what is a good leadership
[ { "docid": "621550", "title": "What Makes a Good Leader ?", "text": "A good leader takes the lead. A good leader has personality, courage, clear vision with ambition to succeed. A good leader encourages the team to perform to their optimum all the time and drives organisational success. Click here to download the MAS Code for Ethical Leadership from our Article Library." } ]
[ { "docid": "2021847", "title": "The 5 Characteristics Of Great Leaders", "text": "If you want to give your business a good start toward success, it has to start with leadership, and leadership has to start with you. There are essentially five characteristics of great leaders. The first of these is being flexible." }, { "docid": "1246525", "title": "-", "text": "11 Ways to Define Leadership. Leadership is, of course, subjective. But its foundation stems from one thing: the ability of an individual to establish a following among other individuals or teams. Every leader has his or her own style and strategy." }, { "docid": "7073698", "title": "Leadership Competencies", "text": "However, future business trends and strategy should drive the development of new leadership competencies. While some leadership competencies are essential to all firms, an organization should also define what leadership attributes are distinctive to the particular organization to create competitive advantage. Essential Leadership Competencies." }, { "docid": "4018129", "title": "Bass Transformational Leadership Theory", "text": "A leader can make a positive difference in a person's life and Bass Transformational Leadership Theory may be a solution in various cases. The Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ) presents itself as more of a precise or measured way of assessing leadership factors and how an audience is transformed." }, { "docid": "2569422", "title": "23 traits of good leaders", "text": "(CareerBuilder.com) -- Leadership is one of those nebulous terms -- you hear it all the time but it has various definitions. The traits that make up a good leader can vary depending on the organization, team, manager and work environment. Traits five leadership professionals consider to make a good leader. 2 Confidence is key, says a workplace coach. 3 If you don't believe in yourself, no one will.. 4 Leaders are fearless, says author Mike Sprouse." }, { "docid": "4387965", "title": "-", "text": "Welcome to Tattnall County, GA. In Tattnall County you will find a unique blend of progressive leadership, small town charm, wide open spaces, clean fresh air and good old Southern hospitality. Our residents enjoy friendly neighbors, fishing and hunting, good schools and many interesting and entertaining community activities." }, { "docid": "4007278", "title": "The Top 7 Leadership Qualities & Attributes of Great Leaders", "text": "More than 50 qualities have been identified that are important to great leaders. But there are seven leadership qualities that seem to stand out as being more important than the others. The good news is that each of these leadership qualities can be learned, and they must be learned by practice and repetition.he most important contribution you can make to your company is to be a leader, accept responsibility for results, and dare to go forward. Thank you for reading this post on the 7 leadership qualities of great leaders." }, { "docid": "1501646", "title": "Development Dimensions International", "text": "Development Dimensions International. Development Dimensions International (DDI) is an international human resources and leadership development consultancy. DDI works with organizations to make changes related to leadership development, leadership selection, succession management, and execution and performance." }, { "docid": "4886147", "title": "-", "text": "Th is chapter fi rst discusses good management and. leadership in general, then outlines relevant considerations for managing. relations with patients and the district team, as well as fi nances and hardware. and management schedules." }, { "docid": "7981522", "title": "Training for Youth", "text": "Completion of Introduction to Leadership Skills for Crews is a prerequisite for Venturers to participate in the more advanced leadership courses National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT) and the National Advanced Youth Leadership Experience (NAYLE). It is also required for Kodiak." }, { "docid": "3693000", "title": "Servant Leadership", "text": "Many people would disagree with this way of defining leadership. I admit that it is my own personal opinion, nothing else, but I would love to hear your explanation of why you think servant leadership is a good idea. Please use the comments section below to express your views." }, { "docid": "3575209", "title": "Nurse Administrator (Leader)", "text": "Educational Requirements for Nursing Leadership Professionals. The most widely accepted route to a career in nursing leadership is with an advanced degree, usually a Master of Science in Nursing with a concentration in management or administration that places a functional emphasis on leadership, or a Master of Health Administration." }, { "docid": "4722799", "title": "What is Task-Oriented Leadership? Keeping Detailed Projects on Schedule", "text": "Task-oriented leadership focuses on completing a job. It concentrates on the tasks that have to be done, rather than who is doing them. This leadership style emphasizes structure, plans, and schedules. Task-oriented leadership is a management style that was developed by academic researchers." }, { "docid": "1896548", "title": "Ronald Reagan Leadership", "text": "There are many definitions of a leader and how their leadership skills can be described. One of the theories developed to study leadership is trait approach. Also known as great man theories, it was developed to explain how traits influenced leadership." }, { "docid": "3660120", "title": "The Importance of Discipleship and Group Leadership", "text": "Become a Business Leadership Group Leader! Sign up for the FCCI Group Leadership Training on October 13, 2016. *You must be a Member of FCCI and signed into your account to be able to register for Group Leadership Training." }, { "docid": "803951", "title": "Leadership brand", "text": "What is a leadership brand? A leadership brand is the set of inspiring characteristics that you project and live by; A leadership brand reflects the strengths others see in you, and what you see in yourself; A leadership brand reflects your passion and what you’re excited to be known for, and to develop" }, { "docid": "621551", "title": "What Makes a Good Leader ?", "text": "A good leader adopts a leadership style that lends itself to ethical considerations, for example transformational and adaptive styles – both of which engage followers in the decision making processes; A good leader has the motivation to prevent harm to anyone; A good leader ensures a safe place of work for staff" }, { "docid": "7164811", "title": "Autocratic Leadership", "text": "More in Psychology. Autocratic leadership, also known as authoritarian leadership, is a leadership style characterized by individual control over all decisions and little input from group members. Autocratic leaders typically make choices based on their ideas and judgments and rarely accept advice from followers. Autocratic leadership involves absolute, authoritarian control over a group. Like other leadership styles, the autocratic style has both some benefits and some weaknesses. 1 When and where the authoritarian style is most useful can depend upon factors such as the situation, the type of task the group is working on, and characteristics of the team members." }, { "docid": "3610841", "title": "Servant leadership", "text": "Servant leadership is both a leadership philosophy and set of leadership practices. Traditional leadership generally involves the accumulation and exercise of power by one at the “top of the pyramid.” By comparison, the servant-leader shares power, puts the needs of others first and helps people develop and perform as highly as possible. 1 History." }, { "docid": "6985078", "title": "What is Autocratic Leadership? How Procedures Can Improve Efficiency", "text": "Autocratic leadership is vital in many workplace environments. This style is necessary within organizations and companies that demand error-free outcomes. While autocratic leadership is one of the least popular management styles, it’s also among the most common. The autocratic leadership process generally entails one person making all strategic decisions for subordinates. Although it has fallen out of favor in recent decades, the autocratic leadership style is still prevalent." }, { "docid": "7724828", "title": "How Would You Describe A Leader And Leadership", "text": "How Would You Describe A Leader And Leadership . How Would You Describe A Leader And Leadership A significant part of effective leadership is the close connection between the leader and the follower, which often determines the success of the leader’s mission. Unfortunately, this leader-follower relationship cannot be created according to some simple formula." }, { "docid": "8344356", "title": "-", "text": "leadership. About GOP Leadership These are the Members In Leadership for the 114th Congress, serving from January 2015 to January 2017. The Speaker for the 114th Congress was elected by the entirety of the House of Representatives." }, { "docid": "7407072", "title": "-", "text": "Engaging in ethical leadership is. among the most important components to leadership. Ethical leadership is a. topic that should be important to anyone in the Army who is in a leadership. position or considering occupying one. Some people believe that ethical leadership is simply a leader who behaves. ethically." }, { "docid": "8209608", "title": "-", "text": "Substitutes-for-leadership theory: Development and basic. concepts. Subject(s): LEADERSHIP. Source: Leadership Quarterly, 1997 [sic], Vol. 8 Issue 2, p103, 6p. Author(s): Schriesheim, Chester A. Abstract: Focuses on substitutes-for-leadership theory, and what it. consist of." }, { "docid": "4686157", "title": "-", "text": "on radical change with theory and research on leadership style. The result is a. model of radical change describing the leadership styles best suited to the. successful implementation of each stage in the change process. Using the. Leadership Style Inventory, leaders can determine which stages of radical change." }, { "docid": "4063077", "title": "-", "text": "Leadership Symposiums. Who should attend High school students of color. Leadership Symposiums are for students of color in 9th-12th grade. What to Expect. Our college preparation events, known as Leadership Symposiums, are held in the fall. More information on our fall 2017 events will be available in the summer." }, { "docid": "1841776", "title": "What Makes a Good Leader?", "text": "One great definition is: “Leadership is the art of leading others to deliberately create a result that wouldn’t have happened otherwise.”. It’s not just the creation of results that makes good leadership. Good leaders are able to deliberately create challenging results by enlisting the help of others. They can single handedly turn failing companies into Fortune 500 organizations. They can change company cultures. Good leadership is an essential key to corporate success. The Characteristics of a Good Leader. What makes a good leader?" }, { "docid": "5724245", "title": "-", "text": "Pagination or Media Count : 60. Abstract : This monograph focuses on identifying, defining, and analyzing, operational leadership. Leadership is professed to be the most important element of combat power yet it remains essentially a theoretical construct defined more by its attributes than its effects. Leadership is more than the sum of its parts." }, { "docid": "3656107", "title": "STRATEGIC LEADERSHIP: SHORT-TERM STABILITY AND LONG-TERM VIABILITY", "text": "It is important to note that short-term gains are often a result of a least-cost approach, which might not be good for long-term viability. Robert Milton, who was the President and CEO of Air Canada and ACE 3 for approximately 10 years, is an example of excellent managerial leadership." }, { "docid": "4948050", "title": "Effective Leadership Development", "text": "The most important thing to understand about great leadership development is that it is not a program. Great leadership development is a strategy and culture. As part of Brandon Hall’s Analyst Insight program, it received a recent member question concerning leadership development." } ]
what is a good number for your triglycerides
[ { "docid": "318473", "title": "-", "text": "Triglycerides are a type of fat found in the blood. High levels of triglycerides may raise the risk of coronary artery disease, especially in women. A person's triglyceride levels are measured with a blood test along with testing cholesterol levels in the blood. Normal triglycerides are below 150. Levels above 200 are high. Factors that can raise a person's triglyceride level include:" } ]
[ { "docid": "3915524", "title": "Triglycerides: Why do they matter?", "text": "Triglycerides are an important measure of heart health. Here's why triglycerides matter — and what to do if your triglycerides are too high. If you've been keeping an eye on your blood pressure and cholesterol levels, there's something else you might need to monitor: your triglycerides. Having a high level of triglycerides, a type of fat (lipid) in your blood, can increase your risk of heart disease. However, the same lifestyle choices that promote overall health can help lower your triglycerides, too. Triglycerides are a type of fat (lipid) found in your blood." }, { "docid": "6032014", "title": "Nutrients That Lower Triglycerides", "text": "The DHA and EPA in fatty fish, including salmon, help lower high triglycerides. Fats play essential roles in your health. Some types of fat molecules, such as cholesterol, help maintain your body's hormone balance while other types, such as triglycerides, provide a source of energy.at foods rich in the DHA and EPA omega-3 fatty acids -- the types found in fatty fish and fish oil -- to reduce your triglycerides. The ALA form of omega-3 fatty acids found in walnuts, flax and chia does not lower triglyceride levels." }, { "docid": "353949", "title": "Triglycerides: Why do they matter?", "text": "Triglycerides are a type of fat (lipid) found in your blood. When you eat, your body converts any calories it doesn't need to use right away into triglycerides.The triglycerides are stored in your fat cells. Later, hormones release triglycerides for energy between meals.riglycerides and cholesterol are separate types of lipids that circulate in your blood. Triglycerides store unused calories and provide your body with energy, and cholesterol is used to build cells and certain hormones." }, { "docid": "590257", "title": "-", "text": "3. Phospholipids: This class of lipids are really derivatives of triglycerides. The are composed of a glycerol molecule with two fatty acids (a diglyceride). The third carbon contains a phosphate group and usually some added polar molecule (such as ethanolamine, serine or choline).hile there are several different classes of lipids, we will mention only three major categories. 1. Triglycerides (or neutral fat)s: This group is better known as the fats. As their name suggests, the triglycerides are composed of one molecule of glycerol and joined via ester bonds with three molecules of fatty acids." }, { "docid": "5700498", "title": "Triglycerides: Why do they matter?", "text": "Triglycerides store unused calories and provide your body with energy, and cholesterol is used to build cells and certain hormones. Because triglycerides and cholesterol can't dissolve in blood, they circulate throughout your body with the help of proteins that transport the lipids (lipoproteins).aving a high level of triglycerides, a type of fat (lipid) in your blood, can increase your risk of heart disease." }, { "docid": "7986869", "title": "-", "text": "Exercise! Exercise helps the muscles use triglycerides for energy. So the more you exercise, the more your triglyceride levels will drop. And, exercise can boost your levels of good HDL (good) cholesterol! Exercise can reduce triglycerides even without weight loss.Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week.ruits contain natural sugars, but even these sugars can raise your triglyceride levels. Whole fruit is a better choice than juice because it is high in fiber, will fill you up more, and will raise your triglycerides less. Include at least 2, but not more than 4 servings of fruit per day." }, { "docid": "5083499", "title": "-", "text": "Naturally occurring fats and oils are Triglycerides. Triglycerides consist of three fatty acids bound to a Glycerol backbone. Each fatty acid consists of a Carbon-Hydrogen chain with a Carboxyl group at the end that is attached to the Glycerol molecule." }, { "docid": "8245122", "title": "-", "text": "Having high levels of triglycerides, or hypertriglyceridemia, is a common problem. Triglycerides are fats in the blood (also called lipids). Your body needs some blood fats for energy. But when your triglyceride levels are too high, these fats may put you at risk for heart disease, stroke, and other health problems. Most often, having high triglycerides has no warning signs. The good news, though, is there is a simple test to find high triglycerides, and treatments are available. This guide for patients comes from The Endocrine Society’s practice guidelines for physicians about the detection and treatment of hypertriglyceridemia." }, { "docid": "3839264", "title": "Blood pressure medications: Can they raise my triglycerides?", "text": "And, the mild effects the drug has on cholesterol and triglycerides don't outweigh the benefits from lowering blood pressure. Smaller doses of hydrochlorothiazide usually don't cause a rise in cholesterol and triglycerides." }, { "docid": "1619310", "title": "Crestor", "text": "Crestor ® (rosuvastatin calcium) is a prescription medication used for treating a number of conditions related to heart disease, including high cholesterol and high triglycerides. Approved uses of Crestor include: 1 Lowering cholesterol in people with high cholesterol (hypercholesterolemia). Lowering cholesterol in people with high cholesterol (hypercholesterolemia). 2 Crestor can reduce total cholesterol, LDL ( bad cholesterol ), ApoB, non-HDL cholesterol, and triglycerides -- as well as raise HDL ( good cholesterol )." }, { "docid": "7247357", "title": "Your Blood Lipids", "text": "Cholesterol and triglycerides are both lipids, but have very different shapes. Cholesterol is made up of connected rings of carbon atoms and also is called a “sterol”. Triglycerides are chains of carbons called “fatty acids”, attached at one end to a carbon backbone." }, { "docid": "7986865", "title": "What Fruits Can I Eat on a Triglyceride-Reducing Diet", "text": "A blood cholesterol test measures your low-density lipoprotein, or bad cholesterol; your high-density lipoprotein, or good cholesterol; and your triglycerides. Triglycerides are a type of blood fat that alters LDL so it's more damaging to your arteries.DL-Lowering Fruits. For a healthy heart, you'll also want to keep your LDL cholesterol levels low. Some fruits can help with this. Eating whole apples helped lower LDL cholesterol, but clear apple juice actually increased LDL levels in a study published in the European Journal of Nutrition in December 2013." }, { "docid": "899903", "title": "What is a fasting lipid profile test?", "text": "A lipid profile is a blood test that measures the different types of cholesterol in your blood. The test measures total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, triglycerides and HDL cholesterol.High levels of LDL cholesterol (the bad cholesterol) and triglycerides are associated with an increased risk of heart disease while high levels of HDL cholesterol reduce one's risk for heart disease.he test measures total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, triglycerides and HDL cholesterol. High levels of LDL cholesterol (the bad cholesterol) and triglycerides are associated with an increased risk of heart disease while high levels of HDL cholesterol reduce one's risk for heart disease." }, { "docid": "434203", "title": "Diagnosis", "text": "Blood cholesterol levels are measured with a simple blood test. A blood sample is taken that will be used to determine the amount of bad cholesterol (low-density lipoprotein, or LDL), good cholesterol (high-density lipoprotein, or HDL) and triglycerides (other fatty substances) in your blood." }, { "docid": "3904617", "title": "What reaction does lipase catalyze?", "text": "Best Answer: Lipase is an enzyme which catalyzes the degradation of triglycerides. This is a catabolic reaction. Hope I could help :). Source(s): AP Biology http://www.umm.edu/altmed/articles/lipas...est Answer: Lipase is an enzyme which catalyzes the degradation of triglycerides. This is a catabolic reaction. Hope I could help :). Source(s): AP Biology http://www.umm.edu/altmed/articles/lipas..." }, { "docid": "3802884", "title": "Triglycerides: Why do they matter?", "text": "Triglycerides are a type of fat (lipid) found in your blood. When you eat, your body converts any calories it doesn't need to use right away into triglycerides. The triglycerides are stored in your fat cells.Later, hormones release triglycerides for energy between meals.riglycerides store unused calories and provide your body with energy, and cholesterol is used to build cells and certain hormones. Because triglycerides and cholesterol can't dissolve in blood, they circulate throughout your body with the help of proteins that transport the lipids (lipoproteins)." }, { "docid": "1969652", "title": "Cholesterol management guide", "text": "High triglyceride levels often coexist with high total cholesterol and LDL ( bad cholesterol ), low HDL ( good cholesterol ), and diabetes. Triglycerides may be an enabler of other heart disease risk factors." }, { "docid": "3246755", "title": "What is the recommended dosage for Fish Oil?", "text": "1 For combined high triglycerides and high cholesterol: Fish oils providing EPA 1800-2160 mg and DHA 1200-1440 mg combined with garlic powder 900-1200 mg/day has been used to lower total cholesterol, LDL, triglycerides, and the ratios of total cholesterol to HDL, and LDL to HDL." }, { "docid": "3952417", "title": "Liver Pain", "text": "Fatty liver pain is the condition wherein there is an excessive accumulation of fats or triglycerides in the liver. These triglycerides are the most common fats that are present in the body.These also contain lipids which are essential for energy and cell repair.atty liver pain is the condition wherein there is an excessive accumulation of fats or triglycerides in the liver. These triglycerides are the most common fats that are present in the body." }, { "docid": "509939", "title": "-", "text": "umber listed is a good number for contacting Lifetouch. The number listed is a good number for contacting Lifetouch. I wish they would have telephone numbers on their website because people do always go beyond the website to contact a company." }, { "docid": "153502", "title": "-", "text": "Triglycerides are an important measure of heart health. Here's why triglycerides matter — and what to do if your triglycerides are too high. If you've been keeping an eye on your blood pressure and cholesterol levels, there's something else you might need to monitor: your triglycerides.our doctor will usually check for high triglycerides as part of a cholesterol test (sometimes called a lipid panel or lipid profile). You'll have to fast for nine to 12 hours before blood can be drawn for an accurate triglyceride measurement." }, { "docid": "4669553", "title": "Cholesterol management guide", "text": "Simply put, triglycerides are fat in the blood, and a high triglyceride level can increase the risk of heart disease. Just what your triglyceride levels mean and how much lowering triglycerides reduces heart disease risk is less clear.riglycerides and lowering triglyceride levels. Good cholesterol, bad cholesterol, saturated fat, and unsaturated fat-sometimes it seems like you need a programme to keep track of all the fatty players in the story of heart disease." }, { "docid": "5174406", "title": "Fats, Oils, Fatty Acids, Triglycerides", "text": "All esters of glycerol and fatty acids are metabolized in the same way. Monoglycerides, diglycerides, and triglycerides all have 9 Calories per gram, but some nutrition labels hide the calories of mono- and diglycerides under the contention that fat consists only of triglycerides." }, { "docid": "5310320", "title": "Fats, Steroids, and Other Examples of Lipids", "text": "Oil is a type of lipid known as a triglyceride. Solid triglycerides are called fats and liquid triglycerides are called oils. Credit: Thomas Vogel/E+/Getty Images." }, { "docid": "2837282", "title": "Triglycerides: Why do they matter?", "text": "By Mayo Clinic Staff. If you've been keeping an eye on your blood pressure and cholesterol levels, there's something else you might need to monitor: your triglycerides. Having a high level of triglycerides, a type of fat (lipid) in your blood, can increase your risk of heart disease. However, the same lifestyle choices that promote overall health can help lower your triglycerides, too. Triglycerides are a type of fat (lipid) found in your blood. When you eat, your body converts any calories it doesn't need to use right away into triglycerides. The triglycerides are stored in your fat cells. Later, hormones release triglycerides for energy between meals." }, { "docid": "3426279", "title": "User Reviews for Zetia", "text": "Three months ago my cholesterol was 710 and my triglycerides were 3000. I've been on Crestor and Tricor for quite a few years and 3 mos. ago my Dr. added Zetia. My cholesterol is now down to 87 and my triglycerides are down to 125." }, { "docid": "416658", "title": "Triglycerides: Why do they matter?", "text": "Lose weight. If you're overweight, losing 5 to 10 pounds can help lower your triglycerides. Motivate yourself by focusing on the benefits of losing weight, such as more energy and improved health. Cut back on calories. Remember that extra calories are converted to triglycerides and stored as fat." }, { "docid": "5652919", "title": "-", "text": "So you just got back from the doctor, and your blood work didn’t look good. Your fasting glucose was 110: not diabetic, but not normal either. Your triglycerides were 195, your HDL cholesterol was 35, and your blood pressure has crept up to 130/90." }, { "docid": "7914044", "title": "rosuvastatin (Crestor)", "text": "Rosuvastatin reduces levels of bad cholesterol (low-density lipoprotein, or LDL) and triglycerides in the blood, while increasing levels of good cholesterol (high-density lipoprotein, or HDL). Rosuvastatin is used to lower cholesterol and triglycerides (types of fat) in the blood. Rosuvastatin is also used to lower the risk of stroke, heart attack, and other heart complications in people with diabetes, coronary heart disease, or other risk factors. Rosuvastatin is used in adults and children who are at least 10 years old. Rosuvastatin may also be used for purposes not listed in this medication guide." }, { "docid": "8823084", "title": "Cablevision Customer Service", "text": "Call cablevision customer service at this number for good services phone number: 800-868-9840 call time: mon-fri: Call cablevision customer service at this number for good services phone number: 800-868-9840 call time: mon-fri:" } ]
what is a health benefit plan
[ { "docid": "2886425", "title": "-", "text": "Qualified Health Benefit Plan. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. A Qualified Health Benefits Plan (QHBP) is a health care plan that follows rules included in the proposed Affordable Health Care for America Act (H.R. 3962), preceded by America's Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009 (H.R. 3200)." } ]
[ { "docid": "6465094", "title": "-", "text": "A defined benefit pension plan may be terminated voluntarily by the plan sponsor only if the plan. has sufficient assets to purchase annuities for all plan participants that would pay 100% of their. accrued pension benefit for life." }, { "docid": "2980685", "title": "-", "text": "TRICARE Reserve Select Enrollment. The TRICARE Reserve Select (TRS) program is a premium-based health plan qualified Selected Reserve* members may purchase. The TRS benefit is a TRICARE Standard benefit and TRS members have the same costs as active duty family members. You can receive covered services from any TRICARE-authorized provider." }, { "docid": "5689796", "title": "-", "text": "The total contribution rate for the defined benefit plan, health insurance supplement and long term disability plan will be 11.48 percent for both employer and employee, up just slightly from the rate of 11.47 percent for last fiscal year, which ended June 30. The new rate will be in effect through June 30, 2017." }, { "docid": "786481", "title": "-", "text": "The Benefit Estimator is a new Web tool that helps health care providers build an estimate of a patient’s payment responsibility, specific to the health care provider and treatment or service, based on a real-time snapshot of the patient’s benefit plan." }, { "docid": "201754", "title": "MinnesotaCare phone numbers and addresses", "text": "MinnesotaCare phone numbers and addresses. Call your health plan member services if you have questions about what is covered by your health plan. (Some people do not enroll in a health plan during the first month of coverage. If you are not in a health plan yet and have questions about covered services, call the Minnesota Health Care Programs Member Help Desk.)" }, { "docid": "2319527", "title": "FRINGE BENEFITS", "text": "Q. What is the National Electrical Benefit Fund (NEBF)? [SPD pg 1] A. NEBF is a defined benefit plan which provides a fixed pension benefit amount per month based on the number of Benefit Service Credits earned. Q. Where is the Fund located? A. 2400 Research Boulevard, Suite 500." }, { "docid": "3422872", "title": "Final Expense Insurance: Level, Graded, Modified, and GI (2nd Edition)", "text": "Modified Policies. Like Graded plans, carriers have health conditions that would place your client into a Modified plan, such as alcoholism, angina, stroke, aneurysm, or cancer. Modified Policy benefits usually have a two year waiting period before the entire death benefit is paid to a beneficiary." }, { "docid": "7021302", "title": "Billing and Coding", "text": "The health care plan that reimburses providers for individual health care services provided is a. fee for service plan. What Organization is responsible for the health of a group of enrollees and can be a health plan, hospital physician group, or health system. Managed Car Organization (MCO)" }, { "docid": "3588342", "title": "Defined Benefit Plan Administration", "text": "We provide clients with full-service defined benefit plan administration services allowing plan sponsors to better manage risk and reduce cost. Findley Davies uses proprietary technology, retirement benefit expertise, and proven processes and procedures to completely automate pension plan management." }, { "docid": "5971204", "title": "What's the difference between a defined benefit plan and a defined contribution plan?", "text": "You typically don't fork over any of your paycheck to participate in a defined benefit plan. Your employer does. But you do have to put your own money into a defined contribution plan like a 401(k) or a 403(b) . Obviously, a defined benefit plan is a much better deal for you. Because defined benefit plans are more costly for employers than defined contribution plans, most of them have-you guessed it-scaled back dramatically or eliminated these plans altogether in recent years. If you still have a defined benefit plan at your company, consider yourself lucky. Some employers offer both defined benefit plans and defined contribution plans. If yours does, you should definitely participate in the defined contribution plan as well." }, { "docid": "1248908", "title": "Canada Pension Plan vs. Old Age Security - the differences explained", "text": "The Old Age Security benefit is available to Canadians and legal residents depending on how long they have lived in the country. The size of one's Canada Pension Plan benefit, on the other hand, depends on how much and for how long a person has contributed to the plan. (iStock)" }, { "docid": "4327965", "title": "Retirement Plan Types - 401 (k), 403 (b) & 457 Plans and Thrift Savings Plans", "text": "Many of these entities have a separate, primary retirement plan – often a Defined Benefit pension plan – and the 403(b) plan is an additional vehicle for retirement savings. Sometimes the 403(b) plan is the primary retirement plan." }, { "docid": "2310741", "title": "ERISA Plan", "text": "ERISA Plan The Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) of 1974 establishes minimum standards for retirement, health, and other welfare benefit plans, including life insurance, disability insurance, and apprenticeship plans." }, { "docid": "1972989", "title": "-", "text": "Some of Single Trip plans require a primary health plan. Primary Plan is a Group Health Benefit Plan, an individual health benefit plan or a governmental health plan (e.g. Medicare). NOTE: Medicaid and V.A. health plans do not constitute primary health insurance. The primary plan is not required to be through the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association in order to be eligible." }, { "docid": "7193098", "title": "How group medical stop-loss captives work", "text": "How group medical stop-loss captives work. Each employer that participates in a group medical stop-loss captive maintains its own self-funded health benefits plan separate from that of the other member employers. The employer can dictate its own plan rules, including levels of coverage such as copays and deductibles, provided they comply with federal laws governing self-funded employee benefit plans." }, { "docid": "7339515", "title": "401k Defined Benefit Plan", "text": "1 Defined Benefit Contribution Limits-Learn about how contribution limits are determined in a Defined Benefit Plan. 2 401k Defined Benefit Plan-In addition to having a defined benefit plan you may be able to establish a 401k. 3 A salary deferral may allow an additional $18,000 contribution ($24,000 if age 50+) in 2015." }, { "docid": "1373557", "title": "-", "text": "2018 MUSC Health Plan of Benefits Document 1 ARTICLE 1. ESTABLISHMENT AND PURPOSE OF PLAN 1.1 Name and Purpose The name of this Plan is the MUSC Group Health Benefits Plan for Employees of Medical University of South Carolina and Medical University Hospital Authority (hereinafter “MUSC Health Plan” or “Plan”). The State of South Carolina (“the State”), through the Public Employee Benefit" }, { "docid": "1318949", "title": "-", "text": "more information about any Rush benefit plan, please refer to the applicable summary plan description. Although every effort has been made to ensure that the information in this guide is accurate, if there is. any conflict between this guide and the terms of a benefit plan as described in the summary plan descrip-." }, { "docid": "5019837", "title": "-", "text": "For Texas residents, plans are insured by Humana Insurance Company or offered by Humana Health Plan of Texas, Inc. These companies are Qualified Health Plan Issuers in the Health Insurance Marketplace or Connect for Health Colorado." }, { "docid": "212023", "title": "-", "text": "Among the many compliance services we offer are the preparation of ERISA Wrap plan documents for. employers with large and small groups to comply with ERISA relating to their welfare benefit plans, as. well as Form 5500 Filing services for groups of at least 100 plan participants under a health and welfare. benefit plan." }, { "docid": "5422203", "title": "Tax Dictionary", "text": "Generally speaking, there are two types of pension plans: defined benefit plans and defined contribution plans. A defined benefit plan promises you a specified monthly benefit at retirement. The plan may state this promised benefit as an exact dollar amount, such as $100 per month at retirement." }, { "docid": "2782138", "title": "Overview", "text": "There are three benefit packages in Hoosier Healthwise. When you submit an application, the State will determine your eligibility and select the coverage that is right for you. 1 Package A: Standard Plan-Package A is a full-service plan for children, pregnant women, and families.ou can view a general description of the benefits and services available in the Hoosier Healthwise program by clicking on Hoosier Healthwise Covered Services. Please remember that your health plan may offer additional services." }, { "docid": "8264928", "title": "TASC Card FAQs - Participants", "text": "When you participate in the employee benefit Plan, such as a Flexible Spending Account (FSA), Health Savings Account (HSA), or Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA) offered by your employer, you and/or your employer make an annual benefit election." }, { "docid": "7518173", "title": "-", "text": "Cenpatico Provider Manual Page 83 Call us toll free: 866-896-7293 www.cenpatico.com service is not a covered benefit under Sunflower State Health Plan or Cenpatico, and that the member understands they are responsible for reimbursing the Provider for such services." }, { "docid": "5249542", "title": "Comments: FSA vs HSA", "text": "Health reimbursement arrangement, or HRA. A health reimbursement arrangement is a benefit fund set up by your employer. They contribute a certain amount of money each year for you to use for medical expenses not covered by your health plan, such as deductibles or coinsurance. Only your employer can fund an HRA." }, { "docid": "7639998", "title": "Elderplan, Inc.", "text": "About: Elderplan, Inc. Description: This provider is an insurance plan that provides a Medicaid Managed Long Term Care (MLTC) product called a Medicare Advantage plan (MAP). MLTC plans provide services and support to people that have a long term health problem or disability for more than 120 days. The benefit package includes primary, acute and long term care services. The enrollee receives both Medicaid and Medicare services from one plan. It excludes specialized mental health services." }, { "docid": "6779312", "title": "Managed Health Care", "text": "The health care plan that reimburses providers for indicidual health care services provided is a. Managed Care Orgnization. What organization is responsible for the health of a group of enrollees and can be a health plan hospital physician group of health system. their primary care provider. Managed care plan enrollees receive care from. utilization management." }, { "docid": "562505", "title": "-", "text": "Because a Group Health Plan can be a Covered Entity, and the employer always serves as plan sponsor and frequently as plan administrator of its Group Health Plan, the HIPAA Privacy Rules can, and frequently do, apply to an employer." }, { "docid": "7823907", "title": "-", "text": "Thank you for your interest in buying a health plan from us. As of February 1, we are in a Special Enrollment period. Anyone can buy a health benefits or insurance plan during Open Enrollment. But during Special Enrollment, you can buy a health plan only if you have experienced certain life changes. You usually have up to 60 days after the change to enroll." }, { "docid": "6907444", "title": "Understanding defined benefit plans", "text": "You may have to work for a specific number of years before you have a permanent right to any retirement benefit under a plan. This is generally referred to as vesting.. If you leave your job before you fully vest in an employer's defined benefit plan, you won't get full retirement benefits from the plan." } ]
what is a hemolysis
[ { "docid": "6076121", "title": "Hemolysis (microbiology)", "text": "Hemolysis (or haemolysis in British English) is the breakdown of red blood cells. The ability of bacterial colonies to induce hemolysis when grown on blood agar is used to classify certain microorganisms. This is particularly useful in classifying streptococcal species." } ]
[ { "docid": "6566293", "title": "-", "text": "Comparing the urinary bilirubin result with the urobilinogen result may assist in distinguishing between red cell hemolysis, hepatic disease, and biliary obstruction, as shown in the table below: *Urine chemical reagent strip methods cannot distinguish normal urobilinogen from absent urobilinogen, as might be seen in complete biliary obstruction." }, { "docid": "322934", "title": "Hemolysis (microbiology)", "text": "When alpha hemolysis (α-hemolysis) is present, the agar under the colony is dark and greenish. Streptococcus pneumoniae and a group of oral streptococci (Streptococcus viridans or viridans streptococci) display alpha hemolysis. This is sometimes called green hemolysis because of the color change in the agar. Other synonymous terms are incomplete hemolysis and partial hemolysis." }, { "docid": "7529818", "title": "Translations for rh factor", "text": "Princeton's WordNet(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: rhesus factor, Rh factor, Rh(noun) a blood group antigen possessed by Rh-positive people; if an Rh-negative person receives a blood transfusion from an Rh-positive person it can result in hemolysis and anemia." }, { "docid": "3268312", "title": "-", "text": "TT30 is a 65 kDa recombinant human fusion protein consisting of the iC3b/C3d-binding region of complement receptor 2 (CR2) and the inhibitory domain of the CAP regulator factor H (fH).T30 is a membrane-targeted selective CAP inhibitor that may prevent both intravascular and C3-mediated extravascular hemolysis of PNH erythrocytes and warrants consideration for the treatment of PNH patients." }, { "docid": "5999182", "title": "Hemolysis", "text": "1 Beta-hemolytic species, including S. pyogenes and S. agalactiae, completely rupture the red blood cells (visible as a halo in culture). 2 Gamma-hemolytic, or non-hemolytic, species do not cause hemolysis and rarely cause illness." }, { "docid": "1828716", "title": "Hemolytic disease of the newborn (ABO)", "text": "In contrast to Rh disease, about half of the cases of ABO HDN occur in a firstborn baby and ABO HDN does not become more severe after further pregnancies. The ABO blood group system is the best known surface antigen system, expressed on a wide variety of human cells.For Caucasian populations about one fifth of all pregnancies have ABO incompatibility between the fetus and the mother, but only a very small minority develop symptomatic ABO HDN.The latter typically only occurs in mothers of blood group O, because they can produce enough IgG antibodies to cause hemolysis.f IgG anti-A or IgG anti-B antibodies are found in the pregnant woman's blood, they are not reported with the test results, because they do not correlate well with ABO HDN. Diagnosis is usually made by investigation of a newborn baby who has developed jaundice during the first day of life." }, { "docid": "6999734", "title": "-", "text": "Hemolysis or haemolysis, also known by several other names, is the rupturing (lysis) of red blood cells (erythrocytes) and the release of their contents (cytoplasm) into surrounding fluid (e.g. blood plasma). Hemolysis may occur in vivo or in vitro (inside or outside the body). 1 Inside the body 1.1 Streptococcus." }, { "docid": "6685144", "title": "What causes elevated bilirubin in adults?", "text": "1 Cirrhosis of the liver is another reason for elevated bilirubin levels. 2 Acute hepatitis caused by Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B is another reason. 3 Hemolysis - red blood cell destruction. Liver failure or any liver disease that worsens over a period of time." }, { "docid": "8303867", "title": "Vitreous Hemorrhage", "text": "Pathophysiology[edit | edit source] Hemorrhage into the vitreous body results in rapid clot formation and clears at a rate of approximately 1% per day . Erythrocytes exit through the trabecular meshwork, undergo hemolysis, phagocytosis, or persist within the vitreous for many months." }, { "docid": "5292237", "title": "Acute Anemia", "text": "Anemia is characterized by a reduction in the number of circulating red blood cells (RBCs), the amount of hemoglobin, or the volume of packed red blood cells (hematocrit). Anemia is classified as acute or chronic. Acute anemia denotes a precipitous drop in the RBC population due to hemolysis or acute hemorrhage. In the emergency department (ED), acute hemorrhage is by far the most common etiology. This article also discusses other causes of acute anemia." }, { "docid": "642922", "title": "-", "text": "Hemolysis is the breakage of, or damage to, the membrane of red blood cells that results in leakage of hemoglobin into the surrounding fluid.Hemolysis is a common, yet preventable problem.emolysis is the breakage of, or damage to, the membrane of red blood cells that results in leakage of hemoglobin into the surrounding fluid." }, { "docid": "2880081", "title": "Summary of Biochemical Tests", "text": "Blood Agar Plates (BAP) This is a differential medium. It is a rich, complex medium that contains 5% sheep red blood cells. BAP tests the ability of an organism to produce hemolysins, enzymes that damage/lyse red blood cells (erythrocytes). The degree of hemolysis by these hemolysins is helpful in differentiating members of the genera Staphylococcus, Streptococcus and Enterococcus." }, { "docid": "6990388", "title": "Evaluation of Anemia in Children", "text": "The first step in evaluation of normocytic anemia is determination of the reticulocyte count (Figure 2) to distinguish cases of increased RBC turnover, such as hemolysis, from bone marrow disorders. The low reticulocyte count suggests bone marrow hypofunction." }, { "docid": "792233", "title": "hemolysis", "text": "the breakdown of red blood cells and the release of hemoglobin that occur normally at the end of the life span of a red cell. Hemolysis may occur in antigen-antibody reactions, metabolic abnormalities of the red cell that significantly shorten red cell life span, and mechanical trauma, such as cardiac prosthesis." }, { "docid": "6076118", "title": "Top 30 Doctor insights on: If Your Hematocrit Is Low Does That Mean Iron Is Low", "text": "Red blood cells live about 3 months. Hemolysis is the abnormal breakdown of the body's red blood cells. A urinalysis is often used to help confirm hemolysis. Extensive blood testing can determine whether a person has hemolysis." }, { "docid": "8333196", "title": "HELLP Syndrome: Recognition and Perinatal Management", "text": "The three chief abnormalities found in HELLP syndrome are hemolysis, elevated liver enzyme levels and a low platelet count. The hematocrit may be decreased or normal and is typically the last of the three abnormalities to appear." }, { "docid": "6805918", "title": "Acute Hemolytic Transfusion Reaction", "text": "Occasionally, a non-ABO antibody may also trigger acute intravascular hemolysis. Very rarely, an antibody from transfused donor plasma may be implicated in an acute hemolytic reaction. The pathophysiology of acute hemolytic transfusion reactions (AHTR) involves 3 phases. In the first phase, IgM or IgG antibody binds to the transfused red blood cell membranes. If these antibodies are capable of activating complement (C1 to C9), hemolysis occurs." }, { "docid": "3394090", "title": "-", "text": "Haptoglobin is a molecule that has been known to scientists for many years. Transport and hepatic proteins such as albumin, haptoglobin, transferrin, [[alpha]. Intravascular hemolysis is diagnosed with laboratory studies that show anemia, low haptoglobin, elevated lactate dehydrogenase, and blood smear schistocytes." }, { "docid": "4256296", "title": "-", "text": "The main protein found in red blood cells is Haemoglobin which carries oxygen. There are also small amounts of other proteins such as the enzyme carbonic anhydrase.hortage of red blood cells in the blood is referred to as anemia. There are many different causes of anemia such as bleeding, iron deficiency, hemolysis, chronic diseases, im … mune, etc. It is called anemia and it can be caused due to genetical or other means." }, { "docid": "1275175", "title": "-", "text": "hemolysis. Definitions: 1. Alteration, dissolution, or destruction of red blood cells in such a manner that hemoglobin is liberated into the medium in which the cells are suspended, by specific complement-fixing antibodies, toxins, various chemical agents, tonicity, alteration of temperature.emolysis. Definitions: 1. Alteration, dissolution, or destruction of red blood cells in such a manner that hemoglobin is liberated into the medium in which the cells are suspended, by specific complement-fixing antibodies, toxins, various chemical agents, tonicity, alteration of temperature." }, { "docid": "5999969", "title": "Effects of Hemolysis on Clinical Specimens", "text": "Samples with slight hemolysis are analyzed and the results reported with a comment indicating the degree of hemolysis and the effect on the test result. Grossly hemolyzed samples can affect the results of many tests; therefore, a recollection will be requested for most grossly hemolyzed samples." }, { "docid": "6867464", "title": "Arsenic Poisoning", "text": "Symptoms of arsenic poisoning vary with the type and concentration of the poison. Inorganic arsenic may cause abdominal pains, destruction of red blood cells (hemolysis), shock, and death quickly. Lower concentrations of inorganic arsenic and organic arsenic cause far less severe symptoms." }, { "docid": "39387", "title": "-", "text": "Classification: There are a number of different classification systems for streptococci and. enterococci. The most commonly used, because of its simplicity, is the hemolytic pattern of the. different species -- alpha (green hemolysis), beta (clear lysis) and gamma (no hemolysis) on. blood agar plates." }, { "docid": "4418148", "title": "History", "text": "Common HE. Common HE is the most prevalent form of HE and includes subcategories of typical HE (mild HE), a silent carrier state, hereditary pyropoikilocytosis (HPP), and neonatal poikilocytosis. In general, symptoms are rare because even when hemolysis is present, most patients have compensated hemolysis." }, { "docid": "2950246", "title": "Avoiding Hemolysis in Blood Sample Collection and Processing", "text": "1 Warm up the puncture site; warming increases the blood flow and prevents the need to “milk” the site, a significant cause of hemolysis. Do not leave the tourniquet on for longer than one minute; prolonged tourniquet time causes the interstitial fluid to leak into the tissue, promoting hemolysis." }, { "docid": "2436992", "title": "Picture of Blood", "text": "Hemolytic anemia: Anemia caused by rapid bursting of large numbers of red blood cells (hemolysis). An immune system malfunction is one cause. Hemochromatosis: A disorder causing excessive levels of iron in the blood. The iron deposits in the liver, pancreas and other organs, causing liver problems and diabetes. Sickle cell disease: A genetic condition in which red blood cells periodically lose their proper shape (appearing like sickles, rather than discs). The deformed blood cells deposit in tissues, causing pain and organ damage." }, { "docid": "8624381", "title": "-", "text": "1, 3, 10 In the term newborn with hemolysis, a bilirubin level above 20 mg per dL (342 μ mol per L) is a concern. 1, 3. The effects of bilirubin toxicity are often devastating and irreversible (Table 2) . 3, 9 Early signs of kernicterus are subtle and nonspecific, typically appearing three to four days after birth., 3, 10 In the term newborn with hemolysis, a bilirubin level above 20 mg per dL (342 μ mol per L) is a concern. 1, 3. The effects of bilirubin toxicity are often devastating and irreversible (Table 2) . 3, 9 Early signs of kernicterus are subtle and nonspecific, typically appearing three to four days after birth." }, { "docid": "3847455", "title": "Macrocytosis", "text": "Other causes may include: 1 megaloblastosis (vitamin B12 or folate deficiency; or DNA synthesis-inhibiting drugs) 2 hypothyroidism. 3 chronic obstructive airway disease. aplastic 1 anemia. reticulocytosis (commonly from hemolysis or a recent history of blood loss). liver 1 disease. myeloproliferative disease." }, { "docid": "8291022", "title": "-", "text": "6 Microbial GrowthCulture Media Differential Media: Used to distinguish colonies of a desired organism. 4 Blood Agar: Used to distinguish bacteria that destroy red blood cells (hemolysis).Hemolysis appears as an area of clearing around colony. Example: Streptococcus pyogenes." }, { "docid": "7123929", "title": "Red Blood Cells of Dogs", "text": "Anemia may be caused by blood loss, destruction of red blood cells (hemolysis), or decreased production. In severe blood loss anemia, red blood cells are lost, but death usually results from the loss of total blood volume, rather than from the lack of oxygen caused by loss of red blood cells." } ]
what is a high-pass filter
[ { "docid": "1873030", "title": "High-pass filter", "text": "This article is about an electronic component. For the Australian band, see High Pass Filter (band). A high-pass filter is an electronic filter that passes signals with a frequency higher than a certain cutoff frequency and attenuates signals with frequencies lower than the cutoff frequency. The amount of attenuation for each frequency depends on the filter design." } ]
[ { "docid": "5836625", "title": "How to Know How Many Hours to Run a Pool Filter", "text": "How long you run the filter depends on the size pool to filter ratio. 1 If you have a small filter you will need to run the filter longer, depending on how many gallons the filter can process in a given time. Calculate the volume of your pool by multiplying the length x width x average depth in feet." }, { "docid": "5383508", "title": "How do I calculate the cutoff frequency of a low pass rc circuit?", "text": "The specific formula applies only for a first order RC low pass filter. This is derived from its frequency response: $$H(j\\omega)=\\frac{1}{1+j\\omega RC}$$ The cutoff frequency is defined as the frequency where the amplitude of \\$H(j\\omega)\\$ is \\$1\\over\\sqrt2\\$ times the DC amplitude (approximately -3dB, half power point)." }, { "docid": "8272891", "title": "-", "text": "When performed correctly, the fuel line will seperate from the filter (it may take a few tries to get the hang of it). • Repeat on opposite side of fuel filter so that both lines are removed, and then remove the fuel filter from its clip. • To install your replacement fuel filter, you do not need the fuel filter wrench.• Install the new filter into the clip that holds it in place. Be sure to install the new filter in the correct direction so that the flow direction is correct.hen performed correctly, the fuel line will seperate from the filter (it may take a few tries to get the hang of it). • Repeat on opposite side of fuel filter so that both lines are removed, and then remove the fuel filter from its clip. • To install your replacement fuel filter, you do not need the fuel filter wrench." }, { "docid": "582180", "title": "filter", "text": "Wiktionary(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate these synonyms: 1 filter(noun) Synonyms: 2 filter(noun) To sort, sift, or isolate. 3 filter(noun) To diffuse; to cause to be less concentrated or focused. 4 filter(noun) To pass through a filter or to act as though passing through a filter. 5 filter(noun) To move slowly or gradually; to come or go a few at a time." }, { "docid": "4529790", "title": "How to Install a Fuel Filter on an Evinrude", "text": "Allow any fuel in the filter and the fuel line to drain into the drain pan. Seat the filter into the hose from the tank so that the arrow on the filter, which shows the direction of fuel flow, points toward the fuel line running to the motor. Seat the filter onto the hose running to the motor. Move the clamps over the raised portion of the nipples on both ends of the filter to secure it." }, { "docid": "4725199", "title": "Allison Oils Engineer (Here to Help)", "text": "Here's my recommendation: Use genuine Allison filters and change them every 50,000 miles (or 75,000 miles if you have the newer High Capacity filters) and top off with TranSynd lost with the filter change." }, { "docid": "1224063", "title": "-", "text": "ixigo. Rohtang Pass remains open during May to November. Though special winter clothes and shoes are available at innumerable shops on the way to Rohtang, it is advisable to prepare beforehand with comfortable woollens.The pass is not recommended for people suffering with chronic asthma, as the oxygen levels are slightly low at high altitudes.hough special winter clothes and shoes are available at innumerable shops on the way to Rohtang, it is advisable to prepare beforehand with comfortable woollens. The pass is not recommended for people suffering with chronic asthma, as the oxygen levels are slightly low at high altitudes." }, { "docid": "8510642", "title": "Understanding Filter Efficiency and Beta Ratios", "text": "Nevertheless, beta ratios are an effective way of gauging the expected performance of a filter. I hope this new knowledge of filter efficiency ratings enables you to make a more informed purchase the next time you buy a filter." }, { "docid": "4385378", "title": "-", "text": "1 Bottomless Sand Filter System-Septic system costs for a bottomless sand filter system can range from $5,500 to $8,500 for a typical installation and no special considerations. 2 This is one of the least expensive filter systems available. Evapotranspiration System-The septic system cost for this system type is high, and will start at about $25,000 and go up from there. 2 This septic system is ideal for desert areas but not many other locations, and that is one reason why the cost may be so high." }, { "docid": "2202716", "title": "-", "text": "In this Photoshop tutorial, we'll learn an easy way to soften and smooth someone's skin in a photo without blurring out important image details, such as the person's eyes and mouth.tep 4: Invert Layer 1. So far, we've used the High Pass filter to sharpen all the edge details in the image, but what we really want to do is smooth and soften everything that is not an edge detail, like the woman's skin. In other words, we want the opposite of what we currently have." }, { "docid": "7750506", "title": "-", "text": "Hold the cylinder vertically with the grey filter in high, acting on the syringe connected to the blue filter push the saline into the cylinder, if it be so the Lipogems ® ® product will flow through the grey filter into the syringe connected to it. AT THIS STAGE THE Lipogems ® ® PRODUCT IS READY TO BE USED." }, { "docid": "3449683", "title": "-", "text": "Choosing the right filter for your furnace. The choice of which filter to buy for your furnace depends on how much you want to spend, what you're trying to filter, and how diligent you are about changing the filter. The minimum efficiency reporting value (MERV) scale goes from 1 to 16. Most residential filters range from 4 to 12." }, { "docid": "5610726", "title": "RC filters, integrators and differentiators From Physclips : Mechanics with animations and film.", "text": "Low pass filter. At high frequencies, the capacitor 'shorts out' the input to the sound card, but hardly affects low frequencies. So this sound is less 'bright' than the example above." }, { "docid": "5449222", "title": "Adventure Pass", "text": "The pass is inexpensive ($5 a day or $30 for an annual pass) and the proceeds from each Adventure Pass help to support the high quality of services provided by the Forest Service. An Adventure Pass is good for all four forests (San Bernardino, Angeles, Cleveland, and Los Padres National Forests)." }, { "docid": "1487082", "title": "-", "text": "Your undeveloped mind couldn't even begin to comprehend what we've accomplished. The Institute is a mysterious organization within the Commonwealth. It is known to possess advanced technology, including the ability to produce androids of high enough quality to pass as humans.he Institute is a mysterious organization within the Commonwealth. It is known to possess advanced technology, including the ability to produce androids of high enough quality to pass as humans." }, { "docid": "5319682", "title": "-", "text": "Stage 1 Kit for Stock Carburetor on your Honda GX120/160/200 engine or clone including Titan and Predator. Kit includes: Thru-the-Frame Fatty Exhaust Header, K&N Angled High Flow Air Filter, K&N Pre-Filter, Billet aluminum Intake Adapter, Decals." }, { "docid": "809043", "title": "-", "text": "Important: Don't acid wash a D.E. filter at pool closing time. Wait until spring, when you can conveniently run pool water through the system to rinse it out. Simply rinsing off the acid and putting away the filter will give the acid all winter to attack the filter components.Open the drain at the bottom of the filter to let out any water in the filter outlet; be sure to open the air relief valve on top if you have one.imply rinsing off the acid and putting away the filter will give the acid all winter to attack the filter components. Open the drain at the bottom of the filter to let out any water in the filter outlet; be sure to open the air relief valve on top if you have one." }, { "docid": "3824636", "title": "-", "text": "Instructions. Remove the Kenmore Elite filter from its packaging. Follow the directions on the box to remove any pieces from the filter that were added for protection during shipping. Soak the new filter. Place the filter into a container of water deep enough that the entire filter is submerged." }, { "docid": "5780665", "title": "Definitions &Translations", "text": "Princeton's WordNet(4.00 / 1 vote)Rate this definition: filtration(noun) the process whereby fluids pass through a filter or a filtering medium. filtration(noun) the act of changing a fluid by passing it through a filter." }, { "docid": "2780336", "title": "Difference Between Polarizer and UV Filter", "text": "• Polarizers filter in a certain orientation of EM waves whereas a UV filters out UV rays. • A polarizer works in any wavelength, but a UV filter only filters out UV rays. • A polarizer lets the desired beam to pass whereas the polarizer blocks the desired beam. • Polarizers are used in Polaroid glasses and tints." }, { "docid": "6992185", "title": "-", "text": "Using your computer CPU and PreSonus Virtual StudioLive (VSL) software, AudioBox VSL-series interfaces provide reverb and delay effects and the same Fat Channel compression, limiting, semi-parametric EQ, and high-pass filter, as the PreSonus StudioLive™ 16.0.2 digital mixer—all with inaudible latency." }, { "docid": "7335283", "title": "-", "text": "A wet/dry filter is essentially a sump with biological filter media. The media is stored in a container above the water inside the wet/dry filter so water can trickle over it (instead of having it submerged)." }, { "docid": "2030038", "title": "Difference between WHERE vs HAVING clause in SQL - GROUP BY Comparison with Example", "text": "Key point, which is also the main difference between WHERE and HAVING clause in SQL is that, condition specified in WHERE clause is used while fetching data (rows) from table, and data which doesn't pass the condition will not be fetched into result set, on the other hand HAVING clause is later used to filter summarized data or grouped data." }, { "docid": "209852", "title": "-", "text": "1 United reserves the right to limit access for one-time pass users during high-traffic times when United Club locations are at or near capacity. 2 United reserves the right to limit access and only allow entry to members with a same-day boarding pass." }, { "docid": "8556969", "title": "Remove a filter", "text": "If a filter is available, you’ll see one of the following buttons next to the column heading: This button means a filter is available and it hasn’t been used to sort the data in the column. This button means a filter has been used to filter or sort the data in the column.In the following worksheet, a filter is available for the Product column, but it hasn’t been used. The filter in the Country column has been used to sort the data.his button means a filter has been used to filter or sort the data in the column. In the following worksheet, a filter is available for the Product column, but it hasn’t been used. The filter in the Country column has been used to sort the data." }, { "docid": "7196260", "title": "Minimum efficiency reporting value", "text": "The scale is designed to represent the worst-case performance of a filter when dealing with particles in the range of 0.3 to 10 micrometers. The MERV rating is from 1 to 16. Higher MERV ratings correspond to a greater percentage of particles captured on each pass, with a MERV 16 filter capturing more than 95% of particles over the full range. Below is a table grouping MERV ratings by particle size:" }, { "docid": "2277847", "title": "Common Mistakes When Starting a New Aquarium", "text": "Insufficient Filtration. An aquarium filter should filter all the water in the tank through it at least three times per hour. If it doesn't, it is too small. If in doubt about filter size, move to the next size up. You can't over-filter, but you can definitely under-filter, and the results can be harmful to your fish.nsufficient Filtration. An aquarium filter should filter all the water in the tank through it at least three times per hour. If it doesn't, it is too small. If in doubt about filter size, move to the next size up. You can't over-filter, but you can definitely under-filter, and the results can be harmful to your fish." }, { "docid": "3714875", "title": "-", "text": "Learners read how the RL high pass filter is developed. The transfer function is used in Excel to graph the Vout. The circuit is also simulated in Electronic WorkBench and the resulting Bode plot is compared to the graph from Excel." }, { "docid": "6720405", "title": "Frequently Asked Questions about Furnace Filters", "text": "Answer: Filter efficiency refers to the percentage of airborne particles that the filter removes. This is different from the fuel efficiency of your furnace (commonly measured as the AFUE). You can choose either a high-efficiency or a low-efficiency filter for your highly fuel efficient furnace." }, { "docid": "2109072", "title": "AVAJAVA Web Tutorials", "text": "Description: This tutorial describes filters and how to use them. A filter offers a useful way of performing filtered functionality in a JavaSW web application. Typically, filters do not generate content themselves, although in this example, the filter will generate some minimal content to show how it is called. A filter implements the javax.servlet.Filter interface. The primary filter functionality is implemented by the doFilter() method of the filter." } ]
what is a hump bridge
[ { "docid": "1957038", "title": "Humpback bridge", "text": "For the covered bridge in Virginia, see Humpback Covered Bridge. A humpback bridge (or hump bridge) is a name for a type of bridge, specifically an arch bridge, where the span is higher than the ramps on either side, forming a hump-like arrangement.Examples include Chinese and Japanese moon bridges and the Humpback Covered Bridge in the United States.or the covered bridge in Virginia, see Humpback Covered Bridge. A humpback bridge (or hump bridge) is a name for a type of bridge, specifically an arch bridge, where the span is higher than the ramps on either side, forming a hump-like arrangement." } ]
[ { "docid": "1748646", "title": "Definitions &Translations", "text": "Definitions for dry-hump. Here are all the possible meanings and translations of the word dry-hump. Wiktionary(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: dry-hump(Verb) To simulate sexual intercourse without the genitalia directly touching, i.e. while wearing clothes, or by rubbing the genitals against something else." }, { "docid": "8705063", "title": "Bridges", "text": "It was demolished in 1917. The oldest bridge that is open to passengers or vehicles is the Brooklyn Bridge, which opened in 1883. The oldest bridge still standing in New York City is the High Bridge, which spans the Harlem River between Manhattan and the Bronx; it opened in 1848.t was demolished in 1917. The oldest bridge that is open to passengers or vehicles is the Brooklyn Bridge, which opened in 1883. The oldest bridge still standing in New York City is the High Bridge, which spans the Harlem River between Manhattan and the Bronx; it opened in 1848." }, { "docid": "5773547", "title": "Wheatstone Bridge", "text": "Wheatstone Bridge Applications: The Wheatstone bridge is used for measuring the very low resistance values precisely. Wheatstone bridge along with operational amplifier is used to measure the physical parameters like temperature, strain, light, etc. We can also measure the quantities capacitance, inductance and impedance using the variations on the Wheatstone bridge." }, { "docid": "3795261", "title": "-", "text": "Despite not being the largest bridge over the Mississippi River, the Greenville Bridge is still an impressive structure. The bridge has 2-1/2 miles of elevated roadway. The main structure of the bridge is 2,560 feet long with a 1,378 foot main span and two 591 foot long side spans." }, { "docid": "23667", "title": "The Humpty Dance", "text": "The Humpty Dance is your chance to do the hump. Do the Humpty Hump, come on and do the Humpty Hump. Do the Humpty Hump, just watch me do the Humpty Hump. Do ya know what I'm doing, doing the Humpty Hump. Do the Humpty Hump, do the Humpty Hump. [Verse Two] People say Yo, Humpty, you're really funny lookin'." }, { "docid": "3115290", "title": "My Humps", "text": "I'm just trying to dance, boy And move my hump, my hump My hump, my hump, my hump My hump, my hump, my hump My hump, my hump, my hump My lovely lady lumps (love) My lovely lady lumps (love) My lovely lady lumps (love). In the back and in the front (love). My loving got you." }, { "docid": "3091643", "title": "Throgs Neck Bridge Connects Queens and the Bronx", "text": "Opened in 1961 the Throgs Neck Bridge is a suspension bridge that links Queens to the Bronx, via I-295, spanning the East River. The bridge links Long Island (Queens) to the mainland (the Bronx). More than a 100,000 vehicles on average cross the bridge each day." }, { "docid": "2390869", "title": "Golden Gate Bridge", "text": "The total length of the bridge is 8,981ft or 2,737 m. The main span between the two enormous towers is 4,200 ft or 1,280 meters long, making the Golden Gate Bridge the world's largest suspension bridge,ven though there is a sidewalk on the Golden Gate Bridge, it's quite a challenge to cross the bridge. Not only is it almost 3km long, but it is a breathtaking 67 meter (220ft) above sea level. In extreme circumstances the bridge can sway almost 28ft (8 meter)." }, { "docid": "1562159", "title": "Golden Ears Bridge", "text": "Golden Ears Bridge. The Golden Ears Bridge is a six-lane extradosed bridge in Metro Vancouver, British Columbia. It spans the Fraser River, connecting Langley on the south side with Pitt Meadows and Maple Ridge on the north side. The bridge opened to traffic on June 16, 2009." }, { "docid": "5477768", "title": "Culture of the United Kingdom", "text": "How was London bridge famous? London Bridge is a very ordinary concrete bridge and the only reason that it is well known outside London is because of the childrens nursery song 'London Bridge is falling do…wn'. Many non Londoners think that Tower Bridge is London Bridge." }, { "docid": "6545496", "title": "-", "text": "Keep putting the bridge on the violin and work towards the back of the bridge being at right angles to the violin top. At the same time try to eliminate the gaps so that the bridge sits in full contact with the arching. Keep fitting until the bridge has no gaps. Get a strip of thin paper 2 x 6 cm." }, { "docid": "6973697", "title": "Huey P. Long Bridge", "text": "huey p. long bridge jefferson • huey p. long bridge jefferson photos • huey p. long bridge jefferson location • huey p. long bridge jefferson address • huey p. long bridge jefferson • heuy p long bridge jefferson • huey (bridge city) jefferson • huey p long (top of the bridge) jefferson • huey p long bridge jefferson • huey p long top of the bridge jefferson • huey p over river jefferson • huey p. long bridge jefferson • huey p. long bridge (eastbank) jefferson • huey p. long bridge (westbank) jefferson •" }, { "docid": "3712652", "title": "How are bridges built over water?", "text": "Keeping the center of gravity near the piers is very precarious business... In the case of a truss bridge, a post-tensioned slab bridge, or a box girder bridge the sections are often floated to the bridge and then lifted into place by cranes on barges or cranes sitting over piers." }, { "docid": "8586129", "title": "hump", "text": "The definition of a hump is a rounded lump or bump. An example of a hump is a rounded mass on someone's back caused by a curve in the spine." }, { "docid": "6801580", "title": "Highest Bridges in the United States", "text": "The second highest bridge in the United States is the Hoover Dam Bypass Bridge also known as the Mike O'Callahan - Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge which is 890 feet high." }, { "docid": "3994557", "title": "What is Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) and how does it work?", "text": "The root bridge of the spanning tree is the bridge with the smallest (lowest) bridge ID. Each bridge has a configurable priority number and a MAC address; the bridge ID contains both numbers combined together-bridge priority + MAC (32768.0200.0000.1111)." }, { "docid": "23663", "title": "-", "text": "The Humpty Dance is your chance to do the hump. Do the Humpty Hump, come on and do the Humpty Hump. Do the Humpty Hump, just watch me do the Humpty Hump. Do ya know what I'm doin', doin' the Humpty Hump. Do the Humpty Hump, do the Humpty Hump. Verse Two: People say Yo, Humpty, you're really funny lookin'." }, { "docid": "4604947", "title": "Tacoma Narrows Bridge (1940)", "text": "The 1940 Tacoma Narrows Bridge was the first version of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge. It was a suspension bridge in the U.S. state of Washington. The bridge was built over the Tacoma Narrows strait of Puget Sound between Tacoma and the Kitsap Peninsula. It opened on July 1, 1940." }, { "docid": "8306594", "title": "10 Largest Natural Arches in the World", "text": "Fairy Bridge or Xianren Bridge, China. Xianren Bridge, also known as Fairy Bridge, is the world's largest natural arch with a span measuring 400 feet or 120 meter. The bridge is carved through the limestone karst by the Buliu River. It is located about 40 km northwest of Fengshan in northwestern Guangxi Province, China." }, { "docid": "2426326", "title": "Mackinac Bridge", "text": "Mackinac Bridge. Mackinac Bridge. The Mackinac Bridge is a 5-mile-long (8-km.-long) bridge that carries a four-lane interstate highway, Interstate 75. It was built by the U.S. state of Michigan and connects that state's Upper Peninsula and Lower Peninsula together." }, { "docid": "2426333", "title": "Interstate 75 in Michigan", "text": "Mackinac Bridge. Mackinac Bridge. The Mackinac Bridge is located on Interstate 75 in northern Michigan at the Straits of Mackinac.The iconic bridge connects Michigan's upper and lower peninsulas. Mackinaw City is located at the south end of the bridge, while St. Ignace is located at the north end." }, { "docid": "6104011", "title": "-", "text": "Even people committing suicide shun the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge. Many of them-over 1,000 have done so-drive across the bridge to get to the Golden Gate Bridge so their death can have a poetic feel to it. And so it goes. On the 50th anniversary of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge, one newspaper called it the ugly stepsister to the famed arches of the Golden Gate Bridge.." }, { "docid": "3772934", "title": "Are camelsâ humps full of water?", "text": "Even a really thirsty camel might still have a hump – as long as it’s not really hungry, too. Camels store fat in their humps, not water. As a camel goes without food, its hump begins to shrink.If it stays hungry long enough, its hump will disappear.ntil recently, many scientists believed that camels could store water in one of their three stomachs. Very thirsty camels can drink up to 100 liters of water during a single visit to the well. There’s no evidence, though, that camels can store water for long periods of time anywhere in their bodies." }, { "docid": "4334461", "title": "-", "text": "John Peter York, Jr. AGE: 79 • Old Bridge. John Peter York, Jr., 79, of Old Bridge passed away on December 17. John was a born in Old Bridge and was a life long resident of Old Bridge. He worked as a sheet metal worker and with the Local 27 for over 40 years." }, { "docid": "5751466", "title": "-", "text": "How to Perform the Bridge Exercise. The bridge exercise is a back bend, a core strengthener, and a balance pose all in one. The regular bridge exercise requires you to move your hips up toward the ceiling, while the yoga bridge pose... explore" }, { "docid": "8728879", "title": "Why Is It Named Chain Bridge? And, Where Are the Chains?", "text": "It’s probably obvious to GoDCers where Chain Bridge Road gets its name. There is a bridge that connects the eponymous road on the D.C. side to the one on the Virginia side. But, this bridge has no chains." }, { "docid": "5978253", "title": "Tacoma Narrows Bridge (1940)", "text": "The 1940 Tacoma Narrows Bridge, the first Tacoma Narrows Bridge, was a suspension bridge in the U.S. state of Washington that spanned the Tacoma Narrows strait of Puget Sound between Tacoma and the Kitsap Peninsula.early 10 years after the bridge collapsed, a new Tacoma Narrows Bridge opened in the same location, using the original bridge's tower pedestals and cable anchorages." }, { "docid": "4289162", "title": "London Bridge", "text": "London Bridge, granite, five-arched bridge formerly over the Thames, in London, England. It is 928 ft (283 m) long and was designed by John Rennie and built between 1824 and 1831. The early wooden bridge (963–75) was replaced (1176–1209) by a stone bridge with houses and a chapel." }, { "docid": "2376353", "title": "-", "text": "The hybrid camel, a hybrid between Bactrian and dromedary camels, has one hump, though it has an indentation 4–12 cm (1.6–4.7 in) deep that divides the front from the back. The hybrid is 2.15 m (7 ft 1 in) at the shoulder and 2.32 m (7 ft 7 in) tall at the hump.he two surviving species of camel are the dromedary, or one-humped camel (C. dromedarius), which inhabits the Middle East and the Horn of Africa; and the bactrian, or two-humped camel (C. bactrianus), which inhabits Central Asia." }, { "docid": "2861877", "title": "-", "text": "Facts and figures The Forth Road Bridge is a long span suspension bridge which when... History of the Forth Road Bridge The need for a road bridge over the Firth of Forth came to light... Forth Road Bridge construction gallery Archive photos of the Forth Road Bridge under construction. About the bridge The Forth Road Bridge is a long-span suspension bridge..." } ]
what is a internal medicine
[ { "docid": "528063", "title": "internal medicine", "text": "internal medicine. The branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases affecting the internal organs of the body, especially in adults." } ]
[ { "docid": "3155941", "title": "What exactly does a rheumatologist do?", "text": "1 After four years of medical school and three years of training in either internal medicine or pediatrics, rheumatologists complete two to three years in specialized rheumatology training. 2 Most rheumatologists who treat patients become board certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine." }, { "docid": "171908", "title": "Here's how much money doctors actually make", "text": "In fact, doctors with some of the lowest earnings were the most likely to say they would choose medicine as a career if they had to do it all over again. About 70% of physicians in internal medicine and family medicine would choose medicine all over again, compared with just 50% of high-earning orthopedists. Overall, only about 9% of all surveyed doctors said making good money was the most rewarding part of the job." }, { "docid": "5959339", "title": "Gurinder P Singh, Tucson AZ", "text": "Dr. Gurinder P Singh, is a male doctor, specializes in internal medicine in Tucson AZ. He studied medicine at the University Of Arizona College Of Medicine, 1992. His hospital/clinic affiliations include Northwest Hospital Llc and more. He accepts Medicare assignment." }, { "docid": "7842261", "title": "-", "text": "Dr. Walters's Overview. Dr. Samuel R. Walters graduated from the Howard University College of Medicine in 1971. He works in Bronx, NY and specializes in Internal Medicine and General Surgery." }, { "docid": "6441922", "title": "-", "text": "A Physician / Doctor, Internal Medicine earns an average salary of AED 360,898 per year." }, { "docid": "7656014", "title": "-", "text": "Dr. Deepak Chowdhary has 1 office location. Dr. Deepak Chowdhary practices Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology near Florence, SC." }, { "docid": "7611040", "title": "BENJAMIN CAMERON DO -Internal Medicine", "text": "Those who are in need of internal medicine will find that the LabDraw directory h... 1 BENJAMIN CAMERON's specialty is listed as Internal Medicine. 2 Speciality : Internal Medicine - LabDraw is one of the best online resources for locating doctors and other medical practitioners in your area." }, { "docid": "3558654", "title": "Asthma Specialists", "text": "An allergist specializes in allergies, asthma, and allergic asthma. Internist. An internist is a doctor who specializes in internal medicine -- the study of diseases in adults, particularly those related to internal organs -- and who has completed three years of training after medical school. Pediatrician." }, { "docid": "5722596", "title": "-", "text": "Cardiologist Education & Training, Examination & Certification. A cardiologist is a physician who is certified to treat problems of the cardiovascular system—the heart, arteries, and veins. Cardiology is classified as an internal medicine subspecialty. Knowledge of internal medicine and other specialties is required to obtain certification." }, { "docid": "3971330", "title": "-", "text": "Dr. Dominick Defrances JR. DO is a male health care provider in Natrona Heights, PA with Internal Medicine listed as their primary specialization. Their credentials are: DO." }, { "docid": "3770282", "title": "Internal Medicine", "text": "Internal medicine physicians specialize is figuring out the cause of various symptoms that lead many patients to see a doctor. Although some internists go on to subspecialize in areas such as cardiology, sports medicine and oncology, a doctor with internal medicine training can diagnose and provide non-surgical treatments for conditions that affect all bodily organs and systems." }, { "docid": "8280819", "title": "D.O. students: gotta match?", "text": "With the report finding that more than 300 positions in family medicine and more than 100 positions in internal medicine did not fill during the 2011 match, that seems to be sound advice." }, { "docid": "7734121", "title": "Dr. Marc Theroux MD", "text": "Dr. Marc A Theroux, MD has a medical practice at 534 Prospect Street, Fall River, MA 02720. Currently, Dr. Marc A Theroux specializes in internal medicine in Fall River area and has over 35 years of experience in the field of medicine. He graduated from Georgetown University Of Medicine with his medical degree in 1983." }, { "docid": "2747650", "title": "About Internal Medicine", "text": "Simply put, doctors of internal medicine are Doctors for Adults. But you may see us referred to by several terms, including internists, general internists and doctors of internal medicine.. But don't mistake us with interns, who are doctors in their first year of residency training!imply put, doctors of internal medicine are Doctors for Adults. But you may see us referred to by several terms, including internists, general internists and doctors of internal medicine.. But don't mistake us with interns, who are doctors in their first year of residency training!" }, { "docid": "5762496", "title": "-", "text": "Scope of Family Medicine. Of the primary care specialties (family medicine, general internal medicine and pediatrics), family physicians provide the most care-managing nearly one-fourth of all primary care visits. Given the scope of family medicine, this comes as no surprise." }, { "docid": "2709464", "title": "-", "text": "Dr. Joseph Dehaven is similar to the following 3 Doctors near Savannah, GA. Dr. Adewumi Oguntunmibi Pulmonary Critical Care Medicine, Pulmonary Disease, Internal Medicine" }, { "docid": "1790305", "title": "-", "text": "Children often have elevated WBC without having an infection, just by being stressed, I was taught when interning at pediatrics. I haven't treated any child since, I specialized in internal medicine and intensive care medicine, except for our own children. In adults influenza is correlated with low white blood cells." }, { "docid": "2834056", "title": "ETHICAL ISSUES IN CANCER PATIENT CARE SECOND EDITION", "text": "Internal Medicine MOC exam blueprint. Based on feedback from physicians that MOC assessments. should better reflect what they see in practice, in 2015 the. American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) invited certified. general internists to provide ratings of the relative frequency. and importance of blueprint topics in practice." }, { "docid": "5732466", "title": "Internal Medicine Residency â Primary Care", "text": "Brigham and Women’s Hospital launched the first internal medicine primary care residency training program in the country in 1970, beginning a longstanding tradition of excellence in generalist training that thrives to this day.righam and Women’s Hospital launched the first internal medicine primary care residency training program in the country in 1970, beginning a longstanding tradition of excellence in generalist training that thrives to this day." }, { "docid": "8042819", "title": "Dr. David Vance", "text": "Dr. David Vance, MD, is an Internal Medicine specialist in Bethel, Ohio. He attended and graduated from University Of Cincinnati College Of Medicine in 1978, having over 40 years of diverse experience, especially in Internal Medicine." }, { "docid": "4742645", "title": "How to Become a Gastroenterologist: Education and Career Roadmap", "text": "Step 7: Become Board-Certified. One way to advance a gastroenterology career is to become board certified. Although board certification is not a requirement to practice, most gastroenterologists elect to become certified in their specialty by the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM).tep 7: Become Board-Certified. One way to advance a gastroenterology career is to become board certified. Although board certification is not a requirement to practice, most gastroenterologists elect to become certified in their specialty by the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM)." }, { "docid": "5469330", "title": "Frequently Asked Questions", "text": "What areas of medicine can physician assistants work in? Physician assistants (PAs) are found in all areas of medicine. They practice in family medicine, internal medicine, emergency medicine, pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology, surgery, orthopedics, psychiatry, as well as many other areas." }, { "docid": "6633334", "title": "Doctors and Medical Specialists for Asthma", "text": "Heel spur: Research Doctors & Specialists. Research doctors and specialists in general medical areas: Family Practice. Pediatrics (Child Health Specialist) Adolescent Medicine (Teen Health) Geriatric Medicine (Senior Health) Internal Medicine. Critical Care Medicine." }, { "docid": "7240212", "title": "-", "text": "Although the core specialties account for the majority of cosmetic procedures performed, cosmetic medicine is no longer limited to just core physicians. Other specialties, including, family practice, internal medicine, anesthesia, obstetrics/gynecology, and others, now perform cosmetic procedures as well." }, { "docid": "4844522", "title": "-", "text": "dr. Alan Stark Cleland, M.D. is an endocrinology and diabetes and metabolism internal medicine in Jacksonville, FL with 14 years of experience. The provider is an internist who concentrates on disorders of the internal (endocrine) glands such as the thyroid and adrenal glands." }, { "docid": "2834060", "title": "-", "text": "Welcoming New Patients. Welcome to First State Internal Medicine. We, the physician and staff of First State Internal Medicine are dedicated to provide a wide-range of high quality and affordable health care services. We are grateful for the opportunity to participate in providing health care to you and your family." }, { "docid": "4879128", "title": "Memorial Hermann Medical Group Internal Medicine Doctors", "text": "Memorial Hermann Medical Group Internal Medicine Doctors. Internal Medicine doctors provide long-term, comprehensive medical care and disease prevention for adolescents, adults and elderly. They also educate patients on ways to maintain a healthy lifestyle." }, { "docid": "4435006", "title": "-", "text": "dr. CHRISTOPHER TERRENCE HAAS, M.D. is an internal medicine in Denver, CO. The provider's NPI Number is 1578982237 with a scope of practice of internal medicine" }, { "docid": "4393260", "title": "Shortness of Breath While Bending Over Maybe A Heart Failure Symptom", "text": "“Some patients thought they were short of breath because they were out of shape or overweight, but we wondered if there was something more to it. So we developed this study to further investigate this symptom,” said Dr. Jennifer Thibodeau, Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine in the Division of Cardiology.Some patients thought they were short of breath because they were out of shape or overweight, but we wondered if there was something more to it. So we developed this study to further investigate this symptom,” said Dr. Jennifer Thibodeau, Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine in the Division of Cardiology." }, { "docid": "6379729", "title": "-", "text": "Scope of Family Medicine. Of the primary care specialties (family medicine, general internal medicine and pediatrics), family physicians provide the most care - managing nearly one-fourth of all primary care visits. Given the scope of family medicine, this comes as no surprise. Family medicine is a three-dimensional specialty, incorporating (1) knowledge, (2) skill and (3) process. At the center of the process element is the patient-physician relationship with the patient viewed in the context of the family." } ]
what is a job hazard evaluation
[ { "docid": "645667", "title": "Occupational Safety and Health Administration", "text": "A job hazard analysis is a technique that focuses on job tasks as a way to identify hazards before they occur. It focuses on the relationship between the worker, the task, the tools, and the work environment." } ]
[ { "docid": "5625750", "title": "-", "text": "Get the Road Hazard Warranty - Not even the best tire warranty will cover you for road damage. But Pep Boys Road Hazard Warranty will! If your tire is damaged, our Puncture Repair Diagnosis will determine whether or not it should be repaired." }, { "docid": "7484465", "title": "-", "text": "Earthquake Hazard The Hazard is understimated • The local low-level seismic activity not included.• On-site geological/geophysical properties not used.• Long recurrence periods not apparent in the data.• A four level classification using the closest quake: ◊ ◊ Low hazard 1000≈500 km. ◊ Medium hazard 500≈250 km." }, { "docid": "25254", "title": "WHAT IS A MULTI-DISCIPLINARY EVALUATION (MDE) OR SCHOOL EVALUATION?", "text": "The district cannot conduct an initial evaluation or a re-evaluation if the parents refuse consent. However, the district can conduct a re-evaluation if the family does not respond to the notice. If parents refuse to consent to the initial MDE or re-evaluation, the district can ask a hearing officer to order it." }, { "docid": "896411", "title": "Hazard and Risk", "text": "Risk Assessment is where the severity of the Hazard and its potential outcomes are considered in conjunction with other factors including the level of exposure and the numbers of persons exposed and the risk of that hazard being realised.he terms Hazard and Risk are often used interchangeably but this simple example explains the difference between the two. If there was a spill of water in a room then that water would present a slipping hazard to persons passing through it." }, { "docid": "910989", "title": "-", "text": "Job descriptions serve as the foundation of a quality competency program and provide the starting point for this. process. While often considered a tedious task, a well-researched and written job description serves as the basis of control in the. hiring and performance evaluation processes." }, { "docid": "1084844", "title": "4 Types of Interviewer Bias â and How to Eliminate Them", "text": "4. Intuition: a huge part of the candidate evaluation process is based on intuition as there is not enough data to objectively test every area of the candidate’s fit to the culture and demands of the job." }, { "docid": "6286615", "title": "Implementing Learning Technology", "text": "Appendix 2: Evaluation Instruments. Also available as a pdf file. This appendix provides examples of the various types of instruments that can be used in the evaluation of learning technology and/or its implementation.bservation Log. A blank photo-copyable proforma of the type of form used to collect information in an observation based evaluation exercise. Observation based evaluation is discussed in chapter 12. Provided by Philip Crompton." }, { "docid": "3906942", "title": "-", "text": "Henry Hazard (John Hazard 1) was born 27 Oct 1713 in Richmond County, Virginia, and died 14 Jul 1785 in North Farnam Parish, Richmond Co., Virginia. He married Elizabeth (Hazard) 1736 in North Farnam Parish, Richmond Co., Virginia." }, { "docid": "6987943", "title": "-", "text": "A Hazard Assessment is not a new process; it is simply a formalization of what is done. whenever personal protective equipment is selected based on the hazards of the job. When conducting a hazard assessment, a task is investigated and the hazards and the. potential hazards associated with the task are determined." }, { "docid": "5160852", "title": "Hazard symbol", "text": "Warning symbols are used in many places in lieu of or addition to written warnings as they are quickly recognized (faster than reading a written warning) and more universally understood (the same symbol can be recognized as having the same meaning to speakers of different languages).he use of hazard symbols is often regulated by law and directed by standards organizations. Hazard symbols may appear with different colors, backgrounds, borders and supplemental information in order to specify the type of hazard." }, { "docid": "586403", "title": "Program Evaluation", "text": "Before beginning a program evaluation, in-depth research will be performed by the evaluation staff assigned, and the staff and the program management will usually coordinate to prepare a work plan. A work plan is written to identify the standards to be used in a particular program evaluation and the methods intended to be used to test those standards. The standards chosen depend on the overriding purpose of the program evaluation." }, { "docid": "3019560", "title": "-", "text": "This section includes activities that address. • Understanding and selecting evaluation models and approaches. • Understanding and selecting evaluation designs. The following information is provided as a brief introduction to the. topics covered in these activities. EVALUATION MODELS AND APPROACHES. The following models and approaches are frequently mentioned in the. evaluation literature." }, { "docid": "7910198", "title": "Difference Between Job Analysis and Job Description", "text": "Job Analysis vs Job Description. Job analysis and job description are concepts very closely related to one another. Job description is one of the two components that make up a job analysis. In order for a proper job analysis to be done, a comprehensive job description needs to be written up.Despite their similarities, there are a few differences between them. A job description is a statement that lists out the various duties, tasks, responsibilities that are to be carried out when performing a specific job. Related posts: 1 Difference Between Job Analysis and Job Evaluation. 2 Difference Between Job Description and Job Specification." }, { "docid": "3340978", "title": "Effective safety training", "text": "A job safety analysis and/or a job hazard analysis should be conducted with every employee so that it is understood what is needed to do the job safely and what hazards are associated with the job. A safety trainer may observe the worker in his/her environment to adequately assess the worker's training needs." }, { "docid": "4725193", "title": "-", "text": "Prevention of Sinkholes As with any geological hazard, most often it is the lack of awarenessof the hazard (in this case, subsidence) that leads to the greatest problems.This is particularly true in residential development, but it also applies to in-dustrial and highway construction." }, { "docid": "8100153", "title": "-", "text": "Frequently Asked Questions HAZARD INSURANCE What is your Hazard Insurance Loss payee clause? U.S. Bank N.A. its successors and or assigns as their interest may appear. C/o U.S. Bank Home Mortgage P.O. Box 7298 Springfield, OH 45501-7298 Can hazard insurance be listed as POC on the HUD-1?" }, { "docid": "7212423", "title": "Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation (ADDIE) Questions Job Aid", "text": "Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation(ADDIE) Questions Job Aid. The purpose of this Job Aid is to capture adequate up-front planning using the ADDIE model. You may view the ADDIE questions job aid below or download the ADDIE job aid. (Word .DOC)" }, { "docid": "480110", "title": "Responsibilities of a Construction Safety Officer", "text": "A construction safety officer: 1 Inspects the site to ensure it is a hazard-free environment. 2 Verifies that all tools and equipment are adequate and safe for use. 3 Promotes safe practices at the job site. Enforces safety 1 guidelines. Trains and carries out drills and exercises on how to manage emergency situations." }, { "docid": "3518107", "title": "Top 20 Doctor insights on: Cause Eye Pressure Ear Pain", "text": "Eye Pain (Definition) 1 Depends on further explanation by history and findings on evaluation and examination. An ophthalmologist can resolve this issue with evaluation and treatment. 2 Yes it can: See a dentist for an evaluation. 3 Infection: Probable sinus infection." }, { "docid": "1912915", "title": "-", "text": "Most job evaluation systems assign a number of points for a job. It is then simply a matter of constructing a table to assign point ranges to grades. For example: Job Evaluation Points Grade 100-132 1 133-175 2 176-230 3 231-304 4 Again, there are not a lot of rules one must follow.n this case one might split a grade into two smaller grades so that the senior driver could be in a higher grade. The salary range from the top to the bottom of a grade is often narrower for smaller jobs than it is for big jobs. The rationale being that there is more latitude in big jobs." }, { "docid": "7157179", "title": "-", "text": "site walk down, hazard analysis, pre-job briefi ng, and execution of the work, post-job review, and JHA record retention. 1. Job Site Walk Down. When the job site can be safely accessed, an inspection of the job site should be con-ducted. Ideally this inspection should be conducted prior to developing the hazard analysis in order to assure all" }, { "docid": "4251957", "title": "Utilisation Focused Evaluation", "text": "Since no evaluation can be value-free, utilization-focused evaluation answers the question of whose values will frame the evaluationby working with clearly identified, primary intended users who have responsibilityto apply evaluation findings and implement recommendations." }, { "docid": "7670673", "title": "What is the Area Hazard Classification?", "text": "Ordinary (Moderate) Hazard. Ordinary (Moderate) hazard occupancies shall be classified as locations where the quantity and combustibility of Class A combustible materials and Class B flammables is moderate and fires with moderate rates of heat release are expected." }, { "docid": "3704063", "title": "peril", "text": "health hazard-hazard to the health of those exposed to it. moral hazard - (economics) the lack of any incentive to guard against a risk when you are protected against it (as by insurance); insurance companies are exposed to a moral hazard if the insured party is not honest.occupational hazard-any condition of a job that can result in illness or injury.ealth hazard-hazard to the health of those exposed to it. moral hazard - (economics) the lack of any incentive to guard against a risk when you are protected against it (as by insurance); insurance companies are exposed to a moral hazard if the insured party is not honest." }, { "docid": "7157180", "title": "-", "text": "In general, a written pre-job plan and/or job hazard analysis should be kept on fi le inde nitely. Storing this information electronically and creating an easy to use library of JHA’s can reduce the time required to develop a JHA, make modifi cation of existing JHA’s easier, and ensure that the information is easily accessible. - 3-" }, { "docid": "1291904", "title": "-", "text": "Employee Information and Training All employers with glutaraldehyde solutions or other hazardouschemicals in their workplaces must develop and implement awritten hazard communication program that meets the require-ments of OSHA’s Hazard Communication standard, 29 CFR1910.1200." }, { "docid": "8675919", "title": "Living in Ocean View, HI - Clearing up some facts - Updated 1/21/2009", "text": "The island of Hawaii is divided into zones according to the degree of hazard from lava flows. Zone 1 is the area of the greatest hazard, Zone 9 of the least. To read more about a particular volcano or zone, click on the area of interest in the map or on the text links below." }, { "docid": "1721215", "title": "Assessment & Selection Other Assessment Methods", "text": "Training and Experience (T & E) Evaluations. A traditional T & E evaluation, sometimes called a crediting plan or rating schedule, is a systematic method used to assess previous experience, education, and training information provided by job applicants." }, { "docid": "4170244", "title": "A List of Psychology-Related Jobs", "text": "Thanks to the rapidly changing job market, many people are searching for a new job in their chosen field or even changing careers entirely. 1 Career counselors help individuals make career decisions and utilize tools including personality assessments, interest inventories, and other evaluation measures." }, { "docid": "59640", "title": "Brief", "text": "This section identifies the hazards of the chemical presented on the SDS and the appropriate warning information associated with those hazards. 1 The required information consists of: 2 The hazard classification of the chemical (e.g., flammable liquid, category). 3 Signal word. 4 Hazard statement(s)." } ]
what is a john bunn suction machines
[ { "docid": "6671477", "title": "Vacutec 800 EV2 Suction Aspirator", "text": "Vacutec 800 EV2 Suction Aspirator. The John Bunn Vacutec 800 EV2 Aspirator is a professional medical suction device that produces a maximum vacuum of 560 mmHg. The unit is equipped with an 800 cc collection bottle and has been designed for convenient and reliable use. Single patient, home use, Vacutec EV2 Aspirator w/800CC collection bottle." } ]
[ { "docid": "6865837", "title": "What is Hijama / Cupping Therapy?", "text": "Cupping is a method of relieving local congestion by applying a partial vacuum that is created in a cup(s), either by heat or by suction. Cupping has been used for thousands of years. Although it is often associated with Traditional Chinese Medicine, the entire world once knew this of therapy and used it.upping is a method of relieving local congestion by applying a partial vacuum that is created in a cup(s), either by heat or by suction. Cupping has been used for thousands of years. Although it is often associated with Traditional Chinese Medicine, the entire world once knew this of therapy and used it." }, { "docid": "3970968", "title": "-", "text": " The pump loosing its vacuum is definitely caused by a poor seal somewhere between the suction of the pump and the suction inlet of your vacuum equipment. In the case of an above ground installation, check all connections of the hose and your vacuum apparatus.ake sure your filter handle is in the position to circulate the water. Turn on the pump. If these instructions do not work, turn off the pump immediately and consult a pool supply company, or a pool repair company for advice. : I agree with the above comment." }, { "docid": "6987097", "title": "-", "text": "The viscosity of the matter. being suctioned (Figure 4). In clinical use, equipment. consisting of collection , canister. suction tubing and catheter is. connected to a suction regulator. that is attached to a vacuum. source." }, { "docid": "4210259", "title": "curettement", "text": "removal of material from the wall of a cavity or other surface by scraping with a curette. 1 suction curettage (vacuum curettage) a method of induced abortion, consisting of removal of the uterine contents, after dilatation, by means of a hollow curette introduced into the uterus, through which suction is applied." }, { "docid": "8052765", "title": "What Can You Make with a CNC Machine?", "text": "You can think of a CNC machine as a very precise sculpting tool for creating whatever you have in mind. Objects You Can Create with CNC Machines CNC machines can work with plastic, wood, aluminum and other types of metal." }, { "docid": "1122427", "title": "Tubing & Accessories", "text": "Curity Connecting Suction Tubing 1/4 X 6' CovidienModel No: KND42450. Stock Status: Quantity Limited. CURITY Surgical Suction Connecting Tubing is available with female molded connectors (male connector also included) in non-sterile packaging. CURITY tubing has minimal coil memory and comes in a wide range of sizes. Starting at: $15.95." }, { "docid": "1542550", "title": "We are the only online CPAP retailer that provides support before, during and after the sale of quality used CPAP and used BIPAP machines. Buying a Used CPAP machine, or discounted new CPAP or BIPAP, should not mean the sacrifice of customer service and support.", "text": "* All used CPAP and BIPAP machines come with 6 month warranty, new tubing, new filters, power supply, and travel bag. Select cpap machines are sold with heated humidifier included or 'integrated' (will be noted as such in the listing). Many machines are new, zero hour, open box." }, { "docid": "1379896", "title": "What Is The Best All-Machine Workout?", "text": "This article is targeted to those looking to build muscle and lose fat with the exclusive use of machines. Detailed explanations of the most effective machines are included, along with the best all-machine workout." }, { "docid": "8765039", "title": "Cerumen Management using Suction", "text": "This package allows the user suction (vacuum @ 22Hg) and irrigation (pressure @ 50psi) all-in-one and includes: 1 Our Gomco all-in-one unit, designed specifically for ENT treatment, creates 22 Hg vacuum and 50 psi of pressure. 2 2 Baron Suction Tubes, stainless steel, including stylet, French size: #5 and #7." }, { "docid": "5764072", "title": "Sewing without electricity", "text": "One hundred years ago, sewing machines were made to last. If you have or can acquire a treadle machine, it probably just needs a good cleaning and a nice drink of oil, and it will be happy to sew a lovely stitch for you. Most treadles were straight stitch machines, and most have no reverse, so don’t expect to find one that will do all the things modern machines will do." }, { "docid": "4849828", "title": "-", "text": "The most important of the machines that ushered in the Industrial Revolution were invented in the last third of the 18th century. Earlier in the century, however, three inventions had been made which opened the way for the later machines.he most important of the machines that ushered in the Industrial Revolution were invented in the last third of the 18th century. Earlier in the century, however, three inventions had been made which opened the way for the later machines." }, { "docid": "4577301", "title": "A new suction-irrigation device: uses in microsurgery and plastic surgery", "text": "Other applications in plastic surgery The suction-irrigation device has been found to be useful in any situation where conventional suction Fig. 5 Figure 5-Use of the instrument with a metal cannula in conjuction with an oscillating saw (A) and high speed drill (B) during metacarpophalangeal joint arthroplasty." }, { "docid": "7874474", "title": "Different Types of T-Shirt Printing", "text": "Aside from all these t-shirt printing machines, there are also other types of machines that use digital printing instead of the t-shirt screen printing." }, { "docid": "85070", "title": "Vending Machine Business Plan: Did You Think of These Before You Got Started? by Chris Tomasso", "text": "So much money is moving from place to place in vending that it can be hard to track. There are many sources of income: Cash from machines, free vend, subsidizations, renting machines, rebates from corporations, and more." }, { "docid": "279623", "title": "-", "text": "The In Line Printing Press Saturn are a range of In Line Printing machines custom made. In Line Printing machines with or without Flying Splice, Flexo Sleeves etc. Your Choice our Construction." }, { "docid": "2300952", "title": "NPSH, NPSHr & NPSHa Definition", "text": "NPSH is a measure of the absolute pressure present in a liquid. NPSHa: The Net Positive Suction Head Available at the pump impeller inlet. NPSHr: The Net Positive Suction Head Required by the pump to operate without experiencing damaging cavitation and a dramatic reduction in pumping production." }, { "docid": "6133616", "title": "What computer should I buy?", "text": "What about RAM? We recommend using the 64-bit version of Live on machines with a 64-bit operating system and more than 4GB installed memory. On machines with 4GB memory or less, or on machines with a 32-bit operating system we recommend using the 32-bit version of Live." }, { "docid": "4338418", "title": "Lockout/Tagout", "text": "Lockout/Tagout Requirements. Cover servicing and maintenance of machines and equipment for unexpected energization or startup of machines or equipment, or the release of stored energy that would cause injury to employees. Lockout/Tagout Standard." }, { "docid": "2168734", "title": "How to suction a mucus from the babys throat.?", "text": "Report Abuse. My daughter is 2 weeks old, and when we were still in the hospital they provided us with a bulb syringe to clean her mouth after spit ups and when she sounded congested. How ever the idea is not to suction the throat but the mouth. You lay your baby on it's side and suction any mucus from the lower cheek.eport Abuse. My daughter is 2 weeks old, and when we were still in the hospital they provided us with a bulb syringe to clean her mouth after spit ups and when she sounded congested. How ever the idea is not to suction the throat but the mouth. You lay your baby on it's side and suction any mucus from the lower cheek." }, { "docid": "5271934", "title": "How long should a vacuum cleaner last?", "text": "I've had 3 vacuum cleaners. My Dyson lost it's suction just within the two year guarantee, they couldn't find anything wrong so kept it going for another three years (brushing loose hairs up myself occasionally!).Can't remember what I got next, but suction was rubbish and packed up in two years.riginally Posted by Clare T(201) Have you considered a Dyson, they come with a long guarantee! They are pricey but brilliant, especially the animal ones if you have a dog. My last one lasted eight years ish." }, { "docid": "635929", "title": "Centrifugal Pump â Advantage & Disadvantage", "text": "1 If the suction head of a centrifugal pump is positive or if the pump is used for circulating purpose then priming pump is not required. 2 When the suction head is positive as soon as opening the suction valve the system including suction line is filled with water, this water expels the air in suction side." }, { "docid": "8765037", "title": "Cerumen Management using Suction", "text": "Cerumen Management using our Preferred Suction Packages. You can now add suction to your practice for only $467.75! Our line of Preferred Suction Packages is the easiest and most economical way to add suction to your practice! Suction is one of the quickest and easiest ways to a clean canal." }, { "docid": "4550406", "title": "-", "text": "In advanced airway management foreign objects are either removed by suction or with e.g. a Magill forceps under inspection of the airway with a laryngoscope or bronchoscope. If removal is not possible surgical methods should be considered." }, { "docid": "8765041", "title": "Cerumen Management using Suction", "text": "This is our most popular and most economical suction package and includes: 1 The CM-61720 our most popular Suction Unit, creating 22 Hg vacuum, includes easy read gauge with regulating valve, 800ml collection bottle with overflow trap and bacteria filter, comes complete with set of sure fit tubing. 2 Baron Suction Tubes, stainless steel, including stylet, French size: #5 and #7. 2 Frazier Suction Tubes, stainless steel, including stylet, French size: #8 and #9. Preferred Suction & Irrigation Package: This package allows the user suction (vacuum @ 22Hg) and ..." }, { "docid": "1248434", "title": "Security Screening", "text": "I work for a major airline and will be required to spend eight hours a day near the new baggage x-ray machines (the big ones that I think are computerized tomography [CT] machines) that the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) uses." }, { "docid": "6853516", "title": "Guide To The Madrid Metro (Subway or Underground System)", "text": "To buy the Metrobús ticket you can go to ticket offices at all Madrid metro stations, or you can get it from the automatic ticket machines situated in the entrance of all metro stations. Some stations have their ticket machines away from the entrance." }, { "docid": "5023189", "title": "Homeowners Association Law FAQs", "text": "As your legal counsel, Hatch, Little & Bunn, LLP attorneys can help you to better understand the HOA laws, assist in resolving disputes and provide other services including: Development and enforcement of articles of incorporation, bylaws, CC&Rs and other governing documents." }, { "docid": "7681639", "title": "-", "text": "Remove it using a wrench. Take out the baffle plate, the oil pump drive chain, the drive sprocket, the suction pipe and the mounting bolts. Carefully lower the oil pump down and out of the engine. Set the new oil pump in the same place you took the old one out of. Reassemble the mounting bolts and the suction pipe." }, { "docid": "8109129", "title": "-", "text": "The X-ray machines that were removed from airports are being given to prisons and jails. The X-ray machines that were removed from airports are being given to prisons and jails." }, { "docid": "7934512", "title": "-", "text": "Our Wooden Rowing Machines are Made in the USA using hardwood from only replenishable sources. We strive to manufacture rowing machines that are of a stylish design and built to last, while maintaining our commitment to eco-friendliness. Our Rowing Machines are functional fitness furniture, designed not to be hidden away like other unsightly gym equipment, but to look at home in your living room." } ]
what is a load of
[ { "docid": "589486", "title": "load", "text": "load (plural loads) A burden; a weight to be carried. I struggled up the hill with the heavy load in my rucksack. (figuratively) A worry or concern to be endured, especially in the phrase a load off one's mind." } ]
[ { "docid": "589490", "title": "What is a 'Load Fund'", "text": "Load Fund. What is a 'Load Fund'. A load fund is a mutual fund that comes with a sales charge or commission. The fund investor pays the load, which goes to compensate a sales intermediary, such as a broker, financial planner or investment advisor, for his time and expertise in selecting an appropriate fund for the investor." }, { "docid": "2699411", "title": "-", "text": "Rated current means the value of the current that the circuit is using at its full load. If on a motor name plate it is written that the rated current is 10A, it simply means that it consumes 10A current for whichever the load it works on. The load at which it consumes the 10A is called full load. The motor can easily accommodate current below 10A." }, { "docid": "2962921", "title": "How To Pick a Good Mutual Fund", "text": "Depending on the mutual fund, the fees may go to a broker for selling the mutual fund or to the fund itself, which may result in lower administration fees later on. No-load funds don't charge a front- or back-end load fee. However, the other fees in a no-load fund, such as the management expense ratio and other administration fees, may be very high." }, { "docid": "3754253", "title": "Critical Facility Generator Load Bank Testing", "text": "Load bank checks the engine’s ability to perform and provide the required horsepower when called upon in an emergency. When a load bank is used, the artificial load it provides brings the engine up to an acceptable operating temperature." }, { "docid": "8570660", "title": "How Tires Work", "text": "Load Ratings: The load rating is a number that correlates to the maximum rated load for that tire. A higher number indicates that the tire has a higher load capacity. The rating 105, for example, corresponds to a load capacity of 2039 pounds (924.87 kg). A separate note on the tire indicates the load rating at a given inflation pressure." }, { "docid": "5304705", "title": "Spring Constant Calculator", "text": "k = 2.68 lbs / inch. The other way to calculate the compression spring constant on your spring is if you know the load you want to achieve at a certain distance traveled. The formula to figure out your spring constant from a known load and distance traveled is. Rate = Load / Distance Traveled." }, { "docid": "761298", "title": "-", "text": "…65 psi Load Range: D Maximum Load: 3,042 lbs. Max. Inflation Pressure: 80 psi Load Range: E As you can see, the load carrying capability of the tires varies greatly and is designed to meet the needs of the heavier 3/4- and 1-ton axle weights when you get into load ranges D and E. Meeting the load…." }, { "docid": "6741617", "title": "-", "text": "Prepare your washing machine. Fill your washing machine with hot water. Select the load-size. To wash a full load of tie-dye materials, use 1/4 cup (60 ml) synthrapol detergent. Reduce the amount of synthrapol detergent depending on the size of your wash load, such as 1/8 cup (30 ml) for a medium load. You may use as little as 1 tbsp." }, { "docid": "7377387", "title": "Rope", "text": "1 Abrasion resistance is needed for ropes used with pulleys, winches or other devices that cause constant wear. 2 The load a rope is rated to handle assumes that the load is static and not moving. Dynamic, or moving, loads greatly reduce the ability of a rope to hold the load." }, { "docid": "5207981", "title": "-", "text": "1 At the maximum applied load, maintain the load for a minimum of one hour and until the settlement (measured at the lowest point of the pile at which measurements are made) over a one-hour period is not greater than 0.254 mm (0.01 inch). 2 Remove 25 percent of the load every 15 minutes until zero load is reached." }, { "docid": "2072735", "title": "Knowing your Forklifts Load Capacity", "text": "What is a forklift load capacity? A forklifts load capacity is determined as the maximum weight that a forklift is able to safely carry at a specified load centre. If the load is not centred at the precise position then the forklifts capacity will therefore be reduced." }, { "docid": "6752506", "title": "-", "text": "Low profile force, load or weight measuring sensor. Beam Load Cells. Cantilever type sensor to measure load, center or weight. Load support maybe single or dual and load is introduced on a different axis to the load support. Typically on a beam load cell the strain gages are place on a horizontal beam, located at some distance from the load introduction axis. Complete set of measurement hardware suitable for tank, bin or vessel weighing." }, { "docid": "5674822", "title": "Deck Load Design & Calculations - Part 1", "text": "Note 2: We will use a dead load, the weight of the decking material, as 10 psf, a common dead load number for a deck and we will use 40 psf as the live load creating a total load of 50 psf. If you are planning to install a spa or hot-tub on your deck you will have to increase the live load calculation dramatically." }, { "docid": "1765617", "title": "Partitions: Dead or Alive?", "text": "Partitions as dead load (permanent action) When partitions are individually calculated, they are treated as permanent (dead) load, just like the structure itself, the floor finishes and the ceiling/services allowance. Their load factor is 1.35, or 1.25 if Expression 6.10b from EN 1990 is used, and there are no alternative load patterns to consider." }, { "docid": "6757050", "title": "Ask Your Question", "text": "1 I need a truck load of dirt delivered in lithonia, ga for $100. 2 dump truck load of dirt. 3 how much would it cost to get a full dump truck load of fill dirt in Tenino Washington. 4 cost of 1/2 truck load of filling dirt. $ per truck load of fill dirt." }, { "docid": "668566", "title": "-", "text": "If you know the tire load rating for your vehicle, you can use our handy load index chart to check out the load carrying capacity of your tires. When you shop for tires and give us your vehicle’s make/model/style information, we show you only the tires that have the proper load rating for that vehicle." }, { "docid": "520085", "title": "Load duration curve", "text": "Load duration curve. Typical Load Duration Curve. A load duration curve illustrates the variation of a certain load in a downward form such that the greatest load is plotted in the left and the smallest one in the right. On the time axis, the time duration for which each certain load continues during the day is given." }, { "docid": "7923031", "title": "What do the load rating letters on tires mean?", "text": "The load index refers to the load-carrying capacity of a tire, or how much weight a tire can support. For example, if a tire has a load index of 89, it can support 1,279 pounds (from below chart) at maximum air pressure. Multiply that by four (4 x 1,279 = 5,116 pounds) to get your maximum load-carrying capacity. It is not recommended to install tires with a lower load index than what came on your car from the factory." }, { "docid": "967527", "title": "-", "text": "A kilowatt (kW not 'kw') is used to measure the true power of a load, whereas a kilovolt ampere (kVA, not 'kva') is used to measure its apparent power-two different quantities. Apparent power of an a.c. load is simply the product of the supply voltage and the load current." }, { "docid": "613174", "title": "UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR", "text": "1926.554(a)(1) The safe working load of the overhead hoist, as determined by the manufacturer, shall be indicated on the hoist, and this safe working load shall not be exceeded. 1926.554(a)(2) The supporting structure to which the hoist is attached shall have a safe working load equal to that of the hoist. 1926.554(a)(3) The support shall be arranged so as to provide for free movement of the hoist and shall not restrict the hoist from lining itself up with the load." }, { "docid": "5684925", "title": "-", "text": "Electric Load. The Electric Load page allows you to specify the electric load for systems with either the Residential or Commercial financing option. You only need to specify an electric load if you are modeling a residential or commercial system with tiered rates or demand charges specified on the Utility Rate page. To view the Electric Load page, click Electric Load on the main window's navigation menu." }, { "docid": "6481481", "title": "Load (computing)", "text": "In UNIX computing, the system load is a measure of the amount of computational work. that a computer system performs. The load average the average system load over a period of time. It conventionally appears in the form of three numbers which represent the system load during the last one-, five-, and fifteen-minute periods." }, { "docid": "8782456", "title": "Safety Ratings for Light Trucks & Some SUVs: Load Range", "text": "Standard load P-metric will not show a load range but rather a load index like a passenger tire. Extra load P-Metric will be identified with an XL, as in P235/75R15XL. Light truck (LT) and flotation tires have their load range listed with a letter, as in LT235/85R16/E or 31x10.50R15/C." }, { "docid": "3214992", "title": "-", "text": "FLA is the amperage rating at the motor nameplate horsepower rating. When operating at this load, the motor efficiency and power factor are usually at their maximum. It is at this point that the motor prefers to operate. If the load is other than full load, both the efficiency and power factor will change." }, { "docid": "6378599", "title": "-", "text": "can anyone present how to load these text file values to my datagridview cells, those heading like data1,data2,.....data10 must load in column header and remaining row values should load in seperate cells of datagridview according to their column header.Thanks in advance.c# winforms datagridview.an anyone present how to load these text file values to my datagridview cells, those heading like data1,data2,.....data10 must load in column header and remaining row values should load in seperate cells of datagridview according to their column header. Thanks in advance. c# winforms datagridview." }, { "docid": "1496094", "title": "-", "text": "The load index is a number that corresponds to the physical load-handling weight of a tire in kilograms or pounds. The load index can be used as a cross reference to find the weight in pounds or kilos. For example, a load index of 105 corresponds to 2,039 pounds or 925 kilograms. This chart is found inside the vehicle's door jams and is available in tire replacement shops. The Tire Rack: Load Range Identification." }, { "docid": "3056926", "title": "What is a Load Cell?", "text": "1 A tension load cell is designed to measure tensile or ‘pulling’ loads. 2 A typical use of a tension load cell is for hanging scales and they are also popular for vessel weighing. A tension load cell is designed to measure tensile or ‘pulling’ loads. 2 A typical use of a tension load cell is for hanging scales and they are also popular for vessel weighing." }, { "docid": "7940529", "title": "Tire Psi Chart", "text": "Tire Tech Information - Tire Specs Explained: Maximum Load. …2105 2183 Note: 35 psi is the assigned maximum load pressure for standard load tires and 41 psi is the assigned maximum load pressure for extra load tires. The above chart correctly shows that an extra load tire is not rated to carry any more load than a standard load tire when both are inflated…." }, { "docid": "427312", "title": "LCL or FCL â Which Is Best for My Business?", "text": "There are two types of container transportation methods which can be used, Less than Container Load (LCL) and Full Container Load (FCL). It is important to use the correct shipping method in order to maximise profitability for your business.here are two types of container transportation methods which can be used, Less than Container Load (LCL) and Full Container Load (FCL). It is important to use the correct shipping method in order to maximise profitability for your business." }, { "docid": "7543457", "title": "-", "text": "Calculating Your Home Circuit Load Capacity. If you calculate your circuit load capacity you can get a good idea of the size of the electrical service that you require. The calculation is quite simple because you have to add together two components: your power consumption and the power used by your electrical appliances. You should keep your circuit load at 80% of the total circuit load." } ]
what is a lvn do
[ { "docid": "234457", "title": "What Does an LVN Do?", "text": "LVNs (licensed vocational nurses) monitor patients and assist them with daily tasks. LVNs also perform a limited number of medical procedures. Read on to find out more about what an LVN does. Schools offering Nursing degrees can also be found in these popular choices." } ]
[ { "docid": "2111482", "title": "Top 10 Best and Worst States to be a LPN/LVN", "text": "NursingLink / CareerVoyages.gov. There is a projected need for 309,000 LPN and LVNs needed in the United States by 2016. LPN and LVNs are one of the most in demand professions in America, but with so many job openings, it begs the question: Where should you work? NursingLink is committed to providing its members with the most most pertinent career research available. Below is the 10 best and worst places to be a LPN and LVN based on starting salary and job openings." }, { "docid": "6177445", "title": "Average LVN Salary in 2017: $44,090 per year", "text": "Average LVN Salary: $47,540 per year. The salary for Vocational Nurse in the United States is $47,540 per annum, which is $2,240 higher than the U.S. national income.is $3,962 per month, $914 per week and $22.86 per hour. A research nurse LVN is one of the highest paying jobs in the country, with the average income sitting at $58,500 per year.verage LVN Salary: $47,540 per year. The salary for Vocational Nurse in the United States is $47,540 per annum, which is $2,240 higher than the U.S. national income." }, { "docid": "4842318", "title": "-", "text": "I am not an LVN. I do work at a hospital though and know a little about the industry. We do not hire LVN's. We do hire RN's. She may consider going to school for just 6 extra months and become an RN. About the only benefit I can see to becoming an LVN or LPN is that you can gain entrance into an RN program and finish quicker." }, { "docid": "2877931", "title": "-", "text": "Our focus is in the Medical field. California Preparatory College however is not an LVN school. We provide certified nursing assistants with the required 54-hour pharmacology class for those who wish to utilize their experience in accordance with the BVNPT Rules and Regulations. The 54-hour pharmacology class is only one requirement set forth by the BVNPT. The following link will direct you to the the BVNPT site." }, { "docid": "1300539", "title": "IV Insertion Certification", "text": "Licensed practical nurses (LPNs) or licensed vocational nurses (LVNs) can maintain IVs but not insert them. In some states, such as California, LPNs or LVNs -- different names given to graduates of similar one-year nursing programs -- can take IV certification courses once they obtain their LVN degrees." }, { "docid": "1803707", "title": "-", "text": "- California CNA Ceus - LVN CEU - California Nursing Ceus - CNA CEU - Florida Nursing CEUs - Online Nursing CEU - CEUs for California Nurses. Laws and Rules of the Board Florida Nursing CEU Nursing Hours to meet state requirements. No Books Needed, Instant Certificates." }, { "docid": "2466144", "title": "Emt Questions", "text": "Subjects: lvn nclex nursing pn. 1 Click to Rate Hated It. 2 Click to Rate Didn't Like It. 3 Click to Rate Liked It. 4 Click to Rate Really Liked It. Click to Rate Loved 1 It. 4. 5 1." }, { "docid": "3894645", "title": "Licensed Vocational Nurse or LVN Salary", "text": "Mean Annual LVN Salary. The average annual licensed vocational nurse salary is $42,910. The average salary is calculated by adding all the wages within the occupation and dividing that value by the total number of workers in this profession. The lowest 10% of licensed vocational nurse salaries are less than $31,300. The top 10% of licensed practical nurse salaries reach more than $58,020." }, { "docid": "1712617", "title": "What Does a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) Do?", "text": "Career Overview. As a licensed practical nurse, also called a licensed vocational nurse (LVN), your job duties will be to provide basic care and assistance for sick, injured, disabled, and other patients in a variety of settings.icensed practical nurses (LPNs) work with doctors and registered nurses to perform health care tasks, such as measuring vital signs and observing patients. To become an LPN, you need to complete a practical nursing training program and pass a licensing exam. Keep reading to find out more about what an LPN does." }, { "docid": "8835178", "title": "-", "text": "As a student in an LVN program, you can expect to be fully prepared for licensure as a licensed practical nurse. You will learn all of the skills necessary to work with patients of all ages and stages in a variety of settings including hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, private practices, and in-home residences.s a student in an LVN program, you can expect to be fully prepared for licensure as a licensed practical nurse. You will learn all of the skills necessary to work with patients of all ages and stages in a variety of settings including hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, private practices, and in-home residences." }, { "docid": "339845", "title": "-", "text": "As you consider a nursing career, you may be wondering whether to become a Registered Nurse (RN) or a Licensed Vocational Nurse (LVN). While both play a vital role in patient care, there are some major differences between the two professions. Here’s some information that may help you make that important decision." }, { "docid": "340278", "title": "The Average LVN Salary in California Is Climbing!", "text": "If you’re looking to make the most money possible as an LVN, and are willing to work in a safety position, the California Department of Corrections pays their LVN’s Very well. The starting pay for LVN’s working in a correctional facility in California is now $24.40, plus a $4,000 sign on bonus, AND those awesome State retirement and benefits package!" }, { "docid": "3595056", "title": "How Much Is The Salary For Lvn In California", "text": "As a new grad out of LVN school I made $21/hr. Before I left Ca in 2005 I was making $24/hr. I worked in a sub-acute rehab unit in a LTC facility. I have friends who were making more commuting to Sacramento, but not by much." }, { "docid": "3238029", "title": "Houston, Texas LPN Programs", "text": "In order to be admitted into any of the LVN programs in Houston, one must have earned a high school diploma or the equivalent. It is important to choose a program that is approved by the state board of nursing. According to Texas regulations, students in LVN programs must complete all courses with a C or better.hose who are looking to pursue a stable and rewarding career in the healthcare industry in Houston, Texas should consider becoming a Licensed Vocational Nurse (LVN). These nurses work alongside RNs, physicians, and other medical professionals to provide patient care." }, { "docid": "1645000", "title": "A Policy Perspective on the Entry into Practice Issue", "text": "Created by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN), the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX - PN) is the exam required for all nursing students to pass in order to become a Licensed Vocational Nurse (LVN) in the United States." }, { "docid": "8503211", "title": "Working as a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN)", "text": "Some states refer to this job as an LVN or Licensed Vocational Nurse. What the LPN does depends on the “scope of practice” laws in the state where you work. Each state board of nursing regulates what the LPN can and cannot do.In general, LPN's provide patient care in a variety of settings within a variety of clinical specializations. The LPN will work under the supervision of the RN in caring for patients. 2 Most community hospitals hire LPNs, however is the larger teaching hospitals that have or wish to acquire “magnet status” from The Joint Commission (the accreditation organization for hospitals) do not hire LPNs." }, { "docid": "3254755", "title": "-", "text": "$104,000. Average Dialysis LVN salaries for job postings in Houston, TX are 13% higher than average Dialysis LVN salaries for job postings nationwide.verage Dialysis LVN salaries for job postings in Houston, TX are 13% higher than average Dialysis LVN salaries for job postings nationwide." }, { "docid": "936382", "title": "Common LVN Licensing Requirements", "text": "State Variations. In some states, you may need to complete various other requirements before you can obtain an LVN license. To find out your state's miscellaneous requirements, you can contact your state's Board of Nursing. Working as an LVN is a rewarding experience, both financially and emotionally. By fulfilling all of the above requirements, you can obtain your LVN license and begin working in the field in no time at all." }, { "docid": "8300957", "title": "-", "text": "Earning Your Associate’s Degree in Nursing (ADN) Can Jump Start Your Career Learn why earning an ADN or LPN-LVN certification will be the entry to other great nursing careers. Learn why earning an ADN or LPN-LVN certification will be the entry to other great nursing careers." }, { "docid": "2682913", "title": "-", "text": "The average salary for lvn jobs in San Antonio, TX is $22,000. Average lvn salaries can vary greatly due to company, location, industry, experience and benefits." }, { "docid": "5828058", "title": "How Long Do You Have to Study to Go From LVN to RN?", "text": "Time Frames. An LVN who went straight into an associate degree program after graduation might become an RN in as little as three years of full-time school -- one year to complete prerequisites and two years for the RN program itself." }, { "docid": "6548382", "title": "Top 10 Best and Worst States to be a LPN/LVN", "text": "Below is the 10 best and worst places to be a LPN and LVN based on starting salary and job openings. NCLEX Review: Part I NCLEX Review: Part II NCLEX Review: Part III NCLEX Review: Part IV NCLEX Vocab Review NCLEX Math Review." }, { "docid": "3283297", "title": "-", "text": "Healthcare Career Articles. A licensed vocational nurse (LVN) requires a person with dedication to assist other people. The LVN has a number of responsibilities including everything from helping to keep the patient clean, to monitoring critical signs, to writing detailed reports." }, { "docid": "8433610", "title": "RN supervisory visit Frequency? - page 2", "text": "2 months later. CHHA supervisory visits are required to be done by the RN every 14 days (or more frequently if needed or to avoid weekends) It is easiest to do them on the same day the Comprehensive Assessment is done, which is required every 14 days also. can't find the COP for LVN supervision, however LVN's are to have a supervisory visit every 30 days. HHA's, LVN's and RN's are required to have a joint onsite supervisory visit annually." }, { "docid": "6416239", "title": "Becoming an LVN in Texas", "text": "Becoming an LVN in Texas. A licensed vocational nurse (LVN) performs many of the same basic duties as a registered nurse (RN), but require supervision from a physician, physician’s assistant, registered nurse or advanced practice nurses.ransition from LVN to Registered Nurse (RN). Many schools that offer LVN programs, also offer accelerated tracks to convert the LVN education to that required to become a Registered Nurse (RN)." }, { "docid": "6442566", "title": "Hiring In-Home Help", "text": "Once you have identified the types of help you need, writing a job description can be fairly straightforward. In addition to including the tasks you have identified from your assessment, be sure to include the following when and if appropriate: Health care training (what level and what type — CNA, LVN, RN)" }, { "docid": "4111951", "title": "How many years does it take to become an ER Nurse?", "text": "An ER nurse is usually an registered nurse. However, there is a nursing shortage and some hospitals allow LPN or LVN to work in the ER under the direction of an RN." }, { "docid": "5274204", "title": "How To Become An LVN or Licensed Vocational Nurse", "text": "What is an LVN? An LVN is a licensed vocational nurse, also known as an LPN (licensed practical nurse). Becoming an LVN is one of the quickest ways to become a nurse, as there is not as extensive an amount of education required for most other types of nurses such as registered nurses (RN) or advanced practice nurses. Duties" }, { "docid": "1894077", "title": "The difference between a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) and a Licensed Vocational Nurse (LVN)", "text": "The short version is this: LPNs and LVNs are, for all intents and purposes, different titles for the same job. They both work under RNs and doctors. LPN and LVN programs prepare you to take the NCLEX-PN. Passing the NCLEX-PN is required for licensure of both LPNs and LVNs. The biggest difference between a Licensed Vocational Nurse (LVN) and a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) is actually the name. The term LVN is used in California and Texas, while LPN is used throughout the rest of the United States. So the difference in title really just depends on where you are." }, { "docid": "928588", "title": "Licensed Practical Nurse LPN Salary LVN", "text": "The latest data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that the average annual salary for a LPN or LVN working in the United States is $42,400.This works out at $20.30 per hour, $815 per week and $3,533 per month.Look at the table below to see how this compares with the national average wage.ind out how much a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) makes. This page will show you all of the data covering LPN salary information – remember a Licensed Vocational Nurse LVN salary is the same thing in Texas and California." } ]
can i get a money order at cvs
[ { "docid": "6383948", "title": "Compare Fees To Find Where You Should Get A Money Order", "text": "Other places to get money orders. Grocery stores and department stores also offer inexpensive money orders. Walmart money orders are 60 cents and has a limit of up to $1,000. CVS Pharmacy also offers money orders for 99 cents, with a maximum value of $500.omestic money orders can only be purchased for up to $1,000. Anyone that needs to send more than $1,000 will need to get two separate money orders. Tip: If you need to send more than $1,000 on a regular basis, consider opening a checking account at a bank so you can obtain cashier’s checks." } ]
[ { "docid": "8715045", "title": "-", "text": "Compare prices and print coupons for Ilevro and other Eye Inflammation and Eye Pain drugs at CVS, Walgreens, and other pharmacies. Prices start at $261.47 Compare prices and print coupons for Ilevro and other Eye Inflammation and Eye Pain drugs at CVS, Walgreens, and other pharmacies." }, { "docid": "804875", "title": "Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Inmate Funds", "text": "Funds will be available to the inmate within ten business days - though JPay will make every effort to make funds available sooner. Please note the $0.50 bank processing fee will still be assessed by the Department of Corrections for a money order deposited to the inmate's account. Any money order, cashiers check, or certified bank draft in the amount of $400 or higher will have a ten day hold placed on the funds. After ten days the funds will be available for the inmate's use. Money order deposit slip available in English here." }, { "docid": "6726536", "title": "-", "text": "CVS.com - Went to local CVS on Dec 27th to purchase Polident. Add a comment: Please click on the number of stars to award for the company's customer service. Please do not enter personal information into the comments." }, { "docid": "420213", "title": "-", "text": "Start by buying a money order for the desired amount. Make sure the amount you paid and the amount printed on the money order are the same. 1 You can purchase a money order from the Post Office. These are generally very affordable and easy to fill out. USPS money orders can be used for amounts up to $1000.00." }, { "docid": "1479962", "title": "India Tourist Visa Application Requirements", "text": "PAYMENT. Visa Express accept company check, money order, cashier's check or credit Card ** . Please make check or money order payable to Visa Express. You can write the total amount on one check or money order. ** Credit card payment is subject to a $3 or 3% processing charge, whichever is greater." }, { "docid": "5634494", "title": "Domestic Money Orders", "text": "Money orders are a good way to send cash that never expires. Money orders are a secure payment method. Purchase a money order for a certain amount from the Post Office and then provide the money order as payment.If a money order is lost or stolen, you may be able to have it replaced.ending Money Orders. Money orders can be purchased at any Post Office™ location. You can send up to $1,000 to destinations within the United States. Pay for your money order with cash, debit card, or traveler’s checks." }, { "docid": "6292434", "title": "-", "text": "Facts and figures about CVS Health. 1 9,600+ CVS Pharmacy Store locations. CVS Pharmacy has more than 9,600 retail drug stores in 49 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and Brazil and is currently located in 98 of the top 100 drugstore markets. 2 10M Counseling Interventions." }, { "docid": "6625944", "title": "How long is a bank money order good for?", "text": "Making the world better, one answer at a time. Money orders are good for 90 days from date of sale. That is any money order. If after 90 days, the issuing bank may charge a fee to return the money order for the cash back. Money orders are good for 90 days from date of sale. That is any money order. If after 90 days, the issuing bank may charge a fee to return the money order for the cash back." }, { "docid": "4517958", "title": "Can you buy a Money Order from the post office with a DEBIT card?", "text": "I always use my debit card, but I need to buy a money order along with sending a package out so it would be really conveinent if I could do both with a debit card. I can always go to the bank and get money out which I will do if I have to, but would prefer to use my debit card if..." }, { "docid": "8191274", "title": "-", "text": "Long's Drug Store Acquisition. Longs Drug Stores was acquired in 2008 by CVS Caremark Corporation (CVS). Company Overview. Longs Drug Stores operated 510 Retail Drug Stores in California, Nevada, Washington, and Hawaii as of July 10, 2008." }, { "docid": "6895936", "title": "-", "text": "CVS - Online drugstore and pharmacy. Manage prescriptions and shop a wide selection of health, wellness, beauty products and more at CVS.com" }, { "docid": "5700356", "title": "1,015 CVS Pharmacy Technician Salaries", "text": "1,014 CVS Pharmacy Technician Salaries. Browse CVS Salaries by Job Title →. CVS Pharmacy Technicians earn $30,000 annually, or $14 per hour, which is equal to the national average for all Pharmacy Technicians at $30,000 annually and 68% lower than the national salary average for ​all working Americans." }, { "docid": "2668245", "title": "Prescription errors and short fills.", "text": "Posted Wed December 10, 2008 12:00 pm, by Brad F. written to CVS. On 04/19/2008 I submitted a prescription for 6 pills of _______ (RX XXX005) to the CVS #9781. I had 8 refills. I requested my 1st refill on 5/21/08, and then my 2nd refill on 6/12/08." }, { "docid": "6241979", "title": "MoneyGram Refund Procedures", "text": "Refund or Photocopy. MoneyGram issues a refund if the money order has not been cashed. For cashed money orders, MoneyGram returns a copy of the money order. The purchaser should notify MoneyGram if the money order appears to have been altered since it was purchased.MoneyGram will not process unsigned claim forms.oney Order Claim Card Form. A MoneyGram money order purchaser may request a refund by completing the Money Order Claim Card form if he knows the money order serial number. The form is available on the Service Forms page of the MoneyGram website." }, { "docid": "7600352", "title": "-", "text": "CVS Health Facts. 1 Founded in 1996. 2 Headquartered in Woonsocket, RI. 3 It is a retail pharmacy and health care company with assets including CVS Pharmacy, CVS Caremark, CVS Speciality, and MinuteClinic. 4 CVS Health is available in all states, except Wyoming." }, { "docid": "419522", "title": "KINGS GRANT CVS INC", "text": "KINGS GRANT CVS INC provides services related to medication and prescriptions. Please call KINGS GRANT CVS INC at (609) 797-1601 to discuss your medication and pharmacy needs in MARLTON, NJ." }, { "docid": "144486", "title": "-", "text": "More on this ... when I called my local CVS Pharmacy, I asked if this was a CVS 800 number. They told me the CVS toll free is 800-746-2287 - a totally different number." }, { "docid": "3341467", "title": "CVS Pharmacy Wants Workers' Health Information, or They'll Pay a Fine", "text": "If your employees are healthy they're going to work better and they're going to cost the employer a lot less money, ABC News' chief health and medical editor Dr. Richard Besser said. CVS insists that the use of health screenings by employer-sponsored health plans is a common practice." }, { "docid": "6503402", "title": "-", "text": "Check/Money Order. Pay your premium by mail with a personal check, cashier's check or money order. To do so, be sure you: 1 Make the check payable to Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois.2 Write your account/member ID number on your check, cashier's check or money order.3 Include the payment coupon that was sent to you with your bill.ay your premium by mail with a personal check, cashier's check or money order. To do so, be sure you: 1 Make the check payable to Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois. 2 Write your account/member ID number on your check, cashier's check or money order. 3 Include the payment coupon that was sent to you with your bill." }, { "docid": "5122393", "title": "How Do I Get Money Back From a Money Order I Didn't Use?", "text": "Always keep your purchase receipt when you buy a money order to expedite this process and protect yourself. Return to the institution that issued the money order. In many cases this is your bank, although there are other places that sell money orders like the post office. Put your name in the recipient line, if it is empty." }, { "docid": "5123674", "title": "-", "text": "1 View all CVS Health jobs in Petersburg, IN-Petersburg jobs. 2 Salary Search: Pharmacy Technician Trainee Pharmacy Service Associate salaries in Petersburg, IN. 3 Learn more about working at CVS Health. 4 Related forums: Petersburg, Indiana-CVS Health - -." }, { "docid": "2729490", "title": "CVS Toll Free 1-800 Number", "text": "Thank you for calling CVS pharmacy. For English please hold for all other languages press 9, for store location, phone numbers, and hours say store information for the CVS rewards card and extra care say extra care for feed back about our stores say store feed back or you can say CVS.com or mobile support cvs.com." }, { "docid": "1464289", "title": "-", "text": "CVS pharmacists earn less than the median annual wages of pharmacists. The average pay for a CVS pharmacist according to GlassDoor.com is $99,161 a year. This is $7,249 lower than the national average reported by USA Today. The total CVS salary includes base pay, bonuses and profit sharing." }, { "docid": "8806518", "title": "-", "text": "1 View all CVS Health jobs in Ranson, WV-Ranson jobs. 2 Salary Search: Pharmacy Technician Trainee Pharmacy Service Associate salaries in Ranson, WV. 3 Learn more about working at CVS Health. 4 Related forums: Ranson West, Virginia-CVS Health - -." }, { "docid": "6595152", "title": "Send & Receive Money FAQs", "text": "How much money can I send with Western Union? How do I request a money order refund? When will my receiver get the money? How do I cancel a money transfer? How do I send money? Can I change the name on a money transfer?" }, { "docid": "6363027", "title": "-", "text": "Call USPS at (866) 974-2733 to check the payment status. The automated system will ask whether you are a customer or an employee. State Customer.. It will then ask what it can assist you with. State Money Order Inquiry and enter the money order's serial number using your phone's keypad.Since you no longer have the money order in your possession, you can obtain the serial number from the purchase receipt. If you don't have the receipt, call the U.S. Postal Inspection Service at (877) 876-2455 to obtain it.all USPS at (866) 974-2733 to check the payment status. The automated system will ask whether you are a customer or an employee. State Customer.. It will then ask what it can assist you with. State Money Order Inquiry and enter the money order's serial number using your phone's keypad." }, { "docid": "8829872", "title": "Why Choose CVS Specialty?", "text": "*Where allowed by law. Based on the availability of CVS Pharmacy locations and subject to applicable laws and regulations. Services are also available at Long’s Drugs locations. Products are dispensed by CVS Specialty pharmacy and certain services are only accessed by calling CVS Specialty pharmacy directly." }, { "docid": "3707641", "title": "How to Import Products from China!", "text": "Obtaining a Money Order. 1 1. Decide on the amount of the money order. Many establishments will ask you to pay for the money order in cash. 2 2. Go to your bank. If you have a bank account, the easiest way to obtain a money order is to go to the teller and ask for one. 3 3. Try local businesses." }, { "docid": "6646582", "title": "Free Money For Bills", "text": "There seems to be the perception that people should not look to the government for financial help, however, there is no shame in getting a little support in a time of need. In fact, millions of Americans are getting free government money and you should too.The key thing to remember is that you deserve it. While it is seemingly free money right now; this is actually money that you have been paying the government through taxes for years now. This is your entitlement.But, in order to increase your chances of your free grant being approved, preparation is the key.he key thing to remember is that you deserve it. While it is seemingly free money right now; this is actually money that you have been paying the government through taxes for years now. This is your entitlement. But, in order to increase your chances of your free grant being approved, preparation is the key." }, { "docid": "6373749", "title": "International Money Orders", "text": "How to Send Money Internationally. International money orders are convenient and secure ways to send money internationally. They can be purchased at any Post Office™ location in values up to $700 ($500 for El Salvador and Guyana). You can pay for your money order with cash, debit card, or traveler’s checks." } ]
what is a medical fellowship salary
[ { "docid": "1029920", "title": "-", "text": "Medical Fellowship Salary. Medical Fellowship average salary is $55,008, median salary is $- with a salary range from $- to $-.Medical Fellowship salaries are collected from government agencies and companies. Each salary is associated with a real job position.Medical Fellowship salary statistics is not exclusive and is for reference only.They are presented as is and updated regularly.edical Fellowship salaries are collected from government agencies and companies. Each salary is associated with a real job position. Medical Fellowship salary statistics is not exclusive and is for reference only. They are presented as is and updated regularly." } ]
