const std = @import("std"); fn fib(x: u64) u64 { if (x <= 1) return x; return fib(x - 1) + fib(x - 2); } pub fn main() void { std.debug.warn("{}", fib(47)); }
// MIT License // Copyright (c) 2019 Vexu // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all // copies or substantial portions of the Software. // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE // SOFTWARE. const std = @import("std"); const mem = std.mem; const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator; const assert = std.debug.assert; const parseUnsigned = std.fmt.parseUnsigned; const net = std.net; const testing = std.testing; const expect = testing.expect; const expectEqualStrings = testing.expectEqualStrings; const ValueMap = std.StringHashMap([]const u8); pub const Uri = struct { scheme: []const u8, username: []const u8, password: []const u8, host: Host, port: ?u16, path: []const u8, query: []const u8, fragment: []const u8, len: usize, /// possible uri host values pub const Host = union(enum) { ip: net.Address, name: []const u8, }; /// map query string into a hashmap of key value pairs with no value being an empty string pub fn mapQuery(allocator: *Allocator, query: []const u8) Allocator.Error!ValueMap { if (query.len == 0) { return ValueMap.init(allocator); } var map = ValueMap.init(allocator); errdefer map.deinit(); var start: usize = 0; var mid: usize = 0; for (query) |c, i| { if (c == '&') { if (mid != 0) { _ = try map.put(query[start..mid], query[mid + 1 .. i]); } else { _ = try map.put(query[start..i], ""); } start = i + 1; mid = 0; } else if (c == '=') { mid = i; } } if (mid != 0) { _ = try map.put(query[start..mid], query[mid + 1 ..]); } else { _ = try map.put(query[start..], ""); } return map; } /// possible errors for decode and encode pub const EncodeError = error{ InvalidCharacter, OutOfMemory, }; /// decode path if it is percent encoded pub fn decode(allocator: *Allocator, path: []const u8) EncodeError!?[]u8 { var ret: ?[]u8 = null; errdefer if (ret) |some| allocator.free(some); var ret_index: usize = 0; var i: usize = 0; while (i < path.len) : (i += 1) { if (path[i] == '%') { if (!isPchar(path[i..])) { return error.InvalidCharacter; } if (ret == null) { ret = try allocator.alloc(u8, path.len); mem.copy(u8, ret.?, path[0..i]); ret_index = i; } // charToDigit can't fail because the chars are validated earlier var new = (std.fmt.charToDigit(path[i + 1], 16) catch unreachable) << 4; new |= std.fmt.charToDigit(path[i + 2], 16) catch unreachable; ret.?[ret_index] = new; ret_index += 1; i += 2; } else if (path[i] != '/' and !isPchar(path[i..])) { return error.InvalidCharacter; } else if (ret != null) { ret.?[ret_index] = path[i]; ret_index += 1; } } if (ret) |some| return allocator.shrink(some, ret_index); return null; } /// percent encode if path contains characters not allowed in paths pub fn encode(allocator: *Allocator, path: []const u8) EncodeError!?[]u8 { var ret: ?[]u8 = null; var ret_index: usize = 0; for (path) |c, i| { if (c != '/' and !isPchar(path[i..])) { if (ret == null) { ret = try allocator.alloc(u8, path.len * 3); mem.copy(u8, ret.?, path[0..i]); ret_index = i; } const hex_digits = "0123456789ABCDEF"; ret.?[ret_index] = '%'; ret.?[ret_index + 1] = hex_digits[(c & 0xF0) >> 4]; ret.?[ret_index + 2] = hex_digits[c & 0x0F]; ret_index += 3; } else if (ret != null) { ret.?[ret_index] = c; ret_index += 1; } } if (ret) |some| return allocator.shrink(some, ret_index); return null; } /// resolves `path`, leaves trailing '/' /// assumes `path` to be valid pub fn resolvePath(allocator: *Allocator, path: []const u8) error{OutOfMemory}![]u8 { assert(path.len > 0); var list = std.ArrayList([]const u8).init(allocator); defer list.deinit(); var it = mem.tokenize(u8, path, "/"); while (it.next()) |p| { if (mem.eql(u8, p, ".")) { continue; } else if (mem.eql(u8, p, "..")) { _ = list.popOrNull(); } else { try list.append(p); } } var buf = try allocator.alloc(u8, path.len); errdefer allocator.free(buf); var len: usize = 0; for (list.items) |s| { buf[len] = '/'; len += 1; mem.copy(u8, buf[len..], s); len += s.len; } if (path[path.len - 1] == '/') { buf[len] = '/'; len += 1; } return allocator.shrink(buf, len); } pub const scheme_to_port = std.ComptimeStringMap(u16, .{ .{ "acap", 674 }, .{ "afp", 548 }, .{ "dict", 2628 }, .{ "dns", 53 }, .{ "ftp", 21 }, .{ "git", 9418 }, .{ "gopher", 70 }, .{ "http", 80 }, .{ "https", 443 }, .{ "imap", 143 }, .{ "ipp", 631 }, .{ "ipps", 631 }, .{ "irc", 194 }, .{ "ircs", 6697 }, .{ "ldap", 389 }, .{ "ldaps", 636 }, .{ "mms", 1755 }, .{ "msrp", 2855 }, .{ "mtqp", 1038 }, .{ "nfs", 111 }, .{ "nntp", 119 }, .{ "nntps", 563 }, .{ "pop", 110 }, .{ "prospero", 1525 }, .{ "redis", 6379 }, .{ "rsync", 873 }, .{ "rtsp", 554 }, .{ "rtsps", 322 }, .{ "rtspu", 5005 }, .{ "sftp", 22 }, .{ "smb", 445 }, .{ "snmp", 161 }, .{ "ssh", 22 }, .{ "svn", 3690 }, .{ "telnet", 23 }, .{ "ventrilo", 3784 }, .{ "vnc", 5900 }, .{ "wais", 210 }, .{ "ws", 80 }, .{ "wss", 443 }, }); /// possible errors for parse pub const Error = error{ /// input is not a valid uri due to a invalid character /// mostly a result of invalid ipv6 InvalidCharacter, /// given input was empty EmptyUri, }; /// parse URI from input /// empty input is an error /// if assume_auth is true then `example.com` will result in `example.com` being the host instead of path pub fn parse(input: []const u8, assume_auth: bool) Error!Uri { if (input.len == 0) { return error.EmptyUri; } var uri = Uri{ .scheme = "", .username = "", .password = "", .host = .{ .name = "" }, .port = null, .path = "", .query = "", .fragment = "", .len = 0, }; switch (input[0]) { 'a'...'z', 'A'...'Z' => { uri.parseMaybeScheme(input); }, else => {}, } if (input.len > uri.len + 2 and input[uri.len] == '/' and input[uri.len + 1] == '/') { uri.len += 2; // for the '//' try uri.parseAuth(input[uri.len..]); } else if (assume_auth) { try uri.parseAuth(input[uri.len..]); } // make host ip4 address if possible if (uri.host == .name and uri.host.name.len > 0) blk: { var a = net.Address.parseIp4(uri.host.name, 0) catch break :blk; uri.host = .{ .ip = a }; // workaround for https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/3234 } if (uri.host == .ip and uri.port != null) { uri.host.ip.setPort(uri.port.?); } uri.parsePath(input[uri.len..]); if (input.len > uri.len + 1 and input[uri.len] == '?') { uri.parseQuery(input[uri.len + 1 ..]); } if (input.len > uri.len + 1 and input[uri.len] == '#') { uri.parseFragment(input[uri.len + 1 ..]); } return uri; } fn parseMaybeScheme(u: *Uri, input: []const u8) void { for (input) |c, i| { switch (c) { 'a'...'z', 'A'...'Z', '0'...'9', '+', '-', '.' => { // allowed characters }, ':' => { u.scheme = input[0..i]; u.port = scheme_to_port.get(u.scheme); u.len += u.scheme.len + 1; // +1 for the ':' return; }, else => { // not a valid scheme return; }, } } } fn parseAuth(u: *Uri, input: []const u8) Error!void { var i: u32 = 0; var at_index = i; while (i < input.len) : (i += 1) { switch (input[i]) { '@' => at_index = i, '[' => { if (i != 0) return error.InvalidCharacter; return u.parseIP6(input); }, else => if (!isPchar(input[i..])) break, } } if (at_index != 0) { u.username = input[0..at_index]; if (mem.indexOfScalar(u8, u.username, ':')) |colon| { u.password = u.username[colon + 1 ..]; u.username = u.username[0..colon]; } at_index += 1; } u.host.name = input[at_index..i]; u.len += i; if (mem.indexOfScalar(u8, u.host.name, ':')) |colon| { u.port = parseUnsigned(u16, u.host.name[colon + 1 ..], 10) catch return error.InvalidCharacter; u.host.name = u.host.name[0..colon]; } } fn parseIP6(u: *Uri, input: []const u8) Error!void { const end = mem.indexOfScalar(u8, input, ']') orelse return error.InvalidCharacter; const addr = net.Address.parseIp6(input[1..end], 0) catch return error.InvalidCharacter; u.host = .{ .ip = addr }; u.len += end + 1; if (input.len > end + 2 and input[end + 1] == ':') { u.len += 1; try u.parsePort(input[end + 2 ..]); } } fn parsePort(u: *Uri, input: []const u8) Error!void { var i: u32 = 0; while (i < input.len) : (i += 1) { switch (input[i]) { '0'...'9' => {}, // digits else => break, } } if (i == 0) return error.InvalidCharacter; u.port = parseUnsigned(u16, input[0..i], 10) catch return error.InvalidCharacter; u.len += i; } fn parsePath(u: *Uri, input: []const u8) void { for (input) |c, i| { if (c != '/' and (c == '?' or c == '#' or !isPchar(input[i..]))) { u.path = input[0..i]; u.len += u.path.len; return; } } u.path = input[0..]; u.len += u.path.len; } fn parseQuery(u: *Uri, input: []const u8) void { u.len += 1; // +1 for the '?' for (input) |c, i| { if (c == '#' or (c != '/' and c != '?' and !isPchar(input[i..]))) { u.query = input[0..i]; u.len += u.query.len; return; } } u.query = input; u.len += input.len; } fn parseFragment(u: *Uri, input: []const u8) void { u.len += 1; // +1 for the '#' for (input) |c, i| { if (c != '/' and c != '?' and !isPchar(input[i..])) { u.fragment = input[0..i]; u.len += u.fragment.len; return; } } u.fragment = input; u.len += u.fragment.len; } /// returns true if str starts with a valid path character or a percent encoded octet pub fn isPchar(str: []const u8) bool { assert(str.len > 0); return switch (str[0]) { 'a'...'z', 'A'...'Z', '0'...'9', '-', '.', '_', '~', '!', '$', '&', '\'', '(', ')', '*', '+', ',', ';', '=', ':', '@' => true, '%' => str.len > 3 and isHex(str[1]) and isHex(str[2]), else => false, }; } /// returns true if c is a hexadecimal digit pub fn isHex(c: u8) bool { return switch (c) { '0'...'9', 'a'...'f', 'A'...'F' => true, else => false, }; } }; test "basic url" { const uri = try Uri.parse("https://ziglang.org:80/documentation/master/?test#toc-Introduction", false); try expectEqualStrings("https", uri.scheme); try expectEqualStrings("", uri.username); try expectEqualStrings("", uri.password); try expectEqualStrings("ziglang.org", uri.host.name); try expect(uri.port.? == 80); try expectEqualStrings("/documentation/master/", uri.path); try expectEqualStrings("test", uri.query); try expectEqualStrings("toc-Introduction", uri.fragment); try expect(uri.len == 66); } test "short" { const uri = try Uri.parse("telnet://", false); try expectEqualStrings("telnet", uri.scheme); try expectEqualStrings("", uri.username); try expectEqualStrings("", uri.password); var buf = [_]u8{0} ** 100; var ip = std.fmt.bufPrint(buf[0..], "{}", .{uri.host.ip}) catch unreachable; try expectEqualStrings("", ip); try expect(uri.port.? == 80); try expectEqualStrings("/", uri.path); try expectEqualStrings("", uri.query); try expectEqualStrings("", uri.fragment); try expect(uri.len == 23); } test "single char" { const uri = try Uri.parse("a", false); try expectEqualStrings("", uri.scheme); try expectEqualStrings("", uri.username); try expectEqualStrings("", uri.password); try expectEqualStrings("", uri.host.name); try expect(uri.port == null); try expectEqualStrings("a", uri.path); try expectEqualStrings("", uri.query); try expectEqualStrings("", uri.fragment); try expect(uri.len == 1); } test "ipv6" { const uri = try Uri.parse("ldap://[2001:db8::7]/c=GB?objectClass?one", false); try expectEqualStrings("ldap", uri.scheme); try expectEqualStrings("", uri.username); try expectEqualStrings("", uri.password); var buf = [_]u8{0} ** 100; var ip = std.fmt.bufPrint(buf[0..], "{}", .{uri.host.ip}) catch unreachable; try expectEqualStrings("[2001:db8::7]:389", ip); try expect(uri.port.? == 389); try expectEqualStrings("/c=GB", uri.path); try expectEqualStrings("objectClass?one", uri.query); try expectEqualStrings("", uri.fragment); try expect(uri.len == 41); } test "mailto" { const uri = try Uri.parse("mailto:John.Doe@example.com", false); try expectEqualStrings("mailto", uri.scheme); try expectEqualStrings("", uri.username); try expectEqualStrings("", uri.password); try expectEqualStrings("", uri.host.name); try expect(uri.port == null); try expectEqualStrings("John.Doe@example.com", uri.path); try expectEqualStrings("", uri.query); try expectEqualStrings("", uri.fragment); try expect(uri.len == 27); } test "tel" { const uri = try Uri.parse("tel:+1-816-555-1212", false); try expectEqualStrings("tel", uri.scheme); try expectEqualStrings("", uri.username); try expectEqualStrings("", uri.password); try expectEqualStrings("", uri.host.name); try expect(uri.port == null); try expectEqualStrings("+1-816-555-1212", uri.path); try expectEqualStrings("", uri.query); try expectEqualStrings("", uri.fragment); try expect(uri.len == 19); } test "urn" { const uri = try Uri.parse("urn:oasis:names:specification:docbook:dtd:xml:4.1.2", false); try expectEqualStrings("urn", uri.scheme); try expectEqualStrings("", uri.username); try expectEqualStrings("", uri.password); try expectEqualStrings("", uri.host.name); try expect(uri.port == null); try expectEqualStrings("oasis:names:specification:docbook:dtd:xml:4.1.2", uri.path); try expectEqualStrings("", uri.query); try expectEqualStrings("", uri.fragment); try expect(uri.len == 51); } test "userinfo" { const uri = try Uri.parse("ftp://username:password@host.com/", false); try expectEqualStrings("ftp", uri.scheme); try expectEqualStrings("username", uri.username); try expectEqualStrings("password", uri.password); try expectEqualStrings("host.com", uri.host.name); try expect(uri.port.? == 21); try expectEqualStrings("/", uri.path); try expectEqualStrings("", uri.query); try expectEqualStrings("", uri.fragment); try expect(uri.len == 33); } test "map query" { const uri = try Uri.parse("https://ziglang.org:80/documentation/master/?test;1=true&false#toc-Introduction", false); try expectEqualStrings("https", uri.scheme); try expectEqualStrings("", uri.username); try expectEqualStrings("", uri.password); try expectEqualStrings("ziglang.org", uri.host.name); try expect(uri.port.? == 80); try expectEqualStrings("/documentation/master/", uri.path); try expectEqualStrings("test;1=true&false", uri.query); try expectEqualStrings("toc-Introduction", uri.fragment); var map = try Uri.mapQuery(std.testing.allocator, uri.query); defer map.deinit(); try expectEqualStrings("true", map.get("test;1").?); try expectEqualStrings("", map.get("false").?); } test "ends in space" { const uri = try Uri.parse("https://ziglang.org/documentation/master/ something else", false); try expectEqualStrings("https", uri.scheme); try expectEqualStrings("", uri.username); try expectEqualStrings("", uri.password); try expectEqualStrings("ziglang.org", uri.host.name); try expectEqualStrings("/documentation/master/", uri.path); try expect(uri.len == 41); } test "assume auth" { const uri = try Uri.parse("ziglang.org", true); try expectEqualStrings("ziglang.org", uri.host.name); try expect(uri.len == 11); } test "username contains @" { const uri = try Uri.parse("", false); try expectEqualStrings("https", uri.scheme); try expectEqualStrings("", uri.username); try expectEqualStrings("", uri.password); var buf = [_]u8{0} ** 100; var ip = std.fmt.bufPrint(buf[0..], "{}", .{uri.host.ip}) catch unreachable; try expectEqualStrings("", ip); try expect(uri.port.? == 443); try expectEqualStrings("", uri.path); try expect(uri.len == 35); } test "encode" { const path = (try Uri.encode(testing.allocator, "/μ•ˆλ…•ν•˜μ„Έμš”.html")).?; defer testing.allocator.free(path); try expectEqualStrings("/%EC%95%88%EB%85%95%ED%95%98%EC%84%B8%EC%9A%94.html", path); } test "decode" { const path = (try Uri.decode(testing.allocator, "/%EC%95%88%EB%85%95%ED%95%98%EC%84%B8%EC%9A%94.html")).?; defer testing.allocator.free(path); try expectEqualStrings("/μ•ˆλ…•ν•˜μ„Έμš”.html", path); } test "resolvePath" { var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(std.testing.allocator); defer arena.deinit(); const alloc = &arena.allocator; var a = try Uri.resolvePath(alloc, "/a/b/.."); try expectEqualStrings("/a", a); a = try Uri.resolvePath(alloc, "/a/b/../"); try expectEqualStrings("/a/", a); a = try Uri.resolvePath(alloc, "/a/b/c/../d/../"); try expectEqualStrings("/a/b/", a); a = try Uri.resolvePath(alloc, "/a/b/c/../d/.."); try expectEqualStrings("/a/b", a); a = try Uri.resolvePath(alloc, "/a/b/c/../d/.././"); try expectEqualStrings("/a/b/", a); a = try Uri.resolvePath(alloc, "/a/b/c/../d/../."); try expectEqualStrings("/a/b", a); a = try Uri.resolvePath(alloc, "/a/../../"); try expectEqualStrings("/", a); }
//*************************************************************************** // // Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more // contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with // this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The // ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the // "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the // License. You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT // WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the // License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations // under the License. // //*************************************************************************** //! PinePhone Allwinner A64 MIPI DPHY (Display Physical Layer) Driver for Apache NuttX RTOS //! See https://lupyuen.github.io/articles/dsi#appendix-enable-mipi-display-physical-layer-dphy //! "A64 Page ???" refers to Allwinner A64 User Manual: https://github.com/lupyuen/pinephone-nuttx/releases/download/doc/Allwinner_A64_User_Manual_V1.1.pdf /// Import the Zig Standard Library const std = @import("std"); /// Import NuttX Functions from C const c = @cImport({ // NuttX Defines @cDefine("__NuttX__", ""); @cDefine("NDEBUG", ""); @cDefine("FAR", ""); // NuttX Header Files @cInclude("arch/types.h"); @cInclude("../../nuttx/include/limits.h"); @cInclude("nuttx/config.h"); @cInclude("inttypes.h"); @cInclude("unistd.h"); @cInclude("stdlib.h"); @cInclude("stdio.h"); }); /// Base Address of Allwinner A64 CCU Controller (A64 Page 82) const CCU_BASE_ADDRESS = 0x01C2_0000; /// Base Address of Allwinner A64 MIPI DPHY Controller (A64 Page 74) const DPHY_BASE_ADDRESS = 0x01CA_1000; /// Enable MIPI Display Physical Layer (DPHY). /// Based on https://lupyuen.github.io/articles/dsi#appendix-enable-mipi-display-physical-layer-dphy pub export fn dphy_enable() void { debug("dphy_enable: start", .{}); defer { debug("dphy_enable: end", .{}); } // Set DSI Clock to 150 MHz (600 MHz / 4) // MIPI_DSI_CLK_REG: CCU Offset 0x168 (A64 Page 122) // Set DSI_DPHY_GATING (Bit 15) to 1 (DSI DPHY Clock is On) // Set DSI_DPHY_SRC_SEL (Bits 8 to 9) to 0b10 (DSI DPHY Clock Source is PLL_PERIPH0(1X)) // Set DPHY_CLK_DIV_M (Bits 0 to 3) to 3 (DSI DPHY Clock divide ratio - 1) debug("Set DSI Clock to 150 MHz", .{}); const MIPI_DSI_CLK_REG = CCU_BASE_ADDRESS + 0x168; comptime{ assert(MIPI_DSI_CLK_REG == 0x1c20168); } const DSI_DPHY_GATING: u16 = 1 << 15; const DSI_DPHY_SRC_SEL: u10 = 0b10 << 8; const DPHY_CLK_DIV_M: u4 = 3 << 0; const MIPI_DSI_CLK = DSI_DPHY_GATING | DSI_DPHY_SRC_SEL | DPHY_CLK_DIV_M; comptime{ assert(MIPI_DSI_CLK == 0x8203); } putreg32(MIPI_DSI_CLK, MIPI_DSI_CLK_REG); // TODO: DMB // Power on DPHY Tx (Undocumented) // DPHY_TX_CTL_REG: DPHY Offset 0x04 // Set to 0x1000 0000 debug("Power on DPHY Tx", .{}); const DPHY_TX_CTL_REG = DPHY_BASE_ADDRESS + 0x04; comptime{ assert(DPHY_TX_CTL_REG == 0x1ca1004); } putreg32(0x10000000, DPHY_TX_CTL_REG); // TODO: DMB // DPHY_TX_TIME0_REG: DPHY Offset 0x10 // Set to 0xa06 000e const DPHY_TX_TIME0_REG = DPHY_BASE_ADDRESS + 0x10; comptime{ assert(DPHY_TX_TIME0_REG == 0x1ca1010); } putreg32(0xa06000e, DPHY_TX_TIME0_REG); // TODO: DMB // DPHY_TX_TIME1_REG: DPHY Offset 0x14 // Set to 0xa03 3207 const DPHY_TX_TIME1_REG = DPHY_BASE_ADDRESS + 0x14; comptime{ assert(DPHY_TX_TIME1_REG == 0x1ca1014); } putreg32(0xa033207, DPHY_TX_TIME1_REG); // TODO: DMB // DPHY_TX_TIME2_REG: DPHY Offset 0x18 // Set to 0x1e const DPHY_TX_TIME2_REG = DPHY_BASE_ADDRESS + 0x18; comptime{ assert(DPHY_TX_TIME2_REG == 0x1ca1018); } putreg32(0x1e, DPHY_TX_TIME2_REG); // TODO: DMB // DPHY_TX_TIME3_REG: DPHY Offset 0x1c // Set to 0x0 const DPHY_TX_TIME3_REG = DPHY_BASE_ADDRESS + 0x1c; comptime{ assert(DPHY_TX_TIME3_REG == 0x1ca101c); } putreg32(0x0, DPHY_TX_TIME3_REG); // TODO: DMB // DPHY_TX_TIME4_REG: DPHY Offset 0x20 // Set to 0x303 const DPHY_TX_TIME4_REG = DPHY_BASE_ADDRESS + 0x20; comptime{ assert(DPHY_TX_TIME4_REG == 0x1ca1020); } putreg32(0x303, DPHY_TX_TIME4_REG); // TODO: DMB // Enable DPHY (Undocumented) // DPHY_GCTL_REG: DPHY Offset 0x00 (Enable DPHY) // Set to 0x31 debug("Enable DPHY", .{}); const DPHY_GCTL_REG = DPHY_BASE_ADDRESS + 0x00; comptime{ assert(DPHY_GCTL_REG == 0x1ca1000); } putreg32(0x31, DPHY_GCTL_REG); // TODO: DMB // DPHY_ANA0_REG: DPHY Offset 0x4c (PWS) // Set to 0x9f00 7f00 const DPHY_ANA0_REG = DPHY_BASE_ADDRESS + 0x4c; comptime{ assert(DPHY_ANA0_REG == 0x1ca104c); } putreg32(0x9f007f00, DPHY_ANA0_REG); // TODO: DMB // DPHY_ANA1_REG: DPHY Offset 0x50 (CSMPS) // Set to 0x1700 0000 const DPHY_ANA1_REG = DPHY_BASE_ADDRESS + 0x50; comptime{ assert(DPHY_ANA1_REG == 0x1ca1050); } putreg32(0x17000000, DPHY_ANA1_REG); // TODO: DMB // DPHY_ANA4_REG: DPHY Offset 0x5c (CKDV) // Set to 0x1f0 1555 const DPHY_ANA4_REG = DPHY_BASE_ADDRESS + 0x5c; comptime{ assert(DPHY_ANA4_REG == 0x1ca105c); } putreg32(0x1f01555, DPHY_ANA4_REG); // TODO: DMB // DPHY_ANA2_REG: DPHY Offset 0x54 (ENIB) // Set to 0x2 const DPHY_ANA2_REG = DPHY_BASE_ADDRESS + 0x54; comptime{ assert(DPHY_ANA2_REG == 0x1ca1054); } putreg32(0x2, DPHY_ANA2_REG); // TODO: DMB // Wait 5 microseconds _ = c.usleep(5); // Enable LDOR, LDOC, LDOD (Undocumented) // DPHY_ANA3_REG: DPHY Offset 0x58 (Enable LDOR, LDOC, LDOD) // Set to 0x304 0000 debug("Enable LDOR, LDOC, LDOD", .{}); const DPHY_ANA3_REG = DPHY_BASE_ADDRESS + 0x58; comptime{ assert(DPHY_ANA3_REG == 0x1ca1058); } putreg32(0x3040000, DPHY_ANA3_REG); // TODO: DMB // Wait 1 microsecond _ = c.usleep(1); // DPHY_ANA3_REG: DPHY Offset 0x58 (Enable VTTC, VTTD) // Set bits 0xf800 0000 comptime{ assert(DPHY_ANA3_REG == 0x1ca1058); } const EnableVTTC = 0xf8000000; modreg32(EnableVTTC, EnableVTTC, DPHY_ANA3_REG); // TODO: DMB // Wait 1 microsecond _ = c.usleep(1); // DPHY_ANA3_REG: DPHY Offset 0x58 (Enable DIV) // Set bits 0x400 0000 comptime{ assert(DPHY_ANA3_REG == 0x1ca1058); } const EnableDIV = 0x4000000; modreg32(EnableDIV, EnableDIV, DPHY_ANA3_REG); // TODO: DMB // Wait 1 microsecond _ = c.usleep(1); // DPHY_ANA2_REG: DPHY Offset 0x54 (Enable CK_CPU) comptime{ assert(DPHY_ANA2_REG == 0x1ca1054); } const EnableCKCPU = 0x10; modreg32(EnableCKCPU, EnableCKCPU, DPHY_ANA2_REG); // TODO: DMB // Set bits 0x10 // Wait 1 microsecond _ = c.usleep(1); // DPHY_ANA1_REG: DPHY Offset 0x50 (VTT Mode) // Set bits 0x8000 0000 comptime{ assert(DPHY_ANA1_REG == 0x1ca1050); } const VTTMode = 0x80000000; modreg32(VTTMode, VTTMode, DPHY_ANA1_REG); // TODO: DMB // DPHY_ANA2_REG: DPHY Offset 0x54 (Enable P2S CPU) // Set bits 0xf00 0000 comptime{ assert(DPHY_ANA2_REG == 0x1ca1054); } const EnableP2SCPU = 0xf000000; modreg32(EnableP2SCPU, EnableP2SCPU, DPHY_ANA2_REG); // TODO: DMB } /// Modify the specified bits in a memory mapped register. /// Based on https://github.com/apache/nuttx/blob/master/arch/arm64/src/common/arm64_arch.h#L473 fn modreg32( comptime val: u32, // Bits to set, like (1 << bit) comptime mask: u32, // Bits to clear, like (1 << bit) addr: u64 // Address to modify ) void { comptime { assert(val & mask == val); } debug(" *0x{x}: clear 0x{x}, set 0x{x}", .{ addr, mask, val & mask }); putreg32( (getreg32(addr) & ~(mask)) | ((val) & (mask)), (addr) ); } /// Get the 32-bit value at the address fn getreg32(addr: u64) u32 { const ptr = @intToPtr(*const volatile u32, addr); return ptr.*; } /// Set the 32-bit value at the address fn putreg32(val: u32, addr: u64) void { if (enableLog) { debug(" *0x{x} = 0x{x}", .{ addr, val }); } const ptr = @intToPtr(*volatile u32, addr); ptr.* = val; } /// Set to False to disable log var enableLog = true; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Panic Handler /// Called by Zig when it hits a Panic. We print the Panic Message, Stack Trace and halt. See /// https://andrewkelley.me/post/zig-stack-traces-kernel-panic-bare-bones-os.html /// https://github.com/ziglang/zig/blob/master/lib/std/builtin.zig#L763-L847 pub fn panic( message: []const u8, _stack_trace: ?*std.builtin.StackTrace ) noreturn { // Print the Panic Message _ = _stack_trace; _ = puts("\n!ZIG PANIC!"); _ = puts(@ptrCast([*c]const u8, message)); // Print the Stack Trace _ = puts("Stack Trace:"); var it = std.debug.StackIterator.init(@returnAddress(), null); while (it.next()) |return_address| { _ = printf("%p\n", return_address); } // Halt c.exit(1); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Logging /// Called by Zig for `std.log.debug`, `std.log.info`, `std.log.err`, ... /// https://gist.github.com/leecannon/d6f5d7e5af5881c466161270347ce84d pub fn log( comptime _message_level: std.log.Level, comptime _scope: @Type(.EnumLiteral), comptime format: []const u8, args: anytype, ) void { _ = _message_level; _ = _scope; // Format the message var buf: [100]u8 = undefined; // Limit to 100 chars var slice = std.fmt.bufPrint(&buf, format, args) catch { _ = puts("*** log error: buf too small"); return; }; // Terminate the formatted message with a null var buf2: [buf.len + 1 : 0]u8 = undefined; std.mem.copy( u8, buf2[0..slice.len], slice[0..slice.len] ); buf2[slice.len] = 0; // Print the formatted message _ = puts(&buf2); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Imported Functions and Variables /// For safety, we import these functions ourselves to enforce Null-Terminated Strings. /// We changed `[*c]const u8` to `[*:0]const u8` extern fn printf(format: [*:0]const u8, ...) c_int; extern fn puts(str: [*:0]const u8) c_int; /// Aliases for Zig Standard Library const assert = std.debug.assert; const debug = std.log.debug;
const root = @import("root"); pub const c = if (@hasDecl(root, "loadable_extension")) @import("c/loadable_extension.zig") else @cImport({ @cInclude("sqlite3.h"); @cInclude("workaround.h"); }); // versionGreaterThanOrEqualTo returns true if the SQLite version is >= to the major.minor.patch provided. pub fn versionGreaterThanOrEqualTo(major: u8, minor: u8, patch: u8) bool { return c.SQLITE_VERSION_NUMBER >= @as(u32, major) * 1000000 + @as(u32, minor) * 1000 + @as(u32, patch); } comptime { if (!versionGreaterThanOrEqualTo(3, 21, 0)) { @compileError("must use SQLite >= 3.21.0"); } }
pub fn main() !void { try renderer.render(.{ .Shader = SimpleBlendShader, //.Shader = CheckerShader, //.Shader = BandingShader, //.Shader = CliffordAttractorShader, //.Shader = JuliaSetShader, //.Shader = SimplexNoiseShader, //.Shader = GeometryShader, //.Shader = QuantizeShader, //.Shader = IntNoiseShader, //.Shader = SurfaceNormalShader, .preview = true, .memoryLimitMiB = 128, .ssaa = 3, .preview_ssaa = 1, .preview_samples = 600000, .frames = 1, //.frames = 30 * 8, // ffmpeg -r 30 -f image2 -i 'frame-%06d.png' -vcodec libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -profile:v main -level 3.1 -preset medium -crf 23 -x264-params ref=4 -movflags +faststart out.mp4 .path = "out/out.png", .frameTemplate = "out/frame-{d:0>6}.png", .res = Resolutions.Instagram.square, //.res = Resolutions.Instagram.portrait, //.res = Resolutions.Instagram.landscape, //.res = Resolutions.Prints._8x10, //.res = comptime Resolutions.Prints._8x10.landscape(), //.res = Resolutions.Screen._4k, //.res = Resolutions.Screen._1080p, //.res = Resolutions.Wallpapers.iosParallax, //.res = comptime Resolutions.Prints._5x15.landscape(), //.res = Resolutions.Prints._5x15, //.res = @import("lib/resolutions.zig").Res{ .width = 256, .height = 256 }, }); } const SimpleBlendShader = struct { const Self = @This(); pub fn init(allocator: *Allocator, config: renderer.ShaderConfig) !Self { return Self{}; } pub fn deinit(self: *const Self, allocator: *Allocator) void {} pub fn shade(self: *const Self, x: f64, y: f64) Jazbz { return mix( mix(colors.goldenYellow, colors.seaBlue, saturate(x)), mix(colors.navyBlue, colors.bloodRed, saturate(x)), saturate(y), ); } }; const CheckerShader = struct { const Self = @This(); pub fn init(allocator: *Allocator, config: renderer.ShaderConfig) !Self { return Self{}; } pub fn deinit(self: *const Self, allocator: *Allocator) void {} pub fn shade(self: *const Self, x: f64, y: f64) Jazbz { return (comptime @import("lib/debug_shaders.zig").CheckedBackground(16)).content(colors.neonGreen, x, y); } }; const BandingShader = struct { const Self = @This(); pub fn init(allocator: *Allocator, config: renderer.ShaderConfig) !Self { return Self{}; } pub fn deinit(self: *const Self, allocator: *Allocator) void {} pub fn shade(self: *const Self, x: f64, y: f64) Jazbz { if (x >= 0 and x <= 1 and y >= 0 and y <= 1) { const banding = @import("lib/banding.zig").Banding(pattern, (1 << 6) * phi, 640).sample(x, y); return mix(colors.goldenYellow, colors.bloodRed, banding); } else { return colors.navyBlue; } } fn pattern(x: f64, y: f64) [2]f64 { return [_]f64{ x * y, y + x * x, }; } }; const CliffordAttractorShader = struct { const Self = @This(); const Pixel = struct { count: usize = 0, }; const Screen = @import("lib/screen.zig").Screen; const PixelScreen = Screen(Pixel); screen: PixelScreen, countCorrection: f64 = 1, pub fn init(allocator: *Allocator, config: renderer.ShaderConfig) !Self { var self = Self{ .screen = try PixelScreen.init(allocator, config.res.width, config.res.height, .{ .count = 0 }), }; errdefer self.screen.deinit(); var n: usize = 4 << 20; const a = 1.7; const b = 1.7; const c = 0.6; const d = 1.2; const scale = comptime math.max(if (c < 0) -c else c, if (d < 0) -d else d) + 1.0; var x: f64 = a; var y: f64 = b; while (n != 0) : (n -= 1) { if (self.screen.ref(coMix(-scale, scale, x), coMix(-scale, scale, y))) |pixel| { pixel.count += 1; } const x1 = math.sin(a * y) + c * math.cos(a * x); const y1 = math.sin(b * x) + d * math.cos(b * y); x = x1; y = y1; } var highest: usize = 1; for (self.screen.cells) |pixel| { if (pixel.count > highest) { highest = pixel.count; } } self.countCorrection = 1 / @intToFloat(f64, highest); return self; } pub fn deinit(self: *const Self, allocator: *Allocator) void { self.screen.deinit(); } pub fn shade(self: *const Self, x: f64, y: f64) Jazbz { if (self.screen.get(x, y)) |pixel| { const count = @intToFloat(f64, pixel.count) * self.countCorrection; return mix(colors.white, colors.darkGreen, gmath.mapDynamicRange(0, 1, 0, 1, 0.3, 0.5, 1.0, count)); } else { return colors.white; } } }; const JuliaSetShader = struct { const Self = @This(); pub fn init(allocator: *Allocator, config: renderer.ShaderConfig) !Self { return Self{}; } pub fn deinit(self: *const Self, allocator: *Allocator) void {} pub fn shade(self: *const Self, x: f64, y: f64) Jazbz { const nLimit: usize = 1 << 9; const cx = -0.76; const cy = -0.09; var zx = mix(-0.8, 0.8, y); var zy = mix(-0.8, 0.8, x); var xx = zx * zx; var yy = zy * zy; var n: usize = nLimit; while (n != 0 and xx + yy < 4) : (n -= 1) { zy *= zx; zy *= 2; zy += cy; zx = xx - yy + cx; xx = zx * zx; yy = zy * zy; } const n01 = coMix(0, comptime @intToFloat(f64, nLimit), @intToFloat(f64, n)); return rainbowRamp(n01).scaleJ(vignette(x, y)); } fn rainbowRamp(x: f64) Jazbz { return Jazbz{ .j = mix(0.0, 0.7, gmath.quantize(1.0 / 8.0, gmath.sigmoidC3(sq(x)))), .azbz = AzBz.initCh(0.6, fract(x * 12)), }; } fn vignette(x: f64, y: f64) f64 { return mix(0.4, 1, 1.3 - (1 - (1 - sq(x)) * (1 - sq(y)))); } }; const SimplexNoiseShader = struct { const sn = @import("lib/simplexnoise1234.zig"); const Self = @This(); pub fn init(allocator: *Allocator, config: renderer.ShaderConfig) !Self { return Self{}; } pub fn deinit(self: *const Self, allocator: *Allocator) void {} pub fn shade(self: *const Self, x: f64, y: f64) Jazbz { const h1 = sn.noise2(mix(100, 104, x), mix(200, 204, y)) * 1.0; const h2 = sn.noise2(mix(300, 308, x), mix(400, 408, y)) * 0.5; const h3 = sn.noise2(mix(500, 516, x), mix(600, 616, y)) * 0.25; const cloud = coMix(-1.75, 1.75, h1 + h2 + h3); var result = mix(colors.goldenYellow, colors.darkPurple, cloud); result.j = gmath.sigmoidSkew(mix(0.0, 0.4, y), 0.5, result.j); return result; } }; const GeometryShader = struct { const geom = @import("lib/geom.zig"); const sdf2 = @import("lib/sdf2.zig"); const brdf = @import("lib/brdf.zig"); const sn = @import("lib/simplexnoise1234.zig"); const Self = @This(); pub fn init(allocator: *Allocator, config: renderer.ShaderConfig) !Self { return Self{}; } pub fn deinit(self: *const Self, allocator: *Allocator) void {} pub fn shade(self: *const Self, x: f64, y: f64) Jazbz { const circleRadius = comptime mix(0.1, 0.16666666666666666, 0.5); const inset = 0.33333333333333333; const offset = comptime v2(0.025, -0.0125); const Dp1 = DotPipe(comptime v2(inset, inset).add(offset), circleRadius, V2.degree90); const Dp2 = DotPipe(comptime v2(1 - inset, 1 - inset).add(offset), circleRadius, V2.degree0); const Dp3 = DotPipe(comptime v2(inset, 1 - inset).add(offset), circleRadius, V2.degree315); const p = v2(x, y); const p1 = Dp1.signedDists(p); const p2 = Dp2.signedDists(p); const p3 = Dp3.signedDists(p); const dotSd = p1.dot.merge(p2.dot).merge(p3.dot); const pipeSd = dotSd.merge(p1.pipe).merge(p2.pipe).merge(p3.pipe); const redMat = Surface{ .material = .{ .baseColor = mix(colors.leafGreen, colors.black, mix(0.0, 0.25, y)), .reflectance = 0.2, .roughness = 0.5, }, .noise = 1, .noiseSize = 192, }; const blackMat = Surface{ .material = .{ .baseColor = colors.almostBlack, .metallic = 1, .clearcoat = 1, .clearcoatRoughness = 0.35, }, .noise = 0, .noiseSize = 192, }; const whiteMat = Surface{ .material = .{ .baseColor = colors.eggShell, }, .noise = 0, .noiseSize = 192, }; const smooth = 0.001; var mat = redMat; mat = mix(mat, blackMat, pipeSd.smoothstepC3(smooth, 0)); mat = mix(mat, whiteMat, dotSd.smoothstepC3(smooth, 0)); const prepared = mat.material.prepare(); const point = v3(p.x, p.y, 0); const h1 = sn.noise2(mix(100, 100 + mat.noiseSize, x), mix(200, 200 + mat.noiseSize, y)); const h2 = sn.noise2(mix(300, 300 + mat.noiseSize, x), mix(400, 400 + mat.noiseSize, y)); const normal = v3(h1 * mat.noise, h2 * mat.noise, 1).normalize(); const camera = v3(0.5, 0.5, 128); const light1 = comptime v3(inset, inset, 0.5); const light2 = comptime v3(inset, 1 - inset, 0.5); const light3 = comptime v3(1 - inset, 1 - inset, 0.5); const sample1 = prepared.brdf(normal, camera.sub(point).normalize(), light1.sub(point).normalize()).scaleJ(1.2); const sample2 = prepared.brdf(normal, camera.sub(point).normalize(), light2.sub(point).normalize()).scaleJ(0.7); const sample3 = prepared.brdf(normal, camera.sub(point).normalize(), light3.sub(point).normalize()).scaleJ(0.8); var result = sample1.addLight(sample2).addLight(sample3).toJazbz(); const blackPoint = 0.03; const whitePoint = 0.75; result.j = gmath.filmicDynamicRange(blackPoint, whitePoint, 0.4, 0.5, result.j); result.j = gmath.sigmoidSkew(0.3, 1 - y, result.j); result.j = saturate(result.j); return result; } const Surface = struct { material: brdf.Material, noise: f64 = 0, noiseSize: f64 = 0, pub fn mix(self: @This(), other: @This(), alpha: f64) @This() { return .{ .material = gmath.mix(self.material, other.material, alpha), .noise = gmath.mix(self.noise, other.noise, alpha), .noiseSize = gmath.mix(self.noiseSize, other.noiseSize, alpha), }; } }; fn DotPipe(c: V2, r: f64, dir: V2) type { const n = dir; const e = n.rotate90(); const s = n.rotate180(); const w = n.rotate270(); const circle = geom.Circle.rp(r, c); const line1 = geom.Line.pn(c.add(e.scale(r)), s); const line2 = geom.Line.pn(c.add(w.scale(r)), n); const line3 = geom.Line.pn(c, e); return struct { dot: sdf2.Sd, pipe: sdf2.Sd, fn signedDists(p: V2) @This() { return .{ .dot = dotSd(p), .pipe = pipeSd(p), }; } fn dotSd(p: V2) sdf2.Sd { return circle.signedDist(p); } fn pipeSd(p: V2) sdf2.Sd { const sd1 = line1.signedDistBefore(p); const sd2 = line2.signedDistBefore(p); const sd3 = line3.signedDistBefore(p); return sd1.match(sd2).cut(sd3); } }; } }; const QuantizeShader = struct { const sqn = @import("lib/squirrel3noise.zig"); const Self = @This(); pub fn init(allocator: *Allocator, config: renderer.ShaderConfig) !Self { return Self{}; } pub fn deinit(self: *const Self, allocator: *Allocator) void {} pub fn shade(self: *const Self, x: f64, y: f64) Jazbz { const xq = gmath.quantize(0.1, x); const yq = gmath.quantize(0.1, y); const xf = gmath.fract(x / 0.1); const yf = gmath.fract(y / 0.1); var result = mix( mix(colors.white, colors.black, xq), mix(colors.navyBlue, colors.leafGreen, xq), yq, ); result.j = mix(result.j, xf, mix(0.05, 0.0, yf)); return result; } }; const IntNoiseShader = struct { const gs = @import("lib/gridsize.zig"); const sqn = @import("lib/squirrel3noise.zig"); const Self = @This(); const Gs = gs.GridSize(7, 7); const Cell = struct { vertex: V2, color: Jazbz, }; grid: [Gs.len]Cell, pub fn init(allocator: *Allocator, config: renderer.ShaderConfig) !Self { var self = Self{ .grid = undefined, }; var rng = sqn.squirrelRng(0); for (self.grid) |*cell| { cell.vertex = .{ .x = rng.f01(), .y = rng.f01(), }; cell.color = Jazbz.initJch(rng.mixf(0.5, 0.8), 0.3, rng.f01()); } return self; } pub fn deinit(self: *const Self, allocator: *Allocator) void {} pub fn shade(self: *const Self, x: f64, y: f64) Jazbz { var result = colors.black; if (Gs.pos(x, y)) |centerPos| { var win_d: f64 = 1; var win_color = colors.white; for (centerPos.neighbors9()) |candidatePos| { if (candidatePos) |pos| { const q = v2(pos.cellx(x), pos.celly(y)); const cell = &self.grid[pos.index]; const c = cell.vertex; const d = saturate(c.distTo(q)); if (d < win_d) { win_d = d; win_color = cell.color; } } } result = mix(result, win_color, coSq(1 - win_d)); result.j = gmath.sigmoidSkew(0.3, 1 - y, result.j); } return result; } }; const SurfaceNormalShader = struct { const geom = @import("lib/geom.zig"); const sdf2 = @import("lib/sdf2.zig"); const brdf = @import("lib/brdf.zig"); const surf = @import("lib/surfacenormal.zig"); const Self = @This(); pub fn init(allocator: *Allocator, config: renderer.ShaderConfig) !Self { return Self{}; } pub fn deinit(self: *const Self, allocator: *Allocator) void {} pub fn shade(self: *const Self, x: f64, y: f64) Jazbz { const p = v2(x, y); const circle = geom.Circle.rp(0.3, v2(0.5, 0.5)); var layer = mix(colors.bloodRed, colors.goldenYellow, x); if (surf.EllipticalTorus.forCircle(circle, 0.15, 0.2, p)) |surface| { const material = brdf.Material{ .baseColor = mix(colors.bloodRed, colors.goldenYellow, 1 - x), .reflectance = 0.4, .roughness = 0.6, .clearcoat = 1, .clearcoatRoughness = 0.3, }; const shaded = surf.shade(surface, &material.prepare()); layer = mix(layer, shaded, surface.blend.smoothstepC3(0.001, 0)); } layer.j = gmath.sigmoidSkew(0.3, 1 - y, layer.j); layer.j = saturate(layer.j); return layer; } }; pub const enable_segfault_handler: bool = true; const std = @import("std"); const math = std.math; const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator; const renderer = @import("lib/renderer.zig"); const Resolutions = @import("lib/resolutions.zig").Resolutions; const V2 = @import("lib/affine.zig").V2; const V3 = @import("lib/affine.zig").V3; const v2 = V2.init; const v3 = V3.init; const Jazbz = @import("lib/jabz.zig").Jazbz(f64); const AzBz = Jazbz.AzBz; const colors = @import("lib/colors.zig").Colors(Jazbz); const gmath = @import("lib/gmath.zig").gmath(f64); const fract = gmath.fract; const clamp = gmath.clamp; const saturate = gmath.saturate; const linearstep = gmath.linearstep; const smoothstepC1 = gmath.smoothstepC1; const smoothstepC2 = gmath.smoothstepC2; const smoothstepC3 = gmath.smoothstepC3; const mix = gmath.mix; const coMix = gmath.coMix; const sq = gmath.sq; const coSq = gmath.coSq; const pi = gmath.pi; const invPi = gmath.invPi; const tau = gmath.tau; const invTau = gmath.invTau; const phi = gmath.phi; const invPhi = gmath.invPhi; const sqrt2 = gmath.sqrt2; const invSqrt2 = gmath.invSqrt2; const sqrt3 = gmath.sqrt3; const halfSqrt3 = gmath.halfSqrt3;
pub const Cairo = @import("gdk/Cairo.zig"); pub const Display = @import("gdk/Display.zig").Display; pub const Pixbuf = @import("gdk/Pixbuf.zig").Pixbuf; pub const Wayland = @import("gdk/Wayland.zig"); fn refAllDeclsRecursive(comptime T: type) void { comptime { for (@import("std").meta.declarations(T)) |decl| { if (decl.is_pub) { switch (decl.data) { .Type => |T2| refAllDeclsRecursive(T2), else => _ = decl, } } } } } test { @setEvalBranchQuota(100000); refAllDeclsRecursive(@This()); }
// Copyright (C) 2021-2024 Chadwain Holness // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. pub const token = @import("source/token.zig"); pub const Tokenizer = @import("source/Tokenizer.zig"); pub const Dom = @import("source/Dom.zig"); pub const tree_construction = @import("source/tree_construction.zig"); pub const Parser = @import("source/Parser.zig"); pub const util = @import("source/util.zig"); comptime { if (@import("builtin").is_test) { @import("std").testing.refAllDecls(@This()); } }
const std = @import("std"); pub fn main() void { var sum: i64 = 0; var i: i64 = 1; while (i <= 1000000000): (i += 1) { sum += i; } std.debug.print("{any}\n", .{sum}); }
pub fn puts(str: [*:0]const u8) c_int { return asm volatile ( \\ li $9, 0x3f \\ j 0xa0 : [ret] "={r2}" (-> c_int) : [str] "{r4}" (str) ); }
const std = @import("std"); pub const json = @import("./json.zig"); const Map = json.DeserializeMap; pub const glTF = struct { extensionsUsed: [][]const u8 = &[_][]const u8{}, extensionsRequired: [][]const u8 = &[_][]const u8{}, accessors: []Accessor = &[_]Accessor{}, //animations: []Animation, asset: Asset, buffers: []Buffer = &[_]Buffer{}, bufferViews: []BufferView = &[_]BufferView{}, //cameras: []Camera, images: []Image = &[_]Image{}, materials: []Material = &[_]Material{}, meshes: []Mesh = &[_]Mesh{}, nodes: []Node = &[_]Node{}, samplers: []Sampler = &[_]Sampler{}, scene: ?usize = null, scenes: []Scene = &[_]Scene{}, //skins: []Skin, textures: []Texture = &[_]Texture{}, extensions: ?Map(json.Value) = null, extras: ?json.Value = null, }; pub const BYTE = 5120; pub const UNSIGNED_BYTE = 5121; pub const SHORT = 5122; pub const UNSIGNED_SHORT = 5123; pub const UNSIGNED_INT = 5125; pub const FLOAT = 5126; /// A typed view into a bufferView. A bufferView contains raw binary data. An accessor provides a /// typed view into a bufferView or a subset of a bufferView similar to how WebGL's /// vertexAttribPointer() defines an attribute in a buffer. pub const Accessor = struct { /// The index of the bufferView. When not defined, accessor must be initialized with zeros; /// sparse property or extensions could override zeros with actual values. bufferView: ?usize = null, /// The offset relative to the start of the bufferView in bytes. This must be a multiple of the /// size of the component datatype. byteOffset: usize = 0, /// The datatype of components in the attribute. All valid values correspond to WebGL enums. The /// corresponding typed arrays are Int8Array, Uint8Array, Int16Array, Uint16Array, Uint32Array, /// and Float32Array, respectively. 5125 (UNSIGNED_INT) is only allowed when the accessor /// contains indices, i.e., the accessor is only referenced by primitive.indices. componentType: ComponentType, /// Specifies whether integer data values should be normalized (true) to [0, 1] (for unsigned /// types) or [-1, 1] (for signed types), or converted directly (false) when they are accessed. /// This property is defined only for accessors that contain vertex attributes or animation /// output data. normalized: bool = false, /// The number of attributes referenced by this accessor, not to be confused with the number of /// bytes or number of components. count: usize, // TODO: maybe change this from enum to a string? Extensions may require it /// Specifies if the attribute is a scalar, vector, or matrix. @"type": enum { SCALAR, VEC2, VEC3, VEC4, MAT2, MAT3, MAT4, pub fn size(self: @This()) usize { return switch (self) { .SCALAR => 1, .VEC2 => 2, .VEC3 => 3, .VEC4 => 4, .MAT2 => 4, .MAT3 => 9, .MAT4 => 16, }; } }, /// Maximum value of each component in this attribute. Array elements must be treated as having /// the same data type as accessor's `componentType`. Both min and max arrays have the same /// length. The length is determined by the value of the type property; it can be 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, /// or 16. /// /// `normalized` property has no effect on array values: they always correspond to the actual /// values stored in the buffer. When accessor is sparse, this property must contain max values /// of accessor data with sparse substitution applied. max: ?[]f64 = null, /// Maximum value of each component in this attribute. Array elements must be treated as having /// the same data type as accessor's `componentType`. Both min and max arrays have the same /// length. The length is determined by the value of the type property; it can be 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, /// or 16. /// /// `normalized` property has no effect on array values: they always correspond to the actual /// values stored in the buffer. When accessor is sparse, this property must contain max values /// of accessor data with sparse substitution applied. min: ?[]f64 = null, /// Sparse storage of attributes that deviate from their initialization value. sparse: ?Sparse = null, /// The user-defined name of this object. This is not necessarily unique, e.g., an accessor and /// a buffer could have the same name, or two accessors could even have the same name. name: ?[]const u8 = null, /// Dictionary object with extension-specific objects. extensions: ?Map(json.Value) = null, /// Application-specific data extras: ?json.Value = null, pub const ComponentType = enum(u32) { Byte = BYTE, UnsignedByte = UNSIGNED_BYTE, Short = SHORT, UnsignedShort = UNSIGNED_SHORT, UnsignedInt = UNSIGNED_INT, Float = FLOAT, }; pub const Sparse = struct { count: usize, indices: struct { bufferView: usize, byteOffset: usize, componentType: ComponentType, }, values: struct { bufferView: usize, byteOffset: usize, }, }; }; pub const Asset = struct { copyright: ?[]const u8 = null, generator: ?[]const u8 = null, version: []const u8, minVersion: ?[]const u8 = null, extensions: ?Map(json.Value) = null, extras: ?json.Value = null, }; pub const Buffer = struct { uri: ?[]const u8 = null, byteLength: usize, name: ?[]const u8 = null, extensions: ?Map(json.Value) = null, extras: ?json.Value = null, }; pub const ARRAY_BUFFER = 34962; pub const ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER = 34963; pub const BufferView = struct { buffer: usize, byteOffset: usize = 0, byteLength: usize, stride: ?usize = null, target: ?enum(u32) { ArrayBuffer = ARRAY_BUFFER, ElementArrayBuffer = ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, } = null, name: ?[]const u8 = null, extensions: ?Map(json.Value) = null, extras: ?json.Value = null, }; pub const Image = struct { uri: ?[]const u8 = null, mimeType: ?[]const u8 = null, bufferView: ?usize = null, name: ?[]const u8 = null, extensions: ?Map(json.Value) = null, extras: ?json.Value = null, }; pub const Material = struct { name: ?[]const u8 = null, extensions: ?Map(json.Value) = null, extras: ?json.Value = null, pbrMetallicRoughness: PBR_MetallicRoughness = PBR_MetallicRoughness{}, normalTexture: ?NormalTexture = null, occlusionTexture: ?OcclusionTexture = null, emissiveTexture: ?EmissiveTexture = null, emissiveFactor: [3]f64 = [_]f64{ 0, 0, 0 }, alphaMode: enum { OPAQUE, MASK, BLEND, } = .OPAQUE, alphaCutoff: f64 = 0.5, doubleSided: bool = false, pub const PBR_MetallicRoughness = struct { baseColorFactor: [4]f64 = [4]f64{ 1, 1, 1, 1 }, baseColorTexture: ?Map(json.Value) = null, metallicFactor: f64 = 1, roughnessFactor: f64 = 1, metallicRoughnessTexture: ?Map(json.Value) = null, extensions: ?Map(json.Value) = null, extras: ?json.Value = null, }; pub const NormalTexture = struct { index: usize, texCoord: usize = 0, scale: f64 = 1, extensions: ?Map(json.Value) = null, extras: ?json.Value = null, }; pub const OcclusionTexture = struct { index: usize, texCoord: usize = 0, strength: f64 = 1, extensions: ?Map(json.Value) = null, extras: ?json.Value = null, }; pub const EmissiveTexture = struct { index: usize, texCoord: usize = 0, extensions: ?Map(json.Value) = null, extras: ?json.Value = null, }; }; const POINTS = 0; const LINES = 1; const LINE_LOOP = 2; const LINE_STRIP = 3; const TRIANGLES = 4; const TRIANGLE_STRIP = 5; const TRIANGLE_FAN = 6; pub const Mesh = struct { primitives: []Primitive, weights: ?[]f64 = null, name: ?[]const u8 = null, extensions: ?Map(json.Value) = null, extras: ?json.Value = null, pub const Primitive = struct { attributes: Map(usize), indices: ?usize = null, material: ?usize = null, mode: enum { Points = POINTS, Lines = LINES, LineLoop = LINE_LOOP, LineStrip = LINE_STRIP, Triangles = TRIANGLES, TriangleStrip = TRIANGLE_STRIP, TriangleFan = TRIANGLE_FAN, } = .Triangles, targets: ?[]Map(usize) = null, extensions: ?Map(json.Value) = null, extras: ?json.Value = null, }; }; pub const Node = struct { camera: ?usize = null, children: []usize = &[_]usize{}, skin: ?usize = null, matrix: ?[16]f64 = null, mesh: ?usize = null, rotation: ?[4]f64 = null, scale: ?[3]f64 = null, translation: ?[3]f64 = null, weights: ?[]f64 = null, name: ?[]const u8 = null, extensions: ?Map(json.Value) = null, extras: ?json.Value = null, }; pub const NEAREST = 9728; pub const LINEAR = 9729; pub const NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST = 9984; pub const LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST = 9985; pub const NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR = 9986; pub const LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR = 9987; pub const CLAMP_TO_EDGE = 33071; pub const MIRRORED_REPEAT = 33648; pub const REPEAT = 10497; pub const Sampler = struct { magFilter: ?enum(u32) { Nearest = NEAREST, Linear = LINEAR, } = null, minFilter: ?enum(u32) { Nearest = NEAREST, Linear = LINEAR, NearestMipmapNearest = NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST, LinearMipmapNearest = LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST, NearestMipmapLinear = NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR, LinearMipmapLinear = LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR, } = null, wrapS: WrappingMode = .Repeat, wrapT: WrappingMode = .Repeat, name: ?[]const u8 = null, extensions: ?Map(json.Value) = null, extras: ?json.Value = null, pub const WrappingMode = enum(u32) { ClampToEdge = CLAMP_TO_EDGE, MirroredRepeat = MIRRORED_REPEAT, Repeat = REPEAT, }; }; pub const Scene = struct { nodes: []usize = &[_]usize{}, name: ?[]const u8 = null, extensions: ?Map(json.Value) = null, extras: ?json.Value = null, }; pub const Texture = struct { sampler: ?usize = null, source: ?usize = null, name: ?[]const u8 = null, extensions: ?Map(json.Value) = null, extras: ?json.Value = null, };
