Unnamed: 0
###HUMAN: get me the number of government health insurance patients who had closed [needle] biopsy of tongue., ###ASSISTANT: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT demographic.subject_id) FROM demographic INNER JOIN procedures ON demographic.hadm_id = procedures.hadm_id WHERE demographic.insurance = "Government" AND procedures.long_title = "Closed [needle] biopsy of tongue"
###HUMAN: Who is the opponent in game 5?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT opponent FROM table_20745706_1 WHERE _number = "5"
###HUMAN: What is the round for the qualifying phase with a draw date on 16 July 2010?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT "Round" FROM table_62144 WHERE "Phase" = 'qualifying' AND "Draw date" = '16 july 2010'
###HUMAN: Show all locations and the total number of platforms for all train stations in each location in a bar chart, sort by the Location in ascending., ###ASSISTANT: SELECT Location, SUM(Number_of_Platforms) FROM station GROUP BY Location ORDER BY Location
###HUMAN: in this month patient 004-32341 received a magnesium test?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT COUNT(*) > 0 FROM lab WHERE lab.patientunitstayid IN (SELECT patient.patientunitstayid FROM patient WHERE patient.patienthealthsystemstayid IN (SELECT patient.patienthealthsystemstayid FROM patient WHERE patient.uniquepid = '004-32341')) AND lab.labname = 'magnesium' AND DATETIME(lab.labresulttime, 'start of month') = DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), 'start of month', '-0 month')
###HUMAN: What is the average rank of Great Britain when their total is over 4?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT AVG("Rank") FROM table_57342 WHERE "Total" > '4' AND "Nation" = 'great britain'
###HUMAN: What are the tries against when points against 287?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT "Tries against" FROM table_812 WHERE "Points against" = '287'
###HUMAN: what is the lowest height (ft) for messeturm and more than 55 floors?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT MIN("Height (ft)") FROM table_54024 WHERE "Name" = 'messeturm' AND "Floors" > '55'
###HUMAN: since 5 years ago, what are the five most frequently performed procedures for patients in the same month after receiving a vascular surgery consultation?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT t3.treatmentname FROM (SELECT t2.treatmentname, DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC) AS c1 FROM (SELECT patient.uniquepid, treatment.treatmenttime FROM treatment JOIN patient ON treatment.patientunitstayid = patient.patientunitstayid WHERE treatment.treatmentname = 'vascular surgery consultation' AND DATETIME(treatment.treatmenttime) >= DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), '-5 year')) AS t1 JOIN (SELECT patient.uniquepid, treatment.treatmentname, treatment.treatmenttime FROM treatment JOIN patient ON treatment.patientunitstayid = patient.patientunitstayid WHERE DATETIME(treatment.treatmenttime) >= DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), '-5 year')) AS t2 ON t1.uniquepid = t2.uniquepid WHERE t1.treatmenttime < t2.treatmenttime AND DATETIME(t1.treatmenttime, 'start of month') = DATETIME(t2.treatmenttime, 'start of month') GROUP BY t2.treatmentname) AS t3 WHERE t3.c1 <= 5
###HUMAN: what is the drug route of Ascorbic acid?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT prescriptions.route FROM prescriptions WHERE prescriptions.drug = "Ascorbic Acid"
###HUMAN: What was the highest points on October 12, when the attendance where is over 10,701?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT MAX("Points") FROM table_43705 WHERE "Date" = 'october 12' AND "Attendance" > '10,701'
###HUMAN: A bar chart for what are the number of the first names of all students in Smith Hall?, could you list in ascending by the total number please?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT Fname, COUNT(Fname) FROM Student AS T1 JOIN Lives_in AS T2 ON T1.stuid = T2.stuid JOIN Dorm AS T3 ON T3.dormid = T2.dormid WHERE T3.dorm_name = 'Smith Hall' GROUP BY Fname ORDER BY COUNT(Fname)
###HUMAN: Who was the Interview Subject on the Date when there were Pictorials of Christie Brinkley?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT "Interview subject" FROM table_40077 WHERE "Pictorials" = 'christie brinkley'
