Faedra was the receptionist for the freight company, so her main job focus was to answer the phones, direct people to various departments, and greet people who walked through the door. She was the first person you saw when you walked in, and the last when you walked out. Mr. Thompson did throw in some filing for her to do for good measure. Just such a task would set the wheels in motion for Faedra to become very aware that something was seriously amiss.
"Faedra Bennett," Mr. Thompson snapped, making her jump. She had her back to him with her hands in the filing cabinet; putting away the load of files he had given her just a few minutes ago. "How many times do I have to tell you? ANSWER THE PHONE IN ONE RING!" he bellowed, making her jump once more. The whole office fell silent, and all heads turned in her direction. "But, Mr. Thompson, I have my hands in the filing cabinet filing the records you just gave me and the nearest phone is all the way over there," she pointed to a desk a good twenty feet away. "I don't care about your petty excuses, girl. Do what I ask you to or I'll write you up. DO I MAKE MYSELF UNDERSTOOD?"
Faedra could feel herself get hot and her cheeks redden. She was not used to getting shouted at. Tears pricked behind her eyes, but she'd be darned if she were going to show this bully that he'd upset her. She certainly was not about to cry in front of the whole office, so she managed to blink them back. "Sorry, Mr. Thompson, it won't happen again," she said softly. "Just make sure it doesn't, girl," he gloated and turned to leave. "Oh, and I need the Hodgkin's report too." "Yes, Mr. Thompson."
She heard him mutter _stupid girl_ as he stormed off in the direction of his office. Heaving a heavy hearted sigh, she finished the filing and wandered past all of her co-workers - who were looking at her with sympathy - to her desk at the end of the room. She smiled sheepishly at the ones who made eye contact with her, but most just averted their gazes as she passed.
She had only been in front of her computer for a few minutes, not time enough to calm herself down yet, before she heard the familiar weighty footsteps stomping down the office towards her. Within seconds his hefty form was taking up the space in front of her desk. Looking up warily, she grimaced at his demeanor. His face was almost puce; she thought he was going to have a heart attack right there and then. He better not because there was no way she was giving _that_ mouth-to-mouth. The thought made her incredibly nauseous. "Did I not make myself clear, girl?" he shouted. "I'm sorry, Mr. Thompson, I don't understand what you mean."
"When I tell you I need a report, I need it NOW. I do not expect to have to wait until Christmas! Trust me to hire another imbecile!" he bellowed, before snatching the report that Faedra had already printed - just not gotten it to him yet - off the printer and stormed off back down the office again.
Faedra was shaken; she struggled to force back more tears, but this time they were tears of anger. Had she ever been this angry before? She couldn't remember. Her whole body was trembling and her palms that were resting face down on some paperwork were burning worse than they ever had before. This time it was not just a sensation, it was downright painful. She lifted her hands to blow on them, and, as she did, her eyes widened in horror and confusion. There on the paper were two scorch marks right where her hands had been.
She scanned the office to see if anyone had noticed, but everyone had their heads down attempting to look like they were working industriously. Balling up the paper, she threw it in the bin and went to the rest room to run her hands under some cold water. She was getting very concerned about her hands now. What just happened was definitely not normal; she also knew that she couldn't tell anyone; they would think her crazy for sure. For the rest of the day Faedra managed to keep herself under the radar until it was time to go home. An enormous weight lifted from her shoulders the minute she walked out the door. She felt as light as a feather, as if she would float away on even the most delicate of breezes.
After going home to change and pick up Faen, and her picnic basket, Faedra pulled into the church car park. There were no other cars there, which suited her. People often gave her funny looks as they walked by when she was nattering away to no one visible. She pulled her blanket and picnic basket from the trunk, and strolled towards the graveyard.
It was a beautiful, warm evening with not a cloud in the sky. There was a slight breeze that ruffled the leaves on the trees. The graveyard was about an acre or two in size and framed on three sides by ancient oak trees, with the church standing proudly on the remaining side. She knew that the vicarage was behind the trees to her right and believed that there were fields behind the other trees. It was hard to see through them; not because they were a thick stand of trees, but because they were covered with their summer foliage.
Faedra was in a daze as she meandered her way through the headstones. She had been here to visit her mum so many times that she thought she could probably find her headstone blindfolded by now. It was just as well; she was so tired this evening she didn't have her wits about her, and felt like she was on autopilot navigating her way through them.
The friendly black and white collie had spotted them as they came through the gate from the car park and bounded up to greet her and Faen, giving Faedra her usual toothy grin. The collie and Faen went through their established routine of him growling softly at her, while she rubbed her head against his chin in response. This time though, instead of her running off to sit in her usual spot after Faedra had petted her, she stayed with them and followed behind until they made it to Lillith's grave. "Here we are again, boy," she sighed, her voice weighted down with sadness.
Faedra set down the picnic basket, threw out the blanket on the ground and sat down on it. Leaning up against her mother's headstone, she outstretched her legs in front of her. She patted her hands on the blanket either side of her legs. "Come on you two, you can join me, you know," she said to the two dogs that were standing either side of the blanket and looking at her with an understanding she couldn't quite figure out. They did as she asked and lay down next to her, putting a head on each of Faedra's thighs so that they were nose-to-nose. The 'sibling rivalry' was completely gone, and they both let out a sad sounding whine. "Hey, you two, I'm okay," Faedra ran her hands over both of their soft silky heads and they didn't take their eyes off her.
Faedra let out a heavy sigh and leaned her head back to rest it against the cold hard granite of the headstone and closed her eyes. It felt nice and cool against the balmy warm of the evening air. A few minutes passed and she said nothing, but listened to the sounds of nature surrounding her. She could hear the dogs breathing and feel their hot breath on her hands that were now resting on her thighs. The birds chirped in the trees behind her; in the distance she could hear a horse whinny from the stables across the road. A crunching on the gravel path prompted her to open her eyes. It was the vicar and he was heading in her direction. "Good evening, Faedra. I thought I might find you here this evening," he said with a knowing smile. "Hello, Vicar."
"Are you feeling alright, my dear?" he asked, his eyebrows pulled together to form a frown. "I'm fine," she lied. "Haven't been sleeping very well the past couple of nights and right now I feel a little sad, but I'll be fine." He seemed satisfied with her answer and smiled again. "Well, if you need me, dear, you know where to find me. Say hello to your mother for me won't you." "I will, Vicar, thank you."
