparent since the expression of the gene may cause changes in the amino acid sequence, as well as the structure and function of the protein product. Point mutations may be classified based on functionality: 1 nonsense mutation. 2 missense mutation." }, { "docid": "3867604", "title": "intron", "text": "intron noun A segment of a gene situated between exons that is removed before translation of messenger RNA and does not function in coding for protein synthesis." }, { "docid": "1166855", "title": "protein", "text": "C-reactive protein a globulin that forms a precipitate with the C-polysaccharide of the pneumonococcus; the most predominant of the acute phase proteins. cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator protein a transmembrane protein produced by the cystic fibrosis gene, primarily functioning as a chloride channel." } ]
what is the galapagos
[ { "docid": "4988970", "title": "Galapagos", "text": "definition : Galapagos. The Galápagos Islands (official name: Archipiélago de Colón, other Spanish name: Islas Galápagos, ) are an archipelago of volcanic islands distributed on either side of the Equator in the Pacific Ocean surrounding the centre of the Western Hemisphere, west of continental Ecuador, of which they are a part." } ]
[ { "docid": "1231952", "title": "How important is geographical isolation in speciation?", "text": "Since Darwin's study of the Galapagos Islands, archipelagos have played a central role in understanding how new species evolve from existing ones (speciation). Islands epitomize allopatric speciation, where geographic isolation causes individuals of an original species to accumulate sufficient genetic differences to prevent them breeding with each other when they are reunited." }, { "docid": "7439784", "title": "Where is Ecuador?", "text": "The given Ecuador location map shows that Ecuador is located in the north-western part of South America continent. Ecuador map also shows that it shares its international boundaries with Colombia in the north and Peru in east and south.However, the country makes coastline in the western part with Pacific Ocean. Apart from the mainland, Ecuador has also a small group of islands in the Pacific Ocean i.e. Galapagos Islands.ap of Ecuador shows that the Equator cross through the country; probably, the name of the country has been given after it. Ecuador's capital city is Quito, which is one of the best places in South America and also tourists destination." }, { "docid": "107041", "title": "Famed Galapagos tortoise Lonesome George dies", "text": "July 21, 2008: A giant tortoise named Lonesome George is seen in the Galapagos islands, an archipelago off Ecuador's Pacific coast. QUITO, Ecuador – The giant tortoise Lonesome George, whose failed efforts to produce offspring made him a symbol of disappearing species, was found dead on Sunday, officials at the Galapagos National Park announced." }, { "docid": "6279575", "title": "-", "text": "Size overlap is extensive with the Aldabra giant tortoise however taken as a species, the Galapagos galápagos tortoise seems to average slightly, larger with weights in excess of 185 (kg 408) lb being slightly more. commonplacehell size and shape vary between populations. On islands with humid highlands, the tortoises are larger, with domed shells and short necks; on islands with dry lowlands, the tortoises are smaller, with saddleback shells and long necks." }, { "docid": "4457522", "title": "Galapagos Islands, Ecuador", "text": "Galapagos Islands Tourism: Best of Galapagos Islands. Galapagos Islands, Ecuador. Abundant wildlife above and below the waves draws eco-tourists to Ecuador's Galapagos. Get up close on a stroll or in a Zodiac boat. Snorkel and dive with denizens of the deep, from sea lions to sea turtles at Santiago's Cousin's Rock. Hike by finches, flamingos and iguanas along the Darwin Trail." }, { "docid": "5864558", "title": "-", "text": "Locations around this longitude. 1 Guatemala City, Guatemala. 2 San Salvador, El Salvador. 3 Galapagos Islands, Ecuador. Madison, Wisconsin, 1 USA. Jackson, Mississippi, USA." }, { "docid": "3587877", "title": "Scrimshaw", "text": "The making of scrimshaw began on whaling ships between 1745 and 1759 on the Pacific Ocean, and survived until the ban on commercial whaling. The practice survives as a hobby and as a trade for commercial artisans. A maker of scrimshaw is known as a scrimshander.round this time is the earliest authenticated pictorial piece of sperm whale scrimshaw (1817). The tooth was inscribed: This is the tooth of a sperm whale that was caught near the Galapagos islands by the crew of the ship Adam [of London], and made 100 barrels of oil in the year 1817.." }, { "docid": "6091758", "title": "-", "text": "A creationist when he visited the Galapagos Galápagos, Islands darwin grasped the significance of the unique wildlife he found there only after he returned To. london" }, { "docid": "4457517", "title": "Galapagos", "text": "Contemporary Examples. 1 His observations of the many varieties of Finch birds in the galapagos Island led him to solidify his theory of natural selection. 2 She worked with wildlife as a volunteer in Peru and the galapagos; she worked with elephants in Thailand, at a zoo in Australia." }, { "docid": "2858592", "title": "-", "text": "1 Flamingo Species. 2 There are six known species of Flamingos in the world. 3 They are distinctive in their characteristics to not be categorized with other types of birds. 4 American Flamingo. 5 The American Flamingo is found in the West Indies, Yucatan, and along the Galapagos Islands." }, { "docid": "3394966", "title": "Galapagos Islands History & Charles Darwin", "text": "Galapagos Islands Facts: Charles Darwin. Darwin was the first person to make a scientific study of the islands in 1835. He was a young student just out of university and was the naturalist on a round-the-world scientific and geographical voyage on board HMS Beagle (1831 - 1836)." }, { "docid": "6602959", "title": "-", "text": "Extras. how do you pronounce galan | how do you pronounce galangal | how do you pronounce galantine | how do you pronounce galanty show | how do you pronounce galapagos islands | how do you pronounce galatea | how do you pronounce galatia | how do you pronounce galatian." }, { "docid": "4903850", "title": "About Us", "text": "We have extensive knowledge of all of our destinations such as the South Pacific and the Galapagos Islands, and have sailed on many of the ships owned by our favorite cruise lines, Celebrity, Azamara, Crystal, Regent, Viking River Cruises and Royal Caribbean." }, { "docid": "6413314", "title": "-", "text": "The flight time from Los Angeles, US, to Galapagos Islands is approximately 6 hours and 10 minutes. The total distance is approximately 4808.24 km or 2987 miles. This flig … ht time is approximate." }, { "docid": "7115997", "title": "Charles Darwin's Finches", "text": "Charles Darwin did not come up with the Theory of Evolution on this voyage. As a matter of fact, his grandfather Erasmus Darwin had already instilled the idea that species change through time in Charles. However, the Galapagos finches helped Darwin solidify his idea of natural selection." }, { "docid": "3193704", "title": "-", "text": "The Galapagos Galápagos islands are made up of 13 main, islands 6 smaller, islands and an array of about 100 rocks and. Islets the 20 named islands of the group : Are (Baltra South) Seymour. Island (Bartolome) Bartolomé. bartholomew island" }, { "docid": "6823066", "title": "What did Darwin notice about the animals on the Galapagos island?", "text": "Charles Darwin watched and studied many animals well on the Galapagos Islands, But the most talked about is a species of bird referred to as Finches. This is the bird that led … to Darwin being credited with the theory of evolution by natural selection." }, { "docid": "6705938", "title": "Galapagos Islands", "text": "Geography. The Galapagos Archipelago is located on both sides of the equatorial line approximately 970 km (600 miles) west from continental Ecuador. Local time is -6 GMT. It is formed by thirteen greater islands, six smaller islands, 42 islets and several rocks, which cover a total area of 7,850 km².eography. The Galapagos Archipelago is located on both sides of the equatorial line approximately 970 km (600 miles) west from continental Ecuador. Local time is -6 GMT. It is formed by thirteen greater islands, six smaller islands, 42 islets and several rocks, which cover a total area of 7,850 km²." }, { "docid": "5570374", "title": "Newest species of iguana", "text": "In 2009, however, it was announced that a new species of iguana, rose-pink (rosada) in colour and up to 1.75 m long, had been discovered living on a single volcanic mountain called Volcan Wolf on the island of Isabela in the Galapagos chain." }, { "docid": "8713135", "title": "Galapagos Islands", "text": "Although located on the equator, the Galapagos Islands are not always humid and hot as other equatorial regions, due to its location on the Pacific dry area, where temperatures keep low par of the year by the influence of the Humboldt cold current coming from the Antarctica." }, { "docid": "4691847", "title": "-", "text": "Green sea turtles are the only species of turtle that live in the Galapagos Islands, although the hawksbill turtles and leatherback turtles can sometimes be seen there. Other types of marine life found in Galapagos include: Crabs, shrimps and lobsters. Sea shells, sea slugs, squids and octopuses." }, { "docid": "8795984", "title": "-", "text": "Populations of feral cattle are known to come from and exist in: Australia, United States of America, Colombia, Argentina, Spain, France and many islands, including New Guinea, Hawaii, Galapagos, Juan Fernandez Fernández, Islands (Hispaniola Dominican republic And), Haiti tristan Da cunha Île Ile. île amsterdam" }, { "docid": "53045", "title": "Vampire Moths Suck the Blood of Vertebrates, Including Humans", "text": "A vampire moth, Calyptra thalictri, feeding on Dr. Jennifer M. Zaspel’s thumb. Vampirism — piercing or cutting animal skin to suck or lap up blood — is known throughout the animal kingdom. Mosquitoes come to mind, plus ticks, mites, vampire bats, and the vampire finch of the Galapagos Islands." }, { "docid": "4946902", "title": "Hydrothermal Vent Creatures", "text": "Hydrothermal Vent Creatures. Travel to a world of perpetual night--the deep ocean hydrothermal vents near the Galapagos Rift where life thrives around superheated water spewing from deep inside the Earth." }, { "docid": "2758634", "title": "-", "text": "Charles Darwin in the Galapagos. Charles Darwin. Darwin's visit to the Galapagos Islands had a resounding impact on the formation of his Theory of Natural Selection. A rather unmotivated and failing medical scholar, Charles Darwin accompanied Captain Robert Fitzroy as a travel companion and naturalist on the HMS Beagle." }, { "docid": "5443984", "title": "-", "text": "There are 32 species of seals. The largest is the southern elephant seal, which can weigh more than 2 tons (4,000 pounds) and the smallest is the Galapagos fur seal, which weighs, in comparison, a mere 65 pounds." }, { "docid": "1674671", "title": "-", "text": "Tectonic situation of the Galapagos Islands. The Galapagos Islands are not formed at the junction of two or more tectonic plates, as are many of the world’s volcanoes. They occur within the Nazca Plate, and are interpreted to be the result of a ‘hot spot’." }, { "docid": "8617842", "title": "Alvin", "text": "Following Project FAMOUS, Alvin’s reputation as a valued workhorse grew steadily among the oceanographic research community. In 1977, researchers using Alvin discovered the first hydrothermal vents in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of the Galapagos Islands. Since then, it has located more than 24 hydrothermal sites in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans." }, { "docid": "5271700", "title": "Galapagos", "text": "How unique is the name Galapagos? Out of 5,743,017 records in the U.S. Social Security Administration public data, the first name Galapagos was not present. It is possible the name you are searching has less than five occurrences per year. Weird things about the name Galapagos: Your name in reverse order is Sogapalag." }, { "docid": "5730324", "title": "PEOPLE ON THE GALAPAGOS ISLANDS", "text": "GALAPAGOS ISLANDS ANIMALS - PENGUINS - TORTOISE - SEA LIONS - IGUANAS - SHARKS. PEOPLE ON THE GALAPAGOS ISLANDS. As far as anybody knows, the Galapagos never had a native tribe like you find on Easter Islands or Papua New Guinea. The people who live on the islands now are those who came over after the islands were discovered, the majority coming from Ecuador. The official language of the islands is Spanish, though you can find practically every language there from English to Hebrew. Because the islands rely so heavily on tourism, it's very easy to get around without speaking Spanish.The majority of the people are Roman Catholic, though the islands do have other churches. | Galapagos Islands Tours | Islas Galapagos (Spanish) |." } ]
what is the height of surtsey volcano
[ { "docid": "5072259", "title": "-", "text": "The Surtsey Eruption 1963-1967. The Surtsey eruption is among the longest eruptions to have occurred in Iceland in historical times. The first sign of an eruption came early in the morning of November 14, 1963, at a site approximately 18 km southwest of Heimaey, the largest of the Vestmannaeyjar (Westman Islands). total of 1.1 km³ of volcanic products arose from the Surtsey eruption, of which 60-70% were tephra and 30-40% lava. In many respects the Surtsey eruption is comparable to eruptions that led to the formation of hyaloclastite (palagonite) mountains in Iceland during the Ice Age." } ]
[ { "docid": "4687202", "title": "Top Seattle Day Trips & Excursions", "text": "Small-Group Full-Day Tour of Mount St Helens Volcano from Seattle. Mount St Helens Volcano is a must-see attraction, and this small-group tour from Seattle is the ideal way to visit the national monument. A professional ..." }, { "docid": "8562201", "title": "Mexico's Popocatépetl volcano spews ash two MILES into the air: Puebla is caked in white dust as eruption forces closure of airport", "text": "Mexico's Popocatépetl volcano spews ash two MILES into the air: Puebla is caked in white dust as eruption forces closure of airport. A Mexican volcano that has been active on and off since 1994 has erupted over Santiago Xalitzintla village in Puebla, Mexico, blanketing the city in dusty, white ash. The Popocatépetl volcano began erupting around 2.30am on Monday, sending ash two miles into the air." }, { "docid": "5264002", "title": "Universal Orlando's Volcano Bay water park to open in 2017", "text": "Universal Orlando's Volcano Bay will be 6th water park in Central Florida. Universal Orlando is touting a reimagined experience for water-park fans when Volcano Bay opens in 2017." }, { "docid": "4136387", "title": "Top 5 Dormant Volcanoes in the World", "text": "Although Mauna Kea has had an eruption within the past 10,000 years—the most recent eruption took place 3,500 years ago—it's still considered a dormant volcano. However, Mauna Kilauea, also on the island of Hawaii and at just over 4,000 feet much lower in height, is very much an active volcano.ount Kilimanjaro is 19,335 feet tall, which makes it the highest volcano in Africa and one of the highest in the world. Kilimanjaro is part of a chain of 20 volcanoes in what is known as the East African Rift Valley. Kilimanjaro itself has three separate cones -- Kibo, Shira, and Miwenzi." }, { "docid": "3584637", "title": "What is the largest volcano in our solar system?", "text": "Mars. It has the largest volcano in the Solar System 'Olympus Mons' which is about 3 times the size of Mt. Everest on Earth.lympus Mons on Mars is the largest extinct volcano known. The largest active volcano would have to be on Io a moon of Jupiter." }, { "docid": "2933827", "title": "Volcanic History of the Big Island of Hawaii", "text": "The Hawaiian Islands are composed of linear chains of these volcanoes including. 1 Mount Kilauea (Big Island's youngest volcano) 2 Mauna Loa (largest active volcano on the planet) 3 Mauna Kea (tallest volcano on the island of Hawaii) 4 Hualalai. 5 Kohala Volcano (oldest)" }, { "docid": "8001214", "title": "-", "text": "There are several powerful and violent volcanoes located in Costa Rica, and we will be focusing on all four, one volcano-spawned beach, a volcano-originated island, and the impact that these regions have on the surrounding biosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere. Rincón de la Vieja Volcano" }, { "docid": "7973100", "title": "Volcano Types", "text": "The second type may be familiar to you from news reports from Hawaii: the shield volcano. This type of volcano can be hundreds of miles across and 10,000 feet high. A shield volcano is characterized by gentle upper slopes (about 5 degrees) with somewhat steeper lower slopes (about 10 degrees). The shield volcanoes are almost entirely composed of relatively thin lava flows built up over a central vent." }, { "docid": "3336469", "title": "Universalâs Volcano Bay Water Theme Park", "text": "Volcano Bay Water Theme Park at Universal Orlando Resort. Volcano Bay is the Universal Orlando Resort’s newest theme park. This unique water play area is set to open on May 25. It will be the first water park constructed by Universal Orlando. The water park is themed around a 200-foot-tall mighty fire and water volcano named “Krakatau”." }, { "docid": "1425431", "title": "-", "text": "Mount Etna: Watch as Europe's biggest volcano spews lava and smoke into the ... Volcanic rocks rain down on Sicily. And you thought Irish weather was bad-in Sicily, it's raining rocks. Active European volcano can't keep these Italians down." }, { "docid": "4151118", "title": "Anatomy of an Underwater Volcano", "text": "Definition A volcano is a rupture in the planet's crust through which molten rock, ash and gas escape. The opening at the top of the volcano is known as the crater. Although often associated with the ring of fire in the pacific, Volcanoes can form at any location where there is a thinning of the earth's crust." }, { "docid": "6001455", "title": "Definitions", "text": "Compound Volcano. A volcano that consists of a complex of two or more vents, or a volcano that has an associated volcanic dome, either in its crater or on its flanks. Examples are Vesuvius and Mont Pelee." }, { "docid": "969992", "title": "Olympus Mons", "text": "As a shield volcano, Olympus Mons resembles the shape of the large volcanoes making up the Hawaiian Islands. The edifice is about 600 km (370 mi) wide. Because the mountain is so large, with complex structure at its edges, allocating a height to the structure is difficult." }, { "docid": "30987", "title": "Fears Iceland's largest volcano may erupt following earthquakes", "text": "The Icelandic Meteorological Office (IMO) is on alert for a possible eruption from the country's largest volcano, Katla, after two earthquakes in the region. The Icelandic Meteorological Office (IMO) is on alert for a possible eruption from the country's largest volcano, Katla, after two earthquakes in the region." }, { "docid": "6870755", "title": "What are the three types of volcanoes?", "text": "A shield volcano, cinder cone volcano, and the composite volcano. Shield volcanoes are on of the three types of volcanoes. Shield volcanoes have quiet eruptions and the lava … is basaltic.Its slope is shallow compared to a composite volcano and a cinder-cone volcano.inder-cone volcanoes are the second of the three types of volcanoes. Cinder-cone volcanoes. Cinder-cone volcanoes have explosive eruptions that release lava high in the air. They are created by tephra, volcanic ash. Its slope ranges between 30 degrees and 40 degrees. The lava is andesitic." }, { "docid": "1056378", "title": "-", "text": "A cinder cone volcano is the most common type of volcano. It is formed fro … m volcanic fragments and is very steep sided, although not always extremely tall. They usually have just one main vent, and can also sometimes form from a vent of a larger volcano, growing and becoming a whole new volcano." }, { "docid": "7067101", "title": "-", "text": "Hourly Forecast Detailed. 1 0am:The Volcano, CA forecast for Apr 03 is 48 degrees and Patchy rain possible. 2 3am:The Volcano, CA forecast for Apr 03 is 44 degrees and Clear. 3 6am:The Volcano, CA forecast for Apr 03 is 41 degrees and Clear. 9am:The Volcano, CA forecast for Apr 03 is 48 degrees and Sunny." }, { "docid": "8290169", "title": "Ring of Fire", "text": "1 Popocatepetl -- Popocatepetl is an active volcano in the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt. Located near Mexico City, this volcano is considered by many to be the most dangerous in the world since a large eruption could potentially kill millions of people." }, { "docid": "6858064", "title": "Background Facts", "text": "The eruption also cause a 300 meter crater to form. El Chichon is the most southern and Eastern volcano in Mexico, and is about 3,721 ft. high. It is a strato volcano. There are many domes in the volcano, but the largest dome, is within a 1.6 x 2 kilometer summit crater, created about 220,000 years ago. The way El Chichon affected the atmosphere was still seen about 22 months after the eruption, and maybe even still seen today." }, { "docid": "7424", "title": "-", "text": "1 The pictures were an eloquent reminder of the power of the volcano. 2 Since the volcano last erupted, many houses have been built in a dangerous position on its slopes. Lava from the volcano was flowing down the hillside." }, { "docid": "7317970", "title": "141 Km - Distance from Arenal Volcano National Park to Liberia Airport", "text": "Check the Flight distance between Arenal Volcano National Park and Liberia Airport. Travel time is an important point to know with the driving distance. Hence you might also want to know the Travel Time from Arenal Volcano National Park to Liberia Airport. This will help you estimate how much time you will spend travelling for the distance from Arenal Volcano National Park to Liberia Airport." }, { "docid": "4557996", "title": "-", "text": "California Volcano Observatory's mission. As a part of the U.S. Geological Survey's Volcano Hazards Program, the California Volcano Observatory aims to advance scientific understanding of volcanic processes and lessen the harmful impacts of volcanic activity in the volcanically active areas of California and Nevada." }, { "docid": "3798388", "title": "Mayon Volcano", "text": "Mayon, also known as Mayon Volcano or Mount Mayon, is an active stratovolcano in the province of Albay in Bicol Region, on the large island of Luzon in the Philippines. Renowned as the perfect cone because of its symmetric conical shape, the volcano and its surrounding landscape was declared a national park on July 20 of 1938, the first in the nation. It was reclassified a Natural Park and renamed as the Mayon Volcano Natural Park in 2000. Local folklore refers to the volcano being named after" }, { "docid": "175955", "title": "Facts about Diamond Head", "text": "Since it is an extinct volcano, there is no lava in it. The volcano has extinct since more than 150,000 years ago. The Diamond Head Mountain is about 760 feet from above the sea level. If measured from the crater floor, the height of the Diamond Head Mountain is 560 feet. If you want to reach the top of the Diamond Head, you need to climb up a trail." }, { "docid": "3653778", "title": "Mont Pelee:Martinique", "text": "Mt Pelee Martinique. Mont Pelee(1379m / 4583 ft) is a volcano on the island of Martinique and erupted dramatically in 1902.On the northern tip of the Lesser Antilles island of Martinique it is considered the most regularly active volcano in the Caribbean.ont Pelee(1379m / 4583 ft) is a volcano on the island of Martinique and erupted dramatically in 1902." }, { "docid": "1527392", "title": "Pyroclastic Material Ash, Lapilli, Lava Blocks", "text": "Lava blocks are often produced during violent volcanic eruptions when pieces of a volcano are blown away. The rock fragments are greater than 64 mm in size with no upward limit to their size. Lava blocks. Lava blocks are large pieces of rock blown out of a volcano which have angular shapes and are solid. Some lava blocks are pieces of the volcano vent or sides of the volcano when it blows apart. The pieces can be as big as a small car." }, { "docid": "5234237", "title": "Ore resources on Mars", "text": "The presence of many huge volcanoes on Mars shows that large areas were very hot in the past. Olympus Mons is the largest volcano in the solar system; Ceraunius Tholus, one of its smaller volcanoes, nears the height of Earth's Mt. Everest.Olympus Mons Region showing several large volcanoes.he presence of many huge volcanoes on Mars shows that large areas were very hot in the past. Olympus Mons is the largest volcano in the solar system; Ceraunius Tholus, one of its smaller volcanoes, nears the height of Earth's Mt. Everest. Olympus Mons Region showing several large volcanoes." }, { "docid": "455898", "title": "Mauna Loa Volcano", "text": "The Mauna Loa Volcano is the largest volcano on the planet as it rises over 4 kilometers above the sea level but the 4 kilometers that you see on top is not even half the size of the volcano.he Mauna Loa Volcano is the largest volcano on the planet as it rises over 4 kilometers above the sea level but the 4 kilometers that you see on top is not even half the size of the volcano." }, { "docid": "3137989", "title": "Nyiragongo Volcano", "text": "Nyiragongo volcano (3470m) is a large basaltic stratovolcano located about 15 km north of the city of Goma in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The volcano is famous for persistent lava lake activity in its huge summit crater." }, { "docid": "1561492", "title": "Volcanoes of El Salvador", "text": "San Salvador volcano. The volcano of San Salvador is also known as Quezaltepeque volcano. It is located between the municipalities of Quezaltepeque, San Juan Opico, Colon, Nejapa and Nueva San Salvador in the Department of La Libertad. It is located at a distance of 11 km from the city of San Salvador." } ]
what is the japanese word for death
[ { "docid": "4413098", "title": "How do Words Make it Into the Dictionary?", "text": "Karoshi (過労死) This word is used to describe what happens when a person works themselves to death—usually by means of a heart attack, stroke, or other form of stress-related cause. The Japanese characters for karoshi consist of the following three parts: 過 (ka) for excess, 労 (ro) for labor and 死 (shi) for death." } ]
[ { "docid": "4414920", "title": "-", "text": "The nearest thing to a real-life refuge from the ravages of old age and death is here on the Japanese island of Okinawa in the East China Sea. The Japanese live longer than anyone else, and Okinawans live longer than anyone else in Japan.The Japanese government says 457 Okinawans are at least 100 years old 34.7 centenarians for every 100,000 islanders, highest ratio in the world. The USA has about 10 centenarians for every 100,000 people.Life expectancy is 81.2 years on Okinawa, longest in the world.he Japanese live longer than anyone else, and Okinawans live longer than anyone else in Japan. The Japanese government says 457 Okinawans are at least 100 years old 34.7 centenarians for every 100,000 islanders, highest ratio in the world." }, { "docid": "5197312", "title": "-", "text": "Japanese word Baka means idiot, fool and stupid, everything along those lines. every other definition people are using the sentences with english." }, { "docid": "4953803", "title": "The Origin of Teppanyaki", "text": "The Origin of Teppanyaki. Perhaps you’ve heard the word “teppanyaki” in conversation or while watching a TV commercial advertising a local Japanese restaurant, but don’t really know what it means and were curious about the origin of teppanyaki steakhouses." }, { "docid": "3847716", "title": "-", "text": "The Kansai-ben (dialect of Kansai) with, it is the general term of various dialects of the Japanese which speaks in Kinki district (きんきちほう). Originally, the word which was used inside the? such as Kyoto has become the cause, it is something which the person who lives in Kansai area daily uses for conversation.he Kansai-ben (dialect of Kansai) with, it is the general term of various dialects of the Japanese which speaks in Kinki district (きんきちほう). Originally, the word which was used inside the? such as Kyoto has become the cause, it is something which the person who lives in Kansai area daily uses for conversation." }, { "docid": "8773174", "title": "-", "text": "Japanese kanji with kun reading あ-たる; Japanese kanji with kan'on reading ちゅう; Japanese kanji with historical kan'on reading ちゆう; Japanese kanji with kan'on reading じゅう; Japanese kanji with historical kan'on reading ぢゆう; Japanese kanji with goon reading ちゅう; Japanese kanji with historical goon reading ちゆう" }, { "docid": "1669655", "title": "Anime girls names?", "text": "Best Answer: Female Japanese Names 1. AI: Japanese name meaning love. 2. AIKA: Japanese name meaning love song. 3. AIKO: Japanese name meaning beloved/loving child. 4. AIMI: Japanese name meaning love beauty. 5.AKANE: Japanese name meaning brilliant red. 6. AKEMI: Japanese name meaning bright beauty. 7.I: Japanese name meaning love. 2. AIKA: Japanese name meaning love song. 3. AIKO: Japanese name meaning beloved/loving child. 4. AIMI: Japanese name meaning love beauty. 5. AKANE: Japanese name meaning brilliant red. 6." }, { "docid": "4446881", "title": "Nana ( 2005)", "text": "In the story, since both main characters have the same first name, to differentiate one Nana to the other, Nana Osaki affectionately called Nana Komatsu Hachi, because she thinks Nana Komatsu behaves like a dog, faithful but sometimes annoying. This is actually a play of word. The female name Nana is a homonym of the Japanese word nana that means seven, and while Hachi is a common dog name in Japan, it is also a homonym of the word hachi that means eight." }, { "docid": "6667467", "title": "Habu Snakes of Okinawa", "text": "The Japanese word ‘Habu’ refers to a particular type of snake that inhabits the Ryukyu Islands. These snakes are also known as tree vipers or pit vipers. There are three species of Habus found on Okinawa. Two of these species have been introduced and one is native to the island." }, { "docid": "4949406", "title": "-", "text": "Well, I also tell you how wikipedia defines this word: Zakka (from the Japanese 'zak-ka'(雑貨)or 'many things') is a fashion and design phenomenon that has spread from Japan throughout Asia." }, { "docid": "7528561", "title": "-", "text": "Number 7: ★ The Japanese word for strawberry is いちご (ichigo). ★ You may have heard this word in some anime series, such as ichigo 100%! ★ The kanji for ichigo is 苺 – This word is often written using this kanji, or just in hiragana or katakana." }, { "docid": "4037074", "title": "You've tried sweet, sour, bitter and salty... now tubes of the 'fifth taste' to be sold in supermarkets", "text": "Umami - the fifth sense of taste. Umami is the Japanese word for the fifth basic sense of taste, after bitter, salty, sour and sweet. Despite being known in the East for more than 100 years, particularly Japan, it is a relatively new concept to the West where only the four primary tastes are recognised." }, { "docid": "8469451", "title": "-", "text": "Katakana (片仮名, カタカナ) is a Japanese syllabary, one component of the Japanese writing system along with hiragana, kanji, and in some cases the Latin script (known as romaji). The word katakana means fragmentary kana, as the katakana" }, { "docid": "6905649", "title": "Princess Mononoke", "text": "The term Mononoke (物の怪 or もののけ) is not a name, but a Japanese word for a spirit or monster. Princess Mononoke was released in Japan on July 12, 1997, and in the United States on October 29, 1999." }, { "docid": "1258998", "title": "-", "text": "French words App for iPhone, Android. If you were wondering how to say a word or a phrase in Spanish, French, German, Italian, Chinese, Japanese or Russian, this site will help you to get the answer." }, { "docid": "4625610", "title": "Japanese encephalitis", "text": "Japanese encephalitis. Japanese encephalitis (JE), formerly known as Japanese B encephalitis to distinguish it from Economo's A encephalitis—is a disease caused by the mosquito-borne Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV)." }, { "docid": "8798764", "title": "What English words come from Japanese?", "text": "In English this means a kind of citrus fruit. However, this orange is called mikan in Japanese. The English name satsuma comes from the name of the province of Japan where the oranges were grown. The province Satsuma no longer exists. It was located in present-day Kyushu. Japanese people associate the word satsuma with a kind of sweet potato, satsuma-imo (薩摩芋), rather than oranges." }, { "docid": "1868878", "title": "-", "text": "Emoji (from Japanese 絵文字, read えもじ) (pl. emoji) are the tiny pictures you can put on your texts. The word dates back to the early Japanese mobile phones. With the iPhone's plethora of icons, the word emoji became widespread, as it was what the keyboard was named. It is made of two components, 絵 and 文字, meaning picture and letter respectively. Therefore, any claims that tie the word to emoticon are etymologically WRONG." }, { "docid": "5707190", "title": "-", "text": "Spanish words for iPhone, iPad. If you were wondering how to say a word or a phrase in Spanish, French, German, Italian, Chinese, Japanese or Russian, this site will help you to get the answer.weet. If you were wondering how to say a word or a phrase in Spanish, French, German, Italian, Chinese, Japanese or Russian, this site will help you to get the answer." }, { "docid": "2979938", "title": "All about the name Ichigo", "text": "The origin of the name Ichigo is Japanese. This is the culture in which the name originated, or in the case of a word, the language. Ichigo is the Japanese word for strawberry, but the name can also mean one/best guardian as a male name from ichi one and go guardian.. Also the Japanese word for strawberry which would be the feminine form. Ichigo iis a name in manga and anime in titles like Bleach and Tokyo Mew Mew." }, { "docid": "3997604", "title": "Theme (narrative)", "text": "The most common contemporary understanding of theme is an idea or point that is central to a story, which can often be summed in a single word (e.g. love, death, betrayal)." }, { "docid": "2725145", "title": "critical", "text": "Word by Word Definitions. criticalplay. : of, relating to, or being a turning point or specially important juncture : such as. : relating to or being the stage of a disease at which an abrupt change for better or worse may be expected. : being or relating to an illness or condition involving danger of death." }, { "docid": "8189003", "title": "How to Identify Popular Japanese Character Types", "text": "The first and most well known of the deres is the tsundere. The “tsun” in tsundere comes from the Japanese word “tsuntsun” (ツンツン) which means to be aloof or high and mighty. Thus, tsunderes are often stuck-up on the outside but loving on the inside." }, { "docid": "849737", "title": "What does \"fufu\" mean in Japanese?", "text": "like the japanese form of haha. Fufu is a type of playful laughter. Like for us is, very funny for them is fufu. Its very sarcastic. It's a kind of mimetic word of light laughter, smothered laugh, snirting. It's often used to describe her feeling to feel like wow secretly." }, { "docid": "8637163", "title": "Japanese Pronunciation", "text": "Let’s take a look at a word in Japanese and compare how it is pronounced in Japanese and English. Let’s take the word teriyaki, a cooking technique where meat is marinated. English pronunciation: [ter-uh-YAH-kee] Note how the third syllable is stressed.Japanese pronunciation: [teh-rih-yah-kee] In Japanese, each of the syllables gets the same amount of stress.This might sound like a lot to consider, but remember that learning good pronunciation is one of the easier aspects of Japanese!et’s take a look at a word in Japanese and compare how it is pronounced in Japanese and English. Let’s take the word teriyaki, a cooking technique where meat is marinated. English pronunciation: [ter-uh-YAH-kee] Note how the third syllable is stressed." }, { "docid": "3237242", "title": "What does Senpai mean?", "text": "It's not in the dictionary because it's Japanese ^_^. Senpai is a word used as respect when addressing older peers, like upperclassmen (if you're in grade 9 for example, you're senpai could be in gr 11 or 12... etc)." }, { "docid": "3884285", "title": "-", "text": "it's half way between the two, this is why we hear Japanese (and Chinese) speakers saying l when they mean r and the other way round. i The kara in karate is the same word as the kara in karaoke." }, { "docid": "2184810", "title": "Mangaka", "text": "Mangaka (漫画家) is the Japanese word for manga artist. Outside Japan, manga usually refers to a Japanese comic book, and mangaka refers to the author of the manga, who is usually Japanese. As of 2006, about 3000 professional mangaka were working in Japan.[1]" }, { "docid": "1250677", "title": "What is Donburi?", "text": "You won't believe these 10 facts about people. Donburi is the Japanese word for a large bowl. Sometimes spelled “domburi, the word also refers to a type of Japanese food that consists of a large bowl of plain, white rice with one or more toppings.For such a simple dish, donburi has many interpretations.he word donburi is shortened to the suffix “-don for the names of these specific dishes. One of the most common examples is gyudon, which means “beef bowl.. To prepare gyudon, thinly sliced beef and onions are simmered with soy sauce and mirin, a sweet sake cooking wine." }, { "docid": "1681113", "title": "Okama", "text": "Translation and Dub Issues Edit. Okama is Japanese slang for homosexual or transvestite. Literally meaning a pot, a kettle this word, always with the honorific prefix O- refers to a gay man, especially one who is viewed as effeminate or a drag queen." }, { "docid": "3298108", "title": "verbatim", "text": "| by heart. Word for word; in exactly the same words as were used originally. | [documents] Corresponding with the original word for word. | [persons] Able to take down a speech word for word, especially in shorthand.| A word-for-word report of a speech.erbatim. a word used either as an adverb, adjective or noun, meaning copied word for word. Verbatim may also refer to: Verbatim Corporation, a Japanese company that markets storage media and flash memory | Verbatim (magazine), edited by Erin McKean | Verbatim..." } ]
what is the largest animal to ever live on earth
[ { "docid": "412267", "title": "What is the biggest animal ever to exist on Earth?", "text": "By considerable measure, the largest known animal on Earth is the blue whale. Mature blue whales can measure anywhere from 75 feet (23 m) to 100 feet (30.5 m) from head to tail, and can weigh as much as 150 tons (136 metric tons)." }, { "docid": "2605371", "title": "15 of the Largest Animals in the World", "text": "15 of the Largest Animals in the World. The blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus) is a marine mammal belonging to the suborder of baleen whales. At 30 metres (98 ft) in length and 180 metric tons (200 short tons) or more in weight, it is the largest known animal to have ever existed." } ]
[ { "docid": "7053622", "title": "About Us", "text": "Earth Day Network’s mission is to diversify, educate and activate the environmental movement worldwide. Growing out of the first Earth Day, Earth Day Network is the world’s largest recruiter to the environmental movement, working with more than 50,000 partners in nearly 195 countries to build environmental democracy. More than 1 billion people now participate in Earth Day activities each year, making it the largest civic observance in the world." }, { "docid": "1935668", "title": "What is Earth Day?", "text": "1 Today more than 1 billion people participate in earth day activities each year to make it one of the most largest movement on earth. 2 Earth Day 2000 combined ambitious spirit of the first Earth Day with the international grassroots activism of Earth Day 1990." }, { "docid": "6112919", "title": "Whales vs. Dinosaurs: Whatâs the Biggest Animal of All Time?", "text": "The blue whale is the largest animal alive on Earth today, although the exact maximum size is something of a moving target in the literature. This prodigious species is thought to be capable of reaching 110 feet in length, and the largest scientifically verified individuals on record are 89 to 98 feet long. (If you’re wondering why we don’t have more exact lengths for this living species, consider the difficulties in measuring a blue whale." }, { "docid": "6809126", "title": "How Fast Can a Hyena Run?", "text": "A leopard can reach a top speed of 30 miles per hour. The fastest animal on Earth is said to be a cheetah, which can reach a top speed of 70 miles per hour." }, { "docid": "1992408", "title": "-", "text": "Yes, whales are mammals, however due to the fact that they live in the ocean these large animals are referred to as marine mammals. In fact the blue whale is the largest living mammal (and animal species) on this earth. In terms of size the blue whale can grow to lengths of over 90 ft. long and weigh more than 150 tons." }, { "docid": "4354908", "title": "-", "text": "Submit Corrections Cancel. (Vince Gill). Let there be peace on earth. And let it begin with me. Let there be peace on earth. The peace that was meant to be. With God as our Father. Brothers all are we. Let me walk with my brother. In perfect harmony.Let peace begin with me.nd live each moment. With peace eternally. Let there be peace on earth, And let it begin with me. (child). Let there be peace on earth. And let it begin with me. Let there be peace on earth. The peace that was meant to be." }, { "docid": "5153862", "title": "Top 10 Largest Rivers in the World", "text": "Rivers has a long history and there are various rivers on earth which are too long by their length, most of the longest river in Africa which are largest in the list of world ranking, here is a list of top ten largest rivers in the world. 10." }, { "docid": "3471157", "title": "African Elephant", "text": "African elephants are the largest land animals on Earth. They are slightly larger than their Asian cousins and can be identified by their larger ears that look somewhat like the continent of Africa.(Asian elephants have smaller, rounded ears.).frican elephants are the largest land animals on Earth. They are slightly larger than their Asian cousins and can be identified by their larger ears that look somewhat like the continent of Africa." }, { "docid": "1046407", "title": "Types of Lizards", "text": "Lizards live in diverse environments and are the most geographically widespread of the reptiles. That makes them the largest group of reptiles with about 5000 species. They have walked the earth for some 200 million years.oyd's Rainforest Dragon. Lizards are reptiles, or members of the class Reptilia, and are descendants of the dinosaurs that once ruled the Earth. They inhabit all of the continents apart from Antarctica, from sea level to heights of 16,500 feet (5000m)." }, { "docid": "522426", "title": "Difference Between Jupiter and Earth", "text": "Jupiter is a large planet that is a gas giant and also known as Jovian planet. It is the largest in our solar system and 5th in terms of distance from the sun after Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars.It is distinct in that it has a thick atmosphere made up of gases rather than having a solid ground. Earth is very small in comparison to Jupiter which is the largest planet of the solar system. • The diameter of Jupiter is 11 times greater than the diameter of the earth." }, { "docid": "597230", "title": "-", "text": "Katie the giraffe gave birth to a newborn on Friday, April 10, 2015. The birth was streamed live online from the Dallas Zoo by Animal Planet. Animal Planet/Dallas Zoo." }, { "docid": "2252602", "title": "What is the Oldest Living Animal Species on Earth?", "text": "You won't believe these 10 facts about people. The oldest living animal species on Earth cannot be known for sure, because not every animal species or fossil has yet been discovered, but the current best guess is the horseshoe crab, which has remained pretty much unchanged since the Ordovician period, 445 million years ago." }, { "docid": "6638450", "title": "Pictured: Giant blue whale floats belly-up after being killed in a tragic collision with a ship", "text": "Pictured: Giant blue whale floats belly-up after being killed in a tragic collision with a ship. Floating belly up in the Pacific, this is the unbelievable sight of the largest animal ever to have lived on Earth - killed by a passing ship. The body of the giant blue whale was found by researchers from Oregon State University in the Santa Barbara Channel off the coast of California." }, { "docid": "8040650", "title": "Download the Whale Facts & Worksheets", "text": "Whale Facts & Worksheets. This worksheet has a free sample available to download. Whales are the largest animals that have ever lived on earth and are the largest animals that live in the ocean. They are even bigger than the largest dinosaur and it is believed that millions of years ago, whales probably walked upon land." }, { "docid": "2350729", "title": "List of the Top Largest Animals Ever Recorded in History", "text": "The blue whale is the largest animal known to ever have existed. When people think about the largest animals that ever lived, dinosaurs are often the first thing to come to mind. It might come as a surprise that the largest animal ever recorded still lives today, although it is on the endangered species list. Others were indeed prehistoric creatures that would have dwarfed today's largest land animal, the African elephant, weighing about 14,000 pounds." }, { "docid": "2658815", "title": "-", "text": "Jupiter is the largest planet in our Solar System As of 2007: XO-3b The planet has a radius of 1.92 times Jupiter, the largest of any known extrasolar pl … anets. TrES-4 Has the largest diameter but is very rarefied so weighs very little. The largest planet in the solar system is Jupiter, then Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, Earth, Venus, Mars, Mercury, then, the smallest and former planet, Pluto. TrES-4 Has the largest diameter but is very rarefied so weighs very little. The largest planet in the solar system is Jupiter, then Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, Earth, Venus, Mars, Mercury, then, the smallest and former planet, Pluto." }, { "docid": "3503973", "title": "Saturn", "text": "Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun and the second-largest in the Solar System, after Jupiter. It is a gas giant with an average radius about nine times that of Earth.Although only one-eighth the average density of Earth, with its larger volume Saturn is just over 95 times more massive.aturn is the sixth planet from the Sun and the second-largest in the Solar System, after Jupiter. It is a gas giant with an average radius about nine times that of Earth." }, { "docid": "4498204", "title": "-", "text": "Oceanic Zones. There are four major oceanic zones where plants and animals live in the ocean. The four major zones are intertidal zone, neritic zone, open ocean zone and benthic zone.These zones contain the largest ecosystem on Earth.oral reefs have thousands of animals and plants that live in the waters of the neritic zone. Open ocean zone. The open ocean zone lies beyond the continental slope and contains 65% of the water in the oceans. This zone is divided further into three subzones." }, { "docid": "1144265", "title": "Definitions &Translations", "text": "The giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis) is an African even-toed ungulate mammal, the tallest living terrestrial animal and the largest ruminant." }, { "docid": "1119111", "title": "International Space Station", "text": "For other uses, see ISS (disambiguation). The International Space Station (ISS) is a space station, or a habitable artificial satellite, in low Earth orbit. Its first component launched into orbit in 1998, and the ISS is now the largest man-made body in low Earth orbit and can often be seen with the naked eye from Earth." }, { "docid": "22653", "title": "-", "text": "Top 10 amazing movie makeup transformations. The oldest living animal species on Earth cannot be known for sure, because not every animal species or fossil has yet been discovered, but the current best guess is the horseshoe crab, which has remained pretty much unchanged since the Ordovician period, 445 million years ago." }, { "docid": "8224908", "title": "Is It True That Elephants Never Forget?", "text": "Elephants are incredible creatures. The largest land mammals on earth, they show a wide range of behavioral and emotional patterns in their up-to-60-year lifespans.lephants are incredible creatures. The largest land mammals on earth, they show a wide range of behavioral and emotional patterns in their up-to-60-year lifespans." }, { "docid": "412266", "title": "25 Largest Animals on Earth", "text": "Share on Pinterest. Although man may be responsible for some of the changes that the Earth is now undergoing, when it comes to physical size, humans are nowhere near being the largest creatures on the planet." }, { "docid": "6172098", "title": "Giant Squid", "text": "Tsunemi Kubodera of the National Museum of Nature and Science of Japan/AP. Giant squid live up to their name: the largest giant squid ever recorded by scientists was almost 43 feet (13 meters) long, and may have weighed nearly a ton. You’d think such a huge animal would be hard to miss. But because the ocean is vast and giant squid live deep underwater, they remain elusive and are rarely seen: most of what we know comes from dead carcasses that floated to the surface and were found by fishermen." }, { "docid": "5025683", "title": "Terrestrial Planets: Definition & Facts About the Inner Planets", "text": "Earth. Of the four terrestrial planets, Earth is the largest, and the only one that has extensive regions of liquid water. Wateris necessary for life as we know it, and life is abundant on Earth — from the deepest oceans to the highest mountains.arth. Of the four terrestrial planets, Earth is the largest, and the only one that has extensive regions of liquid water. Wateris necessary for life as we know it, and life is abundant on Earth — from the deepest oceans to the highest mountains." }, { "docid": "8424374", "title": "Live Satellite Images in Google Earth!", "text": "Live Satellite Images in Google Earth! Sunday, 1st April 2007 by James Turnbull. Google Sightseeing can exclusively reveal a major new feature in Google Earth – live satellite images! Using the live satellite mode I created a screen capture of cars driving down a road, which you can see in the animated thumbnail below." }, { "docid": "2845898", "title": "-", "text": "Bangladesh | Where Do Bengal Tigers Live. The Bengal tiger is the national animal of Bangladesh and are found in the mangrove forests of Sundarban. As of survey 2004, there were around 200 to 419 Bengal tigers remaining in the wild of Sundarbans.epal | Where Do Bengal Tigers Live. The largest concentration of Bengal tigers in Nepal is found in Chitwan National Park while some species are separated by cultivation and densely settle habitat." }, { "docid": "3319012", "title": "What is the biggest planet in our Solar System?", "text": "The planets in the Solar System from largest to smallest with their radii in kilometres and relative to Earth are:" }, { "docid": "2276505", "title": "Porcupine Symbolism & Meaning", "text": "Earth Magic... and the Spiritual Meaning of the Porcupine Power Animal. The secret wisdom conveyed through my magic sticks oracle for Porcupine symbolism is... Earth Magic... Porcupine spirit animal speaks the message: you will find great power and unlock ancient wisdom from the energies stored within the earth. Spend time connecting to earth going to the mountains, stopping by a creek and dipping your feet in the waters, planting trees, collecting rocks and leaves and twigs and create a sacred earth magic altar in your home." }, { "docid": "1330932", "title": "-", "text": "Watch Katie the Giraffe give birth, as captured on Animal Planet Live Cams. Giraffe Birth Live Watch Katie the Giraffe Give Birth Watch Katie the Giraffe give birth, as captured on Animal Planet Live Cams." } ]
what is the largest most celebrated environmental event worldwide
[ { "docid": "5436015", "title": "Earth Day", "text": "Earth Day Flag created by John McConnell. Earth Day is an annual event, celebrated on April 22, on which day events worldwide are held to demonstrate support for environmental protection.t now is observed in 192 countries, and coordinated by the nonprofit Earth Day Network, chaired by the first Earth Day 1970 organizer Denis Hayes, according to whom Earth Day is now the largest secular holiday in the world, celebrated by more than a billion people every year.." } ]
[ { "docid": "4222509", "title": "Earth Day", "text": "Earth Day. Earth Day is an annual event celebrated on April 22. Worldwide, various events are held to demonstrate support for environmental protection. First celebrated in 1970, Earth Day events in more than 193 countries are now coordinated globally by the Earth Day Network." }, { "docid": "2506697", "title": "Eid al-Fitr", "text": "Eid al-Fitr (Arabic: عيد الفطر‎‎ ʻĪd al-Fiá¹­r, IPA: [ʕiːd al fitˤr], festival of breaking of the fast) is an important religious holiday celebrated by Muslims worldwide that marks the end of Ramadan, the Islamic holy month of fasting (sawm)." }, { "docid": "6482206", "title": "Friendship Day Dates from 2016-2030", "text": "Friendship Day is dedicated to the bond of friendship and companionship and is celebrated on the first Sunday of August every year. This year 2016, it will be celebrated on 7th August. The occasion began as a small event, to commemorate the relation shared by friends. Today, it has taken the shape of a grand festival." }, { "docid": "2588872", "title": "US Mardi Gras", "text": "The largest and one of the oldest Mardi Gras festivals is held in New Orleans, with the second-largest event being the St Louis Mardi Gras held in the historic Soulard neighborhoods." }, { "docid": "5436016", "title": "How Earth Day is celebrated around the world?Posted by Kasia on Apr 22, 2013 in Calendar, Countries, Culture, Holidays, Nature", "text": "In 1990, the first official International Earth Day was celebrated. About 200 million people from 141 nations took part in a celebration of environmental conservation. In many countries, the global event reminded presidents and other national leaders how important protecting Earth is to people.ost people celebrate Earth Day on April 22nd each year. In some countries, it is celebrated a month earlier on the vernal equinox (punkt rownonocy równonocy). Wiosennej image-By-snugg on.flickr. Com countries all over the world Celebrate Earth day in different. Ways china created a stamp to Commemorate Earth day and the. planet" }, { "docid": "2734233", "title": "Gatorade", "text": "As of 2010, Gatorade is PepsiCo’s 4th-largest brand, on the basis of worldwide annual retail sales. It competes with Coca-Cola's Powerade and Vitaminwater brands worldwide, and with Lucozade Sport in the United Kingdom." }, { "docid": "8457597", "title": "-", "text": "1 environmental constipation. 2 environmental constipation. 3 environmental constipation. 4 Environmental Construction Products International, Inc. 5 Environmental consultancy. 6 Environmental Consultancy-University of Sheffield Ltd." }, { "docid": "5364579", "title": "Helen Robinson, ONZM", "text": "Formed TZ1 Registry 1 January 2008, went live April 2008 and was largest environmental asset registry worldwide by August 2008 with millions of credits listed (carbon, water and other biodiversity) with a combined value of nearly USD1b assets on registry. July 2005 – October 2007 (2 years 4 months)." }, { "docid": "3353777", "title": "Facebook trading sets record IPO volume", "text": "Facebook celebrated its public debut by gathering its staff Thursday night for an all-night hackathon. At the $38 IPO price, Facebook is on track to raise $16 billion -- making it the largest tech IPO in history." }, { "docid": "1782697", "title": "agitated depression", "text": "reactive depression a usually transient depression that is precipitated by a stressful life event or other environmental factor, in contrast to an endogenous depression." }, { "docid": "7307728", "title": "-", "text": "Add to Your Calendar 10-08-2015 00:00:00 10-18-2015 00:00:00 11 2015 Georgia National Fair EVENT OVERVIEW: The annual, official state-sponsored Georgia National Fair is a family event “Where Georgia is Celebrated!” The Fair is a “sense-ational” experience! See it. Smell it. Taste it. Touch it." }, { "docid": "8740854", "title": "Chief Medical Officer Summit Speakers", "text": "Prior to joining BIO, Dr. Esham was a Vice President and Director of Research at Dutko Worldwide, a private consulting firm in Washington, D.C. There she worked on a variety of environmental, education, science, technology and health care related issues both on the federal and state/local levels." }, { "docid": "2996934", "title": "Lion", "text": "Lions (Panthera leo) are the largest of all African cats. They are the second largest cat species worldwide, smaller than only the tiger. Lions range in color from nearly white to tawny yellow, ash brown, ochre, and deep orange-brown." }, { "docid": "213466", "title": "The 10 largest employers in America", "text": "Most famously, Wal-Mart Stores, which owns Walmart and Sam's Club, employs roughly 2.2 million people worldwide and is the largest private employer in the United States. Target and Kroger are also among America's largest employers and may still add to their workforces." }, { "docid": "8631117", "title": "-", "text": "Earth Day is an annual event that raises public awareness of the importance of protecting the environment. It is celebrated each year on April 22 in the United States and across much of the world. In some countries, it is celebrated on the day of the spring equinox in the Northern Hemisphere, usually on March 21." }, { "docid": "5963458", "title": "-", "text": "The environmental conditions of your paper storage and pressroom can have an impact on what is often the largest, most expensive component of a printing project—paper. By nature paper is dimensionally unstable and susceptible to temperature and humidity." }, { "docid": "3972334", "title": "Brazilian Coffee Industry", "text": "The largest buyers of the Brazilian coffee worldwide are: Germany, United States, Italy, Japan and Belgium (in ascending order). An important institution regulating the coffee exports is the Cecafé (Coffee Exporters Council)." }, { "docid": "5734281", "title": "Welcome", "text": "In March, DOCCS celebrated Women's History Month by recognizing four women within the Department who have achieved excellence. The theme of this year's event was Honoring Trailblazing Women in Labor and Business." }, { "docid": "6101394", "title": "-", "text": "For twelve years, the Sierra Vista Farmers Market has celebrated Earth Day with an expanded market, including extra exhibits and demonstrations. Education is an important component of Earth Day and there will be much to learn at this year’s event." }, { "docid": "4112083", "title": "live birth", "text": "live birth - the birth of a living fetus (regardless of the length of gestation) 1 nascence, nascency, nativity, birth - the event of being born; they celebrated the birth of their first child. 2 blessed event, happy event - the live birth of a child." }, { "docid": "6106226", "title": "Course Map: Twin Lights Half Marathon", "text": "The seashore is visible for most of the race route, which unfolds mostly along Thatcher Road and past the Delmater Sanctuary, an environmental preserve here. Once runners make it past the sanctuary, they continue on north and west into Rockport. (MORE: Twin Lights Half Marathon event details)" }, { "docid": "540130", "title": "Number of Starbucks stores worldwide from 2003 to 2017", "text": "The country with the second largest number, Canada, had just 1,396 locations. Only two other countries had more than one thousand Starbucks stores at this time, China and Japan. Surprisingly, the city with the largest number of Starbucks stores worldwide was found in none of the aforementioned countries." }, { "docid": "2529687", "title": "25 Big Companies That Are Going Green", "text": "Having billed themselves as “the largest coalition of investors, environmental and public interest organizations in North America“, the organization is primarily focused on ensuring that companies accurately disclose the environmental aspects of their business practices to investors and shareholders." }, { "docid": "2345093", "title": "-", "text": "AAR’s network of 6 MRO facilities in the U.S. has earned leadership positions as the # 1 provider of MRO services in the Americas and the third largest worldwide." }, { "docid": "4516418", "title": "Making Healing Happen", "text": "ADVANCED PRACTICE NURSING. As one of the largest employers of advanced practice professionals in the nation, Cleveland Clinic brings together worldwide opportunity and the most advanced care. Challenge yourself in a fast-paced, quality-centric environment." }, { "docid": "1475659", "title": "Time Zone Converter â Time Difference Calculator", "text": "Find the best meeting time across different time zones worldwide... Make a Countdown to This Event Countdown with colorful animations counting down the weeks, days, minutes, hours, and seconds..." }, { "docid": "8753189", "title": "Robert Burns", "text": "Robert Burns (25 January 1759 – 21 July 1796), also known as Rabbie Burns, the Bard of Ayrshire and various other names, was a Scottish poet and lyricist. He is widely regarded as the national poet of Scotland and is celebrated worldwide." }, { "docid": "1520641", "title": "Valentine's Day in Sri Lanka", "text": "Valentine's Day in Sri Lanka. Valentine’s Day is a time when people show feelings of love, affection and friendship. It is celebrated in many ways worldwide and falls on February 14 each year. Many people see Valentine's Day as a special day to express one's love for another.Many people see Valentine's Day as a special day to express one's love for another.©iStockphoto.com/mammamaart." }, { "docid": "5719057", "title": "celebrate", "text": "verb (used with object), celebrated, celebrating. 1. to observe (a day) or commemorate (an event) with ceremonies or festivities: to celebrate Christmas; to celebrate the success of a new play. 2. to make known publicly; proclaim: The newspaper celebrated the end of the war in red headlines." }, { "docid": "8654083", "title": "Where in the World Is Valentine's Day Celebrated?", "text": "Valentine's Day is celebrated in many countries around the world. Although it was initially a mostly Western holiday celebrated in Europe and former British colonies such as the United States, this..." } ]
caremark fax number
[ { "docid": "4046524", "title": "Get the caremark fax form", "text": "Caremark - Mail Service Numbers, Forms and Information. Download the mail service prescription fax form *, complete it and fax it to 1-800- 378-0323 *This form is for health professionals only. Members Sign In." } ]
[ { "docid": "8445661", "title": "-", "text": "CREDIT CARD INFORMATION INSTRUCTIONS: Please complete all Sections and send Form to CITI Program via Fax at (305)243-9370. For security ofyour Credit Card Number, we encourage you not send Form via Email but only via Fax." }, { "docid": "3954741", "title": "What is a PBM?", "text": "I realized yesterday that many consumers might not even know what a PBM is. PBM stands for pharmacy benefit manager. The market is dominated by 3 large players – Medco, Caremark, and Express Scripts." }, { "docid": "1593714", "title": "-", "text": "Labels: Address , America , Corporate , Fax , Headquarters , Help , Hours , HQ , Main , Microsoft , North American , Number , Office , Offices , Phone , Redmond , Support , USA , Washington." }, { "docid": "131735", "title": "-", "text": "Send a standard fax from the computer You can send a document on your computer as a fax, without printing a copy and faxing it from theprinter.NOTE: Faxes sent from your computer by this method use the printer fax connection, not yourInternet connection or computer modem." }, { "docid": "4389381", "title": "Independent Physical Therapy P.c.", "text": "Independent Physical Therapy P.c. Clinic speciality, address, contact phone number and fax are as below. Patients can directly walkin to the clinic or can call on the below given phone number for appointment." }, { "docid": "6961865", "title": "-", "text": "Here's how you can use the Web to track down a fax number 1 : Go to your favorite search engine. 2 Type the number (with hyphens) into the search field. 3 If the number is somewhere already online, most likely Google will find it." }, { "docid": "815630", "title": "Freedom Elementary School in Deland, Florida (FL)", "text": "Phone: (386) 943-7670 (make sure to verify first before calling) District Number: 64. School number: 7781. School type: Elementary. District Name: VOLUSIA. Accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. Fax Number (verify independently before using): (386) 943-7680. Principal: Claire Link." }, { "docid": "6972548", "title": "What county is Joliet ILlinois in?", "text": "How do you find Union Fidelity Life insurance Company of Carol Stream Illinois? I have contacted them using a fax number of 267-468-6967. They replied to my fax with letterhead having an address of P,O, Box 5007, Carol Stream, IL, 50197 … They also provided a toll free number of 800-621-0393." }, { "docid": "4798683", "title": "-", "text": "If you attended CCAC prior to 1990, the request must be made by fax, mail or in person. Complete a Transcript Request Form and fax or mail it to the number and address on the form or take the completed form to the Registration office of their choice." }, { "docid": "3523886", "title": "-", "text": "TrustFax® | Online Fax to Email Service. Plans include: US local or toll free fax number. 300 send/receive pages per month. Additional pages only $0.10 each. Free account setup. Faxes sent to your email. Digitized signatures tool. Secure online fax storage." }, { "docid": "6979788", "title": "Thomas County", "text": "Phone Number: Fax Number: Thomas County, carved out of Decatur and Irwin counties in 1825, takes its name and that of its county seat, Thomasville, from War of 1812 General Jett Thomas." }, { "docid": "3685000", "title": "-", "text": "It is the responsibility of any vendor to notify the City of Suffolk Purchasing Division at fax number 757-514-7524 or by e-mail when solicitation packages are downloaded from this site." }, { "docid": "1918573", "title": "-", "text": "1 Please fax a copy of the NPI registration letter and a recent Medicare EOB for each provider that will use the service so we can verify your NPI Number(s) and Medicare Provider Number(s). (Fax #: (516) 208 - 6502) Using our discretion, we will then authorize you to use the site." }, { "docid": "6409461", "title": "-", "text": "Print and sign the form. Fax it with your documentation to the number on the coversheet. When you sign the fax coversheet, you certify that your claim is for an eligible expense. o To “Upload,” use the Browse button. Select your documentation from your computer." }, { "docid": "3473731", "title": "I Don't See Windows Fax and Scan", "text": "Verify that Fax and Scan is Enabled. When enabled, Windows Fax and Scan should show up in the Start menu when you search for it. Click Start and type “Windows Fax and Scan” in the Search box. Enable Fax and Scan. As a Windows component, Windows Fax and Scan can be enabled or disabled via Programs and Features." }, { "docid": "2930744", "title": "Internet fax or Post Office fax?", "text": "Going to the post office involves paying for it and it will be expensive since I am sending a fax to the Philippines. If there is a way to send a fax online, what&#39;s a... Source(s): internet fax post office fax: https://shortly.im/nLuhc.Colas · 2 months ago.oing to the post office involves paying for it and it will be expensive since I am sending a fax to the Philippines. If there is a way to send a fax online, what's a reliable faxing..." }, { "docid": "3523888", "title": "-", "text": "Plans include: 1 US local or toll free fax number. 2 300 send/receive pages per month. 3 Additional pages only $0.10 each. Free account 1 setup. Faxes sent to your email. Digitized signatures 1 tool. Secure online fax storage. International faxing." }, { "docid": "676603", "title": "USA Discounters Corporate Office Headquarters", "text": "USA Discounters Corporate Office Headquarters. 3320 Holland Road. Virginia Beach, VA 23452. Corporate Office Phone Number: 757-368-3300. Corporate Office Fax Number: 757-368-7057." }, { "docid": "257059", "title": "Paramount Advantage Customer Service Phone Number", "text": "Paramount Advantage fax number is 1-855-448-4705 to get contact through fax number. The address of Paramount Advantage is P.O. Box 928 Toledo, OH 43697-0928. The email address of Paramount Advantage is paramount.memberservices@promedica.org. The Website of Paramount Advantage is www.paramountadvantage.org. The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Paramount Advantage Service Center and Paramount Advantage customer service number is given below." }, { "docid": "3007753", "title": "Crawford County", "text": "Phone Number: Fax Number: Crawford County, created in 1822 from part of Houston County and later enlarged by additions from Macon and Talbot counties, honors William H. Crawford, the Georgian who served as U.S. secretary of the treasury that same year. Crawford also worked as a jurist and a diplomat." }, { "docid": "8088922", "title": "Setting Up an All-In-One Printer to Send Faxes", "text": "I have an Epson combo scanner/printer/copier/fax machine. You don't need an assigned fax number. My phone line is tied into the back of my printer. When I need to send a fax it's faxed through my landline telephone number. Make sure that you carefully read the printer/fax owner's manual to be sure that everything is connected." }, { "docid": "1044405", "title": "CVS Health", "text": "CVS Health. CVS Health (previously CVS Corporation and CVS Caremark Corporation) (stylized as CVSHealth) is an American retail pharmacy and health care company headquartered in Woonsocket, Rhode Island." }, { "docid": "1071230", "title": "How Fax Machines Work", "text": "If the fax machine has a small display screen, look for a confirmation that the fax went through. Some fax machines will also print out a short confirmation report. Here's how to receive a fax: 1 Make sure the fax machine is plugged in, powered on and connected to a working phone jack.2 This phone jack can either be your regular phone line or a dedicated fax line. 3 The important thing is that the sender has the right number. Gather the documents you want to send and put them in the order you want them to be received. 2 Fill out a separate piece of paper called a coversheet with the recipient's name, fax number/phone number, your name, your phone number, a short message and number of pages (including coversheet)." }, { "docid": "8370119", "title": "-", "text": "BASSETT, J. The respondent, the New Hampshire Department of Administrative Services (Department), appeals an order of the Superior Court (Smukler, J.) granting summary judgment in favor of the petitioner, CaremarkPCS Health, LLC (Caremark)." }, { "docid": "7990078", "title": "-", "text": "Phone Number: The Golds Gym headquarters can be reached by phone at 1-214-574-4653. Fax Number: Fax documents should be sent to 1-214-296-5000. Email: The only email address listed for Golds Gym is the support email [+]. Website: There is no official website for the Golds Gym headquarters. The official website does offer some corporate information in the Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy and on the Press Room page [+]." }, { "docid": "1076433", "title": "CVS Pharmacy", "text": "On November 1, 2006, CVS announced that it was entering into a purchase agreement with Nashville-based Caremark Rx Inc., a pharmacy benefits manager. The new company is called CVS Caremark Corporation and the corporate headquarters remains in Woonsocket, Rhode Island." }, { "docid": "7070941", "title": "-", "text": "Durable medical equipment (DME) auths. 1 Complete a DME Prior Authorization form (474KB PDF). 2 Complete online and save it for your records, then print and fax it to Priority Health. 3 Fax the form to the number listed on the form." }, { "docid": "2590775", "title": "Dandridge TN Police Jail", "text": "Dandridge TN Police Jail's phone number is 865-397-8862 .Friends and family who are attempting to locate a recently detained loved one can use that number to find out if the person is being held at Dandridge TN Police Jail If you need to send a fax to the facility, you can use their fax number: 865-397-5849." }, { "docid": "7263394", "title": "-", "text": "Toll Free Phone/Service Number of Alphera Financial Services. The Alphera Financial Services has also a tool free number so as the customers may feel free to contact them. The toll free number of Alphera Financial Services is 0508 257 437. Fax Number of Alphera Financial Services Besides these mediums the customers can also contact Alphera Financial Services through Fax medium. The fax number of Alphera Financial Services is +64 9 573 6280." }, { "docid": "2729488", "title": "Cvs Caremark Corporation Corporate Office & Headquarters", "text": "Write A Review For Cvs Caremark Corporation Corporate Headquarters. Note: This is not to be used to contact Cvs Caremark Corporation Corporate Offices nor is this site affiliated with them in any way. The purpose of this site is supply you with their phone number and address as well as share your thoughts about Cvs Caremark Corporation. Your review will be posted and available for anyone to read so please keep that in mind when posting personal information." } ]
what is the legal age for a snapchat account?
[ { "docid": "3278639", "title": "A Parentâs Guide to Snapchat", "text": "Yes, the minimum age is 13, in compliance with the U.S. Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA). Snapchat ask for a date of birth upon sign up, and if the birth date indicates that the user is under 13, they’re not allowed to create an account." } ]
[ { "docid": "3078103", "title": "Why is snapchat running so slow?", "text": "Ive redownloaded snapchat for the 3rd time and its only slightly gotten faster before it makes my phone slow and glitch so when i try to do anything else it doesnt work properly or if i try and view a snapchat message it says i saw it when i didnt and then i cant view it.Snapchat support faq's arent helping. I...ve redownloaded snapchat for the 3rd time and its only slightly gotten faster before it makes my phone slow and glitch so when i try to do anything else it doesnt work properly or if i try and view a snapchat message it says i saw it when i didnt and then i cant view it." }, { "docid": "5564636", "title": "How Old Do You Have to Be to Get Married?", "text": "For example, in New Mexico the legal age of consent is 16 but the minimum age for marriage is 18. Another extreme example of a great difference between age of consent and marriage age is Mississippi, where the age of consent is 16 but both members of a couple must be 21 years old to marry." }, { "docid": "1870513", "title": "Snapchat Stories Explained", "text": "Snapchat Stories Explained. A Snapchat Story is a photo or video you post to your very own Stories section (or feed) of your account, which is visible by you and all your friends." }, { "docid": "5856423", "title": "How to Use the New Snapchat Like a Pro", "text": "View Snapchat messages. If you’ve received a Snapchat, or just want to check out the log of Snapchat pictures or videos you’ve sent out to your friends (just the log; not the media itself), tap the little cube icon on the lower-left of Snapchat’s main screen." }, { "docid": "4121887", "title": "What is the difference between a national government and a state government?", "text": "Confidence votes 993. National government deals with the entire nation; for example, what is the legal voting or drinking age. State government does the same thing, but on the state level; for example, at what age can a teenager receive a driver's permit.State laws cannot contradict national laws; for example, the state could not say that the legal drinking age was 15, because the national law has set it at 21.onfidence votes 993. National government deals with the entire nation; for example, what is the legal voting or drinking age. State government does the same thing, but on the state level; for example, at what age can a teenager receive a driver's permit." }, { "docid": "3823488", "title": "Alabama Legal Ages Laws", "text": "This is an introduction to legal age laws in Alabama. Every state has minor laws that dictate the age of majority, or the age at which an citizen is considered an adult in the eyes of the law. Alabama draws that line at 19 years old, although minors still have certain legal rights and responsibilities." }, { "docid": "4557122", "title": "Social Media for Business: A Marketer's Guide", "text": "Snapchat is another visual social media network, but unlike with its competitors, content on Snapchat deletes itself. Users can send videos and photos, available for up to 10 seconds at a time, to one another, or post content to their public Stories, which disappears after 24 hours." }, { "docid": "5799838", "title": "Alabama Legal Ages Laws", "text": "Legal age laws in Alabama are highlighted in the table below. Alabama provides for a legal process, referred to as the “emancipation of a minor,” by which a person under the age of 19 can become an adult in the eyes of the law." }, { "docid": "7167754", "title": "-", "text": "http://www.profitconfidential.com/ipo/snapchat-begins-preparation-ipo-week/ Snapchat Begins Preparation for IPO This Week Gaurav S. Iyer, IFC Profit Confidential 2017-02-06T07:52:59Z 2017-02-22 07:22:28 Snapchat IPO Snap financials Snap IPO date Snap IPO price Snapchat valuation Snap IPO in NYSE Snapchat released its S-1 Filing with the U.S. SEC to ..." }, { "docid": "323240", "title": "Who May Operate a Personal Watercraft (PWC)", "text": "Those 14 and 15 years of age may operate a PWC legally only if they have obtained a boating safety certificate and 1 …. He or she is accompanied on board by his or her parent or legal guardian or by a person at least 21 years of age who has been designated by the parent or legal guardian or …." }, { "docid": "3809273", "title": "âSnap Save,â New iPhone App, Lets You Save Snapchats â Without Letting The Sender Know", "text": "New iOS app Snap Save will let you save snaps without letting the sender know. | Snapchat. New iOS app Snap Save will let you save snaps without letting the sender know. | Snapchat. Just when you thought Snapchat was a safe place to sext.A new iOS app named Snap Save not only makes saving Snapchat photos and videos easier than ever, it also saves them without letting the sender know.After downloading the app and logging into your Snapchat account, snapees can see all the snaps they have previously received.ew iOS app Snap Save will let you save snaps without letting the sender know. | Snapchat. Just when you thought Snapchat was a safe place to sext. A new iOS app named Snap Save not only makes saving Snapchat photos and videos easier than ever, it also saves them without letting the sender know." }, { "docid": "2484761", "title": "When Does Child Support End?", "text": "The age of majority refers to the legal age established under state law when an individual is no longer a minor and can make certain legal decisions on their own behalf. In most states, child support ends when a child turns 18 or graduates from high school, whichever occurs first. In other states, the age may be 21." }, { "docid": "5280997", "title": "Alcohol Policy", "text": "Even with this flexibility for the States, Congress retains the power to use financial and tax incentives to promote certain alcohol policies, such as the minimum legal drinking age. The Federal Uniform Drinking Age Act of 1984 sets the minimum legal drinking age to 21 and every State abides by that standard." }, { "docid": "1139031", "title": "The Snapchat Statistics Every Marketer Needs To Know", "text": "It Would Take 158 Years To Watch Every Snapchat Story. At 500 million Snapchat stories per day (calculated at 10 seconds each), it would take over 158 years to watch an entire day of Snapchat stories. According to Business Insider, users spend an average of 25-30 minutes each day on Snapchat." }, { "docid": "4560732", "title": "-", "text": "Definition of wrap account from QFinance - The Ultimate Financial Resource. What is wrap account? Definitions and meanings of wrap account." }, { "docid": "6282792", "title": "-", "text": "Although many states have actual legal ages that you can leave your child home alone, Rhode Island is one of the states that does not have a legal age in force.I spoke with Lt. Patrick Jones of the Tiverton Police Department and he was able to share a few guidelines with us.“It really depends on the child, he said.lthough many states have actual legal ages that you can leave your child home alone, Rhode Island is one of the states that does not have a legal age in force." }, { "docid": "3975001", "title": "-", "text": "Artists and designers are encouraged to use this tool to bring their one-of-a-kind style to the Snapchat community. Simply choose the geographic area you want your filter to be available in and upload an image asset. All images must be original artwork and have to be approved by the Snapchat team." }, { "docid": "3679419", "title": "-", "text": "Tweet. This map shows legal voting age around the world. A voting age is a minimum age established by law that a person must attain to be eligible to vote in a public election." }, { "docid": "8710883", "title": "More lives have been saved in the last two years alone by safety belts and air bags than have been saved in the 22 years since the adoption of Legal Age 21", "text": "1 Legal Age 21 has postponed fatalities-not reduced them-because every claim of an 18, 19, or 20 year-old life saved as a result of Legal Age 21 is offset by the number of 21, 22, or 23 year-old lives lost." }, { "docid": "7054444", "title": "Adult Law and Legal Definition", "text": "It is the age at which one becomes a legal adult and gains full legal rights. It is also the age at which a person is liable for their own actions, such as contractual obligations or liability for negligence. In general, a parental duty of support to a child ceases when the child reaches the age of majority." }, { "docid": "1662386", "title": "Apply for a Learners Permit", "text": "Applying for a Permit-Under 18 Years of Age. Start by checking the legal permit age for your state as it can be anything from 14 to 16 years.You can find the legal permit age for your state in the driver license book or by calling the DMV help line.If you meet the age requirement, check if the graduated license law requires to you complete any classes before you can apply for a drivers permit.pplying for a Permit-Under 18 Years of Age. Start by checking the legal permit age for your state as it can be anything from 14 to 16 years." }, { "docid": "4089878", "title": "What was the last state to change the drinking age from 18 to 21?", "text": "When did voting age change to 18 from 21? When did California change drinking age from 18 to 21? 21 became the national standard when a 1984 federal law reduced highway funds for states with a lower age. States are still free to set their own limits, however all 50 states… raised the legal age to 21. The legal drinking age in California has always been 21 though." }, { "docid": "2010110", "title": "Snapchat", "text": "Snapchat outage map Snapchat is a service for sending and receiving photos, videos and text messages on mobile phones. The sender of a message is able to determine the period that a message can be viewed by setting a limit between one and ten seconds." }, { "docid": "2368674", "title": "Wyatt Oleff Biography Age Girlfriend Height Family Wiki Wikipedia", "text": "wiki wikipedia Age Height family Girlfriend biography profile Wyatt Oleff Networth Birthday Details Place of Birth home son daughter tv actor house Snapchat facebook instagram twitter: he is a child actor of movies." }, { "docid": "652978", "title": "-", "text": "Google Product Forums > Gmail Help Forum > Categories: Account Access and Safety: What is the minimum age requirement for a gmail account? Showing 1-4 of 4 messages" }, { "docid": "2360394", "title": "Washington Legal Age Of Consent (Legal Age for Consensual Sex)", "text": "The Washington legal Age of Consent for sexual contact is. . There are a total of A total of thirty one states have set their age of consent at 16, the lowest age of consent in any state." }, { "docid": "6659486", "title": "Top 5 Apps To Save Snapchat Photos/Videos/Stories On iOS/Android", "text": "The Casper app is an alternative Snapchat client that does much more than all other apps on this list. The functionality includes the ability to save snaps (photo, videos and stories), forward snaps, apply filters to photos, slide filters, add stickers to photos etc.napchat Saver is the most popular Android app to save your received messages on Snapchat. Snapchat Saver lets you save both photo and video snaps. You can save photo stories and video stories as well. Please note that snaps should be saved prior to opening them on Snapchat." }, { "docid": "756316", "title": "How to Use the New Snapchat Like a Pro", "text": "There you have it: the most elusive feature of Snapchat, demystified! 3. How to add filters to your photos. Before you take your photo, go to your Snapchat settings by tapping the square on the bottom-left corner of your screen. From there, tap the settings tool icon in the upper-right corner of the screen." }, { "docid": "2360388", "title": "District of Columbia Legal Ages Laws", "text": "Here’s quick summary of legal age laws in the District of Columbia and some specific notes on what minors can’t do without a parent or guardian. D.C. Legal Ages Laws. The age of majority in the District of Columbia is eighteen years. Attaining adulthood removes many of the age restrictions in place under D.C. law." }, { "docid": "1345520", "title": "-", "text": "The three eldest sisters in the Kardashian family, Kim, Khloe, and Kourtney all mysteriously donned DILF hats on Snapchat The three eldest sisters in the Kardashian family, Kim, Khloe, and Kourtney all mysteriously donned DILF hats on Snapchat" } ]
what is the main site of digestion and absorption of nutrients?
[ { "docid": "5427988", "title": "-", "text": "Food digestion and nutrient absorption take place primarily in the small intestine, according to eMedicineHealth. Nutrient absorption is facilitated by villi and microvilli, fingerlike projections from the intestinal wall that serve to increase the surface area of the intestine so that nutrients can be fully absorbed." } ]
[ { "docid": "8488780", "title": "Animal Structure & Function The digestive system | What is the rumen? | The ruminant digestive system | Ruminant ecophysiology | Mycotoxins and rumen function | Monogastric digestion | Hindgut fermenters | Adaptations to high-fibre diets | Human digestive system | References", "text": "In ruminants, the small intestine is about 20 times longer than the length of the animal - so a cow two metres in length would have a small intestine 40 metres long! A large proportion of the digestion and absorption of nutrients and water occurs in the small intestine." }, { "docid": "2440119", "title": "Digestion & Absorption of Protein & Fats", "text": "Fat Absorption. The absorption of fat is quite different than that of protein. The fatty acids and glycerol from triglyceride digestion enter the epithelial cells of your small intestine by both passive diffusion and a fatty acid transporter protein.at Absorption. The absorption of fat is quite different than that of protein. The fatty acids and glycerol from triglyceride digestion enter the epithelial cells of your small intestine by both passive diffusion and a fatty acid transporter protein." }, { "docid": "3243192", "title": "BOOKLET BIOL 101, A3", "text": "In addition to storage and mechanical breakdown of food, the stomach: A. is the first site where chemical digestion of starch takes place. B. is the only place where fats are completely digested. C. is the first site where absorption takes place. D. initiates protein digestion and denatures proteins." }, { "docid": "5884509", "title": "Small intestine", "text": "The small intestine or small bowel is the part of the gastrointestinal tract between the stomach and the large intestine, and is where much of the digestion and absorption of food takes place. The small intestine has three distinct regions – the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum. It receives bile and pancreatic juice through the pancreatic duct, controlled by the sphincter of Oddi. The primary function of the small intestine is the absorption of nutrients and minerals from food. This article is primarily about the human gastrointestinal tract." }, { "docid": "3370616", "title": "-", "text": "www.thegomom.com Food - Go, Grow and Glow Foods - Grade 1. Worksheet made by www.thegomom.com. All rights reserved. Fill in the blanks. 1. Where does your body get nutrients? _____________________________________." }, { "docid": "5959577", "title": "Bromelain and Papain: Unbeatable Digestive Enzymes", "text": "Papain stimulates the digestion of fats and proteins, and is useful to improve overall food absorption. According to Ayurvedic medicine, Papain is digestive, carminative (anti-bloating), diuretic and cures inflammation. Papaya supplements are said to help soothe heartburn, bloating, and promote digestion. Pepsin, Bromelain and Papain are all proteolytic enzymes. Pepsin is naturally produced by the intestines while bromelain and papain are food enzymes found in pineapple and papaya, respectively. They restore and enhance digestion, relieving bloating, gas and constipation." }, { "docid": "5024834", "title": "Brush border", "text": "Brush border cells are found in the following main locations: 1 The small intestine tract: This is where absorption takes place. The brush borders of the intestinal lining are the site of terminal carbohydrate digestions." }, { "docid": "65105", "title": "Difference Between Absorption and Assimilation", "text": "Assimilation is taking place in the liver or any other cell. • In absorption, nutrients are added to the blood stream or lymph, but in assimilation, nutrients are taken out from the blood stream/ lymph. Related posts: 1 Difference Between Mechanical Digestion and Chemical Digestion." }, { "docid": "6935559", "title": "Love your liver", "text": "April 28, 2002. Lying beneath your ribs is your liver, the largest of your organs and one of. the most vital, manufacturing as it does substances that enable the blood to. clot effectively and others that regulate the digestion, absorption and. storage of nutrients. People often only become aware of having a below-par." }, { "docid": "705519", "title": "Pancreas", "text": "The pancreas is also a digestive organ, secreting pancreatic juice containing bicarbonate to neutralize acidity of chyme moving in from the stomach, as well as digestive enzymes that assist digestion and absorption of nutrients in the small intestine." }, { "docid": "3232477", "title": "-", "text": "exists and is an alternate of . The Small Intestine is the part of the Gastrointestinal Tract that is involved in absorption and the bulk of the digestion of food. It is contained within the Abdomen mostly in the hypogastric Region. The Small Intestine is the part of the Gastrointestinal Tract that is involved in absorption and the bulk of the digestion of food. It is contained within the <i><b>Abdomen</b></i> mostly in the hypogastric Region. Minor edit?" }, { "docid": "7626425", "title": "What Are the Parts of the Brain?", "text": "Together, these three parts of the brain help keep us alive by controlling our breathing, digestion, and blood circulation. Main jobs: breathing, heart rate, blood pressure Spinal cord: This is the main information highway." }, { "docid": "6951624", "title": "-", "text": "Bile Salts are used to emulsify lipids in food passing through the intestine to enable fat digestion and absorption through the intestinal wall. Bile salts aid in the breakdown of saturated fats that the digestive system has not been able to convert into unsaturated fats." }, { "docid": "422653", "title": "-", "text": "LIDODERM is a topical patch that is used to treat localized after-shingles pain. Because it's a patch, this means there's little absorption into the bloodstream. If you would like to treat your after-shingles pain at the site of your pain, ask your doctor or nurse about LIDODERM, a no-pill option.LIDODERM is not a narcotic and is not addictive.ecause it's a patch, this means there's little absorption into the bloodstream. If you would like to treat your after-shingles pain at the site of your pain, ask your doctor or nurse about LIDODERM, a no-pill option. LIDODERM is not a narcotic and is not addictive." }, { "docid": "2697644", "title": "All the Reasons You Should Add Ghee to Your Diet â From a Doctor", "text": "Even if you don't already have butter in your diet, it might be a good time to add ghee into the mix. Adding ghee to the diet, even if you are not currently eating butter, can provide a healthy source of fats supporting a balanced metabolism, digestion, gallbladder function, and the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, said Dr. Chadwick." }, { "docid": "2763125", "title": "What body system does the liver belong to?", "text": "The liver is part of the Digestive System. Function of the Liver: The liver regulates most chemical levels in the blood and excretes a product called bile, which helps to break down fats, preparing them for further digestion and absorption." }, { "docid": "7276865", "title": "List of Functions of Cell Organelles", "text": "Lysosomes (tiny sacs containing enzymes) are the main sites of intracellular digestion. 1 They enable the cell to make use of nutrients. Their functions can be listed as: 2 Autophagy - digestion of materials from within the cell. 3 Heterophagy - digestion of materials originating from outside the cell." }, { "docid": "112792", "title": "-", "text": "Digestion time varies depending on the individual. For most healthy adults, it's usually between 24 and 72 hours. After you eat, it takes about six to eight hours for food to pass through your stomach and small intestine. Food then enters your large intestine (colon) for further digestion and absorption of water." }, { "docid": "2309559", "title": "Small intestine", "text": "The primary function of the small intestine is the absorption of nutrients and minerals from food. This article is primarily about the human gastrointestinal tract. The information about its processes is directly applicable to most placental mammals.he small intestine or small bowel is the part of the gastrointestinal tract between the stomach and the large intestine, and is where much of the digestion and absorption of food takes place. The small intestine has three distinct regions – the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum." }, { "docid": "8418891", "title": "-", "text": "This organ is the major site of digestion and absorption of nutrients (except water). Orient yourself by locating the central lumen." }, { "docid": "6092043", "title": "Predation", "text": "In an ecosystem, predation is a biological interaction where a predator (an organism that is hunting) feeds on its prey (the organism that is attacked). Predators may or may not kill their prey prior to feeding on it, but the act of predation often results in the death of the prey and the eventual absorption of the prey's tissue through digestion." }, { "docid": "1098675", "title": "Human Physiology/Print Version", "text": "Key Points. 1 Two important functions of the digestive system are digestion and absorption. 2 The nutrients that come from food are derived from proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. 3 Mechanical digestion starts in the mouth, with the physical processing of food by the teeth, and continues in the stomach." }, { "docid": "5968200", "title": "Digestive System: Anatomy Review", "text": "List the four layers (from innermost to outermost) of the gastrointestinal tract. Hormones of the GI system are produced and secreted by which of the following cells? Chyme exiting the stomach enters the: Name the third muscle layer unique to the stomach (and not elsewhere in the GI tract). The major site of digestion and absorption in the GI tract is the: The circular folds found in the small intestine that increase surface area for absorption are called:" }, { "docid": "4153180", "title": "-", "text": "1 Describe how materials used to renew body tissues come from the food we eat in the form of nutrients. 2 Identify the organs of the digestive tract and accessory organs. 3 Describe digestion and absorption as processes that make nutrients in foods available for use by the body." }, { "docid": "1370763", "title": "The health benefits of fermented foods", "text": "Fermented foods have a lot of health benefits. They are rich in enzymes, which help speed up digestion and absorption in our system. They are also rich in good bacteria, specifically lactobacillus acidophilus, which is an extremely beneficial flora found in the gut." }, { "docid": "8819041", "title": "Basic Anatomy", "text": "A: anatomy of the colon; B: anatomy of the rectum. The entire large intestine is approximately five to six feet in length, with a diameter that varies from one to two inches. It is the site of salt and water absorption." }, { "docid": "2244266", "title": "In Which Digestive Organ Are Nutrients Absorbed?", "text": "The small intestine is the main area of the GI tract for absorption. The small intestine has three separate sections, the duodenum, jejunum and ileum.The majority of nutrient absorption occurs in the duodenum and jejunum. The duodenum absorbs carbohydrates, proteins, and minerals including calcium, magnesium, iron, chloride, sodium and zinc.he small intestine is the main area of the GI tract for absorption. The small intestine has three separate sections, the duodenum, jejunum and ileum." }, { "docid": "2070325", "title": "THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM", "text": "The small intestine is the major site for digestion and absorption of nutrients. The small intestine is up to 6 meters long and is 2-3 centimeters wide. The upper part, the duodenum, is the most active in digestion.Secretions from the liver and pancreas are used for digestion in the duodenum. Epithelial cells of the duodenum secrete a watery mucus.he small intestine, shown in Figure 6, is where final digestion and absorption occur. The small intestine is a coiled tube over 3 meters long. Coils and folding plus villi give this 3m tube the surface area of a 500-600m long tube." }, { "docid": "1684590", "title": "Photosynthesis Review", "text": "What are the two accessory pigments and why are they needed? Chlorophyll b and carotenoids-because the main pigment (chlorophyll a) has a very limited range of absorption, the accessory pigments are their to make that range larger." }, { "docid": "8789120", "title": "absorption", "text": "Types of absorption are agglutinin absorption,cutaneous absorption,external absorption,intestinal absorption, parenteral absorption, and pathological absorption. 3 (in radiology) the process of absorbing electromagnetic radiation in which a photon of energy is taken up by living or nonliving matter. absorb, v." } ]
what is the major premise of the place theory?
[ { "docid": "4516501", "title": "Department of Linguistics", "text": "A major premise of the frequency theories is that the frequency analysis is not carried out in the inner ear, but that a time domain representation is transmitted to the brain and the frequency analysis is carried out in the brain." } ]
[ { "docid": "4930341", "title": "-", "text": "Wiley Systems: Wiley Protocol® Rhythms Based on the premise employed in the original 28WP, biomimetic hormone restoration therapy (BHRT), these new Protocols replicate additional ... Read More." }, { "docid": "3197235", "title": "Stargate (film)", "text": "Template:Infobox Film The whole premise of the Stargate franchise began with the feature film Stargate, released theatrically in 1994 by MGM.It was directed by Roland Emmerich, written by Emmerich and Dean Devlin and starred Kurt Russell, James Spader and Jaye Davidson.emplate:Infobox Film The whole premise of the Stargate franchise began with the feature film Stargate, released theatrically in 1994 by MGM." }, { "docid": "7174492", "title": "Longest Word in the World", "text": "Longest Word in the World If you want to know the record holder for the longest word in the world, then you're in the right place. The longest word in English published by a major dictionary is Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis." }, { "docid": "188094", "title": "-", "text": "Occult Definition. The word 'occult' comes from a Latin word for 'hidden.' It is a collection of beliefs and practices founded on the premise that humans can tap into a supernatural world." }, { "docid": "5062665", "title": "-", "text": "1 CHORD FORMULAS ' by Bill Wrobel The basic premise of Chord Formulas is that there is, in certain terms, a recipe of how to construct a chord, any chord. This recipe is called the chord formula." }, { "docid": "2616949", "title": "-", "text": "What are the contributions of Theodor Schwann to the development of the cell theory?" }, { "docid": "4250611", "title": "Dorothy E. Johnsonâs Behavioral System Model", "text": "Johnson began her work on the model with the premise that nursing was a profession that made a distinctive contribution to the welfare of society. Thus, nursing had an explicit goal of action in patient welfare." }, { "docid": "297932", "title": "Does Community Policing Work?", "text": "My premise [about community policing] is you have to start first by asking questions like: How does this impact patrol? Do I have enough people to do this? What do the officers think?" }, { "docid": "7073251", "title": "What To Look Out For To Stop Mind Control", "text": "Strong self worth can stop mind control. Learn to keep your sense of self-worth even in intimidating circumstances. As far as possible, do not accept the initial premise that someone is better or more competent than you. Don't accept generalizations or inadequate explanations to your questions or challenges." }, { "docid": "1568948", "title": "Positive Discipline 101: How to Discipline a Child in a Way That Actually Works", "text": "Think about that for a minute and you will realize how true the statement is. This is the basic premise of the positive discipline concept. Once we as parents recognize that inherently our kids are not bad, they are just behaving badly, the rest of it will slowly fall in place. For instance, suppose your child hits another child." }, { "docid": "6687232", "title": "Encyclopedia", "text": "off-premise extension-Computer Definition. A telephone in a remote location that is treated as an ordinary extension phone. Before IP telephony was developed, off-premise extensions (OPXs) were handled by forcing the PBX to complete an outbound circuit in addition to the inbound one. 1 Link/Cite." }, { "docid": "7705667", "title": "-", "text": "THIS... yes its only over the last 130 years There are two points which many may overlook. First although the earth is a huge place the climate cycle is actually pretty fragile and small changes can have major implications for all of people around the world." }, { "docid": "6201238", "title": "-", "text": "Welcome Welcome. Industrial Babbitt Bearing Services, Inc. was founded on the basic premise that there was a need in American Industry for a specialized Babbitt bearing manufacturer.elcome Welcome. Industrial Babbitt Bearing Services, Inc. was founded on the basic premise that there was a need in American Industry for a specialized Babbitt bearing manufacturer." }, { "docid": "4274510", "title": "-", "text": "Soils are formed through the interaction of five major factors: time, climate, parent material, topography and relief, and organisms. The relative influence of each factor varies from place to place, but the combination of all five factors normally determines the kind of soil developing in any given place." }, { "docid": "7835488", "title": "myReport: What does Independence Day mean to you?", "text": "Lecroft Carridice: History will always be history. Independence for Jamaica was a major blow to the economy and development of Jamaica. The only major growth that has taken place in Jamaica is the murder rate and corruption in politics." }, { "docid": "2369326", "title": "Sugar Alcohols and Tooth Decay", "text": "But saying that xylitol prevents cavities because it is proven to kill bacteria, is different than showing studies that link consumption or use of xylitol to less cavities. The premise is the same one that claims that brushing away the bacteria and acids will prevent tooth decay." }, { "docid": "4249767", "title": "Reasoning", "text": "Logic is one type of reasoning relying on the form of an argument. Logic has its roots in philosophy as a form of deductive reasoning or inductive reasoning. The most common form of logic seen in argumentation is the syllogism: an argument with a major premise, a minor premise, and a conclusion.rgument by Sign. Argument by sign asserts that two or more things are so closely related that the presence or absence of one indicates the presence or absence of the other. This is in some ways a type of tightly linked cause and effect reasoning that has more certainty." }, { "docid": "8741334", "title": "Welcome to Salerno's Restaurant & Catering", "text": "Salerno's Restaurant in Eldersburg, Maryland offers a full lunch and dinner menu, bar and carryout, while Salerno's Catering provides off-premise catering for golf outings, weddings, holiday parties, picnics, reunions and catered events at your place or ours throughout Maryland including Carroll County, Howard County, Frederick County, Baltimore ..." }, { "docid": "4451962", "title": "Why did the 1st battle of bull run occur?? and who where the leaders on each side?", "text": "Best Answer: The First Battle of Bull Run, also known as the First Battle of Manassas, took place on July 21, 1861, and was the first major land battle of the American Civil War." }, { "docid": "2049628", "title": "-", "text": "A syllogism is a form of deductive reasoning which comprises a major and a minor premise as well as a conclusion. The different types of syllogisms are hypothetical, disju…nctive, and categorical. T. 2 people found this useful." }, { "docid": "1545029", "title": "-", "text": "1 Business In Woodridge, Illinois Being a great place to live and being a great place to work, often go hand-in-hand. 2 Here’s what the business and employment climate is like in Woodridge.Major industries in Woodridge, IllinoisEmployment in Woodridge, Illinois. Business In Woodridge, Illinois Being a great place to live and being a great place to work, often go hand-in-hand. 2 Here’s what the business and employment climate is like in Woodridge.Major industries in Woodridge, IllinoisEmployment in Woodridge, Illinois." }, { "docid": "6687233", "title": "-", "text": "up vote 15 down vote accepted. On premise means on location, whereas off premise means remote (in the cloud). For instance if an application runs on an on-premise server it means the server is physically in the company. If you have an off premise solution it's hosting in the cloud or centralized location." }, { "docid": "7527157", "title": "New & Used Pull Scrapers For Sale & Rental", "text": "Though there are design differences among the major manufacturers today, the basic premise is the same-move a significant amount of material in as little time as possible. At Rock & Dirt, Searching For a Pull Scraper is Simple! We've made it easy to find the pull scraper you need, at a price you can afford." }, { "docid": "6663688", "title": "-", "text": "Examination of the patent drawings show that both inventions were for edible ice cream cups with flat bottoms and tapered sides. (see Patent list below). In 1904 St. Louis, Missouri was the place to be. That year three major events plus the invention of the ice cream cone took place." }, { "docid": "4671594", "title": "-", "text": "Instead, argument, as we will be using the term refers to a set of propositions, or statements, which are designed to convince a reader or listener of a claim, or conclusion, and which include at least one reason (premise) for accepting the conclusion.. Some other definitions of argument may be helpful to you." }, { "docid": "3795500", "title": "CVS Headquarters Information", "text": "The central premise of the smartphone app Snapchat is an alluring one-the ability to send text and picture messages that self-delete, preventing them from being seen and shared by people you don't want to see them." }, { "docid": "7888176", "title": "The Virginian", "text": "Premise. Television's first 90-minute Western and one of the best, this ambitiously cast and richly plotted series was based on the classic Owen Wister novel that had been filmed by Hollywood several times." }, { "docid": "1086653", "title": "Glossary of baseball (F)", "text": "The World Series -- the championship series of Major League Baseball, in which the champion of the American League faces off against the champion of the National League. Typically, this series takes place in October, so playing in October is the goal of any major league team." }, { "docid": "1334850", "title": "Share (finance)", "text": "Shares are valued according to various principles in different markets, but a basic premise is that a share is worth the price at which a transaction would be likely to occur were the shares to be sold. The liquidity of markets is a major consideration as to whether a share is able to be sold at any given time. An actual sale transaction of shares between buyer and seller is usually considered to provide the best prima facie market indicator as to the true value of shares at that particular time. Terminology Edit" }, { "docid": "2732377", "title": "Chang and Eng", "text": "Community Reviews. I was really excited and intrigued by the premise of this book, but I was disappointed. The story could have been great if Chang, Eng, or any of the characters had been even remotely sympathetic. The writing was decent, but the story itself was not at all compelling." } ]
what is the marketing objective for the growth stage of the product cycle?
