"Instruction : \nHow can I make work meetings more efficient?\n\nResponse : \nYou will have to find the right techniques for your type of meeting, but there are some useful generic techniques that you can try. Watch the time: keep the meeting as short as possible; time-box each discussion; and make sure each person gets to speak. Be purposeful: set a clear agenda beforehand; only ask important stakeholders to join; and define takeaways and action items at the end. Prepare beforehand: before the meeting, share materials for people to read or comment on, as appropriate, in order to save meeting time for important discussions. If the meeting is simply not useful, you should eliminate it."
"Instruction : \nClassify each of the following as characters from books J.K. Rowling has written or books that Suzanne Collins has written: Peeta Mellark, Katness Everdeen, Effie Trinket, Seneca Crane, Lucy Gray, Cinna, Harry Potter, Severus Snape, Hermione Granger, Albus Dumbledore\n\nResponse : \nCharacters from J.K. Rowling books: Harry Potter, Severus Snape, Hermione Granger, Albus Dumbledore\nCharacters from Suzanne Collins books: Peeta Mellark, Katness Everdeen, Effie Trinket, Seneca Crane, Lucy Gray"
"Instruction : \nHow do you make a Martini?\n\nResponse : \nEnjoy the following directions:\n\nFill the martini glass with ice and water to chill the glass (let it chill until the glass is cold).\nDump the ice and water from the cold martini glass.\nSplash the vermouth into the cold, empty glass and empty the vermouth while spinning the glass upside down to coat the glass.\nFill the shaker with ¾ full of ice.\nAdd three jigger shots of your favorite vodka to the shaker.\nShake that vodka hard and long.\nStrain vodka and ice crystals into the cold, prepared martini glass.\nGet some stuffed blue cheese olives (which grocery stores or World Market should carry).\nSpear two stuffed blue cheese olives with a pick and drop them into your drink.\nUse the olive juice from your olive jar and pour in ½  - 1 jigger shot depending on how dirty you like it."
"Instruction : \nWhich of these are Pixar movies? Finding Nemo, Shrek, Avatar, Toy Story, Fast and Furious, Up, Inside Out, Turning Red, Everything Everywhere All at Once, John Wick 4, Ice Age, Madagascar, Incredibles 2\n\nResponse : \nFinding Nemo, Toy Story, Up, Inside Out, Turning Red, and Incredibles 2 are Pixar movies."
"Instruction : \nWhat are some languages spoken in Mexico?\n\nResponse : \nSome languages spoken in Mexico are Spanish, Nahuatl and Mayan languages"
"Instruction : \nQ: If I vape tobacco or nicotine am I at risk for complications from COVID-19?\n\nResponse : \nA: E-cigarette use can expose the lungs to toxic chemicals, but whether those exposures increase the risk of COVID-19 or the severity of COVID-19 outcomes is not known. However, many e-cigarette users are current or former smokers, and cigarette smoking increases the risk of respiratory infections, including pneumonia."
"Instruction : \nDoes my Myers-Briggs personality type determine my long-term career potential?\n\nResponse : \nNo, your Myers-Briggs personality type does not predict your career-path. Your personality is a fundamental part of who you are. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a shorthand way to describe your level of introversion versus extroversion, sensitivity to perceptual queues, and the way you evaluate new information. While these factors could individually contribute to your success or failure in a given career path, none of them can statistically predict success or failure."
"Instruction : \nWhat are the 8 categories of scientific classification?\n\nResponse : \nLevels of Classification. The classification system commonly used today is based on the Linnean system and has eight levels of taxa; from the most general to the most specific, these are domain, kingdom, phylum (plural, phyla), class, order, family, genus (plural, genera), and species."
"Instruction : \nWhat color is a banana when overripe?\n\nResponse : \nA banana will become splotchy yellow and brown when overripe"
"Instruction : \nWhat are some of the best ways to generate passive income?\n\nResponse : \n1) Rental Property Income\n2) Crypto staking\n3) Peer-to-Peer lending\n4) Dividend Income\n5) Create a digital course or product\n6) Write an e-book and sell on Amazon\n7) Affiliate Marketing\n8) Invest in a REIT"
"Instruction : \nWhat Is The Tesla Model Y’s Charger Type?\n\nResponse : \nThe Tesla Model Y can charge up to 11 kW with AC charging and 210 kW with DC charging. They have used the standard European connector types ever since November 2018.\n\nTheir AC connector is the Type 2 connector, often called Mennekes, after the German manufacturer that designed them. They are the most used AC connector in the world and can be found at home, work, and some public charging stations, although not all public charging networks supply AC charging. \n\nThe Tesla Model Y uses the CCS connector for DC charging. This is the most popular DC charger globally and can be used mainly at public charging stations in the UK. The Type 2 and CCS connectors are combined into the CCS 2 connector, which you use to charge your Model Y."