The vicar turned and headed towards the church. Faedra watched as he disappeared behind it, closed her eyes again and sat in silence for a few more minutes. She was trying to clear her head before she spoke to her mum, but the more she tried, the more out of focus she became until she could hold it in no longer. A wave of emotion swept over her and she burst into tears. She was tired and had had an awful day. "Mum, I miss you so much," she sobbed. "All this strange stuff is happening to me. I don't know why and I don't know what to do about it. I don't feel like I can tell anyone. I mean, I think I'm going crazy, so I can't imagine what other people would think. They'd probably lock me up and throw away the key."
Tears tumbled down Faedra's face. The eyes in the woods, the fortune-teller at the fair, the abuse by Mr. Thompson, her hands, and the fact she missed her mother desperately, all came flooding out. She buried her face in her hands; her body was wracked with emotions that were out of her control for the moment. The tears were relentless and she felt powerless to stop them. She was hoping a good cry would make her feel better. A cold wet nose nudged her elbow. She ignored it. Faen nudged her again; this time she took her hands away from her face, which was now red and blotchy. She could see the blurry outline of her dog looking at her with sadness in his eyes too.
Faedra wrapped her arms around his neck, just like the first time she had met him. She buried her face in his soft fur and accepted the comfort she felt when she did so. "I wish she could give me some kind of sign that she was still with me," Faedra said into his neck. "Faen, sometimes I feel so alone." He whimpered in response; she still had her head buried in his fur. She didn't have the strength, just yet, to leave the security and comfort she felt when he was close to her, and he was not about to move a muscle until Faedra had calmed down.
A few more moments of sobbing passed, and the shudders rippling through her body started to ebb. Her breathing became less ragged. She pulled herself from Faen to wipe the tears from her eyes with a tissue she had grabbed from the picnic basket. When her eyes began to focus and the drumming in her ears from the pulse of her heartbeat calmed, she heard a familiar sound that she hadn't heard for a very long time. She looked up and gasped. Sitting on the headstone directly in front of her was a bird, not just any old bird, but her mum's favorite bird. Its name escaped her at that moment, but she knew it was fairly rare and not seen in this area very often. It looked directly at her and sang its beautiful lilting song.
A surge of comfort swept through Faedra at the sight. It was the sign she had asked for. "I knew it. Look, Faen," she said, pointing at the bird. "It's Mum's favorite bird. She sent me a sign; she is with me," she looked up heavenward. "Thanks, Mum, that's just what I needed." Faedra felt her spirits lift exponentially in comparison to how she felt when she first entered the graveyard a little while before. She regained her appetite and decided it was time to eat the sandwiches she had packed into her picnic basket. Straightening herself up, she sat cross-legged on the blanket and placed the basket in front of her. The dogs both sat up and looked expectantly at the picnic basket that was now positioned between them.
"Don't worry, you two. There's something in here for you, as well," she said with a smile, the first one she had managed all day. She pulled out a couple of ham sandwiches and passed one each to Faen and the collie. They wolfed theirs down in seconds and looked again at Faedra, and then at the basket. "That's your lot, you greedy buggars," she laughed and pulled out an egg sandwich for herself. She loved egg sandwiches; they were her favorites. Her mum used to make them for her when she was a child, so it was only fitting that she would bring one to eat when she visited her. The little bird sat perched on the headstone the entire time; Faedra threw it a few crumbs. It hopped down onto the ground and finished up the crumbs that had been offered it.
A few moments passed and their picnic was finished. Faedra felt like a huge weight had lifted off her shoulders. She leaned back up against the cool granite of her mother's headstone and closed her eyes again. She didn't want to leave just yet; although, she was incredibly tired. She wasn't sure how long she'd been asleep when she was woken suddenly by a low carnal growl. She recognized it instantly as being the same as that time in the woods a few days ago. Her eyes snapped open and fear whipped through her. She felt disoriented for a second because it was almost dark. That odd light just after the sun goes down and the night sets in.
Faen and the collie were both standing to her left; their hackles were raised and they were postured ready to fight. Faedra noticed the oddest thing at that moment. The collie was looking at Faen and growling in different tones. Faen returned the collie's gaze and growled back in different tones, also. Were they talking to each other? It certainly looked like it. Faedra watched in amazement as the two dogs seemingly had a conversation right before her eyes; then they turned their attention on her and she almost jumped.
The collie barked at her; it was an insistent bark, like she was instructing her to do something. But what? Faedra didn't talk dog. The unusual scene unfolding before her almost made her forget what was causing it in the first place, until the collie looked back in the same direction as Faen and continued her deep menacing growl. The two of them looked ferocious, sending shivers down Faedra's back. Although Faedra was loathed to, she couldn't stop herself looking into the trees, and the familiar icy cold feeling washed over her again. "Oh, no, not again," she whispered to herself as she bent down and scooped up her blanket and picnic basket, ready to make a quick exit. "What _are_ those things?"
She was watching, trance-like, at what looked like the same pairs of eyes she had seen in the woods the other day. Only this time there were three pairs of them. The collie barked a response to her question, then looked at Faen and snapped a bark at him, too. He turned and all but pushed Faedra in the direction of the car park. She snapped out of her trance and picked up the pace, running as fast as she could while dodging between the headstones. The older ones were dotted randomly all over their exit path. Symmetry was not something that had been adopted in the olden days, but she wished for it now. She bashed her hip into the corner of one as she miscalculated its position when running past it.
"Ouch. This is getting beyond a joke," she cursed to herself, not daring to look back in case those things were chasing her. She could hear the collie's growl getting fainter as they drew closer and closer to her car. They reached it, but Faedra couldn't find her keys. She had tossed them in the picnic basket when they'd arrived and now was frantically feeling around in it, trying to grab them. Faen barked several times in quick succession.
"I'm trying, Faen, I know they're in here somewhere." Her heart was racing; she didn't know if those things were close or not. Her fingertips brushed over the cold metal of her keys. "Got them!" she exclaimed as she pulled her hand out of the basket clutching onto her car keys. She opened the door and let Faen in the back, threw the basket and blanket on the passenger seat, then jumped in herself and put the keys in the ignition.
