I didn't expect a miracle, but this did nothing for me while I was catching a cold. I followed the intense dosing instruction.Very sweet and slightly sour.For 15 bucks! I would not recommend buying this.
Not that potent
I have 2 kids in childcare - one at daycare, one at preschool - so we're constantly trying to stay ahead of colds and other viruses that are flying around. I was very hopeful that this might help and, last time 3 of the 4 of us got sick, everybody got doses to try and ward of the illness taking over. I can't say how much this helped or didn't. It tastes good, so both kids were happy to eat it and it certainly doesn't hurt. In the end, it's quite expensive though. It recommends taking it several times a day for intensive use, so we went through half the bottle in a week. Without any quantifiable results, it's hard to say if the expense is worth it.
I just purchased these gummies and see that citric acid is listed in ingredients. A package of zinc lozenges that I have (not this brand) says to not eat citrus fruit or citric acid within an hour of taking the zinc; that citric acid diminishes absorption/effectiveness of zinc. So I don't know if the zinc in these gummies is going to be effective? I'm waiting to hear back from the company.
Just I have one week used, I don’t feel any different, but maybe in more time , no flavor that’s good, easy to swallow, and all in one we need now.
These work great but they are a little harder and don't taste as good as the other ones I use. But they definitely help boosting the immune system.
They tasted awful!!!
Bad for kidneys
Ordered product Feb 21. Received March 8. Envelope was empty. No product received. Will not order again.
bottle was half full and had not seal
Nothing comes for free, but this supplement is really affordable! I used to take only vitamin C which is cheaper than this, but with these pills I can actaully tell a difference.
Nice packaging, great product! After a few weeks, I wasn't as tired and helped with my muscle pain.
Recently purchased for my mother. But she couldnt take for about 4 days each day she had an itching sensationall over that did pass but last anout 5 to 7 min. Please note shows Bees wax. Not sure if this may contain allergic reaction to others with bee allergies but note may cause itching for this who might. I had to replace these for another kind if elderberry. My kids and i are are able to take this. I have pollen allergies but not allergic to bees so im not sure which would cause this issue.
This is a good product. I have no concerns about taking it.
I just got it and I got a half bottle the seal was broke kmt I threw it away.
Great product, good results and good price. Read reviews on Amazon prior to purchasing and reviews were almost all 5/5.
Come on time! Taste raw and delicious!
This is an awesome probodic
Disappointed in the last batch...it was mostly seeds! It almost seemed as if I got someone's freeze-dried leftovers AFTER they made syrup.
I appreciate both what the product includes and what it specifically excludes. ie what it is free from. It is an easy addition to my supplements.
Improved my intestine problems quite a bit
Seems good. Didn't really help with inflammation. Capsules tend to catch in my throat and I will exhale and cumin dust.
Amazing product. Keep researching. It's helpful for a wide range of ailments. Myh blood pressure is down where it has never been before. Joints are more limber.
I am 51 yrs old & I am using the product to help keep my arteries in good shape.
the BEST
Not as good as it claims. I do not recommend.
tastes bad
No effect for me at all.
maybe it's just too subtle an effect for me. But I really didn't notice a difference.
Good immunity support
I normally like this oil but mine came with the inner seal was broken and the oil had leaked into the box.The oil is expensive and of course non-returnable. Buy at your own risk.
So the bottle says a serving is 1 softgel, and that it is 125 mcg (5,000 IU), 625% Daily Value of D3. All of the other sources I’ve been looking up says 5,000 IU should be 1250%. The yellow bottle in my pictures is of Garden of Life Raw D3, also 5,000 IU, and they state 1250%. One of the pictures is a food tracking app I use and it calculated 625% as 2,500 IU. So half. Hmmmm. I’m not very careful about taking vitamins everyday, but if you need a strict dose, I wouldn’t trust this brand.
I just started taking it, but I heard that the K2 and D3 helps fight the chance of getting Covid.
It pays to read supplement labels closely, which I did not do for this supplement. Although the label seems to imply that there is 1000 mg. (1 gram) of a elderberry super concentrated extract in each capsule, there is actually only 15.625 mg. of the extract, equivalent to 1000 mg. of the whole elderberry fruit. This is very small amount of active ingredients per capsule, and almost ineffective at the recommended dosage. The majority of each capsule is rice powder, with only a tiny speck of elderberry extract. The company could have put 30 times as much extract in each capsule, but did not do so to keep their ingredients cost to a minimum. There are much better values available in other supplement brands.