"Instruction : \nIdentify which car manufacturer is French or American: Venturi, Lincoln\n\nResponse : \nVenturi is French, Lincoln is American"
"Instruction : \nClassify the musical genres of the following bands: Metallica, AC/DC, Aerosmith, Madonna\n\nResponse : \nThese artists are one of the most well-known musicians worldwide. As of their genres, Metallica can be categorised as a Heavy Metal band, AC/DC and Aerosmith as Hard Rock and Madonna as a Pop artist"
"Instruction : \nThinking about public opinion, what is the significance of “issue consistency” and “levels of conceptualization”?\n\nResponse : \nIssue consistency is how consistent an individual American’s opinion is about an issue and is measured in two ways. Measuring across time shows that individual Americans are not likely to have the same opinion at two different points in time. For example, same-sex marriage opinions in Texas have changed from unfavorable (~30%) to favorable (over 50%) over a short amount of time from 2009 to 2017. Measuring across issue domain tells us that knowing what an individual thinks about one issue doesn’t really tell you much about what they think of another issue.\nLevels of conceptualization are used to categorize people by use of ideological language in explaining their opinions. There are five levels, the first is “ideologues”, when people rely on abstract concepts to make judgements about political objects. Second, are “near-ideologues” who use ideological terminology, but don’t always use it correctly. Third, are “group interest”, where people evaluate political objects with respect to their treatment of particular groups. Fourth are “nature of the times”, when evaluations of candidates and parties are tied to general perceptions about how things are going. Lastly, “no issue content”, where focus is on personalities or family traditions without any evidence of political thinking."
"Instruction : \nUNESCO Peace Prize 2022 was given to\n\nResponse : \nAngela Merkel(Former German Chancellor)"
"Instruction : \nWhen should I use Slack versus email versus a phone call?\n\nResponse : \nFor quick communication and memes, Slack is a good medium. For longer form communication, or those that include external parties that are not available on Slack, email is an excellent choice. Phone calls are useful for instantaneous feedback, fluid dialog, and establishing emotional rapport with the participants."
"Instruction : \nWhich of the following are weather events: rain, snow, sleet, sunshine, hail, tornadoes, hurricanes, trees, lightening, rocks?\n\nResponse : \nRain, snow, sleet, sunshine, hail, tornadoes, hurricanes, and lightening are weather events. Trees and rocks are not weather events."
"Instruction : \nWhat band sang \"Clint Eastwood\"?\n\nResponse : \n\"Clint Eastwood\" is a song by Gorillaz off their self-titled album."
"Instruction : \nBest place to visit in West bengal\n\nResponse : \n1. Darjeeling \n2, Kolkata"
"Instruction : \nWhat is the main language spoken in Latin America?\n\nResponse : \nSpanish is the main language in Latin America. There are 18 countries with Spanish as the official language. Each country has regional words and their own accent. Spanish in Latin America is sometimes referred to as 'Castellano' which refers to the Castile area of Spain."
"Instruction : \nWhat is the process called by which matter is converted from a solid directly into gas?\n\nResponse : \nSublimation"
"Instruction : \nWhat makes trees and plants green?\n\nResponse : \nTrees, plants and algae are green because of chlorophyl and are actually perceived as green because chlorophyll absorbs red and blue light but reflects green light."
