2 values
27 values
Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price was known to be corrupt before ever being named to the post. And now that he’s in the job, he’s enjoying the perks. Price spent tens of thousands of dollars to take a private jet to travel up and down the East Coast last week. A private jet to a resort to chat with a pharma CEO sounds like what you might expect from a man who bought stock in a medical company, then authored a bill to boost its value. But Price’s misuse of a public funds to hire a private plane is particularly egregious, because that Tom Price, is the same Tom Price who railed against government use of private planes. The ranking member of the House Energy and Commerce committee said he wants to see a “full accounting” of Price’s travel.
not toxic
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.6210208535194397 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.15664856135845184 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.07342567294836044 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.037081871181726456 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.02654849924147129 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.02020992524921894 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.01928701438009739 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.008207077160477638 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.005935619585216045 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.004830264952033758 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.004648016765713692 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0031904017087072134 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.003088274970650673 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0026222276501357555 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.002477466594427824 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.00222644186578691 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.002042908687144518 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.001953904051333666 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0018909061327576637 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0014818522613495588 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.0011219943407922983 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.000813647173345089 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0007484629168175161 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0006283445982262492 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0005182462045922875 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0005114528466947377 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0004901490174233913 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.00047603959683328867 } ]
Legal marijuana will have the opposite effect. There will still be homicide and crime because the hard and addictive drugs will continue to drive that. People who partake of legal marijuana won't be a problem in general. The individuals who are involved in heroine use and other hard drugs will most likely use marijuana as well. They will also use anything else they can get their hands on. People who like to smoke an occasional joint are easy targets for folks like this, but they aren't the problem.
not toxic
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.65305095911026 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.3923194110393524 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.042749010026454926 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.03695456311106682 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.012439626269042492 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.008038002997636795 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.0037426301278173923 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.002976080635562539 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.0029641911387443542 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.002404865575954318 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0015655324095860124 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0012314686318859458 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.0011392452288419008 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0009285339619964361 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0009120800532400608 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0008844661060720682 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0008395958575420082 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0008156006806530058 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.000809152377769351 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0006962508196011186 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0004904954112134874 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0004509487480390817 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.00039995458791963756 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.00031985671375878155 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.00027772338944487274 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0002377363562118262 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.00021924044995103031 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.00017819550703279674 } ]
Many severance and EI packages are running out for many folks laid off from the oil industry. Even with prices at 50 a barrel, what is the likelihood of any new mega projects going ahead? How else are those young engineers going to be employed? Many don't even realize that the salaries in the oil industry seem to be approx 30 percent higher than many other industries. Trump's gutting of environmental laws will open up more drilling in the states which will put downward pressure on the market and so will all of the frackers. It is likely that some OPEC countries will cheat on their promises, they have in the past. So what will drive the housing market in Calgary? Cosmopolitan lifestyle? Frigid prairie winters? Lush greenery and foliage? Ocean views?
not toxic
[ { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.7070065140724182 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.39333194494247437 }, { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.21009938418865204 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.019078075885772705 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.016114680096507072 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.015543771907687187 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.014511180110275745 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.009574517607688904 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.009479550644755363 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.008833516389131546 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.003750353818759322 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0037418296560645103 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.003117350395768881 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.003116302890703082 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.002753274980932474 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.002333055017516017 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.002014756202697754 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.001984360394999385 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0019489594269543886 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0017311341362074018 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0014810191933065653 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0013665864244103432 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.001192203490063548 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0011642061872407794 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0005583878373727202 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0004387758672237396 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.00036686559906229377 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.00010456641030032188 } ]
I was taught flag etiquette when I was in school, and I'm a lifelong liberal Democrat. My parents fought in WWII for the values that flag represents. Neither liberals nor conservatives know any more to stand and wait respectfully when the flag is being raised or lowered in front of a building or house. Both left-wing and right-wing types wear the flag as clothing. Both types buy American flag paper plates and cups. Both lefties and righties ignorantly dishonor the flag by flying it to the point it's in tatters or by using it as a car radio antenna cover. Car dealerships using ever bigger flags to show they are more patriotic than the competition (one of my biggest pet peeves) are owned by liberals and conservatives alike. Kid Rock is conservative. So is Ted Nugent (who has a flag-themed guitar). This isn't a partisan issue, not by far.