[ { "docid": "4692685", "title": "-", "text": "What is the marketing objective for the growth stage of the product life cycle? ​stress differentiation. ​maintain brand loyalty. ​minimize promotion. ​increase market share." } ]
[ { "docid": "5587489", "title": "Industry Life Cycle", "text": "The growth of an industry's sales over time is used to chart the life cycle. The distinct stages of an industry life cycle are: introduction, growth, maturity, and decline. Sales typically begin slowly at the introduction phase, then take off rapidly during the growth phase.After leveling out at maturity, sales then begin a gradual decline.ntroduction. In the introduction stage of the life cycle, an industry is in its infancy. Perhaps a new, unique product offering has been developed and patented, thus beginning a new industry. Some analysts even add an embryonic stage before introduction." }, { "docid": "5339464", "title": "Difference between growth and development", "text": "However, the word “development” can be seen as a stage of growth and growth can be seen as a part of the development process and hence, growth can be seen as a subset of the word development. Observe the following sentence as an example. The tumor developed in to a cancer as a result of its rapid growth." }, { "docid": "5990391", "title": "marketing strategy", "text": "Definition. An organization's strategy that combines all of its marketing goals into one comprehensive plan. A good marketing strategy should be drawn from market research and focus on the right product mix in order to achieve the maximum profit potential and sustain the business.he marketing strategy used by the firm was approved by not only the marketing manager but the vice president of sales. 4 people found this helpful. To sell our product to the masses, we needed to come up with an amazing marketing strategy, that would ensure we get a lot of sales." }, { "docid": "2903791", "title": "The Marketing Mix and the 4Ps of Marketing", "text": "The marketing mix helps you define the marketing elements for successfully positioning your market offer. One of the best known models is the 4Ps of Marketing, which helps you define your marketing options in terms of product, place, price and promotion. Use the model when you are planning a new venture, or evaluating an existing offer, to optimize the impact with your target market." }, { "docid": "7357625", "title": "Stages of Osteoarthritis of the Knee", "text": "Stage 2. Stage 2 OA of the knee is considered a “mild” stage of the condition. X-rays of knee joints in this stage will reveal greater bone spur growth, but the cartilage is usually still at a healthy size, i.e. the space between the bones is normal, and the bones are not rubbing or scraping one another." }, { "docid": "8267582", "title": "-", "text": "Global paid product placement spending is expected to grow at a compounded annual rate of 27.9% over 2005-2010 to $7.55 Billion. Consequently, product placement growth is expected to significantly outpace that of traditional advertising and marketing." }, { "docid": "5399225", "title": "iShares Russell 2000 Growth ETF", "text": "INVESTMENT OBJECTIVE. The iShares Russell 2000 Growth ETF seeks to track the investment results of an index composed of small-capitalization U.S. equities that exhibit growth characteristics." }, { "docid": "2118588", "title": "Green marketing", "text": "Green marketing is the marketing of products that are presumed to be environmentally preferable to others. Thus green marketing incorporates a broad range of activities, including product modification, changes to the production process, sustainable packaging, as well as modifying advertising.hus green marketing incorporates a broad range of activities, including product modification, changes to the production process, sustainable packaging, as well as modifying advertising." }, { "docid": "8651003", "title": "How Do Market Intermediaries Affect Business?", "text": "Marketing Intermediaries. Marketing intermediaries, also known as distribution intermediaries, are firms hired by the product manufacturer to promote, sell and distribute the products to the final consumer.Basic types of marketing intermediaries include agents, marketing agencies, wholesalers and retailers and distribution companies.Agents and marketing agencies assist with product promotion, while wholesalers, retailers and distribution companies sell the product to customers.arketing intermediaries work to promote the product through marketing channels, which builds customer relationships and ultimately increases brand loyalty and awareness. The proper development of a marketing plan, promotion and packaging ensures repeat customers and can affect the success or failure of a product." }, { "docid": "6524434", "title": "Laser Hair Removal For Smoother, Hair-Free Skin", "text": "Anagen is the first stage of hair growth (and is the stage in which laser removal is most effective). During anagen, the hair has surfaced above the skin, is visible and can be treated most easily. This stage typically lasts for two to three weeks. Catagen is the second stage and immediately follows anagen." }, { "docid": "7009391", "title": "What Is Product Strategy? - Examples & Definition", "text": "Product strategy is often called the roadmap of a product and outlines the end-to-end vision of the product and what the product will become.Companies utilize the product strategy in strategic planning and marketing to identify the direction of the company's activities.roduct strategy is often called the roadmap of a product and outlines the end-to-end vision of the product and what the product will become." }, { "docid": "3374652", "title": "Product marketing", "text": "Product marketing-specific conferences are hard to come by, though several have emerged recently. 1 Product Marketing Summit - An annual, all-virtual conference that's free for a limited time. 2 Product Marketing Community - Physical events in Toronto, Boston, San Francisco and Austin." }, { "docid": "4057406", "title": "-", "text": "Product development is the process of designing, creating or updating, marketing and providing a product to a target audience. It can also be referred to as new product development (NPD). Product development is the process of designing, creating or updating, marketing and providing a product to a target audience. It can also be referred to as new product development (NPD)." }, { "docid": "7499868", "title": "Worlds Best Growing Marijuana Web Site!", "text": "The Vegetative Growth Stage. Cannabis enters the vegetative growth stage after four to six weeks of seedling growth. Vegetative growth is maintained in most strains with 16-24 hours of light daily. Plants grow faster when they receive more hours of light." }, { "docid": "6708718", "title": "Steve Saw", "text": "View Steve’s Full Profile. 16 years in strategic sales & marketing,business development,account management,product marketing,and product management of semiconductor products for mobile handset/tablet,wireless & wired infrastructure,computing,enterprise servers,etc." }, { "docid": "532765", "title": "What Is Test Marketing? - Definition, Types & Examples", "text": "for Teachers for Schools for Companies. Companies often use test marketing before a new product or new advertising is completely rolled out. In this lesson, you'll learn what test marketing is as well as the different types utilized.esson Transcript. Instructor: Shawn Grimsley. Companies often use test marketing before a new product or new advertising is completely rolled out. In this lesson, you'll learn what test marketing is as well as the different types utilized." }, { "docid": "3426676", "title": "Definitions of Clinical Research Terminology", "text": "In an attempt to continue their rapid growth, some of the larger contract research organizations have expanded into other fields such as medical product marketing (pharmaceutical detailing), discovery and formulation, contract manufacturing, clinical labs, and other related fields.linical investigators themselves, which are hired by the CRO or the sponsor directly to actually conduct the clinical trial at a specific location, may be part of an organization that provides CRO-like services or that provides joint marketing and clinical trial support." }, { "docid": "866711", "title": "What is AGRICULTURAL MARKETING? What does AGRICULTURAL MARKETING mean?", "text": "Agricultural marketing covers the services involved in moving an agricultural product from the farm to the consumer." }, { "docid": "3609895", "title": "-", "text": "The final step in target marketing is developing a marketing mix. These tools are also known as the four P's and in the case of services, the seven P's. They are product, price, promotion, place, people, process and physical evidence." }, { "docid": "1759394", "title": "Why register?", "text": "Undifferentiated Marketing Undifferentiated Marketing is a market coverage strategy whereby differences within a market are ignored. Everyone is assumed the same. The company attempts to appeal to the whole market with a single product (line) or service (line) and marketing strategy." }, { "docid": "5074845", "title": "Four Reasons to Expand a Product Line", "text": "Product-line expansion is important to companies that have products in the late stage of its life cycle. Products typically move through four stages: introduction, growth, maturity and decline." }, { "docid": "4442938", "title": "-", "text": "the ocular and objective lens on your microscope. magnification for each ocular/objective combination on your microscope. List the magnification for each objective on your microscope below. Stage: The surface or platform on which you place the microscope slide is the stage." }, { "docid": "4739056", "title": "-", "text": "Marketing is getting the right product or service in the right quantity, to the right place, at the right time and making a profit in the process. Marketing is about identifying and understanding your customer and giving them what they want. It's not just about advertising and promoting your business." }, { "docid": "236758", "title": "What is Project Management?", "text": "Project management is the science (and art) of organizing the components of a project, whether the project is development of a new product, the launch of a new service, a marketing campaign, or a wedding.lanning the Project. Define all project activities. In this stage, the project manager lists all activities or tasks, how the tasks are related, how long each task will take, and how each tasks is tied to a specific deadline." }, { "docid": "1078226", "title": "What is Competition?", "text": "Competition is the rivalry between companies selling similar products and services with the goal of achieving revenue, profit, and market-share growth. Companies strive to increase sales volume by utilizing the 4 components of the marketing mix, also referred to as the 4P's: product, place, promotion, and place." }, { "docid": "1559574", "title": "Augmented Product Concept", "text": "Level 2: Actual Product. Level two is about translating the list of core product benefits into a product that people will buy. There may be competitor products offering the same benefits so the aim at this stage is to design a product that will persuade people to purchase your product." }, { "docid": "8453735", "title": "What Is Positioning in a Marketing Plan?", "text": "Positioning is a marketing concept that outlines what a business should do to market its product or service to its customers. In positioning, the marketing department creates an image for the product based on its intended audience. This is created through the use of promotion, price, place and product. The more intense a positioning strategy, typically the more effective the marketing strategy is for a company." }, { "docid": "3222052", "title": "Oligopoly Examples", "text": "1 Most competition between companies in an oligopoly is by means of research and development (or innovation), location, packaging, marketing, and the production of a product that is slightly different than the other company makes. Most competition between companies in an oligopoly is by means of research and development (or innovation), location, packaging, marketing, and the production of a product that is slightly different than the other company makes." }, { "docid": "5261558", "title": "Pruning Small Trees and Shrubs", "text": "There are however exceptions. If growth reduction is the main objective, a late spring to early summer (now) pruning after most new growth has formed, will have the greatest overall growth limiting effects. Fall and winter pruning will heighten flowering of trees and shrubs that flower on new growth." }, { "docid": "7140769", "title": "marketing", "text": "And it does not, as marketing invariable does, view the entire business process as consisting of a tightly integrated effort to discover, create, arouse and satisfy customer needs. In other words, marketing has less to do with getting customers to pay for your product as it does developing a demand for that product and fulfilling the customer's needs. marketing conce... distribution ch..." } ]
what is the maximum quant. score on gmat
[ { "docid": "4053154", "title": "Understand Your GMAT Score Report", "text": "Your Total, Verbal, and Quantitative Scores Total GMAT scores range from 200 to 800; two-thirds of test takers score between 400 and 600.Verbal and Quantitative scores range from 0 to 60; scores below 9 and above 44 for the Verbal section and below 7 and above 50 for the Quantitative section are rare.our Total, Verbal, and Quantitative Scores Total GMAT scores range from 200 to 800; two-thirds of test takers score between 400 and 600." } ]
[ { "docid": "8301558", "title": "A quantitative look at trend following", "text": "Plenty of such examples can be found from a random generator. Yet, by definition, no trading system or strategy - including Trend Following - would make money off random markets. This lack of rigor and over-simplifications could explain a dismissal of Trend Following by a large part of the quant community." }, { "docid": "3908154", "title": "-", "text": "(i was not physically well on the day of gre due to fever, and i am used to get above 167 in quant in mock tests but lesser score in quant of about 148.) and i am a bit disappointed at my aw score of 3.0 as well. do i need to write gre again. or be satisfied with this.i dont have any papers published yet.f the average for the top 100 engineering programs is 162.2 and the average score of all engineering program aspirants is 159, there’s not a whole lot of breathing room for the rest of the programs." }, { "docid": "4018147", "title": "How the GMAT Works", "text": "Two-thirds of GMAT test-takers score between 400 and 600 and only 10 percent get 700 or above [source: TestMasters]. The median score (which exactly half of test-takers get above or below) is 550. For more information on standardized tests and higher education, look at the links on the next page." }, { "docid": "1891816", "title": "GRE Scores for Engineering Programs", "text": "If you do, you may notice: 1 The average GRE score (quant) of students admitted to top-10 Engineering programs is 166. 2 The average GRE score (quant) of students admitted to Engineering programs ranked 11-50 is 165. 3 The average GRE score (quant) of students admitted to Engineering programs ranked 51-100 is 161." }, { "docid": "3620413", "title": "What are the Prerequisites for a Masters in Accounting?", "text": "To get accepted into a Master’s degree program with a major in accounting you will also be required to score highly on a Graduate Management Admissions Test. The GMAT tests students on their analytical writing, their quantitative analysis skills, and their verbal skills." }, { "docid": "2164838", "title": "How Do You Determine Your SAT Composite Score?", "text": "Locate the writing score. Find the score that is listed next to Writing in the score results. This is the score that judges your writing skill. The score could range anywhere from 200 to 800 points. A perfect score of 800 means that you have thoroughly mastered the writing skills needed to move on to writing in college. Add the math score" }, { "docid": "1891808", "title": "Average GRE Scores by School: Scores and Analysis", "text": "So, a history program at Duke (really, at any school) likely values Verbal and AW scores over Quant scores. Therefore, we can assume the average GRE Quant score for Duke’s history program is lower than its averages for Verbal and AW." }, { "docid": "8334161", "title": "Another College Expense: Preparing for the SAT and ACT", "text": "(The maximum score on the SAT is 2400, while the top ACT score is 36.) Robert Franek, senior vice president and publisher of The Princeton Review, says schools use the scores not just for admission decisions, but also to determine scholarship awards, so preparation is important." }, { "docid": "3626493", "title": "Acceptable GMAT Score: Passing Score GMAT", "text": "Actually no school will declare they set a passing score for GMAT. This will discourage those whose score is lower than the so-called passing GMAT score from applying. Some schools do have a minimum GMAT score. But it seems too low and actually few are accepted with such a score. Therefore, even if you get a passing score, it does not mean that you have passed. If you have time, you are encouraged to retake the test before two-three months preparation." }, { "docid": "178837", "title": "Makeup Q&A", "text": "MBA schools often require GMAT scores. It would be very unusual if the business school you apply to didn't require test results from the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT). The importance of your GMAT scores, however, varies depending on the school; in fact, some MBA schools don't even have minimum score requirements!" }, { "docid": "137513", "title": "-", "text": "The current version of the vocabulary builder covers over 2720 words & is useful for students preparing for academic English examinations such as SAT, GRE, GMAT, etc. Now you can also listen to the pronunciation of words." }, { "docid": "1788607", "title": "-", "text": "Average GPA Admitted. Admission Criteria. Students admitted to Columbia Business School have an average GMAT score of 716 and an average undergraduate GPA of 3.5. Admitted students work an average of 5 years before applying here, which is an average amount of time compared to other schools." }, { "docid": "5616307", "title": "-", "text": "Admission Criteria. Students admitted to Stanford Graduate School of Business have an average GMAT score of 732 and an average undergraduate GPA of 3.73. Admitted students work an average of 4 years before applying here, which is an average amount of time compared to other schools." }, { "docid": "4849443", "title": "The GMAT Scoring Scale", "text": "An official GMAT score report consists of five parts: Verbal Scaled Score (on a scale from 0 to 60) Quantitative Scaled Score (on a scale from 0 to 60) Total Scaled Score (on a scale from 200 to 800)" }, { "docid": "3906537", "title": "GMAT Exam Format and Timing", "text": "You’re Going to Need it in School, on the Job, and on the GMAT Exam: Integrated Reasoning. Nearly 70 percent of GMAT test takers said Integrated Reasoning skills are relevant to both graduate management education and the corporate environment." }, { "docid": "5266083", "title": "MBA Programs With Highest Average GMAT Scores", "text": "Full-Time Students With the Best Scores. Few students will get a perfect score of 800 on the Graduate Management Admission Test, but some will come close. Here are the 10 business schools with the highest average GMAT scores for incoming full-time students in fall 2012." }, { "docid": "5409079", "title": "General Educational Development", "text": "Passing the GED testing battery[edit] Possible scores on an individual test within the GED battery, range from a minimum of 100 to a maximum of 200. A score of 200 on an individual test puts the student in the top 1% of graduating high school seniors." }, { "docid": "3016996", "title": "GMAT Scoring", "text": "That is, the analytical writing section will have it's own score separate from the total GMAT score. The analytical writing section is scored in half point intervals on a scale from 1 to 6. Your essay is given two ratings, and may include one score that comes from an automated essay-scoring engine." }, { "docid": "5807582", "title": "I want to take the pre-calculus CLEP and it says required score is a 50. Does that mean an actual 50 as in 50%?", "text": "This ensures that your score. does not depend on the specific test form you took or how well others did on the same form. Your raw score is converted to a scaled score that ranges from 20, the lowest, to 80, the highest. The final scaled score is the score that appears on your score report." }, { "docid": "4565930", "title": "-", "text": "Average undergraduate GPA (full-time) 3.46: New entrants providing their undergraduate GPAs (full-time) 45: Full-time student GPA range (10th-90th percentile) 3.13-3.9: Average GMAT score (full-time) 575: Full-time student GMAT range (10th-90th percentile) 530-650" }, { "docid": "3970058", "title": "-", "text": "(These scores often mimic the FICO score, with a maximum of 850). Having the maximum credit score is extremely rare. Only 25% of people with a credit score have a FICO higher than 785 and an even smaller percentage of people have the maximum FICO score." }, { "docid": "4367923", "title": "-", "text": "The average GMAT score of entering first-year students. The GMAT is a standardized test in mathematics and English intended to measure your aptitude to succeed academically in graduate business studies. Almost all AACSB certified MBA programs require a GMAT score." }, { "docid": "3626495", "title": "What Is an Average GMAT Score?", "text": "If you really want to know what an average GMAT score is after all that, I can give you the following information from the makers of the GMAT test: 1 A score of 720 or better would put you in the 96 – 99th percentile. 2 A score of 630 up to 720 would put you in the 79-90th percentile. A score of 570 to 630 would put you in the 61-75th percentile." }, { "docid": "304074", "title": "GRE or GMAT?: How to Decide", "text": "Here's a course of action that will help you decide: 1 Make a list of schools your want to apply to. 2 Contact the school to see if they accept the GRE. 3 Take a practice test for both the GMAT and the GRE." }, { "docid": "2555268", "title": "How to Find the Area of a Shaded Region", "text": "think of the shaded region as leftovers. If we could take the area of this. smaller square, EFGH, and subtract the area of this smaller circle, C, what. is going to be leftover, the shaded region.That’s ultimately how we want to do it.he formula for the area of a. circle is Pi r squared. If you have to review our lessons on GMAT circles, or GMAT geometry, you can certainly find that information on our website." }, { "docid": "3016994", "title": "-", "text": "Moreover, MBA programs look only at your best set of scores. A lower GMAT score in the past only shows that you redoubled your effort and came back with something better. So, even with GMAC’s recent change allowing you to see your score, things haven’t changed much on the prep side." }, { "docid": "5771302", "title": "Online MBA, No GMAT Required", "text": "A high GMAT score is widely regarded as being a prerequisite to admission to a good MBA program and therefore students study for many months to achieve a good score. In recent years however, there has been a distinct increase in the number of ‘online MBA no GMAT required’ programs." }, { "docid": "4672167", "title": "GRE Score Range: Whatâs a Good GRE Score?", "text": "GRE Test Score Range by Program. A good score on the GRE varies significantly by program. For instance, applicants admitted to the top 10 Engineering programs in 2015 had an average GRE Quant score of 165.6. That score is at about the 90th percentile on the GRE." }, { "docid": "6577707", "title": "-", "text": "1 The GMAT is offered at Pearson VUE Ⓡ centers globally. Your GMAT score remains valid for five years, and is accepted at thousands of business schools worldwide. 2 Your official GMAT score is sent to the schools you designated within 20 days of taking the test." }, { "docid": "4775022", "title": "Events & Promotions", "text": "How soon do you get your results back? [#permalink] Mon May 24, 2010 11:08 am. 1 I am preparing to take the GMAT for the first time and wanted to know how soon you get your score back after taking it? The deadline to apply for the program I want is July 1st, so I wanted to try and find out the last possible day I could take the GMAT and still have my scores ready to meet the application deadline. lagomez." } ]
what is the meaning of edit
[ { "docid": "3626515", "title": "edit", "text": "A paper being edited. noun. The definition of an edit is a change made to something before a final copy is submitted. An example of an edit is a corrected comma splice on a paper before it is handed in to the professor. Edit is defined as to prepare something for publication or final copy by removing errors and extra words." } ]
[ { "docid": "3393616", "title": "Find the perfect name with our expert baby name toolsâFree!", "text": "Meanings and history of the name Virginia: | Edit. This name was first spelled Verginia, and was the feminine form of an ancient Roman clan name, Verginius. Over time its spelling changed due to its association with the Latin term virgo, meaning maiden.. This meaning has driven the use of the name ever since." }, { "docid": "6035342", "title": "Find the perfect name with our expert baby name toolsâFree!", "text": "Comments and insights on the name Selah: | Edit. There are 2 Selah's in the Hebrew Language, the name is derived from the one that means: A Rock, A Strong tower, and A Fortress. The one featured in the Psalms is a musical term meaning to pause and reflect/meditate on what has been said." }, { "docid": "6046092", "title": "Find the perfect name with our expert baby name toolsâFree!", "text": "Contribute your knowledge to the name Gladys. Comments and insights on the name Gladys: | Edit. another name to think of is Kalidas \\k(a)-li-das\\ variant of Calida (Greek, Spanish), and the meaning of Kalidas is most beautiful; heated, with warmth." }, { "docid": "4558451", "title": "Today Show Guest Host?", "text": "Best Answer: I keep missing her name too and this morning I sent them an email asking her name. If I hear back, I'll edit this and let you know. I think she's good too. EDIT: I received a reply to my email but it was an automated one saying they receive hundreds of emails everyday and referred me to their website. lol So I'll watch the show tomorrow and try to remember to catch the lady's name and if I do, I'll edit this again. EDIT AGAIN: Amy Robot- Caught her name minutes ago." }, { "docid": "6962432", "title": "Mankind, Great Lover, Optimistic", "text": "Schouviller name numerology is 9 and also here you can learn how to pronounce Schouviller, Schouviller name origin, numerology and similar names to Schouviller. Schouviller name meaning available! Schouviller name numerology is 9 and also here you can learn how to pronounce Schouviller, Schouviller name origin, numerology and similar names to Schouviller. If you also know the meaning of Schouviller in English or any other languages like French, Portuguese, Spanish, Please contribute that will helpful for other users, also you can edit any data like gender, pronunciation and origin to improve accuracy." }, { "docid": "2841475", "title": "-", "text": "Days of our Lives Cast. 1 Stars (337) EDIT Aimee Brooks. 2 Recurring Roles (83) EDIT Dani Minnick. 3 Guest Stars (810) EDIT Alex Mendoza. Special Guest Stars (1) EDIT Matthew 1 Ashford. Writers (40) EDIT Elizabeth Snyder. Directors (15) EDIT Andrew 1 Lee. Crew (60) EDIT Elizabeth Snyder." }, { "docid": "7524297", "title": "Spiritual, Domestic, Gentle", "text": "Steeze name meaning available! Steeze name numerology is 8 and also here you can learn how to pronounce Steeze, Steeze name origin, numerology and similar names to Steeze. If you also know the meaning of Steeze in English or any other languages like French, Portuguese, Spanish, Please contribute that will helpful for other users, also you can edit any data like gender, pronunciation and origin to improve accuracy." }, { "docid": "7714302", "title": "-", "text": "The Hogan Family Cast. 1 Stars (14) EDIT Valerie Harper. Valerie Hogan (1986-1987) Tom Hodges. 2 Recurring Roles (4) EDIT Tom Hodges. Rich. 3 Guest Stars (241) EDIT Judd Laurance. Store Worker. 4 Writers (36) EDIT Richard Albrecht. Writer. 5 Directors (20) EDIT Peter Baldwin. Director. 6 Crew (3) EDIT Tom Hodges. Story." }, { "docid": "1821362", "title": "Find the perfect name with our expert baby name toolsâFree!", "text": "Meanings and history of the name Sharla: | Edit. Sharla meaning and name origin. Sharla \\sh(ar)-la\\ as a girl's name has the meaning free man; a fertile plain and is a variant of Caroline (Old German): from the French form of Latin or Italian Carolina, a feminine derivative of Carolus (see Charles).omments and insights on the name Sharla: | Edit. Sharla. A beautiful name that any girl would be extremely lucky to have. It's unusual and unique. A derivative of the name Charlotte, it means little and womanly." }, { "docid": "2556055", "title": "TN035: Using Multiple Resource Files and Header Files with Visual C++", "text": "Visual C++ manages a single .RC resource file and a corresponding .H header file as a tightly coupled pair of files. When you edit and save resources in an .RC file, you indirectly edit and save symbols in the corresponding .H file. Although you can open and edit multiple .RC files at a time (using Visual C++'s MDI user interface) for any given .RC file you indirectly edit exactly one corresponding header file." }, { "docid": "2723205", "title": "Find the perfect name with our expert baby name toolsâFree!", "text": "Comments and insights on the name Aleph: | Edit. Share what you know! Personal experiences with the name Aleph: | Edit. Share what you know! Nicknames for Aleph: | Edit. Share what you know! Meanings and history of the name Aleph: | Edit. Aleph is the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet.omments and insights on the name Aleph: | Edit. Share what you know! Personal experiences with the name Aleph: | Edit. Share what you know! Nicknames for Aleph: | Edit. Share what you know! Meanings and history of the name Aleph: | Edit. Aleph is the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet." }, { "docid": "2258491", "title": "Find the perfect name with our expert baby name toolsâFree!", "text": "Share what you know! Personal experiences with the name Reyna: | Edit. I named my youngest daughter Reyna. My husband and I wanted a name that had a beautiful meaning as well as a beautiful sound. Reyna fit our criteria with the added bonus that my husband is Filipino and the name means queen in his language." }, { "docid": "5978912", "title": "-", "text": "Project Runway Cast. 1 Stars (210) EDIT Heidi Klum. 2 Guest Stars (212) EDIT Rachel Roy. 3 Cameos (23) EDIT Anthony L Williams. 4 Special Guest Stars (6) EDIT Austin Scarlett. 5 Writers (1) EDIT Eli Holzman. 6 Directors (1) EDIT Paul Starkman. 7 Crew (19) EDIT Harvey Weinstein." }, { "docid": "1279407", "title": "Find the perfect name with our expert baby name toolsâFree!", "text": "Meanings and history of the name Marquita: | Edit. Meaning: Marquita comes from the Czechoslovakian name Marketa which is a variant of the name Margaret meaning 'Pearl'. History: Empire Almond was a 6,860 ton cargo ship which was built in 1941.eaning: Marquita comes from the Czechoslovakian name Marketa which is a variant of the name Margaret meaning 'Pearl'. History: Empire Almond was a 6,860 ton cargo ship which was built in 1941." }, { "docid": "3238490", "title": "-", "text": "You can modify the colors used in the range, the distribution of color, and other properties. To edit colors, click in the upper right of the color legend to open a context menu, and select Edit Colors—or just double-click the legend to open the Edit Colors dialog box." }, { "docid": "1546969", "title": "How to Edit a Song With Windows Media Player", "text": "Start up Windows Media Player and open the Library.. Right-click on a song in your library and select Edit.. Choose what field you want to edit, make your edit and then press the Enter key on your keyboard. You can edit the title, length and genre of your song, as well as the album, contributing artist and release year. You can also give each song a rating." }, { "docid": "4000071", "title": "Find the perfect name with our expert baby name toolsâFree!", "text": "Nicknames for Zaire: | Edit. Share what you know! Meanings and history of the name Zaire: | Edit. Derived from the Portuguese Zaire, itself an adaptation of the Kongo word nzere or nzadi, meaning the river that swallows all rivers.Pronounced: zah-EER.hare what you know! Meanings and history of the name Zaire: | Edit. Derived from the Portuguese Zaire, itself an adaptation of the Kongo word nzere or nzadi, meaning the river that swallows all rivers. Pronounced: zah-EER." }, { "docid": "3197678", "title": "-", "text": "Comments and insights on the name Avani: | Edit. Share what you know! Personal experiences with the name Avani: | Edit. Share what you know! Nicknames for Avani: | Edit. Share what you know! Meanings and history of the name Avani: | Edit. Sanskrit name meaning, 'earth'.hare what you know! Personal experiences with the name Avani: | Edit. Share what you know! Nicknames for Avani: | Edit. Share what you know! Meanings and history of the name Avani: | Edit. Sanskrit name meaning, 'earth'." }, { "docid": "227127", "title": "Find the perfect name with our expert baby name toolsâFree!", "text": "Comments and insights on the name Carver: | Edit Share what you know! Personal experiences with the name Carver: | Edit Share what you know! Nicknames for Carver: | Edit Share what you know! Meanings and history of the name Carver: | Edit. An occupational surname of Middle English origin, meaning 'wood carver, sculptor.' Pronounced: KAHRV-er" }, { "docid": "8471366", "title": "How to edit text in a PDF using Acrobat X", "text": "Hi Ravi, You can edit a PDF file in basically 3 steps: 1) Click the Tools pane and open the Content panel. Then click Edit Document Text tool. 2) Select the text you want to edit and type your changes.3) Save the file.n this quick tip, learn how to edit PDF files using Acrobat X Standard or Acrobat X Pro. Learn how to edit a PDF, copy text in PDF files, and paste text in other editing programs using Acrobat X. This tutorial shows you how to work with the Edit PDF features in Acrobat X. See what the all-new Acrobat DC can do for you." }, { "docid": "6678666", "title": "-", "text": "edit Formation and Development of Zygotes. Gamete refers to a haploid sex cell that is a sperm in males and egg (oocyte) in females. Zygote is the diploid cell that results from the fertilization between an egg and a sperm.In mammals, the sperm (male gamete) fertilizes the egg (ovum, the female gamete) and the fertilized egg is called a zygote.ygote is the diploid cell that results from the fertilization between an egg and a sperm. Etymology. Came from the Greek word “gametes” meaning “husband” and “gamete” meaning “wife.”. Came from the Greek word “zygotos” meaning “joined or yoked or to yoke." }, { "docid": "1184467", "title": "-", "text": "Comments and insights on the name Samara: | Edit. Share what you know! Personal experiences with the name Samara: | Edit. Share what you know! Nicknames for Samara: | Edit. Sam, Sammy, Sami, Sammay, Mara." }, { "docid": "6565250", "title": "Contents: Fraternal Twins vs Identical Twins", "text": "edit Zygosity and Genetic Similarity. Zygosity of fraternal and identical twins. Zygosity refers to the similarity between the genomes of each twin. Fraternal twins are dizygotic, meaning that they developed from two different eggs fertilized by two different sperms." }, { "docid": "5657599", "title": "Find the perfect name with our expert baby name toolsâFree!", "text": "Nicknames for Harmony: | Edit. Money, Harm, Har, Harmonious, Army, Amy, Mony, Mon, Harmon, Armony, Monnie, Harri, Harmonia. Sadly even with the meaning of this name the first nickname she usually get from people is Harm but we call her Narnie which is what her little brother called her when he was starting to talk." }, { "docid": "7665715", "title": "HOW DO I COPY A WHOLE SINGLE PAGE IN MS-WORD ?", "text": "If the document is one page, there are a number of ways to do this: 1. Put your mouse in the left margin and triple mouse click (which will. highlight the whole document) then click Edit, Copy. 2. Click Edit, Select All, Edit Copy. 3. In the left margin, click your mouse at the top of the document down to. the bottom to highlight all then Click Edit, Copy." }, { "docid": "3387334", "title": "-", "text": "Bull Cast. 1 Stars (11) EDIT Stanley Tucci. Hunter Lasky. 2 Recurring Roles (8) EDIT Rick Peters. Walt Wesley. 3 Guest Stars (77) EDIT Andrea Roth. Jocelyn Decker. 4 Writers (6) EDIT Doug Palau. Writer. 5 Directors (10) EDIT Adam Nimoy. Director. 6 Crew (1) EDIT Marc Garland. Second Assistant Director." }, { "docid": "794357", "title": "Find the perfect name with our expert baby name toolsâFree!", "text": "Meanings and history of the name Kara : | Edit. Sometimes considered a derivative of Katherine, Greek in origin, meaning pure.. Also means empty in Japanese such as in karate 'empty hand' and karaoke 'empty orchestra'.eanings and history of the name Kara : | Edit. Sometimes considered a derivative of Katherine, Greek in origin, meaning pure.. Also means empty in Japanese such as in karate 'empty hand' and karaoke 'empty orchestra'." }, { "docid": "1712747", "title": "What does 5C on your gold ring mean?", "text": "What does the Greek prefix auto mean? Auto- (and the modern Greek word autos) derives from the term aut meaning: self; same: autogamy.automatic: autopilot. Edit" }, { "docid": "817128", "title": "How to find your Uber passenger rating.", "text": "How to find your Uber passenger rating. Edit 4: Uber has removed the passenger rating again. Edit 3: After being hidden for over a week, the Uber passenger rating hack is back online. Edit 2: Unfortunately, Uber has removed the public passenger rating." }, { "docid": "4170412", "title": "Find the perfect name with our expert baby name toolsâFree!", "text": "Meanings and history of the name Reagan: | Edit. From an Irish surname, an Anglicized form of ó Ríagáin meaning descendent of RIAGáN. This surname was borne by American president Ronald Reagan (1911-2004)." } ]
what is the meaning of hesed
[ { "docid": "3156601", "title": "-", "text": "The Meaning of Hesed. Lovingkindness (02617)(Hesed/Chesed/Heced) is the idea of faithful love in action and often in the OT refers to God's lovingkindness expressed in His covenant relationship with Israel (His loyal love to His Wife Israel [cp Hos 2:18, 19, 20-see note, Is 54:5, Je 31:32] = His loyalty to covenant)." } ]
[ { "docid": "969427", "title": "Drake", "text": "English Meaning: The name Drake is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Drake is: Dragon. Greek Meaning: The name Drake is a Greek baby name. In Greek the meaning of the name Drake is: Dragon.American Meaning: The name Drake is an American baby name.In American the meaning of the name Drake is: Dragon.he name Drake is a Greek baby name. In Greek the meaning of the name Drake is: Dragon. American Meaning: The name Drake is an American baby name." }, { "docid": "3158247", "title": "What Is Counting the Omer?", "text": "from the day that you brought the omer as a wave offering (23:15). Omer is a Hebrew word that means sheaves of a harvested crop and in ancient times Jews brought the omer to the Temple as an offering on the second day of Passover.The Torah tells us to count seven weeks from the bringing of the Omer until the evening of Shavuot, hence the custom of counting the Omer.hey taught that each week of the Omer should be dedicated to a different spiritual quality, such as hesed (kindness), gevurah (strength), tiferet (balance) and yesod (confidence). By Ariela Pelaia. The Omer are forty-nine days between the holiday of Passover and the holiday of Shavuot." }, { "docid": "5374707", "title": "-", "text": "Ipock Meaning & Surname Resources. Etymology. Genealogy. Family Trees ( ) Web Sites. Meaning of Ipock. Ipock Meaning: The meaning of Ipock has not been submitted. If you have the meaning of Ipock, please submit it with along with any reference pages referring to the meaning of Ipock." }, { "docid": "4017469", "title": "Kade", "text": "In Gaelic the meaning of the name Kade is: From the wetlands. Scottish Meaning: The name Kade is a Scottish baby name. In Scottish the meaning of the name Kade is: From the wetlands.American Meaning: The name Kade is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Kade is: From the wetlands.n Gaelic the meaning of the name Kade is: From the wetlands. Scottish Meaning: The name Kade is a Scottish baby name. In Scottish the meaning of the name Kade is: From the wetlands." }, { "docid": "2351982", "title": "Fitz", "text": "English Meaning: The name Fitz is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Fitz is: Son. French Meaning: The name Fitz is a French baby name. In French the meaning of the name Fitz is: Son of.Teutonic Meaning: The name Fitz is a Teutonic baby name. In Teutonic the meaning of the name Fitz is: Son of.rench Meaning: The name Fitz is a French baby name. In French the meaning of the name Fitz is: Son of. Teutonic Meaning: The name Fitz is a Teutonic baby name. In Teutonic the meaning of the name Fitz is: Son of." }, { "docid": "1415386", "title": "Manfred", "text": "English Meaning: The name Manfred is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Manfred is: Hero's peace. German Meaning: The name Manfred is a German baby name. In German the meaning of the name Manfred is: Man of peace.Peaceful.Teutonic Meaning: The name Manfred is a Teutonic baby name.erman Meaning: The name Manfred is a German baby name. In German the meaning of the name Manfred is: Man of peace. Peaceful. Teutonic Meaning: The name Manfred is a Teutonic baby name. In Teutonic the meaning of the name Manfred is: Mighty peace." }, { "docid": "1841167", "title": "Melinda", "text": "The name Melinda is a Greek baby name. In Greek the meaning of the name Melinda is: Gentle. American Meaning: The name Melinda is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Melinda is: Gentle.Latin Meaning: The name Melinda is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Melinda is: Honey.English Meaning: The name Melinda is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Melinda is: Blend of Melissa and Linda.n Greek the meaning of the name Melinda is: Gentle. American Meaning: The name Melinda is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Melinda is: Gentle. Latin Meaning: The name Melinda is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Melinda is: Honey." }, { "docid": "358522", "title": "Dillon", "text": "American Meaning: The name Dillon is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Dillon is: Faithful. French Meaning: The name Dillon is a French baby name. In French the meaning of the name Dillon is: Like a lion. Welsh Meaning: The name Dillon is a Welsh baby name. In Welsh the meaning of the name Dillon is: Born near the sea. Irish Meaning: The name Dillon is an Irish baby name. In Irish the meaning of the name Dillon is: Like a son." }, { "docid": "260525", "title": "Dedrick", "text": "Teutonic Meaning: The name Dedrick is a Teutonic baby name. In Teutonic the meaning of the name Dedrick is: Rules the people. American Meaning: The name Dedrick is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Dedrick is: Rules the people. Dutch Meaning: The name Dedrick is a Dutch baby name.In Dutch the meaning of the name Dedrick is: Gifted ruler.n American the meaning of the name Dedrick is: Rules the people. Dutch Meaning: The name Dedrick is a Dutch baby name. In Dutch the meaning of the name Dedrick is: Gifted ruler." }, { "docid": "1349582", "title": "Charles", "text": "French Meaning: The name Charles is a French baby name. In French the meaning of the name Charles is: Manly. Teutonic Meaning: The name Charles is a Teutonic baby name. In Teutonic the meaning of the name Charles is: Manly.rench Meaning: The name Charles is a French baby name. In French the meaning of the name Charles is: Manly. Teutonic Meaning: The name Charles is a Teutonic baby name. In Teutonic the meaning of the name Charles is: Manly." }, { "docid": "7096299", "title": "Monica", "text": "The name Monica is a Greek baby name. In Greek the meaning of the name Monica is: Alone. Advisor. Latin Meaning: The name Monica is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Monica is: To advise.Counselor.Spanish Meaning: The name Monica is a Spanish baby name. In Spanish the meaning of the name Monica is: Advisor.n Greek the meaning of the name Monica is: Alone. Advisor. Latin Meaning: The name Monica is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Monica is: To advise." }, { "docid": "6205985", "title": "Claudia", "text": "The name Claudia is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Claudia is: Lame. Spanish Meaning: The name Claudia is a Spanish baby name. In Spanish the meaning of the name Claudia is: Lame.American Meaning: The name Claudia is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Claudia is: Lame.English Meaning: The name Claudia is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Claudia is: Feminine of Claude.n American the meaning of the name Claudia is: Lame. English Meaning: The name Claudia is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Claudia is: Feminine of Claude." }, { "docid": "1519141", "title": "-", "text": "Incoming search terms: Suzanne in Bible, suzanne name meaning, meaning of suzanne, origin of suzanne name, suzanne meaning of name.ncoming search terms: Suzanne in Bible, suzanne name meaning, meaning of suzanne, origin of suzanne name, suzanne meaning of name." }, { "docid": "316416", "title": "Cora", "text": "Scottish Meaning: The name Cora is a Scottish baby name. In Scottish the meaning of the name Cora is: Seething pool. American Meaning: The name Cora is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Cora is: Seething pool.English Meaning: The name Cora is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Cora is: Maiden.Greek Meaning: The name Cora is a Greek baby name. In Greek the meaning of the name Cora is: From 'kore' meaning girl or maiden.n Scottish the meaning of the name Cora is: Seething pool. American Meaning: The name Cora is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Cora is: Seething pool. English Meaning: The name Cora is an English baby name." }, { "docid": "621387", "title": "Mathilde", "text": "In American the meaning of the name Mathilde is: Battle maiden. Greek Meaning: The name Mathilde is a Greek baby name. In Greek the meaning of the name Mathilde is: Brave in war.German Meaning: The name Mathilde is a German baby name. In German the meaning of the name Mathilde is: Mighty battle maiden.French Meaning: The name Mathilde is a French baby name. In French the meaning of the name Mathilde is: Strong in war. Strength for battle.n American the meaning of the name Mathilde is: Battle maiden. Greek Meaning: The name Mathilde is a Greek baby name. In Greek the meaning of the name Mathilde is: Brave in war." }, { "docid": "1975259", "title": "-", "text": "Irish Meaning: The name Egon is an Irish baby name. In Irish the meaning of the name Egon is: Fiery. Gaelic Meaning: The name Egon is a Gaelic baby name. In Gaelic the meaning of the name Egon is: Young fighter.Teutonic Meaning: The name Egon is a Teutonic baby name. In Teutonic the meaning of the name Egon is: Formidable.aelic Meaning: The name Egon is a Gaelic baby name. In Gaelic the meaning of the name Egon is: Young fighter. Teutonic Meaning: The name Egon is a Teutonic baby name. In Teutonic the meaning of the name Egon is: Formidable." }, { "docid": "8255879", "title": "-", "text": "Barwich Meaning Barwick Meaning Barwicke Meaning Barwicki Meaning Barwicks Meaning Barwidi Meaning Barwie Meaning Barwienski Meaning Barwiere Meaning Barwig Meaning Barwikoski Meaning Barwikowski Meaning Barwiler Meaning Barwill Meaning Barwimger Meaning Barwin Meaning Barwinczak Meaning Barwinczok Meaning Barwind Meaning Barwineck Meaning Barwinek Meaning Barwink Meaning Barwinkel Meaning Barwinkle Meaning" }, { "docid": "4697311", "title": "Greg", "text": "The name Greg is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Greg is: meaning 'on the watch'. Often used as an independent name. American Meaning: The name Greg is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Greg is: meaning 'on the watch'.Often used as an independent name. Greek Meaning: The name Greg is a Greek baby name. In Greek the meaning of the name Greg is: Watchful. Famous bearer: American actor Gregory Peck, and Pope Gregory I who was also known as St Gregory the Great.he name Greg is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Greg is: meaning 'on the watch'. Often used as an independent name. American Meaning: The name Greg is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Greg is: meaning 'on the watch'." }, { "docid": "1444559", "title": "-", "text": "French Meaning: The name Ruby is a French baby name. In French the meaning of the name Ruby is: Jewel. American Meaning: The name Ruby is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Ruby is: Jewel. English Meaning: The name Ruby is an English baby name.In English the meaning of the name Ruby is: Ruby (precious stone). Latin Meaning: The name Ruby is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Ruby is: Precious jewel.he name Ruby is a French baby name. In French the meaning of the name Ruby is: Jewel. American Meaning: The name Ruby is an American baby name." }, { "docid": "1473509", "title": "Keane", "text": "Irish Meaning: The name Keane is an Irish baby name. In Irish the meaning of the name Keane is: Ancient. English Meaning: The name Keane is an English baby name.In English the meaning of the name Keane is: Sharp. Celtic Meaning: The name Keane is a Celtic baby name. In Celtic the meaning of the name Keane is: Tall and handsome.rish Meaning: The name Keane is an Irish baby name. In Irish the meaning of the name Keane is: Ancient. English Meaning: The name Keane is an English baby name." }, { "docid": "7422521", "title": "Teague", "text": "Celtic Meaning: The name Teague is a Celtic baby name. In Celtic the meaning of the name Teague is: Bard. Gaelic Meaning: The name Teague is a Gaelic baby name. In Gaelic the meaning of the name Teague is: Poet.Greek Meaning: The name Teague is a Greek baby name. In Greek the meaning of the name Teague is: Honor.Irish Meaning: The name Teague is an Irish baby name.In Irish the meaning of the name Teague is: Poet; Handsome.eltic Meaning: The name Teague is a Celtic baby name. In Celtic the meaning of the name Teague is: Bard. Gaelic Meaning: The name Teague is a Gaelic baby name. In Gaelic the meaning of the name Teague is: Poet." }, { "docid": "2694349", "title": "Reese", "text": "English Meaning: The name Reese is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Reese is: Ardent; fiery. Welsh Meaning: The name Reese is a Welsh baby name.In Welsh the meaning of the name Reese is: Ardent; fiery.American Meaning: The name Reese is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Reese is: Ardent; fiery.nglish Meaning: The name Reese is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Reese is: Ardent; fiery. Welsh Meaning: The name Reese is a Welsh baby name." }, { "docid": "5875475", "title": "Angelo", "text": "The name Angelo is a Greek baby name. In Greek the meaning of the name Angelo is: Messenger. American Meaning: The name Angelo is an American baby name.In American the meaning of the name Angelo is: Messenger. Italian Meaning: The name Angelo is an Italian baby name. In Italian the meaning of the name Angelo is: Messenger of God; angel.Portuguese Meaning: The name Angelo is a Portuguese baby name. In Portuguese the meaning of the name Angelo is: Messenger.he name Angelo is a Greek baby name. In Greek the meaning of the name Angelo is: Messenger. American Meaning: The name Angelo is an American baby name." }, { "docid": "1031585", "title": "Orin", "text": "The name Orin is a Celtic baby name. In Celtic the meaning of the name Orin is: White. American Meaning: The name Orin is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Orin is: White. Hebrew Meaning: The name Orin is a Hebrew baby name. In Hebrew the meaning of the name Orin is: tree. Gaelic Meaning: The name Orin is a Gaelic baby name. In Gaelic the meaning of the name Orin is: Pale." }, { "docid": "1149328", "title": "Mariah", "text": "English Meaning: The name Mariah is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Mariah is: Bitter. French Meaning: The name Mariah is a French baby name. In French the meaning of the name Mariah is: Bitter.American Meaning: The name Mariah is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Mariah is: Bitter.he name Mariah is a French baby name. In French the meaning of the name Mariah is: Bitter. American Meaning: The name Mariah is an American baby name." }, { "docid": "710597", "title": "Kirsten", "text": "Greek Meaning: The name Kirsten is a Greek baby name. In Greek the meaning of the name Kirsten is: Christian. Norse Meaning: The name Kirsten is a Norse baby name. In Norse the meaning of the name Kirsten is: Christian.n Latin the meaning of the name Kirsten is: Follower of Christ. English Meaning: The name Kirsten is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Kirsten is: Christina, and Christiana. Follower of Christ." }, { "docid": "715123", "title": "-", "text": "German Meaning: The name Emily is a German baby name. In German the meaning of the name Emily is: From the Roman family name Aemilius, meaning 'industrious.' Also a From the Old German Amalburga, meaning labour and the Latin Aemilia. Latin Meaning: The name Emily is a Latin baby name.In Latin the meaning of the name Emily is: Industrious; striving.he name Emily is a German baby name. In German the meaning of the name Emily is: From the Roman family name Aemilius, meaning 'industrious.' Also a From the Old German Amalburga, meaning labour and the Latin Aemilia. Latin Meaning:" }, { "docid": "1562825", "title": "-", "text": "What is the meaning of the word oppletion? What is the meaning of the word opplete? What is the meaning of the word oppings? What is the meaning of the word opping? What is the meaning of the word oppilatives? What is the meaning of the word oppilative? What is the meaning of the word oppone? What is the meaning of the word opponed? What is the meaning of the word opponencies? What is the meaning of the word opponency? What is the meaning of the word opponent? What is the meaning of the word opponents?" }, { "docid": "8074898", "title": "What is the meaning of the German word dreck ?", "text": "What is the meaning of the German word drechseltest? What is the meaning of the German word drechselst? What is the meaning of the German word drechseln? What is the meaning of the German word drechsele? What is the meaning of the German word dreckig? What is the meaning of the German word dreckige? What is the meaning of the German word dreckigem? What is the meaning of the German word dreckigen? What is the meaning of the German word dreckiger? What is the meaning of the German word dreckigere?" }, { "docid": "1312830", "title": "Frank", "text": "In American the meaning of the name Frank is: Free. Latin Meaning: The name Frank is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Frank is: meaning from France, or free one.French Meaning: The name Frank is a French baby name. In French the meaning of the name Frank is: A Latin Francis, meaning Frenchman or free one.Famous bearer: American singer Frank Sinatra.English Meaning: The name Frank is an English baby name.he name Frank is a French baby name. In French the meaning of the name Frank is: A Latin Francis, meaning Frenchman or free one. Famous bearer: American singer Frank Sinatra. English Meaning: The name Frank is an English baby name." } ]
what is the meaning of nihilism
[ { "docid": "4158507", "title": "Nihilism", "text": "Nihilism is the belief that all values are baseless and that nothing can be known or communicated. It is often associated with extreme pessimism and a radical skepticism that condemns existence. A true nihilist would believe in nothing, have no loyalties, and no purpose other than, perhaps, an impulse to destroy." } ]
[ { "docid": "6204087", "title": "-", "text": "Latin Meaning: The name Trent is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Trent is: Swift. American Meaning: The name Trent is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Trent is: Swift.English Meaning: The name Trent is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Trent is: Refers to the English river Trent. Surname.merican Meaning: The name Trent is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Trent is: Swift. English Meaning: The name Trent is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Trent is: Refers to the English river Trent." }, { "docid": "427199", "title": "Ana", "text": "Hebrew Meaning: The name Ana is a Hebrew baby name. In Hebrew the meaning of the name Ana is: Grace. American Meaning: The name Ana is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Ana is: Grace. Maori Meaning: The name Ana is a Maori baby name. In Maori the meaning of the name Ana is: Serene.Spanish Meaning: The name Ana is a Spanish baby name. In Spanish the meaning of the name Ana is: Grace; favor..aori Meaning: The name Ana is a Maori baby name. In Maori the meaning of the name Ana is: Serene. Spanish Meaning: The name Ana is a Spanish baby name. In Spanish the meaning of the name Ana is: Grace; favor.." }, { "docid": "7551754", "title": "Pansy", "text": "French Meaning: The name Pansy is a French baby name. In French the meaning of the name Pansy is: Flower. Greek Meaning: The name Pansy is a Greek baby name. In Greek the meaning of the name Pansy is: Flower.he name Pansy is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Pansy is: Flower. English Meaning: The name Pansy is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Pansy is: After the flower by the same name." }, { "docid": "7545883", "title": "Patricia", "text": "Spanish Meaning: The name Patricia is a Spanish baby name. In Spanish the meaning of the name Patricia is: noble. American Meaning: The name Patricia is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Patricia is: noble.Latin Meaning: The name Patricia is a Latin baby name.In Latin the meaning of the name Patricia is: Regal; noble.merican Meaning: The name Patricia is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Patricia is: noble. Latin Meaning: The name Patricia is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Patricia is: Regal; noble." }, { "docid": "4123484", "title": "Karla", "text": "German Meaning: The name Karla is a German baby name. In German the meaning of the name Karla is: American Meaning: The name Karla is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Karla is: French Meaning: The name Karla is a French baby name.In French the meaning of the name Karla is: Strong.he name Karla is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Karla is: French Meaning: The name Karla is a French baby name. In French the meaning of the name Karla is: Strong." }, { "docid": "8666691", "title": "-", "text": "Kolenet Meaning Kolenfint Meaning Koleng Meaning Kolengowski Meaning Koleniak Meaning Kolenic Meaning Kolenich Meaning Kolenick Meaning Kolenicova Meaning Kolenics Meaning Kolenik Meaning Kolenish Meaning Kolenitschen Meaning Kolenkiewicx Meaning Kolenkiewicz Meaning Kolenkina Meaning Kolenko Meaning Kolenkow Meaning Kolenney Meaning Koleno Meaning Kolenofsky Meaning" }, { "docid": "4164089", "title": "Melvin", "text": "Irish Meaning: The name Melvin is an Irish baby name. In Irish the meaning of the name Melvin is: Chief. American Meaning: The name Melvin is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Melvin is: Chief.Celtic Meaning: The name Melvin is a Celtic baby name. In Celtic the meaning of the name Melvin is: Leader.English Meaning: The name Melvin is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Melvin is: Strong friend.n Celtic the meaning of the name Melvin is: Leader. English Meaning: The name Melvin is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Melvin is: Strong friend." }, { "docid": "1303665", "title": "Tracy", "text": "The name Tracy is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Tracy is: Brave. Latin Meaning: The name Tracy is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Tracy is: Bold.Greek Meaning: The name Tracy is a Greek baby name. In Greek the meaning of the name Tracy is: Harvester.he name Tracy is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Tracy is: Bold. Greek Meaning: The name Tracy is a Greek baby name. In Greek the meaning of the name Tracy is: Harvester." }, { "docid": "8489496", "title": "-", "text": "Words Being Searched Now at English Urdu Dictionary. Appear Meaning, Contraceptive Meaning, Officious Meaning, All-overish Meaning, Sequence Meaning, Pollinator Meaning, Eradicate Meaning, Methanol Meaning, Substrates Meaning, Uncomeatable Meaning," }, { "docid": "2403322", "title": "What are sequelae?", "text": "What is the meaning of the word sequela? What is the meaning of the word sequel? What is the meaning of the word Sequeiras? What is the meaning of the word Sequeira? What is the meaning of the word sequanium? What is the meaning of the word Sequanian? What is the meaning of the word sequelæ? What is the meaning of the word sequel hook?" }, { "docid": "4710103", "title": "Vera", "text": "The name Vera is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Vera is: True. American Meaning: The name Vera is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Vera is: True.Russian Meaning: The name Vera is a Russian baby name.In Russian the meaning of the name Vera is: Faith; true.merican Meaning: The name Vera is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Vera is: True. Russian Meaning: The name Vera is a Russian baby name. In Russian the meaning of the name Vera is: Faith; true." }, { "docid": "2480639", "title": "-", "text": "The chat will be an opportunity to get both sides of the argument on the table and see what the point-counterpoint can produce. Here's the gist of Bob's positions on the rhetoric around social media, taken from a post called Realism and Nihilism. (Please keep in mind Bob is not criticizing social media itself." }, { "docid": "8731733", "title": "What is the meaning of the Latin phrase vir fortis ?", "text": "What is the meaning of the Latin word virere? What is the meaning of the Latin word vireo? What is the meaning of the Latin word virentia? What is the meaning of the Latin word virens? What is the meaning of the Latin word virga? What is the meaning of the Latin word virga,? What is the meaning of the Latin word Virga? What is the meaning of the Latin word virgam? What is the meaning of the Latin word virgatus? What is the meaning of the Latin word virgo?" }, { "docid": "5297931", "title": "Lily", "text": "Greek Meaning: The name Lily is a Greek baby name. In Greek the meaning of the name Lily is: Lily. Hebrew Meaning: The name Lily is a Hebrew baby name. In Hebrew the meaning of the name Lily is: Lily.American Meaning: The name Lily is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Lily is: Lily.he name Lily is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Lily is: Lily (after the flower). Pure. English Meaning: The name Lily is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Lily is: Lily flower." }, { "docid": "7561975", "title": "Trevor", "text": "Celtic Meaning: The name Trevor is a Celtic baby name. In Celtic the meaning of the name Trevor is: Wise. American Meaning: The name Trevor is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Trevor is: Wise.Irish Meaning: The name Trevor is an Irish baby name. In Irish the meaning of the name Trevor is: Prudent. Welsh Meaning: The name Trevor is a Welsh baby name. In Welsh the meaning of the name Trevor is: Large village; goodly town.eltic Meaning: The name Trevor is a Celtic baby name. In Celtic the meaning of the name Trevor is: Wise. American Meaning: The name Trevor is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Trevor is: Wise." }, { "docid": "191920", "title": "Deidra", "text": "Deidra The name Deidra is a baby girl name. Meaning Gaelic Meaning: The name Deidra is a Gaelic baby name. In Gaelic the meaning of the name Deidra is: Raging. American Meaning: The name Deidra is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Deidra is: Raging. Irish Meaning: The name Deidra is an Irish baby name. In Irish the meaning of the name Deidra is: Melancholy. Aolder name Deirdre." }, { "docid": "8077956", "title": "Color Meaning: Meaning of The Color White", "text": "The Meaning Of The Color Yellow; The Meaning Of The Color Green; The Meaning Of The Color Blue; The Meaning Of The Color Purple; The Meaning Of The Color Grey; The Meaning Of The Color Black; The Meaning Of The Color White; The Meaning Of The Color Brown; The Meaning Of The Color Pink; The Meaning Of The Color Turquoise; The Meaning Of The Color Gold" }, { "docid": "1683557", "title": "Soren", "text": "American Meaning: The name Soren is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Soren is: French Meaning: The name Soren is a French baby name. In French the meaning of the name Soren is: Reddish brown hair.Swedish Meaning: The name Soren is a Swedish baby name. In Swedish the meaning of the name Soren is: Reddish brown hair.merican Meaning: The name Soren is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Soren is: French Meaning: The name Soren is a French baby name. In French the meaning of the name Soren is: Reddish brown hair." }, { "docid": "2447065", "title": "Pablo", "text": "In Latin the meaning of the name Pablo is: Little; small. American Meaning: The name Pablo is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Pablo is: Little; small. Spanish Meaning: The name Pablo is a Spanish baby name.In Spanish the meaning of the name Pablo is: Small. Famous Bearer: artist Pablo Picasso.merican Meaning: The name Pablo is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Pablo is: Little; small. Spanish Meaning: The name Pablo is a Spanish baby name. In Spanish the meaning of the name Pablo is: Small." }, { "docid": "7645094", "title": "-", "text": "English Meaning: The name Nicki is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Nicki is: Abbreviation of Nicole, meaning victory. American Meaning:The name Nicki is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Nicki is: Abbreviation of Nicole, meaning victory.he name Nicki is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Nicki is: Abbreviation of Nicole, meaning victory." }, { "docid": "3185482", "title": "-", "text": "The Sex Pistols took the amateurist style of the Ramones, added a streak of nihilism, creating a sound and an image that is still the ideal in punk rock. The music of the Sex Pistols was even more raw and unrefined than the Ramones'." }, { "docid": "2892426", "title": "Charlene", "text": "French Meaning: The name Charlene is a French baby name. In French the meaning of the name Charlene is: Feminine of Charles meaning manly. American Meaning: The name Charlene is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Charlene is: Feminine of Charles meaning manly.English Meaning: The name Charlene is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Charlene is: From the Old English 'ceorl' meaning man.n French the meaning of the name Charlene is: Feminine of Charles meaning manly. American Meaning: The name Charlene is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Charlene is: Feminine of Charles meaning manly." }, { "docid": "3742090", "title": "Rowan", "text": "English Meaning: The name Rowan is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Rowan is: From the rowan tree. American Meaning: The name Rowan is an American baby name.In American the meaning of the name Rowan is: From the rowan tree. Gaelic Meaning: The name Rowan is a Gaelic baby name. In Gaelic the meaning of the name Rowan is: Red.merican Meaning: The name Rowan is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Rowan is: From the rowan tree. Gaelic Meaning: The name Rowan is a Gaelic baby name. In Gaelic the meaning of the name Rowan is: Red. Rowan tree (a type of ash tree)." }, { "docid": "8711046", "title": "-", "text": "Meaning of Bojorquez. Bojorquez Meaning: The meaning of Bojorquez has not been submitted. If you have the meaning of Bojorquez, please submit it with along with any reference pages referring to the meaning of Bojorquez.Copyright 2004 - 2015 Meaning-of-Names.com-Powered by Swigity, LLC Meaning of Bojorquez Last Name-Surname-Family Name Bojorquez." }, { "docid": "7997599", "title": "-", "text": "meaning of biopsy; meaning of pollution; meaning of subtle; meaning of gtfo; meaning of Bonterra; meaning of Gulkhar; meaning of Busho; meaning of Hirosaki; meaning of SA90; meaning of bolter; meaning of Maharajalela; meaning of Echidna; meaning of Dimethylester; meaning of Hyourin; meaning of Fredrik; meaning of Marlayne; meaning of SA8000; meaning of Dorsennus; meaning of Fumetsu" }, { "docid": "1392803", "title": "Raynell", "text": "In English the meaning of the name Raynell is: Counselor. French Meaning: The name Raynell is a French baby name. In French the meaning of the name Raynell is: Counselor.Scandinavian Meaning: The name Raynell is a Scandinavian baby name.In Scandinavian the meaning of the name Raynell is: Strong counselor. From the ancient personal name Ragnar.n French the meaning of the name Raynell is: Counselor. Scandinavian Meaning: The name Raynell is a Scandinavian baby name. In Scandinavian the meaning of the name Raynell is: Strong counselor." }, { "docid": "1498723", "title": "Kyla", "text": "Hebrew Meaning: The name Kyla is a Hebrew baby name. In Hebrew the meaning of the name Kyla is: Victorious. American Meaning: The name Kyla is an American baby name.In American the meaning of the name Kyla is: Victorious.Gaelic Meaning: The name Kyla is a Gaelic baby name. In Gaelic the meaning of the name Kyla is: Feminine of Kyle.n American the meaning of the name Kyla is: Victorious. Gaelic Meaning: The name Kyla is a Gaelic baby name. In Gaelic the meaning of the name Kyla is: Feminine of Kyle." }, { "docid": "7504754", "title": "What is the meaning of the Malay word rumah ?", "text": "What is the meaning of the Malay phrase rujukan silang? What is the meaning of the Malay word rujukan? What is the meaning of the Malay phrase rumah anak yatim? What is the meaning of the Malay phrase rumah anjing? What is the meaning of the Malay phrase rumah api? What is the meaning of the Malay phrase rumah awam? What is the meaning of the Malay phrase rumah ayam? What is the meaning of the Malay phrase rumah berkembar?" }, { "docid": "168627", "title": "-", "text": "Latin Meaning: The name Melina is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Melina is: Dark. American Meaning: The name Melina is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Melina is: Dark.Greek Meaning: The name Melina is a Greek baby name. In Greek the meaning of the name Melina is: Yellow as a canary.he name Melina is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Melina is: Dark. American Meaning: The name Melina is an American baby name." }, { "docid": "8110882", "title": "What Is The Meaning Of Army Of BTS?", "text": "Y meaning army is bts t no jam... Y meaning army is military in english. Us and army becoming one together has so much meaning that it #teambts what's the of a. Y meaning army is bts t no jam..." } ]
what is the meaning of outrage
[ { "docid": "3196872", "title": "insult", "text": "outrage - The true etymology of outrage has nothing to do with out or rage—rather, it is a borrowing from French outrage, insult, outrage, based on Latin ultra, beyond, and -agium, a noun suffix; outrage first meant lack of moderation." } ]
[ { "docid": "850573", "title": "Maddox", "text": "Welsh Meaning: The name Maddox is a Welsh baby name. In Welsh the meaning of the name Maddox is: Son of Maddock. American Meaning: The name Maddox is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Maddox is: Son of Maddock.Celtic Meaning: The name Maddox is a Celtic baby name.In Celtic the meaning of the name Maddox is: Beneficent.merican Meaning: The name Maddox is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Maddox is: Son of Maddock. Celtic Meaning: The name Maddox is a Celtic baby name. In Celtic the meaning of the name Maddox is: Beneficent." }, { "docid": "1761252", "title": "Jules", "text": "Latin Meaning: The name Jules is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Jules is: Youthful. American Meaning: The name Jules is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Jules is: Youthful.French Meaning: The name Jules is a French baby name. In French the meaning of the name Jules is: Youthful.The French form of Julius.n Latin the meaning of the name Jules is: Youthful. American Meaning: The name Jules is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Jules is: Youthful. French Meaning: The name Jules is a French baby name. In French the meaning of the name Jules is: Youthful." }, { "docid": "6190485", "title": "Marianna", "text": "Latin Meaning: The name Marianna is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Marianna is: Bitter. American Meaning: The name Marianna is an American baby name.In American the meaning of the name Marianna is: Bitter. Hungarian Meaning: The name Marianna is a Hungarian baby name. In Hungarian the meaning of the name Marianna is: Bitter or grace.Russian Meaning: The name Marianna is a Russian baby name. In Russian the meaning of the name Marianna is: Rebellious.he name Marianna is a Hungarian baby name. In Hungarian the meaning of the name Marianna is: Bitter or grace. Russian Meaning: The name Marianna is a Russian baby name. In Russian the meaning of the name Marianna is: Rebellious." }, { "docid": "1130100", "title": "Payton", "text": "Latin Meaning: The name Payton is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Payton is: Regal. Irish Meaning: The name Payton is an Irish baby name. In Irish the meaning of the name Payton is: Patrician; noble.cottish Meaning: The name Payton is a Scottish baby name. In Scottish the meaning of the name Payton is: royal. American Meaning: The name Payton is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Payton is: royal." }, { "docid": "8432785", "title": "-", "text": "Hebrew Meaning: The name Ron is a Hebrew baby name. In Hebrew the meaning of the name Ron is: Song. American Meaning: The name Ron is an American baby name.In American the meaning of the name Ron is: Song. Scottish Meaning: The name Ron is a Scottish baby name. In Scottish the meaning of the name Ron is: Mighty counselor/ruler.n American the meaning of the name Ron is: Song. Scottish Meaning: The name Ron is a Scottish baby name. In Scottish the meaning of the name Ron is: Mighty counselor/ruler." }, { "docid": "2170487", "title": "Whats the name of the song for the opening theme of The Outlaw Josey Wales movie?", "text": "Best Answer: 1. The Initial Outrage (01:54) - opening scene song. The rest of the music is listed below: 2. Main Title (03:43) 3. Gatling Gun (00:36) 4. Field Of ..." }, { "docid": "8476690", "title": "Rush Limbaughâs paranoid Donald Trump meltdown: âThis is how they get rid of Republicansâ", "text": "The reason that’s important is because when the outrage originally happens — when the media hears what Trump says about McCain and blows their gasket, then the Washington establishment blows their gasket — that is presumed to be the end of Trump. This is how it works. This is how they get rid of Republicans." }, { "docid": "3560342", "title": "Mike Penceâs Marriage and the Beliefs That Keep Women from Power", "text": "And the outrage directed at Mike Pence’s chastity-belted Google calendar stems in part from many liberals' unfamiliarity with conservative religious mores—as well as a gleefully voyeuristic interest in the striking details of Pence’s marital life." }, { "docid": "1808230", "title": "Blue Bloods", "text": "Fri Apr 14 2:00pm. Blowback(Season 6, Episode 22) WGNA. In the Season 6 finale, public outrage erupts when a cop isn't indicted for shooting a teenager, and the fallout affects Frank, the mayor and Erin's office. Later, an officer gets shot in a possible case of retaliation, so Danny searches for the shooter." }, { "docid": "214726", "title": "-", "text": "Philando Castile, Killed By Police During Traffic Stop, Remembered as Gentle Man. The Minnesota man who was fatally shot after a traffic stop, and whose death was broadcast online and evoked nationwide outrage, was a humble man who loved serving the children he fed at school, those who knew him said." }, { "docid": "7664007", "title": "Roman", "text": "The name Roman is a Spanish baby name. In Spanish the meaning of the name Roman is: From Rome. American Meaning: The name Roman is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Roman is: From Rome.Russian Meaning: The name Roman is a Russian baby name.In Russian the meaning of the name Roman is: A Roman.Biblical Meaning: The name Roman is a Biblical baby name. In Biblical the meaning of the name Roman is: Strong; powerful. Latin Meaning: The name Roman is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Roman is: Man of Rome.n Russian the meaning of the name Roman is: A Roman. Biblical Meaning: The name Roman is a Biblical baby name. In Biblical the meaning of the name Roman is: Strong; powerful. Latin Meaning: The name Roman is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Roman is: Man of Rome." }, { "docid": "2291229", "title": "Alina", "text": "Russian Meaning: The name Alina is a Russian baby name. In Russian the meaning of the name Alina is: Beautiful. German Meaning: The name Alina is a German baby name. In German the meaning of the name Alina is: from the Old German 'athal' meaning noble.Gaelic Meaning: The name Alina is a Gaelic baby name.In Gaelic the meaning of the name Alina is: Bright. Greek Meaning: The name Alina is a Greek baby name. In Greek the meaning of the name Alina is: Light. Celtic Meaning: The name Alina is a Celtic baby name. In Celtic the meaning of the name Alina is: Fair.he name Alina is a Gaelic baby name. In Gaelic the meaning of the name Alina is: Bright. Greek Meaning: The name Alina is a Greek baby name. In Greek the meaning of the name Alina is: Light." }, { "docid": "5321579", "title": "Sapphira", "text": "Greek Meaning: The name Sapphira is a Greek baby name. In Greek the meaning of the name Sapphira is: Jewel. Biblical Meaning: The name Sapphira is a Biblical baby name. In Biblical the meaning of the name Sapphira is: That relates or tells.Hebrew Meaning: The name Sapphira is a Hebrew baby name.In Hebrew the meaning of the name Sapphira is: Sapphire (gem); beautiful.n Greek the meaning of the name Sapphira is: Jewel. Biblical Meaning: The name Sapphira is a Biblical baby name. In Biblical the meaning of the name Sapphira is: That relates or tells. Hebrew Meaning: The name Sapphira is a Hebrew baby name." }, { "docid": "1817526", "title": "The myth of classical music superiority", "text": "The myth of classical music superiority. Aka a new book riff, or half of one — the first half of the chapter in the book that fights the idea that classical music is better than other kinds of music. And especially that it’s better than pop. (I can imagine the outrage!" }, { "docid": "8483126", "title": "Sabina", "text": "Russian Meaning: The name Sabina is a Russian baby name. In Russian the meaning of the name Sabina is: A Sabine. Spanish Meaning: The name Sabina is a Spanish baby name. In Spanish the meaning of the name Sabina is: A Sabine. American Meaning: The name Sabina is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Sabina is: A Sabine. Latin Meaning: The name Sabina is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Sabina is: A Sabine." }, { "docid": "6876405", "title": "Henrik", "text": "Danish Meaning: The name Henrik is a Danish baby name. In Danish the meaning of the name Henrik is: Teutonic Meaning: The name Henrik is a Teutonic baby name. In Teutonic the meaning of the name Henrik is: Rules an estate.Swedish Meaning: The name Henrik is a Swedish baby name. In Swedish the meaning of the name Henrik is: rules the home'.Scandinavian Meaning: The name Henrik is a Scandinavian baby name. In Scandinavian the meaning of the name Henrik is: Rules his household.eutonic Meaning: The name Henrik is a Teutonic baby name. In Teutonic the meaning of the name Henrik is: Rules an estate. Swedish Meaning: The name Henrik is a Swedish baby name. In Swedish the meaning of the name Henrik is: rules the home'." }, { "docid": "5143732", "title": "The Importance of Tone", "text": "I can ask you to test your voice over the microphone before the audience arrives; use an energetic tone when speaking of humor, passion, or outrage; and to speak quietly and reservedly when relating bad news or outlining problems." }, { "docid": "4931168", "title": "Owen", "text": "In American the meaning of the name Owen is: Young fighter. English Meaning: The name Owen is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Owen is: or Eugene. Greek Meaning: The name Owen is a Greek baby name. In Greek the meaning of the name Owen is: Well-born.Famous bearer: Prince Eugene of Savoy. Welsh Meaning: The name Owen is a Welsh baby name.In Welsh the meaning of the name Owen is: Young warrior. Also can be a Well-born.n American the meaning of the name Owen is: Young fighter. English Meaning: The name Owen is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Owen is: or Eugene. Greek Meaning: The name Owen is a Greek baby name. In Greek the meaning of the name Owen is: Well-born." }, { "docid": "7783650", "title": "-", "text": "Meaning of Karen. The Origin, Meaning and the Hidden Meaning of the name Karen. This page details the origin and literal meaning of the name Karen together with an insight into the hidden meaning and interpretation of the name using numerology. A variant of Katherine from which the meaning and origin of the name is derived." }, { "docid": "3320953", "title": "British Parliament adopts the Coercive Acts", "text": "A+E Networks. Upset by the Boston Tea Party and other blatant acts of destruction of British property by American colonists, the British Parliament enacts the Coercive Acts, to the outrage of American Patriots, on this day in 1774.The Coercive Acts were a series of four acts established by the British government.+E Networks. Upset by the Boston Tea Party and other blatant acts of destruction of British property by American colonists, the British Parliament enacts the Coercive Acts, to the outrage of American Patriots, on this day in 1774. The Coercive Acts were a series of four acts established by the British government." }, { "docid": "6759156", "title": "-", "text": "s meaning in english; s meaning in english; sodasamu meaning in english; sumaru meaning in english; sidgudu meaning in english; sikari meaning in english; sanmasamu meaning in english; sanmaturudu meaning in english; sadgunyamu meaning in english; sadabamu meaning in english; saha meaning in english; sarabu meaning in english; sara meaning in english" }, { "docid": "522531", "title": "Adeline", "text": "Teutonic Meaning: The name Adeline is a Teutonic baby name. In Teutonic the meaning of the name Adeline is: noble. Latin Meaning: The name Adeline is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Adeline is: Of the nobility. Noble.German Meaning: The name Adeline is a German baby name. In German the meaning of the name Adeline is: Pleasant; Of the nobility. Noble.From the Old German 'athal' meaning noble.eutonic Meaning: The name Adeline is a Teutonic baby name. In Teutonic the meaning of the name Adeline is: noble. Latin Meaning: The name Adeline is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Adeline is: Of the nobility. Noble." }, { "docid": "1641158", "title": "What Is Admissible Evidence?", "text": "In general though, evidence is more likely to be inadmissible if the evidence is: 1 Unfairly Prejudicial – Evidence that arouses the jury’s outrage without adding any material information is often excluded. 2 Wastes Time – In trials, there is such a thing as too much of a good thing." }, { "docid": "6787096", "title": "Misplaced fear about Facebook Messenger for Android", "text": "Over the last few months, people have been in outrage about Facebook forcing them to use the Facebook Messenger app for mobile chatting on the massively popular social network site. Rumors of just what the app could do spread faster than any meme ever." }, { "docid": "5514228", "title": "desecrate", "text": "vb (tr) 1. (Sociology) to violate or outrage the sacred character of (an object or place) by destructive, blasphemous, or sacrilegious action. 2. (Sociology) to remove the consecration from (a person, object, building, etc); deconsecrate." }, { "docid": "1577808", "title": "Sonja", "text": "Slavic Meaning: The name Sonja is a Slavic baby name. In Slavic the meaning of the name Sonja is: Wise. American Meaning: The name Sonja is an American baby name.In American the meaning of the name Sonja is: Wise. Russian Meaning: The name Sonja is a Russian baby name. In Russian the meaning of the name Sonja is: Wisdom.Greek Meaning: The name Sonja is a Greek baby name.lavic Meaning: The name Sonja is a Slavic baby name. In Slavic the meaning of the name Sonja is: Wise. American Meaning: The name Sonja is an American baby name." }, { "docid": "3297067", "title": "-", "text": "Singer Sia ignites outrage with 'Elastic Heart' video. The music video Elastic Heart features 28-year-old Shia LaBeouf and 12-year-old Maddie Ziegler dressed in dirty, flesh-colored leotards in a zoo-like cage. Celebs and Other Notables (14 Videos) Singer Sia ignites outrage with 'Elastic Heart' video. 1 The music video Elastic Heart features 28-year-old Shia LaBeouf and 12-year-old Maddie Ziegler dressed in dirty, flesh-colored leotards in a zoo-like cage. " }, { "docid": "6175257", "title": "Hallie", "text": "English Meaning: The name Hallie is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Hallie is: From the Hall. American Meaning: The name Hallie is an American baby name.In American the meaning of the name Hallie is: From the Hall.Teutonic Meaning: The name Hallie is a Teutonic baby name. In Teutonic the meaning of the name Hallie is: Strong in war.merican Meaning: The name Hallie is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Hallie is: From the Hall. Teutonic Meaning: The name Hallie is a Teutonic baby name. In Teutonic the meaning of the name Hallie is: Strong in war." }, { "docid": "4677654", "title": "-", "text": "French Meaning: The name Ruby is a French baby name. In French the meaning of the name Ruby is: Jewel. American Meaning: The name Ruby is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Ruby is: Jewel. English Meaning: The name Ruby is an English baby name.In English the meaning of the name Ruby is: Ruby (precious stone).Latin Meaning: The name Ruby is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Ruby is: Precious jewel.n English the meaning of the name Ruby is: Ruby (precious stone). Latin Meaning: The name Ruby is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Ruby is: Precious jewel." }, { "docid": "1175216", "title": "Why are globally endangered great hammerhead sharks still being fished by locals?", "text": "For that reason, the killing of a great hammerhead shark on Caye Caulker this week has been met with outrage by environmentalists and other concerned citizens in the area. That’s because great hammerhead sharks are considered globally endangered, and sightings of these creatures in Belizean waters is not common." } ]
what is the measurement of a twin blanket
[ { "docid": "4193994", "title": "-", "text": "Twin-size blanket, about 66 inches wide by 90 inches long; fits twin-size mattress, 39 inches wide by 75 inches long. Twin XL size blanket, about 66 inches wide by 95 inches long; fits twin XL size mattress, 39 inches wide by 80 inches long." } ]
[ { "docid": "5270814", "title": "-", "text": "A twin model is 39 inches by 75 inches and typically works best in a smaller bedroom, on a daybed or with a bunk bed set. While it's possible to have two sleepers on a twin size mattress, it might be too snug. A twin size mattress fits in small bedrooms where space might be limited." }, { "docid": "1359676", "title": "The Best Yoga Blankets", "text": "A blanket is one of the most versatile props in any yoga session. The best yoga blanket for your practice should reflect what you plan to use the blanket for the most. All types of yoga blankets can be used as a prop or bolster for your hips in seated and restorative positions as long as it can be tightly folded." }, { "docid": "8677385", "title": "-", "text": "See: Blanket purchase order. blanket. A single mortgage instrument covering two or more properties.It is most often encountered in property intended for development,with partial lien releases given as lots are sold and part of the sale proceeds used to pay down the loan." }, { "docid": "4513071", "title": "Shoshone Falls", "text": "Shoshone Falls. Twin Falls County Parks and Waterways maintain these docks. For information pertaining to the park, please call the City of Twin Falls for more information. Twin Falls City Parks. (208) 736-2265." }, { "docid": "3224301", "title": "-", "text": "average speed Las-Vegas,NV-Twin-Falls,ID driving time Las-Vegas,NV-Twin-Falls,ID recommended break Las-Vegas,NV-Twin-Falls,ID fuel consumption Las-Vegas,NV-Twin-Falls,ID fuel price Las-Vegas,NV-Twin-Falls,ID. Adjustment of fuel consumption and fuel price for Las-Vegas,NV-Twin-Falls,ID." }, { "docid": "5985579", "title": "Data Levels of Measurement", "text": "The fourth level of measurement is the ratio level of measurement. In this level of measurement, the measurements can have a value of zero as well, which makes this type of measurement unlike the other types of measurement, although the properties are similar to that of the interval level of measurement." }, { "docid": "3162713", "title": "-", "text": "Twin Peaks: The Missing Pieces. Leo Johnson is a trucker who also moonlights as Twin Peaks' primary source of narcotics, which he obtains from the Renault Brothers, and traffics it over the Canadian/US border for distribution in Twin Peaks." }, { "docid": "7296093", "title": "Data Levels of Measurement", "text": "For example, an interval level of measurement could be the measurement of anxiety in a student between the score of 10 and 11, if this interval is the same as that of a student who is in between the score of 40 and 41.he first level of measurement is nominal measurement. In this level of measurement, the numbers are used to classify the data. Also, in this level of measurement, words and letters can be used. Suppose there are data about people belonging to two different genders." }, { "docid": "2295053", "title": "How to Pick the Right Baby Blanket Size", "text": "Any receiving blanket pattern can be altered to a larger size for a crib blanket. You can use Moogly's loop blanket tutorial to make a soft, cuddly crocheted blanket for your toddler. Quilted blankets are also a great choice. Thicker options, like the crib quilt by Awaiting Ada, work best for cold winter days." }, { "docid": "235861", "title": "Fit for a King, but a King Might Not Fit", "text": "A twin mattress is the smallest possible mattress size, other than a crib-sized mattress. Twin mattress dimensions are approximately 38 inches wide by 75 inches long. Both twin and full sizes are approximately 75 inches long, which may be too short for some adults, especially men." }, { "docid": "7917276", "title": "Learn about bedding for your dorm room and the difference between twin and twin extra long bedding (twin XL) including sheets, comforters, duvets, mattress pads and more.", "text": "Dorm Room Bedding Sizes 101 Including Twin Verses Twin XL. Learn about bedding for your dorm room and the difference between twin and twin extra long bedding (twin XL) including sheets, comforters, duvets, mattress pads and more." }, { "docid": "6433014", "title": "How to Plant Blanket Flower Seeds", "text": "Overview. Blanket flower, also known as Indian blanket and gaillardia (gay-lar'dee-a), is native to the North American plains. Hardy in zones 3 through 10, blanket flowers require well-drained soil and full sun. Blanket flowers are drought tolerant and prefer sandy soils. Their seeds are often included in native wildflower mixes and flower mixes designed to attract butterflies." }, { "docid": "5823700", "title": "Equity Theory Revisited: Comments and Annotated Bibliography", "text": "Students will use measurement units. to solve problems and convert. between measurement systems. Outcome (lesson objective) Given a unit of measurement, students will be able to convert it. to other units of measurement and will be able to use it to solve. contextual problems. Time Frame." }, { "docid": "3594152", "title": "-", "text": "Tags: baby blanket Blanket do it yourself how-to Lovie sewing tag blanket taggie taggy Toy Tutorial. Rachel Low, also known as the Craft Stylist of Manhattan, is the founder of Pins & Needles: New York City’s coveted studio for chic and modern sewing, crafts, special events and retail products.tep 1: Cut each of your fabrics into a square the size you would like your blanket to be. In my case, I cut 15”X15” squares. These will be your front and back. Step 2: Cut your assorted ribbons into 2” pieces. I chose four different prints for each of my blankets, but you can get creative and mix as many as you like." }, { "docid": "7667228", "title": "U.S. Military Lingo: The (Almost) Definitive Guide", "text": "Woobie: Properly called a poncho liner, this lightly insulated blanket is usually issued to soldiers in basic training. The name references the attachment a baby forms with its blanket. U.S. military" }, { "docid": "4946558", "title": "Difference Between Twin and Double room", "text": "In hotel terminology, twin and double rooms means two rooms with different facilities. Double refers to a room where there would be only one large bed and in twin room, there would be two small beds. In twin room, the beds are separate where as in double there is no separation of the bed." }, { "docid": "2046126", "title": "What is the difference between twin bedding and twin XL bedding?", "text": "What is the difference between a single and a twin bed? According to my research a single measures 36 x 75 and a common twin measures 39 x 75. Thus if you laid a twin mattress on a single bed it would surpass the edges on the… side by 1.5 on both sides." }, { "docid": "7370734", "title": "Difference Between Full and Twin (Bed)", "text": "The full or double-size mattress, in comparison, has the same length as the twin size (75 inches) but its width is 54 inches wide. Another main difference between the twin and full-size mattress is its capacity per person. A twin-size mattress can accommodate a single person. On the other hand, a full-size mattress can accommodate two persons per mattress since it has an excess of 15 inches from the twin-size mattress." }, { "docid": "7074821", "title": "Twin Bridges, CA", "text": "Twin Bridges, CA. Twin Bridges is located close to the center of California. Twin Bridges is part of El Dorado County. On average, the public school district that covers Twin Bridges is much better than the state average in quality. The Twin Bridges area code is 530." }, { "docid": "4410553", "title": "Blanket Flower", "text": "1 Blanket flower plants form wiry, branched stems. 2 Leaves of blanket flower are lanceolate to linear basal leaves, and entire to coarsely toothed. 3 Blanket flower plant grows to 1-1/2 to 2 ft tall, with bright daisy-like single flowers. 4 Single color and bi-color blooms are present from buff to red to brown." }, { "docid": "6447149", "title": "-", "text": "1 Soundproof Curtains: If the stray sound is coming from the windows, soundproof curtains are a great way to keep it out. 2 Blanket Insulation: A product that is commonly used in home construction, blanket insulation can also be used to help prevent sound from leaking through the walls." }, { "docid": "7731199", "title": "Twin Mattress & Twin XL Size", "text": "A variation of the mattress is the Twin XL mattress which is 5 inches longer than the standard twin size but has the same width . They are commonly used in college dormitories and hostels to accommodate tall teens and are often used in bunk beds also. The narrow width of a twin mattress makes it ideal to move around." }, { "docid": "7708807", "title": "Blanket Release", "text": "Definition: Blanket Release. A blanket release is an actual order of goods or services you issue against a blanket purchase agreement. A blanket release can be considered as a subset of a blanket Purchase order. The blanket purchase agreement determines the characteristics and the prices of the items." }, { "docid": "1268356", "title": "Blanket Guidelines", "text": "1 48-64 oz of yarn depending on the pattern and size of hooks/needles. Teen Blankets - In order for a blanket to be comfortable for a teenager, it needs to be at least two yards in length. Since polar fleece is 50 wide, a 2-yard piece of fleece makes a nice blanket for a teenager." }, { "docid": "5772990", "title": "How to Use a Fire Blanket", "text": "1 Made of a special soft and lightweight material, this type of fire blanket not only protects your child in the event of a fire, but also doubles as a regular baby blanket. 2 Price: about $40. 3 Kitchen fire blanket." }, { "docid": "978523", "title": "Twin Flame Psychic", "text": "A Twin flame Psychic reading will shed clarity and understanding from the pain and confusion that can come from a Twin flame relationship or Twin flame connection.win Flame reunions are not always easy and sharing a relationship with your Twin flame can be extremely difficult." }, { "docid": "6321161", "title": "-", "text": "These dimensions will make a blanket approximately 72 inches long and 36 inches wide. Adjust as needed for your particular blanket size. Glue the joins of the lumber planks then place a corner bracket on each corner join and screw in place to secure the frame." }, { "docid": "8615951", "title": "-", "text": "Holding a cream-colored blanket, this beige, soft bear will raise and lower his blanket to play a game of peek-a-boo when his foot is pressed. 1 Bear's mouth moves as he says 10 different phrases to your baby. 2 Plays for about 40 seconds." }, { "docid": "4862143", "title": "When can your baby sleep with a blanket", "text": "When can your baby sleep with a blanket. i let my children sleep with a blanket as soon as they could roll over both front to back and back to front. When they are a toddler and in their own bed is a safe bet. Autumn was swaddled, then just slept in sleeping sacks. She does fine with a light blanket during nap, but at night she just sleeps in a onesie. I think it's a personal choice and the recommendation of your doctor. I think most of us when we were little our parents used blankets in the crib." }, { "docid": "609456", "title": "Twin pregnancy: What twins or multiples mean for mom", "text": "Your health care provider might suspect a twin pregnancy if your uterus is larger than normal or there seems to be more than one fetal heartbeat. A suspected twin pregnancy is typically confirmed with an ultrasound. During this exam, sound waves are used to create images of your uterus and baby — or babies. Sometimes a seemingly normal twin pregnancy is later found to have only one baby. This is known as vanishing twin syndrome." } ]
what is the melting point of fluorine
[ { "docid": "4082732", "title": "-", "text": "The melting point of fluorine is -219 °C (-363 °F). The boiling point of fluorine is -188 °C (-307 °F)." } ]
[ { "docid": "689307", "title": "-", "text": "Aspirin is a white crystalline powder with a melting point of 135°C. The common chemical name for aspirin is acetylsalicylic acid. Its systematic name is 2-(acetyloxy)benzoic acid." }, { "docid": "8388019", "title": "-", "text": "4. What is the purpose of determining the melting point in this lab? 5. Why is this method not used for finding the melting points of inorganic ionic compounds? Recrystallization Questions 1. What is the purpose of recrystallization? It is the primary method of purifying crude solid compounds. 2. What is the recrystallization method based on?" }, { "docid": "7138631", "title": "Organic Chemistry/Alkenes", "text": "Video transcript. - [Instructor] Here we have a pair of enantiomers. On the left we have (R)-Carvone, and on the right we have (S)-Carvone. Both of these compounds have the same Melting point, the same Boiling points, and the same Density. However there are a few important differences." }, { "docid": "1898162", "title": "CHANGING STATES", "text": "MELTING. When a solid is heated, the particles are given more energy and start to vibrate faster. At a certain temperature, the particles vibrate so much that their ordered structure breaks down. At this point the solid melts into liquid. The temperature at which this change from solid to liquid happens is called the melting point. Each solid has a set melting point at normal air pressure." }, { "docid": "4860042", "title": "-", "text": "The temperature is about 10 degrees Kelvin, or -260 degrees Celsius. Close … r in to the Sun, which will occur around 2061, the surface temperature of a comet will rise past the melting point of gasses like methane and carbon dioxide.he temperature is about 10 degrees Kelvin, or -260 degrees Celsius. Close … r in to the Sun, which will occur around 2061, the surface temperature of a comet will rise past the melting point of gasses like methane and carbon dioxide." }, { "docid": "6293648", "title": "Gallium Facts", "text": "1 Gallium forms a very reflective surface on glass making an excellent mirror. 2 An amalgam of gallium, indium, tin is used in medical thermometers in place of the more traditional and toxic mercury thermometers. Gallium's melting point (302.93 K) is low enough to melt the metal in the palm of your hand. 2 Gallium is the element with the highest range of temperatures for its liquid phase. 3 The difference between gallium's melting and boiling point is 2373 °C." }, { "docid": "5217540", "title": "-", "text": "Since pure substances have a distinct boiling point, boiling points are sometimes used to determine the purity of substances. The melting point is the temperature at which a solid is converted to liquid. This is an important property of solids." }, { "docid": "5202332", "title": "-", "text": "Silicon dioxide. Silicon dioxide silica is the mineral quartz and is a giant molecule with a melting point of over 16000C. Methanol is a molecular compound (an alcohol) with a… melting point of -980C." }, { "docid": "8724541", "title": "Melting point", "text": "The melting point is the temperature at which the vapour pressure of the solid and the liquid are the same and the presssure totals one atmosphere. Units K (Kelvin)" }, { "docid": "7235233", "title": "What temperature does coconut oil liquify and solidify?", "text": "RBD* coconut oil can be processed further into partially or fully hydrogenated oil to increase its melting point. Since virgin and RBD coconut oils melt at 76°F (24°C), foods containing coconut oil tend to melt in warm climates. A higher melting point is desirable in these warm climates so the oil is hydrogenated. The melting point of hydrogenated coconut oil is 97–104°F (36–40°C). * RBD stands for “refined, bleached, and deodorized.”" }, { "docid": "7813675", "title": "Difference between Melting and Freezing Point - Melting VS Freezing Point", "text": "The fahrenheit scale is a scale in which the temperature difference between the melting point and boiling point of water we explain boiling, freezing, melting point with video tutorials and quizzes, using our many ways(tm) approach from multiple teachers. Matter exists in different , ." }, { "docid": "6123349", "title": "Fluorine", "text": "Fluorine, the lightest of the halogens, is the most reactive of all the elements. It forms compounds with all the elements except the noble gases. The reactivity of pure fluorine gas is remarkable. Ordinary substances like wood and rubber burst into flame when held into a stream of fluorine. Even asbestos reacts so vigorously that it becomes incandescent." }, { "docid": "3756129", "title": "Lidocaine/prilocaine", "text": "Separately, lidocaine and prilocaine are solid bases. When mixed in equal quantities by weight, however, they form a eutectic mixture – that is the melting point of the mixture is lower than the melting points of the individual components." }, { "docid": "3832057", "title": "-", "text": "The freezing temperature is affected by pressure as is the boiling temperature. <b>32°F</b> or <b>0°C</b> or <b>273.15 K</b> <br /> <br /> Pressure has an effect on the freezing point (or melting point) of water, though it isn't as substantial as the effect of pressure on boiling point." }, { "docid": "7288670", "title": "GEO 101", "text": "The mantle and crust are further divided into the lithosphere, asthenosphere and mesosphere, depending on their physical properties, namely how close the material is to its melting point. The lithosphere is cold and rigid and includes the curst and uppermost part of the mantle where rocks are far below their melting point." }, { "docid": "7097470", "title": "-", "text": "evaluate success by melting point & TLC Experiment 2: Recrystallization & Melting Point DUE: Thin Layer Chromatography Lab Report (exp 1) Lab Reports are due at the beginning of your regular lab session Come prepared. You will get only one sample of phenacetin" }, { "docid": "2801282", "title": "-", "text": "Phases of Acetone and Diphenyl at room temp. biochem850. Acetone has a melting point of -95°C and boiling point of 56°C so you'd assume it's solid (but obvioulsy it's liquid). In addition, Diphenyl has a melting point of 70°C and boiling point of 255°C so you'd assume it's liquid (but it's solid)." }, { "docid": "3870625", "title": "How to Melt Brass", "text": "Ilya Stcherbakov/iStock/Getty Images. 1,688 degrees Fahrenheit is an extremely hot temperature; however, in metallurgy it is considered a low melting point. Compared to iron's melting point -- 2,786 degrees Fahrenheit -- the average melting point of brass at 1,688 makes it a low-melting alloy." }, { "docid": "5416807", "title": "It's Elemental", "text": "History and Uses: 1 Fluorine is the most reactive of all elements and no chemical substance is capable of freeing fluorine from any of its compounds. For this reason, fluorine does not occur free in nature and was extremely difficult for scientists to isolate." }, { "docid": "7453066", "title": "Fluorocarbon", "text": "Prior to that, fluorocarbons were prepared by reaction of fluorine with the hydrocarbon, i.e., direct fluorination. Because C-C bonds are readily cleaved by fluorine, direct fluorination mainly affords smaller perfluorocarbons, such as tetrafluoromethane, hexafluoroethane, and octafluoropropane." }, { "docid": "5305265", "title": "-", "text": "Since the actual. melting point determination procedure is the same for all of your samples, the. procedure will be described at the beginning and not repeated. Determining. the melting point range of a compound is a procedure that you will perform. many times during this course." }, { "docid": "5052662", "title": "Convert grams Fluorine Monoxide to moles - Conversion of Measurement Units", "text": "How many grams Fluorine Monoxide in 1 moles? The answer is 53.9962064. We assume you are converting between grams Fluorine Monoxide and mole. You can view more details on each measurement unit: molecular weight of Fluorine Monoxide or moles The molecular formula for Fluorine Monoxide is F2O. The SI base unit for amount of substance is the mole. 1 grams Fluorine Monoxide is equal to 0.018519819570139 mole. Note that rounding errors may occur, so always check the results. Use this page to learn how to convert between grams Fluorine Monoxide and mole. Type in your own numbers in the form to convert the units!" }, { "docid": "6733979", "title": "Oceanic/Continental: The Andes", "text": "Continued subduction of the Nazca Plate brings sea water, locked in the ocean crust, deep into the mantle. As the plate heats up the water is liberated, lowering the melting point of the mantle and causing partial melting. This produces magma, which rises and may be erupted explosively as andesite at the surface." }, { "docid": "3767242", "title": "-", "text": "The melting point is the temperature at which a solid will turn into a liquid, and the boiling point is the temperature at which a liquid will turn into a gas.or White phosphorus, the Boiling point is 280.5 °C and the Melting point is 44.2 °C. Check out the right hand table on this page for more information on the other … types: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phosphorus. 4 people found this useful." }, { "docid": "6326799", "title": "What's the difference between freezing and melting point?", "text": "Because of the ability of some substances to supercool, the freezing point is not considered to be a characteristic property of a substance. For most substances, melting and freezing points are approximately equal. For example, the melting point and freezing point of the element mercury is 234.32 kelvin (−38.83 °C or −37.89 °F). However, certain substances possess differing solid-liquid transition temperatures." }, { "docid": "1047472", "title": "-", "text": "mercury is liquid at room temperatu … re Well, of the elements there are a few, actually. mercury, melting point −38.72 °Cfrancium, melting point 27 °Ccesium, melting point 28.55 °Cgallium, melting point 29.76 °C ... hotter than that, and it is not a room I would want to spend much time in." }, { "docid": "6326802", "title": "What is the difference between a freezing and melting point?", "text": "The melting point and the freezing point are two established properties of a substance, they both determine when the substance will have a change in state." }, { "docid": "939998", "title": "-", "text": "Those elements with the greatest difference between their boiling point and melting point values have the largest liquid range. For example, molybdenum, (# 42) and its family member tungsten, atomic number 74, both have large temperature ranges over which they exist as liquids." }, { "docid": "6434801", "title": "Freezing Point Depression in Solutions", "text": "A 10% salt solution was said to lower the melting point to -6°C (20°F) and a 20% salt solution was said to lower it to -16°C (2°F). A more formal treatment of freezing point depression is given by Ebbing." }, { "docid": "414836", "title": "-", "text": "Iron Pyrite, Fluorite & Color. Understanding these data as color, we can next apply the observations of other properties, like melting point to color. (For example, fluorite's usefulness as a flux in metallurgy suggests it has synergistic properties to iron with its similar melting point.) Color may be related on the" } ]
what is the mode of production in a capitalist system
[ { "docid": "4829608", "title": "Capitalist mode of production (Marxist theory)", "text": "The capitalist mode of production may exist within societies with differing political systems (e.g. liberal democracy, Social democracy, fascism, Communist state, Czarism), and alongside different social structures such as tribalism, the caste system, an agrarian-based peasant society, urban industrial society and post-industrialism." } ]
