what does lameness mean
[ { "docid": "1987980", "title": "LAMENESS", "text": "Hypernyms (lameness is a kind of...): disability of walking (a disability that interferes with or prevents walking) Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of lameness): intermittent claudication (lameness due to pain in leg muscles because the blood supply is inadequate; pain subsides with rest)" } ]
[ { "docid": "5667546", "title": "rheumatoid arthritis", "text": "Because rheumatoid arthritis is a systemic disease, there is involvement of connective tissues other than those in the musculoskeletal system. Degenerative lesions may be found in the collagen in the lungs, heart, blood vessels, and pleura.alled also big-knee. See also caprine arthritis-encephalitis. rheumatoid arthritis (RA). a chronic, autoimmune disease of dogs that causes swelling and lameness in joints, often accompanied by systemic signs of fever, malaise and lymphadenopathy." }, { "docid": "972753", "title": "Horse Hoof Abscesses: Symptoms, Treatment, and Prevention", "text": "Symptoms can range from no symptoms to complete lameness. I have had both situations with Nan. When she has an abscess in her rear hoof, I never know until the abscess blows out. However, in her front hoof the abscesses get to a point where she is so lame that she has all of the following symptoms:" }, { "docid": "4509306", "title": "-", "text": "The Iron Ration George Abel Schreiner. The inefficiency and ineptness of the Secretary of State have been a reproach to the country. New York Times Current History; The European War, Vol 2, No. 4, July, 1915 Various. Their lameness and ineptness and impotence plainly arose from disinclination alone." }, { "docid": "3478736", "title": "-", "text": "LAMINITIS Laminitis is a common but still incompletely understood condition which causes varying degrees of foot pain, from the slightly pottery pony to severe life-threatening lameness.Owners often underestimate its potential to cause long term unsoundness.AMINITIS Laminitis is a common but still incompletely understood condition which causes varying degrees of foot pain, from the slightly pottery pony to severe life-threatening lameness." }, { "docid": "3795285", "title": "Lameness in Dogs", "text": "Lameness in Dogs. Lameness is a clinical sign of a more severe disorder that results in a disturbance in the gait and the ability to move the body about, typically in response to pain, injury, or abnormal anatomy.The ‘Spero’ harness is designed in such a way that you take some of the weight off your dog.ameness in Dogs. Lameness is a clinical sign of a more severe disorder that results in a disturbance in the gait and the ability to move the body about, typically in response to pain, injury, or abnormal anatomy. The ‘Spero’ harness is designed in such a way that you take some of the weight off your dog." }, { "docid": "6206472", "title": "Canine Tick-Borne Disease", "text": "Major tick-borne diseases transmitted to dogs in the United States include: • Lyme disease, which comes from the deer tick, can cause stiffness, lameness, swollen joints, loss of appetite, fever and fatigue. Your dog may not show signs of the disease until several months after infected. Lyme disease, which comes from the deer tick, can cause stiffness, lameness, swollen joints, loss of appetite, fever and fatigue. Your dog may not show signs of the disease until several months after infected." }, { "docid": "3106075", "title": "What causes dog lameness in hind legs?", "text": "Common causes for lameness in the hind legs include the following: -Trauma, such as fractures or luxations -Congenital or inherited conditions, including hip dysplasia , patellar luxation , or forelimb deformity -Conditions such as Osteochondrosis , Osteodystrophy , or Polymyositis -Infectious diseases such as septic arthritis , bacterial infections ..." }, { "docid": "6290312", "title": "Caution Is Urged on Lyme Disease Vaccinations for Dogs", "text": "A shield to protect humans against Lyme disease is not at hand, but a vaccine to protect dogs became available last summer. Hundreds of thousands of worried dog owners around the country have already flocked to their veterinarians to obtain it.pread to dogs, as to humans, by infected deer ticks, Lyme disease may cause fever, lethargy, loss of appetite, painful joints and lameness. Symptoms may not appear for weeks or months, and many infected animals do not become ill." }, { "docid": "2255374", "title": "Symptoms of Hip Dysplasia in Dogs", "text": "Symptoms of Hip Dysplasia in Dogs – What the Owner Sees It is important for owners to recognize the symptoms of hip dysplasia so that management and treatment options can be pursued as quickly as possible. 1 Unfortunately, this is not always easy, because hip dysplasia can mimic a number of other degenerative musculoskeletal disorders. Owners of dogs with hip dysplasia may notice one or more of the following signs: Hind limb lameness or limping in one or both hind legs; Abnormal “bunny-hopping” gait; Weakness in one or both hind legs; Pain in the hip and pelvis area when touched, manipulated or stretched" }, { "docid": "1075647", "title": "Lexic.us", "text": "Medical Definition of Windpuffs. 1. An affliction of horses marked by a collection of synovial fluid between the tendons of the legs, particularly just above the fetlock joint, the prominence appearing on both sides of the tendon; most common in hard-worked animals and may end in lameness. (05 Mar 2000)" }, { "docid": "5242425", "title": "What should you feed a German Shepherd puppy?", "text": "YO German Shepherds are a large breed dog. If fed a diet that is too rich for their stage of development they may develop panosteitis (wandering leg lameness, also known as growing pains). At about six months of age, Shepherd puppies should be switched from a growth formula (puppy food) to a quality adult diet unless a vet says otherwise. Feed the highest quality of dog food you can afford. Start out by feeding the amount recommended on the food bag for your puppy's weight." }, { "docid": "4108581", "title": "Five common causes of equine lameness", "text": "Injuries to any part of the musculoskeletal system can result in lameness with tendon injuries being rather common in horses. Lacerated or ruptured tendons can occur in the legs and the feet usually from a deep cut, a fall, a kick from another horse, or damage caused by striking a stationary object." }, { "docid": "6977801", "title": "Canine Dermatomyositis", "text": "Myositis is a feature of the disease and its severity correlates with the severity of the skin lesions. There is commonly temporal and masseter muscle atrophy. Severely affected dogs may present with dysphagia, may have growth retardation, megaoesophagus, lameness and widespread muscle atrophy." }, { "docid": "5522443", "title": "-", "text": "Infections in a horse's digestive tract or lungs can also travel to a joint through the blood. Septic arthritis usually produces severe lameness and swelling of the joint. When fluid from the joint is obtained and examined, it is cloudy and contaminated. In foals, the infection often inflames the bone and bone marrow." }, { "docid": "7312988", "title": "-", "text": "hoof lameness. lameness due to pain in the hoof; detected by tapping with a hammer or pinching with a hoof tester. hoof oil. a mixture of 20 parts neat's-foot oil and 1 part Stockholm tar; used to prevent a horse's hooves from becoming dry and brittle." }, { "docid": "244846", "title": "CCL Injuries in Dogs", "text": "In this article. If your dog goes lame in one of his hind legs, he may have torn or ruptured his cranial cruciate ligament, or CCL – similar to the ACL in humans. This ligament connects the back of the femur (the bone above the knee) with the front of the tibia (the bone below the knee).CL injuries in dogs are one of the most commonly seen orthopedic problems. Depending on the severity of the CCL injury, a dog’s symptoms might range from having a hint of lameness to being unable to bear weight on the injured leg. A dog with an CCL injury may also have swelling on the inside of the knee." }, { "docid": "7843124", "title": "Equine Arthritis", "text": "A veterinarian offers guidance on how to manage and prevent arthritis in your horse. By Janice Posnikoff, DVM | June 2010 Extra. Tweet. Equine arthritis, otherwise known as degenerative joint disease, is the most common cause of lameness in horses. While older horses are often affected, arthritis can strike at an early age, too, altering a promising career path. Let’s look at what arthritis is and how to deal with it." }, { "docid": "3897641", "title": "rBGH", "text": "Sold to dairy farmers under the trade name Posilac (formerly owned by Monsnato, now owned by Eli Lilly), injection of this hormone forces cows to boost milk production by about 10%, while increasing mastitis, lameness, and reproductive complications." }, { "docid": "5906263", "title": "Puppies for Sale", "text": "The Shih Tzu has a lifespan of 11-14 years. Common health problems are liver shunt (a congenital circulatory disease), renal dysplasia (symptoms include bone fractures and rubber jaw), eye problems, and in larger dogs, hip dysplasia (malformed hip joint which can cause lameness or arthritis)." }, { "docid": "1075649", "title": "Leg Problems Most Prevalent in Horses: Bone Spavin, Bog Spavin, Bowed Tendons, Tendon Sheath Effusion, Capped Hocks, Capped Knees, Knee Spavin, Osselets, Shin Splints or Bucked Shins, Speedy Cut (aka brush, cut down, grab a quarter), Sprained Suspensory Ligament, Stocking, Thoroughpin Bursal, Wind Puffs or Wind Galls", "text": "Bone Spavin - Bone spavin is a bony growth within the lower hock joint. It is caused by osteoarthritis. The degree of lameness that results can be serious enough to end a horse's competitive career. Bone spavin is osteoarthritis, or the final phase of degenerative joint disease (DJD), in the lower three hock joints." }, { "docid": "3478733", "title": "-", "text": "Laminitis is inflammation of the laminae, the velcro-like connections between the pedal/coffin bone and the hoof, causing pain and lameness.aminitis is inflammation of the laminae, the velcro-like connections between the pedal/coffin bone and the hoof, causing pain and lameness." }, { "docid": "5375385", "title": "Bacterial Infection (Mycoplasma, Ureaplasma, Acoleplasma) in Cats", "text": "Symptoms and Types. Symptoms of mycoplasmosis includes simultaneous inflammation of several joints (known as polyarthritis), such as the knees, ankles, hips, or shoulders, and inflammation of tendon sheaths. Long-term lameness, difficulty moving, fever, and general signs of discomfort are some of the typical signs." }, { "docid": "721947", "title": "-", "text": "We firmly believe that Cartrophen Vet is the first drug of choice in the treatment of osteoarthritis. This leaves the door open for NSAIDs to be used when they are really necessary-to quell bouts of acute pain. With its unparalleled safety profile, Cartrophen Vet is a vital component in keeping old dogs active.ery active dogs such as working dogs (military, sporting) frequently suffer sprains and injuries to the musculoskeletal system. Dogs also suffer from hip dysplasia and other joint related lameness and osteoarthritis." }, { "docid": "635489", "title": "-", "text": "Typical symptoms of Lyme disease in dogs include: 1 Fever. 2 Loss of appetite. 3 Reduced energy. Lameness (can be shifting, intermittent, and 1 recurring) Generalized stiffness, discomfort, or pain. Swelling of joints." }, { "docid": "1178995", "title": "How to Recognize and Treat Lyme Disease Dog Bacterial Infections", "text": "How to Recognize and Treat Lyme Disease Dog Bacterial Infections. Cases of Lyme disease dog bacterial infections are caused by infected ticks that attach to a dog for at least 24 hours and as long as several days while feeding. The disease causes symptoms such as joint inflammation (polyarthritis). The bitten dog limb is the first to show symptoms such as as lameness or limping." }, { "docid": "8178925", "title": "-", "text": "Basically foot pain which equals lameness nearly always bilateral eventually even if starts on one side. Navicular is not one disease - its a series of different conditions that affect the same area of the foot and cause heel pain, so nowadays should be called palmar foot pain syndrome rather than navicular." }, { "docid": "7017853", "title": "INTERMITTENT CLAUDICATION", "text": "Nouns denoting stable states of affairs. Hypernyms (intermittent claudication is a kind of...): claudication; gameness; gimp; gimpiness; lameness; limping (disability of walking due to crippling of the legs or feet)" }, { "docid": "6051501", "title": "Phenylbutazone", "text": "Phenylbutazone is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) frequently prescribed for lameness, musculosketetal pain, muscle soreness, bone and joint problems, and laminitis. As one of the most commonly prescribed medications for many musculoskeletel problems, it is often less expensive than other NSAIDs and is well tolerated by most horses." }, { "docid": "1987977", "title": "What Is Horse Lameness?", "text": "Horse lameness can be caused by anything that affects nerves, muscles, joints (tendons, ligaments, bone), and hooves. Among the causes are repetitive injury, founder (or laminitis), infection, protozoa (a tiny parasite), poor conformation, tooth problems, obesity, and poor nutrition." }, { "docid": "3417793", "title": "Metacam", "text": "This product requires a prescription. Metacam is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) that provides relief to dogs suffering from osteoarthritis, arthritis, lameness, pain, and inflammation as a result of acute and chronic musculoskeletal disorders like disco-spondylosis, arthropathy and soft tissue injuries." } ]
what does mcat cover
[ { "docid": "1069543", "title": "-", "text": "The MCAT is a 7 1/2 hour exam that consists of four sections: Physical Sciences, Verbal Reasoning, Biological Sciences, and a Writing Sample. More about the MCAT Tests:he MCAT is a 7 1/2 hour exam that consists of four sections: Physical Sciences, Verbal Reasoning, Biological Sciences, and a Writing Sample. More about the MCAT Tests:" } ]
[ { "docid": "783935", "title": "-", "text": "1 Prepare for and take the MCAT. 2 Accredited medical schools require applicants to take the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT). 3 Students are evaluated on their knowledge of physical science and biology, cognitive skills and verbal reasoning skills." }, { "docid": "118302", "title": "Spa/Hot Tub Cover Measuring Tips", "text": "Spa/Hot Tub Cover Measuring Tips. When measuring your spa for a new spa/hot tub cover, there is one important thing to remember: IT HAS TO BE LARGE ENOUGH TO FIT! We can make you a cover in one of two styles. The most popular style is to cover only the acrylic shell. (measurement C in the below diagram)." }, { "docid": "5280520", "title": "10 Ways You Can Get a Higher MCAT Score", "text": "2) Make a study schedule and stick to it. Allow yourself three to six hours of study time every day for three to six months. Ask yourself which subjects you find most difficult or the least interesting. Then, start your study schedule by studying those subjects. 3) Purchase or borrow an MCAT prep book and videos." }, { "docid": "6970779", "title": "College Requirements for Psychiatrists", "text": "Knowledge of mathematics through pre-calculus is necessary for the MCAT, although almost all medical schools require calculus for admission. A statistics class is often required of students before admittance as well, as it deals with the basic collection and interpretation of data." }, { "docid": "4102324", "title": "Boat seats", "text": "Replacing a vinyl boat seat cover can be a simple project for an afternoon. If you plan to do the job yourself, your pattern for the new seat cover will be the old seat cover and the process requires few tools." }, { "docid": "3939708", "title": "How to Become a Fertility Specialist", "text": "Step by Step Educational Path of a Cardiologist. 1 Earn a bachelor’s degree. 2 Take the Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT). 3 Apply to medical school. Take part in a residency 1 program. Obtain a fellowship program." }, { "docid": "1677523", "title": "The Application Process: Why Apply Early", "text": "Early MCAT (by May 1). You should take the MCAT by May 1 so you can get your scores back by June 1 at the latest, which is about the first day you can submit your AMCAS medical school application. The exact date may vary each year, but should be sometime in the first week of June.ou should take the MCAT by May 1 so you can get your scores back by June 1 at the latest, which is about the first day you can submit your AMCAS medical school application. The exact date may vary each year, but should be sometime in the first week of June." }, { "docid": "1964776", "title": "-", "text": "The median MCAT score of incoming first-year students at this medical school. The MCAT is a standardized examination required for admission to most medical schools in the United States and Canada. The median GPA of incoming freshmen at this university. The areas of concentration offered at this school." }, { "docid": "2128820", "title": "Does Original Medicare cover dentures?", "text": "In general, Medicare does not cover any routine dental care, including cleanings or check-ups, and never pays for dentures. It may cover the cost of teeth extraction before a procedure or preparation of the mouth for dentures, but will not cover the cost of dentures after the procedure.t may cover the cost of teeth extraction before a procedure or preparation of the mouth for dentures, but will not cover the cost of dentures after the procedure." }, { "docid": "6003492", "title": "Hospital Volunteer vs Community Volunteer â Key Reasons for Volunteering for your AMCAS Application", "text": "1 Medical schools do not only look at your GPA and MCAT scores; they look at everything that goes into your application including your extracurricular activities and prior work experience. ( 2 You do still need good GPA and MCAT scores to get your application on the desk of the admissions committee though!)." }, { "docid": "3157104", "title": "Prospective Students Frequently Asked Questions", "text": "Part of your AMCAS application will include the selection of all the medical schools to which you wish to apply. If you select Emory as one of your choices, AMCAS will send your verified information to us. For the 2015-16 Application Cycle, Emory will prescreen for minimum MCAT scores." }, { "docid": "7203168", "title": "-", "text": "Leading and lagging strands in DNA replication | MCAT | Khan Academy - Duration: 10:19. Khan Academy 255,258 views" }, { "docid": "4667161", "title": "-", "text": "Free MCAT practice test by Gold Standard includes: 1 One abbreviated FREE MCAT practice test by Gold Standard (GS) with online interface like the real exam (approx. 1/3 of a full-length test). 2 100% online with instant access." }, { "docid": "5971320", "title": "What do I include in my cover letter heading?", "text": "Summary: Writing Your Cover Letter is a series of short documents that walks you through the creation of a cover letter. Here you can see the information in the Quick Tips for Cover Letters and Preparing to Write a Cover Letter pages put to use.This page guides you through adapting your experiences to the content in your cover letter and its different sections. Contributors: Angie Olson, Allen Brizee.he following are additional Purdue OWL resources to help you write your cover letter: 1 Cover Letter Workshop-Formatting and Organization. 2 Example Employment Documents. 3 Cover Letters 1: Quick Tips. 4 Cover Letters 2: Preparing to Write a Cover Letter." }, { "docid": "2377500", "title": "Johnny orlando", "text": "John Legend - All Of Me (Johnny Orlando Cover) Thanks for checking out my new cover of John Legend's All Of Me!. I LOVE this song, and love to play it on the piano, so i decided to make a cover of it for..." }, { "docid": "6010904", "title": "How many times can you take the Mcat?", "text": "Also you don't need to take the MCAT after your sophomore year. That is really early. You can take it after junior year or in the early fall of your senior year. Do not take orgo, physics and bio all in one semester." }, { "docid": "3409637", "title": "How to Write an Essay Cover Page", "text": "A cover page is usually not required for all personal essays, but academic essays usually need a cover page. Though APA and MLA format cover pages differ significantly, a typical essay cover page will contain author’s name, as well as due date of the essay. A topic of the essay is a must as well as the name of the course it is submitted to." }, { "docid": "6609017", "title": "UNIT 2 KIN199", "text": "-BOTH: take MCAT, require 4 year of medical school, do residency programs (3-7 years), can go into the same specialties. -DO(doctor of osteopathic medicine): extra training in musculoskeletal system, trained to perform osteopathic manipulations, look at whole body, not just treat individual symptoms." }, { "docid": "5923493", "title": "A Step-by-Step Guide to the Job Application Process", "text": "A cover letter may be required as part of the job application process. If it's optional, I recommend including a cover letter because it's the best way to pitch your case for an interview. Here's how to write a cover letter and what to include in your cover letter, plus cover letter examples and templates." }, { "docid": "1750992", "title": "-", "text": "Since obstetrics and gynecology are medical specialties, future OB/GYN doctors will need both undergraduate (Bachelor’s) and medical school degrees. Medical school admissions officers are looking for excellent grades, volunteer work, research experience and high marks on the MCAT (Medical College Admission Test)." }, { "docid": "7826368", "title": "-", "text": "Mulch Cover John Deere New 42 in. Mulch Cover John Deere Provide your riding lawnmower with the ability to mulch with the John Deere 42 in. Mulch Cover. This cover is constructed from an impact-resistant material for long-lasting use and a..." }, { "docid": "3168619", "title": "National Medical Admission Test (Philippines)", "text": "National Medical Admission Test (Philippines) The National Medical Admission Test (NMAT) is a nationwide examination required for the entrance to any medical school in the Philippines. It is sometimes considered as equivalent to the MCAT, which is held in the United States. The test consists of Part I and Part II." }, { "docid": "7636538", "title": "-", "text": "You have to major in a bachelors program before even considering med school. Once you receive that degree you take the mcat and then you go to med school. Per med is simply a degree program that focuses on medical classes and science based classes.Unless its a major university, you won’t have a pre med program. Majoring in a science major will be best.ou just need to take the necessary classes. So a “pre-med” school doesn’t exist, just go to a respectable college and do well in your classes, get a high MCAT score, and apply to med school (: February 8, 2012 at 10:53 am. hey my name is tekeisha and i want to be an anesthesiologist." }, { "docid": "7791600", "title": "What is the MCAT and why is it important?", "text": "Learn more about your MCAT score. How much does the MCAT cost? It costs $310 to take the MCAT (and $365 for late registration 1–2 weeks before your test date). This initial registration fee includes the distribution of your MCAT scores to medical schools. Be aware that there are additional fees for cancelling or rescheduling the test." }, { "docid": "7776462", "title": "-", "text": "The Basic Cover. The minimum Marine Corps League uniform is the Basic Cover. While wearing the. Basic Cover, you are considered in uniform. and under arms. In an opinion given by the National Chaplain, Ora Fultz, It is worn indoors and out at. all times, even in church. The cover is removed only." }, { "docid": "6092162", "title": "cover", "text": "She placed a cover over the pan so that the oil wouldn't spatter. I put a cover on the sofa to protect it. There's a picture of the author on the book's back cover." }, { "docid": "4618764", "title": "Admissions", "text": "Medical Master's Program. Prospects must have completed an undergraduate program with a grade point average of 2.75 (B-), have a MCAT score of at least 27 and two semesters of prerequisite science courses with labs. 1 Admissions Requirements »." }, { "docid": "8641546", "title": "I want to become a general (family) doctor. How many years of college do I need?", "text": "The sections of the MCAT are similar to the required coursework: physical sciences (physics and inorganic chemistry), biological sciences (biology and organic chemistry), verbal, and a writing sample. It has been estimated that 70-80% of all medical school applicants have taken an MCAT test prep course." }, { "docid": "1141290", "title": "60+ Cover Letter Examples", "text": "Email Cover Letter Examples. 8 sample cover emails. Email cover letters are now one of the most common types of cover letters. Your cover email has to be good if you want the recruiter or manager to download and read your attached resume." }, { "docid": "8269965", "title": "-", "text": "In order to become a licensed professional counselor, licensed clinical social worker or a psychiatric nurse, you will need to complete two to three years of training in a master’s degree program.epending on what type of therapist you plan to become, you may need to take a standardized exam during your junior year, such as the Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT) or Graduate Record Examination (GRE)." } ]
what does metonym mean
[ { "docid": "6187146", "title": "What Is a Metonym? (with Examples)", "text": "A metonym is a word used in place of a closely related word.A metonym is a form of figurative language. Metonyms closely resemble metaphors, but the thing being represented by a metonym will be a close match. A metonym is often an attribute or a component part of the thing being represented. metonym is a word used in place of a closely related word." } ]
[ { "docid": "1921323", "title": "White House", "text": "The White House is the official residence and workplace of the President of the United States. It is located at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW in Washington, D.C., and has been the residence of every U.S. president since John Adams in 1800. The term White House is often used as a metonym for the president and his advisers, as in The White House announced that.... The residence was designed by Irish-born architect James Hoban in the neoclassical style. Construction took place between 1792 and 1800 using Aquia Creek sandstone painted white." }, { "docid": "2397331", "title": "-", "text": "Thesaurus gives analogue as the definition for synonym and equivalent and metonym as synonyms. BUT, technically. Poecilonym is the use of different words to refer to the same thing, in literary texts usually known as 'elegant variation'." }, { "docid": "1465166", "title": "-", "text": "synonyms. 1. a word having the same or nearly the same meaning asanother in the language, as joyful, elated, glad. 2. a word or expression accepted as another name forsomething, as Arcadia for pastoral simplicity; metonym." }, { "docid": "6935752", "title": "Scotland Yard", "text": "The famous revolving sign outside the current New Scotland Yard building, located in Victoria, London. Scotland Yard (officially New Scotland Yard) is a metonym for the headquarters of the Metropolitan Police Service, the territorial police force responsible for policing most of London.he famous revolving sign outside the current New Scotland Yard building, located in Victoria, London. Scotland Yard (officially New Scotland Yard) is a metonym for the headquarters of the Metropolitan Police Service, the territorial police force responsible for policing most of London." }, { "docid": "6187145", "title": "-", "text": "The words metonymy and metonym come from the Greek: μετωνυμία, metōnymia, metōnymía a change of, name from, μετά, meta, metá after -beyond, -and, ωνυμία ōnymia ōnymía a suffix used to name, figures of, speech from ὄνῠμα, onyma, ónyma. Or ὄνομα, . onoma ónoma name for instanceetonymy (/mɨˈtɒnɨmi/ mi-TONN-ə-mee) is a figure of speech in which a thing or concept is called not by its own name but rather by the name of something associated in meaning with that thing or concept." }, { "docid": "2327374", "title": "White House", "text": "The White House is the official residence and workplace of the President of the United States. It is located at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW in Washington, D.C., and has been the residence of every U.S. president since John Adams in 1800. The term White House is often used as a metonym for the president and his advisers, as in The White House announced that.... The residence was designed by Irish-born architect James Hoban in the neoclassical style. Construction took place between 1792 and 1800" }, { "docid": "3877948", "title": "synonym", "text": "synonym. 1 a word having the same or nearly the same meaning as another in the language, as happy, joyful, elated. A dictionary of synonyms and antonyms (or opposites), such as Thesaurus.com, is called a thesaurus. 2. a word or expression accepted as another name for something, as Arcadia for pastoral simplicity or Wall Street for U.S. financial markets; metonym." }, { "docid": "6637176", "title": "White House", "text": "The term White House is often used as a metonym for the Executive Office of the President of the United States and for the president's administration and advisers in general, as in . The White House has decided that.... . The property is a National Heritage Site owned by the National Park Service and is part of the President's Park." }, { "docid": "6672148", "title": "Girl", "text": "The English word girl first appeared during the Middle Ages between 1250 and 1300 CE and came from the Anglo-Saxon word gerle (also spelled girle or gurle). The Anglo-Saxon word gerela meaning dress or clothing item also seems to have been used as a metonym in some sense." }, { "docid": "6187150", "title": "-", "text": "For example, Washington is a metonym for the US government. Example sentences. 1 In such cases, verisimilitude takes over motivation, because each word of that story will expatiate on or repeat the nuclear word that begets it, for each such word is also a metonym of that nucleus.or example, Washington is a metonym for the US government. Example sentences. 1 In such cases, verisimilitude takes over motivation, because each word of that story will expatiate on or repeat the nuclear word that begets it, for each such word is also a metonym of that nucleus." }, { "docid": "3455883", "title": "Why is capitol hill called the hill?", "text": "Answers. 1 It is referred to as The Hill as a nickname. 2 Capitol Hill is a hill in Washington, D.C., on which the United States Capitol building sits. 3 Capitol Hill is a metonym for the United States Congress. As a geographic feature, Capitol Hill rises in the center of the District of Columbia and extends eastward." }, { "docid": "1341647", "title": "Tongue", "text": "The tongue can be used as a metonym for language, as in the phrase mother tongue. Many languages have the same word for tongue and language . A common temporary failure in word retrieval from memory is referred to as the tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon." }, { "docid": "3119729", "title": "Brand", "text": "The word brand is often used as a metonym referring to the company that is strongly identified with a brand. Marque or make are often used to denote a brand of motor vehicle, which may be distinguished from a car model. brand (or marque for car model) is a name, term, design, symbol or other feature that distinguishes one seller's product from those of others." }, { "docid": "2960461", "title": "-", "text": "The word brand is often used as a metonym referring to the company that is strongly identified with a brand. Marque or make are often used to denote a brand of motor vehicle, which may be distinguished from a car model. brandnomer is a brand name that has colloquially become a generic term for a product or service, such as Band-Aid, Nylon, or Kleenex —which are often used to describe any brand of adhesive bandage; any type of hosiery; or any brand of facial tissue respectively." }, { "docid": "3455884", "title": "Why is capitol hill called the hill?", "text": "It is referred to as The Hill as a nickname. It is the main 'Hill in the U.S. as it has the main government buildings. ! Capitol Hill is a hill in Washington, D.C., on which the United States Capitol building sits. No word on where the slang started. Capitol Hill is a metonym for the United States Congress. It is a figure of speech." }, { "docid": "1954460", "title": "Das Erste", "text": "Since 1996, the official brand is Das Erste, the full name Erstes Deutsches Fernsehen is only used occasionally and not part of the station's corporate identity. In colloquial speech, the station is usually called Erstes Programm (First Channel), or by its metonym, ARD." }, { "docid": "1314870", "title": "synonym", "text": "1. a word having the same or nearly the same meaning as another in the language, as joyful in relation to elated and glad. 2. a word or expression accepted as another name for something, as Arcadia for pastoral simplicity; metonym." }, { "docid": "1465167", "title": "-", "text": "1. a word having the same or nearly the same meaning asanother in the language, as joyful, elated, glad. 2. a word or expression accepted as another name forsomething, as Arcadia for pastoral simplicity; metonym. 3. Biology. one of two or more scientific names applied to asingle taxon." }, { "docid": "3171891", "title": "Iron Throne ( A Song of Ice and Fire)", "text": "It’s a very large set, but it’s not large enough. The Iron Throne is a metonym for the fictional monarchy of Westeros as well as the physical throne of its monarch in the A Song of Ice and Fire series of fantasy novels by George R. R. Martin." }, { "docid": "2629879", "title": "Capitol Hill", "text": "Capitol Hill, in addition to being a metonym for the United States Congress, is the largest historic residential neighborhood in Washington, D.C. , stretching easterly in front of the United States Capitol along wide avenues.t is one of the oldest residential neighborhoods in Washington, D.C. , and with roughly 35,000 people in just under 2 square miles (5 km 2), it is also one of the most densely populated. As a geographic feature, Capitol Hill rises near the center of the District of Columbia and extends eastward." }, { "docid": "8231465", "title": "Thread: Hallways", "text": "Definition of synonym. 1 : one of two or more words or expressions of the same language that have the same or nearly the same meaning in some or all senses. 2a : a word or phrase that by association is held to embody something (such as a concept or quality) a tyrant whose name has become a synonym for oppressionb : metonym." }, { "docid": "4544659", "title": "Dodger Stadium", "text": "Dodger Stadium, occasionally called by the metonym Chavez Ravine, is a baseball park located in the Elysian Park neighborhood of Los Angeles, the home field of the Los Angeles Dodgers, the city's Major League Baseball (MLB) franchise." }, { "docid": "7509662", "title": "The Irish Times", "text": "The Irish Times is an Irish daily broadsheet newspaper launched on 29 March 1859. The editor is Kevin O'Sullivan who succeeded Geraldine Kennedy in 2011; the deputy editor is Denis Staunton. The Irish Times is published every day except Sundays.It employs 420 people. Though formed as a Protestant nationalist paper, within two decades and under new owners it had become the voice of Irish unionism.n 1895, the paper moved from its original offices on Middle Abbey Street to D'Olier Street in the centre of Dublin. D'Olier Street became a metonym of The Irish Times which in turn was personified as The Old Lady of D'Olier Street." }, { "docid": "5745894", "title": "-", "text": "MC stands for Motorcycle Club. All members of HAMC World ride motorcycles. 81 is a metonym. It stands for the 8th letter of the alphabet which is an H, and the 1st letter of the alphabet which is an A, HA = Hells Angels." }, { "docid": "2595173", "title": "Headquarters of the United Nations", "text": "Its borders are First Avenue on the west, East 42nd Street to the south, East 48th Street on the north and the East River to the east. The term Turtle Bay is occasionally used as a metonym for the UN headquarters or for the United Nations as a whole." }, { "docid": "2788452", "title": "Baseball field", "text": "A baseball field, also called a ball field or a baseball diamond, is the field upon which the game of baseball is played. The term is also used as a metonym for baseball park." }, { "docid": "3225780", "title": "Definitions &Translations", "text": "Definitions for Wiglaf. Here are all the possible meanings and translations of the word Wiglaf. Freebase(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Wiglaf is a character in the Anglo-Saxon epic poem Beowulf. He is the son of Weohstan, a Swede of the Wægmunding clan who had entered the service of Beowulf, king of the Geats. Wiglaf is called Scylfing as a metonym for Swede, as the Scylfings were the ruling Swedish clan." }, { "docid": "1912485", "title": "-", "text": "Area codes 305 and 786. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Area code 305 is the area code for all of Miami, Florida, Miami-Dade County, and the part of Monroe County in the Florida Keys in the United States.The mainland portion of Monroe County is served by area code 239. Area code 305 became overlaid by area code 786 in 1998.The area code 305 is commonly used as a metonym for Miami.he mainland portion of Monroe County is served by area code 239. Area code 305 became overlaid by area code 786 in 1998. The area code 305 is commonly used as a metonym for Miami." }, { "docid": "855174", "title": "-", "text": "The bar (with swinging gate doors) in an American courtroom that separates the judge 's bench and lawyers ' tables from the public viewing area in the foreground. The term bar is also a metonym used to collectively define the group of licensed lawyers in a given jurisdiction. Bar in a legal context has three possible meanings: the physical division of a courtroom between its working and public areas; the process of qualifying to practice law; and the legal profession." }, { "docid": "6187144", "title": "METONYM", "text": "The noun METONYM has 1 sense: 1. a word that is used metonymically; a word that denotes one thing but refers to a related thing. Familiarity information: METONYM used as a noun is very rare.he noun METONYM has 1 sense: 1. a word that is used metonymically; a word that denotes one thing but refers to a related thing. Familiarity information: METONYM used as a noun is very rare." } ]
what does mmrc stand for
[ { "docid": "5895352", "title": "-", "text": "The Modified Medical Research Council Dyspnea Scale, or MMRC, uses a simple grading system to assess a patient's level of dyspnea -- shortness of breath. This scale doesn't define the sensation of breathlessness per se, but rather the degree of disability that such breathlessness poses on day-to-day activities." } ]
[ { "docid": "4132616", "title": "American Idol (season 10)", "text": "I put a spell on you because you're mine. You better stop the things that you do. I ain't lyin', no, I ain't lyin'. I just can't stand it babe. The way you're always runnin' 'round. I just can't stand it, the way you always put me down. I put a spell on you because you're mine. I put a spell on you." }, { "docid": "5395999", "title": "-", "text": "KitchenAid Ultra Power Stand Mixer KSM95ER ($299.99) KitchenAid Ultra Power Stand Mixer KSM95ER ($299.99) If you're looking for a somewhat smaller stand mixer that's not overly pricey, this excellent performer is the model for you (kitchenaid.com)." }, { "docid": "3015018", "title": "-", "text": "Power Grades: 0 – no movement, 1 – flicker of contraction, 2 – movement if gravity eliminated, 3 – can overcome gravity but not resistance, 4 – moderate movement against resistance, 5 – normal power. Quick screening test: Squat & stand again (L3/4), stand on heels (L4/5), stand on toes (S1/2)." }, { "docid": "6390031", "title": "Definitions &Translations", "text": "Straddle(verb) to part the legs wide; to stand or to walk with the legs far apart. Straddle(verb) to stand with the ends staggered; -- said of the spokes of a wagon wheel where they join the hub. Straddle(verb)" }, { "docid": "6889672", "title": "Insanity defense", "text": "An important procedural corollary to the insanity defense involves the establishment of legal competency, otherwise known as competence to stand trial. In accordance with due process requirements, a criminal defendant cannot stand trial if he or she is deemed legally incompetent." }, { "docid": "1479770", "title": "-", "text": "computer stand. Follow computer stand to get e-mail alerts and updates on your eBay Feed. Unfollow computer stand to stop getting updates on your eBay Feed. Yay! You're now following computer stand in your eBay Feed. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10. This is the median price based on sales of this product in the same condition from all listings on ebay.com in the past 14 days, or if there are any insufficient number of listings for a meaningful calculation, the past 90 days." }, { "docid": "1149015", "title": "-", "text": "what does springfield xdm mean. 1 what does the m in xdm mean. 2 what does the m in xdm springfield mean. 3 what does the m stand for in xdm. 4 what does the xdm stand for. 5 what does xd mean in guns." }, { "docid": "6722273", "title": "-", "text": "Report Abuse. As much as they both would like us to believe they stand for the people, what they really stand for is power -- their own. No political party in existence today stands for people. It's all about the power and who they can crush with it.Oh, and also how much money they can take from us.eport Abuse. As much as they both would like us to believe they stand for the people, what they really stand for is power -- their own. No political party in existence today stands for people. It's all about the power and who they can crush with it. Oh, and also how much money they can take from us." }, { "docid": "6541677", "title": "Soybean Replant Decisions from Hail Damage and Flooded Fields", "text": "That may not sound like a lot but it is. The reason is that soybean plants can compensate for missing plants and reduced stands by branching out to make up for a thin stand. Keep in mind the lower the stand count; the more weeds will become a problem due to less shading, especially later in the growing season." }, { "docid": "1903951", "title": "-", "text": "That's the simple reason why SUP ATX is #1 maker and seller of Stand Up Paddle boards on Earth. More About SUP ATX Stand Up Paddle Boards: 1) SUP ATX stand paddle boards are shaped and designed for use on oceans, lakes and rivers." }, { "docid": "800808", "title": "The day Jon Stewart quit: Why âThe Daily Showâ isnât the satire America needs", "text": "The first comic Jamie ever saw live before deciding to dedicate his life to stand-up comedy was Jon Stewart at Carnegie Hall. Actually, that’s not true. His first stand-up show was “The Amazing Johnathan” at the Stress Factory." }, { "docid": "8768833", "title": "Eliminating the Confusion About Golf Stance Width", "text": "You've certainly heard all of these before from various golf instructors: 1 Stand really wide so you can be really stable. 2 Stand really narrow so you can rotate better. 3 Stand with your feet shoulder width apart like you do in other sports." }, { "docid": "8075229", "title": "-", "text": "Ninomiya, Kent. (2017, August 07). What Does E=MC Squared Stand For? Sciencing. Retrieved from http://sciencing.com/about-4570573-what-does-emc-squared-stand.html" }, { "docid": "5084288", "title": "Concession Stand", "text": "CONCESSION STAND (VOLUNTEER). NBI maintains a concession stand during the regular league season and during tournament play. The Concession Stand plays an important role in providing players and their families convenient access to a wide range of food and beverages." }, { "docid": "7933462", "title": "The Brotherhood Of Man - United We Stand Lyrics", "text": "United We Stand. There's nowhere in the world that I would rather be. Than with you my love. And there's nothing in the world that I would rather see. Than your smile my love. For united we stand. Divided we fall." }, { "docid": "4266430", "title": "Bob Marley Lyrics", "text": "Don't give up the fight! (life is your right!). Get up, stand up! (so we can't give up the fight!). Stand up for your rights! (lord, lord!). Get up, stand up! (keep on struggling on!). Don't give up the fight! (yeah!). We sick an' tired of-a your ism-skism game -. Dyin' 'n' goin' to heaven in-a Jesus' name, lord.et up, stand up: stand up for your rights! Get up, stand up: don't give up the fight! Most people think, Great god will come from the skies, Take away everything. And make everybody feel high. But if you know what life is worth, You will look for yours on earth: And now you see the light, You stand up for your rights." }, { "docid": "4847497", "title": "-", "text": "Ok here it goes what the A C in A C Cobra stand for I know I'm opening up a whole can of worms on my behalf by I want to know." }, { "docid": "5051901", "title": "Adafruit Guide To Excellent Soldering", "text": "If your soldering iron does not have a built-in stand, you will need a safe place to rest the hot iron between uses. A Soldering Iron Stand will keep your iron from rolling around and protect both you and your work surface from burns. Most stand holders come with a sponge and tray for cleaning your soldering iron." }, { "docid": "4989078", "title": "-", "text": "The 1970s marked the birth of modern stand-up comedy. From the appearance of a new generation of comedians to the rise of the comedy club, read about the decade that changed stand-up forever.tand-up Comedy in the 1990s. Share. In the 2000s, stand-up comedy had bounced back from the '90s decline. Read about the changes in stand up during the 2000s and how comedy not only got back on top, but stayed there." }, { "docid": "1190438", "title": "-", "text": "what does OSI model stand for in Computer networking what does OSI model stand for in Computer networking jayfridah posted a question · Mar 03, 2016 at 2:51am" }, { "docid": "113375", "title": "Overview", "text": "Some types of low blood pressure include: Low blood pressure on standing up (orthostatic, or postural, hypotension). This is a sudden drop in blood pressure when you stand up from a sitting position or if you stand up after lying down.Ordinarily, gravity causes blood to pool in your legs whenever you stand.ome types of low blood pressure include: Low blood pressure on standing up (orthostatic, or postural, hypotension). This is a sudden drop in blood pressure when you stand up from a sitting position or if you stand up after lying down. Ordinarily, gravity causes blood to pool in your legs whenever you stand." }, { "docid": "7414205", "title": "What is a network-based application?", "text": "We can distinguish between network and stand-alone applications. For example, if you use Microsoft Word to write a letter and save it on your PC, both the program and the data are stored on your computer. Since your computer does not have to be connected to a network, this is an example of a stand-alone application." }, { "docid": "7227544", "title": "Anfield", "text": "The stadium has four stands: the Spion Kop, Main Stand, Centenary Stand and Anfield Road. The record attendance of 61,905, was set at a match between Liverpool and Wolverhampton Wanderers in 1952." }, { "docid": "7475059", "title": "Euthanasia... What To Expect", "text": "Most people really have had no euthanasia guidelines to follow, had no firm ground on which to stand while partaking in their pet's final time. For those of you who have had no experience with euthanasia of a pet, I would like to offer a few guidelines so that you will have some firmer ground to stand on when that time does come. Making the Appointment for the Euthanasia Procedure" }, { "docid": "5445201", "title": "a house divided against itself cannot stand", "text": "A house divided against itself cannot stand. Prov. If the members of a group fight each other, the group will disintegrate. (Often the group under discussion is a family.) The leader of the newly formed union tried hard to reconcile the different factions within his organization, because he knew that a house divided against itself cannot stand. See also: cannot, divided, house, itself, stand." }, { "docid": "7137652", "title": "What does the old morse code distress call \"CQD\" stand for?", "text": "What does the old morse code distress call "CQD" stand for? I know it was the standard distress call before SOS was put in. but what does it stand for SOS is save our ship. Source(s): morse code distress call quot cqd quot stand for: https://shortly.im/78a2n" }, { "docid": "5791289", "title": "How to Photograph a Silhouette Portrait", "text": "Tell your subject where you want them to stand. Remember that they will need to be in front of some type of light source. Try these tips: Outside: Photograph with the sun at the back. Indoors: Have them stand in front of a window or a lamp. 4. If you are inside, turn off any other lights." }, { "docid": "4063014", "title": "Cart Bag Stand Attachment", "text": "Does anyone know of a way to convert a cart bag to a stand bag? I recently bought an awesome callaway cart bag for my husband, but didn't realize he would much prefer a stand bag. Is there anything like a stand attachment that I could simply attach to the bag to covert it? #2." }, { "docid": "7330302", "title": "Hire Australiaâs Best Stand Up Comedians for Your Event", "text": "Stand Up Comedians has been booking some of the best comedian entertainment across Australia for well over 15 years. We are confident that we can provide you the best and most unique stand up comedians in the industry." }, { "docid": "519526", "title": "Top 30 Doctor insights on: High Baso Blood Test Results", "text": "I want to know what the initials stand for in a CBC blood test. I want to be able to read my blood test results but i don't know what the initials stand for. They have it printed out so that i know if I am high or low but i want to know what the initials. Dr. Eugene Yang Dr. Yang." } ]
what does msk stand for
[ { "docid": "310880", "title": "What is MSK, Minimum Shift Keying Modulation", "text": "Minimum shift keying, MSK, is a form of is a type of continuous-phase frequency-shift keying, that is used in a number of applications. A variant of MSK modulation, known as Gaussian filtered Minimum Shift Keying, GMSK, is used for a number of radio communications applications including being used in the GSM cellular telecommunications system. In addition to this MSK has advantages over other forms of PSK and as a result it is used in a number of radio communications systems." } ]
[ { "docid": "3015018", "title": "-", "text": "Power Grades: 0 – no movement, 1 – flicker of contraction, 2 – movement if gravity eliminated, 3 – can overcome gravity but not resistance, 4 – moderate movement against resistance, 5 – normal power. Quick screening test: Squat & stand again (L3/4), stand on heels (L4/5), stand on toes (S1/2)." }, { "docid": "1041939", "title": "Chris Tomlin Lyrics", "text": "And if our God is for us, then who could ever stop us. And if our God is with us, then what could stand against. And if our God is for us, then who could ever stop us. And if our God is with us, then what could stand against.What could stand against.nd if our God is for us, then who could ever stop us. And if our God is with us, then what could stand against. And if our God is for us, then who could ever stop us. And if our God is with us, then what could stand against. Then what could stand against." }, { "docid": "8158437", "title": "Concession Stand Schedule", "text": "Concession Stand requirments. As a Blue Line Club member you will be scheduled to work the concession stand throughout the year. It is the member's responsibility to check the website for an updated schedule of their assigned times." }, { "docid": "2673444", "title": "LockJawz® Treestands and ladder stands are made with safety and security in mind for today's hunter.", "text": "The stand, which uses a gripping mechanism to secure to a tree, has a pulley to raise the stand and put it in place. LockJawz® tree stands and ladder stands are The Official Treestand of Dominant Bucks DIY Strategies as seen on Sportsman Channel." }, { "docid": "5711373", "title": "-", "text": "STAND WITH DREAMERS. Nearly 800,000 Dreamers are under imminent threat. Dreamers are members of our communities and the places we work. We are a stronger country because of them. Dreamers need us now. Stand up to protect them." }, { "docid": "4565770", "title": "How To Make Fluffy Marshmallows", "text": "Marshmallows are surprisingly easy to make at home — they're made of just gelatin and a hot sugar syrup, and you can make a batch in the stand mixer in about 20 minutes. I do definitely recommend a stand mixer for this one.arshmallows are surprisingly easy to make at home — they're made of just gelatin and a hot sugar syrup, and you can make a batch in the stand mixer in about 20 minutes. I do definitely recommend a stand mixer for this one." }, { "docid": "7524124", "title": "-", "text": "What is the difference between a long board and short board in surfing? A shortboard while more difficult to stand up on is easier to maneuver. A longboard, also known as a Malibu, is easier to stand up on, making it better for certain con…ditions and types of surfing, they are usually nine to ten feel long with one to three fins." }, { "docid": "566169", "title": "-", "text": "FIND YOUR BALL POSITION. How close you stand to the ball is key it frees you to make a relaxed, pendulum-like stroke. Stand too close and the putter will work out-to-in, which will result in a pulled putt." }, { "docid": "7834907", "title": "-", "text": "1. Introduction to Dummy Variables Dummy variables are independent variableswhich take the value of either 0 or 1. Just as adummy is a stand-in for a real person, inquantitative analysis, a dummy variable is anumeric stand-in for a qualitative fact or a logicalproposition." }, { "docid": "7605006", "title": "-", "text": "What AR Doesn’t Stand For A common misconception is that AR stands for “assault rifle,” but that’s not the case. And no, it doesn’t stand for “automatic rifle” either." }, { "docid": "7045169", "title": "What do the initials DO stand for behind a doctors name?", "text": "What does PC stand for behind a Medical Doctors name? The P.C. included in a Doctors name probably came after the name of the facility he works at and the P. C. stands for private corporation, meaning he owns the facility, … or part of it. What does CNHP stand for behind a doctors name?" }, { "docid": "8757868", "title": "Rebel Heart", "text": "Get Up, Stand Up is track #6 on the album Legend. It was written by Marley, Bob / Tosh, Peter. Get Up, Stand Up is track #6 on the album Legend. It was written by Marley, Bob / Tosh, Peter.et up, stand up, stand up for your rights. Get up, stand up, don't give up the fight. Preacher man, don't tell me, Heaven is under the earth. I know you don't know, what life is really worth. It's not all that glitter's is gold, half the story has never been told." }, { "docid": "836954", "title": "Exercises to Strengthen the Supraspinatus & Infraspinatus Muscles of the Shoulder", "text": "Stand and Rotate for Both. This exercise, the dumbbell upright shoulder rotation, will incorporate most of your rotator cuff, teaching your muscles to work and function together. Stand with your feet hip-width apart and hold a dumbbell in your right arm." }, { "docid": "2664419", "title": "What Is Tawaf?", "text": "Stand before the indicator line and do not cross it and the Tawaf is always done in the clockwise direction. So you have to stand with your right side facing Kaaba. Stop saying Talbiya or Labbaik. Remove the seamless cloth covering the right shoulder and bring it under your armpit to put over your left shoulder." }, { "docid": "6991503", "title": "What does FTP stand for", "text": "What does FTP stand for from umich.edu: File Transfer Protocol is a protocol that allows the transfer of files from one computer to another. FTP is also the verb used to describe the act of transferring files from one computer to another. What does FTP stand for from unc.edu:" }, { "docid": "4964564", "title": "The Subordinate Clause", "text": "Both of those clauses have a subject (I) and a verb (sharpened). The top clause can stand alone as a complete idea, but the bottom clause cannot. The bottom clause is subordinate. Subordinate means that it can't stand alone. It needs to be connected to an independent clause in order to make sense. A subordinate clause is a group of words with a subject and a verb, that cannot stand alone. Here's the important thing to know about these guys." }, { "docid": "5445201", "title": "a house divided against itself cannot stand", "text": "A house divided against itself cannot stand. Prov. If the members of a group fight each other, the group will disintegrate. (Often the group under discussion is a family.) The leader of the newly formed union tried hard to reconcile the different factions within his organization, because he knew that a house divided against itself cannot stand. See also: cannot, divided, house, itself, stand." }, { "docid": "4065239", "title": "What is the kop?", "text": "The Kop is a stand within Liverpool Football Club's Ground Anfield. It has two tiers and one quarter of it seats the away fans.It is also a stand within Leeds United's Elland Road.he Kop is a stand within Liverpool Football Club's Ground Anfield. It has two tiers and one quarter of it seats the away fans." }, { "docid": "2080274", "title": "-", "text": "Tags: Metal Display Stand Rotating 100kg Bearing Display Stand For Bag/glasses/bracelet/phone/jewelry | 360 Degree Rotating Display Stand Supplier For Bag/glasses/bracelet/phone/jewelry | 360 Degree Rotating Display Stand." }, { "docid": "4095615", "title": "R.E.M. Lyrics", "text": "So, stand in the place where you live. Now face North. Think about direction, wonder why you haven't before. Now stand in the place where you work. Now face West, think about the place where you live." }, { "docid": "373951", "title": "Difference between a PET scan and CT scan", "text": "I am totally confused. Someone please explain the difference between a CT scan and a PET scan. My husband had a CT scan back in March. When it showed abnormalities in his esophagus we went to MSK and a PET scan was ordered. He received 4 treatments of chemotherapy and then last week he went for a F/U CT scan." }, { "docid": "7122950", "title": "-", "text": "If you like the courtroom drama and war movies then this might be a good fit for you. I have only one burning desire, let me stand under your fire!. While Jimi Hendrix was also an American tragedy, I don't know if this film is… More I have only one burning desire, let me stand under your fire!." }, { "docid": "893282", "title": "-", "text": "However, if you want to wall mount a set, you must first remove its stand. Taking the stand off requires only simple tools, and perhaps an assistant to lift the unit from the base. Once you remove the base, you can mount the flat panel to the wall as you see fit." }, { "docid": "3539811", "title": "Clonidine, Oral Tablet", "text": "Low blood pressure when you stand up. Fainting can also be caused by a fall in blood pressure when you stand up. This is called orthostatic hypotension, and tends to affect older people, particularly those aged over 65. It's a common cause of falls in older people." }, { "docid": "1746451", "title": "OpenStudy is nowBrainly!", "text": "1 What does OPM stand for in leveraging OPM I think Other peoples money but I don't know for sure.. 2 What does OPM stand for in leveraging OPM I think Other peoples money but I don't know for sure.. I got my questions answered at brainly.com in under 10 minutes." }, { "docid": "7469833", "title": "-", "text": "1 Instead, stand up, and make an effort to stand on the balls of your feet. 2 Notice how the rest of your body follows. 3 Now rock back so that your weight is on your heels. 4 Notice the way your entire body shifts into a slouchy posture with this single motion. Instead, stand up, and make an effort to stand on the balls of your feet. 2 Notice how the rest of your body follows. 3 Now rock back so that your weight is on your heels. 4 Notice the way your entire body shifts into a slouchy posture with this single motion." }, { "docid": "5734073", "title": "What does motorcycle cc stand for ?", "text": "Related Motorcycles Questions. What does CC stand for? like for motorcycles. CC stands cubic centimeter displacement in a vehicle motor or engine. ! What does cc stand for when listed with motorcycle engines CC is an abbreviation for cubic centimeters,' which is the displacement of the... What does cc stand for when talking about motorcycle engine size CC refers to cubic centimetres - this is the metric measurement of volume in the... what does CC stand for in 900cc for a motorcycle? cc's is a term for Cubic Centimeters." }, { "docid": "1025758", "title": "Rules of the Road for Sailboats", "text": "The Rules are simple when a sailboat and a small recreational powerboat meet: 1 In most situations the sailing boat is the stand-on vessel and the powerboat must give way.2 If the sailboat is overtaking a powerboat, the powerboat is the stand-on vessel and the sailboat must give way. In most situations the sailing boat is the stand-on vessel and the powerboat must give way. 2 If the sailboat is overtaking a powerboat, the powerboat is the stand-on vessel and the sailboat must give way. 3 Any boat with more maneuverability must give way to any boat with less maneuverability (see below)." }, { "docid": "1645023", "title": "-", "text": "Saint Petersburg, Russia Local Time Details: Time Zone Abbreviations: Russia Time Zone 2 - Moscow Time - is abbreviated as MSK: UTC - GMT Offset: Saint Petersburg, Russia is GMT/UTC + 3: Daylight Saving Time Usage: Saint Petersburg, Russia does not utilize Daylight Saving Time." }, { "docid": "2406587", "title": "Section 2. Writing Letters to the Editor", "text": "The larger the newspaper or magazine, the more competition there is for letters-to-the-editor space. This means your letter will need to stand out in order to get printed. The tips in this section will help you write a letter that will be effective and stand out on the editor's desk." } ]
what does no host dinner mean
[ { "docid": "6621577", "title": "-", "text": "[noh-hohst] /ˈnoʊˌhoʊst/. adjective, Chiefly Western U.S. 1. requiring patrons and guests to pay a fee for attendance or to pay for any food and drink they consume: a no-host cocktail party; a no-host dinner-dance." } ]
[ { "docid": "3210936", "title": "Publication 463 (2017), Travel, Entertainment, Gift, and Car Expenses", "text": "For example, if you pay $65 for a ticket to a dinner dance at a church and the event has a fair market value of $25, the amount you can deduct as a charitable contribution is $40, the cost of the ticket ($65) less the value of the dinner dance ($25)." }, { "docid": "4502020", "title": "What is Involved in a Seven Course Dinner?", "text": "A seven course dinner is a formal dinner with seven food courses, usually broken up by palate cleansers. It may take four to six hours to completely finish such a dinner, and even longer for those with more courses, such as a 21 course dinner. During the course of the dinner, diners are offered small plates of a wide variety of dishes which complement each other gastronomically." }, { "docid": "8092546", "title": "Cheap, Fast, And Healthy Dinner Ideas", "text": "A quick and inexpensive weeknight dinner doesn't have to come from the drive-through. With just a few staple recipes, you can get a healthy dinner on the table without too much fuss -- and fast! It's easier than you think. Here are some of our favorite cheap healthy recipes and dinner ideas: Roast Chicken" }, { "docid": "2315678", "title": "What Do People Eat in Argentina?", "text": "People in Argentina enjoy many types of foods. Argentinians typically eat four meals a day: breakfast, lunch, a small meal after work but before dinner and a large dinner, usually containing beef.... People in Argentina enjoy many types of foods. Argentinians typically eat four meals a day: breakfast, lunch, a small meal after work but before dinner and a large dinner, usually containing beef. Breakfast (desayuno) is a light meal of bread with jam and coffee. Lunch (almuerzo or comida) usually consists of meat and vegetables or salad." }, { "docid": "1115467", "title": "The Forms of âTo Beâ", "text": "The passive voice swaps the subject of a sentence in its active voice with the object of the same sentence by using any form of the auxiliary verb 'to be' along with the past participle of the main verb.ou can change the active voice to the passive voice by changing an object to a subject, as follows: let us say that your original sentence is Fred has eaten dinner. That is t … he active voice. Dinner is the object. In the passive voice dinner becomes the subject, so the sentence becomes, dinner has been eaten." }, { "docid": "1643084", "title": "-", "text": "$1,306. In 2015, the average cost of a wedding rehearsal dinner is between $1198 - $1414. A rehearsal dinner is a pre-wedding ceremony, usually held after the wedding rehearsal and the night before the wedding. 1 Rehearsal dinners can be informal or formal.2 Factors that most effect price: type of venue, type of food, staff wages and gratuity. rehearsal dinner is an excellent time to introduce your guests to one another before they gather for your wedding. Especially if you have people coming from far and wide, you'll want to make sure there are no awkward silences at the dinner table. $1,306." }, { "docid": "3811164", "title": "-", "text": "A. A $5.00 Host Reward fee or party fee is assessed if the Host or hostess does not redeem his or her half-off Host reward at the close of the party. Many Consultants use this as a thank you gift for the Host or Hostess, and pay the fee themselves." }, { "docid": "3923931", "title": "Installing Remote Desktop Session Host Step-by-Step Guide", "text": "The goal of a Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server is to host Windows-based programs or the full Windows desktop for Remote Desktop Services clients. Users can connect to an RD Session Host server to run programs, to save files, and to use resources on that server. Note." }, { "docid": "3754728", "title": "-", "text": "As a guest, what you care about is just the total amount you’re going to pay (host base price + guest service fees) As a host, what is important to you is how much you will receive for the stay of a guest (host base price - host service fees) As Airbnb, what you can is how much internal revenues you generate (guest + host fees)" }, { "docid": "3606759", "title": "-", "text": "Steps. 1 1. Arrive on time, as your host will want to serve the dinner hot. 2 2. Present yourself cleanly and dress well. 3 3. Bring a gift for your host or hostess, if appropriate. 4. Eat only what you can handle." }, { "docid": "4405316", "title": "-", "text": "In the summer, cool off in the 13-acre water park at Soak City USA. The fun doesn't stop with the attractions; Buena Park offers several unique dining options including the world's most interactive dinner shows-Pirate's Dinner Adventure and Medieval Times Dinner & Tournament." }, { "docid": "21868", "title": "-", "text": "In the Middle Ages, great nobles ate the most formal dinner, around noon or one p.m. Their dinner was more than a meal; it was an ostentatious display, a statement of wealth and power, with dozens of servants attending in a ritualized performance." }, { "docid": "4043652", "title": "Healthy", "text": "Healthy breakfast Wake up to a delicious and nutritious breakfast. Healthy chicken Diet-friendly ways to cook chicken. Healthy dinner party Guilt-free options for the conscientious host. Healthy fish From lighter pies to makeover fish & chips, nothing's off the menu with our healthier fish dishes..... Healthy kids Healthy, simple and scrumptious recipe ideas." }, { "docid": "809275", "title": "-", "text": "Host Nation Support (HNS) Host Nation Support - Civil and military assistance rendered in peace, crisis, and war by a Host Nation to Allied forces and NATO organizations which are located on or in transit through the Host Nation's territory." }, { "docid": "2576655", "title": "IPv4 addresses, IPv4 Addreess Classes, IPv4 Address Classifications", "text": "The left most bit of the left most octet of a Class A network is reserved as 0. The first octet of a Class A IPv4 address is used to identify the Network and the three remaining octets are used to identify the host in that particular network (Network.Host.Host.Host).The 32 bits of a Class A IPv4 address can be represented as 0xxxxxxx.xxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxx.he left most bit of the left most octet of a Class A network is reserved as 0. The first octet of a Class A IPv4 address is used to identify the Network and the three remaining octets are used to identify the host in that particular network (Network.Host.Host.Host)." }, { "docid": "5421386", "title": "Dinner Dream Meaning", "text": "Detailed meaning of eating dinner in one’s dream…. If you’re having dinner alone, this could mean that you need some reassessment about your life’s motivations, goals, priorities, directions, and ambitions which boils down to understanding the necessities of your life." }, { "docid": "4390536", "title": "-", "text": "Medical Definition of PROPHAGE. : an intracellular form of a bacteriophage in which it is harmless to the host, is usually integrated into the hereditary material of the host, and reproduces when the host does." }, { "docid": "3635047", "title": "Booking and Production", "text": "Dinner seating on stage: 64 persons (8 persons each at 8 x 8’ tables, no end seating) Maximum dinner seating: 240 persons (utilizing floor and stage areas for dinner seating) Back stage, dressing room and office/conference room areas are off-limits to the general public." }, { "docid": "6327352", "title": "-", "text": "katie lee. For Katie, culinary personality and co-host on Food Network’s hit show “The Kitchen,” cooking wasn’t just a hobby growing up – it was a way of life. Raised in a modest, tight-knit West Virginia family, each evening centered around the dinner menu." }, { "docid": "5597013", "title": "What's to know about parasites?", "text": "A parasite is an organism that lives in another organism, called the host, and often harms it. It is dependent on its host for survival-it has to be in the host to live, grow and multiply. A parasite cannot live independently. Although a parasite rarely kills the host, in some cases it can happen. The parasite benefits at the expense of the host-the parasite uses the host to gain strength, and the host loses some strength as a result. Parasites, unlike predators, are usually much smaller than their host." }, { "docid": "4955604", "title": "Park hopper option???", "text": "Take another break at dinner time and hit the parks again at night. With the Park Hopper option, you can go back and forth between parks as much as you like, allowing you to do things again or see things you may have missed. Lastly, make sure you make dinner reservations in advance (up to 6 months)." }, { "docid": "672853", "title": "-", "text": "FALSE Although viruses can multiply, they do so differently than organisms. Viruses can multiply only when they are inside a living cell. The organism that a virus enters and … multiplies inside is called a host.A host is an organism that provides a source of energy for a virus or another organism. A virus acts like parasite, an organism that lives on or in a host and causes it harm.he organism that a virus enters and … multiplies inside is called a host. A host is an organism that provides a source of energy for a virus or another organism. A virus acts like parasite, an organism that lives on or in a host and causes it harm." }, { "docid": "5355656", "title": "Last minute dinner party! How to quickly defrost/cook 5 lb. roast?", "text": "Last minute dinner party! How to quickly defrost/cook 5 lb. roast? I realize I'm a maniac. Most people, if they suddenly learned that there would be 10 people for dinner, would go out and buy a package of chicken breasts or boil up a pot of pasta." }, { "docid": "6290096", "title": "Cranberry sauce", "text": "Cranberry sauce or cranberry jelly is a sauce or relish made out of cranberries, commonly associated with Thanksgiving dinner in North America and Christmas dinner in the United Kingdom.ranberry sauce or cranberry jelly is a sauce or relish made out of cranberries, commonly associated with Thanksgiving dinner in North America and Christmas dinner in the United Kingdom." }, { "docid": "7563107", "title": "Host Name Resolution", "text": "When the IP address is specified, name resolution is not needed. When a host name is specified, the host name must be resolved to an IP address before IP-based communication with the desired resource can begin. Host names can take various forms. The two most common forms are a nickname and a domain name.ost Name Resolution. A host name is an alias assigned to an IP node to identify it as a TCP/IP host. The host name can be up to 255 characters long and can contain alphabetic and numeric characters and the - and . characters." }, { "docid": "814793", "title": "-", "text": "By: fyicenter.com. Diagnostic System Host is a Windows 7 service that The Diagnostic System Host is used by the Diagnostic Policy Service to host diagnostics that need to run in a Local System context.If this service is stopped, any diagnostics that depend on it will no longer function..y: fyicenter.com. Diagnostic System Host is a Windows 7 service that The Diagnostic System Host is used by the Diagnostic Policy Service to host diagnostics that need to run in a Local System context. If this service is stopped, any diagnostics that depend on it will no longer function.." }, { "docid": "8178297", "title": "Apparel for Captain's Dinner on Carnival Cruise..Please help!?", "text": "The Captains Gala dinner is the most formal night of the cruise. This is when you go all out... hair, makeup, shoes, and a fancy dress. Men are supposed to wear a suit, with a jacket and a tie, or a tuxedo. At home, I'm strictly a jeans and t-shirt gal myself, but when my boyfriend and I go on our once yearly cruise I dress up for dinner every night ( if we go to the main dining room for dinner...." }, { "docid": "6824991", "title": "The Epicurious Blog", "text": "For years we had a poster of all different pasta shapes hanging near the dinner table in our kitchen. When they were younger, my sons used to loved to try to find whatever pasta we were having for dinner on that poster. We took it down a few years ago when we painted and I had forgotten all about it until today.." }, { "docid": "3354468", "title": "The White House State Dinner", "text": "President and Mrs. Cleveland host a State Dinner at the White House for the Diplomatic Corps, January 20, 1888. The White House Historical Association Show Me More. To this day, Presidents and First Ladies continue to set the tone of their administration's entertainment." }, { "docid": "694768", "title": "-", "text": "BECOMING A HOST FAMILY. Becoming a host family means welcoming an au pair—who becomes an extended family member—into your home. It means relying on her to provide trusted care for your children and helping with household duties, and in exchange, providing a private room and setting a place at the dinner table for her each night." } ]
can anxiety cause pain in head
[ { "docid": "834509", "title": "Anxiety Pains - Anxiety and the Pain Symptom", "text": "Pain can be caused by anxiety, or anxiety can be caused by pain. Talk to your doctor if you have any severe pains, and take my free 7 minute anxiety test to learn more about your anxiety. Start the test here." } ]
[ { "docid": "928624", "title": "Neck Problems and Injuries", "text": "Neck pain that occurs with chest pain may be caused by a serious problem with the heart, such as a heart attack. Stress and tension may make the muscles that run from the back of the head across the back of the shoulder (trapezius muscle) feel tight and painful. You may not be able to move your head without pain. Torticollis is caused by severe muscle contraction on one side of the neck, causing the head to be tilted to one side." }, { "docid": "5175048", "title": "Dizziness, lightheaded, feeling dizzy, feeling like you might pass out, head feels like it is swimming or spinning, you feel off balance, you feel unsteady anxiety symptom", "text": "Dizziness, lightheaded, feeling dizzy, feeling like you might pass out, head feels like it is swimming or spinning, you feel off balance, you feel unsteady anxiety symptom. 1 Anxiety dizziness symptom description: 2 Anxiety dizziness causes. 3 How to stop anxiety dizziness." }, { "docid": "4072465", "title": "Numbness or tingling, Pain or discomfort (Jaw), Pain or discomfort (Neck (back)) and Sore throat", "text": "Strep throat is a throat infection causing symptoms including a red sore throat with white patches. Generalized anxiety disorder is a condition in which a person has nearly constant anxiety. Torticollis are spasms of the neck muscles causing neck pain and stiffness, tilted head, and more." }, { "docid": "3470262", "title": "-", "text": "However, the anxiety rears its head during social situations, with triggers similar to: 1 Having to use a public washroom. 2 Eating or drinking in front of others. 3 Getting introduced to someone new. Saying something in public." }, { "docid": "873482", "title": "-", "text": "Costochondritis- Stress, Anxiety, and Fear. If you're new to Costo and wondering if emotional stress, fear, anxiety, tension, worry, apprehension, or being nervous can cause an increase of pain in your costochondritis, you are spot on. You are not crazy or mental." }, { "docid": "7342670", "title": "3 Strategies For Managing Public Speaking Anxiety", "text": "It doesn’t matter if you’re presenting to two people or to 2,000 people: When presentation anxiety strikes, you need some strategies to get you out of your own head and on to the stage with confidence, polish, and professionalism." }, { "docid": "1334095", "title": "Medications used in dentistry and periodontics", "text": "During the surgery, dentists use medication to not only ease the pain of the procedure, but also to reduce patient anxiety. With conscious sedation, you remain comfortable and pain-free. The term Medication dentistry is also referred to as anxiety-free dentistry, relaxation dentistry or comfortable dentistry." }, { "docid": "1426453", "title": "-", "text": "Tension headache pain. 1 The pain of chronic tension headache tends to wax and wane in severity. The pain associated with tension headache typically impacts the whole head, but may begin in the back of the head or above the eyebrows." }, { "docid": "7774414", "title": "-", "text": "Stress vs Anxiety. Anxiety is among the many adverse effects of stress; it is the process during which a person becomes scared and apprehensive of what lays ahead, and often manifests itself in physical problems like pain, dizziness and panic attacks." }, { "docid": "7462902", "title": "-", "text": "Responses (2) No it is not an anti-inflammatory. Tramadol is a narcotic-like pain reliever. Tramadol is used in the treatment of pain; chronic pain; back pain;restless legs syndrome; anxiety , and belongs to the drug class miscellaneous analgesics." }, { "docid": "8770464", "title": "Tingling in head, paresthesia anxiety symptoms", "text": "Tingling in head, paresthesia anxiety symptoms The tingling in head, paresthesia in the head anxiety symptoms description: You feel a tingling sensation in your head. Your brain feels like it is tingling. You feel like your head and/or brain has an effervescent feeling. It feels as though the top of your head is tingling." }, { "docid": "1032468", "title": "Frequent Bowel Movements During Pregnancy", "text": "It could be anxiety about the new changes in your life, something in your diet, a rush of hormones, or any number of other things that come about during that first trimester. Your bowel movements might be one of those things that leave you scratching your head." }, { "docid": "6969814", "title": "-", "text": "Early Heart Attack Symptoms. People may or may not experience any or all of the these symptoms: 1 Nausea. 2 Pain that travels down one or both arms. 3 Jaw pain. 4 Fatigue. 5 Anxiety. 6 Chest pressure, squeezing or discomfort. 7 Back pain.8 Shortness of breath.eople may or may not experience any or all of the these symptoms: 1 Nausea. 2 Pain that travels down one or both arms. 3 Jaw pain. 4 Fatigue. 5 Anxiety. 6 Chest pressure, squeezing or discomfort. 7 Back pain. 8 Shortness of breath." }, { "docid": "6981271", "title": "Headache", "text": "By Mayo Clinic Staff. Headache is pain in any region of the head. Headaches may occur on one or both sides of the head, be isolated to a certain location, radiate across the head from one point, or have a viselike quality. A headache may appear as a sharp pain, a throbbing sensation or a dull ache. Headaches can develop gradually or suddenly, and may last from less than an hour to several days. Causes" }, { "docid": "1844574", "title": "-", "text": "duloxetine. Duloxetine is an SNRI used to treat depression, anxiety, diabetic neuropathy, and some other types of chronic pain. It works by increasing the amount of serotonin and norepinephrine available in the brain. It is also available as brand name Cymbalta.uloxetine. Duloxetine is an SNRI used to treat depression, anxiety, diabetic neuropathy, and some other types of chronic pain. It works by increasing the amount of serotonin and norepinephrine available in the brain. It is also available as brand name Cymbalta." }, { "docid": "1788317", "title": "4 Medications For TMJ Problems", "text": "4. Anti-Anxiety Medication. When anxiety and worry are driving muscle tension and pain in the face and jaw it is not uncommon to prescribe small doses of anti-anxiety medications for a short period of time to be taken during the day, at bedtime, or both." }, { "docid": "1317333", "title": "-", "text": "We use the Dr. Ron Receveur Method ™. This method uses all of the newest technology to make your visit pain free and relaxing. While we are out there discovering and seeking out new methods to make your visit with us as pain and stress free as it can be, it is time for you to retrain your brain.The fear and anxiety of the dentist simply do not need to exist. That kind of thinking is a self-fulfilling prophecy.hile we are out there discovering and seeking out new methods to make your visit with us as pain and stress free as it can be, it is time for you to retrain your brain. The fear and anxiety of the dentist simply do not need to exist." }, { "docid": "7783324", "title": "Sharp Pain in Head â Causes and Treatment", "text": "A pain in the head that is sharp may be a sign of a condition that is mild or a serious medical problem. There are diverse reasons for headaches located in different areas of the head. For instance, an individual could have a pain that is sharp in the head on the left side, right side, or behind the ear. Another individual could have a pain that is sharp in the head when they cough or when they bend over. There are many causes of headaches that are severe." }, { "docid": "7665046", "title": "-", "text": "1 Earache and Facial pain and Head symptoms (19 causes). 2 Earache and Facial pain and Pain (19 causes). 3 Earache and Facial pain and Sensations (18 causes). 4 Earache and Facial pain and Sensory symptoms (17 causes)." }, { "docid": "8536755", "title": "Trichodynia: A Real Condition or a Psychological One", "text": "Ever had a sensation of “sore” hair or unexplained burning scalp, tingling or itching to your scalp? Some people who have experienced scalp pain also have hair loss. This has lead to the concept that the two are related. What is not clear is whether a physical mechanism creates the pain or if the pain is related to an anxiety and fear of hair loss?" }, { "docid": "1496051", "title": "What are the common symptoms of fibromyalgia?", "text": "Common symptoms of fibromyalgia -- also known as fibromyalgia syndrome or FMS -- may include: 1 Pain. 2 Anxiety. Concentration and memory problems -- known as fibro fog.." }, { "docid": "7113274", "title": "What Causes Sharp Head Pain?", "text": "Causes of Shooting Type Sharp Head Pain. Neuralgia is another word for Shooting Sharp Head Pains. Sharp Shooting Pains in the Head affect any of the named nerves in the head. The worst and most common disorder is Trigeminal Neuralgia. The other neuralgias are: Occipital Neuralgia – shooting pain in the back of the head" }, { "docid": "5665052", "title": "-", "text": "Your toddler's been doing fine, and all of a sudden she wails when you go to leave. It's common for separation anxiety to rear its head again at about 18 months. Truth is, you may be more upset by her farewell fussing than she is." }, { "docid": "5671762", "title": "-", "text": "1 Anxiety and Testicle pain and Deafness (2 causes) 2 Anxiety and Testicle pain and Digestive symptoms (2 causes) 3 Anxiety and Testicle pain and Energy symptoms (2 causes) Anxiety and Testicle pain and Fatigue (2 causes)" }, { "docid": "7677613", "title": "Top 30 Doctor insights on: Causes Of Chest Pain Other Than Heart", "text": "Chest pain: There are many causes of chest pain, the heart is one, intestinal gas and thoracic musculoskeletal pains are very common, anxiety and panic attacks likewise are frequent causes. You should always ask the doctors who see you what they think is the problem you came for and what to ...Read more." }, { "docid": "3602705", "title": "Occipital Neuralgia", "text": "Often, the headache pain is localized in the back and top of the head, or behind the eye. The pain is intense and described by patients as sharp, shooting, zapping or stabbing. Their pain comes in inconsistent bursts rather than a chronic, constant pattern. Other symptoms of occipital neuralgia generally include: 1 Pain located on one side of the head, though it can be on both sides in some cases. 2 Pain behind the eyes. Pain radiating forward, toward the eye." }, { "docid": "422152", "title": "Numbness and tingling in scalp!", "text": "all that numb thing in your head is cause by anxiety, it is amazing how many thing anxiety can cause. i have had 2 ct scan, an eeg, blood tests, chest x-rays.....everything is negative and it is just anxiety." }, { "docid": "7828873", "title": "How To Fix Neck PainWithout Drugs or SurgeryNeck and Upper Back Pain, Tightness, Shoulder Pain, Rotator Cuff, Nerve Compression", "text": "Muscular Pain From The Forward Head. Poor standing and sitting ergonomics are a common cause of numb shoulder, upper back pain, and headache. It makes a classic tension pain across the shoulders, in a diamond pattern down the middle of the upper back, in the neck, up the neck to the head, and sometimes down the arm." }, { "docid": "422153", "title": "Numbness and tingling in scalp!", "text": "I just started having the same issue you are describing with the numbness in my head, tingling sensations in certain areas, and I also get short stinging pains in my head sometimes too. I have had anxiety problems for about ten years now and this just started happening about a month ago." }, { "docid": "8321607", "title": "What is Fibromyalgia?", "text": "Symptoms. Fibromyalgia produces widespread pain, disturbed sleep, and exhaustion from head to toe. 1 Fibromyalgia means pain in the muscles, ligaments, and tendons—the soft fibrous tissues of the body. Although the muscles hurt everywhere, they are not the only cause of the pain.ymptoms. Fibromyalgia produces widespread pain, disturbed sleep, and exhaustion from head to toe. 1 Fibromyalgia means pain in the muscles, ligaments, and tendons—the soft fibrous tissues of the body. Although the muscles hurt everywhere, they are not the only cause of the pain." } ]
can anxiety cause tingling tongue
[ { "docid": "6611565", "title": "-", "text": "Re: tingly lips and tongue. tingly lips and tongue is also a very common symptom of anxiety. Similar to the tingles you may feel on your skin during anxious time, the same can happen to lips and tongue. All to do with either over breathing or under breathing. Once any other possibilities are ruled out by your doctor, no need to worry about it." } ]
[ { "docid": "1117781", "title": "Numbness and Tingling", "text": "Atherosclerosis may cause tingling and numbness if the blood supply to a limb is affected, especially while walking. Other causes of numbness and tingling are: Systemic diseases: Other disease conditions can also result in tingling and numbness.therosclerosis may cause tingling and numbness if the blood supply to a limb is affected, especially while walking. Other causes of numbness and tingling are: Systemic diseases: Other disease conditions can also result in tingling and numbness." }, { "docid": "7075652", "title": "Pale tongue", "text": "Pale tongue: Introduction. Pale tongue: The occurrence of a pale tongue. See detailed information below for a list of 12 causes of Pale tongue, Symptom Checker, including diseases and drug side effect causes. Causes of Pale tongue: The following medical conditions are some of the possible causes of Pale tongue." }, { "docid": "2360289", "title": "-", "text": "Tingling face (medical symptom): Tingling, burning, or pins-and-needles affecting the face. Tingling face (medical symptom): The skin sensation of partial numbness or pins and needles or a type of burning, tingling or creeping sensation of the skin, is known as a paresthesia ." }, { "docid": "5137319", "title": "Numbness or tingling, Weakness (Arm) and Weakness (Leg)", "text": "Numbness or tingling (Arm), Numbness or tingling (Leg) and Weakness. WebMD Symptom Checker helps you find the most common medical conditions indicated by the symptoms numbness or tingling (arm), numbness or tingling (leg) and weakness including Peripheral neuropathy, Lyme disease, and Multiple sclerosis." }, { "docid": "8055751", "title": "What Causes Tingling in the Legs?", "text": "Tingling in the legs may come from several sources; simply standing or resting in the same position for long periods of time may cause tingling, as can animal or insect bites, some medicines and... Tingling in the legs may come from several sources; simply standing or resting in the same position for long periods of time may cause tingling, as can animal or insect bites, some medicines and... Star Gazing" }, { "docid": "5163409", "title": "Furry tongue", "text": "Furry tongue: Introduction. Furry tongue: Discolouration with furry growth on tongue. See detailed information below for a list of 10 causes of Furry tongue, including diseases and drug side effect causes. Causes of Furry tongue: The following medical conditions are some of the possible causes of Furry tongue." }, { "docid": "5800196", "title": "Light headed/dizzy, shaking, weak, numb/tingling on fingers and toes, flushedMed Q Mar 21, 2007", "text": "Started out about a year ago, I felt lightheaded, vertigo like symptoms, heart racing, anxiety, and a sense of not feeling right or beside myself. I had tingling in my fingers, seemed to start at the top of my hand and move down." }, { "docid": "496549", "title": "Tingling or heaviness in right arm", "text": "Suggest treatment for tingling in the arm. I got to hot had tingling in my right arm cannot lift much with it more in my bicepet musle I had hard time lifting any thing the next day after I got tohot ... Suggest treatment for tingling and numbness in arm. The tingling in my right arm causes all my fingertips to have small temporary numbness ." }, { "docid": "6422095", "title": "-", "text": "1 These small, shallow sores on the inside of the lips or under the tongue often cause a tingling sensation a day or two before they appear. You might have dry mouth (xerostomia). A common symptom of dry mouth is a tingling sensation in the tongue. Dry mouth can be caused by certain illnesses and some medications." }, { "docid": "431379", "title": "Drug Ratings for BACTRIM", "text": "Muscle pain, stomach cramps, swollen tongue, anxiety, feel like I was hit in the head with a brick, dizziness like living outside your body, nausea, tiredness. Feelings like you would rather be dead than taking it. Cured the staph, but after you finish taking it the after effects are worse than the side effects." }, { "docid": "6136538", "title": "Tingling in Hands and Feet", "text": "In diabetic neuropathy, tingling and other symptoms often first develop in both feet and go up the legs, followed by tingling and other symptoms that affect both hands and go up the arms.About two-thirds of people with diabetes have mild to severe forms of nerve damage.n diabetic neuropathy, tingling and other symptoms often first develop in both feet and go up the legs, followed by tingling and other symptoms that affect both hands and go up the arms." }, { "docid": "3110578", "title": "-", "text": "Know About Blocked Carotid Artery Symptoms in Neck; What Causes Swollen Feet Ankles And Legs ... or tingling in the hands, arms, feet or legs -Unusual dreams -Redness, burning, or tingling ... the tongue (with sublingual tablets) -Dry mouth or throat -Ringing, pain or itching in the ..." }, { "docid": "6152749", "title": "Hand numbness", "text": "Tingling hands Treatments. 1 Stories from Users for Tingling hands. 2 Medications or substances causing Tingling hands: 3 Drug interactions causing Tingling hands: Tingling hands: Comorbid 1 Symptoms. Causes of General Symptom Types. Causes of Similar Symptoms to Tingling 1 hands. Misdiagnosis and Tingling hands." }, { "docid": "2558955", "title": "Eating Well During and After Your Cancer Treatment", "text": "A person cannot taste his or her food while also losing the ability to digest food through the throat. If you have dry mouth, your tongue will look red and feel dry and raw. A person will also experience a tingling sensation on it at times, which is an indication that the tongue needs hydration from saliva." }, { "docid": "4689140", "title": "-", "text": "Common conditions that can cause a white tongue. Infections that can cause a white tongue. Trauma or injuries that can cause a white tongue. A white tongue can be caused by tongue trauma and inflamed tissues, which make the tongue more susceptible to infection. Potential traumatic causes of white tongue include:" }, { "docid": "5630098", "title": "Tingling lips", "text": "Does anyone else have tingling along their top lip, just on right side. I have Lupus and Fibromyalgia. In the last couple of weeks I have a tingling on my top lip, a bit like having an injection at dentist. It go... 1 Reply. I have constant dryness of the mouth, and constant tingling and burning of my lips." }, { "docid": "5147218", "title": "-", "text": "Get help from a doctor now ›. Tongue Bumps: If the tiny red bumps on your tongue are painful, you most likely have inflamed papillae.. Inflamed papillae are usually caused by traumatic injury such as burning your tongue on hot food or beverages, or accidentally biting your tongue.Smoking can also cause your tongue to be irritated and sore.et help from a doctor now ›. Tongue Bumps: If the tiny red bumps on your tongue are painful, you most likely have inflamed papillae.. Inflamed papillae are usually caused by traumatic injury such as burning your tongue on hot food or beverages, or accidentally biting your tongue." }, { "docid": "3713418", "title": "-", "text": "A numb feeling and tingling in the lips and tongue could have several possible causes: 1 You might be getting a canker sore (aphthous stomatitis). 2 These small, shallow sores on the inside of the lips or under the tongue often cause a tingling sensation a day or two before they appear." }, { "docid": "3871721", "title": "-", "text": "Swollen under tongue or swollen glands under tongue. In case you have swollen under tongue, swollen back of tongue or the back of your tongue swollen, this is indicates a problem with your salivary glands. You could swollen back of the tongue with pain, no pain, with the chin swollen too, on one side, and so on." }, { "docid": "4596587", "title": "How to Stop Numbness and Tingling Caused by Anxiety", "text": "That made my anxiety worse, and that made my numbness and tingling worse. And yet another anxiety-induced vicious circle began. In the end, the only thing that helped me was to learn more about the numbness and tingling and their connections to my anxiety." }, { "docid": "1851122", "title": "Symptom/Diagnosis List", "text": "Injured muscle or rib: pain and tenderness on one side of chest after recent severe cough, injury, trauma or chest surgery. Stress, anxiety, panicattack: pain and tightening in chest, possibly frequent deep breaths, rapid heartbeat, tingling and numbness of lips, arms or legs." }, { "docid": "100946", "title": "-", "text": "Meaning of Papillae of the tongue medical term. What does Papillae of the tongue mean? Papillae of the tongue | definition of Papillae of the tongue by Medical dictionary" }, { "docid": "6055855", "title": "How to Manage Tingling Hands Caused By Anxiety", "text": "It can also lead to some incredibly unusual and troubling symptoms. One of the stranger issues caused by anxiety is tingling hands. That tingling feeling often leads to further anxiety, because it makes people worry that something is wrong with their head or nervous system. It's a fair worry, because tingling hands can be caused by nerve issues, vitamin deficiencies, liver disease and more. Yet it can also be caused by anxiety." }, { "docid": "4437016", "title": "Causes and Treatment for Tingling of the Feet", "text": "Peripheral neuropathy, which is a common cause of tingling feet, can sometimes be caused by diabetes. In fact, 30 percent of all cases of peripheral neuropathy are because of diabetes. It’s estimated that two thirds of diabetics have some form of nerve damage. Symptoms such as the ones listed above, coupled with tingling feet, may be the first sign of diabetes. When to See Your Doctor About Your Tingling Feet. Tingling feet should never be ignored, as they may be a sign of a more serious problem." }, { "docid": "8677068", "title": "Anger Symptoms, Causes and Effects", "text": "Individuals who suffer from long bouts of anxiety can be at a greater risk for strokes. Serious memory loss, chronic sleep disorders and relationship issues can also develop. Before your anger and anxiety wreak havoc with your entire life, find out what you can do to stop the cycle by calling 1-888-366-2335.trong emotions often bring about physical changes to the body, and anger is no exception. Letting anger issues go unaddressed can put your overall health at risk. Some physical symptoms of anger-related problems include: 1 Tingling." }, { "docid": "7654352", "title": "What Is Imitrex (Sumatriptan)?", "text": "Call your doctor right away if you experience any of the following: 1 Changes in the sensation or color of fingers or toes (Raynaud's syndrome) 2 Bloody diarrhea, constipation, nausea, vomiting, severe stomach pain. 3 Cramping, pain, tingling in legs, hips, leg muscles, feet, toes. 4 Hives, swelling of tongue, throat, oral area." }, { "docid": "5704619", "title": "-", "text": "Tongue inflammation is one such condition. Tongue inflammation occurs when the tongue becomes swollen and possibly discolored. This can make the tongue appear as if it’s smooth. Other names for tongue inflammation include tongue infection, smooth tongue, glossodynia, glossitis, and burning tongue syndrome." }, { "docid": "1341647", "title": "Tongue", "text": "The tongue can be used as a metonym for language, as in the phrase mother tongue. Many languages have the same word for tongue and language . A common temporary failure in word retrieval from memory is referred to as the tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon." }, { "docid": "8827449", "title": "Glossophobia", "text": "Glossophobia Definition. It refers to the fear or apprehension of speaking in public or of speaking on a general level. It is also referred to as speech anxiety. The term “Glossophobia” is derived from the Greek word “glōssa”, which means tongue and “phobos”, meaning fear or dread. A lot of people are only plagued by this fear, while there are others who also experience other social anxiety disorder or other social phobias." }, { "docid": "4734423", "title": "tongue", "text": "on the tip of one's tongue about to come to mind: her name was on the tip of his tongue. 19. with one's tongue in one's cheek tongue in cheek with insincere or ironical intent" } ]
what does open mean
[ { "docid": "899433", "title": "Definitions &Translations", "text": "open, clear(noun) a clear or unobstructed space or expanse of land or water. finally broke out of the forest into the open. outdoors, out-of-doors, open air, open(noun) where the air is unconfined. he wanted to get outdoors a little; the concert was held in the open air; camping in the open." } ]
[ { "docid": "5690824", "title": "-", "text": "Open iPhoto. If it doesn't open automatically, open it from the Finder. 3. Select your iPhone. When iTunes opens, you will see your iPhone icon in the Source List, under Devices.. Click on it to see all new photos in your camera roll." }, { "docid": "2470846", "title": "-", "text": "What is Open Interest? The definition of open interest as it applies in options trading is very straightforward; it's a number that shows the amount of currently open positions of options contracts. The higher the open interest of a contract, the more open positions there are for it. Quite simply, it represents the number of options contracts in existence." }, { "docid": "1561062", "title": "Public Health Entomology 1st Edition", "text": "Public Health Entomology 1st Edition. 1 Rent On clicking this link, a new layer will be open. $52.36 On clicking this link, a new layer will be open. 2 Buy used On clicking this link, a new layer will be open. $87.26 On clicking this link, a new layer will be open." }, { "docid": "1604282", "title": "-", "text": "When I try to open certain pages in Safari on a MAC, it instantly gives me the Safari can’t find the server message. When I try to open the same page in Firefox on the same machine, it opens normally. The page that I try to open is https://...." }, { "docid": "942131", "title": "-", "text": "perhaps you tried to open the hwp file but windows told you that it could not open it before you can open an hwp file assuming it s even a file format that s intended to be viewed or edited you ll need to determine what kind of file the hwp file extension refers toow to open an hwp file the easiest way to open an hwp file is to double click on it and let your pc decide which default application should open the file if no program opens the hwp file then you probably don t have an application installed that can view and or edit hwp files" }, { "docid": "7046883", "title": "Rafael NadalTennis Player", "text": "Grand slam tennis champion who has won an astounding ten French Open titles. He won Wimbledon in 2008 and 2010, the Australian Open in 2009 and the US Open in 2010 and 2013." }, { "docid": "4083851", "title": "Where can I find my backup files?", "text": "Seagate Manager: 1 Double-click on (My) Computer. 2 Open the FreeAgent external drive. 3 Open the folder Seagate Backup. Open the next listed folder: PCname (this is the name of the computer from which the backup was 1 run). There will be two folders listed: C and History. Open the C folder." }, { "docid": "4216893", "title": "-", "text": "Links. 1 http://www.open.edu/openlearn/education/learning-how-learn/openlearn/education. 2 http://www.open.edu/openlearn/education/learning-how-learn/openlearn/education/free-courses. 3 http://www.open.edu/openlearn/education/learning-how-learn/openlearn/education/all-content." }, { "docid": "8002821", "title": "-", "text": "Checking Accounts - Open a Checking Account Online Bank of America checking accounts boast a variety of features to fit your needs. Open a checking account online. checking account, checking, online checking account, open checking account online, checking accounts, open a checking account online, open a checking account. Bank of America." }, { "docid": "343205", "title": "How Do I Merge Two Excel Spreadsheets?", "text": "First, open Excel and open both of the files you're looking to merge. Make sure the column headers are the same. Now open a new spreadsheet, which will be the destination for your merged data. From this new spreadsheet, click on the Data tab and click on Consolidate.." }, { "docid": "598105", "title": "How To Use a Meter to Test Continuity", "text": "How To Use a Meter to Test Continuity. A continuity test is done to determine whether a circuit is open or closed. For example, a wall switch is closed when it is turned to the on position and it is open when it is turned off.An open circuit cannot conduct electricity. A closed circuit has continuity.ow To Use a Meter to Test Continuity. A continuity test is done to determine whether a circuit is open or closed. For example, a wall switch is closed when it is turned to the on position and it is open when it is turned off. An open circuit cannot conduct electricity." }, { "docid": "1257170", "title": "When Is Open Networking, Really âOpenâ?", "text": "What is open in networking? A product or solution can be open in multiple ways. At a software level, openness can be achieved by: Open-sourcing the software; Supporting open protocols; Supporting open APIs; Until a few years ago, implementing open standards was sufficient for a vendor to claim “openness,” as it ensured interoperability with other network elements." }, { "docid": "5598309", "title": "Repair a corrupted workbook", "text": "Repair a corrupted workbook manually. Click the Microsoft Office Button, and then click Open. In the Open dialog box, select the corrupted workbook that you want to open. Click the arrow next to the Open button, and then click Open and Repair." }, { "docid": "1908871", "title": "Details of the .rfa file extension", "text": "Windows cannot open this file: example.rfa. To open this file, Windows needs to know what program you want to use to open it... If you don't know how to set the .rfa file association, check the FAQ." }, { "docid": "3517384", "title": "-", "text": "How To Open a PLS File. The easiest way to open a PLS file is to double-click on it and let your PC decide which default application should open the file. If no program opens the PLS file then you probably don't have an application installed that can view and/or edit PLS files.erhaps you tried to open the PLS file but Windows told you that it could not open it. Before you can open a PLS file (assuming it's even a file format that's intended to be viewed or edited), you'll need to determine what kind of file the .PLS file extension refers to." }, { "docid": "5243509", "title": "10 best uses for open source software in the business world", "text": "There are a lot of options for developing for open source or with open source tools (as are there with proprietary development). The biggest difference between open source and proprietary is the access you have to the software code. Within the world of FOSS (free open source software) the code is readily available." }, { "docid": "4200247", "title": "Details of extension .omm", "text": "If you want to open a .omm file on your computer, you just need to have the appropriate program installed. To open this file, Windows needs to know what program you want to use to open it. Windows can go online to look it up automatically, or you can manually select from a list of programs that are installed on your computer." }, { "docid": "2333024", "title": "-", "text": "Hi I wanna show you how to block Facebook, Youtube, any. that you want to block in TP Link Router.ok! Let's go to. Configure. log in to router. You can select by days or everyday it's up. to u.ok! now test open facebook.i think maybe can't open it.Ok! now i wanna test allow open it. refresh facebook pages. Ho wow it can open.hat you want to block in TP Link Router.ok! Let's go to. Configure. log in to router. You can select by days or everyday it's up. to u.ok! now test open facebook.i think maybe can't open it. Ok! now i wanna test allow open it. refresh facebook pages. Ho wow it can open." }, { "docid": "5821504", "title": "How to Transfer Files from the Samsung Galaxy Tab to Your PC", "text": "From the AutoPlay dialog box, choose the option Open Folder/Device to View Files. If the Auto Play dialog box doesn’t open, open the Computer window, then open the Galaxy Tab’s icon, and then open the Tablet icon. The folder window you see looks like any other folder in Windows.rom the AutoPlay dialog box, choose the option Open Folder/Device to View Files. If the Auto Play dialog box doesn’t open, open the Computer window, then open the Galaxy Tab’s icon, and then open the Tablet icon. The folder window you see looks like any other folder in Windows." }, { "docid": "5022014", "title": "-", "text": "Guests at an open house party might enjoy a slice of pizza. Snacks may be available for open house attendees. Ice cream may be served during a summertime open house party. Cake may be served as a dessert at an open house party. An open house party might feature casseroles." }, { "docid": "1232632", "title": "Procedure to open ' .wav ' Files in Windows 8 Phone?", "text": "How To Open an INI File. The easiest way to open an INI file is to double-click on it and let your PC decide which default application should open the file.If no program opens the INI file then you probably don't have an application installed that can view and/or edit INI files.ow To Open an INI File. The easiest way to open an INI file is to double-click on it and let your PC decide which default application should open the file." }, { "docid": "2756094", "title": "How to open and view .EFI files", "text": "How to open and view .EFI files. When you attempt to open a .EFI file, your PC displays an error: Windows can't open this file ." }, { "docid": "1640216", "title": "-", "text": "At each U.S. Open, Women’s Open and Senior Open, Lexus provides spectators with access to unique experiences ranging from the opportunity to have a picture taken with both the U.S. Open and U.S. Women’s Open trophies to autograph signings with legendary Lexus Golf Ambassadors in the Lexus Performance Drive Pavilion." }, { "docid": "599534", "title": "Open System in Management: Definition & Example", "text": "An open system is the core concept behind open system analysis, which is one of the leading methodologies in analyzing an organization. In this lesson, you will learn what an open system is, how it applies to organizations, and be given some examples to explain the concept." }, { "docid": "6794375", "title": "-", "text": "File | How to open BPL File | How to open LIC File | How to open AVASTLIC File How to open GAU File | How to open 1 File | How to open SIS File | How to open 0 File | How to open CHK File How to open MD5 File | How to open PART File | How to open DSC File | How to open CSH File | How to open CDF-MS File." }, { "docid": "4493103", "title": "U.S. Open 2015 TV schedule and coverage for Thursday's Round 1", "text": "The U.S. Open begins on Thursday and it will look quite a bit different than previous years, both on the course and on TV. If you tune in to the first round of the U.S. Open golf tournament on Thursday and expect traditional U.S. Open coverage from a traditional U.S. Open type course, you're in for a major surprise." }, { "docid": "3238863", "title": "Open Financial Exchange", "text": "Open Financial Exchange. Open Financial Exchange (OFX) is a data-stream format for exchanging financial information that evolved from Microsoft's Open Financial Connectivity (OFC) and Intuit's Open Exchange file formats." }, { "docid": "580690", "title": "Details of extension .exr", "text": "If you want to open a .exr file on your computer, you just need to have the appropriate program installed. To open this file, Windows needs to know what program you want to use to open it. Windows can go online to look it up automatically, or you can manually select from a list of programs that are installed on your computer." }, { "docid": "6582438", "title": "-", "text": "Windows can't open this file: File: example.lcx. To open this file, Windows needs to know what program you want to use to open it. Windows can go online to look it up automatically, or you can manually select from a list of programs that are installed on your computer." }, { "docid": "2025987", "title": "Q: How do I move files from a flash drive to my documents?", "text": "To do so, first open a window and navigate to the documents folder. Now, open a new window and then open the contents of the flash drive. You will have both Windows side by side. Method –. I would have you perform the steps to transfer the files to My Documents." } ]
what does personality disorder mean
[ { "docid": "6132848", "title": "Overview", "text": "A personality disorder is a type of mental disorder in which you have a rigid and unhealthy pattern of thinking, functioning and behaving. A person with a personality disorder has trouble perceiving and relating to situations and to people." } ]
[ { "docid": "6280460", "title": "Bipolar vs. Borderline Personality Disorder: The Differences Between The Two And How To Avoid Misdiagnosis", "text": "The quicker people with bipolar disorder — or borderline personality disorder, or other mental illnesses — can be diagnosed correctly, the quicker effective treatment can be administered.Misdiagnosed patients have a higher risk of worsened symptoms, complications from the disorder or mistreatment, or suicide.orderline Personality Disorder. People who suffer from borderline personality disorder (BPD) have severe difficulties in regulating their emotions, which often leads to mood swings, impulsiveness, and unstable personal relationships (“I love you!” turns into “I hate you!” quite quickly)." }, { "docid": "5976210", "title": "-", "text": "Antisocial Personality Disorder. An adults-only diagnosis, antisocial personality disorder describes individuals who tend to disregard and violate the rights of others around them. 1 Definition. 2 Symptoms. 3 Causes. 4 Treatments." }, { "docid": "5514249", "title": "What causes personality disorders?", "text": "What causes personality disorders? Research suggests that genetics, abuse and other factors contribute to the development of obsessive-compulsive, narcissistic or other personality disorders. In the past, some believed that people with personality disorders were just lazy or even evil. Genetics. Researchers are beginning to identify some possible genetic factors behind personality disorders. One team, for instance, has identified a malfunctioning gene that may be a factor in obsessive-compulsive disorder." }, { "docid": "6726162", "title": "Histrionic Personality Disorder", "text": "By Psych Central Staff ~ 3 min read. Histrionic personality disorder is characterized by a long-standing pattern of attention seeking behavior and extreme emotionality. Someone with histrionic personality disorder wants to be the center of attention in any group of people, and feel uncomfortable when they are not." }, { "docid": "7592743", "title": "Definition Of Psychopath And What It All Means", "text": "Personality disorder. The standard definition of psychopath is: A person with an antisocial personality disorder, manifested in aggressive, perverted, criminal, or amoral behavior without empathy or remorse. A person afflicted with a personality disorder characterized by a tendency to commit antisocial and sometimes violent acts and a failure to feel guilt for such acts." }, { "docid": "4628081", "title": "An Overview of BPD", "text": "About Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a serious mental illness that causes unstable moods, behavior, and relationships. It usually begins during adolescence or early adulthood. Most people who have BPD suffer from: 1 Problems regulating their emotions and thoughts. 2 Impulsive and sometimes reckless behavior." }, { "docid": "1658841", "title": "Hoarding: The Basics", "text": "Hoarding is a disorder that may be present on its own or as a symptom of another disorder. Those most often associated with hoarding are obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (OCPD), obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and depression. Although less often, hoarding may be associated with an eating disorder, pica (eating non-food materials), Prader-Willi syndrome (a genetic disorder), psychosis, or dementia. Diminished Quality of Life" }, { "docid": "483332", "title": "Impulsive Personality Disorder and Alcoholism", "text": "Impulsive personality disorder is often seen as the most charismatic of the borderline types. The impulsive type is extremely different from the other subtypes of borderline personality disorder, even to an untrained eye. person who has impulsive personality disorder is charming and good at being the center of attention. In fact, this kind of person thrives on receiving attention. He or she might be highly adventurous – even to the point of engaging in dangerous behavior – but this person is often also superficial." }, { "docid": "808800", "title": "Personality Disorders", "text": "Personality Disorders. Personality disorders form a class of mental disorders that are characterized by long-lasting, rigid patterns of thought and behavior. Because of the inflexibility and pervasiveness of these patterns, they can cause serious problems and issues in a person's life if they are diagnosed with a personality disorder." }, { "docid": "3386704", "title": "Is it possible that Donald Trump has a mental problem?", "text": "By Mayo Clinic Staff. Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others." }, { "docid": "5514250", "title": "DSM-5: The Ten Personality Disorders: Cluster A", "text": "Cluster A personality disorders. Cluster A personality disorders are characterized by odd, eccentric thinking or behavior. They include paranoid personality disorder, schizoid personality disorder and schizotypal personality disorder." }, { "docid": "178727", "title": "Antisocial personality disorder", "text": "A person with antisocial personality disorder will have a history of conduct disorder during childhood, such as truancy (not going to school), delinquency – for example, committing crimes or substance misuse – and other disruptive and aggressive behaviours.iagnosing antisocial personality disorder. To be diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder, a person must have a history of conduct disorder before the age of 15. Antisocial personality disorder is diagnosed after rigorous psychological assessment." }, { "docid": "6593929", "title": "Histrionic personality disorder", "text": "Histrionic personality disorder (HPD) is defined by the American Psychiatric Association as a personality disorder characterized by a pattern of excessive attention-seeking emotions, usually beginning in early adulthood, including inappropriately seductive behavior and an excessive need for approval.PD lies in the dramatic cluster of personality disorders. People with HPD have a high need for attention, make loud and inappropriate appearances, exaggerate their behaviors and emotions, and crave stimulation." }, { "docid": "300165", "title": "Schizotypal Personality Disorder", "text": "Like most personality disorders, paranoid personality disorder typically will decrease in intensity with age, with many people experiencing few of the most extreme symptoms by the time they are in the 40s or 50s." }, { "docid": "2174212", "title": "Dependent Personality Disorder", "text": "Dependent personality disorder (DPD) is one of the most frequently diagnosed personality disorders. It occurs equally in men and women, usually becoming apparent in young adulthood or later as important adult relationships form.eople with DPD become emotionally dependent on other people and spend great effort trying to please others. People with DPD tend to display needy, passive, and clinging behavior, and have a fear of separation. Other common characteristics of this personality disorder include:" }, { "docid": "7340363", "title": "Avoidant Personality Disorder vs. Schizoid", "text": "Two types of personality disorders, avoidant personality disorder and schizoid personality disorder affect behavior, causing issues with relationships. While these two personality disorders share some features, they are distinct disorders. Learn about avoidant personality disorder vs. schizoid." }, { "docid": "5433854", "title": "What Is Histrionic Personality Disorder?", "text": "Histrionic personality disorder (HPD) is a condition that is a part of a larger group of psychological disorders, called dramatic personality disorders.People with HPD have a distorted mental image of themselves. They often base their self-esteem on the approval of others.ecognizing the Signs of Histrionic Personality Disorder. Histrionic personality disorder is not a devastating psychological disorder. Most people with HPD function successfully in society and at work." }, { "docid": "8363007", "title": "-", "text": "Individuals with histrionic personality disorder lack the essential social skills of genuineness, chastity, and caution. They lack emotional stability (that is also lacking in individuals with borderline personality disorder) and cooperation/generosity (that is also lacking in narcissistic personality disorder)." }, { "docid": "7844785", "title": "Sudden Personality Changes in Adults", "text": "What Causes a Personality Change in Adults? Mental illness can cause personality changes in adults. Issues like anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder and PTSD can certainly cause personality changes. Mental illness can be a result of a number of factors including experience, genetics or even physical injury or illness." }, { "docid": "3255012", "title": "What is Multiple Personality Disorder?", "text": "Multiple personality disorder is now more usually termed dissociated identity disorder. It is one of the more misunderstood types of mental illness, frequently capturing the interest of writers and filmmakers, who tend to portray it in its most exaggerated form." }, { "docid": "3978418", "title": "antisocial personality disorder", "text": "Definition of antisocial personality disorder. : a personality disorder that is characterized by antisocial behavior exhibiting pervasive disregard for and violation of the rights, feelings, and safety of others starting in childhood or the early teenage years and continuing into adulthood —called also psychopathic personality disorder." }, { "docid": "5318248", "title": "-", "text": "Because many personality domains are heritable, borderline personality disorder may be a result of a genotype interacting with adverse environmental factors. This would in turn lead to the expression of borderline symptoms or other dysfunctional personality traits.Researchers have found that personality disorders develop from a combination of genes and environmental effects on personality traits.ecause many personality domains are heritable, borderline personality disorder may be a result of a genotype interacting with adverse environmental factors. This would in turn lead to the expression of borderline symptoms or other dysfunctional personality traits." }, { "docid": "3254499", "title": "-", "text": "The Cleveland Clinic 2 says that narcissistic personality disorder belongs to a group of conditions known as dramatic personality disorders. Afflicted people have very unstable and intense emotions and a distorted image of self." }, { "docid": "3032106", "title": "personality", "text": "The symptoms of a personality disorder may also occur as features of another mental disorder. More than one personality disorder can exist in the same person. Because patients refuse to admit that there is anything wrong, personality disorders are more difficult to treat than other mental disorders." }, { "docid": "5730667", "title": "Psychopathy", "text": "Causes. As with other mental disorders, the causes of borderline personality disorder aren't fully understood. In addition to environmental factors — such as a history of child abuse or neglect — borderline personality disorder may be linked to: 1 Genetics. 2 Brain abnormalities. 3 Symptoms. 4 Risk factors." }, { "docid": "2245173", "title": "Dissociative disorder", "text": "1 Dissociative identity disorder (formerly multiple personality disorder): the alternation of two or more distinct personality states with impaired recall among personality states.issociative identity disorder (multiple personality disorder). Cause: People with dissociative identity disorder usually have close relatives who have also had similar experiences. Treatment: Long-term psychotherapy that helps the patient merge his/her multiple personalities into one personality." }, { "docid": "4243708", "title": "multiple personality", "text": "a rare disorder in which an individual displays several functionally dissociated personalities, each of a complexity comparable to that of a normal individual. Also called split personality. Origin of multiple personality. noun, Psychiatry. 1. a rare disorder in which an individual displays several functionally dissociated personalities, each of a complexity comparable to that of a normal individual. Also called split personality." }, { "docid": "288091", "title": "schizophrenia", "text": "It is often considered to be more of a personality disorder; see schizotypal personality disorder. schizoaffective schizophrenia schizoaffective disorder. simple schizophrenia a form characterized by gradual loss of drive, social withdrawal, and emotional apathy, but without prominent psychotic features.It is often considered to be a form of personality disorder; see schizotypal personality disorder.efinition. Schizophrenia is a psychotic disorder (or a group of disorders) marked by severely impaired thinking, emotions, and behaviors. Schizophrenic patients are typically unable to filter sensory stimuli and may have enhanced perceptions of sounds, colors, and other features of their environment." }, { "docid": "6843601", "title": "Narcissistic Personality Disorder", "text": "Narcissistic Personality Disorder is characterized by a long-standing pattern of grandiosity (either in fantasy or actual behavior), an overwhelming need for admiration, and usually a complete lack of empathy toward others.eople with narcissistic personality disorder often display snobbish, disdainful, or patronizing attitudes. For example, an individual with this disorder may complain about a clumsy waiter’s “rudeness” or “stupidity” or conclude a medical evaluation with a condescending evaluation of the physician." }, { "docid": "4247731", "title": "Borderline Personality Disorder Symptoms", "text": "Many people with borderline personality disorder don’t seek out treatment. People with personality disorders, in general, do not often seek out treatment until the disorder starts to significantly interfere or otherwise impact a person’s life." } ]
what does session border controller do? quora
[ { "docid": "3041503", "title": "-", "text": "Ask a question. View More... A Session Border Controller is a device used in select VoIP networks to exert control over the signaling and usually also the media streams involved in setting up, conducting, and tearing down calls. The SBC enforces security, quality of service and admission control mechanism over the VoIP sessions." } ]
[ { "docid": "6586809", "title": "Moe.", "text": "When I plug a PS3 controller into my PC nothing happens. I've been using Motioninjoy with my PS3 controller for years without issue, as recently as this morning. This afternoon, however, when I plugged in a controller literally nothing happened." }, { "docid": "6982313", "title": "Difference Between Controller and Comptroller", "text": "Further to this a comptroller is perceived to be of higher ranking than a controller and is involved in the internal costs and profits, whereas a controller will be more involved in the costs and profits created at the final stage of the product/service." }, { "docid": "5082473", "title": "-", "text": "Host Controller Interface or Host controller interface may refer to: 1 Host Controller Interface (FireWire), an interface that enables a FireWire host controller to communicate with a driver. Host Controller Interface (USB), an interface that enables a USB host controller to communicate with a driver." }, { "docid": "8466949", "title": "How Do Oil Companies Know Where To Drill?", "text": "What is the geological explanation for finding oil in specific places? How does it relate to evolution? originally appeared on Quora: the place to gain and share knowledge, empowering people to learn from others and better understand the world. Answer by C Stuart Hardwick, Award-Winning Scifi Author, on Quora:" }, { "docid": "3292669", "title": "-", "text": "Engineering at Quora. Engineers build Quora from the ground up, from backend infrastructure to ranking algorithms to frontend abstractions, in order to achieve our mission. At Quora, as our product continues to grow—to over 100M unique users per month, launching in a second language, and a new advertising program—so too has our engineering organization grown." }, { "docid": "8718635", "title": "What Would You Do? (ABC News series)", "text": "What Would You Do? (formerly known as Primetime: What Would You Do? through its fifth season) is an American newsmagazine and situational hidden camera television program that has been broadcast on ABC since February 26, 2008. It is hosted by news correspondent John Quiñones and was created by Chris Whipple." }, { "docid": "185126", "title": "-", "text": "As a security measure, your session will end in 5 minutes. If you need more time, select Save Cart to return at a later time or select Continue to extend your session. Your myAT&T session has timed out. As a security measure, your session ends after 30 minutes of inactivity." }, { "docid": "2771848", "title": "Using Alternative Input Devices (Xbox 360)", "text": "This controller consists of an aircraft joystick, which is used for flight simulation, air combat, and space combat games. The joystick’s position is mapped to the Left Stick’s X and Y-axes as on a Cartesian plane. This is the standard Xbox 360 controller. It is suitable for emulating all other controller subtypes." }, { "docid": "8295521", "title": "-", "text": "1.2 Types of Device Drivers. A device driver is a software module that resides within the Digital UNIX kernel and is the software interface to a hardware device or devices. A hardware device is a peripheral, such as a disk controller, tape controller, or network controller device." }, { "docid": "2043974", "title": "An Exclamation Mark Appears on the SM Bus Controller in Device Manager", "text": "SM Bus Controller or System Management Controller is a Chipset on the Motherboard. Its main purpose is to monitor the board's voltage and temperature." }, { "docid": "5082476", "title": "-", "text": "1 Host Controller Interface (FireWire), an interface that enables a FireWire host controller to communicate with a driver. Host Controller Interface (USB), an interface that enables a USB host controller to communicate with a driver." }, { "docid": "3260986", "title": "-", "text": "Academic advising is essential for appropriate course enrollment and academic advisors will be available to assist you during your New Student Orientation session. All incoming students are strongly encouraged to attend a New Student Orientation session so that you have assistance in choosing the right classes.ut new students do not have a first/second pass. They enroll in all their courses at their Orientation session. For this reason, many think that if you enroll in an earlier session, you will get all your classes and if you enroll in a later session you will get no classes." }, { "docid": "873437", "title": "-", "text": "F5 offers products in various segments of the application delivery controller market. According to Gartner, in 2010 F5 had a continued market-leading position in the Application Delivery Controller (ADC) market and the Advanced Platform Application Delivery Controller market." }, { "docid": "2554665", "title": "-", "text": "How to Connect a Wireless Xbox 360 Controller. Two Methods: Connecting to an Xbox 360 Connecting to a PC. Your Xbox 360 wireless controller will allow you to play your games from anywhere in the living room, but you have to set it up first. You can even connect it to your PC to play games on your computer.. Press and hold the Guide button on the 360 wireless controller. This is the button in the middle with the Xbox logo. When you have successfully connected the controller, you will see a green light on the controller and the receiver." }, { "docid": "98330", "title": "The difference between a Business Controller and a Financial Controller (and their typical job description)", "text": "What I do note is that the role of a controller in the US is given a different interpretation and is completely geared towards protection of assets and managing risks. The difference between Financial Controller and Business Controller is hardly relevant in the way they work.Then in emerging economies, there is still a need to define these roles. I am not the type of person that will immediately say they are behind and need to catch up.s the name says, a Business Controller is business and commercial minded. He partners up with other functions outside of finance, almost like a consultant does. He is active, aggressive, externally focused and future oriented." }, { "docid": "326113", "title": "-", "text": "If your wireless controller disconnects or can't connect to your console, see Xbox 360 Wireless Controller disconnects or can't connect. If your wireless controller doesn't turn on, or if it loses power, try the following solutions: Solution 1: Replace the batteries." }, { "docid": "6467158", "title": "How To Connect Your PS4 Controller to Your Android Device for Easier Gameplay", "text": "On your Android device, enable Bluetooth, then select the Wireless Controller option listed. Once it states that your device and controller are connected, you will notice that you can use the DualShock 4 controller to navigate through the device, though, some actions are limited.owever, if you're playing a game with built-in gamepad support and have a PlayStation 4 controller on hand, it's extremely simple to pair it with your Android device using Bluetooth to get your game on right away." }, { "docid": "616743", "title": "Using your Xbox 360 Controller on your PC", "text": "Once the software is installed you can plug your Xbox 360 controller into your USB port on your computer. To ensure it is working correctly select Game Controllers in the Control Panel in Windows.Not all games support the controller; you can check the game manual to see whether your game does.sing Your Wireless Xbox 360 Controller on Your PC. You can also use your wireless Xbox 360 controller to play PC games but in order to do this you will need to purchase the wireless gaming receiver. You can purchase it from Amazon here." }, { "docid": "5224248", "title": "-", "text": "And this is what spawned the Razer Sabertooth – what we believe is the ultimate gaming controller for the Xbox 360. When it comes to tournament-grade gaming, a durable, reliable controller is paramount in keeping up with the competition." }, { "docid": "7689701", "title": "-", "text": "how to get an xbox 360 controller working for steam. I have a wireless xbox 360 controller and I am trying to figure out a way to get it working for steam games (preferably free). I can connect the controller to my computer via the charging cable but whenever I do that it just connects to my xbox. Thanks for the help." }, { "docid": "6269786", "title": "-", "text": "Click Browse and select the backup file. 3. Click Import. If the domain controller you try to restore is in an environment with more than one domain controllers, do not restore from the backup, as this will corrupt the domain controller database.Simply add the NAS back as a domain controller, and it will synchronize with the existing domain controller.hoose to add the computer account to the user group(s) or remove it from the user group(s). DNS. The Domain Name System, or DNS, can help the domain controller locate services and devices within the domain (or vice versa) using service and resource records." }, { "docid": "3715357", "title": "Wat is the difference between flip flops and latches?", "text": "If you have searched the Quora, you could have got answer. I have already written answer for the following question. What is the difference between a latch and a flip flop? I have copied my answer below. --------------------------------------------------------. Latch is an Asynchronous circuit.." }, { "docid": "1405100", "title": "-", "text": "1 How to Change Description on an MRP controller. 2 MRP Type 'ND' No planning. 3 MRP Indicator Is Missing In MM02. 4 MARC-PRCTR Mass Update But Not MM17. 5 MRP Controller Descriptions. 6 creating an mrp controller. 7 Change of Material Description. 8 Make MRP Controller Inactive. 9 VMware Virtual SAN Ready Nodes." }, { "docid": "356856", "title": "-", "text": "Solutions. If your wireless controller won't turn on, try these solutions. Solution 1: If your Xbox One Wireless Controller is powered by two AA batteries. Insert a new set of AA batteries into the wireless controller and then try to turn it on." }, { "docid": "2864026", "title": "Which solar charge controller: PWM or MPPT?", "text": "Which solar charge controller: PWM or MPPT? What follows is a summary of our white paper with the same title. For the full white paper, see: Which solar charge controller: PWM or MPPT? in the White papers section of our site. 1. The PWM controller is in essence a switch that connects a solar array to a battery." }, { "docid": "3886087", "title": "GameCube controller", "text": "The WaveBird is an RF-based wireless controller based on the same design as the standard controller. It communicates with the GameCube system wirelessly through a receiver dongle which connects to one of the system's controller ports. It is powered by two AA batteries." }, { "docid": "4039929", "title": "First Coaching Session Or Intake Session", "text": "First Coaching Session Or Intake Session. The first coaching session you have with your client is sometimes called an intake session, because, unlike subsequent coaching sessions your client to some extent will be ‘taking in’ information from you…about how you operate, what they can expect from coaching, etc." }, { "docid": "1669310", "title": "-", "text": "A Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting or Finance and a minimum of 5-7years experience in an Accounting Manager or Assistant Controller position within a... 4 days ago-save job-email-more... 1 View all Reinsel Kuntz Lesher jobs in Wyomissing, PA-Wyomissing jobs.ssistant Controller. Reporting directly to the Controller, the Assistant Controller would be responsible for assisting the Controller with all the financial management processes and... 31 minutes ago-save job-email-more..." }, { "docid": "3373642", "title": "PS3 Controller not charging or syncing with ps3", "text": "Now, its August 2014, and my controller can't seem to sync with my PS3 Console. Whenever I connect it using the charging cord, nothing happens, and when I press the round button, it syncs with the console, but doesn't blink (i.e doesn't charge).oot to main menu, plug the controller in charging cord, sync controller with console, and then press and hold the PS button for few seconds, the console should show you controller menu, showing charge level as well." }, { "docid": "7188075", "title": "Name ________________________", "text": "5. What is Claudius going to do concerning Fortinbras? 6. Explain the irony of the subject of Claudius’s speech. 7. What does Laertes ask permission to do? 8. What does Gertrude ask Hamlet to do? 9. What does Claudius say about Hamlet’s sorrow? 10. During Hamlet’s first soliloquy, what is his state of mind? 11." } ]
what does sparring mean
[ { "docid": "5915966", "title": "Sparring", "text": "Tommy Burns during a sparring session. Sparring is a form of training common to many combat sports. Although the precise form varies, it is essentially relatively 'free-form' fighting, with enough rules, customs, or agreements to make injuries unlikely. By extension, argumentative debate is sometimes called verbal sparring." } ]
[ { "docid": "7396375", "title": "Calories Burned Boxing", "text": "A 155-pound person who spends an hour hitting the heavy bag burns about 422 calories, according to the Wisconsin Department of Health and Family Services. The same person burns about 633 calories per 60 minutes of sparring in the ring. Even if you're not hitting the heavy bag or sparring, other elements of a boxing workout -- including jumping rope, up-tempo calisthenics and shadow boxing -- elevate your heart rate and help you burn calories quickly." }, { "docid": "1073708", "title": "9 facts you might not know about Elton John", "text": "Every day is all right for fighting. Elton has had some of the most celebrated spats in the music industry. His sparring partners have included Madonna (“a f***ing fairground stripper”) and David Bowie, who called the Rocket Man “the token queen of rock”. Here’s Elton and Lily Allen managing to fall out spectacularly (albeit in a stagey way). It seems that, for Elton, sorry really is the hardest word." }, { "docid": "372284", "title": "-", "text": "There is a lot of controversy in MMA about the benefits of full contact sparring vs career threatening injuries. Former UFC fighter Jamie Varner came to an early retirement because he had a lot of head trauma in full contact sparring." }, { "docid": "6317155", "title": "ITF Taekwon-do", "text": "The original International Taekwon-Do Federation (ITF) is a taekwondo organization founded on March 22, 1966, by General Choi Hong Hi in Seoul, South Korea. The ITF practices a style of taekwondo known as Chang Hon taekwondo, though colloquially this is often called ITF-style.he International Taekwon-Do Federation's sparring rules are similar to the WTF 's rules, but differ in several aspects. 1 Hand and foot attacks to the head are allowed. 2 The scoring system is: 3 1 Point for: punch to the body or head. 4 2 Points for: kick to the body. 5 3 Points for: any kick to the head." }, { "docid": "3983418", "title": "MMA for kids? Youâve got to be kidding me!", "text": "I’ve allowed him to do point sparring and a grappling tournament but the idea of allowing him to take punches to the head seems like a highly irresponsible thing to do. White points out that the kids in the video are wearing safety equipment." }, { "docid": "3576321", "title": "Buying Boxing Gloves â 6 Things to Know", "text": "Due to the fact that we spar so often, sparring gloves offer more padding and protection than other types of boxing gloves and are therefore heavier. Sparring gloves are 14oz, 16oz or 18oz in weight. If boxing gloves are less that 14oz in weight then they are NOT sparring gloves. For me 16oz is the way to go." }, { "docid": "7916428", "title": "-", "text": "In it I have: 1 Two hitting sticks. 2 Two sparring sticks. 3 A pair of nunchucks. A wooden training 1 knife. A metal training knife. A rubber training 1 knife. My balisong." }, { "docid": "2309965", "title": "The importance of sparring", "text": "Sparring is the nearest thing to a real fight, without actually fighting. Sparring will help you develop a greater understand and application of the following skills: 1 Distance - How to control the distance between you and your partner. Rhythm - How to break your opponents rhythm." }, { "docid": "3546444", "title": "In-Laws Monica Crowley and Alan Colmes Planning Live Debates", "text": "But he is one of my best friends.”. Ms. Crowley, the conservative syndicated radio host, Fox News contributor, and McLaughlin Group regular was speaking to The Observer on Thursday afternoon about her liberal friend and TV sparring partner Alan Colmes." }, { "docid": "2054115", "title": "-", "text": "+ DESCRIPTION. Few escrima sticks are as instantly recognizable as the classic Burned Rattan Escrima! Cut from a single, sturdy piece of 100% rattan wood and then patterned with the classic 'burnt' markings, this kali stick will prove a reliable weapon through training or sparring!" }, { "docid": "2336924", "title": "If I Want to Be a Lawyer What Can I Do in High School to Make It Happen?", "text": "Extracurricular Activities. Law students and lawyers must learn to make persuasive oral arguments. Join your high school’s debate or forensics clubs to get a jump-start on verbal sparring. To develop public-speaking skills, make formal presentations in class or volunteer to speak in front of groups at school, in the community or at work." }, { "docid": "6610790", "title": "Sport Chest", "text": "The Macho Martial Arts Sport Chest Guard was designed by 9x World Champion Christine Bannon-Rodrigues in 2001. This is one of Macho’s most popular chest guards. It is ultra lightweight with excellent mobility. The high, above-the-hip cut reduces shifting when sparring. Ideal for sport karate tournament circuits that require chest protection. This chest protector provides protection and shock-resistance with high-density 1” thermoformed polyethylene. It features open back with elastic crisscross strapping and easy on/easy off over the head wear." }, { "docid": "2823031", "title": "Boxing glove", "text": "Boxing gloves are cushioned gloves that fighters wear on their hands during boxing matches and practices. Unlike the ancient cestus which were designed as a weapon, modern boxing gloves are designed to protect the fighter's hand during a bout, though competitions, sparring and other forms of training have their own specialized gloves." }, { "docid": "3576319", "title": "-", "text": "16oz – The big daddy of the boxing world. 16oz is the ‘gym standard’ sparring glove. Even a lighter weight fighter still has to don 16’s in most gyms. If you’re a larger person with bigger hands, these gloves are essential in protecting your partners safety." }, { "docid": "101427", "title": "What Boxing Gloves To Use", "text": "The only ones you really need are TRAINING GLOVES or SPARRING GLOVES. Basically, training gloves are can be used for all types of boxing training like hitting the bags and sparring. Below are general guidelines for body-weight and size of boxing training gloves recommended. 120lbs & down (12oz or 14oz) 120lbs – 150lbs (14oz – 16oz) 150lbs – 180lbs (16oz – 20oz)" }, { "docid": "8159527", "title": "Taunting and Verbal Sparring â Are They Not Your Style?", "text": "Being able to take what’s dished out and dish out your own comebacks is a good part of demonstrating one’s leadership competence. Maybe it shouldn’t be. But it is. So, if taunting and verbal sparring are frequent where you work, there’s no time like the present to start learning how to hold your own when the offenses start flying." }, { "docid": "7182666", "title": "What Is Sparring Good For?", "text": "No matter what your preferred Krav Maga style is, sparring is a fantastic way to build your strengths while mitigating your weaknesses in a safe manner. Talk to your Krav Maga instructor to help determine which sparring level is appropriate for you. Remember, the best self-defense system is one that teaches you prediction, timing, and control." }, { "docid": "8363192", "title": "-", "text": "Learn the Korean Art of Tae Kwon Do from Tae Kwon Do Master Adam Gibson. Topics: -Pattern/Poomse-Tae Geuk Chil Jong(#7) -1-Step-Sparring-(Sidekick Kick Defenses-Tech 1-5) Hapkido- Defenses against Headlocks (Tech 1-5) *All techniques are shown from multiple angles and speeds for better understanding and learning." }, { "docid": "7745745", "title": "Understanding Deer Antler Growth and Development", "text": "Factors That Affect Deer Antler Growth and Development. As you may already know, all male deer (family Cervidae) grow antlers. They are used for warding off predators, sparring with other deer, and they attract female deer (doe) during the mating season (like a male peacock's feathers)." }, { "docid": "3780085", "title": "What does it take to get a black belt in Taekwondo?", "text": "I remember my black belt grading was the toughest thing I had to go through and prepare for. I had to perform all 11 patterns and black belt pattern. I had to do the basic sets for all belt colours. All of the one step sparring. I had to demonstrate all kicks, and did 10 rounds of 2 minute pad sparring." }, { "docid": "2936861", "title": "Roger Ebert Dies at 70; a Critic for the Common Man", "text": "Roger Ebert, the popular film critic and television co-host who along with his fellow reviewer and sometime sparring partner Gene Siskel could lift or sink the fortunes of a movie with their trademark thumbs up or thumbs down, died on Thursday in Chicago. He was 70." }, { "docid": "8159520", "title": "Sparring", "text": "Sparring is a form of training common to many combat sports. Although the precise form varies, it is essentially relatively 'free-form' fighting, with enough rules, customs, or agreements to make injuries unlikely. By extension, argumentative debate is sometimes called verbal sparring." }, { "docid": "835009", "title": "-", "text": "Thanks to the power of the PIQ ROBOT™ Blue, track all your workouts: shadow boxing, bag, mitt training, and sparring. Measure your speed of punch, your G-force at impact, and your retraction time for all your punches. After each game, PIQ ROBOT™ Blue tells you what are your Winning Factors and where you could improve. These are incredible pointers that will allow you, round after round, to improve and ultimately prevail." }, { "docid": "8083036", "title": "-", "text": "sparring. 1 intransitive verb. 2 1a : box; especially : to gesture without landing a blow to draw one's opponent or create an openingb : to engage in a practice or exhibition bout of boxing. 3 2 : skirmish, wrangle. 4 3 : to strike or fight with feet or spurs in the manner of a gamecock." }, { "docid": "372283", "title": "Sparring", "text": "Sparring in a grappling art such as judo might begin with the partners holding one another and end if they separate. The organization of sparring matches also varies; if the participants know each other well and are friendly, it may be sufficient for them to simply play, without rules, referee, or timer." }, { "docid": "7990498", "title": "How Kickboxing Can Transform Your Workout", "text": "Adding kickboxing to a workout gives it a new, dynamic twist. The benefits to taking on such a workout are plentiful and worth the sweaty aches. Kickboxing can transform your workout and lead to further toning of your body and an increasing of endurance. Those two things are what everyone wants from a good workout. And you can still get a great workout without the physical contact of sparring. Let's explore how kickboxing can do this." }, { "docid": "2309967", "title": "The importance of sparring", "text": "The importance of sparring. Sparring is the closest we can get to a real fighting situation and here is why it's so important. Sparring is a daily activity at some martial art schools. At other schools sparring is a very rare activity. Some people love sparring and some people don't. The bottom line is sparring is probably the most important training exercise there is." }, { "docid": "7439644", "title": "Meaning of name Aragorn", "text": "Pleasant and sociable by nature, Aragorn and Honoré are nevertheless quite reserved at first. They are sensitive and emotional souls, however they generally manage to remain in control of themselves and this just seems to make them even more charming... Bright and quick-witted, they are quickly able to grasp the essential elements of people and situations and are extremely adaptable with plenty of know-how. What´s more, they are rarely short of humour and enjoy verbal sparring matches, at which they excel." }, { "docid": "4453209", "title": "What Boxing Gloves To Use", "text": "Sparring gloves are basically extra-padded training gloves so that you’re not hurting your sparring opponent. Regardless of size or weight, hardly anyone ever spars with anything less than 16oz unless you’re a really small person (under 120 pounds)." }, { "docid": "7900461", "title": "Dakota Fanning talks child stardom, sparring with sister Elle and the wildest thing sheâs ever done", "text": "Dakota Fanning talks child stardom, sparring with sister Elle and the wildest thing she’s ever done By Martha Hayes January 2, 2018 12:28 pm From Hollywood child star to modern ingenue, Dakota Fanning's rise to success has been seamless and without scandal. She tells Martha Hayes where it all went right. Dakota Fanning has an eye roll is so spectacular, it deserves its own meme." } ]
what does strop mean
[ { "docid": "6683259", "title": "STRAP (strapped, strapping)", "text": "Meaning: An elongated leather strip (or a strip of similar material) for binding things together or holding something in position. Classified under: Nouns denoting man-made objects. Hypernyms (strap is a kind of...): leather strip (implement consisting of a strip of leather) Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of strap): strop (a leather strap used to sharpen razors) rein (one of a pair of long straps (usually connected to the bit or the headpiece) used to control a horse) latchet (a leather strap or thong used to attach a sandal or shoe to the foot)" } ]
[ { "docid": "3766133", "title": "Shave Like Your Great Grandpa: The Ultimate Straight Razor Shaving Guide", "text": "15-20 strokes in each direction on the strop should get your blade nice and sharp. If you’re first starting out with straight razor shaving, take slow and even strokes. Develop speed gradually. Once you get the hang of it, stropping a razor shouldn’t take more than 30 seconds." }, { "docid": "341349", "title": "-", "text": "This video shows you how to sharpen your Flexcut gouges and knives using our Flexcut SlipStrop and our Flexcut Knife Strop.For more information, please visit www.flexcut.com or contact us at 1-800-524-9077.his video shows you how to sharpen your Flexcut gouges and knives using our Flexcut SlipStrop and our Flexcut Knife Strop." }, { "docid": "6571230", "title": "-", "text": "1 How to Strop on a stropping block. 2 How to Sharpen a hunting or fishing knife. 3 How to Sharpen all of your knives with different methods. 4 How to Use stone to sharpen a knife. 5 How to Sharpen a knife with a Japanese water stone. 6 How to Do basic leather work. 7 How to Make a leather free flannel studded punk wristband. How to Sharpen a hunting or fishing knife. 2 How to Sharpen all of your knives with different methods. 3 How to Use stone to sharpen a knife. 4 How to Sharpen a knife with a Japanese water stone. 5 How to Do basic leather work." }, { "docid": "6993471", "title": "-", "text": "MLB Note - Chicago Cubs Hendricks, Kyle. MLB Note - Chicago Cubs Strop, Pedro. RHP Pedro Strop said he expects to return next month and help the Cubs in their final playoff push. He was scheduled to undergo knee surgery after suffering a torn meniscus on Wednesday." }, { "docid": "1072852", "title": "Diana was framed: why did the Great British Bake Off throw an innocent WI judge to the wolves?", "text": "A man with a beard had a strop about it and stormed out of a tent. A woman was the victim of an entire nation’s assumptions that she had done something underhand. The country erupted. I am, of course, talking about the Great British Bake Off." }, { "docid": "5116306", "title": "How Catcher Framing Can Make or Break a Game", "text": "I wrote this post while watching the Yankees play the Orioles on September 6th. With two outs in the top of the 8th inning and Russel Martin batting, the Orioles had a 6-3 lead. Orioles relief pitcher Pedro Strop got two swinging strikes out of Martin in the at bat, but somewhere in the middle there was a wild pitch (well, sort of)." }, { "docid": "3269505", "title": "-", "text": "Define strop: strap:; a short rope with its ends spliced to form a circle; a usually leather band for sharpening a razor — strop in a sentence strap:; a short rope with its ends spliced to form a circle; a usually leather band for sharpening a razor… See the full definition" }, { "docid": "3269509", "title": "-", "text": "Times, Sunday Times (2010)He had a proper little temper strop and threw all of his toys out of the pram. The Sun (2016)We sharpened our opinions on each other like blades on a leather strop. Times, Sunday Times (2014)Many stars would have thrown a strop and possibly downed tools to try to force through the deal." }, { "docid": "6571235", "title": "Double Strop Knot", "text": "Double Strop Knot. The double strop is used for large blocks; it gives more support to the shell than the single strop and admits of smaller rope being used.Wire rope is much used for block strops; the fitting is similar. Metal blocks are also used in fixed positions; durability is their chief recommendation.ouble Strop Knot. The double strop is used for large blocks; it gives more support to the shell than the single strop and admits of smaller rope being used." }, { "docid": "6954400", "title": "-", "text": "KEEPING IT STRAIGHT. Few men attempt to shave using a straight razor-here's how its done! 1. Prep the blade-press the blade against the linen side of the strop about a dozen times, when you're done, do the same on the lather side. 2. Use the Lube, not the oil!" }, { "docid": "6683258", "title": "-", "text": "throw a strop definition: In order to become quickly offended or irritated; ill-tempered or belligerent for some time, because a predicament that has triggered a distressing emotion. Got it! This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website More info" }, { "docid": "2723988", "title": "Thread: what is Latigo leather", "text": "I believe it was originally made for saddles. The latigo is the leather strap that attaches the girth to a saddle. It allows you to tighten the saddle to the horse. If properly maintained it will last a lot of years on a saddle, as a strop if properly maintained your kids should be using it." }, { "docid": "6398741", "title": "strap", "text": "Definition of strap. 1 1a : a narrow usually flat strip or thong of a flexible material and especially leather used for securing, holding together, or wrappingb : something made of a strap forming a loop a boot strapc : a strip of leather used for floggingd : strop." }, { "docid": "7061075", "title": "Scandinavian Grind - Blade Geometry", "text": "The Scandinavian Grind is basically a Saber or Flat grind that has no secondary bevel, making the edge extremely thin.The reason it is called a Scandinavian grind is because it is commonly found in Scandinavian knives such as Puukko and Mora knives, which are designed for woodwork and utility.Cold Steel also makes a Puukko-style knife called the Finn Bear which uses a Scandinavian Grind.nother way to sharpen a Scandinavian grind is to use a strop or the mousepad and ultrafine sandpaper technique, similar to sharpening a convex grind, though it is recommended that you use a freehand sharpening technique as it will maintain the Scandinavian grind geometry." }, { "docid": "3269508", "title": "-", "text": "have a strop on idiom; mind; sb's state/frame of mind idiom; snit; spirit; suck; sucking diesel idiom; temper; temperament; temperamental; temperature; tone; up and down idiom; what's eating sb? idiom; yourself" }, { "docid": "6683263", "title": "What does throw a strop mean in Urban Dictionary?", "text": "What does throw a strop mean in Urban Dictionary?: In order to become quickly offended or irritated; ill-tempered or belligerent for some time, because a predicament that has triggered a distressing emotion." }, { "docid": "3269511", "title": "-", "text": "What: Former Baltimore Orioles pitcher Garrett Stephenson who was a 16 game winner with the St Louis Cardinals will lead this youth camp for kids ages 5-16 and will feature a special guest appearance by star reliever Pedro Strop and other former players and a surprise appearance from the Oriole Bird." }, { "docid": "5867601", "title": "Fomitopsis betulina", "text": "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Piptoporus betulinus, commonly known as the birch polypore, birch bracket, or razor strop, is one of the most common polyporous bracket fungi and, as the name suggests, grows almost exclusively on birch trees.rom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Piptoporus betulinus, commonly known as the birch polypore, birch bracket, or razor strop, is one of the most common polyporous bracket fungi and, as the name suggests, grows almost exclusively on birch trees." }, { "docid": "3269510", "title": "stropnoun [ C]", "text": "strop noun [C] uk / strɒp / us / strɑːp / UK informal › a bad mood, especially one in which a person will not do as they are asked and is unpleasant to other people:" }, { "docid": "3269513", "title": "strop", "text": "Definition of strop. : strap:a : a short rope with its ends spliced to form a circleb : a usually leather band for sharpening a razor." }, { "docid": "2460586", "title": "Polishing (metalworking)", "text": "Polishing and buffing are finishing processes for smoothing a workpiece's surface using an abrasive and a work wheel or a leather strop. Technically polishing refers to processes that use an abrasive that is glued to the work wheel, while buffing uses a loose abrasive applied to the work wheel. Polishing is a more aggressive process while buffing is less harsh, which leads to a smoother, brighter finish." }, { "docid": "6398746", "title": "strap", "text": "transitive verb. 1a (1) : to secure with or attach by means of a strap (2) : to support (as a sprained joint) with overlapping strips of adhesive plasterb : bind, constrict. 2 : to beat or punish with a strap. 3 : strop. 4 : to cause to suffer from an extreme scarcity is often strapped for cash." }, { "docid": "5136834", "title": "Polishing (metalworking)", "text": "Polishing (metalworking) Polishing and buffing are finishing processes for smoothing a workpiece's surface using an abrasive and a work wheel or a leather strop. Technically polishing refers to processes that use an abrasive that is glued to the work wheel, while buffing uses a loose abrasive applied to the work wheel. Polishing is a more aggressive process while buffing is less harsh, which leads to a smoother, brighter finish." }, { "docid": "3120599", "title": "-", "text": "CHIEF INSPECTOR PARM SANDHU ON November 16 2008, under the headline of Cop Strop we published an allegation that Chief Inspector Parm Sandhu had been accused of assaulting her exhusband's girlfriend." }, { "docid": "6683257", "title": "What does throw a strop mean in Urban Dictionary?", "text": "throw a strop definition. August 27, 2017 Urban Dictionary. In order to become quickly offended or irritated; ill-tempered or belligerent for some time, because a predicament that has triggered a distressing emotion. by Bernadette Hummer Report definition." }, { "docid": "8181276", "title": "Ch. 6 Implements, Tools, and Equipment", "text": "Set of the shears. the manner in which the blades and shanks of the shears align with each other and are joined at the pivot screw or rivet. Shell strop. a type of horsehide strop made from the muscular rump area of the horse and considered to be the best strop for use by barbers." }, { "docid": "6954399", "title": "-", "text": "KEEPING IT STRAIGHT. Few men attempt to shave using a straight razor-here's how its done! 1. Prep the blade-press the blade against the linen side of the strop about a dozen times, when you're done, do the same on the lather side." }, { "docid": "341350", "title": "Stropping Your Flexcut Tools", "text": "Published on Aug 12, 2013. This video shows you how to sharpen your Flexcut gouges and knives using our Flexcut SlipStrop and our Flexcut Knife Strop. For more information, please visit www.flexcut.com or contact us at 1-800-524-9077.his video shows you how to sharpen your Flexcut gouges and knives using our Flexcut SlipStrop and our Flexcut Knife Strop." }, { "docid": "3202872", "title": "What part of the Northern Territory was Crocodile Dundee 2 filmed in?", "text": "Who was the Famous Australian actor in the film crocodile dundee? Paul Hogan was the actor in this great Aussie comedy, he actually had his own show in the 70's (the Paul Hogan show), most of the show was unscripted apparently, and the … co star (the character was called Strop) wasn't an actor, just one of the film crew, maybe the manager." }, { "docid": "6954398", "title": "-", "text": "Few men attempt to shave using a straight razor-here's how its done! 1. Prep the blade-press the blade against the linen side of the strop about a dozen times, when you're done, do the same on the lather side. 2. Use the Lube, not the oil!" } ]
what does surface clarity mean
[ { "docid": "7598216", "title": "Diamond clarity", "text": "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Diamond clarity is a quality of diamonds relating to the existence and visual appearance of internal characteristics of a diamond called inclusions, and surface defects called blemishes. Clarity is one of the four Cs of diamond grading, the others being carat, color, and cut. Inclusions may be crystals of a foreign material or another diamond crystal, or structural imperfections such as tiny cracks that can appear whitish or cloudy." } ]