const std = @import("std"); const data = @embedFile("./day2.data"); // const data = // \\forward 5 // \\down 5 // \\forward 8 // \\up 3 // \\down 8 // \\forward 2 // ; pub fn main() !void { var it = std.mem.split(u8, data, "\n"); var x: u64 = 0; var y: u64 = 0; var aim: u64 = 0; while(it.next()) |token| { if (std.mem.indexOf(u8, token, "forward") != null) { const n = try std.fmt.parseInt(u32, token[8..], 10); // increases your horizontal position by n units x += n; // increases your depth by your aim multiplied by n y += aim * n; } else if(std.mem.indexOf(u8, token, "down") != null) { const n = try std.fmt.parseInt(u32, token[5..], 10); // down n increases your aim by n units aim += n; } else { // up const n = try std.fmt.parseInt(u32, token[3..], 10); // up n decreases your aim by n units aim -= n; } // std.debug.print("{s} | x = {d}, y = {d}, aim = {d} \n", .{token, x, y, aim}); } std.debug.print("x = {d}, y = {d}, product = {d} \n", .{x, y, x * y}); }
const std = @import("std"); pub fn is_alsa_playing() !bool { var argv = [_][]const u8{ "sh", "-c", "grep RUNNING /proc/asound/card*/pcm*/sub*/status" }; var result = try std.ChildProcess.exec(.{ .allocator = std.heap.page_allocator, .argv = &argv }); // std.debug.print("stderr={s}\n", .{result.stderr}); // std.debug.print("stdout={s}\n", .{result.stdout}); return result.stdout.len != 0; }
const std = @import("std"); const expect = std.testing.expect; const test_allocator = std.testing.allocator; test "stack" { const string = "(()())"; var stack = std.ArrayList(usize).init( test_allocator, ); defer stack.deinit(); const Pair = struct { open: usize, close: usize }; var pairs = std.ArrayList(Pair).init( test_allocator, ); defer pairs.deinit(); for (string, 0..) |char, i| { if (char == '(') try stack.append(i); if (char == ')') try pairs.append(.{ .open = stack.pop(), .close = i, }); } for (pairs.items, 0..) |pair, i| { try expect(std.meta.eql(pair, switch (i) { 0 => Pair{ .open = 1, .close = 2 }, 1 => Pair{ .open = 3, .close = 4 }, 2 => Pair{ .open = 0, .close = 5 }, else => unreachable, })); } }
const std = @import("std"); pub const Format = enum { unsigned8, signed16_lsb, signed24_lsb, signed32_lsb, pub fn getNumBytes(self: Format) u16 { return switch (self) { .unsigned8 => 1, .signed16_lsb => 2, .signed24_lsb => 3, .signed32_lsb => 4, }; } }; pub const PreloadedInfo = struct { num_channels: usize, sample_rate: usize, format: Format, num_samples: usize, pub fn getNumBytes(self: PreloadedInfo) usize { return self.num_samples * self.num_channels * self.format.getNumBytes(); } }; // verbose is comptime so we can avoid using std.debug.warn which doesn't // exist on some targets (e.g. wasm) pub fn Loader(comptime Reader: type, comptime verbose: bool) type { return struct { fn readIdentifier(reader: *Reader) ![4]u8 { var quad: [4]u8 = undefined; try reader.readNoEof(&quad); return quad; } fn toIdentifier(reader: *Reader, id: [4]u8) !void { while (true) { const quad = try readIdentifier(reader); if (std.mem.eql(u8, &quad, &id)) return; const size = try reader.readIntLittle(u32); try reader.skipBytes(size, .{}); } } fn preloadError(comptime message: []const u8) !PreloadedInfo { if (verbose) { std.debug.warn("{s}\n", .{message}); } return error.WavLoadFailed; } pub fn preload(reader: *Reader) !PreloadedInfo { // read RIFF chunk descriptor (12 bytes) const chunk_id = try readIdentifier(reader); if (!std.mem.eql(u8, &chunk_id, "RIFF")) { return preloadError("missing \"RIFF\" header"); } try reader.skipBytes(4, .{}); // ignore chunk_size const format_id = try readIdentifier(reader); if (!std.mem.eql(u8, &format_id, "WAVE")) { return preloadError("missing \"WAVE\" identifier"); } // read "fmt" sub-chunk const subchunk1_id = try readIdentifier(reader); if (!std.mem.eql(u8, &subchunk1_id, "fmt ")) { return preloadError("missing \"fmt \" header"); } const subchunk1_size = try reader.readIntLittle(u32); if (subchunk1_size != 16) { return preloadError("not PCM (subchunk1_size != 16)"); } const audio_format = try reader.readIntLittle(u16); if (audio_format != 1) { return preloadError("not integer PCM (audio_format != 1)"); } const num_channels = try reader.readIntLittle(u16); const sample_rate = try reader.readIntLittle(u32); const byte_rate = try reader.readIntLittle(u32); const block_align = try reader.readIntLittle(u16); const bits_per_sample = try reader.readIntLittle(u16); if (num_channels < 1 or num_channels > 16) { return preloadError("invalid number of channels"); } if (sample_rate < 1 or sample_rate > 192000) { return preloadError("invalid sample_rate"); } const format: Format = switch (bits_per_sample) { 8 => .unsigned8, 16 => .signed16_lsb, 24 => .signed24_lsb, 32 => .signed32_lsb, else => return preloadError("invalid number of bits per sample"), }; const bytes_per_sample = format.getNumBytes(); if (byte_rate != sample_rate * num_channels * bytes_per_sample) { return preloadError("invalid byte_rate"); } if (block_align != num_channels * bytes_per_sample) { return preloadError("invalid block_align"); } // read "data" sub-chunk header toIdentifier(reader, "data".*) catch |e| switch (e) { error.EndOfStream => return preloadError("missing \"data\" header"), else => return e, }; const subchunk2_size = try reader.readIntLittle(u32); if ((subchunk2_size % (num_channels * bytes_per_sample)) != 0) { return preloadError("invalid subchunk2_size"); } const num_samples = subchunk2_size / (num_channels * bytes_per_sample); return PreloadedInfo{ .num_channels = num_channels, .sample_rate = sample_rate, .format = format, .num_samples = num_samples, }; } pub fn load( reader: *Reader, preloaded: PreloadedInfo, out_buffer: []u8, ) !void { const num_bytes = preloaded.getNumBytes(); std.debug.assert(out_buffer.len >= num_bytes); try reader.readNoEof(out_buffer[0..num_bytes]); } }; } pub const SaveInfo = struct { num_channels: usize, sample_rate: usize, format: Format, }; pub fn Saver(comptime Writer: type) type { const data_chunk_pos: u32 = 36; // location of "data" header return struct { fn writeHelper(writer: Writer, info: SaveInfo, maybe_data: ?[]const u8) !void { const bytes_per_sample = info.format.getNumBytes(); const num_channels = try std.math.cast(u16, info.num_channels); const sample_rate = try std.math.cast(u32, info.sample_rate); const byte_rate = sample_rate * @as(u32, num_channels) * bytes_per_sample; const block_align: u16 = num_channels * bytes_per_sample; const bits_per_sample: u16 = bytes_per_sample * 8; const data_len = if (maybe_data) |data| try std.math.cast(u32, data.len) else 0; try writer.writeAll("RIFF"); if (maybe_data != null) { try writer.writeIntLittle(u32, data_chunk_pos + 8 + data_len - 8); } else { try writer.writeIntLittle(u32, 0); } try writer.writeAll("WAVE"); try writer.writeAll("fmt "); try writer.writeIntLittle(u32, 16); // PCM try writer.writeIntLittle(u16, 1); // uncompressed try writer.writeIntLittle(u16, num_channels); try writer.writeIntLittle(u32, sample_rate); try writer.writeIntLittle(u32, byte_rate); try writer.writeIntLittle(u16, block_align); try writer.writeIntLittle(u16, bits_per_sample); try writer.writeAll("data"); if (maybe_data) |data| { try writer.writeIntLittle(u32, data_len); try writer.writeAll(data); } else { try writer.writeIntLittle(u32, 0); } } // write wav header with placeholder values for length. use this when // you are going to stream to the wav file and won't know the length // till you are done. pub fn writeHeader(writer: Writer, info: SaveInfo) !void { try writeHelper(writer, info, null); } // after streaming, call this to seek back and patch the wav header // with length values. pub fn patchHeader(writer: Writer, seeker: anytype, data_len: usize) !void { const data_len_u32 = try std.math.cast(u32, data_len); try seeker.seekTo(4); try writer.writeIntLittle(u32, data_chunk_pos + 8 + data_len_u32 - 8); try seeker.seekTo(data_chunk_pos + 4); try writer.writeIntLittle(u32, data_len_u32); } // save a prepared wav (header and data) in one shot. pub fn save(writer: Writer, data: []const u8, info: SaveInfo) !void { try writeHelper(writer, info, data); } }; } test "basic coverage (loading)" { const null_wav = [_]u8{ 0x52, 0x49, 0x46, 0x46, 0x7C, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x57, 0x41, 0x56, 0x45, 0x66, 0x6D, 0x74, 0x20, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x44, 0xAC, 0x00, 0x00, 0x88, 0x58, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x10, 0x00, 0x64, 0x61, 0x74, 0x61, 0x58, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x02, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x02, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0xFE, 0xFF, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0xFE, 0xFF, 0x03, 0x00, 0xFD, 0xFF, 0x02, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x01, 0x00, 0xFE, 0xFF, 0x02, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0xFE, 0xFF, 0x02, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x03, 0x00, 0xFC, 0xFF, 0x03, 0x00, }; var reader = std.io.fixedBufferStream(&null_wav).reader(); const MyLoader = Loader(@TypeOf(reader), true); const preloaded = try MyLoader.preload(&reader); std.testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 1), preloaded.num_channels); std.testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 44100), preloaded.sample_rate); std.testing.expectEqual(@as(Format, .signed16_lsb), preloaded.format); std.testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 44), preloaded.num_samples); var buffer: [88]u8 = undefined; try MyLoader.load(&reader, preloaded, &buffer); } test "basic coverage (saving)" { var buffer: [1000]u8 = undefined; var writer = std.io.fixedBufferStream(&buffer).writer(); try Saver(@TypeOf(writer)).save(writer, &[_]u8{ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, .{ .num_channels = 1, .sample_rate = 44100, .format = .signed16_lsb, }); std.testing.expectEqualSlices(u8, "RIFF", buffer[0..4]); } test "basic coverage (streaming out)" { var buffer: [1000]u8 = undefined; var fbs = std.io.fixedBufferStream(&buffer); const MySaver = Saver(@TypeOf(fbs).Writer); try MySaver.writeHeader(fbs.writer(), .{ .num_channels = 1, .sample_rate = 44100, .format = .signed16_lsb, }); std.testing.expectEqual(@as(u64, 44), try fbs.getPos()); std.testing.expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), std.mem.readIntLittle(u32, buffer[4..8])); std.testing.expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), std.mem.readIntLittle(u32, buffer[40..44])); const data = &[_]u8{ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; try fbs.writer().writeAll(data); std.testing.expectEqual(@as(u64, 52), try fbs.getPos()); try MySaver.patchHeader(fbs.writer(), fbs.seekableStream(), data.len); std.testing.expectEqual(@as(u32, 44), std.mem.readIntLittle(u32, buffer[4..8])); std.testing.expectEqual(@as(u32, 8), std.mem.readIntLittle(u32, buffer[40..44])); }
// This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain. pub usingnamespace @import("src/angle.zig"); pub usingnamespace @import("src/latitude.zig"); pub usingnamespace @import("src/longitude.zig"); test "Dogma" { // zig test dogma.zig const meta = @import("std").meta; meta.refAllDecls(@This()); }
const std = @import("std"); pub fn build(b: *std.Build) void { const target = b.standardTargetOptions(.{}); const optimize = b.standardOptimizeOption(.{}); const tomlZigName = "toml-zig"; const dep_opts = .{ .target = target, .optimize = optimize }; const tomlZig = b.dependency(tomlZigName, dep_opts).module(tomlZigName); // const lib = b.addStaticLibrary(.{ // .name = "tinytask", // .root_source_file = .{ .path = "src/root.zig" }, // .target = target, // .optimize = optimize, // }); // lib.root_module.addImport(tomlZigName, tomlZig); // b.installArtifact(lib); const exe = b.addExecutable(.{ .name = "tinytask", .root_source_file = .{ .path = "src/main.zig" }, .target = target, .optimize = optimize, }); exe.root_module.addImport(tomlZigName, tomlZig); b.installArtifact(exe); const run_cmd = b.addRunArtifact(exe); run_cmd.step.dependOn(b.getInstallStep()); // zig build run -- arg1 arg2 etc` if (b.args) |args| { run_cmd.addArgs(args); } const run_step = b.step("run", "Run the app"); run_step.dependOn(&run_cmd.step); // const lib_unit_tests = b.addTest(.{ // .root_source_file = .{ .path = "src/root.zig" }, // .target = target, // .optimize = optimize, // }); // const run_lib_unit_tests = b.addRunArtifact(lib_unit_tests); const exe_unit_tests = b.addTest(.{ .root_source_file = .{ .path = "src/main.zig" }, .target = target, .optimize = optimize, }); const run_exe_unit_tests = b.addRunArtifact(exe_unit_tests); const test_step = b.step("test", "Run unit tests"); // test_step.dependOn(&run_lib_unit_tests.step); test_step.dependOn(&run_exe_unit_tests.step); }
const std = @import("std"); const cli = @import("cli"); const dawn = @import("dawn"); var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){}; const allocator = gpa.allocator(); var port_receive_option = cli.Option{ .long_name = "port_receive", .help = "port to receive osc messages on (optional).", .value = cli.OptionValue{ .int = 2502 }, }; var port_send_option = cli.Option{ .long_name = "port_send", .help = "port to send osc messages to (optional).", .value = cli.OptionValue{ .int = 2501 }, }; var app = &cli.App{ .name = "dawn", .version = dawn.version, .description = \\dawn is a modular synth. , .options = &.{ &port_send_option, &port_receive_option }, .action = run_dawn, .help_config = cli.HelpConfig{ .color_usage = cli.ColorUsage.never, }, }; pub fn log( comptime level: std.log.Level, comptime scope: @Type(.EnumLiteral), comptime format: []const u8, args: anytype, ) void { const stdout = std.io.getStdOut().writer(); const prefix = "[" ++ comptime level.asText() ++ "] " ++ "(" ++ @tagName(scope) ++ ") "; nosuspend stdout.print(prefix ++ format ++ "\n", args) catch return; } pub const std_options = struct { pub const log_level = .info; pub const logFn = log; }; var patch: *dawn.Patch = undefined; fn run_dawn(_: []const []const u8) !void { var port_send = port_send_option.value.int orelse unreachable; var port_receive = port_receive_option.value.int orelse unreachable; const logger = std.log.scoped(.dawn); logger.info("start of session", .{}); defer logger.info("end of session", .{}); patch = try dawn.Patch.create(allocator); patch.port_receive = @intCast(port_receive); patch.port_send = @intCast(port_send); logger.info("initialized patch", .{}); defer patch.destroy(allocator); logger.info("adding opensoundcontrol module to patch", .{}); try patch.add_module("opensoundcontrol", "opensoundcontrol"); logger.info("adding soundio module to patch", .{}); try patch.add_module("soundio", "soundio"); while (true) { std.time.sleep(std.time.ns_per_s); // TODO: reconsider } } pub fn main() !void { return cli.run(app, allocator); }
//! https://adventofcode.com/2023/day/4 const std = @import("std"); const A = std.BoundedArray(u32, 32); fn parseWins(line: []const u8, ns: *A) !usize { ns.len = 0; var win_count: usize = 0; var it = std.mem.splitScalar(u8, line, ':'); _ = it.next().?; const x = it.next().?; var it2 = std.mem.splitScalar(u8, x, '|'); const ws = it2.next().?; const nums = it2.next().?; var winiter = std.mem.tokenizeAny(u8, ws, ", "); while (winiter.next()) |win| try ns.append(try std.fmt.parseInt(u32, win, 10)); var numiter = std.mem.tokenizeAny(u8, nums, ", "); while (numiter.next()) |num| { const n = try std.fmt.parseInt(u32, num, 10); if (std.mem.indexOfScalar(u32, ns.constSlice(), n)) |_| win_count += 1; } return win_count; } pub fn main() !void { var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(std.heap.page_allocator); defer arena.deinit(); const alloc = arena.allocator(); const args = try std.process.argsAlloc(alloc); const file = try std.fs.cwd().openFile(args[1], .{}); defer file.close(); const input = try file.readToEndAlloc(alloc, std.math.maxInt(u32)); var part1: usize = 0; var part2: usize = 0; // init copies for part 2 var lines = std.mem.tokenizeScalar(u8, input, '\n'); var lines_count: usize = 0; while (lines.next()) |_| lines_count += 1; lines.reset(); var copies = try std.ArrayList(u32).initCapacity(alloc, lines_count); copies.expandToCapacity(); @memset(copies.items, 1); var ns = try A.init(0); var cardid: usize = 0; while (lines.next()) |line| : (cardid += 1) { const wins = try parseWins(line, &ns); part1 += if (wins > 0) @as(usize, 1) << @as(u6, @intCast(wins)) - 1 else wins; for (0..wins) |win_idx| copies.items[win_idx + cardid + 1] += copies.items[cardid]; part2 += copies.items[cardid]; } std.debug.print("part1 {} part2 {}\n", .{ part1, part2 }); // std.debug.assert(part1 == 21088); // std.debug.assert(part2 == 6874754); }
const root = @import("root"); pub const c = if (@hasDecl(root, "loadable_extension")) @import("c/loadable_extension.zig") else @cImport({ @cInclude("sqlite3.h"); }); // versionGreaterThanOrEqualTo returns true if the SQLite version is >= to the major.minor.patch provided. pub fn versionGreaterThanOrEqualTo(major: u8, minor: u8, patch: u8) bool { return c.SQLITE_VERSION_NUMBER >= @as(u32, major) * 1000000 + @as(u32, minor) * 1000 + @as(u32, patch); } comptime { if (!versionGreaterThanOrEqualTo(3, 21, 0)) { @compileError("must use SQLite >= 3.21.0"); } }
const std = @import("std.zig"); const avr = @import("atmega328p.zig"); const led_pin: u8 = 5; const loop_ms = 0x0a52; const one_second = 63974; fn bit(comptime b: u3) comptime u8 { return (1 << b); } fn flipLed() void { avr.portb.* ^= bit(led_pin); } // Timer interrupt // When this uses callconv(.Interrupt) llvm emits an extra sei // instruction. The callconv(.Signal) avoids that. export fn __vector_13() callconv(.Signal) void { flipLed(); avr.tcnt1.* = one_second; } export fn main() noreturn { avr.ddrb.* = bit(led_pin); avr.portb.* = bit(led_pin); avr.tcnt1.* = one_second; avr.tccr1a.* = 0; avr.tccr1b.* = bit(0) | bit(2); // clock select: clkio/1024 avr.timsk1.* = bit(0); // Interrupt on overflow enable avr.sei(); while (true) {} }
const std = @import("std"); pub fn insertionSort(comptime T: type, slice: []T) void { for (1..slice.len) |i| { var base = slice[i]; var j = i; while (j >= 1 and slice[j - 1] > base) : (j -= 1) { slice[j] = slice[j - 1]; } slice[j] = base; } } fn partition(comptime T: type, slice: []T, left: usize, right: usize) usize { var med = blk: { var mid = @divFloor(left + right, 2); if ((slice[left] < slice[mid]) != (slice[left] < slice[right])) { break :blk left; } else if ((slice[mid] < slice[left]) != (slice[mid] < slice[right])) { break :blk mid; } break :blk right; }; std.mem.swap(T, &slice[left], &slice[med]); var i = left; var j = right; while (i < j) { while (i < j and slice[j] >= slice[left]) j -= 1; while (i < j and slice[i] <= slice[left]) i += 1; std.mem.swap(T, &slice[i], &slice[j]); } std.mem.swap(T, &slice[i], &slice[left]); return i; } pub fn quickSort(comptime T: type, slice: []T) void { if (slice.len == 0) return; var left: usize = 0; var right = slice.len - 1; while (left < right) { var pivot = partition(T, slice, left, right); if (pivot - left < right - pivot) { quickSort(T, slice[left..pivot]); left = pivot + 1; } else { quickSort(T, slice[pivot + 1 .. right + 1]); right = pivot - 1; } } } pub fn mergeSort(comptime T: type, slice: []T) !void { var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){}; const allocator = gpa.allocator(); try mergePart(T, allocator, slice); } fn mergePart(comptime T: type, gpa: std.mem.Allocator, slice: []T) !void { if (slice.len <= 1) return; var mid = @divFloor(slice.len, 2); try mergePart(T, gpa, slice[0..mid]); try mergePart(T, gpa, slice[mid..]); try merge(T, gpa, slice, mid); } fn merge(comptime T: type, gpa: std.mem.Allocator, slice: []T, mid: usize) !void { var tmp = try gpa.alloc(T, slice.len); defer gpa.free(tmp); @memcpy(tmp, slice); var i: usize = 0; var j = mid; var k: usize = 0; while (k < slice.len) : (k += 1) { if (i > mid - 1) { slice[k] = tmp[j]; j += 1; } else if (j >= slice.len or tmp[i] <= tmp[j]) { slice[k] = tmp[i]; i += 1; } else { slice[k] = tmp[j]; j += 1; } } } pub fn ListMergeSort(comptime T: type) type { return struct { const L = std.SinglyLinkedList(T); fn innerMerge(_a: ?*L.Node, _b: ?*L.Node) ?*L.Node { var head = L.Node{ .data = 0 }; var c: ?*L.Node = &head; var a = _a; var b = _b; while (a != null and b != null) { if (a.?.data < b.?.data) { c.?.next = a; c = a; a = a.?.next; } else { c.?.next = b; c = b; b = b.?.next; } } c.?.next = if (a == null) b else a; return head.next; } pub fn sort(list: *std.SinglyLinkedList(T)) void { list.first = innerSort(list.first); } fn innerSort(first: ?*L.Node) ?*L.Node { if (first == null or first.?.next == null) return first; var c = first; var a = c; var b = c.?.next; while (b != null and b.?.next != null) { c = c.?.next; b = b.?.next.?.next; } b = c.?.next; c.?.next = null; return innerMerge(innerSort(a), innerSort(b)); } }; } pub fn countingSort(slice: []u32) !void { var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){}; const allocator = gpa.allocator(); var max: usize = 0; for (slice) |el| { if (el > max) max = @intCast(el); } var counter = try allocator.alloc(usize, max + 1); defer allocator.free(counter); @memset(counter, 0); for (slice) |el| { counter[@intCast(el)] += 1; } for (0..max) |i| { counter[i + 1] += counter[i]; } var tmp = try allocator.dupe(u32, slice); defer allocator.free(tmp); var pos = tmp.len; while (pos > 0) : (pos -= 1) { var num = tmp[pos - 1]; counter[num] -= 1; slice[counter[num]] = num; } } inline fn digit(el: u32, exp: u32) usize { return @intCast(@rem(@divFloor(el, exp), 10)); } fn countingSortDigit(gpa: std.mem.Allocator, slice: []u32, exp: u32) !void { var counter = [_]u32{0} ** 10; for (slice) |el| { counter[digit(el, exp)] += 1; } for (1..10) |i| { counter[i] += counter[i - 1]; } var tmp = try gpa.dupe(u32, slice); defer gpa.free(tmp); var pos = tmp.len; while (pos > 0) : (pos -= 1) { var num = tmp[pos - 1]; var d = digit(num, exp); counter[d] -= 1; slice[counter[d]] = num; } } pub fn radixSort(slice: []u32) !void { var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){}; const allocator = gpa.allocator(); var max: usize = 0; for (slice) |el| { if (el > max) max = @intCast(el); } var exp: u32 = 1; while (exp <= max) : (exp *= 10) { try countingSortDigit(allocator, slice, exp); } } pub fn main() !void { const printSlice = @import("print_util.zig").printSlice; var arr = [_]u32{ 9, 2, 4, 1, 12, 0, 3, 14, 5, 8, 6, 7, 10, 15, 13, 11 }; quickSort(u32, &arr); printSlice(u32, &arr); var arr2 = [_]u32{ 9, 2, 4, 1, 12, 0, 3, 14, 5, 8, 6, 7, 10, 15, 13, 11 }; insertionSort(u32, &arr2); printSlice(u32, &arr2); var arr3 = [_]u32{ 9, 2, 4, 1, 12, 0, 3, 14, 5, 8, 6, 7, 10, 15, 13, 11 }; mergeSort(u32, &arr3) catch unreachable; printSlice(u32, &arr3); var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){}; const allocator = gpa.allocator(); const Link = std.SinglyLinkedList(u32); var link = Link{}; var arr4 = [_]u32{ 9, 2, 4, 1, 12, 0, 3, 14, 5, 8, 6, 7, 10, 15, 13, 11 }; for (arr4) |val| { var node = try allocator.create(Link.Node); node.* = .{ .data = val }; link.prepend(node); } ListMergeSort(u32).sort(&link); var it = link.first; while (it) |ptr| : (it = it.?.next) { std.debug.print("{d}{s}", .{ ptr.data, if (ptr.next != null) ", " else "\n" }); } var arr5 = [_]u32{ 1, 0, 1, 2, 0, 4, 0, 2, 2, 4 }; try countingSort(&arr5); printSlice(u32, &arr5); var arr6 = [_]u32{ 10546151, 35663510, 42865989, 34862445, 81883077, 88906420, 72429244, 30524779, 82060337, 63832996 }; try radixSort(&arr6); printSlice(u32, &arr6); }
const std = @import("std"); const stdx = @import("./stdx.zig"); const MAX = 64; const Stack = std.BoundedArray(u8, MAX); const Stacks = [MAX]Stack; const Move = struct { from: u32, to: u32, count: u32, fn parse(line: []u8) !Move { var rest = line; _ = stdx.cut(&rest, "move ") orelse return error.BadInput; const count_str = stdx.cut(&rest, " ") orelse return error.BadInput; _ = stdx.cut(&rest, "from ") orelse return error.BadInput; const from_str = stdx.cut(&rest, " ") orelse return error.BadInput; _ = stdx.cut(&rest, "to ") orelse return error.BadInput; const to_str = rest; return Move{ .from = (try std.fmt.parseInt(u32, from_str, 10)) - 1, .to = (try std.fmt.parseInt(u32, to_str, 10)) - 1, .count = try std.fmt.parseInt(u32, count_str, 10), }; } }; const Moves = std.ArrayList(Move); const Pos = struct { stack: usize, offset: usize, }; pub fn main() !void { var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(std.heap.page_allocator); defer arena.deinit(); const allocator = arena.allocator(); var lines = stdx.StdinLines.new(); const stdout = std.io.getStdOut().writer(); var stacks: Stacks = undefined; std.mem.set(Stack, &stacks, Stack.init(0) catch unreachable); var moves = Moves.init(allocator); while (true) { const line = try lines.next(); if (std.mem.indexOf(u8, line, "[") == null) break; var i: usize = 0; while (i < line.len) : (i += 4) { const item = line[i + 1]; if (item != ' ') stacks[i / 4].addOneAssumeCapacity().* = item; } } const stack_count = blk: { var count: usize = 0; var it = std.mem.tokenize(u8, lines.curr, " "); while (it.next() != null) count += 1; break :blk count; }; { const line = try lines.next(); if (line.len != 0) return error.BadInput; } while (try lines.next_opt()) |line| { const move = try Move.parse(line); (try moves.addOne()).* = move; } var states: [MAX]Pos = undefined; for (states) |*s, i| s.* = Pos{ .stack = i, .offset = 0 }; { var i: usize = moves.items.len; while (i > 0) { i -= 1; const move = moves.items[i]; std.debug.assert(move.from != move.to); for (states) |*s| { if (s.stack == move.from) { s.offset += move.count; } if (s.stack == move.to) { if (s.offset < move.count) { s.stack = move.from; // s.offset = move.count - s.offset - 1; } else { s.offset -= move.count; } } } } } var result = std.BoundedArray(u8, MAX).init(stack_count) catch unreachable; for (result.slice()) |*slot, i| { const pos = states[i]; const stack = stacks[pos.stack].slice(); slot.* = stack[pos.offset]; } try stdout.print("{s}\n", .{result.slice()}); }
const std = @import("std"); const testing = std.testing; pub const SpinLock = struct { pub const Held = struct { self: *SpinLock, pub fn release(held: Held) void { @atomicStore(bool, &held.self.locked, false, .Release); } }; locked: bool = false, pub fn acquire(self: *SpinLock) Held { while (@atomicRmw(bool, &self.locked, .Xchg, true, .Acquire)) { std.Thread.spinLoopHint(); } return Held{ .self = self }; } }; test { testing.refAllDecls(@This()); } test "sync/spin_lock: acquire and release" { var lock: SpinLock = .{}; const held = lock.acquire(); defer held.release(); }
// --- Day 5: Sunny with a Chance of Asteroids --- // // You're starting to sweat as the ship makes its way toward Mercury. The Elves suggest that you // get the air conditioner working by upgrading your ship computer to support the Thermal // Environment Supervision Terminal. // // The Thermal Environment Supervision Terminal (TEST) starts by running a diagnostic program // (your puzzle input). The TEST diagnostic program will run on your existing Intcode computer // after a few modifications: // // First, you'll need to add two new instructions: // // Opcode 3 takes a single integer as input and saves it to the position given by its only // parameter. For example, the instruction 3,50 would take an input value and store it at // address 50. // Opcode 4 outputs the value of its only parameter. For example, the instruction 4,50 would // output the value at address 50. // // Programs that use these instructions will come with documentation that explains what should be // connected to the input and output. The program 3,0,4,0,99 outputs whatever it gets as input, // then halts. // // Second, you'll need to add support for parameter modes: // // Each parameter of an instruction is handled based on its parameter mode. Right now, your ship // computer already understands parameter mode 0, position mode, which causes the parameter to be // interpreted as a position - if the parameter is 50, its value is the value stored at address // 50 in memory. Until now, all parameters have been in position mode. // // Now, your ship computer will also need to handle parameters in mode 1, immediate mode. In // immediate mode, a parameter is interpreted as a value - if the parameter is 50, its value is // simply 50. // // Parameter modes are stored in the same value as the instruction's opcode. The opcode is a // two-digit number based only on the ones and tens digit of the value, that is, the opcode is the // rightmost two digits of the first value in an instruction. Parameter modes are single digits, // one per parameter, read right-to-left from the opcode: the first parameter's mode is in the // hundreds digit, the second parameter's mode is in the thousands digit, the third parameter's // mode is in the ten-thousands digit, and so on. Any missing modes are 0. // // For example, consider the program 1002,4,3,4,33. // // The first instruction, 1002,4,3,4, is a multiply instruction - the rightmost two digits of the // first value, 02, indicate opcode 2, multiplication. Then, going right to left, the parameter // modes are 0 (hundreds digit), 1 (thousands digit), and 0 (ten-thousands digit, not present and // therefore zero): // // ABCDE // 1002 // // DE - two-digit opcode, 02 == opcode 2 // C - mode of 1st parameter, 0 == position mode // B - mode of 2nd parameter, 1 == immediate mode // A - mode of 3rd parameter, 0 == position mode, // omitted due to being a leading zero // // This instruction multiplies its first two parameters. The first parameter, 4 in position mode, // works like it did before - its value is the value stored at address 4 (33). The second parameter, // 3 in immediate mode, simply has value 3. The result of this operation, 33 * 3 = 99, is written // according to the third parameter, 4 in position mode, which also works like it did before - 99 // is written to address 4. // // Parameters that an instruction writes to will never be in immediate mode. // // Finally, some notes: // // It is important to remember that the instruction pointer should increase by the number of // values in the instruction after the instruction finishes. Because of the new instructions, // this amount is no longer always 4. // Integers can be negative: 1101,100,-1,4,0 is a valid program (find 100 + -1, store the // result in position 4). // // The TEST diagnostic program will start by requesting from the user the ID of the system to test // by running an input instruction - provide it 1, the ID for the ship's air conditioner unit. // // It will then perform a series of diagnostic tests confirming that various parts of the Intcode // computer, like parameter modes, function correctly. For each test, it will run an output // instruction indicating how far the result of the test was from the expected value, where 0 means // the test was successful. Non-zero outputs mean that a function is not working correctly; check // the instructions that were run before the output instruction to see which one failed. // // Finally, the program will output a diagnostic code and immediately halt. This final output isn't // an error; an output followed immediately by a halt means the program finished. If all outputs // were zero except the diagnostic code, the diagnostic program ran successfully. // // After providing 1 to the only input instruction and passing all the tests, what diagnostic code // does the program produce? const std = @import("std"); const id = 1; fn U(n: isize) usize { return @intCast(usize, n); } fn P(mem: []const isize, m: isize, ip: usize) isize { return switch (m) { 0 => mem[U(mem[ip])], 1 => mem[ip], else => unreachable, }; } pub fn main() void { var ip: usize = 0; var mem = input; program: while (true) { const op = @mod(mem[ip], 100); const m1 = @mod(@divFloor(mem[ip], 100), 10); const m2 = @mod(@divFloor(mem[ip], 1000), 10); const m3 = @mod(@divFloor(mem[ip], 10000), 10); switch (op) { 1 => { const p1 = P(mem[0..], m1, ip + 1); const p2 = P(mem[0..], m2, ip + 2); mem[U(mem[ip + 3])] = p1 + p2; ip += 4; }, 2 => { const p1 = P(mem[0..], m1, ip + 1); const p2 = P(mem[0..], m2, ip + 2); mem[U(mem[ip + 3])] = p1 * p2; ip += 4; }, 3 => { mem[U(mem[ip + 1])] = id; ip += 2; }, 4 => { const p1 = P(mem[0..], m1, ip + 1); std.debug.warn("{}", p1); ip += 2; }, 99 => { break :program; }, else => { unreachable; }, } } } const input = [_]isize{ 3, 225, 1, 225, 6, 6, 1100, 1, 238, 225, 104, 0, 1102, 91, 92, 225, 1102, 85, 13, 225, 1, 47, 17, 224, 101, -176, 224, 224, 4, 224, 1002, 223, 8, 223, 1001, 224, 7, 224, 1, 223, 224, 223, 1102, 79, 43, 225, 1102, 91, 79, 225, 1101, 94, 61, 225, 1002, 99, 42, 224, 1001, 224, -1890, 224, 4, 224, 1002, 223, 8, 223, 1001, 224, 6, 224, 1, 224, 223, 223, 102, 77, 52, 224, 1001, 224, -4697, 224, 4, 224, 102, 8, 223, 223, 1001, 224, 7, 224, 1, 224, 223, 223, 1101, 45, 47, 225, 1001, 43, 93, 224, 1001, 224, -172, 224, 4, 224, 102, 8, 223, 223, 1001, 224, 1, 224, 1, 224, 223, 223, 1102, 53, 88, 225, 1101, 64, 75, 225, 2, 14, 129, 224, 101, -5888, 224, 224, 4, 224, 102, 8, 223, 223, 101, 6, 224, 224, 1, 223, 224, 223, 101, 60, 126, 224, 101, -148, 224, 224, 4, 224, 1002, 223, 8, 223, 1001, 224, 2, 224, 1, 224, 223, 223, 1102, 82, 56, 224, 1001, 224, -4592, 224, 4, 224, 1002, 223, 8, 223, 101, 4, 224, 224, 1, 224, 223, 223, 1101, 22, 82, 224, 1001, 224, -104, 224, 4, 224, 1002, 223, 8, 223, 101, 4, 224, 224, 1, 223, 224, 223, 4, 223, 99, 0, 0, 0, 677, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1105, 0, 99999, 1105, 227, 247, 1105, 1, 99999, 1005, 227, 99999, 1005, 0, 256, 1105, 1, 99999, 1106, 227, 99999, 1106, 0, 265, 1105, 1, 99999, 1006, 0, 99999, 1006, 227, 274, 1105, 1, 99999, 1105, 1, 280, 1105, 1, 99999, 1, 225, 225, 225, 1101, 294, 0, 0, 105, 1, 0, 1105, 1, 99999, 1106, 0, 300, 1105, 1, 99999, 1, 225, 225, 225, 1101, 314, 0, 0, 106, 0, 0, 1105, 1, 99999, 8, 226, 677, 224, 102, 2, 223, 223, 1005, 224, 329, 1001, 223, 1, 223, 1007, 226, 226, 224, 1002, 223, 2, 223, 1006, 224, 344, 101, 1, 223, 223, 108, 226, 226, 224, 1002, 223, 2, 223, 1006, 224, 359, 1001, 223, 1, 223, 107, 226, 677, 224, 102, 2, 223, 223, 1006, 224, 374, 101, 1, 223, 223, 8, 677, 677, 224, 102, 2, 223, 223, 1006, 224, 389, 1001, 223, 1, 223, 1008, 226, 677, 224, 1002, 223, 2, 223, 1006, 224, 404, 101, 1, 223, 223, 7, 677, 677, 224, 1002, 223, 2, 223, 1005, 224, 419, 101, 1, 223, 223, 1108, 226, 677, 224, 1002, 223, 2, 223, 1005, 224, 434, 101, 1, 223, 223, 1108, 226, 226, 224, 102, 2, 223, 223, 1005, 224, 449, 1001, 223, 1, 223, 107, 226, 226, 224, 102, 2, 223, 223, 1005, 224, 464, 101, 1, 223, 223, 1007, 677, 677, 224, 102, 2, 223, 223, 1006, 224, 479, 101, 1, 223, 223, 1007, 226, 677, 224, 102, 2, 223, 223, 1005, 224, 494, 1001, 223, 1, 223, 1008, 226, 226, 224, 1002, 223, 2, 223, 1005, 224, 509, 1001, 223, 1, 223, 1108, 677, 226, 224, 1002, 223, 2, 223, 1006, 224, 524, 1001, 223, 1, 223, 108, 677, 677, 224, 1002, 223, 2, 223, 1005, 224, 539, 101, 1, 223, 223, 108, 226, 677, 224, 1002, 223, 2, 223, 1005, 224, 554, 101, 1, 223, 223, 1008, 677, 677, 224, 1002, 223, 2, 223, 1006, 224, 569, 1001, 223, 1, 223, 1107, 677, 677, 224, 102, 2, 223, 223, 1005, 224, 584, 1001, 223, 1, 223, 7, 677, 226, 224, 102, 2, 223, 223, 1005, 224, 599, 1001, 223, 1, 223, 8, 677, 226, 224, 1002, 223, 2, 223, 1005, 224, 614, 1001, 223, 1, 223, 7, 226, 677, 224, 1002, 223, 2, 223, 1006, 224, 629, 101, 1, 223, 223, 1107, 677, 226, 224, 1002, 223, 2, 223, 1005, 224, 644, 1001, 223, 1, 223, 1107, 226, 677, 224, 102, 2, 223, 223, 1006, 224, 659, 1001, 223, 1, 223, 107, 677, 677, 224, 1002, 223, 2, 223, 1005, 224, 674, 101, 1, 223, 223, 4, 223, 99, 226, };
const std = @import("std"); const memory_size = 1 << 16; const program_start = 0x3000; const Reg = enum(u16) { R0 = 0, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7, PC, COND, COUNT }; const Op = enum(u16) { BR = 0, ADD, LD, ST, JSR, AND, LDR, STR, RTI, NOT, LDI, STI, JMP, RES, LEA, TRAP }; const Flags = enum(u16) { POS = 1 << 0, ZRO = 1 << 1, NEG = 1 << 2, }; const VM = struct { memory: [memory_size]u16 = undefined, reg: [@intFromEnum(Reg.COUNT)]u16 = undefined, run: bool = false, pub fn init() VM { var vm = VM{}; vm.memory = [_]u16{0} ** memory_size; vm.reg = [_]u16{0} ** @intFromEnum(Reg.COUNT); vm.reg[@intFromEnum(Reg.PC)] = program_start; vm.reg[@intFromEnum(Reg.COND)] = @intFromEnum(Flags.ZRO); return vm; } pub fn start(self: *VM) void { self.run = true; // while (self.run) { const program_counter = self.reg[@intFromEnum(Reg.PC)]; const instruction = self.memory[program_counter]; const op: Op = @enumFromInt(instruction >> 12); switch (op) { .ADD => self.op_add(instruction), else => {}, } self.reg[@intFromEnum(Reg.PC)] = self.reg[@intFromEnum(Reg.PC)] + 1; // } } pub fn op_add(self: *VM, program_counter: u16) void { _ = self; _ = program_counter; std.log.info("ADD", .{}); } }; pub fn main() void { var vm = VM.init(); vm.memory[program_start] = 0x1240; vm.memory[program_start + 1] = 0; std.log.info("PC: {}", .{vm.reg[@intFromEnum(Reg.PC)]}); vm.start(); std.log.info("PC: {}", .{vm.reg[@intFromEnum(Reg.PC)]}); vm.start(); }
const std = @import("std"); const Card = struct { nr: i9, winning_nrs: [10]i8, nrs: [25]i8, }; fn parseNrStr(comptime T: type, buf: []const u8) !T { var str = std.mem.trim(u8, buf, " "); var it = std.mem.split(u8, str, " "); var nrs: T = undefined; var i: usize = 0; while (it.next()) |nr_str| { if (std.mem.eql(u8, nr_str, "")) continue; nrs[i] = try std.fmt.parseInt(i8, nr_str, 10); i += 1; } return nrs; } pub fn main() !void { var input = try std.fs.cwd().openFile("input.txt", .{}); defer input.close(); var in_reader = std.io.bufferedReader(input.reader()); var in_stream = in_reader.reader(); var buf: [1024]u8 = undefined; var total_points: usize = 0; while (try in_stream.readUntilDelimiterOrEof(&buf, '\n')) |line| { var it = std.mem.split(u8, line, ":"); var prefix = it.next().?; var suffix = it.next().?; prefix = std.mem.trimLeft(u8, prefix, "Card "); var nr = try std.fmt.parseInt(i9, prefix, 10); it = std.mem.split(u8, suffix, "|"); var winning_nrs = try parseNrStr([10]i8, it.next().?); var nrs = try parseNrStr([25]i8, it.next().?); var card = Card{ .nr = nr, .winning_nrs = winning_nrs, .nrs = nrs, }; var found_nrs: usize = 0; for (card.nrs) |card_nr| { var is_found = false; for (card.winning_nrs) |winning_nr| { if (card_nr == winning_nr) is_found = true; } if (is_found) found_nrs += 1; } var points: usize = 0; if (found_nrs > 0) { points = std.math.pow(usize, 2, found_nrs - 1); } total_points += points; } std.debug.print("{}\n", .{total_points}); }
const std = @import("std"); const data = @embedFile("input.txt"); fn readFirstNumber( line: []const u8, start_index: *usize, end_index_exclusive: *usize, ) !?u32 { var i = end_index_exclusive.*; while (line.len > i and !std.ascii.isDigit(line[i])) { i += 1; } if (line.len <= i) { end_index_exclusive.* = i; return null; } var j = i; while (line.len > i and std.ascii.isDigit(line[j])) { j += 1; } start_index.* = i; end_index_exclusive.* = j; return try std.fmt.parseInt(u32, line[i..j], 10); } fn handleAround(around: [3]?[]const u8, sum: *u32) !void { if (around[1]) |center| { var i: usize = 0; var j: usize = 0; while (try readFirstNumber(center, &i, &j)) |num| { const lower_bound: usize = @intCast(@max(0, @as(isize, @intCast(i)) - 1)); const upper_bound = @min(center.len - 1, j + 1); var success = false; for (around) |single_arround| { if (single_arround) |single_arround_not_null| { for (lower_bound..upper_bound) |index| { const c = single_arround_not_null[index]; if (!std.ascii.isDigit(c) and c != '.') { success = true; break; } } } if (success) { break; } } if (success) { sum.* += num; } } } } pub fn main() !void { var lines = std.mem.tokenizeScalar(u8, data, '\n'); var sum: u64 = 0; while (lines.next()) |line| { var colon = false; var pipe = false; var num_start: ?usize = null; const allocator = std.heap.page_allocator; var winning_list = std.ArrayList(u8).init(allocator); defer winning_list.deinit(); var winning_count: usize = 0; for (line, 0..) |c, idx| { if (!colon) { if (c == ':') { colon = true; } continue; } if (c == ' ') { if (num_start) |num_start_nn| { const num = try std.fmt.parseInt( u8, line[num_start_nn..idx], 10, ); num_start = null; if (!pipe) { try winning_list.append(num); } else { for (winning_list.items) |winning| { if (num == winning) { winning_count += 1; break; } } } } continue; } if (c == '|') { pipe = true; continue; } if (std.ascii.isDigit(c) and num_start == null) { num_start = idx; } } if (num_start) |num_start_nn| { const num = try std.fmt.parseInt( u8, line[num_start_nn .. line.len - 1], 10, ); for (winning_list.items) |winning| { if (num == winning) { winning_count += 1; break; } } } if (winning_count > 0) { sum += std.math.pow(usize, 2, winning_count - 1); } } std.debug.print("{}\n", .{sum}); }
const std = @import("std"); const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator; const assert = std.debug.assert; const VEC_SIZE_F32 = std.simd.suggestVectorSize(f32) orelse 4; // XXX: Because of the limitation of build system in zig v0.11, we cannot // switch between `tracy_full` and `tracy_stub` by passing compilation flags. // So we have to do this kind of "conditional import". See also section // "conditional compilation" in "docs/ISSUES.md". const use_tracy = @import("build_options").use_tracy; const ztracy = if (use_tracy) @import("ztracy"); const tracy_wrapper_stub = struct { pub inline fn startZone( _: std.builtin.SourceLocation, _: [*:0]const u8, _: u64, ) void {} pub inline fn endZone(_: *const anyopaque) void {} }; const tracy_wrapper_full = struct { pub inline fn startZone( src_loc: std.builtin.SourceLocation, name: [*:0]const u8, color: u64, ) ztracy.ZoneCtx { const zone = if (use_tracy) ztracy.ZoneNC(src_loc, name, color); return zone; } pub inline fn endZone(zone: *const anyopaque) void { if (use_tracy) @as(*ztracy.ZoneCtx, @constCast(@alignCast(@ptrCast(zone)))).End(); } }; const TracyWrapper = if (use_tracy) tracy_wrapper_full else tracy_wrapper_stub; // Helper function for development fn printStruct(s: anytype) void { inline for (std.meta.fields(@TypeOf(s))) |f| { std.debug.print(f.name ++ ": {any}\n", .{@as(f.type, @field(s, f.name))}); } } // For model exported by `legacy_export()` (v0) // NOTE: We should use `extern struct` as it supports guaranteed layout. // Otherwise, `std.io.Reader.readStruct()` would fail. pub const Config = extern struct { dim: i32, // transformer dimension (model.params.dim) hidden_dim: i32, n_layers: i32, n_heads: i32, n_kv_heads: i32, vocab_size: i32, seq_len: i32, }; pub const TransformerWeights = struct { token_embedding_table: [*]f32, // (vocab_size, dim) rms_att_weight: [*]f32, // (layer, dim) rms_ffn_weight: [*]f32, // (layer, dim) // weights for matmuls. note dim == n_heads * head_size wq: [*]f32, // (layer, dim, n_heads * head_size) wk: [*]f32, // (layer, dim, n_kv_heads * head_size) wv: [*]f32, // (layer, dim, n_kv_heads * head_size) wo: [*]f32, // (layer, n_heads * head_size, dim) // weights for ffn w1: [*]f32, // (layer, hidden_dim, dim) w2: [*]f32, // (layer, dim, hidden_dim) w3: [*]f32, // (layer, hidden_dim, dim) // final rmsnorm rms_final_weight: [*]f32, // (dim,) // (optional) classifier weights for the logits, on the last layer wcls: [*]f32, // NOTE: Here we follow the way to mmap weights in `llama2.c/runq.c` by // taking `*anyopaque` without presuming all weights are f32. pub fn init(p: *Config, weights_ptr: *anyopaque, shared_weights: bool) TransformerWeights { var w: TransformerWeights = undefined; // NOTE: cast i32 to usize to avoid overflow for 13B+ models. const dim: usize = @intCast(p.dim); const hidden_dim: usize = @intCast(p.hidden_dim); const n_layers: usize = @intCast(p.n_layers); const n_heads: usize = @intCast(p.n_heads); const n_kv_heads: usize = @intCast(p.n_kv_heads); const vocab_size: usize = @intCast(p.vocab_size); const seq_len: usize = @intCast(p.seq_len); const head_size: usize = dim / n_heads; var ptr: [*]f32 = @alignCast(@ptrCast(weights_ptr)); w.token_embedding_table = ptr; ptr += vocab_size * dim; w.rms_att_weight = ptr; ptr += n_layers * dim; w.wq = ptr; ptr += n_layers * dim * (n_heads * head_size); w.wk = ptr; ptr += n_layers * dim * (n_kv_heads * head_size); w.wv = ptr; ptr += n_layers * dim * (n_kv_heads * head_size); w.wo = ptr; ptr += n_layers * (n_heads * head_size) * dim; w.rms_ffn_weight = ptr; ptr += n_layers * dim; w.w1 = ptr; ptr += n_layers * dim * hidden_dim; w.w2 = ptr; ptr += n_layers * hidden_dim * dim; w.w3 = ptr; ptr += n_layers * dim * hidden_dim; w.rms_final_weight = ptr; ptr += dim; ptr += seq_len * head_size / 2; // skip what used to be freq_cis_real (for RoPE) ptr += seq_len * head_size / 2; // skip what used to be freq_cis_imag (for RoPE) w.wcls = if (shared_weights) w.token_embedding_table else ptr; return w; } }; const RunState = struct { x: []f32, // activation at current time stamp (dim,) xb: []f32, xb2: []f32, hb: []f32, // buffer for hidden dimension in the ffn (hidden_dim,) hb2: []f32, q: []f32, // query (dim,) // NOTE: we don't need to allocate memory for k, v as we can point them to // kv caches. // https://github.com/karpathy/llama2.c/blob/b3c4b6c/run.c#L255-L257 // https://github.com/karpathy/llama2.c/pull/400 k: []f32 = undefined, // key (dim,) v: []f32 = undefined, // value (dim,) att: []f32, // buffer for scores/attention values (n_heads, seq_len) logits: []f32, // output logits, distribution of vocabulary (vocab_size) key_cache: []f32, // (layer, seq_len, dim) value_cache: []f32, // (layer, seq_len, dim) pub fn init(p: *const Config, allocator: Allocator) !RunState { const dim: usize = @intCast(p.dim); const hidden_dim: usize = @intCast(p.hidden_dim); const n_layers: usize = @intCast(p.n_layers); const n_heads: usize = @intCast(p.n_heads); const n_kv_heads: usize = @intCast(p.n_kv_heads); const vocab_size: usize = @intCast(p.vocab_size); const seq_len: usize = @intCast(p.seq_len); const kv_dim: usize = (dim * n_kv_heads) / n_heads; // TODO: consider alignment for SIMD? // https://github.com/cgbur/llama2.zig/blob/main/src/main.zig#L140C32-L152 return RunState{ .x = try allocator.alloc(f32, dim), .xb = try allocator.alloc(f32, dim), .xb2 = try allocator.alloc(f32, dim), .hb = try allocator.alloc(f32, hidden_dim), .hb2 = try allocator.alloc(f32, hidden_dim), .q = try allocator.alloc(f32, dim), .key_cache = try allocator.alloc(f32, n_layers * seq_len * kv_dim), .value_cache = try allocator.alloc(f32, n_layers * seq_len * kv_dim), .att = try allocator.alloc(f32, n_heads * seq_len), .logits = try allocator.alloc(f32, vocab_size), }; } pub fn deinit(self: RunState, allocator: Allocator) void { allocator.free(self.x); allocator.free(self.xb); allocator.free(self.xb2); allocator.free(self.hb); allocator.free(self.hb2); allocator.free(self.q); allocator.free(self.key_cache); allocator.free(self.value_cache); allocator.free(self.att); allocator.free(self.logits); } }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- pub const Transformer = struct { config: Config = undefined, weights: TransformerWeights = undefined, state: RunState = undefined, // XXX: In llama2.c, `fd` was kept to be closed manually while program is // about to exit, but we can actually close it right after mmap is done. fd: std.fs.File = undefined, data: *anyopaque = undefined, file_size: u64 = undefined, pub fn forward(self: *Transformer, token: u32, pos: u32) []f32 { const p = self.config; const w = self.weights; var s = self.state; var x = s.x; const dim: usize = @intCast(p.dim); const hidden_dim: usize = @intCast(p.hidden_dim); const n_layers: usize = @intCast(p.n_layers); const n_heads: usize = @intCast(p.n_heads); const n_kv_heads: usize = @intCast(p.n_kv_heads); const vocab_size: usize = @intCast(p.vocab_size); const seq_len: usize = @intCast(p.seq_len); const kv_dim: usize = (dim * n_kv_heads) / n_heads; const kv_mul: usize = n_heads / n_kv_heads; // integer multiplier of the kv sharing in multiquery const head_size: usize = dim / n_heads; const content_row = w.token_embedding_table[(dim * token)..(dim * (token + 1))]; @memcpy(x, content_row); // forward all the layers for (0..n_layers) |l| { // attention rmsnorm rmsnorm(s.xb, x, w.rms_att_weight[l * dim .. (l + 1) * dim]); // key and value point to the kv cache const loff = l * seq_len * kv_dim; s.k = s.key_cache[(loff + pos * kv_dim)..(loff + (pos + 1) * kv_dim)]; s.v = s.value_cache[(loff + pos * kv_dim)..(loff + (pos + 1) * kv_dim)]; // op: `xq, xk, xv = self.wq(x), self.wk(x), self.wv(x)` // src: Attention.forward() matmul(s.q, s.xb, w.wq[l * dim * dim .. (l + 1) * dim * dim], dim, dim); matmul(s.k, s.xb, w.wk[l * dim * kv_dim .. (l + 1) * dim * kv_dim], dim, kv_dim); matmul(s.v, s.xb, w.wv[l * dim * kv_dim .. (l + 1) * dim * kv_dim], dim, kv_dim); // RoPE relative positional encoding var j: usize = 0; while (j < dim) : (j += 2) { const head_dim: f32 = @floatFromInt(j % head_size); const freq: f32 = 1.0 / std.math.pow(f32, 10000.0, head_dim / @as(f32, @floatFromInt(head_size))); const val: f32 = @as(f32, @floatFromInt(pos)) * freq; const fcr = std.math.cos(val); const fci = std.math.sin(val); const rotn: usize = if (j < kv_dim) 2 else 1; // how many vectors? 2 = q & k, 1 = q only for (0..rotn) |v| { const vec = if (v == 0) s.q else s.k; const v0 = vec[j]; const v1 = vec[j + 1]; vec[j] = v0 * fcr - v1 * fci; vec[j + 1] = v0 * fci + v1 * fcr; } } // multihead attention. iterate over all heads for (0..n_heads) |h| { // get the query vector for this head const q = s.q[h * head_size .. (h + 1) * head_size]; // attention scores for this head const att = s.att[h * seq_len .. (h + 1) * seq_len]; // iterate over all timesteps, including the current one for (0..pos + 1) |t| { const il: usize = loff + t * kv_dim + (h / kv_mul) * head_size; const ir = il + head_size; const k = s.key_cache[il..ir]; var score: f32 = 0.0; for (0..head_size) |i| { score += q[i] * k[i]; } score /= std.math.sqrt(@as(f32, @floatFromInt(head_size))); att[t] = score; } // softmax the scores to get attention weights, from 0..pos inclusively // NOTE: in `Attention.forward()::model.py`, this works with a mask of // upper triangular matrix filling with -inf. softmax(att[0 .. pos + 1]); // weighted sum of the values, store back into xb var xb = s.xb[h * head_size .. (h + 1) * head_size]; @memset(xb, 0.0); for (0..pos + 1) |t| { const il: usize = loff + t * kv_dim + (h / kv_mul) * head_size; const ir = il + head_size; const v = s.value_cache[il..ir]; const a = att[t]; for (0..head_size) |i| { xb[i] += a * v[i]; } } } // final matmul to get the output of the attention // op: `output = self.wo(output)` // src: Attention.forward() matmul(s.xb2, s.xb, w.wo[l * dim * dim .. (l + 1) * dim * dim], dim, dim); // residual connection back into x // op: `h = x + self.attention.forward(...)