stringlengths 32
| url
stringlengths 93
const std = @import("std");
const Type = std.builtin.Type;
const testing = std.testing;
// turns out the mask should be the size of the full struct anyway. might make this public later to be used in later
// truncation but whatever
// fn calc(comptime T: type, comptime field: FieldEnum(T)) type {
// if (@typeInfo(T).Struct.layout != .Packed) {
// @compileError("Cannot create field mask for non-packed struct");
// }
// const offset = @bitOffsetOf(T, @tagName(field));
// const size = @bitSizeOf(@TypeOf(@field(@as(T, undefined), @tagName(field))));
// return Int(.unsigned, offset + size);
// }
// generates a mask to isolate a field of a packed struct while keeping it shifted relative to its bit offset in the struct.
// the field's value is effectively left shifted by its bit offset in the struct and bits outside the field are masked out
pub fn makeTruncMask(comptime T: type, comptime field: []const u8) @Type(.{ .Int = .{ .signedness = .unsigned, .bits = @bitSizeOf(T) } }) {
const offset = @bitOffsetOf(T, field);
const size = @bitSizeOf(@TypeOf(@field(@as(T, undefined), field)));
const size_mask = (1 << size) - 1;
return size_mask << offset;
test makeTruncMask {
const T = packed struct(u16) {
a: u4,
b: u3,
c: u9,
try testing.expectEqual(0x000F, makeTruncMask(T, "a"));
try testing.expectEqual(0x0070, makeTruncMask(T, "b"));
try testing.expectEqual(0xFF80, makeTruncMask(T, "c"));
| https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Khitiara/imaginarium/805dd706a8e7b4f9f64fd0df932ad12d1aa1ea7f/src/util/masking.zig |
const ascii = @import("std").ascii;
const alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
pub fn isPangram(str: []const u8) bool {
var marks = [_]bool{false} ** 26;
for (str) |strChar| {
for (alphabet) |alphabetChar, i| {
if (ascii.toLower(strChar) == alphabetChar) {
marks[i] = true;
for (marks) |mark| if (mark == false) return false;
return true;
| https://raw.githubusercontent.com/alternateved/exercism/ba9dd5d5c832f1ab345e9a94ba9294717669cc76/zig/pangram/pangram.zig |
const std = @import("std");
const backend = @import("../backend.zig");
const Size = @import("../data.zig").Size;
/// Toggle switch flat peer
pub const FlatToggleSwitch = struct {
peer: backend.PeerType,
canvas: backend.Canvas,
label: [:0]const u8 = "",
enabled: bool = true,
pub usingnamespace backend.Events(FlatToggleSwitch);
pub fn create() !FlatToggleSwitch {
const canvas = try backend.Canvas.create();
const events = backend.getEventUserData(canvas.peer);
events.class.drawHandler = draw;
return FlatToggleSwitch{ .peer = canvas.peer, .canvas = canvas };
// TODO: themes and custom styling
fn draw(ctx: *backend.Canvas.DrawContext, data: usize) void {
const events = @intToPtr(*backend.EventUserData, data);
const self = @intToPtr(?*FlatToggleSwitch, events.classUserdata).?;
const width = @intCast(u32, backend.getWidthFromPeer(events.peer));
const height = @intCast(u32, backend.getHeightFromPeer(events.peer));
if (self.enabled) {
ctx.setColor(0.8, 0.8, 0.8);
} else {
ctx.setColor(0.7, 0.7, 0.7);
ctx.rectangle(0, 0, width, height);
const text = self.label;
var layout = backend.Canvas.DrawContext.TextLayout.init();
defer layout.deinit();
ctx.setColor(1, 1, 1);
layout.setFont(.{ .face = "serif", .size = 12.0 });
ctx.text(0, 0, layout, text);
pub fn setLabel(self: *FlatToggleSwitch, label: [:0]const u8) void {
self.label = label;
const events = backend.getEventUserData(self.peer);
events.classUserdata = @ptrToInt(self);
self.requestDraw() catch {};
pub fn getLabel(self: *const FlatToggleSwitch) [:0]const u8 {
return self.label;
pub fn setEnabled(self: *FlatToggleSwitch, enabled: bool) void {
self.enabled = enabled;
pub fn getPreferredSize_impl(self: *const FlatToggleSwitch) Size {
_ = self;
return Size.init(300, 100);
| https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SaicharanKandukuri/capy-299f994/512c88540a160cea2e824c363e7261679b558add/src/flat/toggle_switch.zig |
const std = @import("std");
const gpu = @import("mach-gpu");
const glfw = @import("mach-glfw");
const util = @import("../util.zig");
const math = @import("../utils/math.zig");
const Rect = math.Rect;
const MaxElements = @import("ezui.zig").MaxElements;
const SwapChainFormat = gpu.Texture.Format.bgra8_unorm;
pub const Renderer = struct {
device: *gpu.Device,
queue: *gpu.Queue,
pipeline: *gpu.RenderPipeline,
swapchain: *gpu.SwapChain,
swapchain_desc: gpu.SwapChain.Descriptor,
surface: *gpu.Surface,
rect_buffer: *gpu.Buffer,
bind_group: *gpu.BindGroup,
pub fn init(window: glfw.Window) Renderer {
const instance = gpu.createInstance(null);
if (instance == null) {
std.log.err("Renderer, webgpu: Failed to create GPU instance\n", .{});
var surface: *gpu.Surface = undefined;
if (util.createSurfaceForWindow(instance.?, window, comptime util.detectGLFWOptions())) |surface_| {
surface = surface_;
} else |err| {
std.log.err("Renderer, webgpu: Failed to create Surface, {}\n", .{err});
var response: util.RequestAdapterResponse = undefined;
.compatible_surface = surface,
.power_preference = .undefined,
.force_fallback_adapter = .false,
}, &response, util.requestAdapterCallback);
if (response.status != .success) {
std.log.err("Renderer, webgpu: Failed to create GPU adapter: {s}\n", .{response.message.?});
// Print which adapter we are using.
var props = std.mem.zeroes(gpu.Adapter.Properties);
std.log.info("found {s} backend on {s} adapter: {s}, {s}\n", .{
const device = response.adapter.?.createDevice(null);
if (device == null) {
std.log.err("Renderer, webgpu: Failed to create GPU device\n", .{});
device.?.setUncapturedErrorCallback({}, util.printUnhandledErrorCallback);
const swapchain_desc = gpu.SwapChain.Descriptor{
.label = "basic swap chain",
.usage = .{ .render_attachment = true },
.format = SwapChainFormat,
.width = window.getSize().width,
.height = window.getSize().height,
.present_mode = .fifo,
const swapchain = device.?.createSwapChain(surface, &swapchain_desc);
const rect_buffer = device.?.createBuffer(&.{
.usage = .{ .storage = true, .copy_dst = true },
.size = @sizeOf(Rect) * MaxElements,
const vs =
\\ struct Rect {
\\ pos: vec2<f32>,
\\ width: f32,
\\ height: f32,
\\ color: vec3<f32>,
\\ }
\\ struct VertexOutput{
\\ @builtin(position) Position: vec4<f32>,
\\ @location(0) color: vec3<f32>,
\\ }
\\ @group(0) @binding(0) var<storage, read> rects: array<Rect>;
\\ @vertex fn main(
\\ @builtin(vertex_index) VertexIndex : u32
\\ ) -> VertexOutput{
\\ var out: VertexOutput;
\\ var rect = rects[VertexIndex / 6];
\\ var positions = array<vec2<f32>, 6>(
\\ vec2<f32>(0.0, 0.0), // bottom-left
\\ vec2<f32>(0.0, 1.0), // top-left
\\ vec2<f32>(1.0, 0.0), // bottom-right
\\ vec2<f32>(1.0, 0.0), // bottom-right
\\ vec2<f32>(0.0, 1.0), // top-left
\\ vec2<f32>(1.0, 1.0), // top-right
\\ );
\\ var pos = positions[VertexIndex % 6];
\\ pos.x *= rect.width;
\\ pos.y *= rect.height;
\\ pos.x += rect.pos.x;
\\ pos.y += rect.pos.y;
\\ // Raster -> NDC
\\ // TODO: Remove hardcoded 250 value
\\ pos.x = pos.x / 540 - 1.0;
\\ pos.y = 1.0 - pos.y / 360;
\\ out.Position = vec4<f32>(pos.x, pos.y, 0.0, 1.0);
\\ out.color = rect.color;
\\ return out;
\\ }
const vs_module = device.?.createShaderModuleWGSL("my vertex shader", vs);
const fs =
\\ struct VertexInput{
\\ @builtin(position) Position: vec4<f32>,
\\ @location(0) color: vec3<f32>,
\\ }
\\ @fragment fn main(vi: VertexInput) -> @location(0) vec4<f32> {
\\ return vec4<f32>(vi.color, 1.0);
\\ }
const fs_module = device.?.createShaderModuleWGSL("my fragment shader", fs);
const color_target = gpu.ColorTargetState{
.format = SwapChainFormat,
.write_mask = gpu.ColorWriteMaskFlags.all,
const fragment = gpu.FragmentState.init(.{
.module = fs_module,
.entry_point = "main",
.targets = &.{color_target},
const pipeline_descriptor = gpu.RenderPipeline.Descriptor{
.fragment = &fragment,
.layout = null,
.depth_stencil = null,
.vertex = gpu.VertexState{
.module = vs_module,
.entry_point = "main",
.multisample = .{},
.primitive = .{},
const pipeline = device.?.createRenderPipeline(&pipeline_descriptor);
const bind_group = device.?.createBindGroup(&gpu.BindGroup.Descriptor.init(.{
.layout = pipeline.getBindGroupLayout(0),
.entries = &.{
gpu.BindGroup.Entry.buffer(0, rect_buffer, 0, @sizeOf(Rect) * MaxElements),
return Renderer{
.device = device.?,
.queue = device.?.getQueue(),
.pipeline = pipeline,
.swapchain = swapchain,
.swapchain_desc = swapchain_desc,
.surface = surface,
.rect_buffer = rect_buffer,
.bind_group = bind_group,
pub fn resizeSwapchain(renderer: *Renderer, width: u32, height: u32) void {
_ = renderer;
std.log.info("hi!!!, w:{d}, h:{d}\n", .{ width, height });
// TODO: Do something about re-sizing
// renderer.swapchain_desc.width = width;
// renderer.swapchain_desc.height = height;
// renderer.swapchain.release();
// renderer.swapchain = renderer.device.createSwapChain(renderer.surface, &renderer.swapchain_desc);
pub fn render(renderer: *Renderer, rects: []Rect) void {
renderer.queue.writeBuffer(renderer.rect_buffer, 0, rects);
const backbuffer_view = renderer.swapchain.getCurrentTextureView().?;
const color_attachment = gpu.RenderPassColorAttachment{
.view = backbuffer_view,
.resolve_target = null,
.clear_value = gpu.Color{ .r = 1.0, .g = 1.0, .b = 1.0, .a = 1.0 },
.load_op = .clear,
.store_op = .store,
const encoder = renderer.device.createCommandEncoder(null);
const render_pass_info = gpu.RenderPassDescriptor.init(.{
.color_attachments = &.{color_attachment},
const pass = encoder.beginRenderPass(&render_pass_info);
pass.setBindGroup(0, renderer.bind_group, &.{});
pass.draw(@intCast(rects.len * 6), 1, 0, 0);
var command = encoder.finish(null);
pub fn deinit(renderer: *Renderer) void {
| https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Enigma-IIITS/EZUI/f1b54a75b9735544b80c1f391f25a47b21003b6b/src/ezui/renderer.zig |
//! implementation of some segment tree algorithms
const std = @import("std");
const assert = std.debug.assert;
const print = std.debug.print;
const expect = std.testing.expect;
const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
pub fn SegmentTree(
comptime Type: type,
comptime OpFn: fn (Type, Type) Type,
) type {
return struct {
const Self = @This();
backing: []Type,
allocator: Allocator,
length: u64,
pub fn init(array: []Type, allocator: Allocator) !Self {
var allocated = try allocator.alloc(Type, getCapacity(array.len));
var tmp = Self{ .backing = allocated, .allocator = allocator, .length = array.len };
tmp.build(array, 0, array.len - 1, 0);
return tmp;
pub fn deinit(self: *Self) void {
if (self.backing.len == 0) {
fn build(self: *Self, array: []Type, low: u64, high: u64, pos: u64) void {
if (low == high) {
self.backing[pos] = array[low];
const mid = getMid(low, high);
const leftIdx = getLeft(pos);
const rightIdx = getRight(pos);
self.build(array, low, mid, leftIdx);
self.build(array, mid + 1, high, rightIdx);
self.backing[pos] = OpFn(self.backing[leftIdx], self.backing[rightIdx]);
pub fn update(self: *Self, index: u64, value: Type) void {
self.updateRecursive(index, value, 0, self.length - 1, 0);
fn updateRecursive(self: *Self, index: u64, value: Type, start: u64, end: u64, pos: u64) void {
if (start == end) {
self.backing[pos] = value;
const mid = getMid(start, end);
const leftIdx = getLeft(pos);
const rightIdx = getRight(pos);
if (index > mid) {
self.updateRecursive(index, value, mid + 1, end, rightIdx);
} else {
self.updateRecursive(index, value, start, mid, leftIdx);
self.backing[pos] = OpFn(self.backing[leftIdx], self.backing[rightIdx]);
pub fn query(self: *Self, start: u64, end: u64) Type {
return self.queryRecursive(start, end, 0, self.length - 1, 0);
fn queryRecursive(self: *Self, qstart: u64, qend: u64, start: u64, end: u64, pos: u64) Type {
if (qstart == start and qend == end) {
return self.backing[pos];
const mid = getMid(start, end);
if (qstart > mid) {
return self.queryRecursive(qstart, qend, mid + 1, end, getRight(pos));
} else if (qend <= mid) {
return self.queryRecursive(qstart, qend, start, mid, getLeft(pos));
const left = self.queryRecursive(qstart, mid, start, mid, getLeft(pos));
const right = self.queryRecursive(mid + 1, qend, mid + 1, end, getRight(pos));
return OpFn(left, right);
// algo: x = closest power of 2 >= n
// return 2x - 1
fn getCapacity(n: u64) u64 {
if (n > 1) {
const leadingZeroes: u7 = @clz(n - 1);
const shift: u6 = @intCast(64 - leadingZeroes + 1);
const one: u64 = 1;
return (one << shift) - 1;
return 1;
inline fn getMid(low: u64, high: u64) u64 {
assert(low <= high);
return low + (high - low) / 2;
inline fn getParent(idx: u64) u64 {
return idx / 2;
inline fn getLeft(idx: u64) u64 {
return 2 * idx + 1;
inline fn getRight(idx: u64) u64 {
return 2 * idx + 2;
fn lessThan(a: i8, b: i8) i8 {
return if (a < b) a else b;
fn sum(a: i8, b: i8) i8 {
return a + b;
test "Test find all" {
const allocator = std.testing.allocator;
var arr = [_]i8{ 5, 3, 7, 1, 4, 2 };
var rsq = try SegmentTree(i8, sum).init(&arr, allocator);
defer rsq.deinit();
try expect(rsq.query(0, 5) == 22);
test "Test find middle" {
const allocator = std.testing.allocator;
var arr = [_]i8{ 5, 3, 7, 1, 4, 2 };
var rsq = try SegmentTree(i8, sum).init(&arr, allocator);
defer rsq.deinit();
try expect(rsq.query(2, 4) == 12);
test "Test find ends" {
const allocator = std.testing.allocator;
var arr = [_]i8{ 5, 3, 7, 1, 4, 2 };
var rsq = try SegmentTree(i8, sum).init(&arr, allocator);
defer rsq.deinit();
try expect(rsq.query(0, 2) == 15);
try expect(rsq.query(3, 5) == 7);
test "Test minimum" {
const allocator = std.testing.allocator;
var arr = [_]i8{ 5, 3, 7, 1, 4, 2 };
var rmq = try SegmentTree(i8, lessThan).init(&arr, allocator);
defer rmq.deinit();
try expect(rmq.query(0, 2) == 3);
try expect(rmq.query(3, 5) == 1);
try expect(rmq.query(0, 5) == 1);
try expect(rmq.query(1, 4) == 1);
try expect(rmq.query(4, 5) == 2);
test "test update" {
const allocator = std.testing.allocator;
var arr = [_]i8{ 0, 2, 3, 1, 2, 1 };
var rmq = try SegmentTree(i8, lessThan).init(&arr, allocator);
defer rmq.deinit();
rmq.update(0, 5);
rmq.update(1, 3);
rmq.update(2, 7);
rmq.update(3, 1);
rmq.update(4, 4);
rmq.update(5, 2);
try expect(rmq.query(0, 2) == 3);
try expect(rmq.query(3, 5) == 1);
try expect(rmq.query(0, 5) == 1);
try expect(rmq.query(1, 4) == 1);
try expect(rmq.query(4, 5) == 2);
| https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JosefNatanael/zig-ds/f8e4d503115e2e717f8eb76e55d93cb562d1671e/segment-simple.zig |
// Copyright (c) 2022-2023, sin-ack <sin-ack@protonmail.com>
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
const std = @import("std");
const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
const debug = @import("../../debug.zig");
const bytecode = @import("../bytecode.zig");
const Liveness = bytecode.astcode.Liveness;
const RegisterPool = bytecode.lowcode.RegisterPool;
pub fn lowerExecutable(allocator: Allocator, ast_executable: *bytecode.astcode.Executable) !bytecode.lowcode.Executable.Ref {
var low_executable = try bytecode.lowcode.Executable.create(allocator, ast_executable.definition_script);
errdefer low_executable.unref();
for (ast_executable.blocks.items) |block| {
try lowerBlock(allocator, low_executable.value, block);
std.debug.print("Executable dump: {}\n", .{low_executable.value});
return low_executable;
fn lowerBlock(allocator: Allocator, executable: *bytecode.lowcode.Executable, ast_block: *bytecode.astcode.Block) !void {
var liveness = try Liveness.analyzeBlock(allocator, ast_block);
defer liveness.deinit(allocator);
var register_pool = try RegisterPool.init(allocator);
defer register_pool.deinit(allocator);
const low_block_index = try executable.makeBlock();
const low_block = executable.getBlock(low_block_index);
const push_registers_inst_offset = try low_block.reserveInstruction(allocator);
for (ast_block.instructions.items, 0..) |inst, i| {
try lowerInstruction(allocator, low_block, &liveness, ®ister_pool, inst);
// TODO: better source location
low_block.setInstruction(push_registers_inst_offset, .PushRegisters, .zero, register_pool.clobbered_registers, ast_block.instructions.items[0].source_range);
fn lowerInstruction(
allocator: Allocator,
block: *bytecode.lowcode.Block,
liveness: *Liveness,
register_pool: *RegisterPool,
inst: bytecode.astcode.Instruction,
) !void {
switch (inst.opcode) {
.Send => {
const target = try register_pool.allocateRegister(allocator, block, liveness, inst.target);
const payload = inst.payload.Send;
try block.addInstruction(allocator, .Send, target, .{
.receiver_location = register_pool.getAllocatedRegisterFor(payload.receiver_location),
.selector = payload.selector,
.send_index = payload.send_index,
}, inst.source_range);
.PrimSend => {
const target = try register_pool.allocateRegister(allocator, block, liveness, inst.target);
const payload = inst.payload.PrimSend;
try block.addInstruction(allocator, .PrimSend, target, .{
.receiver_location = register_pool.getAllocatedRegisterFor(payload.receiver_location),
.index = payload.index,
}, inst.source_range);
.SelfSend => {
const target = try register_pool.allocateRegister(allocator, block, liveness, inst.target);
const payload = inst.payload.SelfSend;
try block.addInstruction(allocator, .SelfSend, target, .{
.selector = payload.selector,
.send_index = payload.send_index,
}, inst.source_range);
.SelfPrimSend => {
const target = try register_pool.allocateRegister(allocator, block, liveness, inst.target);
const payload = inst.payload.SelfPrimSend;
try block.addInstruction(allocator, .SelfPrimSend, target, .{ .index = payload.index }, inst.source_range);
.PushConstantSlot => {
const payload = inst.payload.PushParentableSlot;
const name_location = register_pool.getAllocatedRegisterFor(payload.name_location);
const value_location = register_pool.getAllocatedRegisterFor(payload.value_location);
try block.addInstruction(allocator, .PushConstantSlot, .zero, .{
.name_location = name_location,
.value_location = value_location,
.is_parent = payload.is_parent,
}, inst.source_range);
.PushAssignableSlot => {
const payload = inst.payload.PushParentableSlot;
const name_location = register_pool.getAllocatedRegisterFor(payload.name_location);
const value_location = register_pool.getAllocatedRegisterFor(payload.value_location);
try block.addInstruction(allocator, .PushAssignableSlot, .zero, .{
.name_location = name_location,
.value_location = value_location,
.is_parent = payload.is_parent,
}, inst.source_range);
.PushArgumentSlot => {
const payload = inst.payload.PushNonParentSlot;
const name_location = register_pool.getAllocatedRegisterFor(payload.name_location);
const value_location = register_pool.getAllocatedRegisterFor(payload.value_location);
try block.addInstruction(allocator, .PushArgumentSlot, .zero, .{
.name_location = name_location,
.value_location = value_location,
}, inst.source_range);
.CreateInteger => {
const target = try register_pool.allocateRegister(allocator, block, liveness, inst.target);
try block.addInstruction(allocator, .CreateInteger, target, inst.payload.CreateInteger, inst.source_range);
.CreateFloatingPoint => {
const target = try register_pool.allocateRegister(allocator, block, liveness, inst.target);
try block.addInstruction(allocator, .CreateFloatingPoint, target, inst.payload.CreateFloatingPoint, inst.source_range);
.CreateByteArray => {
const target = try register_pool.allocateRegister(allocator, block, liveness, inst.target);
try block.addInstruction(allocator, .CreateByteArray, target, inst.payload.CreateByteArray, inst.source_range);
.CreateObject => {
const target = try register_pool.allocateRegister(allocator, block, liveness, inst.target);
try block.addInstruction(allocator, .CreateObject, target, .{
.slot_count = inst.payload.CreateObject.slot_count,
}, inst.source_range);
.CreateMethod => {
const payload = inst.payload.CreateMethod;
const method_name_location = register_pool.getAllocatedRegisterFor(payload.method_name_location);
const target = try register_pool.allocateRegister(allocator, block, liveness, inst.target);
try block.addInstruction(allocator, .CreateMethod, target, .{
.method_name_location = method_name_location,
.slot_count = payload.slot_count,
.block_index = payload.block_index,
}, inst.source_range);
.CreateBlock => {
const payload = inst.payload.CreateBlock;
const target = try register_pool.allocateRegister(allocator, block, liveness, inst.target);
try block.addInstruction(allocator, .CreateBlock, target, .{
.slot_count = payload.slot_count,
.block_index = payload.block_index,
}, inst.source_range);
.SetMethodInline => {
try block.addInstruction(allocator, .SetMethodInline, .zero, {}, inst.source_range);
.Return => {
const value_location = register_pool.getAllocatedRegisterFor(inst.payload.Return.value_location);
try block.addInstruction(allocator, .Return, .zero, .{ .value_location = value_location }, inst.source_range);
.NonlocalReturn => {
const value_location = register_pool.getAllocatedRegisterFor(inst.payload.Return.value_location);
try block.addInstruction(allocator, .NonlocalReturn, .zero, .{ .value_location = value_location }, inst.source_range);
.PushArg => {
const argument_location = register_pool.getAllocatedRegisterFor(inst.payload.PushArg.argument_location);
try block.addInstruction(allocator, .PushArg, .zero, .{ .argument_location = argument_location }, inst.source_range);
.PushArgumentSentinel => {
try block.addInstruction(allocator, .PushArgumentSentinel, .zero, {}, inst.source_range);
.PushSlotSentinel => {
try block.addInstruction(allocator, .PushSlotSentinel, .zero, {}, inst.source_range);
.VerifyArgumentSentinel => {
try block.addInstruction(allocator, .VerifyArgumentSentinel, .zero, {}, inst.source_range);
.VerifySlotSentinel => {
try block.addInstruction(allocator, .VerifySlotSentinel, .zero, {}, inst.source_range);
.PushRegisters => unreachable,
| https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sin-ack/zigself/0610529f7a04ec0d0628abc3e89dafd45b995562/src/runtime/bytecode/CodeGen.zig |
const std = @import("std");
const common = @import("common.zig");
const FlagCtrl = packed struct(u8) {
__R0: u4,
timing_clear: bool,
trigger_clear: bool,
timer_flag: bool,
trigger_flag: bool,
const ModeCtrl = packed struct(u8) {
timing_cycle_sec: enum(u3) { s0p125, s0p25, s0p5, s1, s2, s4, s8, s16 },
ignore_lowest_bit: bool,
timing_mode_enable: bool,
trigger_mode_enable: bool,
load_low_word: bool,
load_high_word: bool,
const flag_ctrl: *volatile FlagCtrl = @ptrFromInt(0x40001030);
const mode_ctrl: *volatile ModeCtrl = @ptrFromInt(0x40001031);
const count_32k = common.Reg32.init(0x40001038);
const trig_value = common.Reg32.init(0x40001034);
pub const MAX_CYCLE_32K: u32 = 0xA8C00000;
var trigger_time_activated = false;
pub fn init() void {
setTime(0, 0, 0);
pub fn setTime(day: u14, sec2: u16, khz32: u16) void {
mode_ctrl.load_high_word = true;
// Wait until actually set
while (day != @as(@TypeOf(day), @truncate(trig_value.get()))) {}
trig_value.set((@as(u32, sec2) << 16) | khz32);
mode_ctrl.load_low_word = true;
// TODO: Better naming. This isn't exactly the get version of `setTime`
// Gets RTC 32k cycle
pub fn getTime() u32 {
var _t: u32 = undefined;
var time: *volatile u32 = @ptrCast(&_t);
// This is how it's done by the manufacturer.
// I'm not sure why it has to do this, but maybe it's trying to get a stable value?
while (time.* != count_32k.get()) {
time.* = count_32k.get();
return time.*;
pub fn getTimeMillis() u32 {
return getTime() / 32;
pub fn setTimingMode(enabled: bool) void {
mode_ctrl.timing_mode_enable = enabled;
pub fn setTriggerMode(enabled: bool) void {
mode_ctrl.trigger_mode_enable = enabled;
pub fn setTriggerTime(time: u32) void {
trig_value.set(time % MAX_CYCLE_32K);
trigger_time_activated = false;
pub fn isTriggerTimeActivated() bool {
return trigger_time_activated;
export fn RTC_IRQHandler() callconv(.Naked) noreturn {
defer common.mret();
flag_ctrl.timing_clear = true;
flag_ctrl.trigger_clear = true;
trigger_time_activated = true;
| https://raw.githubusercontent.com/semickolon/kirei/27df23f37165d8a2b597134b32948745b8b1bee5/src/platforms/ch58x/hal/rtc.zig |
const std = @import("std");
const time = std.time;
const Move = enum {
fn parseMove(a: u8) Move {
return switch (a) {
'A', 'X' => Move.rock,
'B', 'Y' => Move.paper,
'C', 'Z' => Move.scissor,
else => Move.rock,
const Outcome = enum {
fn parseOutcome(o: u8) Outcome {
return switch (o) {
'X' => Outcome.lose,
'Y' => Outcome.draw,
'Z' => Outcome.win,
else => Outcome.draw,
fn parseMoveOutcome(a: u8, b: u8) [2]Move {
const move = parseMove(a);
return [2]Move{ move, pickMove(move, parseOutcome(b)) };
fn moveScore(move: Move) u8 {
return switch (move) {
.rock => 1,
.paper => 2,
.scissor => 3,
fn outcomeScore(out: Outcome) u8 {
return switch (out) {
.lose => 0,
.draw => 3,
.win => 6,
fn pickMove(move: Move, out: Outcome) Move {
return switch (move) {
.rock => {
return switch (out) {
.draw => Move.rock,
.win => Move.paper,
.lose => Move.scissor,
.paper => {
return switch (out) {
.draw => Move.paper,
.win => Move.scissor,
.lose => Move.rock,
.scissor => {
return switch (out) {
.draw => Move.scissor,
.win => Move.rock,
.lose => Move.paper,
fn outcome(move1: Move, move2: Move) Outcome {
return switch (move1) {
.rock => {
return switch (move2) {
.rock => Outcome.draw,
.scissor => Outcome.lose,
.paper => Outcome.win,
.paper => {
return switch (move2) {
.paper => Outcome.draw,
.rock => Outcome.lose,
.scissor => Outcome.win,
.scissor => {
return switch (move2) {
.scissor => Outcome.draw,
.paper => Outcome.lose,
.rock => Outcome.win,
fn roundScore(move1: Move, move2: Move) u32 {
const out = outcome(move1, move2);
return moveScore(move2) + outcomeScore(out);
pub fn main() !void {
const s = time.microTimestamp();
const stdin = std.io.getStdIn().reader();
var p1: u32 = 0;
var p2: u32 = 0;
while (true) {
var buf: [10]u8 = undefined;
const line = try stdin.readUntilDelimiterOrEof(&buf, '\n');
if (line == null) break;
const lines = line.?;
if (lines.len < 3) break;
const move1 = parseMove(lines[0]);
const move2 = parseMove(lines[2]);
p1 += roundScore(move1, move2);
const moves = parseMoveOutcome(lines[0], lines[2]);
p2 += roundScore(moves[0], moves[1]);
std.debug.print("{d}\n", .{p1});
std.debug.print("{d}\n", .{p2});
const e = time.microTimestamp();
std.debug.print("Time taken: {s}\n", .{std.fmt.fmtDurationSigned(e - s)});
| https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dhruvasagar/comp/a12a9fbb979d5f11ddf6c984d31009a035f88944/adventofcode/2022/day02/day02.zig |
const std = @import("std");
const profiler = @import("./listing_0081_nesting_profiler.zig");
const haversine_formula = @import("./listing_0065_haversine_formula.zig");
const referenceHaversine = haversine_formula.referenceHaversine;
const parseHaversinePairs = @import("./listing_0079_nesting_timedblock_lookup_json_parser.zig").parseHaversinePairs;
const HaversinePair = haversine_formula.HaversinePair;
fn readEntireFile(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, filename: []const u8) ![]u8 {
const block = profiler.timeBlockStart(@src().fn_name);
defer profiler.timeBlockEnd(block);
errdefer |err| std.log.err("ERROR: {s} Unable to read \"{s}\".\n", .{ @errorName(err), filename });
const file = try std.fs.cwd().openFile(filename, .{});
defer file.close();
const stat = try file.stat();
const file_size = stat.size;
const result = try file.readToEndAlloc(allocator, file_size);
return result;
fn sumHaversineDistances(pair_count: u64, pairs: []const HaversinePair) f64 {
const block = profiler.timeBlockStart(@src().fn_name);
defer profiler.timeBlockEnd(block);
var sum: f64 = 0;
const sum_coef: f64 = 1 / @as(f64, @floatFromInt(pair_count));
for (pairs, 0..) |pair, idx| {
if (idx >= pair_count) {
const earth_radius: f64 = 6372.8;
const dist = referenceHaversine(pair.x0, pair.y0, pair.x1, pair.y1, earth_radius);
sum += (sum_coef * dist);
return sum;
pub fn simpleHaversineMain(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, input_json_filename: []const u8, answers_filename: ?[]const u8) !void {
const input_json = try readEntireFile(allocator, input_json_filename);
defer allocator.free(input_json);
const minimum_json_pair_encoding: u32 = 6 * 4;
const max_pair_count = input_json.len / minimum_json_pair_encoding;
if (max_pair_count == 0) {
std.log.err("ERROR: Malformed input JSON\n", .{});
const pairs: []HaversinePair = try allocator.alloc(HaversinePair, max_pair_count);
defer allocator.free(pairs);
const pair_count = parseHaversinePairs(allocator, input_json, max_pair_count, pairs);
const sum = sumHaversineDistances(pair_count, pairs);
std.log.info("Input size: {d}", .{input_json.len});
std.log.info("Pair count: {d}", .{pair_count});
std.log.info("Haversine sum: {d:.16}", .{sum});
if (answers_filename) |_| {
const answers_f64 = try readEntireFile(allocator, answers_filename.?);
defer allocator.free(answers_f64);
if (answers_f64.len >= @sizeOf(f64)) {
const answer_values: []f64 = std.mem.bytesAsSlice(f64, @as([]align(@sizeOf(f64)) u8, @alignCast(answers_f64)));
std.log.info("", .{});
std.log.info("Validation", .{});
const ref_answer_count = answer_values.len - 1;
if (pair_count != ref_answer_count) {
std.log.err("FAILED - pair count doesn't match {d}.", .{pair_count});
const ref_sum = answer_values[ref_answer_count];
std.log.info("Reference sum: {d:.16}", .{ref_sum});
std.log.info("Difference: {d:.16}", .{sum - ref_sum});
std.log.info("", .{});
pub fn main() !void {
const allocator = std.heap.c_allocator;
if (std.os.argv.len != 2 and std.os.argv.len != 3) {
std.log.err("Usage: {s} [haversine_input.json]\n", .{std.os.argv[0]});
std.log.err(" {s} [haversine_input.json] [answers.f64]\n", .{std.os.argv[0]});
const input_json_filename = std.mem.sliceTo(std.os.argv[1], 0);
const answers_filename = if (std.os.argv.len == 3) std.mem.sliceTo(std.os.argv[2], 0) else null;
try simpleHaversineMain(allocator, input_json_filename, answers_filename);
test {
const allocator = std.testing.allocator;
try simpleHaversineMain(allocator, "data_10_flex.json", "data_10_haveranswer.f64");
| https://raw.githubusercontent.com/santiagocabrera96/computer-enhance-zig/ff61abb1e93a2d0a6e2c3d1f8df090c0c04e705b/part2/src/listing_0082_nesting_haversine_main.zig |
const std = @import("std");
pub fn build(b: *std.Build) void {
const target = b.standardTargetOptions(.{});
const optimize = b.standardOptimizeOption(.{});
const module = b.createModule(.{
.root_source_file = b.path("src/root.zig"),
.target = target,
.optimize = optimize,
.link_libc = true,
.link_libcpp = true,
module.linkSystemLibrary("rocksdb", .{});
const lib_unit_tests = b.addTest(.{
.root_source_file = b.path("src/root.zig"),
.target = target,
.optimize = optimize,
const run_lib_unit_tests = b.addRunArtifact(lib_unit_tests);
const test_step = b.step("test", "Run unit tests");
const run_step = b.step("run", "Run all examples");
buildExample(b, "basic", run_step, target, optimize, module);
buildExample(b, "cf", run_step, target, optimize, module);
fn buildExample(
b: *std.Build,
comptime name: []const u8,
run_all: *std.Build.Step,
target: std.Build.ResolvedTarget,
optimize: std.builtin.OptimizeMode,
module: *std.Build.Module,
) void {
const exe = b.addExecutable(.{
.name = name,
.root_source_file = b.path(std.fmt.comptimePrint("examples/{s}.zig", .{name})),
.target = target,
.optimize = optimize,
exe.root_module.addImport("rocksdb", module);
const run_cmd = b.addRunArtifact(exe);
if (b.args) |args| {
const run_step = b.step("run-" ++ name, "Run the app");
| https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jiacai2050/zig-rocksdb/dafac357d0d46eeb6f088e52df6331833bc683fe/build.zig |
usingnamespace @import("zalgebra");
const c = @import("c.zig");
const c_allocator = @import("std").heap.c_allocator;
const panic = @import("std").debug.panic;
pub const Shader = struct {
name: []const u8,
program_id: u32,
vertex_id: u32,
fragment_id: u32,
geometry_id: ?u32,
pub fn create(name: []const u8, vert_content: []const u8, frag_content: []const u8) !Shader {
var sp: Shader = undefined;
sp.name = name;
sp.vertex_id = c.glCreateShader(c.GL_VERTEX_SHADER);
const source_ptr: ?[*]const u8 = vert_content.ptr;
const source_len = @intCast(c.GLint, vert_content.len);
c.glShaderSource(sp.vertex_id, 1, &source_ptr, &source_len);
var ok: c.GLint = undefined;
c.glGetShaderiv(sp.vertex_id, c.GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &ok);
if (ok == 0) {
var error_size: c.GLint = undefined;
c.glGetShaderiv(sp.vertex_id, c.GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &error_size);
const message = try c_allocator.alloc(u8, @intCast(usize, error_size));
c.glGetShaderInfoLog(sp.vertex_id, error_size, &error_size, message.ptr);
panic("Error compiling vertex shader:\n{s}\n", .{message});
sp.fragment_id = c.glCreateShader(c.GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER);
const source_ptr: ?[*]const u8 = frag_content.ptr;
const source_len = @intCast(c.GLint, frag_content.len);
c.glShaderSource(sp.fragment_id, 1, &source_ptr, &source_len);
var ok: c.GLint = undefined;
c.glGetShaderiv(sp.fragment_id, c.GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &ok);
if (ok == 0) {
var error_size: c.GLint = undefined;
c.glGetShaderiv(sp.fragment_id, c.GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &error_size);
const message = try c_allocator.alloc(u8, @intCast(usize, error_size));
c.glGetShaderInfoLog(sp.fragment_id, error_size, &error_size, message.ptr);
panic("Error compiling fragment shader:\n{s}\n", .{message});
sp.program_id = c.glCreateProgram();
c.glAttachShader(sp.program_id, sp.vertex_id);
c.glAttachShader(sp.program_id, sp.fragment_id);
var ok: c.GLint = undefined;
c.glGetProgramiv(sp.program_id, c.GL_LINK_STATUS, &ok);
if (ok == 0) {
var error_size: c.GLint = undefined;
c.glGetProgramiv(sp.program_id, c.GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &error_size);
const message = try c_allocator.alloc(u8, @intCast(usize, error_size));
c.glGetProgramInfoLog(sp.program_id, error_size, &error_size, message.ptr);
panic("Error linking shader program: {s}\n", .{message});
// Cleanup shaders (from gl doc).
return sp;
pub fn setMat4(sp: Shader, name: [*c]const u8, value: *const Mat4) void {
const id = c.glGetUniformLocation(sp.program_id, name);
c.glUniformMatrix4fv(id, 1, c.GL_FALSE, value.getData());
pub fn setBool(sp: Shader, name: [*c]const u8, value: bool) void {
const id = c.glGetUniformLocation(sp.program_id, name);
c.glUniform1i(id, @boolToInt(value));
pub fn setFloat(sp: Shader, name: [*c]const u8, value: f32) void {
const id = c.glGetUniformLocation(sp.program_id, name);
c.glUniform1f(id, value);
pub fn setRgb(sp: Shader, name: [*c]const u8, value: *const Vec3) void {
const id = c.glGetUniformLocation(sp.program_id, name);
c.glUniform3f(id, value.x / 255.0, value.y / 255.0, value.z / 255.0);
pub fn setRgba(sp: Shader, name: [*c]const u8, value: *const Vec4) void {
const id = c.glGetUniformLocation(sp.program_id, name);
c.glUniform4f(id, value.x / 255.0, value.y / 255.0, value.z / 255.0, value.w);
| https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kooparse/mogwai/90fbdb659f42bc7bbd9ee8d6612cd4ebb4ea7ea9/exemples/common/shader.zig |
// Copyright (C) Palash Bauri
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
// file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
const BN_INFINITY = "অসীম";
const BN_NAN = "অসংজ্ঞাত";
const BN_TRUE = "সত্যি";
const BN_FALSE = "মিথ্যা";
const BN_NIL = "নিল";
const BN_UNKNOWN = "অজানা মান";
const std = @import("std");
const PObj = @import("object.zig").PObj;
const Gc = @import("gc.zig").Gc;
const writer = @import("writer.zig");
const utils = @import("utils.zig");
const BnName = @import("bengali/names.zig");
const math = std.math;
pub const PValueType = enum(u8) {
pub fn toSimpleString(self: PValueType) []const u8 {
switch (self) {
.Pt_Num => return BnName.simpleNameNumber,
.Pt_Bool => return BnName.simpleNameBool,
.Pt_Nil => return BnName.simpleNameNil,
.Pt_Obj => return BnName.simpleNameObject,
.Pt_Unknown => return BnName.simpleNameUnknown,
pub fn toString(self: PValueType) []const u8 {
switch (self) {
.Pt_Num => return "VAL_NUM",
.Pt_Bool => return "VAL_BOOL",
.Pt_Nil => return "VAL_NIL",
.Pt_Obj => return "VAL_OBJ",
.Pt_Unknown => return "VAL_UNKNOWN",
pub const PValue = packed struct {
data: u64,
const QNAN: u64 = 0x7ffc000000000000;
const SIGN_BIT: u64 = 0x8000000000000000;
const TAG_NIL = 1;
const TAG_FALSE = 2;
const TAG_TRUE = 3;
const NIL_VAL = PValue{ .data = QNAN | TAG_NIL };
const FALSE_VAL = PValue{ .data = QNAN | TAG_FALSE };
const TRUE_VAL = PValue{ .data = QNAN | TAG_TRUE };
const Self = @This();
pub fn getLen(self: Self) ?usize {
if (self.isObj()) return self.asObj().getLen();
return null;
pub fn hash(self: Self) u32 {
const data = self.data;
var result: u32 = 0;
if (utils.IS_WASM) {
var hasher = std.hash.Fnv1a_32.init();
std.hash.autoHash(&hasher, data);
result = hasher.final();
} else {
var hasher = std.hash.XxHash32.init(@intCast(std.time.timestamp()));
std.hash.autoHash(&hasher, data);
result = hasher.final();
return result;
/// is value a bool
pub fn isBool(self: Self) bool {
return (self.data | 1) == TRUE_VAL.data;
/// is value a nil
pub fn isNil(self: Self) bool {
return self.data == NIL_VAL.data;
/// is value a nil
pub fn isNumber(self: Self) bool {
return (self.data & QNAN) != QNAN;
/// is value a object
pub fn isObj(self: Self) bool {
return (self.data & (QNAN | SIGN_BIT)) == (QNAN | SIGN_BIT);
pub fn isMod(self: Self) bool {
if (!self.isObj()) return false;
if (!self.asObj().isMod()) return false;
return true;
pub fn isError(self: Self) bool {
return self.isObj() and self.asObj().isOError();
pub fn isString(self: Self) bool {
if (self.isObj()) {
return self.asObj().isString();
return false;
pub fn makeComptimeError(
gc: *Gc,
comptime msg: []const u8,
args: anytype,
) ?PValue {
const rawO = gc.newObj(.Ot_Error, PObj.OError) catch return null;
rawO.parent().isMarked = true;
if (!rawO.initU8Args(gc, msg, args)) return null;
const val = PValue.makeObj(rawO.parent());
rawO.parent().isMarked = false;
return val;
pub fn makeError(gc: *Gc, msg: []const u8) ?PValue {
const rawO = gc.newObj(.Ot_Error, PObj.OError) catch return null;
rawO.parent().isMarked = true;
if (!rawO.initU8(gc, msg)) return null;
const val = PValue.makeObj(rawO.parent());
rawO.parent().isMarked = false;
return val;
/// get a number value as `f64`
pub fn asNumber(self: Self) f64 {
if (self.isNumber()) {
return @bitCast(self.data);
} else {
return 0;
/// get a bool value as `bool`
pub fn asBool(self: Self) bool {
if (self.isBool()) {
return self.data == TRUE_VAL.data;
} else {
return false;
pub fn asObj(self: Self) *PObj {
const v: usize = @intCast(self.data & ~(SIGN_BIT | QNAN));
return @ptrFromInt(v);
/// Create a new number value
pub fn makeNumber(n: f64) PValue {
return PValue{ .data = @bitCast(n) };
/// Create a new bool value
pub fn makeBool(b: bool) PValue {
if (b) {
return TRUE_VAL;
} else {
return FALSE_VAL;
/// Create a new nil value
pub fn makeNil() PValue {
return NIL_VAL;
pub fn makeObj(o: *PObj) PValue {
return PValue{
.data = SIGN_BIT | QNAN | @intFromPtr(o),
/// Return a new value with with negative value of itself;
/// If `self` is not a number return itself
pub fn makeNeg(self: Self) PValue {
if (self.isNumber()) {
return PValue.makeNumber(-self.asNumber());
} else {
return self;
pub fn getType(self: Self) PValueType {
if (self.isNumber()) {
return .Pt_Num;
} else if (self.isBool()) {
return .Pt_Bool;
} else if (self.isNil()) {
return .Pt_Nil;
} else if (self.isObj()) {
return .Pt_Obj;
return .Pt_Unknown;
pub fn getTypeAsString(self: Self) []const u8 {
switch (self.getType()) {
=> return self.getType().toString(),
.Pt_Obj => {
return self.asObj().getType().toString();
pub fn getTypeAsSimpleStr(self: Self) []const u8 {
switch (self.getType()) {
=> return self.getType().toSimpleString(),
.Pt_Obj => {
return self.asObj().getType().toSimpleString();
pub fn isEqual(self: Self, other: PValue) bool {
if (self.getType() != other.getType()) {
return false;
if (self.isBool()) {
return self.asBool() == other.asBool();
} else if (self.isNumber()) {
return self.asNumber() == other.asNumber();
} else if (self.isNil()) {
return true;
} else if (self.isObj()) {
return self.asObj().isEqual(other.asObj());
return false;
/// Chec if value is falsy
pub fn isFalsy(self: Self) bool {
if (self.isBool()) {
return !self.asBool();
} else if (self.isNil()) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
/// Print value of PValue to console
pub fn printVal(self: Self, gc: *Gc) bool {
if (self.isNil()) {
gc.pstdout.print(BN_NIL, .{}) catch return false;
} else if (self.isBool()) {
const b: bool = self.asBool();
if (b) {
gc.pstdout.print(BN_TRUE, .{}) catch return false;
} else {
gc.pstdout.print(BN_FALSE, .{}) catch return false;
} else if (self.isNumber()) {
const n: f64 = self.asNumber();
if (math.isInf(n)) {
gc.pstdout.print(BN_INFINITY, .{}) catch return false;
} else if (math.isNan(n)) {
gc.pstdout.print(BN_NAN, .{}) catch return false;
} else {
gc.pstdout.print("{d}", .{n}) catch return false;
} else if (self.isObj()) {
return self.asObj().printObj(gc);
} else {
gc.pstdout.print(BN_UNKNOWN, .{}) catch return false;
return true;
/// Convert value to string
/// you must free the result
pub fn toString(self: Self, al: std.mem.Allocator) ![]u8 {
if (self.isNil()) {
const r = try std.fmt.allocPrint(al, BN_NIL, .{});
return r;
} else if (self.isBool()) {
if (self.asBool()) {
const r = try std.fmt.allocPrint(al, BN_TRUE, .{});
return r;
} else {
const r = try std.fmt.allocPrint(al, BN_FALSE, .{});
return r;
} else if (self.isNumber()) {
var mstr: []u8 = undefined;
const num = self.asNumber();
if (math.isInf(num)) {
mstr = try std.fmt.allocPrint(al, BN_INFINITY, .{});
} else if (math.isNan(num)) {
mstr = try std.fmt.allocPrint(al, BN_NAN, .{});
} else {
mstr = try std.fmt.allocPrint(al, "{d}", .{self.asNumber()});
return mstr;
} else if (self.isObj()) {
return try self.asObj().toString(al);
var r = try al.alloc(u8, 1);
r[0] = '_';
return r;
test "bool values" {
try std.testing.expect(PValue.makeBool(true).asBool() == true);
try std.testing.expectEqual(false, PValue.makeBool(!true).asBool());
try std.testing.expectEqual(false, PValue.makeBool(true).isNumber());
try std.testing.expectEqual(false, PValue.makeBool(true).isNil());
try std.testing.expectEqual(false, PValue.makeBool(true).isFalsy());
try std.testing.expectEqual(true, PValue.makeBool(false).isFalsy());
test "number values" {
const hundred: f64 = 100.0;
const nnnn: f64 = 99.99;
try std.testing.expect(
PValue.makeNumber(@floatCast(100)).asNumber() == hundred,
try std.testing.expect(
PValue.makeNumber(@floatCast(99.99)).asNumber() == nnnn,
try std.testing.expect(PValue.makeNumber(@floatCast(1)).isBool() == false);
try std.testing.expect(PValue.makeNumber(@floatCast(1)).isNil() == false);
test "nil value" {
try std.testing.expectEqual(PValue.makeNil(), PValue.makeNil());
try std.testing.expectEqual(true, PValue.makeNil().isNil());
try std.testing.expectEqual(false, PValue.makeNil().isBool());
try std.testing.expectEqual(false, PValue.makeNil().isNumber());
| https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bauripalash/pankti/191b8dede7c6fd8f5c72a75a7217438e11213824/src/value.zig |
pub const version = @import("std").SemanticVersion{ .major = 0, .minor = 9, .patch = 2 };
const std = @import("std");
const assert = std.debug.assert;
pub fn init(allocator: std.mem.Allocator) void {
assert(mem_allocator == null);
mem_allocator = allocator;
mem_allocations = std.AutoHashMap(usize, usize).init(allocator);
// stb image
zstbiMallocPtr = zstbiMalloc;
zstbiReallocPtr = zstbiRealloc;
zstbiFreePtr = zstbiFree;
// stb image resize
zstbirMallocPtr = zstbirMalloc;
zstbirFreePtr = zstbirFree;
// stb image write
zstbiwMallocPtr = zstbiMalloc;
zstbiwReallocPtr = zstbiRealloc;
zstbiwFreePtr = zstbiFree;
pub fn deinit() void {
assert(mem_allocator != null);
assert(mem_allocations.?.count() == 0);
mem_allocations = null;
mem_allocator = null;
pub const JpgWriteSettings = struct {
quality: u32,
pub const ImageWriteFormat = union(enum) {
jpg: JpgWriteSettings,
pub const ImageWriteError = error{
pub const Image = struct {
data: []u8,
width: u32,
height: u32,
num_components: u32,
bytes_per_component: u32,
bytes_per_row: u32,
is_hdr: bool,
pub fn info(pathname: [:0]const u8) struct {
is_supported: bool,
width: u32,
height: u32,
num_components: u32,
} {
var w: c_int = 0;
var h: c_int = 0;
var c: c_int = 0;
const is_supported = stbi_info(pathname, &w, &h, &c);
return .{
.is_supported = is_supported,
.width = @intCast(u32, w),
.height = @intCast(u32, h),
.num_components = @intCast(u32, c),
pub fn init(pathname: [:0]const u8, forced_num_channels: u32) !Image {
var width: u32 = 0;
var height: u32 = 0;
var num_components: u32 = 0;
var bytes_per_component: u32 = 0;
var bytes_per_row: u32 = 0;
var is_hdr = false;
const data = if (isHdr(pathname)) data: {
var x: c_int = undefined;
var y: c_int = undefined;
var ch: c_int = undefined;
const ptr = stbi_loadf(
@intCast(c_int, forced_num_channels),
if (ptr == null) return error.ImageInitFailed;
num_components = if (forced_num_channels == 0) @intCast(u32, ch) else forced_num_channels;
width = @intCast(u32, x);
height = @intCast(u32, y);
bytes_per_component = 2;
bytes_per_row = width * num_components * bytes_per_component;
is_hdr = true;
// Convert each component from f32 to f16.
var ptr_f16 = @ptrCast([*]f16, ptr.?);
const num = width * height * num_components;
var i: u32 = 0;
while (i < num) : (i += 1) {
ptr_f16[i] = @floatCast(f16, ptr.?[i]);
break :data @ptrCast([*]u8, ptr_f16)[0 .. height * bytes_per_row];
} else data: {
var x: c_int = undefined;
var y: c_int = undefined;
var ch: c_int = undefined;
const is_16bit = is16bit(pathname);
const ptr = if (is_16bit) @ptrCast(?[*]u8, stbi_load_16(
@intCast(c_int, forced_num_channels),
)) else stbi_load(
@intCast(c_int, forced_num_channels),
if (ptr == null) return error.ImageInitFailed;
num_components = if (forced_num_channels == 0) @intCast(u32, ch) else forced_num_channels;
width = @intCast(u32, x);
height = @intCast(u32, y);
bytes_per_component = if (is_16bit) 2 else 1;
bytes_per_row = width * num_components * bytes_per_component;
is_hdr = false;
break :data @ptrCast([*]u8, ptr)[0 .. height * bytes_per_row];
return Image{
.data = data,
.width = width,
.height = height,
.num_components = num_components,
.bytes_per_component = bytes_per_component,
.bytes_per_row = bytes_per_row,
.is_hdr = is_hdr,
pub fn initFromData(data: []const u8, forced_num_channels: u32) !Image {
// TODO: Add support for HDR images (https://github.com/michal-z/zig-gamedev/issues/155).
var width: u32 = 0;
var height: u32 = 0;
var num_components: u32 = 0;
var bytes_per_component: u32 = 0;
var bytes_per_row: u32 = 0;
const image_data = data: {
var x: c_int = undefined;
var y: c_int = undefined;
var ch: c_int = undefined;
const ptr = stbi_load_from_memory(
@intCast(c_int, data.len),
@intCast(c_int, forced_num_channels),
if (ptr == null) return error.ImageInitFailed;
num_components = if (forced_num_channels == 0) @intCast(u32, ch) else forced_num_channels;
width = @intCast(u32, x);
height = @intCast(u32, y);
bytes_per_component = 1;
bytes_per_row = width * num_components * bytes_per_component;
break :data @ptrCast([*]u8, ptr)[0 .. height * bytes_per_row];
return Image{
.data = image_data,
.width = width,
.height = height,
.num_components = num_components,
.bytes_per_component = bytes_per_component,
.bytes_per_row = bytes_per_row,
.is_hdr = false,
pub fn resize(image: *const Image, new_width: u32, new_height: u32) Image {
// TODO: Add support for HDR images
const new_bytes_per_row = new_width * image.num_components * image.bytes_per_component;
const new_size = new_height * new_bytes_per_row;
const new_data = @ptrCast([*]u8, zstbiMalloc(new_size));
@intCast(c_int, image.width),
@intCast(c_int, image.height),
@intCast(c_int, new_width),
@intCast(c_int, new_height),
@intCast(c_int, image.num_components),
return .{
.data = new_data[0..new_size],
.width = new_width,
.height = new_height,
.num_components = image.num_components,
.bytes_per_component = image.bytes_per_component,
.bytes_per_row = new_bytes_per_row,
.is_hdr = image.is_hdr,
pub fn writeToFile(
self: *const Image,
filename: [:0]const u8,
image_format: ImageWriteFormat,
) ImageWriteError!void {
const w = @intCast(c_int, self.width);
const h = @intCast(c_int, self.height);
const comp = @intCast(c_int, self.num_components);
const result = switch (image_format) {
.png => stbi_write_png(filename.ptr, w, h, comp, self.data.ptr, 0),
.jpg => |settings| stbi_write_jpg(
@intCast(c_int, settings.quality),
// if the result is 0 then it means an error occured (per stb image write docs)
if (result == 0) {
return ImageWriteError.CouldNotWriteImage;
pub fn deinit(image: *Image) void {
image.* = undefined;
/// `pub fn setHdrToLdrScale(scale: f32) void`
pub const setHdrToLdrScale = stbi_hdr_to_ldr_scale;
/// `pub fn setHdrToLdrGamma(gamma: f32) void`
pub const setHdrToLdrGamma = stbi_hdr_to_ldr_gamma;
/// `pub fn setLdrToHdrScale(scale: f32) void`
pub const setLdrToHdrScale = stbi_ldr_to_hdr_scale;
/// `pub fn setLdrToHdrGamma(gamma: f32) void`
pub const setLdrToHdrGamma = stbi_ldr_to_hdr_gamma;
pub fn isHdr(filename: [:0]const u8) bool {
return stbi_is_hdr(filename) != 0;
pub fn is16bit(filename: [:0]const u8) bool {
return stbi_is_16_bit(filename) != 0;
pub fn setFlipVerticallyOnLoad(should_flip: bool) void {
stbi_set_flip_vertically_on_load(if (should_flip) 1 else 0);
var mem_allocator: ?std.mem.Allocator = null;
var mem_allocations: ?std.AutoHashMap(usize, usize) = null;
var mem_mutex: std.Thread.Mutex = .{};
const mem_alignment = 16;
extern var zstbiMallocPtr: ?*const fn (size: usize) callconv(.C) ?*anyopaque;
extern var zstbiwMallocPtr: ?*const fn (size: usize) callconv(.C) ?*anyopaque;
fn zstbiMalloc(size: usize) callconv(.C) ?*anyopaque {
defer mem_mutex.unlock();
const mem = mem_allocator.?.alignedAlloc(
) catch @panic("zstbi: out of memory");
mem_allocations.?.put(@ptrToInt(mem.ptr), size) catch @panic("zstbi: out of memory");
return mem.ptr;
extern var zstbiReallocPtr: ?*const fn (ptr: ?*anyopaque, size: usize) callconv(.C) ?*anyopaque;
extern var zstbiwReallocPtr: ?*const fn (ptr: ?*anyopaque, size: usize) callconv(.C) ?*anyopaque;
fn zstbiRealloc(ptr: ?*anyopaque, size: usize) callconv(.C) ?*anyopaque {
defer mem_mutex.unlock();
const old_size = if (ptr != null) mem_allocations.?.get(@ptrToInt(ptr.?)).? else 0;
const old_mem = if (old_size > 0)
@ptrCast([*]align(mem_alignment) u8, @alignCast(mem_alignment, ptr))[0..old_size]
@as([*]align(mem_alignment) u8, undefined)[0..0];
const new_mem = mem_allocator.?.realloc(old_mem, size) catch @panic("zstbi: out of memory");
if (ptr != null) {
const removed = mem_allocations.?.remove(@ptrToInt(ptr.?));
mem_allocations.?.put(@ptrToInt(new_mem.ptr), size) catch @panic("zstbi: out of memory");
return new_mem.ptr;
extern var zstbiFreePtr: ?*const fn (maybe_ptr: ?*anyopaque) callconv(.C) void;
extern var zstbiwFreePtr: ?*const fn (maybe_ptr: ?*anyopaque) callconv(.C) void;
fn zstbiFree(maybe_ptr: ?*anyopaque) callconv(.C) void {
if (maybe_ptr) |ptr| {
defer mem_mutex.unlock();
const size = mem_allocations.?.fetchRemove(@ptrToInt(ptr)).?.value;
const mem = @ptrCast([*]align(mem_alignment) u8, @alignCast(mem_alignment, ptr))[0..size];
extern var zstbirMallocPtr: ?*const fn (size: usize, maybe_context: ?*anyopaque) callconv(.C) ?*anyopaque;
fn zstbirMalloc(size: usize, _: ?*anyopaque) callconv(.C) ?*anyopaque {
return zstbiMalloc(size);
extern var zstbirFreePtr: ?*const fn (maybe_ptr: ?*anyopaque, maybe_context: ?*anyopaque) callconv(.C) void;
fn zstbirFree(maybe_ptr: ?*anyopaque, _: ?*anyopaque) callconv(.C) void {
extern fn stbi_info(filename: [*:0]const u8, x: *c_int, y: *c_int, comp: *c_int) c_int;
extern fn stbi_load(
filename: [*:0]const u8,
x: *c_int,
y: *c_int,
channels_in_file: *c_int,
desired_channels: c_int,
) ?[*]u8;
extern fn stbi_load_16(
filename: [*:0]const u8,
x: *c_int,
y: *c_int,
channels_in_file: *c_int,
desired_channels: c_int,
) ?[*]u16;
extern fn stbi_loadf(
filename: [*:0]const u8,
x: *c_int,
y: *c_int,
channels_in_file: *c_int,
desired_channels: c_int,
) ?[*]f32;
pub extern fn stbi_load_from_memory(
buffer: [*]const u8,
len: c_int,
x: *c_int,
y: *c_int,
channels_in_file: *c_int,
desired_channels: c_int,
) ?[*]u8;
extern fn stbi_image_free(image_data: ?[*]u8) void;
extern fn stbi_hdr_to_ldr_scale(scale: f32) void;
extern fn stbi_hdr_to_ldr_gamma(gamma: f32) void;
extern fn stbi_ldr_to_hdr_scale(scale: f32) void;
extern fn stbi_ldr_to_hdr_gamma(gamma: f32) void;
extern fn stbi_is_16_bit(filename: [*:0]const u8) c_int;
extern fn stbi_is_hdr(filename: [*:0]const u8) c_int;
extern fn stbi_set_flip_vertically_on_load(flag_true_if_should_flip: c_int) void;
extern fn stbir_resize_uint8(
input_pixels: [*]const u8,
input_w: c_int,
input_h: c_int,
input_stride_in_bytes: c_int,
output_pixels: [*]u8,
output_w: c_int,
output_h: c_int,
output_stride_in_bytes: c_int,
num_channels: c_int,
) void;
extern fn stbi_write_jpg(
filename: [*:0]const u8,
w: c_int,
h: c_int,
comp: c_int,
data: [*]const u8,
quality: c_int,
) c_int;
extern fn stbi_write_png(
filename: [*:0]const u8,
w: c_int,
h: c_int,
comp: c_int,
data: [*]const u8,
stride_in_bytes: c_int,
) c_int;
test "zstbi.basic" {
defer deinit();
| https://raw.githubusercontent.com/craftlinks/zig_learn_opengl/7208f4402c44d9cb697705218b2bbbc82a8ccdd2/libs/zstbi/src/zstbi.zig |
const std = @import("std");
const ast = @import("ast.zig");
const intrinsics = @import("intrinsics.zig");
const gc = @import("boehm.zig");
const util = @import("util.zig");
const linereader = @import("linereader.zig");
const Token = ast.Token;
const Expr = ast.Expr;
const ExprType = ast.ExprType;
const ExprValue = ast.ExprValue;
const Env = ast.Env;
const ExprErrors = ast.ExprErrors;
const isFalsy = util.isFalsy;
const requireExactArgCount = util.requireExactArgCount;
const requireMinimumArgCount = util.requireMinimumArgCount;
const requireType = util.requireType;
/// The expression reader and evaluator
pub const Interpreter = struct {
env: *Env,
exit_code: ?u8 = null,
gensym_seq: u64 = 0,
verbose: bool = false,
/// Reset before every evaluation, and set if an error occurs during the evaluation.
has_errors: bool = false,
break_seen: bool = false,
allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
/// Set up the root environment by binding a core set of intrinsics.
/// The rest of the standard Bio functions are loaded from std.lisp
pub fn init() !*Interpreter {
var allocator = gc.allocator();
var instance = try allocator.create(Interpreter);
instance.* = Interpreter{
.env = try ast.makeEnv(null, "global"),
.allocator = gc.allocator(),
// Make all built-in functions, symbols and numeric constants available in the root environment
try instance.env.populateWithIntrinsics();
return instance;
pub fn deinit(_: *Interpreter) void {}
/// Print user friendly errors
pub fn printError(_: *Interpreter, err: anyerror) !void {
if (err == ExprErrors.AlreadyReported) return;
try std.io.getStdErr().writer().print("{s}\n", .{ast.errString(err)});
/// Print a formatted runtime error message, including source information.
pub fn printErrorFmt(self: *Interpreter, expr: *Expr, comptime fmt: []const u8, args: anytype) !void {
var stdout = std.io.getStdErr().writer();
if (expr.tok) |tok| {
const file = if (tok.file.path) |path| path else "eval";
const info = ast.SourceInfo.compute(tok);
try stdout.print("\x1b[1m{s}:{d}:{d}: error: ", .{ file, info.line + 1, info.column + 1 });
try stdout.print(fmt, args);
// var line = try gc.allocator().dupe(u8, info.source_line);
const content = tok.file.content;
if (info.line_start <= tok.start and tok.end <= info.line_end) {
const indentation = " ";
try stdout.print("\n", .{});
try stdout.print("\x1b[0m\n{s}", .{indentation});
try stdout.print("{s}", .{content[info.line_start..tok.start]});
try stdout.print("\x1b[92;4m{s}\x1b[0m", .{content[tok.start..tok.end]});
try stdout.print("{s}\n", .{content[tok.end..info.line_end]});
// Print ^----- indicator
const caret_offset = tok.start - info.line_start;
const filler = try gc.allocator().alloc(u8, caret_offset);
@memset(filler, ' ');
try stdout.print("\x1b[92m{s}{s}✗~~~\x1b[0m", .{ indentation, filler });
} else try stdout.print(fmt, args);
try stdout.print("\n", .{});
self.has_errors = true;
/// Evaluate an expression
pub fn eval(self: *Interpreter, environment: *Env, expr: *Expr) anyerror!*Expr {
var maybe_next: ?*Expr = expr;
var env: *Env = environment;
var func_lookup_env: ?*Env = null;
var seen_macro_expand = false;
self.has_errors = false;
tailcall_optimization_loop: while (maybe_next) |e| {
if (self.exit_code) |_| {
return ast.getIntrinsic(.nil);
if (e.isIntrinsic(.@"&break")) {
self.break_seen = true;
return ast.getIntrinsic(.nil);
switch (e.val) {
ExprValue.num, ExprValue.env, ExprValue.any => {
return e;
ExprValue.sym => |sym| {
if (env.lookup(sym, true)) |val| {
return val;
} else {
try self.printErrorFmt(e, "{s} is not defined", .{sym});
return ast.getIntrinsic(.nil);
ExprValue.lst => |list| {
if (list.items.len == 0) {
return ast.getIntrinsic(.nil);
const args_slice = list.items[1..];
if (list.items[0].isIntrinsic(.macroexpand)) {
// Signal that we don't want to evaluate the expression returned by the macro
seen_macro_expand = true;
maybe_next = args_slice[args_slice.len - 1];
} else if (list.items[0].isIntrinsic(.begin)) {
var res: *Expr = ast.getIntrinsic(.nil);
for (args_slice[0 .. args_slice.len - 1]) |arg| {
res = try self.eval(env, arg);
maybe_next = args_slice[args_slice.len - 1];
} else if (list.items[0].isIntrinsic(.cond)) {
try requireMinimumArgCount(2, args_slice);
const else_branch = args_slice[args_slice.len - 1];
if (else_branch.val != ExprType.lst or else_branch.val.lst.items.len != 1) {
try self.printErrorFmt(e, "Last expression in cond must be a single-expression list", .{});
return ExprErrors.AlreadyReported;
for (args_slice) |branch| {
if (branch == else_branch) {
maybe_next = branch.val.lst.items[0];
continue :tailcall_optimization_loop;
} else if (branch.val == ExprType.lst) {
try requireExactArgCount(2, branch.val.lst.items);
const predicate = try self.eval(env, branch.val.lst.items[0]);
if (predicate.isIntrinsic(.@"#t")) {
maybe_next = branch.val.lst.items[1];
continue :tailcall_optimization_loop;
} else {
try self.printErrorFmt(e, "Invalid switch syntax", .{});
return ExprErrors.AlreadyReported;
return ast.getIntrinsic(.nil);
} else if (list.items[0].isIntrinsic(.@"if")) {
try requireMinimumArgCount(2, args_slice);
var branch: usize = 1;
const predicate = try self.eval(env, args_slice[0]);
if (!predicate.isIntrinsic(.@"#t")) {
// Anything not defined as falsy is considered true in a boolean context
if (isFalsy(predicate)) {
branch += 1;
if (branch < args_slice.len) {
maybe_next = args_slice[branch];
continue :tailcall_optimization_loop;
} else {
return ast.getIntrinsic(.nil);
// Look up intrinsic, lambda, macro or env by name. If not found, the lookup has already reported the error.
var func = try self.eval(if (func_lookup_env) |fle| fle else env, list.items[0]);
func_lookup_env = null;
if (func.isIntrinsic(.nil)) {
return ast.getIntrinsic(.nil);
const kind = func.val;
switch (kind) {
// Look up a symbol or call a function in the given environment
ExprValue.env => |target_env| {
if (args_slice.len == 0 or (args_slice[0].val != ExprType.sym and args_slice[0].val != ExprType.lst)) {
const arg_str = if (args_slice.len > 0)
try args_slice[0].toStringAlloc()
"[no argument]";
try self.printErrorFmt(e, "Missing symbol or call in environment lookup: {s}", .{arg_str});
return ExprErrors.AlreadyReported;
if (args_slice[0].val == ExprType.lst) {
maybe_next = args_slice[0];
func_lookup_env = target_env;
continue :tailcall_optimization_loop;
} else if (target_env.lookup(args_slice[0].val.sym, false)) |match| {
return match;
} else {
try self.printErrorFmt(e, "Symbol not found in given environment: {s}", .{args_slice[0].val.sym});
return ExprErrors.AlreadyReported;
// Evaluate an intrinsic function
ExprValue.fun => |fun| {
return fun(self, env, args_slice) catch |err| {
try self.printErrorFmt(e, "{s}", .{ast.errString(err)});
return ast.getIntrinsic(.nil);
// Evaluate a previously defined lambda or macro
ExprValue.lam, ExprValue.mac => |fun| {
try requireType(self, fun.items[0], ExprType.lst);
const parent_env = if (kind == ExprType.lam) func.env else env;
const kind_str = if (kind == ExprType.lam) "lambda" else "macro";
var local_env = try ast.makeEnv(parent_env, kind_str);
const formals = fun.items[0].val.lst.items;
var formal_param_count = formals.len;
var logical_arg_count = args_slice.len;
var eval_formal_count: usize = 0;
// Bind arguments to the new environment
for (formals, 0..) |param, index| {
if (param.val == ExprType.sym) {
if (param.isIntrinsic(.@"&rest")) {
formal_param_count -= 1;
var rest_args = try ast.makeListExpr(null);
for (args_slice[index..]) |rest_param| {
logical_arg_count -= 1;
if (kind == ExprType.lam) {
try rest_args.val.lst.append(try self.eval(env, rest_param));
} else {
try rest_args.val.lst.append(rest_param);
logical_arg_count += 1;
try local_env.putWithSymbol(formals[index + 1], rest_args);
if (param.isIntrinsic(.@"&eval")) {
eval_formal_count += 1;
formal_param_count -= 1;
// Arguments are eagerly evaluated for lambdas, lazily for macros (that is, the expression is passed unevaluated)
// If a macro formal parameter is preceded by "&eval", then that argument is eagerly evaluated anyway.
if (index - eval_formal_count < args_slice.len) {
if (kind == ExprType.lam or eval_formal_count > 0) {
try local_env.putWithSymbol(param, try self.eval(env, args_slice[index - eval_formal_count]));
eval_formal_count = 0;
} else {
try local_env.putWithSymbol(param, args_slice[index]);
} else {
try self.printErrorFmt(e, "Formal parameter to {s} is not a symbol: {s}", .{ kind_str, try param.toStringAlloc() });
if (logical_arg_count != formal_param_count) {
try self.printErrorFmt(e, "{s} received {d} arguments, expected {d}", .{ kind_str, args_slice.len, formal_param_count });
return ast.getIntrinsic(.nil);
// Evaluate body, except the last expression which is TCO'ed
var result: *Expr = undefined;
for (fun.items[1 .. fun.items.len - 1]) |body_expr| {
result = self.eval(local_env, body_expr) catch |err| {
try self.printErrorFmt(body_expr, "{s}: Could not evaluate {s} body", .{ ast.errString(err), kind_str });
return ast.getIntrinsic(.nil);
if (self.has_errors) {
return ast.getIntrinsic(.nil);
// For lambdas, we set up the next iteration to eval the last expression, while for
// macros we just evaluate it on the assumption it's a quoted expression, which is
// then evaluated in the next TCO iteration.
const last_expr = fun.items[fun.items.len - 1];
if (kind == ExprValue.lam) {
env = local_env;
maybe_next = last_expr;
} else {
result = self.eval(local_env, last_expr) catch |err| {
try self.printErrorFmt(last_expr, "{s}: Could not evaluate {s} body", .{ ast.errString(err), kind_str });
return ast.getIntrinsic(.nil);
if (seen_macro_expand) {
return result;
env = parent_env.?;
maybe_next = result;
else => {
try self.printErrorFmt(e, "Not a function or macro: {s}", .{try list.items[0].toStringAlloc()});
return ast.getIntrinsic(.nil);
return ast.getIntrinsic(.nil);
// This allows us to create intrinsics that pass intrinsics as arguments
ExprValue.fun => {
return e;
else => {
try self.printErrorFmt(e, "Invalid expression", .{});
return ast.getIntrinsic(.nil);
return ast.getIntrinsic(.nil);
pub fn readEvalPrint(self: *Interpreter) !void {
const logo =
\\ .. ..
\\ λλ '(λλ. `λλ
\\ λλ λ λλ Bio is a Lisp written in Zig
\\ λλ' λλ `λλ Docs at github.com/cryptocode/bio
\\ λλ BIO! λλ
\\ λλ λλ'`λ λλ Use arrow up/down for history
\\ λλ. ,λ' λλ ,λλ You can also run bio files with
\\ λλ λλ' λλ) .λλ "bio run <file>"
\\ λλ . .λλ
\\ `` ''
try std.io.getStdOut().writer().print("{s}\n\n", .{logo});
var buf = std.ArrayList(u8).init(gc.allocator());
main_loop: while (true) {
var file = ast.File{ .content = "" };
var parser = ast.Parser.init(&file);
try linereader.linenoise_wrapper.printPrompt("bio: ");
while (true) {
// We're not actually seeing \n, instead linenoise hands us an EOF error, which we ignore
linereader.linenoise_reader.streamUntilDelimiter(buf.writer(), '\n', null) catch {};
parser.parse() catch |err| {
try self.printError(err);
continue :main_loop;
if (parser.missingRightParen()) {
try linereader.linenoise_wrapper.printPrompt(" ");
} else break;
_ = try linereader.linenoise_wrapper.addToHistory(buf.items);
for (parser.cur.val.lst.items) |expr| {
var res = self.eval(self.env, expr) catch |err| {
try self.printError(err);
// Update the last expression and print it
try self.env.put("#?", res);
if (!res.isNil() or self.verbose) {
try res.print();
try std.io.getStdOut().writer().print("\n", .{});
if (self.exit_code) |exit_code| {
try std.io.getStdOut().writer().print("Got {s}\n", .{buf.items});
| https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cryptocode/bio/e525af48db08bd4fcc58f6a7f072b4350089fd64/src/interpreter.zig |
const std = @import("std");
const xev = @import("xev");
const Task = xev.ThreadPool.Task;
pub const Job = struct {
task: Task,
results: []Application = &.{},
allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
wg: xev.Async,
done: bool = false,
pub fn indexApplications(allocator: std.mem.Allocator) []Application {
const data_dirs = std.os.getenv("XDG_DATA_DIRS") orelse {
std.log.warn("couldn't find XDG_DATA_DIRS", .{});
return &.{};
var applications = std.ArrayList(Application).init(allocator);
var iter = std.mem.splitScalar(u8, data_dirs, ':');
var map = std.StringHashMap(Icon).init(allocator);
defer map.deinit();
var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(allocator);
defer arena.deinit();
while (iter.next()) |path| {
getApplications(allocator, path, &applications) catch {};
resolveIcons(arena.allocator(), path, &map) catch {};
for (applications.items) |*app| {
app.*.iconPath = if (map.get(app.*.icon)) |i| allocator.dupe(u8, i.path) catch {
} else "";
return applications.toOwnedSlice() catch {
pub const DesiredSize = 32;
pub const Icon = struct {
size: u16,
path: []const u8,
fn log2Diff(a: u16, b: u16) u16 {
const al = std.math.log2(a);
const bl = std.math.log2(b);
if (bl > al) return bl - al;
return al - bl;
pub fn resolveIcons(
allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
path: []const u8,
map: *std.StringHashMap(Icon),
) !void {
const parent = try std.fs.openDirAbsolute(path, .{});
const icons = try parent.openDir("icons", .{ .iterate = true });
var walker = try icons.walk(allocator);
defer walker.deinit();
while (try walker.next()) |entry| {
if (entry.kind != .file and entry.kind != .sym_link) continue;
const extension = std.fs.path.extension(entry.path);
if (!std.mem.eql(u8, extension, ".png")) continue;
const stem = std.fs.path.stem(entry.basename);
const fullPath = try std.fs.path.resolve(
&.{ path, "icons", entry.path },
const size = try getSize(fullPath);
if (map.get(stem)) |v| {
// if we already have the desired size, skip
// if the new icon would be smaller than the desired (and our existing), skip
if (v.size == DesiredSize or (size < v.size and size < DesiredSize)) continue;
const current = log2Diff(v.size, DesiredSize);
const potential = log2Diff(size, DesiredSize);
// icons are scaled in (roughly) powers of two
// log2 normalizes this difference so we can make a simple comparison
if (potential < current) {
try map.put(try allocator.dupe(u8, stem), Icon{
.size = size,
.path = fullPath,
} else {
try map.put(try allocator.dupe(u8, stem), Icon{
.size = size,
.path = fullPath,
fn getSize(path: []const u8) !u16 {
const parent = std.fs.path.dirname(path);
if (parent) |p| {
if (std.ascii.isDigit(std.fs.path.basename(p)[0])) {
return convertSize(std.fs.path.basename(p));
} else if (std.fs.path.dirname(p)) |buffer| {
const base = std.fs.path.basename(buffer);
return convertSize(base);
return 0;
fn convertSize(base: []const u8) !u16 {
var split = std.mem.splitScalar(u8, base, 'x');
const size = split.next();
if (size == null) return error.EmptyDirectory;
return try std.fmt.parseUnsigned(u16, size.?, 10);
pub fn getApplications(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, path: []const u8, list: *std.ArrayList(Application)) !void {
const parent = try std.fs.openDirAbsolute(path, .{});
const applications = try parent.openDir("applications", .{ .iterate = true });
var walker = try applications.walk(allocator);
defer walker.deinit();
while (try walker.next()) |entry| {
if (entry.kind == .file or entry.kind == .sym_link) {
const extension = std.fs.path.extension(entry.path);
if (!std.mem.eql(u8, extension, ".desktop")) continue;
if (parseApplication(allocator, applications, entry.path) catch continue) |application| {
try list.append(application);
pub const Application = struct {
name: []const u8 = "",
exec: []const u8 = "",
icon: []const u8 = "",
iconPath: []const u8 = "",
pub fn deinit(self: *const Application, allocator: std.mem.Allocator) void {
// crude parser for the .desktop format
fn parseApplication(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, dir: std.fs.Dir, path: []const u8) !?Application {
var file = try dir.openFile(path, .{});
const contents = try file.readToEndAlloc(
1024 * 1024 * 1024,
defer allocator.free(contents);
var application = Application{};
if (std.mem.indexOf(u8, contents, "[Desktop Entry]")) |start| {
var lines = std.mem.splitScalar(u8, contents[start..], '\n');
while (lines.next()) |line| {
if (std.mem.startsWith(u8, line, "#")) continue;
// if (std.mem.startsWith(u8, line, "[")) break;
var split = std.mem.splitScalar(u8, line, '=');
const key = split.next();
const value = split.rest();
if (key == null) continue;
if (std.mem.eql(u8, key.?, "Name")) {
application.name = value;
} else if (std.mem.eql(u8, key.?, "Exec")) {
application.exec = value;
} else if (std.mem.eql(u8, key.?, "Icon")) {
application.icon = value;
} else if (std.mem.eql(u8, key.?, "Type")) {
if (!std.mem.eql(u8, std.mem.trim(
" \r",
), "Application")) return null;
} else if (std.mem.eql(u8, key.?, "NoDisplay")) {
if (std.mem.eql(u8, value, "true")) return null;
const app = .{
.name = try allocator.dupe(u8, application.name),
.icon = try allocator.dupe(u8, application.icon),
.exec = try allocator.dupe(u8, application.exec),
return app;
test "parse format" {
_ = indexApplications(std.testing.allocator);
| https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ajkachnic/ora/702b30e88319364d0d215a541d7e9eee8fcd9723/src/tools/application.zig |
const std = @import("std");
const thread = std.thread;
const Game = @import("../model/game.zig").Game;
const State = @import("../model/game.zig").State;
const Action = @import("../model/action.zig").Action;
const http = std.http;
const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
const r = @cImport({
const HttpClient = http.Client;
fn httpGet(allocator: Allocator, url: []const u8) ![]const u8 {
var client = HttpClient{ .allocator = allocator };
errdefer client.deinit();
const uri = try std.Uri.parse(url);
const headers_buf = try allocator.alloc(u8, 2048);
defer allocator.free(headers_buf);
var req = try client.open(.GET, uri, .{ .server_header_buffer = headers_buf });
defer req.deinit();
try req.send();
try req.wait();
const body = try req.reader().readAllAlloc(allocator, 8192000);
return body;
const Image = struct {
width: usize,
height: usize,
id: []u8,
url: []u8,
author: []u8 = "",
pub const GptAgent = struct {
player_idx: u8,
game: *Game,
game_version: usize,
state: *State,
turn_idx_cache: u8,
pub fn init(game: *Game, player_idx: u8) GptAgent {
var allocator = std.heap.page_allocator;
// const body = httpGet(allocator, "http://google.com/") catch |err| x: {
// std.debug.print("error: {}\n", .{err});
// break :x "";
// };
const body = httpGet(allocator, "https://api.thecatapi.com/v1/images/search") catch unreachable;
defer allocator.free(body);
std.debug.print("body: {s}\n", .{body});
const parsed = std.json.parseFromSlice([]Image, allocator, body, .{
.ignore_unknown_fields = true,
}) catch unreachable;
defer parsed.deinit();
std.debug.print("parsed: {d}\n", .{parsed.value.len});
std.debug.print("image id: {s}\n", .{parsed.value[0].id});
std.debug.print("image url: {s}\n", .{parsed.value[0].url});
std.debug.print("image width: {d}\n", .{parsed.value[0].width});
std.debug.print("image height: {d}\n", .{parsed.value[0].height});
return GptAgent{
.player_idx = player_idx,
.game = game,
.game_version = game.getVersion(),
.state = @constCast(&game.getState()),
.turn_idx_cache = 255,
pub fn run(self: *GptAgent) !void {
while (!r.WindowShouldClose()) {
if (self.game.getVersion() != self.game_version) {
self.game_version = self.game.getVersion();
self.state = @constCast(&self.game.getState());
if (self.turn_idx_cache == self.state.turn_idx) {
// the turn doesn't change, do nothing
std.time.sleep(100 * std.time.ns_per_ms);
// update turn cache
self.turn_idx_cache = self.state.turn_idx;
// now contact GPT service for next move
if (self.turn_idx_cache == self.player_idx) {
std.debug.print("GPT agent is thinking...\n", .{});
// interaction with GPT service
while (true) {
std.time.sleep(100 * std.time.ns_per_ms);
std.time.sleep(100 * std.time.ns_per_ms);
| https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bhou/pioupiou/82701c42c092692863de9f45ade571fbd7f59cef/src/agents/gpt.zig |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Imports
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
const std = @import("std");
const readU16Array = @import("../utils/loaders.zig").readU16Array;
const readI16Array = @import("../utils/loaders.zig").readI16Array;
const convertU8ArraytoColors = @import("../utils/loaders.zig").convertU8ArraytoColors;
const ZigOS = @import("../zigos.zig").ZigOS;
const LogicalFB = @import("../zigos.zig").LogicalFB;
const Color = @import("../zigos.zig").Color;
const RenderTarget = @import("../zigos.zig").RenderTarget;
const RenderBuffer = @import("../zigos.zig").RenderBuffer;
const Scrolltext = @import("../effects/scrolltext.zig").Scrolltext;
const Background = @import("../effects/background.zig").Background;
const Console = @import("../utils/debug.zig").Console;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constants
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
const HEIGHT: u16 = @import("../zigos.zig").HEIGHT;
const WIDTH: u16 = @import("../zigos.zig").WIDTH;
// scrolltext
pub const NB_FONTS: u8 = 11;
const fonts_b = @embedFile("../assets/screens/bladerunners/fonts_pal.raw");
const SCROLL_SPEED = 2;
const SCROLL_CHARS = " ! #$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>? ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]ˆ_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
// palettes
const font_pal = convertU8ArraytoColors(@embedFile("../assets/screens/bladerunners/fonts_pal.dat"));
// rasters
const font_rasters_b = convertU8ArraytoColors(@embedFile("../assets/screens/bladerunners/raster_font_pal.dat"));
const back_rasters_b = convertU8ArraytoColors(@embedFile("../assets/screens/bladerunners/raster_back_pal.dat"));
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Variables
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
var raster_index: u8 = 0;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Demo
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
fn handler_hbl(zigos: *ZigOS, line: u16) void {
if(line >= 40 and line < 240) {
zigos.setBackgroundColor(back_rasters_b[(line + 12 + raster_index) % 255]);
else {
zigos.setBackgroundColor(Color{ .r = 0, .g = 0, .b = 0, .a = 0 });
fn handler_back(fb: *LogicalFB, zigos: *ZigOS, line: u16, col: u16) void {
if(line >= 40 and line < 240) {
fb.setPaletteEntry(0, back_rasters_b[(line - 40 + raster_index) % 255]);
_ = zigos;
_ = col;
fn handler_scroller(fb: *LogicalFB, zigos: *ZigOS, line: u16, col: u16) void {
const back_color: Color = Color{ .r = 0, .g = 0, .b = 0, .a = 0 };
if (line >= 40 and line < 240 ) {
fb.setPaletteEntry(1, font_rasters_b[(line - 40) % 200]);
if (line == 240) {
fb.setPaletteEntry(1, back_color);
_ = zigos;
_ = col;
pub const Demo = struct {
name: u8 = 0,
frame_counter: u32 = 0,
scrolltext: Scrolltext(NB_FONTS) = undefined,
logo: Background = undefined,
offset_table: [320]u16 = undefined,
scroller_offset: u16 = 0,
scroller_target: RenderTarget = undefined,
pub fn init(self: *Demo, zigos: *ZigOS) void {
Console.log("Demo init", .{});
// first plane
var fb: *LogicalFB = &zigos.lfbs[0];
fb.is_enabled = true;
// HBL Handler for the raster effect
fb.setFrameBufferHBLHandler(0, handler_back);
fb.setPaletteEntry(0, Color{ .r = 0, .g = 0, .b = 0, .a = 0 });
// second plane
fb = &zigos.lfbs[1];
fb.is_enabled = true;
// HBL Handler for the raster effect
fb.setFrameBufferHBLHandler(0, handler_scroller);
var i: usize = 0;
var counter : f32 = 0;
while(i < 320) : ( i += 1) {
const f_sin: f32 = @fabs(@sin(counter)) * 14;
self.offset_table[i] = @floatToInt(u16, f_sin);
counter += 0.04;
var buffer = [_]u8{0} ** (WIDTH * SCROLL_CHAR_HEIGHT);
var render_buffer: RenderBuffer = .{ .buffer = &buffer, .width = WIDTH, .height = SCROLL_CHAR_HEIGHT };
self.scroller_target = .{ .render_buffer = &render_buffer };
self.scrolltext = Scrolltext(NB_FONTS).init(self.scroller_target, fonts_b, SCROLL_CHARS, SCROLL_CHAR_WIDTH, SCROLL_CHAR_HEIGHT, SCROLL_TEXT, SCROLL_SPEED, 0, null, null, null);
self.scroller_offset = 0;
Console.log("demo init done!", .{});
pub fn update(self: *Demo, zigos: *ZigOS, elapsed_time: f32) void {
self.frame_counter += 1;
if (self.frame_counter == 2) {
raster_index += 1;
self.frame_counter = 0;
self.scroller_offset += 1;
if(self.scroller_offset == self.offset_table.len) self.scroller_offset = 0;
_ = zigos;
_ = elapsed_time;
pub fn render(self: *Demo, zigos: *ZigOS, elapsed_time: f32) void {
var fb = &zigos.lfbs[1];
// copy scrolltext 7 times
var one_row: u16 = 0;
const sine_offset: u16 = self.offset_table[self.scroller_offset];
var row_height: u16 = WIDTH * (SCROLL_CHAR_HEIGHT - sine_offset);
while(one_row < row_height) : ( one_row += 1) {
fb.fb[one_row] = self.scroller_target.render_buffer.buffer[one_row + (WIDTH * sine_offset)];
var i: u16 = 0;
while(i < (WIDTH*SCROLL_CHAR_HEIGHT)) : ( i += 1) {
fb.fb[i + (( 32 - sine_offset ) * WIDTH)] = self.scroller_target.render_buffer.buffer[i];
fb.fb[i + (( 64 - sine_offset ) * WIDTH)] = self.scroller_target.render_buffer.buffer[i];
fb.fb[i + (( 96 - sine_offset ) * WIDTH)] = self.scroller_target.render_buffer.buffer[i];
fb.fb[i + (( 128 - sine_offset ) * WIDTH)] = self.scroller_target.render_buffer.buffer[i];
fb.fb[i + (( 160 - sine_offset ) * WIDTH)] = self.scroller_target.render_buffer.buffer[i];
one_row = 0;
row_height = WIDTH * @min(32, 200 - (192 - sine_offset));
while(one_row < row_height) : ( one_row += 1) {
fb.fb[one_row + (( 192 - sine_offset ) * WIDTH)] = self.scroller_target.render_buffer.buffer[one_row];
_ = elapsed_time;
| https://raw.githubusercontent.com/shazz/ZigMachine/ae4d23e2749f9bdbc6ad225909e63e6c5df487b8/src/scenes/bladerunners.zig |
const std = @import("std");
const input = @embedFile("input.txt");
// const input = @embedFile("input_small_2.txt");
// const input_len = 8;
const input_len = 757;
pub fn main() !void {
var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){};
defer _ = gpa.deinit();
const alloc = gpa.allocator();
var productions = std.StringHashMap([2][]const u8).init(alloc);
defer productions.deinit();
var start_2 = std.ArrayList([]const u8).init(alloc);
defer start_2.deinit();
var it = std.mem.tokenize(u8, input, "\n=(), ");
const lrpattern = it.next().?;
while (it.next()) |tok| {
const k = tok;
const a = [2][]const u8{ it.next().?, it.next().? };
try productions.put(k, a);
if (k[2] == 'A') try start_2.append(tok);
var step: usize = 0;
while (true) : (step += 1) {
// std.debug.print("{s} -->", .{start});
const p = @mod(step, lrpattern.len);
for (start_2.items) |*s| {
const production = productions.get(s.*).?;
s.* = if (lrpattern[p] == 'L') production[0] else production[1];
// std.debug.print("{s} {s} {}\n", .{ start, lrpattern[p .. p + 1], p });
for (start_2.items) |s| {
if (!(s[2] == 'Z')) break;
} else {
std.debug.print("start_2 {s} step: {}\n", .{ start_2.items, step });
step += 1;
std.debug.print("steps: {}\n", .{step});
| https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nsksbjii/Advent-of-Code-zig/0d98a270e88fa9c1c48fa5523f609ddff379f17e/2023/day8/main2.zig |
const std = @import("std");
const Api = @import("../../api/schema.zig").Api;
const bun = @import("root").bun;
const MimeType = @import("../../bun_dev_http_server.zig").MimeType;
const ZigURL = @import("../../url.zig").URL;
const HTTPClient = @import("root").bun.HTTP;
const NetworkThread = HTTPClient.NetworkThread;
const AsyncIO = NetworkThread.AsyncIO;
const JSC = @import("root").bun.JSC;
const js = JSC.C;
const Method = @import("../../http/method.zig").Method;
const FetchHeaders = JSC.FetchHeaders;
const ObjectPool = @import("../../pool.zig").ObjectPool;
const SystemError = JSC.SystemError;
const Output = @import("root").bun.Output;
const MutableString = @import("root").bun.MutableString;
const strings = @import("root").bun.strings;
const string = @import("root").bun.string;
const default_allocator = @import("root").bun.default_allocator;
const FeatureFlags = @import("root").bun.FeatureFlags;
const ArrayBuffer = @import("../base.zig").ArrayBuffer;
const Properties = @import("../base.zig").Properties;
const getAllocator = @import("../base.zig").getAllocator;
const Environment = @import("../../env.zig");
const ZigString = JSC.ZigString;
const IdentityContext = @import("../../identity_context.zig").IdentityContext;
const JSPromise = JSC.JSPromise;
const JSValue = JSC.JSValue;
const JSError = JSC.JSError;
const JSGlobalObject = JSC.JSGlobalObject;
const NullableAllocator = @import("../../nullable_allocator.zig").NullableAllocator;
const VirtualMachine = JSC.VirtualMachine;
const Task = JSC.Task;
const JSPrinter = bun.js_printer;
const picohttp = @import("root").bun.picohttp;
const StringJoiner = @import("../../string_joiner.zig");
const uws = @import("root").bun.uws;
const null_fd = bun.invalid_fd;
const Response = JSC.WebCore.Response;
const Body = JSC.WebCore.Body;
const Request = JSC.WebCore.Request;
const PathOrBlob = union(enum) {
path: JSC.Node.PathOrFileDescriptor,
blob: Blob,
pub fn fromJSNoCopy(ctx: js.JSContextRef, args: *JSC.Node.ArgumentsSlice, exception: js.ExceptionRef) ?PathOrBlob {
if (JSC.Node.PathOrFileDescriptor.fromJS(ctx, args, args.arena.allocator(), exception)) |path| {
return PathOrBlob{
.path = path,
const arg = args.nextEat() orelse return null;
if (arg.as(Blob)) |blob| {
return PathOrBlob{
.blob = blob.*,
return null;
pub const Blob = struct {
const bloblog = Output.scoped(.Blob, false);
pub usingnamespace JSC.Codegen.JSBlob;
size: SizeType = 0,
offset: SizeType = 0,
/// When set, the blob will be freed on finalization callbacks
/// If the blob is contained in Response or Request, this must be null
allocator: ?std.mem.Allocator = null,
store: ?*Store = null,
content_type: string = "",
content_type_allocated: bool = false,
content_type_was_set: bool = false,
/// JavaScriptCore strings are either latin1 or UTF-16
/// When UTF-16, they're nearly always due to non-ascii characters
is_all_ascii: ?bool = null,
/// Was it created via file constructor?
is_jsdom_file: bool = false,
globalThis: *JSGlobalObject = undefined,
last_modified: f64 = 0.0,
/// Max int of double precision
/// 9 petabytes is probably enough for awhile
/// We want to avoid coercing to a BigInt because that's a heap allocation
/// and it's generally just harder to use
pub const SizeType = u52;
pub const max_size = std.math.maxInt(SizeType);
/// According to https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date,
/// maximum Date in JavaScript is less than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER (u52).
pub const JSTimeType = u52;
pub const init_timestamp = std.math.maxInt(JSTimeType);
const serialization_version: u8 = 1;
const reserved_space_for_serialization: u32 = 128;
pub fn getFormDataEncoding(this: *Blob) ?*bun.FormData.AsyncFormData {
var content_type_slice: ZigString.Slice = this.getContentType() orelse return null;
defer content_type_slice.deinit();
const encoding = bun.FormData.Encoding.get(content_type_slice.slice()) orelse return null;
return bun.FormData.AsyncFormData.init(this.allocator orelse bun.default_allocator, encoding) catch unreachable;
pub fn hasContentTypeFromUser(this: *const Blob) bool {
return this.content_type_was_set or (this.store != null and this.store.?.data == .file);
const FormDataContext = struct {
allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
joiner: StringJoiner,
boundary: []const u8,
failed: bool = false,
globalThis: *JSC.JSGlobalObject,
pub fn onEntry(this: *FormDataContext, name: ZigString, entry: JSC.DOMFormData.FormDataEntry) void {
if (this.failed) return;
var globalThis = this.globalThis;
const allocator = this.allocator;
const joiner = &this.joiner;
const boundary = this.boundary;
joiner.append("--", 0, null);
joiner.append(boundary, 0, null);
joiner.append("\r\n", 0, null);
joiner.append("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"", 0, null);
const name_slice = name.toSlice(allocator);
joiner.append(name_slice.slice(), 0, name_slice.allocator.get());
switch (entry) {
.string => |value| {
joiner.append("\"\r\n\r\n", 0, null);
const value_slice = value.toSlice(allocator);
joiner.append(value_slice.slice(), 0, value_slice.allocator.get());
.file => |value| {
joiner.append("\"; filename=\"", 0, null);
const filename_slice = value.filename.toSlice(allocator);
joiner.append(filename_slice.slice(), 0, filename_slice.allocator.get());
joiner.append("\"\r\n", 0, null);
const blob = value.blob;
const content_type = if (blob.content_type.len > 0) blob.content_type else "application/octet-stream";
joiner.append("Content-Type: ", 0, null);
joiner.append(content_type, 0, null);
joiner.append("\r\n\r\n", 0, null);
if (blob.store) |store| {
switch (store.data) {
.file => |file| {
// TODO: make this async + lazy
const res = JSC.Node.NodeFS.readFile(
.encoding = .buffer,
.path = file.pathlike,
.offset = blob.offset,
.max_size = blob.size,
switch (res) {
.err => |err| {
this.failed = true;
.result => |result| {
joiner.append(result.slice(), 0, result.buffer.allocator);
.bytes => |_| {
joiner.append(blob.sharedView(), 0, null);
joiner.append("\r\n", 0, null);
pub fn getContentType(
this: *Blob,
) ?ZigString.Slice {
if (this.content_type.len > 0)
return ZigString.Slice.fromUTF8NeverFree(this.content_type);
return null;
const StructuredCloneWriter = struct {
ctx: *anyopaque,
impl: *const fn (*anyopaque, ptr: [*]const u8, len: u32) callconv(.C) void,
pub const WriteError = error{};
pub fn write(this: StructuredCloneWriter, bytes: []const u8) WriteError!usize {
this.impl(this.ctx, bytes.ptr, @as(u32, @truncate(bytes.len)));
return bytes.len;
fn _onStructuredCloneSerialize(
this: *Blob,
comptime Writer: type,
writer: Writer,
) !void {
try writer.writeInt(u8, serialization_version, .little);
try writer.writeInt(u64, @as(u64, @intCast(this.offset)), .little);
try writer.writeInt(u32, @as(u32, @truncate(this.content_type.len)), .little);
_ = try writer.write(this.content_type);
try writer.writeInt(u8, @intFromBool(this.content_type_was_set), .little);
const store_tag: Store.SerializeTag = if (this.store) |store|
if (store.data == .file) .file else .bytes
try writer.writeInt(u8, @intFromEnum(store_tag), .little);
if (this.store) |store| {
try store.serialize(Writer, writer);
// reserved space for future use
_ = try writer.write(&[_]u8{0} ** reserved_space_for_serialization);
pub fn onStructuredCloneSerialize(
this: *Blob,
globalThis: *JSC.JSGlobalObject,
ctx: *anyopaque,
writeBytes: *const fn (*anyopaque, ptr: [*]const u8, len: u32) callconv(.C) void,
) callconv(.C) void {
_ = globalThis;
const Writer = std.io.Writer(StructuredCloneWriter, StructuredCloneWriter.WriteError, StructuredCloneWriter.write);
var writer = Writer{
.context = .{
.ctx = ctx,
.impl = writeBytes,
_onStructuredCloneSerialize(this, Writer, writer) catch return .zero;
pub fn onStructuredCloneTransfer(
this: *Blob,
globalThis: *JSC.JSGlobalObject,
ctx: *anyopaque,
write: *const fn (*anyopaque, ptr: [*]const u8, len: usize) callconv(.C) void,
) callconv(.C) void {
_ = write;
_ = ctx;
_ = this;
_ = globalThis;
fn readSlice(
reader: anytype,
len: usize,
allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
) ![]u8 {
var slice = try allocator.alloc(u8, len);
slice = slice[0..try reader.read(slice)];
if (slice.len != len) return error.TooSmall;
return slice;
fn _onStructuredCloneDeserialize(
globalThis: *JSC.JSGlobalObject,
comptime Reader: type,
reader: Reader,
) !JSValue {
const allocator = globalThis.allocator();
const version = try reader.readInt(u8, .little);
_ = version;
const offset = try reader.readInt(u64, .little);
const content_type_len = try reader.readInt(u32, .little);
const content_type = try readSlice(reader, content_type_len, allocator);
const content_type_was_set: bool = try reader.readInt(u8, .little) != 0;
const store_tag = try reader.readEnum(Store.SerializeTag, .little);
const blob: *Blob = switch (store_tag) {
.bytes => brk: {
const bytes_len = try reader.readInt(u32, .little);
const bytes = try readSlice(reader, bytes_len, allocator);
var blob = Blob.init(bytes, allocator, globalThis);
var blob_ = try allocator.create(Blob);
blob_.* = blob;
break :brk blob_;
.file => brk: {
const pathlike_tag = try reader.readEnum(JSC.Node.PathOrFileDescriptor.SerializeTag, .little);
switch (pathlike_tag) {
.fd => {
const fd = @as(bun.FileDescriptor, @intCast(try reader.readInt(bun.FileDescriptor, .little)));
var blob = try allocator.create(Blob);
blob.* = Blob.findOrCreateFileFromPath(
.fd = fd,
break :brk blob;
.path => {
const path_len = try reader.readInt(u32, .little);
const path = try readSlice(reader, path_len, default_allocator);
var blob = try allocator.create(Blob);
blob.* = Blob.findOrCreateFileFromPath(
.path = .{
.string = bun.PathString.init(path),
break :brk blob;
return .zero;
.empty => brk: {
var blob = try allocator.create(Blob);
blob.* = Blob.initEmpty(globalThis);
break :brk blob;
blob.allocator = allocator;
blob.offset = @as(u52, @intCast(offset));
if (content_type.len > 0) {
blob.content_type = content_type;
blob.content_type_allocated = true;
blob.content_type_was_set = content_type_was_set;
return blob.toJS(globalThis);
pub fn onStructuredCloneDeserialize(
globalThis: *JSC.JSGlobalObject,
ptr: [*]u8,
end: [*]u8,
) callconv(.C) JSValue {
const total_length: usize = @intFromPtr(end) - @intFromPtr(ptr);
var buffer_stream = std.io.fixedBufferStream(ptr[0..total_length]);
var reader = buffer_stream.reader();
const blob = _onStructuredCloneDeserialize(globalThis, @TypeOf(reader), reader) catch return .zero;
if (Environment.allow_assert) {
std.debug.assert(total_length - reader.context.pos == reserved_space_for_serialization);
return blob;
const URLSearchParamsConverter = struct {
allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
buf: []u8 = "",
globalThis: *JSC.JSGlobalObject,
pub fn convert(this: *URLSearchParamsConverter, str: ZigString) void {
var out = str.toSlice(this.allocator).cloneIfNeeded(this.allocator) catch unreachable;
this.buf = bun.constStrToU8(out.slice());
pub fn fromURLSearchParams(
globalThis: *JSC.JSGlobalObject,
allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
search_params: *JSC.URLSearchParams,
) Blob {
var converter = URLSearchParamsConverter{
.allocator = allocator,
.globalThis = globalThis,
search_params.toString(URLSearchParamsConverter, &converter, URLSearchParamsConverter.convert);
var store = Blob.Store.init(converter.buf, allocator) catch unreachable;
store.mime_type = MimeType.all.@"application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
var blob = Blob.initWithStore(store, globalThis);
blob.content_type = store.mime_type.value;
blob.content_type_was_set = true;
return blob;
pub fn fromDOMFormData(
globalThis: *JSC.JSGlobalObject,
allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
form_data: *JSC.DOMFormData,
) Blob {
var arena = @import("root").bun.ArenaAllocator.init(allocator);
defer arena.deinit();
var stack_allocator = std.heap.stackFallback(1024, arena.allocator());
var stack_mem_all = stack_allocator.get();
var hex_buf: [70]u8 = undefined;
const boundary = brk: {
var random = globalThis.bunVM().rareData().nextUUID().bytes;
var formatter = std.fmt.fmtSliceHexLower(&random);
break :brk std.fmt.bufPrint(&hex_buf, "-WebkitFormBoundary{any}", .{formatter}) catch unreachable;
var context = FormDataContext{
.allocator = allocator,
.joiner = StringJoiner{ .use_pool = false, .node_allocator = stack_mem_all },
.boundary = boundary,
.globalThis = globalThis,
form_data.forEach(FormDataContext, &context, FormDataContext.onEntry);
if (context.failed) {
return Blob.initEmpty(globalThis);
context.joiner.append("--", 0, null);
context.joiner.append(boundary, 0, null);
context.joiner.append("--\r\n", 0, null);
var store = Blob.Store.init(context.joiner.done(allocator) catch unreachable, allocator) catch unreachable;
var blob = Blob.initWithStore(store, globalThis);
blob.content_type = std.fmt.allocPrint(allocator, "multipart/form-data; boundary=\"{s}\"", .{boundary}) catch unreachable;
blob.content_type_allocated = true;
blob.content_type_was_set = true;
return blob;
pub fn contentType(this: *const Blob) string {
return this.content_type;
pub fn isDetached(this: *const Blob) bool {
return this.store == null;
export fn Blob__dupeFromJS(value: JSC.JSValue) ?*Blob {
var this = Blob.fromJS(value) orelse return null;
return Blob__dupe(this);
export fn Blob__setAsFile(this: *Blob, path_str: *bun.String) *Blob {
this.is_jsdom_file = true;
// This is not 100% correct...
if (this.store) |store| {
if (store.data == .bytes) {
if (store.data.bytes.stored_name.len == 0) {
var utf8 = path_str.toUTF8WithoutRef(bun.default_allocator).clone(bun.default_allocator) catch unreachable;
store.data.bytes.stored_name = bun.PathString.init(utf8.slice());
return this;
export fn Blob__dupe(ptr: *anyopaque) *Blob {
var this = bun.cast(*Blob, ptr);
var new = bun.default_allocator.create(Blob) catch unreachable;
new.* = this.dupeWithContentType(true);
new.allocator = bun.default_allocator;
return new;
export fn Blob__destroy(this: *Blob) void {
export fn Blob__getFileNameString(this: *Blob) callconv(.C) bun.String {
if (this.getFileName()) |filename| {
return bun.String.fromBytes(filename);
return bun.String.empty;
comptime {
_ = Blob__dupeFromJS;
_ = Blob__destroy;
_ = Blob__dupe;
_ = Blob__setAsFile;
_ = Blob__getFileNameString;
pub fn writeFormatForSize(size: usize, writer: anytype, comptime enable_ansi_colors: bool) !void {
try writer.writeAll(comptime Output.prettyFmt("<r>Blob<r>", enable_ansi_colors));
try writer.print(
comptime Output.prettyFmt(" (<yellow>{any}<r>)", enable_ansi_colors),
pub fn writeFormat(this: *const Blob, comptime Formatter: type, formatter: *Formatter, writer: anytype, comptime enable_ansi_colors: bool) !void {
const Writer = @TypeOf(writer);
if (this.isDetached()) {
try writer.writeAll(comptime Output.prettyFmt("<d>[<r>Blob<r> detached<d>]<r>", enable_ansi_colors));
var store = this.store.?;
switch (store.data) {
.file => |file| {
try writer.writeAll(comptime Output.prettyFmt("<r>FileRef<r>", enable_ansi_colors));
switch (file.pathlike) {
.path => |path| {
try writer.print(
comptime Output.prettyFmt(" (<green>\"{s}\"<r>)<r>", enable_ansi_colors),
.fd => |fd| {
try writer.print(
comptime Output.prettyFmt(" (<r>fd: <yellow>{d}<r>)<r>", enable_ansi_colors),
.bytes => {
try writeFormatForSize(this.size, writer, enable_ansi_colors);
if (this.content_type.len > 0 or this.offset > 0) {
try writer.writeAll(" {\n");
formatter.indent += 1;
defer formatter.indent -= 1;
if (this.content_type.len > 0) {
try formatter.writeIndent(Writer, writer);
try writer.print(
comptime Output.prettyFmt("type: <green>\"{s}\"<r>", enable_ansi_colors),
if (this.offset > 0) {
formatter.printComma(Writer, writer, enable_ansi_colors) catch unreachable;
try writer.writeAll("\n");
if (this.offset > 0) {
try formatter.writeIndent(Writer, writer);
try writer.print(
comptime Output.prettyFmt("offset: <yellow>{d}<r>\n", enable_ansi_colors),
try formatter.writeIndent(Writer, writer);
try writer.writeAll("}");
const CopyFilePromiseHandler = struct {
promise: *JSPromise,
globalThis: *JSGlobalObject,
pub fn run(handler: *@This(), blob_: Store.CopyFile.ResultType) void {
var promise = handler.promise;
var globalThis = handler.globalThis;
var blob = blob_ catch |err| {
var error_string = ZigString.init(
std.fmt.allocPrint(bun.default_allocator, "Failed to write file \"{s}\"", .{bun.asByteSlice(@errorName(err))}) catch unreachable,
promise.reject(globalThis, error_string.toErrorInstance(globalThis));
var _blob = bun.default_allocator.create(Blob) catch unreachable;
_blob.* = blob;
_blob.allocator = bun.default_allocator;
const WriteFileWaitFromLockedValueTask = struct {
file_blob: Blob,
globalThis: *JSGlobalObject,
promise: *JSPromise,
pub fn thenWrap(this: *anyopaque, value: *Body.Value) void {
then(bun.cast(*WriteFileWaitFromLockedValueTask, this), value);
pub fn then(this: *WriteFileWaitFromLockedValueTask, value: *Body.Value) void {
var promise = this.promise;
var globalThis = this.globalThis;
var file_blob = this.file_blob;
switch (value.*) {
.Error => |err| {
_ = value.use();
promise.reject(globalThis, err);
.Used => {
_ = value.use();
promise.reject(globalThis, ZigString.init("Body was used after it was consumed").toErrorInstance(globalThis));
=> {
var blob = value.use();
// TODO: this should be one promise not two!
const new_promise = writeFileWithSourceDestination(globalThis, &blob, &file_blob);
if (new_promise.asAnyPromise()) |_promise| {
switch (_promise.status(globalThis.vm())) {
.Pending => {
.Rejected => {
promise.reject(globalThis, _promise.result(globalThis.vm()));
else => {
promise.resolve(globalThis, _promise.result(globalThis.vm()));
.Locked => {
value.Locked.onReceiveValue = thenWrap;
value.Locked.task = this;
pub fn writeFileWithSourceDestination(
ctx: JSC.C.JSContextRef,
source_blob: *Blob,
destination_blob: *Blob,
) JSC.JSValue {
const destination_type = std.meta.activeTag(destination_blob.store.?.data);
// Writing an empty string to a file is a no-op
if (source_blob.store == null) {
return JSC.JSPromise.resolvedPromiseValue(ctx.ptr(), JSC.JSValue.jsNumber(0));
const source_type = std.meta.activeTag(source_blob.store.?.data);
if (destination_type == .file and source_type == .bytes) {
var write_file_promise = bun.default_allocator.create(WriteFilePromise) catch unreachable;
write_file_promise.* = .{
.globalThis = ctx.ptr(),
var file_copier = Store.WriteFile.create(
) catch unreachable;
var task = Store.WriteFile.WriteFileTask.createOnJSThread(bun.default_allocator, ctx.ptr(), file_copier) catch unreachable;
// Defer promise creation until we're just about to schedule the task
var promise = JSC.JSPromise.create(ctx.ptr());
const promise_value = promise.asValue(ctx);
write_file_promise.promise.strong.set(ctx, promise_value);
return promise_value;
// If this is file <> file, we can just copy the file
else if (destination_type == .file and source_type == .file) {
var file_copier = Store.CopyFile.create(
) catch unreachable;
return file_copier.promise.value();
} else if (destination_type == .bytes and source_type == .bytes) {
// If this is bytes <> bytes, we can just duplicate it
// this is an edgecase
// it will happen if someone did Bun.write(new Blob([123]), new Blob([456]))
// eventually, this could be like Buffer.concat
var clone = source_blob.dupe();
clone.allocator = bun.default_allocator;
var cloned = bun.default_allocator.create(Blob) catch unreachable;
cloned.* = clone;
return JSPromise.resolvedPromiseValue(ctx.ptr(), cloned.toJS(ctx));
} else if (destination_type == .bytes and source_type == .file) {
var fake_call_frame: [8]JSC.JSValue = undefined;
@memset(@as([*]u8, @ptrCast(&fake_call_frame))[0..@sizeOf(@TypeOf(fake_call_frame))], 0);
const blob_value =
source_blob.getSlice(ctx, @as(*JSC.CallFrame, @ptrCast(&fake_call_frame)));
return JSPromise.resolvedPromiseValue(
pub fn writeFile(
globalThis: *JSC.JSGlobalObject,
callframe: *JSC.CallFrame,
) callconv(.C) JSC.JSValue {
const arguments = callframe.arguments(2).slice();
var args = JSC.Node.ArgumentsSlice.init(globalThis.bunVM(), arguments);
defer args.deinit();
var exception_ = [1]JSC.JSValueRef{null};
var exception = &exception_;
// accept a path or a blob
var path_or_blob = PathOrBlob.fromJSNoCopy(globalThis, &args, exception) orelse {
if (exception[0] != null) {
} else {
globalThis.throwInvalidArguments("Bun.write expects a path, file descriptor or a blob", .{});
return .zero;
var data = args.nextEat() orelse {
globalThis.throwInvalidArguments("Bun.write(pathOrFdOrBlob, blob) expects a Blob-y thing to write", .{});
return .zero;
if (data.isEmptyOrUndefinedOrNull()) {
globalThis.throwInvalidArguments("Bun.write(pathOrFdOrBlob, blob) expects a Blob-y thing to write", .{});
return .zero;
if (path_or_blob == .blob) {
if (path_or_blob.blob.store == null) {
globalThis.throwInvalidArguments("Blob is detached", .{});
return .zero;
} else {
// TODO only reset last_modified on success pathes instead of
// resetting last_modified at the beginning for better performance.
if (path_or_blob.blob.store.?.data == .file) {
// reset last_modified to force getLastModified() to reload after writing.
path_or_blob.blob.store.?.data.file.last_modified = init_timestamp;
var input_store: ?*Store = if (path_or_blob == .blob) path_or_blob.blob.store else null;
if (input_store) |st| st.ref();
defer if (input_store) |st| st.deref();
var needs_async = false;
if (data.isString()) {
defer if (!needs_async and path_or_blob == .path) path_or_blob.path.deinit();
const len = data.getLength(globalThis);
if (len < 256 * 1024 or bun.isMissingIOUring()) {
const str = data.toBunString(globalThis);
const pathlike: JSC.Node.PathOrFileDescriptor = if (path_or_blob == .path)
if (pathlike == .path) {
const result = writeStringToFileFast(
if (!needs_async) {
return result;
} else {
const result = writeStringToFileFast(
if (!needs_async) {
return result;
} else if (data.asArrayBuffer(globalThis)) |buffer_view| {
defer if (!needs_async and path_or_blob == .path) path_or_blob.path.deinit();
if (buffer_view.byte_len < 256 * 1024 or bun.isMissingIOUring()) {
const pathlike: JSC.Node.PathOrFileDescriptor = if (path_or_blob == .path)
if (pathlike == .path) {
const result = writeBytesToFileFast(
if (!needs_async) {
return result;
} else {
const result = writeBytesToFileFast(
if (!needs_async) {
return result;
// if path_or_blob is a path, convert it into a file blob
var destination_blob: Blob = if (path_or_blob == .path)
Blob.findOrCreateFileFromPath(path_or_blob.path, globalThis)
if (destination_blob.store == null) {
globalThis.throwInvalidArguments("Writing to an empty blob is not implemented yet", .{});
return .zero;
// TODO: implement a writeev() fast path
var source_blob: Blob = brk: {
if (data.as(Response)) |response| {
switch (response.body.value) {
=> {
break :brk response.body.use();
.Error => {
const err = response.body.value.Error;
_ = response.body.value.use();
return JSC.JSPromise.rejectedPromiseValue(globalThis, err);
.Locked => {
var task = bun.default_allocator.create(WriteFileWaitFromLockedValueTask) catch unreachable;
var promise = JSC.JSPromise.create(globalThis);
task.* = WriteFileWaitFromLockedValueTask{
.globalThis = globalThis,
.file_blob = destination_blob,
.promise = promise,
response.body.value.Locked.task = task;
response.body.value.Locked.onReceiveValue = WriteFileWaitFromLockedValueTask.thenWrap;
return promise.asValue(globalThis);
if (data.as(Request)) |request| {
switch (request.body.value) {
=> {
break :brk request.body.value.use();
.Error => {
const err = request.body.value.Error;
_ = request.body.value.use();
return JSC.JSPromise.rejectedPromiseValue(globalThis, err);
.Locked => {
var task = bun.default_allocator.create(WriteFileWaitFromLockedValueTask) catch unreachable;
var promise = JSC.JSPromise.create(globalThis);
task.* = WriteFileWaitFromLockedValueTask{
.globalThis = globalThis,
.file_blob = destination_blob,
.promise = promise,
request.body.value.Locked.task = task;
request.body.value.Locked.onReceiveValue = WriteFileWaitFromLockedValueTask.thenWrap;
return promise.asValue(globalThis);
break :brk Blob.get(
) catch |err| {
if (err == error.InvalidArguments) {
"Expected an Array",
return .zero;
return .zero;
var destination_store = destination_blob.store;
if (destination_store) |store| {
defer {
if (destination_store) |store| {
return writeFileWithSourceDestination(globalThis, &source_blob, &destination_blob);
const write_permissions = 0o664;
fn writeStringToFileFast(
globalThis: *JSC.JSGlobalObject,
pathlike: JSC.Node.PathOrFileDescriptor,
str: bun.String,
needs_async: *bool,
comptime needs_open: bool,
) JSC.JSValue {
const fd: bun.FileDescriptor = if (comptime !needs_open) pathlike.fd else brk: {
var file_path: [bun.MAX_PATH_BYTES]u8 = undefined;
switch (bun.sys.open(
// we deliberately don't use O_TRUNC here
// it's a perf optimization
std.os.O.WRONLY | std.os.O.CREAT | std.os.O.NONBLOCK,
)) {
.result => |result| {
break :brk result;
.err => |err| {
return JSC.JSPromise.rejectedPromiseValue(
var truncate = needs_open or str.isEmpty();
var jsc_vm = globalThis.bunVM();
var written: usize = 0;
defer {
// we only truncate if it's a path
// if it's a file descriptor, we assume they want manual control over that behavior
if (truncate) {
_ = bun.sys.ftruncate(fd, @as(i64, @intCast(written)));
if (needs_open) {
_ = bun.sys.close(fd);
if (!str.isEmpty()) {
var decoded = str.toUTF8(jsc_vm.allocator);
defer decoded.deinit();
var remain = decoded.slice();
while (remain.len > 0) {
const result = bun.sys.write(fd, remain);
switch (result) {
.result => |res| {
written += res;
remain = remain[res..];
if (res == 0) break;
.err => |err| {
truncate = false;
if (err.getErrno() == .AGAIN) {
needs_async.* = true;
return .zero;
if (comptime !needs_open) {
return JSC.JSPromise.rejectedPromiseValue(globalThis, err.toJSC(globalThis));
return JSC.JSPromise.rejectedPromiseValue(
return JSC.JSPromise.resolvedPromiseValue(globalThis, JSC.JSValue.jsNumber(written));
fn writeBytesToFileFast(
globalThis: *JSC.JSGlobalObject,
pathlike: JSC.Node.PathOrFileDescriptor,
bytes: []const u8,
needs_async: *bool,
comptime needs_open: bool,
) JSC.JSValue {
const fd: bun.FileDescriptor = if (comptime !needs_open) pathlike.fd else brk: {
var file_path: [bun.MAX_PATH_BYTES]u8 = undefined;
switch (bun.sys.open(
// we deliberately don't use O_TRUNC here
// it's a perf optimization
std.os.O.WRONLY | std.os.O.CREAT | std.os.O.NONBLOCK,
)) {
.result => |result| {
break :brk result;
.err => |err| {
return JSC.JSPromise.rejectedPromiseValue(
var truncate = needs_open or bytes.len == 0;
var written: usize = 0;
defer {
if (truncate) {
_ = bun.sys.ftruncate(fd, @as(i64, @intCast(written)));
if (needs_open) {
_ = bun.sys.close(fd);
var remain = bytes;
const end = remain.ptr + remain.len;
while (remain.ptr != end) {
const result = bun.sys.write(fd, remain);
switch (result) {
.result => |res| {
written += res;
remain = remain[res..];
if (res == 0) break;
.err => |err| {
truncate = false;
if (err.getErrno() == .AGAIN) {
needs_async.* = true;
return .zero;
if (comptime !needs_open) {
return JSC.JSPromise.rejectedPromiseValue(globalThis, err.toJSC(globalThis));
return JSC.JSPromise.rejectedPromiseValue(
return JSC.JSPromise.resolvedPromiseValue(globalThis, JSC.JSValue.jsNumber(written));
pub export fn JSDOMFile__hasInstance(_: JSC.JSValue, _: *JSC.JSGlobalObject, value: JSC.JSValue) callconv(.C) bool {
var blob = value.as(Blob) orelse return false;
return blob.is_jsdom_file;
pub export fn JSDOMFile__construct(
globalThis: *JSC.JSGlobalObject,
callframe: *JSC.CallFrame,
) callconv(.C) ?*Blob {
var allocator = bun.default_allocator;
var blob: Blob = undefined;
var arguments = callframe.arguments(3);
var args = arguments.ptr[0..arguments.len];
if (args.len < 2) {
globalThis.throwInvalidArguments("new File(bits, name) expects at least 2 arguments", .{});
return null;
const name_value_str = bun.String.tryFromJS(args[1], globalThis) orelse {
globalThis.throwInvalidArguments("new File(bits, name) expects string as the second argument", .{});
return null;
blob = get(globalThis, args[0], false, true) catch |err| {
if (err == error.InvalidArguments) {
globalThis.throwInvalidArguments("new File(bits, name) expects iterable as the first argument", .{});
return null;
return null;
if (blob.store) |store_| {
store_.data.bytes.stored_name = bun.PathString.init(
(name_value_str.toUTF8WithoutRef(bun.default_allocator).clone(bun.default_allocator) catch unreachable).slice(),
if (args.len > 2) {
const options = args[2];
if (options.isObject()) {
// type, the ASCII-encoded string in lower case
// representing the media type of the Blob.
