stringlengths 3
The Melting Point of Beryllium is 1560.15. |
The Boiling Point of Beryllium is 2743.15. |
The Phase of Beryllium is Solid. |
The Absolute Melting Point of Beryllium is 1560.0. |
The Absolute Boiling Point of Beryllium is 2743.0. |
The Critical Pressure of Beryllium is nan. |
The Critical Temperature of Beryllium is nan. |
The Heat of Fusion of Beryllium is 7.95. |
The Heat of Vaporization of Beryllium is 297.0. |
The Heat of Combustion of Beryllium is nan. |
The Molar Volume of Beryllium is 4.8767e-06. |
The Valence of Beryllium is 2.0. |
The Electronegativity of Beryllium is 1.57. |
The ElectronAffinity of Beryllium is 0.0. |
The Superconducting Point of Beryllium is 0.026. |
The Magnetic Type of Beryllium is Diamagnetic. |
The Curie Point of Beryllium is nan. |
The Mass Magnetic Susceptibility of Beryllium is -1.26e-08. |
The Molar Magnetic Susceptibility of Beryllium is -1.136e-10. |
The Volume Magnetic Susceptibility of Beryllium is -2.328e-05. |
The Percent in Earths Crust of Beryllium is 0.00019. |
The Percent in Oceans of Beryllium is 6e-11. |
The Atomic Radius of Beryllium is 1.12e-10. |
The Covalent Radius of Beryllium is 9e-11. |
The Van der Waals Radius of Beryllium is nan. |
The Space Group Name of Beryllium is P63/mmc. |
The Space Group Number of Beryllium is 194.0. |
The Quantum Numbers of Beryllium is 1S0. |
The Symbol of Boron is B. |
The Atomic Number of Boron is 5. |
The Atomic Weight of Boron is 10.811. |
The Density of Boron is 2460.0. |
The Melting Point of Boron is 2348.15. |
The Boiling Point of Boron is 4273.15. |
The Phase of Boron is Solid. |
The Absolute Melting Point of Boron is 2348.0. |
The Absolute Boiling Point of Boron is 4273.0. |
The Critical Pressure of Boron is 3390000.0. |
The Critical Temperature of Boron is nan. |
The Heat of Fusion of Boron is 50.0. |
The Heat of Vaporization of Boron is 507.0. |
The Heat of Combustion of Boron is nan. |
The Molar Volume of Boron is 4.3947e-06. |
The Valence of Boron is 3.0. |
The Electronegativity of Boron is 2.04. |
The ElectronAffinity of Boron is 26.7. |
The Superconducting Point of Boron is nan. |
The Magnetic Type of Boron is Diamagnetic. |
The Curie Point of Boron is nan. |
The Mass Magnetic Susceptibility of Boron is -8.7e-09. |
The Molar Magnetic Susceptibility of Boron is -9.41e-11. |
The Volume Magnetic Susceptibility of Boron is -2.14e-05. |
The Percent in Earths Crust of Boron is 0.00086. |
The Percent in Oceans of Boron is 0.00044. |
The Atomic Radius of Boron is 8.7e-11. |
The Covalent Radius of Boron is 8.2e-11. |
The Van der Waals Radius of Boron is nan. |
The Space Group Name of Boron is R_3m. |
The Space Group Number of Boron is 166.0. |
The Quantum Numbers of Boron is 2P1/2. |
The Symbol of Carbon is C. |
The Atomic Number of Carbon is 6. |
The Atomic Weight of Carbon is 12.0107. |
The Density of Carbon is 2260.0. |
The Melting Point of Carbon is 3823.15. |
The Boiling Point of Carbon is 4300.15. |
The Phase of Carbon is Solid. |
The Absolute Melting Point of Carbon is 3823.0. |
The Absolute Boiling Point of Carbon is 4300.0. |
The Critical Pressure of Carbon is nan. |
The Critical Temperature of Carbon is nan. |
The Heat of Fusion of Carbon is 105.0. |
The Heat of Vaporization of Carbon is 715.0. |
The Heat of Combustion of Carbon is -393.0. |
The Molar Volume of Carbon is 5.3145e-06. |
The Valence of Carbon is 4.0. |
The Electronegativity of Carbon is 2.55. |
The ElectronAffinity of Carbon is 153.9. |
The Superconducting Point of Carbon is nan. |
The Magnetic Type of Carbon is Diamagnetic. |
The Curie Point of Carbon is nan. |
The Mass Magnetic Susceptibility of Carbon is -6.2e-09. |
The Molar Magnetic Susceptibility of Carbon is -7.45e-11. |
The Volume Magnetic Susceptibility of Carbon is -1.4e-05. |
The Percent in Earths Crust of Carbon is 0.18. |
The Percent in Oceans of Carbon is 0.0028. |
The Atomic Radius of Carbon is 6.7e-11. |
The Covalent Radius of Carbon is 7.7e-11. |
The Van der Waals Radius of Carbon is 1.7e-10. |
The Space Group Name of Carbon is P63/mmc. |
The Space Group Number of Carbon is 194.0. |
The Quantum Numbers of Carbon is 3P0. |
The Symbol of Nitrogen is N. |
The Atomic Number of Nitrogen is 7. |
The Atomic Weight of Nitrogen is 14.0067. |
The Density of Nitrogen is 1.251. |
The Melting Point of Nitrogen is 63.05. |
The Boiling Point of Nitrogen is 77.36. |
The Phase of Nitrogen is Gas. |
The Absolute Melting Point of Nitrogen is 63.05. |
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