` // src: TransformerBlock.forward() for (0..dim) |i| { x[i] += s.xb2[i]; } // ffn rmsnorm rmsnorm(s.xb, x, w.rms_ffn_weight[l * dim .. (l + 1) * dim]); // Now for FFN in PyTorch we have: self.w2(F.silu(self.w1(x)) * self.w3(x)) matmul(s.hb, s.xb, w.w1[l * dim * hidden_dim .. (l + 1) * dim * hidden_dim], dim, hidden_dim); matmul(s.hb2, s.xb, w.w3[l * dim * hidden_dim .. (l + 1) * dim * hidden_dim], dim, hidden_dim); // SwiGLU non-linearity for (0..hidden_dim) |i| { var val: f32 = s.hb[i]; // silu(x)=x*Οƒ(x), where Οƒ(x) is the logistic sigmoid val *= (1.0 / (1.0 + std.math.exp(-val))); // elementwise multiply with w3(x) val *= s.hb2[i]; s.hb[i] = val; } // final matmul to get the output of the ffn matmul(s.xb, s.hb, w.w2[l * dim * hidden_dim .. (l + 1) * dim * hidden_dim], hidden_dim, dim); // residual connection for (0..dim) |i| { x[i] += s.xb[i]; } } // final rmsnorm rmsnorm(x, x, w.rms_final_weight[0..dim]); // classifier into logits matmul(s.logits, x, w.wcls[0 .. dim * vocab_size], dim, vocab_size); return s.logits; } }; pub fn rmsnorm(o: []f32, x: []f32, weight: []f32) void { assert(o.len == x.len); assert(o.len == weight.len); const size = o.len; var ss: f32 = 0.0; // calculate sum of sqaures for (0..size) |j| { ss += x[j] * x[j]; } ss /= @as(f32, @floatFromInt(size)); ss += 1e-5; ss = 1.0 / std.math.sqrt(ss); // normalize and scale for (0..size) |j| { o[j] = weight[j] * (ss * x[j]); } } pub fn softmax(x: []f32) void { const size = x.len; // find max value (for numerical stability) var max_val = x[0]; for (1..size) |i| { if (x[i] > max_val) { max_val = x[i]; } } // exp and sum var sum: f32 = 0.0; for (0..size) |i| { x[i] = std.math.exp(x[i] - max_val); sum += x[i]; } // normalize for (0..size) |i| { x[i] /= sum; } } /// Matrix multiplication: W (d,n) @ x (n,) -> xout (d,) pub fn matmul(xout: []f32, x: []f32, w: []f32, n: usize, d: usize) void { const zone = TracyWrapper.startZone(@src(), "matmul", 0x00_00_ff_00); defer TracyWrapper.endZone(&zone); // matmul_naive(xout, x, w, n, d); matmul_simd(xout, x, w, n, d); } fn matmul_naive(xout: []f32, x: []f32, w: []f32, n: usize, d: usize) void { for (0..d) |i| { var val: f32 = 0.0; for (0..n) |j| { val += w[i * n + j] * x[j]; } xout[i] = val; } } fn matmul_simd(xout: []f32, x: []f32, w: []f32, n: usize, d: usize) void { const vec_sz = VEC_SIZE_F32; const n_vec: usize = n / vec_sz; const n_rem: usize = n % vec_sz; for (0..d) |i| { var val: f32 = 0.0; const offset: usize = i * n; var vsum: @Vector(vec_sz, f32) = @splat(0.0); for (0..n_vec) |nv| { // NOTE: SIMD vector requires a known size at compile time, so we // need to access slice like this. const vx: @Vector(vec_sz, f32) = x[nv * vec_sz ..][0..vec_sz].*; const vw: @Vector(vec_sz, f32) = w[offset + nv * vec_sz ..][0..vec_sz].*; vsum += vx * vw; } val = @reduce(.Add, vsum); // Process remaining elements const offset2: usize = vec_sz * n_vec; for (0..n_rem) |j| { val += w[offset + offset2 + j] * x[offset2 + j]; } xout[i] = val; } } /// Read checkpoint and initialize transformer. Note that user is responsible to /// call `freeTransformer()` to delete the memory mapping. pub fn readCheckpoint( checkpoint: []const u8, transformer: *Transformer, use_mmap: bool, allocator: Allocator, ) !void { const file = try std.fs.cwd().openFile(checkpoint, .{ .mode = .read_only }); // NOTE: we can close file after `mmap()` call has returned defer file.close(); var config: *Config = &transformer.config; config.* = try file.reader().readStruct(Config); // XXX: (llama2.c) negative vocab size -> unshared weights const shared_weights: bool = config.vocab_size > 0; config.vocab_size = try std.math.absInt(config.vocab_size); transformer.file_size = (try file.stat()).size; // Reposition to the head of file. Offset of `Config` will be handled later. try file.seekTo(0); var data: []align(std.mem.page_size) u8 = undefined; if (use_mmap) { data = try std.os.mmap( null, transformer.file_size, std.os.PROT.READ, std.os.MAP.PRIVATE, file.handle, 0, ); } else { data = blk: { const buffer = try allocator.alignedAlloc(u8, std.mem.page_size, transformer.file_size); const read_len = try file.readAll(buffer); if (read_len != transformer.file_size) { std.debug.print("error: failed to read checkpoint file\n", .{}); return std.os.ReadError.OperationAborted; } break :blk buffer; }; } transformer.data = @ptrCast(data); // View `data` as `void*` from C perspective (`*anyopaque` in zig) var weights_ptr: *anyopaque = @ptrCast(data); // View `weights_ptr` in byte (u8), and offset it with the size of `Config`. // So that we don't need to assume all fields in `Config` are the same type. weights_ptr = @as([*]u8, @ptrCast(weights_ptr)) + @sizeOf(Config); transformer.weights = TransformerWeights.init(config, weights_ptr, shared_weights); } fn buildTransformer( transformer: *Transformer, checkpoint_path: []const u8, use_mmap: bool, allocator: Allocator, ) !void { try readCheckpoint(checkpoint_path, transformer, use_mmap, allocator); transformer.state = try RunState.init(&transformer.config, allocator); } fn freeTransformer(transformer: *Transformer, use_mmap: bool, allocator: Allocator) void { // Cast pointer of mmap data from `*anyopaque` to the original output type // `[]align(std.mem.page_size) u8`. const data = @as( [*]align(std.mem.page_size) u8, @alignCast(@ptrCast(transformer.data)), )[0..transformer.file_size]; if (use_mmap) { // Delete memory mapping std.os.munmap(data); } else { allocator.free(data); } transformer.state.deinit(allocator); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- pub const TokenIndex = struct { str: []const u8, id: u32, /// Comparator. True: a < b. pub fn desc(_: void, a: TokenIndex, b: TokenIndex) bool { return strcmp(a.str, b.str) < 0; } }; pub const Tokenizer = struct { vocab: [][]u8 = undefined, vocab_scores: []f32 = undefined, sorted_vocab: ?[]TokenIndex = null, vocab_size: i32 = undefined, max_token_length: u32 = undefined, byte_pieces: [256]u8 = undefined, // stores all single-byte strings pub fn init(tokenizer_path: []const u8, vocab_size: i32, allocator: Allocator) !Tokenizer { var t = Tokenizer{}; // NOTE: vocab_size might be written into tokenizer file in the future, // then we could change this accordingly. t.vocab_size = vocab_size; const n_vocab: usize = @intCast(vocab_size); t.vocab = try allocator.alloc([]u8, n_vocab); t.vocab_scores = try allocator.alloc(f32, n_vocab); // NOTE: every element in `byte_pieces` will be used as a slice with // length 1, so that we don't need to append a null terminator to it. for (0..256) |i| { t.byte_pieces[i] = @intCast(i); } const file = try std.fs.cwd().openFile(tokenizer_path, .{ .mode = .read_only }); defer file.close(); var buf_x32: [4]u8 = undefined; var buffered_file = std.io.bufferedReader(file.reader()); // number of bytes read var nb_read = try buffered_file.read(&buf_x32); if (nb_read != 4) { std.debug.print("failed read\n", .{}); return std.fs.File.ReadError.Unexpected; } t.max_token_length = std.mem.readIntSliceLittle(u32, &buf_x32); // read tokens, lengths of tokens, and scores var len: i32 = undefined; for (0..n_vocab) |i| { // score nb_read = try buffered_file.read(&buf_x32); if (nb_read != 4) { std.debug.print("failed read\n", .{}); return std.fs.File.ReadError.Unexpected; } t.vocab_scores[i] = @bitCast(buf_x32); // length of token nb_read = try buffered_file.read(&buf_x32); if (nb_read != 4) { std.debug.print("failed read\n", .{}); return std.fs.File.ReadError.Unexpected; } len = @bitCast(buf_x32); // token // NOTE: here we make use of zig's slice since it contains length // information of a sequence, so we don't need to append a sentinel // ('\x00') to the end of a string. However, if we do need it, we // can call `allocator.allocSentinel()` to allocate a buffer which // ends with a sentinel while the sentinel char is not counted into // `buffer.len` (this is useful for reading data in zig style since // the number of bytes to read is determined by length of the buffer). t.vocab[i] = try allocator.alloc(u8, @intCast(len)); nb_read = try buffered_file.read(t.vocab[i]); if (nb_read != len) { std.debug.print("failed read\n", .{}); return std.fs.File.ReadError.Unexpected; } } return t; } pub fn deinit(self: Tokenizer, allocator: Allocator) void { for (0..self.vocab.len) |i| { allocator.free(self.vocab[i]); } allocator.free(self.vocab); allocator.free(self.vocab_scores); if (self.sorted_vocab != null) { allocator.free(self.sorted_vocab.?); } } pub fn strLookup(self: Tokenizer, str: []const u8) ?u32 { const tok = TokenIndex{ .str = str, .id = undefined }; // NOTE: `bsearch` in C returns a pointer, this returns an index. const res = std.sort.binarySearch(TokenIndex, tok, self.sorted_vocab.?, {}, compareToken); const idx = res orelse return null; const tok_id = self.sorted_vocab.?[idx].id; return tok_id; } pub fn encode( self: *Tokenizer, text: []const u8, bos: bool, eos: bool, tokens: []u32, allocator: Allocator, ) !u32 { // XXX: we need to update member in Tokenizer here, that's why the first // parameter of this function should be a pointer. (not sure what's the // conventional way to do this) if (self.sorted_vocab == null) { // lazily initialize the vocabulary const n_vocab: usize = @intCast(self.vocab_size); self.sorted_vocab = try allocator.alloc(TokenIndex, n_vocab); for (0..n_vocab) |i| { self.sorted_vocab.?[i] = TokenIndex{ .str = self.vocab[i], .id = @intCast(i), }; } // sort vocab std.sort.pdq(TokenIndex, self.sorted_vocab.?, {}, TokenIndex.desc); } // (llama2.c) Temporary buffer to store merge candidates of always two // consecutive tokens. *2 for concat, +1 for null terminator, +2 for // UTF8 (in case max_token_length is 1). var str_buffer = try allocator.alloc(u8, self.max_token_length * 2 + 1 + 2); defer allocator.free(str_buffer); var str_len: usize = 0; var n_tokens: u32 = 0; // retval if (bos) { tokens[n_tokens] = 1; n_tokens += 1; } // add dummy prefix // TODO: need to read through source code of sentencepice to figure out // how it work properly. if (text.len != 0) { const dummy_prefix = self.strLookup(" ").?; tokens[n_tokens] = dummy_prefix; n_tokens += 1; } // process the raw (UTF-8) byte sequence of the input string for (0..text.len) |i| { const c = text[i]; // Check whether the highest 2 bits are 10 (0b10xxxxxx) // mask: 0xC0 (0b11000000) if ((c & 0xC0) != 0x80) { str_len = 0; } str_buffer[str_len] = c; str_len += 1; // NOTE: we don't need to set the last byte to null everytime here, // check out the comment related to `strLookup` below. // str_buffer[str_len] = '\x00'; // NOTE: we will peek the next byte in text, so we need to make // sure the index won't exceed the length of it. (in llama2.c, this // loop checks with null terminator, so it doesn't need to do so) if ((i + 1) < text.len and (text[i + 1] & 0xC0) == 0x80 and str_len < 4) { continue; } // NOTE: (IMPORTANT!) since our implementation of `strcmp` checks // with length of string instead of the null terminator, we need to // pass a `slice` instead of the whole buffer to search. const lookup_result = self.strLookup(str_buffer[0..str_len]); if (lookup_result != null) { tokens[n_tokens] = lookup_result.?; n_tokens += 1; } else { // fallback: encode each byte literally for (0..str_len) |j| { // +3: offset for the first 3 vocabs (<unk>, <s>, </s>) tokens[n_tokens] = str_buffer[j] + 3; n_tokens += 1; } } str_len = 0; } while (true) { var best_score: f32 = -std.math.inf(f32); var best_id: ?u32 = null; var best_idx: ?usize = null; for (0..(n_tokens - 1)) |i| { const token1 = self.vocab[tokens[i]]; const token2 = self.vocab[tokens[i + 1]]; _ = try std.fmt.bufPrint(str_buffer, "{s}{s}", .{ token1, token2 }); var len = token1.len + token2.len; const lookup_result = self.strLookup(str_buffer[0..len]); if (lookup_result != null and self.vocab_scores[lookup_result.?] > best_score) { const id = lookup_result.?; best_score = self.vocab_scores[id]; best_id = id; best_idx = i; } } if (best_idx == null) { break; // cannot find any more pairs to merge, so quit this loop } // merge the consecutive pair (best_idx, best_idx+1) into new token best_id tokens[best_idx.?] = best_id.?; // delete token at position best_idx+1, shift the entire sequence back 1 for ((best_idx.? + 1)..(n_tokens - 1)) |i| { tokens[i] = tokens[i + 1]; } n_tokens -= 1; } if (eos) { tokens[n_tokens] = 2; n_tokens += 1; } return n_tokens; } // XXX: if `self` is not specified as a pointer here, the returned value // would be gibberish. pub fn decode(self: *Tokenizer, prev_token: u32, token: u32) []u8 { var piece: []u8 = self.vocab[token]; // NOTE: (llama2.c) following BOS token, sentencepiece decoder strips // any leading whitespace. if (prev_token == 1 and piece[0] == ' ') { piece = piece[1..]; } // In llama2.c, `piece` is checked with pattern "<0x%02hhX>", and it // can be breakdown into: // - "<0x": literally matching these characters // - "%02hhX": matching a 2-digit number // - "02": 2-digit number, padding with 0 if necessary // - "hh": these 2-digit number are 2-byte variable // - "X": interprete this 2-digit number as a hexadecimal number // - ">": literally matching it if (piece.len == 6 and piece[0] == '<' and piece[5] == '>') { const byte_val: u8 = std.fmt.parseUnsigned(u8, piece[1..5], 0) catch |err| switch (err) { else => { std.log.err("Failed to parse token, id: {d}\n", .{token}); return piece; }, }; // NOTE: type coercion explanation (`...` denotes the former item) // 1. `self.byte_pieces[byte_val]`: u8 // 2. `&...`: *u8 (a single-item pointer to u8) // 3. `@as(*[1]u8, ...)`: *[1]u8 (a pointer to a u8 array with length 1) // 4. `piece = ...`: []u8 (a slice of u8) // // In 3., if we try to directly cast type to `[]u8`, compiler will // complain "error: expected type '[]u8', found '*u8'", because // compiler doesn't know the length of it. // In 4., it works because slice is a fat pointer (ptr + len), and // `*[1]u8` is a pointer with length info, so type coercion is valid. piece = @as(*[1]u8, &self.byte_pieces[byte_val]); } return piece; } }; /// Compare strings like how `strcmp` works in C. Note that this implementation /// does not rely on null terminator, but it relies on how `slice` works in zig /// as it provides length infomation of a sequence. pub fn strcmp(a: []const u8, b: []const u8) i32 { var i: usize = 0; while (i < a.len and i < b.len) { if (a[i] != b[i]) { return @as(i32, a[i]) - @as(i32, b[i]); } i += 1; } // Now, we ran out of characters from either a or b. So we just need to // check with the lengths of them. const len_a: i32 = @intCast(a.len); const len_b: i32 = @intCast(b.len); return len_a - len_b; } /// Compare 2 `TokenIndex`s and return `math.Order`. pub fn compareToken(context: void, a: TokenIndex, b: TokenIndex) std.math.Order { _ = context; const res = strcmp(a.str, b.str); if (res < 0) { return std.math.Order.lt; } else if (res == 0) { return std.math.Order.eq; } else { return std.math.Order.gt; } } pub fn safePrint(piece: []const u8) void { if (piece.len == 1) { if (piece[0] == '\x00') return; const byte_val: u8 = piece[0]; if (!(std.ascii.isPrint(byte_val) or std.ascii.isWhitespace(byte_val))) { std.log.warn("Found non-printable input, len: {d}\n", .{piece.len}); return; } } std.debug.print("{s}", .{piece}); } pub fn buildTokenizer( t: *Tokenizer, tokenizer_path: []const u8, vocab_size: i32, allocator: Allocator, ) !void { t.* = try Tokenizer.init(tokenizer_path, vocab_size, allocator); } pub fn freeTokenizer(tokenizer: *Tokenizer, allocator: Allocator) void { tokenizer.deinit(allocator); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- pub const ProbIndex = struct { prob: f32, index: usize, /// Comparator. True: a > b. pub fn asc(_: void, a: ProbIndex, b: ProbIndex) bool { return a.prob > b.prob; } }; pub const Sampler = struct { vocab_size: i32, probindex: []ProbIndex, temperature: f32, topp: f32, rng_state: u64, pub fn init( vocab_size: i32, temperature: f32, topp: f32, rng_seed: u64, allocator: Allocator, ) !Sampler { const n_vocab: usize = @intCast(vocab_size); return Sampler{ .vocab_size = vocab_size, .temperature = temperature, .topp = topp, .rng_state = rng_seed, .probindex = try allocator.alloc(ProbIndex, n_vocab), }; } pub fn deinit(self: Sampler, allocator: Allocator) void { allocator.free(self.probindex); } pub fn sample(self: *Sampler, logits: []f32) u32 { // sample the token given the logits and some hyperparameters var next: usize = 0; if (self.temperature == 0.0) { // greedy argmax sampling: take the token with the highest probability next = sampleArgmax(logits); } else { // apply the temperature to the logits const n_vocab: usize = @intCast(self.vocab_size); for (0..n_vocab) |q| { logits[q] /= self.temperature; } // apply softmax to the logits to get the probabilities for next token softmax(logits); // flip a (float) coin (this is our source of entropy for sampling) const coin = randomF32(&self.rng_state); // we sample from this distribution to get the next token if (self.topp <= 0 or self.topp >= 1) { // simply sample from the predicted probability distribution next = sampleMult(logits, coin); } else { // top-p (nucleus) sampling, clamping the least likely tokens to zero next = sampleTopp(logits, self.topp, self.probindex, coin); } } return @as(u32, @intCast(next)); } }; // TODO: should we change the output type to u32? (other sampling functions // below should be changed too) pub fn sampleArgmax(probabilities: []f32) usize { // return the index that has the highest probability var max_i: usize = 0; var max_p: f32 = probabilities[0]; for (1..probabilities.len) |i| { if (probabilities[i] > max_p) { max_i = i; max_p = probabilities[i]; } } return max_i; } pub fn sampleMult(probabilities: []f32, coin: f32) usize { var cdf: f32 = 0.0; for (0..probabilities.len) |i| { cdf += probabilities[i]; if (coin < cdf) { return i; } } return probabilities.len - 1; // in case of rounding errors } pub fn sampleTopp(probabilities: []f32, topp: f32, probindex: []ProbIndex, coin: f32) usize { var n0: usize = 0; // filter out probs < (1 - topp) / (n - 1) before sorting const cutoff: f32 = (1.0 - topp) / @as(f32, @floatFromInt(probabilities.len - 1)); for (0..probabilities.len) |i| { if (probabilities[i] >= cutoff) { probindex[n0].index = i; probindex[n0].prob = probabilities[i]; n0 += 1; } } std.sort.pdq(ProbIndex, probindex[0..n0], {}, ProbIndex.asc); // truncate the list where cumulative probability exceeds topp var cumulative_prob: f32 = 0.0; var last_idx = n0 - 1; for (0..n0) |i| { cumulative_prob += probindex[i].prob; if (cumulative_prob > topp) { last_idx = i; break; // note that last index is included now } } // sample from the truncated list const r = coin * cumulative_prob; var cdf: f32 = 0.0; for (0..(last_idx + 1)) |i| { cdf += probindex[i].prob; if (r < cdf) { return probindex[i].index; } } return probindex[last_idx].index; } pub fn randomU32(state: *u64) u32 { state.* ^= state.* >> 12; state.* ^= state.* << 25; state.* ^= state.* >> 27; return @as(u32, @intCast((state.* *% @as(u64, 0x2545F4914F6CDD1D)) >> 32)); } pub fn randomF32(state: *u64) f32 { // 16777216 = 2^24 = "0 10010111 00000000000000000000000" // sign: 0, exponent: 10010111 (-127 + 151 = 24), mantissa: 0 const magic: f32 = 16777216.0; return @as(f32, @floatFromInt(randomU32(state) >> 8)) / magic; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- pub fn generate( transformer: *Transformer, tokenizer: *Tokenizer, sampler: *Sampler, prompt: []const u8, steps: u32, allocator: Allocator, ) !void { var prompt_tokens: []u32 = try allocator.alloc(u32, prompt.len + 3); defer allocator.free(prompt_tokens); const n_tokens = try tokenizer.encode(prompt, true, false, prompt_tokens, allocator); var start: i64 = 0; var next: u32 = undefined; var token = prompt_tokens[0]; var pos: u32 = 0; while (pos < steps) { // forward the transformer to get logits for the next token var logits: []f32 = transformer.forward(token, pos); if (pos < n_tokens - 1) { next = prompt_tokens[pos + 1]; } else { next = sampler.sample(logits); } pos += 1; // data-dependent terminating condition: the BOS (=1) token delimits sequences if (next == 1) { break; } const piece = tokenizer.decode(token, next); safePrint(piece); token = next; // init the timer here because the first iteration can be slower if (start == 0) { start = std.time.milliTimestamp(); } } std.debug.print("\n", .{}); if (pos > 1) { const end: i64 = std.time.milliTimestamp(); const tok_per_sec: f32 = @as(f32, @floatFromInt(pos - 1)) / @as(f32, @floatFromInt((end - start))) * 1000; std.debug.print("achieved tok/s: {d}\n", .{tok_per_sec}); } } fn errorUsage() void { const msg = \\ Usage: run <checkpoint> [options] \\ Example: run model.bin -n 256 -i \"Once upon a time\" \\ Options: \\ -t <float> temperature in [0,inf], default i.0 \\ -p <float> p value in top-p (nucleus) sampling in [0,1] default 0.9 \\ -s <int> random seed, default time(NULL) \\ -n <int> number of steps to run for, default 256. 0 = max_seq_len \\ -i <string> input prompt \\ -z <string> optional path to custom tokenizer \\ -m <string> mode: generate|chat, default: generate \\ -y <string> (optional) system prompt in chat mode \\ -l <int> (optional) use mmap for checkpoint (0: disable, 1: enable) ; std.debug.print("{s}\n", .{msg}); std.process.exit(1); } pub fn main() !void { var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(std.heap.page_allocator); defer arena.deinit(); const allocator = arena.allocator(); const args = try std.process.argsAlloc(allocator); defer std.process.argsFree(allocator, args); if (args.len < 2) { std.debug.print("No model checkpoint is specified\n", .{}); errorUsage(); } const checkpoint_path = args[1]; var tokenizer_path: []const u8 = "tokenizer.bin"; var temperature: f32 = 1.0; var topp: f32 = 0.9; var steps: u32 = 256; var prompt: []const u8 = ""; var rng_seed: u64 = 0; var mode: []const u8 = "generate"; var system_prompt: []const u8 = ""; var use_mmap: bool = true; var i: usize = 2; while (i < args.len) : (i += 2) { if (i + 1 > args.len) { errorUsage(); } const arg = args[i]; const val = args[i + 1]; if (arg[0] != '-' or arg.len != 2) { errorUsage(); } if (arg[1] == 't') { temperature = try std.fmt.parseFloat(f32, val); } else if (arg[1] == 'p') { topp = try std.fmt.parseFloat(f32, val); } else if (arg[1] == 's') { rng_seed = try std.fmt.parseUnsigned(u64, val, 10); } else if (arg[1] == 'n') { steps = try std.fmt.parseUnsigned(u32, val, 10); } else if (arg[1] == 'i') { prompt = val; } else if (arg[1] == 'z') { tokenizer_path = val; } else if (arg[1] == 'm') { mode = val; } else if (arg[1] == 'y') { system_prompt = val; } else if (arg[1] == 'l') { const tmp = try std.fmt.parseInt(u1, val, 0); use_mmap = if (tmp == 1) true else false; } else { errorUsage(); } } // parameter validation/overrides if (rng_seed <= 0) { rng_seed = @intCast(std.time.timestamp()); } if (temperature < 0.0) { temperature = 0.0; } if (topp < 0.0 or 1.0 < topp) { topp = 0.9; } if (steps < 0) { steps = 0; } if (!std.mem.eql(u8, mode, "generate")) { std.debug.print("[ERROR] Currently only 'generate' mode is supported.\n", .{}); std.process.exit(1); } var transformer = Transformer{}; try buildTransformer(&transformer, checkpoint_path, use_mmap, allocator); defer freeTransformer(&transformer, use_mmap, allocator); if (steps == 0) { steps = @intCast(transformer.config.seq_len); } else if (steps > transformer.config.seq_len) { // XXX: Currently we will clip `steps` if it exceeds the maximal // sequence length (see also llama2.c issue#348). But maybe we can // apply RoPE scaling to make it able to inference with longer context? std.debug.print("warning: clipping `steps` because it exceeds `max_seq_len`\n", .{}); steps = @intCast(transformer.config.seq_len); } // Build tokenizer var tokenizer = Tokenizer{}; try buildTokenizer(&tokenizer, tokenizer_path, 32000, allocator); defer freeTokenizer(&tokenizer, allocator); // Build sampler var sampler = try Sampler.init(32000, temperature, topp, rng_seed, allocator); defer sampler.deinit(allocator); try generate(&transformer, &tokenizer, &sampler, prompt, steps, allocator); }
const std = @import("std"); const fs = std.fs; const print = std.debug.print; const label = [_]u8{'J', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'T', 'Q', 'K', 'A'}; const Record = struct { hand : []u8, bid : usize, }; fn cmp(_:void, a:u8, b:u8) bool { const ra = std.mem.indexOf(u8, &label, &[_]u8{a}).?; const rb = std.mem.indexOf(u8, &label, &[_]u8{b}).?; if (ra < rb) { return true; } else { return false; } } fn rank(hand: []u8) usize { var sorted:[5]u8 = undefined; var i:usize = 0; var sorted_size:usize = 0; var j_cnt:u8 = 0; while (i < 5) : ( i += 1) { if (hand[i] != 'J') { sorted[sorted_size] = hand[i]; sorted_size += 1; } else { j_cnt += 1; } } if (sorted_size == 0) { return 6; } std.sort.block(u8, sorted[0..sorted_size], {}, cmp); var r:[5]u8 = [_]u8{0} ** 5; i = 1; var j:usize = 0; r[j] = 1; while (i < sorted_size) : (i += 1) { if (sorted[i] == sorted[i-1]) { r[j] +=1; } else { j += 1; r[j] = 1; } } std.sort.block(u8, &r, {}, std.sort.desc(u8)); r[0] += j_cnt; //print ("{d} {c}\n", .{r, hand}); if (j == 0) return 6; if (j == 1) { if (r[0] == 4) { return 5; } else { return 4; } } if (j == 2) { if (r[0] == 3 and r[1] == 1) return 3; if (r[0] == 2 and r[1] == 2) return 2; unreachable; } if (j == 3) { return 1; } return 0; } fn handCmp(_: void, a: Record, b: Record) bool { const ra = rank(a.hand); const rb = rank(b.hand); if (ra < rb) { return true; } else if (ra > rb) { return false; } else { var i:usize = 0; while (i < 5 ) : ( i += 1) { const rla = std.mem.indexOf(u8, &label, &[_]u8{a.hand[i]}).?; const rlb = std.mem.indexOf(u8, &label, &[_]u8{b.hand[i]}).?; if (rla < rlb) { return true; } else if (rla > rlb) { return false; } } } unreachable; } pub fn main() !void { var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){}; defer _ = gpa.deinit(); const allocator = gpa.allocator(); const file = try fs.cwd().openFile("input", .{}); defer file.close(); const rdr = file.reader(); var list = std.ArrayList(Record).init(allocator); defer list.deinit(); while (try rdr.readUntilDelimiterOrEofAlloc(allocator, '\n', 4096)) |line| { defer allocator.free(line); var it = std.mem.split(u8, line, " "); const hand_str = it.next().?; const hand = try allocator.alloc(u8, hand_str.len); @memcpy(hand, hand_str); const bid = try std.fmt.parseInt(usize, it.next().?, 10); try list.append(Record{.hand = hand, .bid = bid}); } const s = try list.toOwnedSlice(); defer allocator.free(s); defer { for (s) |*r| { allocator.free(r.hand); } } std.sort.block(Record, s, {}, handCmp); var bid:usize = 0; for (s, 1 .. ) |*r, i| { print ("{c} {}\n", .{ r.hand, r.bid}); bid += r.bid * i; } print ("{}\n", .{bid}); }
const std = @import("std"); pub fn getMimeType(path: []const u8) ?[]const u8 { const extension = std.mem.lastIndexOf(u8, path, ".") orelse return null; if (std.mem.eql(u8, path[extension + 1 ..], "html")) { return "text/html"; } else if (std.mem.eql(u8, path[extension + 1 ..], "css")) { return "text/css"; } else if (std.mem.eql(u8, path[extension + 1 ..], "js")) { return "application/javascript"; } else if (std.mem.eql(u8, path[extension + 1 ..], "png")) { return "image/png"; } else if (std.mem.eql(u8, path[extension + 1 ..], "jpg") or std.mem.eql(u8, path[extension + 1 ..], "jpeg")) { return "image/jpeg"; } else if (std.mem.eql(u8, path[extension + 1 ..], "gif")) { return "image/gif"; } else if (std.mem.eql(u8, path[extension + 1 ..], "svg")) { return "image/svg+xml"; } else if (std.mem.eql(u8, path[extension + 1 ..], "mp4")) { return "video/mp4"; } else if (std.mem.eql(u8, path[extension + 1 ..], "webm")) { return "video/webm"; } else if (std.mem.eql(u8, path[extension + 1 ..], "mp3")) { return "audio/mpeg"; } else if (std.mem.eql(u8, path[extension + 1 ..], "wav")) { return "audio/wav"; } else if (std.mem.eql(u8, path[extension + 1 ..], "pdf")) { return "application/pdf"; } else if (std.mem.eql(u8, path[extension + 1 ..], "ico")) { return "image/x-icon"; } else { return null; } }
const std = @import("std"); const print = std.debug.print; pub fn main() !void { var file = try std.fs.cwd().openFile("data/input2.txt", .{}); defer file.close(); var reader = file.reader(); var buf: [4096]u8 = undefined; var hpos: u32 = 0; var ypos: u32 = 0; var aim: u32 = 0; while (try reader.readUntilDelimiterOrEof(&buf, '\n')) |line| { var splitter = std.mem.tokenize(u8, line, " "); var move = splitter.next().?; var amount = try std.fmt.parseInt(u32, splitter.next().?, 0); if (std.mem.eql(u8, move, "forward")) { hpos += amount; ypos += aim*amount; } else if (std.mem.eql(u8, move, "backward")) { hpos -= amount; } else if (std.mem.eql(u8, move, "down")) { aim += amount; } else { aim -= amount; } } print("prod {}\n", .{hpos*ypos}); }
const std = @import("std"); const Nihilist = @import("nihilist.zig").Nihilist; pub fn main() !void { var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(std.heap.page_allocator); defer arena.deinit(); var allocator = &arena.allocator; var args = try std.process.argsAlloc(allocator); defer std.process.argsFree(allocator, args); if (args.len < 4) { std.debug.warn("Usage: nihilist <encrypt|decrypt> <polybius_key> <nihilist_key> <plaintext|ciphertext>\n", .{}); return; } var enc = std.mem.eql(u8, args[1], "encrypt"); var dec = std.mem.eql(u8, args[1], "decrypt"); if (!(enc or dec)) { std.debug.warn("Usage: nihilist <encrypt|decrypt> <polybius_key> <nihilist_key> <plaintext|ciphertext>\n", .{}); return; } var nihilist = try Nihilist.init(allocator, args[2], args[3]); var output = if (dec) nihilist.decrypt(args[4]) else nihilist.encrypt(args[4]); if (output) |out| { std.debug.warn("{}\n", .{out}); } else |err| { switch (err) { error.InvalidKey => { std.debug.warn("Invalid key!\n", .{}); }, error.InvalidCiphertext => { std.debug.warn("Invalid ciphertext!\n", .{}); }, else => { std.debug.warn("Error: {}\n", .{err}); } } } }
const std = @import("std"); const g = @cImport({ @cInclude("glib-object.h"); }); pub fn main() void { const obj1: ?*g.GObject = @alignCast(@ptrCast(g.g_object_new(g.G_TYPE_OBJECT, null))); const obj2: ?*g.GObject = @alignCast(@ptrCast(g.g_object_new(g.G_TYPE_OBJECT, null))); const instance1: ?*g.GTypeInstance = @ptrCast(obj1); const instance2: ?*g.GTypeInstance = @ptrCast(obj2); const class1: ?*g.GTypeClass = instance1.?.*.g_class; const class2: ?*g.GTypeClass = instance2.?.*.g_class; std.debug.print("addr1 {*}\n", .{obj1}); std.debug.print("addr2 {*}\n", .{obj2}); std.debug.print("klass1 {*}\n", .{class1}); std.debug.print("klass2 {*}\n", .{class2}); g.g_object_unref(obj1); g.g_object_unref(obj2); }
pub const compare = @import("./compare.zig"); pub const meta = @import("./meta.zig"); pub const sentinel = @import("./sentinel.zig"); pub const limitslice = @import("./limitslice.zig"); // disabled for now, too many things to fix during a zig update //pub const range = @import("./range.zig"); pub const mem = @import("./mem.zig"); pub const stringpool = @import("./stringpool.zig"); // Stuff taken from git-extra pub const tuple = @import("./tuple.zig"); pub const appendlib = @import("./appendlib.zig"); pub const runutil = @import("./runutil.zig"); pub const cmdlinetool = @import("./cmdlinetool.zig"); const std = @import("std"); test { std.testing.refAllDecls(@This()); }
const std = @import("std"); const libvirt = @import("libvirt"); pub fn main() !void { std.log.info("All your codebase are belong to us.", .{}); std.log.info("libvirt version: {d}", .{libvirt.c.LIBVIR_VERSION_NUMBER}); }
pub usingnamespace @import("src/main.zig"); pub const bun = @import("src/bun.zig"); pub const content = struct { pub const error_js_path = "packages/bun-error/dist/index.js"; pub const error_js = @embedFile(error_js_path); pub const error_css_path = "packages/bun-error/dist/bun-error.css"; pub const error_css_path_dev = "packages/bun-error/bun-error.css"; pub const error_css = @embedFile(error_css_path); }; pub const completions = struct { pub const bash = @embedFile("./completions/bun.bash"); pub const zsh = @embedFile("./completions/bun.zsh"); pub const fish = @embedFile("./completions/bun.fish"); }; pub const JavaScriptCore = @import("./src/jsc.zig"); pub const C = @import("./src/c.zig");
//! This file is auto-generated by zpm-update and *should* //! not be changed. This file can be checked into your VCS //! and is able to work standalone. const std = @import("std"); pub const pkgs = struct { pub const ziggysynth = std.build.Pkg{ .name = "ziggysynth", .source = .{ .path = "vendor/ziggysynth//src/ziggysynth.zig" }, }; pub const libgamestudio = std.build.Pkg{ .name = "libgamestudio", .source = .{ .path = "vendor/libgamestudio/src/main.zig" }, }; pub const zlm = std.build.Pkg{ .name = "zlm", .source = .{ .path = "vendor/zlm/zlm.zig" }, }; pub const maps = std.build.Pkg{ .name = "maps", .source = .{ .path = "vendor/maps/src/maps.zig" }, }; pub const ode = std.build.Pkg{ .name = "ode", .source = .{ .path = "vendor/ode/src/ode.zig" }, }; }; pub const sdks = struct { pub const @"zero-graphics" = @import("vendor/zero-graphics/Sdk.zig"); pub const soundio = @import("vendor/soundio/Sdk.zig"); pub const ode = @import("vendor/ode/Sdk.zig"); };
const lua = @cImport({ @cInclude("lua.h"); @cInclude("lualib.h"); @cInclude("lauxlib.h"); }); export fn add(s: ?*lua.lua_State) c_int { const a = lua.luaL_checkinteger(s, 1); const b = lua.luaL_checkinteger(s, 2); const c = a + b; lua.lua_pushinteger(s, c); return 1; } pub fn main() void { var s = lua.luaL_newstate(); lua.luaL_openlibs(s); lua.lua_register(s, "zig_add", add); // TODO translate-c: luaL_dostring _ = lua.luaL_loadstring(s, "print(zig_add(3, 5))"); // TODO translate-c: lua_pcall _ = lua.lua_pcallk(s, 0, lua.LUA_MULTRET, 0, 0, null); }
pub extern fn add(a: i32, b: i32) i32; pub extern fn sub(a: i32, b: i32) i32;
const expect = @import("std").testing.expect; // 5. for loops are used to iterate over the arrays //5. for loop test "for loop" { const rust_name = [_]u8{ 'r', 'u', 's', 't' }; // character literals are equivalent to integer literals for (rust_name, 0..) |character, index| { _ = character; //we use _ because rust does not allow us to have unused values _ = index; } for (rust_name) |character| { _ = character; } for (rust_name, 0..) |_, index| { _ = index; } for (rust_name) |_| {} }
const expect = @import("std").testing.expect; test "for" { //character literals are equivalent to integer literals const string = [_]u8{ 'a', 'b', 'c' }; for (string, 0..) |character, index| { _ = character; _ = index; } for (string) |character| { _ = character; } for (string, 0..) |_, index| { _ = index; } for (string) |_| {} }
const std = @import("std"); const builtin = @import("builtin"); const Self = @This(); pub const AndroidVersion = enum(u16) { /// KitKat android_4 = 19, /// Lollipop android_5 = 21, /// Marshmallow android_6 = 23, /// Nougat android_7 = 24, /// Oreo android_8 = 26, /// Pie android_9 = 28, /// Quince Tart android_10 = 29, /// Red Velvet Cake android_11 = 30, /// Snow Cone android_12 = 31, /// Tiramisu android_13 = 33, }; /// A resource that will be packed into the appliation. pub const Resource = struct { /// This is the relative path to the resource root path: []const u8, /// This is the content of the file. content: std.build.FileSource, }; const CreateResourceDirectory = struct { builder: *std.build.Builder, step: std.build.Step, resources: std.ArrayList(Resource), directory: std.build.GeneratedFile, pub fn create(b: *std.build.Builder) *CreateResourceDirectory { const self = b.allocator.create(CreateResourceDirectory) catch @panic("out of memory"); self.* = CreateResourceDirectory{ .builder = b, .step = std.Build.Step.init(.{ .id = .custom, .name = "populate resource directory", .owner = b, .makeFn = CreateResourceDirectory.make, }), .directory = .{ .step = &self.step }, .resources = std.ArrayList(Resource).init(b.allocator), }; return self; } pub fn add(self: *CreateResourceDirectory, resource: Resource) void { self.resources.append(Resource{ .path = self.builder.dupe(resource.path), .content = resource.content.dupe(self.builder), }) catch @panic("out of memory"); resource.content.addStepDependencies(&self.step); } pub fn getOutputDirectory(self: *CreateResourceDirectory) std.build.FileSource { return .{ .generated = &self.directory }; } fn make(step: *std.Build.Step, progress: *std.Progress.Node) !void { _ = progress; const self = @fieldParentPtr(CreateResourceDirectory, "step", step); // if (std.fs.path.dirname(strings_xml)) |dir| { // std.fs.cwd().makePath(dir) catch unreachable; // } var cacher = createCacheBuilder(self.builder); for (self.resources.items) |res| { cacher.addBytes(res.path); try cacher.addFile(res.content); } const root = try cacher.createAndGetDir(); for (self.resources.items) |res| { if (std.fs.path.dirname(res.path)) |folder| { try root.dir.makePath(folder); } const src_path = res.content.getPath(self.builder); try std.fs.Dir.copyFile( std.fs.cwd(), src_path, root.dir, res.path, .{}, ); } self.directory.path = root.path; } }; fn createCacheBuilder(b: *std.build.Builder) CacheBuilder { return CacheBuilder.init(b, "android-sdk"); } const CacheBuilder = struct { builder: *std.build.Builder, hasher: std.crypto.hash.Sha1, subdir: ?[]const u8, pub fn init(builder: *std.build.Builder, subdir: ?[]const u8) CacheBuilder { return CacheBuilder{ .builder = builder, .hasher = std.crypto.hash.Sha1.init(.{}), .subdir = if (subdir) |s| builder.dupe(s) else null, }; } pub fn addBytes(self: *CacheBuilder, bytes: []const u8) void { self.hasher.update(bytes); } pub fn addFile(self: *CacheBuilder, file: std.build.FileSource) !void { const path = file.getPath(self.builder); const data = try std.fs.cwd().readFileAlloc(self.builder.allocator, path, 1 << 32); // 4 GB defer self.builder.allocator.free(data); self.addBytes(data); } fn createPath(self: *CacheBuilder) ![]const u8 { var hash: [20]u8 = undefined; self.hasher.final(&hash); const path = if (self.subdir) |subdir| try std.fmt.allocPrint( self.builder.allocator, "{s}/{s}/o/{}", .{ self.builder.cache_root.path.?, subdir, std.fmt.fmtSliceHexLower(&hash), }, ) else try std.fmt.allocPrint( self.builder.allocator, "{s}/o/{}", .{ self.builder.cache_root.path.?, std.fmt.fmtSliceHexLower(&hash), }, ); return path; } pub const DirAndPath = struct { dir: std.fs.Dir, path: []const u8, }; pub fn createAndGetDir(self: *CacheBuilder) !DirAndPath { const path = try self.createPath(); return DirAndPath{ .path = path, .dir = try std.fs.cwd().makeOpenPath(path, .{}), }; } pub fn createAndGetPath(self: *CacheBuilder) ![]const u8 { const path = try self.createPath(); try std.fs.cwd().makePath(path); return path; } }; pub const KeyStore = struct { file: []const u8, alias: []const u8, password: []const u8, }; fn semanticCompare(context: void, lhs: std.SemanticVersion, rhs: std.SemanticVersion) bool { _ = context; std.debug.assert(lhs.order(rhs) != .eq); return lhs.order(rhs) == .gt; } const AndroidTools = struct { aapt: []const u8, zipalign: []const u8, apksigner: []const u8, d8: []const u8, javac: []const u8, pub fn findTools(b: *std.Build, sdk_root: []const u8) !AndroidTools { var exe_append = if (builtin.os.tag == .windows) ".exe" else ""; var bat_append = if (builtin.os.tag == .windows) ".bat" else ""; var self: AndroidTools = undefined; //Get the newest version of the build tools var latest_sdk_version = blk: { var build_tools_dir = try std.fs.openIterableDirAbsolute( try std.fs.path.join(b.allocator, &.{ sdk_root, "build-tools", }), .{}, ); defer build_tools_dir.close(); var iterator = build_tools_dir.iterate(); var versions = std.ArrayList(std.SemanticVersion).init(b.allocator); defer versions.deinit(); var next: ?std.fs.IterableDir.Entry = try iterator.next(); while (next != null) { var name = next.?.name; next = try iterator.next(); var version = try std.SemanticVersion.parse(name); try versions.append(version); } std.sort.block(std.SemanticVersion, versions.items, {}, semanticCompare); break :blk b.fmt("{any}", .{versions.items[0]}); }; self.aapt = try std.fs.path.join(b.allocator, &.{ sdk_root, "build-tools", latest_sdk_version, "aapt" ++ exe_append, }); self.zipalign = try std.fs.path.join(b.allocator, &.{ sdk_root, "build-tools", latest_sdk_version, "zipalign" ++ exe_append, }); self.apksigner = try std.fs.path.join(b.allocator, &.{ sdk_root, "build-tools", latest_sdk_version, "apksigner" ++ bat_append, }); self.d8 = try std.fs.path.join(b.allocator, &.{ sdk_root, "build-tools", latest_sdk_version, "lib", //we put lib here because calling `d8` directly seems to be borked, idk blame google "d8.jar", }); //TODO: find java folder manually, dont rely on it being in the path self.javac = try std.fs.path.join(b.allocator, &.{ "javac" ++ exe_append, }); return self; } }; ///Get the tag for the Android NDK host toolchain pub fn toolchainHostTag() []const u8 { const os = builtin.os.tag; const arch = builtin.cpu.arch; return @tagName(os) ++ "-" ++ @tagName(arch); } ///Get the android target triple pub fn androidTriple(b: *std.Build, target: std.zig.CrossTarget) []const u8 { //x86 is different from zig to android, we need to change x86 -> i686 if (target.getCpuArch() == .x86) { return b.fmt("i686-{s}-{s}", .{ @tagName(target.getOsTag()), @tagName(target.getAbi()), }); } //Arm is special and wants androideabi instead of just android if (target.getCpuArch() == .arm and target.getAbi() == .android) { return b.fmt("{s}-{s}-androideabi", .{ @tagName(target.getCpuArch()), @tagName(target.getOsTag()), }); } return b.fmt("{s}-{s}-{s}", .{ @tagName(target.getCpuArch()), @tagName(target.getOsTag()), @tagName(target.getAbi()), }); } fn glob_class_files(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, starting_dir: []const u8) ![]const u8 { var class_list = std.ArrayList([]const u8).init(allocator); var dir = try std.fs.openIterableDirAbsolute(starting_dir, .{}); defer dir.close(); var walker: std.fs.IterableDir.Walker = try dir.walk(allocator); defer walker.deinit(); var itr_next: ?std.fs.IterableDir.Walker.WalkerEntry = try walker.next(); while (itr_next != null) { var next: std.fs.IterableDir.Walker.WalkerEntry = itr_next.?; //if the file is a class file if (std.mem.endsWith(u8, next.path, ".class")) { var item = try allocator.alloc(u8, next.path.len + starting_dir.len); //copy the root first std.mem.copy(u8, item, starting_dir); //copy the filepath next std.mem.copy(u8, item[starting_dir.len..], next.path); try class_list.append(item); } itr_next = try walker.next(); } return class_list.toOwnedSlice(); } target_android_version: AndroidVersion, sdk_version: u16, sdk_root: []const u8, ndk_root: []const u8, root_jar: []const u8, include_dir: []const u8, tools: AndroidTools, build: *std.Build, pub const Feature = struct { name: []const u8, required: bool, }; ///Create an APK file, and packs in all `shared_objects` into their respective folders pub fn createApk( sdk: Self, package_name: []const u8, permissions: []const []const u8, features: []const Feature, java_files_opt: ?[]const []const u8, resources: []const Resource, key_store: KeyStore, application: []const u8, apk_filename: []const u8, shared_objects: []const *std.Build.Step.Compile, ) !*std.Build.Step.InstallFile { const write_xml_step = sdk.build.addWriteFiles(); var manifest = write_xml_step.add("AndroidManifest.xml", blk: { var buf = std.ArrayList(u8).init(sdk.build.allocator); defer buf.deinit(); var writer = buf.writer(); try writer.print( \\<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?> \\<manifest xmlns:tools="http://schemas.android.com/tools" xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" package="{s}"> \\ {s} \\ \\ {s} \\ \\ {s} \\</manifest> , .{ package_name, perm_blk: { var perm_buf = std.ArrayList(u8).init(sdk.build.allocator); defer perm_buf.deinit(); var perm_writer = perm_buf.writer(); for (permissions) |permission| { try perm_writer.print( \\<uses-permission android:name="{s}"/> \\ , .{ permission, }); } break :perm_blk try perm_buf.toOwnedSlice(); }, feat_blk: { var feat_buf = std.ArrayList(u8).init(sdk.build.allocator); defer feat_buf.deinit(); var feat_writer = feat_buf.writer(); for (features) |feature| { try feat_writer.print( \\<uses-feature android:name="{s}" android:required="{any}"/> \\ , .{ feature.name, feature.required, }); } break :feat_blk try feat_buf.toOwnedSlice(); }, application, }); break :blk try buf.toOwnedSlice(); }); const resource_dir_step = CreateResourceDirectory.create(sdk.build); for (resources) |resource| { resource_dir_step.add(resource); } const unaligned_apk_name = sdk.build.fmt("unaligned-{s}", .{std.fs.path.basename(apk_filename)}); const make_unsigned_apk = sdk.build.addSystemCommand(&.{ sdk.tools.aapt, "package", "-f", //overwrite existing files "-I", sdk.root_jar, //add an existing package to base include set "-F", //specify the apk file output }); const unaligned_apk_file = make_unsigned_apk.addOutputFileArg(unaligned_apk_name); //Specify the full path to the manifest file make_unsigned_apk.addArg("-M"); make_unsigned_apk.addFileSourceArg(manifest); //Specify the full path to the resource directory make_unsigned_apk.addArg("-S"); make_unsigned_apk.addDirectorySourceArg(resource_dir_step.getOutputDirectory()); //Specify verbose output and the target android SDK version make_unsigned_apk.addArgs(&.{ "-v", "--target-sdk-version", sdk.build.fmt("{d}", .{sdk.sdk_version}), }); //todo: asset directories // for (app_config.asset_directories) |dir| { // make_unsigned_apk.addArg("-A"); // additional directory in which to find raw asset files // make_unsigned_apk.addArg(sdk.sdk.build.pathFromRoot(dir)); // } //NOTE: align happens *AFTER* adding the shared objects, but we have it before in the function so that the copy shared object tasks can be depended on! const align_step = sdk.build.addSystemCommand(&.{ sdk.tools.zipalign, "-p", // ensure shared libraries are aligned to 4KiB boundaries "-f", // overwrite existing files "-v", // enable verbose output "-z", // recompress output "4", }); // align_step.addFileSourceArg(copy_to_zip_output); align_step.addFileSourceArg(unaligned_apk_file); // align_step.step.dependOn(&make_unsigned_apk.step); const apk_file = align_step.addOutputFileArg(apk_filename); var last_run_step: ?*std.Build.Step.Run = null; for (shared_objects, 0..) |shared_object, i| { // https://developer.android.com/ndk/guides/abis#native-code-in-app-packages const so_dir = switch (shared_object.target.getCpuArch()) { .aarch64 => "lib/arm64-v8a", .arm => "lib/armeabi-v7a", .x86_64 => "lib/x86_64", .x86 => "lib/x86", else => @panic("Unknown arch!"), }; if (shared_object.target.getAbi() != .android) { @panic("Non-android shared object added"); } const target_filename = sdk.build.fmt("lib{s}.so", .{shared_object.name}); const target_path = sdk.build.fmt("{s}/{s}", .{ so_dir, target_filename }); const delete_old_so = sdk.build.addSystemCommand(&.{ "7z", "d", }); //The archive delete_old_so.addFileSourceArg(unaligned_apk_file); //The path to delete delete_old_so.addArg(target_path); delete_old_so.step.dependOn(&make_unsigned_apk.step); //Run zip with the -j flag, to copy the so file to the root of the apk const add_to_zip_root = sdk.build.addSystemCommand(&.{ "zip", "-j", }); //The target zip file add_to_zip_root.addFileSourceArg(unaligned_apk_file); //The .so file add_to_zip_root.addFileSourceArg(shared_object.getOutputSource()); add_to_zip_root.step.dependOn(&shared_object.step); add_to_zip_root.step.dependOn(&delete_old_so.step); //Run 7z to move the file to the right folder const move_so_to_folder = sdk.build.addSystemCommand(&.{ "7z", "-tzip", "-aou", "rn", }); //The archive move_so_to_folder.addFileSourceArg(unaligned_apk_file); move_so_to_folder.addArgs(&.{ target_filename, //the source path target_path, //the destination path }); move_so_to_folder.step.dependOn(&add_to_zip_root.step); if (last_run_step) |last_step| { delete_old_so.step.dependOn(&last_step.step); } last_run_step = move_so_to_folder; //Only on the last element, if (i == shared_objects.len - 1) { //Make align step depend on the move step align_step.step.dependOn(&move_so_to_folder.step); } } const java_dir = sdk.build.getInstallPath(.lib, "java"); var root = try std.fs.openDirAbsolute(root_path, .{}); defer root.close(); root.makePath(try std.fs.path.relative(sdk.build.allocator, root_path, java_dir)) catch |err| { if (err != error.PathAlreadyExists) return err; }; if (java_files_opt) |java_files| { if (java_files.len == 0) { return error.NoJavaFilesPassedPassNullPlease; } //HACK: this should be done LITERALLY ANY OTHER WAY, // but im too lazy to write the 50 lines of code, so this will do for now :) const d8_cmd = sdk.build.addSystemCommand(&.{ "zsh", "-c", }); var final_command = std.ArrayList(u8).init(sdk.build.allocator); try final_command.appendSlice("java "); try final_command.appendSlice("-cp "); try final_command.appendSlice(sdk.tools.d8); try final_command.appendSlice(" com.android.tools.r8.D8"); try final_command.append(' '); try final_command.appendSlice("--lib "); try final_command.appendSlice(sdk.root_jar); try final_command.append(' '); const javac_cmd = sdk.build.addSystemCommand(&.{ sdk.tools.javac, //The classpath "-cp", sdk.root_jar, //The directory "-d", java_dir, }); d8_cmd.step.dependOn(&javac_cmd.step); for (java_files) |java_file| { //The java file source javac_cmd.addFileSourceArg(std.build.FileSource.relative(java_file)); } try final_command.appendSlice(java_dir); try final_command.appendSlice("/**/*.class "); try final_command.appendSlice("--classpath "); try final_command.appendSlice(java_dir); try final_command.append(' '); try final_command.appendSlice("--output "); try final_command.appendSlice(java_dir); d8_cmd.addArg(try final_command.toOwnedSlice()); d8_cmd.step.dependOn(&make_unsigned_apk.step); const dex_file = try std.fs.path.resolve(sdk.build.allocator, &.{ java_dir, "classes.dex" }); //Run zip with the -j flag, to copy the so file to the root of the apk const add_dex_to_zip = sdk.build.addSystemCommand(&.{ "zip", "-j", }); //The target zip file add_dex_to_zip.addFileSourceArg(unaligned_apk_file); //The .so file add_dex_to_zip.addFileSourceArg(.{ .path = dex_file }); //Make the add dex step run after d8 add_dex_to_zip.step.dependOn(&d8_cmd.step); //Make align depend on adding dex align_step.step.dependOn(&add_dex_to_zip.step); } const sign_step = sdk.build.addSystemCommand(&[_][]const u8{ sdk.tools.apksigner, "sign", "--ks", // keystore key_store.file, }); sign_step.step.dependOn(&align_step.step); { const pass = sdk.build.fmt("pass:{s}", .{key_store.password}); sign_step.addArgs(&.{ "--ks-pass", pass }); sign_step.addFileSourceArg(apk_file); } const apk_install = sdk.build.addInstallBinFile(apk_file, apk_filename); apk_install.step.dependOn(&sign_step.step); return apk_install; } pub const AndroidTarget = struct { sdk: Self, sys_include_dir: []const u8, lib_dir: []const u8, libc_file: std.build.FileSource, target: std.zig.CrossTarget, pub fn setupCompileStep(self: AndroidTarget, step: *std.Build.Step.Compile) void { //Set the libc file step.setLibCFile(self.libc_file); //Make the compile step depend on the libc file self.libc_file.addStepDependencies(&step.step); step.addIncludePath(.{ .path = self.sdk.include_dir }); step.addLibraryPath(.{ .path = self.lib_dir }); } }; pub fn createTarget(sdk: Self, target: std.zig.CrossTarget) !AndroidTarget { //Path that contains the system headers const sys_include_dir = try std.fs.path.resolve(sdk.build.allocator, &.{ sdk.include_dir, androidTriple(sdk.build, target), }); //Path that contains all the native libraries const lib_dir = try std.fs.path.resolve(sdk.build.allocator, &.{ sdk.ndk_root, "toolchains", "llvm", "prebuilt", comptime toolchainHostTag(), "sysroot", "usr", "lib", androidTriple(sdk.build, target), sdk.build.fmt("{d}", .{@intFromEnum(sdk.target_android_version)}), }); var libc_file = try createAndroidLibCFile( sdk.build, sdk.target_android_version, @tagName(target.getCpuArch()), sdk.include_dir, sys_include_dir, lib_dir, ); return AndroidTarget{ .sys_include_dir = sys_include_dir, .libc_file = libc_file, .lib_dir = lib_dir, .target = target, .sdk = sdk, }; } pub fn init(b: *std.Build, target_android_version: AndroidVersion) !Self { const sdk_version: u16 = @intFromEnum(target_android_version); //The root folder of the Android SDK const sdk_root = try std.process.getEnvVarOwned(b.allocator, "ANDROID_HOME"); //Get the Android NDK root, try first from the env var, then try `sdk_root/ndk-bundle` (is ndk-bundle cross platform?) const ndk_root = std.process.getEnvVarOwned(b.allocator, "ANDROID_NDK") catch |err| blk: { if (err != error.EnvironmentVariableNotFound) { return err; } break :blk try std.fs.path.resolve(b.allocator, &.{ sdk_root, "ndk-bundle", }); }; //The root jar for the android platform const root_jar = try std.fs.path.resolve(b.allocator, &.{ sdk_root, "platforms", b.fmt("android-{d}", .{sdk_version}), "android.jar", }); //The android tools var tools = try AndroidTools.findTools(b, sdk_root); //Path that contains the main android headers const include_dir = try std.fs.path.resolve(b.allocator, &.{ ndk_root, "toolchains", "llvm", "prebuilt", comptime toolchainHostTag(), "sysroot", "usr", "include", }); return Self{ .target_android_version = target_android_version, .sdk_version = sdk_version, .sdk_root = sdk_root, .ndk_root = ndk_root, .root_jar = root_jar, .include_dir = include_dir, .tools = tools, .build = b, }; } fn createAndroidLibCFile(b: *std.Build, version: AndroidVersion, folder_name: []const u8, include_dir: []const u8, sys_include_dir: []const u8, crt_dir: []const u8) !std.build.FileSource { const fname = b.fmt("android-{d}-{s}.conf", .{ @intFromEnum(version), folder_name }); var contents = std.ArrayList(u8).init(b.allocator); errdefer contents.deinit(); var writer = contents.writer(); // The directory that contains `stdlib.h`. // On POSIX-like systems, include directories be found with: `cc -E -Wp,-v -xc /dev/null try writer.print("include_dir={s}\n", .{include_dir}); // The system-specific include directory. May be the same as `include_dir`. // On Windows it's the directory that includes `vcruntime.h`. // On POSIX it's the directory that includes `sys/errno.h`. try writer.print("sys_include_dir={s}\n", .{sys_include_dir}); try writer.print("crt_dir={s}\n", .{crt_dir}); try writer.writeAll("msvc_lib_dir=\n"); try writer.writeAll("kernel32_lib_dir=\n"); try writer.writeAll("gcc_dir=\n"); const step = b.addWriteFiles(); return step.add(fname, contents.items); } fn root_dir() []const u8 { return std.fs.path.dirname(@src().file) orelse "."; } const root_path = root_dir() ++ "/";