// Normative conditions for this member are provided
// in the § 3.1 Constructors.
if (options.get(globalThis, "type")) |content_type| {
inner: {
if (content_type.isString()) {
var content_type_str = content_type.toSlice(globalThis, bun.default_allocator);
defer content_type_str.deinit();
var slice = content_type_str.slice();
if (!strings.isAllASCII(slice)) {
break :inner;
blob.content_type_was_set = true;
if (globalThis.bunVM().mimeType(slice)) |mime| {
blob.content_type = mime.value;
break :inner;
var content_type_buf = allocator.alloc(u8, slice.len) catch unreachable;
blob.content_type = strings.copyLowercase(slice, content_type_buf);
blob.content_type_allocated = true;
if (options.getTruthy(globalThis, "lastModified")) |last_modified| {
blob.last_modified = last_modified.coerce(f64, globalThis);
if (blob.content_type.len == 0) {
blob.content_type = "";
blob.content_type_was_set = false;
var blob_ = allocator.create(Blob) catch unreachable;
blob_.* = blob;
blob_.allocator = allocator;
blob_.is_jsdom_file = true;
return blob_;
fn estimatedByteSize(this: *Blob) usize {
// in-memory size. not the size on disk.
if (this.size != Blob.max_size) {
return this.size;
var store = this.store orelse return 0;
if (store.data == .bytes) {
return store.data.bytes.len;
return 0;
pub fn estimatedSize(this: *Blob) callconv(.C) usize {
var size = this.estimatedByteSize() + @sizeOf(Blob);
if (this.store) |store| {
size += @sizeOf(Blob.Store);
size += switch (store.data) {
.bytes => store.data.bytes.stored_name.estimatedSize(),
.file => store.data.file.pathlike.estimatedSize(),
return size + (this.content_type.len * @as(usize, @intFromBool(this.content_type_allocated)));
comptime {
if (!JSC.is_bindgen) {
_ = JSDOMFile__hasInstance;
_ = JSDOMFile__construct;
pub fn constructBunFile(
globalObject: *JSC.JSGlobalObject,
callframe: *JSC.CallFrame,
) callconv(.C) JSC.JSValue {
var vm = globalObject.bunVM();
const arguments = callframe.arguments(2).slice();
var args = JSC.Node.ArgumentsSlice.init(vm, arguments);
defer args.deinit();
var exception_ = [1]JSC.JSValueRef{null};
var exception = &exception_;
const path = JSC.Node.PathOrFileDescriptor.fromJS(globalObject, &args, args.arena.allocator(), exception) orelse {
if (exception_[0] == null) {
globalObject.throwInvalidArguments("Expected file path string or file descriptor", .{});
} else {
return .undefined;
var blob = Blob.findOrCreateFileFromPath(path, globalObject);
if (arguments.len >= 2) {
const opts = arguments[1];
if (opts.isObject()) {
if (opts.getTruthy(globalObject, "type")) |file_type| {
inner: {
if (file_type.isString()) {
var allocator = bun.default_allocator;
var str = file_type.toSlice(globalObject, bun.default_allocator);
defer str.deinit();
const slice = str.slice();
if (!strings.isAllASCII(slice)) {
break :inner;
blob.content_type_was_set = true;
if (vm.mimeType(str.slice())) |entry| {
blob.content_type = entry.value;
break :inner;
var content_type_buf = allocator.alloc(u8, slice.len) catch unreachable;
blob.content_type = strings.copyLowercase(slice, content_type_buf);
blob.content_type_allocated = true;
if (opts.getTruthy(globalObject, "lastModified")) |last_modified| {
blob.last_modified = last_modified.coerce(f64, globalObject);
var ptr = bun.default_allocator.create(Blob) catch unreachable;
ptr.* = blob;
ptr.allocator = bun.default_allocator;
return ptr.toJS(globalObject);
pub fn findOrCreateFileFromPath(path_: JSC.Node.PathOrFileDescriptor, globalThis: *JSGlobalObject) Blob {
var vm = globalThis.bunVM();
const allocator = vm.allocator;
const path: JSC.Node.PathOrFileDescriptor = brk: {
switch (path_) {
.path => {
const slice = path_.path.slice();
if (vm.standalone_module_graph) |graph| {
if (graph.find(slice)) |file| {
return file.blob(globalThis).dupe();
var cloned = (allocator.dupeZ(u8, slice) catch unreachable)[0..slice.len];
break :brk .{
.path = .{
.string = bun.PathString.init(cloned),
.fd => {
switch (bun.FDTag.get(path_.fd)) {
.stdin => return Blob.initWithStore(
.stderr => return Blob.initWithStore(
.stdout => return Blob.initWithStore(
else => {},
break :brk path_;
return Blob.initWithStore(Blob.Store.initFile(path, null, allocator) catch unreachable, globalThis);
pub const Store = struct {
data: Data,
mime_type: MimeType = MimeType.none,
ref_count: u32 = 0,
is_all_ascii: ?bool = null,
allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
pub fn size(this: *const Store) SizeType {
return switch (this.data) {
.bytes => this.data.bytes.len,
.file => Blob.max_size,
pub const Map = std.HashMap(u64, *JSC.WebCore.Blob.Store, IdentityContext(u64), 80);
pub const Data = union(enum) {
bytes: ByteStore,
file: FileStore,
pub fn ref(this: *Store) void {
std.debug.assert(this.ref_count > 0);
this.ref_count += 1;
pub fn external(ptr: ?*anyopaque, _: ?*anyopaque, _: usize) callconv(.C) void {
if (ptr == null) return;
var this = bun.cast(*Store, ptr);
pub fn initFile(pathlike: JSC.Node.PathOrFileDescriptor, mime_type: ?HTTPClient.MimeType, allocator: std.mem.Allocator) !*Store {
var store = try allocator.create(Blob.Store);
store.* = .{
.data = .{
.file = FileStore.init(
mime_type orelse brk: {
if (pathlike == .path) {
const sliced = pathlike.path.slice();
if (sliced.len > 0) {
var extname = std.fs.path.extension(sliced);
extname = std.mem.trim(u8, extname, ".");
if (HTTPClient.MimeType.byExtensionNoDefault(extname)) |mime| {
break :brk mime;
break :brk null;
.allocator = allocator,
.ref_count = 1,
return store;
pub fn init(bytes: []u8, allocator: std.mem.Allocator) !*Store {
var store = try allocator.create(Blob.Store);
store.* = .{
.data = .{ .bytes = ByteStore.init(bytes, allocator) },
.allocator = allocator,
.ref_count = 1,
return store;
pub fn sharedView(this: Store) []u8 {
if (this.data == .bytes)
return this.data.bytes.slice();
return &[_]u8{};
pub fn deref(this: *Blob.Store) void {
std.debug.assert(this.ref_count >= 1);
this.ref_count -= 1;
if (this.ref_count == 0) {
pub fn deinit(this: *Blob.Store) void {
const allocator = this.allocator;
switch (this.data) {
.bytes => |*bytes| {
.file => |file| {
if (file.pathlike == .path) {
const SerializeTag = enum(u8) {
file = 0,
bytes = 1,
empty = 2,
pub fn serialize(this: *Store, comptime Writer: type, writer: Writer) !void {
switch (this.data) {
.file => |file| {
const pathlike_tag: JSC.Node.PathOrFileDescriptor.SerializeTag = if (file.pathlike == .fd) .fd else .path;
try writer.writeInt(u8, @intFromEnum(pathlike_tag), .little);
switch (file.pathlike) {
.fd => |fd| {
try writer.writeInt(u32, @as(u32, @intCast(fd)), .little);
.path => |path| {
const path_slice = path.slice();
try writer.writeInt(u32, @as(u32, @truncate(path_slice.len)), .little);
_ = try writer.write(path_slice);
.bytes => |bytes| {
const slice = bytes.slice();
try writer.writeInt(u32, @as(u32, @truncate(slice.len)), .little);
_ = try writer.write(slice);
pub fn fromArrayList(list: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(u8), allocator: std.mem.Allocator) !*Blob.Store {
return try Blob.Store.init(list.items, allocator);
pub fn FileOpenerMixin(comptime This: type) type {
return struct {
open_completion: AsyncIO.Completion = undefined,
context: *This,
const State = @This();
/// This is a workaround for some versions of IO uring returning
/// EAGAIN when reading a file opened with O_NONBLOCK. Since io_uring waits, we don't need to wait.
const non_block_without_io_uring = if (Environment.isLinux) 0 else std.os.O.NONBLOCK;
const __opener_flags = non_block_without_io_uring | std.os.O.CLOEXEC;
const open_flags_ = if (@hasDecl(This, "open_flags"))
This.open_flags | __opener_flags
std.os.O.RDONLY | __opener_flags;
pub fn getFdMac(this: *This) bun.FileDescriptor {
var buf: [bun.MAX_PATH_BYTES]u8 = undefined;
var path_string = if (@hasField(This, "file_store"))
var path = path_string.sliceZ(&buf);
this.opened_fd = switch (bun.sys.open(path, open_flags_, JSC.Node.default_permission)) {
.result => |fd| fd,
.err => |err| {
this.errno = AsyncIO.asError(err.errno);
this.system_error = err.withPath(path_string.slice()).toSystemError();
this.opened_fd = null_fd;
return null_fd;
return this.opened_fd;
pub const OpenCallback = *const fn (*This, bun.FileDescriptor) void;
pub fn getFd(this: *This, comptime Callback: OpenCallback) void {
if (this.opened_fd != null_fd) {
Callback(this, this.opened_fd);
if (@hasField(This, "file_store")) {
const pathlike = this.file_store.pathlike;
if (pathlike == .fd) {
this.opened_fd = pathlike.fd;
Callback(this, this.opened_fd);
} else {
const pathlike = this.file_blob.store.?.data.file.pathlike;
if (pathlike == .fd) {
this.opened_fd = pathlike.fd;
Callback(this, this.opened_fd);
if (comptime Environment.isMac) {
Callback(this, this.getFdMac());
} else {
const WrappedOpenCallback = *const fn (*State, *HTTPClient.NetworkThread.Completion, AsyncIO.OpenError!bun.FileDescriptor) void;
fn OpenCallbackWrapper(comptime Callback: OpenCallback) WrappedOpenCallback {
return struct {
const callback = Callback;
const StateHolder = State;
pub fn onOpen(state: *State, completion: *HTTPClient.NetworkThread.Completion, result: AsyncIO.OpenError!bun.FileDescriptor) void {
var this = state.context;
var path_buffer = completion.operation.open.path;
defer bun.default_allocator.free(bun.span(path_buffer));
defer bun.default_allocator.destroy(state);
if (comptime Environment.isPosix) {
this.opened_fd = result catch {
this.errno = AsyncIO.asError(-completion.result);
// do not use path_buffer here because it is a temporary
var path_string = if (@hasField(This, "file_store"))
this.system_error = (bun.sys.Error{
.errno = @as(bun.sys.Error.Int, @intCast(-completion.result)),
.path = path_string.slice(),
.syscall = .open,
callback(this, null_fd);
} else if (comptime Environment.isWindows) {
this.opened_fd = result catch |err| {
this.errno = err;
// do not use path_buffer here because it is a temporary
var path_string = if (@hasField(This, "file_store"))
this.system_error = (bun.sys.Error{
.errno = @as(bun.sys.Error.Int, @intFromEnum(bun.C.SystemErrno.fromError(err).?)),
.path = path_string.slice(),
.syscall = .open,
callback(this, null_fd);
} else {
@compileError("Unsupported platform");
callback(this, this.opened_fd);
pub fn getFdLinux(this: *This, comptime callback: OpenCallback) void {
var aio = &AsyncIO.global;
var path_string = if (@hasField(This, "file_store"))
var holder = bun.default_allocator.create(State) catch unreachable;
holder.* = .{
.context = this,
var path_buffer = bun.default_allocator.dupeZ(u8, path_string.slice()) catch unreachable;
comptime OpenCallbackWrapper(callback),
pub fn FileCloserMixin(comptime This: type) type {
return struct {
const Closer = @This();
close_completion: AsyncIO.Completion = undefined,
pub fn doClose(this: *This) void {
const fd = this.opened_fd;
std.debug.assert(fd != null_fd);
var aio = &AsyncIO.global;
var closer = bun.default_allocator.create(Closer) catch unreachable;
this.opened_fd = null_fd;
pub fn onClose(closer: *Closer, _: *HTTPClient.NetworkThread.Completion, _: AsyncIO.CloseError!void) void {
pub const ReadFile = struct {
file_store: FileStore,
byte_store: ByteStore = ByteStore{ .allocator = bun.default_allocator },
store: ?*Store = null,
offset: SizeType = 0,
max_length: SizeType = Blob.max_size,
opened_fd: bun.FileDescriptor = null_fd,
read_completion: HTTPClient.NetworkThread.Completion = undefined,
read_len: SizeType = 0,
read_off: SizeType = 0,
read_eof: bool = false,
size: SizeType = 0,
buffer: []u8 = undefined,
task: HTTPClient.NetworkThread.Task = undefined,
system_error: ?JSC.SystemError = null,
errno: ?anyerror = null,
onCompleteCtx: *anyopaque = undefined,
onCompleteCallback: OnReadFileCallback = undefined,
io_task: ?*ReadFileTask = null,
pub const Read = struct {
buf: []u8,
is_temporary: bool = false,
total_size: SizeType = 0,
pub const ResultType = SystemError.Maybe(Read);
pub const OnReadFileCallback = *const fn (ctx: *anyopaque, bytes: ResultType) void;
pub usingnamespace FileOpenerMixin(ReadFile);
pub usingnamespace FileCloserMixin(ReadFile);
pub fn createWithCtx(
allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
store: *Store,
onReadFileContext: *anyopaque,
onCompleteCallback: OnReadFileCallback,
off: SizeType,
max_len: SizeType,
) !*ReadFile {
var read_file = try allocator.create(ReadFile);
read_file.* = ReadFile{
.file_store = store.data.file,
.offset = off,
.max_length = max_len,
.store = store,
.onCompleteCtx = onReadFileContext,
.onCompleteCallback = onCompleteCallback,
return read_file;
pub fn create(
allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
store: *Store,
off: SizeType,
max_len: SizeType,
comptime Context: type,
context: Context,
comptime callback: fn (ctx: Context, bytes: ResultType) void,
) !*ReadFile {
const Handler = struct {
pub fn run(ptr: *anyopaque, bytes: ResultType) void {
callback(bun.cast(Context, ptr), bytes);
return try ReadFile.createWithCtx(allocator, store, @as(*anyopaque, @ptrCast(context)), Handler.run, off, max_len);
pub fn doRead(this: *ReadFile) void {
var aio = &AsyncIO.global;
var remaining = this.buffer[this.read_off..];
this.read_len = 0;
remaining[0..@min(remaining.len, this.max_length - this.read_off)],
this.offset + this.read_off,
pub const ReadFileTask = JSC.IOTask(@This());
pub fn then(this: *ReadFile, _: *JSC.JSGlobalObject) void {
var cb = this.onCompleteCallback;
var cb_ctx = this.onCompleteCtx;
if (this.store == null and this.system_error != null) {
var system_error = this.system_error.?;
cb(cb_ctx, ResultType{ .err = system_error });
} else if (this.store == null) {
cb(cb_ctx, ResultType{
.err = SystemError{
.code = bun.String.static("INTERNAL_ERROR"),
.message = bun.String.static("assertion failure - store should not be null"),
.syscall = bun.String.static("read"),
var store = this.store.?;
var buf = this.buffer;
defer store.deref();
defer bun.default_allocator.destroy(this);
if (this.system_error) |err| {
cb(cb_ctx, ResultType{ .err = err });
cb(cb_ctx, .{ .result = .{ .buf = buf, .total_size = this.size, .is_temporary = true } });
pub fn run(this: *ReadFile, task: *ReadFileTask) void {
pub fn onRead(this: *ReadFile, completion: *HTTPClient.NetworkThread.Completion, result: AsyncIO.ReadError!usize) void {
defer this.doReadLoop();
const read_len = @as(SizeType, @truncate(result catch |err| {
if (@hasField(HTTPClient.NetworkThread.Completion, "result")) {
this.errno = AsyncIO.asError(-completion.result);
this.system_error = (bun.sys.Error{
.errno = @as(bun.sys.Error.Int, @intCast(-completion.result)),
.syscall = .read,
} else {
this.system_error = JSC.SystemError{
.code = bun.String.static(bun.asByteSlice(@errorName(err))),
.path = if (this.file_store.pathlike == .path)
.syscall = bun.String.static("read"),
this.errno = err;
this.read_len = 0;
this.read_eof = read_len == 0;
this.read_len = read_len;
fn runAsync(this: *ReadFile, task: *ReadFileTask) void {
this.io_task = task;
if (this.file_store.pathlike == .fd) {
this.opened_fd = this.file_store.pathlike.fd;
fn onFinish(this: *ReadFile) void {
const fd = this.opened_fd;
const file = &this.file_store;
const needs_close = fd != null_fd and file.pathlike == .path and fd > 2;
this.size = @max(this.read_len, this.size);
if (needs_close) {
if (this.io_task) |io_task| {
this.io_task = null;
fn resolveSizeAndLastModified(this: *ReadFile, fd: bun.FileDescriptor) void {
if (comptime Environment.isWindows) {
bun.todo(@src(), {});
const stat: bun.Stat = switch (bun.sys.fstat(fd)) {
.result => |result| result,
.err => |err| {
this.errno = AsyncIO.asError(err.errno);
this.system_error = err.toSystemError();
if (this.store) |store| {
if (store.data == .file) {
store.data.file.last_modified = toJSTime(stat.mtime().tv_sec, stat.mtime().tv_nsec);
if (std.os.S.ISDIR(stat.mode)) {
this.errno = error.EISDIR;
this.system_error = JSC.SystemError{
.code = bun.String.static("EISDIR"),
.path = if (this.file_store.pathlike == .path)
.message = bun.String.static("Directories cannot be read like files"),
.syscall = bun.String.static("read"),
if (stat.size > 0 and bun.isRegularFile(stat.mode)) {
this.size = @min(
@as(SizeType, @truncate(@as(SizeType, @intCast(@max(@as(i64, @intCast(stat.size)), 0))))),
// read up to 4k at a time if
// they didn't explicitly set a size and we're reading from something that's not a regular file
} else if (stat.size == 0 and !bun.isRegularFile(stat.mode)) {
this.size = if (this.max_length == Blob.max_size)
fn runAsyncWithFD(this: *ReadFile, fd: bun.FileDescriptor) void {
if (this.errno != null) {
if (this.errno != null)
return this.onFinish();
if (this.size == 0) {
this.buffer = &[_]u8{};
this.byte_store = ByteStore.init(this.buffer, bun.default_allocator);
this.buffer = bun.default_allocator.alloc(u8, this.size) catch |err| {
this.errno = err;
this.read_len = 0;
fn doReadLoop(this: *ReadFile) void {
this.read_off += this.read_len;
var remain = this.buffer[@min(this.read_off, @as(Blob.SizeType, @truncate(this.buffer.len)))..];
if (remain.len > 0 and this.errno == null and !this.read_eof) {
_ = bun.default_allocator.resize(this.buffer, this.read_off);
this.buffer = this.buffer[0..this.read_off];
this.byte_store = ByteStore.init(this.buffer, bun.default_allocator);
pub const WriteFile = struct {
file_blob: Blob,
bytes_blob: Blob,
opened_fd: bun.FileDescriptor = null_fd,
system_error: ?JSC.SystemError = null,
errno: ?anyerror = null,
write_completion: HTTPClient.NetworkThread.Completion = undefined,
task: HTTPClient.NetworkThread.Task = undefined,
io_task: ?*WriteFileTask = null,
onCompleteCtx: *anyopaque = undefined,
onCompleteCallback: OnWriteFileCallback = undefined,
wrote: usize = 0,
pub const ResultType = SystemError.Maybe(SizeType);
pub const OnWriteFileCallback = *const fn (ctx: *anyopaque, count: ResultType) void;
pub usingnamespace FileOpenerMixin(WriteFile);
pub usingnamespace FileCloserMixin(WriteFile);
// Do not open with APPEND because we may use pwrite()
pub const open_flags = std.os.O.WRONLY | std.os.O.CREAT | std.os.O.TRUNC;
pub fn createWithCtx(
allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
file_blob: Blob,
bytes_blob: Blob,
onWriteFileContext: *anyopaque,
onCompleteCallback: OnWriteFileCallback,
) !*WriteFile {
var read_file = try allocator.create(WriteFile);
read_file.* = WriteFile{
.file_blob = file_blob,
.bytes_blob = bytes_blob,
.onCompleteCtx = onWriteFileContext,
.onCompleteCallback = onCompleteCallback,
return read_file;
pub fn create(
allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
file_blob: Blob,
bytes_blob: Blob,
comptime Context: type,
context: Context,
comptime callback: fn (ctx: Context, bytes: ResultType) void,
) !*WriteFile {
const Handler = struct {
pub fn run(ptr: *anyopaque, bytes: ResultType) void {
callback(bun.cast(Context, ptr), bytes);
return try WriteFile.createWithCtx(
@as(*anyopaque, @ptrCast(context)),
pub fn doWrite(
this: *WriteFile,
buffer: []const u8,
file_offset: u64,
) void {
var aio = &AsyncIO.global;
this.wrote = 0;
const fd = this.opened_fd;
std.debug.assert(fd != null_fd);
if (fd > 2) file_offset else 0,
pub const WriteFileTask = JSC.IOTask(@This());
pub fn then(this: *WriteFile, _: *JSC.JSGlobalObject) void {
var cb = this.onCompleteCallback;
var cb_ctx = this.onCompleteCtx;
if (this.system_error) |err| {
cb(cb_ctx, .{
.err = err,
const wrote = this.wrote;
cb(cb_ctx, .{ .result = @as(SizeType, @truncate(wrote)) });
pub fn run(this: *WriteFile, task: *WriteFileTask) void {
this.io_task = task;
pub fn onWrite(this: *WriteFile, _: *HTTPClient.NetworkThread.Completion, result: AsyncIO.WriteError!usize) void {
defer this.doWriteLoop();
this.wrote += @as(SizeType, @truncate(result catch |errno| {
this.errno = errno;
this.system_error = this.system_error orelse JSC.SystemError{
.code = bun.String.static(bun.asByteSlice(@errorName(errno))),
.syscall = bun.String.static("write"),
this.wrote = 0;
fn runAsync(this: *WriteFile) void {
fn onFinish(this: *WriteFile) void {
const fd = this.opened_fd;
const file = this.file_blob.store.?.data.file;
const needs_close = fd != null_fd and file.pathlike == .path and fd > 2;
if (needs_close) {
if (this.io_task) |io_task| {
this.io_task = null;
fn runWithFD(this: *WriteFile, fd: bun.FileDescriptor) void {
if (fd == null_fd or this.errno != null) {
fn doWriteLoop(this: *WriteFile) void {
var remain = this.bytes_blob.sharedView();
var file_offset = this.file_blob.offset;
const this_tick = file_offset + this.wrote;
remain = remain[@min(this.wrote, remain.len)..];
if (remain.len > 0 and this.errno == null) {
this.doWrite(remain, this_tick);
} else {
pub const IOWhich = enum {
const unsupported_directory_error = SystemError{
.errno = @as(c_int, @intCast(@intFromEnum(bun.C.SystemErrno.EISDIR))),
.message = bun.String.static("That doesn't work on folders"),
.syscall = bun.String.static("fstat"),
const unsupported_non_regular_file_error = SystemError{
.errno = @as(c_int, @intCast(@intFromEnum(bun.C.SystemErrno.ENOTSUP))),
.message = bun.String.static("Non-regular files aren't supported yet"),
.syscall = bun.String.static("fstat"),
// blocking, but off the main thread
pub const CopyFile = struct {
destination_file_store: FileStore,
source_file_store: FileStore,
store: ?*Store = null,
source_store: ?*Store = null,
offset: SizeType = 0,
size: SizeType = 0,
max_length: SizeType = Blob.max_size,
destination_fd: bun.FileDescriptor = null_fd,
source_fd: bun.FileDescriptor = null_fd,
system_error: ?SystemError = null,
read_len: SizeType = 0,
read_off: SizeType = 0,
globalThis: *JSGlobalObject,
pub const ResultType = anyerror!SizeType;
pub const Callback = *const fn (ctx: *anyopaque, len: ResultType) void;
pub const CopyFilePromiseTask = JSC.ConcurrentPromiseTask(CopyFile);
pub const CopyFilePromiseTaskEventLoopTask = CopyFilePromiseTask.EventLoopTask;
pub fn create(
allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
store: *Store,
source_store: *Store,
off: SizeType,
max_len: SizeType,
globalThis: *JSC.JSGlobalObject,
) !*CopyFilePromiseTask {
var read_file = try allocator.create(CopyFile);
read_file.* = CopyFile{
.store = store,
.source_store = source_store,
.offset = off,
.max_length = max_len,
.globalThis = globalThis,
.destination_file_store = store.data.file,
.source_file_store = source_store.data.file,
return try CopyFilePromiseTask.createOnJSThread(allocator, globalThis, read_file);
const linux = std.os.linux;
const darwin = std.os.darwin;
pub fn deinit(this: *CopyFile) void {
if (this.source_file_store.pathlike == .path) {
if (this.source_file_store.pathlike.path == .string and this.system_error == null) {
pub fn reject(this: *CopyFile, promise: *JSC.JSPromise) void {
var globalThis = this.globalThis;
var system_error: SystemError = this.system_error orelse SystemError{};
if (this.source_file_store.pathlike == .path and system_error.path.isEmpty()) {
system_error.path = bun.String.create(this.source_file_store.pathlike.path.slice());
if (system_error.message.isEmpty()) {
system_error.message = bun.String.static("Failed to copy file");
var instance = system_error.toErrorInstance(this.globalThis);
if (this.store) |store| {
promise.reject(globalThis, instance);
pub fn then(this: *CopyFile, promise: *JSC.JSPromise) void {
if (this.system_error != null) {
promise.resolve(this.globalThis, JSC.JSValue.jsNumberFromUint64(this.read_len));
pub fn run(this: *CopyFile) void {
pub fn doClose(this: *CopyFile) void {
const close_input = this.destination_file_store.pathlike != .fd and this.destination_fd != null_fd;
const close_output = this.source_file_store.pathlike != .fd and this.source_fd != null_fd;
if (close_input and close_output) {
} else if (close_input) {
} else if (close_output) {
const os = std.os;
pub fn doCloseFile(this: *CopyFile, comptime which: IOWhich) void {
switch (which) {
.both => {
_ = bun.sys.close(this.destination_fd);
_ = bun.sys.close(this.source_fd);
.destination => {
_ = bun.sys.close(this.destination_fd);
.source => {
_ = bun.sys.close(this.source_fd);
const O = if (Environment.isLinux) linux.O else std.os.O;
const open_destination_flags = O.CLOEXEC | O.CREAT | O.WRONLY | O.TRUNC;
const open_source_flags = O.CLOEXEC | O.RDONLY;
pub fn doOpenFile(this: *CopyFile, comptime which: IOWhich) !void {
// open source file first
// if it fails, we don't want the extra destination file hanging out
if (which == .both or which == .source) {
this.source_fd = switch (bun.sys.open(
)) {
.result => |result| result,
.err => |errno| {
this.system_error = errno.toSystemError();
return AsyncIO.asError(errno.errno);
if (which == .both or which == .destination) {
this.destination_fd = switch (bun.sys.open(
)) {
.result => |result| result,
.err => |errno| {
if (which == .both) {
_ = bun.sys.close(this.source_fd);
this.source_fd = 0;
this.system_error = errno.withPath(this.destination_file_store.pathlike.path.slice()).toSystemError();
return AsyncIO.asError(errno.errno);
const TryWith = enum {
pub const tag = std.EnumMap(TryWith, bun.sys.Tag).init(.{
.sendfile = .sendfile,
.copy_file_range = .copy_file_range,
.splice = .splice,
pub fn doCopyFileRange(
this: *CopyFile,
comptime use: TryWith,
comptime clear_append_if_invalid: bool,
) anyerror!void {
this.read_off += this.offset;
var remain = @as(usize, this.max_length);
const unknown_size = remain == max_size or remain == 0;
if (unknown_size) {
// sometimes stat lies
// let's give it 4096 and see how it goes
remain = 4096;
var total_written: usize = 0;
const src_fd = this.source_fd;
const dest_fd = this.destination_fd;
defer {
this.read_len = @as(SizeType, @truncate(total_written));
var has_unset_append = false;
// If they can't use copy_file_range, they probably also can't
// use sendfile() or splice()
if (!bun.canUseCopyFileRangeSyscall()) {
switch (JSC.Node.NodeFS.copyFileUsingReadWriteLoop("", "", src_fd, dest_fd, if (unknown_size) 0 else remain, &total_written)) {
.err => |err| {
this.system_error = err.toSystemError();
return AsyncIO.asError(err.errno);
.result => {
_ = linux.ftruncate(dest_fd, @as(std.os.off_t, @intCast(total_written)));
while (true) {
const written = switch (comptime use) {
.copy_file_range => linux.copy_file_range(src_fd, null, dest_fd, null, remain, 0),
.sendfile => linux.sendfile(dest_fd, src_fd, null, remain),
.splice => bun.C.splice(src_fd, null, dest_fd, null, remain, 0),
switch (linux.getErrno(written)) {
.SUCCESS => {},
.NOSYS, .XDEV => {
switch (JSC.Node.NodeFS.copyFileUsingReadWriteLoop("", "", src_fd, dest_fd, if (unknown_size) 0 else remain, &total_written)) {
.err => |err| {
this.system_error = err.toSystemError();
return AsyncIO.asError(err.errno);
.result => {
_ = linux.ftruncate(dest_fd, @as(std.os.off_t, @intCast(total_written)));
.INVAL => {
if (comptime clear_append_if_invalid) {
if (!has_unset_append) {
// https://kylelaker.com/2018/08/31/stdout-oappend.html
// make() can set STDOUT / STDERR to O_APPEND
// this messes up sendfile()
has_unset_append = true;
const flags = linux.fcntl(dest_fd, linux.F.GETFL, 0);
if ((flags & O.APPEND) != 0) {
_ = linux.fcntl(dest_fd, linux.F.SETFL, flags ^ O.APPEND);
// If the Linux machine doesn't support
// copy_file_range or the file descrpitor is
// incompatible with the chosen syscall, fall back
// to a read/write loop
if (total_written == 0) {
switch (JSC.Node.NodeFS.copyFileUsingReadWriteLoop("", "", src_fd, dest_fd, if (unknown_size) 0 else remain, &total_written)) {
.err => |err| {
this.system_error = err.toSystemError();
return AsyncIO.asError(err.errno);
.result => {
_ = linux.ftruncate(dest_fd, @as(std.os.off_t, @intCast(total_written)));
this.system_error = (bun.sys.Error{
.errno = @as(bun.sys.Error.Int, @intCast(@intFromEnum(linux.E.INVAL))),
.syscall = TryWith.tag.get(use).?,
return AsyncIO.asError(linux.E.INVAL);
else => |errno| {
this.system_error = (bun.sys.Error{
.errno = @as(bun.sys.Error.Int, @intCast(@intFromEnum(errno))),
.syscall = TryWith.tag.get(use).?,
return AsyncIO.asError(errno);
// wrote zero bytes means EOF
remain -|= written;
total_written += written;
if (written == 0 or remain == 0) break;
pub fn doFCopyFile(this: *CopyFile) anyerror!void {
switch (bun.sys.fcopyfile(this.source_fd, this.destination_fd, os.system.COPYFILE_DATA)) {
.err => |errno| {
this.system_error = errno.toSystemError();
return AsyncIO.asError(errno.errno);
.result => {},
pub fn doClonefile(this: *CopyFile) anyerror!void {
var source_buf: [bun.MAX_PATH_BYTES]u8 = undefined;
var dest_buf: [bun.MAX_PATH_BYTES]u8 = undefined;
switch (bun.sys.clonefile(
)) {
.err => |errno| {
this.system_error = errno.toSystemError();
return AsyncIO.asError(errno.errno);
.result => {},
pub fn runAsync(this: *CopyFile) void {
// defer task.onFinish();
var stat_: ?bun.Stat = null;
if (this.destination_file_store.pathlike == .fd) {
this.destination_fd = this.destination_file_store.pathlike.fd;
if (this.source_file_store.pathlike == .fd) {
this.source_fd = this.source_file_store.pathlike.fd;
if (comptime Environment.isWindows) {
this.system_error = SystemError{
.code = bun.String.static("TODO"),
.syscall = bun.String.static("CopyFileEx"),
.message = bun.String.static("Not implemented on Windows yet"),
// Do we need to open both files?
if (this.destination_fd == null_fd and this.source_fd == null_fd) {
// First, we attempt to clonefile() on macOS
// This is the fastest way to copy a file.
if (comptime Environment.isMac) {
if (this.offset == 0 and this.source_file_store.pathlike == .path and this.destination_file_store.pathlike == .path) {
do_clonefile: {
// stat the output file, make sure it:
// 1. Exists
switch (bun.sys.stat(this.source_file_store.pathlike.path.sliceZAssume())) {
.result => |result| {
stat_ = result;
if (os.S.ISDIR(result.mode)) {
this.system_error = unsupported_directory_error;
if (!os.S.ISREG(result.mode))
break :do_clonefile;
.err => |err| {
// If we can't stat it, we also can't copy it.
this.system_error = err.toSystemError();
if (this.doClonefile()) {
if (this.max_length != Blob.max_size and this.max_length < @as(SizeType, @intCast(stat_.?.size))) {
// If this fails...well, there's not much we can do about it.
_ = bun.C.truncate(
@as(std.os.off_t, @intCast(this.max_length)),
this.read_len = @as(SizeType, @intCast(this.max_length));
} else {
this.read_len = @as(SizeType, @intCast(stat_.?.size));
} else |_| {
// this may still fail, in which case we just continue trying with fcopyfile
// it can fail when the input file already exists
// or if the output is not a directory
// or if it's a network volume
this.system_error = null;
this.doOpenFile(.both) catch return;
// Do we need to open only one file?
} else if (this.destination_fd == null_fd) {
this.source_fd = this.source_file_store.pathlike.fd;
this.doOpenFile(.destination) catch return;
// Do we need to open only one file?
} else if (this.source_fd == null_fd) {
this.destination_fd = this.destination_file_store.pathlike.fd;
this.doOpenFile(.source) catch return;
if (this.system_error != null) {
std.debug.assert(this.destination_fd != null_fd);
std.debug.assert(this.source_fd != null_fd);
if (this.destination_file_store.pathlike == .fd) {}
const stat: bun.Stat = stat_ orelse switch (bun.sys.fstat(this.source_fd)) {
.result => |result| result,
.err => |err| {
this.system_error = err.toSystemError();
if (os.S.ISDIR(stat.mode)) {
this.system_error = unsupported_directory_error;
if (stat.size != 0) {
this.max_length = @max(@min(@as(SizeType, @intCast(stat.size)), this.max_length), this.offset) - this.offset;
if (this.max_length == 0) {
if (os.S.ISREG(stat.mode) and
this.max_length > bun.C.preallocate_length and
this.max_length != Blob.max_size)
bun.C.preallocate_file(this.destination_fd, 0, this.max_length) catch {};
if (comptime Environment.isLinux) {
// Bun.write(Bun.file("a"), Bun.file("b"))
if (os.S.ISREG(stat.mode) and (os.S.ISREG(this.destination_file_store.mode) or this.destination_file_store.mode == 0)) {
if (this.destination_file_store.is_atty orelse false) {
this.doCopyFileRange(.copy_file_range, true) catch {};
} else {
this.doCopyFileRange(.copy_file_range, false) catch {};
// $ bun run foo.js | bun run bar.js
if (os.S.ISFIFO(stat.mode) and os.S.ISFIFO(this.destination_file_store.mode)) {
if (this.destination_file_store.is_atty orelse false) {
this.doCopyFileRange(.splice, true) catch {};
} else {
this.doCopyFileRange(.splice, false) catch {};
if (os.S.ISREG(stat.mode) or os.S.ISCHR(stat.mode) or os.S.ISSOCK(stat.mode)) {
if (this.destination_file_store.is_atty orelse false) {
this.doCopyFileRange(.sendfile, true) catch {};
} else {
this.doCopyFileRange(.sendfile, false) catch {};
this.system_error = unsupported_non_regular_file_error;
if (comptime Environment.isMac) {
this.doFCopyFile() catch {
if (stat.size != 0 and @as(SizeType, @intCast(stat.size)) > this.max_length) {
_ = darwin.ftruncate(this.destination_fd, @as(std.os.off_t, @intCast(this.max_length)));
} else {
@compileError("TODO: implement copyfile");
pub const FileStore = struct {
pathlike: JSC.Node.PathOrFileDescriptor,
mime_type: HTTPClient.MimeType = HTTPClient.MimeType.other,
is_atty: ?bool = null,
mode: bun.Mode = 0,
seekable: ?bool = null,
max_size: SizeType = Blob.max_size,
// milliseconds since ECMAScript epoch
last_modified: JSTimeType = init_timestamp,
pub fn isSeekable(this: *const FileStore) ?bool {
if (this.seekable) |seekable| {
return seekable;
if (this.mode != 0) {
return bun.isRegularFile(this.mode);
return null;
pub fn init(pathlike: JSC.Node.PathOrFileDescriptor, mime_type: ?HTTPClient.MimeType) FileStore {
return .{ .pathlike = pathlike, .mime_type = mime_type orelse HTTPClient.MimeType.other };
pub const ByteStore = struct {
ptr: [*]u8 = undefined,
len: SizeType = 0,
cap: SizeType = 0,
allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
/// Used by standalone module graph and the File constructor
stored_name: bun.PathString = bun.PathString.empty,
pub fn init(bytes: []u8, allocator: std.mem.Allocator) ByteStore {
return .{
.ptr = bytes.ptr,
.len = @as(SizeType, @truncate(bytes.len)),
.cap = @as(SizeType, @truncate(bytes.len)),
.allocator = allocator,
pub fn fromArrayList(list: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(u8), allocator: std.mem.Allocator) !*ByteStore {
return ByteStore.init(list.items, allocator);
pub fn slice(this: ByteStore) []u8 {
return this.ptr[0..this.len];
pub fn deinit(this: *ByteStore) void {
pub fn asArrayList(this: ByteStore) std.ArrayListUnmanaged(u8) {
return this.asArrayListLeak();
pub fn asArrayListLeak(this: ByteStore) std.ArrayListUnmanaged(u8) {
return .{
.items = this.ptr[0..this.len],
.capacity = this.cap,
pub fn getStream(
this: *Blob,
globalThis: *JSC.JSGlobalObject,
callframe: *JSC.CallFrame,
) callconv(.C) JSC.JSValue {
var recommended_chunk_size: SizeType = 0;
var arguments_ = callframe.arguments(2);
var arguments = arguments_.ptr[0..arguments_.len];
if (arguments.len > 0) {
if (!arguments[0].isNumber() and !arguments[0].isUndefinedOrNull()) {
globalThis.throwInvalidArguments("chunkSize must be a number", .{});
return JSValue.jsUndefined();
recommended_chunk_size = @as(SizeType, @intCast(@max(0, @as(i52, @truncate(arguments[0].toInt64())))));
return JSC.WebCore.ReadableStream.fromBlob(
fn promisified(
value: JSC.JSValue,
global: *JSGlobalObject,
) JSC.JSValue {
return JSC.JSPromise.wrap(global, value);
pub fn getText(
this: *Blob,
globalThis: *JSC.JSGlobalObject,
_: *JSC.CallFrame,
) callconv(.C) JSC.JSValue {
var store = this.store;
if (store) |st| st.ref();
defer if (store) |st| st.deref();
return promisified(this.toString(globalThis, .clone), globalThis);
pub fn getTextTransfer(
this: *Blob,
globalObject: *JSC.JSGlobalObject,
) JSC.JSValue {
var store = this.store;
if (store) |st| st.ref();
defer if (store) |st| st.deref();
return promisified(this.toString(globalObject, .transfer), globalObject);
pub fn getJSON(
this: *Blob,
globalThis: *JSC.JSGlobalObject,
_: *JSC.CallFrame,
) callconv(.C) JSC.JSValue {
var store = this.store;
if (store) |st| st.ref();
defer if (store) |st| st.deref();
return promisified(this.toJSON(globalThis, .share), globalThis);
pub fn getArrayBufferTransfer(
this: *Blob,
globalThis: *JSC.JSGlobalObject,
) JSC.JSValue {
var store = this.store;
if (store) |st| st.ref();
defer if (store) |st| st.deref();
return promisified(this.toArrayBuffer(globalThis, .transfer), globalThis);
pub fn getArrayBuffer(
this: *Blob,
globalThis: *JSC.JSGlobalObject,
_: *JSC.CallFrame,
) callconv(.C) JSValue {
var store = this.store;
if (store) |st| st.ref();
defer if (store) |st| st.deref();
return promisified(this.toArrayBuffer(globalThis, .clone), globalThis);
pub fn getFormData(
this: *Blob,
globalThis: *JSC.JSGlobalObject,
_: *JSC.CallFrame,
) callconv(.C) JSValue {
var store = this.store;
if (store) |st| st.ref();
defer if (store) |st| st.deref();
return promisified(this.toFormData(globalThis, .temporary), globalThis);
fn getExistsSync(this: *Blob) JSC.JSValue {
if (this.size == Blob.max_size) {
// If there's no store that means it's empty and we just return true
// it will not error to return an empty Blob
var store = this.store orelse return JSValue.jsBoolean(true);
if (store.data == .bytes) {
// Bytes will never error
return JSValue.jsBoolean(true);
if (comptime Environment.isWindows) {
this.globalThis.throwTODO("exists is not implemented on Windows");
return JSValue.jsUndefined();
// We say regular files and pipes exist.
// This is mostly meant for "Can we use this in new Response(file)?"
return JSValue.jsBoolean(bun.isRegularFile(store.data.file.mode) or std.os.S.ISFIFO(store.data.file.mode));
// This mostly means 'can it be read?'
pub fn getExists(
this: *Blob,
globalThis: *JSC.JSGlobalObject,
_: *JSC.CallFrame,
) callconv(.C) JSValue {
return JSC.JSPromise.resolvedPromiseValue(globalThis, this.getExistsSync());
pub fn getWriter(
this: *Blob,
globalThis: *JSC.JSGlobalObject,
callframe: *JSC.CallFrame,
) callconv(.C) JSC.JSValue {
var arguments_ = callframe.arguments(1);
var arguments = arguments_.ptr[0..arguments_.len];
if (!arguments.ptr[0].isEmptyOrUndefinedOrNull() and !arguments.ptr[0].isObject()) {
globalThis.throwInvalidArguments("options must be an object or undefined", .{});
return JSValue.jsUndefined();
var store = this.store orelse {
globalThis.throwInvalidArguments("Blob is detached", .{});
return JSValue.jsUndefined();
if (store.data != .file) {
globalThis.throwInvalidArguments("Blob is read-only", .{});
return JSValue.jsUndefined();
var sink = JSC.WebCore.FileSink.init(globalThis.allocator(), null) catch |err| {
globalThis.throwInvalidArguments("Failed to create FileSink: {s}", .{@errorName(err)});
return JSValue.jsUndefined();
const input_path: JSC.WebCore.PathOrFileDescriptor = brk: {
if (store.data.file.pathlike == .fd) {
break :brk .{ .fd = store.data.file.pathlike.fd };
} else {
break :brk .{
.path = ZigString.Slice.fromUTF8NeverFree(
) catch unreachable,
defer input_path.deinit();
var stream_start: JSC.WebCore.StreamStart = .{
.FileSink = .{
.input_path = input_path,
if (arguments.len > 0 and arguments.ptr[0].isObject()) {
stream_start = JSC.WebCore.StreamStart.fromJSWithTag(globalThis, arguments[0], .FileSink);
stream_start.FileSink.input_path = input_path;
switch (sink.start(stream_start)) {
.err => |err| {
globalThis.vm().throwError(globalThis, err.toJSC(globalThis));
return JSC.JSValue.zero;
else => {},
return sink.toJS(globalThis);
/// https://w3c.github.io/FileAPI/#slice-method-algo
/// The slice() method returns a new Blob object with bytes ranging from the
/// optional start parameter up to but not including the optional end
/// parameter, and with a type attribute that is the value of the optional
/// contentType parameter. It must act as follows:
pub fn getSlice(
this: *Blob,
globalThis: *JSC.JSGlobalObject,
callframe: *JSC.CallFrame,
) callconv(.C) JSC.JSValue {
var allocator = globalThis.allocator();
var arguments_ = callframe.arguments(3);
var args = arguments_.ptr[0..arguments_.len];
if (this.size == 0) {
const empty = Blob.initEmpty(globalThis);
var ptr = allocator.create(Blob) catch {
return JSC.JSValue.jsUndefined();
ptr.* = empty;
ptr.allocator = allocator;
return ptr.toJS(globalThis);
// If the optional start parameter is not used as a parameter when making this call, let relativeStart be 0.
var relativeStart: i64 = 0;
// If the optional end parameter is not used as a parameter when making this call, let relativeEnd be size.
var relativeEnd: i64 = @as(i64, @intCast(this.size));
if (args.ptr[0].isString()) {
args.ptr[2] = args.ptr[0];
args.ptr[1] = .zero;
args.ptr[0] = .zero;
args.len = 3;
} else if (args.ptr[1].isString()) {
args.ptr[2] = args.ptr[1];
args.ptr[1] = .zero;
args.len = 3;
var args_iter = JSC.Node.ArgumentsSlice.init(globalThis.bunVM(), args);
if (args_iter.nextEat()) |start_| {
if (start_.isNumber()) {
const start = start_.toInt64();
if (start < 0) {
// If the optional start parameter is negative, let relativeStart be start + size.
relativeStart = @as(i64, @intCast(@max(start +% @as(i64, @intCast(this.size)), 0)));
} else {
// Otherwise, let relativeStart be start.
relativeStart = @min(@as(i64, @intCast(start)), @as(i64, @intCast(this.size)));
if (args_iter.nextEat()) |end_| {
if (end_.isNumber()) {
const end = end_.toInt64();
// If end is negative, let relativeEnd be max((size + end), 0).
if (end < 0) {
// If the optional start parameter is negative, let relativeStart be start + size.
relativeEnd = @as(i64, @intCast(@max(end +% @as(i64, @intCast(this.size)), 0)));
} else {
// Otherwise, let relativeStart be start.
relativeEnd = @min(@as(i64, @intCast(end)), @as(i64, @intCast(this.size)));
var content_type: string = "";
var content_type_was_allocated = false;
if (args_iter.nextEat()) |content_type_| {
inner: {
if (content_type_.isString()) {
var zig_str = content_type_.getZigString(globalThis);
var slicer = zig_str.toSlice(bun.default_allocator);
defer slicer.deinit();
var slice = slicer.slice();
if (!strings.isAllASCII(slice)) {
break :inner;
if (globalThis.bunVM().mimeType(slice)) |mime| {
content_type = mime.value;
break :inner;
content_type_was_allocated = slice.len > 0;
var content_type_buf = allocator.alloc(u8, slice.len) catch unreachable;
content_type = strings.copyLowercase(slice, content_type_buf);
const offset = this.offset +| @as(SizeType, @intCast(relativeStart));
const len = @as(SizeType, @intCast(@max(relativeEnd -| relativeStart, 0)));
// This copies over the is_all_ascii flag
// which is okay because this will only be a <= slice
var blob = this.dupe();
blob.offset = offset;
blob.size = len;
// infer the content type if it was not specified
if (content_type.len == 0 and this.content_type.len > 0 and !this.content_type_allocated)
content_type = this.content_type;
blob.content_type = content_type;
blob.content_type_allocated = content_type_was_allocated;
blob.content_type_was_set = this.content_type_was_set or content_type_was_allocated;
var blob_ = allocator.create(Blob) catch unreachable;
blob_.* = blob;
blob_.allocator = allocator;
return blob_.toJS(globalThis);
pub fn getMimeType(this: *const Blob) ?bun.HTTP.MimeType {
if (this.store) |store| {
return store.mime_type;
return null;
pub fn getType(
this: *Blob,
globalThis: *JSC.JSGlobalObject,
) callconv(.C) JSValue {
if (this.content_type.len > 0) {
if (this.content_type_allocated) {
return ZigString.init(this.content_type).toValueGC(globalThis);
return ZigString.init(this.content_type).toValueGC(globalThis);
if (this.store) |store| {
return ZigString.init(store.mime_type.value).toValueGC(globalThis);
return ZigString.Empty.toValue(globalThis);
// TODO: Move this to a separate `File` object or BunFile
pub fn getName(
this: *Blob,
globalThis: *JSC.JSGlobalObject,
) callconv(.C) JSValue {
if (this.getFileName()) |path| {
var str = bun.String.create(path);
return str.toJS(globalThis);
return JSValue.undefined;
pub fn getFileName(
this: *const Blob,
) ?[]const u8 {
if (this.store) |store| {
if (store.data == .file) {
if (store.data.file.pathlike == .path) {
return store.data.file.pathlike.path.slice();
// we shouldn't return Number here.
} else if (store.data == .bytes) {
if (store.data.bytes.stored_name.slice().len > 0)
return store.data.bytes.stored_name.slice();
return null;
// TODO: Move this to a separate `File` object or BunFile
pub fn getLastModified(
this: *Blob,
_: *JSC.JSGlobalObject,
) callconv(.C) JSValue {
if (this.store) |store| {
if (store.data == .file) {
// last_modified can be already set during read.
if (store.data.file.last_modified == init_timestamp) {
return JSValue.jsNumber(store.data.file.last_modified);
if (this.is_jsdom_file) {
return JSValue.jsNumber(this.last_modified);
return JSValue.jsNumber(init_timestamp);
pub fn getSizeForBindings(this: *Blob) u64 {
if (this.size == Blob.max_size) {
// If the file doesn't exist or is not seekable
// signal that the size is unknown.
if (this.store != null and this.store.?.data == .file and
!(this.store.?.data.file.seekable orelse false))
return std.math.maxInt(u64);
if (this.size == Blob.max_size)
return std.math.maxInt(u64);
return this.size;
export fn Bun__Blob__getSizeForBindings(this: *Blob) callconv(.C) u64 {
return this.getSizeForBindings();
comptime {
if (!JSC.is_bindgen) {
_ = Bun__Blob__getSizeForBindings;
pub fn getSize(this: *Blob, _: *JSC.JSGlobalObject) callconv(.C) JSValue {
if (this.size == Blob.max_size) {
if (this.size == Blob.max_size and this.store != null) {
return JSC.jsNumber(std.math.inf(f64));
} else if (this.size == 0 and this.store != null) {
if (this.store.?.data == .file and
(this.store.?.data.file.seekable orelse true) == false and
this.store.?.data.file.max_size == Blob.max_size)
return JSC.jsNumber(std.math.inf(f64));
return JSValue.jsNumber(this.size);
pub fn resolveSize(this: *Blob) void {
if (this.store) |store| {
if (store.data == .bytes) {
const offset = this.offset;
const store_size = store.size();
if (store_size != Blob.max_size) {
this.offset = @min(store_size, offset);
this.size = store_size - offset;
} else if (store.data == .file) {
if (store.data.file.seekable == null) {
if (store.data.file.seekable != null and store.data.file.max_size != Blob.max_size) {
const store_size = store.data.file.max_size;
const offset = this.offset;
this.offset = @min(store_size, offset);
this.size = store_size -| offset;
this.size = 0;
} else {
this.size = 0;
fn toJSTime(sec: isize, nsec: isize) JSTimeType {
const millisec = @as(u64, @intCast(@divTrunc(nsec, std.time.ns_per_ms)));
return @as(JSTimeType, @truncate(@as(u64, @intCast(sec * std.time.ms_per_s)) + millisec));
/// resolve file stat like size, last_modified
fn resolveFileStat(store: *Store) void {
if (comptime Environment.isWindows) {
bun.todo(@src(), {});
if (store.data.file.pathlike == .path) {
var buffer: [bun.MAX_PATH_BYTES]u8 = undefined;
switch (bun.sys.stat(store.data.file.pathlike.path.sliceZ(&buffer))) {
.result => |stat| {
store.data.file.max_size = if (bun.isRegularFile(stat.mode) or stat.size > 0)
@as(SizeType, @truncate(@as(u64, @intCast(@max(stat.size, 0)))))
store.data.file.mode = stat.mode;
store.data.file.seekable = bun.isRegularFile(stat.mode);
store.data.file.last_modified = toJSTime(stat.mtime().tv_sec, stat.mtime().tv_nsec);
// the file may not exist yet. Thats's okay.
else => {},
} else if (store.data.file.pathlike == .fd) {
switch (bun.sys.fstat(store.data.file.pathlike.fd)) {
.result => |stat| {
store.data.file.max_size = if (bun.isRegularFile(stat.mode) or stat.size > 0)
@as(SizeType, @truncate(@as(u64, @intCast(@max(stat.size, 0)))))
store.data.file.mode = stat.mode;
store.data.file.seekable = bun.isRegularFile(stat.mode);
store.data.file.last_modified = toJSTime(stat.mtime().tv_sec, stat.mtime().tv_nsec);
// the file may not exist yet. Thats's okay.
else => {},
pub fn constructor(
globalThis: *JSC.JSGlobalObject,
callframe: *JSC.CallFrame,
) callconv(.C) ?*Blob {
var allocator = globalThis.allocator();
var blob: Blob = undefined;
var arguments = callframe.arguments(2);
var args = arguments.ptr[0..arguments.len];
switch (args.len) {
0 => {
var empty: []u8 = &[_]u8{};
blob = Blob.init(empty, allocator, globalThis);
else => {
blob = get(globalThis, args[0], false, true) catch |err| {
if (err == error.InvalidArguments) {
globalThis.throwInvalidArguments("new Blob() expects an Array", .{});
return null;
globalThis.throw("out of memory", .{});
return null;
if (args.len > 1) {
const options = args[1];
if (options.isObject()) {
// type, the ASCII-encoded string in lower case
// representing the media type of the Blob.
// Normative conditions for this member are provided
// in the § 3.1 Constructors.
if (options.get(globalThis, "type")) |content_type| {
inner: {
if (content_type.isString()) {
var content_type_str = content_type.toSlice(globalThis, bun.default_allocator);
defer content_type_str.deinit();
var slice = content_type_str.slice();
if (!strings.isAllASCII(slice)) {
break :inner;
blob.content_type_was_set = true;
if (globalThis.bunVM().mimeType(slice)) |mime| {
blob.content_type = mime.value;
break :inner;
var content_type_buf = allocator.alloc(u8, slice.len) catch unreachable;
blob.content_type = strings.copyLowercase(slice, content_type_buf);
blob.content_type_allocated = true;
if (blob.content_type.len == 0) {
blob.content_type = "";
blob.content_type_was_set = false;
var blob_ = allocator.create(Blob) catch unreachable;
blob_.* = blob;
blob_.allocator = allocator;
return blob_;
pub fn finalize(this: *Blob) callconv(.C) void {
pub fn initWithAllASCII(bytes: []u8, allocator: std.mem.Allocator, globalThis: *JSGlobalObject, is_all_ascii: bool) Blob {
// avoid allocating a Blob.Store if the buffer is actually empty
var store: ?*Blob.Store = null;
if (bytes.len > 0) {
store = Blob.Store.init(bytes, allocator) catch unreachable;
store.?.is_all_ascii = is_all_ascii;
return Blob{
.size = @as(SizeType, @truncate(bytes.len)),
.store = store,
.allocator = null,
.content_type = "",
.globalThis = globalThis,
.is_all_ascii = is_all_ascii,
pub fn init(bytes: []u8, allocator: std.mem.Allocator, globalThis: *JSGlobalObject) Blob {
return Blob{
.size = @as(SizeType, @truncate(bytes.len)),
.store = if (bytes.len > 0)
Blob.Store.init(bytes, allocator) catch unreachable
.allocator = null,
.content_type = "",
.globalThis = globalThis,
pub fn create(
bytes_: []const u8,
allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
globalThis: *JSGlobalObject,
was_string: bool,
) Blob {
var bytes = allocator.dupe(u8, bytes_) catch @panic("Out of memory");
return Blob{
.size = @as(SizeType, @truncate(bytes_.len)),
.store = if (bytes.len > 0)
Blob.Store.init(bytes, allocator) catch unreachable
.allocator = null,
.content_type = if (was_string) MimeType.text.value else "",
.globalThis = globalThis,
pub fn initWithStore(store: *Blob.Store, globalThis: *JSGlobalObject) Blob {
return Blob{
.size = store.size(),
.store = store,
.allocator = null,
.content_type = if (store.data == .file)
.globalThis = globalThis,
pub fn initEmpty(globalThis: *JSGlobalObject) Blob {
return Blob{
.size = 0,
.store = null,
.allocator = null,
.content_type = "",
.globalThis = globalThis,
// Transferring doesn't change the reference count
// It is a move
inline fn transfer(this: *Blob) void {
this.store = null;
pub fn detach(this: *Blob) void {
if (this.store != null) this.store.?.deref();
this.store = null;
/// This does not duplicate
/// This creates a new view
/// and increment the reference count
pub fn dupe(this: *const Blob) Blob {
return this.dupeWithContentType(false);
pub fn dupeWithContentType(this: *const Blob, include_content_type: bool) Blob {
if (this.store != null) this.store.?.ref();
var duped = this.*;
if (duped.content_type_allocated and duped.allocator != null and !include_content_type) {
// for now, we just want to avoid a use-after-free here
if (JSC.VirtualMachine.get().mimeType(duped.content_type)) |mime| {
duped.content_type = mime.value;
} else {
// TODO: fix this
// this is a bug.
// it means whenever
duped.content_type = "";
duped.content_type_allocated = false;
duped.content_type_was_set = false;
if (this.content_type_was_set) {
duped.content_type_was_set = duped.content_type.len > 0;
} else if (duped.content_type_allocated and duped.allocator != null and include_content_type) {
duped.content_type = bun.default_allocator.dupe(u8, this.content_type) catch @panic("Out of memory");
duped.allocator = null;
return duped;
pub fn deinit(this: *Blob) void {
if (this.allocator) |alloc| {
this.allocator = null;
pub fn sharedView(this: *const Blob) []const u8 {
if (this.size == 0 or this.store == null) return "";
var slice_ = this.store.?.sharedView();
if (slice_.len == 0) return "";
slice_ = slice_[this.offset..];
return slice_[0..@min(slice_.len, @as(usize, this.size))];
pub const Lifetime = JSC.WebCore.Lifetime;
pub fn setIsASCIIFlag(this: *Blob, is_all_ascii: bool) void {
this.is_all_ascii = is_all_ascii;
// if this Blob represents the entire binary data
// which will be pretty common
// we can update the store's is_all_ascii flag
// and any other Blob that points to the same store
// can skip checking the encoding
if (this.size > 0 and this.offset == 0 and this.store.?.data == .bytes) {
this.store.?.is_all_ascii = is_all_ascii;
pub fn NewReadFileHandler(comptime Function: anytype) type {
return struct {
context: Blob,
promise: JSPromise.Strong = .{},
globalThis: *JSGlobalObject,
pub fn run(handler: *@This(), bytes_: Blob.Store.ReadFile.ResultType) void {
var promise = handler.promise.swap();
var blob = handler.context;
blob.allocator = null;
var globalThis = handler.globalThis;
switch (bytes_) {
.result => |result| {
const bytes = result.buf;
if (blob.size > 0)
blob.size = @min(@as(u32, @truncate(bytes.len)), blob.size);
const value = Function(&blob, globalThis, bytes, .temporary);
// invalid JSON needs to be rejected
if (value.isAnyError()) {
promise.reject(globalThis, value);
} else {
promise.resolve(globalThis, value);
.err => |err| {
promise.reject(globalThis, err.toErrorInstance(globalThis));
pub const WriteFilePromise = struct {
promise: JSPromise.Strong = .{},
globalThis: *JSGlobalObject,
pub fn run(handler: *@This(), count: Blob.Store.WriteFile.ResultType) void {
var promise = handler.promise.swap();
var globalThis = handler.globalThis;
const value = promise.asValue(globalThis);
switch (count) {
.err => |err| {
promise.reject(globalThis, err.toErrorInstance(globalThis));
.result => |wrote| {
promise.resolve(globalThis, JSC.JSValue.jsNumberFromUint64(wrote));
pub fn NewInternalReadFileHandler(comptime Context: type, comptime Function: anytype) type {
return struct {
pub fn run(handler: *anyopaque, bytes_: Store.ReadFile.ResultType) void {
Function(bun.cast(Context, handler), bytes_);
pub fn doReadFileInternal(this: *Blob, comptime Handler: type, ctx: Handler, comptime Function: anytype, global: *JSGlobalObject) void {
var file_read = Store.ReadFile.createWithCtx(
NewInternalReadFileHandler(Handler, Function).run,
) catch unreachable;
var read_file_task = Store.ReadFile.ReadFileTask.createOnJSThread(bun.default_allocator, global, file_read) catch unreachable;
pub fn doReadFile(this: *Blob, comptime Function: anytype, global: *JSGlobalObject) JSValue {
bloblog("doReadFile", .{});
const Handler = NewReadFileHandler(Function);
var handler = bun.default_allocator.create(Handler) catch unreachable;
handler.* = Handler{
.context = this.*,
.globalThis = global,
var file_read = Store.ReadFile.create(
) catch unreachable;
var read_file_task = Store.ReadFile.ReadFileTask.createOnJSThread(bun.default_allocator, global, file_read) catch unreachable;
// Create the Promise only after the store has been ref()'d.
// The garbage collector runs on memory allocations
// The JSPromise is the next GC'd memory allocation.
// This shouldn't really fix anything, but it's a little safer.
var promise = JSPromise.create(global);
const promise_value = promise.asValue(global);
handler.promise.strong.set(global, promise_value);
bloblog("doReadFile: read_file_task scheduled", .{});
return promise_value;
pub fn needsToReadFile(this: *const Blob) bool {
return this.store != null and this.store.?.data == .file;
pub fn toStringWithBytes(this: *Blob, global: *JSGlobalObject, buf: []const u8, comptime lifetime: Lifetime) JSValue {
// null == unknown
// false == can't be
const could_be_all_ascii = this.is_all_ascii orelse this.store.?.is_all_ascii;
if (could_be_all_ascii == null or !could_be_all_ascii.?) {
// if toUTF16Alloc returns null, it means there are no non-ASCII characters
// instead of erroring, invalid characters will become a U+FFFD replacement character
if (strings.toUTF16Alloc(bun.default_allocator, buf, false) catch unreachable) |external| {
if (lifetime != .temporary)
if (lifetime == .transfer) {
if (lifetime == .temporary) {
return ZigString.toExternalU16(external.ptr, external.len, global);
if (lifetime != .temporary) this.setIsASCIIFlag(true);
if (buf.len == 0) {
return ZigString.Empty.toValue(global);
switch (comptime lifetime) {
// strings are immutable
// we don't need to clone
.clone => {
return ZigString.init(buf).external(global, this.store.?, Store.external);
.transfer => {
var store = this.store.?;
std.debug.assert(store.data == .bytes);
return ZigString.init(buf).external(global, store, Store.external);
// strings are immutable
// sharing isn't really a thing
.share => {
return ZigString.init(buf).external(global, this.store.?, Store.external);
.temporary => {
return ZigString.init(buf).toExternalValue(global);
pub fn toString(this: *Blob, global: *JSGlobalObject, comptime lifetime: Lifetime) JSValue {
if (this.needsToReadFile()) {
return this.doReadFile(toStringWithBytes, global);
const view_: []u8 =
if (view_.len == 0)
return ZigString.Empty.toValue(global);
return toStringWithBytes(this, global, view_, lifetime);
pub fn toJSON(this: *Blob, global: *JSGlobalObject, comptime lifetime: Lifetime) JSValue {
if (this.needsToReadFile()) {
return this.doReadFile(toJSONWithBytes, global);
var view_ = this.sharedView();
return toJSONWithBytes(this, global, view_, lifetime);
pub fn toJSONWithBytes(this: *Blob, global: *JSGlobalObject, buf: []const u8, comptime lifetime: Lifetime) JSValue {
if (buf.len == 0) return global.createSyntaxErrorInstance("Unexpected end of JSON input", .{});
// null == unknown
// false == can't be
const could_be_all_ascii = this.is_all_ascii orelse this.store.?.is_all_ascii;
defer if (comptime lifetime == .temporary) bun.default_allocator.free(bun.constStrToU8(buf));
if (could_be_all_ascii == null or !could_be_all_ascii.?) {
var stack_fallback = std.heap.stackFallback(4096, bun.default_allocator);
const allocator = stack_fallback.get();
// if toUTF16Alloc returns null, it means there are no non-ASCII characters
if (strings.toUTF16Alloc(allocator, buf, false) catch null) |external| {
if (comptime lifetime != .temporary) this.setIsASCIIFlag(false);
const result = ZigString.init16(external).toJSONObject(global);
return result;
if (comptime lifetime != .temporary) this.setIsASCIIFlag(true);
return ZigString.init(buf).toJSONObject(global);
pub fn toFormDataWithBytes(this: *Blob, global: *JSGlobalObject, buf: []u8, comptime _: Lifetime) JSValue {
var encoder = this.getFormDataEncoding() orelse return {
return ZigString.init("Invalid encoding").toErrorInstance(global);
defer encoder.deinit();
return bun.FormData.toJS(global, buf, encoder.encoding) catch |err|
global.createErrorInstance("FormData encoding failed: {s}", .{@errorName(err)});
pub fn toArrayBufferWithBytes(this: *Blob, global: *JSGlobalObject, buf: []u8, comptime lifetime: Lifetime) JSValue {
switch (comptime lifetime) {
.clone => {
return JSC.ArrayBuffer.create(global, buf, .ArrayBuffer);
.share => {
return JSC.ArrayBuffer.fromBytes(buf, .ArrayBuffer).toJSWithContext(
.transfer => {
var store = this.store.?;
return JSC.ArrayBuffer.fromBytes(buf, .ArrayBuffer).toJSWithContext(
.temporary => {
return JSC.ArrayBuffer.fromBytes(buf, .ArrayBuffer).toJS(
pub fn toArrayBuffer(this: *Blob, global: *JSGlobalObject, comptime lifetime: Lifetime) JSValue {
bloblog("toArrayBuffer", .{});
if (this.needsToReadFile()) {
return this.doReadFile(toArrayBufferWithBytes, global);
var view_ = this.sharedView();
if (view_.len == 0)
return JSC.ArrayBuffer.create(global, "", .ArrayBuffer);
return toArrayBufferWithBytes(this, global, bun.constStrToU8(view_), lifetime);
pub fn toFormData(this: *Blob, global: *JSGlobalObject, comptime lifetime: Lifetime) JSValue {
if (this.needsToReadFile()) {
return this.doReadFile(toFormDataWithBytes, global);
var view_ = this.sharedView();
if (view_.len == 0)
return JSC.DOMFormData.create(global);
return toFormDataWithBytes(this, global, bun.constStrToU8(view_), lifetime);
pub inline fn get(
global: *JSGlobalObject,
arg: JSValue,
comptime move: bool,
comptime require_array: bool,
) anyerror!Blob {
return fromJSMovable(global, arg, move, require_array);
pub inline fn fromJSMove(global: *JSGlobalObject, arg: JSValue) anyerror!Blob {
return fromJSWithoutDeferGC(global, arg, true, false);
pub inline fn fromJSClone(global: *JSGlobalObject, arg: JSValue) anyerror!Blob {
return fromJSWithoutDeferGC(global, arg, false, true);
pub inline fn fromJSCloneOptionalArray(global: *JSGlobalObject, arg: JSValue) anyerror!Blob {
return fromJSWithoutDeferGC(global, arg, false, false);
fn fromJSMovable(
global: *JSGlobalObject,
arg: JSValue,
comptime move: bool,
comptime require_array: bool,
) anyerror!Blob {
const FromJSFunction = if (comptime move and !require_array)
else if (!require_array)
return FromJSFunction(global, arg);
fn fromJSWithoutDeferGC(
global: *JSGlobalObject,
arg: JSValue,
comptime move: bool,
comptime require_array: bool,
) anyerror!Blob {
var current = arg;
if (current.isUndefinedOrNull()) {
return Blob{ .globalThis = global };
var top_value = current;
var might_only_be_one_thing = false;
defer arg.ensureStillAlive();
switch (current.jsTypeLoose()) {
.Array, .DerivedArray => {
var top_iter = JSC.JSArrayIterator.init(current, global);
might_only_be_one_thing = top_iter.len == 1;
if (top_iter.len == 0) {
return Blob{ .globalThis = global };
if (might_only_be_one_thing) {
top_value = top_iter.next().?;
else => {
might_only_be_one_thing = true;
if (require_array) {
return error.InvalidArguments;
if (might_only_be_one_thing or !move) {
// Fast path: one item, we don't need to join
switch (top_value.jsTypeLoose()) {
=> {
var sliced = top_value.toSlice(global, bun.default_allocator);
const is_all_ascii = !sliced.isAllocated();
if (!sliced.isAllocated() and sliced.len > 0) {
sliced.ptr = @as([*]const u8, @ptrCast((try bun.default_allocator.dupe(u8, sliced.slice())).ptr));
sliced.allocator = NullableAllocator.init(bun.default_allocator);
return Blob.initWithAllASCII(bun.constStrToU8(sliced.slice()), bun.default_allocator, global, is_all_ascii);
=> {
var buf = try bun.default_allocator.dupe(u8, top_value.asArrayBuffer(global).?.byteSlice());
return Blob.init(buf, bun.default_allocator, global);
.DOMWrapper => {
if (top_value.as(Blob)) |blob| {
if (comptime move) {
var _blob = blob.*;
_blob.allocator = null;
return _blob;
} else {
return blob.dupe();
} else if (top_value.as(JSC.API.BuildArtifact)) |build| {
if (comptime move) {
// I don't think this case should happen?
var blob = build.blob;
return blob;
} else {
return build.blob.dupe();
} else if (current.toSliceClone(global)) |sliced| {
if (sliced.allocator.get()) |allocator| {
return Blob.initWithAllASCII(bun.constStrToU8(sliced.slice()), allocator, global, false);
else => {},
var stack_allocator = std.heap.stackFallback(1024, bun.default_allocator);
var stack_mem_all = stack_allocator.get();
var stack: std.ArrayList(JSValue) = std.ArrayList(JSValue).init(stack_mem_all);
var joiner = StringJoiner{ .use_pool = false, .node_allocator = stack_mem_all };
var could_have_non_ascii = false;
defer if (stack_allocator.fixed_buffer_allocator.end_index >= 1024) stack.deinit();
while (true) {
switch (current.jsTypeLoose()) {
=> {
var sliced = current.toSlice(global, bun.default_allocator);
const allocator = sliced.allocator.get();
could_have_non_ascii = could_have_non_ascii or allocator != null;
.Array, .DerivedArray => {
var iter = JSC.JSArrayIterator.init(current, global);
try stack.ensureUnusedCapacity(iter.len);
var any_arrays = false;
while (iter.next()) |item| {
if (item.isUndefinedOrNull()) continue;
// When it's a string or ArrayBuffer inside an array, we can avoid the extra push/pop
// we only really want this for nested arrays
// However, we must preserve the order
// That means if there are any arrays
// we have to restart the loop
if (!any_arrays) {
switch (item.jsTypeLoose()) {
=> {
var sliced = item.toSlice(global, bun.default_allocator);
const allocator = sliced.allocator.get();
could_have_non_ascii = could_have_non_ascii or allocator != null;
=> {
could_have_non_ascii = true;
var buf = item.asArrayBuffer(global).?;
joiner.append(buf.byteSlice(), 0, null);
.Array, .DerivedArray => {
any_arrays = true;
could_have_non_ascii = true;
.DOMWrapper => {
if (item.as(Blob)) |blob| {
could_have_non_ascii = could_have_non_ascii or !(blob.is_all_ascii orelse false);
joiner.append(blob.sharedView(), 0, null);
} else if (current.toSliceClone(global)) |sliced| {
const allocator = sliced.allocator.get();
could_have_non_ascii = could_have_non_ascii or allocator != null;
else => {},
.DOMWrapper => {
if (current.as(Blob)) |blob| {
could_have_non_ascii = could_have_non_ascii or !(blob.is_all_ascii orelse false);
joiner.append(blob.sharedView(), 0, null);
} else if (current.toSliceClone(global)) |sliced| {
const allocator = sliced.allocator.get();
could_have_non_ascii = could_have_non_ascii or allocator != null;
=> {
var buf = current.asArrayBuffer(global).?;
joiner.append(buf.slice(), 0, null);
could_have_non_ascii = true;
else => {
var sliced = current.toSlice(global, bun.default_allocator);
const allocator = sliced.allocator.get();
could_have_non_ascii = could_have_non_ascii or allocator != null;
current = stack.popOrNull() orelse break;
var joined = try joiner.done(bun.default_allocator);
if (!could_have_non_ascii) {
return Blob.initWithAllASCII(joined, bun.default_allocator, global, true);
return Blob.init(joined, bun.default_allocator, global);
pub const AnyBlob = union(enum) {
Blob: Blob,
// InlineBlob: InlineBlob,
InternalBlob: InternalBlob,
WTFStringImpl: bun.WTF.StringImpl,
pub fn getFileName(this: *const AnyBlob) ?[]const u8 {
return switch (this.*) {
.Blob => this.Blob.getFileName(),
.WTFStringImpl => null,
.InternalBlob => null,
pub inline fn fastSize(this: *const AnyBlob) Blob.SizeType {
return switch (this.*) {
.Blob => this.Blob.size,
.WTFStringImpl => @as(Blob.SizeType, @truncate(this.WTFStringImpl.byteLength())),
else => @as(Blob.SizeType, @truncate(this.slice().len)),
pub fn hasContentTypeFromUser(this: AnyBlob) bool {
return switch (this) {
.Blob => this.Blob.hasContentTypeFromUser(),
.WTFStringImpl => false,
.InternalBlob => false,
pub fn toJSON(this: *AnyBlob, global: *JSGlobalObject, comptime lifetime: JSC.WebCore.Lifetime) JSValue {
switch (this.*) {
.Blob => return this.Blob.toJSON(global, lifetime),
// .InlineBlob => {
// if (this.InlineBlob.len == 0) {
// return JSValue.jsNull();
// }
// var str = this.InlineBlob.toStringOwned(global);
// return str.parseJSON(global);
// },
.InternalBlob => {
if (this.InternalBlob.bytes.items.len == 0) {
return JSValue.jsNull();
const str = this.InternalBlob.toJSON(global);
// the GC will collect the string
this.* = .{
.Blob = .{},
return str;
.WTFStringImpl => {
var str = bun.String.init(this.WTFStringImpl);
defer str.deref();
this.* = .{
.Blob = .{},
if (str.length() == 0) {
return JSValue.jsNull();
return str.toJSForParseJSON(global);
pub fn toString(this: *AnyBlob, global: *JSGlobalObject, comptime lifetime: JSC.WebCore.Lifetime) JSValue {
switch (this.*) {
.Blob => return this.Blob.toString(global, lifetime),
// .InlineBlob => {
// if (this.InlineBlob.len == 0) {
// return ZigString.Empty.toValue(global);
// }
// const owned = this.InlineBlob.toStringOwned(global);
// this.* = .{ .InlineBlob = .{ .len = 0 } };
// return owned;
// },
.InternalBlob => {
if (this.InternalBlob.bytes.items.len == 0) {
return ZigString.Empty.toValue(global);
const owned = this.InternalBlob.toStringOwned(global);
this.* = .{ .Blob = .{} };
return owned;
.WTFStringImpl => {
var str = bun.String.init(this.WTFStringImpl);
defer str.deref();
this.* = .{ .Blob = .{} };
return str.toJS(global);
pub fn toArrayBuffer(this: *AnyBlob, global: *JSGlobalObject, comptime lifetime: JSC.WebCore.Lifetime) JSValue {
switch (this.*) {
.Blob => return this.Blob.toArrayBuffer(global, lifetime),
// .InlineBlob => {
// if (this.InlineBlob.len == 0) {
// return JSC.ArrayBuffer.create(global, "", .ArrayBuffer);
// }
// var bytes = this.InlineBlob.sliceConst();
// this.InlineBlob.len = 0;
// const value = JSC.ArrayBuffer.create(
// global,
// bytes,
// .ArrayBuffer,
// );
// return value;
// },
.InternalBlob => {
if (this.InternalBlob.bytes.items.len == 0) {
return JSC.ArrayBuffer.create(global, "", .ArrayBuffer);
var bytes = this.InternalBlob.toOwnedSlice();
this.* = .{ .Blob = .{} };
const value = JSC.ArrayBuffer.fromBytes(
return value.toJS(global, null);
.WTFStringImpl => {
const str = bun.String.init(this.WTFStringImpl);
this.* = .{ .Blob = .{} };
defer str.deref();
const out_bytes = str.toUTF8WithoutRef(bun.default_allocator);
if (out_bytes.isAllocated()) {
const value = JSC.ArrayBuffer.fromBytes(
return value.toJS(global, null);
return JSC.ArrayBuffer.create(global, out_bytes.slice(), .ArrayBuffer);
pub inline fn size(this: *const AnyBlob) Blob.SizeType {
return switch (this.*) {
.Blob => this.Blob.size,
.WTFStringImpl => @as(Blob.SizeType, @truncate(this.WTFStringImpl.utf8ByteLength())),
else => @as(Blob.SizeType, @truncate(this.slice().len)),
pub fn from(this: *AnyBlob, list: std.ArrayList(u8)) void {
this.* = .{
.InternalBlob = InternalBlob{
.bytes = list,
pub fn isDetached(this: *const AnyBlob) bool {
return switch (this.*) {
.Blob => |blob| blob.isDetached(),
.InternalBlob => this.InternalBlob.bytes.items.len == 0,
.WTFStringImpl => this.WTFStringImpl.length() == 0,
pub fn store(this: *const @This()) ?*Blob.Store {
if (this.* == .Blob) {
return this.Blob.store;
return null;
pub fn contentType(self: *const @This()) []const u8 {
return switch (self.*) {
.Blob => self.Blob.content_type,
.WTFStringImpl => MimeType.text.value,
// .InlineBlob => self.InlineBlob.contentType(),
.InternalBlob => self.InternalBlob.contentType(),
pub fn wasString(self: *const @This()) bool {
return switch (self.*) {
.Blob => self.Blob.is_all_ascii orelse false,
.WTFStringImpl => true,
// .InlineBlob => self.InlineBlob.was_string,
.InternalBlob => self.InternalBlob.was_string,
pub inline fn slice(self: *const @This()) []const u8 {
return switch (self.*) {
.Blob => self.Blob.sharedView(),
.WTFStringImpl => self.WTFStringImpl.utf8Slice(),
// .InlineBlob => self.InlineBlob.sliceConst(),
.InternalBlob => self.InternalBlob.sliceConst(),
pub fn needsToReadFile(self: *const @This()) bool {
return switch (self.*) {
.Blob => self.Blob.needsToReadFile(),
.WTFStringImpl, .InternalBlob => false,
pub fn detach(self: *@This()) void {
return switch (self.*) {
.Blob => {
self.* = .{
.Blob = .{},
// .InlineBlob => {
// self.InlineBlob.len = 0;
// },
.InternalBlob => {
self.* = .{
.Blob = .{},
.WTFStringImpl => {
self.* = .{
.Blob = .{},
/// A single-use Blob
pub const InternalBlob = struct {
bytes: std.ArrayList(u8),
was_string: bool = false,
pub fn toStringOwned(this: *@This(), globalThis: *JSC.JSGlobalObject) JSValue {
if (strings.toUTF16Alloc(globalThis.allocator(), this.bytes.items, false) catch &[_]u16{}) |out| {
const return_value = ZigString.toExternalU16(out.ptr, out.len, globalThis);
return return_value;
} else {
var str = ZigString.init(this.toOwnedSlice());
return str.toExternalValue(globalThis);
pub fn toJSON(this: *@This(), globalThis: *JSC.JSGlobalObject) JSValue {
const str_bytes = ZigString.init(this.bytes.items).withEncoding();
const json = str_bytes.toJSONObject(globalThis);
return json;
pub inline fn sliceConst(this: *const @This()) []const u8 {
return this.bytes.items;
pub fn deinit(this: *@This()) void {
pub inline fn slice(this: @This()) []u8 {
return this.bytes.items;
pub fn toOwnedSlice(this: *@This()) []u8 {
var bytes = this.bytes.items;
this.bytes.items = &.{};
this.bytes.capacity = 0;
return bytes;
pub fn clearAndFree(this: *@This()) void {
pub fn contentType(self: *const @This()) []const u8 {
if (self.was_string) {
return MimeType.text.value;
return MimeType.other.value;
/// A blob which stores all the data in the same space as a real Blob
/// This is an optimization for small Response and Request bodies
/// It means that we can avoid an additional heap allocation for a small response
pub const InlineBlob = extern struct {
const real_blob_size = @sizeOf(Blob);
pub const IntSize = u8;
pub const available_bytes = real_blob_size - @sizeOf(IntSize) - 1 - 1;
bytes: [available_bytes]u8 align(1) = undefined,
len: IntSize align(1) = 0,
was_string: bool align(1) = false,
pub fn concat(first: []const u8, second: []const u8) InlineBlob {
const total = first.len + second.len;
std.debug.assert(total <= available_bytes);
var inline_blob: JSC.WebCore.InlineBlob = .{};
var bytes_slice = inline_blob.bytes[0..total];
if (first.len > 0)
@memcpy(bytes_slice[0..first.len], first);
if (second.len > 0)
@memcpy(bytes_slice[first.len..][0..second.len], second);
inline_blob.len = @as(@TypeOf(inline_blob.len), @truncate(total));
return inline_blob;
fn internalInit(data: []const u8, was_string: bool) InlineBlob {
std.debug.assert(data.len <= available_bytes);
var blob = InlineBlob{
.len = @as(IntSize, @intCast(data.len)),
.was_string = was_string,
if (data.len > 0)
@memcpy(blob.bytes[0..data.len], data);
return blob;
pub fn init(data: []const u8) InlineBlob {
return internalInit(data, false);
pub fn initString(data: []const u8) InlineBlob {
return internalInit(data, true);
pub fn toStringOwned(this: *@This(), globalThis: *JSC.JSGlobalObject) JSValue {
if (this.len == 0)
return ZigString.Empty.toValue(globalThis);
var str = ZigString.init(this.sliceConst());
if (!strings.isAllASCII(this.sliceConst())) {
const out = str.toValueGC(globalThis);
this.len = 0;
return out;
pub fn contentType(self: *const @This()) []const u8 {
if (self.was_string) {
return MimeType.text.value;
return MimeType.other.value;
pub fn deinit(_: *@This()) void {}
pub inline fn slice(this: *@This()) []u8 {
return this.bytes[0..this.len];
pub inline fn sliceConst(this: *const @This()) []const u8 {
return this.bytes[0..this.len];
pub fn toOwnedSlice(this: *@This()) []u8 {
return this.slice();
pub fn clearAndFree(_: *@This()) void {}
| https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ziord/bun/7fb06c0488da302b56507191841d25ef3c62c0c8/src/bun.js/webcore/blob.zig |
const std = @import("std");
const g = @import("spirv/grammar.zig");
pub fn main() !void {
var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(std.heap.page_allocator);
defer arena.deinit();
const allocator = &arena.allocator;
const args = try std.process.argsAlloc(allocator);
if (args.len != 2) {
usageAndExit(std.io.getStdErr(), args[0], 1);
const spec_path = args[1];
const spec = try std.fs.cwd().readFileAlloc(allocator, spec_path, std.math.maxInt(usize));
// Required for json parsing.
var tokens = std.json.TokenStream.init(spec);
var registry = try std.json.parse(g.Registry, &tokens, .{ .allocator = allocator });
var bw = std.io.bufferedWriter(std.io.getStdOut().writer());
try render(bw.writer(), registry);
try bw.flush();
fn render(writer: anytype, registry: g.Registry) !void {
try writer.writeAll(
\\//! This file is auto-generated by tools/gen_spirv_spec.zig.
\\const Version = @import("std").builtin.Version;
switch (registry) {
.core => |core_reg| {
try writer.print(
\\pub const version = Version{{ .major = {}, .minor = {}, .patch = {} }};
\\pub const magic_number: u32 = {s};
.{ core_reg.major_version, core_reg.minor_version, core_reg.revision, core_reg.magic_number },
try renderOpcodes(writer, core_reg.instructions);
try renderOperandKinds(writer, core_reg.operand_kinds);
.extension => |ext_reg| {
try writer.print(
\\pub const version = Version{{ .major = {}, .minor = 0, .patch = {} }};
.{ ext_reg.version, ext_reg.revision },
try renderOpcodes(writer, ext_reg.instructions);
try renderOperandKinds(writer, ext_reg.operand_kinds);
fn renderOpcodes(writer: anytype, instructions: []const g.Instruction) !void {
try writer.writeAll("pub const Opcode = extern enum(u16) {\n");
for (instructions) |instr| {
try writer.print(" {} = {},\n", .{ std.zig.fmtId(instr.opname), instr.opcode });
try writer.writeAll(" _,\n};\n");
fn renderOperandKinds(writer: anytype, kinds: []const g.OperandKind) !void {
for (kinds) |kind| {
switch (kind.category) {
.ValueEnum => try renderValueEnum(writer, kind),
.BitEnum => try renderBitEnum(writer, kind),
else => {},
fn renderValueEnum(writer: anytype, enumeration: g.OperandKind) !void {
try writer.print("pub const {s} = extern enum(u32) {{\n", .{enumeration.kind});
const enumerants = enumeration.enumerants orelse return error.InvalidRegistry;
for (enumerants) |enumerant| {
if (enumerant.value != .int) return error.InvalidRegistry;
try writer.print(" {} = {},\n", .{ std.zig.fmtId(enumerant.enumerant), enumerant.value.int });
try writer.writeAll(" _,\n};\n");
fn renderBitEnum(writer: anytype, enumeration: g.OperandKind) !void {
try writer.print("pub const {s} = packed struct {{\n", .{enumeration.kind});
var flags_by_bitpos = [_]?[]const u8{null} ** 32;
const enumerants = enumeration.enumerants orelse return error.InvalidRegistry;
for (enumerants) |enumerant| {
if (enumerant.value != .bitflag) return error.InvalidRegistry;
const value = try parseHexInt(enumerant.value.bitflag);
if (@popCount(u32, value) != 1) {
continue; // Skip combinations and 'none' items
var bitpos = std.math.log2_int(u32, value);
if (flags_by_bitpos[bitpos]) |*existing| {
// Keep the shortest
if (enumerant.enumerant.len < existing.len)
existing.* = enumerant.enumerant;
} else {
flags_by_bitpos[bitpos] = enumerant.enumerant;
for (flags_by_bitpos) |maybe_flag_name, bitpos| {
try writer.writeAll(" ");
if (maybe_flag_name) |flag_name| {
try writer.writeAll(flag_name);
} else {
try writer.print("_reserved_bit_{}", .{bitpos});
try writer.writeAll(": bool ");
if (bitpos == 0) { // Force alignment to integer boundaries
try writer.writeAll("align(@alignOf(u32)) ");
try writer.writeAll("= false,\n");
try writer.writeAll("};\n");
fn parseHexInt(text: []const u8) !u31 {
const prefix = "0x";
if (!std.mem.startsWith(u8, text, prefix))
return error.InvalidHexInt;
return try std.fmt.parseInt(u31, text[prefix.len..], 16);
fn usageAndExit(file: std.fs.File, arg0: []const u8, code: u8) noreturn {
\\Usage: {s} <spirv json spec>
\\Generates Zig bindings for a SPIR-V specification .json (either core or
\\extinst versions). The result, printed to stdout, should be used to update
\\files in src/codegen/spirv.
\\The relevant specifications can be obtained from the SPIR-V registry:
, .{arg0}) catch std.process.exit(1);
| https://raw.githubusercontent.com/collinalexbell/all-the-compilers/7f834984f71054806bfec8604e02e86b99c0f831/zig/tools/gen_spirv_spec.zig |
const std = @import("std");
const debug = std.debug;
pub fn squareOfSum(number: usize) usize {
var sum: usize = 0;
for (0..(number + 1)) |n| {
sum += n;
return sum * sum;
pub fn sumOfSquares(number: usize) usize {
var sum: usize = 0;
for (0..(number + 1)) |n| {
sum += n * n;
return sum;
pub fn differenceOfSquares(number: usize) usize {
return squareOfSum(number) - sumOfSquares(number);
| https://raw.githubusercontent.com/charlieroth/exercism/87e3f2922f55fab57d3b1005ec1567f9d919fb27/zig/difference-of-squares/difference_of_squares.zig |
const std = @import("std");
pub fn build(b: *std.Build) void {
const target = b.standardTargetOptions(.{});
const optimize = b.standardOptimizeOption(.{});
const opts = .{ .target = target, .optimize = optimize };
const neat_module = b.dependency("zigNEAT", opts).module("zigNEAT");
const exe = b.addExecutable(.{
.name = "CartPole-example",
.root_source_file = .{ .path = "src/main.zig" },
.target = target,
.optimize = optimize,
.link_libc = true, // for C allocator
exe.addModule("zigNEAT", neat_module);
// build the executable
const run_cmd = b.addRunArtifact(exe);
if (b.args) |args| {
const run_step = b.step("run", "Run the app");
| https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cryptodeal/zig-NEAT/cb360c15dc6106391d654861719dac64ef8407de/examples/cartpole/build.zig |
const std = @import("std");
const georgios = @import("georgios");
const utils = @import("utils");
const kernel = @import("kernel.zig");
const print = @import("print.zig");
const MinBuddyAllocator = @import("buddy_allocator.zig").MinBuddyAllocator;
const console_writer = kernel.console_writer;
const platform = @import("platform.zig");
pub const AllocError = georgios.memory.AllocError;
pub const FreeError = georgios.memory.FreeError;
pub const MemoryError = georgios.memory.MemoryError;
pub const Range = struct {
start: usize = 0,
size: usize = 0,
pub fn from_bytes(bytes: []const u8) Range {
return .{.start = @ptrToInt(bytes.ptr), .size = bytes.len};
pub fn end(self: *const Range) usize {
return self.start + self.size;
pub fn to_ptr(self: *const Range, comptime PtrType: type) PtrType {
return @intToPtr(PtrType, self.start);
pub fn to_slice(self: *const Range, comptime Type: type) []Type {
return self.to_ptr([*]Type)[0..self.size / @sizeOf(Type)];
/// Used by the platform to provide what real memory can be used for the real
/// memory allocator.
pub const RealMemoryMap = struct {
const FrameGroup = struct {
start: usize,
frame_count: usize,
frame_groups: [64]FrameGroup = undefined,
frame_group_count: usize = 0,
total_frame_count: usize = 0,
fn invalid(self: *RealMemoryMap) bool {
self.frame_group_count == 0 or
self.total_frame_count == 0;
/// Directly add a frame group.
fn add_frame_group_impl(self: *RealMemoryMap,
start: usize, frame_count: usize) void {
if ((self.frame_group_count + 1) >= self.frame_groups.len) {
@panic("Too many frame groups!");
self.frame_groups[self.frame_group_count] = FrameGroup{
.start = start,
.frame_count = frame_count,
self.frame_group_count += 1;
self.total_frame_count += frame_count;
/// Given a memory range, add a frame group if there are frames that can
/// fit in it.
pub fn add_frame_group(self: *RealMemoryMap, start: usize, end: usize) void {
const aligned_start = utils.align_up(start, platform.frame_size);
const aligned_end = utils.align_down(end, platform.frame_size);
if (aligned_start < aligned_end) {
(aligned_end - aligned_start) / platform.frame_size);
var alloc_debug = false;
pub const Allocator = struct {
alloc_impl: fn(*Allocator, usize, usize) AllocError![]u8,
free_impl: fn(*Allocator, []const u8, usize) FreeError!void,
pub fn alloc(self: *Allocator, comptime Type: type) AllocError!*Type {
if (alloc_debug) print.string(
"Allocator.alloc: " ++ @typeName(Type) ++ "\n");
const rv = @ptrCast(*Type, @alignCast(
@alignOf(Type), (try self.alloc_impl(self, @sizeOf(Type), @alignOf(Type))).ptr));
if (alloc_debug) print.format(
"Allocator.alloc: " ++ @typeName(Type) ++ ": {:a}\n", .{@ptrToInt(rv)});
return rv;
pub fn free(self: *Allocator, value: anytype) FreeError!void {
const traits = @typeInfo(@TypeOf(value)).Pointer;
const bytes = utils.to_bytes(value);
if (alloc_debug) print.format("Allocator.free: " ++ @typeName(@TypeOf(value)) ++
": {:a}\n", .{@ptrToInt(bytes.ptr)});
try self.free_impl(self, bytes, traits.alignment);
pub fn alloc_array(
self: *Allocator, comptime Type: type, count: usize) AllocError![]Type {
if (alloc_debug) print.format(
"Allocator.alloc_array: [{}]" ++ @typeName(Type) ++ "\n", .{count});
if (count == 0) {
return AllocError.ZeroSizedAlloc;
const rv = @ptrCast([*]Type, @alignCast(@alignOf(Type),
(try self.alloc_impl(self, @sizeOf(Type) * count, @alignOf(Type))).ptr))[0..count];
if (alloc_debug) print.format("Allocator.alloc_array: [{}]" ++ @typeName(Type) ++
": {:a}\n", .{count, @ptrToInt(rv.ptr)});
return rv;
pub fn free_array(self: *Allocator, array: anytype) FreeError!void {
const traits = @typeInfo(@TypeOf(array)).Pointer;
if (alloc_debug) print.format(
"Allocator.free_array: [{}]" ++ @typeName(traits.child) ++ ": {:a}\n",
.{array.len, @ptrToInt(array.ptr)});
try self.free_impl(self, utils.to_const_bytes(array), traits.alignment);
pub fn alloc_range(self: *Allocator, size: usize) AllocError!Range {
if (alloc_debug) print.format("Allocator.alloc_range: {}\n", .{size});
if (size == 0) {
return AllocError.ZeroSizedAlloc;
const rv = Range{
.start = @ptrToInt((try self.alloc_impl(self, size, 1)).ptr), .size = size};
if (alloc_debug) print.format("Allocator.alloc_range: {}: {:a}\n", .{size, rv.start});
return rv;
pub fn free_range(self: *Allocator, range: Range) FreeError!void {
if (alloc_debug) print.format(
"Allocator.free_range: {}: {:a}\n", .{range.size, range.start});
try self.free_impl(self, range.to_slice(u8), 1);
fn std_alloc(self: *Allocator, n: usize, ptr_align: u29, len_align: u29, ra: usize) ![]u8 {
_ = len_align;
_ = ra;
return self.alloc_impl(self, n, ptr_align) catch return std.mem.Allocator.Error.OutOfMemory;
fn std_resize(self: *Allocator, buf: []u8, buf_align: u29, new_len: usize, len_align: u29,
ret_addr: usize) ?usize {
_ = self;
_ = buf_align;
_ = len_align;
_ = ret_addr;
if (new_len <= buf.len) {
return new_len;
} else {
return null;
fn std_free(self: *Allocator, buf: []u8, buf_align: u29, ret_addr: usize) void {
_ = ret_addr;
self.free_impl(self, buf, buf_align) catch return;
pub fn std_allocator(self: *Allocator) std.mem.Allocator {
return std.mem.Allocator.init(self, std_alloc, std_resize, std_free);
pub const UnitTestAllocator = struct {
const Self = @This();
allocator: Allocator = undefined,
impl: utils.TestAlloc = undefined,
alloc: std.mem.Allocator = undefined,
pub fn init(self: *Self) void {
self.impl = .{};
self.alloc = self.impl.alloc();
self.allocator.alloc_impl = Self.alloc;
self.allocator.free_impl = Self.free;
pub fn done_no_checks(self: *Self) void {
pub fn done(self: *Self) void {
pub fn done_check_if(self: *Self, condition: *bool) void {
if (condition.*) {
} else {
pub fn alloc(allocator: *Allocator, size: usize, align_to: usize) AllocError![]u8 {
const self = @fieldParentPtr(Self, "allocator", allocator);
const align_u29 = @truncate(u29, align_to);
const rv = self.alloc.allocBytes(align_u29, size,
align_u29, @returnAddress()) catch return AllocError.OutOfMemory;
// std.debug.print("alloc {x}: {}\n", .{@ptrToInt(rv.ptr), rv.len});
return rv;
pub fn free(allocator: *Allocator, value: []const u8, aligned_to: usize) FreeError!void {
// std.debug.print("free {x}: {}\n", .{@ptrToInt(value.ptr), value.len});
const self = @fieldParentPtr(Self, "allocator", allocator);
_ = self.alloc.rawFree(
@intToPtr([*]u8, @ptrToInt(value.ptr))[0..value.len],
@truncate(u29, aligned_to), @returnAddress());
/// Used by the kernel to manage system memory
pub const Manager = struct {
const alloc_size = utils.Mi(1);
const AllocImplType = MinBuddyAllocator(alloc_size);
impl: platform.MemoryMgrImpl = .{},
total_frame_count: usize = 0,
free_frame_count: usize = 0,
alloc_range: Range = undefined,
alloc_impl_range: Range = undefined,
alloc_impl: *AllocImplType = undefined,
alloc: *Allocator = undefined,
big_alloc: *Allocator = undefined,
/// To be called by the platform after it can give "map".
pub fn init(self: *Manager, map: *RealMemoryMap) !void {
\\ - Initializing Memory System
\\ - Start of kernel:
\\ - Real: {:a}
\\ - Virtual: {:a}
\\ - End of kernel:
\\ - Real: {:a}
\\ - Virtual: {:a}
\\ - Size of kernel is {} B ({} KiB)
\\ - Frame Size: {} B ({} KiB)
, .{
platform.kernel_size() >> 10,
platform.frame_size >> 10});
// Process RealMemoryMap
if (map.invalid()) {
@panic("RealMemoryMap is invalid!");
print.debug_string(" - Frame Groups:\n");
for (map.frame_groups[0..map.frame_group_count]) |*i| {
print.debug_format(" - {} Frames starting at {:a}\n",
.{i.frame_count, i.start});
// Initialize Platform Implementation
// After this we should be able to manage all the memory on the system.
self.impl.init(self, map);
// List Memory
const total_memory: usize = map.total_frame_count * platform.frame_size;
const indent = if (print.debug_print) " - " else "";
"{}Total Available Memory: {} B ({} KiB/{} MiB/{} GiB)\n", .{
total_memory >> 10,
total_memory >> 20,
total_memory >> 30});
self.alloc_impl = try self.big_alloc.alloc(AllocImplType);
try self.alloc_impl.init(@alignCast(AllocImplType.area_align, try self.big_alloc.alloc([alloc_size]u8)));
self.alloc = &self.alloc_impl.allocator;
kernel.alloc = self.alloc;
kernel.big_alloc = self.big_alloc;
pub fn print_status(self: *Manager) void {
const free_size = std.fmt.fmtIntSizeBin(self.free_frame_count * platform.frame_size);
const total_size = std.fmt.fmtIntSizeBin(self.total_frame_count * platform.frame_size);
try console_writer.print("{}/{} free frames totaling {}/{}\n",
.{self.free_frame_count, self.total_frame_count, free_size, total_size});
| https://raw.githubusercontent.com/iguessthislldo/georgios/7241783f787965aeff8d829610c9ce256ec86224/kernel/memory.zig |
const std = @import("std");
const disk = @import("disk.zig");
const term = @import("term.zig");
const fs = @import("extended/fs.zig");
const mem = std.mem;
const Allocator = mem.Allocator;
const Parameters = fs.Parameters;
var parameters: Parameters = undefined;
var relative: usize = undefined;
var manager: Allocator = undefined;
var files: std.StringHashMap(*File) = undefined;
pub fn init(allocator: Allocator) void {
parameters = @intToPtr(*Parameters, 0x7C00).*;
var total_sectors = @as(u32, parameters.total_sectors16);
if (total_sectors == 0) {
total_sectors = parameters.total_sectors32;
var fat_size = parameters.extended32().table_size32;
var first_data_sector = parameters.reserved_sectors + (parameters.fat_count * fat_size);
var data_sectors = total_sectors - (parameters.reserved_sectors + parameters.fat_count * fat_size);
relative = first_data_sector + data_sectors;
manager = allocator;
files = std.StringHashMap(*File).init(allocator);
term.printf("first availible sector: {}\r\n", .{relative});
pub fn new(name: []const u8, size: usize) !*File {
var file = try manager.create(File);
try file.init(name, size);
try files.put(name, file);
return file;
pub fn open(name: []const u8) !*File {
var file = files.get(name) orelse {
term.printf("file `{s}` does not exist\r\n", .{name});
return std.os.AcceptError.FileNotFound;
return file;
pub const File = struct {
name: []const u8,
cache: [512]u8,
sector: usize,
size: usize,
offset: usize,
const Self = @This();
pub fn init(self: *Self, name: []const u8, size: usize) !void {
const sectors = (size + 511 & ~@as(usize, 511)) / 512;
defer self.name = name;
self.sector = relative;
self.size = size;
self.offset = 0;
try disk.read(self.sector, self.view());
relative += sectors;
fn die(err: anyerror) void {
term.printf("disk error: {s}\r\n", .{@errorName(err)});
pub fn write(self: *Self, buffer: []u8) !void {
if (self.offset + buffer.len >= self.size) {
return std.os.AccessError.InputTooLong;
var result = self.offset + buffer.len;
defer self.offset = result;
defer self.reload() catch |err| die(err);
try disk.write(self.sector + self.offset / 512, @ptrCast([*]align(1) u16, buffer)[0 .. buffer.len / 2]);
pub fn seek(self: *Self, offset: usize) !void {
if (offset >= self.size) {
return std.os.AccessError.InputTooLong;
self.offset = offset;
try self.reload();
pub fn peek(self: *Self) u8 {
if (self.offset >= self.size) {
return 0;
const ch = self.cache[self.offset % 512];
return ch;
pub fn getchar(self: *Self) u8 {
if (self.offset >= self.size) {
return 0;
const ch = self.cache[self.offset % 512];
self.offset += 1;
if (self.offset % 512 == 0) {
self.reload() catch |err| die(err);
return ch;
pub fn putback(self: *Self, ch: u8) void {
_ = ch;
if (self.offset > 0) {
self.offset -= 1;
if (self.offset % 512 == 511) {
self.reload() catch |err| die(err);
fn view(self: *Self) []align(1) u16 {
return @ptrCast([*]align(1) u16, &self.cache)[0..256];
fn reload(self: *Self) !void {
try disk.read(self.sector + self.offset / 512, self.view());
| https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sajjadium/ctf-archives/b7012a5fc5454f8c74ce534ecf4da521c5b9595e/ctfs/AmateursCTF/2023/pwn/simpleOS/src/fs.zig |
const std = @import("std");
const assert = std.debug.assert;
const Enemy = @import("enemy.zig").Enemy;
const GameState = @import("GameState.zig");
const JS = @import("JS.zig");
const Projectile = @import("projectile.zig").Projectile;
const utils = @import("utils.zig");
const Ball2D = utils.Ball2D;
const RGBColor = utils.RGBColor;
const Vector2D = utils.Vector2D;
const Particle = struct {
ball: Ball2D,
const Self = @This();
const friction = 0.99;
pub fn init(pos: Vector2D, vel: Vector2D, radius: f32, color: RGBColor) Self {
assert(0.0 <= radius);
return .{
.ball = Ball2D.init(pos, vel, radius, color),
pub fn update(self: *Self) void {
// Particles slow down as they move away from the impacted area.
self.ball.vel.x *= friction;
self.ball.vel.y *= friction;
self.ball.pos.x += self.ball.vel.x;
self.ball.pos.y += self.ball.vel.y;
// Particles also become more transparent as they move away.