[ { "docid": "6158142", "title": "-", "text": "Based on percentiles, the median yearly salary for 90th percentile of fellowship physicians has been around $194,427 per annum. Similarly, about 75th percentile of fellowship physicians received $173,423, 25th percentile of them received $134,216 while 10th percentile of them received around $119,525 per annum." }, { "docid": "5085198", "title": "How Much do Medical Assistants Make?", "text": "Average Medical Assistant Pay vs. Other Best Jobs. Despite a growing industry and gains in average pay, medical assistants remain near the bottom of the salary heap compared with other health care jobs, with an average salary of $31,220 in 2014." }, { "docid": "1584620", "title": "-", "text": "What is Fellowship. A fellowship physician is a doctor who possesses a higher degree in medicine on completion of a residency training program. Fellows gain experience on training in any medical specialty of their choice such as pediatrics or internal medicine." }, { "docid": "5987522", "title": "If you want to be a doctor, how long do you have to go to school? And what are the required classes?", "text": "For the best answers, search on this site https://shorturl.im/av3ml. For the US: 3-4 years undergrad, then 4 years medical school, and 3-7 years depending on the type of residency. You can tack on additional years to that if you want to complete a fellowship. During medical school (year 3+4), you have to participate in rotations (experiencing different doctor fields) but that's not the same thing as residency." }, { "docid": "985496", "title": "-", "text": "How much does a Certified Medical Assistant make? The national average salary for a Certified Medical Assistant is $34,805 in United States. Filter by location to see Certified Medical Assistant salaries in your area. Salary estimates are based on 7,333 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by Certified Medical Assistant employees. Salaries for Related Job Titles" }, { "docid": "1944896", "title": "What's the Salary of an Entry-Level Medical Office Assistant?", "text": "Salary Overview. As of May 2013, the BLS reported that medical secretaries earned a mean annual salary of $33,140. Most earned salaries between $21,890 and $45,880 at that time. On the other hand, PayScale.com reported a salary range of $19,656-$35,251 for medical office assistants as of April 2014." }, { "docid": "8336053", "title": "-", "text": "The Oregon Women's History Consortium is awarding two annual research fellowships for 2017: a Junior Research Fellowship and a Senior Research Fellowship. The expansion of our research fellowship is based on the positive response to our initial fellowship award in 2016." }, { "docid": "7543616", "title": "-", "text": "The average salary for medical coder jobs in El Paso, TX is $26,000. Average medical coder salaries can vary greatly due to company, location, industry, experience and benefits. This salary was calculated using the average salary for all jobs with the term medical coder anywhere in the job listing." }, { "docid": "7334264", "title": "Clinics", "text": "The clinic is staffed with Drs. Acharya and Gonzales who are assisted by postdoctoral fellowship ophthalmologists. Uveitis Clinic Phone Number - 415.476.1442 Proctor Medical Group" }, { "docid": "6163398", "title": "What Is a Fellow M.D.?", "text": "What is a fellow M.D.? Quick Answer. A fellow M.D. is a medical doctor who has been given a fellowship, which is a residency that teaches doctors a sub-specialty, such as internal medicine, movement disorders, gynecologic oncology and pediatric hematology, according to the University of Minnesota." }, { "docid": "3005367", "title": "Radiology 101: How To Become A Radiologist", "text": "What are the Requirements for Radiologists? If you are interested in radiology, you will need to prepare for the prerequisite undergraduate medical education, four years of medical school (for your medical degree), a year of internship, four years of residency training, and one to two years of specialty fellowship training." }, { "docid": "5694736", "title": "-", "text": "Average anesthesiologist salary. The annual salary for an Anesthesiologist is about $166,400 while the median salary for an anesthesiologist based in US is $335,078. As you can see average anesthesiologist salary is one of the highest salary in medical sector.verage anesthesiologist salary. The annual salary for an Anesthesiologist is about $166,400 while the median salary for an anesthesiologist based in US is $335,078. As you can see average anesthesiologist salary is one of the highest salary in medical sector." }, { "docid": "5783799", "title": "How to Become an Ophthalmologist", "text": "How to Become an Ophthalmologist. Ophthalmology is both a medical and a surgical eye specialty. In one day of work, an ophthalmologist might perform cataract surgery and vision exams, conduct research and fit eyeglasses. To become an ophthalmologist, you must complete college, medical school and residency. You may also complete a fellowship, an extended period of training." }, { "docid": "8640745", "title": "What's the Salary of an Entry-Level Medical Office Assistant?", "text": "Salary Overview. As of May 2013, the BLS reported that medical secretaries earned a mean annual salary of $33,140. Most earned salaries between $21,890 and $45,880 at that time. On the other hand, PayScale.com reported a salary range of $19,656-$35,251 for medical office assistants as of April 2014.Your salary as an entry-level professional can vary, however, depending not only on your experience, but also your location and work field.n the other hand, PayScale.com reported a salary range of $19,656-$35,251 for medical office assistants as of April 2014." }, { "docid": "8258760", "title": "-", "text": "Pharma sales jobs may not be among the highest paying jobs in medical sales, but the average pharmaceutical sales rep salary is impressive by most standards. According to the 2015 Medical Sales Salary Report, the average pharmaceutical sales salary is $116,334 (Med. $115,000), and the average specialty pharma salary is $134,414 (Med. $125,000) for a combined average of $124,622." }, { "docid": "2906995", "title": "How Becoming a Doctor Works", "text": "Internship, Residency and Fellowship. As I discussed above, Residency is a 3+ year training program in a medical specialty. The first year of training after medical school is called internship, or more commonly it is called first year of residency or PGY-1 (PostGraduate Year-1).The following years are called PGY-2, PGY-3, etc.The training that is done after a residency (in a subspecialty) is usually called a fellowship.Much of what you will learn in your chosen specialty will be learned in your residency. It's hard to believe that, after 12 years of school, 4 years of college and 4 years of medical school, there is still so much to learn.s I discussed above, Residency is a 3+ year training program in a medical specialty. The first year of training after medical school is called internship, or more commonly it is called first year of residency or PGY-1 (PostGraduate Year-1)." }, { "docid": "4319847", "title": "Medical Examiner Salary", "text": "Medical Examiner Salary. Medical examiners employed in the United States generally earn salaries in the range from $29,315 to $256,270 a year according to the salary information provided by Payscale. The basic annual salary for this profession is typically in the range between $46,000 and $134,023." }, { "docid": "5694737", "title": "-", "text": "The average mean salary for anesthesiologists working in clinics or hospices or private agencies is around $221,010 per annum. In contrary, the annual salary for small number of anesthesiologists employed in medical schools or universities received around $139,490.verage anesthesiologist salary. The annual salary for an Anesthesiologist is about $166,400 while the median salary for an anesthesiologist based in US is $335,078. As you can see average anesthesiologist salary is one of the highest salary in medical sector." }, { "docid": "3939708", "title": "How to Become a Fertility Specialist", "text": "Step by Step Educational Path of a Cardiologist. 1 Earn a bachelor’s degree. 2 Take the Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT). 3 Apply to medical school. Take part in a residency 1 program. Obtain a fellowship program." }, { "docid": "5715711", "title": "Medical Technologist Salary", "text": "Medical Technologist Salary: According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual medical technologist salary is $59,460. Salaries can range from $39,940 for the bottom 10% to $80,820 for those in the 90th percentile. The state with the highest average salary is California with an annual mean salary of $79,710." }, { "docid": "6503071", "title": "-", "text": "If your church is currently continuing to pay Fellowship Dues, please read below for more information. Fellowship dues consist of two parts: 1 Association dues-cover the cost of Association programs and services." }, { "docid": "4869691", "title": "8Questions with Dr. Sandra Lee, AKA: Dr. Pimple Popper", "text": "I went to medical school at Hahnemann University in Philadelphia (which is now Drexel) – 4 years . Medical internship at Allegheny General Hospital -1 year. Dermatology Residency -3 years. And then I did a fellowship in Cosmetic, Surgical, and Laser Dermatology with a world famous dermatologist, Dr Richard Fitzpatrick, in San Diego." }, { "docid": "3808938", "title": "What all schooling is needed to become an Gastroenterologist? What residency is needed? How many years?", "text": "Best Answer: In the US, you must complete 4 years of medical school. Then you must complete an internal medicine residency, which is usually 3 years. Then you must complete a gastroenterology fellowship, which is usually another 3 years.You may enter medical school without completing college, but this is unusual.fter medical school you apply to residencies. A residency usually lasts around 5 years depending on which route you take. For instance, you could do an internal medicine residency then do a fellowship in gastroenterology." }, { "docid": "3406602", "title": "Education Requirements for an OB/GYN and Total Years of College", "text": "Dedicating your medical career to women’s reproductive health requires several steps. A college education -- undergraduate and medical school -- spanning 8 years, along with a residency and if a specialty is chosen, a fellowship, are necessary to begin practicing as an OB/GYN." }, { "docid": "3875564", "title": "How to become a doctor", "text": "There are two types of medical school programs in the United States: allopathic (MD) and osteopathic (DO). Both programs take a similar approach to curriculum. However, osteopathic programs place a greater emphasis on holistic and therapeutic treatment techniques. How long does medical school take to complete? Medical school curricula traditionally require four years to complete, then students assume residencies that lasts at least three years (but can go upwards of 11 years). Some doctors may go on to complete additional years of training in a fellowship. What are the requirements in medical school?" }, { "docid": "3001064", "title": "How much does a Medical Assistant make in Hawaii?", "text": "Average Medical Assistant Yearly Salary in Hawaii. Medical Assistants earn a median salary of $33,620 per year. Salaries typically start from $23,020 and go up to $46,340. Learn more about the Medical Assistant job market for salaries of real jobs in your area." }, { "docid": "3230249", "title": "-", "text": "This free salary calculator uses salary data from millions of job listings indexed by Simply Hired's job search engine. The medical review nurse salary comparisons feature allows job seekers to get the information required to make important career decisions and negotiate salary ranges. For additional medical review nurse salary information, we recommend visiting Payscale.com." }, { "docid": "2325364", "title": "General surgery", "text": "In Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the United States general surgery is a five to seven year residency and follows completion of medical school, either MD, MBBS, MBChB, or DO degrees.In Australia and New Zealand, a residency leads to eligibility for Fellowship of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons.ediatric surgery surgery is a subspecialty of general surgery pediatric surgeons do surgery on patients age lower than 18. pediatric surgery is 5–7 years of residency and a 2-3 fellowship." }, { "docid": "790824", "title": "How Much Do Medical Assistants Make", "text": "A medical assistant’s salary is no different. Skill level and experience affects salary, location affects salary, and so does the economy. For example, the top 10 percent of the medical assisting field will get paid more than the bottom 10 percent of the field.edical assistants in these areas will be paid more. Big cities typically pay more than small cities for the exact same job because it typically costs more to live in the city. A medical assistant in Ohio may be paid $35,800." }, { "docid": "2816459", "title": "Salary Trends for Medical Practice Managers", "text": "A medical office manager is responsible for the overall operations of a medical practice. Learn more about job duties and salary trends. A medical office manager is responsible for the overall operations of a medical practice." } ]
what is a middleware
[ { "docid": "6835466", "title": "Middleware", "text": "Middleware is the software that connects software components or enterprise applications. Middleware is the software layer that lies between the operating system and the applications on each side of a distributed computer network.Typically, it supports complex, distributed business software applications.n this more specific sense middleware can be described as the dash in client-server, or the-to-in peer-to-peer. ObjectWeb defines middleware as: The software layer that lies between the operating system and applications on each side of a distributed computing system in a network.." } ]
[ { "docid": "4546672", "title": "-", "text": "3-Tier Architecture is most commonly used to build web applications. In this model, the browser acts like a client, middleware or an application server contains the business logic, and database servers handle data functions.ier can be defined as one of two or more rows, levels, or ranks arranged one above another. 1-Tier Architecture is the simplest, single tier on single user, and is the equivalent of running an application on a personal computer. All the required component to run the application are located within it." }, { "docid": "3076331", "title": "Android Device", "text": "An Android device is a device that runs on the Android operating system. Android is an array of software intended for mobile devices that features an operating system, core applications and middleware. An Android device may be a smartphone, tablet PC, e-book reader or any type of mobile device that requires an OS. Android is developed by the Open Handset Alliance, which is led by Google. Some of the well-known Android device manufacturers include Acer, HTC, Samsung, LG, Sony Ericsson and Motorola." }, { "docid": "8296254", "title": "Definitions &Translations", "text": "APK. Android application package file is the file format used to distribute and install application software and middleware onto Google's Android operating system; very similar to MSI package in Windows or Deb package in Ubuntu." }, { "docid": "8442671", "title": "How to Find Your DoD ID Number", "text": "After 2010, the DoD ID number, instead of the SSN, will be printed on DoD-issued military and military-dependent ID cards. The DoD ID may be retrieved while logged on to a computer if the user has a CAC, CAC reader, and CAC middleware installed on the machine. Insert the CAC into the reader on the computer." }, { "docid": "3817983", "title": "-", "text": "Modern middleware is based on a service-oriented architecture, which uses prebuilt services that can be shared and reused by multiple systems. Smart leaders who have intelligently implemented middleware in their enterprises have reaped three major benefits." }, { "docid": "4300093", "title": "-", "text": "Developing Middleware Solutions for Enterprise PACS. The most intelligent medical image sharing system is completely automated. Whether you are the CEO of a healthcare system, an imaging department manager, a radiology or hospital IT department manager, or a radiologist, we understand your problems." }, { "docid": "8477568", "title": "-", "text": "The Android platform is Google Inc.'s open and free software stack that includes an operating system, middleware and also key applications for use on mobile devices, including smartphones.Android is an Open Handset Alliance Project.e look at a few of the more troubling aspects of statistics and how these may be used to advance an agenda or skew the facts to someone's... Read More ». From wacky alarm clocks to lecture hall tools and after class entertainment, these Android apps are a good fit for a student's life and budget." }, { "docid": "1325426", "title": "Middleware", "text": "Calling applyMiddleware will replace any current middleware with the list of middleware you provide. import { applyMiddleware } from 'satcheljs'; applyMiddleware(traceMiddleware, middleware2, middleware3);" }, { "docid": "5473791", "title": "XMPP", "text": "Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP) is a communications protocol for message-oriented middleware based on XML (Extensible Markup Language). It enables the near-real-time exchange of structured yet extensible data between any two or more network entities." }, { "docid": "2157508", "title": "-", "text": "He calls both AVSI and DCP middleware with a unique capability that allows them to speak to the vehicle in its native language, [that means] in the electrical signal that the vehicle is expecting, he explained." }, { "docid": "3078389", "title": "1 Introducing Oracle BI Discoverer", "text": "Oracle BI Discoverer is a business intelligence tool for analyzing data and is a key component of Oracle Fusion Middleware. Discoverer provides an integrated business intelligence solution that comprises intuitive ad-hoc query, reporting, analysis, and Web-publishing functionality." }, { "docid": "1258579", "title": "Oracle HTTP Server", "text": "Oracle HTTP Server (OHS) is a web server based on the Apache HTTP Server, created by the Oracle Technology Network. The web server is based on Apache version 2.2. OHS, like Apache 2.2, includes support for IPv6. It is a Web Tier component of the Oracle Fusion Middleware. Features: SSL/TLS security; Virtual host; Proxy Server; Mod_PLSQL interface for executing PL/SQL stored procedures in an Oracle database ; See also. Oracle Technology Network" }, { "docid": "527608", "title": "-", "text": "CHAPTER 5 Remote Call-In Context You use Salesforce to track leads, manage your pipeline, create opportunities, and capture order details that convert leads to customers.However, Salesforce isn’t the system that contains or processes orders.ransformation of data can be coded in Apex, but we don’trecommend it due to maintenance and performance considerations.See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Message-oriented_middleware .Queuing and buffering generally rely on asynchronous message passing, as opposed to arequest-response architecture." }, { "docid": "6993144", "title": "Enterprise service bus", "text": "Ambiguous use of the term ESB in commerce. There is no global standard for enterprise service bus concepts or implementations. Most providers of message-oriented middleware have adopted the enterprise service bus concept as de facto standard for a service-oriented architecture." }, { "docid": "7592249", "title": "RMI vs JMS vs Web services", "text": "RMI vs JMS vs Web services. There is always a debate among Developers, Architects when we choose a middleware technology for communicating between two java programs. One says choose RMI, other JMS and few say let us choose the Web services which is the latest trend in communicating in web world today. Though this can be a simple selection for most of the Architects/Designers, the ideology behind choosing this has to be showered to low level developers also." }, { "docid": "4823451", "title": "-", "text": "The Java Message Service (JMS) API is a Java Message Oriented Middleware (MOM) API for sending messages between two or more clients.JMS is a part of the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition, and is defined by a specification developed under the Java Community Process as JSR 914.he same Java classes can be used to communicate with different JMS providers by using the Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) information for the desired provider. The classes first use a connection factory to connect to the queue or topic, and then use populate and send or publish the messages." }, { "docid": "2990174", "title": "LEGO® Star Wars: The Complete Saga", "text": "Assassin’s Creed, Ubisoft, Ubi.com, and the Ubisoft logo are trademarks of Ubisoft Entertainment in the U.S. and/or other countries. This software uses and is powered by HumanIK | Middleware, property of Alias Systems Corp. Uses Bink Video." }, { "docid": "3194151", "title": "-", "text": "That's why Connect describes itself as a middleware framework, and is often analogized to Ruby's Rack. Express does to Connect what Connect does to the http module: It offers a createServer method that extends Connect's Server prototype.onnect is the framework and through it you can pick the (sub)modules you need. The Contrib Middleware page enumerates a long list of additional middlewares. Express itself comes with the most common Connect middlewares." }, { "docid": "5357615", "title": "What Is Rack?", "text": "Rack Basics. Rack is a kind of middleware. It sits between your web application and the web server. It handles all of the server-specific API calls, passes on the HTTP request and all the environment parameters in a hash, and gives your application’s response back to the server." }, { "docid": "4566606", "title": "-", "text": "Middleware is the software that connects software components or enterprise applications. Middleware is the software layer that lies between the operating system and the applications on each side of a distributed computer network." }, { "docid": "3350233", "title": "Oracle Corporation", "text": "Oracle Corporation would resort to a similar strategy, by advising SAP customers to get OFF SAP (a play on the words of the acronym for its middleware platform Oracle Fusion for SAP), and also by providing special discounts on licenses and services to SAP customers who chose Oracle Corporation products." }, { "docid": "5976318", "title": "J2EE: What It Is and What It's Not", "text": "Take a clear look at what J2EE is—and more importantly, what it is not. With a perplexing set of standards and editions on one end, and various application servers, vendors, and their own proprietary jargons on the other end, J2EE is usually misunderstood.un's J2EE is perceived as a decisive landmark in the history of middleware technologies, and enjoys widespread industry recognition and adoption. Now, we will take a clear look at what J2EE isand more importantly, what it is not." }, { "docid": "7272462", "title": "-", "text": "Originally based on the WordPerfect Library for DOS, the Novell / WordPerfect Office suite was integrated by middleware. The most important middleware-suite, still active in current versions of WordPerfect Office, is called PerfectFit (developed by WordPerfect). The other 'middleware' (developed by Novell) was called AppWare. [14]" }, { "docid": "6835465", "title": "1 Overview of Oracle Fusion Middleware", "text": "Middleware is the software that connects software components or enterprise applications. Middleware is the software layer that lies between the operating system and the applications on each side of a distributed computer network (Figure 1-1).Typically, it supports complex, distributed business software applications.Middleware is the infrastructure which facilitates creation of business applications, and provides core services like concurrency, transactions, threading, messaging, and the SCA framework for service-oriented architecture (SOA) applications.ypically, it supports complex, distributed business software applications. Middleware is the infrastructure which facilitates creation of business applications, and provides core services like concurrency, transactions, threading, messaging, and the SCA framework for service-oriented architecture (SOA) applications." }, { "docid": "1208343", "title": "Enterprise service bus", "text": "Most providers of message-oriented middleware have adopted the enterprise service bus concept as de facto standard for a service-oriented architecture. The implementations of ESB use event-driven and standards-based message-oriented middleware in combination with message queues as technology frameworks." }, { "docid": "1717040", "title": "-", "text": "An elementary EPG implementation without requirements on special middleware is defined by the DVB standard-EN 300 468. The standard defines EPG data to be carried out through Event Information Tables (EIT). These tables are multiplexed within a MPEG-2 transport stream along with other tables and service data." }, { "docid": "1717034", "title": "-", "text": "EPG is a service for television, radio or other multimedia application displaying information about currently broadcasted content. The user can browse through information on present or following program content. Often EPG is based on some dedicated middleware for set-top-boxes." }, { "docid": "6078380", "title": "-", "text": "The Cloud Platform for Digital Business. Oracle Fusion Middleware is the digital business platform for the enterprise and the cloud. It enables enterprises to create and run agile, intelligent business applications while maximizing IT efficiency through full utilization of modern hardware and software architectures. In the Spotlight." }, { "docid": "580151", "title": "SDE - software defined environment", "text": "A term coined by IBM for its software-defined everything vision. The company's Software-Defined Environments (SDE) group is the latest evolution of what first began as the Application, Integration and Middleware group inside the IBM Software group." }, { "docid": "3301090", "title": "What is an APK file?", "text": "Android application package (APK) is the package file format used by the Android operating system for distribution and installation of mobile apps and middleware. The files that contain the .apk file extension store the files that are needed to run a single Android application on an Android mobile device." } ]
can i have itunes on 2 computers
[ { "docid": "3758962", "title": "-", "text": "Step 2. Launch iTunes on one of your two computers. Click “Advanced” and click “Turn On Home Sharing” on the Advanced submenu. If the submenu already says “Turn Off Home Sharing” then Home Sharing is active and you can proceed to the next step.Related Reading: How to Sync QuickBooks Files Between Two Computers.Step 3. Click the “Home Sharing” button to launch the Home Sharing window.f the submenu already says “Turn Off Home Sharing” then Home Sharing is active and you can proceed to the next step. Related Reading: How to Sync QuickBooks Files Between Two Computers. Step 3. Click the “Home Sharing” button to launch the Home Sharing window." } ]
[ { "docid": "7017413", "title": "How to Disable Passcode for iOS 10/9/8/7 Device", "text": "Size: 5.19MB. 1 Connect your iOS 7 device to the computer with which you normally sync and open iTunes. 2 If iTunes asks you to enter the passcode, try another computer that you have synced with or try method 2 below. 3 If iTunes does not automatically sync your device, sync the device with iTunes manually. Hold down the Power button and the Home Button at the same time until your device turns off. 2 Press and hold the Home button and connect the device to the other end of the USB cable attached to your computer. 3 The device should turn on. 4 Continue holding the Home button until a window pops up in iTunes." }, { "docid": "7645395", "title": "How to Use iTunes - How to Add Music Files to iTunes Library - Free & Easy", "text": "An easy tutorial on how to use iTunes and how to add music files to the iTunes library. Quickly see how to add files to iTunes library without extra software. Add mp3 music files to iTunes for free. Also use this method to use iTunes on Windows 8 and Windows 7.By the way, after you do a iTunes download and install the App you will want to know the quickest way to add music or open iTunes music.So watch my video see how easy it's done.ou can either add music from the iTunes store or add mp3 files directly from your computer or laptop. You can also copy your music files and transfer them from your USB flash drive or external drive to iTunes too." }, { "docid": "7125629", "title": "-", "text": "More by ESPN. 1 ESPN Tournament Challenge. View in iTunes. 2 ESPN: Watch Live Sports and Scores. View in iTunes. 3 ESPNcricinfo Cricket. View in iTunes. 4 ESPN Fantasy Sports. View in iTunes. 5 ESPN Player – Europe, Middle East, Africa and Asia. View in iTunes." }, { "docid": "5915406", "title": "iTunes syncing tips for iPhone users", "text": "Fix iPhone that won't sync with iTunes: update iTunes and your iPhone. The first thing you should do is check that you are running the latest version of iTunes. Apple routinely issues fixes for common problems and updating to the latest edition of iTunes can often quickly fix your problem. Here is how to update iTunes:ou can sync your iPhone with iTunes on your Mac or PC computer, and use it to play any of your iTunes content. Syncing an iPhone with iTunes is great, when it works." }, { "docid": "3244830", "title": "How do I enable a disabled iPhone?", "text": "If you've synced your device with iTunes, you can restore your device. 1 Connect your device to the computer you synced with. 2 Open iTunes. 3 If asked for a passcode, try another computer you've synced with, or use recovery mode. 4 Wait for iTunes to sync your device and make a backup. 5 If it doesn't, learn what to do." }, { "docid": "4875504", "title": "My Itunes for Mac wont open....?", "text": "It might be ur computer thats the problem when it doesn't open iTunes, make sure in your applications, iTunes is still there, then (if you already did this forget this part) drag iTunes to your dock. Now try clicking on it, it might work, I hope, otherwise, ask an admin about this..." }, { "docid": "350806", "title": "How to Add Album Art in iTunes", "text": "Before that, though, if you want to see the artwork you've now got: 1 Click on or play songs or albums in iTunes and see if the album artwork shows up. 2 In iTunes 11 and up, you'll see the album art in your Album view or when you start playing a song. 3 In iTunes 10 and earlier, you can see the art in the album art window.o add album art to more than one song at a time: 1 First, browse through iTunes so just the album you want to add artwork to is displayed. 2 Then select all the songs in that album. 3 To do this on a Mac, use Command + A. 4 On a PC, use Control + A." }, { "docid": "4407578", "title": "-", "text": "Install iTunes on Windows 8 easily and fast. Even install iTunes on Windows 7 too. In this apple itunes tutorial you can see how to install iTunes 64bit or iTunes 32bit. Remember that apple iTunes does not give you free music but the price per song is reasonable." }, { "docid": "4987633", "title": "Update to the latest version of iTunes", "text": "Learn how to update to the latest version of iTunes. If you have iTunes installed on your computer, follow the directions below to update to the latest version of iTunes." }, { "docid": "6964566", "title": "About iTunes Plus", "text": "To upgrade your music to iTunes Plus, follow these steps on your computer: 1 Open iTunes. 2 If you're not already signed in, sign in with your Apple ID and password. 3 Click the My Music tab at the top of iTunes. Click the song or album you want to 1 upgrade. Press the delete key on your keyboard. Click the iTunes Store tab at the top of iTunes. Under Quick Links on the right-hand side of iTunes, click Purchased. Click Music in the upper-right corner of iTunes. Find the song or album you want to upgrade. To download the new version, click the iCloud Download icon on the song or album." }, { "docid": "4292407", "title": "If you canât install or update iTunes for Windows", "text": "Learn what to do if you can’t install or update iTunes on your Windows PC. If you can’t install iTunes on your Windows PC, or if you see “error 7” or “error 2” after you install the software, follow the steps below in order.If you see a different error when trying to launch iTunes, follow the steps in iTunes for Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 8: Fix unexpected quits or launch issues. If you can’t install the updates, refer to your computer's help system, contact your IT department, or visit support.microsoft.com for assistance. 2 Visit the iTunes download page. 3 Click Download Now to download the iTunes installer." }, { "docid": "3176673", "title": "iTunes Support", "text": "iTunes Support. Use this form for assistance with account and billing, code redemption, or purchase questions. To get help with iTunes installation, importing, library management, syncing and other topics, contact Apple Support.To get help with other iTunes questions, visit the iTunes Support page.o get help with iTunes installation, importing, library management, syncing and other topics, contact Apple Support. To get help with other iTunes questions, visit the iTunes Support page." }, { "docid": "770533", "title": "-", "text": "iTunes Gifts via email. It’s easy to send an iTunes Gift for any occasion. Because now you can buy them on the iTunes Store from your iOS device or computer. 2 And in any whole-dollar amount between $10 and $100." }, { "docid": "5514601", "title": "-", "text": "2. Connect the two computers using an Ethernet cable. Newer computers can use a standard Ethernet cable, as the network adapter will automatically detect that you are connecting two computers. Older computers may need to use a crossover cable, which is a standard Ethernet cable with the connection reversed on one end. 1 You can use internet connection sharing to share your internet connection with any computer that can connect via Ethernet, regardless of operating system." }, { "docid": "3872209", "title": "-", "text": "If you can't connect to the iTunes Store on your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch or computer, check your iOS settings and Wi-Fi, Internet, and network connections.If you can’t connect to the iTunes Store, you might see one of these alert messages: 1 Cannot connect to the iTunes Store.2 An unknown error has occurred.. 3 We could not complete your iTunes Store request. 4 The iTunes Store is temporarily unavailable.f you can’t connect to the iTunes Store, you might see one of these alert messages: 1 Cannot connect to the iTunes Store. 2 An unknown error has occurred.. 3 We could not complete your iTunes Store request. 4 The iTunes Store is temporarily unavailable." }, { "docid": "2636425", "title": "-", "text": "Find the IMEI/MEID using iTunes. If your iPhone won't turn on, you can connect it to your computer and use iTunes to retrieve the IMEI/MEID number. 1 Plug your iPhone into your computer and open iTunes. 2 Select your iPhone from the Device menu in the upper-right corner of iTunes and then click the Summary tab.f your iPhone won't turn on, you can connect it to your computer and use iTunes to retrieve the IMEI/MEID number. 1 Plug your iPhone into your computer and open iTunes. 2 Select your iPhone from the Device menu in the upper-right corner of iTunes and then click the Summary tab." }, { "docid": "5330570", "title": "Apple Inc.", "text": "Its online services include the iTunes Store, the iOS App Store and Mac App Store, and iCloud. Apple was founded by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne on April 1, 1976, to develop and sell personal computers." }, { "docid": "6440729", "title": "iPhone is Disabled? How to Unlock Disabled iPhone", "text": "ue iPhone iphone, disabled try again in x. minutes iPhone ü iphone disabled iTunes. to iTunes ue ü itunes could not iPod to the ipod because it is locked. with a passcode ue ü you must enter iPhone passcode on the iphone before it iTunes. be used with itunes" }, { "docid": "1179322", "title": "Authorize your computer in iTunes", "text": "You don’t need to authorize your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch. Your iOS devices don’t use your available authorizations. 1 Learn what to do if iTunes keeps asking you to authorize when you try to play your content. Learn how to deauthorize one computer or all computers." }, { "docid": "1182939", "title": "-", "text": "Media type. Transfer method. Music purchased from the iTunes Store. 1 Redownload or transfer your iTunes Store purchases from an iPhone, iPad or iPod to a computer. 2 Download previous purchases from iTunes 1 or iTunes Match 2, or use Apple Music 3." }, { "docid": "8738474", "title": "My iPOD doesn't sync when i plug it in! Help!?", "text": "Using iTunes. 1 1. Connect your iPod to your computer. 2 2. Open iTunes and select your iPod. 3 3. Click Back Up Now to create a backup of your iPod. 4. Click Restore iPod to begin the reset 1 process. 5. Select Restore from iTunes backup during the setup process." }, { "docid": "303439", "title": "The Easy Way to Automatically Update Your iTunes Library", "text": "Well, there is actually a folder located inside your iTunes Media folder labeled Automatically Add to iTunes. OSX : ~ / Music / iTunes / iTunes Media / Automatically Add to iTunes /. Windows: C:\\Users\\Your Username\\Music\\iTunes\\iTunes Media\\Automatically Add to iTunes\\).This aforementioned folder is watched by iTunes and any new music that’s added to this folder is automatically added to your iTunes library.It’s like magic!ell, there is actually a folder located inside your iTunes Media folder labeled Automatically Add to iTunes. OSX : ~ / Music / iTunes / iTunes Media / Automatically Add to iTunes /. Windows: C:\\Users\\Your Username\\Music\\iTunes\\iTunes Media\\Automatically Add to iTunes\\)." }, { "docid": "1638956", "title": "About iTunes library files", "text": "iTunes uses iTunes library files and your iTunes Media folder to organize and store your music and other media. Your iTunes library files track the media you add to iTunes, how you've organized it, and other information such as playlists, play counts, and song ratings.bout the iTunes Library.itl file. The iTunes Library.itl file is a database of the songs in your library and the playlists that you've created. Some song-specific data is saved in this file. If you delete this file, iTunes creates a new, empty copy the next time that you open it." }, { "docid": "1099449", "title": "How to download music to your iPod or iPhone", "text": "1. Download iTunes. You can find the latest version here for free. 2. Add songs to your iTunes library. Open iTunes and go to “File” and then select “Add Folder to Library”. Import all the music folders on your computer using this method.You can also add music by purchasing songs from the iTunes music store.3. Connect your device.. Add songs to your iTunes library. Open iTunes and go to “File” and then select “Add Folder to Library”. Import all the music folders on your computer using this method. You can also add music by purchasing songs from the iTunes music store. 3. Connect your device." }, { "docid": "2503684", "title": "-", "text": "Open iTunes on your computer then find and click the Preferences option on iTunes. (the Preferences lies in the Edit menu on Windows PC, while On Mac, it's in iTunes menu which is on the left of the Apple icon on the top) and then tick Prevent iPod, iPhone, and iPad from syncing automatically. Step 2." }, { "docid": "6094576", "title": "Can i use itunes or apple app store gift card to do in-app purchases as a substitute for credit card?", "text": "iTunes and App Store gift cards are basically the same thing, both are redeemed onto your iTunes account and can be used to buy from the iTunes store, app store, Mac app store on Mac computers and the iBookstore-the cards that you shouldn't buy are Apple Store gift cards, they cannot be used with an iTunes account." }, { "docid": "307261", "title": "-", "text": "See how many computers you've authorized. Click to open iTunes and sign in to your Account Information, or use the steps below: 1 Open iTunes. 2 Click Sign In and enter your Apple ID. 3 Click your name, and select Account Info from the drop-down menu.4 Enter your password again.eauthorize one computer. 1 Open iTunes on the computer you want to deauthorize. 2 menus in iTunes for Windows. 3 In earlier versions of iTunes, you can access this option from the Advanced or Store menus. 4 When prompted, enter your Apple ID and password. 5 Click Deauthorize." }, { "docid": "6161195", "title": "-", "text": "Then, enter the iTunes Code(s) and select redeem. You can redeem via Mac or PC by opening iTunes and selecting the iTunes Store. Then, click Redeem in the Quick Links section. Then, enter your iTunes Gift Card code and click redeem." }, { "docid": "8272799", "title": "-", "text": "Try converting the .wav files into MP3 file with iTunes. If you don’t know how, just follow the simple step-by-step instructions given below and you are on track. 1 Launch iTunes. 2 To open iTunes Preferences. • 3 Windows: On the Edit menu, click Preferences. • 4 Mac: From the iTunes menu, choose Preferences." }, { "docid": "4875497", "title": "-", "text": "My itunes won't open when my ipod is connected. If my itunes is already open, then both my ipod and itunes freezes. If I just open my computer page listed in the start menu, I will get a not responding message." } ]
what is a mouse potato
[ { "docid": "2528080", "title": "Mouse Potato", "text": "Mouse Potato. Definition - What does Mouse Potato mean? Mouse potato is a term for someone who spends a lot of leisure time or discretionary time sitting in front of a screen connected to the Internet. It is a modern take on the older term couch potato, that refers to someone who spends a lot of time in front of a television." }, { "docid": "2528082", "title": "-", "text": "Definition of mouse potato. slang. : a person who spends a great deal of time using a computer." } ]
[ { "docid": "6257264", "title": "How to Keep Mice Away and Have a Mouse-Free House", "text": "These traps catch mice without killing them so you can release them outside. If you get a mouse in your house, trap it as soon as you can. There’s no such thing as only one mouse! And don’t get upset about killing a few mice. A female mouse can have up to 10 litters a year with six or more babies per litter." }, { "docid": "8184167", "title": "Mighty Mouse", "text": "Mighty Mouse. Mighty Mouse is an American animated anthropomorphic, superhero mouse character created by the Terrytoons studio for 20th Century Fox. The character first appeared in 1942 (originally named Super Mouse) and subsequently in 80 theatrical films between 1942 and 1961." }, { "docid": "7332374", "title": "-", "text": "Calories in 1 large potato. 1 Approx 144 calories in one 3 diameter boiled or steamed potato. 2 Approx 258 calories in one large 4 diameter, boiled/steamed potato. 3 Approx 278 calories in one large (10.5 oz or 299g) baked potato (no butter or toppings)." }, { "docid": "3784714", "title": "-", "text": "Restart your computer if the mouse does not immediately work. Remove any other mouse software that might be installed (from a previous mouse, for example) by going to the Uninstall Programs menu, and choosing to uninstall the old mouse software.Restart the computer once the uninstall is completed.estart your computer if the mouse does not immediately work. Remove any other mouse software that might be installed (from a previous mouse, for example) by going to the Uninstall Programs menu, and choosing to uninstall the old mouse software." }, { "docid": "8308008", "title": "How do you make potato flour?", "text": "Potato flour in a bread recipe is used to keep the loaf moist. First, never substitute potato starch for potato flour. Potato flour is made from a whole dried potato and potat … o starch is starch just like corn starch, etc. Easiest is to use dehydrated or instant potatoes as a substitute." }, { "docid": "8592449", "title": "How to Adjust a Mouse in Windows 7", "text": "If you are new to Windows 7, you might need to know how to adjust your mouse settings so that your mouse will work just the way you want it. There are many settings that you can change in order to make your mouse perform the best of its ability.. Click on Touchpad. . This option is only required if you use a laptop touchpad as your mouse. It will tell you to Click to Change Touchpad Settings.. Click and then follow the instructions to change your touchpad settings." }, { "docid": "5735913", "title": "-", "text": "Please try again later. A tutorial on the program on the mouse and the program, this should help you configure your mouse to the setting. (the sound is a bit weird so you speaker have to be a max trying to fix it).1 Howto & Style.lease try again later. A tutorial on the program on the mouse and the program, this should help you configure your mouse to the setting. (the sound is a bit weird so you speaker have to be a max trying to fix it)." }, { "docid": "2698792", "title": "How the Potato Changed the World", "text": "How the Potato Changed the World. Brought to Europe from the New World by Spanish explorers, the lowly potato gave rise to modern industrial agriculture. Although the potato is now associated with industrial-scale monoculture, the International Potato Center in Peru has preserved almost 5,000 varieties." }, { "docid": "200310", "title": "The Easiest, Fastest Way to Microwave a Sweet Potato", "text": "Baking a sweet potato in the microwave preserves far more nutrients (folate, vitamins A and C) than boiling it, for example. To learn how to microwave a sweet potato, read on. How to Microwave Sweet Potatoes. Is there a difference between the terms ‘baking’, ‘cooking’, or ‘steaming’ a sweet potato in the microwave? No." }, { "docid": "3798449", "title": "-", "text": "To disable acceleration in the Mouse Control Panel tool, you can move the Mouse Speed slide bar all the way to the left. However, this makes the mouse pointer move very slowly in relation to the movement of the mouse." }, { "docid": "6930531", "title": "Calories in sweet potato", "text": "Find nutritional information like calories, carbs, fat, protein and fiber for sweet potato. Fresh or Dried Vegetables : Sweet Potato, baked (in skin) Fresh or Dried Vegetables : Sweet Potato, boiled, without skin. Fresh or Dried Vegetables : Sweet Potato, raw." }, { "docid": "5454093", "title": "How to Cook Potatoes in a Microwave", "text": "If your microwave doesn’t have a potato button, a general rule is that one 7-to-8 ounce Idaho potato takes about 7 minutes to cook. 2 will take about 11 minutes.The microwave will often say REST. That means the potato, not you! You need to just let it sit for a couple of minutes, for it to actually finish cooking.ere’s how to cook a potato in the microwave oven. First, wash the potato under running water (no soap!). You can scrub it with a vegetable brush or just rub it with your hands. Then pat it dry with a paper towel. Puncture about four holes in the potato, with the tip of a sharp knife or a fork." }, { "docid": "8396224", "title": "Mouse", "text": "For other uses, see Mouse (disambiguation) . A mouse (plural: mice) is a small rodent characteristically having a pointed snout, small rounded ears, a body-length scaly tail and a high breeding rate. The best known mouse species is the common house mouse (Mus musculus). It is also a popular pet. In some places, certain kinds of field mice are locally common." }, { "docid": "4624309", "title": "Serving Sizes for 18 Fruits and Vegetables", "text": "One large sweet potato is one that's more than two inches in diameter. Sweet potatoes are high in vitamins A and C, minerals and fiber. One large sweet potato has around 125 calories. Serve a sweet potato as your main dish and top it with beans and broccoli." }, { "docid": "4812081", "title": "How Do I Microwave a Red-Skinned Potato?", "text": "Step 3. Microwave the red potato on high for several minutes. According to the Fruits & Veggies-More Matters website, a small potato may take a total of 1 to 2 minutes, while a large potato may take up to 5 minutes. Turn the potato over halfway through the cooking time, but keep it covered with the paper towel." }, { "docid": "475377", "title": "Nutrition Myths on Sweet Potato Fries", "text": "Sweet potato fries that are doused in oil and salt, then served with mayo or other sauces, are an unhealthy alternative to a baked potato or side salad. Sweet Potato Fries are Always Unhealthy As with French fries, careful preparation can make sweet potato fries a healthier option." }, { "docid": "5733950", "title": "How long does it take to digest a mouse?", "text": "The time it takes for this digestion to complete depens on the external temperature and the size of the mouse but you are looking at a period of 5 to 6 days. If a cat eats the mouse then as a cat is warm blooded and very active and the mouse will be digested in about 6 hours.he time it takes for this digestion to complete depens on the external temperature and the size of the mouse but you are looking at a period of 5 to 6 days. If a cat eats the mouse then as a cat is warm blooded and very active and the mouse will be digested in about 6 hours." }, { "docid": "5510104", "title": "How Many Sliced, Chopped, Cooked Mashed, Shredded, or French Fried Potatoes are in a Pound?", "text": "There is ½ Cup (118 mls) of Potato Cooked Mashed in a Potato. There is ⅔ Cup (158 mls) of Potato French Fries in a Potato. There is ¾ Cup (177 mls) of Potato Chopped in a Potato. There is 1 Cup (237 mls) of Potato Sliced in a Potato. There is 1 Cup (237 mls) of Potato Shredded in a Potato." }, { "docid": "2528087", "title": "Launch Academy", "text": "one of our Recent projects: #ethicalhour rebrand. #ethicalhour is on online hub of information for ethical businesses looking for help & advice. Due to substantial growth, in a very short period of time, the company had out grown their branding and came to The Mouse Potato for a brand refresh." }, { "docid": "4325339", "title": "-", "text": "The Legacy of Mr. Crum's Potato Chips History, links, recipes and more. (URL: www.dmgi.com/chips.htm) Potato Chip: 1853, Saratoga Springs, New York History of the Saratoga Chip and the Potato chip." }, { "docid": "1012648", "title": "-", "text": "How does a potato battery work? A: Potato batteries use the acids in the potato to start a reaction with two electrodes made of different metals that cause electrons to flow from one to the ... Full Answer > Filed Under:" }, { "docid": "4991502", "title": "Difference between Optical Mouse and Laser Mouse", "text": "Difference between Optical Mouse and Laser Mouse. Key Difference: The optical mouse uses a light-emitting diode, while a laser mouse uses a laser in order to detect movement. A mouse is hardware that is required when trying to navigate on a desktop PC. However, many people these days also use a mouse on their laptops as it makes navigation easier." }, { "docid": "1736249", "title": "Home Remedies for Abscess Tooth", "text": "One of the most effective home remedies for abscess tooth is potato. With pain-relieving property, potato stops the bacterial infection. This ability against bacteria has been seen in the way people use potato to remove impurities from their skin. Cut off the skin of a fresh potato." }, { "docid": "3241429", "title": "Q: How to create a desktop shortcut on my laptop?", "text": "SH. I am a new laptop user so excuse my lack of knowlege, I am so used to creating shortcuts with a right click on a mouse, but this has no mouse. Do I just connect one temporarily to create the shortcut or is there another way.The lap top is wireless-my old computer is not so I do not have a wireless mouse.H. I am a new laptop user so excuse my lack of knowlege, I am so used to creating shortcuts with a right click on a mouse, but this has no mouse. Do I just connect one temporarily to create the shortcut or is there another way." }, { "docid": "159427", "title": "How To Microwave Sweet Potatoes", "text": "Don’t worry, friends. Pop that spud into the microwave and your sweet potato craving will be satiated in a matter of minutes! Microwaving a sweet potato is quite possibly the quickest and easiest way to cook your sweet potato. Without wasting precious time to preheat and bake, you’ll still achieve the sweet, caramelization that an oven-baked sweet potato is known for." }, { "docid": "1482549", "title": "US Products No Added MSG", "text": "LAY'S® Sour Cream & Onion Flavored Potato Chips LAY'S® Southern Biscuits & Gravy Flavored Potato Chips LAY'S® Sweet Southern Heat Barbecue Flavored Potato Chips" }, { "docid": "3826977", "title": "Arc Touch Mouse Surface Edition Review", "text": "When it's not in use, the mouse lays flat. This is the mouse's travel mode, and while it's like this, the power is off. Arc Touch Mouse (left) and Arc Touch Mouse Surface Edition (right), bottom. Bluetooth. Where the previous Arc Touch Mouse came with a little USB nubbin, the Surface Edition version does not. Instead, it uses Bluetooth for connectivity and relies on your Surface (or other PC) having this capability built-in." }, { "docid": "478193", "title": "-", "text": "Mickey Mouse is his name. He was named by Walt Disney's wife; Lillian. Walt had originally thought his name should be Mortimer Mouse, but, Lillian preferred Mickey Mouse and t…hat is what they named him. Making the world better, one answer at a time." }, { "docid": "2962789", "title": "How To Microwave Sweet Potatoes", "text": "Microwaving a sweet potato is quite possibly the quickest and easiest way to cook your sweet potato. Without wasting precious time to preheat and bake, you’ll still achieve the sweet, caramelization that an oven-baked sweet potato is known for.icrowaving a sweet potato is quite possibly the quickest and easiest way to cook your sweet potato. Without wasting precious time to preheat and bake, you’ll still achieve the sweet, caramelization that an oven-baked sweet potato is known for." }, { "docid": "7436546", "title": "-", "text": "Set a humane mouse trap. Humane mouse traps let you trap a mouse without killing it. You can then take the trap to a nearby park or forest and release the mouse into the wild. Humane traps work by using bait to lure the mouse into a maze-like tunnel. To catch the mice in our barn, we just left the lid off the top of the feed barrel with a stick leading to the top and picked them out in the morning. 2 Spread peanut butter on a cotton ball, and attach the cotton ball to the trap. 3 The quickest and least painful way to kill a mouse in a sticky trap is to drown it." } ]
can i iphone stay off while charging
[ { "docid": "132425", "title": "-", "text": "You may have tried to charge your iPhone while it was powered off only to have it turn itself on as soon as you plug it in to the USB cable or place it on the dock. As a result, it may have seemed that the iPhone insists on being turned on in order to charge.As it turns out, this is not the case.Simply plug your iPhone in to charge while turned on (or off for that matter) and once it begins charging, power it down. If you power down after charging begins, the iPhone will remain turned off while still charging.ou may have tried to charge your iPhone while it was powered off only to have it turn itself on as soon as you plug it in to the USB cable or place it on the dock. As a result, it may have seemed that the iPhone insists on being turned on in order to charge. As it turns out, this is not the case." } ]
[ { "docid": "2990649", "title": "Study finds possible alternative explanation for dark energy", "text": "iPhone 6S or iPhone 7 (2015) We'll surely see a new a new iPhone in 2015 and it'll probably be the 6S. If it turns out to be the iPhone 7 Apple will have broken with its conventions from the last few years. Don't forget to check out iPhone 6S: everything we think we know." }, { "docid": "572908", "title": "iPhone SE Vs iPhone 5S: What's The Difference?", "text": "With the arrival of the iPhone SE the iPhone 5S has been phased out, but the good news is the SE comes in at the lowest price tiers of any iPhone ever released. 1 iPhone SE – 16GB ($399), 64GB ($499) 2 16GB – iPhone 6 ($549), iPhone 6 Plus ($649), iPhone 6S ($649), iPhone 6S Plus ($749)" }, { "docid": "1857118", "title": "iPhone 7 Price in China", "text": "To conclude iPhone 7 price in China, we must have a look at the trend of iPhone price in it. Talking about ups and downs in the price of iPhone in China, the first ever iPhone i.e. iPhone 1G costs 2700 CNY approximately." }, { "docid": "6693367", "title": "-", "text": "Reassembly of the iPhone 5c charging port starts at 5:00. Other Parts for the iPhone 5C: http://www.directfix.com/category/iPh... This video shows how to replace the iphone 5c Charging port and also includes the repair for the the Head Phone jack, and the Mic." }, { "docid": "2925281", "title": "Do You Need a Debt Management Plan?", "text": "If you’re falling behind on bill payments, paying your credit card bills every month but your balances aren’t budging, or if you’re charging more on those cards just to stay afloat each month, it could be time to consider professional help, like a debt management plan." }, { "docid": "4536199", "title": "-", "text": "Boating facilities. The Broads is equipped with facilities to make boating breaks as simple as possible. Many locations have free moorings available for a stay of up to 24 hours.The map below has details of electric charging points, yacht station locations, pump out, cleaning, refuse and recycling facilities and where to stock up on fuel.oating facilities. The Broads is equipped with facilities to make boating breaks as simple as possible. Many locations have free moorings available for a stay of up to 24 hours." }, { "docid": "7624014", "title": "-", "text": "Complimentary Charging With Your New Prius Prime*. Activate Now. About the Offer. Get even more value out of your new plug-in hybrid and drive in EV mode more often, thanks to up to 100 days of complimentary charging, up to $100, on ChargePoint, the world’s largest electric vehicle (EV) charging network." }, { "docid": "6671514", "title": "How to Transfer All Data from iPhone 4 to iPhone 6, Sync iPhone 4S Files with iPhone 7/6S Plus", "text": "Transfer old iPhone 4 to iPhone 6 (Plus) in 1 click! Transfer messages, contacts, photos and calendar from old iPhone 4S to iPhone 6 (Plus). Copy audio and video from iPhone 4S to new iPhone 6 (Plus), regardless of whether purchase them or not. Retrieve iTunes backup and transfer to iPhone 6 (Plus) effortlessly." }, { "docid": "8717766", "title": "Q: what is sleep /wake button on iphone 7", "text": "On iPhone SE, iPhone 5s, iPhone 5c, and iPhone 5, the Sleep/Wake button is on the top edge: iPhone locks automatically if you don’t touch the screen for a minute or so. To adjust the timing, go to Settings > Display & Brightness > Auto-Lock. Turn on iPhone." }, { "docid": "2492997", "title": "iPhone Service: Frequently Asked Questions", "text": "Warranty. 1 How long is my iPhone covered by Apples warranty? 2 Apple's Limited Warranty for iPhone covers your iPhone for one year. 3 How can I tell if my iPhone is in warranty? 4 Apple's Limited Warranty for iPhone covers your iPhone for one year from the date of original purchase.arranty. 1 How long is my iPhone covered by Apples warranty? 2 Apple's Limited Warranty for iPhone covers your iPhone for one year. 3 How can I tell if my iPhone is in warranty? 4 Apple's Limited Warranty for iPhone covers your iPhone for one year from the date of original purchase." }, { "docid": "2007507", "title": "About splash, water, and dust resistance of iPhone 7 and later", "text": "If your iPhone has been exposed to liquid, unplug all cables and do not charge your device until it’s completely dry. Using accessories or charging when wet might damage your iPhone. Allow at least 5 hours before charging with a Lightning cable or connecting a Lightning accessory." }, { "docid": "3801056", "title": "Q: Iphone mail, Outlook and deleting", "text": "I want to be able to delete them from the phone but have them stay on the ATT server so when I open Outlook they are there. I have the setting on my Iphone set to Never remove from server when deleted but it still deletes it and I don't get it when I open Outlook. don't want to keep emails on my phone. I use Outlook and I love it. I want to get my emails on my Iphone when I am away from my pc but when I open Outlook I want all of my emails to go there and disappear from my phone." }, { "docid": "5638880", "title": "How to Copy iPhone Contacts to PC Without iTunes", "text": "Step 1 Click “Start” to scan your iPhone. To copy contacts from iPhone to PC, the first step you should do is to connect your iPhone with the computer and launch the program. Then click “Start” button to scan your iPhone for contacts.Step 2 Scan the iPhone for contacts. Then just wait for a few minutes for the scanning.o copy contacts from iPhone to PC, the first step you should do is to connect your iPhone with the computer and launch the program. Then click “Start” button to scan your iPhone for contacts. Step 2 Scan the iPhone for contacts." }, { "docid": "6415699", "title": "How To Replace The iPhone 5's Battery", "text": "Well, our iPhone 5 is nearly 14 months old so has probably been through 400 or so charge cycles. To start with it was much faster at charging, reaching 100 per cent from flat 18 minutes faster than the old battery. However, this could of course mean our battery holds less power and takes less time to charge as a result." }, { "docid": "3999526", "title": "Should I charge my phone by computer using a USB or directly to the wall?", "text": "1 I can feel my phone get hot when charging from a wall adapter but my phone does not get hot when charging from a computer. 2 Slower charging typically will allow the battery to store more charge than a fast charge. 3 It's easier to stop the charging process at ~80% when you use a computer USB due to the slower charging. I can feel my phone get hot when charging from a wall adapter but my phone does not get hot when charging from a computer. 2 Slower charging typically will allow the battery to store more charge than a fast charge. 3 It's easier to stop the charging process at ~80% when you use a computer USB due to the slower charging." }, { "docid": "5004062", "title": "iPhone", "text": "1 Coverage for up to two incidents of accidental damage, 2 each subject to a fee of $79 for iPhone 5c, iPhone 5s, iPhone 6, and iPhone 6 Plus, or $99 for iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus, plus applicable tax. Your iPhone. 2 Battery 1. 3 Included earphones and accessories. 4 Coverage for up to two incidents of accidental damage, 2 each subject to a fee of $79 for iPhone 5c, iPhone 5s, iPhone 6, and iPhone 6 Plus, or $99 for iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus, plus applicable tax." }, { "docid": "3243186", "title": "Troubleshooting your iPhone", "text": "If this process still won't turn on your iPhone, try disconnecting your iPhone from your computer. Reboot your computer and then re-install iTunes. Then repeat the same process and see if it successfully turns your iPhone on.If not, it's time to boot your iPhone to recovery mode.ontinue to hold the button until iTunes recognizes that your iPhone is in recovery mode. Booting your iPhone into recovery mode lets you perform a restore when your iPhone is experiencing serious problems such as an inability to turn on, or iPhone apps are freezing, or the screen will just not display anything." }, { "docid": "7587421", "title": "-", "text": "The U.S. version of the LG V20 does not support wireless charging and will not work with the LG Wireless Charging Pad, Model # WCP-300. Products vary depending on the region that they are released in and it is possible that other variants of the LG V20 sold outside of the U.S. will support wireless charging." }, { "docid": "3633807", "title": "-", "text": "Apple announced the iPhone 5C on September 10, 2013. Different from the iPhone 5, the iPhone 5C is built with brand new plastic rear housing available in five colors: green, pink, blue, yellow and white. However, we found the teardown process and the innards are similar to the iPhone 5 after we took apart the 5C.ou can follow our step-by-step disassembly to replace the broken parts on your iPhone 5C, such as the cracked iPhone 5C screen, the useless iPhone 5C battery, the damaged iPhone 5C rear housing or the broken iPhone 5C charging port flex cable." }, { "docid": "2461824", "title": "Q: Why is my battery indicator yellow now instead of green", "text": "Ingo2711 Nov 9, 2015 4:41 PM in response to Lorijorules Level 7 (29,912 points) iPhone. in response to Lorijorules The Low Power Mode is activated, that's why the battery charging icon is yellow. Go to Settings/Battery to disable it again. Yellow icon: Low Power Mode is on." }, { "docid": "1947515", "title": "How to add wireless charging to your iPhone", "text": "Here's what you need: A wireless charging receiver card for your iPhone. A quick search of somewhere like Amazon will turn up a number of solutions, such as the Tmvel Qi Wireless Charging Receiver Card Coil. A Qi-compatible charger. Any of the ones listed here will do just fine. A non-metallic flexible case or cover no thicker than 5mm." }, { "docid": "581949", "title": "-", "text": "When your device is charging, you’ll see a small lightning bolt next to the battery. Learn what to do if your device doesn't charge when you plug it in. If you see this screen, it means your battery is really low.Plug in your device and let it charge for at least 10 minutes before using it.harge your iPhone and iPod touch. Find out what you need to charge the battery and what to do if you see a low-battery alert on your device. When your iPhone or iPod touch is on, you’ll see the battery indicator in the upper-right corner of the screen." }, { "docid": "6707156", "title": "iPad Charging Slow: How to Fix?", "text": "Updating iOS will sometimes improve the speed of the iPhone 6/iPad Air and charging speed. With update the iPad will fix minor bugs and enable better features. Goto General -> Sofware Update(to see if any downloads is available) Lastly, it is advisable that you keep your device switched off when you are charging it." }, { "docid": "3038752", "title": "-", "text": "Did you mean: “hdmi to lightning”. 1 Goliton® Mini Displayport Male to HDMI Male Adapter Cable for Apple MacBook. 2 Apple Lightning Digital AV Adapter for Select iPhone, iPad and iPod Models (MD826AM/A) by Apple. 3 truCord 3-Meter Lightning to USB, Heavy-Duty Cable For Apple iPhone 5, 5s, 5c, iPod and iPad Air. Top Quality - Best Cord for Charging and Syncing. Includes Free Bonus: Minzos UL-Rated A/C Wall Charger. 100% Guaranteed." }, { "docid": "6705749", "title": "Q: Why is my iphone 6 charging light yellow?", "text": "in response to donettafrompearland What charge light? iPhones don't have charge lights. When you plug in your iPhone to charge, the battery meter at the top of the screen should get a lightning bolt next to it. That's all the indication you get when charging. iPhone chargers don't have lights either. If you are using a 3rd party charger consult its user guide. Sep 18, 2015 10:10 AM." }, { "docid": "4021141", "title": "What is Smart Charging? (with infographic)", "text": "A simple solution to mitigate this issue is called smart charging. Smart charging is the intelligent charging of EVs, where charging can be shifted based on grid loads and in accordance to the vehicle owner’s needs." }, { "docid": "2791002", "title": "Steps to Transfer Photos from iPhone to iPhone", "text": "And you can find them through the Photo app on your iPhone. Download photos from iPhone to iPhone via Wi-Fi network! Now you know how to transfer photos between iPhones through Wi-fi. Without a PC or Mac, no iTunes required, you can transfer photos from iPhone to iPhone easily using only the Wi-fi now!photos between iPhones, photos from iPhone to iPhone, photos from one iPhone to another, transfer photos from iphone to iphone.. Now it’s time to select and download photos from one iPhone to another. You can select as many photos as you like with each transfer, then tap the Download button to copy over photos between different iPhones. The selected photos will be downloaded to the photo library in the recipient’s iPhone." }, { "docid": "934685", "title": "How to unlock an iPhone", "text": "1 it’s simple, and official (registered as officially unlocked in Apple’s database). 2 it works with any iPhone, even on-contract (iPhone 2G, 3G, 3GS, 4, 4S, 5, 5s, iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus). 3 it’s 100% guaranteed to unlock your iPhone. 4 the iPhone can’t be locked again, even if you update your device in iTunes. it works with any iPhone, even on-contract (iPhone 2G, 3G, 3GS, 4, 4S, 5, 5s, iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus). 2 it’s 100% guaranteed to unlock your iPhone. 3 the iPhone can’t be locked again, even if you update your device in iTunes. 4 it does not void your iPhone warranty." }, { "docid": "4740425", "title": "The Top 5 Things That Will Drain Your Battery", "text": "Bad charging. If your charging system isn’t working properly, your car battery can drain even while you’re driving. Many cars power their lights, radio, and other systems from the alternator, which can make the battery drain worse if there's a charging problem. Then you’ll be stranded at roadside with a stalled car that needs a boost. And even then, bad charging will drain your car’s battery." }, { "docid": "5092217", "title": "How to Retrieve Contacts from iPhone X/iPhone 8 Plus/iPhone 8/iPhone 7 Plus/7/SE/6s Plus/6s/6 Plus/6/5s/5c/5/4S/4/3GS", "text": "Tick the contacts that you want to retrieve and then click the blue “Recover” button to save the iPhone contacts to the hard drive of your PC or Mac (if you select “Recover to Computer” in the pop-up window) or import the contacts back to the iPhone (if select “Recover to Device”).OTE: This method applies to iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 6, iPhone 5s, iPhone 5c, iPhone 5, iPhone 4S, iPhone 4 and iPhone 3GS, iPhone 3G and iPhone 1st Gen. Though iPhone doesn’t store contact names and phone numbers on SIM card, you can still copy the contacts from a SIM card from your old phone to your iPhone." } ]
what is a neuropsychological evaluation children
[ { "docid": "6992803", "title": "Neuropsychological Evaluation", "text": "Neuropsychological evaluation (NPE) is a testing method through which a neuropsychologist can acquire data about a subject’s cognitive, motor, behavioral, linguistic, and executive functioning. In the hands of a trained neuropsychologist, these data can provide information leading to the diagnosis of a cognitive deficit or to the confirmation..." } ]
[ { "docid": "2991825", "title": "Chronic and Recurrent Abdominal Pain", "text": "Chronic abdominal pain (CAP) persists for more than 3 mo either continuously or intermittently. Intermittent pain may be referred to as recurrent abdominal pain (RAP). Acute abdominal pain is discussed elsewhere. CAP occurs any time after 5 yr of age. Up to 10% of children require evaluation for RAP." }, { "docid": "5839109", "title": "-", "text": "An evaluation for forensic purposes begins. with notice to the evaluee of any limitations on. confidentiality. Information or reports derived from the. forensic evaluation are subject to the rules of confidentiality. as apply to the evaluation and any disclosure is restricted. accordingly." }, { "docid": "2193169", "title": "U.S. National Library of Medicine", "text": "A FULL economic evaluation compares BOTH the costs AND consequences (effectiveness; benefits) of TWO or more interventions. A FULL economic evaluation requires the identification, measurement and valuation of BOTH costs and consequences. A FULL economic evaluation is the ONLY type of economic analysis that provides valid information on efficiency." }, { "docid": "6160225", "title": "How to Write an Evaluation Report for an Organization", "text": "Writing the Evaluation Report. Write down the heading for the Summary or Executive Summary.. This is the first section of most evaluation reports but is usually written last. Use this section to summarize the most important points in the report after you have completed the other sections.Step 2. Write a Background section detailing the reasons why the evaluation was performed.Highlight findings and recommendations from previous evaluations that lead to this report.se this section to summarize the most important points in the report after you have completed the other sections. Step 2. Write a Background section detailing the reasons why the evaluation was performed." }, { "docid": "754118", "title": "-", "text": "Best Answer: The data are your information, analysis is evaluation and interpretation, so data analysis is the evaluation and interpretation of information. Source(s): busterwasmycat · 10 years ago" }, { "docid": "3841711", "title": "-", "text": "The tests are also used to track the progression of a disease, and plan rehabilitation treatments and programs. A large number of reliable and valid neuropsychological tests exist, giving those performing assessments a large number of options from which to select. A series of tests, called a “battery,” are often given to a patient to try and comprehensively cover all possible areas of impairment." }, { "docid": "586063", "title": "Undergraduate Degree Admissions Information", "text": "International applicants and those applicants who have studied outside the United States must submit official transcripts for evaluation by an accredited credential evaluation agency, such as the Education Credential Evaluators (www.ece.org)." }, { "docid": "7127965", "title": "Dispute Resolution Reference Guide", "text": "Are there any other alternatives (ex: mediation, arbitration) provided by the agreement in the case of a failure to settle by Neutral Evaluation ? appendix b: sample neutral evaluation agreement [45]" }, { "docid": "586099", "title": "-", "text": "Publications & Outreach > Publications > FSJ - December 2013 > A Parent's Guide to Psychoeducational Evaluations. The goal of a psychoeducational evaluation is to enhance a child’s ability to be as successful as possible. BY CHAD C. NELSON. As parents, we strive to help our children as much as possible. Despite our best efforts, however, we may see them struggling in some areas." }, { "docid": "2083604", "title": "-", "text": "A doctor who conducted a psychiatric evaluation of Mamoru Takuma, who was executed in 2004 for stabbing to death eight children at an Osaka school, will publish a book containing nearly the entire report, Kyodo News has learned." }, { "docid": "2083602", "title": "-", "text": "Therefore, on the basis of. clinical judgment and the specific circumstances of the evaluation, the psychiatrist may need. to request or initiate further general medical evaluation to address diagnostic concerns that. emerge from the psychiatric evaluation (12, 16, 18–27, 33–35)." }, { "docid": "110737", "title": "Neuropsychology Ltd", "text": "Neuropsychology Ltd. Search this site. Neuropsychology is a subspecialty of psychology that studies the relationship between the brain, psychological processes, and behavior. The purpose of a neuropsychological evaluation is to get a clear and detailed understanding at how an individual’s brain is functioning across various areas." }, { "docid": "6502979", "title": "Indiana", "text": "Pre-Evaluation Service. Indiana offers pre-evaluation as an optional service. A pre-evaluation will identify any academic deficiencies in your education before you submit a first-time application for the Exam. To begin the pre-evaluation process, please visit CPA Central.You must create a CPA Central user account before you can submit your pre-evaluation application online. pre-evaluation will identify any academic deficiencies in your education before you submit a first-time application for the Exam. To begin the pre-evaluation process, please visit CPA Central. You must create a CPA Central user account before you can submit your pre-evaluation application online." }, { "docid": "506839", "title": "DEMENTIA FOLLOWING HERPES ZOSTER ENCEPHALITIS", "text": "Abstract. 1 We studied the rare case of an older adult with dementia following herpes zoster encephalitis (HZE). This 71-year-old woman presented to us approximately 1 year following resolution of a rapid-onset episode of HZE, and subsequently underwent neuropsychological and neuroimaging examinations." }, { "docid": "5473913", "title": "Problems in Babies and Toddlers That Cause a Limp", "text": "Tumors are an uncommon cause of a limp in a child, but like infections, something not to be overlooked. Both benign (noncancerous) and malignant (cancerous) tumors can be found in young children. Symptoms often begin gradually, with pain and a limp often being symptoms that lead to evaluation." }, { "docid": "6821198", "title": "-", "text": "For rating definitions and behavioral examples of the Collaboration & Teamwork behavioral competency in the Non-Faculty Performance Evaluation, please refer to the PATHways Performance Evaluation Rating Definitions." }, { "docid": "4572167", "title": "Phylogenetic Reconstruction", "text": "Some methods are better for gathering. quantitative data, others for qualitative data. Some are better for particular audiences than. others. Some methods gather richer, deeper data than others do. When designing evaluation tools and selecting evaluation methods, it is useful to consider." }, { "docid": "1608529", "title": "-", "text": "2.4.1 The tender evaluation process up to the award of a contract is confidential and all members. of the evaluation committee and other personnel involved in any way with the tender. evaluation must be made aware that confidentiality must be respected and fully adhered to." }, { "docid": "5457742", "title": "HM", "text": "Evaluation: A How-To Guide. The terms of reference (ToR) document defines all aspects of how a. consultant or a team will conduct an evaluation. It defines the objectives. and the scope of the evaluation, outlines the responsibilities of the. consultant or team, and provides a clear description of the resources. available to conduct the study." }, { "docid": "8581424", "title": "How Accurate Is Body Mass Index, or BMI?", "text": "An easier way is to use WebMD's BMI calculator. (This BMI calculator is for use in the evaluation of adults, not for children.) According to the NIH definitions, a healthy weight is a BMI of 18.5-24.9; overweight is 25-29.9; and obese is 30 or higher. The Measurement of Choice. BMI is the measurement of choice for most health professionals." }, { "docid": "1999442", "title": "Certification Report: RSA enVision platform v4.0 SP 1", "text": "The RSA enVision® platform v4.0 SP 1 (hereafter referred to as RSA enVision), from RSA, The Security Division of EMC, is the Target of Evaluation (TOE) for this Evaluation Assurance Level (EAL) 3 augmented evaluation." }, { "docid": "1414744", "title": "Use of Brief Visuospatial Memory Test - Revised (BVMT-R) in neuropsychological evaluation of epilepsy surgery candidates", "text": "Use of the Brief Visuospatial Memory Test—Revised (BVMT-R) in neuropsychological evaluation of... Barr, W.; Morrison, C.; Zaroff, C.; Devinsky, O. 2004-04-01 00:00:00 Many commonly used measures of figural reproduction have been found to be relatively insensitive to the effects of right temporal lobe dysfunction." }, { "docid": "8791435", "title": "Parents' Evaluation of Developmental Status PEDS", "text": "Parents' Evaluation of Developmental Status PEDS Parents’ Evaluation of Developmental Status (PEDS) is an evidence-based method for detecting and addressing developmental and behavioural problems in children aged from birth to seven years and 11 months. PEDS is a simple, 10-item questionnaire that is completed by the parent." }, { "docid": "5931379", "title": "What is neurocognitive testing?", "text": "What is neurocognitive testing? Neurocognitive testing, also known as neuropsychological testing, is a comprehensive evaluation of the patient's cognitive status by specific neurologic domains, i.e., memory, attention, problem solving, language, visuospatial, processing speed motor, and emotion." }, { "docid": "7495622", "title": "-", "text": "The turnaround time for a typical Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation is about 3 to 5 weeks. Our cost of carrying out the Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation is as follows:Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation (Up to 4 Boreholes) $6,950If required, additional boreholes may cost $990 per borehole." }, { "docid": "3438530", "title": "New CPT Evaluation Codes for SLPs", "text": "A speech sound production evaluation (CPT 92522) is already included as a part of CPT 92523 (speech sound production evaluation with language evaluation)." }, { "docid": "8455615", "title": "Repeatable Battery for Neuropsychological Status (RBANS): A Screening Tool Following Head Injury", "text": "The RBANS is used for a number of reasons including: 1 Screening in acute care setting. 2 To track recovery during rehabilitation. 3 To track progression in degenerative diseases, such as dementia. Neuropsychological screening for clinicians that are not Neuropsychologists." }, { "docid": "413538", "title": "-", "text": "Once an evaluator has been selected, stakeholders have been engaged, and a team has been assembled, begin the planning process by discussing the evaluation purpose and selecting evaluation questions. It is important to have a clear vision about the reasons for the evaluation before drafting specific evaluation questions. The initial team meeting can be dedicated to reaching a consensus about the primary evaluation goals." }, { "docid": "2014055", "title": "Disability Evaluation Under Social Security Listing of Impairments - Adult Listings (Part A)", "text": "Turn Accessibility Mode On Skip to content. The following sections contain medical criteria that apply to the evaluation of impairments in adults age 18 and over and that may apply to the evaluation of impairments in children under age 18 if the disease processes have a similar effect on adults and younger children." }, { "docid": "8751488", "title": "-", "text": "Screening instruments provide teachers with a quick, standardized method of determining if individual children require further evaluation to address unmet needs that may interfere with their ability to learn. The LAP System includes the LAP-D Screens, normed-referenced, developmentally appropriate screens for 3-, 4-, and 5-year old children." } ]
what is a normal A1c
[ { "docid": "2600408", "title": "Blood Tests for Heart Disease", "text": "For people without diabetes, the normal range for the hemoglobin A1c test is between 4% and 5.6%.Hemoglobin A1c levels between 5.7% and 6.4% indicate increased risk of diabetes, and levels of 6.5% or higher indicate diabetes.he higher the hemoglobin A1c, the higher the risks of developing complications related to diabetes. People with diabetes should have this test every 3 months to determine whether their blood sugars have reached the target level of control." } ]
[ { "docid": "937649", "title": "AIC Goal", "text": "AIC Goal. AIC Goal. A term of art referring to the desired target level of HbA1c for a particular patient with diabetes. The American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists believes the A1c goal should be <6.5%; the American Diabetes Association has a more relaxed A1c goal of <7%." }, { "docid": "4442545", "title": "-", "text": "The A1c test measures how much sugar is attached to hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is a protein found in red blood cells that helps carry oxygen throughout the body. Glucose attaches to protein in the blood naturally.When blood sugar is higher, more sugar is attached to hemoglobin.he A1c test, also called the glycosylated hemoglobin test, is a blood test doctors use to determine how your blood sugar has been averaging over the past two to hree months." }, { "docid": "382592", "title": "Hemoglobin Levels: Chart and Information on Body Iron Level", "text": "The hemoglobin A1c test, also called HbA1c, glycated hemoglobin test, or glycohemoglobin, is an important blood test that shows how well your diabetes is being controlled.or people without diabetes, the normal range for the hemoglobin A1c test is between 4% and 5.6%." }, { "docid": "4128854", "title": "Goals of Treatment", "text": "Think of the A1c as a long-term blood glucose measure that changes very gradually. Of course, these are general standards for everyone with diabetes – both type 1 as well as type 2. Ask your diabetes team for personalized goals and blood sugar (blood glucose) monitoring schedules." }, { "docid": "3197112", "title": "5 Ways to Lower Your A1C", "text": "The more glucose that enters the bloodstream, the higher the amount of glycated hemoglobin,” Dr. Dodell says. An A1C level below 5.7 percent is considered normal. An A1C between 5.7 and 6.4 percent signals pre-diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is diagnosed when the A1C is over 6.5 percent.For many people with type 2 diabetes, the goal is to lower A1C levels to a healthier percentage.he more glucose that enters the bloodstream, the higher the amount of glycated hemoglobin,” Dr. Dodell says. An A1C level below 5.7 percent is considered normal. An A1C between 5.7 and 6.4 percent signals pre-diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is diagnosed when the A1C is over 6.5 percent." }, { "docid": "6460046", "title": "-", "text": "But remember to interpret the numbers together, and also remember that blood sugar is highly variable. If you wake up one morning and have a fasting blood sugar of 95, but your A1c and post-meal numbers are still normal, that’s usually no cause for concern. Likewise, if you see a one-hour post-meal spike of 145 mg/dL, but all of your other numbers are normal, that is also usually no cause for concern." }, { "docid": "30957", "title": "glycohemoglobin normal range", "text": "glycohemoglobin hba1c a1c blood glucose test for diabetes a glycohemoglobin test or hemoglobin a1c is a blood test that checks the amount of sugar glucose bound to the hemoglobin in the red blood cellslycohemoglobin normal range review criteria for assessment of glycohemoglobin review criteria for assessment of glycohemoglobin glycated or glycosylated hemoglobin in vitro diagnostic devices text only this guidance was written prior to the" }, { "docid": "1950402", "title": "-", "text": "Cause of Elevated A1c Levels. The higher your blood sugar levels and the longer your blood sugar remains high, the more excess sugar is present in the blood and the more opportunities this excess sugar has to bond to hemoglobin." }, { "docid": "6678427", "title": "5 Important Tests for Type 2 Diabetes", "text": "1 A blood sugar test is performed regardless of when you last ate a meal. Normal result: 70-125 mg/dL (less than 7.0 mmol/L) Hemoglobin A1C test. This test measures how much sugar is stuck to your red blood cells, which generally have a lifespan of three months. Therefore, this test gauges how high your blood sugar has been in recent months. Normal result for nondiabetics: 4% to 6%." }, { "docid": "823159", "title": "atkins frozen meals for diabetics", "text": "A normal blood sugar level two hours after eating is less than 140 mg/dL; Diabetes is diagnosed by any one of the following: Two consecutive fasting blood glucose tests that are equal to or greater than 126 mg/dL; Any random blood glucose that is greater than 200 mg/dL; An A1c test that is equal to or greater than 6.5 percent. A1c is an easy blood test that gives a three month average of blood sugars; A two-hour oral glucose tolerance test with any value over 200 mg/dL" }, { "docid": "3691346", "title": "-", "text": "Tests for type 1 and type 2 diabetes and prediabetes. 1 Glycated hemoglobin (A1C) test. 2 This blood test indicates your average blood sugar level for the past two to three months." }, { "docid": "5905400", "title": "Prediabetes", "text": "Prediabetes means you have blood glucose, or blood sugar, levels that are higher than normal but not high enough to be called diabetes. Glucose comes from the foods you eat. Too much glucose in your blood can damage your body over time. If you have prediabetes, you are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. Most people with prediabetes don't have any symptoms. Your doctor can use an A1C test or another blood test to find out if your blood glucose levels are higher than normal." }, { "docid": "5506752", "title": "INVOKANA ® is proven to provide better results than Januvia ® *", "text": "A A. Over the course of one year, INVOKANA 300 mg and Januvia * 100 mg were compared in a head-to-head clinical study where INVOKANA achieved better results in several areas, including A1C reductions and weight loss. A. Over the course of one year, INVOKANA 300 mg and Januvia * 100 mg were compared in a head-to-head clinical study where INVOKANA achieved better results in several areas, including A1C reductions and weight loss." }, { "docid": "1307407", "title": "Blood Tests for Heart Disease", "text": "For people without diabetes, the normal range for the hemoglobin A1c test is between 4% and 5.6%.Hemoglobin A1c levels between 5.7% and 6.4% indicate increased risk of diabetes, and levels of 6.5% or higher indicate diabetes.hen your diabetes is not controlled (meaning that your blood sugar is too high), sugar builds up in your blood and combines with your hemoglobin, becoming glycated.. The average amount of sugar in your blood can be found by measuring your hemoglobin A1c level." }, { "docid": "516710", "title": "What are dangerous blood sugar levels?", "text": "Hemoglobin A1c Test. You can learn how well you are managing your diabetes by taking a special blood test on a regular basis. It's called the hemoglobin A1c test, also called HbA1c or A1C for short. The A1C measures your average blood glucose level over the past three months.This test can be a powerful tool in managing your diabetes. Here's how and why it works.t's called the hemoglobin A1c test, also called HbA1c or A1C for short. The A1C measures your average blood glucose level over the past three months. This test can be a powerful tool in managing your diabetes. Here's how and why it works." }, { "docid": "439893", "title": "-", "text": "Your A1C is at a level where you could have diabetes. You need to have your doctor give you a further test to determine if you do. You almost certainly have at least pre-diabetes and need to cut back on carbs and get your body mass index, or BMI, down to normal.nfortunately, your 14-year-old daughter’s normal A1C level won’t tell if she had diabetes or not. That’s because her levels vary so much with the lows canceling out the highs. I would recommend that you get her tested for diabetes with one of the two standard tests." }, { "docid": "2104926", "title": "Hemoglobin Levels: Chart and Information on Body Iron Level", "text": "The hemoglobin A1c test, also called HbA1c, glycated hemoglobin test, or glycohemoglobin, is an important blood test that shows how well your diabetes is being controlled.emoglobin A1c provides an average of your blood sugar control over the past 2 to 3 months and is used along with home blood sugar monitoring to make adjustments in your diabetes medicines. Hemoglobin is found in red blood cells, which carry oxygen throughout your body." }, { "docid": "8759586", "title": "Hemoglobin Levels: Chart and Information on Body Iron Level", "text": "For people without diabetes, the normal range for the hemoglobin A1c test is between 4% and 5.6%. Hemoglobin A1c levels between 5.7% and 6.4% indicate increased risk of diabetes. Levels of 6.5% or higher indicate diabetes. The goal for people with diabetes is a hemoglobin A1c less than 7%." }, { "docid": "8601244", "title": "-", "text": "The DCA Normal Control andAbnormal Control are intended for use as controlsand must not be used as calibrators. REAGENTS The DCA Hemoglobin A1c NORMAL Controlsand ABNORMAL Controls included in theDCA Hemoglobin A1c Control Kit contain a stablelyophilized hemolysate of human blood.Each bottle,when reconstituted, contains enough ControlSolution to run approximately 90 DCA HemoglobinA1c Control Tests.nvestigate anyresult that is outside the limits established byyour laboratory. AVAILABILITY The DCA Hemoglobin A1c Control Kit, containing 2bottles of NORMAL Control and 2 bottles ofABNORMAL Control, is available as 5068A." }, { "docid": "7366498", "title": "How long did it take you to get your blood sugar down to a normal range?", "text": "My initial A1c was 6.7 and my fasting blood sugar was 126 so I just made the cut off. Try cutting your carbs much more. Don't be afraid of fat. It is your friend as long as it is healthy fat, like avocado, butter, olive oil, avocado oil etc. NO soybean oil as 99% of all store bought salad dressings contain. Last year my A1c went down to 6.0 and 6.1 and this is without any kind of medication, just diet and exercise." }, { "docid": "6907790", "title": "-", "text": "1 Since the A1c measures 2-3 months, while the 14-day average measures only 2 weeks, if your blood glucose has been much better in the past 2 weeks, the A1c level will not have caught up yet. 2 You test only before meals, and your blood glucose after eating is very high.f you do this every week or two you will get a good idea how you are doing overall. Figure 1 below shows a meter with a 14-day average of 106 mg/dL. Let's say that the person in this example also has an A1c level that is 7.9%. That usually reflects a 2-3 month blood glucose average of 180 mg/dL." }, { "docid": "301104", "title": "All About the Hemoglobin A1C Test", "text": "A1C measures the amount of hemoglobin in the blood that has glucose attached to it. Hemoglobin is a protein found inside red blood cells that carry oxygen to the body. Hemoglobin cells are constantly dying and regenerating, but they have a lifespan of approximately three months." }, { "docid": "3252519", "title": "-", "text": "The A1C test is a blood test used to measure the average level of glucose in the blood over the last two to three months, and is used as a means of checking how well blood sugar levels are being controlled for a person with diabetes.t can also be used to make an initial diagnosis of diabetes.1. The reason why A1C, glycated hemoglobin, is an indicator of blood sugar levels is that some of the glucose in the blood binds to hemoglobin, the protein found in red blood cells and responsible for transporting oxygen around the circulation." }, { "docid": "7185790", "title": "The Normal A1C Level", "text": "You wouldn’t be reading this if you didn’t. So you regularly check your A1C level. This is the best measurement of our blood glucose control that we have now. It tells us what percentage of our hemoglobin – the protein in our red blood cells that carry oxygen – has glucose sticking to it." }, { "docid": "986006", "title": "-", "text": "This chart shows how your A1C value relates to estimated Average Glucose (eAG). For example, an A1C of 7% is equal to an eAG of 154 mg/dL. You and your diabetes care team will decide on your A1C goal." }, { "docid": "36566", "title": "Davidâs Guide to Getting Our A1C Under 6.0", "text": "Even before 2007, when I began following a very low-carb diet, for about two years after 2005 one diabetes drug helped me reduce my A1C from 6.8 percent. I know that Byetta works to help us achieve diabetes control, especially when we eat fewer carbs, as I began to do then." }, { "docid": "5637401", "title": "-", "text": "Confidence votes 262K. A1C is actually an abbreviation of another abbreviation, HbA1c. This is hemoglobin A1c and that is a blood test of a person's blood sugar levels to determine or evaluate diabetes." }, { "docid": "5926875", "title": "Comparing Diabetes Drugs: Januvia vs. Victoza", "text": "Over 26 weeks of treatment, patients on the highest dosage of the injected drug achieved the best blood sugar control and the most weight loss. A main focus of the study was how well the two drugs lowered A1c, which measures blood sugar control over time." }, { "docid": "435320", "title": "-", "text": "HbA1C (A1C or glycosylated hemoglobin test) The A1C can be used for the diagnosis of both prediabetes and diabetes. The A1C test measures your average blood glucose control for the past 2 to 3 months. This test is more convenient because no fasting is required.An A1C of 5.7% to 6.4% means that you are at high risk for the development of diabetes and you have prediabetes. Diabetes is diagnosed when the A1C is 6.5% or higher.his test is more convenient because no fasting is required. An A1C of 5.7% to 6.4% means that you are at high risk for the development of diabetes and you have prediabetes. Diabetes is diagnosed when the A1C is 6.5% or higher." }, { "docid": "1317392", "title": "Why the A1c Test Is Important", "text": "The A1c is a blood test, done in a lab, that shows what your average blood sugar has been for the past 3 months. Other names for this test are glycosylated hemoglobin, glycohemoglobin, hemoglobin A1c, and HbA1c." } ]
what is a norwegian elkhound
[ { "docid": "300348", "title": "-", "text": "The Norwegian Elkhound is a member of the Spisshunder group. This group includes Alaskan Malamutes, Siberian Huskies, Finnish Spitz, Greenlanders and Samoyeds. In fact as well as being used for their primary role as a moose hunter they are also used to pull sleds and skiers for fun." } ]
[ { "docid": "5175800", "title": "Why is Iceland named Iceland and Greenland named Greenland?", "text": "The name Greenland comes from Scandinavian settlers. In the Icelandic sagas, it is said that Norwegian-born Erik the Red was exiled from Iceland for murder.He, along with his extended family and thralls, set out in ships to find the land that was rumoured to be to the northwest.After settling there, he named the land Graenland (Grænland). greenlandn the Icelandic sagas, it is said that Norwegian-born Erik the Red was exiled from Iceland for murder. He, along with his extended family and thralls, set out in ships to find the land that was rumoured to be to the northwest. After settling there, he named the land Graenland (Grænland). greenland" }, { "docid": "5666016", "title": "Norwegian Cruise Lines Ships", "text": "Norwegian Cruise Lines Ships. Click a Norwegian Cruise Line Ship below for more information, day by day itineraries, cabin information, deck plans, sailing dates and rates. 15 Norwegian Cruise Line Ships." }, { "docid": "6123897", "title": "The Scream", "text": "Norwegian by birth, Edvard Munch studied at the Oslo Academy with famous Norwegian artist Christian Krohg. He created the first version of The Scream in 1893 when he was about 30 years old, and made the fourth and final version of The Scream in 1910. He has described himself in a book written in 1900 as nearly going insane, like his sister Laura who was committed to a mental institution during this time period as well." }, { "docid": "3819314", "title": "Just back: Norwegian Breakaway", "text": "Just back: Norwegian Breakaway. The enormous Norwegian Breakaway will take passengers from Manhattan to Bermuda, the Bahamas and the Caribbean. The Norwegian Breakaway has started sailing from Pier 88, and contrary to the nonstop TV ads pumped out by Norwegian Cruise Line, it is not crowned with fake skyscrapers like a Vegas version of New York." }, { "docid": "6330047", "title": "Norwegian Airlines cancel the flights, reimbursement?..", "text": "Norwegian Airlines cancel the flights, reimbursement?.. Norwegian Airlines cancel the flights, reimbursement?.. We have arrived to Oslo on 4th of March with intentio to depart for Bardufoss on 5th March. We have arrived to Oslo airport early in the morning to get our flight, and learnt only there that the flight was cancelled." }, { "docid": "2890964", "title": "-", "text": "proball ‪Ex-Inter Allies captain/midfielder Isaac Twum has arrived in Norway to begin his career with Norwegian side IK Start.‬ ‪This comes two months after... Read More" }, { "docid": "809980", "title": "Existentialism", "text": "Although many outside Scandinavia consider the term existentialism to have originated from Kierkegaard himself, it is more likely that Kierkegaard adopted this term (or at least the term existential as a description of his philosophy) from the Norwegian poet and literary critic Johan Sebastian Cammermeyer Welhaven." }, { "docid": "4596722", "title": "About The Prize", "text": "The agreement to establish the Kavli Prize was signed in 2005 by the founder of The Kavli Foundation, Fred Kavli; Kristin Clemet, Norwegian Minister of Education and Research; and Jan Fridthjof Bernt, President of The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters.The Kavli Prize was awarded for the first time in 2008.he Kavli Prize is a partnership between The Norwegian Academyof Science and Letters, The Kavli Foundation (United States) and TheNorwegian Ministry of Education and Research." }, { "docid": "4845386", "title": "Norwegian Gem", "text": "The Norwegian Gem was the newest cruise ship in Norwegian Cruise Line's fleet until the debut of Norwegian Epic June 2010. Construction began on 7 June 2006 at the Meyer Werft Shipyard of Papenburg, Germany. She was delivered to Norwegian on 1 October 2007." }, { "docid": "2113222", "title": "Norwegian Elkhound Prices", "text": "Norwegian Elkhound Prices. You may be surprised to learn the true cost of owning a Norwegian Elkhound. We help you determine the real price after factoring in food, vet visits, accessories, health needs, and much more.ome breeds follow Hollywood trends, and some are rarely bred at all driving up their prices. The lowest price we've ever had advertised for the Norwegian Elkhound is $0; the most expensive price is $0. Generally the average Norwegian Elkhound costs around $500 to purchase." }, { "docid": "6599907", "title": "Norwegian Cruise Line tests all-inclusive packages", "text": "10 best things to do on the new Norwegian Getaway. Norwegian Cruise Line's newest ship, the 4.028-passenger Norwegian Getaway, set sail with passengers for the first time on Jan. 11, 2014." }, { "docid": "2621068", "title": "-", "text": "Norwegian is the official language of Norway, where it is spoken by 4,640,000 people (Ethnologue). It is also spoken in the U.S., Canada, and Sweden. There are 4,741,780 speakers of Norwegian worldwide. Norwegian has two official standardized spoken and written varieties." }, { "docid": "2902956", "title": "-", "text": "Famed children's author Roald Dahl was born in Llandaff, South Wales, on September 13, 1916. Dahl's parents were Norwegian. As a child, he spent his summer vacations visiting with his grandparents in Oslo.When Dahl was 4 years old, his father died.amed children's author Roald Dahl was born in Llandaff, South Wales, on September 13, 1916. Dahl's parents were Norwegian. As a child, he spent his summer vacations visiting with his grandparents in Oslo." }, { "docid": "3015669", "title": "-", "text": "Swedish belongs to the Northern Germanic (or Scandinavian) branch of the Indo-European language family, as do Danish and Norwegian. It is closely related to those languages and is to a certain extent mutually intelligible with them. Gothenburg, Sweden." }, { "docid": "5166217", "title": "Nobel Peace Prize", "text": "Alfred Nobel's will further specified that the prize be awarded by a committee of five people chosen by the Norwegian Parliament. Nobel died in 1896 and he did not leave an explanation for choosing peace as a prize category." }, { "docid": "2621069", "title": "Norwegian language", "text": "Norwegian (norsk) is a North Germanic language spoken mainly in Norway, where it is the official language. Along with Swedish and Danish, Norwegian forms a dialect continuum of more or less mutually intelligible local and regional variants." }, { "docid": "3077196", "title": "-", "text": "Currency of Norway. The Norwegian currency is Norwegian Kroner (NOK). 1 NOK is divided into 100 øre (cents). Coins are circulated in the following denominations: 1 krone, 5 kroner, 10 kroner and 20 kroner. Notes are circulated in the following denominations: 50 kroner, 100 kroner, 200 kroner, 500 kroner and 1000 kroner. Currency converter." }, { "docid": "5589785", "title": "-", "text": "Norway is not in the EU and has its own currency: the Norwegian Krone. NB-Countries and territories do not have to be in the EU to use the euro. Monaco, San Marino, the Va … tican City, Kosovo, and Montenegro also use the euro (although the last two do not issue their own coins). 2nd N.B.orwegian crowns, Norske kroner. NOK. Kroner. If you a familiar with google, you can check the Norwegian currency up against your own. Go to google.com and type 100 NOK in [ … your currency] For example: 100 NOK in USD to find out how many American dollars 100 Kroner is." }, { "docid": "7009674", "title": "Norwegian Gem Overview", "text": "Norwegian Gem Overview. The Norwegian Gem offers people of all ages a fun experience. Starting in the morning, passengers can be found at the buffet or laying out on the pool deck. In the afternoon there are lectures, basketball courts and a climbing wall to take advantage of on the Norwegian Gem. The evening brings a chance to check out one of the ship’s tasty specialty dining restaurants like La Cucina Italian Restaurant or one of the grand dining rooms like Magenta." }, { "docid": "3273812", "title": "-", "text": "The answer to that is simple; if other Norwegian, Swedish or, as in the case of Scarlett's father, Danish Johanssons married Jewish women, we would gladly profile their offspring on this website, provided their resume is as accomplished as Scarlett's." }, { "docid": "6138468", "title": "-", "text": "The Haven by Norwegian. Hidden away at the top of the ship is The Haven by Norwegian, home to our most luxurious, well-appointed and spacious accommodations. Not only will you have access to all the ship has to offer, you'll enjoy the personal service of a concierge and 24-hour butler throughout your entire stay." }, { "docid": "3744568", "title": "-", "text": "This icon of Norwegian nationalism actually came from a Scottish family (originally Greig). Grieg's grandfather emigrated to Norway in the late Eighteenth Century. Edvard (Hagerup) Grieg (June 15, 1843 - September 4, 1907) came from comfortable circumstances. His mother, a pianist, gave the six-year old Grieg his first lessons. The great Norwegian violinist Ole Bull encouraged the Griegs to send Edvard to Leipzig for further study. At fifteen, Grieg found himself at a place he disliked." }, { "docid": "879193", "title": "-", "text": "While Carnival Dream is the largest operated by Carnival ship, she is not largest in the whole world, surpassed by Royal Caribbean Oasis & Freedom classes, Cunard RMS Queen Mary 2, and Norwegian Cruises Norwegian Epic. Carnival Dream is equal to RCCL Voyager class, but however, the Dream is 17 ft shorter." }, { "docid": "5984940", "title": "Flag of Sweden", "text": "1 As the above picture of the Norwegian Flag indicates the overall background is Red. 2 The description of the Flag of Norway is as follows: 3 The Norwegian flagis red with a blue cross outlined in white that extends to the edges of the flag. The vertical part of the cross is shifted to the hoist side." }, { "docid": "3550697", "title": "Norwegian language", "text": "Norwegian (norsk) is a North Germanic language spoken mainly in Norway, where it is the sole official language. Along with Swedish and Danish, Norwegian forms a continuum of more or less mutually intelligible local and regional variants.hus, 13% are frequently writing Nynorsk, though the majority speak dialects that resemble Nynorsk more closely than Bokmal. Bokmål broadly, Speaking nynorsk writing is widespread In Western, norway though not in major urban, areas and also in the upper parts of mountain valleys in the southern and eastern parts Of. norway" }, { "docid": "5625741", "title": "Norwegian Elkhound", "text": "Next Carousel Slide. With unparalleled stamina, even in rough terrain, the Norwegian Elkhound remains a dignified, independent, and generally friendly hunting dog with beautiful silver-grey hair. Interestingly, Scandinavian hunters still use the breed during long, arduous moose hunts." }, { "docid": "2573260", "title": "-", "text": "Furthermore, Norwegian pollock (Theragra finnmarchica), a rare fish of Norwegian waters, is likely the same species as the Alaska pollock.he Alaska pollock landings are the largest of any single fish species in the U.S, the average annual Eastern Bering Sea catch between 1977 and 2014 being 1.174 million tons." }, { "docid": "5141636", "title": "Save up to 80% on Norwegian Cruises!", "text": "Vacations To Go offers the world's lowest prices on every Norwegian cruise. To scan a complete list of Norwegian cruises for early-bird discounts or last-minute markdowns, use our Find A Bargain search tool. When you're ready to sail, call us at 800-338-4962 or e-mail us for a quote or reservation." }, { "docid": "2962468", "title": "Norwegian Cruise Line Raises Its Daily Service Charge", "text": "Norwegian Cruise Line announced this week that the company is adjusting its daily service charges for cruise guests for all sailings that begin on March 1, 2015 or later." }, { "docid": "3947398", "title": "-", "text": "Sami languages, like Kven and Finnish, belong to the Uralic language family. The Sami languages spoken in Norway include Lule Sami (spoken by around 500 in Norway), North Sami (spoken by around 15,000 Norwegian Sami), Pite Sami (which is nearly extinct) and South Sami (which has around 300 speakers in Norway).Sami languages are official in seven Norwegian municipalities.ami languages, like Kven and Finnish, belong to the Uralic language family. The Sami languages spoken in Norway include Lule Sami (spoken by around 500 in Norway), North Sami (spoken by around 15,000 Norwegian Sami), Pite Sami (which is nearly extinct) and South Sami (which has around 300 speakers in Norway)." } ]
what is a rasp used for
[ { "docid": "2180463", "title": "All About Rasps and Rifflers in Woodworking", "text": "We use the term riffler rasp or riffler to describe a type of rasp with teeth cut in both ends, with an area to hold onto in the middle. Rifflers can be either file cut, with long lines of teeth, or rasp cut, with pointy teeth. Riffler rasp might be the better term to use." } ]
[ { "docid": "133242", "title": "Rasp", "text": "Rasp - Use. 1 Rasps come in a variety of shapes - rectangular, round, and half-round - and vary in coarseness from finest, cabinet, to most aggressive, wood. [citation needed] 2 Farriers use rasps to remove excess wall from a horse's hoof. 3 Rasps are used in shaping alabaster." }, { "docid": "4263273", "title": "Army Rangers", "text": "Upon graduation of RASP, new Rangers will most likely be assigned to 1st, 2nd, or 3rd Ranger Battalion. Regimental Headquarters and the Regimental Support Battalion are also co-located at Ft. Benning with 3rd Battalion. Today’s Ranger Battalions were stood up on the orders of General Creighton Abrams in 1974. As many of you may know, our Army had suffered a great deal and wasn’t looking so great in the Post-Vietnam War years." }, { "docid": "4703502", "title": "Steppenwolf", "text": "Led by John Kay (born Joachim Krauledat, April 12, 1944), Steppenwolf's blazing biker anthem Born to Be Wild roared out of speakers everywhere in the fiery summer of 1968, John Kay's threatening rasp sounding a mesmerizing call to arms to the counterculture movement rapidly sprouting up nationwide." }, { "docid": "3384573", "title": "-", "text": "In addition to the center cleat, a couple of. outside cleats provide extra support. Elongate the end holes. A typical cleat has. three holes, with the two nearest the ends. elongated to allow the top to expand. The. author uses a round rasp for the job." }, { "docid": "1339968", "title": "Archaeology trowels", "text": "Sharpening your trowel is not always necessary, but it can make quite a difference when excavating and cutting through sediment. The ultimate goal is a blade with a fairly shallow but sharp edge. The best way to sharpen the blade of your trowel is to use a bench grinder. If you haven’t got one, then use an angle grinder. And if you haven’t got one of those either, then it’s the trusty rasp or bastard file that will do the trick. For file work, don’t scrub it in a forwards and backwards motion." }, { "docid": "8269300", "title": "Definitions &Translations", "text": "Rasp. A rasp is a tool used for shaping wood or other material. It consists of a point or the tip, then a long steel bar or the belly, then the heel or bottom, then the tang. The tang is joined to a handle, usually made of plastic or wood. The bar has sharp teeth.Rasps generally cut more coarsely than files.asp. A rasp is a tool used for shaping wood or other material. It consists of a point or the tip, then a long steel bar or the belly, then the heel or bottom, then the tang. The tang is joined to a handle, usually made of plastic or wood. The bar has sharp teeth. Rasps generally cut more coarsely than files." }, { "docid": "5932371", "title": "-", "text": "Definition of rasp. transitive verb. 1 : to rub with something rough; specifically : to abrade with a rasp. 2 : to grate upon : irritate. 3 : to utter in a raspy tone. intransitive verb. 1 : scrape." }, { "docid": "8596226", "title": "What is a microplane?", "text": "A microplane is a rasp-like grater, developed by the Microplane Company, that hit the market in the 1990s. It is based on the design for a woodworking rasp, and has a long metal shaft covered with small, sharp metal teeth." }, { "docid": "7021980", "title": "INSTALLATION", "text": "of easier deck installation. If you are used to working with wood, you already know how to work with ChoiceDek® Foundations™. Our new profile accepts hidden and/or traditional fasteners or screws, and you don’t have to worry about installing the screws too deep. All you need is a hammer, screw gun, circular saw (carbide-tipped blade with fewer than 20 teeth is recommended), level, tape measure, rasp and blue chalk line." }, { "docid": "8089512", "title": "Coping With Coping Saws", "text": "Use the coping saw to cut out the shaped cope. Follow the line carefully and undercut slightly as you did with the previous cut. Offer the coped cut to the counter-piece and check the profile fit. Wrap sandpaper around a chisel handle to further fit if necessary or use a rasp." }, { "docid": "7252034", "title": "-", "text": "Like other molluscs cephalopods have got a radula or rasp tongue to rasp their food to pieces. In addition to that they also have a beak made out of horn, like that of a parrot, with which the prey is cut to pieces before being swallowed." }, { "docid": "1653821", "title": "Grater", "text": "A flat heavy duty grater is typically larger than the hand grater and is held steady with one hand while the food is moved across the surface of the grater, instead of the grater being moved across the food. It consists of a single panel with grating holes and rasp protrusions to use for the grating." }, { "docid": "8269301", "title": "-", "text": "n. 1. A coarse file with sharp, pointed projections. 2. The act of filing with a rasp.. 1. A coarse file with sharp, pointed projections. 2. The act of filing with a rasp." }, { "docid": "5787839", "title": "Whale shark Facts", "text": "Whale shark has 4.9 feet wide mouth with 4000 teeth arranged in 350 rows. Although this sounds scary, teeth are very small (size of a match head) and look like a rasp. Whale sharks live in the open water and swim near the surface of the water. Whale shark is not a fast swimmer. It swims 3 miles per hour. Whale sharks have a skeleton made of cartilage instead of bones. Cartilage is flexible and tough, but it easily decays after death." }, { "docid": "8062792", "title": "-", "text": "Build Your Own. Sharing the same “718” prefix as its Boxster brother, the Cayman also shares the award as a 10Best winner. Despite more-powerful turbo fours (there is a base 300-hp 2.0-liter and a 350-hp 2.5-liter in the S) with increased torque, the legendary Porsche flat-six rasp of yore is gone—and we miss it." }, { "docid": "2337938", "title": "Essential Tire Repair Tools and Supplies", "text": "1 When you get a puncture in a tire, the first thing to do is remove the foreign object. 2 Pliers are a great way to do that. 3 T-handle insert tool. 4 there are usually two t-handle tools in a tire repair kit: the rasp tool and the needle insertion tool. When you get a puncture in a tire, the first thing to do is remove the foreign object. 2 Pliers are a great way to do that. 3 T-handle insert tool. 4 there are usually two t-handle tools in a tire repair kit: the rasp tool and the needle insertion tool." }, { "docid": "1055371", "title": "-", "text": "Ranger Assessment and Selection 1, known as RASP 1, is the gateway for entry into the 75th Ranger Regiment." }, { "docid": "133246", "title": "Ranger Assessment and Selection Program", "text": "As of January 2010, the 4-week Ranger Indoctrination Program (RIP) has become RASP (Ranger Assessment and Selection Program) and is now 8 weeks long. There are two separate phases in the RASP program." }, { "docid": "133240", "title": "Rasping Nasal Dorsum After Rhinoplasty?", "text": "The nose is composed of 3 aesthetic units: the upper bony vault, the middle cartilagenous vault, and the cartilagenous tip. A rasp is used to lower the bone of the upper aesthetic unit. It does not effect cartilage. The junction between the upper and middle units demands a symmetrical adjustment of the bone and cartilage components." }, { "docid": "7491729", "title": "How to Turn Off Write Protection on an SD Card", "text": "Turn off write protection by placing a piece of cellophane tape across the notch if sliding the tab doesn't work. Be very careful to only tape the notch and not the contact points. If the tab is broken or missing, place a piece of cellophane tape across the opening where the tab should be.rasp the SD card with the gold contact points facing you. Note the position of the tiny white write-protection tab on the right-hand side. The write protection is turned on if the tab is close to the contact points." }, { "docid": "2337933", "title": "Essential Tire Repair Tools and Supplies", "text": "If you are going to fix a flat tire, you will need the right tire repair tools to do the job. A punctured tire can leave you stranded on the side of the road waiting for help unless you are in possession of the necessary hardware.On list that follows are the tools needed to plug a tire. When you get a puncture in a tire, the first thing to do is remove the foreign object. 2 Pliers are a great way to do that. 3 T-handle insert tool. 4 there are usually two t-handle tools in a tire repair kit: the rasp tool and the needle insertion tool." }, { "docid": "6599948", "title": "raspberry", "text": "[1615–25; earlier rasp raspberry (appar. back formation from synonymous raspis, perhaps identical with raspis, late Middle English raspise, rospeys a kind of sweet wine, Medieval Latin raspecia, of uncertain orig.) + berry; (definition 4) by shortening of raspberry tart, rhyming slang for fart]" }, { "docid": "8269298", "title": "rasp", "text": "rasp. 1. to scrape or abrade with or as if with a rough instrument. 2. to grate upon or irritate: The sound rasped his nerves. 3. to utter with a grating sound: to rasp out an order. 4. to scrape or grate.. 1. A coarse file with sharp, pointed projections. 2. The act of filing with a rasp." }, { "docid": "7174701", "title": "get", "text": "Continuously clearing your throat like that is starting to get to me. Synonyms of get aggravate, annoy, bother, bug, burn (up), chafe, eat, exasperate, frost, gall, grate, gripe, hack (off), irk, irritate, nettle, peeve, persecute, pique, put out, rasp, rile, ruffle, spite, vex" }, { "docid": "2180467", "title": "All About Rasps and Rifflers in Woodworking", "text": "For more information on the history and design of rasps, click here. A rasp is a piece of steel with little teeth cut in all over the surface of the tool. Rasps superficially resemble files, which have long teeth running the width of the file. Files are very useful and popular tools, but their woodworking use is mostly restricted to sharpening woodworking tools." }, { "docid": "1609863", "title": "-", "text": "One owl even makes a rasp that sounds like a rattlesnake. Owls make different sounds for different reasons. An owl hoots to claim its territory and to attract a mate. They talk to warn their enemies, court mates, and to call other owls. A male barn owl chants: whee-tuh...whee-tuh... whee-tuh... to court a mate." }, { "docid": "6705452", "title": "How to Turn Off a Sprinkler Solenoid Valve", "text": "1 Most sprinkler systems also have a manual master valve that controls water to all the zones. 2 Turn off this valve if the solenoid valve needs to be replaced, or to shut the water off at the end of the season.3 Solenoid valves are often hard to find. 4 They are usually contained inside a plastic box just below ground level.rasp the body of the solenoid firmly and turn it counterclockwise at least a quarter turn. This turns the the valve on if it is off but is also necessary as a first step to turn off a valve manually that has been activated by the control box." }, { "docid": "8550274", "title": "Hypostomus plecostomus", "text": "Hypostomus plecostomus is named for its sucker-like mouth, which allows it to adhere to a surface, as well as to hold and rasp at food. [citation needed] This omnivorous species feeds on algae, aquatic plants, and small crustaceans." }, { "docid": "4446323", "title": "The Wayfarers Brotherhood", "text": "The Wayfarers Brotherhood. Morden Rasp is an independent man, not the sort of man to follow the lead of others. Independence, while a highly valued trait among the society of the Northmen, is not so well liked by the leadership of the White Rose." }, { "docid": "7491728", "title": "How to Turn Off Write Protection on an SD Card", "text": "Instructions. Grasp the SD card with the gold contact points facing you. Note the position of the tiny white write-protection tab on the right-hand side. The write protection is turned on if the tab is close to the contact points.Slide the tab away from the contact points in order to turn off write protection.rasp the SD card with the gold contact points facing you. Note the position of the tiny white write-protection tab on the right-hand side. The write protection is turned on if the tab is close to the contact points." } ]
can i take chanca piedra with a inflamed gallbladder
[ { "docid": "2118576", "title": "-", "text": "Chanca Piedra is also used in herbal medicine for gallstones and one study indicates that Chanca Piedra has an effect on gallbladder processes. Gallstones form when cholesterol and bile pigments become so concentrated that they form lumps inside the gallbladder." } ]
[ { "docid": "6523961", "title": "-", "text": "CHANCA PIEDRA Overview Information. Chanca piedra is an herb. The whole plant is used to make medicine. Chanca piedra is used for various disorders of the urinary tract including infections, pain and swelling (inflammation), kidney stones, and discharge from the urethra or vagina. Hepatitis B. Taking chanca piedra by mouth for 1-6 weeks does not improve hepatitis B symptoms, decrease the duration of acute hepatitis B, or decrease markers of hepatitis B present in the blood." }, { "docid": "4472545", "title": "-", "text": "Yes, you can get help with your gallbladder problem and there are alternatives to gallbladder surgery. There is hope! GALLBLADDER ATTACKS can be both very painful and frightening." }, { "docid": "3032404", "title": "Diet after gallbladder removal", "text": "After consuming food, the gallbladder releases stored bile into the small intestine. Bile plays a vital role in the process of digestion of fat and once it is in the intestine, it gets mixed with food and fat. After gallbladder removal surgery, bile is no longer stored and it flows freely into the intestine after being produced by the liver. Even though there is not as much bile as there used to be before the gallbladder was removed, the food and fat are still mixed with bile. A person whose gallbladder was removed does not need to worry too much about the intake of fat. Gallbladder Removal Procedure. A surgical removal of the gallbladder is medically called cholecystectomy." }, { "docid": "5384269", "title": "How do gallstones form?", "text": "Gallstones form in your gallbladder in much the same way that a pearl forms in an oyster. The role of the gallbladder is to concentrate and store bile, a digestive fluid that is made in your liver and released into your gallbladder." }, { "docid": "1246679", "title": "How to Use Chanca Piedra", "text": "Home > Feel Good > Wellness > How to Use Chanca Piedra. Chanca Piedra is a small plant found in the Amazon rainforest. With a name that literally means “break stone,” this beneficial herb has been used for centuries to break up kidney and gall stones." }, { "docid": "6165761", "title": "What Kinds of Foods Should You Eat When You Don't Have a Gallbladder?", "text": "Fish and other healthy foods are good choices after gall bladder surgery. Your gallbladder, a small sac located underneath your liver, stores and releases bile to help you digest fats.If you have a tendency toward developing gallstones, hard aggregations of cholesterol or calcium that can block the opening of the gallbladder, you might require surgery to remove the gallbladder.Certain foods may be preferable and some may be better to avoid after gallbladder surgery.f you are like most people, your body probably manufactures far more cholesterol than you consume in your diet. Since you no longer have a gallbladder and don't have to be concerned about gallstone formation, you may not need to curb your cholesterol intake for the purpose of preventing gallstones." }, { "docid": "7515776", "title": "\" What does the gall bladder do? \"", "text": "If the gallbladder is removed, this is generally well tolerated in humans as the gallbladder only functions to store bile and does not necessarily have an impact on any critical organ functioning. In such a case when the gallbladder is removed, bile is secreted directly from the liver into the small intestine." }, { "docid": "3028474", "title": "Chronic Cholecystitis", "text": "Cholecystitis is the sudden inflammation of your gallbladder. If this condition persists over time, such as for months, with repeated attacks, or if there are recurrent problems with gallbladder function, it’s known as chronic cholecystitis. The gallbladder is a small, pear-shaped organ located on the underside of your liver." }, { "docid": "149983", "title": "Non-Surgical Treatments for Gallstones", "text": "Sometimes, bile contents crystallize and form gallstones. Gallstones, which can be as small as a grain of salt or as large as a golf ball, can cause some serious problems. They can block ducts inside the organ, causing the gallbladder to become inflamed.f you have gallbladder symptoms, surgical treatments are preferred unless you are at high risk, and then drug treatments may be utilized. Gallstones: Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy. Another non-surgical treatment for which gallstones must meet certain criteria is extracorporeal shock-wave lithotripsy (ESWL)." }, { "docid": "6190763", "title": "inflamed liver causes, symptoms, treatment & diet", "text": "Inflamed liver means when liver become inflamed due to virus or other infections agent. Inflamed liver is one of the common liver diseases. The liver is largest internal organ into body, and liver become enlarge due to liver inflammation.The liver plays an important role in cellular process in the body.nflamed liver symptoms. These symptoms are visible when a patient suffers from inflamed liver. Inflamed liver symptoms are given below: 1. At the right bottom area of the rib cage swelling and tenderness felt. 2. Vomiting. 3. Loss of appetite after inflamed liver. 4. Joint pain. 5. Liver become swelling." }, { "docid": "2750065", "title": "-", "text": "Front View of the Gallbladder. The gallbladder is a small pouch that sits just under the liver. The gallbladder stores bile produced by the liver. After meals, the gallbladder is empty and flat, like a deflated balloon. Before a meal, the gallbladder may be full of bile and about the size of a small pear. Ultrasound is an excellent test for gallstones and to check the gallbladder wall. 2 HIDA scan (cholescintigraphy): In this nuclear medicine test, radioactive dye is injected intravenously and is secreted into the bile. 3 Cholecystitis is likely if the scan shows bile doesn’t make it from the liver into the gallbladder." }, { "docid": "6217008", "title": "Understanding Prostate Changes: A Health Guide for Men", "text": "Most gallstones don't cause symptoms for a long time. If they remain in the gallbladder, they may never cause symptoms. However, sometimes large stones can break down the wall of the gallbladder and get into the intestines causing a blockage." }, { "docid": "2914380", "title": "Overview", "text": "If you’ve had your gallbladder removed, your liver will still make enough bile to digest your food but, instead of being stored in the gallbladder, the bile drips continuously from your liver into your intestine." }, { "docid": "797173", "title": "Gallbladder", "text": "From the cystic duct, bile is pushed into the gallbladder by peristalsis (muscle contractions that occur in orderly waves). Bile is then slowly concentrated by absorption of water through the walls of the gallbladder. The gallbladder stores this concentrated bile until it is needed to digest the next meal." }, { "docid": "6978278", "title": "Foods to Eat When You Have Gallstones", "text": "Sometimes, a gallstone will get into the duct, which causes a gallbladder attack and pain. So the more food you eat that causes the gallbladder to squeeze bile out, the greater your chances of having a gallbladder attack. Learning which foods to avoid may reduce this risk. Jupiterimages/Comstock/Getty Images." }, { "docid": "6518565", "title": "Gallbladder Pain (Gall Bladder Pain)", "text": "Gallbladder pain definition. Gallbladder pain is an all-inclusive term used to describe any pain due to disease related to the gallbladder. The major gallbladder problems that produce gallbladder pain are biliary colic, cholecystitis, gallstones, pancreatitis, and ascending cholangitis. A brief review of the gallbladder anatomy and function may help readers better understand gallbladder pain. The gallbladder is connected to the liver via ducts that supply bile to the gallbladder for storage." }, { "docid": "6301014", "title": "What side is your gallbladder on?", "text": "Best Answer: The gall bladdder is underneath your liver. In most people the liver is on the right side, so the gallbladder is on the right side. Actually if you have pain from your gallbladder either from Cholecystitis (gallbladder infection) or gall stones, usually the pain radiates to your back and upper shoulders.(my wife had gallstones and I'm an MD). If you have pain in your righjt side, then one would think of appendicitis, or gas.ctually if you have pain from your gallbladder either from Cholecystitis (gallbladder infection) or gall stones, usually the pain radiates to your back and upper shoulders. (my wife had gallstones and I'm an MD). If you have pain in your righjt side, then one would think of appendicitis, or gas." }, { "docid": "8208683", "title": "What Are the Symptoms of Gallbladder Failure?", "text": "The gallbladder secretes bile which helps breakdown fats in the digestive tract. This bile comes from the liver to the gallbladder and then on to the stomach. If the tubes from the liver become blocked from the formation of stones, gallbladder symptoms such as acid reflux, nausea and vomiting can arise until the stones dissolve or pass." }, { "docid": "8668669", "title": "9 Types of Foods That Trigger Gallbladder Attacks", "text": "9 Types of Foods That Trigger Gallbladder Attacks The gallbladder is a small pear-shaped organ beneath the liver that stores bile after it's secreted from the liver, and the gallbladder serves as a reservoir for bile before it's released into the intestine for digestion of fat." }, { "docid": "3626987", "title": "Picture of the Gallbladder", "text": "Front View of the Gallbladder. The gallbladder is a small pouch that sits just under the liver. The gallbladder stores bile produced by the liver. After meals, the gallbladder is empty and flat, like a deflated balloon. Before a meal, the gallbladder may be full of bile and about the size of a small pear. In response to signals, the gallbladder squeezes stored bile into the small intestine through a series of tubes called ducts. Bile helps digest fats, but the gallbladder itself is not essential." }, { "docid": "410582", "title": "-", "text": "A gallstone stuck in the cystic duct , a tube that carries bile from the gallbladder, is most often the cause of sudden (acute) cholecystitis. The gallstone blocks fluid from passing out of the gallbladder. This results in an irritated and swollen gallbladder." }, { "docid": "5910283", "title": "Picture of the Gallbladder", "text": "1 Gallstones (cholelithiasis): For unclear reasons, substances in bile can crystallize in the gallbladder, forming gallstones. 2 Common and usually harmless, gallstones can sometimes cause pain, nausea, or inflammation. 3 Cholecystitis: Inflammation of the gallbladder, often due to a gallstone in the gallbladder.efore a meal, the gallbladder may be full of bile and about the size of a small pear. In response to signals, the gallbladder squeezes stored bile into the small intestine through a series of tubes called ducts." }, { "docid": "1732781", "title": "Gallbladder - Wall Thickening", "text": "Publicationdate February 1, 2006. Thickening of the gallbladder wall is a relatively frequent finding at diagnostic imaging studies. Historically, a thick-walled gallbladder has been regarded as proof of primary gallbladder disease, and it is a well-known hallmark feature of acute cholecystitis." }, { "docid": "27430", "title": "Cholecystitis", "text": "Gangrene and gallbladder rupture. Cholecystitis causes the gallbladder to become distended and firm. Distension can lead to decreased blood flow to the gallbladder, causing tissue death and eventually gangrene. Once tissue has died, the gallbladder is at greatly increased risk of rupture (perforation)." }, { "docid": "731262", "title": "Definitions &Translations", "text": "Bolillo. A bolillo is a type of savory bread traditionally made in Mexico, where it originates, and Central America. In Central America, especially in El Salvador, it is known as pan frances or French bread. It is a variation of the baguette, and is often baked in an horno de piedra." }, { "docid": "3090869", "title": "-", "text": "Chanca piedra is a plant found in the Amazon rainforests and other tropical areas. It can grow to a height of 30-40 centimeters.Chanca piedra has a history in herbal medicine. It has been used to treat bacterial infections, diabetes, hepatitis, high blood pressure, liver diseases, and viral infections, as well as bile duct, intestine, liver, stomach, and urinary conditions.t this time, there is a lack of studies to support chanca piedra for any use. Early research suggests its abilities to fight viruses, prevent formation of calculi (mineral stones in organs), protect the liver, and reduce blood sugar and blood pressure. Additional information is needed in these areas." }, { "docid": "3673396", "title": "-", "text": "About Hepatobiliary (HIDA) Scans. A hepatobiliary (HIDA) scan is a nuclear medicine exam in which the patient receives an injection of a radioactive tracer that is taken up by bile-producing cells. The injection is followed by a scan of the gallbladder, liver, and bile ducts. Often a drug (Kinevac) will be given as part of the scan to see how strongly the gallbladder contracts. Alternatively if the gallbladder cannot be seen, then another drug (morphine) may be given to attempt to see the gallbladder. HIDA scans are most commonly used to identify the following: 1 Closed bile ducts." }, { "docid": "2702588", "title": "-", "text": "Recovering from a gallbladder removal. Recovery after keyhole surgery to remove your gallbladder (laparoscopic cholecystectomy) is usually quick. Most people are able to eat and drink and leave hospital on the same day as the surgery." }, { "docid": "112188", "title": "-", "text": "in dogs. PROFILE. Definition. ● Gallbladder mucocele (GBM), a noninflam -. matory condition of the gallbladder character-. ized by abnormal accumulation of mucus, forms a gelatinous accretion in the lumen of. the gallbladder. Systems. ● The gallbladder is the principal organ. affected, but inspissated bile may extend into. the cystic duct and biliary tree, which can. cause obstruction. ● Liver disease is identified in ~50% of dogs. with GBM. ◗ This may be unrelated to GBM, or the liver." }, { "docid": "8593957", "title": "fundi", "text": "fundus of eye the back portion of the interior of the eyeball, visible through the pupil by use of the ophthalmoscope. (See Atlas 4, Part A). fundus of gallbladder the inferior, dilated portion of the gallbladder." } ]
what is a reflex arc
[ { "docid": "588838", "title": "Reflexactions", "text": "in human nervous system: Reflex actions. The anatomical pathway of a reflex is called the reflex arc. It consists of an afferent (or sensory) nerve, usually one or more interneurons within the central nervous system, and an efferent (motor, secretory, or secreto-motor) nerve. Read More." } ]
[ { "docid": "3785250", "title": "Reflexes", "text": "When a reflex arc consists of only two neurons in an animal (one sensory neuron, and one motor neuron), it is defined as monosynaptic. Monosynaptic refers to the presence of a single chemical synapse." }, { "docid": "5182654", "title": "-", "text": "The Stretch Reflex : (See Figure 13.15). The stretch reflex in its simplest form involves only 2 neurons, and is therefore sometimes called a 2-neuron reflex. The two neurons are a sensory and a motor neuron. The sensory neuron is stimulated by stretch (extension) of a muscle.Stretch of a muscle normally happens when its antagonist contracts, or artificially when its tendon is stretched, as in the knee jerk reflex.he stretch and tendon reflexes complement one another. When one muscle is stretching and stimulating the stretch reflex, its antagonist is contracting and stimulating the tendon reflex. The two reflexes cause the same responses thus enhancing one another." }, { "docid": "5411623", "title": "-", "text": "yugioh arc v arc v episode reactions arc v analysis arc v episode 148 yuya sakaki yuto yugo yuri arc v yuzu hiragi serena ruri kurosaki rin zarc ray akaba leo akaba jean michel roger academia fusion dimension the city synchro dimension heartland xyz dimension." }, { "docid": "3352013", "title": "Achilles reflex", "text": "Achilles reflex. n. A reflex bending of the foot resulting from contraction of the calf muscles when the Achilles tendon is sharply struck. Also called Achilles jerk, Achilles tendon reflex, ankle reflex, triceps surae reflex.An abrupt plantar jerk of the ankle, evoked by tapping the Achilles tendon with an unrestricted forefoot.nal reflex contraction of the anal sphincter on irritation of the anal skin. ankle reflex Achilles reflex. auditory reflex any reflex caused by stimulation of the vestibulocochlear nerve; especially momentary closure of both eyes produced by a sudden sound. Babinski reflex see babinski reflex." }, { "docid": "5404026", "title": "-", "text": "Mentioned in? 1 acquired reflex. 2 baroreflex. 3 bulbomimic reflex. 4 consensual reflex. 5 deep reflex. 6 dorsal reflex. 7 erector spinae reflex. 8 kinetic reflex. 9 near reflex. 10 oculocardiac reflex. 11 pain medicine. 12 supraorbital reflex. 13 tonic labyrinthine reflex. 14 withdrawal reflex." }, { "docid": "2322841", "title": "What is the Golgi Tendon Organ?", "text": "@artyest-The golgi tendon organ is stretching between the muscle and the tendon. It forms the junction. The arc describes the process of stretch reflex. When the golgi organ pulls on the muscle and tendon, the tendom reflex occurs because the spinal cord, and then from the spinal cord back to the muscle belly.he Golgi tendon organ is where skeletal muscle meets tendons. The Golgi tendon organ contains nerve tissues. The Golgi tendon organ is a sensory organ." }, { "docid": "7076044", "title": "-", "text": "Define contralateral reflex. contralateral reflex synonyms, contralateral reflex pronunciation, contralateral reflex translation, English dictionary definition of contralateral reflex. adj. 1. Physiology Being an involuntary action or response, such as a sneeze, blink, or hiccup. 2. Produced as an automatic response or reaction: reflex..." }, { "docid": "2095018", "title": "Arc lamp", "text": "An arc lamp or arc light is a lamp that produces light by an electric arc (also called a voltaic arc). The carbon arc light, which consists of an arc between carbon electrodes in air, invented by Humphry Davy in the first decade of the 1800s, was the first practical electric light.he term is now used to refer to gas discharge lamps, which produce light by an arc between metal electrodes through an inert gas in a glass bulb. The common fluorescent lamp is a low-pressure mercury arc lamp." }, { "docid": "1130498", "title": "Medical Definition of Babinski reflex", "text": "A Babinski reflex in an older child or an adult is abnormal and is a sign of a problem in the brain or spinal cord. A Babinski reflex that is present on one side but not the other is also abnormal, and it can indicate which side of the brain is involved. Babinski reflex in an older child or an adult is abnormal and is a sign of a problem in the brain or spinal cord. A Babinski reflex that is present on one side but not the other is also abnormal, and it can indicate which side of the brain is involved." }, { "docid": "4017295", "title": "Circle", "text": "The circumference of a full circle is actually an arc of 360 degrees. An arc defined by two rays is a fractional part of a circle. For example, the measure of an arc defined by a quarter of a circle is simply a quarter of 360 = 90 degrees." }, { "docid": "911946", "title": "-", "text": "The corneal reflex is driven by the autonomic nervous system and is not controlled by the human desire/thought process. This means that the spasm/ corneal reflex is involuntary, and will occur no matter how much a person is trying not to. The corneal reflex is a good method of determining if a patient is “faking” a seizure or not." }, { "docid": "7832441", "title": "-", "text": "In summary, an arc is a part of a circle's edge, or circumference. When two points are identified on a circle, the shorter arc is the minor arc and the larger one is the major arc. The measure of an arc is the degree of the angle that intercepts the arc. Remember that the measure of an arc is a degree, not a distance." }, { "docid": "1701608", "title": "Pharyngeal reflex", "text": "Pharyngeal reflex. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The pharyngeal reflex or gag reflex (also known as a laryngeal spasm) is a reflex contraction of the back of the throat, evoked by touching the roof of the mouth, the back of the tongue, the area around the tonsils and the back of the throat.bout a third of healthy adults do not have a gag reflex. However, in certain cases, absence of the gag reflex and pharyngeal sensation can be a symptom of a number of severe medical conditions, such as damage to the glossopharyngeal nerve, the vagus nerve, or brain death." }, { "docid": "2026423", "title": "reflex arc", "text": "reflex arc. Definitions: 1. the route followed by nerve impulses in the production of a reflex act, from the peripheral receptor organ through the afferent nerve to the central nervous system synapse and then through the efferent nerve to the effector organ.2. a neural pathway that involes both the peripheral and central nervous systems.. the route followed by nerve impulses in the production of a reflex act, from the peripheral receptor organ through the afferent nerve to the central nervous system synapse and then through the efferent nerve to the effector organ. 2. a neural pathway that involes both the peripheral and central nervous systems." }, { "docid": "1462765", "title": "-", "text": "Involuntary action. An involuntary action is one which occurs without the conscious choice of an organism. A reaction in response to a stimulus that is mediated via the reflex arc is known in physiology as a reflex, but the word reflex is also used informally for those involuntary responses that originate in the brain. Involuntary actions are opposite of voluntary actions that occur because of choice." }, { "docid": "6243517", "title": "REFLEX ACTION AND REFLEX ARC", "text": "Reflex arc is the path followed by nerve impulses to produce the reflex action. It usually includes receptor organ, afferent nerve, nerve center, efferent nerve, effector organ or a muscle. ex-. Reflex actions are sudden responses, which do not involve any thinking.EFLEX ACTION. The involuntary functioning or movement of any organ or body part in response to a particular stimulus which occurs in very short duration of time(within a second usually) and does not involve will or any thinking of brain is called reflex action. ex-." }, { "docid": "1489988", "title": "Infant reflexes", "text": "Definition. A reflex is a muscle reaction that happens automatically in response to stimulation. Certain sensations or movements produce specific muscle responses.Primitive reflexes; Reflexes in infants; Tonic neck reflex; Galant reflex; Truncal incurvation; Rooting reflex; Parachute reflex; Grasp reflex.efinition. A reflex is a muscle reaction that happens automatically in response to stimulation. Certain sensations or movements produce specific muscle responses." }, { "docid": "2217626", "title": "The Pathway of a Nerve Impulse", "text": "Following either Simple Reflex Arc response, or processing by the brain, neural instructions may be sent via a motor neurone to an effector (that is usually a muscle or gland). In this way, the effector is instructed to take action.ollowing either Simple Reflex Arc response, or processing by the brain, neural instructions may be sent via a motor neurone to an effector (that is usually a muscle or gland). In this way, the effector is instructed to take action." }, { "docid": "2026428", "title": "-", "text": "noun. The nerve pathway involved in a reflex action, including at its simplest a sensory nerve and a motor nerve with a synapse between. Example sentences. 1 The changes in the blood vessel and local hemodynamics could be mediated via a reflex arc, consisting of somatic afferent and autonomic efferent components.2 These relaxations are vagally mediated, but the reflex arc that produces them can be affected by stimulation of other receptors.xample sentences. 1 The changes in the blood vessel and local hemodynamics could be mediated via a reflex arc, consisting of somatic afferent and autonomic efferent components." }, { "docid": "7618201", "title": "Island arc", "text": "The Ryukyu Islands form an island arc. An island arc is a type of archipelago, often composed of a chain of volcanoes, with arc-shaped alignment, situated parallel and close to a boundary between two converging tectonic plates.here is some debate about the usefulness of the distinction between island arcs and volcanic arcs. The term volcanic island arc is merely a sub-classification of island arc.. Island arcs are tectonically created arc-shaped mountain belts that are partly below sea level." }, { "docid": "3175310", "title": "-", "text": "(synonym) vomiting, emesis, regurgitation, disgorgement, puking (hypernym) reflex, instinctive reflex, innate reflex, inborn reflex, unconditioned reflex, physiological reaction (hyponym) rumination (derivation) vomit up, purge, cast, sick, cat, be sick, disgorge, regorge, retch, puke, barf, spew, spue, chuck, upchuck, honk, regurgitate, throw up" }, { "docid": "180751", "title": "Welding Terms Glossary", "text": "The voltage across the welding arc. arc welding (AW). A group of welding. processes which produces coalescence of metal. by heating them with an arc, with or without the. application of pressure and with or without the. use of filler metal. as-welded." }, { "docid": "7976370", "title": "Physical Assessment - Chapter 8 Neurological System", "text": "To assess deep tendon reflexes: 1 Encourage the patient to relax the arm or leg being tested. 2 Position the arm or leg so the appropriate tendon is slightly stretched. 3 Hold the reflex hammer lightly and swing it freely in an arc. 4 Strike the tendon with a brisk downward stroke, then lift up on the hammer immediately." }, { "docid": "8097763", "title": "Is there a way to test your gag reflex without making yourself puke?", "text": "is there a way to test your gag reflex without making yourself puke? i was telling my friends about this girl who told me she didn&#39;t have a gag reflex and one of my friends said she had a gag reflex but it was really hard to trigger one of my friends said she had one and another said she didn&#39;t and i realized that i was the only one of my friends that..." }, { "docid": "3816907", "title": "Absent Ciliospinal reflex", "text": "Absent Ciliospinal reflex: Introduction. Absent Ciliospinal reflex: Loss of pupillary dilatation in response to pressure applied on the neck. See detailed information below for a list of 5 causes of Absent Ciliospinal reflex, Symptom Checker, including diseases and drug side effect causes.onditions listing medical symptoms: Absent Ciliospinal reflex: The following list of conditions have ' Absent Ciliospinal reflex ' or similar listed as a symptom in our database. This computer-generated list may be inaccurate or incomplete. Always seek prompt professional medical advice about the cause of any symptom." }, { "docid": "2958973", "title": "Acoustic reflex", "text": "The acoustic stapedius reflex can also be recorded by means of extratympanic manometry (ETM). As the stapedius muscle is innervated by the facial nerve, a measurement of the reflex can be used to locate the injury on the nerve. If the injury is distal to the stapedius muscle, the reflex is still functional." }, { "docid": "3816911", "title": "Pupillary light reflex", "text": "The pupillary light reflex (PLR) is a reflex that controls the diameter of the pupil, in response to the intensity (luminance) of light that falls on the retinal ganglion cells of the eye, thereby assisting in adaptation to various levels of lightness/darkness.he pupillary light reflex (PLR) is a reflex that controls the diameter of the pupil, in response to the intensity (luminance) of light that falls on the retinal ganglion cells of the eye, thereby assisting in adaptation to various levels of lightness/darkness." }, { "docid": "7466935", "title": "-", "text": "If the circle is divided into two unequal parts, the smaller arc is called the minor arc and the larger arc is called the major arc. Center (of a Circle) - The point inside the circle that is the same distance from all points on the circle." }, { "docid": "4137626", "title": "reflex", "text": "The sensory side of the reflex arc conveys specificity as to which reflex will be activated. The remainder of the reflex response is governed by the specific synaptic connections that lead to the effector neurons. A familiar reflex is the knee-jerk or stretch reflex.It involves the patellar (kneecap) tendon and a group of upper leg muscles.he term “reflex” is also applied to other reactions, even though the central nervous system is not involved, for example, axon reflexes and local reflexes executed by the peripheral nervous system." }, { "docid": "8108810", "title": "Air Circuit Breaker Air Blast Circuit Breaker", "text": "This circuit breaker increases the arc voltage by mainly three different ways, 1 It may increase the arc voltage by cooling the arc plasma. As the temperature of arc plasma is decreased, the mobility of the particle in arc plasma is reduced; hence more voltage gradient is required to maintain the arc." } ]
what is a rita municipality
[ { "docid": "4660282", "title": "Who is RITA and why am I paying her taxes?", "text": "RITA (Regional Income Tax Agency), is an income tax (in addition to the state and county tax) that is based on the city in which you reside AND the city in which you work (which are two different cities for most people).his is just one of the many nuances of NE Ohio taxes that could surprise newcomers (more on RITA below). Every state has a unique tax structure and depending on what city you are moving from, Ohio’s taxes may be more or less than what you are used to paying." } ]
[ { "docid": "7120757", "title": "Cary, North Carolina", "text": "Cary, North Carolina. Cary /ˈkæri/ is the seventh-largest municipality in North Carolina. Cary is in Wake and Chatham counties in the U.S. state of North Carolina. Located almost entirely in Wake County, it is the county's second-largest municipality and the third-largest municipality in The Triangle after Raleigh and Durham." }, { "docid": "4249667", "title": "Edam, Netherlands", "text": "Combined with Volendam, Edam forms the municipality of Edam-Volendam. Approximately 7,380 people live in Edam. The entire municipality of Edam-Volendam has 28,492 inhabitants. The name Edam originates from a dam on the little river E or IJe where the first settlement was located and which was therefore called IJedam. Edam is famous as the original source of the cheese with the same name." }, { "docid": "4166325", "title": "-", "text": "The premium is kept on deposit with the municipality for up to fiveyears. If the tax sale certificate is not redeemed, or the property foreclosed upon within the five year period, then thepremium escheats to the municipality." }, { "docid": "7779621", "title": "Meaning of Indian name: Rita", "text": "Meaning of Indian name: Rita. Meaning of the name Rita is 'Way of life'. Rita is a name of Hindu / Indian origin, and is commonly used for females. The name number for Rita is '3'. Click here to get the numerological analysis for the name 'Rita'." }, { "docid": "8344099", "title": "The Style Essentials--Femme Fatale Rita Hayworth Puts the Blame in 1946's GILDA", "text": "The Style Essentials--Femme Fatale Rita Hayworth Puts the Blame in 1946's GILDA. There are some movies that are so sexy and sizzle no matter how often you see them, and Charles Vidor's 1946 classic Gilda is definitely one." }, { "docid": "3017924", "title": "municipality", "text": "The Balassoco company works as the town's municipality, which makes local elections interesting as I feel awkward as a non-patron." }, { "docid": "2716938", "title": "Taxation in Norway", "text": "Taxation in Norway is levied by the central government, the county municipality (fylkeskommune) and the municipality (kommune). In 2012 the total tax revenue was 42.2% of the gross domestic product (GDP).Many direct and indirect taxes exist.axation in Norway is levied by the central government, the county municipality (fylkeskommune) and the municipality (kommune). In 2012 the total tax revenue was 42.2% of the gross domestic product (GDP). Many direct and indirect taxes exist." }, { "docid": "164471", "title": "-", "text": "The Town of Gypsum is the Home Rule Municipality that is the most populous municipality in Eagle County, Colorado, United States. The population was 6,477 at the 2010 census." }, { "docid": "5725093", "title": "-", "text": "Freebase (0.00 / 0 votes) Rate this definition: Dalen. Dalen is an old village and a former municipality in the northeastern Netherlands, in the province of Drenthe. Since 1998, Dalen has been part of the municipality of Coevorden. There are many shops and restaurants, bakeries and a pub called the D'aolle Bakkerij." }, { "docid": "3634622", "title": "Constanza, Dominican Republic", "text": "Constanza, Dominican Republic. Constanza is a town and municipality in La Vega Province, Dominican Republic." }, { "docid": "1980578", "title": "Thinking about my death is the best cure for anxiety. Trust me, it works", "text": "Singer Rita Ora has revealed that she has a fear of dying and seeks therapy for the condition. Daisy Buchanan, who has also suffered from death anxiety, explains how it can actually be a powerful weapon. When we were little, my sister (then aged three) and I (four) were obsessed with He-Man and She-Ra." }, { "docid": "457651", "title": "List of municipalities in Nova Scotia", "text": "Nova Scotia has three regional municipalities. The largest regional municipality by population is Halifax, which is the capital and largest municipality of Nova Scotia by population. Halifax's 403,131 residents represent 7001440000000000000♠44% of the total population of the province." }, { "docid": "554269", "title": "Municipality", "text": "A municipality can be any political jurisdiction from a sovereign state, such as the Principality of Monaco, or a small village, such as West Hampton Dunes, New York." }, { "docid": "7109570", "title": "-", "text": "Rita Dove Poet Laureate, Pulitzer prize winner, recipient of National Medal of Arts, National Humanities Medal, and professor of English at The University of Virginia. Date of Interview:" }, { "docid": "4269891", "title": "Replicas of Michelangelo's David", "text": "1 In 1995, a replica of David was offered as a gift by the municipality of Florence to the municipality of Jerusalem to mark the 3,000th anniversary of David's conquest of the city." }, { "docid": "415918", "title": "Definitions &Translations", "text": "Freebase(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Damme is a municipality located in the Belgian province of West Flanders, six kilometres northeast of Brugge. The municipality comprises the city of Damme proper and the villages of Hoeke, Lapscheure, Moerkerke, Oostkerke, Sijsele, Vivenkapelle, and Sint-Rita." }, { "docid": "4660278", "title": "-", "text": "RITA continues to experience extraordinary growth throughout the State of Ohio. Click on a municipality to link to more information, such as tax ordinances and special requirements for filing tax returns.ITA continues to experience extraordinary growth throughout the State of Ohio. Click on a municipality to link to more information, such as tax ordinances and special requirements for filing tax returns." }, { "docid": "5810315", "title": "Learn How To Start a Campground From Someone Who Did It", "text": "“To start a campground — and this is hard to believe — it’s about $15,000 to put in a site. That’s what a friend of ours – a campground engineer — told us.”. The cost for permits varies from municipality to municipality. In the state of Pennsylvania, this was not always the case." }, { "docid": "3394463", "title": "Rita Repulsa", "text": "On February 2, 2016, it was announced that Elizabeth Banks would portray Rita Repulsa in the reboot. Rita is the former Green Ranger, with her character now seeking to harness the Ranger's power source. People released a promotional photo of the actress in character on April 19, 2016." }, { "docid": "5722155", "title": "Property Taxes:", "text": "Property tax is administered and collected by local governments, with assistance from the SCDOR. Real and personal property are subject to the tax. Approximately two-thirds of county-levied property taxes are used to support public education. Municipalities levy a tax on property situated within the limits of the municipality for services provided by the municipality. The tax is paid by individuals, corporations, partnerships, etc. who own property within the state." }, { "docid": "441094", "title": "(logo) Attorneys' Title Guaranty Fund Inc.", "text": "Start an Order. When a municipality seeks to buy or sell real estate, issues arise as to whether the municipality has the authority to do so, whether the real property is acquired for a proper purpose, what procedures must be followed when real estate is bought or sold, and the method municipalities use to finance an acquisition of real estate." }, { "docid": "1441861", "title": "-", "text": "SECTION 1: Amend Chapter 290 of the Code of the Municipality of Monroeville, §290-1, Standards adopted by reference, to read as follows: A certain document, three copies of which are on file in the office of the Department of. Community Development of the Municipality of Monroeville, being marked and." }, { "docid": "1073725", "title": "City Council", "text": "Our mission is to establish a municipal government that will be the most responsive and most responsible to the needs and desires of the people of this municipality, both now and in the future (City of Warren Charter)." }, { "docid": "5517577", "title": "-", "text": "The procedure to get Birth Certificate starts with the search of Deaths and Births records at concerned Municipality office based on the place of birth and applicant’s date of birth. The search is required to find whether the birth is registered at the Municipality office or not." }, { "docid": "4431223", "title": "-", "text": "Rita Katz‏Verified account @Rita_Katz Apr 7. Replying to @Rita_Katz. 4) #FSA statement: #SyriaStrikes “first step in the right direction…responsibility of the US is still great &doesn’t stop at this operation”." }, { "docid": "7634016", "title": "-", "text": "Places. 1 Hov, Faroe Islands, a village located on the island of Suðuroy. 2 Hov, Norway, in Oppland county. 3 Hov Church, in Sunndalsøra in Sunndal municipality, Møre og Romsdal county, Norway. Hov or Hou, a village in Odder Municipality on the East coast of Jutland, Denmark." }, { "docid": "7886032", "title": "Tax Tables", "text": "2015 Town and County Tax Rates. The table below outlines County, City and Town Tax Rates by specific municipality. They are used in the compilation of your annual bill excluding any special districts. Municipality." }, { "docid": "8553279", "title": "-", "text": "Rita Dove's play, The Darker Face of the Earth The U.S. edition of the play is out of print at this time. If you need a copy, please check your local library or interlibrary loan services." }, { "docid": "2884266", "title": "-", "text": "Page Content. General Character: · Dunbar Township is a predominantly rural municipality that is bisected by development along the Rt. 119 corridor. The concentration of development in the central portion of the Municipality consists of a variety of uses including residential, commercial, highway commercial and light industrial uses." }, { "docid": "4478269", "title": "Was Bryan Cranston's Zordon An Original Power Ranger?", "text": "The upcoming Power Rangers reboot is taking a new approach in a visual sense, but it's also making some changes to the character's histories, including Rita Repulsa and Zordon. There are theories that suggest Rita Repulsa (played by Elizabeth Banks) was actually at one time the Green Ranger, and somewhere along the way turned to the side of evil." } ]
what is a roof ridge
[ { "docid": "391397", "title": "Roofing Terms Glossary", "text": "The ridge of a sloped roof system is the horizontal top area where two sloped roof areas meet. The National Roofing Contractors Association defines ridge as Highest point on a roof, represented by a horizontal line where two roof areas intersect, running the length of the area.. The ridge area on sloped roof systems should be capped to ensure a watertight roof system as well as aesthetic appeal." } ]