not toxic
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.7221803069114685 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.11644060164690018 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.10650508105754852 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.06270316243171692 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.028195315971970558 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.0076940967701375484 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.0056114355102181435 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.002838818123564124 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0028354309033602476 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.002791148377582431 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.0020563642028719187 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0015383110148832202 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0012419483391568065 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0008952414500527084 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0008616039413027465 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0008073250646702945 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0006881309091113508 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0006227496778592467 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0006153176655061543 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.000578845152631402 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0005544825689867139 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0003896400739904493 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0003857942938338965 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0003681154048535973 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0003401448775548488 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.00033662820351310074 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.00023251317907124758 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0001997883664444089 } ]
The 14th Amendment does not extend to the "rights" asserted by LGBT people except by way of the most convoluted line of reasoning. Religious freedom and the rights proclaimed to protect that freedom have been recognized for centuries with volumes of support in our Western intellectual tradition, from which the concept of rights originated. LGBT rights have been artificially created out of thin air.
not toxic
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8058315515518188 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.11860431730747223 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.10309530794620514 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.03511045500636101 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.010048674419522285 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.004861176013946533 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.004808739293366671 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.004073765594512224 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0023321707267314196 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0013905029045417905 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.001311012776568532 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0011402760865166783 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0011251100804656744 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0010764769976958632 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0010142988758161664 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0008010352612473071 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0007708057528361678 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0007348781218752265 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0007103107636794448 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0006260283407755196 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.00048517200048081577 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0004669510817620903 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.00042786754784174263 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.00042149191722273827 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.00031814357498660684 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0002976651303470135 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0002359098580200225 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0002202120958827436 } ]
How are either Korea or Iran threats to Canada? Inaction on both may threaten the profits of US defense companies, but that's about it.
not toxic
[ { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.5873554348945618 }, { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.2942590117454529 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.22355885803699493 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.0247351061552763 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.021384140476584435 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.012196901254355907 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.011299260891973972 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.01099417358636856 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.010430281981825829 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.010092901065945625 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.00991206057369709 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.005455915816128254 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0047060358338057995 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.004261412192136049 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.003740492044016719 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0025340060237795115 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.002144112251698971 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.001959626330062747 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0017801184440031648 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.001322911586612463 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.001028035068884492 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0010142099345102906 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.000919822312425822 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.000695098889991641 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0006439749267883599 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0005268497625365853 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.00045999581925570965 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.00011798330524470657 } ]
Congrats. http://www.tntv.pf/m/LIVE-IVF-Va-a-World-Distance-Championships-2017-DAY-3-English_a19793.html
not toxic
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some of those who are born into these cultures and have no viable way of exiting (no public school education, limited post secondary options etc) DO find these regimes oppressive
not toxic
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.7533239126205444 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.11258865892887115 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.0645754411816597 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.05002996325492859 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.026798631995916367 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.016753192991018295 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.011634617112576962 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.007978365756571293 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.007706863339990377 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.0029160617850720882 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.002645059721544385 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0026066924910992384 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0017863978864625096 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0016954084858298302 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0016023681964725256 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0012145021464675665 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0011009769514203072 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0007684130687266588 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0005643771728500724 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0005452997866086662 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.00045263455831445754 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0003907487553078681 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0003723010595422238 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.00036030879709869623 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.00030879551195539534 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0002995809481944889 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.000295736244879663 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0002745682722888887 } ]
Besides, I'm what the missionaries and the white teachers said I should become. Like us, they said. Damned if I do and damned if I don't huh.
not toxic
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.6005937457084656 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.18942831456661224 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.08153941482305527 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.038897544145584106 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.03544268384575844 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.0252103041857481 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.016631800681352615 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.01225750520825386 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.008945273235440254 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.004766612313687801 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.004237677901983261 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.002514891792088747 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0022044405341148376 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0015974089037626982 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0014048436423763633 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0013735612155869603 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0013296155957505107 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0011962746502831578 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0011166093172505498 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.0009086285717785358 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0006813915097154677 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0006415799143724144 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0005897313239984214 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0005321316421031952 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0004453877918422222 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.00041017134208232164 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.00034968333784490824 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.00028118403861299157 } ]
Well , he was being investigated while Hilary Clinton was Secretary of State and Barack Obama was president. Investigation against Manafort has been ongoing way before Trump announced his candidacy.
not toxic
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.902885377407074 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.07545555382966995 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.043166324496269226 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.00893260445445776 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.006641744635999203 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.004656895529478788 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.002892301185056567 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.002238556044176221 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.002086332533508539 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.001782283536158502 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0014570484636351466 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0012632315047085285 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0011696929577738047 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0011066925944760442 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0010157754877582192 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.000903639302123338 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0008520776755176485 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.000827022478915751 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0007900726050138474 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0007714950479567051 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0007642698474228382 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0007092985324561596 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0006795510998927057 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0006327363080345094 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.00042849400779232383 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0003734527563210577 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0003534755087457597 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0003061697934754193 } ]
How about you go back to where you came from and take your racist fallacies with you? Why do racist squatters always fail to realize or deny one simple truth: all settlers are squatters in Canada. And newsflash: trespassing is a criminal offense. If you follow your own colonial common law, this is the inescapable truth: nemo dat quod non habet.