// When the transparency reaches 0, the particle is removed (see below).
self.ball.color.a -= 0.01;
pub fn draw(self: Self) void {
pub const ParticleArrayList = struct {
array_list: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(Particle),
const Self = @This();
pub fn init() Self {
return .{
.array_list = std.ArrayListUnmanaged(Particle){},
pub fn reset(self: *Self, game_state: *GameState) void {
pub inline fn count(self: Self) usize {
return self.array_list.items.len;
pub inline fn delete(self: *Self, index: usize) void {
_ = self.array_list.swapRemove(index);
pub inline fn push(self: *Self, game_state: *GameState, particle: Particle) void {
self.array_list.append(game_state.allocator, particle) catch unreachable;
pub fn generate(self: *Self, game_state: *GameState, enemy: *Enemy, projectile: *Projectile) void {
const pos = projectile.ball.pos;
var i: f32 = 0.0;
// The size of the enemy determines how many particles will be produced.
while (i < enemy.ball.radius) : (i += 1.0) {
// The particle generated goes in a random direction.
const vel = Vector2D.init(
(JS.random() * 2 - 1) * (4 * JS.random()),
(JS.random() * 2 - 1) * (4 * JS.random()),
const radius = JS.random() * 2;
const particle = Particle.init(pos, vel, radius, enemy.ball.color);
self.push(game_state, particle);
pub fn step(self: *Self, game_state: *GameState) void {
const board = game_state.board;
var items = self.array_list.items;
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < self.count()) {
var particle = &items[i];
if (particle.ball.color.a <= 0.0 or board.isOutOfBoundary(particle.ball)) {
// Don't update the index if we remove an item from the list, it still valid.
i += 1;
for (items) |*particle| {
| https://raw.githubusercontent.com/daneelsan/Dodgeballz/ac3f94ce0b54c86720d545c21f506c1aff6cd248/src/particle.zig |
const std = @import("std");
pub fn isArmstrongNumber(num: u128) bool {
const num_digits = digit_count(num);
var remainder: u128 = num;
var armstrong_sum: u128 = 0;
while (remainder != 0) : (remainder /= 10)
armstrong_sum += std.math.pow(u128, remainder % 10, num_digits);
return armstrong_sum == num;
fn digit_count(num: u128) u8 {
var count: u8 = 0;
var remainder = num;
while (remainder != 0) : (remainder /= 10) count += 1;
return count;
| https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ErikSchierboom/exercism/000175f6b73decb604d41aa0bbd250d11e0cea84/zig/armstrong-numbers/armstrong_numbers.zig |
// Set the resolved type for labels to .symbol_def.
// The resolved constant for these expressions is the raw symbol name.
// Any labels which do not begin with `_` and are not in a stack section will be added to the global symbol table.
// Create Sections for each named section block and set the Block.section handle to reference it.
pub fn process_labels_and_sections(a: *Assembler, file: *Source_File) void {
const s = file.slices();
const insn_operations = s.insn.items(.operation);
const insn_labels = s.insn.items(.label);
const insn_params = s.insn.items(.params);
const expr_infos = s.expr.items(.info);
const block_labels = s.block.items(.labels);
for (0.., s.block.items(.first_insn), s.block.items(.end_insn)) |block_handle_usize, first_insn, end_insn| {
const block_handle: Source_File.Block.Handle = @intCast(block_handle_usize);
const private_labels = &block_labels[block_handle];
var is_stack_block = false;
for (first_insn.., insn_operations[first_insn..end_insn]) |insn_handle_usize, op| {
const insn_handle: Instruction.Handle = @intCast(insn_handle_usize);
switch (op) {
.section, .boot, .code, .kcode, .entry, .kentry,
.data, .kdata, .@"const", .kconst, .stack => {
s.block.items(.block_type)[block_handle] = op;
var maybe_section_name: ?[]const u8 = null;
if (insn_params[insn_handle]) |section_name_expr| {
const symbol_constant = resolve_symbol_def_expr(a, s, section_name_expr);
maybe_section_name = symbol_constant.as_string();
if (op == .stack) {
is_stack_block = true;
process_stack_block(a, s, block_handle, insn_handle, maybe_section_name);
} else {
process_section_block(a, s, block_handle, insn_handle, Section.Kind.from_directive(op), maybe_section_name);
.def => {
const params_expr = insn_params[insn_handle].?;
const symbol_expr = s.expr.items(.info)[params_expr].list.left;
_ = resolve_symbol_def_expr(a, s, symbol_expr);
.undef, .push, .pop => {
if (insn_params[insn_handle]) |params| {
_ = resolve_symbol_def_expr_list(a, s, params);
.local => {
const params_expr = insn_params[insn_handle].?;
const bin = expr_infos[params_expr].list;
const symbol_name = resolve_symbol_def_expr(a, s, bin.left).as_string();
const result = s.file.locals.getOrPut(a.gpa, symbol_name) catch @panic("OOM");
if (result.found_existing) {
const target_insn_handle = result.value_ptr.instruction_handle(s);
const line_number = s.insn.items(.line_number)[target_insn_handle];
a.record_expr_error_fmt(s.file.handle, params_expr, "Duplicate .local name (canonical symbol is at line {})", .{ line_number }, .{});
} else {
result.value_ptr.* = .{ .expression = bin.right };
.none, .nil, .org, .@"align", .keep, .insn, .bound_insn, .db, .dw, .dd, .zb, .zw, .zd, .range => {},
for (first_insn.., insn_labels[first_insn..end_insn]) |insn_handle_usize, maybe_label_expr| {
const insn_handle: Instruction.Handle = @intCast(insn_handle_usize);
if (maybe_label_expr) |label_expr| switch (expr_infos[label_expr]) {
.local_label_def => |inner_label_expr| {
const symbol_constant = resolve_symbol_def_expr(a, s, inner_label_expr);
const symbol_name = symbol_constant.as_string();
const result = s.file.locals.getOrPut(a.gpa, symbol_name) catch @panic("OOM");
if (result.found_existing) {
const target_insn_handle = result.value_ptr.instruction_handle(s);
const line_number = s.insn.items(.line_number)[target_insn_handle];
a.record_expr_error_fmt(s.file.handle, label_expr, "Duplicate .local name (canonical symbol is at line {})", .{ line_number }, .{});
} else {
result.value_ptr.* = .{ .instruction = .{
.file = file.handle,
.instruction = insn_handle,
else => {
const symbol_constant = resolve_symbol_def_expr(a, s, label_expr);
const symbol_name = symbol_constant.as_string();
if (is_stack_block or std.mem.startsWith(u8, symbol_name, "_")) {
const result = private_labels.getOrPut(a.gpa, symbol_name) catch @panic("OOM");
if (result.found_existing) {
const target_line_number = s.insn.items(.line_number)[result.value_ptr.*];
a.record_expr_error_fmt(s.file.handle, label_expr, "Duplicate private label (canonical label is at line {})", .{ target_line_number }, .{});
} else {
result.value_ptr.* = insn_handle;
} else {
const result = a.public_labels.getOrPut(a.gpa, symbol_name) catch @panic("OOM");
if (result.found_existing) {
const target_file = a.get_source(result.value_ptr.file);
const target_line_number = target_file.instructions.items(.line_number)[result.value_ptr.instruction];
a.record_expr_error_fmt(s.file.handle, label_expr, "Duplicate label (canonical label is at line {} in {s})", .{ target_line_number, target_file.name }, .{});
} else {
result.value_ptr.* = .{
.file = file.handle,
.instruction = insn_handle,
fn process_stack_block(a: *Assembler, s: Source_File.Slices, block_handle: Source_File.Block.Handle, insn_handle: Instruction.Handle, maybe_stack_name: ?[]const u8) void {
const name = maybe_stack_name orelse "";
const result = s.file.stacks.getOrPut(a.gpa, name) catch @panic("OOM");
if (result.found_existing) {
const canonical_insn_handle = s.block.items(.first_insn)[result.value_ptr.*];
const canonical_line_number = s.insn.items(.line_number)[canonical_insn_handle];
a.record_insn_error_fmt(s.file.handle, insn_handle, "Ignoring duplicate .stack block; canonical block is at line {}", .{ canonical_line_number }, .{});
} else {
result.value_ptr.* = block_handle;
fn process_section_block(a: *Assembler, s: Source_File.Slices, block_handle: Source_File.Block.Handle, insn_handle: Instruction.Handle, kind: Section.Kind, maybe_section_name: ?[]const u8) void {
const section_name = maybe_section_name orelse kind.default_name();
var range: ?Assembler.Address_Range = null;
if (kind == .boot) {
range = .{
.first = 0,
.len = 0x1_0000,
const entry = a.sections.getOrPutValue(a.gpa, section_name, .{
.name = section_name,
.kind = kind,
.has_chunks = false,
.range = range,
}) catch @panic("OOM");
const found_kind = entry.value_ptr.kind;
if (found_kind != kind) {
a.record_insn_error_fmt(s.file.handle, insn_handle, "Section already exists; expected .{s}", .{ @tagName(found_kind) }, .{});
s.block.items(.section)[block_handle] = @intCast(entry.index);
fn resolve_symbol_def_expr_list(a: *Assembler, s: Source_File.Slices, symbol_def_expr: Expression.Handle) void {
const infos = s.expr.items(.info);
var expr = symbol_def_expr;
while (infos[expr] == .list) {
const bin = infos[expr].list;
_ = resolve_symbol_def_expr(a, s, bin.left);
expr = bin.right;
_ = resolve_symbol_def_expr(a, s, expr);
fn resolve_symbol_def_expr(a: *Assembler, s: Source_File.Slices, symbol_def_expr: Expression.Handle) *const Constant {
const symbol_name = symbols.parse_symbol(a, s, symbol_def_expr);
s.expr.items(.resolved_constant)[symbol_def_expr] = symbol_name;
s.expr.items(.resolved_type)[symbol_def_expr] = .symbol_def;
return symbol_name;
pub fn resolve_expression_types(a: *Assembler) bool {
var made_progress = true;
var unresolved = true;
while (made_progress) {
made_progress = false;
unresolved = false;
for (a.files.items) |*file| {
var slices = file.slices();
for (slices.expr.items(.resolved_type), 0..) |expr_type, expr_handle| {
if (expr_type == .unknown) {
if (try_resolve_expr_type(a, slices, @intCast(expr_handle))) {
made_progress = true;
} else {
unresolved = true;
if (unresolved) {
for (a.files.items) |*file| {
const expr_slice = file.expressions.slice();
const resolved_types = expr_slice.items(.resolved_type);
for (resolved_types, 0..) |expr_type, expr_handle| {
if (expr_type == .unknown) {
a.record_expr_error(file.handle, @intCast(expr_handle), "Could not determine type for expression", .{});
resolved_types[expr_handle] = .poison;
return false;
return true;
pub fn try_resolve_expr_type(a: *Assembler, s: Source_File.Slices, expr_handle: Expression.Handle) bool {
const expr_infos = s.expr.items(.info);
var expr_resolved_types = s.expr.items(.resolved_type);
std.debug.assert(expr_resolved_types[expr_handle] == .unknown);
const info = expr_infos[expr_handle];
switch (info) {
.list, .arrow => expr_resolved_types[expr_handle] = .poison,
.literal_int => {
const token_handle = s.expr.items(.token)[expr_handle];
const token = s.file.tokens.get(token_handle);
if (Constant.init_int_literal(a.gpa, &a.constant_temp, token.location(s.file.source))) |constant| {
expr_resolved_types[expr_handle] = Expression.Type.constant();
s.expr.items(.resolved_constant)[expr_handle] = constant.intern(a.arena, a.gpa, &a.constants);
} else |err| {
switch (err) {
error.Overflow => a.record_expr_error(s.file.handle, expr_handle, "Integer literal too large", .{}),
error.InvalidCharacter => a.record_expr_error(s.file.handle, expr_handle, "Invalid character in integer literal", .{}),
expr_resolved_types[expr_handle] = .poison;
.literal_str => {
var token_handle = s.expr.items(.token)[expr_handle];
var token = s.file.tokens.get(token_handle);
if (token.kind == .str_literal_raw) {
const token_kinds = s.file.tokens.items(.kind);
var raw = token.location(s.file.source);
if (raw[raw.len - 1] == '\n') {
raw.len -= 1;
if (raw[raw.len - 1] == '\r') {
raw.len -= 1;
a.constant_temp.appendSlice(a.gpa, raw[2..]) catch @panic("OOM");
token_handle += 1;
while (true) {
switch (token_kinds[token_handle]) {
.str_literal_raw => {
token = s.file.tokens.get(token_handle);
raw = token.location(s.file.source);
if (raw[raw.len - 1] == '\n') {
raw.len -= 1;
if (raw[raw.len - 1] == '\r') {
raw.len -= 1;
a.constant_temp.append(a.gpa, '\n') catch @panic("OOM");
a.constant_temp.appendSlice(a.gpa, raw[2..]) catch @panic("OOM");
.linespace => {},
else => break,
token_handle += 1;
const constant = Constant.init_string(a.constant_temp.items);
expr_resolved_types[expr_handle] = Expression.Type.constant();
s.expr.items(.resolved_constant)[expr_handle] = constant.intern(a.arena, a.gpa, &a.constants);
} else if (Constant.init_string_literal(a.gpa, &a.constant_temp, token.location(s.file.source))) |constant| {
expr_resolved_types[expr_handle] = Expression.Type.constant();
s.expr.items(.resolved_constant)[expr_handle] = constant.intern(a.arena, a.gpa, &a.constants);
} else |err| {
switch (err) {
error.Overflow => a.record_expr_error(s.file.handle, expr_handle, "Invalid decimal byte in string literal escape sequence", .{}),
error.InvalidCharacter => a.record_expr_error(s.file.handle, expr_handle, "Invalid character in string literal", .{}),
error.InvalidCodepoint => a.record_expr_error(s.file.handle, expr_handle, "Invalid codepoint in string literal escape sequence", .{}),
error.InvalidBase64 => a.record_expr_error(s.file.handle, expr_handle, "Invalid base64 in string literal escape sequence", .{}),
error.UnclosedLiteral => a.record_expr_error(s.file.handle, expr_handle, "String literal is missing closing '\"' character", .{}),
error.IncompleteEscape => a.record_expr_error(s.file.handle, expr_handle, "String literal contains an incomplete escape sequence", .{}),
expr_resolved_types[expr_handle] = .poison;
.literal_reg => {
// SFR types are preassigned when parsed, so we can assume we're dealing with a GPR name.
const token_handle = s.expr.items(.token)[expr_handle];
const token = s.file.tokens.get(token_handle);
const name = token.location(s.file.source);
const index = std.fmt.parseUnsigned(Register_Index, name[1..], 10) catch unreachable;
const reg_type: Expression.Type = switch (name[0]) {
'r', 'R' => Expression.Type.reg(16, index, null),
'x', 'X' => Expression.Type.reg(32, index, null),
'b', 'B' => Expression.Type.reg(8, index, null),
else => unreachable,
expr_resolved_types[expr_handle] = reg_type;
.literal_current_address => {
const token_handle = s.expr.items(.token)[expr_handle];
const block_handle = s.file.find_block_by_token(token_handle);
if (s.block.items(.block_type)[block_handle]) |op| {
expr_resolved_types[expr_handle] = switch (op) {
.none, .nil, .insn, .bound_insn, .org, .@"align", .keep, .range,
.def, .undef, .local, .db, .dw, .dd, .zb, .zw, .zd, .push, .pop,
=> unreachable,
.section => Expression.Type.absolute_address(.data),
.boot, .code, .kcode, .entry, .kentry => Expression.Type.relative_address(.insn, Expression.Type.sr(.ip)),
.data, .kdata, .@"const", .kconst => Expression.Type.relative_address(.data, Expression.Type.sr(.ip)),
.stack => Expression.Type.relative_address(.stack, Expression.Type.sr(.sp)),
} catch unreachable;
} else {
// Block does not have a section handle, so it's an .info section by default
expr_resolved_types[expr_handle] = Expression.Type.absolute_address(.data);
return true;
.literal_symbol_ref => {
const token_handle = s.expr.items(.token)[expr_handle];
const symbol_literal = s.file.tokens.get(token_handle).location(s.file.source);
const symbol_constant = Constant.init_symbol_literal(a.gpa, &a.constant_temp, symbol_literal);
return try_resolve_symbol_type(a, s, expr_handle, token_handle, symbol_constant.as_string());
.directive_symbol_ref => |inner_expr| {
if (s.expr.items(.resolved_constant)[inner_expr]) |symbol| {
return try_resolve_symbol_type(a, s, expr_handle, s.expr.items(.token)[expr_handle], symbol.as_string());
} else return false;
.literal_symbol_def, .directive_symbol_def => {
_ = resolve_symbol_def_expr(a, s, expr_handle);
.local_label_def => |inner_expr_handle| {
const symbol_name = resolve_symbol_def_expr(a, s, inner_expr_handle);
s.expr.items(.resolved_constant)[expr_handle] = symbol_name;
expr_resolved_types[expr_handle] = .symbol_def;
// unary operators:
.negate, .complement, .crlf_cast, .lf_cast,
.index_to_reg8, .index_to_reg16, .index_to_reg32, .reg_to_index,
.signed_cast, .unsigned_cast, .remove_signedness_cast,
.absolute_address_cast, .data_address_cast, .insn_address_cast, .stack_address_cast, .remove_address_cast,
=> |inner_expr| {
const inner_type = expr_resolved_types[inner_expr];
if (inner_type == .unknown) return false;
if (inner_type == .poison) {
expr_resolved_types[expr_handle] = .poison;
return true;
defer resolve_constant_depends_on_layout(s, expr_handle, inner_expr);
switch (info) {
.negate, .complement, .crlf_cast, .lf_cast => {
if (inner_type.is_constant()) {
expr_resolved_types[expr_handle] = Expression.Type.constant();
return true;
a.record_expr_error(s.file.handle, expr_handle, "Operand must be a constant expression", .{});
expr_resolved_types[expr_handle] = .poison;
return true;
.index_to_reg8, .index_to_reg16, .index_to_reg32 => {
if (s.expr.items(.flags)[inner_expr].contains(.constant_depends_on_layout)) {
a.record_expr_error(s.file.handle, expr_handle, "Operand cannot vary on memory layout", .{});
expr_resolved_types[expr_handle] = .poison;
return true;
if (inner_type.is_constant()) {
const constant = layout.resolve_expression_constant(a, s, 0, inner_expr) orelse {
expr_resolved_types[expr_handle] = .poison;
return true;
const index = constant.as_int(Register_Index) catch {
a.record_expr_error(s.file.handle, expr_handle, "Operand out of range", .{});
expr_resolved_types[expr_handle] = .poison;
return true;
expr_resolved_types[expr_handle] = switch (info) {
.index_to_reg8 => Expression.Type.reg(8, index, null),
.index_to_reg16 => Expression.Type.reg(16, index, null),
.index_to_reg32 => Expression.Type.reg(32, index, null),
else => unreachable,
return true;
a.record_expr_error(s.file.handle, expr_handle, "Operand must be a constant expression", .{});
expr_resolved_types[expr_handle] = .poison;
return true;
.reg_to_index => {
if (inner_type.simple_base()) |base| {
if (base.register_index()) |index| {
const constant = Constant.init_int(index);
s.expr.items(.resolved_constant)[expr_handle] = constant.intern(a.arena, a.gpa, &a.constants);
expr_resolved_types[expr_handle] = Expression.Type.constant();
return true;
a.record_expr_error(s.file.handle, expr_handle, "Operand must be a GPR expression", .{});
expr_resolved_types[expr_handle] = .poison;
return true;
.signed_cast, .unsigned_cast, .remove_signedness_cast => {
if (inner_type.is_constant()) {
if (info == .remove_signedness_cast) {
a.record_expr_error(s.file.handle, expr_handle, "Operand must be a GPR expression", .{});
expr_resolved_types[expr_handle] = .poison;
} else {
expr_resolved_types[expr_handle] = Expression.Type.constant();
return true;
} else if (inner_type.simple_base()) |base| {
switch (base) {
.reg8, .reg16, .reg32 => |reg| {
const signedness: ?Signedness = switch (info) {
.signed_cast => .signed,
.unsigned_cast => .unsigned,
.remove_signedness_cast => null,
else => unreachable,
expr_resolved_types[expr_handle] = switch (base) {
.reg8 => Expression.Type.reg(8, reg.index, signedness),
.reg16 => Expression.Type.reg(16, reg.index, signedness),
.reg32 => Expression.Type.reg(32, reg.index, signedness),
else => unreachable,
return true;
else => {},
a.record_expr_error(s.file.handle, expr_handle, "Operand must be a constant or GPR expression", .{});
expr_resolved_types[expr_handle] = .poison;
return true;
.absolute_address_cast => {
if (inner_type.base_offset_type()) |bot| {
if (bot.base == .sr and bot.base.sr == .ip) {
var builder: Expression.Type_Builder = .{};
expr_resolved_types[expr_handle] = builder.build() catch unreachable;
return true;
a.record_expr_error(s.file.handle, expr_handle, "Operand must be an IP-relative expression", .{});
expr_resolved_types[expr_handle] = .poison;
return true;
.data_address_cast, .insn_address_cast, .stack_address_cast => {
if (inner_type.base_offset_type()) |bot| {
const new_space: Address_Space = switch (info) {
.data_address_cast => .data,
.insn_address_cast => .insn,
.stack_address_cast => .stack,
else => unreachable,
if (inner_type.address_space()) |current_space| {
if (current_space != new_space) {
a.record_expr_error(s.file.handle, expr_handle, "Casting directly between address spaces is not allowed. Use `.raw` first if you really want this.", .{});
expr_resolved_types[expr_handle] = .poison;
return true;
expr_resolved_types[expr_handle] = switch (new_space) {
inline else => |space| Expression.Type.address_space_cast(space, bot)
return true;
a.record_expr_error(s.file.handle, expr_handle, "Invalid operand for address space cast", .{});
expr_resolved_types[expr_handle] = .poison;
return true;
.remove_address_cast => {
if (inner_type.base_offset_type()) |bot| {
expr_resolved_types[expr_handle] = .{ .raw = bot };
return true;
a.record_expr_error(s.file.handle, expr_handle, "Invalid operand for address space cast", .{});
expr_resolved_types[expr_handle] = .poison;
return true;
else => unreachable,
unreachable; // no fallthrough to avoid bugs
// binary operators:
.plus => |bin| {
var builder: Expression.Type_Builder = .{};
const result_type = builder.build() catch t: {
a.record_expr_error(s.file.handle, expr_handle, "Cannot represent result of symbolic addition", .{});
break :t .poison;
if (result_type == .unknown) return false;
expr_resolved_types[expr_handle] = result_type;
resolve_constant_depends_on_layout_binary(s, expr_handle, bin);
.minus => |bin| {
var builder: Expression.Type_Builder = .{};
const result_type = builder.build() catch t: {
a.record_expr_error(s.file.handle, expr_handle, "Cannot represent result of symbolic subtraction", .{});
break :t .poison;
if (result_type == .unknown) return false;
expr_resolved_types[expr_handle] = result_type;
resolve_constant_depends_on_layout_binary(s, expr_handle, bin);
.multiply, .shl, .shr, .concat, .concat_repeat, .bitwise_or, .bitwise_xor, .bitwise_and,
.length_cast, .truncate, .sign_extend, .zero_extend => |bin| {
const left = expr_resolved_types[bin.left];
const right = expr_resolved_types[bin.right];
if (left == .poison or right == .poison) {
expr_resolved_types[expr_handle] = .poison;
return true;
if (left == .unknown or right == .unknown) return false;
if (left.is_constant() and right.is_constant()) {
expr_resolved_types[expr_handle] = Expression.Type.constant();
} else {
a.record_expr_error(s.file.handle, expr_handle, "Both operands must be constant expressions", .{});
expr_resolved_types[expr_handle] = .poison;
resolve_constant_depends_on_layout_binary(s, expr_handle, bin);
return true;
fn resolve_constant_depends_on_layout(s: Source_File.Slices, expr_handle: Expression.Handle, dependent_expr: Expression.Handle) void {
var expr_flags = s.expr.items(.flags);
if (expr_flags[dependent_expr].contains(.constant_depends_on_layout)) {
fn resolve_constant_depends_on_layout_binary(s: Source_File.Slices, expr_handle: Expression.Handle, bin: Expression.Binary) void {
var expr_flags = s.expr.items(.flags);
if (expr_flags[bin.left].contains(.constant_depends_on_layout) or expr_flags[bin.right].contains(.constant_depends_on_layout)) {
fn try_resolve_symbol_type(a: *Assembler, s: Source_File.Slices, expr_handle: Expression.Handle, token_handle: Token.Handle, symbol: []const u8) bool {
var expr_resolved_types = s.expr.items(.resolved_type);
var expr_flags = s.expr.items(.flags);
switch (symbols.lookup_symbol(a, s, token_handle, symbol, false)) {
.expression => |target_expr_handle| {
const target_type = expr_resolved_types[target_expr_handle];
if (target_type != .unknown) {
expr_resolved_types[expr_handle] = target_type;
if (expr_flags[target_expr_handle].contains(.constant_depends_on_layout)) {
return true;
.instruction => |insn_ref| {
const sym_file = a.get_source(insn_ref.file);
const block_handle = sym_file.find_block_by_instruction(insn_ref.instruction);
if (sym_file.blocks.items(.block_type)[block_handle]) |op| {
expr_resolved_types[expr_handle] = switch (op) {
.none, .nil, .insn, .bound_insn, .org, .@"align", .keep, .range,
.def, .undef, .local, .db, .dw, .dd, .zb, .zw, .zd, .push, .pop,
=> unreachable,
.section => Expression.Type.absolute_address(.data),
.boot, .code, .kcode, .entry, .kentry => Expression.Type.relative_address(.insn, Expression.Type.sr(.ip)),
.data, .kdata, .@"const", .kconst => Expression.Type.relative_address(.data, Expression.Type.sr(.ip)),
.stack => Expression.Type.relative_address(.stack, Expression.Type.sr(.sp)), // maybe this should be unreachable?
} catch unreachable;
} else {
// Block does not have a section handle, so it's an .info section by default
expr_resolved_types[expr_handle] = Expression.Type.absolute_address(.data);
return true;
.stack => {
expr_resolved_types[expr_handle] = Expression.Type.relative_address(.stack, Expression.Type.sr(.sp)) catch unreachable;
.not_found => {
a.record_expr_error(s.file.handle, expr_handle, "Reference to undefined symbol", .{});
expr_resolved_types[expr_handle] = .poison;
return true;
return false;
pub fn check_instructions_and_directives_in_file(a: *Assembler, s: Source_File.Slices) void {
var insn_operations = s.insn.items(.operation);
var insn_params = s.insn.items(.params);
var pushed_stacks = std.ArrayList([]const u8).init(a.gpa);
defer pushed_stacks.deinit();
for (s.block.items(.first_insn), s.block.items(.end_insn)) |first_insn, end_insn| {
var allow_code = false;
var allow_data = false;
var allow_range = false;
for (first_insn.., insn_operations[first_insn..end_insn], insn_params[first_insn..end_insn]) |insn_handle_usize, op, maybe_params| {
const insn_handle: Instruction.Handle = @intCast(insn_handle_usize);
switch (op) {
.boot => {
allow_code = true;
allow_data = true;
allow_range = false;
.section => {
allow_code = true;
allow_data = true;
allow_range = true;
.code, .kcode, .entry, .kentry => {
allow_code = true;
allow_data = false;
allow_range = true;
.data, .kdata, .@"const", .kconst => {
allow_code = false;
allow_data = true;
allow_range = true;
.stack => {
allow_code = false;
allow_data = true;
allow_range = false;
.org => check_org_params(a, s, insn_handle, maybe_params),
.@"align" => check_align_params(a, s, insn_handle, maybe_params),
.bound_insn => unreachable,
.insn => {
if (!allow_code) {
a.record_insn_error(s.file.handle, insn_handle, "Instructions are not allowed in .data/.kdata/.const/.kconst/.stack sections", .{});
check_instruction_depends_on_layout(s, insn_handle, maybe_params);
.db, .dw, .dd => {
if (!allow_data) {
a.record_insn_error(s.file.handle, insn_handle, "Data directives are not allowed in .entry/.kentry/.code/.kcode sections", .{});
if (maybe_params) |params_expr| {
check_data_directive_expr_list(a, s, params_expr);
} else {
a.record_insn_error(s.file.handle, insn_handle, "Expected at least one data expression", .{});
check_instruction_depends_on_layout(s, insn_handle, maybe_params);
.zb, .zw, .zd => {
if (!allow_data) {
a.record_insn_error(s.file.handle, insn_handle, "Data directives are not allowed in .entry/.kentry/.code/.kcode sections", .{});
if (maybe_params) |params_expr| {
if (s.expr.items(.resolved_type)[params_expr].is_non_constant()) {
a.record_expr_error(s.file.handle, params_expr, "Expected constant expression", .{});
check_instruction_depends_on_layout(s, insn_handle, maybe_params);
.push => {
if (!allow_code) {
a.record_insn_error(s.file.handle, insn_handle, "Instructions are not allowed in .data/.kdata/.const/.kconst/.stack sections", .{});
check_pushed_stacks(a, s, insn_handle, maybe_params, &pushed_stacks);
.pop => {
if (!allow_code) {
a.record_insn_error(s.file.handle, insn_handle, "Instructions are not allowed in .data/.kdata/.const/.kconst/.stack sections", .{});
check_popped_stacks(a, s, insn_handle, maybe_params, &pushed_stacks);
.none, .nil, .keep => if (maybe_params) |params_expr| {
a.record_expr_error(s.file.handle, params_expr, "Expected no parameters", .{});
.range => {
if (!allow_range) {
a.record_insn_error(s.file.handle, insn_handle, ".range directive is only allowed in non-boot sections", .{});
} else {
check_range_params(a, s, insn_handle, maybe_params);
.def, .local => {},
.undef => if (maybe_params) |params_expr| {
check_undef_expr_list(a, s, params_expr);
} else {
a.record_insn_error(s.file.handle, insn_handle, "Expected at least one .def symbol name", .{});
fn check_instruction_depends_on_layout(s: Source_File.Slices, insn_handle: Instruction.Handle, maybe_params: ?Expression.Handle) void {
if (maybe_params) |params_handle| {
if (instruction_has_layout_dependent_params(s, params_handle)) {
fn instruction_has_layout_dependent_params(s: Source_File.Slices, params_handle: Expression.Handle) bool {
if (s.expr.items(.flags)[params_handle].contains(.constant_depends_on_layout)) return true;
switch (s.expr.items(.info)[params_handle]) {
.list => |bin| {
return instruction_has_layout_dependent_params(s, bin.left)
or instruction_has_layout_dependent_params(s, bin.right);
else => {},
return false;
fn check_pushed_stacks(a: *Assembler, s: Source_File.Slices, insn_handle: Instruction.Handle, maybe_params: ?Expression.Handle, pushed_stacks: *std.ArrayList([]const u8)) void {
const expr_infos = s.expr.items(.info);
var depends_on_layout = false;
var maybe_expr_handle = maybe_params;
while (maybe_expr_handle) |expr_handle| {
switch (expr_infos[expr_handle]) {
.list => |bin| {
depends_on_layout = check_pushed_stack(a, s, bin.left, pushed_stacks) or depends_on_layout;
maybe_expr_handle = bin.right;
else => {
depends_on_layout = check_pushed_stack(a, s, expr_handle, pushed_stacks) or depends_on_layout;
} else {
a.record_insn_error(s.file.handle, insn_handle, "Expected at least one stack block name", .{});
if (depends_on_layout) {
fn check_pushed_stack(a: *Assembler, s: Source_File.Slices, expr_handle: Expression.Handle, pushed_stacks: *std.ArrayList([]const u8)) bool {
const insn_flags = s.insn.items(.flags);
var depends_on_layout = false;
const stack_block_name = symbols.parse_symbol(a, s, expr_handle).as_string();
for (pushed_stacks.items) |name| {
if (std.mem.eql(u8, name, stack_block_name)) {
a.record_expr_error(s.file.handle, expr_handle, "This stack block has already been pushed", .{});
return false;
pushed_stacks.append(stack_block_name) catch @panic("OOM");
if (s.file.stacks.get(stack_block_name)) |stack_block_handle| {
var iter = s.block_instructions(stack_block_handle);
while (iter.next()) |insn_handle| {
depends_on_layout = depends_on_layout or insn_flags[insn_handle].contains(.depends_on_layout);
} else {
a.record_expr_error(s.file.handle, expr_handle, "No .stack block found with this name", .{});
return depends_on_layout;
fn check_popped_stacks(a: *Assembler, s: Source_File.Slices, insn_handle: Instruction.Handle, maybe_params: ?Expression.Handle, pushed_stacks: *std.ArrayList([]const u8)) void {
const expr_infos = s.expr.items(.info);
var num_blocks_popped: usize = 0;
var maybe_expr_handle = maybe_params;
while (maybe_expr_handle) |expr_handle| switch (expr_infos[expr_handle]) {
.list => |bin| {
num_blocks_popped += 1;
maybe_expr_handle = bin.right;
else => {
num_blocks_popped += 1;
maybe_expr_handle = null;
if (num_blocks_popped == 0) {
a.record_insn_error(s.file.handle, insn_handle, "Expected at least one stack block name", .{});
var depends_on_layout = false;
maybe_expr_handle = maybe_params;
while (maybe_expr_handle) |expr_handle| switch (expr_infos[expr_handle]) {
.list => |bin| {
depends_on_layout = check_popped_stack(a, s, bin.left, pushed_stacks, &num_blocks_popped) or depends_on_layout;
maybe_expr_handle = bin.right;
else => {
depends_on_layout = check_popped_stack(a, s, expr_handle, pushed_stacks, &num_blocks_popped) or depends_on_layout;
maybe_expr_handle = null;
if (depends_on_layout) {
fn check_popped_stack(a: *Assembler, s: Source_File.Slices, expr_handle: Expression.Handle, pushed_stacks: *std.ArrayList([]const u8), num_blocks_to_pop: *usize) bool {
const insn_flags = s.insn.items(.flags);
var depends_on_layout = false;
const stack_block_name = symbols.parse_symbol(a, s, expr_handle).as_string();
for (0.., pushed_stacks.items) |i, name| {
if (std.mem.eql(u8, name, stack_block_name)) {
if (i + num_blocks_to_pop.* < pushed_stacks.items.len) {
a.record_expr_error(s.file.handle, expr_handle, "Stack blocks must be popped in the reverse order they were pushed!", .{});
} else {
num_blocks_to_pop.* -= 1;
_ = pushed_stacks.orderedRemove(i);
} else {
a.record_expr_error(s.file.handle, expr_handle, "This stack block has already been popped or was never pushed!", .{});
return false;
if (s.file.stacks.get(stack_block_name)) |stack_block_handle| {
var iter = s.block_instructions(stack_block_handle);
while (iter.next()) |insn_handle| {
depends_on_layout = depends_on_layout or insn_flags[insn_handle].contains(.depends_on_layout);
} else {
a.record_expr_error(s.file.handle, expr_handle, "No .stack block found with this name", .{});
return depends_on_layout;
fn check_undef_expr_list(a: *Assembler, s: Source_File.Slices, expr_handle: Expression.Handle) void {
const infos = s.expr.items(.info);
var expr = expr_handle;
while (infos[expr] == .list) {
const bin = infos[expr].list;
_ = check_undef_expr(a, s, bin.left);
expr = bin.right;
_ = check_undef_expr(a, s, expr);
fn check_undef_expr(a: *Assembler, s: Source_File.Slices, expr_handle: Expression.Handle) void {
const symbol_name = symbols.parse_symbol(a, s, expr_handle);
const token = s.expr.items(.token)[expr_handle];
switch (symbols.lookup_symbol(a, s, token, symbol_name.as_string(), false)) {
.expression => {},
.not_found => {
a.record_expr_error(s.file.handle, expr_handle, "Symbol must be defined before it can be un-defined", .{});
.instruction => {
a.record_expr_error(s.file.handle, expr_handle, "Labels cannot be un-defined", .{});
.stack => {
a.record_expr_error(s.file.handle, expr_handle, "Stack labels cannot be un-defined", .{});
fn check_data_directive_expr_list(a: *Assembler, s: Source_File.Slices, expr_handle: Expression.Handle) void {
const infos = s.expr.items(.info);
var expr = expr_handle;
while (true) {
switch (infos[expr]) {
.list => |bin| {
check_data_directive_expr(a, s, bin.left);
expr = bin.right;
else => break,
check_data_directive_expr(a, s, expr);
fn check_data_directive_expr(a: *Assembler, s: Source_File.Slices, expr_handle: Expression.Handle) void {
const expr_type = s.expr.items(.resolved_type)[expr_handle];
if (expr_type.base_offset_type() != null and !expr_type.is_constant()) {
a.record_expr_error(s.file.handle, expr_handle, "Expected constant expression", .{});
fn check_org_params(a: *Assembler, s: Source_File.Slices, insn_handle: Instruction.Handle, maybe_params: ?Expression.Handle) void {
const expr_resolved_types = s.expr.items(.resolved_type);
var params = [_]?Expression.Handle{null};
get_param_handles(a, s, maybe_params, ¶ms);
if (params[0]) |address_expr| {
const expr_type = expr_resolved_types[address_expr];
if (expr_type.base_offset_type()) |bot| {
if (bot.base == .sr and bot.base.sr == .ip and bot.offset == .constant) {
a.record_expr_error(s.file.handle, address_expr, "Expected absolute address, not relative; try using '@'", .{});
} else if (bot.base != .constant) {
a.record_expr_error(s.file.handle, address_expr, "Expected constant or absolute address", .{});
} else {
a.record_insn_error(s.file.handle, insn_handle, ".org directive must be followed by address expression", .{});
fn check_align_params(a: *Assembler, s: Source_File.Slices, insn_handle: Instruction.Handle, maybe_params: ?Expression.Handle) void {
const expr_resolved_types = s.expr.items(.resolved_type);
var params = [_]?Expression.Handle{null} ** 2;
get_param_handles(a, s, maybe_params, ¶ms);
if (params[0]) |align_expr| {
if (expr_resolved_types[align_expr].is_non_constant()) {
a.record_expr_error(s.file.handle, align_expr, "Expected constant", .{});
} else {
a.record_insn_error(s.file.handle, insn_handle, ".align directive must be followed by constant expression", .{});
if (params[1]) |offset_expr| {
if (expr_resolved_types[offset_expr].is_non_constant()) {
a.record_expr_error(s.file.handle, offset_expr, "Expected constant", .{});
fn check_range_params(a: *Assembler, s: Source_File.Slices, insn_handle: Instruction.Handle, maybe_params: ?Expression.Handle) void {
const expr_flags = s.expr.items(.flags);
const expr_resolved_types = s.expr.items(.resolved_type);
var params = [_]?Expression.Handle{null} ** 2;
get_param_handles(a, s, maybe_params, ¶ms);
var range = Assembler.Address_Range{
.first = 0,
.len = 0,
if (params[0]) |expr| {
if (expr_resolved_types[expr].is_non_constant()) {
a.record_expr_error(s.file.handle, expr, "Expected minimum address constant", .{});
if (expr_flags[expr].contains(.constant_depends_on_layout)) {
a.record_expr_error(s.file.handle, expr, "Expression cannot depend on layout", .{});
} else {
const constant = layout.resolve_expression_constant_or_default(a, s, 0, expr, 0x1000);
range.first = constant.as_int(u32) catch a: {
a.record_expr_error(s.file.handle, expr, "Expression must fit in u32", .{});
break :a 0x1000;
if (hw.addr.Offset.init(@truncate(range.first)).raw() != 0) {
a.record_expr_error(s.file.handle, expr, "Expected an address with a page offset of 0", .{});
if (params[1]) |expr| {
if (expr_resolved_types[expr].is_non_constant()) {
a.record_expr_error(s.file.handle, expr, "Expected maximum address constant", .{});
if (expr_flags[expr].contains(.constant_depends_on_layout)) {
a.record_expr_error(s.file.handle, expr, "Expression cannot depend on layout", .{});
} else {
const constant = layout.resolve_expression_constant_or_default(a, s, 0, expr, 0xFFFF_FFFF);
const last = constant.as_int(u32) catch a: {
a.record_expr_error(s.file.handle, expr, "Expression must fit in u32", .{});
break :a 0xFFFF_FFFF;
if (hw.addr.Offset.init(@truncate(last)) != hw.addr.Offset.max) {
a.record_expr_error(s.file.handle, expr, "Expected an address with a page offset of 0xFFF", .{});
range.len = @as(usize, last - range.first) + 1;
const block_handle = s.file.find_block_by_instruction(insn_handle);
const section_handle = s.file.blocks.items(.section)[block_handle].?;
const section = a.get_section_ptr(section_handle);
if (section.range) |_| {
a.record_insn_error(s.file.handle, insn_handle, "Multiple .range directives found for this section; ignoring this one", .{});
} else {
section.range = range;
} else {
a.record_insn_error(s.file.handle, insn_handle, ".range directive must be followed by <min_address>, <max_address> constant expressions", .{});
fn get_param_handles(a: *Assembler, s: Source_File.Slices, maybe_params_expr: ?Expression.Handle, out: []?Expression.Handle) void {
if (out.len == 0) return;
if (maybe_params_expr) |params_expr| {
var expr_handle = params_expr;
const expr_infos = s.expr.items(.info);
for (out) |*p| {
switch (expr_infos[expr_handle]) {
.list => |bin| {
p.* = bin.left;
expr_handle = bin.right;
else => {
p.* = expr_handle;
a.record_expr_error(s.file.handle, expr_handle, "Too many parameters", .{});
pub fn check_symbol_ambiguity_in_file(a: *Assembler, s: Source_File.Slices) void {
const expr_tokens = s.expr.items(.token);
for (0.., s.expr.items(.info)) |expr_handle, info| switch (info) {
.literal_symbol_ref, .directive_symbol_ref => {
const constant = symbols.parse_symbol(a, s, @intCast(expr_handle));
_ = symbols.lookup_symbol(a, s, expr_tokens[expr_handle], constant.as_string(), true);
else => {},
const Token = lex.Token;
const lex = @import("lex.zig");
const symbols = @import("symbols.zig");
const layout = @import("layout.zig");
const Assembler = @import("Assembler.zig");
const Block = Source_File.Block;
const Source_File = @import("Source_File.zig");
const Instruction = @import("Instruction.zig");
const Expression = @import("Expression.zig");
const Constant = @import("Constant.zig");
const Section = @import("Section.zig");
const Error = @import("Error.zig");
const Address_Space = isa.Address_Space;
const isa = arch.isa;
const Register_Index = hw.Register_Index;
const hw = arch.hw;
const arch = @import("lib_arch");
const Signedness = std.builtin.Signedness;
const std = @import("std");
| https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bcrist/vera/3fa048b730dedfc3551ecf352792a8322466867a/lib/assembler/typechecking.zig |
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 Lee Cannon <leecannon@leecannon.xyz>
const std = @import("std");
const core = @import("core");
const kernel = @import("kernel");
const limine = @import("limine");
export fn _start() callconv(.C) noreturn {
@call(.never_inline, @import("init.zig").initStage1, .{}) catch |err| {
core.panicFmt("unhandled error: {s}", .{@errorName(err)});
core.panic("`init.initStage1` returned");
pub const KernelBaseAddress = struct {
virtual: core.VirtualAddress,
physical: core.PhysicalAddress,
/// Returns the kernel virtual and physical base addresses provided by the bootloader, if any.
pub fn kernelBaseAddress() ?KernelBaseAddress {
if (limine_requests.kernel_address.response) |resp| {
return .{
.virtual = resp.virtual_base,
.physical = resp.physical_base,
return null;
/// Returns the direct map address provided by the bootloader, if any.
pub fn directMapAddress() ?core.VirtualAddress {
if (limine_requests.hhdm.response) |resp| {
return resp.offset;
return null;
/// Returns an iterator over the memory map entries, iterating in the given direction.
pub fn memoryMap(direction: Direction) MemoryMapIterator {
const memmap_response = limine_requests.memmap.response orelse core.panic("no memory map from the bootloader");
const entries = memmap_response.entries();
return .{
.limine = .{
.index = switch (direction) {
.forwards => 0,
.backwards => entries.len,
.entries = entries,
.direction = direction,
/// An entry in the memory map provided by the bootloader.
pub const MemoryMapEntry = struct {
range: core.PhysicalRange,
type: Type,
pub const Type = enum {
pub fn print(entry: MemoryMapEntry, writer: std.io.AnyWriter, indent: usize) !void {
try writer.writeAll("MemoryMapEntry - ");
try writer.writeAll(@tagName(entry.type));
try writer.writeAll(" - ");
try entry.range.print(writer, indent);
pub inline fn format(
value: MemoryMapEntry,
comptime fmt: []const u8,
options: std.fmt.FormatOptions,
writer: anytype,
) !void {
_ = options;
_ = fmt;
return if (@TypeOf(writer) == std.io.AnyWriter)
print(value, writer, 0)
print(value, writer.any(), 0);
fn __helpZls() void {
MemoryMapEntry.print(undefined, @as(std.fs.File.Writer, undefined), 0);
/// An iterator over the memory map entries provided by the bootloader.
pub const MemoryMapIterator = union(enum) {
limine: LimineMemoryMapIterator,
/// Returns the next memory map entry from the iterator, if any remain.
pub fn next(self: *MemoryMapIterator) ?MemoryMapEntry {
return switch (self.*) {
inline else => |*i| i.next(),
pub const Direction = enum {
const LimineMemoryMapIterator = struct {
index: usize,
entries: []const *const limine.Memmap.Entry,
direction: Direction,
pub fn next(self: *LimineMemoryMapIterator) ?MemoryMapEntry {
const limine_entry = switch (self.direction) {
.backwards => blk: {
if (self.index == 0) return null;
self.index -= 1;
break :blk self.entries[self.index];
.forwards => blk: {
if (self.index >= self.entries.len) return null;
const entry = self.entries[self.index];
self.index += 1;
break :blk entry;
return .{
.range = core.PhysicalRange.fromAddr(limine_entry.base, limine_entry.length),
.type = switch (limine_entry.type) {
.usable => .free,
.kernel_and_modules, .framebuffer => .in_use,
.reserved, .acpi_nvs => .reserved,
.acpi_reclaimable, .bootloader_reclaimable => .reclaimable,
.bad_memory => .unusable,
else => .unusable,
/// Returns the ACPI RSDP address provided by the bootloader, if any.
pub fn rsdp() ?core.VirtualAddress {
if (limine_requests.rsdp.response) |resp| {
return resp.address;
return null;
pub fn x2apicEnabled() bool {
if (kernel.arch.arch != .x64) @compileError("x2apicEnabled can only be called on x64");
const smp_response = limine_requests.smp.response orelse return false;
return smp_response.flags.x2apic_enabled;
pub fn cpuDescriptors() CpuDescriptorIterator {
const smp_response = limine_requests.smp.response orelse core.panic("no cpu descriptors from the bootloader");
const entries = smp_response.cpus();
return .{
.limine = .{
.index = 0,
.entries = entries,
pub const CpuDescriptor = struct {
_raw: Raw,
pub fn boot(
self: CpuDescriptor,
cpu: *kernel.Cpu,
comptime targetFn: fn (cpu: *kernel.Cpu) noreturn,
) void {
switch (self._raw) {
.limine => |limine_info| {
const trampolineFn = struct {
fn trampolineFn(smp_info: *const limine.SMP.Response.SMPInfo) callconv(.C) noreturn {
?*const fn (*const limine.SMP.Response.SMPInfo) callconv(.C) noreturn,
pub fn acpiId(self: CpuDescriptor) u32 {
return switch (self._raw) {
.limine => |limine_info| limine_info.processor_id,
pub fn lapicId(self: CpuDescriptor) u32 {
if (kernel.arch.arch != .x64) @compileError("apicId can only be called on x64");
return switch (self._raw) {
.limine => |limine_info| limine_info.lapic_id,
pub const Raw = union(enum) {
limine: *limine.SMP.Response.SMPInfo,
/// An iterator over the cpu descriptors provided by the bootloader.
pub const CpuDescriptorIterator = union(enum) {
limine: LimineCpuDescriptorIterator,
pub fn count(self: CpuDescriptorIterator) usize {
return switch (self) {
inline else => |i| i.count(),
/// Returns the next cpu descriptor from the iterator, if any remain.
pub fn next(self: *CpuDescriptorIterator) ?CpuDescriptor {
return switch (self.*) {
inline else => |*i| i.next(),
const LimineCpuDescriptorIterator = struct {
index: usize,
entries: []*limine.SMP.Response.SMPInfo,
pub fn count(self: LimineCpuDescriptorIterator) usize {
return self.entries.len;
pub fn next(self: *LimineCpuDescriptorIterator) ?CpuDescriptor {
if (self.index >= self.entries.len) return null;
const smp_info = self.entries[self.index];
self.index += 1;
return .{
._raw = .{ .limine = smp_info },
const limine_requests = struct {
export var limine_revison: limine.BaseRevison = .{ .revison = 1 };
export var kernel_address: limine.KernelAddress = .{};
export var hhdm: limine.HHDM = .{};
export var memmap: limine.Memmap = .{};
export var rsdp: limine.RSDP = .{};
export var smp: limine.SMP = .{ .flags = .{ .x2apic = true } };
comptime {
_ = &limine_requests;
| https://raw.githubusercontent.com/CascadeOS/CascadeOS/07e8248e8a189b1ff74c21b60f0eb80bfe6f9574/kernel/boot.zig |
const escape = @import("details/escape.zig");
const std = @import("std");
const FormatterInterface = @import("../../../json.zig").ser.Formatter;
pub fn Formatter(comptime Writer: type) type {
return struct {
const Self = @This();
pub usingnamespace FormatterInterface(
.writeBool = writeBool,
.writeCharEscape = writeCharEscape,
.writeInt = writeInt,
.writeFloat = writeFloat,
.writeNull = writeNull,
.writeNumberString = writeNumberString,
.writeRawFragment = writeRawFragment,
.writeStringFragment = writeStringFragment,
.beginArray = beginArray,
.beginArrayValue = beginArrayValue,
.beginString = beginString,
.beginObject = beginObject,
.beginObjectKey = beginObjectKey,
.beginObjectValue = beginObjectValue,
.endArray = endArray,
.endArrayValue = endArrayValue,
.endObject = endObject,
.endObjectKey = endObjectKey,
.endObjectValue = endObjectValue,
.endString = endString,
fn writeNull(_: Self, w: Writer) Writer.Error!void {
try w.writeAll("null");
fn writeBool(_: Self, w: Writer, v: bool) Writer.Error!void {
try w.writeAll(if (v) "true" else "false");
fn writeInt(_: Self, w: Writer, v: anytype) Writer.Error!void {
try std.fmt.formatInt(v, 10, .lower, .{}, w);
fn writeFloat(_: Self, w: Writer, v: anytype) Writer.Error!void {
try std.fmt.formatType(v, "", std.fmt.FormatOptions{}, w, std.fmt.default_max_depth);
fn writeNumberString(_: Self, w: Writer, v: []const u8) Writer.Error!void {
try w.writeAll(v);
fn beginString(_: Self, w: Writer) Writer.Error!void {
try w.writeAll("\"");
fn endString(_: Self, w: Writer) Writer.Error!void {
try w.writeAll("\"");
fn writeStringFragment(_: Self, w: Writer, v: []const u8) Writer.Error!void {
try w.writeAll(v);
fn writeCharEscape(_: Self, w: Writer, v: u21) Writer.Error!void {
try escape.escapeChar(v, w);
fn beginArray(_: Self, w: Writer) Writer.Error!void {
try w.writeAll("[");
fn endArray(_: Self, w: Writer) Writer.Error!void {
try w.writeAll("]");
fn beginArrayValue(_: Self, w: Writer, first: bool) Writer.Error!void {
if (!first)
try w.writeAll(",");
fn endArrayValue(_: Self, _: Writer) Writer.Error!void {}
fn beginObject(_: Self, w: Writer) Writer.Error!void {
try w.writeAll("{");
fn endObject(_: Self, w: Writer) Writer.Error!void {
try w.writeAll("}");
fn beginObjectKey(_: Self, w: Writer, first: bool) Writer.Error!void {
if (!first)
try w.writeAll(",");
fn endObjectKey(_: Self, _: Writer) Writer.Error!void {}
fn beginObjectValue(_: Self, w: Writer) Writer.Error!void {
try w.writeAll(":");
fn endObjectValue(_: Self, _: Writer) Writer.Error!void {}
fn writeRawFragment(_: Self, w: Writer, v: []const u8) Writer.Error!void {
try w.writeAll(v);
| https://raw.githubusercontent.com/getty-zig/json/11946ff9d2f159cb06aaf423ce13bd8aa2a481e7/src/ser/impl/formatter/compact.zig |
export fn foo() void {}
// obj
| https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ziglang/zig/d9bd34fd0533295044ffb4160da41f7873aff905/doc/langref/export_builtin_equivalent_code.zig |
const std = @import("std");
const flecs = @import("flecs");
const q = flecs.queries;
pub const Velocity = struct { x: f32, y: f32 };
pub const Position = struct { x: f32, y: f32 };
pub const Acceleration = struct { x: f32, y: f32 };
pub fn main() !void {
var world = flecs.World.init();
defer world.deinit();
world.newWrappedRunSystem("MoveWrap", .on_update, ComponentData, moveWrapped);
world.newWrappedRunSystem("Move2Wrap", .on_update, ComponentData, move2Wrapped);
world.newWrappedRunSystem("AccelWrap", .on_update, AccelComponentData, accelWrapped);
const entity1 = world.newEntity();
const entity2 = world.newEntityWithName("MyEntity2");
const entity3 = world.newEntityWithName("HasAccel");
const entity4 = world.newEntityWithName("HasNoVel");
entity1.set(Position{ .x = 0, .y = 0 });
entity1.set(Velocity{ .x = 0.1, .y = 0.1 });
entity2.set(Position{ .x = 2, .y = 2 });
entity2.set(Velocity{ .x = 0.2, .y = 0.2 });
entity3.set(Position{ .x = 3, .y = 3 });
entity3.set(Velocity{ .x = 0.3, .y = 0.3 });
entity3.set(Acceleration{ .x = 1.2, .y = 1.2 });
entity4.set(Position{ .x = 4, .y = 4 });
entity4.set(Acceleration{ .x = 1.2, .y = 1.2 });
std.debug.print("tick\n", .{});
std.debug.print("tick\n", .{});
// open the web explorer at https://www.flecs.dev/explorer/?remote=true
_ = flecs.c.ecs_app_run(world.world, &std.mem.zeroInit(flecs.c.ecs_app_desc_t, .{
.target_fps = 1,
.delta_time = 1,
.threads = 8,
.enable_rest = true,
const ComponentData = struct { pos: *Position, vel: *Velocity };
const AccelComponentData = struct { pos: *Position, vel: *Velocity, accel: *Acceleration };
fn moveWrapped(iter: *flecs.Iterator(ComponentData)) void {
while (iter.next()) |e| {
std.debug.print("Move wrapped: p: {d}, v: {d} - {s}\n", .{ e.pos, e.vel, iter.entity().getName() });
fn move2Wrapped(iter: *flecs.Iterator(ComponentData)) void {
while (iter.next()) |e| {
std.debug.print("Move2 wrapped: p: {d}, v: {d} - {s}\n", .{ e.pos, e.vel, iter.entity().getName() });
fn accelWrapped(iter: *flecs.Iterator(AccelComponentData)) void {
while (iter.next()) |e| {
std.debug.print("Accel wrapped: p: {d}, v: {d} - {s}\n", .{ e.pos, e.vel, iter.entity().getName() });
| https://raw.githubusercontent.com/prime31/zig-flecs/1350d78d00dd6528b2d645a1e7275e1b6390a288/examples/systems.zig |
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// Copyright (c) 2015-2021 Zig Contributors
// This file is part of [zig](https://ziglang.org/), which is MIT licensed.
// The MIT license requires this copyright notice to be included in all copies
// and substantial portions of the software.
const std = @import("../std.zig");
const builtin = @import("builtin");
const assert = std.debug.assert;
const testing = std.testing;
const mem = std.mem;
const Loop = std.event.Loop;
/// Thread-safe async/await lock.
/// Functions which are waiting for the lock are suspended, and
/// are resumed when the lock is released, in order.
/// Many readers can hold the lock at the same time; however locking for writing is exclusive.
/// When a read lock is held, it will not be released until the reader queue is empty.
/// When a write lock is held, it will not be released until the writer queue is empty.
/// TODO: make this API also work in blocking I/O mode
pub const RwLock = struct {
shared_state: State,
writer_queue: Queue,
reader_queue: Queue,
writer_queue_empty: bool,
reader_queue_empty: bool,
reader_lock_count: usize,
const State = enum(u8) {
const Queue = std.atomic.Queue(anyframe);
const global_event_loop = Loop.instance orelse
@compileError("std.event.RwLock currently only works with event-based I/O");
pub const HeldRead = struct {
lock: *RwLock,
pub fn release(self: HeldRead) void {
// If other readers still hold the lock, we're done.
if (@atomicRmw(usize, &self.lock.reader_lock_count, .Sub, 1, .SeqCst) != 1) {
@atomicStore(bool, &self.lock.reader_queue_empty, true, .SeqCst);
if (@cmpxchgStrong(State, &self.lock.shared_state, .ReadLock, .Unlocked, .SeqCst, .SeqCst) != null) {
// Didn't unlock. Someone else's problem.
pub const HeldWrite = struct {
lock: *RwLock,
pub fn release(self: HeldWrite) void {
// See if we can leave it locked for writing, and pass the lock to the next writer
// in the queue to grab the lock.
if (self.lock.writer_queue.get()) |node| {
// We need to release the write lock. Check if any readers are waiting to grab the lock.
if (!@atomicLoad(bool, &self.lock.reader_queue_empty, .SeqCst)) {
// Switch to a read lock.
@atomicStore(State, &self.lock.shared_state, .ReadLock, .SeqCst);
while (self.lock.reader_queue.get()) |node| {
@atomicStore(bool, &self.lock.writer_queue_empty, true, .SeqCst);
@atomicStore(State, &self.lock.shared_state, .Unlocked, .SeqCst);
pub fn init() RwLock {
return .{
.shared_state = .Unlocked,
.writer_queue = Queue.init(),
.writer_queue_empty = true,
.reader_queue = Queue.init(),
.reader_queue_empty = true,
.reader_lock_count = 0,
/// Must be called when not locked. Not thread safe.
/// All calls to acquire() and release() must complete before calling deinit().
pub fn deinit(self: *RwLock) void {
assert(self.shared_state == .Unlocked);
while (self.writer_queue.get()) |node| resume node.data;
while (self.reader_queue.get()) |node| resume node.data;
pub fn acquireRead(self: *RwLock) callconv(.Async) HeldRead {
_ = @atomicRmw(usize, &self.reader_lock_count, .Add, 1, .SeqCst);
suspend {
var my_tick_node = Loop.NextTickNode{
.data = @frame(),
.prev = undefined,
.next = undefined,
// At this point, we are in the reader_queue, so we might have already been resumed.
// We set this bit so that later we can rely on the fact, that if reader_queue_empty == true,
// some actor will attempt to grab the lock.
@atomicStore(bool, &self.reader_queue_empty, false, .SeqCst);
// Here we don't care if we are the one to do the locking or if it was already locked for reading.
const have_read_lock = if (@cmpxchgStrong(State, &self.shared_state, .Unlocked, .ReadLock, .SeqCst, .SeqCst)) |old_state| old_state == .ReadLock else true;
if (have_read_lock) {
// Give out all the read locks.
if (self.reader_queue.get()) |first_node| {
while (self.reader_queue.get()) |node| {
resume first_node.data;
return HeldRead{ .lock = self };
pub fn acquireWrite(self: *RwLock) callconv(.Async) HeldWrite {
suspend {
var my_tick_node = Loop.NextTickNode{
.data = @frame(),
.prev = undefined,
.next = undefined,
// At this point, we are in the writer_queue, so we might have already been resumed.
// We set this bit so that later we can rely on the fact, that if writer_queue_empty == true,
// some actor will attempt to grab the lock.
@atomicStore(bool, &self.writer_queue_empty, false, .SeqCst);
// Here we must be the one to acquire the write lock. It cannot already be locked.
if (@cmpxchgStrong(State, &self.shared_state, .Unlocked, .WriteLock, .SeqCst, .SeqCst) == null) {
// We now have a write lock.
if (self.writer_queue.get()) |node| {
// Whether this node is us or someone else, we tail resume it.
resume node.data;
return HeldWrite{ .lock = self };
fn commonPostUnlock(self: *RwLock) void {
while (true) {
// There might be a writer_queue item or a reader_queue item
// If we check and both are empty, we can be done, because the other actors will try to
// obtain the lock.
// But if there's a writer_queue item or a reader_queue item,
// we are the actor which must loop and attempt to grab the lock again.
if (!@atomicLoad(bool, &self.writer_queue_empty, .SeqCst)) {
if (@cmpxchgStrong(State, &self.shared_state, .Unlocked, .WriteLock, .SeqCst, .SeqCst) != null) {
// We did not obtain the lock. Great, the queues are someone else's problem.
// If there's an item in the writer queue, give them the lock, and we're done.
if (self.writer_queue.get()) |node| {
// Release the lock again.
@atomicStore(bool, &self.writer_queue_empty, true, .SeqCst);
@atomicStore(State, &self.shared_state, .Unlocked, .SeqCst);
if (!@atomicLoad(bool, &self.reader_queue_empty, .SeqCst)) {
if (@cmpxchgStrong(State, &self.shared_state, .Unlocked, .ReadLock, .SeqCst, .SeqCst) != null) {
// We did not obtain the lock. Great, the queues are someone else's problem.
// If there are any items in the reader queue, give out all the reader locks, and we're done.
if (self.reader_queue.get()) |first_node| {
while (self.reader_queue.get()) |node| {
// Release the lock again.
@atomicStore(bool, &self.reader_queue_empty, true, .SeqCst);
if (@cmpxchgStrong(State, &self.shared_state, .ReadLock, .Unlocked, .SeqCst, .SeqCst) != null) {
// Didn't unlock. Someone else's problem.
test "std.event.RwLock" {
// https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/2377
if (true) return error.SkipZigTest;
// https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/1908
if (builtin.single_threaded) return error.SkipZigTest;
// TODO provide a way to run tests in evented I/O mode
if (!std.io.is_async) return error.SkipZigTest;
var lock = RwLock.init();
defer lock.deinit();
const handle = testLock(std.heap.page_allocator, &lock);
const expected_result = [1]i32{shared_it_count * @intCast(i32, shared_test_data.len)} ** shared_test_data.len;
testing.expectEqualSlices(i32, expected_result, shared_test_data);
fn testLock(allocator: *Allocator, lock: *RwLock) callconv(.Async) void {
var read_nodes: [100]Loop.NextTickNode = undefined;
for (read_nodes) |*read_node| {
const frame = allocator.create(@Frame(readRunner)) catch @panic("memory");
read_node.data = frame;
frame.* = async readRunner(lock);
var write_nodes: [shared_it_count]Loop.NextTickNode = undefined;
for (write_nodes) |*write_node| {
const frame = allocator.create(@Frame(writeRunner)) catch @panic("memory");
write_node.data = frame;
frame.* = async writeRunner(lock);
for (write_nodes) |*write_node| {
const casted = @ptrCast(*const @Frame(writeRunner), write_node.data);
await casted;
for (read_nodes) |*read_node| {
const casted = @ptrCast(*const @Frame(readRunner), read_node.data);
await casted;
const shared_it_count = 10;
var shared_test_data = [1]i32{0} ** 10;
var shared_test_index: usize = 0;
var shared_count: usize = 0;
fn writeRunner(lock: *RwLock) callconv(.Async) void {
suspend {} // resumed by onNextTick
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < shared_test_data.len) : (i += 1) {
std.time.sleep(100 * std.time.microsecond);
const lock_promise = async lock.acquireWrite();
const handle = await lock_promise;
defer handle.release();
shared_count += 1;
while (shared_test_index < shared_test_data.len) : (shared_test_index += 1) {
shared_test_data[shared_test_index] = shared_test_data[shared_test_index] + 1;
shared_test_index = 0;
fn readRunner(lock: *RwLock) callconv(.Async) void {
suspend {} // resumed by onNextTick
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < shared_test_data.len) : (i += 1) {
const lock_promise = async lock.acquireRead();
const handle = await lock_promise;
defer handle.release();
testing.expect(shared_test_index == 0);
testing.expect(shared_test_data[i] == @intCast(i32, shared_count));
| https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dip-proto/zig/8f79f7e60937481fcf861c2941db02cbf449cdca/lib/std/event/rwlock.zig |
const std = @import("std");
const main = @import("root");
const graphics = main.graphics;
const draw = graphics.draw;
const Shader = graphics.Shader;
const TextBuffer = graphics.TextBuffer;
const Texture = graphics.Texture;
const vec = main.vec;
const Vec2f = vec.Vec2f;
const gui = @import("../gui.zig");
const GuiComponent = gui.GuiComponent;
const Icon = GuiComponent.Icon;
const Label = GuiComponent.Label;
const Button = @This();
const border: f32 = 3;
const fontSize: f32 = 16;
const Textures = struct {
texture: Texture,
outlineTexture: Texture,
outlineTextureSize: Vec2f,
pub fn init(basePath: []const u8) Textures {
var self: Textures = undefined;
const buttonPath = std.fmt.allocPrint(main.stackAllocator.allocator, "{s}.png", .{basePath}) catch unreachable;
defer main.stackAllocator.free(buttonPath);
self.texture = Texture.initFromFile(buttonPath);
const outlinePath = std.fmt.allocPrint(main.stackAllocator.allocator, "{s}_outline.png", .{basePath}) catch unreachable;
defer main.stackAllocator.free(outlinePath);
self.outlineTexture = Texture.initFromFile(outlinePath);
self.outlineTextureSize = @floatFromInt(self.outlineTexture.size());
return self;
pub fn deinit(self: Textures) void {
var normalTextures: Textures = undefined;
var hoveredTextures: Textures = undefined;
var pressedTextures: Textures = undefined;
pub var shader: Shader = undefined;
pub var buttonUniforms: struct {
screen: c_int,
start: c_int,
size: c_int,
color: c_int,
scale: c_int,
image: c_int,
} = undefined;
pos: Vec2f,
size: Vec2f,
pressed: bool = false,
hovered: bool = false,
onAction: gui.Callback,
child: GuiComponent,
pub fn __init() void {
shader = Shader.initAndGetUniforms("assets/cubyz/shaders/ui/button.vs", "assets/cubyz/shaders/ui/button.fs", &buttonUniforms);
graphics.c.glUniform1i(buttonUniforms.image, 0);
normalTextures = Textures.init("assets/cubyz/ui/button");
hoveredTextures = Textures.init("assets/cubyz/ui/button_hovered");
pressedTextures = Textures.init("assets/cubyz/ui/button_pressed");
pub fn __deinit() void {
fn defaultOnAction(_: usize) void {}
pub fn initText(pos: Vec2f, width: f32, text: []const u8, onAction: gui.Callback) *Button {
const label = Label.init(undefined, width - 3*border, text, .center);
const self = main.globalAllocator.create(Button);
self.* = Button {
.pos = pos,
.size = Vec2f{width, label.size[1] + 3*border},
.onAction = onAction,
.child = label.toComponent(),
return self;
pub fn initIcon(pos: Vec2f, iconSize: Vec2f, iconTexture: Texture, hasShadow: bool, onAction: gui.Callback) *Button {
const icon = Icon.init(undefined, iconSize, iconTexture, hasShadow);
const self = main.globalAllocator.create(Button);
self.* = Button {
.pos = pos,
.size = icon.size + @as(Vec2f, @splat(3*border)),
.onAction = onAction,
.child = icon.toComponent(),
return self;
pub fn deinit(self: *const Button) void {
pub fn toComponent(self: *Button) GuiComponent {
return GuiComponent {
.button = self
pub fn updateHovered(self: *Button, _: Vec2f) void {
self.hovered = true;
pub fn mainButtonPressed(self: *Button, _: Vec2f) void {
self.pressed = true;
pub fn mainButtonReleased(self: *Button, mousePosition: Vec2f) void {
if(self.pressed) {
self.pressed = false;
if(GuiComponent.contains(self.pos, self.size, mousePosition)) {
pub fn render(self: *Button, mousePosition: Vec2f) void {
const textures = if(self.pressed)
else if(GuiComponent.contains(self.pos, self.size, mousePosition) and self.hovered)
else normalTextures;
self.hovered = false;
draw.customShadedRect(buttonUniforms, self.pos + Vec2f{2, 2}, self.size - Vec2f{4, 4});
{ // Draw the outline using the 9-slice texture.
const cornerSize = (textures.outlineTextureSize - Vec2f{1, 1});
const cornerSizeUV = (textures.outlineTextureSize - Vec2f{1, 1})/Vec2f{2, 2}/textures.outlineTextureSize;
const lowerTexture = (textures.outlineTextureSize - Vec2f{1, 1})/Vec2f{2, 2}/textures.outlineTextureSize;
const upperTexture = (textures.outlineTextureSize + Vec2f{1, 1})/Vec2f{2, 2}/textures.outlineTextureSize;
// Corners:
graphics.draw.boundSubImage(self.pos + Vec2f{0, 0}, cornerSize, .{0, 0}, cornerSizeUV);
graphics.draw.boundSubImage(self.pos + Vec2f{self.size[0], 0} - Vec2f{cornerSize[0], 0}, cornerSize, .{upperTexture[0], 0}, cornerSizeUV);
graphics.draw.boundSubImage(self.pos + Vec2f{0, self.size[1]} - Vec2f{0, cornerSize[1]}, cornerSize, .{0, upperTexture[1]}, cornerSizeUV);
graphics.draw.boundSubImage(self.pos + self.size - cornerSize, cornerSize, upperTexture, cornerSizeUV);
// Edges:
graphics.draw.boundSubImage(self.pos + Vec2f{cornerSize[0], 0}, Vec2f{self.size[0] - 2*cornerSize[0], cornerSize[1]}, .{lowerTexture[0], 0}, .{upperTexture[0] - lowerTexture[0], cornerSizeUV[1]});
graphics.draw.boundSubImage(self.pos + Vec2f{cornerSize[0], self.size[1] - cornerSize[1]}, Vec2f{self.size[0] - 2*cornerSize[0], cornerSize[1]}, .{lowerTexture[0], upperTexture[1]}, .{upperTexture[0] - lowerTexture[0], cornerSizeUV[1]});
graphics.draw.boundSubImage(self.pos + Vec2f{0, cornerSize[1]}, Vec2f{cornerSize[0], self.size[1] - 2*cornerSize[1]}, .{0, lowerTexture[1]}, .{cornerSizeUV[0], upperTexture[1] - lowerTexture[1]});
graphics.draw.boundSubImage(self.pos + Vec2f{self.size[0] - cornerSize[0], cornerSize[1]}, Vec2f{cornerSize[0], self.size[1] - 2*cornerSize[1]}, .{upperTexture[0], lowerTexture[1]}, .{cornerSizeUV[0], upperTexture[1] - lowerTexture[1]});
const textPos = self.pos + self.size/@as(Vec2f, @splat(2.0)) - self.child.size()/@as(Vec2f, @splat(2.0));
self.child.mutPos().* = textPos;
self.child.render(mousePosition - self.pos);
} | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PixelGuys/Cubyz/df0e809845a161678d91f4e5e0dcd24e67c4b6c0/src/gui/components/Button.zig |
const base = @import("base");
const math = base.math;
const Vec4f = math.Vec4f;
pub const Result = struct {
reflection: Vec4f,
pub fn init(reflection: Vec4f, p: f32) Result {
return .{ .reflection = .{ reflection[0], reflection[1], reflection[2], p } };
pub fn empty() Result {
return .{ .reflection = @splat(0.0) };
pub fn pdf(self: Result) f32 {
return self.reflection[3];
pub fn setPdf(self: *Result, p: f32) void {
self.reflection[3] = p;
pub fn mulAssignPdf(self: *Result, p: f32) void {
self.reflection[3] *= p;
pub const Sample = struct {
pub const Class = packed struct {
reflection: bool = false,
transmission: bool = false,
diffuse: bool = false,
glossy: bool = false,
specular: bool = false,
straight: bool = false,
reflection: Vec4f,
wi: Vec4f,
pdf: f32,
split_weight: f32,
wavelength: f32,
class: Class,
pub const Samples = [2]Sample;
| https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Opioid/zyg/d8eacc469020972fd11eb5c6c21ce5115d943581/src/core/scene/material/bxdf.zig |
const std = @import("std");
const builtin = @import("builtin");
// A tiny circular buffer to store queries we are interested in receiving the replies from.
// Also tracks the current sequence id, so ignoreEvent must be called for every request.
pub const ReplyBuffer = struct {
const ReplyEvent = struct {
seq: u32,
id: u32,
// The size of this buffer sets a hard cap on the amount of in-flight events we can
// keep track of at the same time. Note that this does not include events we don't
// care about the response from, or we don't need to know exactly what triggered the
// event to be able to handle properly.
mem: [8]ReplyEvent = undefined,
tail: u8 = 0,
head: u8 = 0,
seq_next: u32 = 1,
pub fn len(self: *ReplyBuffer) usize {
var hp: usize = self.head;
if (self.head < self.tail)
hp += self.mem.len;
return hp - self.tail;
pub fn push(self: *ReplyBuffer, id: u32) !void {
if (self.len() == self.mem.len - 1) return error.OutOfMemory;
self.mem[self.head] = .{ .id = id, .seq = self.seq_next };
self.seq_next += 1;
self.head = @intCast(u8, (self.head + 1) % self.mem.len);
pub fn ignoreEvent(self: *ReplyBuffer) void {
self.seq_next += 1;
pub fn get(self: *ReplyBuffer, seq: u32) ?u32 {
while (self.len() > 0) {
const tailp = self.tail;
const ev = self.mem[tailp];
if (ev.seq < seq) {
} else if (ev.seq == seq) {
self.tail = @intCast(u8, (self.tail + 1) % self.mem.len);
return ev.id;
} else {
return null;
return null;
| https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Aransentin/zigwin/4df40163aad0eb52be6b150ff6add668a1348bb2/src/x11/replybuffer.zig |
const std = @import("std");
const math = std.math;
const print = std.debug.print;
const Complex = std.math.Complex;
const isSignedInt = std.meta.trait.isSignedInt;
const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
const ValueType = @import("type_helpers").ValueType;
// Conjugate Pair Lookup Table ----------------------------------------
pub const CP = struct {
pub fn input_lut_init(comptime T: type, N: T, input_lut: [*]T) void {
const log2_N: T = math.log2(N);
const r = @bitSizeOf(T) - log2_N;
const val_to_shift: T = math.shl(T, 1, @bitSizeOf(T) - 3);
var p: T = 0;
var q: T = 0;
var h: T = 0;
var hn: T = 0;
while (h < N) : (h = hn) {
// eval binary carry sequency
hn = h + 2;
var c: T = @bitSizeOf(T) - 2 - @clz(h ^ hn);
// input indices
var i_0: T = math.shr(T, (p -% q), r);
input_lut[h / 2] = i_0;
// advance to next input index
var m2: T = math.shr(T, val_to_shift, c);
var m1: T = m2 - 1;
var m: T = p & m2;
q = (q & m1) | m;
p = (p & m1) | ((m ^ m2) << 1);
// Split Radix Lookup Table ----------------------------------------
pub const SR = struct {
pub fn input_lut_init(comptime T: type, N: T, input_lut: [*]T) void {
const log2_N: T = math.log2(N);
lut_dr(T, log2_N, 0, log2_N, 0, input_lut);
pub fn lut_dr(comptime T: type, log2_N: T, out: T, l: T, i: T, input_lut: [*]T) void {
var is: T = math.shl(T, 1, log2_N - l);
var os: T = math.shl(T, 1, l -% 2);
switch (l) {
1 => {
input_lut[out / 2] = i;
2 => {
lut_dr(T, log2_N, out, 1, i, input_lut);
input_lut[1 + out / 2] = i + is;
else => {
lut_dr(T, log2_N, out, l - 1, i, input_lut);
lut_dr(T, log2_N, out + os * 2, l - 2, i + is, input_lut);
lut_dr(T, log2_N, out + 3 * os, l - 2, i + 3 * is, input_lut);
pub fn jacobsthal(n: anytype) @TypeOf(n) {
comptime var T = @TypeOf(n);
if (comptime isSignedInt(T)) {
@compileError("accepts only unsigned integer types");
// returns the n-th jacobsthal number using closed-for equation
// J(n) = (2^n - (-1)^n) / 3
if (n & 1 == 1) {
return ((math.shl(T, 1, n) + 1) / 3);
} else {
return ((math.shl(T, 1, n) - 1) / 3);
// NOTE: do the allocations for sr_sched_cnt, and sr_sched_off elsewhere
pub fn sched_lut_init(comptime T: type, N: T, sched_cnt: [*]T, sched_off: [*]T) void {
const log2_N: T = math.log2(N);
var i: T = 0;
while (i < log2_N) : (i += 1) {
sched_cnt[i] = jacobsthal(log2_N - i);
i = 0;
var j: T = 0;
while (j < sched_cnt[0]) : (i += 1) {
if ((@clz(i ^ (i + 1)) & 1) == 1) {
sched_off[j] = i;
j += 1;
sched_off[j] = N;
| https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BlueAlmost/zfft-orchard/b83445ab809b26e5e5dfd3092a2d695355cab02a/src/LUT.zig |
// code taken from here: https://zig.news/kilianvounckx/zig-interfaces-for-the-uninitiated-an-update-4gf1
const std = @import("std");
const Iterator = struct {
const Self = @This();
ptr: *anyopaque,
nextFn: fn (*anyopaque) ?u32,
pub fn init(ptr: anytype) Self {
const Ptr = @TypeOf(ptr);
const ptr_info = @typeInfo(Ptr);
if (ptr_info != .Pointer) @compileError("ptr must be a pointer");
if (ptr_info.Pointer.size != .One) @compileError("ptr must be a single item pointer");
const gen = struct {
pub fn nextImpl(pointer: *anyopaque) ?u32 {
const self = @as(Ptr, @ptrCast(@alignCast(pointer)));
return @call(.{ .modifier = .always_inline }, ptr_info.Pointer.child.next, .{self});
return .{
.ptr = ptr,
.nextFn = gen.nextImpl,
const Range = struct {
const Self = @This();
start: u32 = 0,
end: u32,
step: u32 = 1,
pub fn next(self: *Self) ?u32 {
if (self.start >= self.end) return null;
const result = self.start;
self.start += self.step;
return result;
pub fn iterator(self: *Self) Iterator {
return Iterator.init(self);
pub fn main() !void {
// Prints to stderr (it's a shortcut based on `std.io.getStdErr()`)
std.debug.print("All your {s} are belong to us.\n", .{"codebase"});
test "Range" {
var range = Range{ .end = 5 };
const iter = range.iterator();
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(?u32, 0), iter.next());
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(?u32, 1), iter.next());
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(?u32, 2), iter.next());
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(?u32, 3), iter.next());
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(?u32, 4), iter.next());
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(?u32, null), iter.next());
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(?u32, null), iter.next());
| https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lhk/zig_runtime_polymorphism/b854f616ebc86b5f675b2612c7da522ce1b4b757/src/blogpost.zig |
const std = @import("std");
const slotmap = @import("slotmap");
const Key = slotmap.Key;
const SlotMap = slotmap.SlotMap;
const SecondaryMap = slotmap.SecondaryMap;
const print = std.debug.print;
pub fn main() void {
var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(std.heap.page_allocator);
var users = SlotMap(u64).new(&arena.allocator);
var names = SecondaryMap([]const u8).new(&arena.allocator);
const user1 = users.insert(1000);
names.insert(user1, "Michael");
const user2 = users.insert(1001);
names.insert(user2, "Christine");
var iterator = users.iter();
while (iterator.next()) |user| {
if (names.get(user.key)) |name| {
print("Found user {} whose name is {s}\n", .{user.value.*, name.*});
} | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mmstick/zig-slotmap/3e67e6a79c325388b9377c762ef9b47b4c11ef0f/examples/secondary.zig |
const std = @import("std");
const rg = @import("../../renderer/render_graph/render_graph.zig");
const application = @import("../../application/application.zig");
const Config = @import("../../application/config.zig").Config;
const DefaultRenderer = @import("../../renderer/default_renderer.zig").DefaultRenderer;
const System = @import("../../system/system.zig").System;
const ToolUI = @import("../tool_ui.zig").ToolUI;
const MeshViewerWindow = @import("mesh_viewer_window.zig").MeshViewerWindow;
fn setDefaultSettings() void {
var config: *Config = application.app.config;
config.putBool("swapchain_vsync", true);
pub fn main() !void {
const allocator: std.mem.Allocator = std.testing.allocator;
var renderer: DefaultRenderer = undefined;
renderer.init("Main Renderer", allocator);
var tool_ui: ToolUI = undefined;
defer tool_ui.deinit();
var window: MeshViewerWindow = undefined;
window.init("Mesh Viewer", allocator, &tool_ui.ui.rg_pass);
tool_ui.windows.append(&window.window) catch unreachable;
try rg.global_render_graph.passes.append(&tool_ui.ui.rg_pass);
const systems: []*System = &[_]*System{
defer application.deinitGlobalData();
const app: *application.Application = &application.app;
app.init("Nyancore Mesh Viewer", allocator, systems);
defer app.deinit();
try app.initSystems();
defer app.deinitSystems();
try app.mainLoop();
| https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Black-Cat/nyancore/257e111e77dfa8288e0d14a9055a137b3113f1c8/src/tools/mesh_viewer/main.zig |
const std = @import("std");
// Although this function looks imperative, note that its job is to
// declaratively construct a build graph that will be executed by an external
// runner.
pub fn build(b: *std.Build) void {
// Standard target options allows the person running `zig build` to choose
// what target to build for. Here we do not override the defaults, which
// means any target is allowed, and the default is native. Other options
// for restricting supported target set are available.
const target = b.standardTargetOptions(.{});
// Standard optimization options allow the person running `zig build` to select
// between Debug, ReleaseSafe, ReleaseFast, and ReleaseSmall. Here we do not
// set a preferred release mode, allowing the user to decide how to optimize.
const optimize = b.standardOptimizeOption(.{});
const exe = b.addExecutable(.{
.name = "zig-interpreter",
// In this case the main source file is merely a path, however, in more
// complicated build scripts, this could be a generated file.
.root_source_file = .{ .path = "src/main.zig" },
.target = target,
.optimize = optimize,
// This declares intent for the executable to be installed into the
// standard location when the user invokes the "install" step (the default
// step when running `zig build`).
// This *creates* a Run step in the build graph, to be executed when another
// step is evaluated that depends on it. The next line below will establish
// such a dependency.
const run_cmd = b.addRunArtifact(exe);
// By making the run step depend on the install step, it will be run from the
// installation directory rather than directly from within the cache directory.
// This is not necessary, however, if the application depends on other installed
// files, this ensures they will be present and in the expected location.
// This allows the user to pass arguments to the application in the build
// command itself, like this: `zig build run -- arg1 arg2 etc`
if (b.args) |args| {
// This creates a build step. It will be visible in the `zig build --help` menu,
// and can be selected like this: `zig build run`
// This will evaluate the `run` step rather than the default, which is "install".
const run_step = b.step("run", "Run the app");
// Creates a step for unit testing. This only builds the test executable
// but does not run it.
const unit_tests = b.addTest(.{
.root_source_file = .{ .path = "src/main.zig" },
.target = target,
.optimize = optimize,
const run_unit_tests = b.addRunArtifact(unit_tests);
// Similar to creating the run step earlier, this exposes a `test` step to
// the `zig build --help` menu, providing a way for the user to request
// running the unit tests.
const test_step = b.step("test", "Run unit tests");
| https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OfflineBrain/monkey-zig-interpreter/2750c4079729aeb77733a16815f2c422ea4a984f/build.zig |
pub const stm32f407vet6 = @import("stm32f407vet6.zig");
pub const stm32f429bit6 = @import("stm32f429bit6.zig");
pub const stm32l475vet6 = @import("stm32l475vet6.zig");
pub const stm32mp157x = @import("stm32mp157x.zig");
// "not good smell"
pub const reg = @import("reg/reg.zig");
| https://raw.githubusercontent.com/octopus-os-org/octopus/9611e81199a624f5815be0b842b99eb3e3e29695/octopus/chip/st/st.zig |
const pad = @import("assets.zig").padding;
const rotate_speed = @import("settings.zig").rotate_speed;
const std = @import("std");
const map = @import("map.zig");
const math = @import("std").math;
const utils = @import("utils.zig");
pub const px_per_tile: i16 = 50; //88;
pub const size_mult: f32 = 5.0; //8.0;
pub var x = std.atomic.Value(f32).init(0.0);
pub var y = std.atomic.Value(f32).init(0.0);
pub var z = std.atomic.Value(f32).init(0.0);
pub var minimap_zoom: f32 = 4.0;
pub var quake = false;
pub var quake_amount: f32 = 0.0;
pub var cos: f32 = 0.0;
pub var sin: f32 = 0.0;
pub var clip_x: f32 = 0.0;
pub var clip_y: f32 = 0.0;
pub var angle: f32 = 0.0;
pub var min_x: u32 = 0;
pub var min_y: u32 = 0;
pub var max_x: u32 = 0;
pub var max_y: u32 = 0;
pub var max_dist_sq: f32 = 0.0;
pub var screen_width: f32 = 1280.0;
pub var screen_height: f32 = 720.0;
pub var clip_scale_x: f32 = 2.0 / 1280.0;
pub var clip_scale_y: f32 = 2.0 / 720.0;
pub var scale: f32 = 1.0;
pub fn update(target_x: f32, target_y: f32, dt: f32, rotate: i8) void {
var tx: f32 = target_x;
var ty: f32 = target_y;
if (quake) {
const max_quake = 0.5;
const quake_buildup_ms = 10000;
quake_amount += dt * max_quake / quake_buildup_ms;
if (quake_amount > max_quake)
quake_amount = max_quake;
tx += utils.plusMinus(quake_amount);
ty += utils.plusMinus(quake_amount);
x.store(tx, .Release);
y.store(ty, .Release);
if (rotate != 0) {
const float_rotate: f32 = @floatFromInt(rotate);
angle = @mod(angle + dt * rotate_speed * float_rotate, math.tau);
const cos_angle = @cos(angle);
const sin_angle = @sin(angle);
cos = cos_angle * px_per_tile * scale;
sin = sin_angle * px_per_tile * scale;
clip_x = (tx * cos_angle + ty * sin_angle) * -px_per_tile * scale;
clip_y = (tx * -sin_angle + ty * cos_angle) * -px_per_tile * scale;
const w_half = screen_width / (2 * px_per_tile * scale);
const h_half = screen_height / (2 * px_per_tile * scale);
max_dist_sq = w_half * w_half + h_half * h_half;
const max_dist = @ceil(@sqrt(max_dist_sq));
const min_x_dt = tx - max_dist;
min_x = if (min_x_dt < 0) 0 else @intFromFloat(min_x_dt);
min_x = @max(0, min_x);
max_x = @intFromFloat(tx + max_dist);
max_x = @min(map.width - 1, max_x);
const min_y_dt = ty - max_dist;
min_y = if (min_y_dt < 0) 0 else @intFromFloat(min_y_dt);
min_y = @max(0, min_y);
max_y = @intFromFloat(ty + max_dist);
max_y = @min(map.height - 1, max_y);
pub inline fn rotateAroundCameraClip(x_in: f32, y_in: f32) utils.Point {
return utils.Point{
.x = x_in * cos + y_in * sin + clip_x,
.y = x_in * -sin + y_in * cos + clip_y,
pub inline fn rotateAroundCamera(x_in: f32, y_in: f32) utils.Point {
return utils.Point{
.x = x_in * cos + y_in * sin + clip_x + screen_width / 2.0,
.y = x_in * -sin + y_in * cos + clip_y + screen_height / 2.0,
pub inline fn visibleInCamera(x_in: f32, y_in: f32) bool {
if (x_in < 0 or y_in < 0)
return false;
const floor_x: u32 = @intFromFloat(@floor(x_in));
const floor_y: u32 = @intFromFloat(@floor(y_in));
return !(floor_x < min_x or floor_x > max_x or floor_y < min_y or floor_y > max_y);
pub fn screenToWorld(x_in: f32, y_in: f32) utils.Point {
const cos_angle = @cos(angle);
const sin_angle = @sin(angle);
const x_div = (x_in - screen_width / 2.0) / px_per_tile * scale;
const y_div = (y_in - screen_height / 2.0) / px_per_tile * scale;
return utils.Point{
.x = x.load(.Acquire) + x_div * cos_angle - y_div * sin_angle,
.y = y.load(.Acquire) + x_div * sin_angle + y_div * cos_angle,
| https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Slendergo/zig-client/a2248790993ec2611863e9e1f8ff5b50592c3d11/src/camera.zig |
const math = @import("math.zig");
const Transform = @import("Transform.zig");
const GlobalTransform = @This();
translation: math.Vec3 = math.Vec3.ZERO,
rotation: math.Quat = math.Quat.IDENTITY,
scale: math.Vec3 = math.Vec3.ONE,
pub fn transformPoint(self: GlobalTransform, point: math.Vec3) math.Vec3 {
var p = self.scale.mul(point);
p = self.rotation.inv().mul(p);
p = self.translation.add(p);
return p;
pub fn transform(self: GlobalTransform, t: Transform) GlobalTransform {
const translation = self.transformPoint(t.translation);
const rotation = self.rotation.mul(t.rotation);
const scale = self.scale.mul(t.scale);
return .{
.translation = translation,
.rotation = rotation,
.scale = scale,
pub fn computeMatrix(self: GlobalTransform) math.Mat4 {
var matrix = math.Mat4.scale(self.scale);
matrix = matrix.mul(self.rotation.asMat4());
matrix = matrix.mul(math.Mat4.translate(self.translation));
return matrix;
| https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Sudoku-Boys/Sudoku/218ea16ecc86507698861b59a496ff178a7a7587/src/engine/GlobalTransform.zig |
const std = @import("std");
const SinglyLinkedList = std.SinglyLinkedList;
const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
const ArrayList = std.ArrayList;
const aoc = @import("aoc");
const expectEqual = aoc.expectEqual;
// TODO: refactor the struct to hold a slice
pub fn Permutations(comptime T: type) type {
return struct {
items: []const T,
counter: usize, // current iteration counter
i: usize, // current stack pointer
max: usize, // maximum count of iterations
const Self = @This();
pub fn init(items: []const T) Self {
return .{
.items = items,
.counter = 0,
.max = factorial(items.len),
pub fn next(self: *Self) void {
if (self.counter == 0) {
self.counter += 1;
} else {
self.counter += 1;
inline fn swap(comptime T: type, items: []T, from: usize, to: usize) void {
std.debug.assert(from < items.len);
std.debug.assert(to < items.len);
var temp: T = items[to];
items[to] = items[from];
items[from] = temp;
inline fn copy(comptime T: type, allocator: Allocator, source: []const T) ![]T {
var new = try allocator.alloc(T, source.len);
std.mem.copy(T, new, source);
return new;
pub fn factorial(n: u64) u64 { // TODO: quite a hack, rewrite
var result: u64 = 1;
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < n) : (i += 1) {
result *= i;
return result;
test {
const allocator = std.testing.allocator;
var items: [3]usize = .{ 1, 2, 3 };
var pms = Permutations(usize).init(allocator);
defer pms.deinit();
try pms.permute(&items);
try std.testing.expectEqualSlices(usize, &[_]usize{ 1, 2, 3 }, &items); // original is unmodified
try std.testing.expect(&items != pms.items.items[0].ptr); // original is different from the first array
try expectEqual(6, pms.items.items.len); // we have six permutations from three items
try std.testing.expectEqualSlices(usize, &[_]usize{ 1, 2, 3 }, pms.items.items[0]);
try std.testing.expectEqualSlices(usize, &[_]usize{ 2, 1, 3 }, pms.items.items[1]);
try std.testing.expectEqualSlices(usize, &[_]usize{ 3, 1, 2 }, pms.items.items[2]);
try std.testing.expectEqualSlices(usize, &[_]usize{ 1, 3, 2 }, pms.items.items[3]);
try std.testing.expectEqualSlices(usize, &[_]usize{ 2, 3, 1 }, pms.items.items[4]);
try std.testing.expectEqualSlices(usize, &[_]usize{ 3, 2, 1 }, pms.items.items[5]);
// TODO: implement a better method (with generators / iterators) - this takes forever to run.
test {
const allocator = std.testing.allocator;
var pms = Permutations(usize).init(allocator);
defer pms.deinit();
try pms.permute(&[_]usize{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 });
| https://raw.githubusercontent.com/erplsf/adventofcode/b969bf82b00ff7d2e7e0b1ca6c36a12b5865cff0/zig/src/permute_v2.zig |
const std = @import("std");
const crypto = std.crypto;
const fmt = std.fmt;
const testing = std.testing;
const bun = @import("root").bun;
pub const Error = error{InvalidUUID};
const UUID = @This();
bytes: [16]u8,
pub fn init() UUID {
var uuid = UUID{ .bytes = undefined };
// Version 4
uuid.bytes[6] = (uuid.bytes[6] & 0x0f) | 0x40;
// Variant 1
uuid.bytes[8] = (uuid.bytes[8] & 0x3f) | 0x80;
return uuid;
pub fn initWith(bytes: *const [16]u8) UUID {
var uuid = UUID{ .bytes = bytes.* };
uuid.bytes[6] = (uuid.bytes[6] & 0x0f) | 0x40;
uuid.bytes[8] = (uuid.bytes[8] & 0x3f) | 0x80;
return uuid;
// Indices in the UUID string representation for each byte.
const encoded_pos = [16]u8{ 0, 2, 4, 6, 9, 11, 14, 16, 19, 21, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34 };
// Hex to nibble mapping.
const hex_to_nibble = [256]u8{
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07,
0x08, 0x09, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
pub fn format(
self: UUID,
comptime layout: []const u8,
options: fmt.FormatOptions,
writer: anytype,
) !void {
_ = options; // currently unused
if (comptime layout.len != 0 and layout[0] != 's')
@compileError("Unsupported format specifier for UUID type: '" ++ layout ++ "'.");
var buf: [36]u8 = undefined;
try fmt.format(writer, "{s}", .{buf});
pub fn print(
self: UUID,
buf: *[36]u8,
) void {
const hex = "0123456789abcdef";
const bytes = self.bytes;
buf[8] = '-';
buf[13] = '-';
buf[18] = '-';
buf[23] = '-';
inline for (encoded_pos, 0..) |i, j| {
buf[comptime i + 0] = hex[bytes[j] >> 4];
buf[comptime i + 1] = hex[bytes[j] & 0x0f];
pub fn parse(buf: []const u8) Error!UUID {
var uuid = UUID{ .bytes = undefined };
if (buf.len != 36 or buf[8] != '-' or buf[13] != '-' or buf[18] != '-' or buf[23] != '-')
return Error.InvalidUUID;
inline for (encoded_pos, 0..) |i, j| {
const hi = hex_to_nibble[buf[i + 0]];
const lo = hex_to_nibble[buf[i + 1]];
if (hi == 0xff or lo == 0xff) {
return Error.InvalidUUID;
uuid.bytes[j] = hi << 4 | lo;
return uuid;
// Zero UUID
pub const zero: UUID = .{ .bytes = .{0} ** 16 };
// Convenience function to return a new v4 UUID.
pub fn newV4() UUID {
return UUID.init();
| https://raw.githubusercontent.com/resourcemod/sidejs/2eb853f13a96d6434fe9dba78906a390b1eb90fa/src/js/bun-bun-v1.0.30/src/bun.js/uuid.zig |
const scanner = @import("scanner.zig");
const chunk = @import("chunk.zig");
const value = @import("value.zig");
const config = @import("config.zig");
const std = @import("std");
const GPAlloc = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{});
const Token = scanner.Token;
const TokenType = scanner.TokenType;
const vm = @import("vm.zig");
const Obj = value.Obj;
const Value = value.Value;
const assert = std.debug.assert;
const uSlot = chunk.uSlot;
const expect = std.testing.expect;
const expectEqual = std.testing.expectEqual;
const ParseError = error{
} || scanner.ScanError || chunk.ChunkError;
pub fn compileAndRunProgram(s: []const u8, a: std.mem.Allocator) !void {
var ch = chunk.Chunk.init(a);
defer ch.deinit(a);
var p: Parser = try Parser.init(s, a, &ch);
defer p.deinit();
try p.program();
try ch.addOp(.EXIT);
if (config.PRINT_CHUNK) ch.print(std.debug);
var theVm = vm.VM.init(&ch, a);
defer theVm.deinit();
_ = try theVm.run();
pub fn compileAndRunExpression(s: []const u8, a: *std.mem.Allocator) !value.Value {
var ch = chunk.Chunk.init(a);
defer ch.deinit(a);
var p: Parser = try Parser.init(s, a, &ch);
defer p.deinit();
try p.expression();
try ch.addOp(.RETURN);
var theVm = vm.VM.init(&ch, a);
defer theVm.deinit();
return try theVm.run();
const ParseErrorData = struct {
err: ParseError,
token: Token,
pub fn print(self: @This()) void {
std.debug.print("Error {} : at {}\n\n", .{ self.err, self.token });
const Local = struct {
name: []const u8,
depth: ?usize = null,
isConst: bool,
const FoundLocal = struct {
slot: uSlot,
isC: bool,
//BOOK - Compiler, Allocator must alway be the same;
const Scope = struct {
const LList = std.ArrayListUnmanaged(Local);
prev: ?*Scope,
locals: LList,
depth: usize,
pub fn init(alloc: std.mem.Allocator) !*@This() {
var res: *Scope = try alloc.create(Scope);
res.locals = LList{};
res.prev = null;
res.depth = 0;
return res;
pub fn parent(self: *@This(), alloc: std.mem.Allocator) ?*@This() {
var p = self.prev;
return p;
pub fn incDepth(self: *@This()) void {
self.depth += 1;
pub fn addLocal(self: *@This(), alloc: std.mem.Allocator, name: []const u8, isConst: bool) ParseError!void {
var loc = Local{
.name = name,
.depth = null,
.isConst = isConst,
try self.locals.append(alloc, loc);
pub fn decDepth(self: *@This()) u8 {
var res: u8 = 0;
while (self.locals.items.len > 0) : (self.locals.items.len -= 1) {
var dp = self.locals.items[self.locals.items.len - 1].depth;
if (dp) |d| {
if (d < self.depth) {
return res;
res += 1;
return res;
pub fn initDepth(self: *@This()) void {
self.locals.items[self.locals.items.len - 1].depth = self.depth;
pub fn deinit(self: *@This(), alloc: std.mem.Allocator) void {
if (self.prev) |p| {
pub fn levelLocalExists(self: *@This(), s: []const u8) bool {
if (self.locals.items.len == 0) return false;
var i = self.locals.items.len - 1;
while (true) : (i -= 1) {
var loc = &self.locals.items[i];
if (loc.depth) |dp| {
if (dp < self.depth) {
return false;
if (std.mem.eql(u8, loc.name, s)) {
std.debug.print("EQL {s} : {s}\n\n", .{ loc.name, s });
return true;
if (i == 0) return false;
pub fn findLocal(self: *@This(), s: []const u8) ?FoundLocal {
if (self.locals.items.len == 0) return null;
var i = self.locals.items.len - 1;
while (true) : (i -= 1) {
if (std.mem.eql(u8, self.locals.items[i].name, s)) {
return FoundLocal{ .slot = @intCast(uSlot, i), .isC = self.locals.items[i].isConst };
if (i == 0) return null;
const Parser = struct {
peek: ?Token,
scanner: scanner.Tokenizer,
chk: *chunk.Chunk,
alloc: std.mem.Allocator,
errors: std.ArrayList(ParseErrorData),
scope: *Scope,
pub fn err(self: *@This(), e: ParseError) ParseError {
const edata = ParseErrorData{
.err = e,
.token = self.takeToken() catch |e3| return e3,
self.errors.append(edata) catch |e2| return e2;
return e;
pub fn init(s: []const u8, alloc: std.mem.Allocator, ch: *chunk.Chunk) !@This() {
var sc = scanner.Tokenizer.init(s);
return Parser{
.peek = null,
.scanner = sc,
.chk = ch,
.alloc = alloc,
.errors = std.ArrayList(ParseErrorData).init(alloc),
.scope = try Scope.init(alloc),
pub fn deinit(self: @This()) void {
pub fn peekToken(this: *@This()) ParseError!Token {
if (this.peek) |p| {
return p;
var nx = this.scanner.nextToken() catch |e| return this.err(e);
this.peek = nx;
return nx;
pub fn takeToken(this: *@This()) ParseError!Token {
if (this.peek) |p| {
this.peek = null;
return p;
return this.scanner.nextToken() catch |e| return this.err(e);
pub fn consume(self: *@This(), tk: TokenType, e: ParseError) ParseError!void {
var nt = try self.takeToken();
if (nt.kind != tk) {
return e;
pub fn tryConsume(self: *@This(), tk: TokenType) bool {
var nt = self.peekToken() catch return false;
if (nt.kind == tk) {
self.peek = null;
return true;
return false;
pub fn program(self: *@This()) ParseError!void {
var curr = try self.peekToken();
while (curr.kind != .EOF) {
self.declaration() catch {
try self.endErrLine();
curr = try self.peekToken();
if (self.errors.items.len > 0) {
return error.TooManyCompileErrors;
pub fn endErrLine(self: *@This()) ParseError!void {
while (true) {
var curr = try self.takeToken();
switch (curr.kind) {
.EOF, .SEMICOLON => return,
else => {},
pub fn declaration(self: *@This()) ParseError!void {
var curr = try self.takeToken();
switch (curr.kind) {
.VAR => try self.varDeclaration(false),
.CONST => try self.varDeclaration(true),
else => {
self.peek = curr;
try self.statement();
pub fn statement(self: *@This()) ParseError!void {
var curr = try self.takeToken();
switch (curr.kind) {
.PRINT => try self.printStatement(),
try self.block();
var pops = self.scope.decDepth();
while (pops < 0) : (pops -= 1) self.chk.addOp(.POP);
.IF => {
try self.ifStatement();
.WHILE => {
try self.whileStatement();
.FOR => {
try self.forStatement();
else => {
self.peek = curr;
try self.expressionStatement();
pub fn block(self: *@This()) ParseError!void {
self.peek = null;
while (true) {
var curr = try self.peekToken();
switch (curr.kind) {
self.peek = null;
.EOF => return self.err(error.UnexpectedEOF),
else => try self.declaration(),
pub fn varDeclaration(self: *@This(), isConst: bool) ParseError!void {
self.peek = null;
const nameTok = try self.takeToken();
if (nameTok.kind != .IDENT) {
return self.err(error.ExpectedIdent);
const eqTok = try self.takeToken();
switch (eqTok.kind) {
.EQUAL => try self.expression(),
try self.chk.addOp(.NIL);
try self.defineVariable(nameTok, isConst);
else => return self.err(ParseError.ExpectedEquals),
try self.consume(.SEMICOLON, error.ExpectedSemicolon);
try self.defineVariable(nameTok, isConst);
pub fn defineVariable(self: *@This(), tok: Token, isConst: bool) ParseError!void {
const tname = self.scanner.tokenStr(tok);
var tval = try Value.fromStr(tname, self.alloc);
if (self.scope.depth > 0) {
if (self.scope.levelLocalExists(tname)) {
return self.err(error.LocalAlreadyExists);
self.scope.addLocal(self.alloc, tname, isConst) catch |e| return self.err(e);
try self.chk.addConst(.DEFINE_GLOBAL, tval);
pub fn ifStatement(self: *@This()) ParseError!void {
try self.consume(.LEFT_PAREN, error.ExpectedParen);
try self.expression();
try self.consume(.RIGHT_PAREN, error.ExpectedParen);
var thenJump = try self.chk.addJump(.JUMP_IF_FALSE);
try self.chk.addOp(.POP);
try self.statement();
var elseJump = try self.chk.addJump(.JUMP);
try self.chk.patchJump(thenJump);
if (self.tryConsume(.ELSE)) {
try self.chk.addOp(.POP);
try self.statement();
try self.chk.patchJump(elseJump);
pub fn whileStatement(self: *@This()) ParseError!void {
var pos = self.chk.pos();
self.peek = null;
try self.consume(.LEFT_PAREN, error.ExpectedParen);
try self.expression();
try self.consume(.RIGHT_PAREN, error.ExpectedParen);
const exit = try self.chk.addJump(.JUMP_IF_FALSE);
try self.statement();
try self.chk.addLoop(pos);
try self.chk.patchJump(exit);
try self.chk.addOp(.POP);
pub fn forStatement(self: *@This()) ParseError!void {
self.peek = null;
try self.consume(.LEFT_PAREN, error.ExpectedParen);
var pk = try self.peekToken();
if (pk.kind == .SEMICOLON) {
self.peek = null;
} else {
try self.declaration();
var conLoop = self.chk.pos();
pk = try self.peekToken();
if (pk.kind == .SEMICOLON) {
try self.chk.addOp(.TRUE);
} else {
try self.expression();
try self.consume(.SEMICOLON, error.ExpectedSemicolon);
var quitJump = try self.chk.addJump(.JUMP_IF_FALSE);
//std.debug.print("CONDITION COMPLETE {}\n", .{self.peekToken()});
var incLoop = self.chk.pos();
pk = try self.peekToken();
if (pk.kind == .RIGHT_PAREN) {
incLoop = conLoop;
self.peek = null;
} else {
const incJump = try self.chk.addJump(.JUMP);
incLoop = self.chk.pos();
try self.expression();
try self.chk.addOp(.POP);
//std.debug.print("INC EXPRESSION COMPLETE \n", .{});
try self.consume(.RIGHT_PAREN, error.ExpectedParen);
//std.debug.print("INC PAREN COMPLETE\n", .{});
try self.chk.addLoop(conLoop);
try self.chk.patchJump(incJump);
try self.statement();
try self.chk.addLoop(incLoop);
//std.debug.print("INCREMENT COMPLETE\n", .{});
try self.chk.patchJump(quitJump);
var pops = self.scope.decDepth();
while (pops < 0) : (pops -= 1) self.chk.addOp(.POP);
pub fn expression(self: *@This()) ParseError!void {
try self.parsePrecedence(.ASSIGNMENT);
pub fn expressionStatement(self: *@This()) ParseError!void {
try self.expression();
try self.consume(.SEMICOLON, error.ExpectedSemicolon);
try self.chk.addOp(.POP);
pub fn printStatement(self: *@This()) ParseError!void {
self.peek = null;
try self.expression();
// -- find out what next token really is.