[ { "docid": "5465701", "title": "Ventilating Metal Roofs Protecting Your Investment", "text": "Ridge vents are installed at the ridgeline of the roof, and cap shingles or cap components are placed on top of the vent. Metal roofs have topped barns, buildings and country homes in the United States since the 1700s. But today's metal roof is nothing like the familiar standing-seam tin roof of years ago." }, { "docid": "2948138", "title": "-", "text": "TILED ROOF FIXER PERTH WA roof repair professionals We are able to resolve your roofing issues, large or small, you have come to the right place. We feel at home on top of buildings, and if you want a tiled roof fixer Perth wide, call us today, on 0450 753 952.OOF REPAIR PERTH PRICES. alfresco floor polish concreting wa tiles costs prices paths. ROOF REPAIR PROFESSIONALS PERTH WA. ridge cap painting pointing repair perth WA. It has and is becoming more common these days 4 some people." }, { "docid": "8776462", "title": "-", "text": "J.B. Robinson Jewelers 550 Chicago Ridge Mall, Chicago Ridge Mall ,A-6, Chicago Ridge, IL 60415 +1 708-425-7550" }, { "docid": "5345820", "title": "Ridge Vents Can Help Let Off Some Steam", "text": "By installing soffit vents behind or above your gutter system, air is then able to enter your attic, and through the natural forces of wind and thermal convection this air then circulates through your attic and exits through the peak of your roof through ridge vents.ow It Works. Ridge vents are also excellent in that there will be no holes in your roof for turbines or other ventilation methods. This makes for a nice, smooth continuous roof, which can be quite striking. To avoid long-term repair costs, a simple way to circulate air through an attic is with ridge vents." }, { "docid": "362502", "title": "Roof Ventilation: Continuous Ridge Vents vs. Roof Box Vents", "text": "on Feb 9, 2016. Roof box vents and continuous ridge vents are separated by a few differences, and deciding which one to put on your roof depends on which better fits the type and situational roof you have." }, { "docid": "8414513", "title": "Roof Turbine Vents", "text": "As air is pulled from the attic space by the turbine vent, ridge vent or even an electric powered fan, the same amount of air must be allowed to flow into the attic space where the roof passes over the exterior walls of the home." }, { "docid": "4389002", "title": "-", "text": "The population density in East Ridge is 1565% higher than Tennessee. The median age in East Ridge is 3% lower than Tennessee. In East Ridge 78.77% of the population is Caucasian. In East Ridge 13.95% of the population is African American. In East Ridge 2.56% of the population is Asian." }, { "docid": "4510031", "title": "List of roof shapes", "text": "Bonnet roof: A reversed gambrel or Mansard roof with the lower portion at a lower pitch than the upper portion. Monitor roof: A roof with a monitor; 'a raised structure running part or all of the way along the ridge of a double-pitched roof, with its own roof running parallel with the main roof.' Butterfly roof (V-roof, London roof): A V-shaped roof resembling an open book." }, { "docid": "3746556", "title": "Roof Rafter, Joist and Beam Design", "text": "The maximum spans in the table above are for the horizontal distance the rafter can span (NOT the diagonal distance or actual length of the rafter). So if your house is 26 feet wide and the roof ridge beam is centered on the house, you will need a rafter that can span 13 feet.Let's use this example and find a size of rafter that will work. Looking through the center of the table, we can find a couple of options.The table states that 2 X 6 rafters spaced 16 inches on center (o.c) can span a maximum distance of 13 feet 5 inches. Another option are 2 X 8 rafters spaced 24 inches o.c.o if your house is 26 feet wide and the roof ridge beam is centered on the house, you will need a rafter that can span 13 feet. Let's use this example and find a size of rafter that will work. Looking through the center of the table, we can find a couple of options." }, { "docid": "7823631", "title": "362 Km - Distance from Caen to Vimy ridge france", "text": "How much would be the distance if one could just fly from Caen to Vimy ridge france like a bird in a staight line? Check the Flight distance between Caen and Vimy ridge france. Travel time is an important point to know with the driving distance. Hence you might also want to know the Travel Time from Caen to Vimy ridge france. This will help you estimate how much time you will spend travelling for the distance from Caen to Vimy ridge france." }, { "docid": "3479246", "title": "How to Shingle a Roof (90 pics, Pro tips, Recommendations)", "text": "This Project Guide is a combination of those two articles, and it covers replacing the existing roof decking, installing underlayment and ice dam protection, laying the first row, laying shingles in the field, flashing, ridge shingles and vents, and more." }, { "docid": "3944519", "title": "-", "text": "Roof Cleaning Methods, Eco-Friendly, ARMA. Roof cleaning methods, ARMA Bulletin, NON bleach, Roof Shampoo® - the best method for roof cleaning is low pressure, roof stain removal that's eco-friendly. Roof Shampoo®, eco-friendly roof cleaning products and equipment. The best method to clean roof stains caused by algae, lichens, moss. Most contractors who say they Soft Wash are using bleach." }, { "docid": "7616403", "title": "The Best Roof Cleaner - Roof QSE", "text": "Roof Stains, Roof Mold, Roof Algae Stains, black streaks; call it what you want! You have been invaded by Gloeocapsa magma, a very hardy roof stain from algae. The algae was probably deposited on your roof by wind and/or wildlife. The streaks and discoloration is an accumulation of the algae's dead, dark-colored cells.oof Stains, Roof Mold, Roof Algae Stains, black streaks; call it what you want! You have been invaded by Gloeocapsa magma, a very hardy roof stain from algae. The algae was probably deposited on your roof by wind and/or wildlife. The streaks and discoloration is an accumulation of the algae's dead, dark-colored cells." }, { "docid": "1786379", "title": "What is a Ridge Cap?", "text": "A ridge cap is a building material that is installed along the ridge line of a sloped roof. A traditional gabled roof on a home is made up of two sloped sides that meet in the middle. The point where these two sides meet forms the apex of the roof, and is known as the ridge or ridge line." }, { "docid": "4777976", "title": "Hip roof", "text": "For other uses, see Rafter. A hip roof, hip-roof or hipped roof, is a type of roof where all sides slope downwards to the walls, usually with a fairly gentle slope (although a tented roof by definition is a hipped roof with steeply pitched slopes rising to a peak). Thus a hipped roof house has no gables or other vertical sides to the roof." }, { "docid": "4848496", "title": "Parts of a Roof", "text": "Dormer - the structure (walls and roof) around a window that projects from a sloped roof. Roof Truss the skeleton of the roof. A framework of beams that support the roof. Rafters The beams that run from the top of the roof to the bottom. Part of the roof truss. Decking or Sheathing Panels that cover the rafters and to which the roofing material (shingles, metal panels, etc..) are attached." }, { "docid": "1454412", "title": "Green Chemical Roof Cleaning Products", "text": "Green Chemical Roof Cleaning Products. Chemical roof cleaning is necessary when the roof has been stained with algae and rain. Although there are many products in the market that advertise effective roof cleaning, not all of them are safe to use especially when there are plants found at on the grounds where the water drains. When it is necessary to clean the roof, consider green chemical roof cleaning products." }, { "docid": "258182", "title": "Chicago Ridge, Illinois", "text": "Chicago Ridge is in Illinois' 3rd congressional district. Charles Polchow served as the first president of Chicago Ridge when it organized as a village in 1914. He emigrated to the United States from Germany in 1897. Charles and his wife, the former Luzina Zippel, arrived March 10, 1897, to Chicago Ridge." }, { "docid": "1557688", "title": "-", "text": "Find Cool Ridge, WV homes for sale and other Cool Ridge real estate on realtor.com®. Search Cool Ridge houses, condos, townhomes and single-family homes by price and location." }, { "docid": "800056", "title": "Roof Ventilation: Continuous Ridge Vents vs. Roof Box Vents", "text": "That is a good indication of the difference in efficiency. There are many good ridge vents on the market, and the continuous vent, as opposed to the individual roof vent, is the most effective. Continuous ridge vents allow hot air to readily escape from the roof peak. Most manufacturers now use a durable plastic, or aluminum, to avoid rust." }, { "docid": "8202377", "title": "Aseismic Ridge", "text": "What is an Aseismic Ridge Landform? An aseismic ridge is a mountain ridge or chain of seamounts under the ocean. They do not produce seafloor spreading or seismic activity, except in the area of a “hotspot” at one end of the ridge. Aseismic ridges are formed by a hotspot in the mantel under the Earth’s crust. As a tectonic plate moves over the hotspot, a series of seamounts can form on the ocean floor over a period of millions of years. This may be in the form of mountains, guyots or undersea plateaus." }, { "docid": "3305433", "title": "-", "text": "Lennar. 1 Dover Ridge Beautiful single-family homes in the tranquil city of Dover. 2 Dover Ridge Beautiful single-family homes in the tranquil city of Dover. 3 Dover Ridge Beautiful single-family homes in the tranquil city of Dover. Dover Ridge Beautiful single-family homes in the tranquil city of Dover." }, { "docid": "6323231", "title": "-", "text": "By Walter LaskaS t a f f Arc h i t e cM a s o n r y Advisory CouncilPark Ridge, Illinois A parapet wall is the portion of awall that extends above theroof. Its purpose might be aes-thetic, hiding mechanical equipmentand providing a distinct roof line." }, { "docid": "8675717", "title": "-", "text": "Re: Ridge Vent Versus Traditional Vents. I like air vents. The best are the Lomanco galvanized painted ones. My father has seen 3 ft snow drifts in attics due to ridge vent. Ridge vent on low pitch roofs just like having shakes on a low pitch roof is not a good idea, IMO." }, { "docid": "8352975", "title": "Roof Scupper vs. Roof Drain", "text": "What is a roof scupper? In short, a scupper is a detail that provides drainage to a roof system by allowing the water runoff from the roof to exit the roof through a metal edge, parapet wall or through the deck into a downspout or leader not run through the interior of the building." }, { "docid": "1290016", "title": "Joist", "text": "The term binding joist is sometimes used to describe beams at floor level running perpendicular to the ridge of a gable roof and joined to the intermediate posts. Joists which land on a binding joist are called bridging joists. A large beam in the ceiling of a room carrying joists is a summer beam." }, { "docid": "5233630", "title": "Roof Mildew Cleaner QSE 4500", "text": "Roof stain and mildew remover works fast! NO chlorine bleach in our roof cleaning products Safe for Plants, Pets when roof is cleaned as directed.Remove roof stains and mildew from shingles in just 25 minutes!he mildew streaks and discoloration roof stains result from roof algae's dead, black cells. While this roof mildew algae can grow just about anywhere in the continental U.S.A., it prefers humid environments. A Premium Roof Mildew Treatment can remove these black streaks." }, { "docid": "2142226", "title": "-", "text": "And you might be interested in a couple other roof projects. So in our next roof framing page, Special Roof Techniques, we'll give you a quick idea on how to tie a new roof into an existing one, how to hand-frame a small hip roof and how to build a gable dormer." }, { "docid": "2686503", "title": "-", "text": "When assessing hail damage to shingle roofs, the roof should be walked thoroughly. and a roof plan should be drawn. In addition to evaluating roof shingles for hail. damage, roof appurtenances (i.e., vents, any rooftop units/equipment, etc.) should be. evaluated." }, { "docid": "8043809", "title": "-", "text": "Limit parafunctional activities: nail biting, gum chewing, clenching and grinding teeth Tongue position: at rest, the tip of the tongue should be at the ridge of the roof of the mouth with the front one third of the tongue on the roof of the mouth" } ]
what is a safe dose of prednisone
[ { "docid": "2430052", "title": "-", "text": "Dosage and Administration Prednisone is intended for oral administration only. Adults: The initial dose is 5mg to 80mg daily depending on the condition being treated, as a single dose after breakfast, as divided doses, or as a double dose on alternate days. The maintenance dose is usually 5mg to 20mg daily. The dose should be individualised according to the severity of the disease and the patients response rather than by age or body weight. For adrenogenital syndrome: 5 to 10mg a day as a single dose. The usual adult prescribing limit is up to 250mg day." } ]
[ { "docid": "5939649", "title": "Prednisone", "text": "Talk to your doctor about the risks of taking prednisone and about things that you can do to decrease the chance that you will develop osteoporosis. Some patients who took prednisone or similar medications developed a type of cancer called Kaposi's sarcoma. Talk to your doctor about the risks of taking prednisone." }, { "docid": "7842675", "title": "Adrenal Insufficiency caused by Prednisone : (", "text": "Taking prednisone overrides your natural production of cortisol. Developing adrenal insufficiency is more likely after taking high doses (~40 mg) for long periods (~several weeks). A rapid taper off of prednisone (of dose and schedule) hastens the emergence and severity of the symptoms. went to 7.5 and started with an itchy rash so I stayed at that dosage until it started clearing up. It took bout 3 weeks and of course that was during Thanksgiving. A few days after turkey day, I dropped to 5 mg. rash came back and with Christmas stress, I decided to just stay at 5 until after the holidays." }, { "docid": "6280615", "title": "Medications and Drugs Listing", "text": "A: Prednisone, in a class of drugs called steroids, prevents the release of substances in the body that cause inflammation, and is used to treat many different conditions such as allergic disorders, skin conditions, ulcerative colitis, arthritis, lupus, psoriasis, or breathing disorders.: Prednisone is in a drug class called corticosteroids. Prednisone is used alone or combined with other medicines to treat symptoms of having low corticosteroid levels in the body. Corticosteroids are natural hormones produced by the body that are necessary for the body to function normally." }, { "docid": "4298583", "title": "How long does Prednisone stay in you system after you quit taking it?", "text": "Answers (2) the half life is roughly 4 hours. The prednisone should be tapered slowly and never stopped abruptly if you have been on it for over 2 weeks and were are a high dose. if you took it for 2-3 days you should be fine. The higher the dose and the longer you are on the drug the slower the taper. The drug itself should be out of your body less than 24 hours but flair ups can result if not tapered. Hope this helps. The elimination half life of prednisone is around 3 to 4 hours." }, { "docid": "4014348", "title": "-", "text": "Prednisone is used for a variety of conditions including skin conditions, allergy conditions, asthma, and inflammation. Side effects associated with prednisone include sleep problems, dry skin, dizziness, nausea, and changes in the shape of body fat.rednisone may be given to dogs to control pain and swelling from conditions such as arthritis. Because it suppresses the immune system, prednisone may also be used in dogs to manage immune-system conditions such as allergies, asthma, lupus, and other disorders." }, { "docid": "7443881", "title": "How much Valium is too much?", "text": "…But only at a low dose. At the highest dose I mixed 3 panadiene forte and 15 miligrams of Valium. I thought this was a little too much becaucse I slept very heavy for more than a normal length. 15 to 20 milligrams of Valium combined with 60 to 90 milligrams of codeine is survivable.he recommended daily dose of Valium is 4 to 40 mg throughout the day. People have been reported taking doses of up to 2000 mg and experiencing only minor toxicity. That’s about 50 times the maximum recommended daily dose. So Valium is incredibly safe and very difficult to overdose on if taken by itself." }, { "docid": "533148", "title": "prednisone", "text": "Prednisone is inactive in the body and, in order to be effective, first must be converted to prednisolone by enzymes in the liver. Therefore, prednisone may not work as effectively in people with liver disease whose ability to convert prednisone to prednisolone is impaired." }, { "docid": "1184229", "title": "Thread: prednisone & stomach bloating", "text": "Thread: prednisone & stomach bloating. prednisone & stomach bloating Just curious, do a lot of other people on prednisone struggle with the bloated belly side effect? I seem to be really gassy (from both ends =x) and my stomach always looks like I'm about three months pregnant." }, { "docid": "6039583", "title": "Nadh", "text": "CONDURANGO Dosing. The appropriate dose of condurango depends on several factors such as the user’s age, health, and several other conditions. At this time there is not enough scientific information to determine an appropriate range of doses for condurango.Keep in mind that natural products are not always necessarily safe and dosages can be important.ONDURANGO Side Effects & Safety. Condurango seems safe for most people when used appropriately. Pregnancy and breast-feeding: not enough is known about the use of condurango during pregnancy and breast-feeding. stay on the safe side and avoid use." }, { "docid": "7591408", "title": "-", "text": "If these guidelines for adults and children are followed, acetaminophen is safe and carries essentially no risk of liver injury. On the other hand, a single dose of seven to 10 grams of acetaminophen (14 to 20 extra-strength tablets) can cause liver injury in the average healthy adult. Note that this amount is about twice the recommended maximum dose for a 24-hour period. In children, a single dose of 140 mg/kg (body weight) of acetaminophen can result in liver injury." }, { "docid": "174653", "title": "What Is Prednisone (Sterapred)?", "text": "Prednisone is a corticosteroid, a man-made form of the steroids that the body naturally produces to fight illnesses and injuries. Prednisone acts as a replacement for people with low levels of cortisol, one of the natural steroid hormones. The drug also can also effectively reduce swelling and redness." }, { "docid": "3418662", "title": "Calculations Practice Problems", "text": "Because you have to compare a safe dose to the patient’s dose, you have to do two separate calculations: 0.36 mg kg 20 mL Hour 1 kg 2.2 pounds 100 mg 100 mL patient is receiving 20 mg/hour; yes, dose is safe 130 pounds 21.3 mg/hour is safe. 7. Your patient is to receive metoprolol tartrate (Lopressor) 25 mg/day PO." }, { "docid": "2686240", "title": "Prednisone Side Effects in Dogs", "text": "Though prednisone is a potent corticosteroid, its excessive use can cause some adverse effects in canines. Prednisone side effects in dogs can range from mild to severe, and improper use of this drug can pose serious health risks." }, { "docid": "2622527", "title": "DEPO-Medrol", "text": "A: Prednisone, in a class of drugs called steroids, prevents the release of substances in the body that cause inflammation, and is used to treat many different conditions such as allergic disorders, skin conditions, ulcerative colitis, arthritis, lupus, psoriasis, or breathing disorders.: Prednisone is a medication that is in the class of medications called steroids that are used to treat inflammation and to suppress immune system responses. The prescribing information does not list muscle cramps as a common side effect of prednisone." }, { "docid": "8835713", "title": "Prednisone", "text": "Why is this medication prescribed? Prednisone is used alone or with other medications to treat the symptoms of low corticosteroid levels (lack of certain substances that are usually produced by the body and are needed for normal body functioning). Prednisone is also used to treat other conditions in patients with normal corticosteroid levels." }, { "docid": "2488916", "title": "Prednisone side effects bloating", "text": "However, the high dose of prednisone can cause side effects such as enlarged pot belly appearance to the abdomen, and panting. Prednisone doses are usually decreased gradually over time to the least effective dose (lowest dose in which a benefit is still seen)." }, { "docid": "1930820", "title": "My dog is on Prednisone and has some diarrhea", "text": "diarrhea and prednisone My dog is on Prednisone and has some diarrhea is it ok to give her the metronidazole prescribed to her from before she started the pred? By: Kara McCarty El Segundo, CA Replied on 04/19/2011 Prednisone usually causes diarrhea because it irritates the gastrointestinal tract. In this case Metronidazole may not help." }, { "docid": "5922009", "title": "Acetaminophen", "text": "The common adult dose is 500 mg to 1000 mg. The recommended maximum daily dose, for adults, is 4000 mg. In recommended doses, paracetamol is generally safe for children and infants, as well as for adults, although rare cases of acute liver injury have been linked to amounts lower than 2500 mg per day.he common adult dose is 500 mg to 1000 mg. The recommended maximum daily dose, for adults, is 4000 mg. In recommended doses, paracetamol is generally safe for children and infants, as well as for adults, although rare cases of acute liver injury have been linked to amounts lower than 2500 mg per day." }, { "docid": "6249982", "title": "-", "text": "1,2 Given that Joly et al. did not compare prednisone at a dose of 1 mg per kilogram per day with prednisone at a dose of 0.5 mg per kilogram per day for the treatment of extensive bullous pemphigoid, one cannot conclude that the lower dose would not be appropriate.he authors do not report the number of patients who required such care or the cost of delivery. We do not believe that the main conclusion, that oral corticosteroids are no longer justified for treatment of severe bullous pemphigoid, is correct. Michael R. Ardern-Jones, M.R.C.P." }, { "docid": "5759411", "title": "-", "text": "A. That is a safe dose, but you may not be taking enough. The maximum dose of ibuprofen is really 3200 mg and you are taking 400 mg. Since I don't know your medical history or your weight, so you can address you dosage with your doctor.Medically, you may be able to increase your dose to 600 mg each time; up to 3 or 4 times per day if your arthritis warrants it.hat is a safe dose, but you may not be taking enough. The maximum dose of ibuprofen is really 3200 mg and you are taking 400 mg." }, { "docid": "109615", "title": "Prednisone - 20mg (500 Tablets)", "text": "Prednisone Precautions. Anyone with a type of fungal infection on the body shouldnt use Prednisone. It is very important to disclose all medicines used to the doctor. Some of them may not interact well with the use of this medication." }, { "docid": "5428412", "title": "How much tramadol is too much?", "text": "The safe amount of any narcotic depends on a person’s individual tolerance to opioid medications. Tramadol is always started at a smaller initial dose of 100 mg per day. In patients who’ve experienced more exposure to the drug, safe doses may be as high as 450 mg a day.n its immediate release form, no more than 100 mg of tramadol should be taken every 6 hours. Those who have never used the medication before should start on a much lower dose of tramadol, however, because 100 mg may be too much." }, { "docid": "5403132", "title": "-", "text": "A: Your question regards prednisone and if the medication can affect hemoglobin A1c (a measure of blood sugar control), TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone), and blood pressure. According to LexiComp, prednisone can alter glucose production and regulation and possibly cause hyperglycemia (higher blood sugar)." }, { "docid": "3966631", "title": "Top 30 Doctor insights on: Multivitamin Shelf Life", "text": "Yes, safe dose!: In general one has to take at least 40, 000 iu of vit d for a prolonged period to approach toxic levels. It is considered safe to take up to 10, 000 iu/day. You could get a blood test of your levels to see where you are at. While normal range is 30-100, optimal range is probably above 50." }, { "docid": "46864", "title": "Prednisone and Muscle Weakness", "text": "Reese99 - High dose prednisone does cause the muscle weakness you are talking about. Some people have also complained about pains in joints. I'm sorry to hear about all the things your husband has gone through -- he truly is a trooper." }, { "docid": "174648", "title": "-", "text": "A: Prednisone is in a class of drugs called corticosteroids. Prednisone prevents the release of chemicals in the body that cause inflammation. Prednisone is used to treat many conditions such as skin conditions, allergic disorders, arthritis, ulcerative colitis, psoriasis, lupus, and breathing disorders." }, { "docid": "1930825", "title": "Prednisone Side Effects", "text": "For the Consumer. Applies to prednisone: oral solution, oral syrup, oral tablet, oral tablet delayed release. As well as its needed effects, prednisone may cause unwanted side effects that require medical attention. Major Side Effects. If any of the following side effects occur while taking prednisone, check with your doctor immediately:" }, { "docid": "2677758", "title": "Prednisone Side Effects: Deal With The Devil?", "text": "“I was on 20 mg twice a day of prednisone for a sinus infection. Had I known anything about this horrible drug, I would have never taken the meds and let my sinus infection clear up on its own. That would have been better than these prednisone side effects." }, { "docid": "8522947", "title": "What is the safes to give to cats baby aspirin?", "text": "Usually, you can safely give your cat one baby aspirin every three days. A dose that is reduced to one half of a baby aspirin every two to three days is considered a safe …dose for cats. Not all cats will react the same to even a small dose of baby aspirin." }, { "docid": "346560", "title": "Prednisone to Treat Severe Arthritis", "text": "slide 2 of 4. When Prednisone is Beneficial Research has found that low-dose prednisone is beneficial for joint symptoms when used for new patients of rheumatoid arthritis. A study published in 2002 in the Annals of Internal Medicine found that after six months of use patients report significant benefits." } ]
what is a scada
[ { "docid": "2018138", "title": "What is SCADA?", "text": "SCADA Explained. Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) is a system of software and hardware elements that allows industrial organizations to: Control industrial processes locally or at remote locations. Monitor, gather, and process real-time data." } ]
[ { "docid": "4049561", "title": "-", "text": "RigNet SCADA Systems provide highly reliable communication and control to enhance productivity, safety and industrial efficiency. Read More ». RigNet's CEO Mark B. Slaughter has been named EY Entrepreneur Of The Year™ in the Gulf Coast Area in the Services Category.ccurate local weather information is critical to aviation and marine operations offshore. RigNet MetOcean systems provide accurate, reliable weather measurement and processing to the International Marine and Oil & Gas Industry." }, { "docid": "7151116", "title": "New Books", "text": "Process control system (PCS), distributed control system (DCS), and supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) are names frequently applied to the systems that control, monitor, and manage large production systems." }, { "docid": "6088589", "title": "SCADA - supervisory control and data acquisition", "text": "Acronym for supervisory control and data acquisition, a computer system for gathering and analyzing real time data. SCADA systems are used to monitor and control a plant or equipment in industries such as telecommunications, water and waste control, energy, oil and gas refining and transportation." }, { "docid": "7191417", "title": "-", "text": "Conduct penetration testing or vulnerability analysis of any remaining connections to the SCADA network to. evaluate the protection posture associated with these pathways. Use this information in conjunction with risk. management processes to develop a robust protection strategy for any pathways to the SCADA network. Since. the SCADA network is only as secure as its weakest connecting point, it is essential to implement firewalls, intrusion detection systems (IDSs), and other appropriate security measures at each point of entry." }, { "docid": "3012875", "title": "-", "text": "Report Abuse. A technology that uses glass (or plastic) threads (fibers) to transmit data. A fiber optic cable consists of a bundle of glass threads, each of which is capable of transmitting messages modulated onto light waves.iber optic is applied for tranfering data for distance (10km for minimum, 20Km or 60Km). Usually PCM multiplexer, PDH multiplexer, SDH multiplexer, SCADA system, media converter, optic transceiver, optic fiber cables are been applied in fiber optic tranfering." }, { "docid": "7191415", "title": "-", "text": "These industrial. control systems (ICS), which include supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems, distributed control systems (DCS), and other smaller control system configurations such as skid-mounted. Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) are often found in the industrial control sectors." }, { "docid": "8528278", "title": "-", "text": "Download the free trial Watch how Ignition works. 1 Built for SCADA, MES & IIoT. 2 Web-based and cross platform. 3 Unlimited tags and clients, one price. Powered by SQL databases." }, { "docid": "1883152", "title": "Industrial control system", "text": "The SCADA concept was developed as a universal means of remote access to a variety of local control modules, which could be from different manufacturers allowing access through standard automation protocols." }, { "docid": "4675359", "title": "-", "text": "SCADA systems are used by private companies and public-sector service providers. SCADA works well in many different types of enterprises because they can range from simple configurations to large, complex projects." }, { "docid": "7845028", "title": "-", "text": "the SCADA system applied for hydropower plants connected to national EPS; the use of metering systems for the electric power and water from hydropower plants; monitoring and control of the hydro power plants; monitoring and control of the hydropower plants and RESs used for hybrid EPS." }, { "docid": "4561688", "title": "The Real Story of Stuxnet", "text": "The Stuxnet worm is detected. It is the first worm known to attack SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition) systems. 2011. The Duqu worm is discovered. Unlike Stuxnet, to which it seems to be related, it was designed to gather information rather than to interfere with industrial operations. 2012 Flame is discovered and found to be used in cyberespionage in Iran and other Middle Eastern countries." }, { "docid": "5331730", "title": "-", "text": "Hunterston Offshore Wind Turbine Test Facility Test berth available at a state of the art test facility for offshore wind turbines The Hunterston site is a dedicated facility for testing next generation offshore wind turbines.ite Facilities The site will include a secure site operations building. This will include a secure SCADA room with dedicated access for the SE test berth operatives. In addition, site offices and welfare facilities will be available." }, { "docid": "4675360", "title": "What is Scada system? How does it work?", "text": "A SCADA system performs four functions: 1. Data acquisition. 2. Networked data communication. 3. Data presentation. 4. Control. These functions are performed by four kinds of SCADA components: 1. Sensors (either digital or analog) and control relays that directly interface with the managed system." }, { "docid": "3333123", "title": "ClearSCADA", "text": "For today’s modern installations, ClearSCADA is introduced as a premium SCADA data collection, storage, retrieval and display product.learSCADA offers a high level of integration between hardware and software. Application Development. ClearSCADA is designed by SCADA system users, for SCADA system users, and has evolved into a high performance platform that connects to virtually all of your SCADA infrastructure and business systems." }, { "docid": "899034", "title": "-", "text": "In SCADA systems, RTus and PlCs perform the majority of on-site control. The RTu or PlC acquires the site data, which includes meter readings, pressure, voltage, or other equipment status, then performs local control and transfers the data to the central SCADA system. However, when comparing and specifying a" }, { "docid": "7125556", "title": "An Introduction To SCADA For Electrical Engineers â Beginners", "text": "An Introduction To SCADA (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition) For Beginners // On photo Monitor iFIX By ServiTecno via FlickR SCADA stands for supervisory control and data acquisition. It is an industrial control system where a computer system monitoring and controlling a process. Another term is there, Distributed Control System (DCS). Usually there is a confusion between the concept of these two. A SCADA system usually refers to a system that coordinates, but does not control processes in real time, but DCS do that. SCADA systems often have Distributed Control System (DCS) components. Components of SCADA" }, { "docid": "7845029", "title": "What are the two major differences between DCS and SCADA systems?", "text": "In terms of applications, DCS is the system of choice for installations that are limited to a small locate, like a single factory or plant, while SCADA is preferred when the entire system is spread across a much larger geographic location,like a power station or oil wells which are spreaded out in a large field." }, { "docid": "2018132", "title": "SCADA Systems", "text": "Elements of SCADA Systems. SCADA monitors, controls and alarms the plant and/or regional facilities’ operating systems from a centralized location. It includes the communication of information between a SCADA central host computer, many scattered units and/or Programmable Logic Controllers." }, { "docid": "7191411", "title": "What Is SCADA?", "text": "A SCADA network consists of one of more Master Terminal Units (MTUs). These are utilized by staff to monitor and control a large number of Remote Terminal Units (RTUs). The MTU is often a computing platform, like a PC, which runs SCADA software." }, { "docid": "2650314", "title": "SCADA Systems Automate Electrical Distribution", "text": "How SCADA Works. A SCADA system for a power distribution application is a typically a PC-based software package. Data is collected from the electrical distribution system, with most of the data originating at substations." }, { "docid": "7125564", "title": "PLC and SCADA â Tools of Automation", "text": "In the past, Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) functions were primarily performed by dedicated computer-based SCADA systems. Whereas these systems still do exist and are widely used in industry, the SCADA functions can increasingly be performed by TCP/IP/Ethernet-based systems." }, { "docid": "4698767", "title": "PLC SCADA", "text": "1 A telemetry system is typically used to connect PLCs and RTUs with control centers, data warehouses, and the enterprise. 2 Examples of wired telemetry media used in SCADA systems include leased telephone lines and WAN circuits." }, { "docid": "5331737", "title": "-", "text": "The test berth has a maximum export capacity of 8 MW and a Power Purchase Agreement with SSE for all energy generated. Site Facilities The site will include a secure site operations building. This will include a secure SCADA room with dedicated access for the SE test berth operatives.In addition, site offices and welfare facilities will be available. Access to the site The site has a dedicated quayside access for direct sea deliveries of turbine components.ite Facilities The site will include a secure site operations building. This will include a secure SCADA room with dedicated access for the SE test berth operatives. In addition, site offices and welfare facilities will be available." }, { "docid": "1190057", "title": "Smart grid", "text": "Solution Schneider Electric’s Advanced Distribution Management System (ADMS) - a unified DMS, SCADA, OMS, and EMS solution - provides utilities with a modular and flexible platform within a common user experience, data model, integration framework and secure infrastructure." }, { "docid": "1207872", "title": "-", "text": "AIS operator interface terminal with integrated either Indusoft's or Wonderware's SCADA software fullfills a full spectrum of plant personnel needs including graphical user interface, process data collection, storage and analysis tools, a comprehensive historian, and an advanced reporting package." }, { "docid": "2181918", "title": "Operational Technology", "text": "Examples of operational technology include: 1 PLC's. 2 SCADA. 3 DCS. 4 Computer Numerical Control (CNC) systems, including computerized machine tools. 5 Scientific equipment (e.g. digital oscilliscopes)" }, { "docid": "8614017", "title": "PLC SCADA", "text": "1 A telemetry system is typically used to connect PLCs and RTUs with control centers, data warehouses, and the enterprise. 2 Examples of wired telemetry media used in SCADA systems include leased telephone lines and WAN circuits. A telemetry system is typically used to connect PLCs and RTUs with control centers, data warehouses, and the enterprise. 2 Examples of wired telemetry media used in SCADA systems include leased telephone lines and WAN circuits." }, { "docid": "2650316", "title": "SCADA Systems Automate Electrical Distribution", "text": "Automating electrical distributions systems by implementing a supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system is the one of the most cost-effective solutions for improving reliability, increasing utilization and cutting costs." }, { "docid": "1883153", "title": "Industrial control system", "text": "Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) is a control system architecture that uses computers, networked data communications and graphical user interfaces for high-level process supervisory management, but uses other peripheral devices such as programmable logic controllers and discrete PID controllers to interface to the process plant or ..." }, { "docid": "1793634", "title": "-", "text": "An Introduction to SCADA. The term SCADA stands for Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition. A SCADA system is a common process automation system which is used to gather data from sensors and instruments located at remote sites and to transmit and display this data at a central site for control or monitoring purposes." } ]
what is a schematron
[ { "docid": "4750048", "title": "Schematron", "text": "Schematron. An XML schema that is used to validate an XML document. Unlike grammar-based schema languages, Schematron is made up of XPath patterns that define the tree structures and relationships. It can be used by itself or embedded within a W3C XML Schema or RELAX NG schema. The final draft of an ISO version of Schematron was made available in late 2004 and was published as an ISO standard in 2006. For more information, visit www.schematron.com. See XML schema." } ]
[ { "docid": "4750052", "title": "Improving XML Document Validation with Schematron", "text": "Combining Schematron with W3C XML Schema Validation. One problem with using Schematron for validation is that it makes specifying the structure of an XML document cumbersome. On the other hand, this task is fairly straightforward in W3C XML Schema. Well, you can have your cake and eat it, too, since it is possible to embed Schematron rules in W3C XML Schema." }, { "docid": "6860848", "title": "-", "text": "An XML Schema is a language for expressing constraints about XML documents. An XML Schema is a language for expressing constraints about XML documents. There are several different schema languages in widespread use, but the main ones are Document Type Definitions (DTDs), Relax-NG, Schematron and W3C XSD (XML Schema Definitions)." }, { "docid": "4750057", "title": "Schematron in the Context of the Clinical Document Architecture (CDA)", "text": "Once the XML file has been checked, what remains are the Schematron error(s). And the number of those may change as the Schematron is developed. There are a few ways to tell the error-testing system how many errors go with a particular file. Tony Graham published a poster at XML Prague 2012 (http://www.mentea ..." }, { "docid": "4750050", "title": "-", "text": "Patterns in Trees. The Schematron is a simple and powerful Structural Schema Language. It is now an ISO standard. Schematron is regularly reinvented, independently: this shows both that it meets a widespread need and that the approach it takes (assertions and Xpaths) is convenient to implement and to think about." }, { "docid": "3793663", "title": "What is an XML Schema?", "text": "An XML Schema is a language for expressing constraints about XML documents. There are several different schema languages in widespread use, but the main ones are Document Type Definitions (DTDs), Relax-NG, Schematron and W3C XSD (XML Schema Definitions).n XML Schema is a language for expressing constraints about XML documents. There are several different schema languages in widespread use, but the main ones are Document Type Definitions (DTDs), Relax-NG, Schematron and W3C XSD (XML Schema Definitions)." }, { "docid": "6860852", "title": "What is an XML Schema?", "text": "What is an XML Schema? An XML Schema is a language for expressing constraints about XML documents. There are several different schema languages in widespread use, but the main ones are Document Type Definitions (DTDs), Relax-NG, Schematron and W3C XSD (XML Schema Definitions)." }, { "docid": "4750055", "title": "Improving XML Document Validation with Schematron", "text": "1 Validates the input document against the provided schemas. 2 If the provided schema is an XML schema with embedded Schematron rules, then both Schematron and XSD validation are performed." }, { "docid": "4750054", "title": "Improving XML Document Validation with Schematron", "text": "There are six commonly used elements in a Schematron document: schema, ns, pattern, rule, assert, and report. The namespace URI for the elements used by the Schematron assertion language is http://www.ascc.net/xml/schematron." }, { "docid": "8542172", "title": "Schematron", "text": "In markup languages, Schematron is a rule-based validation language for making assertions about the presence or absence of patterns in XML trees. It is a structural schema language expressed in XML using a small number of elements and XPath. In a typical implementation, the Schematron schema XML is processed into normal XSLT code for deployment anywhere that XSLT can be used. Schematron is capable of expressing constraints in ways that other XML schema languages like XML Schema and DTD cannot. For example, it can require that the content of an element be controlled by one of its siblings." } ]
what is a service definition at planned parenthood
[ { "docid": "1295868", "title": "What is Planned Parenthood?", "text": "Technically, Planned Parenthood is a network of locally governed offices and clinics throughout the United States. The national organization is formally named the Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA)." } ]
[ { "docid": "8388945", "title": "Selective Service Act", "text": "Selective Service Act. Summary and Definition of the Selective Service Act of 1917. Summary and Definition: The Selective Service Act, aka Selective Draft Act, was enacted on May 18, 1917 requiring all men between the ages of 21 and 30 to register with locally administered draft boards for military conscription by national lottery." }, { "docid": "1295871", "title": "What is Planned Parenthood?", "text": "Through its clinics, Planned Parenthood provides a variety of reproductive health services, such as birth control, abortion, sexually transmitted disease testing, and relevant cancer screenings (e.g. breast, cervix and testicular)." }, { "docid": "5918200", "title": "The GOP's Obamacare Replacement Cuts Funding for Planned Parenthood", "text": "The GOP's Obamacare Replacement Cuts Funding for Planned Parenthood. Alicia Adamczyk. Mar 06, 2017. House Republicans have at long last unveiled their plan to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, and it includes a provision to defund Planned Parenthood, the largest network provider of women's health care in the country." }, { "docid": "6050949", "title": "-", "text": "That, too, should be a short investigation, since Planned Parenthood does not even perform abortions in Louisiana. Authorities there are aware of this, judging from the letter Jindal’s Department of Health and Hospitals Secretary Kathy Kliebert sent to the organization in the course of the investigation." }, { "docid": "4726106", "title": "SITE VALIDATION MASTER PLAN", "text": "Browse by. SITE VALIDATION MASTER PLAN. ASQ DefinitionsAssurance: The act of giving confidence, the state of being certain or the act of making certain. Quality assurance: The planned and systematic activities implemented in a quality system so that quality requirements for a product or service will be fulfilled." }, { "docid": "5542292", "title": "-", "text": "Birth Control. Online political ads directing to this page are paid for by Planned Parenthood Action Fund or Planned Parenthood Votes, as designated in the relevant online political ad, 123 William St. 10th Fl., NY NY 10038, and are not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee." }, { "docid": "2635945", "title": "Actress Mila Kunis Donates to Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz to Stick It to VP Mike Pence", "text": "Kunis said her monthly donations to Planned Parenthood are a sort-of prank on Vice President Mike Pence. She said she donates monthly in the pro-life leader’s name. “I disagreed with some of the stuff that Pence was doing and was trying to do,” Kunis told O’Brien last week." }, { "docid": "6054547", "title": "Planned Parenthood", "text": "But Planned Parenthood cannot use the money it receives from the federal government for abortions anyway. Medicaid funding is restricted by the Hyde Amendment to only abortion cases involving rape, incest or endangerment to the life of the mother. Some states use their own funds under Medicaid to go beyond that." }, { "docid": "3023008", "title": "-", "text": "Definition of BRANDING. : the promoting of a product or service by identifying it with a particular brand." }, { "docid": "6054549", "title": "Planned Parenthood", "text": "(See page 29.) That’s about one-third of its total revenues for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009. However, not all of that money is from the federal government. Planned Parenthood’s government funding comes from two sources: the Title X Family Planning Program and Medicaid. About $70 million is Title X funding, Planned Parenthood spokesman Tait Sye told us." }, { "docid": "8375354", "title": "Chapter 7 Key Terms", "text": "Precertification. A process whereby the provider (or a member of his or her staff) contacts the patient's managed care plan before inpatient admissions and performance of certain procedures and services to verify the patient's eligibility and coverage for the planned service." }, { "docid": "19340", "title": "Who is stronger: Itachi or Sasuke?", "text": "Sasuke defeated Itachi because he was sick, and planned Sasuke's victory.asuke defeated Itachi because he was sick, and planned Sasuke's victory." }, { "docid": "3181121", "title": "Mexico Funeral Cost â Mexico Funeral Costs Guide", "text": "Planning Ahead is the Key to Managing Funeral Costs. Funeral homes, cemeteries and other service providers expect to receive payment in full at the time of the funeral. With the average cost of a funeral in the U.S. exceeding $8,000, it can be a hardship if you have not planned ahead for this expenditure.uneral homes, cemeteries and other service providers expect to receive payment in full at the time of the funeral. With the average cost of a funeral in the U.S. exceeding $8,000, it can be a hardship if you have not planned ahead for this expenditure." }, { "docid": "3239595", "title": "-", "text": "Hey All. My boyfriend and I have a trip planned to Disneyland with my family and we are concerned our passports won't arrive on time. We applied at a service Canada location on Vancouver Island February 5th and they were received at passport canada offices February 10th." }, { "docid": "99718", "title": "Service Animals", "text": "Dogs whose sole function is to provide comfort or emotional support do not qualify as service animals under the ADA. This definition does not affect or limit the broader definition of “assistance animal” under the Fair Housing Act or the broader definition of “service animal” under the Air Carrier Access Act. Some State and local laws also define service animal more broadly than the ADA does." }, { "docid": "1347793", "title": "-", "text": "Make sure you check out this post on a wedding planned for under $7,000 and our post on how to have a low cost wedding bar. The wedding venue cost can really eat up a budget so one great way to save money is to select a venue that is not a full service type of wedding location." }, { "docid": "4675743", "title": "-", "text": "​The kind of visa that you require for entry into the UAE depends on several different factors such as your nationality, the purpose of your planned visit and its planned duration. Please read the following notes carefully." }, { "docid": "8336632", "title": "-", "text": "1 Pope Francis will address the United Nations' biggest gathering of world leaders today. 2 Yesterday, he delivered a historic speech to the U.S. Congress. ›. 3 With a possible government shutdown looming, the U.S. Senate blocked an effort by Republicans to deny federal funding for Planned Parenthood. Pope Francis will address the United Nations' biggest gathering of world leaders today. 2 Yesterday, he delivered a historic speech to the U.S. Congress. ›. 3 With a possible government shutdown looming, the U.S. Senate blocked an effort by Republicans to deny federal funding for Planned Parenthood." }, { "docid": "150847", "title": "Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)", "text": "Definition - What does Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) mean? Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) is a service model that delivers computer infrastructure on an outsourced basis to support enterprise operations." }, { "docid": "7715652", "title": "-", "text": "How Celebrities Really Feel About Online Dating. Review: The Fate of the Furious is Still Plenty Fast with Vin Diesel vs. Dwayne Johnson. 16 Celebs Spill Their Awkward, Sweet and Hilarious First Kiss Stories. Charlize Theron and More Stars 'Pink Out the Internet' in Support of Planned Parenthood." }, { "docid": "8731422", "title": "utility", "text": "Utilities are often regulated by... Definition of utility: A basic service such as electricity, gas, or water, or the company that provides such a service. Utilities are often regulated by... Definition of utility: A basic service such as electricity, gas, or water, or the company that provides such a service. Utilities are often regulated by the government. Use utility in a sentence. “ You should try and make sure that you always pay your utility bills on time so that they do not get shut off." }, { "docid": "6998837", "title": "Griswold v. Connecticut", "text": "Facts of the case. Griswold was the Executive Director of the Planned Parenthood League of Connecticut. Both she and the Medical Director for the League gave information, instruction, and other medical advice to married couples concerning birth control. Griswold and her colleague were convicted under a Connecticut law which criminalized the provision of counselling, and other medical treatment, to married persons for purposes of preventing conception." }, { "docid": "3770133", "title": "-", "text": "Also furthering Planned Parenthood’s mission are several advisory boards and initiatives. The Planned Parenthood Action Fund is an independent, nonpartisan, not-for-profit organization formed as the advocacy and political arm of Planned Parenthood Federation of America." }, { "docid": "8618459", "title": "-", "text": "1 You will need a prescription from your health care provider. 2 You can get the pill from a drug store for approximately $20-35 a month or at Planned Parenthood Toronto’s Health Services for approximately $5-17 a month." }, { "docid": "7256203", "title": "Disney will shun Netflix for its own streaming service in 2019", "text": "Additionally, Disney gave more details about its long-planned ESPN streaming service, which will launch in early 2018. It'll feature content from MLB, NHL, MLS, collegiate events and tennis Grand Slams." }, { "docid": "4725315", "title": "Number of Abortions - Abortion Counters", "text": "The eleven abortion counters include: number of abortions in the US today, number of abortions in the US since Roe versus Wade (1973), number of abortions in the US this year, number of abortions in the US this year due to rape or incest, number of abortions in the US this year after 16 weeks gestation, number of abortions by Planned Parenthood ..." }, { "docid": "5503120", "title": "Service Definition Process", "text": "Service Definition/Support Readiness Checklist. This checklist lists elements to consider when answering each of the above five questions. Not all elements are required for every service; however, they should all be considered during the service definition process, and any “N/As” explained." }, { "docid": "3393054", "title": "-", "text": "% of Unregistered care staff day hours filled as planned (Hospital) 103% of planned level - This shows how well the ward's staffing requirements are being met. % of registered nurse night hours filled as planned (Hospital) 93% of planned level - This shows how well the ward's staffing requirements are being met. % of Unregistered care staff night hours filled as planned (Hospital) 117% of planned level - This shows how well the ward's staffing requirements are being met. % of patients who have been hurt in a fall in the last 3 days. 0.23% - Based on a monthly spot check survey of patients on the ward." }, { "docid": "343798", "title": "What is a startup?", "text": "And yet the newness of a startup’s product or service is also a key part of the definition. This is a tricky part of the definition, too. I prefer to take the most expansive possible definition of product, one that encompasses any source of value for a set of people who voluntarily choose to become customers." }, { "docid": "8379182", "title": "The Real Cost of Birth Control", "text": "The Cost: According to Planned Parenthood, birth control pills cost between $15 to $50 a month, depending on health insurance coverage and type of pill. On an annual basis, that means the Pill costs between $160 to $600." } ]
what is a side stroke
[ { "docid": "1878769", "title": "sidestroke", "text": "Definition of sidestroke. : a swimming stroke which is executed on the side and in which the arms are swept in separate strokes towards the feet and downward and the legs do a scissors kick." } ]
[ { "docid": "6557925", "title": "The 12 Most Likely Causes of Facial Numbness", "text": "Numbness experienced in the face or along one side of the body is one of the lesser known symptoms of a stroke. Stroke symptoms are usually thought of as facial drooping, weakness in an arm, slurring speech and sometimes the development of a sudden limp." }, { "docid": "2634610", "title": "Strokes and Positioning", "text": "CVA's are all different. The amount of deficit the patient exhibits depends on the type of stroke i.e. ischemic or hemorrhagic and the area of the brain affected. The stroke patients in our rehab unit run the gammit from mild paraparesis to quadaplegia. Some have deficits on one side, some have deficits on the lower limbs, some have weakness in only one lower limb, some have no motor deficit, but exhibit severe dysphasia, etc. etc. They are all different." }, { "docid": "6579243", "title": "Cryptogenic Strokes Have an Unknown Cause", "text": "A cryptogenic stroke is a stroke of unknown cause. This means that the stroke cannot be attributed to any specific stroke cause or risk factor, even after thorough testing. Before labeling any stroke a cryptogenic stroke, your stroke team will search for the common and uncommon causes of stroke. The most common causes of stroke include smoking, heart disease, high blood pressure, vascular disease and high cholesterol." }, { "docid": "1742015", "title": "Stroke", "text": "Stroke, TIAs and migraine can share certain symptoms (visual disturbances, numbness, tingling, speech difficulties and muscle weakness on one side of the body), which may lead someone with a migraine to fear they are having a stroke." }, { "docid": "7492973", "title": "What happens when the carotid artery is blocked?", "text": "TIAs are warning signs that a complete blockage of the artery may occur. A complete blockage of the carotid artery can cause a stroke. The effects of stroke can be either mild (loss of side vision or slight muscle weakness) or severe (complete loss of vision, paralysis of one side of the body, loss of speech)." }, { "docid": "1154506", "title": "-", "text": "1 Stroke caused by a burst blood vessel. 2 While daily aspirin can help prevent a clot-related stroke, it may increase your risk of a bleeding stroke (hemorrhagic stroke). 3 Gastrointestinal bleeding." }, { "docid": "1533594", "title": "What is a transient ischemic attack (TIA)?", "text": "Symptoms of a TIA (mini-stroke) The acronym FAST represents the signs and symptoms of stroke. A symptom is something the patient experiences or reports, such as a headache, while a sign is something others detect, such as a rash. Face - the face may fall on one side as some of the facial muscles become paralyzed." }, { "docid": "4891709", "title": "Top 20 Doctor insights on: Stroke Symptoms Vs Seizure Symptoms", "text": "Not unusual: Approx 10% of stroke patients have seizures within 5 years after a stroke. Some of these patients have multiple seizure episodes, and are diagnosed with post-stroke epilepsy. Seizures soon after stroke may be related to blood product irritation (hemorrhagic strokes) or related to decreased blood flow, hypoxia (low oxygen) or other factors for ischemic (embolic) stroke. ..." }, { "docid": "335685", "title": "Itching skin and Stroke symptoms Symptom Checker", "text": "1 Itching skin and Stroke symptoms and Nerve symptoms (9 causes) 2 Itching skin and Stroke symptoms and Pain (9 causes) 3 Itching skin and Stroke symptoms and Sensations (9 causes) 4 Itching skin and Stroke symptoms and Sensory symptoms (9 causes) Itching skin and Stroke symptoms and Fatigue (9 causes)" }, { "docid": "1904698", "title": "Dehydration and Heat Stroke", "text": "The danger of dehydration and heat stroke. Dehydration and heat stroke are two very common heat-related diseases that can be life-threatening if left untreated. What is dehydration? Dehydration can be a serious heat-related disease, as well as being a dangerous side effect of diarrhea, vomiting, and fever." }, { "docid": "6431078", "title": "Ginger as Effective as Synthetic Drug in Migraine, but Without the Side Effects", "text": "Minor side effects of triptans include nausea, dizziness, drowsiness and muscle weakness. But, these medications can also cause more serious side effects such as coronary artery spasms, heart attacks, stroke, abnormal heart beats, and seizures." }, { "docid": "6244093", "title": "-", "text": "Neuropathy or nerve damage can be due to a number of specific diseases and disorders. In many cases, neuropathy has no known cause. In rare cases, if the numb face is accompanied by numbness or weakness of the arms or legs on one side of the body, it can be a sign of stroke." }, { "docid": "4287418", "title": "Aspirin", "text": "Aspirin, also known as acetylsalicylic acid (ASA), is a salicylate medication, often used to treat pain, fever, and inflammation.Aspirin also has an antiplatelet effect by stopping the binding together of platelets and preventing a patch over damaged walls of blood vessels.he main side effects of aspirin are gastrointestinal ulcers, stomach bleeding, and ringing in the ears, especially with higher doses. While daily aspirin can help prevent a clot-related stroke, it may increase risk of a bleeding stroke (hemorrhagic stroke)." }, { "docid": "2301524", "title": "The 5 Most Terrifying Ways Your Brain Can Turn on You", "text": "If your right parietal lobe is damaged by a stroke, injury, a brain tumor or lesions, you're not going to process anything you see on the left side of your body. It's not that your left eye doesn't work, it's that your brain can't make the connection to what you're seeing." }, { "docid": "2713769", "title": "-", "text": "Sudden severe weakness, particularly when it affects only one leg or one. side of the body, is an ominous sign of a life threatening stroke or. transient ischemic attack that requires immediate medical attention." }, { "docid": "2145289", "title": "What are the symptoms of a cylinder misfire?", "text": "a misfire can be caused by no spark or no fuel on a cylinder for 1 power stroke. the newer obd systems can pick it up usually on the coil side because of a voltage spike in the primary side of the coil because the secondary side didn,t fire normally. what it sounds like your spark plugs are breaking down under a load." }, { "docid": "8140378", "title": "Two-stroke engine", "text": "In a two-stroke engine, the end of the combustion stroke and the beginning of the compression stroke happen simultaneously, with the intake and exhaust (or scavenging) functions occurring at the same time. Two-stroke engines often have a high power-to-weight ratio, power being available in a narrow range of rotational speeds called the power band. Compared to four-stroke engines, two-stroke engines have a greatly reduced number of moving parts, and so can be more compact and significantly lighter." }, { "docid": "1747107", "title": "Typeface anatomy", "text": "A main vertical stroke is called a stem. The letter m has three, the left, middle, and right stems. The central stroke of an s is called the spine. A stroke, usually a stem, which rises above the height of an x (called the x height) is called an ascender. Letters with ascenders are b d f h k l. A stroke which drops below the baseline is a descender." }, { "docid": "4806749", "title": "Bell's Palsy Overview", "text": "Symptoms of Bell's Palsy. The symptoms of Bell's palsy often resemble those of a stroke or tumor. This is often due to the partial facial paralysis that occurs on one side of the face. The possibility of a stroke or tumor must be ruled out before a definitive diagnosis of Bell's palsy is made." }, { "docid": "6822532", "title": "What Is 2-Stroke and 4-Stroke Engine?", "text": "Power stroke :- In this stroke piston moves T.D.C to B.D.C and crank shaft rotets 180 to 270 degree. in this stroke inlet and outlet both valve remains close. in this stroke spark plug gives spark to burn the fuel. this is the most important stroke of engine because due to this process engine gets start." }, { "docid": "8083295", "title": "Stiff Neck Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment", "text": "See Sport Injuries, Back Injuries, and Back Pain. 1 Turning the head side to side repeatedly during an activity, such as swimming the front crawl stroke. 2 Slouching with poor posture while viewing the computer monitor or looking downward at a mobile phone for prolonged periods (sometimes referred to as text neck)" }, { "docid": "8450398", "title": "Carotid Artery Pain / Neck", "text": "I have been getting this pain in the right side of my neck. I am on warfarin lifelong following a dvt already so this is worrying. My mother had a major stroke age 64 last year and her father had a blocked carotid artery that gave him a stroke and was close to being fatal. Her mother had a dvt as well." }, { "docid": "1883421", "title": "Medical Dictionary", "text": "Heat Stroke Topic Guide. Heat Stroke: Heat stroke is a medical emergency. Heat stroke is caused by prolonged exposure to high temperatures while working, exercising, doing strenuous or non-strenuous activity, and certain medications. Symptoms of heat stroke include muscle cramps, profuse sweating, rapid pulse and breathing, dizziness, and headache." }, { "docid": "6935108", "title": "What are symptoms of strokes that occur in the right side of the brain?", "text": "Symptoms of a stroke or a transient ischemic attack in the right side of the brain include slurred speech, confusion, weakness on the left side of the face, arm or leg, loss of sensation of the left face, arm or leg, and loss of vision from the left sided visual field." }, { "docid": "4255684", "title": "-", "text": "Stroke Scale (NIHSS) is a systematic. assessment tool that provides a. quantitative measure of stroke-. related neurologic deficit. • Clinical stroke assessment tool to. evaluate and document neurological. status in acute stroke patients." }, { "docid": "5986912", "title": "Most Women Don't Know Warning Signs of Stroke", "text": "Only 51 percent of the women knew that sudden weakness or numbness on one side of the face, arms or legs is a warning sign of a stroke." }, { "docid": "1627709", "title": "What Is an Acute (or Sudden) Stroke?", "text": "An acute stroke is a stroke that occurs or develops abruptly. And the key feature of an acute stroke is that it starts suddenly and without warning. Overview. An acute stroke is an unexpected stroke. Yet few people 'expect' to have a stroke. Sometimes, however a stroke can develop slowly, taking hours to reach its peak." }, { "docid": "3252160", "title": "Overview", "text": "By Mayo Clinic Staff. In its early stages, carotid artery disease often doesn't produce any signs or symptoms. The condition may go unnoticed until it's serious enough to deprive your brain of blood, causing a stroke or TIA. Signs and symptoms of a stroke or TIA include: 1 Sudden numbness or weakness in the face or limbs, often on only one side of the body. Sudden trouble speaking and understanding." }, { "docid": "720065", "title": "Fever Facts", "text": "Fever is generally not considered dangerous, but hyperthermia can cause dangerous rises in body temperature. This can be due to an extreme temperature associated with heat injury such as heat stroke, side effects of certain medications or illicit drugs, and stroke.ever Facts. A fever -- also known as a high fever or a high temperature -- is not by itself an illness. It's usually a symptom of an underlying condition, most often an infection." }, { "docid": "4304415", "title": "-", "text": "NIHSS 1. NIH Stroke Scale. Stroke is the third leading cause of death in the United States and cause more serious. long-term disabilities than any other disease. Forty -five percent of all Medicare dollars in. the US are spent on rehabilitation of patients with stroke. Stroke obviously represents a." } ]
what is a sitzprobe rehearsal
[ { "docid": "4995423", "title": "Free Online Dictionary", "text": "Sitzprobe is a German term used in opera and musical theatre to describe a seated rehearsal—the literal translation of Sitzprobe—where the singers sing with the orchestra, focusing attention on integrating the two groups. It is often the first rehearsal where the orchestra and singers rehearse together." } ]
[ { "docid": "4732736", "title": "-", "text": "Davy Jones' Locker shared a link. Wind at Rooks Haven rehearsal 1 by Tania HollandWatch Tania Holland's Wind at Rooks Haven rehearsal 1 on Livestream.com. Davy Jones Locker brings unfamiliar music and the work of living composers to new audiences. This is part of a series of live streamed rehearsal and toe dipping concerts we are now engaged in." }, { "docid": "5733150", "title": "Chapter 5: Wedding Rehearsal Dinner Invitations", "text": "Wedding rehearsal dinner invitations can be very formal or casual based on the event. Visit our Storkie page for Rehearsal Dinner Invitations and order your cards one to three months before the event.Storkie Tip: If your budget won't.f you're having a low-key rehearsal at a bistro or pizza parlor, handwritten invites aren't necessary. If you plan on having a lot of out-of-town guests, send out formal rehearsal dinner invitations." }, { "docid": "1975389", "title": "-", "text": "AJTS Instructor Operator Station and Role Player Station. QuantaDyn Corporation has teamed with several small businesses to develop the Advanced Joint Terminal Attack Controller Training System (AJTS). The AJTS device is designed to support Joint Terminal Attack Controller (JTAC) and Combat Controller squadron level continuation, qualification and mission rehearsal training requirements." }, { "docid": "2625818", "title": "-", "text": "A rehearsal director is someone that is hired into a dance company to direct any rehearsals that the company has. This person must have been a dancer and know enough about tec…hnique and enough about each of the dances and what they are supposed to look like to give corrections to the dancers." }, { "docid": "4071538", "title": "Weddings -- who pays for what?", "text": "The groom's family is responsible for corsages and boutonnieres for immediate members of both families, the lodging of the groom's attendants (if you have offered to help pay for this expense), and sometimes the costs of the rehearsal dinner." }, { "docid": "1353708", "title": "The Groom's Parents' Financial Responsibility for the Wedding", "text": "Food and Drink. The groom’s parents plan and host the wedding rehearsal dinner, the groom’s bachelor dinner and some aspects of the reception. Opinions vary about what these aspects should be, but some parents pay for the wine and other alcohol, while others pay for the alcohol and the entertainment." }, { "docid": "6246149", "title": "-", "text": "Typically the dinner begins approximately 30 minutes to an hour after the rehearsal at the church has concluded and lasts for approximately 2.5 to 3 hours. It’s important that it concludes early enough for the bridal party and families to get a good night’s sleep since the next day is a busy one!ven though this is a relaxed atmosphere, it is nice to have some sort of agenda so that a welcome from the host/hostess can be given, as well as toasts by those who will not be toasting on the wedding day (those other than the bestman and maid/matron of honor)." }, { "docid": "7633648", "title": "-", "text": "While there aren't a ton of opportunities to rewear your wedding ceremony dress, your rehearsal dinner is the perfect opportunity to purchase a fallback outfit for future events. Shop this collection of chic jumpsuits, white dresses, classic silhouettes, and modern midis that will last 'til death do you part. More." }, { "docid": "5718978", "title": "How long was your Rehearsal Dinner?", "text": "How long was your Rehearsal Dinner? So my FMIL has had her heart set on this particular Inn near the house that we are having the rehearsal dinner at. Our plan was to have dinner at 6pm...we are doing the rehearsal 4:30/5. My FMIL informs my FH that the dinner will be 4 HOURS! 2 hours for cocktail and 2 hours for dinner!" }, { "docid": "1574386", "title": "snippet", "text": "snippet (plural snippets) 1 A small part of something, such as a song or program; sample. From the snippet I heard of their rehearsal, they sound pretty good. ( 2 computing) a textfile containing a relatively small amount of code, useless by itself, along with instructions for inserting that code into a larger codebase." }, { "docid": "7133346", "title": "Memory Psychology", "text": "encoding that requires attention conscious effort rehearsal conscious repetition of information, either to maintain it in consciousness or to encode it for storage" }, { "docid": "1822579", "title": "One DirectionWe Were Afraid The WantedWas Gonna Beat Us Up!", "text": "The boy band One Direction was so concerned the other big boy band, The Wanted, was gonna beat on them, they tried to flee a Burbank studio ...but then The Wanted boys showed up. Here's what we know ... On April 4, One Direction was rehearsing for SNL at CenterStaging, a Burbank rehearsal studio.he boy band One Direction was so concerned the other big boy band, The Wanted, was gonna beat on them, they tried to flee a Burbank studio ..." }, { "docid": "7115058", "title": "'Wait a second!': Charlie Puth recognizes a former classmate as he steps in as a mentor on The Voice", "text": "Small world: Charlie Puth was shocked to see former schoolmate Kylie Rothfield during rehearsal on Monday's episode of The Voice 'Oh my God, how are you!' Kylie replied with a shy smile." }, { "docid": "7550869", "title": "-", "text": "College of Nursing commencement rehearsal will take place Thursday, April 30, from 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. at the Phillips Center for the Performing Arts. A reception will take place for graduates and their families following the rehearsal on Thursday, April 30, from 12:30 to 2 p.m. in the HPNP Courtyard." }, { "docid": "4784392", "title": "Feeling nostalgic? Lea Thompson brandishes Eighties flashback photo of her cuddling with Tom Cruise as she arrives to DWTS rehearsals", "text": "Blast from the past: Lea Thompson was presented with a photo of her and her All The Right Moves co-star Tom Cruise as she dropped by Dancing With The Stars rehearsal in Hollywood on Sunday. Lea, who was bombarded by fans, was most likely handed the poster of her cuddling with the dark haired action hero by an autograph seeker." }, { "docid": "7948771", "title": "-", "text": "Private Party Facilities: With its spectacular marina view, Whiskey Red’s is the ideal location for your next Wedding, Private Party, Rehearsal Dinner, Birthday, Anniversary and Corporate Event. We offer full-service, one-stop planning to ensure that your event is executed with excellence and sophistication." }, { "docid": "4654348", "title": "-", "text": "1 Do tell your child how much money you have available to help pay for the reception, ceremony, rehearsal dinner or other incidentals. That gives bride and groom the ability to adjust their expectations to the funds at hand. Don’t attach strings to your financial support." }, { "docid": "7635048", "title": "-", "text": "Rehearsal dinner. 1 Marriage license and fee for officiant. 2 Bride’s ring. 3 Gifts for groomsmen. 4 Groom’s suit or tuxedo. 5 Bridal bouquet, boutonnieres for the groomsmen, and corsages for mothers. 6 Honeymoon. 7 Party for groomsmen." }, { "docid": "1911697", "title": "-", "text": "Reviewed on 7/20/2013 Katie F. We had out rehearsal dinner at The Livery Tavern in downtown Lewisburg, what a beautiful restaurant. It was such a fun night and the perfect place for our event. My father-in-law really enjoyed working with The Livery Tavern, he received great service getting everything set up and organized." }, { "docid": "4362852", "title": "12 Tips for a Great Rehearsal Dinner", "text": "You should invite all those who will take part in the wedding ceremony to the rehearsal dinner. Spouses or dates of all adult attendants should be invited. Parents and grandparents of the bride and groom should be invited. It is not necessary to invite the musicians or soloist unless they are close friends or family." }, { "docid": "4483551", "title": "-", "text": "1 the act of rehearsing, reciting, or recounting: a rehearsal of her troubles. 2 a drilling or repeating for practice before future performance. 3 a practice performance of a play, concert, etc., or of part of it, in preparation for a public or formal performance. any practice, exercise, or drill; trial." }, { "docid": "4483554", "title": "rehearsal", "text": "1 the act of rehearsing, reciting, or recounting: a rehearsal of her troubles. 2 a drilling or repeating for practice before future performance. a practice performance of a play, concert, etc., or of part of it, in preparation for a public or formal performance." }, { "docid": "4418825", "title": "-", "text": "4. Posttests are comprehensive assessments to measure all of the instructional objectives of the instructional goal to inform Designer of effectiveness of each instructional item.FORMATIVE EVALUATION of INSTRUCTION: Informs content refinement for each test, and sometimes the elimination of #1 and #2.retest includes key skills in the needs analysis and the instructional GOAL, to determine the content of instruction. (not always necessary). 3. Practice Tests enable periodic learner rehearsal during instruction, provide feedback, and inform lesson-level pace, mastery & effectiveness." }, { "docid": "4741216", "title": "-", "text": "Related Wedding Events. If you've planned extra events for all the guests -- a welcome dinner, rehearsal dinner, a round of golf on Saturday morning, a post-wedding brunch just to name a few -- it's a good idea to put this information into the invitation as well." }, { "docid": "7378377", "title": "How Much Does a Mission Inn Wedding Cost?", "text": "1 As per weddingwire.com, the catering cost is on top of the minimum rental fee. 2 The usual cost for catering is at $99 per person. 3 One user on Yahoo! 4 Answers attended a wedding here and claimed that the entire wedding cost around $30,000. If you want to have a rehearsal and rehearsal dinner at the Mission Inn the night before the wedding, this can be scheduled. 2 The cost will depend on the number of people in your wedding party. 3 The Mission Inn is also a luxurious spa that can help you and your guests relax before or after the wedding." }, { "docid": "2494270", "title": "-", "text": "Located 20 minutes from the heart of London, Elstree Studios is without doubt London's No.1 studio for any film or television production, tour rehearsal or promo.lstree Studios is home to some of the top shows on British television today; Strictly Come Dancing for BBC, Big Brother for Channel 5, The Voice, Celebrity Juice, Never Mind The Buzzcocks, The Chase, Pointless, Room 101, Sweat The Small Stuff, Yonderland and many more." }, { "docid": "1564861", "title": "Rehearsal Dinner Cost", "text": "1 A rehearsal dinner can cost as little as $10 to $30 per person for a simple affair held in the host's home. 2 Examples include an Italian-themed event with lasagna and Chianti, a back-yard cookout with burgers, a pizza party or a cocktail party.3 TheKnot.com offers a list of casual rehearsal dinner ideas. Some restaurants charge a small room rental fee and do not charge for use of flatware and stemware. 2 Brides.com offers ideas. 3 An elaborate rehearsal dinner can cost $70 to $250 per person and even higher. 4 Ideas include a catered meal at a reception hall or a multi-course meal in a high-end restaurant or upscale hotel." }, { "docid": "1471473", "title": "How much to charge for wedding ceremony?", "text": "I do this for $125. If there is a rehearsal &/or extra travel, then it is more. To find an officiant type into Yahoo your city, state & wedding officiant (no 's' on the end) You will have a few to choose from, usually on the 2nd page. The larger bridal sites seem to get top billing. If you do go to the bridal sites, please visit the site of someone you think you might like." }, { "docid": "5450139", "title": "Wedding Q. and A.", "text": "At my wedding, this bride was invited to a Thursday-night party given by family friends, the rehearsal dinner, the wedding and a brunch on Sunday. I realized that I was very lucky to have people give so many parties." }, { "docid": "585022", "title": "Production Manager", "text": "Responsibilities may include any or all of the following: Securing the rights to present the play from the royalty house or publisher-agent. Budgeting. Deciding date, time and venue. Forming a production team. Production meetings. Scheduling rehearsals and performances. Setting the rehearsal venue." } ]
what is a sms safety certification
[ { "docid": "837206", "title": "-", "text": "Safety Management Specialist. The Safety Management Specialist (SMS) certification demonstrates a safety practitioner’s knowledge and experience in the management of people and organizations to build safe workplaces. Program Overview." } ]
[ { "docid": "6950412", "title": "How to Transfer SMS from Old Android to Samsung Galaxy S5", "text": "Are you planning to make a switch from an old Android phone to the new Samsung Galaxy S5 for a whole new mobile experience? If you are, you will need to transfer SMS from old Android to the new Galaxy S5. On this occasion, Jihosoft Android SMS Transfer is right for you.It is professional as well as user-friendly software to help transfer SMS to Samsung Galaxy S5 within simple clicks.re you planning to make a switch from an old Android phone to the new Samsung Galaxy S5 for a whole new mobile experience? If you are, you will need to transfer SMS from old Android to the new Galaxy S5. On this occasion, Jihosoft Android SMS Transfer is right for you." }, { "docid": "377294", "title": "GFSI Food Safety Standards", "text": "Levels of certification. The SQF 2000 Code is divided into three certification levels: Level 1 covers food safety fundamentals; at Level 2, certified HACCP food safety plans are recognized by GFSI; and at Level 3, comprehensive food safety and quality management system actions exceed the GFSI benchmark requirements." }, { "docid": "377293", "title": "Ensuring consumer trust in the supply of safe food & drinks", "text": "Ensuring consumer trust in the supply of safe food & drinks. The FSSC 22000 Food Safety System Certification provides a framework for effectively managing your organization's food safety responsibilities. FSSC 22000 is fully recognized by the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) and is based on existing ISO Standards. It demonstrates your company has a robust Food Safety Management System in place that meets the requirements of your customers and consumers." }, { "docid": "6282261", "title": "Q: Force iMessage to send an SMS?", "text": "Otherwise, as long as send as SMS is selected in the menu (under messages), your text will send as a standard SMS text. SMS texts only require a standard cellular connection, not a data connection. If you were to disable the cellular data toggle in the menu system under network, you could still send a text as an SMS." }, { "docid": "8432261", "title": "Forklift Certification and Training", "text": "With CertifyMe.net’s forklift training and certification program, you can promote safety in your workplace, certify forklift operators without sending them away for training and print certificates and operator cards on the same day. It’s quick and easy." }, { "docid": "1755438", "title": "-", "text": "Solution. To send an SMS message programmatically from within your Android application, use the SmsManager class, available from the android.telephony.SmsManager package. The following code snippet shows how to send an SMS message to another device (emulator 5556) with the message “Greetings!”:NOTE To enable sending SMS messages programmatically from your application, be sure to add the android.permission.SEND_SMS permission; otherwise, your application will crash.olution. To send an SMS message programmatically from within your Android application, use the SmsManager class, available from the android.telephony.SmsManager package. The following code snippet shows how to send an SMS message to another device (emulator 5556) with the message “Greetings!”:" }, { "docid": "6399173", "title": "-", "text": "I have received a verification code via sms from facebook to verify my account there & not to type the captcha anymore but I dont know where to enter the verification code. help plz. Update: when i enter the code in th emobile part it gives me an error & doesn't accept the code that itself has sent me via sms.it says you must get a new confirmation code & when i get another sms,it's the same code. i dunno what to do.pdate: when i enter the code in th emobile part it gives me an error & doesn't accept the code that itself has sent me via sms. it says you must get a new confirmation code & when i get another sms,it's the same code. i dunno what to do." }, { "docid": "2381370", "title": "Q: How to save SMS and iMessages from iOS to a PC or MAC", "text": "Q: How to save SMS and iMessages from iOS to a PC or MAC. For legal reasons, we need to periodically save text messages (both SMS and iMessages). I am looking for a FREE solution preferably, but if there is a known good APP, we will consider it. Any help appreciated. I use PhoneView. It's a Mac application." }, { "docid": "2223325", "title": "-", "text": "Unless a motor carrier in the SMS has received an UNSATISFACTORY safety rating pursuant to 49 CFR Part 385, or has otherwise been ordered to discontinue operations by the FMCSA, it is authorized to operate on the nation's roadways." }, { "docid": "3384372", "title": "-", "text": "SMS 2015 1 Comment. Send a nice and short Good Night SMS to your girlfriend and keep getting love from her. We also found that “Good Night SMS For Girlfriend” is a very popular term on internet." }, { "docid": "5657099", "title": "Become an NSC First Aid Instructor", "text": "Become an NSC First Aid Instructor. ​Teach others to save lives — become a certified NSC First Aid Instructor. The National Safety Council offers certification in first aid and CPR training, whether you need to be an instructor at your workplace or you're looking to teach as part of a community effort." }, { "docid": "794703", "title": "Get Certified", "text": "Seating and Mobility Specialist Certification. The SMS certification is a specialty certification for professionals working in seating and mobility. While the ATP is a broad-based exam covering all major areas of assistive technology, the SMS exam is focused specifically on seating, positioning, and mobility. The program is intended for clinicians, suppliers, engineers and others involved in seating and mobility service provision." }, { "docid": "600299", "title": "-", "text": "Answer Wiki. As others have said: If you block incoming SMS on the operator level, your phone won't receive the SMS, but if you block it on the phone level it depends on the software you use. The phone will receive the message successfully, but some apps will delete it and some might put it in a special folder." }, { "docid": "4811446", "title": "Oklahoma CDL and DOT Medical Card Requirements", "text": "Submit Your Self Certification Affidavit and Medical Certificate to Oklahoma Department of Public Safety. Submit the following two documents: 1 Oklahoma Commercial Driver Licensee Medical Self-Certification Affidavit – download the form here from Oklahoma Dept of Public Safety. Copy of your valid DOT medical card. Enlarge the copy to ensure that all information is legible." }, { "docid": "5235933", "title": "-", "text": "SafeLand & OSHA 10 Certification (14 Hours) Dates & Times. The two industry standards for Safety Training for the Gas Industry are SafeLand Certification and OSHA 10 General Industry Certification. With these two certifications, you meet the basic safety training requirements of virtually every company in the industry." }, { "docid": "5021807", "title": "-", "text": "Functional Safety Certification Services. In addition to our Functional Safety Product Certifications, we also offer our customers Functional Safety Management (FSM) systems certifications according to the requirements of international standards, such as IEC 61508, IEC 61511, IEC 62061, EN 954, ISO 13489 and many more.e support manufacturers from concept design through the development process to ensure compliance with Functional Safety requirements for products and systems. The following provides an overview of our “Functional Safety” services:" }, { "docid": "5704023", "title": "How to Send a Text Message From Email", "text": "Send an SMS Text Message from an Email. To send a text message from an email, you need to know the address for the SMS gateway. Below is a list of the SMS gateways for some of the major US cellular providers. If a carrier is not in the list, search the website for that carrier and you will likely find their SMS gateway address. AllTel: number@message.alltel.com." }, { "docid": "3071006", "title": "How Does Text Messaging Work?", "text": "The technology behind text messaging is SMS (short message service). SMS is used to send and receive messages to and from cellular phones. SMS has its limitations since it only allows for up to 160 characters in the messages. The 160-character limit is only for Latin letters, numbers and symbols." }, { "docid": "4177814", "title": "-", "text": "Safety does not just happen. Implementing the state of Colorado’s six-step cost containment program is the beginning of creating a safe work environment. The State of Colorado Cost Containment Certification (CCC) Board requires a safety and cost containment program that complies with guidelines set by the board. Pinnacol Assurance makes creating this program easy." }, { "docid": "7418555", "title": "-", "text": "SMS documentation includes only what is necessary to cover the application of the system and is organized in an clear and effective way. On board the vessel, the master is responsible for the control of these documents. A designated person ashore should also monitor the SMS documents." }, { "docid": "7160691", "title": "Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratories (NRTL)", "text": "NRTLs are recognised by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) under Federal Code 29 CFR 1910.7 to provide product safety testing and certification for products to be used in the U.S. workplace. In Canada, only a Certification Body accredited by the Standards Council of Canada (SCC) can perform such services." }, { "docid": "6537600", "title": "Why is food safety important to the food industry?", "text": "For those who run or work in a business that handles food, you understand the importance of food safety and regulation compliance as it pertains to not only to certification and licensing of a company, but also the life or death of those who consu..." }, { "docid": "6125479", "title": "-", "text": "As convenient as they are, SMS---or short message service---text messages have, as with all forms of communication, a few drawbacks when compared with other forms of communication. Reliability and versatility can be compromised when using SMS, and text messages are far from the most economical way to communicate." }, { "docid": "4772576", "title": "NHRA Safety Equipment Expiration Periods", "text": "Safety Equipment Re-Certification Periods. This is a list of standard expiration periods for safety equipment, based on NHRA rules. This is a guide only, please check with your local rules. (Updated March, 2012)." }, { "docid": "457807", "title": "What is BRC Certification?", "text": "In response to this demand, increasing numbers of retailers and food service providers are mandating that their suppliers receive third-party certification with a Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) approved scheme. The BRC Global Standard for Food Certification aims to: Promote best practices" }, { "docid": "7343989", "title": "-", "text": "Food Safety Manager: Classroom training & Cert Exam. If you are looking to get certified for Food Safety Manger by ServSafe© this is the best option to go with. It includes 4 hours of classroom training and online certification exam for one low price of $125.00. Note: In order to take online exam you will have to come to our Woburn, MA office. A Proctor is required for all ServSafe Food Protection Manager online exams." }, { "docid": "1774379", "title": "-", "text": "Show 13 replies. 1 1. Re: Want a group SMS where recipients can't reply to other recipients. 2 2. Re: Want a group SMS where recipients can't reply to other recipients. 3 3. Re: Want a group SMS where recipients can't reply to other recipients. 4. Re: Want a group SMS where recipients can't reply to other recipients." }, { "docid": "5218210", "title": "-", "text": "TextSecure (Free) – Android. The trouble with most secure messaging apps is that both parties usually must be using the same application for encryption to work. TextSecure (available only on Android) sets itself apart by working with standard SMS text messages, as well as SMS picture messages." }, { "docid": "7160694", "title": "-", "text": "The NRTL Program recognizes mainly private sector organizations that provide product safety testing and certification services to manufacturers. The testing and certification are performed to U.S. consensus-based product safety test standards, on items for which the Occupational Health & Safety Administration (OSHA) requires safety standards." }, { "docid": "7548932", "title": "-", "text": "package you can backup both contacts and sms messages from your windows. mobile phone to computer directly. With SMS Backup, you can easily backup the SMS to computer as a text file or. a SMS file whenever you want. You can choose whether to backup the SMS into a. TXT file or a SMS file." } ]
what is a stator
[ { "docid": "8192329", "title": "Stator", "text": "Stator of a 3-phase AC-motor. Stator of a brushless DC motor from computer cooler fan. The stator is the stationary part of a rotary system, found in electric generators, electric motors, sirens, or biological rotors. The main use of a stator is to keep the field aligned.tator winding of a generator at a hydroelectric power station. The stator of these devices may be either a permanent magnet or an electromagnet. Where the stator is an electromagnet, the coil which energizes it is known as the field coil or field winding." } ]
[ { "docid": "6139551", "title": "Variable Torque Motors - American Made Efficiency", "text": "What the VTM does is also move back and forth, creating varying ranges of torque versus speed. A brushless electric motor has three basic parts: a stator, a permanent magnet, and a shaft. Most designs have the permanent magnet attached to the shaft, all riding inside the stator." }, { "docid": "4451404", "title": "Electric Motor Rotation Direction Which way does an electric motor spin? Do some electric motors reverse direction?", "text": "1 Electric motor rotor: the rotor follows (turns in the direction impelled by) the rotating magnetic field and thus spins the motor shaft. Electric motor stator: the stator consists is a device or core containing start and run windings (of copper wire) wound around a central core to create a magnetic field." }, { "docid": "1353385", "title": "-", "text": "The stator of a BLDC motor consists of stacked steel. laminations with windings placed in the slots that are. axially cut along the inner periphery (as shown in. Figure 3). Traditionally, the stator resembles that of an. induction motor; however, the windings are distributed." }, { "docid": "5829858", "title": "Three phase induction motors â Operating principle", "text": "The difference between the stator (synchronous speed) and rotor speeds is called the slip. The rotation of the magnetic field in an induction motor has the advantage that no electrical connections need to be made to the rotor. Thus the three phase induction motor is:" }, { "docid": "461843", "title": "-", "text": "I connected the negative cable to the positive terminal and the positive cable to the negative terminal. It sparked a bit and in less than a minute there was a loud hiss and a few white puffs of smoke came off of the coils or rectifier.I assume that I fried the rectifier, coils, or possibly the stator. connected the negative cable to the positive terminal and the positive cable to the negative terminal. It sparked a bit and in less than a minute there was a loud hiss and a few white puffs of smoke came off of the coils or rectifier." }, { "docid": "8289585", "title": "-", "text": "The construction is similar to that of a squirrel cage, a term often used to describe this type of ac induction motor. The rotating magnetic field in the stator coils, in addition to inducing voltages in the rotor bars, also induces voltages in the stator and rotor cores." }, { "docid": "930832", "title": "What is the formula to calculate a synchronous speed of a motor?", "text": "The name synchronous implies that both stator and rotor runs with same speed. As this is an AC motor, frequency(f) comes into picture along with the effect of field poles(p). Hence the formula for finding out the synchronous speed(Ns) of a motor is given as" }, { "docid": "2405415", "title": "Excitation (magnetic)", "text": "The rotor iron retains a magnetism when the generator is turned off. The generator is started with no load connected; the initial weak field creates a weak voltage in the stator coils, which in turn increases the field current, until the machine builds up to full voltage." }, { "docid": "7781831", "title": "Whats the differance ---> distributor stator vs ignition module?", "text": "yeah..the stator is INSIDE your distributor. it's also knows as the PIP, hall effects sensor, blah blah. if you're having your car randomly die or shut off after a litle bit of driving, then u should replace that. the piece itself costed me like 10-15 bucks @ autozone." }, { "docid": "8561705", "title": "-", "text": "To test the stator, find the wires coming out of the left crankcase cover and unplug the connector. It will be the one with the three yellow wires. Check the resistance between each of the three wires. You should see 0.09-0.11 ohms or somewhere close to that, doesn't have to be exact." }, { "docid": "2457348", "title": "Siren (alarm)", "text": "In a pneumatic siren, the stator is the part which cuts off and reopens air as rotating blades of a chopper move past the port holes of the stator, generating sound. The pitch of the siren's sound is a function of the speed of the rotor and the number of holes in the stator. A siren with only one row of ports is called a single tone siren. A siren with two rows of ports is known as a dual tone siren." }, { "docid": "2457350", "title": "-", "text": "The frequency of these bursts is the pitch of the siren. The siren in the diagram to the right is my dual-tone Model 2. To create two distinct tones, this siren has a two-level rotor and stator assembly. The top half of the rotor has 5 vanes, and the bottom half has only four. Side note: The above siren animation is way slowed down." }, { "docid": "4077966", "title": "Thread: Need Ohm specs for the crankshaft position sensor...", "text": "As far as the stator goes, all the windings ohm out nice and no shorts to ground. Last time I checked, the cat was charging at 14-14.5 or so volts. So that's why I won't buy a complete assembly from Arctic Cat." }, { "docid": "5411221", "title": "The difference between asynchronous and synchronous generator", "text": "An asynchronous generator is essentially the same machine as an asynchronous or induction motor. The magnetic field of the rotor is supplied by the stator through electromagnetic induction. The output frequency of a synchronous generator can be more easily regulated to remain at a constant value." }, { "docid": "4654312", "title": "Siren (alarm)", "text": "The pitch of the siren's sound is a function of the speed of the rotor and the number of holes in the stator. A siren with only one row of ports is called a single tone siren. A siren with two rows of ports is known as a dual tone siren. By placing a second stator over the main stator and attaching a solenoid to it, one can repeatedly close and open all of the stator ports thus creating a tone called a pulse." }, { "docid": "8192331", "title": "stator", "text": "stator. n. 1. (Electrical Engineering) the stationary part of a rotary machine or device, esp of a motor or generator.2. (Aeronautics) a system of nonrotating radially arranged parts within a rotating assembly, esp the fixed blades of an axial flow compressor in a gas turbine.tator. n. 1. (Electrical Engineering) the stationary part of a rotary machine or device, esp of a motor or generator." }, { "docid": "1970227", "title": "Torque Converter FAQs: What is Stall Speed? How Does a TC Operate? (And Other Common Questions)", "text": "the converter housing bolts to the flexplate and spins at the same speed as the engine on the output side the torque converter s turbine is attached to the transmission s input shaft inside the converter has a stator assembly and fluid" }, { "docid": "1203191", "title": "Define gap contraction factor for slots?", "text": "Answers.com® is making the world better one answer at a time. It is nothing but the effect of flux which is reduced slightly due to fringing effect. it depends on the material used for the stator and rotor design. as well as shape of the slots. 3 people found this useful." }, { "docid": "1503816", "title": "Circle diagram", "text": "Another common circle diagram form is as described in the two constant air-gap induction motor images shown here, where, 1 R s, X s: Stator resistance and leakage reactance.2 R r ' , X r ' , s: Rotor resistance and leakage reactance referred to the stator and rotor slip.eyond the error inherent in the constant air-gap assumption, the circle diagram introduces errors due to rotor reactance and rotor resistance variations caused by magnetic saturation and rotor frequency over the range from no-load to operating speed." }, { "docid": "1511990", "title": "How damper winding provides smooth starting to synchronous machine.", "text": "When the machine reached in synchronism, there will be no current in damper winding as there is no relative motion between rotor and stator. 2.Compensation of transient s by damping the rotational fluctuation (hunting) caused by unbalanced loading, torque etc.he rotor of induction machine is mostly of squirrel cage type which is short circuited thus provides high current in start up. Damper winding in synchronous machine is placed in the coil slots and short circuited." }, { "docid": "2053122", "title": "stator", "text": "stator. n. 1. (Electrical Engineering) the stationary part of a rotary machine or device, esp of a motor or generator. 2. (Aeronautics) a system of nonrotating radially arranged parts within a rotating assembly, esp the fixed blades of an axial flow compressor in a gas turbine." }, { "docid": "1970223", "title": "Torque Converter FAQs: What is Stall Speed? How Does a TC Operate? (And Other Common Questions)", "text": "the other key component inside a torque converter is the stator it s located between the impeller on the input side and the turbine on the output side the stator incorporates a one way clutch which has the ability to redirect the fluid flow inside the converter" }, { "docid": "543981", "title": "The purpose of a stator?", "text": "The stator is the stationary part of an electric generator or electric motor. The non-stationary part on an electric motor is the rotor.tator magnet is the stationary part of a rotor system or a siren, found in an electric gen.,electric motor, siren, or biological rotors. 4 people found this useful." }, { "docid": "5765463", "title": "-", "text": "A FWBR AC legs over motor coil switching captures the backemf/recoil of the motor coil's collapse, (switch this out in echo-pulse to motor pulse via just one AC leg with this 2nd switch on it) and the DC out of the FWBR goes into caps and or load.t's quite similar to my last motor. I use even the same coils for it. Like my last one, it has three stator positions with two coils (series connected) per position facing each other, with the rotor running between them. And like my last one, it has a four magnet N-S rotor using grade 42 neos with 2 cm diameter." }, { "docid": "4464297", "title": "-", "text": "Other Parts • Conduit Box – Point of connection of electrical power to the motor’s stator windings. t•E Belyo – Used to lift heavy motors with a hoist or crane to prevent motor damage. www.PAControl.com" }, { "docid": "8575625", "title": "-", "text": "US 4108290 A. Abstract. A controlled lock-up clutch interposed between the impeller and turbine in a torque converter of an automatic transmission for an automotive vehicle where the clutch lock-up and unlock is controlled at a torque converter speed ratio design point by the stator movement and loading.A lock-up clutch is...atents. A controlled lock-up clutch interposed between the impeller and turbine in a torque converter of an automatic transmission for an automotive vehicle where the clutch lock-up and unlock is controlled at a torque converter speed ratio design point by the stator movement and loading. A lock-up clutch is... http://www.google ...." }, { "docid": "2391447", "title": "-", "text": "The slip frequency. detection is carried out utilizing rotor slot harmonics [4], [5] or sensing and exploiting the stator current [6]. This paper presents an algorithm for the accurate. measurement of the slip frequency based on digital. filtering and dynamic parameter estimation method [7]-. [10]." }, { "docid": "4664770", "title": "Types of Single Phase Induction Motor | Split Phase Capacitor Start Run Shaded Pole", "text": "In addition to the main winding or running winding, the stator of single phase induction motor carries another winding called auxiliary winding or starting winding. A centrifugal switch is connected in series with auxiliary winding." }, { "docid": "3311598", "title": "-", "text": "A typical AC car alternator has two windings: a stator (stationary outside winding) and a rotor (rotating inner winding). A voltage supplied through the voltage regulator to the rotor winding energizes the rotor and turns it into a magnet.The rotor is rotated by the engine via a drive belt.ow an alternator is tested. Computerized battery and charging system tester. Your mechanic can test the state of your charging system with the battery and charging system tester (in the photo). A battery and charging system test (AVR test) can cost from $30 to $50." }, { "docid": "266345", "title": "-", "text": "I replaced both the regulator & stator in tandem when my PC800 developed a no-charge problem with melted wires and all. My old stator was original and 14 years old. The connector between the original stator and the regulator melted in a catastrophic way.The new Rick's stator leads eliminated that intermediate connector and plugs directly into the regulator via the extra length leads that came on the Rick's stator.hat is a custom stator rebuild job and we will need your old stator part to rebuild it. 1 We back our stators with a one year warranty. 2 Stators come with a wire harness, rubber grommets, and all end connectors for a more tech friendly installation whenever possible." } ]
what is a statute mile
[ { "docid": "5427585", "title": "What Are Statute Miles?", "text": "A statute mile is the name given to the definitive measurement used in Britain and America, where the miles referred to on roads signs or maps for example are statute miles.There are slight differences between the statute, international and nautical mile. statute mile is the name given to the definitive measurement used in Britain and America, where the miles referred to on roads signs or maps for example are statute miles." } ]
[ { "docid": "1896632", "title": "How Long Do Federal and State Tax Returns Need to Be Kept?", "text": "If you're paying state income taxes, the time you need to keep records will depend on state law. Some states can look back further than the IRS. California and Arizona, for example, have a four-year statute of limitations; Montana has a five-year statute." }, { "docid": "93945", "title": "-", "text": "CONVERSION TABLE FOR NAUTICAL AND STATUTE MILES. 1 nautical mile = 6,076.11549 . . . feet. 1 statute mile = 5,280 feet. To convert Nautical miles to Statute miles, multiply Nautical miles by 1.15. To convert Statute miles to Nautical miles, multiply Statute miles by 0.87. Days- hours 10 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 ..." }, { "docid": "2450736", "title": "meter", "text": "One foot is approximately 0.3048 meter. There are about 1609 meters in a statute mile. The official span was at one time formally defined as the separation between two scratches on a platinum bar in Paris. This was, of course, intended mainly for show, and not for use in the laboratory." }, { "docid": "2769023", "title": "Who Is Buying Those $65 Million Gulfstream G650s?", "text": "With a top speed of 92% of the speed of sound (arguably the fastest civilian jet in the world), room for a basketball team, 8,000-statute-mile range and some of the most sophisticated avionics rivaling nearly anything in the sky, this airplane is perfect for doing business on a global scale." }, { "docid": "3108575", "title": "Chapter 2305: JURISDICTION; LIMITATION OF ACTIONS", "text": "5. (2) Upon a statute, for a penalty or forfeiture, where the action is given to the State alone, or in whole or in part to the party aggrieved, or to a common informer, except where the statute imposing it prescribes a different limitation." }, { "docid": "5869538", "title": "What does \"tolling\" mean?", "text": "Posted August 20, 2007. Note, when a statute of limitation expires, it does. not mean that the debt goes away, it only means you can use it as a defense. to stop collectors from collecting thru the court system. Collectors can still. try to collect thru other methods. In most cases, the statute begins the moment." }, { "docid": "3827606", "title": "Using Lee for Legal Separation in Alabama", "text": "The State of Alabama recognizes and allows legal separation. We have a statute that defines legal separation and lays out how it works, what the rules are for how support gets determined, and how property gets divided in the event of a divorce later. You can read the statute here on Divorceinfo.com." }, { "docid": "3057824", "title": "How many yards = 1 mile?", "text": "How many Feet are in a Mile. 1 mile (mi) in feet (ft). How many feet are in a mile. 1 mile is equal to 5280 feet: 1 mi = 5280 ft" }, { "docid": "5993661", "title": "Convert square miles to acre - Conversion of Measurement Units", "text": "There are more specific definitions of 'mile' such as the metric mile, statute mile, nautical mile, and survey mile. On this site, we assume that if you only specify 'mile' you want the statute mile. ›› Definition: Acre. An acre is a measure of land area in Imperial units or U.S. customary units. It is equal to 43 560 square feet, 4840 square yards, or 160 square rods. The precise meaning of this depends on the exact definition adopted for a foot: the international acre is 4 046.856 422 4 m² (for the UK, see)." }, { "docid": "4917135", "title": "Time-Barred Debts: When Collectors Cannot Sue You for Unpaid Debts", "text": "Using the Statute of Limitations. If the creditor has waited too long to sue you, you must raise this as a defense in the papers you file in response to the lawsuit. If you can prove that the debt is older than the statute of limitations, then you will not have to pay it. If the creditor or debt collector knows that the statute of limitations has expired on the debt and still sues you, it may have violated the federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA)." }, { "docid": "3901234", "title": "mile", "text": "An ancient Roman mile was 1,000 double paces (one step with each foot), for about 4,860 feet, but there were many local variants and a modern statute mile is about 400 feet longer. In Germany, Holland, and Scandinavia in the Middle Ages, the Latin word was applied arbitrarily to the ancient Germanic rasta, a measure of from 3.25 to 6 English miles. Mile-a-minute (adj.) very fast is attested from 1957." }, { "docid": "6775742", "title": "cost to run truck per mile", "text": "Maintenance cost per mile is excellent, something has to be wrong with your fuel cost per mile calculation. In the worst case scenario a truck getting 4 mpg and paying $4/gallon for fuel would have a cost per mile of: $1.00 per mile." }, { "docid": "8724210", "title": "-", "text": "Central Park located in Manhattan borough of New York City has an area of 843 acres and is a rectangle 2.6 statute miles by 0.5 statute mile, or 4.1 km × 830 m in New York City." }, { "docid": "1688672", "title": "Frequently Asked Questions", "text": "The statute of frauds normally does not apply if it is possible under the terms of the agreement to perform the contract within one year. 1 If no time for performance is specified in the oral agreement and the performance will not necessarily take more than one year, the statute of frauds would not apply." }, { "docid": "3269532", "title": "How far is one tenth (0.1) of a mile?", "text": "There are 1,760 yards in one mile. A tenth of a mile or 0.1 mile is equal to 176 yards. Tenth of a mile is 528 in feet. Tag: mile run." }, { "docid": "2515287", "title": "Constitution Act, 1982", "text": "The Charter was preceded by the Canadian Bill of Rights, which was enacted in 1960. However, the Bill of Rights is only a federal statute, rather than a constitutional document. As a federal statute, it can be amended through the ordinary legislative process and has no application to provincial laws." }, { "docid": "3953606", "title": "How many acres are in a square mile?", "text": "There are 640 acres in a square mile. A square mile is an imperial unit of area used to measure large portions of land. It is an area of a square with each side equal to 1 statute mile. Land Measurement Units or use this Land Area Converter & Calculator to convert from one land area unit to other." }, { "docid": "1975219", "title": "How Long Does old Debt Stay on Credit Reports?", "text": "The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) determines the maximum amount of time an item can stay on a credit report. Statute of limitations. In California, the statute of limitations on credit card debt is four years. If the state of Delaware applies, the statute of limitations is only three years." }, { "docid": "2721519", "title": "Legal Alert", "text": "Even more importantly, mortgage fraud cases will now have a 10-year statute of limitations, as opposed to the 5-year statute of limitations for other frauds, which will give federal prosecutors much more time to develop such cases." }, { "docid": "6456591", "title": "Legal Malpractice Statute of Limitations in California", "text": "Legal Malpractice - Statute of Limitations for Actual Fraud: CCP Section 340.6 is a statute of limitations addressed specifically to attorney misconduct “other than for actual fraud.” The statute of limitations for fraud is 3 years under CCP Section 338(d)." }, { "docid": "5156336", "title": "-", "text": "RE: Statute of Limitation on Collection of Medical Bills. You asked if there was a statute of limitations for the collection of medical debts, and whether such debts were the responsibility of both spouses, even if they subsequently divorce." }, { "docid": "6725709", "title": "-", "text": "United States v. Cook,23 in which the Court held that the statute of. limitations could not be pleaded by demurrer because such a plea. would deprive the prosecution of the opportunity to prove that the. case fell within an exception to the statute.." }, { "docid": "5923936", "title": "statutory", "text": "Created, defined, or relating to a statute; required by statute; conforming to a statute. A statutory penalty, for example, is punishment in the form of a fine, prison sentence, or both, that is imposed against an offender for committing some statutory violation. adjective according to law, authorized, established, fixed, lawful, legal, legalized, legislative, licit, sanctioned, within the law." }, { "docid": "7642147", "title": "-", "text": "As a rule of thumb, roughly 7 nautical miles equals 8 statute miles. You can convert nautical to statute by multiplying nautical miles by 8 and dividing the product by seven. To reverse the conversion, statute miles times 7, then divide by 8. A Nautical Mile is 1/60th of a degree or one minute of latitude. Be sure you know what distance measurement is being used on the charts you are working with. Nautical miles are used on ocean and coastal waters." }, { "docid": "8434973", "title": "How Many Steps Are in a Mile?", "text": "Running 10 minutes per mile (6 miles per hour): 1,700 steps per mile Running 8 minutes per mile (7.5 miles per hour): 1,400 steps per mile Using these averages, here is how far you might go using various step totals." }, { "docid": "5017840", "title": "What is the New York State statute of limitations for harassment?", "text": "Making the world better, one answer at a time. The statute of limitations for harassment in New York is 3 years. The statute of limitations refers to the amount of time one has to file a suit against another party." }, { "docid": "6900907", "title": "Kilometers to Miles Conversion", "text": "Miles. A mile is a most popular measurement unit of length, equal to most commonly 5,280 feet (1,760 yards, or about 1,609 meters). The mile of 5,280 feet is called land mile or the statute mile to distinguish it from the nautical mile (1,852 meters, about 6,076.1 feet).he kilometer (SI symbol: km) is a unit of length in the metric system, equal to 1000m (also written as 1E+3m). It is commonly used officially for expressing distances between geographical places on land in most of the world." }, { "docid": "8724211", "title": "How many blocks long is Central Park?", "text": "Central Park located in Manhattan borough of New York City has an area of 843 acres and is a rectangle 2.6 statute miles by 0.5 statute mile, or 4.1 km × 830 m in New York City. And very,very,very big huge and outstanding." }, { "docid": "4248884", "title": "Plea Bargaining: Does it promote justice?", "text": "FEDERAL RULES OF CRIMINAL PROCEDURE, CRIMINAL ACTION, CRIMINAL PROSECUTION, STATUTE CRIMINAL, PROCEDURE, HABITUAL CRIMINAL STATUTE, CIVIL PROCEDURE, NEGOTIATED PROCEDURE, OPEN PROCEDURE, TEST PROCEDURE." }, { "docid": "3341428", "title": "What is the average seventh graders girl weight?", "text": "the average mile time for a seventh grade girl so she can maybe get a place is from a 7 minute mile and all the way down to a 6:10 mile. which is at there slowest time for a 7 … minute mile now days its usually a lot faster." } ]
what is a stockade
[ { "docid": "863745", "title": "stockade", "text": "Definition of stockade. 1 1 : a line of stout posts set firmly to form a defense. 2 2a : an enclosure or pen made with posts and stakesb : an enclosure in which prisoners are kept." } ]
[ { "docid": "4433691", "title": "Welcome to the Forest City Stockade!", "text": "On September 3, 1862 during the Sioux Uprising the citizens of Forest City erected upon this site a stockade for the defense against Indians. Early next morning soon after some 240 people had taken refuge there, the stockade was attacked." }, { "docid": "5695626", "title": "-", "text": "6' Stockade is around 64 to the top 2x3, add 2 above the rail and you have 66, leaving 30 in ground, making a 4x4x8' the proper size post. Chain link pipes are different, putting up a 4' fence ,you buy 6' post.Terminal is 50 above ground, line is 46 above ground, leaving 22-26 in ground. The mistake here is people think what ever is left over is all that has to be cemented in, wrong, hole still has to be at least 30 deep with concrete." }, { "docid": "8756163", "title": "48 Hudson Avenue", "text": "48 Hudson Avenue was built by Johannes van Ostrande in 1728 just outside the stockade walls and a few hundred yards from the old Fort Orange. Van Ostrande was a member of the Albany Common Council representing the First Ward, and in the 1750s sold the building to Johannes Radliff, a shoe-maker." }, { "docid": "1295354", "title": "Fort Abercrombie State Historic Site", "text": "After the fort was abandoned in 1877, fort buildings were sold and removed from the site. A Works Progress Administration (WPA) project in 1939-1940 reconstructed three blockhouses and the stockade and returned the original military guardhouse to the site." }, { "docid": "4062850", "title": "-", "text": "stormwind stockade is a closely guarded prison built beneath the canals of stormwind city warden thelwater keeps watch over the stockade and the highly dangerous criminals who call it homerecently the inmates revolted overthrowing their guards and plunging the prison into a state of pandemoniumtormwind stockade is a closely guarded prison built beneath the canals of stormwind city warden thelwater keeps watch over the stockade and the highly dangerous criminals who call it home" }, { "docid": "8210519", "title": "-", "text": "Completed in five days, Fort Necessity was a simple circular stockade 53 feet in diameter with a 14 x 14 foot storehouse in the middle. Earthworks and trenches were built around it and this is where most of the men would fight from." }, { "docid": "5406580", "title": "Eureka Stockade", "text": "The Eureka Flag. The Eureka Stockade is the name given to a rebellion by gold miners at Ballarat, Victoria, Australia. It took place at sunrise, on December 3, 1854. The miners refused to pay a licence fee to look for gold." }, { "docid": "2410390", "title": "-", "text": "Two primary examples of irony for An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge are the Confederate/Union soldier, and Peyton's reunion with his wife at the end of the story. Peyton i…s duped into sabotaging the Union stockade at Owl Creek Bridge by a Union soldier disguised as a Confederate soldier." }, { "docid": "5956688", "title": "bullpen", "text": "An area where relief pitchers warm up during a game. b. The relief pitchers of a team considered as a group. 2. A temporary holding area for prisoners, as in a courthouse. 3. An open area in an office with workspace for a number of employees. [Earlier, stockade, exercise area for prisoners.]" }, { "docid": "3025328", "title": "Eureka Rebellion", "text": "The Battle of the Eureka Stockade, by which the rebellion is popularly known, was fought between miners and the Colonial forces of Australia on 3 December 1854 at Eureka Lead and named for the stockade structure erected by miners during the conflict." }, { "docid": "3255990", "title": "The Eureka Stockade", "text": "On Saturday, December 2, the authorities decided to launch a pre-emptive strike. In the very early hours of Sunday morning, when only about 120 diggers were left inside the stockade, the British troops and mounted police launched their assault. The battle was all over in 15-20 minutes, but for sometime afterwards the police troopers went berserk bayoneting and shooting wounded diggers." }, { "docid": "573688", "title": "Fence", "text": "Stockade fence, a waist-high or higher solid fence composed of contiguous or very closely spaced round logs, posts, stakes, or half-round boards pointed at the top. This type of fence is commonly used for privacy. Vaccary fence, (named from Latin vaca - cow) a fence to restrain cattle." }, { "docid": "2741879", "title": "Forts of Washington Territory, Indian War Era, 1855-1856", "text": "Fort Henness, Mound Prairie, 1855-1856. Local settlers constructed Fort Henness which had two blockhouses, stockade, and huts for settler shelter. It was named in honor of Captain Benjamin Lee Henness, Washington Territorial Volunteers, a pioneer who had a nearby land claim." }, { "docid": "4509804", "title": "-", "text": "Fort Clatsop. From FortWiki. Fort Clatsop (1805-1806) - This fort was the first military establishment to be built in Oregon. It served Lewis and Clark and the 33-member Corps of Discovery as winter quarters in 1805-06 as seven cabins surrounded by a 50 ft square log stockade." }, { "docid": "1447672", "title": "-", "text": "In the center of town stands a replica of the log stockade that James Harrod built when he founded what was then called Harrodstown. The cabins at Old Fort Harrod State Park are furnished with handmade utensils and furniture, and craftspeople in period costume demonstrate many skills of the pioneers." }, { "docid": "4561653", "title": "Welcome", "text": "The Reservation is located in the extreme northeast corner of Montana, on the north side of the Missouri. River. The new Fort Peck Indian Agency was established in 1871 to serve the Assiniboine and Sioux Indians. The Agency was located within the old stockade of Fort Peck, purchased from traders Durfee and Peck." }, { "docid": "3564672", "title": "Fort Nassau (North River)", "text": "For other settlements around the world with the same name, see Fort Nassau (disambiguation) . Fort Nassau (aka Fort van Nassouwen) was the first Dutch settlement in North America, located beside the North River (the modern Hudson) within present-day Albany, New York, in the United States.The factorij was a small fortification which served as a trading post and warehouse.ort Nassau was a 36-foot (11 m) long by 26-foot (7.9 m) wide building enclosed by a 58-foot (18 m) square stockade surrounded by an 18-foot (5.5 m) wide moat. The fort was defended by two large cannon and eleven swivel guns." }, { "docid": "1139820", "title": "peel", "text": ": a medieval small massive fortified tower along the Scottish-English border — called also peel tower Origin and Etymology of peel Middle English (Scots) pel, from Middle English, stockade, stake, from Anglo-French, stake, from Latin palus — more at pole" }, { "docid": "3564673", "title": "-", "text": "Fort Nassau. Fort Nassau: Albany. First Dutch trading post and stockade 1614-1618. Built on Castle island East side of Hudson River South of present Rensselaer (Patroon's Island).Said to have been the first permanent building in New York.Washed out by a river flood.ort Nassau: Albany. First Dutch trading post and stockade 1614-1618. Built on Castle island East side of Hudson River South of present Rensselaer (Patroon's Island). Said to have been the first permanent building in New York. Washed out by a river flood." }, { "docid": "8065508", "title": "Chickasaw Indian Facts", "text": "Facts about Chickasaw Tribe Houses. 1 The Chickasaw were a semi-nomadic tribe. 2 The winter house was the largest shelter and built to protect against the cold winters. 3 There was also a ball field, a council house, a fortified stockade for shelter against attacks, a corn or grain storage building and a ceremonial building." }, { "docid": "5545722", "title": "Recommended Wood for Fences", "text": "The most common woods used to build fences include cypress, pine, spruce, cedar and redwood. Once you have determined the site, dimensions and perimeter of your fence, it's time to pick out the materials needed for construction.Wood is often chosen over vinyl or aluminum because of its aesthetic value.ine, Fir or Spruce. Pine, fir and spruce are common choices for wood fences because of their affordability and durability. Spruce is commonly used to create prefabricated, stockade-style or picket fences. Pine and fir fall under the category of pressure-treated woods." }, { "docid": "4439225", "title": "Civil War Prisons", "text": "The most substantial prison holding former Andersonville captives was Camp Lawton in Millen, located in Jenkins County between Augusta and Savannah. Camp Lawton was a stockade structure enclosing 42 acres, making it the largest Civil War prison in terms of area. Set only a mile off the Augusta Railroad, the pen was designed to hold up to 40,000 prisoners, although the population never grew much beyond 10,000." }, { "docid": "1850479", "title": "The A-Team", "text": "Intro to the A-Team: In 1972, a crack commando unit was sent to prison by a military court for a crime they didn't commit. These men promtly escaped the maximun security stockade to the Los Angeles Underground. Today, still wanted by the government, they survive as soldiers of fortune." }, { "docid": "5406579", "title": "Eureka Stockade (1949 film)", "text": "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Eureka Stockade is a 1949 British film of the story surrounding Peter Lalor and the gold miners' rebellion of 1854 at the Eureka Stockade in Ballarat, Victoria. It was produced by Ealing Studios and directed by Harry Watt." }, { "docid": "2564588", "title": "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge", "text": "they have reached the owl creek bridge put it in order and built a stockade on the north bank the commandant has issued an order which is posted everywhere declaring that any civilian caught interfering with the railroad its bridges tunnels or trains will be summarily hanged" }, { "docid": "1544544", "title": "Wakulla County, Florida", "text": "American forts in Wakulla County. 1 1840 - Camp Lawson, northwest of Wakulla and northeast of Ivan, on the St. Marks River. A log stockade also known as Fort Lawson (2). 2 1841-1842 - Fort Many located near Wakulla Springs. 3 1839 - Fort Number Five (M) located near Sopchoppy." }, { "docid": "2360807", "title": "Battle of Fort Necessity", "text": "The fort, which Washington named Fort Necessity, was a circular stockade made of 7-foot-high (2.1 m) upright logs covered with bark and skins built around a little hut which contained ammunition and provisions." }, { "docid": "3337661", "title": "-", "text": "Sacramento was founded in 1839 by John Sutter, an immigrant from Switzerland who established a stockade and trading colony known as Sutter's Fort. After gold was discovered in the region in 1848, the town's name was changed to Sacramento, after the Sacramento River. It was the second incorporated city in California. Perhaps no other city was as essential to the gold and land rushes of the 1850's as Sacramento. Thousands of settlers descended upon the region, after traveling the 2,000 mile long California Trail, in the hopes of finding fortune in the gold mines." }, { "docid": "8213796", "title": "-", "text": "Originally Posted by nywoodwizard. No, $10.00 per ft for labor only to install vinyl fence. I get my 6'x8' privacy vinyl sections for around $80.00,post $22.00 and #1 6'x8' spruce stockade for $35.00 ea and post $6.00.I'm a little tired of the white PVC fence,its everywhere.riginally Posted by nywoodwizard. No, $10.00 per ft for labor only to install vinyl fence. I get my 6'x8' privacy vinyl sections for around $80.00,post $22.00 and #1 6'x8' spruce stockade for $35.00 ea and post $6.00." }, { "docid": "863746", "title": "The Stockade", "text": "Lord Overheat – Convict #NA: Lord Overheat Charges: Homicide (multiple counts) The natural disasters wrought by the Cataclysm caused elementals to erupt into the prison complex, slaughtering half of the inmates upon arrival. Removing these incensed threats is imperative to restoring order to the stockade. Randolph Moloch – Convict #AC317: Randolph Moloch Charges: Embezzlement, fraud, theft, and homicide Moloch has been identified as the ringleader of the prison revolt." } ]
what is a teacher specialist
[ { "docid": "6897822", "title": "Specialist teachers: Who are we and what do we have to offer?", "text": "By Paul Boscariol and Janice Neden. The term specialist teacher is often heard and used, but do we really know what it refers to? A specialist teacher can be defined as one who has training in a specific discipline taken as a major in undergrad studies or taken throughout the university education program." } ]
[ { "docid": "5378165", "title": "Foodborne Illness Related to Seafood", "text": "Foodborne Illness Related to Seafood. This information has been reviewed and adapted for use in South Carolina by D.C. Smith, Seafood Industry Specialist; P.H. Schmutz, HGIC Food Safety Specialist; and E.H. Hoyle, Extension Food Safety Specialist, Clemson University. (New 12/99.)" }, { "docid": "7332819", "title": "-", "text": "The benefits of power-assisted adenoidectomy will vary according to your child’s age and condition. It’s important to get the answers you need from your pediatrician and ENT specialist or ear specialist." }, { "docid": "1145017", "title": "-", "text": "Average Teacher salaries for job postings in Iowa are 2% lower than average Teacher salaries for job postings nationwide.verage Teacher salaries for job postings in Iowa are 2% lower than average Teacher salaries for job postings nationwide." }, { "docid": "988251", "title": "What Does a Reading Specialist Do?", "text": "A Reading Specialist is a Creative Collaborator. Sometimes that might mean teaching the whole class, team teaching, teaching alongside the regular teacher or pulling students aside into small groups to work with them on reading skills.erhaps you have been considering pursuing a further degree in the field of education, and you wonder precisely what a reading specialist does." }, { "docid": "8130280", "title": "-", "text": "The average cost for a Lawn Mower Repair Specialist is $120. To hire a Lawn Mower Repair Specialist to complete your project, you are likely to spend between $100 and $140 total. The price of a Lawn Mower Repair Specialist can vary depending on your area." }, { "docid": "5255402", "title": "The Role of a Special Ed Teacher in an Inclusion Classroom", "text": "To help meet students' needs, a special education teacher may work alongside a general education teacher in an inclusion classroom. The role of a special education teacher in such a arrangement varies according to the needs of individual students and how well the two teachers work together.n some cases, however, the general education teacher plans the classroom lessons and the special education teacher adapts those lessons to meet the needs of her students. She may also use the lessons to develop review materials or plan one-on-one instruction with special needs students before or after the class." }, { "docid": "7598422", "title": "-", "text": "Title 1 Secondary Math Teacher Global Psychological Services - Farmington Hills, MI. GPS is currently seeking a Title I Teacher with the following experience:. Collaborate with general education teacher to develop Individual Student Academic..." }, { "docid": "5571866", "title": "Continuing Education for Teachers", "text": "Becoming a Teacher. Finally, continuing education courses can help you become a teacher in the first place. If you already work full-time but wish to become a teacher, you may be able to take continuing education classes to augment or complete your degree so you can become certified as a teacher in your state." }, { "docid": "8298942", "title": "-", "text": "The average teacher salary in Provo District is $40,566. To learn how to become a teacher in the Provo District, read our how to become a teacher in Utah article. For average salary information, read our average teacher salary in Utah article. Staff: 1,177. Full time teachers: 545." }, { "docid": "1347882", "title": "-", "text": "What does an Orthopedic Specialist do? Orthopedic specialists treat problems of the bones and joints. An orthopedic specialist will diagnose and treat any medical issues related to the human skeleton. An orthopedic specialist may work at a hospital or independent surgical facility." }, { "docid": "3608286", "title": "-", "text": "$37,000. Average Benefits Specialist salaries for job postings in Florida are 7% lower than average Benefits Specialist salaries for job postings nationwide.verage Benefits Specialist salaries for job postings in Florida are 7% lower than average Benefits Specialist salaries for job postings nationwide." }, { "docid": "7349626", "title": "Functional Vision Assessment (FVA)", "text": "This assessment is conducted by the teacher of students with visual impairments or sometimes an orientation and mobility specialist, who uses a combination of formal tests and informal measures, which may differ depending on your child's age." }, { "docid": "7603066", "title": "-", "text": "What Does a Business Operations Specialist Do? A business operations specialist is responsible for looking for patterns in customer feedback. A business operations specialist might construct a chart that shows common inefficiencies in business operations or customer complaints." }, { "docid": "975387", "title": "Average Teacher Salary in Loudoun County Public Schools", "text": "The average teacher salary in Rappahannock County Public Schools is $43,772. To learn how to become a teacher in the Rappahannock County Public Schools, read our how to become a teacher in Virginia article. For average salary information, read our average teacher salary in Virginia article. Staff: 179. Full time teachers: 64." }, { "docid": "6631766", "title": "-", "text": "Insurance Verification Specialist Salaries. How much does a Insurance Verification Specialist make? The median annual Insurance Verification Specialist salary is $37,275, as of March 31, 2017, with a range usually between $32,672-$41,575, however this can vary widely depending on a variety of factors." }, { "docid": "1176558", "title": "-", "text": "The ancillary materials described below were created with the teacher candidate, EPP. instructor, and cooperating teacher in mind. These materials are optional except for. the Professional Competency Profile, which is required. The materials can be used. throughout the Missouri pre-service teaching experience. These documents are. additional resources that are intended to be helpful as a teacher candidate, EPP. instructor, and cooperating teacher work together to fulfill the requirements of the. Missouri Pre-Service Teacher Assessment." }, { "docid": "8467593", "title": "-", "text": "The national average Montessori Teacher salary is $39,596. Filter by location to see Montessori Teacher salaries in your area. Salary estimates are based on 328 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by Montessori Teacher employees." }, { "docid": "6845193", "title": "-", "text": "Curriculum Specialist Job Description The following is a full job description for Curriculum Specialist. Here are the requirements and responsibilities for Curriculum Specialist along with statistics.he following is a full job description for Curriculum Specialist. Here are the requirements and responsibilities for Curriculum Specialist along with statistics." }, { "docid": "5305582", "title": "FIND-a-PD Specialist", "text": "Welcome to the Find-a-PD Specialist Directory! The purpose of this directory is to help you find a PD Specialist near your center/program. Remember: You do not need to use the Find-a-PD Specialist Directory if you already know someone who can serve as your PD Specialist. Please enter your program/center zip code or city and state, below, and then on the next page select PD Specialists that you would like to contact." }, { "docid": "3529069", "title": "Becoming a Teacher: How Much Education Do You Really Need?", "text": "It takes a special type of person to be a good teacher. First, need a desire to work with youth, and second, you need an education. And sometimes, you need more than a bachelor’s degree to practice. Let’s take a look at what kind of education you need in order to become a teacher. In the United States, individual states dictate who can and cannot become a teacher." }, { "docid": "3124106", "title": "-", "text": "Insurance Verification Specialist Job Description. The following is a full job description for Insurance Verification Specialist. Here are the requirements and responsibilities for Insurance Verification Specialist along with statistics." }, { "docid": "3054633", "title": "-", "text": "noun. verb. The definition of substitute is someone or something used in place of another person or thing. An example of substitute used as an adjective is a substitute teacher who comes in when a teacher is sick." }, { "docid": "3741963", "title": "-", "text": "The kit is organized into the following chapters: Chapter 1. Teaching CLD Students: What Every Teacher Needs to. Know discusses the changing demographics in American classrooms and. builds the case for why, today, every teacher is an ELL teacher." }, { "docid": "6213696", "title": "-", "text": "A: You can create student and teacher logins from the “Manage Students” section from your Super Teacher or Teacher account. Super Teachers can create both teacher and student accounts. Teachers can create student accounts.: All GoAnimate for Schools subscriptions last for a calendar year. This way you can start your subscription at any time and know you’ll have access all year, without worrying about those pesky school holidays." }, { "docid": "8499243", "title": "-", "text": "New Balance Workers Compensation Specialist: 1 New Balance Workers Compensation Specialist salaries$60,361: Matrix Absence Management Workers Compensation Specialist: 1 Matrix Absence Management Workers Compensation Specialist salaries$42,886" }, { "docid": "3439615", "title": "-", "text": "$45,000. Average Child Life Specialist salaries for job postings in Texas are 3% lower than average Child Life Specialist salaries for job postings nationwide.verage Child Life Specialist salaries for job postings in Texas are 3% lower than average Child Life Specialist salaries for job postings nationwide." }, { "docid": "5962917", "title": "-", "text": "Average Teacher Salary in Lake Washington School District. The average teacher salary in Lake Washington School District is $50,849. To learn how to become a teacher in the Lake Washington School District, read our how to become a teacher in Washington State article. For average salary information, read our average teacher salary in Washington State article. 1 Staff: 2,178. Full time teachers: 1,244." }, { "docid": "8161689", "title": "Bachelor of Education", "text": "In Bangladesh, Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) is an undergraduate professional degree for Hons.(4 years) and Diploma(1/2/3 years) in Education offered by the authorized Teachers Training Institutes or Colleges for those aimed their profession as a Teacher or as an Education and Curriculum Specialist or as an Educationalist in the government and non-governmental educational institutes or any educational organizations such as Save the Children, UNICEF, United Nations Development Programme, BFES ..." }, { "docid": "3972608", "title": "Periods and fertility in the menstrual cycle", "text": "“The menstrual cycle is the time from the first day of a woman’s period to the day before her next period,” says Toni Belfield, a specialist in sexual health information, and a trained fertility awareness teacher. “Girls can start their periods anywhere from age 10 upwards, but the average is around 12 years,” says Belfield." }, { "docid": "3871229", "title": "-", "text": "Average Elementary Teacher salaries for job postings in Indiana are 4% lower than average Elementary Teacher salaries for job postings nationwide.verage Elementary Teacher salaries for job postings in Indiana are 4% lower than average Elementary Teacher salaries for job postings nationwide." } ]
what is a training binder
[ { "docid": "1364836", "title": "The FERPA Training Binder + CD", "text": "The FERPA Training Binder. is 140+ pages packed with powerful training tools to help you and your staff productively and proactively deal with FERPA-related scenarios, all while saving you time and effort." } ]
[ { "docid": "5676251", "title": "Hal Higdon Training Programs", "text": "Training: If you would like more help with your marathon training, sign up for one of my interactive training programs, and I will send you emails daily telling you how to train along with tips on how to train, -+All my training programs are available in an interactive format through TrainingPeaks." }, { "docid": "2033319", "title": "tempera", "text": "Tempera. a painting medium in which the paint binder is an emulsion of water and egg yolk or of plant or animal glue dissolved in water and mixed with oil or with oil and varnish." }, { "docid": "3943406", "title": "-", "text": "The essential ingredients of liquorice candy are liquorice extract, sugar, and a binder. The binder is typically starch / flour, gum arabic, gelatin, or a combination thereof.owever, even regular liquorice candy can contain up to 2 percent ammonium chloride, the taste of which is less prominent due to the higher sugar concentration. Some liquorice candy is flavoured with anise oil instead of or in combination with liquorice root extract." }, { "docid": "8274690", "title": "Pre-Academic Concepts", "text": "Create a preschool learning activities binder to help build literacy and math skills. Grab all of the supplies from your local /walmart/ #SchoolYearReady AD." }, { "docid": "2540933", "title": "Exterior insulation finishing system", "text": "Traditional stucco is a centuries-old material which consists of aggregate, a binder, and water, and is a hard, dense, thick, non-insulating material. EIFS is a lightweight synthetic wall cladding that includes foam plastic insulation and thin synthetic coatings." }, { "docid": "1342698", "title": "-", "text": "AccessData Training is conducted by Syntricate , a trusted training partner championed by a team of veteran trainers. Through Syntricate, AccessData is able to provide Computer Forensic, Mobile Forensic, Legal and eDiscovery Training. Choose from individual training courses, annual training passes, on-demand training videos, or Custom Training to suit your team’s specific scenario and goals. Computer Forensics." }, { "docid": "2665833", "title": "-", "text": "Precious Metal Clay, PMC, is an exciting material developed and patented in the 1990s by Mitsubishi Materials of Japan. Microscopic particles of silver are mixed with a moist binder to create a material that has the feel and working properties of modeling clay." }, { "docid": "4020740", "title": "Fiberboard", "text": "Particleboard is defined as a panel product manufactured from lignocellulosic materials, primarily in the form of discrete particles, combined with a synthetic resin or other suitable binder and. bonded together under heat and pressure." }, { "docid": "3172841", "title": "What is the difference between soft pastel and chalk pastel?", "text": "Chalk is not pastel. Chalk is made of limestone or gypsum and compressed into powdered sticks. Soft pastels are made from pure mineral pigments. The same pigments are used in oil paint, acrylics, and water color. The difference is in the type of binder used. Pastels are usually combined with a binder such as gum traganth and some water." }, { "docid": "8687221", "title": "Confusing Statistical Terms #5: Covariate", "text": "A simple example is a study looking at the effect of a training program on math ability. The independent variable is the training condition–whether participants received the math training or some irrelevant training. The dependent variable is their math score after receiving the training." }, { "docid": "1245725", "title": "Notebook", "text": "A notebook (notepad, writing pad, drawing pad, legal pad) is a small book or binder of paper pages, often ruled, used for purposes such as recording notes or memoranda, writing, drawing or scrapbooking.[1][2][3][4]" }, { "docid": "8802938", "title": "Join our winning team", "text": "Training & Development. At Key, training begins on your first day and continues throughout your career. You will have opportunities to learn through online or classroom training, simulation training, and on-the-job coaching." }, { "docid": "3105224", "title": "-", "text": "Decomposed granite can be loosely installed much like other gravel materials, but as you know this type of installation is susceptible to erosion by foot traffic and rain water. A second method of installing decomposed granite is too mix the material with a stabilizer, like a sand binder, and compact it well.Although, there will still be some loose material on top of the pathway, it will hold up better over the long haul. second method of installing decomposed granite is too mix the material with a stabilizer, like a sand binder, and compact it well. Although, there will still be some loose material on top of the pathway, it will hold up better over the long haul." }, { "docid": "4297489", "title": "Blacktop Driveway Cost", "text": "An asphalt-blacktop driveway seems to be a great idea. Asphalt concrete, informally known as blacktop, uses asphalt as a binder, with mineral aggregate mixed in it. It is laid in layers and compacted. It is one of the most common materials used for driveways in the USA. Being durable and reasonably low in maintenance, it is an overall good choice." }, { "docid": "1085444", "title": "-", "text": "So if you are looking to get a ball park estimate on how much it will cost to pave your driveway or parking we can can help give you good idea here. 1st of all please note that asphalt paving is substantially cheaper than concrete.asically there are 3 or 4 styles of paving: 1 – Rip Out The Old Driveway or Grass – Smooth Surface. We would install 6 inches of stone 2 inches of binder, which is a binder course and and 1 1/2 inch of the smooth stuff which is called ID2 top." }, { "docid": "2748039", "title": "-", "text": "As they enter the sanctuary of the church, Vincent and the others each get notebooks with their names on them. Each binder is filled with the evidence against them. “We’ve been seeing you, recording you selling heroin,” U.S. Attorney John Horn tells them. Also in the binder: an unsigned warrant for arrest." }, { "docid": "1653921", "title": "-", "text": "GUIDELINE FOR ASPHALT MIX SELECTION “Local Agency” Page 1 A. Asphalt Mix Selection 1. Superpave Mix Design & Mix Selection The Superpave mix design consists of the following components. • PG Asphalt Binder Selection • Gyratory Compaction Level • Aggregate Gradation and Physical Properties 2. PG Asphalt Binder Selection: PG ASPHALT BINDER SUGGESTED USE PG 58-28 low volume roadways PG 64-22" }, { "docid": "8687329", "title": "ACORD Forms", "text": "This guide provides basic instructions to complete the ACORD Binder forms. The descriptions explain the information needed to properly issue a binder. The ACORD Insurance Binder addresses both Personal Lines and Commercial Lines risks, although most ACORD Personal Lines applications contain a built-in binder." }, { "docid": "8789773", "title": "Rocks and Minerals", "text": "Advice. 1 Speed is the key: Rocks & Minerals is a very fast-paced event, and you need to be able to find what you want quickly because most stations have multiple tasks in a short time period, so organization is very important. Make sure you can quickly find information in your book and binder." }, { "docid": "4299513", "title": "How to organize your home: Take out menu binder", "text": "A big thanks to Cindy here at Skip to My Lou for having me! I have a great organizing project for you as we head into 2012: The Take-Out Menu Binder. This is simply a binder for the menus of all the local eateries and restaurants, along with coupons and restaurant info.ou know, the kind that come in the mail-2 Six Dollar Burgers for $6.00 or a Free Beef ‘N Chedder with the Purchase of 1! I love me a good deal! These are also snugly placed inside a sheet protector. And that’s all there is to organizing a Take-Out Menu!" }, { "docid": "7888797", "title": "BDO Global", "text": "Each BDO member firm is an independent legal entity in its own country. The network, originally formed in 1963 as Binder Seidman International by firms from Canada, Germany, the Netherlands, UK and US, is coordinated by BDO Global Coordination B.V. , with an office in Brussels, Belgium." }, { "docid": "6545960", "title": "What Does Binding Mean in Insurance?", "text": "What is a Binder? A binder, in the insurance industry, is a written copy of the binding agreement between the insurer and the insured. Although the act of binding can take place verbally, a binder memorializes the agreement pending the issuance of the policy by the insurer." }, { "docid": "2417260", "title": "Tight Hips Can Wreck Your Back and Hurt Your Surfing", "text": "Surfing Hip Exercises – How To Train Your Hips. For more insight into how to incorporate flexibility training, as well as strength training, core training, and upper body endurance… Check out my full Training Program, for months of training, flexibility drills, shoulder training, and nutrition." }, { "docid": "202847", "title": "-", "text": "Definition of SEA OATS. : a tall grass (Uniola paniculata) that has panicles resembling those of the oat, grows chiefly on the coast of the southern United States, and is useful as a sand binder; also: a related plant (Chasmanthium latifolium syn. U. latifolia) chiefly of the eastern United States.ADVERTISEMENT. a tall grass (Uniola paniculata) that has panicles resembling those of the oat, grows chiefly on the coast of the southern United States, and is useful as a sand binder; also: a related plant (Chasmanthium latifolium syn. U. latifolia) chiefly of the eastern United States. ADVERTISEMENT." }, { "docid": "2436749", "title": "Section 10: Painting and Drawing", "text": "Painters use pigments in oil paints, acrylics, watercolor paints, gouache, encaustic, poster paints, casein paints and tempera. Sometimes commercial paints such as oil, enamel, epoxy paints and automobile paints are used. Paints are pigments mixed with a vehicle or binder." }, { "docid": "752267", "title": "Composition", "text": "The most commonly used binder is known as dextrin, a type of starch which holds the composition together. Paron can also be used in binding, however it is less common and only used in conjunction with red and green fireworks as it helps to enhance their colour." }, { "docid": "6909200", "title": "-", "text": "G1044 - Spectrum Chemical. G1044 | 9000-30-0 | GUAR GUM, NF, also known as guaran, is the ground endosperm of guar beans and is used in the pharmaceutical industry as a binder or disintegrator in tablets." }, { "docid": "1369051", "title": "-", "text": "Tess Domains Binder Printables Free PDF eBook Download: Tess Domains Binder Printables Download or Read Online eBook tess domains binder printables in PDF Format From The Best User Guide Database Oct 8, 2013 - Although essential for Domains 1 and 4, artifacts are not limited to Artifacts in TESS are not pages in a" }, { "docid": "4555873", "title": "-", "text": "Related: women training shoes running shoes nike training shoes training shoes men strength training shoes adidas shoes nike running shoes nike training shoes women." }, { "docid": "7447057", "title": "Supergirl (TV series)", "text": "It is based on the DC Comics character Supergirl (Kara Zor-El) , created by Otto Binder and Al Plastino, and stars Melissa Benoist as the title character." } ]
what is a unit army
[ { "docid": "1205993", "title": "army", "text": "army unit - a military unit that is part of an army. naval unit - a military unit that is part of a navy. air unit - a military unit that is part of the airforce. armour, armor - a military unit consisting of armored fighting vehicles. armed service, military service, service - a force that is a branch of the armed forces." } ]
[ { "docid": "4536408", "title": "-", "text": "Douglass's Role in the Civil War. Douglass recruited his sons, Charles and Lewis, who both joined the famous 54th Massachusetts Regiment. This army unit was made up of black volunteers who fought a bitter battle at Fort Wagner, South Carolina, in July 1863. Here you see a photo of Charles, Douglass's third youngest son, who wrote to his father while he was in the army." }, { "docid": "6016723", "title": "-", "text": "If this is the case, then you may want to use the information in this post to help you decide which markings may be appropriate to add to your jeep. About Military Markings: The AR 850-5 is the US Army manuscript outlining the regulations for marking vehicles, equipment, supplies, and clothing. Although that publication provides the basic structure of unit identification, many photographs will demonstrate that these regulations were not strictly adhered to." }, { "docid": "5305988", "title": "The A-Team", "text": "The A-Team is an American action-adventure television series, running from 1983 to 1987, about a fictitious former United States Army Special Forces unit who, after being court-martialed for a crime they didn't commit , escape from military prison and, while still on the run, work as soldiers of fortune." }, { "docid": "2480390", "title": "US Army Bases", "text": "US Army Bases. The Army is the oldest military branch, established in 1775. Specializing in ground-based strategy, the Army also holds the largest amount of active service members than any other branch. There are three total sectors to the Army—active, Army Reserves, and the Army National Guard. The Army conducts focused training for progressive combat encounters. Outside of domestic bases, the Army sustains several permanent international bases in Asia, Europe, and the Middle East." }, { "docid": "544935", "title": "-", "text": "Official U.S. Army Facebook; Official U.S. Army Twitter; Official U.S. Army Youtube; Official U.S. Army Flickr; Official U.S. Army Instagram" }, { "docid": "423438", "title": "Military", "text": "Appendix C Staff Organization and Staff Officers This appendix describes the foundations of battalion-through corps-level staff organizations. The Army uses standardized staff organizations to benefit from consistency in performance, responsibilities (regardless of unit type or echelon), training, and resources." }, { "docid": "5116093", "title": "What menu process within PBUSE allows the user to view and send messages?", "text": "PBUSE, also known as, Property Book Unit Supply Enhanced, is a software program used by the Army of US as a web and database server. This software was used in the US Central c…ommand and is used currently by the Army leaders to remotely connect to the databases of the Army." }, { "docid": "5687540", "title": "Why Your Smartphone Needs an Infrared Sensor", "text": "The U.S. Army Armor School had invited me to spend a day in its simulator in Orlando, Florida, and, after looking through the commander's thermal camera unit, it occurred to me that I should have one of my eyes replaced by a cybernetic thermal device." }, { "docid": "8730755", "title": "-", "text": "Charles and Lewis Douglass's Role in the Civil War. Douglass recruited his sons, Charles and Lewis, who both joined the famous 54th Massachusetts Regiment. This army unit was made up of black volunteers who fought a bitter battle at Fort Wagner, South Carolina, in July 1863." }, { "docid": "726882", "title": "What is the difference between a base unit from a derived unit?", "text": "A base unit is a unit which does not depend on any other unit or which is independent. It is also known as a fundamental unit and the unit which is derived from the fundamental unit is known as derived unit. A base unit is a unit which does not depend on any other unit or which is independent." }, { "docid": "7280290", "title": "The Saint Patrick's Battalion", "text": "The St. Patrick's Battalion - known in Spanish as el Batallón de los San Patricios - was a Mexican army unit comprised primarily of Irish Catholics who had defected from the invading US army during the Mexican-American War." }, { "docid": "7989442", "title": "-", "text": "Army Reserve Components Overseas Training Ribbon. Criteria: The Army Reserve Components Overseas Training Ribbon (ARCOTR) is the Army Reserve version of the Army Overseas Service Ribbon." }, { "docid": "8083072", "title": "What does army military rank SPC RES USAR USARC mean?", "text": "SPC is a specialist (army rank, usually) RES is Reserves USAR is U.S. Army Reserves USARC is U.S. Army Reserve Center" }, { "docid": "8514814", "title": "History of the Army's Basic Branches", "text": "The first Special Forces unit in the Army was formed on June 11, 1952, when the 10th Special Forces Group was activated at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. A major expansion of Special Forces occurred during the 1960s, with a total of eighteen groups organized in the Regular Army, Army Reserve, and Army National Guard." }, { "docid": "6236210", "title": "Joint Publication 1-02", "text": "Unit coin medallions. procured with appropriated funds may identify the presenter only by position or the. title of the authorized individual and/or the name of the agency presenting the coin. (e.g., Commanding General, United States Army Forces Command)." }, { "docid": "5297787", "title": "-", "text": "LDRSHIP is an acronym for the seven basic values of the United States Army, and stands for. 1 Loyalty-Bear true faith and allegiance to the U.S. Constitution, the Army, your unit and other Soldiers. 2 Duty-Fulfill your obligations.3 Respect-Treat people as they should be treated. 4 Selfless Service-Put the welfare of the nation, the Army, and your 5 ... Hon Loyalty-Bear true faith and allegiance to the U.S. Constitution, the Army, your unit and other Soldiers. 2 Duty-Fulfill your obligations. 3 Respect-Treat people as they should be treated. 4 Selfless Service-Put the welfare of the nation, the Army, and your subordinates before your own. 5 Honor-Live up to all the Army values." }, { "docid": "3019237", "title": "-", "text": "Special Services Unit ONE (SSU-1) A second and lesser-known group of Scouts and Raiders, code-named Special Services Unit One (SSU-1), was established in the Pacific on July 13, 1943. SSU-1 was a joint and combined international force, with personnel from Australia and the U.S. Army, Navy, and Marine Corps." }, { "docid": "251606", "title": "APUSH Vietnam War", "text": "Military Assistance Command, Vietnam. This was the official name of the US advisory element that existed throughout the war. A soldier was either assigned to a US combat unit or he was assigned to MACV and then sent to a South Vietnamese Army unit as an advisor." }, { "docid": "2269702", "title": "Appomattox Courthouse", "text": "You will soon be able to answer those questions and also explain: The Last Civil War Battle, Final Civil War Surrender History, i.e. date and location of last battle fought by each Confederate army, as well as the final order of surrendering Confederate forces, i.e. the timeline that each Confederate unit surrendered." }, { "docid": "2732574", "title": "-", "text": "U.S. Army units operate under two types of relationships-command and supportA command relationship reflects the chain of command and degree of authority. A support relationship represents themanner in which the maneuver unit is to be supported." }, { "docid": "3335423", "title": "-", "text": "Senior Official Performing the Duties of the Under SecretaryOF THE ARMY Karl F. Schneider. CHIEF OF STAFFOF THE ARMY General Mark A. Milley. VICE CHIEF OF STAFFOF THE ARMY General Daniel B. Allyn. SERGEANT MAJOROF THE ARMY Sergeant Major of the Army Daniel A. Dailey." }, { "docid": "7892322", "title": "Center for the Army Profession and Ethic", "text": "Center for the Army Profession and Ethic. To reinforce the Army profession and its Ethic, the Army Chief of Staff (CSA) established the Army Center of Excellence for the Professional Military Ethic (ACPME) in May 2008." }, { "docid": "1912964", "title": "Ranger School", "text": "Ranger School. The United States Army Ranger School is a 61-day combat leadership course oriented toward small-unit tactics. It is open to soldiers (commissioned officer, warrant officer, or enlisted), sailors, airmen, and Marines in the US Armed Forces, as well as allied military students." }, { "docid": "7087944", "title": "Chief of Staff of the United States Army", "text": "The senior leadership of the Department of the Army consists of two civilians, the Secretary of the Army (Head of the department and subordinate to the Secretary of Defense) and the Under Secretary of the Army, and two military officers, the Chief of Staff of the Army and the Vice Chief of Staff of the Army." }, { "docid": "8827170", "title": "What is the national animal of Lithuania?", "text": "Making the world better, one answer at a time. The white stroke is usually felt to be the national bird of Lithuania, but many may argue that it is the wolf due to the iron wolf legend which is also now in the name of the core unit in the Lithuanian army." }, { "docid": "7280291", "title": "The Saint Patrick's Battalion", "text": "Most of the San Patricios were either killed or captured in this battle: some escaped into Mexico City, but not enough to form a cohesive army unit. John Riley was among those captured. Less than a month later, Mexico City was taken by the Americans and the war was over." }, { "docid": "7189201", "title": "Stargate Project", "text": "Stargate Project. The StarGate Project was the code name for a secret U.S. Army unit established in 1978 at Fort Meade, Maryland, by the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) and SRI International (a California contractor) to investigate the potential for psychic phenomena in military and domestic intelligence applications." }, { "docid": "6665539", "title": "US Army Base in Germany", "text": "US Army Bases in Germany are established in different parts of the country for more than fifty years. The US Army Bases in Germany. There are both US Army camps and Army fields in Germany. Some of the locations of the army camps and the US Army Bases in Germany are as follows:" }, { "docid": "4472400", "title": "Total Army Sponsorship Program", "text": "PLAY. 1 What regulation covers the Total Army sponorship program. 2 What is the purpose of the total army sponsorship program. 3 What da form is sent through strength management to identify new soldiers incoming to the unit. What are some of the sponsorship requirements you are expected to provide for an incoming soldier." }, { "docid": "1043326", "title": "Staff (military)", "text": "In this system, which is based on one originally employed by the French Army in the 19th century, each staff position in a headquarters or unit is assigned a letter-prefix corresponding to the formation's element and one or more numbers specifying a role." } ]
what is a vacant home?