"No, no, no! Don't do this to me now," she cried as she turned the keys, and the car responded with a splutter. "Come on, Sally, you can do it. You have to get us out of here," she coaxed her car as she turned the key again. Still there was nothing but a splutter. "I promise I'll never call you an old banger ever again if you start for me now," she pleaded and turned the keys once more. The engine spluttered to life. "Yes! Thank you," she patted the steering wheel. Faedra revved the engine a couple of times and then put it into gear and drove out of the car park, spraying gravel behind her as she did. "Sorry, Vicar," she cried, as if he were standing right there and had witnessed her speedy exit. "Thanks, Sally, you have my word, I'll never call you an old banger again."
Faedra had named her car when she first bought it. Her dad had thought it cute and her uncle had made fun of her, but she didn't care. She heaved a sigh of relief as she put more and more distance between her and the church. "I hope I'm going to get some answers soon. My life is getting just a little too weird of late," she thought out loud. The next morning Faedra wasn't surprised to see that the bruise that had been forming on her hip, where she had bashed it against a headstone during last night's getaway, had all but vanished. A slight reddening of the area was all that remained.
She got ready for work. Only another couple of days and it would be her birthday. She was so pleased that it fell on a Saturday this year. She was planning an evening out with Zoë and Amy, and was looking forward to going out and having some fun with her friends. CHAPTER FIVE The sun peeking through the curtains awoke Faedra on the morning of her eighteenth birthday. She stretched and rubbed the sleep from her eyes as she turned over to look at the time on the clock that was sitting on her nightstand. It told her that it was six thirty in the morning. "Urgh, it's still early," she moaned. Faen was lying on the rug next to her bed and stirred when he heard her move. He sat up and looked at her, wagging his tail as he always did when he greeted her in the morning.
"Hey, boy, it's still early. I'm going back to sleep again for a while." She moved to turn back over, but something caught her eye as she did. Pushing herself up on her elbows, she looked straight ahead at her doll's house. There resting up against the wall of the house was an envelope that simply read, 'Faedra'. She looked around the room, not quite sure what she expected to see, maybe her dad peeking through her door. Had he put it there as a surprise for her when she woke up? She got out of bed and wandered over to the doll's house, picked up the envelope and went back to sit under the covers. The envelope had an old-fashioned wax seal as a closure on the back.
"That's odd," she said, pulling her eyebrows together. "Who on earth seals an envelope like that anymore?" She had seen plenty of examples of them in the museum, but had never seen it on a modern day letter. She opened the envelope with care and pulled out a letter. She could feel something else in the envelope and tipped it up. A ring fell out onto her comforter. She picked it up so she could examine it.
"Wow, that's unusual," she whispered as she held the ring between her thumb and forefinger, inspecting it from all angles. It looked very old. She didn't recognize the metal it was made from. It didn't look like gold or silver, although, it did look gold in color; maybe some type of copper mix. There was no stone in the ring; it was solid metal throughout. The main part of the ring was square and had what looked like a Celtic design engraved on it. There was a different symbol in each of the four corners of the ring and they looked like little swirls going in different directions. The band came down from the square and they, too, were engraved with several rows of etched lines. The band itself was thick. It was a ring of substance but didn't look too oversized for a female to wear.
Faedra slid it on the ring finger of her right hand and it fit perfectly. As soon as the ring was in place, a warm sensation emanated up her finger and throughout her hand. She stared at it, then brought her hand nearer to her face so she could inspect it more closely. Her eyes widened as she watched the symbols glow for a few seconds and then fade back to normal again.
She picked up the letter and watched as goose bumps flashed up her arms; an involuntary shiver was sent hurtling down her back. For some inexplicable reason, she had a feeling that she was not going to like what this letter had to say, but, after taking a deep steadying breath, she opened up the papers. She noticed that Faen was staring intently at her now as she scanned the top of the first page, which made her gasp. "This is Mum's writing, I recognize it from my old birthday cards that I kept," she said to him and then turned her attention back to the letter and started to read. _My Dearest Faedra_ ,
_If you are reading this letter, something prevented me from being with you on your 18_ th _birthday. I have probably been taken from you and your father. There are things you need to know and it is best that you hear them from me. For that reason, I wrote this letter to be given to you in the event that I could not be there in person. Before you read any further, make sure that you have Faen sitting beside you._ Faedra looked quizzically at her dog. "Mum says before I read this I need to have you beside me." Faen pricked up his ears, jumped on the bed, laid his head on Faedra's leg, and looked at her. His beautiful amber eyes were burning with understanding.
"You _do_ understand everything I say, don't you? And how does Mum know your name, you turned up after she had died?" She drew in a breath as the incomprehensible happenings of the recent past started to make the tiniest bit of sense, and continued to read the letter. By now you may have been experiencing things that you cannot understand. I wish I were there to tell you myself and answer all your questions, of which I'm sure there will be plenty. I shall start at the very beginning and hope that I can answer most.
Faedra, you are a direct descendant of an ancient Celtic bloodline. Thousands of years ago there was a family and they were fae. Yes, faeries do exist. This family desperately wanted to become human and live in the World of Men. The fae king at the time could see their desire, although, he could not understand it. They were so desperate that the king eventually granted them their wish, on one condition. Should he ever need their help in the World of Men, they would consent. The fae family agreed to his condition. In addition, the king allowed them each to keep one of their distinct powers. More concerned for their well-being than they seemed to be themselves, he also allowed them to keep their ability to heal much faster than normal humans.
The family lived happily among men for many years. Living among the fae had become a distant memory until one day the king visited them. He was seeking a place to secure a very precious element of fae heritage and asked the family if they would look after it for him. Remembering the king's generosity and their previous agreement, they agreed to his request; the king handed them the Amulet of Azran.
Let me explain a little more about the amulet. There is a book the fae use to help control nature, in all realms, not just ours. It is a very powerful book called the Book of Anohs. The amulet was created to be utilized in conjunction with the book and it has the power to control weather when the two elements are put together. On its own, it is nothing more than a pretty trinket. The king realized that if the book and the amulet got into the wrong hands, the results could be devastating in all realms, and he was not willing to take that risk anymore.