//var pk = try self.peekToken();
//std.debug.print("{}\n", .{pk});
// --
try self.consume(.SEMICOLON, error.ExpectedSemicolon);
try self.chk.addOp(.PRINT);
pub fn parsePrecedence(self: *@This(), prec: Precedence) ParseError!void {
var curr = try self.peekToken();
const canAssign = @enumToInt(prec) <= @enumToInt(Precedence.ASSIGNMENT);
const preFn: ParseFn = getRule(curr.kind).prefix orelse return self.err(error.ExpectedExpression);
try preFn(self, canAssign);
curr = try self.peekToken();
while (@enumToInt(prec) <= @enumToInt(getRule(curr.kind).precedence)) {
const inFn: ParseFn = getRule(curr.kind).infix orelse return self.err(error.ExpectedInfix);
try inFn(self, canAssign);
curr = try self.peekToken();
pub fn literal(self: *@This(), _: bool) ParseError!void {
var curr = try self.takeToken();
switch (curr.kind) {
.FALSE => try self.chk.addOp(.FALSE),
.TRUE => try self.chk.addOp(.TRUE),
.NIL => try self.chk.addOp(.NIL),
else => unreachable,
pub fn grouping(self: *@This(), _: bool) ParseError!void {
self.peek = null;
try self.expression();
try self.consume(.RIGHT_PAREN, error.ExpectedRightParen);
pub fn unary(self: *@This(), _: bool) ParseError!void {
const op = try self.takeToken();
try self.expression();
switch (op.kind) {
.MINUS => try self.chk.addOp(.NEGATE),
.BANG => try self.chk.addOp(.NOT),
else => return self.err(error.ExpectedMinus),
pub fn binary(self: *@This(), _: bool) ParseError!void {
const op = try self.takeToken();
const rule = getRule(op.kind);
try self.parsePrecedence(rule.precedence.inc());
switch (op.kind) {
.PLUS => try self.chk.addOp(.ADD),
.MINUS => try self.chk.addOp(.SUB),
.STAR => try self.chk.addOp(.MUL),
.SLASH => try self.chk.addOp(.DIV),
.EQUAL_EQUAL => try self.chk.addOp(.EQUAL),
.LESS => try self.chk.addOp(.LESS),
.GREATER => try self.chk.addOp(.GREATER),
try self.chk.addOp(.EQUAL);
try self.chk.addOp(.NOT);
try self.chk.addOp(.GREATER);
try self.chk.addOp(.NOT);
try self.chk.addOp(.LESS);
try self.chk.addOp(.NOT);
else => return self.err(error.ExpectedMathOp),
pub fn number(self: *@This(), _: bool) ParseError!void {
var curr = try self.takeToken();
var s = self.scanner.tokenStr(curr);
var val = try std.fmt.parseFloat(f64, s);
try self.chk.addConst(.CONSTANT, .{ .NUMBER = val });
pub fn string(self: *@This(), _: bool) ParseError!void {
var curr = try self.takeToken();
var s_orig = self.scanner.tokenStr(curr);
//remove quotes
var val = try Value.fromStr(s_orig[1 .. s_orig.len - 1], self.alloc);
try self.chk.addConst(.CONSTANT, val);
pub fn variable(self: *@This(), canAssign: bool) ParseError!void {
try self.namedVariable(canAssign);
pub fn namedVariable(self: *@This(), canAssign: bool) ParseError!void {
var curr = try self.takeToken();
assert(curr.kind == .IDENT);
var name = self.scanner.tokenStr(curr);
var val = try Value.fromStr(name, self.alloc);
var eqTok = try self.peekToken();
if (eqTok.kind == .EQUAL and canAssign) {
self.peek = null;
try self.expression();
if (self.scope.findLocal(name)) |tp| {
if (tp.isC) return self.err(error.CannotSetConst);
try self.chk.addWithSlot(.SET_LOCAL, tp.slot);
} else try self.chk.addConst(.SET_GLOBAL, val);
} else {
if (self.scope.findLocal(name)) |tp| {
try self.chk.addWithSlot(.GET_LOCAL, tp.slot);
} else try self.chk.addConst(.GET_GLOBAL, val);
pub fn and_(self: *@This(), _: bool) ParseError!void {
self.peek = null;
var off = try self.chk.addJump(.JUMP_IF_FALSE);
try self.chk.addOp(.POP);
try self.parsePrecedence(.AND);
try self.chk.patchJump(off);
pub fn or_(self: *@This(), _: bool) ParseError!void {
self.peek = null;
var fhop = try self.chk.addJump(.JUMP_IF_FALSE);
var true_jump = try self.chk.addJump(.JUMP);
try self.chk.patchJump(fhop);
try self.chk.addOp(.POP);
try self.parsePrecedence(.OR);
try self.chk.patchJump(true_jump);
const Precedence = enum(u8) {
OR, // or
AND, // and
EQUALITY, // == !=
COMPARISON, // < > <= >=
TERM, // + -
FACTOR, // * /
UNARY, // ! -
CALL, // . ()
fn inc(self: @This()) @This() {
if (self == .PRIMARY) return .PRIMARY;
return @intToEnum(@This(), @enumToInt(self) + 1);
const ParseFn = fn (*Parser, bool) ParseError!void;
const ParseRule = struct {
prefix: ?ParseFn = null,
infix: ?ParseFn = null,
precedence: Precedence = .NONE,
fn getRule(tk: TokenType) ParseRule {
return switch (tk) {
.LEFT_PAREN => .{ .prefix = Parser.grouping, .infix = null },
.MINUS => .{ .prefix = Parser.unary, .infix = Parser.binary, .precedence = .TERM },
.PLUS => .{ .infix = Parser.binary, .precedence = .TERM },
.STAR, .SLASH => .{ .infix = Parser.binary, .precedence = .FACTOR },
.BANG => .{ .prefix = Parser.unary, .precedence = .NONE },
.NUMBER => .{ .prefix = Parser.number },
.FALSE, .TRUE, .NIL => .{ .prefix = Parser.literal, .precedence = .NONE },
.GREATER, .LESS, .LESS_EQUAL, .GREATER_EQUAL => .{ .infix = Parser.binary, .precedence = .COMPARISON },
.EQUAL_EQUAL => .{ .infix = Parser.binary, .precedence = .EQUALITY },
.STRING => .{ .prefix = Parser.string },
.IDENT => .{ .prefix = Parser.variable },
.AND => .{ .infix = Parser.and_, .precedence = .AND },
.OR => .{ .infix = Parser.or_, .precedence = .OR },
else => .{},
test "rule table functions" {
try expect(std.meta.eql(getRule(.LEFT_PAREN), ParseRule{ .prefix = Parser.grouping, .infix = null, .precedence = .NONE }));
test "compiles and runs" {
var alloc = std.testing.allocator;
var res = try compileAndRunExpression("4 + 5 - (3* 2)", alloc);
try expectEqual(res, .{ .NUMBER = 3 });
test "compile and run bool" {
var res = try compileAndRunExpression("!(3-3)", std.testing.allocator);
try expectEqual(res, value.Value{ .BOOL = true });
test "bools equality" {
var res = try compileAndRunExpression("(4 + 6 > 3 + 6)", std.testing.allocator);
//std.debug.print("bools eq : {}", .{res});
const v = value.Value{ .BOOL = true };
try expect(try v.equal(res));
test "string equality" {
var alloc = std.testing.allocator;
var res = try compileAndRunExpression(
\\"hello" == ("hel" + "lo")
, alloc);
//std.debug.print("HELLO eq : {s}\n", .{res.asStr()});
const v = value.Value{ .BOOL = true };
try expect(try v.equal(res));
| https://raw.githubusercontent.com/storyfeet/crafting_zlox/8d470acaca5157a13c441add346953c2e1953878/src/compiler.zig |
pub fn showBlockTextureGen() void {
pub fn showBlockEditor() void {
pub fn showChunkEditor() void {
pub fn showCharacterEditor() void {
pub fn showTerrainEditor() void {
pub fn showTitleScreen() void {
pub fn showSettingUpScreen() void {
pub fn showLoadingScreen() void {
pub fn showCreateWorldScreen() void {
pub fn showDisplaySettingsScreen() void {
pub fn toggleScreens() void {
const world = game.state.world;
const screen: *const blecs.components.screen.Screen = blecs.ecs.get(
) orelse @panic("no screen");
if (blecs.ecs.has_id(world, screen.current, blecs.ecs.id(blecs.components.screen.Game))) {
return showTitleScreen();
if (blecs.ecs.has_id(game.state.world, screen.current, blecs.ecs.id(blecs.components.screen.TitleScreen))) {
return showGameScreen();
return showTitleScreen();
pub fn showSettingsScreen(comptime T: type) void {
const screen: *blecs.components.screen.Screen = blecs.ecs.get_mut(
) orelse @panic("no screen");
// reset any setting ui state and previous demo objects added to the settings screen
// clear out the screens previous child, world or setting, this doesn't clear world objects, they are not cleared
blecs.helpers.delete_children(game.state.world, game.state.entities.screen);
// make a new current screen of the settings type
screen.current = blecs.helpers.new_child(game.state.world, game.state.entities.screen);
blecs.ecs.add(game.state.world, screen.current, blecs.components.screen.Settings);
// Remove the game info UI
blecs.ecs.remove(game.state.world, game.state.entities.ui, blecs.components.ui.GameInfo);
// Add the menu UI, all settings have this
blecs.ecs.add(game.state.world, game.state.entities.ui, blecs.components.ui.Menu);
// Remove any post perspective setting from the transforms sent for settings, as they may differ for different setting screens
blecs.ecs.remove(game.state.world, game.state.entities.settings_camera, blecs.components.screen.PostPerspective);
// Add the specific setting screen
blecs.ecs.add(game.state.world, screen.current, T);
pub fn showGameScreen() void {
const screen: *blecs.components.screen.Screen = blecs.ecs.get_mut(
) orelse @panic("no screen");
// Same as for settings but we don't clear anything, just change back to the game
blecs.helpers.delete_children(game.state.world, game.state.entities.screen);
screen.current = blecs.helpers.new_child(game.state.world, game.state.entities.screen);
blecs.ecs.add(game.state.world, screen.current, blecs.components.screen.Game);
blecs.ecs.add(game.state.world, game.state.entities.ui, blecs.components.ui.GameInfo);
blecs.ecs.remove(game.state.world, game.state.entities.ui, blecs.components.ui.Menu);
pub fn toggleCameraOptions() void {
pub fn toggleDemoCubeOptions() void {
pub fn toggleDemoChunkOptions() void {
pub fn toggleDemoCharacterOptions() void {
pub fn toggleGameChunksInfo() void {
pub fn toggleGameMobInfo() void {
pub fn toggleLightingControls() void {
pub fn toggleWorldManagement() void {
fn toggleUI(comptime T: type) void {
const world = game.state.world;
const entity = game.state.entities.ui;
const ui: *blecs.components.ui.UI = blecs.ecs.get_mut(world, entity, blecs.components.ui.UI) orelse return;
if (blecs.ecs.has_id(world, entity, blecs.ecs.id(T))) {
blecs.ecs.remove(world, entity, T);
ui.dialog_count -= 1;
if (ui.dialog_count < 0) std.debug.panic("invalid ui dialog count: {d}\n", .{ui.dialog_count});
blecs.ecs.add(world, entity, T);
ui.dialog_count += 1;
pub fn toggleWireframe(entity: blecs.ecs.entity_t) void {
if (blecs.ecs.has_id(game.state.world, entity, blecs.ecs.id(blecs.components.gfx.Wireframe))) {
blecs.ecs.remove(game.state.world, entity, blecs.components.gfx.Wireframe);
blecs.ecs.add(game.state.world, entity, blecs.components.gfx.Wireframe);
const std = @import("std");
const blecs = @import("../blecs.zig");
const game = @import("../../game.zig");
| https://raw.githubusercontent.com/btipling/blockens/76087f14d79a303f4cae8d09d8cfaaf86a69a0e0/src/game/blecs/systems/screen_helpers.zig |
const std = @import("std");
const assert = std.debug.assert;
const c = @import("c.zig");
const translate = @import("translate.zig");
export fn napi_register_module_v1(env: c.napi_env, exports: c.napi_value) c.napi_value {
translate.register_function(env, exports, "greet", greet) catch return null;
return exports;
fn greet(env: c.napi_env, info: c.napi_callback_info) callconv(.C) c.napi_value {
return translate.create_string(env, "world") catch return null;
| https://raw.githubusercontent.com/staltz/zig-nodejs-example/f68ba9852114e614dbdee58ac03e41b00dfcff36/src/lib.zig |
// Inspired by: https://gist.github.com/Accalmie/d328287c05f0a417892f
// Simple Sniffer in winsock by Silver Moon ( m00n.silv3r@gmail.com )
const std = @import("std");
const ws = @cImport(@cInclude("winsock2.h"));
const Protocol = enum(u8) { TCP = 6, UDP = 17 };
// Bit field order reversed because data is received as Big Endian but we are running on
// Little Endian hardware
const IPV4HeaderBE = packed struct {
_header_len: u4,
version: u4,
tos: u8,
_total_len: u16,
_identification: u16,
fragment_offset: u5,
flags: u3,
fragment_offset_1: u8,
ttl: u8,
protocol: u8,
_hdr_checksum: u16,
_src_addr: u32,
_dest_addr: u32,
pub fn header_len_byte_size(self: *IPV4HeaderBE) u8 {
return @intCast(u8, self._header_len) * 4;
pub fn total_len(self: *IPV4HeaderBE) u16 {
return ws.ntohs(self._total_len);
pub fn identification(self: *IPV4HeaderBE) u16 {
return ws.ntohs(self._identification);
pub fn hdr_checksum(self: *IPV4HeaderBE) u16 {
return ws.ntohs(self._hdr_checksum);
pub fn src_addr(self: *IPV4HeaderBE) [*c]u8 {
var source = std.mem.zeroInit(ws.sockaddr_in, .{});
source.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = self._src_addr;
return ws.inet_ntoa(source.sin_addr);
pub fn dest_addr(self: *IPV4HeaderBE) [*c]u8 {
var dest = std.mem.zeroInit(ws.sockaddr_in, .{});
dest.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = self._dest_addr;
return ws.inet_ntoa(dest.sin_addr);
const UDPHeaderBE = packed struct {
_source_port: u16,
_dest_port: u16,
_udp_length: u16,
_udp_checksum: u16,
pub fn source_port(self: *UDPHeaderBE) u16 {
return ws.ntohs(self._source_port);
pub fn dest_port(self: *UDPHeaderBE) u16 {
return ws.ntohs(self._dest_port);
pub fn udp_length(self: *UDPHeaderBE) u16 {
return ws.ntohs(self._udp_length);
pub fn udp_checksum(self: *UDPHeaderBE) u16 {
return ws.ntohs(self._udp_checksum);
// Bit field order reversed because data is received as Big Endian but we are running on
// Little Endian hardware
const TCPHeaderBE = packed struct {
_source_port: u16,
_dest_port: u16,
_sequence_num: u32,
_acknowledge: u32,
reserved: u4,
_header_len: u4,
fin: u1,
syn: u1,
rst: u1,
psh: u1,
ack: u1,
urg: u1,
ecn: u1,
cwr: u1,
_window_size: u16,
_checksum: u16,
urgent_pointer: u16,
pub fn source_port(self: *TCPHeaderBE) u16 {
return ws.ntohs(self._source_port);
pub fn dest_port(self: *TCPHeaderBE) u16 {
return ws.ntohs(self._dest_port);
pub fn sequence_num(self: *TCPHeaderBE) u32 {
return ws.ntohl(self._sequence_num);
pub fn acknowledge(self: *TCPHeaderBE) u32 {
return ws.ntohl(self._acknowledge);
pub fn header_len_byte_size(self: *TCPHeaderBE) u8 {
return @intCast(u8, self._header_len) * 4;
pub fn window_size(self: *TCPHeaderBE) u32 {
return ws.ntohs(self._window_size);
pub fn checksum(self: *TCPHeaderBE) u32 {
return ws.ntohs(self._checksum);
comptime {
if (@sizeOf(IPV4HeaderBE) != 20) {
@compileError("IPV4HeaderBE should be 20 bytes");
if (@sizeOf(TCPHeaderBE) != 20) {
@compileError("TCPHeaderBE should be 20 bytes");
if (@sizeOf(UDPHeaderBE) != 8) {
@compileError("UDPHeaderBE should be 4 bytes");
const PacketSnifferError = error{
pub const PacketSniffer = struct {
sniffing_socket: ws.SOCKET = undefined,
const Self = @This();
pub fn run(self: *Self) PacketSnifferError!void {
// Initialize WSA
if (ws.WSAStartup(ws.MAKEWORD(2, 2), &std.mem.zeroInit(ws.WSADATA, .{})) != 0) {
std.debug.print("Failed to create raw socket\n", .{});
// Create a raw socket (Requires administrator permission)
self.sniffing_socket = ws.socket(ws.AF_INET, ws.SOCK_RAW, ws.IPPROTO_IP);
if (self.sniffing_socket == ws.INVALID_SOCKET) {
std.debug.print("Failed to create raw socket, make sure this is running as administrator\n", .{});
return error.INVALID_SOCKET;
// Get hostname
var hostname: [100]u8 = undefined;
if (ws.gethostname(@ptrCast([*c]u8, &hostname), @sizeOf(u8) * hostname.len) == ws.SOCKET_ERROR) {
return error.INVALID_HOSTNAME;
// Get network interfaces
var local: *ws.hostent = ws.gethostbyname(@ptrCast([*c]u8, &hostname));
var dest = std.mem.zeroInit(ws.sockaddr_in, .{});
dest.sin_family = ws.AF_INET;
dest.sin_port = 0;
std.debug.print("Choose a network interface: \n", .{});
// Display the network interface
var network_interface_index: u8 = 0;
while (local.h_addr_list[network_interface_index]) |network_interface| {
var tmp_addr = std.mem.zeroInit(ws.sockaddr_in, .{});
@memcpy(@ptrCast([*]u8, &tmp_addr.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr), @ptrCast([*]const u8, network_interface), @sizeOf(u64));
std.debug.print("[{}] {s}\n", .{ network_interface_index, ws.inet_ntoa(tmp_addr.sin_addr) });
network_interface_index += 1;
// Choose the desired network interface
const stdin = std.io.getStdIn().reader();
// FIXME: only supports up to 9 interfaces
const ascii_input = try stdin.readByte() catch error.INVALID_NETWORK_INTERFACE;
var captured_network_interface: u32 = ascii_input - '0';
var captured_ip = local.h_addr_list[captured_network_interface];
@memcpy(@ptrCast([*]u8, &dest.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr), @ptrCast([*]const u8, captured_ip), @sizeOf(u64));
// Bind the sniffer on the desired port
if (ws.bind(self.sniffing_socket, @ptrCast([*c]const ws.sockaddr, &dest), @sizeOf(ws.sockaddr_in)) == ws.SOCKET_ERROR) {
std.debug.print("Socket binding failed\n", .{});
return error.BIND_FAILED;
var j: u32 = 1;
const wasiotcl_result = ws.WSAIoctl(
ws._WSAIOW(@intCast(u32, ws.IOC_VENDOR), @as(u32, 1)),
@as(u32, 0),
if (wasiotcl_result == ws.SOCKET_ERROR) {
std.debug.print("WSAIOCTL_FAILED failed\n", .{});
return error.WSAIOCTL_FAILED;
try self.sniff();
fn sniff(self: *Self) PacketSnifferError!void {
std.debug.print("Stared sniffing\n", .{});
var tmp_buf: [std.math.maxInt(u16)]u8 = undefined;
while (true) {
const recv_result = ws.recvfrom(self.sniffing_socket, &tmp_buf, std.math.maxInt(u16), 0, 0, 0);
if (recv_result == ws.SOCKET_ERROR) {
std.debug.print("RECV Error = {}\n", .{ws.WSAGetLastError()});
const len = @intCast(usize, recv_result);
std.debug.print("[RAW] {}\n", .{std.fmt.fmtSliceHexLower(tmp_buf[0..len])});
var buf_slice = tmp_buf[0..len];
try process_ipv4_packet(buf_slice);
std.debug.print("\n", .{});
fn process_ipv4_packet(buffer: []u8) PacketSnifferError!void {
var ipv4_header: *IPV4HeaderBE = @ptrCast(*IPV4HeaderBE, buffer);
std.debug.print("[IPV4] {s}\n", .{ipv4_header});
switch (ipv4_header.protocol) {
@enumToInt(Protocol.TCP) => try process_tcp_packet(buffer),
@enumToInt(Protocol.UDP) => try process_udp_packet(buffer),
else => std.debug.print("Unsupported packet type: {}\n", .{ipv4_header.protocol}),
fn process_tcp_packet(buffer: []u8) PacketSnifferError!void {
var ipv4_header: *IPV4HeaderBE = @ptrCast(*IPV4HeaderBE, buffer);
var tcp_header: *TCPHeaderBE = @ptrCast(*TCPHeaderBE, buffer[ipv4_header.header_len_byte_size()..]);
std.debug.print("[TCP] {s}\n", .{tcp_header});
std.debug.print("{s} -> {s} [{} -> {}] {} bytes\n", .{ ipv4_header.src_addr(), ipv4_header.dest_addr(), tcp_header.source_port(), tcp_header.dest_port(), buffer.len });
fn process_udp_packet(buffer: []u8) PacketSnifferError!void {
var ipv4_header: *IPV4HeaderBE = @ptrCast(*IPV4HeaderBE, buffer);
var udp_header: *UDPHeaderBE = @ptrCast(*UDPHeaderBE, buffer[ipv4_header.header_len_byte_size()..]);
std.debug.print("[UDP] {s}\n", .{udp_header});
std.debug.print("{s} -> {s} [{} -> {}] {} bytes\n", .{ ipv4_header.src_addr(), ipv4_header.dest_addr(), udp_header.source_port(), udp_header.dest_port(), buffer.len });
| https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tris790/packet-sniffer/d52d9be9d18da1df8472f02d0db9d36f208ae23b/src/packet_sniffer.zig |
// asm (
// \\ .set ALIGN, 1 << 0
// \\ .set MEMINFO, 1 << 1
// \\ .set MAGIC, 0x1BADB002
// \\ .set CHECKSUM, -(MAGIC + FLAGS)
// \\
// \\ .section .multiboot
// \\ .align 4
// \\ .long MAGIC
// \\ .long FLAGS
// \\ .long CHECKSUM
// );
const ALIGN = 1 << 0;
const MEMINFO = 1 << 1;
const MAGIC = 0x1BADB002;
const MultiBoot = packed struct
magic: i32 = MAGIC,
flags: i32,
checksum: i32,
_: i32 = 0,
export var multiboot align(4) linksection(".multiboot") = MultiBoot
.flags = FLAGS,
.checksum = -(MAGIC + FLAGS),
export var kernel_stack: [32 * 1024]u8 align(16) linksection(".bss") = undefined;
extern fn kmain() void;
export fn _start() align(16) linksection(".text.boot") callconv(.Naked) noreturn
// Setup the stack and call kernel
asm volatile (
\\ movl %[stk], %esp
\\ call kmain
: [stk] "{ecx}" (@intFromPtr(&kernel_stack) + @sizeOf(@TypeOf(kernel_stack))),
while(true) {}
| https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Kbz-8/42_KFS/decb1dfa62f1ca893094f3f6fd5ed6e43a53c4d9/sources/kernel/arch/x86/boot.zig |
// File: binary_search_tree.zig
// Created Time: 2023-01-15
// Author: sjinzh (sjinzh@gmail.com)
const std = @import("std");
const inc = @import("include");
// 二叉搜索树
pub fn BinarySearchTree(comptime T: type) type {
return struct {
const Self = @This();
root: ?*inc.TreeNode(T) = null,
mem_arena: ?std.heap.ArenaAllocator = null,
mem_allocator: std.mem.Allocator = undefined, // 内存分配器
// 构造方法
pub fn init(self: *Self, allocator: std.mem.Allocator, nums: []T) !void {
if (self.mem_arena == null) {
self.mem_arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(allocator);
self.mem_allocator = self.mem_arena.?.allocator();
std.mem.sort(T, nums, {}, comptime std.sort.asc(T)); // 排序数组
self.root = try self.buildTree(nums, 0, nums.len - 1); // 构建二叉搜索树
// 析构方法
pub fn deinit(self: *Self) void {
if (self.mem_arena == null) return;
// 构建二叉搜索树
fn buildTree(self: *Self, nums: []T, i: usize, j: usize) !?*inc.TreeNode(T) {
if (i > j) return null;
// 将数组中间节点作为根节点
var mid = (i + j) / 2;
var node = try self.mem_allocator.create(inc.TreeNode(T));
// 递归建立左子树和右子树
if (mid >= 1) node.left = try self.buildTree(nums, i, mid - 1);
node.right = try self.buildTree(nums, mid + 1, j);
return node;
// 获取二叉树根节点
fn getRoot(self: *Self) ?*inc.TreeNode(T) {
return self.root;
// 查找节点
fn search(self: *Self, num: T) ?*inc.TreeNode(T) {
var cur = self.root;
// 循环查找,越过叶节点后跳出
while (cur != null) {
// 目标节点在 cur 的右子树中
if (cur.?.val < num) {
cur = cur.?.right;
// 目标节点在 cur 的左子树中
} else if (cur.?.val > num) {
cur = cur.?.left;
// 找到目标节点,跳出循环
} else {
// 返回目标节点
return cur;
// 插入节点
fn insert(self: *Self, num: T) !void {
// 若树为空,则初始化根节点
if (self.root == null) {
self.root = try self.mem_allocator.create(inc.TreeNode(T));
var cur = self.root;
var pre: ?*inc.TreeNode(T) = null;
// 循环查找,越过叶节点后跳出
while (cur != null) {
// 找到重复节点,直接返回
if (cur.?.val == num) return;
pre = cur;
// 插入位置在 cur 的右子树中
if (cur.?.val < num) {
cur = cur.?.right;
// 插入位置在 cur 的左子树中
} else {
cur = cur.?.left;
// 插入节点
var node = try self.mem_allocator.create(inc.TreeNode(T));
if (pre.?.val < num) {
pre.?.right = node;
} else {
pre.?.left = node;
// 删除节点
fn remove(self: *Self, num: T) void {
// 若树为空,直接提前返回
if (self.root == null) return;
var cur = self.root;
var pre: ?*inc.TreeNode(T) = null;
// 循环查找,越过叶节点后跳出
while (cur != null) {
// 找到待删除节点,跳出循环
if (cur.?.val == num) break;
pre = cur;
// 待删除节点在 cur 的右子树中
if (cur.?.val < num) {
cur = cur.?.right;
// 待删除节点在 cur 的左子树中
} else {
cur = cur.?.left;
// 若无待删除节点,则直接返回
if (cur == null) return;
// 子节点数量 = 0 or 1
if (cur.?.left == null or cur.?.right == null) {
// 当子节点数量 = 0 / 1 时, child = null / 该子节点
var child = if (cur.?.left != null) cur.?.left else cur.?.right;
// 删除节点 cur
if (pre.?.left == cur) {
pre.?.left = child;
} else {
pre.?.right = child;
// 子节点数量 = 2
} else {
// 获取中序遍历中 cur 的下一个节点
var tmp = cur.?.right;
while (tmp.?.left != null) {
tmp = tmp.?.left;
var tmp_val = tmp.?.val;
// 递归删除节点 tmp
// 用 tmp 覆盖 cur
cur.?.val = tmp_val;
// Driver Code
pub fn main() !void {
// 初始化二叉树
var nums = [_]i32{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 };
var bst = BinarySearchTree(i32){};
try bst.init(std.heap.page_allocator, &nums);
defer bst.deinit();
std.debug.print("初始化的二叉树为\n", .{});
try inc.PrintUtil.printTree(bst.getRoot(), null, false);
// 查找节点
var node = bst.search(7);
std.debug.print("\n查找到的节点对象为 {any},节点值 = {}\n", .{node, node.?.val});
// 插入节点
try bst.insert(16);
std.debug.print("\n插入节点 16 后,二叉树为\n", .{});
try inc.PrintUtil.printTree(bst.getRoot(), null, false);
// 删除节点
std.debug.print("\n删除节点 1 后,二叉树为\n", .{});
try inc.PrintUtil.printTree(bst.getRoot(), null, false);
std.debug.print("\n删除节点 2 后,二叉树为\n", .{});
try inc.PrintUtil.printTree(bst.getRoot(), null, false);
std.debug.print("\n删除节点 4 后,二叉树为\n", .{});
try inc.PrintUtil.printTree(bst.getRoot(), null, false);
_ = try std.io.getStdIn().reader().readByte();
} | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/qianjiangboy/hello-algo/9baf4a1753ab097e574046431dfbbd488a6739b8/codes/zig/chapter_tree/binary_search_tree.zig |
const std = @import("std");
const sdl = @import("sdl.zig");
const settings = @import("settings.zig");
const game = @import("game");
const math = @import("math.zig");
pub const Event = enum {
pub fn handleInput(state: *game.GameState) Event {
var event: sdl.SDL_Event = undefined;
while (sdl.SDL_PollEvent(&event) != 0) {
switch (event.type) {
sdl.SDL_QUIT => return .exit,
sdl.SDL_KEYDOWN => handleKeyDown(&event.key, state),
sdl.SDL_KEYUP => handleKeyUp(&event.key, state),
sdl.SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP => handleMouseUp(&event.button, state),
sdl.SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN => handleMouseDown(&event.button, state),
else => {},
return .ok;
pub fn handleKeyDown(event: *sdl.SDL_KeyboardEvent, state: *game.GameState) void {
if (event.repeat == 0 and event.keysym.scancode < settings.MAX_KEYBOARD_KEYS) {
state.keyboard[event.keysym.scancode] = true;
pub fn handleKeyUp(event: *sdl.SDL_KeyboardEvent, state: *game.GameState) void {
if (event.repeat == 0 and event.keysym.scancode < settings.MAX_KEYBOARD_KEYS) {
state.keyboard[event.keysym.scancode] = false;
pub fn handleMouseDown(event: *sdl.SDL_MouseButtonEvent, state: *game.GameState) void {
if (event.clicks == 1 and event.button < settings.MAX_MOUSE_BUTTONS) {
state.mouse[event.button] = true;
pub fn handleMouseUp(event: *sdl.SDL_MouseButtonEvent, state: *game.GameState) void {
if (event.button < settings.MAX_MOUSE_BUTTONS) {
state.mouse[event.button] = false;
| https://raw.githubusercontent.com/j-helland/zig-htn-demo/a8a2dbc1b606f25631c29e3b3f829230da1e558e/src/input.zig |
const std = @import("std");
const print = std.debug.print;
pub fn main() !void {
try solve("d09/test1");
try solve("d09/input");
fn solve(filename: []const u8) !void {
const file = try std.fs.cwd().openFile(filename, .{});
defer file.close();
var buf_reader = std.io.bufferedReader(file.reader());
const in_stream = buf_reader.reader();
var buffer: [1024]u8 = undefined;
var oasis_prev: i64 = 0;
var oasis_next: i64 = 0;
while (try in_stream.readUntilDelimiterOrEof(&buffer, '\n')) |line| {
var chunks = std.mem.split(u8, line, " ");
var readings_buf: [256]i64 = undefined;
var readings_count: usize = 0;
while (chunks.next()) |chunk| {
readings_buf[readings_count] = try std.fmt.parseInt(i64, chunk, 10);
readings_count += 1;
const readings = readings_buf[0..readings_count];
var reading_deltas = [_]i64{0} ** 64;
var last_delta = readings.len - 1;
for (0..last_delta) |i| {
reading_deltas[i] = readings[i + 1] - readings[i];
var first_vals = [_]i64{0} ** 64;
first_vals[0] = readings[0];
first_vals[1] = reading_deltas[0];
var last_vals = [_]i64{0} ** 64;
last_vals[0] = readings[readings.len - 1];
last_vals[1] = reading_deltas[last_delta - 1];
last_delta -= 1;
var last_val_i: usize = 2;
while (std.mem.min(i64, &reading_deltas) != 0 or std.mem.max(i64, &reading_deltas) != 0) {
for (0..last_delta) |i| {
reading_deltas[i] = reading_deltas[i + 1] - reading_deltas[i];
last_vals[last_val_i] = reading_deltas[last_delta - 1];
first_vals[last_val_i] = reading_deltas[0];
reading_deltas[last_delta] = 0;
last_delta -= 1;
last_val_i += 1;
var next: i64 = 0;
for (0..last_val_i) |lvi| next += last_vals[lvi];
oasis_next += next;
var prev: i64 = first_vals[last_val_i - 1];
for (1..last_val_i) |lvi| prev = first_vals[last_val_i - lvi - 1] - prev;
oasis_prev += prev;
print("OASIS {d}..{d}\n", .{ oasis_prev, oasis_next });
| https://raw.githubusercontent.com/andrewflbarnes/advent-of-code-2023/852c602dac382ff738e7a41c003bd51e6e947939/d09/soln.zig |
// Copyright 2024 The Nushift Authors.
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
// (See accompanying file LICENSE or copy at
// https://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
const std = @import("std");
pub const FBSWriter = std.io.FixedBufferStream([]u8).Writer;
pub const FBSWriteError = std.io.FixedBufferStream([]u8).WriteError;
pub fn writeU64Seq(writer: FBSWriter, seq: []const u64) FBSWriteError!void {
try std.leb.writeULEB128(writer, seq.len);
for (seq) |elem| {
try std.leb.writeULEB128(writer, elem);
pub fn writeF64Seq(writer: FBSWriter, seq: []const f64) FBSWriteError!void {
try std.leb.writeULEB128(writer, seq.len);
for (seq) |elem| {
try writeF64(writer, elem);
pub fn writeF64(writer: FBSWriter, value: f64) FBSWriteError!void {
try writer.writeIntLittle(u64, @as(u64, @bitCast(value)));
pub fn writeStr(writer: FBSWriter, str: []const u8) FBSWriteError!void {
try std.leb.writeULEB128(writer, str.len);
_ = try writer.write(str);
| https://raw.githubusercontent.com/davepollack/nushift/83f074c7bb2a2fa8405818eee8be8526c24ff4f8/examples/hello-world/src/writing.zig |
const std = @import("std");
pub fn main() !void {
var file = try std.fs.cwd().openFile("input.txt", .{});
defer file.close();
var buf_reader = std.io.bufferedReader(file.reader());
var in_stream = buf_reader.reader();
// -1 is "unset" flag
var first: i32 = -1;
var last: i32 = 0;
var sum: i32 = 0;
while (true) {
var byte = in_stream.readByte() catch {
// end of file
// check byte is a number
if ('0' <= byte and byte <= '9') {
if(first == -1) {
// first is not set, this is first digit
first = byte - '0';
last = byte - '0';
if (byte == '\n') {
// end of line: append result to sum
sum += 10 * first + last;
first = -1;
std.debug.print("{}\n", .{sum});
| https://raw.githubusercontent.com/VirgileHenry/aoc-zig/ceb7feb4ee0f26d6cc82d7c3c8fa6a7fdf42dba4/day1/part1/src/main.zig |
const assert = @import("std").debug.assert;
pub const DrawListSharedData = opaque {};
pub const Context = opaque {};
pub const DrawCallback = ?fn (parent_list: ?*const DrawList, cmd: ?*const DrawCmd) callconv(.C) void;
pub const DrawIdx = u16;
pub const ID = u32;
pub const InputTextCallback = ?fn (data: ?*InputTextCallbackData) callconv(.C) i32;
pub const SizeCallback = ?fn (data: ?*SizeCallbackData) callconv(.C) void;
pub const TextureID = ?*c_void;
pub const Wchar = u16;
pub const DrawCallback_ResetRenderState = @intToPtr(DrawCallback, ~@as(usize, 0));
pub const VERSION = "1.75";
pub fn CHECKVERSION() void {
if (@import("builtin").mode != .ReleaseFast) {
@import("std").debug.assert(raw.igDebugCheckVersionAndDataLayout(VERSION, @sizeOf(IO), @sizeOf(Style), @sizeOf(Vec2), @sizeOf(Vec4), @sizeOf(DrawVert), @sizeOf(DrawIdx)));
pub const FLT_MAX = @import("std").math.f32_max;
pub const FlagsInt = u32;
pub fn FlagsMixin(comptime FlagType: type) type {
comptime assert(@sizeOf(FlagType) == 4);
return struct {
pub fn toInt(self: FlagType) FlagsInt {
return @bitCast(FlagsInt, self);
pub fn fromInt(value: FlagsInt) FlagType {
return @bitCast(FlagType, value);
pub fn with(a: FlagType, b: FlagType) FlagType {
return fromInt(toInt(a) | toInt(b));
pub fn only(a: FlagType, b: FlagType) FlagType {
return fromInt(toInt(a) & toInt(b));
pub fn without(a: FlagType, b: FlagType) FlagType {
return fromInt(toInt(a) & ~toInt(b));
pub fn hasAllSet(a: FlagType, b: FlagType) bool {
return (toInt(a) & toInt(b)) == toInt(b);
pub fn hasAnySet(a: FlagType, b: FlagType) bool {
return (toInt(a) & toInt(b)) != 0;
pub fn isEmpty(a: FlagType) bool {
return toInt(a) == 0;
pub const DrawCornerFlagsInt = FlagsInt;
pub const DrawCornerFlags = packed struct {
TopLeft: bool = false,
TopRight: bool = false,
BotLeft: bool = false,
BotRight: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_04: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_05: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_06: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_07: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_08: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_09: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_10: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_11: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_12: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_13: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_14: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_15: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_16: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_17: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_18: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_19: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_20: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_21: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_22: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_23: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_24: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_25: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_26: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_27: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_28: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_29: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_30: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_31: bool = false,
const Self = @This();
pub const None = Self{};
pub const Top = Self{ .TopLeft=true, .TopRight=true };
pub const Bot = Self{ .BotLeft=true, .BotRight=true };
pub const Left = Self{ .TopLeft=true, .BotLeft=true };
pub const Right = Self{ .TopRight=true, .BotRight=true };
pub const All = Self{ .TopLeft=true, .TopRight=true, .BotLeft=true, .BotRight=true };
pub usingnamespace FlagsMixin(Self);
pub const DrawListFlagsInt = FlagsInt;
pub const DrawListFlags = packed struct {
AntiAliasedLines: bool = false,
AntiAliasedFill: bool = false,
AllowVtxOffset: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_03: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_04: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_05: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_06: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_07: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_08: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_09: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_10: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_11: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_12: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_13: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_14: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_15: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_16: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_17: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_18: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_19: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_20: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_21: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_22: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_23: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_24: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_25: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_26: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_27: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_28: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_29: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_30: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_31: bool = false,
const Self = @This();
pub const None = Self{};
pub usingnamespace FlagsMixin(Self);
pub const FontAtlasFlagsInt = FlagsInt;
pub const FontAtlasFlags = packed struct {
NoPowerOfTwoHeight: bool = false,
NoMouseCursors: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_02: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_03: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_04: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_05: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_06: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_07: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_08: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_09: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_10: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_11: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_12: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_13: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_14: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_15: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_16: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_17: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_18: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_19: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_20: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_21: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_22: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_23: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_24: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_25: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_26: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_27: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_28: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_29: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_30: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_31: bool = false,
const Self = @This();
pub const None = Self{};
pub usingnamespace FlagsMixin(Self);
pub const BackendFlagsInt = FlagsInt;
pub const BackendFlags = packed struct {
HasGamepad: bool = false,
HasMouseCursors: bool = false,
HasSetMousePos: bool = false,
RendererHasVtxOffset: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_04: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_05: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_06: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_07: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_08: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_09: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_10: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_11: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_12: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_13: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_14: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_15: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_16: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_17: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_18: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_19: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_20: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_21: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_22: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_23: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_24: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_25: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_26: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_27: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_28: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_29: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_30: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_31: bool = false,
const Self = @This();
pub const None = Self{};
pub usingnamespace FlagsMixin(Self);
pub const ColorEditFlagsInt = FlagsInt;
pub const ColorEditFlags = packed struct {
__reserved_bit_00: bool = false,
NoAlpha: bool = false,
NoPicker: bool = false,
NoOptions: bool = false,
NoSmallPreview: bool = false,
NoInputs: bool = false,
NoTooltip: bool = false,
NoLabel: bool = false,
NoSidePreview: bool = false,
NoDragDrop: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_10: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_11: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_12: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_13: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_14: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_15: bool = false,
AlphaBar: bool = false,
AlphaPreview: bool = false,
AlphaPreviewHalf: bool = false,
HDR: bool = false,
DisplayRGB: bool = false,
DisplayHSV: bool = false,
DisplayHex: bool = false,
Uint8: bool = false,
Float: bool = false,
PickerHueBar: bool = false,
PickerHueWheel: bool = false,
InputRGB: bool = false,
InputHSV: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_29: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_30: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_31: bool = false,
const Self = @This();
pub const None = Self{};
pub const _OptionsDefault = Self{ .DisplayRGB=true, .Uint8=true, .PickerHueBar=true, .InputRGB=true };
pub const _DisplayMask = Self{ .DisplayRGB=true, .DisplayHSV=true, .DisplayHex=true };
pub const _DataTypeMask = Self{ .Uint8=true, .Float=true };
pub const _PickerMask = Self{ .PickerHueBar=true, .PickerHueWheel=true };
pub const _InputMask = Self{ .InputRGB=true, .InputHSV=true };
pub usingnamespace FlagsMixin(Self);
pub const ComboFlagsInt = FlagsInt;
pub const ComboFlags = packed struct {
PopupAlignLeft: bool = false,
HeightSmall: bool = false,
HeightRegular: bool = false,
HeightLarge: bool = false,
HeightLargest: bool = false,
NoArrowButton: bool = false,
NoPreview: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_07: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_08: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_09: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_10: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_11: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_12: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_13: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_14: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_15: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_16: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_17: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_18: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_19: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_20: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_21: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_22: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_23: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_24: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_25: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_26: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_27: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_28: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_29: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_30: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_31: bool = false,
const Self = @This();
pub const None = Self{};
pub const HeightMask_ = Self{ .HeightSmall=true, .HeightRegular=true, .HeightLarge=true, .HeightLargest=true };
pub usingnamespace FlagsMixin(Self);
pub const CondFlagsInt = FlagsInt;
pub const CondFlags = packed struct {
Always: bool = false,
Once: bool = false,
FirstUseEver: bool = false,
Appearing: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_04: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_05: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_06: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_07: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_08: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_09: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_10: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_11: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_12: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_13: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_14: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_15: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_16: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_17: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_18: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_19: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_20: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_21: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_22: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_23: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_24: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_25: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_26: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_27: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_28: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_29: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_30: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_31: bool = false,
pub usingnamespace FlagsMixin(@This());
pub const ConfigFlagsInt = FlagsInt;
pub const ConfigFlags = packed struct {
NavEnableKeyboard: bool = false,
NavEnableGamepad: bool = false,
NavEnableSetMousePos: bool = false,
NavNoCaptureKeyboard: bool = false,
NoMouse: bool = false,
NoMouseCursorChange: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_06: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_07: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_08: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_09: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_10: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_11: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_12: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_13: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_14: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_15: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_16: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_17: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_18: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_19: bool = false,
IsSRGB: bool = false,
IsTouchScreen: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_22: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_23: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_24: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_25: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_26: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_27: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_28: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_29: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_30: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_31: bool = false,
const Self = @This();
pub const None = Self{};
pub usingnamespace FlagsMixin(Self);
pub const DragDropFlagsInt = FlagsInt;
pub const DragDropFlags = packed struct {
SourceNoPreviewTooltip: bool = false,
SourceNoDisableHover: bool = false,
SourceNoHoldToOpenOthers: bool = false,
SourceAllowNullID: bool = false,
SourceExtern: bool = false,
SourceAutoExpirePayload: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_06: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_07: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_08: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_09: bool = false,
AcceptBeforeDelivery: bool = false,
AcceptNoDrawDefaultRect: bool = false,
AcceptNoPreviewTooltip: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_13: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_14: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_15: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_16: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_17: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_18: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_19: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_20: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_21: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_22: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_23: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_24: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_25: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_26: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_27: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_28: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_29: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_30: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_31: bool = false,
const Self = @This();
pub const None = Self{};
pub const AcceptPeekOnly = Self{ .AcceptBeforeDelivery=true, .AcceptNoDrawDefaultRect=true };
pub usingnamespace FlagsMixin(Self);
pub const FocusedFlagsInt = FlagsInt;
pub const FocusedFlags = packed struct {
ChildWindows: bool = false,
RootWindow: bool = false,
AnyWindow: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_03: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_04: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_05: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_06: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_07: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_08: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_09: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_10: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_11: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_12: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_13: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_14: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_15: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_16: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_17: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_18: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_19: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_20: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_21: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_22: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_23: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_24: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_25: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_26: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_27: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_28: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_29: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_30: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_31: bool = false,
const Self = @This();
pub const None = Self{};
pub const RootAndChildWindows = Self{ .ChildWindows=true, .RootWindow=true };
pub usingnamespace FlagsMixin(Self);
pub const HoveredFlagsInt = FlagsInt;
pub const HoveredFlags = packed struct {
ChildWindows: bool = false,
RootWindow: bool = false,
AnyWindow: bool = false,
AllowWhenBlockedByPopup: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_04: bool = false,
AllowWhenBlockedByActiveItem: bool = false,
AllowWhenOverlapped: bool = false,
AllowWhenDisabled: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_08: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_09: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_10: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_11: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_12: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_13: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_14: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_15: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_16: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_17: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_18: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_19: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_20: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_21: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_22: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_23: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_24: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_25: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_26: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_27: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_28: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_29: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_30: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_31: bool = false,
const Self = @This();
pub const None = Self{};
pub const RectOnly = Self{ .AllowWhenBlockedByPopup=true, .AllowWhenBlockedByActiveItem=true, .AllowWhenOverlapped=true };
pub const RootAndChildWindows = Self{ .ChildWindows=true, .RootWindow=true };
pub usingnamespace FlagsMixin(Self);
pub const InputTextFlagsInt = FlagsInt;
pub const InputTextFlags = packed struct {
CharsDecimal: bool = false,
CharsHexadecimal: bool = false,
CharsUppercase: bool = false,
CharsNoBlank: bool = false,
AutoSelectAll: bool = false,
EnterReturnsTrue: bool = false,
CallbackCompletion: bool = false,
CallbackHistory: bool = false,
CallbackAlways: bool = false,
CallbackCharFilter: bool = false,
AllowTabInput: bool = false,
CtrlEnterForNewLine: bool = false,
NoHorizontalScroll: bool = false,
AlwaysInsertMode: bool = false,
ReadOnly: bool = false,
Password: bool = false,
NoUndoRedo: bool = false,
CharsScientific: bool = false,
CallbackResize: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_19: bool = false,
Multiline: bool = false,
NoMarkEdited: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_22: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_23: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_24: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_25: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_26: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_27: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_28: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_29: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_30: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_31: bool = false,
const Self = @This();
pub const None = Self{};
pub usingnamespace FlagsMixin(Self);
pub const SelectableFlagsInt = FlagsInt;
pub const SelectableFlags = packed struct {
DontClosePopups: bool = false,
SpanAllColumns: bool = false,
AllowDoubleClick: bool = false,
Disabled: bool = false,
AllowItemOverlap: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_05: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_06: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_07: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_08: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_09: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_10: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_11: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_12: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_13: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_14: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_15: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_16: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_17: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_18: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_19: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_20: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_21: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_22: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_23: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_24: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_25: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_26: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_27: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_28: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_29: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_30: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_31: bool = false,
const Self = @This();
pub const None = Self{};
pub usingnamespace FlagsMixin(Self);
pub const TabBarFlagsInt = FlagsInt;
pub const TabBarFlags = packed struct {
Reorderable: bool = false,
AutoSelectNewTabs: bool = false,
TabListPopupButton: bool = false,
NoCloseWithMiddleMouseButton: bool = false,
NoTabListScrollingButtons: bool = false,
NoTooltip: bool = false,
FittingPolicyResizeDown: bool = false,
FittingPolicyScroll: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_08: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_09: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_10: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_11: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_12: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_13: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_14: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_15: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_16: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_17: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_18: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_19: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_20: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_21: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_22: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_23: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_24: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_25: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_26: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_27: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_28: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_29: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_30: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_31: bool = false,
const Self = @This();
pub const None = Self{};
pub const FittingPolicyMask_ = Self{ .FittingPolicyResizeDown=true, .FittingPolicyScroll=true };
pub const FittingPolicyDefault_ = Self{ .FittingPolicyResizeDown=true };
pub usingnamespace FlagsMixin(Self);
pub const TabItemFlagsInt = FlagsInt;
pub const TabItemFlags = packed struct {
UnsavedDocument: bool = false,
SetSelected: bool = false,
NoCloseWithMiddleMouseButton: bool = false,
NoPushId: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_04: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_05: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_06: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_07: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_08: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_09: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_10: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_11: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_12: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_13: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_14: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_15: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_16: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_17: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_18: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_19: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_20: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_21: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_22: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_23: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_24: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_25: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_26: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_27: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_28: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_29: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_30: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_31: bool = false,
const Self = @This();
pub const None = Self{};
pub usingnamespace FlagsMixin(Self);
pub const TreeNodeFlagsInt = FlagsInt;
pub const TreeNodeFlags = packed struct {
Selected: bool = false,
Framed: bool = false,
AllowItemOverlap: bool = false,
NoTreePushOnOpen: bool = false,
NoAutoOpenOnLog: bool = false,
DefaultOpen: bool = false,
OpenOnDoubleClick: bool = false,
OpenOnArrow: bool = false,
Leaf: bool = false,
Bullet: bool = false,
FramePadding: bool = false,
SpanAvailWidth: bool = false,
SpanFullWidth: bool = false,
NavLeftJumpsBackHere: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_14: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_15: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_16: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_17: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_18: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_19: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_20: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_21: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_22: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_23: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_24: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_25: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_26: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_27: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_28: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_29: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_30: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_31: bool = false,
const Self = @This();
pub const None = Self{};
pub const CollapsingHeader = Self{ .Framed=true, .NoTreePushOnOpen=true, .NoAutoOpenOnLog=true };
pub usingnamespace FlagsMixin(Self);
pub const WindowFlagsInt = FlagsInt;
pub const WindowFlags = packed struct {
NoTitleBar: bool = false,
NoResize: bool = false,
NoMove: bool = false,
NoScrollbar: bool = false,
NoScrollWithMouse: bool = false,
NoCollapse: bool = false,
AlwaysAutoResize: bool = false,
NoBackground: bool = false,
NoSavedSettings: bool = false,
NoMouseInputs: bool = false,
MenuBar: bool = false,
HorizontalScrollbar: bool = false,
NoFocusOnAppearing: bool = false,
NoBringToFrontOnFocus: bool = false,
AlwaysVerticalScrollbar: bool = false,
AlwaysHorizontalScrollbar: bool = false,
AlwaysUseWindowPadding: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_17: bool = false,
NoNavInputs: bool = false,
NoNavFocus: bool = false,
UnsavedDocument: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_21: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_22: bool = false,
NavFlattened: bool = false,
ChildWindow: bool = false,
Tooltip: bool = false,
Popup: bool = false,
Modal: bool = false,
ChildMenu: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_29: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_30: bool = false,
__reserved_bit_31: bool = false,
const Self = @This();
pub const None = Self{};
pub const NoNav = Self{ .NoNavInputs=true, .NoNavFocus=true };
pub const NoDecoration = Self{ .NoTitleBar=true, .NoResize=true, .NoScrollbar=true, .NoCollapse=true };
pub const NoInputs = Self{ .NoMouseInputs=true, .NoNavInputs=true, .NoNavFocus=true };
pub usingnamespace FlagsMixin(Self);
pub const Col = extern enum {
Text = 0,
TextDisabled = 1,
WindowBg = 2,
ChildBg = 3,
PopupBg = 4,
Border = 5,
BorderShadow = 6,
FrameBg = 7,
FrameBgHovered = 8,
FrameBgActive = 9,
TitleBg = 10,
TitleBgActive = 11,
TitleBgCollapsed = 12,
MenuBarBg = 13,
ScrollbarBg = 14,
ScrollbarGrab = 15,
ScrollbarGrabHovered = 16,
ScrollbarGrabActive = 17,
CheckMark = 18,
SliderGrab = 19,
SliderGrabActive = 20,
Button = 21,
ButtonHovered = 22,
ButtonActive = 23,
Header = 24,
HeaderHovered = 25,
HeaderActive = 26,
Separator = 27,
SeparatorHovered = 28,
SeparatorActive = 29,
ResizeGrip = 30,
ResizeGripHovered = 31,
ResizeGripActive = 32,
Tab = 33,
TabHovered = 34,
TabActive = 35,
TabUnfocused = 36,
TabUnfocusedActive = 37,
PlotLines = 38,
PlotLinesHovered = 39,
PlotHistogram = 40,
PlotHistogramHovered = 41,
TextSelectedBg = 42,
DragDropTarget = 43,
NavHighlight = 44,
NavWindowingHighlight = 45,
NavWindowingDimBg = 46,
ModalWindowDimBg = 47,
pub const COUNT = 48;
pub const DataType = extern enum {
S8 = 0,
U8 = 1,
S16 = 2,
U16 = 3,
S32 = 4,
U32 = 5,
S64 = 6,
U64 = 7,
Float = 8,
Double = 9,
pub const COUNT = 10;
pub const Dir = extern enum {
None = -1,
Left = 0,
Right = 1,
Up = 2,
Down = 3,
pub const COUNT = 4;
pub const Key = extern enum {
Tab = 0,
LeftArrow = 1,
RightArrow = 2,
UpArrow = 3,
DownArrow = 4,
PageUp = 5,
PageDown = 6,
Home = 7,
End = 8,
Insert = 9,
Delete = 10,
Backspace = 11,
Space = 12,
Enter = 13,
Escape = 14,
KeyPadEnter = 15,
A = 16,
C = 17,
V = 18,
X = 19,
Y = 20,
Z = 21,
pub const COUNT = 22;
pub const MouseButton = extern enum {
Left = 0,
Right = 1,
Middle = 2,
pub const COUNT = 5;
pub const MouseCursor = extern enum {
None = -1,
Arrow = 0,
TextInput = 1,
ResizeAll = 2,
ResizeNS = 3,
ResizeEW = 4,
ResizeNESW = 5,
ResizeNWSE = 6,
Hand = 7,
NotAllowed = 8,
pub const COUNT = 9;
pub const NavInput = extern enum {
Activate = 0,
Cancel = 1,
Input = 2,
Menu = 3,
DpadLeft = 4,
DpadRight = 5,
DpadUp = 6,
DpadDown = 7,
LStickLeft = 8,
LStickRight = 9,
LStickUp = 10,
LStickDown = 11,
FocusPrev = 12,
FocusNext = 13,
TweakSlow = 14,
TweakFast = 15,
KeyMenu_ = 16,
KeyLeft_ = 17,
KeyRight_ = 18,
KeyUp_ = 19,
KeyDown_ = 20,
pub const COUNT = 21;
pub const Self = @This();
pub const InternalStart_ = Self.KeyMenu_;
pub const StyleVar = extern enum {
Alpha = 0,
WindowPadding = 1,
WindowRounding = 2,
WindowBorderSize = 3,
WindowMinSize = 4,
WindowTitleAlign = 5,
ChildRounding = 6,
ChildBorderSize = 7,
PopupRounding = 8,
PopupBorderSize = 9,
FramePadding = 10,
FrameRounding = 11,
FrameBorderSize = 12,
ItemSpacing = 13,
ItemInnerSpacing = 14,
IndentSpacing = 15,
ScrollbarSize = 16,
ScrollbarRounding = 17,
GrabMinSize = 18,
GrabRounding = 19,
TabRounding = 20,
ButtonTextAlign = 21,
SelectableTextAlign = 22,
pub const COUNT = 23;
pub const Color = extern struct {
Value: Vec4,
pub inline fn HSVExt(self: *Color, h: f32, s: f32, v: f32, a: f32) Color {
var out: Color = undefined;
raw.ImColor_HSV_nonUDT(&out, self, h, s, v, a);
return out;
pub inline fn HSV(self: *Color, h: f32, s: f32, v: f32) Color {
return HSVExt(self, h, s, v, 1.0);
/// init(self: *Color) void
pub const init = raw.ImColor_ImColor;
/// initIntExt(self: *Color, r: i32, g: i32, b: i32, a: i32) void
pub const initIntExt = raw.ImColor_ImColorInt;
pub inline fn initInt(self: *Color, r: i32, g: i32, b: i32) void {
return initIntExt(self, r, g, b, 255);
/// initU32(self: *Color, rgba: u32) void
pub const initU32 = raw.ImColor_ImColorU32;
/// initFloatExt(self: *Color, r: f32, g: f32, b: f32, a: f32) void
pub const initFloatExt = raw.ImColor_ImColorFloat;
pub inline fn initFloat(self: *Color, r: f32, g: f32, b: f32) void {
return initFloatExt(self, r, g, b, 1.0);
/// initVec4(self: *Color, col: Vec4) void
pub const initVec4 = raw.ImColor_ImColorVec4;
/// SetHSVExt(self: *Color, h: f32, s: f32, v: f32, a: f32) void
pub const SetHSVExt = raw.ImColor_SetHSV;
pub inline fn SetHSV(self: *Color, h: f32, s: f32, v: f32) void {
return SetHSVExt(self, h, s, v, 1.0);
/// deinit(self: *Color) void
pub const deinit = raw.ImColor_destroy;
pub const DrawChannel = extern struct {
_CmdBuffer: Vector(DrawCmd),
_IdxBuffer: Vector(DrawIdx),
pub const DrawCmd = extern struct {
ElemCount: u32,
ClipRect: Vec4,
TextureId: TextureID,
VtxOffset: u32,
IdxOffset: u32,
UserCallback: DrawCallback,
UserCallbackData: ?*c_void,
/// init(self: *DrawCmd) void
pub const init = raw.ImDrawCmd_ImDrawCmd;
/// deinit(self: *DrawCmd) void
pub const deinit = raw.ImDrawCmd_destroy;
pub const DrawData = extern struct {
Valid: bool,
CmdLists: ?[*]*DrawList,
CmdListsCount: i32,
TotalIdxCount: i32,
TotalVtxCount: i32,
DisplayPos: Vec2,
DisplaySize: Vec2,
FramebufferScale: Vec2,
/// Clear(self: *DrawData) void
pub const Clear = raw.ImDrawData_Clear;
/// DeIndexAllBuffers(self: *DrawData) void
pub const DeIndexAllBuffers = raw.ImDrawData_DeIndexAllBuffers;
/// init(self: *DrawData) void
pub const init = raw.ImDrawData_ImDrawData;
/// ScaleClipRects(self: *DrawData, fb_scale: Vec2) void
pub const ScaleClipRects = raw.ImDrawData_ScaleClipRects;
/// deinit(self: *DrawData) void
pub const deinit = raw.ImDrawData_destroy;
pub const DrawList = extern struct {
CmdBuffer: Vector(DrawCmd),
IdxBuffer: Vector(DrawIdx),
VtxBuffer: Vector(DrawVert),
Flags: DrawListFlags align(4),
_Data: ?*const DrawListSharedData,
_OwnerName: ?[*:0]const u8,
_VtxCurrentOffset: u32,
_VtxCurrentIdx: u32,
_VtxWritePtr: ?[*]DrawVert,
_IdxWritePtr: ?[*]DrawIdx,
_ClipRectStack: Vector(Vec4),
_TextureIdStack: Vector(TextureID),
_Path: Vector(Vec2),
_Splitter: DrawListSplitter,
/// AddBezierCurveExt(self: *DrawList, p1: Vec2, p2: Vec2, p3: Vec2, p4: Vec2, col: u32, thickness: f32, num_segments: i32) void
pub const AddBezierCurveExt = raw.ImDrawList_AddBezierCurve;
pub inline fn AddBezierCurve(self: *DrawList, p1: Vec2, p2: Vec2, p3: Vec2, p4: Vec2, col: u32, thickness: f32) void {
return AddBezierCurveExt(self, p1, p2, p3, p4, col, thickness, 0);
/// AddCallback(self: *DrawList, callback: DrawCallback, callback_data: ?*c_void) void
pub const AddCallback = raw.ImDrawList_AddCallback;
/// AddCircleExt(self: *DrawList, center: Vec2, radius: f32, col: u32, num_segments: i32, thickness: f32) void
pub const AddCircleExt = raw.ImDrawList_AddCircle;
pub inline fn AddCircle(self: *DrawList, center: Vec2, radius: f32, col: u32) void {
return AddCircleExt(self, center, radius, col, 12, 1.0);
/// AddCircleFilledExt(self: *DrawList, center: Vec2, radius: f32, col: u32, num_segments: i32) void
pub const AddCircleFilledExt = raw.ImDrawList_AddCircleFilled;
pub inline fn AddCircleFilled(self: *DrawList, center: Vec2, radius: f32, col: u32) void {
return AddCircleFilledExt(self, center, radius, col, 12);
/// AddConvexPolyFilled(self: *DrawList, points: ?[*]const Vec2, num_points: i32, col: u32) void
pub const AddConvexPolyFilled = raw.ImDrawList_AddConvexPolyFilled;
/// AddDrawCmd(self: *DrawList) void
pub const AddDrawCmd = raw.ImDrawList_AddDrawCmd;
/// AddImageExt(self: *DrawList, user_texture_id: TextureID, p_min: Vec2, p_max: Vec2, uv_min: Vec2, uv_max: Vec2, col: u32) void
pub const AddImageExt = raw.ImDrawList_AddImage;
pub inline fn AddImage(self: *DrawList, user_texture_id: TextureID, p_min: Vec2, p_max: Vec2) void {
return AddImageExt(self, user_texture_id, p_min, p_max, .{.x=0,.y=0}, .{.x=1,.y=1}, 0xFFFFFFFF);
/// AddImageQuadExt(self: *DrawList, user_texture_id: TextureID, p1: Vec2, p2: Vec2, p3: Vec2, p4: Vec2, uv1: Vec2, uv2: Vec2, uv3: Vec2, uv4: Vec2, col: u32) void
pub const AddImageQuadExt = raw.ImDrawList_AddImageQuad;
pub inline fn AddImageQuad(self: *DrawList, user_texture_id: TextureID, p1: Vec2, p2: Vec2, p3: Vec2, p4: Vec2) void {
return AddImageQuadExt(self, user_texture_id, p1, p2, p3, p4, .{.x=0,.y=0}, .{.x=1,.y=0}, .{.x=1,.y=1}, .{.x=0,.y=1}, 0xFFFFFFFF);
pub inline fn AddImageRoundedExt(self: *DrawList, user_texture_id: TextureID, p_min: Vec2, p_max: Vec2, uv_min: Vec2, uv_max: Vec2, col: u32, rounding: f32, rounding_corners: DrawCornerFlags) void {
return raw.ImDrawList_AddImageRounded(self, user_texture_id, p_min, p_max, uv_min, uv_max, col, rounding, rounding_corners.toInt());
pub inline fn AddImageRounded(self: *DrawList, user_texture_id: TextureID, p_min: Vec2, p_max: Vec2, uv_min: Vec2, uv_max: Vec2, col: u32, rounding: f32) void {
return AddImageRoundedExt(self, user_texture_id, p_min, p_max, uv_min, uv_max, col, rounding, DrawCornerFlags.All);
/// AddLineExt(self: *DrawList, p1: Vec2, p2: Vec2, col: u32, thickness: f32) void
pub const AddLineExt = raw.ImDrawList_AddLine;
pub inline fn AddLine(self: *DrawList, p1: Vec2, p2: Vec2, col: u32) void {
return AddLineExt(self, p1, p2, col, 1.0);
/// AddNgonExt(self: *DrawList, center: Vec2, radius: f32, col: u32, num_segments: i32, thickness: f32) void
pub const AddNgonExt = raw.ImDrawList_AddNgon;
pub inline fn AddNgon(self: *DrawList, center: Vec2, radius: f32, col: u32, num_segments: i32) void {
return AddNgonExt(self, center, radius, col, num_segments, 1.0);
/// AddNgonFilled(self: *DrawList, center: Vec2, radius: f32, col: u32, num_segments: i32) void
pub const AddNgonFilled = raw.ImDrawList_AddNgonFilled;
/// AddPolyline(self: *DrawList, points: ?[*]const Vec2, num_points: i32, col: u32, closed: bool, thickness: f32) void
pub const AddPolyline = raw.ImDrawList_AddPolyline;
/// AddQuadExt(self: *DrawList, p1: Vec2, p2: Vec2, p3: Vec2, p4: Vec2, col: u32, thickness: f32) void
pub const AddQuadExt = raw.ImDrawList_AddQuad;
pub inline fn AddQuad(self: *DrawList, p1: Vec2, p2: Vec2, p3: Vec2, p4: Vec2, col: u32) void {
return AddQuadExt(self, p1, p2, p3, p4, col, 1.0);
/// AddQuadFilled(self: *DrawList, p1: Vec2, p2: Vec2, p3: Vec2, p4: Vec2, col: u32) void
pub const AddQuadFilled = raw.ImDrawList_AddQuadFilled;
pub inline fn AddRectExt(self: *DrawList, p_min: Vec2, p_max: Vec2, col: u32, rounding: f32, rounding_corners: DrawCornerFlags, thickness: f32) void {
return raw.ImDrawList_AddRect(self, p_min, p_max, col, rounding, rounding_corners.toInt(), thickness);
pub inline fn AddRect(self: *DrawList, p_min: Vec2, p_max: Vec2, col: u32) void {
return AddRectExt(self, p_min, p_max, col, 0.0, DrawCornerFlags.All, 1.0);
pub inline fn AddRectFilledExt(self: *DrawList, p_min: Vec2, p_max: Vec2, col: u32, rounding: f32, rounding_corners: DrawCornerFlags) void {
return raw.ImDrawList_AddRectFilled(self, p_min, p_max, col, rounding, rounding_corners.toInt());
pub inline fn AddRectFilled(self: *DrawList, p_min: Vec2, p_max: Vec2, col: u32) void {
return AddRectFilledExt(self, p_min, p_max, col, 0.0, DrawCornerFlags.All);
/// AddRectFilledMultiColor(self: *DrawList, p_min: Vec2, p_max: Vec2, col_upr_left: u32, col_upr_right: u32, col_bot_right: u32, col_bot_left: u32) void
pub const AddRectFilledMultiColor = raw.ImDrawList_AddRectFilledMultiColor;
/// AddTextVec2Ext(self: *DrawList, pos: Vec2, col: u32, text_begin: ?[*]const u8, text_end: ?[*]const u8) void
pub const AddTextVec2Ext = raw.ImDrawList_AddTextVec2;
pub inline fn AddTextVec2(self: *DrawList, pos: Vec2, col: u32, text_begin: ?[*]const u8) void {
return AddTextVec2Ext(self, pos, col, text_begin, null);
/// AddTextFontPtrExt(self: *DrawList, font: ?*const Font, font_size: f32, pos: Vec2, col: u32, text_begin: ?[*]const u8, text_end: ?[*]const u8, wrap_width: f32, cpu_fine_clip_rect: ?*const Vec4) void
pub const AddTextFontPtrExt = raw.ImDrawList_AddTextFontPtr;
pub inline fn AddTextFontPtr(self: *DrawList, font: ?*const Font, font_size: f32, pos: Vec2, col: u32, text_begin: ?[*]const u8) void {
return AddTextFontPtrExt(self, font, font_size, pos, col, text_begin, null, 0.0, null);
/// AddTriangleExt(self: *DrawList, p1: Vec2, p2: Vec2, p3: Vec2, col: u32, thickness: f32) void
pub const AddTriangleExt = raw.ImDrawList_AddTriangle;
pub inline fn AddTriangle(self: *DrawList, p1: Vec2, p2: Vec2, p3: Vec2, col: u32) void {
return AddTriangleExt(self, p1, p2, p3, col, 1.0);
/// AddTriangleFilled(self: *DrawList, p1: Vec2, p2: Vec2, p3: Vec2, col: u32) void
pub const AddTriangleFilled = raw.ImDrawList_AddTriangleFilled;
/// ChannelsMerge(self: *DrawList) void
pub const ChannelsMerge = raw.ImDrawList_ChannelsMerge;
/// ChannelsSetCurrent(self: *DrawList, n: i32) void
pub const ChannelsSetCurrent = raw.ImDrawList_ChannelsSetCurrent;
/// ChannelsSplit(self: *DrawList, count: i32) void
pub const ChannelsSplit = raw.ImDrawList_ChannelsSplit;
/// Clear(self: *DrawList) void
pub const Clear = raw.ImDrawList_Clear;
/// ClearFreeMemory(self: *DrawList) void
pub const ClearFreeMemory = raw.ImDrawList_ClearFreeMemory;
/// CloneOutput(self: *const DrawList) ?*DrawList
pub const CloneOutput = raw.ImDrawList_CloneOutput;
pub inline fn GetClipRectMax(self: *const DrawList) Vec2 {
var out: Vec2 = undefined;
raw.ImDrawList_GetClipRectMax_nonUDT(&out, self);
return out;
pub inline fn GetClipRectMin(self: *const DrawList) Vec2 {
var out: Vec2 = undefined;
raw.ImDrawList_GetClipRectMin_nonUDT(&out, self);
return out;
/// init(self: *DrawList, shared_data: ?*const DrawListSharedData) void
pub const init = raw.ImDrawList_ImDrawList;
/// PathArcToExt(self: *DrawList, center: Vec2, radius: f32, a_min: f32, a_max: f32, num_segments: i32) void
pub const PathArcToExt = raw.ImDrawList_PathArcTo;
pub inline fn PathArcTo(self: *DrawList, center: Vec2, radius: f32, a_min: f32, a_max: f32) void {
return PathArcToExt(self, center, radius, a_min, a_max, 10);
/// PathArcToFast(self: *DrawList, center: Vec2, radius: f32, a_min_of_12: i32, a_max_of_12: i32) void
pub const PathArcToFast = raw.ImDrawList_PathArcToFast;
/// PathBezierCurveToExt(self: *DrawList, p2: Vec2, p3: Vec2, p4: Vec2, num_segments: i32) void
pub const PathBezierCurveToExt = raw.ImDrawList_PathBezierCurveTo;
pub inline fn PathBezierCurveTo(self: *DrawList, p2: Vec2, p3: Vec2, p4: Vec2) void {
return PathBezierCurveToExt(self, p2, p3, p4, 0);
/// PathClear(self: *DrawList) void
pub const PathClear = raw.ImDrawList_PathClear;
/// PathFillConvex(self: *DrawList, col: u32) void
pub const PathFillConvex = raw.ImDrawList_PathFillConvex;
/// PathLineTo(self: *DrawList, pos: Vec2) void
pub const PathLineTo = raw.ImDrawList_PathLineTo;
/// PathLineToMergeDuplicate(self: *DrawList, pos: Vec2) void
pub const PathLineToMergeDuplicate = raw.ImDrawList_PathLineToMergeDuplicate;
pub inline fn PathRectExt(self: *DrawList, rect_min: Vec2, rect_max: Vec2, rounding: f32, rounding_corners: DrawCornerFlags) void {
return raw.ImDrawList_PathRect(self, rect_min, rect_max, rounding, rounding_corners.toInt());
pub inline fn PathRect(self: *DrawList, rect_min: Vec2, rect_max: Vec2) void {
return PathRectExt(self, rect_min, rect_max, 0.0, DrawCornerFlags.All);
/// PathStrokeExt(self: *DrawList, col: u32, closed: bool, thickness: f32) void
pub const PathStrokeExt = raw.ImDrawList_PathStroke;
pub inline fn PathStroke(self: *DrawList, col: u32, closed: bool) void {
return PathStrokeExt(self, col, closed, 1.0);
/// PopClipRect(self: *DrawList) void
pub const PopClipRect = raw.ImDrawList_PopClipRect;
/// PopTextureID(self: *DrawList) void
pub const PopTextureID = raw.ImDrawList_PopTextureID;
/// PrimQuadUV(self: *DrawList, a: Vec2, b: Vec2, c: Vec2, d: Vec2, uv_a: Vec2, uv_b: Vec2, uv_c: Vec2, uv_d: Vec2, col: u32) void
pub const PrimQuadUV = raw.ImDrawList_PrimQuadUV;
/// PrimRect(self: *DrawList, a: Vec2, b: Vec2, col: u32) void
pub const PrimRect = raw.ImDrawList_PrimRect;
/// PrimRectUV(self: *DrawList, a: Vec2, b: Vec2, uv_a: Vec2, uv_b: Vec2, col: u32) void
pub const PrimRectUV = raw.ImDrawList_PrimRectUV;
/// PrimReserve(self: *DrawList, idx_count: i32, vtx_count: i32) void
pub const PrimReserve = raw.ImDrawList_PrimReserve;
/// PrimUnreserve(self: *DrawList, idx_count: i32, vtx_count: i32) void
pub const PrimUnreserve = raw.ImDrawList_PrimUnreserve;
/// PrimVtx(self: *DrawList, pos: Vec2, uv: Vec2, col: u32) void
pub const PrimVtx = raw.ImDrawList_PrimVtx;
/// PrimWriteIdx(self: *DrawList, idx: DrawIdx) void
pub const PrimWriteIdx = raw.ImDrawList_PrimWriteIdx;
/// PrimWriteVtx(self: *DrawList, pos: Vec2, uv: Vec2, col: u32) void
pub const PrimWriteVtx = raw.ImDrawList_PrimWriteVtx;
/// PushClipRectExt(self: *DrawList, clip_rect_min: Vec2, clip_rect_max: Vec2, intersect_with_current_clip_rect: bool) void
pub const PushClipRectExt = raw.ImDrawList_PushClipRect;
pub inline fn PushClipRect(self: *DrawList, clip_rect_min: Vec2, clip_rect_max: Vec2) void {
return PushClipRectExt(self, clip_rect_min, clip_rect_max, false);
/// PushClipRectFullScreen(self: *DrawList) void
pub const PushClipRectFullScreen = raw.ImDrawList_PushClipRectFullScreen;
/// PushTextureID(self: *DrawList, texture_id: TextureID) void
pub const PushTextureID = raw.ImDrawList_PushTextureID;
/// UpdateClipRect(self: *DrawList) void
pub const UpdateClipRect = raw.ImDrawList_UpdateClipRect;
/// UpdateTextureID(self: *DrawList) void
pub const UpdateTextureID = raw.ImDrawList_UpdateTextureID;
/// deinit(self: *DrawList) void
pub const deinit = raw.ImDrawList_destroy;
pub const DrawListSplitter = extern struct {
_Current: i32,
_Count: i32,
_Channels: Vector(DrawChannel),
/// Clear(self: *DrawListSplitter) void
pub const Clear = raw.ImDrawListSplitter_Clear;
/// ClearFreeMemory(self: *DrawListSplitter) void
pub const ClearFreeMemory = raw.ImDrawListSplitter_ClearFreeMemory;
/// init(self: *DrawListSplitter) void
pub const init = raw.ImDrawListSplitter_ImDrawListSplitter;
/// Merge(self: *DrawListSplitter, draw_list: ?*DrawList) void
pub const Merge = raw.ImDrawListSplitter_Merge;
/// SetCurrentChannel(self: *DrawListSplitter, draw_list: ?*DrawList, channel_idx: i32) void
pub const SetCurrentChannel = raw.ImDrawListSplitter_SetCurrentChannel;
/// Split(self: *DrawListSplitter, draw_list: ?*DrawList, count: i32) void
pub const Split = raw.ImDrawListSplitter_Split;
/// deinit(self: *DrawListSplitter) void
pub const deinit = raw.ImDrawListSplitter_destroy;
pub const DrawVert = extern struct {
pos: Vec2,
uv: Vec2,
col: u32,
pub const Font = extern struct {
IndexAdvanceX: Vector(f32),
FallbackAdvanceX: f32,
FontSize: f32,
IndexLookup: Vector(Wchar),
Glyphs: Vector(FontGlyph),
FallbackGlyph: ?*const FontGlyph,
DisplayOffset: Vec2,
ContainerAtlas: ?*FontAtlas,
ConfigData: ?*const FontConfig,
ConfigDataCount: i16,
FallbackChar: Wchar,
EllipsisChar: Wchar,
DirtyLookupTables: bool,
Scale: f32,
Ascent: f32,
Descent: f32,
MetricsTotalSurface: i32,
/// AddGlyph(self: *Font, c: Wchar, x0: f32, y0: f32, x1: f32, y1: f32, u0: f32, v0: f32, u1: f32, v1: f32, advance_x: f32) void
pub const AddGlyph = raw.ImFont_AddGlyph;
/// AddRemapCharExt(self: *Font, dst: Wchar, src: Wchar, overwrite_dst: bool) void
pub const AddRemapCharExt = raw.ImFont_AddRemapChar;
pub inline fn AddRemapChar(self: *Font, dst: Wchar, src: Wchar) void {
return AddRemapCharExt(self, dst, src, true);
/// BuildLookupTable(self: *Font) void
pub const BuildLookupTable = raw.ImFont_BuildLookupTable;
pub inline fn CalcTextSizeAExt(self: *const Font, size: f32, max_width: f32, wrap_width: f32, text_begin: ?[*]const u8, text_end: ?[*]const u8, remaining: ?*?[*:0]const u8) Vec2 {
var out: Vec2 = undefined;
raw.ImFont_CalcTextSizeA_nonUDT(&out, self, size, max_width, wrap_width, text_begin, text_end, remaining);
return out;
pub inline fn CalcTextSizeA(self: *const Font, size: f32, max_width: f32, wrap_width: f32, text_begin: ?[*]const u8) Vec2 {
return CalcTextSizeAExt(self, size, max_width, wrap_width, text_begin, null, null);
/// CalcWordWrapPositionA(self: *const Font, scale: f32, text: ?[*]const u8, text_end: ?[*]const u8, wrap_width: f32) ?[*]const u8
pub const CalcWordWrapPositionA = raw.ImFont_CalcWordWrapPositionA;
/// ClearOutputData(self: *Font) void
pub const ClearOutputData = raw.ImFont_ClearOutputData;
/// FindGlyph(self: *const Font, c: Wchar) ?*const FontGlyph
pub const FindGlyph = raw.ImFont_FindGlyph;
/// FindGlyphNoFallback(self: *const Font, c: Wchar) ?*const FontGlyph
pub const FindGlyphNoFallback = raw.ImFont_FindGlyphNoFallback;
/// GetCharAdvance(self: *const Font, c: Wchar) f32
pub const GetCharAdvance = raw.ImFont_GetCharAdvance;
/// GetDebugName(self: *const Font) ?[*:0]const u8
pub const GetDebugName = raw.ImFont_GetDebugName;
/// GrowIndex(self: *Font, new_size: i32) void
pub const GrowIndex = raw.ImFont_GrowIndex;
/// init(self: *Font) void
pub const init = raw.ImFont_ImFont;
/// IsLoaded(self: *const Font) bool
pub const IsLoaded = raw.ImFont_IsLoaded;
/// RenderChar(self: *const Font, draw_list: ?*DrawList, size: f32, pos: Vec2, col: u32, c: Wchar) void
pub const RenderChar = raw.ImFont_RenderChar;
/// RenderTextExt(self: *const Font, draw_list: ?*DrawList, size: f32, pos: Vec2, col: u32, clip_rect: Vec4, text_begin: ?[*]const u8, text_end: ?[*]const u8, wrap_width: f32, cpu_fine_clip: bool) void
pub const RenderTextExt = raw.ImFont_RenderText;
pub inline fn RenderText(self: *const Font, draw_list: ?*DrawList, size: f32, pos: Vec2, col: u32, clip_rect: Vec4, text_begin: ?[*]const u8, text_end: ?[*]const u8) void {
return RenderTextExt(self, draw_list, size, pos, col, clip_rect, text_begin, text_end, 0.0, false);
/// SetFallbackChar(self: *Font, c: Wchar) void
pub const SetFallbackChar = raw.ImFont_SetFallbackChar;
/// deinit(self: *Font) void
pub const deinit = raw.ImFont_destroy;
pub const FontAtlas = extern struct {
Locked: bool,
Flags: FontAtlasFlags align(4),
TexID: TextureID,
TexDesiredWidth: i32,
TexGlyphPadding: i32,
TexPixelsAlpha8: ?[*]u8,
TexPixelsRGBA32: ?[*]u32,
TexWidth: i32,
TexHeight: i32,
TexUvScale: Vec2,
TexUvWhitePixel: Vec2,
Fonts: Vector(*Font),
CustomRects: Vector(FontAtlasCustomRect),
ConfigData: Vector(FontConfig),
CustomRectIds: [1]i32,
/// AddCustomRectFontGlyphExt(self: *FontAtlas, font: ?*Font, id: Wchar, width: i32, height: i32, advance_x: f32, offset: Vec2) i32
pub const AddCustomRectFontGlyphExt = raw.ImFontAtlas_AddCustomRectFontGlyph;
pub inline fn AddCustomRectFontGlyph(self: *FontAtlas, font: ?*Font, id: Wchar, width: i32, height: i32, advance_x: f32) i32 {
return AddCustomRectFontGlyphExt(self, font, id, width, height, advance_x, .{.x=0,.y=0});
/// AddCustomRectRegular(self: *FontAtlas, id: u32, width: i32, height: i32) i32
pub const AddCustomRectRegular = raw.ImFontAtlas_AddCustomRectRegular;
/// AddFont(self: *FontAtlas, font_cfg: ?*const FontConfig) ?*Font
pub const AddFont = raw.ImFontAtlas_AddFont;
/// AddFontDefaultExt(self: *FontAtlas, font_cfg: ?*const FontConfig) ?*Font
pub const AddFontDefaultExt = raw.ImFontAtlas_AddFontDefault;
pub inline fn AddFontDefault(self: *FontAtlas) ?*Font {
return AddFontDefaultExt(self, null);
/// AddFontFromFileTTFExt(self: *FontAtlas, filename: ?[*:0]const u8, size_pixels: f32, font_cfg: ?*const FontConfig, glyph_ranges: ?[*:0]const Wchar) ?*Font
pub const AddFontFromFileTTFExt = raw.ImFontAtlas_AddFontFromFileTTF;
pub inline fn AddFontFromFileTTF(self: *FontAtlas, filename: ?[*:0]const u8, size_pixels: f32) ?*Font {
return AddFontFromFileTTFExt(self, filename, size_pixels, null, null);
/// AddFontFromMemoryCompressedBase85TTFExt(self: *FontAtlas, compressed_font_data_base85: ?[*]const u8, size_pixels: f32, font_cfg: ?*const FontConfig, glyph_ranges: ?[*:0]const Wchar) ?*Font
pub const AddFontFromMemoryCompressedBase85TTFExt = raw.ImFontAtlas_AddFontFromMemoryCompressedBase85TTF;
pub inline fn AddFontFromMemoryCompressedBase85TTF(self: *FontAtlas, compressed_font_data_base85: ?[*]const u8, size_pixels: f32) ?*Font {
return AddFontFromMemoryCompressedBase85TTFExt(self, compressed_font_data_base85, size_pixels, null, null);
/// AddFontFromMemoryCompressedTTFExt(self: *FontAtlas, compressed_font_data: ?*const c_void, compressed_font_size: i32, size_pixels: f32, font_cfg: ?*const FontConfig, glyph_ranges: ?[*:0]const Wchar) ?*Font
pub const AddFontFromMemoryCompressedTTFExt = raw.ImFontAtlas_AddFontFromMemoryCompressedTTF;
pub inline fn AddFontFromMemoryCompressedTTF(self: *FontAtlas, compressed_font_data: ?*const c_void, compressed_font_size: i32, size_pixels: f32) ?*Font {
return AddFontFromMemoryCompressedTTFExt(self, compressed_font_data, compressed_font_size, size_pixels, null, null);
/// AddFontFromMemoryTTFExt(self: *FontAtlas, font_data: ?*c_void, font_size: i32, size_pixels: f32, font_cfg: ?*const FontConfig, glyph_ranges: ?[*:0]const Wchar) ?*Font
pub const AddFontFromMemoryTTFExt = raw.ImFontAtlas_AddFontFromMemoryTTF;
pub inline fn AddFontFromMemoryTTF(self: *FontAtlas, font_data: ?*c_void, font_size: i32, size_pixels: f32) ?*Font {
return AddFontFromMemoryTTFExt(self, font_data, font_size, size_pixels, null, null);
/// Build(self: *FontAtlas) bool
pub const Build = raw.ImFontAtlas_Build;
/// CalcCustomRectUV(self: *const FontAtlas, rect: ?*const FontAtlasCustomRect, out_uv_min: ?*Vec2, out_uv_max: ?*Vec2) void
pub const CalcCustomRectUV = raw.ImFontAtlas_CalcCustomRectUV;
/// Clear(self: *FontAtlas) void
pub const Clear = raw.ImFontAtlas_Clear;
/// ClearFonts(self: *FontAtlas) void
pub const ClearFonts = raw.ImFontAtlas_ClearFonts;
/// ClearInputData(self: *FontAtlas) void
pub const ClearInputData = raw.ImFontAtlas_ClearInputData;
/// ClearTexData(self: *FontAtlas) void
pub const ClearTexData = raw.ImFontAtlas_ClearTexData;
/// GetCustomRectByIndex(self: *const FontAtlas, index: i32) ?*const FontAtlasCustomRect
pub const GetCustomRectByIndex = raw.ImFontAtlas_GetCustomRectByIndex;
/// GetGlyphRangesChineseFull(self: *FontAtlas) ?*const Wchar
pub const GetGlyphRangesChineseFull = raw.ImFontAtlas_GetGlyphRangesChineseFull;
/// GetGlyphRangesChineseSimplifiedCommon(self: *FontAtlas) ?*const Wchar
pub const GetGlyphRangesChineseSimplifiedCommon = raw.ImFontAtlas_GetGlyphRangesChineseSimplifiedCommon;
/// GetGlyphRangesCyrillic(self: *FontAtlas) ?*const Wchar
pub const GetGlyphRangesCyrillic = raw.ImFontAtlas_GetGlyphRangesCyrillic;
/// GetGlyphRangesDefault(self: *FontAtlas) ?*const Wchar
pub const GetGlyphRangesDefault = raw.ImFontAtlas_GetGlyphRangesDefault;
/// GetGlyphRangesJapanese(self: *FontAtlas) ?*const Wchar
pub const GetGlyphRangesJapanese = raw.ImFontAtlas_GetGlyphRangesJapanese;
/// GetGlyphRangesKorean(self: *FontAtlas) ?*const Wchar
pub const GetGlyphRangesKorean = raw.ImFontAtlas_GetGlyphRangesKorean;
/// GetGlyphRangesThai(self: *FontAtlas) ?*const Wchar
pub const GetGlyphRangesThai = raw.ImFontAtlas_GetGlyphRangesThai;
/// GetGlyphRangesVietnamese(self: *FontAtlas) ?*const Wchar
pub const GetGlyphRangesVietnamese = raw.ImFontAtlas_GetGlyphRangesVietnamese;
/// GetMouseCursorTexData(self: *FontAtlas, cursor: MouseCursor, out_offset: ?*Vec2, out_size: ?*Vec2, out_uv_border: *[2]Vec2, out_uv_fill: *[2]Vec2) bool
pub const GetMouseCursorTexData = raw.ImFontAtlas_GetMouseCursorTexData;
/// GetTexDataAsAlpha8Ext(self: *FontAtlas, out_pixels: *?[*]u8, out_width: *i32, out_height: *i32, out_bytes_per_pixel: ?*i32) void
pub const GetTexDataAsAlpha8Ext = raw.ImFontAtlas_GetTexDataAsAlpha8;
pub inline fn GetTexDataAsAlpha8(self: *FontAtlas, out_pixels: *?[*]u8, out_width: *i32, out_height: *i32) void {
return GetTexDataAsAlpha8Ext(self, out_pixels, out_width, out_height, null);
/// GetTexDataAsRGBA32Ext(self: *FontAtlas, out_pixels: *?[*]u8, out_width: *i32, out_height: *i32, out_bytes_per_pixel: ?*i32) void
pub const GetTexDataAsRGBA32Ext = raw.ImFontAtlas_GetTexDataAsRGBA32;
pub inline fn GetTexDataAsRGBA32(self: *FontAtlas, out_pixels: *?[*]u8, out_width: *i32, out_height: *i32) void {
return GetTexDataAsRGBA32Ext(self, out_pixels, out_width, out_height, null);
/// init(self: *FontAtlas) void
pub const init = raw.ImFontAtlas_ImFontAtlas;
/// IsBuilt(self: *const FontAtlas) bool
pub const IsBuilt = raw.ImFontAtlas_IsBuilt;
/// SetTexID(self: *FontAtlas, id: TextureID) void
pub const SetTexID = raw.ImFontAtlas_SetTexID;
/// deinit(self: *FontAtlas) void
pub const deinit = raw.ImFontAtlas_destroy;
pub const FontAtlasCustomRect = extern struct {
ID: u32,
Width: u16,
Height: u16,
X: u16,
Y: u16,
GlyphAdvanceX: f32,
GlyphOffset: Vec2,
Font: ?*Font,
/// init(self: *FontAtlasCustomRect) void
pub const init = raw.ImFontAtlasCustomRect_ImFontAtlasCustomRect;
/// IsPacked(self: *const FontAtlasCustomRect) bool
pub const IsPacked = raw.ImFontAtlasCustomRect_IsPacked;
/// deinit(self: *FontAtlasCustomRect) void
pub const deinit = raw.ImFontAtlasCustomRect_destroy;
pub const FontConfig = extern struct {
FontData: ?*c_void,
FontDataSize: i32,
FontDataOwnedByAtlas: bool,
FontNo: i32,
SizePixels: f32,
OversampleH: i32,
OversampleV: i32,
PixelSnapH: bool,
GlyphExtraSpacing: Vec2,
GlyphOffset: Vec2,
GlyphRanges: ?[*:0]const Wchar,
GlyphMinAdvanceX: f32,
GlyphMaxAdvanceX: f32,
MergeMode: bool,
RasterizerFlags: u32,
RasterizerMultiply: f32,
EllipsisChar: Wchar,
Name: [40]u8,
DstFont: ?*Font,
/// init(self: *FontConfig) void
pub const init = raw.ImFontConfig_ImFontConfig;
/// deinit(self: *FontConfig) void
pub const deinit = raw.ImFontConfig_destroy;
pub const FontGlyph = extern struct {
Codepoint: Wchar,
AdvanceX: f32,
X0: f32,
Y0: f32,
X1: f32,
Y1: f32,
U0: f32,
V0: f32,
U1: f32,
V1: f32,
pub const FontGlyphRangesBuilder = extern struct {
UsedChars: Vector(u32),
/// AddChar(self: *FontGlyphRangesBuilder, c: Wchar) void
pub const AddChar = raw.ImFontGlyphRangesBuilder_AddChar;
/// AddRanges(self: *FontGlyphRangesBuilder, ranges: ?[*:0]const Wchar) void
pub const AddRanges = raw.ImFontGlyphRangesBuilder_AddRanges;
/// AddTextExt(self: *FontGlyphRangesBuilder, text: ?[*]const u8, text_end: ?[*]const u8) void
pub const AddTextExt = raw.ImFontGlyphRangesBuilder_AddText;
pub inline fn AddText(self: *FontGlyphRangesBuilder, text: ?[*]const u8) void {
return AddTextExt(self, text, null);
/// BuildRanges(self: *FontGlyphRangesBuilder, out_ranges: *Vector(Wchar)) void
pub const BuildRanges = raw.ImFontGlyphRangesBuilder_BuildRanges;
/// Clear(self: *FontGlyphRangesBuilder) void
pub const Clear = raw.ImFontGlyphRangesBuilder_Clear;
/// GetBit(self: *const FontGlyphRangesBuilder, n: i32) bool
pub const GetBit = raw.ImFontGlyphRangesBuilder_GetBit;
/// init(self: *FontGlyphRangesBuilder) void
pub const init = raw.ImFontGlyphRangesBuilder_ImFontGlyphRangesBuilder;
/// SetBit(self: *FontGlyphRangesBuilder, n: i32) void
pub const SetBit = raw.ImFontGlyphRangesBuilder_SetBit;
/// deinit(self: *FontGlyphRangesBuilder) void
pub const deinit = raw.ImFontGlyphRangesBuilder_destroy;
pub const IO = extern struct {
ConfigFlags: ConfigFlags align(4),
BackendFlags: BackendFlags align(4),
DisplaySize: Vec2,
DeltaTime: f32,
IniSavingRate: f32,
IniFilename: ?[*:0]const u8,
LogFilename: ?[*:0]const u8,
MouseDoubleClickTime: f32,
MouseDoubleClickMaxDist: f32,
MouseDragThreshold: f32,
KeyMap: [Key.COUNT]i32,
KeyRepeatDelay: f32,
KeyRepeatRate: f32,
UserData: ?*c_void,
Fonts: ?*FontAtlas,
FontGlobalScale: f32,
FontAllowUserScaling: bool,
FontDefault: ?*Font,
DisplayFramebufferScale: Vec2,
MouseDrawCursor: bool,
ConfigMacOSXBehaviors: bool,
ConfigInputTextCursorBlink: bool,
ConfigWindowsResizeFromEdges: bool,
ConfigWindowsMoveFromTitleBarOnly: bool,
ConfigWindowsMemoryCompactTimer: f32,
BackendPlatformName: ?[*:0]const u8,
BackendRendererName: ?[*:0]const u8,
BackendPlatformUserData: ?*c_void,
BackendRendererUserData: ?*c_void,
BackendLanguageUserData: ?*c_void,
GetClipboardTextFn: ?fn (user_data: ?*c_void) callconv(.C) ?[*:0]const u8,
SetClipboardTextFn: ?fn (user_data: ?*c_void, text: ?[*:0]const u8) callconv(.C) void,
ClipboardUserData: ?*c_void,
ImeSetInputScreenPosFn: ?fn (x: i32, y: i32) callconv(.C) void,
ImeWindowHandle: ?*c_void,
RenderDrawListsFnUnused: ?*c_void,
MousePos: Vec2,
MouseDown: [5]bool,
MouseWheel: f32,
MouseWheelH: f32,
KeyCtrl: bool,
KeyShift: bool,
KeyAlt: bool,
KeySuper: bool,
KeysDown: [512]bool,
NavInputs: [NavInput.COUNT]f32,
WantCaptureMouse: bool,
WantCaptureKeyboard: bool,
WantTextInput: bool,
WantSetMousePos: bool,
WantSaveIniSettings: bool,
NavActive: bool,
NavVisible: bool,
Framerate: f32,
MetricsRenderVertices: i32,
MetricsRenderIndices: i32,
MetricsRenderWindows: i32,
MetricsActiveWindows: i32,
MetricsActiveAllocations: i32,
MouseDelta: Vec2,
MousePosPrev: Vec2,
MouseClickedPos: [5]Vec2,
MouseClickedTime: [5]f64,
MouseClicked: [5]bool,
MouseDoubleClicked: [5]bool,
MouseReleased: [5]bool,
MouseDownOwned: [5]bool,
MouseDownWasDoubleClick: [5]bool,
MouseDownDuration: [5]f32,
MouseDownDurationPrev: [5]f32,
MouseDragMaxDistanceAbs: [5]Vec2,
MouseDragMaxDistanceSqr: [5]f32,
KeysDownDuration: [512]f32,
KeysDownDurationPrev: [512]f32,
NavInputsDownDuration: [NavInput.COUNT]f32,
NavInputsDownDurationPrev: [NavInput.COUNT]f32,
InputQueueCharacters: Vector(Wchar),
/// AddInputCharacter(self: *IO, c: u32) void
pub const AddInputCharacter = raw.ImGuiIO_AddInputCharacter;
/// AddInputCharactersUTF8(self: *IO, str: ?[*:0]const u8) void
pub const AddInputCharactersUTF8 = raw.ImGuiIO_AddInputCharactersUTF8;
/// ClearInputCharacters(self: *IO) void
pub const ClearInputCharacters = raw.ImGuiIO_ClearInputCharacters;
/// init(self: *IO) void
pub const init = raw.ImGuiIO_ImGuiIO;
/// deinit(self: *IO) void
pub const deinit = raw.ImGuiIO_destroy;
pub const InputTextCallbackData = extern struct {
EventFlag: InputTextFlags align(4),
Flags: InputTextFlags align(4),
UserData: ?*c_void,
EventChar: Wchar,
EventKey: Key,
Buf: ?[*]u8,
BufTextLen: i32,
BufSize: i32,
BufDirty: bool,
CursorPos: i32,
SelectionStart: i32,
SelectionEnd: i32,
/// DeleteChars(self: *InputTextCallbackData, pos: i32, bytes_count: i32) void
pub const DeleteChars = raw.ImGuiInputTextCallbackData_DeleteChars;
/// HasSelection(self: *const InputTextCallbackData) bool
pub const HasSelection = raw.ImGuiInputTextCallbackData_HasSelection;
/// init(self: *InputTextCallbackData) void
pub const init = raw.ImGuiInputTextCallbackData_ImGuiInputTextCallbackData;
/// InsertCharsExt(self: *InputTextCallbackData, pos: i32, text: ?[*]const u8, text_end: ?[*]const u8) void
pub const InsertCharsExt = raw.ImGuiInputTextCallbackData_InsertChars;
pub inline fn InsertChars(self: *InputTextCallbackData, pos: i32, text: ?[*]const u8) void {
return InsertCharsExt(self, pos, text, null);
/// deinit(self: *InputTextCallbackData) void
pub const deinit = raw.ImGuiInputTextCallbackData_destroy;
pub const ListClipper = extern struct {
DisplayStart: i32,
DisplayEnd: i32,
ItemsCount: i32,
StepNo: i32,
ItemsHeight: f32,
StartPosY: f32,
/// BeginExt(self: *ListClipper, items_count: i32, items_height: f32) void
pub const BeginExt = raw.ImGuiListClipper_Begin;
pub inline fn Begin(self: *ListClipper, items_count: i32) void {
return BeginExt(self, items_count, -1.0);
/// End(self: *ListClipper) void
pub const End = raw.ImGuiListClipper_End;
/// initExt(self: *ListClipper, items_count: i32, items_height: f32) void
pub const initExt = raw.ImGuiListClipper_ImGuiListClipper;
pub inline fn init(self: *ListClipper) void {
return initExt(self, -1, -1.0);
/// Step(self: *ListClipper) bool
pub const Step = raw.ImGuiListClipper_Step;
/// deinit(self: *ListClipper) void
pub const deinit = raw.ImGuiListClipper_destroy;
pub const OnceUponAFrame = extern struct {
RefFrame: i32,
/// init(self: *OnceUponAFrame) void
pub const init = raw.ImGuiOnceUponAFrame_ImGuiOnceUponAFrame;
/// deinit(self: *OnceUponAFrame) void
pub const deinit = raw.ImGuiOnceUponAFrame_destroy;
pub const Payload = extern struct {
Data: ?*c_void,
DataSize: i32,
SourceId: ID,
SourceParentId: ID,
DataFrameCount: i32,
DataType: [32+1]u8,
Preview: bool,
Delivery: bool,
/// Clear(self: *Payload) void
pub const Clear = raw.ImGuiPayload_Clear;
/// init(self: *Payload) void
pub const init = raw.ImGuiPayload_ImGuiPayload;
/// IsDataType(self: *const Payload, kind: ?[*:0]const u8) bool
pub const IsDataType = raw.ImGuiPayload_IsDataType;
/// IsDelivery(self: *const Payload) bool
pub const IsDelivery = raw.ImGuiPayload_IsDelivery;
/// IsPreview(self: *const Payload) bool
pub const IsPreview = raw.ImGuiPayload_IsPreview;
/// deinit(self: *Payload) void
pub const deinit = raw.ImGuiPayload_destroy;
pub const SizeCallbackData = extern struct {
UserData: ?*c_void,
Pos: Vec2,
CurrentSize: Vec2,
DesiredSize: Vec2,
pub const Storage = extern struct {
Data: Vector(StoragePair),
/// BuildSortByKey(self: *Storage) void
pub const BuildSortByKey = raw.ImGuiStorage_BuildSortByKey;
/// Clear(self: *Storage) void
pub const Clear = raw.ImGuiStorage_Clear;
/// GetBoolExt(self: *const Storage, key: ID, default_val: bool) bool
pub const GetBoolExt = raw.ImGuiStorage_GetBool;
pub inline fn GetBool(self: *const Storage, key: ID) bool {
return GetBoolExt(self, key, false);
/// GetBoolRefExt(self: *Storage, key: ID, default_val: bool) ?*bool
pub const GetBoolRefExt = raw.ImGuiStorage_GetBoolRef;
pub inline fn GetBoolRef(self: *Storage, key: ID) ?*bool {
return GetBoolRefExt(self, key, false);
/// GetFloatExt(self: *const Storage, key: ID, default_val: f32) f32
pub const GetFloatExt = raw.ImGuiStorage_GetFloat;
pub inline fn GetFloat(self: *const Storage, key: ID) f32 {
return GetFloatExt(self, key, 0.0);
/// GetFloatRefExt(self: *Storage, key: ID, default_val: f32) ?*f32
pub const GetFloatRefExt = raw.ImGuiStorage_GetFloatRef;
pub inline fn GetFloatRef(self: *Storage, key: ID) ?*f32 {
return GetFloatRefExt(self, key, 0.0);
/// GetIntExt(self: *const Storage, key: ID, default_val: i32) i32
pub const GetIntExt = raw.ImGuiStorage_GetInt;
pub inline fn GetInt(self: *const Storage, key: ID) i32 {
return GetIntExt(self, key, 0);
/// GetIntRefExt(self: *Storage, key: ID, default_val: i32) ?*i32
pub const GetIntRefExt = raw.ImGuiStorage_GetIntRef;
pub inline fn GetIntRef(self: *Storage, key: ID) ?*i32 {
return GetIntRefExt(self, key, 0);
/// GetVoidPtr(self: *const Storage, key: ID) ?*c_void
pub const GetVoidPtr = raw.ImGuiStorage_GetVoidPtr;
/// GetVoidPtrRefExt(self: *Storage, key: ID, default_val: ?*c_void) ?*?*c_void
pub const GetVoidPtrRefExt = raw.ImGuiStorage_GetVoidPtrRef;
pub inline fn GetVoidPtrRef(self: *Storage, key: ID) ?*?*c_void {
return GetVoidPtrRefExt(self, key, null);
/// SetAllInt(self: *Storage, val: i32) void
pub const SetAllInt = raw.ImGuiStorage_SetAllInt;
/// SetBool(self: *Storage, key: ID, val: bool) void
pub const SetBool = raw.ImGuiStorage_SetBool;
/// SetFloat(self: *Storage, key: ID, val: f32) void
pub const SetFloat = raw.ImGuiStorage_SetFloat;
/// SetInt(self: *Storage, key: ID, val: i32) void
pub const SetInt = raw.ImGuiStorage_SetInt;
/// SetVoidPtr(self: *Storage, key: ID, val: ?*c_void) void
pub const SetVoidPtr = raw.ImGuiStorage_SetVoidPtr;
pub const StoragePair = extern struct {
key: ID,
value: extern union { val_i: i32, val_f: f32, val_p: ?*c_void },
/// initInt(self: *StoragePair, _key: ID, _val_i: i32) void
pub const initInt = raw.ImGuiStoragePair_ImGuiStoragePairInt;
/// initFloat(self: *StoragePair, _key: ID, _val_f: f32) void
pub const initFloat = raw.ImGuiStoragePair_ImGuiStoragePairFloat;
/// initPtr(self: *StoragePair, _key: ID, _val_p: ?*c_void) void
pub const initPtr = raw.ImGuiStoragePair_ImGuiStoragePairPtr;
/// deinit(self: *StoragePair) void
pub const deinit = raw.ImGuiStoragePair_destroy;
pub const Style = extern struct {
Alpha: f32,
WindowPadding: Vec2,
WindowRounding: f32,
WindowBorderSize: f32,
WindowMinSize: Vec2,
WindowTitleAlign: Vec2,
WindowMenuButtonPosition: Dir,
ChildRounding: f32,
ChildBorderSize: f32,
PopupRounding: f32,
PopupBorderSize: f32,
FramePadding: Vec2,
FrameRounding: f32,
FrameBorderSize: f32,
ItemSpacing: Vec2,
ItemInnerSpacing: Vec2,
TouchExtraPadding: Vec2,
IndentSpacing: f32,
ColumnsMinSpacing: f32,
ScrollbarSize: f32,
ScrollbarRounding: f32,
GrabMinSize: f32,
GrabRounding: f32,
TabRounding: f32,
TabBorderSize: f32,
ColorButtonPosition: Dir,
ButtonTextAlign: Vec2,
SelectableTextAlign: Vec2,
DisplayWindowPadding: Vec2,
DisplaySafeAreaPadding: Vec2,
MouseCursorScale: f32,
AntiAliasedLines: bool,
AntiAliasedFill: bool,
CurveTessellationTol: f32,
CircleSegmentMaxError: f32,
Colors: [Col.COUNT]Vec4,
/// init(self: *Style) void
pub const init = raw.ImGuiStyle_ImGuiStyle;
/// ScaleAllSizes(self: *Style, scale_factor: f32) void
pub const ScaleAllSizes = raw.ImGuiStyle_ScaleAllSizes;
/// deinit(self: *Style) void
pub const deinit = raw.ImGuiStyle_destroy;
pub const TextBuffer = extern struct {
Buf: Vector(u8),
/// init(self: *TextBuffer) void
pub const init = raw.ImGuiTextBuffer_ImGuiTextBuffer;
/// appendExt(self: *TextBuffer, str: ?[*]const u8, str_end: ?[*]const u8) void
pub const appendExt = raw.ImGuiTextBuffer_append;
pub inline fn append(self: *TextBuffer, str: ?[*]const u8) void {
return appendExt(self, str, null);
/// appendf(self: *TextBuffer, fmt: ?[*:0]const u8, ...: ...) void
pub const appendf = raw.ImGuiTextBuffer_appendf;
/// begin(self: *const TextBuffer) [*]const u8
pub const begin = raw.ImGuiTextBuffer_begin;
/// c_str(self: *const TextBuffer) [*:0]const u8
pub const c_str = raw.ImGuiTextBuffer_c_str;
/// clear(self: *TextBuffer) void
pub const clear = raw.ImGuiTextBuffer_clear;
/// deinit(self: *TextBuffer) void
pub const deinit = raw.ImGuiTextBuffer_destroy;
/// empty(self: *const TextBuffer) bool
pub const empty = raw.ImGuiTextBuffer_empty;
/// end(self: *const TextBuffer) [*]const u8
pub const end = raw.ImGuiTextBuffer_end;
/// reserve(self: *TextBuffer, capacity: i32) void
pub const reserve = raw.ImGuiTextBuffer_reserve;
/// size(self: *const TextBuffer) i32
pub const size = raw.ImGuiTextBuffer_size;
pub const TextFilter = extern struct {
InputBuf: [256]u8,
Filters: Vector(TextRange),
CountGrep: i32,
/// Build(self: *TextFilter) void
pub const Build = raw.ImGuiTextFilter_Build;
/// Clear(self: *TextFilter) void
pub const Clear = raw.ImGuiTextFilter_Clear;
/// DrawExt(self: *TextFilter, label: ?[*:0]const u8, width: f32) bool
pub const DrawExt = raw.ImGuiTextFilter_Draw;
pub inline fn Draw(self: *TextFilter) bool {
return DrawExt(self, "Filter(inc,-exc)", 0.0);
/// initExt(self: *TextFilter, default_filter: ?[*:0]const u8) void
pub const initExt = raw.ImGuiTextFilter_ImGuiTextFilter;
pub inline fn init(self: *TextFilter) void {
return initExt(self, "");
/// IsActive(self: *const TextFilter) bool
pub const IsActive = raw.ImGuiTextFilter_IsActive;
/// PassFilterExt(self: *const TextFilter, text: ?[*]const u8, text_end: ?[*]const u8) bool
pub const PassFilterExt = raw.ImGuiTextFilter_PassFilter;
pub inline fn PassFilter(self: *const TextFilter, text: ?[*]const u8) bool {
return PassFilterExt(self, text, null);
/// deinit(self: *TextFilter) void
pub const deinit = raw.ImGuiTextFilter_destroy;
pub const TextRange = extern struct {
b: ?[*]const u8,
e: ?[*]const u8,
/// init(self: *TextRange) void
pub const init = raw.ImGuiTextRange_ImGuiTextRange;
/// initStr(self: *TextRange, _b: ?[*]const u8, _e: ?[*]const u8) void
pub const initStr = raw.ImGuiTextRange_ImGuiTextRangeStr;
/// deinit(self: *TextRange) void
pub const deinit = raw.ImGuiTextRange_destroy;
/// empty(self: *const TextRange) bool
pub const empty = raw.ImGuiTextRange_empty;
/// split(self: *const TextRange, separator: u8, out: ?*Vector(TextRange)) void
pub const split = raw.ImGuiTextRange_split;
const math = @import("math");
pub const Vec2 = math.vector.glm.Vec2;
pub const Vec4 = math.vector.glm.Vec4;
// pub const Vec2 = extern struct {
// x: f32,
// y: f32,
// /// init(self: *Vec2) void
// pub const init = raw.ImVec2_ImVec2;
// /// initFloat(self: *Vec2, _x: f32, _y: f32) void
// pub const initFloat = raw.ImVec2_ImVec2Float;
// /// deinit(self: *Vec2) void
// pub const deinit = raw.ImVec2_destroy;
// };
// pub const Vec4 = extern struct {
// x: f32,
// y: f32,
// z: f32,
// w: f32,
// /// init(self: *Vec4) void
// pub const init = raw.ImVec4_ImVec4;
// /// initFloat(self: *Vec4, _x: f32, _y: f32, _z: f32, _w: f32) void
// pub const initFloat = raw.ImVec4_ImVec4Float;
// /// deinit(self: *Vec4) void
// pub const deinit = raw.ImVec4_destroy;
// };
const FTABLE_ImVector_ImDrawChannel = struct {
/// init(self: *Vector(DrawChannel)) void
pub const init = raw.ImVector_ImDrawChannel_ImVector_ImDrawChannel;
/// initVector(self: *Vector(DrawChannel), src: Vector(DrawChannel)) void
pub const initVector = raw.ImVector_ImDrawChannel_ImVector_ImDrawChannelVector;
/// _grow_capacity(self: *const Vector(DrawChannel), sz: i32) i32
pub const _grow_capacity = raw.ImVector_ImDrawChannel__grow_capacity;
/// back(self: *Vector(DrawChannel)) *DrawChannel
pub const back = raw.ImVector_ImDrawChannel_back;
/// back_const(self: *const Vector(DrawChannel)) *const DrawChannel