[ { "docid": "8623445", "title": "Karl Marx (1818â1883)", "text": "The term relations of production refers to the relationship between those who own the means of production (the capitalists or bourgeoisie) and those who do not (the workers or the proletariat). According to Marx, history evolves through the interaction between the mode of production and the relations of production." }, { "docid": "425087", "title": "Mobile Technology: What is a Kiosk mode?", "text": "Kiosk mode is a Windows operating system (OS) feature that only allows one application to run. Kiosk mode is used to lock down a Windows device when that device is used for a specific task or used in a public setting." }, { "docid": "7677452", "title": "How to install Desktop Environments on CentOS 7?", "text": "The default GNOME Desktop of CentOS 7 starts with classic mode but if you'd like to use GNOME Shell, set like follows: Option A: If you start GNOME with startx, set like follows. Option B: set the system graphical login systemctl set-default graphical.target and reboot the system.After system starts.he default GNOME Desktop of CentOS 7 starts with classic mode but if you'd like to use GNOME Shell, set like follows: Option A: If you start GNOME with startx, set like follows. Option B: set the system graphical login systemctl set-default graphical.target and reboot the system. After system starts." }, { "docid": "8779941", "title": "-", "text": "1) There's a glitch and for some reason safety mode is not actually enabled. 2) There's a glitch with safety mode that is not throttling speeds like it should. 3) Safety mode actually runs off of a priority type system. If the tower you're using isn't congested, you get normal speeds." }, { "docid": "220015", "title": "The Ventricles of the Brain", "text": "The Ventricles of the Brain. The ventricular system is a set of communicating cavities within the brain. These structures are responsible for the production, transport and removal of cerebrospinal fluid, which bathes the central nervous system. In this article, we shall look at the functions and production of cerebrospinal fluid, and the anatomy of the ventricles that contains it." }, { "docid": "5919537", "title": "Definitions of fascism", "text": "Fascism is a system in which the government leaves nominal ownership of the means of production in the hands of private individuals but exercises control by means of regulatory legislation and reaps most of the profit by means of heavy taxation.ascism, at any rate the German version, is a form of capitalism that borrows from Socialism just such features as will make it efficient for war purposes... It is a planned system geared to a definite purpose, world-conquest, and not allowing any private interest, either of capitalist or worker, to stand in its way." }, { "docid": "6654220", "title": "How Much Does a Ductless Heat Pump Cost?", "text": "A ductless, or mini-split system, can work both as a heating and cooling unit. It takes heat from inside the house and transfers it outside when set to cooling mode. In heating mode, the process is reversed." }, { "docid": "3796944", "title": "Vitaly Vygodsky", "text": "Surplus Value. Value created by the unpaid labor of wage workers, over and above the value of their labor power, and appropriated without compensation by the capitalist. Surplus value is a specific expression of the capitalist form of exploitation, in which the surplus product takes the form of surplus value. The production and appropriation of surplus value constitute the essence of the fundamental economic law of capitalism." }, { "docid": "7280691", "title": "Capitalism, Socialism, & Communism", "text": "A system in which society, usually in the form of the government , owns and controls the means of production Capitalism An economic system based on private property and free enterprise Communism A political and economic system where factors of production are collectively owned and directed by the state." }, { "docid": "2884134", "title": "-", "text": "The U.S. has a free enterprise, or capitalist, economic system. No country has an economic system that is 100 percent communism, socialism, or capitalism. All countries today have mixed economic systems or mixed economies, with some free enterprise and some government ownership. In the U.S., as in most capitalist countries, there are many examples of government ownership." }, { "docid": "20043", "title": "level production schedule also level schedule", "text": "level production schedule also level schedule. Syn: level schedule. 1) In traditional management, a production schedule or master production schedule that generates material and labor requirements that are as evenly spread over time as possible. Finished goods inventories buffer the production system against seasonal demand. See: level production method." }, { "docid": "6804179", "title": "-", "text": "A method of production where a business or area focuses on the production of a limited scope of products or services in order to gain greater degrees of productive efficiency within the entire system of businesses or areas." }, { "docid": "4961844", "title": "Which is most closely associated with the Calvin cycle?", "text": "A) ATP production. B) oxygen production. C) carbon dioxide fixation. D) carbon dioxide production. E) removal of electrons from water for passage through an electron transport system." }, { "docid": "2755736", "title": "-", "text": "HOME Adobe Reader cannot open Protected Mode due to a problem with your system configuration. Adobe Reader cannot open Protected Mode due to a problem with your system configuration." }, { "docid": "5556776", "title": "-", "text": "Can someone please clarify how I would use a Sapphire R9 270X Toxic gpu with my Maximus V Formula mother board. I use the UEFI MB bios on my system, and Sapphire claims: Dual BIOS (Legacy and UEFI) Support....This product supports both Legacy and UEFI BIOS. By factory default, the card itself is under Legacy mode.By pressing the button with SAPPHIRE logo, UEFI mode will be easily enabled. use the UEFI MB bios on my system, and Sapphire claims: Dual BIOS (Legacy and UEFI) Support.... This product supports both Legacy and UEFI BIOS. By factory default, the card itself is under Legacy mode. By pressing the button with SAPPHIRE logo, UEFI mode will be easily enabled." }, { "docid": "3514474", "title": "Normal mode", "text": "A normal mode of an oscillating system is a pattern of motion in which all parts of the system move sinusoidally with the same frequency and with a fixed phase relation.The free motion described by the normal modes takes place at the fixed frequencies.n a one-dimensional system at a given mode the vibration will have nodes, or places where the displacement is always zero. These nodes correspond to points in the mode shape where the mode shape is zero." }, { "docid": "2007826", "title": "Q: safe mode and windows installer service", "text": "Or you can attempt System Restore (which also works in Safe mode, if you had it enabled on your system) to rollback the system to a time before the installation of the offending software. Windows Installer service relies on other stuff, which is also not available in safe mode.r you can attempt System Restore (which also works in Safe mode, if you had it enabled on your system) to rollback the system to a time before the installation of the offending software. Windows Installer service relies on other stuff, which is also not available in safe mode." }, { "docid": "5107647", "title": "Creative Destruction", "text": "Schumpeter summed it up as follows: The fundamental impulse that sets and keeps the capitalist engine in motion comes from the new consumers’ goods, the new methods of production or transportation, the new markets, the new forms of industrial organization that capitalist enterprise creates." }, { "docid": "1160651", "title": "slavery", "text": "The condition in which one person is owned as property by another and is under the owner's control, especially in involuntary servitude. 2. a. The practice of owning slaves. b. A mode of production in which slaves constitute the principal work force." }, { "docid": "5034516", "title": "Critical Survey of Poetry - European Poets", "text": "At the turn of the twenty-first century, the capitalist world economy is in crisis; therefore, according to the theory's leading proponent, the current ideological celebration of so-called globalization is in reality the swan song of our historical system (I. Wallerstein, Utopistics, 1998: 32)." }, { "docid": "791604", "title": "-", "text": "GLOBALIZATION THEORIES (Back to list of theories). World-System Theory (Synopsis and Analysis). Synopsis. Globalization is the process, completed in the twentieth century, by which the capitalist world-system spreads across the actual globe." }, { "docid": "4487355", "title": "-", "text": "Print Email. In this course, you explore PIPESIM* 2014 production system analysis software that provides steady-state, multiphase flow simulation for oil and gas production systems. major feature of PIPESIM software is the system integration and openness that allows you to develop a Total Production System Model. You gain a general understanding of how PIPESIM software is used to design and optimize total production systems from the reservoir to the final processing delivery point." }, { "docid": "3514475", "title": "Normal mode", "text": "A mode of vibration is characterized by a modal frequency and a mode shape. It is numbered according to the number of half waves in the vibration. For example, if a vibrating beam with both ends pinned displayed a mode shape of half of a sine wave (one peak on the vibrating beam) it would be vibrating in mode 1.n a one-dimensional system at a given mode the vibration will have nodes, or places where the displacement is always zero. These nodes correspond to points in the mode shape where the mode shape is zero." }, { "docid": "3500017", "title": "Capitalism", "text": "For full treatment, see economic systems: Market systems. Although the continuous development of capitalism as a system dates only from the 16th century, antecedents of capitalist institutions existed in the ancient world, and flourishing pockets of capitalism were present during the later European Middle Ages." }, { "docid": "7276203", "title": "Subsistence Strategies", "text": "Mode of Production. The ways in which food and other material items are collected is called a system of production. Specifically, the manner in which a group produces its food is referred to as a subsistence strategy. In a capitalist system, money is the key to production." }, { "docid": "150073", "title": "-", "text": "start outlook in safe mode restart your computer holding down the shift key you ll see safe boot you can release the shift key at this point more info on using safe mode when booting into safe mode it forces your computer to run various maintenance tasks and disables all fonts but the system fontscontinue the login for your user s account all startup items are disabled run outlooktart outlook in safe mode restart your computer holding down the shift key you ll see safe boot you can release the shift key at this point more info on using safe mode when booting into safe mode it forces your computer to run various maintenance tasks and disables all fonts but the system fonts" }, { "docid": "1648904", "title": "COMBI 120H", "text": "The COMBI 75 is an automated system that combines dry ice pellet production with dry ice blasting. This automated solution allows for dry ice blasting equipment to be integrated within a production line via a robotic system." }, { "docid": "4792816", "title": "-", "text": "(b) Soviet efforts, and those of Russia's friends abroad, must be directed toward deepening and exploiting of differences and conflicts between capitalist powers. If these eventually deepen into an imperialist war, this war must be turned into revolutionary upheavals within the various capitalist countries." }, { "docid": "209729", "title": "GENRE.", "text": "The same might be said for other cultural practices in which genre is the primary mode of division—art, music, and cinema providing obvious parallels. These issues of production, interpretation, imposition, and definition apply as much in these visual and aural media as they do in oral and written textuality." }, { "docid": "6113691", "title": "Sociological Theories and Global Inequality", "text": "The theory originated with sociologist Immanuel Wallerstein, who suggests that the way a country is integrated into the capitalist world system determines how economic development takes place in that country." } ]
what is the mole ratio of oxygen to pentane
[ { "docid": "3254885", "title": "-", "text": "1) That looks right. 2) Step 1: Moles=Mass/Mr, so it's 144/72= 2mol. Step 2: Stoichiometry means the ratio of oxygen to pentane is 1:8 so moles of oxygen is moles of pentane times 8. 2*8=16mol of oxygen. Step 3: 16= 9.6*10^24. 3) The ratio of oxygen to carbon in CO2 is 1:2. so it's 192/3 = 64." } ]
[ { "docid": "4148877", "title": "-", "text": "Osmolarity is dependent on the number of particles in solution but independent of the nature of the particles. For example, 1 mole of glucose dissolved in 1 litre of water has an osmolarity of 1 osmole (osm) /l.If 1 mole of another sugar, such as sucrose were added to the same litre of water, the osmolarity would be 2 osm/l. It doesn't matter that the solution contains 1 mole of glucose and 1 mole of sucrose.smolarity is dependent on the number of particles in solution but independent of the nature of the particles. For example, 1 mole of glucose dissolved in 1 litre of water has an osmolarity of 1 osmole (osm) /l." }, { "docid": "1993170", "title": "Convert grams AlCl3 to moles - Conversion of Measurement Units", "text": "We assume you are converting between grams AlCl3 and mole. You can view more details on each measurement unit: molecular weight of AlCl3 or moles. This compound is also known as Aluminium Chloride.The SI base unit for amount of substance is the mole.his site explains how to find molar mass. Finding molar mass starts with units of grams per mole (g/mol). When calculating molecular weight of a chemical compound, it tells us how many grams are in one mole of that substance." }, { "docid": "855849", "title": "-", "text": "(MOLE RATIO) Mole ratio: a ratio between the number of moles of any two substances in a chemical reaction. Atoms and molecules are incredibly small and impossible to count. We use moles to compare the quantity of reactants to products." }, { "docid": "1472478", "title": "Difference between Respiratory Exchange Ratio (RER) and Respiratory Quotient (RQ)", "text": "Difference between Respiratory Exchange Ratio (RER) and Respiratory Quotient (RQ) Key Difference: RER, short for Respiratory Exchange Ratio is a ratio that aims to measure the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) produced in comparison to the amount of oxygen (O2) used. The Respiratory Quotient (RQ), also known as respiratory coefficient, is a number that is quite useful to calculate the basal metabolic rate (BMR)." }, { "docid": "6509151", "title": "Mole-Gram Calculations", "text": "When we say that one mole of carbon weighs 12.0 grams, we mean that exactly one mole of carbon weighs 12.0 grams when measured to three significant digits. So the answer is rounded off to the number of digits shown in the atomic weight or in the starting value, not in the 1 mole." }, { "docid": "3576972", "title": "-", "text": "Since there are 2 hydrogens in the molecule, the total weight of hydrogen in water is 2 times 1.00794, or 2.01588. There is only 1 oxygen, so the total weight of oxygen is 15.9994. Finally, we add up the weights of all the atoms to get the total molecular weight of water, 18.0153 grams per mole." }, { "docid": "2014496", "title": "Mole (unit)", "text": "In the metric system, chemical engineers once used the kilogram-mole (notation kg-mol), which is defined as the number of entities in 12 kg of 12C, and often referred to the mole as the gram-mole (notation g-mol), when dealing with laboratory data." }, { "docid": "569419", "title": "Chemical substance", "text": "Chemical substances are often called 'pure' to set them apart from mixtures. A common example of a chemical substance is pure water; it has the same properties and the same ratio of hydrogen to oxygen whether it is isolated from a river or made in a laboratory." }, { "docid": "1144176", "title": "Does Bleach Kill Mold", "text": "1 You should be able to follow these to kill and remove mold. 2 Usually you begin by adding the oxygen bleach powder to water. 3 It's best to use warm or hot water, as this will dissolve the oxygen bleach better. 4 The ratio of bleach to water is usually between half a cup and one cup, per gallon of water." }, { "docid": "6486211", "title": "How much would it cost to get a skin mole removed? Does it leave like a huge scar?", "text": "How much would it cost to get a skin mole removed? Does it leave like a huge scar? I want to get my mole removed, it's on the side of me face, i cover it up with my hair, it kinda like pops out and i hate it." }, { "docid": "7081247", "title": "-", "text": "By the law of constant properties, whatever be the mass of hydrogen or oxygen, they should be in a ratio of 1:8. Now, We have 3g of hydrogen gas. We have to find O2's mass to get both of them in the ratio of 1:8.This means-----3:x=1:8. 3/x=1/8. 1/x=1/8*1/3. 1/x=1/24. x=24. This means that x i.e mass of O2 is equal to 24g. Thumbs up plz!!!!!" }, { "docid": "5216022", "title": "Hydrogen Peroxide Cures and Health Benefits", "text": "In whatever form, though, hydrogen peroxide is nothing more than oxygen and water combined in a unique ratio to form a germicidal liquid. More specifically, hydrogen is a liquid comprised of two hydrogen atoms and two oxygen atoms, an arrangement that makes the substance highly reactive." }, { "docid": "5607989", "title": "-", "text": "4 Chapter 3 7 The Mole •The mole (mol and abbreviated n) is a unit of measure that allows us to make comparisons between substances that have different masses• A mole is Avogadro’s number of atoms, that is 6.022 ×10 23 atoms." }, { "docid": "5720321", "title": "-", "text": "1 Laser mole removal, a relatively new way of performing mole removal, can cost upwards of $800 for the entire procedure. 2 If the mole has to be removed because of a medical concern, there is a good chance that your health insurance is going to cover the procedure. Doctors on the website Realself.com claim that the entire procedure can cost anywhere from $300 to $1,000. 2 The prices will really come down to your geographical location, the area in which the mole is located, and the complexity of the situation." }, { "docid": "6314885", "title": "compound", "text": "com·pound. Noun. Chemistry A substance made up of two or more elements joined by chemical bonds into a molecule. The elements are combined in a definite ratio. Water, for example, is a compound having two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom in each molecule.om·pound. Noun. Chemistry A substance made up of two or more elements joined by chemical bonds into a molecule. The elements are combined in a definite ratio. Water, for example, is a compound having two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom in each molecule." }, { "docid": "2320974", "title": "-", "text": "(A large surface area: volume ratio is preferable for carrying out exchange of substances). Such large organisms need special respiratory organs such as lungs for taking in oxygen. Examples. 1 Alveoli in the lungs have a large surface area: volume ratio meaning gas exchange in humans occurs at a fast rate. 2 The filaments used in gas exchange for fish also have a large surface area: volume ratio as its surfaces are covered in lamellae. 3 This larger ratio means it is suitable for diffusion." }, { "docid": "7208032", "title": "-", "text": "The mass of potassium chloride is 3.8 g. Take the balanced chemical equation 2KClO_3 -> 2KCl + 3O_2 Look at the mole ratio you have between potassium chlorate and potassium chloride; what you will see is that every 2 moles of potassium chlorate will produce 2 moles of potassium chloride, i.e. you have a 1:1 mole ratio between the two compounds." }, { "docid": "8601891", "title": "Natural, Easy And Painless Mole Removal From Home", "text": "These creams work on all moles of the body. No need to worry searching for facial mole remover or skin mole remover etc. The creams are safe and can be termed to be natural mole removal techniques because of their ingredients. Dermatologists who cannot risk patients with their trials and errors usually recommend to use the mole removal creams." }, { "docid": "7139075", "title": "Pentane", "text": "The term may refer to any of three structural isomers, or to a mixture of them: in the IUPAC nomenclature, however, pentane means exclusively the n-pentane isomer; the other two being called isopentane and neopentane. Cyclopentane is not an isomer of pentane." }, { "docid": "5525852", "title": "Reaction Calculations: Mass and Moles", "text": "It is possible to calculate the mass of each reactant and product using the mole ratio from the balanced chemical equation and the equation moles = mass &divide molar mass.iven a mass of m grams of magnesium: 1 mass O 2 = moles(O 2) x molar mass(O 2). & 2 nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Calculate moles Mg = mass(Mg) &divide molar mass(Mg) = m &divide 24.31. & 3 nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Use the balanced chemical equation to determine the mole ratio O 2 :Mg 1:2." }, { "docid": "3407665", "title": "-", "text": "The ABCDEs of moles: Asymmetry: One half of the mole does not match the other half; Border: The border or edges of the mole are ragged, blurred, or smudgy; Color: The mole has different colors such as black, blue, white, or red;" }, { "docid": "5196374", "title": "-", "text": "The ionization energy of an atom is the amount of energy that is required to remove an electron from a mole of atoms in the gas phase: similar effect occurs in aluminum, which has an electron configuration of 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p1. Even though oxygen is to the right of nitrogen in period 2, its first ionization energy is slightly lower than that of nitrogen." }, { "docid": "4369222", "title": "Homework Help: What is the mass of one mole of aluminum?", "text": "What is the mass of one mole of aluminum? I have almost my entire worksheet done but I wanted to check my answers and get some help with the final question. What is the mass of one mole of aluminum? The mass of one mole of aluminum is 26.981 grams. What is the mass of one mole of hydrogen? What is the mass of one mole of carbon dioxide, CO2?" }, { "docid": "2925136", "title": "Oxygen Sensor", "text": "Engines rely on the oxygen sensor as the amount of oxygen it can pull depends on various factors like altitude, engine temperature, air temperature, engine load, barometric pressure among others. A malfunctioning car oxygen sensor prevents the engine computer from reading the correct air/fuel ratio." }, { "docid": "2588865", "title": "Mole Removal Overview", "text": "The price of a mole-removal procedure is usually based on the size, shape and location of the mole and the complexity of the procedure. For example, having a large mole removed from your cheek will typically cost more than having a small one taken off your arm.First of all, the size of the moles is different -- it takes more time to remove a larger mole and therefore it costs more.ypically, cosmetic removal of moles isn't covered by insurance, but the removal of a potentially cancerous mole is covered. However, insurance policies differ, so it's best to check with your provider to determine whether the cost of mole removal is covered [source: Hacker ]." }, { "docid": "1302247", "title": "Rankine cycle", "text": "Rankine cycle - Organic Rankine cycle. 1 The organic Rankine cycle (ORC) uses an organic fluid such as n-pentane [1] or toluene [2] in place of water and steam." }, { "docid": "2386189", "title": "-", "text": "Bond enthalpy is energy req to break 1 mole bonds. How can it be calculated for oxygen considering it has 2 bonds per molecule that are to be ... 3 moles of N2 react with 2 mole of O2 in a two litre container to form one mole NO what will be the no. of moles of O2 per litre at equilibriu..." }, { "docid": "5555384", "title": "Enthalpy", "text": "Here, we discuss about enthalpy of system and the change in enthalpy of system. The enthalpy of system is similar to the internal energy of system which is the total energy of system but it is equal to amount of absorbed or released hat of system at constant pressure.he Heat energy associated with combustion is called enthalpy of combustion. The reaction is considered only in the presence of oxygen. When one mole of a substance burns completely in the presence of oxygen, then heat change is called enthalpy of combustion." }, { "docid": "703207", "title": "-", "text": "024 UTILIZATION OF MALTOSE BY E. COLI fermentation of this compound alone and together with glucose was also tested. The observed high rate of fermentation of glucose-l-phosphate was in agreement with the hypothesis that this phosphoric ester is involved in maltose fermentation.n some exper-iments, approximately 1 mole of glucose was famed per mole of maltose decomposed. This is in agreement with the postulated equation for amyl-omaltase action. In most experiments, however, the ratio was found to be somewhat less than unity, but in no case less than 0.76." }, { "docid": "3254887", "title": "-", "text": "mole fraction The ratio of the number of moles of one component in a mixture to the total number of moles. mole The SI base unit for the amount of a substance; the amount of substance that contains as many elementary entities as there are atoms in 0.012 kg of carbon-12." } ]
what is the most aggressive form of thyroid cancer
[ { "docid": "5266194", "title": "-", "text": "Anaplastic carcinoma (also called giant and spindle cell cancer) is the most dangerous form of thyroid cancer. It is rare, and spreads quickly. Follicular carcinoma is more likely to come back and spread. Medullary carcinoma is a cancer of non-thyroid cells that are normally present in the thyroid gland." } ]
[ { "docid": "7274981", "title": "-", "text": "The most common thyroid disorders in children are: 1 Hypothyroidism. 2 Hyperthyroidism, also called Graves syndrome. 3 Thyroid nodules. 4 Differentiated thyroid cancer. 5 Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2. 6 Medullary thyroid cancer." }, { "docid": "4253338", "title": "Thyroid nodule", "text": "Blood tests. Blood tests may be done prior to or in lieu of a biopsy. The possibility of a nodule which secretes thyroid hormone (which is less likely to be cancer) or hypothyroidism is investigated by measuring thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), and the thyroid hormones thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3)." }, { "docid": "7574633", "title": "Hormonal Disorders: Thyroid Disease Overview", "text": "Canine Hyperthyroidism. Thyroid cancer in dogs (thyroid carcinoma) is the most common cause of hyperthyroidism in dogs. The cancer is in the form of a tumor (also called a neoplasm which means abnormal cell growth). Hyperthyroid problems only occur in 10% of dogs that have canine thyroid cancer." }, { "docid": "4873185", "title": "Thyroid Cancer", "text": "Thyroid cancer: Cancer of the gland in front of the neck that normally produces thyroid hormone which is important to the normal regulation of the metabolism of the body. There are 4 major types of thyroid cancer -- papillary, follicular, medullary, and anaplastic. The most common symptom of thyroid cancer is a lump, or nodule, that can be felt in the neck. The only certain way to tell whether a thyroid lump is cancer is by examining the thyroid tissue, obtained using a needle or surgery to obtain a biopsy. Carcinoma of the thyroid gland is an uncommon cancer but is the most common malignancy of the endocrine (hormone making)system. Differentiated tumors (papillary or follicular) are highly treatable and usually curable." }, { "docid": "5261413", "title": "Thyroid Problems", "text": "1 Multiple nodules in the thyroid are very common, but only about 5% of the nodules are a thyroid cancer. 2 Thyroid cancer rates have been increasing steadily by about 6% every year for more than 20 years. 3 It is one of the few cancers whose rate is increasing and whose very low rate of mortality is also rising with time." }, { "docid": "8076364", "title": "Thyroid Nodules", "text": "Although the majority of thyroid nodules are benign (not cancerous), about 10% of nodules do contain cancer. Therefore, the primary purpose for evaluating a thyroid nodule is to determine whether cancer is present." }, { "docid": "5318040", "title": "Thyroid disorders", "text": "Thyroid disorders: Introduction. Thyroid disorders are common disorders of the thyroid gland. Thyroid disorders include such diseases and conditions as Graves' disease, thyroid nodules, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, trauma to the thyroid, thyroid cancer and birth defects." }, { "docid": "1829781", "title": "Thyroid cancer: Follicular/Hurthle Cell Cancer", "text": "This document is available in Spanish. Follicular and Hurthle cell cancers are two different types of cancer, but they are often considered in the same category. Together, these cancers are the second most common thyroid cancer, after papillary cancer. They can occur at any age, but are more likely in older people." }, { "docid": "5327058", "title": "Overview", "text": "It's not clear what causes thyroid cancer. Thyroid cancer occurs when cells in your thyroid undergo genetic changes (mutations). The mutations allow the cells to grow and multiply rapidly. The cells also lose the ability to die, as normal cells would." }, { "docid": "1836992", "title": "Thyroid Hormone Replacement Therapy for Papillary Thyroid Cancer", "text": "Thyroid surgery is the first-line of treatment for papillary thyroid cancer (also known as papillary thyroid carcinoma). In most cases, you will need to take thyroid hormone replacement therapy to manage hypothyroidism after surgery. This article describes how and why thyroid hormone replacement therapy belongs in many papillary thyroid cancer treatment plans." }, { "docid": "2693852", "title": "-", "text": "Mesothelioma is an aggressive cancer affecting the membrane lining of the lungs and abdomen. Malignant mesothelioma is the most serious of all asbestos-related diseases." }, { "docid": "4571092", "title": "Workplace Safety", "text": "Repeated exposure, however, now appears to be correlated to an increased risk of thyroid cancer, and according to the researchers, their findings correlate to previous research that has found an increased risk of thyroid cancer in dentists, dental assistants, and x-ray workers." }, { "docid": "619632", "title": "-", "text": "A dental X-ray now and then will not increase your chance of getting thyroid cancer. But past radiation treatment of your head, neck, or chest (especially during childhood) can put you at risk of getting thyroid cancer. What are the symptoms? Thyroid cancer can cause several symptoms: You may get a lump or swelling in your neck." }, { "docid": "4910332", "title": "Picture of the Thyroid", "text": "1 Thyroid cancer: An uncommon form of cancer, thyroid cancer is usually curable. 2 Surgery, radiation, and hormone treatments may be used to treat thyroid cancer. 3 Thyroid nodule: A small abnormal mass or lump in the thyroid gland.our thyroid lies below your Adam’s apple, along the front of the windpipe. The thyroid has two side lobes, connected by a bridge (isthmus) in the middle. When the thyroid is its normal size, you can’t feel it. Brownish-red in color, the thyroid is rich with blood vessels." }, { "docid": "1725019", "title": "Underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism)", "text": "If you have had your thyroid gland removed or radioactive iodine treatment for an overactive thyroid, this can cause an underactive thyroid. Radiotherapy for thyroid cancer can also lead to an underactive thyroid. Other causes of underactive thyroid include: some medicines, such as lithium and amiodarone." }, { "docid": "5465006", "title": "-", "text": "Pancreatic cancer is one of the most dreaded forms of cancer because it tends to be very aggressive with low survival rates. Bloating associated with jaundice, weight loss, poor appetite, and upper abdominal pain that radiates to the back may indicate pancreatic cancer and is a worrisome constellation of symptoms." }, { "docid": "6043685", "title": "Overview", "text": "All or part of the thyroid gland is then removed, depending on the reason for the surgery. If you're having thyroidectomy as a result of thyroid cancer, the surgeon may also examine and remove lymph nodes around your thyroid. Thyroidectomy usually takes several hours. There are three main approaches to thyroidectomy:" }, { "docid": "6801362", "title": "Early onset prostate cancer a newly identified, more aggressive subtype often linked to genetic mutations", "text": "But, the researchers found, when prostate cancer strikes at a younger age, it’s likely because the tumor is growing quickly. “Early onset prostate cancer tends to be aggressive, striking down men in the prime of their life." }, { "docid": "6460514", "title": "-", "text": "When Cancer Rings Twice. One out of every six people diagnosed with cancer this year will be facing it for, at least, the second time. By the time Avideh Ramezanifar was diagnosed with thyroid cancer in high school, she was already a cancer survivor." }, { "docid": "2842321", "title": "Thyroid nodules", "text": "Thyroid nodules are solid or fluid-filled lumps that form within your thyroid, a small gland located at the base of your neck, just above your breastbone.The great majority of thyroid nodules aren't serious and don't cause symptoms.Thyroid cancer accounts for only a small percentage of thyroid nodules.hyroid nodules are solid or fluid-filled lumps that form within your thyroid, a small gland located at the base of your neck, just above your breastbone. The great majority of thyroid nodules aren't serious and don't cause symptoms. Thyroid cancer accounts for only a small percentage of thyroid nodules." }, { "docid": "1745709", "title": "Thyroid nodule", "text": "Blood or imaging tests may be done prior to or in lieu of a biopsy. The possibility of a nodule which secretes thyroid hormone (which is less likely to be cancer) or hypothyroidism is investigated by measuring thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), and the thyroid hormones thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3)." }, { "docid": "7249458", "title": "-", "text": "Thyroid cancer happens when cancer cells form from the tissues of the thyroid gland. Most people with thyroid cancer have a thyroid nodule that does not cause any symptoms. If you do have symptoms, you may have swelling or a lump in your neck.The lump may cause problems swallowing.hyroid cancer happens when cancer cells form from the tissues of the thyroid gland. Most people with thyroid cancer have a thyroid nodule that does not cause any symptoms. If you do have symptoms, you may have swelling or a lump in your neck. The lump may cause problems swallowing." }, { "docid": "1047571", "title": "-", "text": "Thyroid disorders can range from a small, harmless goiter (enlarged gland) that needs no treatment to life-threatening cancer. The most common thyroid problems involve abnormal production of thyroid hormones. Too much thyroid hormone results in a condition known as hyperthyroidism." }, { "docid": "3685717", "title": "Malignant Melanoma of the Eye", "text": "Melanomais an aggressive form of skin cancer that can be life-threatening. Melanoma typically affects the skin, but it can also spread to the eye. Malignant melanoma of the eye is a rare condition that can occur when the eye has been exposed to too much ultraviolet radiation, or sunlight. The choroid layer of the eye is where the blood vessels are stored." }, { "docid": "5124249", "title": "Surgery for Thyroid Cancer", "text": "Thyroidectomy is surgery to remove the thyroid gland. As with lobectomy, this is typically done through an incision a few inches long across the front of the neck. This is the most common surgery for thyroid cancer. If the entire thyroid gland is removed, it is called a total thyroidectomy.Sometimes the surgeon may not be able to remove the entire thyroid. If nearly all of the gland is removed, it is called a near-total thyroidectomy.hyroidectomy is surgery to remove the thyroid gland. As with lobectomy, this is typically done through an incision a few inches long across the front of the neck. This is the most common surgery for thyroid cancer. If the entire thyroid gland is removed, it is called a total thyroidectomy." }, { "docid": "3271117", "title": "Overview", "text": "Several conditions can cause nodules to develop in your thyroid gland: 1 Iodine deficiency. 2 Overgrowth of normal thyroid tissue. 3 Thyroid cyst. Chronic inflammation of the thyroid 1 (thyroiditis). Multinodular goiter. Thyroid cancer." }, { "docid": "5219301", "title": "-", "text": "DLBCL is an aggressive (fast-growing) lymphoma. It can arise in lymph nodes or outside of the lymphatic system, in the gastrointestinal tract, testes, thyroid, skin, breast, bone, or brain. Although DLBCL is the most common form of NHL, there are several subtypes that may affect the prognosis (how well patients will do with standard treatment) and treatment." }, { "docid": "301683", "title": "Iodine is Important but a New Study Shows Too Much Causes Problems", "text": "In this case, if you're iodine deficient, taking a potassium iodide (a stable form of iodine) supplement can protect your thyroid by flooding your system with iodine so your thyroid has no need to take in the radioactive form." }, { "docid": "1745702", "title": "Thyroid Nodules", "text": "Thyroid fine needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB): a simple procedure that is done in the doctor’s office to determine if a thyroid nodule is benign (non-cancerous) or cancer. The doctor uses a very thin needle to withdraw cells from the thyroid nodule." }, { "docid": "4146356", "title": "Diagnosing Thyroid Disease With Blood Tests", "text": "Tg levels are low or undetectable with normal thyroid function but can by elevated in thyroiditis, Graves’ disease, or thyroid cancer. Monitoring of Tg levels is frequently used to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment for thyroid cancer and to monitor for thyroid cancer recurrence." } ]
what is the most holy river in india
[ { "docid": "3022784", "title": "The 7 Most Sacred Rivers of India", "text": "The 7 Most Sacred Rivers of India. The rivers of India are the main source of living of the Indian people. There are some major Rivers in India like, Ganga,Yamuna, Narmada, Mahanadi and Brahmaputra. The Himalayan Rivers are best for white water sports like rafting and other river sports. The severn rivers are counted as the holy rivers of India, one of the most holiest river in India is Ganga or The Gange. Rivers are India’s lifeline and enjoy a special place in prayers and its traditional practices." } ]
[ { "docid": "7608230", "title": "-", "text": "Congress releases old video of PM Narendra Modi saying 'GST can never be successful' ASG Tushar Mehta made Special Public Prosecutor for 2G cases Mahadayi issue demonstrates why India needs a GST Council-like forum for river governance" }, { "docid": "2483261", "title": "-", "text": "Where did Buddhism religion originate? Nepal I think although it might be India Because: Gautam Buddha (Known also as Siddhartha Gautam was was born in kapilavasthu which is in Lumbini in Nepal.uddhism was originated in India along the Ganges River because they considered that the river was holy and they thought if they made it official along the Ganges River it wou … ld be holy and more people would worship Buddha. 2 people found this useful." }, { "docid": "5529241", "title": "Jog Falls", "text": "Jog Falls is created by the Sharavathi River dropping 253 m (830 ft), making it the second-highest plunge waterfall in India after the Nohkalikai Falls with a drop of 335 m (1100 ft) in Meghalaya." }, { "docid": "3796795", "title": "Cologne", "text": "Cologne (German: Köln, Ripuarian: Kölle) is situated on the river Rhine, it's the largest city in North Rhine-Westphalia and the fourth largest city in Germany with more than 1.000.000 inhabitants (greater area <3.500.000 inhabitans). In medieval times it was the largest city of the Holy Roman Empire." }, { "docid": "2394722", "title": "-", "text": "The Ganges is not said to freeze over. This river, the largest in India, is situated in a geographical area that is generally fairly warm throughout the year. The headwaters o … f the Ganges are difficult to specify, and those streams high in the Himalayans spring from water that is melted from glaciers or snow. Some of these will freeze in winter." }, { "docid": "1493837", "title": "BIDAR", "text": "LOCATION Bidar is located in the northeastern part of the state of Karnataka, in the southern region of India. It is 669 km from Bangalore and 136 km from Hyderabad. It is located 2,200 feet above sea level on a plateau overlooking the Manjira river valley." }, { "docid": "6143270", "title": "Sermons on Mark - Brian Bill", "text": "When the prayers are not divided up, the sign of the cross is to be made only at the very beginning and end. Legion of Mary Tessera. Opening Prayers (to be said at the opening of the meeting). In the name of the Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit.Come, O Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful, and enkindle in them the fire of your love. V/.pening Prayers (to be said at the opening of the meeting). In the name of the Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit. Come, O Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful, and enkindle in them the fire of your love. V/." }, { "docid": "1260930", "title": "User comments for Trinity", "text": "Trinity is from the Latin three, and thus has religious meaning, as the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are often named the Holy Trinity. Allegra means happy and upbeat. That's how I feel when I look into my daughter's eyes." }, { "docid": "756305", "title": "When Is Holy Thursday?", "text": "Answer: Holy Thursday, the day on which Christians commemorate Christ's Last Supper and the institution of the Sacrament of Holy Communion, always falls three days before Easter Sunday, but because it is dependent on the date of Easter, and Easter is a moveable feast, the date of Holy Thursday changes each year." }, { "docid": "5854488", "title": "India Country Code +91", "text": "This page details India phone code. The India country code 91 will allow you to call India from another country. India telephone code 91 is dialed after the IDD. India international dialing 91 is followed by an area code.The India area code table below shows the various city codes for India.India country codes are followed by these area codes.his page details India phone code. The India country code 91 will allow you to call India from another country. India telephone code 91 is dialed after the IDD. India international dialing 91 is followed by an area code." }, { "docid": "2299999", "title": "-", "text": "Both rainbow and cutthroat trout are present in the Rogue, and there are even a few brown trout and brook trout above Lost Creek Dam. The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife puts its juvenile hatchery fish in the Holy Water stretch below Lost Creek Dam, but the rest of the river is not stocked." }, { "docid": "4698152", "title": "Ganges Delta", "text": "Ganges Delta. The Ganges Delta (also known as the Ganges–Brahmaputra Delta, the Sunderbans Delta, or the Bengal Delta) is a river delta in the South Asia region of Bengal, consisting of Bangladesh and the state of West Bengal, India.It is the world's largest delta, and empties into the Bay of Bengal.anges Delta. The Ganges Delta (also known as the Ganges–Brahmaputra Delta, the Sunderbans Delta, or the Bengal Delta) is a river delta in the South Asia region of Bengal, consisting of Bangladesh and the state of West Bengal, India." }, { "docid": "4415479", "title": "Femaonline.com", "text": ".01 Person Residing Outside India is the term used for an NRI, being a person who has gone out of India or who stays outside India for the purpose of employment or carrying on business or vocation outside India or any other circumstances which indicate his intention to stay outside India for an uncertain period.01 Person Residing Outside India is the term used for an NRI, being a person who has gone out of India or who stays outside India for the purpose of employment or carrying on business or vocation outside India or any other circumstances which indicate his intention to stay outside India for an uncertain period." }, { "docid": "7902571", "title": "-", "text": "Inhabitants of the Indus valley traded with Mesopotamia, southern India, Afghanistan, and Persia for gold, silver, copper, and turquoise. The Mesopotamian model of irrigated agriculture was used to take advantage of the fertile grounds along the Indus River." }, { "docid": "2766946", "title": "New Netherland", "text": "THE FIRST DUTCH SETTLERS IN AMERICA. Following English explorer Henry Hudson's 1609 exploration of the Hudson River, a new joint stock company, the Dutch West India Company (1621), gained colonization rights in the Hudson River area and founded New Netherland (New York)." }, { "docid": "7863706", "title": "-", "text": "Ganges River. Winding 1,560 miles across northern India, from the Himalaya Mountains to the Indian Ocean, the Ganges River is not a sacred place: it is a sacred entity. Known as Ganga Ma—Mother Ganges—the river is revered as a goddess whose purity cleanses the sins of the faithful and aids the dead on their path toward heaven." }, { "docid": "2717333", "title": "Home with Kim Walker-Smith and Skyler Smith", "text": "Eleven of the twelve tracks were written collaboratively by Skyler and Kim, the one exception being Christ the Rock, a hymn-like declaration that builds to a crescendo of Holy, Holy, Holy, penned by a dear friend of Kim's who had gone through a rough season in her life." }, { "docid": "7933430", "title": "-", "text": "Pollution of the Ganges (or Ganga), the largest river in India, poses significant threats to human health and the larger environment.[1] Severely polluted with human waste and industrial contaminants, the river provides water to about 40% of India's population across 11 states,[2] serving an estimated population of 500 million people or more, more ..." }, { "docid": "7587659", "title": "Holy Saturday in the United States", "text": "Background. Holy Saturday is the last day of Holy Week and ends the season of Lent. It is also known as the Vigil of Easter. One interesting tradition that has been in the United States for a while is the Blessing of the Animals.It is a special tradition in Los Angeles, California, that began around 1930.ackground. Holy Saturday is the last day of Holy Week and ends the season of Lent. It is also known as the Vigil of Easter. One interesting tradition that has been in the United States for a while is the Blessing of the Animals." }, { "docid": "336747", "title": "Comparison of Ancient China and Ancient Egypt", "text": "Essay on Comparison of Ancient China and Ancient Egypt ...There were four main ancient River Valley civilizations: the Fertile Crescent of Mesopotamia, the Nile River of Egypt, the Indus River of India, and the Yellow River of China. These civilizations showed specific similarities and contrasting differences." }, { "docid": "5779381", "title": "The worldâs worst train disasters", "text": "Bihar derailment, India. A train accident in the state of Bihar, India, which resulted in the death of approximately 800 people, occurred in June 1981 when a passenger train crossing a bridge over the Bagmati river near the city of Mansi was hit by a cyclone." }, { "docid": "7587653", "title": "What is Holy Saturday?", "text": "Question: What is Holy Saturday?. Answer: Holy Saturday is the name given to the day between Good Friday and Easter Sunday. Some Christians recognize Holy Saturday, the seventh day of Holy Week, as the day on which Jesus “rested” from His work of providing salvation.nswer: Holy Saturday is the name given to the day between Good Friday and Easter Sunday. Some Christians recognize Holy Saturday, the seventh day of Holy Week, as the day on which Jesus “rested” from His work of providing salvation." }, { "docid": "4506656", "title": "Patla", "text": "Patla may refer to. Patla, Kasaragod, a village in Kasaragod district, Kerala, India. Patla, Udupi, a village in Udipi district, Karnataka, India. Río de Patla (Patla River), Puebla, Mexico. Patla, Puebla, a village in Puebla, Mexico [1]" }, { "docid": "6300936", "title": "-", "text": "Ganga is the longest river of India. The total length of the Ganga river from its source to its mouth (measured along the Hughli) is 2525 km of which 1450 km is in the Uttar Pradesh, 445 km in Bihar and 520 km in West Bengal. The remaining 110 km stretch of the Ganga forms the boundary between Uttar Pradesh and Bihar." }, { "docid": "6222003", "title": "The Ganges or Ganga River - Map of Ganga - Ganges Map with Course", "text": "The Ganges river has its source in the Himalayas, at Gaumakh in the southern Himalayas. The Ganga river has been declared as India's National River. A species of dolphins found in the Ganges river know as the Ganges Dolphin was recently declared as the National Aquatic Animal of India.he Ganges river has its source in the Himalayas, at Gaumakh in the southern Himalayas. The Ganga river has been declared as India's National River. A species of dolphins found in the Ganges river know as the Ganges Dolphin was recently declared as the National Aquatic Animal of India." }, { "docid": "6709572", "title": "Irrigation", "text": "In sub-Saharan Africa irrigation reached the Niger River region cultures and civilizations by the first or second millennium BCE and was based on wet season flooding and water harvesting. Terrace irrigation is evidenced in pre-Columbian America, early Syria, India, and China." }, { "docid": "766541", "title": "-", "text": "Therefore, brothers and sisters, since we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus, New Living Translation. And so, dear brothers and sisters, we can boldly enter heaven's Most Holy Place because of the blood of Jesus. Therefore brethren, we have boldness in the entrance of the holy place by the blood of Yeshua. Brothers and sisters, because of the blood of Jesus we can now confidently go into the holy place. 10:19-25 The apostle having closed the first part of the epistle, the doctrine is applied to practical purposes." }, { "docid": "135270", "title": "Ganges Delta", "text": "The Ganges Delta has the shape of a triangle, and is considered to be an arcuate delta (arc-shaped). It covers more than 105,000 km 2 (41,000 sq mi), and although the delta lies mostly in Bangladesh and India, rivers from Bhutan, China, India, and Nepal drain into it from the north.t is the world's largest delta, and empties into the Bay of Bengal. It is also one of the most fertile regions in the world, thus earning the nickname The Green Delta. The delta stretches from the Hooghly River on the west to the Meghna River on the east. It is approximately 354 km (220 mi) across at the Bay of Bengal." }, { "docid": "7108716", "title": "What river was ancient rome built on?", "text": "Ancient Rome was built on the Tiber river. The two major rivers of Ancient India are the Ganges River and the Indus River. The Romans began as a pagan, polytheistic people worshiping a pantheon of gods derived from those of the Greeks. See the link Roman Wars in the separate panel below." }, { "docid": "3793778", "title": "Mikias meaning", "text": "Mikias is a popular name here in Ethiopia, it was the name of a prophet in the Amharic Holy Bible who spoke of a destruction to come to the wicked and the Gods holy mountain (Tsion). Mikias is basically the Amharic equivalent of Micah.ikias is a popular name here in Ethiopia, it was the name of a prophet in the Amharic Holy Bible who spoke of a destruction to come to the wicked and the Gods holy mountain (Tsion). Mikias is basically the Amharic equivalent of Micah." } ]
what is the muladhara chakra
[ { "docid": "3267814", "title": "-", "text": "Muladhara (Sanskrit: मूलाधार, IAST: Mūlādhāra, English: root support) or root chakra is one of the seven primary chakras according to Hindu tantrism. It may be represented by the color red, but its root square form is usually yellow." } ]
[ { "docid": "5716555", "title": "Secrets Of The Third Eye, The Eye Of Horus, Beyond The Illuminati", "text": "The third eye (also known as the inner eye) is a mystical and esoteric concept referring to a speculative invisible eye which provides perception beyond ordinary sight. In certain dharmic spiritual traditions such as Hinduism, the third eye refers to the ajna, or brow, chakra. In Theosophy it is related to the pineal gland. The third eye refers to the gate that leads to inner realms and spaces of higher consciousness." }, { "docid": "4030570", "title": "Boruto Uzumaki", "text": "Naruto, sensing her killing intent, arrived and shielded Boruto, and was knocked out in the process due to the attack landing on one his chakra points. Fearful of what an attack that could knock-out his father would do to him, Boruto tried to run from Himawari, although she easily located him hiding in a closet." }, { "docid": "8497978", "title": "Search results", "text": "Believe London Chakra Bracelet With Jewelry Bag & Meaning Card | Adjustable Bracelet To Fit Any Wrist 7 Chakra Natural Stone Healing Reiki Yoga by Believe London $9.99 - $10.99 $ 9 99-$ 10 99 Prime" }, { "docid": "5217125", "title": "-", "text": "Spirits and Entities. Mysterious entities also inhabit the world of Naruto. These take the form of great beasts which can level forests with ease and chakra given a life of its own." }, { "docid": "7233549", "title": "Ashoka", "text": "The Ashoka Chakra can also been seen on the base of the Lion Capital of Ashoka which has been adopted as the National Emblem of India. [citation needed] The Ashoka Chakra was created by Ashoka during his reign." }, { "docid": "8594550", "title": "-", "text": "TheDarkChakra: I think that working with MBA on your energy body affects the chakras indirectly, you don't need to work on the chakras directly. One can work with ones chakras either directly or indirectly. If I for example focus on my leg and for example brush or stir it a block in the root chakra can be released." }, { "docid": "4785299", "title": "-", "text": "Cleanse your aura. Focus on your root chakra located at the base of your spine and associated with the color red. Envision it anchored to the earth by a red light that extends beneath it. Then envision yourself engulfed in a shower of brilliant gold light radiating down from the sun. Let the light penetrate your body and your aura. Hold this image for some time. Then envision a violet light extending from the soles of your feet to the top of your head. See and feel it as a warm, protective blanket and believe that it has the ability to heal and protect any gaps in your aura." }, { "docid": "5567981", "title": "Rasengan", "text": "Once it is complete, it becomes self-sustaining, which does not give the Rasengan a definite limit like its counterpart, the Chidori. The compacted nature and moving speed of the chakra allows the Rasengan to grind into whatever it comes in contact with to inflict major damage. The first step was learning how to burst a water balloon by spinning the water inside in multiple directions at once using only the user's chakra, which emphasises rotation. 2 In order to complete this process, it is crucial that the user is aware of the natural rotation of their chakra." }, { "docid": "4958672", "title": "-", "text": "COMMENTS. The logo for Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Make-in-India campaign. New Delhi: Make-in-India is a lion's step, said Prime Minister Narendra Modi today, after launching the logo of his ambitious campaign to attract companies to India.The logo is the silhouette of a lion on the prowl, made entirely of cogs, symbolising manufacturing, strength and national pride.The national emblem, Ashok Chakra, also has four lions. In Indian folklore, the lion denotes the attainment of enlightenment, besides representing power, courage, pride and confidence.he logo is the silhouette of a lion on the prowl, made entirely of cogs, symbolising manufacturing, strength and national pride. The national emblem, Ashok Chakra, also has four lions. In Indian folklore, the lion denotes the attainment of enlightenment, besides representing power, courage, pride and confidence." }, { "docid": "4185165", "title": "Senjutsu", "text": "The three elements of senjutsu chakra. Senjutsu (仙術, English TV: Sage Jutsu, Literally meaning: Sage Techniques) is a specialised field of techniques that allows the user to sense and then gather natural energy. Senjutsu practitioners learn to draw the energy of nature inside of them, blending it with their own chakra." }, { "docid": "5425437", "title": "Jonathan Goldman Biography", "text": "He is author of HEALING SOUNDS, SHIFTING FREQUENCIES, THE LOST CHORD, the best selling THE 7 SECRETS OF SOUND HEALING, CHAKRA FREQUENCIES (co-authored with his wife Andi), and his latest THE DIVINE NAME, winner of the 2011 Visionary Award for “Best Alternative Health Book”." }, { "docid": "6388915", "title": "Gotu kola", "text": "Growing in some areas of the Himalayas, gotu kola is used by yogis to improve meditation. It is said to develop the crown chakra, the energy center at the top of the head and to balance the right and left hemispheres of the brain, which the leaf is said to resemble." }, { "docid": "2933861", "title": "Naruto Shippuden Episode 245 - The Next Challenge! Naruto vs. Nine Tails!!", "text": "Naruto Shippuden. Naruto Shippuden Episode 245 - The Next Challenge! Naruto vs. Nine Tails!! With Killer Bee as his new master, Naruto begins his training to control the power of a Tailed Beast. In order to do so, one must fight the Tailed Beast head on and absorb its chakra, converting it into one’s own power." }, { "docid": "8695643", "title": "-", "text": "The tattoo is used to concentrate the wearers focus when controlling the swirling of their chakra in their palm. By focusing on this one spot, the wearers mind stabilizes and is capable of extracting great power." }, { "docid": "4032004", "title": "Planets and chakras", "text": "We have seven main chakras and each chakra is located on a plexus (center of a network of nerves). These energy centers are responsible for keeping our spiritual, physical and mental aspects in balance. This subtle system is the same in every human. What is different is how we use it and with what quality." }, { "docid": "1290554", "title": "How Does Energy Flow?", "text": "Then the up-down energy flow into the center joins the back to front energy flow to go out from the heart center into the world and to the people we serve. The energy of the heart center, or heart chakra, has 50 times the electrical strength of the brow chakra and 5,000 times the magnetic strength of the brow chakra." }, { "docid": "2859350", "title": "-", "text": "We will look at how to realign your chakras, how to unblock your chakras, and how to balance your chakras. Chakras an Introduction The word Chakra comes from an ancient Indian language known as Sanskrit, chakra means vortex, spinning wheel or circle." }, { "docid": "2520241", "title": "-", "text": "Singapore is a small city-state with a limited number of natural resources, according to Trade Chakra. Water is considered scarce in Singapore, and the government is taking measures to conserve it. Singapore has nonrenewable resources, including coal, oil and natural gas, but in very limited amounts." }, { "docid": "5519451", "title": "-", "text": "Crystal Properties-Desert Rose. Associations: 1 Associated Crystals: Banded agate and petrified wood. 2 Candle Color: Light brown. 3 Chakra: Root (brown) and heart (pink). 4 Element: Fire. 5 Flowers & Plants: Flowering cactus and oleander. 6 Herbs-Incenses-Oils: Copal, fennel, parsley, tarragon and witch hazel." }, { "docid": "2597185", "title": "-", "text": "Opalite is beautiful synthesized glass, often used as a stimulant for man-made opals. Opalites are great for healing by color-therapy with their clear, milky, and iridescent hues that seem to change when seen from certain angles or in different lights. Opalites are great for the crown chakra, heightening spiritual awareness and optimism." }, { "docid": "7582187", "title": "-", "text": "Stockbyte/Stockbyte/Getty Images. The national flag of India consists of three distinct colors in equally proportioned stripes. The top stripe is saffron; the middle stripe is white and has centered Ashoka Chakra spokes in blue; and the bottom stripe is green.The flag was adopted on July 22, 1947 just before India gained independence from Great Britain. The flag was based of the Indian National Congress flag designed by Pingali Venkayya.he top stripe is saffron; the middle stripe is white and has centered Ashoka Chakra spokes in blue; and the bottom stripe is green. The flag was adopted on July 22, 1947 just before India gained independence from Great Britain. The flag was based of the Indian National Congress flag designed by Pingali Venkayya." }, { "docid": "3003015", "title": "The Sixth Chakra and Opening the Third Eye", "text": "Therefore, the sixth chakra is often called the Brow Chakra. The pituitary gland is known as the master gland because it acts as a main control center that sends messages to all the other glands from its two lobes, the posterior and the anterior." }, { "docid": "2859354", "title": "Chakras", "text": "The first chakra is known as a the Kundalini chakra, the root chakra or base chakra. It is situated at the base of or tail end of the spine. It is represented by the red Maladhara mandala (root support), the element of fire and it is also symbolised by a snake or a dragon." }, { "docid": "4701505", "title": "The Thymic Chakra (High Heart Chakra)", "text": "The Thymic chakra is where intent originates, it is the link between the emotions of the heart and the reason of language. It is what makes you inhale a breath before you speak, since this is where the intent behind the words you are about to speak actually starts forming." }, { "docid": "668640", "title": "Chakra Stones- What is a Chakra?", "text": "On the physical level each chakra governs a main organ or gland, which is then connected to other body parts that resonate the same frequency. Each chakra resonates with a particular chakra gemstone which helps to heal that chakra and bring it back into balance. Chakra stones are an integral part of healing. Every organ, gland and body system is connected to a chakra and each chakra is connected to a color vibrational frequency and chakra stones." }, { "docid": "5392089", "title": "-", "text": "Maroon Aura Color Meaning Black Aura Color Meaning © 2011 Aura Readers: An Aura Reading Software for Aura Photography to get Human Aura Pictures for Reading Aura and Chakra Healers." }, { "docid": "4098241", "title": "Top Ten Favorite Colors", "text": "Color Purple-Violet. Purple is the color of good judgment. It is the color of people seeking spiritual fulfillment. It is said if you surround yourself with purple you will have peace of mind. Purple is a good color to use in meditation. Purple has been used to symbolize magic and mystery, as well as royalty.Being the combination of red and blue, the warmest and coolest colors, purple is believed to be the ideal color.Most children love the color purple. Purple is the color most favored by artists.Thursday's color is purple. Violet is the color of purpose. Violet is associated with the Crown chakra (This links individual and universal).olor Purple-Violet. Purple is the color of good judgment. It is the color of people seeking spiritual fulfillment. It is said if you surround yourself with purple you will have peace of mind. Purple is a good color to use in meditation. Purple has been used to symbolize magic and mystery, as well as royalty." }, { "docid": "2667836", "title": "Sahasrara", "text": "Sahasrara is the Sanskrit name for the chakra located in the crown area of the skull. It is the seventh and highest of the seven primary chakras. It is usually represented by the color violet." }, { "docid": "5819479", "title": "Chatra Chakra Varti Meaning", "text": "A famous name. Like Past Life readings for most ideas concerning how to achieved which goes on for up chatra chakra varti meaning to a minute. SENNA: No no I have treatments were overseen by nurses and opinions. Exercising is great because it results in a gradual manner but the key to understanding" }, { "docid": "945764", "title": "-", "text": "Symbols. The circular symbol in the center of the flag, the Ashoka chakra, is the wheel of the dharma, the cosmic law that upholds the order of the universe.At the crux of their faiths, Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism and Sikhism all subscribe to the concept of the dharma.ymbols. The circular symbol in the center of the flag, the Ashoka chakra, is the wheel of the dharma, the cosmic law that upholds the order of the universe." } ]
what is the name of the branch of biology that studies plants?
[ { "docid": "2993738", "title": "Branches of Biology", "text": "Branches of Biology. 1 There are different branches of biology depending on the life of living organism and their inter-relationships. Botany: The branch of biology that studies the life of plants, their growth, development, metabolism, reproduction, diseases, chemical and physical properties are called as Botany. Botany and Zoology are further studied individually by its morphological, physiological and embryological characters." } ]
[ { "docid": "5481605", "title": "-", "text": "Relating to an organism that manufactures its own food from inorganic substances, such as carbon dioxide and nitrogen, using light or ATP for energy. All green plants and algae, and some bacteria and protists, are autotrophs.♦ An organism capable of producing food from inorganic substances is called an autotroph (o′ô-tə′). Trŏf compare. heterotrophicdj. 1. autotrophic-of or relating to organisms (as green plants) that can make complex organic nutritive compounds from simple inorganic sources by photosynthesis. autophytic. phytology, botany-the branch of biology that studies plants." }, { "docid": "164273", "title": "Theoretical Perspectives in Modern Psychology", "text": "Personality is that pattern of characteristic thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that distinguishes one person from another and that persists over time and situations. Personality psychology is a branch of psychology that studies personality and its variation among individuals." }, { "docid": "333781", "title": "STATISTICS", "text": "The noun BIOMETRICS has 1 sense: 1. a branch of biology that studies biological phenomena and observations by means of statistical analysis. Familiarity information: BIOMETRICS used as a noun is very rare." }, { "docid": "1849647", "title": "cytology", "text": "cytology. the branch of biology that studies the structure, function, multiplication, and life history of cells. — cytologist, n. — cytologie, cytological, adj. the branch of biology that studies the structure, growth, and pathology of cells. — cytologist, n. — cytologie, cytological, adj." }, { "docid": "2809894", "title": "Disease and Illness", "text": "etiology, aetiology. 1. the branch of medical science that studies the causes of diseases and the factors underlying their spread. 2. the accumulated knowledge of disease causes.— etiologist, n. — etiologic, etiological, adj.etiology. — aetiological, adj.tiology, aetiology. 1. the branch of medical science that studies the causes of diseases and the factors underlying their spread. 2. the accumulated knowledge of disease causes." }, { "docid": "8197675", "title": "Time", "text": "Anatomy is the study of the structures that make up the bodies of living things. It is a branch of the science of biology. To understand the human body it is necessary to know the structure of its parts, what they do, and how they work together. Anatomy is the scientific study of the structure of living things." }, { "docid": "5664531", "title": "vertebrate", "text": "1. invertebrate-lacking a backbone or spinal column; worms are an example of invertebrate animals. spineless. zoological science, zoology-the branch of biology that studies animals. vertebrate-having a backbone or spinal column; fishes and amphibians and reptiles and birds and mammals are verbetrate animals.nvertebrate. n. 1. (Zoology) any animal lacking a backbone, including all species not classified as vertebrates. adj. 2. (Zoology) of, relating to, or designating invertebrates." }, { "docid": "3875170", "title": "-", "text": "etiology, aetiology. 1. the branch of medical science that studies the causes of diseases and the factors underlying their spread. 2. the accumulated knowledge of disease causes.— etiologist, n. — etiologic, etiological, adj.the science of causation. — etiologic, aetiologic, etiological, aetiological, adj.. the branch of medical science that studies the causes of diseases and the factors underlying their spread. 2. the accumulated knowledge of disease causes. — etiologist, n. — etiologic, etiological, adj. the science of causation. — etiologic, aetiologic, etiological, aetiological, adj." }, { "docid": "1170912", "title": "JSTOR", "text": "JSTOR Plant Science provides access to content such as plant type specimens, taxonomic structures, scientific literature, and related materials and aimed at those researching, teaching, or studying botany, biology, ecology, environmental, and conservation studies." }, { "docid": "216562", "title": "-", "text": "Social psychology The branch of psychology that studies the effect of social variables on individual behavior, attitudes, perceptions, and motives; also studies group and intergroup phenomena. Social role A socially defined pattern of behavior that is expected of a person who is functioning in a given setting or group." }, { "docid": "8328167", "title": "binomial nomenclature", "text": "Binomial Nomenclature. a system for giving each organism a two-word latin name that consists of the genus name followed by the species name. taxonomy. the branch of biology that identifies common names, and classifies species based on natural features. eubacteria. kingdom that makes up the domain bacteria. kingdom." }, { "docid": "2589833", "title": "-", "text": "Most recent findings. regarding. seed germination and dormancy are reviewed. The significance of plant hormones including. abscisic. acid, ethylene, gibberellins, auxin, cytokinins and brassinosteroids, with reference to proteomic. and. molecular biology studies on germination, is also discussed." }, { "docid": "241986", "title": "-", "text": "Dr. Ron Grunwald, Director of Undergraduate Studies. Dr. Grunwald is the primary contact for faculty members with questions and concerns regarding the biology curriculum, as well as for students with concerns regarding the Graduation with Distinction." }, { "docid": "5682853", "title": "Cre recombinase", "text": "Cre recombinase is a widely used tool in the field of molecular biology. The enzyme's unique and specific recombination system is exploited to manipulate genes and chromosomes in a huge range of research, such as gene knock out or knock in studies." }, { "docid": "2260281", "title": "mycology", "text": "(mÄ«-kŏl′ə-jē) n. pl. my·col·o·gies. 1. The branch of biology that deals with fungi. 2. The fungi found in a region, an organism, or a part of an organism: the mycology of the scalp." }, { "docid": "5376553", "title": "-", "text": "hap·loid. adj. Having a single set of unpaired chromosomes, as in a germ cell, such as an egg or sperm, or in a moss plant or a drone bee. n. An organism having haploid cells.oun. 1. haploid - (genetics) an organism or cell having only one complete set of chromosomes. organism, being-a living thing that has (or can develop) the ability to act or function independently. genetic science, genetics-the branch of biology that studies heredity and variation in organisms." }, { "docid": "1854405", "title": "anatomy", "text": "1. the branch of anatomy that studies muscles and musculature. 2. the muscular makeup of an animal or anatomical unit. — myologic, adj. organography. the scientific description of the organs of plants and animals." }, { "docid": "4432355", "title": "psychosomatic medicine", "text": "psychosomatic medicine n. The branch of medicine that studies and treats diseases and disorders by investigating and exploiting the psychological processes that influence the body. Examples from the Web for psychosomatic medicine Expand." }, { "docid": "270332", "title": "Some Definitions of Science", "text": "2. the organized body of knowledge that is derived from such observations and that can be verified or tested by further investigation. 3. any specific branch of this general body of knowledge, such as biology, physics, geology, or astronomy." }, { "docid": "3601500", "title": "What Is a Marine Biologist?", "text": "Definition: Marine biology is the scientific study of organisms that live in salt water. So, a marine biologist is a person that studies, or works with a salt water organism (or organisms). That is a fairly brief definition for a very general term, as marine biology encompasses many things. Marine biologists may work for private businesses, in a non-profit organization, or at a university or college." }, { "docid": "1623920", "title": "Definitions &Translations", "text": "Freebase(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Anatomy is a branch of biology and medicine that considers the structure of living things. It is a general term that includes human anatomy, animal anatomy, and plant anatomy." }, { "docid": "4448381", "title": "Cryonics â Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)", "text": "Cryogenics is a branch of physics or engineering that studies the production of very low temperatures (below −100ºC, −148ºF). The use of the word cryogenics when meaning cryonics is typically indicative of a person who has not seriously investigated cryonics." }, { "docid": "1096961", "title": "thanatology", "text": "thanatology-the branch of science that studies death (especially its social and psychological aspects). science, scientific discipline-a particular branch of scientific knowledge; the science of genetics." }, { "docid": "1300660", "title": "What does BA, MS, MA, PhD stand for?", "text": "BS= Bachelor of Science. (This too is a 4 year degree= 4 years of undergraduate instruction. BIOLOGY degrees are B.S., in that they are scientific studies. BS involves subjects pertaining to science- biology, chemistry, engineering, physics, zoology, all of these are considered B.S. Degrees)" }, { "docid": "123020", "title": "CHROMOSOMAL MUTATION", "text": "inversion - (genetics) a kind of mutation in which the order of the genes in a section of a chromosome is reversed. genetic science, genetics - the branch of biology that studies heredity and variation in organisms." }, { "docid": "2048670", "title": "Kinship Anthropology", "text": "Anthropology defines kinship as the connection that exists between human beings by either blood, through adoption or even by marriage. Anthropology does not view kinship in a biological manner but biology on the other hand studies it in the physical manner." }, { "docid": "5608292", "title": "-", "text": "Step 4. Step 5. Get a bachelor's degree. Most veterinary schools require that you have obtained a bachelor's degree in pre-veterinary studies, biology or a related subject. You can apply to any major accredited university to get your bachelor's degree.If you cannot gain entry into a university, you can begin at a community college and transfer after two years of study.Gain work experience with animals.tep 5. Get a bachelor's degree. Most veterinary schools require that you have obtained a bachelor's degree in pre-veterinary studies, biology or a related subject. You can apply to any major accredited university to get your bachelor's degree." }, { "docid": "6682134", "title": "-", "text": "An oceanographer is a scientist who studies the ocean (in general). The study may be called oceanography, oceanology, or marine science. The term oceanography means ocean … writing and includes related fields such as marine geology, climatology, and marine biology.n oceanographer is a scientist who studies the ocean (in general). The study may be called oceanography, oceanology, or marine science. The term oceanography means ocean … writing and includes related fields such as marine geology, climatology, and marine biology." }, { "docid": "3297419", "title": "Drosophila", "text": "Drosophila biology: The common fruit fly is a model organism for genetic studies. The reason it is so widely used is because it is easily cultured in the lab, has a short generation time, and can produce many offspring." }, { "docid": "7961907", "title": "ecology", "text": "ecology-the branch of biology concerned with the relations between organisms and their environment. bionomics, environmental science. biological science, biology-the science that studies living organisms. palaeoecology, paleoecology-the branch of ecology that studies ancient ecology." } ]
cast of the martian.
[ { "docid": "4434742", "title": "-", "text": "Based on a best-selling novel, and helmed by master director Ridley Scott, THE MARTIAN features a star studded cast that includes Jessica Chastain, Kristen Wiig, Kate Mara, Michael Peña, Jeff Daniels, Chiwetel Ejiofor, and Donald Glover. (C) Fox." } ]
[ { "docid": "7992245", "title": "-", "text": "Mars has not only the deepest valley in our solar system, but also the mightiest mountain. The Martian volcano Olympus Mons reaches a towering height of 27 miles, or three times the height of our own Mount Everest." }, { "docid": "6089503", "title": "Wrist Fracture", "text": "Key points. 1 Your child needs a half or full cast to heal a fractured or broken wrist. 2 A half cast can be removed at home after about 3 weeks. 3 A full cast will likely not be removed for at least 6 weeks. You child will need to avoid high-impact activities after the cast is removed." }, { "docid": "7316705", "title": "-", "text": "Scooby-Doo (2002) full cast and crew. View cast photos, videos and more on Fandango." }, { "docid": "3285339", "title": "God of War", "text": "Another gigantic feature of the red planet is Valles Marinares. This is the Martian equivalent of the Grand Canyon. This one is much bigger, however. Valles Marinares stretches 3000 miles (4829 km) along the surface of Mars and is 435 miles (700 km) wide at its widest point." }, { "docid": "3951490", "title": "Deimos (moon)", "text": "Only two geological features on Deimos have been given names. The craters Swift and Voltaire are named after writers who speculated on the existence of two Martian moons before Phobos and Deimos were discovered." }, { "docid": "6232409", "title": "-", "text": "Yes, Mars does have an atmosphere. The Martian atmosphere contains about 95.3% carbon dioxide (CO2) and 2.7% nitrogen, with the remainder a mixture of other gases. However, it is a very thin atmosphere, roughly 100 times less dense than Earth's atmosphere." }, { "docid": "8744321", "title": "-", "text": "Joe Piscopo was cast on Saturday Night Live (1975) in 1980 as part of an overall replacement of the original cast." }, { "docid": "5397650", "title": "-", "text": "Fiddler on the Roof Cast ›Far from the Home I Love Fiddler on the Roof Cast ›Any Day Now Paul Michael Glaser ›Chava Ballet Sequence Fiddler on the Roof Cast ›Rejection Scene Fiddler on the Roof Cast. ›The Rumor Fiddler on the Roof Cast." }, { "docid": "1017070", "title": "Urinalysis_ Three Types of Examinations 3", "text": "This type of cast is called a hyaline cast. When a disease process is present in the kidney, other things such as RBCs or WBCs can become trapped in the protein as the cast is formed. When this happens, the cast is identified by the substances inside it, for example, as a red blood cell cast or white blood cell cast." }, { "docid": "6482585", "title": "-", "text": "Find great deals on eBay for cast iron wok lodge and lodge cast iron kettle. Shop with confidence." }, { "docid": "3001481", "title": "Organic compound", "text": "Mellitic acid, which contains no C-H bonds, is considered a possible organic substance in Martian soil. C-C bonds are found in most organic compounds, except some small molecules like methane and methanol, which have only one carbon atom in their structure." }, { "docid": "3463242", "title": "Spinal cord injury", "text": "1 Following surgery, and especially with the help of a cast, severely broken toes take 6-8 weeks to heal, depending on the location and extent of the injury. 2 After such a long time in a cast, your foot may need some rehabilitation as described below. Following surgery, and especially with the help of a cast, severely broken toes take 6-8 weeks to heal, depending on the location and extent of the injury. 2 After such a long time in a cast, your foot may need some rehabilitation as described below." }, { "docid": "1190123", "title": "Maggie Grace", "text": "In 2004, Grace was cast as Shannon Rutherford in the television series Lost, on which she was a main cast member for the first two seasons, winning a Screen Actors Guild Award shared with the ensemble cast." }, { "docid": "5350684", "title": "The Martian (Weir novel)", "text": "On December 5, 2014, the Orion spacecraft took the cover page of The Martian script on the first test flight of the unmanned Exploration Flight Test 1 (EFT-1)." }, { "docid": "7674017", "title": "-", "text": "Exactly as expected. The more I use cast iron, the more I like it. Prices for Lodge competitive at World Market. If you've never tried it, bake bread using a wet dough in a cast iron Dutch oven.xactly as expected. The more I use cast iron, the more I like it. Prices for Lodge competitive at World Market. If you've never tried it, bake bread using a wet dough in a cast iron Dutch oven." }, { "docid": "2605219", "title": "Casting from the YouTube app & YouTube.com", "text": "Watching your favorite YouTube videos on your TV has never been easier. To cast from YouTube to your TV: 1 Find a video you want to watch and press the the Cast button. 2 On the YouTube app, the Cast button will be in the top right-hand corner. 3 From youtube.com on your laptop, it is in the bottom right of the player.o cast from YouTube to your TV: 1 Find a video you want to watch and press the the Cast button. 2 On the YouTube app, the Cast button will be in the top right-hand corner." }, { "docid": "7757078", "title": "Saturday Night Live cast members", "text": "Saturday Night Live cast members. The following is a list of Saturday Night Live cast members, past and present. The cast members of Saturday Night Live were originally referred to as the Not Ready For Prime Time Players.. The original cast (l to r): Laraine Newman, John Belushi, Jane Curtin, Gilda Radner, Dan Aykroyd, Garrett Morris, and Chevy Chase." }, { "docid": "875496", "title": "-", "text": "Without surgery, your ankle will be placed in a cast or splint for 4 to 8 weeks. 1 The length of time you must wear a cast or splint depends on the type of fracture you have. 2 Your cast or splint may be changed more than once, as your swelling goes down." }, { "docid": "1840861", "title": "Lunar soil", "text": "Martian soil is the fine regolith found on the surface of Mars. Its properties can differ significantly from those of terrestrial soil. The term Martian soil typically refers to the finer fraction of regolith." }, { "docid": "2155104", "title": "-", "text": "There's something for everyone. Nowhere Cast is is available in the Roku Channel Store for $0.99 per month. Making a donation through PayPal does not entitle you to a Nowhere Cast Subscription. To install Nowhere Cast on your Roku, click here." }, { "docid": "2950191", "title": "What is the Weather like on Mars?", "text": "For instance, when it comes to the weather on Mars, the forecast is usually quite dramatic. Not only does Martian weather vary from day to day, it sometimes varies from hour to hour. That seems a bit unusual for a planet that has an atmosphere that is only 1% as dense as the Earth’s. And yet, Mars manages to really up the ante when it comes to extreme weather and meteorological phenomena." }, { "docid": "571809", "title": "Walking Cast, Ankle Stabilizer, Walking Boot, Air Cast", "text": "The Short Air Walking Cast supports and immobilizes the wearer's foot and ankle. An integrated pneumatic single-bladder air system helps cushion the walking boot cast, provides support, and helps it fit properly. The Short Air Walking Cast comes in black only." }, { "docid": "3450687", "title": "Article: Enameled cast iron vs. bare (un-enameled) cast iron", "text": "But enameled cast iron is not non-stick like properly-seasoned bare cast iron is. Both bare and enameled cast iron have their advantages and disadvantages, and here they are: Key differences between enameled cast iron and non-enameled (bare) cast iron. 1 Bare cast iron is non-stick, making it ideal for scrambled eggs, omelets, etc. 2 Enameled cast iron is non-reactive, which can make it better for heavily acidic dishes (e.g. tomato soups or sauces)" }, { "docid": "3002083", "title": "-", "text": "Phoenix Mars Mission: Objectives 2 The Phoenix Mars Lander seeks to verify the presence of water and habitable conditions in the martian arctic. 2) Determine if the martian arctic soil could support life. Recent discoveries show that life can exist in the most extreme conditions." }, { "docid": "4464116", "title": "Mars' Calendar", "text": "Mars' Calendar. Time on Mars is easily divided into days based on its rotation rate and years based on its orbit. Sols, or Martian solar days, are only 39 minutes and 35 seconds longer than Earth days, and there are 668 sols (684 Earth days) in a Martian year. For convenience, sols are divided into a 24-hour clock." }, { "docid": "727512", "title": "-", "text": "To get started, please be sure you're fully set up to use Chromecast with Chrome. 1 Open the tab you want to cast to your TV. 2 In the top right corner of your Chrome browser, click the Cast icon. 3 Choose the Chromecast device you want to cast the tab. 4 When active, the Cast icon will turn blue. 5 Enjoy your entertainment!" }, { "docid": "1675523", "title": "-", "text": "One quick difference i can draw is the excellent damping capacity of cast iron as compared to any other common steel. This property comes due to very high silicon content in gray cast iron. Due to high silicon content gray cast iron forms graphite flakes/spheroidal particles (depending on heat treatment) instead of white carbides observed in white cast iron." }, { "docid": "7034656", "title": "grok", "text": "Grok may be the only English word that derives from Martian. Yes, we do mean the language of the planet Mars. No, we're not getting spacey; we've just ventured into the realm of science fiction. Grok was introduced in Robert A. Heinlein's 1961 science fiction novel Stranger in a Strange Land." }, { "docid": "330482", "title": "-", "text": "The oxygen content of the Martian atmosphere is only 0.13 percent, compared with 21 percent in Earth's atmosphere. Carbon dioxide makes up 95.3 percent of the gas in the atmosphere of Mars. It also contains nitrogen and argon and very small amounts of water and methane." }, { "docid": "6201988", "title": "-", "text": "plants, trees. It would be possible to grow plants on Mars only in technologically advanced, controlled environments that could keep the plants warm and give the plants enough atmosphere, light, and water to live.Scientists anticipate that humans would be able to use the Martian soil as a substrate for plant growth.t would be possible to grow plants on Mars only in technologically advanced, controlled environments that could keep the plants warm and give the plants enough atmosphere, light, and water to live. Scientists anticipate that humans would be able to use the Martian soil as a substrate for plant growth." } ]
what is the name of who played hermione on harry potter
[ { "docid": "6129419", "title": "-", "text": "Who played the role of Hermione in Harry Potter the movie? Emma Watson, from the United Kingdom, played the role of Hermione Granger in all of the Harry Potter movies. 1 person found this useful. Edit. Share to: Imo Pop. 435,574 Contributions. Having been a fan of the series from a young age, I have a very good knowledge of the series." } ]
[ { "docid": "144194", "title": "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone", "text": "Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone is the first in the series of Harry Potter novels by J.K. Rowling. It was published in the U.S. as Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone a year after being published in the UK. first British printing: July 1, 1997, Bloomsbury Books. first American printing: September 1, 1999, Scholastic, Arthur A. Levine Books. U.S. illustrations by Mary GrandPré, 1998." }, { "docid": "7531987", "title": "How much does Emma Watson weigh?", "text": "How much money does Emma Watson have altogether? As of 2014 it is estimated that actress Emma Watson is worth over 60 million dollars. Emma Watson rose to popularity with her role as Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter … movies." }, { "docid": "2154161", "title": "When did each Harry Potter book come out?", "text": "The second book, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets was originally published in the UK on 2 July 1998 and in the US on 2 June 1999. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban was then published a year later in the UK on 8 July 1999 and in the US on 8 September 1999." }, { "docid": "2750002", "title": "Hedwigâs Theme Sheet Music Harry Potter PDF Free Download", "text": "Hedwig’s Theme Sheet Music Harry Potter Hedwig’s Theme Sheet Music Harry Potter PDF Free Download “Hedwig’s Theme Sheet Music” by Harry Potter, “ Hedwig’s Theme Piano Sheet Music” for Piano / Piano Solo , Original key: E Minor, number of pages sheet music PDF: 2, Video song Hedwig’s Theme Piano Sheet Music." }, { "docid": "467258", "title": "Muggles' Guide to Harry Potter/Major Events/Ron Weasley", "text": "He, Hermione, and Ron return to the Common Room, but as Harry is under his Invisibility Cloak, Lavender can only see Hermione and Ron, and demands to know what the two of them have been doing up in the boys' dormitory." }, { "docid": "6102209", "title": "-", "text": "A scene from Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban when Harry recieves a Firebolt from his Godfather Sirius Black. 1 Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (Amazon.com)." }, { "docid": "8641615", "title": "-", "text": "Emma Charlotte Duerre Watson (born 15 April 1990) is an English actress, model, and activist. Watson rose to prominence as Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter film series, appearing in all eight Harry Potter films from 2001 to 2011, previously having acted only in school plays. The franchise earned Watson worldwide fame, critical accolades, and more than £10 million." }, { "docid": "5516653", "title": "-", "text": "Format: Hardcover. With this introductory novel was published in 1997, few would have predicted the unprecedented success this series would produce. And everything that made Harry Potter so successful is all first shown, though hardly fully explained, in this book, HARRY POTTER AND THE PHILOSPHER'S STONE." }, { "docid": "7735586", "title": "4th Annual A Celebration of Harry Potter 2017 Event Just Announced!", "text": "4th Annual A Celebration of Harry Potter 2017 Event Just Announced! Today is the day all Potterheads anxiously await – the announcement of the A Celebration of Harry Potter 2017 Event at Universal Orlando! I went for the first time this year and it was AMAZING! It is basically the ultimate Harry Potter experience and something every Potterhead has to do at least once." }, { "docid": "2566992", "title": "Has Harry Potter made the trend for longer children's books fly?", "text": "Shemroske at Booklist pointed to the success of Harry Potter as a major reason for the increase in length of children’s novels, with the first book in Rowling’s record-breaking series, Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, published in 1997." }, { "docid": "6264797", "title": "Biography", "text": "Mini Bio (1). Robbie Coltrane, one of Britain's most popular comedians who was head of debating society at school and won prizes for his art, is now a film star who played in two James Bond films and in the Harry Potter franchise." }, { "docid": "2216664", "title": "-", "text": "A wave of recent studies suggests that scientists are much closer to engineering Harry Potter-like invisibility cloaks than you might think. A wave of recent studies suggests that scientists are much closer to engineering Harry Potter-like invisibility cloaks than you might think." }, { "docid": "1134384", "title": "David Yates (II)", "text": "David Yates (II) David Yates was born on October 8, 1963 in St. Helens, Merseyside, England. He is a director and producer, known for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 (2011), Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007) and Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2009)." }, { "docid": "8811631", "title": "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows", "text": "The movie is split into two parts, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2. Part 1 was released on 19 November, 2010 and Part 2 was released 15 July, 2011." }, { "docid": "866645", "title": "-", "text": "In LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham, the Caped Crusader joins forces with the super heroes of the DC Comics universe and 1 ... LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4 will give gamers the chance to experience the magic and adventure of Harry Potter in a u...n LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham, the Caped Crusader joins forces with the super heroes of the DC Comics universe and ..." }, { "docid": "3819899", "title": "'Harry Potter' Illustrated Books: Images and Release Date for Latest Editions", "text": "The first illustrated book, a revamp of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, is slated to go on sale Oct. 6, the Telegraph reports. The books are the first fully illustrated renditions of the Harry Potter series ever created." }, { "docid": "5532858", "title": "Mudblood", "text": "Mudblood's a really foul name for someone who is Muggle-born — you know, non-magic parents. There are some wizards — like Malfoy's family — who think they're better than everyone else because they're what people call pure-blood.. —Hagrid explaining the term to Harry Potter and Hermione Granger." }, { "docid": "966488", "title": "The Largest Collection of Harry Potter Memorabilia in the World", "text": "It would be hard to pinpoint who is the most devoted Harry Potter fan, but it just might be a man in Mexico City whose collection of Harry Potter memorabilia has been lauded the largest in the world by the Guinness World Records on Monday." }, { "docid": "1696638", "title": "-", "text": "The 1990s - Harry Potter at Hogwarts. The events of the 1990s comprise the stories of the Harry Potter novels themselves. The years in which these stories take place are not stated specifically in the books but can be deduced from clues." }, { "docid": "3064587", "title": "Cursed Child reveals first look at Harry, Ginny and Albus Potter in character", "text": "Tuesday 31st May 2016. The actors playing Ginny and Albus Potter are confirmed, as the production of Cursed Child unveils a new series of character portraits showing the actors in costume. While J.K. Rowling says Jamie Parker ‘simply is Harry now.’. We’re just a week away from the first preview of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child Parts One and Two and today we are thrilled to share character portraits of Harry, Ginny and Albus Severus Potter, as they will appear in the play." }, { "docid": "4166799", "title": "-", "text": "Emma Watson plays Hermione Granger in all the Harry Potter movies. Emma Watson plays Hermione Granger in all the Harry Potter movies." }, { "docid": "2564085", "title": "Hermione Granger", "text": "This is the latest accepted revision, reviewed on 9 August 2016. Hermione Jean Granger (/hərˈmaɪ.əni ˈdʒiːn ˈɡreɪndʒər/) is a fictional character in J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series. She first appears in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, as a new student on her way to Hogwarts. After Harry and Ron save her from a mountain troll in the girls' toilets, she becomes close friends with them and often uses her quick wit, deft recall, and encyclopaedic knowledge to help them." }, { "docid": "7192376", "title": "-", "text": "Parents Need to Know. Parents need to know that Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1, the second-to-last installment in the epic Harry Potter movie saga is the darkest, most intense yet. It has the highest body count of any Potter film, including the deaths of several recurring characters -- some of which are particularly emotional and upsetting." }, { "docid": "3522474", "title": "Gobbledegook", "text": "In the Three Broomsticks Inn, it is spoken by two goblins defrauded by Ludovic Bagman in 1995. In 1997 when Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ronald Weasley overhear fellow fugitives Dirk Cresswell and the Goblins Gornuk and Griphook converse in Gobbledegook, while they were on the run from the Snatchers." }, { "docid": "8219694", "title": "Harry Potter", "text": "How did the “Harry Potter” series evolve as the directors changed Related: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (Philosopher’s Stone), Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Jeff Saporito | December 8, 2015 | 0" }, { "docid": "4471999", "title": "Quotes forHarry Potter (Character)from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 (2011)", "text": "Severus Snape : [ Snape has just walked in on Harry and Cormac. Harry attempts to run away ] Not... so fast, Potter. Harry Potter: Sorry, sir, but I really should be getting back to the party. My date... Severus Snape: Can surely survive another minute without you. Besides, I only wish to convey a message." }, { "docid": "467261", "title": "Muggles' Guide to Harry Potter/Major Events/Ron Weasley", "text": "Muggles' Guide to Harry Potter/Major Events/Ron Weasley - Analysis. 1 In pretty much every way, Ron's romantic relationships develop along a very realistic path. He is clearly somewhat immature relative to Harry and Hermione, and this lack of maturity does frustrate both Hermione and Harry in the first few books of the series." }, { "docid": "8227968", "title": "Hermione Granger", "text": "Hermione Jean Granger is a character in J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series. She first appears in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, as a new student on her way to Hogwarts. After Harry and Ron ..." }, { "docid": "7791573", "title": "Who plays the adult Lily Potter in the Harry Potter movies? Is it the same actress in every appearance?", "text": "Answer Wiki. The adult Lilly Potter is played by the same actress throughout the Harry Potter series. She is Geraldine Somerville. The younger Lily Potter is portrayed by two separate actresses, Ellie Darcy-Alden and Daphne de Beistegue (who only makes a brief appearance in the Deathly Hallows Pt. 2). Views · View Upvotes." }, { "docid": "2607268", "title": "Hermione Granger", "text": "Hermione Jean Granger is a Muggle-born Gryffindor student whose parents are both dentists. She becomes best friends with Harry Potter and Ron Weasley. J.K. Rowling states that she was born on 19 September 1979 and she was nearly twelve when she first attended Hogwarts." } ]
what is the name paige
[ { "docid": "2934141", "title": "Paige (wrestler)", "text": "Paige (wrestler) Saraya-Jade Bevis (born 17 August 1992) is an English professional wrestler and actress currently signed to WWE under the ring name Paige, performing on the Raw brand. She is a two-time Divas Champion and was the inaugural NXT Women's Champion in WWE's developmental branch, NXT. She is the only person to have held both championships concurrently, and as of September 2016, her 308-day reign as the NXT Women's Champion is the longest in the title's history." } ]
[ { "docid": "6617785", "title": "Pass Time", "text": "Pass Time was hosted by Speed personality Brett Wagner, and Paige Simpson served as the show's car wrangler. Simpson rarely spoke on-camera during the show, although she was the only one to speak on-camera in a 2011 promotional ad for the show, giving directions to Wagner and Herring.ies for individual passes are awarded to the contestant who locked in their time first. In the event of a possible tie in total winnings at the end of the show, contestants are asked to record a guess for the speed of the car in the final pass, with the show win being awarded to the closest guess." }, { "docid": "2527420", "title": "Backwoods Ripper", "text": "At 187 pages, Backwoods Ripper was a quick and highly enjoyable read. This is one of those brooding stories where you know that what is between the pages is going to be dark and it certainly was. If what leaves Hal immobilised isn't horrific enough, what comes later surely is. Paige and Hal are a young couple who have everything to look forward to." }, { "docid": "3886245", "title": "Bizaardvark", "text": "Paige Olvera (Olivia Rodrigo) is the other star of Bizaardvark who plays the guitar. In the episode Unboxing, it is revealed that Paige takes mixed martial arts class when she wants some alone time. Dirk Mann (Jake Paul) is the star of Dare Me Bro, where he takes dare requests that he performs." }, { "docid": "2445776", "title": "Big Al (mascot)", "text": "The mascot known as Big Al today was the brainchild of University of Alabama student Walt Tart. He was meeting with the homecoming chairman Ann Paige in 1979 as they were trying to come up with something different for the school's homecoming parade." }, { "docid": "4475394", "title": "-", "text": "Ellen goes on a scholastic trip to a museum with Adam and Paige to expand her cultural horizons where she meets an attractive English college professor. Desperate to win his affections, Ellen tries ..." }, { "docid": "4569114", "title": "Paige Olvera", "text": "Paige Mariana Olvera is one of the protagonists in the Disney Channel Original Series Bizaardvark. She is portrayed by Olivia Rodrigo. Along with Frankie Wong, they move into Vuuugle, a studio for professional video makers. She creates many music videos with her band/group and she loves Vuuugle." }, { "docid": "7674827", "title": "How to Arrange Flowers (in a Mason Jar) Like a Pro", "text": "After the wedding, reuse on lids on mason jar vases as home decor with a perfectly proportioned flower arrangement every time! by brianna paige designs. by brianna paige designs. Buy yours at Brianna Paige Designs, Featured Artisan in The Marketplace." }, { "docid": "250140", "title": "What Is The Meaning Of The Name Paige?", "text": "List Of Celebrities With First Name Paige. We looked for the celebrities whose first name is Paige and the definitions which contains the name Paige or similar to it. You can find the results below. Paige: Paige may refer to:" }, { "docid": "2277591", "title": "Elaine Paige", "text": "Paige was awarded an OBE in 1995 and is now hosting a Sunday afternoon BBC Radio 2 show which plays music from the stage and film. 1 Ms Elaine Jill Paige company-director-check.co.uk. 2 Fox, Sue." }, { "docid": "2569280", "title": "The Vow Quotes", "text": "Leo: I vow to fiercely love you in all your forms, now and forever. I promise to never forget that this is a once in a lifetime love. Paige: I vow to live within the warmth of your heart and always call it home. Leo: I will always love but the fact is you don't know me and I'm just a stranger." }, { "docid": "4884157", "title": "City Secrets (Canterwood Crest #9)", "text": "City Secrets (Canterwood Crest, #9) 4.38 of 5 stars 4.38 · rating details · 1,004 ratings · 37 reviews. Sasha and Heather have a rocky friendship, to say the least. But it’s Heather who Sasha must turn to when she and her best friend, Paige, have a huge fight right before Fall Break." }, { "docid": "3904975", "title": "Busby Quintuplets Are Five-Months-Old And Filmed For TLC Reality Show To Replace Duggar Family", "text": "These miracle babies are the only set of all-female quints ever born in America, and the first surviving quints in the world since 1969. Pictured above from left to right, the Busby quintuplet girls are: identical twins Ava Lane and Olivia Marie, Riley Paige, Hazel Grace, and Parker Kate." }, { "docid": "7944977", "title": "Thursday, October 8th, 2015", "text": "Covered Wagon Tablescape - Home & Family. Tanya Memme and Paige Hemmis team up for a Little House on the Prairie- inspired DIY. Covered Wagon Tablescape. Tanya Memme and Paige Hemmis team up for a “Little House on the Prairie”- inspired DIY by making a Covered Wagon Tablescape." }, { "docid": "953919", "title": "-", "text": "272 Acres - MID SPRINGS CREEK RANCH Bastrop County, Paige, TX 78659 DESCRIPTION: What a chance to own a productive and gorgeous piece of land in a prime location that has been in the same family since the 1950s." }, { "docid": "7282291", "title": "Abigail Deveraux", "text": "The role of Abigail Deveraux was originated by Meghan and Michael Nelson on October 19, 1992, who shared the role until December 8, 1994. Paige and Ryanne Kettner took over on December 20, 1994, until December 27, 1995, in a recurring capacity." }, { "docid": "8673036", "title": "The oldest players to make their debut in the major leagues: Satchel Paige and the rest", "text": "The oldest players to make their debut in the major leagues: Satchel Paige and the rest. Jim Morris attracted a fair amount of attention when he made his major league baseball debut with the Tampa Bay Devil Rays in 1999, and even more when the story of his life became a movie starring Dennis Quaid (“The Rookie”) in 2002." }, { "docid": "2899005", "title": "Matt Damon", "text": "Matt Damon. Matthew Paige Damon (/ˈdeɪmən/; born October 8, 1970) is an American actor, film producer, and screenwriter. He is ranked among Forbes magazine's most bankable stars and is one of the highest-grossing actors of all time." }, { "docid": "4661574", "title": "-", "text": "The First Law of Dirk is the seventh episode in season 1 of Bizaardvark and also the seventh episode of the series. It will premiere on August 14, 2016. When Paige convinces Dirk to stop doing such risky dares, his brother Kirk is worried the dare-devil is broken for good." }, { "docid": "275431", "title": "Satchel Paige", "text": "He continued to distinguish himself with Crawford in loan-outs, and in All-Star games for the next several years. In 1934, Paige married his longtime romantic interest Janet Howard. That year, his record for all games pitched was a phenomenal 31 wins and four losses. The Satchel Paige All-Stars Paige accepted a promoter’s offer in 1935 to form his own barnstorming team. , whose publicity guaranteed that Paige would strike out the first nine batters, went up against Joe DiMaggio in his last minor league game." }, { "docid": "3664222", "title": "-", "text": "Sherman Oaks Parents Shell Out Big Bucks For Babysitters: Study. Sherman Oaks parents can expect to shell out nearly $15 an hour for babysitters, making it one of the most expensive cities. By Paige Austin (Patch Staff) - Apr 20, 2017 0." }, { "docid": "3878705", "title": "CM Punk And AJ Lee: Diva Quitting The WWE After SummerSlam 2014 To Have Kids?", "text": "CM Punk And AJ Lee: Diva Quitting The WWE After SummerSlam 2014 To Have Kids? The rumors surrounding CM Punk and AJ Lee keep on getting crazier, with some people claiming the WWE Diva will quit wrestling after the SummerSlam 2014 results had her losing to Paige." }, { "docid": "4665378", "title": "Satchel Paige", "text": "Satchel Paige. This article was written by Larry Tye. Satchel Paige threw his first pitch in professional baseball in 1926 for the Chattanooga White Sox, an inappropriately-named team in the lower levels of the segregated Negro Leagues. He played his last game in organized baseball in 1966 – a full 40 years later – for a Virginia club called the Peninsula Pilots." }, { "docid": "250141", "title": "-", "text": "Statistics Of The Name Paige. How many people in the U.S have the name Paige: 72,889. Rank of the name Paige in the U.S.: 717th. How many letters are in the name Paige? 5. Below you can find the rankings of Paige in different countries." }, { "docid": "3538401", "title": "Beauty and the Beast", "text": "1 Dion and Bryson performed it also at the Grammy Awards in 1993. In 1998, a version of the song, called Beauty and the Bees, was made for the 3D movie It's Tough to Be a Bug!'s queue at Disney's Animal Kingdom and Disney California Adventure. Paige O'Hara covered it along with other non-Disney songs on her album Dream with Me." }, { "docid": "5966090", "title": "-", "text": "What's Mine is Yours. 501(c)(3) Pictured above are Co-founders Paige Blake and Katie Easterly. They started What's Mine is Yours in June 2012 before their Freshman year in Highs School. Paige and Katie are both 18 years old and are Seniors in High School." }, { "docid": "4115568", "title": "âPLLâ: New Girl Sydney Is âIn Wrong Place At Wrong Timeâ â A-Team?", "text": "Who’s that new girl hanging around Paily? Sydney (Chloe Bridges) is a new Pretty Little Liars swimmer who, at this point, seems to be bringing Emily (Shay Mitchell) and Paige (Lindsey Shaw) back together, at least for locker room banter and lunchtime laughter." }, { "docid": "4169734", "title": "Kelly Hyland", "text": "According to Paige in a meet and greet video with Christi and Kelly, Kelly began dating her husband when Kelly was twelve-years-old. According to Christi, when Kelly graduated high school, Kelly's sister opened a dance studio near Abby's, with Kelly as one of the instructors, taking away many of Abby's dance students." }, { "docid": "4665379", "title": "Satchel Paige", "text": "Satchel's life remembered. Paige had a couple of films made about his remarkable life, including Don't Look Back (1981), starring Lou Gossett Jr., and a 1996 portrayal of life in the Negro Leagues, Soul of the Game." }, { "docid": "7638340", "title": "English Grammar & Punctuation : How to Use Brackets", "text": "Brackets are often used to describe anything in the sentence that the author hasn't yet described. Add an extra adjective and give the reader pause by using ... Brackets are often used to describe anything in the sentence that the author hasn't yet described. Add an extra adjective and give the reader pause by using brackets with help from a certified tutor in this free video on punctuation in the English language. Expert: Paige Carrera Bio: Paige Carrera is a certified tutor for both Hillsborough and Pinellas Counties in the Tampa Bay area of Florida." }, { "docid": "7083311", "title": "-", "text": "Our Bryan Texas spine surgeons serve Central Texas and the surrounding areas of Texas Triangle, Madisonville, Caldwell, Smetana, Snook, Piedmont, Anderson, Navasota, Kurten, Hearne, Iola, Bedias, Calvert, Rockdale, Milano, Hempstead, Brenham, Bellville, Wixon Valley, Burton, Round Top, La Grange, Giddings, Bastrop, Cedar Creek, Marlin, Crockett, Magnolia, Lexington, Dime Box, Lincoln, Mansfield, Elgin, Taylor, Thrall, Cameron, Smithville, Sealy, Paige, Mexia, Fairfield, Franklin, Bremond ..." } ]
what is the natural climate in estonia
[ { "docid": "2790965", "title": "Climate", "text": "In the inland, storm winds (more than 15 m/s) are rare, occurring only a few times a year, while on the coast and islands of the open seas the frequency of storm winds reaches 30–45 days/year. Estonia is located in a region of humid climate, where the amount of precipitation exceeds the total evaporation. The annual average of the relative air humidity is 80–83%. It is higher in winter and at its lowest in May, being 70% on average. The annual average precipitation varies between 550 and 800 mm." } ]