_You see, there are two types of fae in Azran. There are the_ _Light Fae, also known as the Seelie, who are good, and the Dark Fae, known as the Unseelie, who are evil. The king had reason to believe that the Unseelie were plotting to try and take control of the two elements. He bound the book with powerful magic to protect it and hid the amulet in another realm... ours._ The amulet has been passed down throughout our descendants since it was given to them all those centuries ago. I was Custodian, but if you are reading this letter I have probably died and will have made sure that it was passed to you at the time of my death. You are now the Custodian of the Amulet of Azran. Faedra looked up from the letter in disbelief, all kinds of crazy thoughts swimming around in her head.
"This is ridiculous. I'm a receptionist. The only thing I'm custodian of is the key to the coffee machine so I can refill the cups," she muttered to Faen then continued on with the letter. First, we must get the amulet around your neck. Once you turn eighteen you must wear it always and never, ever take it off. I cannot stress how important that is. It is warded so that only the Custodian can touch it. You will find the amulet in Arianne, the fairy I gave you. If you push her wings together they will unlock a secret compartment in the horse's body.
Faedra looked over to her fairies, eased herself out of bed, and crept over to her collection. She opened the glass door and plucked Arianne from the center of the shelf. She carried her back to bed and got back under the covers. Faedra sat and looked at Arianne for the longest time, staring at her in disbelief. Her heart was racing, and her hands started to tremble. She took a deep steadying breath and held the two outstretched wings between her thumb and forefinger, held her breath, and squeezed them together. The wings were stiff and she was terrified of breaking them, but with a little more pressure they closed together, and Faedra heard a tiny click. She held Arianne around the waist and lifted her from the position she had, sitting astride the majestic black horse.
She peeked into the body of the horse. It was hollow and inside was a small bundle of soft golden cloth. Reaching in with her fingers, she took hold of the small golden pouch and extracted it from its hiding place. She lay the horse down on the bed beside Arianne and turned her attention to the pouch once more. Her fingers trembled again as she undid the thin gold braid that was tied around the top and tipped it upside down allowing the contents to drop into the open palm of her other hand. She sucked in a deep breath.
The amulet was her mother's necklace. She had often wondered what happened to it, as she could not remember ever seeing her mother without it. But neither Faedra nor her father had ever been able to find it after she died. Now she knew why, it had been hiding in her collection, in plain sight, for over a decade. Faedra had always loved this necklace. She stared down at it, not quite comprehending that she was holding it in her hand after all this time. The amulet triggered memories she thought were forgotten, and they came flooding back to the forefront of her mind. Wonderful memories of the times she spent with her mother.
The amulet was a pendant about an inch and a half in size and triangular in shape. It looked like it was made of silver and there were swirls covering the face of the piece. _Celtic no doubt_ , she thought. In the center was a beautiful yellow stone, which looked like a topaz. The facets of which sparkled in the sunlight that was spilling through the window.
Faedra gazed at the amulet for a few more moments, soaking up the memories it was provoking in her mind. She got up from the bed and walked over to her dresser, opened the clasp, and put the chain around her neck. As soon as the metal touched her skin, the stone glowed, for just a second; she definitely saw it glow in the reflection in the mirror. She wasn't sure of what she'd seen when the ring had glowed. Faedra thought it was just a trick of the light. But this time she almost expected it... she was waiting for it to do something. After a moment more of gazing at the amulet, she got back on the bed, sat cross-legged on top of the comforter, and continued on with the letter.
The ring you found in the envelope is a Celtic battle ring. It is over two thousand years old, and was crafted by our ancestors. Wear it, also, and never take it off. It will warn you if danger is near. Now, here comes the tricky part. Faedra raised her eyebrows at that comment. Her mother had thought that everything else she had explained so far in the letter was easy? She sighed, and continued reading.
Remember I said that we are descendants of an ancient fae family, and the members of this family were each allowed to keep one of their powers? You will have one; although no one knows which power they will inherit until they become of age. You are now of age, Faedra, and your power will grow to full strength shortly. You have probably also noticed by now that you heal incredibly quickly. This does not mean that you can't die or be killed. You can, so be very very careful.
Until you turned of age, powerful wards that were put on you when you were born protected you. Nothing evil could have penetrated those wards. Unfortunately, they dissipated the moment you turned eighteen and no longer protect you. Make it your duty to learn how to defend yourself. Hopefully, you will not have a need to use defensive measures, as only three people know the whereabouts of the amulet. Faen will be able to teach you all you need to know. Now, that brings me to the subject of Faen. Faedra looked at her dog, who was still sitting on the bed watching her intently.
I have explained about as much as I can in a letter and I will leave the rest to Faen. I asked the day you were born that he be assigned as your Guardian if anything should happen to me. It is probably easier if Faen shows you, rather than me try to explain it. Please do not be afraid, he will look after you. Now, if I could ask you to say out loud the phrase at the bottom of this letter. I love you, my darling. Take care and learn all you can. Forever, Mum
Faedra's goose bumps returned with a vengeance. She looked up from the letter to stare at her dog who was now sitting up attentively, watching and waiting. She looked down at the letter again, and back at Faen. She did this several times, her mind whirling, confusion splashed all over her face. Finally, she took a deep breath, looked down at the letter, and read with a quiver in her voice. "Faen, please, show yourself?" It came out more like a question than a statement. Faen jumped off the bed and stood in front of her on the floor. What happened next was a bit of a blur; actually, that's exactly what happened. Her dog blurred, and a split second later, in its place, stood a man.
She threw her hand up to cover her mouth as a scream broke free from her vocal chords. She knew if her dad heard he would be up the stairs and through her door in a flash. She backed herself up against the headboard and stared with wide, frightened eyes at the stranger standing just a few feet away. Her heart pounded so hard all she could hear was the pulse in her ears. Her hands went clammy and her breathing quickened. "Do not be alarmed, Ms. Bennett," Faen's voice was calm and steady. "I will not harm you."
Faedra couldn't speak, her throat had closed up. She could see the concern spreading across the man's face. He started to move towards her with his hand outstretched. She edged herself along the bed, pushing the bed covers away with her feet as they scrambled to push her back further until she was nearly at the other edge of the bed. The man acknowledged her fear and stepped back. She stopped moving when he did and took a breath. He took another step back and stood quietly, sensing that he would have to let Faedra try and get her head around what was happening before he could continue. It wasn't an every day occurrence to have a strange man materialize in her bedroom. He should know, he had been there every day for the past eleven years.