pub const back_const = raw.ImVector_ImDrawChannel_back_const;
/// begin(self: *Vector(DrawChannel)) [*]DrawChannel
pub const begin = raw.ImVector_ImDrawChannel_begin;
/// begin_const(self: *const Vector(DrawChannel)) [*]const DrawChannel
pub const begin_const = raw.ImVector_ImDrawChannel_begin_const;
/// capacity(self: *const Vector(DrawChannel)) i32
pub const capacity = raw.ImVector_ImDrawChannel_capacity;
/// clear(self: *Vector(DrawChannel)) void
pub const clear = raw.ImVector_ImDrawChannel_clear;
/// deinit(self: *Vector(DrawChannel)) void
pub const deinit = raw.ImVector_ImDrawChannel_destroy;
/// empty(self: *const Vector(DrawChannel)) bool
pub const empty = raw.ImVector_ImDrawChannel_empty;
/// end(self: *Vector(DrawChannel)) [*]DrawChannel
pub const end = raw.ImVector_ImDrawChannel_end;
/// end_const(self: *const Vector(DrawChannel)) [*]const DrawChannel
pub const end_const = raw.ImVector_ImDrawChannel_end_const;
/// erase(self: *Vector(DrawChannel), it: [*]const DrawChannel) [*]DrawChannel
pub const erase = raw.ImVector_ImDrawChannel_erase;
/// eraseTPtr(self: *Vector(DrawChannel), it: [*]const DrawChannel, it_last: [*]const DrawChannel) [*]DrawChannel
pub const eraseTPtr = raw.ImVector_ImDrawChannel_eraseTPtr;
/// erase_unsorted(self: *Vector(DrawChannel), it: [*]const DrawChannel) [*]DrawChannel
pub const erase_unsorted = raw.ImVector_ImDrawChannel_erase_unsorted;
/// front(self: *Vector(DrawChannel)) *DrawChannel
pub const front = raw.ImVector_ImDrawChannel_front;
/// front_const(self: *const Vector(DrawChannel)) *const DrawChannel
pub const front_const = raw.ImVector_ImDrawChannel_front_const;
/// index_from_ptr(self: *const Vector(DrawChannel), it: [*]const DrawChannel) i32
pub const index_from_ptr = raw.ImVector_ImDrawChannel_index_from_ptr;
/// insert(self: *Vector(DrawChannel), it: [*]const DrawChannel, v: DrawChannel) [*]DrawChannel
pub const insert = raw.ImVector_ImDrawChannel_insert;
/// pop_back(self: *Vector(DrawChannel)) void
pub const pop_back = raw.ImVector_ImDrawChannel_pop_back;
/// push_back(self: *Vector(DrawChannel), v: DrawChannel) void
pub const push_back = raw.ImVector_ImDrawChannel_push_back;
/// push_front(self: *Vector(DrawChannel), v: DrawChannel) void
pub const push_front = raw.ImVector_ImDrawChannel_push_front;
/// reserve(self: *Vector(DrawChannel), new_capacity: i32) void
pub const reserve = raw.ImVector_ImDrawChannel_reserve;
/// resize(self: *Vector(DrawChannel), new_size: i32) void
pub const resize = raw.ImVector_ImDrawChannel_resize;
/// resizeT(self: *Vector(DrawChannel), new_size: i32, v: DrawChannel) void
pub const resizeT = raw.ImVector_ImDrawChannel_resizeT;
/// shrink(self: *Vector(DrawChannel), new_size: i32) void
pub const shrink = raw.ImVector_ImDrawChannel_shrink;
/// size(self: *const Vector(DrawChannel)) i32
pub const size = raw.ImVector_ImDrawChannel_size;
/// size_in_bytes(self: *const Vector(DrawChannel)) i32
pub const size_in_bytes = raw.ImVector_ImDrawChannel_size_in_bytes;
/// swap(self: *Vector(DrawChannel), rhs: *Vector(DrawChannel)) void
pub const swap = raw.ImVector_ImDrawChannel_swap;
const FTABLE_ImVector_ImDrawCmd = struct {
/// init(self: *Vector(DrawCmd)) void
pub const init = raw.ImVector_ImDrawCmd_ImVector_ImDrawCmd;
/// initVector(self: *Vector(DrawCmd), src: Vector(DrawCmd)) void
pub const initVector = raw.ImVector_ImDrawCmd_ImVector_ImDrawCmdVector;
/// _grow_capacity(self: *const Vector(DrawCmd), sz: i32) i32
pub const _grow_capacity = raw.ImVector_ImDrawCmd__grow_capacity;
/// back(self: *Vector(DrawCmd)) *DrawCmd
pub const back = raw.ImVector_ImDrawCmd_back;
/// back_const(self: *const Vector(DrawCmd)) *const DrawCmd
pub const back_const = raw.ImVector_ImDrawCmd_back_const;
/// begin(self: *Vector(DrawCmd)) [*]DrawCmd
pub const begin = raw.ImVector_ImDrawCmd_begin;
/// begin_const(self: *const Vector(DrawCmd)) [*]const DrawCmd
pub const begin_const = raw.ImVector_ImDrawCmd_begin_const;
/// capacity(self: *const Vector(DrawCmd)) i32
pub const capacity = raw.ImVector_ImDrawCmd_capacity;
/// clear(self: *Vector(DrawCmd)) void
pub const clear = raw.ImVector_ImDrawCmd_clear;
/// deinit(self: *Vector(DrawCmd)) void
pub const deinit = raw.ImVector_ImDrawCmd_destroy;
/// empty(self: *const Vector(DrawCmd)) bool
pub const empty = raw.ImVector_ImDrawCmd_empty;
/// end(self: *Vector(DrawCmd)) [*]DrawCmd
pub const end = raw.ImVector_ImDrawCmd_end;
/// end_const(self: *const Vector(DrawCmd)) [*]const DrawCmd
pub const end_const = raw.ImVector_ImDrawCmd_end_const;
/// erase(self: *Vector(DrawCmd), it: [*]const DrawCmd) [*]DrawCmd
pub const erase = raw.ImVector_ImDrawCmd_erase;
/// eraseTPtr(self: *Vector(DrawCmd), it: [*]const DrawCmd, it_last: [*]const DrawCmd) [*]DrawCmd
pub const eraseTPtr = raw.ImVector_ImDrawCmd_eraseTPtr;
/// erase_unsorted(self: *Vector(DrawCmd), it: [*]const DrawCmd) [*]DrawCmd
pub const erase_unsorted = raw.ImVector_ImDrawCmd_erase_unsorted;
/// front(self: *Vector(DrawCmd)) *DrawCmd
pub const front = raw.ImVector_ImDrawCmd_front;
/// front_const(self: *const Vector(DrawCmd)) *const DrawCmd
pub const front_const = raw.ImVector_ImDrawCmd_front_const;
/// index_from_ptr(self: *const Vector(DrawCmd), it: [*]const DrawCmd) i32
pub const index_from_ptr = raw.ImVector_ImDrawCmd_index_from_ptr;
/// insert(self: *Vector(DrawCmd), it: [*]const DrawCmd, v: DrawCmd) [*]DrawCmd
pub const insert = raw.ImVector_ImDrawCmd_insert;
/// pop_back(self: *Vector(DrawCmd)) void
pub const pop_back = raw.ImVector_ImDrawCmd_pop_back;
/// push_back(self: *Vector(DrawCmd), v: DrawCmd) void
pub const push_back = raw.ImVector_ImDrawCmd_push_back;
/// push_front(self: *Vector(DrawCmd), v: DrawCmd) void
pub const push_front = raw.ImVector_ImDrawCmd_push_front;
/// reserve(self: *Vector(DrawCmd), new_capacity: i32) void
pub const reserve = raw.ImVector_ImDrawCmd_reserve;
/// resize(self: *Vector(DrawCmd), new_size: i32) void
pub const resize = raw.ImVector_ImDrawCmd_resize;
/// resizeT(self: *Vector(DrawCmd), new_size: i32, v: DrawCmd) void
pub const resizeT = raw.ImVector_ImDrawCmd_resizeT;
/// shrink(self: *Vector(DrawCmd), new_size: i32) void
pub const shrink = raw.ImVector_ImDrawCmd_shrink;
/// size(self: *const Vector(DrawCmd)) i32
pub const size = raw.ImVector_ImDrawCmd_size;
/// size_in_bytes(self: *const Vector(DrawCmd)) i32
pub const size_in_bytes = raw.ImVector_ImDrawCmd_size_in_bytes;
/// swap(self: *Vector(DrawCmd), rhs: *Vector(DrawCmd)) void
pub const swap = raw.ImVector_ImDrawCmd_swap;
const FTABLE_ImVector_ImDrawIdx = struct {
/// init(self: *Vector(DrawIdx)) void
pub const init = raw.ImVector_ImDrawIdx_ImVector_ImDrawIdx;
/// initVector(self: *Vector(DrawIdx), src: Vector(DrawIdx)) void
pub const initVector = raw.ImVector_ImDrawIdx_ImVector_ImDrawIdxVector;
/// _grow_capacity(self: *const Vector(DrawIdx), sz: i32) i32
pub const _grow_capacity = raw.ImVector_ImDrawIdx__grow_capacity;
/// back(self: *Vector(DrawIdx)) *DrawIdx
pub const back = raw.ImVector_ImDrawIdx_back;
/// back_const(self: *const Vector(DrawIdx)) *const DrawIdx
pub const back_const = raw.ImVector_ImDrawIdx_back_const;
/// begin(self: *Vector(DrawIdx)) [*]DrawIdx
pub const begin = raw.ImVector_ImDrawIdx_begin;
/// begin_const(self: *const Vector(DrawIdx)) [*]const DrawIdx
pub const begin_const = raw.ImVector_ImDrawIdx_begin_const;
/// capacity(self: *const Vector(DrawIdx)) i32
pub const capacity = raw.ImVector_ImDrawIdx_capacity;
/// clear(self: *Vector(DrawIdx)) void
pub const clear = raw.ImVector_ImDrawIdx_clear;
/// contains(self: *const Vector(DrawIdx), v: DrawIdx) bool
pub const contains = raw.ImVector_ImDrawIdx_contains;
/// deinit(self: *Vector(DrawIdx)) void
pub const deinit = raw.ImVector_ImDrawIdx_destroy;
/// empty(self: *const Vector(DrawIdx)) bool
pub const empty = raw.ImVector_ImDrawIdx_empty;
/// end(self: *Vector(DrawIdx)) [*]DrawIdx
pub const end = raw.ImVector_ImDrawIdx_end;
/// end_const(self: *const Vector(DrawIdx)) [*]const DrawIdx
pub const end_const = raw.ImVector_ImDrawIdx_end_const;
/// erase(self: *Vector(DrawIdx), it: [*]const DrawIdx) [*]DrawIdx
pub const erase = raw.ImVector_ImDrawIdx_erase;
/// eraseTPtr(self: *Vector(DrawIdx), it: [*]const DrawIdx, it_last: [*]const DrawIdx) [*]DrawIdx
pub const eraseTPtr = raw.ImVector_ImDrawIdx_eraseTPtr;
/// erase_unsorted(self: *Vector(DrawIdx), it: [*]const DrawIdx) [*]DrawIdx
pub const erase_unsorted = raw.ImVector_ImDrawIdx_erase_unsorted;
/// find(self: *Vector(DrawIdx), v: DrawIdx) [*]DrawIdx
pub const find = raw.ImVector_ImDrawIdx_find;
/// find_const(self: *const Vector(DrawIdx), v: DrawIdx) [*]const DrawIdx
pub const find_const = raw.ImVector_ImDrawIdx_find_const;
/// find_erase(self: *Vector(DrawIdx), v: DrawIdx) bool
pub const find_erase = raw.ImVector_ImDrawIdx_find_erase;
/// find_erase_unsorted(self: *Vector(DrawIdx), v: DrawIdx) bool
pub const find_erase_unsorted = raw.ImVector_ImDrawIdx_find_erase_unsorted;
/// front(self: *Vector(DrawIdx)) *DrawIdx
pub const front = raw.ImVector_ImDrawIdx_front;
/// front_const(self: *const Vector(DrawIdx)) *const DrawIdx
pub const front_const = raw.ImVector_ImDrawIdx_front_const;
/// index_from_ptr(self: *const Vector(DrawIdx), it: [*]const DrawIdx) i32
pub const index_from_ptr = raw.ImVector_ImDrawIdx_index_from_ptr;
/// insert(self: *Vector(DrawIdx), it: [*]const DrawIdx, v: DrawIdx) [*]DrawIdx
pub const insert = raw.ImVector_ImDrawIdx_insert;
/// pop_back(self: *Vector(DrawIdx)) void
pub const pop_back = raw.ImVector_ImDrawIdx_pop_back;
/// push_back(self: *Vector(DrawIdx), v: DrawIdx) void
pub const push_back = raw.ImVector_ImDrawIdx_push_back;
/// push_front(self: *Vector(DrawIdx), v: DrawIdx) void
pub const push_front = raw.ImVector_ImDrawIdx_push_front;
/// reserve(self: *Vector(DrawIdx), new_capacity: i32) void
pub const reserve = raw.ImVector_ImDrawIdx_reserve;
/// resize(self: *Vector(DrawIdx), new_size: i32) void
pub const resize = raw.ImVector_ImDrawIdx_resize;
/// resizeT(self: *Vector(DrawIdx), new_size: i32, v: DrawIdx) void
pub const resizeT = raw.ImVector_ImDrawIdx_resizeT;
/// shrink(self: *Vector(DrawIdx), new_size: i32) void
pub const shrink = raw.ImVector_ImDrawIdx_shrink;
/// size(self: *const Vector(DrawIdx)) i32
pub const size = raw.ImVector_ImDrawIdx_size;
/// size_in_bytes(self: *const Vector(DrawIdx)) i32
pub const size_in_bytes = raw.ImVector_ImDrawIdx_size_in_bytes;
/// swap(self: *Vector(DrawIdx), rhs: *Vector(DrawIdx)) void
pub const swap = raw.ImVector_ImDrawIdx_swap;
const FTABLE_ImVector_ImDrawVert = struct {
/// init(self: *Vector(DrawVert)) void
pub const init = raw.ImVector_ImDrawVert_ImVector_ImDrawVert;
/// initVector(self: *Vector(DrawVert), src: Vector(DrawVert)) void
pub const initVector = raw.ImVector_ImDrawVert_ImVector_ImDrawVertVector;
/// _grow_capacity(self: *const Vector(DrawVert), sz: i32) i32
pub const _grow_capacity = raw.ImVector_ImDrawVert__grow_capacity;
/// back(self: *Vector(DrawVert)) *DrawVert
pub const back = raw.ImVector_ImDrawVert_back;
/// back_const(self: *const Vector(DrawVert)) *const DrawVert
pub const back_const = raw.ImVector_ImDrawVert_back_const;
/// begin(self: *Vector(DrawVert)) [*]DrawVert
pub const begin = raw.ImVector_ImDrawVert_begin;
/// begin_const(self: *const Vector(DrawVert)) [*]const DrawVert
pub const begin_const = raw.ImVector_ImDrawVert_begin_const;
/// capacity(self: *const Vector(DrawVert)) i32
pub const capacity = raw.ImVector_ImDrawVert_capacity;
/// clear(self: *Vector(DrawVert)) void
pub const clear = raw.ImVector_ImDrawVert_clear;
/// deinit(self: *Vector(DrawVert)) void
pub const deinit = raw.ImVector_ImDrawVert_destroy;
/// empty(self: *const Vector(DrawVert)) bool
pub const empty = raw.ImVector_ImDrawVert_empty;
/// end(self: *Vector(DrawVert)) [*]DrawVert
pub const end = raw.ImVector_ImDrawVert_end;
/// end_const(self: *const Vector(DrawVert)) [*]const DrawVert
pub const end_const = raw.ImVector_ImDrawVert_end_const;
/// erase(self: *Vector(DrawVert), it: [*]const DrawVert) [*]DrawVert
pub const erase = raw.ImVector_ImDrawVert_erase;
/// eraseTPtr(self: *Vector(DrawVert), it: [*]const DrawVert, it_last: [*]const DrawVert) [*]DrawVert
pub const eraseTPtr = raw.ImVector_ImDrawVert_eraseTPtr;
/// erase_unsorted(self: *Vector(DrawVert), it: [*]const DrawVert) [*]DrawVert
pub const erase_unsorted = raw.ImVector_ImDrawVert_erase_unsorted;
/// front(self: *Vector(DrawVert)) *DrawVert
pub const front = raw.ImVector_ImDrawVert_front;
/// front_const(self: *const Vector(DrawVert)) *const DrawVert
pub const front_const = raw.ImVector_ImDrawVert_front_const;
/// index_from_ptr(self: *const Vector(DrawVert), it: [*]const DrawVert) i32
pub const index_from_ptr = raw.ImVector_ImDrawVert_index_from_ptr;
/// insert(self: *Vector(DrawVert), it: [*]const DrawVert, v: DrawVert) [*]DrawVert
pub const insert = raw.ImVector_ImDrawVert_insert;
/// pop_back(self: *Vector(DrawVert)) void
pub const pop_back = raw.ImVector_ImDrawVert_pop_back;
/// push_back(self: *Vector(DrawVert), v: DrawVert) void
pub const push_back = raw.ImVector_ImDrawVert_push_back;
/// push_front(self: *Vector(DrawVert), v: DrawVert) void
pub const push_front = raw.ImVector_ImDrawVert_push_front;
/// reserve(self: *Vector(DrawVert), new_capacity: i32) void
pub const reserve = raw.ImVector_ImDrawVert_reserve;
/// resize(self: *Vector(DrawVert), new_size: i32) void
pub const resize = raw.ImVector_ImDrawVert_resize;
/// resizeT(self: *Vector(DrawVert), new_size: i32, v: DrawVert) void
pub const resizeT = raw.ImVector_ImDrawVert_resizeT;
/// shrink(self: *Vector(DrawVert), new_size: i32) void
pub const shrink = raw.ImVector_ImDrawVert_shrink;
/// size(self: *const Vector(DrawVert)) i32
pub const size = raw.ImVector_ImDrawVert_size;
/// size_in_bytes(self: *const Vector(DrawVert)) i32
pub const size_in_bytes = raw.ImVector_ImDrawVert_size_in_bytes;
/// swap(self: *Vector(DrawVert), rhs: *Vector(DrawVert)) void
pub const swap = raw.ImVector_ImDrawVert_swap;
const FTABLE_ImVector_ImFontPtr = struct {
/// init(self: *Vector(*Font)) void
pub const init = raw.ImVector_ImFontPtr_ImVector_ImFontPtr;
/// initVector(self: *Vector(*Font), src: Vector(*Font)) void
pub const initVector = raw.ImVector_ImFontPtr_ImVector_ImFontPtrVector;
/// _grow_capacity(self: *const Vector(*Font), sz: i32) i32
pub const _grow_capacity = raw.ImVector_ImFontPtr__grow_capacity;
/// back(self: *Vector(*Font)) **Font
pub const back = raw.ImVector_ImFontPtr_back;
/// back_const(self: *const Vector(*Font)) *const *Font
pub const back_const = raw.ImVector_ImFontPtr_back_const;
/// begin(self: *Vector(*Font)) [*]*Font
pub const begin = raw.ImVector_ImFontPtr_begin;
/// begin_const(self: *const Vector(*Font)) [*]const *Font
pub const begin_const = raw.ImVector_ImFontPtr_begin_const;
/// capacity(self: *const Vector(*Font)) i32
pub const capacity = raw.ImVector_ImFontPtr_capacity;
/// clear(self: *Vector(*Font)) void
pub const clear = raw.ImVector_ImFontPtr_clear;
/// contains(self: *const Vector(*Font), v: *Font) bool
pub const contains = raw.ImVector_ImFontPtr_contains;
/// deinit(self: *Vector(*Font)) void
pub const deinit = raw.ImVector_ImFontPtr_destroy;
/// empty(self: *const Vector(*Font)) bool
pub const empty = raw.ImVector_ImFontPtr_empty;
/// end(self: *Vector(*Font)) [*]*Font
pub const end = raw.ImVector_ImFontPtr_end;
/// end_const(self: *const Vector(*Font)) [*]const *Font
pub const end_const = raw.ImVector_ImFontPtr_end_const;
/// erase(self: *Vector(*Font), it: [*]const *Font) [*]*Font
pub const erase = raw.ImVector_ImFontPtr_erase;
/// eraseTPtr(self: *Vector(*Font), it: [*]const *Font, it_last: [*]const *Font) [*]*Font
pub const eraseTPtr = raw.ImVector_ImFontPtr_eraseTPtr;
/// erase_unsorted(self: *Vector(*Font), it: [*]const *Font) [*]*Font
pub const erase_unsorted = raw.ImVector_ImFontPtr_erase_unsorted;
/// find(self: *Vector(*Font), v: *Font) [*]*Font
pub const find = raw.ImVector_ImFontPtr_find;
/// find_const(self: *const Vector(*Font), v: *Font) [*]const *Font
pub const find_const = raw.ImVector_ImFontPtr_find_const;
/// find_erase(self: *Vector(*Font), v: *Font) bool
pub const find_erase = raw.ImVector_ImFontPtr_find_erase;
/// find_erase_unsorted(self: *Vector(*Font), v: *Font) bool
pub const find_erase_unsorted = raw.ImVector_ImFontPtr_find_erase_unsorted;
/// front(self: *Vector(*Font)) **Font
pub const front = raw.ImVector_ImFontPtr_front;
/// front_const(self: *const Vector(*Font)) *const *Font
pub const front_const = raw.ImVector_ImFontPtr_front_const;
/// index_from_ptr(self: *const Vector(*Font), it: [*]const *Font) i32
pub const index_from_ptr = raw.ImVector_ImFontPtr_index_from_ptr;
/// insert(self: *Vector(*Font), it: [*]const *Font, v: *Font) [*]*Font
pub const insert = raw.ImVector_ImFontPtr_insert;
/// pop_back(self: *Vector(*Font)) void
pub const pop_back = raw.ImVector_ImFontPtr_pop_back;
/// push_back(self: *Vector(*Font), v: *Font) void
pub const push_back = raw.ImVector_ImFontPtr_push_back;
/// push_front(self: *Vector(*Font), v: *Font) void
pub const push_front = raw.ImVector_ImFontPtr_push_front;
/// reserve(self: *Vector(*Font), new_capacity: i32) void
pub const reserve = raw.ImVector_ImFontPtr_reserve;
/// resize(self: *Vector(*Font), new_size: i32) void
pub const resize = raw.ImVector_ImFontPtr_resize;
/// resizeT(self: *Vector(*Font), new_size: i32, v: *Font) void
pub const resizeT = raw.ImVector_ImFontPtr_resizeT;
/// shrink(self: *Vector(*Font), new_size: i32) void
pub const shrink = raw.ImVector_ImFontPtr_shrink;
/// size(self: *const Vector(*Font)) i32
pub const size = raw.ImVector_ImFontPtr_size;
/// size_in_bytes(self: *const Vector(*Font)) i32
pub const size_in_bytes = raw.ImVector_ImFontPtr_size_in_bytes;
/// swap(self: *Vector(*Font), rhs: *Vector(*Font)) void
pub const swap = raw.ImVector_ImFontPtr_swap;
const FTABLE_ImVector_ImFontAtlasCustomRect = struct {
/// init(self: *Vector(FontAtlasCustomRect)) void
pub const init = raw.ImVector_ImFontAtlasCustomRect_ImVector_ImFontAtlasCustomRect;
/// initVector(self: *Vector(FontAtlasCustomRect), src: Vector(FontAtlasCustomRect)) void
pub const initVector = raw.ImVector_ImFontAtlasCustomRect_ImVector_ImFontAtlasCustomRectVector;
/// _grow_capacity(self: *const Vector(FontAtlasCustomRect), sz: i32) i32
pub const _grow_capacity = raw.ImVector_ImFontAtlasCustomRect__grow_capacity;
/// back(self: *Vector(FontAtlasCustomRect)) *FontAtlasCustomRect
pub const back = raw.ImVector_ImFontAtlasCustomRect_back;
/// back_const(self: *const Vector(FontAtlasCustomRect)) *const FontAtlasCustomRect
pub const back_const = raw.ImVector_ImFontAtlasCustomRect_back_const;
/// begin(self: *Vector(FontAtlasCustomRect)) [*]FontAtlasCustomRect
pub const begin = raw.ImVector_ImFontAtlasCustomRect_begin;
/// begin_const(self: *const Vector(FontAtlasCustomRect)) [*]const FontAtlasCustomRect
pub const begin_const = raw.ImVector_ImFontAtlasCustomRect_begin_const;
/// capacity(self: *const Vector(FontAtlasCustomRect)) i32
pub const capacity = raw.ImVector_ImFontAtlasCustomRect_capacity;
/// clear(self: *Vector(FontAtlasCustomRect)) void
pub const clear = raw.ImVector_ImFontAtlasCustomRect_clear;
/// deinit(self: *Vector(FontAtlasCustomRect)) void
pub const deinit = raw.ImVector_ImFontAtlasCustomRect_destroy;
/// empty(self: *const Vector(FontAtlasCustomRect)) bool
pub const empty = raw.ImVector_ImFontAtlasCustomRect_empty;
/// end(self: *Vector(FontAtlasCustomRect)) [*]FontAtlasCustomRect
pub const end = raw.ImVector_ImFontAtlasCustomRect_end;
/// end_const(self: *const Vector(FontAtlasCustomRect)) [*]const FontAtlasCustomRect
pub const end_const = raw.ImVector_ImFontAtlasCustomRect_end_const;
/// erase(self: *Vector(FontAtlasCustomRect), it: [*]const FontAtlasCustomRect) [*]FontAtlasCustomRect
pub const erase = raw.ImVector_ImFontAtlasCustomRect_erase;
/// eraseTPtr(self: *Vector(FontAtlasCustomRect), it: [*]const FontAtlasCustomRect, it_last: [*]const FontAtlasCustomRect) [*]FontAtlasCustomRect
pub const eraseTPtr = raw.ImVector_ImFontAtlasCustomRect_eraseTPtr;
/// erase_unsorted(self: *Vector(FontAtlasCustomRect), it: [*]const FontAtlasCustomRect) [*]FontAtlasCustomRect
pub const erase_unsorted = raw.ImVector_ImFontAtlasCustomRect_erase_unsorted;
/// front(self: *Vector(FontAtlasCustomRect)) *FontAtlasCustomRect
pub const front = raw.ImVector_ImFontAtlasCustomRect_front;
/// front_const(self: *const Vector(FontAtlasCustomRect)) *const FontAtlasCustomRect
pub const front_const = raw.ImVector_ImFontAtlasCustomRect_front_const;
/// index_from_ptr(self: *const Vector(FontAtlasCustomRect), it: [*]const FontAtlasCustomRect) i32
pub const index_from_ptr = raw.ImVector_ImFontAtlasCustomRect_index_from_ptr;
/// insert(self: *Vector(FontAtlasCustomRect), it: [*]const FontAtlasCustomRect, v: FontAtlasCustomRect) [*]FontAtlasCustomRect
pub const insert = raw.ImVector_ImFontAtlasCustomRect_insert;
/// pop_back(self: *Vector(FontAtlasCustomRect)) void
pub const pop_back = raw.ImVector_ImFontAtlasCustomRect_pop_back;
/// push_back(self: *Vector(FontAtlasCustomRect), v: FontAtlasCustomRect) void
pub const push_back = raw.ImVector_ImFontAtlasCustomRect_push_back;
/// push_front(self: *Vector(FontAtlasCustomRect), v: FontAtlasCustomRect) void
pub const push_front = raw.ImVector_ImFontAtlasCustomRect_push_front;
/// reserve(self: *Vector(FontAtlasCustomRect), new_capacity: i32) void
pub const reserve = raw.ImVector_ImFontAtlasCustomRect_reserve;
/// resize(self: *Vector(FontAtlasCustomRect), new_size: i32) void
pub const resize = raw.ImVector_ImFontAtlasCustomRect_resize;
/// resizeT(self: *Vector(FontAtlasCustomRect), new_size: i32, v: FontAtlasCustomRect) void
pub const resizeT = raw.ImVector_ImFontAtlasCustomRect_resizeT;
/// shrink(self: *Vector(FontAtlasCustomRect), new_size: i32) void
pub const shrink = raw.ImVector_ImFontAtlasCustomRect_shrink;
/// size(self: *const Vector(FontAtlasCustomRect)) i32
pub const size = raw.ImVector_ImFontAtlasCustomRect_size;
/// size_in_bytes(self: *const Vector(FontAtlasCustomRect)) i32
pub const size_in_bytes = raw.ImVector_ImFontAtlasCustomRect_size_in_bytes;
/// swap(self: *Vector(FontAtlasCustomRect), rhs: *Vector(FontAtlasCustomRect)) void
pub const swap = raw.ImVector_ImFontAtlasCustomRect_swap;
const FTABLE_ImVector_ImFontConfig = struct {
/// init(self: *Vector(FontConfig)) void
pub const init = raw.ImVector_ImFontConfig_ImVector_ImFontConfig;
/// initVector(self: *Vector(FontConfig), src: Vector(FontConfig)) void
pub const initVector = raw.ImVector_ImFontConfig_ImVector_ImFontConfigVector;
/// _grow_capacity(self: *const Vector(FontConfig), sz: i32) i32
pub const _grow_capacity = raw.ImVector_ImFontConfig__grow_capacity;
/// back(self: *Vector(FontConfig)) *FontConfig
pub const back = raw.ImVector_ImFontConfig_back;
/// back_const(self: *const Vector(FontConfig)) *const FontConfig
pub const back_const = raw.ImVector_ImFontConfig_back_const;
/// begin(self: *Vector(FontConfig)) [*]FontConfig
pub const begin = raw.ImVector_ImFontConfig_begin;
/// begin_const(self: *const Vector(FontConfig)) [*]const FontConfig
pub const begin_const = raw.ImVector_ImFontConfig_begin_const;
/// capacity(self: *const Vector(FontConfig)) i32
pub const capacity = raw.ImVector_ImFontConfig_capacity;
/// clear(self: *Vector(FontConfig)) void
pub const clear = raw.ImVector_ImFontConfig_clear;
/// deinit(self: *Vector(FontConfig)) void
pub const deinit = raw.ImVector_ImFontConfig_destroy;
/// empty(self: *const Vector(FontConfig)) bool
pub const empty = raw.ImVector_ImFontConfig_empty;
/// end(self: *Vector(FontConfig)) [*]FontConfig
pub const end = raw.ImVector_ImFontConfig_end;
/// end_const(self: *const Vector(FontConfig)) [*]const FontConfig
pub const end_const = raw.ImVector_ImFontConfig_end_const;
/// erase(self: *Vector(FontConfig), it: [*]const FontConfig) [*]FontConfig
pub const erase = raw.ImVector_ImFontConfig_erase;
/// eraseTPtr(self: *Vector(FontConfig), it: [*]const FontConfig, it_last: [*]const FontConfig) [*]FontConfig
pub const eraseTPtr = raw.ImVector_ImFontConfig_eraseTPtr;
/// erase_unsorted(self: *Vector(FontConfig), it: [*]const FontConfig) [*]FontConfig
pub const erase_unsorted = raw.ImVector_ImFontConfig_erase_unsorted;
/// front(self: *Vector(FontConfig)) *FontConfig
pub const front = raw.ImVector_ImFontConfig_front;
/// front_const(self: *const Vector(FontConfig)) *const FontConfig
pub const front_const = raw.ImVector_ImFontConfig_front_const;
/// index_from_ptr(self: *const Vector(FontConfig), it: [*]const FontConfig) i32
pub const index_from_ptr = raw.ImVector_ImFontConfig_index_from_ptr;
/// insert(self: *Vector(FontConfig), it: [*]const FontConfig, v: FontConfig) [*]FontConfig
pub const insert = raw.ImVector_ImFontConfig_insert;
/// pop_back(self: *Vector(FontConfig)) void
pub const pop_back = raw.ImVector_ImFontConfig_pop_back;
/// push_back(self: *Vector(FontConfig), v: FontConfig) void
pub const push_back = raw.ImVector_ImFontConfig_push_back;
/// push_front(self: *Vector(FontConfig), v: FontConfig) void
pub const push_front = raw.ImVector_ImFontConfig_push_front;
/// reserve(self: *Vector(FontConfig), new_capacity: i32) void
pub const reserve = raw.ImVector_ImFontConfig_reserve;
/// resize(self: *Vector(FontConfig), new_size: i32) void
pub const resize = raw.ImVector_ImFontConfig_resize;
/// resizeT(self: *Vector(FontConfig), new_size: i32, v: FontConfig) void
pub const resizeT = raw.ImVector_ImFontConfig_resizeT;
/// shrink(self: *Vector(FontConfig), new_size: i32) void
pub const shrink = raw.ImVector_ImFontConfig_shrink;
/// size(self: *const Vector(FontConfig)) i32
pub const size = raw.ImVector_ImFontConfig_size;
/// size_in_bytes(self: *const Vector(FontConfig)) i32
pub const size_in_bytes = raw.ImVector_ImFontConfig_size_in_bytes;
/// swap(self: *Vector(FontConfig), rhs: *Vector(FontConfig)) void
pub const swap = raw.ImVector_ImFontConfig_swap;
const FTABLE_ImVector_ImFontGlyph = struct {
/// init(self: *Vector(FontGlyph)) void
pub const init = raw.ImVector_ImFontGlyph_ImVector_ImFontGlyph;
/// initVector(self: *Vector(FontGlyph), src: Vector(FontGlyph)) void
pub const initVector = raw.ImVector_ImFontGlyph_ImVector_ImFontGlyphVector;
/// _grow_capacity(self: *const Vector(FontGlyph), sz: i32) i32
pub const _grow_capacity = raw.ImVector_ImFontGlyph__grow_capacity;
/// back(self: *Vector(FontGlyph)) *FontGlyph
pub const back = raw.ImVector_ImFontGlyph_back;
/// back_const(self: *const Vector(FontGlyph)) *const FontGlyph
pub const back_const = raw.ImVector_ImFontGlyph_back_const;
/// begin(self: *Vector(FontGlyph)) [*]FontGlyph
pub const begin = raw.ImVector_ImFontGlyph_begin;
/// begin_const(self: *const Vector(FontGlyph)) [*]const FontGlyph
pub const begin_const = raw.ImVector_ImFontGlyph_begin_const;
/// capacity(self: *const Vector(FontGlyph)) i32
pub const capacity = raw.ImVector_ImFontGlyph_capacity;
/// clear(self: *Vector(FontGlyph)) void
pub const clear = raw.ImVector_ImFontGlyph_clear;
/// deinit(self: *Vector(FontGlyph)) void
pub const deinit = raw.ImVector_ImFontGlyph_destroy;
/// empty(self: *const Vector(FontGlyph)) bool
pub const empty = raw.ImVector_ImFontGlyph_empty;
/// end(self: *Vector(FontGlyph)) [*]FontGlyph
pub const end = raw.ImVector_ImFontGlyph_end;
/// end_const(self: *const Vector(FontGlyph)) [*]const FontGlyph
pub const end_const = raw.ImVector_ImFontGlyph_end_const;
/// erase(self: *Vector(FontGlyph), it: [*]const FontGlyph) [*]FontGlyph
pub const erase = raw.ImVector_ImFontGlyph_erase;
/// eraseTPtr(self: *Vector(FontGlyph), it: [*]const FontGlyph, it_last: [*]const FontGlyph) [*]FontGlyph
pub const eraseTPtr = raw.ImVector_ImFontGlyph_eraseTPtr;
/// erase_unsorted(self: *Vector(FontGlyph), it: [*]const FontGlyph) [*]FontGlyph
pub const erase_unsorted = raw.ImVector_ImFontGlyph_erase_unsorted;
/// front(self: *Vector(FontGlyph)) *FontGlyph
pub const front = raw.ImVector_ImFontGlyph_front;
/// front_const(self: *const Vector(FontGlyph)) *const FontGlyph
pub const front_const = raw.ImVector_ImFontGlyph_front_const;
/// index_from_ptr(self: *const Vector(FontGlyph), it: [*]const FontGlyph) i32
pub const index_from_ptr = raw.ImVector_ImFontGlyph_index_from_ptr;
/// insert(self: *Vector(FontGlyph), it: [*]const FontGlyph, v: FontGlyph) [*]FontGlyph
pub const insert = raw.ImVector_ImFontGlyph_insert;
/// pop_back(self: *Vector(FontGlyph)) void
pub const pop_back = raw.ImVector_ImFontGlyph_pop_back;
/// push_back(self: *Vector(FontGlyph), v: FontGlyph) void
pub const push_back = raw.ImVector_ImFontGlyph_push_back;
/// push_front(self: *Vector(FontGlyph), v: FontGlyph) void
pub const push_front = raw.ImVector_ImFontGlyph_push_front;
/// reserve(self: *Vector(FontGlyph), new_capacity: i32) void
pub const reserve = raw.ImVector_ImFontGlyph_reserve;
/// resize(self: *Vector(FontGlyph), new_size: i32) void
pub const resize = raw.ImVector_ImFontGlyph_resize;
/// resizeT(self: *Vector(FontGlyph), new_size: i32, v: FontGlyph) void
pub const resizeT = raw.ImVector_ImFontGlyph_resizeT;
/// shrink(self: *Vector(FontGlyph), new_size: i32) void
pub const shrink = raw.ImVector_ImFontGlyph_shrink;
/// size(self: *const Vector(FontGlyph)) i32
pub const size = raw.ImVector_ImFontGlyph_size;
/// size_in_bytes(self: *const Vector(FontGlyph)) i32
pub const size_in_bytes = raw.ImVector_ImFontGlyph_size_in_bytes;
/// swap(self: *Vector(FontGlyph), rhs: *Vector(FontGlyph)) void
pub const swap = raw.ImVector_ImFontGlyph_swap;
const FTABLE_ImVector_ImGuiStoragePair = struct {
/// init(self: *Vector(StoragePair)) void
pub const init = raw.ImVector_ImGuiStoragePair_ImVector_ImGuiStoragePair;
/// initVector(self: *Vector(StoragePair), src: Vector(StoragePair)) void
pub const initVector = raw.ImVector_ImGuiStoragePair_ImVector_ImGuiStoragePairVector;
/// _grow_capacity(self: *const Vector(StoragePair), sz: i32) i32
pub const _grow_capacity = raw.ImVector_ImGuiStoragePair__grow_capacity;
/// back(self: *Vector(StoragePair)) *StoragePair
pub const back = raw.ImVector_ImGuiStoragePair_back;
/// back_const(self: *const Vector(StoragePair)) *const StoragePair
pub const back_const = raw.ImVector_ImGuiStoragePair_back_const;
/// begin(self: *Vector(StoragePair)) [*]StoragePair
pub const begin = raw.ImVector_ImGuiStoragePair_begin;
/// begin_const(self: *const Vector(StoragePair)) [*]const StoragePair
pub const begin_const = raw.ImVector_ImGuiStoragePair_begin_const;
/// capacity(self: *const Vector(StoragePair)) i32
pub const capacity = raw.ImVector_ImGuiStoragePair_capacity;
/// clear(self: *Vector(StoragePair)) void
pub const clear = raw.ImVector_ImGuiStoragePair_clear;
/// deinit(self: *Vector(StoragePair)) void
pub const deinit = raw.ImVector_ImGuiStoragePair_destroy;
/// empty(self: *const Vector(StoragePair)) bool
pub const empty = raw.ImVector_ImGuiStoragePair_empty;
/// end(self: *Vector(StoragePair)) [*]StoragePair
pub const end = raw.ImVector_ImGuiStoragePair_end;
/// end_const(self: *const Vector(StoragePair)) [*]const StoragePair
pub const end_const = raw.ImVector_ImGuiStoragePair_end_const;
/// erase(self: *Vector(StoragePair), it: [*]const StoragePair) [*]StoragePair
pub const erase = raw.ImVector_ImGuiStoragePair_erase;
/// eraseTPtr(self: *Vector(StoragePair), it: [*]const StoragePair, it_last: [*]const StoragePair) [*]StoragePair
pub const eraseTPtr = raw.ImVector_ImGuiStoragePair_eraseTPtr;
/// erase_unsorted(self: *Vector(StoragePair), it: [*]const StoragePair) [*]StoragePair
pub const erase_unsorted = raw.ImVector_ImGuiStoragePair_erase_unsorted;
/// front(self: *Vector(StoragePair)) *StoragePair
pub const front = raw.ImVector_ImGuiStoragePair_front;
/// front_const(self: *const Vector(StoragePair)) *const StoragePair
pub const front_const = raw.ImVector_ImGuiStoragePair_front_const;
/// index_from_ptr(self: *const Vector(StoragePair), it: [*]const StoragePair) i32
pub const index_from_ptr = raw.ImVector_ImGuiStoragePair_index_from_ptr;
/// insert(self: *Vector(StoragePair), it: [*]const StoragePair, v: StoragePair) [*]StoragePair
pub const insert = raw.ImVector_ImGuiStoragePair_insert;
/// pop_back(self: *Vector(StoragePair)) void
pub const pop_back = raw.ImVector_ImGuiStoragePair_pop_back;
/// push_back(self: *Vector(StoragePair), v: StoragePair) void
pub const push_back = raw.ImVector_ImGuiStoragePair_push_back;
/// push_front(self: *Vector(StoragePair), v: StoragePair) void
pub const push_front = raw.ImVector_ImGuiStoragePair_push_front;
/// reserve(self: *Vector(StoragePair), new_capacity: i32) void
pub const reserve = raw.ImVector_ImGuiStoragePair_reserve;
/// resize(self: *Vector(StoragePair), new_size: i32) void
pub const resize = raw.ImVector_ImGuiStoragePair_resize;
/// resizeT(self: *Vector(StoragePair), new_size: i32, v: StoragePair) void
pub const resizeT = raw.ImVector_ImGuiStoragePair_resizeT;
/// shrink(self: *Vector(StoragePair), new_size: i32) void
pub const shrink = raw.ImVector_ImGuiStoragePair_shrink;
/// size(self: *const Vector(StoragePair)) i32
pub const size = raw.ImVector_ImGuiStoragePair_size;
/// size_in_bytes(self: *const Vector(StoragePair)) i32
pub const size_in_bytes = raw.ImVector_ImGuiStoragePair_size_in_bytes;
/// swap(self: *Vector(StoragePair), rhs: *Vector(StoragePair)) void
pub const swap = raw.ImVector_ImGuiStoragePair_swap;
const FTABLE_ImVector_ImGuiTextRange = struct {
/// init(self: *Vector(TextRange)) void
pub const init = raw.ImVector_ImGuiTextRange_ImVector_ImGuiTextRange;
/// initVector(self: *Vector(TextRange), src: Vector(TextRange)) void
pub const initVector = raw.ImVector_ImGuiTextRange_ImVector_ImGuiTextRangeVector;
/// _grow_capacity(self: *const Vector(TextRange), sz: i32) i32
pub const _grow_capacity = raw.ImVector_ImGuiTextRange__grow_capacity;
/// back(self: *Vector(TextRange)) *TextRange
pub const back = raw.ImVector_ImGuiTextRange_back;
/// back_const(self: *const Vector(TextRange)) *const TextRange
pub const back_const = raw.ImVector_ImGuiTextRange_back_const;
/// begin(self: *Vector(TextRange)) [*]TextRange
pub const begin = raw.ImVector_ImGuiTextRange_begin;
/// begin_const(self: *const Vector(TextRange)) [*]const TextRange
pub const begin_const = raw.ImVector_ImGuiTextRange_begin_const;
/// capacity(self: *const Vector(TextRange)) i32
pub const capacity = raw.ImVector_ImGuiTextRange_capacity;
/// clear(self: *Vector(TextRange)) void
pub const clear = raw.ImVector_ImGuiTextRange_clear;
/// deinit(self: *Vector(TextRange)) void
pub const deinit = raw.ImVector_ImGuiTextRange_destroy;
/// empty(self: *const Vector(TextRange)) bool
pub const empty = raw.ImVector_ImGuiTextRange_empty;
/// end(self: *Vector(TextRange)) [*]TextRange
pub const end = raw.ImVector_ImGuiTextRange_end;
/// end_const(self: *const Vector(TextRange)) [*]const TextRange
pub const end_const = raw.ImVector_ImGuiTextRange_end_const;
/// erase(self: *Vector(TextRange), it: [*]const TextRange) [*]TextRange
pub const erase = raw.ImVector_ImGuiTextRange_erase;
/// eraseTPtr(self: *Vector(TextRange), it: [*]const TextRange, it_last: [*]const TextRange) [*]TextRange
pub const eraseTPtr = raw.ImVector_ImGuiTextRange_eraseTPtr;
/// erase_unsorted(self: *Vector(TextRange), it: [*]const TextRange) [*]TextRange
pub const erase_unsorted = raw.ImVector_ImGuiTextRange_erase_unsorted;
/// front(self: *Vector(TextRange)) *TextRange
pub const front = raw.ImVector_ImGuiTextRange_front;
/// front_const(self: *const Vector(TextRange)) *const TextRange
pub const front_const = raw.ImVector_ImGuiTextRange_front_const;
/// index_from_ptr(self: *const Vector(TextRange), it: [*]const TextRange) i32
pub const index_from_ptr = raw.ImVector_ImGuiTextRange_index_from_ptr;
/// insert(self: *Vector(TextRange), it: [*]const TextRange, v: TextRange) [*]TextRange
pub const insert = raw.ImVector_ImGuiTextRange_insert;
/// pop_back(self: *Vector(TextRange)) void
pub const pop_back = raw.ImVector_ImGuiTextRange_pop_back;
/// push_back(self: *Vector(TextRange), v: TextRange) void
pub const push_back = raw.ImVector_ImGuiTextRange_push_back;
/// push_front(self: *Vector(TextRange), v: TextRange) void
pub const push_front = raw.ImVector_ImGuiTextRange_push_front;
/// reserve(self: *Vector(TextRange), new_capacity: i32) void
pub const reserve = raw.ImVector_ImGuiTextRange_reserve;
/// resize(self: *Vector(TextRange), new_size: i32) void
pub const resize = raw.ImVector_ImGuiTextRange_resize;
/// resizeT(self: *Vector(TextRange), new_size: i32, v: TextRange) void
pub const resizeT = raw.ImVector_ImGuiTextRange_resizeT;
/// shrink(self: *Vector(TextRange), new_size: i32) void
pub const shrink = raw.ImVector_ImGuiTextRange_shrink;
/// size(self: *const Vector(TextRange)) i32
pub const size = raw.ImVector_ImGuiTextRange_size;
/// size_in_bytes(self: *const Vector(TextRange)) i32
pub const size_in_bytes = raw.ImVector_ImGuiTextRange_size_in_bytes;
/// swap(self: *Vector(TextRange), rhs: *Vector(TextRange)) void
pub const swap = raw.ImVector_ImGuiTextRange_swap;
const FTABLE_ImVector_ImTextureID = struct {
/// init(self: *Vector(TextureID)) void
pub const init = raw.ImVector_ImTextureID_ImVector_ImTextureID;
/// initVector(self: *Vector(TextureID), src: Vector(TextureID)) void
pub const initVector = raw.ImVector_ImTextureID_ImVector_ImTextureIDVector;
/// _grow_capacity(self: *const Vector(TextureID), sz: i32) i32
pub const _grow_capacity = raw.ImVector_ImTextureID__grow_capacity;
/// back(self: *Vector(TextureID)) *TextureID
pub const back = raw.ImVector_ImTextureID_back;
/// back_const(self: *const Vector(TextureID)) *const TextureID
pub const back_const = raw.ImVector_ImTextureID_back_const;
/// begin(self: *Vector(TextureID)) [*]TextureID
pub const begin = raw.ImVector_ImTextureID_begin;
/// begin_const(self: *const Vector(TextureID)) [*]const TextureID
pub const begin_const = raw.ImVector_ImTextureID_begin_const;
/// capacity(self: *const Vector(TextureID)) i32
pub const capacity = raw.ImVector_ImTextureID_capacity;
/// clear(self: *Vector(TextureID)) void
pub const clear = raw.ImVector_ImTextureID_clear;
/// contains(self: *const Vector(TextureID), v: TextureID) bool
pub const contains = raw.ImVector_ImTextureID_contains;
/// deinit(self: *Vector(TextureID)) void
pub const deinit = raw.ImVector_ImTextureID_destroy;
/// empty(self: *const Vector(TextureID)) bool
pub const empty = raw.ImVector_ImTextureID_empty;
/// end(self: *Vector(TextureID)) [*]TextureID
pub const end = raw.ImVector_ImTextureID_end;
/// end_const(self: *const Vector(TextureID)) [*]const TextureID
pub const end_const = raw.ImVector_ImTextureID_end_const;
/// erase(self: *Vector(TextureID), it: [*]const TextureID) [*]TextureID
pub const erase = raw.ImVector_ImTextureID_erase;
/// eraseTPtr(self: *Vector(TextureID), it: [*]const TextureID, it_last: [*]const TextureID) [*]TextureID
pub const eraseTPtr = raw.ImVector_ImTextureID_eraseTPtr;
/// erase_unsorted(self: *Vector(TextureID), it: [*]const TextureID) [*]TextureID
pub const erase_unsorted = raw.ImVector_ImTextureID_erase_unsorted;
/// find(self: *Vector(TextureID), v: TextureID) [*]TextureID
pub const find = raw.ImVector_ImTextureID_find;
/// find_const(self: *const Vector(TextureID), v: TextureID) [*]const TextureID
pub const find_const = raw.ImVector_ImTextureID_find_const;
/// find_erase(self: *Vector(TextureID), v: TextureID) bool
pub const find_erase = raw.ImVector_ImTextureID_find_erase;
/// find_erase_unsorted(self: *Vector(TextureID), v: TextureID) bool
pub const find_erase_unsorted = raw.ImVector_ImTextureID_find_erase_unsorted;
/// front(self: *Vector(TextureID)) *TextureID
pub const front = raw.ImVector_ImTextureID_front;
/// front_const(self: *const Vector(TextureID)) *const TextureID
pub const front_const = raw.ImVector_ImTextureID_front_const;
/// index_from_ptr(self: *const Vector(TextureID), it: [*]const TextureID) i32
pub const index_from_ptr = raw.ImVector_ImTextureID_index_from_ptr;
/// insert(self: *Vector(TextureID), it: [*]const TextureID, v: TextureID) [*]TextureID
pub const insert = raw.ImVector_ImTextureID_insert;
/// pop_back(self: *Vector(TextureID)) void
pub const pop_back = raw.ImVector_ImTextureID_pop_back;
/// push_back(self: *Vector(TextureID), v: TextureID) void
pub const push_back = raw.ImVector_ImTextureID_push_back;
/// push_front(self: *Vector(TextureID), v: TextureID) void
pub const push_front = raw.ImVector_ImTextureID_push_front;
/// reserve(self: *Vector(TextureID), new_capacity: i32) void
pub const reserve = raw.ImVector_ImTextureID_reserve;
/// resize(self: *Vector(TextureID), new_size: i32) void
pub const resize = raw.ImVector_ImTextureID_resize;
/// resizeT(self: *Vector(TextureID), new_size: i32, v: TextureID) void
pub const resizeT = raw.ImVector_ImTextureID_resizeT;
/// shrink(self: *Vector(TextureID), new_size: i32) void
pub const shrink = raw.ImVector_ImTextureID_shrink;
/// size(self: *const Vector(TextureID)) i32
pub const size = raw.ImVector_ImTextureID_size;
/// size_in_bytes(self: *const Vector(TextureID)) i32
pub const size_in_bytes = raw.ImVector_ImTextureID_size_in_bytes;
/// swap(self: *Vector(TextureID), rhs: *Vector(TextureID)) void
pub const swap = raw.ImVector_ImTextureID_swap;
const FTABLE_ImVector_ImU32 = struct {
/// init(self: *Vector(u32)) void
pub const init = raw.ImVector_ImU32_ImVector_ImU32;
/// initVector(self: *Vector(u32), src: Vector(u32)) void
pub const initVector = raw.ImVector_ImU32_ImVector_ImU32Vector;
/// _grow_capacity(self: *const Vector(u32), sz: i32) i32
pub const _grow_capacity = raw.ImVector_ImU32__grow_capacity;
/// back(self: *Vector(u32)) *u32
pub const back = raw.ImVector_ImU32_back;
/// back_const(self: *const Vector(u32)) *const u32
pub const back_const = raw.ImVector_ImU32_back_const;
/// begin(self: *Vector(u32)) [*]u32
pub const begin = raw.ImVector_ImU32_begin;
/// begin_const(self: *const Vector(u32)) [*]const u32
pub const begin_const = raw.ImVector_ImU32_begin_const;
/// capacity(self: *const Vector(u32)) i32
pub const capacity = raw.ImVector_ImU32_capacity;
/// clear(self: *Vector(u32)) void
pub const clear = raw.ImVector_ImU32_clear;
/// contains(self: *const Vector(u32), v: u32) bool
pub const contains = raw.ImVector_ImU32_contains;
/// deinit(self: *Vector(u32)) void
pub const deinit = raw.ImVector_ImU32_destroy;
/// empty(self: *const Vector(u32)) bool
pub const empty = raw.ImVector_ImU32_empty;
/// end(self: *Vector(u32)) [*]u32
pub const end = raw.ImVector_ImU32_end;
/// end_const(self: *const Vector(u32)) [*]const u32
pub const end_const = raw.ImVector_ImU32_end_const;
/// erase(self: *Vector(u32), it: [*]const u32) [*]u32
pub const erase = raw.ImVector_ImU32_erase;
/// eraseTPtr(self: *Vector(u32), it: [*]const u32, it_last: [*]const u32) [*]u32
pub const eraseTPtr = raw.ImVector_ImU32_eraseTPtr;
/// erase_unsorted(self: *Vector(u32), it: [*]const u32) [*]u32
pub const erase_unsorted = raw.ImVector_ImU32_erase_unsorted;
/// find(self: *Vector(u32), v: u32) [*]u32
pub const find = raw.ImVector_ImU32_find;
/// find_const(self: *const Vector(u32), v: u32) [*]const u32
pub const find_const = raw.ImVector_ImU32_find_const;
/// find_erase(self: *Vector(u32), v: u32) bool
pub const find_erase = raw.ImVector_ImU32_find_erase;
/// find_erase_unsorted(self: *Vector(u32), v: u32) bool
pub const find_erase_unsorted = raw.ImVector_ImU32_find_erase_unsorted;
/// front(self: *Vector(u32)) *u32
pub const front = raw.ImVector_ImU32_front;
/// front_const(self: *const Vector(u32)) *const u32
pub const front_const = raw.ImVector_ImU32_front_const;
/// index_from_ptr(self: *const Vector(u32), it: [*]const u32) i32
pub const index_from_ptr = raw.ImVector_ImU32_index_from_ptr;
/// insert(self: *Vector(u32), it: [*]const u32, v: u32) [*]u32
pub const insert = raw.ImVector_ImU32_insert;
/// pop_back(self: *Vector(u32)) void
pub const pop_back = raw.ImVector_ImU32_pop_back;
/// push_back(self: *Vector(u32), v: u32) void
pub const push_back = raw.ImVector_ImU32_push_back;
/// push_front(self: *Vector(u32), v: u32) void
pub const push_front = raw.ImVector_ImU32_push_front;
/// reserve(self: *Vector(u32), new_capacity: i32) void
pub const reserve = raw.ImVector_ImU32_reserve;
/// resize(self: *Vector(u32), new_size: i32) void
pub const resize = raw.ImVector_ImU32_resize;
/// resizeT(self: *Vector(u32), new_size: i32, v: u32) void
pub const resizeT = raw.ImVector_ImU32_resizeT;
/// shrink(self: *Vector(u32), new_size: i32) void
pub const shrink = raw.ImVector_ImU32_shrink;
/// size(self: *const Vector(u32)) i32
pub const size = raw.ImVector_ImU32_size;
/// size_in_bytes(self: *const Vector(u32)) i32
pub const size_in_bytes = raw.ImVector_ImU32_size_in_bytes;
/// swap(self: *Vector(u32), rhs: *Vector(u32)) void
pub const swap = raw.ImVector_ImU32_swap;
const FTABLE_ImVector_ImVec2 = struct {
/// init(self: *Vector(Vec2)) void
pub const init = raw.ImVector_ImVec2_ImVector_ImVec2;
/// initVector(self: *Vector(Vec2), src: Vector(Vec2)) void
pub const initVector = raw.ImVector_ImVec2_ImVector_ImVec2Vector;
/// _grow_capacity(self: *const Vector(Vec2), sz: i32) i32
pub const _grow_capacity = raw.ImVector_ImVec2__grow_capacity;
/// back(self: *Vector(Vec2)) *Vec2
pub const back = raw.ImVector_ImVec2_back;
/// back_const(self: *const Vector(Vec2)) *const Vec2
pub const back_const = raw.ImVector_ImVec2_back_const;
/// begin(self: *Vector(Vec2)) [*]Vec2
pub const begin = raw.ImVector_ImVec2_begin;
/// begin_const(self: *const Vector(Vec2)) [*]const Vec2
pub const begin_const = raw.ImVector_ImVec2_begin_const;
/// capacity(self: *const Vector(Vec2)) i32
pub const capacity = raw.ImVector_ImVec2_capacity;
/// clear(self: *Vector(Vec2)) void
pub const clear = raw.ImVector_ImVec2_clear;
/// deinit(self: *Vector(Vec2)) void
pub const deinit = raw.ImVector_ImVec2_destroy;
/// empty(self: *const Vector(Vec2)) bool
pub const empty = raw.ImVector_ImVec2_empty;
/// end(self: *Vector(Vec2)) [*]Vec2
pub const end = raw.ImVector_ImVec2_end;
/// end_const(self: *const Vector(Vec2)) [*]const Vec2
pub const end_const = raw.ImVector_ImVec2_end_const;
/// erase(self: *Vector(Vec2), it: [*]const Vec2) [*]Vec2
pub const erase = raw.ImVector_ImVec2_erase;
/// eraseTPtr(self: *Vector(Vec2), it: [*]const Vec2, it_last: [*]const Vec2) [*]Vec2
pub const eraseTPtr = raw.ImVector_ImVec2_eraseTPtr;
/// erase_unsorted(self: *Vector(Vec2), it: [*]const Vec2) [*]Vec2
pub const erase_unsorted = raw.ImVector_ImVec2_erase_unsorted;
/// front(self: *Vector(Vec2)) *Vec2
pub const front = raw.ImVector_ImVec2_front;
/// front_const(self: *const Vector(Vec2)) *const Vec2
pub const front_const = raw.ImVector_ImVec2_front_const;
/// index_from_ptr(self: *const Vector(Vec2), it: [*]const Vec2) i32
pub const index_from_ptr = raw.ImVector_ImVec2_index_from_ptr;
/// insert(self: *Vector(Vec2), it: [*]const Vec2, v: Vec2) [*]Vec2
pub const insert = raw.ImVector_ImVec2_insert;
/// pop_back(self: *Vector(Vec2)) void
pub const pop_back = raw.ImVector_ImVec2_pop_back;
/// push_back(self: *Vector(Vec2), v: Vec2) void
pub const push_back = raw.ImVector_ImVec2_push_back;
/// push_front(self: *Vector(Vec2), v: Vec2) void
pub const push_front = raw.ImVector_ImVec2_push_front;
/// reserve(self: *Vector(Vec2), new_capacity: i32) void
pub const reserve = raw.ImVector_ImVec2_reserve;
/// resize(self: *Vector(Vec2), new_size: i32) void
pub const resize = raw.ImVector_ImVec2_resize;
/// resizeT(self: *Vector(Vec2), new_size: i32, v: Vec2) void
pub const resizeT = raw.ImVector_ImVec2_resizeT;
/// shrink(self: *Vector(Vec2), new_size: i32) void
pub const shrink = raw.ImVector_ImVec2_shrink;
/// size(self: *const Vector(Vec2)) i32
pub const size = raw.ImVector_ImVec2_size;
/// size_in_bytes(self: *const Vector(Vec2)) i32
pub const size_in_bytes = raw.ImVector_ImVec2_size_in_bytes;
/// swap(self: *Vector(Vec2), rhs: *Vector(Vec2)) void
pub const swap = raw.ImVector_ImVec2_swap;
const FTABLE_ImVector_ImVec4 = struct {
/// init(self: *Vector(Vec4)) void
pub const init = raw.ImVector_ImVec4_ImVector_ImVec4;
/// initVector(self: *Vector(Vec4), src: Vector(Vec4)) void
pub const initVector = raw.ImVector_ImVec4_ImVector_ImVec4Vector;
/// _grow_capacity(self: *const Vector(Vec4), sz: i32) i32
pub const _grow_capacity = raw.ImVector_ImVec4__grow_capacity;
/// back(self: *Vector(Vec4)) *Vec4
pub const back = raw.ImVector_ImVec4_back;
/// back_const(self: *const Vector(Vec4)) *const Vec4
pub const back_const = raw.ImVector_ImVec4_back_const;
/// begin(self: *Vector(Vec4)) [*]Vec4
pub const begin = raw.ImVector_ImVec4_begin;
/// begin_const(self: *const Vector(Vec4)) [*]const Vec4
pub const begin_const = raw.ImVector_ImVec4_begin_const;
/// capacity(self: *const Vector(Vec4)) i32
pub const capacity = raw.ImVector_ImVec4_capacity;
/// clear(self: *Vector(Vec4)) void
pub const clear = raw.ImVector_ImVec4_clear;
/// deinit(self: *Vector(Vec4)) void
pub const deinit = raw.ImVector_ImVec4_destroy;
/// empty(self: *const Vector(Vec4)) bool
pub const empty = raw.ImVector_ImVec4_empty;
/// end(self: *Vector(Vec4)) [*]Vec4
pub const end = raw.ImVector_ImVec4_end;
/// end_const(self: *const Vector(Vec4)) [*]const Vec4
pub const end_const = raw.ImVector_ImVec4_end_const;
/// erase(self: *Vector(Vec4), it: [*]const Vec4) [*]Vec4
pub const erase = raw.ImVector_ImVec4_erase;
/// eraseTPtr(self: *Vector(Vec4), it: [*]const Vec4, it_last: [*]const Vec4) [*]Vec4
pub const eraseTPtr = raw.ImVector_ImVec4_eraseTPtr;
/// erase_unsorted(self: *Vector(Vec4), it: [*]const Vec4) [*]Vec4
pub const erase_unsorted = raw.ImVector_ImVec4_erase_unsorted;
/// front(self: *Vector(Vec4)) *Vec4
pub const front = raw.ImVector_ImVec4_front;
/// front_const(self: *const Vector(Vec4)) *const Vec4
pub const front_const = raw.ImVector_ImVec4_front_const;
/// index_from_ptr(self: *const Vector(Vec4), it: [*]const Vec4) i32
pub const index_from_ptr = raw.ImVector_ImVec4_index_from_ptr;
/// insert(self: *Vector(Vec4), it: [*]const Vec4, v: Vec4) [*]Vec4
pub const insert = raw.ImVector_ImVec4_insert;
/// pop_back(self: *Vector(Vec4)) void
pub const pop_back = raw.ImVector_ImVec4_pop_back;
/// push_back(self: *Vector(Vec4), v: Vec4) void
pub const push_back = raw.ImVector_ImVec4_push_back;
/// push_front(self: *Vector(Vec4), v: Vec4) void
pub const push_front = raw.ImVector_ImVec4_push_front;
/// reserve(self: *Vector(Vec4), new_capacity: i32) void
pub const reserve = raw.ImVector_ImVec4_reserve;
/// resize(self: *Vector(Vec4), new_size: i32) void
pub const resize = raw.ImVector_ImVec4_resize;
/// resizeT(self: *Vector(Vec4), new_size: i32, v: Vec4) void
pub const resizeT = raw.ImVector_ImVec4_resizeT;
/// shrink(self: *Vector(Vec4), new_size: i32) void
pub const shrink = raw.ImVector_ImVec4_shrink;
/// size(self: *const Vector(Vec4)) i32
pub const size = raw.ImVector_ImVec4_size;
/// size_in_bytes(self: *const Vector(Vec4)) i32
pub const size_in_bytes = raw.ImVector_ImVec4_size_in_bytes;
/// swap(self: *Vector(Vec4), rhs: *Vector(Vec4)) void
pub const swap = raw.ImVector_ImVec4_swap;
const FTABLE_ImVector_ImWchar = struct {
/// init(self: *Vector(Wchar)) void
pub const init = raw.ImVector_ImWchar_ImVector_ImWchar;
/// initVector(self: *Vector(Wchar), src: Vector(Wchar)) void
pub const initVector = raw.ImVector_ImWchar_ImVector_ImWcharVector;
/// _grow_capacity(self: *const Vector(Wchar), sz: i32) i32
pub const _grow_capacity = raw.ImVector_ImWchar__grow_capacity;
/// back(self: *Vector(Wchar)) *Wchar
pub const back = raw.ImVector_ImWchar_back;
/// back_const(self: *const Vector(Wchar)) *const Wchar
pub const back_const = raw.ImVector_ImWchar_back_const;
/// begin(self: *Vector(Wchar)) [*]Wchar
pub const begin = raw.ImVector_ImWchar_begin;
/// begin_const(self: *const Vector(Wchar)) [*]const Wchar
pub const begin_const = raw.ImVector_ImWchar_begin_const;
/// capacity(self: *const Vector(Wchar)) i32
pub const capacity = raw.ImVector_ImWchar_capacity;
/// clear(self: *Vector(Wchar)) void
pub const clear = raw.ImVector_ImWchar_clear;
/// contains(self: *const Vector(Wchar), v: Wchar) bool
pub const contains = raw.ImVector_ImWchar_contains;
/// deinit(self: *Vector(Wchar)) void
pub const deinit = raw.ImVector_ImWchar_destroy;
/// empty(self: *const Vector(Wchar)) bool
pub const empty = raw.ImVector_ImWchar_empty;
/// end(self: *Vector(Wchar)) [*]Wchar
pub const end = raw.ImVector_ImWchar_end;
/// end_const(self: *const Vector(Wchar)) [*]const Wchar
pub const end_const = raw.ImVector_ImWchar_end_const;
/// erase(self: *Vector(Wchar), it: [*]const Wchar) [*]Wchar
pub const erase = raw.ImVector_ImWchar_erase;
/// eraseTPtr(self: *Vector(Wchar), it: [*]const Wchar, it_last: [*]const Wchar) [*]Wchar
pub const eraseTPtr = raw.ImVector_ImWchar_eraseTPtr;
/// erase_unsorted(self: *Vector(Wchar), it: [*]const Wchar) [*]Wchar
pub const erase_unsorted = raw.ImVector_ImWchar_erase_unsorted;
/// find(self: *Vector(Wchar), v: Wchar) [*]Wchar
pub const find = raw.ImVector_ImWchar_find;
/// find_const(self: *const Vector(Wchar), v: Wchar) [*]const Wchar
pub const find_const = raw.ImVector_ImWchar_find_const;
/// find_erase(self: *Vector(Wchar), v: Wchar) bool
pub const find_erase = raw.ImVector_ImWchar_find_erase;
/// find_erase_unsorted(self: *Vector(Wchar), v: Wchar) bool
pub const find_erase_unsorted = raw.ImVector_ImWchar_find_erase_unsorted;
/// front(self: *Vector(Wchar)) *Wchar
pub const front = raw.ImVector_ImWchar_front;
/// front_const(self: *const Vector(Wchar)) *const Wchar
pub const front_const = raw.ImVector_ImWchar_front_const;
/// index_from_ptr(self: *const Vector(Wchar), it: [*]const Wchar) i32
pub const index_from_ptr = raw.ImVector_ImWchar_index_from_ptr;
/// insert(self: *Vector(Wchar), it: [*]const Wchar, v: Wchar) [*]Wchar
pub const insert = raw.ImVector_ImWchar_insert;
/// pop_back(self: *Vector(Wchar)) void
pub const pop_back = raw.ImVector_ImWchar_pop_back;
/// push_back(self: *Vector(Wchar), v: Wchar) void
pub const push_back = raw.ImVector_ImWchar_push_back;
/// push_front(self: *Vector(Wchar), v: Wchar) void
pub const push_front = raw.ImVector_ImWchar_push_front;
/// reserve(self: *Vector(Wchar), new_capacity: i32) void
pub const reserve = raw.ImVector_ImWchar_reserve;
/// resize(self: *Vector(Wchar), new_size: i32) void
pub const resize = raw.ImVector_ImWchar_resize;
/// resizeT(self: *Vector(Wchar), new_size: i32, v: Wchar) void
pub const resizeT = raw.ImVector_ImWchar_resizeT;
/// shrink(self: *Vector(Wchar), new_size: i32) void
pub const shrink = raw.ImVector_ImWchar_shrink;
/// size(self: *const Vector(Wchar)) i32
pub const size = raw.ImVector_ImWchar_size;
/// size_in_bytes(self: *const Vector(Wchar)) i32
pub const size_in_bytes = raw.ImVector_ImWchar_size_in_bytes;
/// swap(self: *Vector(Wchar), rhs: *Vector(Wchar)) void
pub const swap = raw.ImVector_ImWchar_swap;
const FTABLE_ImVector_char = struct {
/// init(self: *Vector(u8)) void
pub const init = raw.ImVector_char_ImVector_char;
/// initVector(self: *Vector(u8), src: Vector(u8)) void
pub const initVector = raw.ImVector_char_ImVector_charVector;
/// _grow_capacity(self: *const Vector(u8), sz: i32) i32
pub const _grow_capacity = raw.ImVector_char__grow_capacity;
/// back(self: *Vector(u8)) *u8
pub const back = raw.ImVector_char_back;
/// back_const(self: *const Vector(u8)) *const u8
pub const back_const = raw.ImVector_char_back_const;
/// begin(self: *Vector(u8)) [*]u8
pub const begin = raw.ImVector_char_begin;
/// begin_const(self: *const Vector(u8)) [*]const u8
pub const begin_const = raw.ImVector_char_begin_const;
/// capacity(self: *const Vector(u8)) i32
pub const capacity = raw.ImVector_char_capacity;
/// clear(self: *Vector(u8)) void
pub const clear = raw.ImVector_char_clear;
/// contains(self: *const Vector(u8), v: u8) bool
pub const contains = raw.ImVector_char_contains;
/// deinit(self: *Vector(u8)) void
pub const deinit = raw.ImVector_char_destroy;
/// empty(self: *const Vector(u8)) bool
pub const empty = raw.ImVector_char_empty;
/// end(self: *Vector(u8)) [*]u8
pub const end = raw.ImVector_char_end;
/// end_const(self: *const Vector(u8)) [*]const u8
pub const end_const = raw.ImVector_char_end_const;
/// erase(self: *Vector(u8), it: [*]const u8) [*]u8
pub const erase = raw.ImVector_char_erase;
/// eraseTPtr(self: *Vector(u8), it: [*]const u8, it_last: [*]const u8) [*]u8
pub const eraseTPtr = raw.ImVector_char_eraseTPtr;
/// erase_unsorted(self: *Vector(u8), it: [*]const u8) [*]u8
pub const erase_unsorted = raw.ImVector_char_erase_unsorted;
/// find(self: *Vector(u8), v: u8) [*]u8
pub const find = raw.ImVector_char_find;
/// find_const(self: *const Vector(u8), v: u8) [*]const u8
pub const find_const = raw.ImVector_char_find_const;
/// find_erase(self: *Vector(u8), v: u8) bool
pub const find_erase = raw.ImVector_char_find_erase;
/// find_erase_unsorted(self: *Vector(u8), v: u8) bool
pub const find_erase_unsorted = raw.ImVector_char_find_erase_unsorted;
/// front(self: *Vector(u8)) *u8
pub const front = raw.ImVector_char_front;
/// front_const(self: *const Vector(u8)) *const u8
pub const front_const = raw.ImVector_char_front_const;
/// index_from_ptr(self: *const Vector(u8), it: [*]const u8) i32
pub const index_from_ptr = raw.ImVector_char_index_from_ptr;
/// insert(self: *Vector(u8), it: [*]const u8, v: u8) [*]u8
pub const insert = raw.ImVector_char_insert;
/// pop_back(self: *Vector(u8)) void
pub const pop_back = raw.ImVector_char_pop_back;
/// push_back(self: *Vector(u8), v: u8) void
pub const push_back = raw.ImVector_char_push_back;
/// push_front(self: *Vector(u8), v: u8) void
pub const push_front = raw.ImVector_char_push_front;
/// reserve(self: *Vector(u8), new_capacity: i32) void
pub const reserve = raw.ImVector_char_reserve;
/// resize(self: *Vector(u8), new_size: i32) void
pub const resize = raw.ImVector_char_resize;
/// resizeT(self: *Vector(u8), new_size: i32, v: u8) void
pub const resizeT = raw.ImVector_char_resizeT;
/// shrink(self: *Vector(u8), new_size: i32) void
pub const shrink = raw.ImVector_char_shrink;
/// size(self: *const Vector(u8)) i32
pub const size = raw.ImVector_char_size;
/// size_in_bytes(self: *const Vector(u8)) i32
pub const size_in_bytes = raw.ImVector_char_size_in_bytes;
/// swap(self: *Vector(u8), rhs: *Vector(u8)) void
pub const swap = raw.ImVector_char_swap;
const FTABLE_ImVector_float = struct {
/// init(self: *Vector(f32)) void
pub const init = raw.ImVector_float_ImVector_float;
/// initVector(self: *Vector(f32), src: Vector(f32)) void
pub const initVector = raw.ImVector_float_ImVector_floatVector;
/// _grow_capacity(self: *const Vector(f32), sz: i32) i32
pub const _grow_capacity = raw.ImVector_float__grow_capacity;
/// back(self: *Vector(f32)) *f32
pub const back = raw.ImVector_float_back;
/// back_const(self: *const Vector(f32)) *const f32
pub const back_const = raw.ImVector_float_back_const;
/// begin(self: *Vector(f32)) [*]f32
pub const begin = raw.ImVector_float_begin;
/// begin_const(self: *const Vector(f32)) [*]const f32
pub const begin_const = raw.ImVector_float_begin_const;
/// capacity(self: *const Vector(f32)) i32
pub const capacity = raw.ImVector_float_capacity;
/// clear(self: *Vector(f32)) void
pub const clear = raw.ImVector_float_clear;
/// contains(self: *const Vector(f32), v: f32) bool
pub const contains = raw.ImVector_float_contains;
/// deinit(self: *Vector(f32)) void
pub const deinit = raw.ImVector_float_destroy;
/// empty(self: *const Vector(f32)) bool
pub const empty = raw.ImVector_float_empty;
/// end(self: *Vector(f32)) [*]f32
pub const end = raw.ImVector_float_end;
/// end_const(self: *const Vector(f32)) [*]const f32
pub const end_const = raw.ImVector_float_end_const;
/// erase(self: *Vector(f32), it: [*]const f32) [*]f32
pub const erase = raw.ImVector_float_erase;
/// eraseTPtr(self: *Vector(f32), it: [*]const f32, it_last: [*]const f32) [*]f32
pub const eraseTPtr = raw.ImVector_float_eraseTPtr;
/// erase_unsorted(self: *Vector(f32), it: [*]const f32) [*]f32
pub const erase_unsorted = raw.ImVector_float_erase_unsorted;
/// find(self: *Vector(f32), v: f32) [*]f32
pub const find = raw.ImVector_float_find;
/// find_const(self: *const Vector(f32), v: f32) [*]const f32
pub const find_const = raw.ImVector_float_find_const;
/// find_erase(self: *Vector(f32), v: f32) bool
pub const find_erase = raw.ImVector_float_find_erase;
/// find_erase_unsorted(self: *Vector(f32), v: f32) bool
pub const find_erase_unsorted = raw.ImVector_float_find_erase_unsorted;
/// front(self: *Vector(f32)) *f32
pub const front = raw.ImVector_float_front;
/// front_const(self: *const Vector(f32)) *const f32
pub const front_const = raw.ImVector_float_front_const;
/// index_from_ptr(self: *const Vector(f32), it: [*]const f32) i32
pub const index_from_ptr = raw.ImVector_float_index_from_ptr;
/// insert(self: *Vector(f32), it: [*]const f32, v: f32) [*]f32
pub const insert = raw.ImVector_float_insert;
/// pop_back(self: *Vector(f32)) void
pub const pop_back = raw.ImVector_float_pop_back;
/// push_back(self: *Vector(f32), v: f32) void
pub const push_back = raw.ImVector_float_push_back;
/// push_front(self: *Vector(f32), v: f32) void
pub const push_front = raw.ImVector_float_push_front;
/// reserve(self: *Vector(f32), new_capacity: i32) void
pub const reserve = raw.ImVector_float_reserve;
/// resize(self: *Vector(f32), new_size: i32) void
pub const resize = raw.ImVector_float_resize;
/// resizeT(self: *Vector(f32), new_size: i32, v: f32) void
pub const resizeT = raw.ImVector_float_resizeT;
/// shrink(self: *Vector(f32), new_size: i32) void
pub const shrink = raw.ImVector_float_shrink;
/// size(self: *const Vector(f32)) i32
pub const size = raw.ImVector_float_size;
/// size_in_bytes(self: *const Vector(f32)) i32
pub const size_in_bytes = raw.ImVector_float_size_in_bytes;
/// swap(self: *Vector(f32), rhs: *Vector(f32)) void
pub const swap = raw.ImVector_float_swap;
fn getFTABLE_ImVector(comptime T: type) type {
if (T == DrawChannel) return FTABLE_ImVector_ImDrawChannel;
if (T == DrawCmd) return FTABLE_ImVector_ImDrawCmd;
if (T == DrawIdx) return FTABLE_ImVector_ImDrawIdx;
if (T == DrawVert) return FTABLE_ImVector_ImDrawVert;
if (T == *Font) return FTABLE_ImVector_ImFontPtr;
if (T == FontAtlasCustomRect) return FTABLE_ImVector_ImFontAtlasCustomRect;
if (T == FontConfig) return FTABLE_ImVector_ImFontConfig;
if (T == FontGlyph) return FTABLE_ImVector_ImFontGlyph;
if (T == StoragePair) return FTABLE_ImVector_ImGuiStoragePair;
if (T == TextRange) return FTABLE_ImVector_ImGuiTextRange;
if (T == TextureID) return FTABLE_ImVector_ImTextureID;
if (T == u32) return FTABLE_ImVector_ImU32;
if (T == Vec2) return FTABLE_ImVector_ImVec2;
if (T == Vec4) return FTABLE_ImVector_ImVec4;
if (T == Wchar) return FTABLE_ImVector_ImWchar;
if (T == u8) return FTABLE_ImVector_char;
if (T == f32) return FTABLE_ImVector_float;
@compileError("Invalid Vector type");
pub fn Vector(comptime T: type) type {
return extern struct {
len: i32,
capacity: i32,
items: [*]T,
pub usingnamespace getFTABLE_ImVector(T);
pub fn slice(self: * const @This()) []T {
return self.items[0..@intCast(usize, self.len)];
pub inline fn AcceptDragDropPayloadExt(kind: ?[*:0]const u8, flags: DragDropFlags) ?*const Payload {
return raw.igAcceptDragDropPayload(kind, flags.toInt());
pub inline fn AcceptDragDropPayload(kind: ?[*:0]const u8) ?*const Payload {
return AcceptDragDropPayloadExt(kind, .{});
/// AlignTextToFramePadding() void
pub const AlignTextToFramePadding = raw.igAlignTextToFramePadding;
/// ArrowButton(str_id: ?[*:0]const u8, dir: Dir) bool
pub const ArrowButton = raw.igArrowButton;
pub inline fn BeginExt(name: ?[*:0]const u8, p_open: ?*bool, flags: WindowFlags) bool {
return raw.igBegin(name, p_open, flags.toInt());
pub inline fn Begin(name: ?[*:0]const u8) bool {
return BeginExt(name, null, .{});
pub inline fn BeginChildStrExt(str_id: ?[*:0]const u8, size: Vec2, border: bool, flags: WindowFlags) bool {
return raw.igBeginChildStr(str_id, size, border, flags.toInt());
pub inline fn BeginChildStr(str_id: ?[*:0]const u8) bool {
return BeginChildStrExt(str_id, .{.x=0,.y=0}, false, .{});
pub inline fn BeginChildIDExt(id: ID, size: Vec2, border: bool, flags: WindowFlags) bool {
return raw.igBeginChildID(id, size, border, flags.toInt());
pub inline fn BeginChildID(id: ID) bool {
return BeginChildIDExt(id, .{.x=0,.y=0}, false, .{});
pub inline fn BeginChildFrameExt(id: ID, size: Vec2, flags: WindowFlags) bool {
return raw.igBeginChildFrame(id, size, flags.toInt());
pub inline fn BeginChildFrame(id: ID, size: Vec2) bool {
return BeginChildFrameExt(id, size, .{});
pub inline fn BeginComboExt(label: ?[*:0]const u8, preview_value: ?[*:0]const u8, flags: ComboFlags) bool {
return raw.igBeginCombo(label, preview_value, flags.toInt());
pub inline fn BeginCombo(label: ?[*:0]const u8, preview_value: ?[*:0]const u8) bool {
return BeginComboExt(label, preview_value, .{});
pub inline fn BeginDragDropSourceExt(flags: DragDropFlags) bool {
return raw.igBeginDragDropSource(flags.toInt());
pub inline fn BeginDragDropSource() bool {
return BeginDragDropSourceExt(.{});
/// BeginDragDropTarget() bool
pub const BeginDragDropTarget = raw.igBeginDragDropTarget;
/// BeginGroup() void
pub const BeginGroup = raw.igBeginGroup;
/// BeginMainMenuBar() bool
pub const BeginMainMenuBar = raw.igBeginMainMenuBar;
/// BeginMenuExt(label: ?[*:0]const u8, enabled: bool) bool
pub const BeginMenuExt = raw.igBeginMenu;
pub inline fn BeginMenu(label: ?[*:0]const u8) bool {
return BeginMenuExt(label, true);
/// BeginMenuBar() bool
pub const BeginMenuBar = raw.igBeginMenuBar;
pub inline fn BeginPopupExt(str_id: ?[*:0]const u8, flags: WindowFlags) bool {
return raw.igBeginPopup(str_id, flags.toInt());
pub inline fn BeginPopup(str_id: ?[*:0]const u8) bool {
return BeginPopupExt(str_id, .{});
/// BeginPopupContextItemExt(str_id: ?[*:0]const u8, mouse_button: MouseButton) bool
pub const BeginPopupContextItemExt = raw.igBeginPopupContextItem;
pub inline fn BeginPopupContextItem() bool {
return BeginPopupContextItemExt(null, .Right);
/// BeginPopupContextVoidExt(str_id: ?[*:0]const u8, mouse_button: MouseButton) bool
pub const BeginPopupContextVoidExt = raw.igBeginPopupContextVoid;
pub inline fn BeginPopupContextVoid() bool {
return BeginPopupContextVoidExt(null, .Right);
/// BeginPopupContextWindowExt(str_id: ?[*:0]const u8, mouse_button: MouseButton, also_over_items: bool) bool
pub const BeginPopupContextWindowExt = raw.igBeginPopupContextWindow;
pub inline fn BeginPopupContextWindow() bool {
return BeginPopupContextWindowExt(null, .Right, true);
pub inline fn BeginPopupModalExt(name: ?[*:0]const u8, p_open: ?*bool, flags: WindowFlags) bool {
return raw.igBeginPopupModal(name, p_open, flags.toInt());
pub inline fn BeginPopupModal(name: ?[*:0]const u8) bool {
return BeginPopupModalExt(name, null, .{});
pub inline fn BeginTabBarExt(str_id: ?[*:0]const u8, flags: TabBarFlags) bool {
return raw.igBeginTabBar(str_id, flags.toInt());
pub inline fn BeginTabBar(str_id: ?[*:0]const u8) bool {
return BeginTabBarExt(str_id, .{});
pub inline fn BeginTabItemExt(label: ?[*:0]const u8, p_open: ?*bool, flags: TabItemFlags) bool {
return raw.igBeginTabItem(label, p_open, flags.toInt());
pub inline fn BeginTabItem(label: ?[*:0]const u8) bool {
return BeginTabItemExt(label, null, .{});
/// BeginTooltip() void
pub const BeginTooltip = raw.igBeginTooltip;
/// Bullet() void
pub const Bullet = raw.igBullet;
/// BulletText(fmt: ?[*:0]const u8, ...: ...) void
pub const BulletText = raw.igBulletText;
/// ButtonExt(label: ?[*:0]const u8, size: Vec2) bool
pub const ButtonExt = raw.igButton;
pub inline fn Button(label: ?[*:0]const u8) bool {
return ButtonExt(label, .{.x=0,.y=0});
/// CalcItemWidth() f32
pub const CalcItemWidth = raw.igCalcItemWidth;
/// CalcListClipping(items_count: i32, items_height: f32, out_items_display_start: *i32, out_items_display_end: *i32) void
pub const CalcListClipping = raw.igCalcListClipping;
pub inline fn CalcTextSizeExt(text: ?[*]const u8, text_end: ?[*]const u8, hide_text_after_double_hash: bool, wrap_width: f32) Vec2 {
var out: Vec2 = undefined;
raw.igCalcTextSize_nonUDT(&out, text, text_end, hide_text_after_double_hash, wrap_width);
return out;
pub inline fn CalcTextSize(text: ?[*]const u8) Vec2 {
return CalcTextSizeExt(text, null, false, -1.0);
/// CaptureKeyboardFromAppExt(want_capture_keyboard_value: bool) void
pub const CaptureKeyboardFromAppExt = raw.igCaptureKeyboardFromApp;
pub inline fn CaptureKeyboardFromApp() void {
return CaptureKeyboardFromAppExt(true);
/// CaptureMouseFromAppExt(want_capture_mouse_value: bool) void
pub const CaptureMouseFromAppExt = raw.igCaptureMouseFromApp;
pub inline fn CaptureMouseFromApp() void {
return CaptureMouseFromAppExt(true);
/// Checkbox(label: ?[*:0]const u8, v: *bool) bool
pub const Checkbox = raw.igCheckbox;
/// CheckboxFlags(label: ?[*:0]const u8, flags: ?*u32, flags_value: u32) bool
pub const CheckboxFlags = raw.igCheckboxFlags;
/// CloseCurrentPopup() void
pub const CloseCurrentPopup = raw.igCloseCurrentPopup;
pub inline fn CollapsingHeaderExt(label: ?[*:0]const u8, flags: TreeNodeFlags) bool {
return raw.igCollapsingHeader(label, flags.toInt());
pub inline fn CollapsingHeader(label: ?[*:0]const u8) bool {
return CollapsingHeaderExt(label, .{});
pub inline fn CollapsingHeaderBoolPtrExt(label: ?[*:0]const u8, p_open: ?*bool, flags: TreeNodeFlags) bool {
return raw.igCollapsingHeaderBoolPtr(label, p_open, flags.toInt());
pub inline fn CollapsingHeaderBoolPtr(label: ?[*:0]const u8, p_open: ?*bool) bool {
return CollapsingHeaderBoolPtrExt(label, p_open, .{});
pub inline fn ColorButtonExt(desc_id: ?[*:0]const u8, col: Vec4, flags: ColorEditFlags, size: Vec2) bool {
return raw.igColorButton(desc_id, col, flags.toInt(), size);
pub inline fn ColorButton(desc_id: ?[*:0]const u8, col: Vec4) bool {
return ColorButtonExt(desc_id, col, .{}, .{.x=0,.y=0});
/// ColorConvertFloat4ToU32(in: Vec4) u32
pub const ColorConvertFloat4ToU32 = raw.igColorConvertFloat4ToU32;
/// ColorConvertHSVtoRGB(h: f32, s: f32, v: f32, out_r: *f32, out_g: *f32, out_b: *f32) void
pub const ColorConvertHSVtoRGB = raw.igColorConvertHSVtoRGB;
/// ColorConvertRGBtoHSV(r: f32, g: f32, b: f32, out_h: *f32, out_s: *f32, out_v: *f32) void
pub const ColorConvertRGBtoHSV = raw.igColorConvertRGBtoHSV;
pub inline fn ColorConvertU32ToFloat4(in: u32) Vec4 {
var out: Vec4 = undefined;
raw.igColorConvertU32ToFloat4_nonUDT(&out, in);
return out;
pub inline fn ColorEdit3Ext(label: ?[*:0]const u8, col: *[3]f32, flags: ColorEditFlags) bool {
return raw.igColorEdit3(label, col, flags.toInt());
pub inline fn ColorEdit3(label: ?[*:0]const u8, col: *[3]f32) bool {
return ColorEdit3Ext(label, col, .{});
pub inline fn ColorEdit4Ext(label: ?[*:0]const u8, col: *[4]f32, flags: ColorEditFlags) bool {
return raw.igColorEdit4(label, col, flags.toInt());
pub inline fn ColorEdit4(label: ?[*:0]const u8, col: *[4]f32) bool {
return ColorEdit4Ext(label, col, .{});
pub inline fn ColorPicker3Ext(label: ?[*:0]const u8, col: *[3]f32, flags: ColorEditFlags) bool {
return raw.igColorPicker3(label, col, flags.toInt());
pub inline fn ColorPicker3(label: ?[*:0]const u8, col: *[3]f32) bool {
return ColorPicker3Ext(label, col, .{});
pub inline fn ColorPicker4Ext(label: ?[*:0]const u8, col: *[4]f32, flags: ColorEditFlags, ref_col: ?*const[4]f32) bool {
return raw.igColorPicker4(label, col, flags.toInt(), ref_col);
pub inline fn ColorPicker4(label: ?[*:0]const u8, col: *[4]f32) bool {
return ColorPicker4Ext(label, col, .{}, null);
/// ColumnsExt(count: i32, id: ?[*:0]const u8, border: bool) void
pub const ColumnsExt = raw.igColumns;
pub inline fn Columns() void {
return ColumnsExt(1, null, true);
/// ComboExt(label: ?[*:0]const u8, current_item: ?*i32, items: [*]const[*:0]const u8, items_count: i32, popup_max_height_in_items: i32) bool
pub const ComboExt = raw.igCombo;
pub inline fn Combo(label: ?[*:0]const u8, current_item: ?*i32, items: [*]const[*:0]const u8, items_count: i32) bool {
return ComboExt(label, current_item, items, items_count, -1);
/// ComboStrExt(label: ?[*:0]const u8, current_item: ?*i32, items_separated_by_zeros: ?[*]const u8, popup_max_height_in_items: i32) bool
pub const ComboStrExt = raw.igComboStr;
pub inline fn ComboStr(label: ?[*:0]const u8, current_item: ?*i32, items_separated_by_zeros: ?[*]const u8) bool {
return ComboStrExt(label, current_item, items_separated_by_zeros, -1);
/// ComboFnPtrExt(label: ?[*:0]const u8, current_item: ?*i32, items_getter: ?fn (data: ?*c_void, idx: i32, out_text: *?[*:0]const u8) callconv(.C) bool, data: ?*c_void, items_count: i32, popup_max_height_in_items: i32) bool
pub const ComboFnPtrExt = raw.igComboFnPtr;
pub inline fn ComboFnPtr(label: ?[*:0]const u8, current_item: ?*i32, items_getter: ?fn (data: ?*c_void, idx: i32, out_text: *?[*:0]const u8) callconv(.C) bool, data: ?*c_void, items_count: i32) bool {
return ComboFnPtrExt(label, current_item, items_getter, data, items_count, -1);
/// CreateContextExt(shared_font_atlas: ?*FontAtlas) ?*Context
pub const CreateContextExt = raw.igCreateContext;
pub inline fn CreateContext() ?*Context {
return CreateContextExt(null);
/// DebugCheckVersionAndDataLayout(version_str: ?[*:0]const u8, sz_io: usize, sz_style: usize, sz_vec2: usize, sz_vec4: usize, sz_drawvert: usize, sz_drawidx: usize) bool
pub const DebugCheckVersionAndDataLayout = raw.igDebugCheckVersionAndDataLayout;
/// DestroyContextExt(ctx: ?*Context) void
pub const DestroyContextExt = raw.igDestroyContext;
pub inline fn DestroyContext() void {
return DestroyContextExt(null);
/// DragFloatExt(label: ?[*:0]const u8, v: *f32, v_speed: f32, v_min: f32, v_max: f32, format: ?[*:0]const u8, power: f32) bool
pub const DragFloatExt = raw.igDragFloat;
pub inline fn DragFloat(label: ?[*:0]const u8, v: *f32) bool {
return DragFloatExt(label, v, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, "%.3f", 1.0);
/// DragFloat2Ext(label: ?[*:0]const u8, v: *[2]f32, v_speed: f32, v_min: f32, v_max: f32, format: ?[*:0]const u8, power: f32) bool
pub const DragFloat2Ext = raw.igDragFloat2;
pub inline fn DragFloat2(label: ?[*:0]const u8, v: *[2]f32) bool {
return DragFloat2Ext(label, v, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, "%.3f", 1.0);
/// DragFloat3Ext(label: ?[*:0]const u8, v: *[3]f32, v_speed: f32, v_min: f32, v_max: f32, format: ?[*:0]const u8, power: f32) bool
pub const DragFloat3Ext = raw.igDragFloat3;
pub inline fn DragFloat3(label: ?[*:0]const u8, v: *[3]f32) bool {
return DragFloat3Ext(label, v, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, "%.3f", 1.0);
/// DragFloat4Ext(label: ?[*:0]const u8, v: *[4]f32, v_speed: f32, v_min: f32, v_max: f32, format: ?[*:0]const u8, power: f32) bool
pub const DragFloat4Ext = raw.igDragFloat4;
pub inline fn DragFloat4(label: ?[*:0]const u8, v: *[4]f32) bool {
return DragFloat4Ext(label, v, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, "%.3f", 1.0);
/// DragFloatRange2Ext(label: ?[*:0]const u8, v_current_min: *f32, v_current_max: *f32, v_speed: f32, v_min: f32, v_max: f32, format: ?[*:0]const u8, format_max: ?[*:0]const u8, power: f32) bool
pub const DragFloatRange2Ext = raw.igDragFloatRange2;
pub inline fn DragFloatRange2(label: ?[*:0]const u8, v_current_min: *f32, v_current_max: *f32) bool {
return DragFloatRange2Ext(label, v_current_min, v_current_max, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, "%.3f", null, 1.0);
/// DragIntExt(label: ?[*:0]const u8, v: *i32, v_speed: f32, v_min: i32, v_max: i32, format: ?[*:0]const u8) bool
pub const DragIntExt = raw.igDragInt;
pub inline fn DragInt(label: ?[*:0]const u8, v: *i32) bool {
return DragIntExt(label, v, 1.0, 0, 0, "%d");
/// DragInt2Ext(label: ?[*:0]const u8, v: *[2]i32, v_speed: f32, v_min: i32, v_max: i32, format: ?[*:0]const u8) bool
pub const DragInt2Ext = raw.igDragInt2;
pub inline fn DragInt2(label: ?[*:0]const u8, v: *[2]i32) bool {
return DragInt2Ext(label, v, 1.0, 0, 0, "%d");
/// DragInt3Ext(label: ?[*:0]const u8, v: *[3]i32, v_speed: f32, v_min: i32, v_max: i32, format: ?[*:0]const u8) bool
pub const DragInt3Ext = raw.igDragInt3;
pub inline fn DragInt3(label: ?[*:0]const u8, v: *[3]i32) bool {
return DragInt3Ext(label, v, 1.0, 0, 0, "%d");
/// DragInt4Ext(label: ?[*:0]const u8, v: *[4]i32, v_speed: f32, v_min: i32, v_max: i32, format: ?[*:0]const u8) bool
pub const DragInt4Ext = raw.igDragInt4;
pub inline fn DragInt4(label: ?[*:0]const u8, v: *[4]i32) bool {
return DragInt4Ext(label, v, 1.0, 0, 0, "%d");
/// DragIntRange2Ext(label: ?[*:0]const u8, v_current_min: *i32, v_current_max: *i32, v_speed: f32, v_min: i32, v_max: i32, format: ?[*:0]const u8, format_max: ?[*:0]const u8) bool
pub const DragIntRange2Ext = raw.igDragIntRange2;
pub inline fn DragIntRange2(label: ?[*:0]const u8, v_current_min: *i32, v_current_max: *i32) bool {
return DragIntRange2Ext(label, v_current_min, v_current_max, 1.0, 0, 0, "%d", null);
/// DragScalarExt(label: ?[*:0]const u8, data_type: DataType, p_data: ?*c_void, v_speed: f32, p_min: ?*const c_void, p_max: ?*const c_void, format: ?[*:0]const u8, power: f32) bool
pub const DragScalarExt = raw.igDragScalar;
pub inline fn DragScalar(label: ?[*:0]const u8, data_type: DataType, p_data: ?*c_void, v_speed: f32) bool {
return DragScalarExt(label, data_type, p_data, v_speed, null, null, null, 1.0);
/// DragScalarNExt(label: ?[*:0]const u8, data_type: DataType, p_data: ?*c_void, components: i32, v_speed: f32, p_min: ?*const c_void, p_max: ?*const c_void, format: ?[*:0]const u8, power: f32) bool
pub const DragScalarNExt = raw.igDragScalarN;
pub inline fn DragScalarN(label: ?[*:0]const u8, data_type: DataType, p_data: ?*c_void, components: i32, v_speed: f32) bool {
return DragScalarNExt(label, data_type, p_data, components, v_speed, null, null, null, 1.0);
/// Dummy(size: Vec2) void
pub const Dummy = raw.igDummy;
/// End() void
pub const End = raw.igEnd;
/// EndChild() void
pub const EndChild = raw.igEndChild;
/// EndChildFrame() void
pub const EndChildFrame = raw.igEndChildFrame;
/// EndCombo() void
pub const EndCombo = raw.igEndCombo;
/// EndDragDropSource() void
pub const EndDragDropSource = raw.igEndDragDropSource;
/// EndDragDropTarget() void
pub const EndDragDropTarget = raw.igEndDragDropTarget;
/// EndFrame() void
pub const EndFrame = raw.igEndFrame;
/// EndGroup() void
pub const EndGroup = raw.igEndGroup;
/// EndMainMenuBar() void
pub const EndMainMenuBar = raw.igEndMainMenuBar;
/// EndMenu() void
pub const EndMenu = raw.igEndMenu;
/// EndMenuBar() void
pub const EndMenuBar = raw.igEndMenuBar;
/// EndPopup() void
pub const EndPopup = raw.igEndPopup;
/// EndTabBar() void
pub const EndTabBar = raw.igEndTabBar;
/// EndTabItem() void
pub const EndTabItem = raw.igEndTabItem;
/// EndTooltip() void
pub const EndTooltip = raw.igEndTooltip;
/// GetBackgroundDrawList() ?*DrawList
pub const GetBackgroundDrawList = raw.igGetBackgroundDrawList;
/// GetClipboardText() ?[*:0]const u8
pub const GetClipboardText = raw.igGetClipboardText;
/// GetColorU32Ext(idx: Col, alpha_mul: f32) u32
pub const GetColorU32Ext = raw.igGetColorU32;
pub inline fn GetColorU32(idx: Col) u32 {
return GetColorU32Ext(idx, 1.0);
/// GetColorU32Vec4(col: Vec4) u32
pub const GetColorU32Vec4 = raw.igGetColorU32Vec4;
/// GetColorU32U32(col: u32) u32
pub const GetColorU32U32 = raw.igGetColorU32U32;
/// GetColumnIndex() i32
pub const GetColumnIndex = raw.igGetColumnIndex;
/// GetColumnOffsetExt(column_index: i32) f32
pub const GetColumnOffsetExt = raw.igGetColumnOffset;
pub inline fn GetColumnOffset() f32 {
return GetColumnOffsetExt(-1);
/// GetColumnWidthExt(column_index: i32) f32
pub const GetColumnWidthExt = raw.igGetColumnWidth;
pub inline fn GetColumnWidth() f32 {
return GetColumnWidthExt(-1);
/// GetColumnsCount() i32
pub const GetColumnsCount = raw.igGetColumnsCount;
pub inline fn GetContentRegionAvail() Vec2 {
var out: Vec2 = undefined;
return out;
pub inline fn GetContentRegionMax() Vec2 {
var out: Vec2 = undefined;
return out;
/// GetCurrentContext() ?*Context
pub const GetCurrentContext = raw.igGetCurrentContext;
pub inline fn GetCursorPos() Vec2 {
var out: Vec2 = undefined;
return out;
/// GetCursorPosX() f32
pub const GetCursorPosX = raw.igGetCursorPosX;
/// GetCursorPosY() f32
pub const GetCursorPosY = raw.igGetCursorPosY;
pub inline fn GetCursorScreenPos() Vec2 {
var out: Vec2 = undefined;
return out;
pub inline fn GetCursorStartPos() Vec2 {
var out: Vec2 = undefined;
return out;
/// GetDragDropPayload() ?*const Payload
pub const GetDragDropPayload = raw.igGetDragDropPayload;
/// GetDrawData() *DrawData
pub const GetDrawData = raw.igGetDrawData;
/// GetDrawListSharedData() ?*DrawListSharedData
pub const GetDrawListSharedData = raw.igGetDrawListSharedData;
/// GetFont() ?*Font
pub const GetFont = raw.igGetFont;
/// GetFontSize() f32
pub const GetFontSize = raw.igGetFontSize;
pub inline fn GetFontTexUvWhitePixel() Vec2 {
var out: Vec2 = undefined;
return out;
/// GetForegroundDrawList() ?*DrawList
pub const GetForegroundDrawList = raw.igGetForegroundDrawList;
/// GetFrameCount() i32
pub const GetFrameCount = raw.igGetFrameCount;
/// GetFrameHeight() f32
pub const GetFrameHeight = raw.igGetFrameHeight;
/// GetFrameHeightWithSpacing() f32
pub const GetFrameHeightWithSpacing = raw.igGetFrameHeightWithSpacing;
/// GetIDStr(str_id: ?[*:0]const u8) ID
pub const GetIDStr = raw.igGetIDStr;
/// GetIDRange(str_id_begin: ?[*]const u8, str_id_end: ?[*]const u8) ID
pub const GetIDRange = raw.igGetIDRange;
/// GetIDPtr(ptr_id: ?*const c_void) ID
pub const GetIDPtr = raw.igGetIDPtr;
/// GetIO() *IO
pub const GetIO = raw.igGetIO;
pub inline fn GetItemRectMax() Vec2 {
var out: Vec2 = undefined;
return out;
pub inline fn GetItemRectMin() Vec2 {
var out: Vec2 = undefined;
return out;
pub inline fn GetItemRectSize() Vec2 {
var out: Vec2 = undefined;
return out;
/// GetKeyIndex(imgui_key: Key) i32
pub const GetKeyIndex = raw.igGetKeyIndex;
/// GetKeyPressedAmount(key_index: i32, repeat_delay: f32, rate: f32) i32
pub const GetKeyPressedAmount = raw.igGetKeyPressedAmount;
/// GetMouseCursor() MouseCursor
pub const GetMouseCursor = raw.igGetMouseCursor;
pub inline fn GetMouseDragDeltaExt(button: MouseButton, lock_threshold: f32) Vec2 {
var out: Vec2 = undefined;
raw.igGetMouseDragDelta_nonUDT(&out, button, lock_threshold);
return out;
pub inline fn GetMouseDragDelta() Vec2 {
return GetMouseDragDeltaExt(.Left, -1.0);
pub inline fn GetMousePos() Vec2 {
var out: Vec2 = undefined;
return out;
pub inline fn GetMousePosOnOpeningCurrentPopup() Vec2 {
var out: Vec2 = undefined;
return out;
/// GetScrollMaxX() f32
pub const GetScrollMaxX = raw.igGetScrollMaxX;
/// GetScrollMaxY() f32
pub const GetScrollMaxY = raw.igGetScrollMaxY;
/// GetScrollX() f32
pub const GetScrollX = raw.igGetScrollX;
/// GetScrollY() f32
pub const GetScrollY = raw.igGetScrollY;
/// GetStateStorage() ?*Storage
pub const GetStateStorage = raw.igGetStateStorage;
/// GetStyle() ?*Style
pub const GetStyle = raw.igGetStyle;
/// GetStyleColorName(idx: Col) ?[*:0]const u8
pub const GetStyleColorName = raw.igGetStyleColorName;
/// GetStyleColorVec4(idx: Col) ?*const Vec4
pub const GetStyleColorVec4 = raw.igGetStyleColorVec4;
/// GetTextLineHeight() f32
pub const GetTextLineHeight = raw.igGetTextLineHeight;
/// GetTextLineHeightWithSpacing() f32
pub const GetTextLineHeightWithSpacing = raw.igGetTextLineHeightWithSpacing;
/// GetTime() f64
pub const GetTime = raw.igGetTime;
/// GetTreeNodeToLabelSpacing() f32
pub const GetTreeNodeToLabelSpacing = raw.igGetTreeNodeToLabelSpacing;
/// GetVersion() ?[*:0]const u8
pub const GetVersion = raw.igGetVersion;
pub inline fn GetWindowContentRegionMax() Vec2 {
var out: Vec2 = undefined;
return out;
pub inline fn GetWindowContentRegionMin() Vec2 {
var out: Vec2 = undefined;
return out;
/// GetWindowContentRegionWidth() f32
pub const GetWindowContentRegionWidth = raw.igGetWindowContentRegionWidth;
/// GetWindowDrawList() ?*DrawList
pub const GetWindowDrawList = raw.igGetWindowDrawList;
/// GetWindowHeight() f32
pub const GetWindowHeight = raw.igGetWindowHeight;
pub inline fn GetWindowPos() Vec2 {
var out: Vec2 = undefined;
return out;
pub inline fn GetWindowSize() Vec2 {
var out: Vec2 = undefined;
return out;
/// GetWindowWidth() f32
pub const GetWindowWidth = raw.igGetWindowWidth;
/// ImageExt(user_texture_id: TextureID, size: Vec2, uv0: Vec2, uv1: Vec2, tint_col: Vec4, border_col: Vec4) void
pub const ImageExt = raw.igImage;
pub inline fn Image(user_texture_id: TextureID, size: Vec2) void {
return ImageExt(user_texture_id, size, .{.x=0,.y=0}, .{.x=1,.y=1}, .{.x=1,.y=1,.z=1,.w=1}, .{.x=0,.y=0,.z=0,.w=0});
/// ImageButtonExt(user_texture_id: TextureID, size: Vec2, uv0: Vec2, uv1: Vec2, frame_padding: i32, bg_col: Vec4, tint_col: Vec4) bool
pub const ImageButtonExt = raw.igImageButton;
pub inline fn ImageButton(user_texture_id: TextureID, size: Vec2) bool {
return ImageButtonExt(user_texture_id, size, .{.x=0,.y=0}, .{.x=1,.y=1}, -1, .{.x=0,.y=0,.z=0,.w=0}, .{.x=1,.y=1,.z=1,.w=1});
/// IndentExt(indent_w: f32) void
pub const IndentExt = raw.igIndent;
pub inline fn Indent() void {
return IndentExt(0.0);
pub inline fn InputDoubleExt(label: ?[*:0]const u8, v: *f64, step: f64, step_fast: f64, format: ?[*:0]const u8, flags: InputTextFlags) bool {
return raw.igInputDouble(label, v, step, step_fast, format, flags.toInt());
pub inline fn InputDouble(label: ?[*:0]const u8, v: *f64) bool {
return InputDoubleExt(label, v, 0.0, 0.0, "%.6f", .{});
pub inline fn InputFloatExt(label: ?[*:0]const u8, v: *f32, step: f32, step_fast: f32, format: ?[*:0]const u8, flags: InputTextFlags) bool {
return raw.igInputFloat(label, v, step, step_fast, format, flags.toInt());
pub inline fn InputFloat(label: ?[*:0]const u8, v: *f32) bool {
return InputFloatExt(label, v, 0.0, 0.0, "%.3f", .{});
pub inline fn InputFloat2Ext(label: ?[*:0]const u8, v: *[2]f32, format: ?[*:0]const u8, flags: InputTextFlags) bool {
return raw.igInputFloat2(label, v, format, flags.toInt());
pub inline fn InputFloat2(label: ?[*:0]const u8, v: *[2]f32) bool {
return InputFloat2Ext(label, v, "%.3f", .{});
pub inline fn InputFloat3Ext(label: ?[*:0]const u8, v: *[3]f32, format: ?[*:0]const u8, flags: InputTextFlags) bool {
return raw.igInputFloat3(label, v, format, flags.toInt());
pub inline fn InputFloat3(label: ?[*:0]const u8, v: *[3]f32) bool {
return InputFloat3Ext(label, v, "%.3f", .{});
pub inline fn InputFloat4Ext(label: ?[*:0]const u8, v: *[4]f32, format: ?[*:0]const u8, flags: InputTextFlags) bool {
return raw.igInputFloat4(label, v, format, flags.toInt());
pub inline fn InputFloat4(label: ?[*:0]const u8, v: *[4]f32) bool {
return InputFloat4Ext(label, v, "%.3f", .{});
pub inline fn InputIntExt(label: ?[*:0]const u8, v: *i32, step: i32, step_fast: i32, flags: InputTextFlags) bool {
return raw.igInputInt(label, v, step, step_fast, flags.toInt());
pub inline fn InputInt(label: ?[*:0]const u8, v: *i32) bool {
return InputIntExt(label, v, 1, 100, .{});
pub inline fn InputInt2Ext(label: ?[*:0]const u8, v: *[2]i32, flags: InputTextFlags) bool {
return raw.igInputInt2(label, v, flags.toInt());
pub inline fn InputInt2(label: ?[*:0]const u8, v: *[2]i32) bool {
return InputInt2Ext(label, v, .{});
pub inline fn InputInt3Ext(label: ?[*:0]const u8, v: *[3]i32, flags: InputTextFlags) bool {
return raw.igInputInt3(label, v, flags.toInt());
pub inline fn InputInt3(label: ?[*:0]const u8, v: *[3]i32) bool {
return InputInt3Ext(label, v, .{});
pub inline fn InputInt4Ext(label: ?[*:0]const u8, v: *[4]i32, flags: InputTextFlags) bool {
return raw.igInputInt4(label, v, flags.toInt());
pub inline fn InputInt4(label: ?[*:0]const u8, v: *[4]i32) bool {
return InputInt4Ext(label, v, .{});
pub inline fn InputScalarExt(label: ?[*:0]const u8, data_type: DataType, p_data: ?*c_void, p_step: ?*const c_void, p_step_fast: ?*const c_void, format: ?[*:0]const u8, flags: InputTextFlags) bool {
return raw.igInputScalar(label, data_type, p_data, p_step, p_step_fast, format, flags.toInt());
pub inline fn InputScalar(label: ?[*:0]const u8, data_type: DataType, p_data: ?*c_void) bool {
return InputScalarExt(label, data_type, p_data, null, null, null, .{});
pub inline fn InputScalarNExt(label: ?[*:0]const u8, data_type: DataType, p_data: ?*c_void, components: i32, p_step: ?*const c_void, p_step_fast: ?*const c_void, format: ?[*:0]const u8, flags: InputTextFlags) bool {
return raw.igInputScalarN(label, data_type, p_data, components, p_step, p_step_fast, format, flags.toInt());
pub inline fn InputScalarN(label: ?[*:0]const u8, data_type: DataType, p_data: ?*c_void, components: i32) bool {
return InputScalarNExt(label, data_type, p_data, components, null, null, null, .{});
pub inline fn InputTextExt(label: ?[*:0]const u8, buf: ?[*]u8, buf_size: usize, flags: InputTextFlags, callback: InputTextCallback, user_data: ?*c_void) bool {
return raw.igInputText(label, buf, buf_size, flags.toInt(), callback, user_data);
pub inline fn InputText(label: ?[*:0]const u8, buf: ?[*]u8, buf_size: usize) bool {
return InputTextExt(label, buf, buf_size, .{}, null, null);
pub inline fn InputTextMultilineExt(label: ?[*:0]const u8, buf: ?[*]u8, buf_size: usize, size: Vec2, flags: InputTextFlags, callback: InputTextCallback, user_data: ?*c_void) bool {
return raw.igInputTextMultiline(label, buf, buf_size, size, flags.toInt(), callback, user_data);
pub inline fn InputTextMultiline(label: ?[*:0]const u8, buf: ?[*]u8, buf_size: usize) bool {
return InputTextMultilineExt(label, buf, buf_size, .{.x=0,.y=0}, .{}, null, null);
pub inline fn InputTextWithHintExt(label: ?[*:0]const u8, hint: ?[*:0]const u8, buf: ?[*]u8, buf_size: usize, flags: InputTextFlags, callback: InputTextCallback, user_data: ?*c_void) bool {
return raw.igInputTextWithHint(label, hint, buf, buf_size, flags.toInt(), callback, user_data);
pub inline fn InputTextWithHint(label: ?[*:0]const u8, hint: ?[*:0]const u8, buf: ?[*]u8, buf_size: usize) bool {
return InputTextWithHintExt(label, hint, buf, buf_size, .{}, null, null);
/// InvisibleButton(str_id: ?[*:0]const u8, size: Vec2) bool
pub const InvisibleButton = raw.igInvisibleButton;
/// IsAnyItemActive() bool
pub const IsAnyItemActive = raw.igIsAnyItemActive;
/// IsAnyItemFocused() bool
pub const IsAnyItemFocused = raw.igIsAnyItemFocused;
/// IsAnyItemHovered() bool
pub const IsAnyItemHovered = raw.igIsAnyItemHovered;
/// IsAnyMouseDown() bool
pub const IsAnyMouseDown = raw.igIsAnyMouseDown;
/// IsItemActivated() bool
pub const IsItemActivated = raw.igIsItemActivated;
/// IsItemActive() bool
pub const IsItemActive = raw.igIsItemActive;
/// IsItemClickedExt(mouse_button: MouseButton) bool
pub const IsItemClickedExt = raw.igIsItemClicked;
pub inline fn IsItemClicked() bool {
return IsItemClickedExt(.Left);
/// IsItemDeactivated() bool
pub const IsItemDeactivated = raw.igIsItemDeactivated;
/// IsItemDeactivatedAfterEdit() bool
pub const IsItemDeactivatedAfterEdit = raw.igIsItemDeactivatedAfterEdit;
/// IsItemEdited() bool
pub const IsItemEdited = raw.igIsItemEdited;
/// IsItemFocused() bool
pub const IsItemFocused = raw.igIsItemFocused;
pub inline fn IsItemHoveredExt(flags: HoveredFlags) bool {
return raw.igIsItemHovered(flags.toInt());
pub inline fn IsItemHovered() bool {
return IsItemHoveredExt(.{});
/// IsItemToggledOpen() bool
pub const IsItemToggledOpen = raw.igIsItemToggledOpen;
/// IsItemVisible() bool
pub const IsItemVisible = raw.igIsItemVisible;
/// IsKeyDown(user_key_index: i32) bool
pub const IsKeyDown = raw.igIsKeyDown;
/// IsKeyPressedExt(user_key_index: i32, repeat: bool) bool
pub const IsKeyPressedExt = raw.igIsKeyPressed;
pub inline fn IsKeyPressed(user_key_index: i32) bool {
return IsKeyPressedExt(user_key_index, true);
/// IsKeyReleased(user_key_index: i32) bool
pub const IsKeyReleased = raw.igIsKeyReleased;
/// IsMouseClickedExt(button: MouseButton, repeat: bool) bool
pub const IsMouseClickedExt = raw.igIsMouseClicked;
pub inline fn IsMouseClicked(button: MouseButton) bool {
return IsMouseClickedExt(button, false);
/// IsMouseDoubleClicked(button: MouseButton) bool
pub const IsMouseDoubleClicked = raw.igIsMouseDoubleClicked;
/// IsMouseDown(button: MouseButton) bool
pub const IsMouseDown = raw.igIsMouseDown;
/// IsMouseDraggingExt(button: MouseButton, lock_threshold: f32) bool
pub const IsMouseDraggingExt = raw.igIsMouseDragging;
pub inline fn IsMouseDragging(button: MouseButton) bool {
return IsMouseDraggingExt(button, -1.0);
/// IsMouseHoveringRectExt(r_min: Vec2, r_max: Vec2, clip: bool) bool
pub const IsMouseHoveringRectExt = raw.igIsMouseHoveringRect;
pub inline fn IsMouseHoveringRect(r_min: Vec2, r_max: Vec2) bool {
return IsMouseHoveringRectExt(r_min, r_max, true);
/// IsMousePosValidExt(mouse_pos: ?*const Vec2) bool
pub const IsMousePosValidExt = raw.igIsMousePosValid;
pub inline fn IsMousePosValid() bool {
return IsMousePosValidExt(null);
/// IsMouseReleased(button: MouseButton) bool
pub const IsMouseReleased = raw.igIsMouseReleased;
/// IsPopupOpen(str_id: ?[*:0]const u8) bool
pub const IsPopupOpen = raw.igIsPopupOpen;
/// IsRectVisible(size: Vec2) bool
pub const IsRectVisible = raw.igIsRectVisible;
/// IsRectVisibleVec2(rect_min: Vec2, rect_max: Vec2) bool
pub const IsRectVisibleVec2 = raw.igIsRectVisibleVec2;
/// IsWindowAppearing() bool
pub const IsWindowAppearing = raw.igIsWindowAppearing;
/// IsWindowCollapsed() bool
pub const IsWindowCollapsed = raw.igIsWindowCollapsed;
pub inline fn IsWindowFocusedExt(flags: FocusedFlags) bool {
return raw.igIsWindowFocused(flags.toInt());
pub inline fn IsWindowFocused() bool {
return IsWindowFocusedExt(.{});
pub inline fn IsWindowHoveredExt(flags: HoveredFlags) bool {
return raw.igIsWindowHovered(flags.toInt());
pub inline fn IsWindowHovered() bool {
return IsWindowHoveredExt(.{});
/// LabelText(label: ?[*:0]const u8, fmt: ?[*:0]const u8, ...: ...) void
pub const LabelText = raw.igLabelText;
/// ListBoxStr_arrExt(label: ?[*:0]const u8, current_item: ?*i32, items: [*]const[*:0]const u8, items_count: i32, height_in_items: i32) bool
pub const ListBoxStr_arrExt = raw.igListBoxStr_arr;
pub inline fn ListBoxStr_arr(label: ?[*:0]const u8, current_item: ?*i32, items: [*]const[*:0]const u8, items_count: i32) bool {
return ListBoxStr_arrExt(label, current_item, items, items_count, -1);
/// ListBoxFnPtrExt(label: ?[*:0]const u8, current_item: ?*i32, items_getter: ?fn (data: ?*c_void, idx: i32, out_text: *?[*:0]const u8) callconv(.C) bool, data: ?*c_void, items_count: i32, height_in_items: i32) bool
pub const ListBoxFnPtrExt = raw.igListBoxFnPtr;
pub inline fn ListBoxFnPtr(label: ?[*:0]const u8, current_item: ?*i32, items_getter: ?fn (data: ?*c_void, idx: i32, out_text: *?[*:0]const u8) callconv(.C) bool, data: ?*c_void, items_count: i32) bool {
return ListBoxFnPtrExt(label, current_item, items_getter, data, items_count, -1);
/// ListBoxFooter() void
pub const ListBoxFooter = raw.igListBoxFooter;
/// ListBoxHeaderVec2Ext(label: ?[*:0]const u8, size: Vec2) bool
pub const ListBoxHeaderVec2Ext = raw.igListBoxHeaderVec2;
pub inline fn ListBoxHeaderVec2(label: ?[*:0]const u8) bool {
return ListBoxHeaderVec2Ext(label, .{.x=0,.y=0});
/// ListBoxHeaderIntExt(label: ?[*:0]const u8, items_count: i32, height_in_items: i32) bool
pub const ListBoxHeaderIntExt = raw.igListBoxHeaderInt;
pub inline fn ListBoxHeaderInt(label: ?[*:0]const u8, items_count: i32) bool {
return ListBoxHeaderIntExt(label, items_count, -1);
/// LoadIniSettingsFromDisk(ini_filename: ?[*:0]const u8) void
pub const LoadIniSettingsFromDisk = raw.igLoadIniSettingsFromDisk;
/// LoadIniSettingsFromMemoryExt(ini_data: ?[*]const u8, ini_size: usize) void
pub const LoadIniSettingsFromMemoryExt = raw.igLoadIniSettingsFromMemory;
pub inline fn LoadIniSettingsFromMemory(ini_data: ?[*]const u8) void {
return LoadIniSettingsFromMemoryExt(ini_data, 0);
/// LogButtons() void
pub const LogButtons = raw.igLogButtons;
/// LogFinish() void
pub const LogFinish = raw.igLogFinish;
/// LogText(fmt: ?[*:0]const u8, ...: ...) void
pub const LogText = raw.igLogText;
/// LogToClipboardExt(auto_open_depth: i32) void
pub const LogToClipboardExt = raw.igLogToClipboard;
pub inline fn LogToClipboard() void {
return LogToClipboardExt(-1);
/// LogToFileExt(auto_open_depth: i32, filename: ?[*:0]const u8) void
pub const LogToFileExt = raw.igLogToFile;
pub inline fn LogToFile() void {
return LogToFileExt(-1, null);
/// LogToTTYExt(auto_open_depth: i32) void
pub const LogToTTYExt = raw.igLogToTTY;
pub inline fn LogToTTY() void {
return LogToTTYExt(-1);
/// MemAlloc(size: usize) ?*c_void
pub const MemAlloc = raw.igMemAlloc;
/// MemFree(ptr: ?*c_void) void
pub const MemFree = raw.igMemFree;
/// MenuItemBoolExt(label: ?[*:0]const u8, shortcut: ?[*:0]const u8, selected: bool, enabled: bool) bool
pub const MenuItemBoolExt = raw.igMenuItemBool;
pub inline fn MenuItemBool(label: ?[*:0]const u8) bool {
return MenuItemBoolExt(label, null, false, true);
/// MenuItemBoolPtrExt(label: ?[*:0]const u8, shortcut: ?[*:0]const u8, p_selected: ?*bool, enabled: bool) bool
pub const MenuItemBoolPtrExt = raw.igMenuItemBoolPtr;
pub inline fn MenuItemBoolPtr(label: ?[*:0]const u8, shortcut: ?[*:0]const u8, p_selected: ?*bool) bool {
return MenuItemBoolPtrExt(label, shortcut, p_selected, true);
/// NewFrame() void
pub const NewFrame = raw.igNewFrame;
/// NewLine() void
pub const NewLine = raw.igNewLine;
/// NextColumn() void
pub const NextColumn = raw.igNextColumn;
/// OpenPopup(str_id: ?[*:0]const u8) void
pub const OpenPopup = raw.igOpenPopup;
/// OpenPopupOnItemClickExt(str_id: ?[*:0]const u8, mouse_button: MouseButton) bool
pub const OpenPopupOnItemClickExt = raw.igOpenPopupOnItemClick;
pub inline fn OpenPopupOnItemClick() bool {
return OpenPopupOnItemClickExt(null, .Right);
/// PlotHistogramFloatPtrExt(label: ?[*:0]const u8, values: *const f32, values_count: i32, values_offset: i32, overlay_text: ?[*:0]const u8, scale_min: f32, scale_max: f32, graph_size: Vec2, stride: i32) void
pub const PlotHistogramFloatPtrExt = raw.igPlotHistogramFloatPtr;
pub inline fn PlotHistogramFloatPtr(label: ?[*:0]const u8, values: *const f32, values_count: i32) void {
return PlotHistogramFloatPtrExt(label, values, values_count, 0, null, FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, .{.x=0,.y=0}, @sizeOf(f32));
/// PlotHistogramFnPtrExt(label: ?[*:0]const u8, values_getter: ?fn (data: ?*c_void, idx: i32) callconv(.C) f32, data: ?*c_void, values_count: i32, values_offset: i32, overlay_text: ?[*:0]const u8, scale_min: f32, scale_max: f32, graph_size: Vec2) void
pub const PlotHistogramFnPtrExt = raw.igPlotHistogramFnPtr;
pub inline fn PlotHistogramFnPtr(label: ?[*:0]const u8, values_getter: ?fn (data: ?*c_void, idx: i32) callconv(.C) f32, data: ?*c_void, values_count: i32) void {
return PlotHistogramFnPtrExt(label, values_getter, data, values_count, 0, null, FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, .{.x=0,.y=0});
/// PlotLinesExt(label: ?[*:0]const u8, values: *const f32, values_count: i32, values_offset: i32, overlay_text: ?[*:0]const u8, scale_min: f32, scale_max: f32, graph_size: Vec2, stride: i32) void
pub const PlotLinesExt = raw.igPlotLines;
pub inline fn PlotLines(label: ?[*:0]const u8, values: *const f32, values_count: i32) void {
return PlotLinesExt(label, values, values_count, 0, null, FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, .{.x=0,.y=0}, @sizeOf(f32));
/// PlotLinesFnPtrExt(label: ?[*:0]const u8, values_getter: ?fn (data: ?*c_void, idx: i32) callconv(.C) f32, data: ?*c_void, values_count: i32, values_offset: i32, overlay_text: ?[*:0]const u8, scale_min: f32, scale_max: f32, graph_size: Vec2) void
pub const PlotLinesFnPtrExt = raw.igPlotLinesFnPtr;
pub inline fn PlotLinesFnPtr(label: ?[*:0]const u8, values_getter: ?fn (data: ?*c_void, idx: i32) callconv(.C) f32, data: ?*c_void, values_count: i32) void {
return PlotLinesFnPtrExt(label, values_getter, data, values_count, 0, null, FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, .{.x=0,.y=0});
/// PopAllowKeyboardFocus() void
pub const PopAllowKeyboardFocus = raw.igPopAllowKeyboardFocus;
/// PopButtonRepeat() void
pub const PopButtonRepeat = raw.igPopButtonRepeat;
/// PopClipRect() void
pub const PopClipRect = raw.igPopClipRect;
/// PopFont() void
pub const PopFont = raw.igPopFont;
/// PopID() void
pub const PopID = raw.igPopID;
/// PopItemWidth() void
pub const PopItemWidth = raw.igPopItemWidth;
/// PopStyleColorExt(count: i32) void
pub const PopStyleColorExt = raw.igPopStyleColor;
pub inline fn PopStyleColor() void {
return PopStyleColorExt(1);
/// PopStyleVarExt(count: i32) void
pub const PopStyleVarExt = raw.igPopStyleVar;
pub inline fn PopStyleVar() void {
return PopStyleVarExt(1);
/// PopTextWrapPos() void
pub const PopTextWrapPos = raw.igPopTextWrapPos;
/// ProgressBarExt(fraction: f32, size_arg: Vec2, overlay: ?[*:0]const u8) void
pub const ProgressBarExt = raw.igProgressBar;
pub inline fn ProgressBar(fraction: f32) void {
return ProgressBarExt(fraction, .{.x=-1,.y=0}, null);
/// PushAllowKeyboardFocus(allow_keyboard_focus: bool) void
pub const PushAllowKeyboardFocus = raw.igPushAllowKeyboardFocus;
/// PushButtonRepeat(repeat: bool) void
pub const PushButtonRepeat = raw.igPushButtonRepeat;
/// PushClipRect(clip_rect_min: Vec2, clip_rect_max: Vec2, intersect_with_current_clip_rect: bool) void
pub const PushClipRect = raw.igPushClipRect;
/// PushFont(font: ?*Font) void
pub const PushFont = raw.igPushFont;
/// PushIDStr(str_id: ?[*:0]const u8) void
pub const PushIDStr = raw.igPushIDStr;
/// PushIDRange(str_id_begin: ?[*]const u8, str_id_end: ?[*]const u8) void
pub const PushIDRange = raw.igPushIDRange;
/// PushIDPtr(ptr_id: ?*const c_void) void
pub const PushIDPtr = raw.igPushIDPtr;
/// PushIDInt(int_id: i32) void
pub const PushIDInt = raw.igPushIDInt;
/// PushItemWidth(item_width: f32) void
pub const PushItemWidth = raw.igPushItemWidth;
/// PushStyleColorU32(idx: Col, col: u32) void
pub const PushStyleColorU32 = raw.igPushStyleColorU32;
/// PushStyleColorVec4(idx: Col, col: Vec4) void
pub const PushStyleColorVec4 = raw.igPushStyleColorVec4;
/// PushStyleVarFloat(idx: StyleVar, val: f32) void
pub const PushStyleVarFloat = raw.igPushStyleVarFloat;
/// PushStyleVarVec2(idx: StyleVar, val: Vec2) void
pub const PushStyleVarVec2 = raw.igPushStyleVarVec2;
/// PushTextWrapPosExt(wrap_local_pos_x: f32) void
pub const PushTextWrapPosExt = raw.igPushTextWrapPos;
pub inline fn PushTextWrapPos() void {
return PushTextWrapPosExt(0.0);
/// RadioButtonBool(label: ?[*:0]const u8, active: bool) bool
pub const RadioButtonBool = raw.igRadioButtonBool;
/// RadioButtonIntPtr(label: ?[*:0]const u8, v: *i32, v_button: i32) bool
pub const RadioButtonIntPtr = raw.igRadioButtonIntPtr;
/// Render() void
pub const Render = raw.igRender;
/// ResetMouseDragDeltaExt(button: MouseButton) void
pub const ResetMouseDragDeltaExt = raw.igResetMouseDragDelta;
pub inline fn ResetMouseDragDelta() void {
return ResetMouseDragDeltaExt(.Left);
/// SameLineExt(offset_from_start_x: f32, spacing: f32) void
pub const SameLineExt = raw.igSameLine;
pub inline fn SameLine() void {
return SameLineExt(0.0, -1.0);
/// SaveIniSettingsToDisk(ini_filename: ?[*:0]const u8) void
pub const SaveIniSettingsToDisk = raw.igSaveIniSettingsToDisk;
/// SaveIniSettingsToMemoryExt(out_ini_size: ?*usize) ?[*:0]const u8
pub const SaveIniSettingsToMemoryExt = raw.igSaveIniSettingsToMemory;
pub inline fn SaveIniSettingsToMemory() ?[*:0]const u8 {
return SaveIniSettingsToMemoryExt(null);
pub inline fn SelectableBoolExt(label: ?[*:0]const u8, selected: bool, flags: SelectableFlags, size: Vec2) bool {
return raw.igSelectableBool(label, selected, flags.toInt(), size);
pub inline fn SelectableBool(label: ?[*:0]const u8) bool {
return SelectableBoolExt(label, false, .{}, .{.x=0,.y=0});
pub inline fn SelectableBoolPtrExt(label: ?[*:0]const u8, p_selected: ?*bool, flags: SelectableFlags, size: Vec2) bool {
return raw.igSelectableBoolPtr(label, p_selected, flags.toInt(), size);
pub inline fn SelectableBoolPtr(label: ?[*:0]const u8, p_selected: ?*bool) bool {
return SelectableBoolPtrExt(label, p_selected, .{}, .{.x=0,.y=0});
/// Separator() void
pub const Separator = raw.igSeparator;
/// SetAllocatorFunctionsExt(alloc_func: ?fn (sz: usize, user_data: ?*c_void) callconv(.C) ?*c_void, free_func: ?fn (ptr: ?*c_void, user_data: ?*c_void) callconv(.C) void, user_data: ?*c_void) void
pub const SetAllocatorFunctionsExt = raw.igSetAllocatorFunctions;
pub inline fn SetAllocatorFunctions(alloc_func: ?fn (sz: usize, user_data: ?*c_void) callconv(.C) ?*c_void, free_func: ?fn (ptr: ?*c_void, user_data: ?*c_void) callconv(.C) void) void {
return SetAllocatorFunctionsExt(alloc_func, free_func, null);
/// SetClipboardText(text: ?[*:0]const u8) void
pub const SetClipboardText = raw.igSetClipboardText;
pub inline fn SetColorEditOptions(flags: ColorEditFlags) void {
return raw.igSetColorEditOptions(flags.toInt());
/// SetColumnOffset(column_index: i32, offset_x: f32) void
pub const SetColumnOffset = raw.igSetColumnOffset;
/// SetColumnWidth(column_index: i32, width: f32) void
pub const SetColumnWidth = raw.igSetColumnWidth;
/// SetCurrentContext(ctx: ?*Context) void
pub const SetCurrentContext = raw.igSetCurrentContext;
/// SetCursorPos(local_pos: Vec2) void
pub const SetCursorPos = raw.igSetCursorPos;
/// SetCursorPosX(local_x: f32) void
pub const SetCursorPosX = raw.igSetCursorPosX;
/// SetCursorPosY(local_y: f32) void
pub const SetCursorPosY = raw.igSetCursorPosY;
/// SetCursorScreenPos(pos: Vec2) void
pub const SetCursorScreenPos = raw.igSetCursorScreenPos;
pub inline fn SetDragDropPayloadExt(kind: ?[*:0]const u8, data: ?*const c_void, sz: usize, cond: CondFlags) bool {
return raw.igSetDragDropPayload(kind, data, sz, cond.toInt());
pub inline fn SetDragDropPayload(kind: ?[*:0]const u8, data: ?*const c_void, sz: usize) bool {
return SetDragDropPayloadExt(kind, data, sz, .{});
/// SetItemAllowOverlap() void
pub const SetItemAllowOverlap = raw.igSetItemAllowOverlap;
/// SetItemDefaultFocus() void
pub const SetItemDefaultFocus = raw.igSetItemDefaultFocus;
/// SetKeyboardFocusHereExt(offset: i32) void
pub const SetKeyboardFocusHereExt = raw.igSetKeyboardFocusHere;
pub inline fn SetKeyboardFocusHere() void {
return SetKeyboardFocusHereExt(0);
/// SetMouseCursor(cursor_type: MouseCursor) void