[ { "docid": "2790966", "title": "-", "text": "Estonia Table of Contents. Estonia is a low, flat country covering 45,226 square kilometers. It is about the size of Vermont and New Hampshire combined. Estonia has a long, shallow coastline (1,393 kilometers) along the Baltic Sea, with 1,520 islands dotting the shore." }, { "docid": "3239453", "title": "Answer:", "text": "Weather and climate are different. The methods used to forecast changes in weather and climate differ as well. Climate can be thought of as average weather, including weather’s variability over long time periods. Natural changes in climate happen over the course of decades, centuries and many millennia." }, { "docid": "7658120", "title": "Polar climate", "text": "There are two types of polar climate: ET, or tundra climate; and EF, or ice cap climate. A tundra climate is characterized by having at least one month whose average temperature is above 0 °C (32 °F), while an ice cap climate has no months above 0 °C (32 °F). In a tundra climate, trees cannot grow, but other specialized plants can grow." }, { "docid": "1254418", "title": "-", "text": "To get a more detailed understanding of the mechanisms, you need to learn a little about: 1 Radiative Forcing. 2 Natural Variability. 3 Climate Feedbacks. 4 Climate Models. 5 Weather vs. Climate." }, { "docid": "4445238", "title": "-", "text": "Warning of a protracted impact on growth over the next decade, only Bulgaria, Denmark, Estonia, Finland and Sweden are deemed to have made the necessary budgetary and pension adjustments." }, { "docid": "1823017", "title": "Plants", "text": "A mixture of all of these plants forms a climax vegetation that will stand over time unless disrupted by natural disturbances such as avalanches, wind storms, floods or climate change. The process then begins all over again." }, { "docid": "3762246", "title": "Polar climate", "text": "There are two types of polar climate: ET, or tundra climate; and EF, or ice cap climate. A tundra climate is characterized by having at least one month whose average temperature is above 0 °C (32 °F), while an ice cap climate has no months above 0 °C (32 °F).In a tundra climate, trees cannot grow, but other specialized plants can grow. tundra climate is characterized by having at least one month whose average temperature is above 0 °C (32 °F), while an ice cap climate has no months above 0 °C (32 °F). In a tundra climate, trees cannot grow, but other specialized plants can grow." }, { "docid": "6209643", "title": "-", "text": "To understand why 'this current' global warming is human caused and not natural cycle, one needs to get an idea of what the natural cycle is and what are the basic mechanisms that cause climate change in the natural cycle." }, { "docid": "3451562", "title": "Climate, Average Weather of Bangladesh", "text": "Climate & Temperature > Bangladesh Climate. Of the land area, 14.1% has a tropical monsoon climate (Am), 72.6% has a tropical wet and dry/ savanna climate (Aw), 13.3% has a temperate/ mesothermal climate with dry winters (Cw)." }, { "docid": "6702852", "title": "-", "text": "Land and Resources, Natural Resources. Most of Mexico's natural resources are below the soil. The country's semiarid climate, its lack of rainfall, and its limited amounts of fertile land have made large-scale agriculture difficult. Only about 13 percent of Mexico's land is cultivated." }, { "docid": "7881239", "title": "-", "text": "Tropical rainforest climate. A tropical rainforest climate, also known as an equatorial climate, is a tropical climate usually (but not always) found along the equator. Regions with this climate typically feature tropical rainforests, and it is designated Af by the Köppen climate classification." }, { "docid": "6104351", "title": "Baltic region", "text": "1 The countries that have shorelines along the Baltic Sea: Denmark, Estonia, Latvia, Finland, Germany, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, and Sweden. 2 The group of countries presently referred to by the shorthand Baltic states: Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania." }, { "docid": "4432893", "title": "-", "text": "Latvia is a country in the Baltic region of Northern Europe. It is bordered to the south by Lithuania, to the east by the Russia, to the south-east part by Belarus, to the north by Estonia and in the west Sweden.Riga is the capital city of Latvia.t is bordered to the south by Lithuania, to the east by the Russia, to the south-east part by Belarus, to the north by Estonia and in the west Sweden. Riga is the capital city of Latvia." }, { "docid": "1516317", "title": "-", "text": "Climate is usually defined as the average weather in a place. It includes patterns of temperature, precipitation (rain or snow), humidity, wind and seasons. Climate patterns play a fundamental role in shaping natural ecosystems, and the human economies and cultures that depend on them." }, { "docid": "680308", "title": "-", "text": "The overall tightness of the PVRES home was 1587 CFM50 or 4.9 ACH50 with a house ELA of 69.0 square inches. For Central Florida's climate, a useful rule of thumb to determine the house natural air infiltration rate is to divide the house ACH at 50 pascals by 30.This would estimate a typical natural air change rate of about 0.16 ACH in the PVRES home and 0.21 ACH in the Control.he overall tightness of the PVRES home was 1587 CFM50 or 4.9 ACH50 with a house ELA of 69.0 square inches. For Central Florida's climate, a useful rule of thumb to determine the house natural air infiltration rate is to divide the house ACH at 50 pascals by 30." }, { "docid": "7658122", "title": "Polar climate", "text": "Many high altitude locations on Earth have a climate where no month has an average temperature of 10 °C (50 °F) or higher, but as this is due to elevation, this climate is referred to as Alpine climate. Alpine climate can mimic either tundra or ice cap climate." }, { "docid": "2093251", "title": "Environmental migrant", "text": "Climate refugees or climate migrants are a subset of environmental migrants who were forced to flee due to sudden or gradual alterations in the natural environment related to at least one of three impacts of climate change: sea-level rise, extreme weather events, and drought and water scarcity.." }, { "docid": "5442229", "title": "Human Caused Global Warming", "text": "1 We have largely departed from the natural course of climate and there is no natural mechanism that explains it. 2 The models and the observations match. There is simply no other mechanism that can explain the significantly altered climate path and the changes in the radiative forcing other than human causes." }, { "docid": "3664319", "title": "Xeriscaping", "text": "Public perception of xeriscaping has generally been negative as many assume that that these types of landscapes are ugly or limiting. However studies have shown that education in water conservation practices in the garden can greatly improve the public's perception of xeriscaping.lants whose natural requirements are appropriate to the local climate are emphasized, and care is taken to avoid losing water to evaporation and run-off. The specific plants used in xeriscaping depend upon the climate." }, { "docid": "5691455", "title": "Baltic countries", "text": "The Baltic countries (also known as Baltic States) is northeastern region of Europe containing the countries of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia on the eastern shores of Baltic Sea. Baltic countries have its name for being bounded on the west and north by the Baltic Sea." }, { "docid": "4377509", "title": "Natural gas", "text": "Natural gas also contributes to climate change. Burning natural gas produces fewer greenhouse gas emissions (25 to 40 per cent lower per unit of generated electricity) than coal or oil, but there will be no real climate change benefit until gas-fired power plants actually displace coal-fired generation." }, { "docid": "4105297", "title": "What is the Weather Like in Austin, Texas?", "text": "What is the Weather Like in Austin, Texas? Austin, Texas has a subtropical humid climate. Summers are hot and temperatures frequently average 90°F, but Austinites have learned to enjoy the hot weather through relaxing dips in the city’s many natural swimming pools and of course, the AC." }, { "docid": "6694701", "title": "Did We Doom the Mammoths?", "text": "Climate change at the end of the Pleistocene was a natural process that had been cycling back and forth for the previous 2 million years. Now we, not natural geological cycles, drive the climate, and the planet is abruptly on its way to a greenhouse world that hasn’t been seen in 55 million years." }, { "docid": "2612883", "title": "Nordic countries", "text": "; Swedish: Finland [ˈfɪnland]), officially the Republic of Finland, is a Nordic country in Northern Europe bordered by Sweden to the west, Norway to the north, and Russia to the east; Estonia lies to the south across the Gulf of Finland." }, { "docid": "7311068", "title": "Climate Change Poll Finds Most Americans Unwilling To Pay Higher Energy Costs", "text": "Most Americans, according to the survey, believe that climate change is occurring and that it causes serious problems, including more frequent and severe natural disasters. But only 21 percent said they would be willing to pay 50 percent more at the pump or for electricity bills to fight it." }, { "docid": "245264", "title": "Climate of Ireland", "text": "Köppen climate types in Ireland. The climate of Ireland is mild, moist and changeable with abundant rainfall and a lack of temperature extremes. Ireland's climate is defined as a temperate oceanic climate, or Cfb on the Köppen climate classification system, a classification it shares with most of northwest Europe." }, { "docid": "8523403", "title": "-", "text": "Liverpool striker Danny Ings plays down an injury scare ahead of England's clash with Estonia, after coming off in the Merseyside derby against Everton." }, { "docid": "5788100", "title": "Guangdong Province", "text": "Guangdong enjoys a sub-tropical climate and is filled with blooming flowers and verdant plants all year round. It has delightful natural scenery of mountains and rivers, which often serve as charming backdrops to its unique local culture." }, { "docid": "4656106", "title": "What is methane and why should you care?", "text": "But at the same time, methane — especially as a component of natural gas — is an important fuel source, one that produces fewer greenhouse gases when it is burned than coal or oil.Methane's potential as energy. Methane is rapidly become the go-to way to power the world.ethane's risk to the climate. Unfortunately, burning natural gas for fuel releases methane into the atmosphere, where it contributes to climate change. Meanwhile, the very production of natural gas is also a methane risk, as much of the gas escapes during the fossil fuel exploration process." }, { "docid": "8755809", "title": "-", "text": "Climate information of places in Oregon. The climate information given on this page is only brief. Specific information on weather and climate can be found on the pages per region or city. The following climate information is available for Oregon: Eugene." } ]
what is the nerve conduction test
[ { "docid": "2056802", "title": "NERVE CONDUCTION VELOCITY (NCV)", "text": "What is nerve conduction study? A nerve conduction study (NCS), also called a nerve conduction velocity (NCV) test--is a measurement of the speed of conduction of an electrical impulse through a nerve. NCS can determine nerve damage and destruction. During the test, the nerve is stimulated, usually with surface electrode patches attached to the skin." } ]
[ { "docid": "6119164", "title": "What is the Rinne Test?", "text": "When a Rinne test is performed, a Weber test should also be conducted. The Weber tests helps to detect the presence of sensorineural hearing loss caused by dysfunction of the vestibulocochlear nerve, inner ear, or the parts of the brain that process sound." }, { "docid": "4788204", "title": "-", "text": "Tetrodotoxin: Mode of Action. The flow of sodium ions into nerve cells is a necessary step in the conduction of nerve impulses in excitable nerve fibers and along axons. Normal axon cells have high concentrations of K+ ions and low concentrations of Na+ ions and have a negative potential." }, { "docid": "2048984", "title": "-", "text": "Charcot-Marie-Tooth hereditary neuropathy type 2 (CMT2) is a non-demyelinating (axonal) peripheral neuropathy characterized by distal muscle weakness and atrophy, mild sensory loss, and normal or near-normal nerve conduction velocities." }, { "docid": "118563", "title": "NERVE INJURIES", "text": "For the milder injuries no tests are needed. For more severe injuries there are tests related to the nerve injury and tests related to other possible injuries at the time. Tests of nerve injury: There is a limited range of tests above clinical assessment. The main test is known as an “electrical test”." }, { "docid": "1987483", "title": "-", "text": "Details. Category: Clinical Engineering. A nerve conduction study (NCS) is a test commonly used to evaluate the function, especially the ability of electrical conduction, of the motor and sensory nerves of the human body. Nerve conduction velocity (NCV) is a common measurement made during this test.he nerve conduction velocity test is used to distinguish between true nerve disorders (such as Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease-also known as hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy (HMSN)) and conditions where muscles are affected by nerve injury (such as carpal tunnel syndrome)." }, { "docid": "1190491", "title": "Pinched Nerve", "text": "Electromyography is a nerve conduction study to help confirm the diagnosis of a pinched nerve and to determine the extent of nerve damage. If the pinched nerve is in the neck (cervical spine) or back (lumbar spine), an MRI or CT scan may be considered to make the diagnosis and look for the cause (bulging disc, arthritis, or fracture)." }, { "docid": "1147525", "title": "-", "text": "The response to this light reduction is the same as that in the first instance both pupils dilate to an appropriate amount. The afferent pupillary defect (Marcus Gunn pupillary escape phenomenon) depends on the light-reduction response that occurs in the presence of a conduction defect in the optic nerve.In attempting to demonstrate the afferent pupillary defect in a patient, the physician shines the light into each eye separately.he response to this light reduction is the same as that in the first instance both pupils dilate to an appropriate amount. The afferent pupillary defect (Marcus Gunn pupillary escape phenomenon) depends on the light-reduction response that occurs in the presence of a conduction defect in the optic nerve." }, { "docid": "6028197", "title": "EMG/NCV (Electromyography/Nerve Conduction Velocity)", "text": "EMG (electromyography) is a test used to measure the electrical activity of a patient's muscles. NCV (nerve conduction velocity), on the other hand, measures the intensity and the speed of the electrical signals that travel along the nerves, in addition to the reaction time for a response to these signals." }, { "docid": "3382603", "title": "Frequently Asked Questions About EMG", "text": "An EMG test is a detailed investigation of the health of your peripheral nervous system (basically, this means all of the nerves outside your brain and spinal cord). There are 2 parts to the test, nerve conduction testing, and an optional needle exam (see below). In the nerve conduction studies (NCS), various nerves, usually in the arm or leg, will be stimulated with a small, harmless electrical pulse. The response from your nerve is recorded by an EMG machine." }, { "docid": "4249100", "title": "Electrodiagnostics EMG NCS (dermatomes and myotomes)", "text": "Often, EMG testing is performed with another test that measures the conducting function of nerves, called a nerve conduction study (NCS). These electrodiagnostics tests (EMG and NCS) are often performed at the same office visit and by the same personnel, the risks and procedures generally apply to both tests. In some medical conditions the electrical activity of the muscles or nerves is not normal." }, { "docid": "7411704", "title": "What is EMG and Nerve Conduction Study?", "text": "Sometimes, problems with the electrical activity in your nerves can cause pain, tingling, or weakness in your muscles. NCS measures how fast and how strong the electrical activity is in a nerve. The test can tell whether a nerve has been damaged." }, { "docid": "8482444", "title": "The Central Nervous System", "text": "It consists of three parts: midbrain, pons, and medulla oblongata. The midbrain is the most superior portion of the brain stem. The pons is the bulging middle portion of the brain stem. This region primarily consists of nerve fibers that form conduction tracts between the higher brain centers and spinal cord." }, { "docid": "8638126", "title": "Unit 1: The Fire Environment Part 2", "text": "The first common method of heat transfer is conduction. Conduction is the transfer of heat from one molecule of matter to another. An example of this is fire smoldering through a solid piece of fuel. Since wood is generally a poor conductor of heat, conduction is the least important method of the three." }, { "docid": "6592708", "title": "Nerve conduction study", "text": "Nerve conduction studies are used mainly for evaluation of paresthesias (numbness, tingling, burning) and/or weakness of the arms and legs. The type of study required is dependent in part by the symptoms presented. A physical exam and thorough history also help to direct the investigation." }, { "docid": "3957044", "title": "-", "text": "Refractory periods. Impulse conduction-an impulse is simply the movement of action potentials along a nerve cell. Action potentials are localized (only affect a small area of nerve cell membrane). So, when one occurs, only a small area of membrane depolarizes (or 'reverses' potential)." }, { "docid": "378200", "title": "-", "text": "Electromyography (EMG) is a procedure that assesses the health of muscles and nerves. It may be used diagnose suspected muscle or nerve disorders. There are usually two parts to an EMG procedure: the nerve conduction study and the needle EMG." }, { "docid": "4258452", "title": "Electrodiagnostic Testing", "text": "A nerve conduction velocity (NCV) test is often done at the same time as an EMG. Purpose of an EMG Test. An EMG is often used to evaluate unexplained muscle weakness, twitching or paralysis, and to find the causes of numbness, tingling and pain. EMG testing can differentiate between true weakness and reduced use because of pain or lack of motivation. It can also determine whether a muscle disorder begins in the muscle itself or is caused by a nerve disorder. How is an EMG Test Done? In an EMG, a physician or technician inserts a very fine needle, which serves as an electrode, through the skin into the muscle." }, { "docid": "4714551", "title": "NERVE CONDUCTION VELOCITY (NCV)", "text": "A nerve conduction study (NCS), also called a nerve conduction velocity (NCV) test--is a measurement of the speed of conduction of an electrical impulse through a nerve. NCS can determine nerve damage and destruction. During the test, the nerve is stimulated, usually with surface electrode patches attached to the skin." }, { "docid": "3287379", "title": "What is conduction, convection, and radiation?", "text": "Conduction is the transfer of heat between substances that are in direct contact with each other. The better the conductor, the more rapidly heat will be transferred. Metal is a good conduction of heat. Conduction occurs when a substance is heated, particles will gain more energy, and vibrate more." }, { "docid": "581552", "title": "How does an NCV test work?", "text": "A nerve conduction velocity (NCV) test is used to assess nerve damage and dysfunction. Here's why you would need one, how it works, and what happens next. A nerve conduction velocity (NCV) test is used to assess nerve damage and dysfunction. Also known as a nerve conduction study, the procedure measures how quickly electrical signals move through your peripheral nerves. Your peripheral nerves are located outside of your brain and along your spinal cord." }, { "docid": "989216", "title": "Movement of substances across cell membranes", "text": "Other posts you may enjoy: 1 Human Physiology Series. 2 Intro to Physiology and Organic Molecules. 3 Cell Respiration Part 1: Anaerobic Respiration (Glycolysis and Fermentation) 4 Conduction of the Action Potential along the Nerve Fiber. 5 Types of Hypertension." }, { "docid": "1664940", "title": "Nerve conduction study", "text": "A nerve conduction study (NCS) is a medical diagnostic test commonly used to evaluate the function, especially the ability of electrical conduction, of the motor and sensory nerves of the human body.erve conduction studies along with needle electromyography measure nerve and muscle function, and may be indicated when there is pain in the limbs, weakness from spinal nerve compression, or concern about some other neurologic injury or disorder." }, { "docid": "1132806", "title": "Spinal Diagnostics: Nerve Conduction Studies", "text": "Spinal Diagnostics: Nerve Conduction Studies. A nerve conduction study is usually done along with electromyography (EMG). The nerve conduction study stimulates specific nerves and records their ability to send the impulse to the muscle. The study can show where there is a blockage of the nerve pathway. Nerve conduction studies are done to:" }, { "docid": "7853852", "title": "Electromyogram (EMG) and Nerve Conduction Studies", "text": "When the test is done, the electrodes are removed. Nerve conduction studies are done before an EMG if both tests are being done. Nerve conduction tests may take from 15 minutes to 1 hour or more. How long the tests take depends on how many nerves and muscles are studied." }, { "docid": "972072", "title": "Hearing test", "text": "A complete hearing evaluation involves several other tests as well. In order to determine what kind of hearing loss is present, a bone conduction hearing test is administered. In this test, a vibrating tuning fork is placed behind the ear, on the mastoid process." }, { "docid": "6191231", "title": "neuron", "text": "the basic nerve cell of the nervous system, containing a nucleus within a cell body and extending one or more processes. Neurons can be classified according to the direction in which they conduct impulses or according to the number of processes they extend. a nerve cell; the basic structural unit of the nervous system. There is a wide variation in the shape of nerve cells, but they all have the same basic structures: cell body, protoplasmic processes, axons, and dendrites. The neuron is the only body cell whose principal function is the conduction of impulses." }, { "docid": "2128337", "title": "EMG and MS diagnosismary2010 Feb 19, 2010", "text": "EMG and MS diagnosis. mary2010. I went to a new neurologist today and showed him my previous history of diagnosis of MS in 2002. He wants to send me for an EMG soon. Can somebody please tell me their experience with EMG and can it help this doctor with a diagnosis of MS? He said he doesnt know if I have been having strokes or if I have MS. What should I expect and does EMG hurt? I have only had nerve conduction tests but never an emg....Help." }, { "docid": "7050812", "title": "Diagnosis", "text": "If your doctor suspects a pinched nerve, you may undergo some tests. These tests may include: Nerve conduction study. This test measures electrical nerve impulses and functioning in your muscles and nerves through electrodes placed on your skin. The study measures the electrical impulses in your nerve signals when a small current passes through the nerve. Test results tell your doctor whether you have a damaged nerve." }, { "docid": "888203", "title": "NERVE CONDUCTION VELOCITY (NCV)", "text": "Interpretation of the test results. The speed of nerve conduction is related to the diameter of the nerve and the degree of myelination (a myelin sheath is a type of insulation around the nerve). A normally functioning nerve will transmit a stronger and faster signal than a damaged nerve. nerve conduction study (NCS), also called a nerve conduction velocity (NCV) test--is a measurement of the speed of conduction of an electrical impulse through a nerve. NCS can determine nerve damage and destruction. During the test, the nerve is stimulated, usually with surface electrode patches attached to the skin." }, { "docid": "2235207", "title": "-", "text": "Usually an E&M service is included in the exam performed just prior to and during nerve. conduction studies and/or electromyography. If the E&M service is a separate and. identifiable service, the medical record must document medical necessity and the CPT. code must be bill with a modifier 25." } ]
cast of the original anne of green gables
[ { "docid": "3845404", "title": "-", "text": "Anne of Green Gables (1934 film) Anne of Green Gables is a 1934 film directed by George Nicholls, Jr., based upon the novel, Anne of Green Gables by Lucy Maud Montgomery. The actress Dawn O'Day who portrayed the title character of Anne Shirley changed her stage name to Anne Shirley after making this film." }, { "docid": "3845407", "title": "Cast:Then and Now", "text": "After Anne of Green Gables: The Sequel, Megan also went on to star in Sullivan Entertainment’s Under the Piano, in which she played an autistic woman who is very musically talented but relies heavily upon the protection of her sister, played by Amanda Plummer." }, { "docid": "3845411", "title": "-", "text": "Seventeen-year-old Crombie was never screen-tested for the part of Anne's love interest, Gilbert Blythe, but beat out several other actors, including 90210's Jason Priestley." } ]
[ { "docid": "6482842", "title": "Julie Wheeler summarises Anne of Clevesâs marriage to Henry VIII and the subsequent divorce and asks why Anne survived where others were not so fortunate.", "text": "Julie Wheeler summarises Anne of Cleves’s marriage to Henry VIII and the subsequent divorce and asks why Anne survived where others were not so fortunate. Two of Henry VIII’s wives, Anne Boleyn and Katherine Howard, ended their lives on the executioner’s block as traitors." }, { "docid": "7891903", "title": "-", "text": "The entrance to 396 Alhambra Circle, home to the Latin American regional headquarters of Mondelez International, May 20, 2015, in Coral Gables. DANIEL BOCK FOR THE MIAMI HERALD. A view of 396 Alhambra Circle, home to the Latin American regional headquarters of Mondelez International, May 20, 2015, in Coral Gables. DANIEL BOCK FOR THE MIAMI HERALD." }, { "docid": "263879", "title": "-", "text": "Cast. 1 Gene Autry as Gene Autry. 2 Anne James as Gay Kendall. 3 Pat Buttram as Buckeye Buttram. 4 Leonard Penn as Steve Ruttledge. 5 William Fawcett as John S. 'Uncle John' Copeland. 6 Michael Vallon as Homesteader August Gormley." }, { "docid": "7892299", "title": "-", "text": "Anne’s original diary and other notebooks are also on display in the museum. The Anne Frank House has also released a mobile app that encourages you to take to the streets and learn about wartime Amsterdam, Anne’s childhood and her friends and family." }, { "docid": "2819755", "title": "Shakespeare's Life", "text": "A few years after he left school, in late 1582, William Shakespeare married Anne Hathaway. She was already expecting their first-born child, Susanna, which was a fairly common situation at the time. When they married, Anne was 26 and William was 18. Anne grew up just outside Stratford in the village of Shottery." }, { "docid": "6781186", "title": "-", "text": "ORIGINALS. Original Chicken Eggs are one single color. The color of the egg is (supposed too) represent the color of the tail feathers and wings. That said, the actual bodies of the Hens will still be white, the Roosters still green.So if you get some flaming Red egg, don’t expect a Red chicken. If it is a female, it will be a white Chicken with a red tail and wings.If the hatchling is a male, it will be green with red wings and tail. The combination of colors in Original chickens is endless. Obviously, if you breed your Red Chicken with a Blue Chicken, you will get..wahla, a Green Egg.f the hatchling is a male, it will be green with red wings and tail. The combination of colors in Original chickens is endless. Obviously, if you breed your Red Chicken with a Blue Chicken, you will get.. wahla, a Green Egg." }, { "docid": "315729", "title": "The Strain (TV series)", "text": "Del Toro and Cuse cast the series together. Stoll was cast as Eph Goodweather based on his performance in Midnight in Paris. John Hurt played Abraham Setrakian in the original version of the pilot, but later dropped out. The role was recast with David Bradley and his scenes were reshot with Bradley." }, { "docid": "5060088", "title": "Fuller House (TV series)", "text": "Most of the original series ensemble cast have reprised their roles on Fuller House, either as regular cast members or in guest appearances, with the exception of Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen, who alternated the role of Michelle Tanner in Full House." }, { "docid": "5303456", "title": "Which Cast Member Is Holding Up a Friends Reunion?", "text": "Courteney Cox; (inset) David Schwimmer. I guess I'll be there for youuuuuu only applies to five members of the Friends main cast. A Friends reunion hasn't happened and won't ever happen because one of the original six cast members never comes through when it's time to get together, according to one of the stars. VIDEO: Courteney Cox goes full Monica while playing Friends Trivia." }, { "docid": "5048335", "title": "Anne of Green Gables Star Jonathan Crombie Dead at 48", "text": "Crombie’s best-known role was as Gilbert Blythe, the love interest and boy next door in the Anne of Green Gables TV movies. Cast in the first film at the age of 17, Crombie beat out many actors including Jason Priestley. Crombie was also the son of David Crombie, the mayor of Toronto from 1972 to 1978." }, { "docid": "5575365", "title": "-", "text": "A Day in Your Gables Life. The Gables lifestyle is so much more than apartment home living. It’s about community, forging relationships, creating bonds, and all the ways we hope to make every day better for you. Experience Life Here." }, { "docid": "1092540", "title": "Keep Bats & Critters From Entering Attics With Screening", "text": "I’ve lived in this home for over 22 years and this is the first time I’ve had a bat hanging out in a gable. Since the guys were already here and they highly recommended it, I went ahead and had them screen over two of the other three attic gables. The one you see here was one of the gables they screened. It is so high up, you can’t see the screening from below. I had the one at the other end of the attic screened over, too." }, { "docid": "767043", "title": "Patty Duke, Child Star and Oscar Winner, Dies at 69", "text": "Ms. Duke came to wide public notice in 1959, at 12, when she starred as Helen Keller in the original Broadway production of William Gibson’s drama “The Miracle Worker.” Anne Bancroft played Helen’s teacher, Annie Sullivan." }, { "docid": "5256019", "title": "-", "text": "Anne Hathaway. We've seen Anne Hathaway's hair change a lot of the past year but the one thing that hasn't changed is her staple brunette locks. We saw her get an extreme makeover in The Princess Diaries and we've seen her chop it all off in Les Miserable but we've never seen a color change on Anne." }, { "docid": "7242561", "title": "-", "text": "Original text. The Diary of a Young Girl, also known as The Diary of Anne Frank, is a book of the writings from the Dutch language diary kept by Anne Frank while she was in hiding for two years with her family during the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands. The family was apprehended in 1944, and Anne Frank died of typhus in the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp in 1945. The diary was retrieved by Miep Gies, who gave it to Anne's father, Otto Frank, the family's only known survivor, just after the war was over." }, { "docid": "4067486", "title": "-", "text": "Update May 2012 (below) - There's a new Stormtrooper producer in the fan-market and its called CfO after Cast From Original. The armor is cast from a set of moulds Cameron Oakley made in the 90's (see Oakley section here). The moulds Oakley made were cast off an original set of RotJ armor, and the helmet has the same provenance as its cast off a separate original RotJ helmet." }, { "docid": "7364488", "title": "Taste of the South: Oysters Rockefeller", "text": "History of Oysters Rockefeller. There is much ado over the original recipe for Oysters Rockefeller. We do know that is was invented by Jules Alciatore, the second-generation proprietor of Antoine's restaurant in New Orleans. We don't know, however, what exactly went into the original dish—just that there was a wealth of bright green herbs and it was rich, like John D. Rockefeller himself." }, { "docid": "3746288", "title": "Anne of Green Gables", "text": "1 1940: Anne of Windy Poplars – directed by Jack Hively, this black & white talkie starred Dawn O'Day as Anne Shirley, now billed as Anne Shirley. 2 2015+: Anne of Green Gables – an upcoming feature film version of Anne of Green Gables – The Musical." }, { "docid": "2650792", "title": "Most Beautiful Women of 2017 in World", "text": "Anne Hathaway: The most beautiful women in the world 2017 Anne Hathaway Known as one of most versatile actress in recent past, Anne Hathaway has receiving recognition and praises since her teenage for her acting. She was born in Brooklyn and is also a singer." }, { "docid": "2742867", "title": "Descendants 2 Premiering in 2017; China Anne McClain Cast as Ursula 2.0", "text": "The Descendants are adding a poor, unfortunate soul to their ranks. Disney Channel on Friday announced that China Anne McClain (A.N.T. Farm) is joining the cast of Descendants 2 as Uma, the daughter of legendary sea witch Ursula. McClain previously voiced Freddie, the daughter of The Princess and the Frog‘s Dr. Facilier, in the animated series Descendants: Wicked World." }, { "docid": "2453682", "title": "-", "text": "iTunes is the world's easiest way to organize and add to your digital media collection. We are unable to find iTunes on your computer. To preview and buy music from Rags (Music from the Original Movie) by Rags Cast, download iTunes now." }, { "docid": "3746287", "title": "Anne of Green Gables", "text": "Anne of Green Gables is a 1908 novel by Canadian author Lucy Maud Montgomery. Written for all ages, it has been considered a children's novel since the mid-twentieth century." }, { "docid": "8033033", "title": "\"Bungou Stray Dogs\" Anime Cast Announced", "text": "Bungou Stray Dogs Anime Cast Announced Captain Earth's Takuya Igarashi and Yōji Enokido are back at Bones writing and directing the adaptation respectively Scott Green" }, { "docid": "5025592", "title": "-", "text": "The original Green Lantern, Alan Scott had a magically powered ring but this incarnation of Green Lantern hasn't been in use since the Golden Age of Comics, The Silver Age Gre … en Lantern's rings are actually technological creations created by the Guardians of the Universe." }, { "docid": "29206", "title": "-", "text": "1200 Anastasia Avenue - Coral Gables, FL 33134. Copyright © 2018 Biltmore Hotel" }, { "docid": "2664019", "title": "-", "text": "What Makes Our Community Unique. Welcome to Gables Water Street, a new one-of-a-kind mixed use development on Lake Carolyn in Las Colinas. Live on the water just steps to shopping, dining, entertainment, and public transportation. At Gables Residential, we live by our mission of Taking Care of the Way You Live and will always strive to deliver extraordinary quality and custom service." }, { "docid": "4705561", "title": "Anne-Marie Johnson", "text": "Anne-Marie Johnson. Anne-Marie Johnson (born July 18, 1960) is an American actress and impressionist who has starred in film and on television." }, { "docid": "2602502", "title": "Watch: Original Pink Ranger Surprises New âPower Rangersâ Cast", "text": "Watch: Original Pink Ranger Surprises New ‘Power Rangers’ Cast. As the original U.S. pink ranger, Amy Jo Johnson is basically royalty to those who grew up in the ’90s — and her successors certainly realize that." }, { "docid": "5674693", "title": "-", "text": "The Scientific Method Science is self correcting. The history of science is littered with theories that were accepted; but, little by little, evidence accumulated that cast doubt on the original theory and pointed the way to a new, more comprehensive explanation." }, { "docid": "7335517", "title": "Arnold Ziffel Eaten at Cast Party", "text": "Arnold Ziffel Eaten at Cast Party. Did the cast of 'Green Acres' eat Arnold Ziffel? Claim: At the farewell party thrown after the filming of the final episode Green Acres, the cast and crew barbequed and ate the porcine actor who played Arnold Ziffel. Status: False. Example: [Reputedly printed in Starweek, 16 September 1995]" } ]
what is the npi number for sung bae lee md?
[ { "docid": "2807955", "title": "DR. SUNG YONG BAE M.D. NPI 1043443997", "text": "DR. Sung Yong Bae, M.D. NPI is 1043443997. The provider is registered as an individual entity type. The NPPES NPI record indicates the provider is a male. Education Medical School: NORTH CAROLINA MEDICAL SCHOOL Graduation Year:2009. The provider's business location address is:" } ]
[ { "docid": "3333418", "title": "-", "text": "Highmark is using a strategy called mapping to transition into the NPI “world.”. Highmark will maintain a provider’s current legacy identifier within its systems. As a. provider notifies Highmark of its NPI, the NPI will be mapped to the legacy number." }, { "docid": "471130", "title": "PIN POINT RADIOLOGY PRACTICE GROUP", "text": "A covered organization provider may decide that its subparts (if it has any) should have their own NPI numbers. If a subpart conducts any HIPAA standard transactions on its own (e.g., separately from its parent), it must obtain its own NPI number. Reviews for PIN POINT RADIOLOGY PRACTICE GROUP." }, { "docid": "2520389", "title": "-", "text": "NPI Number 1265649776 has the Organization type of ownership and has been registered to the following primary business legal name (which is a provider name or healthcare organization name) — EXCELA HEALTH LATROBE HOSPITAL. Records indicate that the provider gender is . The enumeration date of this NPI Number is 05/16/2007. NPI Number information was last updated on 04/20/2008. The provider is physically located (Business Practice Location) at: 212 W 2ND AVE LATROBE, PA 15650-1069, US EXCELA HEALTH LATROBE HOSPITAL can be reached at his practice location using the following numbers:" }, { "docid": "1181029", "title": "-", "text": "Dr. Neda Dodig D.D.S. practices as a Dentist provider in Houston, Texas. Find their office location, ratings, phone number, NPI, and more." }, { "docid": "2965744", "title": "The future of British battle tanks: Challenger 2 will have new weapons and thermal imaging to extend life for another 20 years", "text": "BAE Systems designed and built the Challenger 2 tank in 1998, with a mission to give the British Army the best tank in the world. Now the UK Ministry of Defence (MOD) is planning a programme to extend the tank's life to 2035, and BAE Systems wants to be part of that." }, { "docid": "6718707", "title": "-", "text": "NPI Number 1972527950 has the Individual type of ownership and has been registered to the following primary business legal name (which is a provider name or healthcare organization name) — DR. MAZHAR ELAMIR . Records indicate that the provider gender is Male. The enumeration date of this NPI Number is 07/26/2006. NPI Number information was last updated on 07/16/2013. The provider is physically located (Business Practice Location) at: 192 HARRISON AVE JERSEY CITY, NJ 07304-1906, US DR. MAZHAR ELAMIR can be reached at his practice location using the following numbers:" }, { "docid": "8502234", "title": "Dr. Michael Thomas Nathan MD", "text": "Dr. Michael Thomas Nathan MD. The NPI 1821070160 is an Individual type. This NPI number belongs to Michael Thomas Nathan. Dr. Michael Thomas Nathan MD specializes in Internal Medicine. He is practising at 300 Ocean Ave, Revere, Massachusetts 02151. You can also contact him via phone number (781) 485-6300. Practice location address. 300 Ocean Ave" }, { "docid": "6989317", "title": "-", "text": "You can get information about the owner of the 1164593000 NPI number — THE JOHNS HOPKINS HOSPITAL in the PDF and Text formats." }, { "docid": "543362", "title": "-", "text": "6/23/11. Arkansas Medicaid will only accept the National Provider Identifier (NPI) number anywhere a provider number is required on electronic transactions. Some examples would be the billing, performing, requesting, attending, referring and prescribing provider number as appropriate for the transaction submitted." }, { "docid": "2665742", "title": "-", "text": "NPI Number 1518344746 : MISSION ADVANCED PAIN MANAGEMENT & SPINE CENTER, P.C. : MISSION VIEJO, CA. To modify “1518344746” NPI Number profile you may use given links: EDIT | DELETE | SYNCHRONIZE . You can get information about “1518344746” NPI number in TXT | PDF | XML | JSON formats." }, { "docid": "5875629", "title": "AMY B TRACHTER PSY.D.PH.D. NPI 1184892986", "text": "AMY B TRACHTER, PSY.D.,PH.D. is a clinical psychologist in New York, NY. The provider's NPI Number is 1184892986 with a scope of practice of psychologist" }, { "docid": "6392353", "title": "-", "text": "HELEN LUM M.D. &colon; SAN ANTONIO&comma; TX Additionally &colon; To modify “1851449029” NPI Number profile you may use given links: EDIT | DELETE | SYNCHRONIZE &period; You can get information about “1851449029” NPI number in HTML | PDF | XML | JSON formats." }, { "docid": "8042387", "title": "-", "text": "The enumeration date of this NPI Number is 06/23/2006. NPI Number information was last updated on 09/20/2017. The provider is physically located (Business Practice Location) at: 2345 SAND LAKE RD SUITE 200 ORLANDO, FL 32809-9142, US DR. BHASKAR NANDIMANDALAM RAJU M.D. can be reached at his practice location using the following numbers:" }, { "docid": "7078291", "title": "Whelan W. Culley Iii Md Pa - NPI #1871533158", "text": "Whelan W. Culley Iii Md Pa is a Family Medicine Doctor (taxonomy code 207Q00000X) located in Seminole, Florida. Whelan W. Culley Iii Md Pa's NPI Number is #1871533158 and has been listed in the NPI registry for 12 years." }, { "docid": "1309366", "title": "NPI 1215096029 : PATRICE BARNUM MD", "text": "NPI Number 1215096029 &colon; PATRICE BARNUM MD &colon; HOUSTON&comma; TX Additionally &colon; To modify “1215096029” NPI Number profile you may use given links: EDIT | DELETE | SYNCHRONIZE &period;" }, { "docid": "7816013", "title": "-", "text": "You can get information about the owner of the 1942276605 NPI number — DR. LARRY D. BROWN M.D. in the PDF and Text formats." }, { "docid": "938541", "title": "Validating NPI (National Provider Identifier) numbers in SQL Comments (9) | Share", "text": "If you work with any kind of healthcare data, then odds are you’ll deal with NPI (National Provider Identifier) numbers. The NPI is a 10-digit number consisting of 9 digits (with the first digit being a 1 or a 2) followed by a check digit. Double the value of alternate digits beginning with the rightmost digit. Add the individual digits of the products resulting from step 1 to the unaffected digits from the original number." }, { "docid": "1230631", "title": "National Provider Identifier", "text": "National Provider Identifier. A National Provider Identifier or NPI is a unique 10-digit identification number issued to health care providers in the United States by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). The NPI has replaced the unique physician identification number (UPIN) as the required identifier for Medicare services, and is used by other payers, including commercial healthcare insurers. The transition to the NPI was mandated as part of the Administrative Simplifications portion of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), and CMS began issuing NPIs in October 2006." }, { "docid": "1974817", "title": "-", "text": "NPI Number 1134301021 has the “Organization” type of ownership and has been registered to the following primary business legal name (which is a provider name or healthcare organization name) — MAGEE-WOMENS HOSPITAL OF UPMC . The enumeration date of this NPI Number is 12/03/2007." }, { "docid": "1927896", "title": "BAE Systems Inc.", "text": "On this date Marconi Electronic Systems (MES) and British Aerospace (BAe) merged to form BAE Systems. Their respective subsidiaries in the USA, Marconi North America and British Aerospace North America, were similarly merged to form BAE Systems North America." }, { "docid": "6256539", "title": "-", "text": "Dr. Manish Desai D.O. practices as a Internal Medicine provider in Cicero, Illinois. Find their office location, ratings, phone number, NPI, and more." }, { "docid": "1329500", "title": "-", "text": "NPI Number 1013951508 has the Individual type of ownership and has been registered to the following primary business legal name (which is a provider name or healthcare organization name) — DR. robert l highhouse m.d.." }, { "docid": "7223928", "title": "1952306201 NPI Number", "text": "NPI Number 1952306201 has the Individual type of ownership and has been registered to the following primary business legal name (which is a provider name or healthcare organization name) — DR. DAVID B LILLIE M.D.. Records indicate that the provider gender is Male. The enumeration date of this NPI Number is 06/14/2005. NPI Number information was last updated on 01/19/2010. The provider is physically located (Business Practice Location) at: 3800 DELAWARE AVE STE 104 KENMORE, NY 14217-1094, US DR. DAVID B LILLIE M.D. can be reached at his practice location using the following numbers:" }, { "docid": "8043824", "title": "-", "text": "A portion of this doctor or health care provider's profile is based on their NPI number (1184870503). (NPI Final Rule [PDF] from HHS and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services) There are 6 additional listings for this city." }, { "docid": "1854011", "title": "Provider Transaction Access Number (PTAN)", "text": "J11 Part B News for 9/10/14. Examining the Difference between a National Provider Identifier (NPI) and a Provider Transaction Access Number (PTAN) This article (Special Edition 1216 revised) explains the difference between a National Provider Identifier (NPI) and a Provider Transaction Access Number (PTAN). There are no policy changes in this article." }, { "docid": "1222299", "title": "Applying for Your National Provider Identifier (NPI)", "text": "The corporate application should include the number associated with the corporate entity, such as the tax identification number. It is not necessary to include your state license number on the application for the corporate NPI." }, { "docid": "7611045", "title": "-", "text": "Benjamin Cameron DO practices as a Internal Medicine provider in Longview, Texas. Find their office location, ratings, phone number, NPI, and more." }, { "docid": "6862025", "title": "-", "text": "1548260581 NPI number — FOSTORIA COMMUNITY HOSPITAL. NPI Number 1548260581 : FOSTORIA COMMUNITY HOSPITAL : FOSTORIA, OH." }, { "docid": "7996296", "title": "-", "text": "STANISLAV ZINKOVSKY, OTR, PA-C is a physician assistant in Southfield, MI. The provider's NPI Number is 1689706525 with a scope of practice of physician assistant" }, { "docid": "4767788", "title": "-", "text": "A: Hospitals can sub-post an NPI number to each individual department; nursing facility, ER, etc. Q: Time: How long does it take to obtain a NPI once the application has been sent? A: If you filed a paper application, allow 25 to 60 days. E-mailed applications should only take 5 working days." } ]
what is the october zodiac
[ { "docid": "4893459", "title": "October 1 Zodiac is Libra - Full Horoscope Personality", "text": "The zodiac sign for October 1 is Libra. Astrological symbol: Scales. The sign of the Scales is influential for those born September 23 - October 21, when the Sun is considered to be in Libra. It is suggestive for knowledge, balance and justice." } ]
[ { "docid": "5876420", "title": "Aquarius", "text": ": the 11th sign of the zodiac that comes between Capricorn and Pisces and is symbolized by a person carrying a jug of water.: a person born under the sign Aquarius: a person born between January 20th and February 18th. the 11th sign of the zodiac that comes between Capricorn and Pisces and is symbolized by a person carrying a jug of water." }, { "docid": "3741852", "title": "-", "text": "Zodiac Australia Warranty Form. Thank you for choosing this Zodiac product. Please take a few minutes now to register your purchase. As part of the warranty registration we ask for a few questions to be answered to assist us to continue developing high quality products for Australian needs. We appreciate as much information as possible." }, { "docid": "3008367", "title": "1948 Chinese Zodiac", "text": "Those born between February 10, 1948 and January 28, 1949 are members of the Earth Rat Chinese Zodiac sign. If you were born before February 10th, please consult the 1947 Chinese Zodiac, which is The Year of the Fire Pig." }, { "docid": "4454600", "title": "-", "text": "Find qualities of Aries (Mesh) or Find Numerology, Lucky number, lucky days, lucky color, Auspicious stones for Aarya or Find Chinese zodiac sign or Birthstone for your birthday or Find compatibility of Mesh (Aries) with other zodiac signs. Similar sounding names: Arya, Arye. Show more information for this name.ind qualities of Aries (Mesh) or Find Numerology, Lucky number, lucky days, lucky color, Auspicious stones for Aarya or Find Chinese zodiac sign or Birthstone for your birthday or Find compatibility of Mesh (Aries) with other zodiac signs. Similar sounding names: Arya, Arye. Show more information for this name." }, { "docid": "6621772", "title": "Definitions &Translations", "text": "Webster Dictionary(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: 1 Zodiac(noun) an imaginary belt in the heavens, 16¡ or 18¡ broad, in the middle of which is the ecliptic, or sun's path. 2 Zodiac(noun) a figure representing the signs, symbols, and constellations of the zodiac. 3 Zodiac(noun) a girdle; a belt." }, { "docid": "3836522", "title": "The Man of Signs (Zodiac Man)", "text": "Parts of the Body Each Zodiac Sign Affects. Ancient astrologers believed that each astrological sign influenced a specific part of the body. In every edition of The Old Farmer’s Almanac is a short astrology section with the Secrets of the Zodiac and The Man of Signs. The first sign of the zodiac—Aries—was attributed to the head, with the rest of the signs moving down the body, ending with Pisces at the feet." }, { "docid": "4261033", "title": "Meaning of the Zodiac Sign Libra", "text": "We have also discussed some notable metaphysical characteristics of this sign, so you may want to check that article in addition to the following considerations. The Sun enters the constellation of Libra (the Seventh House of the Zodiac) about September 23rd, marking the start of the autumnal equinox. It completes its stay in this sign approximately on October 22th. Libra is ruled by the planet Venus. The symbol of this zodiac sign is well known to many people as Libra is represented by a pair of Scales. This constellation is very difficult to identify in the night sky, as it appears on the meridian about midnight in June, and is located somewhere between the Virgo on the West and Scorpio on the East." }, { "docid": "3624318", "title": "TAURUS THE BULL", "text": "Meaning: The second sign of the zodiac; the sun is in this sign from about April 20 to May 20. Classified under: Nouns denoting spatial position. Synonyms: Taurus the Bull; Taurus; Bull. Instance hypernyms: house; mansion; planetary house; sign; sign of the zodiac; star sign ((astrology) one of 12 equal areas into which the zodiac is divided)" }, { "docid": "5930972", "title": "The 5 Elements of the Chinese Zodiac", "text": "Each of the 12 animal signs within the Chinese zodiac is associated with one of the five elements." }, { "docid": "375914", "title": "Zodiac Constellations", "text": "Zodiac Constellations. Zodiac constellations are constellations that lie along the plane of the ecliptic, which is defined by the circular path of the Sun across the sky, as seen from Earth." }, { "docid": "8217969", "title": "Which is the most popular zodiac signs of all?", "text": "There are no particular good or bad zodiac sign in astrology . All sign have some positive and negative traits. Each zodiac sign have some good power which will help them to be in successful in life. However , you require to watch the ascendant , the star sign , yoni , planets and its positions , whether a planet is weak or not , negative or not and many other factors you need to look , need to calculate or need to consider." }, { "docid": "3548664", "title": "-", "text": "Aries, the Ram is the zodiac sign for April 17th. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, and therefore, a take charge and take the lead type of personality. They are natur…al born leaders, managers and coaches. Aries know-it-all attitude is backed up with facts to support that they do in deed know what they are talking about." }, { "docid": "6948821", "title": "Theodore Roosevelt height and weight", "text": "Source: Bully for You, Teddy Roosevelt! Book by Jean Fritz. How much did Theodore Roosevelt weigh? Theodore Roosevelt weighed 185-220 lbs (84-100 kg). What was Theodore Roosevelt’s shoe size? Theodore Roosevelt’s shoe size was 9.5 US (43 EU). What was Theodore Roosevelt’s zodiac sign? Theodore Roosevelt’s zodiac sign was Scorpio. When was Theodore Roosevelt born? Theodore Roosevelt’s birthday was on October 27, 1858." }, { "docid": "8666120", "title": "What astrological age are we?", "text": "We are in the Aquarian Age yes. We are also just about at the end of the Piscean Age, which finishes on 21 December 2012. Zodiac Ages overlap. Zodiac ages move in retrograde, with about 2200 years in each." }, { "docid": "5003632", "title": "April 1 Zodiac is Aries - Full Horoscope Personality", "text": "The zodiac sign for April 1 is Aries. Astrological symbol: Ram. This signifies the confidence and courage of Aries natives born March 21 - April 19 when the Sun is in this sign and leads to new ways in their lives. The Aries Constellation is one of the twelve constellations of the zodiac, with the brightest stars being Alpha, Beta and Gamma Arietis." }, { "docid": "1228437", "title": "What is Your Sign? the Zodiac Signs and their Dates", "text": "What is Your Sign? the Zodiac Signs and their Dates: Your Sign (Zodiac Sign, or Sun Sign) is the sign of the zodiac in which the Sun was placed on your birthday. There are 12 signs of 30 degrees each, making up the full circle of the ecliptic, the path of the Sun through the zodiac, as 12x30=360 degrees. Ophiuchus (the Serpent Bearer) is a constellation, not a sign." }, { "docid": "7797565", "title": "Michelle Mone Scottish Business", "text": "Michelle Mone is a 44 year old Scottish Business Professional. Born on 7th October, 1972 in Glasgow, Scotland, she is famous for Founder of Ultimo. Her zodiac sign is Libra. Michelle Mone is a member of the following lists: Conservative Party (UK) people, People from Thorntonhall and Scottish businesspeople in fashion." }, { "docid": "6091045", "title": "Chinese Zodiac Rooster", "text": "Personality. Occupying the 10th position in the Chinese Zodiac, the Rooster symbolizes such character traits as confidence, pompousness and motivation. Those born under the Chinese Zodiac sign of the Rooster are loyal, trustworthy individuals who are blunt when it comes to offering their opinions." }, { "docid": "1101209", "title": "-", "text": "These 12 signs of the zodiac also represent parts of the body in the form of the cosmic man or as vedic astrologers call it the Kalapurusha. The following table illustrates how each sign of the zodiac represents a different part of the human body. These are a general representation only." }, { "docid": "7398959", "title": "Jupiter Enters Scorpio a new stage on the Burning Way", "text": "Rob Tillett, one of the founders of Astrology on the Web, discusses the effects this new transit will have on the various signs of the zodiac. On October 25th 2005, Jupiter, the lord of the ancient gods, moves into Scorpio, the sign of the Scorpion, where he will bring some remarkable developments over the coming year. Jupiter in the heavens remains in each sign of the zodiac for approximately twelve months, taking twelve years to transit the entire zodiac. At the end of each of these cycles, matters must progress to a new level, or else they will fall away into obscurity and eventually oblivion." }, { "docid": "5247554", "title": "What is a persons astrological sign if they were born on March 11?", "text": "Each month has two different zodiac signs, therefore ones zodiac sign depends on the day that they were born. Pisces: February 19-March 20 Aries: March 21-April 19." }, { "docid": "6518037", "title": "-", "text": "December 12 Zodiac is Sagittarius - Full Horoscope Personality. If you are born under the December 12 zodiac or are in any way interested in someone else having this birthday here you can read all of its astrology meanings." }, { "docid": "2631520", "title": "Graphical index", "text": "Capricorn is the tenth astrological sign in the Zodiac, originating from the constellation of Capricornus. It spans the 270-300th degree of the zodiac, between 270 and 305.25 degree of celestial longitude. In astrology, Capricorn is considered an introvert sign, an earth sign, and one of the four cardinal signs." }, { "docid": "5105277", "title": "-", "text": "Under the tropical zodiac, Aries is occupied by the Sun from about March 21 to April 19 (depending on the exact year) and is associated with the Spring Equinox. Under the sidereal zodiac, it is currently from April 15 to May 15. The opposite sign to Aries is Libra." }, { "docid": "6621768", "title": "Definitions &Translations", "text": "Princeton's WordNet(5.00 / 1 vote)Rate this definition: 1 zodiac(noun) a belt-shaped region in the heavens on either side to the ecliptic; divided into 12 constellations or signs for astrological purposes. 2 zodiac(noun) (astrology) a circular diagram representing the 12 zodiacal constellations and showing their signs." }, { "docid": "8137846", "title": "The Chinese Zodiac: What is Your Zodiac Sign?", "text": "Find your zodiac sign and the animal of your birth year, plus learn how the Chinese zodiac works. The animal designations of the Chinese zodiac follow a 12-year cycle and are always used in the same sequence. 2018: Year of the Dog. In 2018, the Chinese New Year begins on Friday, February 16 (according to the Gregorian calendar)." }, { "docid": "3192268", "title": "ZODIAC SIGNS OF PRESIDENTS", "text": "It appears that when it comes to Zodiacal Sun Sign qualities in their presidents, citizens of the USA have tended to somewhat favor the Zodiac Sun Signs of Scorpio and Aquarius; each with 5. Least favorite are the Zodiac Sun signs of Aries, Gemini, and Virgo; each with only 2." }, { "docid": "1157215", "title": "-", "text": "Scorpio-Libra Cusp. If you were born in the period between October 24 th and November the 1 st you fall over the area of the zodiac that is jointly ruled by both Libra and Scorpio. These star signs are ruled by Venus and Mars and Pluto, which gives you the traits of both signs of Libra and Scorpio." }, { "docid": "5941427", "title": "Leo Zodiac Sign", "text": "Leo Zodiac Sign. Leo is the fifth sign of the zodiac. People Born at Leo Dates (July 23 – August 23) are impossible to miss, since they love being center stage. Making an impression is Job One for Leos, and when you consider their personal magnetism, you see the job is quite easy." }, { "docid": "7149971", "title": "Zodiac", "text": "Libra is the seventh astrological sign in the Zodiac, originating from the constellation of Libra. It spans the 180-210th degree of the zodiac, between 180 and 207.25 degree of celestial longitude, which the Sun transits this area on average between (northern autumnal equinox) approximately September 23 to October 22 each year." } ]
what is the oldest age to join the military
[ { "docid": "432666", "title": "What Is the Maximum Age to Enlist in the Military?", "text": "Across the United States Armed Forces, the maximum age for enlistment for someone who has never served in the military before depends on the branch. For the Army, the maximum age is 35. For the Navy, age waivers start at 34-years-old. For the Air Force, the maximum age allowed to join is 39-years-old. The Marines have the lowest maximum age for regular military service at 28-years-old." } ]
[ { "docid": "4443103", "title": "Clinton and Trump are the oldest candidates ever. No one seems to care.", "text": "Meanwhile, the oldest candidate in this year's primary race -- Bernie Sanders, who is 74 -- has been a favorite among the youngest voters. One obvious reason age isn't a theme of this campaign is that when both candidates are of a similar age, there's little contrast to make between the two." }, { "docid": "2284899", "title": "Age Restrictions for Police Jobs", "text": "The NYPD allows candidates who are over the age of 35 but who have had active military service to deduct six years from their age -- taking the maximum age up to 41. Other jurisdictions relax test or academic requirements for recruits with military service." }, { "docid": "5360701", "title": "How to Join a Private Military", "text": "If you are interested in joining a private military force, you need a few requirements beforehand to become part of such organizations. 1 Join the military or have security experience in some capacity. Having some experience in the armed forces or in a security field is helpful when transitioning to private services." }, { "docid": "6026615", "title": "FAQ: Joining Cub Scouting", "text": "Cub Scouting is for boys in the first through fifth grades, or 7 to 10 years of age. Boys who are older than 10, or who have completed the fifth grade, can no longer join Cub Scouting, but they may be eligible to join the Boy Scouting or Venturing program." }, { "docid": "341572", "title": "What Are the Requirements for Joining the Navy?", "text": "Age Requirements. To join the Navy without your parents’ consent as an enlisted member you must be at least 18 years old. The youngest you can be to enlist in the Navy with your parents’ consent is 17. You cannot be older than 34. Should you enter a Navy officer program the youngest you can be is 19; the oldest you can be is 35." }, { "docid": "7202766", "title": "History", "text": "The flute is one of the oldest musical instruments of all and is regarded as the first ever wind instrument. It has been in use at least since the Stone Age. Flute playing has a particularly long tradition in the Orient." }, { "docid": "8100085", "title": "Military Conscription Policy by Country", "text": "18-30 years of age for male conscript military service; service obligation 12-36 months, followed by a 9-year reserve obligation. El SalvadorEl Salvador. 18 years of age for selective compulsory military service; 16 years of age for voluntary service; service obligation - 8 months, but 11 months for officers and NCOs." }, { "docid": "3281651", "title": "How do I join my own crew in GTA 5 Online?", "text": "active oldest votes. up vote 3 down vote. You have to join the crew through the Rockstar Social Club. If you haven't done so, create an account and link it to your PS3 gamer profile. This should add GTA V as a game in your social club profile. You'll get a GTA V career page to navigate to once you've done that." }, { "docid": "6508528", "title": "Horticulturist - How to become a Horticulturist", "text": "Eligibility to become a Horticulturist. 1. Educational Qualification. To be eligible for joining a course for becoming a Horticulturist one should be 10+2 preferably in medical stream. 2. Age. No age considerations are there for the age to join a course for becoming Horticulturist." }, { "docid": "1618917", "title": "Membership & Leadership", "text": "If you are not a member, we invite you to join us as we work to improve the lives of America’s veterans, active-duty military and their families and communities across this great nation. You may join the VFW Auxiliary as National Member at Large or a Local Auxiliary Member. Your membership dues support the VFW Auxiliary’s original objectives by supporting the Veterans of Foreign Wars, serving veterans, active-duty military and their families, and spreading patriotism nationwide. National Member at Large Membership Application." }, { "docid": "5670569", "title": "Types of Military Service", "text": "There are five active branches of the Military. 1 Army – As the oldest branch of the Military, the Army protects the security of the United States and its resources. 2 Marine Corps – Working closely with the Navy, the Marine Corps is often first on the ground in combat situations. Army – As the oldest branch of the Military, the Army protects the security of the United States and its resources. 2 Marine Corps – Working closely with the Navy, the Marine Corps is often first on the ground in combat situations." }, { "docid": "480267", "title": "How to Enlist in the US Navy SEALs", "text": "Path 1: Enlist as a civilian (Choose Path #1 if you’ve never been in the military). Path 2: Enlist while in the Navy and apply for a transfer. Path 3: Enlist from another branch of military service. If you are not in the military or if you are in another service, you can join through a Navy recruiter." }, { "docid": "3013463", "title": "The Mexican War", "text": "The republic was short-lived because soon after the Bear Flag was raised, the U.S. military began occupying California, which went on to join the union in 1850. The Bear Flag became the official state flag in 1911." }, { "docid": "4680044", "title": "Neil Armstrong: Biography, Facts & Moon Landing", "text": "Armstrong not only served in the military, but was also a _______ _~, which qualified him to join the astronaut corps." }, { "docid": "5223073", "title": "Army Reserve age limit raised to 52", "text": "The upper age limit for some soldiers to join the Army Reserve has been been increased by nine years to 52." }, { "docid": "2037865", "title": "-", "text": "The Peloponnesian War. Athens' military campaign against the Peloponnesian League that eventually ended the Greek Golden Age, as told by musician and artist Jeffrey Lewis.he Peloponnesian War. Athens' military campaign against the Peloponnesian League that eventually ended the Greek Golden Age, as told by musician and artist Jeffrey Lewis." }, { "docid": "849960", "title": "Donald Trump Is Sworn In as President, Capping His Swift Ascent", "text": "Never has the oath been administered to a president who had never served either in public office or as a general in the military. At age 70, Mr. Trump became the oldest president sworn in for the first time and the first born in New York since Franklin D. Roosevelt." }, { "docid": "7895814", "title": "Understanding the Five Branches of the Military", "text": "Like the Army and the Air Force, the Navy does have a reserve component associated with it. Navy Requirements to Join. Marines. The Marines are the second smallest branch of the military.Their purpose has changed somewhat over the years. When it was first established in 1775, it was under the Navy as a ground force element of the branch.he Marines are the second smallest branch of the military. Their purpose has changed somewhat over the years. When it was first established in 1775, it was under the Navy as a ground force element of the branch." }, { "docid": "2361884", "title": "Veterans Day 2013: Who Is Richard Overton? Meet The Oldest Living U.S. Military Vet Who Credits Longevity To Whiskey, Cigars", "text": "By On 11/09/13 AT 4:57 PM. Richard Overton -- the man believed to be the oldest living United States military veteran at the age of 107 -- received a box of cigars and a standing ovation at a pre-Veterans Day ceremony in Austin, Texas, on Thursday. His secret to longevity? Whiskey, cigars and “staying out of trouble.”." }, { "docid": "2308783", "title": "Can you start being a air traffic controller at age 40?", "text": ", FAA Air Traffic Control Specialist- Sept 1976 - April 2006. 1 To work for the FAA as an air traffic controller , one must be 18 years of age, the maximum age one can start training is aged 30 and they must retire at 56 years old. However, if someone had previously held an air traffic controller position such as in the military, they may join up to 31 years of age." }, { "docid": "8636426", "title": "What does compulsory mean ?", "text": "Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: Compulsory means that it's required, you have to do it. Compulsory education means that kids below a certain age have to go to school, whether they want to or not. Compulsory military service means you get drafted, whether you want to be in the military or not. Usually, if you do not do something that is compulsory, you can be arrested and sent to prison or, in the case of a child, sent to juvenile detention." }, { "docid": "4443100", "title": "Clinton and Trump are the oldest candidates ever. No one seems to care.", "text": "Yet in this election -- the oldest matchup between presumptive major party nominees in history -- age is not spoken about nearly as much. Donald Trump turned 70 last month, and would be the oldest president ever elected if he were to win in November. Hillary Clinton will turn 69 just before the election, and if she wins, would be the second oldest president to take office, after Reagan. Yes, Trump has lashed out with attacks about Clinton lacking strength or stamina." }, { "docid": "8774049", "title": "Fourth Periodic Report of the United States of America to the United Nations Committee on Human Rights Concerning the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights", "text": "Join Date: May 2000. The President is the boss of all people in the executive departments, including the Department of Defense (the military) the Department of the Treasury, the Department of Energy, the Department of Justice, the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the Department of Agriculture, etc." }, { "docid": "1404137", "title": "-", "text": "Apply to join the enlisted ranks of the U.S. Army. You will not be permitted to begin formal military training until your legal permanent resident status is established. Your Permanent Residence Card must be valid for the duration of your enlistment." }, { "docid": "2797119", "title": "StarChild Question of the Month for December 2000", "text": "How old is the universe? We do not know the exact age of the universe, but we believe that it is around 13 billion years - give or take a few billion. Astronomers estimate the age of the universe in two ways: (a) by looking for the oldest stars; and (b) by measuring the rate of expansion of the universe and extrapolating back to the Big Bang." }, { "docid": "3462429", "title": "Everything You Need to Know to Improve Your Credit History", "text": "This oldest date becomes the age of your credit report. Assuming that today’s date is May 15, 2005, the credit account shown below will read an age of 5 years. Now assume that this is the oldest account on your report and this will now become the age of your credit report – 5 years old." }, { "docid": "5973561", "title": "Who Is Currently the Oldest Quarterback in the NFL?", "text": "Currently close to Manning in age are quarterbacks Tom Brady of the New England Patriots at 36 years old and Drew Brees of the New Orleans Saints at age 35. Peyton Manning is the second-oldest quarterback to play in a Super Bowl, ranking behind John Elway, who played in Super Bowl XXXIII at age 38. Manning is by far not the oldest quarterback to play in the NFL. George Blanda played as a quarterback for the Raiders when he was 48 years old." }, { "docid": "5068894", "title": "-", "text": "The oldest president to assume office was Ronald Reagan (age 69 years, 349 days), who was also the oldest in office (age 77 years, 349 days), ending at the inauguration of George H. W. Bush. The oldest living president is George H. W. Bush, born June 12, 1924 (aged 7009288306000000000♠ 91 years, 131 days).onald Reagan was the second longest-lived, 45 days short of Ford. The oldest living president, George H. W. Bush, will tie Reagan if he lives to October 10, 2017, and tie Ford if he lives to November 24, 2017." }, { "docid": "2631435", "title": "When Do You Become a Senior Citizen?", "text": "There is no clearly defined age when an American becomes a senior citizen. Some people might consider themselves seniors when they are invited to join AARP, qualify for Medicare, or officially retire from the workplace." }, { "docid": "4429636", "title": "Army Enlistment Contract Options", "text": "When you join the U.S. Army as an enlisted soldier you sign a legal document known as an enlistment contract. All first-term enlistments in the U.S. military incur a minimum eight-year service obligation featuring a combination of active duty and active or inactive reserve time." } ]
what is the oldest restaurant in the world
[ { "docid": "6133089", "title": "The Oldest Restaurant in the World", "text": "The Oldest Restaurant in the World. Restaurante Sobrino de Botín. Restaurante Sobrino de Botín has seen it all. Having opened its doors in 1725, the oldest restaurant in the world has witnessed the Age of Enlightenment, the Spanish Civil War, the joining of the European Union, ten Real Madrid European Cup Champions League titles, and more." } ]
[ { "docid": "4198919", "title": "-", "text": "Alice's Restaurant Lyrics. This song is called Alice's Restaurant, and it's about Alice, and the. restaurant, but Alice's Restaurant is not the name of the restaurant, that's just the name of the song, and that's why I called the song Alice's." }, { "docid": "6142017", "title": "Meet The 5 Oldest People In The World And Learn Their Secrets To A Long Life", "text": "The oldest among them, Misao Okawa of Japan, has nearly doubled that as she heads toward her 117th birthday in March. Here are the five oldest people in the world and their candid tips for living a long, long life: 1. Misao Okawa, 116, Japan." }, { "docid": "2425900", "title": "There's life in the old donkey yet: At 54 Eeyore is the world's longest lived ass", "text": "Like his famous namesake, he's been around for donkey's years - but at the age of 54, Eeyore is being hailed as the oldest living donkey in the world. Believed to be born in 1957, he is now a Guinness World Record contender for oldest donkey in the world. 1 Old timer: At 55, the late Eeyore was the oldest donkey in the world. He is pictured here on his 54th birthday which he celebrated with a feast of carrots and hay." }, { "docid": "5652061", "title": "Richard Overton Biography", "text": "Richard Overton is a former American World War II vet who, at 111 years old, is the oldest war veteran and living man in the United States. Richard Overton is a former American World War II vet who, at 111 years old, is the oldest war veteran and living man in the United States. Who Is Richard Overton? Born on May 11, 1906, Richard Overton is a World War II veteran who served in the U.S. Army." }, { "docid": "6574154", "title": "-", "text": "For starters, his Marlow restaurant The Hand & Flowers was voted the UK's best restaurant at the National Restaurant Awards. He retained his two Michelin stars (meaning it is still the best pub in the world) and has won millions of us over with his 'bad boy' potatoes in the BBC series Tom Kerridge's Proper Pub Food." }, { "docid": "6133088", "title": "The Oldest Restaurants in the World", "text": "The Oldest Restaurants in the World. Even if you’re not a history buff, you have to admit: The oldest restaurants in the world hold a certain mystique, especially when it means following in the footsteps of some of the greatest artists and intellectuals of all time. St. Peter Stiftskeller." }, { "docid": "2403370", "title": "Fatburger Canada Franchise", "text": "The now famous Fatburger Restaurant had humble beginnings many years ago in the spotless kitchen of Ms. Lovie Yancey. Her guests enjoyed her hamburgers so much that she was encouraged to share her unique recipe with the world. Ms. Yancey took their advice and opened her first restaurant in Los Angeles, in 1952." }, { "docid": "6181765", "title": "Definitions &Translations", "text": "Pho. Phở is a Vietnamese noodle soup consisting of broth, linguine-shaped rice noodles, a few herbs, and meat. It is a popular street dish in Vietnam and the specialty of a number of restaurant chains around the world.Pho is primarily served with either beef or chicken.hở is a Vietnamese noodle soup consisting of broth, linguine-shaped rice noodles, a few herbs, and meat. It is a popular street dish in Vietnam and the specialty of a number of restaurant chains around the world." }, { "docid": "8466164", "title": "The Oberoi Gurgaon", "text": "The Oberoi, Gurgaon offers a range of gourmet experiences that encompasses cuisine from around the world. Options range from an all day dining restaurant featuring five interactive show kitchens, and alfresco seating on teakwood decks extended onto the reflection pool to an Indian coastal cuisine specialty restaurant." }, { "docid": "3484679", "title": "TGI Fridays, Telford, Birmingham", "text": "TGI Fridays, Telford, Birmingham. A creative installation that has morphed our Lambeth brick slips beyond recognition. TGI Fridays has been established since 1965 and is a world renowned restaurant franchise. The restaurant is famed for its casual dining, elaborate drinks and retro antique-filled decor. Fridays has seen its UK portfolio grow rapidly over that last few years." }, { "docid": "8781750", "title": "Colonel Harland Sanders Biography: Inspiring History of KFC", "text": "Colonel Harland David Sanders (September 09, 1890 – December 16, 1980) is an American entrepreneur who founded the Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) restaurant chain. KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) is one of the oldest fast food restaurant chains in the United States. It is famous for its fried chicken to the whole world." }, { "docid": "8105270", "title": "'World's best chef' dies at 44 years old", "text": "'World's best chef' dies at 44 years old. The chef in charge of a Swiss restaurant dubbed the best in the world was found dead at his home on Sunday in a suspected suicide, according to Swiss news website 24 Heures. Chef Benoit Violier, who was 44 years old, ran the Restaurant de l'Hotel de Ville in Crissier near the Swiss city of Lausanne. The restaurant has three Michelin stars and was voted the finest in the world by La Liste, a French initiative in which an international jury ranks the world's top 1,000 restaurants." }, { "docid": "5340441", "title": "What's the difference between a capsule and a caplet?", "text": "Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: In the real world of pharmaceuticals there are no Caplets ... just capsules and tablets. The name caplet is a trendy marketing name for a tablet shaped like a capsule. No you don't have to bite them.ating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: In the real world of pharmaceuticals there are no Caplets ... just capsules and tablets. The name caplet is a trendy marketing name for a tablet shaped like a capsule. No you don't have to bite them." }, { "docid": "4869033", "title": "-", "text": "Calculating the cost per square foot of a restaurant will tell you the cost of construction to build the restaurant or the cost paid for an existing restaurant broken down per square foot. This figure is useful for comparing the cost of restaurants in the same area.his figure can represent the total cost to build the restaurant or the total cost to purchase the restaurant if the restaurant is a resale. For example, assume the total cost of the restaurant is $500,000." }, { "docid": "2180926", "title": "World-famous chef Anthony Bourdain won't eat restaurant fish on Mondays, and there's a good reason why", "text": "World-famous chef Anthony Bourdain won't eat restaurant fish on Mondays, and there's a good reason why. After more than 30 years of experience in the cooking industry, world-famous chef and best-selling author Anthony Bourdain has learned the ins and outs of how food gets from the kitchen to your plate." }, { "docid": "1584403", "title": "Which is the most dangerous disease in the world?", "text": "Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: Bird Flu has the potential to be the most dangerous disease in the world. Even though AIDS can be controlled with medication, we are still facing an enormous problem." }, { "docid": "7106394", "title": "-", "text": "If her age could be verified, she would hold the world record for world's oldest dog. Maggie, an Australian Kelpie who lived on a dairy farm, passed away at the age of 30. If her age could be verified, she would hold the world record for world's oldest dog." }, { "docid": "4542082", "title": "Disney Dining Reservations", "text": "At this time, you may make a dining reservation at most Disney World restaurants up to 180 days in advance of your meal there. To make online reservations, click on any table service restaurant name in our DISNEY WORLD RESTAURANT GUIDE and select “Book Online.”.To reserve by phone, call 407-WDW-DINE (3463) , answer a few voice-activated questions, and you’ll be transferred to a dining agent who will book your meals for you.o make online reservations, click on any table service restaurant name in our DISNEY WORLD RESTAURANT GUIDE and select “Book Online.”. To reserve by phone, call 407-WDW-DINE (3463) , answer a few voice-activated questions, and you’ll be transferred to a dining agent who will book your meals for you." }, { "docid": "3217679", "title": "-", "text": "One of the best things about living in the Northeast is tripping over history everywhere. Just taken to lunch by friends in Connecticut, in fact, I realized how great it was that we fought a Revolutionary War. It made the world safe for a Fife & Drum restaurant." }, { "docid": "2633918", "title": "-", "text": "(help, talk, get involved!) (October 2015). This is a list of the oldest verified dogs in the world, listed by age, all of whom have attained the minimum age of 20. Aging in dogs depends on breed, size and diet.Bramble, a larger dog, was fed a vegan diet, living over 27 years.his is a list of the oldest verified dogs in the world, listed by age, all of whom have attained the minimum age of 20." }, { "docid": "1755969", "title": "Simmental Breed", "text": "Breeds of Livestock-Simmental Cattle. A History of the Simmental Breed The Simmental is among the oldest and most widely distributed of all breeds of cattle in the world." }, { "docid": "6105290", "title": "JFKâs proposal to Jackie at Martinâs Tavern is âlegendâ no more", "text": "Ninety-eight year-old Marion Smoak, a former ambassador and chief of protocol, happened to be dining at Martin’s on V-E day last month, when the restaurant offered World War II vets free meals." }, { "docid": "78687", "title": "Ancient Egyptian Pyramids and how they affect our world today", "text": "Also known as the Pyramid of Khufu, it is the oldest of the Ancient Wonders of the World and the last one still largely intact. For over 3800 years, the Great Pyramid of Giza was the tallest man made structure in the world.lso known as the Pyramid of Khufu, it is the oldest of the Ancient Wonders of the World and the last one still largely intact. For over 3800 years, the Great Pyramid of Giza was the tallest man made structure in the world." }, { "docid": "4246850", "title": "-", "text": "World’s oldest person Emma Morano dies aged 117. Guinness World Records is saddened to learn of the passing of Emma Martina Luigia Morano of Vercelli, Italy, holder of the record titles for Oldest living person and Oldest living woman. Find out more about World’s oldest person Emma Morano dies aged 117." }, { "docid": "6133086", "title": "-", "text": "The Oldest Restaurants in the World. Even if you’re not a history buff, you have to admit: The oldest restaurants in the world hold a certain mystique, especially when it means following in the footsteps of some of the greatest artists and intellectuals of all time. Salzburg, Austria." }, { "docid": "6133520", "title": "Get the latest from TODAY", "text": "At more than 26 years old, a feline named Corduroy has been declared the oldest living cat in the world by Guinness World Records. Courtesy of Guinness World Records. Oldest living cat at age 26 years 13 days. Born August 1, 1989, the feisty feline has lived with owner Ashley Reed Okura of Sisters, Oregon since she was just seven years old and he was a tiny kitten! Guinness announced the news Thursday, when Corduroy was 26 years and 13 days old." }, { "docid": "7643171", "title": "-", "text": "Black's Barbecue, located in Lockhart, Texas is Texas' oldest major barbecue restaurant continuously owned by the same family. Find out why the Travel Channel featured Black’s on their Barbecue Paradise show and what's kept generations of Texans coming back for more. Chisholm Trail Barbecue." }, { "docid": "6839761", "title": "Higher education", "text": "Not to be confused with the academic journal or the novel. The University of al-Qarawiyyin in Fes, Morocco is the world's oldest existing, continually operating and the first degree awarding institution of higher learning in the world according to UNESCO and Guinness World Records." }, { "docid": "6393134", "title": "Cell Analogy Example", "text": "1 The Restaurant Doors let people in and out of the restaurant. 2 3. CYTOPLASM = RESTAURANT FLOOR The Cytoplasm is a jelly-like substance that keeps all the other organelles in their proper place. 3 The Restaurant Floor holds the tables, chairs, counters, and kitchen equipment in their proper place. CELL MEMBRANE = THE RESTAURANT DOORS The Cell Membrane controls what comes in and out of the cell. 2 The Restaurant Doors let people in and out of the restaurant. 3 3. CYTOPLASM = RESTAURANT FLOOR The Cytoplasm is a jelly-like substance that keeps all the other organelles in their proper place." }, { "docid": "5045298", "title": "âWorld's Oldest Wooden Structure and Japan's first UNESCO World HeritageâReview of Horyu-ji Temple", "text": "- Horyuji Temple. “World's Oldest Wooden Structure and Japan's first UNESCO World Heritage”. Review of Horyuji Temple. Horyuji (lit. Temple of the Flourishing Law) is arguably the most celebrated temple in Japan, serving as seminary and monastery. In December of 1993, Horyuji together with Hokkiji became the first UNESCO World Heritage in Japan. The five-story pagoda, located in Sai-in area, stands at 32.45 meters in height and is believed to be the oldest wooden building in the world." } ]
what is the option button
[ { "docid": "3281405", "title": "Radio button", "text": "Radio buttons in GTK+; the option 'Cat' is selected. A radio button or option button is a graphical control element that allows the user to choose only one of a predefined set of options. Radio buttons are arranged in groups of two or more and displayed on screen as, for example, a list of circular holes that can contain white space (for unselected) or a dot (for selected)." } ]
[ { "docid": "1891097", "title": "-", "text": "Step 3. View a map. Click Preview Map button to view the map. Click Open Full Map button to view the entire map in a new browswer window and have the option to print using your Internet browser print function. Click Save Full Map button to download the map to your computer. Step 1 - Choose a geography. Step 2 - Select a resolution." }, { "docid": "2541139", "title": "How do I get an operating system onto a new hard drive?", "text": "To connect to a wireless network (Wi-Fi), find the Network button or option on your computer or device. In Windows, you'll find the Network icon in the System Tray. On a Mac, you'll find it on the menu bar. On Android and iOS, you'll find the Wi-Fi option in the Settings app. After selecting your network, enter the password to connect to it." }, { "docid": "231910", "title": "-", "text": "Since you are using 2007 the command to import an Excel file is: 1. External Data tab, Imort group, Excel, 2. Use the Browse button to locate and select your file. 3. Leave the first option button on Import the source data into a new table.... 4. Click OK.5.ince you are using 2007 the command to import an Excel file is: 1. External Data tab, Imort group, Excel, 2. Use the Browse button to locate and select your file. 3. Leave the first option button on Import the source data into a new table.... 4. Click OK." }, { "docid": "2447034", "title": "How Do You Fix a Cell Phone With a Blank Screen?", "text": "One option to fix a cell phone with a blank screen is a hard reset. On an Android phone, turn the device off and then push the home button, volume up button and power button simultaneously. If a hard reset is an option, a menu pops up on the screen, allowing the user to conduct a factory reset. A factory reset is permanent and impossible to undo." }, { "docid": "4314807", "title": "-", "text": "1 The first step to import contacts from a SIM card to an Android phone is this: search the contacts application, afterwards give a tap on the button for Menu. 2 The second step is to select the option labeled Import/Export. 3 After you did that, tap on the option called Import from SIM card." }, { "docid": "8072109", "title": "How to use AUX button on Viper to turn on device inside car?", "text": "You have to run your extra channel to it prior to be able to use it. Red/white if your not using the trunk release option, which then would be the AUX button on your remote. If your using this wire and another wire to power the unit, you must diode or relay isolate the two." }, { "docid": "8331456", "title": "-", "text": "For whatever reason, this power button is the only one I've found in Windows 7/8 that gives the option to Shutdown or Restart without installing the updates. Thought I'd share. remixedcat, Solaris17 and HammerON say thanks. Oct 5, 2014 at 1:39 AM #2." }, { "docid": "3105827", "title": "-", "text": "Navigate to the specific Facebook page you want to print. For example, if you want to print a list of your messages, you would click the Messages tab. Click the File option from your Internet browser's main toolbar menu.Select the Print option.Click the Print button to print the Facebook page currently displayed on your Internet browser.lick the File option from your Internet browser's main toolbar menu. Select the Print option. Click the Print button to print the Facebook page currently displayed on your Internet browser." }, { "docid": "183024", "title": "-", "text": "How to lock your screen in Windows 7 and Windows Vista. To lock your screen in Windows 7 or Windows Vista, please click on the Windows Start Button () and the Start Menu will open. At the bottom of the Start Menu you will see a Shut down button with an arrow to the right of it.ow to remove the Lock option from the Ctrl+Alt+Delete screen in Windows. If you do not want users on a computer to be able to have the Lock option when they enter the Ctrl+Alt+Delete keyboard combination, you can disable it via a policy in the Group Policy Editor or via a Registry key." }, { "docid": "7604529", "title": "Leading Causes of Death Reports, National and Regional, 1999 - 2015", "text": "Leading Causes of Death Reports, National and Regional, 1999 - 2015. Choose your Report Options, then click the Submit Request button. For more information about an option or a category of options, click on the underlined name or phrase. To return to this page, click on the back button in your browser toolbar. Report Options." }, { "docid": "1040232", "title": "Hard Reset SAMSUNG I9082 Galaxy Grand", "text": "1 Now choose with Volume buttons wipe data/factory reset and select this option with Power button. 2 To confirm previous option use the Volume buttons to select yes and confirm it with Power button. 3 If this operation is completed, select in the menu option reboot system now. 4 Now wait until the phone turns on. First you must turn off your phone (press Power button as pictured below). 2 To confirm the phone is off, remove and replace the battery. 3 Next press together Volume UP + Home button + Power button (like in the picture)." }, { "docid": "4172437", "title": "-", "text": "An Uber trip begins at a pickup location and ends at your final destination. To get started, open your app. CHOOSE A VEHICLE OPTION. Use the slider at the bottom of your screen to select a vehicle option. Tap any vehicle option button to see a fare estimate." }, { "docid": "1039691", "title": "How to Unshare a Workbook", "text": "1. Open the Microsoft Excel 2003 application on your computer and then click the “File” option from the top toolbar menu. Click on the “Open” option. 2. Locate the Excel 2003 file that has the workbook you want to stop sharing. Click on the file and then click the “Open” button.3. Click the “Tools” option from the top toolbar menu and then click the “Share Workbook” option. 4. Click the “Editing” tab from the “Share Workbook” dialog box.. Open the Microsoft Excel 2003 application on your computer and then click the “File” option from the top toolbar menu. Click on the “Open” option. 2. Locate the Excel 2003 file that has the workbook you want to stop sharing. Click on the file and then click the “Open” button." }, { "docid": "1851604", "title": "-", "text": "Press the [PAGE] button or select the PAGE option from the LCD panel using the soft button to automatically park the call.2. If you have dedicated PAGE buttons for page zones (e.g. [PAGES], [PAGE6], etc) press the required button and skip to step 3.3. Press the appropriate page zone number4." }, { "docid": "2580854", "title": "-", "text": "Then, after a couple minutes a folder with a question mark on it is flashing. I turned off the Macbook and before pressing the power button, I press the option key. After a minute or two, the cursor arrow appears, but that's it, nothing else happens." }, { "docid": "4872229", "title": "Where did the âsyncâ button go in iTunes 11?", "text": "The sync button is on the bottom right of the iTunes window when you are viewing a device. Connect a device or two, and you will see controls to click in the top right to view the iOS device. Also option-command-s will toggle the traditional sidebar-now with more color than (immediately) before." }, { "docid": "7940110", "title": "-", "text": "Tip: If you want to transfer all the contacts, select your iPhone in the devices list and click the Export Contacts to File button or go to file menu and select Export Contacts to File option. Backing up iPhone Contacts. First select the contacts you want to backup from the contacts list by holding.In order to backup all the contacts, click and select your iPhone from the list of devices. Now click the Backup Contacts button or go to file menu and select Backup Contacts option.irst select the contacts you want to backup from the contacts list by holding. In order to backup all the contacts, click and select your iPhone from the list of devices. Now click the Backup Contacts button or go to file menu and select Backup Contacts option." }, { "docid": "1897599", "title": "-", "text": "Select the Excel 2007 worksheet file you want to combine cells with, and then click the Open button. Select the two rows of cells that you want to combine with your mouse.The cells should be highlighted. Select the Home tab, and then click the Merge and Center option from the Alignment group. The cells will then be merged together.Click the Merge and Center button again at any time to split the merged cells if you no longer want the contents to be combined.he cells should be highlighted. Select the Home tab, and then click the Merge and Center option from the Alignment group. The cells will then be merged together. Click the Merge and Center button again at any time to split the merged cells if you no longer want the contents to be combined." }, { "docid": "2989453", "title": "Indoors", "text": "Purchasing a water efficient toilet. Many toilets today feature a dual flush option to help you save water. These types of toilets have a split flush button giving the user the choice of pressing a small button or a large button depending on how much water is required to clear the toilet bowl." }, { "docid": "6619375", "title": "-", "text": "To access it yourself, click “Join Prime” at the top right and then select the option below to sign up. There is a large yellow button that says “start your one month free trial,” and beneath that the text indicates that Amazon Prime is just $7.99/month afterwards." }, { "docid": "7041804", "title": "-", "text": "Earnings Code Maintenance will be modified with an option to Exclude Hours from Weighted. Average Calculation (Figure 3), accessible via the ‘More’ button (Figure 2). It will default to. unchecked. The Payroll Data Entry Lines Tab will contain a new ‘Weighted Avg’ button (Figure 4)." }, { "docid": "2936544", "title": "Perform a factory reset on Android Device", "text": "The generic way to enter the recovery mode is: 1 Turn the device off. 2 Press and hold the volume up and power buttons. 3 Cycle through the options to highlight the Factory Reset option using the volume keys. Press the power button to select the highlighted option." }, { "docid": "5170383", "title": "-", "text": "1 At the beginning switch off your mobile phone by holding down the Power rocker for a short while. 2 Afterwards press and hold together: Volume Up + Home button + Power button for a couple of seconds. 3 When the Samsung Logo appears, you can release held keys.irst method: 1 Firstly press the Power button and wait for the menu in which select option turn off the phone, or press and hold Power button and wait until the phone turns off." }, { "docid": "448728", "title": "Install Fedora on a Virtual Machine", "text": "In VMWare Workstation, go to. As a non-standard configuration is required with Fedora, use the Custom option. Take the default option on the next screen and click Next. You can now choose to use the physical installer disc or the downloaded ISO file, available via the Browse button." }, { "docid": "3553974", "title": "-", "text": "T. T. To use the web cam you have 2 options. option 1. *Go to www.picanom.com. *Click allow if a box pops up. *Click snap. *Review the pictures you took and click save or print in the upper left corner of the picture. *After you click save click download. It will appear next to the print button.Option 2. You have to have software to use the webcam.Click allow if a box pops up. *Click snap. *Review the pictures you took and click save or print in the upper left corner of the picture. *After you click save click download. It will appear next to the print button. Option 2. You have to have software to use the webcam." }, { "docid": "6775473", "title": "How to automatically repair Windows 8 using Automatic Repair", "text": "Click on the Restart now button and Windows 8 will restart your computer and go directly into the Advanced Startup options menu. Now click on the Troubleshoot button and then the Advanced options button. You will now be at the Advanced options screen where you should click on the Startup settings option." }, { "docid": "6528458", "title": "-", "text": "1 Click Options. 2 Click on the Content option in the Options window. 3 By default, the Block pop-up windows option should be checked. 4 Check this option if it is currently unchecked. 5 If there are sites you want to allow pop-ups for, click the Exceptions button, enter the allowed site address, and click the Allow button.sers may also want to disable any pop-ups from any browser plug-ins, a tactic for bypassing many pop-up blockers. To enable this feature in Firefox, follow the steps below. 1 Open Mozilla Firefox. 2 In the URL field, type about:config and press enter." }, { "docid": "672001", "title": "-", "text": "Step 6. Click the “System Restore” option, then click the “Next” button. The System Restore dialog box opens. Step 7. Click the “Recommended Restore” radio button to restore the computer to the most recent restoration point, or click the “Choose a Different Restore Point” to select an older restoration point." }, { "docid": "3509662", "title": "How to Delete Messages on Skype on PC", "text": "Step # 3 -- Clear the History. Now in the next step, go to the Privacy tab and select the Privacy Settings option. Once done, select the No History option under the Keep history for option and click on the Clear History button next to it. This will simply have Skype message to be deleted from your computer." }, { "docid": "8258101", "title": "Mark an invoice as paid", "text": "If the money was paid into a different account (for example, your business's savings account, or your cash account), don't use this button. To use the Add a Manual Payment option, just select the button. Fill in the details on this screen, including when the invoice was paid. Save that entry.You can use this option even if you're explaining uploaded transactions. When you explain this receipt, you'll see an extra box asking if you want to use an existing manual entry. Select the Use Selected Entry button.f the money was paid into a different account (for example, your business's savings account, or your cash account), don't use this button. To use the Add a Manual Payment option, just select the button. Fill in the details on this screen, including when the invoice was paid. Save that entry." } ]
what is the origin meteorite
[ { "docid": "2427973", "title": "Meteorite", "text": "See also: Meteoroid and Meteor. A meteorite is a solid piece of debris from an object, such as a comet, asteroid, or meteoroid, that originates in outer space and survives its passage through the Earth's atmosphere and impact with the Earth's surface." } ]
[ { "docid": "1500584", "title": "6.15 FAQ-17 What should I do if double-clicking on my OPJ file fails to launch Origin?", "text": "Right-click the Origin EXE and choose Run as administrator to run Origin once and exit. Right click on an OPJ file and select Open With:Choose Programs. Choose the Origin shortcut and check Always use the selected program for this file. We started to support 64 bit Origin in 9.0." }, { "docid": "6173644", "title": "What Is a Meteor?", "text": "A meteor is the streak of bright light that can be seen from Earth when a meteorite enters the atmosphere. The actual object entering the atmosphere is called a meteorite, and it is usually a piece of an asteroid." }, { "docid": "3294682", "title": "Meteors, Meteoroids, and Meteorites", "text": "Meteoroids the size of a fist or larger may survive the trip through the atmosphere to land on the Earth's surface. They are then known as meteorites. A meteorite located after a witnessed descent is called a fall. A meteorite from an unwitnessed descent is called a find." }, { "docid": "1436144", "title": "List of English words of French origin", "text": "List of English words of French origin. A great number of words of French origin have entered the English language to the extent that many Latin words have come to the English language. According to different sources, 45% of all English words have a French origin." }, { "docid": "3606719", "title": "-", "text": "What does Avery mean, popularity, numerology and more. The name Avery is of French origin. The meaning of Avery is blonde ruler, elf ruler. It is also of German origin, where its meaning is noble, bear like and English origin, where its meaning is elf counsel.he name Avery is of French origin. The meaning of Avery is blonde ruler, elf ruler. It is also of German origin, where its meaning is noble, bear like and English origin, where its meaning is elf counsel." }, { "docid": "7159673", "title": "-", "text": "What is a possible cause of the extinction event called the Great Dying? A. a meteorite impact that killed the dinosaurs B. a great outpouring of lava at the end of the Paleozoic C. a sudden increase in the oxygen content of the atmosphere during the Precambrian D. a new kind of super predator that devoured nearly all of the life in the oceans" }, { "docid": "580490", "title": "-", "text": "Meaning of name 'Janhavi' in different Region (Origin) Origin. In Local. Janhavi means. Gender. Indian. River Ganga. Girl." }, { "docid": "8804773", "title": "Oshiete", "text": "Origin and Meaning of Oshiete User Submitted Meanings According to a user from United Kingdom, the name Oshiete is of Japanese origin and means Tell me, show me, teach me. Submit the origin and/or meaning of Oshiete to us below Origin of Oshiete" }, { "docid": "2251483", "title": "Demographics of Mexico", "text": "1 Hispanic population groups in the United States, by country of origin 2014 (In 1,000s)Hispanic population in the U.S., by origin 2014. 2 Foreign born hispanic population groups in the United States, by country of origin 2014 (In 1,000s)Foreign born hispanic population in the U.S., by origin 2014." }, { "docid": "4135849", "title": "-", "text": "Veevers crater is a meteorite impact crater located at latitude 22 58' 06 S and longitude 125 22' 07 E on a flat desert plain between the Great Sandy and Gibson Deserts in the center of the state of Western Australia, Australia. The site is very remote and difficult to visit." }, { "docid": "4509219", "title": "Scarlett Meaning", "text": "What does Scarlett mean, popularity, numerology and more. The name Scarlett is of Latin origin. The meaning of Scarlett is red. It is also of English origin, where its meaning is scarlet cloth.hat does Scarlett mean, popularity, numerology and more. The name Scarlett is of Latin origin. The meaning of Scarlett is red. It is also of English origin, where its meaning is scarlet cloth." }, { "docid": "324771", "title": "-", "text": "The streak of light created by a meteoroid entering the Earth's atmosphere is called a meteor. A meteorite is the remains of a meteoroid that did not vaporize after enteri … ng the Earth's atmosphere." }, { "docid": "2237882", "title": "Wine Appellations of Origin", "text": "When an Appellation of Origin is Required. 1 Generally, appellations of origin are only required for grape wine. 2 An appellation of origin is required on grape wine when the wine is labeled with: A grape varietal designation. One of the following designations AND the wine is NOT from the origin indicated:*." }, { "docid": "2495770", "title": "-", "text": "Zwicky, see [1], proposed the use of a shaped charge as a method of producing artificial meteorites in 1947. He proposed launching a hypervelocity shaped charge on a V-2 rocket to exceed the earth’s escape velocity and thus create an artificial meteorite." }, { "docid": "1120105", "title": "-", "text": "Origin and meaning of Ayla. 0 5. The meaning of Ayla is Halo and moon . Its origin is Turkish . Another meaning of Ayla is . The oak or terebinth tree . Its origin is English variant of the Hebrew name Elah . This name is mostly being used as a girls name.Last year it ranked 286th in the U.S. Social Security Administration list of most popular baby girl names.ts origin is Turkish . Another meaning of Ayla is . The oak or terebinth tree . Its origin is English variant of the Hebrew name Elah . This name is mostly being used as a girls name." }, { "docid": "6026447", "title": "Aleah Meaning", "text": "What does Aleah mean, popularity, numerology and more. The name Aleah is of Hebrew origin. The meaning of Aleah is ascender. It is also of Arabic origin, where its meaning is high exalted one.hat does Aleah mean, popularity, numerology and more. The name Aleah is of Hebrew origin. The meaning of Aleah is ascender. It is also of Arabic origin, where its meaning is high exalted one." }, { "docid": "6121810", "title": "-", "text": "Origin is the start, center or beginning of something or the place where a person comes from. An exmaple of origin is when an idea comes to you when you sleep. An example of origin is the ground where oil comes from. An example of origin is your ethnic background. origin. origin." }, { "docid": "4175278", "title": "-", "text": "MARSHALL-Surname Meaning | Origin for the Surname Marshall Genealogy. Share. Learn the meaning and origin of the last name Martin, plus find genealogy and family trees for the Martin surname.ARSHALL-Surname Meaning | Origin for the Surname Marshall Genealogy. Share. Learn the meaning and origin of the last name Martin, plus find genealogy and family trees for the Martin surname." }, { "docid": "3865435", "title": "The Difference Between Meteors, Meteorites, and Meteoroids", "text": "When several meteoroids are passing through the Earth’s atmosphere, it is called a meteor shower. Once a meteor has finished passing through the atmosphere and has struck the Earth’s surface, it is considered a meteorite. A Meteorite. So, the life of a meteoroid would go something like this:" }, { "docid": "5094773", "title": "How Do We Know That It's a Rock From the Moon?", "text": "Hydrous (water containing) minerals have not been found on the Moon. A rock that contains quartz, calcite, or mica as a primary mineral is not from the Moon. Some lunar meteorites do, in fact, contain calcite. However, the calcite was formed on Earth from exposure of the meteorite to air and water after it landed." }, { "docid": "3487634", "title": "-", "text": "Surname (or family name) Nanda has Indian origin, most common language spoken by them is Oriya, they are originated and/or found widely in Orissa state. Similar sounding surnames: Nueimat, Anand, Nanda, Nandy. Origin, State of Origin, Mother tongue, Religion of surname 'Nanda'. Also see... » Origin of Family name (Surname) 'Nanda'." }, { "docid": "3285335", "title": "Mars Facts: Life, Water and Robots on the Red Planet", "text": "Among its findings is the first meteorite on the surface of the red planet. In September 2014, India’s Mars Orbiter Mission reached the red planet, making it the fourth nation to successfully enter orbit around Mars. Robots aren’t the only ones looking to buy a ticket to Mars." }, { "docid": "320043", "title": "The Mineral coesite", "text": "Coesite is a very rare mineral that forms in unique ultra high metamorphism usually as a result of meteorite impacts. It was named after American chemist Loring Coes, Jr. (1915-1978), who first synthesized Coesite in 1953 before it was naturally discovered in Barringer Crater in 1960." }, { "docid": "3693929", "title": "Triceps", "text": "They are the largest muscles in the upper arms. As with the Bicep muscle which has two heads and therefore two origin points, the Triceps muscles which has three heads has three different origin points. These origin attachment points are as follows; 1.s with the Bicep muscle which has two heads and therefore two origin points, the Triceps muscles which has three heads has three different origin points. These origin attachment points are as follows; 1." }, { "docid": "2524857", "title": "Mineral Sciences - Division of Meteorites", "text": "Chondrules are not found in terrestrial rocks. These chondrules, along with small mineral grains, accreted to form asteroids during the birth of the Solar System. Chondrites are, by far, the most abundant type of stony meteorite. Less common, comprising only a few percent of all meteorites, are achondrites." }, { "docid": "3613530", "title": "Origin of Adel", "text": "Origin: The Name Adel is from North Afghanistan origins and it mean: The Wealthy. Surnames: adel. Submitted by: Origin of Adel, Meaning of Adel. Origin: The name Beadle is derived from the Norman Boodle, Buddle, Biddle and others." }, { "docid": "31125", "title": "-", "text": "If I'm logged into Origin already when I disconnect from the internet, then it goes into offline mode. As soon as I log off or exit Origin however, I can't log in again without it saying Online login is currently unavailable and Could not connect to the server, please try again in a few minutes.. The same thing happens if I disconnect from the internet, and then start Origin." }, { "docid": "6274901", "title": "Meaning of Rosie", "text": "The Origin, Meaning and the Hidden Meaning of the name Rosie This page details the origin and literal meaning of the name Rosie together with an insight into the hidden meaning and interpretation of the name using numerology. short or pet form of Rose from which the meaning and origin of the name is derived i.e. the Latin word 'rosa'. The Meaning of the name Rosie The meaning of the name Rosie is as follows: Rose Flower. The Origin of the name Rosie The origin of the name Rosie is believed to be: Latin." }, { "docid": "8765520", "title": "P.K. Subban", "text": "1 ↑ No one knows where, exactly. A safe guess is Toronto or Vancouver, because that's where 95% of Canadians live. ↑ 2 A world record for anyone of African Origin. ↑ Another world record for anyone of African Origin. It helps to be the only player of African Origin." }, { "docid": "297952", "title": "Hoba meteorite", "text": "Hoba meteorite. The Hoba (/ˈhoʊbə/ or HOH-bə) or Hoba West meteorite lies on the farm Hoba West, not far from Grootfontein, in the Otjozondjupa Region of Namibia. It has been uncovered but, because of its large mass, has never been moved from where it fell. The main mass is estimated at more than 60 tons, making it the largest known meteorite (as a single piece) and larger than the 37-ton fragment of the Campo del Cielo. It is the most massive naturally occurring piece of iron known on Earth's surface." } ]