not toxic
[ { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.4583550989627838 }, { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.3724422752857208 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.13477222621440887 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.06254000961780548 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.05812296271324158 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.035879332572221756 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.012306430377066135 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.010464309714734554 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.008128384128212929 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.007838655263185501 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.005991705227643251 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.004121863748878241 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0038478791248053312 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0035461054649204016 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.003377817803993821 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.002093067392706871 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.002048731315881014 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0019080591155216098 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0018743147375062108 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.001820116420276463 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.001782465260475874 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0011615039547905326 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0011278839083388448 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0007945357938297093 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0005504072178155184 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0004995974013581872 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0002811518788803369 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0001879964693216607 } ]
Anti-bullying policies should be for everybody, without special reference to any group or political movement. The need to refer to "transgender" is unnecessary and frankly discriminates against non-transgenders. I am a transgender, but was bullied far more in school before I came out, and I am sick of people trying to indoctrinate children by forcing transgenderism into our schools and sexualizing our children. I lived without transitioning as a child and I think the decision should be reserved for adults (just like we do not let kids drink or consent to have sex with adults). And all of these transgender specific policies are just thinly veiled programs designed to program children into making adult choices when they are still highly influenceable kids. I did not need policies to make me more comfortable as a transgender; I needed policies to protect me from vicious people irregardless of my identity. So I wish they would stop putting subclauses in everything.
not toxic
[ { "label": "desire", "score": 0.31969207525253296 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.164044588804245 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.14361807703971863 }, { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.14216028153896332 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.08384764194488525 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.07880682498216629 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.030004771426320076 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.021824702620506287 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.019756430760025978 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.018019556999206543 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.01712709479033947 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.011004925705492496 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0063961767591536045 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0045067621394991875 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.004322356078773737 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.003688722150400281 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0036187306977808475 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0026081062387675047 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.00198466912843287 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.001977667910978198 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.0019327261252328753 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.001928425277583301 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.001649186946451664 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0013412284897640347 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0012732022441923618 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0011832244927063584 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0007362965843640268 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0006411303766071796 } ]
and we missed it too because once again the RG rolls over and plays dead.
not toxic
[ { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.5986525416374207 }, { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.3482235074043274 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.19153104722499847 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.055607084184885025 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.03453469276428223 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.025436347350478172 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.008428825065493584 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.008299341425299644 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.006228088401257992 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.004734348971396685 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.003941941540688276 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0035051838494837284 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0034137582406401634 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0033513549715280533 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.003342951647937298 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.002885787282139063 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.002646665321663022 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.002188511658459902 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0021756161004304886 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0020257120486348867 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.001651427592150867 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0015702538657933474 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0014895230997353792 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0012851959327235818 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0011276979930698872 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0010653964709490538 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0009836554527282715 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0005435305065475404 } ]
Good morning, Dick. If this were a one-off I'd agree with you, but fake news is not lies or propaganda when it's proven CNN (and the NYT and WaPo, et al) do it over and over and over again. The one-off in this case is that CNN actually did something about it. Normal they print the story in bold print on the front page above the fold (so to speak) and the retraction (if any) on page 23 in fine print. It's called The Drive-by Media for a reason.
not toxic
[ { "label": "approval", "score": 0.8057804703712463 }, { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.11373354494571686 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.03594231605529785 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.03074544109404087 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.01486782543361187 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.013832599855959415 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.013717042282223701 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.010813995264470577 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.006203899160027504 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.005559979472309351 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.004063831642270088 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.003459253814071417 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.002951032482087612 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0024715722538530827 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.00189659942407161 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.001867630984634161 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0018316635396331549 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0017111289780586958 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0016316964756697416 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.001137741026468575 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0010511246509850025 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0010492156725376844 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.000759122078306973 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0007191686308942735 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0006079773884266615 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0005185322952456772 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.00044695206452161074 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0003060422604903579 } ]
So why aren't you using Old English? That is clearly where your mindset is. You want to use a word whoseeating has changed. If you want others to believe you don't know the English language, go right ahead. Let the rest of us speak modern English. And let the rest of us hold to the true Catholic faith, the one you reject.