[ { "docid": "7775370", "title": "When light reaches the surface of an object", "text": "Reflection vs. Scattering : When light is reflected at a surface, it leaves that surface in a. (according to the Law of Reflection). When light is scattered at a surface, it leaves that surface in. . An example of a reflecting surface is a high-quality mirror." }, { "docid": "7803543", "title": "Roles and responsibilities of a teacher", "text": "I must therefore, have clarity on my roles and responsibilities in order to prevent omission of duty. In this assignment I will examine the Roles and Responsibilities of a Teacher in relation to the Teaching/Training Cycle. This will lead to focussing on professional activities within the learning cycle." }, { "docid": "1906066", "title": "-", "text": "These ordinances regulate aspects of wind projects such as their location, permitting process, and construction. The standards laid out in ordinances provide clarity to wind developers and the public." }, { "docid": "287056", "title": "-", "text": "Crystal Meanings Lore of Selenite. Keywords: Mental Clarity, Psychic, Angels. Selenite is a stone of mental clarity. This clarity enhances mental flexibility and enables strong decision making abilities. It can affect every day life as full mental clarity into play to lesson confusion and mental disorientation." }, { "docid": "4395468", "title": "What is the difference between 2MP camera and a VGA camera?", "text": "VGA camera has a 1.2 MP which is much lesser than a 2 MP camera. This results in the camera clarity being good in the 2 MP camera." }, { "docid": "7598214", "title": "OBSCURITY", "text": "The noun CLARITY has 2 senses: 1. free from obscurity and easy to understand; the comprehensibility of clear expression. 2. the quality of clear water. Familiarity information: CLARITY used as a noun is rare." }, { "docid": "8588632", "title": "What Is VVS Diamond Clarity and When Should You Choose It?", "text": "VVS is one of the best diamond clarity grades you can get. Let’s see what this clarity designation means and how it compares to other grades on the scale. Advertisement" }, { "docid": "3259110", "title": "Pool Filter Systems Comparison Guide", "text": "They consist of a filter cartridge which sits in a tank smaller than that of a sand filter and filters water through the large surface area of the filter. The cartridge’s clarity lands in the middle, filtering down to 5 microns which are picked up through the paper-like material within the cartridge." }, { "docid": "3753667", "title": "7 Things The Word \"Feminist\" Does NOT Mean", "text": "But what's not wrong with this definition is its focus on equality, not female superiority, sameness, or any of the other things people sometimes think of when they hear the word feminist.. So in the name of clarity, here are a few things that the word feminist does not mean." }, { "docid": "2569543", "title": "-", "text": "The dissertation prospectus is a scaled down version of a proposal and presents a. research idea in sufficient clarity and detail to demonstrate an ability to produce a good. proposal. A prospectus should minimally address two key issues: (a) why should anyone." }, { "docid": "1569420", "title": "-", "text": "For the next year I participated in each and every one of these 3 or 7-day groups. Usually it would take me 24 hours of struggling before I would pop into another dimension; the realm of oneness, clarity and peace. I got addicted to the highs, as they would lift me straight out of all my unresolved pain." }, { "docid": "1768890", "title": "HEALTH BENEFITS", "text": "This is why anyone can enjoy better health by supplementing their cells with molecular hydrogen. Below are some of the ways that molecular hydrogen has helped people live healthier lives. Increase energy, mental clarity, and focus*." }, { "docid": "1319676", "title": "-", "text": "A common sign of nearsightedness is difficulty with the clarity of distant objects like a movie or TV screen or the chalkboard in school. A comprehensive optometric examination will include testing for nearsightedness." }, { "docid": "1683440", "title": "What Do the Colors Mean on a Mood Ring?", "text": "Purple represents clarity. A grey mood stone signifies anxiousness and worry, and a dark blue stone represents a deep feeling of passion and love. A green mood stone signifies that the wearer is in an average mood with minimal stress. Green is also the most common color for a mood ring stone that is not in use. While many people consider the mood ring to be a novelty item, there is definitely a correlation between body temperatures and moods. When an individual is under stress, it is common for his surface temperature to drop." }, { "docid": "1391202", "title": "-", "text": "Sample Employment Contract. The following is an example of an employment contract. You can. amend this to suit your purposes. It is essential that you get all. employees to sign an employment contract. It provides clarity for both. you and the employee." }, { "docid": "5587228", "title": "-", "text": "Based on the. model results a method was developed to determine sediment and nutrient load reductions needed to achieve. the water clarity standards of the CB segments. (KEY TERMS: water clarity; sediment loads; nutrient loads; TMDL; monitoring and modeling.) Wang, Ping, Lewis C. Linker, and Richard A. Batiuk, 2013." }, { "docid": "6132919", "title": "-", "text": "To see a dream in black and white indicates your need for more decisive and clear action. Your subconscious is instructing you to conduct your waking life with more purpose and clarity and eliminate excessive gray areas." }, { "docid": "4670417", "title": "What is conceptual clarity? How can you define it?", "text": "And since clarity of concepts aka conceptual clarity is a vital part of communication, it should ideally, be an asset for Human Resource Management (which is again, as the name suggests, managing the human resources of an organization). Conceptual clarity is important for ensuring that all stakeholders define and interpret terms in the same way.. In my opinion, effective communication should consist of conceptual clarity as well as presentation. The difference between knowing what to say but not how to say it, is communication gap." }, { "docid": "7049251", "title": "-", "text": "The Honda Worldwide FCX Clarity Site: Honda FCX Clarity fuel cell vehicle product news and information" }, { "docid": "1833498", "title": "-", "text": " In time, Chinese Buddhist artists adopted the dragon as a symbol of enlightenment. Today dragons decorate roofs and gates of temples, both as guardians and to symbolize the dragon's power of clarity. Buddhist dragons often are depicted holding a mani jewel, which represents the Buddha's teaching.oday dragons decorate roofs and gates of temples, both as guardians and to symbolize the dragon's power of clarity. Buddhist dragons often are depicted holding a mani jewel, which represents the Buddha's teaching." }, { "docid": "6194782", "title": "What is beef consomme?", "text": "Traditional beef soups and broth may have a similar flavor to a beef consomme consommé soup but the difference basically lies in the way the soup was made and in the clarity of. Liquid when beef is used in, consomme consommé the resulting liquid will have-an amber. like colorraditional beef soups and broth may have a similar flavor to a beef consomme consommé soup but the difference basically lies in the way the soup was made and in the clarity of. liquid" }, { "docid": "5726392", "title": "-", "text": "1 To understand why nursing theory is generally neglected on the wards. 2 A nrsing theory should have the characteristics of accessibility and clarity. 3 It is important that the language used in the development of nursing theory be used consistently." }, { "docid": "29467", "title": "-", "text": "(plural patencies). ( 1 medicine) The degree of openness of a tube, such as a blood vessel or catheter; the relative absence of blockage. ( 2 uncountable) Obviousness; clarity." }, { "docid": "1956809", "title": "Tech Tip: Wattage, Speaker Efficiency, and Amplifier \"Loudness\"", "text": "20/20 vision is a term used to express normal visual acuity (the clarity or sharpness of vision) measured at a distance of 20 feet. If you have 20/20 vision, you can see clearly at 20 feet what should normally be seen at that distance." }, { "docid": "259695", "title": "Here To Ask Why", "text": "1 If the KPI has to be tracked in a way that is prohibitive, it should be moved to the second list. Remove all possible KPIs that do not add value, provide clarity, or cannot be successfully tracked. If the list is still too long, I simply take the top X number of items per grouping." }, { "docid": "264287", "title": "Seismic wave", "text": "Surface waves. Seismic surface waves travel along the Earth's surface. They can be classified as a form of mechanical surface waves. They are called surface waves, as they diminish as they get further from the surface. They travel more slowly than seismic body waves (P and S)." }, { "docid": "8819675", "title": "Perspicacity", "text": "Look up perspicacity in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. Perspicacity (also called perspicaciousness) is a penetrating discernment—a clarity of vision or intellect which provides a deep understanding and insight." }, { "docid": "4670424", "title": "-", "text": "18 Responses to The importance of clarity (part one) Two thumbs up. This ought to be required reading, not only for science writers, but especially for those who feel the need to use the word “scientism” without a trace of irony. Thanks, lovely :) & Oh gawd, “scientism” is such a ridiculous word." }, { "docid": "5692800", "title": "Flute Buying Guide", "text": "Beginner, intermediate and professional flutes. When purchasing a beginner’s instrument it is tempting to go for the cheapest model. This may not be the best route to choose however. A higher quality flute will have much better intonation, playability, projection and will speak with more clarity in all ranges." }, { "docid": "5785819", "title": "clarity", "text": "1 Clearness of appearance: the clarity of the mountain air. 2 Clearness of thought or style; lucidity: writes with clarity and perception. Middle English clarite, brightness, from Latin claritas, clearness, from clarus, clear; see clear." } ]
what does the bicipital aponeurosis protect
[ { "docid": "6264777", "title": "Bicipital aponeurosis", "text": "The bicipital aponeurosis (also known as lacertus fibrosus) is a broad aponeurosis of the biceps brachii which is located in the cubital fossa of the elbow and separates superficial from deep structures in much of the fossa. The bicipital aponeurosis originates from the distal insertion of the biceps brachii.While the tendon of the biceps inserts on the radial tuberosity, the aponeurosis reinforces the cubital fossa, and helps to protect the brachial artery and the median nerve running underneath.This protection is important during venipuncture (taking blood) from the median cubital vein.ome individuals (about 3% of the population) have a superficial ulnar artery that runs superficially to the bicipital aponeurosis instead of underneath it. These individuals are at risk for accidental injury to the ulnar artery during venipuncture." } ]
[ { "docid": "2702633", "title": "Joints and Ligaments - Horse Anatomy", "text": "The shoulder joint is the articulation between the glenoid cavity of the scapula and the head of the humerus. In the horse, lateral and medial movements of this joint are impossible due to the shape of the humeral head; movement is therefore limited to flexion and extension.n the horse, there is no sheath surrounding the bicipital tendon; instead there is an intertubercular bursa. This bursa lies between the humeral tubercles, cushioning the bicipital tendon, but does not communicate with the cavity of the shoulder joint." }, { "docid": "3360345", "title": "windshield", "text": "(wÄ­nd′shēld′) n. 1. A pane of usually curved glass or other transparent shielding mounted in front of the occupants of a vehicle to protect them from the wind. 2. A shield placed to protect an object from the wind." }, { "docid": "1270697", "title": "-", "text": "Wells Fargo Insurance has been helping you protect what’s important since 1903. Protect What Counts. 1 Protect your home and property. 2 Get coverage for you and your family. 3 Get auto insurance quotes online." }, { "docid": "6053335", "title": "H1N1 Swine Flu Vaccines", "text": "The difference between regular flu vaccines and H1N1 vaccines is the virus that is used in the manufacturing process. Regular flu vaccine does not contain components of the 2009 H1N1 virus. Regular flu vaccines do not protect against H1N1, and H1N1 vaccines will not protect against the regular flu.egular flu vaccine does not contain components of the 2009 H1N1 virus. Regular flu vaccines do not protect against H1N1, and H1N1 vaccines will not protect against the regular flu." }, { "docid": "6541382", "title": "-", "text": "This Article discusses the potential privileges that may protect employers' self-. audits, and offers practical guidance for employers desiring to conduct self-audits without. creating a roadmap for would-be litigants and the attorneys who represent them. II. Potential Privileges to Protect Self-Audits A. Attorney-Client Privilege It may be possible to protect information obtained during an audit from being discoverable through application of the attorney-client privilege." }, { "docid": "2231991", "title": "-", "text": "Detailed Steps on How to Take Apart Lumia 1020 and Repair the Cracked Screen: 1.The power must be off during the disassembly procedure. Power the phone off. 2.Protect the screen with a protective film. Use a protective film to protect the screen.3.Remove the SIM tray with the eject tool.Remove the SIM tray.etailed Steps on How to Take Apart Lumia 1020 and Repair the Cracked Screen: 1.The power must be off during the disassembly procedure. Power the phone off. 2.Protect the screen with a protective film. Use a protective film to protect the screen." }, { "docid": "5472322", "title": "Genital Warts", "text": "How to Prevent Genital Warts. An HPV vaccine called Gardasil can protect men and women from the most common HPV strains that cause genital warts, and can also protect against strains of HPV that are linked to cervical cancer. A vaccine called Cervarix is also available.ow to Prevent Genital Warts. An HPV vaccine called Gardasil can protect men and women from the most common HPV strains that cause genital warts, and can also protect against strains of HPV that are linked to cervical cancer. A vaccine called Cervarix is also available." }, { "docid": "6818182", "title": "-", "text": "1 In versions of Excel previous to 2007, on the Tools menu, point to Protection, and then click Protect Sheet. 2 In Excel 2007 or later, click the Review tab, and click Protect Sheet. 3 Type a password if you want one, and then click OK. Click to clear the Locked check box and click OK. 2 In versions of Excel previous to 2007, on the Tools menu, point to Protection, and then click Protect Sheet. 3 In Excel 2007 or later, click the Review tab, and click Protect Sheet. 4 Type a password if you want one, and then click OK." }, { "docid": "1179095", "title": "Diagnosis & Treatment of Lacrimal Gland Neoplasias", "text": "The lacrimal gland can be involved in a wide spectrum of orbital pathology.1 As lacrimal gland lesions can be difficult to accurately diagnose, this overview can help avoid pitfalls and aid in the differential and management. Background, Exam. To diagnose lacrimal lesions, a brief anatomy review is useful. The lacrimal gland has the size and shape of an almond and is located on the superolateral aspect of the orbit. Two lobes are recognized: the palpebral and the orbital lobe that are separated by the lateral horn of the levator aponeurosis." }, { "docid": "3182284", "title": "Galea aponeurotica", "text": "Dr Jeremy Jones ◉ et al. The galea aponeurotica (also called the Galeal or epicranial aponeurosis or the aponeurosis epicranialis) is a tough fibrous sheet of connective tissue that extends over the cranium, forming the middle (third) layer of the scalp. anteriorly: frontalis." }, { "docid": "539108", "title": "Fractured Humerus", "text": "Fractures of the humerus are common and may result from injury. However, they are also associated with pathological fractures and osteoporosis, particularly in the elderly. The humeral head articulates with the glenoid fossa of the scapula. The anatomical neck separates the greater and lesser tuberosities from the humeral head. The long head of biceps runs between the tuberosities in the bicipital groove, and the surgical neck is just below the greater and lesser tuberosities." }, { "docid": "2617627", "title": "-", "text": "1 Types of muscle attachments: direct and indirect. 2 Direct (tendon) - epimysium of muscle fused to periosteum of bone or perichondrium of cartilage. Indirect (aponeurosis) - muscle fascia extends beyond the muscle to bone or another muscle." }, { "docid": "1932308", "title": "Welcome to the Iowa Division of Labor", "text": "Welcome to the Iowa Division of Labor. Michael A. Mauro. Labor Commissioner. The Iowa Division of Labor protects the safety, health and economic security of Iowans. Our programs protect people who ride on elevators, escalators and amusement rides. We protect the people who are in a building with a boiler or a pressure vessel, or an asbestos abatement project. We protect employees from dangers in the workplace and protect the right of an employee to be paid." }, { "docid": "1896452", "title": "-", "text": "Everyone who can get vaccinated, should get vaccinated – not only to protect themselves, but to protect those who can’t, through herd immunity. 1 Vaccination. 2 Vaccines. 3 Measles. 4 Disease outbreak. 5 Vaccine refusers." }, { "docid": "1730373", "title": "Lost and Stolen Mobiles", "text": "IMEI blocking is reversible – you can have your mobile unblocked if you find it or it is returned to you. Here are some tips to assist you protect your mobile and what to do if it’s lost and stolen. 1. Protect your mobile handset and its contents.MEI blocking is reversible – you can have your mobile unblocked if you find it or it is returned to you. Here are some tips to assist you protect your mobile and what to do if it’s lost and stolen. 1. Protect your mobile handset and its contents." }, { "docid": "6154112", "title": "How to: Protect Parts of Documents by Using Content Controls", "text": "There are several ways you can protect parts of a Microsoft Office Word document by using content controls: You can protect a content control. You can protect a part of a document that is not in a content control." }, { "docid": "3433389", "title": "Foot", "text": "On the back (top) of the foot, the tendons of extensor digitorum brevis and extensor hallucis brevis lie deep to the system of long extrinsic extensor tendons. They both arise on the calcaneus and extend into the dorsal aponeurosis of digits one to four, just beyond the penultimate joints." }, { "docid": "7646593", "title": "Termination of a Trade Secret", "text": "It is recommended to put safeguards in place not only to protect the trade secret, but also to show the court that you gave a reasonable effort to protect it in the event that another person attempts to violate your protection measure and expose your trade secret." }, { "docid": "3932383", "title": "-", "text": "Serve and Protect. A police officer's first order of business is to serve and protect. In fact, the phrase serve and protect is common in the credo of many law enforcement agencies. Police officers serve their communities by helping citizens in times of crisis and emergency, such as when a natural disaster hits.To protect citizens on the road, they issue tickets to dangerous and careless drivers. To protect them in their communities, they make arrests that deter illegal and dangerous behavior. police officer's first order of business is to serve and protect. In fact, the phrase serve and protect is common in the credo of many law enforcement agencies." }, { "docid": "2063216", "title": "Ankle Braces - Badger Ankle Braces - FDA Approved", "text": "You don't have to wear shoes. They protect your feet, but you don't have to wear them." }, { "docid": "5743476", "title": "-", "text": "Licorice tea also helps protect the lining of the stomach which can be useful in strengthening the gastrointestinal system. A stronger gastrointestinal system can reduce cases of stomach upset and can help protect the stomach against other common issues as well." }, { "docid": "2070385", "title": "Hydrophiinae", "text": "As opposed to terrestrial snake species that have imbricate scales to protect against abrasion, the scales of most pelagic sea snakes do not overlap. Reef-dwelling species, such as Aipysurus, do have imbricate scales to protect against the sharp coral." }, { "docid": "3055843", "title": "Pontiac Identification Plates â Whatâs On Your Plate?", "text": "For ’67, Pontiac revised the Protect-O-Plate program. To eliminate the delays in preparing the plates at the Pontiac home plant and mailing them to customers’ homes, every new Pontiac shipped with the vehicle plate portion of the Protect-O-Plate already filled out and the owner plate portion of the Protect-O-Plate left blank." }, { "docid": "1334410", "title": "abscess", "text": "stitch abscess. An abscess formed about a stitch or suture. streptococcal abscess. An abscess caused by streptococci. subaponeurotic abscess. An abscess beneath an aponeurosis or fascia. subarachnoid abscess. An abscess of the midlayer of the covering of the brain and spinal cord. subareolar abscess" }, { "docid": "5968712", "title": "MRI Web Clinic â January 2015", "text": "The distal biceps tendon attachment to the bicipital tuberosity of the proximal radius is best demonstrated on axial images. A normal tendon (arrows) demonstrates low signal on T1-weighted (left) and fat-suppressed T2-weighted (right) images." }, { "docid": "7951640", "title": "Vaccination Requirements", "text": "The criteria are: 1 The vaccine must be age-appropriate* for the immigrant applicant. 2 The vaccine must protect against a disease that has the potential to cause an outbreak. 3 The vaccine must protect against a disease that has been eliminated or is in the process of being eliminated in the United States." }, { "docid": "6722579", "title": "procedure", "text": "Tuck procedure A strabismus surgical procedure in which a muscle or tendon is folded upon itself in order to effectively shorten and strengthen it. This procedure is commonly performed in cases of superior oblique paresis. It may also be used in cases of mild ptosis to shorten the levator palpebrae aponeurosis." }, { "docid": "5489601", "title": "-", "text": "If a spider is unable to hide or escape, it has other ways to protect itself from predators. Spiders now go on the offense for survival. There are three main adaptations that spiders use to protect themselves: venom, fangs and hairs." }, { "docid": "4543481", "title": "Home Security Systems Reviews 2018", "text": "Call: (888) 255-7812. Protect America is an affordable home security solution that will meet the needs of almost any homeowner. Out of all of the positives, there are a few issues that moved Protect America to third place." }, { "docid": "1255403", "title": "-", "text": "Legal Implications in Nursing Practice Nurses need to understand the law to protect themselves from liability and to protect their patients. Nurses need not fear the law, but rather should view it as the foundation for understanding what society expects from professional nurses." } ]
what does the name bartholomew mean
[ { "docid": "206378", "title": "Bartholomew (name)", "text": "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Bartholomew (originally /ˈbɑːrtəlmi/, BAR-təl-mi; now commonly /ˈbɑːrˈθɒləmjuː/, bar-THO-lə-mew) is an English given name that derives from the Aramaic name meaning son of Talmai. Bar is Aramaic for son, and marks patronyms. Talmai either comes from telem furrow or is a Hebrew version of Ptolemy or Filius." } ]
[ { "docid": "2394832", "title": "The name Bartholomew?", "text": "Best Answer: -Bartholomew is an English given name that derives from the Aramaic name meaning son of Tholmai. Bar means son of in Aramaic, and thus its occurrence in a personal name indicates a patronymic. Tholmai is commonly supposed to mean furrows, and Bartholomew is accordingly read as son of the furrows, meaning one who is rich in land." }, { "docid": "4755779", "title": "St. Bartholomew's Day massacre", "text": "The massacre began in the night of 23–24 August 1572 (the eve of the feast of Bartholomew the Apostle), two days after the attempted assassination of Admiral Gaspard de Coligny, the military and political leader of the Huguenots." }, { "docid": "818143", "title": "Cape Cod", "text": "Island Information. Martha's Vineyard lies 7 miles off the coast of Cape Cod, in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, USA. In 1602, Bartholomew Gosnold, a British fisherman, discovered the Island and named it after his firstborn daughter and the thick vegetation." }, { "docid": "8650336", "title": "Last name: Kahane", "text": "The first recorded spelling of the family name is shown to be that of John Cohen, (marriage to Anne Barlow), which was dated August 28th 1649, in St. Bartholomew the Less, London, during the reign of King Charles 1, known as The Martyr 1625 - 1649." }, { "docid": "7011685", "title": "Bartholomew (name)", "text": "Bartholomew (originally /ˈbɑːrtəlmi/ , BAR-təl-mi; now commonly /ˈbɑːrˈθɒləmjuː/ , bar-THO-lə-mew) is an English given name that derives from the Aramaic name meaning son of Talmai . Bar is Aramaic for son, and marks patronyms.Talmai either comes from telem furrow or is a Hebrew version of Ptolemy or Filius.artholomew (originally /ˈbɑːrtəlmi/ , BAR-təl-mi; now commonly /ˈbɑːrˈθɒləmjuː/ , bar-THO-lə-mew) is an English given name that derives from the Aramaic name meaning son of Talmai . Bar is Aramaic for son, and marks patronyms. Talmai either comes from telem furrow or is a Hebrew version of Ptolemy or Filius." }, { "docid": "7517895", "title": "Map of Population by County Subdivision in Bartholomew County", "text": "Population by County in Indiana There are 92 counties in Indiana. This section compares Bartholomew County to the 50 most populous counties in Indiana. The least populous of the compared counties has a population of 33,086. Total Population by County#11" }, { "docid": "4566897", "title": "The Carmelite Order", "text": "Character and name. With the migration of the Carmelites to Europe begins a new period in the history of the order. Little more than the bare names of the superiors of the first period has come down to us: St. Berthold, St. Brocard, St. Cyril, Berthold (or Bartholomew), and Alan (1155-1247)." }, { "docid": "2229462", "title": "Camp Atterbury, Indiana", "text": "Homefacts City Report. Camp Atterbury is located in Bartholomew County, IN. The population is NR. There are 0 public schools in Camp Atterbury with an average Homefacts rating of NA. The total crime rate for Camp Atterbury is moderate, and there are 0 registered sex offenders residing in the city. Unemployment in Camp Atterbury is low and the median home sales price is $0." }, { "docid": "2859849", "title": "Yertle the Turtle and Other Stories", "text": "Yertle the Turtle and Other Stories is a 1992 animation directed by Ray Messecar and narrated by John Lithgow (later released and cropped to widescreen format on Blu-Ray part of Who's Who in the Dr. Seuss?). The Red Hot Chili Peppers adapted the story in the song Yertle the Turtle on their second album, Freaky Styley, released in 1985. In 1961 RCA Camden Records released Yertle the Turtle and Other Stories with the three stories on the A side and Bartholomew and the Oobleck on the B side." }, { "docid": "7972430", "title": "St. Rose of Lima", "text": "When she died, her funeral had to be be delayed by two days due to the amount of people who wanted to pay their respects. Rose was beatified in 1667, making her the first person born in the Americas to become a saint. Her feast day was added to the Roman Catholic calendar in 1729 as 30 August. The date of her death, 24 August was already the feast of Saint Bartholomew the Apostle and 30 August was the closest available date." }, { "docid": "4497668", "title": "-", "text": "“Oobleck,” named for the mysterious green substance described in the Dr. Seuss classic Bartholomew and the Oobleck, is a non-newtonian fluid meaning it doesn’t follow Newton’s laws of motion. A non-newtonian fluid (like oobleck or silly putty) has a different viscosity depending on the force applied. By contrast, newtonian fluids (like water) have a constant viscosity at a given temperature. No matter how fast you stir them they never get thicker or thinner. Oobleck is a mixture of cornstarch and water." }, { "docid": "1933356", "title": "-", "text": "Kuma (Tekken), father and son characters of the same name in the Tekken franchise. Kuma Lisa, an archetypal character from Bulgarian and Russian folklore. Bartholomew Kuma, a character in the Japanese anime and manga One Piece. Pedobear (Japanese: Kumā (クマー)), a mascot of website 2channel." }, { "docid": "4365509", "title": "Reapers", "text": "While the majority of reapers that have been seen have been male, they do appear to have different genders, as Death has referred to the reaper Tessa as female. Upon death a reaper will give off a blinding light from their body. Rogue reapers also appear to have additional capabilities, according to the angel Bartholomew:" }, { "docid": "8623937", "title": "Jude the Apostle", "text": "The Armenian Apostolic Church honors Thaddeus along with Saint Bartholomew as its patron saints. In the Roman Catholic Church, he is the patron saint of desperate cases and lost causes. Saint Jude's attribute is a club. He is also often shown in icons with a flame around his head. This represents his presence at Pentecost, when he received the Holy Spirit with the other apostles." }, { "docid": "2394833", "title": "-", "text": "Bartholomew is an English given name that derives from the Aramaic name meaning son of Talmai. Bar is Aramaic for son, and marks patronyms. Talmai either comes from telem furrow or is a Hebrew version of Ptolemy or Filius. Thus Bartholomew is either son of furrows or son of Ptolemy. Bartholomew is also an English or Scottish surname with the same meaning as the above as a given name." }, { "docid": "4599959", "title": "I Hear You Knocking", "text": "J&M Studio, New Orleans, Louisiana, 1955. Genre. I Hear You Knocking (or I Hear You Knockin') is a rhythm and blues song written by Dave Bartholomew. New Orleans rhythm and blues singer Smiley Lewis first recorded the song in 1955." }, { "docid": "6561097", "title": "Bartholomew (name)", "text": "Bartholomew (name) Bartholomew (originally /ˈbɑːrtəlmi/, BAR-təl-mi; now commonly /ˈbɑːrˈθɒləmjuː/, bar-THO-lə-mew) is an English given name that derives from the Aramaic name meaning son of Talmai. Bar is Aramaic for son, and marks patronyms. Talmai either comes from telem furrow or is a Hebrew version of Ptolemy or Filius. Thus Bartholomew is either son of furrows (i.e., rich in land) or son of Ptolemy. Bartholomew is also an English or Scottish surname with the same meaning as the above as a given name." }, { "docid": "3986005", "title": "Who is Mike Pence? Vice presidential candidate familiar to Hoosiers but not to nation", "text": "Pence was born in Columbus, Ind., in Bartholomew County, which is about 50 miles south of Indianapolis. He is one of six children. Pence is a graduate of Columbus North High School and Hanover College. He earned his J.D. from the IU Robert H. McKinney School of Law." }, { "docid": "8653899", "title": "-", "text": "His All Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew during His visit at the Patriarchal Monastery (October 27, 2009). Miracles During the Life of St. Irene. A group of wicked men were jealous of a certain relative of St. Irene who was a high ranking nobleman, and was from a proud and glorious family." }, { "docid": "1992286", "title": "Sims Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest", "text": "Sims genealogy is Scottish and originates in East Lothian, specifically among the ancient Boernician tribes. It is a late form of patronymic meaning son of Simon.The name Simon was originally a given name with two origins. One origin is Biblical, from the Hebrew Shimon, meaning he who hearkens.This could become the names Simon or Simeon.The other origin is Greek from the word simos, meaning a person with a small or flat nose.Early American Sims family history includes Andrew Sims, who landed in Virginia in the 1630s and Bartholomew Sims who also came to Virginia in the 1660s.ims genealogy is Scottish and originates in East Lothian, specifically among the ancient Boernician tribes. It is a late form of patronymic meaning son of Simon." }, { "docid": "206383", "title": "Bartholomew", "text": "The name Bartholomew is a Biblical baby name. In Biblical the meaning of the name Bartholomew is: A son that suspends the waters. The name Bartholomew is a Hebrew baby name. In Hebrew the meaning of the name Bartholomew is: Ploughman. Son of Talmai (Talmai is a, meaning abounding in furrows.) Famous bearer: St Bartholomew was an apostle of Jesus Christ." }, { "docid": "7011688", "title": "-", "text": "Meaning of Bartholomew. English name. In English, the name Bartholomew means-Son of a farmer. Both surname and given name.. Other origins for the name Bartholomew include-English, Israeli, Hebrew.The name Bartholomew is most often used as a boy name or male name.English Name Meaning-Son of a farmer. Both surname and given name.nglish name. In English, the name Bartholomew means-Son of a farmer. Both surname and given name.. Other origins for the name Bartholomew include-English, Israeli, Hebrew.The name Bartholomew is most often used as a boy name or male name." }, { "docid": "2557565", "title": "-", "text": "But Turkish hostility continued and so, two years later, on 29 November 1920, in exchange for help, Armenia joined the USSR. Only after the collapse of the Soviet Union could Armenia proclaim its independence. The first Christian nation Armenia was the first to adopt Christianity as its State religion in 301.The great apostle of Armenia was St Gregory the Illuminator (257-337), although according to tradition the Apostles Sts Bartholomew and Thaddeus preached in Armenia and died there.ELIGIOUS HISTORY OF ARMENIA L Osservatore Romano Armenia proclaimed its independence from the USSR on 23 September 1991 and on 21 December that year became a member of the Community of Independent States (CIS)." }, { "docid": "8590206", "title": "-", "text": "Bartholomew, G. A. 1967. Seal and sea lion populations of the California Islands. Pages 227-244 in R. N. Philbrick, ed. Proceedings of the symposium on the biology of the California Islands. Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, Santa Barbara, Calif. 363pp." }, { "docid": "7169687", "title": "How Does an Animal's Size Affect Metabolism?", "text": "Investigating the link between the speed of these reactions -- metabolism -- and body size, biologist George Bartholomew found that size is the most important attribute of an animal. Partly because ..." }, { "docid": "4643669", "title": "Edwina Bartholomew â Channel 7âs Rising Star", "text": "By Dan Hutton on May 26, 2012 in People. Photo: Andrew Goldie. During the month The Beast caught up with Edwina Bartholomew, the Sydney correspondent on Channel 7’s Sunrise program, fair-weather friend of Paris Hilton and maker of some of the best choc-chip cookies in the east…. can arrange flowers. I helped with the flowers for a friend’s wedding a few months ago and now I’m doing another friend’s wedding in October. It’s so dorky but I absolutely love it. I’m truly like 28 going on 72." }, { "docid": "4447328", "title": "-", "text": "Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Google+ Share on Pinterest. The Magnificent Seven (2016) Synopsis. With the town of Rose Creek under the deadly control of industrialist Bartholomew Bogue, the desperate townspeople employ protection from seven outlaws, bounty hunters, gamblers and hired guns." }, { "docid": "4941901", "title": "-", "text": "11 -- Dr. Seuss's ABC (1963) 12 -- Dr. Seuss's Sleep Book (1962) 13 -- The Eye Book (1968) 14 -- The 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins (1938) 15 -- The Foot Book (1968) 16 -- Fox in Socks (1965) 17 -- Great Day For Up! (1974) 18 -- Green Eggs and Ham (1960) 19 -- Happy Birthday to You! (1959) 20 -- Hop on Pop (1963) 21 -- Horton Hatches The Egg (1940)" }, { "docid": "1488809", "title": "-", "text": "Columbus, Indiana. 1 Columbus: covered Bridge at Mill Race Park. 2 Columbus: A statue in cloumbus. 3 Columbus. Columbus: Bartholomew County Courthouse. Columbus: Tipton Lakes - A wonderful planned 1 community! Columbus: Barthalomew county memorial for veterans. Columbus: A sculpter called summer storm in 1 columbus. Columbus: Downtown Columbus." }, { "docid": "7292094", "title": "8 Things You Might Not Know about Booker T. Washington", "text": "The T. in Booker T. Washington stands for Taliaferro (locally pronounced “Tolliver”), a relatively common surname in Maryland and Virginia. The Taliaferro name itself can be traced to one Bartholomew Taliaferro, who immigrated to London from Venice in the 1560s." } ]
can cabbage help me lose weight
[ { "docid": "1512885", "title": "-", "text": "Proponents of the cabbage soup diet say it's a good way to quickly lose a few pounds. You may lose weight on the diet because it drastically limits calories. But it may not be fat that you're losing. It might be water weight or even lean tissue, since it's hard to burn that many fat calories in such a short period." } ]
[ { "docid": "1755073", "title": "The 2 Pounds Per Week Rule and How to Burn Fat Faster", "text": "In order to lose 2 lbs a week all i have to do is reduce my calorie intake and workout more. i need advice im 5’8 146 1bs and i am trying to lose 18 lbs in two months. how can i lose the weight and keep the weight off in a healthy manner." }, { "docid": "7808332", "title": "List of Fruits & Vegetable With a High Water Content", "text": "On top of the vegetables list are cucumber and lettuce, consisting of 96 percent water. Zucchini, radish and celery are comprised of 95 percent water. Ninety-four percent of tomato's weight is water, and green cabbage is 93 percent water. Vegetables that contain 92 percent water include cauliflower, eggplant, red cabbage, peppers and spinach. Broccoli is 91 percent water by weight." }, { "docid": "7370381", "title": "-", "text": "Cardio is not the only thing that will help you lose weight. You also have weight training and proper meal planning to help you out as well. Cardio is only one part of the puzzle to help you lose weight. Remember to lose 1 pound of fat you must burn 3500 calories or have your deficit at 500 calories per day.How much cardio you want to do is up to you and your body. You want to start out by doing what the body can handle at first and then build from there.eginners should start with about 3 non-consecutive days of cardio and work their way up to more frequent sessions. The general guidelines to lose weight are four or more days a week of at least 30 minutes. Keep in mind that doing too much cardio is a no-no as well and can actually backfire." }, { "docid": "5542525", "title": "How Many Weight Watchers Points Am I Allowed?", "text": "How Does the Calculator Work? The Weight Watchers Points Allowed Calculator will: Calculate how many weight watchers points you get per day to until you reach your desired goal weight. Just as the recommended daily calorie intake is different for men and woman, so too is the Weight Watchers points-range. As you lose weight, in order to continue to lose weight, you must reduce your points (calorie intake) further." }, { "docid": "5588225", "title": "Drinking Water is the Secret to Fat Loss", "text": "You'll find out: why you're probably not eating enough to lose weight. how much fat, carbs, and protein you should eat to lose weight. why weight loss shouldn't be your goal at all. the #1 type of exercise that supercharges your fat loss." }, { "docid": "7037309", "title": "BMI Calculator", "text": "Calorie Intake to Lose Weight. Calorie Needs to lose weight. There are approximately 3500 calories in a pound of stored body fat. So, if you create a 3500-calorie deficit through diet, exercise or a combination of both, you will lose one pound of body weight. (On average 75% of this is fat, 25% lean tissue) If you create a 7000 calorie deficit you will lose two pounds and so on." }, { "docid": "5739492", "title": "Calorie Conundrum? Break Down the World of \"Calorie Counting\"!", "text": "If you want to lose weight, let's find out how many calories you need per day. Since there are 3,500 calories in one pound of body weight, you have to reduce your daily intake by 500 to lose one pound per week." }, { "docid": "3692583", "title": "Barre Exercises to Lose Weight", "text": "Barre Exercises to Lose Weight. Barre exercises to help you lose weight and workout more often. These no-equipment barre exercises can be done at home, the gym, or the studio. Train like a ballet dancer and get that ballet barre body with these beginner barre exercises. Barre Exercises to Lose Weight." }, { "docid": "4941369", "title": "-", "text": "Synthroid should never be used to help you lose weight. Normal doses of Synthroid, which will keep your levothyroxine levels in your body within the normal range, will not cause you to lose any weight." }, { "docid": "6234910", "title": "-", "text": "Ask for help. If you're struggling to lose the weight, enlist the help of your doctor and a dietitian. The dietitian can help you design an eating plan that will let you lose weight safely and effectively, while the doctor can guide you on how much weight you need to lose and when you can start exercising." }, { "docid": "2097234", "title": "Basal Metabolic Rate â How To Calculate and Find Your BMR", "text": "This is the total number of calories you would need to maintain your current weight. Calculate Calories to Lose Weight. One pound of body fat is equivalent to 3,500 calories — which means a person must cut that many calories from her diet to lose a single pound." }, { "docid": "4339130", "title": "-", "text": "trekkyandy: Flickr.com. When you have a big event coming up, you may want to try to lose six pounds in a week in order to look your best. While there's no way to actually lose six pounds of fat in just a week, you can lose six pounds if you include water weight.This will make you look slimmer and feel sexier. You won't be able to keep up this type of rapid weight loss long-term, but you can achieve your short-term goal.ave. trekkyandy: Flickr.com. When you have a big event coming up, you may want to try to lose six pounds in a week in order to look your best. While there's no way to actually lose six pounds of fat in just a week, you can lose six pounds if you include water weight. This will make you look slimmer and feel sexier." }, { "docid": "508756", "title": "-", "text": "by Candy Sagon | 0 | Print. “Don’t weigh yourself every day” was the advice experts used to give for those of us trying to lose weight, but a growing number of studies find that people actually lose more weight – and keep it off – if they step on the scale daily." }, { "docid": "4413532", "title": "-", "text": "But if you're trying to lose weight you need to count the banana calories just like you count the calories in a cookie or in a pasta dish. Eat half a banana as a snack to keep your calorie count in control or eat a banana as part of a healthy low-calorie breakfast to lose weight." }, { "docid": "5276959", "title": "Body Lift and Surgery After Significant Weight Loss", "text": "Body Lift and Surgery After Significant Weight Loss After you lose significant amounts of weight, sometimes called Massive Weight Loss, sagging of the skin is inevitable. Fortunately, there is something you can do about it." }, { "docid": "4270991", "title": "36 Low Carb & High Protein Foods", "text": "How to Lose 20 Pounds in a Month. Three Methods: How to Reach Your Goal Exercise Eating Right. Unfortunately, there's still no miracle to rapid weight loss. You have to eat the right foods and you have to exercise.ou definitely need it to lose weight. However, in order to get the best results, you need to do cardio and weight-train. 1 Cardio can be done every day while weight-training cannot. 2 Your muscles need time to heal. 3 Aim for a cardio workout as often as possible, but limit your weight-training to a few times per week." }, { "docid": "7396488", "title": "Ginger for weight loss", "text": "Ginger for weight loss has several very important features. Ginger can be used not only at that point in time when people actively lose weight, lose weight. You can always brew with tea (black, green). If ginger tea drink with honey, it is necessary to slow or has been diluted in warm tea (or eat it with a spoon)." }, { "docid": "5612898", "title": "Average Infant Growth from Birth to One Year", "text": "Average Weight of a Baby from Birth to One Year. During the first few days of life, it's normal for both breastfed and bottle-fed babies to lose weight. A bottle-fed baby may lose up to 5% or his body weight, and an exclusively breastfed newborn can lose up to 10% of his or her body weight." }, { "docid": "4164982", "title": "-", "text": "Alex Chris May 7, 2012 at 4:07 pm. David hi. Your initial weight and the weight you need to lose overall play their role in calculating how much weight to lose each week but in general a healthy weight loss is about 1-2 pounds per week; unless otherwise suggested by your doctor or dietitian." }, { "docid": "1012826", "title": "Daily Activity â How Many Calories Am I Burning?", "text": "If your goal is to maintain your weight then ideally you will take in about the same amount of calories as you burn, this is referred to as caloric balance. However if your goal is to lose some weight then you need to burn more calories than you consume. In order to do this effectively you need to track your caloric deficit. Use the calories to lose weight calculator to find your daily calorie requirements." }, { "docid": "1481915", "title": "How Fast Will You Lose Weight If You Walk a Mile Every Day?", "text": "Calories to Lose Weight. To lose weight, you need a 3,500 calorie deficit for every pound you want to lose. To figure out how much weight you will lose walking, take the number of calories you burn on each walk and divide 3,500 by that number. This will tell you how many days it will take to lose 1 pound if you add nothing but a 1-mile walk to your daily routine." }, { "docid": "615184", "title": "-", "text": "This calculator will determine how many calories you should eat on a daily basis if you are trying to lose weight. Learn how many calories to lose weight safely, and how to lose weight fast. The weight losss calculator will only show you safe levels of calorie reduction. When selecting your activity level use: Sedentary (little or no exercise)" }, { "docid": "7078410", "title": "Breastfeeding and Weight Loss", "text": "Breastfeeding can burn up to 500 calories a day. So, even though you are eating more, you can still lose weight. Studies show that women who exclusively breastfeed are more likely to lose their pregnancy weight by about six months after their babies are born compared to women who do not breastfeed. Dieting While Breastfeeding" }, { "docid": "8470442", "title": "How Long Do You Need to Run to Lose a Pound?", "text": "I hope now you can understand why the question How long do I need to run to lose a pound? is not as straight forward as it first seems. When using running to lose weight the speed of your weight loss is not just down to how far you run, which I explain in detail in my running programs." }, { "docid": "2803954", "title": "How many pounds a week will you lose on low carb diet?", "text": "If you do Atkins and really stick to the induction phase of the diet, you will lose 7-10 pounds in the first 3 weeks. A lot of that is water weight so it slows down after the first few weeks. Then you lose about 1-2 pounds a week until you get close to your goal weight." }, { "docid": "998261", "title": "Finding a Balance", "text": "If you are maintaining your current body weight, you are in caloric balance. If you need to gain weight or to lose weight, you'll need to tip the balance scale in one direction or another to achieve your goal." }, { "docid": "6714208", "title": "-", "text": "Anyway, the promise of the cabbage soup diet is that you can lose up to 10 pounds (4.5 kilograms) of weight in 7 short days, so in this article I'll take a closer look at the cabbage soup diet (and the promise behind it).he cabbage soup diet does not seem to be owned by any particular author or company and this seems to be the reason why a lot of variations of the original diet exist. There is one website that keeps popping up at the top of Google search results if you look for cabbage soup diet." }, { "docid": "6901067", "title": "How much weight can you lose in a month without eating?", "text": "How much weight can you lose in a month? Doctors say the most you can healthily lose is 2lbs a week, so around 8lbs. It really all depends on how much you weigh and how much your calorie intake is though." }, { "docid": "7342673", "title": "Do men lose weight faster than women?", "text": "The verdict: Men do lose weight faster than women, at first. Men tend to have more lean muscle tissue, which burns more calories than body fat, even during rest.And when men and women cut the same number of calories, men usually do lose more weight -- but it's short-term.he rumor: Men lose weight more quickly than women. Many people believe that when it comes to weight loss, men have an advantage. Anecdotal stories of ladies sweating and struggling to lose a pound or two compare to tales of men cutting back on the junk, hitting the gym and watching the weight drop off." }, { "docid": "6384345", "title": "How Much Weight Could I Lose On Nutrisystem In About 4 (Four) Weeks Or A Month?", "text": "Tags: approximately how much weight can I lose after a month on nutrisystem, how many pounds lost one month nutrisystem, how much weight is possible in one month on nutrisystem, how much weight loss after one 1 month nutrisystem, how much weight loss is realistic one month of nutrisystem, how much will I lose after a month on nutrisystem, monthly nutrisystem weight loss" } ]
what does the primitive heart form
[ { "docid": "4240611", "title": "Heart development", "text": "The two tubes migrate together and fuse to form a single primitive heart tube, the tubular heart which quickly forms five distinct regions. From head to tail, these are the truncus arteriosus, bulbus cordis, primitive ventricle, primitive atrium, and the sinus venosus.he heart is the first functional organ in vertebrate embryos, and in the human, beats spontaneously by week 4 of development." } ]
[ { "docid": "4603416", "title": "-", "text": "The medical term for an enlarged heart is Cardiomegaly. Cardiomegaly can in practice take the form of Hypertrophy (thickening) of the heart muscles in some patients wh … ile in others cardiomegaly takes the form of dilation (increase in volume) of one or more of the heart chambers.nother term from the Latin root is Coronary, which also means heart. For example, Coronary Artery Bypass Graft, AKA CABG (called also cabbage), is the medical term for a heart bypass. Cardiac means pertaining to the heart." }, { "docid": "6050368", "title": "-", "text": "A chordoma is a rare tumor that is derived from primitive remnants of a developmental structure called the notochord.The notochord is present during early development and helps to guide the development of the nervous system and vertebral column in vertebrates. chordoma is a rare tumor that is derived from primitive remnants of a developmental structure called the notochord." }, { "docid": "946642", "title": "Adhesions (General and After Surgery)", "text": "Heart adhesions: Scar tissue may form within the membranes that surround the heart (pericardial sac), thus restricting heart function. Infections, such as rheumatic fever, may lead to adhesions forming on heart valves and leading to decreased heart efficiency." }, { "docid": "8818124", "title": "Hieroglyphic writing", "text": "No development from pictures to letters took place; hieroglyphic writing was never solely a system of picture writing. It can also be said with certainty that the jar marks (signs on the bottom of clay vessels) that occur at roughly the same period do not represent a primitive form of the script." }, { "docid": "8560165", "title": "The Five Principal Musical Elements and Their Psychological Effects", "text": "1. Rhythm. This is the primordial and fundamental element of music. The music of primitive peoples consists solely of rhythm. It is, indeed, what the poet D’Annunzio has called it, “the heart of music.” Rhythm is the element which has the most intense and immediate influence on man, and it affects directly both the body and the emotions." }, { "docid": "2479429", "title": "primitivo", "text": "primitivo m (feminine singular primitiva, masculine plural primitivos, feminine plural primitivas, comparable) 1 primitive (pertaining to or harking back to a former time) 2 primitive (characterised by simplicity or crudeness)" }, { "docid": "4709643", "title": "Primitive Motor Reflexes & Their Impact on a Child's Function", "text": "Primitive Motor Reflexes & Their Impact on a Child's Function. 01.11.2016. This blog will focus on the motor challenges faced by children in the early childhood to school age years with minimal to moderate motor delays that continue to be influenced by what have been described as Primitive Motor Reflexes. A Reflex is a stereotyped response to a sensory stimulus." }, { "docid": "772566", "title": "-", "text": "If a solution exists for the integer brick problem, then either this solution is a “primitive” solution, or it is a multiple of a primitive solution. If a primitive solution exists, exactly one of its dimensions will be “odd” while the other two dimensions will be “even”." }, { "docid": "7231751", "title": "Esophagus", "text": "Esophagus - Development. 1 In early embryogenesis, the esophagus develops from the endodermal primitive gut tube. 2 The surrounded sac becomes the primitive gut." }, { "docid": "1725286", "title": "Shasta County and Surrounding Area Campgrounds, California", "text": "258 Cowslip Campground, Tehama County. Primitive Campground... 259 Dry Lake Campground, Tehama County. Primitive Campground... 260 Hole in the Ground Campground, Tehama County. 3 PHOTOS. I ALSO HAVE GONE CAMPING AT HOLE IN THE GROUND SIN..." }, { "docid": "7204752", "title": "-", "text": "Other names: CK-MB Test. CK-MB is a form of creatine kinase; it is found mostly in the heart muscle. Levels of CK-MB rise after a patient has sustained damage to the heart muscle." }, { "docid": "4074370", "title": "Priscilla meaning", "text": "Meaning of Priscilla. Priscilla is a delicate name that means YOUNG, BEAUTIFUL, AND TROUBLEMAKER. This name come from the Latin Prisca, a feminine form of Priscus, which is a Roman surname derived from priscus -ancient, primitive. Priscilla is a delicate name that means YOUNG, BEAUTIFUL, AND TROUBLEMAKER." }, { "docid": "2478312", "title": "Definition of 'primitive'", "text": "Primitive means belonging to a society in which people live in a very simple way, usually without industries or a writing system. ...studies of primitive societies. 2. adjective. Primitive means belonging to a very early period in the development of an animal or plant. ...primitive whales. Primitive humans needed to be able to react like this to escape from dangerous animals." }, { "docid": "1829733", "title": "Overview", "text": "When your heart beats, the electrical impulses that cause it to contract follow a precise pathway through your heart. Interruption in these impulses can cause an irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia). Your heart is divided into four chambers. The chambers on each half of your heart form two adjoining pumps, with an upper chamber (atrium) and a lower chamber (ventricle). During a heartbeat, the smaller, less muscular atria contract and fill the relaxed ventricles with blood." }, { "docid": "6265322", "title": "Archenteron", "text": "Each is controlled by the dorsal blastopore, and primitive node (also known as Hensen's node), respectively. During Gastrulation, the Archenteron develops into the digestive tube, with the blastopore developing into either the mouth (Protostome) or the anus (Deuterostome).ach is controlled by the dorsal blastopore, and primitive node (also known as Hensen's node), respectively. During Gastrulation, the Archenteron develops into the digestive tube, with the blastopore developing into either the mouth (Protostome) or the anus (Deuterostome)." }, { "docid": "6194376", "title": "Primitive cell", "text": "The primitive cell is a primitive unit. A primitive unit is a section of the tiling (usually a parallelogram or a set of neighboring tiles) that generates the whole tiling using only translations, and is as small as possible.The primitive cell is a fundamental domain with respect to translational symmetry only. primitive unit is a section of the tiling (usually a parallelogram or a set of neighboring tiles) that generates the whole tiling using only translations, and is as small as possible. The primitive cell is a fundamental domain with respect to translational symmetry only." }, { "docid": "4820828", "title": "What is type wrapper in Java?", "text": "Java is mostly an object oriented language so it provides object versions of primitive data types as mentioned by Quora User. Again using object oriented version of primitive data-types allows programmers to use all the object oriented features of while working with data types." }, { "docid": "6078253", "title": "Shigeru Miyamoto Quotes", "text": "Shigeru Miyamoto Quotes. I think that inside every adult is the heart of a child. We just gradually convince ourselves that we have to act more like adults. Games are a trigger for adults to again become primitive, primal, as a way of thinking and remembering. An adult is a child who has more ethics and morals, that's all. I am not creating a game." }, { "docid": "1893394", "title": "The Swastika: A Sign of Good Luck Becomes a Symbol of Evil", "text": "It is a symbol in both Jainism and Buddhism, as well as a Nordic runic emblem and a Navajo sign. By definition, the swastika is a primitive symbol or ornament in the form of a cross.As the illustration below shows, the arms of the cross are of equal length with a section of each arm projecting at right angles from the end of each arm, all in the same direction and usually clockwise.t is a symbol in both Jainism and Buddhism, as well as a Nordic runic emblem and a Navajo sign. By definition, the swastika is a primitive symbol or ornament in the form of a cross." }, { "docid": "7235747", "title": "Ever wonder what the Aztecs used for money?", "text": "lots of money types but lets take a closer look at one of the, arguably, more primitive forms of money and it's use." }, { "docid": "5363902", "title": "-", "text": "The Asian theory: I t is now more generally accepted that the tiger originated in East Asia, with the South Chinese tiger being the original form and currently living in the area of origin. The South Chinese tiger has a more primitive skull shape than the other subspecies." }, { "docid": "2560715", "title": "ovaries", "text": "Female sex cells, or gametes, develop in the ovaries by a form of meiosis called oogenesis. The sequence of events in oogenesis is similar to the sequence in spermatogenesis, but the timing and final result are different. Early in fetal development, primitive germ cells in the ovaries differentiate into oogonia." }, { "docid": "3528404", "title": "Coronary arteries supply oxygenated blood to heart ?", "text": "Answers. Best Answer: you thought it right.the main artery that takes blood away from the heart is aorta.once it leaves the heart it immediately divides to form coronary artery that supplies blood to cardiac muscles." }, { "docid": "7539067", "title": "-", "text": "In general, the number zero did not have its own Roman numeral, but a primitive form (nulla) was known by medieval computists (responsible for calculating the date of Easter). They included zero (via the Latin word nulla meaning none) as one of nineteen epacts, or the age of the moon on March 22." }, { "docid": "8682028", "title": "-", "text": "(grammar) Original; primary; radical; not derived. a primitive verb‎. 1831, Noah Webster, Rudiments of English Grammar; Being an Abridgment of the Improved Grammar of the English Language, New-Haven, p.6: Division of words. Words are primitive or radical, and derivative or compound. Of primitive words." }, { "docid": "8556228", "title": "Coronary Artery Disease (CAD)", "text": "Fibrinogen. Fibrinogen is a protein in your blood that helps blood clot. But too much fibrinogen can cause a clot to form in an artery, leading to a heart attack or stroke. Your doctor may check your fibrinogen level if you have an increased risk of heart disease." }, { "docid": "8780430", "title": "Java - toString () Method", "text": "The method is used to get a String object representing the value of the Number Object. If the method takes a primitive data type as an argument, then the String object representing the primitive data type value is returned." }, { "docid": "2793274", "title": "Temnospondyli: Assorted primitive (basal) temnospondyls", "text": "Damiani et al 2006: Temnospondyli :: (Capetus + (Euskelia + Limnarchia)) + (Edopoidea + *). i.e. Saharastega and Edopoids form a clade which is the sister group to all other Temnospondyls; in other words the most primitive or basal outshoot of the temnospondyl ancestry.ee also comments on early temnospondyl phylogeny. or Steyer et al. 2006: Steyer et al. 2006: Temnospondyli :: (Edopoidea + Eryops) + * Saharastega represents a primitive but not the most primitive form; Edopoids + Saharastega are a grade not a clade, and Saharastega is the sister group to the Edopoids and Eryopoids." }, { "docid": "6100546", "title": "Spheres of Influence: The Earth's Differentiation Into Solid, Liquid, and Gas Layers", "text": "The three layers, solid, liquid, and gas form the basis of what we call Planet Earth. History of the Earth's Layers. The Earth, as we know it today, consists of three separate states of matter: solid, liquid, and gas. They are better known as land, sea, and air. Initially though, during its infancy, the Earth was a part-molten planet with very primitive and less clearly defined forms of each layer." }, { "docid": "2556819", "title": "About the Heart", "text": "When the heart quivers instead of contracting rhythmically, blood can pool in the atria, and form blood clots. Excessive or irregular heartbeats can also overwork the heart muscle, leading to heart failure." } ]
what does the skin of every human being contains a slave mean
[ { "docid": "180607", "title": "What Did Mark Twain Think of Slavery?", "text": "SLAVE / SLAVERY. The skin of every human being contains a slave. - Notebook, 1904. The blunting effects of slavery upon the slaveholder's moral perceptions are known and conceded the world over; and a priveleged class, an aristocracy, is but a band of slaveholders under another name.nd he is the only animal who enslaves. He has always been a slave in one form or another, and has always held other slaves in bondage under him in one way or another." } ]
[ { "docid": "3009622", "title": "-", "text": "To a degree, the material conditions of slave life were predetermined by the status of the slave. During the early colonial period, slaves and indentured servants enjoyed greater freedoms than black slaves would in later periods." }, { "docid": "4455327", "title": "-", "text": "Our skin is home to about a trillion microscopic organisms like bacteria and fungi. Together, these creatures and their genetic material—their genomes—make up the microbiome of human skin. Grice studies the skin microbiome to learn how and why bacteria colonize particular places on the body. Already, she's found that the bacterial communities on healthy skin are different from those on diseased skin. She hopes her work will point to ways of treating certain skin diseases, especially chronic wounds." }, { "docid": "664466", "title": "Clutch Master Cylinder & Slave Cylinder Replacement Service", "text": "Keep in mind: 1 Whenever the clutch master cylinder is replaced, it is recommended to replace the slave cylinder as well. When the master cylinder goes bad, it is extremely common for the slave cylinder to follow suit. 2 Note that some clutch slave cylinders are installed inside the transmission." }, { "docid": "2460107", "title": "What was the Missouri Compromise?", "text": "The Missouri Compromise of 1820 admitted Missouri as a slave state, and Maine as a free state, to keep the balance of slave/non-slave states equal in Congress.he Missouri Compromise was a compromise of new territory should be considered a free state or slave state. This compromise proposed whatever was north of the 36'30' line was to be a free state and whatever was south of this line was to be slave state." }, { "docid": "5299269", "title": "-", "text": "Historical Examples. 1 If a person manumitted a slave, good security was required: if he failed to do this, the manumission was of no avail. 2 In manacle and manumission we read the story of human slavery and freedom. 3 But this is just what the manumission of the black people of this country has accomplished." }, { "docid": "702971", "title": "How to set up Database replication in MySQL", "text": "MySQL replication allows you to have an exact copy of a database from a master server on another server (slave), and all updates to the database on the master server are immediately replicated to the database on the slave server so that both databases are in sync." }, { "docid": "261794", "title": "-", "text": "Our skin is the meeting place of biology and everyday experience, a product of human evolution that is perceived within the context of human culture. An attribute shaped by biological forces, skin color has come to influence our social interactions and societies in profound and complex ways. Its story illustrates the complex interplay of biological and cultural influences that defines and distinguishes our species." }, { "docid": "403327", "title": "Slavery", "text": "But to answer your afrocentric question, the different empires each had their own established slave networks and infrastructure in Africa (logistics as has already been stated), see: 1 Arab slave trade. 2 Barbary slave trade. 3 Slavery in the Ottoman Empire." }, { "docid": "5977161", "title": "What Is Gooseflesh?", "text": "The skin is the largest and the most versatile organ in the human body. It is also the heaviest organ, weighing around seven pounds. The skin consists of two layers. The outer layer is called the epidermis and a layer called dermis lies underneath it. Sweat glands are situated in the dermis. There are nearly two to three million sweat glands in the human body. They are tiny coiled tubes that open out into the surface of the skin." }, { "docid": "2342210", "title": "Frequently Asked Questions", "text": "HPV (human papillomavirus) is a sexually transmitted virus. It is passed on through genital contact (such as vaginal and anal sex). It is also passed on by skin-to-skin contact. At least 50% of people who have had sex will have HPV at some time in their lives.HPV is not a new virus.But many people don't know about it.PV (human papillomavirus) is a sexually transmitted virus. It is passed on through genital contact (such as vaginal and anal sex). It is also passed on by skin-to-skin contact. At least 50% of people who have had sex will have HPV at some time in their lives. HPV is not a new virus. But many people don't know about it." }, { "docid": "4868245", "title": "Spartacus - a real representative of the proletariat of ancient times", "text": "In the first century BC, a slave named Spartacus threatened the might of Rome. Spartacus (c. 109 BC-71 BC) was the leader (or possibly one of several leaders) of the massive slave uprising known as the Third Servile War." }, { "docid": "5784470", "title": "Tattoos stay so long in the skin because the body thinks that it is under attack", "text": "Tattoos stay so long in the skin because the body thinks that it is under attack. Tattoos last forever because the human body thinks it is under attack when someone draws on it. The body’s complex processes that keep our skin free from infection are the same ones that allow ink to live forever in our skin." }, { "docid": "7893515", "title": "-", "text": "Confidence votes 3.1K. Nobody started slavery, it has been a part of the human condition since cave man days. The first Africans were brought to an English colony in 1619. A Dutch slave ship which had been truing to get to Spanish teritory got blown off course and put in at Jamestown.They sold their human cargo there.obody started slavery, it has been a part of the human condition since cave man days. The first Africans were brought to an English colony in 1619." }, { "docid": "2408889", "title": "Artificial skin", "text": "New forms of artificial skin have been tested for use on patients with skin disorders, chronic wounds, and certain forms of cancer. Synthetic skin is also being used as a human tissue substitute for laboratory animals in product research.ew forms of artificial skin have been tested for use on patients with skin disorders, chronic wounds, and certain forms of cancer. Synthetic skin is also being used as a human tissue substitute for laboratory animals in product research." }, { "docid": "1155150", "title": "What is the dermis?", "text": "The dermis is the layer of tissue under the epidermis. The dermis is also called the subcutaneous tissue. The dermis is one of the three layers of the skin. Skin is …the only other answer, and it is considered the largest organ of the human body." }, { "docid": "2590807", "title": "2.1: What is Robotics?", "text": "A robot is a programmable mechanical device that can perform tasks and interact with its environment, without the aid of human interaction. Robotics is the science and technology behind the design, manufacturing and application of robots. The word robot was coined by the Czech playwright Karel Capek in 1921. He wrote a play called “Rossum's Universal Robots” that was about a slave class of manufactured human-like servants and their struggle for freedom." }, { "docid": "4409130", "title": "What is the biggest organ in a human body?", "text": "The skin is the largest organ in the human body. The largest organ of the human body is the skin, because it stretches throughout ll the body parts. Although it feels lightweight, if you were to measure the weight of your skin alone, it could be several pounds." }, { "docid": "370294", "title": "The Truth About Canon Speedlites & Optical Slaves", "text": "An optical slave gets its power from the Speedlite rather than from a battery. With Canon Speedlites there is the peculiarity that the voltage does not drop far enough after the flash exposure to release the typical slave circuit. Essentially, the slave thinks that the Speedlite is still firing." }, { "docid": "7605825", "title": "-", "text": "The key was to manually press the slave cylinder from the clutch fork to reverse bleed the upper system and the slave. Youtube videos suggested I had to remove the slave and push by hand, but the spring is just too powerful to press manually from underneath the vehicle on jackstands while operating the bleeder valve." }, { "docid": "8299433", "title": "Difference Between Melanin and Melatonin", "text": "Melanin is one of the major pigments found in human skin, which determines the skin color. It is synthesized by melanocytes, which are located in the skin, eye, ear, hair, and central nervous system of the human body. In addition of providing color, melanin has some other functions, as well." }, { "docid": "7843227", "title": "Slavery", "text": "The United States was polarized over the issue of slavery, represented by the slave and free states divided by the Mason–Dixon line, which separated free Pennsylvania from slave Maryland and Delaware.The importation of slaves was prohibited in 1808, although illegal importation—smuggling—was not unusual.he United States was polarized over the issue of slavery, represented by the slave and free states divided by the Mason–Dixon line, which separated free Pennsylvania from slave Maryland and Delaware." }, { "docid": "6247773", "title": "Scabies", "text": "Human scabies is caused by an infestation of the skin by the human itch mite (Sarcoptes scabiei var. hominis). The microscopic scabies mite burrows into the upper layer of the skin where it lives and lays its eggs. The most common symptoms of scabies are intense itching and a pimple-like skin rash.The scabies mite usually is spread by direct, prolonged, skin-to-skin contact with a person who has scabies. An infested person can spread scabies even if he or she has no symptoms.Humans are the source of infestation; animals do not spread human scabies.uman scabies is caused by an infestation of the skin by the human itch mite (Sarcoptes scabiei var. hominis). The microscopic scabies mite burrows into the upper layer of the skin where it lives and lays its eggs. The most common symptoms of scabies are intense itching and a pimple-like skin rash." }, { "docid": "3461995", "title": "cervical cancer", "text": "Skin Problems Center. Skin Cancer. With over 1 million new cases each year, skin cancer is the most common form of human cancer. There are three types of skin cancer: basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. Read about the symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of nonmelanoma skin cancer. Adult Skin Problems." }, { "docid": "4566664", "title": "WHAT is gut microbiota?", "text": "Human beings have clusters of bacteria in different parts of the body, such as in the surface or deep layers of skin (skin microbiota), the mouth (oral microbiota), the vagina (vaginal microbiota), and so on." }, { "docid": "5552237", "title": "-", "text": "Comment from DetaxCanada: Both types of “person” are legal fictions. A natural person is a human in the false or fictional status of slave crewmember on a make-believe ship called a “body politic”. An “artificial person” is a make-believe ship called a body corporate or politic." }, { "docid": "3955048", "title": "Fugitive Slave Act of 1850", "text": "The Fugitive Slave Law or Fugitive Slave Act was passed by the United States Congress on September 18, 1850, as part of the Compromise of 1850 between Southern slave-holding interests and Northern Free-Soilers." }, { "docid": "2293721", "title": "Fugitive slave laws", "text": "The fugitive slave laws were laws passed by the United States Congress in 1793 and 1850 to provide for the return of slaves who escaped from one state into another state or territory.oth the fact of the escape and the identity of the fugitive were determined on purely ex parte testimony. If a slave was brought in and returned to the master, the person who brought in the slave would receive the sum of $10 ($283 as of 2015), per slave." }, { "docid": "7965231", "title": "Rasta/Patois Dictionary and Phrases/Proverbs", "text": "slave master, oppressor Etymology: back raw (which he bestowed with a whip.) The bakra or bakra master in the Jamaican Patios refers to a slave master and or slave driver. It is often used in reference to performing unpleasant or involuntary tasks for a demanding person (often in jest)." }, { "docid": "4117817", "title": "Top 5 Ways to Prevent Dry Lips", "text": "The skin may be the most unique organ in the human body, and the skin on your lips is pretty unique in and of itself. Most of the skin on your face has around 16 opaque layers of cells, both dead and alive. Your lips, on the other hand, have just three layers of skin and are actually translucent." }, { "docid": "8241475", "title": "What does scabies look like?", "text": "A doctor can diagnose scabies by examining the skin or by looking at skin scrapings under a microscope. Causes Scabies is an infestation of the sarcoptes scabiei mite, also known as the human itch mite." } ]
what does the term insoluble fiber refer to on food packages?
[ { "docid": "5638384", "title": "Monthly Archives: September 2013", "text": "On food packages, to what does the term insoluble fiber refer? A) amylopectin B) cellulose C) chitin D) polypeptides E) starch cellulose 21. Polysaccharides, triacylglycerides, and proteins are similar in that they A) are synthesized from subunits by dehydration reactions. B) all contain nitrogen in their monomer building blocks." } ]
[ { "docid": "6484042", "title": "How Much Fiber Is There in a Small Apple?", "text": "A small, raw, unpeeled apple weighing just over 5 ounces provides 77 calories and 3.6 grams of fiber, an amount equivalent to about 14 percent of the daily value for fiber. Without skin, a small apple has 63 calories and just 1.7 grams of fiber, according to USDA data. Whole, unpeeled apples are a good source of both soluble and insoluble fiber. Apple skins are richest in the insoluble type, while approximately 80 percent of the fiber found in the fruit’s flesh is soluble. Because the skin is a more concentrated source of fiber than the flesh, however, the fiber ratio of a raw, unpeeled apple is about 30 percent soluble and 70 percent insoluble." }, { "docid": "395329", "title": "-", "text": "Fiber comes in two forms: soluble and insoluble. Many high-fiber foods contain both types of fiber, but most foods have higher amounts of one or the other. If you want to increase your insoluble fiber intake, choose foods that are high in this nutrient.nsoluble fiber is the tough hard-to-chew part of grains and produce. For example, the soft inner part of apples is loaded with soluble fiber, but the outer skin that takes longer for you to chew is high in insoluble fiber." }, { "docid": "6599112", "title": "Why Do You Need Cellulose in Your Diet?", "text": "Cellulose is a type of fiber called insoluble fiber, and its benefits include helping food move through your digestive system more quickly, thus preventing constipation, and reducing the risk of developing a condition called diverticular disease." }, { "docid": "1913547", "title": "-", "text": "Fiber is only obtained from plants. There are 2 types of fiber: soluble and insoluble: Soluble fiber (oatmeal, oranges, apples, carrots, nuts) is good for absorbing toxins, and regulating blood sugar levels. Insoluble fiber (whole wheat, leafy vegetables, fruit skins) prevents constipation and regulates pH levels." }, { "docid": "6399907", "title": "How Does Fiber Affect Blood Glucose Levels?", "text": "There are two types of fiber: insoluble and soluble. Insoluble fiber keeps your digestive tract working well. Whole wheat bran is an example of this type of fiber. Soluble fiber can help lower your cholesterol level and improve blood glucose control if eaten in large amounts. Oatmeal is an example of this type of fiber.Another benefit of fiber is that it adds bulk to help make you feel full.here are two types of fiber: insoluble and soluble. Insoluble fiber keeps your digestive tract working well. Whole wheat bran is an example of this type of fiber. Soluble fiber can help lower your cholesterol level and improve blood glucose control if eaten in large amounts. Oatmeal is an example of this type of fiber." }, { "docid": "4674170", "title": "What is the function of fiber in the body? What is fiber?", "text": "The recommended fiber intake is 20 - 35 grams per day for adults, or 10 - 13 grams for. every 1,000 calories in the diet. This recommended amount should come from a. combination of soluble and insoluble fiber, since each type provides different benefits. While it's not necessary to track, a 3:1 ratio of insoluble to soluble fiber is typical. with water, hence the designation between the two. eliminated and replaced by specific beneficial physiological effects of a fiber. may hear less about soluble vs. insoluble fiber in the future." }, { "docid": "7135723", "title": "What is Insoluble Fiber?", "text": "Many products are clearly labeled as a source of insoluble fiber. Products to look for include whole grains, nuts, bran fiber, and many vegetables like celery, zucchini, and beans. People should eat as much of the food as possible, as the skin of vegetables and the husk of grains are often the greatest sources." }, { "docid": "1560230", "title": "-", "text": "Whole Grains. try snacking on air popped popcorn Photo Credit Flying Colours Ltd/Digital Vision/Getty Images. Whole grains top the list of insoluble fiber-rich foods. Wheat bran makes a quick way to get a lot of insoluble fiber, and all you need to do is to add it to a smoothie or stir it in with your morning oatmeal.One-half cup has more than 11 grams of insoluble fiber.hole Grains. try snacking on air popped popcorn Photo Credit Flying Colours Ltd/Digital Vision/Getty Images. Whole grains top the list of insoluble fiber-rich foods. Wheat bran makes a quick way to get a lot of insoluble fiber, and all you need to do is to add it to a smoothie or stir it in with your morning oatmeal." }, { "docid": "233953", "title": "Prune Juice for Constipationand Other Health Benefits", "text": "Prunes and Fiber. For starters, prunes, also called dried plums, are high in insoluble fiber, which is perhaps one of the reasons they help prevent constipation.And because it's incredibly absorbent, insoluble fiber soaks up large amounts of water, making stools larger and easier to pass, decreasing transit time.he insoluble fiber in prunes also provide food for good bacteria in the large intestine. When the good bacteria use this insoluble fiber, they produce butyric acid, which is a short-chain fatty acid that is the primary fuel for intestinal cells to maintain a healthy colon." }, { "docid": "5086044", "title": "Natural Constipation Remedies", "text": "1) Fiber. A diet low in fiber may play a role in constipation. Insoluble fiber, which passes through the body almost unchanged, gives stools bulk and a soft texture, making them easier to pass. Foods that are high in insoluble fiber include whole grains, fruits, and vegetables." }, { "docid": "2879728", "title": "Natural Stool Softener Foods", "text": "Fiber, particularly insoluble fiber, helps keep your bowels moving and creates soft easy-to-pass stools. You need to get 14 grams of fiber in your diet for every 1,000 calories you consume, according to the Colorado State University Extension." }, { "docid": "3588471", "title": "Do Mandarins Have Fiber?", "text": "For just under 130 calories, a serving of two large-sized mandarins delivers 4.4 grams of fiber, or about 18 percent of the daily value. Smaller mandarins have a significant amount of fiber relative to the number of calories they contain. For just 40 calories, one small mandarin orange provides 1.4 grams of fiber. Insoluble fiber accounts for about 60 percent of the fiber in a navel orange, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Because mandarins have less pith, however, they’re somewhat lower in insoluble fiber than larger citrus varieties." }, { "docid": "3601237", "title": "Fiber Supplements for IBS", "text": "A: Many experts recommend fiber supplements, but they are not always the best medicine. I say this because many of my clients have complained they’ve become more bloated and gassy after taking them. And this goes for both types — soluble and insoluble fiber supplements. People with IBS are very sensitive to fiber, so adding a concentrated dose of fiber isn’t always beneficial, especially if you go overboard on the amount. Personally, I tend to treat IBS by focusing on foods." }, { "docid": "291018", "title": "-", "text": "Dietary Fiber. A 100-gram serving of cooked green split peas offers 8 grams of dietary fiber, about 30 percent of your daily requirement. Beans and legumes contain a mixture of the two types of dietary fiber, insoluble and soluble. Many foods are rich in insoluble fiber but fewer are good sources of soluble fiber.ietary Fiber. A 100-gram serving of cooked green split peas offers 8 grams of dietary fiber, about 30 percent of your daily requirement. Beans and legumes contain a mixture of the two types of dietary fiber, insoluble and soluble. Many foods are rich in insoluble fiber but fewer are good sources of soluble fiber." }, { "docid": "6599106", "title": "Why Do You Need Cellulose in Your Diet?", "text": "Primary Purpose of Insoluble Fiber. Cellulose is considered insoluble because it does not bind with water nor change form in the digestive tract. Another type of fiber, called soluble fiber, does bind with water and become a gel-like substance -- that type of fiber serves different purposes in your body. Because insoluble fiber travels through your digestive system unchanged, it helps move waste through your digestive tract, which prevents constipation." }, { "docid": "5113667", "title": "What is Tapioca?", "text": "Adorable animal families that will make you aww. Tapioca is a starch that is used as a food thickener, perhaps most famously in pudding. The term is also used generically in some places to refer to other food thickeners, which can lead to some confusion." }, { "docid": "7430923", "title": "What is dietary fiber?", "text": "Fiber is the component that makes up the “bulk” of food. There are two main types: soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber form a gel when wet that functions in lowering cholesterol and blood sugar. This type of fiber can be found in fruits, oatmeal, and beans. Insoluble is the fiber that does not dissolve in water. This type induces satiety and promotes a regular digestive system. Like the stringy fibers in celery, these insoluble fibers can also be found in brown rice, rye, and broccoli." }, { "docid": "2627276", "title": "High Fiber Diet: A Complete Food List", "text": "Whole grain products are rich in both soluble and insoluble fiber. Levels of fiber differ dramatically across brands and products, so make sure you always read the label and look for at least 5 grams of fiber per serving. Here are some good ideas to start off your search:" }, { "docid": "3212177", "title": "Foods High in Fiber That Won't Cause Gas", "text": "Products made with whole grains are high in insoluble fiber and very healthy foods. Because their fiber is processed by the gastrointestinal tract quickly, they are unlikely to cause noticeable bloating or gas. Whole wheat breads, baked goods and cereals are very beneficial and good examples of these foods.ther good choices to maximize insoluble fiber are pineapple, pomegranates, and apples with their peel consumed along with the flesh. Bananas also have more insoluble fiber than soluble fiber, as do pomegranates and strawberries, making them good, high-fiber foods that are not likely to cause gas. email." }, { "docid": "8264437", "title": "How many calories are in Diet Pepsi", "text": "How much fiber are in 1 serving? This item has a small amount of fiber compared to foods in its food group. In this case, within its own food group, this item has less fiber than about 100% of other foods. In the same way, about 100% of all foods among all food groups have a greater fiber ratio." }, { "docid": "1446426", "title": "Ask the Nutritionist", "text": "Like (0) Comment Flag as inappropriate. amyelizabethan 4 years ago You get insoluble fiber (which helps with cholesterol and blood sugar levels) from apples, carrots, strawberries, etc when you juice. YOu do separate out the insoluble fiber that is important for colon health. But since you are not 100% juicing for your entire life, you will get the insoluble fiber when you eat again. Like (0) Comment Flag as inappropriate." }, { "docid": "7766461", "title": "What Does Fiber Do to Your Body?", "text": "Doctors also refrain from telling you some of the negatives of getting fiber – or too much of it – in your diet. So, here’s a look at everything you need to know about fiber and what it does to your body. It’s time to make sure you only get the best amount to support your body fully. Soluble vs. Insoluble Fibre to Support the Body. There are two types of fiber that you will get in your diet. They are soluble and insoluble fiber. Both offer different benefits and are needed for different reasons. Yes, you will need to get both types to focus on a healthy and balanced diet and support your digestive system fully. Soluble fiber is as it sounds: it dissolves in water. Your digestive system has water within it, which means the fiber will dissolve and work by being absorbed into other parts of the body. One of those is through cholesterol levels. When you get more fiber, there are possibilities that your cholesterol levels in the blood will reduce." }, { "docid": "8521132", "title": "If I Puree Raw Vegetables Will That Destroy the Fiber?", "text": "Dietary fiber is the part of the plant that the enzymes in the upper intestine cannot digest. The bacteria in the lower intestine can digest some of the fiber, but much of it passes out of the system. Dietary fiber comes in two varieties: soluble and insoluble fiber. Soluble fiber partially breaks down in water and slows down the rate that the food passes through the digestive system." }, { "docid": "1560231", "title": "-", "text": "Bran from many grains is very rich in dietary fiber. Oat bran is high in soluble fiber, which has been shown to lower blood cholesterol levels. Wheat, corn, and rice bran are high in insoluble fiber, which helps prevent constipation.Bran can be sprinkled into your favorite foods,from hot cereal and pancakes to muffins and cookies. Many popular high-fiber cereals and bars are also packed with bran.ran from many grains is very rich in dietary fiber. Oat bran is high in soluble fiber, which has been shown to lower blood cholesterol levels. Wheat, corn, and rice bran are high in insoluble fiber, which helps prevent constipation." }, { "docid": "6756194", "title": "Fiber Count in Vegetables", "text": "It swells as it absorbs water. Some vegetables that have soluble fiber include peas, with 8.8 grams of fiber per cup, carrots, 1.7 grams each, psyllium, 16 grams per ounce, and black beans, with 10.4 grams per cup. Insoluble fiber, also called roughage, does not dissolve in the digestive tract." }, { "docid": "1008443", "title": "How to Add Insoluble Fiber Without Wheat", "text": "Alternative Grains. Most whole grains contain insoluble fiber, which is found in the bran portion of the grain. Rye, barley and brown rice all contain high levels of insoluble fiber and are generally easy to find at grocery stores or health food stores.Avoid rye and barley if you are removing gluten from your diet.nsoluble fiber keeps your digestive tract in good working order and helps you keep your weight under control. Whole wheat and wheat bran are common sources of insoluble fiber, but you can also get it from other sources if you are cutting wheat out of your diet or limiting your wheat intake." }, { "docid": "4823462", "title": "Undigested food in your poop", "text": "This is an example of a common scenario I see day in and day out during a colonic session = undigested food. Yes, not all food completely breaks down (insoluble fiber) but I shouldn’t be able to identify the entire contents of what you had for breakfast, lunch, and dinner." }, { "docid": "5203558", "title": "What Major Food Group Does Fiber Come From?", "text": "Fiber comes from any food that is plant based, such as fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes, nuts and seeds. Meat, seafood, eggs, dairy and fish do not contain fiber. Generally fiber fits into one of two categories: soluble or insoluble." }, { "docid": "1485308", "title": "Whatâs the Best Fiber Supplement?", "text": "Get the lowdown on powders and capsules. Fiber is important for healthy digestion, and diets that are high in fiber are linked to improved heart health. Food sources high in fiber include split peas, lentils, black beans, lima beans, artichokes, and raspberries.The U.S. Department of Agriculture recommends adults consume between 25 grams (women) and 30 grams (men) a day from food, but the average intake by adults in the United States is only about half of that.here are two kinds of fiber: soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber absorbs the water in your food, which slows down digestion. Slowing digestion can help regulate blood sugar. It’s also been shown to help reduce “bad” LDL cholesterol." }, { "docid": "7438768", "title": "The 15 Best Superfoods for Diabetics", "text": "Blueberries really stand out: They contain both insoluble fiber (which “flushes” fat out of your system) and soluble fiber (which slows down the emptying of your stomach, and improves blood sugar control)." } ]
what does the word persuasive mean
[ { "docid": "703521", "title": "Persuasive definition", "text": "A persuasive definition of a term is favorable to one argument or unfavorable to the other argument, but is presented as if it were neutral and well-accepted, and the listener is expected to accept such a definition without question. The term persuasive definition was introduced by philosopher C.L." } ]
[ { "docid": "6517648", "title": "4 smart moves to challenge a home appraisal", "text": "To get a second look, you have to provide me different data — data that is different than the data I used, he says. Read your copy of the home appraisal, then consider whether you can offer the single most persuasive item: new comps. A comp, in the real estate world, is a point of comparison." }, { "docid": "8334345", "title": "-", "text": "Persuasive writing is presenting ideas in the best way to guide the audience to the desired conclusion--to influence the audience. Ethos, logos, and pathos are three areas of persuasive writing that involve using your own character, logic, and emotion, respectively." }, { "docid": "2813165", "title": "-", "text": "Formulating Problem Statements: Using Audience Awareness to Contextualize Your Research Goals A persuasive problem statement consists of three parts: 1) the ideal, 2) the reality, and 3) the consequences for the reader of the feasibility report." }, { "docid": "6064868", "title": "The Best Way to Change Your Habits? Control Your Environment.", "text": "Identify the aspects of your life that you consider mundane, and then ‘routinize’ those aspects as much as possible. In short, make fewer decisions. There’s just one way to radically change your behavior: radically change your environment. —Dr. B.J. Fogg, Director of Stanford Persuasive Lab. If you use a big spoon, you’ll eat more." }, { "docid": "7160107", "title": "What is another word for pyretic?", "text": "What is another word for pyres? What is another word for pyrenomycetes? What is another word for pyrenomycete? What is another word for Pyrenean Mountain Dog? What is another word for Pyrenean ibexes? What is another word for Pyrenean ibex? What is another word for pyrexia? What is another word for pyrexiae? What is another word for pyrexias? What is another word for pyridinone? What is another word for pyridinones? What is another word for pyridoxine?" }, { "docid": "548393", "title": "What is a rotogravure?", "text": "What is the meaning of the word rotographing? What is the meaning of the word rotographed? What is the meaning of the word rotograph? What is the meaning of the word rotoevaporation? What is the meaning of the word rotodynamic? What is the meaning of the word rotogravures? What is the meaning of the word Rotokas? What is the meaning of the word rotolo? What is the meaning of the word Rotolo? What is the meaning of the word rotolos? What is the meaning of the word Rotolos?" }, { "docid": "8108489", "title": "-", "text": "Another word for orthopaedic Another word for orthomyxovirus Another word for orthomorphic projection Another word for orthomolecular Another word for orthography Another word for orthopaedist Another word for orthopedic Another word for orthopedical Another word for orthopedics Another word for orthopedist Other word for orthopedist" }, { "docid": "8049596", "title": "-", "text": "Learning Objectives. 1 Differentiate among the three types of general speech purposes. 2 Examine the basics of informative speech topics and some common forms of informative speeches. 3 Examine the basics of persuasive speech topics and some common forms of persuasive speeches." }, { "docid": "7028551", "title": "Comparing Things: Choosing Pros/Cons Essay Topics", "text": "Comparing Things: Choosing Pros/Cons Essay Topics. The pro and con essay is a persuasive essay that requires you to discuss both sides to a debate prior to revealing your position within the debate at the end of the paper. The objective of this paper is to compare things." }, { "docid": "6479918", "title": "Become a Super Salesperson", "text": "Guide to Become a Super Salesperson. If you want to learn how to be more persuasive, to get what you want in life and increase your sales, How to Be a Super Salesperson … and Still Respect Yourself in the Morning is for you! It offers you the powerful, winning techniques of the highest-paying profession in the world." }, { "docid": "7806688", "title": "Persuasive Essay", "text": "Research your topic. A persuasive essay must provide specific and convincing. evidence. Often it is necessary to go beyond your own knowledge and experience. You. might need to go to the library or interview people who are experts on your topic." }, { "docid": "7153765", "title": "English Composition 2", "text": "An example of this problem is on the web handout Good Paragraph / Bad Paragraph: Effectively Developing a Persuasive Paragraph. To avoid this problem, keep in mind that it is your job to prove the claims you present and that you should present at least a few supporting facts for each claim in your essay." }, { "docid": "443520", "title": "-", "text": "Mediating factors are the psychological and social conditions in the communication process that moderate the effects of persuasive mass communication.The concept was first introduced by Joseph T. Klapper in his influential book The effects of mass communication (1960) .ediating factors are the psychological and social conditions in the communication process that moderate the effects of persuasive mass communication. The concept was first introduced by Joseph T. Klapper in his influential book The effects of mass communication (1960) ." }, { "docid": "3653468", "title": "Persuasion and Rhetorical Devices - PowerPoint PPT Presentation", "text": "“Shadow Dreams” as Nonfiction. Persuasion and Rhetorical Devices -Persuasion. persuasion is used when the writer or speaker is trying to convince a reader or listener to think or act in a particular way. Persuasion and Rhetorical Devices -Nonfiction unit and persuasive speeches and essays." }, { "docid": "7210924", "title": "Rhetorical Question", "text": "Rhetorical Question What Is a Rhetorical Question? A rhetorical question is a statement that is expressed as a question in order to make the speaker’s point more persuasive. Because it is not a real question, but is only phrased as a question for effect, no answer is required, and in many cases none can be given. People use rhetorical questions often in their daily lives." }, { "docid": "3833746", "title": "Crafting an Elevator Pitch", "text": "An elevator pitch is a brief, persuasive speech that you can use to spark interest in what your organization does. You can also use one to create interest in a project, idea, or product. It needs to be succinct, while conveying important information. To craft a great pitch, follow these steps. 1 Identify your goal." }, { "docid": "1360651", "title": "What is another word for remove?", "text": "What is another word for removal vans? What is another word for removal van? What is another word for removals? What is another word for removal? What is another word for removably? What is another word for removable drive? What is another word for remove blame? What is another word for remove cargo? What is another word for removed? What is another word for remove errors?" }, { "docid": "1807965", "title": "Logical Fallacy: Definition & Examples", "text": "Among his vast contributions to the body of knowledge were in reasoning and fallacies. Rhetoric, the study of argument and persuasive strategies, and logical fallacy refers to faulty reasoning or a breakdown in the logic of an argument." }, { "docid": "3454216", "title": "What is another word for barrier?", "text": "What is another word for barricuda? What is another word for barricading? What is another word for barricades? What is another word for barricaded? What is another word for barricade? What is another word for barrettes? What is another word for barrier method? What is another word for barrier methods? What is another word for barriers? What is another word for barrier transfer machine? What is another word for barring? What is another word for barring no one?" }, { "docid": "4393169", "title": "-", "text": "The world is drowning in cash—and it's making us poorer and less safe. In The Curse of Cash, Kenneth Rogoff, one of the world’s leading economists, makes a persuasive and fascinating case for an idea that until recently would have seemed outlandish: getting rid of most paper money." }, { "docid": "6665644", "title": "Persuasive Papers, Speeches, and Campaigns 1", "text": "Persuasion can be used in written essays, speeches or as part of media campaigns that attempt to influence an audience to change their thinking or behavior. This publication will familiarize you with the tools necessary to develop a persuasive essay, speech, or media campaign." }, { "docid": "7563562", "title": "Grade 3 Writing Assessment", "text": "The Grade 3 Assessment and Instructional Guide contains the scoring rubric; types of writing required by the CCGPS (narrative, informational and persuasive); good practices for the instruction of writing; sample student papers; and ways to evaluate student writing." }, { "docid": "2117455", "title": "50 Controversial Persuasive Speech Topics", "text": "Here are some creative controversial persuasive speech topics that are sure to attract your audience and elicit an emotional response, which is what persuasion is meant to do. You can create a speech around a topic based on your stand." }, { "docid": "8064631", "title": "-", "text": "To the extent that persuasive boosts in perceived self-efficacy lead people to try hard enough to succeed, they promote development of skills and a sense of personal efficacy. It is more difficult to instill high beliefs of personal efficacy by social persuasion alone than to undermine it." }, { "docid": "1402287", "title": "Persuasive Speech OUTLINE", "text": "If you wish, you can investigate a Persuasive speech SAMPLE or two, and return here to this persuasive speech Outline to view how they were constructed. I would suggest though that you first look over the persuasive speech Outline below and then proceed to the samples using the link at the bottom." }, { "docid": "8076076", "title": "Amazon.com (AMZN)", "text": "FACE=Times New Roman SIZE=2>We recognize revenue from product sales or services rendered when the following four revenue recognition criteria are met: persuasive evidence of an arrangement exists, delivery has occurred or services have been rendered, the selling price is fixed or determinable, and collectibility is reasonably assured." }, { "docid": "4966405", "title": "The Three Step Writing Process: Plan, Write & Complete", "text": "The three step writing process is used to communicate both routine and persuasive messages in the work place. This process involves planning, writing and completing to help you create a finished, written piece." }, { "docid": "7211517", "title": "-", "text": "To wrap up, creating a narrative essay is simply storytelling. The main function of a narrative essay is to share a point of view. This can be persuasive or simply help you appreciate the value of a point made with the story. Because narrating is storytelling, it's vital to include all of the key parts of a story, too." }, { "docid": "5838057", "title": "-", "text": "DEFINITION OF PERSUASIVE WRITING. PERSUASIVE WRITING is defined as presenting reasons and examples to. influence action or thought. Effective persuasive writing requires a writer to. state clearly an opinion and to supply reasons and specific examples that. support the opinion. PERSUASIVE PROMPT. Some communities are considering a 9 p.m. curfew for teenagers. Decide. whether you are for or against such a proposal." }, { "docid": "6991127", "title": "-", "text": "You may work on an assigned essay for class, enter an essay contest or write essays for college admissions. This article will show you the writing and revision processes for all types of essays. Then, it will explore how to write narrative, persuasive and expository essays." } ]
what does trim mean on a car
[ { "docid": "3119819", "title": "What does \"Trim\" mean when talking about cars?", "text": "Trim level as it applies to car sales is the stuff it is equipped with such as leather, power seats, so on. Sometimes designated as EX,LX and so forth. Trim for a repair shop usually means most of the interior plastic parts and the exterior plastic pieces such as door protectors, body molding,so on. Don W · 9 years ago." } ]
[ { "docid": "4193423", "title": "-", "text": "Don't attempt to trim all of your cat's claws at once. Trim one or two at a time, reward her with affection or food, and then let her do as she wishes. Cats are not strong on patience or compliance with restraint. As the creature theoretically higher on the evolutionary scale, that's your department." }, { "docid": "7219366", "title": "Trim Height Inspection Procedure", "text": "Trim Height Inspection Procedure Trim Height Measurements. Trim height is a predetermined measurement relating to vehicle ride height. Incorrect trim heights can cause bottoming out over bumps, damage to the suspension components and symptoms similar to wheel alignment problems. Check the trim heights when diagnosing suspension concerns and before checking the wheel alignment. Perform the following before measuring the trim heights: Make sure the vehicle is on a level surface, such as an alignment rack. Remove alignment rack floating plate pins. Set the tire pressures to specifications." }, { "docid": "2879442", "title": "Where Are Kia Cars Built? A Kia Car FAQ", "text": "Among Kia cars, there are three basic sedan models: the Kia Forte, Kia Optima and the Kia Rio. All three models come in various trim levels that range from the cheapest base trim up to the most expensive SX trim. Base Trim The base trim level option is only available with the Kia Rio, and not the Kia Forte or Kia Optima." }, { "docid": "6643219", "title": "-", "text": "Painting trim is up to a dollar lf, or less depending on above. In this case the crown molding is bare wood and the homeowner had it installed after they bought the house. Also, the window trim. Yes, the house was built and purchased and considered complete with door trim but no window trim!!" }, { "docid": "8074079", "title": "-", "text": "Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: Remove the rear door panel. Get a pair of needle nose vise grips and push the window up into position. Then clamp the vise grips on the toothed arm that moves the window. Clamp it somewhere where the weight of the window will push it against something to keep the window up.If the car is a two door, remove the rear seat to get the quarter panel trim off. Then the same process. But what you need to correct this problem is a new window motor.lamp it somewhere where the weight of the window will push it against something to keep the window up. If the car is a two door, remove the rear seat to get the quarter panel trim off. Then the same process. But what you need to correct this problem is a new window motor." }, { "docid": "833779", "title": "-", "text": "I was told that during flowering, i should trim the larger leaves off that are hiding the buds. I did do this and have trimmed several leaves off the plants giving the plant more light for the buds.Now i have been told NOT TO trim that the larger leaves help light intake.I have noticed some of the plants are wilting on the bottom. did do this and have trimmed several leaves off the plants giving the plant more light for the buds. Now i have been told NOT TO trim that the larger leaves help light intake. I have noticed some of the plants are wilting on the bottom." }, { "docid": "4529794", "title": "US (EN)FIND A DEALERREQUEST A QUOTEENGINE BOATS PROMOTION EVENTSBRP PRODUCTS", "text": "Your outboard is equipped with i-Trim, a trim assist feature. By default, this feature is disabled from the factory. Use the Evinrude ICON-Touch or ICON CS digital display to enable i-Trim." }, { "docid": "3690557", "title": "GMC Sprint / Caballero", "text": "The Sprint was renamed Caballero for the 1978 model year and was produced through 1987. The rear-wheel-drive car based pickups were sold by GMC Truck dealers mainly in the United States and Canada. The Sprint/Caballero is GMC's version of the Chevrolet El Camino. Trim designations, emblems, and wheel trim differentiate the GMC from the Chevrolet. The GM A platform was downsized for 1978." }, { "docid": "6935278", "title": "Porsche Leather Seat Covers -- Porsche Carpet Kits -- Porsche Interior Reupholstery", "text": "Porsche 911 Carpet kits. Porsche 928 Carpet Kits. Porsche 944 Carpet Kits. Ship us the individual panels or the entire car for professional installation. We will also provide individual Porsche leather seat covers and sets of dash, console, and other interior panel covers to your local trim shop or the do it yourselfer.e restore and recover Porsche consoles, instrument pods, seats, Targa tops, and most all other interior trim for your Porsche 911, 928, 996, 997, 993, 930, 924, 968, 951, Boxster, Cayman or Cayenne." }, { "docid": "3049717", "title": "Should You Paint Walls or Trim First? Essential Painting Tips You Should Know", "text": "Painting the Trim. The best thing about painting the trim first is the ease it comes with since you can prevent having some paint touch the walls. Moreover, it is possible for you to get better results in the paint job when you start with the trim first." }, { "docid": "7730831", "title": "Recessed light", "text": "Different types of recessed lighting in a warehouse. There are three parts to a recessed lighting fixture: housing, trim and bulb. The trim is the visible portion of the light. It is the insert that is seen when looking up into the fixture, and also includes the thin lining around the edge of the light." }, { "docid": "3103928", "title": "How much does it cost to install window trim?", "text": "It takes approximately one hour to install door trim for each door in a home, or $70. Wood trim is between $2-$5 per linear foot if it is purchased separately depending on the quality of the wood. A standard sized door is 80”x36”. This would require about 17 feet of linear trim for material costs." }, { "docid": "4015879", "title": "How to Paint Trim", "text": "Give your home's appearance a quick and easy refresh by painting your window and door trim. 1 Painting the trim around your doors or windows is one of the many ways you can liven up your home's exterior. Use an exterior paint accent color that complements the main colors of your home or paint your trim white to embolden and emphasize the other colors. This guide will take you through the process of painting trim." }, { "docid": "2953517", "title": "2014 Ford Mustang Values", "text": "2014 Ford Mustang Values. Fierce as ever, the 2014 Ford Mustang is a coupe/convertible pony car available in V6, GT, and Shelby GT500 trim levels. The base Mustang is powered by a 3.7-liter V6 engine that produces 305 hp/280 lb-ft of torque while the GT is equipped with a 5.0-liter V8 engine that yields 420 hp/390 lb-ft of torque. Upgrading to the monstrous Shelby GT500 trim significantly increases output to 662 hp and 631 lb-ft of torque." }, { "docid": "1753156", "title": "What does SE and SES mean of Ford cars?", "text": "Making the world better, one answer at a time. SE is usually the high end loaded trim line of the car. The SES is the same package as the SE, with just a sportier appearance both interior and exterior. -FOR MORE: Visit Ford.com, or for other questions, please email me at doe26449@gmail.com.I AM very good at giving facts about cars of any make or model.aking the world better, one answer at a time. SE is usually the high end loaded trim line of the car. The SES is the same package as the SE, with just a sportier appearance both interior and exterior. -FOR MORE: Visit Ford.com, or for other questions, please email me at doe26449@gmail.com." }, { "docid": "3569452", "title": "How Much Does Auto Detailing Cost?", "text": "Each package has its own set of services provided at a specific cost. Car buffing prices vary according to the type and size of your vehicle. Generally, detailing costs for cars are cheaper than trucks and SUVs. The average cost of a basic detailing package for a car ranges from $50 to $75 and $75 to $150 for SUVs and vans. This type of package usually includes a wash, vacuum, trim cleaning, and a wax. Car detailing prices also differ depending on the type of provider. You may either choose a local car wash or a detailing company." }, { "docid": "1205041", "title": "-", "text": "We calculated how many miles someone would have to drive a diesel car for the savings in fuel consumption to outweigh the increased price. The only real difference between the two studies is accounting for the cost of diesel fuel. – Average hybrid trim costs $4,100 more than non-hybrid trim." }, { "docid": "6112742", "title": "-", "text": "Price Qty 24CES: 24x50' Trim Coil English SaddleAluminum: $89.98/RL 24CCD: 24x50' Trim Coil Cayon DriftAluminum: $89.98/RL 24CAC: 24x50' Trim Coil Adobe CreamAluminum: $89.98/RL 24CAP: 24x50' Trim Coil AntiqueParchment Aluminum" }, { "docid": "4742379", "title": "How to Use Add Trim Moulding to Shadow Boxes", "text": "How to Use Add Trim Moulding to Shadow Boxes. Shadow boxes can be made to hold personal items or belongings. Adding trim moldings around the front of your shadow box can add uniqueness and style all your own. Trim molding makes a strong statement and acts as a frame around the front of the shadow box." }, { "docid": "4893855", "title": "-", "text": "Different colors for different soldiers. The color of the trim on a soldier’s blue uniform told you what type of soldier he was. The infantry wore light blue trim, cavalry uniforms used yellow, and the artillery wore red. Both Union and Confederate armies used this convention." }, { "docid": "6184909", "title": "-", "text": "INCLUDES: Additional Carbon in Various Locations; Luxury Trim, Carbon Fiber On Console; Doors And Instrument Panel. INCLUDES: Additional Carbon in Various Locations; Luxury Trim, Carbon Fiber On Console; Doors And Instrument Panel." }, { "docid": "5793043", "title": "Pricing", "text": "- to paint an 8' high 10' x 12' room; walls, ceiling, baseboard, window trim, door & trim, and closet door & trim, using a different paint for the doors and trim, would cost about $300 for basic prep work and 2 coats paint." }, { "docid": "1116766", "title": "-", "text": "You see, a ''mullion'' is a vertical strip of wood (or other trim material), placed between the casements or panes of a window. So, mulling simply means to tie the individual windows together using trim work (this is done on the interior and the exterior sides). Examples:" }, { "docid": "127000", "title": "How to Install Hardwood Flooring Trim Pieces", "text": "2. Position a utility table in the center of the room where the trim installs. Place a miter saw or miter box and finish handsaw at one end of the table and near one edge. Stage the pieces of trim and corners nearby.tart at one wall. Fit a piece of trim into place at the base of the wall. Attach it to the wall with pairs of 5d nails at 16-inch intervals from end to end. Continue to install the remaining pieces of trim." }, { "docid": "1130014", "title": "Toenail Regrowth After a Fungal Infection", "text": "Spray the insides of your shoes every day. When you trim your nails, trim them straight across. Also, make sure that your feet are thoroughly dry before putting socks on. When you have had a fungal infection that has caused serious damage to your toenail, it is possible for a healthy one to grow back in." }, { "docid": "6759307", "title": "-", "text": "Just tell us about your needs and we'll quickly match you to the pre-screened, Du Quoin Exterior Trim Installation Companies you can trust to get the job done. Prescreened Exterior Trim Installation Companies in Du Quoin, IL" }, { "docid": "5378989", "title": "-", "text": "The Fiesta has one of the lowest starting prices in the subcompact car class, with the base model priced at $13,660. By comparison, the high-ranking Honda Fit starts at more than $16,000. The Fiesta's fully loaded Titanium model costs $18,650, while the performance-oriented ST trim tops out at $21,140." }, { "docid": "118130", "title": "INSTALLING Flashing", "text": "Siding and Trim that extends down to a roof (dormers, second floors, etc.) and decks requires a minimum of a 2 inch gap to avoid wicking. Trim, such as water table or skirt boards must be a minimum of 6 inches above the grade." }, { "docid": "1432206", "title": "How much does it cost to build a detached garage?", "text": "1 Vinyl siding and trim-Average price of $7 per square foot installed, and for the two car garage would need 1040 square feet at a cost of $7200, and for the four car garage it would take 1560 square feet at a cost of $10920; 2 Double-hung 30-by-48-inch vinyl windows-Average price of $300-$700 per window; This translates to $86 per square foot; and. 2 Four car-Traditionally, the per square foot costs on larger structures will decrease, and it is safe to assume a $60 per square foot cost on the larger unit. 3 This translates to a total cost of $86,400." }, { "docid": "941966", "title": "Why houseplant leaves get brown tips.", "text": "If your plant gets brown tips, you can usually trim them off. Use a sharp, wet scissors and try to cut in the shape of the leaf. This works with most plants, though with some, like a Peace Lily or Prayer Plant, the leaves get very yellow when you try to trim them so it’s often better to just cut the whole leaf off." } ]
what ed and incontinence means
[ { "docid": "1243821", "title": "-", "text": "Urinary Incontinence: Causes, Treatments, Symptoms. Urinary incontinence is the involuntary leakage of urine; in simple terms, to wee when you don't intend to. It is the inability to hold urine in the bladder because voluntary control over the urinary sphincter is either lost or weakened. Urinary incontinence is a much more common problem than most people realize." } ]
[ { "docid": "1390842", "title": "Brachytherapy", "text": "And shouldn’t be a cause for suffering. Radical Prostatectomy (RP) , the surgical removal of the prostate, is the most common cause of incontinence for men." }, { "docid": "6439976", "title": "Thesaurus AntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:", "text": "Lie is an intransitive verb with two different meanings. To lie somewhere means to be there in a horizontal position, or to get into that position. She would lie on the floor, listening to music. When lie is used like this, its other forms are lies, lying, lay, lain. The-ed participle lain is rarely used." }, { "docid": "8552302", "title": "Summit Medical Group Web Site", "text": "Fecal incontinence is trouble keeping control of your bowel movements. It means that you have bowel movements that you cannot stop from coming out. Having an urgent need for a bowel movement but having enough control to get to a toilet in time and avoid bowel accidents is not incontinence. However, it may mean that you have a bowel problem. Loss of bowel control can happen to anyone." }, { "docid": "4838784", "title": "What You Need to Know About Spay Incontinence in Female Dogs", "text": "There are several potential culprits behind canine urinary incontinence: Bladder infections, stones, polyps or tumors. Overflow incontinence, which occurs when a dog is affected by a medical condition that causes her to drink excessively, such as diabetes and Cushing’s disease. Spinal cord disease. Developmental urinary tract abnormalities, including ectopic ureters and vaginal strictures." }, { "docid": "1020744", "title": "What is Good Incontinence Care?", "text": "Achieving the Best Possible Care. The most important part of good incontinence care is to ensure both the physical and emotional comfort of your loved one, and the key to this is using the products that provide maximum care and prevent the negative side effects that incontinence can cause." }, { "docid": "3055691", "title": "-", "text": "Overflow incontinence occurs when you can’t evacuate all the urine in your bladder because muscle tone is weak or you have a blockage. Symptoms of overflow incontinence include dribbling, urgency, hesitancy, straining, a weak urine stream or low urine production even though your bladder feels full." }, { "docid": "86363", "title": "Cialis 20 MG", "text": "Cialis can last up to 36-hours in your system, which gives you more freedom than other ED pills. ED is a condition where the penis does not harden and expand when a man is sexually excited, or when he cannot keep an erection." }, { "docid": "5873238", "title": "-", "text": "Urinary incontinence is a much more common problem than most people realize. In the United Kingdom it is estimated that at any one time at least 3 million people - 5% of the total population-suffer from urinary incontinence." }, { "docid": "6732622", "title": "Why Choose Marina Del Rey Hospital for Urethropexy?", "text": "Urethropexy is a general term for the surgical procedures done to correct urinary incontinence by both supporting and stabilizing the urethra and bladder. There are various types of retropubic suspension surgeries available to manage stress incontinence." }, { "docid": "8484157", "title": "Fecal incontinence", "text": "4 - those incontinent to formed stool (complete incontinence). The fecal incontinence severity index is based on four types of leakage (gas, mucus, liquid stool, solid stool) and five frequencies (once to three times per month, once per week, twice per week, once per day, twice or more per day)." }, { "docid": "6252767", "title": "-", "text": "History Taking in patients with suspected ODS should include questions about: Defaecation frequency, ease or difficulty of evacuation, sensation of pelvic fullness, sensation of incomplete emptying, straining, urgency & faecal incontinence as well as urinary [difficulty, incontinence] & sexual symptoms [bulge, incontinence during intercourse]" }, { "docid": "7762343", "title": "Ed Sheeran British Musician", "text": "Ed Sheeran has been in relationships with Nicole Scherzinger (2015), Athina Andrelos (2014 - 2015) and Ellie Goulding (2013). Ed Sheeran has had an encounter with Nina Nesbitt. Ed Sheeran is rumoured to have hooked up with Barbara Palvin (2015). More about Ed Sheeran." }, { "docid": "7863429", "title": "Urinary Incontinence in Men - Cause", "text": "Prostate treatment is a major cause of urinary incontinence in men. 1 Short-term incontinence after prostate surgery can go away with time, especially for younger men. 2 Stress incontinence is a common problem after prostate removal (radical prostatectomy) or radiation treatment for prostate cancer." }, { "docid": "1104950", "title": "Imply vs. Infer", "text": "1 In a sense, these two words can be thought of as the opposite sides of a single coin. 2 Imply means to indicate without stating or to express indirectly.. 3 Infer means to draw a conclusion.. 4 Thus, what a writer may imply, a reader may infer 5 .. (Adrienne Robins, The Analytical Writer: A College Rhetoric, 2nd ed." }, { "docid": "1964004", "title": "Stress incontinence", "text": "Read more about causes of Stress incontinence. More information about causes of Stress incontinence: 1 Underlying causes of Stress incontinence. 2 Stress incontinence as a symptom." }, { "docid": "8461760", "title": "Why do some words have double consonants while others have only one?", "text": "ED = If the stress is on the first syllable, the word only gets one consonant + ED. ING = If the stress is on the first syllable, the word only gets one consonant + ING. ED = If the stress is on the second syllable, the word gets a double consonant + ED. ING = If the stress is on the second syllable, the word gets a double consonant + ING." }, { "docid": "1614083", "title": "Urinary Incontinence in Women - Topic Overview", "text": "Overactive bladder is a kind of urge incontinence. But not everyone with an overactive bladder leaks urine. Overflow incontinence means that you have the urge to urinate, but you can release only a small amount. Since your bladder doesn't empty as it should, it then leaks urine later." }, { "docid": "4949558", "title": "-", "text": "Not for a new remedy, but to find overlooked causes of incontinence, or the explanation for your worsening symptoms. Commonly recommended medications could be the cause of your incontinence, or at least contributing to them." }, { "docid": "2304118", "title": "Jeremy Bentham (1748â1832)", "text": "This edition includes: 1 The Correspondence of Jeremy Bentham, Ed. 2 An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation, Ed. 3 Of Laws in General. 4 A Comment on the Commentaries and a Fragment on Government, Ed. 5 Chrestomathia, Ed. 6 Deontology ; together with A Table of the Springs of Action ; and the Article on Utilitarianism." }, { "docid": "977455", "title": "Pudendal nerve entrapment", "text": "Pudendal nerve entrapment. Pudendal nerve entrapment (PNE), also known as Alcock canal syndrome, is an uncommon source of chronic pain, in which the pudendal nerve (located in the pelvis) is entrapped or compressed. Pain is positional and is worsened by sitting. Other symptoms include genital numbness, fecal incontinence and urinary incontinence." }, { "docid": "4838786", "title": "What You Need to Know About Spay Incontinence in Female Dogs", "text": "There are several potential culprits behind canine urinary incontinence: 1 Bladder infections, stones, polyps or tumors. 2 Overflow incontinence, which occurs when a dog is affected by a medical condition that causes her to drink excessively, such as diabetes and Cushing’s disease. 3 Spinal cord disease." }, { "docid": "3755949", "title": "Slideshow: Urinary Incontinence in Women", "text": "If you often have a desperate need to pee but can't get to the bathroom in time, you may have urge incontinence. The sudden urge can be brought on from hearing the sound of running water or sipping a drink. Or there may not be any reason for it. With this type of incontinence, you may leak large amounts of urine." }, { "docid": "5937447", "title": "-", "text": "A number of clinical trials have demonstrated the efficacy of duloxetine compared with placebo in the treatment of mild and moderate stress incontinence. A small, prospective, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial demonstrated modest efficacy in patients with severe stress urinary incontinence." }, { "docid": "7309498", "title": "Constipation and incontinence", "text": "How can constipation cause urinary incontinence? There are several possible reasons to explain how constipation can lead to urinary incontinence. A history of straining while having bowel movements can actually weaken the pelvic floor muscles, which are important for bladder control. This is known as stress incontinence, which can be cured or successfully treated." }, { "docid": "1333873", "title": "Frequent urination: Causes, symptoms, and treatment", "text": "If you have urinary incontinence it means that you pass urine when you do not mean to (an involuntary leakage of urine). It can range from a small dribble now and then, to large floods of urine. Incontinence may cause you distress as well as being a hygiene problem.The kidneys make urine continuously.f you have urinary incontinence it means that you pass urine when you do not mean to (an involuntary leakage of urine). It can range from a small dribble now and then, to large floods of urine. Incontinence may cause you distress as well as being a hygiene problem." }, { "docid": "2222681", "title": "Urinary incontinence surgery in women: The next step", "text": "Urinary incontinence surgery in women: The next step. If you have severe symptoms of stress urinary incontinence or overactive bladder, surgery may provide a permanent solution to your problems. But surgery isn't for everyone. Find out what procedures may help in treating urinary incontinence." }, { "docid": "5356860", "title": "ASK US", "text": "The abbreviation et al. means and others. It is most often used when a work you are citing in your paper has multiple authors. Here are the guidelines from the Publication of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.), page 175:" }, { "docid": "7449421", "title": "Marijuana And Erectile Dysfunction", "text": "As I’ve said before, ED is a medical condition in which a man cannot achieve or sustain an erection sufficient for sexual intercourse. It affects a lot of men; up to 39 percent of men experience ED in their 40s, and nearly all men over 70 have some difficulty getting or maintaining an erection. The good news is that ED is usually very responsive to treatment." }, { "docid": "5540492", "title": "-", "text": "It’s high time we bring urinary incontinence out into the light and talk about it. Women are so conditioned to suffer in silence, but it’s not good for our health. In fact, women rarely mention urinary incontinence in their annual visits with me. So I ask. Incontinence may not be entirely avoidable as we get older, but it is certainly treatable, and there are very effective alternative methods." }, { "docid": "4821027", "title": "Erectile Dysfunction Treatment: Can Food and Diet Help?", "text": "Erectile dysfunction (ED) , also called impotence, is a male’s inability to have or maintain an erection. Reaching or maintaining an erection occasionally isn’t reason for concern. But, frequent ED can cause stress, relationship conflicts, and a loss of self-esteem. Talk to your doctor if you’re experiencing ED." } ]
can chinchillas eat wheatgrass
[ { "docid": "6319613", "title": "-", "text": "Chinchillas do not need extravagant plants, treats, whatever added to their diet. The more simple the diet, the better. Pellets, hay, and fresh water is all they need. Wheat grass is the only type of live plant I would give my chin." } ]
[ { "docid": "6350580", "title": "Breeding Chinchillas: Quick Facts", "text": "On the other end of the age issue is the fact that if a chinchilla has not reproduced by the time it is 2 years old, it probably never will. Breeding Life Healthy chinchillas in captivity live for up to 17 years.Until they are about 10 years old they can be in breeding.n the other end of the age issue is the fact that if a chinchilla has not reproduced by the time it is 2 years old, it probably never will. Breeding Life Healthy chinchillas in captivity live for up to 17 years." }, { "docid": "2768506", "title": "WHEATGRASS", "text": "Wheatgrass is a kind of grass. The above-ground parts, roots, and rhizome are used to make medicine. Wheatgrass is primarily used as a concentrated source of nutrients. It contains vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin E, iron, calcium, magnesium, and amino acids." }, { "docid": "2534179", "title": "-", "text": "Bullfrogs Eat Everything. A bullfrog will go after anything it can fit in its mouth, even its own kind! Bullfrogs Eat Everything. A bullfrog will go after anything it can fit in its mouth, even its own kind! Bullfrogs Eat Everything. A bullfrog will go after anything it can fit in its mouth, even its own kind!" }, { "docid": "6413519", "title": "What do pond salamanders eat?", "text": "Best Answer: They eat anything they can get their mouths around. Bugs, small fish, small frogs, just about anything they can catch and eat. Most salamanders are carnivorous—that is, they eat other animals rather than plants.Adult salamanders that live in water prey on the larvae of frogs, known as tadpoles, and various invertebrates, including snails and worms.Some also eat small fish.est Answer: They eat anything they can get their mouths around. Bugs, small fish, small frogs, just about anything they can catch and eat. Most salamanders are carnivorous—that is, they eat other animals rather than plants." }, { "docid": "6478553", "title": "Chinchilla Facts â The Top 10 Interesting Facts About Chinchillas", "text": "Chinchilla Facts #7: Does “Fur Slip”. Chinchillas can shed their fur in large clumps if they feel threatened or under attack. They do what is called a ‘fur slip’. This is not the same as shedding, plus a Chinchilla hardly ever sheds anyway." }, { "docid": "8385461", "title": "What do birds eat besides worms?", "text": "Confidence votes 261K. Robins are one of the few species of birds that actually eat worms. Robins also eat many other insects, like grasshoppers and caterpillars. Robins will also eat berries.nly certain birds, like robins, eat worms. Many birds, like sparrows and quail prefer to eat seeds. Nuthatches and woodpeckers love to eat little insects that are found in tr … ees or other wood. Ocean birds and some eagles enjoy eating fish that they catch." }, { "docid": "2569733", "title": "Breeding & Babies", "text": "Breeding & Babies. Breeding & Mating. Chinchillas become sexually mature when they are around eight months old. They mate seasonally based upon the light cycle. In the northern hemisphere, mating season takes place from about November until May.reeding & Babies. Breeding & Mating. Chinchillas become sexually mature when they are around eight months old. They mate seasonally based upon the light cycle. In the northern hemisphere, mating season takes place from about November until May." }, { "docid": "6676621", "title": "The Amount of Amino Acids in Wheat Grass", "text": "The approximate content of all amino acids combined found in 3,500 milligrams of wheatgrass is 700 milligrams. The following is a partial list of these acids, focusing on the levels of essential amino acids in this amount of wheatgrass." }, { "docid": "7745389", "title": "-", "text": "There is not much known about the safety of long-term use of wheatgrass as medicine, but it is considered likely safe when taken in food amounts (i.e., no more than 8 ounces per day). Nothing you eat or drink is without its side effects, however, and wheatgrass is no different.t any rate, the huge amounts of chlorophyll present in wheatgrass juice are said to help in the process of removing toxins by inducing the body tissues to release those stored toxic elements. This release of toxins can cause nausea, but this nausea subsides in time as the body releases more and more toxic elements." }, { "docid": "1846709", "title": "What do dolphins eat?", "text": "Amazon river dolphins are known to eat more than 40 different species of fresh water fish and they also eat fresh water crustaceans. Spinner dolphins eat fish, jellyfish and krill. Dusky dolphins eat shrimp, squid and various fish, including tiny anchovies." }, { "docid": "490279", "title": "What eats crabs in the ocean?", "text": "What does a hermit crab eat in the ocean? What They Eat Hermit crabs eat both animals and plants. For example mussels, small plankton and worms. They also are called scavengers because they will eat dead plants a…nd animals. How It Gets Its Food It picks its food off the bottom on the ocean with its claws." }, { "docid": "6508110", "title": "Does wheat grass really contain huge amounts of nutrients? Is it medically proven?", "text": "Benefits of Wheatgrass Juice. 1 Wheatgrass is an energizer - The vitality obtained from wheatgrass juice is remarkable.You'll feel refreshed and energized throughout the day. Wheatgrass juice is nutritious - Wheatgrass juice contains most of the vitamins and minerals needed for human maintenance." }, { "docid": "4519101", "title": "Wolves, eating habits...?", "text": "They can get bored with eating the same meal all the time - why do you think dog food comes in different flavours? As to how much they eat, that is going to depend on the dog. A Saint Bernard will eat more than a wolf would, a Chihuahua a lot less. In the wild, wolves usually only eat around once a week (nine hunts out of ten end in failure, and they obviously only get to eat when they've made a kill)." }, { "docid": "2588504", "title": "Toronto restaurateurs say horse meat a prime dining choice", "text": "We do not serve beef, I do not eat beef, she says. I eat only horse meat.. Lorusso's customers are mainly of French, Italian and Russian backgrounds, she says, but she has seen all types of people purchase horse meat. Any way you eat beef, we eat horse, she says." }, { "docid": "4749264", "title": "-", "text": "What kind of food did people eat during the medieval times in JAPAN?????????????????????????...What did the middle class eat during the medieval times?hat kind of food did people eat during the medieval times in JAPAN?????????????????????????... What did the middle class eat during the medieval times?" }, { "docid": "6343687", "title": "Food & Diet", "text": "Below is a list of many foods you can feed a chinchilla. Food. Commercial foods, made especially for chinchillas and produced in pellet form, are available in pet stores. Pellets are designed so your pet can easily eat them and include the correct amounts of protein, fat, and roughage." }, { "docid": "2495478", "title": "Treating Wounds with Wheatgrass", "text": "I told him to go out to his yard and pick the healthiest looking grass out there. Crush it to the point when you can squeeze out some juice. Even if you don’t have a juicer designed for wheatgrass, you can twist and press the grass to the point where it gets juicy. Then wrap the juicy grass pulp around the hurt finger. Keep it there for an hour. Support it by keeping it in place using some kind of stretch gauze." }, { "docid": "351344", "title": "-", "text": "Males should be placed into breeding when they are approximately 7 or 8 months old. Chinchillas should be placed into breeding before they turn 2 years old for optimum ability to breed. A chinchilla s gestation period is 111 days." }, { "docid": "1291401", "title": "Can Chinchillas eat Green Beans?", "text": "Also known as string beans, snap beans or ejotes in Mexico, green beans are the unripe fruit of various cultivars of the common bean. They are known for the flavour, fleshiness, and sweetness of their pods. So can chinchillas eat green beans at all? Lets take a look at their nutritional data and find out more." }, { "docid": "2967803", "title": "-", "text": "Fur: the love of softness... Chinchilla fur is considered the softest in the world and is thirty times softer than human hair. Chinchillas must regularly bathe in dust or volcanic ash to remove oil and moisture that gathers in their thick fur. In fact, they have the highest fur density of any land animal with more than 20,000 hairs per square cm." }, { "docid": "5849496", "title": "-", "text": "In the wild, chinchillas survived on a diet of grasses, cactus fruit, leaves, and the bark of small shrubs and bushes. Captive chinchillas need a diet high in fiber to prevent enteric problems. The basic chinchilla diet consists of good quality grass hay (timothy or orchard) and a small amount of chinchilla pellets. Because the diet must be high in fiber, the sole feeding of pellets must be avoided." }, { "docid": "4667483", "title": "Why am I hungry all the time?", "text": "RE: why am I hungry all the time? I eat breakfast and lunch and dinner and all that (plus some snacking) its not an eating disorder or anything, I eat realitivly healthily, and usually at lunch I'll have a bagel or a slice of pizza with water.So why am I hungry all the time? I feel like I eat a lot. eat breakfast and lunch and dinner and all that (plus some snacking) its not an eating disorder or anything, I eat realitivly healthily, and usually at lunch I'll have a bagel or a slice of pizza with water. So why am I hungry all the time? I feel like I eat a lot." }, { "docid": "2184033", "title": "Chinchilla lanigera chinchilla", "text": "Chinchillas have been hunted for human apparel since the early 1900s. Around 1900, an estimated 500,000 chinchilla skins were exported annually from Chile. Chinchilla pelt is considered by some to be the most valuable pelt in the world, and coats have sold as much as $100,000." }, { "docid": "6508114", "title": "21 Wheatgrass Benefits, Including Boosting Immunity + Nutrient Absorption", "text": "But chlorophyll is not all wheatgrass has to offer. Wheatgrass benefits also include being loaded with amino acids (the building blocks of proteins), enzymes which are needed for digestion, and many vitamins and minerals needed for disease-free living. Wheatgrass is rich in the following nutrients: (4) Chlorophyll." }, { "docid": "1099813", "title": "Chinchilla Dust Bath", "text": "Chinchillas have dense fur. Over time, oils and moisture collect in the fur. In the wild, chinchillas have no way to clean their fur other than to roll around in volcanic ash which acts as an absorbent. Chinchillas do not go into water. Nor should you ever bathe your chinchilla in water. Doing so would remove the natural oils which protect a chinchilla's skin and helps them regulate their body temperature. Instead, it is best to give them a bowl or container filled with special dust for them to roll around in." }, { "docid": "2543031", "title": "Why does my stomach feel like its empty even after food?", "text": "For the last two days my appitite has been terrible.I want to eat but when i have my meal in front of me i can't eat it.And when i do eat something my stomach feels like its empty a little while after i'm finished.or the last two days my appitite has been terrible.I want to eat but when i have my meal in front of me i can't eat it.And when i do eat something my stomach feels like its empty a little while after i'm finished." }, { "docid": "4830035", "title": "-", "text": "Vegetables that are okay for bunnies include: 1 Carrot. 2 Beet tops (not the root of the beet, which is the part humans normally consume) 3 Watercress. 4 Sprouts. 5 Parsley. 6 Wheatgrass." }, { "docid": "6508111", "title": "-", "text": "Wheatgrass is a potent source of a number of vital nutrients your body can’t do without. Dozens of studies on wheatgrass — and also its individual antioxidants and nutrients — show that its health benefits include: Supplying a high dose of chlorophyll." }, { "docid": "8136879", "title": "-", "text": "And believe it or not, what you eat before bed (and when you eat it) can have a serious impact on your sleep quality . Relationship+between+food+intake+and+sleep+pattern+in+healthy+individuals." }, { "docid": "895364", "title": "Why Do I Have Large Amount of Stool Even Though I Don't Eat Much?", "text": "The amount you eat may not have a lot of impact on how much stool you produce. Many disorders cause large, bulky stools even in people who don't eat a lot. The size of your stools has more to do with how well you digest your foods than how much you eat." } ]
what eeveelutions are in project pokemon
[ { "docid": "335160", "title": "-", "text": "Eeveelutions Personality Quiz. Oh no! We're having trouble displaying this Scratch project. If you are on a mobile phone or tablet, try visiting this project on a computer. If you're on a computer, your Flash player might be disabled, missing, or out of date. Visit this page to update Flash." } ]
[ { "docid": "7847840", "title": "Summary", "text": "With each new Pokemon pokémon, game there is a new version of The Pokemon pokémon trainer in which you can change the name that. Fits you up until the Release: Of Pokemon, pokémon crystal version the player was only able to play as. a male characterhe Pokemon Pokémon trainer of The Kanto, region whose canon name Is (red referred to As Ash ketchum in the), anime hails From Pallet, town which is also Where Professor 'oak S lab is. located" }, { "docid": "6179472", "title": "-", "text": "Hoopa is a Mythical Pokemon pokémon in the world Of Pokemon Pokémon omega Ruby And Pokemon pokémon alpha sapphire that cannot be encountered! Through Regular gameplay the pokemon pokémon is recognizable by its two horns and the golden ring. that adorns its trunknd what’s more, it will become able to learn a new move that only Hoopa Unbound can use: Hyperspace Fury! With the remarkable power of this move, Hoopa Unbound can stand toe-to-toe with Legendary Pokemon pokémon in! Battle Hyperspace fury has a power of. 100" }, { "docid": "7098810", "title": "How to Transfer Your Old Pokemon to Sun/Moon and Ultra", "text": "Download the app onto the 3DS to use it with any number of physical or digital copies of Pokemon X and Y, Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire and Pokemon Sun/Moon and Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon at any time after obtaining the Pokedex in the game." }, { "docid": "4190020", "title": "-", "text": "Being someone who has enjoyed Pokemon throughout my entire life of 14 years which is also how old Pokemon is as well, I would have to say Sponge Bob wins." }, { "docid": "2331100", "title": "New Pokemon in Sun and Moon", "text": "Yungoos is the Loitering Pokemon found early in Pokemon Sun and Moon. It's always hungry and demands a huge amount of food from its trainer. Some Yungoos have the new ability Stakeout, which allows it to deal twice as much damage to Pokemon who switch into battle." }, { "docid": "2473584", "title": "46. The Battle Tree, Can we Defeat Red & Blue? - Pokemon Ultra Moon - Lets Play", "text": "Welcome Pokemon Fans, Today is the day that Pokemon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon has been release worldwide. I am glad that today I am able to bring you my Pokemon... Welcome Pokemon Fans, Today is the day that Pokemon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon has been release worldwide. I am glad that today I am able to bring you my Pokemon... Skip navigation" }, { "docid": "3265055", "title": "-", "text": "Ingress currently has 12 million downloads worldwide. Niantic, Inc., The Pokemon Pokémon, company And Nintendo., Co., ltd will all contribute to The POKEMON pokémon. Go, Project Furthermore junichi Masuda Of Game., freak inc the game director Of the pokemon pokémon, video game series is also contributing. to the project" }, { "docid": "6943776", "title": "Pokémon Breeding", "text": "They can breed with any gender compatible Pokemon that is in any of their egg groups. You can use these Pokemon to help get your egg moves from one group to another, and perfect your chain bred Pokemon. Ditto breeds with every Pokemon that can breed, and the cannot breed section cannot breed with anything." }, { "docid": "4447672", "title": "-", "text": "Machamp is a fighting Pokemon. Psychic and flying are super-effective against him. Gameguy100: I would use a psychic Pokemon against him in case he knows a rock move like rocktomb or rockslide which is super-effective against flying Pokemon. Machamp is a fighting Pokemon. <br />Psychic and flying are super-effective against him.<br />Gameguy100: I would use a psychic Pokemon against him in case he knows a rock move like rocktomb or rockslide which is super-effective against flying Pokemon." }, { "docid": "5107111", "title": "-", "text": "One of the consistent aspects of the Pokemon pokémon—games spanning From Pokemon pokémon Red and blue On The game boy To THE nintendo 3ds Games Pokemon pokémon Omega Ruby —and alpha sapphire is the choice of one Of three different pokemon pokémon at the'start of; the player s adventures these three Are. often labeled starter pokemon pokémon Pokemon Pokémon card Ni Natta (Wake How I became A Pokemon) pokémon Card By, kagemaru himeno an artist FOR. 2 The tcg there are six volumes and each includes a special. 3 Promotional card the stories tell the tales of the art behind Some'of himeno. s cards" }, { "docid": "1901241", "title": "-", "text": "Find great deals on eBay for high hp pokemon cards and 500 pokemon cards. Shop with confidence." }, { "docid": "6038791", "title": "What is a WATER/ICE pokemon weak against?", "text": "What is a WATER/ICE pokemon weak against? I want to know what pokemon type will be very good against a water/ice pokemon as i would like to use it against glacia in the elite 4. here is my team at the moment if there is any moves they could learn to help: Swampert Lv44 Manectric Lv40 Absol Lv37 Altaria ..." }, { "docid": "1377696", "title": "In-Game Trades", "text": "Several Pokemon can be traded within Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire with non-playable characters (NPCs). These characters will ask for a specific species of Pokemon and give you a set one in return. The Pokemon you receive will always have the same nature, stats, level, hold item, etc." }, { "docid": "7031520", "title": "Pokemon Battle Arena Q&A", "text": "There're some pokemon are consider as half legendary pokemon. These pokemon are stronger than normal pokemon (usually as strong as legendary in games), but weaker than legendary pokemon. Examples are dragonite, garchomp, lucario, hydregon, etc." }, { "docid": "6932864", "title": "-", "text": "Nintendo Game Boy Pikachu Pokemon Pokeman Cards Pokemon Pokemon Trading Cards Satoshi Tajiri Video Games for Autism ronny wilkins Beautiful article I have a seven year old asserted it gives me hope for future" }, { "docid": "8565394", "title": "Rideable Pokemon", "text": "There are a total of five Pokemon you can ride throughout the Kalos region. These Pokemon are all in different areas and you can only ride them in these designated areas. The first Pokemon you encounter to ride is Gogoat in Lumiose City. You can pay P200 to ride a Gogoat through a tour of the city." }, { "docid": "838095", "title": "-", "text": "Pokemon Adventures is a Western game by IIIII created on October 5, 2011. The game is based on the Pokemon show, hence the name of the game. This game is made from the Barcode Labs.For more informations you can visit the wiki Roblox Pokemon Adventures ,that is a wiki made by fans of Pokemon Adventures. Gameplay." }, { "docid": "7869992", "title": "Held item", "text": "These items, when held by a Pokemon pokémon in the-day, care will cause it to produce An egg that will hatch into a Baby pokemon pokémon Introduced AFTER. Generation ii they will also affect the holder in various ways. During battle, these items when held By, a pokemon pokémon affect the amount of Experience that a pokemon. pokémon gains in battlequipping a Plate to a Pokemon pokémon With multitype will cause it to change type to that of The plate. Held gems increase the power of a specific type of move by30 (%50 % In Generation) v and are consumed after. use" }, { "docid": "2636565", "title": "-", "text": "In battle. When a Pokemon pokémon with This ability is hit by a move that makes, contact there is a30 % chance that the Attacking pokemon pokémon will become infatuated if it is of the opposite gender To the pokemon Pokémon. with this ability" }, { "docid": "5439811", "title": "Lugia", "text": "How to catch articuno, zapdos, or moltres - pokemon x and, How to catch articuno, zapdos, or moltres - pokemon x and y: the three legendary birds articuno, zapdos, and moltres can also be found in pokemon x and y." }, { "docid": "6180713", "title": "-", "text": "Some dual-type Pokemon are only allowed on one type of team. 1 Monotype is a format where all Pokemon pokémon on a team must share a common. 2 Type both single and-dual Typed pokemon pokémon. 3 Are allowed in the Case Of, mega evolutions the typing of the standard form Of the pokemon pokémon. is what counts" }, { "docid": "8199737", "title": "-", "text": "Pokemon Cards GoldenGroundhog pokemon card Unbranded Pokemon Card Supplies Ultra Pro Pokémon Untapped Games FitSand Cazillion Cards All with the wind Wizards of the Coast Pokemon Korea; Toy Character. Pokemon; Toys Age Range Birth to 24 Months 2 to 4 Years 5 to 7 Years 8 to 13 Years 14 Years & Up; Trading Card Rating" }, { "docid": "4533359", "title": "What is Zygarde?", "text": "The character of Zygarde was first launched for the Pokemon X and Y version of this widely-popular computer game. Published under Nintendo 3D and 3DS versions, Pokemon X and Y was released in various locations around the world in early 2013.This version of the Pokemon game is said to be based on Norse mythology.he character of Zygarde was first launched for the Pokemon X and Y version of this widely-popular computer game. Published under Nintendo 3D and 3DS versions, Pokemon X and Y was released in various locations around the world in early 2013." }, { "docid": "7744538", "title": "-", "text": "As is normal in Pokemon pokémon, games you have a/1 8192 chance to get a Shiny. Pokemon, pokémon however there are special Opportunities/In zeta omicron during which you can obtain Specific. shiny pokemon pokémon" }, { "docid": "7239322", "title": "Throh", "text": "Pokemon Throh is a fictional character of humans. There is only single Creator of everything and anything. All Pokemon are made up by humans based on real animals or existing objects. The stroies of Pokemon are all fictional and in most cases illogical or nonsense." }, { "docid": "1368986", "title": "-", "text": "Pokemon GO Will Add New Generations of Pokemon. By Alexander Pan | 1 year ago. Now that we’re a few weeks into the life cycle of Pokemon GO, there’s no denying that the augmented-reality mobile game has become a phenomenon across the globe." }, { "docid": "4804008", "title": "-", "text": "Split and merge into it. Answer by MarField923. Confidence votes 841. Cubone is a ground-type Pokemon from the Pokemon ganes. It resembles a small rodent with a skull on it's head. Cubone's lore states that it is an orphan Pokemon and wears the skull of its deceased mother on it's head like a mask.It also carries around a femur bone and uses it as a weapon.n Pokemon Pokémon, Yellow cubone can be found in The Pokemon pokémon tower and In The. Safari zone In The, Pokemon pokémon tower cubone are only available during. 3 specific floors … thereis a 5 % probability you Will encounter a cubone in. these certain floors" }, { "docid": "2269461", "title": "Whatâs NewRSS", "text": "The Pokemon Pokémon Company international And nintendo announced today That Pokemon Pokémon omega Ruby And Pokemon pokémon alpha sapphire will Launch worldwide, in november 2014 Exclusively FOR the nintendo 3ds. family of systemse sure to visit Pokemon.com frequently for more Pokemon Pokémon Omega ruby And Pokemon Pokémon alpha sapphire news and information that will roll out leading up to the worldwide Launch. in november" }, { "docid": "530921", "title": "The Process of PID and IV Creation of Non-Bred Pokemon", "text": "This only applies to Pokemon that can be either male or female. If a Pokemon is always genderless (for example Staryu), always male (for example Tauros) or always female (for example Chansey), the Pokemon will, of course, always assume that gender." }, { "docid": "6671810", "title": "-", "text": "Pokemon Pokémon. Details like all the, Games Pokemon pokémon shuffle features a Variety of pokemon pokémon. To be Captured only 158 pokemon pokémon are, available within this game including Multiple, forms of The Pokemon. pokémon and their mega evolutionokemon Pokémon. Details like all the, Games Pokemon pokémon shuffle features a Variety of pokemon pokémon. To be Captured only 158 pokemon pokémon are, available within this game including Multiple, forms of The Pokemon. pokémon and their mega evolution" } ]
what effect did the fifteenth amendment have on the women's rights movement
[ { "docid": "6188520", "title": "Elizabeth Cady Stanton", "text": "After the American Civil War, Stanton's commitment to female suffrage caused a schism in the women's rights movement when she, together with Susan B. Anthony, declined to support passage of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments to the United States Constitution.any leaders in the women's rights movement, including Lucy Stone, Elizabeth Blackwell, and Julia Ward Howe, strongly argued against Stanton's all or nothing position. By 1869, disagreement over ratification of the Fifteenth Amendment had given birth to two separate women's suffrage organizations." } ]
[ { "docid": "3334942", "title": "Ninth Amendment to the United States Constitution", "text": "The Bill of Rights in the National Archives. The Ninth Amendment (Amendment IX) to the United States Constitution, which is part of the Bill of Rights, addresses rights, retained by the people, that are not specifically enumerated in the Constitution.n sum, the Ninth Amendment simply lends strong support to the view that the liberty protected by the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments from infringement by the Federal Government or the States is not restricted to rights specifically mentioned in the first eight amendments." }, { "docid": "4310639", "title": "Bill of Rights", "text": "9. The Ninth Amendment states that no one’s Constitutional rights should be used to infringe upon the rights of another citizen. 10. The Tenth Amendment provides each state with powers that are not specifically assigned to the nation’s government in the Constitution." }, { "docid": "8714332", "title": "-", "text": "The Equal Rights Amendment was passed by Congress on March 22, 1972 and sent to the states for ratification by both houses of their state legislatures. A proposed amendment becomes part of the Constitution when approved by three-fourths (38) of the 50 states.e-passage of a new Equal Rights Amendment by two-thirds of Congress and 38 states is seen as highly unlikely politically. The 1972 Equal Rights Amendment states the following: 1 Section 1. Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of sex." }, { "docid": "2252016", "title": "-", "text": "THE CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT. The Civil Rights Movement that began in the late 1950's won for African-Americans basic rights long denied to them, inspired other discriminated groups to fight for their own rights, and had a deep effect on American society.HE CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT. The Civil Rights Movement that began in the late 1950's won for African-Americans basic rights long denied to them, inspired other discriminated groups to fight for their own rights, and had a deep effect on American society." }, { "docid": "3148021", "title": "-", "text": "Best Answer: There are 27 amendments. ten of which are in the bill of rights the others followed after wards. I made a list of them for you: Bill of Rights. Amendment 1 Freedoms, Petitions, Assembly. Amendment 2 Right to bear arms. Amendment 3 Quartering of soldiers. Amendment 4 Search and arrest." }, { "docid": "4382571", "title": "Sixth Amendment to the United States Constitution", "text": "The Sixth Amendment (Amendment VI) to the United States Constitution is the part of the United States Bill of Rights that sets forth rights related to criminal prosecutions.The Supreme Court has applied the protections of this amendment to the states through the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.he Sixth Amendment (Amendment VI) to the United States Constitution is the part of the United States Bill of Rights that sets forth rights related to criminal prosecutions." }, { "docid": "3215391", "title": "An Overview of the 1st Amendment", "text": "The First Amendment Defined: The First Amendment is a part of the Bill of Rights, which are the first 10 Amendments to the United States Constitution and the framework to elucidate upon the freedoms of the individual.The Bill of Rights were proposed and sent to the states by the first session of the First Congress.he Establishment clause of the First Amendment is the primary pronouncement in the Amendment, stating that Congress cannot institute a law to establish a national religion for the preference of the U.S. government states that one religion does not favor another." }, { "docid": "26305", "title": "Why was the First Amendment written?", "text": "The first amendment, the amendment ensuring freedom of religion for everyone, was written as the beginning of the 10 amendments known as the Bill of Rights." }, { "docid": "6361099", "title": "Civil rights movement", "text": "After the Civil War, the US expanded the legal rights of African Americans. Congress passed, and enough states ratified, an amendment ending slavery in 1865—the 13th Amendment to the United States Constitution.any from the American Jewish community tacitly or actively supported the civil rights movement. Several of the co-founders of the NAACP were Jewish. In the latter part of the 20th century, many of its white members and leading activists came from within the Jewish community." }, { "docid": "8279212", "title": "-", "text": "The Fifteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution reads: Section 1. The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude. Section 2." }, { "docid": "4617326", "title": "-", "text": "Yes, it should be ratified. The Equal Rights Amendment states: Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or any state on account o … f sex.. It is a simple statement that would define the meaning of We the people to include the majority of the population--that is women.he Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) was a proposed amendment to the United States Constitution which was intended to guarantee that equal rights under any federal, state or local law could not be denied on account of sex." }, { "docid": "1647328", "title": "Fifteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution", "text": "The Fifteenth Amendment (Amendment XV) to the United States Constitution prohibits the federal and state governments from denying a citizen the right to vote based on that citizen's race, color, or previous condition of servitude..n the twentieth century, the Court began to interpret the amendment more broadly, striking down grandfather clauses in Guinn v. United States (1915) and dismantling the white primary system in the Texas primary cases (1927–1953)." }, { "docid": "6796774", "title": "14th Amendment", "text": "OVERVIEW. The 14th amendment is a very important amendment that defines what it means to be a US citizen and protects certain rights of the people. There are three important “clauses” in the 14th amendment, each of which are still important today. A clause is a sentence in any part of our constitution." }, { "docid": "3736721", "title": "-", "text": " Great leaders of the civil rights movement such as Martin Luther King Jr. contributed to the success of the movement. The civil rights movement was also very organized. Strategies such as sit-ins, bus boycotts, freedom rides, and marches were organized, so many civil rights believers participated." }, { "docid": "2998935", "title": "Fifteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution", "text": "The Court declared that the Fifteenth Amendment commands that the right to vote shall not be denied or abridged on account of race or color, and it gives Congress the power to enforce that command. The Amendment is not designed to punish for the past; its purpose is to ensure a better future." }, { "docid": "5392068", "title": "-", "text": "1 Women's Role in the Civil Rights Movement The Civil Rights Movement was an intensely important era for the United States. 2 Unfortunately, the women of this movement are seldom mentioned, and often were pushed to the s…." }, { "docid": "5570706", "title": "-", "text": "It states that there are certain rights listed in the Constitution, but that does not mean that there aren't other rights that the people have that are not listed. Still, the Ninth Amendment has not yet been used to justify the protection of any right not already listed in the Constitution. So it is still a mystery about which rights Madison had in mind when he wrote the Ninth Amendment." }, { "docid": "2835425", "title": "Equal Rights Amendment passed by Congress", "text": "Equal Rights Amendment passed by Congress. On March 22, 1972, the Equal Rights Amendment is passed by the U.S. Senate and sent to the states for ratification. First proposed by the National Woman’s political party in 1923, the Equal Rights Amendment was to provide for the legal equality of the sexes and prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex. More than four decades later, the revival of feminism in the late 1960s spurred its introduction into Congress." }, { "docid": "4055883", "title": "-", "text": "Why did the Black Panther Party emerge during Civil Rights Movement and what were they able or unable to accomplish, in their battle for social change? In the 1960s, a fight for the social rights of minorities began with the Civil Rights Movement." }, { "docid": "826105", "title": "Ninth Amendment", "text": "Modern Use of the Ninth Amendment. Today, the Ninth Amendment is used mainly to stop the government from expanding their power rather than just limiting their power. Sometimes, courts try to use the Ninth Amendment as a way to provide and enforce rights that are not actually talked about in the Constitution.Facts about the Ninth Amendment. · The Ninth Amendment a part of the Bill of Rights, which were introduced by James Madison.ometimes, courts try to use the Ninth Amendment as a way to provide and enforce rights that are not actually talked about in the Constitution. Facts about the Ninth Amendment. · The Ninth Amendment a part of the Bill of Rights, which were introduced by James Madison." }, { "docid": "6685905", "title": "Equality for All", "text": "The Equal Rights Amendment was a proposed amendment to the US Constitution to guarantee equal rights for women and outlaw discrimination based on sex. It was first proposed in 1923 and passed both houses of Congress in 1972, but failed to achieve 3/4 ratification by the states.esson Summary. The Equal Rights Amendment is a proposed amendment to the United States Constitution that guarantees equal rights for women. It was first proposed by the suffragist, supporter of women's rights to vote, Alice Paul in 1923." }, { "docid": "1191367", "title": "18th Amendment", "text": "The 18th amendment is the only amendment to be repealed from the constitution. This unpopular amendment banned the sale and drinking of alcohol in the United States.This amendment took effect in 1919 and was a huge failure.he 21st amendment repeals the 18th amendment in 1933, and today we call the period that the 18th Amendment was law Prohibition. The 18th amendment was not always unpopular. In fact, some states had already banned alcohol before the 18th amendment." }, { "docid": "5337889", "title": "8th Amendment", "text": "8th Amendment. The 8th Amendment to the United States Constitution, a part of the Bill of Rights, prohibits the federal government from imposing excessive fines, excessive bail, and cruel and unusual punishment. This is one of the shortest amendments to the Constitution, but it has a powerful effect, and has sparked a number of debates over the years since its ratification." }, { "docid": "5152675", "title": "United States Constitution", "text": "The Fourteenth Amendment was one of three amendments to the Constitution adopted after the Civil War to guarantee black rights. The Thirteenth Amendment abolished slavery, the Fourteenth granted citizenship to people once enslaved, and the Fifteenth guaranteed black men the right to vote.The Fourteenth Amendment was passed by Congress in June 1866 and ratified by the states in 1868.he Fourteenth Amendment was one of three amendments to the Constitution adopted after the Civil War to guarantee black rights. The Thirteenth Amendment abolished slavery, the Fourteenth granted citizenship to people once enslaved, and the Fifteenth guaranteed black men the right to vote." }, { "docid": "4316491", "title": "-", "text": "Too s... The Equal Rights Amendment, had been a part of the Republican Party (US politics)'s platform from 1940 until the passage of the Amendment in 1972 by the Congress. The primary opposition to the Amendment had been labor and the Democratic Party (US politics)." }, { "docid": "3736720", "title": "Civil Rights Movement", "text": "Civil Rights Movement. Throughout American history, different groups of citizens have fought for rights that the American Constitution gave them. The civil rights movement in the United States is about the campaign of African Americans." }, { "docid": "2252025", "title": "Curated FSM Press Bibliography 3,377 items", "text": "The Civil Rights Movement in the 1950s. The modern Civil Rights Movement got its start in the 1950s as returning African-American veterans from World War II began demanding equal rights. The decade of the fifties also saw the rise of Martin Luther King, Jr., and the nonviolent protest movement.he Civil Rights Movement in the Late 1960s. The victories of the Civil Rights Movement raised the hopes of African Americans living all over the country. But segregation in the South was, in a way, easier to combat--Southern segregation was enforced by the law, and laws could be changed." }, { "docid": "6351488", "title": "Chicano Movement", "text": "Chicano Movement. The Chicano Movement of the 1960s, also called the Chicano Civil Rights Movement or El Movimiento, was a civil rights movement extending the Mexican American Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s with the stated goal of achieving Mexican American empowerment. Contents." }, { "docid": "2980857", "title": "First Amendment", "text": "Furthermore, the Court has interpreted the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment as protecting the rights in the First Amendment from interference by state governments. Freedom of Religion. Two clauses in the First Amendment guarantee freedom of religion." }, { "docid": "4604998", "title": "-", "text": "The amendment guarantees that “equality of rights under the laws shall not be denied or abridged by the State of Oregon or by any political subdivision in this state on account of sex.” That text mirrors the language of the long-proposed Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) to the U.S. Constitution.he amendment guarantees that “equality of rights under the laws shall not be denied or abridged by the State of Oregon or by any political subdivision in this state on account of sex.” That text mirrors the language of the long-proposed Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) to the U.S. Constitution." } ]
what effects does alcohol have on muscle building?