A few moments passed in silence. Faedra did not take her eyes off the man who was now standing motionless in the corner of her room. He returned her gaze, not taking his eyes from hers either. As the sudden shock slowly abated, her heartbeat calmed and her breathing returned to normal. She regained some composure and sat up straighter on her bed, instead of embedding herself into the headboard. Cautiously, she released the hand from her mouth, and for the first time, took in the features of the man who was standing in the exact same spot where her dog had been just a couple of minutes before.
He was beautiful. From head to toe everything about him was perfect, fairy-tale perfect. He didn't look much older than her, maybe twenty. He had blonde hair that looked like pure silk, and she watched as he ran his hand through it. Was he nervous too, perhaps? His aqua blue eyes shone with a brightness that held her captive. He had a strong jaw and chiseled cheekbones and stood about six feet tall. To be honest, he looked like he'd stepped straight out of an animated Disney movie, especially dressed as he was.
He wore knee high brown leather boots that turned over with a cuff at the top and light brown leather breeches that hugged the contours of his legs to perfection. A cream loose-fitting tunic-style shirt with long puffy sleeves made of thin cotton, edged with gold trim skimmed the top of his thighs. The tunic had a v-shaped neckline that showed a hint of his muscular chest. There was also an ancient looking Celtic talisman that hung from a black leather thong around his neck. An impressive sword hung from a leather belt at his waist, prompting Faedra to fleetingly wonder if the artists at Disney were, in fact, fairies themselves. She blinked several times and shook the thought away to return to the matter at hand. "Wh-who are you?" Faedra stuttered. "My name is Faen, Ms. Bennett."
"But that's my dog's name. Faen is your real name?" "It is. Pray tell me, you could have called me anything, where did you think of the name Faen?" Faedra narrowed her eyes at him, searching in her mind for the memory. "I-I, my mother," she remembered. "I overheard my mum mention your name once and it stuck with me. You knew her, too?" "I did." "You turned up the day of my mum's funeral. I was sitting on my swing crying. I wrapped my arms around your neck, and you let me hug you for ages. I remember my dad didn't have the heart to shoo you away. He let me keep you as a pet. But all this time you were sent here to do what? Protect me?" "Yes." "What are you?" "I am Fae, Ms. Bennett." "That's a fairy, right?"
"You are correct, Ms. Bennett," he replied with an incline of his head. Faedra let out a sigh. "Stop calling me that. You make me sound like a character out of a Jane Austin novel." Faen frowned. "I do not understand, that is your name, is it not?" "No. I mean, yes, it is, but it sounds so... formal." "Ms. Bennett, as a Guardian I am taught to treat my charge with the utmost respect." "Please, Faen," she pleaded. "Call me Faedra." "Very well, as you wish, Ms. Faedra." Faedra raised her eyes heavenward, she could sense he was not going to compromise any more than that. "Great, now you make me sound like a school teacher," she whispered under her breath.
She looked at him thoughtfully for a moment, something having just occurred to her. She was sensing no danger from the stranger in her room, so she eased herself off the bed and moved towards him. He did not move, but just continued to watch her. "May I ask you a personal question?" she asked as she meandered around him, looking intently at his back. Faen followed her with his eyes as far as he could, but continued to stand very still. "Of course." "Aren't fairies supposed to have wings? You don't have any wings." "I have wings, Ms. Faedra. I choose not to show them," he replied with what Faedra thought was a look of discomfort, embarrassment even. "Why?" "I have my reasons," he responded with just a hint of sharpness that cut through his otherwise silken voice.
Again Faedra sensed that was as much as he was going to say on the subject. "So, let me get this straight. You can change from a fairy into a dog?" "Most fae have the ability to shape-shift into an animal, though not necessarily one of our choosing, and as you can see," he waved a hand down the length of his body, "we tend to stick with the same coloring in both our forms." Faedra walked around to face him and studied his beautiful features. They were very hard not to stare at. Then something else occurred to her. Her eyes widened with horror as what she was thinking sank in. She ran over to her bed, sat on the end of it, and buried her head in her hands to hide her crimson cheeks. "Oh, NO!" she groaned.
Faen moved then, too quickly to track with the naked eye, and was kneeling in front of her at the foot of the bed, unable to hide his look of concern. "Ms. Faedra, what is wrong?" he asked softly. "This can't be happening," she repeated into her hands. "Ms. Faedra, please tell me. I can help." "All these years," she continued. "All these years what, Ms. Faedra? Please, talk to me," Faen was almost pleading with her. Faedra kept her face buried securely in her hands. "Ms. Faedra, please look at me," he whispered. "Tell me what is wrong." A moment passed, and Faedra didn't move. Faen reached up tentatively to touch her hands. He took hold of them and pulled them away from her face. Her eyes were tightly closed, her cheeks still beet red.
"Please, look at me," he asked again. She opened her eyes and looked into his. He could see embarrassment and confusion warring in her expression. "Whatever is the matter?" Faedra swallowed hard. "All this time, I thought you were a dog." "Yes," he said, willing her to go on. "I can't even begin to imagine how many times," she paused, "I got undressed in front of you," her voice quivered. Faen looked at her with a confused expression at first, then slowly the realization of what she had just told him started to sink in. "Oh, Ms. Faedra, I assure you that I always looked away any time that you were, um, how shall I say, not decent." "Really?" "Really."
Faedra exhaled, she hadn't realized she'd been holding her breath all this time. She smiled down at Faen and he smiled back at her. It almost took her breath away how his smile lit up his face. It was the first time he had smiled at her in this form. When she thought about it a bit more she could remember noticing that her dog always turned away from her when she was getting undressed. She'd never paid it much attention before, but it made perfect sense now. "Are you sure you never peeked, not even once?" Faen's eyes widened with alarm at her question. "No, Ms. Faedra, never. I swear to you." She studied his face and decided she believed him. She let out a giggle. "Phew."
"Although, the impromptu hairbrush concerts were always entertaining," he said, his lips curling into a wry smile. Her shoulders slumped and her cheeks flushed again as she recalled the endless times she had danced around her room. Singing at the top of her lungs into her hairbrush to whatever was playing in the CD player at the time. She bopped him on the arm; it was a spontaneous reaction. "Faedra," her dad called from the top of her stairs a split second before he knocked on her door. She turned her head sharply in the direction of the door then turned back to Faen. He was sitting in front of her wagging his tail. "That was quick," she whispered to him then narrowed her eyes. "Where on earth do you put that sword?" "Faedra?" her dad asked again.