[ { "docid": "1092262", "title": "Insuring your vacant home", "text": "That's because empty homes are riskier to insure, according to insurance experts. A vacant house is an attractive nuisance that appeals to vandals and thieves, says Michael McRaith, director of the Illinois Department of Insurance in Chicago." } ]
[ { "docid": "3527142", "title": "-", "text": "Just What Is a Considered Purchase for the Home? A low-frequency, high-price transaction that often carries emotional, financial, and social risks. With these risks in mind, consumers perform research online, in stores and showrooms, and by word-of-mouth." }, { "docid": "830338", "title": "Current Time in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada", "text": "Time Here, Time There (Time Zone Converter) Want to see the time in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada compared with your home? Choose a date and time then click Submit and we'll help you convert it from Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada time to your time zone." }, { "docid": "2329733", "title": "Licensing Regulations for the State of Illinois", "text": "Do I need to be licensed to do child care in my home? If the number of unrelated children you provide care for, is more than three (including your own children under age 12), you will need to obtain a child care license from the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS)." }, { "docid": "6930790", "title": "How to Sell Lots and Land (and Why itâs Different from Selling Homes)", "text": "Selling dirt can be even more challenging…in any market. In this article we provide tools for landowners and real estate professionals about how to sell lots and land, and why your strategy with vacant residential land needs to be different from selling a home." }, { "docid": "3775039", "title": "Current Time in Wisconsin, United States", "text": "Time Here, Time There (Time Zone Converter) Want to see the time in Wisconsin, United States compared with your home? Choose a date and time then click Submit and we'll help you convert it from Wisconsin, United States time to your time zone." }, { "docid": "3398037", "title": "Modular Home Pricing...", "text": "The most common question: how much is a custom modular home?. This is one of the toughest spots Builders get into. No two projects or clients are ever the same, which makes budget projections a challenge each time a customer wants to know how much a modular home is going to cost." }, { "docid": "5894285", "title": "-", "text": "1 63% - How much would it cost to remove flore and raise a celing? 2 59% - How much does fixing electrical raise the cost of home? 3 26% - Me and my friend need to raise $14,000 for a once in a life time oppurtunity. 4 how can we raise it fast?" }, { "docid": "8053882", "title": "Top 30 Doctor insights on: Ulcer On My Uvula", "text": "I have a sore throat with what looks and feels like a mouth ulcer next to the uvula, it's mildly painful. Should I seek outside help or treat at home? Dr. Sewa Legha Dr. Legha" }, { "docid": "4457437", "title": "Current Time in Cayman Islands", "text": "Time Here, Time There (Time Zone Converter) Want to see the time in Cayman Islands compared with your home? Choose a date and time then click Submit and we'll help you convert it from Cayman Islands time to your time zone." }, { "docid": "1497501", "title": "Current Time in Tucson, Arizona, United States", "text": "Time Here, Time There (Time Zone Converter) Want to see the time in Tucson, Arizona, United States compared with your home? Choose a date and time then click Submit and we'll help you convert it from Tucson, Arizona, United States time to your time zone." }, { "docid": "5862412", "title": "-", "text": "Some policies will define vacant in that the property no longer has belongs allowing the property to be inhabited. Since your personal property will remain in the home you may not meet the definition of vacant. Read your policy's definition of the word (hint: if the word appears in quotes in the policy a definition will be provided in the definition section of the policy)." }, { "docid": "3776099", "title": "Managing the Risks of a Vacant Home", "text": "The absolute best (and least expensive) strategy for dealing with the homeowners policy vacancy exclusions and restrictions, as well as the risk of your policy being canceled or nonrenewed, is to do what you can to keep enough furniture in your unoccupied home so it doesn't meet the definition of being vacant.." }, { "docid": "2019704", "title": "Furniture", "text": "Do you know how many types of furniture there are in your home?, Would you like to know its name in French?. This section has been especially designed to teach people new French words related to furniture.Improve your French vocabulary in a short time and use these words in your everyday conversations.o you know how many types of furniture there are in your home?, Would you like to know its name in French?. This section has been especially designed to teach people new French words related to furniture." }, { "docid": "7815188", "title": "Al Goreâs Mansion", "text": "Q: Is it true that Al Gore’s mansion uses significantly more energy than the typical home? A: The main claim in a chain e-mail was true when the original message began making the rounds in 2007. Since then, the Gores have made several changes to their home." }, { "docid": "3976569", "title": "-", "text": "We have a vacant two car garage in a newly built building that is empty, it came with the property. Garage has keyed pull up door, with a key access electric door to access building.Perfect for anyone looking to...See the answer.e have a vacant two car garage in a newly built building that is empty, it came with the property. Garage has keyed pull up door, with a key access electric door to access building. Perfect for anyone looking to... See the answer." }, { "docid": "3271443", "title": "Mobile Home Loan FAQ's", "text": "What loan terms are available for financing a mobile home? When financing a manufactured home, you can typically attain terms of 30 years, 20 years, and 15 years. Please note that repayment terms are subject to market availability." }, { "docid": "4444742", "title": "-", "text": "Write a review. Our company charge between 8-10% fee off the monthly rent when there is a tenant in the property, if the home is vacant we don't charge first month fee, If we managing a property that has a existing tenant, we do not charge the first month of rent. Only the typical management fee.rite a review. Our company charge between 8-10% fee off the monthly rent when there is a tenant in the property, if the home is vacant we don't charge first month fee, If we managing a property that has a existing tenant, we do not charge the first month of rent. Only the typical management fee." }, { "docid": "2434473", "title": "-", "text": "Vacant land located at CENTER RD, Hinckley, OH 44233. View sales history, tax history, home value estimates, and overhead views. APN 01603A40028." }, { "docid": "5530897", "title": "-", "text": "Do you want to have professional Carpet Installers carpet a room or whole house in New Jersey? Does your college bound son or daughter need a remnant installed in their dorm room? Do you have carpet left behind during a recent Carpet Installation in NJ that you would like to repair an area in your home?" }, { "docid": "2297328", "title": "-", "text": "Answer. What is the cost per sq ft for new construction in eastn LA Co (San Dimas) for a 1,200 - 1,500 sq ft home? ...nswer. What is the cost per sq ft for new construction in eastn LA Co (San Dimas) for a 1,200 - 1,500 sq ft home? ..." }, { "docid": "6496968", "title": "Current Time in Calgary International, Alberta, Canada", "text": "Time Here, Time There (Time Zone Converter) Want to see the time in Calgary International, Alberta, Canada compared with your home? Choose a date and time then click Submit and we'll help you convert it from Calgary International, Alberta, Canada time to your time zone." }, { "docid": "5173354", "title": "-", "text": "Find lots for sale in Manhattan, NY with the cheapest land for sale starting from $8,500 and going up to $14,950,000. Manhattan realtors are here to offer detailed information about vacant lots for sale and help you make an informed buying decision. View comprehensive Manhattan demographics data and compare side by side up to 4 vacant lots." }, { "docid": "1597313", "title": "-", "text": "62 County Road 10 Unit 0 0 69 is vacant land in Hopewell Junction, NY 12533. This vacant land is a 1 acre lot. The closest grocery store is ShopRite of LaGrangeville." }, { "docid": "14421", "title": "Activity for S Sunbury Rd", "text": "S Sunbury Rd is vacant land in Westerville, OH 43081. This vacant land is a 0.26 acre lot. Nearby schools include Walnut Springs Middle School, McVay Elementary School and Westerville-North High School. Nearby restaurants include Bel Lago Waterfront Dining, Time & Change and Great Asian Restaurant." }, { "docid": "1480824", "title": "These Are The 10 Worst Places To Live In Mississippi For 2018", "text": "Little Holly Springs, located near the Tennessee state line, is getting even smaller. The population here has shrunk 3% since the last census, and you can probably tell why when you look at the numbers. Families earn almost less than any other cities in Mississippi, and more than 1 in 10 homes is vacant." }, { "docid": "5894284", "title": "-", "text": "1 63% - How much would it cost to remove flore and raise a celing? 2 59% - How much does fixing electrical raise the cost of home? 3 26% - Me and my friend need to raise $14,000 for a once in a life time oppurtunity." }, { "docid": "7907092", "title": "What's a Hybrid Log Home?", "text": "What Are the Pros and Cons of Building or Owning a Hybrid Log Home? When it comes to building, one of the biggest advantages of hybrid construction is its inherent flexibility. You can design a home with as many or as few logs as you want, which in turn gives you more control over your budget." }, { "docid": "6031167", "title": "More on Mold", "text": "How do I know if there is mold in my home? When molds grow on surfaces, they appear as a discolored patch, such as black stains in your grout or a red stain on your shower curtain. Whether by smell or by sight, any detection of mold should be viewed as a red flag and an indication that it is time to disinfect." }, { "docid": "1335904", "title": "What is a 'Vacancy Rate'", "text": "The vacancy rate is a numerical value calculated as the percentage of all available units in a rental property, such as a hotel or apartment complex, that are vacant or unoccupied at a particular time.he vacancy rate and occupancy rate should add up to 100%. Vacancy rates most often represent units that are vacant and ready to be rented, units that have been turned off upon the exit of a tenant and units that are not currently rentable because they are in need of repairs or renovations. RELATED TERMS." }, { "docid": "7008571", "title": "Activity for 0 County Rd", "text": "County Rd is vacant land in East Amherst, NY 14051. This vacant land is a 11 acre lot. The closest school is St Marys School. The closest grocery stores are Aldi and TOPS Friendly Markets. Nearby coffee shops include Tim Hortons, Starbucks and Tim Hortons." } ]
what is a vaginal hormone ring
[ { "docid": "1876603", "title": "Vaginal Hormonal Ring (NuvaRing®)", "text": "The vaginal hormonal ring is a method of birth control that contains estrogen and progestin, the same hormones that are in combination birth control pills.The vaginal hormonal ring is inserted into the vagina similar to a tampon.Once in place, the ring is left in the vagina for 3 weeks at a time. The vaginal ring is also used to treat conditions such as irregular periods, menstrual cramps, and endometriosis.he combination (estrogen and progesterone) vaginal hormonal ring, EE and Nestorone® (NES) is under development and not yet available; it may have less side effects. There’s also a progesterone-only releasing hormonal ring that has been approved for breastfeeding mothers." } ]
[ { "docid": "994540", "title": "Drainage or pus, Vaginal discharge and Vaginal odor", "text": "Drainage or pus, Vaginal discharge and Vaginal odor. WebMD Symptom Checker helps you find the most common medical conditions indicated by the symptoms drainage or pus, vaginal discharge and vaginal odor including Vaginal yeast infection, Candidiasis, and Cervicitis. There are 14 conditions associated with drainage or pus, vaginal discharge and vaginal odor. The links below will provide you with more detailed information on these medical conditions from the WebMD Symptom Checker and help provide a better understanding of causes and treatment of these related conditions." }, { "docid": "856411", "title": "Does Your Vagina Become Tighter If You Have Less Sex?", "text": "But still, they do. The other time your vagina changes is as you get older. “As women age, their hormone levels drop, which means the vaginal walls thin out and become less elastic, so the muscles may get looser,” says Wider." }, { "docid": "2872466", "title": "-", "text": "If a vaginal discharge is accompanied by the following symptoms, they may be associated with another infection or disorder such as bacterial vaginosis, yeast infection, STD, menopause, and many others. 1 abnormal vaginal odor, 2 abnormal consistency of vaginal fluid, 3 vaginal pain, vaginal discharge that is cloudy, bloody, white, yellow, or green, or." }, { "docid": "1081671", "title": "Estrace Vaginal", "text": "A: Vaginal estrogen, such as Estrace Vaginal Cream (estradiol vaginal cream) belongs to a class of medications called hormones. Estrace Vaginal Cream works by replacing estrogen that is normally produced by the body. Vaginal estrogen is normally prescribed for treating vaginal dryness, itching, and burning, painful or difficult urination, and sudden need to urinate immediately in women who are experiencing or have experienced menopause." }, { "docid": "5883802", "title": "-", "text": "a vaginal yeast infection is a fungal infection that causes irritation discharge and intense itchiness of the vagina and the vulva the tissues at the vaginal openingit s a type of vaginitis or inflammation of the vagina vaginal yeast infection is a fungal infection that causes irritation discharge and intense itchiness of the vagina and the vulva the tissues at the vaginal opening" }, { "docid": "7846241", "title": "Vaginal Dryness and Vaginal Atrophy", "text": "1 Hormone therapy can be effective in treating vaginal atrophy and other menopausal symptoms, but hormone therapy carries its own risks. 2 Local vaginal hormone creams or vaginal lubricants are alternatives to systemic hormone therapy." }, { "docid": "7846239", "title": "-", "text": "Vaginal dryness and vaginal atrophy facts. 1 Vaginal atrophy is the medical term that refers to the thinning of the wall of the vagina that occurs during the menopause (the time when menstrual periods have ceased) in women." }, { "docid": "2936961", "title": "Vaginal lubrication", "text": "Vaginal lubrication is a naturally produced fluid that lubricates a woman 's vagina. Vaginal lubrication is always present, but production increases significantly near ovulation and during sexual arousal in anticipation of sexual intercourse.nsufficient lubrication or vaginal dryness in women can cause dyspareunia, which is a type of sexual pain disorder. While vaginal dryness is considered an indicator for sexual arousal disorder, male circumcision exacerbates female vaginal dryness during intercourse." }, { "docid": "2577398", "title": "-", "text": "Use hormonal birth control consistently to prevent pregnancy. It’s important to use hormonal birth control methods consistently. Taking birth control pills daily, applying the patch or inserting the vaginal ring after four weeks can help prevent pregnancy. This will also help ensure that your cycle remains regular." }, { "docid": "6362202", "title": "Vaginal burning sensation and Vaginal pain Symptom Checker", "text": "1 Vaginal burning sensation and Vaginal pain and Sexual symptoms (5 causes). 2 Vaginal burning sensation and Vaginal pain and Vaginal symptoms (5 causes). 3 Vaginal burning sensation and Vaginal pain and Women's health symptoms (5 causes). 4 Vaginal burning sensation and Vaginal pain and MORE SYMPTOMS." }, { "docid": "1325380", "title": "Yeast Infection (Vaginal)", "text": "The use of certain medications including antibiotics, changes in hormone levels, or certain diseases are examples of factors that can allow a vaginal yeast infection to develop. Vaginal yeast infections are extremely common. Seventy-five percent of all women develop a yeast infection at some point during their lives." }, { "docid": "856402", "title": "-", "text": "The other time your vagina changes is as you get older. “As women age, their hormone levels drop, which means the vaginal walls thin out and become less elastic, so the muscles may get looser,” says Wider." }, { "docid": "1808034", "title": "Delestrogen", "text": "For Patients. Delestrogen (estradiol valerate injection) is a form of estrogen, a female hormone, used to treat symptoms of menopause such as hot flashes, and vaginal dryness, burning, and irritation. Delestrogen is also used to treat a lack of estrogen that is caused by ovarian failure or a condition called hypogonadism." }, { "docid": "6053587", "title": "-", "text": "Some vaginal infections such as Bacterial Vaginosis can cause vaginal odor (a fishy smell). This infection can be treated with an antibiotic. Millions of women, however, suffer from unwanted vaginal odor without any vaginal infection and clinicians did not have treatment for these women until now with WaterWorks.ome vaginal infections such as Bacterial Vaginosis can cause vaginal odor (a fishy smell). This infection can be treated with an antibiotic. Millions of women, however, suffer from unwanted vaginal odor without any vaginal infection and clinicians did not have treatment for these women until now with WaterWorks." }, { "docid": "1369919", "title": "-", "text": "Take a look at what causes vaginal dryness. Vaginal dryness is an uncomfortable and often painful condition that occurs naturally during and after menopause. Take a look at what causes vaginal dryness." }, { "docid": "6592044", "title": "BPH", "text": "If needed, a bladder suspension, vaginal hysterectomy, and rectocele repair can be accomplished at the same time via a vaginal incision. A Foley catheter (i.e. bladder catheter) is placed to drain the bladder. A gauze vaginal packing is also placed at the end of the procedure." }, { "docid": "2095802", "title": "-", "text": "Some vaginal infections such as Bacterial Vaginosis can cause vaginal odor (a fishy smell). This infection can be treated with an antibiotic. Millions of women, however, suffer from unwanted vaginal odor without any vaginal infection and clinicians did not have treatment for these women until now with WaterWorks. WaterWorks uses only tap water gently flowing through a biocompatible stainless steel nozzle to reduce or eliminate unwanted vaginal odor." }, { "docid": "1035610", "title": "Premarin Vaginal Cream", "text": "Vagifem vaginal. Estrogens, either used alone or with another hormone (progestin), have rarely caused very serious side effects. Discuss the risks and benefits of hormone treatment with your doctor. Estrogens should not be used to prevent heart disease or dementia. Estrogens can increase the risk of cancer of the uterus (endometrial cancer)." }, { "docid": "4751198", "title": "Generic Name: Estradiol", "text": "Generic Name: Estradiol. Generic for Estrace* (Estradiol) is a female estrogen hormone that is prescribed to treat menopause symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness/itching, irregular periods, and mood swings. Besides, Estradiol prevents bone fractures (osteoporosis) and reduces the risk of heart attacks." }, { "docid": "5203983", "title": "-", "text": "What is Rephresh? Many vaginal problems are caused by an imbalance in vaginal pH. An unbalanced pH can be caused by common occurrences such as your period, unprotected sex, douching or the hormonal changes you experience during pregnancy. The good news is that balanced vaginal pH is important for maintaining good vaginal health." }, { "docid": "8132620", "title": "Hormone therapy: Is it right for you?", "text": "The benefits of hormone therapy depend, in part, on whether you take systemic hormone therapy or low-dose vaginal preparations of estrogen. Systemic hormone therapy. Systemic estrogen — which comes in pill, skin patch, gel, cream or spray form — remains the most effective treatment for relief of troublesome menopausal hot flashes and night sweats." }, { "docid": "3376511", "title": "Ring sizing, Ring Resizing Hatton Garden London", "text": "Ring resizing London Hatton Garden: Ring Size-We offer a one day ring sizing or two day ring sizing & ring resizing service in our onsite jewellery workshop London.London same day ring resizing service or same day ring sizing is possible depending on the dynamics of ring or the age of ring.o If you think that your ring cannot be sized-Try us for a free estimate Hatton garden ring resizing London while you wait.. There are several ways to check your ring size before you buy that perfect ring. The most accurate is to visit our London jewellery workshop, where we can measure your finger exactly." }, { "docid": "1876609", "title": "Contraceptive vaginal ring", "text": "NuvaRing is the trade name for a combined hormonal contraceptive vaginal ring manufactured by Merck (formerly Schering-Plough, formerly Organon) that is available by prescription. It is a flexible plastic (ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer) ring that releases a low dose of a progestin and estrogen over three weeks.uvaRing is the trade name for a combined hormonal contraceptive vaginal ring manufactured by Merck (formerly Schering-Plough, formerly Organon) that is available by prescription. It is a flexible plastic (ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer) ring that releases a low dose of a progestin and estrogen over three weeks." }, { "docid": "1128770", "title": "Vaginal cuff", "text": "These medical condition or symptom topics may be relevant to medical information for Vaginal cuff: 1 Vaginal. 2 Vaginal symptoms (443 causes) Vaginal pain (53 causes)" }, { "docid": "4659977", "title": "-", "text": "1 The vaginal ring is an effective method of birth control. 2 The ring is also used to treat irregular periods, menstrual cramps, or endometriosis. The ring releases hormones to stop the ovaries from making eggs." }, { "docid": "1815720", "title": "Dream Meanings Gold Ring - Dreams Meanings", "text": "Dream Meanings Gold Ring. What does gold ring dream mean? What is gold ring dreams meaning? Discover you dream meanings with gold ring. Dreaming about gold ring. Discover you dream meanings with gold ring. Engagement Ring Dream Interpretation and Meaning: Dreaming of an engagement ring is alerted on the execution of a promise or guarantee that it has not been concluded." }, { "docid": "500200", "title": "-", "text": "Vaginal atrophy is the medical term that refers to the thinning of the wall of the vagina that occurs during menopause (the time when menstrual periods have ceased) in women. Prior to menopause, the vaginal lining appears plump, bright red, and moist. Vaginal atrophy occurs due to falling estrogen levels. 2 Vaginal atrophy may be associated with vaginal dryness, itching, irritation, and/or pain during sexual intercourse." }, { "docid": "461206", "title": "Self-Exam: Vulva and Vagina", "text": "Vaginal Opening and Hymen. Below the opening of the urethra is the vaginal opening (introitus). Around the vaginal opening you may be able to see the remains of the hymen, also known as the vaginal corona. This is a thin membrane just inside the vaginal opening, partially blocking the opening but almost never covering it completely. Vaginal coronas come in widely varying sizes and shapes." }, { "docid": "7126182", "title": "Estring Prices, Coupons and Patient Assistance Programs", "text": "Estring Prices This Estring price guide is based on using the Drugs.com discount card which is accepted at most U.S. pharmacies. The cost for Estring vaginal ring 2 mg is around $459 for a supply of 1 ring, depending on the pharmacy you visit." }, { "docid": "1977637", "title": "-", "text": "The vaginal ring is a method of hormonal birth control. It is also known by its brand name, NuvaRing. The FDA approved the vaginal ring for use in 2001.NuvaRing is a small, flexible ring that is inserted into the vagina to prevent pregnancy." } ]
what is a vodka collins
[ { "docid": "6841305", "title": "Vodka Collins", "text": "Vodka Collins is a Tokyo based Japanese-American rock band, formed in 1971. The core band members are drummer Hiroshi Oguchi (formerly of The Tempters), singer-guitarist Alan Merrill, singer-guitarist Hiroshi Monsieur Kamayatsu (formerly of The Spiders) and bassist Take Yokouchi (formerly of the Four Leaves backing band, High Society)." } ]
[ { "docid": "1596301", "title": "Phil Collins Net Worth", "text": "Phil Collins Net Worth is $250 Million. Phil Collins was born in England and has an estimated net worth of $250 million dollars. A drummer, singer-songwriter, singer, and composer, Phil Collins has sold more than 100 million albums worldwide both as." }, { "docid": "3398374", "title": "Absolut Vodka", "text": "Absolut Vodka is a brand of vodka, produced near Åhus, Ã¥hus in Southern. sweden" }, { "docid": "7253768", "title": "âFirstâ vodka designed to be mixed with water to launch in UK", "text": "‘First’ vodka designed to be mixed with water to launch in UK 30th January, 2018 by Phoebe French In a bid to tap into the low-sugar market, Barcelona-based Vita Spirits is to launch a gluten-free vodka in the UK which it claims is the first designed to be mixed with water. The vodka, which launched in Spain in June last year, is both gluten-free and sugar-free and intended to appeal to the more health-conscious crowd." }, { "docid": "4928021", "title": "The 50 Types of Booze Everyone Drinks in College", "text": "30.) Vladimir Vodka ($13.99/750ml). Speaking of great tasting alcohol, Vladimir Vodka is not one of them. We spent a long time coming up with ways to say this was great vodka for the price but we always ended up remembering what it did to our intestines. Do yourself a favor, work more hours and buy something better." }, { "docid": "5544174", "title": "Calories in Vodka & Club Soda Refreshing Cocktail", "text": "Calories per serving of Vodka & Club Soda Refreshing Cocktail 64 calories of Vodka, (1 fl oz) 1 calories of Lemon Juice, (1 wedge yields) 1 calories of Lime Juice, (1 wedge yields) 0 calories of Club soda, (1 can or bottle (12 fl oz)) Nutrition & Calorie Comments love this with huckleberry vodka - addes a little sugar to the counts, but worth it!!!" }, { "docid": "8389611", "title": "White Russian", "text": "How to make. Fill a glass with ice. Fill an Old Fashioned glass with ice cubes. Pour Smirnoff No. 21 Vodka and Baileys Coffee Irish Cream Liqueur into the shaker. Using a jigger, pour 50ml Smirnoff No. 21 Vodka and 25ml Baileys Coffee Irish Cream Liqueur into the shaker. Shake until cold." }, { "docid": "82358", "title": "How Many Calories in Vodka", "text": "1.5 ounces of 70 proof Vodka which has around 35 % alcohol contains 55 calories per ounce , 80 Proof Vodka which has around 40 % alcohol contains around 65 calories in each ounce , 90 proof vodka that as around 45 % alcohol contains approximately 75 calories per ounce and 100 proof vodka that has around 50 % alcohol contains approximately 85 ..." }, { "docid": "2082391", "title": "I can never play the drums again, says Phil Collins", "text": "I can never play the drums again, says Phil Collins. Phil Collins today revealed he will never drum again because he is suffering from a painful spine injury. The former Genesis star can't even hold his sticks after years of sitting in front of a drumkit. Collins, 58, whose hits include In The Air Tonight, said: 'After playing drums for 50 years, I've had to stop. 'My vertebrae have been crushing my spinal cord because of the position I drum in. Painful: Phil Collins, pictured performing in New York two years ago, is quitting the drums. 'It comes from years of playing." }, { "docid": "3015368", "title": "-", "text": "Svedka Vodka. SVEDKA Vodka has been making its mark since it was first imported in 1998 and is now the Second largest imported vodka as well as the Number 7 spirit brand in the United States*. Imported to the US from Sweden – a country that has been perfecting vodka for centuries – SVEDKA Vodka is proudly named after its country of origin." }, { "docid": "2648875", "title": "-", "text": "Vodka. Vodka is an alcoholic beverage distilled at a high proof from a fermented vegetable or grain mash. Proof is a measurement of the alcohol content. Each degree of proof equals a half percent of alcohol. Thus, 100 proof is that which contains 50% alcohol, 90 proof contains 45%, and so on.Because distilled vodka can have a proof as high as 145, all taste and odor has been eliminated, making vodka a neutral spirit.roof is a measurement of the alcohol content. Each degree of proof equals a half percent of alcohol. Thus, 100 proof is that which contains 50% alcohol, 90 proof contains 45%, and so on. Because distilled vodka can have a proof as high as 145, all taste and odor has been eliminated, making vodka a neutral spirit." }, { "docid": "1640695", "title": "Vodka", "text": "This is a list of brands of vodka. Vodka is a distilled beverage composed primarily of water and ethanol, sometimes with traces of impurities and flavorings. Vodka is made by the distillation of fermented substances such as grains, potatoes, or sometimes fruits or sugar.odka is a distilled beverage composed primarily of water and ethanol, sometimes with traces of impurities and flavorings. Vodka is made by the distillation of fermented substances such as grains, potatoes, or sometimes fruits or sugar." }, { "docid": "2313467", "title": "-", "text": "Grey Goose Vodka 35cl Grey Goose premium vodka is created in France using the finest winter wheat and purest water. This vodka is smooth on the mouth and gentle on the throat with hi ...rey Goose Citron Vodka Miniature 5cl / 40% - A miniature bottle of Grey Goose's Citron vodka, infused with the zest of lemons for a zingy, fruity flavour." }, { "docid": "6178188", "title": "-", "text": "According to CalorieCount.com, there are 97 calories in vodka if you drink a single shot (1.5 ounces). But if you choose 100 proof vodka, the calorie count goes up to 124. Several companies have created low-calorie flavored varieties of vodka." }, { "docid": "7721563", "title": "John Collins, Ph.D.", "text": "Pandey A., Peri S., Thacker C., Whipple C.A., Collins J.J., and Mann M. Computational and experimental analysis reveals a novel Src family kinase in the C. elegans genome. Bioinformatics 19: 169-72, 2003. Glasner, J., T. Kocher, and J.J. Collins. Caenorhabditis elegans contains genes encoding two new members of the Zn-containing alcohol dehydrogenase family. J. Molec. Evol. 41:46-53 (1995). Collins, J.J. and P. Anderson. The Tc5 family of transposable elements in Caenorhabditis elegans . Genetics 137:771-78 (1994). Collins, J.J., E" }, { "docid": "5666836", "title": "-", "text": "A single shot of 80-proof plain vodka, which is 1.5 ounces, contains approximately 97 calories and no significant nutritional value, while a single shot of 100-proof plain vodka contains approximately 123 calories. Flavored vodkas, which contain added sugars and fruits, range from 69 to 125 calories per single shot." }, { "docid": "3876869", "title": "What Does \"one Part\" Mean When Mixing Drinks?", "text": "A classic vodka martini, for example, uses six parts of vodka and one part of dry vermouth, which is the equivalent of 6 ounces of vodka and 1 ounce of dry vermouth. To make a pitcher of martinis using 1/2-cup measurements as the parts instead of ounces is the same as mixing 3 cups of vodka and 1/2 cup of dry vermouth." }, { "docid": "1640694", "title": "What Is Vodka?", "text": "From its humble medieval origins as a medicinal agent, vodka has conquered the world. In 2012, tipplers downed 1.17 billion gallons (4.44 billion liters) of the distilled alcoholic beverage, making it the world's most popular spirit.ost vodka is 30 to 40 percent ABV. Rectified spirits, like the American brand Everclear, reach 95 to 96 percent ABV. The first records of vodka come from ninth-century Russia and eighth-century Poland." }, { "docid": "834767", "title": "-", "text": "Think pink with this pink lemonade vodka martini, a cocktail made with lemonade… Think pink with this pink lemonade vodka martini, a cocktail made with lemonade, Limoncello, vodka and cranberry juice. #BiteMeMore See More" }, { "docid": "4812657", "title": "-", "text": "Absolut Vodka has a rich flavor, is smooth and mellow with a distinct character of grain.Absolut Vodka is great neat and ice-cold, on the rocks or as a base for hundreds of drinks and cocktails.bsolut Vodka has a rich flavor, is smooth and mellow with a distinct character of grain." }, { "docid": "97136", "title": "-", "text": "Fort Collins, Colorado 80525. Dr. Thomas Sachtleben is one of 4 Fort Collins Sports Medicine Specialists. He has been practicing for 24 years and specializes primarily in Sports Medicine, practicing in Fort Collins, Colorado." }, { "docid": "1183833", "title": "-", "text": "Celebrate National Vodka Day with CIROC Cîroc. “Pineapple we set the standard For Ultra premium vodka with our previous, flavors consistently taking #the 1 spot for vodka. Innovations’we ve done it again WITH CIROC,” cîroc Pineapple “Said” Sean. “Diddy combs our infused vodka flavors are consistently innovative. and versatilee’ve done it again with CIROC CîROC,” pineapple Said “Sean” Diddy. “Combs our infused vodka flavors are consistently innovative and. Versatile they are great for making delicious cocktails and smooth enough to be enjoyed neat or on the.”. rocks" }, { "docid": "2573025", "title": "How Many Calories in Vodka", "text": "How Many Calories in Vodka. View calories and nutrition info per 1 Pub Shot/35ml of Vodka and see how many calories are in 100g of Vodka and its nutrition information. Vodka Calories and Nutrition per Serving (1 Serving=1 Pub Shot/35ml) Time and again research has shown that people who keep a food diary are more successful at losing weight - but not everyone wants to use an online diary, for some of us it's just easier to scribble stuff down." }, { "docid": "1009729", "title": "Cranberry Cocktails", "text": "For the vodka cocktail, stir together cranberry simple syrup, vodka, and seltzer. Add ice and garnish with lemon. For the wine cocktail, add cranberry simple syrup to wine." }, { "docid": "254395", "title": "-", "text": "The highest average temperature in Fort Collins is July at 74.3 degrees. The coldest average temperature in Fort Collins is December at 24.9 degrees. The most monthly precipitation in Fort Collins occurs in July with 4.5 inches. The Fort Collins weather information is based on the average of the previous 3-7 years of data. Loading..." }, { "docid": "3825610", "title": "-", "text": "Full nutritional breakdown of the calories in Vodka and Club Soda with a Splash of Cranberry based on the calories and nutrition in each ingredient, including Vodka, Cranberry juice cocktail, Ocean Spray Cranberry Juice Cocktail, Club soda and the other ingredients in this recipe." }, { "docid": "521287", "title": "10 Recipes To Use Up a Bunch of Dill", "text": "8 Recipes To Use Up a Bunch of Dill. My love of dill started rather recently when I made dill infused vodka. I found that compared to the overpowering taste of dill I ate in Scandinavian recipes growing up, when the herb was infused with vodka, it provided a light pickle-y flavor that was a great addition to a classic martini." }, { "docid": "2520858", "title": "Smirnoff Ice Ingredients", "text": "The main ingredient in Smirnoff Ice is Smirnoff’s vodka. This vodka contains 69 calories and 11.3 grams of alcohol per 1 oz serving. Smirnoff vodka is created with the use of grains and is put through the a triple distillation process. In addition to being the main ingredient for the Ice drinks, Smirnoff vodka can be drunk alone, with fruit juice or in a number of different cocktail variations." }, { "docid": "602638", "title": "International Vodka Day", "text": "International Vodka Day. On 14th Sep, Vodka lovers of world will unite together to raise a glass in appreciation. International Vodka Day invites everyone to try vodka and celebrate the spirit of life. Events are taking place all over the globe." }, { "docid": "4337685", "title": "Alizé Bleu Cognac Liqueur 750mL", "text": "Alize Alizé Alize Alizé Bleu 750mL Liqueur 750ml a harmonious blend Of premium, French, vodka, cognac, passionfruit cherry ginger and other natural exotic. fruit juices harmonious blend of premium French vodka, Cognac, passionfruit, cherry, ginger and other natural exotic fruit juices. The presence of premium French vodka enlivens Alize Alizé bleu and raises any occassion to a whole new. level" }, { "docid": "8501676", "title": "How much does a fifth of grey goose vodka cost", "text": "How much does a fifth of grey goose vodka cost. In: Automotive. You can shop online and get a 5th of Grey Goose for as low as $36.19. ChaCha! A fifth of Grey Goose vodka costs about $25-$35." } ]
what is a vulnerability exploit on windows
[ { "docid": "6740250", "title": "Windows Metafile vulnerability", "text": "Windows Metafile vulnerability. The Windows Metafile vulnerability—also called the Metafile Image Code Execution and abbreviated MICE—is a security vulnerability in the way some versions of the Microsoft Windows operating system handled images in the Windows Metafile format." } ]
[ { "docid": "2693652", "title": "A-Gap", "text": "What is A-Gap? In football this refers to the space between the center and the left or right guard. When a running play is called generally it will specify which gap the runner should hit. Conversely a defending player might 'shoot the gap' and exploit the space between offensive lineman." }, { "docid": "6839397", "title": "Remove Exploit:JS/Axpergle.E Virus Completely and Protect your PC", "text": "Exploit:JS/Axpergle.E Virus is a threatening Trojan horse which gets itself loaded when you turn on your computer and eats up lots of system resources. Once this Exploit:JS/Axpergle.E virus successfully enters your operating system, your computer will be subjected to a variety of errors and drive you mad.) Exploit:JS/Axpergle.E Virus corrupts the data and files saved on your computer hard drive terribly. 2) Exploit:JS/Axpergle.E Virus changes the registry entry to get itself launched at system startup." }, { "docid": "5957814", "title": "Adobe Security Bulletin", "text": "A critical vulnerability (CVE-2015-0311) exists in Adobe Flash Player and earlier versions for Windows and Macintosh. Successful exploitation could cause a crash and potentially allow an attacker to take control of the affected system." }, { "docid": "3620620", "title": "How to Make Liquid Soap From a Bar", "text": "By doing a very simple process we will be able to transform our soap bar to liquid soap. This will help us to exploit the strengths and advantages these two states of the material bring to us. On one side the solid state, ideal for storage and transportation of soap." }, { "docid": "3892376", "title": "-", "text": "You are required to submit a PCI certification form (also called the PCI Self-Assessment Questionnaire or SAQ) annually. 2. If vulnerability scans are required for your business, you will need to complete and pass a scan every three months." }, { "docid": "4210523", "title": "Vulnerability (computing)", "text": "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. In computer security, a vulnerability is a weakness which allows an attacker to reduce a system's information assurance. Vulnerability is the intersection of three elements: a system susceptibility or flaw, attacker access to the flaw, and attacker capability to exploit the flaw." }, { "docid": "1753861", "title": "Leicester City v Arsenal FC â Team News, Tactics, Line-Ups, And Prediction", "text": "With this formation, Arsenal should control the possession and the tempo of this game. With Ozil/Santi Cazorla coming inside from the left can help to exploit spaces left behind by Leicester City’s fullbacks or the fullback/center-back gaps, which Leicester have not defended well in their first two games." }, { "docid": "1799279", "title": "-", "text": "Cancer cells break the most basic rules of cell behavior by which multicellular organisms are built and maintained, and they exploit every kind of opportunity to do so." }, { "docid": "2930244", "title": "Parenting", "text": "Other factors that place all children at risk, but particularly increase the vulnerability of children whose parents have a mental illness, include: 1 Poverty. 2 Occupational or marital difficulties. 3 Poor parent-child communication.4 Parent's co-occurring substance abuse disorder.ther factors that place all children at risk, but particularly increase the vulnerability of children whose parents have a mental illness, include: 1 Poverty. 2 Occupational or marital difficulties. 3 Poor parent-child communication." }, { "docid": "2449620", "title": "-", "text": "The term “zero day” refers to the unknown nature of the hole to those outside of the hackers, specifically, the developers. Once the vulnerability becomes known, a race begins for the developer, who must protect users. In order for the vendor to rectify the vulnerability, the software company must release a patch." }, { "docid": "4510080", "title": "Intraspecific competition", "text": "The way in which resources are partitioned by organisms also varies and can be split into scramble and contest competition. Scramble competition involves a relatively even distribution of resources among a population as all individuals exploit a common resource pool." }, { "docid": "580799", "title": "valoir translation | French-English dictionary", "text": "This kind of behaviour has already caused him problems. (autre locution) faire valoir [+droits, prérogatives] to assert. [+domaine, capitaux] to exploit. elle ne sait pas se faire valoir she doesn't know how to make the best of herself." }, { "docid": "2535668", "title": "AppDataFolder property", "text": "Windows Installer 5.0 on Windows Server 2012, Windows 8, Windows Server 2008 R2 or Windows 7. Windows Installer 4.0 or Windows Installer 4.5 on Windows Server 2008 or Windows Vista. Windows Installer on Windows Server 2003 or Windows XP. See the Windows Installer Run-Time Requirements for information about the minimum Windows service pack that is required by a Windows Installer version." }, { "docid": "4753904", "title": "Window", "text": "Types include the eyebrow window, fixed windows, single-hung and double-hung sash windows, horizontal sliding sash windows, casement windows, awning windows, hopper windows, tilt and slide windows (often door-sized), tilt and turn windows, transom windows, sidelight windows, jalousie or louvered windows, clerestory windows, skylights, roof windows, ..." }, { "docid": "1108074", "title": "-", "text": "This chapter uses genetic vulnerability to indicate the condition that results when a crop is uniformly susceptible to a pest, pathogen, or environment hazard as a result of its genetic constitution, thereby creating a potential for disaster." }, { "docid": "7503904", "title": "-", "text": "A person with Tourette syndrome has about a 50% chance of passing the gene(s) to one of his/her children. Gender appears to have a role in the expression of the genetic vulnerability, with males more likely to express tics than females." }, { "docid": "6678920", "title": "-", "text": "Alfred Hitchcock’s women in his films have always been a common topic of discussion, alway misunderstood from my point of view. The real purpose of the movie was to point out the foibles and vulnerability of its characters, both male and female.lfred Hitchcock’s women in his films have always been a common topic of discussion, alway misunderstood from my point of view. The real purpose of the movie was to point out the foibles and vulnerability of its characters, both male and female." }, { "docid": "2654894", "title": "-", "text": "The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Cheats and Secrets. This page will catalogue every cheat, secret, and exploit in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Use these to bypass tough puzzles and more." }, { "docid": "8183638", "title": "Effects of global warming on human health", "text": "Climate variability and climate change 8 Effects of global warming on the climate system 8 Acclimatization, adaptation and mitigation 8 Climate change and food security 9 Agriculture, climate and food security 9 Food security and climate change: a conceptual framework 11 Vulnerability to climate change 12 Livelihood vulnerability 27 2." }, { "docid": "265008", "title": "Federal Information Security Management Act of 2002", "text": "Mission and Overview. NVD is the U.S. government repository of standards based vulnerability management data. This data enables automation of vulnerability management, security measurement, and compliance (e.g. FISMA)." }, { "docid": "7346285", "title": "throw (someone) under the bus", "text": "throw (someone) under the bus. 1. To exploit someone's trust for one's own purpose, gain, or agenda; to harm someone through deceit or treachery." }, { "docid": "2589150", "title": "-", "text": "A sociologist who focuses on the way that multinational corporations headquartered in core nations exploit the local workers in their peripheral nation factories is using a _____ perspective to understand the global economy." }, { "docid": "2917598", "title": "Talk:Nigger/Archive 4", "text": "A derogatory word used by black people to retain (and exploit) their ancestors past as slaves. Many blacks claim it's a term of endearment (akin to brother, homie, etc), but in no way can it be as its root meaning is ignorance." }, { "docid": "8111816", "title": "Explore / Creative Commons", "text": "Public Domain Dedication (CC0) means: You, the copyright holder, waive your interest in your work and place the work as completely as possible in the public domain so others may freely exploit and use the work without restriction under copyright or database law." }, { "docid": "2297838", "title": "Maria Orsic", "text": "We ask all our fans to REMOVE OUR LIKE FROM THE PAGE BELOW, is a abandoned PAGE and exploit only the name of Maria, posting nonsense, we have to overcome them and pay tribute to MARIA Orsic in the way it deserves, destroying these fraudsters who have not no passion or expertise of the topics covered" }, { "docid": "5083657", "title": "-", "text": "Acer ProShield is an all-in-one security solution that helps address the following points of vulnerability: Secure the device against unauthorized access." }, { "docid": "3695477", "title": "-", "text": "But it is not so difficult to determine which tools best exploit the platform-neutral features of Java, particularly when it comes to visual development. And that leads us to our comparison of four powerful Java development tools." }, { "docid": "1728464", "title": "-", "text": "Basic Job Description. The Electronic Warfare Specialist supervises and performs military action involving the use of electromagnetic energy to determine, exploit, reduce, or prevent hostile use of the electromagnetic spectrum." }, { "docid": "7213376", "title": "Sexual Issues", "text": "A relatively small minority of therapists take advantage of the client's trust and vulnerability and of the power inherent in the therapist's role by sexually exploiting the client. Each state has prohibited this abuse of trust, vulnerability, and power through licensing regulations." }, { "docid": "1779480", "title": "Making Microsoft Edge the most secure browser with Windows Defender Application Guard", "text": "Windows Defender Exploit Guard: Reduce the attack surface against next-generation malware. Stopping ransomware where it counts: Protecting your data with Controlled folder access . Making Microsoft Edge the most secure browser with Windows Defender Application Guard. Introducing Windows Defender Application Control" } ]
what is a yca fare
[ { "docid": "5904287", "title": "-", "text": "Government Contract Fares. YCA – The official negotiated fare between the carrier and the General Services Administration (GSA). _CA (Dash CA) – A capacity-controlled (limited number of seats) fare that is more deeply discounted than the YCA fare. The _CA fare is only available in markets where dual fares exist." } ]
[ { "docid": "262653", "title": "What Are the Airlines' Policies on Bereavement Flights?", "text": "Many airlines have a special bereavement flight, or compassionate fare, which is offered to family members traveling for a death in the family, or imminent death.There are other considerations too-transporting cremated remains, for example-and the procedures you will likely follow.any airlines have a special bereavement flight, or compassionate fare, which is offered to family members traveling for a death in the family, or imminent death." }, { "docid": "922955", "title": "TransLink Compass Card problems mean cheaper bus fares", "text": "She said that once the Compass Card system was fully up and running in November, TransLink would begin gathering data for a future fare policy review, but insisted there is no plan currently in place to raise fares.ransLink suggested the fare drop in May, as a way to deal with problems they faced with the cards on buses after testing showed the card readers are inaccurate and too slow." }, { "docid": "7362483", "title": "Passenger Information", "text": "Open Taxis is Chicago's dispatch for wheelchair accessible vehicles. Open Taxis is operated by Open Doors Organization, and can be reached at 1.855.WAV.1010. CITY OF CHICAGO TAXICAB FARE RATES and INFORMATION. FARE RATES as of January 1, 2016." }, { "docid": "894425", "title": "How to Use the Washington DC Metro", "text": "Keep your SmarTrip card handy, even after you tap in at a fare gate. In many cities, you only have to tap into the system, but in DC you also have to tap out of the system. The fare gates have a circular target on top to touch your card. When the gate reads your card, the gate opens." }, { "docid": "8493547", "title": "-", "text": "The low-cost Uber (seats 4) 1 Base Fare: $1. 2 Per Minute: $0.11. 3 Per Mile: $0.93. 4 Cancellation Fee: $5. 5 Service Fees: $2.70. 6 Minimum Fare: $5.75." }, { "docid": "5508152", "title": "What's in a Fare?", "text": "Other fare basis codes beginning in Y are usually airline-specific, but may cost less than the full Y coach fare. Our college friend on the other hand travels with a fare code of ME721NR, with booking in M class 21 days in advance, and sits in seat 18B." }, { "docid": "6616516", "title": "I have a death in family and need to fly to california were can i find a cheap flight at?", "text": "If you are applying for a refund after completing your travel, do make sure that the airline you are using does offer a bereavement fare prior to travel. Bereavement fares exist to offer you travel options for when you need to travel at the last minute because of imminent death or a death in the family.Here are some tips for finding cheap fares: -- Sometimes the internet is cheaper, sometimes the phone operators are cheaper, and sometimes travel agents are cheaper.est Answer: I'm sorry for your loss. Here is some information, and I hope it will help: -The bereavement fare is not always the lowest fare, although many times (especially in last minute situation) it can be. It can also be more flexible when you need to change dates around." }, { "docid": "7141866", "title": "Lilo & Stitch 2002", "text": "Lilo & Stitch (2002) TOMATOMETER. Critics Consensus: Edgier than traditional Disney fare, Lilo and Stitch explores issues of family while providing a fun and charming story. Critics Consensus: Edgier than traditional Disney fare, Lilo and Stitch explores issues of family while providing a fun and charming story." }, { "docid": "5045265", "title": "Uber's Drivers Say They Don't Get Any Tip Money From All-Inclusive Fares â And They're Furious", "text": "Despite riders thinking a tip is included in their fare, these drivers make it clear that it's not. The fares are the fares, we do not get any 'bonus money' from Uber. When you pay your fare, Uber takes their $1 'safe rides fee' off the top, then takes an additional 20%, the rest is given to the drivers. $4 min." }, { "docid": "478566", "title": "-", "text": "1. the price of conveyance or passage in a bus, train, airplane, or other carrier. 2. a person who pays to be conveyed in a vehicle; paying passenger. 3. food; diet: hearty fare. 4. something offered to the public, as for entertainment: literary fare." }, { "docid": "4142092", "title": "Question: Changing Return Flight - Cheaper After Departure?", "text": "Actually if you decide to change the return before you fly the first outbound flight, your ticket is considered as 'cancelled' and you will be charged as though you are buying a new ticket. So if there is a change in fares, you will be charged the new fare less the difference of the old fare AND the cancellation fee. recently called AC about changing the return on a pre-existing booking from YYC to HKG, Nov 6 to 10. I'm thinking of returning on Nov 13 instead. The AC agent said it'd cost $272.21 (the fare difference) to change it now, but if I waited until after I departed, I'd only have to pay a flat $150 change fee." }, { "docid": "8157603", "title": "-", "text": "What is the bus fare in Theni district? What is the bus fare in Sivagangai district? What is the bus fare in Ramanathapuram? What is the bus fare in Virudhunagar district? What is the bus fare in Madurai? Is Bank holiday on January 26? Is Bank holiday on January 23? Is Bank holiday on January 22? Bus Fare Hike in Tamilnadu" }, { "docid": "3461773", "title": "How can I change or cancel my reservation?", "text": "If your new fare is less than the original fare, we'll provide you with a Future Travel Credit which can be used within 60 days to book any available travel. If the new flight has a higher fare, you'll need to pay the difference including any difference in government taxes and fees." }, { "docid": "4285421", "title": "District Fare to Open in Hillcrest at the End of March", "text": "District Fare to Open in Hillcrest at the End of March. District Fare, the new Hillcrest restaurant concept by Tomas Bohm, is set to open in one month. The space that once belonged to Hillcrest Artisan Meats has undergone a complete overhaul, with new flooring and nearly triple the seating that HAM could fit in the dining room." }, { "docid": "520213", "title": "How many hours does it take to drive from New Jersey to Florida?", "text": "A Greyhound bus ticket from Georgia to Florida will cost approximately $77.44 - $99.00 depending on the fare type selected. The price of a bus ticket depends on the fare type… purchased (example: refundable, non-refundable, return, one-way)." }, { "docid": "4350137", "title": "-", "text": "Tip your driver. Since Uber does not allow in-ride tipping on the app, carry small amounts of cash. If you know your fare will only cost around $20, carry small bills and change. When the fare is going to cost more than $50, carry bills accordingly." }, { "docid": "7184234", "title": "To Lap Child, Or Not To Lap Child â That Is The Question", "text": "This is the real gotcha in the lap child world. The lap child is still generally charged 10%, but now the adult ticket has no fare basis, so it can be unclear how much you’ll pay. It could be 10% of the lowest fare available in your ticketed cabin, or it could be 10% of full fare for the cabin." }, { "docid": "2557185", "title": "-", "text": "CTA will stop accepting all forms of payment tied to previous system (Chicago Cards, magnetic fare card) Pace starts issuing new Ventra transfer passes to riders. $5 new Ventra card purchase fee kicks in (until then, users can have the fee put toward fare total if they register the new card)" }, { "docid": "520219", "title": "Fares & MetroCard", "text": "Fares & MetroCard. The fare for a subway or local bus ride is $2.75*. The fare for an express bus ride is $6.50. If you qualify for reduced fare, you can travel for half fare. Up to three children 44 inches tall and under ride for free on subways and local buses when accompanied by a fare paying adult." }, { "docid": "3384657", "title": "-", "text": "After you added up the four different variables, you calculated that your fare would only be $2.78. But in your area, the minimum fare for UberX is $4, so you will be charged $4 instead of $2.78. The base fare, cost per minute, and cost per mile vary city-by-city, and Uber service. Uber fare rates are different for UberX, XL, UberPlus, Black Car, and Select. Read more about the differences between UberX, XL, Plus, and Black Car." }, { "docid": "2595767", "title": "fare", "text": "This ticket shows a train passenger has paid her fare. noun. Fare is defined as a paying passenger, a fee for transportation or food. An example of fare is someone traveling by train. An example of fare is two dollars someone is charged for traveling by bus. An example of fare is soup in a cafe. The definition of fare is to go through an experience or have a result." }, { "docid": "6320115", "title": "How and when driver pay is calculated", "text": "The average distance of a Lyft ride is two to three miles, so long rides are rare. For longer-than-average rides, there is a maximum fare amount. Heads up: If a passenger’s request takes you past the maximum fare amount, you may want to recommend a different transportation method." }, { "docid": "6399810", "title": "-", "text": "Fare can be bought one-way for half the lowest roundtrip... (Southwest) See all details ». $175 RT. Dallas, TX (DFW). Lowest fare found for travel within the next 30 days. (American) See all details ». $198 RT. Las Vegas, NV (LAS). No min." }, { "docid": "4142085", "title": "What does fare difference mean? can someone explain it to me?", "text": "If I needed to make changes to the ticket, ie get an earlier flight and did this the week before Christmas the new flight would cost me about $1800 each. So the fare difference would be $1800(price of the new ticket) minus $375(price I paid for the original ticket) for a fare difference of $1425 per ticket.he fare difference is the amount between what you originally paid for the ticket and what the price of the new ticket will be with the changes." }, { "docid": "1022701", "title": "-", "text": "There are five main types of cars you can request, each with different pricing, and pricing also varies by city. Surge pricing also applies when demand for rides exceeds supply. uberX: The low-cost Uber seats 4. In San Francisco the fare is $2.20 plus $0.26 per minute plus $1.30 per mile.In New York City the fare is $3 plus $0.40 per minute plus $2.15 per mile.uberXL: Seats 6.n New York City the fare is $4.50 plus $0.60 per minute plus $3.25 per mile. uberTAXI: A normal taxi ride, except requests and payment are done via Uber. You pay standard cab fare, plus an automatic 20% gratuity, plus a $1 booking fee." }, { "docid": "407292", "title": "-", "text": "Uses of Beans. Because seeds contain much protein, beans are useful as a meat substitute and in different parts of the world are a characteristic item—often a staple—of the national fare. Baked beans, cooked for hours with pork or molasses or both, are a traditional New England dish. Share | Cite. Because seeds contain much protein, beans are useful as a meat substitute and in different parts of the world are a characteristic item—often a staple—of the national fare." }, { "docid": "5932585", "title": "How to Get a Refund on a Non-Refundable Airfare and Avoid Change Fees", "text": "If you change it however, a fare difference may apply, but there is no change penalty. This applies not just to U.S.-based airlines, but any airline selling airfares in the U.S. You still have to pay for the airfare, and then get a refund without penalty. Some fine points. American Airlines is a bit different in that it allows you to hold your seat and the fare for 24 hours without paying for it. On American, you should not pay for the fare, but merely choose the 24-hour hold option without payment." }, { "docid": "1809606", "title": "Today at Fergie's", "text": "Fergie's Pub: A traditional Irish Pub serving pub fare and local beers to satisfy any taste." }, { "docid": "5508146", "title": "What's in a Fare?", "text": "Every published fare has a fare basis code, and this code appears on the ticket in the fare basis box. More than one fare, and thus more than one fare basis code, may exist for each class of service for booking. For example, two fares for H class may exist-one for midweek travel and one for weekend travel." }, { "docid": "8606748", "title": "-", "text": "Initially the maximum penalty fare was set at £10 (£5 on buses & trams) or twice the full single fare to the next station (whichever is higher) in addition to the full single fare for the rest of the journey. This was later raised to £20 for all transport modes.n Moscow and Moscow oblast penalty fare is 1000 RUB (single fare is 25-40, 90 min is 50 RUB), if not the card's bearer shows a social card, penalty fare is 2500 RUB (Moscow only +3 metro stations). Many other cities increased to 1000 RUB too." } ]
what is achats
[ { "docid": "4402361", "title": "Test-Achats", "text": "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Test-Aankoop (Dutch) or Test-Achats (French) is a Belgian non-profit organization which promotes consumer protection. It was founded in 1957 and publishes research in a subscription magazine. Test-Achats was founded in 1957 as the Association des Consommateurs (French) / Verbruikersunie (Dutch). In 1960 it was one of the founders of the organization now called Consumers International. Test-Achats is a founding member of International Consumer Research & Testing." } ]
[ { "docid": "4402355", "title": "-", "text": "La diminution des importations est imputable a celles de 3,9% des achats de produits energetiques et de 1,3% des acquisitions de produits hors energie, alors que les importations de biens d'equipement ont augmente de 8,3%." }, { "docid": "4402356", "title": "-", "text": "Verification and periodic inspection of facilities and equipment at all sites of the university of auvergne. Address : direction des Achats - logistique - bureaux 105 et 106 - 1er tage - 10 rue des Fosss St Marcel, Contact : Mme la Directrice, l~attention de Mme Claire BIOT, F-75005 Paris." }, { "docid": "5181360", "title": "-", "text": "Fnac is a large French retail chain selling cultural and electronic products, founded by Andre André essel And Max theret théret. In 1954 its head office Is In le Flavia-in-Ivry sur Seine. Near paris fnac is an Abbreviation Of federation’Fédération nationale D (Achats Des Cadres national Shopping). federation for managersnac's head office is in Le Flavia in Ivry-sur-Seine, France. The 6 story building was designed by Jean-Claude Besseau and has 16,400 square metres (177,000 sq ft) of space. The building is a part of the Ivry Port project. Previously the company head office was located in Clichy-la-Garenne, Hauts-de-Seine." } ]
can levoxyl cause rosacea
[ { "docid": "5479042", "title": "Thyroid and rosacea", "text": "I have hypothyroidism and rosacea. My doc started me on levoxyl about 3 years ago. Within about 2 months, I was diagnosed with Rosacea. I finally made the connection about 1 year ago that maybe it was the levoxyl making my face so red, so I stopped taking it." } ]
[ { "docid": "8513928", "title": "Essential Oils and other Natural Rosacea Treatments", "text": "Low grade, contaminated essential oils can worsen rosacea skin condition. The finest essential oils to use for rosacea treatment consist of lavender, eucalyptus, tea tree oil, chamomile, sandalwood, frankincense and cedar wood." }, { "docid": "1800058", "title": "Is Micro Dermabrasion Bad For Rosacea?", "text": "Rosacea usually appears when people reach their 30s and 40s. The redness associated with it becomes more persistent as the condition progresses and you may see bumps and pimples (called papules and pustules) appear. This is where many people mistake it for acne and treat it as if it were acne." }, { "docid": "5543038", "title": "General", "text": "Rosacea seems to be linked to the vascular network of the central facial skin and causes redness, bumps, pimples and other symptoms that rarely go beyond the face. Special care is necessary in treating patients with both conditions because some standard medications for acne vulgaris can make rosacea worse.. Allergies may cause an altered reaction of the body that includes flushing, which frequently triggers rosacea symptoms. As with more common rosacea triggers, identifying and avoiding allergens -- the substances you are reacting to -- may also help control your rosacea." }, { "docid": "1818607", "title": "How Can You Reduce Rosacea Redness?", "text": "Marta Rendon, MD (drrendon.com). The best way to get rid of the redness from rosacea depends on the type of rosacea the patient has. Anti-inflammatories, both topical and oral, that your dermatologist can prescribe are beneficial." }, { "docid": "1929751", "title": "Doxycycline Hyclate for treating Sinus Infections", "text": "Doxycycline hyclate is frequently used to treat chronic prostatitis, sinusitis, syphilis, chlamydia, pelvic inflammatory disease, acne, rosacea, and Rickettsial infections.." }, { "docid": "8537766", "title": "Doxycycline (By mouth)", "text": "Doxycycline is used to treat bacterial infections in many different parts of the body. It is also used to treat pimples and abscesses (usually on the face) that are caused by rosacea, also known as acne rosacea or adult acne. Doxycycline delayed-release tablets and tablets are also used to prevent malaria and treat anthrax infection after possible exposure and other problems as determined by your doctor. Doxycycline belongs to the class of medicines known as tetracycline antibiotics. It works by killing bacteria or preventing their growth. However, this medicine will not work for colds, flu, or other virus infections. This medicine is available only with your doctor's prescription." }, { "docid": "6326946", "title": "Rosacea Symptoms", "text": "Most people think of rosacea as a red face. It’s true this skin condition can cause facial redness, but it can also cause many other symptoms. They range from pimples on your cheeks to thick skin on your nose. Rosacea usually appears on your face, but you can have it on your neck, scalp, ears, eyes, or chest, too." }, { "docid": "7498739", "title": "Optimal Thyroid Replacement", "text": "Click here for Frequently Asked Questions on Optimal Thyroid Replacement. The majority of patients with hypothyroidism are treated with thyroxine, also known as T4 (Trade names include Synthroid, Eltroxin, Levoxyl etc). Theoretically, pharmacological management of hypothyroidism would mimic what our own thyroid does, which is to produce both T4 and T3. It is important to remember that the majority of thyroid hormone produced and secreted by the thyroid (about 90%) is T4." }, { "docid": "2258548", "title": "Rosacea and Rhinophyma", "text": "See also: Rosacea written for patients. Rosacea is a chronic relapsing disease of the facial skin. It is characterised by recurrent episodes of facial flushing with persistent erythema, telangiectasia, papules and pustules. Ocular rosacea is usually bilateral and causes a foreign-body sensation." }, { "docid": "3838957", "title": "Ocular Rosacea Can Threaten Sight", "text": "Dr. Sires added that in the majority of ocular rosacea patients, beyond mild irritation there is a feeling of fullness in the eyelid. This is often the result of thickened secretions of the meibomian or Zeis glands along the eyelid margin. The fatty secretions help to avoid evaporation of the watery layer of the tears. The plugging of these glands may lead to dry eye or styes, both common manifestations of ocular rosacea. Severe symptoms result when the cornea becomes infected, he said. These patients have a deep boring pain." }, { "docid": "4971745", "title": "Bacterial Vaginosis", "text": "11 drugs. 11. Nitroimidazole antibiotics are used to treat parasitic infections, amoebiasis, bacterial vaginosis, gastrointestinal infections, skin infections, meningitis, lower respiratory infections, bacterial infections, diarrhea, and rosacea. They work by killing the bacteria causing the infection.1 drugs. 11. Nitroimidazole antibiotics are used to treat parasitic infections, amoebiasis, bacterial vaginosis, gastrointestinal infections, skin infections, meningitis, lower respiratory infections, bacterial infections, diarrhea, and rosacea. They work by killing the bacteria causing the infection." }, { "docid": "6186677", "title": "-", "text": "Rosacea is a chronic autoimmune-driven skin disorder. It is a common skin disorder that affects 14 million Americans. Typically, this skin condition starts appearing between the ages of 30 and 50. Rosacea tends to affect more women than men.It starts appearing slowly and usually looks like sunburn initially, which frequently causes delay in treatment.he symptoms of Rosacea include the following: 1 Red, flushed face. 2 Dry, sensitive skin that may sting or burn. 3 Small bumps. 4 Pimples or breakouts that look more like acne. 5 Thicker and coarser skin with a bumpy feel." }, { "docid": "3742348", "title": "-", "text": "HELPing BROKEN CAPILLARIES / ROSACEA / FACIAL REDNESS. Broken capillaries (Telangiectasia) are often referred to as spider veins. Rosacea is a chronic skin condition characterized by semi-permanent or permanent extreme facial redness (erythema) and sometimes pimples, and burning.eople who have broken capillaries or facial redness do not necessarily have Rosacea but generally people with Rosacea do have broken capillaries and semi-permanent to permanent facial redness." }, { "docid": "3914907", "title": "-", "text": "In some cases, rosacea appears on the chest, back, or neck. It can affect the eyes, causing them to feel irritated and to appear bloodshot or watery. People with rosacea can also develop red solid bumps and pus-filled pimples. The disorder can cause the nose to take on a bulbous, swollen appearance called rhinophyma." }, { "docid": "5683172", "title": "Could probiotics be the next big thing in acne and rosacea treatments", "text": "Could probiotics be the next big thing in acne and rosacea treatments. SCHAUMBURG, Ill. (Feb. 3, 2014) —Dermatologists encouraged by early research showing link between probiotic use and clearer skin in acne and rosacea patients." }, { "docid": "1933857", "title": "-", "text": "Symptoms. 1 Rosacea on light skin. Rosacea on light skin Changes typical of rosacea are redness of the cheeks, nose and central face, with small red bumps or pustules. 2 Rosacea on dark skin. Rosacea on dark skin On dark skin, rosacea may be more difficult to distinguish. 3 Rhinophyma." }, { "docid": "7343390", "title": "-", "text": "Answer. Levothyroxine-a medication that contains naturally occurring thyroid hormone-is used to treat hypothyroidism, a condition in which the thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormone. Levothyroxine does indeed have generics with a few differences from the brand name versions like Synthroid and Levoxyl." }, { "docid": "8738049", "title": "Differin rosacea", "text": "Differin rosacea. Common Questions and Answers about Differin rosacea. differin. Hi, I have a lot of questions about rosacea, I really hope your can answer me and maybe help me! Since I was 15 year old, I began having skin problem, like acne and really oily skin, but only on my nose and forehead." }, { "docid": "7517807", "title": "Background", "text": "The symptoms of rosacea can be treated effectively; however, rosacea is a chronic condition with exacerbations and remissions, which requires long-term therapy to maintain symptomatic control." }, { "docid": "1508825", "title": "-", "text": "A: Levothyroxine (trade names: Synthroid, Levoxyl, Levothroid, and Unithroid), a thyroid hormone, is used to treat hypothyroidism, a condition where the thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormone." }, { "docid": "8014933", "title": "Rosacea: Overview", "text": "Rosacea: Overview Rosacea (rose-AY-sha) is a common skin disease. It often begins with a tendency to blush or flush more easily than other people. The redness can slowly spread beyond the nose and cheeks to the forehead and chin. Even the ears, chest, and back can be red all the time. Rosacea can cause more than redness. There are so many signs and symptoms that rosacea has four subtypes: Erythematotelangiectatic rosacea: Redness, flushing, visible blood vessels. Papulopustular rosacea: Redness, swelling, and acne-like breakouts. Phymatous rosacea: Skin thickens and has a bumpy texture." }, { "docid": "7388378", "title": "Rosacea", "text": "There is no way to prevent rosacea, but the symptoms can be reduced by recognizing these common triggers: hot drinks, alcohol, spicy foods, stress, sunlight, extreme heat or cold. These conditions increase blood flow and cause the small blood vessels in the face to widen (dilate)." }, { "docid": "6035989", "title": "Rosacea", "text": "1 Rosacea symptoms and signs include. 2 redness of the face (easy facial blushing or flushing), 3 tiny red pimples and fine red lines (telangiectasias) on the facial skin, 4 rhinophyma (an enlarged, bulbous red nose, like W.C. Fields), 5 eye problems, such as swollen, red eyelids, conjunctivitis, and rosacea keratitis. Rosacea is a common, chronic, incurable, adult acne-like skin condition that is easily controllable and medically manageable. 2 Rosacea commonly affects the central third of the face, especially the nose, and has periodic ups and downs (flares and remissions). 3 Rosacea symptoms and signs include." }, { "docid": "3739437", "title": "-", "text": "The National Rosacea Society is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization whose mission is to improve the lives of people with rosacea by raising awareness, providing public health information and supporting medical research on this widespread but little-known disorder." }, { "docid": "2584240", "title": "What is the difference between these terms: clade, monophyletic group and taxon?", "text": "A monophyletic taxon (or a clade) is defined as a taxon that contains only all descendants of a common ancestor and the common ancestor. On the following picture, only the Taxon 1 is a clade. To cite few examples of clades: Primates, Eukaryotes, Rosacea, Reptilomorpha, Rodentia. (The links yield to tolweb.org." }, { "docid": "8738048", "title": "Adapalene vs. metronidazole gel for the treatment of rosacea", "text": "Adapalene vs. metronidazole gel for the treatment of rosacea. Rosacea is a common, chronic dermatosis that requires long-term therapy. Oral isotretinoin and topical and/or oral antibiotics are effective, but their usage may be limited due to side-effects." }, { "docid": "3948586", "title": "Rose Water for Acne", "text": "Summary: 1 Rose water is an emulsion of rose oil in water created as a byproduct of distilling rose petals. 2 Rose water stimulates the growth of the skin and increases oil production in the skin. 3 It’s a remedy for dry skin rather than for oily skin.4 Rose water works better when it is combined with lemon juice.sing rose water and lemon juice together is even better. Don’t use rose water if you have rosacea. Any kind of essential oil can aggravate rosacea, and treating your pores and the surface level of your skin really does not resolve rosacea. Pour out 15 ml (1 tablespoon) of rose water into a clean bowl." }, { "docid": "7115203", "title": "How to Apply Color Correcting Concealer", "text": "For redness, acne and rosacea. Green is opposite the color wheel from red, so it’s perfect for hiding any redness on your face, like pimples and acne scars. If you have rosacea, a color correcting green primer will help hide unwanted redness and give you an even base for applying foundation. Orange Concealer" }, { "docid": "5581154", "title": "Metronidazole 0.75 % Topical Gel", "text": "metronidazole topical. Uses. This medication is used on the skin to treat a certain skin disorder known as rosacea, a type of adult acne. It may help to decrease redness, swelling and the number of pimples caused by rosacea." }, { "docid": "6217214", "title": "What Is Doxycycline (Oracea)?", "text": "For adults, the normal dose of oral doxycycline is 200 mg on the first day of treatment. Usually you take that as two 100-mg doses, 12 hours apart. After this initial dose, people usually take a maintenance dose of 100 mg daily for seven to 10 days.ike all antibiotics, doxycycline will not treat colds, the flu, or other infections caused by viruses or fungi. A 2014 study found that a low dose of 40 milligrams (mg) of slow-release doxycycline daily could be an effective and safe therapy for ocular rosacea, or rosacea that affects the eyes." } ]
what is active independent variable
[ { "docid": "6664731", "title": "Chapter 3.2 Independent Variables 1", "text": "The independent variable DRUG would be an active independent variable. An attribute independent variable occurs when groups are compared, but the grouping variable cannot be chosen and manipulated by the investigators because it is a characteristic of the subjects themselves.Example 7: One example of an attribute variable is gender.here may be up to 3-5 groups per variable, but usually not more than that. Example 4: If a study is comparing two types of treatments: a placebo and an experimental treatment, the independent variable is treatment and it has two levels: placebo and experimental." } ]
[ { "docid": "1339986", "title": "-", "text": "Main Effects & Interactions page 2 Because a main effect is the effect of one independent variable on the dependent variable, ignoring the effects of other independent variables, you will have a total of two potential main effects in this study: one for age of student and one for teacher expectations." }, { "docid": "7564714", "title": "Talk:Film noir/Archive 2", "text": "As long as the context is clear, any placement is valid. Note however that it is a convention to put the independent variable on the horizontal axis, and the dependent on the vertical. Any departure from this should be explicitly noted for clarity. You could even call the independent variable f, and note the function x is you want, and graph the function x(f)... it's just a notation, but you can see how thing could be played with, and how it could be made as obscure as one wishes... if that is what you want! :)." }, { "docid": "7779104", "title": "Research Variables", "text": "There are many types of variable but the most important, for the vast majority of research methods, are the independent and dependent variables. A researcher must determine which variable needs to be manipulated to generate quantifiable results." }, { "docid": "2054273", "title": "SPSS Tutorials: Defining Variables", "text": "1 This is the default assignment for variables. 2 Target: The variable will be used as an outcome (dependent variable). 3 Both: The variable will be used as both a predictor and an outcome (independent and dependent variable). 4 None: The variable has no role assignment." }, { "docid": "829840", "title": "Independent Variable", "text": "The term independent variable is often a source of confusion; many people assume that the name means that the variable is independent of any manipulation. The name arises because the variable is isolated from any other factor, allowing experimental manipulation to establish analyzable results." }, { "docid": "5688837", "title": "This page", "text": "What is the difference between 2 or more independent variables and one independent variable with 2 or more levels? At the core, the only difference between independent and dependent variables is the nature of the function you’re trying to learn. Input variables are independents, and output variables are dependents." }, { "docid": "6794620", "title": "Introduction to Regression", "text": "Because of this, an independent variable that is a significant predictor of a dependent variable in simple linear regression may not be significant in multiple regression (i.e., when other independent variables are added into the equation)." }, { "docid": "3346774", "title": "The Difference Between Independent and Dependent Variables", "text": "Independent variables are values that can be changed in a given equation or experiment. Think of an independent variable as your input. An independent variable represents information that you put in to the equation. Dependent variables are values that result directly from the independent variable." }, { "docid": "8656343", "title": "Does the dependent t-test test for \"changes\" or \"differences\" between related groups?", "text": "The dependent t-test can look for differences between means when participants are measured on the same dependent variable under two different conditions. For example, you might have tested participants' eyesight (dependent variable) when wearing two different types of spectacle (independent variable)." }, { "docid": "7880606", "title": "Dependent Variable", "text": "In any true experiment, a researcher manipulates an independent variable, to influence a dependent variable, or variables." }, { "docid": "7732042", "title": "Controlling Variables", "text": "Controlling variables is an important part of experimental design. Controlled variables refer to variables or contributing factors that are fixed or eliminated in order to clearly identify the relationship between an independent variable and a dependent variable.ontrolling variables is an important part of experimental design. Controlled variables refer to variables or contributing factors that are fixed or eliminated in order to clearly identify the relationship between an independent variable and a dependent variable." }, { "docid": "406829", "title": "-", "text": "There are slight differences in the meanings of these terms, but they are often used interchangeably. 1 Independent Variable: It implies causality: the independent variable affects the dependent variable. 2 Predictor Variable: It does not imply causality. 3 Predictor: Same as Predictor Variable. 4 Covariate: A continuous predictor variable. 5 Factor: A 6 ... G" }, { "docid": "3346767", "title": "Whats the difference between independent and dependent variables? also, theory and hypothesis?", "text": "Best Answer: The independent variable in an experiment is the variable that YOU change in order to affect the dependent variable. The dependent variable is what is being measured, or what is being affected." }, { "docid": "4771994", "title": "Section 5. Collecting and Analyzing Data", "text": "Thus, if data analysis finds that the independent variable (the intervention) influenced the dependent variable at the .05 level of significance, it means there’s a 95% probability or likelihood that your program or intervention had the desired effect." }, { "docid": "8578046", "title": "Multicollinearity statistics with SPSS", "text": "The problem with just looking at the correlation matrix is what if you have four variables that together explain 100% of the variance in a fifth independent variable. You aren’t going to be able to tell that by just looking at the correlation matrix." }, { "docid": "569554", "title": "-", "text": "Using our example, the softness of the ice cream responded to changes in the temperature of the freezer. A variable that we purposefully change or manipulate is called the independent variable. The thing that changes in response is called the dependent variable." }, { "docid": "7936821", "title": "-", "text": "An R-squared value is the square of the correlation coefficient, which indicates the percentage of the movements in the independent variable that can be explained by the dependent variable. Forecasting commercial real estate appreciation with commercial land sales" }, { "docid": "7297404", "title": "Why it is important to have only one independent variable in an experiment or procedure and to keep all other potential independent variables constant?", "text": "Why it is important to have only one independent variable in an experiment or procedure and to keep all other potential independent variables constant? save cancel" }, { "docid": "5650144", "title": "What Is a Direct Relationship Graph?", "text": "Quick Answer. A direct relationship graph is a graph where one variable either increases or decreases along with the other. The general equation for a direct relationship graph is y = mx + b, where y denotes the dependent variable, x indicates the independent variable, m represents the slope of the line and b is the y-intercept. Continue Reading" }, { "docid": "936359", "title": "-", "text": "main effect is the effect of a single independent variable on a dependent variable – ignoring all other independent variables. For example, imagine a study that investigated the effectiveness of dieting and exercise for weight loss." }, { "docid": "8401560", "title": "-", "text": "A hypothesis is used to determine the relationship between two variables, which are the two things that are being tested. One variable is independent and is the cause of any changes in the outcome. The other variable is dependent and is the outcome itself." }, { "docid": "1949512", "title": "-", "text": "Many people have trouble remembering which is the independent variable and which is the dependent variable. An easy way to remember is to insert the names of the two variables you are using in this sentence in they way that makes the most sense.Independent variable) causes a change in (Dependent Variable) and it isn't possible that (Dependent Variable) could cause a change in (Independent Variable). For example: (Time Spent Studying) causes a change in (Test Score) and it isn't possible that (Test Score) could cause a change in (Time Spent Studying)." }, { "docid": "3161602", "title": "-", "text": "You use multiple regression when you have three or more measurement variables. One of the measurement variables is the dependent (Y) variable. The rest of the variables are the independent (X) variables.The purpose of a multiple regression is to find an equation that best predicts the Y variable as a linear function of the X variables.ou use multiple regression when you have three or more measurement variables. One of the measurement variables is the dependent (Y) variable. The rest of the variables are the independent (X) variables." }, { "docid": "3865135", "title": "-", "text": "an independent variable (IV) and dependent variable(s) (DVs). An Independent Variable is manipulated (controlled) by the experimenter, and has at least two different conditions (e.g., “treatment” and “control” conditions). Experimental Research Dependent variablesare measured by the experimenter, and are used to determine the effect of the Independent Variable. In most experiments, researchers measure several dependent variables to learn the effect of the independent variable. Examples of Experimental Research Let’s watch the Psychologist and the Experiment Review: Nonexperimental Versus Experimental Methods Nonexperimental method" }, { "docid": "8197719", "title": "Mediator Variable", "text": "If the mediation caused by the mediator variable is perfect in nature, then the independent variable and the mediator variable are correlated to each other. This correlation between the mediator variable and the independent variable is termed as collinearity.n other words, it explains the relationship between the dependent variable and the independent variable. The process of complete mediation is defined as the complete intervention caused by the mediator variable." }, { "docid": "8197721", "title": "Mediator Variable", "text": "A variable plays a role on the mediator variable under some specific conditions. The conditions of being the mediator variable are as follows: If the change in the level of the independent variable significantly accounts for variation in the other variable, then the variable is considered a mediator variable.n other words, it explains the relationship between the dependent variable and the independent variable. The process of complete mediation is defined as the complete intervention caused by the mediator variable." }, { "docid": "2809596", "title": "What is a Hypothesis? - Definition & Explanation", "text": "The Purpose of a Hypothesis. A hypothesis is used in an experiment to define the relationship between two variables. The purpose of a hypothesis is to find the answer to a question. A formalized hypothesis will force us to think about what results we should look for in an experiment. The first variable is called the independent variable." }, { "docid": "7438249", "title": "Hypothesis", "text": "1 When developing a hypothesis think about any observations or previous knowledge you know about the variables. Express what you think will be the effect of changing one of the variables (Independent variable) on the other variable you expect to change (Dependent variable)." }, { "docid": "569559", "title": "Science", "text": "During an investigation, often times one thing being changed also responds in another result. Using our example, the softness of the ice cream responded to changes in the temperature of the freezer. A variable that we purposefully change or manipulate is called the independent variable." }, { "docid": "8490462", "title": "Moderator Variable", "text": "(3). In this equation, if (the interaction between the independent variable and moderator variable) is not statistically significant, then Z is not a moderator variable, it is just an independent variable. If is statistically significant, then Z will be a moderator variable, and thus moderation is supported.n a repeated measure design moderator, the variable can also be used. In multi-level modeling, if a variable predicts the effect size, that variable is called the moderator variable. 1 Alternative: In a non-linear relationship, a significant value of a moderator variable does not prove the true moderator effect." } ]
what is advertising a function of
[ { "docid": "7214038", "title": "A Definition of Advertising", "text": "Persuasive stands to reason as part of the definition of advertising. The basic purpose of advertising is to identify and differentiate one product from another in order to persuade the consumer to buy that product in preference to another. The purpose of this book is to discuss some basic elements of persuasion." } ]
[ { "docid": "2700055", "title": "Definitions &Translations", "text": "Definitions for commercial art. commercial art(noun) art used for commercial purposes (as in advertising) Commercial art. Commercial art is the art of creative services, referring to art created for commercial purposes, primarily advertising. The term has become increasingly anachronistic in favor of more contemporary terms such as graphic design and advertising art." }, { "docid": "1367982", "title": "-", "text": "An advertising degree is a specialized academic degree awarded to students who have completed a college, university, or business school program with a focus on advertising. Types of Advertising Degrees. There are four basic types of advertising degrees that can be earned from a college, university, or business school." }, { "docid": "1616130", "title": "-", "text": "Flashpacker Family is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com and its partners." }, { "docid": "1679450", "title": "Functions Of Public Relations", "text": "Organizational Functions of Public Relations. There is a fundamental difference between the functions of public relations and the functions of marketing and advertising. Marketing and advertising promote an individual product or service. Public relations promotes an entire organization (Seitel, 2004)." }, { "docid": "4286146", "title": "Level of difficulty 3 hard topic how to avoid unfair", "text": "All of these statements are TRUE. Canada bans any advertising targeted directly at children; Japan limits the use of cartoon characters in advertising to children; in Switzerland, an advertiser cannot use an actor to represent a consumer; New Zealand limits political ads on TV." }, { "docid": "442932", "title": "Types of Advertising Agencies", "text": "1 Such specialist advertising agencies are also usually provide full-service in that they offer all the basic advertising agency services in their area of specialization plus other, peripheral advertising services related to their area of specialization. 2 These agencies are usually small in size. Such agencies usually offer only one or two of the basic services. 2 For example, although some agencies that specialize in creative also offer strategic advertising planning service, their basic interest is in the creation of advertising." }, { "docid": "5099966", "title": "-", "text": "telaria inc (tlra) - provides software for video advertising to buyers and sellers of advertising in a premium video marketplace. group leadership Comml Svcs-Advertising Group" }, { "docid": "379503", "title": "Mobile Advertising Platform", "text": "Techopedia explains Mobile Advertising Platform. A mobile advertising platform is an intermediary between mobile publishers and advertisers and works like a typical Internet advertising platform, where advertisers promote and advertise products through related mobile sites and applications." }, { "docid": "3896976", "title": "How Long does it Take to Bring a Foreign Worker to Canada?", "text": "Before applying for an LMO, employers are generally required to advertise the position in Canada for a period of four weeks. Conducting advertising that meets ESDC’s requirements is usually the main factor in delaying submission of an LMO as each occupation has specific advertising requirements." }, { "docid": "8128659", "title": "It's time to gas up â with 'petroliana' collectibles, that is!", "text": "Last year, veteran advertising show promoters Bruce (good name) and Donna Weir (B&D Promotions) held their first Gateway Gas & Advertising Show right here in the St. Louis area, combining a petroliana style show with some of the best advertising items from dealers across the country." }, { "docid": "4284449", "title": "PR Vs Advertising", "text": "PR Vs Advertising. PR and advertising often go hand in hand but they are two completely different things with a completely different goal and overall effect. While advertising is exclusively focused on promotion of products or services with an aim to encourage target audience to buy, PR is specialised in communication with the public and media." }, { "docid": "1517993", "title": "-", "text": "Compare your salary with the national and state salaries for Advertising and Promotions Managers. Make more money as an Advertising or Promotions Manager. Find out how much an Advertising or Promotions Manager get paid in your area. Research the cities and states that pay the most for Advertising and Promotions Managers." }, { "docid": "7703198", "title": "-", "text": "Define handbill: a small printed sheet to be distributed (as for advertising) by hand a small printed sheet to be distributed (as for advertising) by hand… See the full definition" }, { "docid": "8836667", "title": "The Business of Google (GOOG)", "text": "AdWords and Search Advertising. The bulk of Google’s $66 billion revenue in 2014 came from its proprietary advertising service, Google AdWords. Of that revenue, 68 percent – or just over $45 billion – came from Google’s own websites." }, { "docid": "1851292", "title": "-", "text": "An advertising agency is a company that carries out all or some aspects of advertising production for firms by which it has been hired.n advertising agency might work on posters and displays that can be featured at local retailers. Advertising agencies may be able to market products toward specific audiences, such as the elderly. Advertising agencies look for new ways to highlight a product." }, { "docid": "6872357", "title": "-", "text": "Employment of advertising sales agents is projected to decline 3 percent from 2014 to 2024. Increasing Internet and television advertising sales will not offset the decline in advertising activity in print newspapers." }, { "docid": "6064295", "title": "Marketing communications", "text": "Marketing communications can fall in to the same meaning as advertising. Advertising is the most common marketing term that organisations and even members of the public understand and evaluate, it has come across people at least a number of times in their everyday lives." }, { "docid": "1219933", "title": "-", "text": "In Web advertising, the term impression is sometimes used as a synonym for view, as in ad view. Online publishers offer and their customers buy advertising measured in terms of ad views or impressions." }, { "docid": "5851392", "title": "How soon can I open? How long does the process take?", "text": "What are the royalty and advertising fees? Royalty is 6% of sales; advertising is 3% of sales. The 3% advertising fee is broken up into two parts: 2% is focused on local advertising efforts and 1% funds national advertising efforts." }, { "docid": "4379451", "title": "-", "text": "Uses and properties. The images of Las Vegas and the neon ‘dollar’ symbol reflect the use of the gas in neon lighting for advertising. A colourless, odourless gas. Neon will not react with any other substance. The largest use of neon is in making the ubiquitous ‘neon signs’ for advertising." }, { "docid": "7103915", "title": "-", "text": "[Different Types] | What Are the Different Types of Advertising? [Disadvantages] | The Disadvantages of Advertising on Television [Electronic Advertising] | The Disadvantages of Electronic Advertising [Disadvantages] | The Disadvantages of Advertising in the Newspaper [Using TV] | What Is the Advantage of Using TV & Radio Media for Advertising? [Direct Marketing] | The Advantages & Disadvantages of Direct Marketing & Telemarketing" }, { "docid": "2847613", "title": "How to change the Advertising Identifier on your iPad, iPhone, iPod or iPad mini", "text": "Reset the Advertising Identifier ID on iOS devices. How to change the Advertising Identifier on your iPad, iPhone, iPod or iPad mini." }, { "docid": "6845628", "title": "-", "text": "Marketing & Advertising Program Effectiveness. Marketing and advertising takes many forms including direct mail, magazines, radio, TV, print, POP, tradeshows, banner ads, and co-op marketing." }, { "docid": "904420", "title": "Co-Op Advertising", "text": "The major drawback to co-op advertising is that some manufacturers have more restrictive programs than others. Another form of cooperative advertising is sponsored by shopping districts or centers, which feature an advertisement from each retailer in the shopping center." }, { "docid": "4532415", "title": "Online advertising", "text": "Online advertising, also called online marketing or Internet advertising, is a form of marketing and advertising which uses the Internet to deliver promotional marketing messages to consumers.n 2013, Internet advertising revenues in the United States totaled $42.8 billion, a 17% increase over the $36.57 billion in revenues in 2012. U.S. internet ad revenue hit a historic high of $20.1 billion for the first half of 2013, up 18% over the same period in 2012." }, { "docid": "6555509", "title": "New FDA rules will greatly restrict tobacco advertising and sales", "text": "The FDA is appealing that part of the ruling. While the appeal is pending, the agency has not said whether it will enforce the rule regarding the use of color and imagery in advertising. Tobacco advertising in this country dates to colonial times." }, { "docid": "1463241", "title": "-", "text": "The Minimum Spend For Facebook Advertising. The minimum daily advertising spend on Facebook is a $1.00 per day. The minimum cost per click is 1 cent, however, you are unlikely to see any clicks if you bid that low.…] Here are Facebook’s F.A.Q.s regarding ad coupons if you have further questions. For more on how to get the most out of Facebook advertising see our free guide on the topic here, or any questions on Facebook advertising costs see our article here." }, { "docid": "409623", "title": "Costs of Billboard Advertising", "text": "The Outdoor Advertising Association of America estimates that U.S. businesses spent more than $5.5 billion on outdoor advertising in 2003 and is anticipating a healthy increase in 2004. No matter how you slice it, billboard advertising is on the rise in America." }, { "docid": "2212951", "title": "Bus Advertising", "text": "The definition of bus advertising is advertising displays placed on the inside and outside of city buses, which include partial and full wraps. Get bus advertising and bus stop advertising in over 200 cities with a single bus advertising company." }, { "docid": "1342168", "title": "Social advertising (social relationships)", "text": "Social advertising (social relationships) Social advertising is advertising that relies on social information or networks in generating, targeting, and delivering marketing communications. Many current examples of social advertising use a particular Internet service to collect social information, establish and maintain relationships with consumers, and for delivering communications. For example, the advertising platforms provided by Google, Twitter, and Facebook involve targeting and presenting ads based on relationships articulated on those same services. Social advertising can be part of a broader social media marketing strategy designed to connect with consumers." } ]
what is alt lab test
[ { "docid": "888143", "title": "CPK isoenzymes test", "text": "Alanine transaminase (ALT) blood test. The alanine transaminase (ALT) blood test measures the level of the enzyme ALT in the blood. A blood sample is needed. No special preparation is needed. When the needle is inserted to draw blood, some people feel moderate pain. Others feel only a prick or stinging." } ]
[ { "docid": "3996389", "title": "Pregnancy tests", "text": "Blood pregnancy tests. You can have a blood pregnancy test done by your doctor as early as 11-14 days after ovulation. After being sent to a lab for testing, the results of a blood pregnancy test can tell you two things:1 Qualitative – whether you are pregnant or not. 2 Quantitative – how much hCG is in your blood.lood pregnancy tests. You can have a blood pregnancy test done by your doctor as early as 11-14 days after ovulation. After being sent to a lab for testing, the results of a blood pregnancy test can tell you two things:" }, { "docid": "255765", "title": "Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT) [en Español]", "text": "The ALT test is often done along with other tests that check for liver damage, including aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alkaline phosphatase, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), and bilirubin. Both ALT and AST levels are reliable tests for liver damage.he ALT test is often done along with other tests that check for liver damage, including aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alkaline phosphatase, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), and bilirubin. Both ALT and AST levels are reliable tests for liver damage." }, { "docid": "233350", "title": "-", "text": "Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT). Guide. An alanine aminotransferase (ALT) test measures the amount of this enzyme in the blood. ALT is found mainly in the liver, but also in smaller amounts in the kidneys, heart, muscles, and pancreas. ALT was formerly called serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase (SGPT).uide. An alanine aminotransferase (ALT) test measures the amount of this enzyme in the blood. ALT is found mainly in the liver, but also in smaller amounts in the kidneys, heart, muscles, and pancreas." }, { "docid": "6803614", "title": "Summit Medical Group Web Site", "text": "This blood test measures an enzyme called alanine transaminase (ALT). Enzymes are chemicals that help the cells of your body work. ALT is an enzyme made in the liver. It is released into the blood when tissues are damaged. This enzyme is also called serum glutamic-pyruvic transaminase, or SGPT.The ALT test checks for and measures damage to the liver.It is also done to check medical treatments that may affect the liver.t is released into the blood when tissues are damaged. This enzyme is also called serum glutamic-pyruvic transaminase, or SGPT. The ALT test checks for and measures damage to the liver. It is also done to check medical treatments that may affect the liver." }, { "docid": "596115", "title": "POV Motorcycle Skills Test - PASSED", "text": "This particular test took place in... This is the ALT-MOST (Alternate Motorcycle Operator Skills Test) which is currently used by twenty-nine states in the U.S. This particular test took place in... This is the ALT-MOST (Alternate Motorcycle Operator Skills Test) which is currently used by twenty-nine states in the U.S. This particular test took place in Michigan with a private third-party tester. The test consists of a cone weave, controlled stop, left or right turn, u-turn, quick stop, and obstacle swerve, although not necessarily in that order." }, { "docid": "2414790", "title": "Video: The Right Way to Warm Corn Tortillas", "text": "Another Important 2-Minute Video. How To Make Mayonnaise (in 2 minutes or less) ». J. Kenji López-Alt is the Managing Culinary Director of Serious Eats, and author of the James Beard Award-nominated column The Food Lab, where he unravels the science of home cooking." }, { "docid": "8342130", "title": "-", "text": "Alanine aminotransferase, or ALT, is an enzyme found concentrated in the liver and in small amounts in the kidneys and the heart, states WebMD. An ALT test checks the blood for this enzyme, as its presence indicates potential liver damage. The enzyme's former name was serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase, or SGPT." }, { "docid": "1029157", "title": "Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT) [en Español]", "text": "An alanine aminotransferase (ALT) test measures the amount of this enzyme in the blood. ALT is found mainly in the liver, but also in smaller amounts in the kidneys , heart, muscles, and pancreas . ALT was formerly called serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase (SGPT). ALT is measured to see if the liver is damaged or diseased. Low levels of ALT are normally found in the blood. But when the liver is damaged or diseased, it releases ALT into the bloodstream, which makes ALT levels go up. Most increases in ALT levels are caused by liver damage." }, { "docid": "1317392", "title": "Why the A1c Test Is Important", "text": "The A1c is a blood test, done in a lab, that shows what your average blood sugar has been for the past 3 months. Other names for this test are glycosylated hemoglobin, glycohemoglobin, hemoglobin A1c, and HbA1c." }, { "docid": "4992434", "title": "-", "text": "Alanine Transaminase (ALT) is an enzyme mainly found in your liver. The ALT test measures the level of ALT in your blood. Consistently high levels of ALT in your blood can be a sign of liver damage. Aspartate Transaminase (AST) is an enzyme found in large amounts in your liver and other parts of your body." }, { "docid": "322542", "title": "-", "text": "Special Characters — Alt Keyboard Sequences. To type a special character, using an Alt keyboard sequence: Ensure that the Num Lock key has been pressed, to activate the numeric key section of the keyboard. Press the Alt key, and hold it down. While the Alt key is pressed, type the sequence of numbers (on the numeric keypad) from the Alt code in the above table. Release the Alt key, and the character will appear." }, { "docid": "3503301", "title": "The Burger Lab: What's the Best Way To Slice Onions For Burgers?", "text": "It's a wide, wide world of onions out there, burger ol' buddy. Let's get peeling. About the author: J. Kenji Lopez-Alt is the Chief Creative Officer of Serious Eats where he likes to explore the science of home cooking in his weekly column The Food Lab." }, { "docid": "7243025", "title": "-", "text": "Lab tests are often known by many names. For example, a Complete Blood Count is also referred to as CBC or hemogram, among other names. The index below includes the formal test name and many of the alternate test names used to refer to the tests." }, { "docid": "6279961", "title": "-", "text": "With chronic hepatitis, AST levels are usually not as high, often less than 4 times normal, and are more likely to be normal than are ALT levels. AST often varies between normal and slightly increased with chronic hepatitis, so the test may be ordered frequently to determine the pattern.ith heart or muscle injury, AST is often much higher than ALT (often 3-5 times as high) and levels tend to stay higher than ALT for longer than with liver injury. AST is often performed together with the ALT test or as part of a liver panel." }, { "docid": "4639707", "title": "How to Get Your Medical Test Results", "text": "We can even get our results directly from the lab where the test was done, if necessary. Here's how to be sure you get your medical test results: When you have a medical test, no matter what kind of test it is, ask how soon the results will be ready. You may be told 10 minutes, or two days or even a week. It’s not that you are trying to hurry anyone. No – you are just managing your own expectations." }, { "docid": "202559", "title": "-", "text": "Results. A thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) blood test is used to check for thyroid gland problems. The normal values listed here-called a reference range-are just a guide.These ranges vary from lab to lab, and your lab may have a different range for what's normal. thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) blood test is used to check for thyroid gland problems." }, { "docid": "5939062", "title": "-", "text": "ALT Test Results. Normal Results. A normal ALT test result is a measurement of 7 to 55 units per liter (U/L). The normal range can be affected by different factors, such as gender and age.It is important to discuss your specific results with your doctor.LT Test Results. Normal Results. A normal ALT test result is a measurement of 7 to 55 units per liter (U/L). The normal range can be affected by different factors, such as gender and age." }, { "docid": "1900795", "title": "Liver Function Tests", "text": "Alanine transaminase (ALT) is used by your body to metabolize protein. If the liver is damaged or not functioning properly, ALT is released into the blood. This causes ALT levels to increase. A high result on this test can be a sign of liver damage." }, { "docid": "2333196", "title": "-", "text": "urine test, Sodium urine test, discount Sodium urine tests, Sodium urine work, discount Sodium lab tests, Sodium test, Sodium lab testing, Sodium labratory testing. Meta Description. Evaluate the cause of a sodium imbalance with a 24-Hour Sodium Urine Test." }, { "docid": "462830", "title": "-", "text": "Therefore, this test is not available through the Nebraska Colon Cancer Screening Program. The traditional smear test is completed and read by a lab, and these tests are usually available from a lab, doctor's office, or the Nebraska Colon Cancer Screening Program." }, { "docid": "1992706", "title": "ALT Blood Test", "text": "Usually an ALT blood test is conducted as part of a series of tests that are conducted to determine the health of the liver. These tests are known as the liver panel tests. Read more on LFT blood test. The ALT blood test normal levels lie between 4 and 36 units per liter of blood. Under normal circumstances, ALT is found in a concentrated form in the liver. Other parts of the body like they kidneys, the heart and muscle tissue also contain ALT, but they do in a much smaller quantity." }, { "docid": "8473369", "title": "Titer Test At A Lab Near You", "text": "Titer Test At A Lab Near You. We are the titer test experts. Our test results have been accepted at over 1,200 schools (listing) and facilities (listing) nationwide. Accesa Labs has successfully handled the blood titer testing needs of thousands of people for school, work, and vendor credentialing services like Vendormate, RepTrax, Symplr and more. Through Accesa Labs, you can order a titer test online, get tested at one of thousands of affiliated lab locations, and receive your results electronically in as soon as 3 business days." }, { "docid": "2820483", "title": "The Different Ways ENT Disorders Are Diagnosed", "text": "A cotton swab is brushed against the back of the throat then sent to the lab to test for streptococcal bacteria, the cause of strep throat. The standard test can take 1 to 2 days; however, a rapid strep test can also be performed, which only takes a few minutes." }, { "docid": "6257599", "title": "Reasons, Procedure & Preparation For Blood Alkaline Phosphatase Test", "text": "Alkaline Phosphatase In Blood Test. An alkaline phosphatase in blood test is usually used to gauge the levels of the enzyme alkaline phosphatase in the body.While the normal values of the enzyme may vary from lab to lab, the generally accepted standards read at about 30 to 126 units per liter in adults and about 30 to 300 units per liter in children.lkaline Phosphatase In Blood Test. An alkaline phosphatase in blood test is usually used to gauge the levels of the enzyme alkaline phosphatase in the body." }, { "docid": "554754", "title": "AST SGOT â High, Normal, Low (Interpretation)", "text": "When there is severe damage of the tissues, the level of AST rises after a period of 6 to 10 hours following the damage and this level may remain high for a period of close to four days. AST test could be conducted when performing alanine aminotransferase test, another liver enzyme, which is also known as ALT." }, { "docid": "255759", "title": "-", "text": "The alanine aminotransferase (ALT) test is typically used to detect liver injury. It is often ordered in conjunction with aspartate aminotransferase (AST) or as part of a liver panel to screen for and/or help diagnose liver disease.LT is often performed together with a test for AST or as part of a liver panel. For more about ALT results in relation to other liver tests, see the Liver Panel article." }, { "docid": "6593704", "title": "Test Preparation: Your Role", "text": "However, you should always follow your healthcare provider's instructions, as the procedures for a particular test might vary from one lab to another. One of the more common types of preparation required for testing is fasting (to go without all or certain foods) for several hours before the test or even overnight." }, { "docid": "869132", "title": "Overview", "text": "The fecal occult blood test (FOBT) is a lab test used to check stool samples for hidden (occult) blood. Occult blood in the stool may indicate colon cancer or polyps in the colon or rectum — though not all cancers or polyps bleed.he fecal occult blood test (FOBT) is a lab test used to check stool samples for hidden (occult) blood. Occult blood in the stool may indicate colon cancer or polyps in the colon or rectum — though not all cancers or polyps bleed." }, { "docid": "2667718", "title": "Biological Molecules: C arbohydrates, L ipids, P roteins", "text": "By the end of this lab, the student should be able to: 1 Identify the functional groups for each of the biomolecules that react in the following biochemical tests: Benedicts test, Iodine test, Brown Bag test, Sudan III/IV test, and the Biuret's Test." }, { "docid": "6052619", "title": "-", "text": "The Western blot test is a better test than the ELISA because it is more specific. For example, at a good lab, a positive IgG Western blot is 100% specific for exposure to the agent of Lyme Disease." } ]
what is amway
[ { "docid": "8293214", "title": "-", "text": "Amway (short for American Way) is an American company that uses a multi-level marketing model to sell a variety of products, primarily in the health, beauty, and home care markets.he pyramid-like distribution system of the Amway business model led to Amway being accused of being a pyramid scheme. A 1979 US Federal Trade Commission ruling established that the Amway business model is not illegal in the United States." }, { "docid": "8293215", "title": "Amway", "text": "Amway was founded in 1959 by Jay Van Andel and Richard DeVos. Based in Ada, Michigan, the company and family of companies under Alticor reported sales of $11.3 billion for 2012, the seventh consecutive year of growth for the company.he pyramid-like distribution system of the Amway business model led to Amway being accused of being a pyramid scheme. A 1979 US Federal Trade Commission ruling established that the Amway business model is not illegal in the United States." } ]
[ { "docid": "8293218", "title": "-", "text": "Amway conducts business through a number of affiliated companies in more than a hundred countries and territories around the world. Amway was ranked No.26 among the largest private companies in the United States by Forbes in 2012.Although Amway has been frequently subject to investigation as having a pyramid like structure, the Federal Trade Commission has ruled the company's sales and marketing plan as not to be an illegal pyramid scheme.he pyramid-like distribution system of the Amway business model led to Amway being accused of being a pyramid scheme. A 1979 US Federal Trade Commission ruling established that the Amway business model is not illegal in the United States." }, { "docid": "573194", "title": "-", "text": "SEC schools spent an average of $582,000 per year recruiting football players during the five-year period, far more than schools in the other four power conferences — the Big 12 ($450,000), Big Ten ($444,000), Atlantic Coast ($426,000) and Pac-12 ($403,000).SA TODAY Sports' analysis also ranked schools' recruiting spending based on bang for the buck. Boise State won 55 games from 2010 to 2014 with four finishes in the top 25 of the Amway Coaches Poll for an average of just under $12,000 in recruiting expenses per win." }, { "docid": "73422", "title": "Amway â 50 Facts", "text": "1. Amway is a global leader in the $102-billion direct selling industry. More than three million Amway Business Owners operate independent businesses in more than 80 countries and territories around the world." }, { "docid": "4200397", "title": "-", "text": "NXT TakeOver: Orlando. NXT TakeOver: Orlando was a professional wrestling event in the NXT TakeOver series. It took place on April 1, 2017, at the Amway Center in Orlando, Florida, as part of the WrestleMania 33 weekend festivities. The event was produced by WWE for its NXT brand, the event was streamed live on the WWE Network." }, { "docid": "3411772", "title": "Black People Canât Be Racist", "text": "Positive with Amway: Anyone can join!! Negative: Anyone can join!!! Amway is a great business!!!! People that don’t make “any money ” in Amway are most of the time the ones wishing it was a pyramid scheme and most of the time they are lazy and want a get rich quick scheme and don’t want to work for it." }, { "docid": "3540776", "title": "Amway, Religious Right Pyramid Scheme, Returns to the Motherland", "text": "American Dreams ‘R’ US: Amway returns to the Motherland. Some have called it a pyramid scheme, a pioneer of multilevel marketing, a cult. Over the years, its founders became a major funding source of the conservative movement." }, { "docid": "8406329", "title": "-", "text": "This post is from May 2014, they looked at the income disclosure statement for Amway in UK. The numbers tell a familiar story: Most IBOs Make Very Little Money in Amway. In 2013 IBOs, people who qualified to be Business Consultants in the UK earned an average annual income of GBP21,048. This falls short ofthe UK average annual income of GBP26,500." }, { "docid": "5381441", "title": "Amway ® ( Quixtar ®) (Team of Destiny ® ) (TEAM ®) (Network 21)", "text": "Amway, a subsidiary of Alticor, is the largest multi-level marketing (MLM) organization in the world. It is a multi-billion dollar a year company based on the sale of products as varied as soap, water purifiers, vitamins, and cosmetics.One of Amway's most important products is motivation.mway, a subsidiary of Alticor, is the largest multi-level marketing (MLM) organization in the world. It is a multi-billion dollar a year company based on the sale of products as varied as soap, water purifiers, vitamins, and cosmetics." }, { "docid": "1363499", "title": "-", "text": "For the Amway diamnds, Amway works because they earn bonuses on their dowline volume, and the downline are basically an exclusive customer base for their motivational tools and functions. My own experience and the numbers posted by Amway suggests that these functions and tools are highly ineffective.he other flaw in the Amway plan is that the IBO who sells the product often gets the smallest cut of the commission. Lets say an IBO did 100 PV. He earned a 3% bonus which is around $10." }, { "docid": "5579421", "title": "-", "text": "On May 20, it was confirmed that Disney On Ice: Frozen will be on its way to more than 25 cities in 2014, beginning with a string of morning, afternoon, and evening performances at the Amway Center in Orlando from Sept. 5-7.n May 20, it was confirmed that Disney On Ice: Frozen will be on its way to more than 25 cities in 2014, beginning with a string of morning, afternoon, and evening performances at the Amway Center in Orlando from Sept. 5-7." }, { "docid": "73424", "title": "Amway â 50 Facts", "text": "Since its 2003 launch, the Amway One by One Campaign for Children has given more than $52 million to make a difference in the lives of children around the world. 34. Since 2003, Amway employees and Business Owners have volunteered a combined 606,000 hours in support of One by One Campaign for Children projects." }, { "docid": "73426", "title": "Biography", "text": "Amway is an $11 billion+/year company that has paid out $40 billion in bonuses to its distributors, more than any other direct-sales company in history (based on 2013 figures). Amway was ranked as the 28th largest privately-owned company last year among Forbes 400." }, { "docid": "1363507", "title": "Aprovocative", "text": "If Amway recognizes the need to transform their business, then I think the other companies that are involved in multilevel marketing will have to follow suit, he says. It's just a matter of time.. For more information about reprints & permissions, visit our FAQ's.f Amway recognizes the need to transform their business, then I think the other companies that are involved in multilevel marketing will have to follow suit, he says. It's just a matter of time.. For more information about reprints & permissions, visit our FAQ's." }, { "docid": "3411770", "title": "-", "text": "The Amway business is designed to put you in control of your income and lifestyle. With Amway, you decide how much you want to earn and how much you want to work to achieve it, allowing you to enjoy a few small extras today, while also building a future." }, { "docid": "4296920", "title": "Amway is a pyramid scheme", "text": "133 Comments. Amway is a pyramid scheme, and I have lost a friend to prove it. I’m betting it’s more likely than not that someone you know — or should I say, used to know — has also gotten involved with Amway. The company is ubiquitous, and seems to be infiltrating even the most rational social circles." }, { "docid": "1363499", "title": "-", "text": "For the Amway diamnds, Amway works because they earn bonuses on their dowline volume, and the downline are basically an exclusive customer base for their motivational tools and functions. My own experience and the numbers posted by Amway suggests that these functions and tools are highly ineffective.he other flaw in the Amway plan is that the IBO who sells the product often gets the smallest cut of the commission. Lets say an IBO did 100 PV. He earned a 3% bonus which is around $10." }, { "docid": "4296916", "title": "-", "text": "Amway is a pyramid scheme. Amway is a pyramid scheme, and I have lost a friend to prove it. I’m betting it’s more likely than not that someone you know — or should I say, used to know — has also gotten involved with Amway. The company is ubiquitous, and seems to be infiltrating even the most rational social circles." }, { "docid": "5068619", "title": "Esther Hicks", "text": "Esther's primary partner-in-crime is her husband Jerry Hicks. Jerry was a former acrobat, movie stunt man and world class Amway salesperson before he and Esther struck it rich in the cosmic channeling lottery.his is a relief, because all reasonable people prefer hucksters to creeps. Left to right: Esther Hicks, Jerry Hicks, Abraham. Not surprisingly, the voices inside Hicks' head started coming to her after she read the works of Jane Roberts, another channeller who died in 1984." }, { "docid": "1230099", "title": "News Clips", "text": "Unfortunately, the Asian Celebrations station was a miss, not much better than food court-level dishes, and I hope it will improve. Jernigan’s is on the Club Level of the Amway, where seat prices are rather high, but even a $5 Promenade section ticket lets you reserve at Jernigan’s." }, { "docid": "1230099", "title": "News Clips", "text": "Unfortunately, the Asian Celebrations station was a miss, not much better than food court-level dishes, and I hope it will improve. Jernigan’s is on the Club Level of the Amway, where seat prices are rather high, but even a $5 Promenade section ticket lets you reserve at Jernigan’s." }, { "docid": "1438611", "title": "Whatâs Wrong with Multi-Level Marketing?", "text": "For those who have never heard of multi-level marketing (MLM) or “network” marketing, this is a form of business that uses independent representatives to sell their products. Representatives, or “distributors” as they are sometimes called, earn commissions from their own sales and also from the sales made by other people they recruit to sell the product. Examples of this kind of marketing strategy would be Amway and Mary Kay Cosmetics." }, { "docid": "467990", "title": "Loge Seating", "text": "Loge Seating. Loge seating combines first-class perks and privileges with a close-to-the-action feel that no other Amway Center seating experience offers. Both the four-seat and six-seat loge seating options provide in-seat food service and plenty of space for you and your guests to spread out, eat and relax — as close as 24 rows from the court." }, { "docid": "6133144", "title": "Subprime mortgage crisis", "text": "2. Amway. Amway has ripped off millions of people for several decades, to the tune of 10s of billions of dollars. Amway is a scam, and here's why: Amway pays out as little money as they can get away with, so they support the higher level IBOs ripping off their downline via the tool scam." }, { "docid": "5165340", "title": "-", "text": "It's Nutrilite brand is the #1 best s … elling nutritional brand in the world, and Artistry skincare and cosmetics is one of the top 5 best selling prestige brands. In homecare, Amway is ranked one of the top companies in Asia, outselling wellknown companies like Unilever and P&G in some countries." }, { "docid": "2537792", "title": "Amway World Headquarters", "text": "Beth DornanJanuary 5, 2010. Great places to eat near Amway...Zeytin for Turkish food, Schnitz Deli for sandwiches, Daily Grill for sit down lunches and dinners." }, { "docid": "5392211", "title": "Orlando, Florida", "text": "Orlando is served by a collection of independently owned taxi companies. In downtown Orlando, taxis can be hailed on a regular basis. Taxis are also available in and around the Amway Center, Orlando Convention Center, and all major attractions/theme parks (i.e., Universal Studios, Disney World, etc.)." }, { "docid": "4288314", "title": "-", "text": "7 pmSat 13 TULSA* ESPN2 Gampel Pavilion, Storrs, Conn. 8 pmThu 18 SMU* ESPN/ESPN2 XL Center, Hartford, Conn. TBDSat 20 at Cincinnati* ESPN/ESPN2 Fifth Third Arena, Cincinnati, Ohio TBDThu 25 at USF* CBS SN Sun Dome, Tampa, Fla. TBDSun 28 HOUSTON* CBS SN Gampel Pavilion, Storrs, Conn. TBD MARCH Thu 3 at SMU* ESPN/ESPN2 Moody Coliseum, Dallas, Texas 9 pmSun 6 UCF* ESPNU Gampel Pavilion, Storrs, Conn. 2 pm Thu-Sun 10-13 The American Championship ESPN Network Amway Center, Orlando, Fla." }, { "docid": "73419", "title": "World Headquarters", "text": "Our world headquarters located in Ada, Michigan, USA, stretches one mile from east to west and is comprised of 80 buildings and 3.5 million square feet of office and manufacturing space. More than 4,000 of our 21,000 global employee family work in Ada, the same small town where Amway began over 50 years ago." }, { "docid": "2731779", "title": "Amway Corporate Office", "text": "In 1964 Amway Corporation was formed by the merger of Amway Sales Corporation, Amway Services Corporation, and Amway Manufacturing Corporation. Amway expanded to Australia in 1971, Europe in 1973, parts of Asia in 1974, Japan in 1979, Latin America in 1985, China in 1995, Africa in 1997, India in 1998, and Russia in 2005." }, { "docid": "2819773", "title": "A look at some Santa Barbara and Montecito Mansions!", "text": "Home #3 – Pictures #10,11 – This is the old Frederick Peobody estate “Solana” which has been completely renovated and is reportedly owned by Amway executive Bill Nicholson. It is located in Montecito, CA. Home #4 – Picture #12 – This is Ivan Reitman’s estate (he also owns the one next door)." } ]
what is an air gap for dishwasher
[ { "docid": "1756250", "title": "Purpose of Air Gap on a Dishwasher", "text": "An air gap for a dishwasher is a requirement set forth by local plumbing codes. It is a device designed to ensure water flows only in the right direction during the dishwasher cycle. As a dishwasher operates, hot water flows in from the sink's hot water connection." } ]
[ { "docid": "3841059", "title": "Biology Exams 4 U", "text": "Gap junctions and plasmodesmata are specialized sites of communication between adjoining cells in animals and plants respectively. Gap Junctions Gap junctions readily allow the passage of small molecules and ions required for rapid communication (such as heart tissue), but do not allow the passage of larger molecules such as proteins Gap Junction" }, { "docid": "1302990", "title": "-", "text": "A gap the size of its head is more accurate... If the mouse can fit its head through the gap, it can get through (and that can be a pretty small hole!). Of course, if the gap is too small, the mouse might just chew the hole to make it a little bigger! gryffin218 · 9 years ago." }, { "docid": "2339524", "title": "How to Clean a Dishwasher", "text": "(The dishwasher should be otherwise empty.) Run a full cycle, choosing the hottest water possible to disinfect the unit while it's being cleaned. When the cycle is done, wipe out the inside of the dishwasher with paper towels or a clean, dry cloth." }, { "docid": "4407607", "title": "-", "text": "Maytag 24 in. Built-In Dishwasher w/ Fully-Integrated Door-Tough Cleaning, Sophisticated Style The 24 in. Maytag built-in dishwasher MDB5969SD is built for the long haul, with a fully-integrated door and metal handle that will add sophisticated styling to your kitchen.lectrolux 80 Series 24 Built-In Dishwasher w/ 3rd Rack-Stainless Steel. (20). Electrolux 80 Series 24 Dishwasher-Professional Clean at Professional Speed The 80 series stainless-steel Electrolux built-in dishwasher EW24ID80Q introduces professional clean, professional speed and is designed for your home." }, { "docid": "6645023", "title": "-", "text": "babyGap Baby Dresses at Gap. The baby dresses from Gap are cute, comfortable additions that will have her looking adorable and stylish for any occasion. Baby Dresses Gap Collection. Find something for every season of the year with this colorful and girly collection." }, { "docid": "1756253", "title": "-", "text": "Quick Answer. An air gap is a vent located between the dishwasher and the main plumbing system to prevent the sewage from siphoning from a plugged or backed-up drain into the machine. In most locations, plumbing codes require installation because the air gap works in all situations. Continue Reading." }, { "docid": "206704", "title": "-", "text": "Loading the Dishwasher. When using the dishwasher, put heavy-duty wash jobs on the bottom rack, delicate dishes and glassware on the upper rack. Don't place items over the prongs on the upper rack but use the prongs to hold glasses and mugs in place." }, { "docid": "6600991", "title": "How to Know When Your Dishwasher Has Died", "text": "How to Know When Your Dishwasher Has Died. You'll have to wash dishes by hand until you repair or replace a dead dishwasher. The dishwasher is a modern convenience that has become a staple appliance in most kitchens. A dead dishwasher is a huge inconvenience." }, { "docid": "975351", "title": "5 things to know about buying a dishwasher", "text": "Chances are, the more you pay, the more your dishwasher will purr instead of roar. The average dishwasher registers around 52 decibels, which is louder than a soft whisper in a library but softer than a quiet living-room conversation. Even the quietest ones don't dip much below 47 decibels, according to industry studies. There's not a dishwasher on the market these days as loud as that genteel living-room tete-a-tete. So the clunkers of old, the ones that drowned out all talk, are pretty much on the scrap heap of history." }, { "docid": "1934474", "title": "How to Install a Garbage Disposer", "text": "If you don't have one under the sink, you will need to install one. Check with local codes before attempting a garbage disposer installation.Some communities have codes that don't allow disposers because of limits on sewer capacity. They may also require an air gap for a disposer and a dishwasher.heck with local codes before attempting a garbage disposer installation. Some communities have codes that don't allow disposers because of limits on sewer capacity. They may also require an air gap for a disposer and a dishwasher." }, { "docid": "5884923", "title": "Thread: Dishwasher Venting", "text": "The drain is in the bottom of the dishwasher. There will always be an air gap between the supply line and the drain line -- it's just internal to the dishwasher.Backflow into the potable water system would seem improbable, if not impossible.he drain is in the bottom of the dishwasher. There will always be an air gap between the supply line and the drain line -- it's just internal to the dishwasher." }, { "docid": "7821669", "title": "What is the story behind Tesla's logo?", "text": "The Tesla Motors logo reminds me of a cross sectional view of one pole of an electric motor. In this way, the puzzling split in the cross of the T is easily explained by the air gap between the rotor and the stator. It's my theory that Tesla Motor's logo represents (in addition to T for Tesla) the air gap in any rotational electric motor, the location where the magnetic fields interact to produce torque." }, { "docid": "2261266", "title": "Cost to install a dishwasher if you have to cut out a cabinet for it?", "text": "Cost to install a dishwasher if you have to cut out a cabinet for it? The house we just bought recently has no dishwasher. This is an old home. We have the perfect spot for a dishwasher, which happens to be right next to the sink, but still need to cut-out a part of the cabinet to make space for it. Since where it is going and what we would be cutting out would be the at the end... show more The house we just bought recently has no dishwasher. This is an old home. We have the perfect spot for a dishwasher, which happens to be right next to the sink, but still need to cut-out a part of the cabinet to make space for it." }, { "docid": "4034980", "title": "Are You Making These Common Juicing Mistakes?", "text": "This is especially important if you make your juice without a juicer using a blender and strainer. For slow or twin-gear juicers, I recommend storing juice in an airtight container (filled to the top with no air gap) for up to 24-36 hours, and for a press juicer up to 72 hours." }, { "docid": "6908456", "title": "Thigh gap", "text": "A woman with a thigh gap. A thigh gap is a space between the inner thighs of some women when standing upright with knees touching. A thigh gap has become an aspect of physical attractiveness that has been associated with fragility and femininity." }, { "docid": "5754927", "title": "Thread: Save and except (for)", "text": "Re: Save and except (for) You can always drop for, in my view. You can always drop for, in my view. Yes, but try to leave it in when the whole phrase is in the front position: All these machines work fine, except (for) the dishwasher. Except for the dishwasher, all these machines work fine." }, { "docid": "6489136", "title": "Insulating a Shed - Five Ways To Improve The Thermal Performance Of Your Shed", "text": "When insulating a shed roof you need to ensure that there is at least a 2 gap above the top of the insulation and that there are ventilators at the eaves. The ventilators allow air to flow in one side and out the other bringing in fresh air and exhausting the moist and damp air from above the insulation." }, { "docid": "2332216", "title": "-", "text": "A garbage disposer requires an electrical source for power. If you don't have one under the sink, you will need to install one. Check with local codes before attempting a garbage disposer installation. Some communities have codes that don't allow disposers because of limits on sewer capacity.They may also require an air gap for a disposer and a dishwasher.f you don't have one under the sink, you will need to install one. Check with local codes before attempting a garbage disposer installation." }, { "docid": "1484848", "title": "How Much Does it Cost to Install a Dishwasher?", "text": "A dishwasher can range in cost from $400 to $1,500 or more, depending on numerous factors and considerations. This is the base cost of the appliance. The transportation cost will differ depending on the company who sells the dishwasher." }, { "docid": "5655671", "title": "-", "text": "5. Connect the line. Connect the water line underneath the dishwasher to the dishwasher 90. http://pad2.whstatic.com/images/thumb/2/2c/Install-a-New-Dishwasher-Step-18-preview-Version-2.jpg/550px-Install-a-New-Dishwasher-Step-18-preview-Version-2.jpg." }, { "docid": "8237550", "title": "-", "text": "Be sure to check out Gap Kids or Baby Gap for trendy children's clothing. Before checking out, use the Gap promo codes below for discounts and free shipping offers. For more savings, check out our discounted gift cards for Gap. Today's Gap top offers: - 40% Off Your Purchase." }, { "docid": "4442796", "title": "-", "text": "i need some help getting ants out of my dishwasher and keeping them out. Found quite a handful of small black ants in my dishwasher today, i took out all the dirty dishes in there, washed them by hand and then ran the dishwasher to kill the remaining ants. I come home tonight and opened the empty dishwasher and low..." }, { "docid": "1806531", "title": "What does each iron for the golf clubs mean and do?", "text": "· just now. 1 Each club is used to achieve different distances under certain conditions. 2 between the substantial objectives in golfing is to administration the gap that the golfing ball travels, the two its flight interior the air and what it does after it lands (e.g. how some distance it bounces or rolls)." }, { "docid": "4187079", "title": "Morphing leading edge reduces drag and noise in takeoff and landing", "text": "These leading edge slats provide the lift necessary at low speeds, with the gap between the wing and the slats directing air from the underside of the wing to the top. Unfortunately, this gap also generates a lot of noise." }, { "docid": "2921754", "title": "GAP Year", "text": "FSU is proud to be one of the few universities in the country (and the second public university) to offer financial assistance to students taking a gap year. Students applying for a gap year deferment can choose to apply to become a Gap Year Fellow, which offers up to $5,000 to support their gap year. FSU is committed to helping make the transformative opportunities afforded by a gap year accessible to students regardless of their family's income." }, { "docid": "1946936", "title": "Replacing Spark Plugs", "text": "1 Before inserting the new spark plug into the valve, use the gap gauge to calculate a proper gap. 2 Consult your vehicle's user manual or the specifications decal under the hood for your car's exact gap size. 3 Creating the correct gap is very important." }, { "docid": "4371882", "title": "-", "text": "Consumer Complaints and Reviews. This was a dishwasher put in by the Seller of a home I was purchasing. I am a single senior who runs a dishwasher maybe every 10 days I would say. After just 2 years, the spray arm quit spraying water. This model only has one spray arm on the bottom." }, { "docid": "406401", "title": "-", "text": "air and the air outside occurs by conduction through the glass, and the heat transfer rate can be. large. Therefore, the “thermopane” window was designed to reduce the heat loss by using two. glass plates with a small gap between them." }, { "docid": "8107351", "title": "-", "text": "Air space - The area between insulation facing and interior of exterior wall coverings. Normally a 1 air gap. Allowance(s) - A sum of money set aside in the construction contract for items which have not been selected and specified in the construction contract. For example, selection of tile as a flooring may require an allowance for an underlayment material, or an electrical allowance which sets aside an amount of money to be spent on electrical fixtures." }, { "docid": "554137", "title": "Help! Paid Lowes Dishwasher Installation (required to remove old one yourself???)", "text": "removal and haul-away is included with dishwasher install service from lowes.... we've never had to remove an appliance ourselves prior to delivery and install from sears, home depot or lowes. http://www.lowes.com/cd_Dishwashe...on_711904_. talk to the store manager where you purchased the dishwasher." } ]
what is an airbrush artist
[ { "docid": "6029000", "title": "Airbrush Artists Near You", "text": "Why book Airbrush Artists. Airbrush tattoo artists are a great way to add fun and entertainment to a special occasion or to create breathtaking new looks for a theatrical production." } ]
[ { "docid": "5284367", "title": "-", "text": "Available rolled or gallery wrapped. Starting at $49. 100% free-hand painted onto watercolor paper by a master artist. Work directly with the artist to customize your painting or just upload a photo and let them handle it. Available rolled or framed. 100% free-hand drawn on art paper by a master artist. Work directly with the artist to customize your painting or just upload a photo and let them handle it. Available rolled or framed." }, { "docid": "295079", "title": "Watercolor Paint", "text": "Liquid Watercolors. Especially brilliant and transparent, Liquid Watercolors contain dyes as well as pigments, suspended in an aqueous medium. Because they are moist and fluid, they're suited to thin washes and airbrush application as well as conventional brushwork." }, { "docid": "2343088", "title": "Cars 2", "text": "Who is the best selling female recording artist of all time? Madonna holds the record for the Top-Selling Female Recording Artist, with album sales up to December 2009 of 75 million in the USA and 200 million abroad, according to the …Guinness World Records 2011..out in September 2010." }, { "docid": "5313148", "title": "Appendix: A Gallery of Archetypes", "text": "Artist (Artisan, Craftsperson, Sculptor, Weaver) The Artist archetype embodies the passion to express a dimension of life that is just beyond the five senses. The Artist psyche is animated with the energy to express it into physical forms." }, { "docid": "4727484", "title": "-", "text": "Mukesh was born to theater artist and writer O. Madhavan and Vijayakumari, who is also an actress, at Kollam, Kerala.He has two sisters, Sandya Rajendran and Jayasree. Sandhya's husband, E.A. Rajendran is also a film actor.ukesh was born to theater artist and writer O. Madhavan and Vijayakumari, who is also an actress, at Kollam, Kerala." }, { "docid": "8222465", "title": "Gustav NAUJOK (1861-?)", "text": "Updated on 05 Feb 2018: Gustav NAUJOK (1861-?) is an artist born in 1861 The oldest auction result ever registered on the website for an artwork by this artist is a painting sold in 1992, at Hugo Ruef, and the most recent auction result is a painting sold in 2000." }, { "docid": "5995947", "title": "-", "text": "Add a photo to this gallery. 1 Champions of League of Legends (by Riot Artist Suke Su) 2 Champions in battle 1. 3 Champions in battle 4 2. Champions in battle 5 3. Champions in battle 4. Champions in battle 5 (by Riot Artist Suke 'hugehugesword' 1 Su) Champions in battle 6 (by Riot Artist Suke 'hugehugesword' Su)" }, { "docid": "4171490", "title": "LeAnn Rimes", "text": "LeAnn Rimes is the artist of the single that has had the longest stay on the Billboard Hot 100 chart, the youngest person to win a Grammy, and the first country singer to win the Grammy Award for Best New Artist." }, { "docid": "4133195", "title": "-", "text": "How much does a Freelance Makeup Artist make in Seattle?The average Freelance Makeup Artist salary is $36,000. In Seattle, a Freelance Makeup Artist can make $32,877, which is 8.7% lower than the national median. Filter by location to see Freelance Makeup Artist salaries in your area." }, { "docid": "3737843", "title": "Angel (Shaggy song)", "text": " Angel is a song by Jamaican reggae artist Shaggy featuring Rayvon." }, { "docid": "7569255", "title": "How much does a full sleeve tattoo (from wrist to shoulder) cost?", "text": "A full sleeve is easily 10-15 hours minimum (again, highly variable when keeping the caveats above in mind). Bear in mind that a tattooist should be able to provide a rough estimate in terms of hours, but estimates are just estimates. Do not choose your tattoo artist on cost. Choose your tattoo artist based on skill, reputation, and prior work. If you're on a budget, talk with the artist about it; they may be able to work with you on a deposit or other pre-payment agreement, and/or execute the work in affordable stages." }, { "docid": "5825237", "title": "How much money does a professional tattoo artist make?", "text": " That would depend greatly on how much a given tattoo artist charges, my artist charges approximately $100.00 per hour (fairly average) and works about 60 hours a week.I … f you are good you can make a lot of money. 2 people found this useful. That would depend greatly on how much a given tattoo artist charges, my artist charges approximately $100.00 per hour (fairly average) and works about 60 hours a week." }, { "docid": "4078951", "title": "-", "text": "Definition: (noun) - Emphasis is a principle of art which occurs any time an element of a piece is given dominance by the artist. In other words, the artist makes part of the work stand out, in order to draw the viewer's eye there first." }, { "docid": "7032588", "title": "-", "text": "No. I use a cream concealer also. First, I use a flat concealer brush to apply the concealer, then blend it in with the Pro Airbrush Concealer Brush. I have also found that it is better for applying concealer on blemishes than a flat concealer." }, { "docid": "5581888", "title": "-", "text": "Tattooing is one of the oldest art forms known to man. It is a type of body modification that involves creating permanent words or images on the skin. In order to get these images on the skin, ink must be injected under the surface of the skin, by piercing it with a small needle. client may provide a picture for the artist to recreate, or they may just provide a specific idea for the artist to use. Once a design has been chosen, a tattoo artist will usually transfer the basic outline of the tattoo onto the client’s skin." }, { "docid": "8222688", "title": "Hunter Hayes", "text": "Hunter Hayes: Nominated: Single by a New Artist Wanted Won: Music Video by a New Artist: Won: 2013: Breakthrough Artist of the Year: Hunter Hayes: Nominated: Single by a Breakthrough Somebody's Heartbreak Nominated" }, { "docid": "676178", "title": "Graffiti artist Banksy unmasked ... as a former public schoolboy from middle-class suburbia", "text": "Graffiti artist Banksy unmasked ... as a former public schoolboy from middle-class suburbia. He is perhaps the most famous, or infamous, artist alive. To some a genius, to others a vandal. Always controversial, he inspires admiration and provokes outrage in equal measure." }, { "docid": "6029002", "title": "-", "text": "I do generally just use that airbrush for general coverage type jobs at relatively high pressure (around 20 psi) though, and if I tried to paint something at low pressure I might experience problems with the fine tip. This is a Thayer and Chandler Omni 3000 airbrush. It is a siphon feed, double action airbrush." }, { "docid": "1355349", "title": "MicroArtistry Microblading & Micropigmentation", "text": "MicroArtistry is a microblading and micropigmentation studio located in Morgan Hill, CA Amber Massa is an active licensed cosmetologist and has been for over 13 years. She is a Certified Phibrows artist and a licensed tattoo artist. She is especially interested in Microblading because of the years she spent waxing brows trying to achieve the…" }, { "docid": "3505503", "title": "-", "text": "NARS Cosmetics is a Shiseido-owned cosmetics and skin care company founded by Francois François, nars-make up artist and. photographerARS Cosmetics is a Shiseido-owned cosmetics and skin care company founded by Francois François, nars-make up artist and. photographer" }, { "docid": "595391", "title": "-", "text": "Charles Previtire/Courtesy of the artist. Ian MacKaye, co-founder of Dischord Records and the bands Fugazi and Minor Threat, and Amy Farina, formerly of The Warmers, form The Evens.Their third album together is called The Odds.Charles Previtire/Courtesy of the artist hide caption.an MacKaye, co-founder of Dischord Records and the bands Fugazi and Minor Threat, and Amy Farina, formerly of The Warmers, form The Evens. Their third album together is called The Odds. Charles Previtire/Courtesy of the artist hide caption." }, { "docid": "8522320", "title": "Pablo Ruiz Picasso House-Museum", "text": "The creativity of Picasso. Set in the house where Pablo Picasso was born, it has a permanent collection with original pieces by the artist.The museum is located on the first floor of the building where the artist was born.In its three rooms you can see different media of expression used by Picasso: ceramics, engravings and illustrated books.he creativity of Picasso. Set in the house where Pablo Picasso was born, it has a permanent collection with original pieces by the artist." }, { "docid": "4125286", "title": "-", "text": "Happy Birthday Josh, your my best singing artist." }, { "docid": "1154518", "title": "Bruce Lee vs. Jet Li?", "text": "Of course, Bruce Lee is the best, most respected martial artist of all time. Jet Li is also a great, respected martial artist and is a Wushu champion I believe.Just for fun, who do you think wins in a legit fight between the two. Support your opinions.eport Abuse. while i want to say bruce because, well, he's american and he's probably the best martial artist of his time... jet li is also a world champion, but probably not the best martial artist of his time." }, { "docid": "8493852", "title": "-", "text": "What a great way to promote your business and make it stand out. Your vehicle is your. advertising and it only costs you once and is seen by the customers who are local to you. Fully Airbrushed by Wayne of Advanced Airbrush. Promotional Ice cream van with an Art feel, Designed and produced by Wayne Harrison. Just awaiting the light boxes to be fitted next to window on right." }, { "docid": "3592377", "title": "-", "text": "To see all songs on a compilation CD grouped together in your library, make sure you select the Group compilations when browsing option in iTunes Preferences (click the General button). If this checkbox is deselected, all songs from compilation CDs appear individually by artist in the Artist list (in the browser)." }, { "docid": "7321175", "title": "How many Grammy Awards has Beyonce Knowles won?", "text": "Beyonce beyoncé has won 20 Grammy -- awards 17 as a solo artist and three as a member Of'destiny S. Child at the 2010, grammys she set a record for the most wins by a female solo artist with. Six that feat was duplicated By, adele who had six wins at the 2012. grammys" }, { "docid": "8293534", "title": "-", "text": "Meet Archie Proudfoot, traditional sign painter and artist. Meet Archie Proudfoot, a self-taught artist and traditional sign painter who creates custom signage for some of the biggest brands in the UK…." }, { "docid": "7019214", "title": "256-533-4400", "text": "We have 6 artist at Blue Rose and although the shop has regular hours not every artist works the same schedule. If you'd like to find out when your artist is working feel free to call the shop or send them an Email via our contacts page." }, { "docid": "8722441", "title": "What Training Is Needed for a Career As a Professional Artist?", "text": "Education Overview. There are many degree options for a career as a professional artist. The type of education needed depends largely on the type of artist a person intends to be. The following are varying kinds of artists, all of whom can make their living professionally from their craft." } ]