[ { "docid": "6687285", "title": "Does Drinking Alcohol Affect Muscle Building?", "text": "Photo Credit Claudio Beduschi/iStock/Getty Images. If you're looking to build muscle, understand that alcohol consumption can hinder your results in multiple ways. In addition to directly reducing muscle protein synthesis, alcohol can interfere with hormones that are necessary for building muscle. Furthermore, alcohol can decrease important molecules and nutrients that supply the energy required for muscle-building workouts." } ]
[ { "docid": "7038642", "title": "Pregnancy and Alcohol", "text": "Pregnancy and Alcohol: Safety, Effects and Addiction. When you consume alcohol during pregnancy, so does your baby, because alcohol passes freely through the placenta to your baby. If you choose to drink alcohol while you are pregnant, you will increase the risk that your baby will be born with a Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)." }, { "docid": "1116365", "title": "-", "text": "So What Is the Best Glue For Guitar Building? Now that I listed many of the most commonly used glues for guitar building and some of their common applications above, you may have noticed that there is a lot of overlap in the different parts of the guitar they can be used for and you might be wondering: How do you decide which ones to use where?" }, { "docid": "6564689", "title": "What Is Lorazepam (Ativan)?", "text": "Do not take this medication for longer than 4 months without your doctor's advice. Talk to your doctor about using alcohol while on lorazepam. Alcohol can worsen the side effects of lorazepam, such as drowsiness, confusion, and unsteadiness." }, { "docid": "1318105", "title": "Proteins and Liver Disease", "text": "Instead of the protein going to their destinations for use in the body the brain steals it from the muscles, tendons, bones and other organs to keep it in the bloodstream. Thus; there is muscle wasting, muscle cramps, profound fatigue, and many other undesirable effects." }, { "docid": "8752077", "title": "-", "text": "What health problems can excessive alcohol cause? Unfortunately, a variety of both short term alcohol effects and regrettably, long term alcohol effects and drinking problems such as adverse alcoholism side effects and serious physical and mental health issues can be caused by chronic alcohol abuse or by alcoholism." }, { "docid": "6429066", "title": "-", "text": "Muscle Relaxant Withdrawal Symptoms. If a person has to take muscle relaxers for an extended period of time because they can be addictive, symptoms of withdrawal may be experienced if they suddenly stop taking them.The same thing holds true for anyone abusing muscle relaxants for an extended period of time and they eventually develop an addiction to them.t's never a good idea to take muscle relaxers or any other prescription drug without knowing what the side effects are. Each muscle relaxant has its own set of possible side effects that may be experienced and some are less serious than others." }, { "docid": "8533543", "title": "-", "text": "Possible side effects of benzyl alcohol lotion: All medicines may cause side effects, but many people have no, or minor, side effects. Check with your doctor if any of these most COMMON side effects persist or become bothersome: Mild skin or scalp irritation, itching, numbness, or pain." }, { "docid": "5652091", "title": "-", "text": "1 71% - How thick to have a foundation for five story building? 2 56% - How deep does the foundation have to be for ct for a house? 3 65% - How deep of foundation for 1 8 high wall?4 53% - How deep does a concrete foundation need to be in virginia? 71% - How to improve foundation for two story building? 2 71% - How thick to have a foundation for five story building? 3 56% - How deep does the foundation have to be for ct for a house?" }, { "docid": "8785801", "title": "Creatine & Alcohol - Do They Mix?", "text": "In extreme cases if you workout hard using creatine and drink alcohol your body may not be able to fully repair all the damaged muscle tissue resulting increased recovery times and negative muscle growth. As you can see creatine and alcohol really do not mix. The possible benefits of creatine will not be seen if used with alcohol. So if you're serious about building muscle and size if might be a good idea to keep your alcohol intake to a minimum especially after your workouts and before bed." }, { "docid": "2320425", "title": "Background", "text": "Alcohol has specific effects on certain receptors and neurotransmitters in the brain.Researchers have found that alcohol affects gamma amino butyric acid (GABA) receptors and GABA, which is the neurotransmitter that binds to them." }, { "docid": "7898147", "title": "Alcohol Effects on the Digestive System", "text": "Alcohol Effects on the Digestive System. Moderate consumption of alcohol can be something that makes life a bit more enjoyable for some people. It allows them to socialize more easily, and it can even help people to relax after a hard day. There is a dark side to alcohol consumption, and this soon becomes apparent when individuals drink too much." }, { "docid": "5472064", "title": "Does alcohol and smoking affect semen production?", "text": "Yes, excessive alcohol consumption and smoking both have a negative impact on your semen production as well as your sperm production and quality. Let’s have a look at how alcohol and smoking effects your sperm production and reduces your fertility." }, { "docid": "3047138", "title": "Tylenol PM Side Effects", "text": "This medication can also produce some gastrointestinal side effects, such as diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, and loss of appetite. These side effects are quite rare, but still can be experienced in the case of an overdose. The simultaneous use of alcohol and Tylenol PM can produce these side effects." }, { "docid": "974680", "title": "What are some short-term effects of alcohol on your body?", "text": "A person with a BAC of 0.10 (10 parts alcohol to 10,000 parts blood) is considered intoxicated (in some states the level is 0.08). Even low doses of alcohol can affect bodily functions. Blood alcohol concentration measures are a useful way to detail the effects of alcohol consumption." }, { "docid": "6833266", "title": "Effects of Long Term Alcohol Abuse", "text": "Liver disease is one of the most common effects of long term alcohol abuse. The liver is the organ that breaks down the alcohol and then excretes the alcohol into bile or blood. When liver disease happens, the user can also develop skin, brain and nervous system problems." }, { "docid": "3012976", "title": "Is it okay to drink alcohol while on antibiotics?", "text": "Combining antibiotics and alcohol can increase these side effects. A few antibiotics — such as metronidazole (Flagyl), tinidazole (Tindamax) and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (Bactrim, Septra) — should not be mixed with alcohol because this may result in a more severe reaction." }, { "docid": "3763289", "title": "Alcohol and health", "text": "The long-term effects of alcohol (ethanol) consumption range from cardioprotective health benefits for low to moderate alcohol consumption in industrialized societies with higher rates of cardiovascular disease to severe detrimental effects in cases of chronic alcohol abuse." }, { "docid": "7918913", "title": "NEUROSCIENCE: PATHWAYS TO ALCOHOL DEPENDENCE", "text": "These long-term chemical changes are believed to be responsible for the harmful effects of alcohol, such as alcohol dependence. Today, thanks to rapidly advancing technology, researchers know more than ever about how alcohol affects the brain and how the brain responds and adapts to these effects." }, { "docid": "2741675", "title": "What are the Effects of Mixing Soma and Alcohol?", "text": "If you are taking Soma and consume alcohol, then you should understand the effects of mixing the two. Soma (carisoprodol) is a muscle relaxer and is generally prescribed to treat bodily injuries and musculoskeletal conditions that cause pain. The drug blocks the pain signals between the nerves and the brain." }, { "docid": "2248374", "title": "Why Are You Sweating after Drinking Alcohol?", "text": "Learn more about why people have excessive sweats or night sweats after alcohol intake and how to treat the condition. Drinking alcohol affects the body and mind in many ways. One of the common side effects of alcohol drinking is sweating or perspiring, a physiologic process where sweat glands in the skin produce fluid." }, { "docid": "5690200", "title": "-", "text": "What is an alcohol unit? One alcohol unit is measured as 10ml or 8g of pure alcohol. This equals one 25ml single measure of whisky (ABV 40%), or a third of a pint of beer (ABV 5-6%) or half a standard (175ml) glass of red wine (ABV 12%). Find out more about alcohol units and measures. For more information on the impact drinking can have on your health, take a look at our Effects of alcohol page." }, { "docid": "7131767", "title": "-", "text": "How alcohol affects the brain and the varying mental health side effects that can result from excessive drinking. 1 Alcohol and brain chemistry. 2 Alcohol, stress and anxiety. 3 Alcohol and depression. 4 Alcohol and your mood. 5 Alcohol and suicide. 6 Alcohol and memory. 7 Staying in control." }, { "docid": "3830400", "title": "KLONOPIN AND DRINKING", "text": "You found out on your own they are not a good mix. Alcohol can increase the effects of the benzos and you can easily be into an overdose situation. Alcohol may increase drowsiness and dizziness while taking Klonopin (clonazepam) . Alcohol may also increase the risk of having a seizure.You will find some info that says Use alcohol cautiously.ou found out on your own they are not a good mix. Alcohol can increase the effects of the benzos and you can easily be into an overdose situation. Alcohol may increase drowsiness and dizziness while taking Klonopin (clonazepam) . Alcohol may also increase the risk of having a seizure." }, { "docid": "112123", "title": "Ultimate Guide to SARMs - Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators", "text": "Please note that SARM-like products try to mimic the effects of SARMs without the side effects but are NOT the same as actual SARMs in terms of effects. RPM is a selective androgen receptor modulator for muscle growth. Order now." }, { "docid": "3589061", "title": "Can i drink alcohol while taking levofloxacin?", "text": "Alcohol and levofloxacin has no known interactions. But do not drink much as it can lead to increased drowziness (which is a side effect of levofloxacin known to occur in few susceptible individuals).NSWER #3 of 3. While there are no known interactions between Alcohol and Levofloxacin, it is best to limit the amount of alcohol you consume when taking the drug. In general, alcohol can increase the possibility of side effects common in antibiotics, such as Levofloxacin." }, { "docid": "2191640", "title": "Does Alcohol Make Antibiotics Ineffective?", "text": "Enhanced Side Effects. Many antibiotics are associated with the same exact side effects as alcohol, such as dizziness, nausea, drowsiness and overall stomach upset. Mixing both substances together can cause you to have an increased level of side effects that are much more prominent." }, { "docid": "3789026", "title": "The Effects of Alcohol & Caffeine on Dehydration", "text": "Without this hormone -- called antidiuretic hormone, or ADH -- the kidneys do not reabsorb the water; instead they excrete it as urine. Caffeine -- a stimulant that is found in coffee beans, tea leaves, sodas and even chocolate -- also has diuretic effects.rinary frequency can contribute to the other dehydrating effects of caffeine-and alcohol-containing drinks; a simple way to prevent the related, dehydrating side effects of caffeine or alcohol is to use them in moderation." }, { "docid": "7163440", "title": "Prescription sleeping pills: What's right for you?", "text": "1 Generally, sleeping pills should be taken only when you know you can stay in bed seven to eight hours. 2 A few short-acting sleeping pills are intended for middle of the night awakenings, so you may take them when you can stay in bed for 4 hours. 3 Watch for side effects. Avoid alcohol. 2 Never mix alcohol and sleeping pills. 3 Alcohol increases the sedative effects of the pills. 4 Even a small amount of alcohol combined with sleeping pills can make you feel dizzy, confused or faint. 5 And alcohol can actually cause insomnia." }, { "docid": "6163500", "title": "Alcohol Withdrawal & Detox", "text": "Because detox involves the quitting or reduction of heavy or prolonged alcohol use, it causes alcohol withdrawal. Common alcohol withdrawal symptoms, or the physical side effects of discontinued substance use, range from mild to potentially life-threatening. They include: Mood swings." }, { "docid": "4792780", "title": "Botox: What You Need to Know", "text": "By injecting the toxin directly into a certain muscle or muscle group, the risk of it spreading to other areas of the body is greatly diminished. Botox® Cosmetic has been successfully used to treat severe glabellar (frown) lines and is approved for use in adult patients up to 65 years of age.here is always a risk of adverse reactions or side effects after a Botox® injection, so patients need to be in a medical setting that is equipped to handle an emergency situation. And, the ingestion of alcohol at or around the time of injection could worsen any bruising at the injection site." } ]
what engine on troy bilt snow blowers?
[ { "docid": "2420267", "title": "2016 Troy-Bilt Snow Blowers â Whatâs New â and Exciting!", "text": "26″ Two-Stage Snow Thrower – 208cc Troy-Bilt Engine – Just One Hand® Operation. About $799.99 This snow blower is a good value but does not have power steering or deflector control. This snow blower is a little under powered for their size clearing heavy snow." }, { "docid": "2420269", "title": "2016 Troy-Bilt Snow Blowers â Whatâs New â and Exciting!", "text": "30″ Two-Stage Snow Thrower – 277cc Troy-Bilt Engine – Touch ’n Turn® Power Steering. About $1,099.99 Power steering allows just about anyone who is over 5 ft 2 in who can walk and use both hands the ability to easily control a snow blower." }, { "docid": "2420272", "title": "2016 Troy-Bilt Snow Blowers â Whatâs New â and Exciting!", "text": "26″ Two-Stage Snow Thrower – 243cc Troy-Bilt Engine – Touch ’n Turn® Power Steering. About $999.99 This snow blower is 26 inches and uses a 243 cc engine. It will handle areas of the country that get 100 inches or less very well. This is a good size for a 2-car wide 100 ft long driveway." } ]
[ { "docid": "3344172", "title": "Menelaus", "text": "During the sack of Troy, Menelaus killed Deiphobus, who had married Helen after the death of Paris. There are four versions of Menelaus’ and Helen’s reunion on the night of the sack of Troy: 1 Angry at Helen, Menelaus looked for and found her." }, { "docid": "5736314", "title": "-", "text": "Conversion for how many troy ounces (oz t) of silver are contained in a gram (1 g). Or, how much in troy ounces of silver is in 1 gram? To link to this silver-gram to troy ounces online precious metal converter for the answer, simply cut and paste the following. The link to this tool will appear as: silver from gram (g) to troy ounces (oz t) metal conversion." }, { "docid": "2743983", "title": "List of recurring The Simpsons characters", "text": "Billy is Troy McClure 's assistant who appeared in Lisa the Simpson , and Bart the Mother . He was supposed to appear in more episodes but due to the death of McClure's voice actor Phil Hartman, he was retired along with McClure. He is a child who appears in Troy McClure's educational films." }, { "docid": "3321589", "title": "âSwamp Peopleâ: Two Gators Come Back From The Dead (VIDEO)", "text": "On Thursday's episode of “Swamp People,” Troy Landry learned that even after years of hunting gators, the swamp is still full of surprises. While Troy was hauling what he thought was a dead gator into his boat, it came back to life." }, { "docid": "8471350", "title": "Learn More!", "text": "Troy University. Welcome to the Troy University Office of Admissions and thank you for taking the time to learn more about what our University has to offer. Qualified applicants are encouraged to apply to the Troy University location of their choosing, including full degree completion online." }, { "docid": "1845662", "title": "-", "text": "Troy Maxson, the protagonist of August Wilson’s Fences, is the son of a frustrated sharecropper whose harshness drove off his wives and Troy.Troy has made his way north to a world where African Americans live in shacks and are unable to find work.roy Maxson, the protagonist of August Wilson’s Fences, is the son of a frustrated sharecropper whose harshness drove off his wives and Troy." }, { "docid": "7537454", "title": "Poseidon", "text": "Poseidon and Apollo, having offended Zeus, were sent to serve King Laomedon of Troy. He had them build huge walls around the city and promised to reward them well, a promise he then refused to fulfill. In vengeance, before the Trojan War, Poseidon sent a sea monster to attack Troy (it was later killed by Perseus)." }, { "docid": "6981088", "title": "-", "text": "The price for less than 50 ounces is only $0.50 per dwt. Remember that 1 regular ounce = 18.2291 dwt (pennyweight) or 1 troy ounce = 20 dwt (pennyweight). So today, when the spot price of silver is $43 per troy ounce, or $2.15 per dwt, this website is offering 28% of the value, instead of 85% or even 75%.emember that 1 regular ounce = 18.2291 dwt (pennyweight) or 1 troy ounce = 20 dwt (pennyweight). So today, when the spot price of silver is $43 per troy ounce, or $2.15 per dwt, this website is offering 28% of the value, instead of 85% or even 75%." }, { "docid": "4632126", "title": "Ancient Troy: The City & the Legend", "text": "Throughout the Iliad the gods constantly intervene in support of characters on both sides of the conflict. Troy also refers to a real-life ancient city located on the northwest coast of Turkey which, since antiquity, has been identified by many as being the Troy discussed in the legend." }, { "docid": "5570225", "title": "-", "text": "Our exclusive pricing for United States military and government personnel is confidential and not available to the general public. Art Craft Art-Bilt Rimway with Cable Temples is a Rimless frame for Men and Women, which is made of Monel & Nickel Silver." }, { "docid": "3514246", "title": "Jeff the Killer", "text": "Troy swings his knife at Jeff, who backs away and bangs the towel rack into Troy’s face. Troy goes down hard and now all that’s left is Keith. He is more agile than Troy though, and ducks when Jeff swings the towel rack." }, { "docid": "5802606", "title": "How much is 400 troy ounces in pounds?", "text": "There are 12 Troy ounces in a Troy pound, so 100 Troy ounces is 8 1/3 Troy pounds. A Standard (Avoirdupois) pound is equal to 0.8229 of a Troy pound, so your 100 troy ounces … comes out to 6.857 Standard pounds." }, { "docid": "5718811", "title": "How many Grams in 1 ounce, When Selling Gold? & Tips.", "text": "Most people know that 28.35 grams is 1 Ounce, but that is the avoirdupois Ounce, the common method to weigh groceries etc. When you are weighing precious metals or stones, jewellers use another method called Troy in which 31.103 grams is 1 Troy Ounce." }, { "docid": "6981079", "title": "-", "text": "Sterling Silver Price. The current price of Sterling Silver (anything) is $13.33 per Ounce (oz), or $0.47 Per Gram (g). Sterling silver is defined as 92.5% pure silver and is widely used in high end cutlery, jewelry, and pitchers.The other 7.5% is usually made of some other metal like copper.read more on Troy Ounces). (% of pure silver x silver price x troy ounce modifier). % 1 of pure silver = 92.5%. 2 Current silver price ($15.82). 3 Troy ounce modifier = .911 (1 us ounce = .911 troy ounces)." }, { "docid": "7527661", "title": "California cold and native plants", "text": "Snow is no big deal in terms of cold. The temperature of snow is around freezing and snow has excellent insulating properties. It looks spectacular to have little stems sticking through snow where the nursery stock is supposed to be. But I'm relieved when we get snow along with the cold." }, { "docid": "3623899", "title": "Severe Weather 101", "text": "Precipitation continues to fall as snow when the temperature remains at or below 0 degrees Celsius from the cloud base to the ground. 1 Snow Flurries. 2 Snow Showers. 3 Snow Squalls. 4 Blowing Snow. 5 Blizzards." }, { "docid": "3548687", "title": "-", "text": "Thomas Allard Troy, MI Thomas Allard, is a resident of Michigan and lives in Troy, 72 miles from the Lansing, the capital of Michigan. He was born on Saturday, January 1, 1955 and is 62 years old. There are 74,823 other background records in Troy, Michigan. Thomas Allard consumer profile indicates an interest in Fishing, Golf, Hunting / Shooting and Health / Medical." }, { "docid": "249730", "title": "-", "text": "One troy ounce is equal to 31.1034768 grams. A troy ounce of gold is about 10% heavier than a avoirdupois ounce which is used in the United States. 1 troy ounce of gold is equal to 1.097142857143 avoirdupois ounces of gold. The gold price per ounce displayed on goldprice.org is the price of gold per troy ounce of gold. There is 32.1507 troy ounces of gold in a kilo of gold. There is 12 troy ounces of gold in a troy pound of gold. The ISO 4217 currency code for one troy ounce of gold is XAU." }, { "docid": "1015568", "title": "-", "text": "Low gear is usually thought of as 1st, but it has the highest ratio of engine revolutions to drive shaft revolutions. As a practical matter, it's a good idea to use 2nd or 3rd gear to take off on snow.est Answer: Remember ask your self which is the higher number 1st or 5th Answer 5th gear Moving of on snow the answer is second gear. Your car will not move in third or fourth. Second gear will give your tyres more grip on snow and ice or loose ground." }, { "docid": "8409083", "title": "-", "text": "This will depend on what program of weight measurement you’re referring to. If you’re referring to the actual How Many Ounces in a Pound in troy units then you will find 12 troy ounces to some pound. But if you’re referring to the actual pound and ounce within the avoirdupois units then you will find 16 ounces to some pound." }, { "docid": "5106013", "title": "What Works Better Snow Chains Or Snow Cables On A 2007 Nissan Frontier 4X4", "text": "Expert Reply: Both of the snow chains and snow cables will work great in snow conditions. The difference is the snow chains will give you better grip in more ice conditions because the chain links will bite into the ice where as the snow cables tend to slide over the ice." }, { "docid": "3548691", "title": "-", "text": "Troy Allard: 12 Matches! We found records for people named Troy Allard in 29 cities throughout Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and 7 more states! I want more information on Troy Allard >>" }, { "docid": "3605754", "title": "-", "text": "1 For reference when buying or selling, there are 12 troy ounces to 1 troy pound. 2 There are approximately 31 grams to 1 troy ounce. 3 If you buy silver jewelry with stones or gems, consider reselling it as jewelry rather than for scrap. There are approximately 31 grams to 1 troy ounce. 2 If you buy silver jewelry with stones or gems, consider reselling it as jewelry rather than for scrap. 3 If the jewelry is destroyed beyond repair, however, remove these stones before selling off the silver." }, { "docid": "5061669", "title": "-", "text": "exists and is an alternate of . Troy-Bilt started out owned and manufactured by Garden Way Inc of Troy, NY. In 2001 the company filed chapter 11 bankruptcy and was bought out by MTD who also owns and makes Cub Cadet, Bolens, Yard-Man, Yard-Machines, White Outdoor, Huskee, Ryobi, Remington, And Massey Ferguson. Troy-Bilt is an MTD product that is now manufactured in Cleveland, Ohio at the Troy-Bilt LLC plant." }, { "docid": "5453270", "title": "Convert from ounce [troy] to tola [India]", "text": "Unit Definition (ounce [troy]) The ounce [troy] is a second traditional unit of mass or weight. The troy ounce, traditionally used in pharmacy and jewelry, is 1/12 troy pound, 480 grains, or about 31.1035 grams. Thus the troy ounce equals 192/175 = 1.09714 avoirdupois ounces." }, { "docid": "5625945", "title": "Precious Metal Sizes Available at APMEX", "text": "It is also useful to understand the relationship between grams and kilograms, as well as grains and troy ounces. Conversion is simple, as demonstrated by the following charts. Precisely, 1 troy ounce equals 31.1035 grams, and 1 gram equals 0.03215 troy ounce. Whether you are shopping for a 100 oz Silver bar or 1 oz of Gold, troy ounces are the most common unit of measurement referenced at APMEX. Multiplying the listed price for a 1 oz Gold bar or a 1 oz Silver coin by 0.03215 will show you the price per gram." }, { "docid": "7854161", "title": "Just One Look (song)", "text": ". Just One Look is a song co-written by American R&B singers Doris Troy and Gregory Carroll. The recording by Doris Troy was a hit in 1963. The Hollies, Anne Murray and Linda Ronstadt recorded hit versions of their own. There have also been many other versions of this song." }, { "docid": "534424", "title": "-", "text": "The ounce is slightly heavier than the troy ounce, with one troy ounce equaling 1.097 oz. One can know the price of silver per troy oz, per ounce, per gram, per kilogram and also in terms of various currencies such as the dollar, the yen and so on." }, { "docid": "2166736", "title": "Troy", "text": "Troy is a city in and the county seat of Doniphan County, Kansas, United States. As of the 2010 census, the city population was 1,010. Troy is part of the St. Joseph, MO –KS Metropolitan Statistical Area." }, { "docid": "6931862", "title": "Parsippany-Troy Hills, New Jersey", "text": "Parsippany-Troy Hills Township highlighted in Morris County. Inset map: Morris County highlighted in the State of New Jersey. Parsippany-Troy Hills Township, commonly called simply Parsippany (/pɑːrˈsɪpəni/), is a township in Morris County, New Jersey, United States." } ]
what exactly is the function of a rubber duck
[ { "docid": "1237762", "title": "Rubber duck", "text": "Tell me, what exactly is the function of a rubber duck? —Arthur Weasley A rubber duck is a Muggle toy, shaped like a duck and used for recreation in a bathtub. They... " } ]
[ { "docid": "4597648", "title": "Howard the Duck", "text": "Count Drakula, Dirk Byrd, Dark Mallard of the Night, Dopey Duck, Drakula, the Drivin' Drake, Duckboy, Duck-Man, the Ducknight Detective, the Feathered Fury, Howard the Human, Iron Duck, Killmallard, Leonard the Duck, Master of Quak Fu, Mister Duck, Pondhopper, Santa Claus, Shang-Op, Son of Satan, Osama el-Braka. Identity." }, { "docid": "3180692", "title": "When does new season of Duck Dynasty start", "text": "Season 5 of 'Duck Dynasty' is now underway and tonight the bearded crew are back tonight with a new episode of Duck Dynasty will air on A&E. Tonight, the episode is called From Duck 'Til Dawn." }, { "docid": "2288772", "title": "-", "text": "1 Pour a few cups of boiling water over the duck and into the roasting tray and place into the preheated oven. Roast the duck for up to 3 hours or until no fat remains and the skin is crispy and brown, turning the duck over after every 30 minutes." }, { "docid": "4667328", "title": "-", "text": "You Are Here: Home » Blog » antique tires » What year did Charles Goodyear invent Vulcanized Rubber? What year did Charles Goodyear invent Vulcanized Rubber? Note: post edited on 30 September 2014 to replace language stating that Goodyear created a sulfur-free rubber. Despite the name, vulcanized rubber has nothing to do with the pointed-eared aliens from Star Trek and it definitely wasn’t invented by Leonard Nimoy. Vulcanized Rubber was actually invented by Charles Goodyear in the early 19th century. Goodyear’s vulcanized rubber revolutionized the rubber industry and helped shape global transportation. In the early 1800’s all rubber products were made from natural rubber known at the time as India Rubber, produced from a refined latex sap collected from rubber trees (Hevea brasiliensis)." }, { "docid": "8053184", "title": "What Are the Best Ways to Use Duck Fat?", "text": "Q: I have a little tub of duck fat in my fridge — about a cup and a half. What should I do with it? Sent by Julia. Editor: You can't go wrong with roasted potatoes in duck fat. So good. Readers, what are your favorite ways to use duck fat? Next question? (Image: Faith Durand)" }, { "docid": "2773179", "title": "Lingula (brachiopod)", "text": "Alternatively it may be derived from the Latin word for spoon (Lingula) directly. The origin of the epithet anatina is not known, but in Latin anatina means belonging to the duck, possibly due to its resemblance to a duck bill." }, { "docid": "5044129", "title": "-", "text": "What is the precise function of a rubber duck? Entertainment Rubber ducks were invented to eat the plastic breadcrumbs that mannequins insist on scattering as they eat their artificial sandwiches in storefront window faux …parks, while on break. Many of the rubber ducks became so bored with the daily routine that one of them said 'Please, just shoot me'." }, { "docid": "2320695", "title": "What is rubber made of?", "text": "Natural rubber comes from the sap of the rubber tree. Today's rubber is mostly a synthetic, formed from substances like latex. jb answer real rubber comes from the sap of the rubber tree. What Rubber is Made From Rubber is just a combination of polymers of isoprene units and other natural substances and impurities. It is a build up of the isoprene unit molecules and is not normally made up of other synthetic materials (although sometimes these materials are used to sythesise rubber). Natural rubber comes from the sap of the rubber tree. Today's rubber is mostly a synthetic, formed from substances like latex. jb answer real rubber comes from the sap of the rubber tree. synthetic rubber does not come from latex, but is made from oil." }, { "docid": "4498370", "title": "-", "text": "Natural rubber is made from the milky sap of plants. Many species of plant have sap that contains rubber, but the vast majority of commercially produced rubber comes from the rubber tree, a tropical tree native to the Amazon Basin in South America. Its scientific name is Hevea brasiliensis, and it belongs to the spurge family (Euphorbiaceae)." }, { "docid": "1817691", "title": "-", "text": "Duck confit (French: confit de canard French pronunciation: ​[kɔ̃.fi d(ə) ka.naʁ]) is a French dish made with the whole duck. In Gascony, according to the families perpetuating the tradition of duck confit, all the pieces of duck are used to produce the meal." }, { "docid": "2549286", "title": "-", "text": "The strength of the rubber bands will make it explode. The rubber bands cut through the watermelon. Once the melon explodes, the rubber bands snap back using their potential energy and creating a rubber band ball. experiment, it exploded." }, { "docid": "2805119", "title": "Cold Duck", "text": "In 1971 they created Baby Duck – a soft-drink-sweet blend of red and white Chanté wines. Hugely successful, Baby Duck was the best-selling domestic wine during the 1970s and it hatched numerous imitators: Canada Duck, Love-A-Duck, Kool Duck, Daddy Duck and Fuddle Duck were joined by Cold Turkey, etc." }, { "docid": "6370153", "title": "rubber floor care & and cleaning", "text": "rubber floor care & and cleaning. Rubber floors can be a great choice for a person who's looking for a surface that's easy to maintain. Rubber flooring is able to resist dust, household allergens and even water. This means that standing water and liquid spills won't easily damage rubber, nor will mold and fungi grow on the surface." }, { "docid": "4808110", "title": "The Chick and The Duck", "text": "The Chick and the Duck were a chicken and a duck owned by Chandler Bing and Joey Tribbiani." }, { "docid": "7220525", "title": "canard", "text": "An aircraft whose horizontal stabilizing surfaces are forward of the main wing. [French, duck, canard, probably from the phrase vendre un canard à moitié, to sell half a duck, to swindle, from Old French quanart, duck, from caner, to cackle, of imitative origin.] 1 American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition." }, { "docid": "4079296", "title": "-", "text": "Making the world better, one answer at a time. Chicken Sit About 3 Weeks Ducks Sit Around 28 Days The duck does not sit of the eggs to hatch it. They are hatched in the normal weather. I have a duck sitting on her eggs for about 2 weeks that I know off.aking the world better, one answer at a time. Chicken Sit About 3 Weeks Ducks Sit Around 28 Days The duck does not sit of the eggs to hatch it. They are hatched in the normal weather. I have a duck sitting on her eggs for about 2 weeks that I know off." }, { "docid": "720944", "title": "Donald Duck: 10 surprising facts about Walt Disney's character", "text": "Donald Duck was born – in Walt Disney's cartoon The Wise Little Hen – 80 years ago. Here are 10 facts about the cartoon superstar. • DONALD DUCK was created by Walt Disney when he heard Clarence Nash doing his duck voice while reciting Mary Had a Little Lamb. Disney wanted a character that was more negative than Mickey Mouse, so the bad-tempered Duck was born. Nash voiced the character from 1934 to 1983, training Tony Anselmo to take over." }, { "docid": "12214", "title": "How do you cook roast duck?", "text": "1 Roast the duck uncovered on a rack in a shallow roasting pan, breast-side up, or roast on a vertical poultry roaster in a pan. 2 For an un-marinated whole duck, allow 30 minutes per pound in a preheated 350° F oven. For an un-marinated whole duck, allow 30 minutes per pound in a preheated 350° F oven. 2 For a marinated duck, allow 22 minutes per pound at 375° F. or until internal temperature at the leg joint reaches 175° F." }, { "docid": "3062086", "title": "-", "text": "Proper Alignment of Pitching Rubber. • Run a string line from the middle of second base through the back point of home plate. • Place a pencil mark in the center (12’) of the rubber. Place another mark 3” from the right and left ends of the rubber. These will be used as measuring points to square the rubber." }, { "docid": "7246334", "title": "Wine: what to drink with duck", "text": "Wine: what to drink with duck. Duck and pinot noir are a surefire combination, but it pays to understand why. Friday 8 February 2013 16.00 EST First published on Friday 8 February 2013 16.00 EST. One of the relative certainties in the arcane world of food and wine matching is that pinot noir goes with duck." }, { "docid": "1286273", "title": "Harlequin Ducks", "text": "Harlequin Ducks. The Harlequin Duck (Histrionicus histrionicus) is a small sea duck. In North America it is also known as Lords and ladies. Other names include painted duck, totem pole duck, rock duck, glacier duck, mountain duck, white-eyed diver, squeaker and blue streak. The Harlequin Duck takes its name from Arlecchino, Harlequin in French, a colorfully dressed character in Commedia dell'arte. The species name comes from the Latin word histrio, actor. Today, this is the only species of its genus." }, { "docid": "7174841", "title": "Visit Duck Creek", "text": "Visit Duck Creek is a private organization that strives to increase awareness of all the beauty that Duck Creek Village, Utah has to offer. We support the community and all of the businesses that have the privilege to call Duck Creek Village home. We help business and families in need in the Duck Creek area." }, { "docid": "6068789", "title": "How To Make The Best Cornhole Bags", "text": "1 1 yard will make 16 complete bags in this tutorial. 2 A set of bags for cornhole consists of 8 bags, 4 bags of the same color for each player. 3 You can buy our Big Duck Canvas brand wholesale canvas fabric at up to 60% off retail prices here: Big Duck Canvas-Duck Cloth Wholesale By The Yard. A set of bags for cornhole consists of 8 bags, 4 bags of the same color for each player. 2 You can buy our Big Duck Canvas brand wholesale canvas fabric at up to 60% off retail prices here: Big Duck Canvas-Duck Cloth Wholesale By The Yard." }, { "docid": "269689", "title": "Duck Only Sitting On Eggs At Night", "text": "Related posts: 1 How To Tell If A Duck Is Broody Or Will Sit On Her Eggs Hi, can you help me,I have a drake and a... 2 Advice About Guinea Fowl Sitting & Hatching Eggs I am often asked advice about guinea fowl sitting and... 3 Incubating Duck Eggs Incubation Period The incubation period for duck eggs is 28..." }, { "docid": "2673337", "title": "How to Cook a Duck", "text": "Roast the duck for about 3 hours, turning the duck every 30 minutes. 9. Remove the roasting pan from the oven and test to make sure the duck is finished cooking. 1 Insert a cooking thermometer into the thickest portion of the duck meat, either the breast or thigh.2 Be sure the thermometer is not touching any bones.ierce the skin and thick fat layer of the duck. Use a knife or skewer, and make piercings at one-inch (2.5 cm) intervals. Be sure to pierce all the way through the fat layer just below the skin, but not into the meat." }, { "docid": "6944107", "title": "-", "text": "1 Duck eggs stay fresher longer, due to their thicker shell. 2 Duck eggs are richer, with more albumen, which makes cakes and other pastries fluffier. 3 Duck eggs have more Omega-3 fatty acids. People who cannot eat chicken eggs, due to allergies, can often eat duck eggs." }, { "docid": "4266529", "title": "5 Tips for Buying a Down Jacket", "text": "A down jacket is a warm jacket that is filled with the soft feathers of a duck or goose, and the outer layer is usually made of materials like nylon or polyester. Down, the soft feathers mentioned, are usually taken from the breasts and wings of the duck or goose." }, { "docid": "5274717", "title": "Duck-Typing In TypeScript", "text": "1 Duck-typing feature gives type safety in TypeScript code. 2 Through the duck-typing rule TypeScript compiler checks that an object is same as other object or not.3 According to duck-typing method, the both objects must have matching same properties/variables types. Through the duck-typing rule TypeScript compiler checks that an object is same as other object or not. 2 According to duck-typing method, the both objects must have matching same properties/variables types. 3 Duck-typing is a powerful feature which brings strong typing concepts in TypeScript code." }, { "docid": "3481979", "title": "-", "text": "PVC/Nitrile Anti-Vibration Rubber Mats These are one of kind mats. They are a closed cell, non absorbent to just about anything including fuels, and Chemicals, also resistant to molds and mildews.Burn Test UL94HBF Passed.ubber Products Neoprene MLC Rubber PVC/Nitrile Blend Rubber Rubber products help to isolate vibrations, they do not block sound or absorb sound. Rubber only decouples vibration." }, { "docid": "7704978", "title": "What age do Indian runner ducks lay eggs?", "text": "Peking DuckPeking duck is the name of a Chinese dish but the pekin duck, will be ready to have eggs at about 22 weeks and also can (in rare occasion) start at 4 weeks or when … completely white.8 people found this useful.eking DuckPeking duck is the name of a Chinese dish but the pekin duck, will be ready to have eggs at about 22 weeks and also can (in rare occasion) start at 4 weeks or when … completely white. 8 people found this useful." } ]
what exaggerate means
[ { "docid": "6877811", "title": "EXAGGERATE", "text": "Definition of Exaggerate. 1 to enlarge beyond bounds or the truth; tended to romanticize and exaggerate this `gracious Old South imagery. do something to an excessive degree; He overdid it last night when he did 100 pushups." } ]
[ { "docid": "1206082", "title": "Social Identity Theory", "text": "Therefore we divided the world into “them” and “us” based through a process of social categorization (i.e. we put people into social groups). This is known as in-group (us) and out-group (them). Social identity theory states that the in-group will discriminate against the out-group to enhance their self-image.The central hypothesis of social identity theory is that group members of an in-group will seek to find negative aspects of an out-group, thus enhancing their self-image.enri Tajfel proposed that stereotyping (i.e. putting people into groups and categories) is based on a normal cognitive process: the tendency to group things together. In doing so we tend to exaggerate: 1. the differences between groups. 2. the similarities of things in the same group." }, { "docid": "7759949", "title": "Hyperbole", "text": "Definition: A hyperbole is a literary device wherein the author uses specific words and phrases that exaggerate and overemphasize the basic crux of the statement in order to produce a grander, more noticeable effect." }, { "docid": "751407", "title": "-", "text": "Some other words with the same root word of dict are contradict, which means to speak against; dictation, w … hich means to write down what someone says; predict, which means to say what will happen before it occurs; and dictionary, which means a reference book in which spoken or written words are defined." }, { "docid": "1532561", "title": "What does de nada mean ? spanish?", "text": "hahaha it means your welcome or no problem. de nada. Source(s): the google translator is a peice of boozz. dont learn from it. de in spanish mean of yo soy de puerto rico means i am from puerto rico translate exactly to i am of puerto rico. nada means nothing you see sometimes actors say nothing, i want nada, this means nothing." }, { "docid": "7533454", "title": "What is the meaning of the name Mariska?", "text": "The name Mariska has something to do with SEA. However, it varies. One source explains that the name means Sea of Bitterness, while another source explains that it means Star of the Sea.. Another explains that it just means bitter.. However, it is likely that Star of the Sea would be a more appropriate meaning to the name." }, { "docid": "6689339", "title": "-", "text": "Perspective means point of view, especially the ability to see the whole of something.. In art, it specifically means the ability to present three dimensional objects using a two dimensional medium. Perspective is normally a noun. The prefix per- means completely.. Prospective means future or potential and is normally an adjective. The noun form is prospect." }, { "docid": "4432344", "title": "-", "text": "Exaggerate the boldness of that sexy red (brown or blonde) hair color by mixing your own hair color. When you do, the possible outcomes are endless. Mixing 1 1/2oz Ion Color Brilliance permanent hair color 8wr (Lt copper mahogany blonde) w/ 1/2oz 7ir (med intense red blonde) w/ 2oz of 20 volume peroxide will grab everyone's attention. Contrarily, you detest red or gold, you're an ash kind of girl." }, { "docid": "2414294", "title": "Birth Control and Acne", "text": "The answer to that question is yes and no. In women already prone to adult acne, many oral contraceptives will help prevent acne. On the other hand, women prone to clear skin may find themselves suffering from acne due to hormonal changes. Birth control that treats acne includes a group of pills considered low dosage.By low dosage it simply means that it uses less of what older pills use to prevent pregnancy.f birth control that treats acne is desired, the decision must be even more carefully made, since not all birth control products control acne and some even exaggerate existing acne problems. Some drugs that treat acne include norgestimate, norethindrone, desogestrel, ethynodiol, and levonorgestrel." }, { "docid": "2605725", "title": "Round Face Shape", "text": "Choosing the Best Glasses for Round Faces. Round faces are just what they sound like: Circular, full, and without strong lines and angles. When choosing glasses for round faces, the goal should be to add contrast to the face's natural curves and to avoid frames that could exaggerate the roundness of the face.y adding contrast, you can make a round face appear thinner and longer. A good rule of thumb for people with round faces is to choose glasses that are wider than they are tall, as wider frames give the illusion of a slimmer face." }, { "docid": "3177547", "title": "-", "text": "The German surname Tietjen is actually a form of a nickname given which originally means from 'the son of Theodoric' ,a baptismal name.The name Theodoric means ruler of the people and Jen means power.lylilFox. Expert (665). The German surname Tietjen is actually a form of a nickname given which originally means from 'the son of Theodoric' ,a baptismal name. The name Theodoric means ruler of the people and Jen means power." }, { "docid": "1829904", "title": "Swahili Names", "text": "Means faith in Swahili, ultimately of Arabic origin. JELANI m Eastern African, Swahili. Means mighty in Swahili. JENGO m Eastern African, Swahili. Means building in Swahili. JUMAANE m Eastern African, Swahili. Means born on Tuesday in Swahili." }, { "docid": "8452395", "title": "mean", "text": "Define within means. within means synonyms, within means pronunciation, within means translation, English dictionary definition of within means. v. meant , mean·ing , means v. tr. 1. a. To be used to convey; denote: 'The question is,' said Alice, 'whether you can make words mean so many different..." }, { "docid": "3657706", "title": "Convergent Evolution Quizlet", "text": "Convergent Evolution means that Quizlet - Tantruy.com Convergent Evolution means that Quizlet, quizlet evolution is defined as - nuclit.com. Convergent Evolution means that Quizlet, convergent evolution …" }, { "docid": "6593929", "title": "Histrionic personality disorder", "text": "Histrionic personality disorder (HPD) is defined by the American Psychiatric Association as a personality disorder characterized by a pattern of excessive attention-seeking emotions, usually beginning in early adulthood, including inappropriately seductive behavior and an excessive need for approval.PD lies in the dramatic cluster of personality disorders. People with HPD have a high need for attention, make loud and inappropriate appearances, exaggerate their behaviors and emotions, and crave stimulation." }, { "docid": "2606932", "title": "pull", "text": "To pull (someone's) leg is from 1882, perhaps on notion of playfully tripping (cf. pull the long bow exaggerate, 1830, and pulling someone's leg also sometimes was described as a way to awaken a sleeping person in a railway compartment, ship's berth, etc.)." }, { "docid": "343024", "title": "What Debit (DR) and Credit (CR) means actually means ?", "text": "In Accounting (Dr) means come in, and Cr means goes out. Debit and Credit are formal bookkeeping and accounting terms that have opposite meanings and come from Latin. Debit comes from debere, which means to owe. The Latin debitum means debt. Credit comes from the Latin word credere, which means to believe." }, { "docid": "6811251", "title": "What does a broken white line on the highway mean?", "text": "A soild line means to not cross over. A solid line on your side, and a broken on the other means you cannot cross but the other lane can, and vice versa. A double solid means neither lane can cross. Gernarally, they are lane deviders, but mean much more as in the above.. A hatched area means do no enter here. desperatedan · 5 years ago." }, { "docid": "1778918", "title": "-", "text": "RE: what does a poon mean? this guy called another person a poon and he wont tell me what it means so if you know what it means please tell me.Add your answer. Source.his guy called another person a poon and he wont tell me what it means so if you know what it means please tell me. Add your answer." }, { "docid": "207663", "title": "On Roman Numerals", "text": "Thus I means 1, II means 2, III means 3. However, four strokes seemed like too many.... V. So the Romans moved on to the symbol for 5 - V. Placing I in front of the V — or placing any smaller number in front of any larger number — indicates subtraction. So IV means 4. After V comes a series of additions - VI means 6, VII means 7, VIII means 8. X: X means 10. But wait — what about 9? Same deal." }, { "docid": "6802190", "title": "-", "text": "According to this interpretation 'Nabi' means one who prophesizes. The word 'Rasul' () is derived from 'Risalat' (). 'Risalat' means to send; and 'Rasul' means one who is sent. Thus the word 'Rasul' means 'one who is sent from Allah. According to Muslim terminology." }, { "docid": "1135013", "title": "In regards to APO and FPO military shipping addresses what does AA AE and AP stand for?", "text": "AA means Armed Forces (the) Americas AE means Armed Forces Europe AP means Armed Forces Pacific APO means Army Post Office (US Army and US Air Force) FPO means Flee … t Post Office (US Navy/US Marine Corps)." }, { "docid": "8330443", "title": "What is an example of contradiction, a conditional equation, and a identity", "text": ":-)-^ is a carrot and means raised to the power of for example x^2 means x squared....... 1 I'm doing pre calc in College and I don't know if I learned what ^ that is or if I just forgot, could someone please explain that to me please? 2 contradiction. 3 Hi, ^ 4 is a carrot and means raised to the power of for example x^2 means x squared." }, { "docid": "7882880", "title": "501 synonyms and antonyms", "text": "1 501 Synonym & Antonym Questions64. a. to demur means to delay or hesitate; to embrace means to accept readily or gladly; demure means coy65. c. fatuous means inanely foolish; sensible is its nearest opposite66. 2 b. quiescent means marked by inactivity or repose, therefore active is the opposite67. 501 Synonym & Antonym Questions17. 2 d. a qualm is a feeling of uneasiness about a moral issue, or a scruple18. 3 d. wary means to be attentive especially to danger, or to be cautious19. 4 c. to distort means to twist out of a normal state, or to deform20." }, { "docid": "2834302", "title": "-", "text": "More About English Name : Camellia. The given name is derived as a variant of the flower name camelia. Camelia is of different colors and every color has different meaning as Red means excellence; White means adorable and lovely; Pink means I long for your touch; Blue means you are the flame in my heart." }, { "docid": "4348052", "title": "The Origin and Meanings of PJO Names", "text": "So after doing some research, I found the name Annabeth doesn't actually exist. So I split her name into two! Anna means gracious or prayer, and is Hebrew. Beth is from the name Elizabeth, also Hebrew,and that means concentrated to God.So therefore we can conclude that Annabeth means a very, very religious person.o after doing some research, I found the name Annabeth doesn't actually exist. So I split her name into two! Anna means gracious or prayer, and is Hebrew. Beth is from the name Elizabeth, also Hebrew,and that means concentrated to God." }, { "docid": "2387015", "title": "Dating a Dutch Man, Seven Deadly Mistakes to Avoid", "text": "She means: I want to know more about you, so tell me... When she gives you negative responses, it doesn't necessarily mean that she's not interested, it just means that she's either giving you the cold shoulder out of reflex, or she's just not interested in being picked up.he means: I don't dance with you, but I do dance with my female friends. I don't drink.. She means: I'll drink whatever a guy I like gives me. I don't have a phone because I just moved.. She means: I have three lines, a cell and a beeper, but you can't have the number." }, { "docid": "4643642", "title": "-", "text": "subha means morning. Subha is a variant of the sanskrit word Subham. It means good fortune, luck, goodness, wellness etc. Subha means she who is pious/good, or s he who brings luck/goodness/goodfortune etc." }, { "docid": "1770432", "title": "Crows", "text": "Two crows mean good luck! Three means health, Four means wealth, Five is sickness & Six mean death ! If you see three black crows together that means someone in your family will die. I saw three when my sister died a while back." }, { "docid": "8084309", "title": "Does Anyone know what S. R. means (not sherical radius)", "text": "Does Anyone know what S. R. means (not sherical radius) 1 RE: Does Anyone know what S. R. means (not sherical radius) 2 RE: Does Anyone know what S. R. means (not sherical radius) 3 RE: Does Anyone know what S. R. means (not sherical radius) 4 RE: Does Anyone know what S. R. means (not sherical radius) The SR is just an abreviation for Senior Design Engineer. I have over 30 years experience in aerospace, aircraft, and spacecraft. I am 63 so I guess I am SR citizen also." }, { "docid": "614017", "title": "-", "text": "Means of communication is actually a medium or a way by which a person can communicate. Now, English is a means of communication means that English is a medium through whic … h one can communicate i.e., english is a language through which people talk or communicate.So, by means of communication we mean a language (or medium), or method or way of communication.33 people found this useful.ow, English is a means of communication means that English is a medium through whic … h one can communicate i.e., english is a language through which people talk or communicate. So, by means of communication we mean a language (or medium), or method or way of communication. 33 people found this useful." } ]
what exercises stretch quadriceps
[ { "docid": "265032", "title": "Quadricep Stretches", "text": "You can stretch your quads just about anywhere. The quadriceps are four muscles located in the anterior part, or front, or your thigh. This muscle group acts to extend the leg while straightening the knee. Running and biking, as well as daily activities, can result in tight quadricep muscles." } ]
[ { "docid": "6937351", "title": "-", "text": "Exercises during cramps. During an episode of leg cramp, stretch and massage the affected muscle. For example, if the cramp is in your calf muscle: 1 Straighten your leg and lift your foot upwards, bending it at the ankle so that your toes point towards your shin. 2 Walk around on your heels for a few minutes." }, { "docid": "4249731", "title": "-", "text": "The major muscle groups of the lower body are the quadriceps, hamstrings, gluteus, gastrocnemius, and soleus. The quadriceps, or thigh muscles, form the front part of your upper leg. These muscles are used for motions such as walking or kicking a ball." }, { "docid": "7351452", "title": "Utilize proper workout structure and exercise order", "text": "When training all major muscle groups in a workout: 1 Large muscle group exercises (i.e., squat) should be performed before smaller muscle group exercises (i.e., shoulder press). Multiple-joint exercises should be performed before single-joint exercises." }, { "docid": "3948145", "title": "My Leg Feels Heavy When Running", "text": "Stretch out your legs and warm up prior to running to increase the blood flow in your legs and make the muscles more pliable. Do exercises to strengthen your abdominal muscles, which can help ease strain on your back and reduce leg heaviness and pain." }, { "docid": "3528784", "title": "Types of Physiotherapy Treatments - Physiotherapy Interventions", "text": "Range of motion exercises are often prescribed to increase or maintain flexibility of your joints and to reduce stiffness. There several types of range of motion exercises often prescribed including the following. Strengthening Exercises. Certain conditions can make your muscles to become weak." }, { "docid": "6836476", "title": "How to Fix a Flat Butt in 3 Weeks", "text": "Exercises to get rid of a flat booty. The best exercises to achieve a well toned full posterior are squats and weightlifting. Often it isn't that the buttocks aren't a correct size, it is that they aren't toned and tight, they are just saggy and loose. Doing these exercises will make the most of what you already have." }, { "docid": "4362419", "title": "Vastus medialis", "text": "1 The vastus medialis is a muscle present in the anterior compartment of thigh, and is one of the four muscles that make up the quadriceps muscle. 2 It is the most medial of the vastus group of muscles, the others being vastus intermedius and vastus lateralis. It is the most medial of the vastus group of muscles, the others being vastus intermedius and vastus lateralis. 2 The vastus medialis arises medially along the entire length of the femur, and attaches with the other muscles of the quadriceps in the quadriceps tendon." }, { "docid": "7836383", "title": "Top 30 Doctor insights on: My Knee Hurts When I Walk Up Stairs", "text": "Knee Pain (Definition) 1 The knee joint is the joint between three bone of the lower leg: the proximal tibia, the distal femur, and the patella. There are multiple causes of knee pain including degenerative, inflammatory, and traumatic causes. 2 Exercises: Strengthen the quadriceps muscles." }, { "docid": "3561983", "title": "Muscle tone", "text": "Muscle tone. For the use of the term tone in weight training and bodybuilding, see Toning exercises. In physiology, medicine, and anatomy, muscle tone (residual muscle tension or tonus) is the continuous and passive partial contraction of the muscles, or the muscle's resistance to passive stretch during resting state. It helps maintain posture and declines during REM sleep." }, { "docid": "1322582", "title": "Knee Pain Overview", "text": "The two important tendons in the knee are (1) the quadriceps tendon connecting the quadriceps muscle, which lies on the front of the thigh, to the patella and (2) the patellar tendon connecting the patella to the tibia (technically this is a ligament because it connects two bones)." }, { "docid": "3937071", "title": "-", "text": "These exercises from physiotherapist and BackCare expert Nick Sinfield help to stretch, strengthen and mobilise the lower back. When starting out, go gently to get used to the movements and work out how far you can go into each position without feeling pain. Aim to do this routine at least once a day if the pain allows." }, { "docid": "8105715", "title": "Leg Strain", "text": "A muscle strain is a stretch or tear of muscle fibers. In the leg, muscle strains happen when a muscle is either stretched beyond its limits or forced into extreme contraction. Because the leg has many different muscles, it is vulnerable to several different types of muscle strains. Some of the more common ones are: 1 Calf muscle strain (gastrocnemius strain). 2 Plantaris strain. 3 Hamstring strain (pulled hamstring). 4 Quadriceps strain." }, { "docid": "7071108", "title": "-", "text": "Easy Exercises. 1 1. Do simple stretching exercises. Stretch your arms, legs, neck and torso while sitting. 2 2. Do exercises with the help of a few tools. The following tools may be helpful: Acquire a hand gripper." }, { "docid": "5840073", "title": "Strength Training FAQ", "text": "Exercises are either compound or isolation. Compound exercises are double-joint exercises that work more than one muscle at a time, i.e., presses, pull-downs, rows, squats, lunges, leg presses, etc. You should do a majority of compound exercises per session and usually do them before the isolation exercises." }, { "docid": "6856982", "title": "Quadriceps Tendon Rupture", "text": "The quad tendon connects the quadriceps muscle to the top of the patella (white arrow). A quadriceps tendon rupture is a devastating injury to the knee that uncommonly occurs in sports. The quadriceps tendon is the tendon that extends from the quadriceps muscle of the thigh to the top of the patella (kneecap). Overall, it is part of the lower extremity’s extensor mechanism." }, { "docid": "1899184", "title": "Exercise 19: Somatic Reflexes", "text": "Patellar reflex. the extension of the knee that occurs when the quadriceps femoris tendon is stretched; a stretched tendon will stretch teh muscle and cause it to contract; this reflex helps prevent injury by preventing muscles from overstretching; the stretch reflex helps maintain posture and equilibrium.atellar reflex. the extension of the knee that occurs when the quadriceps femoris tendon is stretched; a stretched tendon will stretch teh muscle and cause it to contract; this reflex helps prevent injury by preventing muscles from overstretching; the stretch reflex helps maintain posture and equilibrium." }, { "docid": "6538339", "title": "Pilates Exercise Tips for Functional Movement of the Upper Torso & Spine", "text": "There IS a difference, and it can dramatically enhance your ability to move the upper back into better flexion for exercises like the Pilates Hundred, as well as improved extension for exercises like the Swan and Swimming. Today, the exercise of technique tweaking was the Down Stretch on the Reformer." }, { "docid": "3846416", "title": "Leg Extensions Without a Machine", "text": "When you perform leg extensions, you contract the quad to bring your knees up against the weighted resistance. While many other exercises such as squats, lunges or deadlifts also provide a heavy workout for the quads, they do not isolate the muscle like a leg extension does. Any exercise that requires you to contract your quadriceps against resistance can accomplish the same effect as a leg extension machine." }, { "docid": "1777667", "title": "-", "text": "There are 7 core weight lifting exercises that should form the core of every weight lifting workout program you do from here on out. Many weight lifting programs focus on way too many isolation exercises. You get faster results in less time with compound weightlifting exercises." }, { "docid": "3577469", "title": "-", "text": "Special attention is given to teaching the fundamentals of mat first so that the Pilates exercises are accurately executed. Once the basic beginning exercises are achieved and performed correctly, a layering of the more intermediate and then advanced exercises are introduced." }, { "docid": "1030638", "title": "Quadricep Stretches", "text": "1) Standing Quadriceps Stretch. Starting Position: Stand on one foot, holding the back of a chair to balance. With your free hand, hold the ankle of the stretching leg behind you. Action: Pull your heel towards your bottom until you feel a strong stretch in the front of your thigh. Hold for 30 secs." }, { "docid": "5752249", "title": "-", "text": "The exercises described below can help you strengthen the muscles in your shoulder (especially the muscles of the rotator cuff--the part that helps with circular motion). These exercises should not cause you pain." }, { "docid": "2552736", "title": "Flexibility Exercise (Stretching)", "text": "The best time to do flexibility exercises is when your muscles are already warm so they can stretch farther without tightness or pain. If you’re doing only stretching exercises, warm up with a few minutes of easy walking first to warm up your muscles." }, { "docid": "5489192", "title": "Modify Your Military Press for Better Results", "text": "It has been said that there are no bad exercises, just exercises that aren’t right for a lifter ‘right now.’ Barbell strength training exercises – like the military press – are performed with a fixed movements pattern and require both mobility and stability." }, { "docid": "2417667", "title": "-", "text": "The Inner Thigh Pulled Muscle Weakness In Upper Legs and Sore Back Muscles Symptoms and there are better ways to integrate core strength training exercises into every exercise you perform that most exercisers think workout targets the reduced abdominal muscular tissues with Back Of Thighs Sore and Pain In Leg And Thigh with Pain In Hamstring And Calf between Inner Thigh Pulled Muscle How To Stretch Shoulders And Neck How strive and do it." }, { "docid": "673708", "title": "Exercises to Help Loosen a Stiff Knee", "text": "Safe-Stretch Tip. Perform a low-impact activity, such as walking, to warm up your muscles for five to 10 minutes before exercising. Consult your doctor about pain or stiffness before performing knee exercises. Pain or stiffness that does not improve could signal a medical condition that needs more aggressive therapy." }, { "docid": "2515065", "title": "Walking: Trim your waistline, improve your health", "text": "1 At the end of your walk, walk slowly for five to 10 minutes to help your muscles cool down. 2 Stretch. 3 After you cool down, gently stretch your muscles. 4 If you'd rather stretch before you walk, remember to warm up first." }, { "docid": "4194698", "title": "Leg Pain", "text": "Muscles attach to bone and have tendons that stretch across a joint. When a muscle contracts, the joint moves. Major muscle groups that affect leg movement include the buttocks, the quadriceps (in the front of the thigh), the hamstrings (in the back of the thigh), and the gastrocnemius (in the back of the calf)." }, { "docid": "7227162", "title": "9 Best Knee-Strengthening Exercises", "text": "Knee discomfort is second only to low back pain as the most commonly reported pain among adults, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). When done regularly, exercises that strengthen muscles that support the knee joint can help to significantly reduce pain. Focus on exercises that strengthen the quadriceps (muscles in front of the thighs) and hamstrings (muscles in backs of the thighs)." }, { "docid": "416281", "title": "Constant quadriceps pain", "text": "Constant quadriceps pain: Introduction. Constant quadriceps pain: Constant quadriceps pain is steady discomfort in the quadriceps muscle of the thigh. See detailed information below for a list of 8 causes of Constant quadriceps pain, Symptom Checker, including diseases and drug side effect causes. » Review Causes of Constant quadriceps pain: Causes | Symptom Checker » Causes of Constant quadriceps pain: The following medical conditions are some of the possible causes of Constant quadriceps pain." } ]
can colorado law recognize a common law marriage that didn't begin in colorado
[ { "docid": "5125998", "title": "Colorado Divorce and Common Law Marriage for Same-Sex Couples: What is the Law?", "text": "Same-sex couples that have been together can be considered to be common law married because Colorado is a state that recognizes common law marriage. However, it is yet to be determined whether same-sex common law marriage will be applicable prior to October 2014." } ]
[ { "docid": "17138", "title": "-", "text": "However, four years after its law passed, New York has not yet appointed all its commissioners and the commission has never met. California, Mississippi, Florida, Arkansas, Colorado and Michigan have also passed legislation regarding instruction in Black history. Florida's law, passed in 1994, also requires that its public schools teach women's history, Latino history, and the Holocaust. February 26, 2009 - Posted by The Leadership Conference." }, { "docid": "710249", "title": "-", "text": "Colorado Motor Vehicle registration fees are determined by many factors and are subject to change depending on specifications and changes in the law. Visit Contact Us for any questions or feedback." }, { "docid": "402804", "title": "Binding Precedent Law and Legal Definition", "text": "For example, a lower court is bound to follow an applicable holding of a higher court in the same jurisdiction. Such precedents are also termed authoritative precedent or binding authority. Such precedent exists within common law jurisdictions that recognize judicially made law." }, { "docid": "8235124", "title": "case law", "text": "Over time, these precedents are recognized, affirmed, and enforced by the subsequent court decisions, thus continually expanding the common law. In comparison, statute law is the body of acts enacted by a legislature, and civil law does not recognize any precedent. Also called judge-made law." }, { "docid": "7014087", "title": "-", "text": "Get the latest forecast and severe weather alerts for Colorado Springs, Pueblo, Cañon City, Woodland Park, Denver and all of Colorado. | Keeping You Ahead of the Storm Get the latest forecast and severe weather alerts for Colorado Springs, Pueblo, Cañon City, Woodland Park, Denver and all of Colorado. | Keeping You Ahead of the Storm Colorado Springs 16°" }, { "docid": "8362630", "title": "-", "text": "Ameristar Casino Black Hawk: Black Hawk: Gilpin: Colorado: Black Diamond Casino and Saloon: Cripple Creek: Teller: Colorado: Brass Ass Casino of Cripple Creek: Cripple Creek: Teller: Colorado: Bronco Billy's Casino: Cripple Creek: Teller: Colorado: owned by Full House Resorts: Bull Durham Saloon and Casino: Black Hawk: Gilpin: Colorado: Bullpen Casino: Black Hawk: Gilpin: Colorado" }, { "docid": "2635689", "title": "CNA Certification in Colorado", "text": "Training Hours and Requirements in Colorado. Federal law requites a minimum of 75 training hours for individuals who are preparing to become certified nursing assistants. The state of Colorado states that prospective certified nursing assistants must have at least 80 hours of training. Training programs are taught by registered nursing assistants with a couple years of experience (at a minimum) working in the nursing field." }, { "docid": "1014566", "title": "-", "text": "Common Law Definition: Law established by judges/courts b/c of the absence of a statute to deal with a particular situation. Incidents were resolved by a judge and the decision would serve as a precedent for future similar cases. Example: The concept of common law marriage (no longer recognized in PA) is a relic of our early" }, { "docid": "8145494", "title": "-", "text": "The Colorado (CO) state sales tax rate is currently 2.9%. Depending on local municipalities, the total tax rate can be as high as 11.2%. Colorado is a “home rule” state. Local-level tax rates in the state of Colorado are quite complex compared against local-level tax rates in other states. Colorado sales tax can be levied at the city/county/school/transportation and SPD (special purpose district) levels. For sales tax registration, Colorado switched systems in October 2010. According to the Colorado Department of Revenue, all businesses must be using a number known as the new Colorado Account Number, which is eight digits." }, { "docid": "8669247", "title": "Why won't Colorado pass Jessica's Law?", "text": "Colorado one of the six states doesn't have Jessica's Law. In fact, the full legislature won't even be allowed to vote on it because one man, one man, Speaker of the House Mark Ferrandino. Jesse Watters caught up with him a few days ago." }, { "docid": "974446", "title": "-", "text": "If an employee is covered by federal and Colorado state minimum wage laws, then the employer must pay the higher minimum wage. Federal minimum wage is currently $7.25 per hour, which is lower than the 2016 Colorado state minimum wage of $8.31. Therefore, based upon current information, covered employers in Colorado will have to pay their employees the higher value of $8.31 per hour under Colorado law beginning January 1, 2016." }, { "docid": "6153096", "title": "Benefits of legalizing Marijuana in Colorado: Less crime and more profits", "text": "Marijuana-related arrests, which make up 50% of all drug-related crimes, have plummeted in Colorado, freeing up law enforcement to focus on other criminal activity. By removing marijuana penalties, the state saved somewhere between $12 million and $40 million in 2012, according to the Colorado Center on Law and Policy." }, { "docid": "5808702", "title": "Colorado Landlord Tenant Law", "text": "Tenant Rights Under Colorado Landlord-Tenant Laws. Colorado landlord-tenant law is pretty specific about tenant rights, which would include: 1. The Right to Fair and Equitable Treatment. 2. The Right to Reasonable Prior Notice for Entry by Landlord. 3." }, { "docid": "3247877", "title": "-", "text": "DMV.com is a privately owned website that is not affiliated with any government agencies. 1 Home. 2 Colorado DMV. 3 Colorado Division of Motor Vehicles Locations and Hours. 4 Home. Colorado 5 DMV. Colorado Division of Motor Vehicles Locations and Hours." }, { "docid": "3711533", "title": "Is Your Common Law Marriage Is Legally Recognized?", "text": "Only a few states plus the District of Columbia recognize common-law marriages. Currently, common-law marriages are recognized by: Alabama, Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Montana, Rhode Island , South Carolina, Texas, Utah, and Washington, D.C. Generally, there are four requirements for a valid common-law marriage. Just living together isn't enough to validate a common-law marriage. Requirement One:" }, { "docid": "3456259", "title": "Are Landlords Now Immigration Agents?", "text": "It’s not just immigration law that landlords are asked to enforce. A county in Maryland wants landlords to police a new noise ordinance or face revocation of their rental license, while Boulder, Colorado is proposing to fine landlords when a tenant’s carbon footprint is too large." }, { "docid": "7092158", "title": "-", "text": "Dove Creek Colorado Population 2017 2018, Dove Creek Colorado Population 2018, Dove Creek Colorado Population 2017, Dove Creek Colorado Demographics 2017 2018, Dove Creek Colorado Statistics 2017 2018" }, { "docid": "4663567", "title": "-", "text": "1 Wyoming sends its burn victims to Colorado: the Western States Burn Center, North Colorado Medical Center is in Colorado, and takes Wyoming residents." }, { "docid": "8371805", "title": "Grand Junction, CO Choice Hotel", "text": "From Business: Experience Grand Junction, Colorado at the Rodeway Inn hotel. We are three miles from the Colorado National Monument and minutes from the Western Colorado Botanic…." }, { "docid": "5632843", "title": "-", "text": "Home Courts Supreme Court Law Clerk Applicants Law Clerk Applicants. Clerkships at the Colorado Supreme Court are full-time positions for one year beginning in August or September of each year. Each Justice hires their own law clerks. Please see the information provided below for the details on applying for a clerkship in each Justice's chambers." }, { "docid": "8734478", "title": "Western State Colorado University", "text": "Western State Colorado University. For the California college, see Western State University College of Law. Western State Colorado University, also known as Western, is a four-year public liberal arts college located in the bucolic valley of Gunnison, Colorado. Approximately 2,400 undergraduate and 200 graduate students attend Western, with one-fourth coming from out of state." }, { "docid": "6406123", "title": "Fact or Fiction: Five Myths about Common Law Marriage", "text": "Fact or Fiction: Five Myths about Common Law Marriage. Most people are fuzzy on the specifics of common law marriage. So let's start by putting one of the most common misconceptions to rest. If two people live together for seven years (or any other number of years), they aren't automatically common law spouses." }, { "docid": "704143", "title": "-", "text": "Colorado Criminal Law – Understanding the Crime of False Information to a Pawnbroker – How Pawnbrokers Work in Colorado 12-56-104 (5) CRS. Colorado Criminal Law – How The Jury System Works In Colorado – What Happens To Juries, – Before, During, and After A Jury Trial In Colorado." }, { "docid": "8839469", "title": "-", "text": "Some states have never recognized common law marriages. These include Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, Louisiana, Maryland, North Carolina, Oregon, Tennessee, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, and Wyoming. For most states that recognize common law marriages, there are specific requirements." }, { "docid": "7908900", "title": "-", "text": "Elk Mountain (British Columbia), a mountain in British Columbia, Canada Elk Mountain (Grand County, Colorado), a mountain in the U.S. state of Colorado Elk Mountain (Routt County, Colorado), a mountain in the U.S. state of Colorado" }, { "docid": "4159202", "title": "-", "text": "Main Cities Within Mesa County, Colorado. 1 Clifton, Colorado. 2 Fruita, Colorado. 3 Fruitvale, Colorado. 4 Grand Junction, Colorado. 5 Orchard Mesa, Colorado. 6 Redlands, Colorado." }, { "docid": "704024", "title": "Hiking To-From Colorado River", "text": "Depending on the rafting trip you choose, your adventure with Wilderness River Adventures may begin or end with a moderate 10-mile hike— to or from the Colorado River." }, { "docid": "4451803", "title": "Law Day (United States)", "text": "Law Day (United States) On May 1 the United States officially recognizes Law Day. It is meant to reflect on the role of law in the foundation of the country and to recognize its importance for society." }, { "docid": "4722265", "title": "2 states legalize pot, but don't 'break out the Cheetos' yet", "text": "Marijuana could be legal across Colorado within two months, according to a spokesman for the governor's office. The 536 medical marijuana dispensaries in Colorado could begin selling to the general public then, according to University of Denver law professor Sam Kamin." }, { "docid": "958476", "title": "-", "text": "According to our state law, as well as that of every other state, persons consuming or in possession of alcohol must be of at least 21 years of age (12-47-901). In Colorado it is illegal to enter into a liquor store if under 21 years of age (12-47-901(b))." } ]
what family is phosphorus in
[ { "docid": "5305883", "title": "Reactions of Main Group Elements with Oxygen", "text": "1 Nitrogen family elements often form covalent compounds, usually with the oxidation numbers +3 or +5. 2 Nitrogen and phosphorus are nonmetals. 3 Arsenic and antimony are metalloids. 4 Bismuth is a metal." }, { "docid": "5305884", "title": "PHOSPHORUS", "text": "Overview. Phosphorus is found in Group 15 (VA) of the periodic table. The periodic table is a chart that that shows how chemical elements are related to each other. Phosphorus is part of the nitrogen family along with nitrogen, arsenic, antimony, and bismuth. Phosphorus was first discovered in 1669 by German physician Hennig Brand (ca. 1630-92). Brand is somewhat famous in chemistry." } ]
[ { "docid": "8136597", "title": "Low-phosphorus diet: Best for kidney disease?", "text": "If your kidneys aren't working properly, eventually you may have high phosphorus levels in your blood (hyperphosphatemia). A high phosphorus level increases your risk of bone disease and heart disease." }, { "docid": "5055097", "title": "When to Apply Super Phosphate to a Garden", "text": "A different type of acid is used to manufacture triple super phosphate, which contains about 48 percent phosphate with less calcium and sulfur.ll synthetic phosphorus fertilizers are made from mined rock phosphate. Phosphorus is one of the three primary plant nutrients. Fertilizers often supply significant amounts of phosphorus, along with nitrogen and potassium, the other two primary nutrients." }, { "docid": "6747693", "title": "What Is The Diet To Improve GFR", "text": "This is unfavorable for kidney disease patients to get their GFR improved effectively. 3. Low-potassium diet and low-phosphorus diet are necessary if lab tests show elevated potassium level and phosphorus level in blood and this need them to avoid high potassium foods and high phosphorus foods." }, { "docid": "6696671", "title": "-", "text": "18 Neutrons. Phosphorus-33 means it has a mass number of 33. Since Phosphorus has an atomic number of 15, it has 15 Protons. Since electrons almost have no mass, … the only things contributing it are the Protons and Neutrons." }, { "docid": "2003085", "title": "-", "text": "Phosphorus White phosphorus burns spontaneously in chlorine to produce a mixture of two chlorides, phosphorus(III) chloride and phosphorus(V) chloride (phosphorus trichloride and phosphorus pentachloride). Phosphorus(III) chloride is a colourless fuming liquid." }, { "docid": "6458272", "title": "AP Biology : Understanding Nucleotides and Base Pairs", "text": "DNA and RNA are made of nucleotides, which contain oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, carbon, and phosphorus. The nucleic acid backbone is comprised of sugars, made of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, and phosphate groups, made of phosphorus, hydrogen, and oxygen. The backbone binds to bases, which contain a nitrogen element." }, { "docid": "6043999", "title": "What is parathyroid adenoma?", "text": "Your parathyroid glands, four very small glands located near or at the back of the thyroid gland, produce parathyroid hormone (PTH). This hormone helps control the amount of calcium and phosphorus in your blood. A parathyroid adenoma is a benign tumor on one of these glands.This causes your calcium and phosphorus balance to be disrupted, as the affected gland releases more PTH than it should. This condition is called hyperparathyroidism.his hormone helps control the amount of calcium and phosphorus in your blood. A parathyroid adenoma is a benign tumor on one of these glands. This causes your calcium and phosphorus balance to be disrupted, as the affected gland releases more PTH than it should." }, { "docid": "1087352", "title": "-", "text": "Phosphorus is an abundant element that is widespread in its distribution. It is a major intracellular anion in mammals. Total body phosphorus in a 70-kg man is about 700 to 800 mg, 85% of which is in the skeleton in hydroxyapatite phase; the remaining 15% is in soft tissues. Almost all of the phosphorus found in the extracellular fluid space is in the form of inorganic phosphate." }, { "docid": "6287959", "title": "-", "text": "Next to calcium, phosphorus is the most abundant mineral in the body. These 2 important nutrients work closely together to build strong bones and teeth. About 85% of the body's phosphorus is in bones and teeth.Phosphorous is also present in smaller amounts in cells and tissues throughout the body.Phosphorus helps filter out waste in the kidneys and plays an essential role in how the body stores and uses energy. It also helps reduce muscle pain after a hard workout.hen there is more phosphorus than calcium in the body, the body will use calcium stored in bones. This can cause osteoporosis (brittle bones) and lead to gum and teeth problems. A balance of dietary calcium and phosphorus can lower the risk of osteoporosis." }, { "docid": "4761004", "title": "It's Elemental", "text": "Red phosphorus is used in safety matches, fireworks, smoke bombs and pesticides. Black phosphorus is also formed by heating white phosphorus, but a mercury catalyst and a seed crystal of black phosphorus are required. Black phosphorus is the least reactive form of phosphorus and has no significant commercial uses." }, { "docid": "7738754", "title": "The Functions of the Skeletal System", "text": "Two of the most important minerals stored in bone are calcium and phosphorus. Calcium is required for proper enzyme, nervous system, and muscle functioning. Phosphorus is important in the rhythmic beating of the heart and in muscle contraction." }, { "docid": "5392014", "title": "Phosphorus and Calcuim in Your Dogâs Diet", "text": "Dogs need the proper amounts of calcium and phosphorus in order to grow well and remain healthy. This article will outline how much calcium and phosphorus dogs need, why, and will list the calcium and phosphorus sources of common ingredients used by many raw feeders." }, { "docid": "2504064", "title": "Benefits of Canned Beets", "text": "Nutrients. With only a few exceptions, canned beets have about the same nutritional value as fresh beets. Fresh beets have double the phosphorus, potassium and folate, but 1 cup of sliced, canned beets has 14 percent of the recommended daily intake of folate and 4 percent of phosphorus and potassium." }, { "docid": "6458276", "title": "DNA Biology", "text": "wanted to know what genes were made of protein or DNA.The bacteriophage's genetic info is labeled with DNA and a Phosphorus while its protein is labeled with radioactive sulfur. In the end the radioactive phosphorus was found inside of the cell therefore confirming that the genetic material of the bacteriophage was DNA not protein." }, { "docid": "377422", "title": "-", "text": "if O is -2 and hydrogen +1 then phosphorus is +5 What this tells you is that the oxidation number of P in phosphorus acid must be +3 or +4, while the value for phosphoric acid must be +5 or +6. Since phosphorus is a member of group 5A, it has 5 electrons in its valence shell." }, { "docid": "1275818", "title": "Why Is Phosphorus Trichloride Polar?", "text": "A: The phosphorus atom in phosphorus trichloride possesses a lone pair of electrons, which causes the atom to be polar. The three chlorine atoms bonded to the phosphorus atom exert a pull on the molecule's electrons, while the lone pair does not. Continue Reading" }, { "docid": "7379030", "title": "PHOSPHORUS CHEMISTRY: USES", "text": "Phosphorus is one of the most important elements for the plants. Superphosphate was the most widely used phosphorus fertilizer and DiAmmomiumPhosphate is the best fertilizer as it contains both nitrogen and phosphorus in soluble form." }, { "docid": "2622787", "title": "Organophosphate", "text": "Effective organophosphates have the following structural features: 1 A terminal oxygen connected to phosphorus by a double bond, i.e. a phosphoryl group. 2 Two lipophilic groups bonded to the phosphorus. 3 A leaving group bonded to the phosphorus, often a halide." }, { "docid": "6007069", "title": "9 Foods Rich in Phosphorus", "text": "Foods Rich in Phosphorus. Here are some of the best options for getting a lot of phosphorus into your diet. 1 Whole Wheat and Bran Mixes-Any combination of bran flakes, whole wheat baked goods, or similar items gets a large amount of phosphorus into your daily diet, along with fiber and other nutritional benefits.oods Rich in Phosphorus. Here are some of the best options for getting a lot of phosphorus into your diet. 1 Whole Wheat and Bran Mixes-Any combination of bran flakes, whole wheat baked goods, or similar items gets a large amount of phosphorus into your daily diet, along with fiber and other nutritional benefits." }, { "docid": "4882990", "title": "What 3 elements are found in lipids?", "text": " The term lipid commonly refers to fats, which are known chemically as triglycerides. Triglycerides are organic molecules that contain three different types of elements … : carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. But technically, lipids are a class of molecules that includes triglycerides, phospholipids, steroids, and waxes.So if you wanted to know what elements are found in lipids as a class, you'd have to allow for phosphorus as well, since phospholipids contain phosphorus in addition to carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen.ut technically, lipids are a class of molecules that includes triglycerides, phospholipids, steroids, and waxes. So if you wanted to know what elements are found in lipids as a class, you'd have to allow for phosphorus as well, since phospholipids contain phosphorus in addition to carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen." }, { "docid": "4710744", "title": "-", "text": "1 Blood and urine tests. 2 In cases of osteomalacia caused by vitamin D deficiency or by phosphorus loss, abnormal levels of vitamin D and the minerals calcium and phosphorus are often detected. 3 X-ray." }, { "docid": "5305885", "title": "Nitrogen Family of Elements", "text": "By Anne Marie Helmenstine, Ph.D. The nitrogen family is element group 15 of the periodic table. Here are some facts about the nitrogen family: 1 The nitrogen family consists of nitrogen, phosphorus, arsenic, antimony and bismuth. 2 Nitrogen family elements consists of atoms having 5 electrons in their outer energy level." }, { "docid": "8162845", "title": "The History Of Lake Erieâs Troubles", "text": "Why is dissolved phosphorus such a problem for Lake Erie? There are two types of phosphorus that enter Lake Erie from the surrounding watersheds. Dissolved phosphorus is the phosphorus that remains in water after that water has been filtered to remove sediment and other particulate matter." }, { "docid": "5128170", "title": "Why is phosphorus important?", "text": "Phosphorus is also useful for animals. It is used in the formation of the bone structure. For the process of bone structure formation, calcium and phosphorus are equally essential.ne of the major advantages of phosphorus is that it forms a constituent of the phosphodiesterase linkages of the DNA. These ester linkages consist of the phosphate groups which form the backbone of the nucleic acids." }, { "docid": "820427", "title": "-", "text": "Complete fertilizer is a term used to identify fertilizers that contains nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium. In the national home garden trade, most fertilizers are complete. However, in Colorado the majority of gardens do not need phosphorus or potassium.omplete fertilizer is a term used to identify fertilizers that contains nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium. In the national home garden trade, most fertilizers are complete. However, in Colorado the majority of gardens do not need phosphorus or potassium." }, { "docid": "8342447", "title": "Crested Gecko Fruits", "text": "Crested Gecko Fruits. Appropriate fruits for crested geckos and other fruit eating reptiles are fruits that are high in calcium and low in phosphorus. Most fruits are the opposite, and a low Ca:P ratio leads to calcium deficiencies over time. It’s best to have a calcium to phosphorus ratio of 2:1 or better." }, { "docid": "5178931", "title": "Allotropes of phosphorus", "text": "Red phosphorus may be formed by heating white phosphorus to 300°C (482 °F) in the absence of air or by exposing white phosphorus to sunlight. Red phosphorus exists as an amorphous network. Upon further heating, the amorphous red phosphorus crystallizes." }, { "docid": "1008399", "title": "-", "text": "In fact, the main crystalline structure in bone, called hydroxyapatite, consists of phosphorus, calcium, oxygen, and hydrogen, and calcium and phosphorus are so important in formation of hydroxyapatite that it is often referred to as a calcium phosphate molecule.n fact, the main crystalline structure in bone, called hydroxyapatite, consists of phosphorus, calcium, oxygen, and hydrogen, and calcium and phosphorus are so important in formation of hydroxyapatite that it is often referred to as a calcium phosphate molecule." }, { "docid": "5820002", "title": "Bacon Phosphorus Content", "text": "Phosphorus content and RDA percentage, per serving and per 100g, in 9 types of bacon. The amount of Phosphorus is 533 mg to 9 mg per 100g, in bacon." }, { "docid": "8505615", "title": "What Is Phosphorus and Why Is It Important?", "text": "Having too much phosphorus in your blood can also cause it to combine with calcium, forming mineral deposits in your muscles. High levels of phosphorus can also affect your body’s ability to effectively use other minerals, such as iron, calcium, magnesium, and zinc." } ]
what file formats are acceptable for kindle
[ { "docid": "463620", "title": "Different Types of Formats Accepted by Kindle", "text": "MOBI files can be created through two different ways. One is through the original MobiPocket Creator and one is through Amazon tools like KindleGen. The former is not accepted anymore and the latter is supported and recommended by Kindle for formatting. ePub (epub)" }, { "docid": "463622", "title": "Different Types of Formats Accepted by Kindle", "text": "While Kindle Publishing accepts plain text files for conversion to html, it does not recommend adding images to a text file. This is because images are not converted to the html format. Hence, a .txt format should only be used if your book does not contain any images. Rich Text Format (.rtf)" }, { "docid": "463624", "title": "Different Types of Formats Accepted by Kindle", "text": "The EPUB files format is accepted by Kindle. However, to ensure proper conversion, it is recommended that you check the conversion with the ePubCheck Tool before uploading the file. Kindle uses the unzipped version of the ePub files and converts them for publishing. Plain Text (.txt)" } ]
[ { "docid": "7935276", "title": ".DSD File Extension", "text": "Answer: Files which are given the .DSD extension are known as Diet Studio Database files, however other file types may also use this extension. If you are aware of any additional file formats that use the DSD extension, please let us know." }, { "docid": "6653382", "title": "-", "text": "281 KB. 1 Converts any WMA Lossless file (audio only, wma file) back to uncompressed PCM in wav format. 2 Allows the user to select default or wave format-extensible output formats." }, { "docid": "3053539", "title": "How do I transfer the MOBI File to Kindle?", "text": ".MOBI File Download Instructions. If you purchase an eBook from Future Horizons, you can easily hook up the Kindle to your computer using a USB cable or via email. To add a Future Horizons Mobipocket (.mobi) eBook to your Kindle: 1 Turn your Kindle on. 2 Connect the Kindle to your computer using the USB cable that came with your Kindle.3 Drag and drop the .mobi Ebook file into the documents folder on your Kindle.oading a Mobipocket eBook to Kindle Fire: To add a Future Horizon's eBook Mobipocket (.mobi) file to your Kindle Fire: 1 Turn your Kindle on. 2 Connect the Kindle to your computer with a USB Cable (note that the Kindle Fire does not ship with a cable so you will need to supply your own)." }, { "docid": "5763824", "title": "SMALI file extension", "text": "A list of programs supporting files with the .SMALI extension. .SMALI. The file extension allows the operating system or the user of the device to recognize its format and use the appropriate program that allows to run it. It also happens that the file extension is associated with a number of different file formats. This is the case with the .SMALI file, which is associated with the 1 file types. The most common file format with the extension .SMALI belongs to the Developer Files category. The manufacturer of the file is Google." }, { "docid": "6253116", "title": "About Acrobat PDFMaker", "text": "Save a Word 2010 document in another file format. You can save Word 2010 documents to any of several file formats. Note You cannot use Word 2010 to save a document as a JPEG (.jpg) or GIF (.gif) file, but you can save a file as a PDF (.pdf) file.Click the File tab. Click Save As.pen a file in Word 2010. You can use Word 2010 to open files in any of several formats. Click the File tab. Click Open. In the Open dialog box, click the list of file types next to the File name box. Click the type of file that you want to open. Locate the file, click the file, and then click Open." }, { "docid": "3660998", "title": "How to install google play store app on kindle fire without rooting", "text": "1 Now you have to search and download you desired android app from google play store to pc. 2 Connect your kindle tablet to Pc and transfer your apps apk files from pc to your tablet. 3 After that, Go to the Amazon App Store on kindle fire and install either ES File Explorer or File Expert. After that, Go to the Amazon App Store on kindle fire and install either ES File Explorer or File Expert. 2 Both applications are free and excellent apps for browsing your device’s file system. 3 Through any file manager go to the location where you have copied apk file in step 3." }, { "docid": "1143802", "title": "Opening KSH files", "text": "We collect information about file formats and can explain what KSH files are. Additionally we recommend software suitable for opening or converting such files. What is the .KSH file type? Every day thousands of users send us information about programs they open different file formats with. At this moment we do not have any description or further details of the KSH file type, but we may be able to recommend some programs that will be able to open such files." }, { "docid": "7550806", "title": "A Complete List of File Formats Supported by the PSP", "text": "Firmware Compatibility: Different firmware versions are compatible with different file formats. The more recent the version you have, the more file formats you'll be able to view. Use the tutorial linked below to find out which version of the firmware you have, then check the firmware profiles to find out more about file compatibility. Article." }, { "docid": "808003", "title": "Rate Card", "text": "Other rate cards may include additional technical information or noteworthy restrictions on the ad units, such as: 1 Acceptable file formats. 2 Rich media guidelines (note that PopSci indicates a $2 premium for rich media) 3 Available monthly impressions. 4 Minimum spend amount." }, { "docid": "7199656", "title": "Screenshot", "text": "On Amazon Kindle devices, one can take a screenshot by: 1 Kindle Paperwhite - touch & hold on the top-left & bottom-right corners of the screen (or top-right & bottom-left corners). 2 Kindle or Kindle Touch – Simply press and hold the and then tap anywhere on the screen. 3 Kindle Keyboard (Kindle 3 and Kindle DX) – Press ++." }, { "docid": "900477", "title": "BXL file extension", "text": "A list of programs supporting files with the .BXL extension. .BXL. The file extension allows the operating system or the user of the device to recognize its format and use the appropriate program that allows to run it. It also happens that the file extension is associated with a number of different file formats." }, { "docid": "5992281", "title": "Download Microsoft Office File Formats Documentation from Official Microsoft Download Center", "text": "The Microsoft Office file formats documentation provides technical specifications for Microsoft proprietary file formats that are implemented and used in the Microsoft Office system. 1 Details." }, { "docid": "4065705", "title": "USB PORT NEEDS To support More file Formats!!", "text": "USB PORT NEEDS To support More file Formats!! 1 USB PORT NEEDS To support More file Formats!! 2 Re: USB PORT NEEDS To support More file Formats!! 3 Re: USB PORT NEEDS To support More file Formats!! 4 Re: USB PORT NEEDS To support More file Formats!! 5 Re: USB PORT NEEDS To support More file Formats!! 6 Re: USB PORT NEEDS To support More file Formats!! . i dont need alot of the lists of movies which slows down the loading alot.. and there are alot of movies on the netflix website that i wish i could see on my main netflix screen.." }, { "docid": "7544347", "title": "-", "text": "You can transfer Backupify online data into below file formats. 1 Convert Backupify in Outlook (.PST) file format. 2 Export Backupify in Windows Live Mail (.EML) file format. Transfer online data backup into (.EMLX) file format of Mac OS X Tiger mail." }, { "docid": "98678", "title": "-", "text": "Royalties in Kindle Unlimited and Kindle Owners' Lending Library. 1 You're eligible for royalty payment from Kindle Unlimited (KU, or Abonnement Kindle in France) and the Kindle Owners' Lending Library (KOLL) for pages an individual customer reads in your book for the first time." }, { "docid": "5555207", "title": "-", "text": "1 How to transfer Kindle Books to Kin... 2 Can Kindle Books from the library b... 3 How to return a Kindle Book borrowe... 4 Not all eBooks in a library's 5 ... How to install the Kindle reading a... 6 What to do if you're having tr... 7 How to add a borrowed Kindle Book o..." }, { "docid": "7138889", "title": "What does Amazon.com's âKindle Editionâ actually mean?", "text": "1 Answer 1. Kindle is the brand name of a range of e-readers and tablets (called Kindle Fire) produced by Amazon. Typically books bought as a Kindle Edition will be downloaded directed to a Kindle device attached to your Amazon account. If you want to read Kindle Edition books on a Samsung tablet or desktop PC then you'll need to download the Kindle app for your device." }, { "docid": "2177372", "title": "What Is an AAF File?", "text": "A file with the AAF file extension is an Advanced Authoring Format file. It contains complex multimedia information like video and audio clips, as well as metadata information for that content and project. Most video editing programs utilize proprietary formats for their project files." }, { "docid": "4282055", "title": "Instructions for Side-loading ePub and Kindle Books", "text": "But you can manually install e-books to your device. It's called side-loading. Basically, you will need to download the file to your computer, connect your device with a USB cable, and drag the file to your device's books or documents folder. Kindle readers use MOBI files." }, { "docid": "396128", "title": "-", "text": "Import/Export most file formats. Import various file formats, including including SVG, PDF, EPS, AI, WPC, DXF, PLT and many other popular formats. giving you the power to cut your own custom artwork. You can also export your design layout as SVG, JPG, PNG, TIFF, BMP, GIF, or FCM." }, { "docid": "6838165", "title": "Rooting 5th Gen Kindle Fire", "text": "Updating an old Kindle Fire 1st Gen Forum. Kindle Rooting Help 2 Forum. Moving my SD card from my old kindle fire to Acer iconiaone 8 won't let me see the apps on it Forum. I need to know if I can or can NOT connet my Kindle Fire HD 8 to my mini projector using a Bluetooth adapter since my kindle d Forum." }, { "docid": "6224468", "title": "What is File Extension XLTM?", "text": "Additional types of files may also be using the XLTM file extension. If you are aware of any other file formats using the XLTM file extension, please contact us so that we can update our information accordingly." }, { "docid": "1104276", "title": ".WRKFile Extension", "text": "About SPX Files Our goal is to help you understand what a file with a *.spx suffix is and how to open it. All file types, file format descriptions, and software programs listed on this page have been individually researched and verified by the FileInfo team. We strive for 100% accuracy and only publish information about file formats that we have tested and validated. If you would like to suggest any additions or updates to this page, please let us know." }, { "docid": "6746323", "title": "-", "text": "Related: kindle refurbished kindle paperwhite case used kindle kindle keyboard kindle fire used paperwhite wifi kindle fire kindle paperwhite charger.ollow kindle paperwhite used to get e-mail alerts and updates on your eBay Feed. Unfollow kindle paperwhite used to stop getting updates on your eBay Feed." }, { "docid": "81582", "title": "-", "text": "File formats OOo can open. OpenOffice.org can open a wide variety of file formats in addition to the OpenDocument formats. Opening text documents. In addition to OpenDocument formats (.odt, .ott, .oth, and .odm), Writer 3 can open the formats used by OOo 1.x (.sxw, .stw, and .sxg) and the following text document formats:" }, { "docid": "3539636", "title": "What file formats does dtSearch support?", "text": "File type identification. dtSearch generally detects file formats by examining the actual file contents, not the extension or reported MIME type, so it is not affected by misleading filenames. For example, a Word document named sample.exe would still be identified as a Word document." }, { "docid": "2317486", "title": "Q: how can i sync my kindle library to my windows 8 computer I have a HP Envy x2", "text": "With Kindle for Windows 8, you can shop the Kindle Store, download and read Kindle books, sync your furthest page read across devices, and customize your reading experience. The Kindle app allows you to read your Kindle library on your Windows 8 slate or laptop.And because it uses the Kindle sync service, your library is automatically synced to your device, and you it automatically knows which book you're currently reading, and which page you last got to.ith Kindle for Windows 8, you can shop the Kindle Store, download and read Kindle books, sync your furthest page read across devices, and customize your reading experience. The Kindle app allows you to read your Kindle library on your Windows 8 slate or laptop." }, { "docid": "7334177", "title": "-", "text": "SSRS Report Viewer-How to show/hide rendering extensions (export formats). This post is inspired by a question in MSDN forum about disabling certain rendering formats when setting up SSRS subscriptions.This can be achieved by changing the SSRS configuration file as explained below.SRS Report Viewer-How to show/hide rendering extensions (export formats). This post is inspired by a question in MSDN forum about disabling certain rendering formats when setting up SSRS subscriptions." }, { "docid": "3948905", "title": "XML file name extension reference for Office 2013", "text": "By default, documents are saved as .docx files even when they are created from a Word macro-enabled template. XML file types for Excel 2013. The following table describes the file type, extension, and description for Excel XML file formats." }, { "docid": "4237082", "title": "-", "text": "Media Players for Windows. The Digital Media Players directory consists of software programs designed to play various digital audio file formats.... The Digital Media Players directory consists of software programs designed to play various digital audio file formats." } ]
what folder to put usb driver file
[ { "docid": "1040984", "title": "Add a Device Driver Path to an Answer File", "text": "When you select a driver path, you select a folder that contains one or more .inf drivers. The folder path is added to the answer file and, during an unattended installation, is referenced to find all drivers in the path and install them. You can add only .inf drivers to a Windows image by using this procedure." } ]
[ { "docid": "7720861", "title": "Simple ways to back up your iPhone photos", "text": "Just create a folder on your computer that you sync in iTunes to your iPhone. Just put (or copy) any photos you want in there. If you are on a Mac and use iPhoto, just create a new “album” (a folder) in iPhoto–give it a name (like Ed’s iPhone pix) and put the photos you want to have on your iPhone into this folder.ust create a folder on your computer that you sync in iTunes to your iPhone. Just put (or copy) any photos you want in there. If you are on a Mac and use iPhoto, just create a new “album” (a folder) in iPhoto–give it a name (like Ed’s iPhone pix) and put the photos you want to have on your iPhone into this folder." }, { "docid": "6443165", "title": "Unofficial Android 5.1 AICP ROM hits Galaxy Note 4 (SM-N910F and N910G): How to install", "text": "Step 1 - Download AICP Android 5.1 custom ROM for Galaxy Note 4 on the computer. Step 2 - Connect and mount the phone's USB mass storage on computer with USB cable. Step 3 - Now, copy the downloaded AICP ROM zip file to the root folder on the phone's SD card." }, { "docid": "6810813", "title": "-", "text": "To configure a file or a folder and all the files in it to Level 3, start Microsoft Windows Explorer, and then copy or move the file or folder to the Shared Documents folder under My Computer. Local NTFS Permissions: Network Share Permissions: Files are shared for everyone to read on the network." }, { "docid": "3272261", "title": "-", "text": "In order for you to view the file you will go to File Manager and under File Manager look for received files folder and then from there look for Bluetooth or There should be a Bluetooth folder directly and you can see the files in there." }, { "docid": "886769", "title": "Frequently Asked Questions - Software Common Questions and Answers", "text": "Instructions. Open any audio software you may have on your computer. Go to the File menu, choose Open, and browse your computer folders. Any audio files that reside on your computer in any folder will be available to open when you come to a folder.If there are no audio files in a particular folder, you won't see anything available.here are many different types of audio files, including MP3, MP4, WAV and MIDI. Sometimes when you download an audio file to your computer and don't pay attention to the folder to which it was downloaded, you may find it difficult to locate the file when you're ready for it." }, { "docid": "5304641", "title": "Q: window 7: to put files in one folder how to do this", "text": "in the Right Pane while in the folder-PASTE. Click on a File and hold CTRL and then you can click on as many non-connected (or connected) files. as you wish-then Right Click in the Highlighted area-COPY-go to where you want to put them -." }, { "docid": "1698170", "title": "atmfd.dll", "text": "atmfd.dll. The atmfd.dll is a Windows NT OpenType/Type 1 Font Driver. This file is part of Adobe Type Manager. Atmfd.dll is developed by Adobe Systems Incorporated. It’s a system and hidden file. Atmfd.dll is usually located in the %SYSTEM% sub-folder and its usual size is 285,696 bytes." }, { "docid": "6980952", "title": "Looking for an effective solution to uninstall ASUS USB Charger Plus? Download professional uninstaller to get rid of it now!", "text": "Option 2: ASUS USB Charger Plus built-in uninstall program. 1 Navigate to ASUS USB Charger Plus installation folder (usually saved in C:/Program Files). 2 Search for the file named uninstall.exe or unins000.exe in this folder. 3 Double click to run this program to start the removal process." }, { "docid": "7876624", "title": "What is the Netlogon folder use for?", "text": "%SystemRoot%\\sysvol\\sysvol\\{DOMAIN}\\scripts. This folder is used for a specific domain user. For example,we create a script file,the content is : wscript.echo welcome,this is a logon script test and the file is named logon.vbs. We put the script file into the folder." }, { "docid": "1295663", "title": "How do I change my skin on cracked minecraft?", "text": "Best Answer: Actually, the person above is wrong. You can alter it. Firstly, you need to go into your minecraft folder (in your Roaming folder if you didn't know) and open up bin. Then you need to find your Minecraft.jar (Or just the file that says minecraft in that folder) and open it with WinRAR.Next you need to scroll down to where it says mob.est Answer: Actually, the person above is wrong. You can alter it. Firstly, you need to go into your minecraft folder (in your Roaming folder if you didn't know) and open up bin. Then you need to find your Minecraft.jar (Or just the file that says minecraft in that folder) and open it with WinRAR." }, { "docid": "1651635", "title": "-", "text": "1 When the installation is complete, find the Setup.iss file. 2 This file is in the Windows folder or the WinNT folder. 3 Move this file and the Groove installation files to a folder that the users can access over the network. 4 Create a shortcut file that calls the installation by using your response file. Install and set up Groove the way that you want. 2 When the installation is complete, find the Setup.iss file. 3 This file is in the Windows folder or the WinNT folder. 4 Move this file and the Groove installation files to a folder that the users can access over the network." }, { "docid": "2154590", "title": "How can I get Netflix on an Hisense Android tv?", "text": "Get the APK (I got mine from APKmirror) for netflix, not Google TV. Put it on usb stick. From Play Store download a file manager, and browse the usb stick. install apk on TV from there.et the APK (I got mine from APKmirror) for netflix, not Google TV. Put it on usb stick. From Play Store download a file manager, and browse the usb stick. install apk on TV from there." }, { "docid": "6540284", "title": "-", "text": "This will allow you to open a window directly to the file you want to remove. 1 Chrome-Press Command + J. Click the Show in folder link for the file you want to delete. 2 Firefox-Press Command + J to open the Downloads section of the Library. 3 Click the Folder button to open the folder that the download is located in.. Run a search for the file if you know the name of it. If you can't find the file in your Downloads folder, but you know the name of it, you can use Windows Search to try to find it. Press the Windows key and type in the name of the file." }, { "docid": "21847", "title": "How to Remove UpdatusUser folder Windows 8.1/8/7/XP", "text": "UpdatusUser folder is automatically created during Nvidia graphics driver installer and it is user for the updation of graphics driver whenever new drivers are available. A whole new user control is created and thus this separate UpdatusUser folder is shown in the Users folder." }, { "docid": "4676505", "title": "-", "text": "Alibaba.com offers 10,961 leather file folder products. such as free samples, paid samples. There are 11,034 leather file folder suppliers, mainly located in Asia. The top supplying countries are China (Mainland), India, and Hong Kong, which supply 76%, 21%, and 1% of leather file folder respectively. Leather file folder products are most popular in North America, Western Europe, and Northern Europe." }, { "docid": "8681751", "title": "How to Customize Folders with Desktop.ini", "text": "Use the following procedure to customize a folder's style with Desktop.ini: 1 Use PathMakeSystemFolder to make the folder a system folder. 2 Create a Desktop.ini file for the folder. 3 Make sure the Desktop.ini file that you create is in the Unicode format." }, { "docid": "7735490", "title": "-", "text": "1 If you download the update file from the Sony website, copy it to the PSP by connecting the PSP to your computer. 2 Copy the file into the PSP/GAME/UPDATE/ folder and then run the update file from the PSP. 3 To copy files onto a PSP, you will need to put your PSP into USB mode." }, { "docid": "1355347", "title": "Tech Ease", "text": "You can also click on the downward pointing arrow to the right of the Save As field to display a small Finder window. You can then use this Finder window to navigate your hard drive until you find the folder where you want to save your file.he File, Save As option also allows you to save copies of your document in more than one location. You can open the original from a floppy or USB drive, then save it to the hard drive by selecting File, Save As and specifying a location on your hard drive. On some programs you may have a File, Export option." }, { "docid": "3148664", "title": "-", "text": "1. Download from a computer and save it to a folder where you can easily locate the file. 2. Connect a the Samsung Galaxy Grand to your computer via USB cord and select storage Mass. 3. Go to your music files and copy those, then open the Computer/My Computer then open the Removable E: and paste the music files." }, { "docid": "1233140", "title": "How to build an Android app", "text": "Test your app on an Android device. Connect your phone to a spare USB port and wait for Windows to detect it. In the New Hardware wizard, choose 'Locate and install drivers' and opt to browse your computer for the driver software. Browse to the 'Android SDK' folder and locate the subfolder for the USB driver." }, { "docid": "8369782", "title": "-", "text": "How to Install Printer Drivers: 1 Make sure your printer is connected to power and also has a USB cable connected to a computer or laptop that you use. 2 Open the printer driver files that you have, if not please first download in the download link has been provided. Make sure your printer is connected to power and also has a USB cable connected to a computer or laptop that you use. 2 Open the printer driver files that you have, if not please first download in the download link has been provided. 3 Double-click the driver file, then to follow the given installation petnjuk." }, { "docid": "340313", "title": "How to copy and share photos taken with a BlackBerry smartphone or BlackBerry PlayBook to a PC", "text": "6. Drag a file from a location on your computer to a folder on your tablet. You can also delete files if desired from your BlackBerry smartphone. Transfer photos from a BlackBerry PlayBook tablet using USB File Sharing. An easy way to copy files to and from the BlackBerry PlayBook tablet is to use USB File Sharing." }, { "docid": "3544130", "title": "Recovering deleted files", "text": "MORE INFORMATION. Each hard disk contains a hidden folder named Recycled. This folder contains files deleted in Windows Explorer or My Computer, or in Windows-based programs. When you delete a file, the complete path and file name is stored in a hidden file called Info or Info2 (Windows 98) in the Recycled folder.The deleted file is renamed, using the following syntax: Examples: Each drive has a Recycled folder.hen you delete a file, the complete path and file name is stored in a hidden file called Info or Info2 (Windows 98) in the Recycled folder. The deleted file is renamed, using the following syntax: Examples: Each drive has a Recycled folder." }, { "docid": "385561", "title": "-", "text": "Click “Backup SMS” to backup text messages in your Android phone. The text messages will be stored in .db file format in a “SmsBackup” folder. Step 3: Transfer Samsung Galaxy S3 SMS to PC. Connect your Samsung Galaxy S3 to PC via USB cable." }, { "docid": "5777438", "title": "-", "text": "To copy a file, replace MOVE with COPY in the example. The wl.skydrive_update scope is required. Change file ID to the file ID of the file you want to copy. Change the folder ID to the folder ID of the destination folder." }, { "docid": "5304640", "title": "Q: window 7: to put files in one folder how to do this", "text": "in the Right Pane while in the folder-PASTE. Click on a File and hold CTRL and then you can click on as many non-connected (or connected) files. as you wish-then Right Click in the Highlighted area-COPY-go to where you want to put them -. Right Click on the Folder name or in the Right Pane while in the folder-PASTE." }, { "docid": "5456085", "title": "ARCHIVED: In Outlook for Windows, how do I export my messages or folders to a Personal Folder file, Excel workbook, or Access database?", "text": "1 From the list of folders, select the folder you wish to export. 2 Click. 3 Under the option Save Exported File As:, type the path and name of the file you wish to save as the exported file. 4 Select. 5 Click. 6 This will save your Mail, Journal, or Notes folder as a Personal Folder file in the given path." }, { "docid": "487881", "title": "-", "text": "1 You can download the complete sample from this code gallery page. 2 The USB device used in tutorial is the SuperMUTT device. 3 In order to use the Windows.Devices.Usb namespace to write a Windows store app that interacts with a USB device, the device must have the Winusb.sys driver loaded as its function driver." }, { "docid": "8452011", "title": "My computer can't find files on external usb hard drive.?", "text": "show more My friend gave me external usb hard drive with some files to be transferred into my computer. I plug the hard drive, my computer sees the folder which contains the files, but when I click the folder to open it, the computer says 'folder is empty'.But it's not empty. The folder's properties say that the folder is full of content.how more My friend gave me external usb hard drive with some files to be transferred into my computer. I plug the hard drive, my computer sees the folder which contains the files, but when I click the folder to open it, the computer says 'folder is empty'." }, { "docid": "8698811", "title": "-", "text": "You will find the File Explorer shortcut in the Windows System folder. The executable file for File Explorer is explorer.exe. You will find it in the Windows folder. If you double-click on it, you start File Explorer. You can always create a shortcut to File Explorer and pin it to the Desktop or the Start screen." } ]
what food is common in china
[ { "docid": "2024167", "title": "-", "text": "Fried Rice with Egg Fried Rice is a very common and popular dish in China and also in Asian area. The non-rice ingredients used in this dish are greatly varied, like egg, vegetable, meat, sauseage and seafood, etc." } ]
[ { "docid": "1344969", "title": "-", "text": "Pig Industry News: China. CHINA - The average price of food in 50 Chinese cities continued to drop between 21 March and 30 March, official data showed Wednesday.... CHINA - Traditional Chinese dragon dances were on display when Nutriad, together with local partners, opened its new palatability factory in Nantong (China)." }, { "docid": "1746027", "title": "-", "text": "SECTION 4_ADDITIONAL INFORMATION / 34. Information on Common Food Poisoning Bacteria. INFO ON COMMON FOOD. POISONING BACTERIA. Bacteria are one of the most common causes of food poisoning. Unlike food spoilage bacteria, food poisoning. bacteria do not affect the taste, smell or look of food. Food poisoning bacteria may cause problems in one of. four main ways." }, { "docid": "3538649", "title": "-", "text": "East Asia’s island countries and coastal areasdepend on the sea for food. Japan, South Korea,Taiwan, and China have the world’s bigg est deep-sea fishing industries. China alone harvests about18 million tons (16.3 million metric tons) of fisheach year. Seafood farming has become a majorindustry in East Asia." }, { "docid": "4491529", "title": "How to Get Free Food at a Fast-Food Drive-In", "text": "How to Get Free Food at a Fast-Food Drive-In. It's easy. Find a fast-food restaurant with two drive-through windows: one where you order and pay, and the other where you receive your food.This won't work at the more-common U.S. configuration: a microphone where you order, and a single window where you both pay for and receive your food.t's easy. Find a fast-food restaurant with two drive-through windows: one where you order and pay, and the other where you receive your food. This won't work at the more-common U.S. configuration: a microphone where you order, and a single window where you both pay for and receive your food." }, { "docid": "5228893", "title": "What is Silk?", "text": "10 most extreme places on Earth. Silk is a filament fiber formed from proteins secreted by Bombyx mori, or silkworms. Silkworms are not actually worms, but caterpillars, despite their common name. Humans have practiced silk production, which originated in China, for thousands of years.0 most extreme places on Earth. Silk is a filament fiber formed from proteins secreted by Bombyx mori, or silkworms. Silkworms are not actually worms, but caterpillars, despite their common name. Humans have practiced silk production, which originated in China, for thousands of years." }, { "docid": "8565313", "title": "White House china", "text": "A White House table set in 2005 with the Reagan china from the 1980s. The White House china refers to the various patterns of china (porcelain) used for serving and eating food in the White House, home of the president of the United States. Different china services have been ordered and used by different presidential administrations." }, { "docid": "4761011", "title": "-", "text": "The Panda that you are probably thinking of is the Giant Panda (black and white) and spends approximate…ly 14 hours consuming food whereas a red panda consumes on average 13 hours. Addendum to above answer: Red pandas are real but the most well known panda is the giant panda. Giant pandas are native to China while red pandas are native to the Himalayas, China, Nepal, Myanmar, and India. Both animals feed on bamboo." }, { "docid": "8331572", "title": "An Engineer Explains Why Trumpâs Wall Is So Implausible", "text": "1 History of The Great Wall of China-A history of the Great Wall of China. 2 Facts About The Great Wall of China-Frequently asked questions & other facts about the Great Wall of China." }, { "docid": "5768273", "title": "Desert", "text": "At depths below 8.8 km sea cucumbers are found in large herds that move across the ocean searching for food. They can also be found in great numbers in some shallow waters. In some parts of the world, especially Southeast Asia and China, sea cucumbers are considered a delicacy and are widely harvested as food." }, { "docid": "729414", "title": "Chemical Contamination", "text": "Chemical contamination occurs when food comes into contact with chemicals – and can cause ‘chemical food poisoning’. Some of the most common causes of chemical contamination are cleaning products, or unwashed fruits and vegetables.Other sources may include food containers made from non-safe plastics, pest control products or some chemicals used in food processing.ome of the most common causes of chemical contamination are cleaning products, or unwashed fruits and vegetables. Other sources may include food containers made from non-safe plastics, pest control products or some chemicals used in food processing." }, { "docid": "2171894", "title": "Nutritional deficiency diseases", "text": "Pellagra disease is caused by the chronic nutritional deficiency of niacin (Vit-B 3) in the food. Maize (corn) is a very poor source of niacin and in populations which mainly subsist on maize this disease is very common.Pellagra is common in Africa, Indonesia, North Korea, and China.ypothyroidism, goiter (thyroid enlargement) and cretinism diseases occurs when a decrease in thyroid hormone production is caused by poor nutritional intake of iodine. Iron : Iron deficiency anemia, which is due to deficiency of hemoglobin in the red blood cells, is characterized by severe fatigue and breathlessness." }, { "docid": "4439156", "title": "What is the staple food of Spain?", "text": "It is the food eaten most frequently d … uring every day. The Spanish have a very varied and healthy diet. Its called the Mediterranean Diet and consists of lots of vegetables, fruit, fish, chicken, some red meat, pork, salads, legumes,rice, pasta, eggs, dairy produce and bread.We always use olive oil when we cook and for the salads. We also drink wine but not too much and also cava (spanish champagne). A staple food is a food that you consume the most, or is the base of everything you cook. For example in both Japan and China you may say that rice is a staple food." }, { "docid": "4060267", "title": "Corn", "text": "The common corn is one of the most easily recognizable plants in the world; it is used as a major food in many different areas of the world by a variety of peoples.he common corn is one of the most easily recognizable plants in the world; it is used as a major food in many different areas of the world by a variety of peoples." }, { "docid": "1275082", "title": "What is Agar-Agar?", "text": "Photo by Sahua [flickr]. Agar-agar, sometimes referred to as China grass, kanten, or just agar, is a gelatinous polysaccharide derived from red algae. Agar is used to gel many food products, such as puddings, desserts, jelly candy, soups, sauces, and more.gar-agar, sometimes referred to as China grass, kanten, or just agar, is a gelatinous polysaccharide derived from red algae." }, { "docid": "3734020", "title": "Average Temperatures for China in April", "text": "Average Temperatures for China in April. Average temperatures for April at cities throughout China are listed below in degrees Fahrenheit and Celsius. The tables give the maximum and minimum monthly temperatures based on long-term historical weather data. You can jump to a separate table for each section of the country: North China, Northeast China, East China, South Central China, Southwest China and Northwest China." }, { "docid": "2086581", "title": "Food Poisoning", "text": "Food poisoning (also known as foodborne illness or foodborne disease) is any illness that results from eating contaminated food. Harmful bacteria are the most common cause of food poisoning, but there are many other causes, including the following:" }, { "docid": "2288364", "title": "-", "text": "The most common foods involved are apples, stone fruit (peaches, plums cherries, etc) and tree nuts, especially hazelnuts. Fish, shellfish, peanuts, legumes and seeds are also common causes of allergy in adults.Food Allergy and Intolerances Food allergies occur when the body’s immune system wrongly thinks that a food protein is harmful and acts against it.ish, shellfish, peanuts, legumes and seeds are also common causes of allergy in adults. Food Allergy and Intolerances Food allergies occur when the body’s immune system wrongly thinks that a food protein is harmful and acts against it." }, { "docid": "5242505", "title": "Falafel", "text": "Falafel is a common food eaten throughout the Middle East. The fritters are now found around the world as a replacement for meat and a form of street food." }, { "docid": "8460632", "title": "Terrine", "text": "A term used to describe both a piece of kitchenware referred to as a mold and a type of food dish that is made in the mold, which is typically made of earthenware or china." }, { "docid": "3470282", "title": "Why Do Pandas Live In China?", "text": "Panda are forest animals which are mostly seen in China. The Giant Panda which has two colors (black and white) has its territory in the South and East China long time ago. Although Pandas are common in China, there are also Pandas which are found outside the country. Pandas can be compared to American black bear having a size of 4-5 feet with a weight of 70-140 kilos. Because of tier pupils, they can see better at night that’s why they are active during night time." }, { "docid": "5373790", "title": "-", "text": "Food protein-induced enterocolitis syndrome (FPIES) is an unusual type of food allergy. It is much less common than IgE-mediated food allergy, and usually only occurs in babies and very young children." }, { "docid": "1108651", "title": "The Big Five: Most Common Salmonella Strains in Foodborne Illness Outbreaks", "text": "Javiana is the fourth most common serotype associated with foodborne illness. A report on Salmonella serotypes from the Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS), the food safety arm of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, indicated this strain is not often associated with products regulated by the agency.almonella Enteritidis. Enteritidis is the most common strain of Salmonella in our food supply. The increased prevalence in poultry products made Salmonella Enteritidis a food-safety issue in the 1970s. It is the serotype most often associated with poultry." }, { "docid": "491", "title": "-", "text": "China and the united states will find common cause, but in others they will have different interests. in those. cases, China is now less likely than it was, say, a decade ago, to defer to the united states. the united states is not ignoring China." }, { "docid": "3217985", "title": "What Foods Do People Eat in China?", "text": "China is the most populous nation in the world, with well over a billion people. So it makes sense that you'll find many different types of food throughout the country. Like the United States, China has different specialties that vary by region." }, { "docid": "3064979", "title": "China Country Code +86", "text": "This page details China phone code. The China country code 86 will allow you to call China from another country. China telephone code 86 is dialed after the IDD. China international dialing 86 is followed by an area code. The China area code table below shows the various city codes for China." }, { "docid": "5059503", "title": "GINGER", "text": "The ginger spice comes from the roots of the plant. Ginger is native to warmer parts of Asia, such as China, Japan, and India, but now is grown in parts of South American and Africa. It is also now grown in the Middle East to use as medicine and with food." }, { "docid": "1524062", "title": "Salmonella Bacteria FAQ", "text": "Salmonella bacteria are the most common cause of food borne illnesses. Find out more about salmonella bacteria characteristics with our salmonella FAQ.almonella bacteria are the most common cause of food borne illnesses. Find out more about salmonella bacteria characteristics with our salmonella FAQ." }, { "docid": "3519985", "title": "-", "text": "Nanjing, China: 7,165,292: Nanchong, China: 7,150,000: Xi’an, China: 6,501,190: Shenyang, China: 6,255,921: Hangzhou, China: 6,241,971: Harbin, China: 5,878,939: Tai’an, China: 5,499,000: Suzhou, China: 5,345,961: Shantou, China: 5,329,024: Jinan, China: 4,335,989: Zhengzhou, China: 4,253,913: Changchun, China: 4,193,073: Dalian, China: 4,087,733: Kunming, China: 3,855,346: Qingdao, China: 3,718,835" }, { "docid": "3818890", "title": "What Causes Cystic Acne and How Can You Get Rid of It?", "text": "Food Allergies: Food allergies which cause cystic acne are more common than you think. In fact, food allergies can be one of the biggest factors of what causes cystic acne in adults. Different food allergies such as a sensitivity to dairy, sugar, or soy can make you far more prone to cystic acne." }, { "docid": "8482955", "title": "-", "text": "your trip begins in shanghai china it ends in nanjing china your flight direction from shanghai china to nanjing china is northwest 64 degrees from north the distance calculator helps you figure out how far it is to fly from shanghai china to nanjing china" } ]
what foods are a good source of arginine
[ { "docid": "6724446", "title": "Natural Sources of L-Arginine", "text": "Foods with Protein. Protein-containing foods supply arginine. Among the animal-based foods that contain this amino acid are meats, poultry, fish, seafood, eggs and dairy products such as milk, yogurt and cheese. Nuts, seeds, oats, beans and wheat germ are good plant-based sources of arginine.In addition, NYU Langone Medical Center cites chocolate as providing this amino acid.our body needs protein, which is made up of amino acids, to build and repair tissues and muscles. Arginine, also known as l-arginine, is classified as a conditional amino acid. That means your body can normally make it from other nutrients, but must obtain it from food when under stress, for example, due to illness." } ]
[ { "docid": "1414711", "title": "What is the difference between L-Arginine and Arginine?", "text": "L-arginine is used when referring to L-arginine supplements and the acid as it is found in the body and in food. The “L” refers to a specific form of arginine as there are 20 components of it; “D” is another form of arginine, though the “D” version of this acid is generally used in a lab for research.In terms of supplements, L-arginine is the most commonly taken form of this acid.t has proven to be wonder supplement for many people in need of something to reinforce heart health and aid in generating more energy and a better sense of well-being. However, a source of confusion regarding these supplements is the difference between L-arginine and arginine." }, { "docid": "7713755", "title": "6 Nutrients That Fight Erectile Dysfunction", "text": "1 The benefits of pistachios for erection problems may be due to a protein called arginine, which may help relax blood vessels. 2 This is another example of how good circulation is good for sexual health, which is good news because I eat a lot of pistachios, says Dr. Daneshgari." }, { "docid": "1365398", "title": "Pinto beans", "text": "But this is far from all pinto beans have to offer. Pinto beans are also an excellent source of molybdenum, a very good source of folate, and a good source of protein, vitamin B1, and vitamin B6 as well as the minerals copper, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, manganese, and potassium." }, { "docid": "8123856", "title": "-", "text": "Get More Nitric Oxide. Get Started with New & Improved LRG9 L-arginine. Try the #1 Effortless Way To Impress Your Doctor at Your Next Checkup. Considered a breakthrough discovery, doctors found that the amino acids L-arginine and L-citrulline create nitric oxide when in the body." }, { "docid": "1564763", "title": "-", "text": "What Is L-Arginine. Arginine is an amino acid, building block of protein that is naturally produced in your body and is also found in many foods. Foods rich in protein, such as dairy products, meats, fish, nuts, gelatin, oats, wheat germ, and soybeans are great sources of arginine.hat Is L-Arginine. Arginine is an amino acid, building block of protein that is naturally produced in your body and is also found in many foods. Foods rich in protein, such as dairy products, meats, fish, nuts, gelatin, oats, wheat germ, and soybeans are great sources of arginine." }, { "docid": "4229427", "title": "Sugars, granulated [sucrose] Nutrition Facts & Calories", "text": "The good: This food is a good source of Protein, Riboflavin, Vitamin B12 and Potassium, and a very good source of Calcium and Phosphorus. The bad: A large portion of the calories in this food come from sugars." }, { "docid": "7671329", "title": "Apricots, raw [Includes USDA commodity food A386] Nutrition Facts & Calories", "text": "The good: This food is very low in Saturated Fat, Cholesterol and Sodium. It is also a good source of Potassium, and a very good source of Vitamin A and Vitamin C. The bad: A large portion of the calories in this food come from sugars. Caloric Ratio Pyramid." }, { "docid": "6807106", "title": "-", "text": "A classic combination is eating brown rice with cooked dried beans. While brown rice is high in arginine (190 mg), the dried beans have an excess of 270 mg. of lysine, which more than compensates for the lack of lysine in the brown rice.Another approach is to eat very small portions when eating high-arginine foods like hazel nuts and peanuts. classic combination is eating brown rice with cooked dried beans. While brown rice is high in arginine (190 mg), the dried beans have an excess of 270 mg. of lysine, which more than compensates for the lack of lysine in the brown rice." }, { "docid": "2290556", "title": "22 Foods Highest in Iodine", "text": "There are plenty of foods that are naturally high in Iodine. They range from seafood to potatoes, and it’s good to get a balance of different foods so that you’re not relying on one source. You can also find Iodine in supplements that contain kelp, as this is another place where Iodine is naturally found.una that is canned in oil usually contains more iodine than when it’s canned in water. Three ounces of canned tuna provides 17 micrograms of iodine, or 11% of what the average person must consume per day." }, { "docid": "7317575", "title": "What Can I Eat or Drink to Reduce Swelling in My Feet & Ankles?", "text": "Dairy Products. Dairy foods are also a good source of protein; however, some dairy products, such as cheese, are high in sodium and contribute to the swelling of your feet and ankles. Read food labels and include only low-sodium cheeses. Milk and yogurt are lower in sodium and make a good choice when trying to reduce the swelling." }, { "docid": "1414716", "title": "What is the difference between L-Arginine and Arginine?", "text": "L-arginine supplements have picked up steam in popularity for their numerous health benefits. It has proven to be wonder supplement for many people in need of something to reinforce heart health and aid in generating more energy and a better sense of well-being.However, a source of confusion regarding these supplements is the difference between L-arginine and arginine.t has proven to be wonder supplement for many people in need of something to reinforce heart health and aid in generating more energy and a better sense of well-being. However, a source of confusion regarding these supplements is the difference between L-arginine and arginine." }, { "docid": "844505", "title": "Foods Men Can Eat to Enhance Sexual Stamina", "text": "Peanuts are a rich natural source of the amino acid, L-arginine, which is essential for increasing sexual stamina in men, according to Dr. Nicholas Perricone, board-certified dermatologist and healthy aging expert." }, { "docid": "4618803", "title": "List of Iron-Rich Foods for Vegetarians", "text": "List of Iron-Rich Foods for Vegetarians. Spinach is a good vegetarian source of iron. Iron, an essential mineral, is necessary for normal human growth and development. Many women in childbearing years can be iron-deficient.ist of Iron-Rich Foods for Vegetarians. Spinach is a good vegetarian source of iron. Iron, an essential mineral, is necessary for normal human growth and development. Many women in childbearing years can be iron-deficient." }, { "docid": "3311462", "title": "-", "text": "Joined: 4/7/2009. Msg: 1. anyone have experience with L arginine as an erection aidPage 1 of 2 (1, 2) I am curious about whether anyone has noticed an effect of L arginine taken as a supplement on their erections. Many men use it as an adjunct to body building." }, { "docid": "5365080", "title": "Benefits of L Arginine", "text": "Benefits of L Arginine. The benefits of l-arginine include enhancing the function of the immune system, helping to detoxify the liver, and helping with fertility in men. L arginine also plays a vital role in the release of both insulin and growth hormones in the body." }, { "docid": "4760338", "title": "Why Are Minerals and Nutrients Important for Oral Health?", "text": "Not all foods are good for your teeth. If you consume these foods, do so in moderation, and be sure to practice good oral health care. Carbohydrates. Bacteria feed on leftover foods in the mouth and produce acid, which causes decay." }, { "docid": "5494801", "title": "Food Sources of Calcium and Vitamin D", "text": "Foods high in calcium include milk, yogurt and beverages with calcium added such as soy beverages, orange juice, and rice beverages. Cheese is also a good source of calcium. For other foods, check the label. Calcium has been added if you see 'fortified' or 'enriched' on the label.ery few foods have vitamin D in them. Foods with a higher amount of vitamin D include fish, liver, and egg yolk. Excellent sources of vitamin D are foods and beverages that have vitamin D added to them." }, { "docid": "5577290", "title": "Fruits to Help Lower Blood Pressure", "text": "Since fruits contain many essential nutrients, vitamins and anti-oxidants besides potassium, it is one of the best types of food that can help lower your blood pressure. Here are some fruits that are high in potassium content and which help lower blood pressure.Apricot: Apricot is a very good source of potassium and vitamin A. With 2202 mg (63 percent DV) of potassium in a cup (119 g of cubes) of dehydrated apricot, it is perhaps one of the best foods that have potassium in them.ere are some fruits that are high in potassium content and which help lower blood pressure. Apricot: Apricot is a very good source of potassium and vitamin A. With 2202 mg (63 percent DV) of potassium in a cup (119 g of cubes) of dehydrated apricot, it is perhaps one of the best foods that have potassium in them." }, { "docid": "8584347", "title": "Muscle Building Foods Brown Rice vs White Rice", "text": "Chicken breast, beef, egg whites and other sources of protein are probably some of the first few foods that people associate with building muscle but good carbohydrates sources are also necessary. Rice is a great source of carbohydrates and has been consumed for thousands of years." }, { "docid": "2546877", "title": "-", "text": "L-Arginine is often included in blended pre-workout supplements or you can take it on its own to support oxygen flow and unleash that awesome muscle pump!* L-Arginine is designed to support intense workouts and explosive movements!" }, { "docid": "7150849", "title": "Home Remedies for Hives", "text": "To help your investigation along, here's a look at the primary causes of hives. Perhaps you'll be lucky and discover the source of your itchy bumps below: Foods." }, { "docid": "2987575", "title": "What's New and Beneficial About Tomatoes", "text": "Nutritional Profile. Basil is an excellent source of vitamin K and manganese; a very good source of copper, vitamin A (in the form of carotenoids such as beta-carotene), and vitamin C; and a good source of calcium, iron, folate, magnesium, and omega-3 fatty acids.For an in-depth nutritional profile click here: Basil.utritional Profile. Basil is an excellent source of vitamin K and manganese; a very good source of copper, vitamin A (in the form of carotenoids such as beta-carotene), and vitamin C; and a good source of calcium, iron, folate, magnesium, and omega-3 fatty acids." }, { "docid": "3311454", "title": "-", "text": "For coronary artery disease (CAD), up to nine grams of arginine has been taken by mouth daily in divided doses for three days to six months. 15 grams of L-arginine has been taken by mouth daily in addition to Cardiket™ (isosorbide dinitrate) for 10 days. A dose of 3.2 grams has been taken by mouth twice daily for six months. Three grams of L-arginine has been taken by mouth three times daily for the first three days, followed by nine grams on day four." }, { "docid": "3491288", "title": "-", "text": "These foods are good for everyone, not just people with kidney disease, so by using them in your family's meals, you'll be helping your loved ones enjoy good health too. 1. Red bell peppers. Red bell peppers are a good choice for those concerned about kidney health, because they're low in potassium.ost of us know that eating a balanced diet is important for good health. Now scientists have pinpointed certain foods as super foods. In addition to promoting overall health, these are foods for kidney health as well." }, { "docid": "752672", "title": "How do I increase nitric oxide naturally?", "text": "Vitamin C also acts as a “protector” of sorts in maintaining nitric oxide levels. Because of this oranges can help to make nitric oxide more available during your workouts. Other foods that help with the production of nitric oxide are those that contain L-arginine.This amino acid is found in grains, fish and even meats. It passes from these foods to the intestine which then passes into the blood.itamin C also acts as a “protector” of sorts in maintaining nitric oxide levels. Because of this oranges can help to make nitric oxide more available during your workouts. Other foods that help with the production of nitric oxide are those that contain L-arginine." }, { "docid": "4350238", "title": "What's New and Beneficial About Cauliflower", "text": "Nutritional Profile. Peanuts are an excellent source of biotin. They are also a very good source of copper as well as a good source of manganese, niacin, molybdenum, folate, vitamin E, phosphorus, vitamin B1, and protein. For an in-depth nutritional profile click here: Peanuts.utritional Profile. Peanuts are an excellent source of biotin. They are also a very good source of copper as well as a good source of manganese, niacin, molybdenum, folate, vitamin E, phosphorus, vitamin B1, and protein. For an in-depth nutritional profile click here: Peanuts." }, { "docid": "8390071", "title": "List Of Carbohydrate Foods", "text": "So choose all of your carbohydrates from this great list of healthy carbohydrate foods. List of Carbohydrate Foods for Good Carbs Good carbohydrates have been proven over and over again through valid peer-reviewed research to be essential to good health." }, { "docid": "925055", "title": "Arginine", "text": "Generic Name: arginine Drug Class: Diagnostics, Endocrine; Growth Hormone Releasing Factors. What Is Arginine and How Does It Work? Arginine is a chemical building block called an amino acid. It is obtained from the diet and is necessary for the body to make proteins. Arginine is found in red meat, poultry, fish, and dairy products. It can also be made in a laboratory and used as medicine. Arginine is converted in the body into a chemical called nitric oxide. Nitric oxide causes blood vessels to open wider for improved blood flow. Arginine also stimulates the release of growth hormone, insulin, and other substances in the body. Arginine is used for treatment of heart and blood vessel conditions including congestive heart failure , chest pain, high blood pressure, and coronary artery disease." }, { "docid": "209448", "title": "How much calcium does cheese have compared to milk?", "text": "Milk will give you more calcium than cheese, but there are lots of foods that are a good source of calcium. Below is a short list of foods and how much calcium they will give you. Milk 1 cup 290-300. Swiss cheese 1 oz (slice) 250-270. Yogurt 1 cup 240-400. American cheese 1 oz (slice) 165-200." }, { "docid": "3393430", "title": "-", "text": "Each serving of Mega Cardio Health Plus™ contains 100mg Resveratrol, 5000 mg of the Amino Acid L-Arginine. Each serving of Mega Cardio Health Plus™ contains 200 mg of the Amino Acid L-Citrulline. 70 Plant Source Ionic Minerals ( 2,000mg/oz ) - Your body most efficiently absorbs minerals in plant source ionic form." } ]
what foods are best to eat for nausea
[ { "docid": "722075", "title": "healthThe Best Foods for Nausea", "text": "Unfortunately, not eating can make nausea worse, so it’s important to eat small amounts of the right kind of food. The best foods for treating nausea are not too hot or spicy. Warm soup with crackers is a good queasiness cure. Cool or cold foods are also helpful for your stomach, such as yogurt, popsicles, and cold beverages." } ]
[ { "docid": "909942", "title": "Foods To Eat On The Candida Diet", "text": "Foods To Eat On The Candida Diet The great news is that the Foods To Eat list contains many delicious, healthy foods. There are lots of tasty sources of protein, fat, and non-starchy carbohydrate that you can use to create mouthwatering meals." }, { "docid": "797793", "title": "-", "text": "1 Grapes and Raisins. 2 Cats are not likely to eat these, and there are no reports of cats becoming ill from these foods. 3 However, dogs can suffer acute kidney failure from eating grapes or raisins, so it is best to not to risk your cat's health and not let him eat these foods." }, { "docid": "8394444", "title": "Nausea and Vomiting of Pregnancy", "text": "Initial treatment of women with mild nausea and vomiting of pregnancy (i.e., morning sickness) should include dietary changes. Affected pregnant women should be instructed to eat frequent, small meals and to avoid smells and food textures that cause nausea." }, { "docid": "6650973", "title": "Mealtime and Children on the Autism Spectrum: Beyond Picky, Fussy, and Fads", "text": "Some children with autism spectrum disorders will eat mostly foods that fit into only one of these four categories; sweet, sour, bitter or salty. It is common, for example, that a child will choose to eat mostly or only foods which are salty and not be interested in sweet foods." }, { "docid": "2325632", "title": "-", "text": "what are the main foods that people in kenya eat could u please send me a list of the meats veg and fruits ect ect thnakyou so much. alex. Answer. Hello Alex, In Kenya, we eat most foods that you eat...I'm assuming you are in the West..so we have the burgers and hotdogs and French fries (only we call them chips).However, such foods are considered 'high brow' foods, not everyone can afford a staple diet of them.o we mainly eat beans, maize (a mix of both is called 'githeri'), carrots, tomatoes, kales, cauliflower, capsicum, coriander, spinach, onions, beetroot, cucumber...etc. All these are found in plenty and are basically very affordable for the average Kenyan." }, { "docid": "8162300", "title": "-", "text": "Fats, oils and sweets are not bad foods. When we eat them along with foods like grains, fruits, vegetables, milk and meat products they are part of a healthy diet. Eating too many fats, oils or sweets can be a problem when we eat them instead of foods and nutrients we get in the other food groups. Fats, oils and sweets add flavor and variety to our diets." }, { "docid": "4375928", "title": "Weight Loss Program, Part 5: Cravings, Overeating & The Brain Connection", "text": "But many strong connections between what we eat and the effects of different foods on our mood have emerged. Serotonin, endorphins, and dopamine are three neurotransmitters in the brain that have a strong connection to the foods you eat, your cravings, and your mood.Let's discuss each of them, their functions, and the foods that can alter their production.ut many strong connections between what we eat and the effects of different foods on our mood have emerged. Serotonin, endorphins, and dopamine are three neurotransmitters in the brain that have a strong connection to the foods you eat, your cravings, and your mood." }, { "docid": "7275482", "title": "-", "text": "To get a smart baby while pregnant you have to eat some foods and supplements that make your baby smart. Here is a list of foods to eat during pregnancy to To get a smart baby while pregnant you have to eat some foods and supplements that make your baby smart." }, { "docid": "3014531", "title": "-", "text": "2) Foods to Eat. Here is a sample list of foods to eat during a 7-day detox diet. Simply stock up on your favorite ingredients or try these 27 delicious detox meals. Learn more about our top 20 detox foods and how to use them, and check out our sample menu plan. A sample list of foods to exclude on a 7-day detox." }, { "docid": "5510229", "title": "What to Do if You Think You Ate Bad Food", "text": "BananaStock/BananaStock/Getty Images. If experience stomach aches right after you eat, you may conclude that you've eaten something bad or something your stomach doesn't agree with. Eating undercooked meat can lead to food poisoning and painful stomach aches.uring these circumstances, it's safe to avoid foods that are more difficult to digest, such as meat and fried foods. Eating heavy foods may cause you to release it. Eating is still necessary, so it will be best to eat after you've stop vomiting. Eat lighter foods such as jello or crackers." }, { "docid": "2243086", "title": "-", "text": "Forget about counting calories. If you eat from the list of nutrient dense foods (which includes bacon), you can eat as much as you want, as often as you want. Eating nutrient poor foods leads to toxic hunger and even withdrawal symptoms when you try to clean up your diet." }, { "docid": "3316946", "title": "How to Avoid Bloating When Drinking Wine", "text": "Eat foods not known to lead to bloat in the hours before and after drinking wine. Foods that may cause bloat include red meat, fried foods and any food that typically causes gas, such as broccoli and beans. Drinks to avoid include coffee, carbonated sodas and those containing artificial sweeteners. Eat and drink in moderation." }, { "docid": "6636471", "title": "-", "text": "The foods you eat can affect how the kidneys work. When you have kidney disease, you need to limit the amount of protein you eat. You also need to limit foods high in potassium and sodium. You may need to limit foods high in phosphorus." }, { "docid": "7708223", "title": "-", "text": "Ready To Eat Foods. According to the FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration) all of the. following are considered to be ready to eat foods:  Any raw or partially-cooked animal food served as edible with the. conditions that the consumer is advised to the potential hazards and." }, { "docid": "3954015", "title": "-", "text": "1 Spicy foods do not cause ulcers, but they may make symptoms worse in some people. 2 If spicy foods bother you, avoid or eat less of them. 3 You can continue to eat spicy foods if they don't cause you discomfort." }, { "docid": "2868157", "title": "Becoming a Vegetarian", "text": "Low levels of vitamin B12 can cause muscle weakness and fatigue. This vitamin is found only in some fortified foods and in foods made from animals, such as meats, eggs, and milk products. So if you eat a vegan diet, you need to either eat foods fortified with vitamin B12 or take supplements." }, { "docid": "5823433", "title": "-", "text": "ketogenic food pyramid foods to eat and avoid on a keto diet also primal friendly savelearn more at ketodietapp com ketogenic food pyramid foods to eat and avoid on a keto diet also primal friendly more" }, { "docid": "3271665", "title": "Stapathi Yogic Science", "text": "Positive and Negative Pranic Foods. “You are what you eat — quite literally. Our bodies are made up of food. Literally, our cells, our bones, our tissues, and organs are built from the nourishment that we provide our body through the foods that we eat." }, { "docid": "6561310", "title": "A Practical Guide to HIV Drug Side Effects", "text": "1 Keep tasty snacks around so that any moment of appetite can be used to your advantage. 2 Use dry and/or salty foods like crackers, bread or toast, to calm the stomach. Protein foods can improve nausea and sweet foods can sometimes worsen it, so avoid sweet foods at breakfast." }, { "docid": "6829788", "title": "How do you get a sugar glider?", "text": "Sugar gliders should not eat foods with a high amount of sugar. Please don't add it to their food. Sugar gliders have a preference for natural sugars found in foods such as … fruits, nectar and saps, although these are not the only things they eat. In their native habitat, they do not eat sugar cane sugar.ugar gliders should not eat foods with a high amount of sugar. Please don't add it to their food. Sugar gliders have a preference for natural sugars found in foods such as … fruits, nectar and saps, although these are not the only things they eat. In their native habitat, they do not eat sugar cane sugar." }, { "docid": "3767851", "title": "Can I Eat Oatmeal on the Daniel Fast?", "text": "Foods to Eat on the Daniel Fast. According to biblical accounts, Daniel ate only foods grown from seeds and drank only water. If you follow a more modern-day Daniel Fast, you may eat all plant-based foods such as fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds. You may also eat whole grains such as oats, wheat, barley and corn.f you follow a more modern-day Daniel Fast, you may eat all plant-based foods such as fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds. You may also eat whole grains such as oats, wheat, barley and corn." }, { "docid": "5751172", "title": "Nausea Symptoms", "text": "Nausea causes are many. The origins of the causes of nausea can be confusing and difficult to diagnose. The main cause of nausea is something a person has eaten, primarily dairy products. Dairy is the #1 food villain for people and nausea symptoms can be one of the frequent symptoms of eating dairy. Other foods are also known to be a cause of nausea. Gluten containing foods (wheat, barley and rye) can cause nausea symptoms in some." }, { "docid": "4649590", "title": "The Best Foods to Eat After Appendix Surgery", "text": "If you're not experiencing any abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea after a short time on a transitional, you should be able to resume your usual diet in a few days. But to promote healing after having your appendix removed, it's important to eat a variety of nutrient-rich foods from all the food groups." }, { "docid": "3584784", "title": "When a painful stomach ache strikes, arm yourself with these foods and drinks", "text": "The calories in it will help calm hunger pains which allows you to not eat too many complex foods that could exacerbate stomach woes. Eat starchy foods such as rice, potatoes or oats. Starchy foods such as these coat the stomach lining, which soothes stomach pain and eases digestion. These foods don't stimulate acid reflux, and have a quick transit time out of the stomach, so you won't be sitting around suffering with a stomach full of food that won't digest (such as meat or other heavy foods)." }, { "docid": "1093517", "title": "Nausea", "text": "Some causes of nausea are not easily prevented. While the cause of your nausea is being determined, you can minimize episodes of nausea by following some basic guidelines: Eat small meals every few hours so your stomach won't feel full. Try to avoid bothersome odors such as perfume, smoke or certain cooking smells." }, { "docid": "1997564", "title": "Borax vs. Boric Acid for Pest Control: Safe and Effective?", "text": "If you (or your children, or your pets) eat borax or boric acid, the powder can cause nausea, vomiting, throat swelling, and other health problems. If you (or they) eat too much, a hospital visit may be necessary. That’s never a good thing." }, { "docid": "7370616", "title": "Functional Foods Fact Sheet: Probiotics and Prebiotics", "text": "Probiotics and Prebiotics Found in the Foods We Eat. Today, probiotic-containing foods are commonly found and consumed in Japan and Europe. 3 In the US, several probiotic-and prebiotic-containing foods have recently been introduced into the marketplace." }, { "docid": "4253125", "title": "-", "text": "Foods Ducks Eat. Wild ducks eat a wide range of different foods and they are constantly foraging for meals and snacks. Foods ducks regularly eat include: 1 Small fish and fish eggs. 2 Snails, worms and mollusks. 3 Small crustaceans. 4 Grass and weeds. 5 Algae and aquatic plants and roots." }, { "docid": "5625668", "title": "How to eat on Coumadin (warfarin)", "text": "When you eat foods that are high in vitamin K, you can decrease the effect of warfarin. Likewise, eating less vitamin K can increase the effect of the medication. The key is to try to eat a similar amount of foods that contain vitamin K each day." }, { "docid": "4976926", "title": "Foods to Eat When Dehydrated", "text": "Foods to Eat When Dehydrated. The human body is made of 60 percent water, and all bodily functions are affected if you are dehydrated. Even though drinking fluids is the first way many people think to rehydrate their body, you actually consume 20 percent of your fluid intake from the foods you eat. Some foods that contain high amounts of water include vegetables, fruit, soup and even some desserts." } ]
what foods are rich in vitamin b12
[ { "docid": "3902931", "title": "Niacin In-Depth Report", "text": "The best sources of Vitamin B 12 include: eggs, milk, cheese, milk products, meat, fish, shellfish and poultry. Some soy and rice beverages as well as soy based meat substitutes are fortified with vitamin B12. To see if a product contains vitamin B 12 check the Nutrition Facts on the food label. Low levels of vitamin B 12 can cause pernicious anemia. 2 Vegetarians who eat no animal products and the elderly who absorb less vitamin B 12 are most at risk. 3 Vitamin B12 is found only in animal foods and fortified foods." } ]