// Shaders extern fn compileShader(source: *const u8 , len: c_uint, type: c_uint) c_uint; extern fn linkShaderProgram(vertexShaderId: c_uint, fragmentShaderId: c_uint) c_uint; // GL extern fn glClearColor(_: f32, _: f32, _: f32, _: f32) void; extern fn glEnable(_: c_uint) void; extern fn glDepthFunc(_: c_uint) void; extern fn glClear(_: c_uint) void; extern fn glGetAttribLocation(_: c_uint, _: *const u8, _: c_uint) c_int ; extern fn glGetUniformLocation(_: c_uint, _: *const u8, _: c_uint) c_int; extern fn glUniform4fv(_: c_int, _: f32, _: f32, _: f32, _: f32) void; extern fn glCreateBuffer() c_uint; extern fn glBindBuffer(_: c_uint, _: c_uint) void; extern fn glBufferData(_: c_uint, _: *const f32, _:c_uint, _: c_uint) void; extern fn glUseProgram(_: c_uint) void; extern fn glEnableVertexAttribArray(_: c_uint) void; extern fn glVertexAttribPointer(_: c_uint, _: c_uint, _: c_uint, _: c_uint, _: c_uint, _: c_uint) void; extern fn glDrawArrays(_: c_uint, _: c_uint, _: c_uint) void; // Identifier constants pulled from WebGLRenderingContext const GL_VERTEX_SHADER: c_uint = 35633; const GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER: c_uint = 35632; const GL_ARRAY_BUFFER: c_uint = 34962; const GL_TRIANGLES: c_uint = 4; const GL_STATIC_DRAW: c_uint = 35044; const GL_f32: c_uint = 5126; const GL_DEPTH_TEST: c_uint = 2929; const GL_LEQUAL: c_uint = 515; const GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT: c_uint = 16384; const GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT: c_uint = 256; const vertexShader = \\attribute vec4 a_position; \\uniform vec4 u_offset; \\void main() { \\ gl_Position = a_position + u_offset; \\} ; const fragmentShader = \\precision mediump float; \\void main() { \\ gl_FragColor = vec4(0.3, 0.6, 1.0, 1.0); \\} ; const positions = [_]f32 {0, 0, 0, 0.5, 0.7, 0}; var program_id: c_uint = undefined; var positionAttributeLocation: c_int = undefined; var offsetUniformLocation: c_int = undefined; var positionBuffer: c_uint = undefined; export fn onInit() void { glClearColor(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1.0); glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glDepthFunc(GL_LEQUAL); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); const vertex_shader_id = compileShader(&vertexShader[0], vertexShader.len, GL_VERTEX_SHADER); const fsId = compileShader(&fragmentShader[0], fragmentShader.len, GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER); program_id = linkShaderProgram(vertex_shader_id, fsId); const a_position = "a_position"; const u_offset = "u_offset"; positionAttributeLocation = glGetAttribLocation(program_id, &a_position[0], a_position.len); offsetUniformLocation = glGetUniformLocation(program_id, &u_offset[0], u_offset.len); positionBuffer = glCreateBuffer(); glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, positionBuffer); glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, &positions[0], 6, GL_STATIC_DRAW); } var previous: c_int = 0; var x: f32 = 0; export fn onAnimationFrame(timestamp: c_int) void { const delta = if(previous > 0) timestamp - previous else 0; x += @intToFloat(f32, delta) / 1000.0; if(x > 1) x = -2; glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); glUseProgram(program_id); glEnableVertexAttribArray(@intCast(c_uint, positionAttributeLocation)); glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, positionBuffer); glVertexAttribPointer(@intCast(c_uint, positionAttributeLocation), 2, GL_f32, 0, 0, 0); glUniform4fv(offsetUniformLocation, x, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, 3); previous = timestamp; } pub fn main() void { }
const std = @import("std"); const ArrayList = std.ArrayList; const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator; pub fn readFile(allocator: Allocator, comptime name: []const u8) !ArrayList([]const u8) { const file = @embedFile(name); var lines = ArrayList([]const u8).init(allocator); var iter = std.mem.tokenize(u8, file, "\n"); while (iter.next()) |line| { try lines.append(line); } return lines; }
const std = @import("std"); const logger = @import("logger.zig"); const builtin = @import("builtin"); const zod = @import("zod.zig"); pub fn main() !void { logger.log("info", "Welcome to DDoS.zig v1.00 (L7)"); const stdin = std.io.getStdIn().reader(); var inputBuffer: [101]u8 = undefined; std.debug.print("[TARGET URL]: ", .{}); const t = try stdin.read(&inputBuffer); std.debug.print("\n", .{}); const url = inputBuffer[0..t]; logger.log("target", zod.validateURL(url)); }
const std = @import("std"); const flecs = @import("flecs"); const rl = @import("raylib.zig"); const components = @import("components/export.zig"); const systems = @import("systems/export.zig"); pub fn init(world: *flecs.World, allocator: *std.mem.Allocator) std.mem.Allocator.Error!void { // add components and systems components.init(world); systems.init(world); // create raylib camera var rlcamera = try allocator.create(rl.Camera); rlcamera.* = rl.Camera { .position = rl.Vector3{ .x = 5, .y = 4, .z = 5 }, .target = rl.Vector3{ .x = 0, .y = 2, .z = 0 }, .up = rl.Vector3{ .x = 0, .y = 1, .z = 0 }, .fovy = 45, .projection = rl.CAMERA_PERSPECTIVE }; // add entities const ecamera = world.new(); world.set(ecamera, &components.Camera{ .camera = rlcamera }); rl.SetCameraMode(rlcamera.*, rl.CAMERA_FIRST_PERSON); const ecube = world.new(); world.set(ecube, &components.Cube{ .size = rl.Vector3 { .x = 10, .y = 5, .z = 10 }, .color = rl.RED, .cam_ptr = rlcamera }); world.set(ecube, &components.Position{ .x = -10, .y = 0, .z = -10 }); const egrid = world.new(); world.set(egrid, &components.Grid{ .slices = 50, .spacing = 1, .cam_ptr = rlcamera }); }
const std = @import("std"); const String = @import("utils/string.zig"); pub fn main() !void { const file = @embedFile("inputs/day1.txt"); var stringAllocator = std.heap.page_allocator; const lines = try String.split(stringAllocator, file, "\n"); defer lines.deinit(); const numbers = [9][]const u8{ "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine" }; const staticString = "Hello"; _ = staticString; var sum: i32 = 0; for (lines.items, 0..) |line, lineNum| { _ = lineNum; // std.debug.print("\n==Start Line \"{s}\"==\n", .{line}); const allocator = std.heap.page_allocator; var list = std.ArrayList(i8).init(allocator); defer list.deinit(); var i: usize = 0; const wordAllocator = std.heap.page_allocator; var word = std.ArrayList([1]u8).init(wordAllocator); defer word.deinit(); // std.debug.print("\tinit word: {s}\n", .{word.items}); while (i < line.len) { const char = [1]u8{line[i]}; i += 1; const num = std.fmt.parseInt(i8, &char, 10) catch -1; // std.debug.print("Parsed {s} -> {d}\n", .{ char, num }); if (num == -1) { // It's a character, not a number // std.debug.print("Appending {s}\n", .{&char}); try word.append(char); // std.debug.print("\tnew word: {s}\n", .{word.items}); for (numbers, 0..) |number, n| { if (number.len <= word.items.len) { // std.debug.print("Checking {s} for word {s}\n", .{ word.items, number }); var j: usize = word.items.len - 1; var k: usize = 0; while (k >= 0) { if (j == k or number.len == k) { break; } // std.debug.print(". j={d}, k={d}, number.len={d}\n", .{ j, k, number.len }); const endChar = [_]u8{number[number.len - 1 - k]}; const curChar = word.items[j - k]; // std.debug.print("Comparing {s} vs {s}({s}) for word {s}\n", .{ curChar, endChar, number, word.items }); if (!std.mem.eql(u8, &endChar, &curChar)) { // std.debug.print(" . Did not match! Bailing early.\n", .{}); k = 0; break; } // std.debug.print("\tj={d}, k={d}\n", .{ j, k }); k += 1; } //std.debug.print(" . k={d}\n", .{k}); if (k > 0) { const toAdd: i8 = @intCast(n + 1); //std.debug.print(" .WasWord: Add {d}\n", .{toAdd}); try list.append(toAdd); //std.debug.print("Found word: {s}, compared {s} in {s}\n", .{ number, word.items, line }); break; } } } continue; } word.clearAndFree(); // std.debug.print(" . IsNum: Add {d}\n", .{num}); try list.append(num); } const nums = list.items; if (nums.len == 0) { continue; } //std.debug.print("Numbers in line {d}, \"{s}\": {d} -> {d}{d}\n", .{ lineNum + 1, line, nums, nums[0], nums[nums.len - 1] }); sum += (nums[0] * 10) + nums[nums.len - 1]; } std.debug.print("Result: {d}\n", .{sum}); }
const std = @import("std"); const String = @import("utils/string.zig"); const Data = struct { destination: i64, range_start: i64, range_size: i64 }; fn cmpByData(_: void, a: Data, b: Data) bool { return a.destination < b.destination; } pub fn main() !void { const file = @embedFile("inputs/day5.txt"); var allocator = std.heap.page_allocator; const lines = try String.split(allocator, file, "\n"); defer lines.deinit(); var index: usize = 0; var sections = [8]std.ArrayList(i64){ std.ArrayList(i64).init(allocator), std.ArrayList(i64).init(allocator), std.ArrayList(i64).init(allocator), std.ArrayList(i64).init(allocator), std.ArrayList(i64).init(allocator), std.ArrayList(i64).init(allocator), std.ArrayList(i64).init(allocator), std.ArrayList(i64).init(allocator) }; for (sections) |section| { defer section.deinit(); } // Parsing for (lines.items) |line| { if (line.len == 0) { index += 1; continue; } var temp: i64 = -1; var numbers = std.ArrayList(i64).init(allocator); defer numbers.deinit(); for (line, 0..) |c, i| { const char = [1]u8{c}; const num = std.fmt.parseInt(i8, &char, 10) catch -1; const is_space = std.mem.eql(u8, &char, " "); if (num == -1 and !is_space) { temp = -1; // First line is formatted "label: 1 2 3" if (index == 0) { continue; } break; } else if (num == -1) { if (temp > -1) { try numbers.append(temp); } temp = -1; continue; } if (temp == -1) { temp = 0; } // std.debug.print("({d} -> {d} + {d}) ", .{ temp, temp * 10, num }); temp *= 10; temp += num; if (i == line.len - 1) { try numbers.append(temp); } } if (numbers.items.len > 0) { for (numbers.items) |n| { try sections[index].append(n); } } } var lists = [_]std.ArrayList(Data){std.ArrayList(Data).init(allocator)} ** 7; for (lists) |list| { defer list.deinit(); } for (sections[1..sections.len], 0..) |section, i| { // std.debug.print("Section {d} (size {d})...\n", .{ i + 1, section.items.len }); var j: usize = 0; while (j < section.items.len) { const destination = section.items[j]; const range_start = section.items[j + 1]; const range_size = section.items[j + 2]; const data = Data{ .destination = destination, .range_start = range_start, .range_size = range_size }; try lists[i].append(data); // std.debug.print("\tStored row {d} vs {d}\n", .{ j, section.items.len }); j += 3; } std.mem.sort(Data, lists[i].items, {}, cmpByData); } // std.debug.print("Done parsing.\n", .{}); // End Parse // Begin logic var min: i64 = -1; for (sections[0].items) |seed| { var temp: i64 = seed; // std.debug.print("Seed {d}: {d}\n", .{ seed, seed }); for (lists) |list| { for (list.items) |data| { const destination_start = data.destination; const source_start = data.range_start; const size = data.range_size - 1; if (temp >= source_start and temp <= source_start + size) { // std.debug.print("{d} -> ", .{temp}); // std.debug.print("(s: {d}, se: {d})", .{ source_start, source_start + size }); // std.debug.print("(d: {d}, de: {d})", .{ destination_start, destination_start + size }); const offset = destination_start - source_start; temp = temp + offset; break; } } // std.debug.print("\n", .{}); } // std.debug.print("Check {d}\n", .{temp}); if (min == -1) { min = temp; } else if (temp < min) { min = temp; } } std.debug.print("Part 1: {d}\n", .{min}); // Part 2 // Get seed ranges var value: i64 = -1; var size: i64 = -1; var seed_ranges = std.ArrayList([2]i64).init(allocator); defer seed_ranges.deinit(); for (sections[0].items, 0..) |num, i| { if (i % 2 == 0) { // Start of range value = num; } else { // Range size size = num; } if (value > -1 and size > -1) { try seed_ranges.append([2]i64{ value, size }); value = -1; size = -1; } } std.debug.print("{d}\n", .{seed_ranges.items}); var total: i64 = 0; var max_seed: i64 = -1; for (seed_ranges.items) |range| { total += range[1]; const seed = range[0] + range[1] - 1; if (seed > max_seed) { max_seed = seed; } } std.debug.print("{d} total seeds, largest is {d}\n", .{ total, max_seed }); var curr: i64 = 0; while (true) { // Iterate backwards through the maps // std.debug.print("Location {d} maps back to...\n", .{curr}); var i: usize = 7; var temp: i64 = curr; while (i >= 1) { const section = sections[i]; // std.debug.print("\tSection {d} ({d})...\n", .{ i, temp }); var j: usize = 0; while (j < section.items.len) { const destination = section.items[j]; const source = section.items[j + 1]; const length = section.items[j + 2]; if (temp >= destination and temp < destination + length) { // std.debug.print("\t\tMatch {d} -> {d} + {d} = {d}\n", .{ temp, destination, destination - source, temp - (source - destination) }); temp += source - destination; break; } j += 3; } i -= 1; } // std.debug.print("\tResult: {d}\n", .{temp}); var found = false; for (seed_ranges.items) |range| { const min_range = range[0]; const max = range[0] + range[1] - 1; if (temp >= min_range and temp <= max) { // std.debug.print("\t\t{d} is in range {d} -> {d}\n", .{ temp, min_range, max }); found = true; break; } } if (found) { break; } curr += 1; } std.debug.print("Part 2: {d}\n", .{curr}); }
const std = @import("std"); const mem = std.mem; const expect = std.testing.expect; const expectEqual = std.testing.expectEqual; const expectError = std.testing.expectError; const Error = error{ Codec, Overrun }; // // // Deserialization // // pub const Deserialize = struct { const Self = @This(); ptr: *anyopaque, vtable: *const VTable, pub const VTable = struct { visit_tag: *const fn (*anyopaque, u64) Visitor, }; pub fn visitTag(self: Self, tag: u64) Visitor { return (self.vtable.visit_tag)(tag); } }; pub const Visitor = struct { const Self = @This(); ptr: *anyopaque, vtable: *const VTable, pub const VTable = struct { visit_wire_type_varint: *const fn (*anyopaque, u64) anyerror!void, visit_wire_type_i64: *const fn (*anyopaque, u64) anyerror!void, visit_wire_type_len: *const fn (*anyopaque, []const u8) anyerror!void, visit_wire_type_i32: *const fn (*anyopaque, u32) anyerror!void, }; pub fn visitWireTypeVarint(self: Self, varint: u64) !void { return (self.vtable.visit_wire_type_varint)(self.ptr, varint); } pub fn visitWireTypeI64(self: Self, val: u64) !void { return (self.vtable.visit_wire_type_i64)(self.ptr, val); } pub fn visitWireTypeLen(self: Self, bytes: []const u8) !void { return (self.vtable.visit_wire_type_len)(self.ptr, bytes); } pub fn visitWireTypeI32(self: Self, val: u32) !void { return (self.vtable.visit_wire_type_i32)(self.ptr, val); } // // Visitor implementors // fn visitUInt32(ptr: *anyopaque, val: u64) !void { var concrete_ptr: *u32 = @ptrCast(@alignCast(ptr)); concrete_ptr.* = @truncate(val); } pub fn UInt32(ptr: *u32) Visitor { return .{ .ptr = @ptrCast(ptr), .vtable = &.{ .visit_wire_type_varint = visitUInt32, .visit_wire_type_i64 = visitWireTypeI64Null, .visit_wire_type_len = visitWireTypeLenNull, .visit_wire_type_i32 = visitWireTypeI32Null, } }; } const UInt32ArrayListImpl = struct { fn visitWireTypeVarint(ptr: *anyopaque, val: u64) !void { var concrete_ptr: *std.ArrayList(u32) = @ptrCast(@alignCast(ptr)); try concrete_ptr.append(@truncate(val)); } fn visitWireTypeLen(ptr: *anyopaque, bytes: []const u8) !void { var concrete_ptr: *std.ArrayList(u32) = @ptrCast(@alignCast(ptr)); var xs = bytes; while (xs.len != 0) { const x = try decodeVarint(&xs); try concrete_ptr.append(@truncate(x)); } } }; pub fn UInt32ArrayList(ptr: *std.ArrayList(u32)) Visitor { return .{ .ptr = @ptrCast(ptr), .vtable = &.{ .visit_wire_type_varint = UInt32ArrayListImpl.visitWireTypeVarint, .visit_wire_type_i64 = visitWireTypeI64Null, .visit_wire_type_len = UInt32ArrayListImpl.visitWireTypeLen, .visit_wire_type_i32 = visitWireTypeI32Null, }, }; } fn UInt32BoundedArrayImpl(comptime capacity: usize) type { return struct { fn visitWireTypeVarint( ptr: *anyopaque, val: u64, ) !void { var concrete_ptr: *std.BoundedArray(u32, capacity) = @ptrCast(@alignCast(ptr)); try concrete_ptr.append(@truncate(val)); } fn visitWireTypeLen( ptr: *anyopaque, bytes: []const u8, ) !void { var xs = bytes; var concrete_ptr: *std.BoundedArray(u32, capacity) = @ptrCast(@alignCast(ptr)); while (xs.len != 0) { const x = try decodeVarint(&xs); try concrete_ptr.append(@truncate(x)); } } }; } pub fn UInt32BoundedArray( comptime capacity: usize, ptr: *std.BoundedArray(u32, capacity), ) Visitor { return .{ .ptr = @ptrCast(ptr), .vtable = &.{ .visit_wire_type_varint = UInt32BoundedArrayImpl(capacity).visitWireTypeVarint, .visit_wire_type_i64 = visitWireTypeI64Null, .visit_wire_type_len = UInt32BoundedArrayImpl(capacity).visitWireTypeLen, .visit_wire_type_i32 = visitWireTypeI32Null, }, }; } /// A visitor which doesn't do anything. pub const Null: Visitor = .{ .ptr = @alignCast(@ptrCast(@constCast(&.{}))), .vtable = &.{ .visit_wire_type_varint = visitWireTypeVarintNull, .visit_wire_type_i64 = visitWireTypeI64Null, .visit_wire_type_len = visitWireTypeLenNull, .visit_wire_type_i32 = visitWireTypeI32Null, }, }; }; fn visitWireTypeVarintNull(_: *anyopaque, _: u64) !void {} fn visitWireTypeI64Null(_: *anyopaque, _: u64) !void {} fn visitWireTypeLenNull(_: *anyopaque, _: []const u8) !void {} fn visitWireTypeI32Null(_: *anyopaque, _: u32) !void {} // // // Helper functions // // fn popByte(xs: *[]const u8) !u8 { if (xs.len > 0) { const x = xs.*[0]; xs.* = xs.*[1..]; return x; } else { return error.Overrun; } } fn popBytes(xs: *[]const u8, comptime n: usize) ![n]u8 { if (xs.len >= n) { const ys = xs.*[0..n]; xs.* = xs.*[n..]; return ys.*; } else { return error.Overrun; } } fn decodeVarint(xs: *[]const u8) !u64 { var varint: u64 = 0; for (0..10) |count| { const x = @as(u64, try popByte(xs)); varint |= (x & 0x7f) << @intCast(count * 7); if (x <= 0x7f) { if (count == 9 and x >= 2) { return error.Codec; } return varint; } } return error.Codec; } inline fn decodeFixed32(xs: *[]const u8) !u32 { const bytes = try popBytes(xs, 4); return mem.readIntNative(u32, bytes); } inline fn decodeFixed64(xs: *[]const u8) !u64 { const bytes = try popBytes(xs, 8); return mem.readIntNative(u64, bytes); } // // // Test suite // // test "pop byte" { var bytes = [_]u8{ 1, 2, 3 }; var slice: []u8 = &bytes; try expectEqual(try popByte(&slice), bytes[0]); try expect(mem.eql(u8, slice, bytes[1..])); try expectEqual(try popByte(&slice), bytes[1]); try expect(mem.eql(u8, slice, bytes[2..])); try expectEqual(try popByte(&slice), bytes[2]); try expect(mem.eql(u8, slice, &[_]u8{})); try expectError(error.Overrun, popByte(&slice)); } test "pop bytes" { var bytes = [_]u8{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 }; var slice: []u8 = &bytes; try expect(mem.eql(u8, &try popBytes(&slice, 2), bytes[0..2])); try expect(mem.eql(u8, slice, bytes[2..])); try expect(mem.eql(u8, &try popBytes(&slice, 3), bytes[2..5])); try expect(mem.eql(u8, slice, bytes[5..])); try expect(mem.eql(u8, &try popBytes(&slice, 1), bytes[5..])); try expect(mem.eql(u8, slice, &[_]u8{})); try expectError(error.Overrun, popByte(&slice)); } test "decode varint" { { var bytes = [_]u8{1}; var slice: []u8 = &bytes; try expectEqual(try decodeVarint(&slice), 1); } { var bytes = [_]u8{ 128, 1 }; var slice: []u8 = &bytes; try expectEqual(try decodeVarint(&slice), 128); } { var bytes = [_]u8{ 128, 128, 1 }; var slice: []u8 = &bytes; try expectEqual(try decodeVarint(&slice), 16384); } } test "u32 [uint32] visit varint" { var x: u32 = 0; const visitor = Visitor.UInt32(&x); try visitor.visitWireTypeVarint(123); try expectEqual(x, 123); } test "ArrayList(u32) [repeated uint32] visit varint" { var xs = std.ArrayList(u32).init(std.testing.allocator); defer xs.deinit(); const visitor = Visitor.UInt32ArrayList(&xs); try visitor.visitWireTypeVarint(123); try visitor.visitWireTypeVarint(456); try expectEqual(xs.pop(), 456); try expectEqual(xs.pop(), 123); try expectEqual(xs.popOrNull(), null); } test "ArrayList(u32) [repeated uint32] visit len" { const bytes = [_]u8{ 123, 200, 3 }; var xs = std.ArrayList(u32).init(std.testing.allocator); defer xs.deinit(); const visitor = Visitor.UInt32ArrayList(&xs); try visitor.visitWireTypeLen(&bytes); try expectEqual(xs.pop(), 456); try expectEqual(xs.pop(), 123); try expectEqual(xs.popOrNull(), null); } test "BoundedArray(u32, 2) [repeated uint32] visit varint" { var xs = try std.BoundedArray(u32, 2).init(0); const visitor = Visitor.UInt32BoundedArray(2, &xs); try visitor.visitWireTypeVarint(123); try visitor.visitWireTypeVarint(456); try expectEqual(xs.pop(), 456); try expectEqual(xs.pop(), 123); try expectEqual(xs.popOrNull(), null); } test "BoundedArray(u32, 2) [repeated uint32] visit len" { const bytes = [_]u8{ 123, 200, 3 }; var xs = try std.BoundedArray(u32, 2).init(0); const visitor = Visitor.UInt32BoundedArray(2, &xs); try visitor.visitWireTypeLen(&bytes); try expectEqual(xs.pop(), 456); try expectEqual(xs.pop(), 123); try expectEqual(xs.popOrNull(), null); }
//! Matrix math operations pub fn mul(comptime M: usize, comptime N: usize, comptime P: usize, comptime T: type, a: [N][M]T, b: [P][N]T) [P][M]T { var res: [P][M]T = undefined; for (&res, 0..) |*column, i| { for (column, 0..) |*c, j| { var va: @Vector(N, T) = undefined; comptime var k: usize = 0; inline while (k < N) : (k += 1) { va[k] = a[k][j]; } const vb: @Vector(N, T) = b[i]; c.* = @reduce(.Add, va * vb); } } return res; } const std = @import("std"); test mul { try std.testing.expectEqualDeep([3][4]f32{ .{ 5, 8, 6, 11 }, .{ 4, 9, 5, 9 }, .{ 3, 5, 3, 6 }, }, mul( 4, 3, 3, f32, .{ .{ 1, 2, 0, 1 }, .{ 0, 1, 1, 1 }, .{ 1, 1, 1, 2 }, }, .{ .{ 1, 2, 4 }, .{ 2, 3, 2 }, .{ 1, 1, 2 }, }, )); try std.testing.expectEqualDeep([1][4]f32{ .{ 1, 2, 3, 4 }, }, mul( 4, 4, 1, f32, .{ .{ 1, 0, 0, 0 }, .{ 0, 1, 0, 0 }, .{ 0, 0, 1, 0 }, .{ 0, 0, 0, 1 }, }, .{ .{ 1, 2, 3, 4 }, }, )); try std.testing.expectEqualDeep([4][4]f32{ .{ 1, 0, 0, 0 }, .{ 0, 1, 0, 0 }, .{ 0, 0, 1, 0 }, .{ 7, 9, 11, 1 }, }, mul( 4, 4, 4, f32, .{ .{ 1, 0, 0, 0 }, .{ 0, 1, 0, 0 }, .{ 0, 0, 1, 0 }, .{ 2, 3, 4, 1 }, }, .{ .{ 1, 0, 0, 0 }, .{ 0, 1, 0, 0 }, .{ 0, 0, 1, 0 }, .{ 5, 6, 7, 1 }, }, )); try std.testing.expectEqualDeep([4][4]f32{ .{ 1, 0, 0, 0 }, .{ 0, 1, 0, 0 }, .{ 0, 0, 1, 0 }, .{ 5, 6, 7, 0 }, }, mul( 4, 4, 4, f32, .{ .{ 1, 0, 0, 0 }, .{ 0, 1, 0, 0 }, .{ 0, 0, 1, 0 }, .{ 2, 3, 4, 0 }, }, .{ .{ 1, 0, 0, 0 }, .{ 0, 1, 0, 0 }, .{ 0, 0, 1, 0 }, .{ 5, 6, 7, 0 }, }, )); }
const std = @import("std"); const sort = std.sort; const warn = std.debug.warn; const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator; const assert = std.debug.assert; const Edge = struct { from: i32, to: i32, distance: i32, const Self = @This(); pub fn asc(l: Edge, r: Edge) bool { return l.distance < r.distance; } pub fn dsc(l: Edge, r: Edge) bool { return l.distance > r.distance; } pub fn equals(self: Self, other: Edge) bool { return (self.from == other.from) and (self.to == other.to) and (self.distance == other.distance); } }; const Tree = struct { parent: usize, rank: usize, }; const UnionFindForest = struct { forest: []Tree, const Self = @This(); pub fn find(self: Self, i: usize) usize { const f = self.forest; if (f[i].parent != i) { f[i].parent = self.find(f[i].parent); } return f[i].parent; } pub fn isSameTree(self: Self, e: Edge) bool { const from = @intCast(usize, e.from); const to = @intCast(usize, e.to); return self.find(from) == self.find(to); } pub fn merge(self: UnionFindForest, e: Edge) void { const from = @intCast(usize, e.from); const to = @intCast(usize, e.to); const f = self.forest; const x = self.find(from); const y = self.find(to); if (f[x].rank < f[y].rank) { f[x].parent = y; } else if (f[x].rank > f[y].rank) { f[y].parent = x; } else { f[y].parent = x; f[x].rank += 1; } } pub fn init(size: usize, allocator: *Allocator) !Self { const a = try allocator.alloc(Tree, size); for (a) |_, i| { a[i] = Tree{ .parent = i, .rank = 1, }; } return Self{ .forest = a }; } }; inline fn edge(from: i32, to: i32, distance: i32) Edge { return Edge{ .from = from, .to = to, .distance = distance, }; } pub fn kruskal(edges: []const Edge, size: usize, allocator: *Allocator) !?[]const Edge { const forest = try UnionFindForest.init(size, allocator); var mst = try allocator.alloc(Edge, size - 1); var j: usize = 0; for (edges) |e| { if (j == size - 1) { return mst; } if (!forest.isSameTree(e)) { forest.merge(e); mst[j] = e; j += 1; } } return null; } test "Minimal Spanning Tree test" { var directAllocator = std.heap.DirectAllocator.init(); defer directAllocator.deinit(); sort.sort(Edge, &graph, Edge.asc); const optional_mst = try kruskal(&graph, vertices, &directAllocator.allocator); assert(optional_mst != null); if (optional_mst) |mst| { for (mst) |e, i| { assert(e.equals(minimalSpanningTree[i])); } } } const vertices = 11; var graph = []const Edge{ edge(0, 1, 2), edge(0, 3, 5), edge(1, 3, 1), edge(1, 2, 4), edge(1, 4, 7), edge(4, 8, 2), edge(4, 9, 1), edge(7, 8, 1), edge(7, 10, 8), edge(8, 10, 2), edge(8, 9, 3), edge(9, 5, 5), edge(9, 6, 3), edge(5, 6, 2), edge(5, 10, 4), edge(9, 10, 5), }; const minimalSpanningTree = []const Edge{ edge(1, 3, 1), edge(4, 9, 1), edge(7, 8, 1), edge(0, 1, 2), edge(4, 8, 2), edge(8, 10, 2), edge(5, 6, 2), edge(9, 6, 3), edge(1, 2, 4), edge(1, 4, 7), };
const std = @import("std"); const windows = @import("windows.zig"); const ws2_32 = @import("ws2_32.zig"); const os = std.os; const net = std.net; const math = std.math; const Handle = struct { const Self = @This(); inner: windows.HANDLE, pub fn init(handle: windows.HANDLE) Self { return Self{ .inner = handle }; } pub fn deinit(self: *const Self) void { windows.closesocket(@ptrCast(ws2_32.SOCKET, self.inner)) catch {}; } pub inline fn unwrap(self: *const Self) windows.HANDLE { return self.inner; } }; const Overlapped = struct { const Self = @This(); inner: windows.OVERLAPPED, frame: anyframe, pub fn init(frame: anyframe) Self { return .{ .inner = .{ .Internal = 0, .InternalHigh = 0, .Offset = 0, .OffsetHigh = 0, .hEvent = null, }, .frame = frame, }; } }; const Poller = struct { const Self = @This(); port: windows.HANDLE, pub fn init() !Self { const port = try windows.CreateIoCompletionPort( windows.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, null, undefined, math.maxInt(windows.DWORD), ); errdefer windows.CloseHandle(port); return Self{ .port = port }; } pub fn deinit(self: *const Self) void { windows.CloseHandle(self.port); } pub fn register(self: *const Self, handle: *const Handle) !void { try windows.SetFileCompletionNotificationModes(handle.unwrap(), windows.FILE_SKIP_SET_EVENT_ON_HANDLE | windows.FILE_SKIP_COMPLETION_PORT_ON_SUCCESS); _ = try windows.CreateIoCompletionPort(handle.unwrap(), self.port, 0, 0); } pub fn poll(self: *const Self) !void { var events: [1024]windows.OVERLAPPED_ENTRY = undefined; const num_events = try windows.GetQueuedCompletionStatusEx(self.port, &events, null, false); for (events[0..num_events]) |event| { // std.debug.print("IOCP Notification ({})\n", .{event}); const overlapped = @fieldParentPtr(Overlapped, "inner", event.lpOverlapped); resume overlapped.frame; } } }; pub fn bind(handle: *Handle, addr: net.Address) !void { try windows.bind_(@ptrCast(ws2_32.SOCKET, handle.unwrap()), &addr.any, addr.getOsSockLen()); } pub fn listen(handle: *Handle, backlog: usize) !void { try windows.listen_(@ptrCast(ws2_32.SOCKET, handle.unwrap()), backlog); } pub fn connect(handle: *Handle, addr: net.Address) callconv(.Async) !void { try bind(handle, net.Address.initIp4(.{0, 0, 0, 0}, 0)); var overlapped = Overlapped.init(@frame()); windows.ConnectEx( @ptrCast(ws2_32.SOCKET, handle.unwrap()), &addr.any, addr.getOsSockLen(), &overlapped.inner, ) catch |err| switch (err) { error.WouldBlock => { suspend; }, else => return err, }; try windows.getsockoptError(@ptrCast(ws2_32.SOCKET, handle.unwrap())); try windows.setsockopt( @ptrCast(ws2_32.SOCKET, handle.unwrap()), ws2_32.SOL_SOCKET, ws2_32.SO_UPDATE_CONNECT_CONTEXT, null, ); } pub fn accept(handle: *Handle) callconv(.Async) !Handle { var accepted = Handle.init(try windows.WSASocketW( ws2_32.AF_UNSPEC, ws2_32.SOCK_STREAM, ws2_32.IPPROTO_TCP, null, 0, ws2_32.WSA_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, )); errdefer accepted.deinit(); var overlapped = Overlapped.init(@frame()); windows.AcceptEx( @ptrCast(ws2_32.SOCKET, handle.unwrap()), @ptrCast(ws2_32.SOCKET, accepted.unwrap()), &overlapped.inner, ) catch |err| switch (err) { error.WouldBlock => { suspend; }, else => return err, }; var opt_val: []const u8 = undefined; opt_val.ptr = @ptrCast([*]const u8, &handle.unwrap()); opt_val.len = @sizeOf(ws2_32.SOCKET); try windows.setsockopt( @ptrCast(ws2_32.SOCKET, accepted.unwrap()), ws2_32.SOL_SOCKET, ws2_32.SO_UPDATE_ACCEPT_CONTEXT, opt_val, ); return accepted; } pub fn read(handle: *Handle, buf: []u8) callconv(.Async) !usize { var overlapped = Overlapped.init(@frame()); windows.ReadFile_(handle.unwrap(), buf, &overlapped.inner) catch |err| switch (err) { error.WouldBlock => { suspend; }, else => return err, }; return overlapped.inner.InternalHigh; } pub fn write(handle: *Handle, buf: []const u8) callconv(.Async) !usize { var overlapped = Overlapped.init(@frame()); windows.WriteFile_(handle.unwrap(), buf, &overlapped.inner) catch |err| switch (err) { error.WouldBlock => { suspend; }, else => return err, }; return overlapped.inner.InternalHigh; } pub fn runClient(poller: *Poller, stopped: *bool) callconv(.Async) !void { errdefer |err| std.debug.print("Got an error: {}\n", .{@errorName(err)}); defer stopped.* = true; const addr = try net.Address.parseIp("", 9000); var handle = Handle.init( try windows.WSASocketW( addr.any.family, ws2_32.SOCK_STREAM, ws2_32.IPPROTO_TCP, null, 0, ws2_32.WSA_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, ), ); defer handle.deinit(); try poller.register(&handle); try connect(&handle, addr); std.debug.print("Connected to {}!\n", .{addr}); var buf: [1024]u8 = undefined; std.debug.print("Got: {}", .{buf[0..try read(&handle, buf[0..])]}); std.debug.print("Got: {}", .{buf[0..try read(&handle, buf[0..])]}); _ = try write(&handle, "Hello world!"); } pub fn runServer(poller: *Poller, stopped: *bool) callconv(.Async) !void { errdefer |err| std.debug.print("Got an error: {}\n", .{@errorName(err)}); defer stopped.* = true; const addr = try net.Address.parseIp("", 9000); var handle = Handle.init( try windows.WSASocketW( addr.any.family, ws2_32.SOCK_STREAM, ws2_32.IPPROTO_TCP, null, 0, ws2_32.WSA_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, ), ); defer handle.deinit(); try poller.register(&handle); try bind(&handle, addr); try listen(&handle, 128); std.debug.print("Listening for peers on: {}\n", .{addr}); var client = try accept(&handle); defer client.deinit(); try poller.register(&client); std.debug.print("A client has connected!\n", .{}); var buf: [1024]u8 = undefined; std.debug.print("Got: {}", .{buf[0..try read(&client, buf[0..])]}); std.debug.print("Got: {}", .{buf[0..try read(&client, buf[0..])]}); } pub fn runBenchmarkClient(poller: *Poller, stopped: *bool) callconv(.Async) !void { errdefer |err| std.debug.print("Got an error: {}\n", .{@errorName(err)}); defer stopped.* = true; const addr = try net.Address.parseIp("", 9000); var handle = Handle.init( try windows.WSASocketW( addr.any.family, ws2_32.SOCK_STREAM, ws2_32.IPPROTO_TCP, null, 0, ws2_32.WSA_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, ), ); defer handle.deinit(); try poller.register(&handle); try connect(&handle, addr); std.debug.print("Connected to {}!\n", .{addr}); var buf: [65536]u8 = undefined; while (true) { _ = try write(&handle, buf[0..]); } } pub fn runBenchmarkServer(poller: *Poller, stopped: *bool) callconv(.Async) !void { errdefer |err| std.debug.print("Got an error: {}\n", .{@errorName(err)}); defer stopped.* = true; const addr = try net.Address.parseIp("", 9000); var handle = Handle.init( try windows.WSASocketW( addr.any.family, ws2_32.SOCK_STREAM, ws2_32.IPPROTO_TCP, null, 0, ws2_32.WSA_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, ), ); defer handle.deinit(); try poller.register(&handle); try bind(&handle, addr); try listen(&handle, 128); std.debug.print("Listening for peers on: {}\n", .{addr}); var client = try accept(&handle); defer client.deinit(); try poller.register(&client); std.debug.print("A client has connected!\n", .{}); var buf: [65536]u8 = undefined; while (true) { _ = try read(&client, buf[0..]); } } pub fn main() !void { _ = try windows.WSAStartup(2, 2); defer windows.WSACleanup() catch {}; var poller = try Poller.init(); defer poller.deinit(); var stopped = false; var frame = async runClient(&poller, &stopped); while (!stopped) { try poller.poll(); } try nosuspend await frame; } // pub fn main() !void { // _ = try windows.WSAStartup(2, 2); // defer windows.WSACleanup() catch {}; // var poller = try Poller.init(); // defer poller.deinit(); // var stopped = false; // var server_frame = async runBenchmarkServer(&poller, &stopped); // var client_frame = async runBenchmarkClient(&poller, &stopped); // while (!stopped) { // try poller.poll(); // } // try nosuspend await server_frame; // try nosuspend await client_frame; // }
// This file originates from https://github.com/silversquirl/deps.zig // // Copyright (c) 2021 silversquirl // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all // copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE // SOFTWARE. // Possible TODOs: // - Parse source to ensure all dependencies are actually used // - Allow multiple packages in one repo // - Fetch packages at build time const std = @import("std"); const builtin = @import("builtin"); update_step: std.build.Step, b: *std.build.Builder, dir: []const u8, deps: std.StringArrayHashMapUnmanaged(Dep) = .{}, import_set: std.StringArrayHashMapUnmanaged(void) = .{}, const Deps = @This(); pub const Dep = union(enum) { managed: struct { // Fully managed dependency - we download these url: []const u8, // Git URL for the package path: []const u8, // Path to package directory main_path: []const u8, // Path to package main file deps: []const []const u8, // Dependency names of this package }, tracked: struct { // Partially managed - we add dependencies to these main_path: []const u8, // Path to package main file deps: []const []const u8, // Dependency names of this package }, unmanaged: struct { // Unmanaged - we just allow these as deps of other deps main_path: std.build.FileSource, // Path to package main file deps: ?[]const std.build.Pkg, // Dependencies of this package }, }; pub fn init(b: *std.build.Builder) *Deps { const self = initNoStep(b); const step = b.step("update", "Update all dependencies to the latest allowed version"); step.dependOn(&self.update_step); return self; } pub fn initNoStep(b: *std.build.Builder) *Deps { const dir = std.os.getenv("DEPS_ZIG_CACHE") orelse switch (builtin.os.tag) { .windows => b.fmt("{s}\\Temp\\deps-zig", .{std.os.getenv("LOCALAPPDATA").?}), .macos => b.fmt("{s}/Library/Caches/deps-zig", .{std.os.getenv("HOME").?}), else => if (std.os.getenv("XDG_CACHE_HOME")) |cache| b.fmt("{s}/deps-zig", .{cache}) else b.fmt("{s}/.cache/deps-zig", .{std.os.getenv("HOME").?}), }; std.fs.cwd().makeDir(dir) catch {}; var dirh = std.fs.cwd().openDir(dir, .{}) catch |err| { std.debug.print("Could not open packages dir '{}': {s}\n", .{ std.fmt.fmtSliceEscapeLower(dir), @errorName(err) }); std.os.exit(1); }; defer dirh.close(); // Purposefully leak the file descriptor - it will be unlocked when the process exits _ = dirh.createFile(".lock", .{ .lock = .Exclusive, .lock_nonblocking = true }) catch |err| { std.debug.print("Failed to aqcuire package lock: {s}\n", .{@errorName(err)}); std.os.exit(1); }; const self = b.allocator.create(Deps) catch unreachable; self.* = .{ .update_step = std.build.Step.init(.custom, "update-deps", b.allocator, makeUpdate), .b = b, .dir = dir, }; return self; } pub fn addTo(self: Deps, step: *std.build.LibExeObjStep) void { var it = self.deps.iterator(); while (it.next()) |entry| { step.addPackage(self.createPkg(entry.key_ptr.*, entry.value_ptr.*)); } } fn createPkg(self: Deps, name: []const u8, dependency: Dep) std.build.Pkg { return switch (dependency) { .managed => |dep| .{ .name = name, .path = .{ .path = dep.main_path }, .dependencies = self.createPkgDeps(dep.deps), }, .tracked => |dep| .{ .name = name, .path = .{ .path = dep.main_path }, .dependencies = self.createPkgDeps(dep.deps), }, .unmanaged => |dep| .{ .name = name, .path = dep.main_path, .dependencies = dep.deps, }, }; } fn createPkgDeps(self: Deps, dep_names: []const []const u8) ?[]const std.build.Pkg { if (dep_names.len == 0) return null; const deps = self.b.allocator.alloc(std.build.Pkg, dep_names.len) catch unreachable; var i: usize = 0; for (dep_names) |dname| { if (self.deps.get(dname)) |ddep| { deps[i] = self.createPkg(dname, ddep); i += 1; } // If we don't have the dep, ignore it and let the compiler error } return deps[0..i]; } pub fn add(self: *Deps, url: []const u8, version: []const u8) void { const name = trimEnds( std.fs.path.basenamePosix(url), &.{"zig-"}, &.{ ".git", ".zig", "-zig" }, ); const path = self.fetchPkg(name, url, version); const main_file = blk: { var dirh = std.fs.cwd().openDir(path, .{}) catch { std.debug.print("Failed to open package dir: {s}\n", .{path}); std.os.exit(1); }; for ([_][]const u8{ self.b.fmt("{s}.zig", .{name}), "main.zig", self.b.fmt("src{c}{s}.zig", .{ std.fs.path.sep, name }), "src" ++ [_]u8{std.fs.path.sep} ++ "main.zig", }) |p| { if (dirh.access(p, .{})) |_| { dirh.close(); break :blk p; } else |_| {} } dirh.close(); std.debug.print("Could not find package entrypoint, attempted {s}.zig, main.zig, src{c}{[0]s}.zig and src{[1]c}main.zig\n", .{ name, std.fs.path.sep }); std.os.exit(1); }; const main_path = std.fs.path.join(self.b.allocator, &.{ path, main_file }) catch unreachable; const deps = self.parsePackageDeps(main_path) catch |err| switch (err) { error.InvalidSyntax => &[_][]const u8{}, else => { std.debug.print("Failed to parse package dependencies for {s}: {s}\n", .{ main_file, @errorName(err) }); std.os.exit(1); }, }; const dep = Dep{ .managed = .{ .url = url, .path = path, .main_path = main_path, .deps = deps, } }; if (self.deps.fetchPut(self.b.allocator, name, dep) catch unreachable) |_| { std.debug.print("Duplicate dependency '{s}'\n", .{std.fmt.fmtSliceEscapeLower(name)}); std.os.exit(1); } } pub fn addPackagePath(self: *Deps, name: []const u8, main_path: []const u8) void { const deps = self.parsePackageDeps(main_path) catch |err| switch (err) { error.InvalidSyntax => &[_][]const u8{}, else => { std.debug.print("Failed to parse package dependencies for {s}: {s}\n", .{ name, @errorName(err) }); std.os.exit(1); }, }; const dep = Dep{ .tracked = .{ .main_path = main_path, .deps = deps, } }; if (self.deps.fetchPut(self.b.allocator, name, dep) catch unreachable) |_| { std.debug.print("Duplicate dependency '{s}'\n", .{std.fmt.fmtSliceEscapeLower(name)}); std.os.exit(1); } } pub fn addPackage(self: *Deps, package: std.build.Pkg) void { const dep = Dep{ .unmanaged = .{ .main_path = package.path, .deps = package.dependencies, } }; if (self.deps.fetchPut(self.b.allocator, package.name, dep) catch unreachable) |_| { std.debug.print("Duplicate dependency '{s}'\n", .{std.fmt.fmtSliceEscapeLower(package.name)}); std.os.exit(1); } } fn fetchPkg(self: Deps, name: []const u8, url: []const u8, version: []const u8) []const u8 { const path = self.b.allocator.alloc(u8, self.dir.len + 1 + url.len + 1 + version.len) catch unreachable; // Base dir var i: usize = 0; std.mem.copy(u8, path[i..], self.dir); i += self.dir.len; // Path separator path[i] = std.fs.path.sep; i += 1; // Encoded URL (/ replaced with : so it's a valid path) std.mem.copy(u8, path[i..], url); std.mem.replaceScalar(u8, path[i .. i + url.len], '/', ':'); i += url.len; // Version separator path[i] = '@'; i += 1; // Version std.mem.copy(u8, path[i..], version); i += version.len; std.debug.assert(i == path.len); // If we don't have the dep already, clone it std.fs.cwd().access(path, .{}) catch self.updateDep(name, path, url, version); return path; } fn parsePackageDeps(self: *Deps, main_file: []const u8) ![]const []const u8 { defer self.import_set.clearRetainingCapacity(); var npkg = try self.collectImports(std.fs.cwd(), main_file); const pkgs = try self.b.allocator.alloc([]const u8, npkg); for (self.import_set.keys()) |key| { if (isPkg(key)) { npkg -= 1; pkgs[npkg] = key; } } return pkgs; } fn collectImports(self: *Deps, dir: std.fs.Dir, import: []const u8) CollectImportsError!usize { const data = dir.readFileAllocOptions(self.b.allocator, import, 4 << 30, null, 1, 0) catch |err| switch (err) { error.FileTooBig => { // If you have a 4GiB source file, you have a problem // However, we probably shouldn't outright error in this situation, so instead we'll warn and skip this file std.debug.print("Could not parse exceptionally large source file '{s}', skipping\n", .{std.fmt.fmtSliceEscapeLower(import)}); return 0; }, else => |e| return e, }; var subdir = try dir.openDir(std.fs.path.dirname(import) orelse ".", .{}); defer subdir.close(); var toks = std.zig.Tokenizer.init(data); var npkg: usize = 0; while (true) { const tok = toks.next(); if (tok.tag == .eof) break; if (tok.tag == .builtin and std.mem.eql(u8, data[tok.loc.start..tok.loc.end], "@import")) { if (toks.next().tag != .l_paren) return error.InvalidSyntax; const name_tok = toks.next(); if (name_tok.tag != .string_literal) return error.InvalidSyntax; if (toks.next().tag != .r_paren) return error.InvalidSyntax; const name = std.zig.string_literal.parseAlloc( self.b.allocator, data[name_tok.loc.start..name_tok.loc.end], ) catch |err| switch (err) { error.InvalidStringLiteral => return error.InvalidSyntax, else => |e| return e, }; if (try self.import_set.fetchPut(self.b.allocator, name, {})) |_| { // Do nothing, the entry is already in the set } else if (isPkg(name)) { npkg += 1; } else if (std.mem.endsWith(u8, name, ".zig")) { npkg += try self.collectImports(subdir, name); } } } return npkg; } const CollectImportsError = std.fs.Dir.OpenError || std.fs.File.OpenError || std.fs.File.ReadError || std.fs.File.SeekError || std.mem.Allocator.Error || error{InvalidSyntax}; fn makeUpdate(step: *std.build.Step) !void { const self = @fieldParentPtr(Deps, "update_step", step); var it = self.deps.iterator(); while (it.next()) |entry| { switch (entry.value_ptr.*) { .managed => |dep| { const version_idx = 1 + std.mem.lastIndexOfScalar(u8, dep.path, '@').?; const version = dep.path[version_idx..]; self.updateDep(entry.key_ptr.*, dep.path, dep.url, version); }, else => {}, } } } fn updateDep(self: Deps, name: []const u8, path: []const u8, url: []const u8, version: []const u8) void { std.fs.cwd().access(path, .{}) catch self.exec(&.{ "git", "clone", "--depth=1", "--no-single-branch", "--shallow-submodules", "--", url, path, }, null); self.exec(&.{ "git", "fetch", "--all", "-Ppqt" }, path); // Check if there are changes - we don't want to clobber them if (self.execOk(&.{ "git", "diff", "--quiet", "HEAD" }, path)) { // Clean; check if version is a branch if (self.execOk(&.{ "git", "show-ref", "--verify", "--", self.b.fmt("refs/remotes/origin/{s}", .{version}), }, path)) { // It is, so switch to it and pull self.exec(&.{ "git", "switch", "-q", "--", version }, path); self.exec(&.{ "git", "pull", "-q", "--ff-only" }, path); } else { // It isn't, check out detached self.exec(&.{ "git", "switch", "-dq", "--", version }, path); } } else { // Dirty; print a warning std.debug.print("WARNING: package {s} contains uncommitted changes, not attempting to update\n", .{name}); } } fn isPkg(name: []const u8) bool { if (std.mem.endsWith(u8, name, ".zig")) return false; if (std.mem.eql(u8, name, "std")) return false; if (std.mem.eql(u8, name, "root")) return false; return true; } /// Remove each prefix, then each suffix, in order fn trimEnds(haystack: []const u8, prefixes: []const []const u8, suffixes: []const []const u8) []const u8 { var s = haystack; for (prefixes) |prefix| { if (std.mem.startsWith(u8, s, prefix)) { s = s[prefix.len..]; } } for (suffixes) |suffix| { if (std.mem.endsWith(u8, s, suffix)) { s = s[0 .. s.len - suffix.len]; } } return s; } fn exec(self: Deps, argv: []const []const u8, cwd: ?[]const u8) void { if (!self.execInternal(argv, cwd, .Inherit)) { std.debug.print("Command failed: {s}", .{argv[0]}); for (argv[1..]) |arg| { std.debug.print(" {s}", .{arg}); } std.debug.print("\n", .{}); std.os.exit(1); } } fn execOk(self: Deps, argv: []const []const u8, cwd: ?[]const u8) bool { return self.execInternal(argv, cwd, .Ignore); } fn execInternal(self: Deps, argv: []const []const u8, cwd: ?[]const u8, io: std.ChildProcess.StdIo) bool { const child = std.ChildProcess.init(argv, self.b.allocator) catch unreachable; defer child.deinit(); child.cwd = cwd; child.stdin_behavior = .Ignore; child.stdout_behavior = io; child.stderr_behavior = io; child.env_map = self.b.env_map; const term = child.spawnAndWait() catch |err| { std.debug.print("Unable to spawn {s}: {s}\n", .{ argv[0], @errorName(err) }); return false; }; switch (term) { .Exited => |code| if (code != 0) { return false; }, .Signal, .Stopped, .Unknown => { return false; }, } return true; }
const std = @import("std"); const ArrayList = std.ArrayList; const print = std.debug.print; const Task = struct { id: u32, name: []const u8, done: bool = false, }; pub const App = struct { task_list: ArrayList(Task), next_id: u32, pub fn init(allocator: std.mem.Allocator) App { var task_list = ArrayList(Task).init(allocator); var app = App{ .task_list = task_list, .next_id = 1, }; return app; } pub fn deinit(self: *App) void { self.task_list.deinit(); } // TODO: Number overflow fn getId(self: *App) u32 { var n = self.*.next_id; self.*.next_id += 1; return n; } pub fn add(self: *App, name: []const u8) void { if (name.len == 0) { print("Missing task name.\n", .{}); return; } var new_task = Task{ .name = name, .id = self.*.getId() }; self.task_list.append(new_task) catch { print("\nError adding task. Not enough memory.\n", .{}); }; } pub fn list(self: *App) void { print("\n == Task list ==\n", .{}); print("ID\tNAME\tDONE\n", .{}); for (self.*.task_list.items) |item| { var status = if (item.done) "done" else "pending"; print("{d}\t{s}\t{s}\n", .{ item.id, item.name, status }); } print("\n", .{}); } pub fn remove(self: *App, id: u32) void { var index_to_remove: ?usize = undefined; for (self.*.task_list.items, 0..) |item, index| { if (item.id == id) { index_to_remove = index; } } if (index_to_remove == undefined) { print("Invalid id.\n", .{}); return; } _ = self.*.task_list.orderedRemove(index_to_remove.?); } pub fn rename(self: *App, id: u32, new_name: []const u8) void { for (self.*.task_list.items, 0..) |item, index| { if (item.id == id) { self.*.task_list.items[index].name = new_name; return; } } print("Id not found.\n", .{}); } pub fn set(self: *App, id: u32, status: bool) void { for (self.*.task_list.items, 0..) |item, index| { if (item.id == id) { self.*.task_list.items[index].done = status; return; } } print("Id not found.\n", .{}); } pub fn help(self: *App) void { _ = self; print("{s}\n\n", .{ \\ Commands: \\ list -> List all tasks \\ add {name} -> Create new task with name \\ remove {id} -> Remove task by id \\ set {id} {status} -> Update task status(pending | done) by id \\ rename {id} {name} -> Rename task by id \\ help -> Display available commands \\ exit -> Exit app }); } };
const std = @import("std"); const lib = @import("lib.zig"); pub fn main() !void { // const n: u16 = 0b10110000_00001111; // const arr: [2]u8 = @bitCast(n); // std.debug.print("{b} {b}\n", .{ arr[0], arr[1] }); // above works const n2: u4 = 0b1011; var arr2: [2]u2 = undefined; const n = @typeInfo(@TypeOf(n2)).Int.bits / 8 + 1; const I = @Type(.{ .Int = .{ .bits = n * 8, .signedness = .unsigned } }); // const I = u8; var bytes: [n]u8 = @bitCast(@as(I, n2)); const s = std.PackedIntSlice(u2).init(&bytes, 2); arr2[0] = s.get(0); arr2[1] = s.get(1); // const arr2: [2]u2 = @bitCast(n2); std.debug.print("{b} {b}\n", .{ arr2[0], arr2[1] }); const n3: u6 = 0b101101; const arr3: [3]u2 = lib.bitCastArray(u2, n3); std.debug.print("{b} {b} {b}\n", .{ arr3[0], arr3[1], arr3[2] }); const TwoBits = enum(u2) { Zero = 0b00, One = 0b01, Two = 0b10, Three = 0b11, }; const num: u6 = 0b10_11_01; const arr: [3]TwoBits = lib.bitCastArray(TwoBits, num); std.debug.print("{} {} {}\n", .{ arr[0], arr[1], arr[2] }); // TwoBits.One TwoBits.Three TwoBits.Two const field: u64 = 0b11111111_11111111_00000000_00000000_00000000_00000000_00000000_10000001; const board: [8]u8 = lib.bitCastArray(u8, field); std.debug.print("0:{b:08}\n1:{b:08}\n2:{b:08}\n3:{b:08}\n4:{b:08}\n5:{b:08}\n6:{b:08}\n7:{b:08}\n", .{ board[0], board[1], board[2], board[3], board[4], board[5], board[6], board[7], }); }