"Instruction : \nThe year 2022 was declared by UNGA as\n\nResponse : \nThe International year of Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture"
"Instruction : \nAre alpacas and llamas the same thing?\n\nResponse : \nNo, alpacas and llamas are related species but are not the same species. Both are natives of South America, but are slightly different sizes and have different physical features"
"Instruction : \nWhat is the main language spoken in South America?\n\nResponse : \nSpanish"
"Instruction : \nWhat are the names of the lines on Hong Kong's MTR network?\n\nResponse : \n- Island Line\n- Tsuen Wan Line\n- Kwun Tong Line\n- South Island Line\n- Tseung Kwan O Line\n- Tung Chung Line & Disneyland Resort Line\n- East Rail Line\n- Tuen Ma Line\n- Airport Express"
"Instruction : \nWill human beings be replaced by robots?\n\nResponse : \nThe answer is it might be possible, but hard to say. Nowadays with the fast development in artificial intelligent and robotics, there are a lot of human jobs replaced by robots already. For example, in the factories, robots have been widely used to make parts of machines, packaging product goods, or conducting accurate operations. Human has limitations in many areas, and those heavy labor jobs are usually replaced by robot machines. \n\nHowever, human beings still have very complex brain and nerve systems. AI development can try to approximate human beings, but can they ever exceed to achieve the limit? We will wait and see."
"Instruction : \nWhat are some weird ways I can cut my grass?\n\nResponse : \nIf you aren't using a lawnmower to cut your grass, here are some weird ideas to keep your grass trimmed:\n\n- Buy a goat and leave it in your yard\n- Spend all day cutting each blade with some craft scissors\n- Flamethrower\n- Dress up like the grim reaper and use a scythe"
"Instruction : \nIdentify which instrument is string or percussion: Ranat thum, Tumbi\n\nResponse : \nTumbi is string, Ranat thum is percussion."
"Instruction : \nWhat are some quick ways to lose all of my money?\n\nResponse : \nHere are some quick ways to lose all of your money:\n1. Place all of your money on red at the roulette table.\n2. Play high-stakes blackjack everyday for the next week.\n3. Buy random crypto currencies like Solana.\n4. Buy extremely out of the money options on trading applications like Robinhood.\n5. Loan it to friends and families with a history of not paying you back."
"Instruction : \nTell me whether these are tree nuts: coconut, walnut, nutmeg, peanut, sesame, cashew, macadamia, almond.\n\nResponse : \nWalnut, cashew, macadamia, and almond are classified as tree nuts. Nutmeg, peanut, and sesame are not. Coconut is recognized by some government and health organizations as a tree nut, however it is botanically classified as a fruit."
"Instruction : \nGive me a list of great computer games\n\nResponse : \nSure, I will list a few great computer games, but be aware that there are many great computer games way more than what I can list here. \n\n- Elden Ring\n- World of Warcraft\n- Hogwarts Legacy\n- Hearthstone\n- Minecraft\n- Civilization\n- Dota\n- Cities: Skylines"
"Instruction : \nWhat are the key elements of a sauna?\n\nResponse : \nSaunas are a room with a heat source that will hold room temperature between 150 and 220 degrees Fahrenheit. The heat source is electric or wood fire. Typically saunas have an 8’ ceiling, and the size of the room is optimized for the number of people that are expected to use it concurrently. Saunas also need benches. The optimal bench depth is 24” to allow users to lay down comfortably. Bench and wall paneling is typically western red cedar, although other wood types that can withstand high swings in temperature are suitable as well. Proper wall, ceiling, and even floor insulation is critical, and given there will be water vapor in the room, there needs to be a vapor barrier between the wall panels and insulation. A floor drain is also highly encouraged."
"Instruction : \nSelect the odd word from this list and explain why you chose it.\nLarch\nElm\nOak\nYew\nRhododendron\n\nResponse : \nRhododendron is the odd word from this list. Larch, Elm, Oak and Yew are all examples of trees, whereas the Rhododendron is a flower."
"Instruction : \nWhat are the words of House Bulwer?\n\nResponse : \n\"Death Before Disgrace\""
"Instruction : \nCan I feed table food to dogs?\n\nResponse : \nYou cannot feed table food to dogs because dogs have different digestive systems. The human food is usually too rich and fatty which is difficult for dogs to digest and thus causing health issues for dogs. Some table food such as chocolate, raisins, grapes are even toxic to dogs."
"Instruction : \nIs it true that apples are vegetables?\n\nResponse : \nNo, that's false. Apples are a type of fruit."