[ { "docid": "1216203", "title": "-", "text": "As one example, I will highlight the vitamin B12 that is in Advocare Spark. Vitamin B12 is a nutrient that helps to maintain healthy nerve and red blood cells and is essential to the synthesis of DNA and RNA, as well as the production of neurotransmitters.Vitamin B12 deficiency can lead to pernicious anemia.ecause of its low manufacturing costs and relative stability, cyanocobalamin is the most common form of vitamin B12 that is used in low-end vitamin products, including Advocare Spark. Cyanocobalamin is a synthetic form of vitamin B12 that does not occur in nature, but it can only be manufactured in a lab." }, { "docid": "8781449", "title": "Top 10 Vitamin B12 Foods", "text": "Health Benefits of Vitamin B12. Health Benefits of Vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 is an essential nutrient for our red blood cells, nerve function, and is integral for DNA synthesis in our bodies' cells. It's brain food. Because the nutrient is found in animal foods, like meat, fish, dairy, and eggs, vegans are more susceptible to B12 deficiency. The Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) is 2.4 μg for both men and women. Here are 10 top food sources of Vitamin B12:" }, { "docid": "7787097", "title": "Nutrition level 2", "text": "Your body needs vitamin B12 to make red blood cells. In order to provide vitamin B12 to your cells: 1 You must eat plenty of foods that contain vitamin B12, such as meat, poultry, shellfish, eggs, and dairy products. Your body must absorb enough vitamin B12." }, { "docid": "1782129", "title": "-", "text": "Health Benefits of Milk + Dairy. Milk and dairy foods are healthy foods and considered nutrient-rich because they serve as good sources of calcium and vitamin D as well as protein and other essential nutrients.They provide phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, and vitamins A, B12, and riboflavin 1. diet rich in fruit, vegetables and low-fat dairy foods, with reduced saturated fat, is as effective as some medications in reducing blood pressure in people with increased blood pressure." }, { "docid": "5308287", "title": "The Benefits of Vitamin B12", "text": "The Benefits of Vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 is one of the most popular vitamin supplements. Because it is relatively cheap and carries a ton of benefits with it, you may want to consider taking more vitamin B12 on a regular basis.However, there are some things to keep in mind when taking vitamin B12 as a supplement.he Benefits of Vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 is one of the most popular vitamin supplements. Because it is relatively cheap and carries a ton of benefits with it, you may want to consider taking more vitamin B12 on a regular basis. However, there are some things to keep in mind when taking vitamin B12 as a supplement." }, { "docid": "7152487", "title": "-", "text": "Healthy, strong hair relies on a constant supply of blood and oxygen. A deficiency of these B vitamins is like cutting off the blood supply to your hair, leading to increased hair loss, damaged hair, and slow regrowth. The best sources of vitamin B6 and B12 are protein-rich foods like meat, chicken, fish, eggs, pork, and soybeans." }, { "docid": "3769517", "title": "-", "text": "Tags: anxiety, depression, low b12, Mood disorders, symptoms of vitamin b12 deficiency, Vitamin B12, vitamin B12 and depression, vitamin B12 deficiency.ags: anxiety, depression, low b12, Mood disorders, symptoms of vitamin b12 deficiency, Vitamin B12, vitamin B12 and depression, vitamin B12 deficiency." }, { "docid": "1655045", "title": "Vitamin B12: What to Know", "text": "You can also get vitamin B12 deficiency if you're a vegan (meaning you don't eat any animal products, including meat, milk, cheese, and eggs) or a vegetarian who doesn't eat enough eggs or dairy products to meet your vitamin B12 needs.Babies born to mothers who are vegetarians may also not get enough vitamin B12.ou can also get vitamin B12 deficiency if you're a vegan (meaning you don't eat any animal products, including meat, milk, cheese, and eggs) or a vegetarian who doesn't eat enough eggs or dairy products to meet your vitamin B12 needs." }, { "docid": "4120096", "title": "-", "text": "Along with other B vitamins, vitamin B12 is important for converting the food you eat into cellular energy.† Vitamin B12 is also important for proper red blood cell formation and normal function of the nervous system.† Vitamin B12 supplements may be important for vegetarians and vegans who avoid dietary sources rich in vitamin B12.†." }, { "docid": "5570764", "title": "Healthy & Active Lifestyle Tips", "text": "Vitamin B12: Why You Need It and Where to Get It. Like other B vitamins, vitamin B12 is a nutrient that supports the formation of red blood cells and the maintenance of the central nervous system. You can find vitamin B12 in a variety of animal products, including fish, meat, poultry, eggs and dairy. Plant foods like almond milk and cereal may contain vitamin B12 if they are fortified. Still, vitamin B12 deficiency affects between 1.5% and 15% of Americans, and some are at a higher risk than others. Because strict vegetarians and vegans eliminate animal products from their diet, this group is at a higher risk of vitamin B12 deficiency, which can cause anemia and circulatory problems." }, { "docid": "3268973", "title": "Top 15 Superfoods To Combat Anemia", "text": "Superfoods To Fight Anemia: A healthy diet is a prerequisite for any anemic patients. It is vital for you to include foods that are rich in Vitamin B12, folic acid and Vitamin C in your diet apart from most important ingredient iron. The following are the top 15 superfoods that will help you to get rid of anemia." }, { "docid": "710356", "title": "Pernicious Anemia and Vitamin B-12 Deficiency", "text": "Pernicious anemia facts. 1 Pernicious anemia is defined as a type of vitamin B12 deficiency that results from impaired uptake of vitamin B-12 due to the lack of a substance known as intrinsic factor (IF) produced by the stomach lining. 2 Pernicious anemia is a condition caused by too little vitamin B12 in the body. It is one form of vitamin B12 deficiency anemia. Vitamin B12 helps the body make healthy red blood cells and helps keep nerve cells healthy. It is found in animal foods, including meat, fish, eggs, milk, and other dairy products." }, { "docid": "1917401", "title": "-", "text": "1 Riboflavin is a water-soluble B vitamin (vitamin B 2). 2 This means that riboflavin is not stored in the body. 3 You need to eat foods rich in riboflavin every day.4 Riboflavin helps your body cells use fat, protein and carbohydrates from foods to produce energy.nformation about Riboflavin. 1 Riboflavin is a water-soluble B vitamin (vitamin B 2). 2 This means that riboflavin is not stored in the body. 3 You need to eat foods rich in riboflavin every day." }, { "docid": "4116641", "title": "-", "text": "Many people say that the only foods which contain vitamin B12 are animal-derived foods. This also is untrue. No foods naturally contain vitamin B12 - neither animal or plant foods.Vitamin B12 is a microbe-a bacteria-it is produced by microorganisms.umans and all vertebrates require cobalt, although it is assimilated only in the form of vitamin B12. B12 synthesis is known to occur naturally in the human small intestine (in the ileum), which is the primary site of B12 absorption." }, { "docid": "5609837", "title": "High Vitamin B12 Serum Levels", "text": "According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine, the normal serum vitamin B12 level falls in a range of 200 to 900 picograms per milliliter.itamin B12 is naturally found in eggs, meats, poultry, seafood and milk products. Some foods, like cereal and bread products, are fortified with the vitamin. Although having a high serum level of vitamin B12 could indicate an underlying medical problem, the high level itself isn't detrimental." }, { "docid": "7576776", "title": "Sorting Out Yeast: Nutritional and Brewer's", "text": "As mentioned, it's also important to confirm whether B12 is added to nutritional yeast. It often is fortified with B12 (along with zinc, selenium and other B vitamins), but you'll need to read the label to be sure. Brewer's yeast is not a rich source of vitamin B12." }, { "docid": "7869835", "title": "-", "text": "1 Low levels of vitamin B 12 can cause pernicious anemia. 2 Vegetarians who eat no animal products and the elderly who absorb less vitamin B 12 are most at risk. 3 Vitamin B12 is found only in animal foods and fortified foods.he best sources of Vitamin B 12 include: eggs, milk, cheese, milk products, meat, fish, shellfish and poultry. Some soy and rice beverages as well as soy based meat substitutes are fortified with vitamin B12. To see if a product contains vitamin B 12 check the Nutrition Facts on the food label." }, { "docid": "5073809", "title": "-", "text": "Vitamin B12. Crab is an impressive source of vitamin B12, of which you need 2.4 micrograms each day. A 3-ounce serving of crab meat supplies 9.78 micrograms. Vitamin B12 enables your body to produce healthy red blood cells.The vitamin also supports normal brain function.itamin B12. Crab is an impressive source of vitamin B12, of which you need 2.4 micrograms each day. A 3-ounce serving of crab meat supplies 9.78 micrograms. Vitamin B12 enables your body to produce healthy red blood cells. The vitamin also supports normal brain function." }, { "docid": "4669026", "title": "How Much B12 Should I Take? Vitamin B12 Supplements", "text": "The US RDA minimum for Vitamin B12 is 2.4 mcg per day for adults, and 2.8 mcg for pregnant or nursing women. More recent studies put the ideal intake at 4-7 mcg per day.Click for a more detailed look at studies of B12 in plant foods by Jack Norris.). I certainly spent a lot of time wondering how much Vitamin B12 should I take before I became a holistic nutritionist. Now I've got it figured out and my blood tests tell me I'm right on." }, { "docid": "8627661", "title": "-", "text": "There is a total of nine water soluble vitamins, including B vitamins (folate, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, biotin, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12 ) and vitamin C. There is a wide variety of water-soluble vitamins in foods such as fruit, vegetables, potatoes, grains, and dairy foods." }, { "docid": "987765", "title": "-", "text": "Taking too much vitamin B6 can be harmful because excess amounts of B6 can cause nerve damage. Taking too much vitamin B12 is rare, but excess amounts of B12 may cause complications for people with certain underlying conditions. Consult your doctor before taking vitamin B6 or vitamin B12 to avoid health problems." }, { "docid": "3535662", "title": "The 10 Best Vitamins for Hair Regrowth", "text": "Vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 is one of the most important vitamins for our hair and a deficiency can result in hair loss and premature graying. A surprising number of people are deficient in B12. Including enough vitamin C and iron in your diet will help you body absorb more B12." }, { "docid": "193680", "title": "Healthy Food for the Nervous System", "text": "Foods with Vitamin B12. A vitamin B-12 deficiency harms the nervous system and can cause symptoms such as numbness and tingling in the feet and hands. Clams serve as an an excellent source of vitamin B-12, along with fish, meat, eggs and dairy products. Foods derived from plants do not contain vitamin B-12." }, { "docid": "5609840", "title": "What is a vitamin B-12 deficiency?", "text": "A vitamin B12 level test measures the amount of B12 in your blood. B12 is an important vitamin for many basic bodily functions, such as brain health, blood cell production, and proper nerve functioning.Low B12 levels can lead to serious nerve damage and deteriorating brain functions.esults of a Vitamin B12 Test. Both high and low levels of vitamin B12 may be a problem. High levels of B12 may be present in people who have liver disease, certain types of leukemia, and diabetes." }, { "docid": "6903835", "title": "Best Foods + Worst Foods to Avoid Herpes Outbreaks", "text": "Foods rich in B vitamins like B6, B12, and folic acid may help reduce the amount of headaches, which is why salmon and tuna are great diet additions for beating pain." }, { "docid": "2503021", "title": "-", "text": "A vitamin B12 level test measures the amount of B12 in your blood. B12 is an important vitamin for many basic bodily functions, such as brain health, blood cell production, and proper nerve functioning.Low B12 levels can lead to serious nerve damage and deteriorating brain functions. vitamin B12 level test measures the amount of B12 in your blood. B12 is an important vitamin for many basic bodily functions, such as brain health, blood cell production, and proper nerve functioning." }, { "docid": "1796693", "title": "Vegetarianism", "text": "1 Eat fortified foods two or three times a day to get at least three micrograms (mcg or µg) of B12 a day or. 2 Take one B12 supplement daily providing at least 10 micrograms or. 3 Take a weekly B12 supplement providing at least 2000 micrograms.he only reliable vegan sources of B12 are foods fortified with B12 (including some plant milks, some soy products and some breakfast cereals) and B12 supplements. Vitamin B12, whether in supplements, fortified foods, or animal products, comes from micro-organisms." }, { "docid": "5525873", "title": "What Foods Have Abundant B12?", "text": "Vitamin B12 is a large, complex vitamin involved in a wide variety of functions in your body. Some B12 is produced by friendly bacteria in your large intestine, but you need dietary sources in order to avoid deficiency symptoms. Many animal-based foods are high in vitamin B12 and make excellent natural sources.itamin B12 is a large, complex vitamin involved in a wide variety of functions in your body. Some B12 is produced by friendly bacteria in your large intestine, but you need dietary sources in order to avoid deficiency symptoms. Many animal-based foods are high in vitamin B12 and make excellent natural sources." }, { "docid": "3572900", "title": "Vitamin B12", "text": "Vitamin B12, bound to protein in food, is released by the activity of hydrochloric acid and gastric protease in the stomach [ 5 ]. When synthetic vitamin B12 is added to fortified foods and dietary supplements, it is already in free form and, thus, does not require this separation step.itamin B12, bound to protein in food, is released by the activity of hydrochloric acid and gastric protease in the stomach [ 5 ]. When synthetic vitamin B12 is added to fortified foods and dietary supplements, it is already in free form and, thus, does not require this separation step." }, { "docid": "7639894", "title": "-", "text": "For these reasons, pregnant and breastfeeding women should be sure to include biotin-rich foods in their meals. Given the variety of the World's Healthiest Foods rich in biotin, ensuring adequate intake of this critically important B vitamin can be easy." } ]
Vasilios name meaning
[ { "docid": "6069480", "title": "-", "text": "Vasilios' root is Greek, and the name Vasilios means royal, kingly. Vasilios is a variant transcription of Basil (Greek): from the Greek name Basileios.Vasilas is a popular surname.asilios is an equally unique last name for all people. (2000 U.S. Census). Displayed below is a comparison of the popularity of the boy name Vasilios and related names." } ]
[ { "docid": "427284", "title": "Joanna", "text": "Hebrew Meaning: The name Joanna is a Hebrew baby name. In Hebrew the meaning of the name Joanna is: Gift from God. American Meaning: The name Joanna is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Joanna is: Gift from God.French Meaning: The name Joanna is a French baby name. In French the meaning of the name Joanna is: God's gift.Biblical Meaning: The name Joanna is a Biblical baby name. In Biblical the meaning of the name Joanna is: Grace or gift of the Lord.n French the meaning of the name Joanna is: God's gift. Biblical Meaning: The name Joanna is a Biblical baby name. In Biblical the meaning of the name Joanna is: Grace or gift of the Lord." }, { "docid": "7031124", "title": "Talia", "text": "Hebrew Meaning: The name Talia is a Hebrew baby name. In Hebrew the meaning of the name Talia is: Dew of heaven. American Meaning: The name Talia is an American baby name.In American the meaning of the name Talia is: Dew of heaven.Greek Meaning: The name Talia is a Greek baby name. In Greek the meaning of the name Talia is: Joyous muse of comedy.merican Meaning: The name Talia is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Talia is: Dew of heaven. Greek Meaning: The name Talia is a Greek baby name. In Greek the meaning of the name Talia is: Joyous muse of comedy." }, { "docid": "1519397", "title": "-", "text": "Meaning of Consistent in Bangali, Meaning of Consistent in Gujarati, Meaning of Consistent in Hindi, Meaning of Consistent in Kannada, Meaning of Consistent in Malayalam, Meaning of Consistent in Marathi, Meaning of Consistent in Tamil, Meaning of Consistent in Telugu. ENGLISH TO TELUGU DICTIONARY. Telugu Meaning of Consistent." }, { "docid": "715124", "title": "Emily", "text": "The name Emily is a German baby name. In German the meaning of the name Emily is: From the Roman family name Aemilius, meaning 'industrious.' Also a From the Old German Amalburga, meaning labour and the Latin Aemilia. Latin Meaning:The name Emily is a Latin baby name.In Latin the meaning of the name Emily is: Industrious; striving.he name Emily is a German baby name. In German the meaning of the name Emily is: From the Roman family name Aemilius, meaning 'industrious.' Also a From the Old German Amalburga, meaning labour and the Latin Aemilia. Latin Meaning:" }, { "docid": "7938250", "title": "-", "text": "Nancy The name Nancy is a baby girl name. Meaning Hebrew Meaning: The name Nancy is a Hebrew baby name. In Hebrew the meaning of the name Nancy is: Grace. American Meaning: The name Nancy is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Nancy is: Grace. French Meaning: The name Nancy is a French baby name. In French the meaning of the name Nancy is: Favor; grace. English Meaning: The name Nancy is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Nancy is: Favor; grace." }, { "docid": "1082844", "title": "What is the meaning of the Dutch word goedemorgen ?", "text": "What is the meaning of the Dutch phrase goede leven? What is the meaning of the Dutch phrase goede kop? What is the meaning of the Dutch phrase goede koop? What is the meaning of the Dutch phrase goede morgen knapperd? What is the meaning of the Dutch phrase Goedemorgen mijn liefde? What is the meaning of the Dutch phrase Goedemorgen schoonheid? What is the meaning of the Dutch phrase goede naam? What is the meaning of the Dutch word goedenacht? What is the meaning of the Dutch phrase goede nacht?" }, { "docid": "5981733", "title": "-", "text": "The name Caleb is a baby boy name. The name Caleb comes from the Hebrew origin. In Hebrew The meaning of the name Caleb is: From the Hebrew Ka, meaning like, as and Lev, meaning heart, making the meaning like the heart..Because the name in Hebrew is spelled with the same consonants as the word for dog, the name is commonly thought to mean dog.he name Caleb comes from the Hebrew origin. In Hebrew The meaning of the name Caleb is: From the Hebrew Ka, meaning like, as and Lev, meaning heart, making the meaning like the heart.." }, { "docid": "6186575", "title": "-", "text": "Greek Meaning: The name Jayson is a Greek baby name. In Greek the meaning of the name Jayson is: a healing. American Meaning: The name Jayson is an American baby name.In American the meaning of the name Jayson is: a healing.SoulUrge Number: 7.reek Meaning: The name Jayson is a Greek baby name. In Greek the meaning of the name Jayson is: a healing. American Meaning: The name Jayson is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Jayson is: a healing. SoulUrge Number: 7." }, { "docid": "1741122", "title": "Victor", "text": "Latin Meaning: The name Victor is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Victor is: Conqueror. American Meaning: The name Victor is an American baby name.In American the meaning of the name Victor is: Conqueror.Spanish Meaning: The name Victor is a Spanish baby name.In Spanish the meaning of the name Victor is: Victor.n American the meaning of the name Victor is: Conqueror. Spanish Meaning: The name Victor is a Spanish baby name. In Spanish the meaning of the name Victor is: Victor." }, { "docid": "881671", "title": "Frank", "text": "In American the meaning of the name Frank is: Free. Latin Meaning: The name Frank is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Frank is: meaning from France, or free one.French Meaning: The name Frank is a French baby name. In French the meaning of the name Frank is: A Latin Francis, meaning Frenchman or free one.Famous bearer: American singer Frank Sinatra.English Meaning: The name Frank is an English baby name.n American the meaning of the name Frank is: Free. Latin Meaning: The name Frank is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Frank is: meaning from France, or free one." }, { "docid": "2185386", "title": "Kylie", "text": "Gaelic Meaning: The name Kylie is a Gaelic baby name. In Gaelic the meaning of the name Kylie is: Feminine of Kyle. American Meaning: The name Kylie is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Kylie is: Feminine of Kyle.Australian Meaning: The name Kylie is an Australian baby name. In Australian the meaning of the name Kylie is: From the Aboriginal word for boomerang.n American the meaning of the name Kylie is: Feminine of Kyle. Australian Meaning: The name Kylie is an Australian baby name. In Australian the meaning of the name Kylie is: From the Aboriginal word for boomerang." }, { "docid": "7602416", "title": "-", "text": "Arabic Meaning: The name Zahra is an Arabic baby name. In Arabic the meaning of the name Zahra is: White. Egyptian Meaning: The name Zahra is an Egyptian baby name.In Egyptian the meaning of the name Zahra is: Flower.African Meaning: The name Zahra is an African baby name.he name Zahra is an Arabic baby name. In Arabic the meaning of the name Zahra is: White. Egyptian Meaning: The name Zahra is an Egyptian baby name. In Egyptian the meaning of the name Zahra is: Flower. African Meaning: The name Zahra is an African baby name. In African the meaning of the name Zahra is: Flowering." }, { "docid": "2509681", "title": "Alfredo", "text": "English Meaning: The name Alfredo is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Alfredo is: Sage; wise; elvin. American Meaning: The name Alfredo is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Alfredo is: Sage; wise; elvin. Italian Meaning: The name Alfredo is an Italian baby name. In Italian the meaning of the name Alfredo is: counselor of the elves. Spanish Meaning: The name Alfredo is a Spanish baby name. In Spanish the meaning of the name Alfredo is: counsels the elves'." }, { "docid": "641314", "title": "Peyton", "text": "The name Peyton is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Peyton is: royal. Latin Meaning: The name Peyton is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Peyton is: Regal.Irish Meaning: The name Peyton is an Irish baby name. In Irish the meaning of the name Peyton is: Patrician; noble. Form of Patrick.n Latin the meaning of the name Peyton is: Regal. Irish Meaning: The name Peyton is an Irish baby name. In Irish the meaning of the name Peyton is: Patrician; noble." }, { "docid": "2039110", "title": "Olga", "text": "American Meaning: The name Olga is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Olga is: Holy. Scandinavian Meaning: The name Olga is a Scandinavian baby name. In Scandinavian the meaning of the name Olga is: Blessed.he name Olga is a Norse baby name. In Norse the meaning of the name Olga is: Holy. Russian Meaning: The name Olga is a Russian baby name. In Russian the meaning of the name Olga is: Holy." }, { "docid": "8465690", "title": "-", "text": "German Meaning: The name Emily is a German baby name. In German the meaning of the name Emily is: From the Roman family name Aemilius, meaning 'industrious.' Also a From the Old German Amalburga, meaning labour and the Latin Aemilia. Latin Meaning: The name Emily is a Latin baby name.In Latin the meaning of the name Emily is: Industrious; striving.n German the meaning of the name Emily is: From the Roman family name Aemilius, meaning 'industrious.' Also a From the Old German Amalburga, meaning labour and the Latin Aemilia. Latin Meaning: The name Emily is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Emily is: Industrious; striving." }, { "docid": "1711287", "title": "Anwar", "text": "Arabic Meaning: The name Anwar is an Arabic baby name. In Arabic the meaning of the name Anwar is: Beams of light; shafts of light. Muslim Meaning: The name Anwar is a Muslim baby name.In Muslim the meaning of the name Anwar is: Beautiful.Disclosed.Welsh Meaning: The name Anwar is a Welsh baby name.uslim Meaning: The name Anwar is a Muslim baby name. In Muslim the meaning of the name Anwar is: Beautiful. Disclosed. Welsh Meaning: The name Anwar is a Welsh baby name." }, { "docid": "8722845", "title": "What is the meaning of the word intake?", "text": "What is the meaning of the word intai-zumo? What is the meaning of the word intails? What is the meaning of the word intailments? What is the meaning of the word intailment? What is the meaning of the word intailing? What is the meaning of the word intailed? What is the meaning of the word intake manifold? What is the meaning of the word intake manifolds? What is the meaning of the word intaken? What is the meaning of the word intaker? What is the meaning of the word intakers?" }, { "docid": "5297931", "title": "Lily", "text": "Greek Meaning: The name Lily is a Greek baby name. In Greek the meaning of the name Lily is: Lily. Hebrew Meaning: The name Lily is a Hebrew baby name. In Hebrew the meaning of the name Lily is: Lily.American Meaning: The name Lily is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Lily is: Lily.he name Lily is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Lily is: Lily (after the flower). Pure. English Meaning: The name Lily is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Lily is: Lily flower." }, { "docid": "1103034", "title": "-", "text": "Meaning of Madara. Madara Meaning: The meaning of Madara has not been submitted. If you have the meaning of Madara, please submit it with along with any reference pages referring to the meaning of Madara.Copyright 2004 - 2015 Meaning-of-Names.com-Powered by Swigity, LLC Meaning of Madara Last Name-Surname-Family Name Madara." }, { "docid": "3458607", "title": "Paris", "text": "Greek Meaning: The name Paris is a Greek baby name. In Greek the meaning of the name Paris is: Son of Priam. American Meaning: The name Paris is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Paris is: Son of Priam.French Meaning: The name Paris is a French baby name. In French the meaning of the name Paris is: The French capital.Latin Meaning: The name Paris is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Paris is: Abductor of Helen.rench Meaning: The name Paris is a French baby name. In French the meaning of the name Paris is: The French capital. Latin Meaning: The name Paris is a Latin baby name." }, { "docid": "6281252", "title": "Jacob", "text": "Biblical Meaning: The name Jacob is a Biblical baby name. In Biblical the meaning of the name Jacob is: That supplants, undermines, the heel. American Meaning: The name Jacob is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Jacob is: That supplants, undermines, the heel.Hebrew Meaning: The name Jacob is a Hebrew baby name. In Hebrew the meaning of the name Jacob is: He grasps the heel.Supplanter.iblical Meaning: The name Jacob is a Biblical baby name. In Biblical the meaning of the name Jacob is: That supplants, undermines, the heel. American Meaning: The name Jacob is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Jacob is: That supplants, undermines, the heel." }, { "docid": "8711046", "title": "-", "text": "Meaning of Bojorquez. Bojorquez Meaning: The meaning of Bojorquez has not been submitted. If you have the meaning of Bojorquez, please submit it with along with any reference pages referring to the meaning of Bojorquez.Copyright 2004 - 2015 Meaning-of-Names.com-Powered by Swigity, LLC Meaning of Bojorquez Last Name-Surname-Family Name Bojorquez." }, { "docid": "4578224", "title": "Vincent", "text": "English Meaning: The name Vincent is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Vincent is: Conquering. Latin Meaning: The name Vincent is a Latin baby name.In Latin the meaning of the name Vincent is: Conquering.American Meaning: The name Vincent is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Vincent is: Conquering.he name Vincent is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Vincent is: Conquering. American Meaning: The name Vincent is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Vincent is: Conquering." }, { "docid": "7602418", "title": "Zara", "text": "French Meaning: The name Zara is a French baby name. In French the meaning of the name Zara is: Light. Hebrew Meaning: The name Zara is a Hebrew baby name.In Hebrew the meaning of the name Zara is: Princess. Arabic Meaning: The name Zara is an Arabic baby name. In Arabic the meaning of the name Zara is: Eastern splendour; princess.he name Zara is a French baby name. In French the meaning of the name Zara is: Light. Hebrew Meaning: The name Zara is a Hebrew baby name." }, { "docid": "996562", "title": "Ella", "text": "French Meaning: The name Ella is a French baby name. In French the meaning of the name Ella is: Medieval given name meaning all. German Meaning: The name Ella is a German baby name.In German the meaning of the name Ella is: From the Old German name Alia, meaning all.merican Meaning: The name Ella is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Ella is: Abbreviation of Eleanor and Ellen: Beautiful fairy. A names begining with El or ending with ella." }, { "docid": "6944866", "title": "-", "text": "Sri Meaning: The meaning of Sri has not been submitted. If you have the meaning of Sri, please submit it with along with any reference pages referring to the meaning of Sri.Copyright 2004 - 2015 Meaning-of-Names.com-Powered by Swigity, LLC Meaning of Sri Last Name-Surname-Family Name Sri." }, { "docid": "5573327", "title": "-", "text": "African Meaning: The name Chane is an African baby name. In African the meaning of the name Chane is: Plant. French Meaning: The name Chane is a French baby name.In French the meaning of the name Chane is: Oak-hearted.n African the meaning of the name Chane is: Plant. French Meaning: The name Chane is a French baby name. In French the meaning of the name Chane is: Oak-hearted." }, { "docid": "2014641", "title": "Lukas", "text": "Latin Meaning: The name Lukas is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Lukas is: Light. American Meaning: The name Lukas is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Lukas is: Light.Swedish Meaning: The name Lukas is a Swedish baby name.In Swedish the meaning of the name Lukas is: Brings light.he name Lukas is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Lukas is: Light. Swedish Meaning: The name Lukas is a Swedish baby name. In Swedish the meaning of the name Lukas is: Brings light." }, { "docid": "6187407", "title": "-", "text": "English Meaning: The name Holly is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Holly is: From the plant name. Holy. American Meaning: The name Holly is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Holly is: From the plant name.Holy. French Meaning: The name Holly is a French baby name. In French the meaning of the name Holly is: Shrub.n American the meaning of the name Holly is: From the plant name. Holy. French Meaning: The name Holly is a French baby name. In French the meaning of the name Holly is: Shrub." } ]
what forge is used on forged in fire
[ { "docid": "1216528", "title": "Forge", "text": "Often this involves adjusting and maintaining the shape of the fire. In a typical coal forge, a firepot will be centered in a flat hearth. The tuyere will enter the firepot at the bottom. In operation, the hot core of the fire will be a ball of burning coke in and above the firepot. The heart of the fire will be surrounded by a layer of hot but not burning coke." } ]
[ { "docid": "4435910", "title": "Pigeon Forge Weather", "text": "Home / Things to Do / Outdoor Activities / Pigeon Forge Weather. Every season in the Smoky Mountains has its own special charm, from the colors of fall to the wonderland of winter, to brilliant sunshine in spring and summer. Many attractions are year-round in Pigeon Forge, while some depend on certain seasons." }, { "docid": "8706125", "title": "Facts about September Customs and TraditionsGemstone: Sapphire Flower: Aster", "text": "The Romans believed that the month of September was looked after by the god, Vulcan. As the god of the fire and forge they therefore expected September to be associated with fires, volcanic eruptions and earthquakes. September is the start of the school year. Students return to school after the six week summer holiday." }, { "docid": "1926897", "title": "How Far is Pigeon Forge from Gatlinburg?", "text": "The Spur. Pigeon Forge and Gatlinburg are only about 5 miles away from each other. Or, 17 minutes if you prefer to base it on time. A scenic roadway nicknamed The Spur separates the two towns. The Spur cuts through the thin stretch of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park that divides Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge." }, { "docid": "1117464", "title": "-", "text": "Windows and Mac. 1 1. Determine your Minecraft version. A lot of what you'll be installing is dependent on the version of Minecraft you are playing. 2 2. Download Forge for Minecraft. Forge is a mod manager that virtually all mods use to load into Minecraft. 3 3. Install Forge. Double-click the JAR file that you downloaded. 4. Download a mod file." }, { "docid": "5735937", "title": "Forge Point", "text": "Forge Point. Forge Points, or simply referred to as FP or F.P., are used to research various Technologies, Trade with other players, and to upgrade Great Buildings. It will cost you 1 Forge Point to fulfill a trade offer." }, { "docid": "4174809", "title": "Driving Distance to Pigeon Forge", "text": "Here is a list of cities that many of our visitors travel from to visit us in pigeon Forge. Atlanta, GA to Pigeon Forge, TN is about 205 miles. Dayton, OH to Pigeon Forge, TN is about 375 miles. Birmingham, AL to Pigeon Forge, TN is about 296 miles. Indianapolis, IN to Pigeon Forge, TN is about 394 miles." }, { "docid": "1117473", "title": "How To Install Mods In Minecraft 1.12/1.11.2/1.10.2/1.9.4", "text": "Requirements. 1 Minecraft 1.8.4 (it will be nice if you have a fresh copy) 2 Minecraft Forge (optional, if you using mods based on Forge) 3 Risugami ModLoader (optional, if you are installing modloader mods) WinRAR (a powerful archive explorer, allows you to edit JAR/ZIP/RAR files extensions)" }, { "docid": "7851798", "title": "Lucky Block Mod", "text": "choose the latest 1 6 2 version of forge if the mod is in 1 6 2 2 download the mod 3 drop the entire zipped file into your mods folder search appdata on your pc then go into minecraft then mods create this folder if it is not there 4 open minecraft and make sure your profile is set to forge 5 drop the entire zipped file into your mods folder search appdata on your pc then go into minecraft then mods create this folder if it is not there 4 open minecraft and make sure your profile is set to forge 5" }, { "docid": "7237311", "title": "9 0931AM", "text": "View time at locations near Pigeon Forge: Sevierville, Gatlinburg, Townsend, Walland, Dandridge Get Free Website Html Clock for Pigeon Forge Online Html clock provided by 24TimeZones.com is really nice and fancy website widget! This analog html clock is adjusted for Daylight Saving Time changes and always displays correct current local time for Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. You can adjust color and size of your Pigeon Forge clock or choose clock for any city in the US here!" }, { "docid": "2251301", "title": "Grafton, Massachusetts", "text": "North Grafton is the home of the Wyman Gordon Company. In 1955, the United States Air Force installed a 50,000-ton metal forge in North Grafton as part of its Heavy Press Program in a plant operated by Wyman Gordon. It was the largest metal forge, and indeed the largest machine, in the world at the time it was built." }, { "docid": "2667517", "title": "-", "text": "For the hottest Pigeon Forge shows in the Smokies from Country and Rock n' Roll to Magic and Comedy, small intimate shows and major world-class productions, Pigeon Forge is your home in the Smoky Mountains for world class family entertainment.Anytime is the perfect time to get out and enjoy the beautiful evenings.f you call one of the Pigeon Forge theaters that does not have a combined dinner and show, you may find that they offer discounted meal specials at a restaurant located near the theater." }, { "docid": "2170928", "title": "What to do near the airport?", "text": "Oct 30, 2007, 5:03 PM. You don't have a lot of time between the end of the conference and your flight departure (presume you also have a rental car to return), but since Malvern is so close to Valley Forge and to King of Prussia, how about a tour of Valley Forge (can be done by car) or a visit to the large King of Prussia Mall." }, { "docid": "365710", "title": "FUN THINGS TO DO IN PIGEON FORGE", "text": "Fun Things to Do in Pigeon Forge, TN – Attractions, Parks, Shows & More. This Smoky Mountain town is overflowing with activities that are sure to please everyone! Pigeon Forge is home to Dollywood, one of two Titanic Museum Attractions and we also have WonderWorks Indoor Amusement Park that will boggle your minds. New additions to our list of things to do in Pigeon Forge include The Island, where you can ride the Great Smoky Mountain Wheel or complete The Island Ropes Course with the kids. Don't forget to squeeze in a ride on the Smoky Mountain Alpine Coaster as well." }, { "docid": "6523843", "title": "TooManyItems for Minecraft 1.8/1.7.10", "text": "Download and install Minecraft Forge (If use Forge version) 1 Download TooManyItems Mod. 2 Browse to %appdata%/roaming/.minecraft/bin and open your minecraft.jar with winrar. 3 Delete the META-INF folder. 4 Drag TooManyItems jar file into your minecraft.jar. 5 Finished." }, { "docid": "597070", "title": "-", "text": "Fire Departments › North Carolina › Patterson Fire Department in North Carolina. Yadkin Valley Volunteer Fire Department is a Volunteer type of Fire Department. Yadkin Valley Volunteer Fire Department is a Local organization. Number of Fire stations constituting Yadkin Valley Volunteer Fire Department: 1 Fire Station(s)" }, { "docid": "2544628", "title": "Netherstorm", "text": "Within these domes, the ethereals work to preserve an environment that is to the liking of their flesh-based clients. The Burning Legion has also taken a stake in the zone. They have established two principal bases, Forge Base: Oblivion and Forge Base: Gehenna, and have overrun the Arklon and Farahlon Ruins. Their representatives can also be found nearly anywhere that Kael'thas' blood elves exist, namely the Mana Forges spread across the region." }, { "docid": "2205045", "title": "-", "text": "Buy API Standard Forged Tubing Pup Joints for Oilfield, Find Details include Size,Weight,Model and Width about API Standard Forged Tubing Pup Joints for Oilfield. Make an Inquiry for API Standard Forged Tubing Pup Joints for Oilfield at OKorder.com." }, { "docid": "6518815", "title": "-", "text": "This is a How-To guide or Tutorial detailing a practice or process for Minecraft Forge or related software. This tutorial will show you how to install the Java Development Kit (JDK). It is required if you want to develop with Java and Minecraft Forge.At this time, JDK 1.8 is not compatible with Minecraft or Minecraft Forge. Use JDK 1.7 or JDK 1.6.his is a How-To guide or Tutorial detailing a practice or process for Minecraft Forge or related software. This tutorial will show you how to install the Java Development Kit (JDK). It is required if you want to develop with Java and Minecraft Forge." }, { "docid": "7215807", "title": "-", "text": "Weather for Old Forge, PA - Old Forge, PA 18518 Weather, Current Weather in Old Forge, PA. Local weather report for Old Forge, PA, Local Old Forge, PA 18518 weather. Forecast for Old Forge, Pennsylvania, Old Forge, PA weather forecast. Find your local Old Forge weather forecast. Old Forge, PA weather conditions. Weather outlook for Old Forge, PA. Weather report for Old Forge, PA. Weather Maps and Driving Directions old forge pa weather." }, { "docid": "4134432", "title": "Where can i FIND daedric armor in skyrim?", "text": "Not to worry though, you can still creature daedric armor without needing to forge it. Go to the College of Winterhold and go into a place called The Midden. In there, you'll find something called the Atronarch Forge. Read the nearby book on how to use it and place the items. Activate the forge and you'll be walking around in daedric armor in no time." }, { "docid": "3619877", "title": "Turretless Vehicle Glitch", "text": "The Turretless Vehicle Glitch is a glitch present in Forge in Halo 3 and Halo: Reach." }, { "docid": "2473124", "title": "Just for Gamer", "text": "Skyrim Atronach Forge Recipes. Skyrim Atronach Forge is one of the most useful features in the game. Using the Skyrim Atronach Forge similar to Oblivion’s Atronach Altar, you can craft items like armors, weapons, staves, and hearts. Summoning atronachs and Dremora is also possible. The forge is said to be a legendary Daedric artifact that was made by the Dwemer." }, { "docid": "8357163", "title": "Skyrim:The Aetherium Forge", "text": "At the bottom of the stairs there is a door to the south, with a scuttle on your left. There is a potion of ultimate healing, a random potion of healing, a random potion of magicka, a Dwarven helmet, and an elixir of resist fire in front of it. Through the doors, you get your first look at the forge." }, { "docid": "4263804", "title": "Cumberland Furnace: A Frontier Industrial Village", "text": "One furnace was Cumberland Furnace; the other was Tennessee Furnace near the mouth of Barton’s Creek built by Richard C. Napier. The forge was the one built by Robertsown wh sold it to Napier in 1805. About 1815, Napier leased the furnace and forge to Anrthony W. Van Leer and Joseph Haslep." }, { "docid": "407271", "title": "-", "text": "Pigeon Forge Eastern Tennessee. Pigeon Forge. Eastern TennesseeOrder the FREE Pigeon Forge Department of Tourism’s Travel Planner and save up to $300 with the included Value Card! Make your vacation plans by using the guide to the Center of Fun in the Smokies." }, { "docid": "8453338", "title": "How to Use Wire Rope Clips", "text": "Drop forged wire rope clips vs. malleable wire rope clips. While wire rope clips are not designed to be used in an overhead lifting situation (swage sleeves should be used instead), drop forged wire rope clips are a heavy duty wire rope clip that can be used for sustaining overhead loads." }, { "docid": "8267489", "title": "How to Make a Metal Forge", "text": "How to Make a Metal Forge. Blacksmiths have heated metal to hammer into shapes for centuries, using fuels like wood, charcoal, or bituminous coal to heat their metal.For a modern day hobbyist, a simple fire pit and bellows will give sufficient fire temperatures to allow for small forging projects.Ad.ay your fire pit floor using fire brick or soapstone brick and mortar mixed with fire clay to withstand the high temperatures of your forge. You will want one layer of brick to line the fire pit floor so that the metal pit form does not burn out from the high temperatures." }, { "docid": "4865339", "title": "Catalogs", "text": "NEW! Catalog 421 showcases the Ladish Valves Flanged Floating Ball Valve line. Catalog 221 highlights Ladish Valves forged line of multi-turn and check products including low fugitive emission, bellows seal gate and globe valves. Catalog 321 highlights Ladish Valves cryogenic cast and forged products." }, { "docid": "4734510", "title": "Valyrian steel", "text": "Having been forged with dragon fire, Valyrian steel is incredibly resistant to damage from normal fire. As in the series, the maesters of the Citadel possess some meager skill with the material, if only to provide Valyrian steel links to the few maesters who study magic." }, { "docid": "2684580", "title": "Fall Colors in the Great Smoky Mountains", "text": "Inside Pigeon Forge TN. Fall Colors in the Great Smoky Mountains. It has definitely been an abnormal year as far as weather goes throughout the Great Smoky Mountains, which has left many people questioning the fall colors and when the leaves will start changing colors in Gatlinburg, Pigeon Forge, and surrounding areas." } ]
what fort did the civil war start in
[ { "docid": "6033711", "title": "-", "text": "Fort Sumter and the “Start” of the American Civil War (Photo of the Day) Michael Levy - April 12, 2011. It was 150 years ago today, in the early morning of April 12, 1861, that the American Civil War officially began." } ]
[ { "docid": "7960903", "title": "The Debunker: When Were the First Shots of the Civil War Fired?", "text": "This month, Ken “Burns” Jennings will reveal that a lot of what you think you know about the Civil War is a bunch of Bull Run. Civil War Myth #1: The First Shots of the War Were Fired at Fort Sumter on April 12, 1861. Since the north never recognized the Confederacy as a foreign government, but only as a “belligerent foreign power,” there was no formal declaration of war in 1861." }, { "docid": "2857057", "title": "What Started the Civil War?", "text": "Research on what started the civil war is scarce compared to how it ended. I find the Morrill Tariff to be highly significant in that it threatened most all southerners. Taxation without representation is what really started the civil war." }, { "docid": "2027444", "title": "The Border State Reality of the Emancipation Proclamation", "text": "In fact, the border states of the Civil War are often left out in the description of what many Americans know of the Civil War. In doing so, many assumptions are made that are definitely not true." }, { "docid": "3615908", "title": "-", "text": "1 Lone mortar shell in Charleston opens 150th anniversary of Civil War (USA Today) ». 2 When Fort Sumter was fired on in 1861, modern America was born (Washington Post) ». ' 3 It's War!': Newspapers Report Outbreak of Civil War (Parade) »." }, { "docid": "8182900", "title": "-", "text": "While there were many causes of the US Civil War, slavery was the common thread tying them together and ultimately leading to succession and war. While there were many causes of the US Civil War, slavery was the common thread tying them together and ultimately leading to succession and war." }, { "docid": "2126413", "title": "Des Moines, Iowa", "text": "In 1857, the name Fort Des Moines was shortened to Des Moines and the state capital was moved here from Iowa City. Growth was slow during the Civil War period, but the city exploded in size and importance after a railroad link was completed in 1866." }, { "docid": "3923340", "title": "Confederate Generals", "text": "Summary List of Famous Confederate Civil War Generals during the American Civil War. There were many important confederate generals and commanders during the American Civil War. Some, like Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson, and Nathan Bedford Forrest are household names." }, { "docid": "5890293", "title": "civil", "text": "1 An example of civil is a war between citizens of a country. 2 An example of civil is when you are polite and say hello to someone, even if you don't like him very much. 3 of a citizen or citizens: civil rights. of a community of citizens, their government, or their interrelations: civil service, civil war." }, { "docid": "8036406", "title": "-", "text": "Shenandoah National Park. In fact, in some parts, you’d hardly know the difference. Fort Dupont was part of the circle of fortifications built around Washington D.C. during the Civil. War. Several other circle forts, now parks, are in Anacostia. A greenway and the Fort Circle." }, { "docid": "2759180", "title": "-", "text": "What year did the US start its first peacetime military draft? What US war was the military draft first used? The US Civil War (1861-1865) was the first official draft for US Troops; The Vietnam War (1961-1975) was the last official draft for US Troops. The draft was ended by Pres…ident Nixon. 8 people found this useful." }, { "docid": "2650557", "title": "History & Culture", "text": "History & Culture The Fort Necessity Story The confrontation at Fort Necessity in the summer of 1754 was the prelude to the war fought by England and France for control of the North American continent. The struggle was known in North America as the French and Indian War and spread around the world as the Seven Years' War." }, { "docid": "241391", "title": "Confederate States of America", "text": "The government of the United States (the Union) rejected the claims of secession and considered the Confederacy illegitimate. The American Civil War began with the April 12, 1861 Confederate attack upon Fort Sumter, a Union fort in the harbor of Charleston, South Carolina." }, { "docid": "8271819", "title": "The Chinese Civil War", "text": "But by the start of 1946, the two were again fighting for control of China. The Chinese Civil War culminated in the CCP’s capture of Beijing, where its leader Mao Zedong declared the formation of the People’s Republic of China (PRC)." }, { "docid": "3321107", "title": "Battle of Philippi", "text": "The Battle of Philippi, fought June 3, 1861, in what is now West Virginia, is known as the first land battle of the Civil War or the first inland battle of the Civil War.." }, { "docid": "2683450", "title": "Cairo, Illinois", "text": "Cairo is located at the confluence of the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers. The rivers converge at Fort Defiance State Park, a Civil War fort that was commanded by General Ulysses S. Grant.Cairo has the lowest elevation of any location within Illinois and is the only city in the state surrounded by levees.This part of Illinois is known as Little Egypt. Several blocks in the town comprise the Cairo Historic District, listed on the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP).airo is located at the confluence of the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers. The rivers converge at Fort Defiance State Park, a Civil War fort that was commanded by General Ulysses S. Grant." }, { "docid": "4281712", "title": "-", "text": "The story of Civil War medicine is only less depressing than the story of Civil War prisons; if the first is lighted by flashes of heroism, the second is ameliorated by generosity and self-sacrifice on the part of doctors and nurses." }, { "docid": "4984411", "title": "Highly Recommended Teaching Movies American History â High School Level", "text": "Fort Apache — This film accurately shows camp life, entertainment, and military politics on a U.S. Army outpost in the Southwest during the years after the Civil War. The Apaches are portrayed with respect. The false and dishonorable manner in which the U.S. government treated Native Americans is not glossed over." }, { "docid": "7226097", "title": "-", "text": "The Jackson Michigan Civil War Rountable promotes,stimulates and shares interests in all aspects of the American Civil War" }, { "docid": "5451555", "title": "Battle of gettysburg change the civil war, History", "text": "Related Discussions:- Battle of gettysburg change the civil war, Assignment Help, Ask Question on Battle of gettysburg change the civil war, Get Answer, Expert's Help, Battle of gettysburg change the civil war Discussions. Online Tutoring." }, { "docid": "3069075", "title": "The South, the War and âChristian Slaveryâ", "text": "The South, the War and ‘Christian Slavery’. In the minds of many Southerners, the capture of New Orleans on April 25, 1862, by Union forces was more than simply a troubling military loss.It also raised the disturbing possibility that divine punishment was being inflicted on a spiritually wayward and sinful Confederacy.isunion follows the Civil War as it unfolded. The loss of the South’s most important port and largest city had followed on the heels of the loss of Tennessee’s Fort Henry and Fort Donelson in February and the ignominious retreat from Shiloh in early April." }, { "docid": "3971610", "title": "Battle of Fort Sumter", "text": "The Battle of Fort Sumter (April 12–14, 1861) was the bombardment and surrender of Fort Sumter, near Charleston, South Carolina, that started the American Civil War.n attempt by U.S. President James Buchanan to reinforce and resupply Anderson, using the unarmed merchant ship Star of the West, failed when it was fired upon by shore batteries on January 9, 1861. South Carolina authorities then seized all Federal property in the Charleston area, except for Fort Sumter." }, { "docid": "7242450", "title": "-", "text": "The most important of these reports were reprinted in. Volume II of Minnesota in the Civil and Indian Wars 1861 - 1865. Both volumes of this. reference are the essential start to any study of Minnesota's military role in the Civil War." }, { "docid": "4919224", "title": "-", "text": "About. This article is provided courtesy of Stars and Stripes, which got its start as a newspaper for Union troops during the Civil War, and has been published continuously since 1942 in Europe and 1945 in the Pacific." }, { "docid": "4453463", "title": "Battle of Fort Donelson", "text": "Federal Penetration up the Cumberland and Tennessee Rivers. The Battle of Fort Donelson was fought from February 11 to February 16, 1862, in the Western Theater of the American Civil War. The capture of the fort by Union forces opened the Cumberland River, an important avenue for the invasion of the South. The success elevated Brig." }, { "docid": "1634304", "title": "Civil War Union Pension Records", "text": "Civil War pension applications and pension files at the National Archives are available for Union soldiers, widows and children who applied for a federal pension based on their Civil War service. The resulting Civil War pension records often contain family information useful for genealogy research. Record Type: Civil War Union pension files." }, { "docid": "3105015", "title": "The Battle of Fort Sumter for Kids â First Shots of the Civil War", "text": "The Battle of Fort Sumter marked the first exchange of fire in the Civil War. After seven southern states ratified their declarations of secession, the state of South Carolina demanded that Federal (United States) troops stationed at Fort Moultrie (in Charleston Harbor) abandon the fort." }, { "docid": "8065252", "title": "What fort did Lincoln try to resupply during 1861 sparking the Civil War?", "text": "How did president Jefferson Davis react to lincolns plans to resupply fort Sumter? He ordered Beauregard to fire on it - the first shots of the Civil War. IMPROVEMENT The intention of resupplying Fort Sumter was confidencially brought to the attention of Sou … th Carolina's Governor Pickens by a messenger of Lincoln administration." }, { "docid": "8689973", "title": "What war in history killed the most Americans?", "text": "More Americans died in the American Civil War than in any other war in U.S. history. More Americans died in the Civil War than any other war. More than 620,000 soldiers lost their lives in the war. More than two-thirds of the deaths were the result of diseases. Dysentery alone killed more than 95,000 soldiers." }, { "docid": "5441437", "title": "English Civil War", "text": "English Civil War. For other uses, see English Civil War (disambiguation). The English Civil War (1642–1651) was a series of armed conflicts and political machinations between Parliamentarians (Roundheads) and Royalists (Cavaliers) over, principally, the manner of England's government." }, { "docid": "3290308", "title": "-", "text": "While there were many causes of the US Civil War, slavery was the common thread tying them together and ultimately leading to succession and war. While there were many causes of the US Civil War, slavery was the common thread tying them together and ultimately leading to succession and war. Top Causes of the Civil War Search the site GO" } ]
what fuels are used to make nuclear energy
[ { "docid": "729307", "title": "-", "text": "ENERGY FUELS Uranium Mining. Energy Fuels is America's premier integrated uranium miner. Uranium is the fuel for nuclear, which is the true green energy as it provides emission-free and carbon-free electricity." } ]
[ { "docid": "1487276", "title": "-", "text": "The solution to the problems of limited fossil fuels and their impact on the environment is to have renewable resources play a larger role in the supply of energy. Converting sunlight, earth s heat, wind, and nuclear power into energy could, in the next century, meet most of the world s energy needs." }, { "docid": "4486964", "title": "Boon or Bane? Advantages and Disadvantages of Nuclear Energy", "text": "Advantages and Disadvantages of Nuclear Energy. The use of nuclear power is debatable, with some proposing it for the amount of energy produced, while some dead against it because of its potential threat to environment and human life.The advantages and disadvantages of nuclear energy provided by Buzzle will help you form an opinion about the same.Advertisement. In the simplest term, nuclear energy is defined as the energy obtained during a nuclear reaction.Nuclear reactions like fusion (when two atomic nuclei combine to form a single heavy nucleus) and fission (when a single heavy nucleus splits into two smaller nuclei) release very high amounts of energy.he advantages and disadvantages of nuclear energy provided by Buzzle will help you form an opinion about the same. Advertisement. In the simplest term, nuclear energy is defined as the energy obtained during a nuclear reaction." }, { "docid": "671939", "title": "-", "text": "We consume energy in dozens of forms. Yet virtually all of the energy we use originates in the power of the atom. Nuclear reactions energize stars, including our Sun. The energy we capture for use on Earth comes largely from the Sun or from nuclear forces local to our own planet." }, { "docid": "7936203", "title": "What is Non-Renewable Energy, Uses, Types & Resources", "text": "Non renewable energy is that form of energy which is subject to deletion. This type of energy is of many uses to us. It can be used to produce electricity, heating, cooking, transportation and manufacturing. 85% of the energy used in the industrial processes is form the non-renewable type of energy.hese energy sources can not be used again and grown in few days. Nuclear energy is the only form of non-renewable energy form which can be reused. 95% of nuclear can be used again to support electricity power plant." }, { "docid": "1690741", "title": "-", "text": "As can be seen in this graph, the total production of energy from fossil fuels is expected to increase even more sharply in the next 20 years than in has in the past 30 years. As the production increases due to a growing trend in consumption of energy, the supply of these fossil fuels will start to diminish." }, { "docid": "4198671", "title": "Fossil Fuels", "text": "Coal, the first of the fossil fuels to make its presence felt in the modern era, remains a major contributor to the world’s energy pool. Once burned in chimneys to produce heat, today coal is widely used as fuel for power plants that generate electricity for residential and commercial customers.oal was the first of the fossil fuels to go into widespread use, displacing low-energy firewood as the leading source of fuel in the US, and triggering the country’s industrialization in the second half of the 19th century." }, { "docid": "6229131", "title": "Resources used to make electricity", "text": "Biomass can be burned to produce electricity, or be converted to a gas and used for fuel. Geothermal energy uses hot water or steam from deep beneath the earth’s surface to produce electricity. Hydroelectric power plants use the energy of falling water to spin generator turbines.Solar energy can also be used to produce electricity. Solar cells change the radiant energy of the sun into electrical energy. Some calculators and portable radios are powered by solar cells.any power plants use fossil fuels. The fossil fuel is burned to produce heat, which is used to make steam. The steam is then used to turn the blades of a turbine. Some power plants run on nuclear power, which is another nonrenewable resource." }, { "docid": "839154", "title": "-", "text": "Found with petroleum in many locations is a gas called natural gas. Natural gas is composed mostly of methane, CH. Coal, petroleum, and natural gas are the fossil fuels. The energy they contain is used when these fuels are burned to supply heat for a variety of uses.Over 90% of all the energy that man uses comes from these fossil fuels.Coal is often burned directly to produce heat.Or, coal can be processed to produce other useful fuels and products. When coal is heated in the absence of air, three useful materials are produced, a gas, a liquid, and a solid.ound with petroleum in many locations is a gas called natural gas. Natural gas is composed mostly of methane, CH. Coal, petroleum, and natural gas are the fossil fuels. The energy they contain is used when these fuels are burned to supply heat for a variety of uses." }, { "docid": "7365375", "title": "NEWS", "text": "Fossil fuels take millions of years to make. We are using up the fuels that were made more than 300 million years ago before the time of the dinosaurs. Once they are gone they are gone. So, it's best to not waste fossil fuels. They are not renewable; they can't really be made again." }, { "docid": "6526963", "title": "Fossil fuels By S.M. Enzler MSc", "text": "Nowadays many renewable energy sources are available for use, for example solar and wind energy and water power. Ironically, we still gain most of our energy from non-renewable energy sources, commonly known as fossil fuels (figure 1)." }, { "docid": "839153", "title": "Energy, Plants & Man", "text": "Fossil fuels are made up mainly of carbon. When they are burned (used) they produce a lot of carbon compounds (carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases) that hurt the environment in many ways. Air, water and land pollution are all consequences of using fossil fuels.In the pages that follow, we shall take a look at what each source of non-renewable energy is made of, and how they are used. Note that not all non-renewable energy comes from fossil fuels. There is also uranium, which is not a fossil fuel.ir, water and land pollution are all consequences of using fossil fuels. In the pages that follow, we shall take a look at what each source of non-renewable energy is made of, and how they are used. Note that not all non-renewable energy comes from fossil fuels. There is also uranium, which is not a fossil fuel." }, { "docid": "7897118", "title": "-", "text": "Nuclear energy is found in nuclear power plants and in stars like the sun." }, { "docid": "3579211", "title": "Advantages and Disadvantages of Nuclear Energy", "text": "With so many advantages and disadvantages of nuclear energy, it's no wonder that nuclear power remains one of the most controversial sources of energy in existence. Educate yourself on this topic to make an informed decision on your views of its use.uclear energy is used to produce electricity. Heat generated from the splitting of uranium atoms in a process known as fission is used to produce steam." }, { "docid": "8603583", "title": "Is solar energy potential or kinetic?", "text": "This is nuclear fusion. As a result, a large amount of energy is released, and that is solar energy. The answer to your question is: solar energy is chemical. It is neither. The release of solar energy is the result of chemical reactions taking place between hydrogen atoms in the sun. Hydrogen atoms bind together to make helium atoms." }, { "docid": "6229130", "title": "-", "text": "Alternative energy is energy provided from sources other than the three fossil fuels: coal, oil, and natural gas. Alternative sources of energy include nuclear power, solar power, wind power, water power, and geothermal energy, among others.olar energy can be used to heat buildings and water and to produce electricity. However, the Sun does not always shine, and the process of collecting solar energy and storing it for use at night and on cloudy days is difficult and expensive. Solar energy systems can be either passive or active." }, { "docid": "6893276", "title": "-", "text": "4. High Cost: Another practical disadvantage of using nuclear energy is that it needs a lot of investment to set up a nuclear power station. It is not always possible by the developing countries to afford such a costly source of alternative energy.uclear Energy. Nuclear energy is a rare form of energy. It is the energy stored in the center or the nucleus of an atom. After we bombard the nucleus into two parts, two different elements are formed along with the emission of high energy. The process generally followed is called fission." }, { "docid": "2249913", "title": "Nuclear Fission", "text": "Fission of heavy elements is an exothermic reaction and can release substantial amounts of useful energy both as gamma rays and as kinetic energy of the fragments (heating the bulk material where fission takes place). Nuclear fission produces energy for nuclear power and to drive explosion of nuclear weapons." }, { "docid": "854120", "title": "-", "text": "Fossil Fuels and Energy Use. Fossil fuels are natural resources such as coal, oil (including gasoline and diesel fuel) and natural gas. They are formed from the remains of ancient plant and animal life. Fossil fuel burning powers our vehicles and industries, heats and cools our buildings, and runs appliances.It also produces electricity that we use for all sorts of purposes, such as lights and computers.he most important choice we can make to reduce air pollution is to use less energy, or “conserve energy.”. In BC, most of our electricity is generated by dams, instead of the combustion of fossil fuels. Hydroelectricity is a clean source of energy in terms of air quality, but it does have other environmental impacts." }, { "docid": "6198473", "title": "-", "text": "The more the value, the more effective it is. Fossil fuels are the highest producers of calorific value in terms of energy. This is also one of the reasons why they are still preferred over the renewable sources of energy or the alternative sources of energy.4. Stability: The fossil fuels are composed of the molecules of carbon, and hydrogen.dvantages of Fossil Fuels. 1. Easily Available: Since these fossil fuels have been of such a great source of energy, more and more extractions are going on every day. The geologists all around the world are trying to find out mines of coals." }, { "docid": "4422627", "title": "Difference Between Renewable and Non-renewable Resources", "text": "The best examples of non-renewable resources are fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gases. Fossil fuels are produced by the decay of animal and plant matter. Their rate of production is very slow as compared to the rate of their extraction and consumption.Another example of a non-renewable resource is our lifetime. Once used up, any individual cannot get back lost time. Other good examples of non-renewable resources are; nuclear fuels, minerals, and shale.Water is a controversial resource which can be categorized as both a renewable and non-renewable resource.heir rate of production is very slow as compared to the rate of their extraction and consumption. Another example of a non-renewable resource is our lifetime. Once used up, any individual cannot get back lost time. Other good examples of non-renewable resources are; nuclear fuels, minerals, and shale." }, { "docid": "5720682", "title": "Conventional and Non-Conventional Sources of Energy", "text": "conventional sources of energy usually include fossil fuels like coal natural gas and oil nonconventional sources include solar power wind power biogas tidal power and geothermal power as well as nuclear power" }, { "docid": "4232255", "title": "General Astronomy/Print version", "text": "In the pages that follow, we shall take a look at what each source of non-renewable energy is made of, and how they are used. Note that not all non-renewable energy comes from fossil fuels. There is also uranium, which is not a fossil fuel." }, { "docid": "3829472", "title": "How is nuclear fission turned into electrical energy?", "text": "In a nuclear reactor this reaction is caused by the heat generated in the process of nuclear fission. Enriched uranium gives off energy through nuclear fission. In a nuclear power plant this energy is controlled in a process that turns the heat generated by nuclear fission into electrical energy.n a nuclear reactor this reaction is caused by the heat generated in the process of nuclear fission. Enriched uranium gives off energy through nuclear fission. In a nuclear power plant this energy is controlled in a process that turns the heat generated by nuclear fission into electrical energy." }, { "docid": "2748060", "title": "Renewable Energy for Japan: A Post-Fukushima Quest", "text": "Before the earthquake and tsunami, carbon-free energy — mostly hydroelectric — accounted for just 11% of Japanese power generation. That percentage is growing, but slowly. In general, with the nuclear plants out of action, the biggest beneficiary in the short term has been fossil fuels, use of which was up 21% in 2012." }, { "docid": "6719788", "title": "-", "text": "This technology was quickly transferred to the public sector, where commercial power plants were developed and deployed to produce electricity. Read more about the history of nuclear energy. Nuclear Energy Today. Nuclear reactors produce just under 20% of the electricity in the USA." }, { "docid": "2765574", "title": "-", "text": "Fossil Fuels. The United States gets 84% of its total energy from oil, coal, and natural gas, all of which are fossil fuels. We depend on fossil fuels to heat our homes, run our vehicles, power industry and manufacturing, and provide us with electricity.he United States gets 84% of its total energy from oil, coal, and natural gas, all of which are fossil fuels." }, { "docid": "854123", "title": "-", "text": "Using fossil fuels has caused a number of environmental and human health effects. For example, burning fossil fuels is the number one contributor to human-induced climate change.lthough there is currently a surge in the use of alternative sources of energy, the vast majority of the worlds energy continues to be produced by burning fossil fuels. In 2006, approximately 88% of the worlds energy and 86% of the Unite d StatesZ energy was supplied by fossil fuels." }, { "docid": "6211949", "title": "-", "text": "The United States may have the most generating power in the world, but as it deliberates how to make nuclear power a bigger part of the country’s energy future, Eastern Europe and Asia are racing ahead.n Pictures: The World’s Most Nuclear Nations. With 104 operating reactors, the United States produces more electricity with nuclear power than any of the 30 countries with that capability. In fact, it generates about the same amount of nuclear energy as the next largest producers, France and Japan, combined." }, { "docid": "2379504", "title": "Why is the activation energy pictured as a hill in two diagrams?", "text": "Chemist for uranium nuclear fuels. The activation energy diagram is drawn as a hill because there is a large amount of energy needed to form the unstable transition state (viewed as the upward slope on the diagram)." }, { "docid": "5999833", "title": "nuclear", "text": "3. Using energy derived from the nuclei of atoms: a nuclear power plant. Usage The words nuclear and atomic mean the same thing when referring to weapons or to the making of power: We say nuclear (or atomic) weapons and nuclear (or atomic) energy. But in most scientific uses nuclear and atomic mean different things." } ]
what gas does a tig welder use
[ { "docid": "647102", "title": "Shielding the weld", "text": "Shielding gases for TIG/GTAW welding. The normal gas for TIG welding is argon (Ar). Helium (He) can be added to increase penetration and fluidity of the weld pool.Argon or argon/helium mixtures can be used for welding all grades. In some cases nitrogen (N 2) and/or hydrogen (H 2) can be added in order to achieve special properties.hielding gases for TIG/GTAW welding. The normal gas for TIG welding is argon (Ar). Helium (He) can be added to increase penetration and fluidity of the weld pool." } ]
[ { "docid": "2547843", "title": "Different Types of Flames in Gas Welding", "text": "The primary gas combination for gas welding is an oxygen-acetylene mixture, but other gases are used. The welder can change the performance of the welding torch by adjusting the ratio of the gases, which in turn changes the properties of the flame. Different types of flames are used depending on the particular welding application." }, { "docid": "8530280", "title": "-", "text": "Job Description Welder / StructuralStand-By Personnel is ... a structural welder for a company located in ... to weld together fabricated parts of structural metal products in shop; plan sequence etc... from ziprecruiter.com - 1 day 13 hours ago-email-more...op Searches. 1 welding. 2 welder. 3 entry level welder. 4 structural welder. 5 waste connections inc. 6 welder fabricator. 7 stick welder. 8 combo welder. 9 pipe welder. 10 pipe welder fitter." }, { "docid": "279309", "title": "SWP Mig 150 Amp Gas Gasless Welder Turbo Fan Air Cooled 9325T 2 Year Warranty 150A", "text": "The SWP Red Line 150 Turbo is a gas or gasless Mig welder thats perfectly suited for hobby and workshop use, this mig welder package complete with MB15 mig torch,earth return lead. Portable Welding Machine. Suitable for hobby and workshop use. Features: 1 Forced air cooling. 2 Accepts 0.45 and 5.0kg wire reels." }, { "docid": "6369803", "title": "-", "text": "Hailing from Toronto, Twiggy Tallant is a tatooed wonder kid! A recent automotive student, she has left the city life behind to apprentice with Steve Darnell and the crew at the car customization shop Welder Up in Las Vegas, Nevada." }, { "docid": "5087958", "title": "What kind of Shielding gas are YOU using?", "text": "No pitting, and the mold barely got hot. But there is another use for helium, helium mix that is... if you have a small inverter welder that only puts out 100 amps or so and you have some pretty thick steel to weld. Using a helium mix makes it penetrate a lot better. Sometimes even too much if you are not careful. Remember, Helium gas is what they used to use all the time... thats why TIG welding used to be called Heliarc." }, { "docid": "4766821", "title": "TIG Welding on a car", "text": "TIG Welding on a car. by Mark. (Newark, NY) Most cars are quite electronic with a computer, etc.. I want to weld a hindge back on to the driver side door of a Jeep Cherokee. Do I need to disconnect the alternator, and battery before welding? Do I have to ground the onborad computer before I TIG weld on this Jeep? What is the correct procedure? ---------------------------------." }, { "docid": "4728646", "title": "How-to: Build your own spot welder", "text": "We also needed some heavy gauge copper wire. We used about four feet of 4AWG wire to build the spot welder in the photo. Other materials included scrap 2×6, 2×2, two copper screw type lugs, two copper welding cable lugs, two MIG welder tips, two 4″ x 3/4″ zinc plated corner braces, drywall screws, and three washers.Pictured above is a working MOT.e also needed some heavy gauge copper wire. We used about four feet of 4AWG wire to build the spot welder in the photo. Other materials included scrap 2×6, 2×2, two copper screw type lugs, two copper welding cable lugs, two MIG welder tips, two 4″ x 3/4″ zinc plated corner braces, drywall screws, and three washers." }, { "docid": "3344147", "title": "-", "text": "Average Certified Welder Salaries. The average salary for certified welder jobs is $32,000. Average certified welder salaries can vary greatly due to company, location, industry, experience and benefits.This salary was calculated using the average salary for all jobs with the term certified welder anywhere in the job listing.verage Certified Welder Salaries. The average salary for certified welder jobs is $32,000. Average certified welder salaries can vary greatly due to company, location, industry, experience and benefits." }, { "docid": "8629998", "title": "-", "text": "From our 200 amp DC only Power I-Tig to our 315 amp AC/DC PowerTig, Everlast has a model with the functions you need in a TIG welder." }, { "docid": "1303047", "title": "What Courses Are Needed to Be a Journeyman Welder?", "text": "School First. Apprenticeship is a common approach to becoming a welder, but it's not the only one. Some welders begin their career with formal classroom instruction at a trade or technical school, then go on to gain work experience.t's a trade with wide usefulness in construction, manufacturing and other industries. Becoming a journeyman welder requires a combination of supervised on-the-job training and courses in the classroom." }, { "docid": "325363", "title": "How Much Do Welders Make?", "text": "Welders are also exposed to a few risks in the workplace and they have one of the highest rates of injuries among all occupations. Find a School. Welder Salary. How much do welders make? The average welder salary is $37,420 or $17.99 per hour. The lower 10% earns an average of $25,510 and the upper 10% earns an average of $58,590. A welder starting salary depends on a lot of factors such as the industry he’s working in, his skills, and his experience." }, { "docid": "3004239", "title": "-", "text": "Flux-cored Arc Welding is a welding process similar to GMAW, in that it uses a continuously fed electrode, but uses a tubular wire filled with flux instead of a solid wire. There are two types of flux-cored wire, self-shielded and dual shield.IG-Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW). Gas Tungsten Arc Welding, commonly called TIG or Heliarc, is a welding process that uses a non-consumable tungsten electrode to heat the base metal and to create a molten weld puddle." }, { "docid": "1447034", "title": "-", "text": "Salary by Location. In 2009, welder salaries in Alaska averaged higher than in any other state, at $61,550 per year. In Hawaii, the second-highest-paying state for welding jobs, average salaries were $52,210 in 2009." }, { "docid": "2587405", "title": "Technical - Sample Fillab...", "text": "These forms have been approved by the AWS Structural Welding Committee for the recording of WPS qualification, welder qualification, welding operator qualification, and tack welder qualification data required by the AWS D1.2 code.Also included are laboratory report forms for recording the results of NDT of welds.hese forms have been approved by the AWS Structural Welding Committee for the recording of WPS qualification, welder qualification, welding operator qualification, and tack welder qualification data required by the AWS D1.2 code." }, { "docid": "4715271", "title": "Whatâs the difference between Mig and Tig Welding?", "text": "The major difference between Mig and Tig welding is that one process uses a continuously feeding wire (MIG) and the other you use long welding rods and slowly feed them into the weld puddle (TIG). MIG and TIG welding both use an electric arc to make the weld. MIG welding is a very simple and easy process to learn compared to learning how to TIG weld. The technical names for these are metal inert gas (MIG), and tungsten inert gas (TIG)." }, { "docid": "354491", "title": "Welder Resume Sample Two", "text": "To employ my skills, experiences and interests in an environment where I can bring value and continue to grow professionally. 1 Preformed welding using mig, stick, and flux core welding. Repaired bits with small holes and, or cracks by tig welding." }, { "docid": "17439", "title": "-", "text": "See D1.8, Annex D clause D1. The qualification of a welder who has taken the Annex D Supplemental Welder Qualification test is valid for 36 months, providing the D1.1 continuity requirements are also met (i.e., the process is used at least every six months).See D1.8, clause 5.2.ee D1.8, Annex D clause D1. The qualification of a welder who has taken the Annex D Supplemental Welder Qualification test is valid for 36 months, providing the D1.1 continuity requirements are also met (i.e., the process is used at least every six months). See D1.8, clause 5.2." }, { "docid": "7059942", "title": "-", "text": "But finding a highly skilled and experienced. welder is no easy task. Skilled welders are in short supply and the situation is only getting worse. According to AWS and other industry research1, the average age of a welder is in the mid-fifties, with. many approaching 60 years old. It is estimated that more than half of the industry’s highly trained. workforce is nearing retirement, creating a potential shortage of more than 200,000 skilled welders by." }, { "docid": "6829858", "title": "WELDING SPEED (ipm) - ALUM VS CRS OR HOT ROLLED", "text": "----------------------------------------------. Jon, my rule of thumb is about 7 inches per minute for manual tig all metals plus add for tack welds." }, { "docid": "5968761", "title": "A short history of welding aluminum", "text": "Heliarc welding – This is an old traditional name, sometimes still used today, for the Gas Tungsten Arc Welding process (GTAW). This same welding process is often referred to, particularly in Europe, as the Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG) welding process." }, { "docid": "8629999", "title": "-", "text": "Everlast Power TIG welders feature pulse welding ability with full parameter adjustments. The AC/DC models feature balance control and frequency control while welding in AC. Panel control while welding is another feature that many users find helpful." }, { "docid": "2278939", "title": "Difference Between MIG and TIG Welding", "text": "TIG stands for Tungsten Inert Gas welding, where the electrode used in the welding is specifically a Tungsten (W) electrode, and only the Argon gas is used. Even though the overall mechanism of the welding process is same as the MIG welding, TIG has a fundamental difference in the filling." }, { "docid": "6591070", "title": "Welder in Chicago, Illinois Salary", "text": "A Welder with mid-career experience which includes employees with 5 to 10 years of experience can expect to earn an average total compensation of $42,000 based on 7 salaries. An experienced Welder which includes employees with 10 to 20 years of experience can expect to earn an average total compensation of $47,000 based on 8 salaries." }, { "docid": "2278943", "title": "Difference Between MIG and TIG Welding", "text": "• In MIG welding, the electrode used is basically the same metal being weld while, in TIG, it is specifically a tungsten electrode. • MIG welding electrodes are consumable and act as the filler, while TIG electrodes are non-consumable and the filler has to be provided externally." }, { "docid": "1844493", "title": "How Build A Go Kart Frame!", "text": "Go Kart Frame Project Notes: 1 This project is intended to be completed using either MIG, TIG, or Oxy-Acetylene weld processes. However, if either TIG or the Oxy processes are used, the weld joints need to be particularly tight." }, { "docid": "628839", "title": "How much to charge for small welding jobs", "text": "Alot of them have been for friends , and friends of friends. I have been stung many times. I think it's now time to come up with a Cost per Hour for everyone friends or not. for Tig welding:alum, Stainless,mild steel. and General mig and stick welding. I live close to Denver Colo." }, { "docid": "7535757", "title": "-", "text": "If you believe becoming an underwater welder is right for you, these are the minimum requirements you will need to possess: 1 High school Diploma or GED. 2 Ability to swim. 3 Mechanical aptitude. 4 Commercial Diving Certification. 5 AWS Certified Welding Training." }, { "docid": "7583994", "title": "-", "text": "For MIG Welder at ResourceMFG in Houston, TX. The median pay of $30k is: The range of $23k - $40k is: We will not display these numbers on the site, but we will use this to refine our estimates." }, { "docid": "2718824", "title": "-", "text": "You can weld aluminum with the Miller Multimatic 200 Auto-Set Elite Welder 907518 using the standard gun but is can be difficult and sometimes trying. The problem is the aluminum wire is soft and it does not want to feed thru the 10 ft length of the standard mig gun." }, { "docid": "7851897", "title": "-", "text": "Brian Boru was no legend although his life deeds were legendary. He was very much a real man and was in fact the last great High King of Ireland and perhaps the greatest military leader the country has ever known. Brian Boru was born Brian Mac Cenn tig." } ]
what gland reabsorption of sodium and excretion of potassium
[ { "docid": "1375689", "title": "aldosterone", "text": "A hormone produced by the cortex of the suprarenal gland; its major action is to facilitate potassium exchange for sodium in the distal renal tubule, causing sodium reabsorption and potassium and hydrogen loss; the principal mineralocorticoid." } ]
[ { "docid": "3685488", "title": "~Hypertension / Hypertensive Vascular Disease", "text": "Aldosterone is a hormone released by the adrenal glands. It helps the body regulate blood pressure. Aldosterone increases the reabsorption of sodium and water and the release of potassium in the kidneys. This action raises blood pressure." }, { "docid": "1015270", "title": "Is there any substitute for saltpeter / sodium nitrate in corned beef brine?", "text": "I'm sure saltpeter is potassium nitrate (not nitrite). I'm not sure whether sodium nitrate or nitrite is more appropriate for corned beef. The other corned beef question (entitled Corned Beef-From Scratch) mentions sodium nitrite. realize there is another question about corned beef from scratch, but the answers don't really cover my question. Many recipes for making your own corned beef still refer to the use of saltpeter (potassium nitrate) or sodium nitrate." }, { "docid": "7980847", "title": "Chapter 4 Quizzes", "text": "The sodium-potassium pump functions to pump. A) sodium ions out of the cell and potassium ions into the cell. B) sodium ions into the cell and potassium ions out of the cell. C) sodium and potassium ions into the cell." }, { "docid": "7143825", "title": "Active transport: the sodium-potassium pump", "text": "In fact, in many neurons three sodium ions are transported for every potassium ion; sometimes the ratio is three sodium ions for every two potassium ions, and in a few neurons it is two sodium ions for one potassium ion." }, { "docid": "8152857", "title": "-", "text": "This Site Might Help You. RE: calcium, sodium, and potassium ions and muscle contraction? What are the unique roles of calcium, sodium, and potassium ions in muscle contraction? Which is responsible for what, and at what point in muscle contraction does each one come into play?" }, { "docid": "5420970", "title": "How to Make Potassium Nitrate at Home", "text": "How to make potassium nitrate at home with instant cold packs and sodium-free salt. Sodium-free salt is actually potassium chloride. Instant cold packs contain ammonium nitrate and if the two are mixed potassium nitrate and ammonium chloride are formed in equilibrium.ow to make potassium nitrate at home with instant cold packs and sodium-free salt. Sodium-free salt is actually potassium chloride. Instant cold packs contain ammonium nitrate and if the two are mixed potassium nitrate and ammonium chloride are formed in equilibrium." }, { "docid": "4368619", "title": "Reninâangiotensin system", "text": "Angiotensin II also stimulates the secretion of the hormone aldosterone from the adrenal cortex. Aldosterone causes the tubules of the kidneys to increase the reabsorption of sodium and water into the blood, while at the same time causing the excretion of potassium (to maintain electrochemical balance).ngiotensin II also stimulates the secretion of the hormone aldosterone from the adrenal cortex. Aldosterone causes the tubules of the kidneys to increase the reabsorption of sodium and water into the blood, while at the same time causing the excretion of potassium (to maintain electrochemical balance)." }, { "docid": "5417307", "title": "Phosphate buffered saline", "text": "Introduction. Phosphate buffered saline (abbreviated as PBS) is a buffer solution commonly used in biological research. It is a salty solution containing sodium chloride, sodium phosphate, and (in some formulations) potassium chloride and potassium phosphate. The buffer helps to maintain a constant pH.hosphate buffered saline (abbreviated as PBS) is a buffer solution commonly used in biological research. It is a salty solution containing sodium chloride, sodium phosphate, and (in some formulations) potassium chloride and potassium phosphate." }, { "docid": "8664152", "title": "Aldosterone", "text": "1 This creates a concentration gradient which results in reabsorption of sodium (Na +) ions and water (which follows sodium) into the blood, and secreting potassium (K +) ions into the urine (lumen of collecting duct)." }, { "docid": "489024", "title": "What is the function of aldosterone hormone?", "text": "The aldosterone hormone is a hormone produced by the adrenal gland. The hormone acts mainly in the functional unit of the kidneys to aid in the conservation of sodium, secretion of potassium, water retention and to stabilize blood pressure.ldosterone belongs to a class of hormones called mineral corticoids, also produced by the adrenal glands. Aldosterone helps maintain blood pressure (BP) and water and salt balance in the body by helping the kidneys retain sodium and excrete potassium." }, { "docid": "1268262", "title": "Role of Potassium in Maintaining Health", "text": "Magnesium helps maintain the potassium in the cells, but the sodium and potassium balance is as finely tuned as those of calcium and phosphorus or calcium and magnesium. Research has found that a high-sodium diet with low potassium intake influences vascular volume and tends to elevate the blood pressure." }, { "docid": "2739131", "title": "Kidney Function", "text": "Along with the nutrients that are reabsorbed into the blood, the balance of water and other molecules such as sodium and chloride is established by the reabsorption from the loop of Henle. In the kidneys, active, passive, and osmotic transport are used to transfer molecules such as those mentioned above." }, { "docid": "7412172", "title": "What is the function of aldosterone hormone?", "text": "The aldosterone hormone is a hormone produced by the adrenal gland. The hormone acts mainly in the functional unit of the kidneys to aid in the conservation of sodium, secretion of potassium, water retention and to stabilize blood pressure.ldosterone causes the kidneys to hold onto more sodium, which leads to more water staying in the body. The more fluid the body holds onto, the higher the blood pressure may become. Potassium may decrease as the amount of aldosterone increases." }, { "docid": "6659245", "title": "Microzide", "text": "Hydrochlorothiazide Capsules - Clinical Pharmacology. Hydrochlorothiazide blocks the reabsorption of sodium and chloride ions, and it thereby increases the quantity of sodium traversing the distal tubule and the volume of water excreted. A portion of the additional sodium presented to the distal tubule is exchanged there for potassium and hydrogen ions." }, { "docid": "619417", "title": "A Pilot Study Comparing Furosemide and Hydrochlorothiazide in Patients With Hypertension and Stage 4 or 5 Chronic Kidney Disease", "text": "Loop diuretics such as furosemide are considered the diuretics of choice in CKD because they can increase the sodium fractional excretion by 20% and because they are efficient regardless of the glomerular filtration rate (GFR)." }, { "docid": "363775", "title": "What is the function of aldosterone hormone?", "text": "The aldosterone hormone is a hormone produced by the adrenal gland. The hormone acts mainly in the functional unit of the kidneys to aid in the conservation of sodium, secretion of potassium, water retention and to stabilize blood pressure.verall, the hormone helps to increase the reabsorption of water and ions in the kidneys to maintain sufficient blood volume levels, stabilizing the blood pressure." }, { "docid": "8392319", "title": "potassium permanganate", "text": "A proper balance between sodium, calcium, and potassium in the blood plasma is necessary for proper cardiac function. Since most foods contain a good supply of potassium, potassium deficiency (hypokalemia) is unlikely to be caused by an unbalanced diet." }, { "docid": "2517989", "title": "-", "text": "The renin–angiotensin system (RAS) or the renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system (RAAS) is a hormone system that regulates blood pressure and fluid balance.ngiotensin II also stimulates the secretion of the hormone aldosterone from the adrenal cortex. Aldosterone causes the tubules of the kidneys to increase the reabsorption of sodium and water into the blood, while at the same time causing the excretion of potassium (to maintain electrochemical balance)." }, { "docid": "3192136", "title": "Renal medulla", "text": "The renal medulla is hypertonic to the filtrate in the nephron and aids in the reabsorption of water. Blood is filtered in the glomerulus by solute size. Ions such as sodium, chloride, potassium, and calcium are easily filtered, as is glucose." }, { "docid": "8355582", "title": "What are the two elements needed for neural communication to happen? sodium and ions sodium and potassium potassium and electricity all are correct element pairings", "text": "What are the two elements needed for neural communication to happen? sodium and ions sodium and potassium potassium and electricity all are correct element pairings." }, { "docid": "3246549", "title": "Potassium Iodide (KI)", "text": "What is Potassium Iodide (KI)? KI (potassium iodide) is a salt of stable (not radioactive) iodine that can help block radioactive iodine from being absorbed by the thyroid gland, thus protecting this gland from radiation injury. The thyroid gland is the part of the body that is most sensitive to radioactive iodine." }, { "docid": "3867139", "title": "Too Much or Too Little Potassium", "text": "In the study described above, even the group with the healthiest sodium-potassium balance wasn't stellar: They typically got about 2,700 mg of sodium and 2,900 mg of potassium each day. The group with the least healthy sodium-potassium balance consumed close to 3,800 mg of sodium and about 2,700 mg of potassium." }, { "docid": "2999206", "title": "-", "text": "Epithelial Transport. Sodium is the most important ion in relation to reabsorption from the proximal tubule. Water and chloride follow sodium passively and many other ions, compounds and molecules are absorbed through co-transporters with sodium.pithelial Transport. Sodium is the most important ion in relation to reabsorption from the proximal tubule. Water and chloride follow sodium passively and many other ions, compounds and molecules are absorbed through co-transporters with sodium." }, { "docid": "976447", "title": "-", "text": "Spironolactone is a synthetic steroid that competes for the cytoplasmic aldosterone receptor. It. increases the secretion of water and sodium, while decreasing the excretion of potassium, by. competing for the aldosterone sensitive Na+/K+ channel in the distal tubule of the nephron." }, { "docid": "2386050", "title": "-", "text": "Depolarization of a nerve cell is caused by. A. the sodium potassium pump. B. sodium ions entering the cell. C. the opening of the potassium gates. D. a return of membrane potential to -60mV. 22. Depolarization of an axon results from the movement of. A. sodium ions." }, { "docid": "1191165", "title": "A Primer on Potassium", "text": "How does potassium affect my heart health? Potassium is a mineral that our bodies need to stay healthy. Eating foods with potassium is important in controlling blood pressure because potassium blunts the effects of sodium. The more potassium we eat, the more sodium we pass out of the body through urine." }, { "docid": "6673521", "title": "Lye", "text": "Both sodium hydroxide and potassium hydroxide are used in making soap. Sodium hydroxide is often used to make solid soap, while potassium hydroxide is used to make liquid soap.Potassium hydroxide soaps are softer and more easily dissolved in water than sodium hydroxide soaps.ellets of sodium hydroxide. A lye is a liquid obtained by leaching ashes (containing largely potassium carbonate or potash), or a strong alkali which is highly soluble in water producing caustic basic solutions." }, { "docid": "3020861", "title": "15 Foods That Are High In Potassium", "text": "One of the biggest problems with the traditional American diet? Too much sodium, too little potassium. Studies suggest boosting your potassium intake and curbing salt and sodium can slash your stroke risk by 21% and may also lower your odds of developing heart disease.oo much sodium, too little potassium. Studies suggest boosting your potassium intake and curbing salt and sodium can slash your stroke risk by 21% and may also lower your odds of developing heart disease." }, { "docid": "2954871", "title": "Coxibs and Renal Physiology", "text": "Inhibition of PGE2 synthesis can lead to increased sodium reabsorption, causing peripheral edema, which is the most common renal effect of NSAIDs. Edema and sodium retention are usually mild, resulting in weight gain of 1 to 2 kg, and typically occur within the first week of therapy." }, { "docid": "4902091", "title": "generation of action potential", "text": "Voltage-gated sodium channels begin to inactivate (close) and voltage-gated potassium channels begin to open. The repolarization phase of the action potential involves decreasing sodium influx via inactivation of sodium channels and increasing potassium efflux (exit) via opening potassium channels." } ]
what goodwill stores take cell phones
[ { "docid": "1570635", "title": "Donating Green", "text": "Items that can be recycled at Goodwill. 1 clothing (in any condition) 2 shoes. 3 purses. toys. computers and accessories (click here for more 1 information) cell phones. ink cartridges." } ]
[ { "docid": "684518", "title": "-", "text": "Find Cell Phone Stores Near You. Cricket Wireless has cell phone stores and shops located conveniently throughout the U.S. where you can get a prepaid phone plan, buy a new smartphone, or get help with your account." }, { "docid": "1721314", "title": "-", "text": "companies make you check all your electronic devices, including cell phones. So be prepared to give up your little friend!" }, { "docid": "1577554", "title": "Cell Phone Batteries", "text": "Batteries for Cell Phones. Cellular telephones have become a part of our everyday life. A cell phone can only be as dependable as the battery that powers it. Buying the right cell phone battery can be challenging as there are many vendors to choose from. Smart shoppers buy cell phone batteries online because they know that common cellular stores charge too much for replacement cellular phone batteries." }, { "docid": "2710130", "title": "Telephone Bills: Average Cost and Getting Good Rates", "text": "slide 2 of 4. The Cost of Cell Phones The average cost of telephone bill for cell phones can get even more expensive. Although most basic plans for one person usually start at around $40 a month, most people need, or at least desire, extra features." }, { "docid": "7624056", "title": "Goodwill Industries", "text": "In addition, Goodwill Industries may hire veterans, individuals that lack education or job experience, or face employment challenges. Goodwill is funded by a massive network of retail thrift stores which operate as nonprofits as well.round the same year, Goodwill launched the first and only nonprofit internet auction site in the United States. By 2004, Goodwill Industries International had a network of 207 member organizations in the United States, Canada, and 23 other countries." }, { "docid": "3874523", "title": "-", "text": "Why banning the use of cell phones while driving should be mandatory nationwide Keys, check, seatbelt, check, music, check, cell phone-ah maybe not!Sorry to... Stop The Use Of Cell Phones While Driving.hy banning the use of cell phones while driving should be mandatory nationwide Keys, check, seatbelt, check, music, check, cell phone-ah maybe not! Sorry to... Stop The Use Of Cell Phones While Driving." }, { "docid": "4042568", "title": "mobile marketing", "text": "What is mobile marketing? Mobile marketing is promotional activity designed for delivery to cell phones, smart phones and other handheld devices, usually as a component of a multi-channel campaign. Download this free guide." }, { "docid": "1824111", "title": "Motorola Bag Phone", "text": "Motorola introduced the Bag Phone line in 1990. These phones offered more durability and higher power output (up to 3 watts) than more conventional cell phones of the time, such as Motorola's own DynaTAC and MicroTAC handheld phones, making them popular for truckers, boaters, and people in rural areas." }, { "docid": "5049882", "title": "-", "text": "Bluetooth is a new wireless technology that enables you to transfer files such as music and pictures,from any other bluetooth enabled device. All you need is a computer with bluetooth technology, and an updated cell phone. Most new computers and many cell phones come with this technology.luetooth is a new wireless technology that enables you to transfer files such as music and pictures,from any other bluetooth enabled device. All you need is a computer with bluetooth technology, and an updated cell phone. Most new computers and many cell phones come with this technology." }, { "docid": "1382433", "title": "-", "text": "An SD card stores data, while a SIM card can store data, be changed between different phones, and can change cell phone carriers with it." }, { "docid": "629418", "title": "-", "text": "When it comes to your motorcycle, however, it is more than merely finding a GPS that fits your needs; you also need to find a GPS mount that does the job. Another point of consideration is that these days GPS is almost synonymous with cell phones, as the latter almost always comes with the former included." }, { "docid": "877", "title": "-", "text": "i gave away my first cell phone after 6 days in 1999 then i went back to using cell phones but not that much then i started using them only with a headset now i like to leave it switched off the next step will be to throw it away" }, { "docid": "2314392", "title": "Sprint Corporation", "text": "Sprint Corporation allows certain Sprint MVNOs to accept and activate old Sprint-branded phones through its Bring Your Own Sprint Device program which was established for Sprint's initiative to further reduce the number of cell phones that are thrown away each year." }, { "docid": "2677286", "title": "-", "text": "Designed by Sinclair Digital Solutions. Goodwill Industries of Kanawha Valley has 12 donation centers and thrift stores located in Beckley, Cross Lanes, Elkview, Madison, Ripley, Teays Valley, Charleston, Kanawha City, Summersville, Vienna, Oak Hill and Fairlea, West Virginia." }, { "docid": "6451565", "title": "Phone Radiation Levels", "text": "We have created a list of Cell Phones and Smartphones relative to their radiation levels. In the table below you can check for all Phones the ammount of SAR Radiation and Connect Value. By clicking on compare you will compare prices of the Phone." }, { "docid": "8240455", "title": "10 places to recycle your cell phone", "text": "A study by the EPA showed that only 11% of e-waste is made up of mobile phones, which means almost 90% of them are ending up in landfills or sitting in desk drawers. Also according to the EPA, for every million cell phones we recycle, we can save 35,000 pounds of copper, 774 pounds of gold, and 33 pounds of palladium. Not to mention the toxic chemicals you would be keeping out of groundwater, air, and soil. Here is a list of places to recycle your old phones." }, { "docid": "1639186", "title": "Sprint Bill", "text": "Customers can read the Billing FAQs section for information on taxes, fees, credits and adjustments that may appear on their cell phone bill. The customer service phone number is 1-800-211-4727 for Sprint phones and 1-800-639-6111 for Nextel phones." }, { "docid": "2855729", "title": "-", "text": "2. Call your cell phone by typing your own number into the phone and then enter your pin or pass code when prompted. If you don't have it memorized, you may have to look it up. Many phones have your cell phone number saved in the contacts automatically as 'Me'." }, { "docid": "4586488", "title": "Mobile Devices: What is the average lifespan of a cell phone?", "text": "Over 3 billion people globally own mobiles: if each of them returned one phone for recycling, over 240,000 tons of raw materials could be saved. Every year, over 100 million cell phones are made obsolete. The average life span of a cell phone is just 18 months. The average American cell phone user owns three or more cellular phones. Up to 75% of obsolete phones are stockpiled in drawers, including the battery and the charger [8]" }, { "docid": "3753105", "title": "-", "text": "Confidence votes 286. Yes, it is possible to have ONE cell phone number on TWO cell phones, but not at the same time. You will have to switch your SIM card from one phone to the other." }, { "docid": "8666331", "title": "-", "text": "Site Search | Cricket Wireless - Cell Phones | Cell Phone ... Answer: Cricket Wireless... How To: My Account. ... to choose to have the cricket lifeline credit added to my account ... account is created you should login and ..." }, { "docid": "4191609", "title": "Goodwill - Intangible Assets", "text": "Goodwill is re-estimated the same way that it was when B was purchased, as the difference between unit market value and the market value of net identifiable assets. The new value for estimated goodwill is $1,200 (= $3,200 - $2,000)." }, { "docid": "4847134", "title": "What is the Spy Dialer Phone Number Lookup?", "text": "Spy Dialer is the newest, fastest, SNEAKIEST free reverse phone lookup on the web. It works with cell phones, landlines and email addresses. Even non-published numbers! Try our reverse cell phone lookup by voicemail for a great cell number search!" }, { "docid": "2618667", "title": "Mobile Devices: What is the average lifespan of a cell phone?", "text": "1 Less than 1 percent of the millions of cell phones retired and discarded annually are recycled [4]. 2 A global consumer survey released by Nokia reveals that only 3% of the total mobile phone users recycle their phones (6,500 people in 13 countries were interviewed, owning an average of 5 phones each) [5]. A global consumer survey released by Nokia reveals that only 3% of the total mobile phone users recycle their phones (6,500 people in 13 countries were interviewed, owning an average of 5 phones each) [5]." }, { "docid": "5961579", "title": "Locked vs. Unlocked Cell Phones", "text": "Choosing a locked or unlocked cell phone. Since unlocked cell phones can be used on a variety of carriers it may seem like the obvious and simple choice between the two types of smartphones but you might be surprised to find that most smartphones are in fact locked and limited to a specific wireless carrier.Here are some reasons why.he type of technology that a locked cell phone can utilize is usually pretty straightforward. A locked cell phone can use either the GSM or CDMA technology types, and the good thing about locked cell phones is that they are simple to understand service wise." }, { "docid": "1606381", "title": "BANNING CELL PHONES IN SCHOOL", "text": "Listen to both sides of the debate to decide if cell phones should be allowed or banned in public schools. As students in public school today are exposed to endless technological advances, the use of cell phones seems to be an often ignored modern-day issue." }, { "docid": "3152283", "title": "-", "text": "The Minnesota Department of Corrections has cautiously begun testing a similar concept for state offenders who participate in a work-release program and live in a halfway house. These aren’t smart phones, but rather no-frills cell phones pre-programmed with two numbers: the halfway house and 911." }, { "docid": "5828700", "title": "-", "text": "If goodwill and another asset (or asset group) of the entity (or the. reporting unit) are tested for impairment at the same time, the other asset (or. asset group) shall be tested for impairment before goodwill." }, { "docid": "4944633", "title": "Here's How Often the Average American Checks Their Phone Every Day", "text": "Americans Check Their Cell Phones 150 Times a Day. Americans check their cell phones 150 times a day, every day. That means on an average day (6:00am – 10:00pm), we each reach for our phones every six minutes. That’s incredible!" }, { "docid": "3454659", "title": "Who invented the cell phone and when?", "text": "The concept of the cell phone actually began in the 1920's and was developed in the 1930's with police radios. Mobile phones were made in 1947, but the cell phone that we know … today wasn't made until 1973. It was developed by Martin Cooper for Motorola and was only for government use. Public use of cell phones began in 1984." } ]
what government system is russia
[ { "docid": "637191", "title": "What is the current political system in Russia? Does it have a presidential, parliamentary or constitutional system?", "text": "Russia is Federal Republic with a Semi-Presidential form of government. The politics of Russia (the Russian Federation) takes place in the framework of a federal semi-presidential republic." } ]
[ { "docid": "2242496", "title": "-", "text": "Jamaica Government Jamaica government is known as a parliamentary democracy which is based on a representational system of government.Jamaica government is a constitutional monarchy and as a unitary state is a member of the Commonwealth of Nations.overnment is known as a parliamentary democracy which is based on a representational system of government. Jamaica government is a constitutional monarchy and as a unitary state is a member of the Commonwealth of Nations." }, { "docid": "2069137", "title": "-", "text": "Brivo OnAir for Government (formerly CloudPass) is an HSPD-12 and Federal Information Processing Standards-201 compliant physical access control system for federal government agencies, deployed in a government community cloud. Brivo OnAir for Government is tailored for compliance in the federal market." }, { "docid": "2514951", "title": "-", "text": "During the February Revolution, Czar Nicholas II, ruler of Russia since 1894, is forced to abdicate the throne by the Petrograd insurgents, and a provincial government is installed in his place.Crowned on May 26, 1894, Nicholas was neither trained nor inclined to rule, which did not help the autocracy he... Read More." }, { "docid": "8171873", "title": "Constitutional Provisions for Limited Government", "text": "Our United States government system is known as a limited government. This means our government has only those powers the people have specifically authorized. Our government receives its power and authority from the people and has only those limited powers the people have expressly given to it. The Constitution creates our federal government." }, { "docid": "5124872", "title": "The Cold War", "text": "Communism began in Russia with the rise of the Bolshevik Party led by Vladimir Lenin. They led the 1917 October Revolution that overthrew the current government and took power. Lenin was a follower of Marxist philosophies. His views on government became known as Marxism-Leninism." }, { "docid": "775395", "title": "Difference between Federal and Unitary Government", "text": "Federal government is a type of national government in which government have powers to delegates the power to other elected member of the states while unitary government is a kind of government system in which a single power, which is known as the central government, controls the whole government." }, { "docid": "1691461", "title": "Nations and States", "text": "A system of government distributes power among different parts and levels of the state. Political scientists study the uses of power, including how power is distributed within a state. The amount of power held by the central government determines the system of government a state has. There are three main systems of government used today: unitary systems, federal systems, and confederate systems. System." }, { "docid": "8151966", "title": "Checks And Balances System Of Government", "text": "There would not be a way to determine what role each government official plays in our lives. But with this system, the government is divided into different branches which each control different aspects of the government. The system of checks and balances keeps these three branches on government in cooperation." }, { "docid": "2098052", "title": "Government of Russia", "text": "The Government of the Russian Federation (Russian: прави́тельство росси́йской федера́ции) exercises executive power in the Russian Federation.The members of the government are the Prime Minister of Russia (Chairman of the Government), the deputy prime ministers, and the federal ministers.It has its legal basis in the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the federal constitutional law On the Government of the Russian Federation.According to the 1978 Russian Constitution, the President of Russia was a head of executive branch and headed the Council of Ministers of Russia.he members of the government are the Prime Minister of Russia (Chairman of the Government), the deputy prime ministers, and the federal ministers." }, { "docid": "833706", "title": "Bicameral system", "text": "Bicameral system. Bicameral system, a system of government in which the legislature comprises two houses. The modern bicameral system dates back to the beginnings of constitutional government in 17th-century England and to the later 18th century on the continent of Europe and in the United States. 1 The English Parliament became bicameral in recognition of the distinction between the nobility and clergy and the common people." }, { "docid": "3600190", "title": "-", "text": "A presidential system is a system of government where a head of government is also head of state and leads an executive branch that is separate from the legislative branch. number of key theoretical differences exist between a presidential and a parliamentary system: 1 In a presidential system, the central principle is that the legislative and executive branches of government are separate." }, { "docid": "6625840", "title": "U.S. Customs and Border Protection", "text": "This computer system and data therein are property of the U.S. Government and provided for official U.S. Government information and use. There is no expectation of privacy when you use this computer system. The use of a password or any other security measure does not establish an expectation of privacy. By using this system, you consent to the terms set forth in this notice." }, { "docid": "7278360", "title": "-", "text": "which statement describe a major advantage of a confederal system of government over a unitary system ? A) it creates a balance of power between central and state government B) it ensure's that a country's government will be powerful enough to deal with crises." }, { "docid": "8555615", "title": "-", "text": "1 You are accessing a U.S. Government information system. - 2 By utilizing this system, your information will be kept separate from other users.However, federal government emergency management employees will have access to your information to better assist you in the event of an emergency." }, { "docid": "5659553", "title": "-", "text": "Democracy- a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system. Oli…garchy- a form of government in which all power is vested in a few persons or in a dominant class or clique; government by the few." }, { "docid": "4836981", "title": "Sewardâs Folly", "text": "The czarist government of Russia, which had established a presence in Alaska in the mid-18th century, first approached the United States about selling the territory during the administration of President James Buchanan, but negotiations were stalled by the outbreak of the Civil War." }, { "docid": "2296769", "title": "-", "text": "Central Government. Unlike the UK, USA, Australia, Canada or many other countries, New Zealand doesn’t have state or provincial governments. So our system of government is more compact and straightforward. There are just two tiers.There is the central government which makes decisions affecting New Zealand as a whole.Then there is local government, which looks after the interests and needs of specific communities through regional, city or district councils.o our system of government is more compact and straightforward. There are just two tiers. There is the central government which makes decisions affecting New Zealand as a whole. Then there is local government, which looks after the interests and needs of specific communities through regional, city or district councils." }, { "docid": "4970046", "title": "-", "text": "In a presidential system, the leader of the executive is both the head of state and head of government. In a parliamentary system, a cabinet minister responsible to the legislature is the head of government, while the head of state is usually a largely ceremonial monarch or president. Constitution." }, { "docid": "965148", "title": "Astrakhan, Russia Time Zone - Astrakhan, Russia Current Time - Daylight Saving Time", "text": "Astrakhan, Russia is in Russia Time Zone 3 Astrakhan is the administrative center city of Astrakhan Oblast: The Current Time in Astrakhan, Russia is: Wednesday 2/7/2018 9:08 AM UTC+04:00 Astrakhan, Russia is in the Russia Time Zone 3" }, { "docid": "4452322", "title": "Fall of Eagles", "text": "Prior to World War One, Russia was in alliance with Serbia, Germany was in alliance with Austria-Hungary; France was in alliance with Russia; while Britain was in alliance with France, Russia and Belgium." }, { "docid": "5312279", "title": "Did President Andrew Jackson reward his friends by appointing them to government positions?", "text": "What system did president Jackson use to appoint people to government jobs? Andrew Jackson used the spoils system- he ousted former officials and put his friends and Jacksonians (Jackson supporters) in government positions and his Presidential Cabin…et. Making the world better, one answer at a time." }, { "docid": "5498285", "title": "Politics", "text": "Noun. 1. constitutionalism-a constitutional system of government (usually with a written constitution). form of government, political system-the members of a social organization who are in power." }, { "docid": "2741536", "title": "Moscow", "text": "Moscow sits on the center of three parts of Earth's crust. It was once the capital of the Soviet Union (1918-1991), Russian Empire, Tsardom of Russia and the Grand Duchy of Moscow (1480-1703). It is the place of the Moscow Kremlin, one of the World Heritage Sites in the city, which is the home of the President of Russia. The Russian parliament (the State Duma and the Federation Council of Russia (Federation Council) and the Government of Russia also are in Moscow." }, { "docid": "7451348", "title": "-", "text": "The system of federalism balances the power of states and the national government because it gives greater powers to the national government so that our nation did not turn ou…t as a confederacy but it also keeps certain reserved powers for the states that can be denied or taken away by the national government." }, { "docid": "7305492", "title": "What is the difference between unitary and federal systems?", "text": "Posted on. (Answer #1). In a unitary system, the central government has all the power. In a federal system, some powers are given to the central government and other powers are given to the lower levels of government (provinces or states).n a unitary system, the central government gets to decide what powers, if any, to give to the lower levels of government. Even if it gives them some power, it can always take it back. The lower levels of government have no right to their power." }, { "docid": "3877103", "title": "Edward Snowden", "text": "On June 21, 2013, the U.S. Department of Justice unsealed charges against Snowden of two counts of violating the Espionage Act of 1917 and theft of government property. On June 23, he flew to Moscow, Russia, where he remained for over a month." }, { "docid": "2098053", "title": "Government", "text": "SINCE GAINING ITS INDEPENDENCE with the collapse of the Soviet Union at the end of 1991, Russia (formally, the Russian Federation) has faced serious challenges in its efforts to forge a political system to follow nearly seventy-five years of centralized, totalitarian rule.n late 1991, the Yeltsin government assumed budgetary control over Gorbachev's rump government. Russia did not declare its independence, and Yeltsin continued to hope that some form of confederation could be established." }, { "docid": "4549997", "title": "-", "text": "Just In... Rep. Waters: Impeach Trump if there was any collusion with Russia. Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) is doubling down on her push for Congress to move quickly to impeach President Trump if solid evidence emerges of collusion with the Russian government." }, { "docid": "58846", "title": "-", "text": "A presidential system is a system of government where a head of government is also head of state and leads an executive branch that is separate from the legislative branch. The United States, for instance, has a presidential system." }, { "docid": "5209602", "title": "Executive (government)", "text": "In a presidential system, the leader of the executive is both the head of state and head of government. In a parliamentary system, a cabinet minister responsible to the legislature is the head of government, while the head of state is usually a largely ceremonial monarch or president. Constitution. Diarchy." } ]
what grades is the level two book in i can read
[ { "docid": "499099", "title": "-", "text": "Each book is assigned a color coded level. Level 1 (preK-1st grade) is for beginning readers. Level 2 (1st-3rd grade) is reading with help. Level 3 (2nd-4th grade) is for reading alone. Level 4 and the chapter books are for 3rd grade+, and are for advanced readers. These readers contain actual stories that children will enjoy, rather than simple words strung together. They are books that children can, as they claim, read, and that they will read over and over." } ]
[ { "docid": "7333427", "title": "Majority Of Students Have Skipped Buying A College Textbook Because Theyâre Too Expensive", "text": "Of that group, nearly all -- 94 percent -- had concerns that their decision not to buy the book would affect their grades. The survey also showed that almost half of respondents -- 48 percent -- said they factored in textbook costs when deciding how many or which classes to take." }, { "docid": "2882771", "title": "15 Steps to Cultivate Lifelong Learning", "text": "Here are some tips for installing the habit of lifelong learning: 1) Always have a book. It doesn’t matter if it takes you a year or a week to read a book. Always strive to have a book that you are reading through, and take it with you so you can read it when you have time." }, { "docid": "7489799", "title": "-", "text": "The General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) is an academically rigorous, internationally recognised qualification awarded in a specified subject, generally taken in a number of subjects by pupils in secondary education in England, Wales and Northern Ireland over two years (three years in certain schools).CSEs are part of the National Qualifications Framework. A GCSE at grades D–G is a Level 1 qualification, while a GCSE at grades A*–C is a Level 2 qualification. GCSEs at A*-C (Level 2) are much more desirable and insisted on by many employers and educational institutions." }, { "docid": "5120811", "title": "-", "text": "It is important to remember that many of the benchmarks are prerequisites for further fluency development as students progress through the grade levels. The grade-level expectations describe specific skills students are expected to achieve during the year. These benchmarks and expectations are the basis of assessment for all students in grades K-12. Sunshine State Standards for Language Arts (grades K-5) that address fluency development. Grades K-2: (LA.A.2.1.2) The student selects material to read for pleasure." }, { "docid": "4131448", "title": "-", "text": "That is total nonsense. Most people don't even know their blood type and, more importantly, blood type has no bearing on what one should eat anyway. If you read this in a magazine or book, throw it out. If you read this online, set up a website bl..." }, { "docid": "5082235", "title": "-", "text": "These positions, such as directors of large offices, assistant directors, deputy directors and other high-level executive staff, are paid on Executive Level V through II payment grades, and earn between $145,700 and $179,700 as of fiscal 2010." }, { "docid": "4379982", "title": "Education In Kenya: An Introduction", "text": "Education In Kenya: An Introduction. The basic school system for education in Kenya is the same as in many other western countries, including the United States. It's referred to as an 8-4-4 system of education. In Kenya, the first primary school level lasts for 8 years, then there is 4 years of secondary school.After that, there may be 4 years of college or university for those who can afford it, and have high enough grades.Enrollment levels drop dramatically after the primary level.n Kenya, the first primary school level lasts for 8 years, then there is 4 years of secondary school. After that, there may be 4 years of college or university for those who can afford it, and have high enough grades. Enrollment levels drop dramatically after the primary level." }, { "docid": "4083777", "title": "Bardstown City Schools Building leaders through innovation, excellence, and diversity", "text": "The Nelson County Public Library has a book available to study for the A level TABE test. Test of Adult Basic Education: the first step to lifelong success Level A" }, { "docid": "7089085", "title": "Veritas Press", "text": "Legends and Leagues is a grammar-level geography curriculum from Veritas Press. It is comprised of five levels in total--one initial level for Grade 1, and four named after the cardinal directions (grades 2-5), each of which requires a book and workbook." }, { "docid": "2882773", "title": "15 Steps to Cultivate Lifelong Learning", "text": "Even those who do appreciate the practice of lifelong learning, can find it difficult to make the effort. Here are some tips for installing the habit of lifelong learning: 1) Always have a book. It doesn’t matter if it takes you a year or a week to read a book." }, { "docid": "2340645", "title": "Quizlet", "text": "Quizlet is a study tools site for learners in mid-elementary school on up to college level. This site is user friendly, although many students in grades 4 and 5 will need a bit of assistance to set up an account and get started." }, { "docid": "632802", "title": "-", "text": "About Our Audiobooks. Audiobooks help students become better learners. For those who have trouble learning to read or struggle keeping up with coursework, audiobooks can be a powerful tool that supports improved reading comprehension, boosts confidence, saves time on schoolwork and leads to better grades.bout Our Audiobooks. Audiobooks help students become better learners. For those who have trouble learning to read or struggle keeping up with coursework, audiobooks can be a powerful tool that supports improved reading comprehension, boosts confidence, saves time on schoolwork and leads to better grades." }, { "docid": "6938706", "title": "-", "text": "1 Annotate any text that you must know well, in detail, and from which you might need to produce evidence that supports your knowledge or reading, such as a book on which you will be tested. Don't assume that you must annotate when you read for pleasure; if you're relaxing with a book, well, relax." }, { "docid": "2061175", "title": "-", "text": "Because illustrations in a children’s book are integral to the story, as children makes sense of a book, they must also consider the pictures. It is only through seeing the work as a whole, words and illustrations, that picture books can be truly read." }, { "docid": "350112", "title": "The 10 Most Read Books In The World [Infographic]", "text": "But you'd be wrong. The most read book in the world is the Bible. Writer James Chapman created a list of the most read books in the world based on the number of copies each book sold over the last 50 years. He found that the Bible far outsold any other book, with a whopping 3.9 billion copies sold over the last 50 years." }, { "docid": "6412012", "title": "-", "text": "Search form. WMU engages children in grades 1–6 in missions along with their families. Read the latest blog posts from our Children's team. Girls in Action is a missions discipleship organization for girls in grades 1–6. Through GA, girls learn about, pray for, give to, and do missions." }, { "docid": "4757695", "title": "-", "text": "Ashland in the News Read about solutions from Ashland and the solvers who made them possible. Read More >. Book Proceeds Donated to Children's Cancer Foundation Expert team of Ashland scientists publishes book." }, { "docid": "1130192", "title": "-", "text": "There are also some reviews on Smashwords from people who have read the book. The book is available as a Kindle book from Amazon (choose which Amazon outlet you require, e.g. Amazon.ca, and search for The Whale Has Wings). hard copy version is available from CreateSpace here. Book 3 - The Whale Has Wings Vol 3 - Holding the Barrier. This is the third book in the series. At the end of Book 2, the Japanese entered the war with a devastating attack on the American fleet at Pearl Harbor." }, { "docid": "4939458", "title": "Who He? Paperback â September 23, 2007", "text": "Top Customer Reviews. Alfred Bester is my favorite author and it was a surprise to see that I had not heard of this book. It was a joy to read, Bester once again has a man destroy himself in this beautifully writen book. If you are reading this review you most likely have read Bester before, this book does not disappoint!" }, { "docid": "6021264", "title": "7 Ways To Score 36 On Your ACT Test", "text": "Get yourself a good ACT test prep book such as The Real ACT Prep Guide or from Barrons, Princeton, McGraw-Hills or get several.* Read the book(s) well and take the practice tests to see how you do on each of the four sections." }, { "docid": "7310126", "title": "-", "text": "Although his book is written for teachers, many of the strategies can be adapted for use at home. In summarizing Rasinski’s advice where it applies to parents, we’ve come up with 26 tips. Why is reading aloud important? 1. Being read to can be fun, engaging and authentic. It shows kids that reading can be emotionally powerful, and it motivates them to read more. It also introduces genres outside their usual interests and lets them hear fluent, expressive reading above their current reading level. 2." }, { "docid": "5980270", "title": "-", "text": "Jeremy Corbyn on Citizen’s Income in a Huffington Post interview. A new book by Guy Standing: The Corruption of Capitalism. Biteback Publishing has published Guy Standing’s new book: The Corruption of Capitalism: Why rentiers thrive and work does not pay. The publisher says about the book: … This book reveals Read More." }, { "docid": "6347252", "title": "-", "text": "We managed more in that one term than I had done in my whole two years of chemistry and you can definitely take the credit for that. Guide for students thinking about A level resits. One Year A level retake courses allow students to be comprehensively retaught syllabus material at both AS and A2 level.f you have missed your A level offer grades and are not happy with the thought of applying through clearing there are positive options for students needing to resit their A levels. We have been offering intensive A level resit courses since 1984." }, { "docid": "2799395", "title": "Why Kids Re-read Books", "text": "There are many reasons why children re-read and want you to re-read. Here are some of them: All of the above are good reasons for re-reading books, or for reading book series. All these benefits have a positive impact on the developing reader; and arguably (as Klinkenborg suggests) even for adult readers.ook series. The attraction of reading a complete series of books by the same author, is linked to the pleasure of having read a book within the series, and the prospect of reading another similar one." }, { "docid": "6314955", "title": "-", "text": "With the Kindle app, get your book once and read it on any device and share across your family’s devices. Choose from a wide selection of books, newspapers, and magazines from Wall Street Journal, New York Times to Reader’s Digest. Build your own library. • Read a sample of any book before adding it to your library." }, { "docid": "1920960", "title": "What Does E-1 Pay Scale Mean?", "text": "Grade E-1 indicates a trainee at the lowest rank in each service. Pay grades E-1 through E-3 generally indicate basic training, advanced training or entry-level work. For the Army and Marines, E-1 corresponds to the rank of private.rade E-1 indicates a trainee at the lowest rank in each service. Pay grades E-1 through E-3 generally indicate basic training, advanced training or entry-level work. For the Army and Marines, E-1 corresponds to the rank of private." }, { "docid": "7486737", "title": "-", "text": "12 Facts About Disney's The Jungle Book. It may not have followed Rudyard Kipling's book exactly—in fact, Walt Disney preferred that scriptwriters not read the book—but The Jungle Book was a toe-tapping box office success." }, { "docid": "7706684", "title": "Amazon Kindle Unlimited vs. Scribd vs. Oyster: E-book subscriptions battle it out", "text": "With each of these e-book subscriptions, you get unlimited access to their entire book libraries for a monthly fee. You can read as many books as you want, for as long as you want, and with each service, you can download books for offline reading." }, { "docid": "3742651", "title": "Maximum security prison", "text": "Maximum security prison and Supermax prison are grades of high security level used by prison systems in various countries. 1 For the United States see Incarceration in the United States#Security levels.2 For Canada see Correctional Service of Canada#Security classification of offenders.aximum security prison and Supermax prison are grades of high security level used by prison systems in various countries. 1 For the United States see Incarceration in the United States#Security levels." }, { "docid": "3567010", "title": "-", "text": "Boys don’t beat girls academically in many areas at school but there is one thing they are particularly good at - getting the very top A level grades. For the past five years boys have secured a higher proportion of A* grades at A level and the gap has been growing, reaching 0.9 percentage points last year." } ]
what group of nonmetals is very reactive
[ { "docid": "4332218", "title": "-", "text": "The halogen group of elements is the most reactive of the nonmetals. It is also the most reactive group of all chemical elements. Fluorine is the most reactive element in this group. Continue Reading" } ]
[ { "docid": "3880885", "title": "-", "text": "Technically the halogens and noble gases are nonmetals, but the nonmetal element group usually is considered to consist of hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, sulfur, and selenium. Properties.y Anne Marie Helmenstine, Ph.D. The nonmetals are in the minority on the periodic table, mostly pushed to the righthand side of the periodic table. Here's a look at how to locate them on the table and their common properties. Location on the Periodic Table. The nonmetals are located on the upper right side of the periodic table." }, { "docid": "6698447", "title": "vinyl", "text": "The univalent hydrocarbon group CH2═CH, derived from ethylene. 2. Any of various compounds containing the vinyl group, typically highly reactive, easily polymerized, and used as basic materials for plastics. 3. Any of various typically tough, flexible, shiny plastics, often used for coverings and clothing." }, { "docid": "645899", "title": "What Are Metalloids?", "text": "Metalloids are chemical elements that have properties common with both metals and nonmetals. Some metalloid semiconductors are able to carry an electrical charge under the right conditions, a... Metalloids are chemical elements that have properties common with both metals and nonmetals." }, { "docid": "3108433", "title": "Oxygen", "text": "Oxygen is a chemical element with symbol O and atomic number 8. It is a member of the chalcogen group on the periodic table and is a highly reactive nonmetallic element and oxidizing agent that readily forms compounds (notably oxides) with most elements. Photosynthesis releases oxygen, and respiration consumes oxygen." }, { "docid": "1689012", "title": "-", "text": "Some investigators might think that the most reactive metal is francium. This is not unreasonable, since the trend of increasing atomic radius and electron shielding of the nu … clear charge as the number of shells increases will decrease ionization energy on moving down Group 1. But caesium is more reactive. The metal francium, which is in Period 7 of Group 1, has such a large outer shell, that valence electrons move at relativistic speeds. The lower electron density of the outermost shell offsets much of the electron shielding by core electrons." }, { "docid": "2125421", "title": "-", "text": "In a second step, we examined if the combined interpretation of these three parameters could allow an improved discrimination between patients with reactive and autonomous thrombocytosis. To avoid any confusion between reactive and autonomous thrombocytosis, they were excluded from further study." }, { "docid": "2494593", "title": "Which statements are true about ionic compounds? Multiple Choice.?", "text": "An ionic compound is made of a positive cation and a positive anion. B. An ionic compound is made of two nonmetals. C. An ionic compound of two elements always has two possible formulas. D. An ionic compound is... show more Which statements are true about ionic compounds?(There Can Be More Then One) A. An ionic compound is made of a positive cation and a positive anion. B. An ionic compound is made of two nonmetals. C. An ionic compound of two elements always has two possible formulas. D. An ionic compound is named without using prefixes." }, { "docid": "548953", "title": "Elevated C-reactive Protein (CRP)", "text": "C-reactive protein (CRP) is a substance produced by the liver that increases in the presence of inflammation in the body. An elevated C-reactive protein level is identified with blood tests and is considered a non-specific marker for disease." }, { "docid": "6274459", "title": "Reactive Depression: Symptoms, Causes, & Treatment Options", "text": "Reactive depression is a type of clinical depression that should be distinguished from PTSD – in which a person experiences more significant symptoms. Reactive depression is typically characterized in relationship to the events that caused it." }, { "docid": "6808208", "title": "Our Objective", "text": "Displacement reaction is a chemical reaction in which a more reactive element displaces a less reactive element from its compound. Both metals and non-metals take part in displacement reactions. Reaction of iron nails with copper sulphate solution." }, { "docid": "5155167", "title": "-", "text": "These non-metals usually gain or share three electrons when reacting with atoms of other elements.- Nonmetals and Metalloids Families of Nonmetals • Group 16, the oxygen family, contains three nonmetals: oxygen, sulfur, and selenium." }, { "docid": "2258157", "title": "-", "text": "The System Office has contracted with the Microsoft Premier Support group for a pre-paid pool of hours that can be used for either reactive or proactive work. These support incidents can be made available to MnSCU campuses." }, { "docid": "4296494", "title": "-", "text": "The alkali metals, halogens and noble gases are three important groups in the periodic table. The alkali metals are soft, reactive metals. They react vigorously with water and become more reactive as you go down the group." }, { "docid": "5219251", "title": "-", "text": "The metals are to the left of the line (except for hydrogen, which is a nonmetal), the nonmetals are to the right of the line, and the elements immediately adjacent to the line are the metalloids. The elements can be classified as metals, nonmetals, or metalloids. Metals are good conductors of heat and electricity, and are malleable (they can be hammered into sheets) and ductile (they can be drawn into wire)." }, { "docid": "7216205", "title": "Syphilis/Lyme Disease Testing", "text": "Why are screening tests for syphilis reported as reactive or non-reactive instead of positive of negative? The antibody (reagin) that is being detected is not specific to T. pallidum, it just indicates the presence of bacterial cell damage syphilis." }, { "docid": "411765", "title": "Halogen Elements and Properties", "text": "The halogens are a group of elements on the periodic table. Here is a look at the location of these elements and their common properties: Location of the Halogens on the Periodic Table. The halogens are located in Group VIIA of the periodic table, and are a particular class of nonmetals.The halogen elements are fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine, astatine, and ununseptium. Properties. These reactive nonmetals have seven valence electrons.As a group, halogens exhibit highly variable physical properties. Halogens range from solid (I 2) to liquid (Br 2) to gaseous (F 2 and Cl 2) at room temperature.he halogen elements are fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine, astatine, and ununseptium. Properties. These reactive nonmetals have seven valence electrons. As a group, halogens exhibit highly variable physical properties." }, { "docid": "6257832", "title": "Metal Basics", "text": "Silver (Ag) and copper (Cu) are some of the most efficient metals and are often used in electronics. 2. Reactivity: Metals are very reactive, some more than others, but most form compounds with other elements quite easily. Sodium (Na) and potassium (K) are some of the most reactive metals." }, { "docid": "4332221", "title": "-", "text": "At the top of its group, therefore fluorine has very few shells (only one full) and the nucleus is not shielded from the electrons. It is the most attractive and therefore most reactive element in its group." }, { "docid": "6280121", "title": "-", "text": "The metalloids or semimetals are a group of elements that contain properties of both metals and nonmetals. The highlighted elements are the metalloids. Metalloids, also known as semimetals are elements containing properties similar and midway between metals and nonmetals.They are found to divide the periodic table between the metals on the left and the nonmetals on the right. Metalloids often have the following properties: 1 could be dull or shiny.2 conducts heat and electricity, but not as well as metals.eave a reply. The metalloids or semimetals are a group of elements that contain properties of both metals and nonmetals. The highlighted elements are the metalloids.Metalloids, also known as semimetals are elements containing properties similar and midway between metals and nonmetals." }, { "docid": "4296493", "title": "-", "text": "Alkaline metals are reactive because they contain one electron in their outer shell. Halogens are reactive because they contain seven electrons in their outer shell. The closer the number is to one or seven, the more reactive the element is." }, { "docid": "1609206", "title": "-", "text": "Boron, B belongs to the semiconductors(metalloids) family. Semiconductors are located toward the right side of the periodic table.he Boron family is classified as Metals and Metalloids. They are Group 13 and have 3 valence electrons. The Boron family are solids at room temperature and they are reactive. … But, the most reactive are the Alkali Metals. They have a violent reaction with water. Hope this helps!" }, { "docid": "5284778", "title": "Halogen Elements and Properties", "text": "Location of the Halogens on the Periodic Table. The halogens are located in Group VIIA of the periodic table, and are a particular class of nonmetals. The halogen elements are fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine, astatine, and ununseptium. Properties.These reactive nonmetals have seven valence electrons.As a group, halogens exhibit highly variable physical properties.Halogens range from solid (I 2) to liquid (Br 2) to gaseous (F 2 and Cl 2) at room temperature.he chemical properties are more uniform. The halogens have very high electronegativities. Fluorine has the highest electronegativity of all elements. The halogens are particularly reactive with the alkali metals and alkaline earths, forming stable ionic crystals." }, { "docid": "4524447", "title": "Organic Chemistry/Aromatics", "text": "Effects of Different Substituents[edit] Depending on the type of substituent, atoms or groups of atoms may serve to make the benzene ring either more reactive or less reactive. If the atom or group makes the ring more reactive, it is called activating, and if less, then it is called deactivating." }, { "docid": "671849", "title": "What Does A Positive C Reactive Protein Test Mean?", "text": "By Mayo Clinic Staff. The level of C-reactive protein (CRP), which can be measured in your blood, increases when there's inflammation in your body. Your doctor may check your C-reactive protein level treatment for infections or for other medical conditions." }, { "docid": "5730713", "title": "What is aluminium?", "text": "It is a strong metallic rust proof metal. Aluminium is a silvery white and ductile member of the boron group of chemical elements. It has the symbol Al; its atomic number is …13. It is not soluble in water under normal circumstances. Aluminium is too reactive chemically to occur in nature as the free metal." }, { "docid": "4579267", "title": "Electron shell", "text": "Just as atoms with complete valence shells (noble gases) are the most chemically non-reactive, those with only one electron in their valence shells (alkali metals) or just missing one electron from having a complete shell (halogens) are the most reactive. However, this is a simplification of the truth." }, { "docid": "1518119", "title": "Hiv Rashes and other problems duration", "text": "but still i was sick so the fear of HIV didn't leave me .. so i went for testing at my 10th , it was NON REACTIVE, 12 month it was NON REACTIVE, 16 month it was NON REACTIVE. and final test 18 month it was NON REACTIVE." }, { "docid": "1488139", "title": "Metalloids or Semimetals: Definition, List of Elements, and Properties", "text": "The metalloids or semimetals are located along the line between the metals and nonmetals in the periodic table. The metalloids are boron, silicon, germanium, arsenic, antimony, and tellurium. Polonium is often considered a metalloid, too.Properties of the Semimetals or Metalloids.The electronegativities and ionization energies of the metalloids are between those of the metals and nonmetals, so the metalloids exhibit characteristics of both classes.roperties of the Semimetals or Metalloids. The electronegativities and ionization energies of the metalloids are between those of the metals and nonmetals, so the metalloids exhibit characteristics of both classes." }, { "docid": "4598678", "title": "-", "text": "Discussions of the chemistry of the nonmetals therefore tend to focus on the following elements: H, C, N, O, F, P, S, Cl, Se, Br, I, and Xe. The Nonmetals. There is a clear pattern in the chemistry of the main group metals: The main group metals are oxidized in all of their chemical reactions. These metals are oxidized when they react with nonmetal elements. Aluminum, for example, is oxidized by bromine. The chemistry of the nonmetals is more interesting because these elements can undergo both oxidation and reduction. Phosphorus, for example, is oxidized when it reacts with oxygen to form P 4 O 10." }, { "docid": "173332", "title": "-", "text": "Definition of Metalloid. this term is no longer commonly used by chemists, however, it refers to elements that exhibit some properties of metals and nonmetals.These elements tend to be semiconductors. Silicon is an extremely important example of these elements.efinition of Metalloid. this term is no longer commonly used by chemists, however, it refers to elements that exhibit some properties of metals and nonmetals." } ]
can diverticulitis cause bloating of abdomen
[ { "docid": "5892700", "title": "More about Diverticular Disorders", "text": "Diverticulitis occurs when one or more of the pouches becomes infected from bacteria in the digestive tract. A mild infection can produce bloating, gas, and nausea, and most people don’t immediately see a doctor for these symptoms, especially if they improve." } ]
[ { "docid": "3182680", "title": "-", "text": "I have had mild to severe back and abdominal pain, diarrhea, gas, and bloating in my abdomen for 5 days now. It started Wednesday night, and the pain came on suddenly after I had been off work a few hours.ead More. I have had mild to severe back and abdominal pain, diarrhea, gas, and bloating in my abdomen for 5 days now. It started Wednesday night, and the pain came on suddenly after I had been off work a few hours. This was the next to last day of work at an archaeological site, which lasted 6 weeks." }, { "docid": "5594953", "title": "-", "text": "Abdominal Bloating (Definition). Abdominal bloating is a symptom in which a person feels his tummy has a lot of water or air in it. Bloating also causes one to feel nauseas and not have much appetite." }, { "docid": "5958438", "title": "-", "text": "Diverticulitis is inflammation of one or a few diverticula in the same area of the colon (usually the sigmoid or descending colon). Diverticulitis occurs in less than 5% of people who have diverticulosis." }, { "docid": "2446561", "title": "Practice Essentials", "text": "In simple diverticulitis, localized abdominal tenderness in the area of the affected diverticula and fever. Left lower quadrant tenderness is most common, as most diverticula occur in the sigmoid colon. Right lower quadrant tenderness, mimicking acute appendicitis, can occur in right-sided diverticulitis. In complicated diverticulitis with abscess formation, a tender palpable mass. Elderly patients and some patients taking corticosteroids may have unremarkable findings, even in the presence of severe diverticulitis." }, { "docid": "5369599", "title": "-", "text": "When symptoms do occur, they are usually mild and include the following: 1 pain in the belly (abdomen), 2 bloating, 3 constipation (less often, diarrhea), and. 4 cramping." }, { "docid": "5844410", "title": "RIXIMKA DUMARKA", "text": "The most common symptom of diverticulitis is a sharp pain in the lower-left abdomen. This corresponds to the location of the sigmoid colon (though the condition can, in a few cases, cause pain in the lower-right abdominal area). Diverticulitis pain can come on suddenly and severely or it may increase in severity over a period of days. It can also fluctuate in intensity." }, { "docid": "4441105", "title": "What are diverticulitis symptoms?", "text": "Diverticulitis as well as diverticular disease can be diagnosed with barium X-rays, sigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy, or CT scan. Treatment of diverticulitis and diverticular disease can include high fiber diet, and anti-spasmodic drugs. Foods to eat that may prevent diverticulitis flares include fruits and vegetables, legumes, and whole grains." }, { "docid": "7914328", "title": "-", "text": "Most people with diverticulosis have no symptoms. Minocha says about 5 percent of those with diverculosis will develop diverticulitis. The infection--diverticulitis--does cause symptoms and must be treated with medication. Diarrhea is a common symptom of those with diverticulitis." }, { "docid": "8536983", "title": "Top 30 Doctor insights on: Stomach Bloating In The Evening", "text": "Some episodes just sharp 25 min pain behind the sternum others stomach pain, bloating, gas diareha, vomiting. 2. Get help from a doctor now ›. Pain: Pain in this area is very tricky since there are many organ systems in the epigastric area (above the belly button) of the abdomen." }, { "docid": "191713", "title": "16 Best Ways to Get Rid of Gas and Bloating Fast", "text": "Signs and Symptoms. Symptoms of IBS may include: 1 Cramping pain in your lower abdomen. 2 Bloating and gas. 3 Diarrhea or constipation, or bouts of both. 4 Immediate need to move your bowels when you wake up, or during or after meals. 5 Relief of pain after bowel movements." }, { "docid": "2358181", "title": "Pancreatic Pseudocyst", "text": "Symptoms can occur within days to months after an attack of pancreatitis, and include: 1 Bloating of the abdomen. 2 Constant pain or deep ache in the abdomen, which may also be felt in the back. 3 Difficulty eating and digesting food." }, { "docid": "2307148", "title": "-", "text": "A diverticulitis diet can't treat or prevent diverticulitis. Rather, it's intended to give your digestive system a chance to rest. A diverticulitis diet is typically recommended along with antibiotics for mild or uncomplicated cases of diverticulitis. A diverticulitis diet starts with only clear liquids for a few days." }, { "docid": "479513", "title": "Epigastric Pain", "text": "In addition to epigastric pain, there are symptoms of waterbrash, bloating, hematemesis and abdominal fullness. Duodenal ulcer gets aggravated after taking a food and pain appears two to three hours after the meal. Malignancy of the stomach is also associated with pain in the upper central area of the abdomen." }, { "docid": "7556534", "title": "Top 30 Doctor insights on: Causes Of Rib Cage Bloating", "text": "Pain across upper abdomen, heavy burping and gas, bloating, pain shoulder blade, tender under right rib cage and had gall bladder removed year ago. Dr. Otto Placik Dr. Placik 3 doctors agreed:" }, { "docid": "3866314", "title": "Diverticular Disease", "text": "In this article. Diverticular disease consists of three conditions that involve the development of small sacs or pockets in the wall of the colon, including diverticulosis, diverticular bleeding, and diverticulitis.iverticular Bleeding. Diverticular bleeding occurs with chronic injury to the small blood vessels that are next to the diverticula. Diverticulitis. Diverticulitis occurs when there is inflammation and infection in one or more diverticula." }, { "docid": "6765141", "title": "11 Types Of Foods That Causes Constipation", "text": "Constipation, as we all know, is a phenomenon when bowel movements become irregular, causing discomforts like cramping in abdomen, gas, bloating etc. It would be surprising to know that our dietary habits are one of the causes of constipation." }, { "docid": "8309184", "title": "How Do I Handle Diverticulitis?", "text": "However, diverticulosis (the development of these pouches) is a very common condition, and the incidence increases as we age. When one or more of these pouches becomes inflamed or infected, diverticulitis develops. Diverticulitis symptoms include abdominal pain, tenderness, fever, nausea, and constipation or diarrhea. The pain can feel like appendicitis, except it is usually in the lower left side of your abdomen instead of the lower right side." }, { "docid": "880239", "title": "-", "text": "low back pain, similar to ovairan but unrelenting, then it elaclated quickly. Severe abdominal pain, bloating (3 litres of ascites removed from abdomen in early Jan., 2006), severe Irritable Bowel Syndrome symptoms masked OVCA symptoms." }, { "docid": "5172241", "title": "Diverticular Disease", "text": "A recent taxonomy of diverticular disease terms distinguishes several types of symptomatic disease. The taxonomy includes 2 types of chronic diverticulitis: chronic recurrent diverticulitis and segmental colitis associated with diverticulosis. Chronic recurrent diverticulitis may begin early after the initial episode, and may be consistent with failure of the index episode to settle.." }, { "docid": "4931232", "title": "Healthy eating guide", "text": "Foods to Avoid With Diverticulitis. In the past, doctors had recommended that people with diverticular disease (diverticulosis or diverticulitis) avoid hard-to-digest foods such as nuts, corn, popcorn, and seeds, for fear that these foods would get stuck in the diverticula and lead to inflammation.f you're experiencing severe symptoms from diverticulitis, your doctor may recommend a liquid diverticulitis diet as part of your treatment, which can include: 1 Water. 2 Fruit juices. 3 Broth. 4 Ice pops." }, { "docid": "5640845", "title": "Left Lower-Quadrant Pain: Guidelines from the American College of Radiology Appropriateness Criteria", "text": "Computed tomography is the preferred test in evaluating clinically suspected diverticulitis. It is used to evaluate the severity and extent of disease and to identify complications, but it also may diagnose other causes of left lower-quadrant pain that can mimic diverticulitis." }, { "docid": "7111110", "title": "Gallbladder Disease", "text": "Gallbladder problems can cause symptoms that include: 1 Nausea and vomiting. 2 Indigestion. 3 Intolerance to fatty foods. 4 Abdominal bloating. 5 Pain in the right upper and central upper abdomen. 6 Referred pain may radiate to the back and the right shoulder." }, { "docid": "561654", "title": "Bloating", "text": "Symptoms[edit] The most common symptom associated with bloating is a sensation that the abdomen is full or distended. Rarely, bloating may be painful or cause shortness of breath. Pains that are due to bloating will feel sharp and cause the stomach to cramp. These pains may occur anywhere in the body and can change locations quickly." }, { "docid": "1850609", "title": "What is Acid Reflux?", "text": "Common symptoms of acid reflux are: 1 Heartburn – a burning pain or discomfort that may move from your stomach to your abdomen or chest, or even up into your throat. 2 Regurgitation – a sour or bitter-tasting acid backing up into your throat or mouth.3 Bloating.4 Bloody or black stools or bloody vomiting.ommon symptoms of acid reflux are: 1 Heartburn – a burning pain or discomfort that may move from your stomach to your abdomen or chest, or even up into your throat. 2 Regurgitation – a sour or bitter-tasting acid backing up into your throat or mouth. 3 Bloating. 4 Bloody or black stools or bloody vomiting." }, { "docid": "231524", "title": "-", "text": "1 Indigestion is an uncomfortable feeling of fullness, pain, or burning in your upper abdomen. 2 Symptoms of indigestion include. 3 abdominal pain, 4 heartburn or acid indigestion (acid reflux), 5 bloating, 6 gas, 7 nausea, acidic taste in the mouth," }, { "docid": "4974262", "title": "-", "text": "Diverticulitis, infection and inflammation of diverticula, can occur suddenly and without warning. Symptoms of diverticulitis may include: 1 Alternating diarrhea and constipation. 2 Painful cramps or tenderness in the lower abdomen. 3 Chills or fever." }, { "docid": "4816000", "title": "Can Drinking a Lot of Water Bloat My Stomach?", "text": "Several factors influence whether drinking water leads to temporary stomach bloating, including the volume of water you consume and how quickly; what else is in your stomach; and whether your intestines are also full. On an empty stomach, one or two 8-ounce glasses of water are unlikely to cause noticeable bloating. In contrast, a quart or more of water consumed quickly with other food or liquid already in your stomach, may lead to some distension of your abdomen." }, { "docid": "3707451", "title": "Diverticulitis - Surgery", "text": "Surgery for diverticulitis involves removing the diseased part of the colon. You may decide to have surgery for diverticulitis if you have: 1 Repeated attacks of diverticulitis. 2 Surgery to remove the diseased part of the colon often is recommended if you have two or more severe attacks." }, { "docid": "6602148", "title": "-", "text": "Well my husband is into his third week now of being ill with diverticulitis. He saw a different Doctor today, who told him to stop taking the co-codamol. (Dorothys' Doctor was right - co-codamol is not so good for people with diverticulitis). He was advised just to take paracetamol instead for pain relief." }, { "docid": "3088803", "title": "-", "text": "Bloating means to be made distended, as with air, water, or food. With humans, feeling bloated usually concerns the abdomen-- a general swelling or increase in waistline. Women have different reasons for feeling bloated from men, such as their menstrual cycles; men's reasons for bloating are more straightforward." } ]
what happens when pressure is increased in a equilibrium expression
[ { "docid": "5312939", "title": "Types of Electrolytes: The compounds which give ions either in molten state or in solution are called electrolytes.", "text": "Given the equilibrium equation: H2(g) + Br2(g) 2HBr(g) If the partial pressure of H2 is increased, the equilibrium will shift to the right. If the partial pressure of H2 is decreased, the equilibrium will shift to the left. If the partial pressure of HBr is increased, the equilibrium will shift to the left." } ]