what is an airbus jet
[ { "docid": "594786", "title": "-", "text": "What is Airbus? Airbus is an aircraft manufacturing subsidiary of a European aerospace company called EADS and is based in Toulouse, France next to Toulouse-Blagnac Airport (2009) .Airbus is one of the leading manufacturers of aircraft in the world and supplies about half of all the world’s jet airliners.heir mission is to “provide the aircraft best suited to the markets needs and to support these aircraft with the highest quality of service” (2009) . Although Airbus’ headquarters are in France, they also have subsidiaries in North America, China and Japan." } ]
[ { "docid": "1432510", "title": "Do performance chips really work?", "text": "Best Answer: Yes, they can. Look into the JET Chip: http://www.autoanything.com/performance-chips/chevy_gm_jet_chips.aspx. Cars are controlled by computers which have chips that tell it when and how to adjust the timing, fuel-to-air ratio, turbo boost, etc." }, { "docid": "1278762", "title": "Airbus works to make 10-abreast A350 a smidge more comfortable", "text": "Airbus works to make 10-abreast A350 a smidge more comfortable. By Mary Kirby. Less than a handful of Airbus A350 XWB customers have selected a 10-abreast configuration in economy class for the twinjet, which has been advertised in the past as offering individual seat width of just 16.4”." }, { "docid": "7681714", "title": "-", "text": "anaphase lag delayed movement during anaphase of one homologous chromosome in mitosis or of one chromatid in meiosis, so that the chromosome is not incorporated into the nucleus of one of the daughter cells; the result is one normal cell and one cell with monosomy. jet lag see jet lag." }, { "docid": "2802883", "title": "-", "text": "Jet B. PetroValue strives to bring you the best quality of Jet B at affordable prices to support all your cold climate fuel needs. Jet B is a distillate covering the naphtha and kerosene fractions.et B-DIPetroValue also offers Jet B-DI (DI stands for de-icing), which is the Jet B with the Anti-icing of the fuel system (also known as Prist or FSII and sometimes called defroster, but not to be confused with de-icing fluids used to remove ice from aircraft wings!). Product Specifications." }, { "docid": "6873294", "title": "What is a Printer and what are the different types of Printers?", "text": "Non-Impact Printers : There printers use non-Impact technology such as ink-jet or laser technology. There printers provide better quality of O/P at higher speed. These printers are of two types : Ink-Jet Printer : It prints characters by spraying patterns of ink on the paper from a nozzle or jet. It prints from nozzles having very fine holes, from which a specially made ink is pumped out to create various letters and shapes." }, { "docid": "1543127", "title": "-", "text": "Workers in more than 40 states help build Airbus aircraft, supporting 245,000 high-quality jobs across the U.S. Airbus is the largest export customer for the United States aerospace industry. Since 1990, Airbus has spent more than $150 billion in the U.S. with hundreds of American suppliers.ade in the U.S. by a global team: The Airbus U.S. Manufacturing Facility is open for business. Airbus and the newest members of its global team are “getting to work… together” – as the company officially inaugurated its first U.S. manufacturing facility: an A320 Family final assembly line in Mobile, Alabama." }, { "docid": "2547726", "title": "Difference Between Airbus A380 and Boeing 747", "text": "The A380 is the latest and biggest plane from Airbus while the 747 has been Boeing’s flagship for quite some time. The biggest difference between the two is size as the A380 is certainly much bigger than the 747." }, { "docid": "1646057", "title": "Inside The worlds most powerful Jet Engine! GE90-115B Jet Engine", "text": "Please try again later. Video showing the internals of the most powerful jet engine ever to be hung on the wings off a plane, the mighty GE90-115B. Exclusive on the 777-300ER and an option on the 777-200LR, this bad boy is the most powerful, one of the most reliable and one of most efficient jet engines out there." }, { "docid": "8448955", "title": "-", "text": "Our commercial aircraft production in Mobile signifies two things: that Airbus has become the first truly global aircraft manufacturer, and that Airbus is now also a truly American manufacturer, said Airbus President and CEO Fabrice Bregier." }, { "docid": "4743118", "title": "Jet fuel", "text": "Jet fuel. Jet fuel, aviation turbine fuel (ATF), or avtur, is a type of aviation fuel designed for use in aircraft powered by gas-turbine engines. It is colorless to straw-colored in appearance. The most commonly used fuels for commercial aviation are Jet A and Jet A-1, which are produced to a standardized international specification." }, { "docid": "2704108", "title": "Jets For Sale - Buy or Sell Jet Airplanes", "text": "If you travel 350 to 400 hours annually, then owning a personal jet is something you should seriously consider. Lower than that, perhaps partial ownership would be a better idea. The jets for sale directory provides a way for buyers to search specifically for jet aircraft." }, { "docid": "5010857", "title": "Jet aircraft", "text": "Jet aircraft - Other jets. 1 Most people use the term 'jet aircraft' to denote gas turbine based airbreathing jet engines, but rockets and scramjets are both also propelled by jet propulsion." }, { "docid": "7209633", "title": "Jet Airways", "text": "Jet Airways is a major Indian airline based in Mumbai. It is the second largest airline in India, both in terms of market share and passengers carried, after IndiGo.n August 2014, Jet Airways announced that it is discontinuing its low fare arm JetKonnect and JetLite making Jet Airways 3rd full service airline in India besides Air India and Vistara." }, { "docid": "6424039", "title": "How Much Do Jet Ski Rentals Cost?", "text": "1 Short Money Jet Ski Rentals, Inc. based in Florida rents out their jet skis for $250 for 4 hours or $400 for the whole day, which is 8 hours." }, { "docid": "8580491", "title": "Moving Up to a Jet", "text": "If the pilot isn't up to the task, the greater potential safety of the jet is squandered. It is for this reason that the FAA requires the pilot of any jet to have a type rating in that airplane. A type rating, as the term implies, means that a pilot is rated to fly that specific type of jet." }, { "docid": "2597103", "title": "Through Check-In Partners", "text": "Jet Airways offers Through Check-in facility for guests travelling on Jet Airways flights and connecting on to the following Through Check-in partners provided it is on the same ticket." }, { "docid": "4050736", "title": "How many turns out to adjust my idle air mixture screw.?", "text": "1 On some carbs, like Mikuni there is an air jet too. 2 In conjunction with the idle jet there is an idle jet air screw. 3 This screw leans or richens the fuel mixture for a smooth idle and on up to one quarter throttle.t sets in the center of the carb, right over the Main Jet. Jet Needle. This is the needle that rides in the throttle slide and goes into the needle jet. This Jet Needle controls the fuel mixture from 20% to 80% open throttle." }, { "docid": "6277755", "title": "Carburator Theory and Tuning", "text": "The gas then mixes with the air going through the venturi. The way the jets are made causes the fuel to vaporize as it goes into the venturi. Where the jets are placed in the carb and where the jet's outlet is located in the venturi, determines what part of the throttle opening that jet controls.The idle jet system (comprised of pilot air jet, pilot fuel jet and pilot fuel screw) controls from 0% to about 25% of the throttle opening.eedle Jet. This jet doesn't really even look like a jet, but it is! It controls the fuel mixture from 15% to 60% open throttle. It sets in the center of the carb, right over the Main Jet." }, { "docid": "4698523", "title": "The Largest Commercial Aircraft in the World", "text": "The airliner that holds the current record of highest passenger capacity is the Airbus A380. The Airbus A380 is a four-engine aircraft and is the largest commercial plane in the world. The A380 took the first flight in April 2005 and commercial service began in October 25th, 2007 with Singapore Airlines." }, { "docid": "1892781", "title": "The hummingbird that's faster than a fighter jet", "text": "The hummingbird that's faster than a fighter jet. A scientist has caught a hummingbird hitting a top speed twice that of the fastest fighter jet &ndash; at least relatively. The Anna’s hummingbird, now believed to be the fastest bird in the world relative to its size, can reach speeds of 50mph, or nearly 385 body lengths per second. That may seem slow compared with a Eurofighter's top speed of 1,320mph, but even at that speed the jet manages to cover just 39 body lengths per second." }, { "docid": "183290", "title": "Tips for Water Skiing Behind your Jet Ski", "text": "While it is possible to pull a skier behind a jet ski, by law it must be a three-seater. This is because you need a driver, a second person to be a spotter/flag holder and room (a seat) to recover the skier. To pull a 150-200 pound skier, you should ideally have an 110 horsepower or greater jet ski. If you’ve decided to water ski behind your jet ski, be sure to use a 100 foot tow rope. This will allow your skier enough clearance of the turbulence behind your jet ski." }, { "docid": "2681302", "title": "-", "text": "Star Line Mackinac Island Hydro-Jet Ferry. Whether you use your round trip on the Star Line Hydro-Jet Ferry to cross from St Ignace to Mackinac Island and back again, or simply take a ride to enjoy the sights of Lake Michigan, the Hydro-Jet Ferry is both functional and entertaining! Star Line Mackinac Island Hydro Jet Ferry is no longer available." }, { "docid": "1190510", "title": "-", "text": "Make sure to get some serious work done with a state of the art table saw from JET. With genius design and ingenuity get all the features in a JET table saw that you would expect to find from a very expensive table saw minus the price tag.From the JET bench series all the way to the deluxe XACTA, there’s a table saw to fit every one of your sawing needs.For optimum stability you are able to choose stamped steel or cast iron wings. Get serious about you work with a premium, durable and reliable table saw from JET tools.rom the JET bench series all the way to the deluxe XACTA, there’s a table saw to fit every one of your sawing needs. For optimum stability you are able to choose stamped steel or cast iron wings. Get serious about you work with a premium, durable and reliable table saw from JET tools." }, { "docid": "8015312", "title": "Jet Streams", "text": "The polar jet sits at roughly 60°N latitude because this is generally where the polar front sits. The subtropical jet is at roughly 30°N latitude. The subtropical jet is located at 30°N because of the temperature differences between air at mid-latitudes and the warmer equatorial air." }, { "docid": "2802877", "title": "Aviation Jet Fuel Information", "text": "AVIATION TURBINE FUEL (JET FUEL) CIVIL JET FUELS Aviation turbine fuels are used for powering jet and turbo-prop engined aircraft and are not to be confused with Avgas.Outside former communist areas, there are currently two main grades of turbine fuel in use in civil commercial aviation: Jet A-1 and Jet A, both are kerosene type fuels.VIATION TURBINE FUEL (JET FUEL) CIVIL JET FUELS Aviation turbine fuels are used for powering jet and turbo-prop engined aircraft and are not to be confused with Avgas." }, { "docid": "3229639", "title": "-", "text": "Testing The GE9X Jet Engine, the World’s Largest Jet Engine - Duration: 3:36. GE Reports 383,184 views" }, { "docid": "1199043", "title": "-", "text": "Pilot salaries naturally vary according the type of aircraft that they’re flying. The median annual salary for the pilot of a large jet is an impressive $121,408. For a small jet, the median annual salary is $104,219." }, { "docid": "2559491", "title": "Do you have to have a validation decal for your Jet Ski?", "text": "Yes a jet ski has to have a Validation decal fixed to the bow. I will paste a web site on here for more information. Validation Decals The registration number and validation decals must be displayed as follows.ou get on a jet ski by A: pushing it out into the water and sitting your knees on it and start then gas it and then stand at your own pace or B: push it out into the water an … d having one foot on it and the other off then start the jet ski and gas it and immediately stand up." }, { "docid": "3064834", "title": "Airbus seat supplier Recaro opens shop in Mobile", "text": "Recaro will be located in Building 11, which is part of the newest phase of the airport authority’s Airbus Incubator Strategy offering low-cost, flexible solutions to attract suppliers to Mobile during Airbus’ initial low rate of production. Recaro will produce seats for the Airbus planes assembled in Mobile. (contributed)" }, { "docid": "2299532", "title": "Section 1: Beginning with Aero Commander: The Jet Commander Design Comes to Life.", "text": "Section 2, however, discusses the changes that follow Aero Commander's divestiture of the Jet Commander design -- following the Jet Commander family through the Commodore Jet and Westwind series, at Israel Industries International (IAI), and continuing through the Astra, Galaxy, and General Dynamics years." } ]
what is an altitude of a triangle
[ { "docid": "2142266", "title": "Altitude of a triangle", "text": "The perpendicular from a vertex to the opposite side. Try this Drag the orange dots on each vertex to reshape the triangle. Note the position of the altitude as you drag. The altitude of a triangle is a line from a vertex to the opposite side, that is perpendicular to that side, as shown in the animation above. A triangle therefore has three possible altitudes. The altitude is the shortest distance from a vertex to its opposite side. It can refer to the line itself." } ]
[ { "docid": "1458011", "title": "-", "text": "This rectangle has four 90 degree angles adding up to 360 degrees. Since the triangles are congruent each triangle has half as many degrees, namely 180. So this is true for any right triangle. Suppose you triangle is not a right triangle. Draw a perpendicular from the vertex opposite the longest side, to the longest side." }, { "docid": "6522458", "title": "The Know-It-All's Guide to Life", "text": "A right triangle with a 45° angle must be a 45°-45°-90° special right triangle. Example 2: Find the lengths of the other two sides of a right triangle if the length of the hypotenuse is inches and one of the angles is 45 ° . Solution: Step 1: This is a right triangle with a 45° so it must be a 45°-45°-90° triangle." }, { "docid": "7472337", "title": "Angle Properties of Triangles", "text": "However, there are some triangle theorems that will be just as essential to know. This first theorem tells us that if we know the measures of two angles of a triangle, it is possible to determine the measure of the third angle. The sum of the measures of the interior angles of a triangle is 180." }, { "docid": "1685804", "title": "scalene", "text": "Definition of scalene. of a triangle. : having the three sides of unequal length — see triangle illustration." }, { "docid": "4633433", "title": "-", "text": "As altitude increases, the air becomes less dense because of the smaller amount of air above that altitude. There is a corresponding decrease in pressure with an increase in altitude. Eventually you reach a point without air, and the pressure decreases to zero." }, { "docid": "3450951", "title": "Why do objects appear smaller when viewed from a distance? [duplicate]", "text": "If two sides and the included angle of one triangle are in the same ratio as the corresponding two sides and included angle in another triangle, then the triangles must be similar. When 2 angles of one triangle are equal to 2 corresponding angles of the other triangle,the two triangles must be similar." }, { "docid": "4461411", "title": "Triangle Points of Concurrency", "text": "A special segment of a triangle that divides an angle of the triangle into two equal angles. Angle Bisector. In a triangle the perpendicular segment from a vertex of a triangle to the opposite side or the line that contains the opposite side. Altitude. Point of Concurrency that is equal distance from the sides of the triangle." }, { "docid": "3751750", "title": "-", "text": "1 Given a right triangle and some data about it, we say we've solved. the triangle when we know the measures of its three sides and. three angles. In the special case of a right triangle. 2 ABC. , 3 with. 4 C. = 90° (see Figure T11), we are able to solve the triangle if we. know either 1) the measure of two sides, or 2) the measures of." }, { "docid": "1633070", "title": "Equilateral, Isosceles, and Scalene Triangles", "text": "If all three sides of a triangle are congruent (the same length), it is called an equilateral triangle. Equi-refers to things that are the “same” or “equal”, and lateral means “sided.” Think of it as a “same-sided” triangle. If just two of a triangle’s sides are congruent, then it is called an isosceles triangle." }, { "docid": "6702397", "title": "The Impossibility Triangle in Talent Management", "text": "I represent these in the Theory W Triangle (if you are curious, this is inspired by the well-known Pizza triangle and the less well-known Spreng triangle, which I discussed before). The Theory W Triangle. Let’s dig in.The Three Basic Uncertainties of Talent Management. The Theory W triangle captures 3 coupled uncertainties that relate rather like position and momentum do in the Heisenberg uncertainty principle.he key to the triangle is that you can only minimize one of the uncertainties at a given time (i.e., as a manager, you can only choose a single point in the triangle, at any given time). To illustrate: 1 You insist on specific goals being achieved." }, { "docid": "6896016", "title": "Can an isosceles triangle be an equilateral triangle?", "text": "Conclusion: Whether or not an isosceles triangle can be an equilateral triangle depends on which definition of “isosceles triangle” is accepted for a given mathematical discussion. Here is what Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, says under the article Isosceles triangle on the matter:" }, { "docid": "6742504", "title": "Concentric objects", "text": "By Euler's theorem in geometry on the distance between the circumcenter and incenter of a triangle, two concentric circles (with that distance being zero) are the circumcircle and incircle of a triangle if and only if the radius of one is twice the radius of the other, in which case the triangle is equilateral." }, { "docid": "883819", "title": "-", "text": "Triangle Tube Indirect Water Heater. superstore, specializing in Triangle Tube Indirect Hot Water Heaters, Triangle Tube Indirect Fired Water Heaters and Triangle Tube Indirect Fired Hot Water Heaters. Compare Triangle Tube Indirect Hot Water Heater models, specs and prices. Consult with our experienced Triangle Tube Indirect Water Heater experts. Triangle Tube Indirect Water Heaters for sale." }, { "docid": "5562528", "title": "-", "text": "Orthocenters of Triangles. The orthocenter of a triangle is the intersection of the three altitudes of a triangle. Remember, the altitude of a triangle is a perpendicular segment from the vertex of the triangle to the opposite side. For example, for the given triangle below, we can construct the orthocenter (labeled as the letter H) using Geometer s Sketchpad (GSP):" }, { "docid": "8605020", "title": "-", "text": "1 Right triangle is also called as right-angled triangle. 2 In a right triangle, the side opposite to the right angle is the hypotenuse of the triangle and happens to be the longest side." }, { "docid": "7855389", "title": "-", "text": "People have done a lot of studies on Pascal's Triangle, but in practical terms, it's probably best to just use your calculator to find nCr, rather than using the Triangle. The Triangle is cute, I suppose, but it's not terribly helpful in this context, being more time-consuming than anything else." }, { "docid": "5207287", "title": "-", "text": "In aviation, pressure altitude is the indicated altitude when an altimeter is set to an agreed baseline pressure setting under certain circumstances where the aircraft's altimeter would be unable to give a useful readout of altitude.ircraft transponders report the pressure altitude; corrections for atmospheric pressure variations are applied on the ground. The relationship between static pressure and pressure altitude is defined in terms of the properties of the International Standard Atmosphere." }, { "docid": "110340", "title": "-", "text": "Angles and Sides of a Triangle. 1 The interior angles of a triangle are always added up to 180 degrees. The exterior angle of a triangle is equal to the sum of the two interior angles that are not adjacent to it. The sum of the lengths of any two sides of a triangle is always larger than the length of the third." }, { "docid": "3065094", "title": "Sum of angles of a triangle", "text": "In Euclidean geometry, the triangle postulate states that the sum of the angles of a triangle is two right angles. This postulate is equivalent to the parallel postulate. Triangle postulate: The sum of the angles of a triangle is two right angles." }, { "docid": "6723196", "title": "Altimeter", "text": "An altimeter or an altitude meter is an instrument used to measure the altitude of an object above a fixed level. The measurement of altitude is called altimetry, which is related to the term bathymetry, the measurement of depth under water." }, { "docid": "896612", "title": "How many types of triangles are there?", "text": "3.equilateral triangle ( all three sides of equal length ) b.according to their angle. 1.acute angled triangle ( all the three angles are acute i.e less than 90degree ) 2.right angled triangle ( any one of the three angle is equal to 90 degree ) 3.obtuse angle triangle ( any on of the three angles is greater than 90 degree but less than 180 degree ) so there are total six types of triangle. 297 Views · 1 Upvote" }, { "docid": "5839323", "title": "Altimeter", "text": "Altitude can be determined based on the measurement of atmospheric pressure. The greater the altitude, the lower the pressure. When a barometer is supplied with a nonlinear calibration so as to indicate altitude, the instrument is called a pressure altimeter or barometric altimeter." }, { "docid": "3187404", "title": "Highest Mountain in the World", "text": "Highest Mountain in the World. Highest Altitude: An altitude of 8,850 meters (29,035 feet) above sea level makes Mount Everest the mountain on Earth with the highest altitude. Highest altitude means that it has the highest elevation above mean sea level." }, { "docid": "7681042", "title": "Contents", "text": "1 B. 2 This is a type of triangle in which all 3 sides, and as a result all three angles are equal. 3 Since the sum of the angles in a triangle must be 180 o, then this means that for an equilateral triangle each angle is 60 o 4 ! This is rather nice, because eveything about this triangle is determined ..." }, { "docid": "1175500", "title": "Principal Properties of Right Triangles", "text": "A triangle is right triangle or right angled triangle, if any one of its three angles is equal to 90 degree. The side opposite to the 90 degree angle or right angle is known as the hypotenuse. The properties of right triangle are properties that define a right angled triangle." }, { "docid": "1864623", "title": "Atmosphere of Earth", "text": "In general, air pressure and density decrease with altitude in the atmosphere. However, temperature has a more complicated profile with altitude, and may remain relatively constant or even increase with altitude in some regions (see the temperature section, below)." }, { "docid": "792270", "title": "-", "text": "Properties of the Incenter The incenter is the center of a circle that is inscribed inside a triangle. October 25, 2010 Concurrency of the Altitudes An altitude of a triangle is a line segment that is drawn from the vertex to the opposite side and is perpendicular to the side." }, { "docid": "7210550", "title": "How Do You Solve for the Perimeter of an Isosceles Triangle?", "text": "The perimeter of a triangle is the sum of all the sides of the triangle, and you determine the perimeter of any triangle by adding the lengths of all three sides. Since an isosceles triangle has two..." }, { "docid": "3100975", "title": "-", "text": "One of the most important applications of trigonometric functions is to “solve” a right triangle. By now, you should know that every right triangle has five unknowns: the lengths of its three sides and the measures of its two acute angles. Solving the triangle means finding the values of these unknowns." }, { "docid": "470110", "title": "Equilateral, Isosceles, and Scalene Triangles", "text": "Think of it as a “same-legged” triangle, the “legs” being the two sides that are the same length. Mark the two congruent sides of each isosceles triangle: Lastly, if none of the sides of a triangle are congruent (all are different lengths), it is a scalene triangle. 1. Classify the triangles by." } ]
what is an atv
[ { "docid": "536019", "title": "All-terrain vehicle", "text": "An all-terrain vehicle (ATV), also known as a quad, quad bike, three-wheeler, four-wheeler, or quadricycle as defined by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) is a vehicle that travels on low-pressure tires, with a seat that is straddled by the operator, along with handlebars for steering control." } ]
[ { "docid": "1817687", "title": "STAR LAKE, VILAS COUNTY, NORTH CENTRAL, WISCONSIN LAND FOR SALE: 1 - 15 of 18 listings", "text": "STAR LAKE, VILAS COUNTY, WISCONSIN LAND FOR SALE: 1 - 15 of 19 listings. 1. 3+ wooded acres in the heart of VilasCounty, one of the best recreational areas in all of Wisconsin. This large 3 acres is near the 850 acre Buckatabon Lakes and has ATV trail & snowmobile trail access." }, { "docid": "1783019", "title": "2015 Mahindra mPACT XTV 750 S Specs", "text": "KEY DIFFERENTIATORS. The base price of the 2015 Mahindra mPACT XTV 750 S ATV is $12999. This is $215.56 more expensive than its competition. The V Twin engine in the 2015 Mahindra mPACT XTV 750 S ATV has a displacement of 750 cc which is 10.59% more than its competition." }, { "docid": "6515749", "title": "arctic cat", "text": "My ATV needs new spark plugs but I can't find them on the thing! Need to know where they are exactly located. Thanks!|||follow the spark plug wires to the top of the engine, are under the rubber plug cover.|||THEYRE ON THE ENGINE BLOCK AT THE TOP LOL.y ATV needs new spark plugs but I can't find them on the thing! Need to know where they are exactly located. Thanks!|||follow the spark plug wires to the top of the engine, are under the rubber plug cover.|||THEYRE ON THE ENGINE BLOCK AT THE TOP LOL." }, { "docid": "8098750", "title": "-", "text": "The Oshkosh Defense L-ATV is the Joint Light Tactical Vehicle solution and represents our 97-year commitment to making military trucks perform better. The Oshkosh Defense L-ATV is the Joint Light Tactical Vehicle solution and represents our 97-year commitment to making military trucks perform better. About Careers" }, { "docid": "8733015", "title": "-", "text": "Your Owner's Manual contains important information on safety, operation, and. maintenance. Any one who operates this ATV should carefully read and. understand the contents of this manual before riding the vehicle. AGE RECOMMENDATION. The minimum recommended age for this ATV model is 16. Children under age 16." }, { "docid": "1623450", "title": "All-terrain vehicle", "text": "A KTM Quad 990 ATV. An all-terrain vehicle (ATV), also known as a quad, quad bike, three-wheeler, four-wheeler, or quadricycle as defined by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) is a vehicle that travels on low-pressure tires, with a seat that is straddled by the operator, along with handlebars for steering control." }, { "docid": "4478472", "title": "72 Acres of Land for Sale in Marion County", "text": "72 Acres +/- of timberland in Peel, AR. The land for sale is all wooded and would be a recreational property for hunting. The property showed signs of abundant wildlife such as deer, turkey, and small game. It also has ATV trails through out the property. Another great attribute is the close proximity to Bull Shoals Lake." }, { "docid": "3711622", "title": "-", "text": "This pamphlet summarizes the ATV requirements of state law and. regulations. The state law is known as the Snowmobile and All-. Terrain Vehicle Law and is contained in Chapter 77 of the PA Vehicle. Code. The state regulations are in Title 17 Pa. Code Chapter 51. This pamphlet is not intended to be a substitute for the actual law and. regulations." }, { "docid": "1578814", "title": "The Spooner Area Chamber of Commerce welcomes you to Spooner, WI, a real vacation land!", "text": "The Spooner Area Chamber of Commerce welcomes you to Spooner, WI, a real vacation land! We have more than 900 area lakes, 350 miles of connected, groomed snowmobiling and ATV Trails, and some of the finest shopping and dining establishments in Northwest Wisconsin. In addition, we boast beautiful golf courses, museums and a scenic train ride." }, { "docid": "1851100", "title": "-", "text": "Rugged ST Radial trailer tires with proven durability. 1 ST Radial M8008 Rugged trailer radial with robust casing design and proven durability Buy Now. 2 Auto/LT Tires. 3 Moto / ATV. 4 Bicycle. Other. About 1 Maxxis. Legal." }, { "docid": "6260789", "title": "How to Check an ATV's Oil Level", "text": "Here's how: 1 Before you check the oil level, start your engine and let it turn for a minute or 2 before you shut it down again. 2 Screw out the oil dipstick. 3 Clean it with a clean cloth and screw it back in. 4 The way you put the dipstick back in depends on the ATV model you own." }, { "docid": "5717048", "title": "Can Am Spyder RT", "text": "About Can Am Spyder RT. Bright, bouncy, and a little bizarre, the Can-Am Spyder RT is a pioneering vehicle from Can-Am, the Canadian manufacturer of the popular Can-Am ATV. The Can-Am Spyder RT launched in 2007 and it is similar to the other quirky vehicles in the Spyder range." }, { "docid": "809952", "title": "Laser Treatment of Freckles, Age Spots & Pigmented Lesions", "text": "These may require additional treatment to keep pigmentation at bay. Brown age spots often fade or disappear with a single treatment. Thanks to the Candela ATV laser, you (usually) don’t have to live with unwanted freckles, age spots, or pigmented lesions for the rest of your life." }, { "docid": "7670150", "title": "How to Tell What Numbers Mean on ATV Tires", "text": "Find the numbers that represent the size of your ATV tire on the side of the tire. You should see three numbers, separated by X's dashes or a combination of both. Read the first number. That number represents the diameter of your tire. For example, if the numbers say, 26X10-12, the diameter of the tire is 26 inches. Another way to think of this measurement is the height or how tall a tire measures." }, { "docid": "8631568", "title": "-", "text": "As a foreign national, you do not enter the Schengen Area. In principle, you are not subject to entry visa requirements, with some exceptions. Certain nationalities are subject to visa requirements to transit through an airport in France (Airport Transit Visa or ATV). French regulations divide the foreign nationals requiring an ATV into two groups, for whom different exemptions may apply." }, { "docid": "8002305", "title": "-", "text": "Home ATV. Compare the 2015 Can-Am Maverick 1000R vs 2015 Can-Am Commander 1000 Limited. The 2015 Can-Am Maverick 1000R has an MSRP of $16,299, while the 2015 Can-Am Commander 1000 Limited has an MSRP of $20,399.015 Can-Am Maverick 1000R vs 2015 Can-Am Commander 1000 Limited." }, { "docid": "2576983", "title": "Honda Pilot Towing Capacity", "text": "Can The Honda Pilot Tow A Boat, ATV Or A Camper. You may have heard that the Honda Pilot has quite a few trims to offer, as well as a new powerful engine for each trim. We can also tell you that the Honda Pilot can tow up to 5,000 pounds of cargo, but how much is that really? Can the Honda Pilot tow a boat, ATV or a camper? It most certainly can, along with quite a bit else." }, { "docid": "3948420", "title": "-", "text": "Shop for Stands and Mats, like Tusk Multi-Fit Triangle Stand at Rocky Mountain ATV/MC. We have the best prices on dirt bike, atv and motorcycle parts, apparel and accessories and offer excellent customer service." }, { "docid": "3396404", "title": "-", "text": "SUMMARY. The 2014 Cub Cadet Volunteer 4x4 EFI is a UTV Style ATV equipped with an 747cc, Liquid Cooled, V Twin, OHV, 4-Stroke Engine and a Continuously Variable (CVT) Transmission." }, { "docid": "1140290", "title": "State ATV Information", "text": "State of New Jersey: All-terrain vehicle (ATV) or Dirt Bikes; Training: Click here to learn how to enroll in an ATV safety training course near you!" }, { "docid": "4105487", "title": "-", "text": "Choose a Camper, ATV, Boat, Wave Runner, Party Boat or a combination of them and plan an outdoor adventure for the whole family. Our goal at Wet & Wild Rentals is to offer our customers with exceptional equipment at affordable prices. We are a Dallas based outdoor equipment rental company specializing in Camper Rentals, ATV Rentals, Boat Rentals, Waverunner Rentals, Party Boat Rentals in Dallas, DFW, Fort Worth and all of North Texas. We can deliver the equipment to your destination or you can Tow and Go. Learn More." }, { "docid": "7890655", "title": "Do you need Wisconsin ATV/OHM education?", "text": "Do you need Wisconsin ATV/OHM education? Wisconsin. For ATV riders — You must be at least 12 years old and were born after Dec. 31, 1987. For OHM riders — You must be at least 12 years old and were born after Dec. 31, 1997. There is no minimum age requirement to take this online course." }, { "docid": "2672615", "title": "U.S. Customs and Border Protection", "text": "Exporters - Numbers that can be used to identify an exporter, carrier or freight forwarder when filing the Electronic Export Information (EEI) via AES. When to apply for an Electronic Export Information (EEI) Requirements for exporting a vehicle (including: snowmobile, ATV and Motorcycle)" }, { "docid": "5002251", "title": "Off-road vehicle", "text": "The ATV is commonly called a four-wheeler in Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, the United Kingdom and parts of Canada, India and the United States. They are used extensively in agriculture, because of their speed and light footprint." }, { "docid": "5762670", "title": "-", "text": "The complete unit is ready to mount to your ATV or dirt bike, and is also adaptable for cycle clubs, bicycles, dune buggies, golf carts, wheelchairs, promotions, etc. You must contact us in order to place this customized order to ensure we have all the details. There is an additional $65 set-up fee per design." }, { "docid": "7570555", "title": "-", "text": "Performance ATV snorkel Kit for Maverick. Saw this over on the Can am forum. It looks pretty sweet. I like how it goes with the lines of the roll cage. You have to look twice to see it.erformance ATV snorkel Kit for Maverick. This is a discussion on Performance ATV snorkel Kit for Maverick within the Can-am Maverick Accessories forums, part of the Can-am Maverick Forum category; Saw this over on the Can am forum. It looks pretty sweet." }, { "docid": "4810541", "title": "-", "text": "The 2015 Can-Am Outlander MAX 500 XT is a Utility Style ATV equipped with an 499.6cc, Liquid Cooled, V Twin, SOHC, 4-Stroke Engine and a Continuously Variable (CVT) Transmission. It has a Selectable 4X2 / 4X4 driveline." }, { "docid": "2020660", "title": "-", "text": "Hamilton County, TN - Earlier tonight, at approximately 8:00 pm, HCSO Deputies, along with HCEMS and members of the Mowbray Volunteer Fire Department responded to the 10700 block of Worley Road for the report of an ATV accident that occurred off-road involving a 12 year old male." }, { "docid": "1692624", "title": "Other Vehicle Registrations in New York", "text": "Other ATV Details. 1 Both the license plate and registration decal must be affixed to the back of your ATV. 2 You cannot legally operate your ATV on public property without liability insurance. 3 You must carry a minimum of $50,000/$100,000 for death, $25,000/$50,000 for injury, and $10,000 for property.f you're from out-of-state and plan to ride in New York you must still register it with New York's DMV even if your vehicle is registered with your home state. To register you must visit a DMV office and: 1 Complete the Snowmobile Registration Application (Form MV-82SN)." }, { "docid": "8447450", "title": "RV Insurance Policy For Your RV Or Travel Trailer", "text": "We also provide insurance coverage for towable RVs, including: conventional travel trailers, fifth-wheel travel trailers, travel trailers with expandable ends, folding camper trailers and truck campers. GEICO even covers the toy-hauler you use to transport your motorcycle or ATV.e also provide insurance coverage for towable RVs, including: conventional travel trailers, fifth-wheel travel trailers, travel trailers with expandable ends, folding camper trailers and truck campers. GEICO even covers the toy-hauler you use to transport your motorcycle or ATV." } ]
what is an eim
[ { "docid": "3556057", "title": "What is Exercise is Medicine (EIM)?", "text": "What is Exercise is Medicine (EIM)? Exercise is Medicine (EIM) is committed to the belief that exercise and physical activity (PA) are integral to the prevention and treatment of chronic disease. The EIM Solution encourages primary care providers to include PA when designing treatment plans for their patients." } ]
[ { "docid": "5380229", "title": "-", "text": "Admission to St. Mary's Catholic School; Academic Calendar; Faculty & Staff; History Of The School; Contact Us; Text Alerts; Volunteer Opportunities; Ethics and Integrity Ministry (EIM) School Handbook; Employment; Academics. PreK-3; PreK-4; Kindergarten; First Grade; Second Grade; Third Grade; Fourth Grade; Fifth Grade; 2nd - 5th Grade Math; 1st-4th Grade Spanish" }, { "docid": "8628755", "title": "-", "text": "Home » eAppsDB Login Information. On Jan. 1, 2002, the Catholic Diocese of Austin instated policies on Ethics and Integrity in Ministry (EIM) for all employees and those volunteers who minister to youth or vulnerable adults in the diocese. These policies were revised in August 2008." }, { "docid": "4495648", "title": "Instant Messaging for business", "text": "Enterprise Instant Messaging solutions are, as you might expect, available from the big names in business computing. EIM first gained respectability from IBM in 1998 with the release of IBM Lotus Sametime." }, { "docid": "3556052", "title": "Electric Actuators", "text": "The EIM Multiport Actuator (MPA) is an electronic system specifically designed to control and monitor the operation of the Multiport Flow Selector. The M2CP electric valve actuators offers a wide range of frame sizes, horsepower ratings, and output speeds readily tailored to your specific applications." }, { "docid": "8503260", "title": "-", "text": "The students, faculty and staff at MSU who are healthy and do not need a physician’s visit may still participate in. the Exercise is Medicine program. The exercise videos, maps of walking distances on campus, and fact sheets will. be available to the entire MSU community by clicking on the EIM weblink at." }, { "docid": "8503253", "title": "The solution to one of the greatest health problems of the 21st century", "text": "The solution to one of the greatest health problems of the 21st century. Exercise is Medicine® (EIM) is a global health program designed to improve the health and well-being of people in our community through a prescription of physical activity, lifestyle changes and education from physicians and healthcare providers." }, { "docid": "3556051", "title": "-", "text": "To find the schedule of EIM workshops or to pre-register for an EIM workshop. 1 click here to login to your EIM account*. from your EIM account click on the Sign Up for a Workshop link (bottom right)" }, { "docid": "3135335", "title": "-", "text": "Contact United States EIM Representative | 401 W. Michigan Street, Indianapolis, Indiana 46202-3233 | 317-637-9200. © 2017 American College of Sports Medicine. All rights reserved worldwide. Exercise is Medicine® is a global health initiative managed by the American College of Sports Medicine. View Desktop version of site > Be a Part of the EIM Movement" }, { "docid": "8252364", "title": "Diet Tidbit", "text": "Bringing health care and fitness together! The American College of Sports Medicine, the Medical Fitness Association and the American Council on Exercise announce a new collaboration called the “Exercise is Medicine Solution”. Find out more about the EIM Solution by watching the video." }, { "docid": "8652166", "title": "-", "text": "EIM Help-Entering Bioassay Data Page 17 of 21 b. Bioassay Final Value = The total number of normal survivors in each replicate 3) Normal Survivorship (Bioassay Endpoint = ABMO, Bioassay Value Units = IND) a. Negative (seawater) control sample." }, { "docid": "7299821", "title": "ACSM Exercise Is Medicine ®Credential", "text": "Prepare for & take your ACSM Exercise is Medicine® Credential exam during our 2-day, in-person workshop. Register for an upcoming workshop near you to learn from industry experts and earn your EIM credential." }, { "docid": "8441577", "title": "PA.Gov", "text": "Enterprise Incident Management (EIM) is a comprehensive, web-based incident and complaint reporting system that will provide the capability to record and review incidents for OLTL program participants. EIM will also provide OLTL with the capability to record and review participant complaints and link them to incidents as needed." }, { "docid": "3556054", "title": "What Makes EIM Uniquely Qualified to Serve You?", "text": "EIM connects people throughout the state of Maine with home care services. We are uniquely positioned to help you, with offices in Lewiston, Bangor and Care Coordinators located throughout the state of Maine. Our Care Coordinators live near the communities they serve." }, { "docid": "3556048", "title": "-", "text": "If you can't find your EIM account using this option, contact your parish/school EIM site administrator for assistance. *If you do not have access to the Internet, contact your parish/school EIM site administrator to assist you in signing up for an EIM workshop." }, { "docid": "1854041", "title": "Developing a Roadmap for an Enterprise Information Management Program", "text": "For organizations whose primary asset is information, this need is even more critical. Enterprise Information Management (EIM) is the set of business processes, disciplines and practices used to manage the information created from an organization’s data as an enterprise asset." }, { "docid": "3556049", "title": "-", "text": "1 complete the EIM Application for Ministry (one time only), which permits the diocese to run a background check and creates the EIM account where workshop attendance is recorded; and. attend an EIM workshop (Basic within 60 days of application submission) and within every 3 years thereafter." }, { "docid": "8441576", "title": "-", "text": "§ Enterprise Incident Management (EIM) is OLTL’s solution for Centers for Medicare and Medicaid. Services’ requirement that states implement a comprehensive incident management process for. consumers in the Medicaid waivers and the ACT 150 program. OLTL currently uses EIM for: – Incident reporting." }, { "docid": "8441573", "title": "PA.Gov", "text": "Enterprise Incident Management (EIM) is a comprehensive, web-based incident and complaint reporting system that will provide the capability to record and review incidents for Office of Long-Term Living (OLTL) program participants." }, { "docid": "8503259", "title": "Exercise is Medicine®: A Global Health Initiative", "text": "Exercise is Medicine® is now officially underway in Europe – the formal contract (MOU) was signed between the ‘European Initiative for Exercise in Medicine (EIEIM)’ and the American partner ‚Exercise is Medicine®‘ (EIM) during the annual meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) from May 26th San Diego. Read more." }, { "docid": "5175477", "title": "OpenText", "text": "OpenText Corporation is headquartered in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada and is Canada's largest software company as of 2014. It develops and sells Enterprise Information Management (EIM) software solutions for large corporations across all industries." }, { "docid": "8238242", "title": "-", "text": "Within the ETL market, Forrester noted that SAS is a vendor that provides ETL functions as part of a a bigger data management offering that includes database management, application development, data virtualization, data integration, enterprise information management (EIM), or BI." }, { "docid": "753725", "title": "Are VISA fees a tax-deductible expense?", "text": "Manual from EIM 34000 onwards. (http://www.hmrc.gov.uk/manuals/eimanual/... ). An employer can claim for a visa fee paid on behalf of a prospective. employee as a business expense in the accounts, provided the sole. purpose in paying the fee is to secure the services of the prospective. employee. I hope you find this reply helpful." }, { "docid": "3556053", "title": "What Makes EIM Uniquely Qualified to Serve You?", "text": "SeniorsPlus > About SeniorsPlus > EIM Care Coordination. Established in 1996, EIM is Maine's leader in Care Coordination. We coordinate services from respite to extensive in home services and promote the health and well being of over 3500 people statewide. Through EIM you will be supported in maintaining your independence while you remain in your own home." }, { "docid": "3135340", "title": "Exercise is Medicine®: A Global Health Initiative", "text": "Exercise is Medicine ® (EIM), a global health initiative managed by the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), encourages primary care physicians and other health care providers to include physical activity when designing treatment plans and to refer patients to evidence-based exercise programs and qualified exercise professionals, especially those with the EIM credential." }, { "docid": "8503254", "title": "-", "text": "Exercise is Medicine is a national campaign of the American College of Sports Medicine. It is a call for physicians. to prescribe exercise to patients for chronic disease treatment and prevention of disease. EIM Protocol:" }, { "docid": "3556050", "title": "-", "text": "To find the schedule of EIM workshops or to pre-register for an EIM workshop. 1 click here to login to your EIM account*. 2 from your EIM account click on the Sign Up for a Workshop link (bottom right) Important workshop information:" }, { "docid": "3556056", "title": "What is Exercise is Medicine (EIM)?", "text": "The following 3-step model was tailored from the national EIM model to fit the needs of our REACH target population. Implementation is additionally tailored to each EIM site to ensure that it is integrated into the clinic’s existing culture and workflow." }, { "docid": "3476373", "title": "OpenText", "text": "OpenText Corporation is headquartered in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada and is Canada's largest software company as of 2014. It develops and sells Enterprise Information Management (EIM) software solutions for large corporations across all industries.penText was founded in 1991 as a small four-person consulting operation. The company was a spin-off of a University of Waterloo project that developed technology used to index the Oxford English Dictionary." }, { "docid": "8503261", "title": "Exercise is Medicine®: A Global Health Initiative", "text": "Exercise is Medicine® (EIM) is a global health initiative managed by the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) that is focused on encouraging primary care physicians and other health care providers to include physical activity when designing treatment plans for patients and referring their patients to EIM Credentialed Exercise and Exercise ..." }, { "docid": "1808866", "title": "Carrying Cost", "text": "Carrying Cost. EIM would like to help you calculate your cost of carrying inventory. If you will print and fill out this questionnaire and send it to us by email, mail, or fax, we will calculate your carrying cost and send you a comparison of your answers to each question to others in your region and industry.arrying Cost. EIM would like to help you calculate your cost of carrying inventory. If you will print and fill out this questionnaire and send it to us by email, mail, or fax, we will calculate your carrying cost and send you a comparison of your answers to each question to others in your region and industry." } ]
can metronidazole cause diarrhea
[ { "docid": "658030", "title": "Metronidazole", "text": "Metronidazole is an antibiotic and antiprotozoal medication used to treat various conditions such as inflammatory bowel disease, nonspecific diarrheal disorders, infections caused by Giardia (a cause of diarrhea), and periodontal disease." } ]
[ { "docid": "5867981", "title": "-", "text": "10. Get help from a doctor now ›. About 2 days: The half life of Metronidazole is 8 hours. It takes about 5 half lives for a substance to be almost entirely out of your body, so that's 40 hours for metronidazole." }, { "docid": "408579", "title": "Major Considerations in the Treatment of Lyme Disease", "text": "On the other hand, many studies indicate that metronidazole is effective in killing the cystic form, but not the spirochetal form, of the Bb bacteria (124). For that reason, many Lyme aware physicians have begun to see the value of using combination antibiotic therapy with the addition of the agent metronidazole." }, { "docid": "2659078", "title": "Diarrhea: 10 Common Causes", "text": "Diarrhea is a condition that causes a person’s stool to be looser and more liquid than normal. While diarrhea affects almost everyone at some point in their lives, its origins are not always identical. Here is a look at ten of the most common causes of diarrhea. Medications that contain magnesium (such as over-the-counter antacids) can affect the balance of microorganisms in the digestive tract, which can lead to diarrhea." }, { "docid": "7145639", "title": "cefprozil [en Español]", "text": "Cefazolin Interactions. Antibiotic medicines can cause diarrhea, which may be a sign of a new infection. If you have diarrhea that is watery or bloody, stop using cefazolin and call your doctor. Do not use anti-diarrhea medicine unless your doctor tells you to.efazolin Interactions. Antibiotic medicines can cause diarrhea, which may be a sign of a new infection. If you have diarrhea that is watery or bloody, stop using cefazolin and call your doctor. Do not use anti-diarrhea medicine unless your doctor tells you to." }, { "docid": "715028", "title": "-", "text": "Flagyl (metronidazole) drug Interactions. There are 345 drug interactions with Flagyl (metronidazole) Flagyl (metronidazole) disease Interactions. There are 7 disease interactions with Flagyl (metronidazole) which include: 1 Blood Dyscrasias. 2 Neurologic Toxicity. 3 Colitis. Alcoholism. 4 Dialysis. Liver Disease. Sodium." }, { "docid": "7806830", "title": "Metronidazole Overdose", "text": "Metronidazole Overdose. In cases of accidental overdoses and suicide attempts, a metronidazole overdose caused coordination problems, nausea, and vomiting. The medication is most likely to cause problems in the case of overdose when it is taken by mouth or by IV, rather than applied to the skin or used vaginally." }, { "docid": "725322", "title": "What to Eat and What to Avoid When You Have Diarrhea", "text": "As important as it is to know what to eat when you have diarrhea, it is equally important to know what not to eat. Certain foods can travel through your intestines very fast and aggravate your condition, or worsen diarrhea in other ways. Avoid these foods for diarrhea relief: 1 Fatty foods." }, { "docid": "1653360", "title": "-", "text": "FLAGYL (metronidazole) tablets contain 250 mg or 500 mg of metronidazole. Inactive ingredients include cellulose, FD&C Blue No. 2 Lake, hydroxypropyl cellulose, hypromellose, polyethylene glycol, stearic acid, and titanium dioxide." }, { "docid": "44341", "title": "-", "text": "1 The treatment of travelers' diarrhea is usually plenty of oral liquids as well as over-the-counter medications that control diarrhea and cramps. 2 Antibiotic prophylaxis (prevention) for travelers' diarrhea is available but is not recommended generally. 3 The prognosis of travelers' diarrhea is good." }, { "docid": "5314613", "title": "Metronidazole Tablet (Generic to Flagyl)", "text": "Metronidazole is commercially available as a tablet. Generic Name: Metronidazole (Common Drug Name). Common Brand Name: Flagyl. Dose and Administration: Give orally according to your veterinarians exact directions.alk to your veterinarian if you have questions regarding the proper use of Metronidazole. Uses: Metronidazole works to treat susceptible bacterial and protozoal infections including Giardia. It can also help to reduce inflammation in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract." }, { "docid": "6864314", "title": "How to Get Rid of Diarrhea in Puppies", "text": "Diarrhea in puppies can be caused by a large number of things, and can range from mild to severe. Most cases of mild diarrhea can be treated at home without prescription medication. Find out everything you need to know about how to get rid of diarrhea in puppies." }, { "docid": "6016960", "title": "5 Foods To Eat When You Have Diarrhea", "text": "After all, food is nature’s medicine. 1 Bananas. Bananas are a great food to eat when you have diarrhea. 2 Rice. Eat plain rice during bouts of diarrhea. 3 Applesauce. Incorporate applesauce into your diet when you are suffering with diarrhea. Boiled Eggs. The body loses energy during 1 diarrhea. Pretzels. Eat salted pretzels while dealing with diarrhea." }, { "docid": "1007288", "title": "-", "text": "What brand names are available for Flagyl (metronidazole)? Flagyl and Flagyl ER are the available brand names for metronidazole in the US. Metro IV, Metromidol, Protostat, and Satric are brands names for metronidazole that have been discontinued in the US." }, { "docid": "4154869", "title": "When your child has diarrhea", "text": "Diarrhea is the passage of loose or watery stools. For some children, diarrhea is mild and will go away within a few days. For others, it may last longer. It can make your child lose too much fluid (dehydrated) and feel weak. The stomach flu is a common cause of diarrhea. Medical treatments, such as antibiotics and some cancer treatments can also cause diarrhea. This article speaks to diarrhea in children over 1 year of age." }, { "docid": "4005479", "title": "-", "text": "If you take Metronidazole and have Headaches, find out what symptoms you could have in 1 year or longer. Join a support group for people who take Metronidazole and have Headaches. On eHealthMe you can find out what patients like me (same gender, age) reported their drugs and conditions on FDA since 1977." }, { "docid": "4874817", "title": "Sinus Problems and Stiff Neck", "text": "All my symptoms have come back stiff neck sinus problems dizzy nausea, fullness in head, not sure if it's the other illness that I have or the Ménière's I am taking doxycycline and metronidazole...." }, { "docid": "6067199", "title": "Metronidazole (By mouth)", "text": "When Not To Use. This medicine is not right for everyone. Do not use if you had an allergic reaction to metronidazole or similar medicines. Do not use this medicine to treat trichomoniasis if you are in the first 3 months of pregnancy." }, { "docid": "8575796", "title": "Stomach cramps and Diarrhea Symptom Checker", "text": "1 Stomach cramps and Diarrhea and Bowel problems (325 causes). 2 Stomach cramps and Diarrhea and Lower abdominal symptoms (325 causes). 3 Stomach cramps and Diarrhea and Stool symptoms (325 causes). 4 Stomach cramps and Diarrhea and MORE SYMPTOMS." }, { "docid": "1106141", "title": "10 Causes of Diarrhea", "text": "10 Causes of Diarrhea. 10 Causes of Diarrhea. Diarrhea is a common condition which entails abnormally watery stools during bowel movement. It usually occurs when either the water from bowel contents is not absorbed or extra fluid leaks into the stool." }, { "docid": "2234854", "title": "Top 30 Doctor insights on: Flush Metronidazole Out Of System", "text": "Get help from a doctor now ›. 40 and 15-20 hours: The half life of Metronidazole is 8 hours. The half life of Clarithromycin is 3-4 hours. Half life is the time for the body to eliminate and excrete 1/2 of the drug.It is felt that a drug is completely eliminated after 5 half lives. So 40 hours for Metronidazole and 15-20 hours for clarithromycin.0 and 15-20 hours: The half life of Metronidazole is 8 hours. The half life of Clarithromycin is 3-4 hours." }, { "docid": "90785", "title": "Antibiotic-Associated Diarrhea and Clostridium Difficile", "text": "The term antibiotic-associated diarrhea (AAD) refers to a benign, self-limited diarrhea following the use of antimicrobials. Typically, no pathogens are identified and the diarrhea is caused by changes in the composition and function of the intestinal flora." }, { "docid": "3639165", "title": "-", "text": "The older 0.75 percent topical metronidazole formulations represented the most metronidazole that could be dissolved in a cream, gel, or lotion. The ability to dissolve 1 percent metronidazole was made possible through cyclodextrin complex technology.Cyclodextrin technology is also showing up in the OTC drug world in minoxidil formulations. In India and the Middle East, 10 percent minoxidil formulations are being sold for hair regrowth.Minoxidil is another difficult to solubulize drug that can achieve higher concentrations with cyclodextrin complex technology.he older 0.75 percent topical metronidazole formulations represented the most metronidazole that could be dissolved in a cream, gel, or lotion. The ability to dissolve 1 percent metronidazole was made possible through cyclodextrin complex technology." }, { "docid": "1928861", "title": "-", "text": "There are many possible causes of chronic diarrhea. Treatment is aimed at correcting the cause of diarrhea (whenever possible), firming up loose stools, and dealing with any complications of diarrhea. Chronic diarrhea can have a substantial impact on your quality of life and overall health." }, { "docid": "3474674", "title": "Overview", "text": "Other dehydration causes include: Diarrhea, vomiting. Severe, acute diarrhea — that is, diarrhea that comes on suddenly and violently — can cause a tremendous loss of water and electrolytes in a short amount of time. If you have vomiting along with diarrhea, you lose even more fluids and minerals. Fever." }, { "docid": "8154260", "title": "How to Take Imodium", "text": "Imodium is a prescription drug which can be used in people of 12 years old and older to manage the symptoms of acute diarrhea or those with diarrhea symptoms associated with irritable bowel syndrome. A doctor can also provide a prescription for Imodium for those that have worsening, long-term diarrhea or chronic long-term diarrhea." }, { "docid": "5504702", "title": "-", "text": "Loperamide is used in the treatment of diarrhea and inflammatory bowel disease in dogs. Can cause severe side effects in cats. Contact your veterinarian if the diarrhea is severe, accompanied by vomiting, the pet is also depressed, there is blood in the stool or the diarrhea worsens or persists for more than 48 hours.operamide is used in the treatment of diarrhea and inflammatory bowel disease in dogs. Can cause severe side effects in cats. Contact your veterinarian if the diarrhea is severe, accompanied by vomiting, the pet is also depressed, there is blood in the stool or the diarrhea worsens or persists for more than 48 hours." }, { "docid": "1615813", "title": "How long does flagyl stay in your body", "text": "The drug flagyl or metronidazole stays in the system 3 days after discontinuation.Dont drink alcohol till 3 days after you stop it [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/how-long-does-flagyl-stay-in-your-body ]. More Answers to How long does flagyl stay in your body .his means that every 8 hours, the amount in the body is cut in half. We usually give 4-5 half-lives to say that the drug is gone (it will be about 95% gone by then), so 32-40 hours for metronidazole (Flagyl)." }, { "docid": "1756604", "title": "-", "text": "metronidazole oral and sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim oral. metronidazole oral, sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim oral Mechanism: the metabolism of the drug is decreased. Avoid taking these drugs together as symptoms of nausea, flushing, headaches, and dizziness may occur. Patient Drug Interactions Source: RxList." }, { "docid": "7897604", "title": "Chills and Diarrhea and Nausea Symptom Checker", "text": "1 Chills and Diarrhea and Nausea and Abdominal symptoms (145 causes). 2 Chills and Diarrhea and Nausea and Digestive symptoms (144 causes). 3 Chills and Diarrhea and Nausea and Sensory symptoms (144 causes). 4 Chills and Diarrhea and Nausea and Stomach symptoms (144 causes)." }, { "docid": "4040649", "title": "Diarrhea and Heart attack and Nausea and Vomiting Symptom Checker", "text": "Diarrhea and Heart attack and Nausea and Vomiting and Swelling symptoms (9 causes) Diarrhea and Heart attack and Nausea and Vomiting and Stroke symptoms (9 causes) Diarrhea and Heart attack and Nausea and Vomiting and Death-related symptoms (8 causes) Diarrhea and Heart attack and Nausea and Vomiting and MORE SYMPTOMS." } ]
what is an enumeration district
[ { "docid": "1460288", "title": "1940 Census Finding Aids", "text": "An enumeration district, as used by the Bureau of the Census, was an area that could be covered by a single enumerator (census taker) in one census period. Enumeration districts varied in size from several city blocks in densely populated urban areas to an entire county in sparsely populated rural areas. Enumeration district maps show the boundaries and the numbers of the census enumeration districts, which were established to help administer and control data collection." } ]
[ { "docid": "6900627", "title": "What Is an Enum?", "text": "Short for enumeration, an enum variable type can be found in C (Ansi, not the original K&R), C++ and C# . The idea is that instead of using an int to represent a set of values, a type with a restricted set of values in used instead. For example if we use the colors of the rainbow, which are." }, { "docid": "5138935", "title": "-", "text": "THE RESOURCE USUALLY BEARS NUMBERING. AACR2 uses the term numbering to refer to numbers, dates, or combinations of both that identify the individual issues or parts of a serial. The term is also referred to as the designation or the enumeration and chronology." }, { "docid": "5818166", "title": "-", "text": "Introductory Note on Census Enumeration. A wide range of methods of enumeration is available, ranging from face-to-face interviews and mail-out, mail-back questionnaires to electronic responses via the Internet." }, { "docid": "3338465", "title": "Pen Functions", "text": "Not called by wrapper methods. This function sets the unit of measure for the pen specified by the pen parameter to the value specified by the unit parameter. The unit parameter is a member of the Unit enumeration that specifies the unit of measure for the width of the pen." }, { "docid": "5223582", "title": "District 13", "text": "This nation wouldn't be a nation without the 13th district of Panem.. ― Katniss Everdeen, on District 13's creation and destruction. District 13 is the last of the thirteen districts of Panem and was thought to be destroyed by the Capitol during the First Rebellion.It was said by the Capitol to be uninhabitable with the ruins still smoldering from the chemical bombs dropped on it. District 13 is the only district to never take part in a Hunger Games event. 2 Districts 2 and 13 are the only districts with dual industries, though no other district knew about its second primary industry." }, { "docid": "3359111", "title": "-", "text": "Brome, Quebec, a village. Brome County, Quebec, a historical county, abolished in the early 1980s. Brome (electoral district), a federal electoral district in Quebec from 1867 to 1925. Brome (provincial electoral district), a district in the Estrie region of Quebec from 1867 to 1972." }, { "docid": "6064630", "title": "How Income Taxes Work", "text": "Income Tax. The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration." }, { "docid": "2023951", "title": "Types of Linkage", "text": "No linkage, in which case they refer to unique entities. The same name in another scope may not refer to the same object. An example is an enumeration. (Note, however, that you can pass a pointer to an object with no linkage. This makes the object accessible in other translation units.)" }, { "docid": "7231926", "title": "Chariton Community School District", "text": "Lucas schools - Chariton Community School District is a public school district that is located in Lucas, IA. The school district serves 1,411 students in grades K-12. There are 5 schools associated with this district" }, { "docid": "3964780", "title": "Arlington Heights, Illinois", "text": "Public elementary schools and middle schools in Arlington Heights are primarily operated by Arlington Heights School District 25. Portions of the city are also served by Prospect Heights School District 23, Wheeling School District 21, Elk Grove School District 59 and Community Consolidated School District 15." }, { "docid": "1899142", "title": "Ninth Amendment - U.S. Constitution", "text": "Ninth Amendment - Unenumerated Rights. Amendment Text | Annotations . The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people. 9th Amendment Annotations . Rights Retained by the People" }, { "docid": "3685558", "title": "-", "text": "Ninth Amendment - The Text. The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people. The Ninth Amendment is a constitutional safety net intended to make clear that individuals have other fundamental rights, in addition to those listed in the First through Eighth Amendments." }, { "docid": "606923", "title": "Bangalore", "text": "The majority of the city of Bangalore lies in the Bangalore Urban district of Karnataka and the surrounding rural areas are a part of the Bangalore Rural district. The Government of Karnataka has carved out the new district of Ramanagara from the old Bangalore Rural district." }, { "docid": "5053775", "title": "-", "text": "In January, 1756, it was voted to maintain a school for six months each year, two months in the New Milford District, two months in the Danbury District, and two months in the Newtown District." }, { "docid": "1328367", "title": "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary (T (string), T (int)) throws Index was outside the bounds of the array !!????", "text": "From http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/xfhwa508.aspx : A Dictionary can support multiple readers concurrently, as long as the collection is not modified. Even so, enumerating through a collection is intrinsically not a thread-safe procedure. In the rare case where an enumeration contends with write accesses, the collection must be locked during the entire enumeration." }, { "docid": "7465331", "title": "What does the United States Constitution say about the government's role in the economy?", "text": "The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration.Because of this, the US Government can tax any income, any way it wants." }, { "docid": "172410", "title": "-", "text": "NPI Number 1205879095 has the “Organization” type of ownership and has been registered to the following primary business legal name (which is a provider name or healthcare organization name) — REHABILITATION INSTITUTE OF CHICAGO . The enumeration date of this NPI Number is 06/13/2006." }, { "docid": "4602862", "title": "Why Do We Need The Bill Of Rights?", "text": "To mollify Alexander Hamilton's and James Madison's fears about how a Bill of Rights might be used as a pretext to infringe on human rights, the Ninth Amendment was added that reads: The enumeration in the Constitution of certain rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people." }, { "docid": "7128628", "title": "Examining The Role of an Effective School Superintendent", "text": "A superintendent who does not have a vision for continuous improvement is not doing their job and does not have the best interest of the district in mind. District Policies – The superintendent is responsible for writing new district policies and revising and/or reviewing old ones." }, { "docid": "651819", "title": "census", "text": "1. An official, usually periodic enumeration of a population, often including the collection of related demographic information. 2. In ancient Rome, a count of the citizens and an evaluation of their property for taxation purposes." }, { "docid": "4046696", "title": "enumeration declaration", "text": "There are two distinct kinds of enumerations: unscoped enumeration (declared with the enum-key enum) and scoped enumeration (declared with the enum-key enum class or enum struct). Contents." }, { "docid": "3977578", "title": "-", "text": "Although some taxing units may contract with an appraisal district to collect their taxes, the appraisal district does not levy a property tax. For information about local taxing unit budgets and tax rates, please contact the individual school district, county, city, junior college or special district." }, { "docid": "5818162", "title": "-", "text": "14.6 Duration of enumeration refers to the time taken to conduct the census enumeration. In the case of a population census de facto, the entire operation is ideally completed in one day, at least in urban areas, and in just a few days in rural areas. This is not possible in the case of an agricultural census." }, { "docid": "7744875", "title": "Introduction To The Federal Court System", "text": "District Courts. The district courts are the general trial courts of the federal court system. Each district court has at least one United States District Judge, appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate for a life term." }, { "docid": "4155069", "title": "The U.S. Bill of Rights", "text": "Ninth Amendment-Protection of rights not specifically enumerated in the Bill of Rights. The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people." }, { "docid": "8225621", "title": "-", "text": "While considered a single district, the Tribal District, known as the Wabanaki Public Health District, is comprised of five Tribal jurisdictions representing the MicMac, Maliseet, Penobscot, and Passamaquoddy Tribes. The Wabanaki Public Health District functions in a" }, { "docid": "1551944", "title": "Kelowna", "text": "Funding for the Kelowna Regional Transit System is cost shared between the City of Kelowna, Regional District of Central Okanagan, District of Lake Country, District of West Kelowna, District of Peachland, Westbank First Nation and BC Transit." }, { "docid": "6180120", "title": "-", "text": "District 88 focuses on achievement for all District 88 Assistant Superintendent Jean Barbanente discusses the district... Cultural Competency for staff and students of District 88 Assistant Superintendent Jean Barbanente discusses District 88's focus on c... State Board approves threshold scores on new PARCC assessment District 88 Superintendent Dr. Scott Helton discusses the threshold scores ..." }, { "docid": "8770178", "title": "How To Make An Unattend.xml Sysprep File", "text": "How To Make An Unattend.xml Sysprep File. Sysprep is very useful in preparing an image for cloning / imaging by stripping all specialization from the installation like: drives, SID, PNP enumeration, name and more." }, { "docid": "2236852", "title": "Fresno, California", "text": "Most of Fresno is in the Fresno Unified School District though small portions are served by the Clovis Unified School District, Central Unified School District, Washington Union Unified School district and Orange Center Elementary School District." } ]
can minecraft zombie villagers spawn
[ { "docid": "4293593", "title": "Spawn Zombie Villager (Spawn Egg) in Minecraft", "text": "In Minecraft, there is a spawn egg called Spawn Zombie Villager that is dark brown with green spots. This spawn egg is an item that can not be crafted in the game. It is only available in Creative mode (not Survival mode) through the Creative Inventory menu. When you use this spawn egg, it will instantly spawn a zombie villager." } ]
[ { "docid": "2086458", "title": "Villagers and Villages", "text": "Villagers are “passive mobs”, meaning that they will not fight you. You will encounter five types of villager: farmers (brown robes), librarians (white robes), priests (purple robes), blacksmiths (black aprons) and butchers (white aprons). Villagers will wander around harvesting thei crops and looking at stuff during the day, and go home at night or when it’s raining." }, { "docid": "4529858", "title": "-", "text": "Show off your style by designing homes for all of your favorite Animal Crossing villagers! Use your creativity to design the perfect houses—inside and out—for both old and new friends. And with the new amiibo cards ™ , call your favorite villagers into the game.ollect and connect with amiibo cards! Tap to call characters into your Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer game. Take their design requests or just hang out together. Plus, use special character cards to add villagers like Isabelle and DJ KK!" }, { "docid": "871205", "title": "Spawn", "text": "SPAWN: ORIGINS, VOL. 1 includes the introduction of not only Spawn, but also a number of other memorable and menacing characters, including Malebolgia and the Violator. Collects SPAWN #1-6." }, { "docid": "462116", "title": "-", "text": "Please try again later. in this minecraft video i show you a few tips of how to remove water and lava in minecraft, minecraft caves are full of lava and water and it can get really annoying these are some tips and tricks to get rid of it withoust wasting any blocks you may have mined." }, { "docid": "3382297", "title": "What does op-permission-level do?", "text": "Sets permission level for ops. According to the Minecraft Wiki : Sets permission level for ops. 4 is the highest OP level, and a level 4 Operator can use all the commands levels 1-3 can. A level one OP can only bypass spawn protection. As said in the comments, for small servers, you probably want to your OPs to be level 3." }, { "docid": "2159501", "title": "Ocelot", "text": "An Ocelot (also known as a cat) is a Passive Mob in Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition. Ocelots were added in the August 23rd TU12 update along with Iron Golems and Baby Villagers.Ocelots can be used as household pets in a similar way to dogs. Before it is tamed, the Ocelot will be yellow with small black spots.n Ocelot (also known as a cat) is a Passive Mob in Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition. Ocelots were added in the August 23rd TU12 update along with Iron Golems and Baby Villagers." }, { "docid": "832685", "title": "How To Spawn Herobrine In Minecraft 1.8 NO MODS", "text": "Welcome to my tutorial on How to spawn Herobrine in Minecraft 1.8 Without any Mods. This is a 100% Legit tutorial on how to spawn herobrine." }, { "docid": "7631317", "title": "-", "text": "Count the number of current villagers. You must have less than 10 villagers in your town currently. 10 is the maximum number, and thus, you cannot trade if you’re at capacity! 2. Check your Internet connection. If arranging a trade online, you need to make sure that you can connect to faraway towns." }, { "docid": "8675507", "title": "-", "text": "2nd Annual Northgate Zombie CrawlZombify yourself and head on over to The Backyard on Northgate Thursday, October 22nd at 8:00 p.m. to get your Zombie Pub Card and free t-shirt*, then crawl/walk/creep around to participating Northgate bars to have your zombie…eventbrite.com. 2nd Annual Northgate Zombie Crawl." }, { "docid": "5987604", "title": "-", "text": "Hearing that Shaun of the Dead is the most popular British zombie comedy of all time does give one pause, simply because you have to stop for a second and wonder as to whether you have simply missed other British zombie comedies or if you maybe took 28 Day Later way too seriously." }, { "docid": "5264421", "title": "Zombie (song)", "text": "Zombie (song) This article is about the Cranberries song. For the album and song by Fela Kuti, see Zombie (album). Zombie is a protest song by Irish rock band The Cranberries. It was released in September 1994 as the lead single from their second studio album, No Need to Argue (1994)." }, { "docid": "79265", "title": "-", "text": "Where are my local worlds stored? I'm creating an adventure map at the moment, and I'd also like to play adventure maps others have made - but I have no idea where on my hard drive Minecraft stores the worlds. I have Windows XP and I use the offline client (Minecraft.exe, located in my quick launch bar) to play. On Windows, your minecraft saves data is in your application data folder. You can access this in XP by holding Windows+R or hitting Start > Run and then typing %appdata%\\.minecraft in the box. In Vista & 7, enter %appdata%\\Roaming\\.minecraft instead. This will open your minecraft folder." }, { "docid": "2347639", "title": "Spawn Cow (Spawn Egg) in Minecraft", "text": "In Minecraft, there is a spawn egg called Spawn Cow that is dark brown with gray spots. This spawn egg is an item that can not be crafted in the game. It is only available in Creative mode (not Survival mode) through the Creative Inventory menu. When you use this spawn egg, it will instantly spawn a cow." }, { "docid": "4538792", "title": "Zombie", "text": "Farming. Because they can only use melee attacks, they're easy to farm if you are prepared correctly. Just get a ladder, in a building 4 blocks high, with a roof, then make a door, and then attack a zombie, and then let him follow you. Then, when the zombie comes in, shut the door, climb up the ladder, and get out." }, { "docid": "3185196", "title": "Naruto", "text": "When it swung one of it's nine tails, a tsunami occurred. The fourth hokage sealed this demon fox inside a boy in exchange for his own life. Naruto was that boy, and he grew up with no family, and the villagers hated him thinking that he himself was the demon fox. Naruto's dream is to become Hokage, and have the villagers acknowledge him." }, { "docid": "2984678", "title": "-", "text": "Another common staple of the Zombie Apocalypse is that the zombies are often not the most dangerous enemy that a survivor will face. It's usually other survivors, power-hungry maniacs or regular-hungry people who want to attack you to get at your food and shelter. Pavlovs Dogs is a somewhat unique take on the genre with a zombie apocalypse in a world where people have seen zombie movies and played games where you fight zombies. 2 As a result, much of the usual stupidity in zombie stories is absent. 3 Oh, and the good guys have werewolves." }, { "docid": "6269548", "title": "Is it possible to summon herobrine on the Xbox 360..", "text": "Guest answered: I don't think you can spawn herobrine in the xbox 360 mincraft. I've seen many pictures of herobrine spawners and tried them but none of them worked. I even tried spawning wither but so far I inlet know one way to spawn wither and believe me, it doesn't woe at all.erobrine is real. And we need him. Theres a new creepypasta in minecraft called entity.name.303. Herobrine is the good guy, and we need to do our best to spawn him. Herobrine is only warning us about entity 303, showing us what entity 303 can and will do to minecraft. Only, 303 can do alot worse." }, { "docid": "250291", "title": "Zombie", "text": "There has been a growth in the number of zombie manga in the last decade, and in a list of 10 Great Zombie Manga, Anime News Network's Jason Thompson placed I Am a Hero at number 1, considering it probably the greatest zombie manga ever." }, { "docid": "1295660", "title": "-", "text": "1 Go to Minecraft.net and log in. 2 On the top menu, click on “Profile” (or click here). 3 Upload your skin under “Change how you look in Minecraft”. 4 Go play Minecraft with your new skin.his guide shows you how to change your Minecraft Skin in a few simple steps. 1 Find a Skin you like. 2 Check out the Minecraft Skins Section. 3 Go to Minecraft.net and log in." }, { "docid": "7640863", "title": "The Mushroom of Lovealso called Pink Oyster Mushroom", "text": "When I'm not using spawn I expanded out myself, I buy spawn from Bill Chalmers or from Paul Stamets. When I buy $60-$100 worth of spawn at a time, it costs me about $2 per bag of straw for spawn . It costs $10 or $15 to ship one or two bags of spawn." }, { "docid": "5608976", "title": "-", "text": "Now there is also a leader zombie, which spawns rather rarely (5%) and can always break doors. It also has more health (1-4 hearts) and higher chance to spawn reinforcements (50-75%). So generally speaking, your villages with exposed doors will probably be fine for a much longer time than before 1.8." }, { "docid": "7412855", "title": "-", "text": "A spawn egg is an item that may be used to spawn mobs directly. It allows the player to spawn a variety of mobs on command, although some mobs are not available. There are 27 eggs available in total without mods or hacking (28 in planned versions) and 22 in pocket edition." }, { "docid": "4396607", "title": "How do I enchant in Minecraft PE?", "text": "You can enchant with an enchanting table and some bookshelves, but not vice versa. Villagers (the priest mainly) will enchant your item for a fee of some emeralds as said in the Minecraft Combat Book (Since enchanting is not available, priests will not be able to do this in Minecraft PE." }, { "docid": "1992258", "title": "Villager", "text": "There are different types of villagers. As with the mode, Their model is changed, to simulate the player's model. There are female and male villagers. Male/Female. There are different skins and jobs of female and male villagers. Villager's name,gender,title,traits,etc, can be edited using the villager editor." }, { "docid": "2347646", "title": "/give id for spawn eggs", "text": "Hello there! as you may know numeric ids are being replaced by minecraft:{item}. I wanted to know how do you get a spawn egg for a certain mob. Please tell me the command. here is what i have so far. [/give @p minecraft:spawn_egg] after i don't know what to do! please help me. Rollback Post to Revision RollBack." }, { "docid": "1635531", "title": "Terraria: Spawn Mechanics", "text": "Spawn Zone. Enemies spawn in a rectangle around you, no matter your resolution. They're always off screen unless you're using a resolution-increasing mod to go beyond 1920x1080, it's why we don't see monsters appear out of thin air. The screen area (no spawn zone) is 62 tiles to the left and right of the player." }, { "docid": "5533243", "title": "Black Ops 2 Zombie Mode âGet All Six Perks in One Lifeâ Glitch Tutorial", "text": "However, killing and surviving in Black Ops 2's zombie mode is easier said than done. In saying that, we're now here to help you get all six Perks in zombie mode. Yes, I said six and not four. It's a glitch, but one that will work to your advantage. There is one catch in being able to pull this off, it will work in any map as long as it has the Tombstone Perk." }, { "docid": "4489762", "title": "How to Make Your Own Village in Minecraft", "text": "This minimalistic design saves space, but isn’t very aesthetic (or safe!) for a Minecraft village. From Normal difficulty and up, zombies spawn at night have the ability to attack and turn your villagers into “zombie villagers”." }, { "docid": "1117471", "title": "How to Install Minecraft Mods for Windows", "text": "Step 6: Open Minecraft and play! If your mod doesn’t work properly or you get a black screen at the Minecraft startup: Step 1: Delete your minecraft.jar found here “C:\\Users\\(insert computer name here)\\AppData\\Roaming\\.minecraft\\bin”. Step 2: Open Minecraft, let it auto-update so your .jar can be restord." }, { "docid": "3797715", "title": "Can you breed villagers in Minecraft?", "text": "If you aren't in a village, you can put 2 villagers in a big house and put lots and lots of doors on the roof and then put blocks on the top of the doors. This will fool the villagers into thinking that they are houses. If you didn't understand any of this, check this YouTube video in the related links below." } ]
can monistat help bacterial vaginosis
[ { "docid": "1024515", "title": "My doctor recommended Monistat for my strong âfishyâ vaginal odor but that hasnât helped. What can I do?", "text": "Miconazole (Monistat) is an antifungal medication. It treats vaginal yeast infections, which are caused by a fungus. If Monistat didn’t work, you most likely don’t have a yeast infection. Instead, you probably have bacterial vaginosis (BV)." } ]
[ { "docid": "7325779", "title": "-", "text": "1. Mix one tube (45G) of Monistat 7 with 2 oz of Emu Oil. Pour the mix into the applicator bottle. 2. Use a comb to part your hair into sections for easy application. 3. Shake the mix of Monistat 7 and Emu Oil before applying it to your hair. Tilt the bottle and hold it to your scalp. 4. Gently squeeze bottle and apply a few drops to targeted areas. Massage it into your scalp and style your hair as desired. Anecdotal reports have indicated that Monistat 7 produces fairly rapid results with initiating hair regrowth. Using Monistat 7 with Emu Oil as a carrier oil will reportedly enhance these results. Related Articles:" }, { "docid": "2005144", "title": "metronidazole topical", "text": "(Anaerobic bacteria are a type of bacteria that can grow without the presence of oxygen.) Metronidazole gel also is used for treating rosacea, a type of skin rash. Metronidazole was approved by the FDA in 1963. PRESCRIBED FOR: Metronidazole topical gel, cream, and lotion are used for treating rosacea.Metronidazole vaginal gel is used for the treatment of bacterial vaginosis (also referred to as Hemophilus vaginitis, Gardnerella vaginitis, or nonspecific vaginitis), a bacterial infection of the vagina.It is not effective in treating another common vaginal infection, Candidal vaginosis ( yeast infection ).Anaerobic bacteria are a type of bacteria that can grow without the presence of oxygen.) Metronidazole gel also is used for treating rosacea, a type of skin rash. Metronidazole was approved by the FDA in 1963. PRESCRIBED FOR: Metronidazole topical gel, cream, and lotion are used for treating rosacea." }, { "docid": "560885", "title": "-", "text": "There are many potential causes of white vaginal discharge. Here are some of them: Bacterial vaginosis. The most common type of vaginal infection, usually mild. Occurs when the “good” bacteria inside the vagina are overwhelmed by the “bad” bacteria, which then grow unchecked." }, { "docid": "164073", "title": "Types of Bacterial Infections", "text": "Symptoms and treatment of bacterial vaginosis. These two types of bacterial infections have symptoms that are slightly different. The most common symptoms of bacterial vaginosis are a strange vaginal discharge and a smelly vagina. The discharge has a white or grayish coloration, and is thinner than healthy discharge." }, { "docid": "1369889", "title": "Thrush and Bacterial vaginosis", "text": "Most men will not get thrush. Bacterial vaginosis is the most common cause of unusual vaginal discharge which develops when the normal environment of the vagina changes. One in three women will get it at some time. It is not a sexually transmitted infection but can develop after you have had sex.Men do not get bacterial vaginosis.This page gives you information about thrush and bacterial vaginosis, what you can do if you are worried that you might have either or both infections and how to get treatment.t is not a sexually transmitted infection but can develop after you have had sex. Men do not get bacterial vaginosis. This page gives you information about thrush and bacterial vaginosis, what you can do if you are worried that you might have either or both infections and how to get treatment." }, { "docid": "2264151", "title": "Discharge During Pregnancy: What's Safe, What's Not", "text": "Normal or not? Not. Bacterial vaginosis starts out as a vaginal infection, but it can sometimes ascend into the uterus and cause premature rupture of the membranes and preterm birth, says April Sarvis, M.D., an OB-GYN in Bloomfield Hills, Mich." }, { "docid": "8570207", "title": "Bacterial vaginosis", "text": "Bacterial vaginosis. Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is an infection in the vagina. BV is caused by changes in the amount of certain types of bacteria in your vagina. BV is common, and any woman can get it. BV is easily treatable with medicine from your doctor or nurse." }, { "docid": "3599934", "title": "What does white vaginal discharge mean?", "text": "Signs of bacterial vaginosis. 1 A white, gray or yellowish vaginal discharge. 2 A fishy odor that is strongest after sex or after washing with soap. 3 Itching or burning. Slight redness and swelling of the vagina or vulva." }, { "docid": "7067295", "title": "Diagnosis", "text": "A vaginal pH of 4.5 or higher is a sign of bacterial vaginosis. Treatment To treat bacterial vaginosis, your doctor may prescribe one of the following medications: Metronidazole (Flagyl, Metrogel-Vaginal, others). This medicine may be taken as a pill by mouth (orally)." }, { "docid": "4030995", "title": "Question:", "text": "My doctor kept telling me it was stress or cramps or constipation making my stomach hurt. ...They diagnosed me with bacterial vaginosis and later ...If you have any stomach pain get it checked out ASAP.." }, { "docid": "1007294", "title": "Appropriate use of metronidazole", "text": "Which infections should metronidazole be used for? Indications for the use of metronidazole include; bacterial vaginosis, trichomoniasis, pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), giardiasis and Clostridium difficile infection. Metronidazole is an alternative to amoxicillin for the treatment of some oral infections." }, { "docid": "8040103", "title": "Antibiotics for Bacterial Vaginosis", "text": "Antibiotics for Bacterial Vaginosis In this writeup, you’ll find the 3 most used antibiotics for bacterial vaginosis, how effective they are in treating this infection and what side effects they might present. As you might already know, bacteria Vaginosis is caused by the overgrowth of anaerobic bacteria (mainly Gardnerella species) in the vagina." }, { "docid": "3845650", "title": "Bacterial Vaginosis (Gardnerella Vaginitis)", "text": "Up to 50% of women diagnosed with bacterial vaginosis do not have symptoms. In others, it causes an unpleasant fishy vaginal odor and a yellow or white vaginal discharge. For some women, these symptoms are especially bothersome during or after intercourse." }, { "docid": "8410048", "title": "Itchy Vagina â What Causes Vaginal Itching?", "text": "Trichomoniasis – Just like Bacterial Vaginosis, Trichomoniasis also causes a change in vaginal discharge along with a strong vaginal odour and vaginal itching. Unlike bacterial vaginosis and yeast infections, it is usually caught through having intercourse with someone who already has it." }, { "docid": "5417574", "title": "What Causes Vaginal Itching?", "text": "Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is another common reason for vaginal itching. Like a vaginal yeast infection, BV is triggered by an imbalance between naturally occurring good and bad bacteria in the vagina. The condition doesn’t always cause symptoms." }, { "docid": "1961828", "title": "-", "text": "vaginal infection causes bacterial vaginosis bv is the most common cause of vaginitis accounting for 50 % of cases bacterial vaginosis is caused by a change or imbalance in the types of the bacteria normally found in the vagina and causes an overgrowth of organisms such as gardnerella vaginalis" }, { "docid": "3770046", "title": "Monistat Vaginal Cream", "text": "Monistat Vaginal Cream (miconazole nitrate vaginal cream) is an azole antifungal medication used to treat vaginal candida infections. Some formulations of this medication are available in generic form and over-the-counter . Common side effects of Monistat Vaginal Cream include: burning, stinging, swelling, irritation, redness, pimple-like bumps, tenderness, itching, pain, or flaking of the treated skin; headache, burning/itching/pain in the vagina or urinary opening; an increased need to urinate, or ; lower abdominal cramps. Monistat Vaginal Cream is usually used once/daily at bedtime, and applied directly into the vagina." }, { "docid": "6763664", "title": "Bacterial Vaginosis During Pregnancy", "text": "Bacterial Vaginosis During Pregnancy: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment. Approximately 10% – 30% of pregnant women will experience bacterial vaginosis (BV) during their pregnancy. Bacterial vaginosis is caused by an imbalance in the normal bacteria that exist in a woman’s vagina. It is not transmitted sexually, but is associated with having vaginal intercourse." }, { "docid": "4971745", "title": "Bacterial Vaginosis", "text": "11 drugs. 11. Nitroimidazole antibiotics are used to treat parasitic infections, amoebiasis, bacterial vaginosis, gastrointestinal infections, skin infections, meningitis, lower respiratory infections, bacterial infections, diarrhea, and rosacea. They work by killing the bacteria causing the infection.1 drugs. 11. Nitroimidazole antibiotics are used to treat parasitic infections, amoebiasis, bacterial vaginosis, gastrointestinal infections, skin infections, meningitis, lower respiratory infections, bacterial infections, diarrhea, and rosacea. They work by killing the bacteria causing the infection." }, { "docid": "535434", "title": "Common Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) You Should Know About", "text": "Trichomoniasis is the most common curable STD, with infection more common in women than in men. Some women may mistake this infection for a yeast infection or bacterial vaginosis since the symptoms are similar: frothy discharge, strong vaginal odor, pain on intercourse, irritation, and itching." }, { "docid": "7005641", "title": "-", "text": "Yeast Infection Causes. There are many forms of a bacterial yeast infection but one of the most common forms of a candida infection effect up to 75% of the women in the United States.A yeast infection and bacterial vaginosis may be similar with their symptoms.here are different types of candida infections, candida albicans is variety that causes problems for women. An infection can occur when your natural flora gets disturbed for some reason. You see candida live naturally in your body and are usually kept in check by your immune system and good bacteria." }, { "docid": "164065", "title": "-", "text": "Bacterial Vaginosis Symptoms - Vaginal Discharge. If a vaginal discharge is accompanied by the following symptoms, they may be associated with another infection or disorder such as bacterial vaginosis, yeast infection, STD, menopause, and many others. abnormal vaginal odor, abnormal consistency of vaginal fluid, vaginal pain," }, { "docid": "7967860", "title": "Top 30 Doctor insights on: Thick Yellow Mucus Discharge During Pregnancy", "text": "Yellow/Brown vaginal discharge with odor during pregnancy is that normal, could it be from my progesterone suppesitory? Possible BV: You may have an infection like bacterial vaginosis. It is treated with a vaginal gel or pull and is one of the most common causes of vaginal discharge with odor. You should see your doctor and have them examine you and treat you if needed especially since you are pregnant." }, { "docid": "1229392", "title": "-", "text": "Probiotics are understood to help with the following: 1 Infection diarrhea. 2 Antibiotic-related diarrhea. 3 Irritable bowel syndrome. Inflammatory bowel 1 disease. Bacterial vaginosis. Eczema (conflicting 1 results) Reduced Pediatric atopic dermatitis." }, { "docid": "6326826", "title": "Top 30 Doctor insights on: Is Watery Diarrhea A Sign Of Pregnancy", "text": "Bacterial vaginosis is the most common cause and often has a vaginal odor. Vaginal itching can be a sign of a yeast infection. Sometimes vaginal discharge can be a sign of a sexual transmitted infection. Testing is important to determine the treatment and keep you and your partner safe." }, { "docid": "4049430", "title": "-", "text": "1 Bacterial vaginosis is an abnormal vaginal condition that is characterized by vaginal discharge and results from an overgrowth of atypical bacteria in the vagina. 2 Bacterial vaginosis is not dangerous, but it can cause disturbing symptoms.ymptoms may also mimic those found in yeast infections of the vagina and trichomoniasis (a sexually-transmitted disease or STD), and these conditions must also be excluded in women with vaginal symptoms. Bacterial vaginosis is a common condition. It is the most common vaginal complaint in women of child bearing age." }, { "docid": "6882163", "title": "Here's Why Your Period Blood Smells", "text": "As far as what's normal and what isn't, Dr. Shirazian keeps it simple: A healthy period smell just shouldn’t be fishy.. A change in odor can signal a problem. Odor can also come from the bacteria that naturally accumulates during your period. When you’re bleeding, you retain moisture in the vagina, Dr. Shirazian says, which can lead to secondary vaginal infections like bacterial vaginosis, which has a strong, fishy odor.." }, { "docid": "5383733", "title": "Fact Sheet: Sexually Transmitted Diseases in the United States", "text": "Not including HIV, the most common STDs are chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, genital herpes, human papilloma virus (HPV), hepatitis B, trichomoniasis, and bacterial vaginosis. While bacterial vaginosis is a genital infection that is not sexually transmitted, it is associated with sexual intercourse.8." }, { "docid": "6130718", "title": "Pap Smear Center", "text": "Bacterial Vaginosis Bacterial vaginosis is an abnormal vaginal condition with signs and symptoms of vaginal discharge, vaginal odor,...learn more ». Cervical Cancer Cervical cancer is cancer of the entrance to the womb (uterus). Regular pelvic exams and Pap testing can detect precancerous...learn more »." }, { "docid": "3988503", "title": "Description and Brand Names", "text": "Metronidazole vaginal is used to treat women with vaginal infections (e.g., bacterial vaginosis). Metronidazole belongs to the class of medicines known as antibiotics. It works by killing the bacteria or preventing their growth. However, this medicine will not work for vaginal fungus or yeast infections." } ]
can morphine cause anxiety
[ { "docid": "6035328", "title": "-", "text": "A fair number of people love the feeling of the opiates but it also induces an initial anxiety in them so they self medicate with benzos to counter this. Morphine does not produce this anxiety effect in all peoples but peoples whom are more prone to anxiety attacks will be more likely to experience anxiety from it. Morphine on the whole triggers the reward endorphin system and therefor in the majority of people will not produce an anxiety effect." } ]
[ { "docid": "4483446", "title": "Anxiety", "text": "Download our Anxiety and depression booklet: What you need to know. signs of anxiety People with anxiety can struggle to get their feelings of worry or fear under control. signs of anxiety People with anxiety can struggle to get their feelings of worry or fear under control.Types of anxiety Anxiety is different for everyone, however there are common types based on people's experiences. Types of anxiety Anxiety is different for everyone, however there are common types based on people's experiences.igns of anxiety People with anxiety can struggle to get their feelings of worry or fear under control. signs of anxiety People with anxiety can struggle to get their feelings of worry or fear under control." }, { "docid": "831627", "title": "10 Commonly Abused Opium Derivatives", "text": "Morphine. Morphine, like codeine, is an alkaloid that is extracted from opium, and is highly used in the medical field to help people manage their pain. Morphine is commonly administered in hospitals through an IV, to subside a person’s pain.orphine, like codeine, is an alkaloid that is extracted from opium, and is highly used in the medical field to help people manage their pain. Morphine is commonly administered in hospitals through an IV, to subside a person’s pain." }, { "docid": "7555637", "title": "Thread: Can you smoke roxicodone 15mg pills?????", "text": "Oxycodone pills are not smoke-able. This is a fad that came out of Florida and it is a placebo effect. You can't smoke pills. You can smoke heroin, you can smoke freebase morphine and opium (which is basically just loaded with morphine), but that's about it as far as smoking opioids." }, { "docid": "8243790", "title": "Morphine for Chest Pain Increases ACS Death Risk", "text": "Morphine, according to this study, appears to be contraindicated in patients who present with non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndrome. Chest pain in these patients should be managed with full-dose nitroglycerin, with morphine as a treatment of last resort, the investigators recommend in accord with ACC/AHA guidelines." }, { "docid": "899549", "title": "Morphine Sulfate", "text": "Addiction, Abuse, and Misuse. Morphine Sulfate Tablets contain morphine, a Schedule II controlled substance. As an opioid, Morphine Sulfate Tablets expose users to the risks of addiction, abuse, and misuse [see Drug Abuse and Dependence (9)]." }, { "docid": "913785", "title": "-", "text": "Morphine 30 Mg is purple with ABG. ,morphine 30mg pills,morphine 30 mg purple,morphine pills 15 mg,blue morphine pill,pink pill abg 30,30 mg morphine street value." }, { "docid": "2951363", "title": "Heroin Facts", "text": "Heroin Facts. Heroin is processed from morphine, a naturally occurring opiate extracted from the seedpod of certain varieties of poppy plants. The opium poppy has been cultivated for more than five thousand years for a variety of medicinal uses. Heroin was first synthesized from morphine in 1874. Mexican black tar heroin, however, is usually injected (once dissolved) or smoked because of its consistency. 2 Like other opiates, heroin is a sedative drug that slows body functioning. 3 People who use it describe a feeling of warmth, relaxation and detachment, with a lessening sense of anxiety." }, { "docid": "5784228", "title": "Anxiety and Muscle Spasms: The Connection", "text": "Spasms can occur with any type of anxiety, but are more common in severe anxiety than intense anxiety. Click here to take my anxiety test and see where your anxiety ranks and how to cure it. Spasms are involuntary muscle movements, sometimes referred to as twitches.." }, { "docid": "7963289", "title": "Morphine Addiction Treatment", "text": "If you are addicted to morphine, professional treatment is available to help you kick the habit. Call our free national referral hotline at 1-888-287-0471 or fill out an online contact form for help evaluating morphine addiction treatment options." }, { "docid": "2119003", "title": "How Common Are Anxiety Disorders?", "text": "It's also possible that you don't realize you have anxiety at all. This is especially common with panic attacks, as those that do not know much about anxiety disorders often believe that they have a health problem. So while the following statistics are interesting, they shouldn't define your anxiety. If you feel that you have anxiety, you should seek treatment." }, { "docid": "4930704", "title": "Anxiety vs. Anxiety Disorders", "text": "The difference between regular feelings of anxiety and a true anxiety disorder. Everyone will experience anxiety from time to time. The demands and stress of college life may even make experiencing anxiety more frequent. So it can be tough to tell the difference between normal anxiety and a condition like social anxiety disorder or obsessive-compulsive disorder. If anxiety is affecting you or someone you know, it’s important to learn the difference. In general, anxiety is a normal reaction to stress." }, { "docid": "1850500", "title": "Anxiety and Paralysis", "text": "Anxiety can also be paralyzing physically. At least, there are symptoms that can make you feel like you're becoming paralyzed. In this article, we'll explore the physical and emotional paralysis of anxiety. Are You Paralyzed From Anxiety? Anxiety can make it hard for you to move your body. It can also paralyze you emotionally. If you're feeling paralyzed from anxiety, your anxiety is likely severe. Take our free 7 minute anxiety test to score your anxiety symptoms, compare it to others, and see what you can do to treat it. Start the anxiety test here." }, { "docid": "5392949", "title": "CANADIAN NETWORK for MOOD and ANXIETY TREATMENTSLEADERSHIP DISORDERS PUBLICATIONS EDUCATION CONTACT", "text": "Anxiety disorders are a group of mental illnesses that have anxiety symptoms as their most recognizable and disabling feature. In the DSM -5, anxiety disorders include separation anxiety disorder, selective mutism, specific phobia, social anxiety disorder, panic disorder, agoraphobia, generalized anxiety disorder." }, { "docid": "1896771", "title": "-", "text": "Endone (Oxycodone) is in a group of drugs called narcotic pain relievers. Ibuprofen/Voltaren are in a group of drugs called nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). I … buprofen works by reducing hormones that cause inflammation and pain in the body. Because you are adding weight (sulfate) to morphine (base), the weight of Morphine Sulfate will have less morphine (base) in it. For example: 20mg of morphine sulfate has ~15mg of morphine (the other 5mg are due to sulfate molecule and 5 water molecules)." }, { "docid": "1597139", "title": "Which Anti-Anxiety Supplements Work?", "text": "You should also know that not all anxiety is treated the same way. Panic attacks, for example, may require a different type of treatment than generalized anxiety. Take my free 7 minute anxiety test to learn more about your own anxiety.upplements, like anxiety drugs, are merely a way to help manage day to day anxiety. As soon as you stop using them (assuming they work), the anxiety comes back almost immediately. Take my free 7 minute anxiety test right now." }, { "docid": "1316003", "title": "Hydromorphone in Urine Drug Tests is an Indicator of Morphine Therapy", "text": "Hydromorphone is apparently a minor metabolite of morphine, normally appearing in the UDT of patients taking morphine, the authors conclude, and the presence of this metabolite in UDT may assist in determining whether a patient is compliant with morphine therapy." }, { "docid": "4622399", "title": "Morphine overdose", "text": "Morphine overdose: Introduction. Morphine overdose: Morphine is a highly addictive drug used to treat pain. Excessive doses of the drug can result in various symptoms and even death in severe cases.More detailed information about the symptoms, causes, and treatments of Morphine overdose is available below.orphine overdose: Morphine is a highly addictive drug used to treat pain." }, { "docid": "5056631", "title": "How long does morphine sulfate stay in your system?", "text": "Morphine will stay in your system for 2 to 4 days depending on how much and for how long. So to be safe I would say 4 days! unless its a time released pill if so add a day or … 2 that is on a urine test. + 42 others found this useful.f the morphine dose is 200 mg, then the tablet must be a time-released formulation of morphine such as Duramorph®, Kadian®, MS-Contin®, OramorphSR® and about four oth … er brands of sustained-release morphine sulfate available in the US." }, { "docid": "7817513", "title": "morphine or lasix in the nebulizer", "text": "morphine or lasix in the nebulizer. I am currently a hospcie nurse and work in an inpatient setting. I have recently heard that lasix is beneficial to use in the nebulizer... does anyone use it now? also, we use morphine in the nebulizer and it is really effective.." }, { "docid": "1318062", "title": "How Long Does Morphine Stay In Your System", "text": "The different drug tests available for detecting morphine are: 1 Saliva test: In saliva test, morphine is detected for 48 hours. 2 Urine Test: In urine, morphine is detected for 48 hours to 72 hours. 3 Hair Follicle Test: In hair follicle test, morphine is detected for 90 days or 3 months." }, { "docid": "2670218", "title": "Morphine use while Breastfeeding", "text": "The average cumulative morphine dose was about 60 mg in 48 hours. Three of the women could not produce enough milk for sampling. Morphine and its active 6-glucuronide metabolite were detectable in 3 of the remaining 4 women." }, { "docid": "5826055", "title": "How Anxiety Affects the Eye Pupil", "text": "How Anxiety Affects the Eye Pupil. People think of anxiety as a mental condition. But anxiety changes your body. During periods of intense anxiety – especially during anxiety attacks – your entire body goes into fight or flight mode, and you go through some immediate physical changes as a response." }, { "docid": "4010829", "title": "What is an illegal narcotic derived from morphine?", "text": "Morphine is an opiate Opiates These are substances isolated from the opium poppy or synthetic relatives. (They are also called opioids.) Examples: morphine codeine heroin …fentanyl (a synthetic that is. 3 people found this useful." }, { "docid": "5007672", "title": "Agonists And Antagonists", "text": "An antagonist is an agent that binds to a receptor but does not elicit the response that the neurotransmitter or an agonist would cause. The antagonist blocks the receptor and prevemts activation by neurotransmitters or other drugs.So in the case of opiates, lets look at the opiate agonist, morphine.When morphine enters the brain, it binds to opiate receptors and activates them. This binding is what produces the effects of Morphine.o in the case of opiates, lets look at the opiate agonist, morphine. When morphine enters the brain, it binds to opiate receptors and activates them. This binding is what produces the effects of Morphine." }, { "docid": "4521923", "title": "Endorphins", "text": "Endorphins. Endorphins are your body's natural painkillers. First discovered in 1975, they are proteins that work in a similar way to the painkiller morphine. The word 'endorphin' is actually an abbreviation of the words endogenous (meaning produced by the body) and morphine.ndorphins are your body's natural painkillers. First discovered in 1975, they are proteins that work in a similar way to the painkiller morphine." }, { "docid": "5642562", "title": "-", "text": "Prescription pain relievers can be abused illegally for their opioid effects by those without prescriptions or a medical need. Abuse can bring tolerance, addiction and dependence. Additionally, because many of the opioids are mixed with acetaminophen, there is an added risk of liver toxicity.eroin is derived from morphine. Codeine: Codeine is a natural opiate, though it can also be synthesized from morphine. It is less potent than morphine, and like all opioids has the potential for physical and psychological addiction, though milder than morphine or heroin." }, { "docid": "8381538", "title": "-", "text": "Tags: fatigue, Anxiety, heart, tired, anxiety chest pain, back chest pain, anxiety fatigue, back discomfort, anxiety tests, anxiety pain. Quick Reply." }, { "docid": "4521922", "title": "A & P I Chapter 9", "text": "Endorphins are natural pain killing substances found in the human brain. The name comes from endogenous (meaning within) and morphine (morphine being a pain killer).Endorphins are one of the neurotransmitters in the brain. Levels of endorphins in the brain may be changed by taking a number of drugs including alcohol, anabolic steroids and heroin and other opiates.he name comes from endogenous (meaning within) and morphine (morphine being a pain killer). Endorphins are one of the neurotransmitters in the brain. Levels of endorphins in the brain may be changed by taking a number of drugs including alcohol, anabolic steroids and heroin and other opiates." }, { "docid": "5476203", "title": "Morphine metabolites", "text": "The opiate drug tests look for codeine, morphine, and 6-acetyl-morphine. The presence of 6-acetyl-morphine is relatively conclusive of recent heroin use, but is only detectable for a few hours after use. The presence of codeine can be the result of either heroin or codeine use." }, { "docid": "957881", "title": "Sugar and Anxiety: The Relationship", "text": "Contrary to what you read online, sugar does not cause anxiety. Anxiety is a mental health issue, and it's very uncommon for a person's diet to cause anxiety. What sugar does do is create changes in your body that may make your anxiety symptoms worse, or cause feelings that trigger anxiety attacks.nxiety is a mental health issue, and it's very uncommon for a person's diet to cause anxiety. What sugar does do is create changes in your body that may make your anxiety symptoms worse, or cause feelings that trigger anxiety attacks." } ]
what is an internet domain example
[ { "docid": "405591", "title": "Frequently Asked Questions: Internet Domain Names", "text": "A domain name also forms the basis of other methods or applications on the Internet, such as file transfer (ftp) or email addresses-for example the email address arbiter.mail@wipo.int is also based on the domain name wipo.int." } ]
[ { "docid": "3423991", "title": "Where is Morocco?", "text": "The currency of Morocco is the Moroccan Dirham (MAD). As well, the people of Morocco are refered to as Moroccan. The dialing code for the country is 212 and the top level internet domain for Moroccan sites is .ma.Morocco shares land borders with 3 countries: Algeria, Spain, Western Sahara.he currency of Morocco is the Moroccan Dirham (MAD). As well, the people of Morocco are refered to as Moroccan. The dialing code for the country is 212 and the top level internet domain for Moroccan sites is .ma." }, { "docid": "4855996", "title": "-", "text": "On any given day, due to Internet conditions, one or another of the servers may perform better for you. When using a different server you will need to enter your member name and password when saving or loading for the first time and possibly also enable pop-ups and cookies at that domain. QuickSaves and AutoSaves are only available at the server on which you performed them." }, { "docid": "2154511", "title": "Classless Inter-Domain Routing", "text": "Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR, pronunciation: /ˈsaɪdər/ or /ˈsɪdər/) is a method for allocating IP addresses and IP routing. The Internet Engineering Task Force introduced CIDR in 1993 to replace the previous addressing architecture of classful network design in the Internet." }, { "docid": "4651421", "title": "Discount Domain Club", "text": "Get the name you want with Domain Buy Service. Is the domain you want already taken? Let our experts negotiate with the owner for you. As a Discount Domain Club member, you'll get 28% OFF our Domain Buy Service – just $49.99 per domain name.**." }, { "docid": "3654975", "title": "-", "text": "Freebase (0.00 / 0 votes) Rate this definition: gl.gl is the country code top-level domain in the Domain Name System of the Internet for Greenland. The domain is available for Internet services world-wide and registrations are handled by ICANN accredited domain name registrars." }, { "docid": "1866386", "title": "-", "text": "You can also visit the Google Apps for Work forum to see domain verification tips and post questions to experts in the community. In rare cases, your domain host is not your domain registrar (where you purchased your domain). You can find information about your domain host by looking up your domain’s name servers.1 Go to the whois lookup page provided by ICANN, a non-profit organization that compiles domain information.( 2 You can also search for “whois free” to find a company that performs free lookups.).ou can also visit the Google Apps for Work forum to see domain verification tips and post questions to experts in the community. In rare cases, your domain host is not your domain registrar (where you purchased your domain). You can find information about your domain host by looking up your domain’s name servers." }, { "docid": "484118", "title": "-", "text": "Adding a domain alias. When you add a domain alias, everyone in your domain gets another address at the alias domain. In the example below, alias.com was added as a domain alias to the domain work.com. This gives Maria, John, and all other users an address at each domain." }, { "docid": "6942037", "title": "What is a Mail Server?", "text": "Step #4: In order to find the recipient's server, the sender's SMTP server has to communicate with the DNS, or Domain Name Server. The DNS takes the recipient's email domain name and translates it into an IP address. The sender's SMTP server cannot route an email properly with a domain name alone; an IP address is a unique number that is assigned to every computer that is connected to the Internet." }, { "docid": "6123195", "title": "On this page:", "text": "The Internet Domain Name Service (DNS) can translate host names into equivalent IP addresses and vice versa, as needed by various Internet programs." }, { "docid": "5578195", "title": "-", "text": "1 If you want to change the domain name, type the new domain name in the Domain box. 2 If not, continue to the next step. 3 If you want to change the name of the DNS domain name, click More, and then type the name of the DNS domain in the DNS domain name of this computer box." }, { "docid": "6263514", "title": "-", "text": "LibriVox-founded in 2005 - is a community of volunteers from all over the world who record public domain texts: poetry, short stories, whole books, even dramatic works, in many different languages. All LibriVox recordings are in the public domain in the USA and available as free downloads on the internet." }, { "docid": "6751417", "title": "Long Domains vs Short Ones: Does Your URL Affect Your Siteâs SEO?", "text": "The domain vs website question is common in SEO, as is URL vs domain name. They're defined by the following: 1 Domain: The name you register for your online address. 2 Website: The pages that visitors see when they enter your domain. 3 URL: The address visitors type or click to access your domain and view your site." }, { "docid": "1563738", "title": "Domain Name System", "text": "Internet name servers and a communication protocol implement the Domain Name System. A DNS name server is a server that stores the DNS records for a domain name; a DNS name server responds with answers to queries against its database. DNS name server is a server that stores the DNS records for a domain name; a DNS name server responds with answers to queries against its database." }, { "docid": "4983641", "title": "Finding the Owner of an IP Address", "text": "“Whois” is a service that basically answers the question “who is X” where X is an IP address, a domain name, and several other things. ARIN, the American Registry for Internet Numbers, is a fine place to start." }, { "docid": "2648238", "title": "Why is âCHâ the abbreviation for Switzerland?", "text": "Why is CH the abbreviation for Switzerland? Why is CH the ISO abbreviation for Switzerland, as seen in Internet domain names (.ch) and the country stickers on European cars? CH fits none of the languages of Switzerland." }, { "docid": "2938973", "title": "What does KHstand for?", "text": ".kh is the Internet country code top-level domain for Cambodia. It is administered by the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications of Cambodia. The domain name comes from the major ethnic group of Cambodia, the Khmer people. Only Cambodia-registered companies and Cambodian citizens can register domain names." }, { "docid": "954628", "title": "Domain name registrar", "text": "Domain name registrar. (Redirected from Domain registrars) A domain name registrar is an organization or commercial entity that manages the reservation of Internet domain names. A domain name registrar must be accredited by a generic top-level domain (gTLD) registry and/or a country code top-level domain (ccTLD) registry. The management is done in accordance with the guidelines of the designated domain name registries." }, { "docid": "3078371", "title": "How To Register A Domain Name", "text": "Domain names are usually registered for any period of one year even though you can buy up in order to 10-years record. Usually a new recording contract, the higher the purchase price, so if you are sure you can find on the Internet long, you can enjoy an occasion of record." }, { "docid": "1575235", "title": "Manage accepted domains in Exchange Online", "text": "Topic Last Modified: 2015-08-20. When you add your domain to Office 365, it’s called an accepted domain. This means that users in this domain can send and receive mail. For more information on how to add your domain to Office 365 using the Office 365 admin center, see Add your domain to Office 365.onfigure the domain type. After you add a domain to your Exchange Online organization in the Office 365 admin center, you can configure the domain type. Use the EAC to change the domain type. In the EAC, navigate to Mail flow Accepted domains. Select the domain and click Edit." }, { "docid": "2082758", "title": "-", "text": "Below the top-level domains in the domain name hierarchy are the second-level domain (SLD) names. These are the names directly to the left of .com, .net, and the other top-level domains. As an example, in the domain example.co.uk, co is the second-level domain.elow the top-level domains in the domain name hierarchy are the second-level domain (SLD) names. These are the names directly to the left of .com, .net, and the other top-level domains. As an example, in the domain example.co.uk, co is the second-level domain." }, { "docid": "1305605", "title": "The World's Longest Domain Name", "text": "Here are more longest domain names according to the Internet Book of Records (a strange name for a web site).007-02-24 16:36:07. The actual longest domain name in the world-which is a valid name, is : http://www.llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwyllllantysiliogogogochuchaf.com/. (or org.uk if you count the suffix)." }, { "docid": "1305613", "title": "Domain name", "text": "The right to use a domain name is delegated by domain name registrars, which are accredited by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), the organization charged with overseeing the name and number systems of the Internet.n general, a domain name represents an Internet Protocol (IP) resource, such as a personal computer used to access the Internet, a server computer hosting a web site, or the web site itself or any other service communicated via the Internet. In 2014, the number of active domains reached 271 million." }, { "docid": "4271003", "title": "unqualified hostname", "text": "unqualified hostname. English. Noun. unqualified hostname ‎(plural unqualified hostnames) (computing, Internet) the portion of a computer's Internet domain name that comes before the first period and so is enough to uniquely identify the computer within a domain." }, { "docid": "1590842", "title": "What is a domain?", "text": "What is a domain? The term domain can refer either to a local subnetwork or to descriptors for sites on the Internet (e.g., www.indiana.edu). On a local area network (LAN), a domain is a subnetwork made up of a group of clients and servers under the control of one central security database. Within a domain, users authenticate once to a centralized server known as a domain controller, rather than repeatedly authenticating to individual servers and services." }, { "docid": "8753242", "title": "What is Active Directory Domain Services and how does it work?", "text": "A domain is a management boundary. Domains are part of a forest. The first domain in a forest is known as the forest root domain. In many small and medium organizations (and even some large ones), you will only find a single domain in a single forest. The forest root domain defines the default namespace for the forest." }, { "docid": "830052", "title": "-", "text": "Contrary to a seemingly popular misconception, DNS does not stand for Domain Name Server or Domain Name Software. DNS is an abbreviation for the aforementioned system that catalogs every domain and IP address on the internet, including registration information, as well as their relation to other domains and web hosts.he DNS is the central database of the internet, and without it, the internet would cease to exist as we know it. Before the domain name system was devised, computers would connect to each other via IP addresses, which are strings of segmented numbers separated by dots." }, { "docid": "1637434", "title": "-", "text": "When a domain is newly registered, the nameservers are changed, or DNS changes are made, you can expect a propagation time up to 24 hours. This is because it takes time for the DNS to take effect across the internet." }, { "docid": "1355470", "title": "zone", "text": "1) In the domain name system (DNS) environment, a zone is the name space allocated for a particular server. A zone file maintains instructions for resolving specified Internet domain names to the appropriate number form of an Internet Protocol address (an IP address). 2) In an H.323 multimedia network, a zone is a group of terminals, multipoint control units (MCUs), and gateways within a particular domain." }, { "docid": "97886", "title": "Difference between hostname & domain name?", "text": "hostname In the Internet suite of protocols, the name that is given to a machine. Sometimes, host name is used to mean fully qualified domain name (FQDN). domain name A domain name is the text name corresponding to the numeric IP address of a computer on the Internet." }, { "docid": "6424251", "title": "Domain Name System", "text": "Internet name servers and a communication protocol implement the Domain Name System. A DNS name server is a server that stores the DNS records for a domain name; a DNS name server responds with answers to queries against its database.he CLASS of a record is set to IN (for Internet) for common DNS records involving Internet hostnames, servers, or IP addresses. In addition, the classes Chaos (CH) and Hesiod (HS) exist. Each class is an independent name space with potentially different delegations of DNS zones." } ]
what is an objective tone
[ { "docid": "769617", "title": "What is the definition of objective tone?", "text": "1 Objective tone is matter-of-fact and neutral. 2 Details are mainly facts. 3 This is opposed to subjective tone used in fiction and personal essays, which use words that describe feelings, judgments, and opinions." } ]
[ { "docid": "5041748", "title": "Difference between Communication, Mass Communication and Journalism", "text": "Communication is the basis of it wings like mass com. and journalism. Mass comm. is the main body of comm. and also part of it. Journalism is a specific term. Communication may not have particular objective to be performed. It has certain objective to be achieved. It has specific objective to be achieved." }, { "docid": "5468297", "title": "Use Call Forwarding to send your calls to another phone", "text": "To activate this feature: 1 Listen for a dial tone, and press 2 . Listen for a stutter dial tone followed by regular dial tone. 3 Dial the number where you want your calls forwarded. When the phone's answered -- either by a person or voicemail, hang up. (Yes, we know that sounds 1 rude. Your calls will be forwarded to the number you dialed." }, { "docid": "5662812", "title": "Difference Between Objective and Subjective", "text": "In order to do all this, you need to have a firm grip on what is objective and what is subjective. Definition of Objective and Subjective. Objective is a statement that is completely unbiased. It is not touched by the speaker’s previous experiences or tastes.It is verifiable by looking up facts or performing mathematical calculations..Objective and subjective statements are used by speakers to get their points across. 2.Objective statements are facts that can be verified by third parties while subjective statements may or may not be entirely true as they are colored by the opinions of the speaker." }, { "docid": "791877", "title": "-", "text": "Pickups are part of what makes a good guitar, and they can improve your guitar's tone. For example, put the lowest quality pickups in a PRS, and it won't sound as good. But put the best pickups in a really low quality guitar such as a Hello Kitty guitar, and the tone will improve. There are other factors, such as wood quality and craftsmanship. If you're looking to improve your guitar's tone, first thing you should get is a better amp." }, { "docid": "3203066", "title": "mid-tones", "text": "mid-tones. Definition: That range of tones which lie between highlights with detail and shadows with detail. * Usually represents the portion of tone reproduction in which gradations change in proportion to change in brightness. * Compare with mid-tone. Previous Term: mid-tone Next Term: mil." }, { "docid": "5955459", "title": "Parts of a Compound Microscope With Labeled Diagram and Functions How does a Compound Microscope Work?", "text": "Objective lenses: One of the most important parts of a compound microscope, as they are the lenses closest to the specimen. A standard microscope has three, four, or five objective lenses that range in power from 4X to 100X." }, { "docid": "5687338", "title": "-", "text": "The phrase for saying I love you in Chinese, in pinyin, is wo ai ni or 我爱你 in calligraphy. If you already speak Chinese, then it shouldn't be too hard to pronounce the phrase correctly. Wo is the third tone, ai is the fourth tone, and ni is of the third tone." }, { "docid": "512253", "title": "Measurable Objectives in a Business", "text": "A measurable business objective is something that can be quantitatively described. Measurable objectives are statistically tabulated and can help a business determine how effective a particular approach, product or service is performing from a number of different standpoints. For an objective to be measurable, the parameters of the objective must first be defined. Earnings. If the business has an objective of generating a certain volume of revenue in a predetermined period of time, the result of this objective can be measured by evaluating revenue reports for the time period in question." }, { "docid": "396009", "title": "Educational assessment", "text": "Objective assessment is a form of questioning which has a single correct answer. Subjective assessment is a form of questioning which may have more than one correct answer (or more than one way of expressing the correct answer). There are various types of objective and subjective questions." }, { "docid": "2846936", "title": "MYCO-TONE Trademark Information", "text": "This is a brand page for the MYCO-TONE trademark by The Espoma Company in Millville, NJ, 08332. Write a review about a product or service associated with this MYCO-TONE trademark." }, { "docid": "8682952", "title": "-", "text": "Some people choose to have an objective on their resume. The objective can show potential employers that you know what you want in a job and that you are familiar with the industry or field. Resume objectives can be general or specific in nature." }, { "docid": "363967", "title": "-", "text": "The recovery point objective / recovery time objective solution. The business driver to initiate a recovery point objective / recovery time objective – based solution is to balance the cost of a recovery solution with its performance, meeting user requirements for recovery in the process." }, { "docid": "6045567", "title": "-", "text": "1. Understand what skin tone means. Your skin tone, or undertone, does not refer to the shade of your skin (light, medium, dark)--that is your complexion, or the surface color of your skin.. Understand what skin tone means. Your skin tone, or undertone, does not refer to the shade of your skin (light, medium, dark)--that is your complexion, or the surface color of your skin." }, { "docid": "3557903", "title": "Be objective about your resume career objective", "text": "A resume without a career objective is like a movie without a title, or a trailer. I’m not really going to understand why I should watch the movie, if I can’t at least get an idea about what I am about to see, and in fact I probably won’t watch it. A resume career objective invites the reader in." }, { "docid": "6909807", "title": "Reorder tone", "text": "Listen to a reorder tone from the United Kingdom. The reorder tone, also known as the fast busy tone, or the congestion tone, or all trunks busy (ATB) tone is an audible call progress tone in the public switched telephone network (PSTN) that is returned to a calling party to indicate that the call cannot be processed through the network." }, { "docid": "6045566", "title": "The Best Hair Colors for Olive Skin", "text": "Like all skin tones, an olive complexion can fall into either a cool or warm tone, and it's important to know what skin tone you have so that you can choose the right hair color for you.ike all skin tones, an olive complexion can fall into either a cool or warm tone, and it's important to know what skin tone you have so that you can choose the right hair color for you." }, { "docid": "8809129", "title": "Did Russia Invade Crimea?", "text": "The incursion, such as it is or is not, appears not to be an invasion and not having an objective of taking over Crimea by Russia. The objective appears to be the protection of existing Russian interests in Crimea at a time when the Kiev government is illegitimate in Russian eyes." }, { "docid": "3513435", "title": "Difference Between Mood and Tone", "text": "Identifying the tone and mood in literatures is an important clue to discover the literary’s theme. Considering how the author creates a tone and mood helps the reader understand and appreciate the author’s style. Tone is a manner, a feeling or atmosphere the author has meant to set in the story, or towards a subject. It can also be considered as the attitude or feeling of the writer towards a subject. The tone can be revealed by the author’s choice of words and details." }, { "docid": "2480262", "title": "Tone and Mood", "text": "Tone and Mood. The tone and mood words listed below are also available as a Word document. Tone and mood both deal with the emotions centered around a piece of writing. Though they seem similar and can in fact be related causally, they are in fact quite different. Tone. Tone is the author’s attitude toward a subject." }, { "docid": "1726422", "title": "The Best Career Objectives to List on a Resume", "text": "Defining Objectives. Your career objective is your job expectation. You have to know what you want before you can list one. If you are having trouble defining your career objective, begin with taking an inventory of your skills and interests." }, { "docid": "5044628", "title": "-", "text": "Video Walkthrough. Ultimate Defender 3 is a great shooting game. Their first objective is to conquer the Embassy because they want to turn it into their military base in the war that just begun. Your objective is to protect the Embassy from the terrorists." }, { "docid": "2284405", "title": "-", "text": "Optimization problems are made up of three basic ingredients: 1 An objective function that we want to minimize or maximize. 2 That is, the quantity you want to maximize or minimize is called the objective function." }, { "docid": "7745575", "title": "objective", "text": "An objective is something you plan to achieve. A military objective is the overall plan for a mission. The objective for a bake sale is to raise money. If your objective is to learn a new word, you have succeeded. An objective is the point of something. If you don’t understand the objective of a class, then you don’t know what you were supposed to learn. The word itself is often used in business or work. Another meaning of objective is “looking at things in a detached, impartial, fact" }, { "docid": "1551423", "title": "Subjective Education? Subjective versus Objective.", "text": "As we know, education is a very important element in our life. Without it, one can never go far in one’s life. What are objective education and subjective education? Objective education is what we all learned in schools. For example, mathematics, sciences, language, sports and arts are all objective education." }, { "docid": "781910", "title": "What Is an Objective on a Resume?", "text": "Objective vs. Introduction. An introduction on your resume tells the reader who you are, while an effective objective convinces the reader that what the company needs and what you're seeking are a match. An objective isn't all about you." }, { "docid": "4311096", "title": "Deering Banjo Tone Ring Comparisons", "text": "Deering Banjo Tone Ring Comparisons. It is a commonly held belief that the tone ring of a banjo is the heart or the basis of the sound of a banjo. The tone ring certainly has a major affect onwhy a banjo sounds the way it does. The character or specific type of sound of a banjo is most clearly created and defined by the tone ring." }, { "docid": "3340198", "title": "Difference Between Objective and Subjective", "text": "Easy Ways to Remember Objective and Subjective. Objective : sounds like the word object. You should be objective whenever you are discussing an object, something concrete that you can hold or touch. The facts that make up your objective statement should also be concrete, solid objects. Subjective : is just the opposite." }, { "docid": "2386354", "title": "-", "text": "A sound that has a definite pitch is called a tone. A tone can be characterized based on loudness or intensity, timbre or quality, pitch, and duration. A sound that has a definite pitch is called a tone. A tone can be characterized based on loudness or intensity, timbre or quality, pitch, and duration." }, { "docid": "6830959", "title": "-", "text": "IMPROVING RECEPTION, STAGING, ONWARD MOVEMENT AND. INTEGRATION OPERATIONS FOR THE INTERIM AND OBJECTIVE FORCES, by. MAJ Mark T. Simerly, 114 pages. The transformational imperatives of the interim and objective forces challenge the. relevancy of the RSOI model. If RSOI is to continue as a valid construct for the. projection of future forces, it must be recast so that it, like the interim and objective." }, { "docid": "4193210", "title": "-", "text": "Stevie Ray's King Tone. The first two secrets to Stevie's tone are his soul and hands, so you are defeated before you begin in your quest for his tone. For those who are interested, the following is the best I can do for you in answering gear questions." } ]
what is an ods file
[ { "docid": "2088984", "title": "Reading ODF Documents (*.odt, *.ods, *.odp) with Apache OpenOffice", "text": "ODF is an ISO International Standard format for office documents, created in 2006. ODF files have the following file extensions: *. 1 odt (word processor documents). *. 2 ods (spreadsheet documents). *. 3 odp (presentation documents)." } ]
[ { "docid": "3360431", "title": "Difference Between OD and MD", "text": "To summarize, here are the main differences between an OD and a MD: 1. ODs are trained in Osteopathy schools, while MDs attend medical schools. 2. ODs are trained to view the ‘whole patient’, while MDs are trained to cure the diseased part of the patient. 3." }, { "docid": "1403417", "title": "What is File Extension BMP?", "text": "Did someone email you a BMP file and you're not sure how to open it? Maybe you have found a BMP file on your computer and wondering what it's for? Windows might tell you that you can't open it, or in the worst case, you might encounter a BMP file related error message. Before you can open a BMP file, you'll need to figure out what kind of file the BMP file extension refers to." }, { "docid": "3893949", "title": "Ozone-Depleting Substances", "text": "(HCFCs). For each ODS, this page provides the compound’s atmospheric lifetime, Ozone Depletion Potentialozone depletion potentialA number that refers to the amount of ozone depletion caused by a substance. The ODP is the ratio of the impact on ozone of a chemical compared to the impact of a similar mass of CFC-11." }, { "docid": "4869", "title": "How to change the default program a file opens with in Windows 7", "text": "What are file extensions. A file extension, or file name extension, is the letters immediately shown after the last period in a file name. For example, the file extension.txt has an extension of .txt. This extension allows the operating system to know what type of file it is and what program to run when you double-click on it." }, { "docid": "3570194", "title": "Q: Can not delete PDF files in Windows File Explorer", "text": "I am reviewing files in Windows File Explorer with the Preview Pane active so I can see what the file is. When I want to delete a file I do right click/Delete or use the Delete button on the Ribbon. However, when I come to a PDF file that I no longer need I can't delete it. I get a message that says File in Use." }, { "docid": "8309466", "title": "FAT File System", "text": "Whenever you create a file with a long file name, Windows 2000 creates a conventional 8.3 name for the file and one or more secondary folder entries for the file, one for each 13 characters in the long file name. Each secondary folder entry stores a corresponding part of the long file name in Unicode." }, { "docid": "8240162", "title": "-", "text": "You always run class file and not java file. You can javac a 'java' file and get 'class' file. You can java (on command prompt) a 'class' file and it is then you actually run it. A java file is also known as source code file. A class file is also known as 'byte code'. You can understand contents of java file." }, { "docid": "4640726", "title": "Filing for Bankruptcy: What to Know", "text": "Credit counseling must take place before you file for bankruptcy; debtor education must take place after you file. You must file a certificate of credit counseling completion when you file for bankruptcy, and evidence of completion of debtor education after you file for bankruptcy — but before your debts are discharged." }, { "docid": "2561100", "title": "-", "text": "2. I need to get all the .config file in a given directory and in each of these file i need to search for a specific string and replace with another based on the file. For e.g if i have 3 file in the given directory. Please let me know how this can be done in perl.Below is the code that i tried in shell scripting.. I need to get all the .config file in a given directory and in each of these file i need to search for a specific string and replace with another based on the file. For e.g if i have 3 file in the given directory. Please let me know how this can be done in perl." }, { "docid": "7097033", "title": "open (3) - Linux man page", "text": "The open() function shall establish the connection between a file and a file descriptor. It shall create an open file description that refers to a file and a file descriptor that refers to that open file description. The file descriptor is used by other I/O functions to refer to that file." }, { "docid": "7212535", "title": "#include Directive (C/C++)", "text": "A parent file is the file that contains the #include directive. For example, if you include a file named file2 in a file named file1, file1 is the parent file. Include files can be nested; that is, an #include directive can appear in a file that's named by another #include directive. For example, file2 could include file3." }, { "docid": "2251925", "title": "-", "text": "A file with the HDR file extension is a High Dynamic Range Image file. Other types of files may also use the HDR file extension. If you know of any additional file formats that use the .HDR extension, please let me know so I can update this information.ow To Convert an HDR File. There are two main ways to attempt to convert an HDR file to another file type: 1 Open the HDR file in its default program and choose to save the open file as another file format." }, { "docid": "6252764", "title": "NIH Office of Dietary Supplements - ODS", "text": "The Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 (Public Law 103-417, DSHEA), authorized the establishment of the Office of Dietary Supplements (ODS) at the NIH. The ODS was created in 1995 within the Office of Disease Prevention (ODP), Office of the Director (OD), NIH." }, { "docid": "7403381", "title": "-", "text": "Mods are free, and you can get them through the Steam Workshop (I haven't used the Workshop before) or through Skyrim Nexus (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com). Skyrim Nexus has a manager which allows you to install/uninstall mods (except for some) easily.ods are free, and you can get them through the Steam Workshop (I haven't used the Workshop before) or through Skyrim Nexus (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com). Skyrim Nexus has a manager which allows you to install/uninstall mods (except for some) easily." }, { "docid": "2716894", "title": "FileOpen Function", "text": "When writing to a file, an application may need to create a file, if the file to which it is trying to write does not exist. To do so, it needs permission for the directory in which the file is to be created. However, if the file specified by FileName does exist, the application needs Write permission only to the file itself." }, { "docid": "1745219", "title": "What is Torrenting? How do I do it?", "text": "Once the torrent client is installed, you need to search for a torrent file that you want to download on your system. Remember, the torrent files have a .torrent extension. Therefore, if you want to down a video file or a music file via torrent, search for that particular file with the .torrent extension. Download the Torrent File If you want to download a particular torrent file on your system, you need to double-click on that file and download it to your system. A pop up of uTorrent will appear and a dialog box with options for various torrents available for download. Here you need to select a specific file that you want to download." }, { "docid": "2238871", "title": "-", "text": "A striking feature of money laundering is the number of different meth-. ods used to carry it out. Some of the major mechanisms described below. are associated with only one of the three phases of money laundering, while others are usable in any of the phases of placement, layering, and. integration." }, { "docid": "546673", "title": "How to Convert .txt File Into .bat file ?", "text": "A BAT file is made for ececution. simply renaming a TXT file to a BAT file will change the extention to BAT but the file will be useless as an executable file unless you have taken care to fill the TXT file with executable commands only. Autoexec.bat is an example of an executable batch file." }, { "docid": "1357358", "title": "SQL*Plus", "text": "You can retrieve a command file using the SQL*Plus: When appropriate to the operating system, SQL*Plus adds a period and the extension SQL to the file name unless you type a period at the end of the file name followed by a different extension.hen you create a command file using EDIT, you can include SQL*Plus commands at the end of the file. You cannot do this when you create a command file using the INPUT and SAVE command because SAVE appends a slash to the end of the file." }, { "docid": "4963552", "title": "Use Excel to open or save a worksheet in the OpenDocument Spreadsheet (.ods) format", "text": "Save an Excel worksheet in OpenDocument Spreadsheet format. Important If you want to keep an Excel version of your file, you need to save the file as an Excel worksheet, for example in the .xlsx file format, and then save it again in the OpenDocument Spreadsheet (.ods) format." }, { "docid": "7266208", "title": "-", "text": "List of software applications associated to the .rpt file extension Recommended software programs are sorted by OS platform (Windows, macOS, Linux etc.) and possible program actions that can be done with the file: like open rpt file, edit rpt file, convert rpt file, view rpt file, play rpt file etc. (if exist software for corresponding action in File-Extensions.org's database). 1 Hint: 2 Click on the link to get more information about listed programs for create rpt file action." }, { "docid": "1797296", "title": "What is File Extension ACH?", "text": "Before you can open a ACH file, you'll need to figure out what kind of file the ACH file extension refers to. Tip: Incorrect ACH file association errors can be a symptom of other underlying issues within your Windows operating system.efore you can open a ACH file, you'll need to figure out what kind of file the ACH file extension refers to. Tip: Incorrect ACH file association errors can be a symptom of other underlying issues within your Windows operating system." }, { "docid": "4968947", "title": "What Is a File Extension?", "text": "A file extension sometimes called a file suffix or a filename extension is the character or group of characters after the period that makes up an entire file name. The file extension helps an operating system, like Windows, determine which program on your computer the file is associated with." }, { "docid": "6903804", "title": "-", "text": "It is operational data store. ODS is a BW Architectural component that appears between PSA ( Persistant Staging Area ) and infocubes and that allows Bex ( Business Explorer ) reporting. It is not based on the star schema and is used primarily for details reporting, rather than for dimensional analysis." }, { "docid": "1902454", "title": "-", "text": "Select the location you would like your converted MP3 file to appear in and rename the file if necessary. If you are converting a .wav file to .mp3 specifically to be able to play the file in iTunes then the iTunes music folder is an ideal location for the converted file." }, { "docid": "5330579", "title": "Top 5 ACA changes for 2014: Are you ready?", "text": "Changes that affect small business owners. Optometrists will face many of the same health care changes as other small business owners. What it means for ODs: The health insurance marketplaces may affect not only the patients you treat but also the people you employ." }, { "docid": "8345252", "title": "-", "text": "1 The file scan causes a file to be locked when Exchange Server tries to access the file while it is being scanned. 2 This causes an Exchange Server Information Store failure to lock the file. 3 Eventually, this causes the file to become corrupted or unusable. File-level antivirus scanners scan a file when it is used or at a scheduled interval. 2 The file scan causes a file to be locked when Exchange Server tries to access the file while it is being scanned. 3 This causes an Exchange Server Information Store failure to lock the file." }, { "docid": "8716419", "title": "Opening LOCK files", "text": "What is a LOCK file? Files that contain the .lock file extension are most commonly associated with Microsoft's .NET Framework. The LOCK file format is used to create locked copies of a database file. When a database is already in use and another user tries to open it, a locked copy of the file will be opened instead of the editable copy. This file is saved with the .lock file suffix. This LOCK file prevents the user from making changes to the file while another user is editing it. The Adobe Lightroom software application also uses the .lock file extension for locked database files." }, { "docid": "8540821", "title": "What is File Extension FILE?", "text": "What is File Extension FILE? Did someone email you a FILE file and you're not sure how to open it? Maybe you have found a FILE file on your computer and wondering what it's for? Windows might tell you that you can't open it, or in the worst case, you might encounter a FILE file related error message." }, { "docid": "4805217", "title": "-", "text": "that can be done with the file: like open orc file, edit orc file, convert orc file, view orc file, play orc file etc. (if exist software for corresponding action in File-Extensions.org's database). Play orc file" } ]