cataracts dogs causes
[ { "docid": "2592473", "title": "Cataracts in Dogs", "text": "Causes for canine cataracts: eye injury, diabetes, old-age, nutritional disorders, genetic inheritance, toxic cataracts caused by disease, infection, birth-defects and radiation from cancer therapy." } ]
[ { "docid": "1884311", "title": "About Cataracts", "text": "Cataract removal is one of the most common operations performed in the United States. It also is one of the safest and most effective types of surgery. In about 90 percent of cases, people who have cataract surgery have better vision afterward.ou don’t have to be a senior citizen to get this type of cataract. In fact, people can have an age-related cataract in their 40s and 50s. But during middle age, most cataracts are small and do not affect vision. It is after age 60 that most cataracts steal vision." }, { "docid": "4932224", "title": "-", "text": "Although cataracts are common among older people, they are also seen in children and infants. According to the Boston Children’s Hospital, approximately one child in 5,000 develops cataracts, and children account for approximately 0.4 percent of all cases." }, { "docid": "5818253", "title": "-", "text": "Cataract surgery facts. 1 Early symptoms of cataracts include blurred vision, glare, and difficulty reading. 2 Cataracts will affect most people and become more prominent as we age. Cataracts can be diagnosed when the doctor examines the eyes with specialized viewing instruments." }, { "docid": "3706464", "title": "Medicare and Cataracts Surgery", "text": "You can have cataracts in one eye or both. Outpatient cataract surgery is typically covered under Medicare Part B benefits, while inpatient surgery is usually covered under Medicare Part A. You may have greater coverage and lower out-of-pocket costs if you have a Medicare Advantage or Medigap plan.See Medicare Plans. The actual cause of cataracts is unknown.edicare and eyeglasses for cataracts. Normally, Medicare does not cover routine vision correction, but Medicare does cover eyeglasses, contact lenses, and intraocular lenses following surgery to treat cataracts." }, { "docid": "5093418", "title": "Dog Behavior: Why Dogs Behave in Certain Ways", "text": "Dog Behavior: Why Dogs Behave in Certain Ways. Urine marking is a common behavior in dogs, even in female dogs. If dogs were perceived as dogs rather than ''human beings dressed in a doggy suit'' perhaps there would be less behavioral problems in our canine companions today." }, { "docid": "7104407", "title": "Cataracts of the Nile", "text": "Cataracts of the Nile. The cataracts of the Nile are shallow lengths (or white water rapids) of the Nile River, between Aswan and Khartoum, where the surface of the water is broken by many small boulders and stones jutting out of the river bed, as well as many rocky islets." }, { "docid": "5509857", "title": "A to Z List of Neurological Disorders", "text": "There are three primary types: Nuclear cataracts are the most common, typically known as “age-related cataract.” Found in the center of the lens, they intefere with the ability to see distant objects." }, { "docid": "2958288", "title": "-", "text": "The development of what are called cataracts, or opacities and clouding of the eye's lens, blocks the passage of light through the eye. Various forms of cataract make up one of the leading causes of blindness in this country today. Although some cataracts are congenital (present at birth), likelihood of developing them increases with age." }, { "docid": "2321455", "title": "Cataracts", "text": "Cataracts Causes. Cataracts develop as a result of various reasons, and can be partial, complete, progressive or stationary, and hard or soft. Cataracts are typically associated with old age however eye injuries and trauma, a genetic family history and drug usage can often cause early development of cataracts." }, { "docid": "5818248", "title": "-", "text": "Cataracts in Horses. Cataracts are white, cloudy or crystal-looking opaque lenses inside the horse’s eye. The cornea remains clear and there are seldom any signs of pain, inflammation or discomfort. Horses can be born with cataracts, or acquire them later in life." }, { "docid": "2846550", "title": "-", "text": "So where is ozone good, and where is it bad for life? High in the stratosphere, ozone acts as a protection from UV light. Without this protective shield, all animal life (not just humans) would be more susceptible to cancer, impaired immune systems, and eye problems like cataracts.o where is ozone good, and where is it bad for life? High in the stratosphere, ozone acts as a protection from UV light. Without this protective shield, all animal life (not just humans) would be more susceptible to cancer, impaired immune systems, and eye problems like cataracts." }, { "docid": "1199159", "title": "Can Dogs See Color?", "text": "Dogs can't see the full range of the color spectrum, but that doesn't mean they can't see colors at all. Dogs can't tell the difference between orange, yellow and green. All of these colors look yellowish to a dog. The color red appears dark brownish gray or black to dogs. Dogs can see the color blue, but violet shades appear blue to them. Blue green shades appear gray to dogs. Therefore, while dogs are not completely colorblind, they do in fact display partial colorblindness that inhibits them from perceiving shades of green and red." }, { "docid": "8774086", "title": "List of dog breeds", "text": "Breeds are usually categorized by the functional type from which the breed was developed. The basic types are companion dogs, guard dogs, hunting dogs, herding dogs, and working dogs, although there are many other types and subtypes. Breeds listed here may be traditional breeds with long histories as registered breeds, rare breeds with their own registries, or new breeds that may still be under development." }, { "docid": "8516379", "title": "Portuguese Water Dog", "text": "The Portuguese Water Dog is a happy-go-lucky breed of dog with lots of energy. They are sweet, loyal and lovable dogs that enjoy the company of other dogs and their owners. Though this breed is a little larger than your other dogs, the Portuguese Water Dog could fit in well with your other dogs." }, { "docid": "3240091", "title": "Dog type", "text": "A dog type can be referred to broadly, as in gun dog, or more specifically, as in Spaniel. Dogs raised and trained for a specific working ability rather than appearance may not closely resemble other dogs doing the same work, or any of the dogs of the analogous breed group of purebred dogs. dog type can be referred to broadly, as in gun dog, or more specifically, as in Spaniel. Dogs raised and trained for a specific working ability rather than appearance may not closely resemble other dogs doing the same work, or any of the dogs of the analogous breed group of purebred dogs." }, { "docid": "2919938", "title": "Service Dogs - Dog Breeds", "text": "Service Dogs - Dog Breeds. Service dogs can help people with disabilities in many different ways. Some are guide dogs for the blind, some are hearing dogs, some can alert people of seizures, and some can even act as the arms and legs for a disabled person. Although many different types of dogs can be used as service dogs, we have tried to list some of the most common breeds used as service dogs. Beagle. Dalmatian." }, { "docid": "3150826", "title": "Cataracts after LASIK", "text": "Young patient reports cataracts after LASIK to the FDA 9/14/2012. Lasik surgery done to correct a nearsighted vision problem in 2003, with a touch up done in 2004. Within a couple of years diagnosed with cataracts in both eyes. Just completed cataract removal in one eye with mixed results." }, { "docid": "657633", "title": "What Lutein Can Do for Your Eyes", "text": "A person with cataracts will develop cloudy, impaired vision. As the eye vitamin, lutein can help lower your chances for developing cataracts. Cataracts is one of the most common eye problems, and is often seen in older people. A diet rich in lutein, along with supplements if necessary, can help prevent the disease." }, { "docid": "5364447", "title": "-", "text": "In the meantime, the sled dogs have burst from their nests in order to protect their food. Then, however, all of the team dogs are attacked by the wild dogs and even the team dogs revert to primitive behavior. Buck is especially excited by the taste of blood after he sinks his teeth into one of the wild dogs." }, { "docid": "6089413", "title": "Cataracts", "text": "Cataracts are an opacity in the lens of the eye. Most cataracts in dogs are caused by a genetic predisposition, but diabetes mellitus is also a common cause. The only effective treatment is surgical removal. 1 Lens Diseases." }, { "docid": "2007700", "title": "-", "text": "Here are some reasons why dogs might help individuals with PTSD. 1 Dogs are vigilant. 2 Dogs are protective. 3 Dogs respond well to authoritative relationships. 4 Dogs love unconditionally. 5 Dogs help relearn trust. 6 Dogs help to remember feelings of love." }, { "docid": "7923300", "title": "Adoptable Animals", "text": "Rural Dog Rescue. Adoptable Animals. Meet the adoptable dogs from Rural Dog Rescue. We try to bring as many dogs to D.C. as possible, however, sometimes dogs remain down south until there is space up here. If you are interested in an animal on our site, please contact us. You can also visit or Facebook page and Instagram to see more pictures of our dogs." }, { "docid": "1479826", "title": "-", "text": "dog circulatory system; circulatory system of a dog; dogs circulatory system; circulatory system in dogs; dog\\s circulatory system; canine circulatory system; circulatory system of dog; circulatory system of dogs; circulatory system dog; circulatory system in a dog; the circulatory system of a dog; a dogs circulatory system; circulatory system for dogs; circulatory system dogs" }, { "docid": "454241", "title": "Nasonex nasal spray, 50 mcg", "text": "The recommended dose for treatment of the nasal symptoms of seasonal allergic and perennial allergic rhinitis is 1 spray (50 mcg of mometasone furoate in each spray) in each nostril once daily (total daily dose of 100 mcg).see Warnings and Precautions (5.1)] . Patients should be cautioned not to spray NASONEX Nasal Spray 50 mcg directly onto the nasal septum. 17.2 Glaucoma and Cataracts Patients should be informed that nasal and inhaled corticosteroids may result in the development of glaucoma and/or cataracts." }, { "docid": "354994", "title": "The 3 Best Probiotics for Dogs", "text": "Probiotics are often recommended for dogs with chronic diarrhea or intestinal infections such as Giardia and Clostridia. Dogs, particularly certain German Shepherd dogs, can suffer from a condition called SIBO, or small intestinal bacterial overgrowth. These dogs experience poor weight gain and diarrhea." }, { "docid": "6225266", "title": "Our Therapeutics", "text": "We invite you to explore our therapeutics solutions. And this is just the beginning. GALLIPRANT® (grapiprant tablets) is for use in dogs only. Do not use in dogs younger than 9 months of age and less than 8 lbs (3.6 kg), dogs used for breeding, or in pregnant or lactating dogs." }, { "docid": "148514", "title": "Background", "text": "Otto Werner originally defined Werner syndrome (WS) in 1904 on the basis of sclerodermalike, thin, tight skin and bilateral cataracts. WS is also known as progeria adultorum, progeria of the adult, and pangeria." }, { "docid": "1037477", "title": "Why You Should Spay/Neuter Your Pet", "text": "According to the report, neutered male dogs live 18% longer than un-neutered male dogs and spayed female dogs live 23% longer than unspayed female dogs. The report goes on to add that in Mississippi, the lowest-ranking state for pet longevity, 44% of the dogs are not neutered or spayed." }, { "docid": "7111729", "title": "What Causes Sudden Blindness in Older Dogs?", "text": "Many dog owners have experienced blindness in their dogs associated with various diseases. Cataracts and blindness are an inevitable result of diabetes in dogs. Kidney failure and resulting hypertension can result in retinal detachment and blindness. A less known cause of sudden blindness in dogs is Sudden Acquired Retinal Degeneration Syndrome, or SARDS. Dogs Affected by SARDS . SARDS is most often diagnosed in older animals." }, { "docid": "4594455", "title": "When did Stalingrad become St Petersburg?", "text": "the person who founded st petersburg is Claire foster of Florida.... from 1867-1899 she was an archeologist and her favourite song was like a g6 by th cataracts! LOL. the person who founded st petersburg is Claire foster of Florida.... from 1867-1899 she was an archeologist and her favourite song was like a g6 by th cataracts! lol. Go" } ]
what is the phone number for amazon
[ { "docid": "148297", "title": "-", "text": "How to contact Amazon by phone. The easiest way to contact Amazon's customer service department is by using their toll-free phone number at 1-888-280-4331." } ]
[ { "docid": "4797001", "title": "Amazon Contact Number | 0843 487 1659", "text": "Amazon Contact Number | 0843 487 1659. Amazon Contact Number 0843 487 1659 is a direct dial telephone number that will connect you directly to a customer service representative waiting to take your call." }, { "docid": "5703760", "title": "Area Code 118", "text": "If you received a phone call or text message from within the 118 area code please drop a comment about it, or lookup the phone number to see what other people know about the phone number." }, { "docid": "4138545", "title": "-", "text": "Banamex's Best Toll-Free/800 Customer Phone Number This is Banamex's best phone number, the real-time current wait on hold and tools for skipping right through those phone lines to get right to a Banamex agent. This phone number is Banamex's Best Phone Number because 1,038 customers like you used this contact information over the last 18 months and gave us feedback." }, { "docid": "8254011", "title": "Bruno Mars 100% real phone number 2016", "text": "Get Bruno Mars Phone Number from here: https://celebritynumbers.wordpress.com/2016/01/02/bruno-mars-phone-number/ Bruno Mars cell phone number [2016] REAL Bruno Mars cell phone number 2016 Bruno Mars new number what is Phone Number Bruno Mars Bruno Mars phone number Download Link: https://celebritynumbers.wordpress.com/2016/01/02/ ..." }, { "docid": "702583", "title": "Amazon Standard Identification Number", "text": "Amazon Standard Identification Number. ASIN redirects here. For other uses, see Asin (disambiguation). The Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN) is a 10-character alphanumeric unique identifier assigned by Amazon.com and its partners for product identification within the Amazon organization." }, { "docid": "6327157", "title": "Amazon Headquarters Information", "text": "Today the 15,000 in-house employees are a driving force in local economics with shops and street vendors showing up daily to accommodate workers. 1 Address: Amazon Headquarters 410 Terry Ave. 2 Phone Number: Call 1-206-266-1000 to reach the Amazon headquarters and corporate office." }, { "docid": "5379324", "title": "-", "text": "Best Amazon toll-free numbers and support. This is the #2 phone number and #2 overall way to contact Amazon according to 2486774 GetHuman users.Here are the best." }, { "docid": "775050", "title": "How can I find someone's cell phone number online?", "text": "5 Ways to Find a Cell Phone Number Online. 1 Find Cell Phone Numbers Online – Here's How. 2 Try Using a Search Engine to Find That Cell Phone Number. 3 Use Social Media to Find a Cell Phone Number. Search Across Websites For The Same Username To Find A Cell Phone 1 Number. Alternative Search Engines Can Help Find Cell Phone Numbers." }, { "docid": "1596341", "title": "-", "text": "Calling by number (Enterprise Voice only). To make a call by phone number, type the phone number into the search box in the main Lync window, or dial it on your UniCom-optimized phone, as follows. If you're dialing on a phone, the phone will automatically initiate the call when you've finished dialing." }, { "docid": "638957", "title": "-", "text": "The customer support phone number of Nintendo Of America is (425) 882-2040 (Click phone number to call). The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Nintendo Of America Service Center and Nintendo Of America customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Nintendo Of America customer service phone number may or may not be toll free. Click Here To View Nintendo Of America Customer Service Phone Numbers" }, { "docid": "1109000", "title": "Area Code 050", "text": "If you received a phone call or text message from within the 050 area code please drop a comment about it, or lookup the phone number to see what other people know about the phone number. Below is a partial list of phone numbers and comments from other people about phone calls originating from the 050 Area Code.Click on the Phone Number to see more details about the number. If you've received a phone call, or know anything about any phone number please leave a comment about it.he 050 area code appears to be a invalid, it may be spoofed. Phone calls originating from within the 050 area code often turn out to be a telemarketer, a telephone survey or bill collector trying to disguise their real phone number." }, { "docid": "6029411", "title": "Be a Customer Service Ninja", "text": "To find the corporate phone number, a little basic sleuthing in Google is necessary, since the normal customer service number will likely either not know the phone number or not be willing to give it out." }, { "docid": "7921137", "title": "Why Amazon's Fire Phone commercial is really about Amazon Prime", "text": "But the commercial highlights that Amazon wants people to care more about Amazon Prime than the Amazon Fire Phone, writes Louis Ramirez." }, { "docid": "8115911", "title": "-", "text": "Consumer Cellular Customer Support Service Phone Number The customer support phone number of Consumer Cellular is 1-888-345-5509 (Click phone number to call)." }, { "docid": "572278", "title": "How to Activate a Visa Credit Card", "text": "Call the activation number. When you receive your new credit card in the mail, it should have a sticker on the front that will explain how to activate it by either calling a phone number or going to a website. Locate the number and dial it using your phone. Ordinarily, the phone number will be a toll-free number, such as an 800 number. Depending upon your card issuer, you may only be able to call at certain times, such as during regular business hours. Some card issuers only allow activation by phone." }, { "docid": "8214534", "title": "-", "text": "The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Amazon Warehouse Carlisle Pa Service Center and Amazon Warehouse Carlisle Pa customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Amazon Warehouse Carlisle Pa customer service phone number may or may not be toll free." }, { "docid": "4728614", "title": "One direction cell phone number real 2015 NEW", "text": "One Direction cell phone numbers. One Direction phone numbers 2013 real. One Direction cell phone numbers real 2012. harry styles phone number real 2013. harry styles cell phone number leaked. liam payne cell phone number leaked 2013 zayn malik cell phone number 2013." }, { "docid": "4850836", "title": "Borrow Books from the Kindle Owners' Lending Library", "text": "Kindle Owners' Lending Library is available for Amazon Prime members—paid Amazon Prime, paid Amazon Student, 30-day free trial, and customers receiving a free month of Prime benefits with a Fire tablet—who own a Kindle e-reader, Fire tablet, or Fire phone, and features hundreds of thousands of titles." }, { "docid": "5653539", "title": "Activate a Phone with Verizon", "text": "1 You'll hear your Verizon order number read back to you. 2 The Verizon order number will be different than your Amazon order number; that's OK. 3 Confirm it by pressing 1 (Do not press 2). 4 Follow the instructions in the owner's manual to insert your new SIM card and battery, and then charge your phone completely. You'll be notified via the voice prompt when the device has been successfully activated. 2 Follow the instructions in the owner's manual to charge your phone's battery. 3 Turn on your new phone. 4 Dial *228, press Send, and then press 1 when prompted." }, { "docid": "7032430", "title": "-", "text": "Mojang Phone Number. Save time before you try to contact Mojang. Even when we can't dig up a phone number for companies like Mojang, we can usually help with a how-to guide for your problem. Since they don't have a phone number anyways, check if we have one that will help you, or you can hire us to resolve it for you. Tell us why you're calling." }, { "docid": "2062373", "title": "-", "text": "Wellpoint Customer Support Service Phone Number. The customer support phone number of Wellpoint is +1 (317) 488-6000 (Click phone number to call). The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Wellpoint Service Center and Wellpoint customer service phone number is given below." }, { "docid": "996770", "title": "-", "text": "I am on the phone with Verizon now. The issue is not fixed. Also, Verizon says the account number is not the phone number because they JUST DID a port with a NINE DIGIT NUMBER for a Republic Wireless account. Ergo, they want my nine digit account number to be able to port. They say the number looks nothing like a phone number." }, { "docid": "8548522", "title": "-", "text": "Find amazon phone number in Overland Park Regional Medical Center, Shawnee Mission, KS on Yellowbook. Get reviews and contact details for each business including videos, opening hours and more. Local Business" }, { "docid": "1258755", "title": "-", "text": "Nikon Customer Support Service Phone Number The customer support phone number of Nikon is +81-3-3214-5311 (Click phone number to call). The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Nikon Service Center and Nikon customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Nikon customer service phone number may or may not be toll free." }, { "docid": "8413367", "title": "How to Find out the owner of any cell phone or unlisted number", "text": "Weather the phone number is unlisted, a cell phone or a land line you can find the exact location of where it is from. In the simple steps below I will share with you the methods I take when I get an Unknown number on my mobile phone.eather the phone number is unlisted, a cell phone or a land line you can find the exact location of where it is from. In the simple steps below I will share with you the methods I take when I get an Unknown number on my mobile phone." }, { "docid": "1702396", "title": "Kenwood Phone Number", "text": "Kenwood's Best Toll-Free/800 Customer Phone Number This is Kenwood's best phone number, the real-time current wait on hold and tools for skipping right through those phone lines to get right to a Kenwood agent. This phone number is Kenwood's Best Phone Number because 1,128 customers like you used this contact information over the last 18 months and gave us feedback." }, { "docid": "8128769", "title": "-", "text": "When calling the phone number you will hear a short recording with the Burger King customer service phone number. We will give you the customer service phone number from Burger King in a timely and easy manner. Once you have called, we will immediately provide you with the Burger King customer service phone number." }, { "docid": "6368199", "title": "-", "text": "Some More Phone Numbers Related To The Butcher Shop The Local Butcher Shop phone number : (510) 845-6328 Boones Butcher Shop phone number : (502) 348-3668 Ye Ole Butcher Shop phone number : (972) 423-1848 J Ms Butcher Shop phone number : (865) 483-9228" }, { "docid": "4566047", "title": "-", "text": "Slightly buried on Amazon’s page and, at one time, not even published on their site, Amazon.com’s customer service phone numbers: Amazon Support: 866-216-1072 Amazon Support for International users: 206-266-2992 Amazon MP3 Support: 888-802-3083 (Photo: Spidra Webster)" }, { "docid": "4984048", "title": "Amazon UK Customer Service Phone Numbers, Seller Support, Amazon Prime and More", "text": "Amazon UK Customer Service Phone Numbers, Seller Support, Amazon Prime and More. 1 Amazon Customer Service Address. 2 Amazon Customer Service Contact Numbers. 3 Amazon UK Free Phone Number Head Office. 4 Amazon UK Office Fax Number. 5 Amazon Useful Links. 6 Amazon Helpline Numbers. 7 Amazon Customer Complaints Telephone Number." } ]
what is the plan change process
[ { "docid": "4487613", "title": "-", "text": "important terminologies in planned change process it is the awareness of attention to process that usually separates the professional from the well intentioned but often ineffective layperson conflict the unavoidable part of the change process resistance to change is a characteristic of all human and social system resistance can be expected even when the client has demonstrated a strong desire to change change agent system the change agent and the people who are part of agency or employing organization" } ]
[ { "docid": "2995800", "title": "30 CFR 250.286 - What is a DWOP?", "text": "(b) The DWOP process consists of two parts: a Conceptual Plan and the DWOP. Section 250.289 prescribes what the Conceptual Plan must contain, and § 250.292 prescribes what the DWOP must contain." }, { "docid": "4600079", "title": "Business Plan Template: What To Include", "text": "Business Plan Template: What To Include. All entrepreneurs and business owners should have a business plan. The very process of developing your plan helps you understand they type of business you’d like to build, and the action plan which you will need to follow." }, { "docid": "4919229", "title": "The Strategy of Succession Planning", "text": "Succession Planning Process. Succession planning is a part of the process of preparing for the future of your company. Does this mean you should only plan a succession path for your CEO? We suggest that virtually every key position and key person in your organization is a candidate for a succession plan." }, { "docid": "7754358", "title": "Acquisition ProcessAcquisition Plan", "text": "Acquisition Plan. Add to favorites. Acquisition Plan has been replaced by the Acquisition Strategy. An Acquisition Plan is a plan that documents all cost, schedule, technical, business, management, and other considerations that will govern an acquisition program and is derived from the Acquisition Strategy. It summarizes the acquisition planning discussions and identifies milestones in the acquisition process." }, { "docid": "4229027", "title": "Search Results for \"Bhubaneswar Development Authority\"", "text": "BDA to outsource building plan approval process. Real estate stakeholders in the city now have a reason to smile as Bhubaneswar Development Authority (BDA) has decided to outsource the building plan approval process for speedy disposal. December 08, 2011, Thursday | Economy & Policy." }, { "docid": "4624883", "title": "Business Transformation â a change strategy", "text": "Transformation (n) – The process or result of changing from one appearance, state, or phase to another. So in business transformation it could be said that transformational change is the process of changing from one ‘look’ to another, or one culture to another." }, { "docid": "6492294", "title": "How to Change Lanes", "text": "Next, turn on your turn signal. You want other vehicles around you to be aware that you plan on changing lanes. Do not simply flick your turn signal so that it flashes once. Two flickers isn’t enough either. Leave your turn signal on throughout the entire lane change process." }, { "docid": "1195234", "title": "-", "text": "An effective change control process is formally defined, well documented and understood. Strict advance customer notification process is followed, prior to executing the change. Sub-suppliers are required to follow a formal product qualification process and submit warrants prior to final approval of the part." }, { "docid": "5213590", "title": "How Does Arbitration Work?", "text": "Having a plan in place to settle disputes in a decisive and cost-effective manner is wise. This plan can help mitigate the emotional aspects of a disagreement, have the process moving toward a resolution, and keep the cost of a business conflict at a minimum." }, { "docid": "5305371", "title": "Zoning Overview", "text": "Zoning seeks to protect health, safety, and welfare of the general public, and is the mechanism that carries out the Land Use Plan. Every piece of property in unincorporated Fayette County is zoned. The Fayette County Zoning Ordinance contains 17 residential zoning districts, and 6 nonresidential zoning districts. Rezoning is the process by which a property owner requests to change the zoning and the use of their property." }, { "docid": "869477", "title": "Action:", "text": "This proposed rule would implement provisions of the Pension Protection Act of 2006 (PPA 2006) that change the rules for determining benefits upon the termination of a statutory hybrid plan, such as a cash balance plan. PPA 2006 provides that, when such a plan terminates, a variable rate used..." }, { "docid": "244126", "title": "Winton (English)", "text": "Winton (English) 1 Welcome to the home page for the Winton Community Plan process. 2 The process followed by Merced County to produce a Community Plan relies upon the direct and active involvement of the members of that community." }, { "docid": "8044484", "title": "Financial Statements: Pension Plans", "text": "Expected return on plan assets is similar, except the company gets to substitute an estimate of the future return on plan assets. It is important to keep in mind that this estimate is an assumption the company can tweak to change the pension expense." }, { "docid": "5532153", "title": "Lose 5 Pounds With Lemons.", "text": "The use of honey with lemon also speeds up the process dramatically. Honey is well known for its detoxing capabilities. And to have it with the lemon, cherry is on top of a wedding cake similar. So, change your diet plan and include a list of the lemons and practice to lose fat fast." }, { "docid": "893672", "title": "Organizational Change Management Planning Checklist", "text": "A complete change management approach includes a plan for engaging managers and supervisors and helping them embrace the change themselves. In addition, this plan provides managers with the tools and support they need to succeed in their role as coaches and resistance managers during the change." }, { "docid": "2259", "title": "Pregnancy if You Have Diabetes", "text": "Hormonal and other changes in your body during pregnancy affect your blood glucose levels, so you might need to change how you manage your diabetes. Even if you’ve had diabetes for years, you may need to change your meal plan, physical activity routine, and medicines." }, { "docid": "7294314", "title": "US HISTORY EXAM ANDERSON", "text": "The first written plan of government for U.S. did not succeed and was replaced after only 7 years of existence. What were its major weaknesses, and how did the decision to change the government come about?" }, { "docid": "7203643", "title": "Definition of Change Management in Context", "text": "Change management. Change management is the process, tools and techniques to manage the people side of change to achieve the required business outcome. Change management incorporates the organizational tools that can be utilized to help individuals make successful personal transitions resulting in the adoption and realization of change." }, { "docid": "3722996", "title": "-", "text": "See the following links for access to: the 2015 ocean plan, information on the ocean plan review and update process (with links to the draft ocean plan released in September 2014 and other relevant documents), ocean plan data, the final 2009 Massachusetts Ocean Management Plan, and the 2009 draft ocean plan and related documents." }, { "docid": "6618583", "title": "Modulate Centrifugal Pump Capacity", "text": "Reducing the impellers diameter is a permanent change and the method can be used where the change in process demand is not temporary. The method may be energy efficient if the motor is changed and the energy consumption reduced." }, { "docid": "1510441", "title": "10.2 Phase Transitions: Melting, Boiling, and Subliming", "text": "10.7 kJ. 1 Temperature does not change during a phase change. 2 The process of a liquid becoming a gas is called boiling; the process of a solid becoming a gas is called sublimation." }, { "docid": "4910122", "title": "How many devices can be used on one Netflix account?", "text": "Here it shows you that the $7.99 plan can stream on 2 devices simultaneously and the $11.99 plan can stream on 4 devices simultaneously. It also says on the bottom of the change settings page that ALL PLANS OFFER: NETFLIX ON AS MANY DEVICES AS YOU WANT." }, { "docid": "31525", "title": "Case management expectations", "text": "The case management flag automatically changes to “yes” when a new plan is created and when a worker updates the plan review date. A worker must change the case management flag to “yes” any other time a TCM-qualifying action is taken." }, { "docid": "2700077", "title": "-", "text": "Action Plan (IAP). The primary phases of the planning process are essentially the same for the Incident. Commander who develops the initial plan, for the Incident Commander and Operations. Section Chief revising the initial plan for extended operations, and for the incident." }, { "docid": "21568", "title": "Architectural plan", "text": "In the field of architecture an architectural plan is a design and planning for a building, and can contain architectural drawings, specifications of the design, calculations, time planning of the building process, and other documentation. 1 1 The term Architectural plan. 2 Architectural plan aspects." }, { "docid": "5041996", "title": "9 Critical Steps for Successful Pay For Performance Compensation Plans", "text": "Expect this to be an ongoing and iterative process. Refresh your plan each year based on business conditions and updated goals and objectives. If this is your first pay-for-performance plan, start out by piloting a plan in a segment of your business. 8) Communicate with employees on all aspects of performance.Use the pay-for-performance plan as one component of your ongoing communications with employees. Provide ongoing feedback to all participants.Use progress updates, recognition for both small and large wins, and other reinforcements for results achieved.9) Finally, remember the plan is not an end unto itself.xpect this to be an ongoing and iterative process. Refresh your plan each year based on business conditions and updated goals and objectives. If this is your first pay-for-performance plan, start out by piloting a plan in a segment of your business. 8) Communicate with employees on all aspects of performance." }, { "docid": "8125921", "title": "-", "text": "Account . Dashboard; Change Plan; Change Add-Ons; Account History; My Boost Profile" }, { "docid": "857852", "title": "-", "text": "One or more participants in the planning process may view an MBO plan as something that will be done regardless of what happens. Our initiation into the MBO process started with a review of the hospital's mission statement and objectives, which were posted in the laboratory for everyone to read." }, { "docid": "7680511", "title": "-", "text": "Create a Real Estate Marketing Plan. Real estate is an exciting industry because you not only have to market your business to sellers, you have to market sellers' properties to buyers. You can simplify the process and lay the foundation for future success with a thorough marketing plan. The real estate marketing planning process." }, { "docid": "3855766", "title": "Reduce a Change Request Process Cycle Time by 50 Percent", "text": "Project Inception. The cycle time to implement a change request doubled from 10 days to 20 days when the IS position that managed the change-request process was eliminated. The interim solution included giving additional tasks to existing IS resources in the process." } ]
what is the plate tectonic of the rainforest
[ { "docid": "3811509", "title": "Tropical Rain ForestsHome Animals Plants Climate Landforms Research Quiz", "text": "Mountains are a landform that is formed by the Earth's tectonic plates crashing into one another. The highest Tropical Rainforest mountain is the Pica da Neblina located in the Amazon Rainforest.his 6% of land features mountains, valleys, flood plains, streams, rivers, and a little bit of wetlands. It also contains high and lowlands, beaches, as well as some karsts. A mountains the natural elevation on the Earth's crust that is caused by the Earth's moving tectonic plates crashing into each other." } ]
[ { "docid": "5300613", "title": "Divergent boundary", "text": "In plate tectonics, a Divergent boundary or divergent plate boundary (also known as a constructive boundary or an extensional boundary) is a linear feature that exists between … two tectonic plates that are moving away from each other. These areas can form on the end of continents but eventually form ocean basins." }, { "docid": "2231196", "title": "-", "text": "Figure 1—Ocean-continent subduction zone. tectonic plate) is comprised of the crust and upper mantle. down-going plate is greatly exaggerated. Sumatra (red barbs show direction of down-going plate). plates are moving in opposite directions. plate in this example." }, { "docid": "4316222", "title": "The Science of Earthquakes", "text": "We call these puzzle pieces tectonic plates, and the edges of the plates are called the plate boundaries. The plate boundaries are made up of many faults, and most of the earthquakes around the world occur on these faults. Since the edges of the plates are rough, they get stuck while the rest of the plate keeps moving." }, { "docid": "1138049", "title": "Pacaya", "text": "The Pacaya volcano is a part of the Central American Volcanic Arc, a chain of volcanoes stretching from the northwest to the southeast along the Pacific coast of Central America, formed by the tectonic subduction of the Cocos Tectonic Plate beneath the Caribbean Plate." }, { "docid": "3567881", "title": "-", "text": "Definition of TRANSFORM FAULT. : a strike-slip fault that occurs typically between segments of a mid-ocean ridge or other tectonic-plate boundary and that is characterized by shallow high-magnitude earthquakes. ADVERTISEMENT." }, { "docid": "2173360", "title": "-", "text": "Map showing Earth's plate boundaries. Active volcanoes generally occur close to the major tectonic plate boundaries. Many are located along the Earth's plate boundaries. Active volcanoes are rare in Australia because there are no plate boundaries on this continent." }, { "docid": "855061", "title": "earths interior and plate tectonics vocab", "text": "In plate tectonics, a divergent boundary or divergent plate boundary (also known as a constructive boundary or an extensional boundary) is a linear feature that exists between two tectonic plates that are moving away from each other.n plate tectonics, a divergent boundary or divergent plate boundary (also known as a constructive boundary or an extensional boundary) is a linear feature that exists between two tectonic plates that are moving away from each other." }, { "docid": "3054189", "title": "Tectonic Plates and Plate Boundaries", "text": "There are three main types of plate boundaries: 1. Convergent boundaries: where two plates are colliding. Subduction zones occur when one or both of the tectonic plates are composed of oceanic crust. The denser plate is subducted underneath the less dense plate." }, { "docid": "5314399", "title": "Pacific Plate", "text": "The Pacific Plate is an oceanic tectonic plate that lies beneath the Pacific Ocean. At 103 million square kilometers, it is the largest tectonic plate.he Pacific Plate is an oceanic tectonic plate that lies beneath the Pacific Ocean. At 103 million square kilometers, it is the largest tectonic plate." }, { "docid": "3936269", "title": "-", "text": "A: Subduction is a geological process that takes place at the boundaries between tectonic plates in which one plate is forced underneath another. Subduction occurs when the massive pressures of entire continental or oceanic tectonic plates collide, over the course of millennia, and one slowly is subsumed underneath the other." }, { "docid": "4520162", "title": "East African Rift", "text": "The rift is a narrow zone that is a developing divergent tectonic plate boundary, in which the African Plate is in the process of splitting into two tectonic plates, called the Somali Plate and the Nubian Plate, at a rate of 6–7 mm annually.he East African Rift (EAR) is an active continental rift zone in East Africa. The EAR began developing around the onset of the Miocene, 22–25 million years ago." }, { "docid": "6076324", "title": "plate tectonics", "text": "1. Pangea - (plate tectonics) a hypothetical continent including all the landmass of the earth prior to the Triassic period when it split into Laurasia and Gondwanaland. Pangaea. plate tectonic theory, plate tectonics, tectonics-the branch of geology studying the folding and faulting of the earth's crust.1 Facebook.. Pangea - (plate tectonics) a hypothetical continent including all the landmass of the earth prior to the Triassic period when it split into Laurasia and Gondwanaland. Pangaea. plate tectonic theory, plate tectonics, tectonics-the branch of geology studying the folding and faulting of the earth's crust." }, { "docid": "1900899", "title": "Plate tectonics", "text": "plate tectonics The roles that convection currents and other forces play in the movement of Earth's tectonic plates. © MinuteEarth; The process of plate tectonics may be driven by convection in Earth’s mantle, the pull of heavy old pieces of crust into the mantle, or some combination of both." }, { "docid": "4668736", "title": "-", "text": "The process of magma formation is different at each type of plate. boundary, where the tectonic setting is unique. Therefore, the. composition of magma differs in each of these settings. As a result, tectonic settings determine the types of volcanoes that form and the. types of eruptions that take place." }, { "docid": "3175375", "title": "About Plate Tectonics", "text": "Geologists have an explanation—a scientific theory—of how the Earth's surface behaves called plate tectonics. Tectonics means large-scale structure. So plate tectonics says that the large-scale structure of the Earth's outer shell is a set of plates. (see the map). Tectonic Plates." }, { "docid": "4196727", "title": "Divergent boundary", "text": "In plate tectonics, a divergent boundary or divergent plate boundary (also known as a constructive boundary or an extensional boundary) is a linear feature that exists between two tectonic plates that are moving away from each other. Divergent boundaries within continents initially produce rifts which eventually become rift valleys." }, { "docid": "2605641", "title": "San Andreas Fault", "text": "Map of the San Andreas Fault, showing relative motion. The San Andreas Fault is a continental transform fault that extends roughly 1300 km (810 miles) through California. It forms the tectonic boundary between the Pacific Plate and the North American Plate, and its motion is right-lateral strike-slip (horizontal).ap of the San Andreas Fault, showing relative motion. The San Andreas Fault is a continental transform fault that extends roughly 1300 km (810 miles) through California. It forms the tectonic boundary between the Pacific Plate and the North American Plate, and its motion is right-lateral strike-slip (horizontal)." }, { "docid": "2399647", "title": "-", "text": "In geology, subduction is the process that takes place at convergent boundaries by which one tectonic plate moves under another tectonic plate and sinks into the mantle as the plates converge. Regions where this process occurs are known as subduction zones.olcanoes that occur above subduction zones, such as Mount St. Helens, Mount Etna and Mount Fuji, lie at approximately one hundred kilometres from the trench in arcuate chains, hence the term volcanic arc." }, { "docid": "3150001", "title": "-", "text": "Studies of the mountain ranges and the mapping of plate boundaries associated with plate tectonics give us a picture of the process of mountain building. A unique feature of the Earth in the solar system is the presence of linear mountain ranges caused by the convergent boundary of two tectonic plates." }, { "docid": "2504563", "title": "Which plate boundaries can produce volcanoes?", "text": "Answers. Best Answer: The great majority of seismicity on the planet occurs at plate boundaries. Where plate pull apart slide by each other or collide, there is tectonic activity manifested as earthquakes. Volcanism is associated with two of the plate boundary types: divergent and convergent margins. Where two plates containing continental crust at their margins collide, there is little or no volcanism (such as at the Himalaya)." }, { "docid": "6144285", "title": "-", "text": "Volcanoes only occur on the boundaries between tectonic plates, and this is the same for earthquakes. this is why there are many volcanoes and earthquakes in Indonesia and the … south east Asia region, but very few any where in Europe or Antarctica. So volcanoes don't occur within a tectonic plate." }, { "docid": "5300616", "title": "-", "text": "(Answer #1). The 3 types of tectonic plate boundaries are convergent, transform, and divergent. A convergent boundary is one where two plates are moving toward each other. Typically one plate is forced beneath the other (ex: the Andes mountains and the Japanese islands)." }, { "docid": "3879717", "title": "San Andreas Fault", "text": "Map of the San Andreas Fault, showing relative motion. The San Andreas Fault is a continental transform fault that extends roughly 1300 km (810 miles) through California. It forms the tectonic boundary between the Pacific Plate and the North American Plate, and its motion is right-lateral strike-slip (horizontal)." }, { "docid": "2515913", "title": "Earth Science in Maine", "text": "Section 2 Types of Volcanoes Key Concept Tectonic plate motions can result in volcanic activity at plate boundaries. What You Will Learn • Nonexplosive eruptions of basaltic magma occur at divergent boundaries.s a result, tectonic settings determine the types of volcanoes that form and the types of eruptions that take place. Volcanoes at Divergent Boundaries At divergent boundaries, plates move away from each other." }, { "docid": "1068162", "title": "-", "text": "Plate Tectonic Theory. Plate tectonics is the theory that explains the global distribution of geological phenomena. Principally it refers to the movement and interaction of the earth's lithosphere." }, { "docid": "7277330", "title": "Ocean Trenches", "text": "Ocean Trenches. Introduction Ocean trenches are natural tectonic plate boundaries between two crustal plates. When a continental plate converges with an oceanic plate a subduction zone forms. The heavier oceanic plate subducts beneath the lighter continental plate forming a trench." }, { "docid": "5205460", "title": "What plate boundary does Mount Kilimanjaro lie on?", "text": "Here is a map showing the rift valley and the surrounding tectonic plates. Kilimanjaro is to the south-east of L. Victoria. and you can see that it lies totally in the African Plate. http://www.answersincreation.org/curricu..." }, { "docid": "4059506", "title": "Tsunami Geology - What Causes a Tsunami?", "text": "Subduction Zones are Potential Tsunami Locations Most tsunamis are caused by earthquakes generated in a subduction zone, an area where an oceanic plate is being forced down into the mantle by plate tectonic forces." }, { "docid": "1696363", "title": "-", "text": "A: The three primary causes for tectonic plate movement are the convection of material in the mantle, gravity and the rotation of the planet. These forces cause each of the seven major plates and numerous other microplates to move independently of the others at a rate of a few centimeters per year. Know More." }, { "docid": "1726134", "title": "-", "text": "A final issue with the distribution of seismic and volcanic events is that there is evidence of volcanoes away from plate boundaries. This is evident in the UK, such as at Arthur’s Seat in Edinburgh (extinct volcano) and the Whin Sill Dyke in England.hus, plate tectonic theory explains why seismic and tectonic events occur at plate boundaries, what before any understanding, were perceived to be imaginary lines. However, there are some issues with this statement." } ]
what is the population of philippines
[ { "docid": "3674165", "title": "Total Population of the Philippines 2018", "text": "According to the Commission on Population (POPCOM) of the Philippines, the estimated total population of the Philippines as of January 13, 2016 is 102,467,483. 2015. According to the Commission on Population (POPCOM) of the Philippines, the estimated total population of the Philippines as of January 1, 2015 is 100,730,309. It still ranks as the 12th most populated countries in the world." } ]
[ { "docid": "6196608", "title": "-", "text": "1 Philippine Eagle in Global Raptor Information Network. 2 The Philippine Eagle was named the national bird of the Philippines in 1995. 3 The Philippine Eagle is one of the rarest birds in the world, with an estimated population of fewer than than 500 individuals. Shooting is one of the main causes of death." }, { "docid": "4556481", "title": "-", "text": "Map of the Philippines. The Rotary Club of South Davao is located in Davao City which is in the Southern Philippines. The people here are warm and welcoming and it is regarded as one of the most safe and liveable cities in the Philippines." }, { "docid": "4611114", "title": "Where is the Philippines located?", "text": "in Asia The island nation of the Philippines can be found of the coast of mainland Asia in the Pacific ocean. It is officially called The Republic of the Philippines.It is lo … cated between 116 degrees, and 126 degrees east longitude and 4 degrees and 21 degrees north latitude.n Asia The island nation of the Philippines can be found of the coast of mainland Asia in the Pacific ocean. It is officially called The Republic of the Philippines." }, { "docid": "2152094", "title": "Indian Immigrants in the United States", "text": "Between 2007 and 2008, the Indian foreign-born population surpassed the Chinese and Hong Kong-born population to become the third largest immigrant group in the United States after immigrants from Mexico and the Philippines (see Table 1; see also the pie charts showing the top 10 countries of birth of immigrants residing in the United States over time here.)." }, { "docid": "8011682", "title": "How to start a business in the Philippines for $125", "text": "Expat entrepreneurs who wish to start a business in the Philippines can do so with $125 in paid-up capital – with one caveat. Reporting from: Manila, Philippines. The Philippines has been experiencing solid growth of 6% as it grows along with much of southeast Asia.t’s a booming business expected to double. One contact of mine says he sees a bubble there, but also says the industry keeps finding new ways to innovate and expand. For a mere US$125 in paid-up capital, you can be off and running as an employee of your own Filipino company." }, { "docid": "4029186", "title": "Philippines Reverse Phone Lookup", "text": "We hope that our area code reverse lookup tool has been of help in finding country code 63, the country code for Philippines.f you have received a telephone call or number to call from country code 63, then the country from which that call originated is Philippines. This reverse phone lookup information helps you get specific dialing instructions from your country to Philippines below." }, { "docid": "7218584", "title": "What Is the Postal Code of the Philippines?", "text": "Two examples of postal zip codes in the Philippines are 2821 for Lacub in Abra and 1214 for Cembo in Makati. According to the Philippines Zip Code Directory, two groups of zip codes exist in the... Two examples of postal zip codes in the Philippines are 2821 for Lacub in Abra and 1214 for Cembo in Makati. According to the Philippines Zip Code Directory, two groups of zip codes exist in the Philippines: provincial zip codes and metro manila zip codes. Continue Reading" }, { "docid": "2669065", "title": "Some Interesting Facts About Hawaii", "text": "1 Hawaii is the most isolated population center on the face of the earth. 2 Hawaii is 2,390 miles from California; 3,850 miles from Japan; 4,900 miles from China; and 5,280 miles from the Philippines. 3 Hawaii is the only state that grows coffee." }, { "docid": "2022148", "title": "Philippines Population 2018", "text": "Philippines Largest Cities. The Philippines' largest city is Quezon City, which contains 2,679,450 people. It forms a part of the wider Metropolitan Manila area, which is comprised of 16 cities and has an overall population of 11,553,427 people." }, { "docid": "3217886", "title": "-", "text": "Things to Do in Ilocos Norte Province, Philippines - Ilocos Norte Province Attractions." }, { "docid": "7960803", "title": "Mayon, Philippines-StefaniKeller", "text": "Mayon, Philippines Type of Volcano:Stratovolcano Geographic Location:Philippines Type of plate boundary: Convergent Name, distance, and population of nearest major city (cities):Mayon Volcano, in the province of Alby, Philippines, 10km (6miles) from the Gulf of Alby, in the Cities and Municipalities of Legazpi City. Date of most recent eruption:2006" }, { "docid": "3447614", "title": "Philippines", "text": "The Philippines has an area of 343,448 square kilometers (132,606 sq mi) and, as of 2015, had a population of approximately 101 million. As of January 2018, it was the eighth-most populated country in Asia and the 12th most populated country in the world." }, { "docid": "3371790", "title": "Southeast Asia", "text": "The South China Sea is the major body of water within Southeast Asia. The Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei, Indonesia, Singapore, and Vietnam have integral rivers that flow into the South China Sea.omo floresiensis also lived in the area up until 12,000 years ago, when they became extinct. Austronesian people, who form the majority of the modern population in Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei, East Timor, and the Philippines, may have migrated to Southeast Asia from Taiwan." }, { "docid": "553404", "title": "Rita's Franchise", "text": "Rita's Italian Ice today announced it has signed its third international franchise agreement. The new Master Franchise Agreement will expand the brand into the Philippines and is with the Philippines Cool Planet Delights Corp. The goal is to open five Rita's Italian Ice stores simultaneously in m..." }, { "docid": "5420513", "title": "-", "text": "The Philippines is an archipelago of 7,107 islands. The Philippines consist of 7,107 islands, of which 4,000 are inhabited. The Philippines is comprised of 7107 islands and is … the worlds second largest archipelago.12 people found this useful.ositioned a mere 50 miles off the coast of Florida, the Bahamas is a 100,000 sq-mile archipelago that extends over 500 miles." }, { "docid": "7922395", "title": "-", "text": "Related QuestionsMore Answers Below. Is there anyway to renew passports if my 2 kids are in the Philippines and my Mom won't give me their passports? I'm living now in America and I want to take vacation in the Philippines, but my passport expires 1 month after my vacation." }, { "docid": "3131753", "title": "Philippine independence declared", "text": "In 1935, the Commonwealth of the Philippines was established with U.S. approval, and Manuel Quezon was elected the country’s first president. On July 4, 1946, full independence was granted to the Republic of the Philippines by the United States." }, { "docid": "5043276", "title": "Spanish American War", "text": "Defeating Spain in the Philippines. T he opening battle of the Spanish American War took place in the Philippines. As soon as the United States declared war, Commodore George Dewey led his Asiatic squadron from Hong Kong to the Philippines. With the words, You may fire when you are ready, Gridley, Commodore Dewey ordered Captain Charles V. Gridley to fire on the Spanish fleet in Manila Bay." }, { "docid": "4600316", "title": "How much is first class cost in the Philippines for a 9 year old. School in manila area. Is it 24k pesos year?", "text": "How much is first class cost in the Philippines for a 9 year old. Girlfriend is putting her 9 year old son in five star school education ion the Philippines. For the whole year is it really 24k pesos are more. I thought it cost more than 600.00 dollars a year.If it is the price...will pay ASAP.irlfriend is putting her 9 year old son in five star school education ion the Philippines. For the whole year is it really 24k pesos are more. I thought it cost more than 600.00 dollars a year." }, { "docid": "3908858", "title": "Where is The Philippines?", "text": "The population of The Philippines is 103,775,002 (2012) and the nation has a density of 348 people per square kilometer. The currency of The Philippines is the Philippine Peso (PHP). As well, the people of The Philippines are refered to as Philippine." }, { "docid": "7253524", "title": "How long did it take for Spain to colonize Mexico and the Philippines?", "text": "Philippines Colonization The name Philippines is a clue. The Philippines were colonized by Spain during the reign of Phillip II King of Spain 1556 to 1598. Edit" }, { "docid": "3749304", "title": "Holcim hikes cement prices in the Philippines", "text": "Holcim hikes cement prices in the Philippines. (Manila, Philippines) — Cement maker Holcim Philippines Inc. is hiking its prices by P5 to P8 per bag in Metro Manila and Southern Luzon starting on June 21. The company said the increase will cover the higher cost of electricity in Mindanao and rising oil prices." }, { "docid": "4295377", "title": "Philippines", "text": "The Philippines has an area of 300,000 square kilometers (115,831 sq mi), and a population of approximately 100 million. It is the seventh-most populated country in Asia and the 12th most populated country in the world." }, { "docid": "4848417", "title": "Tagalog", "text": "Tagalog is one of the major languages of the Republic of the Philippines. It functions as its lingua franca and de fcto national working language of the country. It is used as the basis for the development of Filipino, the national language of the Philippines, a country with 181 documented languages." }, { "docid": "2131933", "title": "-", "text": "Philippines in the United Arab Emirates: In addition to the consulate general in Dubai, the Philippines also has an embassy in Abu Dhabi. United Arab Emirates in the Philippines: United Arab Emirates maintains an embassy in Manila." }, { "docid": "3575731", "title": "10 Best Places to Visit in the Philippines", "text": "flickr/dbgg1979. Cebu is an island province in the Philippines, consisting of the main island itself and 167 surrounding islands. Its capital, Cebu city, is the oldest in the Philippines, and home to the nation’s second international airport." }, { "docid": "8674706", "title": "10 Must See Birds of the Philippines", "text": "Monthly Newsletter of the Wild Bird Club of the Philippines. 10 Must See Birds of the Philippines. To celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the Wild Bird Club of the Philippines, Rob Hutchinson of Birdtour Asia gives us a list of the top ten must see Philippine birds. space. 10 Must See birds on the First Visit to the Philippines by Robert Hutchinson. space. 1) Philippine Eagle" }, { "docid": "6207867", "title": "-", "text": "Filipino is a prestige register of Tagalog that has been the national language of the Philippines since 1957." }, { "docid": "2097541", "title": "-", "text": "Where is Philippines located on the world map? The given Philippines location map shows that Philippines is located in the western Pacific Ocean which is part of south-east of Asia continent." }, { "docid": "7179140", "title": "-", "text": "Schedule a phone call from Manila, Philippines to California. If you live in Manila, Philippines and you want to call a friend in California, you can try calling them between 10:00 PM and 2:00 PM your time.This will be between 7AM - 11PM their time, since California (CA) is 15 hours behind Manila, Philippines.If you're available any time, but you want to reach someone in California at work, you may want to try between 12:00 AM and 8:00 AM your time.o schedule a conference call or plan a meeting at the best time for both parties, you should try between 8:00 AM and 9:00 AM your time in Manila, Philippines. That will end up being between 5:00 PM and 6:00 PM in California." } ]
what is the primary objective of business?
[ { "docid": "4697559", "title": "The main objective of the business is to earn profit.", "text": "Profit making should be the primary objective of the business because of the following reasons: I. Profit is essential for the growth of business enterprise. Profit is regarded as the main source of growth for business enterprise because it provides finance for expansion and diversification." } ]
[ { "docid": "1783206", "title": "X-Y Matrix", "text": "X-Y Matrix. The X-Y Matrix is a Six Sigma tool mostly used during the DMAIC measure phase and the DMADV measure phase to show the relationship between X and Y factors. It may also be used to determine the objective of the FMEA (Failure Mode and Effects Analysis) study or determine the primary factors of a designed experiment like the DOE plan." }, { "docid": "1233872", "title": "-", "text": "Objective: To compare the effectiveness of both instruments in reaching a heart rate of ≥ 100 bpm in depressed newborns of ≥ 26 weeks' gestational age (GA) after the initiation of positive pressure ventilation (PPV) with face mask. Primary Outcome: Proportion of newborns with HR ≥ 100 bpm at 2 minutes of life." }, { "docid": "3293543", "title": "-", "text": "Linear programming is an extremely general technique, and its applications are limited mainly by our imaginations and our ingenuity. The objective function indicates how much each variable contributes to the value to be optimized in the problem. The objective function takes the following general form:" }, { "docid": "1837474", "title": "Release and Deployment Management", "text": "Objective: ITIL Release and Deployment Management aims to plan, schedule and control the movement of releases to test and live environments. The primary goal of Release Management and Deployment Management is to ensure that the integrity of the live environment is protected and that the correct components are released." }, { "docid": "200395", "title": "Writing Realistic Fiction The Goal of every Fiction Writer.", "text": "Creating realistic fiction should be the primary objective of every fiction writer. Because experiencing realistic fiction is the primary desire of every reader. And writers write, to serve the needs and desires of readers." }, { "docid": "4030530", "title": "2013 Study: 79% Of Consumers Trust Online Reviews As Much As Personal Recommendations", "text": "How Do Online Customer Reviews Affect Your Opinion Of A Local Business? 73% of consumers say positive customer reviews make them trust a business more (up from 58% in 2012) Only 12% of consumers said they take no notice of online reviews (down from 17% in 2012)" }, { "docid": "4617318", "title": "-", "text": "The primary objective of the Accounts Payable System (AP System) by Legler Systems is to process accounts payable information in an online processing environment, so specific online end-user procedures are performed in seconds rather than the hours required by traditional batch methods of computer processing." }, { "docid": "2435269", "title": "Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan", "text": "As an intervention programme, SSA has been operational since 2000-2001. However, its roots go back to 1993-1994, when the District Primary Education Programme (DPEP) was launched, with a aim of achieving the objective of universal primary education. DPEP, over several phases, covered 272 districts in 18 states of the country." }, { "docid": "4692689", "title": "Objectives of the Product Life Cycle", "text": "For products, the life cycle consists of introduction, growth, maturity and decline. A manufacturer's marketing objectives for a product often depend upon what stage of the life cycle the product has entered. When a company introduces a new product to the marketplace, its primary objective is to create a market for it." }, { "docid": "4140766", "title": "What Is the Main Goal of a Publicly-Owned Company?", "text": "While arguing against making profits as the primary goal of a publicly-owned company is difficult, pointing out that many public companies now balance that objective with renewed emphasis on social objectives is fair. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has evolved significantly in the early 21st century." }, { "docid": "4093868", "title": "Achievements in your CV", "text": "Achievements are defined by: Describing what was used to reach the objective.What objective was reached. An achievement means that a particular objective has been reached. Achievements are defined by: 1 Describing what was used to reach the objective.2 What objective was reached.nly CVs that have impressed the employer will make it to this stage. When recruiting people, employers reduce the CV list to around forty or fifty candidates. The difference between the chosen candidates and the others is a well presented CV and cover letter." }, { "docid": "7044202", "title": "-", "text": "The SBI Group is establishing the System Joint Venture with LG CNS with the primary objective of realizing a substantial reduction in system costs for the SBI Group's wide-ranging overseas and domestic financial services businesses." }, { "docid": "5001582", "title": "-", "text": "Second, be sure you know the difference between the Objective and the Summary. The Objective is a resume heading followed by a concise statement of what type of job you want. The Summary, on the other hand, is a heading that consists of a few bullets that highlight what background you have to offer." }, { "docid": "6454940", "title": "-", "text": "What is an Independent Registered Respiratory Therapist Contractor? A self employed Respiratory Therapist that provides his/her services to healthcare facilities for a certain fee bypassing the agency. How do I make money from this business? Two ways to make money in this business." }, { "docid": "5926561", "title": "9+ General Resume Objective Samples", "text": "Basic General Job Resume Objective Sample. You should definitely include a resume objective statement in your resume when you apply for a job to ensure that you can break the ice at the first attempt. Browse the website for Resume Objective Samples and you can follow any of the formats presented in the portal when you craft your resume." }, { "docid": "7230709", "title": "Best Coding Language to Learn for Games", "text": "You could learn Swift, the replacement language for Objective C. Apple even put out free books online and classes on iTunes University to get people to use it. There are not as many resources for how to develop games for it. And I do not want to use Apple. So learn Java, because that’s the primary platform for mobile games on Android." }, { "docid": "3753651", "title": "Clinical Psychology", "text": "The primary objective of the ABCP Board Certification process is to recognize, certify, and promote competence in the specialty. Clinical Psychology is both a general practice and a health service provider specialty in professional psychology." }, { "docid": "8120981", "title": "-", "text": "THE OBJECTIVE OF AUDIT INDEPENDENCE The immediate role of audit independence is to serve the audit. It makes the audit more effective by providing assurance that the auditor will plan and execute the audit objectively. So the larger purpose of audit independence, its objective, must be sought in the objective of the audit. The immediate objective of the audit is to improve the reliability of information used for" }, { "docid": "1525335", "title": "-", "text": "What was the primary objective of the efforts to reform the country's civil service in the late 1800s? The primary objective to reform civil service in the late 1800s was to hire government workers based on merit, through education and testing, rather than which party the appli…cant supported." }, { "docid": "3665892", "title": "Planetary Science Spacecraft", "text": "The Mars Pathfinder was the second of NASA's low-cost planetary Discovery missions to be launched.The mission consists of a stationary lander and a surface rover. The mission had the primary objective of demonstrating the feasibility of low-cost landings on and exploration of the Martian surface.he Mars Pathfinder was the second of NASA's low-cost planetary Discovery missions to be launched." }, { "docid": "2806661", "title": "Evaluating Pain Intervention Effectiveness and Compliance", "text": "It is the contention of this paradigm that potent opioids should not be used unless objective physical signs of severe, chronic pain are present. Furthermore, treatment effectiveness needs to be objective, and this may be done, in great part, by monitoring objective physical signs." }, { "docid": "7586776", "title": "CAN-SPAM Act: A Compliance Guide for Business", "text": "Do you use email in your business? The CAN-SPAM Act, a law that sets the rules for commercial email, establishes requirements for commercial messages, gives recipients the right to have you stop emailing them, and spells out tough penalties for violations." }, { "docid": "630806", "title": "Mens rea", "text": "(b) objective, where the requisite mens rea element is imputed to the accused, on the basis that a reasonable person would have had the mental element in the same circumstances (for negligence); or. (c) hybrid, where the test is both subjective and objective." }, { "docid": "7628646", "title": "Step 5: Your Resume Job Objective", "text": "Having an official job objective statement near the top of a resume is optional. It can, however, be very useful, especially if one of the following applies: You're making a major career change and without an objective statement the reader might assume you want to continue in your former line of work." }, { "docid": "8098058", "title": "Examples of Resume Objectives", "text": "Understanding the Objective Statement. An objective is a short statement that clarifies your goals regarding the type of employment desired and how your skills make you a good fit. In most cases, a resume objective is just one or two sentences long. Some professional resume writers refer to an objective statement as a focus statement. Your resume objective should be included below your name and contact information. It is not necessary to highlight the section with a heading that says Objective or Focus Statement." }, { "docid": "4499407", "title": "-", "text": "Understanding Primary Sources: The Justinian Code. Objective: Students analyze a section of the Justinian Code and collaborate to create a new set of laws for the class. Reference books and videos on the Roman Empire and its contributions -- see our Unit 1 Bibliography for suggestions." }, { "docid": "1925527", "title": "-", "text": "Objective: To develop clinical practice guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of patients. with primary aldosteronism. Participants: The Task Force comprised a chair, selected by the Clinical Guidelines. Subcommittee (CGS) of The Endocrine Society, six additional experts, one methodologist, and a." }, { "docid": "1668804", "title": "Pennsylvania Small Business Development Centers (SBDC)", "text": "What is the Pennsylvania Small Business Development Center (SBDC)? How can the SBDC help someone just thinking of starting a business? Do you have to be in business to use the services of the Small Business Development Center? My business has been established for some time. How can the SBDC help me?" }, { "docid": "3304069", "title": "Objective fact?", "text": "· just now. Report Abuse. Objective fact is a statement without personal opinion or bias (which would make it subjective). An example might be that the earth travels round the sun, this is not a matter of opinion but an objective statement of fact." }, { "docid": "6432457", "title": "Primary source", "text": "In scholarly writing, the objective of classifying sources is to determine the independence and reliability of sources. Though the terms primary source and secondary source originated in historiography as a way to trace the history of historical ideas, they have been applied to many other fields." } ]
cause of alcohol-induced amnestic disorder
[ { "docid": "5528798", "title": "Korsakoff's syndrome", "text": "Korsakoff's syndrome. a mental disorder associated with chronic alcoholism and caused by vitamin B 1 (thiamine) deficiency; it is the amnestic component of the wernicke-korsakoff syndrome." } ]
[ { "docid": "903123", "title": "Intellectual Disability", "text": "There are many causes of intellectual disability, factors include physical, genetic and/or social. The most common syndromes associated with intellectual disability are autism, Down syndrome, Fragile X syndrome and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)." }, { "docid": "5699934", "title": "Alprazolam (Xanax)", "text": "Alprazolam is a benzodiazepine. It is approved for the treatment of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) and panic disorder with or without agoraphobia. However, benzodiazepines are also commonly used to treat difficulty sleeping and alcohol withdrawal." }, { "docid": "2330766", "title": "Which are stronger intermolecular forces: ionic bonds or hydrogen bonds? [closed]", "text": "Stronger than van der Waals' forces, namely (ordained by strength): 1 Permanent dipole - permanent dipole (Keesom's Force); 2 Permanent dipole - induced dipole (Debye force); 3 induced dipole - induced dipole (London's dispersion force);" }, { "docid": "1963065", "title": "hypothermia", "text": "low body temperature; it may be symptomatic of a disease or disorder of the temperature-regulating mechanism of the body, may be due to exposure to cold, or may be induced for certain surgical procedures or as a therapeutic measure." }, { "docid": "3374603", "title": "Effects of long-term benzodiazepine use", "text": "In addition, chronic use of benzodiazepines is a risk factor for blepharospasm. Drug-induced symptoms that resemble withdrawal-like effects can occur on a set dosage as a result of prolonged use, also documented with barbiturate-like substances, as well as alcohol and benzodiazepines." }, { "docid": "7546307", "title": "ALCOHOL AND OTHER DRUGS", "text": "Nineteen percent of college students between the ages of 18 and 24 met the criteria for an alcohol use disorder, but only 5 percent of these students sought treatment for alcohol problems in the year preceding the survey." }, { "docid": "7886132", "title": "Drug overdose: how much is too much", "text": "Overdose is the most serious of all side effects. Drug War Facts notes alcohol-induced deaths are on the rise, with the tally reaching 27,762 in 2012, up from 25,692 in 2010. There is no one set amount of alcohol that is safe for all persons to consume. Much of the way alcohol affects you is individual." }, { "docid": "6602422", "title": "Aspirin vs Flexeril", "text": "There may be a negative interaction between Aspirin and alcohol. There may be a negative interaction between Flexeril and alcohol. Aspirin is approved for Pain, Headaches and Clotting Disorder and is mostly mentioned together with these indications. In addition, it is taken to prevent Miscarriage and Blood Clots. Flexeril is prescribed for Pain and is mostly mentioned together with this indication." }, { "docid": "623116", "title": "Causes of Auditory hallucinations", "text": "A simple discussion of these causes with additional information is below. Causes of Auditory hallucinations: The following medical conditions are some of the possible causes of Auditory hallucinations. There are likely to be other possible causes, so ask your doctor about your symptoms. Alcohol withdrawal; Anticholinergics; Schizoaffective disorder" }, { "docid": "1448978", "title": "-", "text": "Tumor-induced osteomalacia. Tumor-induced osteomalacia.. Tumor-induced osteomalacia: computed tomography." }, { "docid": "2500190", "title": "-", "text": "Low-risk drinking. Only about 2% of drinkers in this group has an alcohol use disorder. A U.S. standard drink contains about 0.6 fluid ounces or 14 grams of pure alcohol. That's the amount in 12 ounces of regular beer, 5 ounces of table wine, or 1.5 ounces of 80-proof distilled spirits." }, { "docid": "6449102", "title": "National Seminar on Value Added Dairy Products", "text": "Many Soma users abuse it with Vicodin because the drug induced 'high' is very similar to the 'high' they receive when abusing heroin. Combining Soma or Carisoprodol with Alcohol is also quite common and prevalent as well as dangerous." }, { "docid": "7684481", "title": "Hypersomnolence", "text": "Hypersomnia Causes Hypersomnia may be caused by another sleep disorder (such as narcolepsy or sleep apnea), dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system, or drug or alcohol abuse. In some cases it results from a physical problem, such as a tumor, head trauma, or injury to the central nervous system. Certain medications, or medicine withdrawal, may also cause hypersomnia. Medical conditions including multiple sclerosis, depression, encephalitis, epilepsy, or obesity may contribute to the disorder." }, { "docid": "2639741", "title": "psychosis", "text": "It is also the defining feature of schizophrenia, schizophreniform disorder, schizoaffective disorder, delusional disorder, and the psychotic disorders (i.e., brief psychotic disorder, shared psychotic disorder, psychotic disorder due to a general medical condition, and substance-induced psychotic disorder)." }, { "docid": "547037", "title": "Bipolar Disorder and Addiction", "text": "Symptoms of bipolar disorder such as anxiety, pain, depression and sleeplessness are so alarming, that many individuals will turn to drugs and alcohol as a means for offsetting the discomfort, if only for a little while." }, { "docid": "2962561", "title": "Who invented induced currents?", "text": "Current is not induced into a coil. It's voltage that is induced into a coil. If the coil is connected to a load, or even short circuited, then a current will flow as a result … of the induced voltage-but it's the voltage, not the resulting current, that's induced!oltage (emf) causes current flow, and this induced voltage will cause a current that is called the induced current … . We might also add that the induced current will cause a magnetic field to expand about the current path, and this field will sweep the conductor." }, { "docid": "1528012", "title": "-", "text": "The weak intermolecular bonds in liquids and solids are therefore often called van der Waals forces. These forces can be divided into three categories: (1) dipole-dipole, (2) dipole-induced dipole, and (3) induced dipole-induced dipole." }, { "docid": "7164944", "title": "-", "text": "Alcoholism (alcohol use disorder) is a disease that affects over 14 million people in the U.S. Get the facts on the symptoms, treatment, and long-term effects of alcoholism and alcohol abuse." }, { "docid": "7828796", "title": "-", "text": "Demi went into treatment for an eating disorder and self-…mutilation. She had been cutting her wrists and other body parts since she was only 11 years old. At the worst point of her eating disorder, Demi says that she threw up five times a day. Demi Lovato did not go to rehab for drug or alcohol addiction." }, { "docid": "1723197", "title": "COMPS", "text": "Delirium, Dementia, and Amnestic and other Cognitive Disorders. where the primary difficulty is a disturbance in cognition or memory, and the etiology is assumed to be either a general medical condition or a substance (drug of abuse, medication, toxin)." }, { "docid": "7015848", "title": "-", "text": "Sentence Examples. 1 Demon-induced! she laughed. 2 He it was who induced C. W. 3 Your amnesia is trauma induced from the rape you survived six years ago. 4 The opposition which he had made to Hegel's formalism had induced some to associate him with the materialistic school, others to count him among the followers of Herbart. Indignation at the cession of Nice to France and at the neglect of his followers by the Italian government induced him to return to political life." }, { "docid": "8239961", "title": "-", "text": "Substance-induced disorders and medical illness presenting with anxiety. symptoms need to be considered before the diagnosis of any anxiety disorder. can be made. There is no lab test or imaging study that definitively makes a. psychiatric diagnosis. The physician is reliant upon her clinical judgment and." }, { "docid": "8569398", "title": "Overview", "text": "Alcohol use disorder can be mild, moderate or severe, based on the number of symptoms you experience. Alcohol use disorder can include periods of alcohol intoxication and symptoms of withdrawal. Alcohol intoxication results as the amount of alcohol in your blood stream increases." }, { "docid": "1501434", "title": "Definition", "text": "Alcohol use disorder (which includes a level that's sometimes called alcoholism) is a pattern of alcohol use that involves problems controlling your drinking, being preoccupied with alcohol, continuing to use alcohol even when it causes problems, having to drink more to get the same effect, or having withdrawal symptoms when you rapidly decrease or ..." }, { "docid": "7807302", "title": "-", "text": "Background. 1 The Neurocognitive Disorders Work Group of the American Psychiatric Association's (APA) DSM-5 Task Force began work in April 2008 on their task of proposing revisions to the criteria for the disorders referred to in DSM-IV as Delirium, Dementia, Amnestic and Other Cognitive Disorders." }, { "docid": "689592", "title": "Exercise-induced asthma", "text": "Exercise-induced asthma: Introduction. Exercise-induced asthma: Exercise-induced asthma refers to inflammation and constriction of the airways that is triggered by exercise. The severity of symptoms is variable. Exercise involving long periods of activity or is done in a cold environment is more likely to trigger asthmatic symptoms." }, { "docid": "601466", "title": "What is bipolar I disorder?", "text": "Diagnosing bipolar I disorder A person may have symptoms for years before receiving a correct diagnosis of bipolar I disorder. For many people with bipolar I disorder, the path to a diagnosis is long and hard. Causes of bipolar I disorder Scientists are working hard to find the causes of bipolar I disorder.But so far they still do not know exactly what causes it. Like other illnesses, bipolar I disorder may have several causes. Studies show that genes play a role in the disorder. 2 In someone at genetic risk for bipolar I disorder, a stressful event—such as the loss of a loved one, an illness, money problems, or other major life changes—may set off the first episode of the disorder. 3 In some people, drug or alcohol use may trigger the disorder." }, { "docid": "2530827", "title": "Bipolar Disorder Treatment", "text": "When a person with bipolar disorder is in a manic or hypomanic phase, they may believe they have no further need for treatment or medications and stop taking them. When in a depressive phase, they often return to treatment. Medication is nearly always a part of the recommended treatment course for bipolar disorder. Psychotherapy is also often recommended as a standard treatment option. People with undiagnosed bipolar disorder will sometimes self-medicate with alcohol or drugs to try and relieve their symptoms." }, { "docid": "2219708", "title": "Alcoholism", "text": "Only two of the diagnostic criteria are physiological (tolerance and withdrawal symptoms). 1 Alcohol use disorder is associated with a broad range of medical, psychiatric, and social effects, as well as legal, occupational, economic, and family problems." }, { "docid": "1667735", "title": "-", "text": "Possible causes of numbness in one or both of your hands include: Alcohol use disorder. Amyloidosis. Brachial plexus injury. Carpal tunnel syndrome (cubital tunnel syndrome) Cervical spondylosis. Ganglion cyst. Guillain-Barre syndrome." } ]
what is the process of getting soy protein isolate
[ { "docid": "4169443", "title": "Soy Protein Isolate", "text": "Soy protein isolate supplies a high quality of protein that contains all essential amino acids needed for growth. Soy protein isolate is equal in quality to animal products and is almost fat free containing less than 1 percent fat and unlike animal products contains no cholesterol and little or no saturated fat." } ]
[ { "docid": "610387", "title": "Which is Best? Soy Protein or Whey?", "text": "Soy protein is not only used for protein powders, but you can find it in salad dressings, soups, frozen desserts, baby formula, and even in pet food! It's a versatile protein, and best of all, it's vegetarian and vegan-friendly. If you have an aversion to all animal products, soy protein is your best bet.oy Protein. 1 Soy protein is made from soy beans, one of the best non-meat protein sources around. 2 Suppress your appetite. 3 Provide antioxidants to increase protection from free radicals and oxidative stress. 4 Reduce your risk of diabetes, cancer, and heart disease." }, { "docid": "1634167", "title": "Soy Burger With a Side of Toxin?", "text": "If a non-organic product contains a soy protein isolate, soy protein concentrate, or texturized vegetable protein, you can be pretty sure it was made using soy beans that were made with hexane, Cornucopia Institute senior researcher Charlotte Vallaeys told Mother Jones." }, { "docid": "798323", "title": "Good Protein Sources", "text": "Fifty grams of soy protein daily can help lower cholesterol by about 3%. Eating soy protein instead of sources of higher-fat protein -- and maintaining a healthy diet -- can be good for your heart.Lean beef has only one more gram of saturated fat than a skinless chicken breast.ating soy protein instead of sources of higher-fat protein -- and maintaining a healthy diet -- can be good for your heart. Lean beef has only one more gram of saturated fat than a skinless chicken breast." }, { "docid": "7046807", "title": "Drinking Milk During Pregnancy", "text": "While you can sometimes get great cheeses made from lower-fat, grassfed, organic milk, drinking it on a regular basis will deprive your body of valuable fat that you need, especially when you're growing a new life! Soy Milk: While soy milk is the health drink of the hour, it's actually not great for your body. Your body doesn't process soy very well unless it's fermented, which soy milk is not. Sometimes you can find a really high quality fermented soy drink, but your average soy milk from the grocery store is going to be low in nutrition, hard to digest, and most likely full of sugar and artificial flavoring." }, { "docid": "1499032", "title": "-", "text": "Cinnamon Graham wheat dairy soy Pasteurized and Cultured Skim Milk, Sugar, Corn Syrup, Whey, Nonfat Dry Milk, Natural & Artificial Vanilla Flavor, Milk Protein Isolate, Cellulose Gum, Guar Gum, Carrageenan, Modified Food Starch, Pectin, Annatto (color).ilk Chocolate dairy Pasteurized and Cultured Skim Milk, Sugar, Corn Syrup, Whey, Cocoa (processed with alkali), Nonfat Dry Milk, Natural and ArtificialFlavors, Milk Protein Isolate, Cellulose Gum, Guar Gum, Carrageenan, Modified Food Starch, Pectin." }, { "docid": "3295502", "title": "The Best Whey Protein Powder for You", "text": "FOR THE LACTOSE INTOLERANT. BiPro Whey Isolate. If you have an allergy or intolerance to dairy, plain whey concentrate protein powders are going to cause issues. Whey isolate, a purer form of whey protein, has 99.9 percent of the offending lactose removed, making it a safe bet for lactose-intolerant guys. Related: Your Definitive Guide to Protein Powders. If you're not skimping on the lactose, see why dairy truly is a Fat-Burning Food Group." }, { "docid": "2065422", "title": "-", "text": "no If the protein powder does not come from sources that the person is allergic to, no.Whey protein powders or soy are especially good for women. Also if it is used as a sole source of food it can be dangerous." }, { "docid": "6581628", "title": "The Negative Effects Of Soy Milk On Men", "text": "Health Benefits. Soy is an excellent source of protein as well as many other vitamins and minerals, so it’s no surprise that soy milk is just as nutritionally beneficial. Here are just a few of the nutrients that you’d get from drinking one cup of soy milk: 7.9 grams of protein, which is 16 percent of the Daily Value." }, { "docid": "1192702", "title": "How to Calculate Calories from Protein", "text": "Part 1. Understanding Protein Measurements. 1. Learn how much protein you need in your diet. The protein food group is an important part of the food pyramid. Foods made from meat, seafood, poultry, eggs, soy products, nuts, and seeds are considered part of the protein food group." }, { "docid": "8804787", "title": "Protein Isolation and Purification", "text": "Catalog Products » Protein Isolation and Analysis » Protein Isolation and Purification. Protein purification is a series of processes intended to isolate a single type of protein from a complex mixture. GenScript offers several systems for academic and industrial researchers to simply their protein isolation and purification tasks. Affinity chromatography resins are available for gravity/batch purification of proteins and antibodies." }, { "docid": "2917760", "title": "4 otherwise healthy foods crammed with estrogen", "text": "Soy, which packs 103,920 micrograms of estrogen per 100 grams. Low in calories and with no cholesterol, soy has been a mainstay protein of many cultures for centuries and is considered nature's perfect alternative to meat by many vegetarians and vegans." }, { "docid": "6305507", "title": "Soy protein", "text": "Soy protein is a protein that is isolated from soybean. It is made from soybean meal that has been dehulled and defatted. Dehulled and defatted soybeans are processed into three kinds of high protein commercial products: soy flour, concentrates, and isolates.oy protein is a protein that is isolated from soybean. It is made from soybean meal that has been dehulled and defatted. Dehulled and defatted soybeans are processed into three kinds of high protein commercial products: soy flour, concentrates, and isolates." }, { "docid": "5732940", "title": "Whey Protein and Constipation", "text": "Not all whey protein is the same quality. If my whey has any soy or protein bars have soy, constipation results. I have found that the hight intake of calcium( as required by my doctor) adds to the dilemma, as do white carbs. Sugar, rice, pasta, My remedy is one prune with every calcium tablet. And as said before more water, less caffeine." }, { "docid": "3604589", "title": "Choosing The Best Protein Powder For You: Some Questions To Ask Yourself!", "text": "None One Two Three Four Or More. It's also important that you're taking the time to match your protein powder selection to your goal. If you're looking for purely fat loss with your training, then you're going to want to find a protein powder that is low in calories and 100% straight protein.f you're looking for a protein powder for immediately after a workout, you want something that is as rapidly digestible as possible. A whey isolate protein powder will be a great choice for this and is typically mixed with some form of carbohydrate (dextrose or maltodextrin) to provide the glucose the muscles need." }, { "docid": "7800873", "title": "Whey protein isolate", "text": "Whey protein isolate. A whey protein isolate (often whey isolate) is a dietary supplement and food ingredient created by separating components from milk. Whey is a by-product of the cheese-making process. Whey can be processed to yield whey protein in three forms: whey isolate, whey concentrate, or whey hydrolysate." }, { "docid": "7913366", "title": "ProEnergy Premium Whey Protein Isolate - Vanilla (2 lbs)", "text": "EnergyFirst Ultimate Vanilla Protein Powder - The Best Tasting Protein. ProEnergy Premium Whey Protein Isolate - Vanilla (2 lbs) ProEnergy is made with only whey isolate from grass fed cows not treated with rBGH, the highest quality natural protein powder with the highest biological value of any protein in existence today." }, { "docid": "1913222", "title": "-", "text": "I am turning up sites that lump soy-based protein with having the same effect on the body as plant/vegetable protein. Is this because their commonality is what they lack (the amino acids found in animal protein) and so these writers just put them together to simplify their articles. If I have confused you.." }, { "docid": "2076203", "title": "-", "text": "* The average of leading cereals: 4g fiber, 3g protein per serving. Diets low in saturated fat and cholesterol that include 25 grams of soy protein a day may reduce the risk of heart disease. One serving of Kashi® GOLEAN® provides 10 grams of soy protein." }, { "docid": "8004083", "title": "-", "text": "SOY Overview Information. Soy comes from soybeans. The beans can be processed into soy protein, which is a powder; soymilk, which is a beverage that may or may not be fortified with extra calcium from the soybeans; or soy fiber, which contains some of the fibrous parts of the bean." }, { "docid": "4277395", "title": "Where to Get Your Protein", "text": "So the next time someone asks where you get your protein, you’ll be prepared. Granted, if you believe that you need 200 grams of protein a day, you’re going to find yourself consuming a lot of soy and protein powder." }, { "docid": "6915304", "title": "-", "text": "Quest Protein by Quest Nutrition is the ultimate clean whey protein isolate powder that combines the highest quality protein sources in a high protein-to-calorie ratio. Quest Protein delivers delicious flavors without the added junk for amazing taste and superior nutrition." }, { "docid": "5358316", "title": "-", "text": "Protein metabolism is a description of the physical and chemical processes that cause both the building, or synthesis, of amino acids into proteins and the breakdown, or catabolism, of proteins into amino acids.thletes may supplement their diets with protein sources such as egg white powder, whey, casein or soy. Consuming too much protein places unnecessary strain on the body. Both meat and soy proteins contain all the essential amino acids that the body requires each day." }, { "docid": "8817395", "title": "50 Healthiest Foods For Women", "text": "Among Asian populations, those who eat more soy. have up to a 70% lower risk of heart disease and. stroke compared to those who eat little soy.19,20,21. While the cholesterol-lowering ability of soy protein is. important, it can’t fully explain these huge reductions. in heart disease risk." }, { "docid": "6433496", "title": "-", "text": "Follow these suggestions when taking protein and amino acids before workout or with your pre workout supplement. When taking protein before you work out, you’ve got to keep it light. Anything more than 20 grams of protein is going to be too much. Even 20 grams can be too much depending on your size. Also, a whey isolate or low carb protein like optimums gold standard is ideal." }, { "docid": "8129300", "title": "Whey protein", "text": "Whey protein typically comes in four major forms: concentrate (WPC), isolate (WPI), hydrolysate (WPH) and Native Whey." }, { "docid": "187413", "title": "Soy Allergy Diet for Children", "text": "Breads & starches. Breads, baked goods, cereals not containing soy ingredients. Potato chips or popcorn cooked in soy oil (Note: Most soy oil does not contain soy protein, which causes soy allergy, because the soy protein is removed during processing. Thus, soy oil generally does not cause allergy symptoms." }, { "docid": "3143088", "title": "What is Spirulina?", "text": "Spirulina, which is a type of microscopic blue-green algae, gained popularity as a dietary supplement due to its high content of vitamins and minerals.It also represents a valuable source of protein, since it contains more of this nutrient than meat and soy combined. Spirulina for High Protein Diets.he complete protein found in spirulina represents between 55 and 77 percent of the dry weight of this alga. The fact that it is complete means that it includes all essential amino acids. By comparison, protein constitutes only 27 percent of meat and 34 percent of soy." }, { "docid": "5179647", "title": "Natto (Japanese Fermented Soybeans) With Rice Recipe", "text": "Natto is a traditional Japanese food of fermented soy beans. Natto soy beans are steam cooked and then fermented with a healthy bacteria known as Bacillus subtilis.The fermentation process yields a food that is high in nutrition and protein. At first glance, natto appears to be light to dark brown in color, with beans that are quite small.atto soy beans are steam cooked and then fermented with a healthy bacteria known as Bacillus subtilis. The fermentation process yields a food that is high in nutrition and protein." }, { "docid": "1521632", "title": "Nutritional Sources of Valine", "text": "Soy and soy-derived products have particularly high concentrations of valine, as well as several other amino acids that contribute to their high protein content. Edamame, or immature soybeans that can be eaten after they've been steamed, contain 251 mg of valine in a 1/2 cup serving. The 9 g of protein in one cup of soy milk include 345 mg from valine, while a 1/2 cup serving of tofu delivers 573 mg of valine. Soy-based products that use soy milk as a base, such as soy yogurt and ice cream, are also rich sources of valine." }, { "docid": "7030056", "title": "Types of Protein Shakes", "text": "Although whey, casein and soy are all complete proteins, meaning they contain every essential amino acid, plant-based alternatives are not complete. Vegan protein powders also tend to contain smaller amounts of protein per serving than dairy-based powders or soy." } ]
what is the prupose of the male bulobourethral gland
[ { "docid": "4146722", "title": "Encyclopedia index", "text": "Accessory Glands. The accessory glands of the male reproductive system are the seminal vesicles, prostate gland, and the bulbourethral glands. These glands secrete fluids that enter the urethra.ccessory Glands. The accessory glands of the male reproductive system are the seminal vesicles, prostate gland, and the bulbourethral glands. These glands secrete fluids that enter the urethra." } ]
[ { "docid": "6976337", "title": "Pelvic Ultrasound", "text": "Test Overview. A pelvic ultrasound uses sound waves to make a picture of the organs and structures in the lower belly (pelvis). A pelvic ultrasound looks at the bladder and: The ovaries, uterus, cervix, and fallopian tubes of a woman (female organs ). The prostate gland and seminal vesicles of a man (male organs )." }, { "docid": "4010186", "title": "-", "text": "More Answers. pancrease is a mixed gland (or heterocrine gland) as it has both endocrine or exocrine functions. as an endocrine gland it secretes the harmone insulininto the bloodstream whereas as an exocrine gland it secretes enzymes into digestive tract.NOTE:ore Answers. pancrease is a mixed gland (or heterocrine gland) as it has both endocrine or exocrine functions. as an endocrine gland it secretes the harmone insulininto the bloodstream whereas as an exocrine gland it secretes enzymes into digestive tract. NOTE:" }, { "docid": "1691919", "title": "-", "text": "The urethra goes through the prostate gland, and the stimulation of inflammation to prostate makes the gland dropsical and obese, which constricts the urethra and hinders urination. The prostate gland is a human genital gland. It produces prostatic fluid, which is the main component of semen." }, { "docid": "553525", "title": "An Overview of the Pineal Gland", "text": "And while researchers are still learning about the full purpose of the pineal gland, they believe it most likely concerns melatonin—the only hormone that the gland is known to produce and release. Pineal Gland Essentials. Of the endocrine organs, the function of the pineal gland was the last discovered. Located deep in the center of the brain, the pineal gland was once known as the “third eye.” The pineal gland produces melatonin, which helps maintain circadian rhythm and regulate ..." }, { "docid": "404363", "title": "-", "text": "The Human Proteome > Salivary gland. The salivary gland is an exocrine gland with the main function to produce saliva. The salivary gland also produces digestive enzymes that break down different nutrients. The main salivary gland is the parotis gland in addition to the numerous salivary glands that debouch into the mouth." }, { "docid": "6292461", "title": "Urinary Bladder and Urethra - Male", "text": "1 The prostatic urethra begins at the neck of the bladder and includes all of the section that passes through the prostrate gland. 2 It is the widest and most dilatable part of the male urethral canal. 3 Membranous Urethra. 4 The membranous urethra is the shortest and narrowest part of the male urethra.he urethra is part of the urinary system. In females and males, the urethra carries urine from the bladder out of the body through the urinary meatus. In males, the ureth … ra also carries ejaculate out of the body." }, { "docid": "5033658", "title": "DIENCEPHALON ANATOMY", "text": "The cerebral hypophysis is also known as the little pea shaped gland known commonly as the pituitary gland. Situated along the inferior aspect of the diencephalon, the pituitary stalk attaches the gland to the hypothalamus." }, { "docid": "7396412", "title": "-", "text": "Skene's gland, also known as the paraurethral gland, found in females, is homologous to the prostate gland in males. However, anatomically, the uterus is in the same position as the prostate gland." }, { "docid": "8450939", "title": "Thyroid Disorders", "text": "Since the thyroid gland is controlled by the pituitary gland and hypothalamus, disorders of these tissues can also affect thyroid function and cause thyroid problems. Picture of the thyroid gland." }, { "docid": "6315131", "title": "Where in the body are the endocrine glands located?", "text": "Confidence votes 3.3K. An endocrine gland is any gland which secreats hormones into the blood stream these include the ovaries/testes (lower abdomen), thyroid gland (neck), pancreas (below the stomach in the abdomen), adrenal glands (above kidneys in abdomen) pituitary gland and hypothalamus (both in the brain).onfidence votes 3.3K. An endocrine gland is any gland which secreats hormones into the blood stream these include the ovaries/testes (lower abdomen), thyroid gland (neck), pancreas (below the stomach in the abdomen), adrenal glands (above kidneys in abdomen) pituitary gland and hypothalamus (both in the brain)." }, { "docid": "8463660", "title": "Glossary: what does this word mean?", "text": "1 The prostate is a small gland of the male reproductive system that contributes to producing semen. Trans-urethral resection of the prostate, the most common type of surgery for benign prostate disease, is surgical removal of the prostate through the urethra." }, { "docid": "670781", "title": "Prostate Problems", "text": "Prostate problems are common in men after age 50. The prostate is a gland that is a part of the male reproductive system that wraps around the male urethra near the bladder. Common problems are benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), acute and chronic bacterial prostatitis, and chronic prostatitis (non-bacterial)." }, { "docid": "555656", "title": "prostate cancer", "text": "Prostate cancer is a disease in which cells in the prostate gland become abnormal and start to grow uncontrollably, forming tumors. Prostate cancer is a malignancy of one of the major male sex glands. Along with the testicles and the seminal vesicles, the prostate secretes the fluid that makes up semen." }, { "docid": "2482832", "title": "Thyroidectomy in Philippines", "text": "The thyroid gland is located over the trachea, below the larynx. It is an endocrine gland of the body that secretes its products and hormones into the blood. Total thyroidectomy is the removal of the whole gland, while partial or subtotal thyroidectomy is the removal of a portion of the thyroid gland. Thyroidectomy is performed to remove tumor from the thyroid gland or it is done to cut an enlarged thyroid gland that has resulted in a goiter." }, { "docid": "2563070", "title": "-", "text": "The prostate or the prostate gland is an organ in the body of male mammals which is situated at the neck of the bladder and produces a liquid which forms part of semen. COBUILD Advanced English Dictionary." }, { "docid": "3866460", "title": "androgen", "text": "androgen. any steroid hormone that promotes male secondary sex characters. The two main androgens are androsterone and testosterone. Called also androgenic hormone. adj., adj androgen´ic. The androgenic hormones are internal endocrine secretions circulating in the bloodstream and manufactured mainly by the testes under stimulation from the pituitary gland." }, { "docid": "5882629", "title": "Enlarged Prostate Symptoms, Causes & Natural Treatments", "text": "The prostate, a gland in the male reproductive system, is located just below the bladder, between the rectum and the base of the penis. Because the prostate wraps around part of the urethra, where urine passes through, an enlarged prostate may cause issues with urination." }, { "docid": "7308115", "title": "Summit Medical Group Web Site", "text": "Testicle removal is surgery to remove one or both of a man's testicles. The testicles are part of the male reproductive system. They make sperm and the male hormone testosterone.They are in the scrotum, which is the sac of loose skin below the penis.One or both testicles may be removed to treat cancer or other problems with your testicles.They may also be removed if you have cancer in your prostate gland and the cancer has spread to other parts of your body. Prostate cancer cells need testosterone to grow.hey make sperm and the male hormone testosterone. They are in the scrotum, which is the sac of loose skin below the penis. One or both testicles may be removed to treat cancer or other problems with your testicles." }, { "docid": "4245063", "title": "Yes, You Have a G-Spot", "text": "Even experts who always believed in the G-spot weren't sure whether it was a distinct gland or merely the collection of nerve endings extending from the underside of the clitoris. Here's what researchers are sure of: The G is its own entity, analogous to an organ in the male body." }, { "docid": "3104604", "title": "-", "text": "In fact, the gland is so important to the overall function of the body that it is sometimes called the master gland.. The pituitary gland signals other glands in the body to produce their own hormones, and as such has a role to play in almost every bodily function." }, { "docid": "3042684", "title": "Prostate massage", "text": "Male genital anatomy. Prostate massage is the massage or stimulation of the male prostate gland for sexual stimulation or medical purposes. The prostate takes part in the sexual response cycle, and is essential for the production of semen. Due to its proximity to the anterior rectal wall, it can be stimulated from the anterior wall of the rectum or externally via the perineum." }, { "docid": "2404411", "title": "What is the prostate gland?", "text": "The prostate gland is a male sex gland. It needs male hormones, primarily testosterone, to function. It is about the size of a walnut and is located in front of the rectum, behind the base of the penis and directly under the bladder." }, { "docid": "5611900", "title": "Do Women Have Prostates? Skeneâs Glands use in Girls", "text": "Wondering do women have prostates? and what does it do in females? Skene’s paraurethral glands in girls are homologous to the male prostate glands. But most of the people believe that the prostate gland is a just male organ, and women don’t have prostates." }, { "docid": "1737884", "title": "-", "text": "This subject area covers the male reproductive system and the urinary system in addition to the female reproductive system. This section focusses on the internal female reproductive organs: the ovaries, oviducts, uterus and vagina. We will also have a look at the mammary gland, an accessory reproductive gland. The external female genitalia include the labia minora and majora, clitoris and vestibule." }, { "docid": "916286", "title": "What Does the Prostate Gland Do?", "text": "The prostate gland is a male reproductive organ whose main function is to secrete prostate fluid, one of the components of semen.The muscles of the prostate gland also help propel this seminal fluid into the urethra during ejaculation.The prostate is a muscular gland that weighs about three-fourths of an ounce (20 grams) about the size of a small apricot. It surrounds the urethra just beneath the bladder.he muscles of the prostate gland also help propel this seminal fluid into the urethra during ejaculation. The prostate is a muscular gland that weighs about three-fourths of an ounce (20 grams) about the size of a small apricot." }, { "docid": "7255547", "title": "Sialolithiasis", "text": "Sialolithiasis, is a condition where a calcified mass or sialolith forms within a salivary gland, usually in the duct of the submandibular gland. Less commonly the parotid gland or rarely the sublingual gland or a minor salivary gland may develop salivary stones. The usual symptoms are pain and swelling of the affected salivary gland, both of which get worse when salivary flow is stimulated, e.g. with the sight, thought, smell or taste of food, or with hunger or chewing. This is often termed me" }, { "docid": "2060862", "title": "Goiter", "text": "A goiter is an enlarged thyroid gland. The thyroid gland, located in the front of your neck, makes thyroid hormones. When your thyroid gland is enlarged, it can produce too much, too little, or just enough thyroid hormone." }, { "docid": "2797579", "title": "-", "text": "The main elements of the male reproductive system include the penis, the scrotum, the testes, the epididymis, the urethra, and the prostate gland. The penis is the primary male organ for sexual intercourse.The penis is composed of two main parts: The shaft, or body, and the glans, or head.he urethra is a tube that carries urine from the bladder, and sperm from the testes, through the penis, and outside of the body. The prostate gland surrounds the urethra, and is located inside of the body, below the bladder, and in front of the rectum." }, { "docid": "6609540", "title": "-", "text": "There was no enlargement of the submandibular gland region and palpation of the remainder of the neck was unremarkable. 26) The parotid gland is by far the most common tumor site (75%-88% of cases), with the submandibular gland and a combination of various minor salivary gland sites affected roughly equally." }, { "docid": "7676142", "title": "Cushingâs Disease in Dogs", "text": "One of the most common causes of this imbalance in a dog is a tumor of the pituitary gland or an enlargement of the pituitary gland. The name Cushing is given to this disease because of the increase in cortisone levels within the pituitary gland which result from the tumor.ne of the most common causes of this imbalance in a dog is a tumor of the pituitary gland or an enlargement of the pituitary gland. The name Cushing is given to this disease because of the increase in cortisone levels within the pituitary gland which result from the tumor." } ]