###HUMAN: What is the sum of the total of the player who won in 1979?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT SUM("Total") FROM table_62505 WHERE "Year(s) won" = '1979'
###HUMAN: What is the accreditation level for the approved (awarded 05.12.12) date?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT accreditation_level FROM table_name_72 WHERE date = "approved (awarded 05.12.12)"
###HUMAN: Give me a bar chart for the total number of each class, and could you sort from high to low by the y-axis please?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT Class, COUNT(*) FROM race GROUP BY Class ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC
###HUMAN: Before round 7, what is the greatest Pick # for a player that plays defensive tackle?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT MAX(pick__number) FROM table_name_5 WHERE position = "defensive tackle" AND round < 7
###HUMAN: Please give me a bar chart for the total enrollment in each county, sort in asc by the total number., ###ASSISTANT: SELECT County, SUM(Enrollment) FROM School GROUP BY County ORDER BY SUM(Enrollment)
###HUMAN: What is Record, when Game is greater than 55, and when Date is 'March 25'?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT "Record" FROM table_8366 WHERE "Game" > '55' AND "Date" = 'march 25'
###HUMAN: Who is the captain of Neil Warnock's team?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT "Team captain" FROM table_3592 WHERE "Manager" = 'Neil Warnock'
###HUMAN: Users with 10 or more meta posts with score of 2 or more (Convention badge)., ###ASSISTANT: SELECT u.Id AS "user_link", COUNT(*) AS NumPosts FROM Posts AS p INNER JOIN Users AS u ON u.Id = p.OwnerUserId WHERE p.Score >= 2 GROUP BY u.Id HAVING COUNT(*) >= 10 ORDER BY NumPosts DESC
###HUMAN: tell me about flights from INDIANAPOLIS to HOUSTON, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT DISTINCT flight.flight_id FROM airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_0, airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_1, city AS CITY_0, city AS CITY_1, flight WHERE CITY_0.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.city_code AND CITY_0.city_name = 'INDIANAPOLIS' AND CITY_1.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.city_code AND CITY_1.city_name = 'HOUSTON' AND flight.from_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.airport_code AND flight.to_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.airport_code
###HUMAN: When the winners votes were 50.54% who were the members of parliment?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT members_of_parliament FROM table_18106841_1 WHERE winners__percentage_votes = "50.54%"
###HUMAN: What's the highest scoring team in the round in Ring Knutstorp in which Polestar Racing is the winning team?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT highest_scoring_team FROM table_20079931_4 WHERE circuit_location = "Ring Knutstorp" AND winning_team = "Polestar Racing"
###HUMAN: Is it true that geoffrey e. hinton has more citations than yann lecun ?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT DISTINCT author.authorname, COUNT(writes.paperid) FROM author, writes WHERE author.authorname IN ('geoffrey e. hinton', 'yann lecun') AND writes.authorid = author.authorid GROUP BY author.authorname ORDER BY COUNT(writes.paperid) DESC
###HUMAN: Who is the mixed doubled on the tour korea super series?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT mixed_doubles FROM table_27753492_2 WHERE tour = "Korea Super Series"
###HUMAN: show me the three year survival rate of patients who have been prescribed tobramycin-dexamethasone ophth oint after having been diagnosed with hypertension nos?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN patients.dod IS NULL THEN 1 WHEN STRFTIME('%j', patients.dod) - STRFTIME('%j', t4.charttime) > 3 * 365 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) * 100 / COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT t2.subject_id, t2.charttime FROM (SELECT t1.subject_id, t1.charttime FROM (SELECT admissions.subject_id, diagnoses_icd.charttime FROM diagnoses_icd JOIN admissions ON diagnoses_icd.hadm_id = admissions.hadm_id WHERE diagnoses_icd.icd9_code = (SELECT d_icd_diagnoses.icd9_code FROM d_icd_diagnoses WHERE d_icd_diagnoses.short_title = 'hypertension nos') GROUP BY admissions.subject_id HAVING MIN(diagnoses_icd.charttime) = diagnoses_icd.charttime) AS t1 WHERE STRFTIME('%j', CURRENT_TIME()) - STRFTIME('%j', t1.charttime) > 3 * 365) AS t2 JOIN (SELECT admissions.subject_id, prescriptions.startdate FROM prescriptions JOIN admissions ON prescriptions.hadm_id = admissions.hadm_id WHERE prescriptions.drug = 'tobramycin-dexamethasone ophth oint') AS t3 ON t2.subject_id = t3.subject_id WHERE t2.charttime < t3.startdate) AS t4 JOIN patients ON t4.subject_id = patients.subject_id