pub const SetMouseCursor = raw.igSetMouseCursor;
pub inline fn SetNextItemOpenExt(is_open: bool, cond: CondFlags) void {
return raw.igSetNextItemOpen(is_open, cond.toInt());
pub inline fn SetNextItemOpen(is_open: bool) void {
return SetNextItemOpenExt(is_open, .{});
/// SetNextItemWidth(item_width: f32) void
pub const SetNextItemWidth = raw.igSetNextItemWidth;
/// SetNextWindowBgAlpha(alpha: f32) void
pub const SetNextWindowBgAlpha = raw.igSetNextWindowBgAlpha;
pub inline fn SetNextWindowCollapsedExt(collapsed: bool, cond: CondFlags) void {
return raw.igSetNextWindowCollapsed(collapsed, cond.toInt());
pub inline fn SetNextWindowCollapsed(collapsed: bool) void {
return SetNextWindowCollapsedExt(collapsed, .{});
/// SetNextWindowContentSize(size: Vec2) void
pub const SetNextWindowContentSize = raw.igSetNextWindowContentSize;
/// SetNextWindowFocus() void
pub const SetNextWindowFocus = raw.igSetNextWindowFocus;
pub inline fn SetNextWindowPosExt(pos: Vec2, cond: CondFlags, pivot: Vec2) void {
return raw.igSetNextWindowPos(pos, cond.toInt(), pivot);
pub inline fn SetNextWindowPos(pos: Vec2) void {
return SetNextWindowPosExt(pos, .{}, .{.x=0,.y=0});
pub inline fn SetNextWindowSizeExt(size: Vec2, cond: CondFlags) void {
return raw.igSetNextWindowSize(size, cond.toInt());
pub inline fn SetNextWindowSize(size: Vec2) void {
return SetNextWindowSizeExt(size, .{});
/// SetNextWindowSizeConstraintsExt(size_min: Vec2, size_max: Vec2, custom_callback: SizeCallback, custom_callback_data: ?*c_void) void
pub const SetNextWindowSizeConstraintsExt = raw.igSetNextWindowSizeConstraints;
pub inline fn SetNextWindowSizeConstraints(size_min: Vec2, size_max: Vec2) void {
return SetNextWindowSizeConstraintsExt(size_min, size_max, null, null);
/// SetScrollFromPosXExt(local_x: f32, center_x_ratio: f32) void
pub const SetScrollFromPosXExt = raw.igSetScrollFromPosX;
pub inline fn SetScrollFromPosX(local_x: f32) void {
return SetScrollFromPosXExt(local_x, 0.5);
/// SetScrollFromPosYExt(local_y: f32, center_y_ratio: f32) void
pub const SetScrollFromPosYExt = raw.igSetScrollFromPosY;
pub inline fn SetScrollFromPosY(local_y: f32) void {
return SetScrollFromPosYExt(local_y, 0.5);
/// SetScrollHereXExt(center_x_ratio: f32) void
pub const SetScrollHereXExt = raw.igSetScrollHereX;
pub inline fn SetScrollHereX() void {
return SetScrollHereXExt(0.5);
/// SetScrollHereYExt(center_y_ratio: f32) void
pub const SetScrollHereYExt = raw.igSetScrollHereY;
pub inline fn SetScrollHereY() void {
return SetScrollHereYExt(0.5);
/// SetScrollX(scroll_x: f32) void
pub const SetScrollX = raw.igSetScrollX;
/// SetScrollY(scroll_y: f32) void
pub const SetScrollY = raw.igSetScrollY;
/// SetStateStorage(storage: ?*Storage) void
pub const SetStateStorage = raw.igSetStateStorage;
/// SetTabItemClosed(tab_or_docked_window_label: ?[*:0]const u8) void
pub const SetTabItemClosed = raw.igSetTabItemClosed;
/// SetTooltip(fmt: ?[*:0]const u8, ...: ...) void
pub const SetTooltip = raw.igSetTooltip;
pub inline fn SetWindowCollapsedBoolExt(collapsed: bool, cond: CondFlags) void {
return raw.igSetWindowCollapsedBool(collapsed, cond.toInt());
pub inline fn SetWindowCollapsedBool(collapsed: bool) void {
return SetWindowCollapsedBoolExt(collapsed, .{});
pub inline fn SetWindowCollapsedStrExt(name: ?[*:0]const u8, collapsed: bool, cond: CondFlags) void {
return raw.igSetWindowCollapsedStr(name, collapsed, cond.toInt());
pub inline fn SetWindowCollapsedStr(name: ?[*:0]const u8, collapsed: bool) void {
return SetWindowCollapsedStrExt(name, collapsed, .{});
/// SetWindowFocus() void
pub const SetWindowFocus = raw.igSetWindowFocus;
/// SetWindowFocusStr(name: ?[*:0]const u8) void
pub const SetWindowFocusStr = raw.igSetWindowFocusStr;
/// SetWindowFontScale(scale: f32) void
pub const SetWindowFontScale = raw.igSetWindowFontScale;
pub inline fn SetWindowPosVec2Ext(pos: Vec2, cond: CondFlags) void {
return raw.igSetWindowPosVec2(pos, cond.toInt());
pub inline fn SetWindowPosVec2(pos: Vec2) void {
return SetWindowPosVec2Ext(pos, .{});
pub inline fn SetWindowPosStrExt(name: ?[*:0]const u8, pos: Vec2, cond: CondFlags) void {
return raw.igSetWindowPosStr(name, pos, cond.toInt());
pub inline fn SetWindowPosStr(name: ?[*:0]const u8, pos: Vec2) void {
return SetWindowPosStrExt(name, pos, .{});
pub inline fn SetWindowSizeVec2Ext(size: Vec2, cond: CondFlags) void {
return raw.igSetWindowSizeVec2(size, cond.toInt());
pub inline fn SetWindowSizeVec2(size: Vec2) void {
return SetWindowSizeVec2Ext(size, .{});
pub inline fn SetWindowSizeStrExt(name: ?[*:0]const u8, size: Vec2, cond: CondFlags) void {
return raw.igSetWindowSizeStr(name, size, cond.toInt());
pub inline fn SetWindowSizeStr(name: ?[*:0]const u8, size: Vec2) void {
return SetWindowSizeStrExt(name, size, .{});
/// ShowAboutWindowExt(p_open: ?*bool) void
pub const ShowAboutWindowExt = raw.igShowAboutWindow;
pub inline fn ShowAboutWindow() void {
return ShowAboutWindowExt(null);
/// ShowDemoWindowExt(p_open: ?*bool) void
pub const ShowDemoWindowExt = raw.igShowDemoWindow;
pub inline fn ShowDemoWindow() void {
return ShowDemoWindowExt(null);
/// ShowFontSelector(label: ?[*:0]const u8) void
pub const ShowFontSelector = raw.igShowFontSelector;
/// ShowMetricsWindowExt(p_open: ?*bool) void
pub const ShowMetricsWindowExt = raw.igShowMetricsWindow;
pub inline fn ShowMetricsWindow() void {
return ShowMetricsWindowExt(null);
/// ShowStyleEditorExt(ref: ?*Style) void
pub const ShowStyleEditorExt = raw.igShowStyleEditor;
pub inline fn ShowStyleEditor() void {
return ShowStyleEditorExt(null);
/// ShowStyleSelector(label: ?[*:0]const u8) bool
pub const ShowStyleSelector = raw.igShowStyleSelector;
/// ShowUserGuide() void
pub const ShowUserGuide = raw.igShowUserGuide;
/// SliderAngleExt(label: ?[*:0]const u8, v_rad: *f32, v_degrees_min: f32, v_degrees_max: f32, format: ?[*:0]const u8) bool
pub const SliderAngleExt = raw.igSliderAngle;
pub inline fn SliderAngle(label: ?[*:0]const u8, v_rad: *f32) bool {
return SliderAngleExt(label, v_rad, -360.0, 360.0, "%.0f deg");
/// SliderFloatExt(label: ?[*:0]const u8, v: *f32, v_min: f32, v_max: f32, format: ?[*:0]const u8, power: f32) bool
pub const SliderFloatExt = raw.igSliderFloat;
pub inline fn SliderFloat(label: ?[*:0]const u8, v: *f32, v_min: f32, v_max: f32) bool {
return SliderFloatExt(label, v, v_min, v_max, "%.3f", 1.0);
/// SliderFloat2Ext(label: ?[*:0]const u8, v: *[2]f32, v_min: f32, v_max: f32, format: ?[*:0]const u8, power: f32) bool
pub const SliderFloat2Ext = raw.igSliderFloat2;
pub inline fn SliderFloat2(label: ?[*:0]const u8, v: *[2]f32, v_min: f32, v_max: f32) bool {
return SliderFloat2Ext(label, v, v_min, v_max, "%.3f", 1.0);
/// SliderFloat3Ext(label: ?[*:0]const u8, v: *[3]f32, v_min: f32, v_max: f32, format: ?[*:0]const u8, power: f32) bool
pub const SliderFloat3Ext = raw.igSliderFloat3;
pub inline fn SliderFloat3(label: ?[*:0]const u8, v: *[3]f32, v_min: f32, v_max: f32) bool {
return SliderFloat3Ext(label, v, v_min, v_max, "%.3f", 1.0);
/// SliderFloat4Ext(label: ?[*:0]const u8, v: *[4]f32, v_min: f32, v_max: f32, format: ?[*:0]const u8, power: f32) bool
pub const SliderFloat4Ext = raw.igSliderFloat4;
pub inline fn SliderFloat4(label: ?[*:0]const u8, v: *[4]f32, v_min: f32, v_max: f32) bool {
return SliderFloat4Ext(label, v, v_min, v_max, "%.3f", 1.0);
/// SliderIntExt(label: ?[*:0]const u8, v: *i32, v_min: i32, v_max: i32, format: ?[*:0]const u8) bool
pub const SliderIntExt = raw.igSliderInt;
pub inline fn SliderInt(label: ?[*:0]const u8, v: *i32, v_min: i32, v_max: i32) bool {
return SliderIntExt(label, v, v_min, v_max, "%d");
/// SliderInt2Ext(label: ?[*:0]const u8, v: *[2]i32, v_min: i32, v_max: i32, format: ?[*:0]const u8) bool
pub const SliderInt2Ext = raw.igSliderInt2;
pub inline fn SliderInt2(label: ?[*:0]const u8, v: *[2]i32, v_min: i32, v_max: i32) bool {
return SliderInt2Ext(label, v, v_min, v_max, "%d");
/// SliderInt3Ext(label: ?[*:0]const u8, v: *[3]i32, v_min: i32, v_max: i32, format: ?[*:0]const u8) bool
pub const SliderInt3Ext = raw.igSliderInt3;
pub inline fn SliderInt3(label: ?[*:0]const u8, v: *[3]i32, v_min: i32, v_max: i32) bool {
return SliderInt3Ext(label, v, v_min, v_max, "%d");
/// SliderInt4Ext(label: ?[*:0]const u8, v: *[4]i32, v_min: i32, v_max: i32, format: ?[*:0]const u8) bool
pub const SliderInt4Ext = raw.igSliderInt4;
pub inline fn SliderInt4(label: ?[*:0]const u8, v: *[4]i32, v_min: i32, v_max: i32) bool {
return SliderInt4Ext(label, v, v_min, v_max, "%d");
/// SliderScalarExt(label: ?[*:0]const u8, data_type: DataType, p_data: ?*c_void, p_min: ?*const c_void, p_max: ?*const c_void, format: ?[*:0]const u8, power: f32) bool
pub const SliderScalarExt = raw.igSliderScalar;
pub inline fn SliderScalar(label: ?[*:0]const u8, data_type: DataType, p_data: ?*c_void, p_min: ?*const c_void, p_max: ?*const c_void) bool {
return SliderScalarExt(label, data_type, p_data, p_min, p_max, null, 1.0);
/// SliderScalarNExt(label: ?[*:0]const u8, data_type: DataType, p_data: ?*c_void, components: i32, p_min: ?*const c_void, p_max: ?*const c_void, format: ?[*:0]const u8, power: f32) bool
pub const SliderScalarNExt = raw.igSliderScalarN;
pub inline fn SliderScalarN(label: ?[*:0]const u8, data_type: DataType, p_data: ?*c_void, components: i32, p_min: ?*const c_void, p_max: ?*const c_void) bool {
return SliderScalarNExt(label, data_type, p_data, components, p_min, p_max, null, 1.0);
/// SmallButton(label: ?[*:0]const u8) bool
pub const SmallButton = raw.igSmallButton;
/// Spacing() void
pub const Spacing = raw.igSpacing;
/// StyleColorsClassicExt(dst: ?*Style) void
pub const StyleColorsClassicExt = raw.igStyleColorsClassic;
pub inline fn StyleColorsClassic() void {
return StyleColorsClassicExt(null);
/// StyleColorsDarkExt(dst: ?*Style) void
pub const StyleColorsDarkExt = raw.igStyleColorsDark;
pub inline fn StyleColorsDark() void {
return StyleColorsDarkExt(null);
/// StyleColorsLightExt(dst: ?*Style) void
pub const StyleColorsLightExt = raw.igStyleColorsLight;
pub inline fn StyleColorsLight() void {
return StyleColorsLightExt(null);
/// Text(fmt: ?[*:0]const u8, ...: ...) void
pub const Text = raw.igText;
/// TextColored(col: Vec4, fmt: ?[*:0]const u8, ...: ...) void
pub const TextColored = raw.igTextColored;
/// TextDisabled(fmt: ?[*:0]const u8, ...: ...) void
pub const TextDisabled = raw.igTextDisabled;
/// TextUnformattedExt(text: ?[*]const u8, text_end: ?[*]const u8) void
pub const TextUnformattedExt = raw.igTextUnformatted;
pub inline fn TextUnformatted(text: ?[*]const u8) void {
return TextUnformattedExt(text, null);
/// TextWrapped(fmt: ?[*:0]const u8, ...: ...) void
pub const TextWrapped = raw.igTextWrapped;
/// TreeNodeStr(label: ?[*:0]const u8) bool
pub const TreeNodeStr = raw.igTreeNodeStr;
/// TreeNodeStrStr(str_id: ?[*:0]const u8, fmt: ?[*:0]const u8, ...: ...) bool
pub const TreeNodeStrStr = raw.igTreeNodeStrStr;
/// TreeNodePtr(ptr_id: ?*const c_void, fmt: ?[*:0]const u8, ...: ...) bool
pub const TreeNodePtr = raw.igTreeNodePtr;
pub inline fn TreeNodeExStrExt(label: ?[*:0]const u8, flags: TreeNodeFlags) bool {
return raw.igTreeNodeExStr(label, flags.toInt());
pub inline fn TreeNodeExStr(label: ?[*:0]const u8) bool {
return TreeNodeExStrExt(label, .{});
/// TreeNodeExStrStr(str_id: ?[*:0]const u8, flags: TreeNodeFlags, fmt: ?[*:0]const u8, ...: ...) bool
pub const TreeNodeExStrStr = raw.igTreeNodeExStrStr;
/// TreeNodeExPtr(ptr_id: ?*const c_void, flags: TreeNodeFlags, fmt: ?[*:0]const u8, ...: ...) bool
pub const TreeNodeExPtr = raw.igTreeNodeExPtr;
/// TreePop() void
pub const TreePop = raw.igTreePop;
/// TreePushStr(str_id: ?[*:0]const u8) void
pub const TreePushStr = raw.igTreePushStr;
/// TreePushPtrExt(ptr_id: ?*const c_void) void
pub const TreePushPtrExt = raw.igTreePushPtr;
pub inline fn TreePushPtr() void {
return TreePushPtrExt(null);
/// UnindentExt(indent_w: f32) void
pub const UnindentExt = raw.igUnindent;
pub inline fn Unindent() void {
return UnindentExt(0.0);
/// VSliderFloatExt(label: ?[*:0]const u8, size: Vec2, v: *f32, v_min: f32, v_max: f32, format: ?[*:0]const u8, power: f32) bool
pub const VSliderFloatExt = raw.igVSliderFloat;
pub inline fn VSliderFloat(label: ?[*:0]const u8, size: Vec2, v: *f32, v_min: f32, v_max: f32) bool {
return VSliderFloatExt(label, size, v, v_min, v_max, "%.3f", 1.0);
/// VSliderIntExt(label: ?[*:0]const u8, size: Vec2, v: *i32, v_min: i32, v_max: i32, format: ?[*:0]const u8) bool
pub const VSliderIntExt = raw.igVSliderInt;
pub inline fn VSliderInt(label: ?[*:0]const u8, size: Vec2, v: *i32, v_min: i32, v_max: i32) bool {
return VSliderIntExt(label, size, v, v_min, v_max, "%d");
/// VSliderScalarExt(label: ?[*:0]const u8, size: Vec2, data_type: DataType, p_data: ?*c_void, p_min: ?*const c_void, p_max: ?*const c_void, format: ?[*:0]const u8, power: f32) bool
pub const VSliderScalarExt = raw.igVSliderScalar;
pub inline fn VSliderScalar(label: ?[*:0]const u8, size: Vec2, data_type: DataType, p_data: ?*c_void, p_min: ?*const c_void, p_max: ?*const c_void) bool {
return VSliderScalarExt(label, size, data_type, p_data, p_min, p_max, null, 1.0);
/// ValueBool(prefix: ?[*:0]const u8, b: bool) void
pub const ValueBool = raw.igValueBool;
/// ValueInt(prefix: ?[*:0]const u8, v: i32) void
pub const ValueInt = raw.igValueInt;
/// ValueUint(prefix: ?[*:0]const u8, v: u32) void
pub const ValueUint = raw.igValueUint;
/// ValueFloatExt(prefix: ?[*:0]const u8, v: f32, float_format: ?[*:0]const u8) void
pub const ValueFloatExt = raw.igValueFloat;
pub inline fn ValueFloat(prefix: ?[*:0]const u8, v: f32) void {
return ValueFloatExt(prefix, v, null);
pub const raw = struct {
pub extern fn ImColor_HSV_nonUDT(pOut: *Color, self: *Color, h: f32, s: f32, v: f32, a: f32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImColor_ImColor(self: *Color) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImColor_ImColorInt(self: *Color, r: i32, g: i32, b: i32, a: i32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImColor_ImColorU32(self: *Color, rgba: u32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImColor_ImColorFloat(self: *Color, r: f32, g: f32, b: f32, a: f32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImColor_ImColorVec4(self: *Color, col: Vec4) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImColor_SetHSV(self: *Color, h: f32, s: f32, v: f32, a: f32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImColor_destroy(self: *Color) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImDrawCmd_ImDrawCmd(self: *DrawCmd) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImDrawCmd_destroy(self: *DrawCmd) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImDrawData_Clear(self: *DrawData) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImDrawData_DeIndexAllBuffers(self: *DrawData) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImDrawData_ImDrawData(self: *DrawData) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImDrawData_ScaleClipRects(self: *DrawData, fb_scale: Vec2) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImDrawData_destroy(self: *DrawData) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImDrawListSplitter_Clear(self: *DrawListSplitter) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImDrawListSplitter_ClearFreeMemory(self: *DrawListSplitter) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImDrawListSplitter_ImDrawListSplitter(self: *DrawListSplitter) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImDrawListSplitter_Merge(self: *DrawListSplitter, draw_list: ?*DrawList) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImDrawListSplitter_SetCurrentChannel(self: *DrawListSplitter, draw_list: ?*DrawList, channel_idx: i32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImDrawListSplitter_Split(self: *DrawListSplitter, draw_list: ?*DrawList, count: i32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImDrawListSplitter_destroy(self: *DrawListSplitter) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImDrawList_AddBezierCurve(self: *DrawList, p1: Vec2, p2: Vec2, p3: Vec2, p4: Vec2, col: u32, thickness: f32, num_segments: i32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImDrawList_AddCallback(self: *DrawList, callback: DrawCallback, callback_data: ?*c_void) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImDrawList_AddCircle(self: *DrawList, center: Vec2, radius: f32, col: u32, num_segments: i32, thickness: f32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImDrawList_AddCircleFilled(self: *DrawList, center: Vec2, radius: f32, col: u32, num_segments: i32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImDrawList_AddConvexPolyFilled(self: *DrawList, points: ?[*]const Vec2, num_points: i32, col: u32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImDrawList_AddDrawCmd(self: *DrawList) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImDrawList_AddImage(self: *DrawList, user_texture_id: TextureID, p_min: Vec2, p_max: Vec2, uv_min: Vec2, uv_max: Vec2, col: u32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImDrawList_AddImageQuad(self: *DrawList, user_texture_id: TextureID, p1: Vec2, p2: Vec2, p3: Vec2, p4: Vec2, uv1: Vec2, uv2: Vec2, uv3: Vec2, uv4: Vec2, col: u32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImDrawList_AddImageRounded(self: *DrawList, user_texture_id: TextureID, p_min: Vec2, p_max: Vec2, uv_min: Vec2, uv_max: Vec2, col: u32, rounding: f32, rounding_corners: DrawCornerFlagsInt) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImDrawList_AddLine(self: *DrawList, p1: Vec2, p2: Vec2, col: u32, thickness: f32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImDrawList_AddNgon(self: *DrawList, center: Vec2, radius: f32, col: u32, num_segments: i32, thickness: f32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImDrawList_AddNgonFilled(self: *DrawList, center: Vec2, radius: f32, col: u32, num_segments: i32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImDrawList_AddPolyline(self: *DrawList, points: ?[*]const Vec2, num_points: i32, col: u32, closed: bool, thickness: f32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImDrawList_AddQuad(self: *DrawList, p1: Vec2, p2: Vec2, p3: Vec2, p4: Vec2, col: u32, thickness: f32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImDrawList_AddQuadFilled(self: *DrawList, p1: Vec2, p2: Vec2, p3: Vec2, p4: Vec2, col: u32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImDrawList_AddRect(self: *DrawList, p_min: Vec2, p_max: Vec2, col: u32, rounding: f32, rounding_corners: DrawCornerFlagsInt, thickness: f32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImDrawList_AddRectFilled(self: *DrawList, p_min: Vec2, p_max: Vec2, col: u32, rounding: f32, rounding_corners: DrawCornerFlagsInt) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImDrawList_AddRectFilledMultiColor(self: *DrawList, p_min: Vec2, p_max: Vec2, col_upr_left: u32, col_upr_right: u32, col_bot_right: u32, col_bot_left: u32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImDrawList_AddTextVec2(self: *DrawList, pos: Vec2, col: u32, text_begin: ?[*]const u8, text_end: ?[*]const u8) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImDrawList_AddTextFontPtr(self: *DrawList, font: ?*const Font, font_size: f32, pos: Vec2, col: u32, text_begin: ?[*]const u8, text_end: ?[*]const u8, wrap_width: f32, cpu_fine_clip_rect: ?*const Vec4) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImDrawList_AddTriangle(self: *DrawList, p1: Vec2, p2: Vec2, p3: Vec2, col: u32, thickness: f32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImDrawList_AddTriangleFilled(self: *DrawList, p1: Vec2, p2: Vec2, p3: Vec2, col: u32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImDrawList_ChannelsMerge(self: *DrawList) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImDrawList_ChannelsSetCurrent(self: *DrawList, n: i32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImDrawList_ChannelsSplit(self: *DrawList, count: i32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImDrawList_Clear(self: *DrawList) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImDrawList_ClearFreeMemory(self: *DrawList) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImDrawList_CloneOutput(self: *const DrawList) callconv(.C) ?*DrawList;
pub extern fn ImDrawList_GetClipRectMax_nonUDT(pOut: *Vec2, self: *const DrawList) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImDrawList_GetClipRectMin_nonUDT(pOut: *Vec2, self: *const DrawList) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImDrawList_ImDrawList(self: *DrawList, shared_data: ?*const DrawListSharedData) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImDrawList_PathArcTo(self: *DrawList, center: Vec2, radius: f32, a_min: f32, a_max: f32, num_segments: i32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImDrawList_PathArcToFast(self: *DrawList, center: Vec2, radius: f32, a_min_of_12: i32, a_max_of_12: i32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImDrawList_PathBezierCurveTo(self: *DrawList, p2: Vec2, p3: Vec2, p4: Vec2, num_segments: i32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImDrawList_PathClear(self: *DrawList) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImDrawList_PathFillConvex(self: *DrawList, col: u32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImDrawList_PathLineTo(self: *DrawList, pos: Vec2) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImDrawList_PathLineToMergeDuplicate(self: *DrawList, pos: Vec2) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImDrawList_PathRect(self: *DrawList, rect_min: Vec2, rect_max: Vec2, rounding: f32, rounding_corners: DrawCornerFlagsInt) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImDrawList_PathStroke(self: *DrawList, col: u32, closed: bool, thickness: f32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImDrawList_PopClipRect(self: *DrawList) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImDrawList_PopTextureID(self: *DrawList) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImDrawList_PrimQuadUV(self: *DrawList, a: Vec2, b: Vec2, c: Vec2, d: Vec2, uv_a: Vec2, uv_b: Vec2, uv_c: Vec2, uv_d: Vec2, col: u32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImDrawList_PrimRect(self: *DrawList, a: Vec2, b: Vec2, col: u32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImDrawList_PrimRectUV(self: *DrawList, a: Vec2, b: Vec2, uv_a: Vec2, uv_b: Vec2, col: u32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImDrawList_PrimReserve(self: *DrawList, idx_count: i32, vtx_count: i32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImDrawList_PrimUnreserve(self: *DrawList, idx_count: i32, vtx_count: i32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImDrawList_PrimVtx(self: *DrawList, pos: Vec2, uv: Vec2, col: u32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImDrawList_PrimWriteIdx(self: *DrawList, idx: DrawIdx) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImDrawList_PrimWriteVtx(self: *DrawList, pos: Vec2, uv: Vec2, col: u32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImDrawList_PushClipRect(self: *DrawList, clip_rect_min: Vec2, clip_rect_max: Vec2, intersect_with_current_clip_rect: bool) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImDrawList_PushClipRectFullScreen(self: *DrawList) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImDrawList_PushTextureID(self: *DrawList, texture_id: TextureID) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImDrawList_UpdateClipRect(self: *DrawList) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImDrawList_UpdateTextureID(self: *DrawList) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImDrawList_destroy(self: *DrawList) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImFontAtlasCustomRect_ImFontAtlasCustomRect(self: *FontAtlasCustomRect) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImFontAtlasCustomRect_IsPacked(self: *const FontAtlasCustomRect) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn ImFontAtlasCustomRect_destroy(self: *FontAtlasCustomRect) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImFontAtlas_AddCustomRectFontGlyph(self: *FontAtlas, font: ?*Font, id: Wchar, width: i32, height: i32, advance_x: f32, offset: Vec2) callconv(.C) i32;
pub extern fn ImFontAtlas_AddCustomRectRegular(self: *FontAtlas, id: u32, width: i32, height: i32) callconv(.C) i32;
pub extern fn ImFontAtlas_AddFont(self: *FontAtlas, font_cfg: ?*const FontConfig) callconv(.C) ?*Font;
pub extern fn ImFontAtlas_AddFontDefault(self: *FontAtlas, font_cfg: ?*const FontConfig) callconv(.C) ?*Font;
pub extern fn ImFontAtlas_AddFontFromFileTTF(self: *FontAtlas, filename: ?[*:0]const u8, size_pixels: f32, font_cfg: ?*const FontConfig, glyph_ranges: ?[*:0]const Wchar) callconv(.C) ?*Font;
pub extern fn ImFontAtlas_AddFontFromMemoryCompressedBase85TTF(self: *FontAtlas, compressed_font_data_base85: ?[*]const u8, size_pixels: f32, font_cfg: ?*const FontConfig, glyph_ranges: ?[*:0]const Wchar) callconv(.C) ?*Font;
pub extern fn ImFontAtlas_AddFontFromMemoryCompressedTTF(self: *FontAtlas, compressed_font_data: ?*const c_void, compressed_font_size: i32, size_pixels: f32, font_cfg: ?*const FontConfig, glyph_ranges: ?[*:0]const Wchar) callconv(.C) ?*Font;
pub extern fn ImFontAtlas_AddFontFromMemoryTTF(self: *FontAtlas, font_data: ?*c_void, font_size: i32, size_pixels: f32, font_cfg: ?*const FontConfig, glyph_ranges: ?[*:0]const Wchar) callconv(.C) ?*Font;
pub extern fn ImFontAtlas_Build(self: *FontAtlas) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn ImFontAtlas_CalcCustomRectUV(self: *const FontAtlas, rect: ?*const FontAtlasCustomRect, out_uv_min: ?*Vec2, out_uv_max: ?*Vec2) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImFontAtlas_Clear(self: *FontAtlas) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImFontAtlas_ClearFonts(self: *FontAtlas) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImFontAtlas_ClearInputData(self: *FontAtlas) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImFontAtlas_ClearTexData(self: *FontAtlas) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImFontAtlas_GetCustomRectByIndex(self: *const FontAtlas, index: i32) callconv(.C) ?*const FontAtlasCustomRect;
pub extern fn ImFontAtlas_GetGlyphRangesChineseFull(self: *FontAtlas) callconv(.C) ?*const Wchar;
pub extern fn ImFontAtlas_GetGlyphRangesChineseSimplifiedCommon(self: *FontAtlas) callconv(.C) ?*const Wchar;
pub extern fn ImFontAtlas_GetGlyphRangesCyrillic(self: *FontAtlas) callconv(.C) ?*const Wchar;
pub extern fn ImFontAtlas_GetGlyphRangesDefault(self: *FontAtlas) callconv(.C) ?*const Wchar;
pub extern fn ImFontAtlas_GetGlyphRangesJapanese(self: *FontAtlas) callconv(.C) ?*const Wchar;
pub extern fn ImFontAtlas_GetGlyphRangesKorean(self: *FontAtlas) callconv(.C) ?*const Wchar;
pub extern fn ImFontAtlas_GetGlyphRangesThai(self: *FontAtlas) callconv(.C) ?*const Wchar;
pub extern fn ImFontAtlas_GetGlyphRangesVietnamese(self: *FontAtlas) callconv(.C) ?*const Wchar;
pub extern fn ImFontAtlas_GetMouseCursorTexData(self: *FontAtlas, cursor: MouseCursor, out_offset: ?*Vec2, out_size: ?*Vec2, out_uv_border: *[2]Vec2, out_uv_fill: *[2]Vec2) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn ImFontAtlas_GetTexDataAsAlpha8(self: *FontAtlas, out_pixels: *?[*]u8, out_width: *i32, out_height: *i32, out_bytes_per_pixel: ?*i32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImFontAtlas_GetTexDataAsRGBA32(self: *FontAtlas, out_pixels: *?[*]u8, out_width: *i32, out_height: *i32, out_bytes_per_pixel: ?*i32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImFontAtlas_ImFontAtlas(self: *FontAtlas) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImFontAtlas_IsBuilt(self: *const FontAtlas) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn ImFontAtlas_SetTexID(self: *FontAtlas, id: TextureID) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImFontAtlas_destroy(self: *FontAtlas) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImFontConfig_ImFontConfig(self: *FontConfig) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImFontConfig_destroy(self: *FontConfig) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImFontGlyphRangesBuilder_AddChar(self: *FontGlyphRangesBuilder, c: Wchar) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImFontGlyphRangesBuilder_AddRanges(self: *FontGlyphRangesBuilder, ranges: ?[*:0]const Wchar) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImFontGlyphRangesBuilder_AddText(self: *FontGlyphRangesBuilder, text: ?[*]const u8, text_end: ?[*]const u8) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImFontGlyphRangesBuilder_BuildRanges(self: *FontGlyphRangesBuilder, out_ranges: *Vector(Wchar)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImFontGlyphRangesBuilder_Clear(self: *FontGlyphRangesBuilder) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImFontGlyphRangesBuilder_GetBit(self: *const FontGlyphRangesBuilder, n: i32) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn ImFontGlyphRangesBuilder_ImFontGlyphRangesBuilder(self: *FontGlyphRangesBuilder) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImFontGlyphRangesBuilder_SetBit(self: *FontGlyphRangesBuilder, n: i32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImFontGlyphRangesBuilder_destroy(self: *FontGlyphRangesBuilder) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImFont_AddGlyph(self: *Font, c: Wchar, x0: f32, y0: f32, x1: f32, y1: f32, u0: f32, v0: f32, u1: f32, v1: f32, advance_x: f32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImFont_AddRemapChar(self: *Font, dst: Wchar, src: Wchar, overwrite_dst: bool) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImFont_BuildLookupTable(self: *Font) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImFont_CalcTextSizeA_nonUDT(pOut: *Vec2, self: *const Font, size: f32, max_width: f32, wrap_width: f32, text_begin: ?[*]const u8, text_end: ?[*]const u8, remaining: ?*?[*:0]const u8) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImFont_CalcWordWrapPositionA(self: *const Font, scale: f32, text: ?[*]const u8, text_end: ?[*]const u8, wrap_width: f32) callconv(.C) ?[*]const u8;
pub extern fn ImFont_ClearOutputData(self: *Font) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImFont_FindGlyph(self: *const Font, c: Wchar) callconv(.C) ?*const FontGlyph;
pub extern fn ImFont_FindGlyphNoFallback(self: *const Font, c: Wchar) callconv(.C) ?*const FontGlyph;
pub extern fn ImFont_GetCharAdvance(self: *const Font, c: Wchar) callconv(.C) f32;
pub extern fn ImFont_GetDebugName(self: *const Font) callconv(.C) ?[*:0]const u8;
pub extern fn ImFont_GrowIndex(self: *Font, new_size: i32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImFont_ImFont(self: *Font) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImFont_IsLoaded(self: *const Font) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn ImFont_RenderChar(self: *const Font, draw_list: ?*DrawList, size: f32, pos: Vec2, col: u32, c: Wchar) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImFont_RenderText(self: *const Font, draw_list: ?*DrawList, size: f32, pos: Vec2, col: u32, clip_rect: Vec4, text_begin: ?[*]const u8, text_end: ?[*]const u8, wrap_width: f32, cpu_fine_clip: bool) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImFont_SetFallbackChar(self: *Font, c: Wchar) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImFont_destroy(self: *Font) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImGuiIO_AddInputCharacter(self: *IO, c: u32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImGuiIO_AddInputCharactersUTF8(self: *IO, str: ?[*:0]const u8) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImGuiIO_ClearInputCharacters(self: *IO) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImGuiIO_ImGuiIO(self: *IO) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImGuiIO_destroy(self: *IO) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImGuiInputTextCallbackData_DeleteChars(self: *InputTextCallbackData, pos: i32, bytes_count: i32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImGuiInputTextCallbackData_HasSelection(self: *const InputTextCallbackData) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn ImGuiInputTextCallbackData_ImGuiInputTextCallbackData(self: *InputTextCallbackData) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImGuiInputTextCallbackData_InsertChars(self: *InputTextCallbackData, pos: i32, text: ?[*]const u8, text_end: ?[*]const u8) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImGuiInputTextCallbackData_destroy(self: *InputTextCallbackData) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImGuiListClipper_Begin(self: *ListClipper, items_count: i32, items_height: f32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImGuiListClipper_End(self: *ListClipper) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImGuiListClipper_ImGuiListClipper(self: *ListClipper, items_count: i32, items_height: f32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImGuiListClipper_Step(self: *ListClipper) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn ImGuiListClipper_destroy(self: *ListClipper) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImGuiOnceUponAFrame_ImGuiOnceUponAFrame(self: *OnceUponAFrame) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImGuiOnceUponAFrame_destroy(self: *OnceUponAFrame) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImGuiPayload_Clear(self: *Payload) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImGuiPayload_ImGuiPayload(self: *Payload) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImGuiPayload_IsDataType(self: *const Payload, kind: ?[*:0]const u8) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn ImGuiPayload_IsDelivery(self: *const Payload) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn ImGuiPayload_IsPreview(self: *const Payload) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn ImGuiPayload_destroy(self: *Payload) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImGuiStoragePair_ImGuiStoragePairInt(self: *StoragePair, _key: ID, _val_i: i32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImGuiStoragePair_ImGuiStoragePairFloat(self: *StoragePair, _key: ID, _val_f: f32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImGuiStoragePair_ImGuiStoragePairPtr(self: *StoragePair, _key: ID, _val_p: ?*c_void) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImGuiStoragePair_destroy(self: *StoragePair) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImGuiStorage_BuildSortByKey(self: *Storage) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImGuiStorage_Clear(self: *Storage) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImGuiStorage_GetBool(self: *const Storage, key: ID, default_val: bool) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn ImGuiStorage_GetBoolRef(self: *Storage, key: ID, default_val: bool) callconv(.C) ?*bool;
pub extern fn ImGuiStorage_GetFloat(self: *const Storage, key: ID, default_val: f32) callconv(.C) f32;
pub extern fn ImGuiStorage_GetFloatRef(self: *Storage, key: ID, default_val: f32) callconv(.C) ?*f32;
pub extern fn ImGuiStorage_GetInt(self: *const Storage, key: ID, default_val: i32) callconv(.C) i32;
pub extern fn ImGuiStorage_GetIntRef(self: *Storage, key: ID, default_val: i32) callconv(.C) ?*i32;
pub extern fn ImGuiStorage_GetVoidPtr(self: *const Storage, key: ID) callconv(.C) ?*c_void;
pub extern fn ImGuiStorage_GetVoidPtrRef(self: *Storage, key: ID, default_val: ?*c_void) callconv(.C) ?*?*c_void;
pub extern fn ImGuiStorage_SetAllInt(self: *Storage, val: i32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImGuiStorage_SetBool(self: *Storage, key: ID, val: bool) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImGuiStorage_SetFloat(self: *Storage, key: ID, val: f32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImGuiStorage_SetInt(self: *Storage, key: ID, val: i32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImGuiStorage_SetVoidPtr(self: *Storage, key: ID, val: ?*c_void) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImGuiStyle_ImGuiStyle(self: *Style) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImGuiStyle_ScaleAllSizes(self: *Style, scale_factor: f32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImGuiStyle_destroy(self: *Style) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImGuiTextBuffer_ImGuiTextBuffer(self: *TextBuffer) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImGuiTextBuffer_append(self: *TextBuffer, str: ?[*]const u8, str_end: ?[*]const u8) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImGuiTextBuffer_appendf(self: *TextBuffer, fmt: ?[*:0]const u8, ...) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImGuiTextBuffer_begin(self: *const TextBuffer) callconv(.C) [*]const u8;
pub extern fn ImGuiTextBuffer_c_str(self: *const TextBuffer) callconv(.C) [*:0]const u8;
pub extern fn ImGuiTextBuffer_clear(self: *TextBuffer) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImGuiTextBuffer_destroy(self: *TextBuffer) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImGuiTextBuffer_empty(self: *const TextBuffer) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn ImGuiTextBuffer_end(self: *const TextBuffer) callconv(.C) [*]const u8;
pub extern fn ImGuiTextBuffer_reserve(self: *TextBuffer, capacity: i32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImGuiTextBuffer_size(self: *const TextBuffer) callconv(.C) i32;
pub extern fn ImGuiTextFilter_Build(self: *TextFilter) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImGuiTextFilter_Clear(self: *TextFilter) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImGuiTextFilter_Draw(self: *TextFilter, label: ?[*:0]const u8, width: f32) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn ImGuiTextFilter_ImGuiTextFilter(self: *TextFilter, default_filter: ?[*:0]const u8) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImGuiTextFilter_IsActive(self: *const TextFilter) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn ImGuiTextFilter_PassFilter(self: *const TextFilter, text: ?[*]const u8, text_end: ?[*]const u8) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn ImGuiTextFilter_destroy(self: *TextFilter) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImGuiTextRange_ImGuiTextRange(self: *TextRange) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImGuiTextRange_ImGuiTextRangeStr(self: *TextRange, _b: ?[*]const u8, _e: ?[*]const u8) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImGuiTextRange_destroy(self: *TextRange) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImGuiTextRange_empty(self: *const TextRange) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn ImGuiTextRange_split(self: *const TextRange, separator: u8, out: ?*Vector(TextRange)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVec2_ImVec2(self: *Vec2) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVec2_ImVec2Float(self: *Vec2, _x: f32, _y: f32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVec2_destroy(self: *Vec2) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVec4_ImVec4(self: *Vec4) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVec4_ImVec4Float(self: *Vec4, _x: f32, _y: f32, _z: f32, _w: f32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVec4_destroy(self: *Vec4) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawChannel_ImVector_ImDrawChannel(self: *Vector(DrawChannel)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawCmd_ImVector_ImDrawCmd(self: *Vector(DrawCmd)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawIdx_ImVector_ImDrawIdx(self: *Vector(DrawIdx)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawVert_ImVector_ImDrawVert(self: *Vector(DrawVert)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontPtr_ImVector_ImFontPtr(self: *Vector(*Font)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontAtlasCustomRect_ImVector_ImFontAtlasCustomRect(self: *Vector(FontAtlasCustomRect)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontConfig_ImVector_ImFontConfig(self: *Vector(FontConfig)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontGlyph_ImVector_ImFontGlyph(self: *Vector(FontGlyph)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImGuiStoragePair_ImVector_ImGuiStoragePair(self: *Vector(StoragePair)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImGuiTextRange_ImVector_ImGuiTextRange(self: *Vector(TextRange)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImTextureID_ImVector_ImTextureID(self: *Vector(TextureID)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImU32_ImVector_ImU32(self: *Vector(u32)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImVec2_ImVector_ImVec2(self: *Vector(Vec2)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImVec4_ImVector_ImVec4(self: *Vector(Vec4)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImWchar_ImVector_ImWchar(self: *Vector(Wchar)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_char_ImVector_char(self: *Vector(u8)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_float_ImVector_float(self: *Vector(f32)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawChannel_ImVector_ImDrawChannelVector(self: *Vector(DrawChannel), src: Vector(DrawChannel)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawCmd_ImVector_ImDrawCmdVector(self: *Vector(DrawCmd), src: Vector(DrawCmd)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawIdx_ImVector_ImDrawIdxVector(self: *Vector(DrawIdx), src: Vector(DrawIdx)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawVert_ImVector_ImDrawVertVector(self: *Vector(DrawVert), src: Vector(DrawVert)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontPtr_ImVector_ImFontPtrVector(self: *Vector(*Font), src: Vector(*Font)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontAtlasCustomRect_ImVector_ImFontAtlasCustomRectVector(self: *Vector(FontAtlasCustomRect), src: Vector(FontAtlasCustomRect)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontConfig_ImVector_ImFontConfigVector(self: *Vector(FontConfig), src: Vector(FontConfig)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontGlyph_ImVector_ImFontGlyphVector(self: *Vector(FontGlyph), src: Vector(FontGlyph)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImGuiStoragePair_ImVector_ImGuiStoragePairVector(self: *Vector(StoragePair), src: Vector(StoragePair)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImGuiTextRange_ImVector_ImGuiTextRangeVector(self: *Vector(TextRange), src: Vector(TextRange)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImTextureID_ImVector_ImTextureIDVector(self: *Vector(TextureID), src: Vector(TextureID)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImU32_ImVector_ImU32Vector(self: *Vector(u32), src: Vector(u32)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImVec2_ImVector_ImVec2Vector(self: *Vector(Vec2), src: Vector(Vec2)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImVec4_ImVector_ImVec4Vector(self: *Vector(Vec4), src: Vector(Vec4)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImWchar_ImVector_ImWcharVector(self: *Vector(Wchar), src: Vector(Wchar)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_char_ImVector_charVector(self: *Vector(u8), src: Vector(u8)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_float_ImVector_floatVector(self: *Vector(f32), src: Vector(f32)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawChannel__grow_capacity(self: *const Vector(DrawChannel), sz: i32) callconv(.C) i32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawCmd__grow_capacity(self: *const Vector(DrawCmd), sz: i32) callconv(.C) i32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawIdx__grow_capacity(self: *const Vector(DrawIdx), sz: i32) callconv(.C) i32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawVert__grow_capacity(self: *const Vector(DrawVert), sz: i32) callconv(.C) i32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontPtr__grow_capacity(self: *const Vector(*Font), sz: i32) callconv(.C) i32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontAtlasCustomRect__grow_capacity(self: *const Vector(FontAtlasCustomRect), sz: i32) callconv(.C) i32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontConfig__grow_capacity(self: *const Vector(FontConfig), sz: i32) callconv(.C) i32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontGlyph__grow_capacity(self: *const Vector(FontGlyph), sz: i32) callconv(.C) i32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImGuiStoragePair__grow_capacity(self: *const Vector(StoragePair), sz: i32) callconv(.C) i32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImGuiTextRange__grow_capacity(self: *const Vector(TextRange), sz: i32) callconv(.C) i32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImTextureID__grow_capacity(self: *const Vector(TextureID), sz: i32) callconv(.C) i32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImU32__grow_capacity(self: *const Vector(u32), sz: i32) callconv(.C) i32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImVec2__grow_capacity(self: *const Vector(Vec2), sz: i32) callconv(.C) i32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImVec4__grow_capacity(self: *const Vector(Vec4), sz: i32) callconv(.C) i32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImWchar__grow_capacity(self: *const Vector(Wchar), sz: i32) callconv(.C) i32;
pub extern fn ImVector_char__grow_capacity(self: *const Vector(u8), sz: i32) callconv(.C) i32;
pub extern fn ImVector_float__grow_capacity(self: *const Vector(f32), sz: i32) callconv(.C) i32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawChannel_back(self: *Vector(DrawChannel)) callconv(.C) *DrawChannel;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawCmd_back(self: *Vector(DrawCmd)) callconv(.C) *DrawCmd;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawIdx_back(self: *Vector(DrawIdx)) callconv(.C) *DrawIdx;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawVert_back(self: *Vector(DrawVert)) callconv(.C) *DrawVert;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontPtr_back(self: *Vector(*Font)) callconv(.C) **Font;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontAtlasCustomRect_back(self: *Vector(FontAtlasCustomRect)) callconv(.C) *FontAtlasCustomRect;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontConfig_back(self: *Vector(FontConfig)) callconv(.C) *FontConfig;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontGlyph_back(self: *Vector(FontGlyph)) callconv(.C) *FontGlyph;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImGuiStoragePair_back(self: *Vector(StoragePair)) callconv(.C) *StoragePair;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImGuiTextRange_back(self: *Vector(TextRange)) callconv(.C) *TextRange;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImTextureID_back(self: *Vector(TextureID)) callconv(.C) *TextureID;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImU32_back(self: *Vector(u32)) callconv(.C) *u32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImVec2_back(self: *Vector(Vec2)) callconv(.C) *Vec2;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImVec4_back(self: *Vector(Vec4)) callconv(.C) *Vec4;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImWchar_back(self: *Vector(Wchar)) callconv(.C) *Wchar;
pub extern fn ImVector_char_back(self: *Vector(u8)) callconv(.C) *u8;
pub extern fn ImVector_float_back(self: *Vector(f32)) callconv(.C) *f32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawChannel_back_const(self: *const Vector(DrawChannel)) callconv(.C) *const DrawChannel;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawCmd_back_const(self: *const Vector(DrawCmd)) callconv(.C) *const DrawCmd;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawIdx_back_const(self: *const Vector(DrawIdx)) callconv(.C) *const DrawIdx;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawVert_back_const(self: *const Vector(DrawVert)) callconv(.C) *const DrawVert;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontPtr_back_const(self: *const Vector(*Font)) callconv(.C) *const *Font;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontAtlasCustomRect_back_const(self: *const Vector(FontAtlasCustomRect)) callconv(.C) *const FontAtlasCustomRect;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontConfig_back_const(self: *const Vector(FontConfig)) callconv(.C) *const FontConfig;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontGlyph_back_const(self: *const Vector(FontGlyph)) callconv(.C) *const FontGlyph;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImGuiStoragePair_back_const(self: *const Vector(StoragePair)) callconv(.C) *const StoragePair;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImGuiTextRange_back_const(self: *const Vector(TextRange)) callconv(.C) *const TextRange;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImTextureID_back_const(self: *const Vector(TextureID)) callconv(.C) *const TextureID;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImU32_back_const(self: *const Vector(u32)) callconv(.C) *const u32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImVec2_back_const(self: *const Vector(Vec2)) callconv(.C) *const Vec2;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImVec4_back_const(self: *const Vector(Vec4)) callconv(.C) *const Vec4;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImWchar_back_const(self: *const Vector(Wchar)) callconv(.C) *const Wchar;
pub extern fn ImVector_char_back_const(self: *const Vector(u8)) callconv(.C) *const u8;
pub extern fn ImVector_float_back_const(self: *const Vector(f32)) callconv(.C) *const f32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawChannel_begin(self: *Vector(DrawChannel)) callconv(.C) [*]DrawChannel;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawCmd_begin(self: *Vector(DrawCmd)) callconv(.C) [*]DrawCmd;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawIdx_begin(self: *Vector(DrawIdx)) callconv(.C) [*]DrawIdx;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawVert_begin(self: *Vector(DrawVert)) callconv(.C) [*]DrawVert;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontPtr_begin(self: *Vector(*Font)) callconv(.C) [*]*Font;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontAtlasCustomRect_begin(self: *Vector(FontAtlasCustomRect)) callconv(.C) [*]FontAtlasCustomRect;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontConfig_begin(self: *Vector(FontConfig)) callconv(.C) [*]FontConfig;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontGlyph_begin(self: *Vector(FontGlyph)) callconv(.C) [*]FontGlyph;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImGuiStoragePair_begin(self: *Vector(StoragePair)) callconv(.C) [*]StoragePair;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImGuiTextRange_begin(self: *Vector(TextRange)) callconv(.C) [*]TextRange;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImTextureID_begin(self: *Vector(TextureID)) callconv(.C) [*]TextureID;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImU32_begin(self: *Vector(u32)) callconv(.C) [*]u32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImVec2_begin(self: *Vector(Vec2)) callconv(.C) [*]Vec2;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImVec4_begin(self: *Vector(Vec4)) callconv(.C) [*]Vec4;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImWchar_begin(self: *Vector(Wchar)) callconv(.C) [*]Wchar;
pub extern fn ImVector_char_begin(self: *Vector(u8)) callconv(.C) [*]u8;
pub extern fn ImVector_float_begin(self: *Vector(f32)) callconv(.C) [*]f32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawChannel_begin_const(self: *const Vector(DrawChannel)) callconv(.C) [*]const DrawChannel;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawCmd_begin_const(self: *const Vector(DrawCmd)) callconv(.C) [*]const DrawCmd;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawIdx_begin_const(self: *const Vector(DrawIdx)) callconv(.C) [*]const DrawIdx;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawVert_begin_const(self: *const Vector(DrawVert)) callconv(.C) [*]const DrawVert;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontPtr_begin_const(self: *const Vector(*Font)) callconv(.C) [*]const *Font;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontAtlasCustomRect_begin_const(self: *const Vector(FontAtlasCustomRect)) callconv(.C) [*]const FontAtlasCustomRect;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontConfig_begin_const(self: *const Vector(FontConfig)) callconv(.C) [*]const FontConfig;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontGlyph_begin_const(self: *const Vector(FontGlyph)) callconv(.C) [*]const FontGlyph;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImGuiStoragePair_begin_const(self: *const Vector(StoragePair)) callconv(.C) [*]const StoragePair;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImGuiTextRange_begin_const(self: *const Vector(TextRange)) callconv(.C) [*]const TextRange;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImTextureID_begin_const(self: *const Vector(TextureID)) callconv(.C) [*]const TextureID;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImU32_begin_const(self: *const Vector(u32)) callconv(.C) [*]const u32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImVec2_begin_const(self: *const Vector(Vec2)) callconv(.C) [*]const Vec2;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImVec4_begin_const(self: *const Vector(Vec4)) callconv(.C) [*]const Vec4;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImWchar_begin_const(self: *const Vector(Wchar)) callconv(.C) [*]const Wchar;
pub extern fn ImVector_char_begin_const(self: *const Vector(u8)) callconv(.C) [*]const u8;
pub extern fn ImVector_float_begin_const(self: *const Vector(f32)) callconv(.C) [*]const f32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawChannel_capacity(self: *const Vector(DrawChannel)) callconv(.C) i32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawCmd_capacity(self: *const Vector(DrawCmd)) callconv(.C) i32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawIdx_capacity(self: *const Vector(DrawIdx)) callconv(.C) i32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawVert_capacity(self: *const Vector(DrawVert)) callconv(.C) i32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontPtr_capacity(self: *const Vector(*Font)) callconv(.C) i32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontAtlasCustomRect_capacity(self: *const Vector(FontAtlasCustomRect)) callconv(.C) i32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontConfig_capacity(self: *const Vector(FontConfig)) callconv(.C) i32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontGlyph_capacity(self: *const Vector(FontGlyph)) callconv(.C) i32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImGuiStoragePair_capacity(self: *const Vector(StoragePair)) callconv(.C) i32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImGuiTextRange_capacity(self: *const Vector(TextRange)) callconv(.C) i32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImTextureID_capacity(self: *const Vector(TextureID)) callconv(.C) i32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImU32_capacity(self: *const Vector(u32)) callconv(.C) i32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImVec2_capacity(self: *const Vector(Vec2)) callconv(.C) i32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImVec4_capacity(self: *const Vector(Vec4)) callconv(.C) i32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImWchar_capacity(self: *const Vector(Wchar)) callconv(.C) i32;
pub extern fn ImVector_char_capacity(self: *const Vector(u8)) callconv(.C) i32;
pub extern fn ImVector_float_capacity(self: *const Vector(f32)) callconv(.C) i32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawChannel_clear(self: *Vector(DrawChannel)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawCmd_clear(self: *Vector(DrawCmd)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawIdx_clear(self: *Vector(DrawIdx)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawVert_clear(self: *Vector(DrawVert)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontPtr_clear(self: *Vector(*Font)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontAtlasCustomRect_clear(self: *Vector(FontAtlasCustomRect)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontConfig_clear(self: *Vector(FontConfig)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontGlyph_clear(self: *Vector(FontGlyph)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImGuiStoragePair_clear(self: *Vector(StoragePair)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImGuiTextRange_clear(self: *Vector(TextRange)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImTextureID_clear(self: *Vector(TextureID)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImU32_clear(self: *Vector(u32)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImVec2_clear(self: *Vector(Vec2)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImVec4_clear(self: *Vector(Vec4)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImWchar_clear(self: *Vector(Wchar)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_char_clear(self: *Vector(u8)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_float_clear(self: *Vector(f32)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawIdx_contains(self: *const Vector(DrawIdx), v: DrawIdx) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontPtr_contains(self: *const Vector(*Font), v: *Font) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImTextureID_contains(self: *const Vector(TextureID), v: TextureID) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImU32_contains(self: *const Vector(u32), v: u32) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImWchar_contains(self: *const Vector(Wchar), v: Wchar) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn ImVector_char_contains(self: *const Vector(u8), v: u8) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn ImVector_float_contains(self: *const Vector(f32), v: f32) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawChannel_destroy(self: *Vector(DrawChannel)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawCmd_destroy(self: *Vector(DrawCmd)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawIdx_destroy(self: *Vector(DrawIdx)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawVert_destroy(self: *Vector(DrawVert)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontPtr_destroy(self: *Vector(*Font)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontAtlasCustomRect_destroy(self: *Vector(FontAtlasCustomRect)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontConfig_destroy(self: *Vector(FontConfig)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontGlyph_destroy(self: *Vector(FontGlyph)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImGuiStoragePair_destroy(self: *Vector(StoragePair)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImGuiTextRange_destroy(self: *Vector(TextRange)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImTextureID_destroy(self: *Vector(TextureID)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImU32_destroy(self: *Vector(u32)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImVec2_destroy(self: *Vector(Vec2)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImVec4_destroy(self: *Vector(Vec4)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImWchar_destroy(self: *Vector(Wchar)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_char_destroy(self: *Vector(u8)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_float_destroy(self: *Vector(f32)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawChannel_empty(self: *const Vector(DrawChannel)) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawCmd_empty(self: *const Vector(DrawCmd)) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawIdx_empty(self: *const Vector(DrawIdx)) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawVert_empty(self: *const Vector(DrawVert)) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontPtr_empty(self: *const Vector(*Font)) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontAtlasCustomRect_empty(self: *const Vector(FontAtlasCustomRect)) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontConfig_empty(self: *const Vector(FontConfig)) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontGlyph_empty(self: *const Vector(FontGlyph)) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImGuiStoragePair_empty(self: *const Vector(StoragePair)) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImGuiTextRange_empty(self: *const Vector(TextRange)) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImTextureID_empty(self: *const Vector(TextureID)) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImU32_empty(self: *const Vector(u32)) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImVec2_empty(self: *const Vector(Vec2)) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImVec4_empty(self: *const Vector(Vec4)) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImWchar_empty(self: *const Vector(Wchar)) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn ImVector_char_empty(self: *const Vector(u8)) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn ImVector_float_empty(self: *const Vector(f32)) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawChannel_end(self: *Vector(DrawChannel)) callconv(.C) [*]DrawChannel;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawCmd_end(self: *Vector(DrawCmd)) callconv(.C) [*]DrawCmd;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawIdx_end(self: *Vector(DrawIdx)) callconv(.C) [*]DrawIdx;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawVert_end(self: *Vector(DrawVert)) callconv(.C) [*]DrawVert;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontPtr_end(self: *Vector(*Font)) callconv(.C) [*]*Font;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontAtlasCustomRect_end(self: *Vector(FontAtlasCustomRect)) callconv(.C) [*]FontAtlasCustomRect;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontConfig_end(self: *Vector(FontConfig)) callconv(.C) [*]FontConfig;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontGlyph_end(self: *Vector(FontGlyph)) callconv(.C) [*]FontGlyph;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImGuiStoragePair_end(self: *Vector(StoragePair)) callconv(.C) [*]StoragePair;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImGuiTextRange_end(self: *Vector(TextRange)) callconv(.C) [*]TextRange;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImTextureID_end(self: *Vector(TextureID)) callconv(.C) [*]TextureID;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImU32_end(self: *Vector(u32)) callconv(.C) [*]u32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImVec2_end(self: *Vector(Vec2)) callconv(.C) [*]Vec2;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImVec4_end(self: *Vector(Vec4)) callconv(.C) [*]Vec4;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImWchar_end(self: *Vector(Wchar)) callconv(.C) [*]Wchar;
pub extern fn ImVector_char_end(self: *Vector(u8)) callconv(.C) [*]u8;
pub extern fn ImVector_float_end(self: *Vector(f32)) callconv(.C) [*]f32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawChannel_end_const(self: *const Vector(DrawChannel)) callconv(.C) [*]const DrawChannel;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawCmd_end_const(self: *const Vector(DrawCmd)) callconv(.C) [*]const DrawCmd;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawIdx_end_const(self: *const Vector(DrawIdx)) callconv(.C) [*]const DrawIdx;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawVert_end_const(self: *const Vector(DrawVert)) callconv(.C) [*]const DrawVert;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontPtr_end_const(self: *const Vector(*Font)) callconv(.C) [*]const *Font;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontAtlasCustomRect_end_const(self: *const Vector(FontAtlasCustomRect)) callconv(.C) [*]const FontAtlasCustomRect;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontConfig_end_const(self: *const Vector(FontConfig)) callconv(.C) [*]const FontConfig;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontGlyph_end_const(self: *const Vector(FontGlyph)) callconv(.C) [*]const FontGlyph;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImGuiStoragePair_end_const(self: *const Vector(StoragePair)) callconv(.C) [*]const StoragePair;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImGuiTextRange_end_const(self: *const Vector(TextRange)) callconv(.C) [*]const TextRange;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImTextureID_end_const(self: *const Vector(TextureID)) callconv(.C) [*]const TextureID;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImU32_end_const(self: *const Vector(u32)) callconv(.C) [*]const u32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImVec2_end_const(self: *const Vector(Vec2)) callconv(.C) [*]const Vec2;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImVec4_end_const(self: *const Vector(Vec4)) callconv(.C) [*]const Vec4;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImWchar_end_const(self: *const Vector(Wchar)) callconv(.C) [*]const Wchar;
pub extern fn ImVector_char_end_const(self: *const Vector(u8)) callconv(.C) [*]const u8;
pub extern fn ImVector_float_end_const(self: *const Vector(f32)) callconv(.C) [*]const f32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawChannel_erase(self: *Vector(DrawChannel), it: [*]const DrawChannel) callconv(.C) [*]DrawChannel;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawCmd_erase(self: *Vector(DrawCmd), it: [*]const DrawCmd) callconv(.C) [*]DrawCmd;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawIdx_erase(self: *Vector(DrawIdx), it: [*]const DrawIdx) callconv(.C) [*]DrawIdx;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawVert_erase(self: *Vector(DrawVert), it: [*]const DrawVert) callconv(.C) [*]DrawVert;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontPtr_erase(self: *Vector(*Font), it: [*]const *Font) callconv(.C) [*]*Font;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontAtlasCustomRect_erase(self: *Vector(FontAtlasCustomRect), it: [*]const FontAtlasCustomRect) callconv(.C) [*]FontAtlasCustomRect;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontConfig_erase(self: *Vector(FontConfig), it: [*]const FontConfig) callconv(.C) [*]FontConfig;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontGlyph_erase(self: *Vector(FontGlyph), it: [*]const FontGlyph) callconv(.C) [*]FontGlyph;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImGuiStoragePair_erase(self: *Vector(StoragePair), it: [*]const StoragePair) callconv(.C) [*]StoragePair;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImGuiTextRange_erase(self: *Vector(TextRange), it: [*]const TextRange) callconv(.C) [*]TextRange;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImTextureID_erase(self: *Vector(TextureID), it: [*]const TextureID) callconv(.C) [*]TextureID;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImU32_erase(self: *Vector(u32), it: [*]const u32) callconv(.C) [*]u32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImVec2_erase(self: *Vector(Vec2), it: [*]const Vec2) callconv(.C) [*]Vec2;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImVec4_erase(self: *Vector(Vec4), it: [*]const Vec4) callconv(.C) [*]Vec4;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImWchar_erase(self: *Vector(Wchar), it: [*]const Wchar) callconv(.C) [*]Wchar;
pub extern fn ImVector_char_erase(self: *Vector(u8), it: [*]const u8) callconv(.C) [*]u8;
pub extern fn ImVector_float_erase(self: *Vector(f32), it: [*]const f32) callconv(.C) [*]f32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawChannel_eraseTPtr(self: *Vector(DrawChannel), it: [*]const DrawChannel, it_last: [*]const DrawChannel) callconv(.C) [*]DrawChannel;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawCmd_eraseTPtr(self: *Vector(DrawCmd), it: [*]const DrawCmd, it_last: [*]const DrawCmd) callconv(.C) [*]DrawCmd;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawIdx_eraseTPtr(self: *Vector(DrawIdx), it: [*]const DrawIdx, it_last: [*]const DrawIdx) callconv(.C) [*]DrawIdx;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawVert_eraseTPtr(self: *Vector(DrawVert), it: [*]const DrawVert, it_last: [*]const DrawVert) callconv(.C) [*]DrawVert;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontPtr_eraseTPtr(self: *Vector(*Font), it: [*]const *Font, it_last: [*]const *Font) callconv(.C) [*]*Font;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontAtlasCustomRect_eraseTPtr(self: *Vector(FontAtlasCustomRect), it: [*]const FontAtlasCustomRect, it_last: [*]const FontAtlasCustomRect) callconv(.C) [*]FontAtlasCustomRect;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontConfig_eraseTPtr(self: *Vector(FontConfig), it: [*]const FontConfig, it_last: [*]const FontConfig) callconv(.C) [*]FontConfig;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontGlyph_eraseTPtr(self: *Vector(FontGlyph), it: [*]const FontGlyph, it_last: [*]const FontGlyph) callconv(.C) [*]FontGlyph;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImGuiStoragePair_eraseTPtr(self: *Vector(StoragePair), it: [*]const StoragePair, it_last: [*]const StoragePair) callconv(.C) [*]StoragePair;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImGuiTextRange_eraseTPtr(self: *Vector(TextRange), it: [*]const TextRange, it_last: [*]const TextRange) callconv(.C) [*]TextRange;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImTextureID_eraseTPtr(self: *Vector(TextureID), it: [*]const TextureID, it_last: [*]const TextureID) callconv(.C) [*]TextureID;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImU32_eraseTPtr(self: *Vector(u32), it: [*]const u32, it_last: [*]const u32) callconv(.C) [*]u32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImVec2_eraseTPtr(self: *Vector(Vec2), it: [*]const Vec2, it_last: [*]const Vec2) callconv(.C) [*]Vec2;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImVec4_eraseTPtr(self: *Vector(Vec4), it: [*]const Vec4, it_last: [*]const Vec4) callconv(.C) [*]Vec4;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImWchar_eraseTPtr(self: *Vector(Wchar), it: [*]const Wchar, it_last: [*]const Wchar) callconv(.C) [*]Wchar;
pub extern fn ImVector_char_eraseTPtr(self: *Vector(u8), it: [*]const u8, it_last: [*]const u8) callconv(.C) [*]u8;
pub extern fn ImVector_float_eraseTPtr(self: *Vector(f32), it: [*]const f32, it_last: [*]const f32) callconv(.C) [*]f32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawChannel_erase_unsorted(self: *Vector(DrawChannel), it: [*]const DrawChannel) callconv(.C) [*]DrawChannel;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawCmd_erase_unsorted(self: *Vector(DrawCmd), it: [*]const DrawCmd) callconv(.C) [*]DrawCmd;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawIdx_erase_unsorted(self: *Vector(DrawIdx), it: [*]const DrawIdx) callconv(.C) [*]DrawIdx;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawVert_erase_unsorted(self: *Vector(DrawVert), it: [*]const DrawVert) callconv(.C) [*]DrawVert;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontPtr_erase_unsorted(self: *Vector(*Font), it: [*]const *Font) callconv(.C) [*]*Font;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontAtlasCustomRect_erase_unsorted(self: *Vector(FontAtlasCustomRect), it: [*]const FontAtlasCustomRect) callconv(.C) [*]FontAtlasCustomRect;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontConfig_erase_unsorted(self: *Vector(FontConfig), it: [*]const FontConfig) callconv(.C) [*]FontConfig;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontGlyph_erase_unsorted(self: *Vector(FontGlyph), it: [*]const FontGlyph) callconv(.C) [*]FontGlyph;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImGuiStoragePair_erase_unsorted(self: *Vector(StoragePair), it: [*]const StoragePair) callconv(.C) [*]StoragePair;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImGuiTextRange_erase_unsorted(self: *Vector(TextRange), it: [*]const TextRange) callconv(.C) [*]TextRange;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImTextureID_erase_unsorted(self: *Vector(TextureID), it: [*]const TextureID) callconv(.C) [*]TextureID;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImU32_erase_unsorted(self: *Vector(u32), it: [*]const u32) callconv(.C) [*]u32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImVec2_erase_unsorted(self: *Vector(Vec2), it: [*]const Vec2) callconv(.C) [*]Vec2;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImVec4_erase_unsorted(self: *Vector(Vec4), it: [*]const Vec4) callconv(.C) [*]Vec4;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImWchar_erase_unsorted(self: *Vector(Wchar), it: [*]const Wchar) callconv(.C) [*]Wchar;
pub extern fn ImVector_char_erase_unsorted(self: *Vector(u8), it: [*]const u8) callconv(.C) [*]u8;
pub extern fn ImVector_float_erase_unsorted(self: *Vector(f32), it: [*]const f32) callconv(.C) [*]f32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawIdx_find(self: *Vector(DrawIdx), v: DrawIdx) callconv(.C) [*]DrawIdx;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontPtr_find(self: *Vector(*Font), v: *Font) callconv(.C) [*]*Font;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImTextureID_find(self: *Vector(TextureID), v: TextureID) callconv(.C) [*]TextureID;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImU32_find(self: *Vector(u32), v: u32) callconv(.C) [*]u32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImWchar_find(self: *Vector(Wchar), v: Wchar) callconv(.C) [*]Wchar;
pub extern fn ImVector_char_find(self: *Vector(u8), v: u8) callconv(.C) [*]u8;
pub extern fn ImVector_float_find(self: *Vector(f32), v: f32) callconv(.C) [*]f32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawIdx_find_const(self: *const Vector(DrawIdx), v: DrawIdx) callconv(.C) [*]const DrawIdx;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontPtr_find_const(self: *const Vector(*Font), v: *Font) callconv(.C) [*]const *Font;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImTextureID_find_const(self: *const Vector(TextureID), v: TextureID) callconv(.C) [*]const TextureID;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImU32_find_const(self: *const Vector(u32), v: u32) callconv(.C) [*]const u32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImWchar_find_const(self: *const Vector(Wchar), v: Wchar) callconv(.C) [*]const Wchar;
pub extern fn ImVector_char_find_const(self: *const Vector(u8), v: u8) callconv(.C) [*]const u8;
pub extern fn ImVector_float_find_const(self: *const Vector(f32), v: f32) callconv(.C) [*]const f32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawIdx_find_erase(self: *Vector(DrawIdx), v: DrawIdx) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontPtr_find_erase(self: *Vector(*Font), v: *Font) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImTextureID_find_erase(self: *Vector(TextureID), v: TextureID) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImU32_find_erase(self: *Vector(u32), v: u32) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImWchar_find_erase(self: *Vector(Wchar), v: Wchar) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn ImVector_char_find_erase(self: *Vector(u8), v: u8) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn ImVector_float_find_erase(self: *Vector(f32), v: f32) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawIdx_find_erase_unsorted(self: *Vector(DrawIdx), v: DrawIdx) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontPtr_find_erase_unsorted(self: *Vector(*Font), v: *Font) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImTextureID_find_erase_unsorted(self: *Vector(TextureID), v: TextureID) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImU32_find_erase_unsorted(self: *Vector(u32), v: u32) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImWchar_find_erase_unsorted(self: *Vector(Wchar), v: Wchar) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn ImVector_char_find_erase_unsorted(self: *Vector(u8), v: u8) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn ImVector_float_find_erase_unsorted(self: *Vector(f32), v: f32) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawChannel_front(self: *Vector(DrawChannel)) callconv(.C) *DrawChannel;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawCmd_front(self: *Vector(DrawCmd)) callconv(.C) *DrawCmd;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawIdx_front(self: *Vector(DrawIdx)) callconv(.C) *DrawIdx;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawVert_front(self: *Vector(DrawVert)) callconv(.C) *DrawVert;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontPtr_front(self: *Vector(*Font)) callconv(.C) **Font;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontAtlasCustomRect_front(self: *Vector(FontAtlasCustomRect)) callconv(.C) *FontAtlasCustomRect;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontConfig_front(self: *Vector(FontConfig)) callconv(.C) *FontConfig;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontGlyph_front(self: *Vector(FontGlyph)) callconv(.C) *FontGlyph;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImGuiStoragePair_front(self: *Vector(StoragePair)) callconv(.C) *StoragePair;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImGuiTextRange_front(self: *Vector(TextRange)) callconv(.C) *TextRange;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImTextureID_front(self: *Vector(TextureID)) callconv(.C) *TextureID;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImU32_front(self: *Vector(u32)) callconv(.C) *u32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImVec2_front(self: *Vector(Vec2)) callconv(.C) *Vec2;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImVec4_front(self: *Vector(Vec4)) callconv(.C) *Vec4;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImWchar_front(self: *Vector(Wchar)) callconv(.C) *Wchar;
pub extern fn ImVector_char_front(self: *Vector(u8)) callconv(.C) *u8;
pub extern fn ImVector_float_front(self: *Vector(f32)) callconv(.C) *f32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawChannel_front_const(self: *const Vector(DrawChannel)) callconv(.C) *const DrawChannel;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawCmd_front_const(self: *const Vector(DrawCmd)) callconv(.C) *const DrawCmd;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawIdx_front_const(self: *const Vector(DrawIdx)) callconv(.C) *const DrawIdx;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawVert_front_const(self: *const Vector(DrawVert)) callconv(.C) *const DrawVert;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontPtr_front_const(self: *const Vector(*Font)) callconv(.C) *const *Font;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontAtlasCustomRect_front_const(self: *const Vector(FontAtlasCustomRect)) callconv(.C) *const FontAtlasCustomRect;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontConfig_front_const(self: *const Vector(FontConfig)) callconv(.C) *const FontConfig;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontGlyph_front_const(self: *const Vector(FontGlyph)) callconv(.C) *const FontGlyph;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImGuiStoragePair_front_const(self: *const Vector(StoragePair)) callconv(.C) *const StoragePair;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImGuiTextRange_front_const(self: *const Vector(TextRange)) callconv(.C) *const TextRange;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImTextureID_front_const(self: *const Vector(TextureID)) callconv(.C) *const TextureID;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImU32_front_const(self: *const Vector(u32)) callconv(.C) *const u32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImVec2_front_const(self: *const Vector(Vec2)) callconv(.C) *const Vec2;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImVec4_front_const(self: *const Vector(Vec4)) callconv(.C) *const Vec4;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImWchar_front_const(self: *const Vector(Wchar)) callconv(.C) *const Wchar;
pub extern fn ImVector_char_front_const(self: *const Vector(u8)) callconv(.C) *const u8;
pub extern fn ImVector_float_front_const(self: *const Vector(f32)) callconv(.C) *const f32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawChannel_index_from_ptr(self: *const Vector(DrawChannel), it: [*]const DrawChannel) callconv(.C) i32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawCmd_index_from_ptr(self: *const Vector(DrawCmd), it: [*]const DrawCmd) callconv(.C) i32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawIdx_index_from_ptr(self: *const Vector(DrawIdx), it: [*]const DrawIdx) callconv(.C) i32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawVert_index_from_ptr(self: *const Vector(DrawVert), it: [*]const DrawVert) callconv(.C) i32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontPtr_index_from_ptr(self: *const Vector(*Font), it: [*]const *Font) callconv(.C) i32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontAtlasCustomRect_index_from_ptr(self: *const Vector(FontAtlasCustomRect), it: [*]const FontAtlasCustomRect) callconv(.C) i32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontConfig_index_from_ptr(self: *const Vector(FontConfig), it: [*]const FontConfig) callconv(.C) i32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontGlyph_index_from_ptr(self: *const Vector(FontGlyph), it: [*]const FontGlyph) callconv(.C) i32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImGuiStoragePair_index_from_ptr(self: *const Vector(StoragePair), it: [*]const StoragePair) callconv(.C) i32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImGuiTextRange_index_from_ptr(self: *const Vector(TextRange), it: [*]const TextRange) callconv(.C) i32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImTextureID_index_from_ptr(self: *const Vector(TextureID), it: [*]const TextureID) callconv(.C) i32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImU32_index_from_ptr(self: *const Vector(u32), it: [*]const u32) callconv(.C) i32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImVec2_index_from_ptr(self: *const Vector(Vec2), it: [*]const Vec2) callconv(.C) i32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImVec4_index_from_ptr(self: *const Vector(Vec4), it: [*]const Vec4) callconv(.C) i32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImWchar_index_from_ptr(self: *const Vector(Wchar), it: [*]const Wchar) callconv(.C) i32;
pub extern fn ImVector_char_index_from_ptr(self: *const Vector(u8), it: [*]const u8) callconv(.C) i32;
pub extern fn ImVector_float_index_from_ptr(self: *const Vector(f32), it: [*]const f32) callconv(.C) i32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawChannel_insert(self: *Vector(DrawChannel), it: [*]const DrawChannel, v: DrawChannel) callconv(.C) [*]DrawChannel;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawCmd_insert(self: *Vector(DrawCmd), it: [*]const DrawCmd, v: DrawCmd) callconv(.C) [*]DrawCmd;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawIdx_insert(self: *Vector(DrawIdx), it: [*]const DrawIdx, v: DrawIdx) callconv(.C) [*]DrawIdx;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawVert_insert(self: *Vector(DrawVert), it: [*]const DrawVert, v: DrawVert) callconv(.C) [*]DrawVert;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontPtr_insert(self: *Vector(*Font), it: [*]const *Font, v: *Font) callconv(.C) [*]*Font;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontAtlasCustomRect_insert(self: *Vector(FontAtlasCustomRect), it: [*]const FontAtlasCustomRect, v: FontAtlasCustomRect) callconv(.C) [*]FontAtlasCustomRect;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontConfig_insert(self: *Vector(FontConfig), it: [*]const FontConfig, v: FontConfig) callconv(.C) [*]FontConfig;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontGlyph_insert(self: *Vector(FontGlyph), it: [*]const FontGlyph, v: FontGlyph) callconv(.C) [*]FontGlyph;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImGuiStoragePair_insert(self: *Vector(StoragePair), it: [*]const StoragePair, v: StoragePair) callconv(.C) [*]StoragePair;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImGuiTextRange_insert(self: *Vector(TextRange), it: [*]const TextRange, v: TextRange) callconv(.C) [*]TextRange;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImTextureID_insert(self: *Vector(TextureID), it: [*]const TextureID, v: TextureID) callconv(.C) [*]TextureID;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImU32_insert(self: *Vector(u32), it: [*]const u32, v: u32) callconv(.C) [*]u32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImVec2_insert(self: *Vector(Vec2), it: [*]const Vec2, v: Vec2) callconv(.C) [*]Vec2;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImVec4_insert(self: *Vector(Vec4), it: [*]const Vec4, v: Vec4) callconv(.C) [*]Vec4;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImWchar_insert(self: *Vector(Wchar), it: [*]const Wchar, v: Wchar) callconv(.C) [*]Wchar;
pub extern fn ImVector_char_insert(self: *Vector(u8), it: [*]const u8, v: u8) callconv(.C) [*]u8;
pub extern fn ImVector_float_insert(self: *Vector(f32), it: [*]const f32, v: f32) callconv(.C) [*]f32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawChannel_pop_back(self: *Vector(DrawChannel)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawCmd_pop_back(self: *Vector(DrawCmd)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawIdx_pop_back(self: *Vector(DrawIdx)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawVert_pop_back(self: *Vector(DrawVert)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontPtr_pop_back(self: *Vector(*Font)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontAtlasCustomRect_pop_back(self: *Vector(FontAtlasCustomRect)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontConfig_pop_back(self: *Vector(FontConfig)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontGlyph_pop_back(self: *Vector(FontGlyph)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImGuiStoragePair_pop_back(self: *Vector(StoragePair)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImGuiTextRange_pop_back(self: *Vector(TextRange)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImTextureID_pop_back(self: *Vector(TextureID)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImU32_pop_back(self: *Vector(u32)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImVec2_pop_back(self: *Vector(Vec2)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImVec4_pop_back(self: *Vector(Vec4)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImWchar_pop_back(self: *Vector(Wchar)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_char_pop_back(self: *Vector(u8)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_float_pop_back(self: *Vector(f32)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawChannel_push_back(self: *Vector(DrawChannel), v: DrawChannel) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawCmd_push_back(self: *Vector(DrawCmd), v: DrawCmd) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawIdx_push_back(self: *Vector(DrawIdx), v: DrawIdx) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawVert_push_back(self: *Vector(DrawVert), v: DrawVert) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontPtr_push_back(self: *Vector(*Font), v: *Font) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontAtlasCustomRect_push_back(self: *Vector(FontAtlasCustomRect), v: FontAtlasCustomRect) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontConfig_push_back(self: *Vector(FontConfig), v: FontConfig) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontGlyph_push_back(self: *Vector(FontGlyph), v: FontGlyph) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImGuiStoragePair_push_back(self: *Vector(StoragePair), v: StoragePair) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImGuiTextRange_push_back(self: *Vector(TextRange), v: TextRange) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImTextureID_push_back(self: *Vector(TextureID), v: TextureID) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImU32_push_back(self: *Vector(u32), v: u32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImVec2_push_back(self: *Vector(Vec2), v: Vec2) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImVec4_push_back(self: *Vector(Vec4), v: Vec4) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImWchar_push_back(self: *Vector(Wchar), v: Wchar) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_char_push_back(self: *Vector(u8), v: u8) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_float_push_back(self: *Vector(f32), v: f32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawChannel_push_front(self: *Vector(DrawChannel), v: DrawChannel) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawCmd_push_front(self: *Vector(DrawCmd), v: DrawCmd) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawIdx_push_front(self: *Vector(DrawIdx), v: DrawIdx) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawVert_push_front(self: *Vector(DrawVert), v: DrawVert) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontPtr_push_front(self: *Vector(*Font), v: *Font) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontAtlasCustomRect_push_front(self: *Vector(FontAtlasCustomRect), v: FontAtlasCustomRect) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontConfig_push_front(self: *Vector(FontConfig), v: FontConfig) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontGlyph_push_front(self: *Vector(FontGlyph), v: FontGlyph) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImGuiStoragePair_push_front(self: *Vector(StoragePair), v: StoragePair) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImGuiTextRange_push_front(self: *Vector(TextRange), v: TextRange) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImTextureID_push_front(self: *Vector(TextureID), v: TextureID) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImU32_push_front(self: *Vector(u32), v: u32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImVec2_push_front(self: *Vector(Vec2), v: Vec2) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImVec4_push_front(self: *Vector(Vec4), v: Vec4) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImWchar_push_front(self: *Vector(Wchar), v: Wchar) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_char_push_front(self: *Vector(u8), v: u8) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_float_push_front(self: *Vector(f32), v: f32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawChannel_reserve(self: *Vector(DrawChannel), new_capacity: i32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawCmd_reserve(self: *Vector(DrawCmd), new_capacity: i32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawIdx_reserve(self: *Vector(DrawIdx), new_capacity: i32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawVert_reserve(self: *Vector(DrawVert), new_capacity: i32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontPtr_reserve(self: *Vector(*Font), new_capacity: i32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontAtlasCustomRect_reserve(self: *Vector(FontAtlasCustomRect), new_capacity: i32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontConfig_reserve(self: *Vector(FontConfig), new_capacity: i32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontGlyph_reserve(self: *Vector(FontGlyph), new_capacity: i32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImGuiStoragePair_reserve(self: *Vector(StoragePair), new_capacity: i32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImGuiTextRange_reserve(self: *Vector(TextRange), new_capacity: i32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImTextureID_reserve(self: *Vector(TextureID), new_capacity: i32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImU32_reserve(self: *Vector(u32), new_capacity: i32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImVec2_reserve(self: *Vector(Vec2), new_capacity: i32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImVec4_reserve(self: *Vector(Vec4), new_capacity: i32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImWchar_reserve(self: *Vector(Wchar), new_capacity: i32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_char_reserve(self: *Vector(u8), new_capacity: i32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_float_reserve(self: *Vector(f32), new_capacity: i32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawChannel_resize(self: *Vector(DrawChannel), new_size: i32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawCmd_resize(self: *Vector(DrawCmd), new_size: i32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawIdx_resize(self: *Vector(DrawIdx), new_size: i32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawVert_resize(self: *Vector(DrawVert), new_size: i32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontPtr_resize(self: *Vector(*Font), new_size: i32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontAtlasCustomRect_resize(self: *Vector(FontAtlasCustomRect), new_size: i32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontConfig_resize(self: *Vector(FontConfig), new_size: i32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontGlyph_resize(self: *Vector(FontGlyph), new_size: i32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImGuiStoragePair_resize(self: *Vector(StoragePair), new_size: i32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImGuiTextRange_resize(self: *Vector(TextRange), new_size: i32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImTextureID_resize(self: *Vector(TextureID), new_size: i32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImU32_resize(self: *Vector(u32), new_size: i32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImVec2_resize(self: *Vector(Vec2), new_size: i32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImVec4_resize(self: *Vector(Vec4), new_size: i32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImWchar_resize(self: *Vector(Wchar), new_size: i32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_char_resize(self: *Vector(u8), new_size: i32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_float_resize(self: *Vector(f32), new_size: i32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawChannel_resizeT(self: *Vector(DrawChannel), new_size: i32, v: DrawChannel) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawCmd_resizeT(self: *Vector(DrawCmd), new_size: i32, v: DrawCmd) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawIdx_resizeT(self: *Vector(DrawIdx), new_size: i32, v: DrawIdx) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawVert_resizeT(self: *Vector(DrawVert), new_size: i32, v: DrawVert) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontPtr_resizeT(self: *Vector(*Font), new_size: i32, v: *Font) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontAtlasCustomRect_resizeT(self: *Vector(FontAtlasCustomRect), new_size: i32, v: FontAtlasCustomRect) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontConfig_resizeT(self: *Vector(FontConfig), new_size: i32, v: FontConfig) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontGlyph_resizeT(self: *Vector(FontGlyph), new_size: i32, v: FontGlyph) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImGuiStoragePair_resizeT(self: *Vector(StoragePair), new_size: i32, v: StoragePair) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImGuiTextRange_resizeT(self: *Vector(TextRange), new_size: i32, v: TextRange) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImTextureID_resizeT(self: *Vector(TextureID), new_size: i32, v: TextureID) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImU32_resizeT(self: *Vector(u32), new_size: i32, v: u32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImVec2_resizeT(self: *Vector(Vec2), new_size: i32, v: Vec2) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImVec4_resizeT(self: *Vector(Vec4), new_size: i32, v: Vec4) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImWchar_resizeT(self: *Vector(Wchar), new_size: i32, v: Wchar) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_char_resizeT(self: *Vector(u8), new_size: i32, v: u8) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_float_resizeT(self: *Vector(f32), new_size: i32, v: f32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawChannel_shrink(self: *Vector(DrawChannel), new_size: i32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawCmd_shrink(self: *Vector(DrawCmd), new_size: i32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawIdx_shrink(self: *Vector(DrawIdx), new_size: i32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawVert_shrink(self: *Vector(DrawVert), new_size: i32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontPtr_shrink(self: *Vector(*Font), new_size: i32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontAtlasCustomRect_shrink(self: *Vector(FontAtlasCustomRect), new_size: i32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontConfig_shrink(self: *Vector(FontConfig), new_size: i32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontGlyph_shrink(self: *Vector(FontGlyph), new_size: i32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImGuiStoragePair_shrink(self: *Vector(StoragePair), new_size: i32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImGuiTextRange_shrink(self: *Vector(TextRange), new_size: i32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImTextureID_shrink(self: *Vector(TextureID), new_size: i32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImU32_shrink(self: *Vector(u32), new_size: i32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImVec2_shrink(self: *Vector(Vec2), new_size: i32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImVec4_shrink(self: *Vector(Vec4), new_size: i32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImWchar_shrink(self: *Vector(Wchar), new_size: i32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_char_shrink(self: *Vector(u8), new_size: i32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_float_shrink(self: *Vector(f32), new_size: i32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawChannel_size(self: *const Vector(DrawChannel)) callconv(.C) i32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawCmd_size(self: *const Vector(DrawCmd)) callconv(.C) i32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawIdx_size(self: *const Vector(DrawIdx)) callconv(.C) i32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawVert_size(self: *const Vector(DrawVert)) callconv(.C) i32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontPtr_size(self: *const Vector(*Font)) callconv(.C) i32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontAtlasCustomRect_size(self: *const Vector(FontAtlasCustomRect)) callconv(.C) i32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontConfig_size(self: *const Vector(FontConfig)) callconv(.C) i32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontGlyph_size(self: *const Vector(FontGlyph)) callconv(.C) i32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImGuiStoragePair_size(self: *const Vector(StoragePair)) callconv(.C) i32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImGuiTextRange_size(self: *const Vector(TextRange)) callconv(.C) i32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImTextureID_size(self: *const Vector(TextureID)) callconv(.C) i32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImU32_size(self: *const Vector(u32)) callconv(.C) i32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImVec2_size(self: *const Vector(Vec2)) callconv(.C) i32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImVec4_size(self: *const Vector(Vec4)) callconv(.C) i32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImWchar_size(self: *const Vector(Wchar)) callconv(.C) i32;
pub extern fn ImVector_char_size(self: *const Vector(u8)) callconv(.C) i32;
pub extern fn ImVector_float_size(self: *const Vector(f32)) callconv(.C) i32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawChannel_size_in_bytes(self: *const Vector(DrawChannel)) callconv(.C) i32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawCmd_size_in_bytes(self: *const Vector(DrawCmd)) callconv(.C) i32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawIdx_size_in_bytes(self: *const Vector(DrawIdx)) callconv(.C) i32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawVert_size_in_bytes(self: *const Vector(DrawVert)) callconv(.C) i32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontPtr_size_in_bytes(self: *const Vector(*Font)) callconv(.C) i32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontAtlasCustomRect_size_in_bytes(self: *const Vector(FontAtlasCustomRect)) callconv(.C) i32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontConfig_size_in_bytes(self: *const Vector(FontConfig)) callconv(.C) i32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontGlyph_size_in_bytes(self: *const Vector(FontGlyph)) callconv(.C) i32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImGuiStoragePair_size_in_bytes(self: *const Vector(StoragePair)) callconv(.C) i32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImGuiTextRange_size_in_bytes(self: *const Vector(TextRange)) callconv(.C) i32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImTextureID_size_in_bytes(self: *const Vector(TextureID)) callconv(.C) i32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImU32_size_in_bytes(self: *const Vector(u32)) callconv(.C) i32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImVec2_size_in_bytes(self: *const Vector(Vec2)) callconv(.C) i32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImVec4_size_in_bytes(self: *const Vector(Vec4)) callconv(.C) i32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImWchar_size_in_bytes(self: *const Vector(Wchar)) callconv(.C) i32;
pub extern fn ImVector_char_size_in_bytes(self: *const Vector(u8)) callconv(.C) i32;
pub extern fn ImVector_float_size_in_bytes(self: *const Vector(f32)) callconv(.C) i32;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawChannel_swap(self: *Vector(DrawChannel), rhs: *Vector(DrawChannel)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawCmd_swap(self: *Vector(DrawCmd), rhs: *Vector(DrawCmd)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawIdx_swap(self: *Vector(DrawIdx), rhs: *Vector(DrawIdx)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImDrawVert_swap(self: *Vector(DrawVert), rhs: *Vector(DrawVert)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontPtr_swap(self: *Vector(*Font), rhs: *Vector(*Font)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontAtlasCustomRect_swap(self: *Vector(FontAtlasCustomRect), rhs: *Vector(FontAtlasCustomRect)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontConfig_swap(self: *Vector(FontConfig), rhs: *Vector(FontConfig)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImFontGlyph_swap(self: *Vector(FontGlyph), rhs: *Vector(FontGlyph)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImGuiStoragePair_swap(self: *Vector(StoragePair), rhs: *Vector(StoragePair)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImGuiTextRange_swap(self: *Vector(TextRange), rhs: *Vector(TextRange)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImTextureID_swap(self: *Vector(TextureID), rhs: *Vector(TextureID)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImU32_swap(self: *Vector(u32), rhs: *Vector(u32)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImVec2_swap(self: *Vector(Vec2), rhs: *Vector(Vec2)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImVec4_swap(self: *Vector(Vec4), rhs: *Vector(Vec4)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_ImWchar_swap(self: *Vector(Wchar), rhs: *Vector(Wchar)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_char_swap(self: *Vector(u8), rhs: *Vector(u8)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn ImVector_float_swap(self: *Vector(f32), rhs: *Vector(f32)) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igAcceptDragDropPayload(kind: ?[*:0]const u8, flags: DragDropFlagsInt) callconv(.C) ?*const Payload;
pub extern fn igAlignTextToFramePadding() callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igArrowButton(str_id: ?[*:0]const u8, dir: Dir) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igBegin(name: ?[*:0]const u8, p_open: ?*bool, flags: WindowFlagsInt) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igBeginChildStr(str_id: ?[*:0]const u8, size: Vec2, border: bool, flags: WindowFlagsInt) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igBeginChildID(id: ID, size: Vec2, border: bool, flags: WindowFlagsInt) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igBeginChildFrame(id: ID, size: Vec2, flags: WindowFlagsInt) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igBeginCombo(label: ?[*:0]const u8, preview_value: ?[*:0]const u8, flags: ComboFlagsInt) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igBeginDragDropSource(flags: DragDropFlagsInt) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igBeginDragDropTarget() callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igBeginGroup() callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igBeginMainMenuBar() callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igBeginMenu(label: ?[*:0]const u8, enabled: bool) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igBeginMenuBar() callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igBeginPopup(str_id: ?[*:0]const u8, flags: WindowFlagsInt) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igBeginPopupContextItem(str_id: ?[*:0]const u8, mouse_button: MouseButton) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igBeginPopupContextVoid(str_id: ?[*:0]const u8, mouse_button: MouseButton) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igBeginPopupContextWindow(str_id: ?[*:0]const u8, mouse_button: MouseButton, also_over_items: bool) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igBeginPopupModal(name: ?[*:0]const u8, p_open: ?*bool, flags: WindowFlagsInt) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igBeginTabBar(str_id: ?[*:0]const u8, flags: TabBarFlagsInt) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igBeginTabItem(label: ?[*:0]const u8, p_open: ?*bool, flags: TabItemFlagsInt) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igBeginTooltip() callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igBullet() callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igBulletText(fmt: ?[*:0]const u8, ...) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igButton(label: ?[*:0]const u8, size: Vec2) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igCalcItemWidth() callconv(.C) f32;