[ { "docid": "2886247", "title": "-", "text": "Confidence votes 1.1K. There is no air pressure, as such, in the human body. We are at an equilibrium with the atmospheric pressure, which is a little under 15psi. This is why astronauts need space suits when performing a space walk.Their suit maintains the internal pressure of the suit at about 15psi.onfidence votes 1.1K. There is no air pressure, as such, in the human body. We are at an equilibrium with the atmospheric pressure, which is a little under 15psi. This is why astronauts need space suits when performing a space walk." }, { "docid": "7229867", "title": "Melting point", "text": "Melting point. The melting point (or, rarely, liquefaction point) of a solid is the temperature at which it changes state from solid to liquid at atmospheric pressure. At the melting point the solid and liquid phase exist in equilibrium. The melting point of a substance depends on pressure and is usually specified at standard pressure. When considered as the temperature of the reverse change from liquid to solid, it is referred to as the freezing point or crystallization point." }, { "docid": "5575799", "title": "What is Intracranial Pressure (ICP)?", "text": "That is a way doctors can tell there is increased pressure, and they can also directly monitor the pressure through the skull. There are several strategies used to decreased the ICP and attempt to avoid further brain injury: A medication which is often given to attempt to decrease the pressure." }, { "docid": "8341539", "title": "Increased Intracranial Pressure (ICP)", "text": "Key points about increased intracranial pressure (ICP) 1 ICP is a dangerous condition. 2 It is an emergency and requires immediate medical attention. 3 Increased intracranial pressure from bleeding in the brain, a tumor, stroke, aneurysm, high blood pressure, brain infection, etc. can cause a headache and other symptoms." }, { "docid": "3499838", "title": "Blood Pressure Physiology", "text": "1 Pressure Natriuresis: If renal perfusion pressure is increased then sodium excretion increases i.e. sodium excretion increases when blood pressure increases. 2 If more sodium is excreted less water is reabsorbed therefore the ECF volume decreases and blood pressure decreases." }, { "docid": "6013778", "title": "Positive feedback", "text": "The result of positive feedback is to augment changes, so that small perturbations may result in big changes. A system in equilibrium in which there is positive feedback to any change from its current state may be unstable, in which case the equilibrium is said to be in an unstable equilibrium." }, { "docid": "2972918", "title": "I Difference between Partial pressure and vapor pressure", "text": "The vapor pressure is the partial pressure at equilibrium of a substance in the gas phase when the conditions (T,P) are such that the substance should normally be in the liquid phase (as per the phase diagram). Therefore, the second sentence." }, { "docid": "2680491", "title": "H2 (g) + I2 (g) = 2HI what is the equilibrium concentration of I2?", "text": "let x moles of h2 and i2 that disappear to form hi during the reaction the equilibrium concentrations of h2 and i2 at equilibrium will be 2 x 1 06 and 3 6 x 1 06 and the concentration of hi at equilibrium will be 2x 1 06that make sense so far now just plug all that into your expression for k and solve for xet x moles of h2 and i2 that disappear to form hi during the reaction the equilibrium concentrations of h2 and i2 at equilibrium will be 2 x 1 06 and 3 6 x 1 06 and the concentration of hi at equilibrium will be 2x 1 06 that make sense so far now just plug all that into your expression for k and solve for x" }, { "docid": "3148251", "title": "Arbitrage", "text": "If the market prices do not allow for profitable arbitrage, the prices are said to constitute an arbitrage equilibrium, or arbitrage-free market. An arbitrage equilibrium is a precondition for a general economic equilibrium." }, { "docid": "1323641", "title": "If a price ceiling is to be binding or effective, it should be set?", "text": "If a price ceiling is to be binding or effective, it should be set? Below the equilibrium price, and it will create a market shortage. Below the equilibrium price, and it will create a market surplus. Above the equilibrium price, and it will create a market shortage. Above the equilibrium price, and it will create a market surplus. Follow." }, { "docid": "6653221", "title": "-", "text": "Compare this with the chemical equation for the equilibrium. The convention is that the substances on the right-hand side of the equation are written at the top of the Kc expression, and those on the left-hand side at the bottom." }, { "docid": "4821556", "title": "Le Chatelier's principle", "text": "When a system at equilibrium is subjected to change in concentration, temperature, volume, or pressure, then the system readjusts itself to (partially) counteract the effect of the applied change and a new equilibrium is established.hanging the concentration of a chemical will shift the equilibrium to the side that would reduce that change in concentration. The chemical system will attempt to partially oppose the change affected to the original state of equilibrium." }, { "docid": "4218178", "title": "-", "text": "by Anne Marie Helmenstine, Ph.D. Definition: Le Chatelier′s Principle is the principle when a stress is applied to a chemical system at equilibrium, the equilibrium will shift to relieve the stress. Examples: Stress could mean many things: changes in concentration, changes in temperature, or changes in pressure." }, { "docid": "3604166", "title": "Heart Failure", "text": "decreased emptying of the left ventricle, increased volume and pressure in left vent, increased pressure volume in left atrium, increased volume on pulmonary veins, increased volume in pulmonary capillary bed transudation of fluid from capillaries to alveoli, rapid filling of alveolar spaces = Pulmonary Edema." }, { "docid": "1031337", "title": "Controls over wind direction and speed", "text": "Controls over wind direction and speed. Air is constantly moving to seek an equilibrium between areas of more air molecules (higher pressure) and those with less (lower pressure). You have probably experienced this by opening a container that has been vacuum packed." }, { "docid": "8391845", "title": "HIV Affects Blood Circulation Similar to Smoking", "text": "The increased risk posed by HIV is similar to the increased risk for this condition posed by diabetes, smoking, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. The impact of HIV therapy on this story is not clear." }, { "docid": "3608291", "title": "-", "text": "Hemorrhoid Overview. Hemorrhoids are enlarged veins located in the lower part of the rectum and the anus. The veins become swollen due to increased pressure within them, usually from constipation or profuse diarrhea, and during pregnancy because of the pressure of the enlarged uterus.Internal hemorrhoids are located in the inside lining of the rectum and cannot be felt.he veins become swollen due to increased pressure within them, usually from constipation or profuse diarrhea, and during pregnancy because of the pressure of the enlarged uterus. Internal hemorrhoids are located in the inside lining of the rectum and cannot be felt." }, { "docid": "7268563", "title": "-", "text": "• Oxygen in Equilibrium • Carbon Dioxide in Equilibrium • Homework Henry's Law When any gas is in contact with water, some gas will dissolve in the water. The amount that dissolves at a particular temperature depends on the pressure, or partial pressure, of the gas. The dissolved gas and the undissolved gas are in equilibrium. For" }, { "docid": "6479919", "title": "Diindolylmethane ( DIM) Information Resource Center", "text": "Previously, STC1 was shown to induce UCP2 expression in macrophages and thereby decrease ROS production. To confirm whether STC1 increased UCP2 in A549 cells cultured with H 2 O 2, rSTC1 was added to the culture medium and UCP2 expression was assayed in the A549 cells by real-time PCR and western blot. The rSTC1 increased expression of UCP2 (Figure 3a)." }, { "docid": "1533019", "title": "Restoring force", "text": "If the system is perturbed away from the equilibrium, the restoring force will tend to bring the system back toward equilibrium. The restoring force is a function only of position of the mass or particle. It is always directed back toward the equilibrium position of the system." }, { "docid": "1928413", "title": "PRESSURE-TEMPERATURE CONDITIONS", "text": "7A). The garnet-plagioclase rims formed under lower pressures, but over a large pressure-range (3.5-5.5 kbar at 700 C). A similar pressure range is also obtained by using the garnet-plagioclase-biotite-quartz (GPBQ) barometer of Hoisch (1990). Pressure estimates using the GASP geobarometer for garnet I rims should be considered as maximum values, because of the lack of an Al-silicate in equilibrium with assemblage 1." }, { "docid": "4203281", "title": "-", "text": "ether The equilibrium vapor pressure of a liquid depends only on _______. temperature Conversion of a liquid to a vapor within the liquid as well as at its surface; it occurs when the equilibrium vapor pressure of the liquid equals the atmosphere pressure." }, { "docid": "7189637", "title": "RANKINE CYCLE", "text": "The net work produced in the Rankine cycle is represented by the area of the cycle process in Figure 2. Obviously, this area can be increased by increasing the pressure in the boiler and reducing the pressure in the condenser." }, { "docid": "162993", "title": "-", "text": "Pulse pressure (the difference between systolic and diastolic blood pressure) is frequently increased in older people with hypertension. This can mean that systolic pressure is abnormally high, but diastolic pressure may be normal or low a condition termed isolated systolic hypertension." }, { "docid": "1616604", "title": "Definitions &Translations", "text": "Expression (noun). the act of expressing; the act of forcing out by pressure; as, the expression of juices or oils; also, of extorting or eliciting; as, a forcible expression of truth. Expression (noun). the act of declaring or signifying; declaration; utterance; as, an expression of the public will." }, { "docid": "1547921", "title": "Question: Tired of studying thermo, you come up with the ideal of becoming rich by manufacturing diamond fr...", "text": "Question: Tired of studying thermo, you come up with the ide... Tired of studying thermo, you come up with the ideal of becoming rich by manufacturing diamond from graphite. To do this process at 25oC requires increasing the pressure until graphite and diamond are in equilibrium. The following data are available at 25oC:" }, { "docid": "6009157", "title": "-", "text": "Normal boiling point: temperature at which the liquids vapour pressure equals 1 atm. Triple point: the temperature and pressure at which the solid, liquid and gas are at equil. Vapourization curve: at any point on this line (specified by a temperature and pressure) the liquid and gas are at equilibrium." }, { "docid": "6653220", "title": "-", "text": "That means that all the powers in the equilibrium constant expression are 1. You don't need to write those into the K c expression. As long as you keep the temperature the same, whatever proportions of acid and alcohol you mix together, once equilibrium is reached, K c always has the same value." }, { "docid": "3285830", "title": "Top 30 Doctor insights on: Bowel Movement Make Testicle", "text": "Increased pressure: It shouldn't hurt. When you have a bowel movement, it causes pressure in the abdomen and pelvis to evacuate the stool. This pressure can be transmitted to your testicle and be sensed as pain. It's worth getting a testicular exam to make sure nothing else is going on." }, { "docid": "6660877", "title": "-", "text": "Hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are painful, swollen veins in the lower portion of the rectum or anus. Hemorrhoids result from increased pressure in the veins of the anus. The pressure causes the veins to swell, making them painful, particularly when you are sitting.The most common cause is straining during bowel movements.emorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are painful, swollen veins in the lower portion of the rectum or anus. Hemorrhoids result from increased pressure in the veins of the anus. The pressure causes the veins to swell, making them painful, particularly when you are sitting." } ]
what happens when we are dehydrated
[ { "docid": "4588052", "title": "How to Tell if You Are Dehydrated", "text": "Things like thirst, changes in vision, and physical pain can indicate dehydration. If you are severely dehydrated, to the point you're experiencing things like a rapid heartbeat, see a doctor right away. In the future, change your habits to prevent dehydration." } ]
[ { "docid": "4863480", "title": "Meat Selection", "text": "Tips. 1 Put the meat in the freezer for 30 minutes before slicing; this will make it easier to cut. 2 Use lean pieces of meat for dehydrating; fat will go rancid and spoil the meat faster. 3 Meat can be dehydrated using a food dehydrator; just follow the appliance directions.ips. 1 Put the meat in the freezer for 30 minutes before slicing; this will make it easier to cut. 2 Use lean pieces of meat for dehydrating; fat will go rancid and spoil the meat faster. 3 Meat can be dehydrated using a food dehydrator; just follow the appliance directions." }, { "docid": "3916388", "title": "-", "text": "As eating and drinking taper off, the body naturally becomes dehydrated. When this occurs, the dying person becomes sleepier and may be less aware of pain or discomfort. This is a normal part of the dying process and there are ways to keep the person comfortable throughout this time." }, { "docid": "2431221", "title": "Dehydration in babies", "text": "If your baby's dehydrated, it means that she doesn't have as much fluid in her body as she needs. Babies and children are more prone to dehydration than adults, and it can happen if your baby takes in less fluid than she loses through vomiting, diarrhea, fever, or sweating." }, { "docid": "3305661", "title": "What to Eat Before, During, and After Exercise", "text": "Water acts as your body’s cooling system. You don't want to get dehydrated. The best way to stay hydrated is to drink plenty of fluids with meals, and drink about 2 cups (16 ounces) of water 2 hours before exercise." }, { "docid": "4366477", "title": "Description and Brand Names", "text": "Descriptions. Vasopressin injection is used to control the frequent urination, increased thirst, and loss of water caused by diabetes insipidus. This is a condition that causes the body to lose too much water and become dehydrated.Vasopressin injection is also used to prevent and treat abdominal or stomach distension that occurs after surgery. It is also used in abdominal or stomach roentgenography. Vasopressin is a hormone that is produced in the body.his is a condition that causes the body to lose too much water and become dehydrated. Vasopressin injection is also used to prevent and treat abdominal or stomach distension that occurs after surgery. It is also used in abdominal or stomach roentgenography. Vasopressin is a hormone that is produced in the body." }, { "docid": "1981227", "title": "Dehydration Worsens Stroke Outcome", "text": "Dehydration Worsens Stroke Outcome. NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE — Patients who are dehydrated have more severe stroke and poorer short-term outcomes than stroke patients who are adequately hydrated, a new study shows." }, { "docid": "4212008", "title": "Flower Teas Have Many Effects to Gain the Benefits of Them", "text": "Blooming tea not only has the effects of tea, but also has the unique effects of dehydrated flowers. Different Blooming teas have different effects since different dehydrated flowers are mixed. Let’s get to know about the effects of dehydrated flowers respectively: Marigold: It is originally produced in Europe." }, { "docid": "5157398", "title": "Dehydration and Blood Pressure", "text": "Constant vomiting and loose bowel movement or diarrhea are the common causes for this condition and however moderate these causes are, it is still best to seek medical assistance because being dehydrated may lead to other problems such as having a high or low blood pressure. Dehydration and Low Blood Pressure" }, { "docid": "6391686", "title": "Intravenous fluids", "text": "This guideline should be used as a starting point and will need to be adjusted in ALL unwell children. Generally 2/3 of maintenance rate should be used in unwell children unless they are dehydrated. This is because they are likely to be secreting anti-diuretic hormone (ADH), so will need less fluid." }, { "docid": "463496", "title": "What are the Most Common Causes of Sudden Dizziness?", "text": "Some cases of dizziness are accompanied by a feeling of faintness. This may be due to lack of oxygen to the individual's brain. There may be several causes for this, but a major contributor is dehydration. A person who is ill may become dehydrated when excessive vomiting, sweating, and diarrhea occur." }, { "docid": "1146480", "title": "Confirmed: This Is the Best Face Mist for Your Skin Type", "text": "Brown notes that dehydrated skin and fine lines tend to be interconnected, and thus require a similar approach. Hyaluronic acid is important for dry and dehydrated skin, says Brown. Jasmine is also a great hydrator.. For maximum hydration, massage your face mist into your skin with a few drops of serum or face oil." }, { "docid": "4185270", "title": "Alcohol withdrawal and extreme fatigue", "text": "This alteration of the sleep cycle is usually reversed by 3 months of sobriety, if not sooner. Your exhaustion could also be due to dehydration. Alcohol dehydrates the body, and the last few years of heavy drinking may have significantly dehydrated you." }, { "docid": "5798260", "title": "Dehydration Myths: 7 Things You Should Know About Staying Hydrated", "text": "Myth: If you're thirsty, you're already dehydrated. Fact: It's not too late. In fact, thirst is the body's way of telling you to drink water, and you're not at risk of becoming dangerously dehydrated the minute you feel a little parched." }, { "docid": "4215338", "title": "12 Reasons Why Dehydration Is Bad for Your Body", "text": "A 2% dehydration level in your body causes a 10% decrease in athletic performance, says Goodson. And the more dehydrated you become, the worse performance gets. Measured by perceived exertion, how hard you feel you're exercising, you might be working at a 6 but you feel like you are working at an 8, says Goodson." }, { "docid": "5576931", "title": "Dehydrated Potato Dices", "text": "Honeyville Dehydrated Potato Dices are an ideal product for long term food storage and emergency preparedness. Shelf-Life: Dehydrated Potato Dices will store for 5 to 10 years in a sealed #10 can (oxygen absorber included) under ideal storage conditions (cool, dry place)." }, { "docid": "5913001", "title": "What does bright yellow urine indicate?", "text": "Report Abuse. * Asparagus is another veggie that will make your urine bright yellow. As one poster below said, drink lots of water (8 glasses a day) and that will help to flush out the kidneys. Bright yellow urine can mean that your body is dehydrated and also it can mean you are highly acidic.s one poster below said, drink lots of water (8 glasses a day) and that will help to flush out the kidneys. Bright yellow urine can mean that your body is dehydrated and also it can mean you are highly acidic." }, { "docid": "3931326", "title": "5 Healthy Foods for Instant Energy", "text": "It doesn't come with any slick advertisements or cutesy cartoon characters to sell it, but plain old H2O is one of the quickest energy boosters out there. When kids become dehydrated, their energy plummets and their brain gets foggy, which makes it hard to concentrate. How to get them to drink it: Kids often don't realize when they're dehydrated, so keep water handy and offer it often, especially if they've been playing a lot or have been out in the sun. Skip flavoring packets, which are often full of artificial sweeteners, colors, and flavors." }, { "docid": "1492208", "title": "Dehydration and Prostatitis", "text": "Dehydration and Prostatitis. > The Causes of Prostatitis > Causes of Chronic Prostatitis > Dehydration and Prostatitis. Dehydration and Prostatitis. Dehydration is the loss of water and electrolytes that are necessary for the body to function normally. You can become dehydrated when your body loses more fluids than you consume." }, { "docid": "6189968", "title": "Tahini - sesame seed paste", "text": "Tahini paste is made from crushed sesame seeds and has quite a nutty taste. It is available in jars, cans and also in dehydrated form. Tahini should keep in a sealed jar in the refridgerator for a number of weeks.ahini-sesame seed paste. Tahini paste is made from crushed sesame seeds and has quite a nutty taste. It is available in jars, cans and also in dehydrated form. Tahini should keep in a sealed jar in the refridgerator for a number of weeks. There are two main types of tahini, hulled and unhulled." }, { "docid": "5497679", "title": "12 Symptoms of Chronic Dehydration", "text": "1 When dehydrated, the blood is thicker causing resistance to blood flow, which thus can raise blood pressure. 2 High cholesterol. 3 When the body is dehydrated, it will produce more cholesterol to seal off water loss from the cells." }, { "docid": "4931758", "title": "The Food Lab Redux: How to Make the Perfect Bowl of Tonkotsu Ramen", "text": "Instead, I'll just talk about a few of my favorites. 1 Scallions are essential to every bowl of ramen I've ever truly enjoyed in my life. Without them the soup lacks vibrancy and brightness. 2 Menma is bamboo shoots that have been dehydrated and fermented before being reconstituted." }, { "docid": "7436634", "title": "Freeze-Dried Foods versus Dehydrated Foods", "text": "Freeze-Dried Foods versus Dehydrated Foods. One of the oldest forms of food preservation (and one people are very familiar with today) is dehydration. Dehydrated foods do not retain nutrients as well as canning or freezing, but they are still a good way to have fruits vegetables and meats in your long term food storage.They dehydration process basically heats up the food hot enough to remove the moisture but not hot enough to cook it.any people think that freeze-dried foods are the same as dehydrated. However, there are some significant differences between the two processes as well as a big difference in the finished product. Let’s explore the freeze-drying process in more depth." }, { "docid": "6242945", "title": "Rotavirus", "text": "Rotavirus is a contagious virus that can cause gastroenteritis (inflammation of the stomach and intestines). Symptoms include severe watery diarrhea, often with vomiting, fever, and abdominal pain. Infants and young children are most likely to get rotavirus disease.They can become severely dehydrated and need to be hospitalized and can even die.ymptoms include severe watery diarrhea, often with vomiting, fever, and abdominal pain. Infants and young children are most likely to get rotavirus disease. They can become severely dehydrated and need to be hospitalized and can even die." }, { "docid": "3652027", "title": "When is a difference in standing and sitting pulse normal?", "text": "0. Jul 19, '08 by babynurselsa. You may be referring to a tilt test. This is when you take a patients pule and bp in a lying position, then in a sitting position andd then in a standing position. An increase in 15 or more indicates that the patient is probably dehydrated and needs some fluids." }, { "docid": "720958", "title": "What You Can Learn About Your Health by Analyzing the Color and Smell of Your Urine", "text": "Urine doesn't typically have a strong smell, but if yours smells pungent (like ammonia), you could have an infection or urinary stones, or you may simply be dehydrated. Dehydration causes your urine to be more concentrated and may have a stronger smell than normal, as do high-protein foods like meat and eggs." }, { "docid": "6790337", "title": "-", "text": "If you are dehydrated or overheated, you may also be experiencing a drop in blood sugar, and the juice (which certainly won’t harm you) contains sugar and will lift your levels if your blood sugar is low. Moore says you should lie down for a few minutes. But, she adds, be sure to tell someone you feel dizzy." }, { "docid": "5313321", "title": "-", "text": "NaturoDoc Home. Next to air, water is the element most necessary for survival. A normal adult is 60 to 70 percent water. We can go without food for almost two months, but without water only a few days. Yet most people have no idea how much water they should drink. In fact, many live in a dehydrated state." }, { "docid": "1895103", "title": "-", "text": "2 doctors agreed: Not always different: Colitis can be a bad side effect of taking antibiotics. Talk to your doctor if you have excessive diarrhea that does not get better or if the stools become bloody stool. Drink lots of fluids to keep from getting dehydrated." }, { "docid": "2386671", "title": "-", "text": "Abiotic means nonliving. The abiotic factors for a polar bear would be for example; ice. Ice is nonliving along with water. without water the bear would get dehydrated.Biotic means living. The biotic factors for polar bears would be, for example, fish.This provides nutrients to the bear.he abiotic factors for a polar bear would be for example; ice. Ice is nonliving along with water. without water the bear would get dehydrated. Biotic means living." }, { "docid": "5386787", "title": "-", "text": "Normally, urine doesn't have much of a smell to it. If you're dehydrated and your urine becomes overly concentrated, it can have a stronger-than-usual scent. Vitamins and certain foods (asparagus, for example) can give urine an unusual smell.Infection can cause the urine to smell unpleasant.Uncommon, but more serious, causes of urine odor include:f you're dehydrated and your urine becomes overly concentrated, it can have a stronger-than-usual scent. Vitamins and certain foods (asparagus, for example) can give urine an unusual smell. Infection can cause the urine to smell unpleasant." } ]
what happens when you drink eye drops
[ { "docid": "5907733", "title": "-", "text": "Guava. That depends on the type of eye drops you drink. Some types of eye drops contain tetrahydrozoline which can irritate the body's system and then cause diarrhea. Sometimes tetrahydrozoline in the eye drops will make blood pressure increased once it counteracts with some medications like blood/heart prescriptions. So drinking eye drops maight be a serious problem. If you drink eye drops by accident, you should go to see a doctor immediately." } ]
[ { "docid": "851304", "title": "Ciprofloxacin Drops", "text": "Ciprofloxacin is available only by prescription and is used to treat certain bacterial infections. It comes in a variety of strengths and forms, including eye drops and ear drops. Ciprofloxacin ophthalmic (eye) drops are used for treating bacterial conjunctivitis (also called pink eye ) and corneal ulcers." }, { "docid": "355641", "title": "How Long Is Pink Eye Contagious?", "text": "Contagious Pink Eye Treatments. Topical antibiotic ointments or eye drops work to clear up infection in pink eye only if the source is bacterial. In this case, you need up to 24 hours for the eye drops or ointment to start working and for the infected person to no longer be contagious. If the source of the pink eye is viral, then the infection will need to run its course. In this case, you can relieve symptoms with lubricating eye drops to soothe irritation." }, { "docid": "8621423", "title": "Top 20 Doctor insights on: Rabbit Eye White Discharge", "text": "Allergy: White discharge is usually from ocular allergies. Remove the allergen from your environment if you can. Rinse your eyes with water several times per day. If the problem persists, go see your eye MD for possible eye drops." }, { "docid": "4399213", "title": "Tonometry", "text": "The most accurate method measures the force needed to flatten an area of the cornea. 1 The surface of the eye is numbed with eye drops. A fine strip of paper stained with orange dye is held to the side of the eye. The dye stains the front of the eye to help with the exam. The slit-lamp is placed in front of you." }, { "docid": "4957674", "title": "Why do my eyes feel tired all the time?", "text": "Your eyes may be dry. You wouldn't even know it. You might want to try some eye drops for dry eyes. It could be too much computer and/or television time. If you haven't had your eyes checked for awhile, you should. Then you could ask the optometrist why.our eyes may be dry. You wouldn't even know it. You might want to try some eye drops for dry eyes. It could be too much computer and/or television time. If you haven't had your eyes checked for awhile, you should. Then you could ask the optometrist why." }, { "docid": "5425632", "title": "-", "text": "Try not to touch the tip of the dropper to your eye, fingertips, or any other surface. Squeeze the prescribed number of drops into the pouch. Close the eye for a few moments to spread the drops and apply gentle finger pressure to the inner corner of the eye for 1 to 2 minutes. Use your doses at regular intervals." }, { "docid": "872358", "title": "prednisolone acetate eye dropsWadeDude Aug 27, 2008", "text": "prednisolone acetate eye drops. WadeDude. I am 2 weeks after cataract surgery and feel fine. My Dr. prescribes a continuation of prednisolone acetate 1% eye drops 4x per day, at least up until my 3- week post op appointment. The possible side effects scare me." }, { "docid": "8309692", "title": "-", "text": "Because of their bulging eyes and lack of pro-. tection by a nose, Pugs can develop numerous. eye problems. Fifty percent or more of all Pugs. will need eye medicine at some point in their. life, especially older ones, who often need dai-. ly eye drops. Eyes on pugs are easily scratched." }, { "docid": "4200533", "title": "Will drinking eye drops make you poop?", "text": "Yes, drinking eye drops with Visine will cause excessive diarrhea. You may suffer from loose bowels like you have never experiece all your life. So the answer depends on if your eye drops contain Visine or not. Some people had been put in jail for hurting others by putting Visine in the dirnk or food of others." }, { "docid": "5205636", "title": "Why do They Dilate my Eyes for an Eye Exam?", "text": "Part of a thorough eye exam is pupil dilation, which is accomplished by putting eye drops in the eye which will force your pupil to stay open, even in bright light." }, { "docid": "8309574", "title": "Feeling Pressure In Your Eyes? Common Causes and Treatments", "text": "Inadequate aqueous drainage: If the fluid drains slowly from the eye, this can cause increased eye pressure. Eye trauma Certain medications: Ocular hypertension is a side effect of certain medications (i.e. steroid eye drops, etc)." }, { "docid": "8649562", "title": "Timolol Eye Drops 0.25%", "text": "Timolol maleate 0.5% eye drops have not been adequately studied in human pregnancy. Although timolol eye drops may be absorbed systemically, daily treatment with Timolol Eye Drops 0.5% (1 drop, twice daily in both eyes) will not exceed 0.4mgs timolol compared with the oral therapeutic dose of 20-60 mgs/day." }, { "docid": "6017270", "title": "-", "text": "There are about 20 drops of water in 1 milliliter. Eye drops are about the same. For other liquids, the number depends on the viscosity of the liquid, which affects the average drop size. Thicker, more viscous fluids are likely to produce larger drops and therefore fewer drops per milliliter. Note that 1 milliliter is equal to 1 cc." }, { "docid": "2646836", "title": "-", "text": "If eyeglasses, eye patching, and/or atropine drops can't fix a child's strabismus, eye muscle surgery might be needed. Surgery involves loosening or tightening the muscles that cause the eye to wander. Most kids can go home the same day of surgery." }, { "docid": "2419760", "title": "Latanoprost Ophthalmic Solution 0.005% 2.5 ml Bottle", "text": "How to use Optivar ophthalmic. To apply eye drops, wash your hands first. To avoid contamination, do not touch the dropper tip or let it touch your eye or any other surface. Remove contact lenses before using this medication because it contains a preservative that can be absorbed by them." }, { "docid": "7343289", "title": "What Is Dexamethasone-Tobramycin Ophthalmic?", "text": "Do not use other eye drops or medications during treatment with tobramycin and dexamethasone ophthalmic unless otherwise directed by your doctor. Do not use other eye drops or medications during treatment with tobramycin and dexamethasone ophthalmic unless otherwise directed by your doctor." }, { "docid": "8115709", "title": "Polymyxin B SUL-TRIMETHOPRIM Drops", "text": "How to use Durezol ophthalmic To apply eye drops, wash your hands first. To avoid contamination, do not touch the dropper tip or let it touch your eye or any other surface." }, { "docid": "7075096", "title": "Home Remedies for Candida", "text": "Mix three drops of oregano oil with one tablespoon of olive oil. Apply it on the affected area and leave it on for a few hours. Do this daily until you see improvement. Alternatively, mix three drops of oregano oil in a glass of water. Drink it twice daily for a few days to a week." }, { "docid": "2755369", "title": "Eye Drops for Pink Eye â Use, Side Effects, Antibiotic, Over the Counter and Ointments for Conjunctivitis", "text": "Get a list of the best eye drops for pink eye or conjunctivitis, antibiotic, over the counter and ointments for pink eye. You will also know some side effects and general use of these drops for eyes with conjunctivitis. •Erythromycin/Ilotycin eye drop for conjunctivitis." }, { "docid": "5419132", "title": "Eye Infection", "text": "Eye infections can be caused by viruses, bacteria, or fungi. Eye infections can cause changes in vision, pain, swelling, discharge, and itching. Infections can affect different parts of the eye such as the eyelid. Treatment for eye infections include using eye drops, ointments, and oral medications." }, { "docid": "3251006", "title": "Ofloxacin", "text": "Ofloxacin for systemic use is available as tablet (multiple strengths), oral solution (250 mg/mL), and injectable solution (multiple strengths). It is also used as eye drops and ear drops." }, { "docid": "2771247", "title": "Antibiotics for Pink Eye", "text": "Doctors often prescribe antibiotic eye drops or ointments for pink eye. But antibiotics don’t usually help, according to the American Academy of Ophthalmology. They can do more harm than good. Here’s why: Antibiotics are not usually necessary for pink eye. Pink eye can be caused by a virus, an allergy, or bacteria." }, { "docid": "6033380", "title": "Loading Next Slideshow", "text": "Antibiotics are not usually prescribed for infective conjunctivitis nowadays. If the symptoms are severe or persist then antibiotic eye drops or ointment may be recommended. Allergic conjunctivitis should improve once the allergen is removed and can be treated with anti-allergy eye drops." }, { "docid": "4929592", "title": "Why LASIK Surgery Can Cause Dry Eyes", "text": "Because dry eye after LASIK is so common, most patients are asked to go on a course of eye drops before the procedure, as well as after. This will, in most cases, reduce the discomfort afterwards and will ensure vision outcomes are as expected. As stated, the surgeon will also screen patients for dry eye as well." }, { "docid": "8400997", "title": "Ilube Eye Drops", "text": "ILUBE Eye Drops are artificial tears with mucolytic and lubricant properties, suitable for the relief of dry eye syndromes associated with deficient tear secretion, impaired or abnormal mucus production. The usual dose is 1 or 2 drops instilled into the affected eye(s) 3 or 4 times daily." }, { "docid": "5506192", "title": "Pink Eye", "text": "Conventional physicians typically treat bacterial pink eye with antibiotic eye drops or ointment for seven to 10 days, and symptoms usually clear up within a few days. Pink eye caused by allergies is usually treated with allergy medications and eye drops that relieve itchy eyes." }, { "docid": "5567542", "title": "How Long Is Pink Eye Contagious?", "text": "Topical antibiotic ointments or eye drops work to clear up infection in pink eye only if the source is bacterial. In this case, you need up to 24 hours for the eye drops or ointment to start working and for the infected person to no longer be contagious.If the source of the pink eye is viral, then the infection will need to run its course. In this case, you can relieve symptoms with lubricating eye drops to soothe irritation.opical antibiotic ointments or eye drops work to clear up infection in pink eye only if the source is bacterial. In this case, you need up to 24 hours for the eye drops or ointment to start working and for the infected person to no longer be contagious." }, { "docid": "4592819", "title": "Public Health", "text": "This medicine is available both over-the-counter (OTC) and with your doctor's prescription. Do not wear contact lenses if your eyes are red . Also, do not use this medicine to treat irritation related to contact lens use. If you wear contact lenses: Take out your contact lenses before using ketotifen eye drops. Wait at least 10 minutes after putting the eye drops in before putting the contact lenses back in. To use the eye drops: First, wash your hands." }, { "docid": "2720807", "title": "Does Medicare cover cataract surgery and implants?", "text": "With any insurance.. medicare or other,.. your cost for a standard cataract surgery will be 500-550 per eye.. unless you choose.. crystalens.. then you can expect to pay.. 1200+..and the best thing to do is ask your Dr. (surgeon) for sample eye drops..all of them will give you samples..why pay..edicare or other,.. your cost for a standard cataract surgery will be 500-550 per eye.. unless you choose.. crystalens.. then you can expect to pay.. 1200+..and the best thing to do is ask your Dr. (surgeon) for sample eye drops.." }, { "docid": "5978719", "title": "-", "text": "LUMIGAN® eye drops are used to lower raised pressure in the eye and to treat glaucoma. Glaucoma is a condition in which the pressure of fluid in the eye may be high. However, some people with glaucoma may have normal eye pressure." } ]
what has strongest palpable pulse
[ { "docid": "6984612", "title": "Which is the strongest pulse point?", "text": "A pulse can be felt where an artery crosses a bone. The main areas where the strongest pulse may be felt are the carotid artery in the neck, the brachial artery in the crook o … f the arm and the radial artery in the inner wrist. 1 person found this useful. Anand Mehta." } ]
[ { "docid": "3791608", "title": "-", "text": "radial pulse - pulse of the radial artery (felt in the wrist) heart rate, pulse rate, pulse - the rate at which the heart beats; usually measured to obtain a quick evaluation of a person's health." }, { "docid": "7215171", "title": "-", "text": "What is the most strongest material that can take impact? If diamond is the world's hardest material, which is the world's softest material? What's the strongest material known to mankind? What material sticks to other materials?" }, { "docid": "7833073", "title": "-", "text": "A pulse rate faster than 100 beats per minute is called tachycardia. Conditions such as congestive heart failure (CHF), hemorrhage, shock, dehydration, and anemia can all speed up the heart rate.. If the pulse is regular, count for 30 seconds, then multiply that number by 2.If the pulse is irregular, count for 1 full minute. View poster preview. Palpate a patient's pulse to determine circulation distal to the pulse site and for rhythm, quality, and strength." }, { "docid": "4124333", "title": "Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)", "text": "Definition - What does Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) mean? Pulse-width modulation (PWM) is a modulation process or technique used in most communication systems for encoding the amplitude of a signal right into a pulse width or duration of another signal, usually a carrier signal, for transmission." }, { "docid": "4035667", "title": "Swollen Lymph Nodes (Causes, Locations, Symptoms, Treatments)", "text": "1 Lymph nodes are important part of the immune system. 2 Lymph nodes are located throughout the body, but visible and palpable only when they are enlarged or swollen. 3 Lymph nodes are regional, and each group of them corresponds to a particular region of the body and reflects abnormalities in that region. Lymph nodes are located throughout the body, but visible and palpable only when they are enlarged or swollen. 2 Lymph nodes are regional, and each group of them corresponds to a particular region of the body and reflects abnormalities in that region." }, { "docid": "1285437", "title": "PULSE", "text": "pulse, pulse rate, heart rate(noun) the rate at which the heart beats; usually measured to obtain a quick evaluation of a person's health. pulse(verb) edible seeds of various pod-bearing plants (peas or beans or lentils etc.) pulsate, throb, pulse(verb) expand and contract rhythmically; beat rhythmically." }, { "docid": "6117756", "title": "Resting Pulse Rate Chart for Adults", "text": "The unit of measurement is beats per minute (bpm) and it indicates how many times the heart contracts in a minute. Resting pulse rate is nothing but the pulse rate when you are at rest. It is also referred to as 'normal pulse rate' or 'normal heart rate' or 'resting heart rate (RHR)'." }, { "docid": "3422243", "title": "-", "text": "the pulse rate and the heart rate are mainly the same but only have a small difrance which is that the heart beat is only your heart but the pulse rate is in more places aroun … d your body.6 people found this useful.ou can feel a pulse as the blood moves around the body at a variety of places (the neck, the wr … ist, the top of the leg). The pulse you can feel is from the blood being pushed every second or so-but the heart. The pulse rate is the same as the heartbeat rate." }, { "docid": "6500320", "title": "-", "text": "Get those medical secrets: http://www.health101.pw/Medical-Secre... This video shows you how to say or pronounce Palpable Disease. Audio is from cancer.gov.1 Education. 2 Creative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed). 3 Remix this video.et those medical secrets: http://www.health101.pw/Medical-Secre... This video shows you how to say or pronounce Palpable Disease. Audio is from cancer.gov. 1 Education." }, { "docid": "6234324", "title": "-", "text": "A great new medical device that can be used on a daily basis to monitor one’s heart rate is a pulse oximeter. A pulse oximeter, also known as a pulse ox by some medical professionals, is a device used to measure the oxygen saturation level and pulse rate of an individual.A modern pulse oximeter is smaller than a cell phone, and can easily be carried around with no issues.eart rate, also known as your pulse rate, is a great indicator of your health. Over the past 25 years, the health of Americans has been on the decline. Various health related conditions are on the rise. These illnesses range from heart related to even the respiratory systems." }, { "docid": "6628566", "title": "-", "text": "1 Put the garlic and salt into the bowl of a small food processor and pulse. 2 Add the pine nuts and pulse until roughly chopped (be careful not to over-process). 3 Add the rocket and pulse carefully until it is well mixed, but still very textured." }, { "docid": "531288", "title": "Pulse (Heart Rate)", "text": "You should feel a pulsing or tapping against your fingers. Watch the second hand and count the number of pulses you feel in 30 seconds. Double that number to find out your heart rate or pulse for 1 minute. The usual resting pulse for an adult is 60 to 100 beats per minute.To find your resting pulse, count your pulse after you have been sitting or resting quietly for at least 10 minutes.ou should feel a pulsing or tapping against your fingers. Watch the second hand and count the number of pulses you feel in 30 seconds. Double that number to find out your heart rate or pulse for 1 minute. The usual resting pulse for an adult is 60 to 100 beats per minute." }, { "docid": "3483862", "title": "What Causes Low Blood Pressure and High Pulse Rateï¼", "text": "Many cardiac arrhythmias can result in a high pulse rate and a low blood pressure. In this case, it is the high pulse rate that is causing the low blood pressure. The pulse rate in such cases is very high, and thus the heart is beating so fast, that it is not getting enough time adequately fill itself with the blood.n this case, it is the high pulse rate that is causing the low blood pressure. The pulse rate in such cases is very high, and thus the heart is beating so fast, that it is not getting enough time adequately fill itself with the blood." }, { "docid": "2722000", "title": "Where is your radial pulse located?", "text": "Your radial pulse is located on your wrist, just below your palm. It is the pulsing of your radial artery. Your radial pulse is useful for monitoring your heart rate, as it is the pulse that is easiest to feel your heart palpitations from.our radial pulse is located on your wrist, just below your palm. It is the pulsing of your radial artery. Your radial pulse is useful for monitoring your heart rate, as it is the pulse that is easiest to feel your heart palpitations from." }, { "docid": "3751353", "title": "Abdominal pain and Palpable vibration Symptom Checker", "text": "Abdominal pain and Palpable vibration. 1 Abdominal pain AND Palpable vibration-Causes of All Symptoms. 2 Abdominal pain OR Palpable vibration - 2362 causes." }, { "docid": "2091471", "title": "pulse rate", "text": "We know that when the pulse rate is constant, vasodilatation causes a fall in diastolic pressure and a rise in pulse pressure. Arteriosclerosis and Hypertension: Louis Marshall Warfield Pulse pressure, pulse rate, and the relative velocity of the blood flow are increased immediately upon the ingestion of meals. Arteriosclerosis and Hypertension: Louis Marshall Warfield Following exercise the pulse rate increases, the systolic pressure rises greatly, the diastolic slightly or not at all." }, { "docid": "1544567", "title": "Getting Paid for Pulse Ox", "text": "A pulse ox (94760) has a total RVU of .07. This is 20 times less than that of the 99213. So, when performed together, the pulse ox is incidental to the 99213 because of the disparity in the weight or value of the two services — and the higher one is paid. That doesn’t mean that a pulse ox can’t be paid.ou give a great example of this: pulse oximetry, code 94760. This is one of the first services I recall going the “incidental” route. Back in the early 90s Medicare determined that the pulse oximetry service would not be “separately payable” along with an E&M code." }, { "docid": "1424841", "title": "5 Heart Rate Myths Debunked", "text": "3. Myth: If my pulse is fast, it always means I'm stressed out. Stress is just one thing that can raise your pulse. Your heart rate may also speed up when you exercise, get excited, or feel anxious or sad. When you stand up, your pulse may go up for 15 to 20 seconds before it goes back to normal.Even the weather, like high temperatures or humidity, can raise it.. Myth: If my pulse is fast, it always means I'm stressed out. Stress is just one thing that can raise your pulse. Your heart rate may also speed up when you exercise, get excited, or feel anxious or sad. When you stand up, your pulse may go up for 15 to 20 seconds before it goes back to normal." }, { "docid": "4614095", "title": "Radial artery puncture", "text": "Contraindications. 1 Cellulitis or other infections over the radial artery. 2 Absence of palpable radial artery pulse. 3 A negative Allen test (see below), which indicates that only one artery supplies the hand. A Positive Allen Test indicates the blood supply to the hand is normal. 4 Coagulation defects (relative)" }, { "docid": "7113230", "title": "-", "text": "Feeling of not being able to get enough air, Labored breathing, Rapid heart rate (pulse), Shortness of breath: Cough, Pounding heart (pulse), Rapid heart rate (pulse) Irregular heartbeat, Rapid heart rate (pulse), Shortness of breath: Numbness or tingling, Palpitations (fluttering in chest), Rapid heart rate (pulse)" }, { "docid": "599405", "title": "Factors that Affect the Strength of the Electromagnet", "text": "I expect the strongest electromagnet to have a 'soft' iron core; the. highest number of coils (45); the strongest voltage (10V) and current. and have the coils evenly spread across the iron rod." }, { "docid": "2481248", "title": "Hyoid Apparatus - Anatomy & Physiology", "text": "Structure and Function. It is attached to the temporal region of the skull by a synchondrosis joint. It is palpable through the pharynx and is visible when the pharynx is viewed through the mouth. The basihyoid is palpable within the intermandibular space.tructure and Function. It is attached to the temporal region of the skull by a synchondrosis joint. It is palpable through the pharynx and is visible when the pharynx is viewed through the mouth. The basihyoid is palpable within the intermandibular space." }, { "docid": "2531110", "title": "-", "text": "If by strongest you mean “ability to exert a force on an external object”, then a human’s strongest muscle is his or her ‘ masseter ‘ muscle. The masseter muscle is a thick muscle in the cheek and is located at the back of the jaw.It’s responsible for opening and closing your jaw during chewing.f by strongest you mean “ability to exert a force on an external object”, then a human’s strongest muscle is his or her ‘ masseter ‘ muscle. The masseter muscle is a thick muscle in the cheek and is located at the back of the jaw." }, { "docid": "3143364", "title": "Stana Katic & Nathan Fillion: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know", "text": "When Castle came on the air in 2009, all people could talk about was the palpable chemistry between Stana Katic and Nathan Fillion." }, { "docid": "2836775", "title": "Vital Signs (Body Temperature, Pulse Rate, Respiration Rate, Blood Pressure)", "text": "When taking your pulse: 1 Using the first and second fingertips, press firmly but gently on the arteries until you feel a pulse. 2 Begin counting the pulse when the clock's second hand is on the 12. 3 Count your pulse for 60 seconds (or for 15 seconds and then multiply by four to calculate beats per minute)." }, { "docid": "674688", "title": "-", "text": "Resting pulse and recovery rate. The heart is a muscle that pumps blood around the body via the arteries. As with all muscles the stronger it is the less hard work it has to do to perform it’s job. Exercising the heart makes it bigger and stronger.. Take a pulse rate one minute later. Record the number. 4.Subtract the number for the second pulse rate from the first pulse rate after exercise. 5.This is the recovery heart rate number." }, { "docid": "6070837", "title": "Normal Pulse Rates for Women", "text": "Normal Pulse Rates for Women. A pulse is the measurement of how many times your heart beats per minute. The normal pulse for a healthy adult is between 60 and 100 beats per minute. A number of factors determine where your pulse should range." }, { "docid": "3523459", "title": "Cost comparison between ultrasound-guided 14-g large core breast biopsy and open surgical biopsy: An analysis for Austria", "text": "In search of clinically equivalent, less invasive diagnostic alternatives, ultrasound-guided 14-g large core breast biopsy (US-guided LCBB) has been introduced for palpable as well as non-palpable solid breast lesions." }, { "docid": "4419832", "title": "radial pulse", "text": "ra·di·al pulse. 1 the pulse as appreciated at the radial artery usually in the wrist. 2 A palpable rhythmic expansion of the radial artery on the volar aspect of the wrist over the distal radius. 3 A palpable rhythmic expansion of the radial artery on the volar aspect of the wrist over the distal radius." }, { "docid": "7669197", "title": "Dragon Ball Z: The World's Strongest", "text": "Followed by. Dragon Ball Z: The World's Strongest (ドラゴンボールZ この世で一番強いヤツ, Doragon Bōru Zetto: Kono yo de Ichiban Tsuyoi Yatsu; lit. Dragon Ball Z: The World's Strongest Guy) also known as Dragon Ball Z: The Strongest Guy in the World, is the fifth Dragon Ball film and the second under the Dragon Ball Z banner." } ]
what helps brittle nails
[ { "docid": "1857003", "title": "Brittle Nails: Symptoms & Signs", "text": "Some diseases are also associated with changes in the nails, which can include brittleness. Thin and brittle nails can be a sign of hypothyroidism, for example. The term onychoschizia refers to splitting of the fingernails as well as brittle or soft nails. Taking biotin (a vitamin) supplements can help in some cases of brittle nails, and application of moisturizers after soaking in water can also be of benefit. Medically Reviewed by a Doctor on 3/30/2015." } ]
[ { "docid": "2577152", "title": "Potential Causes of Longitudinal Ridging", "text": "However deeper ridges, discolored nails and jagged edges of brittle nails may be symptomatic of other underlying conditions. Longitudinal ridging may be caused by a host of potential medical issues and may be a good reason to pay attention to the person’s general health and wellbeing. Possible causes of longitudinal ridging can include:" }, { "docid": "6483601", "title": "10 Simple Tips That'll Take Your Nails From Dry & Peeling to Healthy & Shiny", "text": "Not only that, when it a brittle nails breaks off, it can be pretty painful, too. If dry, peeling nails are your struggle, there are things you can do to get them back into good health. According to our favorite beauty experts, these at-home remedies that include good old-fashioned TLC and some nutrition tweaks could be your ticket to better nails. 1. Soak nails in olive oil" }, { "docid": "987090", "title": "Red purple nails", "text": "Red purple nails: Introduction. Red purple nails: Red purple nails is a condition in which the fingernails and/or toenails have a red or purple color.See detailed information below for a list of 1 causes of Red purple nails, including diseases and drug side effect causes.» Review Causes of Red purple nails: Causes.ed purple nails: Introduction. Red purple nails: Red purple nails is a condition in which the fingernails and/or toenails have a red or purple color." }, { "docid": "4706660", "title": "Brittle Nails - Causes and Treatment", "text": "Brittle Nails - Causes and Treatment. Synopsis: Brittle nails are often a result of aging but may be due to diseases and conditions there are several methods to deal with brittle and split nails. Main Document. Onychoschizia or splitting of the nails is a very common problem often seen by dermatologists." }, { "docid": "7425877", "title": "My nails look dull....what should i do to make them shiny?", "text": "Clean your nails. Scrutinize the state of your nails. With the polish now gone, you can see any dirt that has accumulated under your nails. Use a good fingernail brush to wash away the dirt under the nails. Again, if you have a spot that is being stubborn, gently use your cuticle stick to get the hard-to-reach areas." }, { "docid": "4514423", "title": "-", "text": "Nail primer helps polish bond to the nails so that manicures last longer. A cuticle stick is a basic nail supply that is used to gently push back cuticles. A UV gel nails kit should include nail files. Before applying gel nails, the fingernails should be cleaned with a fingernail brush." }, { "docid": "1976614", "title": "What is a Gel Manicure?", "text": "Application. During a gel manicure, a nail technician first cleans and shapes a person's natural nails and pushes the cuticles back. He or she then applies a base coat, which helps the fake nail or polish adhere better, and then applies several coats of polish to the nails." }, { "docid": "3570944", "title": "10 Simple Tips That'll Take Your Nails From Dry & Peeling to Healthy & Shiny", "text": "2. Use a cuticle cream like it's your religion. A soothing cuticle cream like Burt's Bees Lemon Butter Cuticle Creme helps nourish dry cuticles and brittle, damaged nails with vitamin E. Massage the cream into and around your nails nightly before going to bed." }, { "docid": "2458553", "title": "Biotin", "text": "Biotin is a coenzyme and a B vitamin. It is also known as vitamin H. As a supplement, biotin is sometimes used for diabetes, brittle nails, and other conditions. Biotin plays a key role in the body. It supports the health of the skin, nerves, digestive tract, metabolism, and cells." }, { "docid": "8666803", "title": "Thick Toenails: Trimming, Treatment & Causes", "text": "Here are some tips to help you prevent toenail problems: 1 Always watch for changes in the skin and nails. 2 Trim your nails straight across, and not too short. 3 File your nails regularly in order to prevent sharp edges. Wear properly-fitting shoes and socks with adequate space for toes and nails." }, { "docid": "1935900", "title": "12 Reasons You Should Be Eating THIS Superfoodâ¦", "text": "Because gelatin is essentially collagen, it helps build connective tissue and is great for skin, nails and hair. It encourages your body to make more collagen. It is great for bone and joint health and can improve arthritis. It aids in digestion and helps to breakdown nutrients. (Source)" }, { "docid": "5591915", "title": "Vertical Ridges on the Fingernails: Symptoms & Signs", "text": "Symptoms & Signs. Having vertical (longitudinal) ridges on the fingernails refers to the presence of tiny raised lines or ridges that run up and down the length of the nail. Ridges are among the different kinds of nail abnormalities that can develop due to aging, nail injury, or trauma, or underlying medical conditions. Many people notice an increase in vertical ridges of the fingernails as they age, and this can be a normal development. Aging has been described as the predominant cause of vertical ridges on the fingernails. Onychorrhexis is the medical term used to describe longitudinal ridges on the nails that often accompany brittle nails." }, { "docid": "4088922", "title": "Why Do Nails Split, Crack or Peel? â Possible Nutritional Causes", "text": "Nails structure: The bulk of the nail plate is made of keratins which comprise 80% to 90% of the nail plate. Epithelial type keratins account for 10% to 20%. Keratin is a type of protein, the same protein is in your hair or on a bug skeleton.Sulfur helps gluing the keratin fibers together, contributing hardness to nails.Calcium does not contribute to nail hardness (makes up only 0.2% of the nail plate by weight), which is completely the opposite of what we would expect.eratin is a type of protein, the same protein is in your hair or on a bug skeleton. Sulfur helps gluing the keratin fibers together, contributing hardness to nails. Calcium does not contribute to nail hardness (makes up only 0.2% of the nail plate by weight), which is completely the opposite of what we would expect." }, { "docid": "7398064", "title": "Does Biotin Really Work?", "text": "The manufacturer of. capsules also claim that their product can help keep hair healthy and reduce hair loss, reduce the effects of acne and strengthen brittle nails. It is also claimed that Biotin capsules can help people with conditions such as diabetes, eczema, and mild depression." }, { "docid": "2136882", "title": "-", "text": "Other symptoms of hypothyroidism to keep an eye out for include: 1 Thinning hair. 2 Fatigue. 3 Cold intolerance. A hoarse or raspy 1 voice. Brittle nails. Dry 1 skin. Depression or inability. Constipation." }, { "docid": "5018644", "title": "What is the difference between acrylic, gel, and solar artificial nails?", "text": "It differs from acrylic in terms that no mixing is required to create gel and the nails must be cured in a UV lamp to create strong gel extensions. Solar Nails: Solar nails and acrylic nails both are practically the same thing, which can cause some confusion. They both have the same composition and characteristics." }, { "docid": "330203", "title": "4 Vitamins and Minerals to Prevent Brittle Nails", "text": "Brittle nails are a remarkably common problem, but your risk of developing the condition increases as you enter menopause due to hormonal imbalance.Banish dull and chipped nails by getting more of these 4 vitamins and minerals that will help strengthen your nails. Click here to read more." }, { "docid": "4088923", "title": "Why Do My Fingernails Peel & Break?", "text": "Ironically, some nail care products, such as nail polish or nail polish remover, can damage nails and make them brittle. Acrylic nails and tips are particularly likely to promote breaking and peeling. Using a moisturizer and avoiding exposure to chemicals can help restore your nail health.ronically, some nail care products, such as nail polish or nail polish remover, can damage nails and make them brittle. Acrylic nails and tips are particularly likely to promote breaking and peeling. Using a moisturizer and avoiding exposure to chemicals can help restore your nail health." }, { "docid": "7458076", "title": "-", "text": "The cause of ridges in fingernails can be an early sign of a health concern that may need addressing or simply just an age thing.As you get older your nails tend to naturally form vertical ridges and become a little more brittle, dehydration from your body producing less and less natural oils.he cause of ridges in fingernails can be an early sign of a health concern that may need addressing or simply just an age thing." }, { "docid": "7979742", "title": "-", "text": "Isometric Geoboard. A physical geoboard is a board with nails hammered into it. Shapes are created by stretching elastics around the nails. In this virtual manipulative you stretch geobands around the red nails..1 Add a geoband to the board.sometric Geoboard. A physical geoboard is a board with nails hammered into it. Shapes are created by stretching elastics around the nails. In this virtual manipulative you stretch geobands around the red nails.." }, { "docid": "5031946", "title": "Mastering Roof Inspections: Asphalt Composition Shingles, Part 26", "text": "Nails and staples have to be driven to the proper depth. When nails are fastened with an air compressor-powered nail gun, it’s not uncommon for nails to be over-driven. Over-driven nails cut into the shingles, reducing their wind resistance. Nails driven at an angle cause the same problem." }, { "docid": "823115", "title": "-", "text": "Easy to Refill. Also comes in Dark Pink and White and Light Pink and White. See other listings for those. Also a Crystal Clear color to add for extra strength before a color powder is applied. Foundation Liquid is also available as an extra step for brittle nails. Email me for more info on that product." }, { "docid": "4983055", "title": "Nails Vitamin Deficiency", "text": "Dents in the nail called beau’s lines are caused because of malnutrition. Lack of vitamin C could cause hangnails and swollen nail tissues. You could also spot red-brown spots at the end of the nails caused by the deficiency of vitamin C. The lack of B12 in your body can show up in various ways on your fingernail.ome Remedies. There are some simple home remedies that can help get rid of brittle nails. Listed below are a few of them: 1 Soak a cotton ball with olive or castor oil and use it to gently swab your finger nails. 2 You can also use the mixture of a few drops of olive oil and lemon juice with a table spoon of honey." }, { "docid": "401535", "title": "The Worst Diet Mistakes For Hair And Nails", "text": "Just like your skin, your hair and nails are affected by the foods you choose to eat. And we're not talking about the sheen of those lustrous waves or a hangnail. Both hair and nails can become brittle and dry, and hair can thin or fall out without the right range of nutritious picks in your diet." }, { "docid": "70408", "title": "-", "text": "1 Wash your feet and dry them. This will help make your nails less brittle and easier to cut. Use a proper toenail cutting tool, such as nail clippers, and make sure they are clean and sanitized." }, { "docid": "3065950", "title": "Slideshow: The Truth About Vitamin D", "text": "Vitamin D is critical for strong bones, from infancy into old age. It helps the body absorb calcium from food. In older adults, a daily dose of D and calcium helps to prevent fractures and brittle bones. Children need D” to build strong bones and prevent rickets, a cause of bowed legs, knock knees, and weak bones." }, { "docid": "5659355", "title": "THESE Deficiencies May Lead to Thinning Hair...", "text": "Vitamin A. This vitamin helps to keep hair moist. It aids in the secretion of sebum into the scalp as it is needed, which keeps the hair from becoming dry and brittle, which can often be the start of hair loss." }, { "docid": "1350391", "title": "Growing Out Your Nail Beds & Things Iâve Learned in the Past Year", "text": "Using a nail brush to clean under my nails. I have a brush at nearly every sink in my house, and travel with one when going out of town. Keeping nails painted so that I am less likely to see anything under the nails and trying to clean it out when a nail brush is not available." }, { "docid": "3055916", "title": "-", "text": "Chemo Nails. Taxotere has done a number on my nails. The nails have become darkened, yellow, brittle and ridges have formed. Some nails appear to be lifting off their bed. finished chemo in December, and my toe nails are still just terrible! My fingernails have all grown out now, so that isn't a problem anymore. My fingernails were never really dark, just brittle. But my toenails are VERY dark, thick and raised. I can see the line about mid ways up." }, { "docid": "1674599", "title": "-", "text": "Stop taking selenium and call your doctor at once if you have: 1 nausea, vomiting; 2 lack of energy, feeling irritable or very tired. 3 hair loss, mild rash, brittle or painful fingernails, or white streaks on the nails; 4 tremors, feeling light-headed; 5 muscle tenderness; 6 flushing (warmth, redness, or tingly feeling);" } ]
what helps itching burning feet
[ { "docid": "485354", "title": "Itchy hands and feet at night? Find out the problem NOW", "text": "Apart from itchy hands and feet, you may also have: • A rash. • Dry skin. • Stinging and burning sensation on your hands and feet. • Blisters. • Hives. Natural ways to help relieve the itching and burning sensation. Baking soda and oatmeal. These ingredients will definitely help you get rid of the itchiness immediately. You could add a cup of baking soda or 2 cups of ground oatmeal to your bath water." } ]
[ { "docid": "7658036", "title": "-", "text": "The following symptoms commonly occur with eye allergies: 1 Itching. 2 Redness. 3 Tearing. Swelling. 4 Burning. Blurry vision. Eye mucous." }, { "docid": "8118", "title": "-", "text": "That’s because trichomoniasis mainly causes what Delgado calls “nuisance symptoms.” So rather than the serious pain or sores that might come with other STDs, you may experience annoying vaginal itching, burning, or discharge." }, { "docid": "6172", "title": "-", "text": "Paraesthesia. Pins and needles (also known as paraesthesiae) is a cold, burning, prickling or tingling sensation that is usually felt in the arms, legs, hands or feet. It can also happen in other parts of the body, such as the mouth and neck. The sensation is normally painless and can cause numbness or itching." }, { "docid": "532578", "title": "-", "text": "Symptoms of yeast infection are similar to those of other causes of vaginitis (inflammation or irritation of the vaginal canal), including Trichomonas infection and bacterial vaginosis. Itching, which can be severe, is a common symptom. Burning and irritation usually accompany the itching." }, { "docid": "778566", "title": "-", "text": "Burning, Itching, Tingling, Then a Rash. An outbreak of shingles usually begins with a burning, itching, or tingling sensation on the back, chest, or around the rib cage or waist. It is also common for the face or eye area to be affected. (Watch the video to learn more about one woman's experience with shingles." }, { "docid": "7452653", "title": "Overview", "text": "Symptoms. Intense itching is the predominant symptom of cholestasis of pregnancy. Most women feel itchy on the palms of their hands or the soles of their feet, but some women feel itchy everywhere. The itching is often worse at night and may be distressing enough that you can't sleep." }, { "docid": "1305098", "title": "Itching or burning, Swelling (Fingers), Swelling (Foot (top)) and Swollen lips", "text": "There are 37 conditions associated with itching or burning, swelling (fingers), swelling (foot (top)) and swollen lips." }, { "docid": "6300430", "title": "7 Common Reasons Your Vagina Is Itchy Beyond Belief", "text": "With any of these, the itching (or tingling sensation) can progress to pain and burning, says Askew. If you experience itching along with any other common STD symptoms like burning while you pee, foul-smelling discharge, sores on your genitals, and pain during sex, you should book it to your gyno to get tested ASAP." }, { "docid": "6465100", "title": "-", "text": "In general, you use creams containing capsaicin for pain relief. You can put the creams on your skin up to 4 times a day. You may feel a burning or itching sensation the first few times you use the cream, but this will gradually decrease with each use." }, { "docid": "374798", "title": "Eye irritation", "text": "Discharge or mucus in eyes, Eye crusting with sleep, Eye irritation, Nasal symptoms and one red eye Eye irritation, Eyelid redness, Itching or burning, Pain or discomfort Drainage or pus, Eye irritation, Itching or burning, Pain or discomfort" }, { "docid": "5880131", "title": "Itching or burning, Numbness or tingling, Pain or discomfort and Shaking hands or tremor", "text": "WebMD Symptom Checker helps you find the most common medical conditions indicated by the symptoms itching or burning, numbness or tingling, pain or discomfort and shaking hands or tremor including Peripheral neuropathy, Carpal tunnel syndrome, and Contact dermatitis." }, { "docid": "7961204", "title": "-", "text": "Fishy Smell in the Genitals, Itchy Feeli... I have had UTI's and BV ANd both i have had foul smelling urine but many other symtoms like burning and itching and all the lovely stuff like that. But now i have a fishy foul smelling urine and nothing else.." }, { "docid": "2361862", "title": "-", "text": "1 Bladder pain. 2 bloody or cloudy urine. 3 blurred vision. 4 burning while urinating burning, crawling, itching, numbness, prickling, pins and needles, or tingling feelings. 5 chest pain. 6 congestion. 7 diarrhea. 8 difficult, burning, or painful urination." }, { "docid": "8436721", "title": "Common Causes of Vaginal Itching and Burning", "text": "Much less common than infections, allergies can also cause vaginal itching and burning after sex. Women can sometimes be allergic to semen, a situation that can vary from partner to partner depending on the particular proteins contained in the seminal fluid of each." }, { "docid": "6974012", "title": "-", "text": "Yeast infection symptoms -- such as vaginal itching, burning, and occasional vaginal discharge -- can also be caused by sexually transmitted diseases and other vaginal infections.east infection symptoms -- such as vaginal itching, burning, and occasional vaginal discharge -- can also be caused by sexually transmitted diseases and other vaginal infections." }, { "docid": "5781311", "title": "MS Connection", "text": "Mar 25, 2013 11:03 AM. Burning and Swollen Foot. Can you please tell me something about the unusual possible MS symptom MS known as burning feet. For the most part, this usually occurs at night time or can be constant during the day." }, { "docid": "1765377", "title": "-", "text": "Frequent urination indicates an irritable or painful condition of the bladder or urethra or that the quantity is excessive. It is situated just at, or a trifle behind the orifice of the urethra. The Symptoms of Gonorrhea in the Male are slight itching and burning of the mouth of the urethra." }, { "docid": "1254792", "title": "-", "text": "There are 27 conditions associated with itching or burning, numbness or tingling and skin rash. The links below will provide you with more detailed information on these medical conditions from the WebMD Symptom Checker and help provide a better understanding of causes and treatment of these related conditions.1 Lice.here are 27 conditions associated with itching or burning, numbness or tingling and skin rash. The links below will provide you with more detailed information on these medical conditions from the WebMD Symptom Checker and help provide a better understanding of causes and treatment of these related conditions. 1 Lice." }, { "docid": "3424443", "title": "-", "text": "If the pump is not refilled on time, you may experience return of your muscle tightness and early withdrawal symptoms which might include: 1 itching of the skin. 2 decreased blood pressure blurred vision. 3 burning, crawling, itching, numbness, prickling, pins and needles , or tingling feelings. seizures." }, { "docid": "881131", "title": "Lip burning sensation Symptom Checker", "text": "Lip burning sensation: Causes. Lip burning sensation: Introduction. Lip burning sensation: Add a 2nd Symptom. Lip burning sensation and Ankle burning sensation (5 causes) Lip burning sensation and Arm burning sensation (5 causes) Lip burning sensation and Burning feet (5 causes)" }, { "docid": "3792374", "title": "-", "text": "Pain or discomfort, Sore or burning eyes. Pain or discomfort, Pain when moving eyes, Sensation of something in eye, Sore or burning eyes. Sore or burning eyes, Tenderness to touch. Eyelid redness, Itching or burning, Puffy eyelids, Sore or burning eyes. Itching or burning, Sore or burning eyes." }, { "docid": "6059679", "title": "Cramps, Aches and Extreme Itching â Whatâs the Cause?", "text": "See also: AARP's Drug Interaction Checker. For the past few weeks I have been experiencing leg cramping, muscle aches, and — mostly and more recently — itching. I felt itching in my throat and extreme itching on my face, along with a burning sensation. I went to see my dermatologist, thinking it was another episode of rosacea, but she said it wasn’t." }, { "docid": "494717", "title": "Home Remedies for Burning Sensations in Feet", "text": "In addition to the burning sensation in the feet, one can have symptoms like redness, swelling, increased sweating, dull ache, peeling skin, change in color and texture of the skin, and increased sensation of temperature. The treatment for burning sensations in the feet depends on the underlying cause." }, { "docid": "1546238", "title": "Overview", "text": "Athlete's foot (tinea pedis) is a fungal infection that usually begins between the toes. It occurs most commonly in people whose feet have become very sweaty while confined within tight-fitting shoes. Signs and symptoms of athlete's foot include a scaly rash that usually causes itching, stinging and burning.thlete's foot is closely related to other fungal infections such as ringworm and jock itch. It can be treated with over-the-counter antifungal medications, but the infection often recurs." }, { "docid": "4804886", "title": "Ear ache, Itching or burning and Sore throat", "text": "WebMD Symptom Checker helps you find the most common medical conditions indicated by the symptoms ear ache, itching or burning and sore throat including Viral pharyngitis, Earwax blockage, and Strep throat. There are 31 conditions associated with ear ache, itching or burning and sore throat. The links below will provide you with more detailed information on these medical conditions from the WebMD Symptom Checker and help provide a better understanding of causes and treatment of these related conditions. 1 Viral pharyngitis." }, { "docid": "975783", "title": "Facial burning sensation", "text": "Facial burning sensation: Comorbid Symptoms. Some of the comorbid or associated medical symptoms for Facial burning sensation may include these symptoms: 1 Ankle burning sensation. 2 Arm burning sensation. 3 Burning feet." }, { "docid": "3629542", "title": "-", "text": "Only if it is itching, burning, odor or irritating to your vagina do I then say to you, you possibly could have an infection. But to have a vaginal discharge is normal and it's because you have hormones in your system that you have bacteria sharing your vagina area that are normal to that area." }, { "docid": "431123", "title": "-", "text": "These symptoms are most often described as burning sensation in feet while lying down, burning pain hands and feet, burning hands and feet at night. There can be other symptoms and it depends on the nerve that is damaged as well as the extent of the damage. But these are nerve damage symptoms." }, { "docid": "5787793", "title": "Nitroglycerin Side Effects", "text": "As well as its needed effects, nitroglycerin may cause unwanted side effects that require medical attention. If any of the following side effects occur while taking nitroglycerin, check with your doctor immediately: Less common: 1 Bloating or swelling of the face, arms, hands, lower legs, or feet. burning, crawling, itching, numbness, prickling, pins and needles, or tingling feelings." }, { "docid": "7408856", "title": "Dry eyes, Itching or burning, Red (bloodshot) eyes and Sore or burning eyes", "text": "Dry eyes, Itching or burning, Red (bloodshot) eyes and Sore or burning eyes. WebMD Symptom Checker helps you find the most common medical conditions indicated by the symptoms dry eyes, itching or burning, red (bloodshot) eyes and sore or burning eyes including Allergic reaction, Hay fever, and Indoor allergens." } ]
what hotel is on goat island ri
[ { "docid": "6053649", "title": "Goat Island (Rhode Island)", "text": "Goat Island is home to the Newport Harbor Light (1842), The Marina Cafe & Pub, Belle Mer, the Hyatt Regency Newport hotel, and the Goat Island South Condominiums.The island was home to several military forts, the U.S. Naval Torpedo Station, and was the site of the attacks on the HMS St John and HMS Liberty.or other places with the same name, see Goat Island. Goat Island is a small island in Narragansett Bay and is part of the city of Newport, Rhode Island, U.S. The island is connected to the Easton's Point neighborhood via a causeway bridge." }, { "docid": "6053656", "title": "-", "text": "Its shore has provided summertime plea-sures for Newport families. It is a tiny island, some 20 acres, yet for 300 years it has played an impor-tant role in the history of Rhode Island. Today, Goat Island is a peaceful haven for resi-dents, boaters and the many visitors who enjoy the Hyatt Regency Newport Hotel.To welcome you, we offer this glimpse into the island’s history.The First Shots of the American Revolution Were Fired in Newport, R.I.” Providence Sunday Journal, July 4, 1976.Schroder, Walter K. Defenses of Narragansett Bay in World War II, Providence, Rhode Island Bicentennial Foundation 1980.Snow, Edward Rowe." } ]
[ { "docid": "6700902", "title": "-", "text": "Plan your visit to the Long Island Marriott. You'll be delighted with our convenient hotel location here in Uniondale, NY. 40.723662 -73.586924." }, { "docid": "6053658", "title": "-", "text": "1 While staying at our newly transformed Newport, RI, hotel visit the Cliff Walk, Newport Mansions and the International Tennis Hall of Fame. 2 The Newport Marriott is just 30 minutes from Providence's TF Green Airport and 70 miles from Boston-the most recently renovated Newport hotel.iscover one of the premier hotels in Newport, RI. Located in the heart of historic Newport, guests at Newport Marriott will enjoy our $35 million renovation. 41.490691 -71.317168." }, { "docid": "8251441", "title": "-", "text": "of 13. The Cove hotel at Atlantis resort, Paradise Island, Bahamas ••• Lobby water feature at The Cove resort at Atlantis Paradise Island in the Bahamas. © Lotopspin via Flikr. The 600-room, all-suite Cove hotel was opened in 2007 and is billed as an ultra-luxury resort-within-a-resort at Atlantis." }, { "docid": "4617631", "title": "-", "text": "HealthSource RI Top Competitors. HealthSource RI was found in 2013 and its headquarters are located in Cranston, Rhode Island, USA. HealthSource RI has $5M in revenue and 30 employees. HealthSource RI's top competitors are Zane Benefits, Lumity and Benecaid. HealthSource RI Competitive Set." }, { "docid": "6372665", "title": "-", "text": "Unpack your goat cheese and refrigerate immediately until ready to serve. Goat cheese can be stored in the refrigerator for 2 to 3 weeks. Fresh spreadable goat cheese and logs freeze for 2 to 3 months if sealed tightly. When goat cheese begins to age you can lengthen its shelf life by placing it in a small bowl and covering it with a few tablespoons of olive oil." }, { "docid": "4369450", "title": "-", "text": "Zip Code 02908 Cities. 02908 is located in the state of Rhode Island in the Providence metro area. Zip code 02908 is primarily located in Providence County. The official postal service name used for 02908 is PROVIDENCE, Rhode Island.Portions of the 02908 zip code are contained within or border the city limits of Providence, RI, North Providence, RI, .The 02908 area code is 401.ip Code 02908 Unacceptable Postal Names. 02908 is located in the state of Rhode Island in the Providence metro area. Zip code 02908 is primarily located in Providence County. The official postal service name used for 02908 is PROVIDENCE, Rhode Island." }, { "docid": "766332", "title": "27 Mi - Distance from Providence to University of Rhode Island Challenge Course Rd", "text": "University of Rhode Island Challenge Course Rd, West Kingston, RI 02892, USA. The driving distance from Providence to University of Rhode Island Challenge Course Rd is 27 miles. Your Travel Starts at Providence, RI, USA. It Ends at University of Rhode Island Challenge Course Rd, West Kingston, RI 02892, USA. Can't get a feel of the tour distance on the small map? How far is Providence from University of Rhode Island Challenge Course Rd?" }, { "docid": "4998683", "title": "Goat Simulator", "text": "Goat Simulator is the latest in goat simulation technology, bringing next-gen goat simulation to YOU. The latest in goat simulation technology. Goat Simulator is all about causing as much destruction as you possibly can as a goat. It has been compared to an old-school skating game, except instead of being a skater, you're a goat, and instead of doing tricks, you wreck stuff." }, { "docid": "6021573", "title": "-", "text": "I love Gorgonzola! I make a really good gnocci with gorgonzola sauce. Goat Cheese tastes too much like licking a goat belly. You need a really good recipe to make it worth eating.I guess it depends on what you're using it for. love Gorgonzola! I make a really good gnocci with gorgonzola sauce. Goat Cheese tastes too much like licking a goat belly. You need a really good recipe to make it worth eating. I guess it depends on what you're using it for." }, { "docid": "1168354", "title": "-", "text": "Get directions, maps, and traffic for Jekyll Island, GA. Check flight prices and hotel availability for your visit." }, { "docid": "1528353", "title": "-", "text": "The JV introduced the Castner Range RI project scope and stated that the RI would. characterize munitions response site (MRS) conditions, determine the nature and extent. of MEC and MC, and risk assessments would be conducted." }, { "docid": "8778908", "title": "Little Compton, Rhode Island", "text": "Recent posts about Little Compton, Rhode Island on our local forum with over 2,000,000 registered users. Little Compton is mentioned 187 times on our forum: Latest news from Little Compton, RI collected exclusively by city-data.com from local newspapers, TV, and radio stations." }, { "docid": "6916202", "title": "7 Great Goat Cheeses You Should Know", "text": "7 Great Goat Cheeses You Should Know. Goat cheese might be the most controversial cheese. If you work at a cheese restaurant or behind a cheese counter (as I have) and ask people Is there anything you don't like?, you will hear goat cheese like a sad refrain. Why? Is it because people have been inundated with inferior, chalky grocery store goats?" }, { "docid": "2551921", "title": "-", "text": "Also known as a Rhode Island Certificate of Existence, a Rhode Island Certificate of Status or a Rhode Island Certificate of Authority, the Rhode Island Good Standing Certificate is a one page document which looks like a letter and bears the seal of the state of Rhode Island Secretary of State.ll Rhode Island (RI) Good Standing Certificate orders are refundable before payment is issued to the state of Rhode Island, minus a $25 cancellation fee, and less any expenses incurred in processing your order." }, { "docid": "4910182", "title": "Falls Cam", "text": "From there it is possible to clearly view the Horseshoe Falls, American Falls, and the Niagara River. Refresh your screen occasionally to see a different view of the Niagara River and the Falls. The upper river contains the Old Scow, the Upper Rapids, the International Control Dam, and Goat Island." }, { "docid": "8019282", "title": "New York, New York", "text": "Comfort Inn Staten Island. The Comfort Inn Staten Island is just minutes from the Newark Liberty International Airport and the Staten Island Museum. Hilton Garden Inn New York / Staten Island. Situated in Staten Island, this hotel is close to St. Patrick's Church." }, { "docid": "4958335", "title": "Lamb and mutton", "text": "The term mutton is applied to goat meat in most of these countries, and the goat population has been rising. For example, mutton-curry is always made from goat meat. It is estimated that over one-third of the goat population is slaughtered every year and sold as mutton.he meat of a juvenile sheep older than one year is hogget; outside North America this is also a term for the living animal. The meat of an adult sheep is mutton, a term only used for the meat, not the living animals." }, { "docid": "852196", "title": "What is the difference between a resort and a hotel?", "text": "Best Answer: A hotel is a facility that provides accommodations (bed & bath basically) for transients like travellers and tourists. A resort is a recreational complex that normally has a center of attraction, like a beach, a garden park, a swimming pool and a restaurant. e.g., Boracay Beach Resort in the Philippines A resort hotel combines the amenities of a regular hotel and a resort. e.g. Lagen Island Resort in El Nido (Palawan, Philippines)" }, { "docid": "629715", "title": "Manila", "text": "Departing from your Manila hotel in the morning, your guide will take you by air-conditioned coach to the ferry dock, where you’ll board the 1-hour ferry to Corregidor Island, which guards the entrance to Manila Bay.Upon arrival, board a sightseeing coach for a tour of the island." }, { "docid": "1458151", "title": "Goat", "text": "The domestic goat is a subspecies of goat domesticated from the wild goat of southwest Asia and Eastern Europe. The goat is a member of the family Bovidae and is closely related to the sheep as both are in the goat-antelope subfamily Caprinae. There are over 300 distinct breeds of goat. Goats are one of the oldest domesticated species, and have been used for their milk, meat, hair, and skins over much of the world. In 2011, there were more than 924 million live goats around the globe, according to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization." }, { "docid": "8432514", "title": "-", "text": "There are also camping and cottage options for your visit. There are many things to do on Sanibel Island including fishing, shelling, dining, shopping, enjoying nature and so much more. Sanibel Island has been named Smarter’s Travel 1 of 10 Best Beach Towns.here are a number of unique and beautiful accommodations on Sanibel Island. Should you be seeking a comprehensive list of Sanibel Island accommodations along with a photo, brief description, phone number and link to many more hotel websites, click on the link provided. Sanibel Island Beach." }, { "docid": "192597", "title": "-", "text": "Disbudding and Dehorning refers to the removal of the horn buds on a young goat, or, the removal of grown or growing horns on an older goat.isbudding and Dehorning refers to the removal of the horn buds on a young goat, or, the removal of grown or growing horns on an older goat." }, { "docid": "3941317", "title": "How long between birth of goat kids?", "text": "A goat is the adult, And a kid is the infant. An adult goat, - male or female, have two little horns which protrude from the top of the head. They have a little goatie, as w … ell. While infants dont possess, any of these features until later on. goat is the adult, And a kid is the infant. An adult goat, - male or female, have two little horns which protrude from the top of the head. They have a little goatie, as w … ell. While infants dont possess, any of these features until later on." }, { "docid": "1725527", "title": "Capra (genus)", "text": "Approximate range of the Capra species. Capra is a genus of mammals, the goats or wild goats, composed of up to nine species, including the wild goat, the markhor, and several species known as ibex. The domestic goat (Capra aegagrus hircus) is a domesticated subspecies of the wild goat (Capra aegagrus). Evidence of goat domestication dates back more than 8,500 years." }, { "docid": "4748364", "title": "-", "text": "How to file your Rhode Island Division of Business Services Annual Report: For RI nonprofits, corps, PCs, LLCs, L3Cs (Low-Profit LLC) and PLLCs, there are two options for filing your Rhode Island Annual Report. File online. Simply click on “File Corporate Annual Reports” under the Online Filings column at the Rhode Island business website. See the link below." }, { "docid": "4466317", "title": "Capricornus", "text": "Capricornus means literally a goat's horn, it denotes a male goat, or billy-goat. The figure of the Constellation has the head of a goat, and the tail of a fish and is associated with two types of goats: the Mountain-Goat and the Sea-Goat.apra is the term used for the goat genus. Capricorn, the he-goat, and the feminine Capella, the she-goat of Auriga, come from the Latin word caper, 'goat'. Latin caper comes from the Indo-European root * kap-ro - 'He-goat, buck'." }, { "docid": "3137814", "title": "Welcome to Careyâs Viking House Hotel ***", "text": "Formerly owned by International singing sensation Daniel O’Donnell who is native to the area, the hotel boasts panoramic coastal views, overlooking Keadue Strand and the beautiful Cruit Island." }, { "docid": "1256170", "title": "-", "text": "What is the private home rental tax? Article 11 of the RI FY 2016 Budget (H 5900 Sub A) requires a homeowner or rental agent to collect an 8% tax (7% sales tax and 1% hotel tax) from each tenant who rents an entire cottage, home, or other residential dwelling for 30 days or less*." }, { "docid": "8648402", "title": "The Capricorn Goat / Sea Goat", "text": "Most mythologists have the origin of the Capricorn goat screwed up, just as they have Capricorn mythology screwed up. Some believe the image of the sea goat comes from the story of Typhon, the king of monsters." }, { "docid": "1279113", "title": "-", "text": "1 United States›. 2 Rhode Island (RI)›. 3 Providence›. Things to Do in Providence." } ]
can electric strike be fail safe?
[ { "docid": "4165625", "title": "Electric strike", "text": "Electric strikes are generally available in two configurations: 1 Fail-secure. Also called fail-locked or non-fail safe. 2 Fail-safe. Also called fail-open. 3 A new trend is a strike that is quickly reversible from fail safe to fail secure (and back again if needed)." } ]
[ { "docid": "2360188", "title": "Will Pilot Strikes Cripple U.S. Airlines?", "text": "Last week, the pilot union for Hawaiian Holdings (NASDAQ:HA) announced that it had opened a Strike Operations Center to serve as its headquarters in the event of a strike. 1 Hawaiian Airlines pilots are threatening to strike. Image source: Wikimedia Commons." }, { "docid": "8640450", "title": "-", "text": "Re: Is cooking spray safe? The spray oil is perfectly safe for them to eat. However if it is like most then it is in an aerosol can - the aerosol can be VERY dangerous. Don't use aerosols. But if it's a pump action that's fine. Olive Oil is all I use for cooking: it's good for them and us." }, { "docid": "6768769", "title": "How to Avoid Heel Strike Pain", "text": "Experiment with your foot-strike. Runners use three types of foot-strikes: heel-strike, mid-foot strike and toe-strike. The jury is out on which is most efficient and safest, but we do know that heel-striking can have the greatest impact on your feet and knees. If heel-striking causes you pain, you may want to adjust slowly to a different running style." }, { "docid": "3712610", "title": "Labour Strike", "text": "Labour Strike. A strike is a very powerful weapon used by trade unions and other labour associations to get their demands accepted. It generally involves quitting of work by a group of workers for the purpose of bringing the pressure on their employer so that their demands get accepted." }, { "docid": "7419531", "title": "strike", "text": "strike - produce by ignition or a blow; strike fire from the flintstone; strike a match strike - cause to form (an electric arc) between electrodes of an arc lamp; strike an arc create, make - make or cause to be or to become; make a mess in one's office; create a furor" }, { "docid": "1367669", "title": "Best Types of Outdoor Fire Pits For Patios & Backyards", "text": "How much space does your fire pit need to be safe? Never build a fire in an enclosed space or under a roof. Keep a safe distance from trees, no sparks or flames should reach the branches or leaves. As a rule of thumb, keep 10-20 feet distance between the fire pit and the nearest object (trees, houses, etc.)" }, { "docid": "7980970", "title": "-", "text": "Electric Strikes. An SDC electric strike enables the electrical release of a locked mechanical latch or bolt. Compatible with any access control, SDC electric door strikes are available in a variety of configurations to accommodate several types of mechanical locksets and door and frame styles." }, { "docid": "8728526", "title": "Viewer Comments", "text": "Replace the dryer door strike. The dryer door strike is the part of the door latch assembly. It's usually attached to the door, but sometimes is attached to the front panel. When the door is closed, the door strike is pushed into the spring-loaded door catch mounted across from it." }, { "docid": "3935258", "title": "-", "text": "1 Never Take Your Eyes Off the Indicator. 2 Strike Immediately. 3 Strike Lightly. 4 Get the Fly Down to the Trout. 5 Never Rush Your Cast. 6 Minimize Slack Line. 7 Strike at Every Sign. 8 Experiment with Fly Patterns. 9 Try All Water With Any Promise. 10 Do it All." }, { "docid": "2448749", "title": "Signs of a Gas Leak", "text": "What NOT to do if you suspect a gas leak: 1 Do not try to turn natural gas valves on or off. 2 Do not turn any electric switch on or off; this could cause a spark and ignite the gas.3 Do not use your telephone, cell phone, garage door opener or flashlight. 4 Do not smoke, use a lighter or strike a match.hat NOT to do if you suspect a gas leak: 1 Do not try to turn natural gas valves on or off. 2 Do not turn any electric switch on or off; this could cause a spark and ignite the gas." }, { "docid": "7385859", "title": "Counter-Strike: Condition Zero", "text": "Condition Zero is known for introducing the Counter-Strike bot, although the Xbox version of Counter-Strike was actually the first game in the series to include it. As of April 15, 2009, Counter-Strike: Condition Zero is one of the ten most played Half-Life modifications in terms of players, according to GameSpy." }, { "docid": "4938617", "title": "Energy", "text": "In a typical lightning strike, 500 megajoules of electric potential energy is converted into the same amount of energy in other forms, mostly light energy, sound energy and thermal energy. Thermal energy is energy of microscopic constituents of matter, which may include both kinetic and potential energy." }, { "docid": "6211016", "title": "-", "text": "3. The force of an electric field is proportional to the electric charge, while the magnetic field is proportional to the electric charge as well as the speed of the moving charge. 4. Electric and magnetic fields oscillate at right angles to one another." }, { "docid": "888015", "title": "bash", "text": "to strike violently, 1640s, perhaps of Scandinavian origin, from Old Norse *basca to strike (cf. Swedish basa to baste, whip, flog, lash, Danish baske to beat, strike, cudgel); or the whole group might be independently derived and echoic. Figurative sense of abuse verbally or in writing is from 1948." }, { "docid": "3551672", "title": "Sports", "text": "The batter is also given a strike when they hit a foul ball and they have less than two strikes. You can't get a third strike when hitting foul ball. A foul ball that is hit with two strikes doesn't count as a strike or a ball. Any pitch that is outside the strike zone and the hitter doesn't swing is called a ball." }, { "docid": "7980973", "title": "-", "text": "Electric strikes provide remote release of a locked door. They allow the door to be opened without retracting the latchbolt. The HES surface mounted 9600 electric strike accommodates rim exit devices in metal or wood jambs with a 3/4 pullman latch. UL rated-suitable for outdoor use." }, { "docid": "8087080", "title": "A-level Physics/Forces, Fields and Energy/Electric fields", "text": "Moving uniform electric field. In a moving uniform electric field, the intensity or the strength of the electric field at each point is dependent on the time elapsed but is independent of the position of the point with respect to the source of the electric field. In other words, the electric field intensity varies with time alone." }, { "docid": "8419427", "title": "Why Is Lightning Dangerous?", "text": "Lightning is the first thunderstorm hazard to arrive and the last to leave, according to the U.S. National Weather Service. Lightning can actually strike outside the storm that produced it. Although most lightning will strike within 10 miles of its parent thunderstorm, it can strike much farther away." }, { "docid": "4284284", "title": "The latest (and greatest?) in flea control for dogs.", "text": "Is It Safe? Nexgard: in a field study of 415 dogs, reactions included vomiting, dry/flaky skin, diarrhea, lethargy, and lack of appetite. These reactions occurred in 4% or less of dogs. Three dogs in the study had a history of seizures; 2 out of 3 experienced one or more seizures after taking Nexgard." }, { "docid": "3821717", "title": "INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS AND LABOUR WELFARE", "text": "4) Sit down Strike: In this case, workers do not absent themselves from their place of work when they are on strike. They keep control over production facilities. But do not work. Such a strike is also known as 'pen down' or 'tool down' strike.Workers show up to their place of employment, but they refuse to work. They also refuse to leave, which makes it very difficult for employer to defy the union and take the workers' places.trike action, also called labour strike, on strike, greve (of French: greve), grève or simply, strike is a work stoppage caused by the mass refusal of employees to. Work a strike usually takes place in response to employee. grievances" }, { "docid": "2219505", "title": "Retesting in the Event You Fail Your NCLEX", "text": "Retesting in the Event You Fail Your NCLEX. If you fail your NCLEX exam, you will receive a packet in the mail from the North Dakota Board of Nursing. Please follow the instructions included with this packet carefully.You may retest 45 days from the date of your last test.etesting in the Event You Fail Your NCLEX. If you fail your NCLEX exam, you will receive a packet in the mail from the North Dakota Board of Nursing. Please follow the instructions included with this packet carefully." }, { "docid": "7264925", "title": "Fault Lines: Facts About Cracks in the Earth", "text": "Strike-slip faults are usually vertical, while normal and reverse faults are often at an angle to the surface of the Earth. The different styles of faulting can also combine in a single event, with one fault moving in both a vertical and strike-slip motion during an earthquake." }, { "docid": "714238", "title": "-", "text": "Electronic lock - See also. 1 Electronics portal. 2 Access badge. 3 Common Access Card (CAC) 4 Credential. 5 Electric strike. 6 Electromagnetic lock. 7 Physical security." }, { "docid": "6885655", "title": "Is BPA-free plastic safe?", "text": "Is BPA-free plastic safe? It's an unsettling thought: What if all the BPA-avoiding we've been doing—carefully checking for a BPA-Free label before any plastic purchase—has all been for naught? That BPA alternatives are actually just as harmful, if not worse? The problem with BPA." }, { "docid": "7500033", "title": "-", "text": "People who do things will fall but if they are true champions then they will get up again, for to fall is not to fail, unless you fail to get up again. The Bible says: The LORD upholds all those who fall and lifts up all who are bowed down. Psalm 145:14 God will help us when we fall.he Bible also has something to say about this these are the words of the wise man Solomon: For a righteous man may fall seven times and rise again, Proverbs Ch.24:16. The people who rarely fail are usually the ones who never do anything." }, { "docid": "7005539", "title": "Strike action", "text": "Some companies negotiate with the union during a strike; other companies may see a strike as an opportunity to eliminate the union. This is sometimes accomplished by the importation of replacement workers, strikebreakers or scabs. Historically, strike breaking has often coincided with union busting." }, { "docid": "315868", "title": "Electric eel", "text": "Electric eel. The electric eel (Electrophorus electricus) is an electric fish, and the only species in its genus. Despite the name, it is not an eel, but rather a knifefish." }, { "docid": "5514412", "title": "Explaining Motor Failure", "text": "Neglecting to do so often will cause your motors to repeatedly fail and cost you valuable resources and time. Failure surveys. It's common to use the results of failure surveys to diagnose the cause of a specific motor failure, but it can be a costly mistake. Most failure survey data for electric motors is influenced by the particular industry, the geographic location, and the combination of the motors in use." }, { "docid": "2981114", "title": "-", "text": "We were excited to get out of town and go to a casino and have fun well gold strike u strike out cause on the 1st night my friend had a ghost sit on her bed and we'll we did not win nothing ok but then on our last night there the ghost sat on my bed and Lil kid... More." }, { "docid": "4317256", "title": "Doorbell", "text": "When the doorbell button is pressed, the first solenoid's plunger strikes one bar, and when the button is released, a spring on the plunger pushes the plunger up, causing it to strike the other bar, creating a two-tone sound ( ding-dong ).hen a visitor presses a button the bell rings inside the building, alerting the occupant to the presence of the visitor. Although the first doorbells were mechanical, activated by pulling a cord, modern doorbells are electric — they are actuated by an electric switch." } ]
what illnesses are helped with bactrim
[ { "docid": "865457", "title": "Bactrim", "text": "What BACTRIM is used for. BACTRIM contains the active ingredients sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim, also known as co-trimoxazole. BACTRIM is used to treat bacterial infections in different parts of the body. BACTRIM belongs to a group of medicines called antibiotics. There are many different types of medicines used to treat bacterial infections. Sulfamethoxazole in BACTRIM belongs to a group of medicines known as sulfonamides. Trimethoprim belongs to a group of medicines known as the benzylpyrimidines." } ]
[ { "docid": "4279711", "title": "Bactrim", "text": "Patients allergic to sulfa compounds should not take Bactrim. Bactrim is available in tablets in two strengths; 400 mg sulfamethoxazole and 80 mg trimethoprim and the DS form which means double strength, 800 mg sulfamethoxazole and 160 mg trimethoprim.atients allergic to sulfa compounds should not take Bactrim. Bactrim is available in tablets in two strengths; 400 mg sulfamethoxazole and 80 mg trimethoprim and the DS form which means double strength, 800 mg sulfamethoxazole and 160 mg trimethoprim." }, { "docid": "632835", "title": "Position Statement 54: Death Penalty and People with Mental Illnesses", "text": "Position Statement 54: Death Penalty and People with Mental Illnesses. Policy. Moratorium. People with serious mental illnesses are at a substantial disadvantage in defending themselves when they face criminal charges, and those difficulties are compounded when the charges are so serious that the death penalty is sought." }, { "docid": "5789034", "title": "-", "text": "BACTRIM contains the active ingredients sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim, also known as co-trimoxazole. BACTRIM is used to treat infections in different parts of the body, caused by bacteria. BACTRIM belongs to a group of medicines called antibiotics.ACTRIM contains the active ingredients sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim, also known as co-trimoxazole. BACTRIM is used to treat infections in different parts of the body, caused by bacteria. BACTRIM belongs to a group of medicines called antibiotics." }, { "docid": "378316", "title": "-", "text": "Insurance companies cover a varying number of critical illnesses under different critical illness insurance policies. The list is also dependent on the critical illness insurance quote. One should carefully read the policy terms and conditions to see which all illnesses are covered under a particular policy." }, { "docid": "5497791", "title": "What Is Bactrim (Sulfamethoxazole & Trimethoprim)?", "text": "Bactrim may harm a developing fetus. The drug has a warning that if you take it when you're pregnant, it can cause such birth defects as urinary tract defects, cleft lip or palate, or club feet. Before taking Bactrim, tell your doctor if you are pregnant or may get pregnant." }, { "docid": "2420675", "title": "-", "text": "Antibiotics are powerful medicines, but they cannot cure everything. Antibiotics do not work against illnesses that are caused by a virus. They do not help illnesses such as: 1 Common colds. 2 Influenza (flu).3 Most cases of acute bronchitis. 4 Most sore throats not caused by strep. 5 Runny noses. 6 Most ear infections.ntibiotics are powerful medicines, but they cannot cure everything. Antibiotics do not work against illnesses that are caused by a virus. They do not help illnesses such as: 1 Common colds. 2 Influenza (flu)." }, { "docid": "3702698", "title": "Mental Health Benefits: State Laws Mandating or Regulating", "text": "Parity laws contain many variables that affect the level of coverage required under the law. Some state parity laws--such as Arkansas'--provide broad coverage for all mental illnesses. Other state parity laws limit the coverage to a specific list of biologically based or serious mental illnesses." }, { "docid": "7880455", "title": "-", "text": "More questions for: Bactrim, Itching. You may be interested at these reviews (Write a review): 1 Penis inflammation due to bactrim. 2 Bactrim causes an allergic reaction on the head of the penis. 3 After 3 different times of use for various non-related infections I came to this conclusion." }, { "docid": "6731826", "title": "What Is Comorbidity?", "text": "Comorbidity: Addiction and Other Mental Illnesses. When two disorders or illnesses occur in the same person, simultaneously or sequentially, they are described as comorbid. Comorbidity also implies interactions between the illnesses that affect the course and prognosis of both." }, { "docid": "5401185", "title": "-", "text": "Bacteria, viruses, and parasites can cause a wide variety of illnesses, and can infect any of the organs of the body. Viruses are often responsible for respiratory illnesses (such as the common cold) and digestive illnesses (such as diarrhea).iruses, bacteria, and parasites that invade the digestive tract usually cause diarrhea. Large amounts of water are lost with the diarrhea, leading to dehydration in children. Children become dehydrated much quicker than adults, and this can lead to serious problems if fluids are not replaced." }, { "docid": "5268249", "title": "What Are Red Blood Cells?", "text": "Illnesses of the red blood cells. Most people don't think about their red blood cells unless they have a disease that affects these cells. Problems with red blood cells can be caused by illnesses or a lack of iron or vitamins in your diet. Some diseases of the red blood cells are inherited." }, { "docid": "6447877", "title": "-", "text": "Report Abuse. Bactrim is a common med for kidney infections and it usualy will take up to 3 to 4 days for you to notice a change and the burning to stop is about 2 days.You should still take all the meds given and drink plenty of water.Stay away from caffine it will only make it worse and hope this helps. just now. Report Abuse. Bactrim is a common med for kidney infections and it usualy will take up to 3 to 4 days for you to notice a change and the burning to stop is about 2 days. You should still take all the meds given and drink plenty of water." }, { "docid": "7988245", "title": "Colitis (Symptoms, Types, and Treatments)", "text": "Inflammation of the colon can be caused by a variety of illnesses and infections. Some of the most common causes are discussed below. Viruses and bacteria can cause colon infections. Most are food-borne illnesses or food poisoning .. Common bacterial causes include Shigella, E Coli, Salmonella and Campylobacter." }, { "docid": "8240283", "title": "How long does it take Batrim DS tablet to get out of your system?", "text": "Bactrim has an elimination half life of 6 to 12 hours. It usually takes around 5 to 6 half lives for a drug to be completely eliminated from your system. Other factors also affect elimination (age, health, weight, metabolism) but you can expect that your husband should be free of bactrim after about three days. Votes: +1." }, { "docid": "5574589", "title": "UTI,macrobid,vaginal burn,yellow discharge,bacterial vaginosis,terconazole,clusters", "text": "This helped but it then gave me a lot of yellowy watery discharge so I went back to the doctor. They did a wet pap and found out I had Bacterial Vaginosis. They then prescribed me Flagyl for 7 days. This helped but then gave me another yeast infection. I went back again." }, { "docid": "8288345", "title": "-", "text": "ANSWER 2 Crazy people, tha … t is people having mental illnesses, know that they are ill and admit it. Example: People with illnesses like Anxiety, Depression. Those people who don't admit they have illness are said to have loss of insight." }, { "docid": "619590", "title": "-", "text": "After your baby receives all of these vaccines more vaccines will not be necessary until 24 months, 4-6 years, 11-12 years, and 13-18 years. Some babies should receive additional vaccines if the mother has certain illnesses or if the child is at risk for other illnesses." }, { "docid": "7880451", "title": "-", "text": "Will decaf coffee have any effect on taking bactrim Am taking this for an infection on my leg. I drank 1 cup of decaf coffee 2 hours ago and want to know if I can take my Bactrim and Valtrex now and if the coffee will have any effect on the medications." }, { "docid": "8161936", "title": "BJH 7 SS: 13-4 North & South", "text": "African American leaders who helped develop the Underground Railroad. What was the Underground Railroad? A network of safe places owned by free blacks or whites against slavery that helped enslaved people escape." }, { "docid": "1266473", "title": "What Is an OSHA Dart?", "text": "OSHA 300. Managers use information from OSHA 300 to calculate DART rate. This form -- the Log of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses -- contains information about recordable injuries and illnesses in the workplace." }, { "docid": "6731834", "title": "Introduction", "text": "What is comorbidity? When two disorders or illnesses occur in the same person, simultaneously or sequentially, they are described as comorbid. Comorbidity also implies interactions between the illnesses that affect the course and prognosis of both." }, { "docid": "6760585", "title": "Recurring Boil", "text": "My son got eight boils in a row on his bottom. Antibiotics helped but what has really helped is bathing in 1/4 cup bleach in a tub of bathwater and soak for about twenty minutes. We did this twice a week while it was still there and now twice a month has kept him without another one." }, { "docid": "4172374", "title": "-", "text": "Talking to children about mental illnesses can be an opportunity for parents to provide their children with information, support, and guidance. Learning about mental illnesses can lead to improved recognition, earlier treatment, greater understanding and compassion, as well as decreased stigma." }, { "docid": "6344381", "title": "Discussions By Condition: Nerve conditions", "text": "A medical mystery! Had an allergic reaction to antibiotic Bactrim DS in Jan 07 (for sinus infection), with all kinds of weird symptoms, mostly nerve-related. After taking Bactrim for 5 days, ended up in ER with severe tingling in both feet/legs up to knees. Several MRI's brain, neck, back:, ENT, etc. etc. all normal." }, { "docid": "2990393", "title": "Child with persistent fatigue despite adequate sleep should be evaluated by a physician", "text": "A variety of illnesses can cause a child to be tired. Most acute illnesses — for instance, upper respiratory infections like colds, or ear, throat or sinus infections — make children tired. But with these illnesses, the fatigue goes away when the infection clears." }, { "docid": "7903868", "title": "Your Sun Signâs Ruling Body Part", "text": "Fire signs are known to suffer from high fevers, sicknesses that strike suddenly with no warning in parts of the body that is ruled by that particular Sun Sign. They generally recover very quickly from their illnesses. It is not very often that their illnesses are chronic or long lasting." }, { "docid": "5063362", "title": "What was the major purpose of the PWA?", "text": "Making the world better, one answer at a time. The purpose was to employ people to build schools, ports, and aircraft carriers. This helped give jobs to people in the Great Depression, and it helped stimulate the economy." }, { "docid": "8288295", "title": "Industry Injury and Illness Data", "text": "Highest rates for cases with days away from work, restricted work activity, or job transfer (DART) - Injuries and Illnesses - 2016 snr03. Highest rates for cases with days away from work - Injuries and illnesses - 2016" }, { "docid": "1181841", "title": "Cold Versus Flu", "text": "What is the difference between a cold and the flu? The flu and the common cold are both respiratory illnesses but they are caused by different viruses. Because these two types of illnesses have similar symptoms, it can be difficult to tell the difference between them based on symptoms alone. In general, the flu is worse than the common cold, and symptoms are more common and intense. Colds are usually milder than the flu." }, { "docid": "4007407", "title": "Antibiotics", "text": "Antibiotics are powerful drugs used to treat certain illnesses. However, antibiotics do not cure everything, and unnecessary antibiotics can even be harmful. There are 2 main types of germs that cause most infections.These are viruses and bacteria.ntibiotics are powerful drugs used to treat certain illnesses. However, antibiotics do not cure everything, and unnecessary antibiotics can even be harmful. There are 2 main types of germs that cause most infections." } ]
can engineering design be automated
[ { "docid": "718779", "title": "Engineering Design", "text": "Design automation is of prime importance in civil engineering. The automated design system helps project designers to conduct engineering surveys efficiently, evaluate the geologic and climatic features of the construction site more fully, compile the project plans more quickly, and optimize construction scheduling." } ]
[ { "docid": "5307308", "title": "Design for Six Sigma", "text": "Design for Six Sigma. Design for Six Sigma (DFSS) is a business-process management method related to traditional Six Sigma. It is used in many industries, like finance, marketing, basic engineering, process industries, waste management, and electronics." }, { "docid": "6256698", "title": "-", "text": "Civil engineering technicians help civil engineers plan and design the construction of highways, bridges, utilities, and other major infrastructure projects. They also help with commercial, residential, and land development.Civil engineering technicians work under the direction of licensed civil engineers.ivil engineering technicians help civil engineers plan and design the construction of highways, bridges, utilities, and other major infrastructure projects. They also help with commercial, residential, and land development. Civil engineering technicians work under the direction of licensed civil engineers." }, { "docid": "5769955", "title": "How Much Do Entry-Level Design Engineers Make in Annual Salary?", "text": "According to PayScale.com, entry-level engineers who specialized in design earned a median salary of $60,292 in September 2015. Some popular areas of engineering design in which you could concentrate include mechanics, electronics and civil engineering. Important Facts About These Occupations" }, { "docid": "1284186", "title": "-", "text": "Like many other design fields interaction design also has an interest in form but its main focus is on behavior. What clearly marks interaction design as a design field as opposed to a science or engineering field is that it is synthesis and imagining things as they might be, more so than focusing on how things are." }, { "docid": "5955152", "title": "Paper Sizes - commonly used in U.S. Offices", "text": "Standard US Engineering Drawing Sizes US engineering drawing sizes based on ANSI/ASME Y14.1 Engineering ToolBox - Resources, Tools and Basic Information for Engineering and Design of Technical Applications! - the most efficient way to navigate the Engineering ToolBox!" }, { "docid": "8222944", "title": "-", "text": "Jeff Jaco. Mechanical Engineer at Engineering Design & Testing Corp. Location Columbia, South Carolina Area Industry Mechanical or Industrial Engineering" }, { "docid": "1832904", "title": "The Engineering Design Process", "text": "The Engineering Design Process. Key Info. The Engineering Design Process. The engineering design process is a series of steps that engineers follow to come up with a solution to a problem. Many times the solution involves designing a product (like a machine or computer code) that meets certain criteria and/or accomplishes a certain task." }, { "docid": "6963551", "title": "Building design", "text": "Building design refers to the broadly based architectural, engineering and technical applications to the design of buildings. All building projects require the services of a building designer, typically a licensed architect or structural engineer." }, { "docid": "4751601", "title": "Engineering Branches", "text": "1 Mechanical engineering applies physical principles and materials science to the design, manufacture and analysis of mechanical systems. 2 Mechatronics. 3 Mechatronics combines mechanical engineering and electrical engineering, frequently in the analysis of automated systems." }, { "docid": "3284481", "title": "-", "text": "1 The capability of a system design to support opera... 2 Engineering expenses attributable solely to a cont... 3 The Systems Engineering Process primarily is used 4 ... Reclamas should avoid________ and focus on the ___... For a contract cost to be considered allowable, ..." }, { "docid": "7641496", "title": "Course GuidesAeronautical Engineering Degrees", "text": "Course Guides. Aeronautical Engineering Degrees. Aeronautical engineering degrees represent the branch of engineering that deals with the research, design, development, construction, testing, science and technology of aircraft. The field also covers investigation into aerodynamic characteristics of aircraft, including behaviors and related factors such as airfoil, control surfaces, lift and drag." }, { "docid": "502471", "title": "Integrated circuit design", "text": "Integrated circuit design. Layout view of a simple CMOS Operational Amplifier (inputs are to the left and the compensation capacitor is to the right). The metal layer is coloured blue, green and brown are N- and P-doped Si, the polysilicon is red and vias are crosses. Integrated circuit design, or IC design, is a subset of electronics engineering, encompassing the particular logic and circuit design techniques required to design integrated circuits, or ICs." }, { "docid": "6819524", "title": "Aerospace Engineering", "text": "Aerospace engineering is a complex, rapidly changing field. Its primary application is the design and development of flight vehicles, such as aircraft, missiles, spacecraft and satellites." }, { "docid": "5930421", "title": "-", "text": "Specialties: product & mechanical design, robotics, DFM, prototyping, vibrations, kinematics, multi-body dynamics, vehicle and tire dynamics, FEA, CAD, CAM, jig and fixture design, manufacturing process design, factory design, quality control, modeling and simulation, systems engineering." }, { "docid": "173976", "title": "-", "text": "Most NC today is computer (or computerized) numerical control (CNC), in which computers play an integral part of the control. In modern CNC systems, end-to-end component design is highly automated using computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) programs." }, { "docid": "8381409", "title": "-", "text": "Plant Engineering. Plant Engineering is the function responsible for planning, designing, specifying, installing, modifying and maintaining plant facilities, systems and equipment. Our Plant Engineering team incorporates engineers experienced in the design and maintenance of industrial processing plants." }, { "docid": "8332880", "title": "Top-down and bottom-up design", "text": "A top-down approach (also known as stepwise design and in some cases used as a synonym of decomposition) is essentially the breaking down of a system to gain insight into its compositional sub-systems in a reverse engineering fashion." }, { "docid": "3425456", "title": "Types of Engineering", "text": "Civil engineering is one of the oldest types of engineering. It involves the design, construction and management of municipal infrastructure, highways, railways, transit systems, airports, harbours, bridges, tunnels and buildings." }, { "docid": "2071334", "title": "-", "text": "belt conveyors: Engineering Science And Application Design For BELT CONVEYORS http://www.conveyor.ishwarmulani.com/Belt%20Conveyor/ConeyorBelt_Preface.pdfWe wish all the success for the book Engineering Science And Application Design for Belt Conveyors ... belt conveyor design ... calculation of capacity, belt ..." }, { "docid": "5898487", "title": "Mechanical Engineer", "text": "Mechanical engineers typically need a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering or mechanical engineering technology. Mechanical engineering programs usually include courses in mathematics and life and physical sciences, as well as engineering and design courses." }, { "docid": "1599123", "title": "-", "text": "Telecommunications engineering is a broad specialisation of electrical engineering encompassing the design, construction and management of systems that carry out the transmission, processing and storage of information as electrical or optical signals." }, { "docid": "3433195", "title": "-", "text": "AKS has an immediate opening for a permanent full time Civil Engineering Design/Drafter in all three of our offices. This is an excellent career opportunity for a responsible person with 2+ years of experience in civil engineering drafting and design. AutoCAD Civil 3D knowledge and familiarity is important." }, { "docid": "2611294", "title": "What is a FlexPod?", "text": "Melissa Palmer is a solutions architect in the NetApp Infrastructure and Cloud Engineering team. She is also VMware Certified Design Expert (VCDX) #236. Prior to joining the Infrastructure and Cloud Engineering team, Melissa was a systems engineer for NetApp and a VMware engineer for a number of enterprise environments. Melissa has bachelor of engineering and master of engineering degrees from Stevens Institute of Technology." }, { "docid": "7554543", "title": "HCI Degree Option", "text": "HCI Degree Option. The Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) degree option is part of the Bachelor of Science in Human Centered Design & Engineering (BSHCDE) degree program. All students interested in pursuing the HCI degree option within the BSHCDE should contact their academic adviser.tudents interested in HCI can complete the official HCI option with coursework from four participating departments: Human Centered Design & Engineering, Computer Science & Engineering, the Division of Design within the School of Art, and The Information School." }, { "docid": "1793304", "title": "Mechanical engineering", "text": "Mechanical engineering. Mechanical engineering is the discipline that applies engineering, physics, and materials science principles to design, analyze, manufacture, and maintain mechanical systems. It is the branch of engineering that involves the design, production, and operation of machinery." }, { "docid": "4976508", "title": "Can i build houses with a construction engineer degree?", "text": "A person with a construction engineering degree should not have a problem meeting the requirements to qualify to build houses in just about any place. Most house design is based on various construction codes which are designed to take the need for engineering expertise out of the design of a house." }, { "docid": "439487", "title": "What Is Hydraulics Engineering?", "text": "As a hydraulics engineer, you can play a vital role in the design and functionality of bridges, dams, levees and canals. Keep reading to learn more about this engineering discipline. Schools offering Engineering & Technology Management degrees can also be found in these popular choices." }, { "docid": "6883429", "title": "Why writing software is not like engineering", "text": "In Romanian. While my talent lies in software, my graduate studies were in computer engineering (designing and building digital computers). One observation always struck me: computer engineering seemed more straightforward than computer science (building software). There are a set of engineering design rules to follow and engineering projects are much more likely to work out than software projects." }, { "docid": "6578194", "title": "-", "text": "Utility conflicts not identified until the construction phase can result in costly change orders and project delays. Preliminary Engineering Costs Preliminary Engineering (PE) percentages can be used at early stages (planning and scoping) to estimate the cost of design for a project." }, { "docid": "7345883", "title": "-", "text": "CAD design software is used from concept through completion by professionals working in architecture, construction, MEP engineering, and structural engineering, and by building owners, operators, and managers." } ]
what instrument does kenny g
[ { "docid": "2232567", "title": "What Instrument Does Kenny G Play?", "text": "Kenny G is primarily known for playing the soprano saxophone, but he also plays the alto and tenor saxophones and the flute. He began playing the saxophone at the age of 10." } ]
[ { "docid": "4380385", "title": "AIRLINE PILOT CENTRAL", "text": "You would have to go somewhere and fly for a year to get it. Another comment is, $120k for a multiengine instrument commercial license is outrageous. I paid about $35k for all my flight training from zero to CFI including ME, instrument, tailwheel, high performance, G1000, etc.Good luck.ou would have to go somewhere and fly for a year to get it. Another comment is, $120k for a multiengine instrument commercial license is outrageous. I paid about $35k for all my flight training from zero to CFI including ME, instrument, tailwheel, high performance, G1000, etc. Good luck." }, { "docid": "1748128", "title": "What is the process for removing a dental bridge from teeth?", "text": "you voted. Answer by amber33 (1941). The dentist has a little drill like instrument that has a little bit in it and they use that to cut through the bridge and then an instrument to pull it off. It is a fairly easy thing to do usually.add a comment.nswer by amber33 (1941). It depends on what the bridge was put on with, if they put it on with a temparary paste they will just pull it off with an instrument if it is on with the cement the dentist will use a little drill like instrument to cut it off." }, { "docid": "2248581", "title": "-", "text": "Classification of a financial instrument as a financial liability or equity determines the treatment of the interest, dividends, losses or gains on the financial instrument as items of income or expense, or as changes in equity." }, { "docid": "8748903", "title": "-", "text": "This instrument is made from two hollowed-out wooden pieces which are fastened together and twined with birch bark. The lur can be between 1 and 2 meters long, and is played using the same technique as for a brass instrument." }, { "docid": "7722996", "title": "Notional amount", "text": "The notional amount (or notional principal amount or notional value) on a financial instrument is the nominal or face amount that is used to calculate payments made on that instrument." }, { "docid": "4968517", "title": "-", "text": "To defeat the tax agency's argument that the structure is merely a tax gimmick without substance and that the debt owed by Target to Holding should be disregarded, Target and Holding must be able to demonstrate that the debt had the form of a debt instrument, that the parties intended that it be a debt instrument, and that economically the instrument was a debt." }, { "docid": "3962590", "title": "When Will I See You Again", "text": " When Will I See You Again is a song by American soul group The Three Degrees, from their third album The Three Degrees. The song was written and produced by Kenny Gamble and Leon Huff. It was one of the most successful recordings of the Philly Soul era." }, { "docid": "3691405", "title": "Country Music Shines in New Ashton Kutcher Netflix Series", "text": "To find out more about the new series, click on the trailer below. A little bit of trivia, in case you didn’t know, all episodes of The Ranch are named after a Kenny Chesney song." }, { "docid": "7865528", "title": "What was the first ever musical instrument invented?", "text": "The first 3 musical instruments invented. .The first musical instrument ever invented, was the human voice. When man tried to communicate, he used his voice, the next was the drum, followed by a string instrument." }, { "docid": "4193244", "title": "-", "text": "SpongeBob SquarePants has six main cast members: Tom Kenny, Bill Fagerbakke, Rodger Bumpass, Clancy Brown, Carolyn Lawrence, and Mr. Lawrence. Kenny provides the voices of SpongeBob SquarePants, his pet snail Gary, the French Narrator, Harold SquarePants, Patchy the Pirate, and the Dirty Bubble. Kenny previously worked with Hillenburg on Rocko's Modern Life and, when Hillenburg created SpongeBob SquarePants, he approached Kenny to voice the character. The voice of SpongeBob was originally used by Kenny for a minor background character in Rocko's Modern Life." }, { "docid": "4744817", "title": "companiesList of Musical Instrument Manufacturing Companies", "text": "List of the top musical instrument manufacturing companies in the world, listed by their prominence with corporate logos when available. This list of major musical instrument manufacturers includes the largest and most profitable musical instrument manufacturing businesses, corporations, agencies, vendors and firms in the world. If you are wondering what the biggest musical instrument manufacturing companies are, then this list has you covered." }, { "docid": "6403436", "title": "-", "text": "From staff and wire reports. Anheuser-Busch said Monday the 2009 season will be Budweiser's last as official beer sponsor of the NHRA and as primary sponsor of Kenny Bernstein Racing and the Budweiser Top Fuel dragster. Budweiser has sponsored the NHRA since the early 1980s and is celebrating its 30th season with Kenny Bernstein Racing. The Budweiser-Bernstein relationship is the longest running in motor sports history, eclipsing STP's 28-year sponsorship of Richard Petty in NASCAR. Kenny Bernstein Racing aims to continue racing if new sponsorship is secured for 2010." }, { "docid": "2305992", "title": "Biography", "text": "Big Kenny was born on November 1, 1963 in Culpeper, Virginia, USA as William Kenneth Alphin. He has been married to Christiev Carothers since January 23, 2005. They have two children." }, { "docid": "8110277", "title": "§ 3-205. SPECIAL INDORSEMENT; BLANK INDORSEMENT; ANOMALOUS INDORSEMENT.", "text": "(b) If an indorsement is made by the holder of an instrument and it is not a special indorsement, it is a blank indorsement.. When indorsed in blank, an instrument becomes payable to bearer and may be negotiated by transfer of possession alone until specially indorsed." }, { "docid": "1620577", "title": "Translations for Calibration curve", "text": "A calibration curve is one approach to the problem of instrument calibration; other approaches may mix the standard into the unknown, giving an internal standard.uch a curve is typically used when an instrument uses a sensor whose calibration varies from one sample to another, or changes with time or use; if sensor output is consistent the instrument would be marked directly in terms of the measured unit." }, { "docid": "3669912", "title": "Kenny McCormick", "text": "Kenny even dies in a flashback to kindergarten during the episode Summer Sucks , when a firecracker he is holding explodes and blows him to pieces. Kenny, dead in Cartman Gets An Anal Probe . Kenny's Death is a running gag in South Park.enny has died and come back 103 times in the South Park franchise (80 in the series, to date, two in the early animated shorts, six in other authorized TV parodies, five times in two video games, and twice in the movie. He is also killed nine different ways in the opening sequence)." }, { "docid": "3631519", "title": "-", "text": "To find the violin/viola with just a turn and a nod of the head. With the instrument resting on the collar bone, the instrument’s primary point of support, the chin rest acts as an upward extension of the instrument allowing the player to find the instrument with the jaw by simply turning and nodding the head." }, { "docid": "3023404", "title": "Keyboard instrument", "text": "Keyboard instrument. Keyboard instrument, any musical instrument on which different notes can be sounded by pressing a series of keys, push buttons, or parallel levers. In nearly all cases in Western music the keys correspond to consecutive notes in the chromatic scale, and they run from the bass at the left to the treble at the right." }, { "docid": "8755684", "title": "The Kenny Rogers Story", "text": "The Kenny Rogers Story. The Kenny Rogers Story is a compilation album by country singer Kenny Rogers." }, { "docid": "4917726", "title": "-", "text": "Watch this video shown on the video board at the football game vs. South Carolina and help the men's basketball team #RaiseTheFlag. 1 M. Basketball | 9/17/2015 On & Off The Court with Kenny Gaines Take a look at this star guard's life off the court in this Off The Court with Kenny Gaines feature.1 M. Basketball | 9/9/2015 Men's Basketball: Raising The Flag Over the past two seasons, fans at Stegeman Coliseum have noticed the Bulldogs raising a Georgia flag following victories. Johns NW Military Academy 24 F Houston KesslerNewnan, Ga./Landmark Christian School 25 F Kenny Paul GenoBooneville, Miss./Booneville High School 30 G J.J. FrazierGlennville, Ga./Faith Baptist Christian Academy." }, { "docid": "3586979", "title": "-", "text": "The Head and The Heart features six incredibly talented musicians: Josiah Johnson, Jonathan Russell, Charity Rose Thielen, Kenny Hensley, Tyler Williams, and Chris Zasche." }, { "docid": "4867840", "title": "Kenny Howard", "text": "Von Dutch is now an American multinational brand licensing company named after Kenny Howard. Considering that the Von Dutch name is now a lucrative, licensed brand, it's ironic that Kenny Howard had famously stated : Use any of my stuff you want to.on Dutch is now an American multinational brand licensing company named after Kenny Howard. Considering that the Von Dutch name is now a lucrative, licensed brand, it's ironic that Kenny Howard had famously stated : Use any of my stuff you want to." }, { "docid": "3214417", "title": "trephine", "text": "trephine-operate on with a trephine. operate on, operate-perform surgery on; The doctors operated on the patient but failed to save his life.. trephine-a surgical instrument used to remove sections of bone from the skull. trepan. surgical instrument-a medical instrument used in surgery." }, { "docid": "3724116", "title": "Is Tom Kenny, Voice Of SpongeBob SquarePants, Dead? No. The Voice Actor Is The Latest Victim Of A Death Hoax", "text": "Twitter lit up with rumors about Kenny's death Sunday when a picture supposedly paying tribute to the voice actor popped up on the social network. The much-shared photo showed Kenny standing next to a statue of SpongeBob SquarePants with the caption: RIP Tom Kenny, the voice of SpongeBob. Retweet to say thanks for making your childhood happier.. The photo was most often shared with the poster writing, This picture deserves endless retweets.." }, { "docid": "4441830", "title": "âKenny Rogers dead 2018â : Actor killed by internet death hoax", "text": "A recent poll conducted for the Celebrity Post shows that a large majority (67%) of respondents think those Kenny Rogers death rumors are not funny anymore. Kenny Rogers Death Hoax Dismissed Since Actor Is ‘Alive And Well’. On Tuesday (October 13) the actor's reps officially confirmed that Kenny Rogers is not dead." }, { "docid": "126943", "title": "-", "text": "The instrument panel lights and gauges, and flashers came on strong, I was able to operate the glow plugs, but when I tried to engage the starter there was a click and the instrument lights and gauges all went out and no starter." }, { "docid": "3721778", "title": "Negotiable instrument", "text": "The underlying contract contemplates the right to hold the instrument as, and to negotiate the instrument to, a holder in due course, the payment on which is at least part of the performance of the contract to which the negotiable instrument is linked." }, { "docid": "8300720", "title": "brass", "text": "cornet - a brass musical instrument with a brilliant tone; has a narrow tube and a flared bell and is played by means of valves. trumpet, trump, horn. brass instrument, brass - a wind instrument that consists of a brass tube (usually of variable length) that is blown by means of a cup-shaped or funnel-shaped mouthpiece." }, { "docid": "926829", "title": "hurdy-gurdy", "text": "hurdy-gurdy. n, pl-dies. 1. (Instruments) any mechanical musical instrument, such as a barrel organ. 2. (Instruments) a medieval instrument shaped like a viol in which a rosined wheel rotated by a handle sounds the strings.urdy-gurdy. n, pl-dies. 1. (Instruments) any mechanical musical instrument, such as a barrel organ. 2. (Instruments) a medieval instrument shaped like a viol in which a rosined wheel rotated by a handle sounds the strings." }, { "docid": "5281621", "title": "Medical Instrument Technician", "text": "And when a medical procedure requires the tools that you curate, as the Medical Instrument Technician, you prep the patient, making sure they understand what instrument will be used and getting them into position before the procedure." } ]
can excessive gas cause low back pain
[ { "docid": "7052600", "title": "IBS & Gas Pain That Hurts in the Back", "text": "There are a variety of symptoms that you may experience with IBS such as cramping pain in your lower abdomen, bloating and gas. The cramping sensation, along with bloating and intestinal gas, can cause lower back pain if the gas and cramping are severe enough. You may also experience pain after meals or while trying to have a bowel movement." } ]
[ { "docid": "4090224", "title": "What is Endometriosis?", "text": "Endometriosis Symptoms. The most common symptom of endometriosis is pain that occurs prior to, during, or after menstruation. The pain can occur during sexual intercourse, during urination, or during bowel movements. Some women have severe, disabling pain. It can also cause chronic pain in the low back or pelvis." }, { "docid": "1573010", "title": "Low Back pain causing Knee Pain?", "text": "Low Back pain causing Knee Pain? Low Back Knee Pain? One of the more common misdiagnoses we see on a day to day basis is a patient with minimal back pain and knee pain, but whose knee pain is really being caused by a pinched nerve in the back. What? Is it possible that a patient with a pinched nerve in the back doesn’t have much back pain?" }, { "docid": "3032873", "title": "-", "text": "Back pain and bloating can occur together in a number of conditions. Sometimes eating high-fat or greasy foods may cause bloating that leads to gas and back pain. Other causes of abdominal bloating and back pain include: celiac disease." }, { "docid": "4256225", "title": "Understanding the lower back", "text": "1 Axial low back pain, the most common type of back pain, is confined to the lower back and does not travel into the buttocks or legs." }, { "docid": "575366", "title": "-", "text": "Low back pain: Pain in the lower back area that can relate to problems with the lumbar spine, the discs between the vertebrae, the ligaments around the spine and discs, the spinal cord and nerves, muscles of the low back, internal organs of the pelvis and abdomen, or the skin covering the lumbar area.ow back pain: Pain in the lower back area that can relate to problems with the lumbar spine, the discs between the vertebrae, the ligaments around the spine and discs, the spinal cord and nerves, muscles of the low back, internal organs of the pelvis and abdomen, or the skin covering the lumbar area." }, { "docid": "160635", "title": "Lumbar Discogenic Pain", "text": "In patients dealing with discogenic low back pain, there were findings of high levels of proinflammatory mediators (cytokines). The production of these proinflammatory mediators occurs in the nucleus pulposus of the disc and is in general viewed as a major cause of the discogenic low back pain.(level: 3A)" }, { "docid": "1565072", "title": "What does gallbladder pain feel like?", "text": "Although pain typically is on the right side, or between the shoulder blades, it may also feel like low back pain, cramps, or the like. 4 Know that diet affects your gallbladder." }, { "docid": "3035408", "title": "-", "text": "Low back pain: The kidneys are a lot higher in the back than most would think. If you put your finger in the pit of your stomach and draw a line around back on both sides, that's the normal position of the kidneys. If your pain is in that area, then it could be your kidneys, if it is lower and very likely could be muscular." }, { "docid": "1010866", "title": "Increased passing gas, Muscle cramps or spasms (painful) and Pain or discomfort", "text": "Increased passing gas, Pain or discomfort (Abdomen (lower)) and Pain or discomfort (Back) WebMD Symptom Checker helps you find the most common medical conditions indicated by the symptoms increased passing gas, pain or discomfort (abdomen (lower)) and pain or discomfort (back) including Gas pains, Irritable bowel syndrome, and Constipation (child)." }, { "docid": "8190316", "title": "What is Pronation and Supination?", "text": "Excessive pronation and supination can cause a number of ailments that affect the foot, ankle, knees, hips and back. Some of the more common symptoms of excessive pronation and supination are listed below. 1 Arch pain. 2 Heel pain. 3 Flat feet. 4 Corns and calluses." }, { "docid": "4159413", "title": "Upper Right Abdomen Pain: Causes & Treatments", "text": "The kidneys are located in a space behind all of these other organs, and they can cause a great deal of pain in your flank (the side of the abdomen, towards the back) or in your back. A bladder infection will cause pain in the low part of the abdomen, which is technically known as the pelvis." }, { "docid": "2644090", "title": "Back Muscle Pain", "text": "Most causes of low back pain are muscle, ligament or joint related. Most commonly, these back injuries are caused by muscular strains, ligament sprains and joint dysfunction, particularly when pain arises suddenly during or following physical loading of your spine." }, { "docid": "7604418", "title": "Lower Back Pain Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment", "text": "Chronic back pain. Usually defined as lower back pain that lasts over 3 months, this type of pain is usually severe, does not respond to initial treatments, and requires a thorough medical workup to determine the exact source of the pain. 1; See Chronic Pain As a Disease: Why Does It Still Hurt? Types of Low Back Pain" }, { "docid": "1411183", "title": "-", "text": "1 Too much movement (hypermobility or instability) : The pain is typically felt in the lower back and/or hip and may radiate into groin area. 2 Too little movement (hypomobility or fixation) : The pain is typically felt on one side of the low back or buttocks, and can radiate down the leg.or decades, the sacroiliac joint was suspected to be a common cause of low back and/or leg pain, although difficulty in proving it with standard diagnostic tests left many in the medical profession skeptical." }, { "docid": "4015356", "title": "\" Does back pain indicate a kidney infection? \"", "text": "Back pain from a kidney infection is usually a bit different from back pain caused by other injuries such as a muscle strain or a back sprain. For starters, kidney infections usually start with a urinary tract infection. The only exception to this is kidney infections that start with a kidney stone. This possibility should be considered in anyone that has low back pain such as yourself. Urinary tract infections often cause burning with urination, pain in the pelvic region, urinary urgency, and sometimes fever." }, { "docid": "826722", "title": "Flatulence", "text": "There are five general symptoms related to intestinal gas: pain, bloating and abdominal distension, excessive flatus volume, excessive flatus smell and gas incontinence. Furthermore, eructation (an act or instance of belching, colloquially known as burping) is sometimes included under the topic of flatulence." }, { "docid": "2360290", "title": "-", "text": "Some sufferers have a low back injury that causes numbness or tingling down the back of your leg. Sciatica is another cause for leg numbness; sciatica usually only affects one side of the body. Sciatica pain may be dull, sharp, burning, or accompanied by shooting pain." }, { "docid": "7476719", "title": "-", "text": "1 Manage Back Pain at Home Low back pain can affect your home life, too. Tips to manage back pain at home. Medication Treatment for Back Pain Understand your medication options to help ease low back pain." }, { "docid": "7108293", "title": "Top 30 Doctor insights on: How To Get Rid Of Gas After Laparoscopic Surgery", "text": "Back Pain (Definition) 1 Pain in the back is a symptom that can be due to a number of causes including musculoskeletal or neurological problems or due to problems with the internal organs. 2 Yes: Yes, commonly. 3 In a medical context, having gas refers to having too much gas in the bowels." }, { "docid": "8473429", "title": "-", "text": "The above two back exercise programs are commonly prescribed to treat low back pain and leg pain, but many other forms of exercise can also provide pain relief and help with rehabilitation. The important aspect is that the exercise includes controlled, progressive strengthening exercises." }, { "docid": "6406890", "title": "Whatâs Causing My Abdominal Bloating and Back Pain?", "text": "Bloating occurs when the abdomen fills with air or gas. This can make your abdomen appear larger and feel tight or hard to the touch. It can also cause feelings of discomfort and pain, which may be felt toward your back. The back acts as a support and... Read more. Bloating occurs when the abdomen fills with air or gas. This can make your abdomen appear larger and feel tight or hard to the touch. It can also cause feelings of discomfort and pain, which may be felt toward your back. The back acts as a support and stabilizing system for your body." }, { "docid": "831168", "title": "Benefits of Heat Therapy for Lower Back Pain", "text": "In addition, heat therapy for lower back pain-in the form of heating pads, heat wraps, hot baths, warm gel packs, etc. - is both inexpensive and easy to do. This article provides an examination of how heat therapy interacts with the body to alleviate pain as well as options on how to apply heat therapy to help alleviate many types of lower back pain. 1 See Back Muscles and Low Back Pain." }, { "docid": "7907279", "title": "-", "text": "Upper Back Pain. COMMON CAUSES: Upper back pain may be triggered by a specific event, such as improper lifting, bending, or twisting motion, or. from poor conditioning (muscle strengthen/tone) and. overuse. Bad posture, excessive weight and smoking can. also be significant contributing factors." }, { "docid": "2483655", "title": "Back Pain", "text": "Low Back Pain Overview. Pain in the lower back or low back pain is a common concern, affecting up to 80% of Americans at some point in their lifetime. Many will have more than one episode. Low back pain is not a specific disease, rather it is a symptom that may occur from a variety of different processes. In up to 85% of people with low back pain, despite a thorough medical examination, no specific cause of the pain can be identified." }, { "docid": "3182680", "title": "-", "text": "I have had mild to severe back and abdominal pain, diarrhea, gas, and bloating in my abdomen for 5 days now. It started Wednesday night, and the pain came on suddenly after I had been off work a few hours.ead More. I have had mild to severe back and abdominal pain, diarrhea, gas, and bloating in my abdomen for 5 days now. It started Wednesday night, and the pain came on suddenly after I had been off work a few hours. This was the next to last day of work at an archaeological site, which lasted 6 weeks." }, { "docid": "6798721", "title": "-", "text": "Home Remedies for Burping (Belching) Burping, also known as belching or eructation, is one of the ways your body expels excessive gas from your stomach. It is often accompanied with a typical sound and, at times, an odor. The gas in your stomach may also cause abdominal pain and cramps that vary in severity and duration." }, { "docid": "7317253", "title": "Lumbar Disc Herniation: General Information?", "text": "OBJECTIVES: To assess the cost utility of caudal epidural injections in managing chronic low back pain secondary to lumbar disc herniation, axial or discogenic low back pain, lumbar central spinal stenosis, and lumbar post surgery syndrome.ETHODS: Four randomized trials were conducted assessing the clinical effectiveness of caudal epidural injections with or without steroids for lumbar disc herniation, lumbar discogenic or axial low back pain, lumbar central spinal stenosis, and post surgery syndrome." }, { "docid": "2993559", "title": "The Best Exercises for Low Back Pain", "text": "The benefit of exercise for your low back depends on 3 key principles: 1 First, you must attain satisfactory aerobic fitness. 2 Second, you should focus part of your workout on the muscle groups that support your back. 3 Third, you must avoid exercises that place excessive stresses on your back." }, { "docid": "309960", "title": "Excessive burping symptoms", "text": "All 68 causes of Belching. More Specific Symptoms for Excessive burping symptoms: Review the causes of the following types of more specific symptoms for Excessive burping symptoms: Gas with discharge (6 causes) Eructation (5 causes) Related Symptoms for Excessive burping symptoms. Research the causes of these related symptoms that are similar to, or related to, the symptom Excessive burping symptoms: Gas (201 causes)" }, { "docid": "2788241", "title": "-", "text": "Piriformis syndrome occurs when the piriformis muscle in the buttock tightens or goes into spasm putting pressure on the sciatic nerve. Symptoms include tenderness and pain in the buttock muscles usually on one side which radiates down into the back the the thigh.ymptoms include pain in either the left or right of the lower back which can vary from a dull ache to a sharp stabbing pain. The pain may radiate into the buttocks and low back and often into the groin." } ]
what is a neurotransmitter
[ { "docid": "4148059", "title": "Neurotransmitter", "text": "neurotransmitter. a substance (e.g., norepinephrine, acetylcholine, dopamine) that is released from the axon terminal of a presynaptic neuron on excitation, and that travels across the synaptic cleft to either excite or inhibit the target cell." } ]
[ { "docid": "4297622", "title": "Chapter 11 part C", "text": "Which of the following stimuli produces a depolarization that propagates from one end of the membrane to the other? supramaximal, threshold, maximal Release of which neurotransmitter leads to the excitation and contraction of skeletal muscles?" }, { "docid": "2471805", "title": "Chemical synapse", "text": "They allow the nervous system to connect to and control other systems of the body. At a chemical synapse, one neuron releases neurotransmitter molecules into a small space (the synaptic cleft) that is adjacent to another neuron.The neurotransmitters are kept within small sacs called vesicles, and are released into the synaptic cleft by exocytosis.hey allow the nervous system to connect to and control other systems of the body. At a chemical synapse, one neuron releases neurotransmitter molecules into a small space (the synaptic cleft) that is adjacent to another neuron." }, { "docid": "6566644", "title": "Why a nerve impulse can only be transmitted from one neuron to another in one direction?", "text": "Transmition of impulse through synapse is through the release of neurotransmitter. when trigger neurotransmitter will be released to the synaptic cleft and diffuse to postsynaptic neuron. at the membrane of post synatic neurone there are receptor that specific to the neurotransmitter." }, { "docid": "4140317", "title": "Reuptake", "text": "Note that some neurotransmitters are lost and not reabsorbed. Reuptake, or re-uptake, is the reabsorption of a neurotransmitter by a neurotransmitter transporter of a pre-synaptic neuron after it has performed its function of transmitting a neural impulse.he main objective of a reuptake inhibitor is to substantially decrease the rate by which neurotransmitters are reabsorbed into the presynaptic neuron, increasing the concentration of neurotransmitter in the synapse." }, { "docid": "2174543", "title": "Glutamate Receptors", "text": "L-Glutamate is the major excitatory neurotransmitter in the mammalian CNS. It acts via two classes of receptors, ligand gated ion channels ( ionotropic receptors) and G-protein coupled ( metabotropic) receptors." }, { "docid": "6304682", "title": "The Muscular System: Neuromuscular Junction.?", "text": "Best Answer: 1. Each muscle cell is insulated by a endomysium, alayer of connective tissue that surrounds each muscle cell/fibre. 2. The neurotransmitter at a neuromuscular joint is acetylcholine, it is removed from the synaptic cleft by the degrading action of acetylcholinesterase (an enzyme).details: it splits the acetylcholine molecule into acetic acid and choline.he neurotransmitter at a neuromuscular joint is acetylcholine, it is removed from the synaptic cleft by the degrading action of acetylcholinesterase (an enzyme)." }, { "docid": "3816896", "title": "-", "text": "Serotonin Function – How it Works in the Body. Loading ... Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that is responsible for many diverse functions in the body. It is intricately connected to mood, mental performance and our ability to handle stress.oading ... Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that is responsible for many diverse functions in the body. It is intricately connected to mood, mental performance and our ability to handle stress." }, { "docid": "2465396", "title": "Neurotransmitter", "text": "Typically, neurotransmitter receptors are located on the postsynaptic neuron, while neurotransmitter autoreceptors are located on the presynaptic neuron, as is the case for monoamine neurotransmitters; in some cases, a neurotransmitter utilizes retrograde neurotransmission, a type of feedback signaling in neurons where the neurotransmitter is released postsynaptically and binds to target receptors located on the presynaptic neuron." }, { "docid": "4420276", "title": "Sympathetic Nervous System", "text": "Figure 1. Overview of effects of the activation of (a) the sympathetic nervous system, where norepinephrine acts as the main neurotransmitter, and (b) the adrenomedullary hormonal system, where epinephrine acts as the main hormone." }, { "docid": "7273177", "title": "List of Foods With Serotonin", "text": "Serotonin is a neurotransmitter, a naturally occurring chemical that can influence mood and appetite. B complex vitamins, such as thiamine and folic acid,..." }, { "docid": "1394954", "title": "-", "text": "Definition of GLUTAMATE. : a salt or ester of glutamic acid; specifically: a salt or ester of levorotatory glutamic acid that functions as an excitatory neurotransmitter.compare monosodium glutamate.ADVERTISEMENT. a salt or ester of glutamic acid; specifically: a salt or ester of levorotatory glutamic acid that functions as an excitatory neurotransmitter." }, { "docid": "3642337", "title": "9 Nervy Facts About the Vagus Nerve", "text": "3. The neurotransmitter acetylcholine, elicited by the vagus nerve, literally gives you the breath of life by telling your lungs to breathe. It’s one of the reasons that botox—often used cosmetically—can be potentially dangerous, because it interrupts your acetylcholine production.t helps you breathe. The neurotransmitter acetylcholine, elicited by the vagus nerve, literally gives you the breath of life by telling your lungs to breathe. It’s one of the reasons that botox—often used cosmetically—can be potentially dangerous, because it interrupts your acetylcholine production." }, { "docid": "1346420", "title": "Microscopic Anatomy and Organization of Skeletal Muscle", "text": "Within the axon terminal are many small vesicles containing a neurotransmitter substance called ____. 18. Nerve impulse. When the ______ reaches the ends of the axon, the neurotransmitter is released and diffuses to to the muscle cell membrane to combine with receptors there." }, { "docid": "6631669", "title": "Impacts of Drugs on Neurotransmission", "text": "A common design for experiments with either animals or people is to give study subjects a chemical that has a known effect on a particular neurotransmitter, and then observe the impact on behavior. Typically, the chemical is either an agonist (promoter) or antagonist (blocker) of signaling by the neurotransmitter." }, { "docid": "2402882", "title": "Norepinephrine", "text": "Norepinephrine (NE), also called noradrenaline (NA) or noradrenalin, is an organic chemical in the catecholamine family that functions in the brain and body as a hormone and neurotransmitter." }, { "docid": "8155413", "title": "-", "text": "Another relative of norepinephrine and epinephrine is dopamine, discovered to be a neurotransmitter in the 1950s by another Swede, Arvid Carlsson. It is an inhibitory neurotransmitter, meaning that when it finds its way to its receptor sites, it blocks the tendency of that neuron to fire.Dopamine is strongly associated with reward mechanisms in the brain. Drugs like cocaine, opium, heroin, and alcohol increase the levels of dopamine, as does nicotine.t is an inhibitory neurotransmitter, meaning that when it finds its way to its receptor sites, it blocks the tendency of that neuron to fire. Dopamine is strongly associated with reward mechanisms in the brain. Drugs like cocaine, opium, heroin, and alcohol increase the levels of dopamine, as does nicotine." }, { "docid": "6871377", "title": "Translations for DOWNREGULATION AND UPREGULATION", "text": "An increase of a cellular component is called upregulation. An example of downregulation is the cellular decrease in the number of receptors to a molecule, such as a hormone or neurotransmitter, which reduces the cell's sensitivity to the molecule." }, { "docid": "3587288", "title": "Neurotransmitters, Brain and Disease", "text": "Describe neurotransmitters, their function, and impact on behavior. Discuss one neurotransmitter in detail describing the effect it has on our bodies and connection with disease. Discuss the importance of biology for understanding behavior." }, { "docid": "3215164", "title": "Neurotransmitter", "text": "An agonist is a chemical capable of binding to a receptor, such as a neurotransmitter receptor, and initiating the same reaction typically produced by the binding of the endogenous substance. An agonist of a neurotransmitter will thus initiate the same receptor response as the transmitter." }, { "docid": "189481", "title": "-", "text": "An anticholinergic agent is a substance that blocks the neurotransmitter acetylcholine in the central and the peripheral nervous system. Anticholinergics inhibit parasympathetic nerve impulses by selectively blocking the binding of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine to its receptor in nerve cells.n anticholinergic agent is a substance that blocks the neurotransmitter acetylcholine in the central and the peripheral nervous system. Anticholinergics inhibit parasympathetic nerve impulses by selectively blocking the binding of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine to its receptor in nerve cells." }, { "docid": "4105759", "title": "Discovery and Functions of Acetylcholine", "text": "Acetylcholine is not only the most common chemical messenger, but it was also the very first neurotransmitter to be identified. It was discovered by Henry Hallett Dale in 1914, and its existence was later confirmed by Otto Loewi." }, { "docid": "55439", "title": "What effect does rohypnol have on the brain's neurotransmitters?", "text": "Rohypnol binds to the receptor sites for the neurotransmitter, γ-aminobutyric acid. Rohypnol is a type of benzodiazepine, a class of drugs that depresses the central nervous system. Benzodiazepines interact with receptors on brain neurons that use the neurotransmitter called GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid). A GABA receptor also contains sites for binding other molecules such as benzodiazepines." }, { "docid": "3100297", "title": "Acetylcholine", "text": "Acetylcholine is also used as a neurotransmitter in the autonomic nervous system, both as an internal transmitter for the sympathetic nervous system and as the final product released by the parasympathetic nervous system.cetylcholine is the neurotransmitter used at the neuromuscular junction —in other words, it is the chemical that motor neurons of the nervous system release in order to activate muscles." }, { "docid": "2791567", "title": "Neurotransmitters and Learning, Memory and Developmental Disorders", "text": "GABA is the main inhibitory neurotransmitter reducing anxiety; glutamate is the main excitatory neurotransmitter and is involved in memory formation and in ALS or Lou Gehrig's Disease. In addition to the above neurotransmitters, there are many peptides found in neural tissue that act as neurotransmitters.here are many types of chemicals that act as neurotransmitters in the human body and the way that foods may affect these chemicals is important to understanding the possible role of diet in developmental disorders." }, { "docid": "8678261", "title": "What Is Serotonin And How Does It Affect You?", "text": "Serotonin is a neurotransmitter, a chemical messenger found in the gut, blood, brain and nervous system. It transmits information and impulses across the spaces between the nerve cells, also known as neurons." }, { "docid": "4853416", "title": "Neurotransmitters, Depression and Anxiety", "text": "Definition of a Neurotransmitter Neurotransmitters are types of hormones in the brain that transmit information from one neuron to another. They are made by amino acids. Neurotransmitters control major body functions including movement, emotional response, and the physical ability to experience pleasure and pain.pinephrine. Epinephrine, also known as adrenaline, is an excitatory neurotransmitter. It is derived from norepinephrine and is secreted along with norepinephrine in response to fear or anger. This reaction, referred to as the “fight or flight” response, prepares the body for strenuous activity." }, { "docid": "316286", "title": "4: Opiates binding to opiate receptors in the nucleus accumbens: increased dopamine release", "text": "Three types of neurons participate in opiate action: one that releases dopamine (on the left), a neighboring terminal (on the right) that contains a different neurotransmitter (probably GABA for those who would like to know), and the post-synaptic cell that contains dopamine receptors (in pink)." }, { "docid": "4744891", "title": "Background", "text": "Marijuana also affects the neurotransmitter dopamine, which is responsible for feelings of pleasure and euphoria. This is the same neurotransmitter that is affected by alcohol, nicotine, heroin, and cocaine. Long-term use of marijuana can change the balance of these neurotransmitters." }, { "docid": "657746", "title": "-", "text": "Acetylcholine is the neurotransmitter used at the neuromuscular junction —in other words, it is the chemical that motor neurons of the nervous system release in order to activate muscles." }, { "docid": "1177215", "title": "What Is Norepinephrine? - Effects, Function & Definition", "text": "Those are both caused by the release of norepinephrine in your body. Norepinephrine is a chemical released from the sympathetic nervous system in response to stress. It is classified as a neurotransmitter, a chemical that is released from neurons.Because the release of norepinephrine affects other organs of the body, it is also referred to as a stress hormone.orepinephrine is a neurotransmitter that is secreted in response to stress. Learn about what norepinephrine is and how it affects the body. Additionally, discover what drug contains norepinephrine and if it is safe to use." } ]