Very very strong taste & flavor. Was not my thing at all. VERY great at refunding me - customer service is amazing
So far so good, have only started using the product for my psoriasis. I have used it twice now on my scalp and the itching has been less! That is a total plus! I leave it on for as long as i can. I need help and I hope this does the trick. I will update once I have used it more.
Did nothing for me
Vitamin D3 I like how the pills are really small. I haven’t been taking them long enough, but I’m hoping they help. I’ll update this review when I’ve taken them longer but the size of the pill and the price for your money is great.
I was hoping for a miracle as I had heard great thing about the product. I took it for 3 months and I did not like the way it made me feel. So I stopped.
I really love that the vitamin product areas loaded in coconut oil. Seems to work well.
Wish this was cheaper. I started taking this when my LO was sick, and I managed to avoid catching it myself. I really felt this helped. Would repurchase, but do not use daily.
This is my 1st time taking this product.
Working great, feeling much better! Would recommend this product
I like this product as it has the correct forms of Vit. D and K together in the right amounts in oil for best absorption. However, it is much more expensive than other forms which adds up for a family of five.
This is my second bottle this one doesn’t have coconut oil inside
I have not notice any difference in the way I felt, I read all reviews and its just not for me.
Lots of reviews rave about these. I didn't notice any difference and don't think they are worth the cost.
Hard for me to judge them very well since I haven’t taken for too long but I have yet to have any negative side affects to them so I hope to see beneficial results in the long run
This did not help. Makes more anxious
this product was sealed but had two different types of pills in the bottle. returned to nature made for inspection.
As expected
It's a little to early to see if it making a difference. It's been about two weeks taking it. I have a real good diet, mainly no dairy and wheat, but having issues with digesting a lot of veggies and lately not taking much carbs to help? Digestion is a complicated process. I will keep at it.
Excellent: great value too!
This is a one a day supplement. There is not way short of blood tests to assess its performance.
I feel better when I take this.
Works well to give me my Vitamin D boost
This product made me extremely nauseous and caused me to vomit and have an upset stomach. The taste was horrible and so was the smell. Will not be using again.
I just started taking this product, but I did some research and I am excited about how this product is packaged! Knowing that K2 helps to activate the proteins that will absorb the Vit D3 is what makes me excited!
The majority of the package was not "fresh" looking and there is little to no smell. I usually purchase from Starwest but tried Frontier as I have gotten some of their other herbs. Starwest provides a full package of freshly dried, deep purple, yummy smelling elderberries. This batch had no smell, lots of brown pieces and even when placed in hot water to make syrup, isn't the vibrant purple color or distinctive smell of elderberries. So I'm disappointed.
On the upside, these seem to work beautifully. This year, no flu shot, but no flu after taking them, despite being exposed. On the downside, the price gouging. here is obscene. I discovered that I can buy them for just over 11 bucks at my local natural grocery store. Take them, but look elsewhere to purchase.
Weak taste not as potent as amazing herbs
I take it 1st thing in the morning away from meals. I feel more clear minded and not as foggy. I also think it makes me feel a bit more positive in general.
Doesn’t work, but tastes great. Had a nasty cold for 3 weeks and this didn’t help one bit
Decided to try this based on the reviews. Honestly didn't see any difference while using this product. Nice packaging, nice seller, and I am sure for some this product works great. Just didn't make any bit of difference for me. Went back to my other product.
This review is for the 32 oz bottle of Amazing herbs Black Seed Oil. The product is high quality and works just fine. I would recommend, however (or in addition), to purchase some glass bottles to transfer the oil in. Why? The oil seeps through the plastic bottle. I can literally wipe clean the bottle, set it on the counter, and the next morning, there is a light film of oil all over the bottle It seeps through the plastic pores. So if you are going to get this bottle, make sure you have several glass jars on hand to transfer the contents. Hope this helps.
Since I spend most of my time indoors so it is important to take a vitamin D3 supplement to promote Calcium absorption.This vitamin D3 insufficiency is common among people with this lifestyle. I was diagnosed as such so to be on the safe side, I take the supplement. I find this brand easily accessible, the price is fair and the dose is adequate for my needs. Amazon stands by their products, so I am counting on that. The package meets the expectations, suitable for a light sensitive product. Capsules are easy to swallow. I have been using it for several weeks now. Compared to other brands, this is a great choice.