what is an rfid blocking sleeves
[ { "docid": "1197297", "title": "RFID Blocking", "text": "RFID Blocking only gives passive protection. RFID blocking is a form of passive shielding of RFID signals through either a metallic encased wallet like AlumaWallet or a passive lined material RFID blocking wallet or RFID blocking sleeve like most you see on the market currently." } ]
[ { "docid": "4411647", "title": "Radio-frequency identification", "text": "Small RFID chips, here compared to a grain of rice, are incorporated in consumer products, and implanted in pets, for identification purposes. Radio-frequency identification (RFID) uses electromagnetic fields to automatically identify and track tags attached to objects." }, { "docid": "8398337", "title": "alpha-blocker", "text": "alpha-adrenergic blocking agent (alpha-blocker) (alpha-blocking agent) any of a group of drugs that selectively inhibit the activity of alpha receptors in the sympathetic nervous system. As with beta-adrenergic blocking agents, alpha-blocking agents compete with the catecholamines at peripheral autonomic receptor sites." }, { "docid": "3142391", "title": "-", "text": "The standard sleeves are only available in brass or copper, whilst the heavy-duty sleeves are available in brass, copper and aluminium. These heavy-duty sleeves are for use with heavier leaders and larger crimping tools and are often generically referred to as ‘Nicopress’ sleeves." }, { "docid": "6669116", "title": "What are Different Types of Blouses?", "text": "The term blouse most commonly refers to a tailored ladies’ shirt, and there are several different types of blouses that have been fashionable throughout the years. Blouses can vary in their material, collar, sleeves, and detailing." }, { "docid": "7611963", "title": "Who should get the new shingles vaccine?", "text": "On the heels of approval of a better vaccine for the painful condition shingles, adults over 50 should plan to roll up their sleeves -- again. The new vaccine, Shingrix, will likely be recommended even for those already inoculated with an older vaccine." }, { "docid": "1460518", "title": "Montreal Metro", "text": "The STM operates both the Metro and the bus services in Montreal, and thus transfers between bus and Metro are free. Fare payment is via a barrier system, including magnetic tickets and passes, as well as a RFID card." }, { "docid": "6000152", "title": "-", "text": "Sweats of Any Kind. It doesn't matter if your name is Juicy Couture, loungewear in never appropriate for a wedding. Not even in small doses. Not even just at the end because you're cold and your dress doesn't have sleeves and blah blah blah." }, { "docid": "6734560", "title": "Benefits of implementing RFID in Supply Chain Management", "text": "Companies that use RFID in tracking and managing of shipping containers are able to track containers in each link of the supply chain. Active RFID Tags can be used to track containers in real-time in yards and docks.owever, the benefits of RFID in supply chain management can be reaped also in other industries. Benefits of RFID in manufacturing processes. The market of FMCG's, fast moving consumer goods, is one of the fastest moving markets in the world." }, { "docid": "3234153", "title": "-", "text": "Best Bird Ever. We've invested over $35 million into new capital improvements for the 2015/16 season. Projects include The Summit at Snowbird, a remodel of The Cliff Lodge, new RFID ticketing, increased snowmaking and expanded meeting space.est Bird Ever. We've invested over $35 million into new capital improvements for the 2015/16 season. Projects include The Summit at Snowbird, a remodel of The Cliff Lodge, new RFID ticketing, increased snowmaking and expanded meeting space." }, { "docid": "6597019", "title": "Hacker's Demo Shows How Easily Credit Cards Can Be Read Through Clothes And Wallets", "text": "Hacker's Demo Shows How Easily Credit Cards Can Be Read Through Clothes And Wallets. Some blank credit cards, a $50 RFID reader and $300 card magnetizing device: all a hacker needs for contactless credit card fraud." }, { "docid": "1035339", "title": "-", "text": "beta-adrenergic blocking agent [BACK TO TOP]. Meaning: Any of various drugs used in treating hypertension or arrhythmia; decreases force and rate of heart contractions by blocking beta-adrenergic receptors of the autonomic nervous system. Classified under:" }, { "docid": "5430350", "title": "-", "text": "1 The Home Phone Online Tools page opens to the Phone Feature Settings tab. 2 Click Call Blocking. 3 In the Call Blocking section, clear the Block calls from select numbers check box. 4 In the Features Overview section, click. 5 A message is displayed, stating that your changes have been saved. The Home Phone Online Tools page opens to the Phone Feature Settings tab. 2 Click Call Blocking. 3 In the Call Blocking section, select Block calls from select numbers. 4 If you want to listen to the message for blocked callers, click." }, { "docid": "7441806", "title": "How can I turn a thrift store prom dress into a medieval gown for 11y/o niece? She wants to dress up for the ren faire.", "text": "I was thinking of getting a sleeveless gown and sewing tabs with the grommets on the either side of the back and then lace to fit my 11 y/o niece. That is where my ideas run out. I don't know what to do about the sleeves." }, { "docid": "83038", "title": "-", "text": "With the Magic Your Way Park Hopper Ticket come and go as you please through all four Walt Disney World Theme Parks on the same day for each day of your ticket with the Park Hopper Option. This ticket expires 14 days from first date of use. All Tickets are 100% RFID, FastPass+ Enabled." }, { "docid": "6737279", "title": "5 Reasons to Wear Compression Sleeves and Socks", "text": "If you're convinced that compression leg sleeves are worth a try, here is a review of the Zensah Compression Calf Sleeves and a review of the RecoFit Compression Calf Sleeves." }, { "docid": "4549310", "title": "Target Corporate Office", "text": "Caller ID crosses state lines, and so do the blocking codes. When you make long distance calls, your phone number is sent to the party you are calling, the same as if you're calling someone nearby. Unless you use Per-Line or Per-Call Blocking, your phone number will appear on Caller ID display devices in other states.he two blocking options are: 1 Per-Call Blocking. ( 2 Also known in some states as Selective Blocking.) To block your phone number or name from appearing on a recipient’s Caller ID unit on a single phone call, dial *67 before dialing the phone number. 3 Your number ordinarily will not be sent to the other party." }, { "docid": "5506677", "title": "-", "text": "These days many personal items such as passports, credit cards and more now include RFID chips, an advanced technology allowing the transfer of information without physical contact.hese days many personal items such as passports, credit cards and more now include RFID chips, an advanced technology allowing the transfer of information without physical contact." }, { "docid": "4754063", "title": "Alpha blockers", "text": "Alpha blockers are also called alpha-adrenergic blocking agents, alpha-adrenergic antagonists, adrenergic blocking agents and alpha-blocking agents. Examples of alpha blockers used to treat high blood pressure include: 1 Doxazosin (Cardura). 2 Prazosin (Minipress). 3 Next." }, { "docid": "8172617", "title": "Search results", "text": "See all results for Dvd Sleeves. 1 100 Pack Maxtek Premium Thick White Paper CD DVD Sleeves Envelope with Window Cut Out and Flap, 100g. 2 50 Clear CPP Plastic DVD Sleeves with Flap for 14mm DVD Box Awork & 2 disc Non-Woven sleeves By StarTechDeals. 3 100 Clear CPP Movie Plastic Sleeves + 2 Disc Non-Woven Sleeves by StarTechDeals." }, { "docid": "2918006", "title": "raglan", "text": "raglan. adj. Having or being a sleeve that extends in one piece to the neckline of the garment, with slanted seams from the armhole to the neck. n. A garment, such as an overcoat or a sweater, that has raglan sleeves." }, { "docid": "772876", "title": "Anglo-Saxon clothes â women", "text": "Anglo-Saxon clothes – women. Women wore an under-dress of linen or wool with long sleeves and a draw-string neck. Sleeves were fastened with clasps for wealthier women, or drawn together with braid or string for poorer women. The outer dress was a tube of material, rather like a pinafore, and often called a ‘peplos’." }, { "docid": "5783407", "title": "Compression Sleeves", "text": "Targeted Support. Every day and sport activities can put a strain on your muscles resulting in aches and pains. Our wide variety of comfortable compression ankle sleeves, knee sleeves, wrist sleeves, arm sleeves and elbow sleeves provide targeted compression & relief. Our low profile designs fit comfortably under clothing, so you can stay on top of your game on and off the court." }, { "docid": "2088075", "title": "-", "text": "Blocking is reciprocal, so you also won't be able to do things like start a conversation with them or add them as a friend. Keep in mind that blocking someone may not prevent all communications or interactions, such as in apps or groups, and only affects your experience on Facebook, not elsewhere on the web.ou can block someone to unfriend them and prevent them from starting conversations with you or seeing things you post on your profile. See things you post on your profile." }, { "docid": "7989975", "title": "-", "text": "Person info will be listed here. Comfort Colors C9018 5.4 oz., 100% preshrunk ringspun cotton youth garment dyed t-shirt; Rib knit collar; Taped shoulder to shoulder; Set-in sleeves; Double-needle stitched neck, sleeves and bottom hem.; Learn More. Comfort Colors C1717 Mens 6.1 oz. Ringspun Garment-Dyed T-Shirt. Customize it Online!" }, { "docid": "8731922", "title": "RFID - radio frequency identification", "text": "RFID - radio frequency identification. Related Terms. (pronounced as separate letters) Short for radio frequency identification, RFID is a technology similar in theory to bar code identification. With RFID, the electromagnetic or electrostatic coupling in the RF portion of the electromagnetic spectrum is used to transmit signals." }, { "docid": "4355083", "title": "Beta blockers", "text": "By Mayo Clinic Staff. Beta blockers, also known as beta-adrenergic blocking agents, are medications that reduce your blood pressure. Beta blockers work by blocking the effects of the hormone epinephrine, also known as adrenaline. When you take beta blockers, your heart beats more slowly and with less force, thereby reducing blood pressure." }, { "docid": "2530439", "title": "Fleece Snuggle Blanket With Sleeves", "text": "Believe it or not, all you need to do be able to do to make your own fleece snuggle blanket with sleeves is cut a few straight lines and sew a few straight lines. You can thank my daughter for this pattern. After watching a Snuggie (compare prices) commercial" }, { "docid": "6094892", "title": "Can RFID save brick-and-mortar retailers after all?", "text": "But it was a solution looking for a problem. Today, RFID has landed a high-demand job: Helping retailers become more competitive with online sellers, through “omnichannel” sales — closing a sale on the buyer’s terms, whether in the store, on the Web, using social media, or through some combination of those channels.y 2007, after various delays and slow starts — and with many suppliers balking at the high costs and meager benefits of their investments in the technology — Walmart changed its RFID strategy." }, { "docid": "1890516", "title": "How to protect your credit card with RFID chip from unauthorized scans", "text": "To find out whether a credit card has an RFID chip, you can look at the card to tell if it does or does not. If you see the marked symbol on the image below, it is supporting RFID." }, { "docid": "1887901", "title": "Why do pro baseball players wear undershirts with only one sleave?", "text": "Sports compression sleeves are designed to squeeze blood vessels, to allow more oxygenated blood to flow through. More oxygenated blood, the lower your heart rate. Some studies have indicated, that wearing compression sleeves can actually mitigate muscle soreness and reduce fatigue." } ]
what is an rov robot
[ { "docid": "1714064", "title": "ROV Ops / Tech Jobs", "text": "ROV Ops / Tech Jobs. An ROV, or Remotely Operated Vehicle, is an underwater robot that is controlled from the surface by remote control and tethered to a vessel by an umbilical cable. ROVs can be used for a variety of different tasks, from observation to repair work and trenching, in areas difficult for humans to reach." } ]
[ { "docid": "5324589", "title": "Robotics/Design Basics/What you should know", "text": "Robotics/Design Basics/What you should know. < Robotics. Robotics spans multiple scientific and engineering disciplines, so when you want to design a better robot you should get some basic knowledge in these fields. How much you should learn depends on how complex you want to make your robot." }, { "docid": "5941883", "title": "-", "text": "— Stephanie Speck. Short Circuit is a pair of films about a bleeding edge military robot who becomes self-aware. Dubbed Number Five, his first instinct as a sentient being is to invert the Killer Robot genre: he doesn't want to kill, and is hunted by the weapons manufacturer that made him." }, { "docid": "6595434", "title": "Life Expectancy for Patients with Stage 5 Kidney Failure without Dialysis", "text": "Of course there are some stage 5 Kidney Failure patients may have not begun dialysis treatment. If you have not found what you want here, you can direct begin the conversation between online expert on the service box. It is not a robot and the service is free." }, { "docid": "4541368", "title": "-", "text": "Plot Edit. Robot Chicken is a completely random show where the characters are dolls or clay figures. The storyline is that a dead chicken is found by a crazy scientist. The scientist brings him home to his castle, where he brings him back to life by making him half-robot." }, { "docid": "8669388", "title": "The 25 Worst Sitcoms Ever", "text": "Tiffany Brissette – Vicki the Robot. Plot Dad creates a robot, Vicki, but the family keeps it secret from the rest of the world (including nosy neighbors), pretending she is really part of the family. Why it’s on the list The only funny thing about Small Wonder is how bad the show was. Just goes to show that 1980s show standards were slightly lower than they are today. Really?" }, { "docid": "1585917", "title": "-", "text": "Looking for a bargain? Consumer World's Price Checker shopping robot will scan hundreds discount stores, and instantly report back the price of your item at each store.ooking for a bargain? Consumer World's Price Checker shopping robot will scan hundreds discount stores, and instantly report back the price of your item at each store." }, { "docid": "5576179", "title": "MIT cheetah robot lands the running jump", "text": "According to Fox News, MIT’s cheetah robot can now jump over obstacles up to 18 inches tall, which is more than half the robot’s height. “Our goal is to use this kind of robot to save lives in a disaster situation,” explains Professor Sangbae Kim." }, { "docid": "2023855", "title": "Robots", "text": "The key to performing the more complex tasks with a robot is linking it intelligently to other machines for sequence control and sensors so that it can react sensibly to variations in either the components or the environment. To achieve this, robot controllers have a range of different communications ports.nstalling robots does, however, provide increased productivity from increased yield and reduced waste or rework, improved customer satisfaction by removal of mundane or dangerous operations, and improved energy use by increased utilisation of other machinery or factory space." }, { "docid": "6973024", "title": "Roxxxy", "text": "(Redirected from Fuckbot) Roxxxy, termed a sex robot is a full-size interactive sex doll. The robot is built by the New Jersey-based company TrueCompanion. Its engineer is Douglas Hines, founder and president of the company, who worked as an artificial intelligence engineer at the Bell Labs before he founded TrueCompanion. Development of Roxxxy is claimed to have cost between $500,000 and $1 million." }, { "docid": "1462866", "title": "-", "text": "Latest posts by Jason Roberts (see all) 1 iLife V5S Pro – a robot vacuum cleaner which can also truly mop - August 19, 2017. 2 Privacy and robot vacuum cleaners - August 4, 2017. 3 Hoover React – review and comparison of a new line of vacuum cleaners - July 27, 2017." }, { "docid": "7972881", "title": "-", "text": "1. Decide what you want your robot to do. 2. Make an initial design on paper. 3. Break down the design into components based on their functionality. 4. Make an initial d … esign of the components on paper.. Decide what you want your robot to do. 2. Make an initial design on paper. 3. Break down the design into components based on their functionality. 4. Make an initial d … esign of the components on paper." }, { "docid": "1341674", "title": "'Emotional' robot sells out in a minute", "text": "Pepper, a humanoid robot, designed to be emotionally developed; Robot released to consumers on Saturday and sold out within a minute; It's base price is $1,600, with $200 monthly data and insurance fees" }, { "docid": "1557166", "title": "Is robbie a good name for a boy?", "text": "Robbie is the name of the robot in the movie Forbidden Planet. Also, Robbie is a nickname for Robert. I do know one person whose middle name is Robby: if that is any help. My older brother, Robert, HATES it when people call him Robbie, as he prefers Bob." }, { "docid": "8186178", "title": "-", "text": "Modern investigations into humanoid robot development have lead to the desire. to create a robot that can not only walk from one destination to another, but also discern. objects in front of it and be able to compensate for that by moving around them. This. was where the current project came into play." }, { "docid": "7243856", "title": "Which was the first anime to receive a English dub?", "text": "It was subsequently broadcast in Australia and New Zealand. According to Japan's Agency for Cultural Affairs Manga, Animation, Games, and Media Art Information Bureau's Japanese Animation Guide: The History of Robot Anime, Tetsujin 28-go is considered the ancestor of all giant robot anime shows.." }, { "docid": "3607982", "title": "-", "text": "If you’re standing far from the robot, for instance, its awareness engine makes the robot move its head and emit sounds to try to get your attention. If you come closer, a dialogue engine kicks in, so you and Pepper can have a conversation. If you ask the robot to dance, a motion engine takes over." }, { "docid": "6116550", "title": "Mr Robot star Rami Malek to play Freddie Mercury in Queen biopic", "text": "Mr Robot star Rami Malek to play Freddie Mercury in Queen biopic. Rami Malek. Mr Robot star Rami Malek to play Freddie Mercury in Queen biopic. Rami Malek, the star of Mr Robot, is the latest actor who has signed on to play Freddie Mercury in the troubled biopic Bohemian Rhapsody. The actor – who won an Emmy for his performance as neurotic hacker Elliot Alderson in Mr Robot – will play the Queen frontman, with X-Men: Apocalypse director Bryan Singer in talks to direct." }, { "docid": "8230186", "title": "-", "text": "Geoffrey A. Landis Venus Robotic Exploration Concept: brains of the robot stay in the cool middle atmosphere Computer stays in cooler middle atmosphere Surface robot uses simple high-temperature electronics Aerostat vs. airplane trade study indicates airplane is preferable Surface exploration robots controlled by remote computer Control & computer" }, { "docid": "606581", "title": "Binary Option Robot", "text": "How to use Binary Option Robot: Download and install Binary Option Robot; Open Binary Option Robot; Signup a Binary Options account or use your Binary Option account; Wait for a new call or put to be made automatically. The software will automatically call or put following the market trend." }, { "docid": "2590815", "title": "Robot", "text": "(TV: The Waters of Mars) A robot — also called an automaton by at least the Tenth Doctor (PROSE: The Last Dodo) — was a mechanical device with the ability to do work without the help of a living organism. One type of robot was an android (a humanoid robot, such as Kamelion, who could also shape-shift)." }, { "docid": "5816310", "title": "5 Ways to Count Syllables", "text": "1 The number of claps is the number of syllables. 2 The Robot Speak Method Rules. 3 Make believe you are a robot from the year 2000. 4 Say a word as this robot. 5 Pay attention to the pauses you make." }, { "docid": "4967037", "title": "How to Do the Perfect Burpee", "text": "3. Turn on robot mode. When you have a lot of burpees to do...stop thinking about how man burpees you have to do. Just go into robot mode. Approach each small movement one at a time: drop to the floor, feet back, jump up, etc., and repeat. Just slip into auto-pilot and keep counting." }, { "docid": "3932787", "title": "Does this female robot have more rights than a Saudi woman?", "text": "The tweet was met with backlash, with many users pointing out a female robot might have more rights than a human." }, { "docid": "4505566", "title": "robot", "text": "Typically, a robot is endowed with some artificial intelligence so that it can react to different situations it may encounter. Two common types of robots are agents and spiders. previous" }, { "docid": "4563202", "title": "-", "text": "Some of TV’s greatest holiday episodes are uplifting, some are packed with harsh realities, but the best episodes give us a little bit of everything. 50. Robot Chicken – Robot Chicken Christmas Special (2005)" }, { "docid": "8472791", "title": "Real Steel", "text": "1 The player assumes the role of an owner of a fighting robot, and must battle against many different rival robots in an attempt to become champion of several levels of fighting tiers. 2 Players earn in-game money byThis is a robot boxing game based on the upcoming film, REAL STEEL. The player assumes the role of an owner of a fighting robot, and must battle against many different rival robots in an attempt to become champion of several levels of fighting tiers. 2 Players earn in-game money byThis is a robot boxing game based on the upcoming film, REAL STEEL." }, { "docid": "4666935", "title": "Mr. Robot", "text": "Mr. Robot is an American drama–thriller television series created by Sam Esmail. It stars Rami Malek as Elliot Alderson, a cybersecurity engineer and hacker who suffers from social anxiety disorder and clinical depression. Alderson is recruited by an insurrectionary anarchist known as Mr. Robot, played by Christian Slater, to join a group of hacktivists." }, { "docid": "1768708", "title": "-", "text": "Definition of bot. 1 1 : robot Bennett's referring to … a new police robot. 2 2a : a computer program that performs automatic repetitive tasks : agent 5 Several shopping “bots” will track down prices for on-line merchandise from a variety of vendors. 3 3 : a computer program or character (as in a game) designed to mimic the actions of a person." }, { "docid": "7462896", "title": "Salt Lake City", "text": "Android is now nearly eight years old and despite the green robot android peeking out of phone shops up and down the high street, there are still plenty of people who don’t know what Android is." }, { "docid": "5423095", "title": "-", "text": "Wallace & Gromit Cast. 1 Wallace. 2 Gromit. 3 Lunar Robot. Feathers 1 McGraw. Wendolene. 2 Preston. Shaun the Sheep." } ]
what is an stss
[ { "docid": "1272661", "title": "Case Definitions for Infectious Conditions Under Public Health Surveillance", "text": "Streptococcal Toxic Shock Syndrome (STSS) is a severe illness associated with invasive or non-invasive group A streptococcal (Streptococcus pyogenes) infection. STSS may occur with infection at any site, but most often occurs in association with infection of a cutaneous lesion. Signs of toxicity and a rapidly progressive cli nical course are characteristic and the case-fatality rate may exceed 50%." } ]
[ { "docid": "251665", "title": "-", "text": "KEY WORDS: group A streptococcus (GAS), rheumatic fever, glomerulonephritis, necrotizing fasciitis, streptococcal toxic shock syndrome (STSS), streptococcal pharyngitis (strep throat), streptococcal erysipelas, streptococcal impetigo, streptococcal cellulitis. Its reach is wide." }, { "docid": "5799784", "title": "Toxic shock syndrome", "text": "TSS is caused by bacteria of either the Streptococcus pyogenes or Staphylococcus aureus type. Streptococcal toxic shock syndrome (STSS) is sometimes referred to as toxic shock-like syndrome (TSLS). The underlying mechanism involves the production of superantigens during an invasive streptococcus infection or a localized staphylococcus infection." }, { "docid": "1272659", "title": "Space Tracking and Surveillance System", "text": "The United States Missile Defense Agency (MDA) is developing a Space Tracking and Surveillance System (STSS) which it will use to research the space-based detection and tracking of ballistic missiles." }, { "docid": "4522070", "title": "-", "text": "For most of this year, we have. attempted to use GWSS lab-reared from egg masses laid by adults that we field-collected from ornamental plants in. Bakersfield (for Xf inoculation studies) or we have substituted smoketree sharpshooter (STSS) (for waveform correlation. studies without Xf)." }, { "docid": "2975855", "title": "Case Definitions for Infectious Conditions Under Public Health Surveillance", "text": "Streptococcal Toxic Shock Syndrome (STSS) is a severe illness associated with invasive or non-invasive group A streptococcal (Streptococcus pyogenes) infection. STSS may occur with infection at any site, but most often occurs in association with infection of a cutaneous lesion." }, { "docid": "8705317", "title": "marker", "text": "Markers can be an expressed region of DNA (gene encoding a protein) or a segment of DNA with no known coding function but whose pattern of inheritance can be determined. A marker can be localised to a specific region of the genome (e.g., all markers on the human transcript map are STSs). Markers have also been defined as a genetic trait, of which one allelic form is selected or screened for after recombination. Suicidology A potential physiologic indicator or predictor of an increased risk of suicide, the most promising of which is a decrease in serotonin in the brain. marker" }, { "docid": "7082177", "title": "-", "text": "Stage Model of Information Processing. One of the major issues in cognitive psychology is the study of memory. The dominant view is labeled the stage theory and is based on the work of Atkinson and Shiffrin (1968). This model proposes that information is processed and stored in 3 stages. Sensory memory (STSS). Sensory memory is affiliated with the transduction of energy (change from one energy from to another)." }, { "docid": "7473976", "title": "Fact Sheet: Strep A, Necrotizing Fasciitis \"Flesh-Eating Bacteria\"", "text": "bacteria usually are not found, such as the blood, muscle, or the lungs. Two of the most severe, but least. common, forms of invasive GAS disease are necrotizing fasciitis and streptococcal toxic shock syndrome. Necrotizing fasciitis (occasionally described by the media as the flesh‐eating bacteria) is a rapidly. progressive disease which destroys muscles, fat, and skin tissue. STSS results in a rapid drop in blood. pressure and organs (e.g., kidney, liver, lungs) to fail. STSS is not the same as the toxic shock syndrome." }, { "docid": "1272658", "title": "-", "text": "STSS can occur with an infection at any body site, but most often occurs in association with infection of a skin lesion. The disease is characterized by the occurrence of shock and failure of organs, such as the kidneys, liver, lungs, and brain, early in the course of GAS infection." }, { "docid": "238970", "title": "-", "text": "Different bacterial toxins may cause toxic shock syndrome. The causative bacteria include Staphylococcus aureus, where TSS is caused by enterotoxin type B or TSST-1, and Streptococcus pyogenes, where it is caused by streptococcal pyogenic exotoxins. Streptococcal TSS is sometimes referred to as toxic shock-like syndrome (TSLS) or streptococcal toxic shock syndrome (STSS)." }, { "docid": "2001873", "title": "-", "text": "Toxic shock syndrome (TSS) is a potentially fatal illness caused by a bacterial toxin. Different bacterial toxins may cause toxic shock syndrome, depending on the situation. The causative bacteria include Staphylococcus aureus, where TSS is caused by enterotoxin type B or TSST-1, and Streptococcus pyogenes, where it is caused by streptococcal pyrogenic exotoxins. Streptococcal TSS is sometimes referred to as toxic shock-like syndrome (TSLS) or streptococcal toxic shock syndrome (STSS)." }, { "docid": "208466", "title": "Group A streptococcal infection", "text": "The diseases that may be caused as a result of this include streptococcal toxic shock syndrome (STSS), necrotizing fasciitis (NF), pneumonia, and bacteremia. In addition, infection of GAS may lead to further complications and health conditions, namely acute rheumatic fever and poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis." }, { "docid": "4582368", "title": "Heat Exchange Coils", "text": "Heat Exchange Coils. IF YOU HAVE A TANK, YOU NEED HEAT EXCHANGERS. Testing and Performance Prove STSS Copper Heat Exchange Coils are and important component for storing heat in water and distribution from storage." }, { "docid": "3563027", "title": "-", "text": "Invasive disease, where the organism is found in a sterile site such as. tissue, blood, CSF, or body fluids, is fortunately rare but can be very severe. The. most common types of invasive disease include bacteremia, cellulitis, pneumonia, and meningitis. Invasive strep diseases have a rapid onset and progression. Strep Toxic Shock Syndrome (STSS): This is characterized by abrupt onset of severe pain. 20% have flu-like. symptoms. 80% have soft tissue infection and 70% proceed to surgical. debridement, fasciotomy, or amputation." }, { "docid": "4582362", "title": "Heat Exchange Coils", "text": "It will withstand, overtime, 180 Degrees F. temperatures and 100 pound pressure without deforming or expanding. Testing was conducted using a 328 gallon STSS heat storage tank, heated to 173 Degrees F. The heat exchange coil was placed in the tank and connected to the city water system. Incoming city water temperature was 58 Degrees F. A flow rate through the coil of 2.5 GPM was established." }, { "docid": "5611037", "title": "Group A Strep (GAS)", "text": "Glomerulonephritis following acute streptococcal infection carries a very good prognosis -- 95% of patients recover spontaneously within three to four weeks without long-term sequelae (effects). STSS has a case-fatality rate of 30%-60%." }, { "docid": "1272657", "title": "-", "text": "There are more than 80 serologically distinct types of S. pyogenes, which may cause a variety of diseases ranging from relatively mild illnesses such as pharyngitis and impetigo to severe infections including septicemia and Streptococcal Toxic Shock Syndrome (STSS)." }, { "docid": "7080423", "title": "Alone we are rare. Together we are strong.⥠Donate Today", "text": "Strep is the bacteria that causes strep throat. However, when it penetrates into the body, it can cause necrotizing fasciitis. When Group A Strep causes NF, it can occur together with Streptococcal Toxic Shock Syndrome (STSS), which accelerates the speed and deadliness of the infection." }, { "docid": "2844172", "title": "Streptococcus pyogenes (Group A Strep)", "text": "Group A Strep is the cause of such non-invasive diseases as strep throat and impetigo, as well as much more harmful lethal conditions such as streptococcal toxic shock syndrome (STSS) and necrotizing fasciitis (NF)--also known as flesh-eating disease--among others.n recent years, there has been an increase in the variety and severity of Streptococcus pyogenes infections, including those that are invasive. Though Strep remains susceptible to penicillin, some strains are known to be resistant to macrolides, such as erythromycin, as well as tetracyclines and clindamycin." }, { "docid": "4039842", "title": "Streptococcal Infections (invasive group A strep, GAS)", "text": "Approximately 20 percent of patients with necrotizing fasciitis and 60 percent with STSS die. About 10-15 percent of patients with other forms of invasive group A streptococcal disease die." }, { "docid": "2724996", "title": "Introduction", "text": "In addition, streptococci are capable of causing skin disease through means other than direct infection of the skin; for example: 1 Scarlet fever is a reaction to a circulating toxin that is produced by some strains of streptococcus. 2 Streptococcal toxic shock-like syndrome (STSS)" }, { "docid": "1272656", "title": "Space Tracking and Surveillance System", "text": "Data from STSS satellites could allow interceptors to engage incoming missiles earlier in flight than would be possible with other missile detection systems. The STSS program began in 2001, when the SBIRS Low program was transferred to MDA from the United States Air Force." }, { "docid": "5161579", "title": "Static Transfer Switches: The Best Fit for Your Data Center?", "text": "Automatic Transfer Switches Versus Static Transfer Switches in the Data Center. Power switches for use in data centers come in two major varieties: automatic transfer switches (ATSs) and static transfer switches (STSs). These two varieties differ fundamentally in the switching mechanism: ATSs are electromechanical, and STSs use semiconductor technology." }, { "docid": "238965", "title": "-", "text": "They are designed for health professionals to use, so you may find the language more technical than the condition leaflets. Synonyms: TSS, streptococcal toxic shock-like syndrome (STSS), 'toxic strep'. Toxic shock syndrome (TSS) is a multisystem inflammatory response to the presence of bacterial exotoxins. Todd first described it amongst children in 1978; the toxins were secreted by Staphylococcus aureus." }, { "docid": "1272655", "title": "Space Tracking and Surveillance System", "text": "It complements the geosynchronous Defense Support Program, the Space-Based Infrared System, and other Overhead Non-Imaging Infrared systems and provides tracking cues to systems on the surface. The STSS program is developed in phases, the first of which is the launch of two demonstrator satellites." } ]
what is an syncline
[ { "docid": "5907822", "title": "Syncline", "text": "In structural geology, a syncline is a fold with younger layers closer to the center of the structure.A synclinorium (plural synclinoriums or synclinoria) is a large syncline with superimposed smaller folds.n structural geology, a syncline is a fold with younger layers closer to the center of the structure." } ]
[ { "docid": "7946470", "title": "-", "text": "Freebase (0.00 / 0 votes) Rate this definition: Syncline. In structural geology, a syncline is a fold with younger layers closer to the center of the structure. A synclinorium is a large syncline with superimposed smaller folds." }, { "docid": "8012829", "title": "-", "text": "Check your grammar now! : an arch of stratified rock in which the layers bend downward in opposite directions from the crest — compare syncline." }, { "docid": "1116576", "title": "-", "text": "Gallery. 1 Horizontal rock strata at Depot Beach, New South Wales. 2 Rainbow Basin Syncline in the Barstow Formation near Barstow, California. 3 Outcrop of Upper Ordovician limestone and minor shale, Tennessee: repeating patterns in the strata are obvious. 4 Stair Hole from the East." }, { "docid": "851409", "title": "Chapter 15", "text": "In places where folded rock has been eroded to a plane, an anticline can usually be distinguished from a syncline by whether the beds dip toward the center(syncline) or away from the center(anticline)." }, { "docid": "7215302", "title": "Geology Exam", "text": "an upward fold in rock formed by compression of Earth's crust: syncline: a downward fold in rock formed by compression in Earth's crust: plateau: a landform that has a more or less level surface and is elevated high above sea level: focus: the point beneath Earth's surface where rock breaks under stress and causes an earthquake: epicenter: the point on Earth's surface directly above the earthquake's focus: seismic waves" }, { "docid": "1719583", "title": "What Is A Geologic Fold?", "text": "Finally, if the fold bends down towards the earth, it's known as a syncline. This kind of fold's center is called its hinge. Unlike anticlines, synclines have their youngest rocks at their centers, and older rocks at the outsides. The depressions formed by synclines are sometimes called basins." }, { "docid": "6953885", "title": "-", "text": "The Pardee deposit sits in an area called the south limb, a channel of a U-shaped syncline rock formation that is known to contain multiple uranium-bearing reefs containing an estimated 210 million tons of ore." }, { "docid": "1466557", "title": "L12- Tectonics 2", "text": "Syncline- youngest rock in center. Anticlines are folds in which each half of the fold dips away from the crest. Synclines are folds in which each half of the fold dips toward the trough of the fold. You can remember the difference by noting that anticlines form an A shape, and synclines form the bottom of an S.." }, { "docid": "1523454", "title": "Fold", "text": "An anticline is a fold that is convex upward, and a syncline is a fold that is concave upward. An anticlinorium is a large anticline on which minor folds are superimposed, and a synclinorium is a large syncline on which minor folds are superimposed. A symmetrical fold is one in which the axial plane is vertical." }, { "docid": "5226813", "title": "What causes folding in rocks?", "text": "For a monocline fold, both sections of the fold remain horizontal. This type of fold also occurs when horizontal layers of rock bend upward. Syncline folds have two sections that slope down toward the bend of the fold. They generally occur with anticlines." }, { "docid": "5907826", "title": "What is the difference between Anticline and Syncline?", "text": "Anticlines (i) The up fold or crest of the fold is called the anticline, (ii) They form the top/peak of the mountain. (iii) They are of a greater height. Synclines (i) The down fold or trough of the fold is called the syncline. (ii) They form the valleys.(iii) They have a greater depth.nticlines are folds in which the oldest rock lies in the center or core and synclines have the youngest rock in its center or core. Most often anticlines are arch shaped and synclines are trough shaped." }, { "docid": "7283873", "title": "fold 1", "text": "a hollow made by folding: to carry something in the fold of one's dress. a hollow place in undulating ground: a fold of the mountains. Geology. a portion of strata that is folded or bent, as an anticline or syncline, or that connects two horizontal or parallel portions of strata of different levels (as a monocline)." }, { "docid": "5907827", "title": "L12- Tectonics 2", "text": "• Anticlines and synclines are the up and down folds that usually occur together and are caused by compressional stress. Anticline and syncline (Diagram by Phyllis Newbill). Anticlines are folds in which each half of the fold dips away from the crest.Synclines are folds in which each half of the fold dips toward the trough of the fold. You can remember the difference by noting that anticlines form an “A” shape, and synclines form the bottom of an “S.”.ynclines are folds in which each half of the fold dips toward the trough of the fold. You can remember the difference by noting that anticlines form an “A” shape, and synclines form the bottom of an “S.”." }, { "docid": "5907823", "title": "Types of Folds With Photos", "text": "Synclines are typically a downward fold, termed a synformal syncline (i.e. a trough); but synclines that point upwards, or perched, can be found when strata have been overturned and folded (an antiformal syncline).n structural geology, a syncline is a fold with younger layers closer to the center of the structure." }, { "docid": "2381747", "title": "Chapter 15", "text": "In places where folded rock has been eroded to a plane, an anticline can usually be distinguished from a syncline by whether the beds dip toward the center(syncline) or away from the center(anticline). Also the older rocks are found in the center of an eroded anticline, whereas the youngest rocks are found int eh center or core of syncline...." }, { "docid": "2581718", "title": "Types of Folds With Photos", "text": "A syncline is a fold with younger layers closer to the center of the structure. Synclines are typically a downward fold, termed a synformal syncline (i.e. a trough); but synclines that point upwards, or perched, can be found when strata have been overturned and folded (an antiformal syncline)." }, { "docid": "2381746", "title": "Geological Folds", "text": "A wave-like geologic structure that forms when rocks deform by bending instead of breaking under compressional stress. Anticlines are arch-shaped folds in which rock layers are upwardly convex. The oldest rock layers form the core of the fold, and outward from the core progressively younger rocks occur. A syncline is the opposite type of fold, having downwardly convex layers with young rocks in the core. Folds typically occur in anticline-syncline pairs. The hinge is the point of maximum curvature in a fold." }, { "docid": "5008719", "title": "Folds: Definition, Parts and Types| Structural Geology | Geology", "text": "Parts of a Fold: In a series of folds it is evident like waves. They consist of alternate crests and troughs. The crest of the fold is termed as anticline while the trough is called synclines. An anticline and syncline constitute a fold. Limbs or Flanks: Limbs or a flank of the fold is sloping side from the crest to the trough." }, { "docid": "3593295", "title": "-", "text": "As you know, our world is heavily dependent on oil. In Chapter 6 of Contemporary Environmental Issues, you have read that there is concern about the. A volcano which is composed of lava flows and pyroclastic materialand which is steep-sided and very tall is known as: w) Syncline x) Composite cone y)" }, { "docid": "1798618", "title": "-", "text": "During plate collision stress can cause rock layers along continental margins to crumple/fold. Limbs Syncline Anticline Example of folded mountains: Valley and Ridge Province of the Appalachian Mountains –extends from New York to Alabama (in VA: Shenandoah Valley/ Shenandoah National Park, Winchester area)" }, { "docid": "2381742", "title": "Fold (geology)", "text": "Fold types. 1 Anticline: linear, strata normally dip away from axial center, oldest strata in center. 2 Syncline: linear, strata normally dip toward axial center, youngest strata in center. 3 Antiform: linear, strata dip away from axial center, age unknown, or inverted. 4 Synform: linear, strata dip toward axial centre, age unknown, or inverted." }, { "docid": "6953879", "title": "Anticline", "text": "Anticline exposed in road cut (small syncline visible at far right). Note the man standing in front of the formation, for scale. New Jersey, U.S. In structural geology, an anticline is a type of fold that is an arch-like shape and has its oldest beds at its core. A typical anticline is convex up in which the hinge or crest is the location where the curvature is greatest, and the limbs are the sides of the fold that dip away from the hinge. Anticlines can be recognized and differentiated from antiforms by a sequence of rock layers that become progressively older toward the center of the fold. Therefore, if age relationships between various" }, { "docid": "8012826", "title": "Syncline", "text": "In structural geology, a syncline is a fold with younger layers closer to the center of the structure. A synclinorium is a large syncline with superimposed smaller folds. Synclines are typically a downward fold, termed a synformal syncline; but synclines that point upwards can be found when strata have been overturned and folded." }, { "docid": "769992", "title": "-", "text": "monocline (plural monoclines) (geology) A unidirectional dip in strata that is not a part of an anticline or syncline. (geology) A single flexure in otherwise flat-lying strata. Dictionary of Geological Terms (Anchor Books, 1984, edited by Robert L. Bates and Julia A. Jackson)" }, { "docid": "1466559", "title": "What is the difference between a syncline and an anticline?", "text": "A syncline describes an area where different strata of rock have been folded (either symmetrically or asymmetrically) in a horseshoe/U shape, with..." }, { "docid": "2581717", "title": "Types of Folds With Photos", "text": "Anticline is a fold that is convex up and has its oldest beds at its core. The term is not to be confused with antiform, which is a purely descriptive term for any fold that is convex up. Therefore if age relationships between various strata are unknown, the term antiform should be used. Syncline" }, { "docid": "1466561", "title": "-", "text": "A syncline is a fold with younger layers closer to the center of the structure whereas an anticline has older layers closer to the center. A syncline vaguely resembles a smile … (you would smile if you were committing a sin[syn]) and an anticline is the opposite, vaguely like an A" }, { "docid": "7946476", "title": "Definitions &Translations", "text": "Freebase(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Syncline. In structural geology, a syncline is a fold with younger layers closer to the center of the structure. A synclinorium is a large syncline with superimposed smaller folds. Synclines are typically a downward fold, termed a synformal syncline; but synclines that point upwards, or perched, can be found when strata have been overturned and folded." }, { "docid": "6993940", "title": "Where Mountains Form?", "text": "Folds. 1 During plate collisions, stress can cause rock layers along continental margins to crumple into folds. 2 Folds are described as being anticline and syncline. 3 Anticline: is an upfold in the rock layers, a syncline is a downfold in the rock layer." }, { "docid": "5007393", "title": "Wilpena Pound", "text": "The area is part of the Adelaide Geosyncline. Despite early amateur theories that it was some kind of ancient volcano, the actual Pound is sedimentary rock in the form of a large syncline, with the fold axis running NNW-SSE through Edeowie Gorge at the northern end and Rawnsley's Bluff at the southern.he name of the Pound, Wilpena, is reported to be Aboriginal, meaning place of bent fingers; this might either be a reference to the mountains resembling the shape of a gently cupped hand, or the freezing cold of the ranges in winter." } ]
what is ancestry one world tree
[ { "docid": "4960966", "title": "-", "text": "ANCESTRY WORLD TREE. Millions of references to lineage linked individuals and families identifying research on given family lines. Description. Use this ever-growing database of lineage linked individuals and families to identify previous research on a given family line. The Ancestry World Tree contains millions of references to people all over the world." } ]
[ { "docid": "3329368", "title": "-", "text": "1 World axis (itself a metaphor) often represented as a tree in myth and art, Degandiwidah, Iroquois lawgiver on the Great Tree of Peace centering Iroquois Confederacy and all people: [cf. 2 Norse Yggdrasill -- another image, and site for Norse pillar of the Universe]." }, { "docid": "5891841", "title": "Cystic fibrosis", "text": "The average life expectancy is between 42 and 50 years in the developed world. Lung problems are responsible for death in 80% of people with cystic fibrosis. CF is most common among people of Northern European ancestry and affects about one out of every 3,000 newborns." }, { "docid": "5646443", "title": "Are You Native? â Native American Haplogroup Origins and Ancestral Origins", "text": "At Family Tree DNA, having Haplogroup Origins and Ancestral Origins indicating Native American ancestry does not necessarily mean you are Native American or have Native American heritage. This is a very pervasive myth that needs to be dispelled – although it’s easy to see how people draw that erroneous conclusion." }, { "docid": "1037799", "title": "L Surnames Family History Resources", "text": "Teutonic Surnames Family History Resources. Surnames, their origin and their meaning. Many surnames are associated with the place/locality of where the family lived and in those cases the location is noted as the meaning. Many surnames are associated with the occupation of the person given the name. eXpertGenealogy.com is a directory of Professional Genealogists, Ancestry and Family Tree Researchers." }, { "docid": "4549296", "title": "17 BIGGEST Trees in the World", "text": "17 BIGGEST Trees in the World This Atlas Cedar in the Foret de Cedar in Northern Morocco is one of the tallest Trees in Africa. The tree has an estimated gir... 17 BIGGEST Trees in the World This Atlas Cedar in the Foret de Cedar in Northern Morocco is one of the tallest Trees in Africa. The tree has an estimated girth of 3.5 feet and is estimated to be more than 131 feet tall! This tree was planted around 1200-1400 A.D. which makes it at around 7 centuries old." }, { "docid": "4237992", "title": "-", "text": "Interesting Information About Plant: When it comes to the Ginkgo biloba, it has a pretty interesting history. The Ginkgo tree is the oldest living tree in the world and the only surviving member of the Ginkgo family.Because of this the tree is referred to as a ‘living fossil’.It supposedly has been around since the time of the dinosaurs, and one tree in China is about 3,500 years old.The tree species is native to Southeast Asia, but was brought over to the US in 1784. Some meanings behind the word Ginkgo, “silver apricot”, and biloba, two-lobed”, which comes from a Japanese origin.he Ginkgo tree is the oldest living tree in the world and the only surviving member of the Ginkgo family. Because of this the tree is referred to as a ‘living fossil’. It supposedly has been around since the time of the dinosaurs, and one tree in China is about 3,500 years old." }, { "docid": "4554093", "title": "Discover the meaning of your name.Start NowFree Surname Dictionary Over 70,000 Surname Origins", "text": "Use these genealogy databases to fill in the blanks of your Copeland heritage. Copeland in Ancestry.com Records. Start your family tree and learn the story of your family in the world's largest online collection of genealogy records and family trees. Look for additional generations to add to your family history." }, { "docid": "1994918", "title": "Discover the meaning of your name.Start Now", "text": "There is more to Waldron family history than the origin of your surname: Start your Genealogy to find your personal Waldron family ancestry. It's easy to get started. Just begin your family tree with what you already know. Learn More." }, { "docid": "3188787", "title": "U.S., World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1942", "text": "Ancestry.com. U.S., World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1942 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2010. Original data: United States, Selective Service System. Selective Service Registration Cards, World War II: Fourth Registration. Records of the Selective Service System, Record Group Number 147." }, { "docid": "2453385", "title": "The tallest tree in the world", "text": "Hyperion, the world's tallest living tree. The tallest tree in the world is a coast redwood (Sequoia sempervirens), named Hyperion after a person in Greek mythology. The tree is no less than 115.72 m (379.7 feet) tall!" }, { "docid": "562549", "title": "-", "text": "Navigating Around the World of Kodu. Here is a simple Kodu world that consist of trees and a motorcycle. The motorcycle is programmed to always wander the terrain and it should avoid any tree on its path. Let’s add more more objects on the landscape and have the motorcycle chase and shoot them.ere is a simple Kodu world that consist of trees and a motorcycle. The motorcycle is programmed to always wander the terrain and it should avoid any tree on its path. Let’s add more more objects on the landscape and have the motorcycle chase and shoot them." }, { "docid": "3470156", "title": "-", "text": "Best answer. There is an unsourced family tree on Ancestry,com listing her as having two living children (private). It also says she died 10 JUN 1995 in Chelmsford, Essex, England. I would suggest contacting this link for more info: http://www.essex.gov.uk/Libraries-Archives/Record-Office/Pages/Record-Office.aspx. You might also check newspapers in Chelmsford for an obituary." }, { "docid": "5055239", "title": "-", "text": "Oke/Wikimedia Commons. Methuselah, a bristlecone pine tree from California’s White Mountains, is thought to be almost 5,000 years old—and the oldest non-clonal tree in the world. The exact location of the gnarled, twisted Methuselah is a Forest Service secret, for its protection (that might not be it above)." }, { "docid": "8482671", "title": "Crown of laurels: If you fancy a spot of amateur topiary avoid the poisonous, aggressively invasive cherry laurel, and go for the beautiful Portuguese variety", "text": "View. comments. The bay (Laurus nobilis) is the only 'true' laurel grown widely in this country, although in other parts of the world there are more than 2,500 other species of tree and shrub laurel.omments. The bay (Laurus nobilis) is the only 'true' laurel grown widely in this country, although in other parts of the world there are more than 2,500 other species of tree and shrub laurel." }, { "docid": "2115048", "title": "Internment of Japanese Americans", "text": "Japanese-Americans Internment Camps of World War II After the bombing of Pearl Harbor, many thought the mainland was next. The United States, by order of the President, rounded up 120,000 people of Japanese ancestry for detention." }, { "docid": "92172", "title": "-", "text": "throughout the world that provide DNA ancestry tests directly to consumers in what are called direct to consumer (DTC) genetic testing.1 By that year it was estimated that one million people had already sent their DNA samples to be tested by these companies." }, { "docid": "592576", "title": "-", "text": "This interpretation explains how Nysa could have been re-interpreted from a meaning of tree to the name of a mountain: the axis mundi of Indo-European mythology is represented both as a world-tree and as a world-mountain. Epithets. Dionysus was variably known with the following epithets:" }, { "docid": "7948493", "title": "High Cheekbones and Straight Black Hair?", "text": "Again, here are the statistics: Whereas virtually all African Americans have a considerable amount of European ancestry in their genomes, only 19 percent have at least 1 percent Native American ancestry, and only 5 percent of African American people carry more than 2 percent Native American ancestry." }, { "docid": "764207", "title": "Hungarian mythology", "text": "Mythological cosmology. In Hungarian myth, the world is divided into three spheres: the first is the Upper World (Felső világ), the home of the gods; the second is the Middle World (Középső világ) or world we know, and finally the underworld (Alsó világ). In the center of the world stands a tall tree: the World Tree / Tree of Life (Világfa/Életfa)." }, { "docid": "8313118", "title": "American green tree frog", "text": "American green tree frog. The American green tree frog (Hyla cinerea) is a common species of New World tree frog belonging to the genus Hyla. A common backyard species, it is popular as a pet, and is the state amphibian of Georgia and Louisiana. Contents." }, { "docid": "5812707", "title": "-", "text": "Discover the meaning of the Sheiman name on Ancestry. Find your family's average life expectancy, most common occupation, and more. Skip Ancestry main menu Main Menu" }, { "docid": "1755891", "title": "-", "text": "Discover the meaning of the Sweet name on Ancestry. Find your family's average life expectancy, most common occupation, and more. Skip Ancestry main menu Main Menu" }, { "docid": "6273811", "title": "Evolutionary tree", "text": "Evolutionary tree is the pictorial and schematic representation of evolution ary relations among species of living beings in which the trunk (or a preceding branch) represents common ascendants of species and groups of living beings that are distributed along its branches according to hypothesis on ...volutionary tree of changes in DNA sequence. A traceable molecular character inherited by all progeny. Bioinformatician ... Evolutionary tree showing the common ancestry of all three domain s of life .[17] Bacteria are colored blue, eukaryotes red, and archaea green." }, { "docid": "395319", "title": "Discover the meaning of your name.Start Now", "text": "There is more to Richardson family history than the origin of your surname: Start your Genealogy to find your personal Richardson family ancestry. It's easy to get started. Just begin your family tree with what you already know.here is more to Richardson family history than the origin of your surname: Start your Genealogy to find your personal Richardson family ancestry. It's easy to get started. Just begin your family tree with what you already know." }, { "docid": "4950245", "title": "-", "text": "beginning monday october 22 special discounted pricing is open to nehgs members ancestry com members and those interested in joining both those interested in signing up for nehgs and an ancestry com u s deluxe membership can now do so for the single price of $ 155 40 a combined savings of $ 75ehgs is offering a special membership rate to ancestry members for $ 60 year instead of its usual $ 75 this offer expires dec 31 2007 i had to let my ancestry membership expire for now due to financial reasons" }, { "docid": "3476053", "title": "List of 10 largest trees in the world", "text": "This is the second largest tree in the world. Its location in the forest Grant Grove, Kings Canyon National Park, United States. Tree age is estimated at 2000 years. Height is 267.4 feet (81.5 meters), with a volume of 1320m2." }, { "docid": "1282681", "title": "-", "text": "Free updates for FTM 2014 and Mac 3 users Family Tree Maker FAQ Family Tree Maker TreeSync FAQ Opening old and unsupported files in Family Tree Maker RELEASE OF FTM 2017 Family Tree Maker 2017 FAQ Downloading a tree from Ancestry into Family Tree Maker TreeSync troubleshooting steps for Family Tree Maker 2014 Transferring Family Tree Maker files ..." }, { "docid": "1647291", "title": "Mestizo", "text": "The term Mestizo is not in wide use in Mexican society today and has been dropped as a category in population censuses; it is, however, still used in social and cultural studies when referring to the non-indigenous part of the Mexican population.n extraofficial estimate considers that the 49% of the Colombian population is Mestizo or of mixed European and Amerindian ancestry. Approximately 37% is of European ancestry (predominantly Spanish, and a part of Italian, French, and German) and of Middle Eastern ancestry. 10.6% is of African ancestry." }, { "docid": "6132212", "title": "-", "text": "Overview. Mango is a fruit-bearing tree grown in subtropical regions around the world. Reaching to 100 feet in nature, cultivated mango trees are controlled through pruning. The fruit of the mango tree is oblong and varies from just a few ounces to over 5 pounds.ango is a fruit-bearing tree grown in subtropical regions around the world. Reaching to 100 feet in nature, cultivated mango trees are controlled through pruning." }, { "docid": "3046200", "title": "Thompson Surname Origin & Last Name Meaning", "text": "There is more to Thompson family history than the origin of your surname: Start your Genealogy to find your personal Thompson family ancestry. It's easy to get started. Just begin your family tree with what you already know. Learn More." } ]
what is angiogram of chest
[ { "docid": "3385771", "title": "Computed Tomography Angiogram (CT Angiogram)", "text": "Computed Tomography Angiogram (CT Angiogram). Guide. A computed tomography angiogram (CT angiogram) is a test that uses X-rays to provide detailed pictures of the heart and the blood vessels that go to the heart, lung, brain, kidneys, head, neck, legs, and arms." } ]
[ { "docid": "345872", "title": "Focus on: CT scans of the heart", "text": "Computerised tomography (CT) has been around since the 1970s. There are two ways in which a CT scan can be used for the heart – one is a CT coronary angiogram and the other is a CT calcium score. A CT scan produces multiple images of the heart from different angles, which the doctor can then see on a computer screen.The images are picked up using detectors.omputerised tomography (CT) has been around since the 1970s. There are two ways in which a CT scan can be used for the heart – one is a CT coronary angiogram and the other is a CT calcium score. A CT scan produces multiple images of the heart from different angles, which the doctor can then see on a computer screen." }, { "docid": "5781461", "title": "Angiogram Cost", "text": "Comments (2). An angiogram is a test that uses a special type of X-ray, fluoroscopy, to take images of the blood flow in arteries or veins in the head, arms, chest, legs or back. A special contrast dye is then is injected and X-rays are then taken from many angles. 2 During an angiogram, treatments such as removing a blockage in a blood vessel or stopping internal bleeding can be performed, if necessary." }, { "docid": "3484874", "title": "-", "text": "Chest X-Ray. Guide. A chest X-ray is a picture of the chest that shows your heart, lungs, airway, blood vessels, and lymph nodes. A chest X-ray also shows the bones of your spine and chest, including your breastbone, your ribs, your collarbone, and the upper part of your spine.A chest X-ray is the most common imaging test or X-ray used to find problems inside the chest.A chest X-ray can help find some problems with the organs and structures inside the chest. Usually two pictures are taken, one from the back of the chest and another from the side. chest X-ray is the most common imaging test or X-ray used to find problems inside the chest. A chest X-ray can help find some problems with the organs and structures inside the chest." }, { "docid": "8687923", "title": "Angiogram/Cardiac Catheterization", "text": "In this video, Dr. Mark A. Turco performs an angiogram on a woman with a family history of heart disease. An angiogram typically takes from 45 minutes to one hour. As the procedure begins, a nurse inserts an IV (intravenous line) into a vein in your arm. The IV allows you to receive fluids and medications easily. If you become anxious during the angiogram, you will receive more medications to help you relax." }, { "docid": "1322588", "title": "-", "text": "1 Stomach pain feels like pulled muscle. 2 Chest pain like pulled muscle. 3 I have chest pain that feels like sting. 4 Ask a doctor a question free online. 5 Sharp pain in left chest today when moving around what does heart pain feel like. 6 Chest pain feels like bruise.7 Chest pain feels like something stuck in throat. Chest pain like pulled muscle. 2 I have chest pain that feels like sting. 3 Ask a doctor a question free online. 4 Sharp pain in left chest today when moving around what does heart pain feel like. 5 Chest pain feels like bruise. 6 Chest pain feels like something stuck in throat. 7 Chest pain that feels like air bubble." }, { "docid": "4073018", "title": "Interventional Radiology", "text": "Interventional radiology, or image-guided surgery, is a sub-specialty of radiology where minimally invasive procedures are performed using image guidance. Some of these procedures are done for purely diagnostic purposes (such as an angiogram), while others are done for treatment purposes (such as angioplasty)." }, { "docid": "8402543", "title": "Home Styles Bermuda Chest", "text": "Transform any Room with the White Bermuda Chest from Home Styles. If you are in the market for a traditional and elegant way to store items in your home, then you will love the white Bermuda chest by Home Styles.The design of the chest is traditional, but the look is anything but ordinary.f you are in the market for a traditional and elegant way to store items in your home, then you will love the white Bermuda chest by Home Styles. The design of the chest is traditional, but the look is anything but ordinary." }, { "docid": "179108", "title": "Chest pain", "text": "Chest pain: Introduction. Chest pain can be a symptom of a variety of mild to serious disorders, diseases or conditions. Chest pain can result from infection, infarction, inflammation, trauma, malignancy and other abnormal processes. Chest pain can occur in any age group or population. Chest pain is often associated with a heart attack and other types of heart disease, but it can also occur with a wide variety of other diseases, disorders and conditions." }, { "docid": "372088", "title": "What is pleurisy?", "text": "When there is inflammation in the chest or lungs, the pleura may rub directly against each other. This typically causes a sharp pain on the inflamed side of the chest that occurs when a person breathes in.leurisy is a lung condition where the lining of your lungs and chest cavity are inflamed. The lung and chest cavity lining is called the pleura. Pleurisy causes sharp chest pains when you cough or breathe." }, { "docid": "417440", "title": "Overview", "text": "A coronary angiogram is a procedure that uses X-ray imaging to see your heart's blood vessels. The test is generally done to see if there's a restriction in blood flow going to the heart. Coronary angiograms are part of a general group of procedures known as heart (cardiac) catheterizations." }, { "docid": "5998372", "title": "-", "text": "Cough, Feeling of not being able to get enough air, Heartburn, Palpitations (fluttering in chest) Lightheadedness, Pain or discomfort (Chest (sternum)), Pain or discomfort (Thigh), Palpitations (fluttering in chest) Irregular heartbeat, Palpitations (fluttering in chest), Tenderness to touch." }, { "docid": "5548659", "title": "Sharp chest pain and Shoulder pain and Vomiting Symptom Checker", "text": "Sharp chest pain and Shoulder pain and Vomiting and Abdominal swelling (2 causes) Sharp chest pain and Shoulder pain and Vomiting and Abdominal symptoms (2 causes) Sharp chest pain and Shoulder pain and Vomiting and Back pain (2 causes) Sharp chest pain and Shoulder pain and Vomiting and Back symptoms (2 causes) Sharp chest pain and Shoulder pain and Vomiting and Chills (2 causes) Sharp chest pain and Shoulder pain and Vomiting and Digestive symptoms (2 causes) Sharp chest pain and Shoulder pain and Vomiting and Epigastric discomfort (2 causes) Sharp chest pain and Shoulder pain and Vomiting and Epigastric pain (2 causes) Sharp chest pain and Shoulder pain and Vomiting and Epigastrium pain (2 causes) Sharp chest pain and ..." }, { "docid": "4316440", "title": "Central Retinal Vein Occlusion", "text": "Fluorescein angiogram of the same patient with central retinal vein occlusion as in the previous images, taken more than 1 year later, showing persist.... In view of the devastating complications associated with the severe form of CRVO, a number of classifications were described in the literature." }, { "docid": "524520", "title": "20 Home Remedies for Chest Congestion Relief", "text": "Home Remedies for Chest Congestion Chest congestion is a very common symptom noticed in most of people, including toddlers, young children, and adults. We always refer a doctor, if we are suffering with chest congestion. Very few people take out time to utilize some home remedies for treatment of chest congestion. We never know that some ingredients, present in the kitchen, can work so effectively for health problems, like chest congestion. Take a look at some easy and natural home remedies for chest congestion. 1. Salt Water Gargle" }, { "docid": "6201349", "title": "Heavy Chest Feeling: Causes And Treatment for Tightness in Chest", "text": "1 Feeling Of Tightness In Ovaries: Causes And Treatment Options. 2 Chest Infection, Heavy Chest, Short of Breath Symptom: Causes and Cure. 3 Acid Reflux Chest Pain: Chest Tightness and Pressure Due to Acid Reflux. Tight Chest after Eating: Pressure and Tightness in Chest after Eating." }, { "docid": "3033210", "title": "Infant / Pediatric CPR Study Guide", "text": "How far down should the sternum be depressed while performing a chest compression on a child? At least 1/3 the depth of the chest, or approximately 2 inches How far down should the sternum be depressed while performing a chest compression on an adult? at least 2 inches How far down should the sternum be depressed while performing a chest compression on an infant? approximately 1.5 inches, or at least 1/3 the depth of chest What is the AHA age range for Adult procedures?" }, { "docid": "652421", "title": "Chest Pain: What Does It Mean When Your Heart Hurts?", "text": "In some cases, chest pain is caused by an illness or injury that has nothing to do with your heart. For example, you can have chest pain if you have pneumonia, indigestion, or a broken rib. Because chest pain is commonly linked to heart problems, it’s important to talk to your doctor about any chest pain you feel, even if it’s very mild." }, { "docid": "8008883", "title": "2018 ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Code R07.9", "text": "It does not always mean that you are having a heart attack. some of these problems can also be serious. Get immediate medical care if you have chest pain that does not go away, crushing pain or pressure in the chest, or chest pain along with nausea, sweating, dizziness or shortness of breath." }, { "docid": "3590805", "title": "-", "text": "GIVE CHEST COMPRESSIONS If the chest still does not rise, give 30 chest compressions. LOOK FOR AND REMOVE OBJECT IF SEEN GIVE 2 RESCUE BREATHS WHAT TO DO NEXT IF BREATHS DO NOT MAKE THE CHEST RISE—Repeat steps 2 through 4. IF THE CHEST CLEARLY RISES—CHECK for breathing. Give CARE based on conditions found. TIP: Child or infant" }, { "docid": "3971259", "title": "-", "text": "Medical Definition of MRA. MRA: The magnetic resonance angiogram, or MRA, is a noninvasive test that has demonstrated usefulness in defining the anatomy of blood vessels of certain size in the head and neck. MRA serves as a complement to traditional MRI scanning in evaluation of the brain and neck." }, { "docid": "386565", "title": "-", "text": "A barrel chest is a situation in which a person's chest starts to bulge and appear rounded like a barrel. This happens when a..." }, { "docid": "662154", "title": "-", "text": "We have provided an indication of the cost of a private coronory angiogram based on the prices published by several of the major providers of private surgery. Submit a request for further information, a quotation or indicative cost. Your enquiry will be forwarded to up to 3 private healthcare providers." }, { "docid": "7404640", "title": "Angiogram of the Head and Neck", "text": "Guide. An angiogram of the head and neck is an X-ray test that uses a special dye and camera (fluoroscopy) to take pictures of the blood flow in the blood vessels of the head and neck. An angiogram of the neck (carotid angiogram) can be used to look at the large arteries in the neck that lead to the brain." }, { "docid": "7160208", "title": "CTA (Computed Tomography Angiogram)", "text": "CTA (Computed Tomography Angiogram) What is a CTA (Computed Tomography Angiogram) and what does it do? CTA stands for Computed Tomography Angiogram. Though it can be used to describe any CT scan where IV contrast is given during scanning, it usually refers to the scanning of specific vessels after the injection of an Iodine contrast. The exam itself is performed by a Radiologic Technologist RT (R)." }, { "docid": "417437", "title": "Coronary catheterization", "text": "Coronary catheterization. A coronary angiogram (an X-ray with radiocontrast in the coronary arteries) that shows the left coronary circulation. The distal left main coronary artery (LMCA) is in the left upper quadrant of the image." }, { "docid": "699464", "title": "Overview", "text": "Other types of chest pain. It can be difficult to distinguish chest pain due to a heart problem from other types of chest pain. However, chest pain that is less likely due to a heart problem is more often associated with: A sour taste or a sensation of food re-entering your mouth." }, { "docid": "7965597", "title": "My chest burns when i drink", "text": "My chest burns when i drink. Premium Questions. removed and I have a burning in my chest when I swallow when I drink when I eat. heartburn medicine does not seem to work. Also I do burp but not all the time when I should be burping my chest is burning. ..." }, { "docid": "5729713", "title": "How to Use an Ender Chest in Minecraft", "text": "The Ender Chest menu should appear. In the top of the Ender Chest menu, there are 3 rows, each with 9 boxes. These are the 27 boxes that you can use to store items in your ender chest. To put an item in your ender chest, you need to move items from your inventory into any of the top boxes in the Ender Chest menu." }, { "docid": "7461494", "title": "-", "text": "there are many different causes for pain in the chest – you should go to your doctor to evaluate you. Usually when you have that feeling you should go to your doctor – you should. See http://my.clevelandclinic.org/heart/disorders/cad/causes-chest-pains.aspx for causes of chest pain. betsyRN. i also feel Pin Point chest pain some time in left chest and ziggling Left Ram with minor fluctuations often….." }, { "docid": "5218141", "title": "What Causes Chest Pain on the Left Sideï¼", "text": "Chest Pain on the Left Side and Heart Attack. Chest pain on the left side of the body is a classic sign that you may soon experience a heart attack. In most cases this pain is combined with other side effects. The pain in the chest is often described as pressure, squeezing, or fullness within the chest cavity." } ]
what is annealing marking
[ { "docid": "5922771", "title": "TrotecLaser MachinesLaser Machines OverviewLaser EngraversLaser CuttersMarking LasersBusiness Solutions Laser MachinesCustom Built MachinesLaser MachinesTrotec offers laser engraving and cutting machines for treating different materials. Cut, engrave and mark wood, paper, metal, acrylic, leather, stone, plastics and many more. More InfoApplicationsApplications OverviewAcrylicAnodized AluminumArchitectural ModelsArts & CraftsAutomotive partsAwards & TrophiesBall bearingsBarcodes and serial numbersDataplatesDelrinDigital printingElectronic componentsFabLabs & UniversitiesFashionFilms & FoilsFoam & FiltersGlassJewelryLaminatesLeatherMachine ConstructionMachining technologyMedical technologyMetalNatural BrandingPackaging DesignPaperPlasticsPromotional productsRubberRubber StampsSignageSigns & DisplaysSmartphones & LaptopsStoneTextilesToysWatchesWoodKnowledgeKnowledge OverviewTips for laser usersFAQsDIY-SamplesBeginner's guideTrotec Laser AcademyLaser ParametersKnowledgeOur knowledge section provides tips and tricks for laser users. Browse our FAQs or download instructions from our list of DIY samples. Also check out our Laser Academy for individual hands-on trainings. More InfoAbout TrotecAbout20 Years of TrotecInnovationsOur Employees and Their StoriesQuality PolicyEnvironmental ResponsibilityLaser Application LabAbout TrotecTrotec Laser company profile: Corporate history, facts & figures, portrait of the managment team and international locations. More InfoContact + SupportContactTechnical SupportTroubleshootingFree Material TestNewsletterContact + SupportContact us for product inquiries and technical support. Discover all Trotec locations and distributors in our store locator. Or sign up for our newsletter for regular tips and tricks on laser engraving and cutting. More InfoNews Event Calendar JobsSearch resultsInternational+43-7201-15288", "text": "Annealing marking is a special type of laser etching for metals. The heat effect of the laser beam causes an oxidation process underneath the material surface, resulting in a color change on the metal surface.t the same time, marking with the laser ensures constant high-quality results. Durable marking Laser etching is permanent and at the same time resistant to abrasion, heat and acids. Depending on the laser parameter settings, certain materials can also be marked without damaging the surface." } ]
[ { "docid": "3933738", "title": "-", "text": "Nitrogen gas is also used to provide an unreactive atmosphere. It is used in this way to preserve foods, and in the electronics industry during the production of transistors and diodes. Large quantities of nitrogen are used in annealing stainless steel and other steel mill products." }, { "docid": "1595970", "title": "-", "text": "Marking M, S, and V on a Running Record When a child makes an error in a line of text, record the source(s) of information used by the child in the second column from the right on the running record form." }, { "docid": "3559785", "title": "11 Things You Didn't Know About Precious Moments", "text": "The marking on the bottom of your figurine means something. Every Precious Moments figurine created after 1981 has a marking on the bottom that indicates its production year. For example, there is a triangle printed on the bottom of each 1981 figurine, and a chapel on each one from 2014." }, { "docid": "4586843", "title": "Zebra Technologies", "text": "Zebra Technologies manufactures and sells marking, tracking and printing technologies such as thermal barcode label and receipt printers, RFID smart label printers/encoders, and card and kiosk printers.ebra Technologies manufactures and sells marking, tracking and printing technologies such as thermal barcode label and receipt printers, RFID smart label printers/encoders, and card and kiosk printers." }, { "docid": "2362722", "title": "Why does my cat scratch the wall and floor around her water dish and litter box?", "text": "Best Answer: Cats have scent glands in their faces and paws. She is marking her territory with the scent glands in her paws. My cat does this, but she didn't start doing it until she had 2 kittens. She did it to show the kittens where the food was and where the potty was.he is marking her territory with the scent glands in her paws. My cat does this, but she didn't start doing it until she had 2 kittens. She did it to show the kittens where the food was and where the potty was." }, { "docid": "5279533", "title": "Difference Between Hot Rolled Steel and Cold Rolled Steel", "text": "Cold Rolled. Cold rolled steel is essentially hot rolled steel that has had further processing. The steel is processed further in cold reduction mills, where the material is cooled (at room temperature) followed by annealing and/or tempers rolling." }, { "docid": "2008075", "title": "-", "text": "What happens if a procedure site, which should be marked, is not marked? The procedure is to be stopped at that point. The responsible physician is notified and the patient is not to be moved to the procedural area and/or the procedure is not done until the marking takes place." }, { "docid": "2408640", "title": "Optimizing Tm and Annealing", "text": "Notes. 1 In the actual PCR run use an annealing temperature 5°C lower than the lower Tm given by the calculator. 2 If high DMSO concentration is used, the annealing temperature determined by the guidelines above must be lowered, as DMSO decreases the melting point of the primers. If high DMSO concentration is used, the annealing temperature determined by the guidelines above must be lowered, as DMSO decreases the melting point of the primers. 2 It has been reported that 10% DMSO decreases the melting temperature by 5.5–6.0°C. 2." }, { "docid": "539355", "title": "-", "text": "European Standards and CE Marking. Prior to exporting, U.S. manufacturers have to consider certification for the EU market. Certification is about conformity assessment (testing and certification) in order to declare compliance with EU regulatory requirements. For the majority of exported products, compliance is visibly testified by the use of CE marking. Use of standards is part of the process. Bearing in mind that testing and certification for the U.S. market are not sufficient for exporting to the EU, manufacturers will need to start from scratch in order to determine what it takes to comply with EU requirements." }, { "docid": "7922406", "title": "Apostrophe", "text": "The apostrophe character is a punctuation mark, and sometimes a diacritical mark, in languages that use the Latin alphabet and some other alphabets. In English it is used for several purposes: The marking of the omission of one or more letters. The marking of possessive case. The marking of plurals of individual characters. The word apostrophe comes ultimately from Greek ἡ ἀπόστροφος, through Latin and French. The apostrophe looks the same as a closing single quotation mark in ..." }, { "docid": "1101569", "title": "Border Collie", "text": "The Border Collies enjoy a privileged position in the world of dog breeds. Everyone talks in superlatives about this breed and the Border Collies are said to be the most intelligent and the best sheepdogs worldwide.he basic colour of Border Collies is black and white, brown and white (up to reddish and white) and true red, see tables. Presence or carrier of tan marking. Presence or carrier of tan marking is caused by ASIP-gene (Locus A), particularly allel a t." }, { "docid": "5428313", "title": "Cliches", "text": "Argentium® Silver has a melting point around 60 degrees. lower than traditional sterling. Similarly, it has a lower. annealing temperature range of 1050°F to 1150°F. Argentium® Silver glows a paler red when heated to. annealing temperature. In practice, I find the paler glow hard to see, and it is easy to." }, { "docid": "632456", "title": "Estrus Cycles in Cats", "text": "These behavior changes often become annoying to owners, and sometimes owners think their cat has some unusual illness. Some female cats will urinate more frequently or may even spray urine on vertical objects (marking) when they are in heat.The urine contains both pheromones and hormones, both of which act as signals of her reproductive status to other cats. This is the reason that queens in heat attract intact male cats.hese behavior changes often become annoying to owners, and sometimes owners think their cat has some unusual illness. Some female cats will urinate more frequently or may even spray urine on vertical objects (marking) when they are in heat." }, { "docid": "237976", "title": "-", "text": "2. Removal of introns from mRNA precursors and the reattachment or annealing of exons. Synonym(s): RNA splicing. 3. Posttranslational modification of a protein involving two proteolytic enzymes and one ligation; results in the removal of an internal sequence of amino acyl residues." }, { "docid": "7945601", "title": "-", "text": "marking. present participle of mark; Noun . marking (countable and uncountable, plural markings) (uncountable) The action of the verb to mark. 2011 January 12, Saj Chowdhury, “Liverpool 2 - 1 Liverpool”, in BBC: The Seasiders equalised soon after when Gary Taylor-Fletcher made the most of slack marking to slot home. a mark the characteristic colouration and patterning of an animal" }, { "docid": "941618", "title": "HEAT TREATMENT OF METALS", "text": "HEAT TREATMENT OF FERROUS METALS. All heat-treating operations involve the heating and cooling of metals, The common forms of heat treatment for ferrous metals are hardening, tempering, annealing, normalizing, and case hardening." }, { "docid": "6503050", "title": "-", "text": "1 CE Marking on a product ensures the free movement of the product within the EFTA & European Union (EU) single market (total 28 countries), and. CE Marking on a product permits the withdrawal of the non-conforming products by customs and enforcement/vigilance authorities." }, { "docid": "2299773", "title": "base 1", "text": "Baseball. 1 any of the four corners of the diamond, especially first, second, or third base. 2 a square canvas sack containing sawdust or some other light material, for marking first, second, or third base." }, { "docid": "260056", "title": "-", "text": "Best Answer: The CE mark (officially CE marking) is a mandatory marking on certain products, which is required if they are placed on the market in the European Economic Area (EEA)." }, { "docid": "1983033", "title": "-", "text": "1 Urine marking is your cat's way of letting other cats know of his presence and which portions of the house belong to him. 2 If you live in a multiple cat household, your cat is likely claiming territory. 3 Spraying is also a mating ritual for cats. Urine marking is your cat's way of letting other cats know of his presence and which portions of the house belong to him. 2 If you live in a multiple cat household, your cat is likely claiming territory. 3 Spraying is also a mating ritual for cats." }, { "docid": "6696842", "title": "CE Certification and RoHS", "text": "Questions and Answers related to CE Marking. What does the CE marking on a product indicate? The CE marking is a declaration by the manufacturer that a product is in conformity with all applicable essential requirements set out in EU legislation providing for its affixing. What requirements does an industrial monitor have to fulfill in order to be affixed with the CE marking?" }, { "docid": "660595", "title": "Intercritical heat treatment process for toughness improvement of SA 508 GR.3 steel", "text": "In this invention, the optimum intercritical heat treatment process for manufacturing high toughness SA 508 Gr. 3 steel is the annealing treatment at 680° C. to 750° C., which is ferrite-austenite two phase region, for 1 hour to 8 hours between quenching and tempering in the conventional quality heat treatment process." }, { "docid": "7600597", "title": "DANGEROUS GOODS PACKAGING", "text": "The knowledge of the product and of its transport mode is mandatory for a management which wants to be in compliance with such Regulations in the classification, the packaging, the marking and labelling of the material itself, in order to grant its safe delivery to destination." }, { "docid": "4675942", "title": "Choosing The Right Spark Plugs For Your Custom Engine", "text": "Ignition timing plays a huge part in terms of spark-plug temperature. The best place to read this is on the spark plug’s ground strap. The tip of the ground strap will tend to color first, and then, as temperature increases, this coloring (called annealing) will travel down the length of the strap toward the shell." }, { "docid": "1012803", "title": "-", "text": "the disk in the fundus of the eye marking the point at which the optic nerve enters; it is accompanied by blood vessels, is oval, light in color and the blind spot of the retina." }, { "docid": "6937788", "title": "-", "text": "Add to circle. We've spent a lot of time wondering when the Alfa Romeo 4C will arrive in the U.S., marking the brand's return to these shores. We've also wondered where the semi-supercars will be sold and how much they'll cost." }, { "docid": "1614700", "title": "Quench hardening of steel", "text": "Quench hardening of steel. Abstract: Hardening of steel is obtained by a suitable quench from within or above the critical range. The temperatures are the same as those given for full annealing. The soaking time in air furnaces should be 1,2 min for each mm of cross-section or 0,6 min in salt or lead baths." }, { "docid": "6317081", "title": "-", "text": "Established in 1823 and known as a “Little Ivy,” Trinity College is a private liberal arts college located in historic Hartford, CT.It comes in at No. 81 this year, marking a slight improvement from last year.rofile. Established in 1823 and known as a “Little Ivy,” Trinity College is a private liberal arts college located in historic Hartford, CT. It comes in at No. 81 this year, marking a slight improvement from last year." }, { "docid": "7659775", "title": "-", "text": "The man-. ual may be used by designers to help with pavement marking material selection and inspectors in. the field. Instructions. This is a new manual, and it does not replace any existing documents." }, { "docid": "2408639", "title": "Optimizing Tm and Annealing", "text": "1 The annealing gradient should range from the original annealing temperature to the extension temperature (two-step PCR). 2 If high DMSO concentration is used, the annealing temperature determined by the guidelines above must be lowered, as DMSO decreases the melting point of the primers. If high DMSO concentration is used, the annealing temperature determined by the guidelines above must be lowered, as DMSO decreases the melting point of the primers. 2 It has been reported that 10% DMSO decreases the melting temperature by 5.5–6.0°C. 2." } ]
what is another word for unilateral
[ { "docid": "6276255", "title": "Definitions &Translations", "text": "being on one side only; affecting but one side; one-sided. Unilateral (adj). pertaining to one side; one-sided; as, a unilateral raceme, in which the flowers grow only on one side of a common axis, or are all turned to one side.eing on one side only; affecting but one side; one-sided. Unilateral (adj). pertaining to one side; one-sided; as, a unilateral raceme, in which the flowers grow only on one side of a common axis, or are all turned to one side." } ]
[ { "docid": "3903259", "title": "What is another word for supply?", "text": "What is another word for supplies? What is another word for suppliers? What is another word for supplier? What is another word for supplied? What is another word for supplicatory? What is another word for supplicators? What is another word for supply and demand? What is another word for supply chain? What is another word for supply chains?" }, { "docid": "1664822", "title": "Our Benefits", "text": "Wells Fargo & Company reserves the unilateral right to amend, modify, or terminate any of its benefits plans (or benefit plan options), programs, policies, or practices at any time, for any reason, with or without notice." }, { "docid": "3219021", "title": "Ovarian cancer", "text": "1 Unilateral salpingo-oophorectomy: Surgical removal of one ovary and one fallopian tube. 2 Bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy: Surgical removal of both ovaries and both fallopian tubes. 3 Total hysterectomy: Surgical removal of the uterus, including the cervix." }, { "docid": "776824", "title": "-", "text": "User: Many animals have body symmetry with distinct front and back ends. This type of symmetry is A. unilateral symmetry. B. bilateral symmetry. C. asymmetry. D. radial symmetry. Weegy: D. radial symmetry." }, { "docid": "7075997", "title": "What is another word for inhabitable?", "text": "What is the Spanish word for inhabitable? What is the Sundanese word for inhabitable? What is the Swahili word for inhabitable? What is the Swedish word for inhabitable? What is the Tajik word for inhabitable? What is the Tamil word for inhabitable? What is the Telugu word for inhabitable? What is the Thai word for inhabitable? What is the Turkish word for inhabitable? What is the Ukrainian word for inhabitable? What is the Urdu word for inhabitable? What is the Uzbek word for inhabitable? What is the Vietnamese word for inhabitable?" }, { "docid": "2910790", "title": "Polymyalgia Rheumatica", "text": "Initially, symptoms are unilateral; however, as the condition progresses, almost all patients report bilateral aches and pains.10 Areas commonly involved include the neck, shoulders, back, hips, and thighs. Fatigue, malaise, and a low-grade fever often accompany the aches and pains." }, { "docid": "5529697", "title": "The Constitution - Executive agreements", "text": "Reliance on the treaty power has declined since World War II, as presidents have increasingly turned to the use of executive agreements as a means of securing unilateral control of American foreign relations. When the president acts unilaterally, the agreement is referred to as a sole executive agreement.." }, { "docid": "6962614", "title": "-", "text": "What does real estate glossary Unilateral Contract mean? Get clear definitions and understand all real estate terminology. Toggle navigation The Official Real Estate Agent Directory®" }, { "docid": "8187702", "title": "What is another word for requirements?", "text": "What is the Azerbaijani word for requirements? What is the Basque word for requirements? What is the Belarusian word for requirements? What is the Bengali word for requirements? What is the Bosnian word for requirements? What is the Bulgarian word for requirements? What is the Catalan word for requirements? What is the Cebuano word for requirements? What is the Chichewa word for requirements? What is the Chinese word for requirements? What is the Corsican word for requirements? What is the Croatian word for requirements?" }, { "docid": "3454215", "title": "What is another word for barrier?", "text": "What is another word for barricuda? What is another word for barricading? What is another word for barricades? What is another word for barricaded? What is another word for barricade? What is another word for barrettes? What is another word for barrier method? What is another word for barrier methods? What is another word for barriers? What is the opposite of barriers? Sentences with the word barriers What is the meaning of the word barriers? How do you pronounce the word barriers? Words that rhyme with barriers" }, { "docid": "955214", "title": "Trigeminal Neuralgia", "text": "Severe stabbing recurrent pain along trigeminal nerve, usually unilateral. most often begins near 1 side of the mouth and rises toward the ear, eye, nostril on same side." }, { "docid": "1925529", "title": "Hyperaldosteronism", "text": "The most common cause of mineralocorticoid excess is primary hyperaldosteronism reflecting excess production of aldosterone by adrenal zona glomerulosa. Bilateral micronodular hyperplasia is more common than unilateral adrenal adenoma." }, { "docid": "7965096", "title": "-", "text": "With regard to the differential diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease (PD), it is important to know that Froment’s sign and possibly even cogwheeling may be present in ET, but not rigidity or akinesia. In addition, unilateral tremor and leg tremor are manifested in PD but not in ET." }, { "docid": "1327736", "title": "Somali Civil War", "text": "The Somali Civil War is an armed conflict in Somalia that started in 1991, following the overthrow of the dictator, Siad Barre. The former British Empire of Somaliland, which had merged with Italian Somalia in 1960, declared unilateral independence in 1991, but has not attracted international recognition." }, { "docid": "8054045", "title": "Blurred Vision", "text": "Cerebrovascular disease usually causes visual disturbance in both eyes but should be considered when a patient presents with unilateral blurred vision. Systemic causes Giant cell arteritis (temporal arteritis) - see 'Unilateral, sudden and painful', above - may be associated with a painful or tender head but the eye is not usually painful." }, { "docid": "2567699", "title": "What is a Dictatorship? - Definition, Facts, Characteristics & Examples", "text": "To be considered a dictatorship means that a country is known to be run by one person without any checks and balances on his power. Dictators make unilateral decisions that affect their countries without having to consult any other branch of government." }, { "docid": "6786740", "title": "-", "text": "rehabilitation program for patients with unilateral peripheral vestibular deficits and to calculate the validation of the Turkish version of Dizziness Handicap Inventory (DHI-TR). Methods: Patients who had been diagnosed as unilateral peripheral vestibulopathy between January 2003-June 2007 in" }, { "docid": "8698131", "title": "-", "text": "unilateral hemianopsia; unilateral hermaphroditism; unilateral hydronephrosis; unilateral hyperlucent lung; unilateral hypertrophy; unilateral inattention; unilateral lobar emphysema; unilateral locked facet; unilateral long-leg spica cast; unilateral neglect; unilateral neglect management; unilateral obstructive uropathy; unilateral paralysis; unilateral recumbent position" }, { "docid": "1434550", "title": "-", "text": "H90.71 - Mixed conductive and sensorineural hearing loss, unilateral, right ear, with unrestricted hearing on the contralateral side; H90.72 - Mixed conductive and sensorineural hearing loss, unilateral, left ear, with unrestricted hearing on the contralateral side Related Terms to “Mixed conductive and sensorineural hearing loss, unilateral with unrestricted hearing on the contralateral side”" }, { "docid": "4257819", "title": "Papilledema", "text": "Thus, if there is a question of papilledema on fundoscopic examination or if the optic disc cannot be adequately visualized, ultrasound can be used to rapidly assess for increased intracranial pressure and help direct further evaluation and intervention. Unilateral papilledema can suggest a disease in the eye itself, such as an optic nerve glioma" }, { "docid": "5346105", "title": "Brokerage Reminder: Deposits in escrow â disbursement of funds upon cancellation", "text": "When escrow does not receive mutual instructions to disburse funds within 30 days of a unilateral demand for the funds, the escrow company simply deposits the funds with the court, called an interpleader. On the deposit with the court, escrow is relieved of any further responsibility to account for the funds." }, { "docid": "5568395", "title": "-", "text": "Corticobasal Syndrome. Corticobasal syndrome (CBS) is a progressive neurological disorder that may involve the motor system, cognition or both. Classically, it begins as a movement disorder, with affected individuals showing a unilateral (one sided) paucity of movement and muscle rigidity with a tremor." }, { "docid": "4767784", "title": "What is another word for john?", "text": "What is another word for Johansson gauges? What is another word for Johansson gauge? What is another word for Johansson blocks? What is another word for Johansson block? What is another word for Johannine Comma? What is another word for johanneses? What is another word for John? What is another word for John-a-dreams? What is another word for John-a-nokes? What is another word for John-a-stiles? What is another word for John Cunningham virus? What is another word for John Doe?" }, { "docid": "162997", "title": "Contract Characteristics", "text": "Insurance contracts are considered unilateral because only the insurance company (insurer) makes a promise under the contract. The insurer promises to pay a benefit upon the happening of a certain event, such as an auto accident, death, disability, etc..." }, { "docid": "7408484", "title": "-", "text": "Even unilateral atresia may cause less severe symptoms and certainly may present later in a child or. even adult’s life. If the atresia is associated with other facial and systemic anomalies, one must. consider CHARGE and other syndromes during the diagnostic process. ANATOMY." }, { "docid": "698851", "title": "-", "text": "After the break-up of the former Soviet Union and the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in the early 1990s the topic of recognition in international law lay dormant for several years until in February 2008 it was revived, perhaps not unexpectedly, with the unilateral declaration of independence of Kosovo and the controversy about its ..." }, { "docid": "2627556", "title": "Sleep Stages", "text": "F- train of spikes either 6hz, 14hz, or both at once. M- positive spikes; can be asynchronous and asymmetrical. T- posterior temporal region; unilateral or bilateral. R- seen in drowsiness and light sleep; has a high incidence of occurring in normal individuals." }, { "docid": "4607400", "title": "-", "text": "For example, under the first anatomic site, Nose, the following subheadings are categorized by the type of procedure performed: Incision Excision Introduction Removal of Foreign Body Repair Destruction Other Procedures Codes 30130 and 30140 are unilateral, so if these procedures are performed bilaterally, the modifier 50 would be appended..." }, { "docid": "246374", "title": "Hemispatial neglect", "text": "Hemispatial neglect, also called hemiagnosia, hemineglect, unilateral neglect, spatial neglect, contralateral neglect, unilateral visual inattention, hemi-inattention, neglect syndrome or contralateral hemispatialagnosia, is a neuropsychological condition in which, after damage to one hemisphere of the brain is sustained, a deficit in attention to ..." }, { "docid": "7981452", "title": "To Aid or Not to Aid: Children with Unilateral Hearing Loss", "text": "Approximately 3 out of 1000 children have unilateral hearing loss (UHL). Historically, audiologists have informed parents of children with UHL of the difficulties they would likely encounter localizing and listening in noisy situations." } ]
what is apo
[ { "docid": "1754315", "title": "Advanced Planner and Optimizer (APO)", "text": "Stich Labs. Advanced Planner and Optimizer (APO) is a set of software applications from the German-based software company SAP for supply chain management. According to SAP literature, Advanced Planner and Optimizer is designed to help a company improve production planning, pricing, scheduling, and product shipping. APO works by getting real-time updates from retailers about customer demand." }, { "docid": "1135010", "title": "APO / FPO Military Mail Explained", "text": "What is an APO address or an FPO address? APO stands for Army Post Office, and is associated with Army or Air Force installations. FPO stands for Fleet Post Office, and is associated with Navy installations and ships. What does APO mean? APO stands for Army Post Office. It is normally followed by a number which serves as a code for a particular military unit or installation. APOs were often mobile, and moved with the units to which they were attached." } ]
[ { "docid": "8129248", "title": "-", "text": "Military Post Office (MPO) refers to all post offices operated by the Military Departments. The terms Army/Air Force Post Office (APO) and Fleet Post Office (FPO) shall be used in addressing mail. DoD 4525.6-L-1, Military Post Office Location List (MPOLL), January 1986, is hereby cancelled. This List is effective immediately and applies to the Office of" }, { "docid": "7837571", "title": "What year were zip codes introduced?", "text": "the first digit of the zip code is used as follows 0 connecticut ct massachusetts ma maine me new hampshire nh new jersey nj puerto rico pr rhode island ri vermont vt virgin islands vi apo europe ae fpo europe ae 1 delaware de new york ny pennsylvania pa" }, { "docid": "4632813", "title": "-", "text": "Negros Oriental, a laid-back province situated in the southeastern portion of Negros Island, Visayas, Philippines. Surrounded on the north and west by its neighboring province, Negros Occidental; the province is a breathtaking mix of culture and modernization. Dumaguete City is the capitol of Negros Oriental. The government is also located in the capitol area of the City. The province is divided from Cebu Island by the Tañon Strait. Siquijor Island and the dive paradise of Apo Island lay also to the east." }, { "docid": "5072327", "title": "ASK THE EXPERTS", "text": "It was a huge shock to find out that you will not ship to an FPO or an APO address. Like a P.O. box here in the United States, UPS cannot deliver to Army/Air Post Office or Fleet Post Office boxes. Only the U.S. Postal Service can deliver mail or packages to these boxes. But please be assured that UPS does support our troops and our veterans. In fact, veterans and National Guard and Reserve members make up 7.5 percent of UPS's domestic workforce. And earlier this year, UPS made a commitment to hire more than 25,000 veterans over the next five years." }, { "docid": "6805431", "title": "Aposematism", "text": "Poulton introduced the term aposematism in the same book with the words: The second head (Sematic Colours) includes Warning Colours and Recognition Markings: the former warn an enemy off, and are therefore called Aposematic [Greek, apo, from, and sema, sign]." }, { "docid": "8438327", "title": "-", "text": "Long time ago, Davao’s ethnic tribes residing at the foot of Mount Apo would converge during a bountiful harvest. This ritual serves as their thanksgiving to the gods particularly to the “Manama” (the Supreme Being)." }, { "docid": "7516990", "title": "-", "text": "Figure 1. Structural formula of zeaxanthin. Synthetic zeaxanthin is prepared by the Wittig reaction, which yields 96 to 98 % of trans-(3R,3R)-zeaxanthin. and the minor quantities of cis-zeaxanthins (max. 2.0%), 12'-apo-zeaxanthinal (max. 0.1%), diatoxanthin. (max. 0.2%) and parasiloxanthin (max." }, { "docid": "7504191", "title": "APO / FPO Military Mail Explained", "text": "Military addresses must show the grade, full name with middle name or initial, and PSC number, unit number, or ship name. Replace the city name with APO or FPO, and the state with AA, AE, or AP, and use a special ZIP Code." }, { "docid": "1824330", "title": "Riluzole (EB4)", "text": "Riluzole is a medication that does not cure motor neurone disease but, for people with the most common forms of motor neurone disease, it probably prolongs median survival by two to three months (median is the mid-point-half those taking riluzole have survival prolonged by more than two to three months).n Australia both brands of riluzole (Rilutek™ and APO-Riluzole) are available for eligible people at a subsidised price on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) under an authority prescription. Currently some hospital pharmacies may supply APO-Riluzole at a reduced price for people who are ineligible for the PBS." }, { "docid": "5918137", "title": "apoenzyme", "text": "Etymology: Gk, apo + en, into, zyme, ferment. the protein part of a holoenzyme. The nonprotein part is the prosthetic group, which is usually permanently attached to the apoenzyme. The protein part of an enzyme that requires a cofactor/coenzyme." }, { "docid": "5988803", "title": "Shipping times and costs", "text": "Expedited Shipping Information: The deadline for orders requiring Next Day, 2 Day, or 3 Day delivery is 3:00 PM EST (Eastern Standard Time) for items in stock. Expedited orders placed after 3:00 PM will ship by the end of the next business day for items in stock. Day – Takes 2 days for delivery and costs much more than Economy. Orders shipped via this method arrive by the end of the second business day after shipping. 2 Day shipping is available to US only and cannot be used for APO or FPO addresses." }, { "docid": "2809238", "title": "-", "text": "Note: All Military Mail is treated as domestic mail, even if the APO/FPO/DPO destination is located in a foreign country. 1. 2. The PSC (Postal Service Center), CMR (Community Mail Room), UMR (Unit Mail Room), RPO (Regional Post Office), APO (Army Post Office) or OMDC (Official Mail Distribution Center) number." }, { "docid": "7795798", "title": "-", "text": "1 A white oval pill imprinted with ALP 0.25 APO is 0.25mg Xanax. 2 A white rectangular pill imprinted with A L P R A P O 2 is 2mg Xanax. 3 A white round pill imprinted with M A21 is 0.5mg Xanax XR. 4 A white pentagonal pill imprinted with G 0.5 is 0.5mg Xanax XR. 5 A white round pill imprinted with 110 is 0.25 Xanax *." }, { "docid": "8240874", "title": "-", "text": "Demand Planner Salary. (United States). The average pay for a Demand Planner is $61,862 per year. The skills that increase pay for this job the most are SAP Supply Chain Management (SAP SCM) and SAP Advanced Planner and Optimizer (SAP APO). People in this job generally don't have more than 20 years' experience.$45,081 - $85,421.United States). The average pay for a Demand Planner is $61,862 per year. The skills that increase pay for this job the most are SAP Supply Chain Management (SAP SCM) and SAP Advanced Planner and Optimizer (SAP APO)." }, { "docid": "2634996", "title": "What is the difference between apo and fpo?", "text": "APO is for Army Post Office, and FPO is Fleet Post Office. Example: US Army mail goes to an APO, USN Mail goes to a FPO. Source(s): I was in US Army Europe. redleg510 · 8 years ago." }, { "docid": "3948485", "title": "World's Top 10 Private Equity Firms (APO, BX)", "text": "1) Apollo Global Management LLC. Apollo Global Management LLC (NYSE: APO) tops the list of the world's top 10 private equity firms, with just under $150 billion in total private equity assets under management (AUM) for 2015. Apollo was founded in 1990 by Leon Black, formerly of Drexel Burnham Lambert." }, { "docid": "5519349", "title": "VYTORIN ® (ezetimibe/simvastatin) Tablets", "text": "VYTORIN contains ezetimibe and simvastatin, two lipid-lowering compounds with complementary mechanisms of action. VYTORIN reduces elevated total-C, LDL-C, Apo B, TG, and non-HDL-C, and increases HDL-C through dual inhibition of cholesterol absorption and synthesis." }, { "docid": "5755084", "title": "-", "text": "1 The Definition of revelation. 2 The Occurrence and Meaning of the New Testament (NT) Word: apocalypsis. The Greek word apocalypsis derives from the combination of apo (from) and calypsis (covering)." }, { "docid": "3659440", "title": "MILITARY MAIL: FAQ", "text": "A: No. Always use the APO or FPO address, without the name of the city and country. This is to make sure the item is handled in the military mail system instead of the international mail system." }, { "docid": "3333676", "title": "-", "text": "Recent monographs and special studies published by the USAREUR Historical Division are listed on the inside cover opposite the title page. A limited number of these publications is available for distribution upon request to the Chief, Historical Division, USAREUR, APO 164." }, { "docid": "255581", "title": "DESCRIPTION", "text": "According to doctors, it is indicated as adjunctive therapy to diet for the reduction of LDL-C, Total-C, Triglycerides and Apo B in adult patients with primary hypercholesterolemia or mixed dyslipidemia (Fredrickson Type IIa and IIb). Fenoget not available at medical stores." }, { "docid": "8168318", "title": "-", "text": "genesis. In this study, we analyzed whether tissue ACE deficiency in ACE-knockout mice type-2 would affect their oxidative status. Moreover, by crossbreeding the ACE-knockout mice with atherosclerotic apolipoprotein E (apo E)–deficient (E0) mice, we questioned whether tissue ACE deficiency affects atherogenesis." }, { "docid": "1640163", "title": "-", "text": "Compare the following linguistically related Greek and Latin prefixes: apo ab/a/abs away from. amphi ambi around, on both sides. ec/ex ex/e/ef out of. exo/ecto extra/extro outside. en/em/el in in (cognate) a/an in un (cognate) endo/ento intra/intro inside." }, { "docid": "5415530", "title": "-", "text": "City of Fruits and Highland Springs. Kidapawan City is situated at the southeastern portion of Cotabato province, located almost midway between the cities of Davao and Cotabato at a distance of 110 kilometers and 120 kilometers, respectively.It is the capital city of Cotabato Province and currently the seat of the Provincial Government.Kidapawan, the city hailed as A Spring in the Highland, comes from the Manobo words tida which means spring and pawan meaning highland. The city is found at the bottom of the majestic Mt. Apo, the country s highest peak.t is the capital city of Cotabato Province and currently the seat of the Provincial Government. Kidapawan, the city hailed as A Spring in the Highland, comes from the Manobo words tida which means spring and pawan meaning highland. The city is found at the bottom of the majestic Mt. Apo, the country s highest peak." }, { "docid": "7504189", "title": "APO / FPO Military Mail Explained", "text": "APO / FPO Military Mail Explained. What is an APO address or an FPO address? APO stands for Army Post Office, and is associated with Army or Air Force installations. FPO stands for Fleet Post Office, and is associated with Navy installations and ships. What does APO mean? APO stands for Army Post Office. It is normally followed by a number which serves as a code for a particular military unit or installation. APOs were often mobile, and moved with the units to which they were attached." }, { "docid": "6236212", "title": "-", "text": "Supplementation of this regulation and issuance of command and local forms. by subordinate commands is prohibited unless prior approval is obtained from HQ USFK (FKJA-. OL), Unit #15237, APO AP 96205-0010." }, { "docid": "1016527", "title": "-", "text": "** INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS. The tuition for international students is $1,100 per course which includes all textbooks, course materials and shipment of materials to any address outside the United States, APO, FPO, DPO and Canada." }, { "docid": "8640898", "title": "-", "text": "What locations will Netflix ship to? Netflix ships to all 50 states and US territories, including Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa, the Federated Islands of Micronesia, the Marshall Islands, the Northern Mariana Islands, Palau, and the Virgin Islands. We also ship to APO, FPO, and DPO addresses." }, { "docid": "1000612", "title": "FedEx SmartPost ®", "text": "By utilizing the U.S. Postal Service® (USPS) for final delivery, FedEx SmartPost reaches every U.S. address, including P.O. boxes and military APO, FPO and DPO destinations. You can even use FedEx SmartPost to ship to Alaska, Hawaii and all U.S. territories." }, { "docid": "7477844", "title": "-", "text": "Drugs and Medications used to treat Bacterial diseases: Note: You must always seek professional medical advice about any prescription drug, OTC drug, medication, treatment or change in treatment plans. Some of the different medications used in the treatment of Bacterial diseases include: 1 Tetracycline antibiotic.2 Doxycycline. 3 Adoxa. 4 Apo-Doxy. 5 Apo-Doxy-Tabs. 6 Atridox.7 Doryx. 8 Doxy Caps. 9 Doxychel.ote: You must always seek professional medical advice about any prescription drug, OTC drug, medication, treatment or change in treatment plans. Some of the different medications used in the treatment of Bacterial diseases include: 1 Tetracycline antibiotic. 2 Doxycycline. 3 Adoxa. 4 Apo-Doxy. 5 Apo-Doxy-Tabs. 6 Atridox. 7 Doryx." } ]
what is army csmm
[ { "docid": "2887203", "title": "-", "text": "The CSMM was a major force in the establishment of the master of divinity extension degree for First Nations through VST and is unique in the world because it is sensitive to First Nations cultural and religious values, they added." } ]
[ { "docid": "6991560", "title": "United States Army", "text": "It applies to the United States Army, the United States Army Reserves, and the Army National Guard. Within those components, this regulation applies to information technologies in support of Command and Control (C2) and business systems." }, { "docid": "2002485", "title": "About Us", "text": "The Assistant Secretary of the Army for Installations, Energy and Environment establishes policy, provides strategic direction and supervises all matters pertaining to infrastructure, Army installations and contingency bases, energy, and environmental programs to enable global Army Operations." }, { "docid": "1694178", "title": "British Army", "text": "The second action was legislation for the creation of a Parliamentary-funded army, commanded by Lord General Thomas Fairfax, which became known as the New Model Army (originally new-modelled Army). While this proved to be a war winning formula, the New Model Army, being organized and politically active, went on to dominate the politics of the Interregnum and by 1660 was widely disliked. The New Model Army was paid off and disbanded at the Restoration of the monarchy in 1660." }, { "docid": "1750190", "title": "-", "text": "This article is about the modern army of Germany and post-World War II army of West Germany. For the World War II army of Germany, see German Army (Wehrmacht) . For the World War I army of Germany, see German Army (German Empire) ." }, { "docid": "896484", "title": "Frequently Asked Questions", "text": "The Army has a program called Army Community Service that is a collection of 12 different services ranging from family advocacy (domestic violence prevention) to financial counseling. There are ACS programs at every Army post, and there are similar programs for members of the U.S. Army Reserve and the National Guard." }, { "docid": "8700206", "title": "Chief of Staff of the United States Army", "text": "Chief of Staff of the United States Army. The Chief of Staff of the Army (CSA) is a statutory office (10 U.S.C. § 3033) held by a four-star general in the United States Army. As the most senior uniformed officer assigned to serve in the Department of the Army, the CSA is the principal military advisor and a deputy to the Secretary of the Army." }, { "docid": "5116093", "title": "What menu process within PBUSE allows the user to view and send messages?", "text": "PBUSE, also known as, Property Book Unit Supply Enhanced, is a software program used by the Army of US as a web and database server. This software was used in the US Central c…ommand and is used currently by the Army leaders to remotely connect to the databases of the Army." }, { "docid": "6047427", "title": "-", "text": "Basic Pay. Basic Pay is the base salary for a Soldier on active duty and counts for part of total military income. Basic Pay is electronically distributed on the 1st and 15th of every month, similar to many civilian jobs.Basic Pay for a Soldier depends on length of service as well as rank (most enlisted Soldiers enter the Army as a private). 1 Regular Army: Active Duty. 2 Regular Army: Retired. 3 Army National Guard: Federal Active Duty.asic Pay for a Soldier depends on length of service as well as rank (most enlisted Soldiers enter the Army as a private). 1 Regular Army: Active Duty. 2 Regular Army: Retired. 3 Army National Guard: Federal Active Duty." }, { "docid": "2836728", "title": "-", "text": "History of the U.S. Army Flag Army.mil/News. The Army flag was dedicated and unfurled to the general public on 14 June 1956 at Independence Hall, Philadelphia. History of U.S. Army Weapons Army.mil/News. The roots of our modern military armaments began in the late 18th century and started a legacy of hardware excellence." }, { "docid": "4214677", "title": "Aviation Branch Insignia", "text": "The Army Aviation branch was established as a basic branch of the Army effective 12 April 1983. The wings are modified and differ from designs currently used on Army and Air Force aviator badges. The insignia draws upon the original insignia for historical and symbolic purposes, but was deliberately modified to signify a new chapter in Army aviation history." }, { "docid": "6621991", "title": "Army Education Benefits â MGIB, New G.I. Bill, and Yellow Ribbon Program", "text": "3. With Army Reservists and National Guard soldiers being frequently called up for active duty, the Army wanted to provide Army education benefits for Selected Reserve soldiers. If you are in the Selected Reserve, you have the following Army education benefits: Tuition Assistance." }, { "docid": "4146178", "title": "The New Model Army", "text": "The New Model Army. The New Model Army was created in February 1645 by Parliament as it felt that a professional army would be more successful against the king’s army. It was a military unit that was to transform the English Civil War." }, { "docid": "38162", "title": "Continental Army", "text": "The Continental Army was supplemented by local militias and troops that remained under control of the individual states or were otherwise independent. General George Washington was the commander-in-chief of the army throughout the war.he Continental Army was supplemented by local militias and troops that remained under control of the individual states or were otherwise independent. General George Washington was the commander-in-chief of the army throughout the war." }, { "docid": "7109275", "title": "-", "text": "Additionally for access to Army antiterrorism and iWATCH Army program information for CAC capale users can be found at the following locations: Note: The Army Policing Portal and the Army Antiterrorism Enterprise Portal (ATEP) have migrated. Users must select their email certificate to gain access to either portal." }, { "docid": "3104407", "title": "George Meade", "text": "Who won the US Civil War Battle of Gettysburg? The Union Army under General Mede defeated the Confederate Army of General Robert E. Lee in the Battle of Gettysburg. Lee and his Army of Northern Virginia was forced to r…etreat back to Virginia." }, { "docid": "5116087", "title": "-", "text": "Managing Army Property: The Different Types of Responsibility. 1 The Army Property Book Officer: What They Do and Why You Should Know Them. 2 U.S. Army Cyber Command (USARCYBER): 13 Cool Facts. 3 U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command (USACIDC): 13 Cool Facts. 4 Army 92Y MOS: Unit Supply Specialist." }, { "docid": "3552994", "title": "Army", "text": "Welcome to our Army Insignia store! The Army Insignia store at SaundersInsignia.com is your source for all things Army. We carry a whole selection of Army unit patches, dog tags, qualification badges, shoulder cords and more. We can even help you find Army rank insignia for enlisted and officer ranks. No matter what kind of U.S. Army patches, pins or accessories you’re looking for, Saunders Military Insignia is your place to find it." }, { "docid": "4077827", "title": "-", "text": "USAFR: Air Force Reserve USAFR: US Air Force Reserve USAID: US Agency for International Development USAMRICD: US Army Medical Research Institute of Chemi-cal Defense USAMRIID: US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases USAR: US Army Reserve USARV: US Army, Vietnam USASOC: US Army Special Operations Command • 2" }, { "docid": "773681", "title": "The Army Pilot Career Guide Will Help You Get A Flight Slot", "text": "If you want to be a U.S. Army pilot it will take hard work, discipline, and dedication but it is definitely doable. Getting into the Army, finishing flight school and having a challenging and successful career as a pilot boils down to two things.f you want to be a U.S. Army pilot it will take hard work, discipline, and dedication but it is definitely doable. Getting into the Army, finishing flight school and having a challenging and successful career as a pilot boils down to two things." }, { "docid": "5809984", "title": "-", "text": "How many shots do you get in the Army basic training? Basic Combat Training for all Military Occupation Specialties (MOS) in the Army..." }, { "docid": "5605054", "title": "West Point Parents Club of Michigan", "text": "Cadet Active Duty Status. (a) The Regular Army is the component of the Army that consists of persons whose continuous service on active duty in both peace and war is contemplated by law, and of retired members of the Regular Army. (3) the retired officers and enlisted members of the Regular Army." }, { "docid": "8108168", "title": "Unit Identification Code", "text": "N on Army units. In leaked logistics documents, such as detailed in US forces in Iraq, it has been observed that the first character has some additional meanings for army equipment lent to non-army units. Those are: F (Airforce)" }, { "docid": "8159291", "title": "-", "text": "America's Army Reserve generates combat ready units and Soldiers for the Army and Joint Warfighter that are trained, equipped and lethal to win our Nation's wars. Leaders. LEADERS Lieutenant General Charles D. Luckey Chief of Army Reserve and Commanding General, U.S. Army Reserve Command" }, { "docid": "7958724", "title": "-", "text": "I have heard that the Army and Marine wore their chevrons pointing up to indicate that they fought against Native Americans. It is more plausible is that it was based on the whim of the Army. Eric Brenner, 25 years US Army; intelligence, special ops, antiterrorism." }, { "docid": "7324225", "title": "Army Basic Training", "text": "Army Basic Training. U.S. Army Boot Camp. US Army Boot Camp is where a civilian recruit is transformed into a US Army Soldier. Army Basic Training has evolved and today’s training is specialized to best prepare you for the eventual deployment into the combat zone. You’ll spend the best nine weeks of your life learning what it means to be a soldier in the US Army." }, { "docid": "1828397", "title": "Guard and Reserve Frequently Asked Questions", "text": "Warrant Officers are found in the Army, Army Reserve and Army National Guard. The definition is an officer appointed by warrant by the Secretary of the Army, based on a sound level of technical and tactical competence." }, { "docid": "6683099", "title": "MEPS", "text": "MEPS is the gateway to the US Army, and is required for everyone entering, or re-entering, into any of the Armed Forces (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, etc.). Army MEPS Processing is usually done within a day." }, { "docid": "2001922", "title": "UNION ARMY", "text": "Hypernyms (Union Army is a kind of...): army; ground forces; regular army (a permanent organization of the military land forces of a nation or state). blue (any organization or party whose uniforms or badges are blue)." }, { "docid": "3532411", "title": "-", "text": "Army inducts two researchers as senior leaders, advisors ABERDEEN PROVING GROUND, Md. (March 28, 2017) -- The U.S. Army officially recognized the promotions of two researchers into senior positions at the Army Research Laboratory." }, { "docid": "8050978", "title": "adp4_0 Sustainment", "text": "Active Army, Army National Guard, and United States Army Reserve. To be distributed in accordance with the initial distribution number 110178, requirements for FM 3-21.5." } ]
what is atopic skin
[ { "docid": "5909516", "title": "Atopic Dermatitis", "text": "The term atopic is from the Greek meaning strange.. The term dermatitis means inflammation of the skin. In atopic dermatitis, the skin becomes extremely itchy and inflamed, causing redness, swelling, vesicle formation (minute blisters), cracking, weeping, crusting, and scaling." } ]
[ { "docid": "1679895", "title": "Skin Conditions and Eczema", "text": "A. Eczema is a term for a group of medical conditions that cause the skin to become inflamed or irritated. The most common type of eczema is known as atopic dermatitis, or atopic eczema.Atopic refers to a group of diseases with an often inherited tendency to develop other allergic conditions, such as asthma and hay fever.. Eczema is a term for a group of medical conditions that cause the skin to become inflamed or irritated. The most common type of eczema is known as atopic dermatitis, or atopic eczema." }, { "docid": "1256559", "title": "-", "text": "“Eczema” is a term for many kinds of skin problems. Atopic dermatitis is the most common kind of eczema. Other types include: 1 Allergic contact eczema. 2 The skin gets red, itchy, and weepy because it touches something that the immune system knows is foreign, like poison ivy." }, { "docid": "2146752", "title": "-", "text": "1 Atopic dermatitis, a common causes of eczema, is more prevalent in those with asthma and hay fever. Eczema appears as small blisters that can weep and ooze, or as crusted, thickened plaques of skin." }, { "docid": "6285089", "title": "Keratosis Pilaris", "text": "Cause. Keratosis pilaris is caused by a buildup of keratin, the protein that protects skin from infections and other harmful things. The buildup forms a plug that blocks the opening of a hair follicle, but doctors don't know what triggers the buildup. If you have dry skin, you're more likely to have keratosis pilaris.It's usually worse in the winter months, when there's less moisture in the air, and then may clear up in the summer. It often affects people with certain skin conditions, including eczema (also called atopic dermatitis).f you have dry skin, you're more likely to have keratosis pilaris. It's usually worse in the winter months, when there's less moisture in the air, and then may clear up in the summer. It often affects people with certain skin conditions, including eczema (also called atopic dermatitis)." }, { "docid": "171519", "title": "Five Common Causes of Dog Hair Loss", "text": "Dermatitis in Dogs with Hair Dermatitis is a skin condition that could cause irritation and alopecia in dogs with hair. Allergic, contact or atopic dermatitis could occur if your dog has a sensitivity to any of the following substances:" }, { "docid": "1215055", "title": "What Is Clobetasol Propionate Used For?", "text": "Alclometasone dipropionate (Aclovate®) is a prescription skin medication used to treat inflammation and itching due to a wide variety of conditions. Some of these conditions include but are not limited to: 1 Psoriasis. 2 Eczema. 3 Atopic dermatitis. 4 Contact dermatitis. 5 Poison ivy. Seborrhea." }, { "docid": "3095810", "title": "Treatment", "text": "Treatments for atopic eczema can help to ease the symptoms. There's no cure, but many children find their symptoms naturally improve as they get older. The main treatments for atopic eczema are: emollients (moisturisers) – used every day to stop the skin becoming dry." }, { "docid": "447495", "title": "-", "text": "Eczema facts. 1 Eczema is not a single disease but a reaction pattern of the skin produced by a number conditions. 2 Atopic dermatitis, a common causes of eczema, is more prevalent in those with asthma and hay fever. 3 Eczema appears as small blisters that can weep and ooze, or as crusted, thickened plaques of skin." }, { "docid": "6734999", "title": "-", "text": "Leukotriene receptor antagonists have been studied in treating atopic dermatitis for up to eight weeks. In four trials enrolling adults, the effectiveness of montelukast was measured using clinical scoring of the severity of atopic dermatitis." }, { "docid": "6236335", "title": "Eczema", "text": "When people refer to eczema, they usually mean atopic dermatitis, which is the common and chronic type of eczema. Other types include: 1 Contact dermatitis is caused by contact with irritants. 2 Burning, itching, and redness occur.czema is characterized by itchy, dry, rough, flakey, inflamed, and irritated skin. It can flare up, subside, and then flare up again. It can occur anywhere but usually affects the arm, inner elbow, back of the knee, or head (particularly the cheeks and the scalp). It is not contagious and becomes less severe with age." }, { "docid": "2517032", "title": "Vitamin D Might Help Kids With Eczema", "text": "Vitamin D Might Help Kids With Eczema. FRIDAY, Oct. 17, 2014 (HealthDay News) -- Daily vitamin D supplements might help children with eczema that gets worse in the winter, a new study suggests. When eczema, a chronic inflammatory skin disorder, flares up in the winter it's known as winter-related atopic dermatitis." }, { "docid": "8638704", "title": "-", "text": "Watch What You're Eating. Food allergies could cause eczema symptoms in people with atopic dermatitis, so talk to your doctor if you suspect this. There are several tests doctors use to diagnose food allergies, including skin prick tests and blood tests." }, { "docid": "7134086", "title": "Overview", "text": "Atopic dermatitis on the legs. Atopic dermatitis can cause small, red bumps, which can be very itchy. When scratched, the bumps may leak fluid and crust over. Atopic dermatitis most often occurs where your skin flexes — inside the elbows, behind the knees and the front of the neck." }, { "docid": "531884", "title": "Common Skin Rashes", "text": "Eczema is a general term that describes several different conditions in which skin is inflamed, red, scaly, and itchy. Eczema is a common skin condition, and atopic dermatitis (also called atopic eczema) is one of the most common forms of eczema." }, { "docid": "451723", "title": "-", "text": "1 Dermatological disorders such as the following: 2 Eczema or atopic dermatitis can occur on the areas surrounding your eyes, including your eyelids. In addition to dryness, eczema causes the skin to become scaly. Perioral dermatitis is a serious condition that usually affects adult women." }, { "docid": "6665275", "title": "-", "text": "Fluocinonide ointment (Lidex®) is a prescription skin medication used to treat inflammation and itching due to a wide variety of conditions. Some of these conditions include but are not limited to: 1 Eczema. 2 Psoriasis. 3 Atopic dermatitis. 4 Contact dermatitis. 5 Poison ivy. Seborrhea." }, { "docid": "2965457", "title": "Atopic Dermatitis: A Review of Diagnosis and Treatment", "text": "From 50 to 80 percent of patients with atopic dermatitis have or develop asthma or allergic rhinitis. Nearly 70 percent of patients have a positive family history of atopy. Even if atopic dermatitis resolves with age, the predisposition for asthma and rhinitis persists.10." }, { "docid": "4326060", "title": "Overview", "text": "Atopic dermatitis. Atopic dermatitis (eczema) is a condition that makes your skin red and itchy. It's common in children but can occur at any age. Atopic dermatitis is long lasting (chronic) and tends to flare periodically and then subside. It may be accompanied by asthma or hay fever. No cure has been found for atopic dermatitis." }, { "docid": "6362447", "title": "Causes of Low Eosinophils", "text": "The following are a few causes of low eosinophils that are experienced by many people. 1 Allergy Control: Certain atopic or allergic disorders can result in increasing the eosinophil count throughout the body. The count of these blood cells can be high inside the nasal passage of a person suffering from high fever." }, { "docid": "1499182", "title": "Acute Rash", "text": "You may need any of the following: 1 Antihistamines are given to treat atopic dermatitis and urticaria caused by an allergic reaction. They may also be given to decrease itchiness. 2 Steroids may be given to decrease inflammation. 3 Antibiotics may be given to prevent or treat a bacterial infection." }, { "docid": "1989658", "title": "Atopic", "text": "The chief characteristic of atopic eczema is the ‘itch’, which at times can become almost unbearable leading to sleep loss, frustration, stress and depression. It is crucial to acknowledge that atopic eczema can affect the whole family, not just the person with eczema." }, { "docid": "2210703", "title": "-", "text": "Allergic causes of peeling skin on hands and feet in children. Drug, animal, food, and other environmental allergens can lead to peeling skin on hands and feet including: Atopic dermatitis (eczema) Contact dermatitis (contact with allergens, such as perfumes, poison ivy, and soaps) Drug reactions." }, { "docid": "8501180", "title": "Causes of Dry Elbows: Remedies To Get Rid Of Dry Skin On Elbows", "text": "1 If you use harsh soaps the skin will lose its natural oils which prevent dehydration and make the skin dry and dull. 2 Opt for mild soaps and cream bars. 3 Medical Conditions: Like atopic dermatitis or psoriasis is known to cause dryness and itching of the elbows." }, { "docid": "6472755", "title": "Keratosis Pilaris", "text": "Keratosis pilaris is caused by a buildup of keratin, the protein that protects skin from infections and other harmful things. The buildup forms a plug that blocks the opening of a hair follicle, but doctors don't know what triggers the buildup. If you have dry skin, you're more likely to have keratosis pilaris. It's usually worse in the winter months, when there's less moisture in the air, and then may clear up in the summer. It often affects people with certain skin conditions, including eczema (also called atopic dermatitis)." }, { "docid": "1971105", "title": "Grape Seed Oil Health Benefits", "text": "It contains 73% of linoleic acid which may be beneficial in the treatment of acne, dermatitis, allergic reactions, atopic eczema and dry and itchy skin. A simple remedy for these skin conditions is to apply Grape Seed Oil onto the affected skin 2-3 times daily." }, { "docid": "7103161", "title": "Dupixent for Atopic Dermatitis FAQ", "text": "Dupixent for Atopic Dermatitis FAQ What is Dupixent? Dupixent is the first biologic medication approved by the FDA for adults with moderate to severe atopic dermatitis. It is taken subcutaneously (by injection) at 300 mg once every other week. What is a biologic drug?" }, { "docid": "1098703", "title": "What Is Fluocinonide Ointment Used For?", "text": "An Overview of Uses for Fluocinonide Ointment Fluocinonide ointment (Lidex ®) is a prescription skin medication used to treat inflammation and itching due to a wide variety of conditions. Some of these conditions include but are not limited to: 1 Eczema. 2 Psoriasis. 3 Atopic dermatitis. 4 Contact dermatitis. 5 Poison ivy. 6 Seborrhea." }, { "docid": "6201653", "title": "Allergy (Allergies)", "text": "Food and Drug Allergies – Food allergy is more common among children than adults. Most food allergy reactions are caused by 8 foods: milk, soy, eggs, wheat, peanuts, tree nuts, fish and shellfish. Of these foods, peanut is the most prevalent allergen, followed by milk and then shellfish.3.kin Allergies – (Atopic dermatitis; eczema; hives; urticaria; contact allergies) Plants such as poison ivy, oak and sumac are the most common skin allergy triggers. However, skin contact with cockroach and dust mite allergen, certain foods or latex may also trigger symptoms of skin allergy." }, { "docid": "7325705", "title": "-", "text": "The following medical conditions are some of the possible causes of Facial itch. There are likely to be other possible causes, so ask your doctor about your symptoms. 1 Xerotic eczema. 2 Senile pruritis (see Itching skin). 3 Atopic dermatitis. 4 Contact dermatitis. 5 Infestations." }, { "docid": "839570", "title": "-", "text": "A. A. Eczema is a term for a group of medical conditions that cause the skin to become inflamed or irritated. The most common type of eczema is known as atopic dermatitis, or atopic eczema. Atopic refers to a group of diseases with an often inherited tendency to develop other allergic conditions, such as asthma and hay fever." } ]
what is bc powder used for
[ { "docid": "1310814", "title": "BC Powder", "text": "BC POWDER, ORIGINAL FORMULA: Active Ingredients: Each powder contains Aspirin 845 mg, and Caffeine 65 mg. ARTHRITIS STRENGTH BC POWDER: Active Ingredients: Each powder contains Aspirin 1000 mg and Caffeine 65 mg. Indications:BC Powder is for relief of simple headache; for temporary relief of minor arthritic pain, for relief of muscular aches, discomfort and fever of colds; and for relief of normal menstrual pain and pain of tooth extraction." } ]