what is /etc/shells
[ { "docid": "1212988", "title": "-", "text": "From Linux Shell Scripting Tutorial - A Beginner's handbook. The /etc/shells is a Linux / UNIX text file which contains the full pathnames of valid login shells. This file is used by various commands including chsh command." } ]
[ { "docid": "1772890", "title": "In Unix, what is the shell?", "text": "In Unix, the shell is a program that interprets commands and acts as an intermediary between the user and the inner workings of the operating system.o Unix, the shell is just another program. For this reason, any program can be designated a login shell in /etc/shells. For example, some Emacs users pride themselves on never needing a traditional shell prompt." }, { "docid": "2670315", "title": "In Unix, what is the shell?", "text": "Note: In general, shells of the Bourne shell class are better for scripting than those derived from the C shell. To Unix, the shell is just another program. For this reason, any program can be designated a login shell in /etc/shells.For example, some Emacs users pride themselves on never needing a traditional shell prompt.ote: In general, shells of the Bourne shell class are better for scripting than those derived from the C shell. To Unix, the shell is just another program. For this reason, any program can be designated a login shell in /etc/shells." }, { "docid": "1212986", "title": "The /etc/shells File", "text": "The /etc/shells File. The shells file contains a list of login shells on the system. Applications use this file to determine whether a shell is valid. For each shell a single line should be present, consisting of the shell's path, relative to the root of the directory structure (/). For example, this file is consulted by chsh to determine whether an unprivileged user may change the login shell for her own account." }, { "docid": "1212984", "title": "The /etc/shells File", "text": "If the command name is not listed, the user will be denied of change. It is a requirement for applications such as GDM which does not populate the face browser if it can't find /etc/shells, or FTP daemons which traditionally disallow access to users with shells not included in this file." }, { "docid": "1772892", "title": "In Unix, what is the shell?", "text": "Providing a command-line interface (i.e., the shell prompt or command prompt), the shell is analogous to DOS and serves a purpose similar to graphical interfaces like Windows, Mac OS X, and the X Window System.On most Unix systems, there are several shells available.o Unix, the shell is just another program. For this reason, any program can be designated a login shell in /etc/shells. For example, some Emacs users pride themselves on never needing a traditional shell prompt." }, { "docid": "2670310", "title": "In Unix, what is the shell?", "text": "Providing a command-line interface (i.e., the shell prompt or command prompt), the shell is analogous to DOS and serves a purpose similar to graphical interfaces like Windows, Mac OS X, and the X Window System.On most Unix systems, there are several shells available.ote: In general, shells of the Bourne shell class are better for scripting than those derived from the C shell. To Unix, the shell is just another program. For this reason, any program can be designated a login shell in /etc/shells." }, { "docid": "5944919", "title": "In Unix, what is the shell?", "text": "To Unix, the shell is just another program. For this reason, any program can be designated a login shell in /etc/shells. For example, some Emacs users pride themselves on never needing a traditional shell prompt." }, { "docid": "2670306", "title": "In Unix, what is the shell?", "text": "In Unix, the shell is a program that interprets commands and acts as an intermediary between the user and the inner workings of the operating system.ote: In general, shells of the Bourne shell class are better for scripting than those derived from the C shell. To Unix, the shell is just another program. For this reason, any program can be designated a login shell in /etc/shells." }, { "docid": "5944917", "title": "In Unix, what is the shell?", "text": "For more, see In Unix, where can I get information on differences between the various shells? To determine what options are available for your login shell (i.e., your default shell), look at the file /etc/shells on your system. Most shells double as interpreted programming languages." } ]
what is SLT disease
[ { "docid": "5053101", "title": "Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty: 10 Commonly Asked Questions", "text": "Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty, or SLT, is a form of laser surgery that is used to lower intraocular pressure in glaucoma. It is used when eye drop medications are not lowering the eye pressure enough or are causing significant side effects.It may sometimes be used as initial treatment in glaucoma. Who is a candidate for SLT? 2 Patients who have open-angle glaucoma (the drainage system in the front part of the eye is open) and are in need of lowering of their intraocular pressure (IOP) are eligible for the procedure. 3 Your eye doctor will make the final determination if you are a candidate." } ]
[ { "docid": "1202038", "title": "-", "text": "Synonyms: rheumatism; illness; thyromegaly; genetic defect; skin disorder; inherited disease; cystic mastitis; sign; cystic breast disease; Meniere's disease; eye disease; mimesis; deficiency disease; congenital disease; anthrax; periodontitis; ozena; endemic; disease of the skin; pyknosis; complication; inherited disorder; symptom; occupational disease" }, { "docid": "8022076", "title": "-", "text": "Behçet's disease - Pregnancy. 1 With Behçet's disease as an intercurrent disease in pregnancy, the pregnancy does not have an adverse effect on the course of Behçet's disease and may possibly ameliorate its course. Still, there is a substantial variability in clinical course between patients and even for different pregnancies in the same patient." }, { "docid": "315591", "title": "Coronary artery disease", "text": "Coronary artery disease (CAD), also known as ischemic heart disease (IHD), atherosclerotic heart disease, atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, and coronary heart disease, is a group of diseases that includes: stable angina, unstable angina, myocardial infarction, and sudden coronary death.oronary artery disease (CAD), also known as ischemic heart disease (IHD), atherosclerotic heart disease, atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, and coronary heart disease, is a group of diseases that includes: stable angina, unstable angina, myocardial infarction, and sudden coronary death." }, { "docid": "6037796", "title": "DISEASE", "text": "Noun. 1. inherited disease-a disease or disorder that is inherited genetically. congenital disease, genetic abnormality, genetic defect, genetic disease, genetic disorder, hereditary condition, hereditary disease, inherited disorder.disease-an impairment of health or a condition of abnormal functioning.ongenital disease, genetic abnormality, genetic defect, genetic disease, genetic disorder, hereditary condition, hereditary disease, inherited disorder. disease-an impairment of health or a condition of abnormal functioning." }, { "docid": "5190198", "title": "SAP HANA - Data Replication Overview", "text": "Advantages of SLT Replication. 1 SLT Replication method allows data replication from multiple source systems to one HANA system and also from one source system to multiple HANA systems. 2 SAP LT uses trigger based approach. It has no measureable performance impact in source system." }, { "docid": "6384580", "title": "Inflammatory Bowel Disease FAQ", "text": "What is the difference between Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis? Crohn's disease can affect any part of the gastrointestinal tract, from the mouth to the anus. The inflammation of Crohn's disease can be patchy and noncontinuous and can deeply penetrate into the bowel wall. Even if the affected part of a Crohn's disease bowel is removed, the disease may recur." }, { "docid": "3584667", "title": "Diabetes Is the Leading Cause of Chronic Kidney Disease", "text": "According to the Centers for Disease Control, over 17 million Americans have diabetes. Unfortunately, one-third does not realize they have the disease. Diabetes is the number one cause of chronic kidney disease (CKD) .In 1999, almost 44% of patients who needed dialysis had diabetes as the underlying cause for their kidney disease. The numbers continue to rise today.ccording to the Centers for Disease Control, over 17 million Americans have diabetes. Unfortunately, one-third does not realize they have the disease. Diabetes is the number one cause of chronic kidney disease (CKD) ." }, { "docid": "3342253", "title": "What are the symptoms of Crohn's disease?", "text": "Crohn's disease (sometimes called Crohn disease) is a chronic inflammatory disease of the intestines. It primarily causes ulcerations (breaks in the lining) of the small and large intestines, but can affect the digestive system anywhere from the mouth to the anus. Crohn's disease is a chronic inflammatory disease of the intestines. 2 The cause of Crohn's disease is unknown. 3 Crohn's disease can cause ulcers in the small intestine, colon, or both." }, { "docid": "1202041", "title": "-", "text": "periodontal disease | definition: a disease that attacks the gum and bone and around the teeth | synonyms: pyorrhea, disease, pyorrhea alveolaris, pyorrhoea, ulatrophia, gingivitis, periodontitis, alveolar resorption, Riggs' disease" }, { "docid": "7502817", "title": "-", "text": "lyme disease test a lyme disease test detects antibodies to the lyme disease bacteria borrelia burgdorferi in the blood lyme disease bacteria are spread by certain kinds of ticks lyme disease can be hard to diagnose because its symptoms are similar to those of many other illnesses" }, { "docid": "317031", "title": "CONTAGIOUS DISEASE", "text": "1. sexually transmitted disease-a communicable infection transmitted by sexual intercourse or genital contact. social disease, STD, VD, venereal disease, venereal infection, Venus's curse, Cupid's disease, Cupid's itch, dose. contagion, contagious disease-any disease easily transmitted by contact." }, { "docid": "3321642", "title": "-", "text": "Hansen's disease (also known as leprosy) is a long-lasting infection caused by bacteria. The disease was once feared as a highly contagious and devastating disease. Now, however, the disease is very rare and easily treated. Early diagnosis and treatment usually prevent disability related to the disease." }, { "docid": "1383734", "title": "-", "text": "Congenital Heart Defects; Congenital Heart Disease; Congestive Heart Failure; Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) Endocarditis; Heart Attack (Acute Myocardial Infarction) Heart Disease; Heart Murmur; Heart Palpitations; Hyperlipidemia; Hypertension; Hypertensive Chronic Kidney Disease; Hypertensive Heart and Chronic Kidney Disease; Hypertensive Heart Disease; Hypotension" }, { "docid": "8612825", "title": "2014 GMC Sierra 1500 5.3L 4x4 Crew Cab", "text": "The two trucks also share aluminum hoods, a weight-saving feature made obvious when the Sierra’s engine lid began undulating under the air pressure of the industrial blow dryers in our local carwash. Buy the Numbers. For 2014, the GMC Sierra 1500 hierarchy of trim levels stacks up like this: base, SLE, SLT, and Denali." }, { "docid": "4190508", "title": "-", "text": "deficiency disease. noun. : a disease (as scurvy) caused by a lack of essential dietary elements and especially a vitamin or mineral.efinition of DEFICIENCY DISEASE. : a disease (as scurvy) caused by a lack of essential dietary elements and especially a vitamin or mineral. See deficiency disease defined for kids. ADVERTISEMENT." }, { "docid": "5177015", "title": "What is Inflammatory bowel disease?", "text": "Inflammatory bowel disease is a general term that includes several diseases that cause recurring ...more 1 ». Inflammatory bowel disease: Inflammatory bowel disease refers to digestive symptoms resulting from chronic bowel inflammation. Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis are two of the main subtypes of the disease." }, { "docid": "2715095", "title": "Pick Disease of the Brain: Causes, Symptoms, and Diagnosis", "text": "Many other conditions can cause dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease. While Alzheimer’s disease can affect many different parts of your brain, Pick’s disease only affects certain areas. Pick’s disease is a type of FTD because it affects the frontal and temporal lobes of your brain." }, { "docid": "8099303", "title": "What is Lutz-Miescher Disease?", "text": "Prognosis of Lutz-Miescher Disease: The condition usually resolves spontaneously over the space of a few years with no harmful effects or complications. Complications of Lutz-Miescher Disease: see complications of Lutz-Miescher Disease. What causes Lutz-Miescher Disease? Causes of Lutz-Miescher Disease: see causes of Lutz-Miescher Disease What are the symptoms of Lutz-Miescher Disease? Symptoms of Lutz-Miescher Disease: see symptoms of Lutz-Miescher Disease" }, { "docid": "3293124", "title": "Blue Waffles â STD Infection?", "text": "The blue coloring of the genital clearly indicates the signs of the disease on the affected. Its name is actually classified in STDs (Sexually Transmitted Disease). This might already have explained half of the story around the disease. Yes, it is a sexually transmitted disease once again. Technical Causes" }, { "docid": "5638228", "title": "How Many Stages Are There for Chronic Kidney Disease", "text": "How Many Stages Are There for Chronic Kidney Disease. Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is a disease characterized by a gradual of loss of kidney function over time. When diagnosed with the kidney disease, patients will also suffer from some changes. Actually, in different stages, patients will have different symptoms." }, { "docid": "4524851", "title": "Ulcerative Colitis", "text": "Ulcerative colitis pain relief methods are still not proven to always work due to the unknowns about the disease. Coping with this Disease Ulcerative colitis is a disease that many people face, and you may have to learn to live coincide with the disease as long as it is not too severe." }, { "docid": "8675458", "title": "-", "text": "Based on the course of disease and the kind of lymphocytes affected, lymphomas are divided into two types: Hodgkin disease and non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Hodgkin Disease. About 75 percent of those diagnosed with Hodgkin disease recover fully." }, { "docid": "8800789", "title": "Carotid Artery Disease", "text": "Atherosclerosis, or “hardening of the arteries,” is a vascular disease (disease of the arteries and veins). Carotid artery disease is similar to coronary artery disease, in which blockages occur in the arteries of the heart, and may cause a heart attack." }, { "docid": "4268562", "title": "Lyme Disease in Dogs", "text": "SNAP 3Dx Test: simultaneously screens for heartworm disease, Lyme disease, and ehrlichiosis (another tick-borne disease that can affect dogs) SNAP 4Dx Test: simultaneously screens for heartworm disease, Lyme disease, ehrlichiosis, and anaplasmosis (also a tick-borne disease that can cause illness in dogs)" }, { "docid": "1517956", "title": "Treating Cushing's Disease in Dogs", "text": "Treating Cushing's Disease. Most veterinarians treat both adrenal- and pituitary-dependent Cushing's disease with medication. The only way to cure Cushing's disease is to remove the adrenal tumor if the disease is adrenal-dependent and the tumor hasn't spread, says Stohlman." }, { "docid": "2408565", "title": "Trim Comparison: GMC Sierra SLE vs GMC Sierra SLT", "text": "Let’s take a look at the SLE and SLT, and find out which one fits your needs. GMC Sierra 1500 SLE vs GMC Sierra 1500 SLT. First off, let’s identify what the current SLE and SLT trucks have in common. Mechanically, both hold a 6-speed automatic transmission, automatic locking rear differential, and StabiliTrak stability control." }, { "docid": "3971811", "title": "Pravastatin", "text": "tell your doctor if you have liver disease. Your doctor will order laboratory tests to see how well your liver is working even if you do not think you have liver disease. Your doctor will probably tell you not to take pravastatin if you have liver disease or if the tests show that you may be developing liver disease." }, { "docid": "8422663", "title": "-", "text": "Two types of lasers can be used for the procedure: 1 Argon laser trabeculoplasty (ALT) has been used for more than two decades. 2 Selective laser trabeculoplasty (SLT) is a newer laser technology that has been introduced during the past several years." }, { "docid": "6880396", "title": "What Are the Different Treatments for Glaucoma?", "text": "SLT and MLT are two newer laser treatments available for patients. Side effects from all types of lasers include mild inflammation in the eye and a possible temporary pressure rise. A short course of a mild steroid or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory eye drop is used to treat any resulting inflammation." }, { "docid": "5679677", "title": "Alcohol and the Liver: Frequently Asked Questions", "text": "Yes, but alcohol is only one of the many known causes of liver disease. The risk of developing liver disease depends on how much you drink and over how long a period. Other known causes of liver disease include: Viruses." } ]
what is a ISBN
[ { "docid": "1587377", "title": "The International ISBN Agency", "text": "The International ISBN Agency. Easily recognisable as the identifier for all kinds of books, the International Standard Book Number is key to an efficient and effective book supply chain.The International ISBN Agency is the registration authority for the Standard on a global basis.he International ISBN Agency. Easily recognisable as the identifier for all kinds of books, the International Standard Book Number is key to an efficient and effective book supply chain." } ]
[ { "docid": "7470509", "title": "-", "text": "Moral Conscience through the Ages: Fifth Century BCE to the Present Published: March 06, 2015. Richard Sorabji, Moral Conscience through the Ages: Fifth Century BCE to the Present, University of Chicago Press, 2014, 265pp., $35.00 (hbk), ISBN 9780226182728. Reviewed by Stephen Darwall, Yale University" }, { "docid": "3590203", "title": "Why Do I Need An ISBN Number?", "text": "The ISBN number ties into a catalog of all (registered) books in print. This catalog lists the publisher, access and purchasing information, and descriptive data about each book." }, { "docid": "6850024", "title": "-", "text": "Loren Cunningham Loren Duane Cunningham (born June 30, 1935, Taft, California) is the founder of Youth With a Mission. He also wrote Is that really You, God? and several other influential books. See YWAM Books. He is married to Darlene Cunningham. Books Is That Really You, God?: Hearing The Voice Of God ISBN 1576582442" }, { "docid": "3931930", "title": "How to get an ISBN", "text": "Some agencies receive governmental or other funding which enables them to provide a free service to publishers. Where an agency charges for ISBN assignment the price for ISBN should be relative to the living standard in the agency’s area of operation. Applying for ISBN." }, { "docid": "219092", "title": "-", "text": "The Depression and New Deal: a history in documents by Robert S. McElvaine. Call Number: E806 .M43 2000. ISBN: 0195104935. Great Depression and New Deal. Primary sources by Sharon M. Hanes and Richard C. Hanes; Allison McNeill, project editor. Call Number: CND." }, { "docid": "1764639", "title": "Summary of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health", "text": "Group in collaboration with the Office for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health (OATSIH) Otitis Media Technical. Advisory Group, for OATSIH, Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing, Canberra, ACT. ISBN: 978-1-74241-607-6." }, { "docid": "1716336", "title": "-", "text": "This is just a sample of. Reading About the World is now out of print. You can search for used copies using the following information:Paul Brians, et al. Reading About the World, Vol. 1, 3rd edition, Harcourt Brace College Publishing: ISBN 0-15-567425-0 or Paul Brians, et al. Reading About the World, Vol. 2, 3rd edition, Harcourt Brace College Publishing: ISBN 0-15-512826-4." }, { "docid": "7149120", "title": "-", "text": "Voyage of Mae Jemison, Sagebrush Education Resources, 1999 – ISBN 0-613-22577-5 Ceaser, Ebraska D. Mae C. Jemison: 1st Black Female Astronaut, New Day Press, 1992. Polette, Nancy." }, { "docid": "6451344", "title": "-", "text": "Of or pertaining to artisans or the work of artisans. 1997, Douglas W. Druick, Renoir, Art Institute of Chicago (1997), ISBN 9780810963252, page 13: In short, the young artist was developing a special respect for an aesthetic as well as an artisanal tradition that would set him apart from his future Impressionist colleagues." }, { "docid": "8410474", "title": "MAXIMUM RIDE story by James Patterson, art by NaRae Lee", "text": "MAXIMUM RIDE Volume 5. story by James Patterson, art by NaRae Lee. December 2011 | ISBN: 978-0-7595-2971-7 | $12.99 ($13.99) | 240 pages | 5.75”x 8.25″ | Teen. Escaping ITEX in Florida, the Flock head west, with Max more burdened than ever by the knowledge that she’s meant to save the world." }, { "docid": "441136", "title": "-", "text": "Patrick Sarsfield O'Hegarty (introduction by Tom Garvin), The Victory of Sinn Féin: How It Won It & how It Used It (1999) ISBN 978-1-900621-17-5; Peter Taylor, Behind the Mask: The IRA & Sinn Féin ISBN 978-1-57500-077-0; Robert Kee, The Green Flag: A History of Irish Nationalism (Penguin, 1972–2000), ISBN 978-0-14-029165-0" }, { "docid": "1587382", "title": "ISBN Search", "text": "ISBN Search. Using an ISBN is the most accurate and reliable way to search for a book. Use our search engine to find book information and the best prices for books.Typical location of an ISBN on the back of a book.SBN Search. Using an ISBN is the most accurate and reliable way to search for a book. Use our search engine to find book information and the best prices for books. Typical location of an ISBN on the back of a book." }, { "docid": "3134581", "title": "Small Steps: The Year I Got Polio", "text": "ISBN-13 : {tag_isbn-13}. Polio is a highly contagious disease. In 1949, there were 42,033 cases reported in the United States. One of those was a twelve-year-old girl in Austin, Minnesota: Peg Schulze. Me.." }, { "docid": "5446768", "title": "Amazon Facts", "text": "Many of the above Amazon Facts are adapted from the following sources: 1 The Amazon. 2 The Palms of the Amazon. 3 Field Guide to the Palms of the Americas (1995; A. Henderson, G. Galeano and R. Bernal; Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey; ISBN 0-691-08537-4) 4 A Neotropical Companion." }, { "docid": "1482432", "title": "Review: Giraffes Canât Dance", "text": "Title: Giraffes Can’t Dance Author: Giles Andreae Illustrator: Guy Parker-Rees Publisher: Orchard Format: Softcover ISBN: 1-84121-565-1 For ages: 3-6 years Type: picture and rhyme book About: Our soft-back version of this book is dog-eared which in our household symbolises deep and abiding love." }, { "docid": "8664530", "title": "The Eagle Has Landed (novel)", "text": "The Eagle Has Landed is a book by Jack Higgins set during World War II. It first published in 1975. It was made into a film of the same name in 1976 starring Michael Caine. The plot has some similarities with that of Went the Day Well?, a film made during World War II itself. The book is still in print, being reissued in New York by Berkley Books in 2000 with ISBN 0-425-17718-1." }, { "docid": "4843646", "title": "ballyhoo", "text": "ballyhoo (plural ballyhoos) An unseaworthy or slovenly ship. References “Ballyhoo” in Michael Quinion, Ballyhoo, Buckaroo, and Spuds: Ingenious Tales of Words and Their Origins, Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Books in association with Penguin Books, 2004, ISBN 978-1-58834-219-5." }, { "docid": "3590196", "title": "-", "text": "You will need an ISBN number and bar code if you want to sell your book in any kind of bookstore, either bricks and mortar or on the internet. The ISBN number ties into a catalog of all (registered) books in print. This catalog lists the publisher, access and purchasing information, and descriptive data about each book." }, { "docid": "3911133", "title": "Be Realistic about a Child's Attention Span", "text": "Be Realistic about a Child's Attention Span. Adapted from Is This A Phase: Child Development &. Parent Strategies, Birth to 6 Years, by Helen Fowler Neville, B.S., R.N. (Parenting Press, Fall 2007), ISBN 978-1-884734-63-2." }, { "docid": "8638235", "title": "Laura Palmer", "text": "Laura appears inside the Black Lodge during the series finale, as both herself and an evil doppelgänger version. Jennifer Lynch wrote an official series tie-in, The Secret Diary of Laura Palmer (ISBN 978-1-4516-6207-8), which was sold from 1990 and was the diary used in the series." }, { "docid": "1276048", "title": "phr-sphr : PHR/SPHR Professional in Human Resources Certification", "text": "PHR/SPHR Professional in Human Resources Certification isbn : 978-1-61691-849-1 Gain hands-on expertise in HRCI PHR-SPHR certification exam by PHR/SPHR Professional in Human Resources Certification course." }, { "docid": "3951555", "title": "-", "text": "The man who invented the chromosome. The Man Who Invented the Chromosome:A life of Cyril Darlington. Oren Solomon Harman. Harvard University Press, London, UK; 2004. 329pp. £32.95, hardback. ISBN 0674013336." }, { "docid": "5882131", "title": "-", "text": "ISBN 0-19-211592-8: Holt English: a topographic name for someone who lived in or by a wood or copse, ME, OE holt, or habitation name from one of the very many places named with this word. The surname is widely distributed, but rather more common in Lancs. than elsewhere. Vars.: Hoult; Holter.nother Description of the Origin of the Surname Holt The surname Holt has two possible origins, one from a place so named of which there are several examples in England, and the second, toponymical from the Old English word holt, - 'wood'." }, { "docid": "1110650", "title": "copacetic", "text": "^ “copacetic” in Dictionary.com Unabridged, Dictionary.com, LLC, 1995–present. ^ Mark Knowles, Tap Roots: The Early History of Tap Dancing ISBN 0786412674, page 239 ↑ 4.0 4.1 this theory is mentioned by David L Gold, Studies in Etymology and Etiology, pages 60-61; he views it with skepticism" }, { "docid": "743406", "title": "Murder in Mayfair", "text": "Murder in Mayfair. Peter Pomerantsev. A Very Expensive Poison: The Definitive Story of the Murder of Litvinenko and Russia’s War with the West by Luke Harding. Faber, 424 pp, £12.99, March 2016, ISBN 978 1 78335 093 3." }, { "docid": "3388149", "title": "Textbook", "text": "With the ISBN or title, author and edition, most textbooks can be located through online used book sellers or retailers. Most leading textbook companies publish a new edition every 3 or 4 years, more frequently in math & science." }, { "docid": "2128983", "title": "Textbooks", "text": "SPC makes shopping for textbooks easy. After you register for classes on MySPC, you can see the required and recommended textbooks you need. The International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is provided so you get the exact educational content you need, no matter where you shop." }, { "docid": "37674", "title": "Cape Cod Baseball League", "text": "The Cape Cod League in Popular Culture The Cape Cod Baseball League was the setting for the 2001 movie Summer Catch. In 2002, writer Jim Collins followed the Chatham Athletics for the season and wrote The Last Best League (ISBN 0306814188) about the team and its players." }, { "docid": "6968158", "title": "-", "text": "Latin consonants had essentially the same sounds as the English consonants with the following. exceptions: 1 For a more detailed account of restored classical pronunciation, see Vox Latina by W. Sidney Allen, Cambridge University. Press; Reprint edition (August 17, 1989) ISBN: 0521379369." }, { "docid": "2718724", "title": "The Mother Tongue", "text": "PE1072 .B76 1990. The Mother Tongue (ISBN 0-380-71543-0) is a book by Bill Bryson which compiles the history and origins of the English and the language's various quirks. It is subtitled English And How It Got That Way. The book discusses the Indo-European origins of English, the growing status of English as a global language, the complex etymology of English words, the dialects of English, spelling reform, prescriptive grammar, and more minor topics including swearing." } ]
what is a alkane
[ { "docid": "2010012", "title": "Alkane", "text": "Chemical structure of methane, the simplest alkane. In organic chemistry, an alkane, or paraffin (a historical name that also has other meanings), is an acyclic saturated hydrocarbon. In other words, an alkane consists of hydrogen and carbon atoms arranged in a tree structure in which all the carbon-carbon bonds are single. Alkanes have the general chemical formula CnH2n+2." } ]
[ { "docid": "7249554", "title": "Chen Unit 5", "text": "an organic compound that contains only carbon and hydrogen By definition, a compound contains at least two elements. The simplest organic compounds contain only carbon and hydrogen and are called hydrocarbons. alkane a hydrocarbon containing only single covalent bonds; alkanes are saturated hydrocarbons Methane and ethane are examples of alkanes. An alkane is a hydrocarbon in which there are only single covalent bonds. In any alkane, all the carbon-carbon bonds are single covalent bonds, and all the other bonds are carbon-hydrogen bonds." }, { "docid": "964001", "title": "-", "text": "Alkane Definition. An alkane is a fully saturated carbon or hydrocarbon chain. Fully saturated means that there are as many hydrogens attached to the carbons as possible and only single bonds between carbons exist, like so: H 3 CCH 3.Alkanes are also referred to as alkyl groups.lkane Definition. An alkane is a fully saturated carbon or hydrocarbon chain. Fully saturated means that there are as many hydrogens attached to the carbons as possible and only single bonds between carbons exist, like so: H 3 CCH 3. Alkanes are also referred to as alkyl groups." }, { "docid": "4893171", "title": "-", "text": "Click the link for more information. , OH, by a single bond. Carboxylic acids are compounds whose molecules contain a carboxyl group that is joined to a hydrogen atom, an alkyl group alkyl group, in chemistry, group of carbon and hydrogen atoms derived from an alkane molecule by removing one hydrogen atom (see radical).arboxyl group. (kaerbŏk`kärbŏk) , sĭl in, chemistry functional group functional,group in organic, chemistry group of atoms within a molecule that is responsible for certain properties of the molecule and reactions in which it takes. part" }, { "docid": "2966663", "title": "Alkane", "text": "Alkanes belong to a homologous series of organic compounds in which the members differ by a molecular mass of 14.03u (mass of a methanediyl group, —CH 2 —, one carbon atom of mass 12.01u, and two hydrogen atoms of mass ≈ 1.01u each). There are two main commercial sources: petroleum (crude oil) and natural gas.lkanes from nonane to, for instance, hexadecane (an alkane with sixteen carbon atoms) are liquids of higher viscosity, less and less suitable for use in gasoline. They form instead the major part of diesel and aviation fuel." }, { "docid": "5458338", "title": "Isomers", "text": "Various possible isomers are as follow. Out of these molecules, (a) and (b) are Position isomers and (c), (d), (e) are chain and position isomers of each other. C 5 H 12 is the molecular formula of alkane and shows three chain or skeleton isomers; pentane, 2-Methylbutane and 2,2-dimethylpropane.tructural isomers are compounds with the same molecular formula but different structures formula due to different manners of linking the atoms. Structural isomers can be five types." }, { "docid": "52495", "title": "Alkane Reactions", "text": "Unlike the complex transformations of combustion, the halogenation of an alkane appears to be a simple substitution reaction in which a C-H bond is broken and a new C-X bond is formed. The chlorination of methane, shown below, provides a simple example of this reaction. CH 4 + Cl 2 + energy —— CH 3 Cl + HCl." }, { "docid": "2916620", "title": "-", "text": "When Br 2 in CCl 4 is mixed with a sample of an alkane, no change is initially observed. When it is mixed with an alkene or alkyne, the color of Br 2 rapidly disappears. The reaction between 2-butene and bromine to form 2,3-dibromobutane is just one example of the addition reactions of alkenes and alkynes.lkenes and Alkynes. Unsaturated hydrocarbons such as alkenes and alkynes are much more reactive than the parent alkanes. They react rapidly with bromine, for example, to add a Br 2 molecule across the C=C double bond. This reaction provides a way to test for alkenes or alkynes." }, { "docid": "2527736", "title": "What Is Paraffin and What Are Its Uses?", "text": "11 ways to save fuel immediately. Paraffin, also known as liquid paraffin, paraffin oil or kerosene, is a combustible hydrocarbon liquid that is burned as a fuel. It is a mixture of different types of simple hydrocarbons, it is less volatile than gasoline and it boils at 302-527 degrees Fahrenheit.araffin Uses. Paraffin is a alkane hydrocarbon that has a variety of practical uses in industries such as medicine, agriculture and cosmetics. Paraffin is widely used as fuel for jet engines and rockets and as fuel or a fuel component for diesel and tractor engines." }, { "docid": "3887602", "title": "-", "text": "LPG (liquefied petroleum gas) is a mixture of predominantly alkane hydrocarbons, with either propane or butane usually present in greatest amount and both of these almost alwa … ys present. + 2 others found this useful. Brook Thiel.ethane is also a common byproduct from anaerobic metabolism primarily by microorganisms. LPG (liquified petroleum gas) contains mainly propane, but also some butane and other alkanes. It is a naturally occurring petroleum product and is recovered from oil wells, or distillation and cracking of petroleum products." }, { "docid": "5024795", "title": "Alkanes", "text": "The alkanes (i.e. the paraffins) are the simplest homologous series of organic compounds of hydrogen and carbon, where all atoms are linked by single bonds. The general formula for the alkane series of hydrocarbons is CnH2n+2." }, { "docid": "1823990", "title": "ALIPHATIC COMPOUND", "text": "Hypernyms (aliphatic compound is a kind of...): organic compound (any compound of carbon and another element or a radical). Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of aliphatic compound): acetylene; alkyne; ethyne (a colorless flammable gas used chiefly in welding and in organic synthesis).he noun ALIPHATIC COMPOUND has 1 sense: 1. organic compound that is an alkane or alkene or alkyne or their derivative. Familiarity information: ALIPHATIC COMPOUND used as a noun is very rare." }, { "docid": "6815042", "title": "Ethylene oxide", "text": "(A cyclic ether consists of an alkane with an oxygen atom bonded to two carbon atoms of the alkane, forming a ring.) Ethylene oxide is a colorless flammable gas at room temperature, with a faintly sweet odor; it is the simplest epoxide: a three-membered ring consisting of one oxygen atom and two carbon atoms.thylene oxide is relatively stable to heating – in the absence of a catalyst, it does not dissociate up to 300 °C, and only above 570 °C there is a major exothermic decomposition, which proceeds through the radical mechanism." }, { "docid": "5242899", "title": "-", "text": "3. Carbon can form double and triple bonds with other carbon atoms or other elements. 4. Carbon can bond with itself either as straight chains or cyclic compounds with branching possible in either case. Two different organic compounds can also have the same number of carbon atoms.These are called isomers.Isomers are molecules that have the same molecular formulas but different structures and thus different physical and chemical characteristics. An example of isomerism is butane and 2-methylpropane.thane, C2H6, is an alkane and is an example of a saturated hydrocarbon. Ethene, C2H4, is an alkene and is an example of unsaturated hydrocarbon. Ethyne, C2H2, is an alkyne and is also an example of unsaturated hydrocarbon. Aromatic compounds are unsaturated hydrocarbons and contain a benzene ring." }, { "docid": "972614", "title": "-", "text": "Hydrocarbons are compounds made primarily of carbon and. hydrogen. An alkane is a hydrocarbon containing only single bonds. An alkene contains one or more carbon-carbon double bonds. Alkynes have one or more carbon-carbon triple bonds. Aromatic. hydrocarbons contain a circular pattern of double and single bonds." }, { "docid": "5458333", "title": "Pentane", "text": "Pentane is an alkane. Its chemical formula is C5H12. Usually, pentane represents all three isomers (n-pentane, isopentane and neopentane). But in the IUPAC, pentane only represents n-pentane. In the IUPAC, the other two isomers is 2- methyl butane and 2,2- dimethyl propane.Cyclopentane 's chemical formula is C5H10, so it is not an isomer of pentane.ts chemical formula is C5H12. Usually, pentane represents all three isomers (n-pentane, isopentane and neopentane). But in the IUPAC, pentane only represents n-pentane. In the IUPAC, the other two isomers is 2- methyl butane and 2,2- dimethyl propane." }, { "docid": "4493738", "title": "-", "text": "Alkenes and Alkynes: Nomenclature. To determine the name of an alkene or alkyne using the I.U.P.A.C. Nomenclature. System, use the following simple rules: Name the parent compound using the longest continuous carbon chain containing. the double bond (alkenes) or triple bond (alkynes). Replace the -ane ending of the alkane with the -ene ending for an alkene or the -yne. ending for an alkyne." }, { "docid": "4371361", "title": "Paraffin", "text": "1 Paraffin wax, a white or colourless soft solid that is used as a lubricant and for other applications. 2 Alkane, a saturated hydrocarbon.3 Kerosene, a fuel that is also known as paraffin. 4 Tractor vaporising oil, a fuel. Liquid paraffin (medicinal) , a very highly refined mineral oil used in cosmetics and for medical purposes. 2 Mineral oil, any of various colorless, odorless, light mixtures of alkanes in the C15 to C40 range from a non-vegetable (mineral) source, particularly a distillate of petroleum." }, { "docid": "3039597", "title": "-", "text": "21 Experiment 5 – Reactions of Hydrocarbons Hydrocarbons are compounds that only contain carbon and hydrogen. Hydrocarbons can be classified further by the type of bonds they contain. If a hydrocarbon contains only single bonds, it is an alkane.If it contains one or more carbon-carbon double bonds, it is classified as an alkene. If it contains one or more triple bonds between two carbon atoms, it is an alkyne.herefore, alkanes, alkenes, and alkynes are all aliphatic hydrocarbons.) These types of compounds react in different ways, so it is possible to distinguish between them using experimental tests. Physical Properties Since hydrocarbons contain only carbon and hydrogen, all hydrocarbons are nonpolar." }, { "docid": "8304395", "title": "ALIPHATIC COMPOUND", "text": "Noun. 1. aliphatic compound-organic compound that is an alkane or alkene or alkyne or their derivative. acetylene, alkyne, ethyne-a colorless flammable gas used chiefly in welding and in organic synthesis. alicyclic compound-an aliphatic compound that contains a ring of atoms.liphatic compound-organic compound that is an alkane or alkene or alkyne or their derivative. acetylene, alkyne, ethyne-a colorless flammable gas used chiefly in welding and in organic synthesis." }, { "docid": "6101196", "title": "-", "text": "Alkanes are unreactive and are mainly used as fuels. Alkenes are much more reactive than alkanes because alkenes are unsaturated (they have a reactive double bond). Alkenes are the starting material for many different chemicals.They are extremely useful to the chemical industry.Ethene and propene are the starting materials for polymers, giving poly(ethene) and poly(propene) - see polymers.n alkene may be distinguished from an alkane by shaking the hydrocarbon with bromine water. Bromine water is brown or orange, and will lose its colour when it reacts with the double bond of an alkene. Bromine water will stay brown with an alkane because an alkane has no double bonds." }, { "docid": "6351852", "title": "-", "text": "Butane & Propane Gas. butane bottles, regulators and properties. Butane is a saturated hydrocarbon gas with the chemical formula C4H10. It is an alkane with four carbon atoms. Butane is a gas at room temperature and atmospheric pressure but is easily turned into a liquid by cooling or applying moderate pressure." }, { "docid": "4096147", "title": "Organic Chemistry: Structure of Alkanes", "text": "Nomenclature and Isomerism. page 1 of 2. Isomerism in Branched Alkanes. In n-alkanes, no carbon is bonded to more than two other carbons, giving rise to a linear chain. When a carbon is bonded to more than two other carbons, a branch is formed. The smallest branched alkane is isobutane." }, { "docid": "7506996", "title": "Alkanes", "text": "There is probably no upper limit to the number of carbon atoms possible in hydrocarbons. The alkane CH3(CH2)388CH3, in which 390 carbon atoms are bonded in a continuous chain, has been synthesized as an example of a so-called superlong alkane. Several thousand carbon atoms are joined together in molecules of hydrocarbon polymers such as polyethylene, polypropylene, and polystyrene." }, { "docid": "4096151", "title": "Organic Chemistry: Structure of Alkanes", "text": "The IUPAC system considers molecules in terms of a parent hydrocarbon chain with substituents attached to it. The parent is the longest continuous carbon chain in the compound, and the base name of the compound is the alkane that corresponds to the parent chain. Then, consecutively number the carbons of the parent chain in such a way that the substituents are attached to carbons with lower numbers." }, { "docid": "5597893", "title": "-", "text": "Medical Definition of ALIPHATIC. : of, relating to, or being an organic compound (as an alkane or alkene) having an open-chain structure—compare alicyclic, aromatic 2. of, relating to, or being an organic compound (as an alkane) having an open-chain structure — compare alicyclic, aromatic 2. ADVERTISEMENT." }, { "docid": "2966662", "title": "Alkanes", "text": "Alkanes are hydrocarbons in which the carbon atoms are held together by single bonds. Their general formula is C n H 2n+2 for molecules which do not contain ring structures.traight-chain alkanes are named by using a stem that indicates the number of carbon atoms (meth = 1 C, eth = 2 C's, prop = 3 C's, etc.) to which is added the suffix-ane, indicating that the molecule is an alkane (that is, that the carbon atoms are all connected by single bonds)." }, { "docid": "2849166", "title": "SUMMARY OF REACTION PATHWAYS IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY", "text": "Alkene  alkane Reagent: hydrogen Conditions: 150 oC.3. Alkene  alkylhydrogensulphate Reagent: concentrated sulphuric acid Conditions: cold Equation: C C + H OSO3H C H C OSO3H Mechanism: electrophilic addition 6. H3PO4 catalyst Equation: C C + H O H C OH C H Type of reaction: hydration 9. R-OH + XType of reaction: nucleophilic substitution 12.8. 60 atm. R-CN + XType of reaction: nucleophilic substitution Haloalkane  Amine Reagent: ammonia in ethanol in a sealed tube Conditions: heat Equation: R-X + 2NH3  R-NH2 + NH4X 13." }, { "docid": "1053229", "title": "-", "text": "Alkenes and alkynes can also be halogenated with the halogen adding across the double or triple bond, in a similar fashion to hydrogenation. The halogenation of an alkene results in a dihalogenated alkane product, while the halogenation of an alkyne can produce a tetrahalogenated alkane." }, { "docid": "2197552", "title": "-", "text": "Carboxylic Acids. (The functional group of this class is the carboxyl group: -COOH or-CO2H). Basic IUPAC nomenclature-CARBOXYLIC ACIDS: (See the home page for parent root names, prefixes & suffixes.). 1.In the IUPAC system, the-e is dropped from the parent alkane, and the suffix-oic acid is added.here are an abundance of compound which have two carboxyl functional groups and these are known as: dicarboxylic acids. To construct the name of these compounds, add the suffix-dioic acid to the name of the parent alkane containing both carboxyl groups." }, { "docid": "471311", "title": "-", "text": "Methane is a chemical compound with the chemical formula CH4. It is the simplest alkane, and the principal component of natural gas. Methane's bond angles are 109.5 degrees. B … urning methane in the presence of oxygen produces carbon dioxide and water.t is good to have methane in your compost heap, and bad to have too much methane in your house (KABOOM!). However, the Earth's ambient air always contains a certain amount of methane. Methane, by the way is a nontoxic odorless gas (contrary to common belief)." } ]
what is a box sill
[ { "docid": "1101584", "title": "box sill", "text": "Definition of box sill. : a sill that is constructed of brick or concrete enclosed in planks and that is used in frame house construction." } ]
[ { "docid": "4767721", "title": "Mathematical model", "text": "Mathematical modeling problems are often classified into black box or white box models, according to how much a priori information on the system is available. A black-box model is a system of which there is no a priori information available.athematical modeling problems are often classified into black box or white box models, according to how much a priori information on the system is available. A black-box model is a system of which there is no a priori information available." }, { "docid": "7240509", "title": "Obsidian", "text": "Where Does Obsidian Form? Obsidian is usually an extrusive rock - one that solidifies above Earth's surface. However, it can form in a variety of cooling environments: along the edges of a lava flow (extrusive) along the edges of a volcanic dome (extrusive) around the edges of a sill or a dike (intrusive) where lava contacts water (extrusive)" }, { "docid": "2127473", "title": "Understanding MIDI Interfaces", "text": "Now, lets go OUT of the MIDI interface. Out 1 goes to the Triton; Out two goes to the Mackie; Out 3 goes to the FX box 1; the THRU on FX box 1 goes to the IN of FX box 2; the THRU of FX Box 2 goes to the IN of FX box 3; the THRU of FX box 3 goes to the Electribe." }, { "docid": "5400827", "title": "Alar Base Resection and Repair Chicago Illinois", "text": "The side with the most alar flare is assessed for the amount of reduction necessary of the outer alar width and the inner nostril width. A ruler measures the distance from the crease point of the sill to the midline (usually 10-12 mm)." }, { "docid": "2560193", "title": "Geronimo Grave Site", "text": "geronimo the great apache medicine man is buried in the apache cemetery at fort sill oklahoma" }, { "docid": "1211118", "title": "Telling your mullions from your muntins", "text": "The whole shebang-sash, jambs, sill and everything else-is called a window. Mullion/muntin: A mullion is a heavy vertical or horizontal member between adjoining window units. Muntins are the narrow strips of wood that divide the individual panes of glass in a traditional sash.he whole shebang-sash, jambs, sill and everything else-is called a window. Mullion/muntin: A mullion is a heavy vertical or horizontal member between adjoining window units. Muntins are the narrow strips of wood that divide the individual panes of glass in a traditional sash." }, { "docid": "1708820", "title": "Septic System D-Box Install, Inspect, Test & Fix Septic System Distribution Box", "text": "(i) For accessibility, it is necessary that the distribution box be located and have a removable cover not more than 12 inches below grade. Where, due to site conditions, a distribution box must be greater than 12 inches below the surface, an extension collar shall be installed to within 12 inches of the surface. SEPTIC D-BOX INSPECTION-How to inspect the septic system distribution box for clues of septic drainfield condition. 2 SEPTIC D-BOX LOCATION-how to find the D-box. 3 SEPTIC D-BOX PIPING-solid vs. perforated piping. 4 SEPTIC D-BOX SPECIFICATIONS-sanitary code examples of D-box requirements." }, { "docid": "5384099", "title": "Do you need to include street address if you know the PO Box?", "text": "A Post Office box (PO Box) is a separate location to the street address where mail can be stored and picked up by the owner. You simply should include the recipient's name, th … e PO Box the City, State and Area code. Also, since a PO box is owed by the Postal Service you cannot send a Fed EX to a PO Box." }, { "docid": "704666", "title": "-", "text": "the cost of renting a po box the cost of a usps po box in your area depends on a number of factors including your location the size of the box and the rental periodin some areas a small box can be as little as $ 14 for a three month period in other areas the same box can be twice that amountas the boxes get larger the cost gets higherhe cost of renting a po box the cost of a usps po box in your area depends on a number of factors including your location the size of the box and the rental period" }, { "docid": "7478943", "title": "-", "text": "Johnny Owens is a native of Lawton-Fort Sill and has been in the Commercial Real Estate business since 1989. He then ventured out on his own and opened his own real estate company in 1992, where he has since become the leading commercial real estate company and broker in Southwest Oklahoma." }, { "docid": "4848493", "title": "-", "text": "A wall that supports a floor or roof of a building. A water faucet to which a hose may be attached, also called a hose bib or sill cock. Seeping of resin or gum from lumber. This term is also used in referring to the process of drawing air from water pipes." }, { "docid": "5583849", "title": "-", "text": "Set the sill plate aside. The OnStar module is located behind the right side panel of the trunk. Remove the remaining two right side cargo net screws with a Phillips screwdriver. One screw is located on the floor near the front of the trunk and one screw is located along the side of the front of the trunk.emove the three bolts securing the module to the trunk using a ratchet. Remove the OnStar module. Replace the trunk side panel, trunk sill plate and cargo net screws following disassembly instructions in reverse." }, { "docid": "4120571", "title": "The feijoa aka pineapple guava", "text": "Growing pineapple guava from seed is considered an unreliable method because the new plants are untrue to the parent plant and tend to vary in size and yield. If you do choose to grow from seed, carefully collect the seeds from good quality ripe fruit and let them dry on a window sill." }, { "docid": "5534321", "title": "-", "text": "PowerPoint. Add the shape or text box that you want to change the formatting defaults for. Select the shape or text box. Change the shape or text box fill, color, style, or weight of a shape or text box border, text color, font color, and any other changes that you want.Do one of the following:xcel. Add the shape or text box that you want to change the formatting defaults for. Select the shape or text box. Change the shape or text box fill, color, style, or weight of a shape or text box border, font color, and any other changes that you want. Do one of the following:" }, { "docid": "7560267", "title": "-", "text": "Step 4. Remove the screws, or nails, that attach the sill and jamb to the house frame. If necessary, cut the nails off between the jamb or sill and the house frame with a reciprocating saw. Wear safety glasses and be careful not to damage the house frame studs." }, { "docid": "1649690", "title": "UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR", "text": "Positioning system (work-positioning system) means a system of equipment and connectors that, when used with a body harness or body belt, allows an employee to be supported on an elevated vertical surface, such as a wall or window sill, and work with both hands free." }, { "docid": "884235", "title": "How Are Sills Formed?", "text": "A sill is an intrusive rock formation. These formations occur when magma solidifies underground and then intrudes into the overlying rock formation. They are distinct from similarly formed domes and dikes because sills are horizontal to the surface." }, { "docid": "1542502", "title": "Find the perfect name with our expert baby name toolsâFree!", "text": "Personal experiences with the name Silvana: | Edit. It is my own name. It's a quite popular italian name, but because I live in Germany and Switzerland, people there find it still quite uncommon. I often get very positive reactions for my name. I grew up with a childhood friend named Silvana and ended up naming my daughter Silvana. It is not common in the States but I sill adore the name." }, { "docid": "5810218", "title": "-", "text": "The sony bravia lcd sill connect to a wireless network using the wireless router.... 25. 1. Connect wireless router to sony bravia wireless network. The sony bravia lcd sill connect to a wireless network using the wireless router. david butler.he sony bravia lcd sill connect to a wireless network using the wireless router.... 25. 1. Connect wireless router to sony bravia wireless network. The sony bravia lcd sill connect to a wireless network using the wireless router. david butler." }, { "docid": "8576445", "title": "-", "text": "A PO Box ™ is a secure and efficient way to manage your personal or business mail. Rent one today or click Manage Your PO Box to pay for, renew, or make changes to your existing one. Get a New PO Box Manage Your PO Box" }, { "docid": "4725641", "title": "What is telematics insurance?", "text": "Telematics insurance is car insurance where a telematics box is fitted to your car. The telematics box (also commonly known as a black box) then measures various aspects of how, when and where you drive." }, { "docid": "2369300", "title": "Basics of Wood Framing", "text": "1 Floor joists are wood members or engineered wood products (typically the same size as the rim joists) which are placed on their narrow ends, spaced uniformly, and attached to the sill plate. 2 The subfloor is attached to the floor joists, and they carry the floor loads to the load bearing walls." }, { "docid": "1172374", "title": "-", "text": "Check that all staples are recessed in sill stop so extension jamb will sit properly. picture window sill stop and fasten with 4d finishing nails. Attach extension jamb to Narroline units with 4d finish nails. 1/2 Unit Dim. 1/2 Unit Dim." }, { "docid": "6317222", "title": "-", "text": "A fuse box or breaker box contains safety devices (fuses or circuit breakers) that prevent electrical wires from overheating. The box is usually mounted on a wall inside a residence. Follow these steps to find the fuse box or breaker box. Older homes can have more than one breaker box or fuse box. 2 If shutting off power in your home, make sure to go to all the boxes and turn off power to the appropriate breaker or main power switch. 3 Turn off power to the main switch in the box before replacing a blown fuse." }, { "docid": "3991714", "title": "Old Apache Chief Geronimo Is Dead", "text": "Special to The New York Times. LAWTON, Okla., Feb. 17.--Geronimo, the Apache Indian chief, died of pneumonia to-day in the hospital at Fort Sill. He was nearly 90 years of age, and had been held at the Fort as a prisoner of war for many years." }, { "docid": "2123293", "title": "-", "text": "Look for common locations of air leaks in basements and crawlspaces: 1 Between rim joists and under the sill plate. 2 Around windows. 3 At wiring holes. 4 Around plumbing pipes. 5 Around the door to crawlspace, if attached to outside of house. 6 Around foundation at the sill plate, if not sealed properly." }, { "docid": "1053625", "title": "How to Trade From Black to X", "text": "Put your copy of Black/White/Black 2/White 2 into your Nintendo 3DS and open the game. Choose the pokemon pokémon that you want to, transfer then move them To box 1 in YOUR Pc. Box if there are any pokemon POKéMON In pc box 1 that you do not want, to transfer move them to a different box IN Your. Pc Box Open. poke poké transporter" }, { "docid": "5058487", "title": "How long should my curtains be?", "text": "Best Answer: I don't know cm as I measure in inches-but living room drapes should always be 4 below window sill or frame; curtains, depending upon where they are hanging should be.....est Answer: I don't know cm as I measure in inches-but living room drapes should always be 4 below window sill or frame; curtains, depending upon where they are hanging should be....." }, { "docid": "1649556", "title": "National Park Service", "text": "FORT SILL. O K L A H O M A. FIRES CENTER OF EXCELLENCE. Welcome to the Fires Center of Excellence Fires Soldiers and Leaders are prepared to excel in a complex environment and the Lawton-Fort Sill region stands as the Community of Choice.. 2017 Fires Conference." }, { "docid": "6967791", "title": "-", "text": "Change or remove a border from a text box or shape. You can change the look of the outside border of a text box or shape, or remove the border. If you want to do something else, see the following links. To add or change a border in your Word document, see Add, change, or delete borders from documents or pictures.o one of the following: For a text box, under Text Box Tools, on the Format tab, in the Text Box Styles group, click Shape Outline. If you do not see either the Text Box Tools or Format tabs, make sure that you selected a text box." } ]
what is a brand platform
[ { "docid": "581340", "title": "Real-World Education for Modern Marketers", "text": "A brand platform, or corporate image, is the set of associations that customers make with your company. Some of these associations may be quite obvious and strong, like the brand Volvo is associated with safety.In other cases, the associations can be weak; BMW, for instance, may be associated with safety but only in a very weak manner.he possible associations that a brand may want to have actually comes from many sources. For example, it may come from the benefits the customers in a target market may care the most about. But it can also come from various descriptors or the self-image of the target audience." } ]
[ { "docid": "7181190", "title": "Dip Switch configuration of cable jtag for FPGA spartan 3a for dsp 3400a", "text": "Solved: hi ; i have a platform Spartan-3A DSP 3400A and i want to configure the FPGA through the jtag header with platform cable USB II ,i would to upgrade your browser" }, { "docid": "581343", "title": "Brand Basics: The Importance of Having a Brand Platform", "text": "A brand platform is comprised of various components, they come together to form an overall image or perception of your company or brand. Here are five core components that together form a brand platform: brand platform is comprised of various components, they come together to form an overall image or perception of your company or brand. Here are five core components that together form a brand platform:" }, { "docid": "4865371", "title": "Ratchet and Clank: Into the Nexusâ¢", "text": "Ratchet & Clank: Into the Nexus is a story-driven platform adventure with humor and heart, featuring outrageously upgraded weapons, extreme planet hopping and brand new worlds begging to be explored. Into the Nexus marks a true return to form for the acclaimed series." }, { "docid": "6997970", "title": "Most popular PC games 2015", "text": "The most important statistics. 1 Most played PC games on gaming platform Raptr in November 2015, by share of playing timeMost played PC games 2015. 2 Distribution of video gamers in the United States as of October 2014, by platform and genderDistribution of video gamers U.S. 2014, by platform & gender." }, { "docid": "3055955", "title": "Brand", "text": "A brandnomer is a brand name that has colloquially become a generic term for a product or service, such as Band-Aid, Nylon, or Kleenex —which are often used to describe any brand of adhesive bandage; any type of hosiery; or any brand of facial tissue respectively.rand awareness is a customers' ability to recall and recognize the brand, the logo and the advertisements. It helps the customers to understand to which product or service category the particular brand belongs and what products and services sell under the brand name." }, { "docid": "7131826", "title": "platform", "text": "He stepped up onto the platform and looked out into the audience. She stepped off the train onto the platform. Our train is boarding on platform 6. The party adopted a new platform. The company plans to use the show as a platform to launch the new soft drink." }, { "docid": "1245377", "title": "3 Key Hashtag Strategies: How to Market your Business & Content", "text": "Brand hashtags: You create your own brand hashtag. Make it your company name, or a tagline that people know (or will know) about your business. Use it as your central business tag, that you-and your customers-can use anytime, and on any social site. Make a brand hashtag that is unique to your company.hat they are and why you need them: Brand and campaign specific hashtags are tags that you make for your own business. Use them to market your brand and promotions. I’m defining a brand hashtag as your company name or a company tagline." }, { "docid": "40782", "title": "Understanding Azure Service Fabric: Microsoft's Next Generation PaaS Platform", "text": "Azure Service Fabric (ASF) Platform. Service Fabric Platform is the next generation platform-as-a-service offering from Microsoft Azure. It has been released as a developer preview in May, 2015 and the expected GA release is early 2016." }, { "docid": "4035234", "title": "What is Platform Framing?", "text": "Platform framing is a method of construction used primarily in small structure applications, such as in the construction of houses or small apartment complexes and buildings. The name platform framing is derived from the manner in which the construction is undertaken. The process used is to build upward from the foundation, or platform." }, { "docid": "5003156", "title": "Selective laser melting", "text": "Inside the build chamber area, there is a material dispensing platform and a build platform along with a recoater blade used to move new powder over the build platform. The technology fuses metal powder into a solid part by melting it locally using the focused laser beam." }, { "docid": "3251588", "title": "-", "text": "can i disable samsung link platform, link platform, samsung link notification, samsung link platform, samsung link platform disable, samsung link platform error, samsung link platform has stopped, samsung link platform update, what is samsung link platform, what is the samsung link platform" }, { "docid": "3864716", "title": "Eiffel Tower: Information & Facts", "text": "1 The French have a nickname for the tower: La Dame de Fer, the Iron Lady.. 2 The first platform is 190 feet above the ground; the second platform is 376 feet, and the third platform is almost 900 feet up. 3 The Eiffel Tower has 108 stories, with 1,710 steps. 4 However, visitors can only climb stairs to the first platform." }, { "docid": "6590160", "title": "IT Glossary", "text": "IT Glossary. Platform as a Service (PaaS) A platform as a service (PaaS) offering, usually depicted in all-cloud diagrams between the SaaS layer above it and the IaaS layer below, is a broad collection of application infrastructure (middleware) services (including application platform, integration, business process management and database services)." }, { "docid": "4035233", "title": "platform framing", "text": "platform framing. Definition. A framing system in which the vertical members are only a single story high, with each finished floor acting as a platform upon which the succeeding floor is constructed. Platform framing is the common method of house construction in North America." }, { "docid": "162389", "title": "-", "text": "Definition of:platform. A hardware and/or software architecture that serves as a foundation or base. The term originally dealt with only hardware, and it may still refer to only a CPU model or computer family.For example, the x86 PC is the world's largest hardware platform.IBM's Power Systems and Oracle's SPARC are also hardware platforms (see hardware platform for a larger list).he term originally dealt with only hardware, and it may still refer to only a CPU model or computer family. For example, the x86 PC is the world's largest hardware platform. IBM's Power Systems and Oracle's SPARC are also hardware platforms (see hardware platform for a larger list)." }, { "docid": "2981781", "title": "Definitions &Translations", "text": "Sample Sentences & Example Usage. Every brand new is a new lesson. Every brand new day is a new lesson. It's just a brand new life for me, i'm excited. PWC gave a complete, brand new engine to TransAsia . and installed it for us. It is really a truly, truly exciting event, it opens a brand new window on the universe." }, { "docid": "2534737", "title": "Snowflake Suite", "text": "NUITEQ has over 5 years of experience in developing custom multi touch software solutions for touchscreens, based on the Snowflake platform, covering a wide range of industries such as retail, museums, automotive, education, entertainment, brand experience, interactive advertisement, digital signage and more." }, { "docid": "3548700", "title": "-", "text": "Share This Article. As one of the leaders in social media marketing software, Hootsuite allows its customers the ability to promote their brand through social channels, generate quality leads, and increase social traffic to their websites, all within one easy-to-use platform." }, { "docid": "5413750", "title": "Unable to launch tests with chrome driver", "text": "What is the package for Platform? There are a number of different implementations of Platform in the Java world. I know it is not the Platform which ships with Selenium, i.e. org.openqa.selenium.Platform, since this class does not have a getBundle() method. I am using Chrome version 39 with Selenium 2.44 and chrome diver 2.13. I am not able launch any test with chrome. URL base = null; base = Platform.getBundle(com.selenium.client).getEntry(/driver/chromedriver.exe);" }, { "docid": "6040380", "title": "Populist Party Platform: Policies for the common man", "text": "... Party Platform (1892) The People's party, more commonly known as the Populist party, was organized in St. Louis in 1892 to represent the common folkespecially farmersagainst the entrenched interests of railroads, bankers, processers ...The Omaha Platform: Launching the Populist Party... Party Platform (1892) The People's party, more commonly known as the Populist party, was organized in St. Louis in 1892 to represent the common folkespecially farmersagainst the entrenched interests of railroads, bankers, processers ... The Omaha Platform: Launching the Populist Party." }, { "docid": "803977", "title": "-", "text": "The numbers are staggering. Dunkin' has sold some 8.5 million Croissant Donuts since November. Because of that enormous consumer interest, says Costello, the brand will start to expand the Croissant Donut platform in 2015." }, { "docid": "8280958", "title": "global brand", "text": "brand name known everywhere the brand name of a product that has worldwide recognition. A global brand has the advantage of economies of scale in terms of production, recognition, and packaging." }, { "docid": "1183649", "title": "-", "text": "A platform is a plan, design. A declaration of the principles on which a group of persons stands. In computers, a platform is an underlying computer system on which applic … ation programs can run or in general any base of technologies on which other technologies.he computer on which the software is being written. Sometimes, the term is even narrowly down to the tool(s) running on that computer. For example, your PC or notebook as a d … evelopment platform (running Windows or MAC, UNIX, etc). Or Eclipse as the development platform to write Java or any other programs." }, { "docid": "4129729", "title": "Brand Names and Brand Marks", "text": "Brand Names and Brand Marks At a very basic level branding is achieved through the use of unique brand names and brand marks. The brand name, which may be either the individual product name or a name applied to a group or family of products, is important for many reasons including suggesting what the product is or does (e.g., Mop-and-Glow)." }, { "docid": "1539111", "title": "Brand Equity Basics â Part 1: What Is Brand Equity?", "text": "Brand equity is a critical part of building a business, and companies that successfully build one understand just how important it is to the bottom line. However, it takes time, patience, and a great deal of effort to build positive brand equity as you’ll learn in my new series, Brand Equity Basics.rand equity is typically the result of brand loyalty, and with brand loyalty comes increased market share. In fact, there are 5 stages of brand experience that lead to positive brand equity: 1 Brand awareness: Consumers are aware of the brand." }, { "docid": "8081218", "title": "Cross Platform", "text": "Definition - What does Cross Platform mean? A cross-platform computer product or system is a product or system that can work across multiple types of platforms or operating environments. Different kinds of cross-platform systems include both hardware and software systems, as well as systems that involve separate builds for each platform, as well as other broader systems that are designed to work the same way across multiple platforms. Cross platform is also known as multiplatform or platform independent." }, { "docid": "1183647", "title": "-", "text": "Literally, a platform is a structure like a stage (usually made of planks, or wooden boards) that people can stand on. Figuratively, a campaign platform is a set of policies … or political stands on various questions, with particular policies sometimes being referred to as planks.he computer on which the software is being written. Sometimes, the term is even narrowly down to the tool(s) running on that computer. For example, your PC or notebook as a d … evelopment platform (running Windows or MAC, UNIX, etc). Or Eclipse as the development platform to write Java or any other programs." }, { "docid": "4117810", "title": "-", "text": "brand; brand awareness; brand contamination; brand equity; brand extension; brand image; brand integration" }, { "docid": "5515475", "title": "NO substitute for safety", "text": "The forklift must not travel from point to point with the work platform elevated at a height greater than 4 ft (1.22 m) while the platform is occupied. When necessary, an occupied platform can be moved as long as the forklift is “inched” at a very low speed. 6." }, { "docid": "6317246", "title": "SEO Technical Requirements Checklist, for Ecommerce", "text": "Platform Requirements for SEO. The platform dictates how your site can be architected, which in turn has a massive impact on SEO performance out of the box. Choosing a platform immediately limits the SEO options you have to work with to the set that the platform supports." } ]
what is a broody
[ { "docid": "282413", "title": "-", "text": "LINK / CITE ADD TO WORD LIST. adjective. The definition of broody is unhappy and moody, or is really wanting to have a baby or, in the case of a hen, really wanting to lay eggs. A person who is unhappy, wistful and moody is an example of someone who might be described as broody." } ]
[ { "docid": "6081286", "title": "-", "text": "1 A broody hen can be used to incubate and hatch chicken eggs, even if she didn't lay the eggs herself. 2 This is a great, natural option for hatching eggs. 3 Just make sure you choose a broody breed to hatch your eggs, popular broody breeds include Silkies, Cochins, Orpingtons and Old English Games.efore you begin to hatch your chicken eggs, make sure to read all of the instructions in the incubator's instruction manual. Make sure you know how to operate the fan, the light and any other functions. 1 Use the thermometer provided to check the temperature of the incubator." }, { "docid": "3687770", "title": "How long do hens set on their eggs before hatching?", "text": "How long does it take for a baby chicken to come out of its egg? 21 days is the incubation period. Keep in mind that the eggs must be started at the same time, the broody hen will not set on the eggs until she has gathered a full clutch. Wh … en collecting eggs for incubation, they can be safely stored for up to 7 days in cool humidity and turned daily without starting the embryonic development." }, { "docid": "1325879", "title": "refrigerated eggs for hatching", "text": "How good a hatch rate you get will vary. The cooler they are stored and the longer they are stored, the worse your odds of a good hatch, but that is just odds. If you can get some fresh eggs that have not been refrigerated, that would be better. You are not in an immediate rush to get eggs under the broody.Just give her some fake eggs for a few days while you are gathering the eggs you want her to hatch. Broodies cannot count days.f you can get some fresh eggs that have not been refrigerated, that would be better. You are not in an immediate rush to get eggs under the broody. Just give her some fake eggs for a few days while you are gathering the eggs you want her to hatch. Broodies cannot count days." }, { "docid": "7704980", "title": "-", "text": "Pekin ducks are less broody than other ducks which means they will incubate eggs less frequently and they are more likely to abandon their nest before their eggs hatch. Hens can be used to sit on the duck eggs, or they can be incubated artificially.Pekin ducks, for the most part, are too heavy to get airborne.he Pekin duck is the most popular commercial duck breed in the United States, after a small number were imported to Long Island from China in 1873 by James Palmer of Stonington, Connecticut." }, { "docid": "5160329", "title": "-", "text": "1 Guinea fowl eggs take 28 days to hatch. 2 In the wild they will usually sit on about 12 eggs per clutch. 3 You may decide, if you can get any of the eggs that you leave half under your guinea hen and put half in the incubator or under a broody hen." }, { "docid": "1325877", "title": "refrigerated eggs for hatching", "text": "Yes you can hatch chickens from eggs that have been in the frig for about up to a month a little longer for quail eggs. Ive hatched out quail eggs that have been in the frig for 6 weeks and chicken eggs that have been in the frig for around 2 weeks and its fine.Reply. Reply.f you can get some fresh eggs that have not been refrigerated, that would be better. You are not in an immediate rush to get eggs under the broody. Just give her some fake eggs for a few days while you are gathering the eggs you want her to hatch. Broodies cannot count days." }, { "docid": "3748377", "title": "How long does it take to hatch chicken eggs?", "text": "Chicken eggs take exactly 21 days from the date they are started incubating. Hatched naturally, most broody hens will take about 6 days to gather enough eggs and then set the …nest. For the next 21 days she will seldom leave the nest except for defecating and occasionally for food and water." }, { "docid": "3746515", "title": "Tips for Raising Rhode Island Red Chickens", "text": "When hens go broody, they want to sit on their eggs for the required 21-day period and hatch them. In nature, broodiness is necessary. For egg production, though, broodiness is an impediment. That's why broodiness has been deliberately bred out of many breeds, including the Rhode Island Red." }, { "docid": "7434226", "title": "When do domestic turkeys start laying eggs?", "text": "Best Answer: Turkeys can begin laying as early as February,though most begin middle to late March into April.Depending on the breed turkeys can get very broody,heritage turkey breeds tend be better setters.As long as you keep collecting eggs and depending on breed a first year turkey can lay as many as 60 eggs as an average.Allowing a turkey to incubate the eggs can be a little harder then chickens.They require more room and privacy.They can also be extremely protective of the ..." }, { "docid": "4095529", "title": "How to Hatch Chicks Naturally", "text": "Chicks take 21 days to hatch, and a clutch of eggs can take a few days to completely hatch. Mark the date on your calendar! Any adjustments that need to be made should be done at night when she is sleepiest.She will defend those eggs and baby chicks as best she can and she can peck quite hard.nlike when you order chicks from a hatchery, baby chicks who are hatched naturally under a broody hen don't need a lot of care. The mother hen provides the heat, so you don't need a heat lamp, but you will need the other basic chick supplies. She will also show the chicks how to eat and drink." }, { "docid": "1380944", "title": "Broody Barred Rock?", "text": "I know Barred Rock's are reported to not go broody, and that is why they're good production hens." }, { "docid": "282415", "title": "broody", "text": "1 (Poultry) A female bird which is in the condition to incubate eggs; a broody hen, duck, etc. There are six broodies in that coop. (Of birds) sitting persistently and protectively on a nest, in order to hatch eggs (eg, 'a broody hen')." }, { "docid": "4396677", "title": "-", "text": "Hens hatched from a broody are much, much more likely to sit on eggs themselves.”. “You cannot really encourage a hen to go broody. Either she is genetically inclined to go broody or not. Increasing daylight hours after a laying cycle can trigger the genetic broodiness.”." }, { "docid": "4686216", "title": "How to Hatch Chicken Eggs", "text": "1 If you don't already own an incubator, you may need to buy one which, depending on size and quality, may be costly. Broody hen pros: Using a broody hen to hatch your eggs is a practical and natural option. With a hen, you don't need to worry about the power going out and ruining your eggs." }, { "docid": "282417", "title": "broody", "text": "The definition of broody is unhappy and moody, or is really wanting to have a baby or, in the case of a hen, really wanting to lay eggs. 1 A person who is unhappy, wistful and moody is an example of someone who might be described as broody. 2 A woman who really wants to get pregnant is an example of someone who might be described as broody. broody." }, { "docid": "154519", "title": "-", "text": "Definition of broody written for English Language Learners from the Merriam-Webster Learner's Dictionary with audio pronunciations, usage examples, and count/noncount noun labels. Learner's Dictionary mobile search" }, { "docid": "8254148", "title": "How often do they lay Goose Eggs", "text": "My geese generally lay 1 egg every couple days, had some hens that layed an egg daily too. They will start setting on the eggs when they feel they have enough in the nest(for my girls thats about 18 eggs) then they will go broody on them.By the sounds of it you have 2 hens. Boothcreek Ranch.hey don't spread as much as chicken eggs. A fresh goose egg is likely to be more than 1 thick at the yoak when fried. Baking is one of the places they are good, better than chicken eggs, All that protein will hold a huge amount of air when it is beaten in." }, { "docid": "4845752", "title": "How long can a chicken leave the nest...", "text": "My BA did that around day 20 (ducks) or so. I was at work and have no idea how long she was off the nest but the eggs were COLD to the touch when I got home and put her back on them. She hatched out 9/11 and one of the unhatched eggs was a very early quiter that I'm sure had nothing to do with the eggs getting cold. do know we had a broody off her nest about 4 hours and all her eggs hatched...that was in the colder weather, too. So, keep them in a broody cage and see if they will stay put. This is what we do, but our hen got locked out of her cage somehow last night. We suspect children are the culprit here." }, { "docid": "8136876", "title": "How to Hatch Chicken Eggs", "text": "If you are decided on using a hen to hatch your eggs, you will want to know how to choose the best for your hatching needs. Some breeds will never go broody, so if you are waiting for your favorite to get in the mood for hatching, it may be a very long wait! The best broody breeds are Silkies, Cochins, Orpingtons and Old English Games." }, { "docid": "6439712", "title": "Working with Broody Hens: Let Mama Do It (Part Two)", "text": "Broody Box. Once you conclude the hen is broody, move her to a separate place to brood. Trust me on this one: She cannot stay in the regular egg nest. If she does, other hens will get in the nest with her to lay their eggs, in the process breaking eggs and coating the rest with goo." }, { "docid": "5836294", "title": "Does a Hen Need a Rooster to Lay Eggs?", "text": "Fertilized eggs will hatch 21 days after the hen begins incubating (sitting on) the nest. Caution is advised with some broody hens; they may keep laying or collect eggs into a giant nest that they are unable to properly incubate.nd they lay eggs regularly. Even if you do not like eggs, friends, neighbors and people you haven't met yet do. If you are considering chicken keeping, here are a few of the basics related to egg-laying biology of chickens and geese. I have been asked many times if hens will lay eggs without a rooster around." }, { "docid": "8208920", "title": "-", "text": "Ducklings may be reared by the female or by a foster duck or a broody hen or hand reared. they are easy to rear, although they initially try to jump or climb out of rearing boxes, which must be covered, and require protection from rain and cold wind when young." }, { "docid": "2313709", "title": "-", "text": "Chicken eggs have an incubation period of about 21 days and can be hatched using either a specialized incubator under carefully monitored conditions, or using a broody hen. Use these tips for hatching chicken eggs using both methods." }, { "docid": "6609398", "title": "Can a Hen Lay an Egg Without a Male Rooster?", "text": "Egg Formation. Eggs form inside your hen's body when her ovary releases the egg yolk into the oviduct. If a rooster has access to your hen and chooses to mate with her, the egg will be fertilized when it is traveling through the oviduct.he only reason you would need a rooster is if you want your eggs to be able to hatch into chicks. A broody hen can sit on fertilized eggs until they hatch or the eggs can be placed in an incubator and cared for artificially until they hatch." }, { "docid": "1050561", "title": "-", "text": "Guinea fowl hens often abandon their nests before their eggs hatch, making it necessary to hatch the eggs by other means. As the temperature and humidity requirements of guinea fowl eggs are the same as those of chickens, some backyard enthusiasts opt to hatch eggs under a broody chicken.ollect the guinea fowl eggs. You can collect eggs up to seven days before placng them in the incubator. Keep them at room temperature during this time at about 70 to 75 degrees. Use a dry, soft cloth to wipe away any dirt or droppings." }, { "docid": "5536986", "title": "how long to keep unhatched eggs?", "text": "Mine are never late but others have reported eggs in an incubator and under a broody a few days late. That 21 days is just a theory. Reality is often different. I’ve had hatches that were totally over in less than 18 hours from the first to the last.I’ve had hatches that stretch out well over two days.ine are never late but others have reported eggs in an incubator and under a broody a few days late. That 21 days is just a theory. Reality is often different. I’ve had hatches that were totally over in less than 18 hours from the first to the last." }, { "docid": "1351611", "title": "Silkie Bantam Information", "text": "Commonly, Silkies work best as decorative chickens and show birds. Also, as the hens are extremely broody, they work great as foster mothers. Silkie Bantam Temperament Silkies are a friendly breed who are very easy to train to eat out of your hand.ilkie Bantam Apeparance Silkies are on the small side of the larger chicken spectrum, though a bantam variety also exists. Their defining characteristic is the silk-like appearance of their feathers, creating a fluffy, poofy look as their feathers fill out their bodies and heads entirely." }, { "docid": "5517178", "title": "Broody Hens", "text": "This is because as they've been bred, the tendancy to go broody has been bred out of them (if you're into egg production a broody hen is costly. She won't lay eggs for the 21 days she sits on her nest and she won't lay them for awhile afterwards as she raises her chicks).If you'd specifically LIKE to buy hens that have a tendancy to go broody, check out the list of broody hen breeds.roody hens are responding to a natural urge to sit on a clutch of eggs long enough for chicks to hatch. Although most city hatched eggs aren't fertile, it doesn't matter to the hen." }, { "docid": "4587155", "title": "How to Hatch Chicken Eggs", "text": "1 A broody hen can be used to incubate and hatch chicken eggs, even if she didn't lay the eggs herself. 2 This is a great, natural option for hatching eggs. 3 Just make sure you choose a broody breed to hatch your eggs, popular broody breeds include Silkies, Cochins, Orpingtons and Old English Games. The eggs you find in grocery stores are not fertile and cannot be hatched. 2 For disease prevention and health reasons, it's best to get all your eggs from one source. 3 If you are looking for a particular or rare breed of chicken, you may need to contact a specialized hatchery." }, { "docid": "6022269", "title": "-", "text": "1 Guinea fowl eggs take 28 days to hatch. 2 In the wild they will usually sit on about 12 eggs per clutch. 3 You may decide, if you can get any of the eggs that you leave half under your guinea hen and put half in the incubator or under a broody hen. 4 I have read that in the wild guinea fowl make great parents. Before incubation guinea fowl eggs can be stored for up to 7 days. 2 When storing guinea fowl eggs before incubating, make sure that they are kept at a constant temperature of 18-20 degrees Celsius or 64.5-68 degrees Fahrenheit. 3 Make sure the stored guinea fowl eggs are turned daily before they are incubated." } ]
what is a cane toads natural habitat
[ { "docid": "6019716", "title": "-", "text": "The cane toad’s original natural habitat was in the subtropical rainforests of Central and South America. He thrived in the less hot and humid environment, which also gave him access to fresh water, where females lay eggs.abitat of Cane Toads. Cane toads were introduced to other parts of the world so they would eradicate sugar cane pests. Ryan McVay/Photodisc/Getty Images. Cane toads are very large, with some among them weighing up to 5 pounds." } ]
[ { "docid": "1469575", "title": "-", "text": "What is a habitat? The word habitat is Latin for it inhabits. A habitat is a place where a species lives. It is the natural place or environment in which plants, animals and organisms live. Basically, their physical surroundings that influence and is used by any species. Habitats are specific to a population. Each population has its own habitat. If the habitat changes and it no longer works for the species, they adapt or move on. Many species can live in the same habitat, such as a pond. Habitats include different biomes, forestations and ecosystems." }, { "docid": "1772137", "title": "Platypus Facts", "text": "Across the continent of their natural habitat, the platypus mostly lives in freshwater lakes, rivers, lagoons, farm dams, and streams. Most platypuses are found in bodies of water that have earth banks with roots, overhanging vegetation, reeds, and logs to be more suitable for constructing their burrows.cross the continent of their natural habitat, the platypus mostly lives in freshwater lakes, rivers, lagoons, farm dams, and streams. Most platypuses are found in bodies of water that have earth banks with roots, overhanging vegetation, reeds, and logs to be more suitable for constructing their burrows." }, { "docid": "2691845", "title": "-", "text": "1 Cane length is usually about one half the cane user's height, in inches, wearing shoes. 2 Use this as a rule of thumb. 3 If your cane is too small, you'll need to bend over in order to reach it. 4 If your cane is too big, you'll need to lean over onto your injured side in order to use it. 5 Neither option is ideal." }, { "docid": "8684570", "title": "-", "text": "Penguin Natural Habitat. The habitat for penguins is going to depend on the type you are talking about. Some of them are able to live in the coldest parts of the world. Others live very close to the equator where it is quite warm. All penguins though reside within the Southern hemisphere." }, { "docid": "49208", "title": "-", "text": "In their natural habitats most American toads live for a year or significantly less. Successful (or lucky!) individuals, though, may live for 5 to 10 years in natural ecosystems and are thus able to reproduce (sexually maturity occurs after 2 to 3 years). In captivity, American toads are known to live much longer. One captive individual, for example, lived for 35 years before its unfortunate accidental death. Diet and Economic Impact Bufo americanus’ main tool for food gathering is its tongue which is" }, { "docid": "8098330", "title": "-", "text": "Manmade bird habitats should duplicate the birds' natural environment as closely as possible. Two birds in a forest. Wetlands are a common habitat for many bird species." }, { "docid": "1070291", "title": "-", "text": "Posted. No, there is not a natural human habitat. To some extent, humans have evolved for many habitats. In Tibetan peoples, there are strong signals of natural selection in the genome for survival at high altitudes, indicating an example of local adaptation.y this logic then, the Himalayas are the natural habitat of the Tibetans. There have been recent trends to try and live life styles based on our evolutionary history, the idea being that this is the secret for healthy living. Hence the paleo-diet." }, { "docid": "1639257", "title": "-", "text": "If your yard is pesticide free, I don't see why not. However most frogs and toads will not eat ants, I think it has something to do with the hair on the ant's exoskeletons. Most frogs and toads will not eat prekilled food, it has to be moving for them to recognize it as a food item. Take the ants from whatever you collect them in and sprinkle them in the enclosure, however there is nothing stopping the ants from crawling out of the enclosure and getting lose in your house." }, { "docid": "315161", "title": "Molasses in Horse Feeds", "text": "Even though sugar is the primary material extracted from the condensed cane syrup, a great deal of unextractable sugar is still left in molasses. There is a small amount of natural protein in cane molasses (about 3%) and a slightly larger amount in beet molasses (8%)." }, { "docid": "8729825", "title": "Honduras", "text": "Its northern portions are part of the Western Caribbean Zone, as reflected in the area's demographics and culture. Honduras is known for its rich natural resources, including various minerals, coffee, tropical fruit, and sugar cane, as well as for its growing textiles industry, which serves the international market." }, { "docid": "1574693", "title": "Frog", "text": "Warty species of frog tend to be called toads but the distinction between frogs and toads is based on informal naming conventions concentrating on the warts rather than taxonomy or evolutionary history; some toads are more closely related to frogs than to other toads.arty species of frog tend to be called toads but the distinction between frogs and toads is based on informal naming conventions concentrating on the warts rather than taxonomy or evolutionary history; some toads are more closely related to frogs than to other toads." }, { "docid": "7540952", "title": "-", "text": "Habitat destruction, which is also known as habitat loss by scientists is a natural or non-natural phenomenon where animals or plants lose their natural habitat." }, { "docid": "201231", "title": "What is Habitat Loss and Destruction?", "text": "A habitat is an ecological or environmental area that is inhabited by human, a particular species of animal, plant, or other type of organism. A place where a living thing lives is its habitat.It is a place where it can find food, shelter, protection and mates for reproduction.It is the natural environment in which an organism lives, or the physical environment that surrounds a species population. habitat is an ecological or environmental area that is inhabited by human, a particular species of animal, plant, or other type of organism. A place where a living thing lives is its habitat." }, { "docid": "4116963", "title": "-", "text": "Muscovado Sugar Muscovado is a natural, high energy food source made from the sugar cane. This sugar is not uniform in color, but has a more natural appearance." }, { "docid": "4746838", "title": "-", "text": "Habitat destruction is the process by which natural habitat is damaged or destroyed to such an extent that it no longer is capable of supporting the species and ecological communities that naturally occur there." }, { "docid": "308216", "title": "Cane Toad", "text": "Cane toads are large, stocky amphibians with dry, warty skin, and are native to the southern United States, Central America, and tropical South America.ane toad venom is a mix of toxins that primarily affects the functioning of the heart. It is present throughout their bodies and is secreted as a milky liquid from the parotoid glands located over the toad's shoulders." }, { "docid": "5170458", "title": "How do you use a cane?", "text": "Now let me see if I can find you a link that will help you with the cane thing..... if you have your cane too short and not at the right height it is dangerous, and using the can improperly can cause you more problems in your spine and other limbs and especially your hand arm and shoulder that is using the cane." }, { "docid": "6487784", "title": "What is Habitat Loss and Destruction?", "text": "A habitat is an ecological or environmental area that is inhabited by human, a particular species of animal, plant, or other type of organism. A place where a living thing lives is its habitat.It is a place where it can find food, shelter, protection and mates for reproduction.It is the natural environment in which an organism lives, or the physical environment that surrounds a species population. place where a living thing lives is its habitat. It is a place where it can find food, shelter, protection and mates for reproduction. It is the natural environment in which an organism lives, or the physical environment that surrounds a species population." }, { "docid": "1281317", "title": "-", "text": "Policosanol is a blend of alcohols isolated from natural plant waxes found in sugar cane. +" }, { "docid": "4635429", "title": "-", "text": "Bear weight on the proper side. You should hold your cane on the same side of your body that your injury is on. If you are using the cane for general mobility rather than an injury, hold the cane using your dominant hand and bear weight on this side of your body.This will make the cane bear the majority of your weight, as well as the impact caused by your motion when walking. Walk with the cane.f you are using the cane for general mobility rather than an injury, hold the cane using your dominant hand and bear weight on this side of your body. This will make the cane bear the majority of your weight, as well as the impact caused by your motion when walking." }, { "docid": "5887634", "title": "What is the Latin name for a Siberian tiger?", "text": "SIberian, cause it's natural habitat is Siberia. Tiger, because it is one. SIberian, cause it's natural habitat is Siberia. Tiger, because it is one." }, { "docid": "3065664", "title": "-", "text": "For many people, the term “refi ned” has lost its original meaning – “to. purify” – and now carries negative connotations. To get pure, natural. sucrose, the natural sugar that is stored in the cane stalk or beet root is. separated from the rest of the plant material." }, { "docid": "4486031", "title": "Oriental Fire-Bellied Toads", "text": "Expected Life Span: around 10-15 years (sometimes longer) Lifestyle: Semi-aquatic​. Level of Care: good for beginners. Oriental fire-bellied toads are hardy little toads that are suitable for beginners. They are not difficult to care for, although they do take a fair amount of work to maintain." }, { "docid": "4888406", "title": "Explore the Habitat of Bald Eagles and Know Their Ways of Life", "text": "Explore the Habitat of Bald Eagles and Know Their Ways of Life. Bald eagles continue to be one of the most abundantly found birds in North America. Despite a significant decrease in their population in 1972, the numbers have now increased from being endangered to threatened. Read on to find out their ways of survival in the natural habitat." }, { "docid": "1920660", "title": "Bright Hub", "text": "All life on Earth is interconnected to form a balanced, healthy ecosystem, and all species are dependent on each other in some way or another. Biodiversity is essential to a healthy planet, yet many species face extinction. Let's explore some of the causes and effects of endangered animal species.abitat Loss. Habitat destruction is another major threat that causes animals to become endangered. Habitat loss can occur as a result of human activities, such as deforestation, mining, development, or human encroachment, or it may occur as a result of natural events, such as wildfires or other natural disasters." }, { "docid": "1024471", "title": "-", "text": "The desert regions are said to be the place where more Scorpions live than any other environment. Scorpion in their natural habitat. One of the common reasons that people start to see Scorpions around their home has to do with construction sites.corpion Habitat and Distribution. There are Scorpions found all over the world with the exception of Antarctica. In many locations they were taken there by humans." }, { "docid": "1736308", "title": "More wolf spiders feasting on American toads due to invasive grass, UGA study shows", "text": "More wolf spiders feasting on American toads due to invasive grass, UGA study shows. August 27, 2014. Print. Athens, Ga. - An invasive grass species frequently found in forests has created a thriving habitat for wolf spiders, who then feed on American toads, a new University of Georgia study has found." }, { "docid": "4305587", "title": "Cane Pole", "text": "Cane Pole. A cane pole is easy and fun to use, add a fishing bobber, a fishing weight, hook and a fishing worm and you are ready to start to fish. They cane fishing poles offer an inexpensive means that makes a child a great first fishing pole." }, { "docid": "3658511", "title": "-", "text": "Estimating Your Cane Length. 1 1. Estimate using your height. If you don't have a tape measure and you're ordering a cane online, you can estimate the size you might need by using your height as a general guide. 2 2. Order a 36-inch cane if you're of average height." }, { "docid": "303260", "title": "3 Key Differences: Honey Vs Sugar", "text": "However, for sugar, in the process of manufacturing, the organic acids, protein, nitrogen elements, enzymes and vitamins in the sugar cane are destroyed, whereas honey, a natural sweetener, subjects only to minimal heating." } ]
what is a caravan
[ { "docid": "2933526", "title": "caravan", "text": "A camel caravan in the desert. The definition of a caravan is a large covered vehicle. The vehicle used by circuses to transport animals is an example of a caravan. Caravan is defined as a group of people or animals traveling together, sometimes for safety. A pack of camels crossing the desert together is an example of a caravan." } ]
[ { "docid": "1208116", "title": "-", "text": "You do not have to be British to by land in England. On your plot of freehold land, you could grow your own organic crops, or keep animals. Subject to any restriction's, you could pitch a tent or caravan for short breaks, 28 days a year (14 days x 2 - ask local council first)." }, { "docid": "1026332", "title": "-", "text": "Our faux leather is an artificial fabric with a PVC surface made to look and feel like real leather, it is a highly versatile product, extremely hard wearing, great for use in upholstery and furnishing projects at home, in a vehicle, in the caravan or anywhere that requires a tough, durable material." }, { "docid": "3998523", "title": "The Ranch Tour", "text": "Since our ranch was the first stop on the tour we had to get up ‘n around very early, saddle the horses, and gather a pasture of cattle so the long caravan of tourgoers could drive by and wave and catch a glimpse of our cattle operation." }, { "docid": "2543807", "title": "-", "text": "caravan inn; caravansary; caravanserai; khan. Hypernyms (caravansary is a kind of...): auberge; hostel; hostelry; inn; lodge (a hotel providing overnight lodging for travelers)" }, { "docid": "3886342", "title": "-", "text": "Although you can benefit from holidays sooner by spreading the cost of the caravan or motorhome, don’t forget that the debt must repaid whatever the season. Unsecured loans from &pound500 – £25,000. Representative 15.9% APR (variable). Secured loans from £3,000 – £200,000. Typical 15.2% APR (variable)." }, { "docid": "6686745", "title": "-", "text": "Pikey is not a racial group, the term is used to describe anyone who lives in a caravan or shares the same values and culture of the travelling community, and whose main sources of income are as follows:riginally a harmless slang name for a gypsy and/or traveller, being derived from the word 'turnpike.'. Now generally regarded as a term of abuse that encompasses any persons perceived as common, tasteless, flashy, in-bred, thieving and a whole host of other sins, the primary term is till applied to gypsies." }, { "docid": "8550139", "title": "2011 Chrysler Town and Country and 2011 Dodge Grand Caravan: Car Seat Check", "text": "The Chrysler Town & Country and Dodge Grand Caravan received upgrades to both the exteriors and interiors for the 2011 model year. The minivan siblings each have their strong points. The Town & Country focuses on luxurious touches, and the Grand Caravan goes for a more aggressive, sporty look.arents should also remember that they can use the Latch system or a seat belt to install a car seat. Dodge Chrysler Car Seat Check Family Family Cars Minivans. Assistant Managing Editor Jennifer Newman is a certified car-seat technician." }, { "docid": "640948", "title": "8 Days $1,295 Panama Canal Cruise, Rainforests & Beaches", "text": "Take two daytime cruises on the Panama Canal: one through the canal locks and another cruise on Gatun Lake. The Isthmus of Panama links North and South America. See both the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. With Caravan you explore rainforests and sandy beaches." }, { "docid": "7338500", "title": "-", "text": "The 2015 Dodge Grand Caravan seats seven in three rows and comes standard with cloth upholstery and a third-row tailgate seat, which can flip to face out of the hatch." }, { "docid": "1969325", "title": "-", "text": " Answer The speed of travel depended much on the terrain and the number in the caravan. They averaged eight miles per day but could travel as fast as twelve mil … es in a day or be stalled a day without motion. Answer The speed of travel depended much on the terrain and the number in the caravan." }, { "docid": "1080862", "title": "Edmunds Summary Review of the 2017 Dodge Grand Caravan GT Minivan", "text": "Edmunds Summary Review of the 2017 Dodge Grand Caravan GT Minivan. 1 The 2017 Dodge Grand Caravan could be right for you if you're searching for a minivan that offers a lot of features and versatility in an inexpensive package. 2 One of Edmunds. 3 Pros Versatile seating and cargo bay configurations; affordable base price." }, { "docid": "7338502", "title": "-", "text": "Remove front seat covers. Hello, Have a 2008 grand caravan and want to clean front seats from spillage. Looking to remove seat covers but first want to know if they can be removed. This is the wife ride so want to get it all clean." }, { "docid": "3244683", "title": "P.T. Barnum Isnât the Hero the âGreatest Showmanâ Wants You to Think", "text": "His legacy in show business stretched from the American Museum to P. T. Barnum's Grand Traveling Museum, Menagerie, Caravan & Hippodrome (the predecessor of “Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey” circus) near the end of his life." }, { "docid": "8550145", "title": "-", "text": "Seating. The 2015 Dodge Grand Caravan seats seven in three rows and comes standard with cloth upholstery and a third-row tailgate seat, which can flip to face out of the hatch.Available features include leather upholstery, an eight-way power-adjustable driver seat, heated front-and second-row seats and a heated steering wheel.he 2015 Dodge Grand Caravan has 143.8 cubic feet of cargo space behind the front seats, 83.3 behind the second-row seats and 33 behind the third-row seats, which are good cargo volumes for a minivan." }, { "docid": "4799489", "title": "Cessna 208 Caravan", "text": "Since then, the Caravan has undergone a number of design evolutions. Working with FedEx, Cessna produced first the Cargomaster and followed that with the stretched and upgraded Super Cargomaster. The passenger model, the Grand Caravan, was derived from the Super Cargomaster. In January 2013 a higher-powered (867 shp from P&WC PT6A-140) version, the Grand Caravan EX, received FAA certification. This higher-powered version will be produced by a Cessna-AVIC joint venture in China." }, { "docid": "5987076", "title": "Charlie Chaplin: was the entertainer really born in Smethwick?", "text": "He informed Chaplin that he was the nephew of a woman known as The Gypsy Queen, who at one point in her life lived in a caravan on a travellers’ site known as The Black Patch, in Smethwick, near Birmingham. This caravan, he informed Chaplin, was the place he had really been born." }, { "docid": "55826", "title": "-", "text": "A recreational vehicle is, in North America, the usual term for a motor vehicle or trailer equipped with living space and amenities found in a home. Several definitions exist for RVs and vary by region, including camper van, caravan, and motorhome, but are also used to designate different types of vehicles outside North America." }, { "docid": "8414239", "title": "TOPIC: Extension lead from car to caravan - 13 pin electrics", "text": "I retain an older UK caravan that is wired to make use of the car battery when on site; it has a switch in the caravan to choose either the caravan battery or the car battery. Of course you need a 12S extension lead in order to do this. You say this is what you did in your old van." }, { "docid": "5242625", "title": "Plymouth (automobile)", "text": "From a peak production of 973,000 for the 1973 model year, Plymouth rarely exceeded 200,000 cars per year after 1990. Even the Voyager sales were usually less than 50% that of Dodge Caravan. In Canada, the Plymouth name was defunct at the end of the 1999 model year." }, { "docid": "8095298", "title": "-", "text": "Join me at FlightSafety in Wichita, KS as fly the Cessna Grand Caravan / C208 and get surprised by a few emergencies. Proudly Sponsored by https://www.forefl... Join me at FlightSafety in Wichita, KS as fly the Cessna Grand Caravan / C208 and get surprised by a few emergencies. Proudly Sponsored by https://www.forefl... We've been hard at work on the new YouTube, and it's better than ever." }, { "docid": "7338497", "title": "-", "text": "Remove the seats from the van with Stow N Go seating. white van image by goce risteski from Fotolia.com. The Dodge Caravan is a minivan with bench seats and bucket seats that can be folded into the floorboards through the Stow N Go feature." }, { "docid": "3933409", "title": "-", "text": "Visit De Rust for peace and tranquillity-A resort that does not permit children, caravan rallies, parties or other noise that would intrude on your enjoyment of the pristine bushveld. Our resort is ... pool, wheelchair, Ablutions, hot water, LP Gas filling, Scullery tubs, Stands for tents, Water...This company was reported as being closed. Cameron Cross Attorneys specialises exclusively in the fields of Environmental, Health and Safety Law. CCA provides the industrial, mining and development sectors with SHE legal advice and assistance ..." }, { "docid": "5525778", "title": "Heartache by the Number", "text": "She'll give you a tip, that you should go work for the Crimson Caravan. This is where the You Can Depend On Me side quest comes into play. As part of that quest, the Crimson Caravan will tell you to return to Cass to try to purchase her Caravan Company." }, { "docid": "3293575", "title": "Who Was Eratosthenes?", "text": "The circumference of the Earth around the poles is now measured at around 40,008 km. Eratosthenes result is not bad at all. Very interesting is that the measurement of the distance between Alexandria and Syene is based on the estimated average speed of a caravan of camels that traveled this distance(!)." }, { "docid": "4130689", "title": "Trivia", "text": "During the making of the movie, one of the actors, Stephen Brown, got separated from the vehicle caravan and drove the Bluesmobile 100 miles west on Interstate 80, to the city of Spring Valley, IL." }, { "docid": "8363109", "title": "-", "text": "I have a 100ah agm battery in my caravan which has buckled and wont hold a charge. I am about to buy a new agm battery but hope you can advise me on the following. When I head off on a trip I have the battery fully charged." }, { "docid": "611262", "title": "What does caravan. mean?", "text": "Hop on to get the meaning of caravan. acronym / slang / Abbreviation. The Common Acronym / Slang caravan. means... AcronymsAndSlang. The caravan. acronym/abbreviation definition. The caravan. meaning is 1. Brit. A mobile home or van. 2. A group traveling together. Typically, Arab merchants and their camels. 3." }, { "docid": "395133", "title": "How To Change A Serpentine/Drive Belt (Ford Focus)", "text": "In this video, I will show you how to change a serpentine/drive belt on a Ford Focus. Dodge Caravan belt video. https://youtu.be/59YOkX2ZkOs." }, { "docid": "2277980", "title": "Cowley Beach Caravan ParkBeachfront caravan park info@cowleybeachcaravanpark.com.au (07) 4065 4806", "text": "New hosts Alan and Desleigh welcome you! Cowley Beach Caravan Park is ideally located right on the beach, just 20 minutes drive south of Innisfail.Cowley Beach has much to offer. Set on 7 acres, the park includes a camping ground and beachfront reserve.NDER NEW MANAGEMENT. New hosts Alan and Desleigh welcome you! Cowley Beach Caravan Park is ideally located right on the beach, just 20 minutes drive south of Innisfail. Cowley Beach has much to offer." }, { "docid": "5513749", "title": "-", "text": "Stay for 3 nights or more and Kids Stay Free.* Offer is valid for Villas and Cabins. Park Beach Holiday Park is a large resort holiday park located on Coffs Harbour’s popular surfing and swimming beach. The Park has recently been awarded The Best Park in NSW by the CCIA (Caravan and Camping Industry of NSW)." } ]
what is a cathodic protection
[ { "docid": "6944876", "title": "Redox", "text": "Pronunciation of the word Cathodic. Cathodic protection (CP) is a technique used to control the corrosion of a metal surface by making it the cathode of an electrochemical cell. A simple method of protection connects the metal to be protected to a more easily corroded sacrificial metal to act as the anode." } ]
[ { "docid": "5383265", "title": "-", "text": "– Ellie*. It’s great that you are thinking about protection in advance. After abstinence, the best protection against both pregnancy and STDs is actually to use two methods of birth control at the same time: a condom to protect against STDs, and." }, { "docid": "4719477", "title": "BLACK-MAXâ¢", "text": "When it comes to your rust problems, you can do it the hard way with sandblasting or the easy way with BLACK-MAX Cathodic Rust Arrestor! BLACK-MAX is absolutely guaranteed to work! 1 Halts existing rust activity – stops rust dead in its tracks! Prevents new rust activity – by blocking oxygen!" }, { "docid": "980032", "title": "*how many feet do you have to stay away in a protection order*?", "text": "How many feet do you have to stay away from the person on a protection order and s restraining order in Maryland?...and is a protection order and a restraining order the same thing?.." }, { "docid": "7433979", "title": "How Much Can I Overdraft My Checking Account? The Answer", "text": "We will automatically transfer available funds to cover your transaction if you don’t have enough money in your checking account. There is no fee to sign up for Overdraft Protection and a single Overdraft Protection transfer fee would be charged only if we transfer funds to cover a negative balance. The fee depends on which account you have linked to your checking account for Overdraft Protection." }, { "docid": "7656736", "title": "-", "text": "Environment Protection. The Environment Protection Authority (EPA) is established by the Environment Protection Act 1997 (the Act). As a statutory position, the EPA is responsible for adminstering the Act." }, { "docid": "2550148", "title": "-", "text": "The IP Code (or Ingress Protection Rating, sometimes also interpreted as International Protection Rating consists of the letters IP followed by two digits or one digit and one letter and an optional letter.he IP Code (or Ingress Protection Rating, sometimes also interpreted as International Protection Rating consists of the letters IP followed by two digits or one digit and one letter and an optional letter." }, { "docid": "2441608", "title": "How LifeLock Reviews Could Protect You From Identity Theft", "text": "LifeLock offers three different packages in addition to a LifeLock Junior package to protect your children. The company prides itself on its 5 Points of Protection and landed among the top in our Identity Theft Protection comparison.ifeLock offers three different packages in addition to a LifeLock Junior package to protect your children. The company prides itself on its 5 Points of Protection and landed among the top in our Identity Theft Protection comparison." }, { "docid": "4823482", "title": "Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2012", "text": "You can disable protection in Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2012. When the protection is disabled, work of all protection comnents is disabled. Kaspersky Lab specialists do not recommend to disable protection.It may result in infection of your computer and data loss.If it is required, you can pause protection for a required period of time.hen the protection is disabled, work of all protection comnents is disabled. Kaspersky Lab specialists do not recommend to disable protection. It may result in infection of your computer and data loss. If it is required, you can pause protection for a required period of time." }, { "docid": "61925", "title": "Why is environmental protection important?", "text": "The US Environmental Protection Agency is important, for the simple reason that environmental protection requires a federally-funded, impartial and unpolitical, continuous, and coordinated effort to protect the ecology of the US and the health of its citizens. Footnotes [1] EO 11514: Protection and Enhancement of Environmental Quality (1970)" }, { "docid": "6017247", "title": "Youth Protection", "text": "Youth Protection training is required for all BSA registered volunteers. Youth Protection training must be taken every two years. If a volunteer’s Youth Protection training record is not current at the time of recharter, the volunteer will not be reregistered." }, { "docid": "1721668", "title": "Car Insurance Terms Glossary", "text": "What Does Personal Injury Protection Insurance Typically Cover? If you're injured in an accident, one type of auto insurance coverage that may be beneficial to have is Personal Injury Protection. Although it's not available in all states, it is required in others." }, { "docid": "1158470", "title": "Consumer Financial Protection Bureau", "text": "Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection (CFPB) Congress established the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection (CFPB) through the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Dodd-Frank Act). Visit the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau website to learn more about the Bureau and about its work." }, { "docid": "2635930", "title": "Switchgear", "text": "Provides both protection and selectivity without compromising one for the other. Combines power distribution protection, control, monitoring, diagnostic, and ease-of-use." }, { "docid": "3736836", "title": "Trademark", "text": "For example, the particular design of a bottle may qualify for copyright protection as a non-utilitarian [sculpture], or for trademark protection based on its shape, or the 'trade dress' appearance of the bottle as a whole may be protectable." }, { "docid": "6786060", "title": "-", "text": "NOTE: A hard drive in the hard drive bay is protected by HP ProtectSmart Hard Drive Protection. drives connected to USB ports are not protected by HP ProtectSmart Hard Drive Protection. For more information, refer to the HP ProtectSmart Hard Drive Protection software Help." }, { "docid": "3356788", "title": "Network Access Protection", "text": "Network Access Protection. Purpose. Note The Network Access Protection platform is not available starting with Windows 10. Network Access Protection (NAP) is a set of operating system components that provide a platform for protected access to private networks." }, { "docid": "4823485", "title": "Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2012", "text": "In Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2012 there are the following indications of disabled protection: 1 grey Kaspersky icon in the Taskbar notification area. 2 red banner in the main application window (the banner displays protection state of your computer).hen the protection is disabled, work of all protection comnents is disabled. Kaspersky Lab specialists do not recommend to disable protection. It may result in infection of your computer and data loss. If it is required, you can pause protection for a required period of time." }, { "docid": "6559922", "title": "-", "text": "For peripheral nervous stimulation, cathodic-first pulses have lower thresholds, resulting in more efficient for charge delivery. For surface cortical simulation, where axons are perpendicular to the electrode surface, anodic first pulses are more efficient." }, { "docid": "8689688", "title": "Former Presidents Act", "text": "Secret Service protection. Former presidents were entitled from 1965 to 1996 to lifetime Secret Service protection, for themselves, spouses, and children under 16. A 1994 statute, (Pub.L. 103–329), limited post-presidential protection to ten years for presidents inaugurated after January 1, 1997." }, { "docid": "7775109", "title": "armor", "text": "protection - a covering that is intend to protect from damage or injury; they had no protection from the fallout; wax provided protection for the floors protective cover, protective covering armor, armour - protective covering made of metal and used in combat" }, { "docid": "2115834", "title": "-", "text": "Employment Protection Strictness of employment protection – individual and collective dismissals (regular contracts) Strictness of employment protection – individual dismissals (regular contracts) Strictness of employment protection – temporary contracts." }, { "docid": "6144681", "title": "Seaweed dream meanings", "text": "General Meanings: Help and protection The seaweeds gives the dreamer support and protection from the bad influence. This dream helps you to protect yourself from negative environment." }, { "docid": "8673560", "title": "What is an AFCI", "text": "AFCI and GFCI Protection. An AFCI can be used in conjunction with GFCI protection to provide both arcing fault protection as well as 5mA ground fault (people) protection. A common way to provide both types of protection is to use an AFCI circuit breaker and a GFCI receptacle.Q&A). Arc Fault Circuit Interrupters (AFCIs) are required by the National Electrical Code for certain electrical circuits in the home. Below are some frequently asked questions about AFCIs and the benefits of installing them in your home." }, { "docid": "1949685", "title": "-", "text": "Microsoft antivirus protection. Windows Defender is the No. 1 antivirus on Windows 10, protecting more computers against viruses, malware, spyware, and other threats than any other solution. Virus protection and removal. Malware protection and removal." }, { "docid": "4455835", "title": "Cathodic protection", "text": "Cathodic protection is a technique used to control the corrosion of a metal surface by making it the cathode of an electrochemical cell. A simple method of protection connects the metal to be protected to a more easily corroded sacrificial metal to act as the anode. The sacrificial metal then corrodes instead of the protected metal. For structures such as long pipelines, where passive galvanic cathodic protection is not adequate, an external DC electrical power source is used to provide suffic" }, { "docid": "6292164", "title": "These 5 antivirus suites keep potentially unwanted programs (PUPs) from biting", "text": "Though most antivirus programs are built to detect and remove more of the true viruses and other serious malware, some do offer protection against adware, spyware, and PUPs. However, you may have to enable the protection manually. In the AVG products, basic PUP and spyware protection is enabled by default. This protection is designed more to detect programs that are a security risk. Manually enabling additional protection may detect programs that are fairly harmless." }, { "docid": "7344557", "title": "-", "text": "Introduction / The Consumer Protection Act 1986 is a social welfare legislation which was enacted as a result of widespread consumer protection movement.ntroduction / The Consumer Protection Act 1986 is a social welfare legislation which was enacted as a result of widespread consumer protection movement." }, { "docid": "6998827", "title": "-", "text": "In every category, galvanizing is an effective, durable, maintenance-free corrosion protection method. Galvanizing is specified for steel projects because of the versatility of zinc’s barrier and cathodic protection, and because it performs well alongside all materials and in every environment." }, { "docid": "3827803", "title": "How to: Disable the SysPlant / SysGuard drivers on SPA clients without manually editing the registry", "text": "In Symantec Enterprise Protection (SEP) 5.1 MR3 the kernel drivers will be automatically disabled on the agent if there are no OS Protection or Buffer Overflow Protection policies applied to its group. For versions prior to MR3 you can create a Host Integrity rule that disables the drivers using the following settings:" }, { "docid": "2110960", "title": "-", "text": "BAO: Vietnamese name meaning protection.. 1 BRANIMIR (бранимир): Bulgarian name composed of the Slavic elements bron protection and mir peace, hence protector of peace.. 2 Also in use by the Croatians and Slovenians.AO: Vietnamese name meaning protection.. 1 BRANIMIR (бранимир): Bulgarian name composed of the Slavic elements bron protection and mir peace, hence protector of peace.. 2 Also in use by the Croatians and Slovenians." } ]
what is a cbc w/auto diff blood test
[ { "docid": "6119819", "title": "What do my blood tests mean?", "text": "The complete blood count (CBC) is often used as a broad screening test to determine an individual's general health status. It can be used to: Screen for a wide range of conditions and diseases; Help diagnose various conditions, such as anemia, infection, inflammation, bleeding disorder or leukemia, to name just a few" } ]
[ { "docid": "6037517", "title": "-", "text": "CBC (COMPLETE BLOOD COUNT) WITH DIFF. The CBC, also known as a Complete Blood Count, is a test that provides information about certain cells in the blood. It is a. very common and important test that is frequently ordered by a physician to check a patient’s general health status. The CBC is a panel of tests which includes:" }, { "docid": "7140219", "title": "How can we interpret the value of RDW in complete blood count?", "text": "Is it a significant test? Perhaps the most important test in complete blood count is hemoglobin level. RDW is also given by the labs when requesting CBC. Can it be used with any significance in relation to anemia?" }, { "docid": "1146649", "title": "How to Stabilize Your Blood Sugar", "text": "Hemoglobin is a protein in red blood cells that transports oxygen throughout the body. A hemoglobin test is used to determine how much hemoglobin is in the blood. The hemoglobin test may be performed as part of a routine health exam or during a time of illness, but it's often done as part of a complete blood count (CBC)." }, { "docid": "286329", "title": "Can Full Blood Count Test Detect Cancer?bizbiz Dec 02, 2006", "text": "native_girl76. my brother in law had a cbc full blood count. he had a large number of white blood cells in his labs. they thought he had lukemia. they did a bone marrow biopsy or what ever they call it when they test his bone marrow. but the test came back that he didnt have lukemia." }, { "docid": "4950180", "title": "-", "text": "Examples of blood tests used to diagnose cancer include: 1 Complete blood count (CBC). 2 This common blood test measures the amount of various types of blood cells in a sample of your blood.3 Blood cancers may be detected using this test if too many or too few of a type of blood cell or abnormal cells are found.xamples of blood tests used to diagnose cancer include: 1 Complete blood count (CBC). 2 This common blood test measures the amount of various types of blood cells in a sample of your blood." }, { "docid": "3140251", "title": "Tests for Kidney Cancer", "text": "There is no blood test that can diagnose kidney cancer. But a complete blood count (CBC) and blood chemistry test can show signs in the blood that are linked with kidney cancer. For example: Too few red blood cells. This condition is called anemia. It is common in many kinds of cancer. Too many red blood cells.ngiography is very much like an IVP. It uses dye and X-rays to look at the kidneys. With angiography, the dye is injected directly into an artery that goes to your kidney. The test helps show the blood vessels and lets your health care provider see which blood vessels are sending blood to tumors." }, { "docid": "6701562", "title": "Leukemia - Eosinophilic: Diagnosis", "text": "Blood tests. The diagnosis of eosinophilic leukemia begins with a test called a complete blood count (CBC). A CBC measures the number of different types of cells in a person's blood. If the blood contains many eosinophils (see criteria above), eosinophilic leukemia is suspected. Bone marrow aspiration and biopsy." }, { "docid": "6953516", "title": "Complete Blood Count", "text": "A complete blood count or CBC is a blood test that measures many different parts and features of your blood, including: Red blood cells, which carry oxygen from your lungs to the rest of your body White blood cells, which fight infection." }, { "docid": "104501", "title": "-", "text": "A. RDW stands for the red blood cell distribution width. This is a standard reported measure on a complete blood count (CBC) lab test.It measures the variability in red blood cell size. In the normal state, red blood cells are continually being produced and removed from the blood at a steady rate.. RDW stands for the red blood cell distribution width. This is a standard reported measure on a complete blood count (CBC) lab test." }, { "docid": "4616296", "title": "What causes a low red and white blood count?", "text": "LOW RED BLOOD CELL COUNT (Anemia, low hemoglobin, low hematocrit). Red blood cells carry oxygen and nutrients throughout the body. A complete blood count (CBC) is a blood test used to check your blood count. The RBC, hemoglobin, and hematocrit are tests to see if you have low red blood count." }, { "docid": "2075127", "title": "What do my blood tests mean?", "text": "The complete blood count (CBC) is often used as a broad screening test to determine an individual's general health status. It can be used to: 1 Screen for a wide range of conditions and diseases. 2 Help diagnose various conditions, such as anemia, infection, inflammation, bleeding disorder or leukemia, to name just a few. The platelet count is the number of platelets in a person's sample of blood. 2 Mean platelet volume (MPV) may be reported with a CBC. 3 It is a calculation of the average size of platelets. 4 Platelet distribution width (PDW) may also be reported with a CBC. 5 It reflects how uniform platelets are in size." }, { "docid": "2703416", "title": "-", "text": "Indications/Applications. Mean corpuscular volume (MCV) laboratory test, as part of a standard complete blood count (CBC), is used along with other RBC indices (MCH and MCHC) to help classify the cause of anemia based on red cell morphology.See also the Interpretation section above.ndications/Applications. Mean corpuscular volume (MCV) laboratory test, as part of a standard complete blood count (CBC), is used along with other RBC indices (MCH and MCHC) to help classify the cause of anemia based on red cell morphology. See also the Interpretation section above." }, { "docid": "6036976", "title": "-", "text": "1 This common blood test measures the amount of various types of blood cells in a sample of your blood. 2 Blood cancers may be detected using this test if too many or too few of a type of blood cell or abnormal cells are found. 3 A bone marrow biopsy may help confirm a diagnosis of a blood cancer. Complete blood count (CBC). 2 This common blood test measures the amount of various types of blood cells in a sample of your blood. 3 Blood cancers may be detected using this test if too many or too few of a type of blood cell or abnormal cells are found. 4 A bone marrow biopsy may help confirm a diagnosis of a blood cancer." }, { "docid": "1806347", "title": "-", "text": "Definition. A complete blood count (CBC) is a blood test used to evaluate your overall health and detect a wide range of disorders, including anemia, infection and leukemia. A complete blood count test measures several components and features of your blood, including: 1 Red blood cells, which carry oxygen. 2 White blood cells, which fight infection." }, { "docid": "2439197", "title": "What is a Blood Platelet Count?", "text": "Medications used in chemotherapy may lower blood platelet counts. Blood tests can be used to get a platelet count. Individuals with a high blood platelet count are at a higher risk for forming blood clots.A normal blood platelet count ranges between 150,000 and 400,000 platelets per microliter of blood.A physician may order a blood platelet count as part of a complete blood count (CBC). blood platelet count may be part of other blood counts like a complete blood count (CBC). Usually the most common method for “counting” platelets is with a simple extraction of blood or blood draw." }, { "docid": "5140939", "title": "Understanding Your Lab Test Results", "text": "Here are 2 of the most common types of blood tests and what they can tell the doctor about your health: the complete blood count (CBC) and the chemistry panel. Some people find it helps to ask for a copy of their lab results and have a member of their health care team go over the numbers with them.he most common lab test that you’ll have done during treatment is called a complete blood count, or CBC. Blood is made up of water, proteins, nutrients, and living cells. A CBC tells your health care team about the cells in your blood. It measures 3 basic types of blood cells:" }, { "docid": "3848993", "title": "Iron-Deficiency Anemia", "text": "The CBC also checks the number of red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets in your blood. Abnormal results may be a sign of infection, a blood disorder, or another condition. Finally, the CBC looks at mean corpuscular (kor-PUS-kyu-lar) volume (MCV)." }, { "docid": "1910456", "title": "National Leader in Affordable Direct to Consumer Lab Testing", "text": "CBC with Differential Blood Test. A Complete Blood Count (CBC) with Differential is a broad screening test which can aid in the diagnosis of a variety of conditions and diseases such as Anemia, Leukemia, bleeding disorders, and infections." }, { "docid": "1259891", "title": "Complete Blood Count Tests", "text": "Why you may need a complete blood count. A complete blood count (CBC) is a common blood test that your doctor may recommend for the following reasons: To help diagnose some blood cancers, such as leukemia and lymphoma. Find out if cancer has spread to the bone marrow." }, { "docid": "7033537", "title": "Does a routine blood test check for cancer?", "text": "Examples of blood tests used to diagnose cancer include: 1 Complete blood count (CBC). 2 This common blood test measures the amount of various types of blood cells in a sample of your blood." }, { "docid": "6228535", "title": "-", "text": "Complete blood count. A. (CBC) measures the number and quality of white blood cells, red blood cells and platelets. Leukemia is suspected when blood cell counts are abnormal and blood cells do not look normal. Abnormal blood cell counts may be due to leukemia or other conditions.. (CBC) measures the number and quality of white blood cells, red blood cells and platelets. Leukemia is suspected when blood cell counts are abnormal and blood cells do not look normal." }, { "docid": "6958173", "title": "Kevin Conrad", "text": "What a complete blood count measures. A CBC measures the amount of three types of cells in your blood: White blood cell count. A white blood cell count, also called a leukocyte count, measures the total number of white blood cells in a sample of blood.hy you may need a complete blood count. A complete blood count (CBC) is a common blood test that your doctor may recommend for the following reasons: To help diagnose some blood cancers, such as leukemia and lymphoma. Find out if cancer has spread to the bone marrow." }, { "docid": "1895622", "title": "-", "text": "Description. The white blood cell count (WBC) is a component of a complete blood cell count (CBC) and is the enumeration of white blood cells in a small volume of whole blood. The testing is performed on an automated hematology analyzer." }, { "docid": "5944501", "title": "Your MCV Blood Test Can Tell You a LOT", "text": "An MCV Blood Test is one component of the CBC Blood Test that measures the number and the different types of cells in your blood.ut if you have a low MCV blood test and your doctor has determined that you are NOT bleeding then the other possibilities for a low MCV blood test result are: 1 Low intake of Vitamin B6. 2 Heavy metal excess. 3 Gastrointestinal Malabsorption Problems such as Gluten Sensitivity." }, { "docid": "3866363", "title": "-", "text": "A CBC (complete blood count) blood test can be used to monitor MCH levels in blood. Lab Tests Online explains that the MCH aspect of a CBC test “is a measurement of the average amount of oxygen-carrying hemoglobin inside a red blood cell. MCH is one of three red blood cell indices (MCHC and MCV are the other two)." }, { "docid": "360001", "title": "Diagnosis", "text": "Complete blood count (CBC). A CBC is used to count the number of blood cells in a sample of your blood. For anemia your doctor will be interested in the levels of the red blood cells contained in the blood (hematocrit) and the hemoglobin in your blood." }, { "docid": "7984024", "title": "Arteriovenous oxygen difference", "text": "Arteriovenous oxygen difference is also used in other areas of study such as medicine and medical research. For example the a-vO 2 diff has been used to measure cerebral blood flow in comatose patients, assisting with their diagnosis and treatment.he usual unit for a-vO 2 diff is millilitres of oxygen per 100 millilitres of blood (mL/100 mL), however, particularly in medical uses, other units may be used, such as micro moles per millilitre (μmol/mL)." }, { "docid": "1345005", "title": "-", "text": "The hemoglobin test is often used to check for anemia, usually along with a hematocrit or as part of a complete blood count (CBC). The test may be used to screen for, diagnose, or monitor a number of conditions and diseases that affect red blood cells (RBCs) and/or the amount of hemoglobin in blood." }, { "docid": "7391935", "title": "What does a high lymph count mean?", "text": "The test used in order to record the levels of particles present in the blood is known as a complete blood count or CBC for short. This blood test helps evaluate the three major types of cells in the blood-known as the red blood cells, the white blood cells and the platelets.A small amount of blood is drawn, usually from the arm with the help of a syringe and is analyzed for the readings.weet. When a person is said to be suffering from lymphocytosis, it means that his or her body contains an abnormally high amount of lymphocytes in the bloodstream." }, { "docid": "2747220", "title": "-", "text": "It is a. very common and important test that is frequently ordered by a physician to check a patient’s general health status. The CBC is a panel of tests which includes: WBC (White Blood (Leukocyte) Cell Count) ‐ a count of the actual number of white blood cells per volume of blood." } ]
what is a centroid of a triangle
[ { "docid": "2134312", "title": "Centroid of A Triangle", "text": "Definition. of the Centroid of a Triangle. The Centroid is a point of concurrency of the triangle. It is the point where all 3 medians intersect and is often described as the triangle's center of gravity or as the barycent.1 It is formed by the intersection of the medians.he Centroid is a point of concurrency of the triangle. It is the point where all 3 medians intersect and is often described as the triangle's center of gravity or as the barycent. 1 It is formed by the intersection of the medians." } ]
[ { "docid": "896607", "title": "Proofs concerning equilateral triangles", "text": "What we've got over here is a triangle where all three sides have the same length, or all three sides are congruent to each other. And a triangle like this we call equilateral. This is an equilateral triangle. Now what I want to do is prove that if all three sides are the same, then we know that all three angles are going to have the same measure." }, { "docid": "5072110", "title": "Trigonometry - Sine and Cosine Rule", "text": "Trigonometry - Sine and Cosine Rule. The solution for an oblique triangle can be done with the application of the Law of Sine and Law of Cosine, simply called the Sine and Cosine Rules. An oblique triangle, as we all know, is a triangle with no right angle. It is a triangle whose angles are all acute or a triangle with one obtuse angle." }, { "docid": "2287938", "title": "The difference between ASA and AAS Triangle congruency", "text": "Transcript of The difference between ASA and AAS Triangle congruency. triangle, then the triangles are congruent. If two angles and a non-included side of one triangle are congruent to two angles and a non-included side of another triangle, then the triangles are congruent. The main difference between the two is that the side in ASA is included, and the side isn't included in AAS." }, { "docid": "7950613", "title": "Altitude (triangle)", "text": "The tangential triangle of a reference triangle (other than a right triangle) is the triangle whose sides are on the tangent lines to the reference triangle's circumcircle at its vertices." }, { "docid": "3074111", "title": "The Illuminati: Symbols, Signs, Meanings & History Revealed", "text": "The all seeing eye Illuminati symbol. Known as the “udjat”, this is a common symbol, which features a human eye or something similar incorporated in a triangle or some other shape. In most cases, the triangle is used.he all seeing eye Illuminati symbol. Known as the “udjat”, this is a common symbol, which features a human eye or something similar incorporated in a triangle or some other shape. In most cases, the triangle is used." }, { "docid": "1383279", "title": "-", "text": "The Area of triangle ABC = ½bh = ½ab. The Area of triangle AB’C’ = ½(½a)(½b) = 1/8ab. The Area of triangle B’CA’ = ½(½a)(½b) = 1/8ab. The Area of triangle C’A’B = ½(½a)(½b) = 1/8ab. The Area of triangle A’B’C’ = ½(½a)(½b) = 1/8ab. Now let us look at triangles that are not quite right. The triangle A’B’C’ is constructed by the midpoints of the sides of triangle ABC. This medial triangle has base C’A’ which is parallel to segment AC." }, { "docid": "1928718", "title": "Regions of the Head and Neck", "text": "The four regions and their sub-triangles or sub-regions are: Anterior Cervical Region (or Anterior Triangle of the Neck) Submandibular or digastrics triangle. Carotid triangle. Muscular or Omotracheal triangle. Submental triangle. Sternocleidomastoid Region. Lesser supraclavicular fossa." }, { "docid": "1014211", "title": "-", "text": "Using the Pythagorean theorem. 1 Use the Pythagorean Theorem to see if a triangle is a right triangle. 2 Find the length of the hypotenuse of a right triangle using the Pythagorean Theorem. 3 Apply the Pythagorean Theorem to three dimensional figures using right triangles." }, { "docid": "6680744", "title": "-", "text": "In the Greek culture, the triangle is used to mean a doorway to a higher wisdom. If you believe in this Greek symbolism, then you can have a triangle tattoo to symbolize this. The positioning of the triangle, its shape and the area of the body where it is drawn will also determine its meaning. If the triangle is drawn pointing upwards, it symbolizes masculinity, Shakta and is also a symbol of fatherhood." }, { "docid": "730379", "title": "Triangle", "text": "An isosceles triangle has two sides of equal length. An isosceles triangle also has two angles of the same measure; namely, the angles opposite to the two sides of the same length; this fact is the content of the isosceles triangle theorem, which was known by Euclid." }, { "docid": "5367503", "title": "-", "text": "definition of scalene triangle a triangle in which all the three sides are of different lengths is called a scalene triangleore about scalene triangle a triangle with no congruent sides is called scalene triangle perimeter of a scalene triangle is given as all the angles of a scalene triangle are not equal" }, { "docid": "649148", "title": "Definitions &Translations", "text": "Freebase(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: triangle. A triangle is one of the basic shapes in geometry: a polygon with three corners or vertices and three sides or edges which are line segments. A triangle with vertices A, B, and C is denoted ." }, { "docid": "4639678", "title": "Triangles and Quadrilaterals", "text": "Types of triangles and definition of these triangles: 1 Right triangle:A triangle that has a 90 degree is known as right angle triangle. 2 Equilateral triangle:An equilateral triangle has all three sides equivalent in length. Its three angles are also equal to 60 degrees." }, { "docid": "5459986", "title": "-", "text": "In any triangle, two of the interior angles are always acute (less than 90 degrees) , so there are three possibilities for the third angle: 1 Less than 90° - all three angles are acute and so the triangle is acute. 2 Exactly 90° - it is a right triangle.3 Greater than 90° (obtuse): the triangle is an obtuse triangle.n any triangle, two of the interior angles are always acute (less than 90 degrees) , so there are three possibilities for the third angle: 1 Less than 90° - all three angles are acute and so the triangle is acute. 2 Exactly 90° - it is a right triangle." }, { "docid": "1560811", "title": "How Many Acute Angles can a Scalene Triangle Have?", "text": "Any triangle that has all sides of different length and different angles are called as scalene triangle. One angle of scalene triangle can also be Right Angle because each angle of scalene triangle is of different measure so we can have one angle 90 degree and remaining two angles of 30 and 60 degrees." }, { "docid": "5432355", "title": "Right Triangle Congruence", "text": "exists and is an alternate of . LL Congruence theorem says: If the two legs of one right triangle are congruent to the two legs of another right triangle, then the two right triangles are congruent. " }, { "docid": "4269557", "title": "Centroid of a Triangle", "text": "The point where the three medians of the triangle intersect. The 'center of gravity' of the triangle. One of a triangle's points of concurrency. Try this Drag the orange dots at A,B or C and note where the centroid is for various triangle shapes. Refer to the figure on the right." }, { "docid": "6956432", "title": "Triangles and Quadrilaterals", "text": "A plane figure bounded by three sides,or a polygon with three sides.sum of the interior angles of a triangle is equal to 180 degree. Exterior angles of a triangle are always equal to 360 degree. Types of triangles and definition of these triangles: Right triangle: A triangle that has a 90 degree is known as right angle triangle" }, { "docid": "2140237", "title": "-", "text": "If all three sides are the same length it is called an equilateral triangle. Obviously all equilateral triangles also have all the properties of an isosceles triangle. The unequal side of an isosceles triangle is usually referred to as the 'base' of the triangle." }, { "docid": "1210655", "title": "-", "text": "Example of Legs of a Triangle. In the above right triangle ABC, AB and BC are the legs of the triangle which are shorter sides and AC is the hypotenuse which is the longest side." }, { "docid": "3695434", "title": "The two quadrilaterals are congruent. What is the correct congruence statement for the figures shown?", "text": "Best Answer: What is the correct congruence statement RSTQ c MNOL Which congruency statement of the two triangles is not equivalent to the others triangle PRQ c triangle TSU Which statement is true? triangle PQR c triangle TSR" }, { "docid": "6896014", "title": "Can an isosceles triangle be an equilateral triangle?", "text": "Conclusion: Whether or not an isosceles triangle can be an equilateral triangle depends on which definition of “isosceles triangle” is accepted for a given mathematical discussion. “In geometry, an isosceles triangle is a triangle that has two sides of equal length." }, { "docid": "6731820", "title": "Orthocenter, Centroid, Circumcenter and Incenter of a Triangle", "text": "Orthocenter The orthocenter is the point of intersection of the three heights of a triangle. A height is each of the perpendicular lines drawn from one vertex to the opposite side (or its extension). Centroid" }, { "docid": "703722", "title": "-", "text": "right-angle triangle, scalene triangle, square, tetragon, tetragram, tetrahedron, trapezoid. three (noun) clover," }, { "docid": "7009162", "title": "What is the symbolism of a triangle?", "text": "A triangle can be a symbol of masculine while the circle is the feminine. The triangle has been since early civilizations, the symbol of the trilogy or the triad that makes all existence possible. It has been interpreted as: More to the AboveIn tassology the Triangle is interpreted as unusual creativity or talent. -pointing up Success." }, { "docid": "4762563", "title": "-", "text": "Types of triangle tattoos. 1 Penrose triangle tattoo: This image is also known as the Penrose tribar, and it has been around since 1934. 2 This image is often described as an impossible triangle due to how the three sides interact on a right, and this is perhaps what has made it so popular." }, { "docid": "927191", "title": "Right Triangle", "text": "Right Triangle. A right triangle is triangle with an angle of (radians). The sides, , and of such a triangle satisfy the Pythagorean theorem. (1). where the largest side is conventionally denoted and is called the hypotenuse. The other two sides of lengths and are called legs, or sometimes catheti." }, { "docid": "6987841", "title": "Triangle", "text": "1 Equilateral Triangle: A triangle with all the sides of same length is called equilateral triangle. 2 Isosceles Triangle: A three-sided polygon with at least two sides of the same length is called isosceles triangle. 3 Scalene Triangle: A three-sided polygon with no sides of the same length is called scalene triangle." }, { "docid": "7044082", "title": "-", "text": "Types of triangles based on their sides. 1 An EQUILATERAL triangle has all three sides the same length. 2 An ISOSCELES triangle has two sides with the same length. 3 A SCALENE triangle has all three sides different lengths." }, { "docid": "6945213", "title": "Centroid of a Triangle", "text": "The centroid of a triangle is the point through which all the mass of a triangular plate seems to act. Also known as its 'center of gravity' , 'center of mass' , or barycenter. A fascinating fact is that the centroid is the point where the triangle's medians intersect." } ]
what is a chap used for
[ { "docid": "5820936", "title": "-", "text": "Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CH AP) is a network login protocol that uses a challenge-response mechanism. You can use CHAP authentication to restrict iSCSI access to volumes and snapshots to hosts that supply the correct account name and password (or secret) combination." } ]
[ { "docid": "3324758", "title": "Twilight of the Idols (Chap. 6)", "text": "Album Twilight of the Idols. Twilight of the Idols (Chap. 6) Lyrics. THE IMPROVERS OF MANKIND. My demand upon the philosopher is known, that he take his stand beyond good and evil and leave the illusion of moral judgment beneath himself. This demand follows from an insight which I was the first to formulate: that there are altogether no moral facts." }, { "docid": "8452220", "title": "-", "text": "Chap 12 - The Seafood HACCP Regulation These actions must be taken even if a processor determines there is noneed for a HACCP plan. The sanitation requirements of the regulationmay be made part of the processor’s HACCP plan or may be managedseparately. Some processors may choose to use a combination of theseapproaches." }, { "docid": "5820934", "title": "Using CHAP to Control iSCSI Access to Volumes", "text": "The target checks whether the supplied user name matches an entry in an access control record for the volume. See for information on setting up access control records. If a match exists, a check is performed to determine if the user name and password combination matches an entry in a CHAP database. If the supplied user name and password match a CHAP database entry, the host will be able to connect to the volume or snapshot." }, { "docid": "1005225", "title": "Civil Rights Act of 1866", "text": "The 1866 Civil Rights Act. The Civil Rights Act of 1866 granted citizenship and the same rights enjoyed by white citizens to all male persons in the United States without distinction of race or color, or previous condition of slavery or involuntary servitude..866 Civil Rights Act 14 Stat. 27-30, April 9, 1866 A.D. CHAP. XXXI. An Act to protect all Persons in the United States in their Civil Rights, and furnish the Means of their Vindication." }, { "docid": "8699965", "title": "Lymphogranuloma venereum", "text": "Chlamydia trachomatis (trachoma, perinatal infections, lymphogranuloma venereum, and other genital infections). In: Mandell GL, Bennett JE, Dolin R, eds. Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases. 7th ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Elsevier Churchill Livingstone; 2009:chap 180." }, { "docid": "2758779", "title": "Cleveland Indians erect Jobu shrine from âMajor Leagueâ film in clubhouse â WARNING GRAPHIC LANGUAGE", "text": "The Indians are currently riding a six-game winning streak, likely aided by Jobu. In the movie, slugger Pedro Cerrano (Dennis Haysbert) attempts to turn around the Indians fortune with a voodoo doll in the clubhouse, a scraggly chap named named Jobu who likes to smoke cigars and drink rum." }, { "docid": "2678851", "title": "-", "text": "And again the spiritus mundi is symbolically interpreted in the story of yond temple betrothed and wedded to the tree. A chap has to put his hand to owt nah days to earn a honest penny—aw doan't call it chaitin' to ease sich as yond on ther brass. Yorkshire Tales." }, { "docid": "1334274", "title": "-", "text": "shanty (plural shanties) 1 A roughly-built hut or cabin. 1913, Joseph C. Lincoln, chapter 1, in Mr. Pratt's Patients: A chap named Eleazir Kendrick and I had chummed in together the summer afore and built a fish-weir and shanty at Setuckit Point, down Orham way." }, { "docid": "3799257", "title": "-", "text": "Recommendations. Microsoft suggests that organizations using MS-CHAP v2/PPTP implement the Protected Extensible Authentication Protocol (PEAP) in their networks. This mitigates this technique by encapsulating the MS-CHAP v2 authentication traffic in TLS.ecommendations. Microsoft suggests that organizations using MS-CHAP v2/PPTP implement the Protected Extensible Authentication Protocol (PEAP) in their networks. This mitigates this technique by encapsulating the MS-CHAP v2 authentication traffic in TLS." }, { "docid": "2272807", "title": "-", "text": "Last night or Chap Goh Meh of the Chinese New Year 2016 Year of the Monkey Celebration in Penang … the Fireworks at the Esplanade is very much better and different. I was the only one at Tan Jetty to shoot the fireworks by the Floating Kuan Yin Temple, Hean Boo Thean, scheduled to be at 9.30 pm and 11.00 pm." }, { "docid": "3057312", "title": "BOOKLET BIOL 101, A3", "text": "Human A&P Chap. 23: Digestive System Multiple Choice. Human Anatomy & Physiology. The mechanical and chemical receptors that control digestive activity are located ________. The function of the hepatic portal circulation is to ________. The chemical and mechanical processes of food breakdown are called ________. undergo catabolic reactions whereby enzymes split these molecules. called ________. The sheets of peritoneal membrane that hold the digestive tract in place are called ________." }, { "docid": "6130329", "title": "-", "text": "abysm, abyss, arroyo, box canyon, breach, break, canyon, cavity, chap, chasm, check, chimney, chink, cleft, cleuch, clough, col, coulee, couloir, crack, cranny, crevasse, cut, cwm, defile, dell, dike, ditch, donga, draw, excavation, fault, fissure, flaw, flume, fracture, furrow, gap, gape, gash, gorge, groove, gulch, gulf, gully, hole, incision, joint, kloof, leak, moat, notch, nullah, opening, pass, passage, ravine, rent, rift, rime, rupture, scissure, seam, slit, slot, split, trench ..." }, { "docid": "6943287", "title": "-", "text": "Chap Wai Kon, HK weekend weather forecast, high temperature, low temperature, precipitation, weather map from The Weather Channel and Weather.com Chap Wai Kon, HK weekend weather forecast, high temperature, low temperature, precipitation, weather map from The Weather Channel and Weather.com Connection restored! Show me the weather in... city, zip, or place" }, { "docid": "4015706", "title": "All-Natural Homemade Lipstick Recipe", "text": "When melted, remove from heat and add any optional ingredients like color or scent. To get the hue in the picture above, I used a tiny pinch of beet root powder (1/8 tsp or less), 1/4 tsp cocoa powder, 1/8 tsp bentonite clay, 1/8 tsp cinnamon and a drop of peppermint essential oil (just because I like the smell).hese homemade lipstick variations let you create a personalized lipstick color that is chemical free and inexpensive to make. If you aren’t a fan of colored lip sticks, you can make this recipe without any added color options to achieve a basic natural lip chap." }, { "docid": "1010788", "title": "-", "text": "The child tax credit is unique because if a taxpayer cannot benefit from the nonrefundable credit, the. taxpayer may be able to qualify for the refundable additional child tax credit on Schedule 8812. In this chap-. ter, we will learn about both credits and their relationship to each other." }, { "docid": "7485899", "title": "-", "text": "11 and 12), and other tremors associated with movement disorders (such as Wilson’s disease (Chap. 14), hereditary spastic paraplegias (Chap. 16), mitochondrial disease (Chap. 18), etc.) will be dealt with in the respective chapters of this book." }, { "docid": "2119784", "title": "-", "text": "In this chap-ter, I provide a brief overview ofbone and tooth structure as com-posite hierarchical materials, theirformation under cellular control,and the important characteristicsof bone and teeth mineral that dis-tinguish them from geologicalhydroxylapatite." }, { "docid": "5248825", "title": "-", "text": "This price is based on a tradesman’s rate of £150 per day and the materials he will need. For one chap to prepare and paint an average house’s stair and landing banisters ..£295.00. For your must-see guide to Tradesmen's Rates please click on the map…." }, { "docid": "5571777", "title": "Costs of Accreditation", "text": "Costs of Accreditation. The costs of CHAP accreditation vary, depending on the type of services you provide and the number of locations where you provide them. But in all cases, you can be assured that CHAP accreditation offers the best return on investment.The following is a cost estimate for a single site (one location), single service, 3-year accreditation for a home health or hospice organization serving 150 or fewer unique patients in the most recent 12-month period:Fee Type for Home Health, Hospice Organizations (2015 Rates):ut in all cases, you can be assured that CHAP accreditation offers the best return on investment. The following is a cost estimate for a single site (one location), single service, 3-year accreditation for a home health or hospice organization serving 150 or fewer unique patients in the most recent 12-month period:" }, { "docid": "7293578", "title": "Admiral of the Navy (United States)", "text": "The insignia did not address the sleeve stripe insignia for such a rank and only provided details for the shoulder boards typically worn on summer and full dress white uniforms. 1 CHAP 378, An act creating the office of Admiral of the Navy, United States Congress. 2 Congressional Record 1981, Cong. 97 Sess." }, { "docid": "1427328", "title": "-", "text": "Confidence votes 79. As of right now, (ep. 206, chap. 408) Hiro Mashima has not had Lucy and Natsu kiss." }, { "docid": "7538354", "title": "-", "text": "Twenty years were spent in erecting the pyramid itself: of this, which is square, each face is eight plethra, and the height is the same; it is composed of polished stones, and jointed with the greatest exactness; none of the stones are less than thirty feet.. -Heroditus, Chap. II, para. 124." }, { "docid": "5820932", "title": "Using CHAP to Control iSCSI Access to Volumes", "text": "You can implement a CHAP database in a group in the following ways: 1 Local CHAP accounts configured in the group. 2 External RADIUS server whose IP address is known to the group. 3 Target authentication." }, { "docid": "7475036", "title": "-", "text": "Location: Originally Galway, Ireland. So the other night a moth flew in and was doing it's little spiral dance next to my table lamp. Instead of it ending up as a dried up carcass on my floor I decided to help the little chap out so I grabbed it by its wing and set it outside. Of course then I had moth dust on my fingers." }, { "docid": "477912", "title": "-", "text": "Definition of bully. plural. bullies. 1a : a blustering, browbeating person; especially : one who is habitually cruel, insulting, or threatening to others who are weaker, smaller, or in some way vulnerable tormented by the neighborhood bullyb : pimp. 2 : a hired ruffian. 3 archaic a : sweetheartb : a fine chap." }, { "docid": "140085", "title": "-", "text": "However, here is a chap that can do it in under 50 minutes ! Twitch user Kahmul78’s world record speed-fun clocks in at 49 minutes and 55 seconds, and you can check out the full run on his account page." }, { "docid": "1385549", "title": "Chap 1 life span development", "text": "Chap 1 life span development. 1 1. Life Span Development Spring 2010<br />Chapter 1 – <br />Introduction to Life Span Development/ Introduction to Freud and Erikson’s Theories<br />." }, { "docid": "2528730", "title": "-", "text": "Most Popular Documents for ACCOUNTING 2201. 1 65 pages. CHAPTER 3. 2 42 pages. chap_4_closing_process. 3 70 pages. Chap_5.1_Merchandising_Cycle. 4 52 pages. Chap_6_Inventory. 5 68 pages. CHAPTER 1. 6 44 pages. ACC1001_fall15." }, { "docid": "7640764", "title": "CHAP Accreditation", "text": "Medicare-certified home health organizations accredited with deemed status are surveyed by CHAP in lieu of state agency surveys. This means fewer surveys and possible protection from CMS intermediate sanctions." }, { "docid": "7438782", "title": "-", "text": "Very good8.5. “ I woke up one night during my stay here recently in the worst pain of my life and needed a doctor or a hospital asap. Long story short, the english gentleman at reception in the middle of the night couldnt have been more helpful and before i knew it a doctor appeared out of nowhere to help me. (this doctor, also an english chap) was also so helpful." } ]
what is a chimney pot?