She looked behind her and threw the bed covers over the letter and her dismantled figurine. "Come in, Dad," she answered. The door opened and her dad walked in carrying a tray with a cup of tea and a present on it. "Happy birthday, darling," he announced, beaming a big grin at her. She got up and walked over to give him a kiss. "Thanks, Dad." CHAPTER SIX "You didn't have to bring me tea, Dad. I would have been down in a minute," she told her father, knowing full well she had forgotten all parameters of time, as well as the fact it was her birthday. "If I can't spoil my only daughter on her birthday, I'm not much of a father, now am I? I've made you bacon and eggs, too." He smiled and then froze as his eyes caught sight of the amulet hanging from her neck.
Faedra felt her stomach knot. It hadn't even occurred to her that she would have to explain where she got her mother's necklace from, especially since they had both been searching for it for the past eleven years. "Your mother's necklace!" he exclaimed. "Where did you get it?" "What, you didn't leave it for me?" she asked, thinking quickly on her feet. "Me? No," he replied, narrowing his eyes at her. "Well, it was hanging on the chimney stack of my doll's house this morning, along with this ring. She held her hand out for him to see. I thought you had sneaked up last night and put them there as a surprise." _Please fall for it_ , she thought desperately. It was the only story she could think of; he had to fall for it.
"Well, that's just plain odd," he raised his eyebrows. "I've never believed in ghosts, but you know, Fae, every now and then I sense something quite odd in this house. Maybe your mum put them there." Faedra inwardly released a sigh of relief. That was close. "Could be," she agreed, with just a little too much enthusiasm. "Well, come on, let's go and have some breakfast before it goes cold. I even cooked some up for Faen, too." She looked over at Faen and winked, a knowing smile curving her lips. Faen's ears pricked up at the sound of the word bacon. "Come on, boy," she cringed at her words. A boy he most certainly was not. Henry still had hold of the tray and turned to carry it back down the stairs, followed closely by Faedra and Faen.
"Not quite sure why I brought this up to you," he muttered. "Just thought it would be a nice gesture." "It was a wonderful gesture, Dad, thanks." They wandered into the kitchen, and Faedra's heart swelled. "Oh, Dad, you didn't have to go to all this trouble." He put the tray down on the table and she wrapped her arms around him to give him a big hug. Laid out across the table were plates of scrambled eggs, bacon, toast, and pancakes. All of her favorite breakfast foods were there. She noticed three plates set out on the table; she looked with curiosity at her father. "I told you one was for Faen," he answered her questioning look. He leaned over to pick the plate off the table and lay it on the floor in front of his daughter's shaggy white dog.
Not being able to help herself, the newly appointed Custodian giggled. The image of the beautiful prince-like fairy that was in her room just a few minutes before, and was now eating off a plate on the floor, was just too ironic. She didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and decided laughing was the better option. "What's so funny, young lady?" her dad asked, a bemused expression creeping across his face. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you," she said with a sigh. Faedra could hardly believe it herself. Looking down at her beloved dog, she wondered whether it had all just been a daydream. They sat at the table and tucked into the breakfast that her father had lovingly prepared for her birthday. Today was going to be a very unusual day, of that she had no doubt.
"Open your present," her dad said, passing her the colorfully wrapped gift. She took it and opened the wrapping with care. She always hated to tear the paper and wondered why; it wasn't as if she was likely to use it again. Inside was a square velvet box. She opened it and gasped. "Oh, Dad, it's beautiful. You shouldn't have." She picked up the bracelet and gave it a closer look. It was a silver bangle, which had a Celtic design that ran the whole circumference of it. "Thank you. I'll wear it always." Along with the Battle ring and the Amulet of Azran. She was getting quite a collection of Celtic jewelry given to her that day. "You're welcome, sweetheart. I'm glad you like it. So what are your plans for today?" her dad asked.
She finished her mouthful before she answered. Her mum had always taught her it was rude to talk with your mouth full of food. _Well, I was going to go shopping with Amy and Zoë and buy an outfit for going out this evening, like any normal eighteen year old on her birthday. But I found out I'm the Custodian to an ancient fae amulet, and my dog turned into a fairy, so I have a feeling those plans are going to be cancelled._ She was relieved her dad couldn't read minds. "Haven't really thought about it, I'll probably go and take Gypsy out for a ride," she answered him with a smile. She needed more time alone with Faen. She hadn't anywhere near had all her questions answered yet. They were piling up so fast she thought her head might explode if she didn't get them out soon.
"Well, as long as you've got something planned and you're not going to be spending the day alone." _How ironic_ , she thought, _I'm never going to be spending the day alone again._ "Your Uncle Leo asked me to go and help him with something. I hope you don't mind, but I'll be gone most of the day," Henry continued, pulling Faedra from deep inside her thoughts. "Huh? Oh, no problem, Dad, that's fine, I'll have plenty to do." "Good. Well, I'll just go and let your uncle know I'll be there in a little while." Henry got up from the table to go and use the phone. "You have got a lot more explaining to do," she told Faen as soon as her dad was out of earshot. Faen's ears drooped and he raised a furry eyebrow.
When her dad returned to the table, they finished their breakfast. Faedra helped him clear up and load the dishwasher. "I'm off now then, darling," Henry announced and leaned down to kiss his daughter on the forehead. "I'll see you later." "Okay, Dad. Have fun with Uncle Leo. Tell him hello from me, and I'll see him and Nicki soon." "Will do. Bye then." Henry disappeared around the corner; she heard the door close behind him. She looked at Faen who was still in his dog form and shook her head. Maybe it was all a daydream. She got up, padded through the dining room and went up the stairs to her bedroom, followed by her faithful companion. When she reached the top of the stairs, she opened her door and turned to look at him.
"Oh, no you don't. You're staying right here; I'm going to get dressed." And closed the door behind her, leaving him sitting on the top stair. She rested back against the closed door for a moment, looked at the messy covers strewn all over her bed, and blew out a long breath.