not toxic
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.5118975639343262 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.2932799458503723 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.24257701635360718 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.03849417343735695 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.029590504243969917 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.014403283596038818 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.013127910904586315 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.011531155556440353 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.00519565911963582 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.00456822756677866 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0034672666806727648 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.003051115432754159 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0024898045230656862 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.002274817554280162 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.001387665863148868 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0013400268508121371 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0009262157836928964 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0008572560036554933 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0008403061656281352 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0007028445834293962 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0006818983238190413 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0004895821330137551 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.00042709772242233157 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.000402209087042138 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0003049596562050283 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0002819123037625104 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.00024555905838496983 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.00018463539890944958 } ]
I have to admit, garycrum has stumped me here, because I have not lacked information, nor have I been rude. Perhaps you can cite some specifics? Otherwise you're just a liar.
not toxic
[ { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.4914085865020752 }, { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.3377499282360077 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.10982906818389893 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.09380998462438583 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.061384640634059906 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.05006013065576553 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.031618256121873856 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.018796008080244064 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.011804940178990364 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.00905337743461132 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.005655087996274233 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.005262420047074556 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0030223228968679905 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.002596225356683135 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0019028119277209044 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.001655745436437428 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0014270636020228267 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.00123668706510216 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0007496821344830096 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0007445098017342389 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0005766909453086555 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0005731569835916162 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.00047726690536364913 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.00046022518654353917 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0003865296603180468 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0003093571576755494 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.00028243177803233266 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.00027109001530334353 } ]
"Who needs the EPA in time of war?" Is this supposed to be a joke, or are people really getting to be this dumb? Please educate yourself about the health impacts of environmental pollution.
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You keep on saying that guys Didn't work in the 2015 election but hey, maybe in 2019 it will
not toxic
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.667038083076477 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.29297927021980286 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.0517006441950798 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.031852684915065765 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.030414743348956108 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.029563965275883675 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.011963172815740108 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.011672187596559525 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.011613705195486546 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0029489442240446806 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.002757950220257044 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.002629874972626567 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.00196271575987339 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0017987167229875922 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.001416733837686479 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0014157593250274658 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0013987900456413627 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0012832022039219737 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0012480594450607896 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.0012016046093776822 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0010686396853998303 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0010347954230383039 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0009474913822486997 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0007762157474644482 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.000591358810197562 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0005595818511210382 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.000536193372681737 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.00047175033250823617 } ]
you have to understand, these lands only belong to environmental terrorists (sic).
not toxic
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.644568681716919 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.1116136908531189 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.09696584194898605 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.0472932830452919 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.022641262039542198 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.017464375123381615 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.008951997384428978 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.008459473960101604 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0060468148440122604 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.005126780364662409 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.0032971263863146305 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0016870895633473992 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0015153101412579417 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0014776031021028757 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0012767341686412692 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.0009872429072856903 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0006900200969539583 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0006618929328396916 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0006198522751219571 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0006150563713163137 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0005572527297772467 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.000518573506269604 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0005090832128189504 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.00046096366713754833 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.00041057055932469666 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.00036097096744924784 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0002922567364294082 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0002147249033441767 } ]
Is this person from Anchorage?
not toxic
[ { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.5253552794456482 }, { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.37450355291366577 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.3533053398132324 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.00813821516931057 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.007403661962598562 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.006911413744091988 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.005357674788683653 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.003560735145583749 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.00203159311786294 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.0020310645923018456 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0018582233460620046 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.0018521889578551054 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0015706120757386088 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0014565525343641639 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0012918462743982673 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0011628612410277128 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.001091390149667859 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0010631937766447663 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.001014519715681672 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0008986502070911229 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.000818295287899673 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.000749689934309572 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0007214895449578762 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.00045905663864687085 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.00044611436896957457 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.00027059344574809074 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.00013827953080181032 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.00005454176425701007 } ]
"What's your reason?" He doesn't call himself "Lazeethinker" for nothing.
not toxic
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8571929931640625 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.06191059201955795 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.04438426345586777 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.02213289961218834 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.011679928749799728 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.009590609930455685 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.0059473891742527485 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.0042612929828464985 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0037267953157424927 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.0022656184155493975 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.001985877752304077 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0017094445647671819 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.0015381098492071033 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0012572159757837653 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0009876441909000278 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0007428578101098537 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0006676138145849109 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0006258484208956361 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0005457074148580432 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0004900663625448942 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0003906048368662596 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0003545777581166476 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0002964835148304701 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0002267569216201082 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0001861739146988839 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0001593253546161577 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.00014778618060518056 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.00010622801346471533 } ]
If he doesn't give a hoot about democracy, which is obvious, so how can we expect anything that resembles anything that's honestly commendable to guy who comes across as a lying power hungry dictator?