[ { "docid": "8372715", "title": "To Powder Coat or Not to Powder Coat", "text": "To Powder Coat or Not to Powder Coat. I am making a new smoker/grill and got a nice quote on powder coating the tank and firebox. My firebox is an old plated steel wood burning stove. Problem is, I don't know if the powder coating on the firebox will hold up to the heat. The guy at the shop said the only problem they have run into was powder coating some Harley tailpipes." }, { "docid": "53076", "title": "How many times was Julius Caesar stabbed?", "text": "Gaius Julius Caesar was born on 12 July 100 BC in Rome, son of Gaius Caesar and Aurelia. Governor of Gaul 58-49 BC. Appointed dictator for ten years in 47 B, for life on 14 February 44 BC.Married initially to Cornelia (one daughter, Julia), then to Pompeia, alas to Calpurnia.Assassinated on 15 March 44 BC.aius Julius Caesar was born on 12 July 100 BC in Rome, son of Gaius Caesar and Aurelia. Governor of Gaul 58-49 BC. Appointed dictator for ten years in 47 B, for life on 14 February 44 BC. Married initially to Cornelia (one daughter, Julia), then to Pompeia, alas to Calpurnia. Assassinated on 15 March 44 BC." }, { "docid": "856425", "title": "-", "text": "The battle is generally dated to... 1194 BC - 1184 BC. The Trojan War, Troy. In Greek mythology, the Trojan War was waged against the city of Troy by the Achaeans (Greeks) after Paris of Troy stole Helen from her husband Menelaus, the king of Sparta. The war is among the most important events in Greek mythology and was narrat... 499 BC - 449 BC. The Greco-Persian Wars." }, { "docid": "6229396", "title": "Which is the oldest country in the world?", "text": "1 Egypt is the oldest country in the world. 2 It started way before the 10th millennium BC, and their first unification was c. 3150 BC. 3 The DNA of Egyptian mummies indicate that people in Egypt lived way before the 10th millennium BC, in order to develop such a science." }, { "docid": "6963951", "title": "-", "text": "1 In the tomato juice, mix the gram flour, turmeric, chilli-powder, masala, coriander and cumin seed powder. 2 Add the corn flour or maida, kasooti methi, masala powder, chilli powder and salt. Add the corn flour or maida, kasooti methi, masala powder, chilli powder and salt. 2 However, the bright side was that all types of Indian food such as rice, masala, spices and pickles were available in the two countries, at Indian grocery shops." }, { "docid": "2592622", "title": "-", "text": "To make use of boric acid powder to kill fleas on furniture, simply sprinkle the boric acid powder very lightly. over the furniture especially the wells. Using a hand brush, work the powder deep into the wells until powder. disappears. Vacuum off all excess powder from the furniture." }, { "docid": "5495972", "title": "-", "text": "FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, Mar. 16, 2015 - Williams Lake: The Invasive Species Council of BC has teamed up with BC Girl Guides to create a new Alien Invader Challenge program that introduces girls and young women from age 5 to 18 to the harm that invasive species can cause and what they can do to limit their spread.he BC Invasive Species Council applauds the Province of British Columbia for its announcement today that BC is expanding its actions to prevent invasive mussels from entering the province’s waters." }, { "docid": "4158316", "title": "-", "text": "The center of their culture was Mycenae, which flourished from about 1500 to 1100 BC. Before 1400 BC the Mycenaeans conquered the Minoans. The war against Troy took place in the 13th or early 12th century BC The Minoan Civilization The origin of the Minoans is unknown, but by 1600 BC they dominated the Aegean region.They lived on Crete from about 2500 BC to 1400 BC, when they were conquered by Mycenaeans from the Greek mainland.Their prosperity depended upon seafaring and trade, especially with the Middle East and with Egypt.ycenae was the capital of the region ruled by King Agamemnon, the Achaean leader in the Trojan War The Mycenaeans, or Achaeans, had invaded the Greek mainland between 1900 BC and 1600 BC, and the term Achaeans was sometimes used to refer to all Greeks of this period." }, { "docid": "3442362", "title": "History of Greek", "text": "There are several theories about the origins of the Greek language. One theory suggests that it originated with a migration of proto-Greek speakers into the Greek peninsula, which is dated to any period between 2500 BC and 1700 BC." }, { "docid": "8048052", "title": "Baking Powder Substitute", "text": "Baking Powder Substitute Baking powder is essential in achieving perfectly fluffy breads and baked goods. See which ingredients to use as a substitute for baking powder, plus healthy baking powder substitutes. Pin" }, { "docid": "2980414", "title": "10 Things to Know About Indian Spices", "text": "The most commonly used ground Indian spices are: Cumin powder, chili powder, turmeric, coriander powder and garam masala. If you keep just these five spices in your pantry, you will be ready for any Indian food cravings that strike.The bulk section of grocery stores is a good place to try out a new spice for the first time.. Cumin powder, chili powder, turmeric, coriander powder and garam masala. If you keep just these five spices in your pantry, you will be ready for any Indian food cravings that strike." }, { "docid": "1884403", "title": "Can I Substitute Cacao Powder for Cocoa Powder?", "text": "Can I Substitute Cacao Powder for Cocoa Powder? Q: Can you substitute cacao powder for cocoa powder in recipes? I bought Navitas Naturals Organic Raw Cacao Powder at Whole Foods, and I wanted to know if I can substitute the powder for cocoa powder in recipes, like brownie recipes." }, { "docid": "8252946", "title": "Ancient Greek architecture", "text": "History[edit] Historians divide ancient Greek civilization into two eras, the Hellenic period (from around 900 BC to the death of Alexander the Great in 323 BC), and the Hellenistic period (323 BC to 30 AD). During the earlier Hellenic period, substantial works of architecture began to appear around 600 BC." }, { "docid": "4915200", "title": "-", "text": "Archaic Greece 1 Archaic Greece The Archaic period in Greece (800 BC – 480 BC) is a period of ancient Greek history that followed the GreekDark Ages." }, { "docid": "1258626", "title": "-", "text": "Qin Shi Huang (260–210 BC), personal name Ying Zheng, was the King of the state of Qin (r. 246–221 BC) who conquered all other Warring States and united China in 221 BC. Rather than maintain the title of king borne by the Shang and Zhou rulers, he ruled as the First Emperor of the Qin dynasty from 220 to 210 BC.The title emperor (huangdi) would continue to be borne by Chinese rulers for the next two millennia.ather than maintain the title of king borne by the Shang and Zhou rulers, he ruled as the First Emperor of the Qin dynasty from 220 to 210 BC. The title emperor (huangdi) would continue to be borne by Chinese rulers for the next two millennia." }, { "docid": "8334803", "title": "Divorce & Separation", "text": "To get a divorce in BC, you have to apply to the Supreme Court. The court will give you a divorce if you or your spouse has lived in BC for at least one year and you can show that your marriage has broken down.You will have to be able to show the court that: 1 you have lived apart -- been separated -- for at least one year, or. 2 one of you committed adultery, or.ivorce & Separation. To get a divorce in BC, you have to apply to the Supreme Court. The court will give you a divorce if you or your spouse has lived in BC for at least one year and you can show that your marriage has broken down. You will have to be able to show the court that:" }, { "docid": "1747141", "title": "-", "text": "republican government of the city of Rome and its territories from 510 BC until the establishment of the Roman Empire, which sometimes placed at 44 BC the year of Caesar's appointment as perpetual dictator or, more commonly, 27 BC the year that the Roman Senate granted Octavian the title Augustus." }, { "docid": "5619952", "title": "-", "text": "Our Organic Beet Root Powder is a great source of energy, promoting vitality to the entire body. The Difference Between Beet Root Powder and Beet Juice Powder. Our Organic Beet Root Powder is made by drying whole beet roots, and then grinding them into a fine powder.Our Organic Beet Root Juice Powder is made by first extracting the juice from the beets, and then drying the juice only into a fine powder.The advantage of the Organic Beet Root Powder is that it is a whole food, as it contains all of the fibrous material from the beet.ur Organic Beet Root Powder is a great source of energy, promoting vitality to the entire body. The Difference Between Beet Root Powder and Beet Juice Powder. Our Organic Beet Root Powder is made by drying whole beet roots, and then grinding them into a fine powder." }, { "docid": "4252434", "title": "What Is Heroin", "text": "Heroin is derived from Morphine which is a white powder in it pure form, on the street it is more of a brown coloured powder, due to the additives added. It has been know for powdered milk, talc, curry powder, washing powder and other substances to be mixed with pure Heroin to increase the volume." }, { "docid": "5418092", "title": "-", "text": "There are numerous direct parallels in the Epic of Gilgamesh with stories, facts and events in the Bible. While it is true that other flood stories like the Epic of Atra-Hasis (1635 BC) and the Eridu Genesis (2150 BC) have details that predate Genesis (1440 BC), the Gilgamesh Epic was written 300 years after Genesis." }, { "docid": "2020944", "title": "Fennel powder cooking recipes", "text": "Trusted Results with Fennel powder cooking recipes. 1 Cooks.com - Recipes - Fennel Powder. tomato sauce, basil, fennel and garlic powder to a boil 2 ... fennel powder Recipes at Epicurious.com. Grilled Cheddar and Fennel Sandwiches with Curry Mayo Gourmet, December 2004 3 ... Cooks.com - Recipes - Fennel Powder - Page 8." }, { "docid": "8553994", "title": "Cacao Nibs: Superfood that Boosts Energy and Burns Fat", "text": "1 If you buy cocoa powder, be sure you buy plain cocoa powder, not cocoa mixes which often contain sugar. 2 Look for either regular cocoa powder or Dutch-processed (a.k.a. dark) cocoa powder." }, { "docid": "5319742", "title": "Samosa Recipe (with Step by Step Photos)", "text": "Add boiled green peas and stir-fry for a minute. Add red chilli powder, coriander powder, garam masala powder, dry mango powder and fennel seeds powder. Stir fry for a minute. Add chopped/mashed potato and salt (add salt only if you have not added while boiling potatoes or taste the potato and then add according it)." }, { "docid": "8536526", "title": "Get up to $2,500 heat pump grants + rebates", "text": "1 LiveSmart BC rebates — BC homeowner s can get LiveSmart BC heat pump rebates of up to $2,500 – for a new heat pump. 2 The Government of British Columbia grants up to $7,000 and more for home energy renovation s through the LiveSmart BC rebate program, which is in effect until March 31, 2013.3 Click here for more. The Government of Canada grants up to $5,000 for home energy renovation s through the eco ENERGY Retrofit – Homes program, which is in effect until March 31, 2012. 2 Click here for more. 3 LiveSmart BC rebates — BC homeowner s can get LiveSmart BC heat pump rebates of up to $2,500 – for a new heat pump." }, { "docid": "2103851", "title": "Archimedes Biography", "text": "Archimedes was born in Syracuse, Greece in 287 BC and died 212 BC after being killed by a Roman soldier who did not know who Archimedes was. He was the son of an astronomer: Phidias of whom we know nothing about." }, { "docid": "502825", "title": "Neo-Babylonian Empire", "text": "The Neo-Babylonian Empire was a period of Mesopotamian history which began in 626 BC and ended in 539 BC. During the preceding three centuries, Babylonia had been ruled by their fellow Akkadian speakers and northern neighbours, Assyria.n alliance with the Medes, Persians, Scythians and Cimmerians, they sacked the city of Nineveh in 612 BC, and the seat of empire was transferred to Babylonia for the first time since the death of Hammurabi in the mid 18th century BC." }, { "docid": "8216881", "title": "Angle bisector theorem", "text": "and conversely, if a point D on the side BC of triangle ABC divides BC in the same ratio as the sides AB and AC, then AD is the angle bisector of angle ∠ A. The generalized angle bisector theorem states that if D lies on the line BC, then" }, { "docid": "7428865", "title": "How to Use Activated Charcoal (For Beauty, Health & Home)", "text": "How to use Activated Charcoal. Activated Charcoal powder is used medicinally as well as in air and water purifiers. Its recorded use dates back to 1550 BC and in modern times is most widely used medicinally as a detoxifier and poison antidote. I always keep it on hand for spider bites, accidental ingestion of toxins or stomach bugs." }, { "docid": "3834133", "title": "How many years were there from 100 B.C. to 100 A.D.?", "text": "Best Answer: 199. There was no year zero. The year 1 BC was followed immediately by the year 1 AD. If you use the other convention of numbering BC years as negative numbers, year 1 BC = 0, and year 2 BC = -1, and so forth. That means that 100 BC = -99, so the difference between -99 and +100 is 199. Just as stated.eport Abuse. There was no year 0. So you've got 100 years from 100 BC to 1 BC, and another hundred years from 1 AD to 100 AD, or a total of 200 years." }, { "docid": "369933", "title": "-", "text": "1 Latin name Lucius Tarquinius Priscus, fifth legendary king of Rome (616–578 bc). 2 Latin name Lucius Tarquinius Superbus, seventh and last legendary king of Rome (534–510 bc). Latin name Lucius Tarquinius Superbus, seventh and last legendary king of Rome (534–510 bc)." } ]
what is bell's palsy symptoms
[ { "docid": "1387480", "title": "-", "text": "Symptoms of Bell's palsy. The symptoms of Bell's palsy can vary – from a mild numbness of the face to total paralysis. The symptoms develop quickly and reach their peak within 48 hours. They include: weakness or paralysis in one side of the face, which may make it difficult to close the eyelid and cause the side of the mouth to droop." } ]
[ { "docid": "7955226", "title": "Alarm clock", "text": "Traditional mechanical alarm clocks have one or two bells that ring by means of a mainspring that powers a gear to propel a hammer back and forth between the two bells or between the interior sides of a single bell. In some models, the back encasement of the clock itself acts as the bell." }, { "docid": "91325", "title": "Definition of Cerebral Palsy", "text": "With the exception of children born with a severe case, cerebral palsy is considered to be a non-life-threatening condition. Most children with cerebral palsy are expected to live well into adulthood." }, { "docid": "735122", "title": "-", "text": "drooping lip. About 4 months ago the right side of my mouth started drooping. I was having a great deal of jaw and ear pain. Went to the dr they said it was a mild case of bells palsy. It never got any worse but there were days that seemed better then others." }, { "docid": "3071690", "title": "-", "text": "Door bells and sleigh bells and schnitzel with noodles, wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings, these are a few of my favorite things~ RP by Splashtablet - the Kitchen iPad Case that sticks everywhere. Winter Sale prices on Amazon Now! Sometimes, inventions are best left to the imagination." }, { "docid": "2559362", "title": "-", "text": "Symptoms Conventionally recognized Lyme Disease symptoms, i.e., bull's-eye rash, Bell's palsy, flu-like symptoms, fever. Numerous syndromes and conditions not conventionally attributed to Lyme Disease, i.e., paralysis, multiple sclerosis, mental disorders, chronic fatigue syndrome, post-Lyme syndrome, many more. Does not cause symptoms Common (yet not fully accurate) beliefs Causative bacteria in Lyme Disease." }, { "docid": "7420881", "title": "Abducens nerve palsy", "text": "Abducens nerve palsy. Introduction: Abducens nerve palsy. Description of Abducens nerve palsy. Abducens nerve palsy (medical condition): A complication that can develop from a middle ear infection that spreads to the...more ». See also: Gradenigo's syndrome: »Introduction: Gradenigo's syndrome." }, { "docid": "6670500", "title": "-", "text": "Bell’s palsy affects the function of facial muscles, as well as tears, saliva, taste and the middle ear. The condition is often recognized by droopiness on one side of the face, with symptoms that suddenly appear and peak after about one day. The symptoms of Bell’s palsy include: Sudden weakness or paralysis on one side of the face." }, { "docid": "1042044", "title": "Song Lyrics: Hunchback of Notre Dame", "text": "Clopin. Morning in Paris, the city awakes. To the bells of Notre Dame. The fisherman fishes, the bakerman bakes. To the bells of Notre Dame. To the big bells as loud as the thunder. To the little bells soft as a psalm. And some say the soul of the city's. The toll of the bells." }, { "docid": "6624613", "title": "What is facial paralysis?", "text": "The most common diagnosis is in fact Bell’s palsy. Symptoms of Bell’s palsy can include a combination of: facial paralysis on one side (rarely are both sides of the face affected) loss of blinking control on the affected side. decreased tearing. drooping of the mouth to the affected side. altered sense of taste." }, { "docid": "6047208", "title": "What is Sixth nerve palsy?", "text": "1 Sixth nerve palsy: A nerve disorder where the cranial nerve VI doesn't function properly and hence the eye can't look outwards towards the ears. 2 The nerve impairment can result from ear infections, certain viral infections or other disorders.ixth nerve palsy is listed as a rare disease by the Office of Rare Diseases (ORD) of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). This means that Sixth nerve palsy, or a subtype of Sixth nerve palsy, affects less than 200,000 people in the US population. Source-National Institutes of Health (NIH)." }, { "docid": "3425604", "title": "-", "text": "Research the causes of these symptoms that are similar to, or related to, the symptom Slurred speech: 1 Speech symptoms (1393 causes) 2 Speech impairment. 3 Inability to speak (67 causes) 4 Stuttering (28 causes) 5 Alcoholism. 6 Upper motor neuron disease. 7 Lower motor neuron disease. 8 Bell's palsy (9 causes) 9 Glosspaharhngeal nerve palsy." }, { "docid": "8778631", "title": "Back in Black", "text": "AllMusic Review by Stephen Thomas Erlewine. The first sound on Back in Black is the deep, ominous drone of church bells -- or Hell's Bells, as it were, opening the album and AC/DC's next era with a fanfare while ringing a fond farewell to Bon Scott, their late lead singer who partied himself straight to hell." }, { "docid": "5331576", "title": "Causes of Cerebral Palsy", "text": "Every case of cerebral palsy is unique to the individual. This is due in part by the type of injury, extent of injury, and the timing of injury to the developing brain. The brain damage that causes cerebral palsy is a result of either:1 Prenatal disturbance of brain cell migration – genetic and environmental factors disturb brain cell migration as cells move to their appropriate location during brain development.very case of cerebral palsy is unique to the individual. This is due in part by the type of injury, extent of injury, and the timing of injury to the developing brain. The brain damage that causes cerebral palsy is a result of either:" }, { "docid": "4464512", "title": "Can Bells Palsy Reoccur.......lncms Dec 07, 2011", "text": "Hi forum I am a 30 aged guy before 2 month i developed Bells palsy and conformed by neurologist and gave Vit.B12 and Prednisolone tab for 20 days. I took that and again went to doctor for recheckup and doctor told it was completely cured." }, { "docid": "6186397", "title": "Types of Peripheral Neuropathy - Other Type of Peripheral Neuropathy", "text": "Bell's Palsy. Bell's palsy occurs when a facial nerve becomes swollen or inflamed, causing paralysis or weakness on one side of the face. The onset of the paralysis is sudden, and the exact cause of the inflammation may be difficult to identify.ell's Palsy. Bell's palsy occurs when a facial nerve becomes swollen or inflamed, causing paralysis or weakness on one side of the face. The onset of the paralysis is sudden, and the exact cause of the inflammation may be difficult to identify." }, { "docid": "8353796", "title": "Sixth Nerve Palsy Eye Disease", "text": "Symptoms of Sixth Nerve Palsy. Many people who suffer from a sixth nerve palsy will have an esotropia. An esotropia is a condition in which the eye crosses inward toward the nose. The eye turns inward because the lateral rectus fails to keep the eye centered by pulling the eye outward toward the midline." }, { "docid": "7753372", "title": "Third Nerve Palsy (Oculomotor Nerve Palsy)", "text": "Unilateral third cranial nerve palsy. 1 Horizontal deviation is divergent or temporal (exotropia) because of weakness of the medial rectus muscle of the involved side. 2 Vertical deviation results from weakness of the superior rectus, inferior oblique (both elevators), and inferior rectus (depressor) muscles. [4]. 2 Involvement of the fourth cranial nerve does not add any symptoms to patients with Tolosa-Hunt syndrome since the eye on the side of the third cranial nerve palsy already has a deficit of depression from involvement of the inferior rectus muscle." }, { "docid": "337537", "title": "Typically developing infants sit in ring sitting", "text": "Children affected by cerebral palsy often adopt a W-sitting or side sitting posture. Children with cerebral palsy develop increased muscle tone (called spasticity) and tightness in the muscles muscles on the inside of the thigh (hip adductors and internal rotatos)." }, { "docid": "1511552", "title": "-", "text": "Bell's palsy is characterized by drooping of the face. Brachial palsy is characterized by a general weakness of the arm. Head trauma may cause cerebral palsy. Cerebral palsy damages the nervous system and brain function. Cerebral palsy is one of the most common causes of muscle atrophy in children." }, { "docid": "269426", "title": "Cerebral Palsy: Three Main Types Spastic, Athetoid & Ataxic Cerebral Palsy", "text": "The three types of Cerebral Palsy classified by the type of permanent disability caused by the permanent brain damage suffered during delivery, the permanent brain damage suffered at birth, or the permanent brain damage suffered shortly after birth are the following:Spastic Cerebral Palsy.or more information about spastic cerebral palsy, Click Here. Athetoid Cerebral Palsy. Children with athetoid cerebral palsy suffer an ever changing level of muscle tone. As a result, children with athetoid cerebral palsy suffer a constant succession of slow, writhing, involuntary movements." }, { "docid": "6932835", "title": "Bells - Supernatural Enchantment and a Biblical Perspective", "text": "And on that day there shall be inscribed on the bells of the horses, “Holy to the LORD.” And the pots in the house of the LORD shall be as the bowls before the altar.nd the cooking pots in the house of the LORD will be like the bowls in front of the altar. JPS Tanakh 1917. In that day shall there be upon the bells of the horses: HOLY UNTO THE LORD; and the pots in the LORD'S house shall be like the basins before the altar." }, { "docid": "1077616", "title": "-", "text": "Bell's palsy is a peripheral facial palsy of sudden onset. The etiology of Bell's palsy is unknown and hereditary components may play a role in familial recurrent Bell's palsy." }, { "docid": "745019", "title": "Diagnosis", "text": "Angelman syndrome is a severe neurogenetic disorder that shares symptoms and characteristics similar to those associated with other disorders including autism, cerebral palsy, Prader-Willi syndrome. Due to these similarities, misdiagnosis is a prevalent problem." }, { "docid": "3430045", "title": "How does cerebral palsy affect people?", "text": "Cerebral palsy can affect a person’s posture, balance and ability to move, communicate, eat, sleep and learn. The parts of the body affected by cerebral palsy, the level of severity and combination of symptoms can differ for each person.For example, one person may have a weakness in one hand and find tasks like writing or tying shoelaces challenging.ecause cerebral palsy can affect the muscles around the mouth, 1 in 5 children with cerebral palsy have saliva loss (also known as dribbling, drooling or sialorhrea). The saliva loss may be more noticeable when they are concentrating on a fine motor task." }, { "docid": "7846471", "title": "Day 4, BPP-1 (Bellâs Palsy Post 1): Bellâs Palsy and Me", "text": "For the last four or five days, I’ve been coping with my Bell’s Palsy. This is Day 5 and my 2nd Bell’s Palsy Post (BPP-2). The whole process up to this point has been exhausting and at times, frustrating." }, { "docid": "1612265", "title": "What is Bell's palsy?", "text": "Bell's palsy is a weakness (paralysis) that affects the muscles of the face. It is due to a problem with the facial nerve. The weakness usually affects one side of the face. Rarely, both sides are affected. Many people who have a Bell's palsy at first think that they have had a stroke. This is not so." }, { "docid": "2414543", "title": "4th Nerve Palsy", "text": "A Few Facts About 4th Nerve Palsy. A little known or understood disorder, 4th Nerve Palsy is an eye disorder in which the usual symptom is that of double vision. In this particular case, double vision means the image seen through one eye appears to be slightly above the image seen by the other eye." }, { "docid": "2018341", "title": "Cerebral Palsy", "text": "Cerebral Palsy. Cerebral palsy is a chronic disability of the central nervous system characterized by abnormal control of movement and posture. The symptoms of Cerebral Palsy and their severity are variable.erebral Palsy. Cerebral palsy is a chronic disability of the central nervous system characterized by abnormal control of movement and posture. The symptoms of Cerebral Palsy and their severity are variable." }, { "docid": "6897129", "title": "What is Cerebral Palsy (CP)?", "text": "Early signs of cerebral palsy usually appear before 18 months of age, and parents are often the first to suspect that their infant is not developing motor skills normally. Infants with cerebral palsy are frequently slow to reach developmental milestones, such as learning to roll over, sit, crawl, smile, or walk." }, { "docid": "6624611", "title": "-", "text": "Facial palsy; Facial cranial nerve paralysis; Bell palsy; Facial palsy; Facial cranial nerve paralysis; Bell palsy; Antoni's palsy; Facial nerve palsy; Facial paralysis; Idiopathic facial palsy; Refrigeration palsy See More." } ]
what is bending former
[ { "docid": "863433", "title": "Sheet Metal Forming", "text": "Bending is a metal forming process in which a force is applied to a piece of sheet metal, causing it to bend at an angle and form the desired shape. A bending operation causes deformation along one axis, but a sequence of several different operations can be performed to create a complex part." } ]
[ { "docid": "5689591", "title": "How to Plant Tomatoes in Wheat Straw Bales", "text": "Overview. If the soil on your property is not viable for growing tomatoes, consider planting them in wheat straw bales. Even if you have good soil, this is an alternative for growers who do not want to exert themselves through the labor-intensive bending that is required with traditional in-ground gardening.f the soil on your property is not viable for growing tomatoes, consider planting them in wheat straw bales. Even if you have good soil, this is an alternative for growers who do not want to exert themselves through the labor-intensive bending that is required with traditional in-ground gardening." }, { "docid": "1593436", "title": "Chondromalacia", "text": "What are the symptoms of chondromalacia patellae? Chondromalacia patellae will typically present as pain in the knee region, known as patellofemoral pain. You may feel sensations of grinding or cracking when bending or extending your knee." }, { "docid": "5048876", "title": "Sensory Receptors for Equilibrium", "text": "The movement and bending of the sensory receptors for equilibrium generate impulses or signals about movement and positioning of the head and body that are picked up by the 8th cranial nerve and carried to the brain." }, { "docid": "6358054", "title": "-", "text": "The core is the foundation of a wire rope. It. is made of materials that will provide proper. support for the strands under normal bending. and loading conditions. Core materials include. fibers (natural or synthetic) or steel." }, { "docid": "4915482", "title": "Flexibility in Fitness: Definition, Stretches & Exercises", "text": "Flexibility is important in fitness because it allows for better performance when playing sports or exercising and in your day-to-day activities, such as bending, walking and lifting. In this lesson, you will learn how stretching and certain types of exercises can help improve flexibility." }, { "docid": "4456737", "title": "-", "text": "1 plantaflexion-which is. 2 flexion or bending, e.g. of the hand or foot. 3 lateral flexion-i.e. bending. ( 4 left side, or right side) e.g. of the neck or torso. 5 flexor-a muscle that can act to cause a flexion movement at a joint is called an flex. .6 to flex (verb) - e.g. athletes flex and extend their muscles. dorsiflexion-which is. 2 flexion or bending, e.g. of the hand or foot. 3 plantaflexion-which is. 4 flexion or bending, e.g. of the hand or foot. 5 lateral flexion-i.e. bending. ( 6 left side, or right side) e.g. of the neck or torso. 7 flexor-a muscle that can act to cause a flexion movement at a joint is called an flex. ." }, { "docid": "5534497", "title": "Brake (sheet metal bending)", "text": "In a box-and-pan brake, the clamping bar includes several removable blocks, which may be removed and rearranged to permit bending of restricted areas of a piece of sheet metal or of already partially formed pieces." }, { "docid": "900342", "title": "Lufthansa / Customer Service", "text": "Customer Service. I called reservations for Lufthansa and Wendy employee id. Whisky Tango told me that since I have a knee injury that prevents me from bending it I am not disabled and no help would be offered to accomodate. I asked to speak with her supervisor and she said flat out NO." }, { "docid": "8714834", "title": "curtsy", "text": "Define curtsy: an act of civility, respect, or reverence made mainly by women and consisting of a slight lowering of the body with bending of the…" }, { "docid": "3491494", "title": "-", "text": "Shear and Moment Functions. Beams are structural members which carry lateral. loading (perpendicular to the bending axis). To design a beam, a detailed knowledge of the. variation of the axial force, A, shear force, V, and. the bending moment, M, through out the member. is required. Shear and Moment Functions. Typically, axial force is not considered since: 1. in most cases the loading is perpendicular to. the beam; and. 2. the beam’s resistance to shear and bending. moment is more critical. The variation of the shear and moment along the. beam may be written as a function of the position," }, { "docid": "4574731", "title": "Romantic Period In Music History", "text": "The Romantic period was a time of bending or breaking all of the rules from the Classical Period. Which of the following below best describes the music of the Romantic Period?" }, { "docid": "6392657", "title": "-", "text": "Before the stress state at point A can be analyzed for maximum shear and normal stresses, the maximum bending moment and shear load in the beam needs to be determined. From the maximum bending moment, the maximum bending stress can be found. Also, from the maximum shear load, the maximum shear stress can be determined. Both of these stresses are in the beam oriented coordinate system." }, { "docid": "3666676", "title": "Computer Workstations eTool", "text": "Computer Workstations eTool. 1 Top of the screen is at or below eye level so you can read it without bending your head or neck down/back. 2 User with bifocals/trifocals can read the screen without bending the head or neck backward. 3 Monitor distance allows you to read the screen without leaning your head, neck or trunk forward/backward." }, { "docid": "1900038", "title": "Social Security and Types of Restrictions", "text": "The considerable lifting required for the full range of medium work usually requires frequent bending-stooping. (Stooping is a type of bending in which a person bends his or her body downward and forward by bending the spine at the waist.) Flexibility of the knees as well as the torso is important for this activity." }, { "docid": "8208100", "title": "-", "text": "Using the factor of safety of two, the plate is designed to take a bending moment per unit width of 6250 lb. The simplest choices are to replace the aluminum plate by an all Graphite/Epoxy laminate or an all Glass/Epoxy laminate." }, { "docid": "14800", "title": "-", "text": "Recently, a Wall Street Journal article titled “Slipstream Fiction Goes Mainstream” trumpeted, once again, the triumph of genre-bending writing’s apparent coup at overthrowing the supposed realism gods of the literary mainstream." }, { "docid": "4030343", "title": "-", "text": "You might find that anything that increases the pressure in your head can make the headache worse. 1 This could be: 2 sneezing or coughing. 3 bending over. 4 exercising. 5 shouting." }, { "docid": "5699988", "title": "Oops for Britney: Survey reveals most hated baby names...and Jayden tops the list for boys", "text": "More than 1,500 names were cited and Ms Wattenberg calculated which names came up the most. The survey also came to the conclusion that people hate gender-bending names, particularly when a masculine becomes a feminine as in for Madison and Addison." }, { "docid": "1243567", "title": "Knee cap alignment", "text": "This happens due to mal-alignment of the knee cap on bending the knee (and hence any imaging study has to be taken with the knee bent), injury to the knee (you may have sustained while playing), flat feet, over tight or over lax muscles around the knee joint." }, { "docid": "368469", "title": "Bending Basics: The fundamentals of heavy bending", "text": "For 0.5-in.-thick 7050 aluminum, the minimum bend radius may be specified as much as 9.5 times material thickness. Again, the minimum inside bend radius is even larger when bending with the grain. In steel between 0.5 and 0.8 in.hen bending on a press brake, thicker and harder plates require larger minimum bend radii. Finding the true minimum bend radius for steel or aluminum plate requires a little research. Nonetheless, the answers are there, waiting for you to find them." }, { "docid": "2938928", "title": "beam/plate in bending, is there a difference? 2", "text": "RE: beam/plate in bending, is there a difference? My recollection (just from my prep for the PE exam 4 years ago) was that the formula was very similar... there was just a multiplication by a factor that came from the ratio of the width to the thickness or something." }, { "docid": "281797", "title": "Influence line", "text": "An influence line for a given function, such as a reaction, axial force, shear force, or bending moment, is a graph that shows the variation of that function at any given point on a structure due to the application of a unit load at any point on the structure." }, { "docid": "1497085", "title": "Exhaustive Research: How To Choose an Aftermarket Exhaust System", "text": "The second major difference between stock and aftermarket exhaust systems is the pipe bends. Stock exhaust pipe is typically formed using a technique called crush bending. Although crush bending is a quick, easy technique, it also causes performance-robbing restrictions at the pipe bends." }, { "docid": "2320859", "title": "Refraction", "text": "Refraction. The bending of rays of light as they pass from one medium into another, e.g. from air to water, or from air to glass. Reflector ... Refraction. The bending of light rays by the glass element s inside a lens so that they converge and focus on a single plane in side the camera 's film or digital sensor.Scene. The place or environment viewed from camera position.hen light rays change path as they pass through one transparent object, such as a lens element, to the next. REFRACTION. As if this is not enough, there are more problems. When light travels from air to water it slows down as it meets the dense r medium.." }, { "docid": "3516167", "title": "How Rainbows Work", "text": "The fundamental process at work in a rainbow is refraction -- the bending of light. Light bends -- or more accurately, changes directions -- when it travels from one medium to another. This happens because light travels at different speeds in different mediums." }, { "docid": "8165352", "title": "What is the Medical term meaning tongue moves backward?", "text": "Ankylosed is the medical term meaning abnormally bent; flexed is the medical term meaning normal bending of a joint." }, { "docid": "5517035", "title": "-", "text": "1 Mock-ups For Structural Steel Bending and Steel Plate…. 2 What is the meaning of “Yes, we have the capacity to bend…. 3 How Do the Tolerances for Structural Steel Construction…. Reverse Curve Bending of Beams." }, { "docid": "6115546", "title": "curtsy", "text": "Definition of curtsy for English Language Learners. : a formal way of greeting an important person (such as a king or queen) in which a woman shows respect by placing one foot slightly behind the other and bending her knees." }, { "docid": "3094028", "title": "-", "text": "Cambering Cambering structural steel members is achieved by inducing residual stresses by means of cold or hot bending, with the former (cold) being the more common of the two. Cold bending involves placing the member in a press while hydraulic rams bear down on it producing a reasonably uniform curve." }, { "docid": "7184566", "title": "Definitions &Translations", "text": "Mooning Mooning is the art of displaying one's bare buttocks by removing clothing, e.g., by lowering the backside of one's trousers and underpants, usually bending over, whether also exposing the genitals or not." } ]
what is benzenoid structure
[ { "docid": "6998739", "title": "benzenoid", "text": "benzenoid (not comparable) ( 1 organic chemistry) Having an electronic structure analogous to that of benzene. ( 2 organic chemistry) Containing at least one benzene ring." } ]
[ { "docid": "8378620", "title": "Purposes and Functions of Foundations", "text": "The low artificially built part of a structure which transmits the load of the structure to the ground is called foundation. OR A foundation (also called a ground sill) is a structure that transfers loads to the earth. Foundation of a structure is always constructed below the ground level so as to increase the lateral stability of the structure." }, { "docid": "7129940", "title": "Mars Exploration Rover", "text": "The Lander Structure. The spacecraft lander is a protective shell that houses the rover and protects it, along with the airbags, from the forces of impact.The lander is a strong, lightweight structure, consisting of a base and three sides petals in the shape of a tetrahedron (pyramid-shaped).The Lander structure consists of beams and sheets that are made from a composite material.he lander is a strong, lightweight structure, consisting of a base and three sides petals in the shape of a tetrahedron (pyramid-shaped). The Lander structure consists of beams and sheets that are made from a composite material." }, { "docid": "4697093", "title": "-", "text": "This thesaurus page is about all possible synonyms, equivalent, same meaning and similar words for the term body. body, organic structure, physical structure(noun) the entire structure of an organism (an animal, plant, or human being) Synonyms:" }, { "docid": "6211773", "title": "Global Geographic Division Structure of MNEâs", "text": "Demerits of Global Geographic Division Structure. A drawback is possible costly duplication of work among areas. For example, Ford abandoned its geographic structure in favor of a product division structure because of costly design duplication between Europe and North America.emerits of Global Geographic Division Structure. A drawback is possible costly duplication of work among areas. For example, Ford abandoned its geographic structure in favor of a product division structure because of costly design duplication between Europe and North America." }, { "docid": "2872898", "title": "C++ Structure and Function", "text": "Note: The value of all members of a structure variable can be assigned to another structure using assignment operator = if both structure variables are of same type. You don't need to manually assign each members. Then the structure variable p is passed to displayData() function, which displays the information." }, { "docid": "7379375", "title": "Cell Membranes", "text": "The structure is called a lipid bilayer because it is composed of two layers of fat cells organized in two sheets. The lipid bilayer is typically about five nanometers thick and surrounds all cells providing the cell membrane structure. The structure of the lipid bilayer explains its function as a barrier." }, { "docid": "2561739", "title": "Is Hydrogen Peroxide polar?", "text": "C. polar bonds and asymmetrical structure. If the molecule contains polar bonds but it has a symmetrical structure, the polar bonds will cancel each other out so the overall molecule will be non-polar. On the other hand, if the molecule contains polar bonds but has an asymmetrical structure, then the polar bonds won't cancel each other out, so the overall molecule ends up being polar." }, { "docid": "7559481", "title": "Sentence clause structure", "text": "Sentence clause structure. In grammar, clause structure refers to the classification of sentences based on the number and kind of clauses in their syntactic structure. Such division is an element of traditional grammar. A simple sentence consists of only one clause. A compound sentence consists of two or more independent clauses." }, { "docid": "5200303", "title": "The Importance of Organizational Structure", "text": "Organizational structure is particularly important for decision making. Most companies either have a tall or flat organizational structure. Small companies usually use a flat organizational structure.he importance of organizational structure is particularly crucial for communication. Organizational structure enables the distribution of authority. When a person starts a job, he knows from day one to whom he will report." }, { "docid": "6076536", "title": "-", "text": "Capital structure refers to the mix of debt and equity used by a firm in financing its assets. According to the modern literature of financial security, the agency conflicts are considered as determinant factor of the capital structure of the companies. The capital structure of a business is the mix of types of debt and equity the company has on its balance sheet. Relationship between capital structure and firms performance: a case of textile sector in Pakistan." }, { "docid": "8429940", "title": "THE CHEMISTRY OF MILK", "text": "The crystal structure will then change to that of the more stable structure, and a different mineral will be in existence. Similarly, if the temperature is increased, the atoms on the crystal structure will tend to vibrate more and increase their effective size. When the temperature or pressure is changed to that where a new crystal structure and symmetry is stable, different parts of the crystal become arranged in different symmetrical orientations, and thus form an intergrowth of one or more crystals." }, { "docid": "6217187", "title": "Global Product Division Structure of MNEâs", "text": "Product division structure increases the specialization of work such that the number of similar products can be increased. The structure helps in expansion into new markets and production of totally new kinds of products.Resource leverage is another advantage.roduct division structure increases the specialization of work such that the number of similar products can be increased. The structure helps in expansion into new markets and production of totally new kinds of products." }, { "docid": "8217690", "title": "Text Structure", "text": "problem and solution, cause and effect, and ; compare and contrast. Introduce and model using a graphic organizer to chart the text structure. To use the text structure strategy teachers should: Show examples of paragraphs that correspond to each text structure. Examine topic sentences that clue the reader to a specific structure." }, { "docid": "4789942", "title": "Organizational structure", "text": "A functional organizational structure is a structure that consists of activities such as coordination, supervision and task allocation. The organizational structure determines how the organization performs or operates." }, { "docid": "7738047", "title": "-", "text": "As the lesson concludes, verify your ability to: 1 Define text structure. 2 Interpret the problem and solution structure. 3 Determine how this structure helps readers comprehend what is being read. 4 Identify words and phrases that signal the problem and solution structure." }, { "docid": "8569976", "title": "-", "text": "The best thing would be if your data is immutable then you have automatic thread safety but if you are bound to a collection which count does change you have a mutable data structure. If you could redesign your data structure into an immutable one you are done.he best thing would be if your data is immutable then you have automatic thread safety but if you are bound to a collection which count does change you have a mutable data structure. If you could redesign your data structure into an immutable one you are done." }, { "docid": "1593327", "title": "Structure of Muscle (and associated connective tissues)", "text": "A general example of the structure of muscle and associated tissues is shown below. Above: Diagram of the Structure of Muscle (and associated connective tissue)" }, { "docid": "6063370", "title": "Architecture Principle Definition", "text": "An architecture principle is the enforced way a concept works throughout a structure producing certain results. Every principle that is valid throughout the structure the architecture (total concept) is applied onto, is an Architecture Principle to that structure." }, { "docid": "6211770", "title": "-", "text": "Split and merge into it. Answered by The Community. Making the world better, one answer at a time. 1. Worldwide product division structure-The worldwide product division structure is an organizational structure where the first division after the CEO is by product.2.plit and merge into it. Answered by The Community. Making the world better, one answer at a time. 1. Worldwide product division structure-The worldwide product division structure is an organizational structure where the first division after the CEO is by product. 2." }, { "docid": "2872900", "title": "C++ Structure and Function", "text": "In this program, user is asked to enter the name, age and salary of a Person inside main() function. Then, the structure variable p is to passed to a function using. displayData(p); The return type of displayData() is void and a single argument of type structure Person is passed. Then the members of structure p is displayed from this function. Example 2: Returning structure from function in C++. The output of this program is same as program above. In this program, the structure variable p of type structure Person is defined under main() function. The structure variable p is passed to getData() function which takes input from user which is then returned to main function." }, { "docid": "5365022", "title": "Protein and Polypeptide Structure", "text": "The primary structure of a polypeptide of protein determines its secondary, tertiary, and quaternary structures. Primary Structure. The primary structure of polypeptides and proteins is the sequence of amino acids in the polypeptide chain with reference to the locations of any disulfide bonds.he primary structure may be thought of as a complete description of all of the covalent bonding in a polypeptide chain or protein. The most common way to denote a primary structure is to write the amino acid sequence using the standard three-letter abbreviations for the amino acids." }, { "docid": "3586546", "title": "The Neuron â External Structure and Classification", "text": "External Structure of the Neuron. External Structure of a Neuron. First, let’s take a look at the external structure of the most abundant type of neuron in the human body: the multipolar neuron. The cell body (a.k.a. the soma, in neuroscience jargon) contains the nucleus and other smaller internal structures." }, { "docid": "5061709", "title": "-", "text": "Protein Structure Determination. The three-dimensional shape of a protein is determined by its primary structure. The order of amino acids establishes a protein's structure and specific function. The distinct instructions for the order of amino acids are designated by the genes in a cell." }, { "docid": "3531377", "title": "-", "text": "Before we knew the three-dimensional structure of DNA, people didn’t realise it was a two-chain structure to begin with." }, { "docid": "7031647", "title": "-", "text": "Hardness is a function of the Carbon content of the steel. Hardening of a steel requires a change in structure from the body-centered cubic structure found at room temperature to the face-centered cubic structure found in the Austenitic region. The steel is heated to Autenitic region." }, { "docid": "6998741", "title": "Non-benzenoid Aromatic Compounds [Chemical Structural Class]", "text": "Non-benzenoid Aromatic Compounds [Chemical Structural Class] Azulene, which has a specific structure of ring-fused unsaturated seven-membered and five-membered rings, is a typical non-benzenoid aromatic compound. Whereas naphthalene or other hydrocarbon compounds are generally colorless, azulene, a structural isomer of naphthalene, is dark blue, and the name comes from the Spanish word azul, meaning blue." }, { "docid": "4884052", "title": "Protein structure?", "text": "Higher-level structures are motifs and domains. The primary structure is the sequence of residues in the polypedptide chain. Secondary structure is a local regulary occuring structure in proteins and is mainly formed through hydrogen bonds between backbone atoms, mainly of the R-portion of aminoacids." }, { "docid": "3762923", "title": "Social Structure: Definition and Elements of Social Structure", "text": "In simple terms, the formal arrangement or ordering of elements, parts, events or facts is known as structure. It is the way in which the things we are analysing are put together, or the relationship of its parts to one another. A botanist will describe the structure of a leaf the way it is put together. A chemist is concerned with the structure of a compound, or the relationship of the elements in the compound to one another. A biologist refers to the structure of an organism, meaning a relatively stable arrangement of tissues and organs and the relationships between the different cells and interstitial fluids." }, { "docid": "733801", "title": "Section 1. Organizational Structure: An Overview", "text": "Elements of Structure. While the need for structure is clear, the best structure for a particular coalition is harder to determine. The best structure for any organization will depend upon who its members are, what the setting is, and how far the organization has come in its development. Your group is going to have some structure whether it chooses to or not. 2 It might as well be the structure which best matches up with what kind of organization you have, what kind of people are in it, and what you see yourself doing." }, { "docid": "3731857", "title": "PMBOK - Work Breakdown Structure", "text": "PMBOK-Work Breakdown Structure. The first question that someone should ask is why use a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) at all. The work breakdown structure approach allows us to visually see the work that is needed in order to complete a project.n many cases, a work breakdown structure is the first transition of organizational goals into real work that people can actually perform. It helps to provide clarity of the scope for the project and breaks down the scope into whole work units. A work breakdown structure is deliverable-oriented." } ]
what is biotin shampoo
[ { "docid": "1780829", "title": "-", "text": "MANAGE MY CARD. OGX. Thick & Full Biotin & Collagen Shampoo. Thick & Full Biotin & Collagen Shampoo by OGX is a high performance blend of powerful ProVitamin B7 that infuses into every strand, while plumping collagen adds volume and dimension, and hydrolyzed wheat proteins strengthen, for thicker, fuller, healthier looking hair." } ]
[ { "docid": "1765016", "title": "My Disastrous Experience Taking Biotin Supplements for Hair Growth", "text": "The bottle states taking one tablet a day and will provide 2000% of the Biotin you need for the day. For those of you who are unaware, extremely high levels of biotin are the “miracle” workers that can be found in 99% of these hair growth medications that are being sold on the market today. Biotin is a water soluble B vitamin that produces keratin, increases hair elasticity, and protects the hair from becoming dry." }, { "docid": "6317337", "title": "Can Biotin cause palpitations?", "text": "Thanks for posting the query. Biotin (vit H) is a water soluble vitamin and is generally very safe at therapeuic doses. I get the opinion that your palpitations are due to some other cause. But i can theoritically relate your symptoms with the biotin you took." }, { "docid": "5476562", "title": "The Real Truth About Biotin", "text": "B Vitamins for hair growth include: • Biotin (Vitamin B7 or Vitamin H). Biotin keeps hair from falling out. Not getting enough Biotin in the diet can result in more severe hair loss including eyelashes and eyebrows. Biotin is very important in hair growth products.ou hear a lot about biotin these days. Biotin is a good supplement but it is not a cure all. When asked if they take hair vitamins, many women will say “Yes, of course I take Biotin”. Biotin is good but it is not a stand alone vitamin." }, { "docid": "2245016", "title": "The 10 Best Vitamins for Hair Regrowth", "text": "biotin is known as the hair vitamin for good reason it promotes hair growth and prevents brittle fragile hair severe biotin deficiency can lead to loss of hair eyelashes and eyebrows see 5 best biotin supplements to see which ones rate highest according to reviews" }, { "docid": "812312", "title": "Biotin for Hair Growth", "text": "Hair growth and biotin are related closely. Biotin not only promotes healthy hair growth but also prevents hair dryness. Moreover, biotin also increases the elasticity of cortex of a hair, thereby, preventing and minimizing hair breakage.air growth and biotin are related closely. Biotin not only promotes healthy hair growth but also prevents hair dryness. Moreover, biotin also increases the elasticity of cortex of a hair, thereby, preventing and minimizing hair breakage." }, { "docid": "7651764", "title": "How to Use Hinoki Essential Oil as a Natural Remedy against Hair Loss", "text": "How to Use Hinoki Oil in Hair Care? This is the easy and fun part. After all those technicalities, which I tried to explain to you in simple language, you get to use the oil now. You can spice up your regular shampoo with Hinoki oil. Use 20 drops per Oz shampoo and use as you would normally. Only this time, try to leave it on for as long as you can. If possible, rinse the hair last. You can do the same with your conditioner too. On top of adding it to your shampoo, you can add the aromatic oil of Hinoki to a warm hair care mask." }, { "docid": "461714", "title": "shampoonoun", "text": "More examples. a shampoo for dry hair. Wet the hair, apply shampoo and massage into a rich lather. First apply shampoo to hair and then rinse thoroughly. a free sachet of shampoo." }, { "docid": "1663616", "title": "Biotin Deficiency", "text": "The steps in the flow of biotin from its entry into the body (via the mouth or peripheral vein) to its exit in the stool or urine are depicted in the image below. Depiction of the flow of biotin in the biotin cycle. Free biotin enters the body via the intestinal mucosa." }, { "docid": "6453712", "title": "-", "text": "This shampoo is NOT the Keratin Complex that is sold in salons. It is a knock-off of that. The original Keratin Complex Smoothing Therapy shampoo and conditioner are almost the same color. A creamy golden color. This shampoo is almost clear and the conditioner is white." }, { "docid": "572750", "title": "Can Biotin Really Stimulate Hair Growth?", "text": "Since biotin deficiency can lead to thinning of the hair, proponents claim that taking biotin supplements or washing your hair with biotin-enriched shampoo can thicken the hair and stimulate hair growth. However, there is very little evidence to support the claim that biotin can enhance hair health." }, { "docid": "5767585", "title": "What are the Most Common Biotin Side Effects?", "text": "Cystic acne on the jawline and chin is the most common side effect of biotin. Tightness and pain in the chest is a sign of a possible biotin allergy. Nausea can be a sign of possible biotin allergy. Whole grain breads and cereals are high in biotin, which is also known as vitamin B7. Biotin supplements rarely cause side effects. Several studies have shown that high doses of biotin given to pregnant rats may increase their risk of miscarriage." }, { "docid": "5788128", "title": "-", "text": "It sounds very much like an allergic reaction to the shampoo. Allergies tend to cause itching and rash symptoms and can cause hair loss. I would stop using the shampoo immediately and speak to your Doctor to rule out any other cause. Other conditions such as eczema etc can cause what you have described. But I think that allergy is more likely as it is a new shampoo." }, { "docid": "5152850", "title": "Shampoo", "text": "Originally, soap and shampoo were very similar products; both containing the same naturally derived surfactants, a type of detergent. Modern shampoo as it is known today was first introduced in the 1930s with Drene, the first shampoo using synthetic surfactants instead of soap." }, { "docid": "7324255", "title": "How do you clean your hair without washing it?", "text": "Best Answer: If regular shampoo is drying your hair out, try skipping it. You don't have to use shampoo every time you wash your hair. Especially for people with curly hair, try conditioning your hair more often and always after using shampoo." }, { "docid": "7596394", "title": "Is there anything wrong in using baby shampoo on adult hair?", "text": "Using baby shampoo is fine because it is mild, compared to other drug store brands which contains chemicals that will cause build up . But if you use a lot of styling products, you will need to wash your hair a few times with baby shampoo to get the chemicals out. There is nothing wrong with it. I'm a 60 year old grandmother who has used baby shampoo on all of my children and myself. The shampoo is gentle and of course, non-tearing." }, { "docid": "3089618", "title": "Top 30 Doctor insights on: Do Hair Skin And Nails Vitamins Really Work", "text": "Hair, skin and nails vitamins generally contain biotin along with a mulitivitamin and other nutrients that support health. There may be multiple products named Hair Skin and Nails but one of the better ones is Nature's Bounty Optimal Solutions. ...Read more.et help from a doctor now ›. Hair skin & nails: Many nutrients are needed for healthy hair, skin and nails. While biotin may help with those who are deficient, biotin deficiency is rare." }, { "docid": "2340165", "title": "Why is formaldehyde a good preservative?", "text": "It is common to find formaldehyde in aqueous cosmetic formulations such as shampoo, conditioner, shower gel, liquid hand wash and bubble bath, even products designed for children such as bubble bath and baby shampoo have formaldehyde in them!" }, { "docid": "4102076", "title": "Vitamins for Energy & Metabolism", "text": "Biotin. Biotin, also known as vitamin B7, is necessary for cellular growth, the synthesis of fatty acids and the metabolism of amino acids. Similar to vitamin B6, biotin is needed for the process of gluconeogenesis, deriving energy from amino acids.hiamine. Thiamine, also known as vitamin B1, is needed to metabolize complex sugars, like those found in carbohydrates and amino acids, which are derived from protein. The catabolism of complex sugars yields molecules of glucose, the primary source of energy for your body, as noted in “Human Biochemistry and Disease.”." }, { "docid": "192055", "title": "Caring For Your Keratin Hair Treatment", "text": "If you do not want to buy the recommended keratin treatment shampoo, look for one which is free of sulfates and sodium chloride. Remember, the recommended shampoo will not only protect your treatment but also enhance it. Like a spray tan, every time you wash your hair, you will fade a little bit of the coating off." }, { "docid": "812313", "title": "-", "text": "A: Biotin is a water-soluble B-complex vitamin (also called vitamin B7 or vitamin H). The primary role of biotin is in the metabolism of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. Biotin is found naturally in food, such as yeast, cauliflower, salmon, bananas, carrots, egg yolks, sardines, legumes, and mushrooms.Biotin as a supplement has been reported to strengthen hair and improve thin, splitting, or brittle toenails and fingernails.: Biotin is a water soluble B-vitamin (B7). It is essential for good nail and hair growth. Biotin is involved the biochemical metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates and fats into energy. It also plays a part in the synthesis of fatty acids." }, { "docid": "5054007", "title": "10 shampoos for dry scalps, sensitive skin and eczema", "text": "This is what they say, “Neutrogena® T/Gel® Therapeutic Shampoo is a fragranced medicated shampoo, which should be used as often as needed or as recommended by your dermatologist or doctor, for the treatment of itchy, flaky scalp disorders such as dandruff, seborrhoeic dermatitis and scalp psoriasis.”." }, { "docid": "6753941", "title": "-", "text": "Soak the stain in vinegar, then blot up. Repeat until the stain is gone. If you’re cleaning your carpets, put vinegar where the shampoo goes. Just vinegar…no shampoo. It will get rid of stains and odors and your carpet will stay clean longer. Shampoo leaves a residue that holds dirt." }, { "docid": "230744", "title": "-", "text": "Wash your hair 2-3 times a week. Shampoo dries out hair, which causes all that frizz! When you wash use only a little bit of shampoo, and plenty of conditioner. Look for shampoo products that do not contain sodium, laureth, or sulfate, - this is what makes the shampoo sudsy, and dries out your curls." }, { "docid": "7503069", "title": "Can a Person Take Too Much Biotin?", "text": "This condition affects the absorption of biotin in your intestines and keeps your body from using the biotin found in dietary protein sources like eggs, pork, salmon and liver. In this instance, high doses of biotin -- anywhere from 40 to 100 mg of biotin per day -- are recommended, according to the Linus Pauling Institute. Lose Weight. Feel Great!" }, { "docid": "461716", "title": "shampoo", "text": "Definition of shampoo for English Language Learners. : 1 a special liquid that is used for cleaning your hair. : 2 a special liquid used for cleaning rugs, carpets, etc. : 3 an act of cleaning hair, a carpet, etc., with shampoo." }, { "docid": "4916743", "title": "PURPLE TONING SHAMPOO", "text": "1 When you first start using purple shampoo, use it every other time you shampoo and then adjust your useage from there. 2 If you find that it’s still brassy, start using it every time you shampoo. 3 If you see it starting to get just a touch too ashy, slow your usage. You can always shampoo your hair with something else up top and then apply the purple toning shampoo to the lighter bits that tend to get brassy. 2 If your hair gets really yellow, let the purple shampoo sit on for 5 min." }, { "docid": "677289", "title": "-", "text": "Popular on social. 1 567. SHARES. 31 Biotin Rich Foods For Hair Growth. 2 561. SHARES. 16 Natural Homemade Face Masks for Acne Scars. 3 319. SHARES. 12 Ways On How To Use Olive Oil For Acne Treatment. 4 281. SHARES. 22 Tips On How To Get A Tan Naturally & Fast. 5 266. SHARES. 25 Homemade Shampoo Recipes For Fine And Natural Hair. 6 222. SHARES." }, { "docid": "4568862", "title": "-", "text": "I've tried almost every shampoo imaginable. From the cheapest to the most expensive... I don't know how I could have overlooked it. I remember using this shampoo as a teenager but I happened to try it again as a sample in a hotel!!! I was hooked and kept the bottle as I went in search of the shampoo and conditioner." }, { "docid": "8724635", "title": "The Benefits of Biotin", "text": "Biotin Hair & Nail Growth Benefits. Biotin may have an important role in the growth and maintenance of your hair and nails. If you suffer from a Biotin deficiency, you will typically experience hair loss and brittle nails, and taking supplements of this vitamin may help to halt this process. In many cases, taking a Biotin supplement may even help you to stimulate new hair and nail growth." }, { "docid": "2227449", "title": "Hair Care", "text": "Now that you have received your Brazilian Hair you are likely curious how to care for it. Hydration both before and after installation is the most important step to maintaining the exquisite texture and appearance of your hair.re Wash: Gently rinse your hair extensions with warm water until they are saturated. Apply a generous amount of Shampoo to the hair, while holding the weft at the base, gently shampoo in a downward motion working shampoo from the top down. Rinse thoroughly." } ]
what is blackface
[ { "docid": "6808949", "title": "blackface", "text": "Definition of blackface. : makeup applied to a performer playing a black person especially in a minstrel show; also : a performer wearing such makeup." } ]
[ { "docid": "4194109", "title": "Was Jim Crow a real person?", "text": "Rice claimed to have first created the character after witnessing an elderly black man singing a tune called “Jump Jim Crow” in Louisville, Kentucky. He later appropriated the Jim Crow persona into a minstrel act where he donned blackface and performed jokes and songs in a stereotypical slave dialect." }, { "docid": "4635159", "title": "-", "text": "The term Jim Crow was widely used as a euphemism for black persons, from the color of the bird. The 1832 faux-minstrel song Jump Jim Crow (a white portrayal of a slave stere … otype) was used to attack Andrew Jackson's populist policies.ump Jim Crow is a song and dance from 1828 that was done in blackface by white comedian Thomas Dartmouth (T.D.) Daddy Rice. The number was supposedly inspired by the song a … nd dance of a crippled African slave called Jim Cuff or Jim Crow variously claimed to have resided in St. Louis, Cincinnati or Pittsburgh." }, { "docid": "7042128", "title": "Blackface Minstrelsy", "text": "Blackface Minstrelsy. The very first minstrel show probably occurred in 1843, in New York City. Within a year it became the most popular form of live entertainment in America, and it remained so from the time Tom Sawyer was a child up to the time MT began writing Huck Finn." }, { "docid": "7247327", "title": "The Fender Champ through the Years", "text": "The Fender Champ through the Years. 1 The Champion 600, Champion 800, and 5C1 Champs (Produced from 1948-1954): 2 5E1 Narrow Panel Champ (Produced from 1955 to 1956) 3 5F1 Narrow Panel Champ (Produced from 1956-1964) 4 Check out my version of the 5F1: 5 Blackface and Silverface Champs and Vibro-Champs (Produced from 1964 to 1982): 6 Champ Up-Keep." }, { "docid": "114846", "title": "Vigilante", "text": "For other uses, see Vigilante (disambiguation). The Bald Knobbers, an 1880s vigilante group from Missouri, wearing crude blackface masks typical of the post-Reconstruction era in the United States – as portrayed in the 1919 film, The Shepherd of the Hills." }, { "docid": "4877817", "title": "Texas Right-Wing Radio Host Michael Berry's Long History Of Offensive Public Comments", "text": "Berry also appeared with Knupp in blackface on a promotional billboard for the radio station in Orange, Texas. [The Austin Chronicle, 12/6/13; The Michael Berry Show, 9/14/12; The Michael Berry Show, 11/26/12; The Michael Berry Show, 9/24/12]" }, { "docid": "3264433", "title": "What does 'Jim Crow' mean (as in Jim Crow laws)?", "text": "Jump Jim Crow is a song and dance from 1828 that was done in blackface by white comedian Thomas Dartmouth (T.D.) Daddy Rice. The number was supposedly inspired by the song a … nd dance of a crippled African slave called Jim Cuff or Jim Crow variously claimed to have resided in St. Louis, Cincinnati or Pittsburgh." }, { "docid": "2388731", "title": "Jim Crow laws", "text": "The origin of the phrase Jim Crow has often been attributed to Jump Jim Crow , a song-and-dance caricature of blacks performed by white actor Thomas D. Rice in blackface, which first surfaced in 1832 and was used to satirize Andrew Jackson 's populist policies.he origin of the phrase Jim Crow has often been attributed to Jump Jim Crow , a song-and-dance caricature of blacks performed by white actor Thomas D. Rice in blackface, which first surfaced in 1832 and was used to satirize Andrew Jackson 's populist policies." }, { "docid": "8431", "title": "Dixie (song)", "text": "As with other blackface material, performances of Dixie were accompanied by dancing. The song is a walkaround, which originally began with a few minstrels acting out the lyrics, only to be joined by the rest of the company (a dozen or so individuals for the Bryants)." }, { "docid": "8744394", "title": "-", "text": "Turnaround time: 2 weeks. 1 Blackface Bandmaster Head Front Baffle. 2 Blackface Bassman 2x12 Extension Speaker Baffle. 3 Blackface Bassman Head Front Baffle. 4 Blackface Champ or Vibro Champ Speaker Baffle. 5 Blackface Deluxe (Non-Reverb) Speaker Baffle. 6 Blackface Deluxe Reverb Speaker Baffle. 7 Blackface Princeton Reverb 1x10 Speaker Baffle." }, { "docid": "8768931", "title": "What does 'Jim Crow' mean (as in Jim Crow laws)?", "text": "Rice, a white man, was one of the first performers to wear blackface makeup -- his skin was darkened with burnt cork. His Jim Crow song-and-dance routine was an astounding success that took him from Louisville to Cincinnati to Pittsburgh to Philadelphia and finally to New York in 1832." }, { "docid": "3264430", "title": "Jim Crow laws", "text": "The origin of the phrase J … im Crow has often been attributed to Jump Jim Crow, a song-and-dance caricature of blacks performed by white actor Thomas D. Rice in blackface, which first surfaced in 1832 and was used to satirize Andrew Jackson's populist policies." }, { "docid": "2679792", "title": "Why Was the Harlem Renaissance so Important?", "text": "Quick Answer. The Harlem Renaissance was important for its impact on the worlds of theatre, literature and jazz. Plays in the early 20th century typically portrayed negative black stereotypes through practices such as blackface, and the plays of the Harlem renaissance portrayed African-American characters as realistically human." }, { "docid": "5302120", "title": "-", "text": "Assorted References. 1 development of tap dance (in tap dance: Early history) 2 history of American theatre (in Western theatre: Popular entertainment) 3 influence on black theatre (in black theatre) 4 use of blackface (in blackface minstrelsy)" }, { "docid": "5024568", "title": "-", "text": "Description: “If Loving You Is Wrong” is the new dramatic series created for television by writer/director Tyler Perry, premiering this fall on OWN. “If Loving You Is Wrong” is the compelling story of several women from very different walks of life.ack to the Have and The Have Nots, the scenes are too long and the characters are one dimensional. If it wasn't for Tika Sumpter, the show would be unbearable to watch. Love Thy Neighbor is the worst show ever. It is a throwback to blackface mistrel shows." }, { "docid": "7151760", "title": "-", "text": "About Stephen Foster. Foster's Biography; Chronology of Foster's Life; Foster bibliography; Foster's Songs. Foster's works, alphabetical; Foster's works, chronological; Old Folks at Home; The Social Orchestra; Frequently Asked Questions. Foster FAQ; Myths About Foster; Blackface Minstrelsy I suspect that Stephen Foster owed something to this well, this mystery, this sorrow. 'My Old Kentucky Home' makes you think so, at any rate. Something there suggests close acquaintance with my people...." }, { "docid": "5024577", "title": "-", "text": "Hi Tyler, I enjoyed the show last night, and have been going strong on the group discussion ever since. I have a request: Please let this be Eddie's last appearance unless he is laid up in a coma or paralized and not able to speak or recognize anyone, just for karma's sake.ack to the Have and The Have Nots, the scenes are too long and the characters are one dimensional. If it wasn't for Tika Sumpter, the show would be unbearable to watch. Love Thy Neighbor is the worst show ever. It is a throwback to blackface mistrel shows." }, { "docid": "1304554", "title": "-", "text": "The biting humor of Colescott's blackface scenes is still i evidence and stands in marked contrast to the rather mindless work of younger artists Drew Beattie & Daniel Davidson who draw faces by running remote-control toys over freshly painted canvases." }, { "docid": "6498939", "title": "coon", "text": "Sense 2, perhaps after Zip Coon, an African-American character (depicted as an upstart freeman) in the song Zip Coon frequently sung in 19th-century blackface minstrel shows (the character perhaps being so named in reference to the black facial mask of the raccoon and to the practice of hunting and eating raccoons frequently mentioned in minstrel ..." }, { "docid": "5087262", "title": "BF/SF Bassman", "text": "The tube charts are not very useful for determining the circuit model. A lof of blackface Bassman amps with AA864 tube charts are actually AA165’s, and a lot of AA165 charts are glued into AB165 amps. At the Fender factory they used old tube charts when new models came, probably because the tube layout was the same." }, { "docid": "2939519", "title": "-", "text": "3. Vaudeville Was Big. Early animators were drawn to the vaudeville acts that were around in the Roaring Twenties. These acts had over-the-top facial expressions and actions, as well as blackface, loose clothing and gloves, and inspired the creation of early cartoon characters like Mickey Mouse, Felix the Cat and Bimbo." }, { "docid": "8433", "title": "Definitions &Translations", "text": "Dixie, also known as Dixie's Land, I Wish I Was in Dixie, and other titles, is a popular American song. It is one of the most distinctively American musical products of the 19th century, and probably the best-known song to have come out of blackface minstrelsy. Although not a folk song at its creation, Dixie has since entered the American folk vernacular." }, { "docid": "1490848", "title": "Fender Vintage Reissue '65 Super Reverb 4X10 Guitar Combo Amp", "text": "The Fender '65 Super Reverb Combo Amp is a long overdue addition to Fender's Vintage Reissue series. Here's a faithful re-creation of the legendary and highly collectible Blackface Super Reverb from the 1960s." }, { "docid": "7172282", "title": "âThe Atlantic slave trade, the crux of the British, American and European slave system, was the largest forced transportation of human beings from one part of the globe to another in the worldâs history, and certainly one of the greatest unnatural disasters of all time. It lasted approximately 250 years and estimates put the total figure of slaves transported as high as forty million. Contrary to the myth which grew up in the nineteenth century and has now become hallowed by time, slavery was not simply a business conducted by a single and clearly identifiable group of cruel and unscrupulous individuals. It was a complete, all-embracing economic system involving, directly and indirectly, the colonists of the West Indies, the inhabitants of large areas of Africa, and countless numbers of people in Europe, Britain and America.â", "text": "1 “Earlier this week, University of North Dakota students stole an African-American student’s phone and posted photos of themselves in blackface with a caption reading ‘Locked the black b*tch out.’ It referred to the fact that the girls locked the fellow student out of a dorm room." }, { "docid": "2388724", "title": "-", "text": "The origin of the phrase J … im Crow has often been attributed to Jump Jim Crow, a song-and-dance caricature of blacks performed by white actor Thomas D. Rice in blackface, which first surfaced in 1832 and was used to satirize Andrew Jackson's populist policies.im Crow did not create the laws. He was a black man who was singing a song while working when a white man heard his song and wrote his own song called the Jim crow jubilee. I … t was a major hit so when the segregation laws came out they just used his name." }, { "docid": "3530491", "title": "Jim Crow laws", "text": "The origin of the phrase Jim Crow has often been attributed to Jump Jim Crow , a song-and-dance caricature of blacks performed by white actor Thomas D. Rice in blackface, which first surfaced in 1832 and was used to satirize Andrew Jackson 's populist policies.s a result of Rice's fame, Jim Crow by 1838 had become a pejorative expression meaning Negro. When southern legislatures passed laws of racial segregation directed against blacks at the end of the 19th century, these became known as Jim Crow laws." }, { "docid": "8482696", "title": "-", "text": "Blackface Super Reverb Style Chassis. Dimensions: 23 1/2''(W) x 1 7/8''(H) x 8 1/4''(D) Please note: Octal socket holes on this chassis are sized to fit the Belton 8-pin sockets(4050001), not the Fender Exact 8-pin sockets." }, { "docid": "1060888", "title": "Cloning", "text": "Dolly was the first mammal to be brought into the world using SCNT. Wilmut and his team at the Roslin Institute in Scotland replaced the nucleus from an oocyte taken from a Blackface ewe with the nucleus of a cell from the mammary gland of a six-year old Finn Dorset sheep (these sheep have a white face)." }, { "docid": "4407140", "title": "Buffalo Gals", "text": "For the Malcolm McLaren song, see Buffalo Gals (Malcolm McLaren song). Buffalo Gals is a traditional American song, written and published as Lubly Fan in 1844 by the blackface minstrel John Hodges, who performed as Cool White.. The song was widely popular throughout the United States." }, { "docid": "7042122", "title": "TROUPE", "text": "1. minstrel show-a troupe of performers in blackface typically giving a comic program of negro songs and jokes. troupe, company-organization of performers and associated personnel (especially theatrical); the traveling company all stayed at the same hotel." } ]
what is blender
[ { "docid": "1651018", "title": "-", "text": "The Vitamix 1723 blender is a big unit with a large capacity and a motor capable of taking whole fruit and turning it into smooth blends in moments. Unlike the Oster, it has the flexibility to produce chunky dips and sauces as well as ultra-smooth ones." } ]
[ { "docid": "6288603", "title": "Vitamix vs Blendtec", "text": "Vitamix vs Blendtec. When you’re shopping for a high-performance blender, you’ll likely find yourself comparing two brands, Vitamix and Blendtec. It’s a comparison that many others have had to make before purchasing their new blender and it can be a little confusing." }, { "docid": "6812128", "title": "Blender 3D: Noob to Pro/Creating animated GIFs using Blender and Gimp", "text": "This tutorial will guide you through how to make a simple animated Gif Using Blender and Gimp. This is useful for creating Avatars for forums etc. This tutorial assumes basic knowledge of blender and Gimp, see the basic animation tutorial." }, { "docid": "7870627", "title": "Make sweet smoothies and savory spreads with the best blenders you can buy", "text": "A health-conscious individual might see a blender as an easy way to make a kale smoothie, while a socialite may view it as a gateway to glorious margaritas. A chef-in-training, on the other hand, might use a blender to make hummus, nut butters, pizza dough, or ice cream. Thankfully, the best blenders are versatile enough to do all of the above." }, { "docid": "7063442", "title": "-", "text": "1 Making a Banana Smoothie in Your Blender Making a delicious banana smoothie in your blender is simple. 2 Especially if you have a good blender, with nice sharp blades, you'll have no problem creating a drink with a sm…. 3 Sweet and Tangy Smoothies to Tickle Your Taste Buds Sweet and tangy." }, { "docid": "8279030", "title": "-", "text": "If you need to reduce the file size of your STL or .OBJ file, we show you how using Blender, a free program.This is important on Pinshape, since there is a 50MB size limit on uploaded design files.Download blender at http://www.blender.org/.lease try again later. If you need to reduce the file size of your STL or .OBJ file, we show you how using Blender, a free program. This is important on Pinshape, since there is a 50MB size limit on uploaded design files." }, { "docid": "572370", "title": "General Surgical Instructions", "text": "After the extractions, you should consume only liquid diet for the first week. Anything that you can swallow without chewing (anything you can put in a blender) is fine. Examples: milkshakes, Jello, pudding, mashed potatoes, gravy, apple juice, protein shake, ice cream, etc." }, { "docid": "7252120", "title": "Oster 6812-001 Core 16-Speed Blender with Glass Jar, Black", "text": "Customers also viewed these items. 1 Oster Reverse Crush Counterforms Blender, with 6-Cup Glass Jar, 7-Speed Settings and... 2 Hamilton Beach Power Elite Multi-Function Blender with Glass Jar and Chopper (58149) 3 Hamilton Beach Wave Crusher Multi-Function Blender with 14 Speeds & 40 oz Glass Jar,..." }, { "docid": "2384490", "title": "Stomach pain from whey protein", "text": "I use the whey protein powder they sell at Trader Joes, dont know if you have Trader Joes but it's cheap ( 5 bucs a can)and good also comes in chocolate. You can make yogurt smoothies, use yogurt, soy milk, frozen berries and other fruits and whip it up in the blender." }, { "docid": "2939309", "title": "What Is Horseradish?", "text": "Horseradish can be grated by hand, but it is easiest to done with a food processor. To prepare the horseradish, first, peel the skin off of the root. Then cut into cubes and add to the blender. Pulse to your desired consistency. So you know the finer the consistency, the more pungent the horseradish will be." }, { "docid": "570369", "title": "Almost-Famous Broccoli-Cheddar Soup", "text": "Add the broccoli and carrot to the broth mixture and simmer until tender, about 20 minutes. Discard the bay leaves. Puree the soup in batches in a blender until smooth; you'll still have flecks of carrot and broccoli.Return to the pot. (Or puree the soup in the pot with an immersion blender .).dd the broccoli and carrot to the broth mixture and simmer until tender, about 20 minutes. Discard the bay leaves. Puree the soup in batches in a blender until smooth; you'll still have flecks of carrot and broccoli. Return to the pot. (Or puree the soup in the pot with an immersion blender .)." }, { "docid": "2018292", "title": "How to Substitute Ricotta Cheese for Mascarpone", "text": "Making an inexpensive and effective mascarpone cheese substitute at home is quick and easy to do. While the flavor of this substitute is not exactly the same as real mascarpone, it works very well in many recipes. Pour half of the heavy cream into the blender. Add approximately 4 oz. of the ricotta cheese into the blender. Start the blender at low speed and gradually increase as the ricotta becomes incorporated into the heavy cream. While the mixture continues to blend, gradually add the remainder of the heavy cream holding approximately 1 oz. in reserve." }, { "docid": "8241728", "title": "-", "text": "Directions. 1 Boil tomatoes until soft and tender. 2 Drain in colander and allow to cool. 3 Remove skin. 4 Rinse and pat dry cilantro & Serrano peppers; place in blender. 5 Add cleaned garlic clove, onion, and salt. 6 Place tomatoes last into a blender. 7 Blend just until all ingredients incorporated." }, { "docid": "737398", "title": "-", "text": "carn; Carna; Carna; Càrna; Carnac; Carnac; Carnacian; Carnacian; carnage; carnage; carnage; Carnage Blender; Carnage Blender 2; carnages; carnages; carnages; Carnahan, Proctor and Cross, Inc. Carnahuba palm; Carnaim; carnal; carnal; carnal; carnal; carnal abuse; Carnal desire; Carnal desire; Carnal desire; carnal knowledge; carnal knowledge; carnal knowledge; carnal knowledge" }, { "docid": "1247136", "title": "XE Currency Converter", "text": "Get an accurate and reliable currency data that easily integrates with your current ERP, CRM, or Accounting systems. XE Currency Data API offers live rates for every currency in the world. With 160+ global sources, the XE Rate Blender monitors the quality of incoming data for the highest accuracy.E Currency Data API offers live rates for every currency in the world. With 160+ global sources, the XE Rate Blender monitors the quality of incoming data for the highest accuracy." }, { "docid": "7615364", "title": "Getting Started", "text": "Learn how to paint bump map directly in the 3D View. This tutorial is part of the Creature Factory 2 DVD available on the Blender Cloud. Make sure you checkout the follow up tutorial about painting color and specular maps.overs the basics of Blender from a Maya users perspective. Aims to smooth the transition for any Maya artists looking to use Blender in substitution or addition of their current workflow." }, { "docid": "8308499", "title": "Creamy Garlic Dressing with Cilantro", "text": "1 Combine ingredients in a blender. (I used my Magic Bullet.) Blend until smooth. 2 Adjust amount of buttermilk until dressing is the desired consistency. Refrigerate until ready to use. Serve as a salad dressing or dip for veggies — or pizza." }, { "docid": "4383745", "title": "-", "text": "Obagi Nu derm Vs Obagi condition & Enhance. Question. Hello Megan, first of all thank you for being so helpful. I've been using the Obagi Nu-Derm system for two months with great results. Now I ran out of the Obagi Blender and Obagi Clear." }, { "docid": "6812137", "title": "-", "text": "How to make a minion. This tutorial is for intermediate Blender users covers the modeling process to create a simple version of a minion as seen in the movie Despicable Me. After modeling the minion, we set up camera, backdrop and lighting to finish off with a render." }, { "docid": "7437261", "title": "The 10 Best Leafy Greens for Green Smoothies", "text": "Collard greens are excellent green for smoothies. They are slightly more bitter than spinach, but less bitter than kale. The leaves of collard greens are sturdy, so blending these up with a high power blender is ideal to ensure smooth sipping." }, { "docid": "4048094", "title": "-", "text": "In a large skillet, heat oil over medium heat, then add onions. Cook until soft. Add spices and 1/4 cup of liquid from beans. Cook another 5 minutes. Add beans and mash with a masher or immersion blender, adding a bit more liquid as you go to keep beans from drying out.Serve hot. So, the wondering is over. You now know the truth behind what refried beans really are.ook until soft. Add spices and 1/4 cup of liquid from beans. Cook another 5 minutes. Add beans and mash with a masher or immersion blender, adding a bit more liquid as you go to keep beans from drying out." }, { "docid": "5812277", "title": "-", "text": "1 Another frappe idea is to add caramel, chocolate milk, and vanilla. Put all the ingredients in a blender, including the coffee and ice. You can still make your normal coffee but place it in the freezer until it gets frozen. Once it's frozen remove and enjoy." }, { "docid": "8678374", "title": "-", "text": "The 0-50 LPM Blender is a perfect compromise between the High Flow and Low Flow blenders as it requires less of a bleed for accuracies below 6 LPM than the High Flow while allowing greater maximum flow than the Low Flow Blender. The Low Flow version of the blender provides flows from 3 to 30 LPM with no gas bleed." }, { "docid": "3864100", "title": "-", "text": "Add the ground avocado pit and press the blender on high until it creates a frothy smoothie. Strain before serving. You can also try making the same recipe in a juicer, just adding all of the ingredients to the juicer in order until you yield enough juice for a glass of this sweet and sour smoothie.dd the ground avocado pit and press the blender on high until it creates a frothy smoothie. Strain before serving. You can also try making the same recipe in a juicer, just adding all of the ingredients to the juicer in order until you yield enough juice for a glass of this sweet and sour smoothie." }, { "docid": "7615358", "title": "-", "text": "Page 2 of 3 CHROMASYSTEM™ 69301S™ BASECOAT BLENDER  Reduce and activate basecoat color as per recommendation for ChromaBase ® or ChromaPremier ® , substituting 69301S™ Basecoat Blender for the suggested Basemaker ® .Spray to hiding over the repair area.ot for sale to or use by the general public. Before using, read and follow all label and MSDS/SDS precautions. If mixed with other components, mixture will have hazards of all components. Ready to use paint materials containing isocyanates can cause irritation of the respiratory organs and hypersensitive reactions." }, { "docid": "4282999", "title": "-", "text": "Making Your Own Protein Shakes. 1 1. Choose a liquid. 2 2. Add a sweetener. 3 3. Consider stronger flavors to mask the taste. 4. Thicken and sweeten with 1 yogurt. 5. Make an iced smoothie in the blender. 6. Consider a vegetable shake for a savory 1 taste. 7. Invest in a good blender. 8. Try out some classic favorites." }, { "docid": "5058849", "title": "Groovy Green Smoothie", "text": "1 Place the banana, grapes, yogurt, apple and spinach into a blender. 2 Cover, and blend until smooth, stopping frequently to push down anything stuck to the sides." }, { "docid": "2191785", "title": "Nourishing Banana-Avocado Mask", "text": "Put all ingredients in a blender, puree until smooth. Apply to face and leave on for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water. *This also was enough for two applications and the remainder kept in the fridge for three days before I used it again. And I needed a warm washcloth to get the rest of the mask off my face." }, { "docid": "3327529", "title": "How to Extract Coconut Milk", "text": "1 Break the coconut into pieces with a hammer and pry out the coconut meat from the shell. 2 Wash the coconut meat and cut into tiny pieces. 3 Place in a blender, add a small quantity of warm water (just enough to allow the blender blades to rotate freely) and grind into a smooth paste." }, { "docid": "3834010", "title": "Immersion Blender", "text": "How an immersion blender differs from a regular blender is that rather than pouring the liquid into the blender and turning it on, the immersion blender is inserted into the container of liquid (like a pot of soup, for instance) and turned on." }, { "docid": "8267164", "title": "14 Ways To Boost Your Metabolism Faster Than You Can Say âI Want To Lose Weightâ", "text": "Add whey protein to your smoothie. When you're tossing fruit, ice, and other smoothie mix-ins into your blender, take an extra second to add one more metabolism-boosting ingredient—whey protein powder." } ]
can plaquenil cause itching
[ { "docid": "5555744", "title": "Plaquenil", "text": "Common side effects of Plaquenil include. 1 nausea, 2 vomiting, 3 stomach pain or cramps, loss of 1 appetite, weight loss, 2 diarrhea, dizziness, spinning 1 sensation, headache, ringing in 1 your ears, mood changes, 1 nervousness, irritability, skin rash, 1 itching, or. hair loss." } ]
[ { "docid": "4485552", "title": "\" What causes ears to itch on the inside? \"", "text": "Occasionally, an itching sensation is due to an infection of the ear canal known as swimmers ear.. Although this condition can be acquired by swimming, it can also be acquired in other ways. It is characterized by itching, pain, and drainage from one or both ears." }, { "docid": "8078220", "title": "Does itching indicate healing?", "text": "Is there science behind the saying that itching is a sign of healing in burn patients? Does itching indicate healing? I recently received a significant burn that turned intensely pruritic during the healing process. For years, I have advised patients that itching is a sign of healing." }, { "docid": "3396970", "title": "Rash: Symptoms & Signs", "text": "Suggested Reading on Bullous Pemphigoid by Our Doctors. Related Diseases & Conditions. Itch (Itching or Pruritus) Itching can be a common problem. Itches can be localized or generalized. There are many causes of itching to include: infection (jock itch, vaginal itch), Lupus (Systemic Lupus Erythematosus or SLE) Systemic lupus erythematosus." }, { "docid": "330541", "title": "Overview", "text": "Definition. Anal itching is a common condition. The itch, situated in or around your anus, is often intense and may be accompanied by a strong urge to scratch. You may find anal itching to be embarrassing and uncomfortable. Also called pruritus ani (proo-RIE-tus A-nie), anal itching has many possible causes, such as skin problems, hemorrhoids, and washing too much or not enough. If anal itching is persistent, talk with your doctor. With proper treatment and self-care measures, most people get complete relief from anal itching." }, { "docid": "478063", "title": "-", "text": "Lice - Symptoms. Itching, the most common symptom of all types of lice infestation, is caused by an allergic reaction. Lice bite the skin to feed on a person's blood. The saliva from these bites causes the allergic reaction and itching. Itching may not occur right away, depending on a person's sensitivity and history of lice infestation." }, { "docid": "7816129", "title": "-", "text": "The most common signs of a yeast infection for men are a red rash on the end of the penis and itching. If your partner has any unusual symptoms such as itching, burning, or painful urination, he should see a doctor to rule out a urinary tract infection or other problem." }, { "docid": "1283799", "title": "-", "text": "Itching: Itching and dryness can definitely be a sign of menopause. A patient with itching could try using increased lubrication or a feminine product for itching such as vagisil, or could ask the pharmacist for recommendations. If a patient had any discharge or pain then the patient should be evaluated." }, { "docid": "8675454", "title": "-", "text": "Here you can read posts from all over the web from people who wrote about Hodgkin's Disease and Itching, and check the relations between Hodgkin's Disease and Itching Treato found 198 discussions about Itching and Hodgkin's Disease on the web. Symptoms and conditions also mentioned with Hodgkin's Disease in patients' discussions" }, { "docid": "4387738", "title": "Eye burning - itching and discharge", "text": "Eye burning - itching and discharge. Eye burning with discharge is burning, itching, or drainage from the eye of any substance other than tears." }, { "docid": "8664984", "title": "Itching Inside Ear", "text": "Infections are often the common cause of itching inside ear. Bacteria or a virus may find several ways to enter your ear and cause itching. Given below are some of the causes of this condition. Dryness. Often, dryness in the ear is what causes inner ear itching. Some people produce very less sebum or earwax. This little amount is not adequate to keep the ear canal well lubricated. As a result, dryness occurs inside the ear, which gives rise to flaky skin in the interior of the ear." }, { "docid": "2926598", "title": "What Are the Causes of Sudden Skin Itching?", "text": "by Last Updated: Nov 11, 2010. 1 Sudden itching of your skin may range from being slightly annoying to constant and severe. On many occasions, simply having a close look at your skin will allow you to see what is causing the itching -- whether it is from a bug bite or an allergic reaction." }, { "docid": "6615257", "title": "Scabies", "text": "Common Symptoms. The most common symptoms of scabies, itching and a skin rash, are caused by sensitization (a type of “allergic” reaction) to the proteins and feces of the parasite. Severe itching (pruritus), especially at night, is the earliest and most common symptom of scabies.A pimple-like (papular) itchy (pruritic) “scabies rash” is also common. Itching and rash may affect much of the body or be limited to common sites such as: 1 Between the fingers. 2 Wrist.evere itching (pruritus), especially at night, is the earliest and most common symptom of scabies. A pimple-like (papular) itchy (pruritic) “scabies rash” is also common. Itching and rash may affect much of the body or be limited to common sites such as: 1 Between the fingers. 2 Wrist." }, { "docid": "2010082", "title": "What Are the Common Causes and Treatments for Itching?", "text": "Itching may be confined to a certain area of the body (localized), or can be all over the body (generalized). Itching may be associated with a rash, which may either be the cause of the itch or the result of the scratching. For some people, there may be no visible rash associated with their itching." }, { "docid": "2076117", "title": "-", "text": "Cholestatic liver disease with high blood levels of bilirubin is another cause of severe itching. A normal set of liver enzyme tests will rule this out. Either a very slow or a very fast thyroid can cause itching, so be sure to check thyroid function." }, { "docid": "1089101", "title": "Itching In Private Parts: Itchy Private Area Causes And Treatment", "text": "Causes of Itching in Male Private Parts. Itching in male private area is around the groins, and the folds of thighs, on buttocks and anus. It is caused due to fungal infection. The other cause of itching is a disease called scabies." }, { "docid": "797248", "title": "Vaginal Itching: Symptoms & Signs", "text": "Itch (Itching or Pruritus) Itching can be a common problem. Itches can be localized or generalized. There are many causes of itching to include: infection...learn more ». Menopause Menopause is the time in a woman's life when menstrual periods permanently stop, also called the change of life.." }, { "docid": "392501", "title": "Non-consistant itching on palms of hands and feet under skin", "text": "I am a 71 year old male. I just finished an episode of both of my palms itching like crazy. I used soft hair brush for some relief. Shortly thereafter all my toes and the area behind the toes started the same itching. I found some relief by taking off my socks and rubbing my itching feet on the carpet." }, { "docid": "2265925", "title": "-", "text": "Itching Localized itching is often caused by diabetes. It can be caused by a yeast infection, dry skin, or poor circulation. When poor circulation is the cause of itching, the itchiest areas may be the lower parts of the legs." }, { "docid": "7426780", "title": "-", "text": "Taken for: Infection, Acne, Itching, Wounds, Rash ... More. Neosporin is a skin medication and an eye & vision care product. Uses: Neosporin is approved for Infection, Acne, Itching, Wounds and Rash and is mostly mentioned together with these indications." }, { "docid": "1059219", "title": "-", "text": "It may feel as if something is crawling on (or in) your skin. Itching can be diffuse (generalized all over the body) or localized -- all over or confined to a specific spot -- and there are many causes of diffuse and localized itching. Itching symptoms can be associated with. rash, dry skin, cracked skin, flaky skin, flaky scalp, skin redness," }, { "docid": "3864383", "title": "Methotrexate side effects", "text": "Methotrexate side effects: I've been on Plaquenil for the past two years and did fine. However, late last summer, my RA began to flare up again, and my rheumatologist started me on oral Methotrexate. I did fine for a few weeks (I'm taking the weekly dose)while the dosage was ramping up." }, { "docid": "2773843", "title": "Can Stage 3 of Chronic Kidney Disease Cause Skin to Itch", "text": "In other words, it means the inflammatory reaction of skin. It can occur in any part of the body,even the whole body. Many diseases and problems may lead to skin itching. Patients with chronic kidney disease may have the symptom of skin itching,and skin itching is very severe especially in the stage 4 and 5." }, { "docid": "7853809", "title": "Remedies for Inner Ear Itching", "text": "Inner ear itching can often be remedied at home. Inner ear itching can be caused by dirt, infection, water and even ear wax. The itching can usually be treated at home, but when it is accompanied by pain and the symptoms are persistent, medical attention is necessary to rule out something more serious." }, { "docid": "8054869", "title": "Why is my skin itchy?", "text": "Other causes. Itching can also be related to parasites such as threadworms, insects such as bedbugs, mosquitoes, or lice. Fungal infections such as athlete's foot can also cause itching between and around the toes. Itchy skin could also be due to more serious medical conditions. Nerve disorders caused by diabetes, pinched nerves, and shingles can cause severe itching." }, { "docid": "5725995", "title": "-", "text": "1 Dehydration and Itching skin and Skin symptoms (10 causes). 2 Dehydration and Itching skin and Cardiovascular symptoms (9 causes). 3 Dehydration and Itching skin and Pain (9 causes). 4 Dehydration and Itching skin and Sensations (9 causes)." }, { "docid": "2099854", "title": "-", "text": "Vaginal thrush is a yeast infection. Common symptoms include pain, itching and vaginal discharge. With vaginal thrush women may experience pain when urinating or during sexual intercourse. You may also suffer from vulval itching and irritation." }, { "docid": "7966184", "title": "-", "text": "How to Get Rid of an Itchy Scalp. Two Methods: Hair Care Body Care. Sometimes, out of the blue, you may feel itching on your scalp. Maybe you changed shampoos, or conditioners, or maybe you didn't do anything at all, and your head just started itching.heck for head lice. The itching is due to your skin reacting to the saliva of the lice. Yes, it's gross and disgusting, but they're easy to get rid of. Have somebody check your head for bugs or their eggs—called nits—attached near the base of the hair shaft." }, { "docid": "8687236", "title": "Severely itchy legs (at night) driving me crazyD7D Aug 04, 2011", "text": "My legs have been itching so badly, but there is no persistent rash in any spot! Over the last two-three weeks I have had the strangest most excruciating itching at night time It usually gets worse once I fall asleep. If I don't self control, I would probably draw blood accidentally scratching too hard." }, { "docid": "8244145", "title": "Plaquenil And Weight Gain? (Page 1)", "text": "I have SLE & Fybro and have been on plaquenil for at least five years. Have bad side effects; hairloss, dizziness, sun sensitivity, numbness, and weight gain. I did though lose over 50 lbs. a year ago and have only gained 10 lbs. back.ince I have taken both Prednisone and Plaquenil, for those taking both I can't imagine how much weight gain you will have but met a woman at the docs office that said she gained 50 lbs. in a short time from the meds." }, { "docid": "197354", "title": "Burning, Itching, Itchy Skin Anxiety Symptoms", "text": "Burning, Itching, Itchy Skin with no rash anxiety symptom description: Your skin (or parts thereof) feels like it is burning and/or itching even though there isn’t any visible reason for it to be burning and/or itching, such as burn marks or dry, cracked, flaky, or broken skin. This burning itching skin sensation can be mildly noticeable, moderately bothersome, or severely problematic." } ]
what is bond in medicare for
[ { "docid": "771719", "title": "Durable Medical Equipment Suppliers Bond (DMEPOS)", "text": "What is a Durable Medical Equipment Suppliers Bond (DMEPOS)? A Durable Medical Equipment Suppliers Bond (also called a DMEPOS Bond, Medicare Bond or Medicaid Bond) is a federal surety bond required by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services for suppliers of durable medical equipment, prosthetics, orthotics and supplies. The purpose of the bond is to help reduce the prevalence of Medicare billing fraud." } ]
[ { "docid": "2008223", "title": "-", "text": "Group Medicare insurance for business. Eligible employees may qualify for our group Medicare plans, which combine the benefits of Original Medicare and Medicare supplements into a single plan we underwrite and administer." }, { "docid": "3053455", "title": "Medicare Part G", "text": "With Medicare part G specifically, you can get coverage for most of your needs. Coinsurance with Medicare Part A and Medicare Part B as well as the first three pints of blood and Medicare preventative care under Part B coinsurance make up basic benefits you can get from Plan G." }, { "docid": "8712479", "title": "Your Medicare coverage choices", "text": "Before you choose your coverage, learn about the different parts of Medicare and steps to get you started with Medicare. There are 2 main ways to get your Medicare coverage— Original Medicare (Part A and Part B) or a Medicare Advantage Plan (Part C) ." }, { "docid": "2592746", "title": "About Medicare Advantage (Part C) Plans", "text": "Medicare Advantage plan eligibility is based on your eligibility for Original Medicare, Part A and Part B (except if you have ESRD). Generally, if you have Medicare Part A and Part B, you are eligible for Medicare Part C. However, you must live in the service area for the Medicare Advantage plan that you're considering." }, { "docid": "1741469", "title": "Carbon Carbon Bond Length", "text": "Bond parameters The carbon-carbon bond can be identify by using certain parameters like Carbon-carbon bond lengthCarbon-carbon bond angleCarbon-carbon bond strengthCarbon-carbon bond energy. The equilibrium distance between the nuclei of two bonded carbon atoms in a molecule is called as bond length.As the number of pi bond increases in carbon-carbon covalent bond, the bond length decreases. This is because of the presence of pi bond carbon atoms come closer to each other and bond length decreases.he equilibrium distance between the nuclei of two bonded carbon atoms in a molecule is called as bond length. As the number of pi bond increases in carbon-carbon covalent bond, the bond length decreases. This is because of the presence of pi bond carbon atoms come closer to each other and bond length decreases." }, { "docid": "4935226", "title": "The Different Types of Medicare Advantage Plans", "text": "The Different Types of Medicare Advantage Plans. There are many types of Medicare Advantage (also known as Medicare Part C) plans. Medicare Advantage plans provide an alternative way to receive your Original Medicare, Part A and Part B, benefits." }, { "docid": "4310094", "title": "-", "text": "1 Educational Videos & Articles. 2 Original Medicare. 3 Enrolling in Medicare. 4 Medicare Advantage Plans. 5 Medicare Supplemental Plans. 6 Medicare Part D – Prescription Drug Plans. Obamacare and Medicare." }, { "docid": "1858252", "title": "Medicare Part D and TRICARE", "text": "Medicare Part D prescription drug coverage is available to everyone with Medicare, including TRICARE beneficiaries. Medicare Part D prescription drug coverage is available to everyone with Medicare, including TRICARE beneficiaries. Since you are required to sign up for Medicare Part B or risk losing your TRICARE coverage, you may wonder if you should sign up for Medicare Part D since you already have prescription coverage under TRICARE." }, { "docid": "6547001", "title": "Benefits Planner: Disability", "text": "Help For Low-Income Medicare Beneficiaries. If you get Medicare and have low-income and few resources, your state may pay your Medicare premiums and, in some cases, other Medicare costs for which you are normally responsible such as deductibles and coinsurance." }, { "docid": "3508757", "title": "-", "text": "Coincidentally, this diameter is similar to the length of a hydrogen bond. The water molecule (bond length 0.96 A) å is smaller than (ammonia bond length.1 01) a å (or methane bond.length 1), 09 a å with (only h 2.bond LENGTH) 0 74 (a å and.hf BOND) length 0 92. a å being smaller moleculesoincidentally, this diameter is similar to the length of a hydrogen bond. The water molecule (bond length 0.96 A) å is smaller than (ammonia bond length.1 01) a å (or methane bond.length 1), 09 a å with (only h 2.bond LENGTH) 0 74 (a å and.hf BOND) length 0 92. [ A ]. å being smaller molecules back" }, { "docid": "555980", "title": "Bond Requirements", "text": "The disciplinary bond must be filed in addition to any other bond(s) required on an active contractor's license. The disciplinary bond cannot take the place of or be combined with any other bond(s). The Registrar will determine the bond amount, which is based on the seriousness of the violation(s).ond of Qualifying Individual. In addition to a Contractor's Bond, a Bond of Qualifying Individual may be required for the issuance of an active license, reactivation of a license, and for the maintanance of an actively renewed license (Business and Professions Code Section 7071.9)." }, { "docid": "2263251", "title": "Your Medicare card", "text": "New Medicare cards are coming. Medicare is mailing new Medicare cards to all people with Medicare starting in April 2018. See an example of the new Medicare card. 10 things to know about your new Medicare card. Your new card will automatically come to you. You don’t need to do anything as long as your address is up to date." }, { "docid": "2522788", "title": "how to arrange the following bonds in order of increasing polarity: F-F, F-C, F-O, F-N?", "text": "Next would be F-O. Since their electronegativities are similar, the bond between the would probably be considered non-polar bond. Following would be F-N as there is a greater difference in electronegativity than the previous two. The last would be F-C. This bond has the greatest difference in electronegativity. This bond is the most polar." }, { "docid": "3150679", "title": "What are the types of Covalent Bond?", "text": "This type of covalent bond formed is known as a non-polar covalent bond. For example: The bonds in the molecules H2, O2, Cl2 etc., are non-polar covalent bonds. Polar covalent bond. Formation of a covalent bond between two atoms which belong to different element is known as a polar covalent bond." }, { "docid": "8373008", "title": "The Difference Between a Freehold Bond and a Surety Bond for Indiana Notaries", "text": "The Difference Between a Freehold Bond and a Surety Bond for Indiana Notaries. The state of Indiana allows notaries to obtain a Freehold Bond or a Surety Bond. While you may see the Freehold bond is free and assume that is a better deal. That is NOT always the case." }, { "docid": "3908722", "title": "-", "text": "The bond order is the number of bonds between two atoms. single bond == bond order of 1. double bond == bond order of 2. triple bond == bond order of 3. It is also possible to have fractional bond orders when bonding electrons are delocalized, as when there are two or more resonance structures for a molecule." }, { "docid": "6287912", "title": "Single bond", "text": "In chemistry, a single bond is a chemical bond between two atoms involving two valence electrons. That is, the atoms share one pair of electrons where the bond forms. Therefore, a single bond is a type of covalent bond." }, { "docid": "1728200", "title": "What Do Those Extra Letters on Your Medicare Card Mean?", "text": "The front of your Medicare card indicates whether you are enrolled in Part A and/or Part B under the heading “IS ENTITLED TO.” If you are enrolled in a Medicare Part C (Medicare Advantage) plan or Medicare Part D (prescription drug) plan, that information appears on a separate card and not on your Medicare card. The letter A, B, C, or D following the numerical part of your Medicare number does not refer in any way to Medicare Part A, B, C, or D. Following are the meanings of the primary letter codes on every Medicare card. Code “A”. “A” means you are a retired wage earner and the primary claimant." }, { "docid": "8554274", "title": "What is the value of a bond?", "text": "Bond values are very sensitive to market interest rates. For example, if you purchased bond with a stated/coupon rate of 10% and market rates had declined to 8% since you purchased the bond, then the value of your 10% bond in a market crediting 8% would be higher. Use this calculator to help determine the value of a bond. This information may help you analyze your financial needs." }, { "docid": "7688693", "title": "-", "text": "Because the Medicare ambulance benefit is a transport benefit, if no transport of a Medicare beneficiary occurs, then there is no Medicare-covered service. In general, if the beneficiary dies before being transported, then no Medicare payment may be made." }, { "docid": "5921427", "title": "-", "text": "A covalent bond is a chemical bond between two nonmetals (two metals cannot covalently bond) in which electrons are shared, while an ionic bond is a chemical bond between a me … tal and a non metal due to the attraction between oppositely charged ions.or example water is H2O. Oxygen needs two more electrons to have a full valence (… outer shell) and each hydrogen needs one electron, so they share electrons to form the stable compound water. An ionic bond is a bond between a metal and a nonmetal, where there is an exchange of electrons." }, { "docid": "2082017", "title": "-", "text": "Other Medicare Resources. 1 Medicare.gov - The official U.S. Government site for Medicare information: Medicare & You handbook. 2 Medicaid -The official site for Medicaid information. 3 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) - The Medicare and Medicaid agency. FAQS Regarding Medicare and the Marketplace." }, { "docid": "1511602", "title": "-", "text": "Surety Bail Bonds. If a surety bond is placed on the defendant, the bondsman requires a premium on the bond. The premium is a percentage of the total bond, usually ten percent. Property Bail Bonds. If a property bond is used, the defendant or a family member or friend must put up property for the bond." }, { "docid": "6049011", "title": "Announcing New MVD PROGRAM!APPLY ONLINENO Collateral!APPLY ONLINE!", "text": "Surety Bond Definition: A Surety Bond is an agreement subject to the Bond Form. The Surety Bond is usually required for monetary compensation for failure to perform specified acts referenced in the Bond Form. A Surety Bond is a generic name for all bonds.Surety Bonds are usually required by the state or Federal Government; these bonds are called License and Permit Bonds. There are three parts of a Surety Bond, the first is the Obligee. They are the entity requiring the Bond.urety Bonds are usually required by the state or Federal Government; these bonds are called License and Permit Bonds. There are three parts of a Surety Bond, the first is the Oblige e. They are the entity requiring the Bond. Second is the principal." }, { "docid": "7101639", "title": "Medicare and Medicaid", "text": "The original Medicare Plan and Medicare Advantage Plans are part of Medicare Part B. The original option (fee-for-service plan) can choose any licensed physician certified by Medicare." }, { "docid": "2926063", "title": "How To Invest In Corporate Bonds", "text": "When investors buy a bond, they are lending money to the entity that issues the bond. The bond is a promise to repay the face value of the bond (the amount loaned) with an additional specified interest rate within a specified period of time.The bond, therefore, may be called an I.O.U..SEE: Introduction To Bond Investing Video. Bond Types The various types of bonds include U.S. government securities, municipals, mortgage and asset-backed, foreign bonds and corporate bonds. Corporate bonds are issued by companies and are either publicly traded or private.he bond is a promise to repay the face value of the bond (the amount loaned) with an additional specified interest rate within a specified period of time. The bond, therefore, may be called an I.O.U.. SEE: Introduction To Bond Investing Video." }, { "docid": "1937739", "title": "How Long Will It Take My EE Savings Bonds to Mature?", "text": "The rate of growth in the value of a Series EE savings bond is based on the interest rate the bond is earning. Bonds sold since May 2005 earn a fixed rate until a bond is redeemed. The U.S. Treasury guarantees a bond will double in value no later than 20 years after the bond is purchased." }, { "docid": "661025", "title": "Bond Prices", "text": "The amount one pays to buy a bond. A bond price is usually represented as a percentage of par value. For example, if a bond has a par of $1,000 and is sold for $900, the price is published as 90%.he amount one pays to buy a bond. A bond price is usually represented as a percentage of par value. For example, if a bond has a par of $1,000 and is sold for $900, the price is published as 90%." }, { "docid": "2156962", "title": "-", "text": "Bond Energy. For any particular chemical bond, say the covalent bond between hydrogen and oxygen, the amount of energy it takes to break that bond is exactly the same as the amount of energy released when the bond is formed. This value is called the bond energy." }, { "docid": "2922688", "title": "bond", "text": "hydrogen bond-a chemical bond consisting of a hydrogen atom between two electronegative atoms (e.g., oxygen or nitrogen) with one side be a covalent bond and the other being an ionic bond.ttraction, attractive force-the force by which one object attracts another. covalent bond-a chemical bond that involves sharing a pair of electrons between atoms in a molecule. cross-link, cross-linkage-a side bond that links two adjacent chains of atoms in a complex molecule." } ]
what is botany
[ { "docid": "1387435", "title": "Aristotle's metaphysics", "text": "Botany is the scientific study of plants how plants function, what they look like, how they are related to each other, where they grow, how people make use of plants, and how plants evolved." } ]
[ { "docid": "2198274", "title": "Allspice Cooking Uses and Substitutions", "text": "Allspice Botany. Allspice is the dried berry of the Pimenta dioica tree. Also known as the pimento tree or the Jamaican pepper, it's a relative of the myrtle. At first glance, you might easily confuse the allspice berry with a peppercorn, just as early Spanish explorers did.llspice Botany. Allspice is the dried berry of the Pimenta dioica tree. Also known as the pimento tree or the Jamaican pepper, it's a relative of the myrtle. At first glance, you might easily confuse the allspice berry with a peppercorn, just as early Spanish explorers did." }, { "docid": "8520622", "title": "phytology", "text": "pitcher - (botany) a leaf that that is modified in such a way as to resemble a pitcher or ewer. apophysis - (botany) a natural swelling or enlargement: at the base of the stalk or seta in certain mosses or on the cone scale of certain conifers." }, { "docid": "6146808", "title": "tissue tropism definition, tissue tropism meaning | English dictionary", "text": "vascular tissue. n. 1. (Botany) tissue of higher plants consisting mainly of xylem and phloem and occurring as a continuous system throughout the plant: it conducts water, mineral salts, and synthesized food substances and provides mechanical support." }, { "docid": "8295493", "title": "bud", "text": "(bŭd) n. 1. Botany. a. A small protuberance on a stem or branch, sometimes enclosed in protective scales and containing an undeveloped leaf, flower, or leafy shoot. b. The stage or condition of having buds: branches in full bud." }, { "docid": "4227263", "title": "-", "text": "bo•tan•i•cal. 1. of, pertaining to, or derived from plants. 2. of or pertaining to botany: botanical research. 3. of or belonging to a plant species. 4. a drug made from part of a plant, as from roots or bark." }, { "docid": "4553556", "title": "What degree do I need to be a Marine Biologist?", "text": "Education Requirements. To gain an entry-level job in marine biology, you need to have a Bachelor of Science degree in marine biology or a related field such as biochemistry, biology, botany, ecology, microbiology or zoology.ducation Requirements. To gain an entry-level job in marine biology, you need to have a Bachelor of Science degree in marine biology or a related field such as biochemistry, biology, botany, ecology, microbiology or zoology." }, { "docid": "993321", "title": "dehiscence", "text": "dehiscence. (botany). Spontaneous bursting open of a mature plant structure, such as fruit, anther, or sporangium, to discharge its contents. (medicine). A defect in the boundary of a bony canal or cavity. 1 Facebook." }, { "docid": "4989552", "title": "-", "text": "Taught by her father, Alcott was deeply influenced by his transcendentalist thought and experimental educational philosophies. Ralph Waldo Emerson's personal library of classics and philosophy was available for use to the young Alcott, and Henry David Thoreau taught her botany." }, { "docid": "5310353", "title": "-", "text": "stipes. 1 Zoology. the second joint in a maxilla of crustaceans and insects. 2 Botany, Mycology. a stipe." }, { "docid": "8090874", "title": "What is a person who studies plants called?", "text": "A person who studies plants is called Botanist. Someone who studies Botany is called Botanist. Botany is a branch of biology which mainly deals with the organisms in the Kingdom of Plantae, but also studies the Kingdoms of Fungi, Protista, Archaea, and Bacteria. A person who studies plants is called a Botanist. A Botanist is a scientist who specializes in the field of botany. Botany, also known as plant biology is the science of plant life and its contribution to our environment and life." }, { "docid": "1722974", "title": "Botany", "text": "Botany, also called plant science (s) or plant biology, is the science of plant life and a branch of biology.A botanist or plant scientist is a scientist who specializes in this field of study.odern botany is a broad, multidisciplinary subject with inputs from most other areas of science and technology." }, { "docid": "1396373", "title": "leaf scar", "text": "[′lēf ‚skär] (botany) A mark on a stem, formed by secretion of suberin and a gumlike substance, showing where a leaf has abscised. Want to thank TFD for its existence? Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, or visit the webmaster's page for free fun content. Link to this page:" }, { "docid": "4230339", "title": "-", "text": "Understand [edit]. Sutherland Shire is primarily a residential area. Its primary tourist destinations are the beach suburbs of Cronulla, the bushland of Australia's oldest national park the Royal National Park and the first landing point of Captain Cook at Botany Bay in Kurnell." }, { "docid": "5285836", "title": "-", "text": "(plural ovules). ( 1 botany) The structure in a plant that develops into a seed after fertilization; the megasporangium of a seed plant with its enclosing integuments. ( 2 zoology) An immature ovum in mammals. 3 Link/Cite." }, { "docid": "6108561", "title": "virescent", "text": "Virescent first appeared in English in 1826. Virēre also gave us another adjective meaning green, verdant, only the route to that adjective takes a stop at the Old French verdoier (to be green). But it is nowadays found most frequently in scientific contexts, especially those pertaining to botany." }, { "docid": "1888418", "title": "-", "text": "emergence (ɪˈmɜːdʒəns) n 1. the act or process of emerging 2. (Botany) an outgrowth, such as a prickle, that contains no vascular tissue and does not develop into stem, leaf, etc. e•mer•gence (ɪˈmɜr dʒəns) n. 1. the act or process of emerging. 2. an outgrowth on the surface of a plant." }, { "docid": "2863612", "title": "-", "text": "0442033389 9780442033385. A dictionary of biological terms: pronunciation, derivation, and definition of terms in biology, botany, zoology, anatomy, cytology, genetics, embryology, physiology/I F Henderson; W D Henderson; John H Kenneth; New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, ©1963.chema:about http://www.worldcat.org/oclc/10409977 # A dictionary of biological terms: pronunciation, derivation, and definition of terms in biology, botany, zoology, anatomy, cytology, genetics, embryology, physiology." }, { "docid": "7991097", "title": "-", "text": "ampulla. 1 Anatomy. a dilated portion of a canal or duct, especially of the semicircular canals of the ear. 2 Zoology, Botany. any flask-shaped structure. 3 Ecclesiastical. a vessel for the wine and water used at the altar. a vessel for holding consecrated oil." }, { "docid": "3482169", "title": "Visiting Monticello", "text": "Explore Jefferson's lifelong interest in gardening, botany, and agriculture while enjoying the beauty and variety of Monticello's grounds. More >> Evening Behind the Scenes Tours" }, { "docid": "584461", "title": "cirrus", "text": "cirrus. 1 Meteorology. a cloud of a class characterized by thin white filaments or narrow bands and a composition of ice crystals: of high altitude, about 20,000–40,000 feet (6000–12,000 meters). a cirriform cloud. 2 Botany. a tendril." }, { "docid": "2159301", "title": "translocation", "text": "translocation. n. 1. (Genetics) genetics the transfer of one part of a chromosome to another part of the same or a different chromosome, resulting in rearrangement of the genes.2. (Botany) botany the transport of minerals, sugars, etc, in solution within a plant. 3. a movement from one position or place to another.ranslocation. n. 1. (Genetics) genetics the transfer of one part of a chromosome to another part of the same or a different chromosome, resulting in rearrangement of the genes." }, { "docid": "1208465", "title": "-", "text": "1 Cav. , in botany, a designator for plants named by Antonio Jose José. cavanille Cav., abbreviation for Cavaliere, an Italian order of knighthood. 2 Cavalleria rusticana, an opera often played as a double bill with Pagliacci, and then referred to as the Cav/Pag." }, { "docid": "2083034", "title": "What is a Botanist?", "text": "It's also a profession for nature lovers. Some botanists study how plants relate to their natural communities. The work of these plant ecologists helps conserve endangered species and natural areas. Regardless of the specialty, we all benefit from their work. Simply put, botany is the study of plants." }, { "docid": "955642", "title": "-", "text": "awn. n. Botany. A slender bristle, especially one at the tip of a glume or lemma in a grass spikelet." }, { "docid": "531244", "title": "pollinate", "text": "verb (used with object), pollinated, pollinating. Botany. 1. to convey pollen to the stigma of (a flower)." }, { "docid": "5922378", "title": "meristem", "text": "meristem. n. 1. (Botany) a plant tissue responsible for growth, whose cells divide and differentiate to form the tissues and organs of the plant. Meristems occur within the stem (see cambium) and leaves and at the tips of stems and roots." }, { "docid": "2946920", "title": "joint", "text": "A point of articulation between two or more bones, especially such a connection that allows motion. b. A point in the exoskeleton of an invertebrate at which movable parts join, as along the leg of an arthropod. 3. Botany An articulation on a fruit or stem, such as the node of a grass stem. 4. Slang A marijuana cigarette. adj. 1." }, { "docid": "138771", "title": "-", "text": "The science of life and of living organisms, including their structure, function, growth, origin, evolution, and distribution. It includes botany and zoology and all their subdivisions. 2. The life processes or characteristic phenomena of a group or category of living organisms: the biology of fungi." }, { "docid": "8578473", "title": "-", "text": "Concepts of Botany, (page 1 of 14) BIOL 221 – Concepts of Botany (Fall 2010) Angiosperms: Flowers, Inflorescences, and Fruits. Before Coming to Lab: Read the lab sections A1, A3, B1, and Appendix B, then. answer the following questions before coming to lab. 1. Label the following flowers as having a superior or inferior ovary, as appropriate." }, { "docid": "710131", "title": "Stigma (botany)", "text": "Stigma (botany) The stigma (plural: stigmata) is the receptive tip of a carpel, or of several fused carpels, in the gynoecium of a flower." } ]
what is boulangere
[ { "docid": "2126878", "title": "-", "text": "‘A à La’ boulangere boulangère means (a dish poultry) or meat is served with a garnish of potatoes. And ‘onions’ a boulangere boulangère’is a. ‘Baker S’ wife pommes boulangere boulangère consists of sliced potatoes layered, with stock and onions. and baked Until. done a à la boulangere boulangèreA à La’ boulangere boulangère means (a dish poultry) or meat is served with a garnish of potatoes. and onions" } ]
[ { "docid": "2126877", "title": "-", "text": "‘A à La’ boulangere boulangère means (a dish poultry) or meat is served with a garnish of potatoes. And ‘onions’ a boulangere boulangère’is a. ‘Baker S’ wife pommes boulangere boulangère consists of sliced potatoes layered, with stock and onions. and baked until doneA à La’ boulangere boulangère means (a dish poultry) or meat is served with a garnish of potatoes. and onions" }, { "docid": "2126882", "title": "What Are Boulangere Potatoes?", "text": "When the boulangere potatoes have finished cooking, the stock will have been absorbed by the potatoes and the top layer will be crisp. The crispness is sometimes encouraged during baking by the addition of butter.n an oven-safe baking dish, a layer of potatoes is placed on the bottom of the dish. This is followed by a layer of onions; herbs such as parsley, thyme or rosemary; and then potatoes again. The sequence is repeated until all the potatoes and onions are used, with the top layer being formed from potatoes." }, { "docid": "7299371", "title": "Culinary Dictionary â A", "text": "a la Anglaise (ah-la-an-glaz) – It is a French term for English. It refers to food which has been dipped in beaten egg, and then coated with bread crumbs and cooked in butter and oil. a la boulangere (boo-lan-jair) – Describes a simple dish of stock, potatoes, and onions." }, { "docid": "2126879", "title": "-", "text": "‘A à La’ boulangere boulangère means (a dish poultry) or meat is served with a garnish of potatoes. and onionsA à La’ boulangere boulangère means (a dish poultry) or meat is served with a garnish of potatoes. and onions" }, { "docid": "2126881", "title": "What Are Boulangere Potatoes?", "text": "10 most extreme places on Earth. The recipe for boulangere potatoes emerged from the French tradition of taking a casserole of potatoes to the local baker at the end of the day so the casserole could be placed in the baker's cooling oven to cook overnight.n an oven-safe baking dish, a layer of potatoes is placed on the bottom of the dish. This is followed by a layer of onions; herbs such as parsley, thyme or rosemary; and then potatoes again. The sequence is repeated until all the potatoes and onions are used, with the top layer being formed from potatoes." }, { "docid": "2126886", "title": "Boulangere", "text": "Belgium chocolate, regarded as one of the best around ... a la boulangere (boo-lan-jair) - Describes a simple dish of stock, potatoe s, and onion s. Boulangere is French for baker.. In history in France, many homes did not have an oven, so anything to be baked was taken to a local baker to be cooked in his oven. la boulangere (boo-lan-jair) - Describes a simple dish of stock, potatoe s, and onion s. Boulangere is French for baker.. In history in France, many homes did not have an oven, so anything to be baked was taken to a local baker to be cooked in his oven." }, { "docid": "2126884", "title": "What Are Boulangere Potatoes?", "text": "The cooking method for making boulangere potatoes works best when the potatoes have been cut into very thin chips. This is most often achieved through the use of a mechanical cutting device like a mandolin or a food processor.n an oven-safe baking dish, a layer of potatoes is placed on the bottom of the dish. This is followed by a layer of onions; herbs such as parsley, thyme or rosemary; and then potatoes again. The sequence is repeated until all the potatoes and onions are used, with the top layer being formed from potatoes." }, { "docid": "2126883", "title": "-", "text": "ADVERTISEMENT. These tasty Boulangere boulangère potatoes are an easy way to jazz up your spuds and great with roast. Meats preheat the oven to°180/c°350/f gas. 4 get an ovenproof dish around 30cm x 20cm and 5cm. deepDVERTISEMENT. These tasty Boulangere boulangère potatoes are an easy way to jazz up your spuds and great with roast. Meats preheat the oven to°180/c°350/f gas. 4 get an ovenproof dish around 30cm x 20cm and 5cm. deep" } ]
what is broadvox
[ { "docid": "6789058", "title": "Broadvox Communications", "text": "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Broadvox is a VoIP service provider for business telecommunications. It offers voice and data network solutions for telecommunications, cable, and wireless carriers, as well as ISPs, ITSPs, Over-the-top (OTT) service providers, MVNOs, and various other business partners. Broadvox operates its own nationwide competitive local exchange carrier (CLEC) facilities. Broadvox was founded in 2001 as a wholesale VoIP carrier and is headquartered in Cleveland, Ohio with additional offices in Atlanta, GA and Dallas, TX. In 2003, Broadvox began offering SIP origination and termination, which increased the companies quality of the voice transmission and expanded service offerings." } ]
[ { "docid": "6789063", "title": "Configuring a Broadvox SIP Trunk in Communications Server 2007 R2", "text": "Configure the External Firewall to Allow Communication Between Broadvox and Your Mediation Server. The settings you configure on your firewall will be unique to the firewall that you are using. Table 1 shows the ports and protocols on your firewall that are required for connectivity to Broadvox." }, { "docid": "6789057", "title": "Configuring a Broadvox SIP Trunk in Communications Server 2007 R2", "text": "Configuring a Broadvox SIP Trunk in Communications Server 2007 R2. Using the integrated voice features in Communications Server 2007 R2 for external telephone calls adds efficiency and call controls when using Office Communicator." }, { "docid": "6789062", "title": "-", "text": "Glassdoor has 8 Broadvox reviews submitted anonymously by Broadvox employees. Read employee reviews and ratings on Glassdoor to decide if Broadvox is right for you." }, { "docid": "6789055", "title": "-", "text": "Glassdoor gives you an inside look at what it's like to work at Broadvox, including salaries, reviews, office photos, and more. This is the Broadvox company profile. All content is posted anonymously by employees working at Broadvox." }, { "docid": "6789064", "title": "Configuring a Broadvox SIP Trunk in Communications Server 2007 R2", "text": "However, enabling Enterprise Voice within Communications Server 2007 R2 can be a daunting task. Using a SIP trunk by Broadvox and the following configuration steps makes the process easier and less costly." }, { "docid": "1413425", "title": "-", "text": "cellco partnership dba verizon wireless - tx: abilene: 325: 370: 28966-1: wireless: new cingular wireless pcs, llc - il: abilene: 325: 400: 28966-1: landline: broadvox-clec, llc - tx: abilene: 325: 437: 28966-1: landline: nts communications, inc. abilene: 325: 439: 28966-1: wireless: sprint spectrum l.p. abilene: 325: 480: 28966-1: landline: level 3 communications, llc - tx: abilene: 325: 513: 28966-1: landline" }, { "docid": "1413426", "title": "-", "text": "broadvox-clec, llc - tx: abilene: 325: 437: 28966-1: landline: nts communications, inc. abilene: 325: 439: 28966-1: wireless: sprint spectrum l.p. abilene: 325: 480: 28966-1: landline: level 3 communications, llc - tx: abilene: 325: 513: 28966-1: landline: new cingular wireless pcs, llc - il: abilene: 325: 514: 28966-1: wireless: cellco partnership dba verizon wireless - tx: abilene: 325: 518: 28966-1: wireless" }, { "docid": "6789059", "title": "Configuring a Broadvox SIP Trunk in Communications Server 2007 R2", "text": "A SIP trunk configuration enables all Office Communications Server Enterprise Voice features, including simultaneous ring, call deflect, call forwarding, and the option to use routing groups. The SIP trunk configuration is simple with Broadvox." }, { "docid": "6789061", "title": "Configuring a Broadvox SIP Trunk in Communications Server 2007 R2", "text": "The SIP trunk must be provisioned on their Fusion (FS) switches. The SIP trunk must be configured for Communications Server 2007 R2 (a configuration option within Broadvox), which will include TCP, E.164 number formatting, and ring-back tones." } ]
what is budget overhead
[ { "docid": "4684584", "title": "-", "text": "Factory Overhead Budget. The factory overhead budget shows all the planned manufacturing costs which are needed to produce the budgeted production level of a period, other than direct costs which are already covered under direct material budget and direct labor budget.owever most businesses will prefer to prepare a detailed overhead budget showing individual variable costs such as electricity, fuel, supplies etc.. The fixed overhead costs are calculated as the sum of individual fixed overhead costs for example rent, depreciation, etc. which are planned for the period." } ]
[ { "docid": "822504", "title": "Fixed Overhead Variance Analysis", "text": "If the actual cost is higher than the fixed cost, the cost variance is unfavorable. For example, your standard fixed overhead cost is $3 per unit. If your actual fixed overhead cost is $4 per unit, you have an unfavorable variance of $1." }, { "docid": "7049794", "title": "Congressional Budget Office", "text": "Congressional Budget Office. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) is a federal agency within the legislative branch of the United States government that provides budget and economic information to Congress." }, { "docid": "1979422", "title": "Set up budget control [AX 2012]", "text": "The budget funds calculation is displayed under the check boxes, so that you can view how the calculation changes as you select and clear the check boxes. Click Budgeting Setup Budget control Budget control configuration. Click Budget funds available." }, { "docid": "5273792", "title": "Manufacturing cost", "text": "Manufacturing cost is the sum of costs of all resources consumed in the process of making a product.The manufacturing cost is classified into three categories: direct materials cost, direct labor cost and manufacturing overhead.anufacturing overhead is any manufacturing cost that is neither direct materials cost or direct labor cost. Manufacturing overhead includes all charges that provide support to manufacturing." }, { "docid": "7857064", "title": "Why the U.S. may never have a balanced budget again", "text": "Washington (CNN) -- The House has passed the Republican budget plan submitted by Rep. Paul Ryan, but some budget experts believe that he federal government is so far in the red that it may not balance the budget again in our lifetime." }, { "docid": "7176682", "title": "What is the difference between prime costs and conversion costs?", "text": "What is the difference between prime costs and conversion costs? The difference between prime costs and conversion costs involves the three cost categories associated with manufacturing a product: direct materials; direct labor; and manufacturing overhead (also known as factory overhead, production overhead, burden, indirect product costs, etc.) Prime costs are the two direct product costs. (The indirect product cost manufacturing overhead is excluded.). Hence, the prime costs are:" }, { "docid": "901138", "title": "-", "text": "The budget process begins with the president’s submission to Congress of the administration’s proposed budget for the coming fiscal year, which begins on October 1.The budget must be submitted by the first Monday in February.he Congressional Budget Act of 1974 directs that, following the submission of the president’s budget proposal, the House and Senate Budget Committees (with assistance from the Congressional Budget Office, a nonpartisan body) create the budget resolution." }, { "docid": "822503", "title": "Managerial Accounting, v. 1.0", "text": "$5,500 unfavorable variable overhead spending variance = $100,000 – $94,500. Variance is unfavorable because the actual variable overhead costs are higher than the expected costs given actual hours of 18,900." }, { "docid": "6705073", "title": "Budgeting Process: Complete Guide", "text": "Labor, Overhead, and SG&A Budget. 1 The direct labor budget is prepared. Labor that participates in the production process forms the direct labor cost. This budget is prepared according to the number of labor hours and the cost per hour." }, { "docid": "355891", "title": "Governor's Office of Strategic Planning & Budgeting", "text": "Historical Information. The Governor's Office of Strategic Planning & Budgeting (OSPB) is entrusted with planning and analyzing the state's budget. It analyzes individual state agency budget requests and makes its own budget recommendations to the Governor, who then presents the executive budget proposal to the Legislature." }, { "docid": "1000201", "title": "What is a 'Variable Overhead'", "text": "While most overhead costs such as rent, salaries and insurance are typically fixed, overhead costs that increase with higher business activity and decrease with lower business activity are termed as variable overhead." }, { "docid": "5815823", "title": "-", "text": "Understanding Traditional Costing. Many manufacturing companies use the traditional costing system to assign manufacturing overhead to units produced. Users of the traditional costing method make the assumption that the volume metric is the underlying driver of manufacturing overhead cost." }, { "docid": "1140848", "title": "Balanced budget", "text": "A balanced budget refers to a budget in which revenues are equal to expenditures. Thus, neither a budget deficit nor a budget surplus exists. More generally, it refers to a budget that has no budget deficit, but could possibly have a budget surplus. A cyclically balanced budget is a budget that is not necessarily balanced year-to-year, but is balanced over the economic cycle, running a surplus in boom years and running a deficit in lean years, with these offsetting over time. Balanced budgets an" }, { "docid": "4258641", "title": "The Budgeting Process", "text": "Topics: Financial Management. Budgeting and Strategic Planning. The budget process is the way an organization goes about building its budget. A good budgeting process engages those who are responsible for adhering to the budget and implementing the organization's objectives in creating the budget." }, { "docid": "3008528", "title": "What Is a Purchases Budget?", "text": "Also known as a purchase budget, a purchases budget is just one facet of a company's overall functional budget strategy. The budget differs from a profit or expense budget because the focus of the budget is on determining the organization's requirements for materials purchases and inventory.Any company or organization that produces or sells a tangible product needs a purchases budget. purchases budget that contains projected employee levels will help ensure adequate inventory amounts as more employees sell the product. A purchases budget also helps the company to prepare for increases or changes in product lines or for new product launches. Related Reading: On Budget vs. Off Budget." }, { "docid": "561490", "title": "-", "text": "Direct material costs are $44,000 and direct labor total $16,000 annually for the motors. Overhead totals $18 per motor of which $5 is variable. Eighty percent of the fixed overhead is unavoidable.Swingly, Inc. has offered to sell the motors to Walker for $24 each.ariable overhead cost savings = $5.00 x 4,000 = $20,000. Step 3: Determine incremental fixed cost savings. Because 80% of the fixed overhead is unavoidable, the other 20% is considered avoidable. Avoidable costs are always relevant because the cost will no longer be incurred if the motors are outsourced." }, { "docid": "6610362", "title": "Overhead", "text": "Overhead. Definition: Overhead is those administrative expenses of a business that are required to operate general corporate functions, and which cannot be definitively attributed to any revenue-generating activities or units of output (such as products to be sold).verhead is a necessary part of a business, and must be paid for even when sales levels are low or nonexistent. The cost of overhead can be substantial, which is why managers tend to closely monitor it. Examples of overhead expenses are as follows: 1 Accounting. 2 Administrative salaries." }, { "docid": "4200863", "title": "Physical Therapist's Guide to Shoulder Impingement", "text": "Individuals with shoulder impingement may experience: 1 Restriction in shoulder motion with associated weakness in movement patterns, such as reaching overhead, behind the body, or out to the side. 2 Pain in the shoulder when moving the arm overhead, out to the side, and beside the body." }, { "docid": "2921989", "title": "How do I Calculate Overhead Costs?", "text": "Divide your monthly overhead cost by monthly sales and multiply by 100 to find the percentage of overhead cost. For example, a business with monthly sales of $900,000 and overhead costs totaling $225,000 has ($225,000/$900,000) * 100 = 25 percent overhead. Step 5. Calculate overhead cost as a percentage of labor cost.This measure is useful as an estimate of how efficiently resources are utilized.or example, a business with monthly sales of $900,000 and overhead costs totaling $225,000 has ($225,000/$900,000) * 100 = 25 percent overhead. Step 5. Calculate overhead cost as a percentage of labor cost. This measure is useful as an estimate of how efficiently resources are utilized." }, { "docid": "1622123", "title": "Process Cost System", "text": "Labor and overhead are incurred in each function. Figure shows the process flow and costs associated with Best Chip's process cost system. The cost report for Best Chips summarizes how manufacturing costs (direct materials, direct labor, and manufacturing overhead) are assigned to the three departments." }, { "docid": "168004", "title": "Factory overhead", "text": "Factory Overhead. Definition: Factory overhead is the costs incurred during the manufacturing process, not including the costs of direct labor and materials. Factory overhead is normally aggregated into cost pools and allocated to units produced during the period.efinition: Factory overhead is the costs incurred during the manufacturing process, not including the costs of direct labor and materials." }, { "docid": "822502", "title": "Fixed Overhead Variance Analysis", "text": "To calculate the variance, subtract your actual fixed overhead cost from your standard overhead cost. If the actual cost is higher than the fixed cost, the cost variance is unfavorable. For example, your standard fixed overhead cost is $3 per unit." }, { "docid": "8455114", "title": "The Advantages of Budgeting in a Business", "text": "You must know your manufacturing and overhead costs before you set your prices. A budget lets you project your utility, health care, marketing, rent, wages, debt service and other costs so you can learn the true cost per unit of making your products or delivering your service. Once you know this, you can set your prices to make the profit you want." }, { "docid": "298693", "title": "-", "text": "Manufacturing overhead consists of only indirect product costs. Some companies even refer to it as indirect overhead.. Others call manufacturing overhead by the label, factory overhead. Indirect costs cannot be easily traced to specific products or services provided. Because period costs have no relationship with products, they are never labeled as direct or indirect." }, { "docid": "7084329", "title": "-", "text": "Definition of budget in the Legal Dictionary - by Free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. What is budget? Meaning of budget as a legal term. What does budget mean in law?" }, { "docid": "1017939", "title": "Typical List of Overhead Expenses in a Construction Business", "text": "Your overhead costs represent any cost of manufacturing that is not a traceable materials or labor cost. By understanding typical overhead expenses in a construction business, you can make sure that you account for the overhead costs at your construction company appropriately." }, { "docid": "4101401", "title": "Pre-determined overhead rate", "text": "The third step is to compute the predetermined overhead rate by dividing the estimated total manufacturing overhead costs by the estimated total amount of cost driver or activity base. Common activity bases used in the calculation include direct labor costs, direct labor hours, or machine hours.he third step is to compute the predetermined overhead rate by dividing the estimated total manufacturing overhead costs by the estimated total amount of cost driver or activity base. Common activity bases used in the calculation include direct labor costs, direct labor hours, or machine hours." }, { "docid": "4093286", "title": "-", "text": "overhead rate. An actual or budgeted overhead cost for a given period divided by the actual or budgeted measure of production activity (such as direct labor cost, labor hours, or machine hours).Also called predetermined overhead rate when using budgeted costs.efinition. An actual or budgeted overhead cost for a given period divided by the actual or budgeted measure of production activity (such as direct labor cost, labor hours, or machine hours)." }, { "docid": "6566737", "title": "Establishing a Salary Increase Budget", "text": "1 Note the average salary increase budget as reported in the salary survey (the components of salary increase budgets are typically listed in salary surveys such as merit increase budget, promotion budget, adjustment budget, cost of living increase budget, etc.2 Definition of these terms appears under process tips). Multiply the salary increase budget percentage by the base payroll of each division. 2 This allows you to express the salary increase budget as a dollar amount, which may be more understandable to your managers than a percentage budget." }, { "docid": "1785370", "title": "Manufacturing Overhead (Explanation)", "text": "We view overhead as two types of costs and define them as follows: Manufacturing overhead (also referred to as factory overhead, factory burden, and manufacturing support costs) refers to indirect factory-related costs that are incurred when a product is manufactured.or a product to be profitable, its selling price must be greater than the sum of the product cost (direct material, direct labor, and manufacturing overhead) plus the nonmanufacturing costs and expenses. For a further discussion of nonmanufacturing costs, see Nonmanufacturing Overhead Costs." } ]
what is calcium gluconate used for
[ { "docid": "881662", "title": "calcium gluconate", "text": "What is calcium gluconate ? Calcium is a mineral that is found naturally in foods. Calcium is necessary for many normal functions of your body, especially bone formation and maintenance. Calcium can also bind to other minerals (such as phosphate) and aid in their removal from the body. Calcium gluconate is used to prevent and to treat calcium deficiencies. Calcium gluconate may also be used for purposes not listed in this medication guide." } ]