const std = @import("std"); const Pair = struct { x: usize, y: usize, }; pub fn Matrix(comptime T: type, width: usize, height: usize) type { return struct { const Self = @This(); data: [height * width]T, pub fn width(self: Self) usize { return width; } pub fn height(self: Self) usize { return height; } pub fn reset(self: *Self, val: T) void { std.mem.set(T, self.data[0..], val); } pub fn get(self: Self, x: usize, y: usize) T { const i = self.idx(x, y); return self.data[i]; } pub fn set(self: *Self, x: usize, y: usize, val: T) void { const i = self.idx(x, y); self.data[i] = val; } fn idx(self: Self, x: usize, y: usize) usize { std.debug.assert(x < width); std.debug.assert(y < height); return x + y * width; } fn pair(self: Self, i: usize) Pair { return Pair{ .x = i % width, .y = i / width, }; } }; } const origin = Pair{ .x = 10000, .y = 10000 }; fn manhattanDistance(lhs: Pair, rhs: Pair) usize { return std.math.absCast(@bitCast(isize, lhs.x -% rhs.x)) + std.math.absCast(@bitCast(isize, lhs.y -% rhs.y)); } pub fn main() !void { const file = try std.fs.cwd().openRead("03.input"); var wire0 = try std.heap.page_allocator.create(Matrix(u32, origin.x * 2, origin.y * 2)); defer std.heap.page_allocator.destroy(wire0); wire0.reset(0); var line_buf: [2000]u8 = undefined; var file_in_stream = file.inStream(); { const line0 = try file_in_stream.stream.readUntilDelimiterOrEof(line_buf[0..], '\n'); var x: usize = origin.x; var y: usize = origin.y; var step0: u32 = 0; var inner_buf: [10]u8 = undefined; var line_stream = std.io.SliceInStream.init(line0.?); while (line_stream.stream.readUntilDelimiterOrEof(inner_buf[0..], ',')) |segment| { if (segment == null) break; var value = try std.fmt.parseUnsigned(u32, segment.?[1..], 10); while (value > 0) { step0 += 1; value -= 1; switch (segment.?[0]) { 'R' => x += 1, 'L' => x -= 1, 'U' => y += 1, 'D' => y -= 1, else => unreachable, } wire0.set(x, y, step0); } } else |err| return err; } var min_d: usize = std.math.maxInt(usize); var min_steps: usize = std.math.maxInt(usize); { const line1 = try file_in_stream.stream.readUntilDelimiterOrEof(line_buf[0..], '\n'); var x: usize = origin.x; var y: usize = origin.y; var steps1: u32 = 0; var inner_buf: [10]u8 = undefined; var line_stream = std.io.SliceInStream.init(line1.?); while (line_stream.stream.readUntilDelimiterOrEof(inner_buf[0..], ',')) |segment| { if (segment == null) break; var value = try std.fmt.parseUnsigned(u32, segment.?[1..], 10); while (value > 0) { steps1 += 1; value -= 1; switch (segment.?[0]) { 'R' => x += 1, 'L' => x -= 1, 'U' => y += 1, 'D' => y -= 1, else => unreachable, } const steps0 = wire0.get(x, y); if (steps0 > 0) { min_steps = std.math.min(min_steps, steps0 + steps1); min_d = std.math.min(min_d, manhattanDistance(origin, .{ .x = x, .y = y })); } } } else |err| return err; } std.debug.warn("Shortest distance: {}\n", min_d); std.debug.warn("Shortest steps: {}\n", min_steps); }
const std = @import("std"); const os = std.os; const print = std.debug.print; pub fn main() !void { var buf: [256]u8 = undefined; var fba = std.heap.FixedBufferAllocator.init(&buf); var allocator = &fba.allocator; const cwd = try allocator.alloc(u8, 256); defer allocator.free(cwd); const z = try os.getcwd(cwd); print("{}\n", .{z}); }
const std = @import("std"); const warn = std.debug.warn; const mem = std.mem; const os = std.os; const io = std.io; const ArrayList = std.ArrayList; const Map = std.AutoHashMap; const globals = @import("globals.zig"); const atof = @import("atof.zig"); use @import("utils.zig"); pub const TokenType = enum { // single character LEFT_PAREN, RIGHT_PAREN, LEFT_BRACE, RIGHT_BRACE, COMMA, DOT, MINUS, PLUS, SEMICOLON, SLASH, STAR, // one or two characters BANG, BANG_EQUAL, EQUAL, EQUAL_EQUAL, GREATER, GREATER_EQUAL, LESS, LESS_EQUAL, // literals IDENTIFIER, STRING, NUMBER, // keywords AND, CLASS, ELSE, FALSE, FUN, FOR, IF, NIL, OR, PRINT, RETURN, SUPER, THIS, TRUE, VAR, WHILE, EOF }; pub const Literal = union(enum) { String: []const u8, Number: f64, // TODO(cgag): these are only used in parser.zig, // we need to etiehr fully seperate this and the parser, // or usnify them Bool: bool, // TODO(cgag): unused value Nil: bool, }; pub const Token = struct { type: TokenType, lexeme: []const u8, literal: ?Literal, line: u32, pub fn init(token_type: TokenType, lexeme: []const u8, literal: ?Literal, line: u32) Token { return Token { .type = token_type, .lexeme = lexeme, .literal = literal, .line = line, }; } // caller needs to free. pub fn to_string(self: *Token, allocator: *mem.Allocator) ![]const u8 { const buf = try std.fmt.allocPrint( allocator, "type: {}, lexeme: {}", @tagName(self.type), self.lexeme ); errdefer allocator.free(buf); return buf; } }; pub const Scanner = struct { source: []const u8, tokens: ArrayList(Token), start: u32, current: u32, line: u32, keywords: Map([]const u8, TokenType), pub fn init(allocator: *mem.Allocator, source: []const u8) !Scanner { var keywords = Map([]const u8, TokenType).init(allocator); _ = try keywords.put("and", TokenType.AND); _ = try keywords.put("class", TokenType.CLASS); _ = try keywords.put("else", TokenType.ELSE); _ = try keywords.put("false", TokenType.FALSE); _ = try keywords.put("for", TokenType.FOR); _ = try keywords.put("fun", TokenType.FUN); _ = try keywords.put("if", TokenType.IF); _ = try keywords.put("nil", TokenType.NIL); _ = try keywords.put("or", TokenType.OR); _ = try keywords.put("print", TokenType.PRINT); _ = try keywords.put("return", TokenType.RETURN); _ = try keywords.put("super", TokenType.SUPER); _ = try keywords.put("this", TokenType.THIS); _ = try keywords.put("true", TokenType.TRUE); _ = try keywords.put("var", TokenType.VAR); _ = try keywords.put("while", TokenType.WHILE); return Scanner { .source = source, .tokens = ArrayList(Token).init(allocator), .start = 0, .current = 0, .line = 0, .keywords = keywords, }; } pub fn deinit(self: *Scanner) void { self.keywords.deinit(); // TODO(cgag): maybe this should be here self.tokens.deinit(); } pub fn scan(self: *Scanner) !ArrayList(Token) { // TODO(cgag): actually do the scanning while (!self.is_at_end()) { self.start = self.current; try self.scan_token(); } try self.tokens.append(Token.init(TokenType.EOF, "", null, self.line)); return self.tokens; } fn scan_token(self: *Scanner) !void { var c = self.advance(); switch (c) { '(' => { try self.add_simple_token(TokenType.LEFT_PAREN); }, ')' => { try self.add_simple_token(TokenType.RIGHT_PAREN); }, '{' => { try self.add_simple_token(TokenType.LEFT_BRACE); }, '}' => { try self.add_simple_token(TokenType.RIGHT_BRACE); }, ',' => { try self.add_simple_token(TokenType.COMMA); }, '.' => { try self.add_simple_token(TokenType.DOT); }, '-' => { try self.add_simple_token(TokenType.MINUS); }, '+' => { try self.add_simple_token(TokenType.PLUS); }, ';' => { try self.add_simple_token(TokenType.SEMICOLON); }, '*' => { try self.add_simple_token(TokenType.STAR); }, '!' => { var token = if (self.match('=')) TokenType.BANG_EQUAL else TokenType.BANG; try self.add_simple_token(token); }, '=' => { var token = if (self.match('=')) TokenType.EQUAL_EQUAL else TokenType.EQUAL; try self.add_simple_token(token); }, '<' => { var token = if (self.match('=')) TokenType.LESS_EQUAL else TokenType.LESS; try self.add_simple_token(token); }, '>' => { var token = if (self.match('=')) TokenType.GREATER_EQUAL else TokenType.GREATER; try self.add_simple_token(token); }, // comments and whitespace '/' => { if (self.match('/')) { // comment goes until end of the line while (self.peek() != '\n' and !self.is_at_end()) { _ = self.advance(); } } else { try self.add_simple_token(TokenType.SLASH); } }, ' ' => {}, '\r' => {}, '\t' => {}, '\n' => { self.line += 1; }, '"' => { try self.string(); }, '0'...'9' => { _ = try self.number(); }, else => { if (is_alpha(c)) { try self.identifier_or_keyword(); } else { warn("unexpected char: {c}\n", c); err(self.line, "Unexpected character"); } }, } } fn string(self: *Scanner) !void { while (self.peek() != '"' and !self.is_at_end()) { if (self.peek() == '\n') { self.line += 1; } _ = self.advance(); } if (self.is_at_end()) { err(self.line, "unterminated string"); return; } // consume closing ", TODO(cgag): assert(match('"'))? _ = self.advance(); const lit = Literal { .String = self.source[self.start+1..self.current-1] }; try self.add_token(TokenType.STRING, lit); } fn identifier_or_keyword(self: *Scanner) !void { while (is_alphanumeric(self.peek())) { _ = self.advance(); } const text = self.source[self.start..self.current]; // check for reserved words // TODO(cgag): lowercase?? if (self.keywords.get(text)) |reserved_token_type_kv| { try self.add_simple_token(reserved_token_type_kv.value); } else { try self.add_simple_token(TokenType.IDENTIFIER); } } fn number(self: *Scanner) !void { while (is_digit(self.peek())) { _ = self.advance(); } if (self.peek() == '.') { // consume '.' _ = self.advance(); while (is_digit(self.peek())) { _ = self.advance(); } } try self.add_token( TokenType.NUMBER, Literal { .Number = try atof.atof(self.source[self.start..self.current]) }, ); } fn is_at_end(self: *Scanner) bool { return self.current >= self.source.len; } fn advance(self: *Scanner) u8 { self.current += 1; return self.source[self.current - 1]; } fn match(self: *Scanner, char: u8) bool { if (self.is_at_end()) return false; if (self.source[self.current] != char) return false; self.current += 1; return true; } fn peek(self: *Scanner) u8 { if (self.is_at_end()) { return 0; } return self.source[self.current]; } fn add_simple_token(self: *Scanner, token_type: TokenType) !void { try self.add_token(token_type, null); } fn add_token(self: *Scanner, token_type: TokenType, literal: ?Literal) !void { var text = self.source[self.start..self.current]; try self.tokens.append(Token.init(token_type, text, literal, self.line)); } }; fn is_digit(c: u8) bool { return c >= '0' and c <= '9'; } fn is_alpha(c: u8) bool { return (c >= 'a' and c <= 'z') or (c >= 'A' and c <= 'Z') or (c == '_'); } fn is_alphanumeric(c: u8) bool { return is_alpha(c) or is_digit(c); }
const std = @import("std"); const clap = @import("clap"); const debug = std.debug; const io = std.io; const decompress = @import("decompress.zig"); pub fn main() !void { var direct_allocator = std.heap.DirectAllocator.init(); var allocator = &direct_allocator.allocator; defer direct_allocator.deinit(); // First we specify what parameters our program can take. const params = []clap.Param(u8){ clap.Param(u8).flag('h', clap.Names.both("help")), clap.Param(u8).option('i', clap.Names.both("input")), clap.Param(u8).option('o', clap.Names.both("output")), }; // We then initialize an argument iterator. We will use the OsIterator as it nicely // wraps iterating over arguments the most efficient way on each os. var iter = clap.args.OsIterator.init(allocator); defer iter.deinit(); // Consume the exe arg. const exe = try iter.next(); // Finally we initialize our streaming parser. var parser = clap.StreamingClap(u8, clap.args.OsIterator).init(params, &iter); var input: ?[]const u8 = null; var output: ?[]const u8 = null; // Because we use a streaming parser, we have to consume each argument parsed individually. while (try parser.next()) |arg| { // arg.param will point to the parameter which matched the argument. switch (arg.param.id) { 'h' => { debug.warn("Help!\n"); return; }, 'i' => input = arg.value, 'o' => output = arg.value.?, else => unreachable, } } if (output) |_| { } else { output = try std.mem.join(allocator, ".", []const []const u8{input.?, "out"}); } const stdout_file = try std.io.getStdOut(); const compressed = try io.readFileAlloc(allocator, input.?); var decompressor: decompress.Decompressor = undefined; const decompressed = try decompressor.decompressAlloc(allocator, compressed); try io.writeFile(output.?, decompressed); debug.warn("Input: {}\nOutput: {}\n", input, output); }
pub fn main() u8 { return 0; }
const std = @import("std"); pub usingnamespace @import("utils/benchmark.zig"); pub usingnamespace @import("utils/grid.zig"); pub const Map = std.AutoHashMap;
const std = @import("std"); const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator; const List = std.ArrayList; const Map = std.AutoHashMap; const StrMap = std.StringHashMap; const BitSet = std.DynamicBitSet; const Str = []const u8; const util = @import("util.zig"); const gpa = util.gpa; const data = @embedFile("../01.txt"); pub fn main() !void { var count: u32 = 0; var window: [3]i64 = .{ 0, 0, 0 }; var part1: u32 = 0; var part2: u32 = 0; var lines = tokenize(u8, data, "\r\n"); while (lines.next()) |line| { const num = parseInt(i64, line, 10) catch unreachable; if (count >= 1 and num > window[2]) { part1 += 1; } if (count >= 3 and num > window[0]) { part2 += 1; } window[0] = window[1]; window[1] = window[2]; window[2] = num; count += 1; } print("part1={}, part2={}\n", .{part1, part2}); } // Useful stdlib functions const tokenize = std.mem.tokenize; const split = std.mem.split; const indexOf = std.mem.indexOfScalar; const indexOfAny = std.mem.indexOfAny; const indexOfStr = std.mem.indexOfPosLinear; const lastIndexOf = std.mem.lastIndexOfScalar; const lastIndexOfAny = std.mem.lastIndexOfAny; const lastIndexOfStr = std.mem.lastIndexOfLinear; const trim = std.mem.trim; const sliceMin = std.mem.min; const sliceMax = std.mem.max; const parseInt = std.fmt.parseInt; const parseFloat = std.fmt.parseFloat; const min = std.math.min; const min3 = std.math.min3; const max = std.math.max; const max3 = std.math.max3; const print = std.debug.print; const assert = std.debug.assert; const sort = std.sort.sort; const asc = std.sort.asc; const desc = std.sort.desc;
const std = @import("std"); const assert = std.debug.assert; pub fn RangeTo(n: usize) type { return struct { idx: usize, pub fn new() RangeTo(n) { return .{ .idx = 0 }; } pub fn next(self: *RangeTo(n)) ?usize { if (self.idx >= n) { return null; } var r = self.idx; self.idx += 1; return r; } }; } pub const Relu1 = struct { pub const Param = struct {}; pub const Input = f32; pub const Output = f32; fn initializeParams(param: *Param, rng: *std.rand.Random) void { // nothing } fn updateGradient(gradient: *Param, scale: f32, update: *Param) void { // nothing } fn run(input: *Input, param: Param, output: *Output) void { if (input > 0) { output.* = input; } } fn reverse( input: Input, param: Param, delta: Output, backprop: *Input, gradient: *Param, ) void { if (input > 0) { backprop.* = delta; } } }; pub fn Lin(size: usize) type { return struct { pub const Param = struct { weights: [size]f32, bias: f32 }; pub const Input = [size]f32; pub const Output = f32; fn initializeParams(param: *Param, rng: *std.rand.Random) void { var iter = RangeTo(size).new(); while (iter.next()) |i| { param.weights[i] = rng.float(f32) * 2 - 1; } param.bias = rng.float(f32) * 4 - 2; } fn updateGradient(gradient: *Param, scale: f32, update: *Param) void { var iter = RangeTo(size).new(); while (iter.next()) |i| { gradient.weights[i] += scale * update.weights[i]; } gradient.bias += scale * update.bias; } fn run(input: Input, param: Param, output: *Output) void { for (input) |x, i| { output.* += x * param.weights[i]; } output.* += param.bias; } fn reverse( input: Input, param: Param, delta: Output, backprop: *Input, // add gradient: *Param, // add ) void { gradient.bias = delta; for (input) |x, i| { backprop.*[i] += delta * param.weights[i]; gradient.weights[i] += delta * x; } } }; } pub fn zeroed(comptime T: type) T { var x: T = undefined; @memset(@ptrCast([*]u8, &x), 0, @sizeOf(T)); return x; } fn Seq2(comptime Net1: type, comptime Net2: type) type { assert(Net1.Output == Net2.Input); return struct { pub const Param = struct { first: Net1.Param, second: Net2.Param, }; pub const Input = Net1.Input; pub const Output = Net2.Output; pub fn initializeParams(param: *Param, rng: *std.rand.Random) void { Net1.initializeParams(&param.first, rng); Net2.initializeParams(&param.second, rng); } pub fn updateGradient(gradient: *Param, scale: f32, update: *Param) void { Net1.updateGradient(&gradient.first, scale, &update.first); Net2.updateGradient(&gradient.second, scale, &update.second); } pub fn run(input: Input, param: Param, output: *Output) void { var scratch: Net1.Output = zeroed(Net1.Output); Net1.run(input, &param.first, &scratch); Net2.run(scratch, &param.second, output); } pub fn reverse( input: Input, param: Param, delta: Output, backprop: *Input, // add gradient: *Param, // add ) void { var scratch: Net1.Output = zeroed(Net1.Output); Net1.run(input, &param.first, &scratch); var middleDelta: Net1.Output = zeroed(Net1.Output); Net2.reverse(scratch, &param.second, delta, &middleDelta, &gradient.second); Net1.reverse(input, &param.first, middleDelta, backprop, &gradient.first); } }; } fn SeqFrom(comptime Nets: var, index: usize) type { if (index == Nets.len - 1) { return Nets[index]; } return Seq2(Nets[index], SeqFrom(Nets, index + 1)); } pub fn Seq(comptime Nets: var) type { assert(Nets.len > 0); return SeqFrom(Nets, 0); } pub fn Fan(comptime by: usize, Net: type) type { return struct { pub const Input = Net.Input; pub const Output = [by]Net.Output; pub const Param = [by]Net.Param; pub fn initializeParams(param: *Param, rng: *std.rand.Random) void { var iter = RangeTo(by).new(); while (iter.next()) |i| { Net.initializeParams(&param[i], rng); } } pub fn updateGradient(gradient: *Param, scale: f32, update: *Param) void { var iter = RangeTo(by).new(); while (iter.next()) |i| { Net.updateGradient(&gradient.*[i], scale, &update.*[i]); } } pub fn run(input: Input, param: Param, output: *Output) void { var iter = RangeTo(by).new(); while (iter.next()) |i| { Net.run(input, param[i], &output[i]); } } pub fn reverse( input: Input, param: Param, delta: Output, backprop: *Input, // add gradient: *Param, // add ) void { var iter = RangeTo(by).new(); while (iter.next()) |i| { Net.reverse(input, param[i], delta[i], backprop, &gradient[i]); } } }; } pub fn Relu(comptime in: usize, comptime out: usize) type { return Fan(out, Seq(.{ Lin(in), Relu1 })); } pub fn LossSum(comptime LossNet: type) type { assert(LossNet.Output == f32); return struct { pub const Input = []LossNet.Input; pub const Output = f32; pub const Param = LossNet.Param; pub fn initializeParams(param: *Param, rng: *std.rand.Random) void { LossNet.initializeParams(param, rng); } pub fn updateGradient(gradient: *Param, scale: f32, update: *Param) void { LossNet.updateGradient(gradient, scale, update); } pub fn run(input: Input, param: Param, output: *Output) void { var loss: f32 = 0.0; for (input) |item, index| { var lossAdd: f32 = 0.0; LossNet.run(input[index], param, &lossAdd); loss += lossAdd; } output.* += loss; } pub fn reverse( input: Input, param: Param, delta: Output, backprop: *Input, // add gradient: *Param, // add ) void { // TODO: backprop is not set; should we have non-differentiable inputs? for (input) |_, index| { var discardInputDelta = zeroed(LossNet.Input); // here we rely on gradients being added, instead of set: LossNet.reverse(input[index], param, delta, &discardInputDelta, gradient); } } }; } pub fn TrainingExample(comptime T: type, comptime G: type) type { return struct { input: T, target: G, }; } pub fn LossL2(comptime Net: type) type { return struct { pub const Input = TrainingExample(Net.Input, f32); pub const Output = f32; pub const Param = Net.Param; pub fn initializeParams(param: *Param, rng: *std.rand.Random) void { Net.initializeParams(param, rng); } pub fn updateGradient(gradient: *Param, scale: f32, update: *Param) void { Net.updateGradient(gradient, scale, update); } pub fn run(input: Input, param: Param, output: *Output) void { var predicted = [1]f32{0}; Net.run(input.input, param, &predicted); var loss = (predicted[0] - input.target) * (predicted[0] - input.target); output.* += loss; } pub fn reverse( input: Input, param: Param, delta: Output, backprop: *Input, // add gradient: *Param, // add ) void { // 'delta' indicates how much being wrong counts. // the amount we pass back into the previous layer is therefore based // on how far off the current estimate is. // So we first need to run forward to obtain a prediction: var predicted = [1]f32{0}; Net.run(input.input, param, &predicted); // We have: L = (pred - target)^2 // and we know dE / dL // we want to find dpred / dL // dE/dA = dE/dL dL/dA // so take d/dpred of both sides: // dL/dpred = 2(pred-target) // so dE/dpred = dE/dL 2 (pred - target). var adjustedDelta: Net.Output = [1]f32{2 * delta * (predicted[0] - input.target)}; var discardInputBackprop = zeroed(Net.Input); Net.reverse( input.input, param, adjustedDelta, &discardInputBackprop, gradient, ); } }; }
const std = @import("std"); fn fatal(comptime fmt: []const u8, args: anytype) noreturn { std.log.err(fmt, args); std.process.exit(0xff); } fn oom(err: std.mem.Allocator.Error) noreturn { _ = err catch {}; @panic("Out of memory"); } const global = struct { var arena_instance = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(std.heap.page_allocator); pub const arena = arena_instance.allocator(); }; pub fn main() !void { const cmd_args = blk: { const all_args = try std.process.argsAlloc(global.arena); if (all_args.len <= 1) { std.log.err("Usage: chana DEST_PATH INCLUDE_PATH", .{}); std.process.exit(0xff); } break :blk all_args[1..]; }; if (cmd_args.len != 2) { fatal("expected 2 cmdline arguments but got {}", .{cmd_args.len}); } const dest_path = cmd_args[0]; const inc_path = cmd_args[1]; std.log.info("{s} and {s}", .{dest_path, inc_path}); const inc_dir = std.fs.cwd().openDir(inc_path, .{ .iterate = true }) catch |err| fatal("failed to open include path '{s}' with {s}", .{inc_path, @errorName(err)}); // no need to close try std.fs.cwd().makePath(dest_path); const dest_dir = try std.fs.cwd().openDir(dest_path, .{}); // no need to close try analyzeDir("", dest_dir, inc_dir); } fn analyzeDir(path: []const u8, dest_dir: std.fs.Dir, inc_dir: std.fs.Dir) !void { var it = inc_dir.iterate(); while (try it.next()) |entry| { const child_path = try std.fs.path.join(global.arena, &.{path, entry.name}); defer global.arena.free(child_path); switch (entry.kind) { .file => { const sep: []const u8 = if (path.len == 0) "" else "/"; std.log.info("{s}{s}{s}", .{path, sep, entry.name}); const file = try dest_dir.createFile(child_path, .{}); defer file.close(); try analyzeFile(file.writer()); }, .directory => { var child_dir = try inc_dir.openDir(entry.name, .{ .iterate = true }); defer child_dir.close(); try dest_dir.makeDir(child_path); try analyzeDir(child_path, dest_dir, child_dir); }, else => |kind| fatal("unsupported file type {s}", .{@tagName(kind)}), } } } fn analyzeFile(writer: anytype) !void { try writer.writeAll("todo: implement analyze"); }
const assert = @import("std").debug.assert; // goto is present, but should typically not be used. // error-handling should instead be performed via defer. test "goto" { var value = false; goto label; value = true; label: assert(value == false); }
const std = @import("std"); pub const pkgs = struct { pub const zfetch = std.build.Pkg{ .name = "zfetch", .path = .{ .path = "deps/zfetch/src/main.zig" }, .dependencies = &[_]std.build.Pkg{ std.build.Pkg{ .name = "hzzp", .path = .{ .path = "deps/hzzp/src/main.zig" }, }, std.build.Pkg{ .name = "iguanaTLS", .path = .{ .path = "deps/iguanaTLS/src/main.zig" }, }, std.build.Pkg{ .name = "network", .path = .{ .path = "deps/zig-network/network.zig" }, }, std.build.Pkg{ .name = "uri", .path = .{ .path = "deps/zig-uri/uri.zig" }, }, }, }; pub const zjson = std.build.Pkg{ .name = "zjson", .path = .{ .path = "deps/zjson/src/lib.zig" }, }; pub fn addAllTo(artifact: *std.build.LibExeObjStep) void { @setEvalBranchQuota(1_000_000); inline for (std.meta.declarations(pkgs)) |decl| { if (decl.is_pub and decl.data == .Var) { artifact.addPackage(@field(pkgs, decl.name)); } } } }; pub const exports = struct { pub const ytmusic = std.build.Pkg{ .name = "ytmusic", .path = .{ .path = "src/main.zig" }, .dependencies = &.{ pkgs.zfetch, }, }; }; pub const base_dirs = struct { pub const wz = "lib/wz"; };
const std = @import("std"); const constants = @import("constants"); const print = std.debug.print; const Snippet = @import("snippet").Snippet; const Flags = @import("flags").Flags; const FlagEval = @import("flags").FlagEval; const validateFile = @import("modify_snippet").validateFile; const checkFileExists = @import("modify_snippet").checkFileExists; const handleFileNotExists = @import("create_file").handleFileNotExists; const inlineBufferedIO = @import("write_results").inlineBufferedIO; const writeBufferedIO = @import("write_results").writeBufferedIO; const transformDir = @import("snippet").transformDir; const parseCLI = @import("cli_parser").parseCLI; pub fn main() !void { const allocator = std.heap.c_allocator; const flags = try parseCLI(allocator); switch (flags.evalCmds()) { FlagEval.file => { // => vsfragment -f <file> try parseFileStreamOutput(allocator, flags); }, FlagEval.file_out => { // => vsfragment -f <file> -o <file> try parseInputWriteOutput(allocator, flags); }, FlagEval.dir => { // => vsfragment --dir <path> _ = try transformDir(flags.dir_path, flags.output_path); }, FlagEval.inline_code => { // => vsfragment -c '{text}' print("{s}", .{constants.stdout_inline}); var snippet = try Snippet.createFromString(allocator, flags.code_str, true); snippet.setMetadata(flags.title, flags.prefix, flags.description, flags.confirmation, flags.force, flags.time); try inlineBufferedIO(snippet); }, FlagEval.invalid => { try flags.printHelp(); }, } } pub fn parseFileStreamOutput(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, args: Flags) !void { if (!try validateFile(allocator, args.file_path)) return; var snippet = try Snippet.convertFileToSnippet(allocator, args.file_path, false); snippet.setMetadata(args.title, args.prefix, args.description, args.confirmation, args.force, args.time); try writeBufferedIO(snippet); } pub fn parseInputWriteOutput(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, args: Flags) !void { print("{s}", .{constants.stdout_flags_f_o}); if (!try validateFile(allocator, args.file_path)) return; var snippet = try Snippet.convertFileToSnippet(allocator, args.file_path, args.confirmation); snippet.setMetadata(args.title, args.prefix, args.description, args.confirmation, args.force, args.time); try writeBufferedIO(snippet); // - buffer snippet stdout switch (try checkFileExists(args.output_path)) { true => try snippet.appendSnippet(allocator, args.output_path, true), false => try snippet.writeSnippet(args.output_path, true), } }
const std = @import("std"); const mach = @import("mach"); const gpu = @import("gpu"); const App = @This(); pipeline: gpu.RenderPipeline, queue: gpu.Queue, pub fn init(app: *App, engine: *mach.Engine) !void { const vs_module = engine.device.createShaderModule(&.{ .label = "my vertex shader", .code = .{ .wgsl = @embedFile("vert.wgsl") }, }); const fs_module = engine.device.createShaderModule(&.{ .label = "my fragment shader", .code = .{ .wgsl = @embedFile("frag.wgsl") }, }); // Fragment state const blend = gpu.BlendState{ .color = .{ .operation = .add, .src_factor = .one, .dst_factor = .zero, }, .alpha = .{ .operation = .add, .src_factor = .one, .dst_factor = .zero, }, }; const color_target = gpu.ColorTargetState{ .format = engine.swap_chain_format, .blend = &blend, .write_mask = gpu.ColorWriteMask.all, }; const fragment = gpu.FragmentState{ .module = fs_module, .entry_point = "main", .targets = &.{color_target}, .constants = null, }; const pipeline_descriptor = gpu.RenderPipeline.Descriptor{ .fragment = &fragment, .layout = null, .depth_stencil = null, .vertex = .{ .module = vs_module, .entry_point = "main", .buffers = null, }, .multisample = .{ .count = 1, .mask = 0xFFFFFFFF, .alpha_to_coverage_enabled = false, }, .primitive = .{ .front_face = .ccw, .cull_mode = .none, .topology = .triangle_list, .strip_index_format = .none, }, }; app.pipeline = engine.device.createRenderPipeline(&pipeline_descriptor); app.queue = engine.device.getQueue(); vs_module.release(); fs_module.release(); } pub fn deinit(_: *App, _: *mach.Engine) void {} pub fn update(app: *App, engine: *mach.Engine) !void { const back_buffer_view = engine.swap_chain.?.getCurrentTextureView(); const color_attachment = gpu.RenderPassColorAttachment{ .view = back_buffer_view, .resolve_target = null, .clear_value = std.mem.zeroes(gpu.Color), .load_op = .clear, .store_op = .store, }; const encoder = engine.device.createCommandEncoder(null); const render_pass_info = gpu.RenderPassEncoder.Descriptor{ .color_attachments = &.{color_attachment}, .depth_stencil_attachment = null, }; const pass = encoder.beginRenderPass(&render_pass_info); pass.setPipeline(app.pipeline); pass.draw(3, 1, 0, 0); pass.end(); pass.release(); var command = encoder.finish(null); encoder.release(); app.queue.submit(&.{command}); command.release(); engine.swap_chain.?.present(); back_buffer_view.release(); }
const std = @import("std"); pub const Version = std.meta.Tuple(&[_]type{ usize, usize }); pub const CompileStep = struct { pub const base_id = .install_dir; const Self = @This(); step: std.build.Step, builder: *std.build.Builder, /// Version of the Java source source_version: Version, /// Version of the target JVM bytecode target_version: Version, /// Name of the jar (name.jar) name: []const u8, /// Bin path output_path: []const u8, /// Classpath classpath: std.ArrayList([]const u8), /// Classes that should be compiled classes: std.ArrayList([]const u8), /// List of classes that should be compiled pub fn init(builder: *std.build.Builder, name_raw: []const u8, version: Version) *Self { const name = builder.dupe(name_raw); const self = builder.allocator.create(Self) catch unreachable; self.* = Self{ .step = std.build.Step.init(base_id, name, builder.allocator, make), .builder = builder, .source_version = version, .target_version = version, .name = name, .output_path = std.fs.path.join(self.builder.allocator, &[_][]const u8{ self.builder.install_prefix, builder.fmt("{s}-bin", .{self.name}) }) catch unreachable, .classpath = std.ArrayList([]const u8).init(builder.allocator), .classes = std.ArrayList([]const u8).init(builder.allocator), }; return self; } pub fn install(self: *Self) void { self.builder.getInstallStep().dependOn(&self.step); } pub fn addClass(self: *Self, path: []const u8) void { self.classes.append(path) catch unreachable; } pub fn jar(self: *Self) *JarStep { return JarStep.init(self.builder, self.name, self.output_path); } fn make(step: *std.build.Step) !void { const self = @fieldParentPtr(CompileStep, "step", step); try self.build(); } fn build(self: *Self) !void { const builder = self.builder; var java_args = std.ArrayList([]const u8).init(builder.allocator); defer java_args.deinit(); try java_args.append("javac"); try java_args.append("-verbose"); try java_args.append("-d"); try java_args.append(self.output_path); try java_args.append("-source"); try java_args.append(builder.fmt("{d}", .{self.source_version[0]})); try java_args.append("-target"); try java_args.append(builder.fmt("{d}", .{self.target_version[0]})); for (self.classes.items) |class| { try java_args.append(class); } const child = std.ChildProcess.init(java_args.items, self.builder.allocator) catch unreachable; defer child.deinit(); child.stderr_behavior = .Pipe; child.env_map = self.builder.env_map; child.spawn() catch |err| { std.log.warn("Unable to spawn {s}: {s}\n", .{ java_args.items[0], @errorName(err) }); return err; }; var progress = std.Progress{}; const root_node = progress.start(self.builder.fmt("{s}", .{self.name}), 0) catch |err| switch (err) { // TODO still run tests in this case error.TimerUnsupported => @panic("timer unsupported"), }; var reader = child.stderr.?.reader(); var buf: [256]u8 = undefined; while (try reader.readUntilDelimiterOrEof(&buf, '\n')) |line| { if (std.mem.startsWith(u8, line, "[")) { var test_node = root_node.start(line, 0); test_node.activate(); progress.refresh(); test_node.end(); // root_node.setEstimatedTotalItems(); // root_node.completeOne(); } else { try std.io.getStdErr().writer().print("{s}\n", .{line}); } } _ = try child.wait(); root_node.end(); } }; pub const JarStep = struct { pub const base_id = .run; const Self = @This(); step: std.build.Step, builder: *std.build.Builder, /// Name of the jar (name.jar) name: []const u8, /// Directory of compiled class files bin_path: []const u8, /// Output path output_path: []const u8, pub fn init(builder: *std.build.Builder, name_raw: []const u8, bin_path_raw: []const u8) *Self { const name = builder.dupe(name_raw); const bin_path = builder.dupe(bin_path_raw); const self = builder.allocator.create(Self) catch unreachable; self.* = Self{ .step = std.build.Step.init(base_id, name, builder.allocator, make), .builder = builder, .name = name, .bin_path = bin_path, .output_path = std.fs.path.join(self.builder.allocator, &[_][]const u8{ self.builder.install_prefix, "jar", builder.fmt("{s}.jar", .{self.name}) }) catch unreachable, }; return self; } fn make(step: *std.build.Step) !void { const self = @fieldParentPtr(JarStep, "step", step); const builder = self.builder; std.fs.cwd().makePath(self.output_path) catch unreachable; var java_args = std.ArrayList([]const u8).init(builder.allocator); defer java_args.deinit(); try java_args.append("jar"); try java_args.append("cf"); try java_args.append(self.output_path); try java_args.append(std.fs.path.join(self.builder.allocator, &[_][]const u8{ self.bin_path, "*" }) catch unreachable); try builder.spawnChild(java_args.items); } };
const std = @import("std"); const stdout = std.io.getStdOut().writer(); fn Box(comptime T: type) type { return struct { value: T, }; } const Point = struct { X: i32 = 1, Y: i32 = 2, }; pub fn main() !void { var vbox = Box(Point){ .value = undefined, // this is gonna be junk }; try stdout.print("var box with undefined: {}\n", vbox); var vbox2 = Box(Point){ .value = Point{}, // this is the default value }; try stdout.print("var box with explicit defaults: {}\n", vbox2); // looks like the value of this winds up in bss. // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/.bss const cbox = Box(Point){ .value = undefined, // this is zeroed out memory }; try stdout.print("const box with undefined: {}\n", cbox); try stdout.print("Box literal with undefined: {}\n", Box(Point){ .value = undefined, // this is also zeroed out memory }); }
/// Showcase example usage of RexMap. const std = @import("std"); const RexMap = @import("RexMap.zig"); pub fn main() anyerror!void { // Get an allocator up and running var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(std.heap.page_allocator); defer arena.deinit(); // Read in a file. In this case it's simply an xp file with the text "Hello, // World!" on two alternating layers. const map = try RexMap.initFromFile(arena.allocator(), "tests/layer_test.xp"); defer map.deinit(); // Display the image to the terminal via escape sequences. // var y: usize = 0; while (y < map.height) : (y += 1) { var x: usize = 0; while (x < map.width) : (x += 1) { // Various map.get* functions can be used. This one just grabs the // first non-transparent tile from a coordinate, starting from the // top layer. const tile = map.get(x, y); if (tile.isTransparent()) { std.debug.print("\x1b[m ", .{}); continue; } std.debug.print( "\x1b[38;2;{};{};{}m\x1b[48;2;{};{};{}m", .{ tile.fg.r, tile.fg.g, tile.fg.b, tile.bg.r, tile.bg.g, tile.bg.b }, ); // By default, tile.ch contains the "raw" character value that was // stored in the xp file. REXPaint treats this value as an index // into a tilemap, *not* as an actual Unicode codepoint. For this // reason, box-drawing characters are stored as values in the // 128...255 range, not their actual Unicode values. // // In this case, we just get the real Unicode value from // DEFAULT_TILEMAP. std.debug.print("{u}", .{RexMap.DEFAULT_TILEMAP[tile.ch]}); } std.debug.print("\x1b[m\n", .{}); } }
// --- Day 6: Universal Orbit Map --- // // You've landed at the Universal Orbit Map facility on Mercury. Because navigation in space often // involves transferring between orbits, the orbit maps here are useful for finding efficient // routes between, for example, you and Santa. You download a map of the local orbits (your puzzle // input). // // Except for the universal Center of Mass (COM), every object in space is in orbit around exactly // one other object. An orbit looks roughly like this: // // \ // \ // | // | // AAA--> o o <--BBB // | // | // / // / // // In this diagram, the object BBB is in orbit around AAA. The path that BBB takes around AAA (drawn // with lines) is only partly shown. In the map data, this orbital relationship is written AAA)BBB, // which means "BBB is in orbit around AAA". // // Before you use your map data to plot a course, you need to make sure it wasn't corrupted during // the download. To verify maps, the Universal Orbit Map facility uses orbit count checksums - the // total number of direct orbits (like the one shown above) and indirect orbits. // // Whenever A orbits B and B orbits C, then A indirectly orbits C. This chain can be any number of // objects long: if A orbits B, B orbits C, and C orbits D, then A indirectly orbits D. // // For example, suppose you have the following map: // // COM)B // B)C // C)D // D)E // E)F // B)G // G)H // D)I // E)J // J)K // K)L // // Visually, the above map of orbits looks like this: // // G - H J - K - L // / / // COM - B - C - D - E - F // \ // I // // In this visual representation, when two objects are connected by a line, the one on the right // directly orbits the one on the left. // // Here, we can count the total number of orbits as follows: // // D directly orbits C and indirectly orbits B and COM, a total of 3 orbits. // L directly orbits K and indirectly orbits J, E, D, C, B, and COM, a total of 7 orbits. // COM orbits nothing. // // The total number of direct and indirect orbits in this example is 42. // // What is the total number of direct and indirect orbits in your map data? const std = @import("std"); const Node = struct { id: []const u8, // Every object in space is in orbit around exactly one other object parent: ?*Node, orbiters: std.ArrayList(*Node), pub fn init(allocator: *std.mem.Allocator, id: []const u8) !*Node { var node = try allocator.create(Node); node.id = id; node.parent = null; node.orbiters = std.ArrayList(*Node).init(allocator); return node; } }; fn traverse(link: *Node, steps: usize) usize { var sum = steps; for (link.orbiters.toSliceConst()) |orbiter| { sum += traverse(orbiter, steps + 1); } return sum; } pub fn main() !void { var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(std.heap.page_allocator); var allocator = &arena.allocator; defer arena.deinit(); var space = std.StringHashMap(*Node).init(allocator); defer space.deinit(); // Input data will not have COM as an orbiter of any other object try space.putNoClobber("COM", try Node.init(allocator, "COM")); for (input) |orbit| { // Get or create existing orbitee var target = try space.getOrPut(orbit.target); if (!target.found_existing) { target.kv.value = try Node.init(allocator, orbit.target); } // Point orbiter at the target var orbiter = try space.getOrPut(orbit.id); if (!orbiter.found_existing) { orbiter.kv.value = try Node.init(allocator, orbit.id); } orbiter.kv.value.parent = target.kv.value; // Fill backlinks for reverse traversal try target.kv.value.orbiters.append(orbiter.kv.value); } var origin = space.getValue("COM").?; std.debug.warn("{}\n", traverse(origin, 0)); } const Orbit = struct { id: []const u8, target: []const u8, }; fn O(target: *const [3]u8, id: *const [3]u8) Orbit { return Orbit{ .id = id[0..], .target = target[0..], }; } const input = blk: { @setEvalBranchQuota(20000); break :blk [_]Orbit{ O("36S", "VWN"), O("6FM", "RNW"), O("S2M", "329"), O("DQ3", "5CD"), O("XYW", "X2Y"), O("LFS", "LXR"), O("SMP", "C57"), O("2YY", "MSP"), O("4TM", "DPK"), O("PZQ", "77L"), O("SNX", "Y6Q"), O("JSS", "T26"), O("KDF", "PR8"), O("SNM", "XBG"), O("46X", "P5S"), O("CPN", "C93"), O("VXL", "ZHS"), O("B9V", "XZN"), O("B6X", "H3Y"), O("234", "FHY"), O("BZY", "L3T"), O("6YT", "Q53"), O("JK6", "RC4"), O("TW9", "64K"), O("3VT", "2GJ"), O("XKG", "7L4"), O("ZM3", "36S"), O("C2S", "5T2"), O("RYH", "8Z1"), O("YK6", "G7K"), O("7YB", "WQ7"), O("X7D", "SNW"), O("8QS", "ZRP"), O("HNX", "812"), O("TN4", "K68"), O("H6L", "PFY"), O("69Y", "1DT"), O("JKH", "41K"), O("RDZ", "S52"), O("DH8", "4HT"), O("MH8", "HB3"), O("NCR", "PY1"), O("3L1", "8Z9"), O("HRQ", "BBC"), O("SNW", "99L"), O("5VY", "L15"), O("D69", "9FP"), O("DRC", "S4T"), O("NJV", "MTR"), O("6ND", "49Z"), O("RF1", "82H"), O("329", "Y37"), O("HCL", "ZBZ"), O("Q47", "ZVJ"), O("QDM", "6QM"), O("DR8", "KWZ"), O("M2N", "PWL"), O("RLF", "N2D"), O("41G", "XTK"), O("5CF", "CFW"), O("BBC", "KYF"), O("SX1", "G9C"), O("791", "HQD"), O("9KV", "MZC"), O("B6C", "RBX"), O("Q5H", "R7X"), O("488", "4C5"), O("5D5", "ZTC"), O("5ZK", "G2C"), O("2HC", "SMP"), O("CB2", "91H"), O("F4T", "J17"), O("VCJ", "HZV"), O("G3D", "LMX"), O("KMD", "98B"), O("8Q2", "MKP"), O("4BK", "152"), O("M3H", "57J"), 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"SJ8"), O("GCM", "WVX"), O("SB7", "MJF"), O("X9Q", "YQ7"), O("D6K", "MRL"), O("HSZ", "F8F"), O("BWS", "PKS"), O("9KP", "9W2"), O("43C", "DWN"), O("KN2", "GZQ"), O("G1L", "NXL"), O("TCL", "8TY"), O("BKW", "B21"), O("M82", "9DT"), O("B27", "GLB"), O("JDG", "F26"), O("99X", "Y9L"), O("566", "CQW"), O("MPK", "SLQ"), O("WL9", "956"), O("N13", "653"), O("SWS", "JR1"), O("N35", "29D"), O("QVK", "J2R"), O("4C2", "P8F"), O("C1S", "4TY"), O("YF7", "6RS"), O("BDM", "YX7"), O("9TY", "ZYD"), O("TPD", "8XQ"), O("DYM", "JPR"), O("TKD", "TWB"), O("WVJ", "N4X"), O("41J", "KSY"), O("HTG", "Q8C"), O("N8R", "H9X"), O("XVR", "RQM"), O("WSR", "KMD"), O("S99", "V83"), O("BS3", "8VP"), O("QPH", "23K"), O("3VF", "S6B"), O("23D", "76X"), O("827", "9VC"), O("5GV", "SDR"), O("635", "FDJ"), O("RQM", "8TV"), O("51Z", "9VM"), O("NT5", "95K"), O("F72", "9FR"), O("YP4", "7Y4"), O("G42", "3N2"), O("PY1", "CC3"), O("S4P", "JRR"), O("7X5", "566"), O("KR8", "VS8"), O("13B", "NZ7"), O("X4C", "VQH"), O("VLB", "BZM"), 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"Y8F"), O("P84", "NL3"), O("TF4", "6GD"), O("KMK", "FQC"), O("2QT", "CXK"), O("8LL", "PDZ"), O("4C2", "32W"), O("5JB", "Q4P"), O("4W7", "5N7"), O("QZP", "TQ2"), O("7QG", "Q72"), O("SDR", "LZH"), O("C9R", "7ZP"), O("QXS", "X2K"), O("D7Y", "YYG"), O("9BC", "4RY"), O("976", "6TQ"), O("QL2", "BXC"), O("ZXK", "HQX"), O("D3D", "6C4"), O("NK3", "S2Q"), O("B95", "SKL"), O("NN4", "2VB"), O("NHT", "1X3"), O("RHG", "F8Y"), O("GRL", "RS8"), O("2GY", "41G"), O("D48", "F4D"), O("2YV", "3V8"), O("JC5", "V8C"), O("T7S", "TYM"), O("KRN", "7K5"), O("K1N", "RTD"), O("X97", "MCF"), O("3TH", "5XR"), O("MNG", "MHG"), O("QX5", "STK"), O("D82", "D9R"), O("KNG", "K36"), O("288", "4FF"), O("W1G", "LZN"), O("FJ7", "TVV"), O("YXT", "BVH"), O("RQ8", "QB4"), O("5QS", "7DY"), O("FZX", "T5L"), O("BZ2", "WRG"), O("GYP", "X8Q"), O("NY3", "N3J"), O("298", "JS9"), O("KHR", "JTK"), O("T7N", "JC5"), O("2J7", "KKD"), O("HL9", "PDT"), O("XZX", "WQP"), O("GXJ", "T6B"), O("NHM", "PCD"), O("R4T", "JBY"), O("3SF", "J2N"), O("MW8", "9T9"), O("3YQ", "D5P"), O("6J1", "NC9"), O("VDT", "4RZ"), O("9VM", "FZQ"), O("G77", "2TK"), O("YL6", "H3N"), O("QSW", "V4V"), O("GR2", "KYS"), O("MPT", "PTC"), O("N1L", "D6K"), O("F8N", "T1F"), O("K2W", "R5B"), O("RC1", "D9J"), O("PP2", "WJ4"), O("JRR", "V8N"), O("GZW", "4LQ"), O("21F", "2VL"), O("HQM", "4XJ"), O("CNT", "HH7"), O("7DY", "ZGV"), O("FQC", "L63"), O("972", "JS6"), O("BK3", "SWS"), O("9CW", "4WS"), O("V5S", "Q7H"), O("2WP", "QX6"), O("C57", "6GF"), O("BZH", "GFL"), O("FK2", "SJF"), O("NBZ", "RBV"), O("4NK", "CCY"), O("JRQ", "QVV"), O("3HS", "M7Y"), O("6HP", "G77"), O("TNP", "9LQ"), O("8G8", "NH3"), O("DVQ", "3V4"), O("K98", "G2J"), O("BSS", "JSS"), O("KGY", "G8M"), O("SZR", "2KN"), O("KWZ", "NJV"), O("WJG", "FPF"), O("F26", "ZFL"), O("TVB", "2M8"), O("445", "KJ5"), O("RQ8", "2P3"), O("SDR", "XJD"), O("HL8", "M82"), O("TLY", "3YQ"), O("R16", "249"), O("2CV", "144"), O("L45", "W7D"), O("P5S", "R8S"), O("V3V", "HNX"), O("G7K", "X34"), O("W1V", "DXZ"), O("HXJ", "BVV"), O("TLY", "7ZL"), O("BVH", "CQ5"), O("QSG", "GRS"), O("Q53", "96P"), O("RCJ", "TVD"), O("YGR", "VC7"), O("P92", "C2H"), O("D3D", "N7Z"), O("NWH", "XYW"), O("8XL", "T3G"), O("824", "3L5"), O("M3K", "KLY"), O("QQ1", "QJ2"), O("NXL", "L21"), O("N88", "KYB"), O("DWN", "JT5"), O("TPW", "NY3"), O("HGT", "SVY"), O("LZH", "SC2"), O("CP6", "S1B"), O("51P", "6RY"), O("GZ9", "DHQ"), O("FSX", "FGB"), O("NZX", "KMK"), O("RMT", "8BN"), O("71N", "TQC"), O("BHT", "NYS"), O("W1G", "8J9"), O("LMG", "K87"), O("SF8", "CCC"), O("7DH", "JD5"), O("59M", "M6H"), O("V8N", "JH2"), O("8KK", "HVP"), O("R6S", "42Y"), O("8Z1", "5V4"), O("ZX3", "69N"), O("VWN", "GZW"), O("JCM", "HKQ"), O("G61", "M1Z"), O("6Q5", "N91"), O("89H", "CFK"), O("MW2", "W5H"), O("M11", "5F4"), O("YXV", "HVW"), O("563", "KQ1"), O("GBN", "7TS"), O("LJD", "TF3"), O("1TM", "C1V"), O("RS8", "5CF"), O("96S", "XR8"), O("GZQ", "NB3"), O("W5L", "976"), O("BZM", "TPW"), O("D67", "488"), O("1JY", "PLR"), O("DXK", "B9Y"), O("7W3", "3KS"), O("COM", "N59"), O("2JY", "M2N"), O("Y1D", "DG3"), O("K1Q", "H9L"), O("Y4J", "7M7"), O("YMC", "M8R"), O("S5P", "GBM"), O("KN6", "TXJ"), O("T44", "L7C"), O("HK4", "HGS"), O("P9R", "3FV"), O("CTX", "8J4"), O("N5D", "H7C"), O("WZ1", "1BF"), O("7Y4", "6VZ"), O("LLZ", "827"), O("JS9", "S4P"), O("HLY", "773"), O("8KB", "RR2"), O("4VG", "5NG"), O("87V", "NL7"), O("1BF", "HJP"), O("X4Y", "MYW"), O("9LQ", "VTC"), O("RNH", "XWR"), O("ZFB", "RC1"), O("KSY", "MGL"), O("9PY", "Z1M"), O("15Y", "MYP"), O("LV3", "614"), O("2C2", "R6D"), O("8Z9", "XH5"), O("HH7", "FZX"), O("HGL", "JGN"), O("HTS", "XGV"), O("17Q", "45Q"), O("J17", "99X"), O("LMX", "BY2"), O("GZG", "YXV"), O("8D9", "BRS"), O("18C", "MZN"), O("DP7", "VVK"), O("MXX", "PFG"), O("P1K", "9XJ"), O("99L", "ZN6"), O("2G7", "C4M"), O("GXT", "W1G"), O("72F", "4CC"), O("YFD", "HZY"), O("65X", "56T"), O("YR2", "5SZ"), O("D3L", "7NQ"), O("K9J", "SJC"), O("Q83", "9PS"), O("Z91", "4T7"), O("W1K", "KVB"), O("SJF", "FVD"), O("ZG1", "63B"), O("NV5", "R16"), O("DHZ", "FP1"), O("LZN", "ND1"), O("Z2S", "93V"), O("J8T", "GZ9"), O("W3T", "94W"), O("JG8", "6QV"), O("MG1", "W8P"), O("FNL", "DYF"), O("255", "RF1"), O("X38", "BWS"), O("KX7", "5ZZ"), O("9Y2", "V22"), O("QBX", "DXQ"), O("K93", "N1L"), O("653", "P31"), O("LR9", "7FH"), O("9ZG", "3PN"), O("V5J", "CP6"), O("PDF", "15Y"), O("ZQP", "N35"), O("ZZ8", "TCV"), O("NK3", "FDD"), O("23K", "N5J"), O("BK8", "TLY"), O("S3G", "HCL"), O("BS6", "HK4"), O("W1J", "3Q3"), O("D7F", "X3M"), O("YWL", "ZW7"), O("DVV", "YHR"), O("K9Z", "T8H"), O("5D5", "HLB"), O("MYW", "8R2"), O("J5M", "ZLD"), O("1GQ", "6T9"), O("L21", "KRQ"), O("6GD", "Y77"), O("MDX", "R2N"), O("NC5", "DR9"), O("K55", "TFC"), O("YH3", "P7W"), O("4FF", "6S4"), O("BMZ", "9PY"), O("P5H", "XKG"), O("BV7", "QBX"), O("135", "PK9"), O("LZR", "DPH"), O("N57", "TM6"), O("VH7", "XX7"), O("MPC", "LYZ"), O("L5B", "V6V"), O("JS2", "BS3"), O("784", "ZT7"), O("95J", "D8V"), O("F91", "4BK"), O("3TJ", "43X"), O("6B4", "LDY"), O("DR9", "J5M"), O("3T2", "CFZ"), O("5XK", "5TH"), O("XKG", "1SC"), O("M7B", "D48"), O("DX7", "G9P"), O("CST", "DMF"), O("7ML", "7D7"), O("TVM", "YWL"), O("L47", "G61"), O("XBC", "W9M"), O("F4D", "3SS"), O("JV1", "T1T"), O("G1T", "86Y"), O("3YP", "JPJ"), O("DHL", "G1L"), O("QYQ", "9PL"), O("Z76", "GFG"), O("NGV", "TTR"), O("Q7Y", "QL7"), O("BWF", "M6M"), O("KN2", "3RQ"), O("WYP", "NZZ"), O("KY6", "SB7"), O("JHN", "19T"), O("836", "NYV"), O("LXQ", "KG6"), O("SKJ", "XV2"), O("XVY", "Y4L"), O("W3C", "J1L"), O("Z5P", "6B4"), O("78L", "LMG"), O("X1V", "S99"), O("JVT", "5X4"), O("GD6", "42N"), O("RDZ", "S5Y"), O("4S2", "CJM"), O("G1L", "455"), O("HSC", "733"), O("WZS", "N6W"), O("W5H", "ZQP"), O("QBZ", "D82"), O("V24", "K8R"), O("CSW", "VMG"), O("X4X", "VBG"), O("C8V", "SAN"), O("YSK", "LL4"), O("FLX", "RKC"), O("GH1", "234"), O("H5K", "T3L"), O("JZ8", "ZG1"), O("VD7", "GR3"), O("WQ7", "8KZ"), O("Y5P", "RZX"), O("P4L", "ZSJ"), O("VMB", "32K"), O("Y7K", "JD2"), O("LYZ", "XW7"), O("JV3", "CCH"), O("VX3", "XWY"), O("XMK", "P9R"), O("TYM", "1TM"), O("J7C", "DV8"), O("1KF", "WQV"), O("TD2", "G4H"), O("WJ4", "XVR"), O("JW1", "VM1"), O("DRZ", "9KV"), O("ZWJ", "TCL"), O("4D2", "8VS"), O("5RG", "W3T"), O("T6Y", "NB5"), O("GYB", "NSG"), O("414", "1FB"), O("YRQ", "M8L"), O("YYF", "LJ4"), O("SB9", "QJS"), O("V4K", "B7K"), O("YZH", "WGM"), O("YGH", "1MV"), O("RTD", "VZY"), O("HVK", "VZV"), O("DXW", "QDD"), O("4G2", "MDJ"), O("R8T", "VQC"), O("1KD", "ZB7"), O("XFP", "H9N"), O("Q72", "XBC"), O("HDD", "SS6"), O("JZ8", "N2Z"), O("X3V", "XYD"), O("FQQ", "Z4V"), O("H9L", "5CW"), O("R2N", "LVR"), O("RKC", "MJS"), O("NYV", "3S1"), O("TRG", "G5T"), O("XZ7", "1R6"), O("6QV", "P17"), O("WS1", "6GV"), O("W2M", "P1K"), O("1WD", "5VY"), O("RBV", "HF3"), O("GPR", "4FH"), O("855", "BP6"), O("W2B", "LR9"), O("GN7", "9JV"), O("BP6", "4WM"), O("JGW", "94K"), O("VWG", "Q5D"), O("LXR", "PJ7"), O("LZ1", "HXJ"), O("WLW", "NCC"), O("MCN", "V5F"), O("5CD", "RMT"), O("57L", "LYM"), O("J52", "QLD"), O("GBD", "FBJ"), O("HZ2", "51Z"), O("3Z1", "DF4"), O("LRZ", "8MK"), O("M2R", "G7V"), O("G98", "3VF"), O("NB5", "JV1"), O("LL4", "25Y"), O("6T9", "6PY"), O("V4V", "R8C"), O("F7J", "BZ9"), O("HVW", "V8K"), O("R6R", "SNM"), O("53L", "F1V"), O("R7V", "WQD"), O("3VP", "BFP"), O("SD6", "SBX"), O("CQW", "CJL"), O("ZGV", "7RG"), O("STR", "WPJ"), O("HZQ", "R2F"), O("M6M", "N57"), O("SCP", "D6G"), O("G3C", "DBX"), O("3XG", "V8T"), O("MSS", "F8H"), O("VT8", "57L"), O("2W3", "MGW"), O("QK8", "HHS"), O("5HX", "TN4"), O("FLZ", "791"), O("9XV", "3CB"), O("N6W", "KZ5"), O("NJW", "284"), O("4T7", "SKJ"), O("36R", "GBN"), O("FTC", "V2V"), O("MQW", "X4V"), O("FPW", "G2H"), O("Q4R", "8HN"), O("2FF", "27X"), O("818", "WDT"), O("81G", "KR2"), O("H4W", "MLP"), O("1R4", "F7J"), O("V6R", "WZ1"), O("3PN", "N63"), O("DXL", "W1X"), O("5KH", "469"), O("V8W", "NJW"), O("6H2", "TF4"), O("TC1", "GCM"), O("GZG", "ZXK"), O("WMV", "76P"), O("RQ5", "FT1"), O("583", "V5Y"), O("LRT", "XDW"), O("S3T", "824"), O("GQS", "Z91"), O("YYG", "KYW"), O("GH6", "T3X"), O("4KT", "SNX"), O("X5N", "KP2"), O("HD6", "NGV"), O("5W3", "TVM"), O("SXG", "JTF"), O("7NQ", "2NX"), O("VQ3", "NYH"), O("7FP", "LZ1"), O("FL6", "MH8"), O("MQW", "51M"), O("GMT", "FZS"), O("N13", "BGN"), O("STR", "MBF"), O("2P3", "MGX"), O("NGJ", "YN6"), O("B4Z", "YYF"), O("127", "PVT"), O("SMB", "9Y2"), O("6LP", "YDB"), O("V4N", "S2W"), O("LMX", "5RJ"), O("W1C", "FLZ"), O("BFP", "QXB"), O("BCJ", "9HF"), O("9PL", "FFV"), O("777", "TTQ"), O("52F", "11Y"), O("7F1", "S71"), O("R4W", "Y5R"), O("9FP", "6JH"), O("S7D", "6K7"), O("F3Z", "LV3"), O("2GG", "B6C"), O("6S4", "MYX"), O("TTS", "3YP"), O("KMV", "MTG"), O("R8C", "ZSF"), O("8RK", "ZLL"), O("5F4", "RHJ"), O("KYS", "BL4"), O("19T", "44V"), O("XWZ", "VT8"), O("L7C", "Z99"), O("BVV", "QPH"), O("7DR", "W5G"), O("1B5", "RBJ"), O("1Y8", "KRN"), O("57J", "QVD"), O("S8G", "FVL"), O("F8F", "RHG"), O("RBX", "GH1"), O("JX4", "HDD"), O("G9P", "D9G"), O("H1V", "TT6"), O("51M", "2DH"), O("7M7", "TJ4"), O("XYX", "678"), O("G5T", "3HV"), O("758", "BYG"), O("6GF", "QZY"), O("MYX", "JDG"), O("9S1", "ZNY"), O("T59", "NQ3"), O("CTP", "NV3"), O("DBX", "XKY"), O("8N1", "4PP"), O("D6C", "7DH"), O("2BC", "QBZ"), O("CC3", "C7S"), O("DQT", "127"), O("RNF", "53L"), O("ZQ4", "2J7"), O("873", "M3J"), O("XMK", "MCN"), O("BC7", "DRC"), O("4XY", "89H"), O("8VW", "5XK"), O("8BB", "HMJ"), O("PJ7", "GDF"), O("G9C", "HMD"), O("6VZ", "CB9"), O("32K", "S4S"), O("CMW", "ZWJ"), O("7SR", "5RP"), O("W24", "418"), O("6L2", "F8N"), O("8QV", "W2M"), O("TXD", "M3H"), O("RBJ", "749"), O("DSJ", "SKY"), O("DY1", "SR9"), O("VR6", "6GP"), O("1GV", "CD6"), O("S7D", "DY9"), O("8QH", "HPX"), O("GNT", "5D5"), O("KG6", "6K8"), O("DSD", "HN6"), O("NG4", "2WP"), O("N5D", "1GQ"), O("X2K", "F59"), O("45Q", "LXQ"), O("L3T", "N5D"), }; };