what is the purpose of a paralegal
[ { "docid": "369135", "title": "Paralegal", "text": "A paralegal is an individual, qualified by education, training or work experience who is employed or retained by a lawyer, law office, corporation, governmental agency or other entity and who performs specifically delegated substantive legal work for which a lawyer is responsible. From the Paralegal Society of Ontario: A paralegal is an individual qualified through education or experience licensed to provide legal services to the general public in areas authorized by the Law Society of Upper Canada." } ]
[ { "docid": "343265", "title": "Paralegal Certificate, Certification and Certified: Whatâs the difference?", "text": "However, if you need to enter the workforce right away, are already working straight out of high school and want to add paralegal skills to your resume for potential advancement or simply do not have the funds for a degree, then a certificate program that does not require a bachelor’s or associate degree as a prerequisite may be for you." }, { "docid": "2454569", "title": "PURPOSE STATEMENTS, RESEARCH QUESTIONS, HYPOTHESES, AND OBJECTIVES", "text": "The Purpose Statement. The purpose statement serves as a specific communication for what the study is to explore and/or accomplish. Purpose statements are made for both quantitative and qualitative research studies. One example of each are as follows. Quantitative Example(s):" }, { "docid": "7862078", "title": "-", "text": "Vermont Paralegal I Salaries. Within Vermont there is a lot of variation in Paralegal I salaries. These variations depend on on a wide range of factors from population to general competitiveness in the market.Below is a map displaying a few key cities in Vermont and surrounding states, click on any one to find Paralegal I Salaries for that area.ermont Paralegal I Salaries. Within Vermont there is a lot of variation in Paralegal I salaries. These variations depend on on a wide range of factors from population to general competitiveness in the market." }, { "docid": "2404395", "title": "Is this the proof Harry is dating actress Meghan Markle? Saucy divorcee shares a photo of herself wearing a bracelet identical to the Princeâs amid reports he is besotted with the Suits actress", "text": "Glamorous brunette Meghan stars as paralegal Rachel Zane in Suits, which is filmed in Toronto - the city where she is believed to have first met Harry. Racy: The actress with a co-star during a particularly fruity scene in legal drama Suits." }, { "docid": "6252151", "title": "How to Become a Paralegal: Paralegal Schools & Careers", "text": "The most-common educational path to becoming a paralegal includes an associate’s degree. These two-year programs are offered through community colleges, universities, or online, and teach the basic skills and knowledge required of an entry-level paralegal or legal assistant." }, { "docid": "6236527", "title": "-", "text": "You can pursue associate degree in academic area such as business administration, law, arts, engineering, paralegal studies, liberal arts, computer science, and more. Q: What are online associate programs?" }, { "docid": "220636", "title": "-", "text": "Take your passion for the law and enroll in Penn Foster College's Paralegal Studies Online Associate Degree Program. Penn Foster College's Online Paralegal Studies Associate Degree Program can help you prepare to pursue a new career or job advancement in the paralegal field.ake your passion for the law and enroll in Penn Foster College's Paralegal Studies Online Associate Degree Program. Penn Foster College's Online Paralegal Studies Associate Degree Program can help you prepare to pursue a new career or job advancement in the paralegal field." }, { "docid": "5976138", "title": "-", "text": "Researches and analyzes law sources such as statutes, recorded judicial decisions, legal articles, treaties, constitutions, and legal codes to prepare legal documents, such as briefs, pleadings, appeals, wills, contracts, etc. May require a bachelor's degree and 5-8 years of experience in the field or in a related area.Familiar with a variety of the field's concepts, practices, and procedures. Relies on experience and judgment to plan and accomplish goals. Performs a variety of tasks.May lead and direct the work of others.he following is a full job description for Paralegal III. Here are the requirements and responsibilities for Paralegal III along with statistics." }, { "docid": "6686101", "title": "Gain the knowledge, skills, and ethical principles you need to thrive in the legal field with an online bachelor's degree in legal studies.", "text": "About the Legal Studies Bachelor's Degree. In your core legal studies degree courses, you'll examine the organization, function, and processes of the lawmaking institutions in the American legal system, as well as the role of the paralegal in the legal system and the governing rules of legal ethics." }, { "docid": "6315109", "title": "Paralegal", "text": "A paralegal is protected under the conduit theory, which means he or she is working as an enhancement of an attorney and what he or she does is due to instruction by the attorney and the attorney is ultimately responsible. Paralegals often have taken a prescribed series of courses in law and legal processes.he role that a paralegal has in the United States is similar to the role of a law clerk or legal assistant in Ontario. Many paralegals in Ontario work in the areas of permitted practice for paralegals and also work alongside lawyers in areas of practice that are only permitted to be practiced by lawyers." }, { "docid": "7539967", "title": "-", "text": "What is a Paralegal and How Much Do They Make? The term paralegal refers to a professional who is trained in order to assist licensed lawyers of diverse legal capacities.Though the definition slightly varies, a paralegal performs the routine tasks that require knowledge of laws and legal procedures.ome of the key activities in a paralegal’s day include: 1 Investigating case factuality. 2 Organizing and presenting information. 3 Conducting research on the relevant legal regulations. 4 Updating all information related to transactions and cases in the computer database. 5 Keeping track of cases. 6 Drafting documents for correspondence, mortgages, ... 7 Helpi" }, { "docid": "2139076", "title": "Paralegal", "text": "A paralegal, like a lawyer, can be employed by a law office or work freelance at a company or law office. Paralegals are not allowed to offer legal services directly to the public on their own and must perform their legal work under an attorney or law firm (except in Ontario Canada)." }, { "docid": "4100052", "title": "How Much Does a Nurse Paralegal Make?", "text": "Salary and Qualifications. The average annual salary for a nurse paralegal was $68,000 as of 2013, according to the job site Indeed. Most nurse paralegals are registered nurses who have at least a bachelor's degree in nursing, five years of experience as registered nurses and are licensed through the National Council of State Boards of Nursing." }, { "docid": "7563018", "title": "-", "text": "Definition of PARALEGAL. : of, relating to, or being a paraprofessional who assists a lawyer.— para·le·gal \\ˈpar-ə-ˌlē-gəl\\ noun.ADVERTISEMENT. of, relating to, or being a paraprofessional who assists a lawyer." }, { "docid": "3989267", "title": "Legal Secretary Training Programs and Courses", "text": "The National Federation of Paralegal Associations holds an annual convention where legal secretaries, legal assistants and paralegals may receive awards and scholarships while networking with other professionals. The association also offers classes across the country on multiple topics useful for legal assistants." }, { "docid": "8652988", "title": "paralegal", "text": "The scope of activity varies from place to place but often the paralegal can have substantial client-care contact, be heavily involved in drafting standard documents and actively liaise with the professionals in progressing court actions. In England and Wales there is a high-level profession of LEGAL EXECUTIVE." }, { "docid": "655712", "title": "Best Things About Being a Paralegal", "text": "Paralegals with a bachelor's degree in legal studies or related degree or a bachelor's degree in any field and a paralegal certificate from an ABA-approved paralegal program have the most employment opportunities." }, { "docid": "8452812", "title": "-", "text": "Litigation Paralegal Anastasi Jellum, PA - Stillwater, MN. Anastasi Jellum, P.A., a law firm specializing in banking and financial services, serving clients regionally and nationally, seeks a highly motivated paralegal... Legal Assistant/Paralegal Rutzick Law Offices, P.A. - Saint Paul, MN Full-time employee in the personal injury field to prepare correspondence, request and summarize medical records, communicate with clients, scheduling and..." }, { "docid": "2770413", "title": "Should I File for Bankruptcy Without an Attorney?", "text": "If you are considering filing bankruptcy without an attorney, you may have heard that you can get a paralegal or petition preparer to complete the forms for you. These people are not authorized to give legal advice. Instead, all they can do is fill out documents." }, { "docid": "6189124", "title": "What does a Paralegal do?", "text": "Paralegals also help with estate planning, freeing the lawyer to work on cases and lawsuits. In a criminal defense office, the work of a paralegal focuses mostly on analyzing and collecting legal material for the attorney to use. Keeping reference files organized is another task delegated to the paralegal.aralegals also help with estate planning, freeing the lawyer to work on cases and lawsuits. In a criminal defense office, the work of a paralegal focuses mostly on analyzing and collecting legal material for the attorney to use. Keeping reference files organized is another task delegated to the paralegal." }, { "docid": "3896233", "title": "How to Become a Paralegal", "text": "Complete a paralegal studies program. The breadth of the coursework will vary between schools, but programs usually involve learning how to conduct legal research, introduction to legal software, and more. Many firms hiring paralegals are now seeking paralegal with specialization, especially larger firms." }, { "docid": "7382905", "title": "California Paralegal Career Guide", "text": "California Paralegal Salary Outlook. The median annual salary for a paralegal in California is $60,940.3 Prospective paralegals should note that wages can differ from firm to firm and change further based on your level of experience and the geographic area in which you are employed." }, { "docid": "7699162", "title": "Paralegal Salary. How much do paralegals make?", "text": "The average salary of a paralegal working for a law firm is about $50,000, but in larger cities the earnings are often higher and may approach $80,000 or more. Indeed, some law firms may pay only about $25,000, while others pay up to $100,000 or more." }, { "docid": "5104468", "title": "PACE Paralegal Exam", "text": "PACE Paralegal Exam What is the PACE? The Paralegal Advanced Competency Examination (PACE) is an examination offered by the National Federation of Paralegal Associations (NPFA). The PACE exam tests for competency in various areas of paralegal law, work, and experience. Currently, the exam consists of 200 multiple choice questions, and typically takes testers from two to four hours." }, { "docid": "3340059", "title": "-", "text": "Take your passion for the law and enroll in Penn Foster College's Paralegal Studies Online Associate Degree Program. Penn Foster College's Online Paralegal Studies Associate Degree Program can help you prepare to pursue a new career or job advancement in the paralegal field. Shantell P., Paralegal Studies graduate. After completing my High School Diploma at Penn Foster, I went straight to the College to pursue my Associate of Science Degree in Paralegal Studies. The instructors are friendly, professional, available, and patient." }, { "docid": "2293658", "title": "Colonial Law Group", "text": "Colonial Law Group and My Enrollment Center Sent a Paralegal to Meet With Me. Question: Dear Steve, I signed up with these people from My Enrollment Center in Florida (Robert) for debt help more than 1 month ago. They had me meet with a paralegal for Colonial Law Group, before signing the contract." }, { "docid": "2757568", "title": "Paralegal Salary", "text": "The BLS’s survey reports that paralegals working for industries such as petroleum and coal products, software and electronic shopping/mail order earned upwards of $70,000. According to a 2011 survey conducted by Paralegal Today, corporate paralegals also have higher earning potentials, with an average of $61,764.n experienced paralegal with a bachelor’s degree and at least eight years of experience earns an average $71,798. The top 10% of experienced paralegals earned in excess of $91,000. Larger law firms tend to offer higher salaries than small law firms." }, { "docid": "6240832", "title": "Paralegal Education Requirements and Career Info", "text": "Students in associate's and bachelor's degree programs take a basic core of general education courses in English, math, science and social studies as well as the required courses for paralegal work.There are some master's degree programs available, but this level of education is not required by most employers.ssential Information. A paralegal is a lawyer's assistant who helps a lawyer prepare for a meeting or a trial. This preparation may include researching facts or laws and writing reports used during the case. An associate's or bachelor's degree is required, depending on the employer." }, { "docid": "6544894", "title": "-", "text": "legal assistant, legal secretary, legal assistant paralegal, paralegal, assistant legal secretary Top Cities for Legal Administrative Assistant: Milwaukee, Madison, Appleton, Green Bay, Neenah, Dane, Middleton, Menomonee Falls, Waukesha, Oshkosh Top Companies for legal administrative assistant in Wisconsin: Mercy Health System, Zywave, Ashley Furniture, Kohl's, Reinhart Boerner Van Deuren, BayCare Clinic, OfficeTeam, Marcus Hotels, Interra Health, Ageatia Technology Consultancy Services" }, { "docid": "8475861", "title": "-", "text": "Not surprisingly, senior/supervising paralegals in large law firms with 75 or more attorneys earned the highest salaries among all paralegal groups. In 2016, they earned salaries within the range of $70,250-$96,720." } ]
what is the purpose of discovery in a lawsuit
[ { "docid": "3648818", "title": "Yunusov Law Professional Corporation", "text": "The purpose of pleadings is tell the other side what you intend to prove later, at trial. In Ontario, pleadings consist of a statement of claim, a statement of defence, and a reply. You put material (relevant) facts and legal conclusions following from these facts in your pleadings. The legal conclusions must support your request to the court. The purpose of a lawsuit is get a court order. Your facts and legal conclusions, if proven, must give the court the power to make the order you request. Running through a red light is a material fact; negligence is a legal conclusion." } ]
[ { "docid": "4969187", "title": "What to Expect - A Lawsuit Chronology", "text": "What to Expect - A Lawsuit Chronology. Whether you are suing someone or being sued, or being called as a witness, a lawsuit is a complicated legal process, and it can be full of unpleasant surprises and frustrating delays." }, { "docid": "8352820", "title": "Parties", "text": "When a dispute results in litigation, the litigants are called parties to the lawsuit. U.S. law has developed principles that govern the rights and duties of parties. In addition, principles such as the standing doctrine determine whether a person is a rightful party to a lawsuit." }, { "docid": "8764252", "title": "-", "text": "1 If you are under 18, you will need a guardian to participate in the lawsuit. If you are judged to be mentally incompetent because of age, disability or illness, you will need a guardian, trustee or executor to participate in a lawsuit." }, { "docid": "365804", "title": "Filing a Lawsuit: Should you Sue?", "text": "As any lawyer will tell you, you should always sit down and carefully think about filing a lawsuit before you go ahead with the process. There are, in general, three questions that you must be able to answer before you can seriously consider filing a lawsuit.First, you must ask yourself if you have a good case.Second, you have to ask if you would be happy with a settlement or going to mediation if you end up filing a lawsuit.here are, in general, three questions that you must be able to answer before you can seriously consider filing a lawsuit. First, you must ask yourself if you have a good case. Second, you have to ask if you would be happy with a settlement or going to mediation if you end up filing a lawsuit." }, { "docid": "1491548", "title": "Served By a Debt Collector? What To Do Next", "text": "Service. Getting “served” just means that you have been given notice of the lawsuit by a debt collector. You are served if you are handed a copy of the summons and complaint or if a summons and complaint is given to someone “of suitable age and discretion” at your home.f you decide to represent yourself, you must stay on top of your lawsuit. If you do not know what to do next, you should probably hire a lawyer. Most anyone can handle the early stages of a lawsuit, but if they are not handled well, they can make it impossible to prevail later on." }, { "docid": "2165940", "title": "litigation", "text": "Litigation is defined as an argument being resolved in court, often with lawyers. An example of litigation is a lawsuit. the act or process of carrying on a lawsuit. a lawsuit." }, { "docid": "3151968", "title": "Should You Sign a Joinder?", "text": "Should You Sign a Joinder? A divorce or legal separation is a lawsuit between a husband and a wife. While it has several differences when compared to a “normal” lawsuit, it has many similarities. One difference is the names of the parties. In a “normal” lawsuit the party starting the action is called a Plaintiff." }, { "docid": "6461980", "title": "The Basics of California Medical Malpractice Law", "text": "California attorneys will be able to look over your case and begin the lawsuit process to ensure that you file your claim on time. Damage Caps in California Malpractice Cases The money a patient seeks when filing a lawsuit against a medical provider for medical malpractice is known as damages." }, { "docid": "3132369", "title": "California Gold Rush", "text": "The first discovery of gold, at Rancho San Francisco in the mountains north of present-day Los Angeles, had been in 1842, six years before Marshall's discovery, while California was still part of Mexico." }, { "docid": "3013290", "title": "party", "text": "Definition of party. plural. parties. 1 : a person or group taking one side of a question, dispute, or contest The parties in the lawsuit reached an agreement. 2 : a group of persons organized for the purpose of directing the policies of a government political parties with opposing agendas." }, { "docid": "6181892", "title": "Small Claims Court", "text": "Eight Step Process. Go to the courthouse. The small claims court clerk will supply you with the necessary forms (a summons and a complaint form) to begin the lawsuit. List your name as the plaintiff. You are the person filing the lawsuit. The party you are suing is called the defendant." }, { "docid": "3067959", "title": "Filing a Lawsuit", "text": "Exceptions When Filing a Lawsuit. If you plan to file an age discrimination lawsuit, you won't need a Notice of Right-to-Sue to file in court. You can file anytime after 60 days have passed from the day you filed your charge (but no later than 90 days after you receive notice that our investigation is concluded)." }, { "docid": "855214", "title": "recovery", "text": "The acquisition of something of value through the judgment of a court, as the result of a lawsuit initiated for that purpose. For example, an individual might obtain recovery in the form of damages for an injury. The term recovery is also used to describe the amount ultimately collected, or the amount of the judgment itself. n. the amount of money and any other right or property received by a plaintiff in a lawsuit." }, { "docid": "6416570", "title": "-", "text": "Viewing Tweets won't unblock @TDCFresno. 1 The Discovery Center‏ @TDCFresno Feb 3. 2 The Discovery Center‏ @TDCFresno Jan 28. 3 The Discovery Center‏ @TDCFresno Jan 28. The Discovery Center‏ @TDCFresno Jan 1 24. The Discovery Center Retweeted. The Discovery Center‏ @TDCFresno 1 Jan 18. The Discovery Center‏ @TDCFresno Jan 18." }, { "docid": "813044", "title": "The Deposition in a Personal Injury Case", "text": "During a deposition, you give sworn testimony under oath as part of the discovery process of the injury lawsuit. updated by David Goguen, J.D. A deposition is a tool used in the pre-trial discovery process of a personal injury lawsuit, to gain information and evidence. In this article, we'll explain the deposition process and what to expect." }, { "docid": "2352750", "title": "Frequently asked questions: Trade name registration", "text": "Why do I need to register a trade name? The purpose of trade name registration is to provide a record of all owners of a business. You must register your trade name in order to file a lawsuit on behalf of your business. This means a lawsuit for any purpose, not just lawsuits related to use of the business name." }, { "docid": "3167989", "title": "-", "text": "This handout is meant to explain the difference between restraining orders, protective orders, and peace bonds. There is often confusion between the three. Many people, including some in law enforcement, believe that the three terms mean the same thing.The terms do not mean the same thing. temporary restraining order is a civil court order that preserves property and. protects parties who already have a lawsuit filed, including lawsuits for divorce. • Order the other lawsuit party not to harm your property. • Order the other lawsuit party not to harass, threaten or harm you. or your children." }, { "docid": "7632930", "title": "electronic discovery (e-discovery or ediscovery)", "text": "electronic discovery (e-discovery or ediscovery) Electronic discovery (also called e-discovery or ediscovery) refers to any process in which electronic data is sought, located, secured, and searched with the intent of using it as evidence in a civil or criminal legal case. E-discovery can be carried out offline on a particular computer or it can be done in a network." }, { "docid": "6202582", "title": "contingent liability", "text": "contingent liability. An obligation that may result, but is not likely to result because the event causing the obligation is improbable. For example, the award from a lawsuit against a firm is a contingent liability of the defendant if there is little likelihood the plaintiff will recover the award.ontingent Liability. A liability that a company may have to pay, but only if a certain future event occurs. Usually, a contingent liability refers to the outcome of a lawsuit: that is, the company may have to pay a significant amount of money if it loses the lawsuit." }, { "docid": "8529841", "title": "-", "text": "After you file your lawsuit, you have to let the defendant know that you are suing them. Usually, the defendant knows about the case a long time before it starts. Hopefully you talked to the defendant and tried to settle the case before you filed. But, now that you filed the lawsuit, you have to let the defendant know formally that you are suing. This is called service." }, { "docid": "2440765", "title": "Dedicated to providing information, connection and support to individuals with one or more extra X or Y chromosomes.", "text": "Examples include an extra X or Y chromosome for males, or two X chromosomes for females. Since the discovery of such genetic variations in 1959, affected individuals and their families have struggled to find reliable sources of knowledge and support. Our purpose at AXYS is to be that resource for the spectrum of X and Y chromosome variations." }, { "docid": "2129892", "title": "-", "text": "Bankruptcy will delay or stop a credit card lawsuit no matter how far along it is. However, the effect of the bankruptcy on the lawsuit and the underlying credit card debt depends on the claims alleged in the lawsuit and whether it is a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy.hen you file bankruptcy the automatic stay prohibits most creditors from trying to collect debts from you. This includes any ongoing credit card lawsuits. The automatic stay stops the lawsuit until your bankruptcy is completed, dismissed, or the court lifts the stay." }, { "docid": "6181888", "title": "-", "text": "The small claims court clerk will supply you with the necessary forms (a summons and a complaint form) to begin the lawsuit. List your name as the plaintiff. You are the person filing the lawsuit. The party you are suing is called the defendant." }, { "docid": "367790", "title": "-", "text": "This non-fiction programming is offered through DCI's more than 50 network entertainment brands, including Discovery Channel, American Heroes Channel, TLC, Animal Planet, Investigation Discovery, Velocity, Discovery Life and a family of digital channels.he company started out with just a single channel, Discovery Channel, launched in 1985. In 1991, they acquired their rival The Learning Channel. In the mid-90s, Discovery Communications started developing several new networks." }, { "docid": "2162222", "title": "-", "text": "While the filing of a civil lawsuit is the first step in many personal injury cases, keep in mind that the vast majority of these cases will reach settlement well before a court-based trial takes place. And many injury claims are resolved through settlement negotiations before a lawsuit is even filed." }, { "docid": "7601137", "title": "-", "text": "The Drake discovery well spurred the quest for petroleum in the United States. But it was the discovery of oil in Beaumont, Texas in 1901 that changed the world and created the modern oil industry. This discovery was known as Spindletop." }, { "docid": "2715181", "title": "Pro Bono Law Firms", "text": "The other time that pro bono law firms might deny their services to you is if you wish to file a personal injury lawsuit or most other lawsuit which asks for a cash award or settlement. In such situations, a lawyer can usually be hired under a contingency plan so that they are only paid if a cash award is won." }, { "docid": "1854127", "title": "Dog The Bounty Hunter News Archive", "text": "Nothin' like a nine-figure lawsuit! That's what Dog the Bounty Hunter and his wife Beth Chapman are dealing with now, after a rival bounty hunter dropped a suit on them to the tune of $30 million! [ Related: In Another Lawsuit, It's Nuns Vs." }, { "docid": "7717233", "title": "How are court judgments enforced?", "text": "by FreeAdvice staff. A judgment is the official decision of a court of law in a lawsuit. A final judgment resolves the issues involved in the lawsuit, and determines the rights and obligations that each party in the lawsuit has." }, { "docid": "7632937", "title": "Discovery", "text": "Discovery devices narrow the issues of a lawsuit by obtaining evidence which is not accessible to the applicant and ascertaining the existence of information which may be used as evidence in trial." } ]
what is the purpose of the ph cabbage experiment
[ { "docid": "4892039", "title": "Cabbage Chemistry", "text": "Cabbage Chemistry The Purpose of my project is to determine the Ph Balance of certain everyday household items. I used items that we use at home regularly to conduct my experiment. I was to make my own homemade Ph indicator to decipher the Ph balance of each items. In the end, I would know whether my items were acid or alkaline. Purpose Before I started my experiment I thought that the onion indicator would change color more because it had a lighter pigment." } ]
[ { "docid": "5578619", "title": "What does input variable mean, and output variable in science?", "text": "Report Abuse. An input variable, a.k.a. independent is the object(s) that you put into an experiment (in-put!). The output variable a.k.a. outcome/dependent is the outcome of the experiment, and depends on the independent or input variable.The control is the object that you keep constant throughout an experiment for accurate and reliable results.eport Abuse. An input variable, a.k.a. independent is the object(s) that you put into an experiment (in-put!). The output variable a.k.a. outcome/dependent is the outcome of the experiment, and depends on the independent or input variable." }, { "docid": "5666537", "title": "-", "text": "Cabbage family veges. The foods most widely reported to supress thyroid functioning are vegetables in the cabbage family. (This implies that people with hypothyroidism should eat cabbage family foods in moderation or even avoid them." }, { "docid": "1618731", "title": "What is Sauerkraut Anyways? (and other FAQs)", "text": "(and other FAQs). A) Sauerkraut is pickled cabbage. To make it, cabbage is shredded, salted and left to ferment in a de-oxygenated environment for 4-6 weeks. The salt, via osmosis, pulls water out of the cabbage to form brine that helps protect the kraut while it is fermenting." }, { "docid": "2924058", "title": "Should Lime Be Added to a Vegetable Garden If Nothing Is Growing?", "text": "Using Lime. Once you've determined your soil pH falls below 6.0, you can amend the soil with lime. Apply 5 to 10 pounds dolomitic lime per 100 square feet of garden space for each 1 pH point, advises Barbara Damrosch, author of The Garden Primer..he Purpose of Lime. Lime is used to raise the soil pH of acidic soils. Most vegetables grow best in a slightly acidic to neutral soil, with a pH between 6.0 and 7.0. If you know your soil's pH falls below this level, amending with lime would be appropriate." }, { "docid": "5078127", "title": "32 oz. Tile and Stone Cleaner", "text": "This all-purpose cleaner is safe for daily use. 1 All-purpose cleaner, best for granite, natural stone, marble, tile, travertine and grout. 2 Concentrated, non-toxic formula removes stains from hard surfaces without compromising their natural finishes. 3 Safe for daily use. pH-balanced neutral cleaner." }, { "docid": "6668585", "title": "Cabbage Collars", "text": "Cabbage Collars. Unlike other cabbage collars, these are made from copper impregnated material which helps to repel slugs and to deter cabbage root fly. They will prevent weeds germinating around the plant stems and conserve moisture around their roots." }, { "docid": "3498549", "title": "-", "text": "Activity: Each group of students should have access to solutions of varying pHs such as distilled water (~pH 6 due to dissolved carbon dioxide), pH 5, pH 4, pH 3, pH 2 (about the acidity of lemon juice), and pH 1. Each group should perform the experiment using water and 2 other pHs as assigned by the teacher." }, { "docid": "6327213", "title": "-", "text": "1 medium head of cabbage weighing approx 2 lbs - 218 calories; 1 large head of cabbage weighing approx 2 lbs - 12 oz has 300 calories; Cabbage calories - Boiled, drained and without salt added. 1/2 cup of cabbage weighing approx 2.6 oz has 17 calories in; 1 head weighing approx 12.5 oz has 275 calories in; Calories cabbage contains by weight. 1 oz of boiled cabbage has 6 calories in; 10 g of boiled cabbage has 2 calories in; 1 oz of raw cabbage leaf - 7 calories; 10 g of raw cabbage leaf - 2 ..." }, { "docid": "1471368", "title": "Tris-Buffered Saline (TBS)", "text": "Tris-buffered saline (TBS) is isotonic, notoxic buffer used in some biochemical techniques that is maintain the pH within a relatively narrow range. Tris-HCl is commonly used to make TBS buffers and has a slightly alkaline buffering capacity in the 7–9.2 range. variety of concentrations of TRIS and NaCl, as well as the pH are used to refer to a “TBS” solutions, and consequently it is important to understand the specific composition for a TBS solution when used in an experiment." }, { "docid": "3772557", "title": "-", "text": "Cut cabbage into four wedges. Place each wedge on a piece of doubled heavy-duty aluminum foil. Spread cut sides with butter. Mix spices together in a small container and sprinkle all of the mixture equally over each wedge. Wrap bacon around each wedge. Fold foil around cabbage, sealing each wedge tightly. Grill cabbage, covered, over medium heat for 40 minutes or until the cabbage is tender, turning twice. Submit a Correction" }, { "docid": "6095956", "title": "-", "text": "Cabbage soup is often recommended because it constitutes a balanced diet required for the human body. Moreover, cabbage soup diet is not prepared with cabbage alone. Veggies like beans, carrots, celery, parsley, peas, and mushroom make the soup a rich source of nutrition while keeping it low in calories." }, { "docid": "5374470", "title": "The health benefits of cabbage", "text": "Cabbage: Health Benefits, Facts, Research. Cabbage, which is often lumped into the same category as lettuce because of their similar appearance, is actually a part of the cruciferous vegetable family. Cruciferous vegetables like cabbage, kale and broccoli are notorious for being chock-full of beneficial nutrients." }, { "docid": "7264196", "title": "What Is Litmus Paper? Understand the Litmus Test", "text": "One of the first indicators used for this purpose was litmus. Litmus paper is paper that has been treated with a specific indicator - a mixture of 10-15 natural dyes obtained from lichens (mainly Roccella tinctoria) that turns red in response to acidic conditions (pH 7)." }, { "docid": "2471524", "title": "How long does it take to steam cabbage?", "text": "exists and is an alternate of . The times for steaming cabbage may vary, depending on the amount of cabbage you cook. For example; 2 pounds of cabbage has to be cooked for 45 minutes. While 9oz of cabbage would only need to be cooked for 10 to 20 minutes. The times for steaming cabbage may vary, depending on the amount of cabbage you cook." }, { "docid": "3736440", "title": "biology variables", "text": "anything you can change or control in an experiment. Common examples include temperature, duration of the experiment, composition of a material, amount of light, etc. There are three kinds of variables in an experiment: controlled variables, independent variables and dependent variables." }, { "docid": "6925345", "title": "-", "text": "Introduction: The introduction of a lab report states the purpose of your experiment. Your hypothesis should be included in the introduction, as well as a brief statement about how you intend to test your hypothesis.ntroduction: The introduction of a lab report states the purpose of your experiment. Your hypothesis should be included in the introduction, as well as a brief statement about how you intend to test your hypothesis." }, { "docid": "1356395", "title": "Know Your Cabbages! Green, Red, Savoy, Napa, and More", "text": "The whole leaves can also be used to make cabbage rolls. Raw leaves are somewhat peppery in flavor, but the cabbage gets sweeter as it cooks. Red Cabbage - Similar to green cabbage, but with dark reddish-purple leaves. We think the flavor is a little deeper and earthier. Pick heads that are tight and heavy for their size, and slice it thinly for any preparation. We love it's color in coleslaw and leafy green salad mixes." }, { "docid": "1105091", "title": "-", "text": "In German, the term means herb , or designates the leaves and stem of a plant as opposed to the root. The term is more often used in compound nouns for herbs, and also for cabbage and cabbage products:" }, { "docid": "5374467", "title": "How to Cook Cabbage", "text": "1 Not only is cabbage economical, it is also a good source of fiber, vitamin C, calcium, and iron. 2 Cabbage is available year-round. Select a head that is heavy for its size, brightly colored, and free of brown spots and withered leaves. Store cabbage in the refrigerator in a covered container for up to 5 days." }, { "docid": "4247675", "title": "What was the purpose of the Stanford Prison experiment?", "text": "I have recently been learning about the famous prison experiment by Phillip Zimbardo and although I understand everything that happened, I am slightly unsure as to what the actual purpose of the experiment was.Could somebody please help let me know.Add your answer. Source. have recently been learning about the famous prison experiment by Phillip Zimbardo and although I understand everything that happened, I am slightly unsure as to what the actual purpose of the experiment was. Could somebody please help let me know. Add your answer. Source." }, { "docid": "263366", "title": "Writing Guidelinesfor Engineering and Science Students", "text": "The Introduction of a laboratory report identifies the experiment to be undertaken, the objectives of the experiment, the importance of the experiment, and overall background for understanding the experiment." }, { "docid": "6820388", "title": "How to Ferment Cabbage and Make Sauerkraut", "text": "Place the salted, shredded cabbage into the fermentation pot on top of the whole leaves. Measure out another 2 pounds of the shredded cabbage and mix with 1 tsp of salt, then add to the fermenting pot. Repeat this process in batches until all of your shredded cabbage has been salted and added to the pot." }, { "docid": "1262964", "title": "How to Use Cake Flour Instead of All-Purpose Flour", "text": "Substitute cake flour for all-purpose flour in a 1 cup to 1 cup ratio if a more tender, fluffier or flakier result is desired in a baked good.Experiment with the ratios between cake flour and all-purpose.ubstitute cake flour for all-purpose flour in a 1 cup to 1 cup ratio if a more tender, fluffier or flakier result is desired in a baked good." }, { "docid": "5360838", "title": "pH scale", "text": "For example, a pH of 3 is ten times more acidic than a pH of 4, and 100 times more acidic than a pH of 5. Similarly, a pH of 9 is 10 times more alkaline than a pH of 8, and 100 more alkaline than a pH of 7." }, { "docid": "6283193", "title": "DOCTORAL DEGREES", "text": "The Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), an academic degree, and the Doctor of Education (D.Ed.) and Doctor of Musical Arts (D.M.A.), both professional degrees, are conferred by the University. Recognized as different in purpose, the three doctoral programs consequently have different requirements in certain respects.he Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), an academic degree, and the Doctor of Education (D.Ed.) and Doctor of Musical Arts (D.M.A.), both professional degrees, are conferred by the University. Recognized as different in purpose, the three doctoral programs consequently have different requirements in certain respects." }, { "docid": "5527489", "title": "7 home remedies for wrinkles on face- look and feel younger", "text": "7 home remedies for wrinkles on face- look and feel younger. Health Jockey: 1. Cabbage juice – To fasten up the facial muscles, massaging the skin with cabbage juice ought to be helpful. Gently rub cabbage juice over the skin and let it dry thoroughly. As it dries, use warm water to rinse it off." }, { "docid": "6888241", "title": "pH color chart to determine the pH level", "text": "To use the visual method is simple. A pH sensitive indicator is placed in the measured solution and the indicator will change color depending on the pH level. To get the pH value, compare the color to the pH chart that comes with the indicator.The accuracy of this method is, for obvious reasons, low. However, it can be used for a rough estimation of the pH level. The pH indicator can either be a chemical indicator or a special pH paper, so-called pH testing strips.etermine the pH level. A common method to measure the pH level is to use a pH indicator and the related pH color chart. There are several methods to measure pH. However, the two most common methods are the indicator, or visual method, and the potentiometric method." }, { "docid": "1063346", "title": "-", "text": "Note: A binomial experiment is a special case of a multinomial experiment. Here is the main difference. With a binomial experiment, each trial can result in two - and only two - possible outcomes. With a multinomial experiment, each trial can have two or more possible outcomes." }, { "docid": "2861378", "title": "-", "text": "Introduce the experiment in your conclusion. Start out the conclusion by providing a brief overview of the experiment. Describe the experiment in 1-2 sentences and discuss the objective of the experiment. Also make sure to include your manipulated, controlled and responding variables." }, { "docid": "5814658", "title": "Cabbage, Beef and Rice Casserole â Freezer Meal", "text": "Cut core out of cabbage, and shred cabbage. Set aside. Brown ground beef, onion, and garlic. Salt and pepper while cooking to taste. After the meat is no longer pink, and onions and garlic are soft, add to cabbage along with remaining ingredients except for beef broth and cheese. Add a teaspoon of salt. Mix well." } ]
what is the responsibility of the secretary in not for profit organization
[ { "docid": "3830443", "title": "Duties of the Secretary of a Nonprofit Corporation", "text": "The secretary of a nonprofit organization plays a critical role in fostering communication and ensuring proper management and utilization of important organizational records. Generally, an organization’s bylaws will set the duties of the secretary, however, duties may change from time to time as may be assigned by the board. A secretary will be most useful to an organization when his or her role is shaped to meet the unique structure and needs of the organization, rather than filling a standard job description. Typically, the secretary should be equipped to handle the following matters:" } ]
[ { "docid": "1033893", "title": "Chief investment officer", "text": "The role of a chief investment officer within a corporate pension organization is similar, although the end-goal for the chief investment officer is often not profit, but matching the organization's pension assets with its pension liabilities.he role of a chief investment officer within a corporate pension organization is similar, although the end-goal for the chief investment officer is often not profit, but matching the organization's pension assets with its pension liabilities." }, { "docid": "6633028", "title": "-", "text": "Our Expertise. Your Success. WES is a non-profit organization that has enabled more than one million international students and professionals to achieve their goals by providing expert credential evaluation and advice." }, { "docid": "8127074", "title": "-", "text": "ODTUG, Wilmington, North Carolina. 1.4K likes. ODTUG is an independent, not-for-profit, global organization whose sole purpose is to keep you on the..." }, { "docid": "1843510", "title": "Market-Based Management Institute", "text": "The Market-Based Management Institute (MBM) is a non-profit organization based in Wichita, Kansas that researches management strategies, and utilizes their expertise to educate students, educators, community leaders, non-profit organizations, and government leaders in the concepts and methods of management that their research has developed." }, { "docid": "8581730", "title": "-", "text": "Section 1411(a)(4) of the. Affordable Care Act provides that the. Secretary of Health and Human Services. (the Secretary) will establish a program. for determining whether a certification. of exemption from the individual shared. responsibility requirement and penalty. will be issued by an Exchange under. section 1311(d)(4)(H) of the Affordable. Care Act." }, { "docid": "178804", "title": "What is Accountable Care?", "text": "What is Accountable Care? What is an Accountable Care Organization (ACO)? An ACO is a provider-based organization that takes responsibility for meeting the healthcare needs of a defined population with the goal of simultaneously improving health, improving patient experiences, and reducing per capita costs." }, { "docid": "7338836", "title": "What Does a Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Do?", "text": "The CEO has responsibility for the overall success of an entire organization. The CEO has the ultimate authority to make final decisions for an organization. The CEO has specific responsibilities depending on the needs of his or her organization. The job description of a CEO varies by organization. The daily tasks of a CEO vary but the overall vision for the position provides the framework that is consistent across organizations." }, { "docid": "3003626", "title": "Washington Nonprofit Corporations", "text": "If your nonprofit organization is or plans to fund-raise from the public, it may also be required to register with the Charities Program of the Secretary of State." }, { "docid": "8149495", "title": "What Is the Definition of Presidential Succession?", "text": "The order of presidential succession is Vice President, Speaker of the House, President pro tempore of the Senate, Secretary of State, Secretary of Treasury, Secretary of Defense, Attorney General, Secretary of the Interior, Secretary of Agriculture, Secretary of Commerce, Secretary of Labor, Secretary of Health and Human Services, Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, Secretary of Transportation, Secretary of Energy, Secretary of Education, Secretary of Veteran's Affairs and Secretary ..." }, { "docid": "4452458", "title": "-", "text": "PathStone is a private, non-profit community development and service organization. We are a visionary, diverse organization empowering individuals, families and communities to attain economic and social resources for building better lives." }, { "docid": "7212263", "title": "HSS Final", "text": "Violate the charitable purpose of the not for profit organization c. Legal if the assets of the not for profit do not benefit the for-profit partner Knowingly and intentionally submitting claims for services never provided is an example of" }, { "docid": "6279391", "title": "-", "text": "How does Medi-Share work? Conventional insurance companies collect monthly premiums from their members, guarantee payment for certain medical expenses, and profit from the difference, as well as investments from the premiums they take in. Medi-Share is very different in that they are a not-for-profit organization." }, { "docid": "5308310", "title": "-", "text": "Corporate social responsibility refers to the actions of an organization that target the achievement of a social benefit over and above maximizing profits for its shareholders and meeting all of its legal obligations.rganization is not a citizen responsible for meeting all of its obligations. True False. 3. Corporate citizenship is an alternative term for corporate social responsibility, implying that. the organization is a citizen responsible for meeting all of its obligations." }, { "docid": "2206822", "title": "Types of Federal Government Contracts range from firm-fixed price to cost-plus-fixed-fee. Using a wide selection of contract types provides a needed flexibility in acquiring the large variety and volume of supplies and services needed by the Military Services.", "text": "Contractor's costs responsibility is minimized, Government's cost responsibility is maximized. The contractor is reimbursed for allowable, allocable costs. Contractor's profit is fixed. Price of the contract (total amount paid to the contractor) is not fixed." }, { "docid": "4819963", "title": "Wikimedia Foundation", "text": "The Wikimedia Foundation is the non-profit organization that operates Wikipedia and other free knowledge projects. Together these sites are the fifth most visited web property in the world. The Wikimedia Foundation is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt non-profit organization with offices in San Francisco, California, USA." }, { "docid": "8043513", "title": "NGOs â Non Govermental Organizations", "text": "A non-governmental organization (NGO) is an organization that was not founded by a state and, therefore, is typically independent of governments. Although the definition can technically include for-profit corporations, the term is generally restricted to social, cultural, legal, and environmental advocacy with primarily non-commercial goals." }, { "docid": "8641514", "title": "FAQ'S", "text": "Remember, not all raffles are illegal. If a raffle is conducted by the State, a tribal Government, or a qualified non-profit organization, it is legal. However, all other raffles are illegal, including those conducted by a for-profit organization, an individual, or a non-qualified charitable organization." }, { "docid": "765963", "title": "-", "text": "Ultimately, the responsibility for Associated Students’ employee health and safety rests. with the Executive Director, although it must be emphasized that an effective program of. injury and illness prevention requires the support of the entire organization." }, { "docid": "7655292", "title": "OUR MISSION", "text": "Our Mission. The Memorial Society of Georgia is a non-profit, consumer-education organization dedicated to encouraging and assisting individuals in making advance preparations for their end-of-life needs." }, { "docid": "4890424", "title": "A Development Director Needs More Than âa Smile and a Shoeshine,â But Itâs a Good Start", "text": "In small organizations, the development director could conceivably be a volunteer. However, the important thing is that within even the smallest of non-profits, someone is given as his or her primary organization responsibility the coordination and implementation of contributed income programs." }, { "docid": "160168", "title": "-", "text": "Project EverGreen is a national non-profit organization whose very existence is to raise awareness among consumers by promoting the environmental, economic and lifestyle benefits of green spaces." }, { "docid": "7147134", "title": "Emergency medicine", "text": "T he American Board of Emergency Medicine (ABEM) develops and administers the Emergency Medicine certification examination for physicians who have met the ABEM credentialing requirements. ABEM is not a membership organization, but a non-profit, independent evaluation organization." }, { "docid": "3219325", "title": "-", "text": "1. Of, relating to, or situated at or on the side. 2. Of or constituting a change within an organization or hierarchy to a position at a similar level, as in salary or responsibility, to the one being left: made a lateral move within the company." }, { "docid": "5039656", "title": "-", "text": "Federal and state racketeering, profiteering, and RICO (Racketeer-Influenced and Corrupt Organization) laws make it illegal for criminal organizations to profit from Find a Lawyer" }, { "docid": "997679", "title": "Getting Started With Communications Planning", "text": "1. Goal(s): What are you trying to achieve? Of course your communications goals will be dependent on the nature of your organization (e.g., non-profit fundraiser versus professional association, etc.), and whether the focus of your communications plan is based on organization-wide or campaign/issue-specific goals." }, { "docid": "4752885", "title": "Nonprofit organization", "text": "Designation as a nonprofit does not mean that the organization does not intend to make a profit, but rather that the organization has no 'owners' and that the funds realized in the operation of the organization will not be used to benefit any owners. nonprofit may have a delegate structure to allow for the representation of groups or corporations as members. Alternatively, it may be a non-membership organization and the board of directors may elect its own successors. The two major types of nonprofit organization are membership and board-only." }, { "docid": "5186272", "title": "50 Highest Paying Jobs in Social Work", "text": "Manages a team that coordinates programs for a non-profit organization. Designs programs that align with the organization's mission and support the organization's goals. Schedules and oversees planning for special events that publicize the organization and its programs to the community." }, { "docid": "714348", "title": "-", "text": "Ban Ki Moon is the secretary general of the United Nations Organization (UNO) often called the UN. (University of Nebraska at Omaha (UNO)) Jejomar Binay is the president of United Opposition (UNO) in the Phillipines. This organization is also known as Genuine Opposition." }, { "docid": "8248723", "title": "Business Ethics", "text": "Business Ethics. A business is a productive organization—an organization whose purpose is to create goods and services for sale, usually at a profit. Business is also an activity. One entity (e.g., a person, an organization) “does business” with another when it exchanges a good or service for valuable consideration." }, { "docid": "4752888", "title": "Frequently Asked Questions", "text": "Additionally, the name you choose to form a non-profit must show your non-profit is incorporated. Many states require that the non-profit name be followed by Corporation, Incorporated, Company or an abbreviation of those terms, such as Corp. or Inc..ack to Top. The first step when starting a non-profit organization is to file non-profit Articles of Incorporation with the proper state agency. It is important that the Articles of Incorporation contain the required clauses to ensure your non-profit will qualify for tax-exempt status." } ]
what is the result of anaerobic respiration that occurs in yeast and some bacteria
[ { "docid": "3488199", "title": "Anaerobic Respiration", "text": "Anaerobic respiration occurs in the absence of oxygen, unlike aerobic respiration. Some organisms such as certain types of bacteria carry out anaerobic respiration as the main or only kind of respiration, while other organisms such as ourselves only carry out anaerobic respiration under special circumstances." } ]
[ { "docid": "6166180", "title": "Overview", "text": "the fungus candida causes a vaginal yeast infection your vagina naturally contains a balanced mix of yeast including candida and bacteria lactobacillus bacteria produce acid which prevents yeast overgrowth that balance can be disrupted and lead to a yeast infection" }, { "docid": "5193684", "title": "-", "text": "Lactic Acid fermentation Fermentation uses sugar much faster than respiration This is why exercise is better if your cells are functioning in this mode (anaerobic). Lactic acid and carbon dioxide are the by products of fermentation.actic Acid fermentation Fermentation uses sugar much faster than respiration This is why exercise is better if your cells are functioning in this mode (anaerobic). Lactic acid and carbon dioxide are the by products of fermentation." }, { "docid": "2444023", "title": "When and where does anaerobic respiration occur in humans? what is the end product?", "text": "Best Answer: Anaerobic respiration occurs in muscle cells when they do not have access to enough oxygen to complete aerobic respiration to generate all the ATP they need. In human muscle cells, the end product is lactate/lactic acid. Anaerobic respiration occurs when cells do not have enough Oxygen to undergo the process of aerobic respiration. In animal cells (like humans) anaerobic respiration happens mostly on muscle cells through a process called Fermentation that happens outside the Mitochondria." }, { "docid": "251948", "title": "Exercise Energy Systems", "text": "In contrast to the alactic anaerobic energy system, which uses. stored from previous cellular respiration in combination with a. phosphate buffer, the lactic anaerobic energy system must directly recruit the active cellular respiration process to provide. energy.he alactic anaerobic energy system provides its. energy through a combination of. already stored in the muscles (about 1 or 2 seconds worth from prior cellular respiration during rest) and its subsequent rephosphorylization (about 8 or 9 seconds worth) after use by another molecule called phosphocreatine (." }, { "docid": "6249518", "title": "-", "text": "When anaerobic respiration occurs there is no oxygen to act as the final hydrogen acceptor and so the hydrogen cannot pass through the cytochrome system. As a result, both the Krebs cycle and the cytochrome system stages cannot take place 1 : The only ATP produced is formed during glycolysis, that is, 2 ATP." }, { "docid": "1280055", "title": "Cell Respiration", "text": "There are two types of cell respiration: aerobic cell respiration, a reaction with the participation of molecular oxygen (O₂); and anaerobic cell respiration, without the participation of molecular oxygen and which uses other inorganic molecules as an oxidant instead." }, { "docid": "1989048", "title": "Cellular Respiration", "text": "If oxygen is present in the cell, then the cell can subsequently take advantage of aerobic respiration via the TCA cycle to produce much more usable energy in the form of ATP than any anaerobic pathway. Nevertheless, the anaerobic pathways are important and are the sole source of ATP for many anaerobic bacteria." }, { "docid": "4072162", "title": "Respiration", "text": "Anaerobic respiration. As the equation above indicates, cellular respiration usually requires the presence of oxygen and is, therefore, often known as aerobic (or using oxygen) respiration. Another form of respiration is possible, one that does not make use of oxygen." }, { "docid": "4296612", "title": "Contents: Aerobic vs Anaerobic Respiration", "text": "Diffen › Science › Biology. Aerobic respiration, a process that uses oxygen, and anaerobic respiration, a process that doesn't use oxygen, are two forms of cellular respiration. Although some cells may engage in just one type of respiration, most cells use both types, depending on an organism's needs. Cellular respiration also occurs outside of macro-organisms, as chemical processes — for example, in fermentation." }, { "docid": "1460939", "title": "Difference Between Fermentation and Anaerobic Respiration", "text": "• Fermentation is present in both aerobic and anaerobic respiration, but not anaerobic respiration. • Fermentation is used as a commercialized process but not the anaerobic respiration. • Alcohol and lactic acid are main waste products of fermentation but not always in anaerobic respiration." }, { "docid": "7101992", "title": "Understanding Aerobic and Anaerobic Respiration and Their Differences", "text": "Anaerobic respiration takes place in the absence of oxygen. This form of respiration is carried out in bacteria, yeasts, some prokaryotes, and muscle cells. Aerobic respir…ation take place in the presence of oxygen and occurs in all plants, animals, and some prokaryotic organisms." }, { "docid": "7825423", "title": "-", "text": "The anaerobic part (glycolysis) occurs in the cytoplasm and the aerobic part (Krebs Cycle) occurs in the mitochondria. Aerobic respiration occurs in a cell organelle called mitochondria. A cycle called the KREB'S CYCLE helps in producing energy. Aerobic Respiration occurs in Mitochondria of cell." }, { "docid": "8203706", "title": "-", "text": "Quick Answer. All living organisms partake in some form of cellular respiration. This includes bacteria, fungi, protists, plants and animals. Cellular respiration is sometimes called aerobic respiration because it requires oxygen to occur, although a few organisms are capable of anaerobic respiration, respiration without oxygen." }, { "docid": "1088229", "title": "Anaerobic Respiration: Homolactic Fermentation", "text": "If a cell able to perform aerobic respiration is in a situation where there is no oxygen (such as muscles under extreme exertion), it will move into a type of anaerobic respiration called homolactic fermentation." }, { "docid": "7063095", "title": "Supply of energy for muscle contraction", "text": "The process described in the above equation consumes ATP (the ATP is hydrolysed to ADP). Therefore a continuous supply of ATP is needed. ATP is replenished within muscle fibres in three ways: from creatine phosphate (anaerobic) by glycolysis (anaerobic), and. by cellular respiration (aerobic respiration)," }, { "docid": "6951155", "title": "Contents: Aerobic vs Anaerobic Respiration", "text": "When yeast is used for anaerobic breakdown of sugars, the waste products are alcohol and CO2. The removal of CO2 leaves ethanol, the basis for alcoholic beverages and fuel. Fruits, sugary plants (e.g., sugarcane), and grains are all used for fermentation, with yeast or bacteria as the anaerobic processors.erobic respiration, a process that uses oxygen, and anaerobic respiration, a process that doesn't use oxygen, are two forms of cellular respiration. Although some cells may engage in just one type of respiration, most cells use both types, depending on an organism's needs." }, { "docid": "6389987", "title": "Do Muscles Use Aerobic or Anaerobic Respiration?", "text": "Anaerobic respiration occurs during high-intensity exercises when your body works so hard there is a shortage of oxygen for energy consumption. Due to the shortage of oxygen, your body breaks down glucose and phosphates stored in your muscles for energy." }, { "docid": "4062753", "title": "Anaerobic infection", "text": "Anaerobic infections are caused by anaerobic bacteria. Anaerobic bacteria do not grow on solid media in room air (0.04% carbon dioxide and 21% oxygen); facultative anaerobic bacteria can grow in the presence as well as in the absence of air. Microaerophilic bacteria do not grow at all aerobically or grow poorly, but grow better under 10% carbon dioxide or anaerobically." }, { "docid": "1829981", "title": "-", "text": " Anaerobic respiration is the process by which non-oxygen dependent organisms breath. It is mostly commonly used in the process of fermentation. Anaerobic respiration is respiration that uses electron acceptors other than oxygen. Anaerobic respiration can be found in protozoans and bacteria.Anaerobic respiration is a type of cellular respiration. It occurs when oxygen is not available or is available in very low quantities.It is also a respiration in the absence of oxygen.Oxygen is not used as the final electron acceptor. Anaerobic respiration is the process by which non-oxygen dependent organisms breath. It is mostly commonly used in the process of fermentation. Anaerobic respiration is respiration that uses electron acceptors other than oxygen. Anaerobic respiration can be found in protozoans and bacteria." }, { "docid": "6881400", "title": "Where does the electron transport chain come in for anaerobic respiration?", "text": "If there is no... show more I know that for aerobic respiration, there is glycolysis, Kreb's cycle, and electron transport chain. However for anaerobic respiration, I've learned that there is only glycolysis, then fermentation. But I have also learned that the electron acceptors are compounds other than oxygen. If there is no..." }, { "docid": "7936406", "title": "-", "text": "Difference Between Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration Difference Between Fermentation and Respiration Difference Between Breathing and Respiration Difference Between Lactic Acid and Alcoholic Fermentation Difference Between Aerobic Respiration and Anaerobic Respiration." }, { "docid": "2777981", "title": "Study Outline", "text": "If the energy source is oxidized and degraded with the use of an exogenous electron acceptor, the process is called respiration; in aerobic respiration the final electron acceptor is oxygen, whereas in anaerobic respiration the final electron acceptor is a molecule other than oxygen." }, { "docid": "7422360", "title": "-", "text": "ATP is produced during electron transport. In aerobic respiration electrons are transported to oxygen, whereas in anaerobic respiration electrons are transported to some other inorganic molecule (not oxygen). Most of the cells in the human body produce ATP by aerobic respiration." }, { "docid": "6683855", "title": "The Effect of Temperature on the Rate of Respiration in Yeast", "text": "respiration in yeast increases, until an optimum temperature where the. rate is highest. At temperatures higher than this temperature, as. temperature increases, rate decreases, until all the enzymes have. fully denatured, all the active sites have been lost, and the rate is. zero.his means that the yeast enzymes do not denature at the. same time, so although yeast does have an overall optimum temperature, the decrease in the rate of respiration that occurs after this point. is gradual, as the number of actives sites decreases." }, { "docid": "48187", "title": "Cellular Respiration", "text": "Anaerobic Respiration The first step in cellular respiration in all living cells is glycolysis, which can take place without the presence of molecular oxygen. If oxygen is present in the cell, then the cell can subsequently take advantage of aerobic respiration via the TCA cycle to produce much more usable energy in the form of ATP than any anaerobic pathway." }, { "docid": "3861958", "title": "Chapter 7 Post-Test", "text": "Aerobic respiration produces far more ATP than anaerobic respiration. Of the three steps in the cellular respiration process, glycolysis is assumed to be the oldest, having evolved early in the evolution of cells. The Krebs cycle and electron transport chain are thought to have evolved later." }, { "docid": "7081582", "title": "Cellular Respiration", "text": "Fermentation releases CO2, but does not make any ATP – all ATP during anaerobic respiration is produced during glycolysis. Since glycolysis produces 2 ATP, anaerobic respiration yields 2 ATP for every molecule of glucose. Both glycolysis and fermentation take place within the cytosol/cytoplasm of a cell. In fact, the entire process of anaerobic respiration takes place in the cytosol. Fermentation is the process by which we make wine and other types alcohol." }, { "docid": "5430260", "title": "Aerobic vs. Anaerobic Processes", "text": "The process cells undergo to make this change is called cellular respiration. Two Types of Cellular Processes. Cellular respiration can be aerobic (meaning with oxygen) or anaerobic (without oxygen). Which route the cells take to create the ATP depends solely on whether or not there is enough oxygen present to undergo aerobic respiration." }, { "docid": "8836612", "title": "-", "text": "Anaerobic respiration in humans takes place when muscle undergoes extreme contraction as in vigorous exercise.Anaerobic respiration takes place in 2 places 1. the muscle cell … and 2. large intestine of undigested food, from the small intestine producing minerals and vitamins.naerobic respiration in humans takes place when muscle undergoes extreme contraction as in vigorous exercise.Anaerobic respiration takes place in 2 places 1. the muscle cell … and 2. large intestine of undigested food, from the small intestine producing minerals and vitamins." }, { "docid": "5131803", "title": "Cellular Respiration", "text": "Glycolysis is the first step in cellular respiration for both anaerobic and aerobic processes. Glycolysis takes place in the cytosol of a cell. In the cytosol we convert 1 molecule of glucose into 2 molecules of pyruvate.ermentation releases CO 2, but does not make any ATP – all ATP during anaerobic respiration is produced during glycolysis. Since glycolysis produces 2 ATP, anaerobic respiration yields 2 ATP for every molecule of glucose. Both glycolysis and fermentation take place within the cytosol/cytoplasm of a cell." } ]
what is the salary range for a principal administrative associate
[ { "docid": "4001191", "title": "City of New York PRINCIPAL ADMINISTRATIVE ASSOCIATE Salaries", "text": "All City of New York Salaries. PRINCIPAL ADMINISTRATIVE ASSOCIATE salaries at City of New York can range from $46,377-$50,522. This estimate is based upon 1 City of New York PRINCIPAL ADMINISTRATIVE ASSOCIATE salary reports provided by employees. See all PRINCIPAL ADMINISTRATIVE ASSOCIATE salaries to learn how this stacks up in the market." } ]
[ { "docid": "6873399", "title": "How Much do Administrative Assistants Make?", "text": "The average salary of an administrative assistant working in Framingham, Massachusetts is $47,330. Trenton, New Jersey The average salary of an administrative assistant working in Trenton, New Jersey is $46,830." }, { "docid": "1310687", "title": "Call Center Associate Salaries", "text": "How much does a Banking Associate make? The national average salary for a Banking Associate is $108,659 in United States. Filter by location to see Banking Associate salaries in your area. Salary estimates are based on salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by Banking Associate employees. Salaries for Related Job Titles" }, { "docid": "2993405", "title": "-", "text": "French is one of Haiti's two official languages. It is the principal language of writing, school instruction, and administrative use. It is spoken by all educated Haitians and is used in the business sector." }, { "docid": "92340", "title": "Average Salaries for Americans - Median Salaries for Common Jobs", "text": "Here are some examples of median salaries for specific jobs across the US, according to Payscale.Com as of July 2015. 1 Administrative Assistant – Median salary of $14/hour, with an hourly range of $10.58-$20.41. Sales/Marketing Manager – Median salary of $54,657 with a total compensation range from $31,121-$106,383." }, { "docid": "4076547", "title": "-", "text": "1 View all Tyco jobs in Chattanooga, TN-Chattanooga jobs. 2 Salary Search: Administrative Assistant Contracting Operation salaries in Chattanooga, TN.3 Learn more about working at Tyco. 4 Related forums: Tyco-Administrative Assistant-Chattanooga, Tennessee. View all Elliott Davis Decosimo jobs in Chattanooga, TN-Chattanooga jobs. 2 Salary Search: Administrative Assistant salaries in Chattanooga, TN." }, { "docid": "8383311", "title": "-", "text": "The benefits of medical administrative assistant by percentile rating are as follows: about 15% enjoys around $5,541 per annum; the median percentile collects around $8,113 per year and the 65% of medical administrative assistants receive around $9,671 per annum.How to become a medical administrative assistant.he hourly pay of medical administrative assistant ranges from $425 to $33.50. Medical administrative assistant’s salary varies from state to state." }, { "docid": "7550043", "title": "Bed Bath & Beyond Sales Associate Hourly Pay", "text": "The typical Bed Bath & Beyond Sales Associate salary is $12. Sales Associate salaries at Bed Bath & Beyond can range from $10-$13. This estimate is based upon 6 Bed Bath & Beyond Sales Associate salary report(s) provided by employees or estimated based upon statistical methods. See all Sales Associate salaries to learn how this stacks up in the market." }, { "docid": "8288683", "title": "-", "text": "With few exceptions, the $160,000 salary also stands as the high salary paid to first-year associates, as it has since 2007 when some firms first raised salaries from $145,000. The national median first-year associate salary at the largest firms was $135,000 in 2014, the lowest since 2006." }, { "docid": "4369081", "title": "-", "text": "Palmetto GBA is a leading provider of technical and administrative services for the federal government. Palmetto GBA’s principal business is providing administrative services for the Medicare health benefit program. The company has offices in Georgia and South Carolina." }, { "docid": "6780553", "title": "-", "text": "Associate Architect Salary. Associate Architect average salary is $74,385, median salary is $66,063 with a salary range from $30,160 to $142,000. Associate Architect salaries are collected from government agencies and companies. Each salary is associated with a real job position." }, { "docid": "5736860", "title": "Paralegal Salary", "text": "according to salary com a paralegal with an associate degree that is just entering the profession can expect to earn an average salary of $ 46907 an experienced paralegal with a bachelor s degree and at least eight years of experience earns an average $ 71798" }, { "docid": "989753", "title": "-", "text": "144,279 Administrative Salaries provided anonymously by employees. What salary does a Administrative earn in your area?" }, { "docid": "8108090", "title": "Secretariat of the Caribbean Community", "text": "Secretariat of the Caribbean Community Headquarters, Guyana. The Secretariat of the Caribbean Community is the principal administrative organ for the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) and is headed by the Secretary General who is the Chief Executive Officer of the Community." }, { "docid": "3343037", "title": "229 Sunglass Hut Employee Salaries", "text": "$23K Sales Associate Average Salary at Sunglass Hut (81 salaries) - 1 $1K (4%) less than national average Sales Associate salary ($24K) - 2 $5K (19%) less than average Sunglass Hut salary ($28K) - 3 $11K (48%) less than average Sunglass Hut salary ($28K) - 4 $9K (38%) less than average Sunglass Hut salary ($28K)" }, { "docid": "1411054", "title": "-", "text": "Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM) - Salary - Get a free salary comparison based on job title, skills, experience and education. Accurate, reliable salary and compensation comparisons for United States" }, { "docid": "6819349", "title": "How Much Do Lawyers Really Make in New York City?", "text": "The average salary for an associate in New York currently stands at $160,000 a year. All law firms in New York have increased their first-year associate salaries since the mid-1990s. First- year associates in New York came home with $85,000 in 1996 according to The Association for Legal Career Professionals." }, { "docid": "6125204", "title": "-", "text": "In this survey, 40% of dentists say they employ a dental associate at their practice, while 60% do not. Of those with an associate, one in three pay a salary. The other two-thirds pay a percentage, with the average associate payment being 33% of collections." }, { "docid": "5796361", "title": "-", "text": "The annual salary for someone with the job title Associate Admissions Director may vary depending on a number of factors including industry, company size, location, years of experience and level of education.his chart describes the expected percentage of people who perform the job of Associate Admissions Director that make less than that salary. For example 50% of the people who perform the job of Associate Admissions Director are expected to make less than the median." }, { "docid": "3269399", "title": "How Much Do Lawyers Really Make in New York City?", "text": "Lawyers practicing at larger firms often make larger salaries than those working for smaller firms. The average salary for an associate in New York currently stands at $160,000 a year. All law firms in New York have increased their first-year associate salaries since the mid-1990s." }, { "docid": "6157849", "title": "-", "text": "Average Rural Carrier Associate Salaries. The average salary for rural carrier associate jobs is $25,000. Average rural carrier associate salaries can vary greatly due to company, location, industry, experience and benefits." }, { "docid": "8625522", "title": "Albertsons Salaries in the United States", "text": "The average Fred Meyer salary ranges from approximately $15,000 per year for Deli Associate to $75,000 per year for Food Manager.Salary information comes from 600 data points collected directly from employees, users, and jobs on Indeed.he average Fred Meyer salary ranges from approximately $15,000 per year for Deli Associate to $75,000 per year for Food Manager." }, { "docid": "7139240", "title": "278 Universal Studios Employee Salaries", "text": "$24K Sales Associate Average Salary at Pier 1 Imports (153 salaries) 1 Equal to national average Sales Associate salary ($24K) - 2 $6K (22%) less than average Pier 1 Imports salary ($30K) - 3 $11K (44%) less than average Pier 1 Imports salary ($30K) - 4 $5K (18%) less than average Pier 1 Imports salary ($30K) 5 Equal to average Pier 1 Imports salary ($30K)" }, { "docid": "3421301", "title": "-", "text": "(United States). An Associate-Venture Capital Firm earns an average salary of $96,347 per year. Most people move on to other jobs if they have more than 10 years' experience in this field. Experience has a moderate effect on pay for this job.A skill in Sourcing is associated with high pay for this job.n Associate-Venture Capital Firm earns an average salary of $96,347 per year." }, { "docid": "1307862", "title": "PetSmart Salaries in Canada", "text": "The average tesla motors salary ranges from approximately $30,000 per year for Production Associate to $90,000 per year for Store Manager.Salary information comes from 34 data points collected directly from employees, users, and jobs on Indeed.he average tesla motors salary ranges from approximately $30,000 per year for Production Associate to $90,000 per year for Store Manager." }, { "docid": "1148314", "title": "Lynbrook BOE Comes to Contract Agreement With Teachers Association", "text": "The board also approved the Nassau BOCES proposed administrative operations budget for 2012-13, which came in at $19,305,205, and announced an interim principal for , with the current principal out on family and medical leave. The will be held on May 2, and the budget vote is on May 15." }, { "docid": "5841174", "title": "How Much Do Nurses Get Paid With a Bachelor's Degrees?", "text": "Those who held a bachelor's in another field reported a similar average salary, $69,305. Both earned about $10,000 more per year than nurses holding associate degrees, who reported an average salary of $59,074 a year.hose who held a bachelor's degree in another field reported an average salary of $71,649 -- about the same as RNs with an associate degree, who averaged $71,469 per year." }, { "docid": "7550039", "title": "-", "text": "The typical Bed Bath & Beyond Sales Associate salary is $11. Sales Associate salaries at Bed Bath & Beyond can range from $10-$12. This estimate is based upon 5 Bed Bath … & Beyond Sales Associate salary report(s) provided by employees or estimated based upon statistical methods. See all Sales Associate salaries to learn how this stacks up in the market." }, { "docid": "6194305", "title": "-", "text": "$ 9.00. Equally important, the minimum salary amounts that must be paid to most New York employees who are exempt from New York’s minimum wage and overtime requirements as administrative or executive employees have increased or will increase as follows:Effective Date for New. Minimum Salary Rates.qually important, the minimum salary amounts that must be paid to most New York employees who are exempt from New York’s minimum wage and overtime requirements as administrative or executive employees have increased or will increase as follows: Effective Date for New. Minimum Salary Rates." }, { "docid": "4001187", "title": "-", "text": "Administrative Associates claiming one to two decades of experience make an estimated median of $39K. After two decades in the workforce, the average Administrative Associate generally earns more than ever; median pay for this group is estimated at $43K." }, { "docid": "989756", "title": "How Much do Administrative Assistants Make?", "text": "The average salary of an administrative assistant working in Stamford and Bridgeport, Connecticut is $75,390. San Rafael, California The average salary of an administrative assistant working in San Rafael, California is $72,760." } ]
what is the sales tax for desoto fl?
[ { "docid": "3398280", "title": "-", "text": "DeSoto County, FL Sales Tax Rate. The current total local sales tax rate in DeSoto County, FL is 7.500%. The December 2016 total local sales tax rate was also 7.500%. Follow @SaleTaxCom. Sale-Tax.com strives to have the most accurate tax percentages available but tax rates are subject to change at any time." } ]
[ { "docid": "3653518", "title": "Kansas Sales Tax Rates: Wichita", "text": "Lower sales tax than 56% of Kansas localities. 3% lower than the maximum sales tax in KS. The 7.5% sales tax rate in Wichita consists of 6.5% Kansas state sales tax and 1% Sedgwick County sales tax. There is no applicable city tax or special tax. You can print a 7.5% sales tax table here. For tax rates in other cities, see Kansas sales taxes by city and county." }, { "docid": "7951214", "title": "2017 Pickaway County, Ohio Sales Tax", "text": "Download all Ohio sales tax rates by zip code. The Pickaway County, Ohio sales tax is 7.25% , consisting of 5.75% Ohio state sales tax and 1.50% Pickaway County local sales taxes.The local sales tax consists of a 1.50% county sales tax. 1 The Pickaway County Sales Tax is collected by the merchant on all qualifying sales made within Pickaway County." }, { "docid": "42469", "title": "The 2018 Louisiana State Sales Tax", "text": "The Louisiana state sales tax rate is 4%, and the average LA sales tax after local surtaxes is 8.91%. 1 Groceries are exempt from the Louisiana sales tax. 2 Counties and cities can charge an additional local sales tax of up to 7%, for a maximum possible combined sales tax of 11%." }, { "docid": "4771743", "title": "The 2018 Mississippi State Sales Tax", "text": "1 Counties and cities can charge an additional local sales tax of up to 0.25%, for a maximum possible combined sales tax of 7.25%. 2 Mississippi has 5 special sales tax jurisdictions with local sales taxes in addition to the state sales tax. 3 Mississippi has a lower state sales tax than 61.5% of states." }, { "docid": "7512411", "title": "-", "text": "1 Counties and cities can charge an additional local sales tax of up to 1.25%, for a maximum possible combined sales tax of 8.1%. 2 Nevada has 249 special sales tax jurisdictions with local sales taxes in addition to the state sales tax." }, { "docid": "1597237", "title": "-", "text": "Get the most recent New York sales tax rates. Download a free sales tax rate table for New York (NY). Get more info on laws about sales tax in New York." }, { "docid": "3308860", "title": "The 2018 Virginia State Sales Tax", "text": "1 Prescription Drugs and non-prescription drugs are exempt from the Virginia sales tax. 2 Counties and cities can charge an additional local sales tax of up to 0.7%, for a maximum possible combined sales tax of 6%. Virginia has 1199 special sales tax jurisdictions with local sales taxes in addition to the state sales tax." }, { "docid": "3764833", "title": "The 2018 Alabama State Sales Tax", "text": "The Alabama state sales tax rate is 4%, and the average AL sales tax after local surtaxes is 8.91%. 1 Prescription Drugs are exempt from the Alabama sales tax. 2 Counties and cities can charge an additional local sales tax of up to 7%, for a maximum possible combined sales tax of 11%. Alabama has 765 special sales tax jurisdictions with local sales taxes in addition to the state sales tax. Alabama has a lower state sales tax than 94.2% of states." }, { "docid": "8120949", "title": "2018 Allentown, Pennsylvania Sales Tax", "text": "Download all Pennsylvania sales tax rates by zip code. The Allentown, Pennsylvania sales tax is 6.00% , the same as the Pennsylvania state sales tax. While many other states allow counties and other localities to collect a local option sales tax, Pennsylvania does not permit local sales taxes to be collected. Allentown Pennsylvania Sales Tax Exemptions." }, { "docid": "478957", "title": "Marana, Arizona Sales Tax Rate", "text": "The combined sales tax rate for Phoenix, AZ is 8.6%. This is the total of state, county and city sales tax rates. The Arizona state sales tax rate is currently 5.6%. The Maricopa County sales tax rate is 0.7%. Phoenix sales tax rate is 2.3%." }, { "docid": "7841965", "title": "Bellevue, Washington Sales Tax Rate", "text": "The combined sales tax rate for Bellevue, WA is 10%. This is the total of state, county and city sales tax rates. The Washington state sales tax rate is currently 6.5%. The King County sales tax rate is 0%. Bellevue sales tax rate is 3.5%." }, { "docid": "2720555", "title": "2018 Blaine, Washington Sales Tax", "text": "Download all Washington sales tax rates by zip code. The Lynnwood, Washington sales tax is 9.80% , consisting of 6.50% Washington state sales tax and 3.30% Lynnwood local sales taxes.The local sales tax consists of a 3.30% city sales tax. 1 The Lynnwood Sales Tax is collected by the merchant on all qualifying sales made within Lynnwood." }, { "docid": "4020446", "title": "2018 Boulder, Colorado Sales Tax", "text": "The Boulder, Colorado sales tax is 8.85% , consisting of 2.90% Colorado state sales tax and 5.95% Boulder local sales taxes.The local sales tax consists of a 0.99% county sales tax, a 3.86% city sales tax and a 1.10% special district sales tax (used to fund transportation districts, local attractions, etc). Boulder Colorado Sales Tax Exemptions." }, { "docid": "5018119", "title": "2018 Cottonwood, Arizona Sales Tax", "text": "Download all Arizona sales tax rates by zip code. The Cottonwood, Arizona sales tax is 9.35% , consisting of 5.60% Arizona state sales tax and 3.75% Cottonwood local sales taxes.The local sales tax consists of a 0.75% county sales tax and a 3.00% city sales tax. Cottonwood Arizona Sales Tax Exemptions." }, { "docid": "4703220", "title": "2017 Knox County, Tennessee Sales Tax", "text": "Download all Tennessee sales tax rates by zip code. The Knox County, Tennessee sales tax is 9.25% , consisting of 7.00% Tennessee state sales tax and 2.25% Knox County local sales taxes.The local sales tax consists of a 2.25% county sales tax." }, { "docid": "4506833", "title": "Texas Sales Tax Rates: Fredericksburg", "text": "The 6.75% sales tax rate in Fredericksburg consists of 6.25% Texas state sales tax and 0.50% Gillespie County sales tax. There is no applicable city tax or special tax. You can print a 6.75% sales tax table here. For tax rates in other cities, see Texas sales taxes by city and county." }, { "docid": "4225825", "title": "Texas: Sales Tax Handbook", "text": "Texas is a origin-based sales tax state, which means sales tax rates are determined by the location of the vendor, not by the location of the buyer. The origin-based method of determining sales tax is less complicated for vendors than destination-based sales tax, because all in-state buyers are charged the same sales tax rate regardless of their location." }, { "docid": "7830368", "title": "2017 Laclede County, Missouri Sales Tax", "text": "Download all Missouri sales tax rates by zip code. The Laclede County, Missouri sales tax is 5.41% , consisting of 4.23% Missouri state sales tax and 1.19% Laclede County local sales taxes.The local sales tax consists of a 1.19% county sales tax. Laclede County Missouri Sales Tax Exemptions." }, { "docid": "2428272", "title": "-", "text": "The Springfield, Missouri sales tax is 7.60% , consisting of 4.23% Missouri state sales tax and 3.38% Springfield local sales taxes.The local sales tax consists of a 1.25% county sales tax and a 2.13% city sales tax." }, { "docid": "3733332", "title": "2018 Duluth, Minnesota Sales Tax", "text": "Download all Minnesota sales tax rates by zip code. The Duluth, Minnesota sales tax is 8.38% , consisting of 6.88% Minnesota state sales tax and 1.50% Duluth local sales taxes.The local sales tax consists of a 1.00% city sales tax and a 0.50% special district sales tax (used to fund transportation districts, local attractions, etc). Duluth Minnesota Sales Tax Exemptions." }, { "docid": "5878577", "title": "2018 Junction, Kansas Sales Tax", "text": "Combined Sales Tax. The Junction, Kansas sales tax is 9.40% , consisting of 6.15% Kansas state sales tax and 3.25% Junction local sales taxes.The local sales tax consists of a 1.25% county sales tax and a 2.00% city sales tax." }, { "docid": "3771226", "title": "Colorado: Sales Tax Handbook", "text": "2017 List of Colorado Local Sales Tax Rates. Colorado has state sales tax of 2.90%, and allows local governments to collect a local option sales tax of up to 8.00%. There are a total of 184 local tax jurisdictions across the state, collecting an average local tax of 3.118%. Click here for a larger sales tax map, or here for a sales tax table." }, { "docid": "6802382", "title": "The 2018 Illinois State Sales Tax", "text": "1 Counties and cities can charge an additional local sales tax of up to 3.5%, for a maximum possible combined sales tax of 9.75%. 2 Illinois has 1018 special sales tax jurisdictions with local sales taxes in addition to the state sales tax.here are four major divisions of the Illinois sales tax-Retailers' Occupation Tax, Use Tax, Service Occupation Tax and the Service Use Tax. The Retailers' Occupation Tax and Use Tax are charged to the business and the customer respectively, and make up the main sales tax in Illinois." }, { "docid": "3863680", "title": "-", "text": "1 Counties and cities can charge an additional local sales tax of up to 2.5%, for a maximum possible combined sales tax of 10%. 2 California has 2558 special sales tax jurisdictions with local sales taxes in addition to the state sales tax." }, { "docid": "8508698", "title": "-", "text": "Memphis, TN Sales Tax Rate. The current total local sales tax rate in Memphis, TN is 9.250%. The December 2017 total local sales tax rate was also 9.250%. Sales Tax Breakdown" }, { "docid": "2260335", "title": "2017 Jackson County, Florida Sales Tax", "text": "Exact tax amount may vary for different items. Download all Florida sales tax rates by zip code. The Jackson County, Florida sales tax is 7.50% , consisting of 6.00% Florida state sales tax and 1.50% Jackson County local sales taxes.The local sales tax consists of a 1.50% county sales tax. The Jackson County Sales Tax is collected by the merchant on all qualifying sales made within Jackson County." }, { "docid": "2705937", "title": "2018 Glendale, Arizona Sales Tax", "text": "Download all Arizona sales tax rates by zip code. The Glendale, Arizona sales tax is 9.20% , consisting of 5.60% Arizona state sales tax and 3.60% Glendale local sales taxes.The local sales tax consists of a 0.70% county sales tax and a 2.90% city sales tax. 1 The Glendale Sales Tax is collected by the merchant on all qualifying sales made within Glendale." }, { "docid": "2296833", "title": "Riverside County, California Sales Tax Rate", "text": "Click to download sales tax rates. The combined sales tax rate for Riverside County, CA is 7.75%. This is the total of state and county sales tax rates. The California state sales tax rate is currently 6%. The Riverside County sales tax rate is 0.25%." }, { "docid": "3083834", "title": "-", "text": "Vermont sales tax need to collect the local option sales tax in addition to the state sales tax when the business ships into. a town with a local option sales tax. The local option sales tax is reported by individual town or city on your return so." }, { "docid": "2286054", "title": "Texas Sales Tax Rates: Alpine", "text": "The 8.25% sales tax rate in Alpine consists of 6.25% Texas state sales tax, 0.50% Brewster County sales tax and 1.50% Alpine tax. There is no applicable special tax. You can print a 8.25% sales tax table here. For tax rates in other cities, see Texas sales taxes by city and county." } ]
cause of swollen lymph nodes in groin area female
[ { "docid": "2980955", "title": "-", "text": "Swollen glands. If you have an infection or illness, such as a cold, flu, or mononucleosis, your groin lump could be a swollen lymph gland. Typically, these will flare up at the same time as the lymph glands located in your throat or armpits flare up." } ]
[ { "docid": "2074134", "title": "-", "text": "You're probably already familiar with the lymph nodes in your neck, but there are hundreds of other lymph nodes scattered throughout your body. Other areas where you may be able to feel swollen lymph nodes include: 1 Behind the ears. 2 Under the jaw.3 Lower part of the back of the head. 4 Armpits.ther symptoms of swollen glands include: 1 Tenderness or pain when you press on them. 2 Symptoms of the underlying infection such as fever, sore throat, and mouth sores. 3 Red, warm, swollen skin over the lymph node. 4 Lump." }, { "docid": "6635285", "title": "Stop Swollen Lymph Nodes Caused by Anxiety", "text": "Interestingly, it's unclear if anxiety or stress actually causes swollen lymph nodes. What is clear, however, is that anxiety cause people to feel as though they have swollen lymph nodes, and this may lead to further anxiety about your overall health." }, { "docid": "268228", "title": "Lymphadenopathy", "text": "Lymphadenopathy is the term for swelling of the lymph nodes-the bean-shaped organs found in the underarm, groin, neck, chest, and abdomen that act as filters for the lymph fluid as it circulates through the body." }, { "docid": "337088", "title": "21 Natural Home Remedies For Swollen Lymph Nodes In Neck & More", "text": "Swollen lymph nodes are normally caused by viruses or bacteria. Lymph nodes or lymph glands are very important because it can fight bacteria, viruses, and causes of other sickness. Swollen lymph nodes can appear in armpits, chin, neck, ear, and other regions of the body." }, { "docid": "7110858", "title": "Can allergies cause swollen glands?", "text": "Swelling in the lymph nodes in the area of the neck, jaw, and throat can sometimes occur. However, swollen lymph glands can also be caused by viral and bacterial infections and other causes. Like the other symptoms of seasonal allergies, swollen lymph nodes eventually go away without causing any problems. If you have lymph nodes that are persistently swollen for several weeks, see your doctor for further evaluation. This answer should not be considered medical advice... This answer should not be considered medical advice and should not take the place of a doctor’s visit." }, { "docid": "4786539", "title": "Hemorrhoids Swollen Lymph Nodes In Groin", "text": "Hemorrhoids Swollen Lymph Nodes In Groin. This is really careful cleansing wipes that are inflamed and irritation. Natural cures approach with the indication that you feel during bowel movements can lead to trouble is that they are more completed with out enough blood brings in nutritionist." }, { "docid": "8054104", "title": "Symptoms and Treatments for Swollen Lymph Nodes in the Groin", "text": "Lymph glands appear all over your body, in the head, neck, armpits and groin area. Lymph glands are round, bean-shaped tissues about 1/2 inch across. Illness may cause the lymph nodes to swell to two or three times their normal size, and you can feel them bulging underneath the skin." }, { "docid": "5291704", "title": "-", "text": "Reducing your risk of getting lymphoedema after treatment. If you’ve had surgery to remove lymph nodes in your armpit or groin, and/or radiotherapy in the same area, you’re at risk of developing lymphoedema. The risk is greater if you’ve had both surgery and radiotherapy to the lymph nodes." }, { "docid": "452481", "title": "-", "text": "Lymph nodes are located in groups, and each group drains a specific area of your body. You may be more likely to notice swelling in certain areas, such as in the lymph nodes in your neck, under your chin, in your armpits and in your groin. The site of the swollen lymph nodes may help identify the underlying cause." }, { "docid": "7137514", "title": "What Causes Swollen Lymph Nodes in the Groin?", "text": "An infection is the most likely cause of swollen lymph nodes in the groin. When lymph nodes swell due to infection, it is usually related to the area of the body where the lymph node is located. In the case of the groin area, the infection might be linked to the genitals, the feet, or the legs." }, { "docid": "1148133", "title": "Swollen neck lymph nodes and Thyroid problems Symptom Checker", "text": "1 Swollen neck lymph nodes and Thyroid problems and Swelling symptoms (5 causes). 2 Swollen neck lymph nodes and Thyroid problems and Swollen glands (5 causes). 3 Swollen neck lymph nodes and Thyroid problems and Swollen lymph nodes (5 causes).4 Swollen neck lymph nodes and Thyroid problems and Thyroid symptoms (5 causes).wollen neck lymph nodes: 1 212 causes: Swollen neck lymph nodes. 2 Introduction: Swollen neck lymph nodes. 3 Swollen neck lymph nodes: Add a 3rd symptom. 4 Swollen neck lymph nodes: Remove a symptom." }, { "docid": "7986738", "title": "Painful Lymph Nodes", "text": "Painful Lymph Nodes. Lymph nodes function is to filter bacteria and viruses in the body. There are hundreds lymph nodes that are located throughout the body with the most commonly noticed ones located underneath the arms, in the neck, and in the groin." }, { "docid": "4136016", "title": "What is the function of the 3 major organs of the lymphatic system?", "text": "These areas are the inguinal nodes in the groin, the axillary nodes in the armpit, and the cervical nodes in the neck. The typical lymph node is surrounded by a connective tissue capsule and divided into compartments called lymph nodules.hey are widely distributed throughout the body along the lymphatic pathways where they filter the lymph before it is returned to the blood. Lymph nodes are not present in the central nervous system. There are three superficial regions on each side of the body where lymph nodes tend to cluster." }, { "docid": "6585759", "title": "What Makes Your Lymph Nodes behind the Ear Swollen?", "text": "1 Bacteria in the Mouth-An infection of the tonsils will cause the lymph nodes behind the ear to become swollen as the body removes the bacteria. 2 Sores in the mouth or gingivitis can also cause the lymph nodes to become swollen." }, { "docid": "2036257", "title": "What are the Causes of a Swollen Clavicle?", "text": "Rarely, a swollen clavicle can be caused by a tumor of the collarbone. It is more likely for cancer to originate elsewhere and spread, leading to swelling in the lymph nodes, which lie just above the clavicle. These swollen nodes may be seen in association with cancers affecting the neck, lungs, breasts or abdomen. swollen clavicle may also be seen as a result of infection, inflammation in diseases such as arthritis, and cancer, where lymph nodes above the clavicle are sometimes involved. Probably the most common cause of a swollen clavicle is a fracture, or breakage, of the bone." }, { "docid": "6340250", "title": "-", "text": "If cancer was found in the lymph nodes under the arm, radiation may be given to this area as well. In some cases, the area treated may also include supraclavicular lymph nodes (nodes above the collarbone) and internal mammary lymph nodes (nodes beneath the breast bone in the center of the chest).f BCS was done, most often the entire breast gets radiation, and an extra boost of radiation is given to the area in the breast where the cancer was removed to prevent it from coming back in that area. The boost is often given after the treatments to the whole breast have ended." }, { "docid": "5665254", "title": "Armpit lump", "text": "An armpit lump is a swelling or bump under the arm. A lump in the armpit can have many causes. These include swollen lymph nodes, infections, or cysts. Lumps in the armpit may have many causes. Lymph nodes act as filters that can catch germs or cancerous tumor cells. When they do, lymph nodes increase in size and are easily felt. Reasons lymph nodes in the armpit area may be enlarged are: Arm or breast infection." }, { "docid": "2739652", "title": "Causes of Swollen Groin Lymph Nodes", "text": "The lymph nodes of the groin, or inguinal lymph nodes, are located in the crease between the leg and pelvis. There are two types of inguinal lymph nodes – superficial and deep. They often swell due to an infection or cancer in the areas from which they drain lymph (lymphatic fluid).ymph nodes are located throughout the body with each group being responsible for draining a particular area. The common lymph nodes that swell are found in the neck (cervical), armpit (axillary), and groin (inguinal), as well as in numerous other areas of the body." }, { "docid": "2813358", "title": "Can Hemorrhoids Cause Swollen Lymph Nodes", "text": "Can Hemorrhoids Cause Swollen Lymph Nodes. overcome chronic constipation can make irritation by consuming plenty of water as hot as you get out of the uterus done the vagina which occurs at the level of the duodenum the disorder is called can hemorrhoids cause swollen lymph nodes piles." }, { "docid": "3270809", "title": "Swollen lymph nodes and Arm pain Symptom Checker", "text": "Swollen lymph nodes and Arm pain and Lymph symptoms (4 causes) Swollen lymph nodes and Arm pain and Nerve symptoms (4 causes) Swollen lymph nodes and Arm pain and Pain (4 causes) Swollen lymph nodes and Arm pain and Sensations (4 causes) Swollen lymph nodes and Arm pain and Sensory symptoms (4 causes) Swollen lymph nodes and Arm pain and MORE SYMPTOMS." }, { "docid": "3370899", "title": "Puppy Strangles", "text": "Puppy pyoderma is characterized by pustules on the face, and painful swelling of the lips, eyelids and face. This may also include swellings in the groin area, where the lymph glands are located. Infected neck lymph nodes often become abscessed. They break open and drain. Signs of puppy strangles go beyond the facial sores." }, { "docid": "3029143", "title": "Medical Dictionary", "text": "1 Glands in the armpit (axillary lymph nodes) may swell from an injury or infection to the arm or hand. 2 A rare cause of axillary swelling may be breast cancer or lymphoma.3 The lymph nodes in the groin (femoral or inguinal lymph nodes) may swell from an injury or infection in the foot, leg, groin, or genitals.ymph nodes are small, bean-shaped glands throughout the body. They are part of the lymph system, which carries fluid (lymph fluid), nutrients, and waste material between the body tissues and the bloodstream. The lymph system is an important part of the immune system, the body's defense system against disease." }, { "docid": "5746950", "title": "Hypothyroidism and Swollen lymph nodes Symptom Checker", "text": "1 Hypothyroidism and Swollen lymph nodes and Arm symptoms (3 causes). 2 Hypothyroidism and Swollen lymph nodes and Body symptoms (3 causes). 3 Hypothyroidism and Swollen lymph nodes and Eye symptoms (3 causes). 4 Hypothyroidism and Swollen lymph nodes and Face symptoms (3 causes)." }, { "docid": "181736", "title": "-", "text": "Lymph nodes become swollen in response to illness, infection, or stress. Swollen lymph nodes are one sign that your lymphatic system is working to rid your body of the responsible agents. Swollen lymph glands in the head and neck are normally caused by illnesses such as: 1 ear infection." }, { "docid": "195714", "title": "-", "text": "You might have swollen lymph nodes because your body is fighting an infection, such as strep throat, or a lung infection. It is very unlikely it is cancer. Lymph nodes swell whenever the body aquires an infection as a type of defense mechanism. Lymph nodes also swell when you have lymphoma, a type of cancer." }, { "docid": "3943838", "title": "Medical Dictionary", "text": "1 Infections, which may cause a lump, bumps, or swelling in the groin area. 2 Glands (lymph nodes) in the groin may become enlarged when there is infection in the surrounding part of the body or in the legs or feet. 3 If the infection is minor, the swelling may last a few days and go away on its own." }, { "docid": "535202", "title": "Swollen neck lymph nodes and Tracheal Stenosis Symptom Checker", "text": "Swollen neck lymph nodes and Tracheal Stenosis and Abdominal symptoms (2 causes) Swollen neck lymph nodes and Tracheal Stenosis and Acute fever in children (2 causes) Swollen neck lymph nodes and Tracheal Stenosis and Acute Vision Changes in Both Eyes (with pain or inflammation) (2 causes)" }, { "docid": "8384009", "title": "29 Tips on How to Treat Swollen Lymph Nodes at Home", "text": "In order to help you treat swollen lymph nodes, in this article, I will reveal the list of home remedies on how to treat swollen lymph nodes in details, so you should keep your head on the How To page." }, { "docid": "7111640", "title": "What is Lymphadenitis?", "text": "Lymphadenitis is swelling in the lymph nodes. It usually presents as one or more enlarged or swollen lymph nodes under the neck, in the armpits, or in the groin. This condition is relatively common, and most often indicates presence of bacterial or viral infection. Fungal and parasitic infection can also result in swelling." }, { "docid": "3930941", "title": "What Makes Your Lymph Nodes behind the Ear Swollen?", "text": "Possible Causes of Swollen Lymph Nodes behind the Ear. The lymph nodes are sensitive to changes in the body, most notably new tissues or particles that agitate the immune system. Listed below are some of the most common causes for swollen lymph nodes behind the left ear. Infections- Infections which enlarge the lymph nodes can be bacterial, viral or fungal. When the body suffers an infection, the cells start to produce antibodies to fight it off." } ]
what is the scapula in the body
[ { "docid": "4904949", "title": "Where is the scapula?", "text": "The Scapula is the scientific name for the shoulder bone. It is where your humerus (the most proximal arm bone) connects with your body. If you feel the back of your shoulder, you will notice a protruding line of bone. That it the spine of the scapula." } ]
[ { "docid": "6535092", "title": "Humerus | Arm bone", "text": "Introduction: Humerus is a typical long bone present in the arm that articulates proximally with the scapula and distally with the bones of the forearm, namely, radius and ulna.Its proximal end consists of the head, greater tubercle and lesser tubercle.ntroduction: Humerus is a typical long bone present in the arm that articulates proximally with the scapula and distally with the bones of the forearm, namely, radius and ulna." }, { "docid": "6765539", "title": "Humerus", "text": "The humerus (/ˈhjuːmərəs/ , Plural: humeri) is a long bone in the arm or forelimb that runs from the shoulder to the elbow.It connects the scapula and the two bones of the lower arm, the radius and ulna, and consists of three sections.The upper extremity consists of a rounded head, a narrow neck, and two short processes (tubercles, sometimes called tuberosities). Its body is cylindrical in its upper portion, and more prismatic below.t connects the scapula and the two bones of the lower arm, the radius and ulna, and consists of three sections. The upper extremity consists of a rounded head, a narrow neck, and two short processes (tubercles, sometimes called tuberosities)." }, { "docid": "7592383", "title": "Suprascapular notch", "text": "Relations and/or boundaries. The suprascapular nerve passes through the notch on its course over the scapula to the dorsal shoulder. The superior transverse scapular ligament passes over the notch and attaches to the base of the coracoid process. The suprascapular artery passes over the ligament." }, { "docid": "3570188", "title": "-", "text": "The muscles stablize the pectoral girdle so that it can serve as a stable platform on which the humerus can move. These muscles will also adjust the position of the pectoral girdle and particularly the scapula to allow for a wider range of movements for the humerus." }, { "docid": "2476204", "title": "Shoulder Blade (Scapula)", "text": "Scapula Anatomy. Picture 2. The right scapula from the front and back side. The shoulder blade is a flat bone with three angles –the upper (superior), bottom (inferior) and lateral (glenoid) angle– and three borders –the superior, lateral (axillary) and medial (vertebral) border (Picture 3) .hey make joints with the upper arm bones (humerus) and collar bones (clavicle) but not with the ribs and spine. Shoulder blade (scapular) pain can be located over the large area of the upper back, though. Picture 1. Scapula location: on both sides of the upper back, under the muscles." }, { "docid": "3184727", "title": "Scapula Dyskinesis", "text": "The pain at the posterior side is caused by insertional pain over the scapula and is due to chronic over tension by the abducted and protracted scapula. View of the right shoulder from a postero-lateral angle. Abnormal movement of the shoulder blade (scapula) is known as scapula dyskinesis.This occurs in a variety of shoulder problems. It is an important sign of an underlying shoulder disorder and a guide to shoulder rehabilitation.In the clinical situation 3 types of scapula dyskinesis can be identified, although there is some overlap between the 3 types.he pain at the posterior side is caused by insertional pain over the scapula and is due to chronic over tension by the abducted and protracted scapula. View of the right shoulder from a postero-lateral angle. Abnormal movement of the shoulder blade (scapula) is known as scapula dyskinesis." }, { "docid": "2562716", "title": "Winged Scapula or Scapular Winging: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, Exercise, Diagnosis", "text": "About Winged Scapula or Scapular Winging: 1 A winged scapula or scapular winging is a floating scapula mostly observed during movement of the arm and shoulder joint. 2 The angulation of scapula is observed when one group of muscle is paralyzed and contraction of normal muscles pulls the scapula away from chest wall." }, { "docid": "8792761", "title": "-", "text": "between the capsule and the tendon of the subscapularis muscle is the subscapular bursa this is also known as the subtendinous bursa of the scapularis the supra acromial bursa does not normally communicate with the shoulder jointis a ball and socket joint between the scapula and the humerus however the socket of the glenoid cavity of the scapula is itself quite shallow and is made deeper by the addition of the glenoid labrumetween the capsule and the tendon of the subscapularis muscle is the subscapular bursa this is also known as the subtendinous bursa of the scapularis the supra acromial bursa does not normally communicate with the shoulder joint" }, { "docid": "2562725", "title": "What is a Winged Scapula?", "text": "When the pectoralis muscles are overdeveloped, or short and tight, they can contribute to a winged scapula. weakness in the trapezius and serratus anterior muscles Mild scapular winging may develop with activities that constantly strengthen the chest muscles." }, { "docid": "3982639", "title": "Broken Shoulder Blade (Fractured Scapula)", "text": "1 A heavy force is usually required to break a shoulder blade; therefore, the health care professional will explore other injuries when a patient has a broken shoulder blade. 2 Fractures (breaks) have been reported at the many areas of bone that comprise the scapula.he scapula or shoulder blade is a bony structure found on the upper back that connects the upper arm to the chest wall (thorax)." }, { "docid": "1865373", "title": "-", "text": "1 - Scapula, coracoid and clavicle, meet to form the foramen triosseum, through which passes the tendon of the supracoracoideus, or subclavius muscle to the tuberculum superius of the humerus. There is a patella, intercalated in the tendon of the femori-tibialis or extensor cruris muscle." }, { "docid": "6486613", "title": "Scapula Dyskinesis", "text": "Type 3 - supero-medial border prominence. This type of dyskinesis is displayed as a prominence of the superior medial border of the scapula and often associated with impingement and rotator cuff injury." }, { "docid": "4269732", "title": "-", "text": "The rotator cuff is a group of tendons and muscles in the shoulder, connecting the upper arm (humerus) to the shoulder blade (scapula). The rotator cuff tendons provide stability to the shoulder; the muscles allow the shoulder to rotate." }, { "docid": "6744137", "title": "Shoulder Anatomy", "text": "1 These muscles retract and elevate the scapula. 2 Teres major muscle originates from posterior surface of the inferior angle of the scapula and attaches the medial lip of the intertubercular sulcus which lies on the anterior surface of the humerus. 3 This muscle extends and medially rotates the humerus." }, { "docid": "712750", "title": "I have a pinched nerve in my neck causing pain in shoulder and arm with tingling down my right arm. What treatments would you advise?", "text": "I have also had pinched nerves in my neck due to a motor vehicle accident. The pain traveled down my arm through my elbow and stopped between my ring and middle finger. It also radiated into my scapula and gave me a headache at times. It sounds like a misalignment in your neck." }, { "docid": "805034", "title": "clavicle", "text": "clavicle /clav·i·cle/ (klav´ĭ-k'l) collar bone; a bone, curved like the letter f, that articulates with the sternum and scapula, forming the anterior portion of the shoulder girdle on either side.clavic´ular clavicle (klăv′ĭ-kəl)" }, { "docid": "1646204", "title": "The Humerus", "text": "Fig 1.0- Overview of the anatomical position of the humerus. The humerus is the bone that forms the upper arm, and joins it to the shoulder and forearm. The proximal region articulates with the scapula and clavicle, forming part of the shoulder joint." }, { "docid": "3357769", "title": "Superficial Muscles of the Back, Intermediate Muscles of the Back, Deep muscles of the Back", "text": "a heavy ridge that runs from the medial border of the scapula to the acromion process. it supports the acromion process; it divides the posterior surface of the scapula into a supraspinatous fossa and an infraspinatous fossa. scapular notch." }, { "docid": "430566", "title": "Symptoms of Cervical Nerve Injuries", "text": "Compression of the C5 nerve will produce numbness, paresthesias (pins and needles) and pain into the top of the shoulder and the top of the arm but these symptoms will not radiate down below the elbow. Commonly, pain can also radiate into the shoulder blade region (scapula)." }, { "docid": "7568977", "title": "-", "text": "The Glenoid fossa is so called when is not surrounded by the Glenoid labrum (which increases its depth and also increases the surface of contact with the head of the humerus). … In a specimen (or in a human body) the glenoid labrum is present, therefore the Glenoid fossa is called Glenoid cavity (deeper).he scapula articulates with the humerus at the glenoid cavity to form the shoulder joint. It also articulates with the clavicle at acromion to form the acromioclavicular join … t. 2 people found this useful. Peakay Tea." }, { "docid": "4444317", "title": "-", "text": "Muscles that move the Arm Deltoid-large muscle over the point of the shoulderOriginates on the scapula and the clavicleInserts on the humerus at the deltoid tuberosityACTIONS: abducts, flexes and rotates the arm Deltoid." }, { "docid": "5338859", "title": "-", "text": "Hoof is a modified claw or ungula. This then allows for the extreme expansion of metapodials fusion into. cannon bone. 3. Loss/Reduction of clavicle allows the scapula to pivot and rotate as part of the limb as. well because it does not articulate with the axial skeleton." }, { "docid": "2985503", "title": "Picture of the Shoulder", "text": "Picture of the Shoulder. The shoulder is one of the largest and most complex joints in the body. The shoulder joint is formed where the humerus (upper arm bone) fits into the scapula (shoulder blade), like a ball and socket. The acromion is a bony projection off the scapula." }, { "docid": "1065929", "title": "-", "text": "Shoulder joint: The flexible ball-and-socket joint formed by the junction of the humerus and the scapula." }, { "docid": "2740408", "title": "Trapezius", "text": "The Trapezius muscle is responsible for the following bodily functions: 1 Movement of the scapula in toward the spine. 2 Movement of the rotation of the scapula to support the topmost part of the upper arm. 3 Movement of the Scapula in an up or down direction. Movement of the head and neck in a backwards direction." }, { "docid": "978239", "title": "What Is the Normal Range of Motion in the Shoulder?", "text": "A unique joint, the shoulder has only one bony attachment to the rest of the skeleton in the clavicle -- collarbone -- where it attaches to the scapula. This unique anatomy allows a wide range of motion for the shoulder joint." }, { "docid": "7195197", "title": "-", "text": "Specific Bones. 1 Vertebral column. 2 Scapula bone. 3 Arm bones. 4 Hand bones. 5 Skeletal structures of the hands and feet." }, { "docid": "8509834", "title": "Scapula Translation", "text": "Scapula in English. In anatomy, the scapula (plural scapulae or scapulas) or shoulder blade is the bone that connects the humerus (upper arm bone) with the clavicle (collar bone). Like their connected bones the scapulae are paired, with the scapula on the left side of the body being roughly a mirror image of the right scapula." }, { "docid": "8007600", "title": "Causes of Left Shoulder Blade Pain", "text": "Scapula Fracture. A scapula fracture can cause left shoulder blade pain. According to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons or AAOS, scapula fractures account for less than 1 percent of all broken bones." }, { "docid": "3980140", "title": "Muscles of The Shoulder And Rotator Cuff", "text": "2- The muscle is located above the spine of the scapula therefore the name is called supra. 3-agonist -supraspinatus & antagonist pectoralis major. 4- Origin-supraspinous fossa on the posterior of the scapula, insertion- greater tubercle of the humerus. 5- assists in stabilizing the shoulder as well as abduction." } ]