pub extern fn igCalcListClipping(items_count: i32, items_height: f32, out_items_display_start: *i32, out_items_display_end: *i32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igCalcTextSize_nonUDT(pOut: *Vec2, text: ?[*]const u8, text_end: ?[*]const u8, hide_text_after_double_hash: bool, wrap_width: f32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igCaptureKeyboardFromApp(want_capture_keyboard_value: bool) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igCaptureMouseFromApp(want_capture_mouse_value: bool) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igCheckbox(label: ?[*:0]const u8, v: *bool) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igCheckboxFlags(label: ?[*:0]const u8, flags: ?*u32, flags_value: u32) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igCloseCurrentPopup() callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igCollapsingHeader(label: ?[*:0]const u8, flags: TreeNodeFlagsInt) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igCollapsingHeaderBoolPtr(label: ?[*:0]const u8, p_open: ?*bool, flags: TreeNodeFlagsInt) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igColorButton(desc_id: ?[*:0]const u8, col: Vec4, flags: ColorEditFlagsInt, size: Vec2) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igColorConvertFloat4ToU32(in: Vec4) callconv(.C) u32;
pub extern fn igColorConvertHSVtoRGB(h: f32, s: f32, v: f32, out_r: *f32, out_g: *f32, out_b: *f32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igColorConvertRGBtoHSV(r: f32, g: f32, b: f32, out_h: *f32, out_s: *f32, out_v: *f32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igColorConvertU32ToFloat4_nonUDT(pOut: *Vec4, in: u32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igColorEdit3(label: ?[*:0]const u8, col: *[3]f32, flags: ColorEditFlagsInt) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igColorEdit4(label: ?[*:0]const u8, col: *[4]f32, flags: ColorEditFlagsInt) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igColorPicker3(label: ?[*:0]const u8, col: *[3]f32, flags: ColorEditFlagsInt) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igColorPicker4(label: ?[*:0]const u8, col: *[4]f32, flags: ColorEditFlagsInt, ref_col: ?*const[4]f32) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igColumns(count: i32, id: ?[*:0]const u8, border: bool) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igCombo(label: ?[*:0]const u8, current_item: ?*i32, items: [*]const[*:0]const u8, items_count: i32, popup_max_height_in_items: i32) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igComboStr(label: ?[*:0]const u8, current_item: ?*i32, items_separated_by_zeros: ?[*]const u8, popup_max_height_in_items: i32) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igComboFnPtr(label: ?[*:0]const u8, current_item: ?*i32, items_getter: ?fn (data: ?*c_void, idx: i32, out_text: *?[*:0]const u8) callconv(.C) bool, data: ?*c_void, items_count: i32, popup_max_height_in_items: i32) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igCreateContext(shared_font_atlas: ?*FontAtlas) callconv(.C) ?*Context;
pub extern fn igDebugCheckVersionAndDataLayout(version_str: ?[*:0]const u8, sz_io: usize, sz_style: usize, sz_vec2: usize, sz_vec4: usize, sz_drawvert: usize, sz_drawidx: usize) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igDestroyContext(ctx: ?*Context) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igDragFloat(label: ?[*:0]const u8, v: *f32, v_speed: f32, v_min: f32, v_max: f32, format: ?[*:0]const u8, power: f32) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igDragFloat2(label: ?[*:0]const u8, v: *[2]f32, v_speed: f32, v_min: f32, v_max: f32, format: ?[*:0]const u8, power: f32) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igDragFloat3(label: ?[*:0]const u8, v: *[3]f32, v_speed: f32, v_min: f32, v_max: f32, format: ?[*:0]const u8, power: f32) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igDragFloat4(label: ?[*:0]const u8, v: *[4]f32, v_speed: f32, v_min: f32, v_max: f32, format: ?[*:0]const u8, power: f32) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igDragFloatRange2(label: ?[*:0]const u8, v_current_min: *f32, v_current_max: *f32, v_speed: f32, v_min: f32, v_max: f32, format: ?[*:0]const u8, format_max: ?[*:0]const u8, power: f32) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igDragInt(label: ?[*:0]const u8, v: *i32, v_speed: f32, v_min: i32, v_max: i32, format: ?[*:0]const u8) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igDragInt2(label: ?[*:0]const u8, v: *[2]i32, v_speed: f32, v_min: i32, v_max: i32, format: ?[*:0]const u8) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igDragInt3(label: ?[*:0]const u8, v: *[3]i32, v_speed: f32, v_min: i32, v_max: i32, format: ?[*:0]const u8) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igDragInt4(label: ?[*:0]const u8, v: *[4]i32, v_speed: f32, v_min: i32, v_max: i32, format: ?[*:0]const u8) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igDragIntRange2(label: ?[*:0]const u8, v_current_min: *i32, v_current_max: *i32, v_speed: f32, v_min: i32, v_max: i32, format: ?[*:0]const u8, format_max: ?[*:0]const u8) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igDragScalar(label: ?[*:0]const u8, data_type: DataType, p_data: ?*c_void, v_speed: f32, p_min: ?*const c_void, p_max: ?*const c_void, format: ?[*:0]const u8, power: f32) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igDragScalarN(label: ?[*:0]const u8, data_type: DataType, p_data: ?*c_void, components: i32, v_speed: f32, p_min: ?*const c_void, p_max: ?*const c_void, format: ?[*:0]const u8, power: f32) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igDummy(size: Vec2) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igEnd() callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igEndChild() callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igEndChildFrame() callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igEndCombo() callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igEndDragDropSource() callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igEndDragDropTarget() callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igEndFrame() callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igEndGroup() callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igEndMainMenuBar() callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igEndMenu() callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igEndMenuBar() callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igEndPopup() callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igEndTabBar() callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igEndTabItem() callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igEndTooltip() callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igGetBackgroundDrawList() callconv(.C) ?*DrawList;
pub extern fn igGetClipboardText() callconv(.C) ?[*:0]const u8;
pub extern fn igGetColorU32(idx: Col, alpha_mul: f32) callconv(.C) u32;
pub extern fn igGetColorU32Vec4(col: Vec4) callconv(.C) u32;
pub extern fn igGetColorU32U32(col: u32) callconv(.C) u32;
pub extern fn igGetColumnIndex() callconv(.C) i32;
pub extern fn igGetColumnOffset(column_index: i32) callconv(.C) f32;
pub extern fn igGetColumnWidth(column_index: i32) callconv(.C) f32;
pub extern fn igGetColumnsCount() callconv(.C) i32;
pub extern fn igGetContentRegionAvail_nonUDT(pOut: *Vec2) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igGetContentRegionMax_nonUDT(pOut: *Vec2) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igGetCurrentContext() callconv(.C) ?*Context;
pub extern fn igGetCursorPos_nonUDT(pOut: *Vec2) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igGetCursorPosX() callconv(.C) f32;
pub extern fn igGetCursorPosY() callconv(.C) f32;
pub extern fn igGetCursorScreenPos_nonUDT(pOut: *Vec2) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igGetCursorStartPos_nonUDT(pOut: *Vec2) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igGetDragDropPayload() callconv(.C) ?*const Payload;
pub extern fn igGetDrawData() callconv(.C) *DrawData;
pub extern fn igGetDrawListSharedData() callconv(.C) ?*DrawListSharedData;
pub extern fn igGetFont() callconv(.C) ?*Font;
pub extern fn igGetFontSize() callconv(.C) f32;
pub extern fn igGetFontTexUvWhitePixel_nonUDT(pOut: *Vec2) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igGetForegroundDrawList() callconv(.C) ?*DrawList;
pub extern fn igGetFrameCount() callconv(.C) i32;
pub extern fn igGetFrameHeight() callconv(.C) f32;
pub extern fn igGetFrameHeightWithSpacing() callconv(.C) f32;
pub extern fn igGetIDStr(str_id: ?[*:0]const u8) callconv(.C) ID;
pub extern fn igGetIDRange(str_id_begin: ?[*]const u8, str_id_end: ?[*]const u8) callconv(.C) ID;
pub extern fn igGetIDPtr(ptr_id: ?*const c_void) callconv(.C) ID;
pub extern fn igGetIO() callconv(.C) *IO;
pub extern fn igGetItemRectMax_nonUDT(pOut: *Vec2) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igGetItemRectMin_nonUDT(pOut: *Vec2) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igGetItemRectSize_nonUDT(pOut: *Vec2) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igGetKeyIndex(imgui_key: Key) callconv(.C) i32;
pub extern fn igGetKeyPressedAmount(key_index: i32, repeat_delay: f32, rate: f32) callconv(.C) i32;
pub extern fn igGetMouseCursor() callconv(.C) MouseCursor;
pub extern fn igGetMouseDragDelta_nonUDT(pOut: *Vec2, button: MouseButton, lock_threshold: f32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igGetMousePos_nonUDT(pOut: *Vec2) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igGetMousePosOnOpeningCurrentPopup_nonUDT(pOut: *Vec2) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igGetScrollMaxX() callconv(.C) f32;
pub extern fn igGetScrollMaxY() callconv(.C) f32;
pub extern fn igGetScrollX() callconv(.C) f32;
pub extern fn igGetScrollY() callconv(.C) f32;
pub extern fn igGetStateStorage() callconv(.C) ?*Storage;
pub extern fn igGetStyle() callconv(.C) ?*Style;
pub extern fn igGetStyleColorName(idx: Col) callconv(.C) ?[*:0]const u8;
pub extern fn igGetStyleColorVec4(idx: Col) callconv(.C) ?*const Vec4;
pub extern fn igGetTextLineHeight() callconv(.C) f32;
pub extern fn igGetTextLineHeightWithSpacing() callconv(.C) f32;
pub extern fn igGetTime() callconv(.C) f64;
pub extern fn igGetTreeNodeToLabelSpacing() callconv(.C) f32;
pub extern fn igGetVersion() callconv(.C) ?[*:0]const u8;
pub extern fn igGetWindowContentRegionMax_nonUDT(pOut: *Vec2) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igGetWindowContentRegionMin_nonUDT(pOut: *Vec2) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igGetWindowContentRegionWidth() callconv(.C) f32;
pub extern fn igGetWindowDrawList() callconv(.C) ?*DrawList;
pub extern fn igGetWindowHeight() callconv(.C) f32;
pub extern fn igGetWindowPos_nonUDT(pOut: *Vec2) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igGetWindowSize_nonUDT(pOut: *Vec2) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igGetWindowWidth() callconv(.C) f32;
pub extern fn igImage(user_texture_id: TextureID, size: Vec2, uv0: Vec2, uv1: Vec2, tint_col: Vec4, border_col: Vec4) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igImageButton(user_texture_id: TextureID, size: Vec2, uv0: Vec2, uv1: Vec2, frame_padding: i32, bg_col: Vec4, tint_col: Vec4) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igIndent(indent_w: f32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igInputDouble(label: ?[*:0]const u8, v: *f64, step: f64, step_fast: f64, format: ?[*:0]const u8, flags: InputTextFlagsInt) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igInputFloat(label: ?[*:0]const u8, v: *f32, step: f32, step_fast: f32, format: ?[*:0]const u8, flags: InputTextFlagsInt) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igInputFloat2(label: ?[*:0]const u8, v: *[2]f32, format: ?[*:0]const u8, flags: InputTextFlagsInt) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igInputFloat3(label: ?[*:0]const u8, v: *[3]f32, format: ?[*:0]const u8, flags: InputTextFlagsInt) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igInputFloat4(label: ?[*:0]const u8, v: *[4]f32, format: ?[*:0]const u8, flags: InputTextFlagsInt) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igInputInt(label: ?[*:0]const u8, v: *i32, step: i32, step_fast: i32, flags: InputTextFlagsInt) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igInputInt2(label: ?[*:0]const u8, v: *[2]i32, flags: InputTextFlagsInt) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igInputInt3(label: ?[*:0]const u8, v: *[3]i32, flags: InputTextFlagsInt) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igInputInt4(label: ?[*:0]const u8, v: *[4]i32, flags: InputTextFlagsInt) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igInputScalar(label: ?[*:0]const u8, data_type: DataType, p_data: ?*c_void, p_step: ?*const c_void, p_step_fast: ?*const c_void, format: ?[*:0]const u8, flags: InputTextFlagsInt) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igInputScalarN(label: ?[*:0]const u8, data_type: DataType, p_data: ?*c_void, components: i32, p_step: ?*const c_void, p_step_fast: ?*const c_void, format: ?[*:0]const u8, flags: InputTextFlagsInt) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igInputText(label: ?[*:0]const u8, buf: ?[*]u8, buf_size: usize, flags: InputTextFlagsInt, callback: InputTextCallback, user_data: ?*c_void) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igInputTextMultiline(label: ?[*:0]const u8, buf: ?[*]u8, buf_size: usize, size: Vec2, flags: InputTextFlagsInt, callback: InputTextCallback, user_data: ?*c_void) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igInputTextWithHint(label: ?[*:0]const u8, hint: ?[*:0]const u8, buf: ?[*]u8, buf_size: usize, flags: InputTextFlagsInt, callback: InputTextCallback, user_data: ?*c_void) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igInvisibleButton(str_id: ?[*:0]const u8, size: Vec2) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igIsAnyItemActive() callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igIsAnyItemFocused() callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igIsAnyItemHovered() callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igIsAnyMouseDown() callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igIsItemActivated() callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igIsItemActive() callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igIsItemClicked(mouse_button: MouseButton) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igIsItemDeactivated() callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igIsItemDeactivatedAfterEdit() callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igIsItemEdited() callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igIsItemFocused() callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igIsItemHovered(flags: HoveredFlagsInt) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igIsItemToggledOpen() callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igIsItemVisible() callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igIsKeyDown(user_key_index: i32) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igIsKeyPressed(user_key_index: i32, repeat: bool) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igIsKeyReleased(user_key_index: i32) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igIsMouseClicked(button: MouseButton, repeat: bool) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igIsMouseDoubleClicked(button: MouseButton) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igIsMouseDown(button: MouseButton) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igIsMouseDragging(button: MouseButton, lock_threshold: f32) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igIsMouseHoveringRect(r_min: Vec2, r_max: Vec2, clip: bool) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igIsMousePosValid(mouse_pos: ?*const Vec2) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igIsMouseReleased(button: MouseButton) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igIsPopupOpen(str_id: ?[*:0]const u8) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igIsRectVisible(size: Vec2) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igIsRectVisibleVec2(rect_min: Vec2, rect_max: Vec2) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igIsWindowAppearing() callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igIsWindowCollapsed() callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igIsWindowFocused(flags: FocusedFlagsInt) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igIsWindowHovered(flags: HoveredFlagsInt) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igLabelText(label: ?[*:0]const u8, fmt: ?[*:0]const u8, ...) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igListBoxStr_arr(label: ?[*:0]const u8, current_item: ?*i32, items: [*]const[*:0]const u8, items_count: i32, height_in_items: i32) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igListBoxFnPtr(label: ?[*:0]const u8, current_item: ?*i32, items_getter: ?fn (data: ?*c_void, idx: i32, out_text: *?[*:0]const u8) callconv(.C) bool, data: ?*c_void, items_count: i32, height_in_items: i32) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igListBoxFooter() callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igListBoxHeaderVec2(label: ?[*:0]const u8, size: Vec2) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igListBoxHeaderInt(label: ?[*:0]const u8, items_count: i32, height_in_items: i32) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igLoadIniSettingsFromDisk(ini_filename: ?[*:0]const u8) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igLoadIniSettingsFromMemory(ini_data: ?[*]const u8, ini_size: usize) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igLogButtons() callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igLogFinish() callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igLogText(fmt: ?[*:0]const u8, ...) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igLogToClipboard(auto_open_depth: i32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igLogToFile(auto_open_depth: i32, filename: ?[*:0]const u8) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igLogToTTY(auto_open_depth: i32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igMemAlloc(size: usize) callconv(.C) ?*c_void;
pub extern fn igMemFree(ptr: ?*c_void) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igMenuItemBool(label: ?[*:0]const u8, shortcut: ?[*:0]const u8, selected: bool, enabled: bool) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igMenuItemBoolPtr(label: ?[*:0]const u8, shortcut: ?[*:0]const u8, p_selected: ?*bool, enabled: bool) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igNewFrame() callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igNewLine() callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igNextColumn() callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igOpenPopup(str_id: ?[*:0]const u8) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igOpenPopupOnItemClick(str_id: ?[*:0]const u8, mouse_button: MouseButton) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igPlotHistogramFloatPtr(label: ?[*:0]const u8, values: *const f32, values_count: i32, values_offset: i32, overlay_text: ?[*:0]const u8, scale_min: f32, scale_max: f32, graph_size: Vec2, stride: i32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igPlotHistogramFnPtr(label: ?[*:0]const u8, values_getter: ?fn (data: ?*c_void, idx: i32) callconv(.C) f32, data: ?*c_void, values_count: i32, values_offset: i32, overlay_text: ?[*:0]const u8, scale_min: f32, scale_max: f32, graph_size: Vec2) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igPlotLines(label: ?[*:0]const u8, values: *const f32, values_count: i32, values_offset: i32, overlay_text: ?[*:0]const u8, scale_min: f32, scale_max: f32, graph_size: Vec2, stride: i32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igPlotLinesFnPtr(label: ?[*:0]const u8, values_getter: ?fn (data: ?*c_void, idx: i32) callconv(.C) f32, data: ?*c_void, values_count: i32, values_offset: i32, overlay_text: ?[*:0]const u8, scale_min: f32, scale_max: f32, graph_size: Vec2) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igPopAllowKeyboardFocus() callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igPopButtonRepeat() callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igPopClipRect() callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igPopFont() callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igPopID() callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igPopItemWidth() callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igPopStyleColor(count: i32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igPopStyleVar(count: i32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igPopTextWrapPos() callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igProgressBar(fraction: f32, size_arg: Vec2, overlay: ?[*:0]const u8) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igPushAllowKeyboardFocus(allow_keyboard_focus: bool) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igPushButtonRepeat(repeat: bool) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igPushClipRect(clip_rect_min: Vec2, clip_rect_max: Vec2, intersect_with_current_clip_rect: bool) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igPushFont(font: ?*Font) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igPushIDStr(str_id: ?[*:0]const u8) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igPushIDRange(str_id_begin: ?[*]const u8, str_id_end: ?[*]const u8) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igPushIDPtr(ptr_id: ?*const c_void) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igPushIDInt(int_id: i32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igPushItemWidth(item_width: f32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igPushStyleColorU32(idx: Col, col: u32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igPushStyleColorVec4(idx: Col, col: Vec4) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igPushStyleVarFloat(idx: StyleVar, val: f32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igPushStyleVarVec2(idx: StyleVar, val: Vec2) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igPushTextWrapPos(wrap_local_pos_x: f32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igRadioButtonBool(label: ?[*:0]const u8, active: bool) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igRadioButtonIntPtr(label: ?[*:0]const u8, v: *i32, v_button: i32) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igRender() callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igResetMouseDragDelta(button: MouseButton) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igSameLine(offset_from_start_x: f32, spacing: f32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igSaveIniSettingsToDisk(ini_filename: ?[*:0]const u8) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igSaveIniSettingsToMemory(out_ini_size: ?*usize) callconv(.C) ?[*:0]const u8;
pub extern fn igSelectableBool(label: ?[*:0]const u8, selected: bool, flags: SelectableFlagsInt, size: Vec2) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igSelectableBoolPtr(label: ?[*:0]const u8, p_selected: ?*bool, flags: SelectableFlagsInt, size: Vec2) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igSeparator() callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igSetAllocatorFunctions(alloc_func: ?fn (sz: usize, user_data: ?*c_void) callconv(.C) ?*c_void, free_func: ?fn (ptr: ?*c_void, user_data: ?*c_void) callconv(.C) void, user_data: ?*c_void) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igSetClipboardText(text: ?[*:0]const u8) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igSetColorEditOptions(flags: ColorEditFlagsInt) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igSetColumnOffset(column_index: i32, offset_x: f32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igSetColumnWidth(column_index: i32, width: f32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igSetCurrentContext(ctx: ?*Context) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igSetCursorPos(local_pos: Vec2) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igSetCursorPosX(local_x: f32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igSetCursorPosY(local_y: f32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igSetCursorScreenPos(pos: Vec2) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igSetDragDropPayload(kind: ?[*:0]const u8, data: ?*const c_void, sz: usize, cond: CondFlagsInt) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igSetItemAllowOverlap() callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igSetItemDefaultFocus() callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igSetKeyboardFocusHere(offset: i32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igSetMouseCursor(cursor_type: MouseCursor) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igSetNextItemOpen(is_open: bool, cond: CondFlagsInt) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igSetNextItemWidth(item_width: f32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igSetNextWindowBgAlpha(alpha: f32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igSetNextWindowCollapsed(collapsed: bool, cond: CondFlagsInt) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igSetNextWindowContentSize(size: Vec2) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igSetNextWindowFocus() callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igSetNextWindowPos(pos: Vec2, cond: CondFlagsInt, pivot: Vec2) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igSetNextWindowSize(size: Vec2, cond: CondFlagsInt) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igSetNextWindowSizeConstraints(size_min: Vec2, size_max: Vec2, custom_callback: SizeCallback, custom_callback_data: ?*c_void) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igSetScrollFromPosX(local_x: f32, center_x_ratio: f32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igSetScrollFromPosY(local_y: f32, center_y_ratio: f32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igSetScrollHereX(center_x_ratio: f32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igSetScrollHereY(center_y_ratio: f32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igSetScrollX(scroll_x: f32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igSetScrollY(scroll_y: f32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igSetStateStorage(storage: ?*Storage) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igSetTabItemClosed(tab_or_docked_window_label: ?[*:0]const u8) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igSetTooltip(fmt: ?[*:0]const u8, ...) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igSetWindowCollapsedBool(collapsed: bool, cond: CondFlagsInt) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igSetWindowCollapsedStr(name: ?[*:0]const u8, collapsed: bool, cond: CondFlagsInt) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igSetWindowFocus() callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igSetWindowFocusStr(name: ?[*:0]const u8) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igSetWindowFontScale(scale: f32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igSetWindowPosVec2(pos: Vec2, cond: CondFlagsInt) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igSetWindowPosStr(name: ?[*:0]const u8, pos: Vec2, cond: CondFlagsInt) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igSetWindowSizeVec2(size: Vec2, cond: CondFlagsInt) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igSetWindowSizeStr(name: ?[*:0]const u8, size: Vec2, cond: CondFlagsInt) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igShowAboutWindow(p_open: ?*bool) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igShowDemoWindow(p_open: ?*bool) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igShowFontSelector(label: ?[*:0]const u8) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igShowMetricsWindow(p_open: ?*bool) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igShowStyleEditor(ref: ?*Style) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igShowStyleSelector(label: ?[*:0]const u8) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igShowUserGuide() callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igSliderAngle(label: ?[*:0]const u8, v_rad: *f32, v_degrees_min: f32, v_degrees_max: f32, format: ?[*:0]const u8) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igSliderFloat(label: ?[*:0]const u8, v: *f32, v_min: f32, v_max: f32, format: ?[*:0]const u8, power: f32) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igSliderFloat2(label: ?[*:0]const u8, v: *[2]f32, v_min: f32, v_max: f32, format: ?[*:0]const u8, power: f32) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igSliderFloat3(label: ?[*:0]const u8, v: *[3]f32, v_min: f32, v_max: f32, format: ?[*:0]const u8, power: f32) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igSliderFloat4(label: ?[*:0]const u8, v: *[4]f32, v_min: f32, v_max: f32, format: ?[*:0]const u8, power: f32) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igSliderInt(label: ?[*:0]const u8, v: *i32, v_min: i32, v_max: i32, format: ?[*:0]const u8) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igSliderInt2(label: ?[*:0]const u8, v: *[2]i32, v_min: i32, v_max: i32, format: ?[*:0]const u8) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igSliderInt3(label: ?[*:0]const u8, v: *[3]i32, v_min: i32, v_max: i32, format: ?[*:0]const u8) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igSliderInt4(label: ?[*:0]const u8, v: *[4]i32, v_min: i32, v_max: i32, format: ?[*:0]const u8) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igSliderScalar(label: ?[*:0]const u8, data_type: DataType, p_data: ?*c_void, p_min: ?*const c_void, p_max: ?*const c_void, format: ?[*:0]const u8, power: f32) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igSliderScalarN(label: ?[*:0]const u8, data_type: DataType, p_data: ?*c_void, components: i32, p_min: ?*const c_void, p_max: ?*const c_void, format: ?[*:0]const u8, power: f32) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igSmallButton(label: ?[*:0]const u8) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igSpacing() callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igStyleColorsClassic(dst: ?*Style) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igStyleColorsDark(dst: ?*Style) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igStyleColorsLight(dst: ?*Style) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igText(fmt: ?[*:0]const u8, ...) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igTextColored(col: Vec4, fmt: ?[*:0]const u8, ...) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igTextDisabled(fmt: ?[*:0]const u8, ...) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igTextUnformatted(text: ?[*]const u8, text_end: ?[*]const u8) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igTextWrapped(fmt: ?[*:0]const u8, ...) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igTreeNodeStr(label: ?[*:0]const u8) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igTreeNodeStrStr(str_id: ?[*:0]const u8, fmt: ?[*:0]const u8, ...) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igTreeNodePtr(ptr_id: ?*const c_void, fmt: ?[*:0]const u8, ...) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igTreeNodeExStr(label: ?[*:0]const u8, flags: TreeNodeFlagsInt) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igTreeNodeExStrStr(str_id: ?[*:0]const u8, flags: TreeNodeFlagsInt, fmt: ?[*:0]const u8, ...) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igTreeNodeExPtr(ptr_id: ?*const c_void, flags: TreeNodeFlagsInt, fmt: ?[*:0]const u8, ...) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igTreePop() callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igTreePushStr(str_id: ?[*:0]const u8) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igTreePushPtr(ptr_id: ?*const c_void) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igUnindent(indent_w: f32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igVSliderFloat(label: ?[*:0]const u8, size: Vec2, v: *f32, v_min: f32, v_max: f32, format: ?[*:0]const u8, power: f32) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igVSliderInt(label: ?[*:0]const u8, size: Vec2, v: *i32, v_min: i32, v_max: i32, format: ?[*:0]const u8) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igVSliderScalar(label: ?[*:0]const u8, size: Vec2, data_type: DataType, p_data: ?*c_void, p_min: ?*const c_void, p_max: ?*const c_void, format: ?[*:0]const u8, power: f32) callconv(.C) bool;
pub extern fn igValueBool(prefix: ?[*:0]const u8, b: bool) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igValueInt(prefix: ?[*:0]const u8, v: i32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igValueUint(prefix: ?[*:0]const u8, v: u32) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern fn igValueFloat(prefix: ?[*:0]const u8, v: f32, float_format: ?[*:0]const u8) callconv(.C) void;
| https://raw.githubusercontent.com/digitalcreature/ube/c5e5c9f4b54f1981ead8337faf4513c83b92fc01/src/imgui/imgui.zig |
usingnamespace @import("./common.zig");
const Input = struct {
time: u64,
ids: []const u64,
pub fn cleanInput(allocator: *mem.Allocator, file: []const u8) !*Input {
var input = try allocator.create(Input);
var lines = mem.tokenize(file, "\n");
input.time = try parseInt(u64, lines.next().?, 10);
var ids_str = lines.next().?;
var count: usize = 0;
var entries = mem.tokenize(ids_str, ",");
while (entries.next()) |entry| count += 1;
var ids = try allocator.alloc(u64, count);
entries = mem.tokenize(ids_str, ",");
var i: usize = 0;
while (entries.next()) |bus| {
ids[i] = parseInt(u64, bus, 10) catch 0;
i += 1;
input.ids = ids;
return input;
const test_input =
test "cleanInput" {
var input = try cleanInput(testing.allocator, test_input);
defer testing.allocator.free(input.ids);
defer testing.allocator.destroy(input);
testing.expectEqual(@intCast(u64, 939), input.time);
testing.expectEqualSlices(u64, &[_]u64{ 7, 13, 0, 0, 59, 0, 31, 19 }, input.ids);
fn timeUntilDeparture(id: u64, time: u64) u64 {
return id - @mod(time, id);
pub fn part1(input: Input) !u64 {
var min: u64 = input.ids[0];
for (input.ids) |bus| {
if (bus == 0) continue;
const next_bus = timeUntilDeparture(bus, input.time);
const next_min = timeUntilDeparture(min, input.time);
if (next_bus < next_min)
min = bus;
return min * timeUntilDeparture(min, input.time);
test "part1" {
const input = try cleanInput(testing.allocator, test_input);
defer testing.allocator.free(input.ids);
defer testing.allocator.destroy(input);
testing.expectEqual(@intCast(u64, 295), try part1(input.*));
pub fn part2(allocator: *mem.Allocator, input: Input) !u64 {
var remainders = try allocator.alloc(u64, input.ids.len);
defer allocator.free(remainders);
for (input.ids) |id, i| {
if (id == 0) continue;
remainders[i] = @intCast(u64, @mod(@intCast(i64, id) - @intCast(i64, i), @intCast(i64, id)));
var time: u64 = 0;
var step: u64 = 1;
for (input.ids) |id, i| {
if (id == 0) continue;
while (@mod(time, id) != remainders[i])
time += step;
step *= id;
return time;
test "part2" {
var input = try cleanInput(testing.allocator, test_input);
testing.expectEqual(@intCast(u64, 1068781), try part2(testing.allocator, input.*));
input = try cleanInput(testing.allocator,
testing.expectEqual(@intCast(u64, 3417), try part2(testing.allocator, input.*));
input = try cleanInput(testing.allocator,
testing.expectEqual(@intCast(u64, 754018), try part2(testing.allocator, input.*));
input = try cleanInput(testing.allocator,
testing.expectEqual(@intCast(u64, 779210), try part2(testing.allocator, input.*));
input = try cleanInput(testing.allocator,
testing.expectEqual(@intCast(u64, 1261476), try part2(testing.allocator, input.*));
input = try cleanInput(testing.allocator,
testing.expectEqual(@intCast(u64, 1202161486), try part2(testing.allocator, input.*));
pub fn main() !void {
const file = try common.readFile(alloc, "inputs/day13.txt");
defer alloc.free(file);
const input = try cleanInput(alloc, file);
defer alloc.destroy(input);
warn("part1: {}\n", .{try part1(input.*)});
warn("part2: {}\n", .{try part2(alloc, input.*)});
| https://raw.githubusercontent.com/meatcar/adventofcode/0639eac0a8f191db2bd745942b208658b73a469b/2020/days/day13.zig |
const std = @import("std");
pub inline fn fromMegabytes(mb: f64) f64 {
return mb * 1024 * 1024;
pub inline fn toMegabytes(bytes: f64) f64 {
return bytes / 1024 / 1024;
| https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Wraith29/zvm/9046774d8f34df89214db780cc877f4384ee4d54/src/size.zig |
const std = @import("std");
const imgui_app = @import("./imgui_app.zig");
const fbo_dock = @import("./fbo_dock.zig");
const dockspace = @import("./dockspace.zig");
pub const ImGuiApp = imgui_app.ImGuiApp;
pub const FboDock = fbo_dock.FboDock;
pub const MouseInput = fbo_dock.MouseInput;
pub const Dock = dockspace.Dock;
pub fn localFormat(comptime fmt: []const u8, values: anytype) [*:0]const u8 {
const S = struct {
var buf: [8192]u8 = undefined;
const label = std.fmt.bufPrint(&S.buf, fmt, values) catch unreachable;
S.buf[label.len] = 0;
return @ptrCast([*:0]const u8, &S.buf[0]);
| https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ousttrue/zigcell/5675ff842ac6cee1868f5c66fd9a70fb60a1b7e7/pkgs/imutil/src/main.zig |
// Copyright (C) 2024 Robert A. Wallis, all rights reserved.
const std = @import("std");
pub fn extension(filename: []const u8) ?[]const u8 {
if (std.mem.lastIndexOf(u8, filename, ".")) |pos| {
return filename[pos..];
return null;
test extension {
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings(".jpg", extension("success-kid.jpg").?);
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings(".DS_Store", extension(".DS_Store").?);
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings("none", extension("LICENSE") orelse "none");
const oprah_bees = "oprah-bees.gif".*;
const fellow_kids = "fellow-kids.gif".*;
const oprah_bees_ext = extension(&oprah_bees).?;
const fellow_kids_ext = extension(&fellow_kids).?;
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings(oprah_bees_ext, fellow_kids_ext);
const hashString = std.hash_map.hashString;
try std.testing.expectEqual(hashString(oprah_bees_ext), hashString(fellow_kids_ext));
| https://raw.githubusercontent.com/robert-wallis/dirstat/4ca0e171459dc19f6790a3e71beb4819ccb3bb51/src/string.zig |
const std = @import("std");
const registry = @import("registry.zig");
const xml = @import("../xml.zig");
const cparse = @import("c-parse.zig");
const mem = std.mem;
const Allocator = mem.Allocator;
const ArenaAllocator = std.heap.ArenaAllocator;
const api_constants_name = "API Constants";
pub const ParseResult = struct {
arena: ArenaAllocator,
registry: registry.Registry,
pub fn deinit(self: ParseResult) void {
pub fn parseXml(backing_allocator: *Allocator, root: *xml.Element) !ParseResult {
var arena = ArenaAllocator.init(backing_allocator);
errdefer arena.deinit();
const allocator = &arena.allocator;
var reg = registry.Registry{
.copyright = root.getCharData("comment") orelse return error.InvalidRegistry,
.decls = try parseDeclarations(allocator, root),
.api_constants = try parseApiConstants(allocator, root),
.tags = try parseTags(allocator, root),
.features = try parseFeatures(allocator, root),
.extensions = try parseExtensions(allocator, root),
return ParseResult{
.arena = arena,
.registry = reg,
fn parseDeclarations(allocator: *Allocator, root: *xml.Element) ![]registry.Declaration {
var types_elem = root.findChildByTag("types") orelse return error.InvalidRegistry;
var commands_elem = root.findChildByTag("commands") orelse return error.InvalidRegistry;
const decl_upper_bound = types_elem.children.count() + commands_elem.children.count();
const decls = try allocator.alloc(registry.Declaration, decl_upper_bound);
var count: usize = 0;
count += try parseTypes(allocator, decls, types_elem);
count += try parseEnums(allocator, decls[count..], root);
count += try parseCommands(allocator, decls[count..], commands_elem);
return allocator.shrink(decls, count);
fn parseTypes(allocator: *Allocator, out: []registry.Declaration, types_elem: *xml.Element) !usize {
var i: usize = 0;
var it = types_elem.findChildrenByTag("type");
while (it.next()) |ty| {
out[i] = blk: {
const category = ty.getAttribute("category") orelse {
break :blk try parseForeigntype(ty);
if (mem.eql(u8, category, "bitmask")) {
break :blk try parseBitmaskType(ty);
} else if (mem.eql(u8, category, "handle")) {
break :blk try parseHandleType(ty);
} else if (mem.eql(u8, category, "basetype")) {
break :blk try parseBaseType(allocator, ty);
} else if (mem.eql(u8, category, "struct")) {
break :blk try parseContainer(allocator, ty, false);
} else if (mem.eql(u8, category, "union")) {
break :blk try parseContainer(allocator, ty, true);
} else if (mem.eql(u8, category, "funcpointer")) {
break :blk try parseFuncPointer(allocator, ty);
} else if (mem.eql(u8, category, "enum")) {
break :blk (try parseEnumAlias(allocator, ty)) orelse continue;
i += 1;
return i;
fn parseForeigntype(ty: *xml.Element) !registry.Declaration {
const name = ty.getAttribute("name") orelse return error.InvalidRegistry;
const depends = ty.getAttribute("requires") orelse if (mem.eql(u8, name, "int"))
"vk_platform" // for some reason, int doesn't depend on vk_platform (but the other c types do)
return error.InvalidRegistry;
return registry.Declaration{
.name = name,
.decl_type = .{.foreign = .{.depends = depends}},
fn parseBitmaskType(ty: *xml.Element) !registry.Declaration {
if (ty.getAttribute("name")) |name| {
const alias = ty.getAttribute("alias") orelse return error.InvalidRegistry;
return registry.Declaration{
.name = name,
.decl_type = .{.alias = .{.name = alias, .target = .other_type}},
} else {
return registry.Declaration{
.name = ty.getCharData("name") orelse return error.InvalidRegistry,
.decl_type = .{.bitmask = .{.bits_enum = ty.getAttribute("requires")}},
fn parseHandleType(ty: *xml.Element) !registry.Declaration {
// Parent is not handled in case of an alias
if (ty.getAttribute("name")) |name| {
const alias = ty.getAttribute("alias") orelse return error.InvalidRegistry;
return registry.Declaration{
.name = name,
.decl_type = .{.alias = .{.name = alias, .target = .other_type}},
} else {
const name = ty.getCharData("name") orelse return error.InvalidRegistry;
const handle_type = ty.getCharData("type") orelse return error.InvalidRegistry;
const dispatchable = mem.eql(u8, handle_type, "VK_DEFINE_HANDLE");
if (!dispatchable and !mem.eql(u8, handle_type, "VK_DEFINE_NON_DISPATCHABLE_HANDLE")) {
return error.InvalidRegistry;
return registry.Declaration{
.name = name,
.decl_type = .{
.handle = .{
.parent = ty.getAttribute("parent"),
.is_dispatchable = dispatchable,
fn parseBaseType(allocator: *Allocator, ty: *xml.Element) !registry.Declaration {
const name = ty.getCharData("name") orelse return error.InvalidRegistry;
if (ty.getCharData("type")) |_| {
var tok = cparse.XmlCTokenizer.init(ty);
return try cparse.parseTypedef(allocator, &tok);
} else {
// Either ANativeWindow, AHardwareBuffer or CAMetalLayer. The latter has a lot of
// macros, which is why this part is not built into the xml/c parser.
return registry.Declaration{
.name = name,
.decl_type = .{.opaque = {}},
fn parseContainer(allocator: *Allocator, ty: *xml.Element, is_union: bool) !registry.Declaration {
const name = ty.getAttribute("name") orelse return error.InvalidRegistry;
if (ty.getAttribute("alias")) |alias| {
return registry.Declaration{
.name = name,
.decl_type = .{.alias = .{.name = alias, .target = .other_type}},
var members = try allocator.alloc(registry.Container.Field, ty.children.count());
var i: usize = 0;
var it = ty.findChildrenByTag("member");
while (it.next()) |member| {
var xctok = cparse.XmlCTokenizer.init(member);
members[i] = try cparse.parseMember(allocator, &xctok);
i += 1;
members = allocator.shrink(members, i);
it = ty.findChildrenByTag("member");
for (members) |*member| {
const member_elem = it.next().?;
try parsePointerMeta(.{.container = members}, &member.field_type, member_elem);
// pNext isn't properly marked as optional, so just manually override it,
if (mem.eql(u8, member.name, "pNext")) {
member.field_type.pointer.is_optional = true;
return registry.Declaration {
.name = name,
.decl_type = .{
.container = .{
.fields = members,
.is_union = is_union,
fn parseFuncPointer(allocator: *Allocator, ty: *xml.Element) !registry.Declaration {
var xctok = cparse.XmlCTokenizer.init(ty);
return try cparse.parseTypedef(allocator, &xctok);
// For some reason, the DeclarationType cannot be passed to lenToPointerSize, as
// that causes the Zig compiler to generate invalid code for the function. Using a
// dedicated enum fixes the issue...
const Fields = union(enum) {
command: []registry.Command.Param,
container: []registry.Container.Field,
fn lenToPointerSize(fields: Fields, len: []const u8) registry.Pointer.PointerSize {
switch (fields) {
.command => |params| {
for (params) |*param| {
if (mem.eql(u8, param.name, len)) {
param.is_buffer_len = true;
return .{.other_field = param.name};
.container => |members| {
for (members) |*member| {
if (mem.eql(u8, member.name, len)) {
member.is_buffer_len = true;
return .{.other_field = member.name};
if (mem.eql(u8, len, "null-terminated")) {
return .zero_terminated;
} else {
return .many;
fn parsePointerMeta(fields: Fields, type_info: *registry.TypeInfo, elem: *xml.Element) !void {
if (elem.getAttribute("len")) |lens| {
var it = mem.split(lens, ",");
var current_type_info = type_info;
while (current_type_info.* == .pointer) {
// TODO: Check altlen
const size = if (it.next()) |len_str| lenToPointerSize(fields, len_str) else .one;
current_type_info.pointer.size = size;
current_type_info = current_type_info.pointer.child;
if (it.next()) |_| {
// There are more elements in the `len` attribute than there are pointers
// Something probably went wrong
return error.InvalidRegistry;
if (elem.getAttribute("optional")) |optionals| {
var it = mem.split(optionals, ",");
var current_type_info = type_info;
while (current_type_info.* == .pointer) {
if (it.next()) |current_optional| {
current_type_info.pointer.is_optional = mem.eql(u8, current_optional, "true");
} else {
// There is no information for this pointer, probably incorrect.
return error.InvalidRegistry;
current_type_info = current_type_info.pointer.child;
fn parseEnumAlias(allocator: *Allocator, elem: *xml.Element) !?registry.Declaration {
if (elem.getAttribute("alias")) |alias| {
const name = elem.getAttribute("name") orelse return error.InvalidRegistry;
return registry.Declaration{
.name = name,
.decl_type = .{.alias = .{.name = alias, .target = .other_type}},
return null;
fn parseEnums(allocator: *Allocator, out: []registry.Declaration, root: *xml.Element) !usize {
var i: usize = 0;
var it = root.findChildrenByTag("enums");
while (it.next()) |enums| {
const name = enums.getAttribute("name") orelse return error.InvalidRegistry;
if (mem.eql(u8, name, api_constants_name)) {
out[i] = .{
.name = name,
.decl_type = .{.enumeration = try parseEnumFields(allocator, enums)},
i += 1;
return i;
fn parseEnumFields(allocator: *Allocator, elem: *xml.Element) !registry.Enum {
// TODO: `type` was added recently, fall back to checking endswith FlagBits for older versions?
const enum_type = elem.getAttribute("type") orelse return error.InvalidRegistry;
const is_bitmask = mem.eql(u8, enum_type, "bitmask");
if (!is_bitmask and !mem.eql(u8, enum_type, "enum")) {
return error.InvalidRegistry;
const fields = try allocator.alloc(registry.Enum.Field, elem.children.count());
var i: usize = 0;
var it = elem.findChildrenByTag("enum");
while (it.next()) |field| {
fields[i] = try parseEnumField(field);
i += 1;
return registry.Enum{
.fields = allocator.shrink(fields, i),
.is_bitmask = is_bitmask,
fn parseEnumField(field: *xml.Element) !registry.Enum.Field {
const is_compat_alias = if (field.getAttribute("comment")) |comment|
mem.eql(u8, comment, "Backwards-compatible alias containing a typo") or
mem.eql(u8, comment, "Deprecated name for backwards compatibility")
const name = field.getAttribute("name") orelse return error.InvalidRegistry;
const value: registry.Enum.Value = blk: {
// An enum variant's value could be defined by any of the following attributes:
// - value: Straight up value of the enum variant, in either base 10 or 16 (prefixed with 0x).
// - bitpos: Used for bitmasks, and can also be set in extensions.
// - alias: The field is an alias of another variant within the same enum.
// - offset: Used with features and extensions, where a non-bitpos value is added to an enum.
// The value is given by `1e9 + (extr_nr - 1) * 1e3 + offset`, where `ext_nr` is either
// given by the `extnumber` field (in the case of a feature), or given in the parent <extension>
// tag. In the latter case its passed via the `ext_nr` parameter.
if (field.getAttribute("value")) |value| {
if (mem.startsWith(u8, value, "0x")) {
break :blk .{.bit_vector = try std.fmt.parseInt(i32, value[2..], 16)};
} else {
break :blk .{.int = try std.fmt.parseInt(i32, value, 10)};
} else if (field.getAttribute("bitpos")) |bitpos| {
break :blk .{.bitpos = try std.fmt.parseInt(u5, bitpos, 10)};
} else if (field.getAttribute("alias")) |alias| {
break :blk .{.alias = .{.name = alias, .is_compat_alias = is_compat_alias}};
} else {
return error.InvalidRegistry;
return registry.Enum.Field{
.name = name,
.value = value,
fn parseCommands(allocator: *Allocator, out: []registry.Declaration, commands_elem: *xml.Element) !usize {
var i: usize = 0;
var it = commands_elem.findChildrenByTag("command");
while (it.next()) |elem| {
out[i] = try parseCommand(allocator, elem);
i += 1;
return i;
fn splitCommaAlloc(allocator: *Allocator, text: []const u8) ![][]const u8 {
var n_codes: usize = 1;
for (text) |c| {
if (c == ',') n_codes += 1;
const codes = try allocator.alloc([]const u8, n_codes);
var it = mem.split(text, ",");
for (codes) |*code| {
code.* = it.next().?;
return codes;
fn parseCommand(allocator: *Allocator, elem: *xml.Element) !registry.Declaration {
if (elem.getAttribute("alias")) |alias| {
const name = elem.getAttribute("name") orelse return error.InvalidRegistry;
return registry.Declaration{
.name = name,
.decl_type = .{.alias = .{.name = alias, .target = .other_command}}
const proto = elem.findChildByTag("proto") orelse return error.InvalidRegistry;
var proto_xctok = cparse.XmlCTokenizer.init(proto);
const command_decl = try cparse.parseParamOrProto(allocator, &proto_xctok);
var params = try allocator.alloc(registry.Command.Param, elem.children.count());
var i: usize = 0;
var it = elem.findChildrenByTag("param");
while (it.next()) |param| {
var xctok = cparse.XmlCTokenizer.init(param);
const decl = try cparse.parseParamOrProto(allocator, &xctok);
params[i] = .{
.name = decl.name,
.param_type = decl.decl_type.typedef,
.is_buffer_len = false,
i += 1;
const return_type = try allocator.create(registry.TypeInfo);
return_type.* = command_decl.decl_type.typedef;
const success_codes = if (elem.getAttribute("successcodes")) |codes|
try splitCommaAlloc(allocator, codes)
&[_][]const u8{};
const error_codes = if (elem.getAttribute("errorcodes")) |codes|
try splitCommaAlloc(allocator, codes)
&[_][]const u8{};
params = allocator.shrink(params, i);
it = elem.findChildrenByTag("param");
for (params) |*param| {
const param_elem = it.next().?;
try parsePointerMeta(.{.command = params}, ¶m.param_type, param_elem);
return registry.Declaration {
.name = command_decl.name,
.decl_type = .{
.command = .{
.params = params,
.return_type = return_type,
.success_codes = success_codes,
.error_codes = error_codes,
fn parseApiConstants(allocator: *Allocator, root: *xml.Element) ![]registry.ApiConstant {
var enums = blk: {
var it = root.findChildrenByTag("enums");
while (it.next()) |child| {
const name = child.getAttribute("name") orelse continue;
if (mem.eql(u8, name, api_constants_name)) {
break :blk child;
return error.InvalidRegistry;
var types = root.findChildByTag("types") orelse return error.InvalidRegistry;
const n_defines = blk: {
var n_defines: usize = 0;
var it = types.findChildrenByTag("type");
while (it.next()) |ty| {
if (ty.getAttribute("category")) |category| {
if (mem.eql(u8, category, "define")) {
n_defines += 1;
break :blk n_defines;
const constants = try allocator.alloc(registry.ApiConstant, enums.children.count() + n_defines);
var i: usize = 0;
var it = enums.findChildrenByTag("enum");
while (it.next()) |constant| {
const expr = if (constant.getAttribute("value")) |expr|
else if (constant.getAttribute("alias")) |alias|
return error.InvalidRegistry;
constants[i] = .{
.name = constant.getAttribute("name") orelse return error.InvalidRegistry,
.value = .{.expr = expr},
i += 1;
i += try parseDefines(types, constants[i..]);
return allocator.shrink(constants, i);
fn parseDefines(types: *xml.Element, out: []registry.ApiConstant) !usize {
var i: usize = 0;
var it = types.findChildrenByTag("type");
while (it.next()) |ty| {
const category = ty.getAttribute("category") orelse continue;
if (!mem.eql(u8, category, "define")) {
const name = ty.getCharData("name") orelse continue;
if (mem.eql(u8, name, "VK_HEADER_VERSION")) {
out[i] = .{
.name = name,
.value = .{.expr = mem.trim(u8, ty.children.at(2).CharData, " ")},
} else {
var xctok = cparse.XmlCTokenizer.init(ty);
out[i] = .{
.name = name,
.value = .{
.version = cparse.parseVersion(&xctok) catch continue
i += 1;
return i;
fn parseTags(allocator: *Allocator, root: *xml.Element) ![]registry.Tag {
var tags_elem = root.findChildByTag("tags") orelse return error.InvalidRegistry;
const tags = try allocator.alloc(registry.Tag, tags_elem.children.count());
var i: usize = 0;
var it = tags_elem.findChildrenByTag("tag");
while (it.next()) |tag| {
tags[i] = .{
.name = tag.getAttribute("name") orelse return error.InvalidRegistry,
.author = tag.getAttribute("author") orelse return error.InvalidRegistry,
i += 1;
return allocator.shrink(tags, i);
fn parseFeatures(allocator: *Allocator, root: *xml.Element) ![]registry.Feature {
var it = root.findChildrenByTag("feature");
var count: usize = 0;
while (it.next()) |_| count += 1;
const features = try allocator.alloc(registry.Feature, count);
var i: usize = 0;
it = root.findChildrenByTag("feature");
while (it.next()) |feature| {
features[i] = try parseFeature(allocator, feature);
i += 1;
return features;
fn parseFeature(allocator: *Allocator, feature: *xml.Element) !registry.Feature {
const name = feature.getAttribute("name") orelse return error.InvalidRegistry;
const feature_level = blk: {
const number = feature.getAttribute("number") orelse return error.InvalidRegistry;
break :blk try splitFeatureLevel(number, ".");
var requires = try allocator.alloc(registry.Require, feature.children.count());
var i: usize = 0;
var it = feature.findChildrenByTag("require");
while (it.next()) |require| {
requires[i] = try parseRequire(allocator, require, null);
i += 1;
return registry.Feature{
.name = name,
.level = feature_level,
.requires = allocator.shrink(requires, i)
fn parseEnumExtension(elem: *xml.Element, parent_extnumber: ?u31) !?registry.Require.EnumExtension {
// check for either _SPEC_VERSION or _EXTENSION_NAME
const extends = elem.getAttribute("extends") orelse return null;
if (elem.getAttribute("offset")) |offset_str| {
const offset = try std.fmt.parseInt(u31, offset_str, 10);
const name = elem.getAttribute("name") orelse return error.InvalidRegistry;
const extnumber = if (elem.getAttribute("extnumber")) |num|
try std.fmt.parseInt(u31, num, 10)
const actual_extnumber = extnumber orelse parent_extnumber orelse return error.InvalidRegistry;
const value = blk: {
const abs_value = enumExtOffsetToValue(actual_extnumber, offset);
if (elem.getAttribute("dir")) |dir| {
if (mem.eql(u8, dir, "-")) {
break :blk -@as(i32, abs_value);
} else {
return error.InvalidRegistry;
break :blk @as(i32, abs_value);
return registry.Require.EnumExtension{
.extends = extends,
.extnumber = actual_extnumber,
.field = .{.name = name, .value = .{.int = value}},
return registry.Require.EnumExtension{
.extends = extends,
.extnumber = parent_extnumber,
.field = try parseEnumField(elem),
fn enumExtOffsetToValue(extnumber: u31, offset: u31) u31 {
const extension_value_base = 1000000000;
const extension_block = 1000;
return extension_value_base + (extnumber - 1) * extension_block + offset;
fn parseRequire(allocator: *Allocator, require: *xml.Element, extnumber: ?u31) !registry.Require {
var n_extends: usize = 0;
var n_types: usize = 0;
var n_commands: usize = 0;
var it = require.elements();
while (it.next()) |elem| {
if (mem.eql(u8, elem.tag, "enum")) {
n_extends += 1;
} else if (mem.eql(u8, elem.tag, "type")) {
n_types += 1;
} else if (mem.eql(u8, elem.tag, "command")) {
n_commands += 1;
const extends = try allocator.alloc(registry.Require.EnumExtension, n_extends);
const types = try allocator.alloc([]const u8, n_types);
const commands = try allocator.alloc([]const u8, n_commands);
var i_extends: usize = 0;
var i_types: usize = 0;
var i_commands: usize = 0;
it = require.elements();
while (it.next()) |elem| {
if (mem.eql(u8, elem.tag, "enum")) {
if (try parseEnumExtension(elem, extnumber)) |ext| {
extends[i_extends] = ext;
i_extends += 1;
} else if (mem.eql(u8, elem.tag, "type")) {
types[i_types] = elem.getAttribute("name") orelse return error.InvalidRegistry;
i_types += 1;
} else if (mem.eql(u8, elem.tag, "command")) {
commands[i_commands] = elem.getAttribute("name") orelse return error.InvalidRegistry;
i_commands += 1;
const required_feature_level = blk: {
const feature_level = require.getAttribute("feature") orelse break :blk null;
if (!mem.startsWith(u8, feature_level, "VK_VERSION_")) {
return error.InvalidRegistry;
break :blk try splitFeatureLevel(feature_level["VK_VERSION_".len ..], "_");
return registry.Require{
.extends = allocator.shrink(extends, i_extends),
.types = types,
.commands = commands,
.required_feature_level = required_feature_level,
.required_extension = require.getAttribute("extension"),
fn parseExtensions(allocator: *Allocator, root: *xml.Element) ![]registry.Extension {
const extensions_elem = root.findChildByTag("extensions") orelse return error.InvalidRegistry;
const extensions = try allocator.alloc(registry.Extension, extensions_elem.children.count());
var i: usize = 0;
var it = extensions_elem.findChildrenByTag("extension");
while (it.next()) |extension| {
// Some extensions (in particular 94) are disabled, so just skip them
if (extension.getAttribute("supported")) |supported| {
if (mem.eql(u8, supported, "disabled")) {
extensions[i] = try parseExtension(allocator, extension);
i += 1;
return allocator.shrink(extensions, i);
fn findExtVersion(extension: *xml.Element) !u32 {
var req_it = extension.findChildrenByTag("require");
while (req_it.next()) |req| {
var enum_it = req.findChildrenByTag("enum");
while (enum_it.next()) |e| {
const name = e.getAttribute("name") orelse continue;
const value = e.getAttribute("value") orelse continue;
if (mem.endsWith(u8, name, "_SPEC_VERSION")) {
return try std.fmt.parseInt(u32, value, 10);
return error.InvalidRegistry;
fn parseExtension(allocator: *Allocator, extension: *xml.Element) !registry.Extension {
const name = extension.getAttribute("name") orelse return error.InvalidRegistry;
const platform = extension.getAttribute("platform");
const version = try findExtVersion(extension);
// For some reason there are two ways for an extension to state its required
// feature level: both seperately in each <require> tag, or using
// the requiresCore attribute.
const requires_core = if (extension.getAttribute("requiresCore")) |feature_level|
try splitFeatureLevel(feature_level, ".")
const promoted_to: registry.Extension.Promotion = blk: {
const promotedto = extension.getAttribute("promotedto") orelse break :blk .none;
if (mem.startsWith(u8, promotedto, "VK_VERSION_")) {
const feature_level = try splitFeatureLevel(promotedto["VK_VERSION_".len ..], "_");
break :blk .{.feature = feature_level};
break :blk .{.extension = promotedto};
const number = blk: {
const number_str = extension.getAttribute("number") orelse return error.InvalidRegistry;
break :blk try std.fmt.parseInt(u31, number_str, 10);
const ext_type: ?registry.Extension.ExtensionType = blk: {
const ext_type_str = extension.getAttribute("type") orelse break :blk null;
if (mem.eql(u8, ext_type_str, "instance")) {
break :blk .instance;
} else if (mem.eql(u8, ext_type_str, "device")) {
break :blk .device;
} else {
return error.InvalidRegistry;
const depends = blk: {
const requires_str = extension.getAttribute("requires") orelse break :blk &[_][]const u8{};
break :blk try splitCommaAlloc(allocator, requires_str);
var requires = try allocator.alloc(registry.Require, extension.children.count());
var i: usize = 0;
var it = extension.findChildrenByTag("require");
while (it.next()) |require| {
requires[i] = try parseRequire(allocator, require, number);
i += 1;
return registry.Extension{
.name = name,
.number = number,
.version = version,
.extension_type = ext_type,
.depends = depends,
.promoted_to = promoted_to,
.platform = platform,
.required_feature_level = requires_core,
.requires = allocator.shrink(requires, i)
fn splitFeatureLevel(ver: []const u8, split: []const u8) !registry.FeatureLevel {
var it = mem.split(ver, split);
const major = it.next() orelse return error.InvalidFeatureLevel;
const minor = it.next() orelse return error.InvalidFeatureLevel;
if (it.next() != null) {
return error.InvalidFeatureLevel;
return registry.FeatureLevel{
.major = try std.fmt.parseInt(u32, major, 10),
.minor = try std.fmt.parseInt(u32, minor, 10),
| https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zetaframe/zetaframe/00bdecafd183c6c55721d89278b6cebd91dbecdd/render/lib/vulkan-zig/generator/vulkan/parse.zig |
const std = @import("std");
extern "r2" fn add(a: i32, b: i32, mul: *i32) i32;
fn main() void {
const add_res = add(a1, a2, &mul_res);
std.info.log("Hello World", .{add_res});
| https://raw.githubusercontent.com/radareorg/radare2-rlang/de319d226e77d1fe3118ce0c2f83264ee023a15d/wasm3/zig/examples/r2pipe.zig |
const std = @import("std");
const types = @import("types.zig");
const descriptors = @import("descriptors.zig");
const Reflector = @This();
allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
env: *types.JNIEnv,
pub fn init(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, env: *types.JNIEnv) Reflector {
return .{ .allocator = allocator, .env = env };
pub fn getClass(self: *Reflector, name: [*:0]const u8) !Class {
return Class.init(self, try self.env.newReference(.global, try self.env.findClass(name)));
pub fn ObjectType(comptime name_: []const u8) type {
return struct {
pub const object_class_name = name_;
pub const StringChars = union(enum) {
utf8: [:0]const u8,
unicode: []const u16,
pub const String = struct {
const Self = @This();
const object_class_name = "java/lang/String";
reflector: *Reflector,
chars: StringChars,
string: types.jstring,
pub fn init(reflector: *Reflector, chars: StringChars) !Self {
var string = try switch (chars) {
.utf8 => |buf| reflector.env.newStringUTF(@ptrCast([*:0]const u8, buf)),
.unicode => |buf| reflector.env.newString(buf),
return Self{ .reflector = reflector, .chars = chars, .string = string };
/// Only use when a string is `get`-ed
/// Tells the JVM that the string you've obtained is no longer being used
pub fn release(self: Self) void {
switch (self.chars) {
.utf8 => |buf| self.reflector.env.releaseStringUTFChars(self.string, @ptrCast([*]const u8, buf)),
.unicode => |buf| self.reflector.env.releaseStringChars(self.string, @ptrCast([*]const u16, buf)),
pub fn toJValue(self: Self) types.jvalue {
return .{ .l = self.string };
pub fn fromObject(reflector: *Reflector, object: types.jobject) !Self {
var chars_len = reflector.env.getStringUTFLength(object);
var chars_ret = try reflector.env.getStringUTFChars(object);
return Self{ .reflector = reflector, .chars = .{ .utf8 = std.meta.assumeSentinel(chars_ret.chars[0..@intCast(usize, chars_len)], 0) }, .string = object };
pub fn fromJValue(reflector: *Reflector, value: types.jvalue) !Self {
return fromObject(reflector, value.l);
fn valueToDescriptor(comptime T: type) descriptors.Descriptor {
if (@typeInfo(T) == .Struct and @hasDecl(T, "object_class_name")) {
return .{ .object = @field(T, "object_class_name") };
return switch (T) {
types.jint => .int,
void => .void,
else => @compileError("Unsupported type: " ++ @typeName(T)),
fn funcToMethodDescriptor(comptime func: type) descriptors.MethodDescriptor {
const Fn = @typeInfo(func).Fn;
var parameters: [Fn.args.len]descriptors.Descriptor = undefined;
inline for (Fn.args) |param, u| {
parameters[u] = valueToDescriptor(param.arg_type.?);
return .{
.parameters = ¶meters,
.return_type = &valueToDescriptor(Fn.return_type.?),
fn sm(comptime func: type) type {
return StaticMethod(funcToMethodDescriptor(func));
fn nsm(comptime func: type) type {
return Method(funcToMethodDescriptor(func));
fn cnsm(comptime func: type) type {
return Constructor(funcToMethodDescriptor(func));
pub const Object = struct {
const Self = @This();
class: *Class,
object: types.jobject,
pub fn init(class: *Class, object: types.jobject) Self {
return .{ .class = class, .object = object };
pub const Class = struct {
const Self = @This();
reflector: *Reflector,
class: types.jclass,
pub fn init(reflector: *Reflector, class: types.jclass) Self {
return .{ .reflector = reflector, .class = class };
/// Creates an instance of the current class without invoking constructors
pub fn create(self: *Self) !Object {
return Object.init(self, try self.reflector.env.allocObject(self.class));
pub fn getConstructor(self: *Self, comptime func: type) !cnsm(func) {
return try self.getConstructor_(cnsm(func));
fn getConstructor_(self: *Self, comptime T: type) !T {
var buf = std.ArrayList(u8).init(self.reflector.allocator);
defer buf.deinit();
try @field(T, "descriptor_").toStringArrayList(&buf);
try buf.append(0);
return T{ .class = self, .method_id = try self.reflector.env.getMethodId(self.class, "<init>", @ptrCast([*:0]const u8, buf.items)) };
pub fn getMethod(self: *Self, name: [*:0]const u8, comptime func: type) !nsm(func) {
return try self.getMethod_(nsm(func), name);
fn getMethod_(self: *Self, comptime T: type, name: [*:0]const u8) !T {
var buf = std.ArrayList(u8).init(self.reflector.allocator);
defer buf.deinit();
try @field(T, "descriptor_").toStringArrayList(&buf);
try buf.append(0);
return T{ .class = self, .method_id = try self.reflector.env.getMethodId(self.class, name, @ptrCast([*:0]const u8, buf.items)) };
pub fn getStaticMethod(self: *Self, name: [*:0]const u8, comptime func: type) !sm(func) {
return try self.getStaticMethod_(sm(func), name);
fn getStaticMethod_(self: *Self, comptime T: type, name: [*:0]const u8) !T {
var buf = std.ArrayList(u8).init(self.reflector.allocator);
defer buf.deinit();
try @field(T, "descriptor_").toStringArrayList(&buf);
try buf.append(0);
return T{ .class = self, .method_id = try self.reflector.env.getStaticMethodId(self.class, name, @ptrCast([*:0]const u8, buf.items)) };
fn MapDescriptorLowLevelType(comptime value: *const descriptors.Descriptor) type {
return switch (value.*) {
.byte => types.jbyte,
.char => types.jchar,
.int => types.jint,
.long => types.jlong,
.short => types.jshort,
.float => types.jfloat,
.double => types.jdouble,
.boolean => types.jboolean,
.void => void,
.object => types.jobject,
.array => types.jarray,
.method => unreachable,
fn MapDescriptorType(comptime value: *const descriptors.Descriptor) type {
return switch (value.*) {
.byte => types.jbyte,
.char => types.jchar,
.int => types.jint,
.long => types.jlong,
.short => types.jshort,
.float => types.jfloat,
.double => types.jdouble,
.boolean => types.jboolean,
.void => void,
.object => |name| if (std.mem.eql(u8, name, "java/lang/String"))
.array => types.jarray,
.method => unreachable,
fn MapDescriptorToNativeTypeEnum(comptime value: *const descriptors.Descriptor) types.NativeType {
return switch (value.*) {
.byte => .byte,
.char => .char,
.int => .int,
.long => .long,
.short => .short,
.float => .float,
.double => .double,
.boolean => .boolean,
.object, .array => .object,
.void => .void,
.method => unreachable,
fn ArgsFromDescriptor(comptime descriptor: *const descriptors.MethodDescriptor) type {
var Ts: [descriptor.parameters.len]type = undefined;
for (descriptor.parameters) |param, i| Ts[i] = MapDescriptorType(¶m);
return std.meta.Tuple(&Ts);
pub fn Constructor(comptime descriptor: descriptors.MethodDescriptor) type {
return struct {
const Self = @This();
pub const descriptor_ = descriptor;
class: *Class,
method_id: types.jmethodID,
pub fn call(self: Self, args: ArgsFromDescriptor(&descriptor)) !Object {
var processed_args: [args.len]types.jvalue = undefined;
comptime var index: usize = 0;
inline while (index < args.len) : (index += 1) {
processed_args[index] = types.jvalue.toJValue(args[index]);
return Object.init(self.class, try self.callJValues(&processed_args));
pub fn callJValues(self: Self, args: []types.jvalue) types.JNIEnv.NewObjectError!types.jobject {
return self.class.reflector.env.newObject(self.class.class, self.method_id, if (args.len == 0) null else @ptrCast([*]types.jvalue, args));
pub fn Method(descriptor: descriptors.MethodDescriptor) type {
return struct {
const Self = @This();
pub const descriptor_ = descriptor;
class: *Class,
method_id: types.jmethodID,
pub fn call(self: Self, object: Object, args: ArgsFromDescriptor(&descriptor)) !MapDescriptorType(descriptor.return_type) {
var processed_args: [args.len]types.jvalue = undefined;
comptime var index: usize = 0;
inline while (index < args.len) : (index += 1) {
processed_args[index] = types.jvalue.toJValue(args[index]);
var ret = try self.callJValues(object.object, &processed_args);
const mdt = MapDescriptorType(descriptor.return_type);
return if (@typeInfo(mdt) == .Struct and @hasDecl(mdt, "fromJValue")) @field(mdt, "fromJValue")(self.class.reflector, .{ .l = ret }) else ret;
pub fn callJValues(self: Self, object: types.jobject, args: []types.jvalue) types.JNIEnv.CallStaticMethodError!MapDescriptorLowLevelType(descriptor.return_type) {
return self.class.reflector.env.callMethod(comptime MapDescriptorToNativeTypeEnum(descriptor.return_type), object, self.method_id, if (args.len == 0) null else @ptrCast([*]types.jvalue, args));
pub fn StaticMethod(descriptor: descriptors.MethodDescriptor) type {
return struct {
const Self = @This();
const descriptor_ = descriptor;
class: *Class,
method_id: types.jmethodID,
pub fn call(self: Self, args: ArgsFromDescriptor(&descriptor)) !MapDescriptorType(descriptor.return_type) {
var processed_args: [args.len]types.jvalue = undefined;
comptime var index: usize = 0;
inline while (index < args.len) : (index += 1) {
processed_args[index] = types.jvalue.toJValue(args[index]);
var ret = try self.callJValues(&processed_args);
const mdt = MapDescriptorType(descriptor.return_type);
return if (@typeInfo(mdt) == .Struct and @hasDecl(mdt, "fromJValue")) @field(mdt, "fromJValue")(self.class.reflector, .{ .l = ret }) else ret;
pub fn callJValues(self: Self, args: []types.jvalue) types.JNIEnv.CallStaticMethodError!MapDescriptorLowLevelType(descriptor.return_type) {
return self.class.reflector.env.callStaticMethod(comptime MapDescriptorToNativeTypeEnum(descriptor.return_type), self.class.class, self.method_id, if (args.len == 0) null else @ptrCast([*]types.jvalue, args));
| https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zig-java/jui/a957d9376db101cb136a62d89341abdfef1529ab/src/Reflector.zig |
const std = @import("std");
const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
const phantom = @import("phantom");
const Output = @import("output.zig");
const Self = @This();
allocator: Allocator,
kind: phantom.display.Base.Kind,
output: ?*Output,
pub fn init(alloc: Allocator, kind: phantom.display.Base.Kind) Self {
return .{
.allocator = alloc,
.kind = kind,
.output = null,
pub fn deinit(self: *Self) void {
if (self.output) |o| o.base.deinit();
pub fn display(self: *Self) phantom.display.Base {
return .{
.vtable = &.{
.outputs = impl_outputs,
.type = @typeName(Self),
.ptr = self,
.kind = self.kind,
fn impl_outputs(ctx: *anyopaque) anyerror!std.ArrayList(*phantom.display.Output) {
const self: *Self = @ptrCast(@alignCast(ctx));
var outputs = try std.ArrayList(*phantom.display.Output).initCapacity(self.allocator, 1);
errdefer outputs.deinit();
if (self.output) |output| {
} else {
var protocol: ?*std.os.uefi.protocol.GraphicsOutput = undefined;
try std.os.uefi.system_table.boot_services.?.locateProtocol(&std.os.uefi.protocol.GraphicsOutput.guid, null, @as(*?*anyopaque, @ptrCast(&protocol))).err();
if (protocol) |proto| {
self.output = try Output.new(self, proto);
} else return error.BadProtocol;
return outputs;
| https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PhantomUIx/display-uefi/f7bc713d8ec5f65cb30261acb3e6714953c8c118/src/phantom/display/backends/uefi/display.zig |
const std = @import("std");
const expect = std.testing.expect;
const c = @import("chunk.zig");
const debug = @import("debug.zig");
const vm = @import("vm.zig");
pub fn main() anyerror!void {
var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){};
defer {
const leaked = gpa.deinit();
if (leaked) expect(false) catch @panic("TEST FAIL"); //fail test; can't try in defer as defer is executed after we return
var allocator = &gpa.allocator;
// do lox stuff in here
var virtual_machine = vm.VM{};
defer virtual_machine.deinit(allocator);
var chunk = c.Chunk{};
defer chunk.deinit(allocator);
chunk.writeConst(allocator, 1.2, 123);
chunk.writeConst(allocator, 1.2, 123);
chunk.write(allocator, @enumToInt(c.OpCode.OP_ADD), 123);
chunk.writeConst(allocator, 1.2, 123);
chunk.write(allocator, @enumToInt(c.OpCode.OP_SUBTRACT), 123);
chunk.writeConst(allocator, 3.4, 123);
chunk.write(allocator, @enumToInt(c.OpCode.OP_ADD), 123);
chunk.writeConst(allocator, 5.6, 123);
chunk.write(allocator, @enumToInt(c.OpCode.OP_DIVIDE), 123);
chunk.write(allocator, @enumToInt(c.OpCode.OP_NEGATE), 123);
chunk.write(allocator, @enumToInt(c.OpCode.OP_RETURN), 123);
_ = try virtual_machine.interpret(&chunk, false);
| https://raw.githubusercontent.com/faheywf/zlox/2a8b6531ba03faeb781f24cef500168fc3f9442a/src/main.zig |
const std = @import("std");
const builtin = @import("builtin");
const debug = std.debug;
const heap = std.heap;
const mem = std.mem;
const process = std.process;
const testing = std.testing;
/// An example of what methods should be implemented on an arg iterator.
pub const ExampleArgIterator = struct {
const Error = error{};
pub fn next(_: *ExampleArgIterator) Error!?[]const u8 {
return "2";
/// An argument iterator which iterates over a slice of arguments.
/// This implementation does not allocate.
pub const SliceIterator = struct {
const Error = error{};
args: []const []const u8,
index: usize = 0,
pub fn next(iter: *SliceIterator) Error!?[]const u8 {
if (iter.args.len <= iter.index)
return null;
defer iter.index += 1;
return iter.args[iter.index];
test "SliceIterator" {
const args = &[_][]const u8{ "A", "BB", "CCC" };
var iter = SliceIterator{ .args = args };
for (args) |a| {
const b = try iter.next();
debug.assert(mem.eql(u8, a, b.?));
const bun = @import("root").bun;
/// An argument iterator which wraps the ArgIterator in ::std.
/// On windows, this iterator allocates.
pub const OsIterator = struct {
const Error = process.ArgIterator.InitError;
arena: @import("root").bun.ArenaAllocator,
remain: [][*:0]u8,
/// The executable path (this is the first argument passed to the program)
/// TODO: Is it the right choice for this to be null? Maybe `init` should
/// return an error when we have no exe.
exe_arg: ?[:0]const u8,
pub fn init(allocator: mem.Allocator) OsIterator {
var res = OsIterator{
.arena = @import("root").bun.ArenaAllocator.init(allocator),
.exe_arg = undefined,
.remain = bun.argv(),
res.exe_arg = res.next();
return res;
pub fn deinit(iter: *OsIterator) void {
pub fn next(iter: *OsIterator) ?[:0]const u8 {
if (iter.remain.len > 0) {
const res = bun.sliceTo(iter.remain[0], 0);
iter.remain = iter.remain[1..];
return res;
return null;
/// An argument iterator that takes a string and parses it into arguments, simulating
/// how shells split arguments.
pub const ShellIterator = struct {
const Error = error{
} || mem.Allocator.Error;
arena: @import("root").bun.ArenaAllocator,
str: []const u8,
pub fn init(allocator: mem.Allocator, str: []const u8) ShellIterator {
return .{
.arena = @import("root").bun.ArenaAllocator.init(allocator),
.str = str,
pub fn deinit(iter: *ShellIterator) void {
pub fn next(iter: *ShellIterator) Error!?[]const u8 {
// Whenever possible, this iterator will return slices into `str` instead of
// allocating. Sometimes this is not possible, for example, escaped characters
// have be be unescape, so we need to allocate in this case.
var list = std.ArrayList(u8).init(&iter.arena.allocator);
var start: usize = 0;
var state: enum {
} = .skip_whitespace;
for (iter.str, 0..) |c, i| {
switch (state) {
// The state that skips the initial whitespace.
.skip_whitespace => switch (c) {
' ', '\t', '\n' => {},
'\'' => {
start = i + 1;
state = .single_quote;
'"' => {
start = i + 1;
state = .double_quote;
'\\' => {
start = i + 1;
state = .no_quote_escape;
else => {
start = i;
state = .no_quote;
// The state that parses the none quoted part of a argument.
.no_quote => switch (c) {
// We're done parsing a none quoted argument when we hit a
// whitespace.
' ', '\t', '\n' => {
defer iter.str = iter.str[i..];
return iter.result(start, i, &list);
// Slicing is not possible if a quote starts while parsing none
// quoted args.
// Example:
// ab'cd' -> abcd
'\'' => {
try list.appendSlice(iter.str[start..i]);
start = i + 1;
state = .single_quote;
'"' => {
try list.appendSlice(iter.str[start..i]);
start = i + 1;
state = .double_quote;
// Slicing is not possible if we need to escape a character.
// Example:
// ab\"d -> ab"d
'\\' => {
try list.appendSlice(iter.str[start..i]);
start = i + 1;
state = .no_quote_escape;
else => {},
// We're in this state after having parsed the quoted part of an
// argument. This state works mostly the same as .no_quote, but
// is aware, that the last character seen was a quote, which should
// not be part of the argument. This is why you will see `i - 1` here
// instead of just `i` when `iter.str` is sliced.
.after_quote => switch (c) {
' ', '\t', '\n' => {
defer iter.str = iter.str[i..];
return iter.result(start, i - 1, &list);
'\'' => {
try list.appendSlice(iter.str[start .. i - 1]);
start = i + 1;
state = .single_quote;
'"' => {
try list.appendSlice(iter.str[start .. i - 1]);
start = i + 1;
state = .double_quote;
'\\' => {
try list.appendSlice(iter.str[start .. i - 1]);
start = i + 1;
state = .no_quote_escape;
else => {
try list.appendSlice(iter.str[start .. i - 1]);
start = i;
state = .no_quote;
// The states that parse the quoted part of arguments. The only differnece
// between single and double quoted arguments is that single quoted
// arguments ignore escape sequences, while double quoted arguments
// does escaping.
.single_quote => switch (c) {
'\'' => state = .after_quote,
else => {},
.double_quote => switch (c) {
'"' => state = .after_quote,
'\\' => {
try list.appendSlice(iter.str[start..i]);
start = i + 1;
state = .double_quote_escape;
else => {},
// The state we end up when after the escape character (`\`). All these
// states do is transition back into the previous state.
// TODO: Are there any escape sequences that does transform the second
// character into something else? For example, in Zig, `\n` is
// transformed into the line feed ascii character.
.no_quote_escape => switch (c) {
else => state = .no_quote,
.double_quote_escape => switch (c) {
else => state = .double_quote,
defer iter.str = iter.str[iter.str.len..];
switch (state) {
.skip_whitespace => return null,
.no_quote => return iter.result(start, iter.str.len, &list),
.after_quote => return iter.result(start, iter.str.len - 1, &list),
.no_quote_escape => return Error.DanglingEscape,
=> return Error.QuoteNotClosed,
fn result(iter: *ShellIterator, start: usize, end: usize, list: *std.ArrayList(u8)) Error!?[]const u8 {
const res = iter.str[start..end];
// If we already have something in `list` that means that we could not
// parse the argument without allocation. We therefor need to just append
// the rest we have to the list and return that.
if (list.items.len != 0) {
try list.appendSlice(res);
return try list.toOwnedSlice();
return res;
fn testShellIteratorOk(str: []const u8, allocations: usize, expect: []const []const u8) void {
var allocator = testing.FailingAllocator.init(testing.allocator, allocations);
var it = ShellIterator.init(&allocator.allocator, str);
defer it.deinit();
for (expect) |e| {
if (it.next()) |actual| {
testing.expect(actual != null);
testing.expectEqualStrings(e, actual.?);
} else |err| testing.expectEqual(@as(anyerror![]const u8, e), err);
if (it.next()) |actual| {
testing.expectEqual(@as(?[]const u8, null), actual);
testing.expectEqual(allocations, allocator.allocations);
} else |err| testing.expectEqual(@as(anyerror!void, {}), err);
fn testShellIteratorErr(str: []const u8, expect: anyerror) void {
var it = ShellIterator.init(testing.allocator, str);
defer it.deinit();
while (it.next() catch |err| {
testing.expectError(expect, @as(anyerror!void, err));
}) |_| {}
testing.expectError(expect, @as(anyerror!void, {}));
test "ShellIterator" {
testShellIteratorOk("a", 0, &[_][]const u8{"a"});
testShellIteratorOk("'a'", 0, &[_][]const u8{"a"});
testShellIteratorOk("\"a\"", 0, &[_][]const u8{"a"});
testShellIteratorOk("a b", 0, &[_][]const u8{ "a", "b" });
testShellIteratorOk("'a' b", 0, &[_][]const u8{ "a", "b" });
testShellIteratorOk("\"a\" b", 0, &[_][]const u8{ "a", "b" });
testShellIteratorOk("a 'b'", 0, &[_][]const u8{ "a", "b" });
testShellIteratorOk("a \"b\"", 0, &[_][]const u8{ "a", "b" });
testShellIteratorOk("'a b'", 0, &[_][]const u8{"a b"});
testShellIteratorOk("\"a b\"", 0, &[_][]const u8{"a b"});
testShellIteratorOk("\"a\"\"b\"", 1, &[_][]const u8{"ab"});
testShellIteratorOk("'a''b'", 1, &[_][]const u8{"ab"});
testShellIteratorOk("'a'b", 1, &[_][]const u8{"ab"});
testShellIteratorOk("a'b'", 1, &[_][]const u8{"ab"});
testShellIteratorOk("a\\ b", 1, &[_][]const u8{"a b"});
testShellIteratorOk("\"a\\ b\"", 1, &[_][]const u8{"a b"});
testShellIteratorOk("'a\\ b'", 0, &[_][]const u8{"a\\ b"});
testShellIteratorOk(" a b ", 0, &[_][]const u8{ "a", "b" });
testShellIteratorOk("\\ \\ ", 0, &[_][]const u8{ " ", " " });
\\printf 'run\nuninstall\n'
, 0, &[_][]const u8{ "printf", "run\\nuninstall\\n" });
\\setsid -f steam "steam://$action/$id"
, 0, &[_][]const u8{ "setsid", "-f", "steam", "steam://$action/$id" });
\\xargs -I% rg --no-heading --no-line-number --only-matching
\\ --case-sensitive --multiline --text --byte-offset '(?-u)%' $@
, 0, &[_][]const u8{
"xargs", "-I%", "rg", "--no-heading",
"--no-line-number", "--only-matching", "--case-sensitive", "--multiline",
"--text", "--byte-offset", "(?-u)%", "$@",
testShellIteratorErr("'a", error.QuoteNotClosed);
testShellIteratorErr("'a\\", error.QuoteNotClosed);
testShellIteratorErr("\"a", error.QuoteNotClosed);
testShellIteratorErr("\"a\\", error.QuoteNotClosed);
testShellIteratorErr("a\\", error.DanglingEscape);
| https://raw.githubusercontent.com/txthinking/jb/d0e3ddce48be1ca0490904397bcd030c5aa7032e/src/deps/zig-clap/clap/args.zig |
const std = @import("std");
// Although this function looks imperative, note that its job is to
// declaratively construct a build graph that will be executed by an external
// runner.
pub fn build(b: *std.Build) void {
const target = b.standardTargetOptions(.{});
const optimize = b.standardOptimizeOption(.{});
const module = b.addModule(
.{ .source_file = .{ .path = "src/main.zig" } },
// Creates a step for unit testing. This only builds the test executable
// but does not run it.
const main_tests = b.addTest(.{
.root_source_file = .{ .path = "src/main.zig" },
.target = target,
.optimize = optimize,
main_tests.addModule("zig_matrix", module);
const run_main_tests = b.addRunArtifact(main_tests);
// This creates a build step. It will be visible in the `zig build --help` menu,
// and can be selected like this: `zig build test`
// This will evaluate the `test` step rather than the default, which is "install".
const test_step = b.step("test", "Run library tests");
| https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SebastianKeller/zig_matrix/72a8398cb3db73a118490a1e5d6301adac77a493/build.zig |
const std = @import("std");
const log = std.log.scoped(.ntp_client_build);
const client_version = std.SemanticVersion{ .major = 0, .minor = 0, .patch = 7 };
pub fn build(b: *std.Build) void {
const target = b.standardTargetOptions(.{});
const optimize = b.standardOptimizeOption(.{});
const flags = b.dependency("flags", .{});
const flags_module = flags.module("flags");
const zdt = b.dependency("zdt", .{
// use system zoneinfo:
// .prefix_tzdb = @as([]const u8, "/usr/share/zoneinfo"),
const zdt_module = zdt.module("zdt");
const exe = b.addExecutable(.{
.name = "ntp_client",
.root_source_file = b.path("src/main.zig"),
.target = target,
.optimize = optimize,
.version = client_version,
// for Windows compatibility, required by sockets functionality
// exe.linkLibC();
exe.root_module.addImport("flags", flags_module);
exe.root_module.addImport("zdt", zdt_module);
const run_cmd = b.addRunArtifact(exe);
if (b.args) |args| run_cmd.addArgs(args);
const run_step = b.step("run", "Run the app");
const unit_tests = b.addTest(.{
.root_source_file = b.path("src/main.zig"),
.target = target,
.optimize = optimize,
const run_unit_tests = b.addRunArtifact(unit_tests);
// run_unit_tests.has_side_effects = true;
const test_step = b.step("test", "Run unit tests");
const docs_step = b.step("docs", "auto-generate documentation");
const install_docs = b.addInstallDirectory(.{
.source_dir = exe.getEmittedDocs(),
.install_dir = std.Build.InstallDir{ .custom = "../autodoc" },
.install_subdir = "",
| https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FObersteiner/ntp-client/f6aa38b788940b64274469f553f371c30ad8af30/build.zig |
const std = @import("std");
pub const ziloVerison = "0.0.1";
pub fn ArrayList2D(comptime T: type) type {
return std.ArrayList(std.ArrayList(T));
const CommandKeyTag = enum {
up, down, left, right,
pub const CommandKey = union(CommandKeyTag) {
up: void,
down: void,
left: void,
right: void,
backspace: void,
char: u8,
none: void,
pub const EditorMode = enum {
pub const Config = struct {
cx: u8,
cy: u8,
rx: u8,
rowOff: u8,
colOff: u8,
row: u8,
col: u8,
text: ArrayList2D(u8),
mode: EditorMode,
pub const EditorError = error {
ReadKeyFail, DrawFail, OpenFileFail,
| https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LittleJianCH/zilo/7ac8877d1948f3c4ca73c074a42ad5d7d1c4bdc0/src/editor/def.zig |
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// Copyright (c) 2015-2021 Zig Contributors
// This file is part of [zig](https://ziglang.org/), which is MIT licensed.
// The MIT license requires this copyright notice to be included in all copies
// and substantial portions of the software.
//! Xoroshiro128+ - http://xoroshiro.di.unimi.it/
//! PRNG
const std = @import("std");
const Random = std.rand.Random;
const math = std.math;
const Xoroshiro128 = @This();
random: Random,
s: [2]u64,
pub fn init(init_s: u64) Xoroshiro128 {
var x = Xoroshiro128{
.random = Random{ .fillFn = fill },
.s = undefined,
return x;
fn next(self: *Xoroshiro128) u64 {
const s0 = self.s[0];
var s1 = self.s[1];
const r = s0 +% s1;
s1 ^= s0;
self.s[0] = math.rotl(u64, s0, @as(u8, 55)) ^ s1 ^ (s1 << 14);
self.s[1] = math.rotl(u64, s1, @as(u8, 36));
return r;
// Skip 2^64 places ahead in the sequence
fn jump(self: *Xoroshiro128) void {
var s0: u64 = 0;
var s1: u64 = 0;
const table = [_]u64{
inline for (table) |entry| {
var b: usize = 0;
while (b < 64) : (b += 1) {
if ((entry & (@as(u64, 1) << @intCast(u6, b))) != 0) {
s0 ^= self.s[0];
s1 ^= self.s[1];
_ = self.next();
self.s[0] = s0;
self.s[1] = s1;
pub fn seed(self: *Xoroshiro128, init_s: u64) void {
// Xoroshiro requires 128-bits of seed.
var gen = std.rand.SplitMix64.init(init_s);
self.s[0] = gen.next();
self.s[1] = gen.next();
fn fill(r: *Random, buf: []u8) void {
const self = @fieldParentPtr(Xoroshiro128, "random", r);
var i: usize = 0;
const aligned_len = buf.len - (buf.len & 7);
// Complete 8 byte segments.
while (i < aligned_len) : (i += 8) {
var n = self.next();
comptime var j: usize = 0;
inline while (j < 8) : (j += 1) {
buf[i + j] = @truncate(u8, n);
n >>= 8;
// Remaining. (cuts the stream)
if (i != buf.len) {
var n = self.next();
while (i < buf.len) : (i += 1) {
buf[i] = @truncate(u8, n);
n >>= 8;
test "xoroshiro sequence" {
var r = Xoroshiro128.init(0);
r.s[0] = 0xaeecf86f7878dd75;
r.s[1] = 0x01cd153642e72622;
const seq1 = [_]u64{
for (seq1) |s| {
std.testing.expect(s == r.next());
const seq2 = [_]u64{
for (seq2) |s| {
std.testing.expect(s == r.next());
test "xoroshiro fill" {
var r = Xoroshiro128.init(0);
r.s[0] = 0xaeecf86f7878dd75;
r.s[1] = 0x01cd153642e72622;
const seq = [_]u64{
for (seq) |s| {
var buf0: [8]u8 = undefined;
var buf1: [7]u8 = undefined;
std.mem.writeIntLittle(u64, &buf0, s);
Xoroshiro128.fill(&r.random, &buf1);
std.testing.expect(std.mem.eql(u8, buf0[0..7], buf1[0..]));
| https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dip-proto/zig/8f79f7e60937481fcf861c2941db02cbf449cdca/lib/std/rand/Xoroshiro128.zig |
const std = @import("std");
const math = std.math;
const ecs = @import("zflecs");
const zm = @import("zmath");
const ecsu = @import("../flecs_util/flecs_util.zig");
const fd = @import("../config/flecs_data.zig");
const IdLocal = @import("../core/core.zig").IdLocal;
const input = @import("../input.zig");
const ztracy = @import("ztracy");
pub const SystemState = struct {
allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
ecsu_world: ecsu.World,
flecs_sys: ecs.entity_t,
query: ecsu.Query,
input_frame_data: *input.FrameData,
pub fn create(name: IdLocal, allocator: std.mem.Allocator, ecsu_world: ecsu.World, input_frame_data: *input.FrameData) !*SystemState {
var query_builder = ecsu.QueryBuilder.init(ecsu_world);
_ = query_builder
const query = query_builder.buildQuery();
const system = allocator.create(SystemState) catch unreachable;
const flecs_sys = ecsu_world.newWrappedRunSystem(name.toCString(), ecs.OnUpdate, fd.NOCOMP, update, .{ .ctx = system });
system.* = .{
.allocator = allocator,
.ecsu_world = ecsu_world,
.flecs_sys = flecs_sys,
.query = query,
.input_frame_data = input_frame_data,
// ecsu_world.observer(ObserverCallback, ecs.OnSet, system);
// initStateData(system);
return system;
pub fn destroy(system: *SystemState) void {
fn update(iter: *ecsu.Iterator(fd.NOCOMP)) void {
const trazy_zone = ztracy.ZoneNC(@src(), "Input System: Update", 0x00_ff_00_ff);
defer trazy_zone.End();
defer ecs.iter_fini(iter.iter);
const system: *SystemState = @ptrCast(@alignCast(iter.iter.ctx));
// const dt4 = zm.f32x4s(iter.iter.delta_time);
// _ = system;
input.doTheThing(system.allocator, system.input_frame_data);
// var entity_iter = system.query.iterator(struct {
// fsm: *fd.FSM,
// });
// while (entity_iter.next()) |comps| {
// _ = comps;
// }
// const NextState = struct {
// entity: flecs.Entity,
// next_state: *fsm.State,
// };
// for (system.instances.items) |*instance| {
// for (instance.curr_states.items) |fsm_state| {
// const ctx = fsm.StateFuncContext{
// .state = fsm_state,
// .blob_array = instance.blob_array,
// .allocator = system.allocator,
// // .entity = instance.entities.items[i],
// // .data = instance.blob_array.getBlob(i),
// .transition_events = .{},
// .ecsu_world = system.ecsu_world,
// .dt = dt4,
// };
// fsm_state.update(ctx);
// }
// }
| https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Srekel/tides-of-revival/e5a78dfb9f2b8792a5ee53ccf75144c25469ff4f/src/systems/input_system.zig |
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// Copyright (c) 2015-2021 Zig Contributors
// This file is part of [zig](https://ziglang.org/), which is MIT licensed.
// The MIT license requires this copyright notice to be included in all copies
// and substantial portions of the software.
const udivmod = @import("udivmod.zig").udivmod;
const builtin = @import("builtin");
pub fn __divti3(a: i128, b: i128) callconv(.C) i128 {
const s_a = a >> (128 - 1);
const s_b = b >> (128 - 1);
const an = (a ^ s_a) -% s_a;
const bn = (b ^ s_b) -% s_b;
const r = udivmod(u128, @bitCast(u128, an), @bitCast(u128, bn), null);
const s = s_a ^ s_b;
return (@bitCast(i128, r) ^ s) -% s;
const v128 = @import("std").meta.Vector(2, u64);
pub fn __divti3_windows_x86_64(a: v128, b: v128) callconv(.C) v128 {
return @bitCast(v128, @call(.{ .modifier = .always_inline }, __divti3, .{
@bitCast(i128, a),
@bitCast(i128, b),
test "import divti3" {
_ = @import("divti3_test.zig");
| https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dip-proto/zig/8f79f7e60937481fcf861c2941db02cbf449cdca/lib/std/special/compiler_rt/divti3.zig |
const std = @import("std");
const zglfw = @import("zglfw");
const IdLocal = @import("core/core.zig").IdLocal;
pub const TargetMap = std.AutoHashMap(IdLocal, TargetValue);
pub const FrameData = struct {
index_curr: u32 = 0,
target_defaults: TargetMap,
targets_double_buffer: [2]TargetMap,
targets: *TargetMap = undefined,
map: KeyMap,
window: *zglfw.Window,
pub fn create(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, keymap: KeyMap, target_defaults: TargetMap, window: *zglfw.Window) FrameData {
var res: FrameData = .{
.target_defaults = target_defaults,
.targets_double_buffer = .{ TargetMap.init(allocator), TargetMap.init(allocator) },
.map = keymap,
.window = window,
res.targets = &res.targets_double_buffer[0];
res.targets_double_buffer[0].ensureUnusedCapacity(target_defaults.count()) catch unreachable;
res.targets_double_buffer[1].ensureUnusedCapacity(target_defaults.count()) catch unreachable;
var it = res.target_defaults.iterator();
while (it.next()) |kv| {
res.targets_double_buffer[0].putAssumeCapacity(kv.key_ptr.*, kv.value_ptr.*);
res.targets_double_buffer[1].putAssumeCapacity(kv.key_ptr.*, kv.value_ptr.*);
return res;
pub fn get(self: FrameData, target_id: IdLocal) TargetValue {
const value = self.targets.get(target_id);
return value.?;
pub fn held(self: FrameData, target_id: IdLocal) bool {
const value = self.targets.get(target_id);
return value.?.isActive();
pub fn just_pressed(self: FrameData, target_id: IdLocal) bool {
const index_curr = self.index_curr;
const index_prev = 1 - index_curr;
const value_curr = self.targets_double_buffer[index_curr].get(target_id).?;
const value_prev = self.targets_double_buffer[index_prev].get(target_id).?;
return !value_prev.isActive() and value_curr.isActive();
pub fn just_released(self: FrameData, target_id: IdLocal) bool {
const index_curr = self.index_curr;
const index_prev = 1 - index_curr;
const value_curr = self.targets_double_buffer[index_curr].get(target_id).?;
const value_prev = self.targets_double_buffer[index_prev].get(target_id).?;
return value_prev.isActive() and !value_curr.isActive();
pub const InputType = enum {
pub const TargetValue = union(InputType) {
number: f32,
vector2: [2]f32,
fn isActive(self: TargetValue) bool {
return switch (self) {
.number => |value| value != 0,
.vector2 => |value| value[0] != 0 or value[1] != 0, // TODO
fn supersedes(self: TargetValue, other: TargetValue) bool {
return switch (self) {
.number => |value| @abs(value) > @abs(other.number),
.vector2 => |value| @abs(value[0]) > @abs(other.vector2[0]) or @abs(value[1]) > @abs(other.vector2[1]), // TODO
pub const BindingSource = union(enum) {
keyboard_key: zglfw.Key,
mouse_button: zglfw.MouseButton,
mouse_cursor: void,
gamepad_button: zglfw.Gamepad.Button,
gamepad_axis: zglfw.Gamepad.Axis,
processor: void,
pub const Binding = struct {
target_id: IdLocal,
source: BindingSource,
pub const DeviceType = enum {
// fn remap4ToAxis2D(targets: TargetMap, source_targets: std.ArrayList(IdLocal)) TargetValue {
// const value_left = targets[source_targets.items[0]] catch unreachable;
// const value_right = targets[source_targets.items[1]] catch unreachable;
// const value_up = targets[source_targets.items[2]] catch unreachable;
// const value_down = targets[source_targets.items[3]] catch unreachable;
// const value = [2]f32{
// blk: {
// if (value_left.number != 0) {
// break :blk -value_left.number;
// }
// if (value_right.number != 0) {
// break :blk value_right.number;
// }
// break :blk 0;
// },
// blk: {
// if (value_down.number != 0) {
// break :blk -value_down.number;
// }
// if (value_up.number != 0) {
// break :blk value_up.number;
// }
// break :blk 0;
// },
// };
// return .{ .vector2 = value };
// }
pub const ProcessorScalar = struct {
source_target: IdLocal,
multiplier: f32,
pub fn process(self: ProcessorScalar, targets_curr: TargetMap, targets_prev: TargetMap) TargetValue {
_ = targets_prev;
var res = targets_curr.get(self.source_target).?;
res.number *= self.multiplier;
return res;
pub const ProcessorDeadzone = struct {
source_target: IdLocal,
zone: f32,
pub fn process(self: ProcessorDeadzone, targets_curr: TargetMap, targets_prev: TargetMap) TargetValue {
_ = targets_prev;
var res = targets_curr.get(self.source_target).?;
if (@abs(res.number) < self.zone) {
res.number = 0;
} else {
// Remap [zone..1] to [0..1]
res.number = (res.number - self.zone) / (1.0 - self.zone);
return res;
pub const ProcessorVector2Diff = struct {
source_target: IdLocal,
pub fn process(self: ProcessorVector2Diff, targets_curr: TargetMap, targets_prev: TargetMap) TargetValue {
const prev = targets_prev.get(self.source_target).?;
const curr = targets_curr.get(self.source_target).?;
const movement: [2]f32 = .{ curr.vector2[0] - prev.vector2[0], curr.vector2[1] - prev.vector2[1] };
return TargetValue{ .vector2 = .{ movement[0], movement[1] } };
pub const ProcessorAxisConversion = struct {
source_target: IdLocal,
conversion: enum {
pub fn process(self: ProcessorAxisConversion, targets_curr: TargetMap, targets_prev: TargetMap) TargetValue {
_ = targets_prev;
const axis_value = targets_curr.get(self.source_target).?;
const res = switch (self.conversion) {
.xy_to_x => TargetValue{ .number = axis_value.vector2[0] },
.xy_to_y => TargetValue{ .number = axis_value.vector2[1] },
return res;
pub const ProcessorAxisSplit = struct {
source_target: IdLocal,
is_positive: bool,
pub fn process(self: ProcessorAxisSplit, targets_curr: TargetMap, targets_prev: TargetMap) TargetValue {
_ = targets_prev;
var res = targets_curr.get(self.source_target).?;
if (self.is_positive) {
if (res.number < 0) {
res.number = 0;
} else {
if (res.number > 0) {
res.number = 0;
} else {
res.number = -res.number;
return res;
pub const ProcessorAxisToBool = struct {
source_target: IdLocal,
pub fn process(self: ProcessorAxisToBool, targets_curr: TargetMap, targets_prev: TargetMap) TargetValue {
_ = targets_prev;
const res = targets_curr.get(self.source_target).?;
if (res.number > 0.1) {
return TargetValue{ .number = 1 };
return TargetValue{ .number = 0 };
pub const ProcessorClass = union(enum) {
// axis2d: remap4ToAxis2D,
scalar: ProcessorScalar,
deadzone: ProcessorDeadzone,
vector2diff: ProcessorVector2Diff,
axis_conversion: ProcessorAxisConversion,
axis_split: ProcessorAxisSplit,
axis_to_bool: ProcessorAxisToBool,
pub const Processor = struct {
target_id: IdLocal,
class: ProcessorClass,
always_use_result: bool = false,
fn process(self: Processor, targets_curr: TargetMap, targets_prev: TargetMap) TargetValue {
switch (self.class) {
inline else => |case| return case.process(targets_curr, targets_prev),
pub const DeviceKeyMap = struct {
// active_device_index: ?u32 = null,
device_type: DeviceType,
bindings: std.ArrayList(Binding),
processors: std.ArrayList(Processor),
pub const KeyMapLayer = struct {
id: IdLocal,
active: bool,
device_maps: std.ArrayList(DeviceKeyMap),
pub const KeyMap = struct {
layer_stack: std.ArrayList(KeyMapLayer),
pub fn doTheThing(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, input_frame_data: *FrameData) void {
var used_inputs = std.AutoHashMap(BindingSource, bool).init(allocator);
const targets_prev = &input_frame_data.targets_double_buffer[input_frame_data.index_curr];
input_frame_data.index_curr = 1 - input_frame_data.index_curr;
var targets = &input_frame_data.targets_double_buffer[input_frame_data.index_curr];
var it = input_frame_data.target_defaults.iterator();
while (it.next()) |kv| {
targets.putAssumeCapacity(kv.key_ptr.*, kv.value_ptr.*);
input_frame_data.targets = targets;
const map = input_frame_data.map;
var window = input_frame_data.window;
for (map.layer_stack.items) |layer| {
if (!layer.active) {
for (layer.device_maps.items) |device_map| {
for (device_map.bindings.items) |binding| {
if (used_inputs.contains(binding.source)) {
// std.debug.print("prevalue {}\n", .{binding.source});
const value =
switch (binding.source) {
.keyboard_key => |key| blk: {
if (window.getKey(key) == .press) {
// std.debug.print("press {}\n", .{key});
break :blk TargetValue{ .number = 1 };
// std.debug.print("break {}\n", .{key});
// break; // footgun
break :blk TargetValue{ .number = 0 };
.mouse_button => |button| blk: {
const button_action = window.getMouseButton(button);
break :blk TargetValue{ .number = if (button_action == .press) 1 else 0 };
.mouse_cursor => blk: {
const cursor_pos = window.getCursorPos();
const cursor_value = TargetValue{ .vector2 = .{
@as(f32, @floatCast(cursor_pos[0])),
@as(f32, @floatCast(cursor_pos[1])),
} };
break :blk cursor_value;
.gamepad_axis => |axis| blk: {
var joystick_id: u32 = 0;
while (joystick_id < zglfw.Joystick.maximum_supported) : (joystick_id += 1) {
if (zglfw.Joystick.get(@as(zglfw.Joystick.Id, @intCast(joystick_id)))) |joystick| {
if (joystick.asGamepad()) |gamepad| {
const gamepad_state = gamepad.getState();
const value = gamepad_state.axes[@intFromEnum(axis)];
break :blk TargetValue{ .number = value };
break :blk TargetValue{ .number = 0 };
.gamepad_button => |button| blk: {
var joystick_id: u32 = 0;
while (joystick_id < zglfw.Joystick.maximum_supported) : (joystick_id += 1) {
if (zglfw.Joystick.get(@as(zglfw.Joystick.Id, @intCast(joystick_id)))) |joystick| {
if (joystick.asGamepad()) |gamepad| {
const gamepad_state = gamepad.getState();
const action = gamepad_state.buttons[@intFromEnum(button)];
const value: f32 = if (action == .release) 0 else 1;
break :blk TargetValue{ .number = value };
break :blk TargetValue{ .number = 0 };
.processor => TargetValue{ .number = 0 },
if (!value.isActive()) {
// std.debug.print("target1: {s} value {}\n", .{ binding.target_id.toString(), value });
used_inputs.put(binding.source, true) catch unreachable;
const prev_value = targets.get(binding.target_id);
if (prev_value) |pv| {
if (value.supersedes(pv)) {
targets.put(binding.target_id, value) catch unreachable;
} else {
// std.debug.print("target2: {s} value {}\n", .{ binding.target_id.toString(), value });
targets.put(binding.target_id, value) catch unreachable;
for (device_map.processors.items) |processor| {
const value = processor.process(targets.*, targets_prev.*);
const prev_value = targets.get(processor.target_id);
if (prev_value) |pv| {
if (processor.always_use_result or value.supersedes(pv)) {
targets.put(processor.target_id, value) catch unreachable;
} else {
targets.put(processor.target_id, value) catch unreachable;
// const inputs = [_]InputResult{
// .{
// .id = IdLocal.init("move"),
// .output_type = .vector2,
// },
// // move_right,
// // move_forward,
// // move_backward,
// };
// const input_map = [@typeInfo(Inputs).Enum.fields.len]zglfw.Key{
// .{.id = IdLocal{"move"}, output=vector2, },
// .left_shift,
// .left_shift,
// .left_shift,
// };
test "test" {
const allocator = std.testing.allocator;
var keyboard_map = DeviceKeyMap{
.device_type = .keyboard,
.bindings = std.ArrayList(Binding).init(allocator),
.target_id = IdLocal.init("move_left"),
.source = BindingSource{ .keyboard_key = .left },
.target_id = IdLocal.init("move_right"),
.source = BindingSource{ .keyboard_key = .right },
var layer_on_foot = KeyMapLayer{
.id = IdLocal.init("on_foot"),
.active = true,
.device_maps = std.ArrayList(DeviceKeyMap).init(allocator),
var map = KeyMap{
.layer_stack = std.ArrayList(KeyMapLayer).init(allocator),
return map;
| https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Srekel/tides-of-revival/e5a78dfb9f2b8792a5ee53ccf75144c25469ff4f/src/input.zig |
const std = @import("std");
const Table = @import("table-helper").Table;
pub fn main() anyerror!void {
try std.io.getStdOut().writer().print("{}\n", .{Table(&[_][]const u8{ "Version", "Date" }){ .data = &[_][2][]const u8{
.{ "0.7.1", "2020-12-13" },
.{ "0.7.0", "2020-11-08" },
.{ "0.6.0", "2020-04-13" },
.{ "0.5.0", "2019-09-30" },
} }});
test "basic test" {
try std.testing.expectEqual(10, 3 + 7);
| https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pmuens/ziglearn/2e9a847b75d8f4981c8d2ecd8d3063ae4c87f13e/chapter-3/packages/src/main.zig |
// DevOS.zig - library root
//2023apr25:(VK) Created
// Obeisances to The Supreme Absolute Person, who is the only independent enjoyer.