const builtin = @import("builtin"); const std = @import("std"); pub const OpenOptions = struct { mode: enum { read_only, read_write } = .read_only, }; pub fn open(dir: std.fs.Dir, path: []const u8, opt: OpenOptions) !std.fs.File { if (builtin.os.tag == .windows) { const path_w = try std.os.windows.sliceToPrefixedFileW(path); return std.fs.File{ .handle = try std.os.windows.OpenFile(path_w.span(), .{ .dir = dir.fd, .access_mask = switch (opt.mode) { .read_only => std.os.windows.SYNCHRONIZE | std.os.windows.GENERIC_READ, .read_write => std.os.windows.SYNCHRONIZE | std.os.windows.GENERIC_READ | std.os.windows.GENERIC_WRITE, }, .creation = std.os.windows.FILE_OPEN, .io_mode = .blocking, .filter = .any, }), .capable_io_mode = std.io.default_mode, .intended_io_mode = .blocking, }; } return std.fs.File{ .handle = try std.os.openat( dir.fd, path, switch (opt.mode) { .read_only => std.os.O.RDONLY, .read_write => std.os.O.RDWR, }, 0, ), .capable_io_mode = std.io.default_mode, .intended_io_mode = .blocking, }; }
const sprites = @import("sprites.zig"); const map = @import("map.zig"); const gfx = @import("gfx.zig"); const utils = @import("utils.zig"); const entity = @import("entity.zig"); const camera = @import("camera.zig"); pub const Sun = struct { entity: entity.Entity, x: f32, y: f32, width: f32 = 16, height: f32 = 16, pub fn init(x: f32, y: f32) Sun { return .{ .x = x, .y = y, .entity = entity.Entity{ .updateFn = @ptrCast(&update), .drawFn = @ptrCast(&draw), }, }; } pub fn update(self: *Sun) void { self.x += 0.01; } pub fn draw(self: *Sun) void { gfx.blit(&sprites.skull, 16, @as(i32, @intFromFloat(self.x)) - camera.xi, @as(i32, @intFromFloat(self.y)) - camera.yi, 0xe8 | (1 << 8)); } };
const std = @import("std"); // fn WindowReader(comptime len: usize) type { // return struct { // const Self = @This(); // buffer: [len]u8, // reader: std.io.BufferedReader(4096, std.io.AnyReader), // buffer_fullness: usize = 0, // at_eof: bool = false, // pub fn init(reader: std.io.AnyReader) Self { // return .{ // .buffer = undefined, // .reader = std.io.bufferedReader(reader), // }; // } // pub fn next(self: *Self) ?[]const u8 { // if (self.buffer_fullness < self.buffer.len) { // } // } // }; // } pub fn main() !void { var buf: [5]u8 = undefined; var slice: []u8 = buf[0..1]; const stdin = std.io.getStdIn(); var buffered_reader = std.io.bufferedReader(stdin.reader()); const reader = buffered_reader.reader(); var first_digit: ?u8 = null; var last_digit: u8 = 0; var sum: u64 = 0; var hit_eof = false; read_loop: while (true) { if (try reader.readAll(slice[slice.len - 1 ..]) == 0) { hit_eof = true; if (slice.len <= 1) break :read_loop; slice = slice[0 .. slice.len - 1]; } const current_digit = blk: { if ('0' <= slice[0] and slice[0] <= '9') { break :blk slice[0] - '0'; } inline for (.{ .{ 1, "one" }, .{ 2, "two" }, .{ 3, "three" }, .{ 4, "four" }, .{ 5, "five" }, .{ 6, "six" }, .{ 7, "seven" }, .{ 8, "eight" }, .{ 9, "nine" }, }) |tup| { const digit, const string = tup; if (std.mem.startsWith(u8, slice, string)) { break :blk digit; } } break :blk null; }; if (current_digit) |digit| { if (first_digit == null) first_digit = digit; last_digit = digit; } else if (slice[0] == '\n') { sum += 10 * first_digit.? + last_digit; first_digit = null; } if (slice.len < buf.len and !hit_eof) { slice = buf[0 .. slice.len + 1]; } else { std.mem.copyForwards(u8, buf[0 .. buf.len - 1], buf[1..]); } } std.debug.print("{}\n", .{sum}); }
const camera = @import("camera.zig"); pub extern fn blitSprite(i32, i32, i32, i32, i32) void; pub extern fn rectangle(f32, f32, f32, f32, i32) void; pub fn blit(spr: *const [256]u8, size: i32, x: i32, y: i32, ctrl: i32) void { blitSprite(@intCast(@intFromPtr(spr)), size, x, y, ctrl); } pub const Anim = struct { frames: []const [256]u8, counter: u8 = 0, };
const std = @import("std"); pub fn main() !void { const stdin = std.io.getStdIn().reader(); const stdout = std.io.getStdOut().writer(); var buf: [32]u8 = undefined; var score: u32 = 0; while (try stdin.readUntilDelimiterOrEof(buf[0..], '\n')) |line| { if (line.len == 0) continue; if (line.len != 3) return error.BadLen; const l = line[0] - 'A'; const o = line[2] - 'X'; const r = (3 + l + o - 1) % 3; score += ([_]u8{0, 3, 6})[o] + ([_]u8{1, 2, 3})[r]; } try stdout.print("{}\n", .{score}); }
//! Portable Numbers const std = @import("std"); const builtin = @import("builtin"); pub fn getIntByteSlice(comptime T: type, n: *T) []u8 { return @ptrCast([*]u8, n)[0..@sizeOf(T)]; } fn zigZagEncode(comptime T: type, n: T) T { if (n >= 0) { var k1: T = undefined; @shlWithOverflow(T, n, 1, &k1); return k1; } else { var k1: T = undefined; @shlWithOverflow(T, -n-1, 1, &k1); return k1 | 1; } } fn reserveInt(comptime T: type, n: T) T { if (@typeInfo(T).Int.signedness == .signed) @compileError("expect unsigned integer"); var arr = std.PackedIntArray(T, 1).initAllTo(n).sliceCast(u8); var buf = std.PackedIntArray(T, 1).initAllTo(n).sliceCast(u8); for (buf.bytes) |*c, i| { const length = if (@typeInfo(@TypeOf(arr.len)) == .BoundFn) arr.len() else arr.len; c.* = arr.bytes[length-i-1]; } return buf.sliceCast(T).get(0); } pub fn fromPortableInt(comptime T: type, n: T) T { if (@hasDecl(std.mem, "nativeToBig")) { return std.mem.nativeToBig(T, n); } else { return switch (builtin.cpu.arch.endian()) { .Big => n, .Little => reserveInt(T, n), }; } } pub fn toPortableInt(comptime T: type, n: T) T { if (@hasDecl(std.mem, "toNative")) { return std.mem.toNative(T, n, .Big); } else { return fromPortableInt(T, n); } } test "PortableInt" { const _t = std.testing; { var number = @as(u8, 127); var n = fromPortableInt(u8, number); var n0 = toPortableInt(u8, n); try _t.expectEqual(number, n0); } }
const std = @import("std"); const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator; const ArrayList = std.ArrayList; const Location = @import("location.zig"); pub const Node = union(enum) { alias: *Alias, @"and": *And, annotation: *Annotation, annotation_def: *AnnotationDef, arg: *Arg, array_literal: *ArrayLiteral, @"asm": *Asm, asm_operand: *AsmOperand, assign: *Assign, block: *Block, bool_literal: *BoolLiteral, @"break": *Break, c_struct_or_union_def: *CStructOrUnionDef, call: *Call, case: *Case, cast: *Cast, char_literal: *CharLiteral, class_def: *ClassDef, class_var: *ClassVar, def: *Def, double_splat: *DoubleSplat, enum_def: *EnumDef, exception_handler: *ExceptionHandler, expressions: *Expressions, extend: *Extend, external_var: *ExternalVar, fun_def: *FunDef, generic: *Generic, global: *Global, hash_literal: *HashLiteral, @"if": *If, implicit_obj: *ImplicitObj, include: *Include, instance_size_of: *InstanceSizeOf, instance_var: *InstanceVar, is_a: *IsA, lib_def: *LibDef, macro: *Macro, macro_expression: *MacroExpression, macro_for: *MacroFor, macro_if: *MacroIf, macro_literal: *MacroLiteral, macro_var: *MacroVar, macro_verbatim: *MacroVerbatim, magic_constant: *MagicConstant, metaclass: *Metaclass, module_def: *ModuleDef, multi_assign: *MultiAssign, named_argument: *NamedArgument, named_tuple_literal: *NamedTupleLiteral, next: *Next, nil: *Nil, nilable_cast: *NilableCast, nop: *Nop, not: *Not, number_literal: *NumberLiteral, offset_of: *OffsetOf, op_assign: *OpAssign, @"or": *Or, out: *Out, path: *Path, pointer_of: *PointerOf, proc_literal: *ProcLiteral, proc_notation: *ProcNotation, proc_pointer: *ProcPointer, range_literal: *RangeLiteral, read_instance_var: *ReadInstanceVar, regex_literal: *RegexLiteral, require: *Require, rescue: *Rescue, responds_to: *RespondsTo, @"return": *Return, select: *Select, self: *Self, size_of: *SizeOf, splat: *Splat, string_interpolation: *StringInterpolation, string_literal: *StringLiteral, symbol_literal: *SymbolLiteral, tuple_literal: *TupleLiteral, type_declaration: *TypeDeclaration, type_def: *TypeDef, type_of: *TypeOf, underscore: *Underscore, uninitialized_var: *UninitializedVar, @"union": *Union, unless: *Unless, until: *Until, @"var": *Var, visibility_modifier: *VisibilityModifier, when: *CaseWhen, @"while": *While, yield: *Yield, pub fn init(exp: anytype) Node { return exp.toNode(); } pub fn location(node: Node) ?Location { switch (node) { inline else => |n| return n.location, } } pub fn endLocation(node: Node) ?Location { switch (node) { inline else => |n| return n.end_location, } } pub fn setLocation(node: Node, loc: ?Location) void { switch (node) { inline else => |n| n.location = loc, } } pub fn setEndLocation(node: Node, end_location: ?Location) void { switch (node) { inline else => |n| n.end_location = end_location, } } pub fn copyLocation(self: Node, node: Node) void { self.setLocation(node.location()); self.setEndLocation(node.endLocation()); } pub fn copyEndLocation(self: Node, node: Node) void { self.setEndLocation(node.endLocation()); } pub fn isNop(node: Node) bool { return node == .nop; } pub fn isTrueLiteral(node: Node) bool { return node == .bool_literal and node.bool_literal.value; } pub fn isFalseLiteral(node: Node) bool { return node == .bool_literal and !node.bool_literal.value; } pub fn singleExpression(node: Node) Node { switch (node) { .expressions => |expressions| { if (expressions.singleExpression()) |single_expression| { return single_expression; } else { return node; } }, else => return node, } } pub fn isSingleExpression(node: Node) bool { return switch (node) { .expressions => |expressions| expressions.isSingleExpression(), else => false, }; } }; fn NodeAllocator( comptime name: []const u8, comptime NodeType: type, comptime expressions: []const []const u8, ) type { const parameters = @typeInfo(NodeType).Struct.fields; invalid: inline for (expressions) |exp| { inline for (parameters) |param| { if (comptime std.mem.eql(u8, param.name, exp)) continue :invalid; } @compileError("invalid parameter '" ++ exp ++ "' for " ++ @typeName(NodeType)); } return struct { pub fn allocate(allocator: Allocator, options: anytype) !*NodeType { const OptionsType = @TypeOf(options); const options_type_info = @typeInfo(OptionsType); if (options_type_info != .Struct) { @compileError("expected tuple or struct argument, found " ++ @typeName(OptionsType)); } const arguments = options_type_info.Struct.fields; unknown: inline for (arguments) |arg| { inline for (parameters) |param| { if (comptime std.mem.eql(u8, param.name, arg.name)) continue :unknown; } @compileError("unknown argument '" ++ arg.name ++ "' for " ++ @typeName(NodeType)); } const instance = try allocator.create(NodeType); inline for (parameters) |param| { @field(instance, param.name) = blk: { inline for (arguments) |arg| { if (comptime std.mem.eql(u8, param.name, arg.name)) { const value = @field(options, arg.name); inline for (expressions) |exp| { if (comptime std.mem.eql(u8, exp, arg.name)) break :blk try Expressions.from(allocator, value); } break :blk value; } } if (param.default_value) |default_value| break :blk @ptrCast(*align(1) const param.field_type, default_value).*; @compileError("missing argument '" ++ param.name ++ "' for " ++ @typeName(NodeType)); }; } return instance; } pub fn node(allocator: Allocator, options: anytype) !Node { return Node.init(try allocate(allocator, options)); } fn toNode(self: *NodeType) Node { return @unionInit(Node, name, self); } }; } fn Singleton(comptime name: []const u8) type { return struct { location: ?Location = null, end_location: ?Location = null, pub usingnamespace NodeAllocator(name, @This(), &.{}); }; } pub const Nop = Singleton("nop"); pub const Nil = Singleton("nil"); pub const Expressions = struct { pub const Keyword = enum { none, paren, begin, }; location: ?Location = null, end_location: ?Location = null, expressions: ArrayList(Node), keyword: Keyword = .none, pub usingnamespace NodeAllocator("expressions", Expressions, &.{}); pub fn from(allocator: Allocator, obj: anytype) !Node { switch (@TypeOf(obj)) { @TypeOf(null) => return Nop.node(allocator, .{}), ArrayList(Node) => { switch (obj.items.len) { 0 => return Nop.node(allocator, .{}), 1 => return obj.items[0], else => return Expressions.node(allocator, .{ .expressions = obj, }), } }, Node => return obj, ?Node => return if (obj) |n| n else Nop.node(allocator, .{}), else => @compileError("Expected Node or ArrayList(Node), found " ++ @typeName(@TypeOf(obj))), } } pub fn isEmpty(self: *const @This()) bool { return self.expressions.items.len == 0; } pub fn at(self: *const @This(), i: usize) Node { return self.expressions.items[i]; } pub fn last(self: *const @This()) Node { const expressions = self.expressions.items; return expressions[expressions.len - 1]; } pub fn isSingleExpression(self: *const @This()) bool { return self.expressions.items.len == 1; } pub fn singleExpression(self: *const @This()) ?Node { if (self.isSingleExpression()) { return self.expressions.items[0].singleExpression(); } else { return null; } } }; pub const BoolLiteral = struct { location: ?Location = null, end_location: ?Location = null, value: bool, pub usingnamespace NodeAllocator("bool_literal", @This(), &.{}); }; pub const NumberKind = enum { i8, i16, i32, i64, i128, u8, u16, u32, u64, u128, f32, f64, pub fn bytesize(self: @This()) u8 { return switch (self) { .i8 => 8, .i16 => 16, .i32 => 32, .i64 => 64, .i128 => 128, .u8 => 8, .u16 => 16, .u32 => 32, .u64 => 64, .u128 => 128, .f32 => 32, .f64 => 64, }; } pub fn isSignedInt(self: @This()) bool { return switch (self) { .i8, .i16, .i32, .i64, .i128 => true, else => false, }; } pub fn isUnignedInt(self: @This()) bool { return switch (self) { .u8, .u16, .u32, .u64, .u128 => true, else => false, }; } pub fn isFloat(self: @This()) bool { return switch (self) { .f32, .f64 => true, else => false, }; } pub fn fromNumber(number: anytype) @This() { switch (@TypeOf(number)) { i8 => return .i8, i16 => return .i16, i32 => return .i32, i64 => return .i64, i128 => return .i128, u8 => return .u8, u16 => return .u16, u32 => return .u32, u64 => return .u64, u128 => return .u128, f32 => return .f32, f64 => return .f64, comptime_int => comptime { if (number >= std.math.minInt(i32) and number <= std.math.maxInt(i32)) return .i32; if (number >= std.math.minInt(i64) and number <= std.math.maxInt(i64)) return .i64; if (number >= std.math.minInt(i128) and number <= std.math.maxInt(i128)) return .i128; if (number >= std.math.minInt(u128) and number <= std.math.maxInt(u128)) return .u128; @compileError("Unsupported int for NumberLiteral: " ++ std.fmt.comptimePrint("{}", .{number})); }, comptime_float => comptime { if (number == 0.0) return .f32; if (@fabs(number) >= std.math.f32_min and @fabs(number) <= std.math.f32_max) return .f32; if (@fabs(number) >= std.math.f64_min and @fabs(number) <= std.math.f64_max) return .f64; @compileError("Unsupported float for NumberLiteral: " ++ std.fmt.comptimePrint("{}", .{number})); }, else => @compileError("Unsupported number type for NumberLiteral: " ++ @typeName(@TypeOf(number))), } } pub fn numberType(self: @This()) type { return switch (self) { .i8 => i8, .i16 => i16, .i32 => i32, .i64 => i64, .i128 => i128, .u8 => u8, .u16 => u16, .u32 => u32, .u64 => u64, .u128 => u128, .f32 => f32, .f64 => f64, }; } }; pub const NumberLiteral = struct { location: ?Location = null, end_location: ?Location = null, value: []const u8, kind: NumberKind = .i32, pub usingnamespace NodeAllocator("number_literal", @This(), &.{}); pub fn fromNumber(allocator: Allocator, number: anytype) !Node { return NumberLiteral.node(allocator, .{ .value = try std.fmt.allocPrint( allocator, "{d}", .{number}, ), .kind = NumberKind.fromNumber(number), }); } pub fn hasSign(self: *const @This()) bool { return self.value[0] == '+' or self.value[0] == '-'; } }; pub const CharLiteral = struct { location: ?Location = null, end_location: ?Location = null, value: u8, pub usingnamespace NodeAllocator("char_literal", @This(), &.{}); }; pub const StringLiteral = struct { location: ?Location = null, end_location: ?Location = null, value: []const u8, pub usingnamespace NodeAllocator("string_literal", @This(), &.{}); }; pub const StringInterpolation = struct { location: ?Location = null, end_location: ?Location = null, expressions: ArrayList(Node), heredoc_indent: i32 = 0, pub usingnamespace NodeAllocator("string_interpolation", @This(), &.{}); }; pub const SymbolLiteral = struct { location: ?Location = null, end_location: ?Location = null, value: []const u8, pub usingnamespace NodeAllocator("symbol_literal", @This(), &.{}); }; pub const ArrayLiteral = struct { location: ?Location = null, end_location: ?Location = null, elements: ArrayList(Node), of: ?Node = null, name: ?Node = null, pub usingnamespace NodeAllocator("array_literal", @This(), &.{}); pub fn map( allocator: Allocator, values: anytype, options: struct { of: ?Node = null, }, block: anytype, ) !Node { // TODO: validate values and block var new_values = try ArrayList(Node).initCapacity(allocator, values.items.len); for (values.items) |value| { new_values.appendAssumeCapacity(try block(allocator, value)); } return ArrayLiteral.node(allocator, .{ .elements = new_values, .of = options.of, }); } pub fn mapWithIndex( allocator: Allocator, values: anytype, block: anytype, ) !Node { // TODO: validate values and block var new_values = try ArrayList(Node).initCapacity(allocator, values.items.len); for (values.items) |value, index| { new_values.appendAssumeCapacity(try block(allocator, value, index)); } return ArrayLiteral.node(allocator, .{ .elements = new_values, .of = null, }); } }; pub const HashLiteral = struct { location: ?Location = null, end_location: ?Location = null, entries: ArrayList(Entry), of: ?Entry = null, name: ?Node = null, pub usingnamespace NodeAllocator("hash_literal", @This(), &.{}); pub const Entry = struct { key: Node, value: Node, pub fn init(key: Node, value: Node) Entry { return .{ .key = key, .value = value }; } }; }; pub const NamedTupleLiteral = struct { location: ?Location = null, end_location: ?Location = null, entries: ArrayList(Entry), pub usingnamespace NodeAllocator("named_tuple_literal", @This(), &.{}); pub const Entry = struct { key: []const u8, value: Node }; }; pub const RangeLiteral = struct { location: ?Location = null, end_location: ?Location = null, from: Node, to: Node, is_exclusive: bool, pub usingnamespace NodeAllocator("range_literal", @This(), &.{}); }; pub const RegexOptions = struct { location: ?Location = null, end_location: ?Location = null, ignore_case: bool = false, multiline: bool = false, extended: bool = false, anchored: bool = false, utf_8: bool = false, no_utf8_check: bool = false, dupnames: bool = false, ucp: bool = false, }; pub const RegexLiteral = struct { location: ?Location = null, end_location: ?Location = null, value: Node, options: RegexOptions = .{}, pub usingnamespace NodeAllocator("regex_literal", @This(), &.{}); }; pub const TupleLiteral = struct { location: ?Location = null, end_location: ?Location = null, elements: ArrayList(Node), pub usingnamespace NodeAllocator("tuple_literal", @This(), &.{}); }; fn SpecialVar(comptime NodeType: type) type { return struct { pub fn isSpecialVar(self: *const NodeType) bool { return std.mem.startsWith(u8, self.name, "$"); } }; } pub const Var = struct { pub usingnamespace SpecialVar(@This()); location: ?Location = null, end_location: ?Location = null, name: []const u8, pub usingnamespace NodeAllocator("var", @This(), &.{}); }; pub const Block = struct { location: ?Location = null, end_location: ?Location = null, args: ArrayList(*Var), body: Node, call: ?*Call = null, splat_index: ?i32 = null, pub usingnamespace NodeAllocator("block", @This(), &.{"body"}); }; pub const Call = struct { location: ?Location = null, end_location: ?Location = null, obj: ?Node, name: []const u8, args: ArrayList(Node), block: ?*Block = null, block_arg: ?Node = null, named_args: ?ArrayList(*NamedArgument) = null, name_location: ?Location = null, // name_size: ?usize = null, doc: ?[]const u8 = null, visibility: Visibility = .public, is_global: bool = false, is_expansion: bool = false, has_parentheses: bool = false, pub usingnamespace NodeAllocator("call", @This(), &.{}); }; pub const NamedArgument = struct { location: ?Location = null, end_location: ?Location = null, name: []const u8, value: Node, pub usingnamespace NodeAllocator("named_argument", @This(), &.{}); }; pub const If = struct { location: ?Location = null, end_location: ?Location = null, cond: Node, then: Node, @"else": Node, is_ternary: bool = false, pub usingnamespace NodeAllocator( "if", @This(), &.{ "then", "else" }, ); }; pub const Unless = struct { location: ?Location = null, end_location: ?Location = null, cond: Node, then: Node, @"else": Node, pub usingnamespace NodeAllocator( "unless", @This(), &.{ "then", "else" }, ); }; pub const Assign = struct { location: ?Location = null, end_location: ?Location = null, target: Node, value: Node, doc: ?[]const u8 = null, pub usingnamespace NodeAllocator("assign", @This(), &.{}); }; pub const OpAssign = struct { location: ?Location = null, end_location: ?Location = null, target: Node, op: []const u8, value: Node, pub usingnamespace NodeAllocator("op_assign", @This(), &.{}); }; pub const MultiAssign = struct { location: ?Location = null, end_location: ?Location = null, targets: ArrayList(Node), values: ArrayList(Node), pub usingnamespace NodeAllocator("multi_assign", @This(), &.{}); }; fn SimpleNamedNode(comptime name: []const u8) type { return struct { location: ?Location = null, end_location: ?Location = null, name: []const u8, pub usingnamespace NodeAllocator(name, @This(), &.{}); }; } pub const InstanceVar = SimpleNamedNode("instance_var"); pub const ReadInstanceVar = struct { location: ?Location = null, end_location: ?Location = null, obj: Node, name: []const u8, pub usingnamespace NodeAllocator("read_instance_var", @This(), &.{}); }; pub const ClassVar = SimpleNamedNode("class_var"); pub const Global = SimpleNamedNode("global"); fn BinaryOp(comptime name: []const u8) type { return struct { location: ?Location = null, end_location: ?Location = null, left: Node, right: Node, pub usingnamespace NodeAllocator(name, @This(), &.{}); }; } pub const And = BinaryOp("and"); pub const Or = BinaryOp("or"); pub const Arg = struct { location: ?Location = null, end_location: ?Location = null, name: []const u8, external_name: []const u8, default_value: ?Node = null, restruction: ?Node = null, doc: ?[]const u8 = null, pub usingnamespace NodeAllocator("arg", @This(), &.{}); }; pub const ProcNotation = struct { location: ?Location = null, end_location: ?Location = null, inputs: ?ArrayList(Node) = null, output: ?Node = null, pub usingnamespace NodeAllocator("proc_notation", @This(), &.{}); }; pub const Def = struct { location: ?Location = null, end_location: ?Location = null, free_vars: ?ArrayList([]const u8) = null, receiver: ?Node = null, name: []const u8, args: ArrayList(*Arg), double_splat: ?*Arg = null, body: Node, block_arg: ?*Arg = null, return_type: ?Node = null, yields: ?i32 = null, splat_index: ?i32 = null, doc: ?[]const u8 = null, visibility: Visibility = .public, is_macro_def: bool = false, calls_super: bool = false, calls_initialize: bool = false, calls_previous_def: bool = false, uses_block_arg: bool = false, assigns_special_var: bool = false, is_abstract: bool = false, pub usingnamespace NodeAllocator("def", @This(), &.{"body"}); }; pub const Macro = struct { location: ?Location = null, end_location: ?Location = null, name: []const u8, args: ArrayList(*Arg), body: Node, double_splat: ?*Arg = null, block_arg: ?*Arg = null, splat_index: ?i32 = null, doc: ?[]const u8 = null, visibility: Visibility = .public, pub usingnamespace NodeAllocator("macro", @This(), &.{"body"}); }; fn UnaryExpression(comptime name: []const u8) type { return struct { location: ?Location = null, end_location: ?Location = null, exp: Node, pub usingnamespace NodeAllocator(name, @This(), &.{}); }; } pub const Not = UnaryExpression("not"); pub const PointerOf = UnaryExpression("pointer_of"); pub const SizeOf = UnaryExpression("size_of"); pub const InstanceSizeOf = UnaryExpression("instance_size_of"); pub const Out = UnaryExpression("out"); pub const OffsetOf = struct { location: ?Location = null, end_location: ?Location = null, offsetof_type: Node, offset: Node, pub usingnamespace NodeAllocator("offset_of", @This(), &.{}); }; pub const VisibilityModifier = struct { location: ?Location = null, end_location: ?Location = null, modifier: Visibility, exp: Node, doc: ?[]const u8 = null, pub usingnamespace NodeAllocator("visibility_modifier", @This(), &.{}); }; pub const IsA = struct { location: ?Location = null, end_location: ?Location = null, obj: Node, @"const": Node, is_nil_check: bool = false, pub usingnamespace NodeAllocator("is_a", @This(), &.{}); }; pub const RespondsTo = struct { location: ?Location = null, end_location: ?Location = null, obj: Node, name: []const u8, pub usingnamespace NodeAllocator("responds_to", @This(), &.{}); }; pub const Require = struct { location: ?Location = null, end_location: ?Location = null, string: []const u8, pub usingnamespace NodeAllocator("require", @This(), &.{}); }; pub usingnamespace struct { // Conflicts with Select.When pub const When = CaseWhen; }; const CaseWhen = struct { location: ?Location = null, end_location: ?Location = null, conds: ArrayList(Node), body: Node, is_exhaustive: bool = false, pub usingnamespace NodeAllocator("when", @This(), &.{"body"}); }; pub const Case = struct { location: ?Location = null, end_location: ?Location = null, cond: ?Node, whens: ArrayList(*CaseWhen), @"else": ?Node, is_exhaustive: bool, pub usingnamespace NodeAllocator("case", @This(), &.{}); }; pub const Select = struct { pub const When = struct { condition: Node, body: Node, pub fn init(condition: Node, body: Node) When { return .{ .condition = condition, .body = body }; } }; location: ?Location = null, end_location: ?Location = null, whens: ArrayList(When), @"else": ?Node = null, pub usingnamespace NodeAllocator("select", @This(), &.{}); }; pub const ImplicitObj = struct { location: ?Location = null, end_location: ?Location = null, pub usingnamespace NodeAllocator("implicit_obj", @This(), &.{}); }; pub const Path = struct { location: ?Location = null, end_location: ?Location = null, names: ArrayList([]const u8), is_global: bool = false, visibility: Visibility = .public, pub usingnamespace NodeAllocator("path", @This(), &.{}); pub fn global(allocator: Allocator, name: []const u8) !Node { var names = ArrayList([]const u8).init(allocator); try names.append(name); return Node.init(try Path.allocate(allocator, .{ .names = names, .is_global = true, })); } }; pub const ClassDef = struct { location: ?Location = null, end_location: ?Location = null, name: *Path, body: Node, superclass: ?Node = null, type_vars: ?ArrayList([]const u8) = null, doc: ?[]const u8 = null, splat_index: ?i32 = null, is_abstract: bool = false, is_struct: bool = false, visibility: Visibility = .public, pub usingnamespace NodeAllocator("class_def", @This(), &.{"body"}); }; pub const ModuleDef = struct { location: ?Location = null, end_location: ?Location = null, name: *Path, body: Node, type_vars: ?ArrayList([]const u8) = null, splat_index: ?i32 = null, doc: ?[]const u8 = null, visibility: Visibility = .public, pub usingnamespace NodeAllocator("module_def", @This(), &.{"body"}); }; pub const AnnotationDef = struct { location: ?Location = null, end_location: ?Location = null, name: *Path, doc: ?[]const u8 = null, pub usingnamespace NodeAllocator("annotation_def", @This(), &.{}); }; pub const While = struct { location: ?Location = null, end_location: ?Location = null, cond: Node, body: Node, pub usingnamespace NodeAllocator("while", @This(), &.{"body"}); }; pub const Until = struct { location: ?Location = null, end_location: ?Location = null, cond: Node, body: Node, pub usingnamespace NodeAllocator("until", @This(), &.{"body"}); }; pub const Generic = struct { location: ?Location = null, end_location: ?Location = null, name: Node, type_vars: ArrayList(Node), named_args: ?ArrayList(*NamedArgument) = null, suffix: Suffix = .none, pub const Suffix = enum { none, question, asterisk, bracket, }; pub usingnamespace NodeAllocator("generic", @This(), &.{}); }; pub const TypeDeclaration = struct { location: ?Location = null, end_location: ?Location = null, @"var": Node, declared_type: Node, value: ?Node = null, pub usingnamespace NodeAllocator("type_declaration", @This(), &.{}); }; pub const UninitializedVar = struct { location: ?Location = null, end_location: ?Location = null, @"var": Node, declared_type: Node, pub usingnamespace NodeAllocator("uninitialized_var", @This(), &.{}); }; pub const Rescue = struct { location: ?Location = null, end_location: ?Location = null, body: Node, types: ?ArrayList(Node) = null, name: ?[]const u8 = null, pub usingnamespace NodeAllocator("rescue", @This(), &.{"body"}); }; pub const ExceptionHandler = struct { location: ?Location = null, end_location: ?Location = null, body: Node, rescues: ?ArrayList(*Rescue) = null, @"else": ?Node = null, ensure: ?Node = null, is_implicit: bool = false, is_suffix: bool = false, pub usingnamespace NodeAllocator( "exception_handler", @This(), &.{"body"}, ); }; pub const ProcLiteral = struct { location: ?Location = null, end_location: ?Location = null, def: *Def, pub usingnamespace NodeAllocator("proc_literal", @This(), &.{}); }; pub const ProcPointer = struct { location: ?Location = null, end_location: ?Location = null, obj: ?Node, name: []const u8, args: ArrayList(Node), pub usingnamespace NodeAllocator("proc_pointer", @This(), &.{}); }; pub const Union = struct { location: ?Location = null, end_location: ?Location = null, types: ArrayList(Node), pub usingnamespace NodeAllocator("union", @This(), &.{}); }; pub const Self = Singleton("self"); fn ControlExpression(comptime name: []const u8) type { return struct { location: ?Location = null, end_location: ?Location = null, exp: ?Node = null, pub usingnamespace NodeAllocator(name, @This(), &.{}); }; } pub const Return = ControlExpression("return"); pub const Break = ControlExpression("break"); pub const Next = ControlExpression("next"); pub const Yield = struct { location: ?Location = null, end_location: ?Location = null, exps: ArrayList(Node), scope: ?Node = null, has_parentheses: bool = false, pub usingnamespace NodeAllocator("yield", @This(), &.{}); }; pub const Include = struct { location: ?Location = null, end_location: ?Location = null, name: Node, pub usingnamespace NodeAllocator("include", @This(), &.{}); }; pub const Extend = struct { location: ?Location = null, end_location: ?Location = null, name: Node, pub usingnamespace NodeAllocator("extend", @This(), &.{}); }; pub const LibDef = struct { location: ?Location = null, end_location: ?Location = null, name: []const u8, body: Node, name_location: ?Location = null, visibility: Visibility = .public, pub usingnamespace NodeAllocator("lib_def", @This(), &.{"body"}); }; pub const FunDef = struct { location: ?Location = null, end_location: ?Location = null, name: []const u8, args: ArrayList(*Arg), return_type: ?Node = null, body: ?Node = null, real_name: []const u8, doc: ?[]const u8 = null, varargs: bool = false, pub usingnamespace NodeAllocator("fun_def", @This(), &.{}); }; pub const TypeDef = struct { location: ?Location = null, end_location: ?Location = null, name: []const u8, type_spec: Node, name_location: ?Location = null, pub usingnamespace NodeAllocator("type_def", @This(), &.{}); }; pub const CStructOrUnionDef = struct { location: ?Location = null, end_location: ?Location = null, name: []const u8, body: Node, is_union: bool = false, pub usingnamespace NodeAllocator( "c_struct_or_union_def", @This(), &.{"body"}, ); }; pub const EnumDef = struct { location: ?Location = null, end_location: ?Location = null, name: *Path, members: ArrayList(Node), base_type: ?Node = null, doc: ?[]const u8 = null, visibility: Visibility = .public, pub usingnamespace NodeAllocator("enum_def", @This(), &.{}); }; pub const ExternalVar = struct { location: ?Location = null, end_location: ?Location = null, name: []const u8, type_spec: Node, real_name: ?[]const u8 = null, pub usingnamespace NodeAllocator("external_var", @This(), &.{}); }; pub const Alias = struct { location: ?Location = null, end_location: ?Location = null, name: *Path, value: Node, doc: ?[]const u8 = null, visibility: Visibility = .public, pub usingnamespace NodeAllocator("alias", @This(), &.{}); }; pub const Metaclass = struct { location: ?Location = null, end_location: ?Location = null, name: Node, pub usingnamespace NodeAllocator("metaclass", @This(), &.{}); }; pub const Cast = struct { location: ?Location = null, end_location: ?Location = null, obj: Node, to: Node, pub usingnamespace NodeAllocator("cast", @This(), &.{}); }; pub const NilableCast = struct { location: ?Location = null, end_location: ?Location = null, obj: Node, to: Node, pub usingnamespace NodeAllocator("nilable_cast", @This(), &.{}); }; pub const TypeOf = struct { location: ?Location = null, end_location: ?Location = null, expressions: ArrayList(Node), pub usingnamespace NodeAllocator("type_of", @This(), &.{}); }; pub const Annotation = struct { location: ?Location = null, end_location: ?Location = null, path: Path, args: ArrayList(Node), named_args: ?ArrayList(*NamedArgument) = null, doc: ?[]const u8 = null, pub usingnamespace NodeAllocator("annotation", @This(), &.{}); }; pub const MacroExpression = struct { location: ?Location = null, end_location: ?Location = null, exp: Node, output: bool = true, pub usingnamespace NodeAllocator("macro_expression", @This(), &.{}); }; pub const MacroLiteral = struct { location: ?Location = null, end_location: ?Location = null, value: []const u8, pub usingnamespace NodeAllocator("macro_literal", @This(), &.{}); }; pub const MacroVerbatim = UnaryExpression("macro_verbatim"); pub const MacroIf = struct { location: ?Location = null, end_location: ?Location = null, cond: Node, then: Node, @"else": Node, pub usingnamespace NodeAllocator( "macro_if", @This(), &.{ "then", "else" }, ); }; pub const MacroFor = struct { location: ?Location = null, end_location: ?Location = null, vars: ArrayList(*Var), exp: Node, body: Node, pub usingnamespace NodeAllocator("macro_for", @This(), &.{}); }; pub const MacroVar = struct { location: ?Location = null, end_location: ?Location = null, name: []const u8, exps: ?ArrayList(Node) = null, pub usingnamespace NodeAllocator("macro_var", @This(), &.{}); }; pub const Underscore = Singleton("underscore"); pub const Splat = UnaryExpression("splat"); pub const DoubleSplat = UnaryExpression("double_splat"); pub const MagicConstant = struct { location: ?Location = null, end_location: ?Location = null, name: []const u8, // Symbol pub fn expandLineNode( allocator: Allocator, location: ?Location, ) !Node { return NumberLiteral.fromNumber(allocator, try expandLine(location)); } pub fn expandLine(location: ?Location) !i32 { if (location) |loc| { return std.math.cast(i32, loc.line_number) orelse error.Overflow; } return 0; } }; pub const Asm = struct { location: ?Location = null, end_location: ?Location = null, text: []const u8, outputs: ?ArrayList(*AsmOperand) = null, inputs: ?ArrayList(*AsmOperand) = null, clobbers: ?ArrayList([]const u8) = null, @"volatile": bool = false, alignstack: bool = false, intel: bool = false, can_throw: bool = false, pub usingnamespace NodeAllocator("asm", @This(), &.{}); }; pub const AsmOperand = struct { location: ?Location = null, end_location: ?Location = null, constraint: []const u8, exp: Node, pub usingnamespace NodeAllocator("asm_operand", @This(), &.{}); }; pub const Visibility = enum(i8) { public, protected, private, }; // zig fmt: off pub fn main() !void { // const p = @import("std").debug.print; const p = struct { fn f(fmt: []const u8, args: anytype) void { _ = fmt; _ = args; } }.f; const assert = @import("std").debug.assert; const allocator = std.heap.page_allocator; var n: Node = undefined; p("{}\n", .{ @TypeOf(std.debug) }); p("{}\n", .{ @as(std.meta.Tag(Node), .nop) }); // p("{}\n", .{ Node { .expressions = .{ .expressions = &.{} } } }); // p("{}\n", .{ Node { .expressions = .{ .expressions = &.{}, .keyword = .paren } } }); assert(NumberKind.fromNumber(0) != .i8); assert(NumberKind.fromNumber(128) != .i16); assert(NumberKind.fromNumber(32768) == .i32); assert(NumberKind.fromNumber(2147483648) == .i64); assert(NumberKind.fromNumber(9223372036854775808) == .i128); assert(NumberKind.fromNumber(170141183460469231731687303715884105728) == .u128); assert(NumberKind.fromNumber(0.0) == .f32); assert(NumberKind.fromNumber(-3.402823466385288598121e+38) == .f64); // p("{}\n", .{NumberKind.fromNumber(-1.797693134862315708151e+308)}); // p("{}\n", .{NumberKind.fromNumber(340282366920938463463374607431768211456)}); p("{}\n", .{NumberKind.fromNumber(@as(f64, -3.402823466385288598121e+38))}); p("{}\n", .{NumberKind.fromNumber(@as(f64, -1.79769313486231570815e+308))}); p("{}\n", .{NumberKind.fromNumber(@as(i8, 1))}); p("{}\n", .{NumberKind.fromNumber(@as(i16, 1))}); p("{}\n", .{NumberKind.fromNumber(@as(i32, 1))}); p("{}\n", .{NumberKind.fromNumber(@as(i64, 1))}); p("{}\n", .{NumberKind.fromNumber(@as(i128, 1))}); p("{}\n", .{NumberKind.fromNumber(@as(u8, 1))}); p("{}\n", .{NumberKind.fromNumber(@as(u16, 1))}); p("{}\n", .{NumberKind.fromNumber(@as(u32, 1))}); p("{}\n", .{NumberKind.fromNumber(@as(u64, 1))}); p("{}\n", .{NumberKind.fromNumber(@as(u128, 1))}); p("{}\n", .{NumberKind.fromNumber(@as(f32, 1))}); p("{}\n", .{NumberKind.fromNumber(@as(f64, 1))}); p("{}\n", .{NumberKind.fromNumber(@as(i8, 1)).bytesize()}); p("{}\n", .{NumberKind.fromNumber(@as(i16, 1)).bytesize()}); p("{}\n", .{NumberKind.fromNumber(@as(i32, 1)).bytesize()}); p("{}\n", .{NumberKind.fromNumber(@as(i64, 1)).bytesize()}); p("{}\n", .{NumberKind.fromNumber(@as(i128, 1)).bytesize()}); p("{}\n", .{NumberKind.fromNumber(@as(u8, 1)).bytesize()}); p("{}\n", .{NumberKind.fromNumber(@as(u16, 1)).bytesize()}); p("{}\n", .{NumberKind.fromNumber(@as(u32, 1)).bytesize()}); p("{}\n", .{NumberKind.fromNumber(@as(u64, 1)).bytesize()}); p("{}\n", .{NumberKind.fromNumber(@as(u128, 1)).bytesize()}); p("{}\n", .{NumberKind.fromNumber(@as(f32, 1)).bytesize()}); p("{}\n", .{NumberKind.fromNumber(@as(f64, 1)).bytesize()}); p("{}\n", .{NumberKind.fromNumber(@as(i32, 1)).isSignedInt()}); p("{}\n", .{NumberKind.fromNumber(@as(i32, 1)).isUnignedInt()}); p("{}\n", .{NumberKind.fromNumber(@as(i32, 1)).isFloat()}); p("{}\n", .{NumberKind.fromNumber(@as(u32, 1)).isSignedInt()}); p("{}\n", .{NumberKind.fromNumber(@as(u32, 1)).isUnignedInt()}); p("{}\n", .{NumberKind.fromNumber(@as(u32, 1)).isFloat()}); p("{}\n", .{NumberKind.fromNumber(@as(f32, 1)).isSignedInt()}); p("{}\n", .{NumberKind.fromNumber(@as(f32, 1)).isUnignedInt()}); p("{}\n", .{NumberKind.fromNumber(@as(f32, 1)).isFloat()}); // p("{}\n", .{ Node { .number_literal = .{ .value = "1", .kind = .i8 } } }); // p("{}\n", .{ Node { .number_literal = .{ .value = "1", .kind = .i16 } } }); // p("{}\n", .{ Node { .number_literal = .{ .value = "1", .kind = .i32 } } }); // p("{}\n", .{ Node { .number_literal = .{ .value = "1", .kind = .i64 } } }); // p("{}\n", .{ Node { .number_literal = .{ .value = "1", .kind = .i128 } } }); // p("{}\n", .{ Node { .number_literal = .{ .value = "1", .kind = .u8 } } }); // p("{}\n", .{ Node { .number_literal = .{ .value = "1", .kind = .u16 } } }); // p("{}\n", .{ Node { .number_literal = .{ .value = "1", .kind = .u32 } } }); // p("{}\n", .{ Node { .number_literal = .{ .value = "1", .kind = .u64 } } }); // p("{}\n", .{ Node { .number_literal = .{ .value = "1", .kind = .u128 } } }); // p("{}\n", .{ Node { .number_literal = .{ .value = "1", .kind = .f32 } } }); // p("{}\n", .{ Node { .number_literal = .{ .value = "1", .kind = .f64 } } }); // n = .{ .number_literal = .{ .value = "1" } }; p("{}\n", .{ n.number_literal.hasSign() }); // n = .{ .number_literal = .{ .value = "+1" } }; p("{}\n", .{ n.number_literal.hasSign() }); // n = .{ .number_literal = .{ .value = "-1" } }; p("{}\n", .{ n.number_literal.hasSign() }); n = try NumberLiteral.fromNumber(allocator, 1); p("{s}\n", .{ n.number_literal.value }); n = try NumberLiteral.fromNumber(allocator, 1); p("{}\n", .{ n.number_literal.hasSign() }); // p("{}\n", .{@TypeOf(null)}); // p("{}\n", .{@Type(.Null)}); p("{}\n", .{try Expressions.from(allocator, null)}); // const x: []*Node = &.{}; // p("{}\n", .{[]*Node}); // p("{}\n", .{@TypeOf(x)}); p("{}\n", .{try Expressions.from(allocator, try NumberLiteral.fromNumber(allocator, 1))}); p("{}\n", .{try Expressions.from(allocator, ArrayList(Node).init(allocator))}); // { // var list = ArrayList(Node).init(allocator); // list = ArrayList(Node).init(allocator); try list.append(try NumberLiteral.fromNumber(allocator, 2)); p("{}\n", .{try Expressions.from(allocator, list)}); // list = ArrayList(Node).init(allocator); try list.append(try NumberLiteral.fromNumber(allocator, 3)); try list.append(try NumberLiteral.fromNumber(allocator, 4)); p("{any}\n", .{(try Expressions.from(allocator, list)).expressions.expressions}); // } p("{}\n", .{try Block.node(allocator, .{ .args = ArrayList(*Var).init(allocator), .body = null })}); p("{}\n", .{try If.node(allocator, .{ .cond = try BoolLiteral.node(allocator, .{ .value = true }), .then = null, .@"else" = null })}); p("{}\n", .{try Unless.node(allocator, .{ .cond = try BoolLiteral.node(allocator, .{ .value = true }), .then = null, .@"else" = null })}); p("{}\n", .{try Def.node(allocator, .{ .name = "foo", .args = ArrayList(*Arg).init(allocator), .body = null })}); p("{}\n", .{try CaseWhen.node(allocator, .{ .conds = ArrayList(Node).init(allocator), .body = null })}); p("{}\n", .{try Path.allocate(allocator, .{ .names = ArrayList([]const u8).init(allocator), .is_global = false })}); p("{}\n", .{Node.init(try Path.allocate(allocator, .{ .names = ArrayList([]const u8).init(allocator), .is_global = false }))}); p("{}\n", .{try ClassDef.node(allocator, .{ .name = try Path.allocate(allocator, .{ .names = ArrayList([]const u8).init(allocator), .is_global = false }), .body = null })}); p("{}\n", .{try ModuleDef.node(allocator, .{ .name = try Path.allocate(allocator, .{ .names = ArrayList([]const u8).init(allocator), .is_global = false }), .body = null })}); p("{}\n", .{try While.node(allocator, .{ .cond = try BoolLiteral.node(allocator, .{ .value = true }), .body = null })}); p("{}\n", .{try Until.node(allocator, .{ .cond = try BoolLiteral.node(allocator, .{ .value = true }), .body = null })}); p("{}\n", .{try Rescue.node(allocator, .{ .body = null })}); p("{}\n", .{try ExceptionHandler.node(allocator, .{ .body = null })}); p("{}\n", .{try LibDef.node(allocator, .{ .name = "Foo", .body = null })}); p("{}\n", .{try CStructOrUnionDef.node(allocator, .{ .name = "Foo", .body = null })}); p("{}\n", .{try MacroIf.node(allocator, .{ .cond = try BoolLiteral.node(allocator, .{ .value = true }), .then = null, .@"else" = null })}); p("{}\n", .{(try Nop.node(allocator, .{})).isNop()}); p("{}\n", .{(try BoolLiteral.node(allocator, .{ .value = true })).isTrueLiteral()}); p("{}\n", .{(try BoolLiteral.node(allocator, .{ .value = false })).isFalseLiteral()}); p("{}\n", .{(try NumberLiteral.fromNumber(allocator, 1)).singleExpression()}); p("{}\n", .{(try Expressions.node(allocator, .{ .expressions = ArrayList(Node).init(allocator) })).singleExpression()}); { var expressions = ArrayList(Node).init(allocator); try expressions.append(try NumberLiteral.fromNumber(allocator, 1)); p("{}\n", .{(try Expressions.node(allocator, .{ .expressions = expressions })).singleExpression()}); } { var expressions = ArrayList(Node).init(allocator); try expressions.append(try NumberLiteral.fromNumber(allocator, 1)); try expressions.append(try NumberLiteral.fromNumber(allocator, 2)); p("{}\n", .{(try Expressions.node(allocator, .{ .expressions = expressions })).singleExpression()}); } { var values = ArrayList(Node).init(allocator); try values.append(try BoolLiteral.node(allocator, .{ .value = true })); try values.append(try BoolLiteral.node(allocator, .{ .value = false })); const array = try ArrayLiteral.node(allocator, .{ .elements = values }); const array2 = try ArrayLiteral.map(allocator, values, .{}, struct { fn f(_: Allocator, node: Node) !Node { return try BoolLiteral.node(allocator, .{ .value = !node.bool_literal.value }); } }.f); const array3 = try ArrayLiteral.mapWithIndex(allocator, values, struct { fn f(_: Allocator, node: Node, index: usize) !Node { return if (index == 0) try BoolLiteral.node(allocator, .{ .value = !node.bool_literal.value }) else node; } }.f); p("{}\n", .{array.array_literal.elements.items[0]}); p("{}\n", .{array2.array_literal.elements.items[0]}); p("{}\n", .{array3.array_literal.elements.items[0]}); p("{}\n", .{array3.array_literal.elements.items[1]}); var node = try Nop.node(allocator, .{}); node.setLocation(Location.new("foo", 1, 2)); node.setEndLocation(Location.new("bar", 3, 4)); p("{?} {?}\n", .{node.location(), node.endLocation()}); } }
const std = @import("std"); const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator; const print = @import("std").debug.print; const Node = struct { name: []const u8 = "", kids: std.ArrayList(Node), parent: ?*Node = null, fn leaf(allocator: Allocator, name: []const u8) Node { return parent(allocator, name, &.{}) catch unreachable; } fn parent(allocator: Allocator, name: []const u8, kids: []Node) !Node { var kids_list = std.ArrayList(Node).init(allocator); try kids_list.ensureTotalCapacityPrecise(kids.len); try kids_list.appendSlice(kids); return Node{ .name = name, .kids = kids_list }; } fn deinit(self: Node) void { // TODO Reverse order to crash! for (self.kids.items) |*kid| { kid.deinit(); } self.kids.deinit(); } }; fn initParents(tree: *Node) void { for (tree.kids.items) |*kid| { kid.parent = tree; initParents(kid); } } fn walkDepth( comptime Result: type, value: Result, tree: Node, comptime action: fn (Result, Node, usize) Result, depth: usize ) Result { var result = action(value, tree, depth); // for (tree.kids.items) |kid| { var i = @as(usize, 0); while (i < tree.kids.items.len) : (i += 1) { const kid = tree.kids.items[i]; result = walkDepth(Result, result, kid, action, depth + 1); } return result; } fn walk( comptime Result: type, value: Result, tree: Node, comptime action: fn (Result, Node, usize) Result ) Result { return walkDepth(Result, value, tree, action, 0); } fn printNode(_: void, node: Node, depth: usize) void { var i = @as(usize, 0); while (i < 2 * depth) : (i += 1) { print(" ", .{}); } print("{s}\n", .{node.name}); } fn printTree(tree: Node) void { var v: void = undefined; walk(void, v, tree, printNode); } fn calcTotalDepthNode(total: usize, _: Node, depth: usize) usize { return total + depth; } fn calcTotalDepth(tree: Node) usize { return walk(usize, 0, tree, calcTotalDepthNode); } fn process(intro: *Node) !Node { const allocator = intro.kids.allocator; var tree = try Node.parent(allocator, "root", &.{ intro.*, try Node.parent(allocator, "one", &.{ Node.leaf(allocator, "two"), Node.leaf(allocator, "three"), }), Node.leaf(allocator, "four"), }); // defer tree.deinit(); initParents(&tree); const internal_intro = &tree.kids.items[0]; // try tree.kids.append(Node.leaf(allocator, "outro")); print("{s}\n", .{internal_intro.name}); printTree(tree); var total_depth = @as(usize, 0); var calc_repeats = @as(usize, 0); while (calc_repeats < 200_000) : (calc_repeats += 1) { total_depth += calcTotalDepth(tree); } print("Total depth: {}\n", .{total_depth}); // return internal_intro; return tree; } pub fn main() !void { var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){}; defer _ = gpa.deinit(); const allocator = gpa.allocator(); var intro = Node.leaf(allocator, "intro"); const tree = try process(&intro); defer tree.deinit(); _ = tree; print("{s}\n", .{tree.name}); }
const std = @import("std"); const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator; const ArrayList = std.ArrayList; const io = @import("io.zig"); const StringHashMap = std.StringHashMap; const Trie = @import("trie.zig").Trie; pub fn run(allocator: Allocator) !void { const lines = try io.readFile(allocator, "input/day1.txt"); defer lines.deinit(); var wordsToNums = try getWordsToNums(allocator); defer wordsToNums.deinit(); var trieNode = Trie.new(allocator); defer trieNode.deinit(); var numWordIter = wordsToNums.keyIterator(); while (numWordIter.next()) |numWord| { try trieNode.insert(numWord.*); } var sum: usize = 0; for (lines.items) |line| { var a: ?usize = null; var b: ?usize = null; var i: usize = 0; while (i < line.len) { if (line[i] >= 48 and line[i] <= 57) { const n = try std.fmt.parseInt(u8, line[i .. i + 1], 10); if (a == null) { a = n; } else { b = n; } } else if (trieNode.containsSubstring(line[i..])) |sub| { const n = wordsToNums.get(sub).?; if (a == null) { a = n; } else { b = n; } } i += 1; } if (b == null) { sum += a.? * 10 + a.?; } else { sum += a.? * 10 + b.?; } } std.debug.print("sum = {d}\n", .{sum}); } fn getWordsToNums(allocator: Allocator) !StringHashMap(usize) { const numbers = [_][]const u8{ "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine", }; var map = StringHashMap(usize).init(allocator); for (numbers, 1..) |n, i| { try map.put(n, i); } return map; }