After some tests, I concluded that my stomach doesn't really like this and I get loose stool the next day. Not sure if it was just spoiled or my stomach is allergic to an ingredient.
The capsules are large and smelly.
Hoped to receive the benefits as others have; nope. Beyond horrible tasting and no pain relief or help with inflammation. Had to mix with orange juice to drink it. I’m a police officer and i equate this to drinking O.O. Spray. It burns the throat.
nothing like being able to read online the ingredients. TOO MUCH SUGAR AND OTHER STUFF > I WILL GIFT IT> I HOPE THE SMALL LETTERS OF IMMUNE SYSTEM will be enough for the per i gift it too will use it.can i return it postage free
I am not seeing the amazing experience that some other users said but I noticed I am getting somewhat more regular and less bloated when the time of the month comes.
Bought 2 separate bottles of the exact same thing and they have 2 different sets if information on them. Clearly, someone doesn't know what they're talking about. You get 2 stars for not knowing what is supposed to be in the bottle, nor what daily requirements are!!You can't have Vit C 120mg =200% on one label and Vit C 120mg =133% on another label. Nor does Zinc 35mg=47% on one bottle and Zinc 7mg =64% on the next bottle. These labels do not make ANY sense. What is really in here???
Elderberries are great. Just slow shipping. Said it'd be here no later than Wednesday and it came Friday. Still a good product, though.
Bought it to prevent from cold sores, it did not seem to work for me. I've had two bottles of this. During the time I had it, I still developed cold sores.
Just purchased. Hoping it will help my insomniac husband get some much needed rest.
This is a great i love to be able to take before i start my day
Bothered my stomach, didn't help much.
The bigger sizes are over-diluted so it becomes impotent. I have had it in smaller bottles and it was effective. I had to throw it out, it seem I was just consuming some uncomfortable oil.
I received this product this morning. I was furious about the unnessecary, high carbon footprint packaging. The company packed the caplets in wonderful, reusable and recyclable jar, then packed those in a fancy foil-covered box. I will be returning the product and will not purchase Genius Brand again. It doesn't take a genius to help save the planet, just a little thought.
Just 4.4 billion and gave me stomach pain side effects.( Bacillus Coagulans strain can cause some side effects for some people..and I might be one of them.)
I have been using this product for a month and haven’t noticed any big signs of improvements. However, the product’s quality seems very good, easy to swallow, no aftertaste nor digestive issues when taking this supplement.
I’m never sure of the quality or effectiveness of any of the supplements I buy. I can only hope I’m getting the desired results
When I received my package I opened it and went to take one but when I poured some out some of them had very odd white spots floating inside of them. I'm unsure if it mY be bc they r made with coconut oil or if they just aren't good. I'm trying to find out how to go about finding out if this is normal or if I should be requesting a new bottle but I can't seem to find a place to inquire about it.
Están todas pegadas y al separarlas se rompen
I noticed I had more gas taking this supplement versus other probiotics.
My go to~thanks
Keeps the germs, sickness, and everything bad away.I take it with honey every other morning slightly warmed and haven't gotten sick in about 2 years, alhamdulillah.
I did not like this product at all
Product was highly rated and I'm hoping it delivers the natural energy I'm looking for being up north.
Haven't felt the impact of these supplements yet - increased the dosage to two capsules/day vs. one to see if that helps.
Love this product. After trying a few, I think I have finally found a probiotic that is good for me. I have more energy and I am definitely more regular. Just feel so much better overall.
When I open the box the bottle was oily, took the top off and the seal was half open
Like nature made vitamins
Really like these gummies; been purchasing them for a while. This year the price was jacked due to COVID. Inexplicably went up fifty percent overnight. Hope they return to normal...
A quality product that is helpful for maintaining high levels of vitamin D3, which appears to provide a helpful defense against COVID-19
Gave me an allergic reaction. Don’t buy this product
Thought i was getting soft gels, which i prefer to tablets. Don't have a chemical lab so no idea if any of these products meet represented standards. Product descriptions are unreliable. Ad says no starch, but starch is listed on the bottle ingredients.