//By his sandhini potency everything is maintained united. By his samvit potency,
//everything is revealed. By his hladini potency, everything brings about bliss.
//Thus everyone is engaged in the service of The Supreme Lord by His three
//pricipal internal energies.
const std=@import("std");
const builtin=@import("builtin");
const winmain=@import("MainMSWin.zig");
pub const Log=@import("Log.zig");
pub const IRender=@import("IRender.zig");
//pub const RenderStack=@import("RenderStack.zig").RenderStack.new;
//pub const StackWin=@import("RenderStack.zig").StackWin;
pub usingnamespace @import("StackWin.zig");
pub const BufWin=@import("BufWin.zig");
pub const PushButton=@import("Widgets/Button.zig");
pub const g8=@import("Graph.zig");
pub const timer=@import("Timer.zig");
pub const IAnyList=@import("IAnyList.zig");
pub const HWND=std.os.windows.HWND;
pub const GBuf=struct {
var aa=std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){};
pub const a=aa.allocator();//std.testing.allocator;
// OS
// Main ----------------------------------------------------------------------
comptime {
switch(builtin.os.tag) {
//NOT ALLOWED:pub inline fn OSwin(...){}
//pub not allowed:const beep=winmain.beep;
pub const main=winmain.wWinMain;
//pub const OSwin=winmain.OSwin;
pub fn say(text:[]const u8) void {
if (builtin.os.tag==.windows) {
.argv=&[_][]const u8{"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\eSpeak\\command_line\\espeak.exe",text},
}) catch unreachable;
pub fn beep() void {
if (builtin.os.tag==.windows) {
pub inline fn OSwin(w:u32,h:u32,t:[*:0]const u8) *IRender {
return winmain.OSwin.new(w,h,t);
| https://raw.githubusercontent.com/oldwo/zigui/45d2c4504b3cc51a740f495e118f4f7a0a5b6185/src/DevOS.zig |
const c = @import("./chunk.zig");
const Chunk = c.Chunk(u8);
const OpCode = c.OpCode;
const v = @import("./value.zig");
const Value = v.Value;
const Debug = @import("./debug.zig");
const std = @import("std");
const build_options = @import("build_options");
const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
const compiler = @import("./compiler.zig");
const keto = @import("./keto.zig");
pub const InterpretResult = enum {
pub const VM = struct {
const Self = @This();
a: Allocator,
chunk: ?*Chunk,
ip: ?[*]u8,
stack: []Value,
stackTop: []Value,
pub fn init(a: Allocator) !Self {
var vm = Self{
.a = a,
.chunk = null,
.ip = null,
.stack = try a.alloc(Value, build_options.stackSize),
.stackTop = undefined,
return vm;
pub fn free(self: *Self) void {
fn resetStack(self: *Self) void {
for (self.stack) |*value|
value.* = 0; // initialize stack with zeros
self.stackTop = self.stack[0..];
pub fn interpret(self: *Self, source: []const u8, a: Allocator) !InterpretResult {
var chunk = try Chunk.init(a);
defer chunk.free();
if (!try compiler.compile(source, &chunk, a)) {
return .compile_error;
self.chunk = &chunk;
if (self.chunk.?.code.items.len == 0)
return .compile_error;
self.ip = self.chunk.?.code.items.ptr;
return self.run();
fn run(self: *Self) InterpretResult {
while (true) {
if (build_options.trace) {
keto.log.info("\n", .{});
_ = Debug.disassembleInstruction(self.chunk.?, @ptrToInt(self.ip.?) - @ptrToInt(self.chunk.?.code.items.ptr));
const instruction = self.readByte();
switch (@intToEnum(OpCode, instruction)) {
const value = self.readConstant();
.NEGATE => self.push(-self.pop()),
.ADD => self.binaryOp(add),
.SUBTRACT => self.binaryOp(sub),
.MULTIPLY => self.binaryOp(mul),
.DIVIDE => self.binaryOp(div),
.RETURN => {
keto.log.info("\n", .{});
return .ok;
_ => return .runtime_error,
return .runtime_error;
fn readByte(self: *Self) u8 {
const byte = self.ip.?[0];
self.ip.? += 1;
return byte;
fn readConstant(self: *Self) Value {
return self.chunk.?.constants.items[self.readByte()];
fn push(self: *Self, value: Value) void {
self.stackTop[0] = value;
self.stackTop.ptr += 1;
self.stackTop.len -= 1;
fn pop(self: *Self) Value {
self.stackTop.ptr -= 1;
self.stackTop.len += 1;
return self.stackTop[0];
fn binaryOp(self: *Self, comptime op: fn (Value, Value) Value) void {
const b = self.pop();
const a = self.pop();
self.push(op(a, b));
fn add(a: Value, b: Value) Value {
return a + b;
fn sub(a: Value, b: Value) Value {
return a - b;
fn mul(a: Value, b: Value) Value {
return a * b;
fn div(a: Value, b: Value) Value {
return a / b;
test "init stack" {
const a = std.testing.allocator;
const stdout = std.io.getStdOut().writer();
var chunk = try Chunk.init(a);
defer chunk.free();
var vm = try VM.init(a, stdout);
defer vm.free();
const stackAddr = @ptrToInt(vm.stack.ptr);
const stackTopAddr = @ptrToInt(vm.stackTop.ptr);
// keto.log.warn("0x{x}, 0x{x}", .{ stackAddr, stackTopAddr });
// keto.log.warn("{d}, {d}", .{ stackAddr, stackTopAddr });
try std.testing.expect(stackAddr == stackTopAddr);
test "push" {
const a = std.testing.allocator;
const stdout = std.io.getStdOut().writer();
var chunk = try Chunk.init(a);
defer chunk.free();
var vm = try VM.init(a, stdout);
defer vm.free();
// keto.log.warn("{any}, {d}\n", .{ vm.stack, vm.stackTop[0] });
try std.testing.expect(vm.stack[0] == 3.1415);
try std.testing.expect(vm.stackTop[0] == 0);
test "pop" {
const a = std.testing.allocator;
const stdout = std.io.getStdOut().writer();
var chunk = try Chunk.init(a);
defer chunk.free();
var vm = try VM.init(a, stdout);
defer vm.free();
// keto.log.warn("{any}, {d}\n", .{ vm.stack, vm.stackTop[0] });
try std.testing.expect(vm.stack[0] == 3.1415);
try std.testing.expect(vm.stackTop[0] == 0);
const pi = vm.pop();
try std.testing.expect(pi == 3.1415);
try std.testing.expect(vm.stackTop[0] == pi);
| https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Wuschli/keto/692fa08495c5c46241f2f5e268282c685a37f730/src/vm.zig |
const std = @import("std");
pub const c = @import("c.zig");
pub usingnamespace @import("cast.zig");
pub usingnamespace @import("girepository.zig");
| https://raw.githubusercontent.com/paveloom-z/zig-girepository/b9358f41e9bd455bc19f5a373070d6c0616745bc/src/lib.zig |
// File: binary_tree_dfs.zig
// Created Time: 2023-01-15
// Author: sjinzh (sjinzh@gmail.com)
const std = @import("std");
const inc = @import("include");
var list = std.ArrayList(i32).init(std.heap.page_allocator);
// 前序遍历
fn preOrder(comptime T: type, root: ?*inc.TreeNode(T)) !void {
if (root == null) return;
// 访问优先级:根节点 -> 左子树 -> 右子树
try list.append(root.?.val);
try preOrder(T, root.?.left);
try preOrder(T, root.?.right);
// 中序遍历
fn inOrder(comptime T: type, root: ?*inc.TreeNode(T)) !void {
if (root == null) return;
// 访问优先级:左子树 -> 根节点 -> 右子树
try inOrder(T, root.?.left);
try list.append(root.?.val);
try inOrder(T, root.?.right);
// 后序遍历
fn postOrder(comptime T: type, root: ?*inc.TreeNode(T)) !void {
if (root == null) return;
// 访问优先级:左子树 -> 右子树 -> 根节点
try postOrder(T, root.?.left);
try postOrder(T, root.?.right);
try list.append(root.?.val);
// Driver Code
pub fn main() !void {
// 初始化内存分配器
var mem_arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(std.heap.page_allocator);
defer mem_arena.deinit();
const mem_allocator = mem_arena.allocator();
// 初始化二叉树
// 这里借助了一个从数组直接生成二叉树的函数
var nums = [_]i32{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7};
var root = try inc.TreeUtil.arrToTree(i32, mem_allocator, &nums);
std.debug.print("初始化二叉树\n", .{});
try inc.PrintUtil.printTree(root, null, false);
// 前序遍历
try preOrder(i32, root);
std.debug.print("\n前序遍历的节点打印序列 = ", .{});
inc.PrintUtil.printList(i32, list);
// 中序遍历
try inOrder(i32, root);
std.debug.print("\n中序遍历的节点打印序列 = ", .{});
inc.PrintUtil.printList(i32, list);
// 后序遍历
try postOrder(i32, root);
std.debug.print("\n后续遍历的节点打印序列 = ", .{});
inc.PrintUtil.printList(i32, list);
_ = try std.io.getStdIn().reader().readByte();
} | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/codingonion/hello-algo-zig/8a860aec2e5d5b30653b6611224fcbc823055d2b/chapter_tree/binary_tree_dfs.zig |
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 Lee Cannon <leecannon@leecannon.xyz>
const std = @import("std");
const LibraryDependency = @import("LibraryDependency.zig");
const ApplicationDescription = @This();
/// The name of the application:
/// - used for the path to the root file `apps/{name}/{name}.zig`
/// - used in any build steps created for the application
name: []const u8,
/// The applications dependencies.
dependencies: []const LibraryDependency = &.{},
/// Allows for custom configuration of the application.
custom_configuration: ?*const fn (
b: *std.Build,
application_description: ApplicationDescription,
exe: *std.Build.Step.Compile,
) void = null,
| https://raw.githubusercontent.com/CascadeOS/CascadeOS/07e8248e8a189b1ff74c21b60f0eb80bfe6f9574/build/ApplicationDescription.zig |
//! Creating paths and manipulating path data.
const std = @import("std");
const c = @import("../c.zig");
const PathDataType = @import("../enums.zig").PathDataType;
const Error = @import("../utilities/error_handling.zig").Error;
/// Convenience struct to iterate over the data elements in a Cairo path.
const PathIterator = struct {
/// Index for the data elements. The increment varies according the header
/// of the PathDataType (see the next() method).
i: usize,
/// Number of elements in the data array. An empty path has num_data = 0.
num_data: c_int,
/// Elements in the path. A path is represented as an array of
/// cairo_path_data_t, which is a C union of headers and points.
/// It's an optional pointer, since an empty path has no data elements.
data: ?[*]c.union__cairo_path_data_t,
const Self = @This();
/// Get the next PathDataType from the array of cairo_path_data_t elements.
pub fn next(self: *Self) ?PathDataType {
if (self.i >= self.num_data) {
return null;
// The value of step varies, since the length value of the header is the
// number of array elements for the current portion including the header
// (ie. length == 1 + # of points)
// https://cairographics.org/manual/cairo-Paths.html#cairo-path-data-t
defer self.i += @intCast(usize, self.data.?[self.i].header.length); // step
return PathDataType.fromCairoEnum(self.data.?[self.i].header.type);
// TODO: add method to construct a Path manually (useful in tests and maybe elsewhere).
/// Wrapper for the Cairo cairo_path_t C struct.
/// Note that most of the functions defined in the cairo-Paths section of the
/// Cairo C API are defined in zig-cairo Context, since they require a cairo_t
/// as their first parameter.
pub const Path = struct {
/// The original cairo_path_t C struct.
/// https://cairographics.org/manual/cairo-Paths.html#cairo-path-t
c_ptr: *c.struct_cairo_path,
const Self = @This();
/// Immediately release all memory associated with the wrapped cairo_path_t.
/// https://cairographics.org/manual/cairo-Paths.html#cairo-path-destroy
pub fn destroy(self: *Self) void {
/// Convenience method to avoid having to manually iterate over
/// cairo_path_data_t, which is an optional C pointer of unknown length.
pub fn iterator(self: *Self) PathIterator {
// TODO: it would be nicer to use a Zig slice. How can I build it from a
// C pointer?
return PathIterator{
.i = 0,
.data = self.c_ptr.data, // it's @ptrCast(?[*]c.union__cairo_path_data_t, self.c_ptr.data);
.num_data = self.c_ptr.num_data,
// TODO: read Cairo source code to understand which status to check here.
/// Check whether an error has previously occurred for this path.
/// https://cairographics.org/manual/cairo-cairo-t.html#cairo-status
pub fn status(c_ptr: *c.struct_cairo_path) !void {
const c_integer = c_ptr.status;
return switch (c_integer) {
c.CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS => {}, // nothing to do if successful
else => std.debug.panic("cairo_status_t member {} not handled.", .{c_integer}),
| https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jackdbd/zig-cairo/c2736f512b5a48a5ad38a15973b2879166da1d8a/src/drawing/path.zig |
const std = @import("std");
pub fn build(b: *std.Build) void {
const target = b.standardTargetOptions(.{});
const optimize = b.standardOptimizeOption(.{});
const use_native_backend = b.option(bool, "native-backend", "Use Zig's native x86 backend for compilation") orelse false;
const exe = b.addExecutable(.{
.name = "cellulator",
.root_source_file = .{ .path = "src/main.zig" },
.target = target,
.optimize = optimize,
.use_llvm = !use_native_backend,
.use_lld = !use_native_backend,
const spoon = b.dependency("shovel", .{
.target = target,
.optimize = optimize,
const wcwidth = b.dependency("wcwidth", .{
.target = target,
.optimize = optimize,
const ziglua = b.dependency("ziglua", .{
.target = target,
.optimize = optimize,
.lang = .lua54,
exe.root_module.addImport("ziglua", ziglua);
exe.root_module.addImport("spoon", spoon);
exe.root_module.addImport("wcwidth", wcwidth);
const run_cmd = b.addRunArtifact(exe);
if (b.args) |args| {
const run_step = b.step("run", "Run the program");
const filter = b.option([]const u8, "test-filter", "Skip tests that do not match filter");
const tests = b.addTest(.{
.root_source_file = .{ .path = "src/main.zig" },
.target = target,
.optimize = optimize,
.filter = filter,
.use_llvm = !use_native_backend,
.use_lld = !use_native_backend,
const fast_tests = b.option(bool, "fast-tests", "Skip slow tests") orelse false;
const opts = b.addOptions();
opts.addOption(bool, "fast_tests", fast_tests);
tests.root_module.addOptions("compile_opts", opts);
tests.root_module.addImport("ziglua", ziglua);
tests.root_module.addImport("spoon", spoon);
tests.root_module.addImport("wcwidth", wcwidth);
const run_tests = b.addRunArtifact(tests);
const test_step = b.step("test", "Run all unit tests");
const test_exe_step = b.step("test-exe", "Build test executable");
const install_step = b.addInstallArtifact(tests, .{});
| https://raw.githubusercontent.com/efjimm/Cellulator/ddd3986732591780485279d2ba08c8ffb1eed7d7/build.zig |
const zss = @import("zss");
const tokenize = zss.syntax.tokenize;
const parse = zss.syntax.parse;
const Utf8String = zss.util.Utf8String;
const std = @import("std");
pub fn main() !u8 {
var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){};
defer _ = gpa.deinit();
const allocator = gpa.allocator();
const args = try std.process.argsAlloc(allocator);
defer std.process.argsFree(allocator, args);
if (args.len > 2) return 1;
var stdout = std.io.getStdOut().writer();
const input = try std.io.getStdIn().reader().readAllAlloc(allocator, 1_000_000);
defer allocator.free(input);
const string = Utf8String{ .data = input };
if (args.len == 1 or std.mem.eql(u8, args[1], "stylesheet")) {
const source = try parse.Source.init(string);
var tree = try parse.parseCssStylesheet(source, allocator);
defer tree.deinit(allocator);
try zss.syntax.ComponentTree.debug.print(tree, allocator, stdout);
} else if (std.mem.eql(u8, args[1], "components")) {
const source = try parse.Source.init(string);
var tree = try parse.parseListOfComponentValues(source, allocator);
defer tree.deinit(allocator);
try zss.syntax.ComponentTree.debug.print(tree, allocator, stdout);
} else if (std.mem.eql(u8, args[1], "tokens")) {
const source = try tokenize.Source.init(string);
var location = tokenize.Source.Location{};
var i: usize = 0;
while (true) {
const next = try zss.syntax.tokenize.nextToken(source, location);
location = next.next_location;
try stdout.print("{}: {s}\n", .{ i, @tagName(next.token) });
i += 1;
if (next.token == .token_eof) break;
} else {
return 1;
return 0;
| https://raw.githubusercontent.com/chadwain/zss/e65690f7f0802222f300e7fbe70bc41f2d202030/examples/parse.zig |
const bun = @import("root").bun;
const std = @import("std");
const LineOffsetTable = bun.sourcemap.LineOffsetTable;
const SourceMap = bun.sourcemap;
const Bitset = bun.bit_set.DynamicBitSetUnmanaged;
const Output = bun.Output;
const prettyFmt = Output.prettyFmt;
/// Our code coverage currently only deals with lines of code, not statements or branches.
/// JSC doesn't expose function names in their coverage data, so we don't include that either :(.
/// Since we only need to store line numbers, our job gets simpler
/// We can use two bitsets to store code coverage data for a given file
/// 1. executable_lines
/// 2. lines_which_have_executed
/// Not all lines of code are executable. Comments, whitespace, empty lines, etc. are not executable.
/// It's not a problem for anyone if comments, whitespace, empty lines etc are not executed, so those should always be omitted from coverage reports
/// We use two bitsets since the typical size will be decently small,
/// bitsets are simple and bitsets are relatively fast to construct and query
pub const CodeCoverageReport = struct {
source_url: bun.JSC.ZigString.Slice,
executable_lines: Bitset,
lines_which_have_executed: Bitset,
functions: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(Block),
functions_which_have_executed: Bitset,
stmts_which_have_executed: Bitset,
stmts: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(Block),
total_lines: u32 = 0,
pub const Block = struct {
start_line: u32 = 0,
end_line: u32 = 0,
pub fn linesCoverageFraction(this: *const CodeCoverageReport) f64 {
var intersected = this.executable_lines.clone(bun.default_allocator) catch @panic("OOM");
defer intersected.deinit(bun.default_allocator);
const total_count: f64 = @floatFromInt(this.executable_lines.count());
if (total_count == 0) {
return 1.0;
const intersected_count: f64 = @floatFromInt(intersected.count());
return (intersected_count / total_count);
pub fn stmtsCoverageFraction(this: *const CodeCoverageReport) f64 {
const total_count: f64 = @floatFromInt(this.stmts.items.len);
if (total_count == 0) {
return 1.0;
return ((@as(f64, @floatFromInt(this.stmts_which_have_executed.count()))) / (total_count));
pub fn functionCoverageFraction(this: *const CodeCoverageReport) f64 {
const total_count: f64 = @floatFromInt(this.functions.items.len);
if (total_count == 0) {
return 1.0;
return (@as(f64, @floatFromInt(this.functions_which_have_executed.count())) / total_count);
pub fn writeFormatWithValues(
filename: []const u8,
max_filename_length: usize,
vals: CoverageFraction,
failing: CoverageFraction,
failed: bool,
writer: anytype,
indent_name: bool,
comptime enable_colors: bool,
) !void {
if (comptime enable_colors) {
if (failed) {
try writer.writeAll(comptime prettyFmt("<r><b><red>", true));
} else {
try writer.writeAll(comptime prettyFmt("<r><b><green>", true));
if (indent_name) {
try writer.writeAll(" ");
try writer.writeAll(filename);
try writer.writeByteNTimes(' ', (max_filename_length - filename.len + @as(usize, @intFromBool(!indent_name))));
try writer.writeAll(comptime prettyFmt("<r><d> | <r>", enable_colors));
if (comptime enable_colors) {
if (vals.functions < failing.functions) {
try writer.writeAll(comptime prettyFmt("<b><red>", true));
} else {
try writer.writeAll(comptime prettyFmt("<b><green>", true));
try writer.print("{d: >7.2}", .{vals.functions * 100.0});
// try writer.writeAll(comptime prettyFmt("<r><d> | <r>", enable_colors));
// if (comptime enable_colors) {
// // if (vals.stmts < failing.stmts) {
// try writer.writeAll(comptime prettyFmt("<d>", true));
// // } else {
// // try writer.writeAll(comptime prettyFmt("<d>", true));
// // }
// }
// try writer.print("{d: >8.2}", .{vals.stmts * 100.0});
try writer.writeAll(comptime prettyFmt("<r><d> | <r>", enable_colors));
if (comptime enable_colors) {
if (vals.lines < failing.lines) {
try writer.writeAll(comptime prettyFmt("<b><red>", true));
} else {
try writer.writeAll(comptime prettyFmt("<b><green>", true));
try writer.print("{d: >7.2}", .{vals.lines * 100.0});
pub fn writeFormat(
report: *const CodeCoverageReport,
max_filename_length: usize,
fraction: *CoverageFraction,
base_path: []const u8,
writer: anytype,
comptime enable_colors: bool,
) !void {
const failing = fraction.*;
const fns = report.functionCoverageFraction();
const lines = report.linesCoverageFraction();
const stmts = report.stmtsCoverageFraction();
fraction.functions = fns;
fraction.lines = lines;
fraction.stmts = stmts;
const failed = fns < failing.functions or lines < failing.lines; // or stmts < failing.stmts;
fraction.failing = failed;
var filename = report.source_url.slice();
if (base_path.len > 0) {
filename = bun.path.relative(base_path, filename);
try writeFormatWithValues(
try writer.writeAll(comptime prettyFmt("<r><d> | <r>", enable_colors));
var executable_lines_that_havent_been_executed = report.lines_which_have_executed.clone(bun.default_allocator) catch @panic("OOM");
defer executable_lines_that_havent_been_executed.deinit(bun.default_allocator);
// This sets statements in executed scopes
var iter = executable_lines_that_havent_been_executed.iterator(.{});
var start_of_line_range: usize = 0;
var prev_line: usize = 0;
var is_first = true;
while (iter.next()) |next_line| {
if (next_line == (prev_line + 1)) {
prev_line = next_line;
} else if (is_first and start_of_line_range == 0 and prev_line == 0) {
start_of_line_range = next_line;
prev_line = next_line;
if (is_first) {
is_first = false;
} else {
try writer.print(comptime prettyFmt("<r><d>,<r>", enable_colors), .{});
if (start_of_line_range == prev_line) {
try writer.print(comptime prettyFmt("<red>{d}", enable_colors), .{start_of_line_range + 1});
} else {
try writer.print(comptime prettyFmt("<red>{d}-{d}", enable_colors), .{ start_of_line_range + 1, prev_line + 1 });
prev_line = next_line;
start_of_line_range = next_line;
if (prev_line != start_of_line_range) {
if (is_first) {
is_first = false;
} else {
try writer.print(comptime prettyFmt("<r><d>,<r>", enable_colors), .{});
if (start_of_line_range == prev_line) {
try writer.print(comptime prettyFmt("<red>{d}", enable_colors), .{start_of_line_range + 1});
} else {
try writer.print(comptime prettyFmt("<red>{d}-{d}", enable_colors), .{ start_of_line_range + 1, prev_line + 1 });
pub fn deinit(this: *CodeCoverageReport, allocator: std.mem.Allocator) void {
extern fn CodeCoverage__withBlocksAndFunctions(
*const fn (
[*]const BasicBlockRange,
) callconv(.C) void,
) bool;
const Generator = struct {
allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
byte_range_mapping: *ByteRangeMapping,
result: *?CodeCoverageReport,
pub fn do(
this: *@This(),
blocks_ptr: [*]const BasicBlockRange,
blocks_len: usize,
function_start_offset: usize,
ignore_sourcemap: bool,
) callconv(.C) void {
const blocks: []const BasicBlockRange = blocks_ptr[0..function_start_offset];
var function_blocks: []const BasicBlockRange = blocks_ptr[function_start_offset..blocks_len];
if (function_blocks.len > 1) {
function_blocks = function_blocks[1..];
if (blocks.len == 0) {
this.result.* = this.byte_range_mapping.generateCodeCoverageReportFromBlocks(
) catch null;
pub fn generate(
globalThis: *bun.JSC.JSGlobalObject,
allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
byte_range_mapping: *ByteRangeMapping,
ignore_sourcemap_: bool,
) ?CodeCoverageReport {
const vm = globalThis.vm();
var result: ?CodeCoverageReport = null;
var generator = Generator{
.result = &result,
.allocator = allocator,
.byte_range_mapping = byte_range_mapping,
if (!CodeCoverage__withBlocksAndFunctions(
)) {
return null;
return result;
const BasicBlockRange = extern struct {
startOffset: c_int = 0,
endOffset: c_int = 0,
hasExecuted: bool = false,
executionCount: usize = 0,
pub const ByteRangeMapping = struct {
line_offset_table: LineOffsetTable.List = .{},
source_id: i32,
source_url: bun.JSC.ZigString.Slice,
pub fn isLessThan(_: void, a: ByteRangeMapping, b: ByteRangeMapping) bool {
return bun.strings.order(a.source_url.slice(), b.source_url.slice()) == .lt;
pub const HashMap = std.HashMap(u64, ByteRangeMapping, bun.IdentityContext(u64), std.hash_map.default_max_load_percentage);
pub fn deinit(this: *ByteRangeMapping) void {
pub threadlocal var map: ?*HashMap = null;
pub fn generate(str: bun.String, source_contents_str: bun.String, source_id: i32) callconv(.C) void {
var _map = map orelse brk: {
map = bun.JSC.VirtualMachine.get().allocator.create(HashMap) catch @panic("OOM");
map.?.* = HashMap.init(bun.JSC.VirtualMachine.get().allocator);
break :brk map.?;
var slice = str.toUTF8(bun.default_allocator);
const hash = bun.hash(slice.slice());
var entry = _map.getOrPut(hash) catch @panic("Out of memory");
if (entry.found_existing) {
var source_contents = source_contents_str.toUTF8(bun.default_allocator);
defer source_contents.deinit();
entry.value_ptr.* = compute(source_contents.slice(), source_id, slice);
pub fn getSourceID(this: *ByteRangeMapping) callconv(.C) i32 {
return this.source_id;
pub fn find(path: bun.String) callconv(.C) ?*ByteRangeMapping {
var slice = path.toUTF8(bun.default_allocator);
defer slice.deinit();
var map_ = map orelse return null;
const hash = bun.hash(slice.slice());
const entry = map_.getPtr(hash) orelse return null;
return entry;
pub fn generateCodeCoverageReportFromBlocks(
this: *ByteRangeMapping,
allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
source_url: bun.JSC.ZigString.Slice,
blocks: []const BasicBlockRange,
function_blocks: []const BasicBlockRange,
ignore_sourcemap: bool,
) !CodeCoverageReport {
const line_starts = this.line_offset_table.items(.byte_offset_to_start_of_line);
var executable_lines: Bitset = Bitset{};
var lines_which_have_executed: Bitset = Bitset{};
const parsed_mappings_ = bun.JSC.VirtualMachine.get().source_mappings.get(
var functions = std.ArrayListUnmanaged(CodeCoverageReport.Block){};
try functions.ensureTotalCapacityPrecise(allocator, function_blocks.len);
errdefer functions.deinit(allocator);
var functions_which_have_executed: Bitset = try Bitset.initEmpty(allocator, function_blocks.len);
errdefer functions_which_have_executed.deinit(allocator);
var stmts_which_have_executed: Bitset = try Bitset.initEmpty(allocator, blocks.len);
errdefer stmts_which_have_executed.deinit(allocator);
var stmts = std.ArrayListUnmanaged(CodeCoverageReport.Block){};
try stmts.ensureTotalCapacityPrecise(allocator, function_blocks.len);
errdefer stmts.deinit(allocator);
errdefer executable_lines.deinit(allocator);
errdefer lines_which_have_executed.deinit(allocator);
var line_count: u32 = 0;
if (ignore_sourcemap or parsed_mappings_ == null) {
line_count = @truncate(line_starts.len);
executable_lines = try Bitset.initEmpty(allocator, line_count);
lines_which_have_executed = try Bitset.initEmpty(allocator, line_count);
for (blocks, 0..) |block, i| {
const min: usize = @intCast(@min(block.startOffset, block.endOffset));
const max: usize = @intCast(@max(block.startOffset, block.endOffset));
var min_line: u32 = std.math.maxInt(u32);
var max_line: u32 = 0;
const has_executed = block.hasExecuted or block.executionCount > 0;
for (min..max) |byte_offset| {
const new_line_index = LineOffsetTable.findIndex(line_starts, .{ .start = @intCast(byte_offset) }) orelse continue;
const line_start_byte_offset = line_starts[new_line_index];
if (line_start_byte_offset >= byte_offset) {
const line: u32 = @intCast(new_line_index);
min_line = @min(min_line, line);
max_line = @max(max_line, line);
if (has_executed) {
if (min_line != std.math.maxInt(u32)) {
if (has_executed)
try stmts.append(allocator, .{
.start_line = min_line,
.end_line = max_line,
for (function_blocks, 0..) |function, i| {
const min: usize = @intCast(@min(function.startOffset, function.endOffset));
const max: usize = @intCast(@max(function.startOffset, function.endOffset));
var min_line: u32 = std.math.maxInt(u32);
var max_line: u32 = 0;
for (min..max) |byte_offset| {
const new_line_index = LineOffsetTable.findIndex(line_starts, .{ .start = @intCast(byte_offset) }) orelse continue;
const line_start_byte_offset = line_starts[new_line_index];
if (line_start_byte_offset >= byte_offset) {
const line: u32 = @intCast(new_line_index);
min_line = @min(min_line, line);
max_line = @max(max_line, line);
const did_fn_execute = function.executionCount > 0 or function.hasExecuted;
// only mark the lines as executable if the function has not executed
// functions that have executed have non-executable lines in them and thats fine.
if (!did_fn_execute) {
const end = @min(max_line, line_count);
for (min_line..end) |line| {
try functions.append(allocator, .{
.start_line = min_line,
.end_line = max_line,
if (did_fn_execute)
} else if (parsed_mappings_) |parsed_mapping| {
line_count = @as(u32, @truncate(parsed_mapping.input_line_count)) + 1;
executable_lines = try Bitset.initEmpty(allocator, line_count);
lines_which_have_executed = try Bitset.initEmpty(allocator, line_count);
for (blocks, 0..) |block, i| {
const min: usize = @intCast(@min(block.startOffset, block.endOffset));
const max: usize = @intCast(@max(block.startOffset, block.endOffset));
var min_line: u32 = std.math.maxInt(u32);
var max_line: u32 = 0;
const has_executed = block.hasExecuted or block.executionCount > 0;
for (min..max) |byte_offset| {
const new_line_index = LineOffsetTable.findIndex(line_starts, .{ .start = @intCast(byte_offset) }) orelse continue;
const line_start_byte_offset = line_starts[new_line_index];
if (line_start_byte_offset >= byte_offset) {
const column_position = byte_offset -| line_start_byte_offset;
if (SourceMap.Mapping.find(parsed_mapping.mappings, @intCast(new_line_index), @intCast(column_position))) |point| {
if (point.original.lines < 0) continue;
const line: u32 = @as(u32, @intCast(point.original.lines));
if (has_executed) {
min_line = @min(min_line, line);
max_line = @max(max_line, line);
if (min_line != std.math.maxInt(u32)) {
try stmts.append(allocator, .{
.start_line = min_line,
.end_line = max_line,
if (has_executed)
for (function_blocks, 0..) |function, i| {
const min: usize = @intCast(@min(function.startOffset, function.endOffset));
const max: usize = @intCast(@max(function.startOffset, function.endOffset));
var min_line: u32 = std.math.maxInt(u32);
var max_line: u32 = 0;
for (min..max) |byte_offset| {
const new_line_index = LineOffsetTable.findIndex(line_starts, .{ .start = @intCast(byte_offset) }) orelse continue;
const line_start_byte_offset = line_starts[new_line_index];
if (line_start_byte_offset >= byte_offset) {
const column_position = byte_offset -| line_start_byte_offset;
if (SourceMap.Mapping.find(parsed_mapping.mappings, @intCast(new_line_index), @intCast(column_position))) |point| {
if (point.original.lines < 0) continue;
const line: u32 = @as(u32, @intCast(point.original.lines));
min_line = @min(min_line, line);
max_line = @max(max_line, line);
// no sourcemaps? ignore it
if (min_line == std.math.maxInt(u32) and max_line == 0) {
const did_fn_execute = function.executionCount > 0 or function.hasExecuted;
// only mark the lines as executable if the function has not executed
// functions that have executed have non-executable lines in them and thats fine.
if (!did_fn_execute) {
const end = @min(max_line, line_count);
for (min_line..end) |line| {
try functions.append(allocator, .{
.start_line = min_line,
.end_line = max_line,
if (did_fn_execute)
} else {
return CodeCoverageReport{
.source_url = source_url,
.functions = functions,
.executable_lines = executable_lines,
.lines_which_have_executed = lines_which_have_executed,
.total_lines = line_count,
.stmts = stmts,
.functions_which_have_executed = functions_which_have_executed,
.stmts_which_have_executed = stmts_which_have_executed,
pub fn findExecutedLines(
globalThis: *bun.JSC.JSGlobalObject,
source_url: bun.String,
blocks_ptr: [*]const BasicBlockRange,
blocks_len: usize,
function_start_offset: usize,
ignore_sourcemap: bool,
) callconv(.C) bun.JSC.JSValue {
var this = ByteRangeMapping.find(source_url) orelse return bun.JSC.JSValue.null;
const blocks: []const BasicBlockRange = blocks_ptr[0..function_start_offset];
var function_blocks: []const BasicBlockRange = blocks_ptr[function_start_offset..blocks_len];
if (function_blocks.len > 1) {
function_blocks = function_blocks[1..];
var url_slice = source_url.toUTF8(bun.default_allocator);
defer url_slice.deinit();
var report = this.generateCodeCoverageReportFromBlocks(bun.default_allocator, url_slice, blocks, function_blocks, ignore_sourcemap) catch {
return .zero;
defer report.deinit(bun.default_allocator);
var coverage_fraction = CoverageFraction{};
var mutable_str = bun.MutableString.initEmpty(bun.default_allocator);
defer mutable_str.deinit();
var buffered_writer = mutable_str.bufferedWriter();
var writer = buffered_writer.writer();
report.writeFormat(source_url.utf8ByteLength(), &coverage_fraction, "", &writer, false) catch {
return .zero;
buffered_writer.flush() catch {
return .zero;
var str = bun.String.createUTF8(mutable_str.toOwnedSliceLeaky());
defer str.deref();
return str.toJS(globalThis);
pub fn compute(source_contents: []const u8, source_id: i32, source_url: bun.JSC.ZigString.Slice) ByteRangeMapping {
return ByteRangeMapping{
.line_offset_table = LineOffsetTable.generate(bun.JSC.VirtualMachine.get().allocator, source_contents, 0),
.source_id = source_id,
.source_url = source_url,
comptime {
if (bun.Environment.isNative) {
@export(ByteRangeMapping.generate, .{ .name = "ByteRangeMapping__generate" });
@export(ByteRangeMapping.findExecutedLines, .{ .name = "ByteRangeMapping__findExecutedLines" });
@export(ByteRangeMapping.find, .{ .name = "ByteRangeMapping__find" });
@export(ByteRangeMapping.getSourceID, .{ .name = "ByteRangeMapping__getSourceID" });
pub const CoverageFraction = struct {
functions: f64 = 0.9,
lines: f64 = 0.9,
// This metric is less accurate right now
stmts: f64 = 0.75,
failing: bool = false,
| https://raw.githubusercontent.com/resourcemod/sidejs/2eb853f13a96d6434fe9dba78906a390b1eb90fa/src/js/bun-bun-v1.0.30/src/sourcemap/CodeCoverage.zig |
const std = @import("std");
const utils = @import("utils.zig");
pub fn main() !void {
const lines = utils.readFileLines("day3_input.txt");
var map = utils.makeMap(utils.Pos, usize);
var p = utils.Pos{};
var steps: usize = 0;
var it = std.mem.separate(lines[0], ",");
while (it.next()) |d| {
var n = utils.parseInt(i64, d[1..]);
while (n > 0) : (n -= 1) {
p = p.move(utils.Dir.fromUDLR(d[0]));
steps += 1;
_ = try map.put(p, steps);
p = utils.Pos{};
steps = 0;
it = std.mem.separate(lines[1], ",");
var bestDist: i64 = 99999999;
var bestSteps: usize = 99999999;
while (it.next()) |d| {
var n = utils.parseInt(i64, d[1..]);
while (n > 0) : (n -= 1) {
p = p.move(utils.Dir.fromUDLR(d[0]));
steps += 1;
if (map.getValue(p)) |other_steps| {
bestDist = std.math.min(bestDist, p.manhattan_dist(utils.Pos{}));
bestSteps = std.math.min(bestSteps, steps + other_steps);
| https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lukechampine/advent/fb5db7bc2f413760f6e8f4982b905d664bff0279/2019/day3.zig |
const std = @import("std");
const stdin = std.io.getStdIn().reader();
const stdout = std.io.getStdOut().writer();
const expect = std.testing.expect;
pub fn main() !void {
var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(std.heap.page_allocator);
defer arena.deinit();
const allocator = &arena.allocator;
const input = try stdin.readAllAlloc(allocator, 9268);
const result = try run(allocator, input);
try stdout.print("{}\n", .{result});
pub fn run(allocator: *std.mem.Allocator, input: []const u8) !isize {
var map = std.AutoHashMap(Point, usize).init(allocator);
defer map.deinit();
var lines = std.mem.tokenize(input, "\n");
while (lines.next()) |line| {
const entry = try parse_entry(line);
try mark(&map, entry.from);
const x_dir = calculate_dir(entry.from.x, entry.to.x);
const y_dir = calculate_dir(entry.from.y, entry.to.y);
var x: isize = @intCast(isize, entry.from.x) + x_dir;
var y: isize = @intCast(isize, entry.from.y) + y_dir;
const to_x: isize = @intCast(isize, entry.to.x);
const to_y: isize = @intCast(isize, entry.to.y);
while (x != to_x or y != to_y) : ({
x += x_dir;
y += y_dir;
}) {
try mark(&map, .{ .x = @intCast(usize, x), .y = @intCast(usize, y) });
try mark(&map, entry.to);
var sum: isize = 0;
var counts = map.valueIterator();
while (counts.next()) |count| {
if (count.* >= 2) {
sum += 1;
return sum;
const Point = struct {
x: usize,
y: usize,
const Line = struct {
from: Point,
to: Point,
fn parse_entry(entry: []const u8) !Line {
var it = std.mem.tokenize(entry, " ");
const from = try parse_point(it.next().?);
try expect(std.mem.eql(u8, it.next().?, "->"));
const to = try parse_point(it.next().?);
return Line{ .from = from, .to = to };
fn parse_point(s: []const u8) !Point {
var it = std.mem.tokenize(s, ",");
return Point{
.x = try std.fmt.parseInt(usize, it.next().?, 10),
.y = try std.fmt.parseInt(usize, it.next().?, 10),
fn mark(map: *std.AutoHashMap(Point, usize), point: Point) !void {
var entry = try map.getOrPut(point);
if (!entry.found_existing) {
entry.value_ptr.* = 0;
entry.value_ptr.* += 1;
fn calculate_dir(from: usize, to: usize) isize {
if (to > from) {
return 1;
} else if (to < from) {
return -1;
} else {
return 0;
fn print_map(map: std.AutoHashMap(Point, usize), width: usize, height: usize) void {
std.debug.print("\n", .{});
var y: usize = 0;
while (y < height) : (y += 1) {
var x: usize = 0;
while (x < width) : (x += 1) {
if (map.get(Point{ .x = x, .y = y })) |count| {
std.debug.print("{}", .{count});
} else {
std.debug.print(".", .{});
std.debug.print("\n", .{});
std.debug.print("\n", .{});
test "example scenario" {
const result = try run(std.testing.allocator,
\\0,9 -> 5,9
\\8,0 -> 0,8
\\9,4 -> 3,4
\\2,2 -> 2,1
\\7,0 -> 7,4
\\6,4 -> 2,0
\\0,9 -> 2,9
\\3,4 -> 1,4
\\0,0 -> 8,8
\\5,5 -> 8,2
try expect(result == 12);
| https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dradtke/advent/8c420c8ff28f102c56e5c05852c6d2845edb2ce5/2021/zig/day05/part2.zig |
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// Are you ready for the THE TRUTH about Zig string literals?
// Here it is:
// @TypeOf("foo") == *const [3:0]u8
// Which means a string literal is a "constant pointer to a
// zero-terminated (null-terminated) fixed-size array of u8".
// Now you know. You've earned it. Welcome to the secret club!
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// Why do we bother using a zero/null sentinel to terminate
// strings in Zig when we already have a known length?
// Versatility! Zig strings are compatible with C strings (which
// are null-terminated) AND can be coerced to a variety of other
// Zig types:
// const a: [5]u8 = "array".*;
// const b: *const [16]u8 = "pointer to array";
// const c: []const u8 = "slice";
// const d: [:0]const u8 = "slice with sentinel";
// const e: [*:0]const u8 = "many-item pointer with sentinel";
// const f: [*]const u8 = "many-item pointer";
// All but 'f' may be printed. (A many-item pointer without a
// sentinel is not safe to print because we don't know where it
// ends!)
const print = @import("std").debug.print;
const WeirdContainer = struct {
data: [*]const u8,
length: usize,
pub fn main() void {
// WeirdContainer is an awkward way to house a string.
// Being a many-item pointer (with no sentinel termination),
// the 'data' field "loses" the length information AND the
// sentinel termination of the string literal "Weird Data!".
// Luckily, the 'length' field makes it possible to still
// work with this value.
const foo = WeirdContainer{
.data = "Weird Data!",
.length = 11,
// How do we get a printable value from 'foo'? One way is to
// turn it into something with a known length. We do have a
// length... You've actually solved this problem before!
// Here's a big hint: do you remember how to take a slice?
const printable: []const u8 = foo.data[0..foo.length];
print("{s}\n", .{printable});
| https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JolliestJames/ziglings/9bb24bb99e4811c1ad6c78db654cffc0758138b6/exercises/077_sentinels2.zig |
const std = @import("std");
/// Zig version. When writing code that supports multiple versions of Zig, prefer
/// feature detection (i.e. with `@hasDecl` or `@hasField`) over version checks.
pub const zig_version = std.SemanticVersion.parse("0.9.1") catch unreachable;
/// Temporary until self-hosted is feature complete.
pub const zig_is_stage2 = false;
/// Temporary until self-hosted supports the `cpu.arch` value.
pub const stage2_arch: std.Target.Cpu.Arch = .aarch64;
/// Temporary until self-hosted can call `std.Target.x86.featureSetHas` at comptime.
pub const stage2_x86_cx16 = false;
pub const output_mode = std.builtin.OutputMode.Exe;
pub const link_mode = std.builtin.LinkMode.Dynamic;
pub const is_test = false;
pub const single_threaded = false;
pub const abi = std.Target.Abi.gnu;
pub const cpu: std.Target.Cpu = .{
.arch = .aarch64,
.model = &std.Target.aarch64.cpu.apple_a14,
.features = std.Target.aarch64.featureSet(&[_]std.Target.aarch64.Feature{
pub const os = std.Target.Os{
.tag = .macos,
.version_range = .{ .semver = .{
.min = .{
.major = 12,
.minor = 1,
.patch = 0,
.max = .{
.major = 12,
.minor = 1,
.patch = 0,
pub const target = std.Target{
.cpu = cpu,
.os = os,
.abi = abi,
pub const object_format = std.Target.ObjectFormat.macho;
pub const mode = std.builtin.Mode.Debug;
pub const link_libc = true;
pub const link_libcpp = false;
pub const have_error_return_tracing = true;
pub const valgrind_support = false;
pub const position_independent_code = true;
pub const position_independent_executable = true;
pub const strip_debug_info = false;
pub const code_model = std.builtin.CodeModel.default;
| https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pierback/glob-delete/4cf18a452d3acaf281698a1f70804c7eccb11dfb/zig-cache/o/9782c9449f2be494fc3cfbf74ce55b1c/builtin.zig |
const std = @import("std");
const zaudio = @import("zaudio");
fn data_callback(device: *zaudio.Device, output: ?*anyopaque, input: ?*const anyopaque, frame_count: u32) callconv(.C) void {
_ = frame_count;
_ = input;
_ = output;
_ = device;
std.log.info("here", .{});
fn create() !void {
var cfg = zaudio.Device.Config.init(.playback);
cfg.playback.format = .float32;
cfg.playback.channels = 2;
cfg.sample_rate = 48_000;
cfg.data_callback = data_callback;
const device = try zaudio.Device.create(null, cfg);
try device.start();
try device.stop();
pub fn main() !void {
// Prints to stderr (it's a shortcut based on `std.io.getStdErr()`)
std.debug.print("All your {s} are belong to us.\n", .{"codebase"});
try create();
test "simple test" {
var list = std.ArrayList(i32).init(std.testing.allocator);
defer list.deinit(); // try commenting this out and see if zig detects the memory leak!
try list.append(42);
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(i32, 42), list.pop());
| https://raw.githubusercontent.com/marloncalvo/space-glow-zig/bbb28bc53f3895931d966bf7f245a0faa71755cb/src/main.zig |
// The Table struct presents a "view" over our rx buffer that we
// can query without needing to allocate memory into, say, a hash
// map. For small tables (I assume we'll only see smallish tables)
// this should be fine performance-wise.
const std = @import("std");
const mem = std.mem;
const WireBuffer = @import("wire.zig").WireBuffer;
pub const Table = struct {
// a slice of our rx_buffer (with its own head and end)
buf: WireBuffer = undefined,
len: usize = 0,
const Self = @This();
pub fn init(buffer: []u8) Table {
var t = Table{
.buf = WireBuffer.init(buffer),
.len = 0,
return t;
// Lookup a value in the table. Note we need to know the type
// we expect at compile time. We might not know this at which
// point I guess I need a union. By the time we call lookup we
// should already have validated the frame, so I think we maybe
// can't error here.
pub fn lookup(self: *Self, comptime T: type, key: []const u8) ?T {
defer self.buf.reset();
const length = self.buf.readU32();
while (self.buf.isMoreData()) {
const current_key = self.buf.readShortString();
const correct_key = std.mem.eql(u8, key, current_key);
const t = self.buf.readU8();
switch (t) {
'F' => {
var table = self.buf.readTable();
if (@TypeOf(table) == T and correct_key) return table;
't' => {
const b = self.buf.readBool();
if (@TypeOf(b) == T and correct_key) return b;
's' => {
const s = self.buf.readShortString();
if (@TypeOf(s) == T and correct_key) return s;
'S' => {
const s = self.buf.readLongString();
if (@TypeOf(s) == T and correct_key) return s;
else => {
// TODO: support all types as continue will return garbage
return null;
pub fn insertTable(self: *Self, key: []const u8, table: *Table) void {
pub fn insertBool(self: *Self, key: []const u8, boolean: bool) void {
// Apparently actual implementations don't use 's' for short string
// (and therefore) I assume they don't use short strings (in tables)
// at all
// pub fn insertShortString(self: *Self, key: []u8, string: []u8) void {
// self.buf.writeShortString(key);
// self.buf.writeU8('s');
// self.buf.writeShortString(string);
// self.updateLength();
// }
pub fn insertLongString(self: *Self, key: []const u8, string: []const u8) void {
fn updateLength(self: *Self) void {
mem.writeInt(u32, @ptrCast(*[@sizeOf(u32)]u8, &self.buf.mem[0]), @intCast(u32, self.buf.head - @sizeOf(u32)), .Big);
pub fn print(self: *Self) void {
for (self.buf.mem[0..self.buf.head]) |x| {
std.debug.warn("0x{x:0>2} ", .{x});
std.debug.warn("\n", .{});
| https://raw.githubusercontent.com/malcolmstill/zig-amqp/6f2ae2061a9fb6e6ca9d6770f3cfdc8e67c5fa8a/src/table.zig |
const lib = @import("lib");
const assert = lib.assert;
const config = lib.config;
const Allocator = lib.Allocator;
const ELF = lib.ELF(64);
const log = lib.log.scoped(.uefi);
const PhysicalAddress = lib.PhysicalAddress;
const PhysicalMemoryRegion = lib.PhysicalMemoryRegion;
const VirtualAddress = lib.VirtualAddress;
const VirtualMemoryRegion = lib.VirtualMemoryRegion;
const bootloader = @import("bootloader");
const uefi = @import("uefi");
const BootloaderInformation = uefi.BootloaderInformation;
const BootServices = uefi.BootServices;
const ConfigurationTable = uefi.ConfigurationTable;
const FileProtocol = uefi.FileProtocol;
const Handle = uefi.Handle;
const LoadedImageProtocol = uefi.LoadedImageProtocol;
const LoadKernelFunction = uefi.LoadKernelFunction;
const MemoryCategory = uefi.MemoryCategory;
const MemoryDescriptor = uefi.MemoryDescriptor;
const ProgramSegment = uefi.ProgramSegment;
const Protocol = uefi.Protocol;
const page_table_estimated_size = uefi.page_table_estimated_size;
const SimpleFilesystemProtocol = uefi.SimpleFilesystemProtocol;
const SystemTable = uefi.SystemTable;
const privileged = @import("privileged");
const ACPI = privileged.ACPI;
const PageAllocator = privileged.PageAllocator;
pub const writer = privileged.writer;
const CPU = privileged.arch.CPU;
const GDT = privileged.arch.x86_64.GDT;
const paging = privileged.arch.paging;
const Stage = enum {
pub const std_options = struct {
pub const log_level = lib.std.log.Level.debug;
pub fn logFn(comptime level: lib.std.log.Level, comptime scope: @TypeOf(.EnumLiteral), comptime format: []const u8, args: anytype) void {
const scope_prefix = if (scope == .default) ": " else "(" ++ @tagName(scope) ++ "): ";
const prefix = "[" ++ @tagName(level) ++ "] " ++ scope_prefix;
switch (lib.cpu.arch) {
.x86_64 => {
lib.format(writer, prefix ++ format ++ "\n", args) catch {};
else => @compileError("Unsupported CPU architecture"),
const practical_memory_map_descriptor_size = 0x30;
const practical_memory_map_descriptor_count = 256;
pub fn panic(message: []const u8, _: ?*lib.StackTrace, _: ?usize) noreturn {
writer.writeAll("[uefi] [PANIC] ") catch {};
writer.writeAll(message) catch {};
writer.writeAll("\r\n") catch {};
const Filesystem = extern struct {
root: *FileProtocol,
buffer: [0x200 * 10]u8 = undefined,
pub fn deinitialize(filesystem: *Filesystem) !void {
_ = filesystem;
pub fn readFile(filesystem: *Filesystem, file_path: []const u8, file_buffer: []u8) ![]const u8 {
const file = try filesystem.openFile(file_path);
var size: u64 = file_buffer.len;
try uefi.Try(file.handle.read(&size, file_buffer.ptr));
if (file_buffer.len < size) @panic("readFileFast");
return file_buffer[0..size];
pub fn sneakFile(filesystem: *Filesystem, file_path: []const u8, size: usize) ![]const u8 {
_ = size;
const file = try filesystem.readFile(file_path, &filesystem.buffer);
return file;
const FileDescriptor = struct {
handle: *FileProtocol,
path_size: u32,
pub fn getFileSize(filesystem: *Filesystem, file_path: []const u8) !u32 {
const file = try filesystem.openFile(file_path);
var file_info_buffer: [@sizeOf(uefi.FileInfo) + 0x100]u8 align(@alignOf(uefi.FileInfo)) = undefined;
var file_info_size = file_info_buffer.len;
try uefi.Try(file.handle.getInfo(&uefi.FileInfo.guid, &file_info_size, &file_info_buffer));
if (file_info_buffer.len < file_info_size) @panic("getFileSize");
const file_info = @as(*uefi.FileInfo, @ptrCast(&file_info_buffer));
return @as(u32, @intCast(file_info.file_size));
fn openFile(filesystem: *Filesystem, file_path: []const u8) !FileDescriptor {
const init = @fieldParentPtr(Initialization, "filesystem", filesystem);
if (init.exited_boot_services) {
return Error.boot_services_exited;
var file: *FileProtocol = undefined;
var path_buffer: [256:0]u16 = undefined;
const length = try lib.unicode.utf8ToUtf16Le(&path_buffer, file_path);
path_buffer[length] = 0;
const path = path_buffer[0..length :0];
const uefi_path = if (path[0] == '/') path[1..] else path;
try uefi.Try(filesystem.root.open(&file, uefi_path, FileProtocol.efi_file_mode_read, 0));
const result = FileDescriptor{
.handle = file,
.path_size = @as(u32, @intCast(path.len * @sizeOf(u16))),
return result;
pub fn getSectorSize(filesystem: *Filesystem) u16 {
_ = filesystem;
return lib.default_sector_size;
const MemoryMap = extern struct {
size: usize = buffer_len,
key: usize,
descriptor_size: usize,
descriptor_version: u32,
buffer: [buffer_len]u8 align(@alignOf(MemoryDescriptor)) = undefined,
offset: usize = 0,
entry_count: u32,
const buffer_len = practical_memory_map_descriptor_size * practical_memory_map_descriptor_count;
pub fn getEntryCount(memory_map: *const MemoryMap) u32 {
return memory_map.entry_count;
pub fn next(memory_map: *MemoryMap) !?bootloader.MemoryMapEntry {
if (memory_map.offset < memory_map.size) {
const entry = @as(*MemoryDescriptor, @ptrCast(@alignCast(memory_map.buffer[memory_map.offset..].ptr))).*;
memory_map.offset += memory_map.descriptor_size;
const result = bootloader.MemoryMapEntry{
.region = PhysicalMemoryRegion.new(.{
.address = PhysicalAddress.new(entry.physical_start),
.size = entry.number_of_pages << uefi.page_shifter,
.type = switch (entry.type) {
.ReservedMemoryType, .LoaderCode, .LoaderData, .BootServicesCode, .BootServicesData, .RuntimeServicesCode, .RuntimeServicesData, .ACPIReclaimMemory, .ACPIMemoryNVS, .MemoryMappedIO, .MemoryMappedIOPortSpace, .PalCode, .PersistentMemory => .reserved,
.ConventionalMemory => .usable,
.UnusableMemory => .bad_memory,
else => @panic("Unknown type"),
return result;
return null;
fn getHostRegion(memory_map: *MemoryMap, length_size_tuples: bootloader.LengthSizeTuples) !PhysicalMemoryRegion {
var memory: []align(uefi.page_size) u8 = undefined;
const memory_size = length_size_tuples.getAlignedTotalSize();
try uefi.Try(memory_map.boot_services.allocatePages(.AllocateAnyPages, .LoaderData, memory_size >> uefi.page_shifter, &memory.ptr));
memory.len = memory_size;
@memset(memory, 0);
return PhysicalMemoryRegion.fromByteSlice(.{ .slice = memory });
const Initialization = struct {
filesystem: Filesystem,
framebuffer: bootloader.Framebuffer,
architecture: switch (lib.cpu.arch) {
.x86_64 => struct {
rsdp: *ACPI.RSDP.Descriptor1,
else => @compileError("Architecture not supported"),
boot_services: *uefi.BootServices,
handle: uefi.Handle,
// system_table: *uefi.SystemTable,
early_initialized: bool = false,
filesystem_initialized: bool = false,
memory_map_initialized: bool = false,
framebuffer_initialized: bool = false,
exited_boot_services: bool = false,
memory_map: MemoryMap,
pub fn getRSDPAddress(init: *Initialization) u32 {
return @as(u32, @intCast(@intFromPtr(init.architecture.rsdp)));
pub fn getCPUCount(init: *Initialization) !u32 {
return switch (lib.cpu.arch) {
.x86_64 => blk: {
const madt_header = try init.architecture.rsdp.findTable(.APIC);
const madt = @as(*align(1) const ACPI.MADT, @ptrCast(madt_header));
break :blk madt.getCPUCount();
else => @compileError("Architecture not supported"),
pub fn initialize(init: *Initialization) !void {
defer init.early_initialized = true;
const system_table = uefi.getSystemTable();
const handle = uefi.getHandle();
const boot_services = system_table.boot_services orelse @panic("boot services");
const out = system_table.con_out orelse @panic("con out");
try uefi.Try(out.reset(true));
try uefi.Try(out.clearScreen());
init.* = .{
.memory_map = .{
.key = 0,
.descriptor_size = 0,
.descriptor_version = 0,
.entry_count = 0,
.filesystem = .{
.root = blk: {
const loaded_image = try Protocol.open(LoadedImageProtocol, boot_services, handle);
const filesystem_protocol = try Protocol.open(SimpleFilesystemProtocol, boot_services, loaded_image.device_handle orelse @panic("No device handle"));
var root: *FileProtocol = undefined;
try uefi.Try(filesystem_protocol.openVolume(&root));
break :blk root;
.framebuffer = blk: {
const gop = try Protocol.locate(uefi.GraphicsOutputProtocol, boot_services);
const pixel_format_info: struct {
red_color_mask: bootloader.Framebuffer.ColorMask,
blue_color_mask: bootloader.Framebuffer.ColorMask,
green_color_mask: bootloader.Framebuffer.ColorMask,
bpp: u8,
} = switch (gop.mode.info.pixel_format) {
.PixelRedGreenBlueReserved8BitPerColor => .{
.red_color_mask = .{ .size = 8, .shift = 0 },
.green_color_mask = .{ .size = 8, .shift = 8 },
.blue_color_mask = .{ .size = 8, .shift = 16 },
.bpp = 32,
.PixelBlueGreenRedReserved8BitPerColor => .{
.red_color_mask = .{ .size = 8, .shift = 16 },
.green_color_mask = .{ .size = 8, .shift = 8 },
.blue_color_mask = .{ .size = 8, .shift = 0 },
.bpp = 32,
.PixelBitMask, .PixelBltOnly => @panic("Unsupported pixel format"),
.PixelFormatMax => @panic("Corrupted pixel format"),
break :blk bootloader.Framebuffer{
.address = gop.mode.frame_buffer_base,
.pitch = @divExact(gop.mode.info.pixels_per_scan_line * pixel_format_info.bpp, @bitSizeOf(u8)),
.width = gop.mode.info.horizontal_resolution,
.height = gop.mode.info.vertical_resolution,
.bpp = pixel_format_info.bpp,
.red_mask = pixel_format_info.red_color_mask,
.green_mask = pixel_format_info.green_color_mask,
.blue_mask = pixel_format_info.blue_color_mask,
.memory_model = 0x06,
.boot_services = boot_services,
.handle = handle,
.architecture = switch (lib.cpu.arch) {
.x86_64 => .{
.rsdp = for (system_table.configuration_table[0..system_table.number_of_table_entries]) |configuration_table| {
if (configuration_table.vendor_guid.eql(ConfigurationTable.acpi_20_table_guid)) {
break @as(*ACPI.RSDP.Descriptor1, @ptrCast(@alignCast(configuration_table.vendor_table)));
} else return Error.rsdp_not_found,
else => @compileError("Architecture not supported"),
_ = boot_services.getMemoryMap(&init.memory_map.size, @as([*]MemoryDescriptor, @ptrCast(&init.memory_map.buffer)), &init.memory_map.key, &init.memory_map.descriptor_size, &init.memory_map.descriptor_version);
init.memory_map.entry_count = @as(u32, @intCast(@divExact(init.memory_map.size, init.memory_map.descriptor_size)));
assert(init.memory_map.entry_count > 0);
init.filesystem_initialized = true;
init.memory_map_initialized = true;
init.framebuffer_initialized = true;
pub fn deinitializeMemoryMap(init: *Initialization) !void {
if (!init.exited_boot_services) {
// Add the region for the bootloader information
init.memory_map.size += init.memory_map.descriptor_size;
const expected_memory_map_size = init.memory_map.size;
const expected_memory_map_descriptor_size = init.memory_map.descriptor_size;
const expected_memory_map_descriptor_version = init.memory_map.descriptor_version;
blk: while (init.memory_map.size < MemoryMap.buffer_len) : (init.memory_map.size += init.memory_map.descriptor_size) {
uefi.Try(init.boot_services.getMemoryMap(&init.memory_map.size, @as([*]MemoryDescriptor, @ptrCast(&init.memory_map.buffer)), &init.memory_map.key, &init.memory_map.descriptor_size, &init.memory_map.descriptor_version)) catch continue;
init.exited_boot_services = true;
break :blk;
} else {
@panic("Cannot satisfy memory map requirements");
if (expected_memory_map_size != init.memory_map.size) {
log.warn("Old memory map size: {}. New memory map size: {}", .{ expected_memory_map_size, init.memory_map.size });
if (expected_memory_map_descriptor_size != init.memory_map.descriptor_size) {
@panic("Descriptor size change");
if (expected_memory_map_descriptor_version != init.memory_map.descriptor_version) {
@panic("Descriptor version change");
const real_memory_map_entry_count = @divExact(init.memory_map.size, init.memory_map.descriptor_size);
const expected_memory_map_entry_count = @divExact(expected_memory_map_size, expected_memory_map_descriptor_size);
const diff = @as(i16, @intCast(expected_memory_map_entry_count)) - @as(i16, @intCast(real_memory_map_entry_count));
if (diff < 0) {
@panic("Memory map entry count diff < 0");
// bootloader_information.configuration.memory_map_diff = @intCast(u8, diff);
log.debug("Exiting boot services...", .{});
try uefi.Try(init.boot_services.exitBootServices(init.handle, init.memory_map.key));
log.debug("Exited boot services...", .{});
init.memory_map.offset = 0;
pub fn ensureLoaderIsMapped(init: *Initialization, minimal_paging: paging.Specific, page_allocator: PageAllocator, bootloader_information: *bootloader.Information) !void {
_ = bootloader_information;
// Actually mapping the whole uefi executable so we don't have random problems with code being dereferenced by the trampoline
switch (lib.cpu.arch) {
.x86_64 => {
const trampoline_code_start = @intFromPtr(&bootloader.arch.x86_64.jumpToKernel);
try init.deinitializeMemoryMap();
while (try init.memory_map.next()) |entry| {
if (entry.region.address.value() < trampoline_code_start and trampoline_code_start < entry.region.address.offset(entry.region.size).value()) {
const code_physical_region = entry.region;
const code_virtual_address = code_physical_region.address.toIdentityMappedVirtualAddress();
try minimal_paging.map(code_physical_region.address, code_virtual_address, code_physical_region.size, .{ .write = false, .execute = true }, page_allocator);
else => @compileError("Architecture not supported"),
return Error.map_failed;
pub fn ensureStackIsMapped(init: *Initialization, minimal_paging: paging.Specific, page_allocator: PageAllocator) !void {
const rsp = asm volatile (
\\mov %rsp, %[rsp]
: [rsp] "=r" (-> u64),
while (try init.memory_map.next()) |entry| {
if (entry.region.address.value() < rsp and rsp < entry.region.address.offset(entry.region.size).value()) {
const rsp_region_physical_address = entry.region.address;
const rsp_region_virtual_address = rsp_region_physical_address.toIdentityMappedVirtualAddress();
if (entry.region.size == 0) return Error.region_empty;
try minimal_paging.map(rsp_region_physical_address, rsp_region_virtual_address, entry.region.size, .{ .write = true, .execute = false }, page_allocator);
return Error.map_failed;
var initialization: Initialization = undefined;
const Error = error{
pub fn main() noreturn {
// var filesystem: Filesystem = .{
// .boot_services = boot_services,
// .handle = handle,
// .root = undefined,
// };
// var mmap: MemoryMap = .{
// .boot_services = boot_services,
// .handle = handle,
// };
// var fb = Framebuffer{
// .boot_services = boot_services,
// };
// var vas = VAS{
// .mmap = &mmap,
// };
initialization.initialize() catch |err| {
bootloader.Information.initialize(&initialization, .birth, .uefi) catch |err| {
| https://raw.githubusercontent.com/birth-software/birth/23a3c67990b504c487bbcf21dc4f76e898fa23b8/src/bootloader/birth/uefi/main.zig |
const std = @import("std");
pub fn main() !void {
var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){};
defer _ = gpa.deinit();
const allocator = gpa.allocator();
const args = try std.process.argsAlloc(allocator);
defer std.process.argsFree(allocator, args);
if (args.len != 2) {
std.log.err("Usage: {s} <program>", .{args[0]});
return error.BadArgCount;
var program_file = try std.fs.cwd().openFile(args[1], .{});
defer program_file.close();
try setup_interpret(program_file, allocator);
// `std.math.big.int`s are too unwieldy for this
const Nat = u256;
fn setup_interpret(program: std.fs.File, allocator: std.mem.Allocator) !void {
var registers: [3]Nat = .{ 0, 0, 0 };
var stacks: [2]*std.ArrayList(Nat) = undefined;
stacks[0] = @constCast(&std.ArrayList(Nat).init(allocator));
defer stacks[0].deinit();
stacks[1] = @constCast(&std.ArrayList(Nat).init(allocator));
defer stacks[1].deinit();
try interpret(
const Command = enum(u8) {
dw_not = '~', // (base - 1) - a
dw_or = '|', // min(a + b, (base - 1))
dw_xor = '^', // (a + b) mod base
dw_and = '&', // min(a * b, (base - 1))
dw_mand = '*', // (a * b) mod base
shift_left = '<', // A * pow(base, B)
shift_right = '>', // floor(A / pow(base, B))
digit_count = '/',
set_base = '_',
swap_stacks = '$',
cycle_registers = '%',
push_a = '@',
pop_a = '!',
push_0 = '0',
push_1 = '1',
skip_block = '?',
loop_block = '"',
start_block = '(',
end_block = ')',
input = 'i',
output = 'o',
comment = '#',
const RegisterId = enum(u2) {
fn interpret(
program: std.fs.File,
allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
registers: *[3]Nat,
stacks: *[2]*std.ArrayList(Nat),
) !void {
const stdin = std.io.getStdIn().reader();
const stdout = std.io.getStdOut().writer();
var blocks = std.ArrayList(usize).init(allocator);
defer blocks.deinit();
var base: Nat = 2;
// which register is treated as A
var a_register: u2 = 0;
// which stack is treated as X
var x_stack: u1 = 0;
const program_reader = program.reader();
const seekable_program = program.seekableStream();
while (program_reader.readByte() catch null) |byte| {
// TODO: better error handling
errdefer {
const stderr = std.io.getStdErr().writer();
"Error at index {d}: {c}\n",
// if you have a larger file, you have bigger problems
@intCast(seekable_program.getPos() catch std.math.maxInt(u64)),
) catch {};
const command: Command = @enumFromInt(byte);
switch (command) {
.dw_not => {
try push(
try dwNot(
registers[getRegisterId(.a, a_register)],
registers[getRegisterId(.c, a_register)],
.dw_or => {
try push(
try dwOr(
registers[getRegisterId(.a, a_register)],
registers[getRegisterId(.b, a_register)],
registers[getRegisterId(.c, a_register)],
.dw_xor => {
try push(
try dwXor(
registers[getRegisterId(.a, a_register)],
registers[getRegisterId(.b, a_register)],
registers[getRegisterId(.c, a_register)],
.dw_and => {
try push(
try dwAnd(
registers[getRegisterId(.a, a_register)],
registers[getRegisterId(.b, a_register)],
registers[getRegisterId(.c, a_register)],
.dw_mand => {
try push(
try dwMand(
registers[getRegisterId(.a, a_register)],
registers[getRegisterId(.b, a_register)],
registers[getRegisterId(.c, a_register)],
.shift_left => {
try push(
try shiftLeft(
registers[getRegisterId(.a, a_register)],
registers[getRegisterId(.b, a_register)],
.shift_right => {
try push(
try shiftRight(
registers[getRegisterId(.a, a_register)],
registers[getRegisterId(.b, a_register)],
.digit_count => {
try push(
try digitCount(
registers[getRegisterId(.a, a_register)],
.set_base => {
base = registers[getRegisterId(.a, a_register)];
if (base < 2) return error.BaseUndeflow;
.swap_stacks => {
x_stack +%= 1;
.cycle_registers => {
if (a_register == 0)
a_register = 2
a_register -= 1;
.push_a => {
try push(
registers[getRegisterId(.a, a_register)],
.pop_a => {
registers[getRegisterId(.a, a_register)] =
try pop(stacks[x_stack]);
.push_0 => {
try push(
.push_1 => {
try push(
.skip_block => {
if (try checkLeq(
registers[getRegisterId(.a, a_register)],
registers[getRegisterId(.b, a_register)],
registers[getRegisterId(.c, a_register)],
)) {
var depth: usize = 1;
while (program_reader.readByte() catch null) |inner_byte| : ({
if (depth == 0) break;
}) {
if (inner_byte == @intFromEnum(Command.start_block)) {
depth += 1;
} else if (inner_byte == @intFromEnum(Command.end_block)) {
depth -= 1;
} else {
// reached end of file
if (depth - 1 != 0)
return error.UnclosedBlock
try seekable_program.seekBy(-1); // go to the end_block
.loop_block => {
if (try checkGt(
registers[getRegisterId(.a, a_register)],
registers[getRegisterId(.b, a_register)],
registers[getRegisterId(.c, a_register)],
)) {
try seekable_program.seekTo(blocks.getLastOrNull() orelse 0);
.start_block => {
try blocks.append(try seekable_program.getPos());
.end_block => {
_ = blocks.popOrNull() orelse
return error.UnopenedBlock;
.input => {
var input_buffer = std.ArrayList(u8).init(allocator);
defer input_buffer.deinit();
try stdin.streamUntilDelimiter(input_buffer.writer(), '\n', null);
try push(
try std.fmt.parseUnsigned(Nat, input_buffer.items, 10),
.output => {
try std.fmt.formatInt(
registers[getRegisterId(.a, a_register)],
try stdout.writeByte('\n');
.comment => {
while (program_reader.readByte() catch null) |inner_byte| {
if (inner_byte == '\n') break;
_ => {
if (!std.ascii.isWhitespace(byte))
return error.BadCommand;
fn getRegisterId(register_id: RegisterId, a_id: u2) u2 {
const id_plus_offset: u3 = @intFromEnum(register_id) + a_id;
return @intCast(id_plus_offset % 3);
fn push(stack: *std.ArrayList(Nat), value: Nat) !void {
try stack.append(value);
fn pop(stack: *std.ArrayList(Nat)) !Nat {
return stack.popOrNull() orelse
return error.StackUnderflow;
fn dwNot(a: Nat, c: Nat, base: Nat) !Nat {
var result: Nat = a;
var index: Nat = 0;
while (index < c) : (index += 1) {
const current_digit = try getDigit(result, base, index);
result = try setDigit(
(base - 1) - current_digit,
return result;
fn dwOr(a: Nat, b: Nat, c: Nat, base: Nat) !Nat {
var result: Nat = a;
var index: Nat = 0;
while (index < c) : (index += 1) {
const current_digit_a = try getDigit(a, base, index);
const current_digit_b = try getDigit(b, base, index);
result = try setDigit(
@min(current_digit_a + current_digit_b, base - 1),
return result;
fn dwXor(a: Nat, b: Nat, c: Nat, base: Nat) !Nat {
var result: Nat = a;
var index: Nat = 0;
while (index < c) : (index += 1) {
const current_digit_a = try getDigit(a, base, index);
const current_digit_b = try getDigit(b, base, index);
result = try setDigit(
(current_digit_a + current_digit_b) % base,
return result;
fn dwAnd(a: Nat, b: Nat, c: Nat, base: Nat) !Nat {
var result: Nat = a;
var index: Nat = 0;
while (index < c) : (index += 1) {
const current_digit_a = try getDigit(a, base, index);
const current_digit_b = try getDigit(b, base, index);
result = try setDigit(
@min(current_digit_a * current_digit_b, base - 1),
return result;
// modular and
fn dwMand(a: Nat, b: Nat, c: Nat, base: Nat) !Nat {
var result: Nat = a;
var index: Nat = 0;
while (index < c) : (index += 1) {
const current_digit_a = try getDigit(a, base, index);
const current_digit_b = try getDigit(b, base, index);
result = try setDigit(
(current_digit_a * current_digit_b) % base,
return result;
fn shiftLeft(a: Nat, b: Nat, base: Nat) !Nat {
const shift_amount = try std.math.powi(Nat, base, b);
return try std.math.mul(Nat, a, shift_amount);
fn shiftRight(a: Nat, b: Nat, base: Nat) !Nat {
const shift_amount = try std.math.powi(Nat, base, b);
return a / shift_amount;
fn digitCount(a: Nat, base: Nat) !Nat {
if (a == 0)
return 0;
return std.math.log_int(Nat, base, a) + 1;
fn checkLeq(a: Nat, b: Nat, c: Nat, base: Nat) !bool {
var index: Nat = c + 1;
while (index > 0) {
index -= 1;
const a_digit = try getDigit(a, base, index);
const b_digit = try getDigit(b, base, index);
if (a_digit > b_digit) {
return false;
} else if (a_digit == b_digit) {
} else {
return true;
return true;
fn checkGt(a: Nat, b: Nat, c: Nat, base: Nat) !bool {
var index: Nat = c + 1;
while (index > 0) {
index -= 1;
const a_digit = try getDigit(a, base, index);
const b_digit = try getDigit(b, base, index);
if (a_digit > b_digit) {
return true;
} else if (a_digit == b_digit) {
} else {
return false;
return false;
fn getDigit(
value: Nat,
base: Nat,
index: Nat,
) !Nat {
const place_value = try std.math.powi(Nat, base, index);
const shifted_down = value / place_value;
return shifted_down % base;
fn setDigit(
value: Nat,
base: Nat,
index: Nat,
new_digit: Nat,
) !Nat {
if (new_digit >= base)
return error.DigitTooLarge;
const place_value = try std.math.powi(Nat, base, index);
const old_digit = try getDigit(value, base, index);
const shifted_old_digit = old_digit * place_value;
const shifted_new_digit = new_digit * place_value;
const value_without_digit = value - shifted_old_digit;
const result = try std.math.add(Nat, value_without_digit, shifted_new_digit);
return result;
| https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DivergentClouds/wise/c44b3155ff9be92f0858291eef93547ab37c80c5/src/main.zig |
const std = @import("std");
const print = std.debug.print;
const tools = @import("../utils/tools.zig");
const cmd = @import("../utils/commands.zig");
const Cli = @import("../main.zig").Cli;
pub fn app(cli: Cli) !void {
try tools.titleMaker("ZIX Configuration");
cmd.configPrint(cli.repo, tools.boolToString(cli.update), tools.boolToString(cli.diff));
if (try tools.confirm(true, null)) {
try tools.titleMaker("Git Pull");
try tools.runCmd(cmd.gitPullCmd);
try tools.titleMaker("Nix Update");
try tools.titleMaker("Git Changes");
try tools.titleMaker("Nixos Rebuild");
try tools.titleMaker("Nix Diff");
try tools.runCmd(cmd.nixDiffCmd);
try tools.titleMaker("Current Directory");
try tools.runCmd("ls -a");
| https://raw.githubusercontent.com/alvaro17f/zix/bebb630f1b670a8f0a53358c4c96b92dc7454d51/src/app/app.zig |
const std = @import("std");
const c = @import("c.zig").c;
const DefaultPrng = std.rand.DefaultPrng;
const CELL_WIDTH = @import("main.zig").CELL_WIDTH;
const CELL_HEIGHT = @import("main.zig").CELL_HEIGHT;
pub const Cell = enum { dead, alive };
var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){};
const allocator = gpa.allocator();
const IndexOutOfBoundsError = error{OutOfBounds};
pub const Grid = struct {
pub const Self = @This();
width: u32,
height: u32,
current_cells: []Cell,
next_gen_cells: []Cell,
generation: u32,
prng: DefaultPrng,
rects: []c.SDL_Rect,
renderer: ?*c.SDL_Renderer,
pub fn init(width: u32, height: u32, renderer: ?*c.SDL_Renderer) !Self {
const current_cells: []Cell = try allocator.alloc(Cell, width * height);
const next_gen_cells: []Cell = try allocator.alloc(Cell, width * height);
const rects: []c.SDL_Rect = try allocator.alloc(c.SDL_Rect, width * height);
const prng = DefaultPrng.init(blk: {
var seed: u64 = undefined;
try std.os.getrandom(std.mem.asBytes(&seed));
break :blk seed;
return Self{
.width = width,
.height = height,
.current_cells = current_cells,
.next_gen_cells = next_gen_cells,
.generation = 0,
.prng = prng,
.rects = rects,
.renderer = renderer,
pub fn init_rects(self: *Self) void {
const border_size: c_int = 2;
for (0..self.height) |y| {
for (0..self.width) |x| {
const x_cint: c_int = @intCast(x);
const y_cint: c_int = @intCast(y);
const cell_width_cint: c_int = @intCast(CELL_WIDTH);
const cell_height_cint: c_int = @intCast(CELL_HEIGHT);
self.rects[y * self.width + x] = c.SDL_Rect{
.x = (x_cint * cell_width_cint) + border_size,
.y = (y_cint * cell_height_cint) + border_size,
.w = cell_width_cint - (border_size * 2),
.h = cell_height_cint - (border_size * 2),
pub fn deinit(self: Self) void {
defer allocator.free(self.current_cells);
defer allocator.free(self.next_gen_cells);
defer allocator.free(self.rects);
/// Formula index(x, y) = y * width + x
fn getIndex(self: Self, x: usize, y: usize) IndexOutOfBoundsError!usize {
if (y >= 0 and y < self.height and x >= 0 and x < self.width) {
return y * self.width + x;
} else {
return error.OutOfBounds;
fn checkIndexOutOfBounds(self: Self, idx: usize) IndexOutOfBoundsError!void {
if (idx < 0 or idx >= self.width * self.height) {
return error.OutOfBounds;
fn getX(self: Self, idx: usize) IndexOutOfBoundsError!u32 {
try self.checkIndexOutOfBounds(idx);
const idx_u32: u32 = @intCast(idx);
return @mod(idx_u32, self.width);
fn getY(self: Self, idx: usize) IndexOutOfBoundsError!u32 {
try self.checkIndexOutOfBounds(idx);
return @intCast(idx / self.width);
/// Assumes that there is a finite board, so there are special
/// check for the corner and top, right, bottom and left cases.
fn liveNeighbourCount(self: Self, x: usize, y: usize) IndexOutOfBoundsError!u8 {
var count: u8 = 0;
// We skip calculating alive neighbours for the outer border of the board.
if (y > 0 and y < self.height - 1 and x > 0 and x < self.width - 1) {
// Every cell has 8 neigbours
// TODO: This whole thing is pretty dogwater, need to find a better way
var col: i32 = -1;
var row: i32 = -1;
while (row <= 1) : (row += 1) {
while (col <= 1) : (col += 1) {
// This is the check for the cell itself, should not do anything here.
if (row == 0 and col == 0) {
// continue
} else {
// TODO: This is sooo soo bad, find a better way
const x_i32: i32 = @intCast(x);
const y_i32: i32 = @intCast(y);
const neighbour_x_idx = x_i32 + col;
const neighbour_y_idx = y_i32 + row;
const neighbour_x_idx_usize: usize = @intCast(neighbour_x_idx);
const neighbour_y_idx_usize: usize = @intCast(neighbour_y_idx);
const idx = try self.getIndex(neighbour_x_idx_usize, neighbour_y_idx_usize);
if (self.current_cells[idx] == .alive) {
count += 1;
col = -1;
return count;
fn liveCellsCount(self: Self) u32 {
var count: u32 = 0;
for (self.current_cells) |cell| {
if (cell == .alive) {
count += 1;
return count;
/// The universe of the Game of Life is an infinite two-dimensional orthogonal grid of square cells,
/// each of which is in one of two possible states, alive or dead, or "populated" or "unpopulated".
/// Every cell interacts with its eight neighbours, which are the cells that are horizontally, vertically,
/// or diagonally adjacent. At each step in time, the following transitions occur:
/// 1. Any live cell with fewer than two live neighbours dies, as if caused by underpopulation.
/// 2. Any live cell with two or three live neighbours lives on to the next generation.
/// 3. Any live cell with more than three live neighbours dies, as if by overpopulation.
/// 4. Any dead cell with exactly three live neighbours becomes a live cell, as if by reproduction.
pub fn tick(self: *Self) !void {
// Make copy of the old cells state, this allocates each tick, which is pretty unecessary
const next_gen_cells_many_ptr: [*]Cell = @ptrCast(self.next_gen_cells);
clearCellsToDead(next_gen_cells_many_ptr, self.next_gen_cells.len);
var idx: usize = 0;
for (0..self.height) |y| {
for (0..self.width) |x| {
const live_neighbour_count = try self.liveNeighbourCount(x, y);
const current_cell = self.current_cells[idx];
if (current_cell == .alive and live_neighbour_count < 2) {
self.next_gen_cells[idx] = .dead;
} else if (current_cell == .alive and (live_neighbour_count == 2 or live_neighbour_count == 3)) {
self.next_gen_cells[idx] = .alive;
} else if (current_cell == .alive and live_neighbour_count > 3) {
self.next_gen_cells[idx] = .dead;
} else if (self.current_cells[idx] == .dead and live_neighbour_count == 3) {
self.next_gen_cells[idx] = .alive;
idx += 1;
@memcpy(self.current_cells, self.next_gen_cells);
self.generation += 1;
pub fn draw(self: Self) void {
// Batching draw calls to rects, would increase performance
//_ = c.SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, 100, 100, 100, 255);
//_ = c.SDL_RenderDrawRects(renderer, cells_many_ptr, num_cells_horizontal_cint * num_cells_vertical_cint);
//_ = c.SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, 255, 255, 255, 255);
//_ = c.SDL_RenderFillRects(renderer, cells_many_ptr, num_cells_horizontal_cint * num_cells_vertical_cint);
for (0..(self.width * self.height)) |rect_idx| {
if (self.current_cells[rect_idx] == .alive) {
_ = c.SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(self.renderer, 255, 255, 255, 255);
_ = c.SDL_RenderFillRect(self.renderer, &self.rects[rect_idx]);
} else {
_ = c.SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(self.renderer, 100, 100, 100, 255);
_ = c.SDL_RenderDrawRect(self.renderer, &self.rects[rect_idx]);
_ = c.SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(self.renderer, 64, 64, 64, 255);
_ = c.SDL_RenderFillRect(self.renderer, &self.rects[rect_idx]);
pub fn handleMouseEvent(self: *Self, event: c.SDL_MouseButtonEvent, cell_width: c_int, cell_height: c_int) void {
switch (event.button) {
var x: c_int = 0;
var y: c_int = 0;
_ = c.SDL_GetMouseState(&x, &y);
const rect_x = @divFloor(x, cell_width);
const rect_y = @divFloor(y, cell_height);
const width_cint: c_int = @intCast(self.width);
const cell_idx = (rect_y * width_cint) + rect_x;
const cell_idx_usize: usize = @intCast(cell_idx);
if (self.current_cells[cell_idx_usize] == .alive) {
self.current_cells[cell_idx_usize] = .dead;
} else {
self.current_cells[cell_idx_usize] = .alive;
else => {},
pub fn clearCellsToDead(cells: [*]Cell, len: usize) void {
for (0..len) |idx| {
cells[idx] = .dead;
pub fn setCellsRandomlyAlive(self: *Self) void {
for (0..self.width * self.height) |idx| {
const rand = self.prng.random();
if (@mod(rand.int(u32), 4) == 0) {
self.current_cells[idx] = .alive;
pub fn reset(self: *Self) void {
const current_cells_many_ptr: [*]Cell = @ptrCast(self.current_cells);
clearCellsToDead(current_cells_many_ptr, self.current_cells.len);
const next_gen_cells_many_ptr: [*]Cell = @ptrCast(self.next_gen_cells);
clearCellsToDead(next_gen_cells_many_ptr, self.next_gen_cells.len);
test "test getX" {
const grid_width: u32 = 10;
const grid_height: u32 = 10;
var grid = try Grid.init(grid_width, grid_height, null);
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), try grid.getX(0));
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(u32, 3), try grid.getX(3));
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(u32, 9), try grid.getX(9));
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), try grid.getX(10));
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(u32, 3), try grid.getX(13));
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(u32, 9), try grid.getX(19));
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(u32, 9), try grid.getX(99));
// Test OutOfIndexError cases
try std.testing.expectError(error.OutOfBounds, grid.getX(100));
test "test getY" {
const grid_width: u32 = 10;
const grid_height: u32 = 10;
var grid = try Grid.init(grid_width, grid_height, null);
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), try grid.getY(0));
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), try grid.getY(9));
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(u32, 1), try grid.getY(11));
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(u32, 9), try grid.getY(99));
// Test OutOfIndexError cases
try std.testing.expectError(error.OutOfBounds, grid.getY(100));
test "test getIndex" {
const grid_width: u32 = 10;
const grid_height: u32 = 10;
var grid = try Grid.init(grid_width, grid_height, null);
// a: row = 1, col = 2, idx = 12
// b: row = 0, col = 0, idx = 0
// c: row = 8, col = 4, idx = 84
// d: row = 9, col = 9, idx = 99
// b * * * * * * * * *
// * * a * * * * * * *
// * * * * * * * * * *
// * * * * * * * * * *
// * * * * * * * * * *
// * * * * * * * * * *
// * * * * * * * * * *
// * * * * * * * * * *
// * * * * c * * * * *
// * * * * * * * * * d
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 0), try grid.getIndex(0, 0));
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 12), try grid.getIndex(2, 1));
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 84), try grid.getIndex(4, 8));
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 99), try grid.getIndex(9, 9));
// Test OutOfIndexError cases
try std.testing.expectError(error.OutOfBounds, grid.getIndex(10, 0));
test "test liveNeighbourCount" {
const grid_width: u32 = 10;
const grid_height: u32 = 10;
var grid = try Grid.init(grid_width, grid_height, null);
// x= 2, y = 1
// * D D A * * * * * *
// * A x D * * * * * *
// * D A D * * * * * *
// * * * * * * * * * *
// * * * * * * * * * *
// * * * * * * * * * *
// * * * * * * * * * *
// * * * * * * * * * *
// * * * * * * * * * *
// * * * * * * * * * *
grid.current_cells[3] = .alive;
grid.current_cells[11] = .alive;
grid.current_cells[22] = .alive;
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(u8, 3), try grid.liveNeighbourCount(2, 1));
// x = 8, y = 8
// * * * * * * * * * *
// * * * * * * * * * *
// * * * * * * * * * *
// * * * * * * * * * *
// * * * * * * * * * *
// * * * * * * * * * *
// * * * * * * * * * *
// * * * * * * * * * A
// * * * * * * * * x *
// * * * * * * * * * A
grid.current_cells[79] = .alive;
grid.current_cells[99] = .alive;
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(u8, 2), try grid.liveNeighbourCount(8, 8));
// Corner cases, all of these should return zero
// x = 0, y = 0
// X * * * * * * * * *
// * * * * * * * * * *
// * * * * * * * * * *
// * * * * * * * * * *
// * * * * * * * * * *
// * * * * * * * * * *
// * * * * * * * * * *
// * * * * * * * * * A
// * * * * * * * * x *
// * * * * * * * * * A
test "test liveNeighbourCount upper left corner" {
const grid_width: u32 = 10;
const grid_height: u32 = 10;
var grid = try Grid.init(grid_width, grid_height, null);
// x = 0, y = 0
// X A * * * * * * * *
// A A * * * * * * * *
// * * * * * * * * * *
// * * * * * * * * * *
// * * * * * * * * * *
// * * * * * * * * * *
// * * * * * * * * * *
// * * * * * * * * * *
// * * * * * * * * * *
// * * * * * * * * * *
grid.current_cells[1] = .alive;
grid.current_cells[10] = .alive;
grid.current_cells[11] = .alive;
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(u8, 0), try grid.liveNeighbourCount(0, 0));
test "test liveNeighbourCount upper right corner" {
const grid_width: u32 = 10;
const grid_height: u32 = 10;
var grid = try Grid.init(grid_width, grid_height, null);
// x = 9, y = 0
// * * * * * * * * A X
// * * * * * * * * * A
// * * * * * * * * * *
// * * * * * * * * * *
// * * * * * * * * * *
// * * * * * * * * * *
// * * * * * * * * * *
// * * * * * * * * * *
// * * * * * * * * * *
// * * * * * * * * * *
grid.current_cells[8] = .alive;
grid.current_cells[19] = .alive;
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(u8, 0), try grid.liveNeighbourCount(9, 0));
test "test liveNeighbourCount lower right corner" {
const grid_width: u32 = 10;
const grid_height: u32 = 10;
var grid = try Grid.init(grid_width, grid_height, null);
// x = 9, y = 9
// * * * * * * * * * *
// * * * * * * * * * *
// * * * * * * * * * *
// * * * * * * * * * *
// * * * * * * * * * *
// * * * * * * * * * *
// * * * * * * * * * *
// * * * * * * * * * *
// * * * * * * * * * A
// * * * * * * * * A X
grid.current_cells[89] = .alive;
grid.current_cells[98] = .alive;
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(u8, 0), try grid.liveNeighbourCount(9, 9));
test "test liveNeighbourCount lower left corner" {
const grid_width: u32 = 10;
const grid_height: u32 = 10;
var grid = try Grid.init(grid_width, grid_height, null);
// x = 0, y = 9
// * * * * * * * * * *
// * * * * * * * * * *
// * * * * * * * * * *
// * * * * * * * * * *
// * * * * * * * * * *
// * * * * * * * * * *
// * * * * * * * * * *
// * * * * * * * * * *
// * A * * * * * * * *
// x * * * * * * * * *
grid.current_cells[81] = .alive;
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(u8, 0), try grid.liveNeighbourCount(0, 9));
test "test tick 1" {
const grid_width: u32 = 4;
const grid_height: u32 = 4;
var grid = try Grid.init(grid_width, grid_height, null);
const new_cells: [*]Cell = @ptrCast(grid.current_cells);
Grid.clearCellsToDead(new_cells, grid.current_cells.len);
// Cell to test
// x = 2, y = 1, .alive
// A * * *
// * X * *
// * * A *
// * * * *
grid.current_cells[0] = .alive;
grid.current_cells[5] = .alive;
grid.current_cells[10] = .alive;
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(u8, 2), try grid.liveNeighbourCount(1, 1));
const idx = try grid.getIndex(1, 1);
try std.testing.expectEqual(Cell.alive, grid.current_cells[idx]);
try grid.tick();
// Expected outcomefter tick
// Cell to test
// x = 2, y = 1, X .alive
// A * * *
// * X * *
// * * A *
// * * * *
try std.testing.expectEqual(Cell.alive, grid.current_cells[idx]);
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(u32, 1), grid.liveCellsCount());
test "test tick 2" {
const grid_width: u32 = 5;
const grid_height: u32 = 5;
var grid = try Grid.init(grid_width, grid_height, null);
const new_cells: [*]Cell = @ptrCast(grid.current_cells);
Grid.clearCellsToDead(new_cells, grid.current_cells.len);
// Cell to test
// x = 2, y = 2, X is .alive, idx = 12
// * * * * *
// * A * A *
// * * X * *
// * A * A *
// * * * * *
grid.current_cells[6] = .alive;
grid.current_cells[8] = .alive;
grid.current_cells[12] = .alive;
grid.current_cells[16] = .alive;
grid.current_cells[18] = .alive;
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(u8, 4), try grid.liveNeighbourCount(2, 2));
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(u32, 5), grid.liveCellsCount());
const idx = try grid.getIndex(2, 2);
try std.testing.expectEqual(Cell.alive, grid.current_cells[idx]);
try grid.tick();
// Expected outcomefter tick
// Cell to test
// x = 2, y = 2, .dead, idx = 12
// * * * * *
// * * A * *
// * A X A *
// * * A * *
// * * * * *
try std.testing.expectEqual(Cell.dead, grid.current_cells[idx]);
try std.testing.expectEqual(Cell.alive, grid.current_cells[7]);
try std.testing.expectEqual(Cell.alive, grid.current_cells[11]);
try std.testing.expectEqual(Cell.alive, grid.current_cells[13]);
try std.testing.expectEqual(Cell.alive, grid.current_cells[17]);
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(u32, 4), grid.liveCellsCount());
| https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Skarsh/zig-conway/0fb702dbf4925d2a35e8b33b5d905246feb8470e/src/grid.zig |
const std = @import("std");
const Point = @This();
x: f32 = 0,
y: f32 = 0,
pub fn nonZero(self: *const Point) bool {
return (self.x != 0 or self.y != 0);
pub fn plus(self: *const Point, b: Point) Point {
return Point{ .x = self.x + b.x, .y = self.y + b.y };
pub fn diff(a: Point, b: Point) Point {
return Point{ .x = a.x - b.x, .y = a.y - b.y };
pub fn scale(self: *const Point, s: f32) Point {
return Point{ .x = self.x * s, .y = self.y * s };
pub fn equals(self: *const Point, b: Point) bool {
return (self.x == b.x and self.y == b.y);
pub fn length(self: *const Point) f32 {
return @sqrt((self.x * self.x) + (self.y * self.y));
pub fn normalize(self: *const Point) Point {
const d2 = self.x * self.x + self.y * self.y;
if (d2 == 0) {
return Point{ .x = 1.0, .y = 0.0 };
} else {
const inv_len = 1.0 / @sqrt(d2);
return Point{ .x = self.x * inv_len, .y = self.y * inv_len };
pub fn format(self: *const Point, comptime _: []const u8, _: std.fmt.FormatOptions, writer: anytype) !void {
try std.fmt.format(writer, "Point{{ {d} {d} }}", .{ self.x, self.y });
| https://raw.githubusercontent.com/david-vanderson/dvui/8645f753c1b2eb93f1bd795e2d24469f5493b670/src/Point.zig |
const std = @import("std");
const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
const Arr = std.ArrayListUnmanaged(u32);
pub fn main() !void {
var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){};
defer _ = gpa.deinit();
const alloc = gpa.allocator();
const program = program: {
const program_text = program_text: {
const in_file = in_file: {
var args = std.process.args();
defer args.deinit();
const exe_name = try args.next(alloc) orelse return;
defer alloc.free(exe_name);
const path = try args.next(alloc) orelse {
const stderr = std.io.getStdErr().writer();
stderr.print("Usage: {s} [infile]\n", .{exe_name}) catch {};
defer alloc.free(path);
break :in_file try std.fs.cwd().openFile(path, .{});
defer in_file.close();
const max_size = 1024 * 1024;
break :program_text try in_file.readToEndAlloc(alloc, max_size);
defer alloc.free(program_text);
var program = Arr{};
errdefer program.deinit(alloc);
var iter = std.mem.split(u8, program_text, "\n");
while (iter.next()) |line_raw| {
var line = line_raw;
if (line.len > 1 and line[line.len - 1] == '\r')
line.len -= 1;
const val = std.fmt.parseInt(u32, line, 10) catch 0;
try program.append(alloc, val);
break :program program;
var state = State{ .memory = program };
defer state.deinit(alloc);
const result = try state.exec(alloc);
const stdout = std.io.getStdOut().writer();
stdout.print("{any}\n", .{result}) catch {};
const State = struct {
memory: Arr,
stack: Arr = .{},
fn deinit(self: *State, alloc: Allocator) void {
fn get(self: State, idx: u32) u32 {
return if (idx < self.memory.items.len) self.memory.items[idx] else 0;
fn set(self: *State, alloc: Allocator, idx: u32, val: u32) !void {
if (idx == std.math.maxInt(usize)) @panic("too big...");
const padding = @as(usize, idx) + 1 -| self.memory.items.len;
try self.memory.appendNTimes(alloc, 0, padding);
self.memory.items[idx] = val;
fn pop(self: *State) u32 {
return self.stack.popOrNull() orelse 0;
fn peekPtr(self: State) ?*u32 {
const stack = self.stack.items;
return if (stack.len > 0) &stack[stack.len - 1] else null;
fn peek(self: State) u32 {
return (self.peekPtr() orelse return 0).*;
fn push(self: *State, alloc: Allocator, x: u32) !void {
try self.stack.append(alloc, x);
fn exec(self: *State, alloc: Allocator) ![]const u32 {
var idx: u32 = 0;
while (true) {
const next_idx = self.get(idx);
const ht = self.stack.items.len;
switch (next_idx % 10) {
// PushNxt
0 => try self.push(alloc, self.get(next_idx +% 1)),
// PushAddr
1 => try self.push(alloc, self.get(self.pop())),
// PopAddr
2 => try self.set(alloc, self.pop(), self.pop()),
// Duplicate
3 => try self.push(alloc, self.peek()),
// Swap
4 => if (ht >= 2) {
const stack = self.stack.items;
&stack[stack.len - 1],
&stack[stack.len - 2],
} else try self.push(alloc, 0),
// Add
5 => if (ht >= 2) {
const x = self.pop();
self.peekPtr().?.* +%= x;
// Sub
6 => if (ht >= 2) {
const x = self.pop();
self.peekPtr().?.* -%= x;
} else if (ht == 1) {
self.peekPtr().?.* *%= std.math.maxInt(u32);
// Mul
7 => if (ht >= 2) {
const x = self.pop();
self.peekPtr().?.* *%= x;
// Div
8 => if (ht >= 2) {
const x = self.pop();
if (x == 0) @panic("division by zero");
self.peekPtr().?.* /= x;
// Quit
9 => {
const next_next_idx = self.get(next_idx);
return self.memory.items[next_next_idx..];
else => unreachable,
idx = next_idx;
| https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Reconcyl/eso/bc48a02d77517840fa86c95382aa5f02fa900f2c/morbusz/main.zig |
const gfx = @import("gfx");
const math = @import("std").math;
const Renderer = @import("Renderer.zig");
const Rect = Renderer.Rect;
const Sprite = Renderer.Sprite;
const effects_tex = gfx.effects;
const teleport_tex = gfx.teleport;
pub const hurt_fx = gfx.hurt;
pub fn load() void {
effects_tex.loadFromUrl("img/effects.png", 120, 24);
teleport_tex.loadFromUrl("img/teleport.png", 24, 32);
hurt_fx.loadFromUrl("img/hurt.png", 24, 24);
pub fn drawDeathEffect(x: i32, y: i32, counter: u32) void {
const frame = @as(i32, @intCast((counter / 3) % 6));
const src_rect = Rect.init(frame * 24, 0, 24, 24);
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < 8) : (i += 1) {
const angle: f32 = math.pi * @as(f32, @floatFromInt(i)) / 4.0;
const r: f32 = 2 * @as(f32, @floatFromInt(counter));
const dx = x + @as(i32, @intFromFloat(r * @cos(angle)));
const dy = y + @as(i32, @intFromFloat(r * @sin(angle)));
Sprite.drawFrame(effects_tex, src_rect, dx, dy);
pub fn drawDeathEffectSmall(x: i32, y: i32, counter: u8) void {
const frame = counter;
if (frame > 4) return;
const src_rect = Rect.init(frame * 24, 0, 24, 24);
Sprite.drawFrame(effects_tex, src_rect, x - 12, y - 12);
pub fn drawTeleportEffect(player_x: i32, player_y: i32, counter: u8) void {
if (counter < 32) return;
const frame: i32 = counter - 32;
const x = player_x;
var y = player_y;
if (frame <= 10 or frame == 15) {
if (frame != 15) y -= 16 * (10 - frame);
const src_rect = Rect.init(8, 0, 8, 8);
var i: i32 = 0;
while (i < 4) : (i += 1) {
Sprite.drawFrame(teleport_tex, src_rect, x - 4, y + i * 8 - 32);
} else if (frame <= 12) {
Sprite.drawFrame(teleport_tex, Rect.init(0, 16, 24, 16), x - 12, y - 16);
Sprite.drawFrame(teleport_tex, Rect.init(0, 16, 24, 8), x - 12, y - 24);
Sprite.drawFrame(teleport_tex, Rect.init(8, 8, 8, 8), x - 4, y - 32);
} else if (frame <= 14) {
Sprite.drawFrame(teleport_tex, Rect.init(0, 24, 24, 8), x - 12, y - 8);
Sprite.drawFrame(teleport_tex, Rect.init(8, 8, 8, 8), x - 4, y - 16);
| https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ZigEmbeddedGroup/sycl-badge/0087e9a138dd9c816be545000a5a39ecbd6e0e15/showcase/carts/zeroman/src/effects.zig |
const std = @import("std");
// Although this function looks imperative, note that its job is to
// declaratively construct a build graph that will be executed by an external
// runner.
pub fn build(b: *std.Build) void {
// Standard target options allows the person running `zig build` to choose
// what target to build for. Here we do not override the defaults, which
// means any target is allowed, and the default is native. Other options
// for restricting supported target set are available.
const target = b.standardTargetOptions(.{});
// Standard optimization options allow the person running `zig build` to select
// between Debug, ReleaseSafe, ReleaseFast, and ReleaseSmall. Here we do not
// set a preferred release mode, allowing the user to decide how to optimize.
const optimize = b.standardOptimizeOption(.{});
const lib = b.addStaticLibrary(.{
.name = "particle_toy",
// In this case the main source file is merely a path, however, in more
// complicated build scripts, this could be a generated file.
.root_source_file = .{ .path = "src/root.zig" },
.target = target,
.optimize = optimize,
// This declares intent for the library to be installed into the standard
// location when the user invokes the "install" step (the default step when
// running `zig build`).
const exe = b.addExecutable(.{
.name = "particle_toy",
.root_source_file = .{ .path = "src/main.zig" },
.target = target,
.optimize = optimize,
const raylib_lib = std.Build.LazyPath {
.path = "C:/raylib/raylib/zig-out/lib/raylib.lib",
const raylib_include = std.Build.LazyPath {
.path = "C:/raylib/raylib/zig-out/include",
// This declares intent for the executable to be installed into the
// standard location when the user invokes the "install" step (the default
// step when running `zig build`).
// This *creates* a Run step in the build graph, to be executed when another
// step is evaluated that depends on it. The next line below will establish
// such a dependency.
const run_cmd = b.addRunArtifact(exe);
// By making the run step depend on the install step, it will be run from the
// installation directory rather than directly from within the cache directory.
// This is not necessary, however, if the application depends on other installed
// files, this ensures they will be present and in the expected location.
// This allows the user to pass arguments to the application in the build
// command itself, like this: `zig build run -- arg1 arg2 etc`
if (b.args) |args| {
// This creates a build step. It will be visible in the `zig build --help` menu,
// and can be selected like this: `zig build run`
// This will evaluate the `run` step rather than the default, which is "install".
const run_step = b.step("run", "Run the app");
// Creates a step for unit testing. This only builds the test executable
// but does not run it.
const lib_unit_tests = b.addTest(.{
.root_source_file = .{ .path = "src/root.zig" },
.target = target,
.optimize = optimize,
const run_lib_unit_tests = b.addRunArtifact(lib_unit_tests);
const exe_unit_tests = b.addTest(.{
.root_source_file = .{ .path = "src/main.zig" },
.target = target,
.optimize = optimize,
const run_exe_unit_tests = b.addRunArtifact(exe_unit_tests);
// Similar to creating the run step earlier, this exposes a `test` step to
// the `zig build --help` menu, providing a way for the user to request
// running the unit tests.
const test_step = b.step("test", "Run unit tests");
| https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Molcarrus/ParticleMagnet-Zig/8e376bf676aa7bef9ccce34788a799b75348ea8b/build.zig |
const lib = @import("lib.zig");
const std = @import("std");
extern var end: [*]u8;
extern var timer_scratch: *u64;
fn intToString(int: u64, buf: []u8) []const u8 {
return std.fmt.bufPrint(buf, "0x{x}", .{int}) catch "";
pub export fn main() void {
var buf: [20]u8 = undefined;
const ptr: *u64 = @ptrFromInt(@intFromPtr(&timer_scratch) + 3 * @sizeOf(u64));
const s = intToString(ptr.*, &buf);
lib.print("Hello, World!");
| https://raw.githubusercontent.com/csirak/zestos/1a6b7a20ab388827d5d9ebae8a2e245e2e73b702/kernel/main.zig |