const std = @import("std"); const ArrayList = std.ArrayList; const expect = std.testing.expect; fn NthIterator(comptime T: type) type { return struct { data: []const T, nth: usize, index: usize = 0, fn next(self: *NthIterator(T)) ?T { if (self.index > self.data.len) { return null; } const result = self.data[self.index]; self.index = self.index + self.nth; return result; } }; } pub fn range(len: usize) []const u0 { return @as([*]u0, undefined)[0..len]; } fn parseMap(input: []const u8) anyerror!ArrayList(ArrayList(u8)) { var lines = std.mem.split(u8, input, "\n"); var stacks_initialized = false; var stacks: ArrayList(ArrayList(u8)) = undefined; outer: while (lines.next()) |line| { // init if (!stacks_initialized) { const size = (line.len + 1) / 4; stacks = try ArrayList(ArrayList(u8)).initCapacity(std.heap.c_allocator, size); for (range(size)) |_| { stacks.appendAssumeCapacity(ArrayList(u8).init(std.heap.c_allocator)); } stacks_initialized = true; } var iter = NthIterator(u8){ .data = line, .nth = 4, .index = 1 }; var column: usize = 0; while (iter.next()) |char| { var stack = &stacks.items[column]; column += 1; if (std.ascii.isDigit(char)) break :outer; if (char != ' ') { try stack.append(char); } } } for (range(stacks.items.len)) |_, i| { // std.debug.print("\n== {d} before: {any} ==\n", .{i, stacks.items[i].items}); std.mem.reverse(u8, stacks.items[i].items); } return stacks; } test "parse map" { const map = try parseMap( \\ [D] \ \\[N] [C] \ \\[Z] [M] [P]\ \\ 1 2 3 ); try expect(null == null); try expect(map.items.len == 3); try expect(std.mem.eql(u8, map.items[0].items, &[_]u8{ 'Z', 'N' })); try expect(std.mem.eql(u8, map.items[1].items, &[_]u8{ 'M', 'C', 'D' })); try expect(std.mem.eql(u8, map.items[2].items, &[_]u8{'P'})); } const Instruction = struct { size: usize, from: usize, to: usize, fn parse(line: []const u8) ?Instruction { var iter = std.mem.split(u8, line, " "); var parts:[6]([]const u8) = undefined; var i: usize = 0; while(iter.next()) |part| { parts[i] = part; i += 1; } return Instruction { .size = std.fmt.parseInt(u32, parts[1], 10) catch return null, .from = ( std.fmt.parseInt(u32, parts[3], 10) catch return null ) - 1, .to = ( std.fmt.parseInt(u32, parts[5], 10) catch return null ) - 1, }; } fn execute(self: *const Instruction, map: *ArrayList(ArrayList(u8))) error{OutOfMemory}!void { var from = &map.items[self.from]; var to = &map.items[self.to]; for (range(self.size)) |_| { try to.append(from.popOrNull() orelse continue); } } fn execute2(self: *const Instruction, map: *ArrayList(ArrayList(u8))) error{OutOfMemory}!void { var from = &map.items[self.from]; var to = &map.items[self.to]; var tmp = try ArrayList(u8).initCapacity(std.heap.c_allocator, self.size); for (range(self.size)) |_| { tmp.appendAssumeCapacity(from.popOrNull() orelse continue); } for (range(tmp.items.len)) |_| { try to.append(tmp.pop()); } } }; test "parse instruction" { const instruction = Instruction.parse("move 1 from 2 to 1").?; try expect(instruction.size == 1); try expect(instruction.from == 1); try expect(instruction.to == 0); const instr = Instruction.parse("move 18 from 23 to 51").?; try expect(instr.size == 18); try expect(instr.from == 22); try expect(instr.to == 50); } test "execute instruction" { const instruction = Instruction.parse("move 1 from 2 to 1").?; var map = try parseMap( \\ [D] \ \\[N] [C] \ \\[Z] [M] [P]\ \\ 1 2 3 ); try instruction.execute(&map); try expect(std.mem.eql(u8, map.items[0].items, &[_]u8{ 'Z', 'N', 'D' })); try expect(std.mem.eql(u8, map.items[1].items, &[_]u8{ 'M', 'C' })); try expect(std.mem.eql(u8, map.items[2].items, &[_]u8{'P'})); } fn printMap(map: *ArrayList(ArrayList(u8))) void { std.debug.print("\n", .{}); for (range(map.items.len)) |_, i| { std.debug.print("[{d}] = ", .{i}); for (range(map.items[i].items.len)) |_, j| { std.debug.print("[{c}] ", .{map.items[i].items[j]}); } std.debug.print("\n", .{}); } } pub fn main() anyerror!void { var buffer: [512]u8 = undefined; var buf = std.io.bufferedReader(std.io.getStdIn().reader()); var reader = buf.reader(); var rawMapBuffer = try ArrayList(u8).initCapacity(std.heap.c_allocator, 10240); var rawMap = rawMapBuffer.writer(); while (try reader.readUntilDelimiterOrEof(&buffer, '\n')) |line| { if (line.len == 0) { break; } _ = try rawMap.write(line); _ = try rawMap.write("\n"); } var map = try parseMap(rawMapBuffer.items); printMap(&map); while (try reader.readUntilDelimiterOrEof(&buffer, '\n')) |line| { const instr = Instruction.parse(line) orelse continue; instr.execute2(&map) catch continue; printMap(&map); } }
const std = @import("std"); const print = std.debug.print; pub const ram_size = 4 * 1024; // 4 KiB pub const rom_offset = 512; pub const max_rom_size = ram_size - rom_offset; pub const Error = error{ IllegalOpcode, }; const Nibble = u4; const DoubleNibble = struct { x: u4, y: u4, }; const TripleNibble = struct { x: u4, y: u4, z: u4, }; const NibbleByte = struct { x: u4, kk: u8, }; const Twelve = u12; pub const Opcode = union(enum) { sys: Twelve, cls: void, ret: void, jp: Twelve, call: Twelve, sexkk: NibbleByte, snexkk: NibbleByte, sexy: DoubleNibble, ldxkk: NibbleByte, addxkk: NibbleByte, ldxy: DoubleNibble, orxy: DoubleNibble, andxy: DoubleNibble, xorxy: DoubleNibble, addxy: DoubleNibble, subxy: DoubleNibble, shrxy: DoubleNibble, subnxy: DoubleNibble, shlxy: DoubleNibble, snexy: DoubleNibble, ldnnn: Twelve, jpnnn: Twelve, rndxkk: NibbleByte, drwxyn: TripleNibble, skpx: Nibble, sknpx: Nibble, ldxdt: Nibble, ldxk: Nibble, lddtx: Nibble, ldstx: Nibble, addix: Nibble, ldfx: Nibble, ldbx: Nibble, ldix: Nibble, ldxi: Nibble, pub fn decode(opcode: u16) ?Opcode { const nnn: u12 = @truncate(u12, opcode); const x: u4 = @truncate(u4, opcode >> 8); const y: u4 = @truncate(u4, opcode >> 4); const kk: u8 = @truncate(u8, opcode); const n: u4 = @truncate(u4, opcode); switch (opcode & 0xF000) { 0x0000 => { if (opcode == 0x00E0) return Opcode.cls; if (opcode == 0x00EE) return Opcode.ret; return Opcode{ .sys = nnn }; }, 0x1000 => return Opcode{ .jp = nnn }, 0x2000 => return Opcode{ .call = nnn }, 0x3000 => return Opcode{ .sexkk = .{ .x = x, .kk = kk } }, 0x4000 => return Opcode{ .snexkk = .{ .x = x, .kk = kk } }, 0x5000 => return Opcode{ .sexy = .{ .x = x, .y = y } }, 0x6000 => return Opcode{ .ldxkk = .{ .x = x, .kk = kk } }, 0x7000 => return Opcode{ .addxkk = .{ .x = x, .kk = kk } }, 0x8000 => { switch (n) { 0x0 => return Opcode{ .ldxy = .{ .x = x, .y = y } }, 0x1 => return Opcode{ .orxy = .{ .x = x, .y = y } }, 0x2 => return Opcode{ .andxy = .{ .x = x, .y = y } }, 0x3 => return Opcode{ .xorxy = .{ .x = x, .y = y } }, 0x4 => return Opcode{ .addxy = .{ .x = x, .y = y } }, 0x5 => return Opcode{ .subxy = .{ .x = x, .y = y } }, 0x6 => return Opcode{ .shrxy = .{ .x = x, .y = y } }, 0x7 => return Opcode{ .subnxy = .{ .x = x, .y = y } }, 0xE => return Opcode{ .shlxy = .{ .x = x, .y = y } }, else => return null, } }, 0x9000 => return Opcode{ .snexy = .{ .x = x, .y = y } }, 0xA000 => return Opcode{ .ldnnn = nnn }, 0xB000 => return Opcode{ .jpnnn = nnn }, 0xC000 => return Opcode{ .rndxkk = .{ .x = x, .kk = kk } }, 0xD000 => return Opcode{ .drwxyn = .{ .x = x, .y = y, .z = n } }, 0xE000 => { if (kk == 0x9E) return Opcode{ .skpx = x }; if (kk == 0xA1) return Opcode{ .sknpx = x }; return null; }, 0xF000 => { switch (kk) { 0x07 => return Opcode{ .ldxdt = x }, 0x0A => return Opcode{ .ldxk = x }, 0x15 => return Opcode{ .lddtx = x }, 0x18 => return Opcode{ .ldstx = x }, 0x1E => return Opcode{ .addix = x }, 0x29 => return Opcode{ .ldfx = x }, 0x33 => return Opcode{ .ldbx = x }, 0x55 => return Opcode{ .ldix = x }, 0x65 => return Opcode{ .ldxi = x }, else => return null, } }, else => return null, } return null; } fn eq(self: Opcode, other: Opcode) bool { switch (self) { inline else => |val, tag| { if (tag != other) return false; const oval = @field(other, @tagName(tag)); if (@TypeOf(val) == void) return true; if (@TypeOf(val) == Twelve) return val == oval; if (@TypeOf(val) == Nibble) return val == oval; if (@TypeOf(val) == DoubleNibble) return val.x == oval.x and val.y == oval.y; if (@TypeOf(val) == TripleNibble) return val.x == oval.x and val.y == oval.y and val.z == oval.z; if (@TypeOf(val) == NibbleByte) return val.x == oval.x and val.kk == oval.kk; @compileError("Unhandled union variant"); }, } return false; } pub fn print(self: Opcode, pc: u16, writer: anytype) !void { switch (self) { .sys => |nnn| try writer.print("0x{X:0>4}: SYS 0x{X}\n", .{ pc, nnn }), .cls => try writer.print("0x{X:0>4}: CLS\n", .{pc}), .ret => try writer.print("0x{X:0>4}: RET\n", .{pc}), .jp => |nnn| try writer.print("0x{X:0>4}: JP 0x{X:0>4}\n", .{ pc, nnn }), .call => |nnn| try writer.print("0x{X:0>4}: CALL 0x{X:0>4}\n", .{ pc, nnn }), .sexkk => |nb| try writer.print("0x{X:0>4}: SE V{d}, 0x{X:0>2}\n", .{ pc, nb.x, nb.kk }), .snexkk => |nb| try writer.print("0x{X:0>4}: SNE V{d}, 0x{X:0>2}\n", .{ pc, nb.x, nb.kk }), .sexy => |dn| try writer.print("0x{X:0>4}: SE V{d}, V{d}\n", .{ pc, dn.x, dn.y }), .ldxkk => |nb| try writer.print("0x{X:0>4}: LD V{d}, 0x{X:0>2}\n", .{ pc, nb.x, nb.kk }), .addxkk => |nb| try writer.print("0x{X:0>4}: ADD V{d}, 0x{X:0>2}\n", .{ pc, nb.x, nb.kk }), .ldxy => |dn| try writer.print("0x{X:0>4}: LD V{d}, V{d}\n", .{ pc, dn.x, dn.y }), .orxy => |dn| try writer.print("0x{X:0>4}: OR V{d}, V{d}\n", .{ pc, dn.x, dn.y }), .andxy => |dn| try writer.print("0x{X:0>4}: AND V{d}, V{d}\n", .{ pc, dn.x, dn.y }), .xorxy => |dn| try writer.print("0x{X:0>4}: XOR V{d}, V{d}\n", .{ pc, dn.x, dn.y }), .addxy => |dn| try writer.print("0x{X:0>4}: ADD V{d}, V{d}\n", .{ pc, dn.x, dn.y }), .subxy => |dn| try writer.print("0x{X:0>4}: SUB V{d}, V{d}\n", .{ pc, dn.x, dn.y }), .shrxy => |dn| try writer.print("0x{X:0>4}: SHR V{d}\n", .{ pc, dn.x }), .subnxy => |dn| try writer.print("0x{X:0>4}: SUBN V{d}, V{d}\n", .{ pc, dn.x, dn.y }), .shlxy => |dn| try writer.print("0x{X:0>4}: SHL V{d}\n", .{ pc, dn.x }), .snexy => |dn| try writer.print("0x{X:0>4}: SNE V{d}, V{d}\n", .{ pc, dn.x, dn.y }), .ldnnn => |nnn| try writer.print("0x{X:0>4}: LD I, 0x{X:0>4}\n", .{ pc, nnn }), .jpnnn => |nnn| try writer.print("0x{X:0>4}: JP V0, 0x{X:0>4}\n", .{ pc, nnn }), .rndxkk => |nb| try writer.print("0x{X:0>4}: RND V{d}, 0x{X:0>2}\n", .{ pc, nb.x, nb.kk }), .drwxyn => |tn| try writer.print("0x{X:0>4}: DRW V{d}, V{d}, 0x{X}\n", .{ pc, tn.x, tn.y, tn.z }), .skpx => |x| try writer.print("0x{X:0>4}: SKP V{d}\n", .{ pc, x }), .sknpx => |x| try writer.print("0x{X:0>4}: SKNP V{d}\n", .{ pc, x }), .ldxdt => |x| try writer.print("0x{X:0>4}: LD V{d}, DT\n", .{ pc, x }), .ldxk => |x| try writer.print("0x{X:0>4}: LD V{d}, K\n", .{ pc, x }), .lddtx => |x| try writer.print("0x{X:0>4}: LD DT, V{d}\n", .{ pc, x }), .ldstx => |x| try writer.print("0x{X:0>4}: LD ST, V{d}\n", .{ pc, x }), .addix => |x| try writer.print("0x{X:0>4}: ADD I, V{d}\n", .{ pc, x }), .ldfx => |x| try writer.print("0x{X:0>4}: LD F, V{d}\n", .{ pc, x }), .ldbx => |x| try writer.print("0x{X:0>4}: LD B, V{d}\n", .{ pc, x }), .ldix => |x| try writer.print("0x{X:0>4}: LD [I], V{d}\n", .{ pc, x }), .ldxi => |x| try writer.print("0x{X:0>4}: LD V{d}, [I]\n", .{ pc, x }), } } }; test "opcode decode" { const expect = @import("std").testing.expect; const Case = struct { opcode: u16, expected: Opcode, }; // TODO(alexandre): add more test cases. const cases = [_]Case{ Case{ .opcode = 0xA2B4, .expected = Opcode{ .ldnnn = 0x2B4 } }, Case{ .opcode = 0x23E6, .expected = Opcode{ .call = 0x3E6 } }, }; for (cases) |case| { const got = Opcode.decode(case.opcode) orelse return Error.IllegalOpcode; try expect(got.eq(case.expected)); } }
// zig fmt: off const std = @import("std"); const builtin = @import("builtin"); const string = []const u8; pub const GitExactStep = struct { step: std.Build.Step, builder: *std.Build, url: string, commit: string, pub fn create(b: *std.Build, url: string, commit: string) *GitExactStep { var result = b.allocator.create(GitExactStep) catch @panic("memory"); result.* = GitExactStep{ .step = std.Build.Step.init(.{ .id = .custom, .name = b.fmt("git clone {s} @ {s}", .{ url, commit }), .owner = b, .makeFn = make, }), .builder = b, .url = url, .commit = commit, }; var urlpath = url; urlpath = trimPrefix(u8, urlpath, "https://"); urlpath = trimPrefix(u8, urlpath, "git://"); const repopath = b.fmt("{s}/zigmod/deps/git/{s}/{s}", .{ b.cache_root.path.?, urlpath, commit }); flip(std.fs.cwd().access(repopath, .{})) catch return result; var clonestep = std.Build.Step.Run.create(b, "clone"); clonestep.addArgs(&.{ "git", "clone", "-q", "--progress", url, repopath }); var checkoutstep = std.Build.Step.Run.create(b, "checkout"); checkoutstep.addArgs(&.{ "git", "-C", repopath, "checkout", "-q", commit }); result.step.dependOn(&checkoutstep.step); checkoutstep.step.dependOn(&clonestep.step); return result; } fn make(step: *std.Build.Step, prog_node: *std.Progress.Node) !void { _ = step; _ = prog_node; } }; pub fn fetch(exe: *std.Build.Step.Compile) *std.Build.Step { const b = exe.step.owner; const step = b.step("fetch", ""); inline for (comptime std.meta.declarations(package_data)) |decl| { const path = &@field(package_data, decl.name).entry; const root = if (@field(package_data, decl.name).store) |_| b.cache_root.path.? else "."; if (path.* != null) path.* = b.fmt("{s}/zigmod/deps{s}", .{ root, path.*.? }); } step.dependOn(&GitExactStep.create(b, "https://github.com/marlersoft/zigwin32", "c778640d3dc153e900fbe37e2816b5176af3c802").step); step.dependOn(&GitExactStep.create(b, "https://github.com/nektro/arqv-ini", "38a018ad3a19d5b4663a5364d2d31271f250846b").step); step.dependOn(&GitExactStep.create(b, "https://github.com/nektro/iguanaTLS", "4dc8850883b49e4a452871298788b06b1af9fe24").step); step.dependOn(&GitExactStep.create(b, "https://github.com/nektro/zfetch", "863be236188e5f24d16554f9dcd7df96dd254a13").step); step.dependOn(&GitExactStep.create(b, "https://github.com/nektro/zig-ansi", "c3e439f86b0484e4428f38c4d8b07b7b5ae1634b").step); step.dependOn(&GitExactStep.create(b, "https://github.com/nektro/zig-detect-license", "3ff57d0681b7bd7f8ca9bd092afa0b4bfe2f1afd").step); step.dependOn(&GitExactStep.create(b, "https://github.com/nektro/zig-extras", "74f0ddb0a4dfa7921739b88cc381951a6b6e73ce").step); step.dependOn(&GitExactStep.create(b, "https://github.com/nektro/zig-inquirer", "9e1d873db79e9ffa6ae6e06bd372428c9be85d97").step); step.dependOn(&GitExactStep.create(b, "https://github.com/nektro/zig-leven", "e548b0bcc7b6f34f636c0b6b905928d31254c54d").step); step.dependOn(&GitExactStep.create(b, "https://github.com/nektro/zig-licenses", "f46d9f774df929885eef66c733a1e2a46bf16aec").step); step.dependOn(&GitExactStep.create(b, "https://github.com/nektro/zig-licenses-text", "b01e5a2dffcc564bddd8f514fe64bab9b5c52572").step); step.dependOn(&GitExactStep.create(b, "https://github.com/nektro/zig-range", "4b2f12808aa09be4b27a163efc424dd4e0415992").step); step.dependOn(&GitExactStep.create(b, "https://github.com/nektro/zig-time", "ba546bbf2e8438c9b2325f36f392c9d95b432e8e").step); step.dependOn(&GitExactStep.create(b, "https://github.com/nektro/zig-yaml", "0d17fb99cba338aedc1abac12d78d5e5f04f0b6b").step); step.dependOn(&GitExactStep.create(b, "https://github.com/truemedian/hzzp", "a7f03a1e652abe8c89b376d090cec50acb0d2a1a").step); step.dependOn(&GitExactStep.create(b, "https://github.com/ziglibs/known-folders", "0ad514dcfb7525e32ae349b9acc0a53976f3a9fa").step); step.dependOn(&GitExactStep.create(b, "https://github.com/yaml/libyaml", "2c891fc7a770e8ba2fec34fc6b545c672beb37e6").step); return step; } fn trimPrefix(comptime T: type, haystack: []const T, needle: []const T) []const T { if (std.mem.startsWith(T, haystack, needle)) { return haystack[needle.len .. haystack.len]; } return haystack; } fn flip(foo: anytype) !void { _ = foo catch return; return error.ExpectedError; } pub fn addAllTo(exe: *std.Build.Step.Compile) void { checkMinZig(builtin.zig_version, exe); const fetch_step = fetch(exe); @setEvalBranchQuota(1_000_000); for (packages) |pkg| { const module = pkg.module(exe, fetch_step); exe.root_module.addImport(pkg.name, module); } } var link_lib_c = false; pub const Package = struct { name: string = "", entry: ?string = null, store: ?string = null, deps: []const *Package = &.{}, c_include_dirs: []const string = &.{}, c_source_files: []const string = &.{}, c_source_flags: []const string = &.{}, system_libs: []const string = &.{}, frameworks: []const string = &.{}, module_memo: ?*std.Build.Module = null, pub fn module(self: *Package, exe: *std.Build.Step.Compile, fetch_step: *std.Build.Step) *std.Build.Module { if (self.module_memo) |cached| { return cached; } const b = exe.step.owner; const result = b.createModule(.{}); const dummy_library = b.addStaticLibrary(.{ .name = "dummy", .target = exe.root_module.resolved_target orelse b.host, .optimize = exe.root_module.optimize.?, }); dummy_library.step.dependOn(fetch_step); if (self.entry) |capture| { result.root_source_file = .{ .path = capture }; } for (self.deps) |item| { const module_dep = item.module(exe, fetch_step); if (module_dep.root_source_file != null) { result.addImport(item.name, module_dep); } for (module_dep.include_dirs.items) |jtem| { switch (jtem) { .path => result.addIncludePath(jtem.path), .path_system, .path_after, .framework_path, .framework_path_system, .other_step, .config_header_step => {}, } } } for (self.c_include_dirs) |item| { result.addIncludePath(.{ .cwd_relative = b.fmt("{s}/zigmod/deps{s}/{s}", .{ b.cache_root.path.?, self.store.?, item }) }); dummy_library.addIncludePath(.{ .cwd_relative = b.fmt("{s}/zigmod/deps{s}/{s}", .{ b.cache_root.path.?, self.store.?, item }) }); link_lib_c = true; } for (self.c_source_files) |item| { dummy_library.addCSourceFile(.{ .file = .{ .cwd_relative = b.fmt("{s}/zigmod/deps{s}/{s}", .{ b.cache_root.path.?, self.store.?, item }) }, .flags = self.c_source_flags }); } for (self.system_libs) |item| { dummy_library.linkSystemLibrary(item); } for (self.frameworks) |item| { dummy_library.linkFramework(item); } if (self.c_source_files.len > 0 or self.system_libs.len > 0 or self.frameworks.len > 0) { dummy_library.linkLibC(); exe.root_module.linkLibrary(dummy_library); link_lib_c = true; } if (link_lib_c) { result.link_libc = true; } self.module_memo = result; return result; } }; fn checkMinZig(current: std.SemanticVersion, exe: *std.Build.Step.Compile) void { const min = std.SemanticVersion.parse("0.12.0") catch return; if (current.order(min).compare(.lt)) @panic(exe.step.owner.fmt("Your Zig version v{} does not meet the minimum build requirement of v{}", .{current, min})); } pub const package_data = struct { pub var _o6ogpor87xc2 = Package{ .store = "/git/github.com/marlersoft/zigwin32/c778640d3dc153e900fbe37e2816b5176af3c802", .name = "win32", .entry = "/git/github.com/marlersoft/zigwin32/c778640d3dc153e900fbe37e2816b5176af3c802/win32.zig", }; pub var _u7sysdckdymi = Package{ .store = "/git/github.com/nektro/arqv-ini/38a018ad3a19d5b4663a5364d2d31271f250846b", .name = "ini", .entry = "/git/github.com/nektro/arqv-ini/38a018ad3a19d5b4663a5364d2d31271f250846b/src/ini.zig", }; pub var _csbnipaad8n7 = Package{ .store = "/git/github.com/nektro/iguanaTLS/4dc8850883b49e4a452871298788b06b1af9fe24", .name = "iguanaTLS", .entry = "/git/github.com/nektro/iguanaTLS/4dc8850883b49e4a452871298788b06b1af9fe24/src/main.zig", }; pub var _s84v9o48ucb0 = Package{ .store = "/git/github.com/nektro/zig-ansi/c3e439f86b0484e4428f38c4d8b07b7b5ae1634b", .name = "ansi", .entry = "/git/github.com/nektro/zig-ansi/c3e439f86b0484e4428f38c4d8b07b7b5ae1634b/src/lib.zig", }; pub var _f7dubzb7cyqe = Package{ .store = "/git/github.com/nektro/zig-extras/74f0ddb0a4dfa7921739b88cc381951a6b6e73ce", .name = "extras", .entry = "/git/github.com/nektro/zig-extras/74f0ddb0a4dfa7921739b88cc381951a6b6e73ce/src/lib.zig", }; pub var _0npcrzfdlrvk = Package{ .store = "/git/github.com/nektro/zig-licenses/f46d9f774df929885eef66c733a1e2a46bf16aec", .name = "licenses", .entry = "/git/github.com/nektro/zig-licenses/f46d9f774df929885eef66c733a1e2a46bf16aec/src/lib.zig", }; pub var _pt88y5d80m25 = Package{ .store = "/git/github.com/nektro/zig-licenses-text/b01e5a2dffcc564bddd8f514fe64bab9b5c52572", .name = "licenses-text", .entry = "/git/github.com/nektro/zig-licenses-text/b01e5a2dffcc564bddd8f514fe64bab9b5c52572/src/lib.zig", }; pub var _tnj3qf44tpeq = Package{ .store = "/git/github.com/nektro/zig-range/4b2f12808aa09be4b27a163efc424dd4e0415992", .name = "range", .entry = "/git/github.com/nektro/zig-range/4b2f12808aa09be4b27a163efc424dd4e0415992/src/lib.zig", }; pub var _c1xirp1ota5p = Package{ .store = "/git/github.com/nektro/zig-inquirer/9e1d873db79e9ffa6ae6e06bd372428c9be85d97", .name = "inquirer", .entry = "/git/github.com/nektro/zig-inquirer/9e1d873db79e9ffa6ae6e06bd372428c9be85d97/src/lib.zig", .deps = &[_]*Package{ &_s84v9o48ucb0, &_tnj3qf44tpeq }, }; pub var _96h80ezrvj7i = Package{ .store = "/git/github.com/nektro/zig-leven/e548b0bcc7b6f34f636c0b6b905928d31254c54d", .name = "leven", .entry = "/git/github.com/nektro/zig-leven/e548b0bcc7b6f34f636c0b6b905928d31254c54d/src/lib.zig", .deps = &[_]*Package{ &_tnj3qf44tpeq }, }; pub var _2ovav391ivak = Package{ .store = "/git/github.com/nektro/zig-detect-license/3ff57d0681b7bd7f8ca9bd092afa0b4bfe2f1afd", .name = "detect-license", .entry = "/git/github.com/nektro/zig-detect-license/3ff57d0681b7bd7f8ca9bd092afa0b4bfe2f1afd/src/lib.zig", .deps = &[_]*Package{ &_pt88y5d80m25, &_96h80ezrvj7i }, }; pub var _iecwp4b3bsfm = Package{ .store = "/git/github.com/nektro/zig-time/ba546bbf2e8438c9b2325f36f392c9d95b432e8e", .name = "time", .entry = "/git/github.com/nektro/zig-time/ba546bbf2e8438c9b2325f36f392c9d95b432e8e/time.zig", .deps = &[_]*Package{ &_f7dubzb7cyqe }, }; pub var _g982zq6e8wsv = Package{ .store = "/git/github.com/nektro/zig-yaml/0d17fb99cba338aedc1abac12d78d5e5f04f0b6b", .name = "yaml", .entry = "/git/github.com/nektro/zig-yaml/0d17fb99cba338aedc1abac12d78d5e5f04f0b6b/yaml.zig", .deps = &[_]*Package{ &_8mdbh0zuneb0, &_f7dubzb7cyqe }, }; pub var _9k24gimke1an = Package{ .store = "/git/github.com/truemedian/hzzp/a7f03a1e652abe8c89b376d090cec50acb0d2a1a", .name = "hzzp", .entry = "/git/github.com/truemedian/hzzp/a7f03a1e652abe8c89b376d090cec50acb0d2a1a/src/main.zig", }; pub var _ejw82j2ipa0e = Package{ .store = "/git/github.com/nektro/zfetch/863be236188e5f24d16554f9dcd7df96dd254a13", .name = "zfetch", .entry = "/git/github.com/nektro/zfetch/863be236188e5f24d16554f9dcd7df96dd254a13/src/main.zig", .deps = &[_]*Package{ &_9k24gimke1an, &_csbnipaad8n7 }, }; pub var _2ta738wrqbaq = Package{ .store = "/git/github.com/ziglibs/known-folders/0ad514dcfb7525e32ae349b9acc0a53976f3a9fa", .name = "known-folders", .entry = "/git/github.com/ziglibs/known-folders/0ad514dcfb7525e32ae349b9acc0a53976f3a9fa/known-folders.zig", }; pub var _89ujp8gq842x = Package{ .name = "zigmod", .entry = "/../..//src/lib.zig", .deps = &[_]*Package{ &_g982zq6e8wsv, &_s84v9o48ucb0, &_2ta738wrqbaq, &_0npcrzfdlrvk, &_ejw82j2ipa0e, &_2ovav391ivak, &_c1xirp1ota5p, &_u7sysdckdymi, &_iecwp4b3bsfm, &_f7dubzb7cyqe }, }; pub var _root = Package{ }; pub var _8mdbh0zuneb0 = Package{ .store = "/git/github.com/yaml/libyaml/2c891fc7a770e8ba2fec34fc6b545c672beb37e6", .c_include_dirs = &.{ "include" }, .c_source_files = &.{ "src/api.c", "src/dumper.c", "src/emitter.c", "src/loader.c", "src/parser.c", "src/reader.c", "src/scanner.c", "src/writer.c" }, .c_source_flags = &.{ "-DYAML_VERSION_MAJOR=0", "-DYAML_VERSION_MINOR=2", "-DYAML_VERSION_PATCH=5", "-DYAML_VERSION_STRING=\"0.2.5\"", "-DYAML_DECLARE_STATIC=1" }, }; }; pub const packages = [_]*Package{ &package_data._89ujp8gq842x, &package_data._o6ogpor87xc2, &package_data._f7dubzb7cyqe, &package_data._s84v9o48ucb0, }; pub const pkgs = struct { pub const zigmod = &package_data._89ujp8gq842x; pub const win32 = &package_data._o6ogpor87xc2; pub const extras = &package_data._f7dubzb7cyqe; pub const ansi = &package_data._s84v9o48ucb0; }; pub const imports = struct { };
const std = @import("std"); const net = @cImport( @cInclude("netinet/in.h") ); const socket = @cImport( @cInclude("sys/socket.h") ); const cio = @cImport( @cInclude("stdio.h") ); const netdb = @cImport( @cInclude("netdb.h") ); const assert = std.debug.assert; const warn = std.debug.warn; const irc_port = 6667; const addr = c"address.of.irc.server"; // c string for gethostbyname() libc call const channel = "#channel_name"; const nick = "zig_bot"; const real = nick; const user = nick; const recv_buf_len = 1024; var recv_buf: [recv_buf_len]u8 = undefined; fn strchr(str: []const u8, char: u8) ?usize { for (str) |c, i| { if (c == char) { return i; } } return null; } test "strings contain characters" { assert(strchr("foobar", 'f').? == 0); assert(strchr("foobar", 'o').? == 1); assert(strchr("foobar", 'b').? == 3); assert(strchr("foobar", 'a').? == 4); assert(strchr("foobar", 'x') == null); } fn streq(s: []const u8, t: []const u8) bool { if (s.len != t.len) { return false; } var i: usize = 0; while (i < s.len) : (i += 1) { if (s[i] != t[i]) { return false; } } return true; } test "strings are equal to each other" { assert(streq("foo bar", "foo bar")); assert(streq("", "")); assert(! streq("foo", "foobar")); assert(! streq("foo", "bar")); } fn strstr(str: []const u8, s: []const u8) ?usize { if (s.len == 0) { return 0; } outer: for (str) |c, i| { if (i + s.len > str.len) { break; } for (s) |sc, si| { if (sc != str[i + si]) { continue :outer; } } return i; } return null; } test "strings contain other strings" { assert(strstr("foobar", "foo").? == 0); assert(strstr("foobar", "bar").? == 3); assert(strstr("foobar", "foox") == null); assert(strstr("foobar", "xfoo") == null); } fn parse_nick(line: []const u8) ?[]const u8 { if (line[0] == ':') { var spce = strchr(line, ' ') orelse return null; var excl = strchr(line, '!') orelse return null; if (spce < excl) { return null; } var nick_end: usize = excl; return line[1..nick_end]; } return null; } test "parse nickname" { const line = ":tyler!testtesttest foo bar :trail\r\n"; assert(streq(parse_nick(line).?, "tyler")); const line2 = "foo bar :trail\r\n"; assert(parse_nick(line2) == null); } fn parse_command(line: []const u8) ?[]const u8 { var cmd_start: usize = 0; var cmd_end: usize = 0; if (line[0] == ':') { cmd_start = strchr(line, ' ') orelse unreachable; cmd_start += 1; cmd_end = strchr(line[cmd_start..], ' ') orelse strchr(line[cmd_start..], '\r') orelse unreachable; cmd_end += cmd_start; } else { cmd_end = strchr(line, ' ') orelse strchr(line, '\r') orelse unreachable; } return line[cmd_start..cmd_end]; } test "parse command" { const line = ":tyler!testtesttest foo bar :trail\r\n"; assert(streq(parse_command(line).?, "foo")); const line2 = "foo bar :trail\r\n"; assert(streq(parse_command(line2).?, "foo")); } const CError = error.CError; fn perror(msg: []const u8) error { cio.perror(msg.ptr); return error.CError; } fn irc_send(sock: i32, value: []const u8) void { // for loop on var args kills compiler // for (args) |arg| { // warn("{}", arg); // socket.send(sock, arg, arg.len, 0); // } // var i: usize = 0; // while (i < args.len) : (i += 1) { // warn("{}", args[i]); // _ = socket.send(sock, args[i], args[i].len, 0); // } // inline for (args) |arg| { // warn("{}", arg); // socket.send(sock, arg, arg.len, 0); // } warn("<< {}\n", value); _ = socket.send(sock, value.ptr, value.len, 0); _ = socket.send(sock, "\r\n", 2, 0); } pub fn main() error!void { var stdout = try std.io.getStdOut(); try stdout.write("Test\n"); const buf_index: usize = 0; const host: ?*netdb.hostent = @ptrCast(?*netdb.hostent, netdb.gethostbyname(addr)) orelse return perror("getaddr"); const sock: i32 = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, @enumToInt(socket.SOCK_STREAM), 0); if (sock == -1) { return perror("sock"); } var remote = net.sockaddr_in{ .sin_family = socket.AF_INET, .sin_port = net.htons(irc_port), .sin_addr = undefined, .sin_zero = [8]u8{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, }; // @ptrCast(*net.in_addr, @alignCast(4, host.?.h_addr_list.?[0].?)).*, @memcpy( @ptrCast([*]u8, &remote.sin_addr), host.?.h_addr_list.?[0].?, @sizeOf(@typeOf(remote.sin_addr)) ); var conn_result = socket.connect( sock, @ptrCast([*]const socket.sockaddr, &remote), @sizeOf(@typeOf(remote)) ); if (conn_result == -1) { return perror("connect"); } irc_send(sock, "USER " ++ nick ++ " 0 * :" ++ nick); irc_send(sock, "NICK " ++ nick); irc_send(sock, "JOIN " ++ channel); var buffer_index: usize = 0; while (true) { // main loop var len: isize = 0; warn("buffer_index: {}\n", buffer_index); len = socket.recv(sock, @ptrCast(?*c_void, &recv_buf[buffer_index]), recv_buf_len - buffer_index, 0); // is there a better way to do this? var buf_view: []u8 = undefined; buf_view.ptr = @ptrCast([*]u8, &recv_buf); buf_view.len = @intCast(usize, len) + buffer_index; var one_line_end = strchr(recv_buf, '\n'); while (one_line_end != null) { warn("buf view at {} - {}\n", @ptrToInt(buf_view.ptr) - @ptrToInt(&recv_buf), @ptrToInt(buf_view.ptr) - @ptrToInt(&recv_buf) + buf_view.len ); warn("buf_view len: {}\n", buf_view.len); warn("recv_buf: {x}\n", recv_buf); warn("buf_view: {x}\n", buf_view); warn("one_line_end: {}\n", one_line_end.?); var line = buf_view[0..one_line_end.?-1]; warn(">> {}\n", line); var line_nick = parse_nick(line); var line_command = parse_command(line); warn(" nick: {}\n", line_nick); warn(" command: {}\n", line_command); if (streq(line_command.?, "PING")) { line[1] = 'O'; // @fragile irc_send(sock, line); } if (streq(line_command.?, "MODE")) { irc_send(sock, "PRIVMSG NickServ :IDENTIFY your_password"); irc_send(sock, "JOIN " ++ channel); } if (strstr(line, "~test")) |_| { irc_send(sock, "PRIVMSG " ++ channel ++ " :ayy test"); } // var zero_used: usize = 0; // while (buf_view[zero_used] != '\n') : (zero_used += 1) { // buf_view[zero_used] = 0; // } // buf_view[zero_used] = 0; buf_view = buf_view[one_line_end.?+1 ..]; one_line_end = strchr(buf_view, '\n'); } // warn("recv_buf: 0x{x}\n", @ptrToInt(&recv_buf)); // warn("buf_view: 0x{x}\n", @ptrToInt(buf_view.ptr)); // warn("moving {}\n", recv_buf_len - (@ptrToInt(buf_view.ptr) - @ptrToInt(&recv_buf))); // @memset( // @ptrCast([*]u8, &recv_buf) + buf_view.len, // 0, // recv_buf_len - buf_view.len // ); if (buf_view.len != 0) { @memcpy( &recv_buf, buf_view.ptr, buf_view.len, ); // var i: usize = buf_view.len; // while (i<recv_buf_len) : (i += 1) { // recv_buf[i] = 0; // } buffer_index = buf_view.len; } else { buffer_index = 0; } } }
const std = @import("std"); // const // print = std.debug.// print; const memEql = std.mem.eql; const stringToEnum = std.meta.stringToEnum; const types = @import("types.zig"); const parse = @import("parse.zig"); const Atom = types.Atom; const AtomList = types.AtomList; const Variable = types.Variable; const VarList = types.VarList; const Value = types.Value; const SpecialForms = types.SpecialForms; const Func = types.Func; const Function = types.Function; const SyntaxErrors = types.SyntaxErrors; /// Addition; some dummy functions to play with -> add takes 2 params (order independant) pub fn add(l: Atom, r: Atom) Atom { return Atom{ .number = l.number + r.number }; } /// Division; order dependant pub fn sub(l: Atom, r: Atom) Atom { return Atom{ .number = l.number - r.number }; } /// Negation; neg takes 1 param pub fn neg(l: Atom) Atom { return Atom{ .number = -l.number }; } pub fn less(l: Atom, r: Atom) Atom { return Atom{ .number = if (l.number < r.number) 1.0 else 0 }; } pub const Env = struct { outer: ?*Env, varlist: VarList, pub fn copy(self: *const Env) Env { return Env{ .outer = self.outer, .varlist = self.varlist }; } pub fn push(self: *Env, symbol: []const u8, value: Value) void { var node = VarList.Node{ .data = Variable{ .name = symbol, .value = value } }; self.varlist.prepend(&node); } pub fn find(self: *const Env, symbol: []const u8) ?*const Env { var it = self.varlist.first; while (it) |node| : (it = node.next) { if (memEql(u8, node.data.name, symbol)) return self; } return if (self.outer) |outer_node| outer_node.find(symbol) else null; } pub fn get(self: *const Env, symbol: []const u8) !Value { if (self.find(symbol)) |env| { var it = env.varlist.first; while (it) |node| : (it = node.next) { if (memEql(u8, node.data.name, symbol)) return node.data.value; } return error.KeyDisappearedAfterFinding; } else { return error.CannotFindKeyInEnvs; } } pub fn addArgs(self: *Env, names: AtomList, values: AtomList) SyntaxErrors!void { if (names.len() != values.len()) return error.UserFunctionParameterArgumentLengthMismatch; comptime var i = 0; var name = names.first; var value = values.first; while (name) |nameNode| : (name = nameNode.next) { if (value) |valueNode| { self.push(nameNode.data.keyword, Value{ .atom = valueNode.data }); value = valueNode.next; // the same as name = nameNode.next on continuation } } } }; pub fn evalProgram(comptime ast: AtomList) SyntaxErrors!AtomList { var corelist = VarList{}; const functions = [_]Variable{ Variable{ .name = "add", .value = Value{ .func = Func{ .funcTwo = &add } } }, Variable{ .name = "sub", .value = Value{ .func = Func{ .funcTwo = &sub } } }, Variable{ .name = "less", .value = Value{ .func = Func{ .funcTwo = &less } } }, }; for (functions) |function| { var func = VarList.Node{ .data = function }; corelist.prepend(&func); } var global_env = Env{ .outer = null, .varlist = corelist }; var results = AtomList{}; var it = ast.first; while (it) |node| : (it = node.next) { const evaluation = try comptime eval(node.data, &global_env); var new_node = AtomList.Node{ .data = evaluation }; if (results.len() >= 1) { results.first.?.findLast().insertAfter(&new_node); // front to back growth } else { results.prepend(&new_node); } } return results; } pub fn eval(x: Atom, env: *Env) SyntaxErrors!Atom { @setEvalBranchQuota(1_000_000); return switch (x) { .number => x, // number evaluates to itself .keyword => (try env.get(x.keyword)).atom, // non function keywords .function => error.NoFunctionShouldBeHere, // we shouldn't see a bare function .list => blk: { if (x.list.len() == 0) break :blk x; // list is empty, return emptylist const node = comptime x.list.first.?; const data = comptime node.data; const next = comptime node.next; if (data != .keyword) break :blk eval(comptime data, comptime env); // evaluate it if not a kwd if (next == null) break :blk (try env.get(data.keyword)).atom; // if its termina, find it (variable) if (stringToEnum(comptime SpecialForms, data.keyword)) |special_form| { // special form break :blk switch (special_form) { .def => handleDefSpecialForm(next.?, env), .@"if" => handleIfSpecialForm(next.?, env), .@"fn" => handleFnSpecialForm(next.?, env), }; } else { // function that's not a special form break :blk handleFunction(node, env); } }, }; } /// No bool values, like the cool kids pub fn handleIfSpecialForm(conditional: *types.AtomList.Node, env: *Env) SyntaxErrors!Atom { const evaluated_condition = try eval(conditional.data, env); const is_true = switch (evaluated_condition) { .number => if (evaluated_condition.number == 0.0) false else true, // only 0.0 is false! else => true, }; const first = conditional.next.?.data; // first branch if true const second = conditional.next.?.next.?.data; // take second branch if false return if (is_true) try eval(first, env) else try eval(second, env); } /// Define variables and functions pub fn handleDefSpecialForm(variable_name_node: *types.AtomList.Node, env: *Env) SyntaxErrors!Atom { const value_node = variable_name_node.next orelse return error.NoDefinedValue; const atom = try eval(value_node.data, env); const value = switch (atom) { .function => Value{ .func = Func{ .funcUser = atom.function } }, else => Value{ .atom = atom }, }; env.push(variable_name_node.data.keyword, value); return atom; } // build arg and body lists for function pub fn handleFnSpecialForm(args: *types.AtomList.Node, env: *Env) SyntaxErrors!Atom { var arg = AtomList{}; var argnode = AtomList.Node{ .data = args.data }; arg.prepend(&argnode); var bod = AtomList{}; if (args.next) |body| bod.prepend(body); var new_env = env.copy(); var func_data = Function{ .args = arg, .body = bod, .env = &new_env }; return Atom{ .function = &func_data }; } pub fn handleFunction(topnode: *types.AtomList.Node, env: *Env) SyntaxErrors!Atom { const next = topnode.next.?; var copy = AtomList.Node{ .data = try eval(next.data, env) }; var args = AtomList{}; args.prepend(&copy); var it = next.next; while (it) |node| : (it = node.next) { // traverse any other args var new_node = AtomList.Node{ .data = try eval(node.data, env) }; copy.insertAfter(&new_node); // append } const val = (try env.get(topnode.data.keyword)); switch (val) { .func => return try applyFunction(val.func, args), .atom => return val.atom, } return (try env.get(topnode.data.keyword)).atom; } pub fn applyFunction(func: Func, args: AtomList) !Atom { return switch (func) { .funcZero => func.funcZero.*(), .funcOne => func.funcOne.*(args.first.?.data), .funcTwo => func.funcTwo.*(args.first.?.data, args.first.?.next.?.data), .funcUser => blk: { const n = func.funcUser.args.first.?.data; var new_env = Env{ .outer = func.funcUser.env, .varlist = VarList{} }; switch (func.funcUser.args.first.?.data) { .list => { const names = Atom{ .list = n.list }; try new_env.addArgs(names.list, args); }, .keyword => { const names = Atom{ .keyword = n.keyword }; var list = AtomList{}; var node = AtomList.Node{ .data = names }; list.prepend(&node); try new_env.addArgs(list, args); }, else => return error.SomethingFellThroughTheEvalCracks, } break :blk try eval(Atom{ .list = func.funcUser.body }, &new_env); }, }; }
//! LVGL Module that wraps the LVGL API (incomplete) /// Import the Zig Standard Library const std = @import("std"); /// Import the LVGL Library from C const c = @cImport({ // NuttX Defines @cDefine("__NuttX__", ""); @cDefine("NDEBUG", ""); @cDefine("ARCH_RISCV", ""); @cDefine("LV_LVGL_H_INCLUDE_SIMPLE", ""); // Workaround for "Unable to translate macro: undefined identifier `LL`" @cDefine("LL", ""); @cDefine("__int_c_join(a, b)", "a"); // Bypass zig/lib/include/stdint.h // NuttX Header Files @cInclude("arch/types.h"); @cInclude("../../nuttx/include/limits.h"); // LVGL Header Files @cInclude("lvgl/lvgl.h"); }); /// Return the Active Screen pub fn getActiveScreen() !Object { // Get the Active Screen const screen = c.lv_scr_act(); // If successfully fetched... if (screen) |s| { // Wrap Active Screen as Object and return it return Object.init(s); } else { // Unable to get Active Screen std.log.err("lv_scr_act failed", .{}); return LvglError.UnknownError; } } /// LVGL Object pub const Object = struct { /// Pointer to LVGL Object obj: *c.lv_obj_t, /// Init the Object pub fn init(obj: *c.lv_obj_t) Object { return .{ .obj = obj }; } /// Create a Label as a child of the Object pub fn createLabel(self: *Object) !Label { // Assume we won't copy from another Object const copy: ?*const c.lv_obj_t = null; // Create the Label const label = c.lv_label_create(self.obj, copy); // If successfully created... if (label) |l| { // Wrap as Label and return it return Label.init(l); } else { // Unable to create Label std.log.err("lv_label_create failed", .{}); return LvglError.UnknownError; } } }; /// LVGL Label pub const Label = struct { /// Pointer to LVGL Label obj: *c.lv_obj_t, /// Init the Label pub fn init(obj: *c.lv_obj_t) Label { return .{ .obj = obj }; } /// Set the wrapping of long lines in the label text pub fn setLongMode(self: *Label, long_mode: c.lv_label_long_mode_t) void { c.lv_label_set_long_mode(self.obj, long_mode); } /// Set the label text alignment pub fn setAlign(self: *Label, alignment: c.lv_label_align_t) void { c.lv_label_set_align(self.obj, alignment); } /// Enable or disable color codes in the label text pub fn setRecolor(self: *Label, en: bool) void { c.lv_label_set_recolor(self.obj, en); } /// Set the label text and colors pub fn setText(self: *Label, text: [*c]const u8) void { c.lv_label_set_text(self.obj, text); } /// Set the object width pub fn setWidth(self: *Label, w: c.lv_coord_t) void { c.lv_obj_set_width(self.obj, w); } /// Set the object alignment pub fn alignObject(self: *Label, alignment: c.lv_align_t, x_ofs: c.lv_coord_t, y_ofs: c.lv_coord_t) void { const base: ?*const c.lv_obj_t = null; c.lv_obj_align(self.obj, base, alignment, x_ofs, y_ofs); } }; /// LVGL Errors pub const LvglError = error{ UnknownError };
const std = @import("std"); const os = std.os; const mem = std.mem; const assert = std.debug.assert; const warn = std.debug.warn; const ArrayList = std.ArrayList; const layout = @import("chunk_layout.zig"); const TypeLayout = layout.TypeLayout; const layoutChunk = layout.layoutChunk; const util = @import("util.zig"); const PageArenaAllocator = @import("page_arena_allocator.zig").PageArenaAllocator; const BlockHeap = @import("block_heap.zig").BlockHeap; const type_meta = @import("type_meta.zig"); const pages = @import("pages.zig"); const jobs = @import("job_system.zig"); const chunkSize = 16 * 1024; const entityChunkSize = 64 * 1024; const dataChunkSize = 8 * 1024; const archChunkSize = 8 * 1024; var tempAllocator = PageArenaAllocator.init(64 * 1024); var permAllocator = PageArenaAllocator.init(64 * 1024); var heapAllocator = BlockHeap.init(); const stdTempAllocator = &tempAllocator.allocator; const stdPermAllocator = &permAllocator.allocator; const stdHeapAllocator = &heapAllocator.allocator; var lowMemory = false; /// Creates a ZCS type for the given set of components. /// This file should be used via this syntax: /// const ZCS = @import("zcs.zig").Schema(&[_]type{ /// // component types go here /// }); pub fn Schema(comptime componentTypes: []const type) type { const TypeIndex = type_meta.TypeIndex(componentTypes); const ArchMask = TypeIndex.ArchMask; const ArchID = TypeIndex.ArchID; const ComponentMeta = struct { componentIndex: u32, chunkOffset: u32, }; const ChunkDataHeader = struct { data: [chunkSize]u8 align(mem.page_size), }; const EntityManager = struct { const Self = @This(); const EntityData = union(enum) { Chunk: ChunkID, Index: u16, Gen: Generation, }; const ChunkSchema = layout.SOASchema(util.EmptyStruct, EntityData); const Chunk = ChunkSchema.Chunk; const chunkLayout = comptime ChunkSchema.layout(entityChunkSize); const ChunkList = ArrayList(*Chunk); const Item = struct { chunk: *Chunk, index: u32, fn getValue(self: Item, comptime value: ChunkSchema.Values) ChunkSchema.ValType(value) { return chunkLayout.getValues(self.chunk, value)[self.index]; } }; chunks: ChunkList, fn init() Self { return Self{ .chunks = ChunkList.init(stdHeapAllocator), }; } fn resolveItem(self: Self, index: u32) error{InvalidID}!Item { const chunkID = index / chunkLayout.numItems; const indexInChunk = index % chunkLayout.numItems; if (chunkID >= self.chunks.items.len) return error.InvalidID; return Item{ .chunk = self.chunks.at(chunkID), .index = indexInChunk, }; } }; const DataManager = struct { const Self = @This(); const ChunkMetaData = union(enum) { ChunkData: *ChunkDataHeader, Arch: ArchID, Mask: ArchMask, Count: u16, }; const ChunkSchema = layout.SOASchema(util.EmptyStruct, ChunkMetaData); const Chunk = ChunkSchema.Chunk; const chunkLayout = comptime ChunkSchema.layout(dataChunkSize); const ChunkList = ArrayList(*Chunk); const Item = struct { chunk: *Chunk, index: u32, fn getValue(self: Item, comptime value: ChunkSchema.Values) ChunkSchema.ValType(value) { return chunkLayout.getValues(self.chunk, value)[self.index]; } }; chunks: ChunkList, fn init() Self { return Self{ .chunks = ChunkList.init(stdHeapAllocator), }; } fn resolveItem(self: Self, index: u32) error{InvalidID}!Item { const chunkID = index / chunkLayout.numItems; const indexInChunk = index % chunkLayout.numItems; if (chunkID >= self.chunks.items.len) return error.InvalidID; return Item{ .chunk = self.chunks.at(chunkID), .index = indexInChunk, }; } }; const ArchetypeManager = struct { const Self = @This(); const ArchetypeData = union(enum) { Components: []ComponentMeta, Mask: ArchMask, ItemsPerChunk: u16, }; const ChunkSchema = layout.SOASchema(util.EmptyStruct, ArchetypeData); const Chunk = ChunkSchema.Chunk; const chunkLayout = comptime ChunkSchema.layout(archChunkSize); const ChunkList = ArrayList(*Chunk); const Item = struct { chunk: *Chunk, index: u32, fn getValue(self: Item, comptime value: ChunkSchema.Values) ChunkSchema.ValType(value) { return chunkLayout.getValues(self.chunk, value)[self.index]; } }; chunks: ChunkList, fn init() Self { return Self{ .chunks = ChunkList.init(stdHeapAllocator), }; } fn resolveItem(self: Self, index: u32) error{InvalidID}!Item { const chunkID = index / chunkLayout.layout.numItems; const indexInChunk = index % chunkLayout.layout.numItems; if (chunkID >= self.chunks.items.len) return error.InvalidID; return Item{ .chunk = self.chunks.at(chunkID), .index = indexInChunk, }; } }; return ZCS(TypeIndex, EntityManager, ArchetypeManager, DataManager); } fn ZCS( comptime _TypeIndex: type, comptime _EntityManager: type, comptime _ArchetypeManager: type, comptime _DataManager: type, ) type { return struct { const Self = @This(); pub const TypeIndex = _TypeIndex; pub const ArchMask = TypeIndex.ArchMask; pub const ArchID = TypeIndex.ArchID; pub const EntityManager = _EntityManager; pub const ArchetypeManager = _ArchetypeManager; pub const DataManager = _DataManager; pub const JobSystem = jobs.JobSystem; pub const JobID = jobs.JobID; pub const JobInterface = jobs.JobInterface; pub const ArchetypeChunk = struct { arch: ArchetypeManager.Item, data: DataManager.Item, pub fn getCount(self: ArchetypeChunk) u32 { return self.data.getValue(.Count); } pub fn getEntities(self: ArchetypeChunk) []Entity { const dataChunk = self.data.getValue(.ChunkData); const validNum = self.data.getValue(.Count); return util.typedSlice(Entity, dataChunk, 0, validNum); } pub fn hasComponent(self: ArchetypeChunk, comptime T: type) bool { const compIndex = comptime TypeIndex.getComponentIndex(T); const components = self.arch.getValue(.Components); for (components) |component| { if (component.componentIndex == compIndex) return true; } return false; } pub fn getComponents(self: ArchetypeChunk, comptime T: type) error{MissingComponent}![]T { const compIndex = comptime TypeIndex.getComponentIndex(T); const components = self.arch.getValue(.Components); const offset = for (components) |component| { if (component.componentIndex == compIndex) break component.chunkOffset; } else { return error.MissingComponent; }; const dataChunk = self.data.getValue(.ChunkData); const validNum = self.data.getValue(.Count); return util.typedSlice(T, dataChunk, 0, validNum); } }; entityManager: _EntityManager, archetypeManager: _ArchetypeManager, dataManager: _DataManager, jobSystem: JobSystem, pub fn init() Self { var self = Self{ .entityManager = _EntityManager.init(), .archetypeManager = _ArchetypeManager.init(), .dataManager = _DataManager.init(), .jobSystem = JobSystem.init(stdHeapAllocator), }; return self; } pub fn startJobSystem(self: *Self, numThreads: u32) !void { try self.jobSystem.startup(numThreads); } pub fn shutdown(self: *Self) void { warn("shutting down ZCS\n", .{}); self.jobSystem.shutdown(); } pub fn forEntities(self: *Self, comptime func: var) JobID { return self.forEntitiesExcludeWithDeps(0, func, util.emptySlice(JobID)); } pub fn forEntitiesExclude(self: *Self, excludeMask: ArchMask, comptime func: var) JobID { return self.forEntitiesExcludeWithDeps(excludeMask, func, util.emptySlice(JobID)); } pub fn forEntitiesWithDep(self: *Self, comptime func: var, dep: JobID) JobID { return self.forEntitiesExcludeWithDeps(0, func, &[_]JobID{dep}); } pub fn forEntitiesWithDeps(self: *Self, comptime func: var, deps: []const JobID) JobID { return self.forEntitiesExcludeWithDeps(0, func, deps); } pub fn forEntitiesExcludeWithDep(self: *Self, excludeMask: ArchMask, comptime func: var, dep: JobID) JobID { return self.forEntitiesExcludeWithDeps(excludeMask, func, &[_]JobID{dep}); } pub fn forEntitiesExcludeWithDeps(self: *Self, excludeMask: ArchMask, comptime func: var, deps: []const JobID) JobID { const FuncType = @TypeOf(func); // Get the type of the second argument to func const ComponentStruct = switch (@typeInfo(FuncType)) { .Fn, .BoundFn => |funcInfo| Blk: { if (funcInfo.return_type.? != void) @compileError("parameter func must not return a value"); if (funcInfo.args.len != 1) @compileError("parameter func must take one argument"); break :Blk funcInfo.args[0].arg_type.?; }, else => @compileError("parameter func must be a function"), }; // This gives a better error message than letting it get validated later const componentInfo = switch (@typeInfo(ComponentStruct)) { .Struct => |structInfo| structInfo, else => @compileError("parameter to func must be a struct of components"), }; const Codegen = struct { fn dataAdapter(_: util.EmptyStruct, data: ComponentStruct) void { @call(.{ .modifier = .always_inline }, func, .{data}); } }; return self.forEntitiesWithDataExcludeWithDeps(excludeMask, util.EmptyStruct{}, Codegen.dataAdapter, deps); } pub fn forEntitiesWithData(self: *Self, data: var, comptime func: var) JobID { return self.forEntitiesWithDataExcludeWithDeps(0, data, func, util.emptySlice(JobID)); } pub fn forEntitiesWithDataExclude(self: *Self, excludeMask: ArchMask, data: var, comptime func: var) JobID { return self.forEntitiesWithDataExcludeWithDeps(excludeMask, data, func, util.emptySlice(JobID)); } pub fn forEntitiesWithDataWithDep(self: *Self, data: var, comptime func: var, dep: JobID) JobID { return self.forEntitiesWithDataExcludeWithDeps(0, data, func, &[_]JobID{dep}); } pub fn forEntitiesWithDataWithDeps(self: *Self, data: var, comptime func: var, deps: []const JobID) JobID { return self.forEntitiesWithDataExcludeWithDeps(0, data, func, deps); } pub fn forEntitiesWithDataExcludeWithDep(self: *Self, excludeMask: ArchMask, data: var, comptime func: var, dep: JobID) JobID { return self.forEntitiesWithDataExcludeWithDeps(excludeMask, data, func, &[_]JobID{dep}); } pub fn forEntitiesWithDataExcludeWithDeps(self: *Self, excludeMask: ArchMask, data: var, comptime func: var, deps: []const JobID) JobID { const ExtraData = @TypeOf(data); const FuncType = @TypeOf(func); // Get the type of the second argument to func const ComponentStruct = switch (@typeInfo(FuncType)) { .Fn, .BoundFn => |funcInfo| Blk: { if (funcInfo.return_type.? != void) @compileError("parameter func must not return a value"); if (funcInfo.args.len != 2) @compileError("parameter func must take two arguments"); if (funcInfo.args[0].arg_type.? != ExtraData) @compileError("parameter func must take data as its first argument"); break :Blk funcInfo.args[1].arg_type.?; }, else => @compileError("parameter func must be a function"), }; // Get the struct info for that argument const componentInfo = switch (@typeInfo(ComponentStruct)) { .Struct => |structInfo| structInfo, else => @compileError("second argument to func must be a struct of components"), }; // Get the mask for the set of needed components comptime var includeMask: ArchMask = 0; inline for (componentInfo.fields) |field| { includeMask |= comptime TypeIndex.getComponentBit(field.field_type.Child); } assert(includeMask & excludeMask == 0); // Generate parameter data layouts for the job system const SpawnQueryData = struct { self: *Self, excludeMask: ArchMask, data: ExtraData, }; const QueryData = struct { self: *Self, chunk: *DataManager.Chunk, excludeMask: ArchMask, data: ExtraData, }; const ChunkData = struct { chunk: ArchetypeChunk, data: ExtraData, }; // Generate code for the job functions const Adapter = struct { // Root job: for each chunk of chunks, run queryJob fn spawnQueryJobs(job: JobInterface, jobData: SpawnQueryData) void { for (jobData.self.dataManager.chunks.toSlice()) |chunk| { const subData = QueryData{ .self = jobData.self, .chunk = chunk, .excludeMask = jobData.excludeMask, .data = jobData.data, }; _ = job.addSubJob(subData, queryJob); } } // for each chunk, if its archetype matches our requirements, run rawChunkJob fn queryJob(job: JobInterface, jobData: QueryData) void { const archIDs = DataManager.chunkLayout.getValues(jobData.chunk, .Arch); const masks = DataManager.chunkLayout.getValues(jobData.chunk, .Mask); const careMask = includeMask | jobData.excludeMask; for (masks) |mask, i| { if (mask & careMask == includeMask) { const subData = ChunkData{ .chunk = ArchetypeChunk{ .arch = jobData.self.archetypeManager.resolveItem(archIDs[i]) catch unreachable, .data = DataManager.Item{ .chunk = jobData.chunk, .index = @intCast(u32, i), }, }, .data = jobData.data, }; _ = job.addSubJob(subData, rawChunkJob); } } } // for each item in the chunk, run the job function fn rawChunkJob(job: JobInterface, jobData: ChunkData) void { // get the data pointers for the chunks var componentPtrs: [componentInfo.fields.len][*]u8 = undefined; inline for (componentInfo.fields) |field, i| { const slice = jobData.chunk.getComponents(field.field_type.Child) catch unreachable; componentPtrs[i] = @ptrCast([*]u8, slice.ptr); } const numInChunk = jobData.chunk.getCount(); var chunkIndex: u32 = 0; while (chunkIndex < numInChunk) : (chunkIndex += 1) { var components: ComponentStruct = undefined; inline for (componentInfo.fields) |field, i| { const typedPtr = @ptrCast([*]field.field_type.Child, @alignCast(@alignOf(field.field_type.Child), componentPtrs[i])); @field(components, field.name) = &typedPtr[i]; } @call(.{ .modifier = .always_inline }, func, .{ jobData.data, components }); } } }; // Schedule the job const jobData = SpawnQueryData{ .self = self, .excludeMask = excludeMask, .data = data, }; return self.jobSystem.scheduleWithDeps(jobData, Adapter.spawnQueryJobs, deps); } }; } pub const Generation = struct { value: u8, }; pub const ChunkID = struct { value: u32, }; pub const invalidChunkID = ChunkID{ .value = 0xFFFFFFFF, }; pub const Entity = struct { /// MSB 8 bytes are generation, rest is index gen_index: u32, }; test "Masks" { const vec3 = struct { x: f32, y: f32, z: f32, }; const Position = struct { pos: vec3, }; const Velocity = struct { vel: vec3, }; const Acceleration = struct { acc: vec3, }; const GravityTag = struct {}; const GravityTag2 = GravityTag; const DampenTag = struct {}; const Jobs = struct { fn resetAcc(entity: struct { vel: *Velocity, }) void { entity.vel.* = Velocity{ .vel = vec3{ .x = 0, .y = 0, .z = 0 } }; } fn accVel(dt: f32, entity: struct { acc: *const Acceleration, vel: *Velocity, }) void { entity.vel.vel.x += entity.acc.acc.x * dt; entity.vel.vel.y += entity.acc.acc.y * dt; entity.vel.vel.z += entity.acc.acc.z * dt; } }; const ECS = Schema(&[_]type{ Position, Velocity, Acceleration, GravityTag, DampenTag }); const TypeIndex = ECS.TypeIndex; assert(ECS.ArchMask == u8); assert(TypeIndex.getComponentBit(Position) == 1); assert(TypeIndex.getComponentBit(Velocity) == 2); assert(TypeIndex.getComponentBit(Acceleration) == 4); assert(TypeIndex.getComponentBit(GravityTag) == 8); assert(TypeIndex.getComponentBit(GravityTag2) == 8); assert(TypeIndex.getComponentBit(DampenTag) == 16); assert(TypeIndex.getArchMask(&[_]type{ Position, Velocity, GravityTag }) == 11); warn("\nLaid out chunks:\n", .{}); warn("Entity {}\n", .{ECS.EntityManager.chunkLayout.layout.numItems}); warn("Arch {}\n", .{ECS.ArchetypeManager.chunkLayout.layout.numItems}); warn("Data {}\n", .{ECS.DataManager.chunkLayout.layout.numItems}); var ecs = ECS.init(); try ecs.startJobSystem(0); const accVelJob = ecs.forEntitiesWithData(@as(f32, 0.016666), Jobs.accVel); _ = ecs.forEntitiesWithDep(Jobs.resetAcc, accVelJob); ecs.shutdown(); const AC = ECS.ArchetypeChunk; const ac: AC = undefined; //_ = ac.getEntities(); //_ = try ac.getComponents(Velocity); //_ = ac.hasComponent(GravityTag); //_ = ecs.archetypeManager.findAllArchetypes(0, 0); }