[ { "docid": "4980073", "title": "Food Sources of Calcium and Vitamin D", "text": "Foods high in calcium include milk, yogurt and beverages with calcium added such as soy beverages, orange juice, and rice beverages. Cheese is also a good source of calcium. For other foods, check the label. Calcium has been added if you see 'fortified' or 'enriched' on the label.oods high in calcium include milk, yogurt and beverages with calcium added such as soy beverages, orange juice, and rice beverages. Cheese is also a good source of calcium. For other foods, check the label. Calcium has been added if you see 'fortified' or 'enriched' on the label." }, { "docid": "1473681", "title": "How to Best Absorb Calcium Supplements", "text": "Two Parts:Increasing Calcium Absorption RatesKnowing How Much Calcium to TakeCommunity Q&A. Calcium is an important nutrient that helps your body maintain healthy bones. If you don't think you are getting enough calcium from your diet, you may want to take a supplement to make up the difference." }, { "docid": "8725938", "title": "-", "text": "1 Calcium citrate: Easily absorbed and digested by the body. 2 It does not contain as much elemental calcium -- the amount your body actually absorbs -- as calcium carbonate. 3 It is more expensive than calcium carbonate.4 Also, calcium citrate should not be used with aluminum-containing antacids. Calcium citrate: Easily absorbed and digested by the body. 2 It does not contain as much elemental calcium -- the amount your body actually absorbs -- as calcium carbonate. 3 It is more expensive than calcium carbonate." }, { "docid": "6976693", "title": "-", "text": "A blood calcium test can't be used to check for a lack of calcium in your diet or for the loss of calcium from the bones (osteoporosis). The body can have normal calcium levels even if your diet does not have enough calcium in it. Other tests, such as bone density, check the amount of calcium in the bones.hen blood calcium levels get high (hypercalcemia), the extra calcium is stored in the bones or passed out of the body in urine and stool. The amount of calcium in the body depends on the amount of: 1 Calcium you get in your food. 2 Calcium and vitamin D your intestines absorb." }, { "docid": "1243103", "title": "-", "text": "The calcium in most supplements is either in the form of calcium carbonate or calcium citrate. Research shows that they are absorbed equally well with meals, but calcium carbonate is harder to digest than calcium citrate.People are usually advised to take calcium carbonate with or soon after a meal.ost of the calcium in the American diet comes from dairy products. Not only do they contain a lot of the mineral, but it's in a form that's easy to digest and absorb. An 8-ounce serving of plain yogurt provides about 400 mg of calcium; an 8-ounce glass of milk, 300 mg; and a slice of cheddar cheese, 200 mg." }, { "docid": "5962526", "title": "-", "text": "Tags: absorbable calcium supplement, adequate calcium, alternative medicine program, BodyTalk, calcium lactate, calcium supplement, calcium supplements, Cataplex F, chronic muscle, free health newsletter, leg cramps, muscle cramps, standard process, supplement calcium." }, { "docid": "2042204", "title": "Understanding potassium", "text": "Potassium gluconate (one of the most available supplement forms) goes into solution easily to give potassium ions (which is the electrolyte), and the gluconate part is metabolized in the liver to create bicarbonates. Bicarbonates are also electrolytes. So this is similar to supplementing potassium bicarbonate." }, { "docid": "7239674", "title": "-", "text": "Calcium carbonate, nature's most concentrated source of calcium, delivers 500 mg of elemental calcium in each VIACTIV™ Calcium Soft Chew. The calcium in VIACTIV™ has been clinically demonstrated to be absorbed as well as the calcium from low-fat (1%) milk." }, { "docid": "6716360", "title": "Zinc Gluconate and Zinc Glycinate", "text": "...or in the better stuff, zinc gluconate, zinc citrate or zinc acetate. Zinc picolinate is very ...remember that when calculating dosages. Zinc glycinate and bisglycinate have slightly higher..." }, { "docid": "3753930", "title": "Nutrition and healthy eating", "text": "Calcium supplements cause few, if any, side effects. But side effects can sometimes occur, including gas, constipation and bloating. In general, calcium carbonate is the most constipating. You may need to try a few different brands or types of calcium supplements to find one that you tolerate the best.f you take calcium supplements and eat calcium-fortified foods, you may be getting more calcium than you realize. Check food and supplement labels to monitor how much total calcium you're getting a day and whether you're achieving the RDA but not exceeding the recommended upper limit." }, { "docid": "7515820", "title": "-", "text": "I prefer this to the calcium citrate powder which is more chalky and apparently causes bone problems for many people. This stuff is very easy to eat and is a natural form of calcium. It only says it is calcium phosphate dibasic but I think it is probably mono calcium phosphate." }, { "docid": "4629219", "title": "Too Much Calcium in the Body", "text": "1 The ratio of calcium stored in the bones and the calcium used by the body is similar. 2 Hence, when the bones are unable to absorb excess calcium, the calcium level increases in the body which may lead to too much calcium in the blood. 3 Overactive parathyroid gland may lead you to high calcium in the body." }, { "docid": "1601376", "title": "What Is Calcium Used For?", "text": "Calcium is one of the most popular dietary supplements on the market, probably for good reason. In addition to a few well-established uses, people are now taking calcium for a variety of different health benefits (some of which are more legitimate than others).Some of the most common calcium uses include: High potassium levels in the blood (in the form of injectable calcium gluconate). 2 Low calcium levels in the blood (in both oral and injectable forms). 3 High phosphate levels in the blood due to kidney failure." }, { "docid": "2502841", "title": "Calcium", "text": "When it is in a chunk, it starts reacting slowly because calcium hydroxide makes a coating that does not dissolve on the calcium. If a little acid is added to calcium hydroxide, it dissolves it, making the calcium react very fast. It burns when powdered to make a reddish flame. This makes calcium oxide." }, { "docid": "1725959", "title": "-", "text": "A calcium blood test measures how much calcium is in your blood. Your health care provider can use this test to help diagnose and watch many conditions. There are two types of calcium blood tests. One is total calcium and the other is ionized calcium." }, { "docid": "6976696", "title": "-", "text": "When blood calcium levels get high (hypercalcemia), the extra calcium is stored in the bones or passed out of the body in urine and stool. The amount of calcium in the body depends on the amount of: 1 Calcium you get in your food. 2 Calcium and vitamin D your intestines absorb.3 Phosphate in the body.hen blood calcium levels get high (hypercalcemia), the extra calcium is stored in the bones or passed out of the body in urine and stool. The amount of calcium in the body depends on the amount of: 1 Calcium you get in your food. 2 Calcium and vitamin D your intestines absorb." }, { "docid": "4406378", "title": "Calcium binding", "text": "Calcium binding. This subsection of the ‘Function’ section specifies the position(s) of the calcium-binding region(s) within the protein. One common calcium-binding motif is the EF-hand, but other calcium-binding motifs also exist." }, { "docid": "6835164", "title": "This is the old Caveman Chemistry website.", "text": "Aragonite and calcite are two minerals formed from calcium carbonate (CaCO. Lime (calcium oxide) is produced by heating limestone or seashells (calcium carbonate). The chemistry of calcium carbonate is similar to that of sodium carbonate and potassium carbonate except that calcium carbonate is not soluble in water." }, { "docid": "2085320", "title": "Nutrition and healthy eating", "text": "Three factors determine when you should take calcium supplements: The type of calcium. Check the label to find out what kind of calcium a supplement contains. If the supplement contains calcium citrate, you can take it with or without food. If the supplement contains calcium carbonate, take it with food." }, { "docid": "7188329", "title": "ETHICAL ISSUES IN CANCER PATIENT CARE SECOND EDITION", "text": "When to Use Povidone-Iodine. for Skin Antisepsis Compliance. Selection of the right skin antisepsis product is key to. delivering better patient outcomes. It is important to be. aware of and follow drug facts when leading chlorhexidine. gluconate-based products are contraindicated." }, { "docid": "8513329", "title": "Disinfectants + Antimicrobial Agent Susceptibility", "text": "Warnings For external use only. Do not use if you are allergic to chlorhexidine gluconate or any other ingredients in this preparation. as a patient preoperative skin preparation of the head or face. in contact with the meninges. in the genital area. on wounds that involve more than the superficial layers of skin." }, { "docid": "1713243", "title": "Calcium Imbalances", "text": "Skeletal muscles contain nerves which are irritated by low CA⁺ levels causing them to spasm, muscles also contain stored CA⁺. Cardiac muscle contains no nerves to be irritated. Lack of CA⁺ causes the heart to slow because it cannot contract without it. What are nursing intervention for Hypocalcemia? Adminster Vitamin D, Mg⁺ & Ca⁺ (CaCl is fast acting whil Calcium gluconate is more commonly used) Reduce PO₄(with Aluminum Hydroxide or antacids) ." }, { "docid": "7502223", "title": "Food Sources of Calcium", "text": "Calcium Content of Some Common Foods. Milk and milk alternatives are excellent sources of calcium. If you do not include milk or milk alternatives in your diet, there are other foods which contain calcium as well. This table will show you which foods are a source of calcium." }, { "docid": "5585753", "title": "Calcium and Cancer Prevention", "text": "Calcium supplements most often contain either calcium carbonate or calcium citrate, which are calcium salts. Sometimes, they contain both compounds. Calcium carbonate and calcium citrate have different amounts of elemental calcium, which is the actual amount of usable calcium in a supplement.Specifically, calcium carbonate has about 40 percent elemental calcium, meaning that 500 mg of calcium carbonate actually contains 200 mg of elemental calcium or 20%DV.alcium is an essential dietary mineral commonly found in milk, yogurt, cheese, and dark green vegetables. It also is found in certain grains, legumes (including peas, beans, lentils, and peanuts), and nuts. Calcium is a major component of bones and teeth." }, { "docid": "3379789", "title": "Calcium Channel Blockers for Treating Angina", "text": "What Do Calcium Blockers Do? Calcium channel blockers prevent calcium from entering into the heart muscle cells, and into the smooth muscle cells that cause blood vessels to constrict. By reducing calcium influx, calcium channel blockers cause these muscle cells to relax.." }, { "docid": "3287412", "title": "Iron gluconate", "text": "Hello Steve, Iron gluconate is the salt of gluconic acid, which is a product of glucose oxidation. Gluconic acid contains one carboxylic acid group and 5 hydroxy groups, so it tends to chelate. Because it is a sugar, I would imagine that bugs love it!" }, { "docid": "7375597", "title": "-", "text": "In theory, it is possible to have water with high hardness that contains no calcium. Calcium is the most important divalent salt in fish culture water. Calcium has an important role in the biological processes of fish.It is necessary for bone formation, blood clotting and other metabolic reactions. Fish can absorb calcium for these needs directly from the water or food.n theory, it is possible to have water with high hardness that contains no calcium. Calcium is the most important divalent salt in fish culture water. Calcium has an important role in the biological processes of fish." }, { "docid": "4584422", "title": "-", "text": "Calcium is a mineral that is important for strong bones and healthy teeth. It is important for teens to get plenty of calcium-rich foods, particularly milk and alternatives, or calcium-fortified foods. If there are not enough calcium stores for the growing baby, calcium is drawn from the mother’s bones." }, { "docid": "2996593", "title": "What Are the Benefits of Potassium Gluconate Supplements?", "text": "Potassium gluconate is one of several supplemental forms of potassium that will increase your levels of potassium. Potassium supplements can lead to serious side effects, however, so you should only take them under the guidance of your health care provider." }, { "docid": "3706647", "title": "What kind of bond exists between calcium chloride?", "text": "The difference of calcium chloride and fused calcium chloride is the bond acting on their molecules. The fused calcium chloride is fused while the calcium chloride is not … fused." } ]
what is carbonization in fossil evolution
[ { "docid": "143668", "title": "What is a Fossil? Fossil Facts and Information", "text": "Now the fossils have a. white film instead of a black carbon film. Carbonization is the process where only the residual carbon of the organism remains. In nature this usually happens over time when the organism is subject to heat and pressure." } ]
[ { "docid": "910286", "title": "Meaning of âevolutionâ in the English Dictionary", "text": "uk ​ /ˌiːvəˈluːʃən/ us ​. › a gradual process of change and development: the evolution of sth The evolution of modern management began in the last decades of the nineteenth century. evolution from sth to/into sth As CEO he has overseen the company’s evolution from a small agency into a top-rated global firm." }, { "docid": "1871603", "title": "Sandhill crane", "text": "Sandhill cranes have one of the longest fossil histories of any extant bird. A 10-million-year-old crane fossil from Nebraska is said to be of this species, but this may be from a prehistoric relative or the direct ancestor of sandhill cranes and not belong in the genus Grus.andhill cranes have one of the longest fossil histories of any extant bird. A 10-million-year-old crane fossil from Nebraska is said to be of this species, but this may be from a prehistoric relative or the direct ancestor of sandhill cranes and not belong in the genus Grus." }, { "docid": "4799566", "title": "What is evolution?", "text": "Providing a definition of “evolution” is tricky because the word is used in different ways. First we need to distinguish between the broader worldview some associate with evolution and the scientific theory of evolution." }, { "docid": "4692104", "title": "-", "text": "index fossil-a fossil known to have lived in a particular geologic age that can be used to date the rock layer in which it is found. guide fossil. fossil-the remains (or an impression) of a plant or animal that existed in a past geological age and that has been excavated from the soil. 1 Facebook." }, { "docid": "2504535", "title": "Fossil collecting", "text": "Fossil collecting (some times, in a non-scientific sense, fossil hunting) is the collection of fossils for scientific study, hobby, or profit. Fossil collecting, as practiced by amateurs, is the predecessor of modern paleontology and many still collect fossils and study fossils as amateurs.etails of the parent rock strata, the location of the find, and other fossil material associated with the find help scientists to place the fossil in context, in terms of the time, location and situation in which the organism lived." }, { "docid": "8543964", "title": "What is evolution? Why is evolution referred to as a theory?", "text": "Wow, so many people do not know what a theory is... First evolution itself is not a theory, the theory of evolution for the development of species is a theory. Second, a theory means that it is an explanation.It has nothing to do with whether is has been proven. Nothing can be proven in science by definition.irst evolution itself is not a theory, the theory of evolution for the development of species is a theory. Second, a theory means that it is an explanation. It has nothing to do with whether is has been proven. Nothing can be proven in science by definition." }, { "docid": "7784018", "title": "Theory of Fossil Fuels", "text": "According to the most common theory of fossil fuels, it is believed that these fuels were formed from the corpse of animals as well as plants that got buried under the earth's crust due to certain reasons. There are two different theories of fossil fuels that are known as Biogenic theory and Abiogenic theory.he fossil fuels are non-renewable sources of energy. These are actually hydrocarbons that remain inside the earth's crust. There are different types of fossil fuels like petroleum, methane, coal and so on. Some of these are made up of pure carbon and others are of low ratio of carbon and hydrogen." }, { "docid": "1856942", "title": "Fossil fuel", "text": "A fossil fuel is a fuel formed by natural processes, such as anaerobic decomposition of buried dead organisms, containing energy originating in ancient photosynthesis.[1] The age of the organisms and their resulting fossil fuels is typically millions of years, and sometimes exceeds 650 million years.[2] Fossil fuels contain high percentages of ..." }, { "docid": "6870934", "title": "-", "text": "fossil meaning in General Dictionary. a compound dug from planet. dug-out regarding the earth as fossil coal fossil sodium. feature of a fossil. some body whoever style may be out of fashion. the keeps (or an impact) of a plant or animal that existed in a past geological age and therefore has-been excavated from the earth. dug-out of this earth; as, fossil coal; fossil salt. Like or pertaining to fossils; contained in rocks, whether petrified or otherwise not; since, fossil plants, shells. A substance dug from the planet. The stays of a pet or plant present stratified stones." }, { "docid": "321854", "title": "-", "text": "HE List of Other Courses Approved to meet Natural Science Distribution Requirement. (Note: This list does not include all cross‐listings. Students may petition to use cross‐listed courses or to apply. advanced level courses to this requirement. Courses with * are recommended for Human Development majors. Animal Science (ANSC) 1100 Domestic Animal Biology I. Anthropology (ANTHR) 1300 Human Evolution: Genes, Behavior, and the Fossil. Record*." }, { "docid": "7734545", "title": "List of State Fossils", "text": "These ancient whale fossils are most abundant in Alabama but fossil remains of the Basilosaurus cetoides may not be removed from the state without prior written approval of the governor. Alaska State Fossil" }, { "docid": "2107330", "title": "fossil fuel", "text": "All the machines of modern life require energy to make them run. About 90 percent of that energy comes from burning fossil fuels. Fossil fuels include petroleum (oil), coal, and natural gas. These materials are called fossil fuels because, like fossils, they are the remains of organisms that lived long ago. Organisms are plants, animals, and other living things. fossil fuel..." }, { "docid": "7477877", "title": "-", "text": "V. Technology options for the reduction of DoD fossil fuel use Given that most of DoD fossil fuel use is related to mobility and given the compelling rationale for reducing fossil fuel use, various vehicle technology options are now evaluated that would enable fuel-use reductions." }, { "docid": "5189004", "title": "-", "text": "Pokemon Pokémon, Diamond, pearl And. Platinum you can obtain The Armor fossil from The. Underground it is able to be revived into A shieldon by giving to the scientist in the fossil museum In Oreburgh. cityokemon Pokémon, Diamond, pearl And. Platinum you can obtain The Armor fossil from The. Underground it is able to be revived into A shieldon by giving to the scientist in the fossil museum In Oreburgh. city" }, { "docid": "7976034", "title": "Evolution as fact and theory", "text": "1 Evolution is as much a fact as the heat of the sun. 2 It is not a theory, and for pity's sake, let's stop confusing the philosophically naive by calling it so. 3 Evolution is a fact.. 4 Neil Campbell wrote in his 1990 biology textbook, Today, nearly all biologists acknowledge that evolution is a fact. Richard Dawkins says, One thing all real scientists agree upon is the fact of evolution itself. 2 It is a fact that we are cousins of gorillas, kangaroos, starfish, and bacteria. 3 Evolution is as much a fact as the heat of the sun." }, { "docid": "5296111", "title": "-", "text": "With Revolutionary Battery Tech, We Can Shift Global Energy To Renewables, Says Bill Joy Inventor and investor Bill Joy describes a breakthrough technology that can speed the de-carbonization of the planet." }, { "docid": "1604939", "title": "Discovery of Oldest Human Fossil Fills Evolutionary Gap", "text": "According to a pair of papers published last week in the journal Science, the jawbone is the oldest fossil in the human ancestral line to have ever been found and dated, and it pushes back the timeline of human evolution by nearly a half-million years." }, { "docid": "5746101", "title": "Scientists Discover How Marine Mammals Hold Their Breath for Long Periods", "text": "(Kent Backman via Wikimedia Commons). This discovery allowed the scientists to trace the evolution of how the muscles of more than 100 species of mammals, including fossil remains of their ancient predecessors, were able to store oxygen." }, { "docid": "8685166", "title": "Why are coal, oil and natural gas called fossil fuels?", "text": "Coal, oil and natural gas are called fossil fuels because they are derived from the organic remains of prehistoric organisms. Fossil fuels are hydrocarbons that emit energy when... Coal, oil and natural gas are called fossil fuels because they are derived from the organic remains of prehistoric organisms." }, { "docid": "5290595", "title": "6 Things You Should Know About Biological Evolution", "text": "What Evolution Is Not. Biological evolution is not defined as simply change over time. Many organisms experience changes over time, such as weight loss or gain. These changes are not considered instances of evolution because they are not genetic changes that can be passed on to the next generation." }, { "docid": "3782832", "title": "What You Need To Know About Energy", "text": "Fossil Fuels. Fossil Fuels. In 2015, fossil fuels provided about 81% of the energy used in the United States, including the energy to generate most of our electricity. Fossil fuels supply the affordable energy we need for many of the functions essential to our society." }, { "docid": "5125765", "title": "-", "text": "Shieldon is a Rock/Steel-type Pokémon obtained through placing an armor fossil inside the fossil machine. It evolves into Bastiodon at level 30." }, { "docid": "1102427", "title": "Fossil Free", "text": "Fossil fuel divestment takes the fossil fuel industry to task for its culpability in the climate crisis. By naming this industry’s singularly destructive influence — and by highlighting the moral dimensions of climate change — we hope that the fossil fuel divestment movement can help break the hold that the fossil fuel industry has on our economy and our governments." }, { "docid": "6700853", "title": "-", "text": "So natural selection is one cause of evolution but not the only cause. Most selection is stabilizing (it resists change). Larger patterns in evolution cannot be reduced to the outcome of selection. evolution and natural selection say that species are going to get filtered by fitness and change with time." }, { "docid": "2295324", "title": "Where are Michael Kors watches made?", "text": "Michael Kors watches are fashion watches made under a licensing agreement with the Fossil Group. The Fossil group has this to say about their manufacturing: The vast majority of our products are sourced internationally. Most watch product sourcing from Asia is coordinated through our Hong Kong subsidiary, Fossil (East) Limited (Fossil East)." }, { "docid": "7122316", "title": "Fossil Fuels", "text": "Fossil Fuel Alternatives: Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Despite current U.S. dependence on fossil fuels, several options exist to begin the necessary transition away from a harmful fossil fuel economy." }, { "docid": "284472", "title": "List of State Fossils", "text": "Wyoming has both a state fossil, designated in 1987 and a state dinosaur designated in 1994. Knightia a genus of fossil herring was designated at the official state fossil. 45-50 million years ago, several large, freshwater lakes covered the Southwestern part of Wyoming, as well as areas of Utah and Colorado." }, { "docid": "6801231", "title": "-", "text": "The problem is that fossil fuels can't be replaced-once we use them up, they're gone forever. Another problem is that fossil fuels can cause pollution. Renewable energy is made from resources that Mother Nature will replace, like wind, water and sunshine.Renewable energy is also called clean energy or green power because it doesn't pollute the air or the water.he problem is that fossil fuels can't be replaced-once we use them up, they're gone forever. Another problem is that fossil fuels can cause pollution. Renewable energy is made from resources that Mother Nature will replace, like wind, water and sunshine." }, { "docid": "8484112", "title": "What Was Georges Cuvier's Contribution to Evolutionary Theory?", "text": "Quick Answer. Despite the fact that he refused to believe in evolution, naturalist and palaeontologist Georges Cuvier (1769-1832) contributed to Charles Darwin's theory of evolution, particularly in terms of natural selection, by establishing that certain species had gone extinct over time. However, Cuvier did not believe extinction confirmed evolution." }, { "docid": "8107201", "title": "Trace fossil", "text": "Trace fossil. A trace fossil, also called an ichnofossil ( /ˈɪknoʊfɒsáµ»l/; Greek: ιχνος ikhnos trace, track), is a geological record of biological activity." } ]
what is central park
[ { "docid": "1849655", "title": "Central Park", "text": "Central Park is the most visited urban park in the United States as well as one of the most filmed locations in the world.t is 2.5 miles (4 km) long between 59th Street (Central Park South) and 110th Street (Central Park North), and is 0.5 miles (0.8 km) wide between Fifth Avenue and Central Park West. Central Park also constitutes its own United States census tract, number 143." } ]
[ { "docid": "2650442", "title": "-", "text": "In 2013, the City of New York awarded a new, 10-year management agreement to the Central Park Conservancy. Originally signed in 1998, and renewed in 2006, the 2013 agreement affirmed the City's confidence in its more than 35-year partnership with the Central Park Conservancy in jointly managing Central Park." }, { "docid": "5329121", "title": "-", "text": "In the Spring of 2013 we opened the Market in Central Park. The idea was to bring a “farmer’s market” to the town. However, it didn’t take long before we realized that what was taking shape was far different than the ordinary “farmer’s market” and we quickly adjusted our creative thinking." }, { "docid": "1186753", "title": "-", "text": "Manhattan/Central Park. Central Park [1] is a large park in New York City, forming a vast green swathe of open space in Uptown Manhattan and a district in its own right, neatly separating the Upper East Side from the Upper West Side, whilst lying south of Harlem. The Pool, west side of the park (btwn 100th to 103rd Sts). 2 One of the most idyllic and tranquil landscapes in Central Park, the Pool is an excellent spot for quiet contemplation, with its grassy banks and nearby waterfalls. 3 A stream, The Loch flows northeast from the Pool, through a stream valley called The Ravine." }, { "docid": "3440574", "title": "Gujarat", "text": "The Asiatic lions used to live in West, Southwest, South and Central regions of Asia in historic times. Now the population of the lions currently exists in Western India 's Gir Forest National Park." }, { "docid": "5449324", "title": "Where Can I Receive EMT Training and Certification in Washington?", "text": "Central Washington University. Located near Mount Rainier National Park in Ellensburg, WA, Central Washington University (CWU) offers an EMT-Basic training program. Its 8-credit EMT-Basic program can be completed in 1 semester and prepares graduates to become nationally or state certified." }, { "docid": "2834071", "title": "Central Park Belvedere Castle", "text": "Take a read on our blog post for more things to see in Central Park. Belvedere Castle is the 2nd highest natural elevation in Central Park, and the castle’s turret is the highest point in Central Park. So it makes sense that in 1919, the National Weather Service started using the building to take scientific measurements." }, { "docid": "2925503", "title": "-", "text": "Olmsted and American History. Frederick Law Olmsted’s relationship to his nation does not, at the outset, seem especially complex. Bonus video:The Fall and Rise of Central Park. In the 1970s Central Park in New York City was neglected and misused." }, { "docid": "4475363", "title": "San Juan Bautista State Historic Park", "text": "The park is part of a nationally recognized historic landmark adjacent to California's 15th Spanish era mission. The park and its Plaza represent what was once the town square of the largest town in central California and a vital crossroad for travel between northern and southern California." }, { "docid": "3531167", "title": "-", "text": "Welcome to Wilmington Air Park – Premier Aviation Business Park. The Wilmington Air Park is an integrated Aviation and Logistics Business Park located on 1,900 acres in central Ohio. The Air Park features nearly 3 million square feet of industrial, office and hangar space. The Air Park is strategically located between Cincinnati, Columbus and Dayton, Ohio." }, { "docid": "3685545", "title": "Central Park", "text": "Central Park is one of those places that make New York such a great place to live. The huge park, 341 hectare large (843 acres), is located in the center of Manhattan. Its design has served as an example for city parks around the world." }, { "docid": "4303024", "title": "Properties / North America / NY, NJ, CT, MA / New York", "text": "Chrysler Center features unparalleled 360-degree views of Manhattan and the outlying area, overlooking the East River, Central Park, Times Square, and Grand Central Terminal. Transportation to and from Chrysler Center is directly and immediately accessible." }, { "docid": "8171486", "title": "-", "text": "Hudson New York, Central Park 4*. The cozy Hudson New York, Central Park Hotel is a great place in a resort area of New York. With accents of antique architecture, the hotel was built in 1929 and renovated in 2012. Museum of Biblical Art, Times Square and Top of the Rock Observation Deck are within 5 minutes' walk away." }, { "docid": "7117647", "title": "-", "text": "Margate Plaza, Coconut Creek, FL; Central Park Of Commerce, Coconut Creek, FL; Sawgrass Park Of Commerce, Coconut Creek, FL; Mears Commercial Park, Coconut Creek, FL; Coconut Creek Plaza, Pompano Beach, FL; Lyons Plaza, Pompano Beach, FL; Hillsboro Center, Coconut Creek, FL; Lakewood Commercial, Pompano Beach, FL; Springs-McKenzie, Coconut Creek, FL; Lyons Corporate Park, Coconut Creek, FL; Northwest Medical Plaza Condo, Coconut Creek, FL" }, { "docid": "3931891", "title": "-", "text": "Green's career included his role in taking down the corrupt Tweed ring, his supervision of the creation of Central Park, his saving of New York from bankruptcy, his renovation of the shabby state park at Niagara Falls, his key role in the negotiations that resulted in the creation of the New York Public Library, and, especially, his long and finally ..." }, { "docid": "2669532", "title": "A spectacular location in the heart of Midtown Manhattan", "text": "Many of New York's most popular attractions are within walking distance. Experience the buzz of Times Square, catch a Broadway show, or shop the day away on 5th Avenue. The Rockefeller Center, MOMA and Central Park are all just minutes away." }, { "docid": "4846021", "title": "-", "text": "In Central Africa a large population of 100-400 lions is found in Benoue bénoué ecosystem In. Cameroon smaller populations In Central africa exist In Waza National park In cameroon And Zakouma National park In. chad" }, { "docid": "102476", "title": "-", "text": "CentralPark.com is your complete guide to New York City's Central Park, where nature-lovers can escape the busy Big Apple. We offer an entertaining experience, insightful resources and tools for anyone who loves this beautiful New York park." }, { "docid": "5449753", "title": "-", "text": "Use of Golden Gate Park is much reduced from 100 years ago when 45,000 of the city's 250,000 residents would crowd the Park on an typical Sunday. Similarities. Central Park is shaped like Golden Gate Park, long and but a few blocks wide, about 800 acres to GGP’s 1,000 acres. as is GGP. Central Park has a major art museum within it boundaries, the MET, and two other major institutions directly on it edges, the Guggenheim and the Natural History Museum." }, { "docid": "8119047", "title": "What Is Greenspace?", "text": "Greenspace is an area within an urban environment which is dedicated to nature. One of the most familiar forms of greenspace is a recreational park, such as New York City's famous Central Park, although the space can also take the form of urban wetlands or urban forest canopy." }, { "docid": "6821965", "title": "Where to stay for Disneyland & Universal Studios trip to L.A.?", "text": "top answer by. JR Johnson from Manhattan Beach, California. I live in LA and I have 2 children so I understand what you're looking for :) I'd stay some place central between the Disneyland Park and Universal Studios Hollywood." }, { "docid": "3447278", "title": "How Big Is Central Park Compared to Cities Around the Globe? Well, Pretty Damn Big...", "text": "Objectively, Central Park is 2.5 (51 blocks!) miles long and 1/2 a mile wide. Pretty diesel, as far as city parks go. Turns out, pretty diesel as far as some cities go! Other places are small as hell, right? Venice? The whole place is about as wide as Central Park is long. It's hard to believe Central Park would cover so much area in other cities. San Francisco, especially, looks tiny. It's a good reminder that New York City as a whole is huge." }, { "docid": "1186754", "title": "Safety Tips", "text": "The 843 acres that make up Central Park are patrolled by the Central Park Precinct, a division of the New York City Police Department. This precinct can be reached by calling (212) 570-4820 or by visiting the station on the 86th Street Transverse Road, which cuts through the center of the park.entral Park has several call boxes that can be used in an emergency. Just some of these call boxes can be found in the following locations: » on West Drive at 100th, 102nd, 110th, 93rd, 90th, 83rd, 68th, and 60th Streets." }, { "docid": "2650439", "title": "-", "text": "Central Park. 1414 Avenue of the Americas. A beautifully situated hotel near Central Park, 1 Hotel Central Park is your perfect refuge in the middle of Manhattan. Relax in comfort, surrounded by living green plants and thoughtful touches of nature." }, { "docid": "5213937", "title": "Kaiteur Falls", "text": "Kaieteur Falls is a high-volume waterfall on the Potaro River in central Guyana, Potaro-Siparuni region. It is located in Kaieteur National Park.It is 226 meters (741 ft) when measured from its plunge over a sandstone and conglomerate cliff to the first break.aieteur Falls is a high-volume waterfall on the Potaro River in central Guyana, Potaro-Siparuni region. It is located in Kaieteur National Park." }, { "docid": "6940491", "title": "Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve", "text": "Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve is a national park that conserves an area of large sand dunes up to 750 feet (229 m) tall on the eastern edge of the San Luis Valley, and an adjacent national preserve located in the Sangre de Cristo Range, in south-central Colorado, United States." }, { "docid": "7870330", "title": "Rangers Go Green", "text": "Rangers Go Green. Texas Rangers Park and Ride. The Texas Rangers have partnered with North Central Council of Governments to bring commuters a new Park and Ride lot on the corner of Copeland and AT&T Way on Arlington." }, { "docid": "4085270", "title": "NORTH WEST SUBURBS", "text": "Until 1970 the unbounded suburbs west of central Cairns were, moving outwards, Parramatta Park, West Cairns and Enmore. Part of Parramatta Park and all of West Cairns became: Manoora, formally named in 1975 after MV Manoora (1935-72).his entry describes several suburbs north-west and south-west of central Cairns, all formally named since 1970." }, { "docid": "2579912", "title": "Uluru", "text": "Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park flora represents a large portion of plants found in Central Australia. A number of these species are considered rare and restricted in the park or the immediate region. There are many rare and endemic plants at Uluru and Kata Tjuta.he park entrance fee for Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park is $25 per person 16 years of age and over. This fee is valid for 3 consecutive days and helps to maintain the park." }, { "docid": "5037277", "title": "The History of Macyâs: From Humble Beginnings to Stunning Success", "text": "In 1924, Macy’s employees started the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade (originally called the “Macy’s Christmas Parade”), which featured live animals from the Central Park Zoo and drew a crowd of 10,000 people." }, { "docid": "4347570", "title": "Carbon County Profile", "text": "Carbon County Profile. Carbon County, located in south central Montana, was created on March 4, 1895 from portions of Park and Yellowstone counties." } ]
what is cholestyramine used to treat
[ { "docid": "6999540", "title": "Questran 4 Gram Powder For Susp In A Packet", "text": "Cholestyramine may also be used to treat itching in people with too much bile acid caused by a certain type of liver /bile duct disease (partial biliary obstruction). This medication is known as a bile acid-binding resin. It works by removing bile acid from the body.holestyramine may also be used to treat itching in people with too much bile acid caused by a certain type of liver /bile duct disease (partial biliary obstruction). This medication is known as a bile acid-binding resin. It works by removing bile acid from the body." }, { "docid": "6999546", "title": "Questran", "text": "Cholestyramine helps reduce cholesterol (fatty acids) in the blood. High cholesterol is associated with an increased risk of heart disease and atherosclerosis (clogged arteries). Cholestyramine is used to lower high levels of cholesterol in the blood, especially low-density lipoprotein (LDL) (bad cholesterol).igh cholesterol is associated with an increased risk of heart disease and atherosclerosis (clogged arteries). Cholestyramine is used to lower high levels of cholesterol in the blood, especially low-density lipoprotein (LDL) (bad cholesterol)." } ]
[ { "docid": "582034", "title": "Voltaren", "text": "Diclofenac is a non steroidal anti inflammatory drug (NSAID). This medicine works by reducing substances in the body that cause pain inflammation. Diclofenac is used to treat pain or inflammation caused by arthritis or ankylosing spondylitis. Diclofenac powder (Cambia) is used to treat a migraine headache attack. Do not use this medication to treat a cluster headache. Cambia will only treat a headache that has already begun." }, { "docid": "8704882", "title": "Learn About Fertilizer Burn Of Plants", "text": "If you suspect you may have over fertilized your plants, treat the area as soon as possible. Treat spillage by scooping up as much of the fertilizer as possible. The only thing you can do for over fertilized soil is flush the soil with as much water as it will hold over the next few days." }, { "docid": "2000600", "title": "What is a Corpectomy?", "text": "Ad. This surgical procedure may be used to a treat patient whose cervical spinal canal has been rendered too narrow by bone spurs, but it may also be performed on other parts of the spinal column and to treat other conditions." }, { "docid": "6245820", "title": "-", "text": "introduction antibiotics are medications used to treat and in some cases prevent bacterial infections they can be used to treat relatively mild conditions such as acne as well as potentially life threatening conditions such as pneumoniahowever antibiotics often have no benefit for many other types of infectionntibiotics are medications used to treat and in some cases prevent bacterial infections they can be used to treat relatively mild conditions such as acne as well as potentially life threatening conditions such as pneumonia however antibiotics often have no benefit for many other types of infection" }, { "docid": "7747481", "title": "-", "text": "Librium (Chlordiazepoxide) drug is used to treat anxiety disorders and withdrawal symptoms associated with alcoholism. Librium (Chlordiazepoxide) drug is used to treat anxiety disorders and withdrawal symptoms associated with alcoholism." }, { "docid": "8162730", "title": "What are antifungal medicines and how do they work?", "text": "For example: 1 Terbinafine is commonly used to treat nail infections which are usually caused by a tinea type of fungus. 2 Fluconazole is commonly used to treat vaginal thrush, as an alternative to using antifungal cream. It is also used to treat and prevent certain fungal infections within the body." }, { "docid": "6316284", "title": "Pregabalin", "text": "Pregabalin is used to treat nerve pain, epilepsy, and fibromyalgia. While it is not known exactly how the drug works to treat these conditions, it is known to bind to certain parts of calcium channels in the central nervous system.The drug is taken by mouth, usually two or three times a day.regabalin is used to treat nerve pain, epilepsy, and fibromyalgia. While it is not known exactly how the drug works to treat these conditions, it is known to bind to certain parts of calcium channels in the central nervous system." }, { "docid": "5307263", "title": "-", "text": "descriptions ciprofloxacin is used to treat bacterial infections in many different parts of the body ciprofloxacin oral liquid and tablets are also used to treat anthrax infection after inhalational exposure ciprofloxacin may mask or delay the symptoms of syphilisit is not effective against syphilis infectionsiprofloxacin is used to treat bacterial infections in many different parts of the body ciprofloxacin oral liquid and tablets are also used to treat anthrax infection after inhalational exposure" }, { "docid": "3156941", "title": "New Cure for 4-Hour Erections?", "text": "We identified a new application to treat priapism with a drug that is commonly used to treat SCID, Xia tells WebMD. When we treated the mice, we do not see any side effects or any abnormality. Actually, the mice look better. We can quickly correct the priapism and prevent and treat penile fibrosis.." }, { "docid": "1466708", "title": "-", "text": "This drug is used to treat and prevent side effects associated with asthma as well as to prevent exercise induced bronchospasms. Singulair may also be prescribed to treat the symptoms of seasonal allergies." }, { "docid": "6716131", "title": "-", "text": "1 oral antibiotics – tablets, pills and capsules or a liquid that you drink, which can be used to treat most types of mild to moderate infections in the body. 2 topical antibiotics – creams, lotions, sprays or drops, which are often used to treat skin infections.ntibiotics are medications used to treat – and, in some cases, prevent – bacterial infections. They can be used to treat relatively mild conditions such as acne, as well as potentially life-threatening conditions such as pneumonia." }, { "docid": "7787873", "title": "TREAT Reactor Restart", "text": "The DOE has conducted no transient tests for more than a decade. Neither the program nor the TREAT reactor has ever undergone review under the National Environmental Policy Act. Both the program and TREAT operation would run for 40 years, by which time TREAT would be about a century old." }, { "docid": "645645", "title": "Urinary System: Facts, Functions & Diseases", "text": "Diseases of the urinary system. Different specialists treat urinary system ailments. Nephrologists treat kidney diseases, while urologists treat problems with the urinary tract, including the kidneys, adrenal glands, ureters, bladder and urethra, according to the American Urological Association (AUA)." }, { "docid": "5804517", "title": "-", "text": "Dogs and Cats. Metronidazole tablets are used to treat protozoal infections in cats and dogs and is also used to treat anaerobic bacterial infections. Horses. Metronidazole tablets for horses are primarily used with other antibiotics to treat mixed bacterial infections in which anaerobic bacteria are present." }, { "docid": "3153611", "title": "Metolazone", "text": "It may take up to 3-6 weeks to see a lowering of your blood pressure. Cholestyramine and colestipol can decrease the absorption of metolazone. If you are taking either of these drugs, separate metolazone from cholestyramine by at least 4 hours and from colestipol by at least 2 hours." }, { "docid": "316650", "title": "Voltaren", "text": "Diclofenac is a non steroidal anti inflammatory drug (NSAID). This medicine works by reducing substances in the body that cause pain inflammation. Diclofenac is used to treat pain or inflammation caused by arthritis or ankylosing spondylitis. Diclofenac powder (Cambia) is used to treat a migraine headache attack. Do not use this medication to treat a cluster headache." }, { "docid": "712486", "title": "disrespect", "text": "lack of respect; discourtesy; rudeness. verb (used with object) 2. to regard or treat without respect; regard or treat with contempt or rudeness. Origin of disrespect." }, { "docid": "6920164", "title": "How do electrolytes help relieve diarrhea?", "text": "Electrolytes do not necessarily help you to treat your diarrhea, but rather electrolytes help you to prevent dehydration while you are suffering from diarrhea.lectrolytes do not necessarily help you to treat your diarrhea, but rather electrolytes help you to prevent dehydration while you are suffering from diarrhea." }, { "docid": "1500044", "title": "Drugs & Medications Search", "text": "Considering taking medication to treat Drug Poisoning by Ergot Alkaloids? Below is a list of common medications used to treat or reduce the symptoms of Drug Poisoning by Ergot Alkaloids." }, { "docid": "8063821", "title": "Inherited IRAsâWhat You Need to Know", "text": "If that is your situation, you have a number of options: 1 Treat the inherited IRA as yours by designating yourself as the account holder. 2 Treat the inherited IRA as yours by rolling it into a traditional IRA you already hold or into a qualified employer plan such as a 401(k) or 403(b) set up in your name. The assets are then treated as your own. Treat yourself as the beneficiary (as opposed to becoming the account holder)." }, { "docid": "2443992", "title": "How We Treat", "text": "How We Treat. General Introduction. How we treat you at Podiatry Care will be determined following a thorough examination. Our podiatrists utilise the latest techniques and technologies within each clinic." }, { "docid": "591472", "title": "Biotechnology: The Potential and Perils of Innovation", "text": "NICHOLS: This is part of the Emerging Technology Series at the Council on Foreign Relations, and today’s topic is “Biotechnology: Potential and Perils of Innovation.” My name is Rod Nichols, and I’m honored to be presiding today. You’re in for a treat. Those of you wanted an intellectual treat, you’re in for a treat because it’s a brilliant panel." }, { "docid": "2521748", "title": "-", "text": "ACETAZOLAMIDE (a set a ZOLE a mide) is used to treat glaucoma and some seizure disorders. It may be used to treat edema or swelling from heart failure or from other medicines. This medicine is also used to treat and to prevent altitude or mountain sickness. Similar Generic Drugs : Acetazolamide: Oral tablet (125mg) | Acetazolamide: Oral tablet (250mg)" }, { "docid": "3516071", "title": "Flagyl", "text": "It fights bacteria in your body. Metronidazole is used to treat bacterial infections of the vagina, stomach, skin, joints, and respiratory tract. This medication will not treat a vaginal yeast infection." }, { "docid": "1717063", "title": "Diagnosis", "text": "There are several antibiotics (medications that can help treat diseases caused by bacteria) available to treat pertussis. If you or your child is diagnosed with pertussis, your doctor will explain how to treat the infection. Learn more about pertussis treatment recommended by CDC. Pertussis can sometimes be very serious, requiring treatment in the hospital. Babies are at greatest risk for serious complications from pertussis." }, { "docid": "7729614", "title": "-", "text": "Orthopaedic foot and ankle surgeons use medical, physical, and rehabilitative methods as well as surgery to treat patients of all ages. They perform reconstructive procedures, treat sports injuries, and manage and treat trauma of the foot and ankle." }, { "docid": "4879780", "title": "DMSO", "text": "DMSO has been used to try to relieve the pain of osteoarthritis. It has also been promoted as an alternative cancer treatment. People have used it to try to treat wounds, burns, and other injuries. People have also used it to try to treat such conditions as:" }, { "docid": "2993695", "title": "Overview", "text": "A tonsillectomy may also be necessary to treat breathing and other problems related to enlarged tonsils and to treat rare diseases of the tonsils. Recovery time for a tonsillectomy is usually at least 10 days to two weeks." }, { "docid": "4883272", "title": "Lisinopril", "text": "Lisinopril is used alone or in combination with other medications to treat high blood pressure. It is used in combination with other medications to treat heart failure. Lisinopril is also used to improve survival after a heart attack.isinopril is used alone or in combination with other medications to treat high blood pressure. It is used in combination with other medications to treat heart failure. Lisinopril is also used to improve survival after a heart attack." }, { "docid": "2957731", "title": "-", "text": "while the drug is approved for controlling seizures in children with epilepsy it is not approved to treat bipolar disorder in children lamotrigine lamictal is a prescription medication used to treat seizures in people with epilepsy it is also used as a mood stabilizer to treat bipolar disorderhile the drug is approved for controlling seizures in children with epilepsy it is not approved to treat bipolar disorder in children lamotrigine lamictal is a prescription medication used to treat seizures in people with epilepsy it is also used as a mood stabilizer to treat bipolar disorder" } ]
what is clabe
[ { "docid": "1464008", "title": "CLABE", "text": "The CLABE (Clave Bancaria Estandarizada, Spanish for standardized banking cipher ) is a banking standard for the numbering of bank accounts in Mexico. This standard is a requirement for the sending and receiving of domestic inter-bank electronic funds transfer since June 1, 2004.The CLABE account code has 18 digits.he first 17 digits of the CLABE are, as mentioned above, the Bank Code, the Branch Office Code and the Account Number." } ]
[ { "docid": "1464014", "title": "Bank Codes for Requesting Wires", "text": "1 The CLABE (Clace Bancaria Estandarizada) is a banking standard for the numbering of bank accounts in Mexico. 2 This standard is a requirement for the sending and receiving of international transfers since June 1, 2004.3 The CLABE account code has 18 digits which always contains the payee's bank account number. This standard is a requirement for the sending and receiving of international transfers since June 1, 2004. 2 The CLABE account code has 18 digits which always contains the payee's bank account number. 3 The CLABE code is required for all wires going to Mexico." }, { "docid": "1464017", "title": "Xoom Help Center", "text": "The 18 numeric digits of the CLABE : When preparing to send money via bank deposit to Mexico, it is strongly recommended that you contact your recipient to confirm their name as it appears on their account, the bank's name and the CLABE.he 18 numeric digits of the CLABE : When preparing to send money via bank deposit to Mexico, it is strongly recommended that you contact your recipient to confirm their name as it appears on their account, the bank's name and the CLABE." }, { "docid": "4141023", "title": "-", "text": "Wells Fargo recommends that if you do not have a SWIFT/BIC, IBAN, IFSC code, IRC, or Mexican CLABE number, that you contact the beneficiary of the wire. If the Beneficiary does not have the needed information, please have the Beneficiary contact their bank to obtain the appropriate information." }, { "docid": "1464012", "title": "-", "text": "In addition to the SWIFT BIC since 2004 Mexican banks require an 18 digit CLABE account number be added to the Beneficiary instructions to ensure payment.The CLABE number is required on all Mexican Peso (MXN) and USD payments sent to Mexico.The CLABE account number must be obtained from the beneficiary.nswered by The Community. Making the world better, one answer at a time. In addition to the SWIFT BIC since 2004 Mexican banks require an 18 digit CLABE account number be added to the Beneficiary instructions to ensure payment. The CLABE number is required on all Mexican Peso (MXN) and USD payments sent to Mexico." }, { "docid": "7508290", "title": "Bank Codes for Requesting Wires", "text": "Required banking codes for wires: 1 U.S. dollars require an ABA/ routing number. 2 Foreign currency requires the SWIFT/ BIC. IBAN, BSB, or CLABE code in place of or in addition to the bank account number." }, { "docid": "1464013", "title": "In bank terms what is a CLABE number?", "text": "Answered by The Community. Making the world better, one answer at a time. In addition to the SWIFT BIC since 2004 Mexican banks require an 18 digit CLABE account number be added to the Beneficiary instructions to ensure payment. The CLABE number is required on all Mexican Peso (MXN) and USD payments sent to Mexico.The CLABE account number must be obtained from the beneficiary.nswered by The Community. Making the world better, one answer at a time. In addition to the SWIFT BIC since 2004 Mexican banks require an 18 digit CLABE account number be added to the Beneficiary instructions to ensure payment. The CLABE number is required on all Mexican Peso (MXN) and USD payments sent to Mexico." }, { "docid": "7508291", "title": "-", "text": "1 U.S. dollars require an ABA/ routing number. 2 Foreign currency requires the SWIFT/ BIC. IBAN, BSB, or CLABE code in place of or in addition to the bank account number." }, { "docid": "1319984", "title": "Bank Codes for Requesting Wires", "text": "Bank Code Definitions for Requesting Wires. ABA, IBAN, SWIFT / BIC and CLABE. Required banking codes for wires in: • US dollars require an ABA. • Foreign currency the SWIFT / BIC is needed. If the Payee bank is part of the European Community (see below list), the IBAN and SWIFT / BIC. are required." }, { "docid": "1464016", "title": "Xoom Help Center", "text": "This standard has been a requirement for sending and receiving of domestic inter-bank fund transfers since June 1, 2004. The CLABE account code has 18 digits and replaces the old Mexican account-numbering scheme where the account number had 11 digits.There is a CLABE for each of your accounts.The provision for CLABE standardization was issued by the Asociacion asociación De bancos De (Mexico México Mexican) bank association in a joint Effort with Banco (De'mexico México Mexico). s central bankhe 18 numeric digits of the CLABE : When preparing to send money via bank deposit to Mexico, it is strongly recommended that you contact your recipient to confirm their name as it appears on their account, the bank's name and the CLABE." }, { "docid": "3913622", "title": "-", "text": "Use our Locator. Wire and cable transfers* are available in many currencies and can also be made through a branch representative. For a wire or cable transfer, you need: 1 The international bank account number (IBAN) (for Europe). 2 The bank identifier code (BIC) or the SWIFT code.3 A CLABE number (for Mexico).4 Complete contact information for the recipient, including a full address.Proceeds of recently deposited items may not be immediately available to cash or wire and may be subject to CIBC's Hold Funds Policy. For details, or if you need assistance, you can see step by step instructions on how to make a Wire or Cable Transfer." }, { "docid": "4354795", "title": "-", "text": "Participating Countries that require an IBAN:5. Mexico CLABE Account Number: In addition to the SWIFT/BIC Mexican banks now require an 18 digit CLABE account number be added to the Beneficiary instructions to ensure payment. The CLABE number is required on all Mexican Peso (MXN) and USD payments sent to Mexico. The CLABE account number must be obtained from the Beneficiary. If the Beneficiary does not have the CLABE account number, please have the Beneficiary contact their bank. Wells Fargo does not provide or calculate the CLABE." }, { "docid": "1464009", "title": "CLABE", "text": "The provision for CLABE standardization was issued by the Asociacion asociación De bancos De (MEXICO) (México Abm Mexican) bank association in conjunction With the Banco (De'mexico México Mexico). S central bank it ensures-that the inter, bank fund, transfers payroll deposits or automatic service charges are made to. the correct accountshe first 17 digits of the CLABE are, as mentioned above, the Bank Code, the Branch Office Code and the Account Number." }, { "docid": "1464010", "title": "CLABE", "text": "The CLABE replaces the old Mexican account numbering scheme where the account number had 11 digits.he first 17 digits of the CLABE are, as mentioned above, the Bank Code, the Branch Office Code and the Account Number." }, { "docid": "1464015", "title": "Xoom Help Center", "text": "The provision for CLABE standardization was issued by the Asociacion asociación De bancos De (Mexico México Mexican) bank association in a joint Effort with Banco (De'mexico México Mexico). S central bank it-guarantees that inter bank fund transfers and automatic service charges are made to. the correct accountshe 18 numeric digits of the CLABE : When preparing to send money via bank deposit to Mexico, it is strongly recommended that you contact your recipient to confirm their name as it appears on their account, the bank's name and the CLABE." }, { "docid": "35774", "title": "Bank Codes for Requesting Wires", "text": "ABA, IBAN, SWIFT / BIC and CLABE. Required banking codes for wires in: • US dollars require an ABA. • Foreign currency the SWIFT / BIC is needed. If the Payee bank is part of the European Community (see below list), the IBAN and SWIFT / BIC. are required." }, { "docid": "8545725", "title": "-", "text": "For a wire or cable transfer, you need: 1 The international bank account number (IBAN) (for Europe). 2 The bank identifier code (BIC) or the SWIFT code. 3 A CLABE number (for Mexico)." }, { "docid": "4335611", "title": "Bank Codes for Requesting Wires", "text": "Bank Code Definitions for Requesting Wires ABA, IBAN, SWIFT / BIC and CLABE Required banking codes for wires in: • US dollars require an ABA • Foreign currency the SWIFT / BIC is needed If the Payee bank is part of the European Community (see below list), the IBAN and SWIFT / BIC are required. What is an ABA? (American Bankers’ Association National Numeric System) • The ABA routing number is a unique, 9 digit identifying transit number assigned to each bank. What is the IBAN? (International Bank Account Number) • The IBAN is a series of alphanumeric characters which uniquely identify an account held at a bank. It can be up to 34 characters long and contains a two-character country code, two check digits, and the basic bank account number. The basic bank account number identifies the bank as well as the account holder." }, { "docid": "7508294", "title": "Bank Codes for Requesting Wires", "text": "Find out about these bank codes needed for requesting wires: ABA, IBAN, SWIFT/ BIC, BSB, and CLABE. 1 U.S. dollars require an ABA/ routing number. 2 Foreign currency requires the SWIFT/ BIC. IBAN, BSB, or CLABE code in place of or in addition to the bank account number." }, { "docid": "5908970", "title": "Bank Codes for Requesting Wires", "text": "The CLABE account code has 18 digits. IBAN and SWIFT / BIC are REQUIRED on invoices (European Community) • The European Payments Council requires that all European banks provide their account holders with their IBAN and BIC." }, { "docid": "8545723", "title": "-", "text": "For a wire or cable transfer, you need: 1 The international bank account number (IBAN) (for Europe). 2 The bank identifier code (BIC) or the SWIFT code. 3 A CLABE number (for Mexico). 4 Complete contact information for the recipient, including a full address." }, { "docid": "3044263", "title": "Bank Codes for Requesting Wires", "text": "The CLABE account code has 18 digits. IBAN and SWIFT / BIC are REQUIRED on invoices (European Community) • The European Payments Council requires that all European banks provide their account. holders with their IBAN and BIC." }, { "docid": "1464011", "title": "-", "text": "Directo a M xico Conferences. The Clave Bancaria Estandarizada (CLABE), is an 18-digit number to uniquely identify Mexican account holders, to guarantee the correct posting of EFT payments.The CLABE is assigned to each bank account in Mexico and is periodically sent to the customers, although it can be asked in to the banks branches.If your beneficiary in Mexico, can not give you the CLABE number, you can use the debit card number (16 digits), which is in the card.he Clave Bancaria Estandarizada (CLABE), is an 18-digit number to uniquely identify Mexican account holders, to guarantee the correct posting of EFT payments." } ]
what is claritin used for
[ { "docid": "2233456", "title": "What Is Loratadine (Claritin)?", "text": "A: Loratadine (Claritin) is an antihistamine that can be used for the temporary relief of runny nose, sneezing, itchy eyes, watery eyes, and itching in the back of the throat due to hay fever or other upper respiratory allergies. Loratadine works by blocking histamine in the body." } ]
[ { "docid": "1485651", "title": "Claritin", "text": "Claritin (loratadine) is an antihistamine medication that is used to treat allergy symptoms. Claritin is available as a generic drug, called loratadine. Claritin blocks the action of histamine, a substance in the body that initiates allergic symptoms like itching, sneezing, runny nose, and allergic skin rashes.ur Claritin Side Effects Drug Center provides a comprehensive view of available drug information on the potential side effects when taking this medication. This is not a complete list of side effects and others may occur. Call your doctor for medical advice about side effects." }, { "docid": "932003", "title": "-", "text": "What are the precautions when taking loratadine (Claritin)? Before taking loratadine, tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are allergic to it; or to desloratadine; or if you have any other allergies. This product may contain inactive ingredients, which can cause allergic reactions or other problems. Talk to your pharmacist for more details." }, { "docid": "1971984", "title": "What Is Loratadine (Claritin)?", "text": "A: Loratadine (Claritin) is an antihistamine that can be used for the temporary relief of runny nose, sneezing, itchy eyes, watery eyes, and itching in the back of the throat due to hay fever or other upper respiratory allergies." }, { "docid": "6660589", "title": "Here's The Real Difference Between All Those Allergy Medications", "text": "The dozens of types of allergy medication found at your local pharmacy can be overwhelming, but fear not. Second-generation over-the-counter medications like Claritin, Zyrtec, and Allegra — which improve upon old options like Benadryl by not putting you to sleep — are more similar than they are different." }, { "docid": "188747", "title": "Best drugs to treat seasonal allergies", "text": "Avoiding substances that trigger your allergies can help, but since that is not always possible, you may reach for a medication. Several types of allergy treatments are available—allergy shots, antihistamines (pills, eye drops, and nasal sprays), cromolyn, leukotriene blockers, and nasal steroid sprays. This report focuses on second-generation antihistamine pills and nasal sprays, such as Allegra, Clarinex, Claritin, Xyzal, and Zyrtec." }, { "docid": "8569801", "title": "Claritin Side Effects", "text": "Claritin, a brand name of loratadine, is an over-the-counter (OTC) medication used for the relief of symptoms of seasonal allergies. It is also used to treat chronic itching of unknown cause. This drug is classified as an antihistamine. Claritin works by blocking the binding of histamine in the body; histamine is the chemical that enters the body and produces the symptoms of allergies. The medication can produce many common, non-serious side effects." }, { "docid": "3463426", "title": "Between Claritin, Zyrtec and Allegra, how do I know which works for me without trying them? Down to the drug's chemical components and our genetic makeup, are there certain types of people who respond best to a certain drug?", "text": "I am going to address the three in the order you have listed them in the question, and I'd rather avoid the use of american brand names, so just to be clear, Claritin = Loratadine, Zyrtec = Cetirizine, and Allegra = Fexofenadine." }, { "docid": "87108", "title": "-", "text": "LORATADINE; PSEUDOEPHEDRINE (lor AT a deen; soo doe e FED rin) is a combination of an antihistamine and a decongestant. This medicine is used to treat the symptoms of allergies. It reduces congestion, sneezing, runny nose, and itching. Similar Generic Drugs: Antihistamines with Decongestants: Oral tablet, extended release 24 hour (240-10mg). CVS/pharmacy Patient Statistics for Claritin-D 24 Hour: Oral tablet, extended release 24 hour(240-10mg). Generic vs. Brand Name Usage*. *Brand contains same active ingredient but may not represent FDA-approved generic equivalent. Usage By Strength." }, { "docid": "6916022", "title": "What I buy at Costco", "text": "AllerClear 10 mg of loratadine (compare to Claritin) The price on this allergy medicine continues to go up by several dollars each year. It comes as a year supply (365 tablets-1 per day), and with a coupon this year it cost me $9.99." }, { "docid": "6556365", "title": "Claritin-D and Insomnia", "text": "Claritin-D® (loratadine and pseudoephedrine sulfate), like all medications, can cause side effects. Insomnia is one of the most common side effects of Claritin-D." }, { "docid": "473621", "title": "Claritin", "text": "Claritin is available as a generic drug, called loratadine. Claritin blocks the action of histamine, a substance in the body that initiates allergic symptoms like itching, sneezing, runny nose, and allergic skin rashes." }, { "docid": "932002", "title": "Loratadine and GERD", "text": "Claritin is approved for Allergy and Itching and is mostly mentioned together with these indications. Loratadine is approved for Allergy, Itching and Seasonal Allergies and is mostly mentioned together with these indications. In addition, our data suggest that it is taken for Hives, although it is not approved for this condition*." }, { "docid": "5938367", "title": "-", "text": "Benadryl and Allergy Loratadine and Claritin Inflammation and Pain Benadryl and Itching Loratadine and Allergy Inflammation and Infection Benadryl and Pain Loratadine and Itching Inflammation and Swelling Benadryl and Hives." }, { "docid": "3888161", "title": "-", "text": "CLARITIN works by blocking the histamine released by your body's immune system, thus relieving some of your seasonal allergy symptoms. Unlike all over-the-counter and some prescription antihistamines (which can make people drowsy), CLARITIN has no drowsy side effects so you feel better, not medicated.In studies, the incidence of drowsiness with CLARITIN was similar to that of a sugar pill at the recommended dose.ow available over the counter (without a prescription), CLARITIN won't cause drowsiness like over-the-counter antihistamines and some prescription antihistamines do. And, unlike many other over-the-counter antihistamines, CLARITIN offers convenient, once-a-day dosing." }, { "docid": "1148090", "title": "-", "text": "Comparison based on selected attributes. Always remember to read the label. Allegra®, Zyrtec® and Benadryl® are trademarks of their respective owners. The Claritin-D Difference. Compared to Intranasal Allergy Sprays. Comparison based on selected attributes. Always remember to read the label." }, { "docid": "93994", "title": "Constant Irritation in the Throat", "text": "You didn't list an antihistamine among your medications. I would try taking a nonsedating one, without an added decongestant (which can be drying), for a month straight to see if the tickle gradually subsides. Loratadine (Claritin), fexofenadine (Allegra), or cetirizine (Zyrtec) are good choices." }, { "docid": "4897866", "title": "Why do you feel so tired? There could be a serious illness behind your exhaustion", "text": "Treats allergy symptoms. Claritin is a once-daily allergy relief medication that doesn't make you feel sleepy." }, { "docid": "2844041", "title": "-", "text": "Dehydration (dryness resulting from the removal of water) has been reported by people with high blood pressure, multiple sclerosis, pain, osteoporosis, hepatitis c. (latest reports from 66,127 Dehydration patients). On Sep, 30, 2015: 22,766 people reported to have side effects when taking Claritin." }, { "docid": "5178523", "title": "-", "text": "Hi, I took Claritin D (12 hour) for the first time because I was having severe sinus issues, neck pain, etc. The medicine helped my symptoms right away, but, besides keeping me up all night (which I realize is a common side effect), it has made me have to urinate constantly! It's terrible." }, { "docid": "5707748", "title": "Using Claritin for Pet Allergies", "text": "Using Claritin for Pet Allergies. Pet allergies are usually treated with antihistamine drugs. Claritin is an antihistaminic medicine which is effictive against all types of allergies, including pet allergies. Its main ingredient is loratadine, a second-generation antihistamine with non-sedating effects." }, { "docid": "8452371", "title": "Loratadine for Dogs", "text": "Loratadine, perhaps best known by its brand name Claritin, is a popular over-the-counter antihistamine for people. It can also be given safely to dogs under veterinary supervision. As an antihistamine, loratadine’s main function is to counteract the effects of histamine in an allergic person or animal. Histamine is a chemical that an allergic dog’s immune system creates in response to a trigger from an allergen (such as pollen, food ingredients or flea saliva)." }, { "docid": "4479985", "title": "Top 30 Doctor insights on: What's The Difference Between Loratadine And Cetirizine", "text": "Yes: Similarity: in the 2nd generation antihistamine class of drugs. Zyrtec and Claritin are safe in pregnancy. Both can cause dryness and urinary symptoms as a sideffect differences: Claritin does not usually cause drowsiness.Zyrtec typically can.laritin, brand of Loratadine and zyrtec, brand of Cetirizine are both 2nd generation, non-sedating antihistamines. Cetirizine in head to head studies with Loratadine was found to be more effective for nasal allergies and hives." }, { "docid": "3173234", "title": "-", "text": "Loratadine is marketed by Schering-Plough under several trade names (e.g., Claritin) and also by Shionogi in Japan. It is available as a generic drug and is marketed for its nonsedating properties." }, { "docid": "87105", "title": "What Is Claritin-D (Loratadine and Pseudoephedrine)?", "text": "20 Reviews. Claritin-D is the brand name of a medicine that combines the antihistamine Claritin (loratadine) and a nasal decongestant (pseudoephedrine). Combined, loratadine and pseudoephedrine reduce symptoms such as a runny or stuffed nose, sinus pressure, itchy red eyes or skin, and the phlegm from a cough." }, { "docid": "7060245", "title": "Dyshidrotic Eczema â Symptoms, Treatment, Pictures, Causes, Contagious", "text": "This form of treatment usually involves using antihistamines and anti-itch creams to help reduce the inflammation and severe itching that is associated with dyshidrotic eczema. Two of the antihistamines that are usually used are Claritin or Benadryl." }, { "docid": "486921", "title": "Claritin-D Overdose", "text": "In the few reported cases in which people took too much Claritin-D, overdose symptoms included nausea or vomiting, rapid heart rate, and drowsiness. The most serious effects of an overdose appear to be caused by the pseudoephedrine component of the medication." }, { "docid": "3336916", "title": "Truth4Dogs", "text": "I will start next week. Onc office said nothing about any pain or side effects, but the nice peeps here did share the info about the claritin. I asked about it today & nurse said I could take & it should help. She said take 1 10mg pill twice per day the day of chemo & the next day (day of shot), then take 1 per day for the next 5-7 days." }, { "docid": "5255698", "title": "What Is Pseudoephedrine (Sudafed)?", "text": "1 Review. Pseudoephedrine is a drug found in numerous prescription and behind-the-counter medications, including Sudafed Congestion (but not Sudafed PE), Zyrtec-D, and Claritin-D.It's used to temporarily relieve nasal congestion from colds, allergies, and hay fever, and temporarily relieve sinus congestion and pressure.Though it can relieve symptoms, pseudoephedrine doesn't treat or speed the recovery of the underlying health condition.t's used to temporarily relieve nasal congestion from colds, allergies, and hay fever, and temporarily relieve sinus congestion and pressure. Though it can relieve symptoms, pseudoephedrine doesn't treat or speed the recovery of the underlying health condition." }, { "docid": "2518015", "title": "-", "text": "I think her name is Bridget Mahoney, a recent Northwestern grad her name is kelly mcnair. she's also in a claritin commercial and a las Vegas commercial, and she's in the new movie poseidon due out in may 2006." }, { "docid": "5013216", "title": "Over-the-counter drops for the treatment of Ocular Allergy", "text": "Ketotifen fumarate. This is the common ingredient in the majority of OTC anti allergy drops including Zaditor (Novartis), Alaway (Bausch & Lomb), Zyrtec Itchy Eye and Claritin Eye. A second-generation H1-antihistamine/mast cell stabilizer, ketotifen is very effective in treating the signs and symptoms of ocular allergy." } ]
what is classed as defamation
[ { "docid": "6559385", "title": "What is the Difference Between Slander and Libel?", "text": "Slander and libel are both types of defamation, which refers to statements that damage another person's reputation. While there are similarities, each focuses on different types of defamation strategy." } ]
[ { "docid": "5258899", "title": "What constitutes libel, defamation or slander with respect to an offending party who resides in California?", "text": "“Defamation is the intentional publication of a statement of fact that is false, unprivileged, and has a natural tendency to injure or that causes special damage.” (Grenier v. Taylor (2015) 234 Cal.App.4th 471, 486.) Defamation is an invasion of the interest in one’s reputation." }, { "docid": "1414563", "title": "-", "text": "The First Amendment requires that a defamation plaintiff prove actual malice or reckless disregard of the truth when the plaintiff is a public official or public figure. New York Times v. Sullivan, 376 U.S. 254 (1964). This is a much higher burden of proof for a public figure plaintiff." }, { "docid": "7773857", "title": "-", "text": "THE PROBLEM OF DEFINING MYTH. The establishment of a single, comprehensive definition of myth has proved impossible to attain. No one definition can satisfactorily embrace all the various kinds of stories that can legitimately be classed as myths on the basis of one criterion or another." }, { "docid": "5048680", "title": "libel and slander", "text": "In common law, written defamation was libel and spoken defamation was slander. Today, however, there are no such clear definitions. Permanent forms of defamation, such as the written or pictorial, are usually called libel, while the spoken or gestured forms are called slander." }, { "docid": "5238726", "title": "Defamation", "text": "Under common law, to constitute defamation, a claim must generally be false and have been made to someone other than the person defamed. Some common law jurisdictions also distinguish between spoken defamation, called slander, and defamation in other media such as printed words or images, called libel.False light laws protect against statements which are not technically false but misleading.ome common law jurisdictions also distinguish between spoken defamation, called slander, and defamation in other media such as printed words or images, called libel. False light laws protect against statements which are not technically false but misleading." }, { "docid": "5238730", "title": "Defamation", "text": "1 Written defamation is termed “libel,” and oral defamation “slander.”. 2 Defamation Legal Definition. 3 Making false, derogatory statements about a person's character, morals, abilities, business practices or financial status (Includes libel, which is written, and slander, which is spoken). Meaning of Defamation. 2 The publication of a statement which tends to lower a person in the estimation of right thinking members of society generally, or which tends to make them shun or avoid that person. 3 Defamation is either libel or slander. 4 See libel and slander." }, { "docid": "4266470", "title": "Andrew Breitbart", "text": "In 2007, Breitbart launched a video blog, Breitbart.tv. In 2011, Andrew Breitbart and his business partner Larry O'Connor were sued for defamation by Shirley Sherrod who had been fired after Breitbart posted a video of a speech given by Sherrod.In July 2015, it was reported that Sherrod and Andrew Breitbart's estate had reached a tentative settlement.n 2007, Breitbart launched a video blog, Breitbart.tv. In 2011, Andrew Breitbart and his business partner Larry O'Connor were sued for defamation by Shirley Sherrod who had been fired after Breitbart posted a video of a speech given by Sherrod." }, { "docid": "901986", "title": "Chest area pain", "text": "1 Some possible causes of sudden chest pain include: 2 Heart attack. 3 Angina - first episode might be classed as sudden chest pain. 4 Anxiety attack. Panic attack." }, { "docid": "1095889", "title": "What is Defamation of Character?", "text": "You won't believe these 10 facts about people. The term defamation of character is often used to describe accusations of slander, libel or both. Slander involves verbal derogatory statements, while libel involves written ones." }, { "docid": "2826751", "title": "-", "text": "Investigative reporters must take special care when writing a story. This is because investigative stories usually make someone appear either bad or stupid, accusations which can lead to legal action against you for defamation.You will probably be safe if your story is true and in the public interest.nvestigative reporters must take special care when writing a story. This is because investigative stories usually make someone appear either bad or stupid, accusations which can lead to legal action against you for defamation." }, { "docid": "3357582", "title": "Ch.6 mc business law", "text": "Jim told his manager, Lana, that a coworker, Diane, had been in prison for theft. Lana checked into the matter and, when she learned that Diane had served time in prison for theft, fired her. Jim is not liable to Diane for defamation." }, { "docid": "1579335", "title": "Impersonating Someone On The Internet: Legal or Illegal?", "text": "Defamation, on the other hand, is a free speech boundary that protects a person or company from harmful, malicious and negligent lies. In the United States, satire and parody are legal, but defamation is not." }, { "docid": "3204226", "title": "Legally, What Can Your Past Employer Say About You?", "text": "Past employers can say whatever they want about you as long as it is the truth and is fact. They have to be very careful about what they say and how they say it though because the former employee can slam them with a libel case or defamation of character if what they said was out of line or untrue in any way." }, { "docid": "2931125", "title": "-", "text": "Plymouth covered in ash from volcanic eruptions on Montserrat. Montserrat is a small island in the Caribbean. There is a volcanic area located in the south of the island on Soufriere Hills called Chances Peak.Before 1995 it had been dormant [dormant: A volcano is classed as dormant when it is temporarily inactive but not fully extinct.ontserrat is a small island in the Caribbean. There is a volcanic area located in the south of the island on Soufriere Hills called Chances Peak. Before 1995 it had been dormant [dormant: A volcano is classed as dormant when it is temporarily inactive but not fully extinct." }, { "docid": "2766689", "title": "Differences Between Defamation, Slander, and Libel", "text": "Libel and slander are both types of defamation. Libel is an untrue defamatory statement that is made in writing. Slander is an untrue defamatory statement that is spoken orally. The difference between defamation and slander is that a defamatory statement can be made in any medium. It could be in a blog comment or spoken in a speech or said on television." }, { "docid": "4834994", "title": "What is the Statute of Limitations in Internet Defamation Cases?", "text": "That is, generally, you have one year to file a lawsuit for defamation (slander/libel) from the time the statement or statements are published. Unfortunately, the Supreme Court did not address specifically whether the discovery rule applies to internet libel." }, { "docid": "5363404", "title": "How old is '' Vintage ''?", "text": "If the Item refers to being past fashion and up to 25 years it is known as Retro. If the item is 25 to 100 years old it is classed as Vintage. If the item is over 100 years old it is classed as Antique. Hope this helps." }, { "docid": "7323517", "title": "-", "text": "In popular language, alcohol is classed among the stimulants; and opium and tobacco among the narcotics; which are substances whose ultimate effect upon the animal system is to produce torpor and insensibility; but taken in small quantities they at first exhilarate." }, { "docid": "2687626", "title": "-", "text": "Autotrophs are classed as Producers since they produce organic compounds from inorganic molecules through various processes. Examples of Autotrophs are plants, which generate organic compounds via photosynthesis." }, { "docid": "4125730", "title": "-", "text": "In many US states, there is a statute of limitations for defamation suits. In other words, there is an “expiration date” past which you cannot sue for slander or libel, even if you can prove the statements were untrue, published, and caused you harm." }, { "docid": "2834770", "title": "-", "text": "Snails and slugs are classed as hermaphrodites so they have both male and female bits. To ensure they increase the variation in the population they mate with other snails/slugs ( snails dont mate with slugs)." }, { "docid": "2666651", "title": "-", "text": "5. Finally, to qualify as a defamatory statement, the offending statement must be unprivileged.. Under some circumstances, you cannot sue someone for defamation even if they make a statement that can be proved false. For example, witnesses who testify falsely in court or at a deposition can't be sued." }, { "docid": "3390797", "title": "Unconsciousness Expansion: The Sopor Story", "text": "Methaqualone is classed as a central nervous system depressant, a sedative-hypnotic. It's prescribed as a sedative and a sleeping pill. If you don't follow doctor's orders, though, and take a sleeping dose while you're actually running around doing things, you feel high." }, { "docid": "2766695", "title": "-", "text": "In general, a defamatory statement is a false statement of fact that is negligently or intentionally communicated or published to a third party, and that causes injury or damage to the subject of the statement. Libel and slander are different types of defamation. Libel is a written defamatory statement, and slander is an oral defamatory statement. Read on to learn more about the key elements of a defamation claim. (More: Get the Basics on Defamation Law .)." }, { "docid": "913299", "title": "Paradoxical reaction", "text": "Chlorpromazine, an antipsychotic and antiemetic drug, which is classed as a major tranquilizer may cause paradoxical effects such as agitation, excitement, insomnia, bizarre dreams, aggravation of psychotic symptoms and toxic confusional states." }, { "docid": "2390979", "title": "The Definition of Libel - What Makes Something Libelous?", "text": "Definition: Libel is published defamation of character, as opposed to spoken defamation of character, which is slander. Libel can expose a person to hatred, shame, disgrace, contempt or ridicule; injures a person’s reputation or causes the person to be shunned or avoided; injures the person in his or her occupation." }, { "docid": "5445787", "title": "Resting Heart Rate", "text": "A young women at 22 years of age with a resting heart rate of 55, would be classed as (athlete), but not all low resting heart rates are a good indication of an individuals fitness." }, { "docid": "2674354", "title": "-", "text": "Most women have a pattern in their menstrual cycle, though deviations can crop up from time to time. Menstrual cycles typically last from 25 – 31 days, band as long as they occur at roughly the same interval, they will be classed as regular." }, { "docid": "3357580", "title": "Is Truth a Valid Defense to a Claim of Internet Defamation?", "text": "Is Truth a Valid Defense to a Claim of Internet Defamation? Welcome to Defamation Law Radio. Internet defamation of character is as easy to perpetuate as a blog post, Facebook update, rating submission, or a forum comment. Your online reputation is measured by the websites return as Google search results." }, { "docid": "7493454", "title": "-", "text": "Hi guys just wondering when is a CP called a miscarraige? I had one last month at 5 weeks I was wondering how many weeks you have to be pregnant before its classed as a MC thanks" } ]
can samuel l. jackson really sing
[ { "docid": "6620822", "title": "Samuel L. Jackson Urges Celebs to Sing Against \"Racist Police\"", "text": "The actor posted a video of himself singing a song that includes the words I can't breathe. Samuel L. Jackson is challenging other famous folks to join him in singing for a cause. The actor on Saturday posted a video to Facebook of himself singing a tune that calls out racist police.. He encouraged other celebrities to do the same. See more Chris Rock Talks Choke Holds, NYPD and Eric Garner Protests." } ]
[ { "docid": "4573446", "title": "-", "text": "If you look at the Goodman discography post Gene Krupa's departure in 1938, the song virtually disappears from the Goodman set lists until Sid Catlett comes on board in 1941. Later, Goodman would admit that Sing, Sing, Sing was like the National Anthem, it had to be played." }, { "docid": "999430", "title": "List of Marvel Cinematic Universe film actors", "text": "Samuel L. Jackson has appeared in the most films in the franchise. The Marvel Cinematic Universe is a media franchise and shared fictional universe that is the setting of superhero films independently produced by Marvel Studios, based on characters that appear in Marvel Comics publications." }, { "docid": "1475857", "title": "Michael Jackson", "text": "In 1964, Michael and Marlon joined the Jackson Brothers—a band formed by their father and which included brothers Jackie, Tito, and Jermaine—as backup musicians playing congas and tambourine. In 1966, Jackson began sharing lead vocals with his older brother Jermaine, and the group's name was changed to the Jackson 5.ff the Wall (1979), which Jones and Jackson co-produced, established Jackson as a solo performer. The album helped Jackson transition from the bubblegum pop of his youth to the more complex sounds he would create as an adult." }, { "docid": "8760116", "title": "Sing About Me, I'm Dying of Thirst", "text": "When the lights shut off. And it's my turn to settle down. My main concern. Promise that you will sing about me. Promise that you will sing about me. I said when the lights shut off. And it's my turn to settle down. My main concern. Promise that you will sing about me. Promise that you will sing about me. [Verse 1]." }, { "docid": "5352441", "title": "Quotes", "text": "Jovie: Thanks, but I don't sing. Buddy: Oh, well, it's just like talking, except longer and louder, and you move your voice up and down. Jovie: I *can* sing, I just choose *not* to sing. Especially in front of other people. Buddy: If you can sing alone, you sing in front of other people. There's no difference." }, { "docid": "3884997", "title": "Senior Pastor", "text": "Reverend Dr. Samuel E. Hayward, III. Reverend Dr. Samuel E. Hayward, III was born into a ministry family and is a fourth generation A.M.E. preacher. He was a child of the parsonage and his father, the Reverend Samuel Hayward, was a pastor in the Bermuda Annual Conference of the First Episcopal District." }, { "docid": "3486761", "title": "Ouça agora Vagalume.FM", "text": "My Chemical Romance - Sing (música para ouvir e letra da música com legenda)! Sing it for the boys / Sing it for the girls / Every time that you lose it sing it for the world / Sing it from the heart" }, { "docid": "8252181", "title": "Anya", "text": "Etymology & Historical Origin-Anya. Anya is the Russian diminutive of Anna. Anna is the Latin variant of the Hebrew girl’s name Hannah (meaning “God has favored me”). The name Hannah comes from the Bible (1 Samuel 1:2).She is the mother of the great Israeli prophet Samuel.nna is the Latin variant of the Hebrew girl’s name Hannah (meaning “God has favored me”). The name Hannah comes from the Bible (1 Samuel 1:2). She is the mother of the great Israeli prophet Samuel." }, { "docid": "8257255", "title": "Selected Promises Of God In Each Book Of The Bible", "text": "1 Samuel 2:1-2: “There is no one holy like the Lord; there is no one besides you; there is no Rock like our God.”. 2 Samuel 7:22: “How great you are, O Sovereign Lord! There is no one like you, and there is no God but you, as we have heard with our own ears.”." }, { "docid": "494986", "title": "-", "text": "Lightsaber colors blue, green and red were used in the Star Wars original Trilogy. Purple color was added in the Prequel Trilogy, but only for use by Mace Windu, a character played by Samuel L. Jackson. In Expanded Universe, a myriad of different weapon colors were featured." }, { "docid": "738119", "title": "-", "text": "Mount Jackson, Virginia. 1 Mount Jackson: Apple Basket Water Tower along I-81 in Mt. Jackson, VA. 2 Mount Jackson: Road to covered bridge. 3 Mount Jackson: Come to Mount Jackson, have flooded yard! Mount Jackson: covered bridge Wissler rd Mt. Jackson Va.(March 2009 )" }, { "docid": "2503539", "title": "Shaft", "text": "Samuel L. Jackson is SHAFT, the man and the movie. John Singleton (Boys 'n' the Hood) directs this gritt y action-packed thriller. With his uncle John Shaft (Richard Roundtre e, reprising his original role) as his mentor, it 's no surprise that to day's Shaft is the coolest dude and the hottest action around." }, { "docid": "3340205", "title": "Total Lyrics", "text": "Total help me sing, total help me sing. What about me, what about you. What about us, what we gon' do do do. What we gon' do, what we gon do. (Can ya help me sing, ah huh). Do do do do do, do do do do do, do do do do do. (What we gon' do what we gon' do what we gon'). Do do do do do, do do do do do, do do do do.hat about you, what about me. Do do do do do, do do do do do (what about what about). Do do do do do (what about you). Do do do do. Do do do do, do do do do do (what about you, what about me). [Ad lib: until fade]. Submit Corrections. Visit www.azlyrics.com for these lyrics." }, { "docid": "3361542", "title": "Samuel French, Inc.", "text": "Samuel French, Inc. Samuel French, Inc. is an American company, founded by Samuel French and Thomas Hailes Lacey, who formed a partnership to combine their existing interests in London and New York City. It publishes plays, represents authors, and sells scripts from their Los Angeles, UK, and online bookstores." }, { "docid": "2456100", "title": "Sam Houston Biography", "text": "Samuel Houston went from being a military hero in the Creek War to a key political figure in the creation of the state of Texas. Learn more at Biography.com. Statesman Samuel Houston was a key political figure in the creation of the state of Texas." }, { "docid": "3486758", "title": "-", "text": "This Way: Boys Sing Low In The First Time Is Asking, And Girls Sing High After Boys Sing Low Is Answering. Another Way: Girls Sing High In The First Time Is Asking, And Boys S … ing Low After Girls Sing High Is Answering. Example: Boys Sing Low - Some think they are smart cats: Asking Girls Sing High: And some just know it all: Answering Another Example: Girls Sing High - One minute you're riding high: Asking Boys Sing Low: The next you're on the ground: Answering" }, { "docid": "4365062", "title": "Famous Active & Former Jehovah's Witnesses", "text": "For a full article on Michael Jackson's experiences as a Jehovah's Witness see Michael Jackson. Famous for their singing and acting the Jackson Five, Michael, Janet and LaToya Jackson were all raised by their mother Katherine as Jehovah's Witnesses." }, { "docid": "6862438", "title": "âCaptain America: The Winter Soldierâ Super Bowl Trailer Is Here", "text": "| Marvel. Marvel released a new trailer for Captain America: The Winter Soldier during the Super Bowl on Sunday night, providing fans with yet another glimpse at the comic-book sequel starring Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson, Anthony Mackie, Samuel L. Jackson, Sebastian Stan and Robert Redford." }, { "docid": "2634847", "title": "Michael Jacksonâs Family Tree", "text": "Randy Jackson has a daughter named Genevieve Jackson, who was born in 1989, and a daughter named Stevanna Jackson, who was born in 1990. Michael’s brother Marlon has three children: Valencia Sophia Jackson, (born in 1976), Brittany Jackson, (born in 1978), and Marlon David, Jr. Jackson, (born in 1981)." }, { "docid": "5625126", "title": "Paris Jackson Height Weight Body Measurements", "text": "Paris Jackson Height Weight Body Measurements. Paris Jackson. Paris-Michael Katherine Jackson, commonly known as Paris Jackson is an American television personality and actress. She is the only daughter of pop legend Michael Jackson. We have the complete list of Paris Jackson Measurements here. Date of Birth – 03 April 1998." }, { "docid": "4776853", "title": "Mark Ruffalo Cast as The Hulk In âThe Avengersâ Movie", "text": "For now it’s expected Ruffalo and Renner will be joined by Downey Jr., Hemsworth and Evans for The Avengers as well as Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury and Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow. The rest is pretty much up in the air." }, { "docid": "2492152", "title": "11 Mediocre TV Shows with Awesome Theme Songs", "text": "Both were basically generic action TV shows that had badass '70s funkified theme songs. I went with The Rookies because (1) it was never remade as a mediocre movie starring Samuel L. Jackson and Colin Farrell, (2) the S.W.A.T. theme is less cool and more overdramatic and (3) something about The Rookies theme song made me want to smoke a pack of Kools." }, { "docid": "2814256", "title": "-", "text": "1 Jackson-Evers International Airport, JAN. 2 About 6 mi E of Jackson. 3 Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport, MSY. 4 About 159 mi S of Jackson." }, { "docid": "2503533", "title": "-", "text": "Shaft (2000 film) Shaft is a 2000 American action-thriller film written and directed by John Singleton, and starring Samuel L. Jackson, Jeffrey Wright, Christian Bale, Pat Hingle, Toni Collette, Busta Rhymes, Vanessa L. Williams, and Mekhi Phifer." }, { "docid": "1613687", "title": "Jackson", "text": "In American the meaning of the name Jackson is: God has been gracious; has shown favor. Based on John or Jacques. English Meaning: The name Jackson is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Jackson is: Son of Jack." }, { "docid": "4348053", "title": "Jackson", "text": "Scottish Meaning: The name Jackson is a Scottish baby name. In Scottish the meaning of the name Jackson is: God has been gracious; has shown favor. Based on John or Jacques. American Meaning: The name Jackson is an American baby name.In American the meaning of the name Jackson is: God has been gracious; has shown favor. Based on John or Jacques. English Meaning: The name Jackson is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Jackson is: Son of Jack.n American the meaning of the name Jackson is: God has been gracious; has shown favor. Based on John or Jacques. English Meaning: The name Jackson is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Jackson is: Son of Jack." }, { "docid": "4889982", "title": "-", "text": "creator of time zones and builder of a steam-powered airplane. Samuel Pierpont Langley was born in Roxbury, Massachusetts, on August 22, 1834, the son of Samuel, a merchant, and Mary (Williams) Langley.amuel P. Langley. creator of time zones and builder of a steam-powered airplane. Samuel Pierpont Langley was born in Roxbury, Massachusetts, on August 22, 1834, the son of Samuel, a merchant, and Mary (Williams) Langley. He was educated at the Boston Latin School and was reading books on astronomy by the age of nine." }, { "docid": "4810461", "title": "LaTanya Richardson", "text": "LaTanya Richardson (born October 21, 1949), often listed as LaTanya Richardson Jackson, is an American actress and producer. She was born in Atlanta, Georgia. While a student at Atlanta's Spelman College (the second oldest college for black women in the world) in 1974, she met actor Samuel L. Jackson, then at all-male Morehouse College, who would later become her husband. She and Jackson married in 1980." }, { "docid": "4288237", "title": "Airlines that fly to Atlanta Hartsfield-Jackson", "text": "Direct from United States. The biggest airlines flying to Atlanta Hartsfield-Jackson: Delta flights to Atlanta Hartsfield-Jackson, Southwest Airlines flights to Atlanta Hartsfield-Jackson, American Airlines flights to Atlanta Hartsfield-Jackson." }, { "docid": "1362703", "title": "Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport", "text": "The name Jackson was added to Hartsfield Atlanta International Airport in 2003, after the death of former Atlanta mayor Maynard Jackson. Jackson was the first African American to serve as mayor of a major southern city." } ]
what is coca cola correct name
[ { "docid": "7002880", "title": "Coca Cola Font", "text": "Coca Cola is a carbonated beverage made by the Coca Cola company based in the Atlanta. The brand name originates from its two key ingredients: cocaine and caffeine, which are extracted respectively from the coca leaf and the kola nut, hence its name Coca-Cola." } ]
[ { "docid": "7327992", "title": "Coca-Cola Author Doug McCoy on the Beverage Company's Bottles", "text": "So a bottler in Lexington, North Carolina, asked Coca-Cola to make an 8-ounce because the Pepsi bottler there had one that was selling for the same price as Coca-Cola’s 6.5-ounce bottle. That was in the 1960s. They used it for about 10 years." }, { "docid": "4307695", "title": "-", "text": "4. Coca-Cola Refreshments. 3791 Browns Mill Rd SE Atlanta, GA 30354. (404) 767-6354. Rooms & Rates ». Beverages-Distributors & Bottlers. Website Directions More Info.. Coca-Cola Refreshments. 3791 Browns Mill Rd SE Atlanta, GA 30354. (404) 767-6354. Rooms & Rates ». Beverages-Distributors & Bottlers. Website Directions More Info." }, { "docid": "7840955", "title": "-", "text": "Cast Iron Bell Hop Man Coca Cola Doorstop Figure Holding Coke Tray0 results." }, { "docid": "6619192", "title": "USA Today: Cokeâs Freestyle machine at critical crossroads", "text": "The Coca-Cola Co. Atlanta-based Coca-Cola’s five-year-old Freestyle machine is at a critical crossroads as it evolves from the new kid on the block to incredibly costly hit or miss, reports USA Today." }, { "docid": "2696785", "title": "-", "text": "Coca Cola. Coca-Cola is a carbonated soft drink sold in almost all the countries of the world. Coca-Cola is manufactured by “The Coca-Cola Company” and is often referred to as Coke. Coke is one of the most recognizable brands in the world. Coca-Cola was invented by John Stith Pemberton in Covington, Georgia in May 1886." }, { "docid": "1717309", "title": "-", "text": "At Coca-Cola, everything we do is inspired by our mission, vision and values. Read our mission statement to learn about our goals, and what we want to achieve. Cookie Notification" }, { "docid": "2461004", "title": "Coca-Cola", "text": "Karl Lagerfeld is the latest designer to have created a collection of aluminum bottles for Coca-Cola. Lagerfeld is not the first fashion designer to create a special version of the famous Coca-Cola Contour bottle. A number of other limited edition bottles by fashion designers for Coca-Cola Light soda have been created in the last few years." }, { "docid": "5851021", "title": "What Are the Dangers of Coke?", "text": "The Coca-Cola Company manufactures several variations of its Coca-Cola beverage, usually shortened to Coke by the general public. One of its most widespread versions is Coke Classic, but it also makes flavored variations and a no-calorie version, Coke Zero." }, { "docid": "2317781", "title": "On Roy Rogersâ 100th Birthday, Son And Grandson Share Their Memories", "text": "And then there's another school of thought that think he's a drink, a Coca Cola with some cherry syrup.. For most, having a culinary namesake or two would be reason enough to brag; in Dusty Rogers' case, poultry and soft drinks are beside the point." }, { "docid": "280035", "title": "-", "text": "Incorporating Management's Discussion and Analysis. The Coca-Cola Company and Subsidiaries. Our mission is to maximize share-owner value over time. To achieve this mission, The Coca-Cola Company and its subsidiaries (our Company) execute a comprehensive business strategy driven by four key objectives." }, { "docid": "8388797", "title": "Our Billion-Dollar Brands", "text": "It was first introduced in the United States on August 9, 1982, as the first new brand since 1886 to use the Coca-Cola Trademark. Today, Diet Coke/Coca-Cola light is one of the largest and most successful brands of The. Company, available in more than 185 markets around the world." }, { "docid": "3530303", "title": "Larceny", "text": "For example, if a person stole the Coca-Cola formula, the crime would be larceny but the grade of the offense would be determined by the value of the paper on which the formula was recorded not the value of the recipe." }, { "docid": "5970601", "title": "-", "text": "We need you to take immediate action and tell Congress you support mandatory GMO labeling! Tell Big Food!Tell Kellogg's, PepsiCo, Coca-Cola, General Mills and Campbell's that we have a right to know what's in our food! Join us in asking these major food companies to support mandatory FDA labeling of GMOs.e need you to take immediate action and tell Congress you support mandatory GMO labeling! Tell Big Food!Tell Kellogg's, PepsiCo, Coca-Cola, General Mills and Campbell's that we have a right to know what's in our food! Join us in asking these major food companies to support mandatory FDA labeling of GMOs." }, { "docid": "6720835", "title": "Dark History of Monsanto", "text": "The founder of Monsanto was John Francis Queeny and he started Monsanto with the capital money her earned from Coca-Cola in 1901. In 1902, Monsanto sold its first product called “Saccharin” (the artificial sweetener) to Coca-Cola Company." }, { "docid": "52845", "title": "-", "text": "Since its founding, Coca-Cola Bottling Company UNITED (“UNITED”) has become the third-largest Coca-Cola bottling company in North America and the largest privately held Coca-Cola bottler." }, { "docid": "2337702", "title": "-", "text": "Coca Cola Zero has more calories than Coca Cola diet. If you look at their cans, it says that Diet Coke has 0 calories, it says on a Coke Zero can that it contains 5 calories. … You can probably find this out by the taste difference also, COke Zero tastes sweeter than Diet Coke and has less of a Diet Soda aftertaste." }, { "docid": "6375037", "title": "The Chemistry of Powerade", "text": "Powerade is a sports drink manufactured and marketed by the Coca-Cola company. Powerade was first introduced to in US in 1988 it became the first official sports drink for the Olympic Games in Seoul." }, { "docid": "4328427", "title": "-", "text": "A corporate club is affiliated with a sponsoring organization and attracts membership from its employee base. For example, AT&T, Apple, The Boeing Company, The Coca-Cola Companies, Google, Sony and many other" }, { "docid": "1809139", "title": "PepsiCoâs 22 Billion Dollar Brands & Future Growth", "text": "PepsiCo and Its Corporate Rival. Analysis of PepsiCo is not complete without mentioning the company’s corporate rival, Coca-Cola (KO). Coca-Cola has 20 brands that generate $1 billion or more a year in sales. PepsiCo has more billion dollar brands than Coca-Cola. PepsiCo now has a total of 22 brands that generate $1 billion or more a year in sales. Over the last 12 months, PepsiCo has generated $66 billion in sales versus $46 billion for Coca-Cola." }, { "docid": "5118695", "title": "Who Invented Coca Cola?", "text": "Additional Facts and Other Important Information. The invention of Coca-Cola started out when Pemberton was working as a chemist and druggist in Columbus, Georgia. In his quest to produce a coca wine, he combined damiana, kola nut and coca, and later on called the mixture Pemberton’s French Wine Coca.dditional Facts and Other Important Information. The invention of Coca-Cola started out when Pemberton was working as a chemist and druggist in Columbus, Georgia. In his quest to produce a coca wine, he combined damiana, kola nut and coca, and later on called the mixture Pemberton’s French Wine Coca." }, { "docid": "7329390", "title": "-", "text": "Browse Coca-Cola annual salaries by job title. See what others thought about what they got paid at Coca-Cola." }, { "docid": "7296205", "title": "Coca-Cola", "text": "When launched, Coca-Cola's two key ingredients were cocaine and caffeine. The cocaine was derived from the coca leaf and the caffeine from kola nut, leading to the name Coca-Cola (the K in Kola was replaced with a C for marketing purposes).he first bottling of Coca-Cola occurred in Vicksburg, Mississippi, at the Biedenharn Candy Company in 1891. The proprietor of the bottling works was Joseph A. Biedenharn. The original bottles were Biedenharn bottles, very different from the much later hobble-skirt design of 1915 now so familiar." }, { "docid": "6066657", "title": "Calories in Mcdonalds Cheeseburger Meal With Fries and Coca-cola (Small) Official Information", "text": "Calories in Mcdonalds Cheeseburger Meal With Fries and Coca-cola (Small) Official Information Nutrition Facts Mcdonalds - Cheeseburger Meal With Fries and Coca-cola (Small) Official Information" }, { "docid": "3678063", "title": "The Coca-Cola Company Reports First Quarter 2013 Results", "text": "1 Volume growth of 3% for Coca-Cola Americas and 5% for Coca-Cola International. 2 Global sparkling beverage volume grew 3%, led by brand Coca-Cola, up 3%, and global still beverage volume grew 6% in the first quarter. 3 First quarter reported net revenues declined 1%." }, { "docid": "4507033", "title": "-", "text": "1 Sugar. 2 A lot of sugar. 3 Coca Cola Life is sweetened with Stevia, but it’s also still sweetened with real sugar to give it the regular taste we’re used to in a coke. 4 Your 500ml bottle of Coca Cola Life contains 34g of sugar, or more than 8 teaspoons of sugar in every bottle.5 The coloring Caramel E-150d. Your 500ml bottle of Coca Cola Life contains 34g of sugar, or more than 8 teaspoons of sugar in every bottle. 2 The coloring Caramel E-150d. 3 Also called ‘Sulfite ammonia caramel’, Caramel E-150d is basically caramelized carbs, and is subject to health warnings in some places." }, { "docid": "7323458", "title": "Apple Passes Coca-Cola as Most Valuable Brand", "text": "Continue reading the main story. The report estimates the value of the Apple brand at $98.3 billion, up 28 percent from the 2012 report. The value of the Coca-Cola brand also rose, by 2 percent to $79.2 billion, but that was not sufficient to give Coca-Cola a 14th year as Interbrand’s most valuable brand. A scene from a commercial for the iPhone 5 by Apple, a brand valued at $98.3 billion by Interbrand, a consulting company." }, { "docid": "7891683", "title": "-", "text": "Who sings the song from thenew Coca Cola commercial: ...you give a little love and it all comes back 2 u? Ok who sings that song that goes love is in the air everytime you come around ..." }, { "docid": "4670465", "title": "Mr. Pibb", "text": "Mr. PiBB was invented in the summer of 1972 after The Coca-Cola Company had the intention of creating a drink that would rival the growing success of Dr Pepper in Southern markets. After losing a law suit filed by Dr Pepper manufacturers who disputed Coke's original use of the name Peppo, Coca-Cola settled on the name Mr. PiBB for important brand-identification purposes." }, { "docid": "5163713", "title": "The Coca-Cola Company 201 0", "text": "Note: Coca Cola like many other companies sell stock and anyone can purchase the stock. The Coca …Cola Company is headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, United States. Coca Cola was invented in 1886 by pharmacist John Stith Pemberton in Columbus, Georgia. The Coca-Cola formula and brand was bought in 1889 by Asa Candler who incorporated The Coca-Cola Company in 1892." }, { "docid": "4686341", "title": "-", "text": "The BPW deal leaves Coca-Cola and Nestle nestlé to compete openly in the blossoming-non black tea. Sector it will also make competition in the-ready-to drink coffee market increasingly. fiercey staff reporter staff reporter, 06-Nov-2006 2006-11-06T00:00:00Z. Related tags: Joint venture, Coca-Cola, Nestle. Nestlé-Coca cola And nestle nestlé will limit their joint venture group to black, tea drinks allowing the two giants to revitalise their position in this sector and compete openly on-other fast. growing beverages" } ]
what is collectify
[ { "docid": "8467051", "title": "Collectify", "text": "From Collectify: Collectify is for people who own all sorts of things it handles collections of anything, from Art, Books, Cars, Dolls, Electronics, Furniture, Glass, Household contents, Instruments, Jewelry, Kitchenware, Lamps, Memorabilia, Nouveau, Ornaments, Photographs, Quilts, Reproductions, Silver, Toys, Militaria, Videos, Watches, Xylophones, Yachts, to Zeppelins." } ]
[ { "docid": "8467055", "title": "-", "text": "Collectify software makes it easy for you to catalog and maintain your collection. From fine art to a baseball card collection, Collectify is the perfect software for your collection." }, { "docid": "8467056", "title": "Collectify", "text": "Collectify At Collectify, our vision is to revolutionize how people buy, catalog, care for, and sell their stuff.Our mission is to make great software products that are comprehensive and easy to use, and to seamlessly combine those products with practical, useful online services to help bring you the greatest possible enjoyment from your collection.The Collectify solution is much more than a simple cataloging tool." }, { "docid": "8467049", "title": "-", "text": "Collectify is for people who own all sorts of things it handles collections of anything, from Art, Books, Cars, Dolls, Electronics, Furniture, Glass, Household Collectify is for people who own all sorts of things it handles collections of anything, from Art, Books, Cars, Dolls, Electronics, Furniture, Glass, Household contents, Instruments, Jewelry, Kitchenware, Lamps, Memorabilia, Nouveau, Ornaments, Photographs, Quilts, Reproductions, Silver, Toys, Militaria, Videos, Watches, Xylophones, Yachts, to ..." }, { "docid": "8467053", "title": "-", "text": "Collectify LLC will soon be launching Collectify Cloud! The most advanced administrative technology will soon be available on a private Cloud for all your collection management and home inventory needs. Collectify Cloud will grant you access to our two softwares from any device, be it a PC or a Mac, smartphone or tablet. With a subscription to Collectify Cloud, you'll have piece of mind knowing that your vital information is secure and accessible only to you anywhere there ... is an internet connection." }, { "docid": "8467047", "title": "Collectify Revenue, Funding, Number of Employees, Competitors and Acquisitions", "text": "Owler has collected 14 screenshots of Collectify's website since Jul 2014. The latest Collectify website design screenshot was captured in Sep 2017." }, { "docid": "8467048", "title": "-", "text": "Collectify Cloud. 17 likes. Collectify LLC, a pioneer in inventory software, offers the most advanced home and collections inventory software." }, { "docid": "8467054", "title": "-", "text": "At Collectify, our vision is to revolutionize how people buy, catalog, care for, and sell their stuff.Our mission is to make great software products that are comprehensive and easy to use, and to seamlessly combine those products with practical, useful online services to help bring you the greatest possible enjoyment from your collection.The ..." }, { "docid": "8467052", "title": "Collectify", "text": "By offering both PC and Web-based products and services, we can provide every collector with a highly personalized Collectify experience. Your collection is as individual as you are. Our products are designed by a team that not only understands what you want, but anticipates what you need." }, { "docid": "8467050", "title": "-", "text": "Collectify is located in 60 E 42nd St Rm 3112, New York, New York, USA 10165-0057. Check out Collectify's profile for competitors, acquisition history, news and more. We just sent you an email to verify your account." } ]
what is confucianism
[ { "docid": "5014319", "title": "Confucianism", "text": "Confucianism - the teachings of Confucius emphasizing love for humanity; high value given to learning and to devotion to family (including ancestors); peace; justice; influenced the traditional culture of China. philosophical doctrine, philosophical theory - a doctrine accepted by adherents to a philosophy." } ]
[ { "docid": "6301472", "title": "Confucius", "text": "Confucius (or Kongzi) was a Chinese philosopher who lived in the 6th century BCE and whose thoughts, expressed in the philosophy of Confucianism, have influenced Chinese culture right up to the present day.onfucius is believed to have lived from c. 551 to c. 479 BCE in the state of Lu (now Shandong or Shantung)." }, { "docid": "2326412", "title": "Golden Rule", "text": "Statements that mirror the Golden Rule appear in Ancient Egypt in the story of The Eloquent Peasant. Rushworth Kidder discusses the early contributions of Confucius (551–479 B.C.) (See a version in Confucianism below)." }, { "docid": "1317567", "title": "Chinese philosophy", "text": "Confucianism developed during the Spring and Autumn Period from the teachings of the Chinese philosopher Confucius (551–479 BCE), who considered himself a retransmitter of Zhou values.n the late Tang, Confucianism developed in response to Buddhism and Taoism and was reformulated as Neo-Confucianism. This reinvigorated form was adopted as the basis of the imperial exams and the core philosophy of the scholar official class in the Song dynasty." }, { "docid": "618764", "title": "-", "text": "Inspired by the Tang example, one clan claimed imperial authority over others Built a new capital (Nara) in 710 C.E., modeled on Chang'an Adopted Confucianism and Buddhism, but maintained their Shinto rites" }, { "docid": "1839719", "title": "When did Taoism originate?", "text": "Taoism (or Daoism) originated during the Axial Age, the great period when Judaism, Buddhism, Confucianism and Taoism were founded, and the Greek philosophers flourished. Lao Tzu, the founder of Taoism, is said to have been born in 604 BCE, about 50 years before Confucius (Kung Fu-Tzu)." }, { "docid": "2149653", "title": "Legalism", "text": "They originally kept a form of Legalism as their official philosophy but it was a much gentler version than that of the Qin. The Emperor Wu (141-87 BCE) finally abandoned Legalism in favor of Confucianism and also made it illegal for anyone who followed the philosophy of Han Feizi or Shang Yang to hold public office." }, { "docid": "7714878", "title": "Cultural Diversity: Eating in AmericaâVietnamese", "text": "The Vietnamese come from both remote agricultural and fast-paced urban areas of southeast Asia. Most Vietnamese practice Buddhism, but some practice Confucianism or Taoism. Food Habits and Their Relationship to Dietary Guidelines. The basic food in Vietnam is dry, flaky rice supplemented with vegetables, eggs, and small amounts of meat and fish. Although similar to Chinese cooking, Vietnamese cooking uses little fat or oil for frying. NuocMam fish sauce is a principle ingredient in almost every Vietnamese dish." }, { "docid": "8830511", "title": "Civics", "text": "The discussion page may contain suggestions. (May 2015). Civics is the study of the theoretical and practical aspects of citizenship, its rights and duties; the duties of citizens to each other as members of a political body and to the government.ithin a given political or ethical tradition, civics refers to educating the citizens. The history of civics dates back to the earliest theories of civics by Confucius in ancient China and Plato in ancient Greece. In China also along with Confucianism developed the tradition of Legalism." }, { "docid": "2602871", "title": "-", "text": "During the Shogunate period under the ideology of neo-Confucianism, women came to be included under the term kawaii as the perception of women being animalistic was replaced with the conception of women as docile." }, { "docid": "2226888", "title": "-", "text": "1 Rù (入), the entering tone in Chinese language phonetics. 2 Rú (儒), a Chinese language term for Confucianism. 3 Ru (surname) (茹), a Chinese surname. 4 Ru River (汝), in Henan, China. Ru ware, a type of Chinese pottery." }, { "docid": "5034978", "title": "10 Famous Teachers Who Changed the World", "text": "1 His teachings developed into a system of philosophy known to be as Confucianism. Aristotle: He was a Greek philosopher, student of Plato and teacher of Alexander the Great. He has written over a good number of subjects like physics, metaphysics, poetry, theatre, music, logic, rhetoric, politics, biology and zoology." }, { "docid": "4307506", "title": "-", "text": ".: HISTORY OF CAODAI. HISTORY OF CAODAI. The philosophy and moral code of the CaoDaists developed from unification of the most influential school of thought of the day in Vietnam: Buddhism, Taoism, Christianity, and Confucianism." }, { "docid": "8113039", "title": "What is the symbol of Confucianism?", "text": "This symbol of Confucianism is meant to represent total harmony, righteousness, in your own life and in relations with your neighbors.The Symbol of Water and The Double Happiness. Go Log In Sign Up" }, { "docid": "2971848", "title": "Zhou Dynasty", "text": "This was the time when some of the most important Chinese schools of thought such as Daoism, Confucianism and Legalism were born. The Zhou justified the change of dynasty and their own authority by claiming that the dispossessed Shang had forfeited the Mandate of Heaven by their misrule. It was customary in ancient China to identify the supreme authority of rulers with a higher power." }, { "docid": "2149649", "title": "-", "text": "Nonetheless, Confucianism survived this suppression, some say because a scholar hid the texts in the walls of his house. After the Qin, the new Han Dynasty approved of Confucian doctrine and sponsored Confucian scholars, eventually making Confucianism the official state philosophy (see Emperor Wu of Han). Study of the Confucian classics became the basis of the government examination system and the core of the educational curriculum." }, { "docid": "8024138", "title": "\"Why Did The Political Chaos Of The Period Of The Warring States Give Rise To Philosophies Such As Confucianism Legalism And Daoism Compare And Contrast These Philosophies And Explain Which Would\" Essays and Research Papers", "text": "Chinese Philosophy Essay Three areas of philosophy emerged amidst the chaos and constant warring of the Zhou era. The three were called... Confucianism, Daoism, and legalism. They were Chinese philosophies that were thought to be the best ways to rule and achieve order in the society." }, { "docid": "3280161", "title": "-", "text": "Start studying Early Chinese Belief Systems: Confucianism, Daoism, and Legalism. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools." }, { "docid": "7015567", "title": "Top 10 Most Followed Religions in the World New Popular List", "text": "Christianity – Top 10 Religions of the World. Christianity is the most popular and oldest religion in the world founded by Jesus Christ in 27 AD. The number of followers in all the world is more than 2.3 billion. It means 32 Percent of World Population is Christian.onfucianism religion was founded by Kong Qiu (K’ung Ch’iu) in 600 BC and now one of the world top ten most followed religions in the world. Confucianism followers are known as “Confucian” and “Confucius”. At this time there are almost 7 million followers of Confucianism." }, { "docid": "2533855", "title": "-", "text": "Confucianism (Traditional Chinese: 儒學; Simplified Chinese: 儒学; Pinyin: Rúxué; literally means The School of the Scholars; see Names for Confucianism for details) is an East Asian ethical and philosophical system originally developed from the teachings of the early Chinese sage Confucius." }, { "docid": "4173831", "title": "Difference Between Confucianism and Taoism", "text": "Confucianism vs Taoism. The main difference between Confucianism and Taoism is in the focus of each philosophy as Confucianism focuses on the society while Taoism focuses on the nature." }, { "docid": "7296104", "title": "-", "text": "Assorted References. 1 major references (in Daoism: Laozi and the Daodejing) (in Daoism: Inscriptions) 2 portrayal on pottery (in pottery: China) (in Chinese pottery: Marks and decoration on Chinese pottery) 3 relationship to Buddhism (in Buddhism: The early centuries) (in Daoism: Confucianism and Buddhism)" }, { "docid": "1317569", "title": "-", "text": "A Confucian revival began during the Tang dynasty. In the late Tang, Confucianism developed in response to Buddhism and Taoism and was reformulated as Neo-Confucianism. This reinvigorated form was adopted as the basis of the imperial exams and the core philosophy of the scholar official class in the Song dynasty.n the late Tang, Confucianism developed in response to Buddhism and Taoism and was reformulated as Neo-Confucianism. This reinvigorated form was adopted as the basis of the imperial exams and the core philosophy of the scholar official class in the Song dynasty." }, { "docid": "2365109", "title": "Where did Confucianism originate?", "text": "exists and is an alternate of . Confucianism originated in China in the fifth century BCE, at the same time as Mohism, Daoism and Legalism (Hundred Schools of Thought). The philosophy advocates benevolence and courtesy among people." }, { "docid": "8024140", "title": "\"Why Did The Political Chaos Of The Period Of The Warring States Give Rise To Philosophies Such As Confucianism Legalism And Daoism Compare And Contrast These Philosophies And Explain Which Would\" Essays and Research Papers", "text": "In early Chinese times, after the Period of the Warring States, two ideologies emerged: Legalism and Confucianism. Legalism stressed a strong central government that expressed harsh laws while Confucianism had a decentralized government, placing trust in conscientious and learned individuals to work together to solve political issues." }, { "docid": "2281927", "title": "Korean Confucianism", "text": "Korean Confucianism is the form of Confucianism that emerged and developed in Korea. One of the most substantial influences in Korean intellectual history was the introduction of Confucian thought as part of the cultural influence from China." }, { "docid": "6004644", "title": "Central Beliefs of Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism & Daoism", "text": "Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism and Daoism are eastern religions and philosophies that have been practiced by millions of people for centuries. While Hinduism is centered around a supreme being, Buddhism and Confucianism are centered around the teachings of a man and Daoism is centered around a concept, the religions share similarities." }, { "docid": "6301469", "title": "-", "text": "Confucius is the name given to an ancient Chinese philosopher who we think lived between 551 BC and 479 BC. His philosophy became very popular in the Han Dynasty (206 BC-AD … 220), when his thoughts were developed into a system of philosophy known as Confucianism.onfucius was an ancient Chinese Philosopher(Kong Qiu) who was born on September 28, 551 BC in Qufu, China. He died in 479 BC also in Qufu, China. He was the founder of Confuc … ianism.and he was a great for everything he did like improved the Chinese culture." }, { "docid": "691091", "title": "Daoism", "text": "Daoism stands alongside Confucianism as one of the two great religious/philosophical systems of China. Traditionally traced to the mythical Laozi “Old Philosopher,” Philosophical Daoism owes more to “philosopher Zhuang” (Zhuangzi) (4 th Century BCE)." }, { "docid": "2719011", "title": "-", "text": "The values and beliefs of the First Emperor. Qin Shi Huangdi’s values and beliefs were all mainly influenced by legalism causing him to see Confucianism as a threat and as he got older paranoia took over, and his ideals were all about becoming immortal which greatly affected what he did." }, { "docid": "7972612", "title": "Western Han Dynasty", "text": "Literature flourished with the invention of paper, as art flourished with the invention of the loom, and the invention of porcelain. The achievements of the Western Han had a profound influence on North Vietnam, and North Korea through the expansion of the empire, and on Japan through close trade ties. From the reign of Emperor Wu, Confucianism became the main stream of thought in government." } ]
what is considered a low body temperature
[ { "docid": "939963", "title": "Top 30 Doctor insights on: Low Body Temperature Sick", "text": "1 doctor agreed: Low body temperature: A mildly low body temperature is not always a problem. A temperature less than 95f (35c) is considered hypothermia and temperatures this low can produce problems for a person. ...Read more." } ]
[ { "docid": "1072947", "title": "What causes a fever and what can I do about it?", "text": "A fever, or pyrexia, is a rise in internal body temperature to levels that are considered to be above normal. Average body temperature is about 98.6°F or 37°C, and temperatures above 100.4°F or 38°C are generally considered to be febrile.Body temperature is determined by the body's thermoregulatory set-point. fever, or pyrexia, is a rise in internal body temperature to levels that are considered to be above normal. Average body temperature is about 98.6°F or 37°C, and temperatures above 100.4°F or 38°C are generally considered to be febrile." }, { "docid": "386033", "title": "Overview", "text": "Definition. Hypothermia is a medical emergency that occurs when your body loses heat faster than it can produce heat, causing a dangerously low body temperature. Normal body temperature is around 98.6 F (37 C).Hypothermia (hi-poe-THUR-me-uh) occurs as your body temperature passes below 95 F (35 C).efinition. Hypothermia is a medical emergency that occurs when your body loses heat faster than it can produce heat, causing a dangerously low body temperature. Normal body temperature is around 98.6 F (37 C)." }, { "docid": "4955729", "title": "Body temperature", "text": "The normal body temperature of 98.6°F (37°C) is actually an average of temperatures. A person's normal temperature can fluctuate 1°F (0.6°C) or more or below 98.6; additionally, the body temperature fluctuates the same amount throughout the day-lower in the morning and evening while higher at mid-day. low body temperature, just like a high one, can be caused by an infection; this occurs primarily in newborn babies, the elderly, and people who are frail. Taking one's temperature within an hour of exercise or taking a bath/shower will lead to an inaccurate temperature reading." }, { "docid": "1289235", "title": "LOW BODY TEMPERATURE", "text": "It will restrict the flow of blood to your hands. You may have low copper levels in your body which is a contributor to low body temperature. A simple hot bath in the morning reprograms the body to reset the thermostat. If you are not able to do this, immerse your hands and forearms in a sink of hot water for a minute." }, { "docid": "6625297", "title": "What does it mean to have a low body temperature?", "text": "Having the right body temperature is an essential feature of good health. A low body temperature indicates that you may be unwell and have some health problem. Low body temperature can cause you a number of problems such as fatigue, depression, anxiety and panic attacks, cold intolerance, insomnia, constipation, and more. 98.6 °F or 37 °C is considered to be normal body temperature. It could however vary between 97.5 °F to 98.8 °F (36.4 °C to 37.1 °C) for most individuals." }, { "docid": "1711712", "title": "Stay Healthy with A Body Temperature of 37 Degrees Celsius", "text": "The human body has only a relatively narrow range of temperature that will sustain life. The normal body temperature is 37 degrees Celsius or 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. Our core temperature - that is, the deep internal temperature of the body-must be kept within a range of 96 to 101 degrees.Any temperature outside of that range spells trouble.And this is called hypothermia.he human body has only a relatively narrow range of temperature that will sustain life. The normal body temperature is 37 degrees Celsius or 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. Our core temperature - that is, the deep internal temperature of the body-must be kept within a range of 96 to 101 degrees." }, { "docid": "6873342", "title": "My Body Temperature Is Abnormally Low. What Can This Be?", "text": "A temperature below 95.6 is too low. If your body temperature is too low it can be serious, even life threatening. An overwhelming infection, such as Gram-negative sepsis, may also cause an abnormally low body temperature." }, { "docid": "5269349", "title": "What is a body temp of 97.0 mean? low or too low?", "text": "Sometimes a normal, healthy adult has a low body temperature, such as 96°F (36°C) . If the person with the low body temperature is not ill, does not have any other problems, and is not an infant or an older adult, then evaluation usually is not needed." }, { "docid": "8021364", "title": "What causes a fever and what can I do about it?", "text": "Fever, or pyrexia, is when the internal body temperature rises to levels that are considered above normal. It normally indicates the present of another condition, usually an infection. Average body temperature is about 98.6 °Fahrenheit (37 °Celsius), and temperatures above 100.4 °F (38 °C) are considered to be a fever." }, { "docid": "5645256", "title": "Is Your Body Temperature Within the Normal Range? Find Out Here", "text": "Normal Body Temperature Range. The ideal body temperature is 98.6 °F or 37.0 °C. However, the value 98.2±1.3 °F or 36.8±0.7 °C is considered to be the normal body temperature range for oral measurement.Here is some information about the factors that significantly influence body temperatures.ormal Body Temperature Range. The ideal body temperature is 98.6 °F or 37.0 °C. However, the value 98.2±1.3 °F or 36.8±0.7 °C is considered to be the normal body temperature range for oral measurement." }, { "docid": "8529772", "title": "-", "text": "Normal body temperature. Most people think a normal body temperature is an oral temperature (by mouth) of 98.6°F (37°C). This is an average of normal body temperatures. Your normal temperature may actually be 1°F (0.6°C) or more above or below this. Also, your normal temperature changes by as much as 1°F (0.6°C) during the day, depending on how active you are and the time of day. Body temperature is very sensitive to hormone levels." }, { "docid": "4049829", "title": "10 / 11 Men and Women Are Different When It Comes to Body Temperature", "text": "1 If so, it can reveal a lot about your health. ( 2 In fact, it's one of four vital signs doctors watch for, the other three being blood pressure, pulse rate, and respiration rate.) As you probably know, 98.6 F is considered a normal body temperature, though healthy adults can range between 97.8 degrees F and 99 degrees F.ead on to find out more. 1 Body Temperature Can Go Up With Smoke Your body temperature goes up when you smoke. 2 Here's why: The temperature at the tip of a cigarette is 95 degrees C, or 203 degrees F. Inhale hot smoke, and it raises your lung temperature." }, { "docid": "5246218", "title": "Human Body Temperature Scale In Celsius or Fahrenheit", "text": "According to the body temperature scale in Celsius, the temperature is normal when it is 37 degrees Celsius. Temperatures up to 37.3 and down to 36.7 are considered to be within the normal body temperature scale in Celsius.Hyperthermia occurs when the temperature rises above 37.3 degrees.he human body manages its own temperature within a normal range within which the body is designed to function. Different body systems and organs work properly when the body is at its optimum temperature." }, { "docid": "4062379", "title": "Hypothermia and Your Pet", "text": "Hypothermia and Your Pet. Hypothermia occurs when body temperature falls below normal. A normal temperature for a dog or cat is 100.5 to 102.5 degrees Fahrenheit. Hypothermia can be mild, moderate, or severe depending on how low the body temperature is. The most common cause of hypothermia is prolonged exposure to cold temperatures. Pets can also develop frostbite due to extreme cold." }, { "docid": "4498211", "title": "Neritic Zone", "text": "The Neritic zone is also called coastal waters, the coastal ocean, and the sublittoral zone. It is the part of the ocean extending from the low tide mark to the edge of the continental shelf.It is considered a shallow depth, extending to about 200 meters.The Neritic zone has decently well oxygenated water, low water pressure, and fairly stable temperature and salinity levels. This is the location of most of the sea life in the ocean. Salinity is the level of salt in the water.t is the part of the ocean extending from the low tide mark to the edge of the continental shelf. It is considered a shallow depth, extending to about 200 meters. The Neritic zone has decently well oxygenated water, low water pressure, and fairly stable temperature and salinity levels." }, { "docid": "1211640", "title": "Top 20 Doctor insights on: Normal Temperatures For Adults", "text": "The normal body temperature has long been thought to be 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit, but there are several factors that affect body temperature. Normal body temperature varies by person and can also increase or decrease as a person ages, changes environment, changes diet or alters medication.he normal body temperature has long been thought to be 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit, but there are several factors that affect body temperature. Normal body temperature varies by person and can also increase or decrease as a person ages, changes environment, changes diet or alters medication." }, { "docid": "228317", "title": "-", "text": "Most people think of a normal body temperature as an oral temperature of 98.6°F (37°C) .This is an average of normal body temperatures. Your temperature may actually be 1°F (0.6°C) or more above or below 98.6°F (37°C) .ost people think of a normal body temperature as an oral temperature of 98.6°F (37°C) ." }, { "docid": "1352243", "title": "-", "text": "There are three main types of lymphocytes: B cells, T cells, and natural killer (NK) cells. Lymphocytes compose approximately 15 to 40% of the total white blood cells in the body. In a healthy adult a lymphocyte count of 1000 - 4800 cells per microliter of blood is considered the normal range.For adults, a lymphocyte count of less than 1000 cells per microliter of blood is considered a low number of lymphocytes in his blood.Lymphocytopenia or lymphopenia are alternate terms for low lymphocyte counts.or adults, a lymphocyte count of less than 1000 cells per microliter of blood is considered a low number of lymphocytes in his blood. Lymphocytopenia or lymphopenia are alternate terms for low lymphocyte counts." }, { "docid": "5411901", "title": "-", "text": "Lactic acidosis is a physiological condition characterized by low pH in body tissues and blood (acidosis) accompanied by the buildup of lactate, especially L-lactate, and is considered a distinct form of metabolic acidosis." }, { "docid": "8212923", "title": "Thermal Energy, Temperature, and Heat 1", "text": "A temperature scale based upon the freezing temperatures of salt water and a mismeasure of human body temperature. Salt water freezes at 0 degrees in this scale and the original measure of human body temperature was considered 96 degrees on this scale. Fresh water freezes/melts at 32 degrees and boils at 212 degrees." }, { "docid": "4320594", "title": "-", "text": "Metamorphic grade refers to the temperature and pressure under which a rock was metamorphosed, considered low grade or high grade. Since metamorphic minerals in a rock form under specific conditions, they are used to identify the temperature and pressure of the metamorphic conditions. Metamorphic rock fabrics and textures" }, { "docid": "8584709", "title": "What is the normal body temperature of a human?", "text": "The body temperature is lower in the morning, due to the rest the body received, and higher at night after a day of muscular activity and after food intake. Body temperature also varies at different parts of the body.Oral temperatures, which are the most convenient type of temperature measurement, is at 37.0 °C. This is the accepted standard temperature for the normal core body temperature.Axillary temperatures are an external measurement taken in the armpit or between two folds of skin on the body.ral temperatures, which are the most convenient type of temperature measurement, is at 37.0 °C. This is the accepted standard temperature for the normal core body temperature. Axillary temperatures are an external measurement taken in the armpit or between two folds of skin on the body." }, { "docid": "4955732", "title": "The Effects of Exercise on Body Temperature", "text": "All of this happens because you're able to lower your body temperature following exercise. If you want to manipulate your body temperature and get the best results from your body during the day and the night, you should consider setting up a regular exercise routine.his is a good thing. On the one hand, raising your body temperature helps you to get rid of toxins that build up in your body. By raising your body temperature and using a lot of energy during exercise, you actually give yourself more energy." }, { "docid": "8485882", "title": "Transdermal Testosterone", "text": "One of the most common causes of fluid retention (if not the most common) is low body temperature. Low body temperature is the common denominator between thyroid and fluid retention." }, { "docid": "445755", "title": "High Fever in Dogs", "text": "The normal body temperature for dogs is between 101 and 102.5 F, compared to 97.6 to 99.6 F for humans. This means your dog may feel feverish to you even when his temperature is completely normal.The word “fever” is typically used to describe elevated body temperature caused by infection or inflammation. temperature of more than 103 F is considered a dog fever. When dogs have high temperatures that are the result of hot external temperatures or excessive exercise in humid conditions, the condition is referred to as hyperthermia or heat stroke. When temperatures reach 106 F, serious and fatal complications can occur." }, { "docid": "7744581", "title": "-", "text": "(November 2011). Underweight is a term describing a person whose body weight is considered too low to be healthy. The definition usually refers to people with a body mass index (BMI) of under 18.5 or a weight 15% to 20% below that normal for their age and height group." }, { "docid": "271001", "title": "Safety Questions and Answers", "text": "The best or most appropriate type of thermometer and where to measure body temperature depends mostly on age. From birth to about six months of age, using a regular digital thermometer to take a rectal (anal) temperature is recommended because it's considered the most accurate." }, { "docid": "8714954", "title": "Summit Medical Group Web Site", "text": "Hypothermia is a dangerously low body temperature. The average normal body temperature is around 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit, or 37 degrees Celsius.If your body temperature drops to just a few degrees lower than this, your blood vessels in your hands, feet, arms, and legs start to get narrower.ypothermia is a dangerously low body temperature. The average normal body temperature is around 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit, or 37 degrees Celsius." }, { "docid": "1237487", "title": "-", "text": "Body temperature may be abnormal due to fever (high temperature) or hypothermia (low temperature). A fever is indicated when body temperature rises about one degree or more over the normal temperature of 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit, according to the American Academy of Family Physicians." }, { "docid": "5132949", "title": "-", "text": "Blood pressure, body temperature, pulse rate, and respiratory rate are the routine vital signs measured in medicine. As infants and children grow and age, their normal values for vital signs change. Body temperature does not change with age, and normal body temperature is considered 98.6 F (37 C).Two tables of normal vital signs for the pediatric population are presented below. Heart rates may be slightly slower when asleep.lood pressure, body temperature, pulse rate, and respiratory rate are the routine vital signs measured in medicine. As infants and children grow and age, their normal values for vital signs change. Body temperature does not change with age, and normal body temperature is considered 98.6 F (37 C)." } ]
what is contractor connection
[ { "docid": "1055207", "title": "-", "text": "Contractor Connection is the only national network of managed contractors vetted and overseen by a robust tracking system measuring time, costs, and customer satisfaction. For more information, please visit www.contractorconnection.com.estimonials. To have a group like Contractor Connection that is credentialing and making sure contractors have the right insurance, the proper protection in place, and that they can do the work, is a real win for our customers. Tim Bowen, Director." } ]
[ { "docid": "2872986", "title": "Verify a Contractor, Tradesperson or Business", "text": "There, you can: 1 Look up subcontractors and tradespeople. 2 Verify a contractor has an active license. 3 Verify a tradesperson is certified. Verify a contractor has an active workers' compensation account that is 1 current. See if the contractor has safety citations or other infractions. Find out if they have any lawsuits against their bond." }, { "docid": "1308370", "title": "Building Official Information Guide", "text": "A B contractor may take a prime contract for any specialty project (even if less than two trades); if the B contractor holds the specialty classification or subcontracts the work to an appropriately licensed specialty contractor." }, { "docid": "3308409", "title": "-", "text": "General contractor overhead and markup for organizing and supervising the Electrical Wiring Installation. Add 15% to 23% to the total cost above if a general contractor will supervise this project." }, { "docid": "80885", "title": "Cx2 Construction Inc", "text": "Find the right local general contractor and get your project started now. Cx2 Construction is a general contractor that provides sunroom construction, exterior remodeling, and kitchen remodeling. They are located in Driftwood. Permalink" }, { "docid": "5841862", "title": "Contract Labor - A Tax Deductible Expense", "text": "Independent Contractor vs. Employee. Contract labor is the use of independent contractors. From a tax perspective, the difference between contract labor, or an independent contractor, and an employee is day and night. A more workable definition of independent contractor status comes from common law principles which focus on method of compensation." }, { "docid": "6674220", "title": "Independent Contractor Status Frequently Asked Questions", "text": "Having an independent contractor agreement is a very important element of establishing an independent contractor relationship with a real estate salesperson, but the existence of an agreement is not enough to avoid misclassification." }, { "docid": "918099", "title": "Workers' Compensation Coverage", "text": "Therefore, any worker performing services for a contractor who is injured on or after October 26, 2010, will be presumed the employee of that contractor for workers' compensation purposes, subject to the independent contractor test contained in the statute." }, { "docid": "7697492", "title": "-", "text": "Cookies on The Couple Connection: The couple connection uses cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. If you continue to use the couple connection, we will assume that you are happy to receive all cookies from this site." }, { "docid": "2762718", "title": "SSIS: Execute SQL task vs Execute T-SQL Statement task", "text": "One problem I found with the Execute T-SQL Statement task: When you create an ADO.NET project connection in the Connection Manager, it will automatically create a package connection that is linked to the project connection and will have a “(project)” prefix." }, { "docid": "6627858", "title": "-", "text": "Applying to be an AAA Towing Contractor. 1 1. Contact your local AAA chapter to request a towing contractor application. 2 2. Submit background checks for you and your employees. 3 3. Wait two weeks to hear back from the AAA about your application. 4. Advertise your AAA towing contractor status on your company website." }, { "docid": "5220439", "title": "Refresh data", "text": "When you refresh a connection, the data and all objects using the connection will be refreshed. To refresh all available connections in the workbook, you pass in an empty connection string or null for the connection name argument." }, { "docid": "1296029", "title": "-", "text": "1 General contractor, organization or individual that contracts with another organization or individual (the owner) for the construction of a building, road or other facility.2 Government contractor, private company which produces goods or services for the government.ontractor may refer to: 1 General contractor, organization or individual that contracts with another organization or individual (the owner) for the construction of a building, road or other facility. 2 Government contractor, private company which produces goods or services for the government." }, { "docid": "6598048", "title": "-", "text": "most general contractors are experienced carpenters a general contractor may be responsible for hiring subcontractors general contractors oversee workers on a project a general contractor is in charge of the entirety of a construction projecto become a general contractor known as a main contractor in europe and a prime contractor by the u s government no degree is technically necessary though a bachelor s degree in construction science is preferred by many larger companies" }, { "docid": "4391081", "title": "-", "text": "Contractor may refer to: 1 General contractor, organization or individual that contracts with another organization or individual (the owner) for the construction of a building, road or other facility. 2 Government contractor, private company which produces goods or services for the government." }, { "docid": "1976927", "title": "-", "text": "Create Oracle Connections. You can create a new connection, or connect to an existing connection from the Create New Connection window. Click here to view a video about creating connections in Toad Data Point. Tip: You can configure Toad Data Point to accept connection information from Toad for Oracle.reate Oracle Connections. You can create a new connection, or connect to an existing connection from the Create New Connection window. Click here to view a video about creating connections in Toad Data Point. Tip: You can configure Toad Data Point to accept connection information from Toad for Oracle." }, { "docid": "1445201", "title": "How to Bid on Commercial Construction Projects", "text": "How to Bid Construction Projects. Knowing how to bid construction jobs makes the difference between success and bankruptcy for a construction contractor. If a contractor does not know how to bid construction jobs, they will have no chance at ever turning a profit." }, { "docid": "7305241", "title": "Subpart 4.1âContract Execution", "text": "The contracting officer normally signs the contract after it has been signed by the contractor. The contracting officer shall ensure that the signer(s) have authority to bind the contractor (see specific requirements in 4.102 of this subpart)." }, { "docid": "733070", "title": "What is IRS definition of an employee vs contract labor?", "text": "Consequences of Treating an Employee as an Independent Contractor. If you classify an employee as an independent contractor and you have no reasonable basis for doing so, you may be held liable for employment taxes for that worker (the relief provisions, discussed below, will not apply)." }, { "docid": "2174649", "title": "How to Obtain a Contractor License", "text": "The Minnesota Contractor Licensing Process: A Step-By-Step Guide. To register, simply call Kaplan at 1-888-523-1020, or order online. *Attendance of this course is not a prerequisite to take the MN Residential Contractor Exam. The exam you will be registering for is the MN Residential Contractor Exam." }, { "docid": "6404206", "title": "-", "text": "11) Contractor’s Declarations: Contractor agrees to and makes the following declarations (initial each in the space provided): 11.1) Contractor is an independent contractor. Contractor has not previously been employed by Client, and Contractor is not an agent or employee of Client." }, { "docid": "5488293", "title": "Worked as an 'independent contractor' but no 1099-Misc issued. How should I report the income?", "text": "Independent contractor. An independent contractor is a natural person, business, or corporation that provides goods or services to another entity under terms specified in a contract or within a verbal agreement." }, { "docid": "733071", "title": "independent contractor", "text": "1 A worker who performs for more than one firm at a time is generally an independent contractor. If a worker makes his or her services available to the general public on a regular and consistent basis, that worker is generally an independent contractor." }, { "docid": "7793050", "title": "What is the difference between a supplier and subcontractor in procurement of goods or works? Is the subcontractor accountable to the Purchaser?", "text": "In the context of procurement carried out by the several international organizations, the difference between and supplier/contractor and sub-contractor is as follows: The purchaser issues the Purchase Order or Contract to one specific supplier/ contractor (main) only for certain jobs or supply works." }, { "docid": "6898869", "title": "Subcontractor", "text": "One who takes a portion of a contract from the principal contractor or from another subcontractor. When an individual or a company is involved in a large-scale project, a contractor is often hired to see that the work is done." }, { "docid": "5033218", "title": "-", "text": "1 General contractor overhead and markup for organizing and supervising the Concrete Pool Deck Installation. 2 Add 15% to 23% to the total cost above if a general contractor will supervise this project. 3 Sales tax on materials and supplies. General contractor overhead and markup for organizing and supervising the Concrete Pool Deck Installation. 2 Add 15% to 23% to the total cost above if a general contractor will supervise this project. 3 Sales tax on materials and supplies." }, { "docid": "593730", "title": "How Much Does a General Contractor Cost?", "text": "It will cost $300 to $400 per day to hire a general contractor. Many times, a general contractor will also be a carpenter and do a lot of the work that needs to be done. That is a great help and cost savings to the project." }, { "docid": "8464300", "title": "-", "text": "How much should a contractor pay a subcontractor? A long-time employee has decided to make consulting his profession, and he's not sure what kind of cut a prime contractor should take from the bill before paying the subcontractor. Here's our advice. A long-time employee has decided to make consulting his profession, and he's not sure what kind of cut a prime contractor should take from the bill before paying the subcontractor." }, { "docid": "4833513", "title": "Subcontractor", "text": "n. a person or business which has a contract (as an independent contractor and not an employee) with a contractor to provide some portion of the work or services on a project which the contractor has agreed to perform." }, { "docid": "1433644", "title": "-", "text": "Jurisdiction E - Medicare Part B. Contractor Medical Director (CMD) Contact. The Contractor Medical Director (CMD) is a physician with expertise in Medicine and Medicare who works collaboratively with all contractor teams." }, { "docid": "5592659", "title": "How To: Deal With an Age Difference", "text": "A strong connection is what keeps relationships going. With an age difference, you should make sure the connection is there early on and that both people feel it. A solely physical connection won't cut it. Make sure you each can understand where the other is in life." } ]