Q: What is the Van_der_Waals_Radius of Helium?
A: The Van_der_Waals_Radius of Helium is 1.4e-10
Q: What is the Space_Group_Name of Helium?
A: The Space_Group_Name of Helium is Fm_
Q: What is the Space_Group_Number of Helium?
A: The Space_Group_Number of Helium is 225.0
Q: What is the HalfLife of Helium?
A: The HalfLife of Helium is inf
Q: What is the Lifetime of Helium?
A: The Lifetime of Helium is inf
Q: What is the Quantum_Numbers of Helium?
A: The Quantum_Numbers of Helium is 1S0
Q: What is the Neutron_Cross_Section of Helium?
A: The Neutron_Cross_Section of Helium is 0.007
Q: What is the Neutron_Mass_Absorption of Helium?
A: The Neutron_Mass_Absorption of Helium is 1e-05
Q: What is the Graph.Period of Helium?
A: The Graph.Period of Helium is 1.0
Q: What is the Graph.Group of Helium?
A: The Graph.Group of Helium is 18
Q: What is the Atomic_Weight of Lithium?
A: The Atomic_Weight of Lithium is 6.941
Q: What is the Density of Lithium?
A: The Density of Lithium is 535.0
Q: What is the Melting_Point of Lithium?
A: The Melting_Point of Lithium is 453.69
Q: What is the Boiling_Point of Lithium?
A: The Boiling_Point of Lithium is 1615.15
Q: What is the Phase of Lithium?
A: The Phase of Lithium is Solid
Q: What is the Absolute_Melting_Point of Lithium?
A: The Absolute_Melting_Point of Lithium is 453.69
Q: What is the Absolute_Boiling_Point of Lithium?
A: The Absolute_Boiling_Point of Lithium is 1615.0
Q: What is the Critical_Temperature of Lithium?
A: The Critical_Temperature of Lithium is 3223.0
Q: What is the Heat_of_Fusion of Lithium?
A: The Heat_of_Fusion of Lithium is 3.0
Q: What is the Heat_of_Vaporization of Lithium?
A: The Heat_of_Vaporization of Lithium is 147.0
Q: What is the Heat_of_Combustion of Lithium?
A: The Heat_of_Combustion of Lithium is -298.0
Q: What is the Specific_Heat of Lithium?
A: The Specific_Heat of Lithium is 1820.0
Q: What is the Thermal_Conductivity of Lithium?
A: The Thermal_Conductivity of Lithium is 85.0
Q: What is the Thermal_Expansion of Lithium?
A: The Thermal_Expansion of Lithium is 4.6e-05
Q: What is the Density_Liquid of Lithium?
A: The Density_Liquid of Lithium is 512.0
Q: What is the Molar_Volume of Lithium?
A: The Molar_Volume of Lithium is 1.297e-05
Q: What is the Mohs_Hardness of Lithium?
A: The Mohs_Hardness of Lithium is 600000.0
Q: What is the Bulk_Modulus of Lithium?
A: The Bulk_Modulus of Lithium is 11000000000.0
Q: What is the Shear_Modulus of Lithium?
A: The Shear_Modulus of Lithium is 4200000000.0
Q: What is the Young_Modulus of Lithium?
A: The Young_Modulus of Lithium is 4900000000.0
Q: What is the Speed_of_Sound of Lithium?
A: The Speed_of_Sound of Lithium is 6000.0
Q: What is the Valence of Lithium?
A: The Valence of Lithium is 1.0
Q: What is the Electronegativity of Lithium?
A: The Electronegativity of Lithium is 0.98