"Instruction : \nThink up some ways to pass the time on a long airplane flight.\n\nResponse : \nHere are some ways to pass the time on an airplane flight:\n1. Watch a TV show or a movie. Many subscription services allow downloading media for offline consumption. Alternatively, some airlines will offer complimentary movies and TV shows to watch.\n2. Read a book. If you are using an e-reader, make sure to download books before the flight.\n3. Listen to music or a podcast. Download your album or catch up on podcasts on your flight. This can help you relax until you arrive at your destination.\n4. Sleep. This will pass the time quickly. If you have trouble sleeping in airplanes, consider using a travel pillow. This can also help energize you so you land ready for any activities you have planned."
"Instruction : \nWho are the top 5 basketball players of all time?\n\nResponse : \nThe top 5 basketball players of all time will differ in opinion, depending on who you are talking to and in what region. But, a common list includes Michael Jordan, Lebron James, Kobe Bryant, Kareem Abdul Jabbar and Magic Johnson. Other players that are often mentioned in the conversation are Larry Bird, Bill Russel and Julius Erving."
"Instruction : \nName some of the bravolebrities from The Real Housewives of Miami\n\nResponse : \nAdriana de Moura, Alexia Nepola, Dr. Nicole Martin, Julia Lemigova, Larsa Pippen, Lisa Hochstein, Marysol Patton and Guerdy Abraira"
"Instruction : \nWhat causes that feeling of weightlessness when you're on a rollercoaster?\n\nResponse : \nThe feeling of weightlessness when you’re on a rollercoaster is caused by negative gravitational force, also known as g-force. Negative g-force occurs when you accelerate downwards, and is commonly felt in roller coaster elements like camelback hills, which are hump-shaped hills that travel straight up and down. Elements like these are designed to lift riders out of their seats, giving that feeling of weightlessness."
"Instruction : \nGive me the top 5 things I should do to prepare for a holiday abroad\n\nResponse : \n1. Check any travel advice from your government\n2. Consult medical advice to ensure that you receive the recommended vaccinations and medicine for your destination countries \n3. Make sure that your passport is valid and not due to expire within the next 6 months \n4. \n5. Research the language, culture and customs of your destination countries"
"Instruction : \nHow can I become a better runner?\n\nResponse : \nThere are a few things you can do to become a better runner:\n\n1. Train consistently - Endurance running creates physiological adaptations which take a long time for you to notice. Try to run at least 3 or 4 times a week for at least 30 minutes to begin building those adaptations. \n2. Get enough sleep - studies show that muscles recover better if you get at least 8 hours of sleep each night.\n3. Fuel your body - you can't gain muscle if you don't provide your body with enough calories to keep yourself fueled. Ensure that you are eating a good mix of protein, carbohydrates, and vegetables to set yourself up for success.\n4. Don't overtrain - One common mistake new runners make is to run more than they are trained to manage and end up injuring yourself. You can't build fitness if you are off of training due to injury!"
"Instruction : \nWhy don't soccer players kick with their toe?\n\nResponse : \nSoccer players typically strike the ball with their laces or with the inside of their foot. These techniques provide more control over the direction of the ball than kicking with the toe."
"Instruction : \nClassify the following foods as Indian or Japanese: Sushi, Sashimi, Ramen, Naan, Chicken Tikka Masala, Samosa\n\nResponse : \nSushi: Japanese\nSashimi: Japanese\nRamen: Japanese\nNaan: Indian\nChicken Tikka Masala: Indian\nSamosa: Indian"
"Instruction : \nWhich is a species of fish? Trumpeter or Trump\n\nResponse : \nTrumpeter"
"Instruction : \nClassify the below into cars or SUVs.\n\nMazda CX50, Nissan Altima, Mazda CX5, Toyota Rav4, KIA Sportage, Honda Civic, Hyundai Elantra.\n\nResponse : \nSUVs- Mazda CX50, Mazda CX5, Toyota Rav4, KIA Sportage. Cars- Nissan Altima, Honda Civic, Hyundai Elantra."
"Instruction : \nWhat started WW2?\n\nResponse : \nThe instability created in Europe by the First World War (1914-18) set the stage for another international conflict—World War II—which broke out two decades later and would prove even more devastating. Rising to power in an economically and politically unstable Germany, Adolf Hitler, leader of the Nazi Party, rearmed the nation and signed strategic treaties with Italy and Japan to further his ambitions of world domination. Hitler’s invasion of Poland in September 1939 drove Great Britain and France to declare war on Germany, marking the beginning of World War II. Over the next six years, the conflict would take more lives and destroy more land and property around the globe than any previous war."