"I have a feeling my world has just been turned upside down," she mumbled to herself as she wandered over to the bed to straighten it out. She picked up Arianne and the horse and slotted them back together, taking care not to break them, and replaced the reassembled figurine in the cabinet. She picked up the letter, folded it, and placed it back in its envelope, then slid it under some other papers that were inside her nightstand. She would figure out what to do with that later. She was sure she would have to read it over several times more before everything sunk in. There was a scratch at the door. "You're not coming in, Faen, and that's final. I'll be out in a minute."
She wandered over to her closet and turned to look out the window. It looked like it was going to be a warm, sunny summer's day, and she chose a t-shirt and shorts, throwing them on quickly. She had to admit to herself, she could not bear to be parted from her dog for very long, and was itching to have some more questions answered. When she opened her door, she was startled and took a step back. She was expecting to see furry Faen sitting there waiting, but it was Faen in his true form. He was standing, waiting for her in the doorway, and had a very imposing presence that took her by surprise. "This is going to take a bit of getting used to," she told him. "I apologize, Ms. Faedra, I startled you. That was not my intention."
"No worries. So what now?" she asked. She was not quite sure how to continue from here. "Our priority is to find out what your power is and how to control it," he said very matter-of-factly, as if it was the most normal thing in the world to inherit a power on your eighteenth birthday. "And I believe that would be better done outside. Things have a tendency to get broken upon initial attempts." He stood to the side and gestured for her to pass. She did, and walked down the stairs, and they headed outside. It was a beautiful day; the sun was shining and it was pleasantly balmy.
Faen sat down in the shade of an impressive oak tree that still had a swing hanging from a large bough. The same swing Faedra had sat on when they first met eleven years ago. She took the same spot now, letting her legs dangle freely in the warm breeze. Faen leaned his back up against the gnarly trunk and focused his attention on her.
She was looking at him a little differently now. She was not so dumbstruck by his beauty, but was more contemplating the fact that he was even there at all. She couldn't help but keep looking around expecting her dog to be right next to her. A strange feeling of loss crept like tendrils around her heart. She would never be able to have the same relationship with her dog again. He would now, and forever, be this incredible man that was sitting before her, even when he was in his dog form.
Faen could see that she was trying to digest the information she had received so far this morning; he wasn't sure how much more she could handle in one day. He knew she was strong. He'd spent eleven years watching her grow from strength to strength, but he had also seen her vulnerable side, and he didn't want to push her too far. So they sat in silence for a while; he would let her talk first when she was ready. He would be patient. He had all the patience in the world for the precious young girl he had watched grow up into a beautiful young lady. It sounded like Henry was going to be out for most of the day, so there was plenty of time before she was due to go out with her friends this evening.
Faedra drew in a breath, as though she were getting ready to say something, thought better of it, and exhaled again. A few moments passed and she did the same thing. She was itching to know what those eyes had belonged to in the woods and at the graveyard, but knew she would not like the answer, and was putting off the inevitable. Finally she bit the bullet. "What were those things in the woods and at the graveyard?" she asked. "Redcaps," he replied. "What are redcaps?"
"They are Unseelie, evil and murderous. There are not many Unseelie left. The few that remain usually wreak havoc in realms other than Azran since the king has tried to wipe them out. They can be mercenary and will hire themselves out if the prize is right. Do not worry, you were warded, and they could not have hurt you. Jocelyn and I just did not want them to get anywhere near you. Their features would certainly have frightened you." "But I'm not warded anymore," she stated as she started scanning the perimeter of her garden with growing concern. "You are safe here, Ms. Faedra. Your house and grounds have been warded for centuries, nothing can get past the property boundaries if it has evil intent," he continued.
"But I can't stay in here forever, I'm going out with my friends tonight to celebrate my birthday. What do they want with me anyway and how did they find me? It said in Mum's letter that only three people know the whereabouts of the amulet, and only two of them know about me." Faen's face mirrored the look of concern that Faedra was feeling. "I do not know what they want or how they found you. You, the king of Azran, and I are the only ones who are supposed to have knowledge of the amulet. The king, and I are the only ones who know about you." "Forgive me for not sounding very confident in that, when some murderous evil fairies have been coming after me, before I even know who I am."
"I will teach you to defend yourself, Ms. Faedra. I will not leave your side again," he said, trying to reassure her. She hung her head, not wanting to ask the next question, but needing to know. "My mum didn't die of a mysterious illness did she?" She looked over and studied his features. Her heart ached when she saw the sorrow and regret on his face.
"No," he replied, "she did not." His eyes reflected his sadness as he remembered lifting Lillith's battered body from the hard cold gravel pathway behind the church. She had put up a good fight but had been overpowered. Instead of killing her swiftly, the redcaps poisoned her. Leaving her to die a slow painful death. He didn't understand why. They were usually so swift with their killings, which only led him to believe that they were doing someone else's bidding. As yet, he had not discovered for whom that was. Because of the speed with which she healed, Lillith's bruises had almost disappeared by the time he got her home. So her husband and daughter were left wondering what had made her so sick, and why it happened so suddenly.
"Were you her Guardian, too? Weren't you supposed to protect her?" Faedra's voice took on a demanding tone. "Yes, Ms. Faedra, on both counts." "Well, you didn't do a very good job, did you?" Faedra snapped. Her voice laced with the bitterness she had carried for so long because of losing her mother at such an early age. Faen's face fell, and he hung his head. "Your mother sent me to run an errand. I should not have left her, but she insisted. I will be eternally remorseful for my actions that day," he looked up and shot a determined glare at Faedra. "You can be sure, Ms. Faedra, I will not make the same mistake twice."
Faedra averted her eyes from his. She felt a little ashamed of her outburst. Being mean was not a natural occurrence for her, but she never had anyone or anything to blame for her mother's death before. The feeling of needing to place blame was suddenly overwhelming. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to sound, well, you know," she spoke softly again. "Do not concern yourself; it was no more than I deserved. Your mother was a wonderful, caring person. She was a very talented Custodian and could fight like no human I had ever seen before. Her sword skills were beyond measure." Faedra shook her head. "My mum knew how to fight? With a sword?" "Yes, the best I have ever seen in a human." "Whoa," she breathed.