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.3071279525756836 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.275296688079834 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.230778306722641 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.11768775433301926 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.054929785430431366 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.05038188025355339 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.03674744814634323 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.013644886203110218 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0062486836686730385 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.006171737797558308 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.006146425846964121 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.004679046105593443 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.004046653397381306 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0030387393198907375 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0019947695545852184 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0012847351608797908 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0011055419454351068 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0010427028173580766 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0008685124921612442 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0006466382765211165 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0006364429136738181 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0005685670184902847 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0005386323900893331 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0004932646988891065 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.00049167824909091 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0004523108946159482 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.000211814243812114 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0001978117215912789 } ]
One minor correction, there are wolves in Colorado. Those numbers are probably going to grow rather quickly too.
not toxic
[ { "label": "approval", "score": 0.4762246608734131 }, { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.32610246539115906 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.2992934286594391 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.1643078476190567 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.007897496223449707 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.006955335848033428 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.006506574805825949 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.006006615702062845 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.005714296828955412 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.005378325004130602 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.005205423105508089 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.004989136476069689 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.004389849491417408 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0037550709675997496 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.002704392420127988 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0026323278434574604 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.002391453366726637 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.002180163050070405 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0019223190611228347 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0017379357013851404 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.001637612353079021 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.001629543723538518 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0015781561378389597 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0014458554796874523 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.001362021081149578 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.001223020488396287 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.0006990822730585933 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0006386920576915145 } ]
You have to be stark raving mad to vote for either party. They are beholden to corporate interests-not the American people.
not toxic
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.7209150791168213 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.18913164734840393 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.07396948337554932 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.06557145714759827 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.01693124696612358 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.009322503581643105 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.006940287072211504 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.006082620471715927 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0035441904328763485 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.002412299159914255 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.002230773214250803 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0018017207039520144 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.001757709076628089 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0010842025512829423 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0008271827828139067 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0007976905908435583 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0005614046822302043 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0005446540890261531 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0005405412521213293 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0005201137973926961 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0004970554145984352 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0004500341310631484 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.00043337958049960434 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0003915250999853015 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0003848763008136302 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.000297962425975129 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.00022143559181131423 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.00021630818082485348 } ]
Just thinking out loud......perhaps there is some middle ground here. Suppose the NHL didn't shut down for those 17 days AND allowed players to attend the Olympics? A team could be restricted to how many players they could send/lose....perhaps by seniority. This keeps the NHL open for business while also keeping the union happy. Players are replaced by AHL'ers on the farm team AND the parent club would gain some cap space during the 17 days. In addition, all NHL teams would play 6 games (no more...no less) during the Olympics. I, for one, do not like these compressed schedules featuring back-to-back or 4 in 5 nights. Perhaps this suggestion might help !! (I know....when pigs fly)
not toxic
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.4900512993335724 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.3806515336036682 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.20474210381507874 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.13510268926620483 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.049772925674915314 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.02388142980635166 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.020269937813282013 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.01800580322742462 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.012461301870644093 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.005300441756844521 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.005015514325350523 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.002724624006077647 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0021472303196787834 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0018356030341237783 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.0017977297538891435 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0017623385647311807 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0016378281870856881 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0015834535006433725 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0014931891346350312 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0014623048482462764 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0012860200367867947 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.001066400669515133 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0010458605829626322 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0008374621393159032 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0007490380085073411 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0004020955821033567 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0003558325697667897 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.00019307633920107037 } ]
Mother's Day is a wonderful time to for each of us to take a moment and honor motherhood. Celebrate this Mother’s Day in style by sending Flowers and Gifts through online for your Mother and make the celebration memorable Send Mother's Day Flowers to South Korea and express your feelings of love and joy to your dear one. http://www.flowers2korea.com/Mothers-Day-SouthKorea.asp
not toxic
[ { "label": "joy", "score": 0.41463589668273926 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.2982715666294098 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.24544554948806763 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.07460443675518036 }, { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.07425499707460403 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.03582468628883362 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.0248886588960886 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.02100292034447193 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.01455061323940754 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.009027371183037758 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.006641307845711708 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0058655524626374245 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.00376597186550498 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.0037278186064213514 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.003030689200386405 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0026768783573061228 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0026743144262582064 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0022901075426489115 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.0019307193579152226 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.0013956909533590078 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0013834889978170395 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0013553333701565862 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.0013543094974011183 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.001235499745234847 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0012182756327092648 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0008472669869661331 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.000767847232054919 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0005395518965087831 } ]
The headline says, "Trudeau rejects new Internet tax to help fund media sector." Did he actually personally do this? Or did the Liberal government together with their staff make this decision and Jr. is just taking credit for it? And the media is complicit in celebrating and glorifying Jr.? Wow, quite something to take credit for . . . an announcement that they won't be taxing us even more. That's like thinking someone should be happy when you tell them you were going to punch them 15 times, but you've decided to only punch them 10.