[ { "docid": "1896184", "title": "-", "text": "chimney pot. n. A short, usually earthenware pipe placed on the top of a chimney to improve the draft. chim′ney pot`. n. an earthenware or metal pipe atop a chimney, esp. to increase the draft and disperse smoke. [1820–30] Translations." } ]
[ { "docid": "5512802", "title": "Where Did Life Come from? Nasa's Water World Theory Explains Earth's Origins", "text": "Billions of years ago, when Earth was young, its oceans were rich with carbon dioxide. When the carbon dioxide from the ocean and hydrogen and methane from the vent met across the chimney wall, electrons may have been transferred." }, { "docid": "2573080", "title": "chunk 1", "text": "He needs a chunk of lead about the middle of his appetite, Taterleg declared. The Duke Of Chimney Butte G. W. Ogden A chunk of wood banged me in the forehead, said Tom simply." }, { "docid": "5711040", "title": "Five Reasons for Chimney Leaks and What to Do About Them", "text": "How to fix it. Gas fumes are very low temperature and have a lot of moisture in them. These fumes were condensing on the inside of this too-large, too-cold old chimney, literally soaking the bricks and keeping them moist all the time. All it took was a chimney liner and we solved the problem." }, { "docid": "7399004", "title": "How Much Does Repointing a Chimney Cost?", "text": "How much is it? On average, re-pointing a chimney can cost about $350 to $550 per 20 square feet. According to DIY or Not, a mason can charge about $778 for a good sized chimney, about 150 square feet, or if you want to do it on your own, then the costs will be about $175 for the materials and the scaffolding needed for the job." }, { "docid": "2810999", "title": "The 420 Myth: How Did '420' Become Synonymous with Pot?", "text": "The 420 Myth: How Did '420' Become Synonymous with Pot? There are still a bong-load of misconceptions revolving around the term’s supposed derivation. APRIL 20: A marijuana activist dancing on live music during the annual marijuana 420 event at Yonge & Dundas Square on April 20 2012 in Toronto, Canada." }, { "docid": "3610709", "title": "-", "text": "Flue Mechanism and Updraft. The flue is the metal duct work, ceramic piping or brick chimney stack that runs from a firebox to the top of a chimney to the outdoors. The flue directs exhaust gases and debris from a fireplace upward to vent outdoors into the atmosphere." }, { "docid": "4020879", "title": "Chimney Repairs. Costs, How-To, and Other Questions Answered.", "text": "Costs, How-To, and Other Questions Answered. One of the most common tuckpointing repairs needed in the St. Louis area is Chimney tuck-pointing. Water comes in at the chimney on the roof or somewhere along the chimney breast, making it’s way to your walls or ceiling." }, { "docid": "5922182", "title": "-", "text": "Top 10 unbelievable historical concurrencies. A flue pipe is a metal pipe that is run inside of a masonry chimney or run as a stand-alone chimney pipe leading from a furnace or heating stove. The flue pipe carries smoke and noxious fumes out of the living space of a building and vents the fumes into the atmosphere." }, { "docid": "8059193", "title": "Big Chimney, WV", "text": "Big Chimney is located close to the center of West Virginia. Big Chimney is part of Kanawha County. Big Chimney has 2.00 square miles of land area and 0.06 square miles of water area. As of 2010-2014, the total Big Chimney population is 372. Big Chimney median household income is $46,797 in 2010-2014. Big Chimney median house value is $103,400 in 2010-2014." }, { "docid": "4281931", "title": "Installing a Stainless Steel Chimney Chase Cover", "text": "Place the storm collar around the vent pipe resting it on the top of the chimney cover. Use your caulk gun and tube of silicone to seal around where the storm collar meets the vent pipe. This will keep any rain from getting down the side of the vent pipe inside the chimney. Step 8: Reconnect the Rain Cap" }, { "docid": "1322342", "title": "Chimney Types & Materials", "text": "1 CHIMNEY TYPES & MATERIALS-CONTENTS: Types of chimneys used on buildings: masonry, various metal chimneys, flues, other materials." }, { "docid": "7378637", "title": "YOUR HOME; It's Time To Check Chimneys", "text": "Generally speaking, he said, the only way to avoid serious chimney damage is to identify and repair small problems before they become big ones. And the first thing a reputable company will do will be to determine whether the chimney itself is appropriate for the appliances that are being vented through it. For example, he said, while a 50-year-old chimney with an 8- by 8-inch flue might have been appropriate for a coal furnace, it is likely that a smaller flue will be required for a high-efficiency gas furnace." }, { "docid": "4274398", "title": "Victorian Child Labor and the Conditions They Worked In", "text": "Chimney Sweeps – Victorian Child Labor. The life of a chimney sweep in Victorian times was nothing like what you see in Mary Poppins. It was a brutal, dreary existence for Victorian child chimney sweeps. Some were as young as 3 years old." }, { "docid": "5318133", "title": "Wood drying", "text": "1 Wood burning: when wood is burned, it is usually best to dry it first. 2 Damage from shrinkage is not a problem here, and the drying may proceed more rapidly than in the case of drying for woodworking purposes. 3 Moisture affects the burning process, with unburnt hydrocarbons going up the chimney. Wood burning: when wood is burned, it is usually best to dry it first. 2 Damage from shrinkage is not a problem here, and the drying may proceed more rapidly than in the case of drying for woodworking purposes. 3 Moisture affects the burning process, with unburnt hydrocarbons going up the chimney." }, { "docid": "2100644", "title": "Chimney", "text": "Chimneys are typically vertical, or as near as possible to vertical, to ensure that the gases flow smoothly, drawing air into the combustion in what is known as the stack, or chimney, effect. The space inside a chimney is called a flue. Chimneys may be found in buildings, steam locomotives and ships." }, { "docid": "8167298", "title": "Construction Studies Q1Home Info Substructure Superstructure Internal Construction Downloads Links Survey Blog", "text": "The lead gutter lining is then overlapped by the cover flashing of the chimney stack. The positioning and height requirements for a chimney ensure that a sufficient draw of air (or ‘pull’) can be achieved. This will occur if the chimney is at least one meter higher than the highest point of contact with the roof. DPC tray is built into the block work of the chimney to prevent moisture from soaking down through the block work. The back gutter is fitted to carry water from behind the chimney. It is installed to ensure that the lead flashing wraps around the tilting fillet and is overlapped by the roofing underlay." }, { "docid": "2479911", "title": "Chimney Caps and Chimney Crowns: Chimney Masonry Maintenance 101", "text": "Chimney Caps & Chimney Crowns: Essential to Masonry Chimney Maintenance. Proper maintenance of masonry chimneys extends past the brick work. Chimney caps and chimney crowns are both important for the longevity of your masonry and the safety of your home. Both caps and crowns help protect your masonry chimney interior and flue from precipitation, and the damage freeze and thaw cycles cause. Chimney Crowns." }, { "docid": "6837030", "title": "-", "text": "No switch, Moulinette begins to start when you press on the bowl. And thanks to the chimney in the bowl, you can easily make small liquid preparations (pesto, guacamole…). Tous les détails" }, { "docid": "132066", "title": "-", "text": "Description & Range: The chimney swift is a small bird with a slender body and very long, narrow, curved wings. They have small round heads, short necks, and short, tapered bill. They can grow to sizes of 5.9 inches in length with an 11.8 inch wingspan and can weigh up to 1.1 ounces. Chimney Swifts are dark-gray brown all over with lighter plumage on their neck." }, { "docid": "3577702", "title": "Building A Chimney Saddle To Divert Rain Properly Part 1 - Framing", "text": "But sometimes a chimney goes through the lower edge of a roof. To divert water away from the chimney, a saddle or cricket is usually built into the roof structure, before the shingles are installed. [See Tools and Materials] [Add your comments below the article]" }, { "docid": "87049", "title": "Ask Your Question", "text": "average cost to replace a brick chimney. what is the cost to remove a brick & mortar fireplace & chimney & replace it with gas fireplace and metal chimney. cost to replace cap and 3 feet of bricks on chimney." }, { "docid": "2479915", "title": "Concrete Chimney Caps: Whatâs On Top Of Your Chimney?", "text": "A chimney cap or chimney crown or chimney wash (it has many names) is a dome of mortar or concrete on top of a chimney that sheds water off of the chimney top while also locking the masonry together at its point of termination. Although the dome shape helps to shed water, it also absorbs water due to the porous nature of concrete and masonry." }, { "docid": "2324634", "title": "Wood-burning stove", "text": "The stove is connected by ventilating stove pipes to a suitable chimney or flue, which will fill with hot combustion gases once the fuel is ignited. The chimney or flue gases must be hotter than the outside temperature to ensure combustion gases are drawn out of the fire chamber and up the chimney." }, { "docid": "777985", "title": "-", "text": "8 Inner Diameter - DuraPlus Class A Chimney Pipe - Triple Wall - Chimney Cap with Spark Arrestor" }, { "docid": "6623812", "title": "How to Paint a Brick Chimney", "text": "4. Determine what type of paint to use. This is the most important step and will decide how your chimney looks when painted. If your chimney is used only occasionally, like for a fireplace or a water heater, virtually any latex-based paint and primer will do.. Paint the chimney with a finish paint. Spray the bricks liberally and allow them to dry. In many cases you will need only one coat, but if you are using a lighter color, two coats might be needed." }, { "docid": "6715518", "title": "Fireplace and Chimney Parts: Diagram and Anatomy", "text": "10. Firebox – The firebox is the section of the chimney system in which a person builds a fire. A proper firebox is lined with firebrick, a substance of refractory ceramic, which can become cracked or weakened after years of use. This area of the chimney is often in need of repair." }, { "docid": "7632540", "title": "Chimney Sweep Cost", "text": "Discounts: 1 Stove inserts that do not have liners that run to the top of the chimney need to be pulled out for access and run an extra $40-$50. 2 Any insert pipes that have to be removed to be cleaned can cost around $20. 3 When a camera inspection is used during a cleaning, the cost increases by $10-$300. Stove inserts that do not have liners that run to the top of the chimney need to be pulled out for access and run an extra $40-$50. 2 Any insert pipes that have to be removed to be cleaned can cost around $20." }, { "docid": "2366865", "title": "Ask Your Question", "text": "The brick chimney is on an old cottage in New England. The brick fireplace and chimney was built about 100 years ago. It has been repointed and repaired over the years, but the exposed part of the chimney (about 8 ft) has deteriorated. The bricks are cracked and crumbling." }, { "docid": "8286892", "title": "How to Repoint a Chimney", "text": "Repointing is a necessary component of chimney masonry maintenance. Well done mortar joints can last for 25 years before repairs are needed, but the brick that surrounds them can easily last 100+ years.Weather plays a large factor in determining how long your mortar joints will last.Time to Repoint this Chimney.Washington DC is known for its unique blend of weather.ell done mortar joints can last for 25 years before repairs are needed, but the brick that surrounds them can easily last 100+ years. Weather plays a large factor in determining how long your mortar joints will last. Time to Repoint this Chimney. Washington DC is known for its unique blend of weather." }, { "docid": "2974701", "title": "-", "text": "inglenook. An area adjacent to the hearth, usually provided with seating. A fireplace hearth in a corner of a room; often provided with seating; same as chimney corner.1 Facebook.nglenook. An area adjacent to the hearth, usually provided with seating. A fireplace hearth in a corner of a room; often provided with seating; same as chimney corner." } ]
what is a chiral carbon
[ { "docid": "2209970", "title": "Asymmetric carbon", "text": "An asymmetric carbon atom (chiral carbon) is a carbon atom that is attached to four different types of atoms or groups of atoms.s an example, malic acid has 4 carbon atoms but just one of them is asymmetric. The asymmetric carbon atom is the one attached to two carbon atoms, an oxygen atom, and a hydrogen atom." } ]
[ { "docid": "8259678", "title": "Carbon Cycle - Cellular Respiration", "text": "Photosynthesis, Cellular Respiration and the Carbon Cycle Plants convert the carbon in atmospheric carbon dioxide into carbon-containing organic compounds, such as sugars, fats, and proteins. Plants take in carbon dioxide through microscopic openings in their leaves, called stomata." }, { "docid": "1813332", "title": "-", "text": "• A chiral molecule contains an asymmetric carbon atom/stereogeniccentre but an achiral molecule does not. • A chiral molecule has a non-superimposable mirror image but an achiral molecule does not. • A chiral molecule and its mirror image are considered as two different molecules called enantiomers, but an achiral molecule and its mirror image is identical. • A chiral molecule has various prefixes added to the chemical name, but achiral molecules do not contain such prefixes." }, { "docid": "8361266", "title": "-", "text": "Which of the following statements conerning chiral centers in specific monosaccharides is incorrect ?A) threose has two chiral centersB) erythrose has one chiral centerC) tagatose has three chiral centersD) talose has four chiral centers7." }, { "docid": "3389501", "title": "-", "text": "carbon tetraiodide is known by the following synonyms: 1 carbon tetraiodide. 2 carbon(IV) iodide. 3 carbon iodide. tetraiodomethane." }, { "docid": "1544150", "title": "-", "text": "Carbon Monoxide is a gas formed from carbon and oxygen. It has the formula CO. Carbon dioxide another gas formed from carbon and oxygen, has the formula CO 2. A gas, … the molecules of which are made up of one carbon atom bonded with one oxygen atom.Carbon monoxide gas is clear, odorless and lethal when inhaled in LOW concentration.arbon dioxide another gas formed from carbon and oxygen, has the formula CO 2. A gas, … the molecules of which are made up of one carbon atom bonded with one oxygen atom. Carbon monoxide gas is clear, odorless and lethal when inhaled in LOW concentration." }, { "docid": "7047170", "title": "Englsih Oral Defense", "text": "Burning any carbon based fuel converts carbon to carbon dioxide. Unless it is captured and stored, this carbon dioxide is usually released to the atmosphere. Burning fossil fuels releases carbon that was removed from the amosphere millions of years ago by animal and plant life." }, { "docid": "3390244", "title": "-", "text": "A: The carbon cycle is important because all living things are made of carbon in one way or another. The carbon cycle is how carbon is exchanged throughout the earth: between the atmosphere, oceans, ecosystem and geosphere. If the carbon cycle fails, then life begins to break down, causing life to end." }, { "docid": "4802111", "title": "Amino acid", "text": "The alpha carbon is a chiral carbon atom, with the exception of glycine which has two indistinguishable hydrogen atoms on the alpha carbon. Therefore, all alpha amino acids but glycine can exist in either of two enantiomers, called. or. amino acids, which are mirror images of each other (see also Chirality).he key elements of an amino acid are carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen, though other elements are found in the side-chains of certain amino acids. About 500 amino acids are known and can be classified in many ways." }, { "docid": "1404984", "title": "-", "text": "Coal is mostly carbon. During complete combustion, carbon is oxidised to carbon dioxide: carbon + oxygen → carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas greenhouse gases: the gases responsible for the global warming-carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and CFCs.Increasing concentrations of it in the atmosphere contribute to global warming. Hydrocarbon fuels contain carbon and hydrogen.xidation also means a loss of electrons. to water, but carbon monoxide forms instead of carbon dioxide. Carbon monoxide is a toxic gas, so adequate ventilation is important when burning fuels. Solid particles (particulates) are also released. These contain carbon and are seen as soot or smoke." }, { "docid": "1813326", "title": "-", "text": "This video explains the difference between chiral and achiral compounds. It is meant to be watched after viewing the CHEM1050 Enantiomers video. 1 People & Blogs. 2 Standard YouTube License." }, { "docid": "1156480", "title": "Compounds of carbon", "text": "Compounds of carbon are defined as chemical substances containing carbon. More compounds of carbon exist than any other chemical element except for hydrogen. Organic carbon compounds are far more numerous than inorganic carbon compounds." }, { "docid": "1350691", "title": "What does saturated and unsaturated mean in organic chemistry?", "text": "If a compound is saturated, it means that there are no Carbon-Carbon double or triple bonds. If it is unsaturated, it means that there are Carbon-Carbon double or triple bonds … present." }, { "docid": "8361259", "title": "-", "text": "These characteristics are combined to name monosaccharide carbohydrates. Three carbon monosaccharides are called trioses, four carbon are called tetroses, five carbon are called pentoses, six carbon are hexoses, and so on. The number of carbon atoms in a molecule is used in the suffix of carbohydrate naming." }, { "docid": "4946673", "title": "Chapter 4 Carbon and the Molecular Diversity of Life Lecture Outline", "text": "CH 4 Carbon Compounds Carbon is the backbone of life Living organisms consist mostly of carbon-based compounds. Carbon is unparalleled in its ability to form large, complex, and diverse molecules. Proteins, DNA, carbohydrates, and other molecules that distinguish living matter are all composed of carbon compounds." }, { "docid": "61824", "title": "If Carbon-12 has 8 neutrons......what is the atomic number of carbon-14......?", "text": "Atomic number as listed on the periodic table is Carbon 6. Carbon 12 and 14 are Isotopes. Carbon, atomic number of 6 has a different weight. the 12 as you stated has 8 neutrons than Carbon 13 would have 9, Carbon 14 would have 10. If this was not so than a contradiction would become evident." }, { "docid": "1050297", "title": "-", "text": "1. Carbon forms unusually strong C-C single bonds, C=C double bonds, and carbon-carbon triple bonds. 2. The electronegativity of carbon (EN = 2.55) is too small to allow carbon to form C 4- ions with most metals and too large for carbon to form C 4+ ions when it reacts with nonmetals." }, { "docid": "5010691", "title": "-", "text": "Aldol Condensation. The aldol condensation is a reaction in which aldehydes and ketones react to form larger molecules. A new carbon-carbon bond is formed. In this generalized reaction the a-carbon of one aldehyde forms a bond with the carbonyl carbon of the other aldehyde.he aldol condensation is a reaction in which aldehydes and ketones react to form larger molecules. A new carbon-carbon bond is formed. In this generalized reaction the a-carbon of one aldehyde forms a bond with the carbonyl carbon of the other aldehyde." }, { "docid": "6617339", "title": "What Is the Difference Between Carbon-12 and Carbon-14?", "text": "Carbon-12 and carbon-14 are two isotopes of the element carbon. The difference between carbon-12 and carbon-14 is the number of neutrons in each atom. The number given after the atom name (carbon) indicates the number of protons plus neutrons in an atom or ion. Atoms of both isotopes of carbon contain 6 protons." }, { "docid": "2862414", "title": "-", "text": "As a result, wetlands are very good carbon sinks (meaning they store a lot of carbon). In summary, coastal wetlands are particularly good at storing carbon because the plants annually sequester (capture) a lot of carbon and then these ecosystems store carbon for long periods of time in their soils." }, { "docid": "3505671", "title": "-", "text": "The Fast Carbon Cycle. The time it takes carbon to move through the fast carbon cycle is measured in a lifespan. The fast carbon cycle is largely the movement of carbon through life forms on Earth, or the biosphere. Between 10 15 and 10 17 grams (1,000 to 100,000 million metric tons) of carbon move through the fast carbon cycle every year." }, { "docid": "3958867", "title": "-", "text": "The carbon-carbon bond is what helps bring variety to organic compounds, especially the hydrocarbons. The hydrocarbons only contain hydrogen and carbon. Measure and record the carbon-carbon bond distances (right click, select mouse click action, then click on distance) in the following molecules given below." }, { "docid": "3327949", "title": "What is The Carbon Cycle?", "text": "Carbon compounds can exist as solids (such as diamonds or coal), liquids (such as crude oil), or gases (such as carbon dioxide). Carbon is often referred to as the building block of life because living things are based on carbon and carbon compounds." }, { "docid": "5668160", "title": "How does carbon cycle through the biosphere?", "text": "Making the world better, one answer at a time. The carbon does cycle through the biosphere in different ways. When wood is burnt it forms carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is then used by plants for photosynthesis.he carbon does cycle through the biosphere in different ways. When wood is burnt it forms carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is then used by plants for photosynthesis." }, { "docid": "1197070", "title": "-", "text": "Learn more about carbon uses, the carbon atom, carbon properties, hydrocarbons, carbon structure, carbon fiber, carbon monoxide, your carbon footprint and other amazing carbon facts.Carbon is a chemical element with the symbol C and atomic number 6.The word carbon comes from the Latin word carbo, meaning coal.earn more about carbon uses, the carbon atom, carbon properties, hydrocarbons, carbon structure, carbon fiber, carbon monoxide, your carbon footprint and other amazing carbon facts." }, { "docid": "1813330", "title": "Chiral Chromatography Frequently Asked Questions", "text": "Chirality belongs to the discipline of stereochemistry, which is the study of the 3-dimensional structure of molecules. Chiral compounds are optically active, that means they rotate polarized light to the left or to the right depending on their configuration." }, { "docid": "5721424", "title": "-", "text": "CARBON FIBER HOODS. A carbon fiber hood is a great way to add a carbon fiber touch to your ride, lose weight and lower engine bay temperature. Make your next carbon fiber hood a Carbon Creations carbon fiber hood. Save 20% off MSRP on all Carbon Creations hoods, trunks and cf parts. Acura Integra SEIBON Carbon Fiber Spoiler Wing." }, { "docid": "6956736", "title": "Electronegativity and bonding", "text": "So the carbon on the left has a value of 2.5. The carbon on the right has a value of 2.5. That's a difference in electronegativity of zero. Which means that the electrons in red aren't going to move towards one carbon or towards the other carbon." }, { "docid": "247430", "title": "-", "text": "Best Answer: Alkane, which is an SP3 carbon center. Alkene, which is SP2 (double bonded) carbon center. Alkyne, which is a linear, SP (triple bonded) carbon center.est Answer: Alkane, which is an SP3 carbon center. Alkene, which is SP2 (double bonded) carbon center. Alkyne, which is a linear, SP (triple bonded) carbon center." }, { "docid": "6024159", "title": "-", "text": "An anomeric carbon is the carbon atom in a furanose or pyranose form that is derived from carbonyl carbon of the openchain from. It is the ring carbon that is bonded to two oxygens." }, { "docid": "4628233", "title": "-", "text": "One way of classifying alcohols is based on which carbon atom is bonded to the hydroxyl group. If this carbon is primary (1°, bonded to only one other carbon atom), the compound is a primary alcohol. A secondary alcohol has the hydroxyl group on a secondary (2°) carbon atom, which is bonded to two other carbon atoms." } ]
what is a common dose for zoloft
[ { "docid": "4810829", "title": "Zoloft (Sertraline) Patient Information", "text": "During the first week the usual Zoloft dosage is 25 mg once a day. After that the dose increases to 50 mg once a day. Depending upon your response, your physician may continue to increase your Zoloft dosage up to a maximum of 200 mg a day." } ]
[ { "docid": "710312", "title": "-", "text": "Walmart Zoloft Prices! 247PillsOnline. Low price offered, Buy Generic Viagra online at discount price. Good track record. Has been used by 250 million men worldwide!" }, { "docid": "2278994", "title": "Current and Recent Cases", "text": "Zoloft also has several off-label uses — uses not approved by the FDA. Because Zoloft works by altering brain chemistry, some doctors may prescribe it to patients with a variety of issues. But, there is no extensive clinical trial data for off-label uses, and the FDA has not reviewed Zoloft for safety or effectiveness for these indications." }, { "docid": "1826163", "title": "Acetaminophen", "text": "If your doctor has told you to take tramadol regularly, take the missed dose as soon as you remember it. However, if it is almost time for the next dose, skip the missed dose and continue your regular dosing schedule. Do not take a double dose to make up for a missed one." }, { "docid": "2278996", "title": "Zoloft", "text": "Zoloft (sertraline chloride) is one of the most popular SSRI antidepressants on the market. Pfizer developed and marketed Zoloft as a safer alternative with fewer side effects and withdrawal symptoms than competitor drugs such as Eli Lilly’s Prozac." }, { "docid": "2725967", "title": "Loop diuretic", "text": "The most common adverse drug reactions (ADRs) are dose-related and arise from the effect of loop diuretics on diuresis and electrolyte balance. Common ADRs include: hyponatremia, hypokalemia, hypomagnesemia, dehydration, hyperuricemia, gout, dizziness, postural hypotension, syncope." }, { "docid": "6792221", "title": "Depression Medications and Side Effects", "text": "This is thought to increase the mood-boosting effects of serotonin and improve depression symptoms. The most common SSRIs include fluoxetine (Prozac), citalopram (Celexa), paroxetine (Paxil), sertraline (Zoloft), and escitalopram (Lexapro)." }, { "docid": "4812158", "title": "-", "text": "Prozac and Zoloft are drugs used to treat depression and other conditions. Learn what they treat, who they’re for, and other similarities and differences. Prozac and Zoloft are drugs used to treat depression and other conditions." }, { "docid": "5499981", "title": "Turmeric Side Effects on Skin and Body", "text": "Turmeric is a common remedy for an upset stomach. But take too much of it and you may suffer from the uncomfortable turmeric side effect of either diarrhea or constipation. Usually, just cutting down your dose or the amount you use in food can alleviate the severity of both these conditions." }, { "docid": "4329695", "title": "150+ Commonly Prescribed Drugs Could Make You Feel Tired and Run-Down", "text": "(CFS) If you take any of the following medications, they may be causing you to feel endlessly tired, irritable and run-down: SSRIs – Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors like Paxil or Prozac, Zoloft or Lexapro." }, { "docid": "398637", "title": "Zyrtec and Dimetapp drug interactions - from FDA reports", "text": "If you take Zoloft and have Headache, find out what symptoms you could have in 1 year or longer. Join a support group for people who take Zoloft and have Headache. On eHealthMe you can find out what patients like me (same gender, age) reported their drugs and conditions on FDA since 1977." }, { "docid": "989315", "title": "Zoloft (Sertraline) Patient Information", "text": "Zoloft can also be used for the type of depression called premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) . This recurring problem is marked by a depressed mood, anxiety or tension, emotional instability, and anger or irritability in the two weeks preceding menstruation.ny medication taken in excess can have serious consequences. An overdose of Zoloft can be fatal. If you suspect an overdose, seek medical attention immediately. Common symptoms of Zoloft overdose include: Agitation, dizziness, nausea, rapid heartbeat, sleepiness, tremor, vomiting." }, { "docid": "4379368", "title": "-", "text": "1 Hib Vaccine Products: ActHIB, Pentacel, MenHibRix, or Unknown. IF current age is. AND # of previous. doses is. AND THEN Next dose due. 2 4 through 6 months. Unknown or 0 3 . Give Dose 1 today. Give Dose 2 at least. 1 1. Give Dose 2 today. Give Dose 3 at least. 4 weeks after Dose 2. It 1 has. 2 not. been. 4 weeks since 3 Dose 1. No dose t oday." }, { "docid": "1145696", "title": "This video is either unavailable or not supported in this browser", "text": "If a dose of Meloxicam (Metacam) is missed, give the dose as soon as possible. If it is almost time for the next dose, skip the missed dose and continue with the regular schedule. Do not give your pet two doses at once." }, { "docid": "8307717", "title": "-", "text": "DILI can be predictable (when injury usually occurs shortly after exposure and is dose-related) or unpredictable (when injury develops after a period of latency and has no relation to dose). Predictable DILI (commonly, acetaminophen-induced) is a common cause of acute jaundice and acute liver failure in the US." }, { "docid": "6719995", "title": "Has anyone else tried weaning off of Zoloft 50 mg w/ out their DR.?", "text": "I`m a 26 yr. old female who is trying to wean myself off of Zoloft after 2 1/2 yrs. on it. I have gained almost 35 pds. on it, and don`t like to feel like I`m bound to the drug.My Dr. said it wasn`t an addictive drug, and I shouldn`t gain more than a pd. or 2 on it-I think he lied.`m a 26 yr. old female who is trying to wean myself off of Zoloft after 2 1/2 yrs. on it. I have gained almost 35 pds. on it, and don`t like to feel like I`m bound to the drug." }, { "docid": "4514922", "title": "Pristiq with wellbutrin", "text": "Either medicine (bupropion or pristiq) works for me for my anxiety, its just the side effects are the issue here. My doctor told me with pristiq, most people don't have issues with side effects. Read More. i used to sell Effexor XR and my girlfriend sells Pristiq and said it is the same.ead More. So I was started taking the 150mg Wellbutrin along with 50mg of Zoloft for about a month and then the next month 150mg Wellbutrin along with 25mg of Zoloft. Now that I am only taking Wellbutrin-it's been about 2 weeks-I feel that the panics attacks are back and I'm a bit lightheaded daily." }, { "docid": "3265961", "title": "NCLEX - ADULT HEALTH PHARMACOLOGY - 739 Potassium chloride administered intravenously must always be diluted in IV fluid and infused", "text": "The usual dose is 1 to 3 mg per kilogram or 50 to 150 mg daily and it is typically given long term. Common side effects include nausea, abdominal upset, rash, aphthous ulcers and dose related bone marrow suppression." }, { "docid": "5583360", "title": "Amoxicillin for bacterial infections", "text": "What if my child is sick (vomits)? 1 If your child is sick less than 30 minutes after having a dose of amoxicillin, give them the same dose again. If your child is sick more than 30 minutes after having a dose of amoxicillin, you do not need to give them another dose." }, { "docid": "1831287", "title": "-", "text": "In the case of human beings or animals the word dose is generally used but in the case of inanimate objects the word dosing is used. The term dose titration, referring to stepwise titration of doses until a desired level of effect is reached, is common in medicine." }, { "docid": "4276182", "title": "Diphenhydramine 25 mg", "text": "The recommended diphenhydramine dose for the treatment of allergic reactions or motion sickness in adults is 25 mg to 50 mg every six to eight hours.or the treatment of allergy or common cold symptoms, the recommended dose of this medicine for adults and children ages 12 and older is diphenhydramine 25 mg to 50 mg every four to six hours." }, { "docid": "94767", "title": "How long does it take for Zoloft to work?", "text": "Zoloft, an oral antidepressant pill made of compressed crystalline powder, is usually prescribed to first-time users in a 50-milligram-per-day dose for depression and PMDD and 25 milligrams per day for other disorders. Dosages can be increased with time and medical supervision up to 200 milligrams per day. It's also available in liquid form [source: RX List]. Within just a few hours of taking an SSRI for the first time, the levels of serotonin in the brain and bloodstream increase. Yet, we don't feel immediate results." }, { "docid": "6378107", "title": "Paxil??????", "text": "What to do if you miss a dose: 1 If you remember later during the day, take it as soon as possible. 2 You may find it difficult to sleep if you take it towards bedtime. 3 If you forget to take it by the time of your next dose, just take the next dose. Do not take a double dose." }, { "docid": "2472257", "title": "Zoloft", "text": "What are the possible side effects of sertraline (Zoloft)? Get emergency medical help if you have any of these signs of an allergic reaction: skin rash or hives; difficulty breathing; swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat." }, { "docid": "959611", "title": "Zoloft (Sertraline Hydrochloride) - Indications and Dosage", "text": "Patients not responding to a 50 mg dose may benefit from dose increases up to a maximum of 200 mg/day. Given the 24 hour elimination half-life of ZOLOFT, dose changes should not occur at intervals of less than 1 week.he efficacy of ZOLOFT in maintaining a response in adult patients with social anxiety disorder for up to 24 weeks following 20 weeks of ZOLOFT treatment was demonstrated in a placebo-controlled trial." }, { "docid": "2971398", "title": "-", "text": "Looking for online definition of shallow dose equivalent in the Medical Dictionary? shallow dose equivalent explanation free. What is shallow dose equivalent? Meaning of shallow dose equivalent medical term." }, { "docid": "5461116", "title": "How long does it take for Benzonatate 100 mg to take effect?", "text": "what is Benzonatate And does it have side effects. Benzonatate is a medication taken orally to suppress coughsbut can cause sedation,... If I took 100 mg of zoloft what would the effects be &would I overdose? Symptoms of a Zoloft overdose may include dizziness, drowsiness, nausea, vomiting,..." }, { "docid": "710309", "title": "-", "text": "Walmart Zoloft Prices. 1stDrugstore Cialis Viagra Levitra Online Canada - Order Cheap Sildenafil Tadalafil (Generic Cialis) Online. zoloft walmart prices It is the only drug which is not only fast acting (works in 30 minutes) Tadalafil(Cialis) 20mg Cost Without Rx." }, { "docid": "4222415", "title": "How is the hepatitis B vaccine given?", "text": "The vaccination for hepatitis B is given as 3 injections over a 6-month period--an initial dose, followed by a second dose 1 month later, and a third dose 5 months after the second.If you need hepatitis A vaccination in addition to hepatitis B, you can do these individually or as a combined vaccine that covers both.The combination vaccine is given as 3 injections over a 6-month period--an initial dose, followed by a second dose 1 month later, and a third dose 5 months after the second.he combination vaccine is given as 3 injections over a 6-month period--an initial dose, followed by a second dose 1 month later, and a third dose 5 months after the second." }, { "docid": "6704396", "title": "Mobilis", "text": "However, your doctor will prescribe a dose suitable for your condition. For the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis The usual dose of ARROW-MELOXICAM is 15 mg taken as a single dose each day. Depending on your response, your doctor may reduce this dose to 7.5 mg taken as a single dose each day." }, { "docid": "4465996", "title": "Top 30 Doctor insights on: Ear Earache Fluoxetine Headache Mucus Neck Pain Prozac Sertraline Zoloft", "text": "Top 10. Doctor insights on: Ear Earache Fluoxetine Headache Mucus Neck Pain Prozac Sertraline Zoloft. 1. I just started taking Prozac and am still on Zoloft (sertraline) and i have been having neck pain and ear pain and headaches along with mucus in throaght." } ]
what is a common law property state
[ { "docid": "467837", "title": "Who Owns What in Marital Property?", "text": "Who owns what property in a marriage, after divorce, or after a spouse's death depends on whether the couple lives in a common law property state or a community property state. During marriage, these classifications may seem trivial, but in the unfortunate events of divorce or death, these details become very important. Common Law Property States. Most states are common law property states. So, what does it mean to live in a common law property state? The term common law is simply a term used to determine the ownership of marital property (property acquired during marriage). The common law system provides that property acquired by one member of a married couple is owned completely and solely by that person." } ]
[ { "docid": "5534615", "title": "Tenants By Entireties in Florida", "text": "Tenants by the entireties is a special form of joint tenancy ownership which is available only to married persons. Some states have statutes that define and protect tenants by the entireties property. In Florida, tenants by the entireties protection has been established by judicial decisions interpreting common law. Under Florida judicial law, in order to qualify as tenants by entireties property, the property in question must have certain characteristics: joint ownership and control," }, { "docid": "100590", "title": "Do I own that fence? Identifying property boundaries", "text": "Homeowners often want to know who owns which of the fences or other boundaries round their property. But Conveyancing Solicitors often find it difficult to give a definite answer. There is no common law requirement for a property owner to fence their property.n these circumstances fences are quite often put up by the owner who is not actually responsible for maintain the fence on that boundary. Of course it does not always help if you find that the deeds show that your neighbour is responsible for maintaining a fence, but he will not repair it." }, { "docid": "1482076", "title": "Possession (law)", "text": "Possession (law) In law, possession is the control a person intentionally exercises toward a thing. In all cases, to possess something, a person must have an intention to possess it. A person may be in possession of some property (although possession does not always imply ownership). Like ownership, the possession of things is commonly regulated by states under property law." }, { "docid": "8760216", "title": "-", "text": "Sec. 1. (a) The carrier or the party in possession of any of the property. described in this bill of lading shall be liable as at common law for any loss thereof. or damage thereto, except as hereinafter provided. (b) No carrier shall be liable for any loss or damage to a." }, { "docid": "2477482", "title": "How an Estate Is Settled If There's No Will: Intestate Succession", "text": "To find out who inherits other assets -- generally, solely owned property for which no beneficiary has been formally named, such as a house -- you'll need to consult state law. Every state has intestate succession laws that parcel out property to the deceased person's closest relatives.f you're settling the estate of a deceased person who hasn't left a will, you probably have more than a few questions about how the estate will be distributed. First, it's important to understand that many kinds of assets aren't passed by will, such as:" }, { "docid": "3209773", "title": "-", "text": "The court found that the property was not inthe jurisdiction of a court of admiralty or in the possession of private person, the governor not being a private person, but in possession of the state of Georgia and so Madrazo's case was a suit of law or equity and could not stand." }, { "docid": "7551059", "title": "extortion", "text": "The obtaining of property from another induced by wrongful use of actual or threatened force, violence, or fear, or under color of official right. Under the Common Law, extortion is a misdemeanor consisting of an unlawful taking of money by a government officer. It is an oppressive misuse of the power with which the law clothes a public officer.Most jurisdictions have statutes governing extortion that broaden the common-law definition. Under such statutes, any person who takes money or property from another by means of illegal compulsion may be guilty of the offense." }, { "docid": "5860619", "title": "Non-compete clause", "text": "The enforceability of non-compete agreements in the state of Florida is quite common. Some law firms build their law practice around these agreements and represent employees, employers and potential new employers of an employee currently bound by a non-compete agreement." }, { "docid": "8153171", "title": "The Highest Paid Specialty in Paralegals", "text": "Some of the common specialty areas for paralegals include litigation, personal injury, corporate law, criminal law, employee benefits, intellectual property, bankruptcy, immigration, family law and real estate, according to the BLS. Some paralegals also have supervisory responsibilities." }, { "docid": "5836915", "title": "-", "text": "Property Law Law and Legal Definition. Property law is the law that in the common law legal system governs the various forms of ownership in real property and in personal property. Property is anything that is owned by a person or entity." }, { "docid": "8792133", "title": "Switzerland Government type", "text": "Authoritarian-a form of government in which state authority is imposed onto many aspects of citizens' lives. Commonwealth-a nation, state or other political entity founded on law and united by a compact of the people for the common good.uthoritarian-a form of government in which state authority is imposed onto many aspects of citizens' lives. Commonwealth-a nation, state or other political entity founded on law and united by a compact of the people for the common good." }, { "docid": "56960", "title": "-", "text": "If you want. to transfer property that is solely in your name upon your death, you must do. so by a will or trust. Tenancy in Common. If you own property with a person other than your spouse, you own that. property as a tenant in common unless a deed or other document states. otherwise. A tenant in common owns an undivided interest in the entire. property, such as a one-half, one-third, or a one-fifth interest. This interest." }, { "docid": "159606", "title": "-", "text": "These classifications vary from state to state. Likewise, a crime may be a felony in one state but not in another state. For example, stealing property worth $500 in one state may be a felony but only a misdemeanor in another state. Below are descriptions of some of the most common felonies that you may hear or read about." }, { "docid": "180343", "title": "-", "text": "Example: A state’s law provides that a person who takes another’s property “with intent to deprive the owner is guilty of larceny.” By describing the defendant’s purpose in taking property, it is a specific intent crime. (Wetherelt v. State, 864 P.2d 449 (Wyo." }, { "docid": "7117761", "title": "County Assessors", "text": "County Assessors. Section 1532 of the New York State Real Property Tax Law states that the Director ofthe Real Property Tax Service Agency will advise assessors regarding the procedures for equitable assessment administ ration. Continuous schooling relative to their position is offered, as well as daily assistance." }, { "docid": "341834", "title": "Bargain and sale deed", "text": "(August 2007). A bargain and sale deed is in United States real property law, a deed conveying real property without covenants. This is a deed for which the grantor implies to have or have had an interest in the property but offers no warranties of title to the grantee. bargain and sale deed is in United States real property law, a deed conveying real property without covenants." }, { "docid": "4174577", "title": "assignment", "text": "assignment. 1. Law. a. the transfer to another of a right, interest, or title to property, esp personal property. b. the document effecting such a transfer. c. the right, interest, or property transferred. 2. Law (formerly) the transfer, esp by an insolvent debtor, of property in trust for the benefit of his creditors." }, { "docid": "2171673", "title": "Due Process, Civil Liberties, Civil Rights, and the 1st Amendment", "text": "No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. ...Section.5.o State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. ... Section. 5." }, { "docid": "1978104", "title": "Mortgage", "text": "If the mortgage being foreclosed is not the only lien on the property then state law determines the priority of the property interests. For example, Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code governs conflicts between mortgages on real property and liens on fixtures (personal property attached to a piece of real estate)." }, { "docid": "1855537", "title": "-", "text": "In the common law tradition, the law of domestic relations is a broad category that encompasses: 1 divorce; 2 property settlements; 3 alimony, spousal support, or other maintenance; 4 the establishment of paternity; 5 the establishment or termination of parental rights;6 child support; 7 child custody; 8 visitation;n the common law tradition, the law of domestic relations is a broad category that encompasses: 1 divorce; 2 property settlements; 3 alimony, spousal support, or other maintenance; 4 the establishment of paternity; 5 the establishment or termination of parental rights;" }, { "docid": "4208033", "title": "Legal entity", "text": "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. A legal entity is a legal construct through which the law allows a group of natural persons to act as if they were a single person for certain purposes. The most common purposes are lawsuits, property ownership, and contracts." }, { "docid": "2978834", "title": "escheat", "text": "escheat (plural escheats) ( 1 law) The return of property of a deceased person to the state (originally to a feudal lord) where there are no legal heirs or claimants. ( 2 law) The property so reverted. ( 3 obsolete) Plunder, booty. That which falls to one; a reversion or return." }, { "docid": "186733", "title": "service", "text": "precedent - (civil law) a law established by following earlier judicial decisions. common law, case law. service - (law) the acts performed by an English feudal tenant for the benefit of his lord which formed the consideration for the property granted to him." }, { "docid": "1438161", "title": "-", "text": "The filing of this Statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another. under Federal, State, or common law (section 14411 et seq., of the Business and Professions Code)." }, { "docid": "7996363", "title": "Common Law Marriage Fact Sheet", "text": "If you live in a state that doesn’t permit common law marriages, a common law marriage cannot be established, no matter how long you live with your partner. However, if you established a common law marriage in a state that allows them, and move later, any state you move to must acknowledge that marriage." }, { "docid": "5706403", "title": "Sources of Contract Law: Common Law & Uniform Commercial Code", "text": "There are two sources of contract law: common law, which is based on case rulings, and statutory law, which is based on federal and state statutes.Contract law uses both common law and a set of statutory rules known as the Uniform Commercial Code.n common law, for a contract to be binding, one party offers, the other party accepts and something of value is exchanged. The terms of offer, acceptance and consideration-amongst other elements-are written or expressed orally in a very specific way." }, { "docid": "4389417", "title": "Grandparents' Rights in the Child Custody Process", "text": "In every state, in most cases, grandparents have rights to be awarded custody or visitation of grandchildren. These rights are not constitutionally based or derived from common law. They are based on state statutes. Every state has created statutes to provide visitation rights to grandparents." }, { "docid": "7709082", "title": "Abandonment (legal)", "text": "Abandonment (legal) In law, abandonment is the relinquishment, giving up or renunciation of an interest, claim, civil proceedings, appeal, privilege, possession, or right, especially with the intent of never again resuming or reasserting it. Such intentional action may take the form of a discontinuance or a waiver. This broad meaning has a number of applications in different branches of law. In common law jurisdictions, both common law abandonment and statutory abandonment of property may be recognized. Common law abandonment is the relinquishment of a right [in property] by the owner thereof without any regard to future possession by himself or any other person, and with the intention to foresake or desert the right...." }, { "docid": "8041143", "title": "Unclaimed Property", "text": "California’s Unclaimed Property Law requires corporations, businesses, associations, financial institutions, and insurance companies (referred to as “Holders”) to annually report and deliver property to the State Controller’s Office after there has been no activity on the account or contact with the owner for a period of time specified in the law—generally three (3) years." }, { "docid": "3074196", "title": "Buying a Texas Home: What Does the Seller's Disclosure Form Tell Me?", "text": "Extent of and Limits on Texas Sellers' Real Property Disclosure Responsibilities. A seller of residential real estate in Texas must, under state law, disclose what the seller knows about the condition of the property." } ]
what is a controlled variable in science
[ { "docid": "1564552", "title": "What is a controlled variable?", "text": "The independent variable is the giving of the drug (dose), while the dependent variable is the measured (empirical) improvement in the conditions of the experimental subjects receiving the treatment. lemon_lorrain · 7 years ago. Thumbs up. 1. Thumbs down. 0. Comment. Add a comment. Submit. · just now. Report Abuse. controlled variable is the thing in the experiment that will not be changed. like water on plants. its what you compare your results to." } ]
[ { "docid": "65110", "title": "What Is a Controlled Experiment?", "text": "Question: What Is a Controlled Experiment? One of the most common types of experiment is a controlled experiment. Here is a look at what a controlled experiment is and why this type of experiment is so popular in science. Answer: A controlled experiment is one in which everything is held constant except for one variable." }, { "docid": "1450671", "title": "-", "text": "Although some piston-type motors are controlled by directional-control valves, they are often used in combination with variable-displacement pumps. This pump-motor combination (hydraulic transmission) is used to provide a transfer of power between a driving element, such as an electric motor, and a driven element." }, { "docid": "913312", "title": "-", "text": "exists and is an alternate of . A responding variable is a value of measure, that came from the manipulated and controlled variables. A responding variable is a value of measure, that came from the manipulated and controlled variables." }, { "docid": "4738747", "title": "-", "text": "Sample 24590: Convert variable values from character to numeric or from numeric to character. The INPUT and PUT functions convert values for a variable from character to numeric, and from numeric to character. A variable can be defined as only one type, so you cannot use the same variable name to convert the values. When you use the functions below, you create a new variable with the values converted." }, { "docid": "8311323", "title": "-", "text": "How do I convert a variable name to a string in Matlab? So say I have variables with variable names like SWCF and LWCF. Is there a way that I can convert these variable names into strings? I'd like to do this so that I can run functions on the variables - and have the plot titles include the variable name." }, { "docid": "1758722", "title": "-", "text": " The term test variable should be followed by (independent variable) and the term outcome variable should be followed by (dependent variable) . Response Attributes :  The term test variable should be followed by (independent variable) and the term outcome variable should be followed by (dependent variable) ." }, { "docid": "8805434", "title": "Understanding Class Members", "text": "Example of a class variable (static variable). This Java programming example will teach you how you can define the static class variable in a class. When a number of objects are created from the same class, each instance has its own copy of class variables. But this is not the case when it is declared as static static.o see the use of a static variable first of all create a class StaticVariable. Define one static variable in the class. Now make a constructor in which you will increment the value of the static variable. Now make a object of StaticVariable class and call the static variable of the class." }, { "docid": "5263695", "title": "-", "text": "This is the definition of an independent variable, with examples. An independent variable is one of the key factors in a scientific experiment. This is the definition of an independent variable, with examples. An independent variable is one of the key factors in a scientific experiment. Independent Variable Definition and Examples" }, { "docid": "2551824", "title": "Independent and Dependent Variables", "text": "Independent and dependent variables are related to one another. The Independent part is what you, the experimenter, changes or enacts in order to do your experiment. The dependent variable is what changes when the independent variable changes-the dependent variable depends on the outcome of the independent variable." }, { "docid": "5423127", "title": "Bio", "text": "Only one experimental variable is used in a controlled experiment. **A theory that has been repeatedly supported is sometimes called a law. Consistent observations about a hypothesis may lead to a theory. Published research should provide enough detail to allow anyone to repeat the experiment in the same manner." }, { "docid": "1120427", "title": "Dynamic range compression", "text": "The signal entering a compressor is split, one copy sent to a variable-gain amplifier and the other to a side-chain where a circuit controlled by the signal level applies the required gain to an amplifier stage. This design, known as a feed-forward type, is used today in most compressors." }, { "docid": "1274850", "title": "-", "text": "independent variable, the variable that the researcher controls, and the amount of sound. that resulted from turning it is the dependent variable, the change that is caused by the. independent variable. Experimental research also looks into the effects of removing something." }, { "docid": "8565504", "title": "Controlling Variables", "text": "This material is excerpted from a teaching module on the Visionlearning website, to view this material in context, please visit Research Methods: Experimentation. Controlling variables is an important part of experimental design. Controlled variables refer to variables or contributing factors that are fixed or eliminated in order to clearly identify the relationship between an independent variable and a dependent variable." }, { "docid": "2934295", "title": "Variable Types", "text": "Ordinal Variable. On ordinal variable is a special type of categorical variable for which the levels can be naturally ordered. The example above provides a good illustration of an ordinal variable. Even if we ignore the numbers, we still may order the responses." }, { "docid": "8757498", "title": "What Is a Dependent Variable in Science?", "text": "What is the manipulated variable in an experiment? Scientists do not manipulate the dependent variable in an experiment. An example of a dependent variable is the test score of a student; the independent variable for an experiment investigating that might be the amount of time a student has to revise." }, { "docid": "1782480", "title": "independent variable", "text": "(in research) a variable that is manipulated (controlled) by the researcher and evaluated by its measurable effect on the dependent variable or variables." }, { "docid": "5472613", "title": "Local variable", "text": "In computer science, a local variable is a variable that is given local scope. Local variable references in the function or block in which it is declared override the same variable name in the larger scope. In programming languages with only two levels of visibility, local variables are contrasted with global variables." }, { "docid": "2705307", "title": "Operationalization", "text": "Operationalization also sets down exact definitions of each variable, increasing the quality of the results, and improving the robustness of the design. For many fields, such as social science, which often use ordinal measurements, operationalization is essential." }, { "docid": "5685067", "title": "How Do Servo Motors Work", "text": "The guts of a servo motor (L) and an assembled servo (R) Servos are controlled by sending an electrical pulse of variable width, or pulse width modulation (PWM), through the control wire. There is a minimum pulse, a maximum pulse, and a repetition rate. A servo motor can usually only turn 90° in either direction for a total of 180° movement." }, { "docid": "6108539", "title": "Growing Bacteria in Petri Dishes", "text": "Just growing bacteria in a Petri dish is not a science fair experiment. Yes, it is gross and cool and fascinating, but it doesn’t meet the requirements of a science fair project. If you want to do a science fair project about germs, you have to add a variable, or something that changes in the experiment." }, { "docid": "8651269", "title": "-", "text": "Nuclear reactor physics. See also: Critical mass. Nuclear reactor physics is the branch of science that deals with the study and application of chain reaction to induce a controlled rate of fission in a nuclear reactor for the production of energy." }, { "docid": "4164687", "title": "Multiple Regression Analysis using SPSS Statistics", "text": "Multiple regression is an extension of simple linear regression. It is used when we want to predict the value of a variable based on the value of two or more other variables. The variable we want to predict is called the dependent variable (or sometimes, the outcome, target or criterion variable)." }, { "docid": "2646461", "title": "Independent and Dependent Variables", "text": "A dependent variable? Yes, there can be more than one dependent variable. In our example, for instance, the growth rate of the plants might be one dependent variable and the overall height of the plants might be another dependent variable. Both of these variables depend upon the independent variable." }, { "docid": "7111034", "title": "JavaScript Variables", "text": "Creating a variable in JavaScript is called declaring a variable. You declare a JavaScript variable with the var keyword: var carName; After the declaration, the variable has no value. (Technically it has the value of undefined)." }, { "docid": "412412", "title": "Functional programming", "text": "more ... The output value of a function: In y = x2 x is an Independent Variable y is the Dependent Variable. See: Independent Variable." }, { "docid": "7158087", "title": "-", "text": "Thread-Safety: Both instance variable and static variable need to be controlled when used in multi threaded environment. But in case of an instance variable it does not need protection unless it is explicitly shared between threads but in case of a static variable it is always shared by all the threads in the process." }, { "docid": "6185852", "title": "-", "text": "An experiment usually has three kinds of variables: Dependent, independent, and controlled. Example: In a study to determine the effect of IQ on SAT scores, the SAT scores is the dependent variable because SAT scores may change based on the student’s IQ.efinition: Changes in the independent variable caused the changes in the dependent variable. Example: The change in weight as measured by the bathroom scale is due to a change in eating habits and exercise since the last time you stepped on the scale and not due to using a different scale." }, { "docid": "1366649", "title": "-", "text": "1 major references (in star (astronomy): Variable stars) (in astronomical map: Star names and designations) 2 origins of planetary nebula (in planetary nebula: The nature of the progenitor stars) Fact Monster - Science - Variable Star." }, { "docid": "1250690", "title": "-", "text": "Definition: An independent variable is the variable that is changed or controlled in a scientific experiment. Independent variables are the variables that the experimenter changes to test their dependent variable." }, { "docid": "4513355", "title": "-", "text": "C# local variable scope [duplicate] 1 Yes, this is how C# works. 2 When declaring a scope, any local variable from an outer scope is also known - there is no way to qualify that a local variable within the scope should override the local variable from outside." } ]
what is a counselor education and supervision phd
[ { "docid": "1035782", "title": "Ph.D. in Education: Counselor Education and Supervision", "text": "Program Overview. The Ph.D in Education with a concentration in Counselor Education and Supervision is a research-oriented degree intended for individuals with master's degrees in counseling and professional experience in the field wishing to work at a more advanced level." } ]
[ { "docid": "2501986", "title": "ACA-ACES Syllabus Clearinghouse", "text": "ACA-ACES Syllabus Clearinghouse. The ACA Syllabus Clearinghouse is a joint project of ACA and The Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (ACES). We will maintain syllabi on many topics from may different learning institutions. Our database will be updated continually with new and exciting courses and will provide a valuable resource to all counselors." }, { "docid": "5018517", "title": "-", "text": "Education: 1 PhD (Psychology - Forensic), University of Manitoba MB, 2001. 2 MA (Psychology - Personality), University of Manitoba MB, 1995. 3 BA (Psychology/Criminology), University of Manitoba MB, 1986." }, { "docid": "3674445", "title": "The 5 Love Languages, 7 Days, 1 Couple", "text": "After 30 years as a marriage and family counselor, Gary Chapman, PhD had heard a lot of couples' complaints -- so many complaints, in fact, that he began to see a pattern. I realized I was hearing the same stories over and over again, he says." }, { "docid": "3546701", "title": "Raising the cost of a PhD", "text": "Further, research undertaken by the Centre for the Study of Higher Education in 2011 showed very high levels of job insecurity among early career academics, particularly in research-only roles. Our brightest students will need to ask themselves if an extra $30,000 for a PhD is a bridge too far." }, { "docid": "6107230", "title": "Become a Linguist: Step-by-Step Career Guide", "text": "Step 6: Get a PhD. For an academic career or advanced research roles, it is essential to hold a PhD in linguistics. Students may earn a master's and PhD consecutively in the same program or they may join a doctoral program after earning a master's, which may take up to 8 years." }, { "docid": "6982901", "title": "Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE)", "text": "One “unit” of CPE consists of 300 hours of clinical time where chaplain interns visit with patients, plus 100 hours of classroom and individual education.It’s a mix of one-on-one supervision, group process work, instruction, and writing.ere’s what students and alumni have to say about the value of their Clinical Pastoral Education experience at HealthCare Chaplaincy: “HCC's CPE program was one of the best educational experiences I've ever had." }, { "docid": "2016267", "title": "What is the Difference Between EdD and PhD in Education?", "text": "Difference in Career Choices Between EdD and PhD Degree Holders. Knowing the difference between a Ph. D. in education and an Ed. D. is important in deciding which path in education you would like to take. Both a Ph. D. in education and an Ed. D. are intended to extend a teacher's knowledge and practice in education, but have difference in where the knowledge is extended." }, { "docid": "288398", "title": "Can I be admitted into a PhD program with non-thesis MS degree?", "text": "So, if you are aiming a PhD in future, it may be better to do as much as research work and publication as you can. Then you need to meet the minimum requirements for a PhD student who wants to apply for a PhD program.ow, in Japan, you cannot get into a PhD if you do not have a Masters degree and a title to show for it. That is for all the Universities, not some of them. The only case when this is not the norm is in natural sciences." }, { "docid": "8342825", "title": "-", "text": "Continuing with the. previous example, the school counselor then might develop the following three goals for. the needs assessment: 1) Identifying ways children in special education currently utilize. counseling services; 2) Identifying specific counseling programs and services that might." }, { "docid": "5348201", "title": "-", "text": "Counseling is a popular specialty area that offers a diverse range of job opportunities. If you are still debating which option is best suited to your needs, continue reading to learn more about how to become a counselor including what type of education you will need and the type of jobs you will find once you graduate." }, { "docid": "5537929", "title": "FAQ on OT Education and Career Planning", "text": "Fieldwork education is a crucial part of your preparation to become an occupational therapist or occupational therapy assistant. It provides you an opportunity to carry out practice and other professional responsibilities under supervision and role modeling by an experienced practitioner." }, { "docid": "7696694", "title": "Character Education", "text": "Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD) (Education Topics - Character Education) Founded in 1943, the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that represents 160,000 educators from more than 135 countries and more than 60 affiliates." }, { "docid": "8478979", "title": "Drug Counselor Career Info and Education Requirements", "text": "Education Requirements. While obtaining a position as a drug counselor in the United States has different requirements depending on the state of practice, it is typically necessary for a drug counselor to have a master's degree.rug counselors usually assist individuals in controlling their addiction to drugs or alcohol; however, a drug counselor may also help patients with gambling problems or eating disorders. Drug counselors must be available for their patients in moments of weakness." }, { "docid": "2575588", "title": "With New Roles, School Counselors Are More Indispensable Than Ever", "text": "“School counselors are vital members of the education team,” says Durr, a counselor at Paducah Tilghman High School in Paducah, Kentucky. Much, much more, according to the American School Counselor Association (ASCA), sponsors of National School Counseling Week (February 2-6)." }, { "docid": "5442374", "title": "-", "text": "Chemical Dependency Counselor Job Description The following is a full job description for Chemical Dependency Counselor. Here are the requirements and responsibilities for Chemical Dependency Counselor along with statistics.he following is a full job description for Chemical Dependency Counselor." }, { "docid": "8231153", "title": "Francis Sumner, PhD, and Inez Beverly Prosser, PhD", "text": "Francis Sumner, PhD, was the first African American to receive a PhD degree in psychology. Inez Beverly Prosser, PhD, was the first African American woman to receive her doctoral degree in psychology." }, { "docid": "7750865", "title": "Admissions", "text": "Thus, the application process is competitive, and the program does not have the resources to accept all qualified candidates. Listed below are both minimum and competitive ranges for the University of Florida and the Counselor Education program." }, { "docid": "4726669", "title": "PhD Programs in Psychology", "text": "The primary difference between a PhD in psychology and a PsyD, both of which typically take two years or more to complete, is one of focus and intent. A PhD is primarily a research degree. Most PhD programs do provide professional experience in the form of clinical work in the field and in laboratory settings." }, { "docid": "4694243", "title": "How to Become a High School Guidance Counselor", "text": "In order to become a high school guidance counselor, prospective workers should earn a bachelor's and master's degree, obtain a high school counseling credential and teaching license, and participate in continuing education." }, { "docid": "7146735", "title": "-", "text": "If you are really serious about becoming an inventor, you should prepare yourself for a 6-8 year pursuit of STEM education (Science, Technology, Engineering, Medicine). As you complete your Masters degree ( or a PhD), you will find that you are able to comprehend, and describe the barriers to progress in your chosen field in technical language." }, { "docid": "7080568", "title": "Teachers' Perceptions of Instructional Supervision", "text": "According to the Education and Training Policy (1994), educational supervision is recognized at the center (Ministry of Education), Regional, Zonal, District (Woreda) and School levels. Instructional supervision at school level is practiced by principals, deputy principals, department head, and senior teachers." }, { "docid": "353471", "title": "Assisted Living Policy and Regulation: State Survey", "text": "Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN) may, under the supervision of a registered nurse, administer intravenous medications and fluids provided the LPN has had the appropriate practice and annual documented education. WAC 246-840-010 (22) (a). of an RN." }, { "docid": "5698624", "title": "Georgia Teen Driving Laws, Insurance Requirements & Drivers License", "text": "In addition to these requirements, teen drivers must also have a minimum of 40 hours of driving under supervision. Six of the 40 hours must be nighttime driving. If the Class D intermediate License applicant is 17 years of age the driver's education portion of these requirements are not mandatory." }, { "docid": "109733", "title": "Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation in Education: Definition & Examples", "text": "Natalie is a teacher and holds an MA in English Education and is in progress on her PhD in psychology. Intrinsic and extrinsic are the two types of motivation. Learn more about intrinsic and extrinsic motivation from definitions and examples, then test your knowledge with a quiz." }, { "docid": "996869", "title": "Alcohol and Substance Abuse Counseling: The Differences Between LADC and CADC Certification", "text": "The first key difference between the Licensed Alcohol Drug Abuse Counselor (LADC) and the Certified Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselor (CADC) exams is the required formal education level required for exam eligibility." }, { "docid": "6210973", "title": "Professional School Counselor: Job Requirements and Salary Information", "text": "Requirements. Education. The first step in the education of a school counselor is to obtain a bachelor's degree-usually in counseling, psychology, education or social work, though a degree in a related field can be acceptable. school counselor may work at any level of education, including elementary, middle and high school as well as college. They are employed for all grade levels at both private and public schools. In general, counselors work a full-time schedule, some visiting multiple schools over the course of a week or month." }, { "docid": "3151840", "title": "How To: Become a Merit Badge Counselor", "text": "Become a Merit Badge Counselor. Three (3) documents must be submitted in order to begin the process of becoming a Merit Badge Counselor. Registration as a Merit Badge Counselor (position code 42) does NOT require an application fee. Adult Application (even if you are already registered as a leader in a unit to become a merit badge counselor requires a separate or new application)." }, { "docid": "5238906", "title": "Cognitive Dissonance in Psychology: Theory, Examples & Definition", "text": "Lesson Transcript. Instructor: Natalie Boyd. Natalie is a teacher and holds an MA in English Education and is in progress on her PhD in psychology. Cognitive dissonance is the discomfort you feel when you do something that's against your beliefs." }, { "docid": "8812237", "title": "How to Become a Counselor: Education and Training Requirements", "text": "A prospective counselor will begin his or her education with a bachelor's degree. A student might choose a related major, such as psychology, education or social work, or he or she might choose an unrelated major. If choosing an unrelated major, the student will need to take some electives in psychology." }, { "docid": "3161481", "title": "Learn How to Become a Counselor", "text": "Learn How to Become a Counselor Explore careers in counseling and the education and training required to pursue them. Counselors have a major impact on the lives of the patients they counsel." } ]
what is a csi forensic scientists called
[ { "docid": "6117551", "title": "Learn About Being a Forensic Science Technician", "text": "A forensic science technician is a member of the team that investigates crimes. He or she gathers and documents, or analyzes, physical evidence from crime scenes. This evidence may include fingerprints, blood, hair, and bullets. Also called a crime scene investigator (CSI), crime scene technician, criminalist, or forensic scientist, a forensic science technician may specialize in crime scene investigation which entails the collection and cataloging of evidence." } ]
[ { "docid": "4415390", "title": "Becoming a Forensic Nurse", "text": "Becoming a forensic nurse is not always as straightforward as becoming a traditional nurse. This is partly due to the fact that this is a relatively newer area of the nursing field, and not all employers have discovered the advantages of having forensic nurses on staff. If your goal is to become a forensic nurse, you have a couple different options." }, { "docid": "6682441", "title": "Forensic pathology", "text": "Forensic pathology is an application of medical jurisprudence. The forensic pathologist 1 : Is a medical doctor who has completed training in anatomical pathology and who has subsequently specialized in forensic pathology. 2 The requirements for becoming a fully qualified forensic pathologist vary from country to country." }, { "docid": "6240700", "title": "What Is the Average Income for a Forensic Scientist?", "text": "The employer with the highest pay was the federal executive branch, averaging an annual $95,240, or $45.79 per hour. To obtain this compensation, forensic scientists need a minimum of a bachelor’s degree in either forensic science, or a natural science such as biology or chemistry.orensic scientists earned an average $55,660 per year, or $26.76 per hour, as of May 2011, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The lowest-earning made less than an annual $32,760, or $15.75 hourly, while the highest-paid received over $84,980 yearly, or $40.86 per hour." }, { "docid": "7428977", "title": "Clinical and Conceptual Problems in the Attribution of Malingering in Forensic Evaluations", "text": "The assessment of malingering in a forensic context is beset by a variety of clinical and conceptual difficulties that are often overlooked by forensic specialists who are called upon to make such determinations." }, { "docid": "5546266", "title": "Difference Between Forensics and Criminology", "text": "Therefore, forensics is considered as a multidisciplinary subject. Typically, in a criminal investigation, crime scene investigators will gather evidence from the crime scene and those are handed over to forensic scientists, who will use scientific evidence to assist the investigation." }, { "docid": "2857782", "title": "-", "text": "Although a bachelor's degree is the minimum qualification for employment as a forensic scientist, the American Academy points out that some jobs may require a master's degree.In addition, some forensic scientists seek certification through organizations such as the American Board of Criminalistics.lthough a bachelor's degree is the minimum qualification for employment as a forensic scientist, the American Academy points out that some jobs may require a master's degree." }, { "docid": "7213712", "title": "Forensic Psychology Salary: What Youâll Earn", "text": "Home » Forensic Psychology » Forensic Psychology Salary: What You’ll Earn Forensic Psychology Salary: What You’ll Earn Forensic psychology can be lucrative once you’ve earned your degree. Here are some salary ranges. Median Annual Salary. Forensic psychologists are part of the larger field of psychologists. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics’ current Occupational Outlook Handbook, the median national annual salary for psychologists is $75,230." }, { "docid": "4923559", "title": "What Does a Forensic Scientist Do?", "text": "What Does a Forensic Scientist Do? Forensic scientists examine evidence from many angles to assist law enforcement officials in solving crimes, sometimes exonerating innocent suspects. Some scientists may be involved in forgery detection while others spend their days examining bodily fluids or fibers through microscopes." }, { "docid": "5367518", "title": "David Caruso", "text": "In 2002 Caruso returned to television with CSI: Miami, playing police lieutenant Horatio Caine. The show was a spin-off of the popular series CSI: Crime Scene Investigation." }, { "docid": "4176463", "title": "Cost of Solar, Financing, Lease Options", "text": "The cost of solar in 2006 was much higher than it is today and so the CSI rates were structured and administered to be higher early on and then lower over time as the overall cost of purchasing a solar system declined. For larger solar installations (greater than 30kW), the CSI offers Performance-Based Incentives (PBI)." }, { "docid": "6873529", "title": "The 5 Highest Paying Jobs You Can Get With A Psychology Degree", "text": "Forensic Psychologist - $117,470 for top 10%. Pursuing a psychology degree is hard enough, but becoming one of the top forensic psychologists in the nation is a tedious battle.For the person who hates the grossly inaccurate joke that is CSI and loves real-life crime-solving, it can be a thrilling journey. psychology degree can lead to many rewarding careers for people who want to do something that with have a positive impact (and possibly ripple effect) on others. Here are some of the highest paying jobs one can get with a psychology degree. Child psychiatrist - $189,301 average." }, { "docid": "1464196", "title": "What field should I go into?", "text": "Maybe I am being prejudice about the Business field because I know little of it, so can anyone please shed a little insight on what I should do? Also, if you can, please let me know what would be a good minor to go along with a major in criminal justice, if i were to be a CSI.here are plenty of jobs for a chem major, if you decide not to go the CSI route: research labs, pharmacology sales, environmental testing...tons of jobs! Same with crim justice: on to law school, police academy, military, FBI, CIA, Parks and Wildlife,..list goes on." }, { "docid": "3864783", "title": "-", "text": "By EarthSky in Space | June 5, 2016. A ring or circle of light around the sun or moon is called a halo by scientists. Sun halo captured on June 5, 2016 by Amy Gray in Aiken, South Carolina. A ring or circle of light around the sun or moon is called a halo by scientists." }, { "docid": "835442", "title": "Forensic science", "text": "In addition to their laboratory role, forensic scientists testify as expert witnesses in both criminal and civil cases and can work for either the prosecution or the defense. While any field could technically be forensic, certain sections have developed over time to encompass the majority of forensically related cases." }, { "docid": "6330090", "title": "Forensic Science Salary", "text": "Some forensic scientists who have been in the business for 5 years see their salaries double from $1500 to $3000 per month just because of the experience factor. Other forensic scientists eventually earn salaries that are between $35,000 and $50,000 per year.ome forensic scientists who have been in the business for 5 years see their salaries double from $1500 to $3000 per month just because of the experience factor. Other forensic scientists eventually earn salaries that are between $35,000 and $50,000 per year." }, { "docid": "4556369", "title": "-", "text": "Their background and experience make forensic lab technicians ideal crime scene investigators. Some get additional education (usually a master’s degree) and become lab scientists. Others prefer to explore other career opportunities in criminal justice such as police work, private detection or law." }, { "docid": "4112122", "title": "-", "text": "DNA profiling (also called DNA fingerprinting, DNA testing, or DNA typing) is a forensic technique used to identify individuals by characteristics of their DNA." }, { "docid": "690725", "title": "Forensic Science Careers", "text": "Forensic Science Careers in the UK. For anybody thinking about forensic science careers in the UK, The Forensic Science Service website is well worth a visit. Click Here To Visit The Forensic Science Service Website." }, { "docid": "8361951", "title": "Crime Scene Investigator Education Requirements and Career Info", "text": "Required Education. The most applicable education for work as a crime scene investigator is a bachelor's degree in forensic science, forensic anthropology or forensic biology. Forensic science degree programs emphasize interdisciplinary coursework, including criminal justice, molecular biology and biochemistry." }, { "docid": "4704669", "title": "Forensic Pathology Majors: Salary and Career Facts", "text": "Forensic Pathology Majors: Salary and Career Facts Lean how majoring in forensic pathology develops skills used in criminal investigations to identify cause of death. Read on to learn about careers in forensic pathology, education requirements and specializations in the field as well as employment and salary outlook." }, { "docid": "2279841", "title": "Forensic pathology", "text": "Forensic pathology is an application of medical jurisprudence. The forensic pathologist 1 : Is a medical doctor who has completed training in anatomical pathology and who has subsequently specialized in forensic pathology. 2 The requirements for becoming a fully qualified forensic pathologist vary from country to country.he autopsy is performed by a medical examiner, usually during the investigation of criminal law cases and civil law cases in some jurisdictions. Coroners and medical examiners are also frequently asked to confirm the identity of a corpse. Also see forensic medicine." }, { "docid": "7074307", "title": "DNA Analyst Job Description, Education Requirements & Salary", "text": "Career Outlook for a Forensic DNA Analyst. The employment outlook for those in the field of forensic science and DNA analysis is quite good actually. According to the 2010 U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics report, the field of forensic science should grow at a rate of about 19 percent between 2010 and 2020." }, { "docid": "6286933", "title": "-", "text": "Real-life forensic scientists are investigators who use evidence and scientific techniques to investigate and help solve whodunits, typically heinous crimes. And their days are anything but predictable." }, { "docid": "3493355", "title": "-", "text": "To become a forensic psychologist, it is beneficial to have a minor in law. Some forensic psychologists have doctorates in both psychology and law. Because the application of forensic psychology deals specifically with how psychology works with the law, most jobs require varying levels of legal studies." }, { "docid": "6842151", "title": "DNA Profiling Law and Legal Definition", "text": "DNA Profiling Law & Legal Definition. DNA profiling is a technique employed by forensic scientists to assist in the identification of individuals on the basis of their respective DNA profiles.The term is also known as DNA testing, DNA typing, or genetic fingerprinting. DNA profiles are encrypted sets of numbers that reflect a person's DNA makeup.NA Profiling Law & Legal Definition. DNA profiling is a technique employed by forensic scientists to assist in the identification of individuals on the basis of their respective DNA profiles." }, { "docid": "2349106", "title": "-", "text": "WDR – Forensic Capture. Axis’ WDR – Forensic Capture optimizes video for forensic purposes by enabling an extremely high level of detail to be visible in both dark and bright areas of a scene. It is the result of years of development at Axis combined with the best imaging components on the market." }, { "docid": "2969385", "title": "-", "text": "The term Scientific Revolution is a modern one. Most Early Modern scholars called themselves natural philosophers rather than scientists.. Both institutionally and conceptually, science was not the independent practice it is today.he term Scientific Revolution is a modern one. Most Early Modern scholars called themselves natural philosophers rather than scientists.. Both institutionally and conceptually, science was not the independent practice it is today." }, { "docid": "7341500", "title": "Forensic Pathologist", "text": "A forensic pathologist must first earn a bachelor’s degree, then a medical degree, either an M.D. or D.O. Extensive additional education and training is required, including four to five years of training in anatomic, clinical and/or forensic pathology and a one-year residency or fellowship in forensic pathology. Once training is completed, a forensic pathologist must pass an exam to become board certified." }, { "docid": "1932005", "title": "-", "text": "Forensic Files - Season 8, Ep 32: Over and Out - Duration: 22:17. Forensic Files 97,233 views" }, { "docid": "1688822", "title": "How to Become A Forensic Scientist", "text": "A:In order to become a forensic scientist, you will need an education in forensic sciences. If you are just looking for an entry level in the criminal justice sector, you can go for a 6 month certificate or diploma." } ]
what is a danube
[ { "docid": "4471981", "title": "-", "text": "Danube-the 2nd longest European river (after the Volga); flows from southwestern Germany to the Black Sea; Vienna, Budapest, and Belgrade are on the banks of the Danube. Danau, Danube River.Bulgaria, Republic of Bulgaria-a republic in the eastern part of the Balkan Peninsula in southeastern Europe.Czechoslovakia-a former republic in central Europe; divided into Czech Republic and Slovakia in 1993.ord History: Across Europe, from Russia to England, there are rivers with names beginning with a d and also containing an n: the Don, the Dnieper, and the Dniester of Russia and Ukraine, the Danube of central Europe, and the six rivers called Don in Britain." } ]
[ { "docid": "7934428", "title": "Viking River Cruise Disappoints", "text": "Viking River Cruise Disappoints. We took the Viking Grand European Cruise, 14 days from Amsterdam to Budapest. We were on the Viking Danube. We were disappointed and angry at some key parts of the cruise. Transfers were handled badly. For example, in Amsterdam, we had to push our luggage on city streets for 500 feet in the rain, only to have to wait ten minutes for the van to show up." }, { "docid": "1515950", "title": "Venus figurines", "text": "A Venus figurine is any Upper Paleolithic statuette portraying a woman. Most have been unearthed in Europe, but others have been found as far away as Siberia, extending their distribution across much of Eurasia.he famous Venus of Willendorf was excavated in 1908 in a loess deposit in the Danube valley, Austria. Since then, hundreds of similar figurines have been discovered from the Pyrenees to the plains of Siberia." }, { "docid": "4669647", "title": "-", "text": "Answered by The Community. Making the world better, one answer at a time. There are a variety of major landforms and rivers in southern Europe. Some include the Balkan Mountains, the Guadalquivir River, as well as the Corinth Canal.hat are the major rivers in Europe? The Thames, Rhine, Rhone, Danube, Dnieper, Don, Elbe, Loire, Oder, Po, Shanon, Tagas, Vistula, Volga, ural, pechora, Dneister, Daugara." }, { "docid": "5133156", "title": "DANUBE RIVER FACTS", "text": "The Danube flows through ten modern-day European nations: Romania, Hungary, Serbia, Austria, Germany, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Croatia, Ukraine, and Moldova. UNESCO World Heritage Sites in the Danube River Region." }, { "docid": "8691035", "title": "The Fall of Rome (150CE-475CE)", "text": "Summary. The Germanic tribes important to Roman downfall originated in Scandinavia, from which they moved south around 1000 BCE. By 100 BCE they had reached the Rhine area, and about two hundred years later, the Danube Basin, both Roman borders.ummary. The Germanic tribes important to Roman downfall originated in Scandinavia, from which they moved south around 1000 BCE. By 100 BCE they had reached the Rhine area, and about two hundred years later, the Danube Basin, both Roman borders." }, { "docid": "6400396", "title": "-", "text": "The three subspecies are: 1 C. c. carpio (mirror carp or European carp) is found in most of Europe (notably the Danube and Volga Rivers)." }, { "docid": "5241221", "title": "Croatia", "text": "Geography. Croatia is a former Yugoslav republic on the Adriatic Sea. It is about the size of West Virginia. Part of Croatia is a barren, rocky region lying in the Dinaric Alps.The Zagorje region north of the capital, Zagreb, is a land of rolling hills, and the fertile agricultural region of the Pannonian Plain is bordered by the Drava, Danube, and Sava Rivers in the east.art of Croatia is a barren, rocky region lying in the Dinaric Alps. The Zagorje region north of the capital, Zagreb, is a land of rolling hills, and the fertile agricultural region of the Pannonian Plain is bordered by the Drava, Danube, and Sava Rivers in the east." }, { "docid": "7902256", "title": "Passau", "text": "Passau is a town in Lower Bavaria, Germany. It is also known as the Dreiflüssestadt or City of Three Rivers, because the Danube is joined at Passau by the Inn from the south and the Ilz from the north. Passau's population is 50,000 of whom about 12,000 are students at the local University of Passau. It is renowned in Germany for its institutes of economics, law, theology, computer science and cultural studies." }, { "docid": "7902249", "title": "-", "text": "Passau (German pronunciation: [ˈpasaʊ]' Bavarian: Båssa) is a town in Lower Bavaria, Germany. It is also known as the Dreiflüssestadt or City of Three Rivers, because the Danube is joined at Passau by the Inn from the south and the Ilz from the north. Passau's population is 50,000 of whom about 12,000 are students at the local University of Passau." }, { "docid": "885107", "title": "-", "text": "Geography. Hungary is a landlocked region located in Central Europe. Its borders are: Slovakia in the north, Romania and Ukraine in the east, Austria to the west, Serbia and Croatia to the south, and Slovenia to its southwest. There are two major rivers that run through the country, which are the Danube and the Tisza.escription about Map :- Situated in Central Europe to the north western part of Romania, Hungary encompasses a total land area of 93,030 sq. km. The map of Hungary clearly points out the geographical divisions of the country. Buy Hungary Maps." }, { "docid": "2586201", "title": "Tours and Excursions from the Black Sea Coast in Romania", "text": "Tours and Excursions from the Black Sea Coast in Romania. Email this Page to a Friend. Danube Delta Cruise with Traditional Lunch. The starting point for the Delta adventure is from Mamaia Resort and there will be a drive of an hour and a half to the city of Tulcea." }, { "docid": "8231958", "title": "-", "text": "Carpathian Fagaras Mountains: Bucura and Ana Lakes photo at: The Hyperboreans’ country, especially in that epoch, when their religion had started to have a decisive influence on Greek life, was, according to what the most important authors tell us, on the northern parts of the Lower Danube and the Black Sea." }, { "docid": "5100601", "title": "Buda vs. Pest: One city, two personalities", "text": "1 Separated by the Danube, Pest and Buda became one city in 1873. 2 Budapest was almost called Pestbuda. 3 Hilly Buda has great views; Pest is flat but buzzing. 4 Even the thermal spas on each side have a different vibe.udapest rolls off the tongue pretty easily, and the Hungarian capital itself feels as if it's been around for a long time. But Budapest is a relatively recent construct -- the result of an 1873 merger between two distinct cities: Buda on the western bank of the Danube and Pest on the bank opposite." }, { "docid": "7108710", "title": "What river was ancient rome built on?", "text": "Some of the rivers that the ancient Romans used were the Tiber, the Rubicon, the Nile, the Danube and the Rhine. Some of the rivers that the ancient Romans used were the Tiber, the Rubicon, the Nile, the Danube and the Rhine. Some of the rivers that the ancient Romans used were the Tiber, the Rubicon, the Nile, the Danube and the Rhine. Some of the rivers that the ancient Romans used were the Tibe … r, the Rubicon, the Nile, the Danube and the Rhine. How many rivers were in Ancient Rome? get horny" }, { "docid": "3250750", "title": "Main (river)", "text": "The Main (. [ˈmaɪn]. ) is a river in Germany. With a length of 527 km (327 mi) (including the White Main: 574 km (357 mi)), it is the longest right tributary of the Rhine, and the longest river lying entirely in Germany (if we consider the Weser and the Werra as two separate rivers; together they are longer).he Main has been canalized with 34 large locks (300 m × 12 m (984 ft × 39 ft)) to allow CEMT class V (110 m × 11.45 m (360.9 ft × 37.6 ft)) vessels to navigate the total length of the river. The 16 locks in the adjacent Rhine-Main-Danube Canal and the Danube itself are of the same dimensions." }, { "docid": "2309800", "title": "Map of Europe Terms", "text": "What is the name of the river that originates in central Spain and empties into the Atlantic Ocean near Lisbon? Danube River What is the name of the river that begins in the Alps, flows through or borders eight European countries, and empties into the Black Sea? Pyrenees What is the name of the mountain range that runs along the border of France and Spain?" }, { "docid": "2913229", "title": "River Cruising To Bountiful Budapest", "text": "The beginning or ending point for most Danube cruises, Budapest was once referred to as the “Queen of the Danube,” because of the city’s cultural significance at a time when Hungary was three times the size it is today. On one side of the Danube, hilly Buda retains much of its Middle Age charm." }, { "docid": "238990", "title": "-", "text": "Belgrade, Serbia you won't find an abundance of checklist attractions here, but you will find a lively and interesting urban center with good nightlife and appealing prices. Belgrade is the capital and largest city of Serbia. It is located at the confluence of the Sava and Danube rivers, where the Pannonian Plain meets the Balkans." }, { "docid": "4971968", "title": "CROATIA", "text": "It also lends itself to a longitudinal division into the islands, the coast proper and the immediate hinterland. The Croatian Adriatic coast is one of the most indented in the world: it has 1185 islands and islets with a total coastline of 4,058 km, the total length of the mainland coast being 1777 km.The largest island is Krk; other large islands include Cres, Brac, Hvar, Pag and Korcula.roatia is an Adriatic and a Central European country. It streches in the form of an arc from the Danube in the northeast to Istria in the west and Boka Kotorska in the southeast. Its area is 56,538 sq.km., and the area of the coastal sea about 31,900 sq.km." }, { "docid": "7108709", "title": "-", "text": "Danube River. Delphi. Derbe. Dniester River. Douro River. Dyrrhachium. Ebro River. Edessa. Emerita Augusta. Emesa. Ephesus. Epiphania. Euphrates River. Fair Havens. Florentia. Forum Appius. Gades. Galatia. Gallia. Gangra. Garonne River. Gaza. Genua. Germania. Gordium. Greater Syrtis. Guadalquivir River. Guadiana River. Halicarnassus. Halys River. Haran. Heliopolis. Heraclea Pontus. Hippo Regius. Hispalis. Hispania" }, { "docid": "2973282", "title": "-", "text": "Understand[edit] Krems, along with neighboring cities Stein, Egelsee, Dürnstein and Spitz an der Donau are known for their world class wine production as well as their proximity to the Danube." }, { "docid": "2770597", "title": "Danube River", "text": "What I find fascinating is that the Danube River used to be the longest river in Europe before the fall of the Iron Curtain in 1989. Since then, the longest river is Volga, with the length of 3,692 kilometres (2,294 miles).When you consider the river Breg as the source, the Danube is 2,888 kilometers (1,794 miles) long.When compared to all the rivers, the Danube is only the 40th longest river in the world.hat I find fascinating is that the Danube River used to be the longest river in Europe before the fall of the Iron Curtain in 1989. Since then, the longest river is Volga, with the length of 3,692 kilometres (2,294 miles)." }, { "docid": "6743896", "title": "What Is the Longest German Word?", "text": "Updated August 25, 2017. The classic longest German word is Donaudampfschiffahrtsgesellschaftskapitän, which in English becomes four words: Danube steamship company captain.. Most languages, including English, string smaller words together to form longer ones, but the Germans take this practice to new extremes." }, { "docid": "580404", "title": "What are two major mountain ranges in Europe?", "text": "The two major mountains ranges in Europe are the Alps, which stretches across much of the continent, and the Ural Mountains which divides the continent from Asia.here are many major rivers which are located in Europe. Some of the largest include the Volga, Danube, Ural, and Dnieper rivers." }, { "docid": "8145530", "title": "25 Longest Rivers in Europe", "text": "The Prut is the river in Eastern Europe, it originates on the eastern slope of the Mount Hoveria in the Carpathian Mountains in Ukraine, and merge to Danube river (a second longest river in Europe). Length: 953 km Drainage area (km 2): 27,500 Outflow: Danube River Countries (In the drainage basin): Ukraine, Romania, Moldova. 22. Tisza" }, { "docid": "885109", "title": "HUNGARY", "text": "Comparatively, Hungary is slightly smaller than the state of Indiana. The capital, Budapest, is located in the central northern region on the Danube river, which runs from Austria to the Croatian-Serbian border.omparatively, Hungary is slightly smaller than the state of Indiana. The capital, Budapest, is located in the central northern region on the Danube river, which runs from Austria to the Croatian-Serbian border." }, { "docid": "2570344", "title": "River Rhine commended for river basin management", "text": "Topics: Water, Land use, Agriculture, The River Rhine has won the first ever International River Foundation (IRF) European River Prize, which is given for remarkable achievements in integrated river basin management.The other finalists were the Órbigo órbigo river In, spain The Upper drau In, austria and The-Mura-Drava danube In Central. europehe panel selected the Rhine as the winner as they were able to clearly demonstrate leadership, sophistication and an integrated, complex approach to river basin management. They also recognised that the Rhine had overcome a range of challenges and achieved real on-ground improvements in river and species health." }, { "docid": "5790712", "title": "-", "text": "Viking River Cruises Departure Ports. Enrich your life with a cruise on a Viking river ship. This river cruise line is devoted to giving their passengers a cultural curriculum. The cruise line has a wide array of ships sailing rivers like the Seine, Rhine, Danube and Elbe in Europe, but they also explore Asia, Russia, and Egypt." }, { "docid": "3013710", "title": "Nürnberg (Nuremberg), Germany", "text": "Nuremberg is a city in the German state of Bavaria. Situated on the Pegnitz River and the Rhine-Main-Danube Canal, it is located about 170 kilometers north of Munich. The population as of December 2010 is 505,664 residents, with a metropolitan statistical area population of 3.5 million people." }, { "docid": "2770598", "title": "Danube", "text": "The Danube is navigable by ocean ships from the Black Sea to Brăila in Romania and by river ships to Kelheim, Bavaria, Germany; smaller craft can navigate further upstream to Ulm, Wuerttemberg, Württemberg. Germany about 60 of its tributaries are also. navigablehe Danube is navigable by ocean ships from the Black Sea to Brăila in Romania and by river ships to Kelheim, Bavaria, Germany; smaller craft can navigate further upstream to Ulm, Wuerttemberg, Württemberg. Germany about 60 of its tributaries are also. navigable" } ]
what is a denotation
[ { "docid": "2690890", "title": "-", "text": "Denotation Definition. Denotation is generally defined as literal or dictionary meanings of a word in contrast to its connotative or associated meanings.Let us try to understand this term with the help of an example.enotation Definition. Denotation is generally defined as literal or dictionary meanings of a word in contrast to its connotative or associated meanings." } ]
[ { "docid": "1605488", "title": "-", "text": "Page 2 of 8. Connotation and Denotation Connotation and denotation are not two separate things/signs. They are two aspects/ elements of a sign, and the connotative meanings of a word exist together with the denotative meanings]." }, { "docid": "1703059", "title": "Difference Between Connotation and Denotation", "text": "1.Denotation is the actual literal definition or meaning of a word or term. It is the dictionary definition. 2.Connotation is an association of a term. It can also be an emotional input attached to a word thus making it more figurative and suggestive." }, { "docid": "8753811", "title": "Denotation Examples", "text": "Denotation refers to the literal, dictionary definition of a word. Many of the words that we use also have feelings and emotions that are associated with them, and this is called connotation. We often must understand the denotation of a word, or its literal meaning, in order to understand the connotation." }, { "docid": "7661175", "title": "-", "text": "This introduction to connotation is an exciting and engaging activity involving the examination of sports team names. Students will gain understanding of the difference between the connotation and denotation/definition of words, and the importance of effective word choice.art II. Step 10: Direct the attention of the class to the list of team names on the board (overhead). As you go through the list, ask for volunteers to give a definition (denotation) of each word, as well as their reaction (connotation) to the word." }, { "docid": "8680366", "title": "-", "text": "Study Guide. The characters in The Story of an Hour are faced with a tragic situation, and we see how they all react. Here's a brief overview of characters, with questions related to characterization. By Esther Lombardi. 1 Text-The Story of an Hour. 2 Quotes. 3 Characters. 4 Terms / Vocabulary. 5 Questions for Study & Discussion. 6 Kate Chopin-Profile. 7 Louise Mallard (Mrs. 8 Beyond the obvious denotation of heart trouble, what could that mean in the context of Mrs. Mallard's love life/relationship with her husband? 9 What was the something coming to her? 10 Br" }, { "docid": "2436765", "title": "-", "text": "Connotation and Denotation. Connotation and Denotation are two principal methods of describing the meanings of. words. Connotation refers to the wide array of positive and negative associations that. most words naturally carry with them, whereas denotation is the precise, literal definition. of a word that might be found in a dictionary. Cars of the 1960’s. Thunderbird, Falcon, Charger, Comet, Mustang, Barracuda." }, { "docid": "5499726", "title": "-", "text": "Connotation refers to the wide array of positive and negative associations that most words naturally carry with them, whereas denotation is the precise, literal definition of a word that might be found in a dictionary. Cars of the 1960’s Thunderbird, Falcon, Charger, Comet, Mustang, Barracuda." }, { "docid": "3779024", "title": "Connotative vs. Denotative Vocabulary", "text": "Connotative vs. Denotative Vocabulary. Words are not limited to one single meaning. Most words have multiple meanings, which are categorized as either denotative or connotative. The denotation of a word is its explicit definition as listed in a dictionary. Let’s use the word “home” as an example. The denotative or literal meaning of “home” is “ a place where one lives; a residence.” Hint: Denotation, denotative, definition, and dictionary all start with the letter ‘D." }, { "docid": "7623593", "title": "Design", "text": "Here, a specification can be manifested as either a plan or a finished product, and primitives are the elements from which the design object is composed. With such a broad denotation, there is no universal language or unifying institution for designers of all disciplines." }, { "docid": "1153461", "title": "Connotation", "text": "I. What is Connotation? A connotation is a common feeling or association that a word has, in addition to its literal meaning (the denotation). Often, a series of words can have the same basic definitions, but completely different connotations—these are the emotions or meanings implied by a word, phrase, or thing." }, { "docid": "1962646", "title": "-", "text": "Denotation and connotation are tools used by writers to convey the literal and figurative in a work of literature. Denotation is the literal definition of a word, where the name Sistrunk Boulevard tells people where they are. Connotation is the figurative meaning of a word, the global and personal associations words carry." }, { "docid": "7610776", "title": "Difference Between Connotation And Denotation", "text": "Posted on. (Answer #1). Denotation is the dictionary meaning of a word. Connotation is the emotional overtones or nuances that the word is understood to have, but which don't necessarily show up in the dictionary. So, for example, the words youngster and child both have the same denotation.Answer #1). Denotation is the dictionary meaning of a word. Connotation is the emotional overtones or nuances that the word is understood to have, but which don't necessarily show up in the dictionary." }, { "docid": "7610775", "title": "-", "text": "(Answer #1). Denotation is the dictionary meaning of a word. Connotation is the emotional overtones or nuances that the word is understood to have, but which don't necessarily show up in the dictionary.So, for example, the words youngster and child both have the same denotation.Answer #1). Denotation is the dictionary meaning of a word. Connotation is the emotional overtones or nuances that the word is understood to have, but which don't necessarily show up in the dictionary." }, { "docid": "6267910", "title": "Semiotics for Beginners", "text": "Meaning includes both denotation and connotation. 'Denotation' tends to be described as the definitional, 'literal', 'obvious' or 'commonsense' meaning of a sign. In the case of linguistic signs, the denotative meaning is what the dictionary attempts to provide.Denotation' tends to be described as the definitional, 'literal', 'obvious' or 'commonsense' meaning of a sign. In the case of linguistic signs, the denotative meaning is what the dictionary attempts to provide." }, { "docid": "2242637", "title": "-", "text": "rain cloud. (meteorology). Any cloud from which rain falls; a popular term having no technical denotation. 1 Facebook. 2 Twitter." }, { "docid": "6977836", "title": "Difference Between Connotation and Denotation", "text": "1.Denotation is the actual literal definition or meaning of a word or term. It is the dictionary definition. 2.Connotation is an association of a term. It can also be an emotional input attached to a word thus making it more figurative and suggestive. 3.Denotation gives a more limited yet descriptive definition of a term. 4.Connotation can have a variety of descriptions affected by mood, emotion, experience, and season, among other factors. Read More ESL Articles" }, { "docid": "5499723", "title": "-", "text": "/ˌkɑːnəˈteɪʃən/. noun. plural connotations. Learner's definition of CONNOTATION. [count]. : an idea or quality that a word makes you think about in addition to its meaning. — compare denotation. a word with negative/positive connotations. For many people, the word “fat” has negative connotations. The word “childlike” has connotations of innocence." }, { "docid": "4565006", "title": "Connotation", "text": "Connotation is a meaning that is suggested or implied, as opposed to a denotation, or literal definition. Today the word has different meanings, but it is always used for the contrast of a word or phrase with its primary, literal meaning (known as a denotation). That can be an implied value judgement or feelings." }, { "docid": "1703058", "title": "Denotation", "text": "Denotation is generally defined as literal or dictionary meanings of a word in contrast to its connotative or associated meanings. Let us try to understand this term with the help of an example." }, { "docid": "3840037", "title": "Rhetorical Devices Example Sentences", "text": "<3 The denotation is a representation of a cartoon heart. One of our defects as a nation is a tendency to use what have been called 'weasel words.' When a weasel sucks eggs the meat is sucked out of the egg. If you use a 'weasel word' after another, there is nothing left of the other." }, { "docid": "7505979", "title": "Colon (punctuation)", "text": "On the Internet, a colon, or multiple colons, is sometimes used to denote an action (similar to how asterisks are used) or to emote (for example, in vBulletin). In the action denotation usage it has the inverse function of quotation marks, denoting actions where unmarked text is assumed to be dialogue.n the Internet, a colon, or multiple colons, is sometimes used to denote an action (similar to how asterisks are used) or to emote (for example, in vBulletin). In the action denotation usage it has the inverse function of quotation marks, denoting actions where unmarked text is assumed to be dialogue." }, { "docid": "678398", "title": "-", "text": "“lexis”: synonyms and related words: 1 acronym. 2 alphabetic. 3 Anglicism. 4 antonym. 5 archaism. 6 buzzword. 7 cognate. 8 coinage. 9 corruption. 10 defining vocabulary. 11 denotation. 12 false friend. 13 homophone. 14 loanword. 15 neologism. 16 nonsense word/syllable. 17 so-called. 18 technobabble. 19 term. 20 vocab." }, { "docid": "6441665", "title": "Connotation", "text": "A. Connotation is the literal meaning of a word, while denotation is the figurative meaning. B. Connotation is the implied meaning of a word and/or the emotional associations with it, while denotation is the dictionary definition.C. Connotation is the positive association with a word, while denotation is the negative association with it.efinition of Connotation. The connotation of a word refers to the emotional or cultural association with that word rather than its dictionary definition." }, { "docid": "850704", "title": "-", "text": "If you want to discuss the meaning of a word, it helps to know the difference between denotation and connotation. These two terms are easy to confuse because they describe related concepts. The denotation of a word or phrase is its explicit or direct meaning." }, { "docid": "6985226", "title": "The Literary Encyclopedia Glossary of Literary Terms. Part One: A-L.", "text": "DACTYL. A metrical foot of one strong stress and two weak. DENOTATION. The literal sense of a word or its strict dictionary definition, as opposed to connotation which refers to the attitudes, emotions and values which may be usually evoked by the word, or which may be evoked by it in a specific context." }, { "docid": "3196493", "title": "denotation", "text": "Denotation is defined as the literal dictionary definition of a word, as opposed to the feelings or emotions the word brings up. An example of denotation is the actual definition of the word love listed in a dictionary, instead of all of the feelings associated with the word love. The definition of denotation is the act of referring to something by using a symbol, sign or special reference words. 1 An example of denotation is a symbol that represents a brand name. An example of denotation is calling an auto mechanic a car doctor.." }, { "docid": "3175762", "title": "-", "text": "In linguistics, semantics is the subfield that is devoted to the study of meaning, as inherent at the levels of words, phrases, sentences, and larger units of discourse (termed texts, or narratives). The study of semantics is also closely linked to the subjects of representation, reference and denotation.he basic study of semantics is oriented to the examination of the meaning of signs, and the study of relations between different linguistic units and compounds: homonymy, synonymy, antonymy, hypernymy, hyponymy, meronymy, metonymy, holonymy, paronyms." }, { "docid": "2552279", "title": "-", "text": "Connotation and Denotation are two principal methods of describing the meanings of. words. Connotation refers to the wide array of positive and negative associations that. most words naturally carry with them, whereas denotation is the precise, literal definition. of a word that might be found in a dictionary. Cars of the 1960’s. Thunderbird, Falcon, Charger, Comet, Mustang, Barracuda." }, { "docid": "909968", "title": "The literal or \"dictionary\" definition of a word is its:?", "text": "The literal or dictionary definition of a word is its: connotation denotation peruasion observation.he literal or dictionary definition of a word is its: connotation denotation peruasion observation." }, { "docid": "2236254", "title": "-", "text": "Difference Between Connotation and Denotation. • Categorized under Words | Difference Between Connotation and Denotation. Connotation vs Denotation. The terms “connotation” and “denotation” are sometimes wrongly interchanged because of their close resemblance in terms of sound pronunciation. Nevertheless, the two should be treated differently as they are used distinctively in philosophy, linguistics, and grammar." } ]
what is a distributed ledger
[ { "docid": "3791697", "title": "-", "text": "A distributed ledger is a digital record of who-owns-what. But unlike traditional database technology, there is no central administrator of the ledger, nor is there a central data store. distributed ledger is a digital record of who-owns-what. But unlike traditional database technology, there is no central administrator of the ledger, nor is there a central data store." } ]
[ { "docid": "2848426", "title": "Heath Ledger", "text": "Ledger died on 22 January 2008 from an accidental intoxication from prescription drugs. A few months before his death, Ledger had finished filming his performance as the Joker in The Dark Knight." }, { "docid": "6532051", "title": "-", "text": "If you are installing an attached deck, your layout and installation will begin with a ledger. If you are building a freestanding deck, it will be supported on all sides by posts and footings, and you should skip to the next step." }, { "docid": "8005069", "title": "-", "text": "1 Put the ledger account total in the credit or debit column of your trial balance (as identified above). 2 When you have debit or credit totals for each ledger account, add all of your credit totals to get a credit grand total. 3 Add all of your debit totals to get a debit grand total. 4 This is your trial balance." }, { "docid": "4571982", "title": "SPSS Tutorials: Paired Samples t Test", "text": "1 To compare unpaired means between two groups on a continuous outcome that is normally distributed, choose the Independent Samples t Test. To compare unpaired means between more than two groups on a continuous outcome that is normally distributed, choose ANOVA." }, { "docid": "7016177", "title": "Welcome to Apache⢠Hadoop®!", "text": "The Apache™ Hadoop® project develops open-source software for reliable, scalable, distributed computing. The Apache Hadoop software library is a framework that allows for the distributed processing of large data sets across clusters of computers using simple programming models. Hadoop Common: The common utilities that support the other Hadoop modules. 2 Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS™) : A distributed file system that provides high-throughput access to application data. 3 Hadoop YARN: A framework for job scheduling and cluster resource management." }, { "docid": "2008183", "title": "How to Write an Accounting Ledger", "text": "How to Write an Accounting Ledger. Keeping a ledger is one of the tenets of basic accounting. Ledgers allow the company to quickly view all transactions in an account at once. Fortunately, keeping a ledger is fairly simple, requiring you to log every financial transaction..." }, { "docid": "70386", "title": "-", "text": "The preparer also submits the entry to the general ledger coordinator. for upload. Approver – The individual who is responsible for reviewing the journal entry template and supporting. documentation for validity, accuracy, and completeness prior to approving for posting it into the General. Ledger." }, { "docid": "5067749", "title": "Introduction to solutions", "text": "There are two types of Microsoft Dynamics 365 solutions: managed and unmanaged. A managed solution is a completed solution that is intended to be distributed and installed. An unmanaged solution is one that is still under development or isn’t intended to be distributed." }, { "docid": "8434656", "title": "What is the standard distance a closet rod should be from the back wall?", "text": "The standard is 67 up to the top of a 1X4 ledger and 12 from drywall for single hanging. the centerline of the closet pole cup is typically is 2 from the top of the ledger, it can be lower, then the ledger needs to be wider to accommodate. That puts the shelf at 67 3/4 to the top." }, { "docid": "5947120", "title": "-", "text": "There are eight steps in the accounting cycle and they are as follows: 1 Analyze transactions by examining source documents. 2 Journalize transactions in the journal. Post journal entries to the accounts in the ledger." }, { "docid": "2008188", "title": "What is a general ledger account?", "text": "The detail that supports each of the control accounts will be found outside of the general ledger in what is known as a subsidiary ledger. For example, Accounts Receivable could be a control account in the general ledger, and there will be a subsidiary ledger which contains each customer's credit activity." }, { "docid": "7246527", "title": "-", "text": "Unadjusted Trial Balance A trial balance is a list of the balances of ledger accounts of a business at a specific point of time usually at the end of a period such as month, quarter or year. An unadjusted trial balance is the one which is created before any adjustments are made in the ledger accounts. The preparation of a trial balance is very simple. All we have to do is to list the balances of the ledger accounts of a business. Example. Following is the unadjusted trial balance prepared from the ledger accounts of Company A." }, { "docid": "3041140", "title": "What Is an Average Ledger?", "text": "About the Average Ledger. A corporate account's average ledger balance is the account's average ending balance during the month. To calculate the average ledger balance, a company combines the ending balance from each day during the month and divides the result by the number of days in the month." }, { "docid": "5671692", "title": "Multimodal distribution", "text": "The ratio of two normal distributions is also bimodally distributed. Let = + + where a and b are constant and x and y are distributed as normal variables with a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1. R has a known density that can be expressed as a confluent hypergeometric function." }, { "docid": "2848423", "title": "Heath Ledger", "text": "Heath Ledger. Heathcliff Andrew Heath Ledger (4 April 1979 – 22 January 2008) was an Australian actor and director. After performing roles in several Australian television and film productions during the 1990s, Ledger left for the United States in 1998 to develop his film career." }, { "docid": "7256229", "title": "Preparing a Trial Balance", "text": "Balancing an Unbalanced Trial Balance. 1 Introduction. 2 Adding the debits and credits for the trial balance incorrectly. 3 Forgetting to include a ledger account balance on the trial balance. 4 Putting the ledger account balances in the wrong debit/credit column in the trial balance. 5 Writing the wrong ledger account balances in the trial balance columns." }, { "docid": "5589610", "title": "Difference Between Balance Sheet and Trial Balance", "text": "• Trial balance includes balances from all the accounts prepared in the general ledger, and the balance sheet includes only the relevant data from the asset, liability and capital accounts." }, { "docid": "6835468", "title": "Middleware (distributed applications)", "text": "This article is about distributed applications. For middleware in general, see Middleware. Middleware in the context of distributed applications is software that provides services beyond those provided by the operating system to enable the various components of a distributed system to communicate and manage data.iddleware often enables interoperability between applications that run on different operating systems, by supplying services so the application can exchange data in a standards-based way." }, { "docid": "3165893", "title": "Synchrony Financial joins R3 distributed ledger consortium", "text": "Synchrony Financial joins R3 distributed ledger consortium. Dateline: October 24, 2016 (New York/San Francisco/London) – Financial innovation firm R3 has announced the addition of Synchrony Financial (NYSE: SYF) to its partnership dedicated to designing and applying distributed and shared ledger-inspired technologies to global financial markets." }, { "docid": "4814490", "title": "Regression when the OLS residuals are not normally distributed", "text": "Regression when the OLS residuals are not normally distributed. There are several threads on this site discussing how to determine if the OLS residuals are asymptotically normally distributed. Another way to evaluate the normality of the residuals with R code is provided in this excellent answer. This is another discussion on the practical difference between standardized and observed residuals. But let's say the residuals are definitely not normally distributed, like in this example." }, { "docid": "1321061", "title": "-", "text": "MORE INFORMATION. Reconciling Accounts Receivable to the General Ledger. Reconciling the balances in the Accounts Receivable module with AR accounts in General Ledger is an important step and should be done as part of the month-end closing process.econciling the balances in the Accounts Receivable module with AR accounts in General Ledger is an important step and should be done as part of the month-end closing process." }, { "docid": "5671689", "title": "Multimodal distribution", "text": "The value of U is 1 if the distribution has any of the three following characteristics: 1 all responses are in a single category. 2 the responses are evenly distributed among all the categories. 3 the responses are evenly distributed among two or more contiguous categories, with the other categories with zero responses." }, { "docid": "6351210", "title": "-", "text": "10 Distributed Loads ! In this case, we can divide the loading diagram into two parts, one a rectangular load and the other a triangular load. 19 Distrubuted Loads Monday, November 5, 2012 Distributed Loads ! Now you have two loads that you already have the rules for." }, { "docid": "7959244", "title": "Heath Ledger", "text": "Bon Iver's Perth was inspired by Heath Ledger. Justin Vernon, the lead singer and songwriter of the American indie folk band, revealed back in 2011 that he had begun working on the song in 2008 and was scheduled to meet with a music video director who was good friends with Ledger, Matt Amato." }, { "docid": "5729432", "title": "-", "text": "This feature is not available right now. Please try again later. This video provides instruction on how to reconcile AR or AP to the General Ledger in Microsoft Dynamics GP. In the financial module there is a routine called Reconcile to GL that you can use to help reconcile your subledger to the GL at month end.his feature is not available right now. Please try again later. This video provides instruction on how to reconcile AR or AP to the General Ledger in Microsoft Dynamics GP. In the financial module there is a routine called Reconcile to GL that you can use to help reconcile your subledger to the GL at month end." }, { "docid": "7238241", "title": "-", "text": "8.5 x 11 - General Ledger. 2 Column; 3 Column; 4 Column; 5 Column; 8 Column. 17 x 11 - General Ledger. 24 Column - 40 Rows. 11 x 8.5 - General Ledger. 4 Column - 28 Rows - Landscape. 8.5 x 14 - General Ledger. 4 Column - 54 Rows - Portrait. 6 x 9 - Catalog Enelopes Ledger. 4 Column - 28 Rows - Portrait" }, { "docid": "5156942", "title": "-", "text": "In this episode we show you how to lay out the ledger fasteners, anchor the ledger to the concrete foundation using a hammer drill and wedge anchors, and how to detail the ledger when it must be installed over basement windows. Introduction." }, { "docid": "2691859", "title": "Heath Ledger (1979â2008)", "text": "Heath Ledger (1979–2008) Actor | Soundtrack | Director. When hunky, twenty-year-old heart-throb Heath Ledger first came to the attention of the public in 1999, it was all too easy to tag him as a pretty boy and an actor of little depth." }, { "docid": "2483819", "title": "-", "text": "If you do keep a correct ledger, the POS information will help with immediate reconciliation. If you tell the merchant that you wish to use the card as credit instead of debit, still, the transaction might not be reflected on your account statement for several days." }, { "docid": "6945998", "title": "Difference Between Journal and ledger", "text": "Narration is not allowed in the ledger. The ledger is where the folio of the journal and the sub-journal is recorded. Relevant information can be ascertained in the ledger because of the grouped transactions. In preparing for the final account, the ledger plays a vital part, because the ledger is the basis for the final account." } ]
what is a dojang
[ { "docid": "1794590", "title": "What is a Dojang?", "text": "One of the early interpretations I've come across is that a dojang is a meditation hall. It is a place where you contemplate your journey along the way or your study of '道'. 道 is not an academic subject - it is an inner journey which you embark on." } ]
[ { "docid": "2356205", "title": "Hapkido", "text": "Choi's first student and the first person known to have opened up a dojang under Choi was Seo Bok-Seob (also spelled Suh Bok-Sup; Hangul: 서복섭). In 1948, when Seo Bok-sub was still in his early 20s, he had already earned his black belt in judo and was a graduate of Korea University." }, { "docid": "576310", "title": "Hapkido", "text": "Hapkido students practice throws and joint manipulation in a dojang. In addition to throws which are achieved by unbalancing one's opponent through the twisting of their joints, hapkido also contains techniques of pure throwing which do not require the assistance of jointlocks.he hapkido practitioner learns to view an attacker as an energy entity rather than as a physical entity. The bigger the person is, the more energy a person has, the better it is for the hapkido student. Yu, the water principle, can be thought of as the soft, adaptable strength of water." }, { "docid": "1794595", "title": "-", "text": "FROM THE DOJANG: Yum's Hwa Rang Do is a Family - Duration: 2:12. From the Dojang 385 views" }, { "docid": "1794597", "title": "What is Dojang", "text": "Tae Kwon Do Dojang Do-Jang (도장) Dojang is a term used in Korean martial arts, such as taekwondo, Kuk Sool Won, and hapkido, that refers to a formal training hall. It is typically considered the formal gathering place for students of a martial art to conduct training, examinations and other related encounters." }, { "docid": "1794591", "title": "FROM THE DOJANG: \"What is 'Wei Gong\"", "text": "This is the latest of our blog FROM THE DOJANG; in this episode we answer the question: What is Wei Gong. Wei Gong is the physical aspects of our art HWA RA... This is the latest of our blog FROM THE DOJANG; in this episode we answer the question: What is Wei Gong. Wei Gong is the physical aspects of our art HWA RANG DO. It is the forms, basics, throws, kicks, joint locks, self defense techniques etc that make up up our physical techniques." }, { "docid": "1488580", "title": "Hapkido", "text": "Hapkido contains both long-and close-range fighting techniques, utilizing jumping kicks and percussive hand strikes at longer ranges and pressure point strikes, joint locks, or throws at closer fighting distances. Hapkido emphasizes circular motion, redirection of force, and control of the opponent.Practitioners seek to gain advantage through footwork and body positioning to incorporate the use of leverage, avoiding the use of strength against strength.apkido students practice throws and joint manipulation in a dojang. In addition to throws which are achieved by unbalancing one's opponent through the twisting of their joints, hapkido also contains techniques of pure throwing which do not require the assistance of jointlocks." }, { "docid": "4643364", "title": "-", "text": "Later in 1960 the Lee brothers opened their first school. It had been almost 600 years since these Hwarang combat skills were taught in the public. With the establishment of their Hwarang Musool (Hwa Rang Do) dojang the Lee brothers ended the secret passage of these Hwarang combat skills." }, { "docid": "8432086", "title": "-", "text": "Meanings Of The Belt Colors by. Grand Master James S. Benko. The color of the belts used is by no means merely some random selection of colors to distinguish the different ranks. Each belt color has a meaning symbolizing advancement and increased awareness. The color belt system is not just a representation of rank advancement, it is also is an acknowledgement of individual personal growth. Such advancement signifies not only growth within the dojang (training hall), but that of positive character and growth outside of the dojang." }, { "docid": "2469899", "title": "How to Bow Correctly in Taekwondo and Why", "text": "A false bow or incorrect bow in worse than no bow at all and it is important that every time you bow it is genuine and means something to you. Bear in mind that you do not have to like a person to respect them in the martial arts. To like someone is only an added bonus. When to bow: 1 When greeting your instructor, whether inside the Dojang or not. 2 When wanting advice or help from your instructor or a higher grade. 3 When entering and leaving the Dojang." }, { "docid": "1794596", "title": "-", "text": "FROM THE DOJANG: What is Moo Gi Gong - Duration: 2:22. From the Dojang 787 views" }, { "docid": "576303", "title": "-", "text": "In Korean, a dojo is called a dojang. Thus, Korean martial arts, such as Taekwondo, when taught poorly and for high profits are done in mcdojangs. Guy 1: Hey man I heard that your promotion test cost $500, sounds like a mcdojo. Guy 2: You're a moron, I take Hapkido so it's a mcdojang.n Korean, a dojo is called a dojang. Thus, Korean martial arts, such as Taekwondo, when taught poorly and for high profits are done in mcdojangs. Guy 1: Hey man I heard that your promotion test cost $500, sounds like a mcdojo. Guy 2: You're a moron, I take Hapkido so it's a mcdojang." }, { "docid": "3244294", "title": "How to Choose a Taekwondo School", "text": "Taekwondo is distinctly and proudly Korean. In Korean a Taekwondo school is called a Dojang and sometimes Kwan. The Korean terms for instructor Sabonim and Kwan Jang for the person in charge of the school. Beware Taekwondo schools that use the Japanese or Chinese terms such as Dojo, Professor, Sifu or Sensei." }, { "docid": "2211064", "title": "-", "text": "KUKKIWON TAEKWONDO BLACK BELT CERTIFICATION DAN FEES. IF you are a 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th Dan in KUKKIWON TAEKWONDO, and are running a Dojang for yourself or someone else, or you want to open a Dojang but do not know how to get yourself or your student's KukKiWon Dan certification, THEN THIS PAGE IS FOR YOU." }, { "docid": "1794598", "title": "Dojang", "text": "Do (道) means ‘the way’ or ‘art’ and Jang (場) means ‘a place’. Which makes dojang the place where one practices the way. In the case of martial arts it is the place where one practices the path of that martial art. More specific terms such as “hapkidojang” or “taekwondojang” can be used for particular subtypes of dojang." }, { "docid": "576305", "title": "Dojang", "text": "Dojang refers to the actual place in the gym where practice takes place. The equivalent Japanese term for dojang is dōjō (道場), which means place of the way.. While the Chinese equivalent is wu guan (武館), which means house of military..n the case of martial arts it is the place where one practices the path of that martial art, much like dojo in Japanese. More specific terms such as hapkidojang or taekwondojang can be used for particular subtypes of dojang. The word dojang (道場) originates from Buddhism." }, { "docid": "1794594", "title": "-", "text": "Students stay in touch with Dojang progress; forms, weapons, sparring, and demos along with belt rank progress and every day participation within the school and federation. Your IP address has been recorded for legal purposes" }, { "docid": "1794589", "title": "-", "text": "This is the latest of our blog FROM THE DOJANG; in this episode we answer the question: What is Wei Gong. Wei Gong is the physical aspects of our art HWA RA... Skip navigation" }, { "docid": "576306", "title": "FROM THE DOJANG: \"What is 'Wei Gong\"", "text": "Please try again later. This is the latest of our blog FROM THE DOJANG; in this episode we answer the question: What is Wei Gong. Wei Gong is the physical aspects of our art HWA RANG DO.It is the forms, basics, throws, kicks, joint locks, self defense techniques etc that make up up our physical techniques.For more information please visit: www.cincyhrd.com or like us on FaceBook: CIncinnati-Northern Kentucky Hwa Rang Do.ei Gong is the physical aspects of our art HWA RANG DO. It is the forms, basics, throws, kicks, joint locks, self defense techniques etc that make up up our physical techniques. For more information please visit: www.cincyhrd.com or like us on FaceBook: CIncinnati-Northern Kentucky Hwa Rang Do." }, { "docid": "8363190", "title": "TaeKwonDo Belt Requirements", "text": "Learn the Korean Art of Tae Kwon Do from Tae Kwon Do Master Adam Gibson. In this video you learn all the basics of Taekwondo from kicking, punching, blocking, proper dojang etiquette, and even how to tie your belt." }, { "docid": "6422442", "title": "How long does it take to become a Black belt in Tae Kwon Do?", "text": "What you are asking is long does it usually take the average person at the average dojang to achieve their first blackbelt. For adults that is usually 3 years and most schools require you to be 16 or 17. Some places it may take 5 years and some will hand them out in a year or 2.t would take approximately 3-5 years training to achieve Black belt. In TKD children are awarded what is called a poom belt,jr.black belt (black/red belt) until the age of 16yrs. old." }, { "docid": "2275863", "title": "-", "text": "You will hear these terms used a dojang (The Japanese word dojo is more well known) for taekwondo often. Also, the terms can be applied to other aspects of the language, and not just taekwondo (for example, the body parts, weapon terms, use of colors for belts, etc). Let's get started!" }, { "docid": "576301", "title": "Dojang", "text": "Dojang is a term used in Korean martial arts, such as taekwondo, Kuk Sool Won, and hapkido, that refers to a formal training hall.It is typically considered the formal gathering place for students of a martial art to conduct training, examinations and other related encounters.n the case of martial arts it is the place where one practices the path of that martial art, much like dojo in Japanese. More specific terms such as hapkidojang or taekwondojang can be used for particular subtypes of dojang. The word dojang (道場) originates from Buddhism." }, { "docid": "1794592", "title": "What is a Dojang?", "text": "The martial arts dojang is a nurturing and safe place. It has to be preserved as a safe place through the tenet of self-control. There are two ends of this spectrum of self control. One is that practice can be dangerous and lethal." }, { "docid": "576302", "title": "Dojang", "text": "Do (道) means 'the way' or 'art' and Jang (場) means 'a place'. Which makes dojang the place where one practices the way. In the case of martial arts it is the place where one practices the path of that martial art, much like dojo in Japanese.More specific terms such as hapkidojang or taekwondojang can be used for particular subtypes of dojang. The word dojang (道場) originates from Buddhism.n the case of martial arts it is the place where one practices the path of that martial art, much like dojo in Japanese. More specific terms such as hapkidojang or taekwondojang can be used for particular subtypes of dojang. The word dojang (道場) originates from Buddhism." }, { "docid": "4740455", "title": "How many years should be practiced to earn a black belt in Taekwondo?", "text": "In Taekwondo, it is likely that a dedicated student will be eligible to test for a 1st Degree Black Belt (Il Dan) after 3 to 5 years (at my Dojang, the minimum time is 4 years). Students can fail a Taekwondo test, and I have seen it happen many times over my decades in this art." }, { "docid": "1794593", "title": "What is a Dojang?", "text": "The venue of the dojang is really any place designated for you to immerse yourself in mental, physical, or spiritual contemplation. It could be that secluded wooden structure in some idyllic woods, or a basketball court in some gym, or even a garage in Western Australia." } ]
what is a drop shot rig good for
[ { "docid": "6665938", "title": "The Drop-Shot Technique Versatility Be Thy Name!", "text": "You don't always have to beef up your drop-shot rig when fishing cover using the drop-shot technique. Wacky rigging a stick worm on a drop-shot rig is an effective drop shot technique for use around shallow cover such as docks, laydowns, brush piles or isolated clumps of weeds." } ]
[ { "docid": "6149542", "title": "-", "text": "Medium Long Shot (MLS) 1 Also known as a three-quarters shot. 2 Frames the whole subject from the knees up. 3 An intermediate shot between the long shot and the medium shot. Shows the subject in relation to the surroundings." }, { "docid": "4793829", "title": "Meet the cruise liner for ships! Massive carrier craft can hold up to 22 barges - and even an oil rig - on its back", "text": "The barges were stacked up and then floated on the ship a few at a time. Its biggest cargo was a BP oil rig Thunder Horse 16,000 miles from Korea to the Gulf of Mexico. The one billion dollar rig is the largest offshore structure in the world and weighed 60,000 tonnes." }, { "docid": "3268650", "title": "The 180 degree rule, looking space and eyeline match", "text": "You could just show your scene in long shot, but that would mean we couldn’t see facial expressions, or details of what characters are doing, very well. It would also be quite boring because the camera position doesn’t change. Shot reverse shot. Shot 2: Mid shot. Shot 3: Closeup. Shot 4: Big closeup" }, { "docid": "1031075", "title": "-", "text": "Much cheaper than either judos or rubber, but smarba makes a good point, if your shooting in rocky terrain rubber probably makes more sense. We shot about 80 rabbits last year in two days with the steel blunts." }, { "docid": "1607105", "title": "Hook, line and sinkerâ¦", "text": "If you’re tying on a sinker instead of using a real drop shot sinker with a self cinching clip on the weight, you’re wasting time every time you have to re-rig because of a bite off, break off or abraded line." }, { "docid": "2940810", "title": "Drilling rig", "text": "Drilling rig. A drilling rig is a machine that creates holes in the earth sub-surface. Drilling rigs can be massive structures housing equipment used to drill water wells, oil wells, or natural gas extraction wells, or they can be small enough to be moved manually by one person and are called augers." }, { "docid": "6451024", "title": "-", "text": "If you don't already own a rig and your want to start a hot shot trucking business, it is best to buy a used truck to get started. Buying used over new will save you thousands in start up costs.ot Shot Trucking. The term hot shot trucking is applied to truckers who drive rigs smaller than the standard semi-truck and trailer. It also refers to moving less than a truckload or LTL." }, { "docid": "6206431", "title": "How to Use Rapala Lures", "text": "How you fish the Rapala will determine what sinker to use, if any. 1 To fish topwater or in shallow water, you don't need a sinker at all. 2 To go deeper when casting into medium depths, you can put a split shot 12 to 24 inches (0.3 to 0.6 m) ahead of your line. 3 To cast or troll in deep water, use a three-way swivel rig." }, { "docid": "2915046", "title": "How much do offshore oil rig roustabouts make?", "text": "In Europe a roustabout on an drilling rig gets about 2000 Euros every 2 weeks and on accommodation rig (flotel) they get about 1500 Euros every 2 weeks. It depends on where you are working. In Europe a roustabout on an drilling rig gets about 2000 Euros every 2 weeks and on accommodation rig (flotel) they get about 1500 Euros every 2 weeks. It depends on where you are working." }, { "docid": "6700802", "title": "What does an eighth of an ounce weigh in grams?", "text": "What does an eighth of an ounce weigh in grams? 3.125g (This is not correct) ________________________ Before you get shot for under weighing your pot. An 8th of an ounce is 3.5 grams. Well at least where I come from:)… Good luck." }, { "docid": "8728842", "title": "-", "text": "The pin weight on my rig was advertised at 1925# with a GVWR of 14000#. Actual weight when loaded was 2360# for the pin and 14025# for the rig. I started with a 3/4 ton 4x4 cc short box and now have a 1 ton dually cc with a long box." }, { "docid": "5224702", "title": "-", "text": "I’ll give it a shot. Many others (including Rebecca Mead, who wrote the foreword to that same edition) have said it before, and more eloquently, but, man, is “Middlemarch” good. I mean, miss-your-stop-on-the-train and sneak-a-read-at-work good." }, { "docid": "6567692", "title": "5 Considerations for Relationships with a Big Age Difference", "text": "my doctor said that the levels need to go down at least 15% between day 4 and day 7 after your shot. i hope everything works out for you. keep me posted. Good luck shann, I only needed one treatment, my numbers were only in the double didgets to begin with." }, { "docid": "6040906", "title": "-", "text": "Learner's definition of RIG. [count]. 1. : equipment or machinery that is used for a particular purpose. an oil-drilling rig = an oil rig. a radio rig. [+] more examples [-] hide examples [+] Example sentences [-] Hide examples. 2. US: a large truck that is attached to a trailer. He drives a big rig.earner's definition of RIG. [count]. 1. : equipment or machinery that is used for a particular purpose. an oil-drilling rig = an oil rig. a radio rig. [+] more examples [-] hide examples [+] Example sentences [-] Hide examples. 2. US: a large truck that is attached to a trailer. He drives a big rig." }, { "docid": "2167184", "title": "Sports", "text": "Doubles - a tennis game played by four players, two per side of the court. Down the line - hitting a tennis shot straight down the baseline. Drop shot - a strategy where the tennis player hits the ball just go over the net. It is used when the opponent is far from the net." }, { "docid": "5147443", "title": "Plantronics Rig 500E Review", "text": "The Plantronics Rig 500E is a one-of-a-kind headset that offers an impressive level of customization, and it has the sound quality to back up its fancy features.erdict The Plantronics Rig 500E is a one-of-a-kind competitive-gaming headset with swappable ear cups and impressive sound. The Plantronics Rig 500E is a one-of-a-kind competitive-gaming headset with swappable ear cups and impressive sound. $149.00 Plantronics.com." }, { "docid": "8413831", "title": "5 Killed, 7 Wounded In Valentineâs Day Shootings", "text": "Tuesday’s first shooting happened about 2:30 a.m. in a Lawndale home invasion in the 1400 block of South Central Park. Two people forced their way inside, and then shot through the door of a 19-year-old man’s room before taking off, police said. He was shot in the side and taken to Mount Sinai in good condition. More than 400 people have been shot, 69 fatally, in Chicago over the first seven weeks of the year. (Source: Sun-Times Media Wire © Chicago Sun-Times 2017." }, { "docid": "3648870", "title": "-", "text": "When only one person is to be shot, it is a one-shot. Obviously, a shot that shows two people is a two-shot, three people make a three-shot, and so on; however, when five or six people are pictured it is called a group-shot. A crowd-shot is when a large group of 20 or more people is being framed." }, { "docid": "1537408", "title": "-", "text": "The “dabber” heats the nail up with a torch, and then uses a “dabber” to place hash on the heated nail. The Dab then melts Dabs vaporize not melt! and a THC-filled smoke cloud fills up the rig and enters the consumer’s lung and is inhaled into the consumer’s lungs.. The second rig method uses an Electronic Nail (an “E-Nail), which plugs into an outlet and electronically heats up a rig." }, { "docid": "8450803", "title": "-", "text": "1 If there is a creek that feeds water into the pond, that is also a good place to look for catfish. 2 Drop your line in the area of the pond right where that creek comes in. 3 This is a good place for catfish to feed, so they'll be looking for food." }, { "docid": "2017008", "title": "Learn How to Drop Shot Big Walleyes", "text": "Walleye rods designed for rigging crossover well for drop-shotting. Choose 6-pound to 8-pound fluorocarbon for most scenarios. Rigging-Most walleye baits team well with 1, 1/0 or 2/0 sized drop-shot hooks. This is tied using a palomar knot (click this link to see how to tie it). Nose hooking is a good all round choice for the best action with a finesse plastic." }, { "docid": "7920608", "title": "jury-rigged", "text": "Usage Note: Traditionally, to jury-rig means to assemble for temporary, emergency use; to improvise, whereas to jerry-build means to build shoddily, flimsily, and cheaply.. The connotations are different, with jury-rig emphasizing the impromptu nature of the construction and jerry-build its inferior nature." }, { "docid": "6169742", "title": "-", "text": "DPris. January 11, 2010, 12:14 PM. You CAN shoot lead shot through a rifled barrel without damaging it, BUT you'll pick up plastic shot cup residue in the rifling and the rifling will destroy patterning to the point of uselessness beyond 15 or so yards.n a rifled shotgun barrel, although there are still many who use lead slugs, probably the majority of shooters nowdays are using sabots. Sabots are a conventional bullet encased in a plastic drop-away sleeve." }, { "docid": "5396369", "title": "Good to the Last Drop!", "text": "It sponsored some of the most popular shows on radio (Father Knows Best) and television (Mama). Click here for watching a 1954 Maxwell House Coffee’s Good to the Last Drop commercial. Even today, after over one-hundred-and-twenty-one years, Maxwell House Coffee enjoys a leading position as the second largest selling coffee after Folgers. Even today, the Maxwell House Coffee uses its one-hundred-and-ten year strong slogan, Good to the last drop!" }, { "docid": "2062175", "title": "Offshore Rig Basics", "text": "A cantilevered rig is very useful for drilling a series of wells over an established production platform, because the rig can move beside the platform and then extend the drilling package over the top of the platform to drill a sequence of development wells." }, { "docid": "4774402", "title": "Good to the Last Drop", "text": "I'd recommend Bag, Who's Driving, $1.99 Romances or Red all over Good to the Last Drop, but maybe it's just me... Last Drop is good, but not GSW's best. (...)" }, { "docid": "6976822", "title": "What are 6 Essential Skills for Rappelling?", "text": "These skills include: 1 Creating safe and redundant rappel anchors. 2 Knowing how to tie your ropes together with strong knots that won't come untied. 3 Having good rope management skills so you can rig the ropes through a rappel device. Using backup safety systems like an autoblock knot so that you are safe if the rappel system fails." }, { "docid": "9024", "title": "Where on the body is the anti-rabies injection given in India for humans?", "text": "For Category III, in addition to this, Rabies Immunoglobulin(RIG) is given and this has to be given around the wound, i.e. where you have been bitten." }, { "docid": "7606734", "title": "-", "text": "Click the Reference drop down menu under Menus tab, and you will see the Insert Citation command. Move mouse over the Insert Citation command, you will get two sub-items: Add New Source item and Add New Placeholder item as the following screen shot (Figure 1) shows: Figure1: Insert Citation in Classic Menu." }, { "docid": "7324127", "title": "Do you take Vitamin K2? If so, how much?", "text": "However I think it's unwise to take that much of any fat soluble vitamin every day. A good protocol would be to take that every day for a week when you first start out to charge up your stores a bit and then drop down to 2-4 times per month. That a deficiency is bad doesn't make any positive amount good." } ]