###HUMAN: calculate how many times patient 19627 received a laboratory test for potassium until 01/2103., ###ASSISTANT: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM labevents WHERE labevents.itemid IN (SELECT d_labitems.itemid FROM d_labitems WHERE d_labitems.label = 'potassium') AND labevents.hadm_id IN (SELECT admissions.hadm_id FROM admissions WHERE admissions.subject_id = 19627) AND STRFTIME('%y-%m', labevents.charttime) <= '2103-01'
###HUMAN: which is longer the carolina or kentucky race ?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT "race" FROM table_204_630 WHERE "race" IN ('carolina 500', 'kentucky') ORDER BY "no" DESC LIMIT 1
###HUMAN: What time is CDT when PDT is 3:17 a.m.?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT cdt___5_utc_ FROM table_name_13 WHERE pdt___7_utc_ = "3:17 a.m."
###HUMAN: Who was Mountains Classification in the race with Nick Frey as Youth Classification and Tom Zirbel as Points Classification?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT "Mountains classification" FROM table_25679 WHERE "Youth classification" = 'Nick Frey' AND "Points classification" = 'Tom Zirbel'
###HUMAN: What Region has a Catalog of crgd 86136?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT region FROM table_name_47 WHERE catalog = "crgd 86136"
###HUMAN: What is the Pashto word for the Somali word talaado?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT pashto FROM table_name_24 WHERE somali = "talaado"
###HUMAN: What years have claudia ruffo as the actor?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT "Years" FROM table_65588 WHERE "Actor" = 'claudia ruffo'
###HUMAN: what is the maximum age of patients that survived in or above the age 72?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT MAX(demographic.age) FROM demographic WHERE demographic.expire_flag = "0" AND demographic.age >= "72"
###HUMAN: What is Final, when Run 3 is 1:57.41?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT final FROM table_name_60 WHERE run_3 = "1:57.41"
###HUMAN: Which away team has a venue of Arden Street Oval?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT away_team FROM table_name_76 WHERE venue = "arden street oval"
###HUMAN: what was the first time that patient 031-24513 got a microbiology test?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT microlab.culturetakentime FROM microlab WHERE microlab.patientunitstayid IN (SELECT patient.patientunitstayid FROM patient WHERE patient.patienthealthsystemstayid IN (SELECT patient.patienthealthsystemstayid FROM patient WHERE patient.uniquepid = '031-24513')) ORDER BY microlab.culturetakentime LIMIT 1
###HUMAN: What is the pick number for Danny Green in a round less than 2?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT COUNT("Pick") FROM table_47989 WHERE "Player" = 'danny green' AND "Round" < '2'
###HUMAN: when was the last time patient 016-35266 was admitted via a hospital other hospital?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT patient.hospitaladmittime FROM patient WHERE patient.uniquepid = '016-35266' AND patient.hospitaladmitsource = 'other hospital' ORDER BY patient.hospitaladmittime DESC LIMIT 1
###HUMAN: For those employees who was hired before 2002-06-21, give me the comparison about the sum of employee_id over the hire_date bin hire_date by weekday., ###ASSISTANT: SELECT HIRE_DATE, SUM(EMPLOYEE_ID) FROM employees WHERE HIRE_DATE < '2002-06-21'
###HUMAN: Give me a pie to show how many other account details from different other account details., ###ASSISTANT: SELECT other_account_details, COUNT(other_account_details) FROM Accounts GROUP BY other_account_details
###HUMAN: What is the score from the game where Algeria is the opponent at Porto-Novo?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT score FROM table_name_28 WHERE opponent = "algeria" AND location = "porto-novo"
###HUMAN: What is the Location of the Bridge Built in 1869?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT location FROM table_name_58 WHERE built = "1869"