not toxic
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(cont.) Mentally Ill and placed in the State Mental Hospital. I do not know what ever happened after that as I never saw a follow up article on it, which is usually the case. Read the Sign: This 15 year old young woman needs HELP NOW...........
not toxic
[ { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.44671598076820374 }, { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.24498100578784943 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.1841195523738861 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.09209249913692474 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.041616734117269516 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.03705471381545067 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.03388434648513794 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.03023025393486023 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.024734269827604294 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.0208964291960001 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.019794033840298653 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.016177745535969734 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.014525049366056919 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.011080877855420113 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.006961480714380741 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.004460405558347702 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0036882678978145123 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.00353031768463552 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0032992905471473932 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.003024792531505227 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.0024034681264311075 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.002135854447260499 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0018300540978088975 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0016634908970445395 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0012109788367524743 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0010795831913128495 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0008153555099852383 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0005244573694653809 } ]
Voters are not "staying" with Trump. Current approval rating stands at 37 percent and falling for Trump presidential occupancy; worst rating in history at same time in office of past presidents going back to 1945(72 years). Obamas rating at the same time-60%. Even Nixon had a better rating.
not toxic
[ { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.4326830506324768 }, { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.36288982629776 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.2107601910829544 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.09339231252670288 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.026551954448223114 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.014245220459997654 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.009749077260494232 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.00629007164388895 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.00575843034312129 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.004265313036739826 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0037460289895534515 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.002959917299449444 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.0029071082826703787 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0017471745377406478 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.001642090966925025 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0014720206381753087 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.001434904057532549 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0011826392728835344 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0010836853180080652 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0010547005804255605 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0009963451884686947 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0009923124453052878 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0008897277293726802 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0008404503460042179 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0005855293711647391 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0005839504883624613 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0005540025886148214 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0004517769848462194 } ]
Bigfire, While I'm sure it's a waste of time even posting this for you, this article explains the situation rather well: https://www.forbes.com/sites/anderscorr/2017/05/24/duterte-is-the-philippines-greatest-threat-congress-should-cancel-his-martial-law/#2443d57f6085
not toxic
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I'm sorry I was plying attention the new RiverBend hospital being built in Springfield. You remember that the hospital the city progressives lost.
not toxic
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So, the satiric one doesn't believe an investigation is appropriate, and would rather leave it to individual lawsuits. Huh.
not toxic
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8560025095939636 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.0772482305765152 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.058341287076473236 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.03109106421470642 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.01894591748714447 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.012037118896842003 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.008264895528554916 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.005901672877371311 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.003764943452551961 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.0037556348834186792 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0023183817975223064 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.002072536153718829 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0017251527169719338 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0011087787570431828 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0010813644621521235 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0009247837588191032 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0009212778531946242 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0008435830241069198 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0007751867524348199 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0007064331439323723 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0004576031060423702 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0004440517514012754 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0003656290064100176 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.00031380579457618296 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.00027661272906698287 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.00024186476366594434 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.00022995048493612558 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.00021924501925241202 } ]
"I hope the suit she is “planning” to file bankrupts her." I bet that the attorney representing her is working on contingency, thinking that he'll take in 40% of several million dollars.
not toxic
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We are $20 Trillion in debt, we don't need more subsidized feel good projects like the Fire Island Wind Farm. The Paris Accords result in corporate lobbyists stealing from taxpayers to meet ridiculous goals.
[ { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.37297600507736206 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.295746773481369 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.2558528780937195 }, { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.22476842999458313 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.027144961059093475 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.018289754167199135 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.01748408004641533 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.017126742750406265 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.010014270432293415 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0058663892559707165 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.005389634054154158 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.004222617484629154 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.002583451336249709 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0022670275066047907 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.002182783791795373 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.001807253691367805 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.0016974363243207335 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.001618013484403491 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0015196118038147688 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0012983920751139522 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0012774263741448522 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.001229586312547326 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0009577980963513255 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0008585188770666718 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.000826819974463433 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0007918570772744715 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0007662686984986067 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.000585804576985538 } ]
"An average of recent polls by Real Clear Politics put his approval rating at about 44 percent, low for a new president." Here is False News by omission..... The same poll has the " Is the country headed in the right direction" at 37.3 %. yes Does sound very good but is spectacular improvement to the 17.4 % it was in October 2016 ... the end of the Obama era.