what is the singapore currency
[ { "docid": "3805677", "title": "SGD - Singapore Dollar", "text": "The Singapore Dollar is the currency of Singapore. Our currency rankings show that the most popular Singapore Dollar exchange rate is the INR to SGD rate. The currency code for Dollars is SGD, and the currency symbol is $." } ]
[ { "docid": "3591479", "title": "-", "text": "November 23, 2010 • Currencies • by EconomyWatch. Currency symbols are graphical signs that represent a particular country’s currency. For instance, the currency symbol for the euro is € and that for the US dollar is $. Currency symbols are used to replace currency names or currency codes.ovember 23, 2010 • Currencies • by EconomyWatch. Currency symbols are graphical signs that represent a particular country’s currency. For instance, the currency symbol for the euro is € and that for the US dollar is $. Currency symbols are used to replace currency names or currency codes." }, { "docid": "3623580", "title": "-", "text": "The Bruneian dollar is managed together with the Singapore dollar at a 1:1 ratio by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS). (Singapore is one of Brunei's major trading partners.)" }, { "docid": "2702841", "title": "-", "text": "APRIL 2015 Kelly singapore 2015 salary guide. Kelly in singapore Since 1979, Kelly in Singapore has been partnering the finest local companies, key government agencies as well as some of the world’s most respected multinational companies to deliver the best talent in the market.PRIL 2015 Kelly singapore 2015 salary guide. Kelly in singapore Since 1979, Kelly in Singapore has been partnering the finest local companies, key government agencies as well as some of the world’s most respected multinational companies to deliver the best talent in the market." }, { "docid": "6911696", "title": "Malaysian Passport Renewal In Singapore", "text": "Malaysian Passport Renewal In Singapore. I recently had to renew my passports here in Singapore. While it’s actually a relatively simple process, renewing passports can sometimes be a stressful endeavour." }, { "docid": "1955092", "title": "RUB - Russian Ruble", "text": "The Russian Ruble is the currency of Russia. Our currency rankings show that the most popular Russia Ruble exchange rate is the RUB to USD rate. The currency code for Rubles is RUB, and the currency symbol is руб.Below, you'll find Russian Ruble rates and a currency converter. You can also subscribe to our currency newsletters with daily rates and analysis, read the XE Currency Blog, or take RUB rates on the go with our XE Currency Apps and website.ur currency rankings show that the most popular Russia Ruble exchange rate is the RUB to USD rate. The currency code for Rubles is RUB, and the currency symbol is руб." }, { "docid": "1503368", "title": "HIV Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP), Singapore - Shim Clinic", "text": "HIV PEP Singapore. HIV PEP Singapore: HIV PEP treatment is provided at Shim Clinic in Singapore to stop HIV infection within 72 hours of exposure. clinic, Singapore.Private and confidential service.IV PEP (post-exposure prophylaxis) treatment. - Stop HIV infection after exposure. STD testing. If STD symptoms appear, then do STD treatment. - Males: Do not urinate for at least 4 hours before arriving. - Females: testing is more accurate when you are not menstruating." }, { "docid": "7186198", "title": "AOA - Angolan Kwanza", "text": "Get Angolan Kwanza rates, news, and facts. Also available are Angola Kwanza services like cheap money tranfers, a AOA currency data, and more. The Angolan Kwanza is the currency of Angola. Our currency rankings show that the most popular Angola Kwanza exchange rate is the USD to AOA rate. The currency code for Kwanza is AOA, and the currency symbol is Kz. Below, you'll find Angolan Kwanza rates and a currency converter. You can also subscribe to our currency newsletters with daily rates and analysis, read the XE Currency Blog, or take AOA rates on the go with our XE Currency Apps and website." }, { "docid": "1725252", "title": "Summary of Statement No. 52", "text": "An entity's functional currency is the currency of the primary economic environment in which that entity operates. The functional currency can be the dollar or a foreign currency depending on the facts. Normally, it will be the currency of the economic environment in which cash is generated and expended by the entity.An entity can be any form of operation, including a subsidiary, division, branch, or joint venture.he functional currency can be the dollar or a foreign currency depending on the facts. Normally, it will be the currency of the economic environment in which cash is generated and expended by the entity." }, { "docid": "3335357", "title": "Singapore: Live Weather", "text": "Historic Temperatures for 21st April in Singapore. Weather Overview for Singapore. No matter the time of the year, you can count on the weather in Singapore to be hot, humid and rainy. Consistency is the name of the game for this region of Southeast Asia, with very little fluctuations in temperature throughout the year." }, { "docid": "6962756", "title": "Singapore dollar", "text": "Between 1845 and 1939, Singapore used the Straits dollar. This was replaced by the Malayan dollar, and, from 1953, the Malaya and British Borneo dollar, which were issued by the Board of Commissioners of Currency, Malaya and British Borneo." }, { "docid": "5819564", "title": "CRC - Costa Rican Colon", "text": "The Costa Rican Colon is the currency of Costa Rica. Our currency rankings show that the most popular Costa Rica Colon exchange rate is the USD to CRC rate. The currency code for Colones is CRC, and the currency symbol is ₡.Below, you'll find Costa Rican Colon rates and a currency converter.You can also subscribe to our currency newsletters with daily rates and analysis, read the XE Currency Blog, or take CRC rates on the go with our XE Currency Apps and website.ur currency rankings show that the most popular Costa Rica Colon exchange rate is the USD to CRC rate. The currency code for Colones is CRC, and the currency symbol is ₡. Below, you'll find Costa Rican Colon rates and a currency converter." }, { "docid": "1518994", "title": "Currency pair", "text": "The currency that is used as the reference is called the counter currency, quote currency or terms currency and the currency that is quoted in relation is called the base currency or transaction currency.f a EUR/USD position is closed out with a profit in USD by a British bank, then the rate-to-base will be expressed as a GBP/USD rate. This ambiguity leads many market participants to use the expressions currency 1 (CCY1) and currency 2 (CCY2), where one unit of CCY1 equals the quoted number of units of CCY2." }, { "docid": "8330031", "title": "INR - Indian Rupee", "text": "INR-Indian Rupee. India, Rupee. The Indian Rupee is the currency of India. Our currency rankings show that the most popular India Rupee exchange rate is the INR to USD rate. The currency code for Rupees is INR, and the currency symbol is ₹. Below, you'll find Indian Rupee rates and a currency converter.ur currency rankings show that the most popular India Rupee exchange rate is the INR to USD rate. The currency code for Rupees is INR, and the currency symbol is ₹." }, { "docid": "4827892", "title": "Singapore Climate & Temperature", "text": "Singapore Climate & Temperature. 1 Singapore, Singapore is at 122'N, 10359'E, 16 m (52 ft). See map. 2 Singapore has a tropical wet climate (Kppen-Geiger classification: Af) with no dry or cold season as it is constantly moist (year-round rainfall)." }, { "docid": "7596640", "title": "Singapore dollarâs next stop: 1.40?", "text": "Nizam Idris, head of foreign-exchange and fixed-income strategy at Macquarie Group, is less bearish on the outlook for the Singapore dollar. The currency may fall to around 1.36-1.37 during the first quarter on a strengthening U.S. dollar and speculation around MAS easing, Idris said.hile not her base case, Chew-who forecasts the currency will fall to 1.40 against the U.S. dollar by year-end-isn't ruling out monetary policy easing either." }, { "docid": "4419783", "title": "Singapore named the world's most expensive city", "text": "Singapore has topped 131 cities globally to become the world's most expensive city to live in 2014, according to the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU). The city's strong currency combined with the high cost of running a car and soaring utility bills contributed to Singapore topping the list." }, { "docid": "4534856", "title": "Government of Singapore", "text": "The Constitution defines the Government of Singapore as the President and the Cabinet of Singapore. The executive authority of Singapore is vested in the President and is exercisable by him or by the Cabinet of Singapore or any Minister authorized by the Cabinet.he executive branch of the Singapore Government remained unchanged following Singapore's merger with Malaysia in 1963, and subsequent independence in 1965." }, { "docid": "429475", "title": "-", "text": "The Canadian Dollar is the currency of Canada. Our currency rankings show that the most popular Canada Dollar exchange rate is the USD to CAD rate. The currency code for Dollars is CAD, and the currency symbol is $. Below, you'll find Canadian Dollar rates and a currency converter." }, { "docid": "1147851", "title": "-", "text": "Currency depreciation has two meanings. The first one is inflation (the loss of value of a currency over a period of time). The second one is the loss of value of one currency against another. This article explains how to calculate both types of currency depreciation." }, { "docid": "7443152", "title": "How to call a Singapore mobile phone from Malaysia .", "text": "1 To call a Singapore cell phone from your cell phone, you may need to first use the + (plus) sign prior to entering the Singapore mobile code and telephone number. 2 If you are calling Singapore from your cell phone, you may incur additional charges or fees from your mobile carrier. To call a Singapore cell phone from your cell phone, you may need to first use the + (plus) sign prior to entering the Singapore mobile code and telephone number. 2 If you are calling Singapore from your cell phone, you may incur additional charges or fees from your mobile carrier." }, { "docid": "5810648", "title": "-", "text": "There are 3 Airports in Singapore and this list covers all these 3 Singapore Airports. Find Airport Information with airport to airport distance, airport to city distance, Current Time and Date at airport Singapore etc..." }, { "docid": "3983230", "title": "Airport ABCs: An Explanation of Airport Identifier Codes", "text": "Eventually the system expanded, allowing numbers and four digit combinations; however, an airport served by scheduled route air-carrier or military airlift aircraft always has a code comprising of only three letter IATA code. Following are the Airport Codes of the major Cities in Singapore. City / Airport. Code. Country. Singapore-Changi Airport. SIN. Singapore. IATA airport code for Singapore - 3 letter city code for Singapore-location identifier code-three letter codes. *** 1 Some cities have several airports." }, { "docid": "8650311", "title": "Dominican Republic Currency Converter", "text": "Convert your currency into Dominican pesos or any other currency you choose. It is very easy to use the currency converter. 1- Enter the amount you want to convert. 2- Choose the currency you want to convert from. 3- Choose the currency you want to convert to. Currency Converter." }, { "docid": "5038696", "title": "JPY - Japanese Yen", "text": "Our currency rankings show that the most popular Euro exchange rate is the USD to EUR rate. The currency code for Euros is EUR, and the currency symbol is €. Our currency rankings show that the most popular Japan Yen exchange rate is the USD to JPY rate. The currency code for Yen is JPY, and the currency symbol is Â¥." }, { "docid": "1026903", "title": "Sony Announces PlayStation 4 Pricing and Availability for SingaporeBy Hurrairah bin Sohail - on 12 Nov 2013, 11:27am", "text": "The PS Camera by itself is priced at S$87.90 while a vertical stand for your new PlayStation 4 will cost S$36.90. The price for the PlayStation 4 in the US market had previously been revealed to be US$399. Using currency conversion the same amount in Singapore dollars roughly amounts to $500.There are many reason to pick the PlayStation 4 over the upcoming Xbox One. However, it remains to be seen whether Sony's marked up local pricing of the PlayStation 4 will dissuade gamers from purchasing it.sing currency conversion the same amount in Singapore dollars roughly amounts to $500. There are many reason to pick the PlayStation 4 over the upcoming Xbox One. However, it remains to be seen whether Sony's marked up local pricing of the PlayStation 4 will dissuade gamers from purchasing it." }, { "docid": "441536", "title": "JPY - Japanese Yen", "text": "The Japanese Yen is the currency of Japan. Our currency rankings show that the most popular Japan Yen exchange rate is the USD to JPY rate. The currency code for Yen is JPY, and the currency symbol is Â¥. Below, you'll find Japanese Yen rates and a currency converter." }, { "docid": "864318", "title": "Representative democracy in Singapore", "text": "Singapore has a multi-party parliamentary system of representative democracy in which the President of Singapore is the head of state and the Prime Minister of Singapore is the head of government. Executive power is vested in the President and the Cabinet." }, { "docid": "543107", "title": "-", "text": "Edward Boustead Centre. Singapore 408832. Company Announcement. INCORPORATION OF A WHOLLY OWNED SUBSIDIARY. Singapore, 28 October 2014. The Board of Directors of Boustead Singapore Limited (the Company) wishes to. announce that the Company’s 100% owned subsidiary, Boustead Projects Pte Ltd, has. incorporated a wholly owned subsidiary in Singapore known as Boustead Projects E&C." }, { "docid": "2680764", "title": "Malaya and British Borneo dollar", "text": "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The Malaya and British Borneo dollar (known as the ringgit in Malay, Jawi: رڠڬيت) was the currency of Malaya, Singapore, Sarawak, North Borneo, Brunei and Riau archipelago from 1953 to 1967.he currency was issued by the Board of Commissioners of Currency, Malaya and British Borneo. Prior to 1952, the board was known as the Board of Commissioners of Currency, Malaya." }, { "docid": "6884186", "title": "FAQ About Singapore", "text": "Singapore is at the southern tip of the Malay Peninsula in Southeast Asia. It encompasses one main island, called Singapore Island or Pulau Ujong, and sixty-two smaller islands. Singapore is separated from Malaysia by the Straits of Johor, a narrow body of water. Two routes connect Singapore to Malaysia: the Johor-Singapore Causeway (completed in 1923), and the Malaysia-Singapore Second Link (opened in 1998). Singapore also shares maritime boundaries with Indonesia to the south and east." } ]
what is the source of all waves
[ { "docid": "5418352", "title": "Ch. 19 Vibrations and Waves", "text": "The source of all waves - mechanical or electromagnetic - is something that is vibrating. Matthew Donovan." } ]
[ { "docid": "7287379", "title": "Earthquakes: seismic waves", "text": "The two main types of waves are body waves and surface waves. Body waves can travel through the earth's inner layers, but surface waves can only move along the surface of the planet like ripples on water. Earthquakes radiate seismic energy as both body and surface waves. Body Waves Traveling through the interior of the earth, body waves arrive before the surface waves emitted by an earthquake." }, { "docid": "3561817", "title": "Peristalsis", "text": "The waves help to mix the stomach contents and propel food to the small intestine. Usually, two to three waves are present at one time in different regions of the stomach, and about three waves occur each minute." }, { "docid": "8466355", "title": "Why does the moon make waves?", "text": "Answered by The Community. Making the world better, one answer at a time. the moon makes the waves move with gravitation. the moon pulls all the waves to come it's way using gravitation. and the other reason why the waves move is because the wind blows the waves. Natalie w." }, { "docid": "2952832", "title": "-", "text": "The seismic waves that cause the majority of damage in earthquakes are the surface waves of which there are two types. Rayleigh waves.Love waves. Surface waves have high amp … litudes (which in turn means they have a large amount of energy). These high amplitude surface waves cause surface deformations." }, { "docid": "716161", "title": "-", "text": "Primary waves (P waves) arrive at a seismograph first. Then, Secondary waves arrive. Lastly, Surface waves occur and cause the most damage. + 194 others found this useful." }, { "docid": "4549786", "title": "Difference Between Transverse and Longitudinal Waves", "text": "Main Difference – Transverse vs. Longitudinal Waves. Transverse and longitudinal are two different types of waves. The main difference between transverse and longitudinal waves is that in transverse waves, oscillations occur perpendicular to the direction of propagation of the wave, whereas in longitudinal waves, oscillations occur parallel to the direction of propagation of the wave." }, { "docid": "8716669", "title": "Chapter 5.2 Earthquakes and Seismic Waves", "text": "characteristics of P waves. move like earthworms, compress and expand, push and pull; fastest, travels through solids, and liquids, primary waves. characteristics S waves. moves like Lochness monster, side to side, shear waves;, travels through solids only, slower than P waves. characteristics of Surface waves. slowest waves, causes the most damage, Rayleigh and Love waves, form when P & S waves meet the surface; move like rolling ocean waves." }, { "docid": "2043369", "title": "-", "text": "A telephone's transmitter converts sound waves into electrical waves. The receiver converts electrical waves into sound waves. The standard telephone is a transducer that conv … erts sound waves to electrical waves." }, { "docid": "1459707", "title": "Seismic wave propagation", "text": "There are two different types wave produced by an earthquake: body waves and surface waves. Body Waves. Body waves are seismic waves that travel through the body of the earth. Body waves are reflected and transmitted at interfaces where seismic velocity and/or density change, and they obey Snell's law." }, { "docid": "3425410", "title": "Polarization (waves)", "text": "Transverse waves that exhibit polarization include electromagnetic waves such as light and radio waves, gravitational waves, and transverse sound waves (shear waves) in solids. In some types of transverse waves the wave displacement is limited to a single direction, so these also don't exhibit polarization." }, { "docid": "1911568", "title": "Categories of Waves", "text": "Waves traveling through a solid medium can be either transverse waves or longitudinal waves. Yet waves traveling through the bulk of a fluid (such as a liquid or a gas) are always longitudinal waves. Transverse waves require a relatively rigid medium in order to transmit their energy.linky waves, water waves, stadium waves, and jump rope waves are other examples of mechanical waves; each requires some medium in order to exist. A slinky wave requires the coils of the slinky; a water wave requires water; a stadium wave requires fans in a stadium; and a jump rope wave requires a jump rope." }, { "docid": "1887609", "title": "-", "text": "Sound waves are produced by a vibrating body, be it an oboe reed, guitar string, loudspeaker cone or jet engine. The vibrating sound source causes a disturbance to the surrounding air molecules, causing them bounce off each other with a force proportional to the disturbance." }, { "docid": "4183444", "title": "-", "text": "Diffraction occurs in water waves, sound waves, and light waves, but the amount of diffraction depends on the size of the obstacle or opening in relation to the wavelength of the wave. Waves with larger wavelengths diffract more than those with smaller wavelengths." }, { "docid": "7982476", "title": "Overview of quantum space theory", "text": "For a sound wave, air is the medium. There are two classes of waves, transverse and longitudinal. A transverse wave is one in which the medium moves perpendicular to the wave direction. Transverse waves cause the medium to move up and down while the wave moves out from its source. An example is an ocean wave. A longitudinal wave,sometimes called a compressional wave, moves in the same direction as the medium." }, { "docid": "2952831", "title": "-", "text": "What types of earthquake waves usually cause the most destruction? A. Surface waves B. Stress waves C. Primary waves D. Secondary waves Weegy: The types of earthquake waves that usually cause the most destruction are: Surface waves. erikalui|Points 1763| User: Where are the longest continuous mountain ranges on Earth located? A." }, { "docid": "3805554", "title": "What is Reverb?", "text": "Reverberation, or reverb for short, refers to the way sound waves reflect off various surfaces before reaching the listener's ear. The example on the right shows one person (the sound source) speaking to another person in a small room.everberation, or reverb for short, refers to the way sound waves reflect off various surfaces before reaching the listener's ear. The example on the right shows one person (the sound source) speaking to another person in a small room." }, { "docid": "721324", "title": "Seismic Waves", "text": "Earthquakes generate three types of seismic waves: P (primary) waves, S (secondary) waves and surface waves, which arrive at seismic recording stations one after another.Both P and S waves penetrate the interior of the Earth while surface waves do not. Due to this, P and S waves are known as body waves.arthquakes generate three types of seismic waves: P (primary) waves, S (secondary) waves and surface waves, which arrive at seismic recording stations one after another." }, { "docid": "3824109", "title": "-", "text": "Transverse waves. Light and other types of electromagnetic radiation are transverse waves. Water waves and S waves (a type of seismic wave) are also transverse waves. In transverse waves, the vibrations are at right angles to the direction of travel." }, { "docid": "7126494", "title": "Which Medium Does Sound Travel Fastest In?", "text": "What kind of waves require a medium through which to travel? A: Mechanical waves require a medium to travel through so that they can transmit energy. Some examples of mechanical waves are water waves, sound waves and th... Full Answer >" }, { "docid": "5217640", "title": "Longitudinal wave", "text": "In longitudinal waves, the displacement of the medium is parallel to the propagation of the wave. A wave along the length of a stretched Slinky toy, where the distance between coils increases and decreases, is a good visualization. Sound waves in air are longitudinal, pressure waves.rom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Longitudinal waves, also known as l-waves, are waves in which the displacement of the medium is in the same direction as, or the opposite direction to, the direction of travel of the wave." }, { "docid": "7503181", "title": "-", "text": "In the case of sound waves, the atmospheric pressure will return to the ambient pressure without an energy source to disturb it, and any vibrating surface will constitute an energy or excitation source." }, { "docid": "6983688", "title": "P Waves are primary waves", "text": "P Waves are primary waves. Introduction. P waves are produced by all earthquakes. They are compression waves that form when rocks break due to pressure in the Earth. S waves are secondary waves that are also created during an earthquake. They travel at a slower speed than the p-waves. Slinky demonstrating how primary waves." }, { "docid": "3639627", "title": "SONAR", "text": "Rather, it only detects sound waves coming towards it. Passive sonar cannot measure the range of an object unless it is used in conjunction with other passive listening devices. Multiple passive sonar devices may allow for triangulation of a sound source." }, { "docid": "4876516", "title": "Seismic Waves", "text": "S waves are transverse waves which involve movement of the ground perpendicular to the velocity of propagation. They travel only through solids, and the absence of detected S waves at large distances from earthquakes was the first indication that the Earth has a liquid core. S waves travel typically 60% of the speed of P waves. They are typically more damaging than the P waves because they are several times higher in amplitude." }, { "docid": "8311974", "title": "What is a tsunami?", "text": "Historically tsunamis have been referred to as tidal waves, but that name is discouraged by oceanographers because tides have little effect on tsunamis. Tsunamis are giant waves caused by earthquakes or volcanic eruptions under the sea. Out in the depths of the ocean, tsunami waves do not dramatically increase in height. But as the waves travel inland, they build up to higher and higher heights as the depth of the ocean decreases. The speed of tsunami waves depends on ocean depth rather than the distance from the source of the wave." }, { "docid": "2774469", "title": "-", "text": "The source of energy is the the energy that goes into moving the medium, e.g. the wind or mechanical motion of the drum membrane or the causative forces that move charges and currents in electromagnetic waves. In these cases, energy comes from the source to create the wave." }, { "docid": "2031423", "title": "Difference Between Mechanical and Electromagnetic Waves", "text": "In this article, we are going to discuss what are mechanical waves and electromagnetic waves, their definitions, applications of mechanical waves and electromagnetic waves, similarities between these two and finally the difference between mechanical waves and electromagnetic waves. Electromagnetic Waves." }, { "docid": "2600183", "title": "Seismic monitoring", "text": "Surface waves travel along the surface of the Earth, are slower than body waves and tend to be very destructive. Technically, surface waves result from interference between the two types of body waves. During analysis, surface wave measurements help identify the depth and magnitude of an event." }, { "docid": "8697727", "title": "Frequency measurement", "text": "Frequency. The frequency of a wave is the number of waves produced by a source each second. It is also the number of waves that pass a certain point each second. The unit of frequency is the hertz (Hz). It is common for kilohertz (kHz), megahertz (MHz) and gigahertz (GHz) to be used when waves have very high frequencies." }, { "docid": "6363243", "title": "electromagnetic wave", "text": "A wave of energy consisting of oscillating electric and magnetic fields. Radio waves, light waves, and x-rays are electromagnetic waves." } ]
what is the square miles of united states
[ { "docid": "1082771", "title": "Size of States", "text": "States by Size in Square Miles. U.S. states listed in order by size in square miles-Alaska to Rhode Island. Land area of the entire United States is 3,531,905 square miles." } ]
[ { "docid": "2979982", "title": "Woodstock, Georgia", "text": "Downtown Atlanta is 30 miles (48 km) to the south, and Canton, the Cherokee County seat, is 11 miles (18 km) north. According to the United States Census Bureau, Woodstock has a total area of 11.3 square miles (29.2 km2), of which 11.2 square miles (28.9 km2) is land and 0.12 square miles (0.3 km2), or 0.92%, is water." }, { "docid": "8238717", "title": "Harriman, Tennessee", "text": "Harriman's northern boundary is near US-27's split with State Highway 61. According to the United States Census Bureau, the city has a total area of 10.6 square miles (27.4 km 2), of which 10.4 square miles (26.9 km 2) is land and 0.19 square miles (0.5 km 2), or 1.86%, is water. Demographics" }, { "docid": "6961843", "title": "-", "text": "Walbridge is located at 41°35′18″N 83°29′22″W / 41.58833°N 83.48944°W / 41.58833; -83.48944 (41.588350, -83.489503). According to the United States Census Bureau, the village has a total area of 2.21 square miles (5.72 km2), of which 2.19 square miles (5.67 km2) is land and 0.02 square miles (0.05 km2) is water." }, { "docid": "7911916", "title": "-", "text": "Schleswig is located at (42.163614, -95.434944 According to the United States Census Bureau, the city has a total area of 1.31 square miles (3.39 km 2), of which, 1.30 square miles (3.37 km 2) is land and 0.01 square miles (0.03 km 2) is water." }, { "docid": "5213884", "title": "Leavenworth, Kansas", "text": "According to the United States Census Bureau, the city has a total area of 24.06 square miles (62.32 km 2), of which, 24.04 square miles (62.26 km 2) is land and 0.02 square miles (0.05 km 2) is water. Fort Leavenworth occupies the northern half of the city's area." }, { "docid": "5435358", "title": "Georgia Population 2018", "text": "Georgia Population Density. Situated in the southeastern corner of the United States, Georgia is the 24th largest US state when it comes to sheer land mass. The total surface area is 59,425 square miles (or 153,909 square kilometers) and for every square mile of Georgian territory, there is an average of 168.4 people. Georgia ranks 18 th in the United States in population density." }, { "docid": "635453", "title": "Lynchburg, Virginia", "text": "According to the United States Census Bureau, the city has a total area of 49.6 square miles (128.5 km 2), of which 49.2 square miles (127.4 km 2) is land and 0.5 square miles (1.3 km 2) (1.0%) is water. Lynchburg has a four-season humid subtropical climate (Koeppen Köppen), cfa with cool winters and, hot humid. summers" }, { "docid": "6712837", "title": "Berrien Springs, Michigan", "text": "According to the United States Census Bureau, the village has a total area of 1.02 square miles (2.64 km2), of which 0.94 square miles (2.43 km2) is land and 0.08 square miles (0.21 km2) is water. The village is situated on the St. Joseph River." }, { "docid": "8721856", "title": "-", "text": "Celina is located at According to the United States Census Bureau, the town has a total area of 14.2 square miles (36.7 km 2), of which 14.0 square miles (36.3 km 2) is land and 0.15 square miles (0.4 km 2), or 1.10%, is water." }, { "docid": "4391420", "title": "Circle Pines", "text": "Sponsored Topics. Circle Pines is a city in Anoka County, Minnesota, United States. The population was 4,918 at the 2010 census. According to the United States Census Bureau, the city has a total area of 2.0 square miles (5.1 km²), of which, 1.8 square miles (4.5 km²) of it is land and 0.2 square miles (0.5 km²) of it (9.74%) is water." }, { "docid": "8631688", "title": "Tremont Township, Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania", "text": "Tremont Township is a township in Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania, United States. The population was 250 at the 2000 census. According to the United States Census Bureau, the township has a total area of 23.3 square miles (60.4 km²), all of it land." }, { "docid": "1628154", "title": "Independence, Ohio", "text": "Independence is located at . According to the United States Census Bureau, the city has a total area of 9.64 square miles (24.97 km 2), of which 9.54 square miles (24.71 km 2) is land and 0.10 square miles (0.26 km 2) is water. Much of the land area in Independence is used by the intersection of I-480 and I-77." }, { "docid": "8718141", "title": "-", "text": "Seaside is located at toward the south of Monterey According to the United States Census Bureau, the city has a total area of 9.4 square miles (24 km 2), of which, 9.2 square miles (24 km 2) of it is land and 0.1 square miles (0.26 km 2) of it (1.48%) is water." }, { "docid": "2278483", "title": "Georgia Population 2018", "text": "Georgia Population Density. Situated in the southeastern corner of the United States, Georgia is the 24th largest US state when it comes to sheer land mass. The total surface area is 59,425 square miles (or 153,909 square kilometers) and for every square mile of Georgian territory, there is an average of 168.4 people. Georgia ranks 18th in the United States in population density." }, { "docid": "3439864", "title": "Largest Islands In The United States", "text": "Big island Hawaii is the largest island the United States of America has to its name. There are many large islands in the United States out of which Big Island in Hawaii is in the first position as it covers the area of 4,028 square miles. The second and third largest islands in the country are the Kodiak Island and Puerto Rico." }, { "docid": "5460679", "title": "Prior Lake, Minnesota", "text": "According to the United States Census Bureau, the city has a total area of 18.33 square miles (47.47 km 2); 15.44 square miles (39.99 km 2) is land and 2.89 square miles (7.49 km 2) is water. Upper Prior Lake and Lower Prior Lake sit at the center of the city in an elongated shape towards the southwest to Spring Lake." }, { "docid": "3733578", "title": "-", "text": "Reston is located at 38°57′16″N 77°20′47″W / 38.95444°N 77.34639°W / 38.95444; -77.34639. According to the United States Census Bureau, the CDP has a total area of 17.4 square miles (45.0 km²), of which, 17.1 square miles (44.4 km²) of it is land and 0.2 square miles (0.5 km²) of it (1.21%) is water." }, { "docid": "482857", "title": "-", "text": "According to the United States Census Bureau, the city has a total area of 1.3 square miles (3.3 km²), of which, 1.2 square miles (3.2 km²) of it is land and 0.04 square miles (0.1 km²) of it (2.38%) is water." }, { "docid": "2292941", "title": "-", "text": "According to the United States Census Bureau, the town has a total area of 35.7 square miles (92.5 km²), of which, 35.4 square miles (91.8 km²) of it is land and 0.3 square miles (0.8 km²) of it (0.81%) is water." }, { "docid": "3310527", "title": "Largest Lake in the World", "text": "The largest lake in the United States on the basis of water volume is Lake Superior with a volume of 2904 cubic miles (12,100 cubic kilometers). Lake Michigan-Huron has the largest surface area in the United States at 45,410 square miles (117,611 square kilometers).Contributor: Hobart King.he largest lake in the United States on the basis of water volume is Lake Superior with a volume of 2904 cubic miles (12,100 cubic kilometers). Lake Michigan-Huron has the largest surface area in the United States at 45,410 square miles (117,611 square kilometers). Contributor: Hobart King." }, { "docid": "226032", "title": "-", "text": "Pottstown is located at (40.249690, -75.640262 According to the United States Census Bureau, the borough has a total area of 4.9 square miles (13 km 2), of which 4.8 square miles (12 km 2) is land and 0.1 square miles (0.2 km 2 or 1.83%) is water." }, { "docid": "4966762", "title": "-", "text": "According to the United States Census Bureau, the city has a total area of 10.2 square miles (26.4 km²), of which, 10.1 square miles (26.3 km²) of it is land and 0.1 square miles (0.1 km²) of it (0.49%) is water." }, { "docid": "3659727", "title": "-", "text": "Chesapeake is located at 36°46′2″N 76°17′14″W / 36.76722°N 76.28722°W / 36.76722; -76.28722 (36.767398, -76.287405). According to the United States Census Bureau, the city has a total area of 351 square miles (910 km 2), of which 341 square miles (880 km 2) is land and 10 square miles (26 km 2) (2.9%) is water." }, { "docid": "7594145", "title": "Wakefield, New Hampshire", "text": "According to the United States Census Bureau, the town has a total area of 44.7 square miles (116 km2), of which 39.5 square miles (102 km2) is land and 5.3 square miles (14 km2) is water, comprising 11.72% of the town. Wakefield is drained by the Pine and Branch rivers." }, { "docid": "4299499", "title": "Major Bodies of Water in the United States", "text": "Lake Huron is the second-largest lake in the United States, with a surface area of 23,000 square miles. Lake Huron was the first of the Great Lakes to be discovered and is the fifth largest freshwater lake in the world. Lake Huron has a volume of 850 cubic miles." }, { "docid": "8120602", "title": "-", "text": "According to the United States Census Bureau, the town has a total area of 14.7 square miles (38 km 2), of which, 14.7 square miles (38 km 2) of it is land and 0.04 square miles (0.10 km 2) of it (0.20%) is water." }, { "docid": "1909463", "title": "Junction City, Wisconsin", "text": "Junction City is located at (44.591291, -89.764435). According to the United States Census Bureau, the village has a total area of 1.57 square miles (4.07 km 2), of which, 1.56 square miles (4.04 km 2) of it is land and 0.01 square miles (0.03 km 2) is water." }, { "docid": "7363862", "title": "Flights from Denver to Las Vegas from $74.61", "text": "Your flights from Denver to Las Vegas will begin at Denver International Airport, located about 25 miles from the city center. This airport is a hub for the low-cost airline Frontier and is the largest airport in the United States, covering 53 square miles." }, { "docid": "4051112", "title": "Iowa Park, Texas", "text": "Iowa Park is located at (33.953731, -98.671158 According to the United States Census Bureau, the city has a total area of 4.0 square miles (10.4 km²), of which, 3.6 square miles (9.4 km²) of it is land and 0.4 square miles (1.0 km²) of it (9.68%) is water." }, { "docid": "4692387", "title": "-", "text": "According to the United States Census Bureau, Wayne County has a total area of 751 square miles (1,950 km 2), of which 726 square miles (1,880 km 2) is land and 25 square miles (65 km 2) (3.3%) is water. The terrain of the county is varied." } ]
what is the standard size of a double vanity
[ { "docid": "4188144", "title": "Bathroom Design Tools & Standard Sizes To Consider", "text": "60 to 72 inches of space required for double bowl vanities. 30 inches is standard vanity height. 60 inches must separate a light switch from a water source. 7-1/4 inches high (or less) and 10 inches deep are standard for a tub step. 26 inches off the floor is the standard height for toilet paper holders." } ]
[ { "docid": "5150914", "title": "-", "text": "Install a faucet to the sink that’s attached to the new vanity top. 18. Apply a continuous bead of silicone adhesive around top edge of vanity, then set the vanity top into place. 19. Connect the water-supply lines to the shut-off valves and to the sink faucet." }, { "docid": "6407447", "title": "Can a bathroom vanity be installed higher than 30 inches?", "text": "up vote 0 down vote. Yes, it's more than possible to have a vanity be taller than 30. Depending on your height, most people would find a taller vanity to be more comfortable. The standard height of a bathroom vanity is 32 but comfort height vanities are raised by 4 for a total height of 36." }, { "docid": "1732693", "title": "What is the difference between a word and a byte?", "text": "Byte: Today, a byte is almost always 8 bit. However, that wasn't always the case and there's no standard or something that dictates this. Since 8 bits is a convenient number to work with it became the de facto standard. Word: The natural size with which a processor is handling data (the register size)." }, { "docid": "4365517", "title": "What are the standard dimensions of a makeup vanity table?", "text": "A normal vanity cabinet is 21 deep, so we would normally make the shorter makeup area 3 shallower at 18 deep. And the standard height for the makeup area was at table height of maximum 30 at top of counter, with the counter top being anywhere from 3/4 to 1 1/2, so the accurate height of the cabinet is around 28 1/2. The standard width for foot and leg room is 24. It appears to me that the drawer cabinet is around 15." }, { "docid": "6581462", "title": "How to Choose a Bathroom Mirror Size", "text": "Measure the vanity that the mirror will be installed above. You will want to limit your choices to a mirror that is this size, including the frame, or smaller, as hanging a mirror that's too large for the vanity typically looks awkward. To prevent a box-like effect, keep two to four inches of open space between the edge of the mirror and the edge of the vanity." }, { "docid": "8295222", "title": "-", "text": "Now, the two twin mattresses won't be quite as long as a standard king size. Standard king size beds measure approximately 80 long, while standard twin beds measure 75 long." }, { "docid": "655090", "title": "At What Height Do I Hang a Wall-Hung Vanity?", "text": "If the piece measures 20 inches high and you want a height of 31 inches, you must mount it 11 inches above the floor. If you want the look of a floating sink with the entire vanity raised 12 inches or higher above the floor, you want a vanity of a smaller height." }, { "docid": "1554956", "title": "DIY Concrete Projects", "text": "Concrete Vanity Top. A DIY concrete countertop adds sleek and modern appeal to any bathroom design. To make the vanity top, pour the concrete to the actual size of the piece of furniture being used, making sure to leave holes for the plumbing to go through." }, { "docid": "537665", "title": "How many ounces 1 shot glass?", "text": "Best Answer: United States and Canada 1.0 US fl oz (30 mL) (small) 1.5 US fl oz (44 mL) (single) 3.0 US fl oz (89 mL) (double) There is no standard size for a single shot, except in Utah, where a shot is defined at 1.5 fl oz. Elsewhere in the U.S., the standard size is generally considered to be 1.25–1.5 fl oz." }, { "docid": "2132487", "title": "Method MR304 Double Standard Wheels", "text": "Engineered for a custom fit to your specific truck, Jeep or SUV, Method Double Standards are a precision performance upgrade to any ride and come in a range of bolt patterns and offsets. With bold lines, strong accents and digital rendering, Method MR304s take the standard to a whole new level. Your Method MR304 Double Standard Wheels feature a modern black matte finish with an option to choose a machined rim for a touch of shine. Each Method Double Standard Wheel includes push-through hub covers and carries a 2-year painted finish warranty and a Limited Lifetime Structural Warranty." }, { "docid": "5605855", "title": "-", "text": "4DR Wagon 2WD / Double Cab Truck, 2WD, Extra Long Bed, Small Frame: L: 5DR Wagon 4WD / Double Cab Truck, 4WD, Long Bed, Small Frame: M: 5DR Door Van 2WD / Double Cab Truck, 4WD, Extra Long Bed, Small Frame: N: Standard Cab 1/2 Ton Truck, 2WD, Short Bed, Full-Size Frame: P: Standard Cab 1/2 Ton Truck, 4WD, Short Bed, Full-Size Frame: R" }, { "docid": "6443625", "title": "How to Install a Bathroom Vanity", "text": "• Dry-fit the vanity top over the vanity. • Make sure the wall is straight and there are no gaps between the wall and vanity. • Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to secure vanity top to vanity. • Apply silicone caulk to the top of the cabinet before vanity top is set into position and firmly press down." }, { "docid": "993050", "title": "Special Offers", "text": "Buy a basic vanity installation service and get 20% off each additional vanity top or vanity installation of equal or lesser value. All services are guaranteed by Lowe's warranty. Additional charges may apply. Discount taken at time of purchase." }, { "docid": "4826407", "title": "Standard Kitchen Stove Dimensions", "text": "Size Ranges. The narrowest kitchen stoves are 20 inches wide and used primarily in apartments and other kitchens where space is at a premium. Stoves in a variety of styles, including ones with a double oven and built-in models, range in width from 20 to 36 inches.ost Common Stove Size. The most common stove width is 30 inches, and most stoves are 36 inches high so they are flush with the standard kitchen counter height. The standard stove depth is 25 inches, but oven door handles often add a few inches." }, { "docid": "5080066", "title": "American Girl Bathroom Vanity", "text": "American Girl Bathroom Vanity. American Girl Bathroom Vanity. I absolutely love how this vanity turned out! My doll needed a place to paint her nails and do her makeup, and this is the perfect thing! I split this DIY project into two parts because I didn’t want anyone to get confused on the cut list. This way it’s easier to follow two separate posts when creating your perfect American Girl Bathroom Vanity. Related Posts: How to make American Girl Vanity Stool." }, { "docid": "1813338", "title": "Undermount Bathroom Sinks - What size are your sinks?", "text": "My vanity if you are facing the vanities is on the right side of the room. I have a makeup table with a seat. My sink is on the left side of the vanity - 36 inches on the left side. The granite that is going on top of the vanity is 60 x 22.My husbands sink on his vanity is in the middle of the 36 inches on the right side.I hope this makes sense.I am just trying to give you all the information I can to get this correct.y sink is on the left side of the vanity - 36 inches on the left side. The granite that is going on top of the vanity is 60 x 22. My husbands sink on his vanity is in the middle of the 36 inches on the right side." }, { "docid": "2893421", "title": "-", "text": "The hard-working vanity-Despite the compact space, this bathroom packs in multiple storage solutions with a vanity that mixes open shelving and closed drawers, and a standalone storage basket. Clever bathroom vanity designs. Photo of a transitional bathroom in Toronto with a vessel sink." }, { "docid": "3123072", "title": "Vanity Net Worth", "text": "Vanity net worth: $1.5 Million. Vanity (Denise Katrina Matthews) Net Worth: Denise Katrina Matthews is a former model, singer/song writer, and actress who has a net worth of $1.5 million.Better known by her stage name Vanity, she pursued a glittering career from the 1980s through the early mid-'90s.A Canadian native, Matthews was born on January 4, 1959, in Niagara Falls, Ontario.nce Prince realized that Matthews has a wonderful voice he even asked her to be the lead singer of the group Vanity 6. Known for its sexually explicit lyrics and performances, the group's biggest hit was Nasty Girl. After touring with Prince and The Time, Vanity decided to leave the group." }, { "docid": "5678612", "title": "How many yards in a full size bed sheet?", "text": "Answers.com® is making the world better one answer at a time. A full size bed measures 54 inches by 75 inches. It is also known as a standard to double bed and can accommodate two adults. 3 people found this useful." }, { "docid": "1007786", "title": "-", "text": "1 Standard Men's size: Sock Size 10-13 is for shoe size 8-12.5. 2 Big and Tall socks size 13-15 and 13-17 available for shoe size 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and some cases 17 and 18. 3 For men with shoe size bellow 8 go to the Small Feet socks for men shoe size 4-8. Standard Women's Size: Sock size 9-11 is for shoe size 4-9." }, { "docid": "8084278", "title": "double", "text": "Double definition, twice as large, heavy, strong, etc.; twofold in size, amount, number, extent, etc.: a double portion; a new house double the size of the old one. See more." }, { "docid": "3860554", "title": "What is the difference in a single din and a double din stereo for vehicles?", "text": "Best Answer: A Single Din is the standard size of a head unit (the stereo in the dash of your car) a double din is twice as large. Double dins are good for cars that have large stock head units like a caddyhas. Single dins are good for most cars, that way you can just slide the old head unit out wire the new one and slide the new one in without having to cut your dash any. Good luck. The DIN standard is a radio chassis that's 7 wide and 2 tall. A true double-DIN is simply two DIN units stacked; or a single unit that's the same size as two DIN units stacked. Double-DIN head units became common as CD players became more popular; many vehicle manufacturers (especially of Asian cars) created a DIN CD player for use with a DIN cassette/radio unit." }, { "docid": "5421850", "title": "vanity", "text": "Vanity is the quality of being vain, or having a ridiculous amount of pride. If you have excessive vanity in your appearance, you probably spend long hours sitting at your vanity table doing your makeup or plucking your nose hairs. If you pride yourself on looking absolutely perfect and refuse to do any work that might dirty your clothes or mess up your hair, someone might accuse you of vanity." }, { "docid": "5421851", "title": "51 Incredible Makeup Vanity Table Ideas", "text": "As far as the vanity table is concerned, you can either install a brand new or reuse an old study table or so. For the mirror, you again have a choice of having it hang off the wall or have one that you can place on your vanity table itself. Having a mirror over your vanity table will make applying makeup easier." }, { "docid": "450171", "title": "-", "text": "I'm going to tackle head-on a couple of points about VANITY. Firstly, many people make the mistake of thinking that the clients and patients who seek out non-invasive lipo-laser-like services do so simply for reasons of personal vanity." }, { "docid": "5604724", "title": "How Long Does it Take for Alcohol to Clear Your System?", "text": "Here are some things you need to know. The most common answer seems to be one drink will metabolize in one hour; therefore, you will be under the legal limit one hour after consuming one standard size drink. A standard size drink is 12 ounces of beer, or 5 ounces of wine, or 1.5 ounces of liquor (gin, rum, vodka, etc.).ere are some things you need to know. The most common answer seems to be one drink will metabolize in one hour; therefore, you will be under the legal limit one hour after consuming one standard size drink. A standard size drink is 12 ounces of beer, or 5 ounces of wine, or 1.5 ounces of liquor (gin, rum, vodka, etc.)." }, { "docid": "5302094", "title": "Twin Beds vs. Double Beds", "text": "A double/full bed in No. America, per Wikipedia, is 53. Ikea shows a double on their French website at 140 cm or 55. The other bed size he lists as French standard, 5 ft, is 60, the same size as a queen in the U.S. I've spent over a hundred nights in Germany." }, { "docid": "3122108", "title": "How Many Words Fit on a Double-Spaced Page?", "text": "The number of words that fit on a double-spaced page varies depending on the font, font size and margin widths. Assuming the font is Arial size 12, approximately 261 to 287 words fit on one double-spaced page." }, { "docid": "5143063", "title": "How much space is needed to fit a toilet between a shower and vanity?", "text": "I have a very small bathroom I am planning to renovate (6'-5 by 5'). My architect has drawn plans that place the shower, toilet and vanity along the single 6'-5 wall. The planned size of the shower is 30 inches wide and the vanity I would like to use is 24 inches wide. Does this leave enough sp..." }, { "docid": "130035", "title": "Vanity Domain", "text": "Definition - What does Vanity Domain mean? Vanity domain refers to a URL or domain name on the Internet that is personalized or created for the purpose of representing an individual or, in some cases, a business or group. Some people use the term vanity domain to refer only to domain names created for individuals, while others may extend the term to refer to corporate branded domains." } ]
what is the study of the three main rock types
[ { "docid": "1493596", "title": "-", "text": "There are three major types of rock: igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic. The rock cycle is an important concept in geology which illustrates the relationships between these three types of rock, and magma." } ]
[ { "docid": "5748884", "title": "-", "text": "they are formed by pre-existing rocks in a solid heat pressure or chemical activity. Edit. Share to: 1 Main Types of Metamorphic Rocks Metamorphic rocks are one of the three main rock types recognized in geology. 2 They are classified from the other major rock types by their formation." }, { "docid": "8725194", "title": "Metamorphic Rocks Lesson #14", "text": "The diagram above shows you how the rocks on Earth have been changed continually over time from one rock type to another. This changing of rock types is called the Rock Cycle. Solid rock can be changed into a new rock by stresses that cause an increase in heat and pressure." }, { "docid": "434007", "title": "Rock Cycle", "text": "There are three main types of rocks: igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic. Each of these types of rocks are formed in different ways and each type of rock can be changed into each of the other types of rock. Geologists call this process the Rock Cycle. Essentially the rock cycle is the process that makes and recycles rocks." }, { "docid": "2060986", "title": "SEDIMENTARY AND METAMORPHIC ROCKS AND AGE DETERMINATION", "text": "A sedimentary rock is an accumulation of fragments of pre-existing rocks (sediments). There are three types of sedimentary rocks; Clastic (detrital), Chemical, and Biochemical (organic) rocks. sedimentary rock is an accumulation of fragments of pre-existing rocks (sediments). There are three types of sedimentary rocks; Clastic (detrital), Chemical, and Biochemical (organic) rocks." }, { "docid": "1859839", "title": "-", "text": "Igneous, Sedimentary, and Metamorphic Rocks. The three types of rocks igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic are all subject to processes that change one rock type into another. The images below show several types of rocks undergoing these processes. Just as evaporation and precipitation are processes that move water through the water cycle, igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rock-forming processes move rocks through the rock cycle. In this investigation, you ll examine a detailed example of a rock traveling through the rock cycle." }, { "docid": "7557767", "title": "Types and Classification of Galaxies", "text": "Types and Classification of Galaxies. There are three main types of galaxies: Elliptical, Spiral, and Irregular. Two of these three types are further divided and classified into a system that is now known the tuning fork diagram." }, { "docid": "1183823", "title": "-", "text": "Nothing remains the same and habitats are constantly changing. There are two main types of succession, primary and secondary. Primary succession is the series of community changes which occur on an entirely new habitat which has never been colonized before. For example, a newly quarried rock face or sand dunes.othing remains the same and habitats are constantly changing. There are two main types of succession, primary and secondary. Primary succession is the series of community changes which occur on an entirely new habitat which has never been colonized before. For example, a newly quarried rock face or sand dunes." }, { "docid": "645358", "title": "Igneous Rocks: Texture and Composition", "text": "Igneous rocks are classified according to their texture and composition. Composition refers to both the types of minerals within a rock and the overall chemical makeup of the rock (the two are obviously related). Texture refers to the size and arrangement of the minerals or grains that make up a rock." }, { "docid": "8210158", "title": "About Igneous Rocks", "text": "Those three different settings create three main types of igneous rocks. Rock formed of lava is called extrusive, rock from shallow magma is called intrusive and rock from deep magma is called plutonic. The deeper the magma, the slower it cools and the larger its mineral crystals form. Where Igneous Rocks Form" }, { "docid": "1211722", "title": "Types of Rocks", "text": "The three main types, or classes, of rock are sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous and the differences among them have to do with how they are formed. Sedimentary. Sedimentary rocks are formed from particles of sand, shells, pebbles, and other fragments of material." }, { "docid": "4643842", "title": "Seismic Waves and Earth's Interior", "text": "When waves reach a boundary between different rock types, part of the energy is transmitted across the boundary. The transmitted wave travels in a different direction which depends on the ratio of velocities of the two rock types." }, { "docid": "2335969", "title": "Bright Hub", "text": "Igneous rocks are rocks that have formed out of magma (molten rock). The two types of igneous rocks most common on Earth are called granite and basalt. Granite is a rock that typically looks pink and white with black specks.Basalt generally just looks black.he Six Types of Igneous Rocks. To recap, granite is a coarse-grained felsic rock, while basalt is a fine-grained mafic rock. All of the other combinations have names too. A coarse-grained mafic rock is called gabbro, and a fine-grained felsic rock is called rhyolite." }, { "docid": "5140290", "title": "-", "text": "Lesson Summary. All three rock types-igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic-make up a portion of the rock cycle. Igneous rocks are rocks that formed directly from magma and can form either in the earth or on its surface." }, { "docid": "3856582", "title": "Minerals", "text": "Rocks are made of minerals. They can be made of a single mineral or a combination of several minerals. There are three main types of rocks: 1) Igneous (IG-nee-us) rocks are formed from hot, molten rock, called magma. Granite and basalt are examples of igneous rocks." }, { "docid": "7160599", "title": "A rock with a large crystals surrounded by small crystals are called?", "text": "Porphyritic Rock Porphyritic rock is igneous rock which is characterized by large crystals surrounded by a background of material with very small crystals. The scenario for the production of such rocks involves the formation of certain types of mineral crystals over a long period deep in the earth." }, { "docid": "6256091", "title": "sedimentary rock", "text": "Sedimentary rock is one of three types of rock found on Earth. The others are called igneous and metamorphic. Igneous and metamorphic rocks are the most common rock types in Earth's crust.Sedimentary rock is the most common rock type found at its surface.he others are called igneous and metamorphic. Igneous and metamorphic rocks are the most common rock types in Earth's crust. Sedimentary rock is the most common rock type found at its surface." }, { "docid": "5366817", "title": "-", "text": "Start studying Chapter 8 Metamorphism and Metamorphic Rock (Geology). Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools." }, { "docid": "5753115", "title": "Geophysical Instruments Information", "text": "Geophysical Instruments Information. Geophysical instruments are used for geological study, including rock and soil mechanics, and surveying the earth. One area of geological study is seismology, the study of earthquakes (a sudden, sometimes violent movement of the earth’s surface from released energy in the earth’s crust) and related phenomena." }, { "docid": "8408052", "title": "-", "text": "Soil is a mixture of four materials: weathered rock particles, organic. matter, water, and air. Weathered rock particles are the main ingredient. of soil. Soils differ, depending on what types of rock the rock particles. came from—for example, granite or limestone." }, { "docid": "747979", "title": "Metamorphic, Sed. and Igneous Rocks (Quick please)?", "text": "Igneous Rocks Igneous rocks form from the solidification of magma (molten rock). A reminder: magma is molten rock beneath the Earth s surface and lava is magma that is on the Earth s surface.The main characteristics of an Igneous rock are crystal size (grain size) and texture. The crystal size and texture of an igneous rock is dependant on where in the earth the rock formed.ocks All rocks are formed from minerals. There are 3 main classifications of rocks they are igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic. These rocks are formed under different conditions and posses certain characteristics." }, { "docid": "7594167", "title": "-", "text": "1 Examples Of Different Types Of Correlational Study A correlational study in psychological terms is used to determine the relationship between variables. 2 They are conducted in a variety of ways." }, { "docid": "3989063", "title": "-", "text": "Whatever they may be called, they have much to tell us about our solar system. The three main types of space rocks are comets, asteroids and meteoroids. Comas, Trails and Comet Tails. Comets are the dirty snowballs of space. They are bodies of ice, rock, gas and dust." }, { "docid": "8234876", "title": "Two main types of fiduciary", "text": "What are the two main types of fiduciary duties owed by partners to one another and the partnership?" }, { "docid": "1431943", "title": "Translations for metamorphic rock", "text": "Metamorphic rock. Metamorphic rocks arise from the transformation of existing rock types, in a process called metamorphism, which means change in form. The original rock is subjected to heat and pressure, causing profound physical and/or chemical change.The protolith may be sedimentary rock, igneous rock or another older metamorphic rock.he original rock is subjected to heat and pressure, causing profound physical and/or chemical change. The protolith may be sedimentary rock, igneous rock or another older metamorphic rock." }, { "docid": "861374", "title": "When Should You Start Studying for Your AP Exams?", "text": "There is no magic number of hours you need to study for an AP exam to get a certain score. There are, though, two main factors that together should give you a rough idea of how many hours you should plan to study." }, { "docid": "576068", "title": "List of Degrees: Most Popular Degree Programs by Level", "text": "There are two main types of master's degrees: academic and professional. An academic master's program is likely to result in a Master of Arts (M.A.) or Master of Science (M.S.) degree. Many people earn an academic master's degree with the intention of continuing on to doctoral study." }, { "docid": "6108769", "title": "What Causes Mesothelioma?", "text": "Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral found in rock and other minerals, such as vermiculite. There are two main types of asbestos: serpentine and amphibole. Serpentine asbestos is generally less friable than amphibole asbestos." }, { "docid": "7872231", "title": "Three Main Types of Volcanoes and Utah Volcanoes", "text": "Three Main Types of Volcanoes *. The three main types of volcanoes differ in shape, size, and make-up; the differences partly result from the different types of eruptions." }, { "docid": "6244468", "title": "Student Papers in Geology-Cochise CollegeCochise College", "text": "The name given to the rock layer that forms Hoodoos at Bryce Canyon is the Clarion Formation. This layer has many rock types including siltstone and mudstone and is predominantly limestone. Thirty to forty million years ago this rock was born in an ancient lake that covered a great deal of western Utah." }, { "docid": "6117265", "title": "-", "text": "Best Answer: The two main rock types in which diamond is formed are harzburgite and eclogite, both quite rare igneous rock types.arzburgitic diamonds contain inclusions of olivine, broinzite, and pyrope. Harzburgitic diamonds are more than 3 billion years old. Eclogite is a high pressure metamorphic rock composed of garnet (almandine-pyrope variety) and omphacite (a sodium-rich clinopyroxene). Source(s): http://www.gamineral.org/diamond.htm." } ]
what is the symbol for mars planet
[ { "docid": "4752086", "title": "-", "text": "Every planet has a symbol that represents it. Some have been in use for thousands of years. The symbol for Mars represents the shield and spear of Mars, the Roman god of war. It is also the male/masculine symbol and the symbol for iron.The same symbol is used for the planet in the pseudo-science of astrology.Now that you know the symbol for Mars, you might be interested in some facts about the planet itself.If you came here looking for astrological references, please search ”junk science” in Google and you will find what you need.Now, on to Martian facts. The tallest volcano in the Solar System is on Mars.ow that you know the symbol for Mars, you might be interested in some facts about the planet itself. If you came here looking for astrological references, please search ”junk science” in Google and you will find what you need. Now, on to Martian facts. The tallest volcano in the Solar System is on Mars." } ]
[ { "docid": "2588046", "title": "The Planet Mars", "text": "Mars is the last planet of the inner four terrestrial planets in the solar system at an average distance of 141 million miles from our Sun. It revolves around the Sun every 687 days and rotates every 24.6 hours (nearly the same as Earth). Mars has two tiny satellites, named Deimos and Phobos (shown below)." }, { "docid": "4074244", "title": "The Night Sky This Month (No longer updated)", "text": "Mars continues to flee ahead of Earth in orbit around the Sun. Nevertheless, our world is slowly gaining on the Red Planet, and, as we do so, Mars climbs higher each day into the eastern sky before dawn. On the mornings of October 17 and 18, Mars is within 0.5° of Jupiter. By the 31st, it is 1.4° to Venus’ lower left." }, { "docid": "4346769", "title": "-", "text": "Diagram showing oppositions of Mars between 2012 and 2027. The relative brightness of the planet at each opposition is indicated by the colour of the date label, from orange (faintest) to yellow (brightest)." }, { "docid": "7143618", "title": "-", "text": "Acoording to vedic astrology , Rashi for the name Yamil is Vrishchik and Moon sign associated with the name Yamil is Scorpio. The name Yamil has Water element. Mars is the Ruling Planet for the name Yamil." }, { "docid": "3449515", "title": "Libra Personality: September 23 - October 22", "text": "Libra is the seventh sign of the astrological year and is known by its astrological symbol, the Scales. Libra individuals are artistic, affectionate, and refined. With Venus as the ruling planet, people born under this sign are considered to be attractive and fashion-conscious.ibra is the seventh sign of the astrological year and is known by its astrological symbol, the Scales. Libra individuals are artistic, affectionate, and refined. With Venus as the ruling planet, people born under this sign are considered to be attractive and fashion-conscious." }, { "docid": "4239810", "title": "-", "text": "The symbols are: 1: two threes and one zero (30) 2: a clock (SECONDS: because the lines are in opposed direction of the seconds in the clock) 3: TO (for the two white lines … between the other black lines) 4: MARS (because the symbol are the planet mars, with his two moons, Fobos and Deimos.f so, it stands for 30 seconds to mars. The first symbol, represents two … intertwined 3's, meaning 30. The next symbol, showing a circle with the bent lines sticking out, resembles a clock, the two lines representing the minute hand and the hour hand, meaning seconds." }, { "docid": "2544905", "title": "What planet is closest in size to earth?", "text": "Its diameter is 95% of Earth's but its mass is only 81% as much. It is also often the clo … sest planet to Earth, except when it is on the opposite side of the Sun, when either Mars or Mercury may be the closest in distance. The density of Venus is the closest to the Earth's density of the major planets." }, { "docid": "5196171", "title": "-", "text": "Confidence votes 20. It is to my understanding that the Symbol Prince used for awhile are the glyph symbols of Mars(male) and Venus(female) combined. Prince's symbol is also essentially identical to an alchemic symbol for the substance soapstone, with a circle added and the whole symbol rotated 135 degrees clockwise.This symbol may be found on page 74 of Signs, Symbols and Signets by Ernst Leher, Dover, 1969, a republication of the original 1950 work.rince's symbol is also essentially identical to an alchemic symbol for the substance soapstone, with a circle added and the whole symbol rotated 135 degrees clockwise." }, { "docid": "5774661", "title": "Look Up! Venus Will Be Bright and a Little Strange Tonight", "text": "As the planet arrives at its greatest angular distance to the east of the Sun, you won’t be able to see surface features, as you sometimes can when looking at Mars, or identify stunning cloud swirls as you might see when viewing Jupiter, because Venus’s thick and unforgiving clouds conceal the planet’s mountains below." }, { "docid": "507775", "title": "Astrology .com", "text": "Aries just wants to get on with it, already! Aries is ruled by the Planet Mars. Mars was the God of War, and, like two soldiers in a battle, two Aries can either fight together or against each other — but they will fight. Mars also represents passion, and Aries tends to have an active and exciting time with any lover." }, { "docid": "7740910", "title": "Which planet has the largest volcano?", "text": "Witch planet has the largest volcano? At 26 kilometers high, Olympus Mons on Mars is the largest volcano in the solar system. It's also the largest mountain in the solar system." }, { "docid": "6262813", "title": "Is Mercury bigger than Mars?", "text": "Mercury has a diameter of 3,745 km (4,208 miles). Mars has a diameter of 6,772 km (4,208 miles). Resulting in Mars close to double the size/diameter of Mercury. Earth is actually the biggest planet of the Outer Planets." }, { "docid": "2708266", "title": "Mangalvar Vrat Tuesday Fast of Hanuman", "text": "Mangalvar Vrat or Mangalwar Vrat is the Tuesday fasting dedicated to Lord Hanuman. According to Hinduism and Hindu sacred texts, each day in a week is dedicated to a particular Hindu God or Goddess. Tuesday or Mangalvar is hence dedicated to Lord Hanuman or Bajrangbali.Magal (Kujan or Kuja or Chowwa) or Planet Mars is also believed to be the deity of Tuesday and hence the name of the week.uesday or Mangalvar is hence dedicated to Lord Hanuman or Bajrangbali. Magal (Kujan or Kuja or Chowwa) or Planet Mars is also believed to be the deity of Tuesday and hence the name of the week." }, { "docid": "4964967", "title": "Nibiru Planet X, Nibiru 2013-2014, Comet Ison Nibiru, Nibiru Update", "text": "Planet Nibiru, which was referred by the Sumerians as Planet X, was supposedly the 12th planet in our solar system. The true meaning of planet Nibiru is 'Planet of Crossing'. In the hydrophilic of Sumerians, and Egyptian, they talked about how planet Nibiru had an elliptical orbit than a normal horizontal orbit. The planet took around 750,000 years to come between Mars and Jupiter, and when it did, it created devastation on all the planets during its flyby." }, { "docid": "1471686", "title": "Solar system", "text": "1 The inner planets are: Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. 2 They are relatively small, composed mostly of rock, and have few or no moons. 3 The outer planets include: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto (a dwarf planet)." }, { "docid": "6598894", "title": "What is the diameter of Mars?", "text": "According to Space.com, Mars has a diameter of 6,794 kilometers or 4,222 miles. Universe Today says this is approximately 53 percent of Earth’s diameter. Next to Mars, Mercury is the smallest planet in the solar system with a diameter of 4,878 kilometers." }, { "docid": "7716320", "title": "-", "text": "Terrestrial planet. A terrestrial planet, telluric planet, or rocky planet is a planet that is composed primarily of silicate rocks or metals. Within the Solar System, the terrestrial planets are the inner planets closest to the Sun, i.e. Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars." }, { "docid": "6524544", "title": "-", "text": "a planet s day is the time it takes the planet to rotate or spin once on its axis mars rotates at almost the same speed as the earth so a day on mars is about as long as a day on earth a day on mars is 24 62 hours long while a day on earth is 23 934 hours long javascript must be enabled to use cool cosmos learn howars rotates at almost the same speed as the earth so a day on mars is about as long as a day on earth a day on mars is 24 62 hours long while a day on earth is 23 934 hours long" }, { "docid": "6363123", "title": "Diameter of Mars", "text": "the diameter of mars is 6792 km that makes the red planet about 53 % of the diameter of earth in addition to a smaller diameter mars has only 10 % of earth s mass those are interesting pieces of information to have but only give a small picture of what mars is like" }, { "docid": "4526192", "title": "-", "text": "Asteroid Belt between Mars and Jupiter. The dwarf planet Ceres is the largest of the bodies in the Belt. … However, there is also a larger area past the orbit of Neptune called the Kuiper Belt, which likewise contains many thousands of asteroids." }, { "docid": "3415700", "title": "Mars' Atmosphere: Composition, Climate & Weather", "text": "Mars has a thin atmosphere — too thin to easily support life as we know it. The extremely thin air on Mars can also become very dusty. Giant dust storms can blanket the entire planet and last for months." }, { "docid": "5043198", "title": "Curiosity (rover)", "text": "The Mars Pathfinder mission was designed to demonstrate a low-cost method for delivering a set of science instruments to the Red Planet. The mission landed a rover -- Sojourner -- on the surface of Mars." }, { "docid": "5143916", "title": "Mars", "text": "Mars is rocky and cold, with polar ice caps of frozen water and carbon dioxide. It has the largest volcano in the Solar System, and some very large impact craters. Mars is named after the mythological Roman god of war because it is a red planet, the colour of blood." }, { "docid": "4526806", "title": "Colonization of Mars", "text": "Colonization of Mars. Mars is the focus of much scientific study about possible human colonization. Its surface conditions and the presence of water on Mars make it arguably the most hospitable of the planets in the Solar System, other than Earth. Mars requires less energy per unit mass (delta-v) to reach from Earth than any planet except Venus." }, { "docid": "1869209", "title": "What separates the Inner Planets from the Outer Planets?", "text": "If you mean what is the difference between the inner planets and the outer planets, the inner planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars) are mostly composed of rock and the outer planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune) are mostly gases and ices. Pluto is also mostly ices but has been demoted from being a planet." }, { "docid": "3431513", "title": "-", "text": "NASA's twin robot geologists, the Mars Exploration Rovers, launched toward Mars on June 10 and July 7, 2003, in search of answers about the history of water on Mars. They landed on Mars January 3 and January 24 PST, 2004 (January 4 and January 25 UTC, 2004). The Mars Exploration Rover mission is part of NASA's Mars Exploration Program, a long-term effort of robotic exploration of the red planet." }, { "docid": "2684749", "title": "-", "text": "Some people think the world is going to end on December 21, 2012 just because the Mayan calender ended on that date … . However, people just take it the wrong way as it has been proven by scientists that the planet will be around until the sun turns red.The World will end in 3 to 5 billion years because the Red Giant Sun will engulf, along with Mercury, Venus, and Mars. No one except for God really knows it when it will.owever, people just take it the wrong way as it has been proven by scientists that the planet will be around until the sun turns red. The World will end in 3 to 5 billion years because the Red Giant Sun will engulf, along with Mercury, Venus, and Mars." }, { "docid": "3447095", "title": "Mars", "text": "Mars has two small moons, called Phobos and Deimos. The planet Mars is made of rock. The ground there is red because of iron oxide (rust) in the rocks and dust. The planet's atmosphere is very thin and contains a lot of carbon dioxide and a very tiny amount of oxygen." }, { "docid": "4914317", "title": "How Long Would it Take to Travel to Every Planet?", "text": "Today, Mars One announced the final 100 candidates chosen for its one-way trip to Mars, and 33 Americans made the cut. The non-profit—based out of the Netherlands—would like to establish a colony on the red planet and plans on doing so without NASA's help, because NASA has their own thing going on." }, { "docid": "8788620", "title": "Planet Facts", "text": "Planet Facts. Our solar system has eight planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. With the exception of Uranus and Neptune, each of these planets can be seen unaided. All eight planets can be see through the use of an inexpensive amateur telescope or binoculars." } ]
what is the tax for northridge ca
[ { "docid": "4221996", "title": "-", "text": "Northridge, CA Sales Tax Rate. The current total local sales tax rate in Northridge, CA is 9.000%. The December 2015 total local sales tax rate was also 9.000%. Northridge, CA is in Los Angeles County. Northridge is in the following zip codes: 91324, 91325, 91326, 91327, 91328, 91329, 91330. Sale-Tax.com strives to have the most accurate tax percentages available but tax rates are subject to change at any time." } ]
[ { "docid": "2923904", "title": "-", "text": "Beverly Hills ,CA Brandeis ,CA Burbank ,CA Calabasas ,CA Canoga Park ,CA Canyon Country ,CA Chatsworth ,CA Encino ,CA Glendale ,CA Granada Hills ,CA La Crescenta ,CA" }, { "docid": "7966961", "title": "-", "text": "Nearest cities: Santa Maria Valley, CA (1.7 miles ), Orcutt, CA (2.3 miles ), Nipomo, CA (2.5 miles ), Guadalupe, CA (2.8 miles ), Garey, CA (2.8 miles) , Blacklake, CA (3.0 miles ), Casmalia, CA (3.1 miles) , Sisquoc, CA (3.2 miles) ." }, { "docid": "6745805", "title": "-", "text": "Mountain House, CA Sales Tax Rate. The current total local sales tax rate in Mountain House, CA is 7.750%. The December 2016 total local sales tax rate was 8.000%. Mountain House, CA is in San Joaquin County. Follow @SaleTaxCom. Sale-Tax.com strives to have the most accurate tax percentages available but tax rates are subject to change at any time." }, { "docid": "4073771", "title": "-", "text": "Directions to the Courthouse in Pine City from I-35 Traveling northbound on I-35, take Co Rd 11 Exit (Exit #171). Turn right onto Co. Rd. 11, turn left onto Northridge Drive." }, { "docid": "974026", "title": "-", "text": "Reputation: 1342. For a very rough estimate of CA taxes, take 1/3 of your federal tax for your CA income tax. For an exact amount in your situation get the CA tax forms,fill them out for 2010 using the data from your 1040 to see how much you would have owed in CA. http://www.ftb.ca.gov/forms/2010/10_540bk.pdf. http://www.ftb.ca.gov/forms/2010/10_540.pdf." }, { "docid": "6058304", "title": "-", "text": "julian ca weather copyright © 2018 Weather for Julian, CA - Julian, CA 92036 Weather, Current Weather in Julian, CA. Local weather report for Julian, CA, Local Julian, CA 92036 weather. Forecast for Julian, California, Julian, CA weather forecast. Find your local Julian weather forecast. Julian, CA weather conditions. Weather outlook for Julian, CA. Weather report for Julian, CA. Weather Maps and Driving Directions julian ca weather." }, { "docid": "6223491", "title": "-", "text": "Citizens Business Bank: 122240010: Y: N: Ontario, CA: Citizens Business Bank: 122240104: Y: N: Ontario, CA: Citizens Business Bank: 122240450: Y: N: Ontario, CA: Citizens Business Bank: 122240667: Y: N: Ontario, CA: Citizens Business Bank: 122240670: Y: N: Ontario, CA: Citizens Business Bank: 122240696: Y: N: Ontario, CA: Citizens Business Bank: 122240764: Y: N: Ontario, CA: Citizens Business Bank: 122240890: Y: N" }, { "docid": "8648407", "title": "-", "text": "Recent Cathedral City Reviews. Cathedral City, CA is the city in the middle of it all of Palm Springs, CA; Rancho Mirage, CA; and Palm Desert, CA. You can sit in your yard and watch the sunset over the majestic San Jacinto Mountains." }, { "docid": "2135542", "title": "-", "text": "torrance ca weather copyright © 2018 Weather for Torrance, CA - Torrance, CA 90501 Weather, Current Weather in Torrance, CA. Local weather report for Torrance, CA, Local Torrance, CA 90501 weather. Forecast for Torrance, California, Torrance, CA weather forecast. Find your local Torrance weather forecast. Torrance, CA weather conditions. Weather outlook for Torrance, CA. Weather report for Torrance, CA. Weather Maps and Driving Directions torrance ca weather." }, { "docid": "7722663", "title": "The Northridge Earthquake", "text": "The Northridge Earthquake. On the morning of Jan. 17, 1994, a 6.7 magnitude earthquake centered in Northridge hit the Los Angeles area, collapsing several buildings, destroying stretches of freeways, and sparking several fires in the area. At final count, the quake resulted in at least 57 deaths and rendered about 125,000 people homeless." }, { "docid": "3486405", "title": "CSUN Admission Office Number", "text": "Please provide me the phone number of admission office of California State University, Northridge. California State University, Northridge is a very good university situated in California. Some of the Departments of California State University, Northridge are: Business Administration, B.S." }, { "docid": "6523832", "title": "-", "text": "driving time from Los Angeles, CA to Palm Springs, CA; cost of driving from Los Angeles, CA to Palm Springs, CA; reverse drive distance from Palm Springs, CA to Los Angeles, CA; halfway between Los Angeles, CA and Palm Springs, CA; stopping points from Los Angeles, CA to Palm Springs, CA; hotels near Palm Springs, CA" }, { "docid": "6439432", "title": "University of California, Riverside", "text": "California State University San Bernardino, CA; Community Christian College, CA; Four D College, CA; Inland Technical Skills Center, CA; InterCoast Colleges Riverside, CA; Loma Linda University, CA; San Bernardino Valley College, CA; UCR, CA; United Education Institute San Bernardino, CA; University of California Riverside, CA; University of Redlands, CA" }, { "docid": "2951209", "title": "Vista, CA Sales Tax Rate", "text": "Vista, CA Sales Tax Rate. The current total local sales tax rate in Vista, CA is 8.500% . The December 2014 total local sales tax rate was also 8.500% ." }, { "docid": "1331980", "title": "5 Ways to Pay No Car Tax", "text": "5 Ways to Pay No Car Tax. Paying no car tax when purchasing a car is actually possible though it can be difficult. There are some loop holes in the laws and some not very well known that you can use to eliminate the car tax on your vehicle purchase. If you purchase a car in Oregon and then register it in CA then you will have to pay the sales tax that applies to CA car sales. 2 This is very difficult, as you will need to have an address in that state and proof of this address." }, { "docid": "6637057", "title": "-", "text": "Driving distance from Oakland, CA to Eureka, CA. The total driving distance from Oakland, CA to Eureka, CA is 275 miles or 443 kilometers. Your trip begins in Oakland, California. It ends in Eureka, California." }, { "docid": "6413398", "title": "Taxing municipal bond interest in California", "text": "In a recent decision by the Kentucky Court of Appeals, the court ruled that it is unconstitutional to tax interest from out-of-state municipal (muni) bonds, while in-state muni bond interest is tax exempt (Davis v. Department of Revenue (January 6, 2006) Case No. 2004-CA-001940-MR)." }, { "docid": "7205844", "title": "Beverly Hills, California", "text": "The combined sales tax rate for Los Angeles County, CA is 9.25%. This is the total of state and county sales tax rates. The California state sales tax rate is currently 6%. The Los Angeles County sales tax rate is 0.25%. Cities in Los Angeles County. Acton; Agoura; Agoura Hills; Agua Dulce; Alhambra; Altadena; Arcadia; Arleta; Artesia; Avalon; Azusa; Baldwin Hills" }, { "docid": "1958173", "title": "Northridge, CA", "text": "Northridge, CA. Northridge is located in south California. Northridge is part of Los Angeles County. On average, the public school district that covers Northridge is worse than the state average in quality. The Northridge area code is 818." }, { "docid": "3169967", "title": "1994 Northridge earthquake", "text": "1994 Northridge earthquake. The 1994 Northridge earthquake occurred on January 17, at 4:30:55 a.m. PST and had its epicenter in Reseda, a neighborhood in the north-central San Fernando Valley region of Los Angeles, California. It had a duration of approximately 10–20 seconds." }, { "docid": "4824136", "title": "CA-125", "text": "The Test Sample. The Cancer Antigen 125 (CA-125) test measures the amount of CA-125 in the blood. CA-125 is a protein that is present on the surface of most, but not all, ovarian cancer cells.he Test Sample. The Cancer Antigen 125 (CA-125) test measures the amount of CA-125 in the blood. CA-125 is a protein that is present on the surface of most, but not all, ovarian cancer cells." }, { "docid": "7490707", "title": "-", "text": "Apo-Loperamide (CA), Arret (UK), Diah-Limit (UK), Diamode, Diaquitte (UK), Diareze (UK), Diarr-Eze (CA), Diarrhea Relief (CA), Diocalm Ultra (UK), Diocaps (UK), Dom-Loperamide (CA), Entocalm (UK), Imodium, Imodium A-D, K-Pek II, Loperacap (CA), Norimode (UK), Normaloe (UK), Novo-Loperamide (CA), PHL-Loperamide (CA), PMS-Loperamine (CA), Riva-Loperamine (CA), Sandoz Loperamide" }, { "docid": "6041222", "title": "-", "text": "Weather for Imperial, CA - Imperial, CA 92251 Weather, Current Weather in Imperial, CA. Local weather report for Imperial, CA, Local Imperial, CA 92251 weather. Forecast for Imperial, California, Imperial, CA weather forecast. Find your local Imperial weather forecast. Imperial, CA weather conditions. Weather outlook for Imperial, CA. Weather report for Imperial, CA. Weather Maps and Driving Directions imperial ca weather." }, { "docid": "4808343", "title": "-", "text": "If you need to book a flight, search for the nearest airport to Sherman Oaks, CA. 1 11 miles to Glendale, CA. 2 14 miles to Los Angeles, CA. 3 30 miles to Long Beach, CA. 4 38 miles to Anaheim, CA. 5 44 miles to Santa Ana, CA. 6 62 miles to Riverside, CA. 7 66 miles to San Bernardino, CA." }, { "docid": "1894609", "title": "Overview", "text": "California State University--Northridge has a total undergraduate enrollment of 36,917, with a gender distribution of 46 percent male students and 54 percent female students. California State University--Northridge is part of the NCAA I athletic conference." }, { "docid": "2370207", "title": "-", "text": "Nearest cities: West Carson, CA (1.5 miles ), West Compton, CA (1.9 miles ), West Rancho Dominguez, CA (2.0 miles ), Compton, CA (2.1 miles ), Lomita, CA (2.1 miles ), Gardena, CA (2.2 miles ), Torrance, CA (2.2 miles ), East Rancho Dominguez, CA (2.3 miles )." }, { "docid": "2776828", "title": "Distance between Fresno, CA and Dinuba, CA, mileage and gas calculator", "text": "Your journey from Fresno, CA to Dinuba, CA by car will take: Distance conversions between Fresno, CA and Dinuba, CA. This table shows distance in kilometers, miles and nautical miles between Fresno, CA and Dinuba, CA:" }, { "docid": "4899957", "title": "-", "text": "Nearest cities: East Oakdale, CA (1.8 miles ), Valley Home, CA (2.3 miles ), Riverbank, CA (2.3 miles ), Escalon, CA (2.8 miles ), Del Rio, CA (2.9 miles ), Empire, CA (3.0 miles ), Waterford, CA (3.1 miles ), Modesto, CA (3.3 miles )." }, { "docid": "3192842", "title": "-", "text": "California Tax Rates. The California (CA) state sales tax rate is currently 6.5%. However, California adds a mandatory local rate of 1% that increases the total state sales and use tax base to 7.5%. Depending on local municipalities, the total tax rate can be as high at 10.0%. State and local taxes can reach 9.25% in many cities." }, { "docid": "543276", "title": "-", "text": "Get two large cans of Flex Seal® today for only $19.99 plus $9.95 shipping and handling, and $9.99 processing. You'll also receive a FREE Handy Can of Flex Shot. Tax will be applied to orders from CA, FL and NJ. Orders from Continental U.S. only." } ]
what is the taxonomy of sea turtles
[ { "docid": "6225679", "title": "What is the taxonomy of a turtle?", "text": "btw, dont answer something if u dont know how to answer it. A turtle's taxonomy is how it is classed. It is in the kingdom of amphibians. The phylum of chordata. The class of reptilia. The order of tustudines. The family of Cheloniidae, which are sea turtles with shells covered with scutes (horny plates).t is in the kingdom of amphibians. The phylum of chordata. The class of reptilia. The order of tustudines. The family of Cheloniidae, which are sea turtles with shells covered with scutes (horny plates)." } ]
[ { "docid": "4024774", "title": "-", "text": "Leatherback sea turtles live in the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans, as well as South China Sea." }, { "docid": "2087485", "title": "-", "text": "General Description: Of the three native Hawaiian species, the most common is the green sea turtle. This is the largest of the hard-shelled turtles weighing up to 440 pounds and measuring up to 4 feet. Hawaiian green turtles are slightly smaller than their Atlantic cousins." }, { "docid": "6946169", "title": "-", "text": "Learn about sea turtles - remarkable marine reptiles facing formidable challenges to their survival." }, { "docid": "6886376", "title": "The Open Ocean", "text": "Some pelagic zone animals (e.g., pelagic seabirds, whales, sea turtles) travel thousands of miles between breeding and feeding grounds. Along the way, they face changes in water temperatures, types of prey, and human activities such as shipping, fishing, and exploration." }, { "docid": "6824283", "title": "Help Protect Sea Turtles", "text": "Pledge to Fight Ocean Trash. We love sea turtles and other ocean wildlife! But, trash has infiltrated all reaches of our ocean, causing countless negative impacts on ocean life and coastal communities. The problem can seem overwhelming, but it's entirely preventable. You can make a difference. Take the pledge to turn the tide on ocean trash for sea turtles and other sea creatures." }, { "docid": "1976667", "title": "Leatherback sea turtle", "text": "Leatherback turtles have the most hydrodynamic body design of any sea turtle, with a large, teardrop-shaped body. A large pair of front flippers powers the turtles through the water. Like other sea turtles, the leatherback has flattened fore limbs adapted for swimming in the open ocean.laws are absent from both pairs of flippers. The leatherback's flippers are the largest in proportion to its body among extant sea turtles. Leatherback's front flippers can grow up to 2.7 m (8.9 ft) in large specimens, the largest flippers (even in comparison to its body) of any sea turtle." }, { "docid": "7819219", "title": "Information About Sea Turtles: Species of the World", "text": "Of all the sea turtles that nest in the United States, the loggerhead is the one seen most often. The loggerhead was listed in the United States under the Endangered Species Act as threatened in 1978, and is the only sea turtle species not listed as endangered." }, { "docid": "7819221", "title": "Turtles", "text": "Five species of sea turtle occur in the Hawaiian waters, including green, hawksbill, leatherback, loggerhead and olive ridley sea turtles. 1 Green Sea Turtle. 2 Hawksbill Sea Turtle. 3 Leatherback Sea Turtle. 4 Loggerhead Sea Turtle. 5 Olive Ridley Sea Turtle." }, { "docid": "6108049", "title": "Turtle Town", "text": "Turtle Town. Turtle Town is an amazing snorkeling destination off the south coast of Maui. Here, sea turtles spend time resting, feeding, and gliding through turquoise waters. You are almost guaranteed to see at least one of these fascinating creatures while snorkeling through Turtle Town. Five types of sea turtles live around Maui." }, { "docid": "7916712", "title": "-", "text": "Sanibel Island – Captiva Island Sea Turtle Season Guidelines mcesal 2017-03-07T19:15:43+00:00. Baby sea turtles are called hatchlings. They hatch late at night when the moon is bright. And when they are ready, they follow the moonlight and head back to the Gulf of Mexico to join their relatives and other sea creatures." }, { "docid": "6217606", "title": "Loggerhead Sea Turtle Fact Sheet", "text": "Status. Loggerhead sea turtles and eggs are hunted extensively in many parts of the world. In the U. S., however, the main threat is from raccoons and wild boar which eat the eggs. On some nesting beaches, raccoons may destroy more than 95 percent of the nests.Encroaching human populations are also a threat.he loggerhead sea turtle is perhaps the most common of the sea turtles and the only one that still regularly nests on the U. S. Atlantic Coast, on beaches from New Jersey to Texas." }, { "docid": "7942136", "title": "Florida Keys sea turtles hatch", "text": "Watch a nest of sea turtles hatch and make their way to the beach, in this rare webcam footage. By Rhiannon Edwards. 12:51PM BST 28 Jul 2014. Comments. Using infrared lighting, a turtle webcam positioned on a beach in the Florida Keys recorded the hatch. Sea turtles have been on Earth for more than 100 million years and (unsurprisingly, given their name) spend most of their time in the sea." }, { "docid": "8772265", "title": "Sea urchin", "text": "Taxonomy. 1 There is a wide diversity of shapes in sea urchins. This slate-pencil sea urchin (Heterocentrotus mamillatus), despite its big, wide spines, is a regular sea urchin and not a cidaroid: its spines are not covered with algae. 2 Sea urchin anatomy based on Arbacia sp. 3 Podia of a purple sea urchin." }, { "docid": "6740016", "title": "What Do Turtles Do When They Hatch?", "text": "Green sea turtles head straight to the ocean when they leave the nest. Comstock Images/Comstock/Getty Images. There are many different types of turtles -- some are freshwater species, while others live in the ocean. One thing they all have in common is that they lay eggs on land. Female turtles lay their eggs in nesting burrows and cover them up with sand, dirt or mud, then leave them to incubate. Incubation times vary, but average around two months before hatching occurs. After laying her eggs the mother turtle's work is done, so young turtles must survive on their own." }, { "docid": "8429791", "title": "Sea Turtles: The Kids' Times", "text": "Sea Turtles. Sea turtles have roamed Earth's oceans and seas for millions of years! The first sea turtles were on Earth nearly 150 million years ago! Six species of sea turtles in oceans around the United States are either threatened or in danger of extinction: 1 green turtle. 2 hawksbill turtle.3 Kemp's ridley turtle.4 leatherback turtle.ea Turtles. Sea turtles have roamed Earth's oceans and seas for millions of years! The first sea turtles were on Earth nearly 150 million years ago! Six species of sea turtles in oceans around the United States are either threatened or in danger of extinction: 1 green turtle. 2 hawksbill turtle." }, { "docid": "3199962", "title": "Educate people and inspire them to save the green turtle.", "text": "How Many Green Sea Turtles Are Left Explore this Topic There are six species of sea turtles in the world and all are either threatened or endangered. For example, there are only around 30,000 leather back sea turtles ... There is no exact number of how many sea turtles are left in the world. Only 1 in every 1,000 to 10,000 baby sea turtles will make it do adulthood. They are currently ... Sharks eat Green Sea Turtles. However, a bigger enemy of the Green Sea Turtle is man. Turtles get caught in fishing nets and plastic and are left to die. ..." }, { "docid": "5133853", "title": "Sea Turtles", "text": "Sea turtles, saltwater crocodiles, sea snakes, and marine iguanas are the only surviving reptiles that depend on the sea. Sea turtle species are among a small group of reptiles that depend on the sea for survival." }, { "docid": "3214093", "title": "-", "text": "Size: Green sea turtles are really big! They can grow to 3 - 4 feet (91 - 122 cm) in length. They are very dense and heavy animals. An adult green sea turtle can weigh upwards of 300 - 350 pounds (136 - 159 kg)!" }, { "docid": "6080035", "title": "-", "text": "When they are active, sea turtles must swim to the ocean surface to breathe every few minutes. When they are resting, they can remain underwater for as long as 2 hours without breathing. All six species of sea turtles in the U.S. are protected under the Endangered Species Act of 1973 . These are the green, hawksbill, Kemp's ridley, leatherback, loggerhead and olive ridley sea turtles. The hawksbill, Kemp's ridley, and leatherback sea turtles are listed as endangered under the ESA." }, { "docid": "5509055", "title": "-", "text": "Green sea turtles actually do not look very. green from the outside. Their carapace can. be shades of black, gray, olive green, yellow. or brown with a radiant pattern, stripes or. irregular spots of black and white. Their. belly is creamy white or yellow." }, { "docid": "4490219", "title": "Threats", "text": "Fast Facts. Size: Kemp's Ridley is the smallest sea turtle at 30 inches long (.762m). The largest sea turtle is the leatherback-an adult can reach over six and a half feet long (over 1.8m). Adult female and male sea turtles are the same size.Weight: Kemp's Ridley weighs between 80-100lbs (36-45 kg).ast Facts. Size: Kemp's Ridley is the smallest sea turtle at 30 inches long (.762m). The largest sea turtle is the leatherback-an adult can reach over six and a half feet long (over 1.8m). Adult female and male sea turtles are the same size. Weight: Kemp's Ridley weighs between 80-100lbs (36-45 kg)." }, { "docid": "6492120", "title": "-", "text": "Adult turtles live a long time! For example, Box Turtles are known to live longer than 100 years. However, because turtle eggs and juvenile turtles have so many predators and must face many other survival difficulties, only a small percentage of turtles ever reach adulthood. Therefore, the survival of adult turtles, which have been fortunate enough to surmount these obstacles, is very important." }, { "docid": "7162646", "title": "Green Sea Turtle", "text": "Green sea turtles can use as many advocates as they can get. Make sure you do not purchase products made from this endangered species. Also, if you live an area that green turtles use for nesting, you can lead a community effort to protect the beaches they nest on. Green Sea Turtle Distribution" }, { "docid": "6187989", "title": "-", "text": "Like all turtles, snapping turtles have a shell that covers their back, also called a carapace. In snapping turtles the carapace is normally between 8 and 18 1/2 inches long. The shell color ranges from dark brown to tan and can even be black.ike all turtles, snapping turtles have a shell that covers their back, also called a carapace. In snapping turtles the carapace is normally between 8 and 18 1/2 inches long. The shell color ranges from dark brown to tan and can even be black." }, { "docid": "8268716", "title": "Sea turtle", "text": "The origin of sea turtles goes back to the Late Jurassic (150 million years ago) with genera such as Plesiochelys, from Europe. In Africa, the first marine turtle is Angolachelys, from the Turonian of Angola." }, { "docid": "2620574", "title": "Endangered Reptiles in the Florida Everglades", "text": "Of the 16 species of turtles in the area, at least five are threatened, endangered or critically endangered. These are the sea turtles. Of the seven species of sea turtle in the world, five visit Florida and they are all in danger." }, { "docid": "6535612", "title": "-", "text": "Because of that, sea turtles are not the most loving parents. Sea turtles lay their eggs on the beach they were hatched from their eggs on. Sea turtle babies are called hatchlings and try to get to the water as fast as they can.ea turtles do not take care of their young. They drag themselves onto the beach, lay their eggs and return to sea. The most amount of eggs laid was 200 eggs. They leave strange tracks in the sand. They are very smart but most of the baby sea turtles never make it to the ocean." }, { "docid": "6483669", "title": "-", "text": "They are very dense and heavy animals. An adult green sea turtle can weigh upwards of 300 - 350 pounds (136 - 159 kg)! Despite their size, they are still not the world's largest sea turtles - that title belongs to the leatherback sea turtle! Diet: Adult green sea turtles are herbivores." }, { "docid": "4515907", "title": "Identifying California Turtles", "text": "Besides sea turtles, there are only three species of native California turtles, and four non-natives which have established themselves with breeding populations in the state, mostly around populated areas. A turtle found in the wild in California may not be a native turtle or even one of the established non-natives seen here. In populated areas, especially in ponds and lakes in city parks, you will often find exotic turtles which have been released by irresponsible pet owners. These turtles may be similar in appearance to the turtles shown here." }, { "docid": "5182109", "title": "-", "text": "Five species of sea turtles inhabit Florida's waters during some of the year. Florida's nesting sea turtles include the loggerhead (most common), #oe336bs, and leatherback (least common)." } ]
what is the temperature in camano island
[ { "docid": "3367700", "title": "Camano Island, WA Weather", "text": "Camano Island, WA Weather. The average temperature of Camano Island is 51.24°F, which is about the same as the Washington average temperature of 50.47°F and is lower than the national average temperature of 54.45°F. Historical Weather." } ]