###HUMAN: Which series occurred in which the semi-finalist was runner-up and the 7800.00 was 6420.00?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT indonesia_super_series_2008 FROM table_2544694_3 WHERE runner_up = "Semi-Finalist" AND 780000 = "6420.00"
###HUMAN: What is the status of the fleet that was commissioned on July 28, 1963?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT status FROM table_name_9 WHERE commissioned = "july 28, 1963"
###HUMAN: what is patient 031-22988's monthly maximum level of oxyhemoglobin?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT MAX(lab.labresult) FROM lab WHERE lab.patientunitstayid IN (SELECT patient.patientunitstayid FROM patient WHERE patient.patienthealthsystemstayid IN (SELECT patient.patienthealthsystemstayid FROM patient WHERE patient.uniquepid = '031-22988')) AND lab.labname = 'oxyhemoglobin' GROUP BY STRFTIME('%y-%m', lab.labresulttime)
###HUMAN: I want the score for 23 july 1992, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT score FROM table_name_86 WHERE date = "23 july 1992"
###HUMAN: What player's original team are the Oakland Raiders?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT "Player" FROM table_80251 WHERE "Original NFL team" = 'oakland raiders'
###HUMAN: What is the number of patients diagnosed with rheumatic heart failure (congestive) who have a delta abnormal lab test?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT demographic.subject_id) FROM demographic INNER JOIN diagnoses ON demographic.hadm_id = diagnoses.hadm_id INNER JOIN lab ON demographic.hadm_id = lab.hadm_id WHERE diagnoses.long_title = "Rheumatic heart failure (congestive)" AND lab.flag = "delta"
###HUMAN: so what's the average mch value of patient 006-157753 on their current hospital encounter?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT AVG(lab.labresult) FROM lab WHERE lab.patientunitstayid IN (SELECT patient.patientunitstayid FROM patient WHERE patient.patienthealthsystemstayid IN (SELECT patient.patienthealthsystemstayid FROM patient WHERE patient.uniquepid = '006-157753' AND patient.hospitaldischargetime IS NULL)) AND lab.labname = 'mch'
###HUMAN: Which Colliery has a Death toll of 7?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT colliery FROM table_name_76 WHERE death_toll = 7
###HUMAN: What is the status of vessel number K-223?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT status FROM table_1634376_1 WHERE _number = "K-223"
###HUMAN: Name the post poles for 4 podiums, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT MAX("Poles") FROM table_29650 WHERE "Podiums" = '4'
###HUMAN: A line chart for what are the number of the distinct visit dates?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT Visit_Date, COUNT(Visit_Date) FROM Visits
###HUMAN: How many faculty members does each building have? List the result with the name of the building with a bar chart, show from high to low by the x-axis., ###ASSISTANT: SELECT Building, COUNT(*) FROM Faculty GROUP BY Building ORDER BY Building DESC
###HUMAN: What was the result of the game in Stuttgart, West Germany and a goal number of less than 9?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT result FROM table_name_12 WHERE venue = "stuttgart, west germany" AND goal < 9
###HUMAN: Who had the high rebounds in the game with a final score of w 140-108?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT "High rebounds" FROM table_1683 WHERE "Score" = 'W 140-108'
###HUMAN: What is the weight of the shortest person?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT Weight FROM people ORDER BY Height LIMIT 1
###HUMAN: What was the 110H that the 1500m was 692 and the final was more than 7906?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT COUNT("110H") FROM table_77037 WHERE "1500 m" = '692' AND "Final" > '7906'
###HUMAN: What is the mean pick when the play is Marc Lewis (lhp) and the round is less than 20?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT AVG(pick) FROM table_name_76 WHERE player = "marc lewis (lhp)" AND round < 20
###HUMAN: Which Opponent has a Surface of hardcourt, an Outcome of runner-up, and a Tournament of honolulu?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT opponent FROM table_name_51 WHERE surface = "hardcourt" AND outcome = "runner-up" AND tournament = "honolulu"