not toxic
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.5849385857582092 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.2132548838853836 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.10140593349933624 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.046731624752283096 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.024624548852443695 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.021951405331492424 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.021817965433001518 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.0053624315187335014 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.003883200231939554 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0023324615322053432 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.001657735207118094 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0015200068010017276 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.0014675809070467949 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0010739777935668826 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0010728315683081746 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0010135613847523928 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0009494012920185924 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0009309948654845357 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0009038075222633779 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0008292165002785623 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0007810739334672689 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0007736455299891531 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0007251546485349536 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0006128804525360465 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.000442387507064268 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0003338540846016258 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0003074855776503682 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0002136107796104625 } ]
"...transparency is the only way to win trust." Amen, Kathleen. If Dolan wants money from parishes, he needs to be talking to parishioners and he needs to be showing the good that is done with the money that is given to the archdiocese. So much news is about parish closings, school closings - and what was spent to refurbish St. Patricks. But what was done for the poor and those in need in all these parishes? I don't relate very well to millions spent to defeat legislation that would extend the statue of limitations on child sex abuse. I wouldn't relate well to money spent to defeat gay marriage or money spent to "protect" the Little Sisters from having to include contraceptives in health insurance for all the non-nuns who work for them. Or money spent on lawyers and press spokespersons when a good member of a parish is fired from a job for marrying his/her same sex partner. He needs to find out what parishioners want to spend money on. Don't think it is culture wars.
not toxic
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.40218570828437805 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.3876568377017975 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.20407457649707794 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.19187909364700317 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.059572603553533554 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.04303726553916931 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.026508815586566925 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.010093306191265583 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.005572575144469738 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.005390835925936699 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.004231881350278854 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.003895434783771634 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0030537103302776814 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.002921600127592683 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.002134164795279503 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0019455243600532413 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0019216822693124413 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.00141925981733948 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0013981014490127563 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0012517328141257167 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0009499351144768298 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0009088272927328944 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0007642952259629965 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0006567589589394629 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0005010405438952148 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.00040660102968104184 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0003391252539586276 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.00012086947390343994 } ]
Still looking .-)
not toxic
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9604253768920898 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.02139105089008808 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.007732482627034187 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.005021359771490097 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.004498159512877464 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.0036598064471036196 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.0033514807000756264 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0026144785806536674 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0025229344610124826 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0023210656363517046 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.002289853524416685 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0022068237885832787 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.002024674089625478 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0018456752877682447 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.0017170470673590899 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.0016682468121871352 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0014583887532353401 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0013692284701392055 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0012011417420580983 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0009314699564129114 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0008513015345670283 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0008395515033043921 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0007143390248529613 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0005066151497885585 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.000453975866548717 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.00043628571438603103 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0004144664271734655 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.00036763600655831397 } ]
How about in the bathrooms on Waikiki beach?
not toxic
[ { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.7045533657073975 }, { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.36338895559310913 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.0962960496544838 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.00846334733068943 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.005645400378853083 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0033663806971162558 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.0032617831602692604 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.003242693142965436 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0029344968497753143 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.0028226571157574654 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.0026950151659548283 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.002604070818051696 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0024343831464648247 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.002411310328170657 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0020643402822315693 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.001752651878632605 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.0014894591877236962 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0013068470871075988 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0010521283838897943 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0010221870616078377 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0007992503233253956 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0007582270191051066 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0004921023501083255 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0004363139742054045 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0004095329495612532 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.00024796894285827875 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.00017157090769615024 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.00005153034726390615 } ]
I wonder aloud why minorities are so over represented on CNN. Charles is a far left leaning black bisexual. That is precisely the opinion he brings to both his written op eds and his commentary on CNN. Don is a black homosexual, who is always giggling about how weird he thinks the POTUS is. And before you paint me with the homophobic brush, I think Anderson Cooper is a terrific journalist, and someone who might be fun to have a beer with.
[ { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.6097990274429321 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.18823198974132538 }, { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.10914569348096848 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.09543632715940475 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.02915489301085472 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.022814927622675896 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.021368522197008133 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.021239936351776123 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.019484469667077065 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.00990359764546156 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.00788598321378231 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.00675137247890234 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.005758143961429596 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.003943557385355234 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.003761130152270198 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.003530371468514204 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.003129800548776984 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.002892028773203492 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0016374882543459535 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0015056795673444867 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.001339274225756526 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0007967891870066524 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0007340351003222167 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0006139392498880625 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0005269827088341117 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0004386067157611251 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.000405723083531484 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0001895232271635905 } ]
Oh please, this was just more snake oil sold by the carnival barker/ snake oil salesman in chief. How many Hoosiers will suffer with everything that was given away in tax relief to supposedly save a few jobs temporarily before being taken over by automation? You've got to study the details, because President Trump to this day, has proven that he does not sweat or even glance over them.