const std = @import("std"); const print = std.debug.print; fn readIntUntilDelimiterOrEof(reader: anytype, buf: []u8, delimiter: u8) !i32 { const maybe_int = reader.*.readUntilDelimiterOrEof(buf, delimiter) catch |err| return err; return std.fmt.parseInt(i32, maybe_int orelse "", 0); } fn isOverlap(from1: i32, to1: i32, from2: i32, _: i32) bool { return from1 <= from2 and from2 <= to1; } pub fn main() !void { const file = try std.fs.cwd().openFile( "input.txt", .{}, ); defer file.close(); var reader = std.io.bufferedReader(file.reader()); var in = reader.reader(); var count: i32 = 0; var buf: [4]u8 = undefined; while (true) { const from1 = readIntUntilDelimiterOrEof(&in, &buf, '-') catch break; const to1 = readIntUntilDelimiterOrEof(&in, &buf, ',') catch unreachable; const from2 = readIntUntilDelimiterOrEof(&in, &buf, '-') catch unreachable; const to2 = readIntUntilDelimiterOrEof(&in, &buf, '\n') catch unreachable; if (isOverlap(from1, to1, from2, to2) or isOverlap(from2, to2, from1, to1)) { count += 1; } } print("count = {!}\n", .{count}); std.debug.assert(count == 931); }
const std = @import("std"); pub fn main() anyerror!void { //Create arraylist in zig var elves = std.ArrayList(i64).init(std.heap.page_allocator); defer elves.deinit(); var file = try std.fs.cwd().openFile("input.txt", .{}); defer file.close(); var buf_reader = std.io.bufferedReader(file.reader()); var in_stream = buf_reader.reader(); try elves.append(0); //first elf var line_buf: [1024]u8 = undefined; while (try in_stream.readUntilDelimiterOrEof(&line_buf, '\n')) |line| { if (line.len == 0) { //next elf, init with capacity of 0 try elves.append(0); } else { //update capacity of existing elf var to_add = try std.fmt.parseInt(i64, line, 10); var elf = &elves.items.ptr[elves.items.len - 1]; elf.* = elf.* + to_add; } } std.sort.sort(i64, elves.items, {}, comptime std.sort.desc(i64)); var first = elves.items[0]; var second = elves.items[1]; var third = elves.items[2]; const stdout = std.io.getStdOut().writer(); try stdout.print("{d}\n", .{first + second + third}); }
pub export fn math(a: i32, b: i32) i32 { return a + b; }
const std = @import("std"); const builtin = @import("builtin"); const Pkg = std.build.Pkg; const string = []const u8; pub const cache = ".zigmod/deps"; pub fn addAllTo(exe: *std.build.LibExeObjStep) void { checkMinZig(builtin.zig_version, exe); @setEvalBranchQuota(1_000_000); for (packages) |pkg| { exe.addPackage(pkg.pkg.?); } var llc = false; var vcpkg = false; inline for (comptime std.meta.declarations(package_data)) |decl| { const pkg = @as(Package, @field(package_data, decl.name)); inline for (pkg.system_libs) |item| { exe.linkSystemLibrary(item); llc = true; } inline for (pkg.c_include_dirs) |item| { exe.addIncludeDir(@field(dirs, decl.name) ++ "/" ++ item); llc = true; } inline for (pkg.c_source_files) |item| { exe.addCSourceFile(@field(dirs, decl.name) ++ "/" ++ item, pkg.c_source_flags); llc = true; } vcpkg = vcpkg or pkg.vcpkg; } if (llc) exe.linkLibC(); if (builtin.os.tag == .windows and vcpkg) exe.addVcpkgPaths(.static) catch |err| @panic(@errorName(err)); } pub const Package = struct { directory: string, pkg: ?Pkg = null, c_include_dirs: []const string = &.{}, c_source_files: []const string = &.{}, c_source_flags: []const string = &.{}, system_libs: []const string = &.{}, vcpkg: bool = false, }; fn checkMinZig(current: std.SemanticVersion, exe: *std.build.LibExeObjStep) void { const min = std.SemanticVersion.parse("null") catch return; if (current.order(min).compare(.lt)) @panic(exe.builder.fmt("Your Zig version v{} does not meet the minimum build requirement of v{}", .{current, min})); } pub const dirs = struct { pub const _root = ""; pub const _0swf8h5rdusx = cache ++ "/../.."; pub const _s84v9o48ucb0 = cache ++ "/v/git/github.com/nektro/zig-ansi/commit-d4a53bcac5b87abecc65491109ec22aaf5f3dc2f"; pub const _o6ogpor87xc2 = cache ++ "/v/git/github.com/marlersoft/zigwin32/commit-032a1b51b83b8fe64e0a97d7fe5da802065244c6"; }; pub const package_data = struct { pub const _0swf8h5rdusx = Package{ .directory = dirs._0swf8h5rdusx, }; pub const _s84v9o48ucb0 = Package{ .directory = dirs._s84v9o48ucb0, .pkg = Pkg{ .name = "ansi", .path = .{ .path = dirs._s84v9o48ucb0 ++ "/src/lib.zig" }, .dependencies = null }, }; pub const _o6ogpor87xc2 = Package{ .directory = dirs._o6ogpor87xc2, .pkg = Pkg{ .name = "win32", .path = .{ .path = dirs._o6ogpor87xc2 ++ "/win32.zig" }, .dependencies = null }, }; pub const _root = Package{ .directory = dirs._root, }; }; pub const packages = &[_]Package{ package_data._s84v9o48ucb0, package_data._o6ogpor87xc2, }; pub const pkgs = struct { pub const ansi = package_data._s84v9o48ucb0; pub const win32 = package_data._o6ogpor87xc2; }; pub const imports = struct { pub const ansi = @import(".zigmod/deps/v/git/github.com/nektro/zig-ansi/commit-d4a53bcac5b87abecc65491109ec22aaf5f3dc2f/src/lib.zig"); pub const win32 = @import(".zigmod/deps/v/git/github.com/marlersoft/zigwin32/commit-032a1b51b83b8fe64e0a97d7fe5da802065244c6/win32.zig"); };
// (C) 2021 Ronsor Labs. pub inline fn tuplicate(a: u32, b: u32) u64 { return @intCast(u64, a) << 32 | @intCast(u64, b); }
const std = @import("std"); const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator; // Parse flags from an ArgIterator according to the provided Flags struct. Skips the first arg pub fn parse(allocator: Allocator, comptime Flags: type, args: *std.process.ArgIterator) !Flags { std.debug.assert(args.skip()); return parseRaw(allocator, Flags, args); } // Parse flags from an ArgIterator according to the provided Flags struct pub fn parseRaw(allocator: Allocator, comptime Flags: type, args: *std.process.ArgIterator) !Flags { return parseIter(allocator, Flags, args, argPeek, argAdvance); } fn argPeek(args: *std.process.ArgIterator) ?[]const u8 { var argsCopy = args.*; return argsCopy.next() orelse null; } fn argAdvance(args: *std.process.ArgIterator) void { std.debug.assert(args.skip()); } const ParseError = error{ InvalidFlag, MissingParameter, InvalidCharacter, Overflow, OutOfMemory, }; pub fn parseIter( allocator: Allocator, comptime Flags: type, context: anytype, peek: fn (@TypeOf(context)) ?[]const u8, advance: fn (@TypeOf(context)) void, ) ParseError!Flags { var flags: Flags = .{}; while (peek(context)) |arg| { if (arg.len < 2 or !std.mem.startsWith(u8, arg, "-")) break; advance(context); if (std.mem.eql(u8, arg, "--")) break; arg_flags: for (arg[1..], 0..) |opt, i| { inline for (std.meta.fields(Flags)) |field| { if (field.name.len != 1) { @compileError("An argument name must be a single character"); } if (opt == field.name[0]) { const T = Unwrap(field.type); if (T == bool) { @field(flags, field.name) = true; } else { var param: []const u8 = undefined; if (i + 2 < arg.len) { param = arg[i + 2 ..]; } else { param = peek(context) orelse { return error.MissingParameter; }; advance(context); } if (T == []const u8) { @field(flags, field.name) = param; } else { @field(flags, field.name) = switch (@typeInfo(T)) { .Int => try std.fmt.parseInt(T, param, 10), .Float => try std.fmt.parseFloat(T, param), else => @compileError("Unsupported flag type '" ++ @typeName(field.type) ++ "'"), }; } // Ensure we don't try to parse any more flags from this arg break :arg_flags; } break; } } else { return error.InvalidFlag; } } } // Dupe all strings const fields = std.meta.fields(Flags); inline for (fields, 0..) |field, i| { if (field.type == []const u8) { @field(flags, field.name) = allocator.dupe(u8, @field(flags, field.name)) catch |err| { // Free all previously allocated strings comptime var j = i; inline while (j > 0) { j -= 1; if (fields[j].type == []const u8) { allocator.free(@field(flags, fields[j].name)); } } return err; }; } } return flags; } fn Unwrap(comptime T: type) type { return if (@typeInfo(T) == .Optional) std.meta.Child(T) else T; } fn parseTest(comptime Flags: type, args: []const []const u8) !Flags { var argsV = args; return parseIter(std.testing.allocator, Flags, &argsV, testPeek, testAdvance); } fn testPeek(args: *[]const []const u8) ?[]const u8 { if (args.*.len == 0) return null; return args.*[0]; } fn testAdvance(args: *[]const []const u8) void { args.* = args.*[1..]; } const expect = std.testing.expect; const expectEqual = std.testing.expectEqual; const expectEqualStrings = std.testing.expectEqualStrings; test "arg iterator" { var args = try std.process.argsWithAllocator(std.testing.allocator); defer args.deinit(); _ = try parse(std.testing.allocator, struct {}, &args); } test "bool flag - default" { const flags = try parseTest( struct { b: bool = false }, &.{}, ); try expect(!flags.b); } test "bool flag - specified" { const flags = try parseTest( struct { b: bool = false }, &.{"-b"}, ); try expect(flags.b); } test "string flag - default" { const flags = try parseTest( struct { s: []const u8 = "default value" }, &.{}, ); defer std.testing.allocator.free(flags.s); try expectEqualStrings(flags.s, "default value"); } test "string flag - separated" { const flags = try parseTest( struct { s: []const u8 = "default value" }, &.{ "-s", "separate value" }, ); defer std.testing.allocator.free(flags.s); try expectEqualStrings(flags.s, "separate value"); } test "string flag - combined" { const flags = try parseTest( struct { s: []const u8 = "default value" }, &.{"-scombined value"}, ); defer std.testing.allocator.free(flags.s); try expectEqualStrings(flags.s, "combined value"); } test "int flag - default" { const flags = try parseTest( struct { s: u8 = 7 }, &.{}, ); try expectEqual(flags.s, 7); } test "int flag - separated" { const flags = try parseTest( struct { s: u8 = 7 }, &.{ "-s", "40" }, ); try expectEqual(flags.s, 40); } test "int flag - combined" { const flags = try parseTest( struct { s: u8 = 7 }, &.{"-s70"}, ); try expectEqual(flags.s, 70); } test "float flag - default" { const flags = try parseTest( struct { s: f32 = 9.6 }, &.{}, ); try expectEqual(flags.s, 9.6); } test "float flag - separated" { const flags = try parseTest( struct { s: f32 = 9.6 }, &.{ "-s", "4.2" }, ); try expectEqual(flags.s, 4.2); } test "float flag - combined" { const flags = try parseTest( struct { s: f32 = 9.6 }, &.{"-s0.36"}, ); try expectEqual(flags.s, 0.36); } test "bool and string flags" { const flags = try parseTest( struct { b: bool = false, s: []const u8 = "", }, &.{ "-s", "foo" }, ); defer std.testing.allocator.free(flags.s); try expectEqual(flags.b, false); try expectEqualStrings(flags.s, "foo"); }
const std = @import("std"); fn greaterThan(context: void, a: u32, b: u32) std.math.Order { _ = context; return std.math.order(a, b).invert(); } fn printHeap(comptime T: type, gpa: std.mem.Allocator, items: []T) !void { const binary_tree = @import("binary_tree.zig"); const printTree = @import("print_util.zig").printTree; var tree = try binary_tree.arrToTree(T, gpa, items); printTree(T, tree.?); binary_tree.destroyTree(T, gpa, tree); } pub fn main() !void { var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){}; const allocator = gpa.allocator(); var max_heap = std.PriorityQueue(u32, void, greaterThan).init(allocator, {}); defer max_heap.deinit(); try max_heap.add(1); try max_heap.add(3); try max_heap.add(6); try max_heap.add(4); try max_heap.add(5); try max_heap.add(7); try printHeap(u32, allocator, max_heap.items[0..max_heap.count()]); }
// raylib-zig (c) Nikolas Wipper 2020-2024 const std = @import("std"); const builtin = @import("builtin"); const emccOutputDir = "zig-out" ++ std.fs.path.sep_str ++ "htmlout" ++ std.fs.path.sep_str; const emccOutputFile = "index.html"; pub fn emscriptenRunStep(b: *std.Build) !*std.Build.Step.Run { // Find emrun. if (b.sysroot == null) { @panic("Pass '--sysroot \"[path to emsdk installation]/upstream/emscripten\"'"); } // If compiling on windows , use emrun.bat. const emrunExe = switch (builtin.os.tag) { .windows => "emrun.bat", else => "emrun", }; const emrun_run_arg = try b.allocator.alloc(u8, b.sysroot.?.len + emrunExe.len + 1); defer b.allocator.free(emrun_run_arg); _ = try std.fmt.bufPrint(emrun_run_arg, "{s}" ++ std.fs.path.sep_str ++ "{s}", .{ b.sysroot.?, emrunExe }); const run_cmd = b.addSystemCommand(&[_][]const u8{ emrun_run_arg, emccOutputDir ++ emccOutputFile }); return run_cmd; } // Creates the static library to build a project for Emscripten. pub fn compileForEmscripten( b: *std.Build, name: []const u8, root_source_file: []const u8, target: std.zig.CrossTarget, optimize: std.builtin.Mode, ) *std.Build.Step.Compile { // TODO: It might be a good idea to create a custom compile step, that does // both the compile to static library and the link with emcc by overidding // the make function of the step. However it might also be a bad idea since // it messes with the build system itself. const new_target = updateTargetForWeb(target); // The project is built as a library and linked later. const exe_lib = b.addStaticLibrary(.{ .name = name, .root_source_file = .{ .path = root_source_file }, .target = new_target, .optimize = optimize, }); // There are some symbols that need to be defined in C. const webhack_c_file_step = b.addWriteFiles(); const webhack_c_file = webhack_c_file_step.add("webhack.c", webhack_c); exe_lib.addCSourceFile(.{ .file = webhack_c_file, .flags = &[_][]u8{} }); // Since it's creating a static library, the symbols raylib uses to webgl // and glfw don't need to be linked by emscripten yet. exe_lib.step.dependOn(&webhack_c_file_step.step); return exe_lib; } // Links a set of items together using emscripten. // // Will accept objects and static libraries as items to link. As for files to // include, it is recomended to have a single resources directory and just pass // the entire directory instead of passing every file individually. The entire // path given will be the path to read the file within the program. So, if // "resources/image.png" is passed, your program will use "resources/image.png" // as the path to load the file. // // TODO: Test if shared libraries are accepted, I don't remember if emcc can // link a shared library with a project or not. // TODO: Add a parameter that allows a custom output directory. pub fn linkWithEmscripten( b: *std.Build, itemsToLink: []const *std.Build.Step.Compile, ) !*std.Build.Step.Run { // Raylib uses --sysroot in order to find emscripten, so do the same here. if (b.sysroot == null) { @panic("Pass '--sysroot \"[path to emsdk installation]/upstream/emscripten\"'"); } const emccExe = switch (builtin.os.tag) { .windows => "emcc.bat", else => "emcc", }; var emcc_run_arg = try b.allocator.alloc(u8, b.sysroot.?.len + emccExe.len + 1); defer b.allocator.free(emcc_run_arg); emcc_run_arg = try std.fmt.bufPrint( emcc_run_arg, "{s}" ++ std.fs.path.sep_str ++ "{s}", .{ b.sysroot.?, emccExe }, ); // Create the output directory because emcc can't do it. const mkdir_command = b.addSystemCommand(&[_][]const u8{ "mkdir", "-p", emccOutputDir }); // Actually link everything together. const emcc_command = b.addSystemCommand(&[_][]const u8{emcc_run_arg}); for (itemsToLink) |item| { emcc_command.addFileArg(item.getEmittedBin()); emcc_command.step.dependOn(&item.step); } // This puts the file in zig-out/htmlout/index.html. emcc_command.step.dependOn(&mkdir_command.step); emcc_command.addArgs(&[_][]const u8{ "-o", emccOutputDir ++ emccOutputFile, "-sFULL-ES3=1", "-sUSE_GLFW=3", "-sASYNCIFY", "-O3", "--emrun", }); return emcc_command; } // TODO: See if zig's standard library already has somehing like this. fn lastIndexOf(string: []const u8, character: u8) usize { // Interestingly, Zig has no nice way of iterating a slice backwards. for (0..string.len) |i| { const index = string.len - i - 1; if (string[index] == character) return index; } return string.len - 1; } // TODO: each zig update, remove this and see if everything still works. // https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/16776 is where the issue is submitted. fn updateTargetForWeb(target: std.zig.CrossTarget) std.zig.CrossTarget { // Zig building to emscripten doesn't work, because the Zig standard library // is missing some things in the C system. "std/c.zig" is missing fd_t, // which causes compilation to fail. So build to wasi instead, until it gets // fixed. return std.zig.CrossTarget{ .cpu_arch = target.cpu_arch, .cpu_model = target.cpu_model, .cpu_features_add = target.cpu_features_add, .cpu_features_sub = target.cpu_features_sub, .os_tag = .wasi, .os_version_min = target.os_version_min, .os_version_max = target.os_version_max, .glibc_version = target.glibc_version, .abi = target.abi, .dynamic_linker = target.dynamic_linker, .ofmt = target.ofmt, }; } const webhack_c = \\// Zig adds '__stack_chk_guard', '__stack_chk_fail', and 'errno', \\// which emscripten doesn't actually support. \\// Seems that zig ignores disabling stack checking, \\// and I honestly don't know why emscripten doesn't have errno. \\// TODO: when the updateTargetForWeb workaround gets removed, see if those are nessesary anymore \\#include <stdint.h> \\uintptr_t __stack_chk_guard; \\//I'm not certain if this means buffer overflows won't be detected, \\// However, zig is pretty safe from those, so don't worry about it too much. \\void __stack_chk_fail(void){} \\int errno; ;
const std = @import("std"); const assert = std.debug.assert; const c = @cImport(@cInclude("zmq.h")); pub const Context = extern struct { raw: *anyopaque, pub const GetOption = enum(c_int) { io_threads = c.ZMQ_IO_THREADS, max_sockets = c.ZMQ_MAX_SOCKETS, socket_limit = c.ZMQ_SOCKET_LIMIT, thread_sched_policy = c.ZMQ_THREAD_SCHED_POLICY, max_msgsz = c.ZMQ_MAX_MSGSZ, msg_t_size = c.ZMQ_MSG_T_SIZE, thread_affinity_cpu_add = c.ZMQ_THREAD_AFFINITY_CPU_ADD, thread_affinity_cpu_remove = c.ZMQ_THREAD_AFFINITY_CPU_REMOVE, thread_name_prefix = c.ZMQ_THREAD_NAME_PREFIX, }; pub const SetOption = enum(c_int) { io_threads = c.ZMQ_IO_THREADS, max_sockets = c.ZMQ_MAX_SOCKETS, thread_priority = c.ZMQ_THREAD_PRIORITY, thread_sched_policy = c.ZMQ_THREAD_SCHED_POLICY, max_msgsz = c.ZMQ_MAX_MSGSZ, msg_t_size = c.ZMQ_MSG_T_SIZE, thread_affinity_cpu_add = c.ZMQ_THREAD_AFFINITY_CPU_ADD, thread_affinity_cpu_remove = c.ZMQ_THREAD_AFFINITY_CPU_REMOVE, thread_name_prefix = c.ZMQ_THREAD_NAME_PREFIX, }; pub fn init() !Context { const raw = try okOrErrno(c.zmq_ctx_new()); return .{ .raw = raw }; } pub fn deinit(ctx: Context) void { _ = c.zmq_ctx_term(ctx.raw); } pub fn getExt(ctx: Context, option: GetOption, buf: []u8) ![]u8 { // TODO: use zmq_ctx_get_ext() once it is available const value_len = @sizeOf(c_int); if (buf.len < value_len) return error.TooSmallBuffer; const value_ptr = std.mem.bytesAsValue(c_int, buf[0..value_len]); const value = c.zmq_ctx_get(ctx.raw, @intFromEnum(option)); try okOrErrno(value); value_ptr.* = value; return buf[0..value_len]; } pub fn get(ctx: Context, option: GetOption) !c_int { var value: c_int = undefined; _ = try ctx.getExt(option, std.mem.asBytes(&value)); return value; } pub fn setExt(ctx: Context, option: SetOption, value_buf: []const u8) !void { // TODO: use zmq_ctx_set_ext() once it is available const value_len = @sizeOf(c_int); if (value_buf.len != value_len) return error.WrongSizeBuffer; const value = std.mem.bytesToValue(c_int, value_buf[0..value_len]); try okOrErrno(c.zmq_ctx_set(ctx.raw, @intFromEnum(option), value)); } pub fn set(ctx: Context, option: SetOption, value: c_int) !void { try ctx.setExt(option, std.mem.asBytes(&value)); } pub fn open(ctx: Context, typ: Socket.Type) !Socket { const raw = try okOrErrno(c.zmq_socket(ctx.raw, @intFromEnum(typ))); return .{ .raw = raw }; } }; pub const Socket = extern struct { raw: *anyopaque, pub const SendFlags = packed struct(c_uint) { dont_wait: bool = false, snd_more: bool = false, __1: std.meta.Int(.unsigned, @bitSizeOf(c_uint) - 2) = 0, }; pub const RecvFlags = packed struct(c_uint) { dont_wait: bool = false, __1: std.meta.Int(.unsigned, @bitSizeOf(c_uint) - 1) = 0, }; pub const Type = enum(c_int) { pair = c.ZMQ_PAIR, @"pub" = c.ZMQ_PUB, sub = c.ZMQ_SUB, req = c.ZMQ_REQ, rep = c.ZMQ_REP, dealer = c.ZMQ_DEALER, router = c.ZMQ_ROUTER, pull = c.ZMQ_PULL, push = c.ZMQ_PUSH, xpub = c.ZMQ_XPUB, xsub = c.ZMQ_XSUB, stream = c.ZMQ_STREAM, }; pub const Option = enum(c_int) { affinity = c.ZMQ_AFFINITY, routing_id = c.ZMQ_ROUTING_ID, subscribe = c.ZMQ_SUBSCRIBE, unsubscribe = c.ZMQ_UNSUBSCRIBE, rate = c.ZMQ_RATE, recovery_ivl = c.ZMQ_RECOVERY_IVL, sndbuf = c.ZMQ_SNDBUF, rcvbuf = c.ZMQ_RCVBUF, rcvmore = c.ZMQ_RCVMORE, fd = c.ZMQ_FD, events = c.ZMQ_EVENTS, type = c.ZMQ_TYPE, linger = c.ZMQ_LINGER, reconnect_ivl = c.ZMQ_RECONNECT_IVL, backlog = c.ZMQ_BACKLOG, reconnect_ivl_max = c.ZMQ_RECONNECT_IVL_MAX, maxmsgsize = c.ZMQ_MAXMSGSIZE, sndhwm = c.ZMQ_SNDHWM, rcvhwm = c.ZMQ_RCVHWM, multicast_hops = c.ZMQ_MULTICAST_HOPS, rcvtimeo = c.ZMQ_RCVTIMEO, sndtimeo = c.ZMQ_SNDTIMEO, last_endpoint = c.ZMQ_LAST_ENDPOINT, router_mandatory = c.ZMQ_ROUTER_MANDATORY, tcp_keepalive = c.ZMQ_TCP_KEEPALIVE, tcp_keepalive_cnt = c.ZMQ_TCP_KEEPALIVE_CNT, tcp_keepalive_idle = c.ZMQ_TCP_KEEPALIVE_IDLE, tcp_keepalive_intvl = c.ZMQ_TCP_KEEPALIVE_INTVL, immediate = c.ZMQ_IMMEDIATE, xpub_verbose = c.ZMQ_XPUB_VERBOSE, router_raw = c.ZMQ_ROUTER_RAW, ipv6 = c.ZMQ_IPV6, mechanism = c.ZMQ_MECHANISM, plain_server = c.ZMQ_PLAIN_SERVER, plain_username = c.ZMQ_PLAIN_USERNAME, plain_password = c.ZMQ_PLAIN_PASSWORD, curve_server = c.ZMQ_CURVE_SERVER, curve_publickey = c.ZMQ_CURVE_PUBLICKEY, curve_secretkey = c.ZMQ_CURVE_SECRETKEY, curve_serverkey = c.ZMQ_CURVE_SERVERKEY, probe_router = c.ZMQ_PROBE_ROUTER, req_correlate = c.ZMQ_REQ_CORRELATE, req_relaxed = c.ZMQ_REQ_RELAXED, conflate = c.ZMQ_CONFLATE, zap_domain = c.ZMQ_ZAP_DOMAIN, router_handover = c.ZMQ_ROUTER_HANDOVER, tos = c.ZMQ_TOS, connect_routing_id = c.ZMQ_CONNECT_ROUTING_ID, gssapi_server = c.ZMQ_GSSAPI_SERVER, gssapi_principal = c.ZMQ_GSSAPI_PRINCIPAL, gssapi_service_principal = c.ZMQ_GSSAPI_SERVICE_PRINCIPAL, gssapi_plaintext = c.ZMQ_GSSAPI_PLAINTEXT, handshake_ivl = c.ZMQ_HANDSHAKE_IVL, socks_proxy = c.ZMQ_SOCKS_PROXY, xpub_nodrop = c.ZMQ_XPUB_NODROP, blocky = c.ZMQ_BLOCKY, xpub_manual = c.ZMQ_XPUB_MANUAL, xpub_welcome_msg = c.ZMQ_XPUB_WELCOME_MSG, stream_notify = c.ZMQ_STREAM_NOTIFY, invert_matching = c.ZMQ_INVERT_MATCHING, heartbeat_ivl = c.ZMQ_HEARTBEAT_IVL, heartbeat_ttl = c.ZMQ_HEARTBEAT_TTL, heartbeat_timeout = c.ZMQ_HEARTBEAT_TIMEOUT, xpub_verboser = c.ZMQ_XPUB_VERBOSER, connect_timeout = c.ZMQ_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, tcp_maxrt = c.ZMQ_TCP_MAXRT, thread_safe = c.ZMQ_THREAD_SAFE, multicast_maxtpdu = c.ZMQ_MULTICAST_MAXTPDU, vmci_buffer_size = c.ZMQ_VMCI_BUFFER_SIZE, vmci_buffer_min_size = c.ZMQ_VMCI_BUFFER_MIN_SIZE, vmci_buffer_max_size = c.ZMQ_VMCI_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE, vmci_connect_timeout = c.ZMQ_VMCI_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, use_fd = c.ZMQ_USE_FD, gssapi_principal_nametype = c.ZMQ_GSSAPI_PRINCIPAL_NAMETYPE, gssapi_service_principal_nametype = c.ZMQ_GSSAPI_SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_NAMETYPE, bindtodevice = c.ZMQ_BINDTODEVICE, }; pub fn close(sock: Socket) void { _ = c.zmq_close(sock.raw); } pub fn getOpt(sock: Socket, opt: Option, buf: []u8) ![]u8 { var buflen: usize = buf.len; try okOrErrno(c.zmq_getsockopt(sock, @intFromEnum(opt), @ptrCast(buf.ptr), &buflen)); return buf[0..buflen]; } pub fn setOpt(sock: Socket, opt: Option, value: []const u8) !void { return okOrErrno(c.zmq_setsockopt(sock.raw, @intFromEnum(opt), @ptrCast(value.ptr), value.len)); } pub fn bind(sock: Socket, addr: [:0]const u8) !void { return okOrErrno(c.zmq_bind(sock.raw, addr.ptr)); } pub fn connect(sock: Socket, addr: [:0]const u8) !void { return okOrErrno(c.zmq_connect(sock.raw, addr.ptr)); } pub fn send(sock: Socket, buf: []const u8, flags: SendFlags) !void { try okOrErrno(c.zmq_send( sock.raw, @ptrCast(buf.ptr), buf.len, @bitCast(flags), )); } pub fn recv(sock: Socket, buf: []u8, flags: RecvFlags) ![]u8 { const len = c.zmq_recv( sock.raw, @ptrCast(buf.ptr), buf.len, @bitCast(flags), ); try okOrErrno(len); return buf[0..@intCast(len)]; } }; pub const Message = extern struct { inner: c.zmq_msg_t, pub fn init(msg: *Message) void { // This function always returns zero. _ = c.zmq_msg_init(&msg.inner); } pub fn close(msg: *Message) void { // This function may fail with EFAULT on invalid message but this still counts as closed. _ = c.zmq_msg_close(&msg.inner); } pub fn hasMore(msg: *Message) bool { return c.zmq_msg_more(&msg.inner) != 0; } pub fn recv(msg: *Message, socket: Socket, flags: Socket.RecvFlags) !void { try okOrErrno(c.zmq_msg_recv(&msg.inner, socket.raw, @bitCast(flags))); } pub fn send(msg: *Message, socket: Socket, flags: Socket.SendFlags) !void { try okOrErrno(c.zmq_msg_send(&msg.inner, socket.raw, @bitCast(flags))); } }; pub const PollItem = extern struct { socket: ?*anyopaque = null, fd: std.os.fd_t = 0, events: Flags = .{}, revents: Flags = undefined, pub const Flags = packed struct(c_ushort) { in: bool = false, out: bool = false, err: bool = false, pri: bool = false, __1: std.meta.Int(.unsigned, @bitSizeOf(c_ushort) - 4) = 0, }; }; pub fn poll(items: []PollItem, timeout: c_long) !c_ulong { const count = c.zmq_poll(@ptrCast(items.ptr), @intCast(items.len), timeout); try okOrErrno(count); return @intCast(count); } pub fn proxy(frontend: Socket, backend: Socket, capture: ?Socket) !void { try okOrErrno(c.zmq_proxy(frontend.raw, backend.raw, if (capture) |sock| sock.raw else null)); } pub fn version() std.SemanticVersion { var major: c_int = undefined; var minor: c_int = undefined; var patch: c_int = undefined; c.zmq_version(&major, &minor, &patch); return .{ .major = @intCast(major), .minor = @intCast(minor), .patch = @intCast(patch) }; } fn OkOrErrno(comptime T: type) type { return ErrnoError!switch (@typeInfo(T)) { .Int => void, .Optional => |info| switch (@typeInfo(info.child)) { .Pointer => info.child, else => @compileError("invalid type: " ++ @typeName(T)), }, else => @compileError("invalid type: " ++ @typeName(T)), }; } fn okOrErrno(ret: anytype) OkOrErrno(@TypeOf(ret)) { return switch (@typeInfo(@TypeOf(ret))) { .Int => if (ret != -1) {} else return errno(), .Optional => |info| switch (@typeInfo(info.child)) { .Pointer => ret orelse return errno(), else => unreachable, }, else => unreachable, }; } const ErrnoError = error{ Unexpected, Interrupted }; fn errno() ErrnoError { const e = @as(std.c.E, @enumFromInt(std.c._errno().*)); return switch (e) { .INTR => error.Interrupted, else => error.Unexpected, }; }
const grid = @This(); pub fn posToIndex(comptime D: usize, strides: [D]usize, pos: [D]usize) usize { var index: usize = 0; for (pos, strides) |p, stride| { index += p * stride; } return index; } pub fn Buffer(comptime D: usize, comptime T: type) type { return BufferAligned(D, @alignOf(T), T); } pub fn BufferAligned(comptime D: usize, comptime A: usize, comptime T: type) type { return struct { data: [*]align(A) T, size: [D]usize, pub fn slice(this: @This()) []align(A) T { var len: usize = 1; for (this.size) |size| { len *= size; } return this.data[0..len]; } pub fn asSlice(this: @This()) SliceAligned(D, A, T) { var strides: [D]usize = undefined; var len: usize = 1; for (&strides, this.size) |*stride, size| { stride.* = len; len *= size; } return Slice(D, T){ .data = this.data, .stride = strides, .size = this.size, }; } pub fn asConstSlice(this: @This()) ConstSliceAligned(D, A, T) { var strides: [D]usize = undefined; var len: usize = 1; for (&strides, this.size) |*stride, size| { stride.* = len; len *= size; } return ConstSlice(D, T){ .data = this.data, .stride = strides, .size = this.size, }; } pub fn idx(this: @This(), pos: [D]usize) *align(A) T { const posv = @as(@Vector(D, usize), pos); std.debug.assert(@reduce(.And, posv < this.size)); var strides: [D]usize = undefined; var len: usize = 1; for (&strides, this.size) |*stride, size| { stride.* = len; len *= size; } return &this.data[posToIndex(D, strides, pos)]; } pub fn region(this: @This(), start: [D]usize, end: [D]usize) Slice(D, A, T) { const startv: @Vector(D, usize) = start; const endv: @Vector(D, usize) = end; std.debug.assert(@reduce(.And, startv < this.size)); std.debug.assert(@reduce(.And, startv <= endv)); std.debug.assert(@reduce(.And, endv <= this.size)); const sizev: @Vector(D, usize) = endv - startv; var strides: [D]usize = undefined; var len: usize = 1; for (&strides, this.size) |*stride, size| { stride.* = len; len *= size; } const start_index = posToIndex(D, strides, start); const end_index = posToIndex(D, strides, end); return Slice(D, T){ .data = this.data[start_index..end_index].ptr, .stride = this.stride, .size = sizev, }; } pub fn add(dest: @This(), a: @This(), b: @This()) void { std.debug.assert(std.mem.eql(usize, &dest.size, &a.size)); std.debug.assert(std.mem.eql(usize, &dest.size, &b.size)); for (dest.slice(), a.slice(), b.slice()) |*z, x, y| { z.* = x + y; } } pub fn div(dest: @This(), a: @This(), b: @This()) void { std.debug.assert(std.mem.eql(usize, &dest.size, &a.size)); std.debug.assert(std.mem.eql(usize, &dest.size, &b.size)); for (dest.slice(), a.slice(), b.slice()) |*z, x, y| { z.* = x / y; } } }; } pub fn Slice(comptime D: usize, comptime T: type) type { return SliceAligned(D, @alignOf(T), T); } pub fn SliceAligned(comptime D: usize, comptime A: usize, comptime T: type) type { return struct { data: [*]align(A) T, stride: [D]usize, size: [D]usize, pub fn asConstSlice(this: @This()) ConstSlice(D, T) { return ConstSlice(D, T){ .data = this.data, .stride = this.stride, .size = this.size, }; } pub fn idx(this: @This(), pos: [D]usize) *T { const posv = @as(@Vector(D, usize), pos); std.debug.assert(@reduce(.And, posv < this.size)); return &this.data[posToIndex(D, this.stride, pos)]; } pub fn region(this: @This(), start: [D]usize, end: [D]usize) @This() { const startv: @Vector(D, usize) = start; const endv: @Vector(D, usize) = end; std.debug.assert(@reduce(.And, startv < this.size)); std.debug.assert(@reduce(.And, startv <= endv)); std.debug.assert(@reduce(.And, endv <= this.size)); const sizev: @Vector(D, usize) = endv - startv; const start_index = posToIndex(D, this.stride, start); const end_index = posToIndex(D, this.stride, end); return @This(){ .data = this.data[start_index..end_index].ptr, .stride = this.stride, .size = sizev, }; } }; } pub fn ConstSlice(comptime D: usize, comptime T: type) type { return ConstSliceAligned(D, @alignOf(T), T); } pub fn ConstSliceAligned(comptime D: usize, comptime A: usize, comptime T: type) type { return struct { data: [*]align(A) const T, stride: [D]usize, size: [D]usize, pub const Pos = [D]usize; pub fn getPos(this: @This(), pos: [D]usize) T { const posv = @as(@Vector(D, usize), pos); std.debug.assert(@reduce(.And, posv < this.size)); return this.data[posToIndex(D, this.stride, pos)]; } pub fn idx(this: @This(), pos: [D]usize) *align(A) const T { const posv = @as(@Vector(D, usize), pos); std.debug.assert(@reduce(.And, posv < this.size)); return &this.data[posToIndex(D, this.stride, pos)]; } pub fn region(this: @This(), start: [D]usize, end: [D]usize) @This() { const startv: @Vector(D, usize) = start; const endv: @Vector(D, usize) = end; std.debug.assert(@reduce(.And, startv < this.size)); std.debug.assert(@reduce(.And, startv <= endv)); std.debug.assert(@reduce(.And, endv <= this.size)); const sizev: @Vector(D, usize) = endv - startv; const start_index = posToIndex(D, this.stride, start); const end_index = posToIndex(D, this.stride, end); return @This(){ .data = this.data[start_index..end_index].ptr, .stride = this.stride, .size = sizev, }; } }; } pub fn alloc(comptime D: usize, comptime T: type, allocator: std.mem.Allocator, size: [D]usize) !Buffer(D, T) { return allocAligned(D, @alignOf(T), T, allocator, size); } pub fn allocAligned(comptime D: usize, comptime A: u29, comptime T: type, allocator: std.mem.Allocator, size: [D]usize) !BufferAligned(D, A, T) { var len: usize = 1; for (size) |s| { len *= s; } const data = try allocator.allocWithOptions(T, len, A, null); return .{ .data = data.ptr, .size = size, }; } pub fn copy(comptime D: usize, comptime T: type, dest: Slice(D, T), src: ConstSlice(D, T)) void { std.debug.assert(std.mem.eql(usize, &dest.size, &src.size)); var iter = iterateRange(D, dest.size); while (iter.next()) |pos| { dest.idx(pos).* = src.idx(pos).*; } } pub fn dupe(comptime D: usize, comptime T: type, allocator: std.mem.Allocator, src: ConstSlice(D, T)) !Buffer(D, T) { var result = try alloc(D, T, allocator, src.size); copy(D, T, result.asSlice(), src); return result; } test dupe { var result = try dupe(2, f32, std.testing.allocator, .{ .data = &[_]f32{ 2, 3, 0, 4, 5, 0, }, .size = .{ 2, 2 }, .stride = .{ 1, 3 }, }); defer std.testing.allocator.free(result.slice()); try std.testing.expectEqualSlices( f32, &.{ 2, 3, 4, 5 }, result.slice(), ); } pub fn set(comptime D: usize, comptime T: type, dest: Slice(D, T), value: T) void { var iter = iterateRange(D, dest.size); while (iter.next()) |pos| { dest.idx(pos).* = value; } } test set { var result = try alloc(3, f32, std.testing.allocator, .{ 3, 3, 3 }); defer std.testing.allocator.free(result.slice()); set(3, f32, result.asSlice(), 42); try std.testing.expectEqualSlices(f32, &([_]f32{42} ** 27), result.data[0..27]); } pub fn flip(comptime T: type, dest: Slice(2, T), flipOnAxis: [2]bool) void { // The x/y coordinate where we can stop copying. We should only need to swap half the pixels. const swap_to: [2]usize = if (flipOnAxis[1]) .{ dest.size[0], dest.size[1] / 2 } else if (flipOnAxis[0]) .{ dest.size[0] / 2, dest.size[1] } else return; for (0..swap_to[1]) |y0| { const y1 = if (flipOnAxis[1]) dest.size[1] - 1 - y0 else y0; const row0 = dest.data[y0 * dest.stride ..][0..dest.size[0]]; const row1 = dest.data[y1 * dest.stride ..][0..dest.size[0]]; for (0..swap_to[0]) |x0| { const x1 = if (flipOnAxis[0]) dest.size[0] - 1 - x0 else x0; std.mem.swap(T, &row0[x0], &row1[x1]); } } } pub fn add(comptime D: usize, comptime T: type, dest: Slice(D, T), a: ConstSlice(D, T), b: ConstSlice(D, T)) void { std.debug.assert(std.mem.eql(usize, &dest.size, &b.size)); std.debug.assert(std.mem.eql(usize, &a.size, &b.size)); var iter = iterateRange(D, dest.size); while (iter.next()) |pos| { dest.idx(pos).* = a.idx(pos).* + b.idx(pos).*; } } test add { var result = try alloc(2, f32, std.testing.allocator, .{ 3, 2 }); defer std.testing.allocator.free(result.slice()); add(2, f32, result.asSlice(), .{ .data = &[_]f32{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, }, .size = .{ 3, 2 }, .stride = .{ 1, 3 }, }, .{ .data = &[_]f32{ 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, }, .size = .{ 3, 2 }, .stride = .{ 1, 3 }, }); try std.testing.expectEqualSlices( f32, &.{ 2, 3, 5, 7, 10, 14, }, result.data[0..6], ); } pub fn addSaturating(comptime D: usize, comptime T: type, dest: Slice(D, T), a: ConstSlice(D, T), b: ConstSlice(D, T)) void { std.debug.assert(std.mem.eql(usize, &dest.size, &b.size)); std.debug.assert(std.mem.eql(usize, &a.size, &b.size)); var iter = iterateRange(D, dest.size); while (iter.next()) |pos| { dest.idx(pos).* = a.idx(pos).* +| b.idx(pos).*; } } pub fn sub(comptime D: usize, comptime T: type, dest: Slice(D, T), a: ConstSlice(D, T), b: ConstSlice(D, T)) void { std.debug.assert(std.mem.eql(usize, &dest.size, &b.size)); std.debug.assert(std.mem.eql(usize, &a.size, &b.size)); var iter = iterateRange(D, dest.size); while (iter.next()) |pos| { dest.idx(pos).* = a.idx(pos).* - b.idx(pos).*; } } pub fn subSaturating(comptime D: usize, comptime T: type, dest: Slice(D, T), a: ConstSlice(D, T), b: ConstSlice(D, T)) void { std.debug.assert(std.mem.eql(usize, &dest.size, &b.size)); std.debug.assert(std.mem.eql(usize, &a.size, &b.size)); var iter = iterateRange(D, dest.size); while (iter.next()) |pos| { dest.idx(pos).* = a.idx(pos).* -| b.idx(pos).*; } } pub fn mul(comptime D: usize, comptime T: type, dest: Slice(D, T), a: ConstSlice(D, T), b: ConstSlice(D, T)) void { std.debug.assert(std.mem.eql(usize, &dest.size, &b.size)); std.debug.assert(std.mem.eql(usize, &a.size, &b.size)); var iter = iterateRange(D, dest.size); while (iter.next()) |pos| { dest.idx(pos).* = a.idx(pos).* * b.idx(pos).*; } } test mul { var result = try alloc(2, f32, std.testing.allocator, .{ 3, 3 }); defer std.testing.allocator.free(result.slice()); mul(2, f32, result.asSlice(), .{ .data = &[_]f32{ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, }, .size = .{ 3, 3 }, .stride = .{ 1, 3 }, }, .{ .data = &[_]f32{ 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 14, 22, 36, }, .size = .{ 3, 3 }, .stride = .{ 1, 3 }, }); try std.testing.expectEqualSlices( f32, &.{ 0, 1, 4, 9, 20, 40, 84, 154, 288 }, result.slice(), ); } pub fn mulScalar(comptime D: usize, comptime T: type, dest: Slice(D, T), src: ConstSlice(D, T), scalar: T) void { var iter = iterateRange(D, dest.size); while (iter.next()) |pos| { dest.idx(pos).* = src.idx(pos).* * scalar; } } test mulScalar { var result = try alloc(2, f32, std.testing.allocator, .{ 3, 3 }); defer std.testing.allocator.free(result.slice()); mulScalar(2, f32, result.asSlice(), .{ .data = &[_]f32{ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, }, .stride = .{ 1, 3 }, .size = .{ 3, 3 }, }, 10); try std.testing.expectEqualSlices( f32, &[_]f32{ 0.0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80 }, result.slice(), ); } pub fn div(comptime D: usize, comptime T: type, dest: Slice(D, T), a: ConstSlice(D, T), b: ConstSlice(D, T)) void { std.debug.assert(std.mem.eql(usize, &dest.size, &a.size)); std.debug.assert(std.mem.eql(usize, &dest.size, &b.size)); var iter = iterateRange(D, dest.size); while (iter.next()) |pos| { dest.idx(pos).* = a.idx(pos).* / b.idx(pos).*; } } test div { var result = try alloc(2, f32, std.testing.allocator, .{ 3, 3 }); defer std.testing.allocator.free(result.slice()); div(2, f32, result.asSlice(), .{ .data = &[_]f32{ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, }, .size = .{ 3, 3 }, .stride = .{ 1, 3 }, }, .{ .data = &[_]f32{ 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 14, 22, 36, }, .size = .{ 3, 3 }, .stride = .{ 1, 3 }, }); try std.testing.expectEqualSlices( f32, &[_]f32{ 0, 1, 1, 1, 0.8, 0.625, 0.42857142857142855, 0.3181818181818182, 0.2222222222222222 }, result.slice(), ); } pub fn divScalar(comptime D: usize, comptime T: type, dest: Slice(D, T), src: ConstSlice(D, T), scalar: T) void { var iter = iterateRange(D, dest.size); while (iter.next()) |pos| { dest.idx(pos).* = src.idx(pos).* / scalar; } } test divScalar { var result = try alloc(2, f32, std.testing.allocator, .{ 3, 3 }); defer std.testing.allocator.free(result.slice()); divScalar(2, f32, result.asSlice(), .{ .data = &[_]f32{ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, }, .stride = .{ 1, 3 }, .size = .{ 3, 3 }, }, 10); try std.testing.expectEqualSlices( f32, &[_]f32{ 0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8 }, result.slice(), ); } pub fn sqrt(comptime D: usize, comptime T: type, dest: Slice(D, T), src: ConstSlice(D, T)) void { var iter = iterateRange(D, dest.size); while (iter.next()) |pos| { dest.idx(pos).* = @sqrt(src.idx(pos).*); } } test sqrt { var result = try alloc(2, f32, std.testing.allocator, .{ 2, 2 }); defer std.testing.allocator.free(result.slice()); sqrt(2, f32, result.asSlice(), .{ .data = &[_]f32{ 4, 9, 16, 25, }, .size = .{ 2, 2 }, .stride = .{ 1, 2 }, }); try std.testing.expectEqualSlices( f32, &.{ 2, 3, 4, 5 }, result.data[0..4], ); } pub fn matrixMul(comptime T: type, dest: Slice(2, T), a: ConstSlice(2, T), b: ConstSlice(2, T)) void { std.debug.assert(dest.size[0] == b.size[0]); std.debug.assert(a.size[1] == b.size[0]); std.debug.assert(dest.size[1] == a.size[1]); for (0..dest.size[1]) |k| { for (0..dest.size[0]) |i| { dest.idx(.{ i, k }).* = 0; for (0..a.size[0]) |l| { dest.idx(.{ i, k }).* += a.idx(.{ l, k }).* * b.idx(.{ i, l }).*; } } } } test matrixMul { // Multiplying a 3x2 matrix by a 2x3 matrix: // [ 1 2] // [ 3 4] // [ 5 6] // ------- // [-2 5 6] | [43 52] // [ 5 2 7] | [46 60] const c = try alloc(2, f32, std.testing.allocator, .{ 2, 2 }); defer std.testing.allocator.free(c.slice()); matrixMul(f32, c.asSlice(), .{ .data = &[_]f32{ -2, 5, 6, 5, 2, 7, }, .stride = .{ 1, 3 }, .size = .{ 3, 2 }, }, .{ .data = &[_]f32{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, }, .stride = .{ 1, 2 }, .size = .{ 2, 3 }, }); try std.testing.expectEqualSlices(f32, &[_]f32{ 43, 52, 46, 60, }, c.data[0..4]); } pub fn RangeIterator(comptime D: usize) type { return struct { pos: [D]usize, size: [D]usize, pub fn next(this: *@This()) ?[D]usize { for (this.pos[0 .. D - 1], this.pos[1..D], this.size[0 .. D - 1]) |*axis, *next_axis, size| { if (axis.* >= size) { axis.* = 0; next_axis.* += 1; } } if (this.pos[D - 1] >= this.size[D - 1]) { return null; } defer this.pos[0] += 1; return this.pos; } }; } pub fn iterateRange(comptime D: usize, size: [D]usize) RangeIterator(D) { return RangeIterator(D){ .pos = [_]usize{0} ** D, .size = size, }; } const std = @import("std");
const std = @import("std"); // invariant: `right != null` iff `left != null` pub fn Rope(comptime T: type) type { return struct { const Self = @This(); const AnyNode = union(enum) { node: *Node, leaf: *LeafNode, fn destroy(node: *AnyNode, allocator: std.mem.Allocator) void { switch (node.*) { inline else => |n| n.destroy(allocator), } } /// Gets `length` for `Node`s and `value.len` for `LeafNode`s fn getLength(node: AnyNode) u32 { return switch (node) { .node => |n| n.length, .leaf => |l| @intCast(l.value.len), }; } fn getGraphvizUniqueId(node: AnyNode) usize { return switch (node) { inline else => |v| @intFromPtr(v), }; } pub fn printGraphviz(node: AnyNode, writer: anytype) !void { switch (node) { .node => |n| { try writer.print("{d}[label=\"{d}\"];\n", .{ node.getGraphvizUniqueId(), n.length }); if (n.left) |l| { try writer.print("{d} -> {d} [label=\"L\"];\n", .{ node.getGraphvizUniqueId(), l.getGraphvizUniqueId() }); try l.printGraphviz(writer); } if (n.right) |r| { try writer.print("{d} -> {d} [label=\"R\"];\n", .{ node.getGraphvizUniqueId(), r.getGraphvizUniqueId() }); try r.printGraphviz(writer); } }, .leaf => |l| { try writer.print("{d}[label=\"{s} ({d})\"];\n", .{ node.getGraphvizUniqueId(), l.value, l.value.len }); }, } } }; pub const Node = struct { left: ?AnyNode = null, right: ?AnyNode = null, length: u32 = 0, /// Rope dupes value. fn create(allocator: std.mem.Allocator) error{OutOfMemory}!*Node { const node = try allocator.create(Node); node.* = .{}; return node; } fn destroy(node: *Node, allocator: std.mem.Allocator) void { if (node.left) |*left| left.destroy(allocator); if (node.right) |*right| right.destroy(allocator); node.* = undefined; allocator.destroy(node); } }; pub const LeafNode = struct { value: []T, /// Rope dupes value. fn create(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, value: []const T) error{OutOfMemory}!*LeafNode { const node = try allocator.create(LeafNode); node.* = .{ .value = try allocator.dupe(u8, value), }; return node; } fn destroy(node: *LeafNode, allocator: std.mem.Allocator) void { allocator.free(node.value); node.* = undefined; allocator.destroy(node); } }; root: Node = .{}, // total_length: u32 = 0, pub fn deinit(rope: *Self, allocator: std.mem.Allocator) void { if (rope.root.left) |*left| left.destroy(allocator); if (rope.root.right) |*right| right.destroy(allocator); } pub fn prepend(rope: *Self, allocator: std.mem.Allocator, value: []const T) !void { if (rope.root.left == null) { rope.root.left = .{ .leaf = try LeafNode.create(allocator, value) }; rope.root.length = @intCast(value.len); return; } const node = try Node.create(allocator); node.* = rope.root; const leaf = try LeafNode.create(allocator, value); rope.root.right = .{ .node = node }; rope.root.left = .{ .leaf = leaf }; rope.root.length = @as(u32, @intCast(value.len)) + if (rope.root.right) |r| r.getLength() else 0; } pub fn append(rope: *Self, allocator: std.mem.Allocator, value: []const T) !void { if (rope.root.left == null) { rope.root.left = .{ .leaf = try LeafNode.create(allocator, value) }; rope.root.length = @intCast(value.len); return; } if (rope.root.right == null) { rope.root.right = .{ .leaf = try LeafNode.create(allocator, value) }; rope.root.length += @intCast(value.len); return; } const node = try Node.create(allocator); node.* = rope.root; const leaf = try LeafNode.create(allocator, value); rope.root.left = .{ .node = node }; rope.root.right = .{ .leaf = leaf }; rope.root.length += @intCast(value.len); } pub const Iterator = struct { stack: std.ArrayList(AnyNode), pub fn next(iterator: *Iterator) error{OutOfMemory}!?*LeafNode { const result = iterator.stack.popOrNull() orelse return null; while (iterator.stack.popOrNull()) |parent| { if (parent.node.right) |right_node| { var node = right_node; while (node == .node and node.node.left != null) { try iterator.stack.append(node); node = node.node.left.?; } try iterator.stack.append(node); std.debug.assert(node == .leaf); break; } } return result.leaf; } pub fn deinit(iterator: *Iterator) void { iterator.stack.deinit(); iterator.* = undefined; } }; /// Caller must deinit `Iterator` when they are done. pub fn iterate(rope: *Self, allocator: std.mem.Allocator) error{OutOfMemory}!Iterator { var iterator = Iterator{ .stack = std.ArrayList(AnyNode).init(allocator) }; if (rope.root.left == null) return iterator; var node = AnyNode{ .node = &rope.root }; while (node == .node and node.node.left != null) { try iterator.stack.append(node); node = node.node.left.?; } try iterator.stack.append(node); std.debug.assert(node == .leaf); return iterator; } /// Iterate through rope and collect into a list pub fn collect(rope: *Self, allocator: std.mem.Allocator, list: *std.ArrayListUnmanaged(T)) error{OutOfMemory}!void { var iterator = try rope.iterate(allocator); defer iterator.deinit(); while (try iterator.next()) |leaf| { try list.appendSlice(allocator, leaf.value); } } pub fn at(rope: *Self, index: u32) T { var node = &rope.root; var adjusted_index = index; while (true) { const next_node, adjusted_index = if (adjusted_index < node.left.?.getLength()) .{ node.left, adjusted_index } else .{ node.right, adjusted_index - node.left.?.getLength() }; switch (next_node.?) { .node => |n| node = n, .leaf => |l| return l.value[adjusted_index], } } } /// Combine two `Rope`s. pub fn concat(left: Self, right: Self, allocator: std.mem.Allocator) error{OutOfMemory}!Self { const new_left = try allocator.create(Node); new_left.* = left.root; const new_right = try allocator.create(Node); new_right.* = right.root; return .{ .node = .{ .left = new_left, .right = new_right, .length = left.root.length + right.root.length, }, }; } pub fn printGraphviz(rope: *Self, writer: anytype) !void { try writer.writeAll("digraph preview {"); try (AnyNode{ .node = &rope.root }).printGraphviz(writer); try writer.writeAll("}"); } }; } test { const allocator = std.testing.allocator; // const allocator = std.heap.page_allocator; const StringRope = Rope(u8); var rope = StringRope{}; defer rope.deinit(allocator); try rope.prepend(allocator, ") void "); try rope.prepend(allocator, "abc("); try rope.append(allocator, "{"); try rope.append(allocator, "hello();"); try rope.prepend(allocator, "fn "); try rope.prepend(allocator, "pub "); try rope.append(allocator, "}"); var out = try std.fs.cwd().createFile("abc.dot", .{}); defer out.close(); try rope.printGraphviz(out.writer()); var collected = std.ArrayListUnmanaged(u8){}; defer collected.deinit(allocator); try rope.collect(allocator, &collected); for (collected.items, 0..) |c, i| { try std.testing.expectFmt(&.{c}, "{c}", .{rope.at(@intCast(i))}); } }
const std = @import("std"); fn fib(x: u64) u64 { if (x <= 1) return x; return fib(x - 1) + fib(x - 2); } pub fn main() void { std.debug.warn("{}", fib(47)); }