###HUMAN: dysphagia nec what does it stand for?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT d_icd_diagnoses.long_title FROM d_icd_diagnoses WHERE d_icd_diagnoses.short_title = 'dysphagia nec' UNION SELECT d_icd_procedures.long_title FROM d_icd_procedures WHERE d_icd_procedures.short_title = 'dysphagia nec'
###HUMAN: For all employees who have the letters D or S in their first name, show me about the distribution of job_id and the average of employee_id , and group by attribute job_id in a bar chart, and list y axis in asc order please., ###ASSISTANT: SELECT JOB_ID, AVG(EMPLOYEE_ID) FROM employees WHERE FIRST_NAME LIKE '%D%' OR FIRST_NAME LIKE '%S%' GROUP BY JOB_ID ORDER BY AVG(EMPLOYEE_ID)
###HUMAN: What Points for has a Try bonus of 140?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT points_for FROM table_name_26 WHERE try_bonus = "140"
###HUMAN: Name the langauge for switzerland, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT "Language" FROM table_71432 WHERE "Country" = 'switzerland'
###HUMAN: Name the total number of bids of the sun belt conference, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT COUNT(_number_of_bids) FROM table_10722506_6 WHERE conference = "Sun Belt"
###HUMAN: Count the number of cinemas., ###ASSISTANT: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cinema
###HUMAN: What is the lowest Rank with more than 0 bronze, 8 silver, and a total of 19, with less than 9 gold?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT MIN(rank) FROM table_name_23 WHERE bronze > 0 AND silver = 8 AND total = 19 AND gold < 9
###HUMAN: What is the number of patients with private health insurance who had a urea nitrogen urine lab test?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT demographic.subject_id) FROM demographic INNER JOIN lab ON demographic.hadm_id = lab.hadm_id WHERE demographic.insurance = "Private" AND lab.label = "Urea Nitrogen, Urine"
###HUMAN: Name the 2006 when the 2010 is 27, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT "2006" FROM table_15796 WHERE "2010" = '27'
###HUMAN: What was the score of the game when the Indians ended up with a record of 55-51?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT score FROM table_name_33 WHERE record = "55-51"
###HUMAN: Who won the mens singles when sayaka sato won the womens singles?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT mens_singles FROM table_12275551_1 WHERE womens_singles = "Sayaka Sato"
###HUMAN: What is the name of the Original artist when the week # is top 16 (8 men)?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT original_artist FROM table_name_15 WHERE week__number = "top 16 (8 men)"
###HUMAN: With an original artist names Bette Midler, what is the order number?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT COUNT(order__number) FROM table_21501565_1 WHERE original_artist = "Bette Midler"
###HUMAN: Posts that were edited by other users., ###ASSISTANT: SELECT Id AS "post_link", LastEditorUserId AS "user_link", LastEditDate FROM Posts WHERE OwnerUserId = '##UserId##' AND LastEditorUserId != '##UserId##' ORDER BY LastEditDate DESC
###HUMAN: How many appointment dates were recorded when J rgen Kohler was the replaced by?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT COUNT("Date of appointment") FROM table_21275 WHERE "Replaced by" = 'Jürgen Kohler'
###HUMAN: What is the average year with an average start smaller than 6.3 and fewer than 0 wins?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT AVG("Year") FROM table_36915 WHERE "Avg. Start" < '6.3' AND "Wins" < '0'
###HUMAN: japan earned only 1 bronze metal in boxing during the 1960 olympics . how many other countries earned the exact same metal count as japan ?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT COUNT("country") FROM table_203_496 WHERE "country" <> 'japan' AND "bronze" = 1 AND "total" = 1
###HUMAN: For those records from the products and each product's manufacturer, visualize a bar chart about the distribution of name and the sum of code , and group by attribute name, and I want to display Name in asc order., ###ASSISTANT: SELECT T2.Name, T1.Code FROM Products AS T1 JOIN Manufacturers AS T2 ON T1.Manufacturer = T2.Code GROUP BY T2.Name ORDER BY T2.Name
###HUMAN: Which Wins have Losses smaller than 6, and a Position of 4, and Played larger than 9?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT MIN(wins) FROM table_name_98 WHERE losses < 6 AND position = 4 AND played > 9