not toxic
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.6442848443984985 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.42281776666641235 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.09560273587703705 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.017012888565659523 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.01394680142402649 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.011989844031631947 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.008205954916775227 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.007370121777057648 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.005197498481720686 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.0045133051462471485 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.003852871712297201 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.002746664686128497 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0022931350395083427 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0022766017355024815 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0014416641788557172 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.001355793559923768 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0011481898836791515 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0010121477534994483 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0009549150126986206 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0008891780744306743 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0006912564858794212 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0005808623973280191 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0005511269555427134 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0005430310848169029 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.00038274243706837296 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.00031017904984764755 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0002479800605215132 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.00008556995453545824 } ]
His "personal" attorney during the campaign. So what? This doesn't even suggest impropriety! Liberal media just trying to stir up controversy and sell news meant to mislead.
not toxic
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.46708959341049194 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.21949240565299988 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.21685901284217834 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.1315660923719406 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.08596138656139374 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.028042111545801163 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.020230097696185112 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.013957435265183449 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.013590111397206783 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.009436547756195068 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.005132691934704781 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0035491804592311382 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.0027318396605551243 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0017932771006599069 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0011849022703245282 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0010689909104257822 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0010463657090440392 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0008372690062969923 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0008233087137341499 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0006984439678490162 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0006957415025681257 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0006213792366907 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0003571350534912199 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.000337747362209484 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.00028838968137279153 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0002684628707356751 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0002578168350737542 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0001672092330409214 } ]
The mainstream Jewish organizations were trying to kiss British ass.
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8735437989234924 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.08494201302528381 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.028775297105312347 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0233293566852808 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.009248615242540836 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.00810137391090393 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0076674711890518665 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.005432369187474251 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.004620011430233717 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.004465240053832531 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0033059793058782816 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0029636104591190815 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0027487671468406916 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.002484524855390191 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0020305628422647715 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0018394258804619312 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.00166114151943475 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0015976339345797896 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0015479156281799078 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0013270690105855465 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.0011737601598724723 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0011514577781781554 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0006149101536720991 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0004915564204566181 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0004850425466429442 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.00047855611774139106 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0003977434244006872 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.00035079571534879506 } ]
Denver Post quick to rehost the propaganda flowing out of the Washington Post, as usual. Negative, negative, negative. Every day, the DNC controlled media posts doom and gloom stories and wonder why they are going out of business.
not toxic
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.600273847579956 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.1747119426727295 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.08438976854085922 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.04121314361691475 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.028907306492328644 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.028683122247457504 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.021504290401935577 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.012055295519530773 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.010603540576994419 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.006362919230014086 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.006223380099982023 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.005413306411355734 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.005104138981550932 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.004257165361195803 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0034332843497395515 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.003124527633190155 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.002929727779701352 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.0022781738080084324 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.002007493283599615 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0014950273325666785 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0011613784590736032 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0011361154029145837 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.000973086163867265 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.000767868070397526 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0006516416906379163 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.00047419252223335207 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.000364997104043141 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.00028950016712769866 } ]
Seems to me this would be a moot question if the legislature quit playing politics and protecting their campaign donors by doing their job and implementing a long term balanced fiscal solution w increased revenue and judicious cuts.
not toxic
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.6921724677085876 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.1746465116739273 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.05333271995186806 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.04208793863654137 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.03650056570768356 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.031192917376756668 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.008589569479227066 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.0073461527936160564 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0030617848969995975 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.00304186693392694 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.0026888931170105934 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0019398798467591405 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0013762173475697637 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0010228304890915751 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0008989648777060211 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0008056232472881675 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0007488328265026212 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0007456011371687055 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0006268214201554656 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0005740065826103091 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0005210811505094171 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0004685813037212938 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.00045866865548305213 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0004110720183234662 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.00037099438486620784 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0003230519068893045 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0002931547351181507 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.00024112539540510625 } ]
Good perspective by the author. You don't fight cancer. Anger and fighting are emotions that will take your strength. Fighting can become an obsession. Cancer like any disease wins by taking your time, absorbing your normal life, draining the thoughts you enjoy. McCain is a man of tremendous inner-strength and mental discipline. Continuing to do what he loves, being a senator is how I suggest he fight.
not toxic
[ { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.6423428058624268 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.39355093240737915 }, { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.17043018341064453 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.07561333477497101 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.028925737366080284 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.02406233549118042 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.017995059490203857 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.015241908840835094 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.011631157249212265 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.009847298264503479 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.009561995044350624 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.006820129230618477 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.004248072858899832 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.004159560892730951 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0030127973295748234 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.002622990170493722 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.002174752065911889 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0014207514468580484 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0013558296486735344 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.0009949806844815612 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.00084051484009251 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0007870646077208221 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0007103628595359623 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0006043138564564288 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0005469991592690349 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0004469580599106848 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0004285467730369419 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.00038981600664556026 } ]