"She should have been the one to teach you, but she had found out something, and was on her way to tell the King. She was intercepted before she got to the portal." "So you're telling me my mum was... murdered?" Faen hung his head again, averting his gaze. "Yes, Ms. Faedra, she was." In an instant, the need to blame someone was fiercely overshadowed with a need for revenge. A feeling that shook Faedra to the core. She had never felt such a strong emotion before and it scared her. She slid down from the swing and stood in front of Faen with her hands, that were balled into fists, resting on her hips. "Show me!" she demanded. "You tell me I have a power. Show me how to find it and use it!"
Faen looked up at the determined young lady who was standing over him. Her eyes flashed with a passion he had never witnessed in her before, a passion for revenge. He rose in one fluid movement. In the blink of an eye, he was standing right in front of her, inches from her face. She blinked back her surprise at the swiftness with which he could move, but held her position and did not flinch or step back. _That's a promising start_ , he thought _, she stood her ground. Moving like that would make most humans jump out of their skin_. He held her gaze steady with his. In another blink of an eye he was behind her, but somehow she anticipated the move, had turned immediately, and was facing him again. Her eyes flashed with anger this time.
He rubbed his chin. _Lightning reflexes, another good sign._ He wanted to try something else, just to test his theory on her reflexes, and made to grab her by the throat. Instantaneously, she ducked, avoiding his grip and kicked his legs out from under him. Instead of falling to the ground, he just hovered on his side in mid-air as if he were relaxing on an invisible platform. Propping himself up on his elbow, he gave her a wry smile. She scowled at him. "What are you doing?" she snapped. "Stop messing about and start teaching me how to defend myself." Then she thought for a moment about what she had just done. "Ms. Faedra, I think you are going to be a natural at this, just like your mother." He smiled as he lowered his feet to the ground and stood up again.
She considered her reaction for a moment. It had all happened so fast she hadn't even thought about it. "How did I do that?" she asked. "As I said, you are going to be a natural at this," he repeated. "Now, let us begin trying to discover what power you hold. I have observed you blowing on your hands repeatedly over the past few weeks. Your power could be connected with them." "Of course, that would make sense. Thank Goodness I'm not going mad, although I have to wonder if this is all a dream, and I'm going to wake up any second." "Be assured, Ms. Faedra, it is not a dream. Now, concentrate on your hands and see if you can feel anything unusual," he instructed.
She looked at her hands and channeled all her thoughts to them. Nothing happened, not even the slightest tingle."Nothing happened," she said in dismay. "Try again," he instructed, circling her now. She closed her eyes this time and concentrated hard. Still nothing. "Try again," Faen repeated. She did, and again, and again for about an hour, but still nothing. "I need to take a break," she whispered. "Try again," Faen insisted. "No. I need a break." "The redcaps will not give you a break, Ms. Faedra. Try again." She squared her shoulders at him and held her hands out for him to see. "Well, I must be broken then because it's not working. I obviously don't have this so called power." "Yes, you do. Try again," he was incessant. Frustration was starting to get the better of her.
"Faen, I do not have any powers!" she shouted as she flicked her hands out in defeat. Her eyes widened in utter disbelief as she watched two balls of light shoot from her palms. The two balls were on a collision course with Faen's head. He twisted his torso and the balls flew past him, narrowly missing his ear. They exploded against the tree trunk leaving scorch marks in the bark. She closed her hands and held them to her chest. "Careful, Ms. Faedra, you nearly took off my ear," he said with a smile. He looked at her with the proud admiration of a parent whose child had just received an 'A' in math. "Sorry," she squeaked.
"Oh, do not be. That was very impressive for your first time," he praised. "This is very advantageous. You can control energy; electrical energy it would seem. Humans are made up of electrical impulses, and your power gives you the ability to mold that energy and send it outside of your body. When you have had more practice, you will be able to mold outside sources of energy too." She gawped at him; it was all she could do. She hadn't woken up from any dream yet, so she had to try and accept the fact that she had just flung two balls of light across the yard and nearly blown up the tree. "Can you remember what you were feeling when your power materialized?" he asked. "Could you try and reenact that again, but with a little more control this time?"
She could remember, she felt anger and frustration. "I'll Try." She closed her eyes holding her palms up. Faedra imagined her mum being attacked by the redcaps. Anger seared through her. She opened her eyes in shock when she realized it wasn't the anger that seared her, it was the energy she was sending from all over her body into the palms of her hands. She stared at the balls of light she had created that were now bobbing above each of her palms. "Very good, Ms. Faedra," Faen smiled. She looked up at him and smiled back. The balls of light fizzled out and disappeared. This power seemed to be connected to negative emotion, and that wasn't something she was used to feeling. She didn't like the idea that she would have to make herself angry or frustrated to be able to use it.
"Faen?" she asked. "I don't want to have to be angry to conjure my power. I don't like feeling that way." "Do not worry, this is just the beginning. You will learn to control your power much more easily as time progresses. At present, heightened emotion enables you to pull your power forward. In time, you will learn to control it without negative emotion. Although, it will always be strongest when your feelings are running high. That is just the natural order of things. Not much different to the 'fight or flight' response humans have to danger. It will be most powerful when the need for it is greatest." They decided to take a break for a while. Faedra lifted herself back up onto the swing and watched as Faen lowered himself to the ground to lean against the oak tree.
"What power did my mother have?" she asked. "Your mother was telekinetic. She could move things with her mind."
His reply sparked a memory that Faedra had almost forgotten, but, in a flash, it was there again, clear as day. She had walked into the dining room one morning when she was little. Her mother was doing some dusting and humming to herself. She had her back to Faedra and hadn't heard the little girl walk in. She was standing on a chair reaching up to try and dust the light hanging from the tall ceiling, but couldn't quite reach it. She opened her hands and the duster floated up to the light and started dusting by itself. Faedra had let out a gasp causing her mother to turn to look at her. The duster had fallen gracefully to the floor. Lillith had flushed, picked up the duster and gone about her business as if nothing had happened. Faedra had never been quite able to believe what she'd seen, so put it to the darkest recesses of her mind.
She thought of something else, too. She was going to ask the question when Faen mentioned it, but got caught up in another thought, and had forgotten about it until now. "Faen, you mentioned earlier that you and Jocelyn were keeping the redcaps away from me. Who is Jocelyn?" He sighed. "She is my little sister." Faedra's eyebrows shot up. "You have a little sister?" "Yes, I do," he replied stoically. "She is the black and white dog you see at the church. She guards the portal to the Land of Azran."