###HUMAN: What date did the epiode that had 1.37 million as the rating originally air?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT originalairdate FROM table_27218002_2 WHERE ratings = "1.37 Million"
###HUMAN: When divisional semifinals are the playoffs what is the year?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT "Year" FROM table_23374 WHERE "Playoffs" = 'Divisional Semifinals'
###HUMAN: Which label released the catalog Magik Muzik CD 07 on 28 March 2007?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT label FROM table_name_86 WHERE date = "28 march 2007" AND catalog = "magik muzik cd 07"
###HUMAN: For those employees who do not work in departments with managers that have ids between 100 and 200, show me about the distribution of hire_date and the average of employee_id bin hire_date by weekday in a bar chart, and sort in ascending by the Y-axis., ###ASSISTANT: SELECT HIRE_DATE, AVG(EMPLOYEE_ID) FROM employees WHERE NOT DEPARTMENT_ID IN (SELECT DEPARTMENT_ID FROM departments WHERE MANAGER_ID BETWEEN 100 AND 200) ORDER BY AVG(EMPLOYEE_ID)
###HUMAN: when did patient 029-16431 come this year for the last time to the hospital?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT patient.hospitaladmittime FROM patient WHERE patient.uniquepid = '029-16431' AND DATETIME(patient.hospitaladmittime, 'start of year') = DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), 'start of year', '-0 year') ORDER BY patient.hospitaladmittime DESC LIMIT 1
###HUMAN: what is the number of patients whose diagnoses long title is sinoatrial node dysfunction?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT demographic.subject_id) FROM demographic INNER JOIN diagnoses ON demographic.hadm_id = diagnoses.hadm_id WHERE diagnoses.long_title = "Sinoatrial node dysfunction"
###HUMAN: Show me how many destination by destination in a histogram, display by the bars in ascending., ###ASSISTANT: SELECT destination, COUNT(destination) FROM flight GROUP BY destination ORDER BY destination
###HUMAN: Which player plays for the college of manitoba?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT "Player" FROM table_52523 WHERE "College" = 'manitoba'
###HUMAN: what is diagnoses short title of subject id 17519?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT diagnoses.short_title FROM diagnoses WHERE diagnoses.subject_id = "17519"
###HUMAN: What was the Engine, when the Chassis was Bugatti T51, and when the Entrant was a Private Entry?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT "Engine" FROM table_7679 WHERE "Chassis" = 'bugatti t51' AND "Entrant" = 'private entry'
###HUMAN: find the number of patients whose admission type is elective and lab test name is potassium, urine., ###ASSISTANT: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT demographic.subject_id) FROM demographic INNER JOIN lab ON demographic.hadm_id = lab.hadm_id WHERE demographic.admission_type = "ELECTIVE" AND lab.label = "Potassium, Urine"
###HUMAN: Name the city for los angeles stadium, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT "City" FROM table_30442 WHERE "Stadium" = 'Los Angeles Stadium'
###HUMAN: What is the Film/Show, when the Year is 2010?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT "Film/Show" FROM table_68099 WHERE "Year" = '2010'
###HUMAN: Name the score for opponents of nathan healey igor kunitsyn, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT "Score" FROM table_38244 WHERE "Opponents in the final" = 'nathan healey igor kunitsyn'
###HUMAN: What is the average Season, when F/Laps is 1, and when Poles is less than 0?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT AVG("Season") FROM table_42825 WHERE "F/Laps" = '1' AND "Poles" < '0'
###HUMAN: let me know the birth date and death date of patient caren obrien., ###ASSISTANT: SELECT demographic.dob, demographic.dod FROM demographic WHERE demographic.name = "Caren Obrien"
###HUMAN: Show party names and the number of events for each party. Visualize by pie chart., ###ASSISTANT: SELECT Party_name, COUNT(*) FROM party_events AS T1 JOIN party AS T2 ON T1.Party_ID = T2.Party_ID GROUP BY T1.Party_ID
###HUMAN: List all results from the 3-3 scoring game., ###ASSISTANT: SELECT "Result" FROM table_26930 WHERE "Record" = '3-3'
###HUMAN: How many laps did BRM have with a grid of 11?, ###ASSISTANT: SELECT COUNT(laps) FROM table_name_33 WHERE constructor = "brm" AND grid = 11