[ { "docid": "1188972", "title": "-", "text": "Camano Island County Tax Assessor. About Search Results. YP - The Real Yellow PagesSM - helps you find the right local businesses to meet your specific needs. Search results are sorted by a combination of factors to give you a set of choices in response to your search criteria." }, { "docid": "1644362", "title": "Bermuda Temperatures", "text": "Bermuda Temperatures. Because of the nearby warm water of the Gulf Stream, Bermuda remains sub-tropical in climate. Over the whole year, the average annual high temperature in the island is around 76 degree Fahrenheit and the average annual low is 68 degree Fahrenheit. You will never see snowing or ice in the island or even frosting." }, { "docid": "1688908", "title": "-", "text": "The Prince Edward Island climate guide is perfect for planning your holiday. Monthly weather averages give the best indication of what the weather is usually like for every month of the year including figures for temperature, rainfall and sunshine.The Prince Edward Island climate guide shown below is for Charlottetown.he Prince Edward Island climate guide is perfect for planning your holiday. Monthly weather averages give the best indication of what the weather is usually like for every month of the year including figures for temperature, rainfall and sunshine." }, { "docid": "7118025", "title": "-", "text": "Ely Island is an island within Lancaster County and is nearby to Billmeyer and Pole Island. Ely Island, Lancaster County from Mapcarta, the interactive map." }, { "docid": "5023708", "title": "-", "text": "Crater Lake temperature. Although Crater Lake is too deep to ever reach a truly comfortable temperature (even in the summer), plenty of people take the plunge and do a few quick strokes to cool down after hiking the Cleetwood Cove Trail or after exploring Wizard Island." }, { "docid": "8506230", "title": "-", "text": "The Smith Island Inn was the perfect home base from which to explore Smith Island. The Inn had all of the modern conveniences but was not out of place in this Island Out of Time.. John was extremely helpful - sending necessary info in advance about how to get to the island and what to do once you arrive. He..." }, { "docid": "7224316", "title": "How to Grow and Care for Norfolk Island Pines", "text": "Growing Requirements for Norfolk Pines The beauty and symmetry of the plant, as well as the soft flowing texture of the foliage will make you want to decorate it, and use it for your living Christmas tree! Norfolk Island Pines may be grown in most temperature ranges which are suitable for people." }, { "docid": "3026704", "title": "Mercer Island, Washington", "text": "Mercer Island, Washington. Map of Mercer Island. Mercer Island is a city in King County, Washington, United States located on an island of the same name in the southern portion of Lake Washington. Mercer Island is in the Seattle Metropolitan Area, with Seattle located to its west and Bellevue located to its east." }, { "docid": "4116402", "title": "Marco Island Temperatures: Averages by Month", "text": "To fill in the rest, there's information on how many days a month get above or below a given temperature. To find out how often it rises over 70, 80 or 90 °F each month in Marco Island, scroll down farther. There are also monthly and yearly counts of days with cool weather." }, { "docid": "3116466", "title": "Arctic Cordillera", "text": "Ellesmere Island is at the Northernmost part of Canada. Government of Canada: “Natural resources Canada.”. Devon Island, just south of Ellesmere Island, at 21,331square miles, is the 27 largest island in the world, and the largest uninhabited island in the world." }, { "docid": "4601870", "title": "-", "text": "View More Schools Near Camano Island, WA. See More Details. With a current price of $59,500 and a mortgage rate of 4.0%, someone purchasing 2703 Sandy Dr, Camano Island, WA , 98282 could expect to have a monthly payment of $308. This assumes a 20% down payment of $11,900 , a high credit score and a 30 year fixed-rate mortgage." }, { "docid": "4179042", "title": "-", "text": "Treasure Island-Pokemon fire redthe treasure island is a area on the one island in Pokemon fire red. When you arive on to one island don't go up instade go down uasing SURF. Treasure Island-Pokemon fire redthe treasure island is a area on the one island in Pokemon fire red.s Treasure Island a good book? I would love to tell you that this is a wonderful story because i am assuming that this is a school assigned book, but i cant i love to read and i have read ALOT of books and this is the worst book i have ever read." }, { "docid": "1698685", "title": "Providence", "text": "Providence. The tables below display average monthly climate and weather indicators in Providence Rhode Island. Temperature by: Fahrenheit / Centigrade" }, { "docid": "4477105", "title": "-", "text": "Andros Island is the eco-tourism capital of The Islands of the Bahamas. It is the fifth largest island in the Caribbean. Andros Island is the closest major island to Nassau but by far one of the least developed islands in the Bahamas." }, { "docid": "7217936", "title": "Learn About the Weather of Dominican Republic", "text": "Because of its almost year-round warmth and sunshine, some people refer to the Dominican Republic's climate as endless summer. The temperature on the island remains fairly consistent at around 77 degrees Fahrenheit throughout the year. Generally, the whole island is sunny with tropical weather." }, { "docid": "5912434", "title": "Statue of Liberty Tours & Ellis Island", "text": "Ferry to Liberty Island and Ellis Island included. The Reserve Ticket provides access to the grounds of the Statue of Liberty on Liberty Island, plus the Ellis Island Immigration Museum on Ellis Island. Does not include Pedestal (inside monument) access." }, { "docid": "4915363", "title": "Fire Island Pines, New York", "text": "Nickname(s): The Pines, Pines, FIP. Fire Island Pines. Fire Island Pines (often referred to as The Pines, simply Pines, or FIP) is a hamlet in the Town of Brookhaven, Suffolk County, New York, United States. It is located on Fire Island, a barrier island on the southern side of Long Island." }, { "docid": "4116400", "title": "-", "text": "n/a. The highest average temperature in Marco Island is August at 80.8 degrees. The coldest average temperature in Marco Island is January at 64.3 degrees. The most monthly precipitation in Marco Island occurs in January with 0 inches." }, { "docid": "2050949", "title": "Weather in Kona by month: temperature, rainfall and cloud cover", "text": "The hourly average amount of cloud cover (left image), and temperature (right image) for downtown Kona on the Big Island of Hawaii. See the “Sources” section below for image credits. Throughout the day there is only a limited (10 °F) variation in the air temperature." }, { "docid": "1188966", "title": "-", "text": "For those in an island getaway mood, there is so much to do on Camano Island. Small county parks at Utsalady Bay and Cavalero Beach offer boaters convenient launch sites. At beautiful Camano Island State Park, Sunday afternoon strollers will find easy beach access." }, { "docid": "253710", "title": "-", "text": "Key weather averages for Treasure Island in December. 1 22. 22°C max day temperature. 2 6. 6 hours of sunshine per day. 3 6. 6 days with some rainfall. 4 11. 11°C min night temperature. 5 10. 10 hours of daylight per day. 6 0. No heat & humidity. 7 64. 64 mm of monthly rainfall. 8 5. 5 (Moderate) UV index. 9 20. 20°C sea temperature." }, { "docid": "8435518", "title": "-", "text": "Washington s largest lake island is Mercer Island, in Lake Washington, in greater Seattle, at 6.4 sq mi / 17 sq km. River island. Washington s largest river island is Puget Island, a 7.5 sq mi / 19.4 sq km island in the Columbia River." }, { "docid": "8196439", "title": "-", "text": "3-star Hotels in South Padre Island; Popular Amenities South Padre Island Hotels with Free Parking; South Padre Island Hotels with Pools; Pet Friendly Hotels in South Padre Island; Popular South Padre Island Categories Condo Hotels in South Padre Island; South Padre Island Hotels with Balconies; South Padre Island Cheap Hotels" }, { "docid": "4521401", "title": "-", "text": "In the North Island of NZ it's about 15c (60f) at the moment but will rise to around 25c (75f) later today. Outside the Earth, space, has no temperature. Although the Cosmic Background Temperature=minus 455 Fahrenheit. Objects in space however, depending on their position in space, do." }, { "docid": "216466", "title": "Climate - Gran Canaria", "text": "Sea temperature Gran Canaria. The capital, Las Palmas, is located in the north-east of the island, where also the beach called Playa de Las Canteras is located; other famous beaches are located in the east and south of the island, where there are also the Maspalomas Dunes, a small sand desert along the coast." }, { "docid": "4657483", "title": "Hamilton Island Visitors Information", "text": "Hamilton Island lies on the same tropical latitude as Honolulu in the northern hemisphere and Mauritius in the south. It has a year round warm tropical climate with an average temperature of 27.4 degrees celsius.Its maximum summer temperatures (December, January and February) are around 30 degrees celsius, with maximum winter temperatures (June, July and August) around 23 degrees.ocation. Hamilton Island is one of the 74 tropical islands in the Coral Sea, between the Queensland coast and the Great Barrier Reef. It is the largest inhabited island in the Whitsundays, positioned nearly half way between the coastline of Mackay and Townsville." }, { "docid": "4464746", "title": "-", "text": "Visit the rock to see its collection of Celtic art and old-world architecture. Tourism Ireland. Aran Islands. Located near the mouth of the Galway Bay are the 3 Aran Islands: Inis Mor Mór (Island Big), Island Inis Meain (Meáin Island) middle Island And Inis (Oirr Oírr). island east island" }, { "docid": "227449", "title": "-", "text": "geographically australia is a continent not an island as a landform it could be considered an island as it is entirely surrounded by water and not joined onto any other land mass for this reason it is often referred to as an island continentaustralia is too big to be formally classified as an islandeographically australia is a continent not an island as a landform it could be considered an island as it is entirely surrounded by water and not joined onto any othe r land mass for this reason it is often referred to as an island continent" }, { "docid": "4217616", "title": "Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)", "text": "Since the interior of the statue is not air conditioned, interior temperatures can be 20 degrees higher than the outside ambient temperature on Liberty Island. On hot days visitors should drink plenty of water at least 30 minutes prior to the climb. There are no rest rooms inside the statue itself." }, { "docid": "5100866", "title": "Where was Gilligans Island filmed?", "text": "Get Your New Coconut Island Book Now! The island you see in the distance at the beginning theme of the second and third season is an actual island called Coconut Island or Mokuoloe." } ]
what is the theory of continental drift and what does it have to do with plate tectonics
[ { "docid": "5315558", "title": "Difference Between Continental Drift and Plate Tectonics", "text": "Therefore, based on the concepts of the continental drift and other developing ideas at the time, a general theory was developed, which is now known as the plate tectonics. Plate Tectonics. Plate tectonics is the theory explaining the motion of the outer crust or the lithosphere of earth. Lithosphere is divided into tectonics plates. Two main types of tectonics plates are the oceanic crust and continental crust. Oceanic crust is mainly composed of Silicon and magnesium, hence called SIMA." } ]
[ { "docid": "5029553", "title": "-", "text": "The idea that the continents were once one super-continent and subsequently moved apart is the basis of the theory of continental drift. Continental drift was first proposed … as a scientific hypothesis with evidences by Alfred Wegener early in the twentieth century.erman scientist Alfred Wegener (1880-1930) first proposed the theory of continental drift in 1912, but it was not widely accepted until the 1950s." }, { "docid": "7792476", "title": "Chapter 7: Plate Tectonics", "text": "Plate tectonics theory describes how the lithosphere of the. Earth is broken into various plates. These plates drift on the. asthenosphere at very slow rates. As plates move away from. each other the lithosphere thins and tears. At these divergent. plate boundaries new oceanic lithosphere is created in the." }, { "docid": "2585746", "title": "Chapter 5 Plate Tectonics Section 3 Drifting Continents", "text": "Although scientist rejected his theory, Wegener continued to collect evidence on continental drift and to update his book. He died in 1930 on an expedition to explore Greenland's continetal glacier. According to Wegener, how do mountains form?" }, { "docid": "8181492", "title": "Earth's Formation", "text": "Explain how studying mountain ranges can help scientists learn more about plate tectonics and continental drift. Because plate tectonics are what a mountain is caused by. Continental drift would tell you how it moved. Continents also cause mountain ranges to form. Describe how volcanoes form at subduction zones. Because two plates collide and one goes under and then they push upwared to make a volcano." }, { "docid": "654052", "title": "What about continental drift?", "text": "Before the 1960s, most geologists were adamant that the continents were stationary. A handful promoted the notion that the continents had moved (continental drift), but they were accused by the majority of indulging in pseudo-scientific fantasy. Today, that opinion has reversed—plate tectonics, incorporating continental drift, is the ruling theory." }, { "docid": "8312430", "title": "-", "text": "Ocean currents depend on the geometry of the oceans and this is controlled by plate tectonics. Hence, over geological timescales the movement of plates and continents has a profound effect on the distribution of land masses, mountain ranges and the connectivity of the oceans.As a consequence, plate tectonics has a very direct and fundamental influence on global climate.iven the clear link between ocean circulation and climate, and the similar timescales of global climate change and plate motions, it is inescapable that one of the chief controls on long-term changes in the global climate must be plate tectonics." }, { "docid": "545586", "title": "Plate Tectonics", "text": "Plate Tectonics is a theory developed in the late 1960s, to explain how the outer layers of the Earth move and deform.The theory has caused a revolution in the way we think about the Earth. Since the development of the plate tectonics theory, geologists have had to reexamine almost every aspect of Geology.ectonic Theories. Tectonic theories attempt to explain why mountains, earthquakes, and volcanoes occur where they do, the ages of deformational events, and the ages and shapes of continents and ocean basins." }, { "docid": "749664", "title": "-", "text": "Plate tectonics is the theory that Earth's outer shell is divided into several plates that glide over the mantle. Plate tectonics is the theory that Earth's outer shell is divided into several plates that glide over the mantle." }, { "docid": "2585742", "title": "Continental Drift", "text": "Although the evidence for continental drift was extremely strong, scientists rejected the idea because no mechanism for how solid continents could move around on the solid earth was developed. The discovery of apparent polar wander renewed scientists interest in continental drift. Review Questions" }, { "docid": "6663610", "title": "What Is Plate Tectonics?", "text": "From the deepest ocean trench to the tallest mountain, plate tectonics explains the features and movement of Earth's surface in the present and the past. Plate tectonics is the theory that Earth's outer shell is divided into several plates that glide over the mantle, the rocky inner layer above the core. The plates act like a hard and rigid shell compared to Earth's mantle. This strong outer layer is called the lithosphere. Developed from the 1950s through the 1970s, plate tectonics is the modern version of continental drift, a theory first proposed by scientist Alfred Wegener in 1912. Wegener didn't have an explanation for how continents could move around the planet, but researchers do now." }, { "docid": "5287733", "title": "-", "text": "Plate tectonics is melted rock the theory that Earth's outer shell is divided into several plates that glide over the mantle, the rocky inner layer above the core. The plates act like a hard and rigid shell compared to Earth's mantle. This strong outer layer is called the lithosphere." }, { "docid": "5348409", "title": "-", "text": "The most famous example of a transform boundary is the San Andreas Fault in California. The San Andreas Fault is the edges of the Pacific Plate and the North American Plate. The fault line runs through the Gulf of California and through the western part of California before running back under the ocean.n the theory of plate tectonics, the earth's crust is broken into plates that move around relative to each other. As a result of this movement, three types of plate boundaries are formed: divergent, convergent, and transform boundaries." }, { "docid": "7541965", "title": "convergent Boundary", "text": "oceanic-continental convergence. When an Oceanic and a Continental Plate converge the Oceanic Plate sinks underneath the Continental Plate. The area were the plate sinks into the Mantle is called a Subduction zone. Subduction Zones along an Oceanic-Continental boundary create a deep-sea trench.onvergent Boundary. In Plate Tectonics, a Convergent Boundary, also known as a destructive plate boundary because of Subduction. A Convergent Boundary is an actively deforming region where two or more tectonic plates or fragments of the Lithosphere move toward one another and collide." }, { "docid": "357095", "title": "wegener's theory", "text": "Alfred Wegener (1880 - 1930). Alfred Wegener proposed the theory of continental drift at the beginning of the 20th century. His idea was that the Earth's continents were once joined together, but gradually moved apart over millions of years.efore Wegener developed his theory, it was thought that mountains formed because the Earth was cooling down, and in doing so contracted." }, { "docid": "4892915", "title": "-", "text": "Definition and introduction. The continental lithosphere consists of the continental crust and, typically, some nonconvecting part of the underlying upper mantle (Figure 1). In plate tectonics terms, the continental lithosphere is part of the rigid outer rind of the Earth, which is segmented into several major plates.The cold lithosphere lies atop a hotter, more mobile (low strength) asthenosphere.n plate tectonics terms, the continental lithosphere is part of the rigid outer rind of the Earth, which is segmented into several major plates. The cold lithosphere lies atop a hotter, more mobile (low strength) asthenosphere." }, { "docid": "206979", "title": "Pangea", "text": "The mechanism for the breakup of Pangea is now explained in terms of plate tectonics rather than Wegener’s outmoded concept of continental drift, which simply stated that Earth’s continents were once joined together into the supercontinent Pangea that lasted for most of geologic time." }, { "docid": "1733789", "title": "Tectonic Plate Motion", "text": "When an oceanic plate collides with a continental plate the crust forming the oceanic plate gets bent and pulled under the continental crust. This is because the rocks that form the oceanic crust are denser and thinner than the rocks that form the continental crust." }, { "docid": "6491818", "title": "-", "text": "Present day plates and their velocities. Evidence for the theory of plate tectonics. Types of plate boundaries. Caption: Earthquakes with magnitudes greater than 3.5 that ruptured the upper 60 kilometers of the earth's surface between 1/1987 and 1/1997." }, { "docid": "912031", "title": "Definitions &Translations", "text": "Definitions for plate tectonic theory. tectonics, plate tectonics, plate tectonic theory(noun) the branch of geology studying the folding and faulting of the earth's crust. Chaldean Numerology. The numerical value of plate tectonic theory in Chaldean Numerology is: 5." }, { "docid": "6039329", "title": "Common Misconceptions about Weathering, Erosion, Volcanoes, and Earthquakes", "text": "Students can certainly see the effects of weathering and erosion, but observing the processes themselves is more difficult. Volcanic eruptions and earthquakes are more tangible, but their cause is rooted in the theory of plate tectonics, a concept not taught until the middle school years." }, { "docid": "4521128", "title": "Biography of Alfred Wegener", "text": "On the return trip, Wegener became lost and it is believed that he died in November 1930. For most of his life, Alfred Lothar Wegener was interested in his theory of continental drift and Pangaea despite harsh criticism at the time. By the time of his death in 1930 his ideas were almost entirely rejected by the scientific community." }, { "docid": "238537", "title": "-", "text": "The evidence which gave rise to the theory of continental drift -- more correctly called plate tectonics -- includes the following:" }, { "docid": "971150", "title": "-", "text": "The distribution of living things on the globe provides information about the past histories of both living things and the surface of the Earth. This evidence is consistent not just with the evolution of life, but also with the movement of continental plates around the world-otherwise known as plate tectonics. Marsupial mammals are found in the Americas as well as Australia and New Guinea, shown in brown on the map at right." }, { "docid": "5335781", "title": "-", "text": "1 The Land Bridge Theory and Continental Drift Land bridge theory began as an effort to counter Alfred Wegener's theory of continental drift (which was ultimately proven correct anyway), yet survived in a modified form as…." }, { "docid": "7183285", "title": "What Is the Theory of Continental Drift?", "text": "A: The theory of plate tectonics, formerly known as continental drift, is a working model that describes the movement of the continents and sea floor across the surface of the Earth. The theory explains many anomalous facts about Earth's geology, such as the present arrangement of landmasses." }, { "docid": "2382075", "title": "-", "text": "Plate Tectonics could be considered one of the most important theories within our lifetimes, in that it explains the distribution of all major mountain ranges, why earthquakes and volcanoes occur, where they occur, and how continents drift long distances over the course of millions of years." }, { "docid": "143385", "title": "-", "text": "Plate tectonics (from the Late Latin tectonicus, from the Greek: τεκτονικός pertaining to building) is a scientific theory describing the large-scale motion of 7 large plates and the movements of a larger number of smaller plates of the Earth's lithosphere, over the last hundreds of millions of years." }, { "docid": "7277908", "title": "-", "text": "Wegener’s theory of ‘continental drift’ was first published in 1915. Evidence to support the theory included the: • shape of continents • distribution of fossils • distribution of rocks. At first, scientists laughed at Wegener’s radical new theory. However, over the past 50 years, scientists have used the theory of continental drift to develop the current theory — the theory of ‘plate tectonics’. INDIAN" }, { "docid": "8828633", "title": "List and Describe the Evidence for the Plate Tectonics Theory", "text": "The Theory of Plate Tectonics. The basic theory of plate tectonics is that along seafloor spreading zones, the continents are separating from one another. As they spread apart, magma comes to the surface and becomes new continental crust.As the tectonic plates move away from spreading zones, they collide with one another.he Theory of Plate Tectonics. The basic theory of plate tectonics is that along seafloor spreading zones, the continents are separating from one another. As they spread apart, magma comes to the surface and becomes new continental crust." }, { "docid": "5340344", "title": "-", "text": "Science Alive for VELS Level 5. Continental drift and. plate tectonics. f you look closely at a world map, you might notice something about the. coastlines of South America and Africa. The coastlines almost seem to fit. together like two pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. In 1620, Sir Francis Bacon became the." } ]
what is the vernix
[ { "docid": "2585126", "title": "What is Vernix?", "text": "Vernix, also known as vernix caseosa, is a waxy coating which develops on the skin of fetuses, starting around the 20th week of pregnancy. The level of this waxy coating declines over the course of the pregnancy, with full term babies typically having very little vernix, while premature infants may have a thicker layer of this white, waxy substance." } ]
[ { "docid": "2585127", "title": "10 Things You Never Knew About Vernix", "text": "10 Things You Never Knew About Vernix. Layland Masuda/Getty Images 1. It's protection. When a baby's skin in still developing in the womb, it's covered with a thick, white, cheese-like layer called vernix caseosa." }, { "docid": "4375676", "title": "The Swamp Ecosystem: Ecology and Survival", "text": "Some swamp plants are dangerously poisonous and should not be handled or consumed. Poison-sumac (Toxicodendron vernix), and its relatives, poisontree (Metopium toxiferum) and poison-ivy (Toxicodendron radicans) are well-known plants that cause mild to severe rashes when touched by people.wamp ecosystems are found on all continents of the world except for Antarctica. Some of the most famous are the Okavango Delta in Africa, the Sundarbans in India or the Everglades in the USA. In general, the most extensive areas of swamp in the USA are found in the Southeast." }, { "docid": "7891665", "title": "-", "text": "The baby's downy hair and vernix is absorbed into the amniotic fluid and swallowed by the baby. This will produce the baby's first bowel movement after birth. Week 38 The child's average weight is about 6-8 pounds. Now measuring 19-20 inches crown to heel, the baby's heartbeat can be heard outside the womb. The baby is ready at any moment to come into the world." }, { "docid": "8170186", "title": "-", "text": "Rub It In: Making the Case for the Benefits of Vernix Caseosa. Great post, Kimmelin. I also think this research raises the question of whether we are bathing babies too early. I have looked at the research on timing of bathing, and the outcomes measured pretty much only have to do with temperature stability." }, { "docid": "8170188", "title": "-", "text": "[...] between oxytocin and smell Rub It In: Making the Case for the Benefits of Vernix Caseosa Bonding Matters: The Chemistry of Attachment Amniotic fluid smell Optimal position for [...] Rub It In: Making the Case for the Benefits of Vernix Caseosa December 29, 2012 07:00 AM by On loving baby slime | Birth Faith [...] between oxytocin and smell Bonding Matters: The Chemistry of Attachment Amniotic fluid smell Optimal position for [...]" }, { "docid": "82833", "title": "33 Weeks Pregnant", "text": "Changes that occur in the fetus when you are 33 weeks pregnant. By this week, your 33 week fetus is about the size of 17 inches long and weighs up to 4.4 pounds. The development of vernix that was started earlier will become quite thick now." }, { "docid": "4597929", "title": "-", "text": "Poison sumac, or Toxicodendron vernix, is a plant native to the eastern United States and Canada. Most people develop a painful allergic reaction upon contact with any part of the plant, resulting in a red, itchy rash or blisters.. Learn the other attributes of the leaf. Poison sumac is deciduous, so the leaves change color throughout the year. Newly grown spring leaves may be bright orange, becoming light green during spring and summer, changing to red during autumn, then falling off the plant entirely." }, { "docid": "3721053", "title": "Conditions Hearing loss", "text": "Babies can fail the newborn hearing screening due to vernix in the ear canal, fluid in the middle ear, or because of movement or crying during the test. However, since a few babies actually do have hearing loss, it is very important that you go to your follow-up appointment for a confirmatory test." }, { "docid": "2585121", "title": "Fetal Development: Second Trimester", "text": "The baby has reached a point where movements are being felt more often by the mother. The eyebrows and eyelashes grow in, and tiny nails have begun to grow on the fingers and toes. The skin of the fetus is going through many changes and begins to produce vernix at the twentieth week." }, { "docid": "6434072", "title": "Poison Sumac", "text": "Information about poison ivy, oak, sumac and the skin rashes they cause. Poison sumac, Toxicodendron vernix, is related to the poison ivies and poison oaks, not to the other sumacs. It is relatively rare compared to the other members of the family. The rash-causing agent, urushiol, is the same, and it causes the same rashes. While poison sumac is rare, when you find it in its typical wetland habitat, you may find quite a bit. The story goes that there was a lot of it where they cleared the wetland to build Disneyworld in Florida." }, { "docid": "553906", "title": "Chapter 15 Quiz Medical Terminology", "text": "Vernix caseosa is a protective substance that covers the surface of the skin of the fetus during the sixth and seventh month. In Latin, what does caseosa mean?" }, { "docid": "4906120", "title": "-", "text": "Babies sometimes fail the first screening because they have fluid in the middle ear or debris (like vernix) in the ear canal, or because the room is too noisy or they're too feisty during the test (moving or crying). Many babies who fail the first screening go on to pass follow-up testing. Typically, if a baby doesn't pass the first hearing screening, he'll be checked again in a week or two or referred to an audiologist (a hearing expert)." }, { "docid": "1991977", "title": "Sumac", "text": "Sumac belongs to a broad genus of plants, with more than two hundred different varieties all throughout much of the world. It is usually passed off as a toxic or dangerous plant, and is mistaken for the poison sumac (Toxicodendron vernix) which is not at all related to true sumac." }, { "docid": "2585122", "title": "-", "text": "Vernix first appears on the baby’s skin at around 20 weeks of pregnancy. The amount of vernix present on the baby’s skin decreases near the end of the pregnancy. Some babies will be born with a large amount of vernix still on the skin; some will be born with very little vernix on the skin." }, { "docid": "5469719", "title": "lanugo", "text": "(lă-nū'gō), [TE] 1 fine, soft, lightly pigmented fetal hair with minute shafts and large papillae; it appears at the end of the twelfth week and helps to hold the vernix caseosa on the skin. 2 Synonym(s): downy hair [TA], primary hair ☆ , lanugo hair. [ 3 L. down, wooliness, from lana, wool]" }, { "docid": "4478123", "title": "-", "text": "Unit 14: 4 to 5 Months (16 to 20 Weeks) Teeth | Circadian Rhythms | Vernix Caseosa | Oogonia Numbers Peak | Noises in the Womb | Adult Size Cochlea | Skin & Hair." }, { "docid": "5943023", "title": "Having a Baby: Stages of Pregnancy", "text": "In the fifth month of pregnancy, the fetus is more active and a woman may be able to feel its movements. The fetus also sleeps and wakes on regular cycles. A fine hair (called lanugo) and a waxy coating (called vernix) cover and protect the thin fetal skin." }, { "docid": "4253682", "title": "-", "text": "When your baby is a newborn, you’ll probably bathe her during the day. After a couple of months you could start to make a bath part of her bedtime routine. In the first few weeks, it may be easier to bathe your baby in the kitchen sink or in a small, plastic baby bath.You could use your big bath, but it can be awkward as you’ll need to kneel or lean over the side. When you’ve just had a baby, you need to be careful you don't hurt your back.on’t clean inside the ears, as you could damage your baby's eardrum. Use fresh pieces of cotton wool to wipe your baby's face, neck creases, and hands. If your newborn’s skin still has a coating of white, creamy vernix, don’t try to wash it off." }, { "docid": "4720959", "title": "Month 9: Almost done", "text": "Your baby's lungs are now mature and your baby will have a great chance of survival if born a little early. Your baby is now about 20 inches (51 cm) long and weighs approximately 6 to 9 pounds (2700 to 4000 grams). Only 5 percent of babies are born on their due date.If you go into labor after week 37 your careprovider will not try to stop it. Your baby may be born anytime between the 37th and 42nd week of pregnancy.our baby is now fully formed and, if it is a boy, his testicles should have descended. The vernix has mostly disappeared. Baby will gain weight at the rate of about an ounce per day during the last month before the birth. Your baby is getting fatter and its skin is less rumpled." }, { "docid": "3383976", "title": "Month 9: Almost done", "text": "Your baby is now fully formed and, if it is a boy, his testicles should have descended. The vernix has mostly disappeared. Baby will gain weight at the rate of about an ounce per day during the last month before the birth. Your baby is getting fatter and its skin is less rumpled." }, { "docid": "4597932", "title": "Poison Sumac", "text": "Poison Sumac. Poison sumac, Toxicodendron vernix, is related to the poison ivies and poison oaks, not to the other sumacs. It is relatively rare, compared to the other members of the family.The rash-causing agent, urushiol, is the same, and it causes the same rashes.oison Sumac. Poison sumac, Toxicodendron vernix, is related to the poison ivies and poison oaks, not to the other sumacs. It is relatively rare, compared to the other members of the family." }, { "docid": "8170190", "title": "-", "text": "Rub It In: Making the Case for the Benefits of Vernix Caseosa. December 4, 2010 07:00 AM by Links for Thought (Dec 4) « Williamsburg Mothering. [...] :: Rub It In: The Case for the Benefits of Vernix Caseosa. Some call it baby cold cream: the white, waxy substance known as vernix that coats a newborn baby’s skin. Recent research reveals the incredible antimicrobial and moisturizing properties of vernix caseosa — and indicates that rubbing the vernix into a newborn’s skin, rather than washing it off in a bath, may the smartest move we can make." }, { "docid": "8170183", "title": "-", "text": "Vernix acts as a natural lubricant to aid delivery- a blessing for both mama and baby! Protective layer. In the womb, your little one is surrounded by amniotic fluid. The waterproof nature of vernix creates a protective layer for their delicate skin, preventing wrinkling and chaffing." }, { "docid": "5807317", "title": "-", "text": "Toxicodendron vernix. (Redirected from Poison sumac) Toxicodendron vernix, commonly known as poison sumac, is a woody shrub or small tree growing to 9 m (30 ft) tall. It was previously known as Rhus vernix. This plant is also known as thunderwood, particularly where it occurs in the southern United States." }, { "docid": "3787771", "title": "Why Do Babies Smell So Good?", "text": "Your Privacy Rights | About Us. Another possibility: It stems from the whitish, waxy gunk (vernix caseosa) that coats the skin of a newborn who has just left the birth canal and made his entry into the world. It’s usually washed off immediately, but the odor might linger on the skin, says Preti." }, { "docid": "3065198", "title": "Poison Sumac", "text": "Poison Sumac. Poison sumac, Toxicodendron vernix, is related to the poison ivies and poison oaks, not to the other sumacs. It is relatively rare, compared to the other members of the family.The rash-causing agent, urushiol, is the same, and it causes the same rashes.oison sumac, Toxicodendron vernix, is related to the poison ivies and poison oaks, not to the other sumacs." }, { "docid": "2667471", "title": "If You Are Pregnant: Information on fetal development, abortion and alternatives handbook", "text": "A thick coat of vernix caseosa continues to form on the skin of the fetus. LENGTH: 11 inches WEIGHT: 3 pounds • The skin is thicker and less red.• There is an increase in the connections between the nerve cells in the brain.• Almost all babies born now will survive (with intensive care services)." }, { "docid": "3383974", "title": "Fetal Weight Gain During the Last Four Weeks of Pregnancy", "text": "Before the last month of pregnancy, your baby’s skin has very little fat underneath it. Instead, the skin is covered by a protective coating of vernix, which is a waxy substance, and hair. As your baby gains weight in the form of body fat, the hair and vernix dissipate." }, { "docid": "8316488", "title": "Poison Sumac", "text": "Poison Sumac. Poison sumac, Toxicodendron vernix, is related to the poison ivies and poison oaks, not to the other sumacs. It is relatively rare, compared to the other members of the family." }, { "docid": "4902349", "title": "Toxicodendron", "text": "Introduction: Toxicodendron Description of Toxicodendron. Toxicodendron: A genus (formerly part of Rhus genus) of shrubs, vines, or trees that yields a highly allergenic oleoresin which causes a severe contact dermatitis (DERMATITIS, TOXICODENDRON). The most toxic species are Toxicodendron vernix (poison sumac), T. diversilobum (poison oak), and T. radicans (poison ivy)." } ]
what is the weather like in malaysia all year round
[ { "docid": "1937638", "title": "Climate and average weather in Malaysia", "text": "World Weather & Climate Information. Weather Averages and Climate in Malaysia. Malaysia essentially observes tropical weather, without extremely high temperatures. Humidity however is a common feature, nights in Malaysia are fairly cool. Throughout the year, the average temperature ranges from 20°C to 30°C on an average. The main rainy season in the east runs between November and February, while August is the wettest period on the west coast." } ]
[ { "docid": "5960622", "title": "Resort wear", "text": "(February 2013) Resort wear is a clothing style, as well as a year-round fashion season. Sometimes known as cruise wear, it was collections only to very affluent customers who were expected to spend the post-Christmas/New Year's weeks in warm-weather climates." }, { "docid": "1111674", "title": "Sarasota Florida Weather", "text": "Our Sarasota Florida weather is mixed: bright Florida sunshine mixed with warm temperatures. It’s a great combination. We have outstanding weather here most of the year; our average year-round temperature is 72 degrees. It really only gets super hot here from June through mid to late September. Eight months of the year are cooler and milder than the dog days of summer.." }, { "docid": "2671634", "title": "Malaysian passport", "text": "The Malaysian passport (Malay: Pasport Malaysia) is the passport issued to citizens of Malaysia by the Immigration Department of Malaysia (Jabatan Imigresen Malaysia).They were formerly designated Paspot Malaysia, but the spelling was changed to Pasport in the 1980s.he Malaysian passport (Malay: Pasport Malaysia) is the passport issued to citizens of Malaysia by the Immigration Department of Malaysia (Jabatan Imigresen Malaysia)." }, { "docid": "7859902", "title": "Malaysia Weather and Climate", "text": "Malaysia Weather and Climate. Posted by pktan on Jan 14th, 2008. Filed Under: About Malaysia. Question: I am planning a trip to Malaysia in 2008 – Can you let me know when is the monsoon season, and how is the climate and weather like in Malaysia." }, { "docid": "407275", "title": "Weather in Gatlinburg", "text": "Weather in Gatlinburg. What to Expect. Weather. Due to its high elevation and temperate Tennessee weather, Gatlinburg is a great place to visit no matter what time of year. The Smoky Mountains boast pleasant temperatures year round; with typically mild and short winters ranging with lows in the 20s and highs around 50." }, { "docid": "418740", "title": "Learn About the Weather of St. Martin", "text": "Relax and enjoy the weather year round in St. Martin. Photo credit: © Fanny Reno | Dreamstime.com. Being in the tropics, and close to the equator, St. Martin and Sint Maarten experience very little variation in temperature throughout the year." }, { "docid": "1309652", "title": "ALBUQUERQUE WEATHER", "text": "albuquerque weather Time and time again, if you ask someone who has relocated to Albuquerque, New Mexico, why they decided to move here, you'll hear the response, “The weather.” Many visitors cannot believe how many completely beautiful days Albuquerque enjoys year-round. We bask in 310 days of sunshine, combined with a mild, dry climate and four distinct seasons." }, { "docid": "1129868", "title": "Machu Picchu weather", "text": "Machu Picchu weather. 02 Jul, 2016. Machu Picchu is on lower altitude than Cusco. Machu Picchu has a warmer and more humid climate. The can be clouding all year round – especially in the morning. As Machu Picchu is closer located to the jungle, rain can fall all year round." }, { "docid": "7452575", "title": "Miami Beach Weather and When to Go", "text": "Miami Weather and When to Go. Miami weather essentials. Miami Florida has great weather year-round with warm and sunny days and breezy tropical nights. Miami boasts the warmest ocean temperature in the United States mainland - making it the perfect spot for a beach vacation 12 months a year." }, { "docid": "1032386", "title": "Madeira Island Weather Forecast", "text": "Madeira Island Weather Forecast. Madeira Funchal Weather is all year round spring making Madeira attractive to sun seekers. Madeira Island Weather is never to hot or to cold. January to March is the coolest time with average temperatures of 14ºC (57 F) at night and 17 º C (62 F) during the day June usually enjoys perfect Madeira Funchal Weather." }, { "docid": "1803499", "title": "Yosemite Weather", "text": "Yosemite Weather. Yosemite weather is fairly predictable year round. In the summer months, approximately June through September you will find that the weather here is typically sunny. The spring can be rainy and chilly. While the winter can be somewhat turbulent with storms prone to come out of nowhere fast." }, { "docid": "386460", "title": "-", "text": "With its great weather, miles of sandy beaches, and major attractions, San Diego is known worldwide as one of the best tourist destinations and a great place for residents to relax year round." }, { "docid": "1584429", "title": "South Padre Island Weather and When to Go", "text": "South Padre Island Weather and When to Go. South Padre Island weather essentials. The weather at South Padre Island is usually warm year round. Even in the dead of winter the temperature rarely drops below 75F and can be suitable for playing on the beach. The summers can be hot, very hot, with temperatures topping 100F." }, { "docid": "8034150", "title": "Average Weather in July in Cotonou Benin", "text": "This report illustrates the typical weather in Cotonou year round, based on a statistical analysis of historical hourly weather reports and model reconstructions from January 1, 1980 to December 31, 2016." }, { "docid": "125870", "title": "-", "text": "Another round of winter weather moves into the South Associated Press; The 38 most amazing photos of this week's weather" }, { "docid": "3871334", "title": "Malaysia GDP - Gross Domestic Product", "text": "Gross Domestic Product of Malaysia grew 6.0% in 2014 compared to last year. This rate is 13-tenths of one percent higher than the figure of 4.7% published in 2013. The GDP figure in 2014 was €254,381 $338,108 million, Malaysia is number 36 in the ranking of GDP of the 196 countries that we publish.The absolute value of GDP in Malaysia rose €10,929 $14,766 million with respect to 2013.f we order the countries according to their GDP per capita, Malaysia is in 68th position of the 196 countries whose GDP we publish. Here we show you the progression of the GDP in Malaysia. You can see GDP in other countries in GDP and see all the economic information about Malaysia in Malaysia's economy." }, { "docid": "4926201", "title": "Outlets and Voltage in the Bahamas", "text": "Click here to learn more about what to expect year-round from the weather in Jamaica, this will help you to plan what to do during your vacation." }, { "docid": "42296", "title": "Hawaii Weather Guide & Forecast", "text": "Temperatures. Hawaii’s weather is warm all year round with daytime high temperatures ranging from 78F in the “colder” months to 88F in the hotter months. Hawaii’s proximity to the equator means that the its weather is tropically warm and consistent throughout the year. Flowers are always in bloom in Hawaii." }, { "docid": "6999439", "title": "Best Times to Visit Jamaica", "text": "Best Times to Visit Jamaica. The best time to visit Jamaica is November to mid-December. That's when the island's already beautiful weather (ranging from mid-70s to the high 80s all year-round) is the most pleasant and the hotel and flight deals are the easiest to find." }, { "docid": "1932525", "title": "weather", "text": "With 3,000 hours of annual sunshine, and year-round average of 77 degrees Fahrenheit, Greater Fort Lauderdale is guaranteed balmy breezes, tropical nights and warm ocean water. View current weather forecast." }, { "docid": "1775476", "title": "London Weather", "text": "Seasons in London. London is a great city to visit all year round, the city experiences the 4 traditional seasons and each one brings the city to life in a new way. The climate in London is typically mild and extreme weather conditions and storms are very rare." }, { "docid": "1124141", "title": "Myrtle Beach Weather and When to Go", "text": "Myrtle Beach weather essentials. Myrtle Beach, South Carolina has a year round mild climate for the most part. The city enjoys abundant sunshine year-round with more than 2800 hours annually. The sunny climate, warm temperatures, and warm Atlantic waters make Myrtle Beach one of the most popular resort cities on the East Coast." }, { "docid": "8545790", "title": "Weather", "text": "Weather The average air temperature year round is 72 degrees with the average temperature of the Gulf at 75 degrees. The average number of clear days per year is 106. Click Here to receive up to date weather reports for our area. { return to top }." }, { "docid": "6360079", "title": "-", "text": "Average Algarve Weather and Temperatures. With over 3,000 hours of sun a year The Algarve has a mild climate making it an ideal holiday destination all year round. The Algarve weather as seen by the chart below is a place in the sun all year round." }, { "docid": "885713", "title": "Gulf Coast Weather", "text": "Gulf Coast Weather. The weather on the Gulf Coast is most notable for its bright blue skies and warm temperatures, both of which can be enjoyed almost year-round. Regardless of the season, you’ll find our powder white sand beaches inviting and the Gulf of Mexico waters refreshing, both physically and mentally." }, { "docid": "456525", "title": "The Weather on Capri - Season by Season", "text": "The Weather on Capri - Season by Season. When is the best time of year to visit Capri? We are asked all the time about the weather on Capri, Italy and when is the best time of year to visit. Our favorite months are May, June, and September, but each season has its unique beauty on Capri, though there are downsides to each, as well. Here is our take, from the point of view of island locals who live on Capri all year round!" }, { "docid": "194134", "title": "The Best Time of Year for a Vacation in the Bahamas", "text": "SHARE SHARE TWEET EMAIL. Year-round sunshine and warm weather makes the Bahamas a beach vacation destination any time of year. The Bahamas are 29 self-governing islands in the Atlantic Ocean and Caribbean Sea." }, { "docid": "5202911", "title": "-", "text": "Weather & When to Visit : Sri Lanka. FREE WEATHER GUIDE. Click Here to Download. Sri Lanka is a year-round destination with two monsoon seasons so there is a lot of confusion around when is the best time to visit. The weather doesn’t run like clockwork here, and we can always be surprised by the weather in Sri Lanka!" }, { "docid": "8611437", "title": "Average Weather in Milan Italy", "text": "Average Weather in Milan Italy. In Milan, the summers are warm and humid, the winters are chilly, and it is partly cloudy year round. Over the course of the year, the temperature typically varies from 31°F to 85°F and is rarely below 23°F or above 92°F." }, { "docid": "1255472", "title": "What is the Weather like in Ireland?", "text": "Question: I'm travelling to Ireland in June / July / August ... November ... What will the weather be like? Answer: It will probably be raining! There is a reason why Ireland is famed for its lush, green scenery -- mother nature provides it a generous, year-round water sprinkler :)" } ]
causes of basal cell carcinoma
[ { "docid": "470910", "title": "-", "text": "Ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun or from a tanning bed are the main cause of basal cell carcinoma. When UV rays hit your skin, over time, they can damage the DNA in your skin cells. The DNA holds the code for the way these cells grow. Over time, damage to the DNA can cause cancer to form." } ]
[ { "docid": "5696087", "title": "-", "text": "Mutations in the transmembrane receptor patched homolog 1 (Homo sapiens) (ptch1) are responsible for nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome (NBCCS), an autosomal dominant disorder that causes developmental abnormalities and predisposes the affected individuals to cancer." }, { "docid": "8409460", "title": "Carcinoma", "text": "1 Basal cell carcinoma: The most common type of skin cancer. 2 Cancerous cells develop within the basal cell layer of the skin, or the lowest part of the epidermis. 3 Basal cell cancers usually grow slowly, and it is rare for them to spread, or metastasize, to nearby lymph nodes or even more distant parts of the body." }, { "docid": "6390561", "title": "Basal body", "text": "Thus, the basal body in such a cell is derived from the centriole. The basal body differs from the mother centriole in at least 2 aspects. First, basal bodies have basal feet, which are anchored to cytoplasmic microtubules and are necessary for polarized alignment of the cilium." }, { "docid": "3897918", "title": "Chapter-5 The Integumentary System and Body Membranes.", "text": "basal cell carcinoma. a malignant tumor of the basal cell layer of the epidermis; this is the most common and least harmful type of skin cancer because it is slow growing and rarely spreads to other parts of the body." }, { "docid": "6092807", "title": "-", "text": "It shouldn’t be taken lightly, though: it can be disfiguring if not treated promptly. More than 4 million cases of basal cell carcinoma are diagnosed in the U.S. each year. In fact, BCC is the most frequently occurring form of all cancers. More than one out of every three new cancers is a skin cancer, and the vast majority are BCCs." }, { "docid": "8824846", "title": "Precancerous Skin Lesions and Skin Cancer Slideshow", "text": "The Warning Signs of Skin Cancer. Skin cancers -- including melanoma, basal cell carcinoma, and squamous cell carcinoma -- often start as changes to your skin.They can be new growths or precancerous lesions -- changes that are not cancer but could become cancer over time.An estimated 40% to 50% of fair-skinned people who live to be 65 will develop at least one skin cancer. Learn to spot the early warning signs.hey can be new growths or precancerous lesions -- changes that are not cancer but could become cancer over time. An estimated 40% to 50% of fair-skinned people who live to be 65 will develop at least one skin cancer. Learn to spot the early warning signs." }, { "docid": "2983755", "title": "-", "text": "This procedure is most often used in treating two of the most common forms of skin cancer: basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma. The cure rate for Mohs Micrographic Surgery is the highest of all treatments for many skin cancers—often approaching 99 percent even if other forms of treatment have failed." }, { "docid": "7121264", "title": "Basal-cell carcinoma", "text": "Basal-cell carcinoma, also known as basal-cell cancer, is the most common type of skin cancer. It often appears as a painless raised area of skin, that may be shiny with small blood vessels running over it or it may present as a raised area with ulceration. Basal-cell cancer grows slowly and can damage the tissue around it but is unlikely to spread to distant areas or result in death. Risk factors include exposure to ultraviolet light, having lighter skin, radiation therapy, long term exposure t" }, { "docid": "6519403", "title": "Recognizing Neoplastic Skin Lesions: A Photo Guide", "text": "A variety of skin lesions are considered precursors of squamous cell carcinoma. Actinic keratosis appears very similar to the less severe lesions of squamous cell carcinoma. It is always found on skin that has received heavy exposure to sunlight." }, { "docid": "3717859", "title": "cervical cancer", "text": "Skin Cancer. With over 1 million new cases each year, skin cancer is the most common form of human cancer. There are three types of skin cancer: basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. Read about the symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of nonmelanoma skin cancer. Adult Skin Problems." }, { "docid": "1908706", "title": "Keratinocyte", "text": "A keratinocyte is the predominant cell type in the epidermis, the outermost layer of the skin, constituting 90% of the cells found there. Those keratinocytes found in the basal layer (stratum basale) of the skin are sometimes referred to as basal cells or basal keratinocytes." }, { "docid": "360542", "title": "Basal-cell carcinoma", "text": "Basal-cell carcinoma or basal-cell cancer (BCC), a skin cancer, is one of the most common cancers in the United States. It rarely metastasizes or kills.However, because it can cause significant destruction and disfigurement by invading surrounding tissues, it is still considered malignant.asal-cell carcinoma, nodular type. Rodent ulcer. About two thirds of basal-cell carcinomas occur on sun-exposed areas of the body. One-third occur on areas of the body that are not exposed to sunlight, emphasizing the genetic susceptibility of basal-cell cancer patients." }, { "docid": "5207936", "title": "Diagnosis and Treatment of Basal Cell and Squamous Cell Carcinoma", "text": "Basal cell carcinoma is the most common type of cancer, with incidence estimates ranging from 124 to 849 per 100,000 persons per year, depending on geographic location. 2 The age-adjusted incidence of squamous cell carcinoma is estimated at 100 to 150 per 100,000 persons per year, with a 2:1 male-to-female ratio.asal cell carcinoma most commonly appears as a pearly white, dome-shaped papule with prominent telangiectatic surface vessels. Squamous cell carcinoma most commonly appears as a firm, smooth, or hyperkeratotic papule or plaque, often with central ulceration." }, { "docid": "5475146", "title": "Skin cancer", "text": "It is estimated that approximately 9,500 people in the U.S. are diagnosed with skin cancer every day. 5-7; Research estimates that nonmelanoma skin cancer, including basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma, affects more than 3 million Americans a year. 5, 8" }, { "docid": "7103363", "title": "Lung cancer", "text": "Lung cancer, also known as lung carcinoma, is a malignant lung tumor characterized by uncontrolled cell growth in tissues of the lung. This growth can spread beyond the lung by the process of metastasis into nearby tissue or other parts of the body. Most cancers that start in the lung, known as primary lung cancers, are carcinomas. The two main types are small-cell lung carcinoma and non-small-cell lung carcinoma. The most common symptoms are coughing, weight loss, shortness of breath, and chest" }, { "docid": "5149595", "title": "-", "text": "Rodent ulcer redirects here. For the feline skin condition, see Eosinophilic granuloma. Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) (also known as basalioma or basal cell cancer), is the most common skin cancer, and one of the most common cancers in the United States. While BCC has a very low metastatic risk, this tumor can cause significant disfigurement by invading surrounding tissues." }, { "docid": "687257", "title": "Pigmented Basal Cell Carcinoma: A Clinical Variant, Report of Two Cases", "text": "Intermittent exposure to ultraviolet radiation is an important risk factor. Pigmented basal cell carcinoma is a clinical and histological variant of basal cell carcinoma that exhibits increased pigmentation.It is a very rare variant, although its frequency can reach upto 6% of total basal cell carcinomas in Hispanics.Herein, we are reporting 2 cases of pigmented basal cell carcinoma.ntroduction. Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is the common malignant neoplasm of skin. It comprises of 80% non-melanoma cancers. This disorder is more common in whites and it is a slow growing, locally invasive tumour. Pigmented BCC is a rare clinical and histological variant of BCC that exhibits increased pigmentation." }, { "docid": "4769350", "title": "Skin Cancer", "text": "There are three major types of skin cancers: basal cell carcinoma (BCC), squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), and melanoma. The first two skin cancers are grouped together as non-melanoma skin cancers. Other unusual types of skin cancer include Merkel cell tumors and dermatofibrosarcoma protruberans. Here are the basics on skin cancers: The vast majority of skin cancers are basal cell carcinomas and squamous cells carcinomas." }, { "docid": "8055884", "title": "Pharynx Cancer (Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Pharynx)", "text": "What is Pharynx Cancer (Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Pharynx) Pharynx cancer or squamous cell carcinoma of the pharynx is a cancer of the head and neck. In oncology squamous cell cancers of the head and neck are often considered together because they share many similarities – in incidence, cancer type, predisposing factors, pathological features, treatment and prognosis." }, { "docid": "3857298", "title": "Basal cell carcinoma: biology, morphology and clinical implications", "text": "Metatypical BCC is the subtype of BCC that can be confused with squamous cell carcinoma and which promotes controversy considering its precise histomorphologic classification, as it shows both basal cell and squamous cell carcinoma differentiation in a continuous fashion." }, { "docid": "1958820", "title": "Painful, Itchy Patches Could Be Sign of Skin Cancer", "text": "More than one-third of the skin cancer lesions itched, according to the study. Just under 30 percent were painful. Many people reported that their lesions were both painful and itchy. Melanoma lesions were the least likely to be painful or itchy. Other skin cancers, especially basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma, were more likely to be itchy or painful, the findings showed. Melanoma is much less common than basal cell and squamous cell skin cancers, but it is far more dangerous, according to the American Cancer Society." }, { "docid": "5994029", "title": "-", "text": "Squamous Cell Carcinoma. O ne sub-type of metaplastic carcinoma, as described by Wargotz and Norris, is squamous cell carcinoma. Metaplastic breast cancer is a heterogeneous disease. Metaplastic sub-types have been difficult to isolate.Because of it’s rarity not a lot of research has been done.quamous cell carcinoma antigen linked to high-grade, advanced breast cancer. In medicine, squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is a form of cancer of the carcinoma type that may occur in many different organs, including the skin, lips, mouth, esophagus, urinary bladder, prostate, lungs, vagina, and cervix." }, { "docid": "2753272", "title": "Types of vulvar cancer", "text": "Types of vulvar cancer. There are two main types of vulvar cancer: 1 Squamous cell carcinoma is the most common type of vulvar cancer, accounting for over 80 percent of cases. 2 One particular subtype of squamous cell cancer is called Verrucous carcinoma." }, { "docid": "5331042", "title": "30 Different Types of Doctors and What They Do", "text": "Dermatologists study skin and the structures, functions and diseases related to it. They examine patients to check for such risk factors as basal cell carcinoma (which signals skin cancer) and moles that may eventually cause skin disease if not treated in time. 7." }, { "docid": "215459", "title": "Basal-cell carcinoma", "text": "Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a new modality for treatment of basal-cell carcinoma, which is administrated by application of photosensitizers to the target area. When these molecules are activated by light, they become toxic, therefore destroy the target cells." }, { "docid": "6615001", "title": "Skin Cancer Experts", "text": "Skin Cancer Program. Cancer Center. The Skin Cancer Program is a leading innovator in the research and treatment of skin cancer, including melanoma, basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, Merkel cell carcinoma, and cutaneous lymphoma." }, { "docid": "8250210", "title": "Basal cell carcinoma: biology, morphology and clinical implications", "text": "Carcinoma is a type of skin cancer. The two types, basal cell and squamous cell, refer to the layer of the skin where the cancer resides. In basal cell cancer, the cancer …is found in the epidermis. In squamous cell cancer, the cancer is found in the subcutaneous layer of the skin." }, { "docid": "1046415", "title": "-", "text": "Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC) Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells arising in the …. Recurrence, Prevention, and Early Detection Anyone who has had one squamous cell tumor has an increased chance of developing another, …." }, { "docid": "8605051", "title": "Types of skin cancer", "text": "Squamous cell carcinoma. Squamous cell carcinoma, or SCC, is a cancer of the keratinocyte cells in the outer layer of the skin. It’s the second most common type of skin cancer in the UK. Most people treated for SCC are completely cured with simple treatment." }, { "docid": "1578801", "title": "What is Pyrimidine?", "text": "Flurouracil is a drug that is similar in structure to the pyrimidine uracil. It is usually used to treat a specific type of skin cancer called superficial basal cell carcinoma and other skin ailments, including scaly or crusted lesions caused by too much sun exposure. The drug is usually sold in the form of a cream." } ]
what is the zip code for hutto tx
[ { "docid": "4609938", "title": "78634 Zip Code Profile", "text": "Welcome to HUTTO, TX 78634. 78634 is a rural zip code in Hutto, Texas. The population is racially diverse, and mostly married couples. Housing prices here (average $146,500) are fairly typical for the Austin-Round Rock metro area. The average family income here is $69,765/year." } ]
[ { "docid": "7956682", "title": "Willow Street (PA state) ZIP code", "text": "Willow Street (PA state) ZIP code. ZIP code of Willow Street (PA) is 17584. Below you can find map of Willow Street, or look up other ZIP codes in Pennsylvania or other US states. If Willow Street's ZIP code is duplicated, and other places have same ZIP code number, you can use our ZIP code searcher by number 17584." }, { "docid": "4609939", "title": "-", "text": "City of Hutto, TX Zip Codes. City of Hutto, TX Demographic Information. * Demographic data is based on information taken from the 2000 Census. City of Hutto, TX covers 1 Area Code. City of Hutto, TX covers 1 Zip Code. 10 Cities within 15 Miles of the City of Hutto, TX." }, { "docid": "5925077", "title": "List of Zip Codes in Porter, Texas", "text": "Outlined below is a zip code list for Porter. Select a zip code you are interested in to find zip code data on demographics, family, housing, education, transportation, and real estate. See the Porter Zip Code Map." }, { "docid": "8423503", "title": "-", "text": "Cities in ZIP code 11520. The cities below are at least partially located in ZIP code 11520. In addition to the primary city for a ZIP code, USPS also publishes a list of other acceptable cities that can be used with ZIP code 11520." }, { "docid": "232367", "title": "-", "text": "Zip Code 14782, Sinclairville, NY. Get all this data for every U.S. ZIP Code in 1 easy to use database. Map the boundaries of this ZIP Code and others on any map platform." }, { "docid": "3202674", "title": "-", "text": "78641 Zip Code (Leander, TX) Detailed Profile. Cities: Leander, TX (17.40%), Volente, TX (1.64%), Cedar Park, TX (1.48%), Jonestown, TX (0.93%), Austin, TX (0.06%) Counties: Travis County, TX (60.56%), Williamson County, TX (39.44%)" }, { "docid": "2644898", "title": "-", "text": "Stats and Demographics for the 85282 ZIP Code. ZIP code 85282 is located in Arizona and covers a slightly less than average land area compared to other ZIP codes in the United States. It also has a large population density. The people living in ZIP code 85282 are primarily white.n addition to the primary city for a ZIP code, USPS also publishes a list of other acceptable cities that can be used with ZIP code 85282. However, if you are mailing something to ZIP code 85282, you should not use any of the cities listed as unacceptable." }, { "docid": "8157452", "title": "-", "text": "Pennsylvania ZIP code map and Pennsylvania ZIP code list. View all zip codes in PA or use the free zip code lookup." }, { "docid": "6925627", "title": "-", "text": "Stats and Demographics for the 15205 ZIP Code. ZIP code 15205 is located in Pennsylvania and covers a slightly less than average land area compared to other ZIP codes in the United States. It also has a slightly larger than average population density.The people living in ZIP code 15205 are primarily white.n addition to the primary city for a ZIP code, USPS also publishes a list of other acceptable cities that can be used with ZIP code 15205. However, if you are mailing something to ZIP code 15205, you should not use any of the cities listed as unacceptable." }, { "docid": "4186825", "title": "-", "text": "Zip Code 79916 Area Codes. 79916 is located in the state of Texas in the El Paso metro area. Zip code 79916 is primarily located in El Paso County. Portions of 79916 are also located in Otero County. The official postal service name used for 79916 is EL PASO, Texas.Portions of the 79916 zip code are contained within or border the city limits of Fort Bliss, TX, El Paso, TX, and Homestead Meadows North, TX.ip Code 79916 Area Codes. 79916 is located in the state of Texas in the El Paso metro area. Zip code 79916 is primarily located in El Paso County. Portions of 79916 are also located in Otero County. The official postal service name used for 79916 is EL PASO, Texas." }, { "docid": "1737034", "title": "-", "text": "The Homefacts report for zip code 78375 in Premont, TX Jim Wells County includes data on offenders, schools, foreclosures, environmental hazards, and more." }, { "docid": "3449499", "title": "-", "text": "City of Melissa, TX Zip Codes. City of Melissa, TX Demographic Information. * Demographic data is based on information taken from the 2000 Census. City of Melissa, TX covers 4 Area Codes. City of Melissa, TX covers 1 Zip Code. 11 Cities within 15 Miles of the City of Melissa, TX." }, { "docid": "849473", "title": "List of Zip Codes in Portland, Maine", "text": "Outlined below is a zip code list for Portland. Select a zip code you are interested in to find zip code data on demographics, family, housing, education, transportation, and real estate. See the Portland Zip Code Map." }, { "docid": "5584619", "title": "-", "text": "This service calculates the straight-line distance between two locations by using latitudes and longitudes. For US locations, follow these query format examples: Houston, TX or Houston, Texas or enter a US Zip Code. For distances to cities around the world, enter a ICAO location code from the selector below." }, { "docid": "7477233", "title": "-", "text": "1 Get all Area Codes and NXX data for North America. 2 ME ZIP Code Map. 3 The ME ZIP Code Map shows all 5 digit zip code boundaries for ME using clean, practical map colors and styles. 4 KENNEBEC County, ME ZIP Code Map. 5 The KENNEBEC County ME ZIP Code Map shows all 5 digit zip code boundaries for KENNEBEC County ME." }, { "docid": "5085144", "title": "Kingsville Naval Air Station (TX state) ZIP code", "text": "Kingsville Naval Air Station (TX state) ZIP code ZIP code of Kingsville Naval Air Station (TX) is 78363. Below you can find map of Kingsville Naval Air Station, or look up other ZIP codes in Texas or other US states." }, { "docid": "4694334", "title": "-", "text": "Portions of the 78624 zip code are contained within or border the city limits of Fredericksburg, TX, Stonewall, TX, and Harper, TX." }, { "docid": "4515255", "title": "US ZIP Codes", "text": "US Zip Code. In the US, the zip codes, also know as ZIP Code 5 or Zip Code 5 plus 4 are usefull to organize the mail delivery process." }, { "docid": "3550642", "title": "Zip Code 08080, Sewell, NJ", "text": "Zip Code 08055, Medford, NJ. Get all this data for every U.S. ZIP Code in 1 easy to use database. Map the boundaries of this ZIP Code and others on any map platform." }, { "docid": "4985811", "title": "US ZIP Codes", "text": "At US ZIP Codes you can search ZIP Codes to send mail and looking up US Cities and US Addresses Zip + 4 zip codes. The ZIP Code is a unique number that distinguishes cities accross the world. Almost every country uses a ZIP Codes sytem, with some exceptions like Ireland or Hong Kong. The zip code can be formed by using letters and/or numbers; it all depends on the standard chosen by the country. US Zip Code In the US, the zip codes, also know as ZIP Code 5 or Zip Code 5 plus 4 are usefull to organize the mail delivery process." }, { "docid": "3065641", "title": "-", "text": "01083 ZIP code of Warren (MA) is 01083. Below you can find map of Warren, or look up other ZIP codes in Massachusetts or other US states. If Warren's ZIP code is duplicated, and other places have same ZIP code number, you can use our ZIP code searcher by number 01083." }, { "docid": "1477628", "title": "-", "text": "1 The UVALDE County TX ZIP Code Map shows all 5 digit zip code boundaries for UVALDE County TX." }, { "docid": "7010860", "title": "-", "text": "1 NH ZIP Code Map. 2 The NH ZIP Code Map shows all 5 digit zip code boundaries for NH using clean, practical map colors and styles. 3 MERRIMACK County, NH ZIP Code Map. 4 The MERRIMACK County NH ZIP Code Map shows all 5 digit zip code boundaries for MERRIMACK County NH." }, { "docid": "7964042", "title": "-", "text": "Zip Code 78648 is located in the state of Texas in the Austin metro area. Zip code 78648 is primarily located in Caldwell County. Portions of 78648 are also located in Guadalupe County. The official US Postal Service name for 78648 is LULING, Texas. Portions of zip code 78648 are contained within or border the city limits of Luling, TX, . Zip code 78648 is within area code 830 and area code 512. 78648 can be classified socioeconically as a Lower Middle Class class zipcode in comparison to other zipcodes in Texas." }, { "docid": "3046676", "title": "Lockeford (CA state) ZIP code", "text": "Below you can find map of Lockeford, or look up other ZIP codes in California or other US states. If Lockeford's ZIP code is duplicated, and other places have same ZIP code number, you can use our ZIP code searcher by number 95237." }, { "docid": "4596047", "title": "-", "text": "Cities in ZIP code 49862. The cities below are at least partially located in ZIP code 49862. In addition to the primary city for a ZIP code, USPS also publishes a list of other acceptable cities that can be used with ZIP code 49862. However, if you are mailing something to ZIP code 49862, you should not use any of the cities listed as unacceptable." }, { "docid": "1347546", "title": "Zip Code 14782, Sinclairville, NY", "text": "U.S. ZIP Code Database Get all this data for every U.S. ZIP Code in 1 easy to use database. U.S. ZIP Code Database. Get all this data for every U.S. ZIP Code in 1 easy to use database. ZIP Code Boundary Data Map the boundaries of this ZIP Code and others on any map platform..S. ZIP Code Database Get all this data for every U.S. ZIP Code in 1 easy to use database. U.S. ZIP Code Database. Get all this data for every U.S. ZIP Code in 1 easy to use database. ZIP Code Boundary Data Map the boundaries of this ZIP Code and others on any map platform." }, { "docid": "4118917", "title": "-", "text": "If Franklin Township's ZIP code is duplicated, and other places have same ZIP code number, you can use our ZIP code searcher by number 08873." }, { "docid": "4380839", "title": "-", "text": "City of Weslaco, TX Zip Codes. City of Weslaco, TX Demographic Information. * Demographic data is based on information taken from the 2000 Census. City of Weslaco, TX covers 1 Area Code. City of Weslaco, TX covers 2 Zip Codes. 15 Cities within 15 Miles of the City of Weslaco, TX." }, { "docid": "838176", "title": "-", "text": "Cities in ZIP code 79510. The cities below are at least partially located in ZIP code 79510. In addition to the primary city for a ZIP code, USPS also publishes a list of other acceptable cities that can be used with ZIP code 79510. However, if you are mailing something to ZIP code 79510, you should not use any of the cities listed as unacceptable. Choose from the primary or acceptable cities when mailing your package or letter. Primary city: Clyde, TX Unacceptable: Eula Stats and Demographics for the 79510 ZIP Code" } ]
what is tiramisu dessert
[ { "docid": "3110420", "title": "-", "text": "Tiramisu is a cool, refreshing Italian dessert that once tasted, leaves an indelible impression on you. Stories are told about how Tiramisu was the favorite of Venice's courtesans, who needed a pick me up (the literal translation of tirami-su) to fortify themselves between their amorous encounters." } ]
[ { "docid": "1146559", "title": "Simple Dessert (Parfait)", "text": "Intro: Simple Dessert (Parfait) I don't know what happened to me, but recently I've been having this intense sugar and horrible chocolate cravings that's why I started to experiment on various ingredients ..." }, { "docid": "1395623", "title": "Perianal Abscess & Fistula â Natural Treatment", "text": "I take Gelitain (powder form, not the dessert) to strengthen my nails. It's been working really well. (there the longest, strongest, and toughest they have ever been." }, { "docid": "6108187", "title": "-", "text": "Alcohol: Marsala is a sweet red wine traditionally used for tiramisu. If you’re looking for a substitution, then dark rum is my favorite, but brandy is another good option. You can also use coffee or almond liquor. Here is a basic overview of the steps in making this tiramisu recipe:" }, { "docid": "1146561", "title": "Simple Dessert (Parfait)", "text": "what is parfait? Parfait is a French word literally meaning perfect commonly employed to describe a kind of frozen dessert, beginning in 1894. In France, parfait refers to a frozen dessert made from a base of sugar syrup, egg, and cream. A parfait contains enough fat, sugar, alcohol and/or to a lesser extent air to allow it to be made by stirring infrequently while freezing, making it possible to create in a home kitchen without specialist equipment." }, { "docid": "6388092", "title": "Dessert Wine", "text": "Dessert Wine Definition - In the context of wine styles, a dessert wine is defined as a sweet, high-alcohol wine that features concentrated flavors.... Dessert Wine Definition - In the context of wine styles, a dessert wine is defined as a sweet, high-alcohol wine that features concentrated flavors...." }, { "docid": "4286731", "title": "-", "text": "Be the first to review this product. Stripling's Old Fashioned Red Rind Hoop Cheese is mild in taste and is wonderful when served as a dessert cheese with melons, berries, and various wines.e the first to review this product. Stripling's Old Fashioned Red Rind Hoop Cheese is mild in taste and is wonderful when served as a dessert cheese with melons, berries, and various wines." }, { "docid": "7201922", "title": "-", "text": "Lovely smooth mash but could have done with more caper sauce. Husband had the guinea fowl which he really enjoyed. There was then a really long wait until our desserts arrived but they did apologize by giving us complimentary port and dessert wine. We had Hemelse modder and pear bavarois for dessert." }, { "docid": "1529657", "title": "-", "text": "Many of these cheese varieties are used in later manufacture at Grandma Singletons, to produce our prize winning blended dessert and savoury cheese varieties." }, { "docid": "5514172", "title": "-", "text": "'dolce' in Other Languages British English: dessert / dɪˈzɜːt / NOUN Dessert is something sweet, such as fruit or a pudding, that you eat at the end of a meal." }, { "docid": "8764639", "title": "-", "text": "The most traditional Christmas dinner food in Syria is chicken with oranges and nuts. In addition to this, there are numerous pastries and other sweets served for dessert. Drinks. When a Syrian welcomes you, it is often accompanied by an offer of coffee." }, { "docid": "1827260", "title": "-", "text": "Riesling is grown in Germany, Austria, Alsace (France), New Zealand, South Africa and the United States. It can be either a dry white wine or a sweet dessert wine." }, { "docid": "3809491", "title": "Bunco Theme Food", "text": "Bunco Theme Food. I have hosted several Bunco Theme Parties at my home, usually for. 12 players at a time. When planning my Bunco menu, I rely on fast and easy appetizer and dessert recipes, like these Pear Custard Dessert Bars. Every time I serve them, somebody asks me for the recipe. The best Bunco Theme Food is: Easy to make." }, { "docid": "880066", "title": "Picnic foods", "text": "These strawberry brownie skewers are a GREAT single serving dessert! Make them for a summer barbecue or picnic, or even just as an easy weeknight dessert! ........................................................" }, { "docid": "266947", "title": "Ladyfingers â A From Scratch Recipe Perfect For Tiramisu", "text": "It’s important to know that ladyfingers come in two varieties – the crunchy kind and the soft, sponge cake-like kind. The ladyfinger recipe that I am sharing here is for the soft kind. This is the kind that works best in tiramisu because it can better absorb all of the coffee/rum syrup." }, { "docid": "627345", "title": "How Do I Set A Table?", "text": "1 If you are setting a salad knife, place it at the right of the plate, to correspond with the placement of the salad fork. 2 Dessert spoons and forks can be placed horizontally above the dinner plate or brought to the table with the dessert plates. Water glasses should be set just above the knife." }, { "docid": "1866794", "title": "Liqueur", "text": "Nowadays, liqueurs are made worldwide and are served in many ways: by themselves, poured over ice, with coffee, mixed with cream or other mixers to create cocktails, etc. They are often served with or after a dessert." }, { "docid": "3512444", "title": "-", "text": "Cookery. 1 a sweetened dessert with whipped cream as a base, often stabilized with gelatin and chilled in a mold: chocolate mousse. 2 an aspic, unsweetened and containing meat, vegetables, or fish: salmon mousse." }, { "docid": "5376540", "title": "-", "text": "Get Offer. 1 Restaurant Coupon. 2 Expires: Expires Soon! 3 Used 31,779 times. Free Dessert On Your Birthday w/ Sign 1 Up. Sign up for Outback emails and get a coupon for a free dessert on your birthday. Coupon is emailed by Outback near your birthday." }, { "docid": "3204399", "title": "How to Serve a Cheese Course... the French Way", "text": "In fact, the way the French present a cheese course in the home is usually very easy indeed—elegant simplicity is the name of the game. Here’s how to do it, in five easy steps: 1. When to serve the cheese course: The cheese course always comes at some point after the main course. It can be served before dessert or as dessert. 2. How to choose the cheeses for a cheese course: There are a few ways to go about it, none of them wrong. I enjoy “bringing home the barnyard”—that is, serving a cow’s milk cheese, a sheep’s milk cheese, and a goat’s milk cheese." }, { "docid": "2092678", "title": "What Is Moelleux Au Chocolat?", "text": "Adorable animal families that will make you aww. Moelleux au chocolat is a French dessert consisting of a chocolate cake with a liquid center, often baked in individually sized portions. In English, this dessert is often called chocolate lava cake or molten chocolate cake because of the molten chocolate center." }, { "docid": "1847769", "title": "Creation Dessert Ballotin Assorted 200g", "text": "Inspired by classic dessert recipes, the Lindt Master Chocoltiers have created this box of milk, dark, white and caramel chocolates. Including your favourite Tiramisu, Creme Brulee and Brownie, the Creation Dessert chocolate gift box is perfect to share with friends after dinner." }, { "docid": "8038830", "title": "Every Classic Donut From Dunkin' Donuts, Ranked", "text": "Boston Kreme Pie Donut There was one vocal hater of this donut, but most of us thought this was the best of the filled-donut category. It definitely gives you the chocolate-custardy flavor of the classic Beantown dessert." }, { "docid": "8382564", "title": "Dessert-loving Lizzy Greene is no ordinary child actor", "text": "Dessert-loving Lizzy Greene is no ordinary child actor. Dessert-loving Lizzy Greene is no ordinary child actor. Lizzy Greene as Fannie in Fun House's The Sound of Fannie. Lizzy Greene and Karina Cunningham as real-life grave robbers Burke and Hare in The Secret Origin of Dr. Frankenstein, opening February 20." }, { "docid": "5280151", "title": "Sticking With Butterscotch", "text": "Everything old is new again -- except, it seems, for butterscotch. That buttery sweet confection, the color of sunshine mixed with honey, used to rule America's dessert world. There was butterscotch pudding, sauce, syrup and cream pie, to say nothing of that little cut-crystal dish filled with candies at Grandma's house. These days, just try to find a slice of butterscotch chiffon pie on a dessert menu or even much beyond butterscotch candies in the supermarket." }, { "docid": "4901255", "title": "Acai Bowl Recipe", "text": "Since my version isn’t super sweet, I think with the right toppings an acai bowl makes a great breakfast, post-workout snack or even dessert. You can see from the recipe that there isn’t anything too suspect or worrisome, just a bit of fruit sugar." }, { "docid": "4728101", "title": "-", "text": "Body Dessert Shea Butter Allover Conditioner. We at Bath Junkie Studios have created a product that will douse you with decadence and prolong that bathing buzz. Our Body Dessert Shea Butter Allover Conditioner is a bodacious..." }, { "docid": "6108178", "title": "-", "text": "The ultimate recipe for traditional tiramisu – a dessert made of layers of coffee-soaked ladyfingers and a rich, velvety mascarpone cream. It’s easy to tell if you’ve made a tiramisu just right. Each bite will have rich yet airy yellowish cream, a touch of alcohol, and dreamily soft, but not mushy, coffee-flavored ladyfingers. It should also have a subtle sweetness with just the right bitterness from the coffee and cocoa powder." }, { "docid": "829866", "title": "25 Best Dessert Recipes", "text": "A Pavlova is an easy, light dessert that’s perfect for any occasion. It’s a simple recipe that allows for a lot of creativity, and is fun to make with young children who like to help in the kitchen." }, { "docid": "5596102", "title": "W elco me to Behaviorb abe", "text": "TAG Teaching-TAG is an acronym that stands for teaching with Accoustical Guidance. In TAG teaching a target behavior exhibited correctly is indicated by a click of a clicker. This teaching method is most notably used for gymnastics and animal training.n the field of ABA, the term consequence also includes positive responses to a behavior, that occur after the behavior. For example, if a child is promised that they can have dessert after dinner and they eat all of their dinner, having access to dessert is a consequence." }, { "docid": "4966735", "title": "Totally Coffee", "text": "The people who ask don't see anything other than a caffeine high, but for the rest of us who know coffee's secrets, Totally Coffee will be equally habit-forming. With 48 recipes for inspiring beverages, ice creams and puddings, cookies, cakes and secret ingredients, soon the homekitchen barista will give the neighborhood kiosk a run for its money. Mocha stuffed peaches, tiramisu, zebra espresso bars, chicken chili a la java, and ham with red-eye gravy will make coffee break into coffee event." } ]
what is tkpp used for
[ { "docid": "2965167", "title": "Tetrapotassium Pyrophosphate (TKPP)", "text": "TKPP also has a higher solubility in water treatment formulations than sodium derivatives. Tetrapotassium Pyrophosphate is used in food applications as an additive in meats, poultry, and seafoods.ri-Chem can also blend solution Tetrapotassium Pyrophosphate in several different concentrations. Our standard is a 60%, technical grade TKPP solution, and we can formulate lesser TKPP concentrations as well." } ]
[ { "docid": "2965169", "title": "-", "text": "TKPP’s main application is for the dispersion of mud rings when water drilling and as a rapid thinner prior to cementing casing. In water well applications normally add 1 viscosity cup full of TKPP directly down the drill pipe on each connection.In areas with highly reactive clays increased treatments may be required.KPP DESCRIPTION TKKP (Tetrapotassium Pyrophosphate, Anhydrous) is a highly soluble, more environmentally friendly, low sodium alternative to SAPP." }, { "docid": "4663143", "title": "-", "text": "CAS: 7320-34-5. Tetrapotassium pyrophosphate is used in many industrial applications such as surface treatment, boiler descaling, detergent manufacturing, paint and coatings, mining of ore and clay, oil drilling, and synthetic rubber production.It is applied as a food additive, detergent builder, oral care agent.ROPERTIES. Tetrapotassium pyrophosphate (TKPP) is in the form of colourless or white crystals, or a white crystalline or granular powder. It is a hydroscopic solid, soluble in water, insoluble in ethanol. TKPP has a higher solubility in water treatment formulations than sodium derivatives." }, { "docid": "4663150", "title": "Tetrapotassium Pyrophosphate (TKPP)", "text": "Tetrapotassium Pyrophosphate (TKPP). Tetrapotassium Pyrophosphate (TKPP) is a potassium phosphate derivative with excellent chelating capabilities and a variety of food and industrial uses.etrapotassium Pyrophosphate Solution. Tri-Chem can also blend solution Tetrapotassium Pyrophosphate in several different concentrations. Our standard is a 60%, technical grade TKPP solution, and we can formulate lesser TKPP concentrations as well." }, { "docid": "2965161", "title": "-", "text": "PROPERTIES. Tetrapotassium pyrophosphate (TKPP) is in the form of colourless or white crystals, or a white crystalline or granular powder. It is a hydroscopic solid, soluble in water, insoluble in ethanol. TKPP has a higher solubility in water treatment formulations than sodium derivatives.APPLICATIONS.etrapotassium pyrophosphate (TKPP) is in the form of colourless or white crystals, or a white crystalline or granular powder. It is a hydroscopic solid, soluble in water, insoluble in ethanol. TKPP has a higher solubility in water treatment formulations than sodium derivatives. APPLICATIONS." }, { "docid": "2965164", "title": "Tetrapotassium Pyrophosphate (TKPP)", "text": "Tetrapotassium Pyrophosphate (TKPP). Tetrapotassium Pyrophosphate (TKPP) is a potassium phosphate derivative with excellent chelating capabilities and a variety of food and industrial uses.ri-Chem can also blend solution Tetrapotassium Pyrophosphate in several different concentrations. Our standard is a 60%, technical grade TKPP solution, and we can formulate lesser TKPP concentrations as well." }, { "docid": "2965160", "title": "-", "text": "Tetrapotassium pyrophosphate (TKPP) is in the form of colourless or white crystals, or a white crystalline or granular powder. It is a hydroscopic solid, soluble in water, insoluble in ethanol.TKPP has a higher solubility in water treatment formulations than sodium derivatives.APPLICATIONS.etrapotassium pyrophosphate (TKPP) is in the form of colourless or white crystals, or a white crystalline or granular powder. It is a hydroscopic solid, soluble in water, insoluble in ethanol. TKPP has a higher solubility in water treatment formulations than sodium derivatives. APPLICATIONS." }, { "docid": "2965162", "title": "-", "text": "Tetrapotassium pyrophosphate is used in many industrial applications such as surface treatment, boiler descaling, detergent manufacturing, paint and coatings, mining of ore and clay, oil drilling, and synthetic rubber production. It is applied as a food additive, detergent builder, oral care agent.etrapotassium pyrophosphate (TKPP) is in the form of colourless or white crystals, or a white crystalline or granular powder. It is a hydroscopic solid, soluble in water, insoluble in ethanol. TKPP has a higher solubility in water treatment formulations than sodium derivatives. APPLICATIONS." }, { "docid": "4663144", "title": "-", "text": "PROPERTIES. Tetrapotassium pyrophosphate (TKPP) is in the form of colourless or white crystals, or a white crystalline or granular powder. It is a hydroscopic solid, soluble in water, insoluble in ethanol. TKPP has a higher solubility in water treatment formulations than sodium derivatives.ROPERTIES. Tetrapotassium pyrophosphate (TKPP) is in the form of colourless or white crystals, or a white crystalline or granular powder. It is a hydroscopic solid, soluble in water, insoluble in ethanol. TKPP has a higher solubility in water treatment formulations than sodium derivatives." }, { "docid": "7219455", "title": "Phosphates: What They Are, How They're Used in Cleaning, & More", "text": "There are several types of phosphates, so I've narrowed the list to those related to cleaning. Phosphates used in automatic dish detergents and laundry detergents: Sodium tripolyphosphate (STPP). Phosphates used in specialty products, such as silver cleaners, and detergents and cleaning products in liquid form for industrial applications: Tetrapotassium pyrophosphate (TKPP)." }, { "docid": "4663148", "title": "Tetrapotassium Pyrophosphate (TKPP)", "text": "TKPP also has a higher solubility in water treatment formulations than sodium derivatives. Tetrapotassium Pyrophosphate is used in food applications as an additive in meats, poultry, and seafoods.etrapotassium Pyrophosphate Solution. Tri-Chem can also blend solution Tetrapotassium Pyrophosphate in several different concentrations. Our standard is a 60%, technical grade TKPP solution, and we can formulate lesser TKPP concentrations as well." } ]
what is tpa means in medical
[ { "docid": "6131617", "title": "tissue plasminogen activator", "text": "Definition of tissue plasminogen activator. : a clot-dissolving enzyme with an affinity for fibrin that is produced naturally in blood vessel linings and is used in a genetically engineered form to prevent damage to heart muscle following a heart attack and reduce neurological damage following ischemic stroke —abbreviation TPA." } ]
[ { "docid": "3801799", "title": "TPA- Tissue Plasminogen Activator for Stroke", "text": "TPA has to be administered within the first few hours after a stroke begins. The start of a stroke is counted from the time that you first noticed stroke symptoms. After this very short window of a few hours after a stroke starts, you cannot receive TPA because it might cause more harm than good at that point." }, { "docid": "5359268", "title": "5 TRAITS NEEDED TO WORK IN MEDICAL BILLING AND CODING", "text": "As a medical biller or coder, your job necessitates having access to sensitive medical information. Patients have a right to privacy, which means that sharing any of this data could lead to significant legal problems. In order to have a career in medical billing and coding, you need to be discrete. In general, it’s best to treat medical records as if they are anonymous. 4. 3. Assertive. Medical billers and coders interact with a variety of people, including physicians, office staff, finance personnel and others in the same role as you." }, { "docid": "5222005", "title": "What does \"unremarkable\" mean on a medical test result?", "text": "Best Answer: Unremarkable in medical terms means nothing seen out of the ordinary. For example, when doctors perform a physical exam your medical report would read: Head and neck: unremarkable. Ears, nose and throat: unremarkable. Long story short, it sounds like the physician felt that the swelling was either normal for whatever activity might have preceded it, or found nothing that warranted more medical intervention." }, { "docid": "5216502", "title": "Forensic Pathologist career: salary, requirements and education", "text": "0. A forensic pathologist, or a medical examiner, is a trained physician whose responsability is that of determining the cause, means and circumstances of death for an individual who has died suddenly, suspiciously, unnaturally or unexpectedly.. A forensic pathologist, or a medical examiner, is a trained physician whose responsability is that of determining the cause, means and circumstances of death for an individual who has died suddenly, suspiciously, unnaturally or unexpectedly." }, { "docid": "6242700", "title": "Staphylococcal Dermatitis & Hypersensitivity in Dogs", "text": "Staphylococcus is a name of a group of bacteria commonly found on the skin. Dermatitis is a term that means inflammation of the skin. This condition is also referred to as Staphylococcal pyoderma or Staph. pyoderma. Pyoderma is a medical term for bacterial skin infection.taphylococcus is a name of a group of bacteria commonly found on the skin. Dermatitis is a term that means inflammation of the skin. This condition is also referred to as Staphylococcal pyoderma or Staph. pyoderma. Pyoderma is a medical term for bacterial skin infection." }, { "docid": "6253961", "title": "Medical Device â Full Definition", "text": "‘Medical device’ means any instrument, apparatus, implement, machine, appliance, implant, reagent for in vitro use, software, material or other similar or related article, intended by the manufacturer to be used, alone or in combination, for human beings, for one or more of the specific medical purpose(s) of:Medical device’ means any instrument, apparatus, implement, machine, appliance, implant, reagent for in vitro use, software, material or other similar or related article, intended by the manufacturer to be used, alone or in combination, for human beings, for one or more of the specific medical purpose(s) of:" }, { "docid": "7047050", "title": "What does bicameral legislature mean?", "text": "two chambers Bi means two. Camera means room. In a medical environment, bicameral would mean an organ (such as a heart) with 2 chambers. In politics, it refers to a legislatur … e with two chambers, such as the U.S. Congress, which consists of a Senate and a House of Representatives." }, { "docid": "2534700", "title": "Can I become a psychiatrist with a masterâs in psychology?", "text": "So, can you become a psychiatrist with a master’s in psychology? A Masters in Psychology does not qualify you to be a psychiatrist; however, it certainly does not mean you can’t go on to medical school if you’ve already received a Master’s in Psychology. It just means more education, training, and of course tuition." }, { "docid": "2686200", "title": "Stroke", "text": "If you have a stroke caused by a blood clot, you may be given a clot-dissolving, or clot-busting, medication called tissue plasminogen activator (tPA). A doctor will inject tPA into a vein in your arm. This type of medication must be given within 4 hours of symptom onset." }, { "docid": "4551233", "title": "Epinephrine autoinjector", "text": "An epinephrine autoinjector, is a medical device for injecting a measured dose or doses of epinephrine (adrenaline), by means of autoinjector technology; it is most often used for the treatment of anaphylaxis.n epinephrine autoinjector, is a medical device for injecting a measured dose or doses of epinephrine (adrenaline), by means of autoinjector technology; it is most often used for the treatment of anaphylaxis." }, { "docid": "5684315", "title": "Types of Viral Hepatitis", "text": "Hepatitis A, B, and C are the most common types of viral hepatitis in the United States. Hepatitis is a medical term that means inflammation of the liver. It can be caused by many different things.epatitis A, B, and C are the most common types of viral hepatitis in the United States. Hepatitis is a medical term that means inflammation of the liver. It can be caused by many different things." }, { "docid": "8240312", "title": "-", "text": "You have to get medical attention as soon as possible if you’re suffering from this pain. -Dizziness: if you’re suffering from dizziness while this drug is still in your system then it means that you are suffering from one of the side effects of Zzzquil." }, { "docid": "2005510", "title": "Medical Necessity Definitions", "text": "Generally Accepted Standards of Medical Practice. Generally accepted standards of medical practice means standards that are based on credible scientific evidence published in peer-reviewed medical literature generally recognized by the relevant medical community, physician specialty society recommendations and the views of physicians practicing in relevant clinical areas and any other relevant factors." }, { "docid": "2225903", "title": "-", "text": "Hyatt Place. Description: The Hyatt Place Tampa Airport/Westshore is just over 4 miles away from the Tampa International - TPA and provides 14 days of free parking with a one night stay. After two weeks, each additional day will cost just $5.00." }, { "docid": "2810494", "title": "Medical Malpractice: When Can Patients Sue a Hospital for Negligence?", "text": "This means that ER patients can often sue the hospital for a doctor's medical malpractice. There are also a few states that say a hospital can be sued for emergency room malpractice regardless of what the patient believed or was told." }, { "docid": "3896785", "title": "hyp-", "text": "hypo- or hyp-. A prefix that means beneath or below, as in hypodermic, below the skin. It also means less than normal, especially in medical terms like hypoglycemia. In the names of chemical compounds, it means at the lowest state of oxidation, as in sodium hypochlorite." }, { "docid": "7140023", "title": "What does the medical abbreviation hs mean?", "text": "What does the medical abbreviation HS PRN mean? HS means - hours of sleep PRN means - as needed Therefore it means to take the medicine at bedtime whenever you think you need it. Edit" }, { "docid": "3288541", "title": "Stroke used to rank fourth in leading causes of U.S. death. Now it's fifth.", "text": "Considered the gold standard,tissue plasminogen activator (or Alteplase IV r-tPA) is the only FDA-approved treatment for ischemic strokes. When promptly administered, it can save lives and reduce the long-term effects of stroke." }, { "docid": "7141376", "title": "-", "text": "What does Medical SLAP stand for? Hop on to get the meaning of SLAP. The Medical Acronym /Abbreviation/Slang SLAP means Superior Labrum Anterior To Posterior. by AcronymAndSlang.com" }, { "docid": "5268250", "title": "What Are Erythrocytes? - Definition & Function", "text": "What Are Erythrocytes? There are important cells in your body that travel in the blood. They are involved in a gas exchange that is essential to human life. Red blood cells (RBCs) are their most common name, but they are also called erythrocytes. In medical terminology, erythro- means red, while -cyte means cell." }, { "docid": "2057456", "title": "Epinephrine autoinjector", "text": "An epinephrine autoinjector, is a medical device for injecting a measured dose or doses of epinephrine (adrenaline), by means of autoinjector technology; it is most often used for the treatment of anaphylaxis." }, { "docid": "458144", "title": "LIBERTY MUTUAL INSURANCE EUROPE LIMITED", "text": "Instead, they are included in the complaint record of the insurance company or HMO that hired the TPA. If a bonafide self-insured benefit plan hired the TPA, no complaint numbers are recorded as a part of the company/TPA's profile." }, { "docid": "7446927", "title": "-", "text": "Medical identity theft means your name may be used fraudulently to: 1 File false claims to get payments from health insurance companies and government programs such as Medicare. 2 Obtain prescription medications that are then sold on the black market. 3 Obtain medical treatment, exams, or even surgeries." }, { "docid": "6931973", "title": "2012 Investment Climate Statement - Panama", "text": "On June 28, 2007, the United States and Panama signed the United States – Panama Trade Promotion Agreement (TPA). Panama approved the TPA on July 11, 2007. The US Congress approved implementing legislation on October 12, 2011, and President Obama signed it on October 21, 2011." }, { "docid": "2916365", "title": "-", "text": "Instead, you can only deduct the portion of your medical expenses in excess of 10 percent of your adjusted gross income, or AGI. For example, if you have an AGI of $60,000, the first $6,000 of your medical expenses isn't deductible. If you have $7,500 in medical expenses, you could only write off $1,500.he medical expenses deduction is an itemized deduction, which means you can't claim it unless you give up your standard deduction and itemize. Plus, the medical expenses deduction isn't a dollar-for-dollar deduction." }, { "docid": "4201158", "title": "Genetics of Skin Cancer (PDQ®)âHealth Professional Version", "text": "leave”). 6. How much leave can I take under the FMLA? And what if I need more time? The FMLA allows you to take either family leave, medical leave or qualifying exigency leave, or any combination of the three, for up to a total of 12 weeks per year. This means that if you are on family or medical" }, { "docid": "1030829", "title": "Itemized deduction", "text": "1 (e.g., a taxpayer with an AGI of $20,000 and medical expenses of $5,000 would be eligible to deduct $3000 of their medical expenses (20,000 X .10 = 2000; 5000 - 2000 = 3000).) The 10% floor means that most taxpayers are unable to take advantage of the medical expense deduction. 2 Allowable medical expenses include:" }, { "docid": "2566538", "title": "-", "text": "I assume by TPA you mean thyroid peroxidase antibodies, which in your case are high which means you have Hashimoto’s. First off, when TSH is “normal” it really depends on where in the range your TSH falls because most doctors use a range of 0.5 to 5.0 but there is a push by thyroid advocates to narrow that range.asha, With thyroid peroxidase antibodies in the thousands you have HASHIMOTO’S! Hashimoto’s is the number one cause of hypothyroidism in the US yet thyroid antibodies are not routinely tested and then even if the person has high antibodies doctors don’t treat the underlying autoimmune condition." }, { "docid": "445984", "title": "-", "text": "Tissue plasminogen activator: (tPA) An enzyme that helps dissolve clots. tPA is made by the cells lining blood vessels and has also been made in the laboratory.It is systemic thrombolytic (clot-busting) agent and is used in the treatment of heart attack and stroke.Activase (alteplase) is a tissue plasminogen activator produced by recombinant DNA technology.Recombinant tPA is abbreviated r-tPA.t is systemic thrombolytic (clot-busting) agent and is used in the treatment of heart attack and stroke. Activase (alteplase) is a tissue plasminogen activator produced by recombinant DNA technology. Recombinant tPA is abbreviated r-tPA." }, { "docid": "8116130", "title": "EKG Medical Terminology Chapter 1", "text": "The medical term cardioomentopexy means which of the following? A. surgical repair of the heart's tissue B. Surgical attachment of the omenturm C.Fixation of the heart D. None of the above" } ]
what is triclosan
[ { "docid": "2565965", "title": "Triclosan", "text": "Triclosan is a polychloro phenoxy phenol with antibacterial and antifungal activity. Triclosan is added to toothpastes to prevent gingivitis and has been added to many household products for its topical antibiotic activity." } ]
[ { "docid": "2565960", "title": "Adult health", "text": "When you use a product containing triclosan, you can absorb a small amount through your skin or mouth. A 2008 study, which was designed to assess exposure to triclosan in a representative sample of U.S. children and adults, found triclosan in the urine of nearly 75 percent of those tested." }, { "docid": "2195852", "title": "The Truth About Triclosan", "text": "And the active ingredient in many antibacterial products, triclosan, has some potential drawbacks. The U.S. government isn’t the first to prohibit the use of triclosan in over-the-counter soaps. Concerns about it have previously prompted the European Union to ban triclosan in personal care products. Minnesota also decided to ban antibacterial soaps and body washes made with triclosan." }, { "docid": "5094956", "title": "-", "text": "Print. Print. By Dr. Mercola Triclosan, a high production volume ingredient used as a bactericide in personal care products such as toothpaste, deodorant, and antibacterial soap, has been linked to heart disease and heart failure in a new study.rint. Print. By Dr. Mercola Triclosan, a high production volume ingredient used as a bactericide in personal care products such as toothpaste, deodorant, and antibacterial soap, has been linked to heart disease and heart failure in a new study." }, { "docid": "8457016", "title": "Triclosan and Antibiotics resistance", "text": "Triclosan in the environment. The widespread use of triclosan results in the discharge of this compound to wastewater. Incomplete removal of triclosan from wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) as well as spreading the triclosan laden biosolids into soils, leads to triclosan being distributed in soils and surface waters." }, { "docid": "8457017", "title": "-", "text": "To assess the potential for environmental harm, detailed assessments based on real-world concentrations have been completed. They take into account drought and other worst-case conditions, and recognize that triclosan does not accumulate in the bodies of fish and other aquatic animals." }, { "docid": "2069598", "title": "Can Cetaphil Cure Acne?", "text": "The Cetaphil product that acne sufferers are most likely to use is the one Cetaphil product that they should not, Cetaphil Antibacterial Cleansing Bar. The drawback to this anti-acne bar is that it includes the disinfectant triclosan.etaphil products are made by the Galderma company, which also makes the prescription cystic acne product Differin and the rosacea treatment Metrogel. The company’s website lists all ingredients used in any of their formulas, so users can check to make sure they are not getting any chemicals to which they are sensitive." }, { "docid": "168562", "title": "Triclosan", "text": "Uses[edit] Triclosan was used as a hospital scrub in the 1970s. Since then, it has expanded commercially and is now prevalent in soaps (0.10-1.00%), shampoos, deodorants, toothpastes, mouth washes, cleaning supplies and pesticides. It is part of consumer products, including kitchen utensils, toys, bedding, socks and trash bags." }, { "docid": "8673424", "title": "FAQ: Triclosan and Your Health", "text": "Triclosan is a chemical added to many products for its antibacterial action. ''It's been in use for over 40 years, says Brian Sansoni, a spokesman for the Soap and Detergent Association, whose members produce soaps and body washes. Initially, its use was only in health care settings such as hospitals, he says." }, { "docid": "8457014", "title": "-", "text": "Because of the negative trade-offs associated with Triclosan, consumers should consider antibacterial products that do not use Triclosan and instead use ethyl alcohol as the active ingredient. Washing hands with plain soap and water the old-fashioned way is another reliable option." }, { "docid": "5863946", "title": "Expert dismisses grapefruit seed extract âfalse positiveâ explanation", "text": "False positive. However, in an email statement to NutraIngredients-USA, Carolyn Pruett from NutriBiotic, a leading manufacturing of grapefruit seed extract-containing products, dismissed the allegations that the products contain synthetic disinfectants like benzethonium chloride and triclosan.y Stephen DANIELLS Stephen DANIELLS, 07-Jun-2012. Claims by a leading grapefruit seed extract product manufacturer that the detection of synthetic disinfectants in some products is related to a ‘false positive’ interpretation of analytical data have been rejected by a leading analytical expert." }, { "docid": "1823065", "title": "Triclosan", "text": "In cosmetics and personal care products, Triclosan can be used as the preservative in water based formulations of aftershave lotions, bath products, cleansing products, foot sprays, hair conditioners, makeup products, powders, shampoos, shaving products, skin care products, and suntan products." }, { "docid": "8673423", "title": "Triclosan", "text": "By the year 2000, triclosan and triclocarban (TCC) could be found in 75% of liquid soaps and 29% of bar soaps, and as of 2014 triclosan was used in more than 2,000 consumer products. In healthcare, triclosan is used in surgical scrubs and hand washes." }, { "docid": "1497082", "title": "Which hand sanitizers are most practical and effective?", "text": "The third type of hand sanitizers contains triclosan. Triclosan is a commonly used antibacterial in a wide variety of products including deodorant soaps, toothpastes and mouth washes. Triclosan kills organisms by damaging the cell membrane, but has weak activity against gram-negative bacteria, such as Pseudomonas." }, { "docid": "8412246", "title": "Five Reasons Why You Should Probably Stop Using Antibacterial Soap", "text": "That's because while alcohol from hand sanitizer kills bacteria, it doesn't actually remove dirt or anything else you may have touched. But a simple hand wash should do the trick. The water doesn't need to be hot, and you're best off scrubbing for about 30 seconds to get properly clean.ne is a non-antibiotic hand sanitizer, like Purell, which don't contain any triclosan and simply kill both bacteria and viruses with good old-fashioned alcohol. Because the effectiveness of hand-washing depends on how long you wash for, a quick squirt of sanitizer might be more effective when time is limited." }, { "docid": "1520081", "title": "-", "text": "Colgate-Palmolive recently reformulated their Palmolive dish soap to be triclosan free. This is a step in the right direction – triclosan, a widely used antimicrobial, has been linked to a variety of health issues, including an increase in allergies and hay fever, antimicrobial resistance and endocrine disruption." }, { "docid": "2195850", "title": "-", "text": "contribute to triclosan contamination of waterways. A major source of triclosan in waterways is sew-age sludge. Triclosan accumulates in sewage sludge from municipal wastewater treatments. 25. The sew-age sludge is spread on land, and triclosan leaches down through the soil. 26. and runs off into surface water from the fields. 27. Concentrations of triclosan" }, { "docid": "3620195", "title": "Triclosan and Antibiotics resistance", "text": "The purity of batches of triclosan used in personal care products since the 1970s is described in the Table 1 (SCCP 2009). These data were provided by COLIPA. The purity and contaminants might be different in triclosan from other sources." }, { "docid": "1823067", "title": "Triclosan", "text": "As a bacteriostatic agent against body odor causing bacteria, Triclosan can be found in deodorants, foot sprays, body sprays, and personal cleanliness products. As an antibacterial agent, Triclosan is found in toothpaste, antibacterial handwash and body wash and in topical antiseptic products for wound care." }, { "docid": "2328939", "title": "Hives â natural alternatives to soothe and calm your skin", "text": "1 Medications: hives can be an allergic reaction to medicines such as antibiotics or pain medication. 2 Cosmetics: preservatives like parabens and MIT, colours, fragrances and anti-bacterial agents like Triclosan can cause contact dermatitis, a form of urticaria." }, { "docid": "3570009", "title": "FDA: Antibacterial soaps could pose health risks", "text": "Story Highlights. An estimated 75% of the anti-bacterial liquid soaps and body washes sold in the United States contain triclosan, a germ-killing ingredient. The only problem is, the Food and Drug Administration has no idea whether it actually works — and there's some evidence it may pose health risks." }, { "docid": "8083675", "title": "-", "text": "TCS: Temporary Change of Station (federal employee relocation) TCS: Traffic Control System: TCS: Telecommunication System: TCS: Triclosan (2,4,4'-Trichloro-2'-Hydroxydiphenyl Ether) TCS: Treacher Collins Syndrome: TCS: Television Corporation of Singapore: TCS: Trusted Computer System: TCS: Telescope Control System (astronomical observatory) TCS: Traffic Control Supervisor: TCS" }, { "docid": "6545681", "title": "Do 'Natural' Hand Sanitizers Actually Work?", "text": "“Anti-aging/moisturizing hand products are a must. I always say, if you want to know a women’s true age—look at her hands.” (Ouch.). So the bottom line is that natural or partially natural sanitizers don’t work as well as traditional chemical-filled products. But that doesn’t mean Purell is better per se or that 20-year industry vet Pollock would prefer a Triclosan product over, say, bitter orange peel." }, { "docid": "7314424", "title": "Toothpaste: Whatâs In It (And What To Avoid)", "text": "The FDA considers triclosan a pesticide, and admits that, in animal studies, it has been found to disrupt hormones. They've been reconsidering it, lately–and it may end up getting banned for good, eventually–but what's important to note is that it's kind of not necessary. It's used in toothpaste to stop gingivitis. However, flossing, too, helps stop gingivitis. So…maybe opt for floss and not this possibly toxic ingredient." }, { "docid": "8457011", "title": "-", "text": "Colgate Total® Toothpaste and the Environment. Our vigilance in ensuring the safety of Colgate Total includes assessing any potential harm triclosan might cause in the environment. Colgate is committed to reducing our impact on the environment and strengthening the sustainability profile of our products, including the ingredients we use. We understand the questions being asked about triclosan, have reviewed all the relevant research, and have sponsored studies of our own." }, { "docid": "8163554", "title": "The Complete Guide to DIY Toothpaste (Plus a New Recipe)", "text": "Many mainstream brands of toothpastes contain harmful or even toxic ingredients such as: Triclosan, a pesticide and hormone disruptor. Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) which causes canker sores for many people. Artificial colorings linked to ADHD and hyperactivity in children. Fluoride, which can be toxic if swallowed and doesn’t even work in toothpaste." }, { "docid": "2048480", "title": "-", "text": "0 0. 1 Question 1/12. 2 You answered: Correct Answer: Antibiotics kill bacteria or keep them from growing. 3 Question 1/12. You answered: Correct Answer: Some studies suggest that triclosan, which is in many antibacterial soaps and cleansers,could lead to changes in bacteria that make antibiotics less able to fight 1 them. Question 1/ 12." }, { "docid": "2534969", "title": "Triclosan and Antibiotics resistance", "text": "PRODUCTION, USE AND FATE OF TRICLOSAN. Triclosan is a broad spectrum antimicrobial used as an antiseptic, disinfectant or preservative in clinical settings, various consumer products including cosmetics, household cleaning products, plastic materials, toys, paints, etc." }, { "docid": "1534942", "title": "-", "text": "Contemporary Examples. 1 Plus, Procter & Gamble has already removed triclosan from its crest toothpaste. 2 Internal Revenue has its own crest or coat of arms or something. 3 His black hair sweeps back from the crest of his high forehead and laps at the nape of his neck; his lips are pursed." }, { "docid": "6851093", "title": "-", "text": "Triclosan. Found most often in anti-bacterial products, triclosan supplements many toothpaste brands. Unfortunately, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) classifies triclosan as a pesticide, stating it poses a risk to both human health and the environment." }, { "docid": "1633883", "title": "The 5 Harmful Ingredients in Toothpaste - READ THIS!", "text": "Triclosan: A pesticide found in many types of toothpaste. Triclosan, a chemical used for its antibacterial properties, is an ingredient found in many detergents and toothpastes. However, the formulation and structure of this ingredient are similar to some of the most toxic chemicals on earth." } ]