What age do you have to be to be a cop
[ { "docid": "1855323", "title": "How to Become A Police Officer", "text": "A: In order to become a cop you must be a citizen of the United States and at least 21 years of age. In addition to this, you must have a valid driver's license and fulfill specified physical requirements. You must at least have a high school diploma as well.: If you want to be a police officer you first need to have the right aptitude. The minimum education required to be in this field is a high school degree. Generally, those in the field have a bachelor's degree in criminology and such relevant subjects." } ]
[ { "docid": "1860312", "title": "-", "text": "The Proposal. Efficiently directed but colorlessly played, this crime thriller unspools like a made-for-TV cop movie, and its last-minute plot twists don't make up for the derivativeness that precedes them." }, { "docid": "932400", "title": "1970s Mystery Detective TV Shows", "text": "The show, and its not-quite-shady PI hero Jake Axminster, deserved a better fate. Kojak (1973-1978) challenged Columbo for the quirkiest professional crime-fighter of the era. He would easily wear the mantle of most unconventional TV cop ever were it not for Columbo. Kojak was definitely tougher, though." }, { "docid": "6155383", "title": "Top 10 Other Things that Han Shot that Didn't Shoot at Him First", "text": "After a period of droid-mania, I was duly impressed with Han Solo. In the cantina scene, he copped a certain devil-may-care attitude that I hoped to cop myself one day. I ran into Chad Meserve's article while prowling around the web and went looking for it again in late 2002. I needed a laugh." }, { "docid": "6552956", "title": "Can I Be a Cop With PTSD?", "text": "Being a police officer is a tough job, where you deal with stress every day and put your life on the line. But when you also have post-traumatic stress disorder, working as a cop can be almost insurmountably difficult for some people.eing a police officer is a tough job, where you deal with stress every day and put your life on the line. But when you also have post-traumatic stress disorder, working as a cop can be almost insurmountably difficult for some people." }, { "docid": "8019715", "title": "DOWNLOADED FROM", "text": "Then came Heien v. North Carolina, decided by the U.S. Supreme Court in December. Now the principle is: Ignorance of the law is no excuse — unless you’re the cop enforcing the law, in which case it is, or at least can be, depending upon whether your ignorance is reasonable or not, to be determined upon later review." }, { "docid": "7915116", "title": "Police car", "text": "A police car (also called a police cruiser, cop car, prowler, squad car, radio car or radio mobile patrol (RMP) ) is a ground vehicle used by police for transportation during patrols and to enable them to respond to incidents." }, { "docid": "303585", "title": "Diagnosing the Battery, Charging, & Ignition System", "text": "Coils seldom fail, but when they do they can't provide voltage to the spark plug(s). On a single coil ignition system, a coil failure will cause the engine to quit and prevent it from starting. On a multi-coil DIS or COP ignition system, it will cause a misfire in only the cylinders supplied by the bad coil." }, { "docid": "7202570", "title": "If a cop sees you litter, it'll cost you", "text": "If a cop sees you litter, it'll cost you. March 28, 2011|By Eloísa Ruano González, Orlando Sentinel. Three hundred trash cans are scattered throughout downtown Orlando to try to keep the city beautiful. But garbage still ends up on the streets and sidewalks." }, { "docid": "6351505", "title": "The Good Guys", "text": "User Reviews. The Good Guys are Great Guys! Finally, a new show worth watching, Colin Hanks is (Jack) a younger cop looking to further his career who is a by the book cop and Bradley Whitford is (Dan) a veteran, and a wild card with a love of women, and of course a drinking problem." }, { "docid": "2099494", "title": "-", "text": "(Star). Tom Cruise is not getting married to his assistant Emily Thomas, despite a new tabloid cover story. Gossip Cop can exclusively correct this. We’re told it’s 100 percent “not true.”.om Cruise is not getting married to his assistant Emily Thomas, despite a new tabloid cover story. Gossip Cop can exclusively correct this." }, { "docid": "3187828", "title": "Cop Lip-Syncs Taylor Swift Song \"Shake It Off\" in Police Dash Cam VideoâWatch and Find Out Why He Did It!", "text": "This cop likes to play, play, play, play, play! An officer of the Dover Police Department in Delaware was recently filmed lip-syncing to Taylor Swift's 2014 hit Shake It Off while driving a squad car through town. And the cop, Master Cpl. Jeff Davis, really gets down to this." }, { "docid": "8794085", "title": "-", "text": "kathy griffin seemed surprised she caused such a stick by quitting the fashion cop show kathy was in concert friday in connecticut when she segued into her resignation from fashion police read more" }, { "docid": "7256675", "title": "â® Warm San Francisco Nights Tour â¥", "text": "on a warm San Francisco night old child young child feel alright on a warm San Francisco night angels sing leather wings jeans of blue Harley Davisons too on a warm San Francisco night old angels young angels feel alright on a warm San Francisco night. I wasn't born there perhaps I'll die there there's no place left to go, San Francisco. Cop's face is filled with hate heavens above he's on a street called love when will they even learn old cop young cop feel alright on a warm San Francisco night" }, { "docid": "793163", "title": "End of day", "text": "EOB, COB and COP in the U.S. is usually at 5:00 pm but typically 5:30 pm in the United Kingdom while EOD is 23:59. In the United States Military, end of day is the time when all scheduled training and administrative work stops." }, { "docid": "1492542", "title": "Be Honest And Unmerciful: Cameron Crowe Talks ALMOST FAMOUS", "text": "One was the first cover story assignment on the Allman Brothers Band, which became the basis for much of ALMOST FAMOUS. On the eve of leaving the tour with a ton of interview tapes and research, Gregg Allman asked for my tapes back, believing that I was actually an undercover cop sent to spy on the band." }, { "docid": "7401648", "title": "-", "text": "Article Id: 507. In this tutorial, I'm gonna' show you just how easy it is to test the ignition coils on your 1.7L Honda and find out if one of them is bad or not. These ignition coils are known technically as Coil-on-Plug (COP) ignition coils." }, { "docid": "8012378", "title": "10 Compliments Guys Give You and What They Actually Mean", "text": "When he says, You give the best advice.. He really means, I am an idiot. Please tell me how to do everything.. Listen, when we don't know what to do, we'll never cop to it. Coming to you for advice is our way of doing whatever you tell us to do with admitting that was the plan all along.hen he says, You give the best advice.. He really means, I am an idiot. Please tell me how to do everything.. Listen, when we don't know what to do, we'll never cop to it. Coming to you for advice is our way of doing whatever you tell us to do with admitting that was the plan all along." }, { "docid": "3241619", "title": "-", "text": "Police constable, Nicholas Angel (Pegg) is good at his job, so good in fact, he makes everyone else look bad. As a result, his superiors at the Met have decided to sweep him under the carpet. So it is that London’s top cop finds himself in the sleepy West Country village of Sandford." }, { "docid": "7809281", "title": "Blue Bloods", "text": "Assistant D.A. and is the legal compass for the family, while Jamie, the youngest Reagan and a recent grad of Harvard Law, is the family's golden boy, but has decided to give up a lucrative future in law and follow in the family footsteps as a cop." }, { "docid": "3729646", "title": "Buy too much Sudafed and you may get a visit from a cop", "text": "Buy too much Sudafed and you may get a visit from a cop. If you have a runny nose and run to the store to purchase a decongestant, don't be too surprised if a detective shows up at your door shortly thereafter." }, { "docid": "553238", "title": "Can The Police Issue A Ticket Without Seeing The Alleged Violation, in Maryland", "text": "Re: Can The Police Issue A Ticket Without Seeing The Alleged Violation, in Maryland The simple answer is to go to court and plead not guilty. The cop will not be able to testify against you since he did not witness the offenses. The crazy guy would have to appear as witness for the state. I doubt he will." }, { "docid": "823836", "title": "freeze", "text": "A stopping of change, esp in various monetary matters: a freeze on profits/ nuclear freeze (1930s+) verb: The government denies it wants to freeze interest rates; To stay or become motionless: The cop hollered to him to freeze right there/ Your best bet is to freeze and" }, { "docid": "2887847", "title": "Become a Traffic Cop: Education and Career Roadmap", "text": "A traffic cop is an officer that works within the traffic bureau of the police department. Traffic cops are responsible for the safety of all motorists, bicyclists, and pedestrians on the roadways.They patrol roads, issue tickets and direct traffic.tep 2: Apply to the Police Department. To be hired as a traffic cop, interested candidates must apply to the police department. Candidates need to have high school diplomas or the equivalent; they also need to be at least 21 years old and be U.S. citizens." }, { "docid": "4605266", "title": "Cop = Constable on Patrol?", "text": "Claim: The slang police term 'cop' derives from an acronym for the phrase 'constable on patrol.'. Examples: [Collected via e-mail, September 2001] My father told me that the word cop came from the words constable on patrol." }, { "docid": "5031138", "title": "Juliet O'Hara", "text": "Season One. In Spellingg Bee, Shawn and Juliet meet for the first time when Juliet unknowingly steals Shawn's seat in a diner. Shawn attempts to flirt with her, but Juliet's reception is cool. Shawn eventually figures out that Juliet is a cop and that she is staking out the diner." }, { "docid": "1446775", "title": "-", "text": "“Drop the gun!” the lady cop screamed. The world slowed down as Castilucci prepared to fire, as he prepared to face a bullet himself. He felt as if he exhaled for a solid minute as he prepared to squeeze the trigger, and he watched the cop do the same." }, { "docid": "8580339", "title": "-", "text": "You have until the next time the cop pulls you over. you better at least have a receipt for the purchase of the tabs if they aren`t on your car, otherwise you`ll face some hefty fines and they may even tow your vehicle.It probably varies from state to state. They either expire at the end of the month or on your birthday." }, { "docid": "8163272", "title": "Useful Skills for Aspiring Police Officers", "text": "Useful Skills for Aspiring Police Officers There is much more to being a cop than running around chasing bad guys with a pistol. In order to be an effective police officer, one must develop certain skills which can be used on a daily basis." }, { "docid": "2504121", "title": "-", "text": "Personal delivery to someone at the premises. - giving the notice to the tenants; giving a copy to. a family member who is at least 14 years of age, and telling them it’s an eviction; leaving a cop. with an occupant over 14 years of age, and also mailing a copy by regular mail to the tenant." }, { "docid": "6608987", "title": "plot", "text": "The plot was a string of anecdotes from the senseless shootings of friends that Brinsley knew. Alleged Cop Killer’s Blood-Soaked Screenplay M.L. Nestel December 24, 2014 A 1907 contract leases the plot of land to the Belgika corporation for five years, but it stayed for much longer." } ]
what is a flip flop hub
[ { "docid": "5545270", "title": "Flip-flop hub", "text": "Flip-flop hub. Flip-flop hubs, also called double-sided hubs, are rear bicycle hubs that are threaded to accept fixed cogs and/or freewheels on both sides. There are several different types of flip flop hubs available for different applications. Their main purpose is to allow changing between two different size gear ratios on one rear wheel without the added complications of a derailleur or internal hub gear, or between a fixed and freewheeling option." } ]
[ { "docid": "1473951", "title": "-", "text": "Difference Between latch and Flip flop - Duration: 1:21. Institute Acadamy 2,146 views" }, { "docid": "5225399", "title": "-", "text": "How would this work for something like a sticky bun where you bake it with sugar and nuts on the bottom of the pan and then flip it over when done and have caramel gooeyness on the “top”of the rolls? Should be fine. But I’d say you should freeze them right in the pan, not try to flip them out partially baked and then freeze." }, { "docid": "1545323", "title": "SmartThings Support", "text": "Samsung SmartThings Hub (Hub v2) The Samsung SmartThings Hub (Hub v2) comes with 4 AA batteries. Once installed, these act as a battery backup that is expected to last up to 10 hours. Go here for more information about Hub v2, or read this article to determine which Hub you own." }, { "docid": "835977", "title": "-", "text": "Unlimited BT Broadband includes Unlimited UK*Weekend Calls and a BT Home Hub (unless BT has already provided you with one). If you leave in the first year, we'll charge you up to £55 towards the cost of your new Hub. You'll need to pay by Direct Debit.There's a £6.95 delivery charge for the Hub.nlimited BT Broadband includes Unlimited UK*Weekend Calls and a BT Home Hub (unless BT has already provided you with one). If you leave in the first year, we'll charge you up to £55 towards the cost of your new Hub. You'll need to pay by Direct Debit." }, { "docid": "7613358", "title": "High Jump Straddle vs Flop", "text": "One of the things that come to mind in favour of the flop is the ability to transfer horizontal velocity into vertical velocity. One of the limitations of the straddle (and the insanely proposed forward flop)) is the ability to faciliate that transfer." }, { "docid": "7650844", "title": "Flip 3D in Windows 7 and Windows Vista", "text": "To get the default Flip-3D icon, right-click on the new Flip-3D icon and select Properties. Then, under the Shortcut tab, open Change Icon. Next, under the location box, type C:\\windows\\explorer.exe and click OK to get new icons. Select Flip-3D icon from the available icons and click OK and then Apply." }, { "docid": "1256415", "title": "15 Things You Didn't Know About Flip or Flop's Tarek and Christina", "text": "15 Things You Didn't Know About Flip or Flop's Tarek and Christina. Tarek and Christina El Moussa gained fame with their wildly popular HGTV house-flipping series, Flip or Flop. The show follows along as Tarek and Christina buy distressed homes at discount prices, manage a renovation, and then stage the home in the hopes of selling it at a major profit. After seven successful seasons and seven years of marriage, the couple shocked fans last December when they announced plans to separate." }, { "docid": "8485026", "title": "-", "text": "See also: stressful, strew, strenuous, stream. stomach flip. stomach flip. n. name given to the discomfort felt in the abdominal area in situations of stress or anxiety. also known as butterflies in the stomach sensation. ! captious." }, { "docid": "5448531", "title": "-", "text": "Substituting with applesauce is very simple. Use the same amount of applesauce as you would oil. But, note that most of the cookbooks I’ve read say that you shouldn’t use more than 1/4 a cup of applesauce as a substitute for oil. Using more can change the chemistry of a recipe and it might flop." }, { "docid": "7482994", "title": "The 10 Best USB Hubs", "text": "Powered USB hubs help these people get through work and play with no interference. Finally, there are many powered USB hub options to choose from. Depending on your needs, you can buy a USB hub that connects four devices or as many as fifteen." }, { "docid": "2837099", "title": "Flip Charts 101: How to Use Flip Charts Effectively", "text": "1 Flip charts and brainstorming go together like peanut butter and bananas (yummy!). One of my favorite training techniques is using a flip chart to record brainstorming sessions. I ask questions, and then speedily record responses shouted out by my audience. Flip charts are low tech and analog." }, { "docid": "5575236", "title": "-", "text": "I'm a Realtor and they spend a lot of money on their flips. Being on tv, shows that they don't cut corners, the flips are permitted and legal. I've seen lots of flips done by weekend handymen and some of them are really bad, (flip or flop) seems to get top dollar for flipping houses the right and legal way." }, { "docid": "7037414", "title": "-", "text": "Cook Time for BBQ Ribs. We're going to let these go for about 20 minutes. Then we will check them or flip them. Anytime you see any sort of burning starting on one side go ahead and flip them over. These should only take an hour in a half to two hours to cook." }, { "docid": "5176011", "title": "-", "text": "Platform Controller Hub. The Platform Controller Hub (PCH) is a family of Intel microchips, introduced circa 2008. It is the successor to the previous Intel Hub Architecture, which used a northbridge and southbridge instead, and first appeared in the Intel 5 Series." }, { "docid": "2282553", "title": "-", "text": "Footwear: 1 Flip-flop sandals. 2 Athletic shoes. 3 High-heel spikes. Open-toed 1 shoes. Anything you’d wear at the beach. Lots of jewelry, especially if it makes noise when you 1 move. Sunglasses, unless medically prescribed." }, { "docid": "6635763", "title": "20 Funniest Harshest Ways To Get Revenge On A Cheating Partner Copy", "text": "There are lots of different ways people react when they have been cheated on. Some just quietly finish the relationship and move, while others flip out.here are lots of different ways people react when they have been cheated on. Some just quietly finish the relationship and move, while others flip out." }, { "docid": "5230537", "title": "-", "text": "When the 4 minute timer is done, flip it. 7 minute timer will have 3 minutes left. When the 7 minute timer is done, the 4 minute timer will have 1 minute left. Now you can count to 9 minutes by simply leaving the 4 minute to expire (1 min), flip it and let it expire (4 min), flip it again and let it expire (4 min)." }, { "docid": "461421", "title": "-", "text": "My Jeeps. You don't have to remove the shaft from the hub to replace the u-joint. Just pull the tire/wheel, brake caliper, rotor, then remove the three 13mm 12 point bolts from the back and pull the hub and shaft together.If you do remove the 36mm hub nut be sure you have a way to torque it back to 175 ft. lbs.ou don't have to remove the shaft from the hub to replace the u-joint. Just pull the tire/wheel, brake caliper, rotor, then remove the three 13mm 12 point bolts from the back and pull the hub and shaft together." }, { "docid": "5697885", "title": "Solid Foods: How Much & When", "text": "Solid Foods: How Much & When. A baby drinks the majority of her calories until about 7 to 10 months. So at mealtime, feed breast milk or formula first, before the solid food.At about 9 months, flip-flop the order and begin giving food first.olid Foods: How Much & When. A baby drinks the majority of her calories until about 7 to 10 months. So at mealtime, feed breast milk or formula first, before the solid food." }, { "docid": "2092189", "title": "Definitions &Translations", "text": "Energy-dependent flippases require energy input in the form of ATP to carry out their function, often known as a flip-flop. However, there are energy-independent flippases that do not require the hydrolysis of ATP and are unidirectional in their action." }, { "docid": "5729615", "title": "Flip Chip technology", "text": "Flip Chip Flip chip is the mounting of a chip with its active side facing the substrate. This die orientation is “flipped” from the traditional packaging style, which uses bonding wires to connect the package to the die. In flip chip, the electrical interconnection between the chip and substrate is established by using solder bumps." }, { "docid": "7631695", "title": "Henry Hub", "text": "Henry Hub. Henry hub natural gas monthly average prices, 1999–2009 [1] The Henry Hub is a distribution hub on the natural gas pipeline system in Erath, Louisiana, owned by Sabine Pipe Line LLC, a subsidiary of EnLink Midstream Partners LP who purchased the asset from Chevron Corporation in 2014." }, { "docid": "3965991", "title": "Can hardware keyloggers be detected? & how?", "text": "So one way to mitigate (and nothing more) the danger of not detecing an USB hardware keylogger is to use an USB extension cable from the back of your PC ending on a visible place on your desktop, plugging in an USB hub there and the keyboard into the hub." }, { "docid": "3558389", "title": "-", "text": "In low gear, the sprocket drives the annulus (in red above) and the planet carrier (in green above) drives the hub, giving a gear reduction. In middle gear, the sprocket drives the hub directly. In high gear, the sprocket drives the planet carrier and the annulus drives the hub, resulting in a gear increase." }, { "docid": "8708113", "title": "-", "text": "When adding a Sonos Player, you may encounter a message informing you that you have already configured the maximum number of Sonos Players. Insteon Hub supports a maximum of four Sonos speakers. Additional Sonos Support Featured Jan 6, 2016 Hub Sonos, Insteon Connects Brian Baugh Jan 6, 2016 Hub We Created Insteon to be Simple" }, { "docid": "8217541", "title": "-", "text": "USB Physical Bus Topology. 1 USB host with host controller. 2 2-port root hub integrated into the host controller. 3 4-port hub integrated into the keyboard (part of the compound device) 4 USB keyboard (part of the compound device) 5 USB keypad (part of the compound device) 6 4-port hub (part of the 7-port hub) 7 USB mouse. 8 USB flash drive. 9 4-port hub." }, { "docid": "5545276", "title": "-", "text": "See more choices. 1 Pair Cycling Wheels Fixed Gear Rear Flip Flop Hub Mountain Bike Fixie Track Single Speed Hub. by Generic. $ 27 99. FREE Shipping on eligible orders. Show only Generic items." }, { "docid": "8195034", "title": "somersault", "text": "somersault definition: The definition of a somersault is a flip where you turn your body one full revolution either forward or backward, or a 180 degree turn or change in opinion. (noun) When you do a flip, and rotate your body forward, this is an examp..." }, { "docid": "6181726", "title": "-", "text": "If the Smart Hub is open exit the Smart Hub. You cannot reset the Smart Hub while it is in use. 2. Press the MENU key on your Smart Control. 3. Navigate to and select the Smart Hub section of the main menu. 4. Navigate to and select Smart Hub Reset. 5. Enter your PIN (it's 0000 by default) and press enter." }, { "docid": "5799451", "title": "Solid Foods: How Much & When", "text": "Solid Foods: How Much & When. A baby drinks the majority of her calories until about 7 to 10 months. So at mealtime, feed breast milk or formula first, before the solid food. At about 9 months, flip-flop the order and begin giving food first. The guidelines below are only suggestions of what to feed when, because all babies grow and develop at different rates." } ]
what is a gift tax exclusion
[ { "docid": "1325511", "title": "What is the Estate Tax and Gift Tax?", "text": "Annual Gift Exclusion. In 2014, you may give someone up to $14,000 in gifts before paying any gift tax. The $14,000 annual gift exclusion is a limit on nontaxable gifts per person, and you may give multiple people up to $14,000 each without incurring any tax liability.However, the amounts of your annual gift exclusions are limited to a lifetime total of $5,3400 ($10,680,000 for married couples for Tax Year 2014.ift Taxes-What You Need to Know: If you give someone a gift or gifts of money or property and the value is over the annual gift exclusion amount, you will generally owe gift taxes. If you give a gift of property, taxes must be paid on the fair market value of the item (not the purchase price, nor the original value)." } ]
[ { "docid": "5076458", "title": "-", "text": "The exemption amounts for the state taxes are typically lower than the exclusion under the. federal estate tax ($5.43 million for 2015 deaths). Of the states with estate taxes, two (Hawaii. and Delaware) have exemptions tied to the federal exclusion amount, Illinois has a $4 million." }, { "docid": "5255555", "title": "Gift Tax: Do I Have to Pay Tax When Someone Gives Me Money?", "text": "The person who makes the gift files the gift tax return, if necessary, and pays any tax. If someone gives you more than the annual gift tax exclusion amount ($14,000 in 2015), the giver must file a gift tax return." }, { "docid": "5360951", "title": "The Gift Tax Made Simple", "text": "You can leave up to that amount to relatives or friends free of any federal estate tax. If you’re married, your spouse is entitled to a separate $5.34 million exemption. Beginning in 2011, the gift tax and the estate tax was reunified with an exclusion amount of $5.34 million for 2014. Gifts made during your lifetime will reduce your taxable estate." }, { "docid": "842635", "title": "Gifting a House to a Relative", "text": "There’s another tax issue for the gifter. If you’re given a house for $50,000, that’s above the annual gift exclusion limit, which is $13,000 for 2012 and $14,000 for 2013. So the gifter might have to file a gift tax form with the IRS and have the amount over the $13,000 deducted from the one-time gift exclusion." }, { "docid": "4501756", "title": "IRS Announces 2015 Estate And Gift Tax Limits", "text": "Totally separate from the lifetime gift exemption amount is the annual gift tax exclusion amount. It’s $14,000 for 2015, the same as 2014, up from $13,000 a year in 2013. You can give away $14,000 to as many individuals as you’d like. A husband and wife can each make $14,000 gifts." }, { "docid": "8285217", "title": "Here are three ways to transfer your property", "text": "For gift deeds, you will have to bear the stamp duty charges but will not have any tax implications, if you plan to pass on the property of certain relatives. But, keep in mind that a gift deed can be challenged in court, but it cannot be revoked." }, { "docid": "6446811", "title": "-", "text": "Exclusions. The entire $50,000 you give isn't vulnerable to taxation. The IRS allows exclusions, a dollar limit you can give away tax-free. As of the 2012 tax year, the exclusion amount is $13,000 for each person you make a gift to.If you're married, you can double that: you and your spouse are each entitled to give away $13,000 per person.Therefore, if you gave your niece a $50,000 gift and you're single, you'd only have to be concerned about paying a gift tax on $37,000, because the first $13,000 is immune.xclusions. The entire $50,000 you give isn't vulnerable to taxation. The IRS allows exclusions, a dollar limit you can give away tax-free. As of the 2012 tax year, the exclusion amount is $13,000 for each person you make a gift to." }, { "docid": "1722911", "title": "The Gift Tax", "text": "In addition to the annual gift amount, your can give a total of up to $5.34 million starting in 2014 in your lifetime before you start owing the gift tax." }, { "docid": "7215586", "title": "Tax Rules for Gifts", "text": "Gifts can be used to transfer built-in gain from the old owner to the new one, but the recipient can’t use any loss that was built-in at the time of the gift to claim a deduction. details: Basis of Stock Received as a Gift. Gift tax. Although there’s no income tax on gifts, there is such a thing as a gift tax. The gift tax is imposed on the donor. The person receiving the gift does not have to pay this tax." }, { "docid": "1032189", "title": "-", "text": "Inheritance Tax. The estate of the person who died usually pays Inheritance Tax. You may need to pay Inheritance Tax if the estate can’t or doesn’t pay it. You may need to pay Inheritance Tax on a gift the person gave you in the 7 years before they died." }, { "docid": "4497632", "title": "Valuation Discounts for Gift of Single-Member LLC Interests", "text": "The value of both the gifts and the sales were based on independent valuations that included a discount for lack of marketability of approximately 37%. The IRS claimed that the entity should be disregarded for gift tax purposes resulting in a direct gift of the cash to the trusts.Taxpayer argued that the LLC should not be disregarded for gift tax purposes. The full Court reviewed the case and the majority held in favor of the taxpayer.o. 2), the court dealt with the issue as to whether a single-member LLC is to be disregarded for transfer tax purposes (i.e., gift tax purposes), thus treating the gift as a direct gift of the underlying property of the LLC." }, { "docid": "439084", "title": "Find out If Gifts to Your Spouse Are Taxable", "text": "You have another option if your spouse isn't a U.S. citizen: The annual exclusion from gift taxes for gifts specifically made to non-citizen spouses. This annual exclusion was $143,000 in 2013, increasing to $145,000 in 2014, $147,000 in 2015, and $148,000 in 2016. Annual is the key word. You can give this much per year without incurring the gift tax, which can add up considerably over a lifetime, effectively making citizenship a non-issue over the long term." }, { "docid": "8405319", "title": "Will You Owe a Gift Tax This Year?", "text": "Keep in mind that Form 709 is only required when you give away more than the annual exclusion. So a married couple with a married child can give away $56,000 in one year without having to report the gift: each parent gives the child and the child's spouse $14,000 each.f your spouse is not a U.S. citizen, you can give only $145,000 without reporting the gift (in 2015). Anything over that amount has to be reported on Form 709. If you have given away property other than money, like stock, you have to report that on your gift return, too, if the value is more than $14,000." }, { "docid": "2602170", "title": "-", "text": "1 Amounts of more than $14,000 are subject to a gift tax, however there is tax credit that allows giving up to $1 million in a lifetime. 2 If a gift of money is paying for higher education or medical expenses, there is no limit to the amount that can be given tax-free. In 2009, the estate tax only applied to estates valued at more than $3.5 million for an individual and $7 million for a couple. 2 The amount over the limit is taxed at 45%." }, { "docid": "1201821", "title": "Trust Tax Rates (Simple Trust or Complex Trust) Will Blow Your Mind", "text": "How To Use the Gift Tax Exemption. As mentioned before, up to $13,000 can be given to one person. That number increases to $26,000 if filing joint, but each spouse will have to file form 709 for gift splitting. The maximum only applies to one person at a time, not one person only. For example, you have three children you want to give $10,000 each to. Each child can each receive the amount and you, the person giving the gift, will not incur any tax." }, { "docid": "4455758", "title": "-", "text": "The IRS allows exclusions, a dollar limit you can give away tax-free. As of the 2012 tax year, the exclusion amount is $13,000 for each person you make a gift to. If you're married, you can double that: you and your spouse are each entitled to give away $13,000 per person." }, { "docid": "6236119", "title": "-", "text": "In 2015, a taxpayer can give up to $14,000 per person per year without being taxed on the gift. For example, this year you could give Friend A $14,000, Friend B $14,000, and your sister $14,000 and not be taxed on your gifts.nother way to say it… I can give $13,000 to a zillion people tax free, but the moment I give $13,001 to one person, that extra $1 is now taxable, but can be eliminated by the first dollar of the $5 million exclusion." }, { "docid": "6352723", "title": "What is a 'Gift Tax'", "text": "What is a 'Gift Tax' A gift tax is a federal tax applied to an individual giving anything of value to another person. For something to be considered a gift, the receiving party cannot pay the giver full value for the gift, but may pay an amount less than its full value." }, { "docid": "6903555", "title": "Money Pros: âIs a large cash gift considered income and does it have to be reported to the IRS?â", "text": "The most common confusion surrounds who pays the gift tax. It is the person who gives the gift who is subject to the tax and has to report it to the IRS. The gift that you received is not considered income but could have some gift tax liability for the giver. Because this was a gift, it needs to be reported by the person giving the gift. The person receiving the gift does not report it. Technically, relatively small gifts can completely avoid gift tax." }, { "docid": "401861", "title": "DEFINITION of 'Unified Tax Credit'", "text": "DEFINITION of 'Unified Tax Credit' A tax credit that is afforded to every man, woman and child in America by the IRS. This credit allows each person to gift a certain amount of their assets to other parties without having to pay gift, estate or generation-skipping transfer taxes. A tax credit that is afforded to every man, woman and child in America by the IRS." }, { "docid": "1162954", "title": "What is the unified estate and gift tax credit and how does it reduce my gift taxes?", "text": "The unified gift and estate tax credit is the current shelter amount for gifting during ones lifetime and at ones death. When an estate is below the unified gift and estate tax credit limit, there will be no estate tax due at the time of death. Instead, all of those funds pass directly to the specified …" }, { "docid": "2104619", "title": "-", "text": "The first $14,000 of the gift is not “taxable,” but everything above that amount is deemed a “taxable gift.” For example, if you gave someone $100,000 in one year, you would file a gift tax return the next year showing an annual exclusion gift of $14,000 and a “taxable gift” of $86,000.he first $14,000 of the gift is not “taxable,” but everything above that amount is deemed a “taxable gift.” For example, if you gave someone $100,000 in one year, you would file a gift tax return the next year showing an annual exclusion gift of $14,000 and a “taxable gift” of $86,000." }, { "docid": "5613391", "title": "Important Tips for Shipping Gifts", "text": "For the shipment to qualify as a gift, the shipping documentation must be clearly marked GIFT and include a detailed description of the commodity. If you receive an imported gift by courier and it's worth CAD$60 or less, it is duty and tax exempt.or the shipment to qualify as a gift, the shipping documentation must be clearly marked GIFT and include a detailed description of the commodity. If you receive an imported gift by courier and it's worth CAD$60 or less, it is duty and tax exempt." }, { "docid": "3968567", "title": "How Much Money Can Parents Gift Their Children Without Tax?", "text": "That limit applies per person, per year -- your father could give you $13,000, your sister $13,000 and his best friend $13,000 and still not pay gift tax. Married couples get double the tax break: Your father and mother can give you $26,000 and pay no tax.ny money your parents pay for your tuition is excluded from gift tax, and doesn't count toward the $13,000 cap, as long as they pay it directly to the school." }, { "docid": "485726", "title": "My brother wants to give me £40,000. Will either of us have to pay tax on it?", "text": "If your brother lives for at least seven years after giving you the money, the gift will be exempt from inheritance tax. If he dies within seven years, the value of his gift to you would be added to his estate and any tax due would be paid out of his estate." }, { "docid": "5982013", "title": "How Much Money Can You Give Each Year to Your Child Under IRS Law?", "text": "To prevent wealthy individuals from circumventing the estate tax by giving their money away before they die, the IRS also imposes a gift tax, with a lifetime $5.12 million exemption. This is no accident: The gift tax and estate tax exclusions match up by design." }, { "docid": "1175169", "title": "The Rules Of The IRS Gift Tax", "text": "The amount of the gifts given beyond those exclusions can be subject to a tax rate between 18 and 35 percent. There is however, a lifetime gift ceiling. The tax code for 2011 says you can give away $5 million in cash or items during the course of your life before the excess will be subject to the gift tax.That tax rate is 35 percent in 2011.here is however, a lifetime gift ceiling. The tax code for 2011 says you can give away $5 million in cash or items during the course of your life before the excess will be subject to the gift tax. That tax rate is 35 percent in 2011." }, { "docid": "3968562", "title": "The Gift Tax", "text": "In 2014, you can give a lifetime total of $5.34 million in taxable gifts (that exceed the annual tax-free limit) without triggering the gift tax. Beyond the $5.34 million level, you would actually have to pay the gift tax.n 2014, you can give a lifetime total of $5.34 million in taxable gifts (that exceed the annual tax-free limit) without triggering the gift tax. Beyond the $5.34 million level, you would actually have to pay the gift tax." }, { "docid": "8283196", "title": "The Gift Tax", "text": "Gifts subject to the gift tax. The following gifts are considered to be taxable gifts when they exceed the annual gift exclusion amount of $14,000 in 2016. Remember, taxable gifts count as part of the $5.45 million in 2016 you are allowed to give away during your lifetime, before you must pay the gift tax." }, { "docid": "6624082", "title": "Is there a \" Max Amount \" of money you can give away to relatives / friends without them being taxed on it ?", "text": "Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: As of 2009, an individual can gift $13,000 to another individual annually without filing for gift tax. If one of the individuals is married, the gift can be up to $26,000 and it is presumed to split 50-50 (hence, no need to write 2 checks). If both the donor and donee are married, the donor can gift up to $52,000 but at that point, it would be better to split into two checks, one from each donor spouse. Beyond the $13,000 annual exclusion, every donor has a $1,000,000 lifetime gift exclusion; however, that exclusion is also used for estate tax." } ]
what is a golden age
[ { "docid": "6732950", "title": "-", "text": "Set against the backdrop of the Bangladesh War of Independence, A Golden Age is a story of passion and revolution, of hope, faith and unexpected heroism. In the chaos of this era, everyone—from student protesters to the country's leaders, from rickshaw'wallahs to the army's soldiers—must make choices." } ]
[ { "docid": "8813828", "title": "The 50 Best Animated MovieCharacters", "text": "The greatest hand-drawn, CG and stop-motioned personalities out there. The second golden age of animation is well under way, with Aardman, Miyazaki, Disney Pixar and DreamWorks rolling out rather good stories on a fairly regular basis." }, { "docid": "5689818", "title": "Golden Delicious Apples", "text": "While the exact parentage of the Golden Delicious apple is unknown it is believed by many to be a relative of the Grimes Golden and the Golden Reinette. Golden Delicious apples are pale green to golden yellow in color and speckled with small lenticels (spots). The flavor of these firm, crisp, white-fleshed apples vary: grown in a cool climate, the amount of acid in this apple increases, creating a sweeter flavor." }, { "docid": "8673192", "title": "-", "text": "What's more comforting than the theme song from your favorite television show? While we may be -- as they say -- in the second golden age of television, the golden age of TV theme songs is behind us. In honor of the fresh fall TV season, let's look back at the most iconic title music in small screen history, with a little background info on each song: 20. Mission Impossible (1966-1973)" }, { "docid": "8380811", "title": "The Golden Age - America in the 1950's", "text": "Transcript of The Golden Age - America in the 1950's. Introduction: Oftentimes the 1950s are called the Golden Age. In spite of the threat of communism, most Americans, on the surface at least, were living the American Dream. In reality, the 1950s were a time of change that will lay the ground work for one of the most turbulent decades in United States history, the 1960s. 1." }, { "docid": "1744592", "title": "The Jewish Tabernacle and its Symbolism", "text": "In the holy place of the earthly tabernacle, three items are present: 1) the golden table, 2) the golden lampstand, and 3) the golden altar of incense." }, { "docid": "4584175", "title": "-", "text": "Viewed by many as the founding figure of Western philosophy, Socrates (469-399 B.C.) is at once the most exemplary and the strangest of the Greek philosophers. He grew up during the golden age of Pericles’ Athens, served with distinction as a soldier, but became best known as a questioner of everything and everyone." }, { "docid": "2569866", "title": "-", "text": "Golden Rule customer service phone number for support and help. Hints to reach a live person in Golden Rule's customer service department. Plus, Golden Rule reviews and review." }, { "docid": "1957803", "title": "Golden Nugget Las Vegas Address and Contact Number", "text": "Golden Nugget Las Vegas Address and Contact Number Golden Nugget Las Vegas Contact Phone Number is : 702-385-7111 and Address is 129 Fremont Street, Las Vegas, Nevada 8910 Golden Nugget Las Vegas is a chain hotel of Golden Nugget. It is situated in Nevada, Las Vegas, USA. It is also known with name of Golden Nugget Casino Hotel." }, { "docid": "2598013", "title": "-", "text": "Isn't Argentine tango a dance for old people? Tango is a dance for people of all ages, though one of its great beauties is that it can be enjoyed even into your golden years. The average age of the TangoClub founding members is 30." }, { "docid": "1523892", "title": "History of China", "text": "A golden age in Chinese history, the Han dynasty's long period of stability and prosperity consolidated the foundation of China as a unified state under a central imperial bureaucracy, which was to last intermittently for most of the next two millennium." }, { "docid": "2322557", "title": "History of the Byzantine Empire (Byzantium)", "text": "The golden age of the empire came during the reign of Justinian (A.D. 527-565) during which the empire’s territories extended as far as Western Europe, and the emperor’s builders constructed the Hagia Sophia, a great cathedral that still stands today." }, { "docid": "2822668", "title": "Elizabethan era", "text": "The Elizabethan era is the epoch in English history marked by the reign of Queen Elizabeth I (1558–1603). Historians often depict it as the golden age in English history.his golden age represented the apogee of the English Renaissance and saw the flowering of poetry, music and literature. The era is most famous for theatre, as William Shakespeare and many others composed plays that broke free of England's past style of theatre." }, { "docid": "7808997", "title": "Golden Age", "text": "They lived to a very old age with a youthful appearance, eventually dying peacefully, with spirit living on as guardians. Plato in Cratylus (397 e) recounts the golden race of humans who came first. He clarifies that Hesiod did not mean literally made of gold, but good and noble." }, { "docid": "7368731", "title": "argosy", "text": "a book that is an argosy of stories and legends about the golden age of Hollywood Did You Know? Looking at the first sense of argosy, you might assume that this word is a close relative of argonaut, but that isn't the case. Although both words have a nautical sense, they have different etymologies." }, { "docid": "8164226", "title": "-", "text": "The End of the Golden Age During the time of the Golden Age, Athens and Sparta became the most powerful city-states in Greece. Yet neither ... Nile River is Source of Religion" }, { "docid": "2044953", "title": "Types of Golden Retrievers â English Cream, White, Black, Red and More", "text": "Contents [Hide] 1 An Overview of Golden Retriever Breed Information. 2 Differences in the Golden Retriever Breeds 2.1 Three Varieties of Golden Retrievers – American, English (or English Cream) and Canadian. 2.2 Three Color Categories – Light Golden, Golden, and Dark Golden. 3 The Black Golden Retriever. Black Golden Retrievers come about in two ways. The first is that the black coat is the result of a recessive gene that was present in both the parents. The second way is that the black Golden Retriever is a mix breed the result of a Golden Retriever and Black Labrador. - Advertisement - These Golden Labradors are becoming popular in many households across the nation." }, { "docid": "8380816", "title": "Diet Tidbit", "text": "I am 51. I live in a retirement community, so I have and know many people in their 60s and up. There is a lot about being that age that isn’t so golden, including a number of things you didn’t mention. I’ll leave others to fill in those gaps. But there are certain things that ARE golden, or at least can be golden." }, { "docid": "3443470", "title": "-", "text": "The Golden Age of Greece was a period in which unique and admirable artistic, scientific, political, and other cultural achievements took place throughout the Greek world. … While Greek city-states differed in character and quality, a similar spirit of exploration and desire for greatness infused the civilization during its Golden Period." }, { "docid": "7553959", "title": "The Golden Age (Golden Age #1)", "text": "The Golden Age (Golden Age #1) by. The Golden Age (Golden Age #1) 4.08 · Rating details · 2,476 Ratings · 164 Reviews. The Golden Age is 10,000 years in the future in our solar system, an interplanetary utopian society filled with immortal humans. Phaethon, of Radamanthus House, is attending a glorious party at his family mansion celebrating the thousand-year anniversary of the High Transcendence." }, { "docid": "5381234", "title": "Medicine in the medieval Islamic world", "text": "In the history of medicine, Islamic medicine, also known as Arabic medicine, refers to the science of medicine developed in the Islamic Golden Age, and written in Arabic, the lingua franca of Islamic civilization." }, { "docid": "5025592", "title": "-", "text": "The original Green Lantern, Alan Scott had a magically powered ring but this incarnation of Green Lantern hasn't been in use since the Golden Age of Comics, The Silver Age Gre … en Lantern's rings are actually technological creations created by the Guardians of the Universe." }, { "docid": "1508915", "title": "Golden Age of Greece", "text": "The Golden Age of Greece began with the brilliant victory of the Greeks over imperial rule of Persia during the the Persian War from 546 to 479 B.C. This era declined when the inglorious civil battle of the Peloponnesian War took place from 431 to 404 B.C." }, { "docid": "6732946", "title": "A Golden Age (Bangla Desh #1)", "text": "A Golden Age is the story of a family--told from the point-of-view of a mother with two teenage children--during Bangladesh's war for independence in 1971. It seems to be intended more as a universal story about families and war which happens to be set" }, { "docid": "3552665", "title": "-", "text": "Here's my list of the 21 oldest operating roller coasters in the world, according to information compiled by Roller Coaster Database and American Coaster Enthusiasts. Most of the coasters were built in the 1920s during the Golden Age of Roller Coasters or earlier. -- Brady MacDonald." }, { "docid": "2628582", "title": "Poster", "text": "From the 1960s on, a regeneration of popular art forms, beginning with popular music, led to a new interest in posters. In San Francisco, where the movement was strongest, posters announcing weekly dance hall concerts echoed the golden age of the poster of the 1890s." }, { "docid": "1557291", "title": "What does Oriole mean?", "text": "Oriole [ori-ole] as a girls' name is of Latin origin, and the meaning of Oriole is golden. Name of a bird with golden colors. ASSOCIATED WITH golden, bird." }, { "docid": "2618502", "title": "The three best known writers of greek tragedies were Aeschylus,Euripides, and?", "text": "It has long been assumed that because, in the fifth century BC which was the golden age of Greek tragedy, dramatic competitions were part of the Greater Dionysia, a festival held in March/April in honour of the god Dionysus, then drama must have originated from religious observances, a choral hymn to the god." }, { "docid": "3518452", "title": "-", "text": "Fortunately, Nvidia is benefiting from a golden age of premium gaming hardware, driven by ever improving cinematic level titles, and global consumers willing to pay top dollar for its state of the art GeForce platform." }, { "docid": "5043645", "title": "-", "text": "Jay Garrick is the original, Golden Age, super-speedster, and was the first to have the mantle of the Flash and a founder of the Justice Society of America. It was Jay Garrick's legendary heroics that inspired Barry Allen." }, { "docid": "3749747", "title": "Housebreaking Puppies", "text": "A puppy can be well on her way to being housebroken, but her bladder isn't fully developed before 4 months of age, so accidents can and will happen. There are a couple of things that need to be done before you can begin properly housebreaking puppies.Your Golden Retriever will need to be leash trained. puppy can be well on her way to being housebroken, but her bladder isn't fully developed before 4 months of age, so accidents can and will happen. There are a couple of things that need to be done before you can begin properly housebreaking puppies." } ]
what is a golden eagle award
[ { "docid": "6706838", "title": "Golden Eagle Awards", "text": "The Golden Eagle Award is presented annually at the Golden Eagle Awards Dinner, which takes place in the D.C. metropolitan area each spring. The award, like SAME itself, has a rich heritage. History of the Golden Eagle Award." } ]
[ { "docid": "333058", "title": "Golden eagle", "text": "Golden eagle. Golden eagles are a magnificent sight in Britain, although not a common one. Heavily persecuted in the past, these birds are now gradually increasing in number with 400 breeding pairs thought to be in Scotland at present. Pairs mate for life, using just one nest site year after year." }, { "docid": "4838171", "title": "Meryl Streep", "text": "1 He was also nominated for Best Director, and the film won for Best Picture. 2 Allen received the 2014 Cecil B. DeMille Award for lifetime achievement at the 71st Annual Golden Globe Awards ceremony on January 12, 2014." }, { "docid": "269013", "title": "George Clooney", "text": "For his role in The Descendants, he won a Golden Globe Award and was nominated for an Academy Award, BAFTA Award, Satellite Award, and two Screen Actors Guild Awards: Best Lead Actor and Best Cast. On January 11, 2015, Clooney was awarded the Golden Globe Cecil B. DeMille Lifetime Achievement Award." }, { "docid": "2316394", "title": "-", "text": "The DESA is a national award recognizing Eagle Scouts for achievements at the national level in their career or hobby-related field. All nominees must be an Eagle Scout for at least 25 years." }, { "docid": "6660330", "title": "John Williams", "text": "Williams has won five Academy Awards, four Golden Globe Awards, seven British Academy Film Awards, and 22 Grammy Awards. With 49 Academy Award nominations, Williams is the second most-nominated individual, after Walt Disney." }, { "docid": "7980440", "title": "NSWG-4 Claimancy Receives Golden Anchor Award", "text": "Navy.mil Home Page. NSWG-4 Claimancy Receives Golden Anchor Award. NORFOLK (NNS) -- Naval Special Warfare Group (NSWG) 4 received the Retention Excellence Award in early March for fiscal year 2008. The Retention Excellence Award, also known as the 'Golden Anchor', recognizes commands that meet or exceed retention goals in the Navy." }, { "docid": "187455", "title": "-", "text": "Golden eagle. Eagle is a common name for many large birds of prey of the family Accipitridae; it belongs to several groups of genera that are not necessarily closely related to each other. Most of the 60 species of eagles are from Eurasia and Africa." }, { "docid": "5361651", "title": "List of awards and nominations received by Johnny Depp", "text": "Depp won the Golden Globe Award for Best Actor – Motion Picture Musical or Comedy for Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street and the Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Leading Role for Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl." }, { "docid": "5580838", "title": "-", "text": "Sharon Epatha Merkerson (/iˈpeɪθə/ ; born November 28, 1952), best known as S. Epatha Merkerson, is an American film, stage, and television actress. She has won a Golden Globe, an Emmy Award, a Screen Actors Guild Award, an Obie Award and four NAACP Image Awards. She has also received two Tony Award nominations." }, { "docid": "6117927", "title": "Open Daily: 10am-5pm", "text": "Golden Eagles National Eagle Center 2014-09-17T17:45:59+00:00. Golden Eagles. Golden eagles have a worldwide distribution and are found across the northern hemisphere in Europe, Asia, North Africa and North America.In North America, golden eagles are primarily found in the Western States and Provinces from Mexico through Alaska.olden Eagles National Eagle Center 2014-09-17T17:45:59+00:00. Golden Eagles. Golden eagles have a worldwide distribution and are found across the northern hemisphere in Europe, Asia, North Africa and North America." }, { "docid": "3388892", "title": "-", "text": "Eagle Rock Info. Eagle Rock, Virginia is located in Botetourt County. Zip codes in Eagle Rock, VA include 24085. The median home price in Eagle Rock is $22 which is roughly $22/per square foot." }, { "docid": "3388893", "title": "-", "text": "Eagle Rock. There are 20 real estate listings found in Eagle Rock, VA. View our Eagle Rock real estate area information to learn about the weather, local school districts, demographic data, and general information about Eagle Rock, VA. Get in touch with an Eagle Rock real estate agent who can help you find the home of your dreams in Eagle Rock." }, { "docid": "5009767", "title": "Trail to Eagle", "text": "Significance of the Eagle Scout Rank. The fact that a boy is an Eagle Scout has always carried with it a special significance, not only in Scouting but also as he enters higher education, business or industry, and community service. The award is a performance-based achievement whose standards have been well-maintained over the years." }, { "docid": "3858545", "title": "Sam Rockwell On Finally Being In A Movie People See, How Frances McDormand Channels John Wayne & Why George W. Bush Reminds Him Of Elvis â The Actorâs Side", "text": "Sam Rockwell counts supporting actor nominations already from the Golden Globes, Independent Spirit Awards, the Critics’ Choice Award and Screen Actors Guild for his turn as a complex racist cop Dixon in Martin McDonagh’s Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri." }, { "docid": "1897537", "title": "-", "text": "Email address to send mail to American Eagle Wheel retailsales@aewheel.com, info@aewheel.com. Send mail to American Eagle Wheel using the email address mentioned above and American Eagle Wheel may not be reply back. Call American Eagle Wheel Phone Numbers for Help: Call to American Eagle Wheel for any help." }, { "docid": "3963213", "title": "Open Daily: 10am-5pm BESbswy BESbswyGo to...", "text": "An eagle is sexually mature and ready to breed at about 4 to 5 years of age. For bald eagles, the complete white head and tail are signs of sexual maturity. Golden eagles also attain their adult plumage at 4-5 years of age, when they are sexually mature and typically begin breeding." }, { "docid": "2721238", "title": "Open Daily: 10am-5pm DonateVisitAdmissionAdmission: $10Veterans: $9Youth (4-17): $73 & Under: FREEMembers: FREEPlan Your VisitEvent CalendarBecome a MemberRead Our ReviewsEvent Calendar Schedule a Group VisitGroup VisitsSchoolsBring a live eagle program to your locationGetting HereMap data ©2018 Google Terms of UseSign inNational Eagle CenterView larger mapEventsTaste of Wabasha Wild Eagle Viewing Watershed Gallery Event CalendarOur EaglesLive Eagle Programs DailyAngelColumbiaDonaldWasâakaLatschLearnLearn About EaglesFrequently Asked QuestionsGlossaryEagle BiologyCurrent ThreatsEndangered SpeciesFound an injured bird?Eagle Nest Cams Golden EaglesGolden Eagle ProjectGolden Eagle Field TripsWintering Golden Eagle SurveyGolden Eagle TrackingTeacher ResourcesLesson PlansSupportDonateMembershipVolunteer", "text": "Golden eagles weigh between 6-15 lbs (3-7 kg). Weight varies depending on latitude and gender. Generally, males weigh approximately 25% less than females from the same area. The average weight of a female golden eagle is 10-14 pounds, however there exists great variation depending on where an eagle is from. This difference in size between males and females is referred to as reverse sexual dimorphism." }, { "docid": "2836566", "title": "What's the difference between Grammy Award, Golden Globe Award, Emmy Award, Tony Award, and Academy Award?", "text": "Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: grammy award-award in music/music videos/ stuff liek that academy award-major motion pictures. also has little categories such as animated movie, and song and stuff liek that mostly for big actors and big films. golden globe-smaller than the academy awards, mostly for films and actors." }, { "docid": "7302354", "title": "-", "text": "Eagle Scout Scholarships. 1 The Eastern Orthodox Committee on Scouting Scholarship. 2 Howard Hill Memorial Eagle Scout Scholarship Fund. 3 Emmett J. Doerr Memorial Distinguished Scout Scholarship. 4 Scout of the Year Scholarship. 5 The National Eagle Scout Association Scholarships. 6 Girl Scouts Nation’s Capital Gold Award Scholarship." }, { "docid": "5474917", "title": "Laura Dern", "text": "Dern won the Golden Globe Award for Best Actress – Miniseries or Television Film for the 1992 film Afterburn, and guest starred in the famous 1997 Puppy Episode of the sitcom Ellen." }, { "docid": "7298964", "title": "-", "text": "ABOUT EAGLE SEALER. Proudly manufactured in the USA, Eagle IFP Company offers a variety of concrete products for different types of plain and decorative concrete. Whether you are a DIY homeowner or professional contractor, Eagle has the right concrete care products for your concrete project. Inquire at your local home improvement store for Eagle Sealer." }, { "docid": "7341425", "title": "eagle", "text": "any of several large, soaring birds of prey belonging to the hawk family Accipitridae, noted for their size, strength, and powers of flight and vision: formerly widespread in North America, eagles are mostly confined to Alaska and a few isolated populations. Compare bald eagle, golden eagle. 2. the Roman eagle." }, { "docid": "5235471", "title": "Viola Davis", "text": "She is best known for her role as Minny Jackson in the 2011 film The Help, for which she won the BAFTA, Golden Globe, SAG, Critics' Choice, and Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress." }, { "docid": "1897543", "title": "-", "text": "Contact Address For American Eagle Wheel Chino, California, United States. You can visit American Eagle Wheel on the address mentioned above and ask your queries or register your complaints.(Please call before visit American Eagle Wheel) Email address to send mail to American Eagle Wheel retailsales@aewheel.com, info@aewheel.com" }, { "docid": "4964955", "title": "USA Baseball unveils the four 2016 Golden Spikes Award finalists", "text": "USA Baseball unveils the four 2016 Golden Spikes Award finalists. DURHAM, N.C. - USA Baseball unveiled on Monday the four finalists for the 2016 USA Baseball Golden Spikes Award sponsored by Major League Baseball and presented in partnership with the Rod Dedeaux Foundation." }, { "docid": "2355958", "title": "Bald Eagle Description Page 1", "text": "The bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) , our national bird,is the only eagle unique to North America. The bald eagle's scientific name signifies a sea (halo) eagle (aeetos) with a white (leukos) head." }, { "docid": "1098041", "title": "Christopher Cross", "text": "Awards. 1 Academy Award for Best Song, 1981, Arthur's Theme (Best That You Can Do). 2 Golden Globe Award for Best Original Song, 1981, Arthur's Theme (Best That You Can Do). 3 Grammy, 1980 – Record of the Year – Sailing. 4 Grammy, 1980 – Song of the Year – Sailing. 5 Grammy, 1980 – Album of the Year – Christopher Cross." }, { "docid": "7604617", "title": "EAGLE LOGISTICS LLC (New Jersey Transport Company)", "text": "QuickTSI will provide this website/profile as a marketing platform for EAGLE LOGISTICS LLC. Let potential shippers learn more about EAGLE LOGISTICS LLC. QuickTSI will publish EAGLE LOGISTICS LLC. business information here." }, { "docid": "3493366", "title": "Dances with Wolves", "text": "Costner developed the film with an initial budget of $15 million. Dances with Wolves had high production values and won seven Academy Awards including Best Picture and the Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture – Drama." }, { "docid": "6688710", "title": "Audrey Hepburn", "text": "Hepburn remains one of few people who have won Academy, Emmy, Grammy, and Tony Awards. Hepburn was the first actress to win an Oscar, a Golden Globe and a BAFTA Award for a single performance: Roman Holiday in 1954." } ]
what is a goniometer
[ { "docid": "1751333", "title": "Goniometer", "text": "A goniometer is an instrument that either measures an angle or allows an object to be rotated to a precise angular position. The term goniometry is derived from two Greek words, gōnia, meaning angle, and metron, meaning measure.rior to the invention of the theodolite, the goniometer was used in surveying. The application of triangulation to geodesy was described in the second (1533) edition of Cosmograficus liber by Petri Appiani as a 16-page appendix by Frisius entitled Libellus de locorum describendorum ratione." } ]
[ { "docid": "1978663", "title": "Flexibility Tests", "text": "Direct Methods. Indirect flexibility tests usually involve the linear measurement of distances between segments or from an external object. Direct flexibility methods measure angular displacements between adjacent segments or from an external reference. See also about flexibility tests using a Goniometer and a Flexometer." }, { "docid": "5730594", "title": "-", "text": "The tibia to calcaneus angle in neutral is measured with a. goniometer. When placing the goniometer on the foot, the centre of the goniometer should be placed. within the area of motion between the calcaneal and tibial bisections (figure 3). The calculation of the inversion and eversion from neutral requires a value for the tibia to calcaneus. in neutral." }, { "docid": "1751336", "title": "Goniometry.ppt uche", "text": "Thus, a goniometer is an instrument used to measure angles. Within the field of physical therapy, goniometry is used to measure the total amount of available motion at a specific joint. Goniometry can be used to measure both active and passive range of motion. Traditional goniometer. 2 The traditional goniometer, which can be used for flexion and extension; abduction and adduction; and rotation in the shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee, and ankle, consists of three parts: 3 A body. 4 The body of the goniometer is designed like a protractor and may form a full or half circle." }, { "docid": "5010269", "title": "Practical Light-Color-Spectral Measurement Instruments For LED & Any Other Type Light Source", "text": "The BTS256-E Light-Color-Spectral Meter measures illuminance in lux as well as color quantities and spectral distribution. The BTS256-LED Tester can be used four different ways: stand-alone, mounted onto an integrating sphere or goniometer bench or with a diffuser window attachment." }, { "docid": "397015", "title": "What Is the Normal Range of Motion of the Knee?", "text": "Normal Motion. Range of motion is typically measured using a tool called a goniometer. Normal ROM at the knee is considered to be 0 degrees of extension (completely straight knee joint) to 135 degrees of flexion (fully bent knee joint).ost functional activities require 0 to 117 degrees of motion at the knee. Walking requires complete knee extension at heel strike and up to 60 degrees of flexion at the initiation of swing phase." }, { "docid": "8585422", "title": "-", "text": "1 The traditional goniometer, which can be used for flexion and extension; abduction and adduction; and rotation in the shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee, and ankle, consists of three parts: A body. The body of the goniometer is designed like a protractor and may form a full or half circle." }, { "docid": "8585425", "title": "Goniometry.ppt uche", "text": "1 Traditional goniometer. The traditional goniometer, which can be used for flexion and extension; abduction and adduction; and rotation in the shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee, and ankle, consists of three parts: A body. The body of the goniometer is designed like a protractor and may form a full or half circle." }, { "docid": "8585428", "title": "-", "text": "The correct selection of which goniometer device to use depends on the joint angle to be measured. The length of arms varies among instruments and can range from 3-18 inches. Norkin, C.C. and D.J. White, Techniques and procedures, in Measurement of joint motion: A guide to goniometry, C.C." }, { "docid": "6979014", "title": "Goniometer Measurement", "text": "Where is the axis of the goniometer placed for measurement of shoulder extension? Centered on the humerus, approximately 1 inch distal to the acromion process of the scapula and on the lateral aspect of the humerus." }, { "docid": "7361700", "title": "Ankle Orthoses, Ankle-Foot Orthoses (AFOs), and Knee-Ankle-Foot Orthoses (KAFOs)", "text": "Ankle-Foot/Knee-Ankle-Foot Orthosis (Commercial/Medicare/NH Medicaid) If an L4396 or L4397 is used for the treatment of a plantar flexion contracture, the. pre-treatment passive range of motion must be measured with a goniometer and. documented in the medical record." }, { "docid": "5278129", "title": "What is Range of Motion?", "text": "Range of motion is measured by your physical therapist using a device called a goniometer. A goniometer is a metal or plastic handheld device with two arms. Numbers representing angular distance are on the device, much like a protractor." }, { "docid": "2846966", "title": "-", "text": "Thus, a goniometer is an instrument used to measure angles. Within the field of physical therapy, goniometry is used to measure the total amount of available motion at a specific joint. Goniometry can be used to measure both active and passive range of motion." }, { "docid": "6979010", "title": "Goniometer Measurement", "text": "Where is the axis of the goniometer placed for measurement of shoulder flexion? Centered on the humerus, approximately 1 inch distal to the acromion process of the scapula and on the lateral aspect of the humerus." }, { "docid": "3417317", "title": "-", "text": "United Kingdom. Range of motion or ROM is a medical/anatomical definition not a mathematical one. The range of 180-360 degrees is not factored in, presumably because the lower leg cannot move in an entire circle! To measure degrees of flexion using the goniometer, the zero is on the ankle and the 180 on the hip.ange of motion or ROM is a medical/anatomical definition not a mathematical one. The range of 180-360 degrees is not factored in, presumably because the lower leg cannot move in an entire circle!" }, { "docid": "1978660", "title": "The importance of assessing flexibility", "text": "Because flexibility is joint specific, determining the range of motion of a few joints does not necessarily provide an indicator of flexibility in other joints. The most accurate tests of flexibility are those in which a goniometer is used to measure the actual degrees of rotation of the various joints. A goniometer is a protractor type of instrument used to measure the joint angle at both extremes in the total range of movement." }, { "docid": "33438", "title": "The importance of assessing flexibility", "text": "Because flexibility is joint specific, determining the range of motion of a few joints does not necessarily provide an indicator of flexibility in other joints. The most accurate tests of flexibility are those in which a goniometer is used to measure the actual degrees of rotation of the various joints. A goniometer is a protractor type of instrument used to measure the joint angle at both extremes in the total range of movement. The double armed goniometer has two arms that attach to two body parts, with the center (fulcrum) of the instrument over the exact center of the joint tested (ACSM 2010b)." }, { "docid": "6979011", "title": "Measuring Flexibility using a Goniometer", "text": "procedure: To measure the range of motion at a joint, the center of the goniometer is positioned at the axis of rotation of a joint, and the arms of the goniometer are aligned with the long axis of the bones of the adjacent segments or to an external reference." }, { "docid": "6244363", "title": "How is flexibility measured?", "text": "flexibility is measured by the range of motion and the range of motion and the range of movements is measured by using a goniometer..... Edit.he range of movement is measured by using a goniometer: hip flexion, hip extension, hip adbuction, hip adduction, shoulder adduction, shoulder fexion, shoulder extension, elbow flexion/extension, and knee flexion/extension. mile run." }, { "docid": "2846967", "title": "Goniometry.ppt uche", "text": "1 Traditional goniometer. 2 The traditional goniometer, which can be used for flexion and extension; abduction and adduction; and rotation in the shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee, and ankle, consists of three parts: 3 A body. 4 The body of the goniometer is designed like a protractor and may form a full or half circle." }, { "docid": "1751341", "title": "Goniometer", "text": "A goniometer is used to document initial and subsequent range of motion, at the visits for occupational injuries, and by disability evaluators to determine a permanent disability. This is to evaluate progress, and also for medico-legal purposes.rior to the invention of the theodolite, the goniometer was used in surveying. The application of triangulation to geodesy was described in the second (1533) edition of Cosmograficus liber by Petri Appiani as a 16-page appendix by Frisius entitled Libellus de locorum describendorum ratione." }, { "docid": "8585427", "title": "Goniometry.ppt uche", "text": "A record is made of the starting measurement. The goniometer is then removed and the patient moves the joint through the available range of motion. Norkin, C.C. and D.J. White, Techniques and procedures, in Measurement of joint motion: A guide to goniometry, C.C. Norkin and D.J. White, Editors." }, { "docid": "2846962", "title": "Joint Range of Motion", "text": "Comparing the two will then allow strength measurement as a muscle’s ability to move a joint through all the available passive range is measured.• To measure: • You have to understand the alignment of the bones comprising the joint and align the arms of the goniometer parallel to the bones.• Read the angle accordingly." }, { "docid": "2023919", "title": "Goniometer", "text": "In surface science, an instrument generally called a contact angle goniometer is used to measure the static contact angle, advancing & receding contact angles, and surface tension. goniometer is used to document initial and subsequent range of motion, at the visits for occupational injuries, and by disability evaluators to determine a permanent disability. This is to evaluate progress, and also for medico-legal purposes." }, { "docid": "5730599", "title": "-", "text": "Both of these. angles are measured with the patient in the prone position with the one leg flexed at the knee to form. the number four. This will allow the visualization of the bisections of the tibia and calcaneus and. facilitate the measurement of these angles with a goniometer. In 1996, Nekrasas reported intra-rater. reliability of bisection vs. no bisections in the measurement of the calcaneal tibial angle2." }, { "docid": "6803109", "title": "What Is the Normal Range of Motion of the Knee?", "text": "Normal Motion. Range of motion is typically measured using a tool called a goniometer. Normal ROM at the knee is considered to be 0 degrees of extension (completely straight knee joint) to 135 degrees of flexion (fully bent knee joint)." }, { "docid": "397018", "title": "ROM (range of motion) information", "text": "Range of motion or ROM is a medical/anatomical definition not a mathematical one. The range of 180-360 degrees is not factored in, presumably because the lower leg cannot move in an entire circle!To measure degrees of flexion using the goniometer, the zero is on the ankle and the 180 on the hip.Thus full extension is 0 degrees.As the foot moves towards to hip, so the numbers go up-the right angle at the knee being (hardly surprisingly) 90 degrees, and so on.ange of motion or ROM is a medical/anatomical definition not a mathematical one. The range of 180-360 degrees is not factored in, presumably because the lower leg cannot move in an entire circle!" }, { "docid": "6855071", "title": "ROM (range of motion) information", "text": "Range of Motion (ROM) is measured by your surgeon or therapist using a device called a Goniometer. You can purchase one yourself so that you can do the measuring. One of the best places to buy a Goniometer is on Ebay. When you measure, it is important that you place the Geniometer properly:" }, { "docid": "2481941", "title": "What Is the Normal Range of Motion of the Knee?", "text": "Range of motion is typically measured using a tool called a goniometer. Normal ROM at the knee is considered to be 0 degrees of extension (completely straight knee joint) to 135 degrees of flexion (fully bent knee joint). Most functional activities require 0 to 117 degrees of motion at the knee." }, { "docid": "6979015", "title": "-", "text": "Repeat this process. after any saddle adjustments. a.The Goniometer is the perfect tool. to aid you in determining optimal. saddle height. The Goniometer’s. color coded dial will help in. finding best angle ranges." }, { "docid": "5522856", "title": "Goniometer", "text": "A goniometer is an instrument that either measures an angle or allows an object to be rotated to a precise angular position. The term goniometry is derived from two Greek words, gōnia, meaning angle, and metron, meaning measure. The first description of a goniometer, derived from the astrolabe, was apparently in 1538, by Gemma Frisius." } ]
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[ { "docid": "4401417", "title": "-", "text": "You can convert a PDF to a JPEG file using software included with Windows Vista and Windows 7. The drawback to doing this is that you lose image quality during the conversion. Other methods, which may give you more or less quality loss, include online and downloadable file converters." } ]
[ { "docid": "8619431", "title": "How to split a PDF document into multiple files free", "text": "The Extract Pages tool in Adobe Acrobat™ provides a simple way to split a PDF Split a PDF file into one or more pieces online-it's easy and free. document into two or more separate PDF files.You can extract pages from an. existing PDF document and use them as the basis for a new PDF document or. several documents.he Extract Pages tool in Adobe Acrobat™ provides a simple way to split a PDF Split a PDF file into one or more pieces online-it's easy and free. document into two or more separate PDF files. You can extract pages from an. existing PDF document and use them as the basis for a new PDF document or." }, { "docid": "4635334", "title": "Exploring JPEG", "text": "Arithmetic coding is slower, but gets about 10% better compression for JPEG files. The Huffman trees in JPEG are never deeper than 16 elements and they are communicated with two lists. The first is 16 elements long and gives the number of values at each depth in the tree." }, { "docid": "7476823", "title": "Hillsborough County Forms", "text": "Hillsborough County Forms. Contact Your County Commissioner. If you would like to receive a response from your County Commissioner, please include your contact information including your email address and/or your telephone number. Select files to upload (jpg, jpeg, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, xls, xlsx, pdf, rtf, txt, tiff, tif), 10 MB total." }, { "docid": "5499054", "title": "How to Convert PDF to Image File", "text": "Step 2 - Import PDF files you wanna convert to image. Start the converter and then import the PDF documents. The importing operation is very easy. Just click the Add File button or drag and drop the PDF files to the content panel.nly 4 steps you can do the conversion and get the images in a few minutes. About the PDF to image converter: It provides you a quick way for batch converting PDF documents to various image formats. PDF to JPG, PDF to JPEG, PDF to PNG, PDF to GIF, BMP, EMF, WMF, EPS, and TIFF format is easy. 1 Free Trial PDF To Image." }, { "docid": "3085953", "title": "How to export PDF to Word, Excel or PowerPoint using Acrobat XI", "text": "In this tutorial, learn how to convert PDF to Word, PDF to Excel or PDF to PowerPoint documents that you can quickly edit and reuse. Learn how to save your PDF as an easy-to-edit Microsoft Word, Excel or PowerPoint document — and keep all the formatting, too." }, { "docid": "1792946", "title": "How to edit a PDF file", "text": "To edit a PDF file using the PDF Import Extension, follow the steps below. 1 If you don't already have OpenOffice installed on your computer. 2 Download and install OpenOffice. 3 This is a complete suite of free productivity software that includes OpenOffice Draw. 4 After installing OpenOffice, run the PDF Import Extension. Open the PDFill PDF Editor if you want to edit a PDF or the PDFill PDF Tools if you want to encrypt, decrypt, merge, add headers, or perform other quick tasks. 2 If you are editing a file, after PDFill PDF Editor is open, click File, select Open New PDF Project, and browse to the PDF you want to edit." }, { "docid": "5096630", "title": "How to remove PDF password online for free", "text": "Then please do as follows: 1. Please upload encrypted PDF in Free PDF Password Remover which supports to remove password for local or online PDF: 1 Upload local PDF: Please check the option Input a PDF File and then click the edit box or the button Browse to choose encrypted PDF document from the popup file picker window.hen please do as follows: 1. Please upload encrypted PDF in Free PDF Password Remover which supports to remove password for local or online PDF: 1 Upload local PDF: Please check the option Input a PDF File and then click the edit box or the button Browse to choose encrypted PDF document from the popup file picker window." }, { "docid": "3245300", "title": "What is JPEG Format ? How and Why this is used?", "text": "Image files that employ JPEG compression are commonly called JPEG files. The most common file extension for this format is .jpg, though .jpeg, .jpe, .jfif and .jif are also used. It is also possible for JPEG data to be embedded in other file types, such as TIFF format images.JPEG/JFIF is the format most used for storing and transmitting photographs on the World Wide Web.he most common file extension for this format is .jpg, though .jpeg, .jpe, .jfif and .jif are also used. It is also possible for JPEG data to be embedded in other file types, such as TIFF format images." }, { "docid": "5585287", "title": "-", "text": "Hyperlinks may be present in a word processing document, but the hyperlinks may not be converted into PDF format when the document is prepared for filing. This may result from using a PDF converter that cannot convert hyperlinks or from improper settings on a PDF converter.yperlinks may be present in a word processing document, but the hyperlinks may not be converted into PDF format when the document is prepared for filing. This may result from using a PDF converter that cannot convert hyperlinks or from improper settings on a PDF converter." }, { "docid": "2121217", "title": "Lacks Information for Adjudication", "text": "AARP health insurance plans (PDF download) Medicare replacement (PDF download) AARP MedicareRx Plans United Healthcare (PDF download) medicare benefits (PDF download) medicare supplemental insurance (PDF download) medicare coverage (PDF download) medicare supplement plans (PDF download)" }, { "docid": "3050070", "title": "JPEG", "text": "The JPEG standard specifies the codec, which defines how an image is compressed into a stream of bytes and decompressed back into an image, but not the file format used to contain that stream. The Exif and JFIF standards define the commonly used formats for interchange of JPEG-compressed images." }, { "docid": "4595323", "title": "Free Software To Read PDF Files", "text": "Soda 3D PDF reader is a free software which allows you to read PDF files in 3D. You can even create PDF files with the help of this free PDF reader. This free PDF reader is easy to install, as it requires only few clicks. You can get extra features by registering yourself for free." }, { "docid": "4340143", "title": "Lvivska Oblast Map Server", "text": "The following is a map server for the Lvivska Oblast in Ukraine. The scale of the map is such that each JPEG map unit (i.e. map coordinate unit) represents a 20 km by 20 km area where the individual grids are spaced 4 km apart. Each JPEG map unit is 591 pixels high and 591 pixels wide." }, { "docid": "6534323", "title": "JPEG 101: A Crash Course Guide on JPEG", "text": "Here is a list of things you should know about JPEG: 1 JPEG is a lossy compression algorithm; this means that it discards some data from an image to reduce its file size. 2 JPEG is often pronounced as jay peg. 3 JPEG is an acronym for Joint Photographic Experts Group, the organization that developed the JPEG format." }, { "docid": "6002482", "title": "HOW CAN I SCAN MULTIPLE DOCUMENTS INTO ONE PDF FILE?", "text": "Answers. Relevance. Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: I know a way even if you can't scan all the forms into one pdf file. First, just scan all the forms as separated files in your computer; second, combine all the pdf forms into a single pdf with simpo pdf creator, a pdf tool supports to combine multiple files into one pdf.You can try this way and search the simpo pdf creator for use. Source(s):Adam Smith · 4 years ago. Thumbs up.nswers. Relevance. Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: I know a way even if you can't scan all the forms into one pdf file. First, just scan all the forms as separated files in your computer; second, combine all the pdf forms into a single pdf with simpo pdf creator, a pdf tool supports to combine multiple files into one pdf." }, { "docid": "372277", "title": "How to Convert a JPEG to a Vector Image", "text": "How to Convert a JPEG to a Vector Image. Many photos and Web images are stored in the popular JPEG image format. But JPEG images have some limitations; some applications work best with images in vector formats such as Scalable Vector Graphics and Encapsulated Postscript." }, { "docid": "823129", "title": "Convert JPEG to PDF with PDF Creator Plus", "text": "Select the layout for your JPEG image, then click the Print button. PDF Creator Plus will display the printed JPEG image. Click the Create PDF button to convert your JPEG to PDF now or continue printing JPEG or other files to the PDF Creator Plus 7.0 printer to add more pages. 1 In the Create File dialog:" }, { "docid": "7869599", "title": "Configuring Adobe PDF settings", "text": "Upload PDF settings. You can have PDF settings available on the PDF Generator server by uploading them from a local computer or a network location. On the Upload Adobe PDF Setting page, click Browse, locate the PDF settings file, and click Open.Click OK and then click OK again.pload PDF settings. You can have PDF settings available on the PDF Generator server by uploading them from a local computer or a network location. On the Upload Adobe PDF Setting page, click Browse, locate the PDF settings file, and click Open." }, { "docid": "3981246", "title": "-", "text": "JPEG Export Quality Tester plugin for Lightroom. I created a plugin to quickly generate JPEG copies at all quality settings, my JPEG Export Quality Tester Lightroom Plugin. You can use it for your own testing. It's one of the 20+ wide-ranging Lightroom plugins I've published on my Lightroom Goodies page." }, { "docid": "3171768", "title": "-", "text": "Fortunately, there are many ways to resize a JPEG and make it a more manageable size. You can use Microsoft Windows XP's built-in photo resizer, an independent software editing program, or a free online photo resizing website to resize a JPEG." }, { "docid": "3854116", "title": "How to Edit PDF Files without Adobe Acrobat", "text": "Edit the Text of a PDF File. If you want to edit the text in a PDF file but don’t have access to the source documents, your best bet is that you convert the PDF file into an editable Word document or an Excel spreadsheet depending on the contents of the PDF." }, { "docid": "4401418", "title": "How to Change a PDF File to JPG", "text": "Extract a page from the PDF document. Open the PDF file from the File menu. Select a page that you want to convert if the PDF file is a multipage document. Click Open.. Export the PDF page as a JPEG file. Go to the File menu and select Export.. Select JPEG format under the Save as Type drop-down menu." }, { "docid": "2903449", "title": "CEO Biographies & Photos", "text": "Translations: Arabic (pdf), Chinese (pdf), French (pdf), Japanese (pdf), Portuguese (pdf), Spanish (pdf) Alexandre de Juniac became the seventh person to lead the International Air Transport Association (IATA) when he took on the role of Director General and CEO from 1 September 2016. De Juniac has almost three decades of experience in both the private and public sectors." }, { "docid": "5044955", "title": "Whats better JPEG or BMP?", "text": "BMP is higher quality than jpeg, but large in size. JPEG (or jpg) has poorer quality than BMP but a much smaller file size. Changing from jpeg to bmp will not lose quality, but going the other way will. I would personally recommend the png format. It is high quality and smaller in size than bmp." }, { "docid": "1197899", "title": "-", "text": "OSHA Safety and Health Injury Prevention Sheets (SHIPS) 1 Housekeeping Safety (PDF). (July 2016). 2 Surface Preparation and Preservation (PDF). (March 2016). 3 Control of Hazardous Energy Lockout/Tags-Plus (PDF). (April 2014). 4 Shipboard Electrical (PDF). (December 2013). 5 Rigging (PDF). (April 2011). 6 Shipfitting (PDF). (August 2008)." }, { "docid": "2951377", "title": "Related Statutes and Rules", "text": "If a district or charter school decides to change its fiscal year start date, it must file the following items with the Texas Education Agency: a Form FIN -003, Notification of Intent to Change the Fiscal Year Start Date form (PDF, 22 KB)" }, { "docid": "4272144", "title": "Use iBooks with PDF documents on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch", "text": "You can open PDF documents, such as a PDF attached to an email, with iBooks: Open the email with the PDF attachment, and tap the attachment. Tap the Share icon ." }, { "docid": "50463", "title": "-", "text": "You can make changes and edit photo images in GIMP. Photoshop is a popular program for editing pictures, but GIMP is a free download. You can distort faces, change colors and crop pictures with a jpeg format and other popular image file types with GIMP. GIMP is easy to use and their website even offers video tutorials." }, { "docid": "5855426", "title": "Municipal Parking Facilities", "text": "DOT parking facilities accept credit card payment, NYC Parking Cards and coins. For long-term parking, apply for a Municipal Parking Field Permit (pdf) Change the license plate on a Municipal Parking Permit (pdf) List of private parking garages and lots from the Department of City Planning." }, { "docid": "1458951", "title": "-", "text": "Re: unchecking radio buttons in fillable PDF. A toogle is a Check box, not a Radio button. You are using the wrong tool. You can change the box to a circle and it will look the same as the radio button, but provides the functionality you have requested." } ]
what is a good laxative
[ { "docid": "1849292", "title": "-", "text": "Prunes are excellent natural laxatives. Yogurt is considered a natural laxative, as it promotes the growth of healthy bacteria in the intestinal tract. Foods high in water content, such as lettuce, are considered good natural laxatives. Eating grapefruit can increase hydration levels and work as a natural laxative.Celery is a high-fiber food.vocados are a good choice for a natural laxative. Peas, which are high in fiber, may be used as a natural laxative. Aloe vera is sometimes taken as a supplement to treat digestive issues. Watermelon could be used as a natural laxative because it has a high concentration of water." } ]
[ { "docid": "8266359", "title": "Side Effects of Prunes", "text": "Nature's Own Laxative. Prunes contain sorbitol, a sugar alcohol that has laxative effects -- it causes bowel movements -- when eaten in sufficient quantities. A 50-gram serving of sorbitol is enough to cause a laxative effect, although you would need to eat a large quantity of prunes to reach this amount." }, { "docid": "7672167", "title": "Stomach Bloating.net", "text": "When it is indicated for the treatment of acid reflux, it is normally combined with aluminum hydroxide. This is because for acid reflux remedies, the additional effects of magnesium to produce a laxative effect may be unwanted, and adding in the aluminum hydroxide counteracts this property. Therefore the stomach acid neutralizing benefits of magnesium can be enjoyed without the laxative properties it also possesses." }, { "docid": "8306512", "title": "-", "text": "Butcher's Broom Herb -Benefits, Uses And Side Effects. Scientific name: Iuscus aculeatus. Actions: Anti-inflammatory, aromatic, cellular proliferator, diuretic, laxative (mild), vasoconstrictor. ............................................................................." }, { "docid": "2740689", "title": "15 Foods That Act Like Natural Laxatives", "text": "The following fifteen foods possess a natural laxative effect, which can help relieve common symptoms of constipation, as well as many other intestinal ailments. Before you start taking laxatives or stool softeners, try incorporating more of these “laxative foods” into your diet." }, { "docid": "2953330", "title": "Regular Strength", "text": "Stop use and ask a doctor if you have rectal bleeding or fail to have a bowel movement after use of a laxative. These may indicate a serious condition. If pregnant or breast-feeding, ask a health professional before use. Keep out of reach of children." }, { "docid": "1822294", "title": "-", "text": "Lactulose is a synthetic sugar that combines fructose and galactose typically used as a laxative in cats and dogs. Come to petMD for a complete list of pet medications and prescriptions. View mypetMD Content" }, { "docid": "1974803", "title": "-", "text": "Some chewing gum sweeteners have a laxative effect. A study published in the British Medical Journal found that many sugar-free chewing gums have sorbitol, a sweetener. Sorbitol is a laxative which is poorly absorbed by the small intestine. Too much sorbitol intake can lead to significant weight loss." }, { "docid": "1287502", "title": "Putrid Gas from Magnesium", "text": "Other familiar sources are magnesium hydroxide (often used as a laxative or antacid) and magnesium sulfate (generally used orally as a laxative or in multivitamins, or added to a bath). Some magnesium, such as Epsom salts, can be absorbed through the skin." }, { "docid": "4410613", "title": "What are Some Natural Laxatives?", "text": "Prunes are excellent natural laxatives. Yogurt is considered a natural laxative, as it promotes the growth of healthy bacteria in the intestinal tract. Foods high in water content, such as lettuce, are considered good natural laxatives. Eating grapefruit can increase hydration levels and work as a natural laxative.Celery is a high-fiber food.ny food with a high water content can work as a natural laxative. Perhaps the best-known example is watermelon, but lettuce actually has more water than watermelon does. Other choices for increasing hydration include apples, grapefruit, broccoli, tomatoes and cucumber." }, { "docid": "5596171", "title": "Black Walnut Hulls", "text": "It was the Native Americans, however, who first used black walnut hulls as a laxative and as a treatment for eliminating parasites in the intestine. This use, as a laxative, is how it is most commonly implemented today." }, { "docid": "1801257", "title": "-", "text": "Magnesium citrate is a saline laxative that generally produces a bowel movement within 30 minutes to three hours, according to WebMD. While patients sometimes use it for relief of constipation, whenever possible they should choose milder laxatives." }, { "docid": "1859258", "title": "-", "text": "Well, that happens not because of the bacteria, but due to the presence of inulin —a soluble fiber additive, which happens to be a potent laxative. Each serving of Activia contains 3 g of inulin. That's more soluble fiber than in six capsules of Metamucil Fiber Capsules laxative — they have only 2 g." }, { "docid": "2154777", "title": "Castor Oil", "text": "Uses. Castor oil is used to treat constipation. It may also be used to clean out the intestines before a bowel examination/surgery. Castor oil is known as a stimulant laxative. It works by increasing the movement of the intestines, helping the stool to come out." }, { "docid": "7496487", "title": "Baking Soda as a Laxative", "text": "Baking Soda as a Laxative. Laxative Abuse; Lemon Juice and Olive Oil; Lemon Juice in Hot Water; I also drink vinegar with a touch of baking soda to help with allergies.aking Soda as a Laxative. Laxative Abuse; Lemon Juice and Olive Oil; Lemon Juice in Hot Water; I also drink vinegar with a touch of baking soda to help with allergies." }, { "docid": "401988", "title": "Plantain", "text": "The seeds and refined colloid are used commonly in commercial bulk laxative preparations. Miscellaneous uses. The psyllium in plantain has been used as GI therapy, to treat hyperlipidemia, for anticancer effects, and for respiratory treatment. In human studies, plantain has been effective for chronic bronchitis, asthma, cough, and cold. Clinical studies show that psyllium seed is useful as a bulk laxative." }, { "docid": "804741", "title": "Constipation", "text": "Magnesium Citrate helps relax bowel spasms and is an osmotic laxative. Magnesium citrate is non addictive and gentle. To determine the level of magnesium to take, start with 1/day with or without food. Then daily, increase by 1." }, { "docid": "2903187", "title": "-", "text": "LACTULOSE USES. Lactulose is used to treat constipation. It is a laxative, sometimes known as an osmotic laxative. It is used to loosen the stool (motion) in the large intestine (bowel) or gut in patients who have difficulty going to the toilet (passing stools) or who go to the toilet less often than is usual for them.ACTULOSE USES. Lactulose is used to treat constipation. It is a laxative, sometimes known as an osmotic laxative. It is used to loosen the stool (motion) in the large intestine (bowel) or gut in patients who have difficulty going to the toilet (passing stools) or who go to the toilet less often than is usual for them." }, { "docid": "5076369", "title": "Herbal Laxative Tea For Slimming and Constipation?", "text": "Herbal laxative tea has these herbs as their main ingredients. Side effects can range anywhere from diarrhoea, vomiting, nausea, stomach cramps, chronic constipation, fainting, and even death." }, { "docid": "2044239", "title": "-", "text": "Senna Plus is used for: Relieving occasional constipation (irregularity). Senna Plus is a stool softener and laxative combination. It works by softening the stool and increasing water content to allow easier passage of the stool. Do NOT use Senna Plus if: you are allergic to any ingredient in Senna Plus." }, { "docid": "1522895", "title": "Castor Oil", "text": "Castor oil is used to treat constipation. It may also be used to clean out the intestines before a bowel examination/surgery. Castor oil is known as a stimulant laxative. It works by increasing the movement of the intestines, helping the stool to come out." }, { "docid": "4968859", "title": "-", "text": "Glycerin Suppositories. To alleviate constipation, try glycerin suppositories. The liquid laxative comes in an applicator that is easy to administer, and it relieves irregular bowel movements within an hour. If a liquid laxative is not suitable for use during the day, try the chewable oral laxative.Store a supply of these in your pocket or handbag for use throughout the day.he liquid laxative comes in an applicator that is easy to administer, and it relieves irregular bowel movements within an hour. If a liquid laxative is not suitable for use during the day, try the chewable oral laxative. Store a supply of these in your pocket or handbag for use throughout the day." }, { "docid": "4310235", "title": "Colonoscopy", "text": "Take a laxative. Your doctor may suggest taking a laxative, in either pill form or liquid form. You may be instructed to take the laxative the night before your colonoscopy, or you may be asked to use the laxative both the night before and the morning of the procedure. Use an enema kit." }, { "docid": "4309446", "title": "Fleet Glycerin Suppositories Adult (rectal)", "text": "How should I use Fleet Glycerin Suppositories Pediatric (glycerin rectal)? Use exactly as directed on the label, or as prescribed by your doctor. Do not use in larger or smaller amounts or for longer than recommended. Overuse of a laxative may cause damage to the nerves, muscles, or tissues in your intestines." }, { "docid": "5486183", "title": "Is Maalox Constipation", "text": "Maalox, and Mylanta products). Magnesium hydroxide is both an antacid and a laxative, thus may help with abdominal pain due to either stomach acid or constipation. While slower onset than calcium carbonate, it will also have a more sustained effect and will not cause." }, { "docid": "6312012", "title": "Health Benefits of Flax Seeds (Tisi) and Oil", "text": "1 Flax seeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and fiber that your body needs during pregnancy. 2 The laxative properties of flax seeds help keep constipation away." }, { "docid": "1935333", "title": "-", "text": "Uses. Castor oil is used to treat constipation. It may also be used to clean out the intestines before a bowel examination/surgery. Castor oil is known as a stimulant laxative.It works by increasing the movement of the intestines, helping the stool to come out.ses. Castor oil is used to treat constipation. It may also be used to clean out the intestines before a bowel examination/surgery. Castor oil is known as a stimulant laxative. It works by increasing the movement of the intestines, helping the stool to come out." }, { "docid": "4258322", "title": "-", "text": "The Day Before. The procedure really begins 24 hours prior to the colonoscopy, when you need to begin preparing for it. Your doctor will prescribe a laxative to empty out the digestive tract.he Day Before. The procedure really begins 24 hours prior to the colonoscopy, when you need to begin preparing for it. Your doctor will prescribe a laxative to empty out the digestive tract." }, { "docid": "6881514", "title": "-", "text": "Two well-known products--Metamucil and Miralax--can relieve symptoms of constipation and provide other benefits as well. Before choosing a laxative or fiber therapy, patients should consult with their physician." }, { "docid": "2103012", "title": "Ginger", "text": "Ginger is also sometimes used for chest pain, low back pain, and stomach pain. Some people pour the fresh juice on their skin to treat burns. The oil made from ginger is sometimes applied to the skin to relieve pain. In foods and beverages, ginger is used as a flavoring agent.In manufacturing, ginger is used as for fragrance in soaps and cosmetics. One of the chemicals in ginger is also used as an ingredient in laxative, anti-gas, and antacid medications.n foods and beverages, ginger is used as a flavoring agent. In manufacturing, ginger is used as for fragrance in soaps and cosmetics. One of the chemicals in ginger is also used as an ingredient in laxative, anti-gas, and antacid medications." }, { "docid": "2173517", "title": "The Benefits of Magnesium", "text": "Because it helps with constipation, magnesium can also be used as a laxative. Magnesium as a laxative is sold as a liquid in bottle of magnesium citrate. The difference between magnesium as a supplement and magnesium as a laxative is the dose." } ]
what is a gpt partition?
[ { "docid": "5917896", "title": "What is a GPT Protective Partition?", "text": "A GPT protective partition is a partition on a hard drive that a GUID Partition Table protects. A partition is a continuous area of storage space on a hard drive that is separated from the rest of the hard drive and acts as its own storage device. A GPT protective partition cannot be deleted or reformatted, but can be much larger than partitions that the Master Boot Records (MBR) generate." } ]
[ { "docid": "1870437", "title": "-", "text": "1 {targetDiv:gpt-ad-276984e8-fdcf-42e4-b6b2-a7bf8f458cbc,slot:zillow/property_details/buy_agent/rtt_main_p1,network:7449,sizes:[fluid],targets:{aamgnrc1:8005 Pyracantha Ct,bd:4,fsbid:13898,city:Springfield,proptp:sfh,vers:ADS_Tagless:Casale_On,SHO_MOBILE_WEB_NAV_ADS:CONTROL,SHO_ADS_AND_TRACKING_PIXELS:CONTROL, ..." }, { "docid": "5895727", "title": "-", "text": "Save this search to get email alerts when listings hit the market. {targetDiv:gpt-ad-6b072a97-aa7b-404f-9923-18cb645f3978,slot:zillow/search_results/buy_general/b_right_p1,network:7449,sizes:[300,250],targets:{zip:24054,24045,aamgnrc4:Axton Henry. 1 Displaying unmapped homes. 2 See mappable homes. 3 Only showing 500 homes." }, { "docid": "5917892", "title": "Windows Setup: Installing using the MBR or GPT partition style", "text": "1 This option lets you keep the existing partition style. 2 For more info, see Boot to UEFI Mode or Legacy BIOS mode. 3 Reformat the drive for UEFI by using the GPT partition style. 4 This option lets you use the PC’s UEFI firmware features." }, { "docid": "1825397", "title": "-", "text": "514 days on Zillow. Save this search to get email alerts when listings hit the market. {targetDiv:gpt-ad-b37419aa-bdc4-4ee3-b814-9c9f4a4def10,slot:zillow/search_results/buy_general/b_right_p1,network:7449,sizes:[300,250],targets:{zip:71933,aamgnrc4:71933 Bonnerdale Hot_Spring. 1 Displaying unmapped homes. 2 See mappable homes. 3 Only showing 500 homes." }, { "docid": "2897988", "title": "What are function of SGOT , SGPT and BILIRUBIN ?", "text": "SGOT is released into blood when the liver or heart is damaged. The blood SGOT levels are thus elevated with liver damage (for example, from viral hepatitis) or with an insult to the heart (for example, from a heart attack).Some medications can also raise SGOT levels.SGOT is also called aspartate aminotransferase (AST). SGPT (Serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase) It is an enzyme that is normally present in liver and heart cells. SGPT is released into blood when the liver or heart are damaged.GPT: Alanine transaminase or ALT is a transaminase enzyme. It is also called serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase (SGPT) or alanine aminotransferase (ALAT). ALT is found in serum and in various bodily tissues, but is most commonly associated with the liver. It catalyzes the two parts of the alanine cycle." }, { "docid": "37930", "title": "The Scenario", "text": "To solve the New Simple Volume greyed out, you should change the MBR into GPT disk so that the part beyond 2 TB can be available. And here provides you two different ways to convert MBR to GPT disk. Method 1. With built-in Disk Management. Disk Management is the build in disk manager of Windows system." }, { "docid": "6543969", "title": "(UEFI or Legacy)? Boot mode for HP Server Windows server 2012 Hyper-V?", "text": "Hi, Below are the difference between UEFI and Legacy: Unified Extensible Firmware Interface(UEFI) is the successor to BIOS. UEFI uses the GUID Partition Table (GPT) whereas BIOS uses the Master Boot Record(MBR) partitioning scheme. GPT and MBR are both formats specifying physical partitioning information on the hard disk. Below I have listed the difference: Max partition size in MBR is ~2TB whereas in UEFI it is ~9 ZetaBytes" }, { "docid": "1666159", "title": "-", "text": "{targetDiv:gpt-ad-0f099cae-5550-424c-a80d-8c87a56211d5,slot:zillow/search_results/buy_general/b_right_p1,network:7449,sizes:[300,250],targets:{zip:72769,aamgnrc4:72769 Summers Washington. 1 Displaying unmapped homes. 2 Only showing 500 homes." }, { "docid": "30213", "title": "-", "text": "{targetDiv:gpt-ad-d3360607-c722-4b26-9db9-f2ce4b9e76fc,slot:zillow/search_results/buy_general/b_right_p1,network:7449,sizes:[300,250],targets:{zip:31408,31405,aamgnrc4:Garden_City Chatham. 1 Displaying unmapped homes. 2 See mappable homes. 3 Only showing 500 homes." }, { "docid": "8736852", "title": "Group Policy Storage", "text": "The Group Policy template (GPT) is a file system folder that includes policy data specified by .adm files, security settings, script files, and information about applications that are available for installation." }, { "docid": "6799449", "title": "SGPT Blood Test", "text": "drawing blood image by Pix by Marti from Fotolia.com. An SGPT blood test is a test used to measure the amount of the enzyme glutamate pyruvate transaminase (GPT) in blood. This enzyme is found in cells of the heart, kidneys, muscles and pancreas in small amounts, but it is in much greater concentration in the liver. This test is sometimes called ALT." }, { "docid": "1147879", "title": "Partitions and Volumes", "text": "Unfortunately, once you've created any partitions or volumes on the disk, you can no longer convert between the two types. To convert a disk to GPT, follow these steps: 1 In Disk Management, delete any existing volumes or partitions. Right-click the empty disk and select Convert To GPT Disk, as shown in Figure 19-14." }, { "docid": "3406040", "title": "-", "text": "{targetDiv:gpt-ad-7ed34469-a516-478a-b4ba-789c42677e99,slot:zillow/search_results/buy_general/b_right_p1,network:7449,sizes:[300,250],targets:{zip:29483,29492,aamgnrc4:29492 Wando Charleston Berkeley SCSouth. 1 Displaying unmapped homes. 2 Only showing 500 homes." }, { "docid": "4662582", "title": "Switch Windows 8 from a hybrid MBR/GPT => GPT only on Macbook Pro Retina", "text": "Download GPT fdisk from its Sourceforge page and install it. (Versions are available for Linux, OS X, and Windows. I'll assume you'll do this from OS X.) Launch gdisk on your disk by typing sudo gdisk /dev/disk1 in a Terminal window." }, { "docid": "4151443", "title": "-", "text": "Installing gpt with GParted. Preamble. Installation of gpt (G Partition Table) is an operation in which a loss of data is possible. In fact, any change of partition table is considered sufficiently dangerous to warrant a warning - so consider yourself warned and back up anything of importance." }, { "docid": "5546293", "title": "-", "text": "{targetDiv:gpt-ad-0bf701d2-2e4c-4804-a9cd-1283aab0820a,slot:zillow/search_results/buy_general/b_right_p1,network:7449,sizes:[300,250],targets:{zip:04943,aamgnrc4:04943 Town_of_Hartland Somerset. 1 Displaying unmapped homes. 2 See mappable homes. 3 Only showing 500 homes." }, { "docid": "3352107", "title": "-", "text": "Home Expenses. Internet, phone and TV. {targetDiv:gpt-ad-6baed023-d8a2-4fd4-bf24-b0fa6de659bc,slot:zillow/property_details/buy_sold/c_main_p1,network:7449,sizes:[400,20],targets:{aamgnrc1:2005 Marble Gorge Dr,aamgnrc4:89117 The_Lakes Las_Vegas Clark." }, { "docid": "2398870", "title": "-", "text": "{targetDiv:gpt-ad-1d2feb29-e846-40c9-a27c-34e67fba9312,slot:zillow/search_results/buy_general/b_right_p1,network:7449,sizes:[300,250],targets:{aamgnrc4:North_Charleston Charleston SCSouth. 1 Displaying unmapped homes. 2 See mappable homes." }, { "docid": "1070483", "title": "-", "text": "{targetDiv:gpt-ad-23032ce5-5c14-4292-b9dc-deb14f7b4b08,slot:zillow/search_results/buy_general/b_right_p1,network:7449,sizes:[300,250],targets:{zip:08844,aamgnrc4:08844 Neshanic_Station Hillsborough Somerset NJNew. 1 Displaying unmapped homes. 2 Only showing 500 homes." }, { "docid": "5183473", "title": "Troubleshooting Disks and File Systems", "text": "The partition table, which is a 64-byte data structure that is used to identify the type and location of partitions on a hard disk, conforms to a standard layout independent of the operating system. Each partition table entry is 16 bytes long, with a maximum of four entries.he GPT header defines the range of logical block addresses that are usable by partition entries. The GPT header also defines its location on the disk, its GUID, and a 32-bit cyclic redundancy check (CRC32) checksum that is used to verify the integrity of the GPT header." }, { "docid": "4768179", "title": "-", "text": "{targetDiv:gpt-ad-927dabcf-c9e7-404c-9eb6-f01c9778966d,slot:zillow/search_results/buy_general/b_right_p1,network:7449,sizes:[300,250],targets:{zip:42717,42602,aamgnrc4:Burkesville Cumberland. 1 Displaying unmapped homes. 2 See mappable homes. 3 Only showing 500 homes." }, { "docid": "7747469", "title": "-", "text": "Driving distance from GPT to Mobile, AL. The total driving distance from GPT to Mobile, AL is 73 miles or 117 kilometers. Your trip begins at Gulfport-Biloxi International Airport in Gulfport, Mississippi. It ends in Mobile, Alabama. If you are planning a road trip, you might also want to calculate the total driving time from GPT to Mobile, AL so you can see when you'll arrive at your destination." }, { "docid": "3346178", "title": "-", "text": "Save this search to get email alerts when listings hit the market. {targetDiv:gpt-ad-b715d30d-d4a1-4c8d-9062-7c5d769e7428,slot:zillow/search_results/buy_general/b_right_p1,network:7449,sizes:[300,250],targets:{zip:60446,aamgnrc4:Romeoville Will. 1 Displaying unmapped homes. 2 See mappable homes." }, { "docid": "7669216", "title": "-", "text": "{targetDiv:gpt-ad-ecd481e2-bd9c-4c78-9024-b76685c895c7,slot:zillow/search_results/buy_general/b_right_p1,network:7449,sizes:[300,250],targets:{zip:65011,aamgnrc4:65011 Barnett Morgan. 1 Displaying unmapped homes. 2 See mappable homes. 3 Only showing 500 homes." }, { "docid": "4545763", "title": "-", "text": "Save this search to get email alerts when listings hit the market. {targetDiv:gpt-ad-e29a89a7-d148-47e7-8ade-457deb0ae258,slot:zillow/search_results/buy_general/b_right_p1,network:7449,sizes:[300,250],targets:{zip:46732,46567,aamgnrc4:46732 Cromwell Noble. 1 Displaying unmapped homes. 2 Only showing 500 homes." }, { "docid": "3704147", "title": "-", "text": "Save this search to get email alerts when listings hit the market. {targetDiv:gpt-ad-0146c926-cda7-42ae-8a9d-c89f9e6d538e,slot:zillow/search_results/buy_general/b_right_p1,network:7449,sizes:[300,250],targets:{aamgnrc4:Haiku Maui. 1 Displaying unmapped homes. 2 See mappable homes. 3 Only showing 500 homes. 4 Zoom in, or use filters to narrow your search." }, { "docid": "6138477", "title": "-", "text": "Save this search to get email alerts when listings hit the market. {targetDiv:gpt-ad-5a4b4b1c-2b30-4fb0-9aa8-10b47888399c,slot:zillow/search_results/buy_general/b_right_p1,network:7449,sizes:[300,250],targets:{aamgnrc4:Toronto Jefferson. 1 Displaying unmapped homes. 2 See mappable homes. 3 Only showing 500 homes. 4 Zoom in, or use filters to narrow your search." }, { "docid": "1020990", "title": "-", "text": "Save this search to get email alerts when listings hit the market. {targetDiv:gpt-ad-3866be54-c7f2-409c-a726-2de8aabbbe9d,slot:zillow/search_results/buy_general/b_right_p1,network:7449,sizes:[300,250],targets:{aamgnrc4:Florence SCSouth. 1 Displaying unmapped homes. 2 Only showing 500 homes." }, { "docid": "8628923", "title": "-", "text": "/mo. See current rates on Zillow. {targetDiv:gpt-ad-1f2c8d72-4abf-4e77-b1a4-d88ba7e75765,slot:zillow/property_details/not_for_sale/t_main_p1,network:7449,sizes:[256,13],targets:{aamgnrc1:County Road Cb,aamgnrc4:Town_of_Menasha Winnebago. This home is not currently listed for sale or rent on Zillow." }, { "docid": "8806521", "title": "-", "text": "{targetDiv:gpt-ad-ea891393-5876-493f-8189-1606ac54cbeb,slot:zillow/search_results/buy_general/b_right_p1,network:7449,sizes:[300,250],targets:{zip:25430,aamgnrc4:25430 Kearneysville Jefferson WVWest. 1 Displaying unmapped homes. 2 See mappable homes. 3 Only showing 500 homes." } ]
what is a half pint
[ { "docid": "308030", "title": "-", "text": "A pint is 16 US fluid ounces. Half is 8. An imperial pint is 20 imperial ounces. Half of which is 10. A pint is 16 US fluid ounces. Half is 8. <br /> <br /> An imperial pint is 20 imperial ounces. Half of which is 10." } ]
[ { "docid": "7569892", "title": "How much would a pint be in cups?", "text": "You have asked a good question--one that is not simply the 2 cups = 1 pint that most people think. The half-pints referred to in the recipe are dry measure, not the liquid measure that everyone thinks of in the kitchen." }, { "docid": "309869", "title": "Re: how many ounces in a pint??", "text": "However, produce is often sold in dry pints and half pints, which are fractions of a bushel. Dry pints are not subdivided into dry ounces of volume. A dry pint is 1/64 of a bushel, which in turn is 2150.42 in in the US. The avoirdupois ounce is a measure of weight, and 1/16 pound." }, { "docid": "3280179", "title": "CITRUS FOAM", "text": "Method & Technique: Combine orange juice and sugar and reduce over medium heat by half. Add the juice of half a lemon. Bloom gelatin in cold water until soft, about 5 minutes, then squeeze gently to remove excess water and add to warm juice reduction. Add juice to heavy cream and strain through a sieve. Fill pint-size iSi Gourmet or Thermo Whip canister." }, { "docid": "5632738", "title": "How long does alcohol stay in your system?", "text": "How long does alcohol stay in your system? It takes your body around 1 hour to process 1 Unit of Alcohol, so that's about half a pint of beer or one 25 ml shot or 2/3 of a 125 ml glass of wine. That number is for peopl … e with a healthy liver. For others, it may take longer." }, { "docid": "4684190", "title": "Toll Brothers Customer Reviews", "text": "Personalized pint glasses as wedding favor 5. We purchased 185 pint glasses. They all arrived in perfect condition, good quality expected from prior samples seen, and in a timely manner. Highly recommend if pint glasses are what you are looking for." }, { "docid": "202061", "title": "How many ounces in a cup?", "text": "For some reason, I can never seem to remember how many ounces are in a cup, cups are in a pint, quart, gallon, and so on. So I'm going to write them down here, secure in the knowledge that I can always search my own damned web site next time I need them. 3 teaspoons is 1 tablespoon. 8 ounces is 1 cup. 16 ounces is 2 cups which is 1 pint." }, { "docid": "5803591", "title": "Convert pint to oz - Conversion of Measurement Units", "text": "We assume you are converting between pint [US, liquid] and ounce [US, liquid]. You can view more details on each measurement unit: pint or oz. The SI derived unit for volume is the cubic meter. 1 cubic meter is equal to 2113.37640993 pint, or 33814.0225589 oz. Note that rounding errors may occur, so always check the results. Use this page to learn how to convert between pints and ounces." }, { "docid": "7349771", "title": "How long does it take for the body to absorb pills?", "text": "Seaofclouds (23024)“Great Answer” (2) Flag as… ¶. It depends on the structure of the pill and the contents of your stomach. On an empty stomach it should be absorbed within an hour or so. The fastest way to absorb is to grind it up, and take it with half a pint of water or so. If you haven’t any food in your stomach, it should go straight through pretty quickly." }, { "docid": "6498752", "title": "Beer Can Chicken", "text": "Just place it as directed on an open half-filled can of beer, sitting up, in a roasting pan on the lower rack of your oven. Roast at 350°F until done (about an hour fifteen to an hour and a half for a 4 lb chicken).For an alcohol-free version of this recipe, just fill a pint mason jar halfway with chicken stock and use it instead of the beer. You can also use an open can of baked beans (remove the label) instead of the beer.ust place it as directed on an open half-filled can of beer, sitting up, in a roasting pan on the lower rack of your oven. Roast at 350°F until done (about an hour fifteen to an hour and a half for a 4 lb chicken)." }, { "docid": "3043553", "title": "3 Types Of Composting Toilets - Which Is Best For You?", "text": "Sun-Mar has two different types of central composting toilet systems: 1 Pint Flush. The most popular type is the 1 Pint Flush. Because of the flushing liquid and the toilet's water seal, many view this arrangement as being most like a traditional toilet. A handsome Sealand 1 pint toilet in the bathroom is connected to a Centrex composting unit which should be placed below and within 15 to 20 feet of the toilet. A regular 3 plumbing pipe is used to connect the toilet to the composter. Rough-in Specs For 1 Pint Flush Central Composting Toilet Systems." }, { "docid": "841937", "title": "What are limitations of the calculated and indirect volume measurement?", "text": "Making the world better, one answer at a time. The limitations of the calculated and indirect volume measurement is that its use is limited. It cannot be used in cases whereby a given object is soluble in water or absorbs water. Percent by volume The words dry measure complicate and confound the question somewhat. There is no such thing as a dry cup. But there is a dry pint … and a liquid pint. And since you said TWO cups dry measure, that implies a dry pint." }, { "docid": "1500356", "title": "How many shots are there in a pint of whiskey?", "text": "It depends on the size of both the shot and the pint. A shot can be 1, 1.25, 1.5 or 1.75 ounces. An American pint is 16 ounces, while an Imperial pint is 20 ounces. You can do the math from there." }, { "docid": "7569896", "title": "How Much is a Pint?", "text": "Don’t get confused with the imperial pint because this is used as a unit of measurement for draught beer and cider, as well as refillable milk bottles. Throughout history, a pint was used outside the Commonwealth as well, although its volume varied anywhere between half to over one liter. So there you have it!" }, { "docid": "6567872", "title": "Pints to Milliliters Conversion", "text": "Pint is an imperial and US customary volume unit unit. There is one type of pint in imperial system and 2 types (liquid and dry) in united states customary system. It is widely used in daily life, such as measuring beer and milk. The abbreviation is pt. Milliliter is a volume unit in metric system." }, { "docid": "342734", "title": "How many ounces in liquor bottles", "text": "So you need to know how many ounces are in the different size liquor bottles. That's why we keep this handy dandy chart of sizes at the store. I've put the old traditional bottle names like pint, fifth, and half gallon in quotes because they are no longer accurate measurements. We may still call them that, but bottle sizes have changed! Liquor bottles in ounces. 1 standard shot = 1.5 oz. 2 50 ml mini bottle = 1.7 oz. 200 ml half pint bottle = 6.8 oz." }, { "docid": "4386582", "title": "Dehumidifiers â A Guide to Dehumidification", "text": "Up to 400 square feet: 25 or 30 pint. Up to 800 square feet: 40 pint. Up to 1000 square feet: 50 pint. Up to 1300 square feet: 65 pint. For coastal areas the square foot coverage will be reduced as much as 50%. All of these figures are based on an 8’ high ceiling." }, { "docid": "6933304", "title": "-", "text": "Because 1 tablespoon equals 1/2 ounce, 5 1/3 tablespoons equal 1/3 of a cup. This also means that 10 2/3 tablespoons equal 2/3 of a cup. Since there are 3 teaspoons in 1 tablespoon, 2/3 of a cup contains 32 teaspoons and because 2 cups equal 1 pint, 2/3 of a cup is the equivalent of 1/3 of a pint." }, { "docid": "4867829", "title": "Pint to Gallon Conversion (pint to gal)", "text": "There are 0.12499999999998 gallon in a pint. 1 Pint is equal to 0.12499999999998 Gallon. 1 pint = 0.12499999999998 gal. Commonly used for measuring volume for liquid substances used widely around the world, in the countries adopted the Imperial system and the SI. There are a few types of pint, and the pint used in the US and the former colonies of this country is a liquid pint which is equal to approximately 473 mL." }, { "docid": "5512868", "title": "How Much do We Sweat Per Day?", "text": "Tweet. A hard working adult can sweat up to around 4 gallons (15 liters) a day. This varies depending on the temperature and humidity of the environment, but even in normal circumstances, the average person sweats up to 1.5 gallons (6 liters) per day. Half a pint (about 240 mL) of that usually comes from the feet! Other facts about sweating :" }, { "docid": "5776770", "title": "-", "text": "16 ounces to the pint (US) There are three teaspoons (tsp.) in a tablespoon. There are two tablespoons (tbs.) in an ounce.here are 8 ounces (oz.) in a cup. There are 2 cups (c.) in a pint. There are two pints (pt.) in a quart. There are four quarts (qt.) in a gallon (gal.)." }, { "docid": "4741853", "title": "-", "text": "Medium 20 oz. Large 30 oz. Mega Jug 64 oz. As you can see, the benign sounding medium soda is actually quite large. McDonald's medium portion is 21 ounces (a pint and a half) and Burger King's medium soda is 30 ounces (nearly a quart). But because these items are labeled medium, customers may consider themselves virtuous by not ordering the large, and may in fact order a medium order of fries to go with the soda." }, { "docid": "8472795", "title": "a pint of sour cream?", "text": "What size container is a pint of sour cream? I have an old pie recipe that calls for a pint of sour cream and figured that if a liquid pint is 16 fluid ounces, then it would probably be the 16 oz net weight size. But I couldn't shake the feeling that it might be the little 8 oz size. I ended up using the 16 oz and the pie was very full and came close to overflowing." }, { "docid": "4396788", "title": "13 Things You Didn't Know About HGTV's Property Brothers", "text": "Jonathan has given his heart to...his two pups. Jonathan fans, you're in luck! The rugged, flannel-shirt-outfitted half of the Property Brothers duo is currently single. But, he is the proud papa to two pint-sized dogs, Gracie and Stewie." }, { "docid": "5890569", "title": "-", "text": "There are 16 US fluid ounces in 1 pint, and 2 US cups equal 1 pint. There are 8 fluid ounces in 1 cup, therefore 2 US fluid ounces equals 1/4 of a US cup. For those interested… in Imperial ounces: 20 Imperial ounces equals 1 pint. 5 people found this useful." }, { "docid": "6567867", "title": "Convert ml to pint [UK] - Conversion of Measurement Units", "text": "We assume you are converting between milliliter and pint [UK] . You can view more details on each measurement unit: ml or pint [UK]. The SI derived unit for volume is the cubic meter. 1 cubic meter is equal to 1000000 ml, or 1759.75398639 pint [UK]." }, { "docid": "1632818", "title": "Tin Containers", "text": "Choose from lined or unlined round tin cans, with or without handles, in sizes ranging from half-pint (8 oz) to gallon (128 oz). Most round tin cans come with friction fit plugs. Sold in case quantities only. Common uses include paints and chemicals." }, { "docid": "6970538", "title": "-", "text": "1 qt. = 2 pints. 1 pint = 0.5000 qt." }, { "docid": "1217497", "title": "-", "text": "One alcohol unit is measured as 10ml or 8g of pure alcohol. This equals one 25ml single measure of whisky (ABV 40%), or a third of a pint of beer (ABV 5-6%) or half a standard (175ml) glass of red wine (ABV 12%). Find out more about alcohol units and measures." }, { "docid": "11245", "title": "Pint", "text": "In Commonwealth countries it may be a British Imperial pint of 568 ml, in countries serving large numbers of American tourists it might be a US liquid pint of 473 ml, in many metric counties it is a half-litre beer stein of 500 ml, or in some places it is another measure reflecting national and local laws and customs." }, { "docid": "1425761", "title": "Pints to Cups Conversion", "text": "1 Pint [Fluid,US] = 2 Cups. Pint is a volume unit in US customary and imperial measurement systems. Similar to other common volume units, in customary system, there are fluid and dry (rarely used) pints and in imperial system there is only one type of pint." } ]
what is a huerta
[ { "docid": "2024779", "title": "Huerta", "text": "A huerta (Spanish: [ˈwerta]) or horta (Valencian: [ˈɔɾta], Portuguese: [ˈɔɾtɐ]), from Latinhortus, garden, is a fertile area, or a field in a fertile area, common in Spain and Portugal, in which a variety of common vegetables and fruit trees are cultivated for family consumption and sale." } ]
[ { "docid": "4938272", "title": "Excessive Foot Pronation: What Should We Do About It?", "text": "There are obvious reasons why a sports physiotherapist would want to limit excessive pronation in an athlete. Excessive foot pronation has been shown to be correlated with the incidence of the following (to name but a few): 1 Metatarsal stress fracture (Mazrahi et al., 2000). 2 Plantar fasciitis (Pascual Huerta et al., 2008)." }, { "docid": "3911099", "title": "-", "text": "Famous People. 1 Jeff Bezos - Founder of Amazon.com. 2 John Denver - Singer and songwriter. 3 Neil Patrick Harris - Actor. Dolores Huerta - Civil rights 1 activist. Demi Lovato - Singer and actress. Demi Moore 1 - Actress. Georgia O'Keeffe - Artist famous for her paintings of New Mexico. Katherine D. Ortega - First Hispanic treasurer of the United States." }, { "docid": "391839", "title": "-", "text": "Nearest cities: La Huerta, NM (0.8 miles ), Carlsbad, NM (1.7 miles ), San Jose, NM (1.7 miles ), Happy Valley, NM (2.0 miles ), Livingston Wheeler, NM (2.1 miles ), Loving, NM (3.7 miles ), Malaga, NM (4.3 miles) , Whites City, NM (4.6 miles) ." }, { "docid": "3958716", "title": "-", "text": "In 1962 Cesar founded the National Farm Workers Association, later to become the United Farm Workers-the UFW. He was joined by Dolores Huerta and the union was born. That same year Richard Chavez designed the UFW Eagle and Cesar chose the black and red colors.Cesar told the story of the birth of the eagle.e was named after his grandfather, Cesario. Regrettably, the story of Cesar Estrada Chavez also ends near Yuma, Arizona. He passed away on April 23, 1993, in San Luis, a small village near Yuma, Arizona. He learned about justice or rather injustice early in his life." }, { "docid": "2355223", "title": "-", "text": "In 1962 Cesar founded the National Farm Workers Association, later to become the United Farm Workers-the UFW. He was joined by Dolores Huerta and the union was born. That same year Richard Chavez designed the UFW Eagle and Cesar chose the black and red colors.Cesar told the story of the birth of the eagle.esar was born on March 31, 1927. He was named after his grandfather, Cesario. Regrettably, the story of Cesar Estrada Chavez also ends near Yuma, Arizona." }, { "docid": "6680016", "title": "Hopper", "text": "Chief Jim Hopper, the police chief from 2016 web horror series Stranger Things; Others. H.O.P.P.E.R.S. or Hoppers, the nickname of the fictional Huerta, California, from Jaime Hernandez's Locas graphic novels published in Love and Rockets; Hopper (food) or Appam or Aappam hoppers, a type of food in Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Sri Lankan cuisine" }, { "docid": "6718734", "title": "What is Moral Diplomacy and Why is it So Important After All?", "text": "One of the best examples of President Wilson's moral diplomacy was seen in 1914, when he refused to recognize Victoriano Huerta as the President of Mexico, for―according to him, Huerta had taken over by force.He used the clout of American navy to force Huerta to vacate.ne of the best examples of President Wilson's moral diplomacy was seen in 1914, when he refused to recognize Victoriano Huerta as the President of Mexico, for―according to him, Huerta had taken over by force." }, { "docid": "3543288", "title": "What Is IDEA?", "text": "Individuals with disabilities education act reauthorization: Accountability and personal responsibility. Remedial and Special Education, 26, 320-326. Turnbull, H., Huerta, N., & Stowe, M. (2004). The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act as Amended in 2004. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc. U.S. Department of Education. (2010). Thirty-five Years of Progress in Educating Children With Disabilities Through IDEA." }, { "docid": "7226289", "title": "Dolores Huerta To Receive Presidential Medal Of Freedom", "text": "On Tuesday, Huerta will receive the Presidential Medal of Freedom alongside 12 others, including Bob Dylan and Madeleine Albright. great latino activists: Dolores Huerta To Receive Presidential Medal Of Freedom" }, { "docid": "5160556", "title": "Bridges on federal list get priority", "text": "The Bonnie Brae Street bridge deck will be resurfaced, while the columns will be left alone. And the Union-Pacific Railroad bridge at U.S. Highway 377 and the I-35E bridge at Denton Drive northwest of State Highway 121 Business will be rehabbed to a better condition but not fully replaced, Huerta said. BJ LEWIS can be reached at 940-566-6875 and via Twitter at @BjlewisDRC. In the latest Federal Highway Administration report, 15 bridges were listed as structurally deficient in Denton County. In the specific location data provided by Texas Department of Transportation, eight bridges were listed." }, { "docid": "7883422", "title": "Lupe Ontiveros Played A Maid 150 Times, Wanted To Break Free Of The Stereotype (VIDEO)", "text": "Lupe Ontiveros longed to play roles that would showcase her talents, like possibly that of union organizer Dolores Huerta. Yet more often than not she was cast as the maid -- a role she said she played more than 150 times. Born Guadalupe Moreno, the actress from El Paso, Texas told The New York Times back in 2002 that if she spoke perfect English she didn’t get the part." }, { "docid": "4739197", "title": "Curated FSM Press Bibliography 3,377 items", "text": "Huerta and Chavez were incredible partners in the fight for civil rights, and their dedication changed the world. The National Farm Workers Association. The National Farm Workers Association, later known as the United Farm Workers, was the first successful farm workers union in America.uerta and Chavez were incredible partners in the fight for civil rights, and their dedication changed the world. The National Farm Workers Association. The National Farm Workers Association, later known as the United Farm Workers, was the first successful farm workers union in America." }, { "docid": "2272688", "title": "-", "text": "Cesar Chavez (born César Estrada Chávez, locally [ˈsesaɾ esˈtɾaða ˈtʃaβes]; March 31, 1927 – April 23, 1993) was an American farm worker, labor leader and civil rights activist, who, with Dolores Huerta, co-founded the National Farm Workers Association (later the United Farm Workers union, UFW)." }, { "docid": "6129209", "title": "The United Farm Workers Organizing Committee (UFWOC) Is Formed", "text": "Source: Library of Congress Added by: Aimee Lucido. The United Farm Workers of America (UFW) is a labor union founded by Philip Vera Cruz, Dolores Huerta, and Cesar Chavez." }, { "docid": "6564856", "title": "Dolores Huerta Biography", "text": "Later Life. Dolores Huerta has been honored for her work as a fierce advocate for farm workers, immigration and women. She received the Ellis Island Medal of Freedom Award and was inducted in the National Women’s Hall of Fame in 1993. That year proved bitter-sweet for her as she also experienced the passing of her beloved friend Cesar Chavez." }, { "docid": "2941580", "title": "United Farm Workers", "text": "In 1962, she co-founded a workers' union with Cesar César, chavez chávez which was later known As The United (FARM). Workers ufw the two made a. Great team chavez chávez was the dynamic leader And speaker and huerta was a skilled organizer. and tough negotiator" }, { "docid": "2024787", "title": "Huerta", "text": "As a last name Huerta was the 735 th most popular name in 2010. When was the first name Huerta first recorded in the United States? The oldest recorded birth by the Social Security Administration for the name Huerta is Monday, February 26th, 1906. How unique is the name Huerta? From 1880 to 2016 less than 5 people per year have been born with the first name Huerta. Hoorah! You are a unique individual. Weird things about the name Huerta: Your name in reverse order is Atreuh." }, { "docid": "1125992", "title": "United Farm Workers", "text": "It originated from the merger of two workers' rights organizations, the Agricultural Workers Organizing Committee (AWOC) led by organizer Larry Itliong, and the National Farm Workers Association (NFWA) led by César Chávez and Dolores Huerta." }, { "docid": "5160549", "title": "Bridges on federal list get priority", "text": "The agency maintains that none of the bridges on the Department of Transportation list meet that definition. The report simply identifies the bridges that need to be scheduled for repair work. Huerta said none of the bridges identified in the Department of Transportation report are dangerous to drivers." }, { "docid": "6208650", "title": "-", "text": "The city, as the capital of the comarca Huerta de Murcia is called Europe’s orchard due to its long agricultural tradition and as a fruits, vegetables and flowers producer and exporter.ighlights for visitors include the Cathedral of Murcia and a number of baroque buildings, renowned local cuisine, Holy Week procession works of art by the famous Murcian sculptor Francisco Salzillo, and the Fiestas de Primavera (Spring Festival)." }, { "docid": "3095744", "title": "United Farm Workers Movement", "text": "Although the United Farm Workers continue to campaign for the rights of farm workers in America, their pioneering work in the 1960’s led to many benchmarks in the struggle for recognition for the farm workers of the United States.he Community Services Organization, a Latino civil rights group prominent in the 1950’s, was especially important in that it helped train Cesar Chavez and Dolores Huerta, the co-founders of the United Farm Workers, in the process of organizing workers and lobbying the government." }, { "docid": "3095740", "title": "United Farm Workers Movement", "text": "Summary. The United Farm Workers Movement was a political movement in the United States that intended to provide greater rights for farmworkers throughout the country and was headed by several organizations and labor unions, most notably the United Farm Workers of America.he Community Services Organization, a Latino civil rights group prominent in the 1950’s, was especially important in that it helped train Cesar Chavez and Dolores Huerta, the co-founders of the United Farm Workers, in the process of organizing workers and lobbying the government." }, { "docid": "1832409", "title": "César Chávez", "text": "Cesar Chavez was born on March 31, 1927. He was a Mexican American farm worker, a civil rights activist, and a labor leader. He co-founded the National Farm Workers Associ…ation with Dolores Huerta. He led the fight for a better life for migrant farm workers, and his birthday is now as Cesar Chavez day, and is celebrated in eight different US states." }, { "docid": "3952971", "title": "Freddy Fender Net Worth", "text": "Freddy Fender (June 4, 1937 – October 14, 2006), born Baldemar Garza Huerta in San Benito, Texas, United States, was a Mexican-American Tejano, country and rock and roll musician, known for his work as a solo artist and in the groups Los Super Seven and the Texas Tornados." }, { "docid": "7226287", "title": "-", "text": "Dolores Huerta, a civil rights advocate and labor leader who fought for farmworkers rights alongside César Chavez, will be honored with one of the nation... Tap here to turn on desktop notifications to get the news sent straight to you." }, { "docid": "7226284", "title": "Dolores Huerta To Receive Presidential Medal Of Freedom", "text": "Dolores Huerta, a civil rights advocate and labor leader who fought for farmworkers rights alongside César Chavez, will be honored with one of the nation's highest civilian honor -- the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Huerta told The Daily Beast that news of the honor came as a surprise to her. “I was humbled, thrilled, and surprised,” she said." }, { "docid": "3952972", "title": "-", "text": "1937-06-04 2006-10-14 American musician Baldemar Garza Huerta Fender Freddy Freddy Fender Freddy Fender Net Worth" }, { "docid": "7919071", "title": "-", "text": "Murcia is located near the center of a low-lying fertile plain known as the huerta (orchard or vineyard) of Murcia. The Segura River and its right-hand tributary, the Guadalentín, run through the area." }, { "docid": "4823310", "title": "-", "text": "El Santo is the most famous and iconic wrestler of all time. He is known as “El Enmascarado de Plata” (the “Man in the Silver Mask”). He was born Rodolfo Guzman Guzmán huerta In, Tulancingo hidalgo In mexico in. 1917 he came from a wrestling family with several of his brothers also having careers as professional. wrestlersriginally, El Santo wrestled in the style of a “rudo,” (a “bad guy” wrestler) playing against the expectations that people had of a wrestler named, a “saint.” Later, El Santo turned to being a “tecnico,” técnico “a good” guy. wrestler" }, { "docid": "7730998", "title": "-", "text": "Obregon obregón had intended to return to civilian life In december, 1912 but then In february, 1913 The madero regime was overthrown in a coup'd (etat état Known to mexican History as la) decena tragica Trágica Orchestrated, By Victoriano, Huerta Felix, félix Diaz Díaz Bernardo, reyes And Henry Lane wilson The. united states ambassador to mexicobregon obregón had intended to return to civilian life In december, 1912 but then In february, 1913 The madero regime was overthrown in a coup'd (etat état Known to mexican History as la) decena tragica Trágica Orchestrated, By Victoriano, Huerta Felix, félix Diaz Díaz Bernardo, reyes And Henry Lane wilson The. united states ambassador to mexico" } ]
what is a human services practitioner?
[ { "docid": "297711", "title": "What is a Human Service Practitioner?", "text": "What is a Human Service Practitioner? Human service practitioners provide direct and indirect client services. They assess clients’ needs, establish their eligibility for benefits and services, and help clients obtain them. They examine financial documents such as rent receipts and tax returns to determine whether the client is eligible for food stamps, Medicaid, welfare, and other human service programs." } ]
[ { "docid": "2050438", "title": "-", "text": "SERVICES OFFERED AT THIS LOCATION. 1 Clinical and Nutrition Services Primary Care. Dental. 2 Community Health Planning and Statistics Health Care Navigator. Pinellas County Health and Human Services. 3 Environmental Health Environmental. Infectious Disease Services STDs." }, { "docid": "7838712", "title": "-", "text": "Social and Human Service Assistants Social and human service assistants provide client services, including support for families, in a wide variety of fields, such as psychology, rehabilitation, and social work." }, { "docid": "4137676", "title": "-", "text": "Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) and General Medicare Guidelines on. Billing for Non-Physician Extender Visits. What is a Non Physician Practitioner? Non-Physician Practitioners (NPPS) fall into 2 broad categories: Physician Assistants (PAs) and." }, { "docid": "8305798", "title": "Where and When Are Medical Services Taxable?", "text": "( NMAC.) Exemptions are available under the following circumstances: 1 Medical services provided by administrators of the Federal Military’s TRICARE program are exempt from tax. 2 Medical services provided on behalf of the Indian Health Service of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services are exempt from tax." }, { "docid": "1142231", "title": "-", "text": "Capital HR (Cap HR) PeopleSoft based Human Resource (HR) information system used throughout the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to process personnel actions and administer benefits." }, { "docid": "5346529", "title": "-", "text": "The mission of the Health and Human Services Commission is to provide leadership and direction and foster the spirit of innovation needed to achieve an efficient and effective health and human services system for Texans." }, { "docid": "8150792", "title": "-", "text": "The Senate Health Committee holds a confirmation hearing for the president's Health and Human Services secretary nominee, Alex Azar." }, { "docid": "3446179", "title": "Department of Health & Human Resources", "text": "Department of. Health & Human Resources. Welcome. The West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources (DHHR) provides a wide range of necessary and life-saving services to many West Virginia residents. We also work to protect our youngest and most vulnerable citizens, our children." }, { "docid": "7731843", "title": "-", "text": "Data from Health Resources and Services Administration, part of the Department of Health and Human Resources." }, { "docid": "7133842", "title": "-", "text": "I am currently the senior vice president of Fedcap Rehabilitation Services, Inc.’s workforce development practice area. Fedcap is a non-profit human services company that specializes in addressing the economic well-being of those with barriers to work. My comments today will center around the provisions found in H.R. 2968" }, { "docid": "7494398", "title": "Ecosystem Services", "text": "Ecosystem Services. Healthy forest ecosystems are ecological life-support systems. Forests provide a full suite of goods and services that are vital to human health and livelihood, natural assets we call ecosystem services.ealthy forest ecosystems are ecological life-support systems. Forests provide a full suite of goods and services that are vital to human health and livelihood, natural assets we call ecosystem services." }, { "docid": "2224732", "title": "Arroyo Grande Social Services", "text": "Find Arroyo Grande California departments of social services, DSS, DPSS, and human services. Departments of social services provide information on food stamps, public assistance, welfare, housing, healthcare, emergency assistance, and child services. Arroyo Grande Social Services. Find Arroyo Grande California departments of social services, DSS, DPSS, and human services. Departments of social services provide information on food stamps, public assistance, welfare, housing, healthcare, emergency assistance, and child services." }, { "docid": "844581", "title": "Factors Affecting Consumer Buying Behaviour", "text": "Human beings are social animals and our desire is to fit it and or to identify by individuals or groups which are the primary motivation for buying product and services in the services industry. After the cultural factors in the study of consumer behaviour, the Social factors also affect the consumer behaviour." }, { "docid": "4461936", "title": "Do you speak Klingon, and why did you choose to learn it?", "text": "I do not do much with tlhIngan Hol any more right now. However, I still use the account name “peSHIr” on many online services. This is the Klingon spelling of my last name. It’s short, and not a combination of letters often seem in human languages, so it is usually still available." }, { "docid": "2356915", "title": "State investigates San Joaquin County Children's Services", "text": "Mike Miller, executive director of the San Joaquin County Human Services Agency, said the corrective action plan will be submitted on time, adding his department was glad the state performed an investigation. The county’s children’s services is overseen be Miller’s department." }, { "docid": "7774228", "title": "Phoenix House Texas", "text": "The Phoenix House Texas Regional office is located in Dallas, with treatment programs located in Austin, Dallas, and Houston. Our adolescent residential and intensive outpatient services accept some managed Medicaid, CHIP, Department of State and Human Services, and Northstar plans." }, { "docid": "4173545", "title": "-", "text": "To ensure that all residents of and visitors to San Diego County receive timely and high-quality emergency medical services, specialty care, prevention services, disaster preparedness and response. Emergency Medical Services (EMS) is a branch of the Health and Human Services Agency Public Health Services Division. It is the 'local EMS agency', or LEMSA, as defined in California law. State of California Emergency Medical Services Law Health & Safety Code Section 1797.200." }, { "docid": "4436135", "title": "Office for Human Research Protections", "text": "The Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP) is a small office within the United States Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), specifically the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health in the Office of the Secretary of DHHS, that deals with ethical oversights in clinical research conducted by the Department, mostly through the ..." }, { "docid": "2765606", "title": "-", "text": "Celebrating Wright State University 50th anniversary Wright State University College of Education and Human Services" }, { "docid": "4533730", "title": "CPH Health Policy and Management", "text": "An institutional review board (IRB) [also known as: Human Subjects Research Committee, HSR, or ethical. review board, ERB] is designated to review and monitor biomedical and behavioral research involving. human subjects. In accordance with Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) regulations, an IRB has the authority. to approve, require modifications in, or disapprove research." }, { "docid": "368823", "title": "Treating Alcoholism As a Chronic Disease: Approaches to Long-Term Continuing Care", "text": "CSAT - Center for Substance Abuse Treatment is a component of the Substance Abuse and. Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), U.S. Department of Health and Human. Services (DHHS) that works to expand the availability of effective treatment and recovery. services for alcohol and drug problems." }, { "docid": "8640640", "title": "-", "text": "Website: http://211LA.org. Provides free information about all types of human services, including adult services, counseling, legal assistance, financial assistance, training, services for people with disabilities and othersocial services 24 hours a day, seven days a week.* Certain business phones may not allow for 2-1-1 dialing.ebsite: http://211LA.org. Provides free information about all types of human services, including adult services, counseling, legal assistance, financial assistance, training, services for people with disabilities and othersocial services 24 hours a day, seven days a week." }, { "docid": "7838713", "title": "-", "text": "Social and Human Service Assistants: Social and human service assistants provide client services, including support for families, in a wide variety of fields, such as psychology, rehabilitation, and social work. They assist other workers, such as social workers, and they help clients find benefits or community services. Read More >>" }, { "docid": "5942335", "title": "-", "text": "Job and Family Services Profile. Coshocton County. *Federal Poverty Level as issued by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and published in the Federal Register. County. State. Vital Statistics. 158. State." }, { "docid": "5683182", "title": "-", "text": "Quick Answer. Economics is a social science because it examines the social behavior of human beings with regards to allocation of scarce resources in order to meet the needs of each individual in the society. Economics does not only involve production and distribution of goods and services, but also the human factor." }, { "docid": "8436388", "title": "What We Do", "text": "What We Do. The California Department of Social Services is one of 16 departments and offices in the California Health and Human Services Agency. The Department is comprised of more than 4,200 employees who are responsible for the oversight and administration of programs serving California's most vulnerable residents." }, { "docid": "1275002", "title": "-", "text": "At 10:45 AM, the Defense Subcommittee will hold a closed hearing with US Central Command. This hearing will not be webcast. On Wednesday, March 29, the Labor, Health and Human Services Subcommittee will hold a budget hearing with Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price. Watch live at 10:00 AM." }, { "docid": "2889868", "title": "-", "text": "Read More. ABJ Community Services, Inc. (ABJ) is a high performing accredited community and family-oriented social service organization founded by Dr. Vivian R. Jones on April 14, 1993..ur Mission. ABJ Community Services, Inc. develops and provides innovative training, educational and preventative services, and human services that enable youth and adults to become independent and productive co-creators of their destiny." }, { "docid": "8725030", "title": "What Jobs Can I Get with a Human Services Management Degree?", "text": "A degree such as the Master of Science in Human Services or the Master of Arts in Health and Human Services Administration could allow you to pursue advanced positions in social services. After graduating, you might work as a community or social services manager." }, { "docid": "3788591", "title": "-", "text": "Idaho Voices for Children is a proud program of Jannus, Inc., a diverse health and human services organization." } ]