"Instruction : \nJing is a 46-year-old male. He is an insurance executive who is married with two children. Jing is active in his church and plays golf on the weekends. He went to see his cardiologist because he experienced recent fatigue with chest pain on exertion. He has never smoked but he consumes 1 to 2 alcoholic drinks per day. His medical history reveals a blood cholesterol level of 260 mg%, a triglyceride level of 198 mg% and an HDL-C value of 43 mg%. After studying a 12-lead ECG tracing of Jing's heart, it is clear that his heart is ischemic. Suggest some follow-up screening tests and recommended interventions.\n\nResponse : \nThere are lots of options for follow-up screening tests. For example, we can perform an echocardiogram with a color Doppler, where we can evaluate blood flow through the heart and create a picture of the heart and its moving valves. We can do a myocardial perfusion scan, which also evaluates blood flow in the heart. There’s also a procedure called electron-beam computed tomography (EBCT) which can detect calcium deposits in arteries. There’s also computed tomography angiography which reveals plaque or calcium deposits. We can perform a coronary MRI or MRA, which uses magnetic fields to detect valve problems, heart enlargement, vessel disease, damaged heart tissue, etc. Finally, we can also perform a coronary angiogram, which is invasive, but is the “gold standard” for diagnosing CAD. There are interventions available to Jing, which range from less invasive/intense to most intense. He can do daily things like reduce his high alcohol consumption, eat a heart-healthier and less inflammatory diet to help his cholesterol and triglyceride levels. There are also some medications to treat myocardial ischemia such as a daily aspirin, nitrates, beta blockers, cholesterol-lowering medications, etc. If his situation is very serious/deteriorates, he can consider angioplasty/stenting, or even coronary artery bypass surgery. These interventions are listed in order of least to most aggressive."
"Instruction : \nHow many times have the Vancouver Canucks won the Stanley cup?\n\nResponse : \nThe Vancouver Canucks have won the Stanley cup 0 times. They have appeared in the finals and lost 3 times in 1982, 1994, and 2011."
"Instruction : \nWhich electric vehicle company does Elon Musk own?\n\nResponse : \nElon Musk owns the EV company called Tesla which is named after the famous scientist"
"Instruction : \nWhat are some ways I could commute in to my office in downtown?\n\nResponse : \nIf you are located in a city you may have many commute options. You could use public transportation like a light rail or bus, ride your bike, or drive a car. If you have coworkers who live near you, you could consider carpooling."
"Instruction : \nIdentify which animal is domesticated or wild: Mink, American alligator\n\nResponse : \nAmerican alligator is wild, Mink is domesticated."
"Instruction : \nWhat is the difference between dairy and cattle?\n\nResponse : \nDairy cows are raised for their milk, while cattle are raised for their meat."
"Instruction : \nClassify the movies based on the protagonist hero who acted in them.\nChak De! India , Kuch Kuch Hota Hai, Om Shanti Om, Dangal, Sultan, Dabangg\n\nResponse : \nShah Rukh Khan - Chak De! India, Kuch Kuch Hota Hai, Om Shanti Om\nSalman Khan - Sultan, Dabangg\nAamir Khan - Dangal"
"Instruction : \nWhat makes you smile? What makes you happy?\n\nResponse : \nI smile when I can let life slow down a bit and I can stop to appreciate what's around me. The small things are the best. A passerby having a happy moment. A great song. A nice tree."
"Instruction : \nName some public companies that have been valued at over 1 trillion dollars.\n\nResponse : \nThe following are public companies that have been valued at over 1 trillion dollars:\n- Apple\n- Microsoft\n- Google\n- Amazon"
"Instruction : \nWhat are some ways you can cross the grand canyon?\n\nResponse : \n1. Use a powerful grappling hook to launch a long rope over and after security the rope climb across\n\n2. Use small aircraft to take off from one side of the canyon to land on the other.\n\n3. Take liberties with the term \"cross the Grand Canyon\" and use a car to drive around it\n\n4. Climb down to the bottom of the canyon and hike back up the other side\n\n5. Wait for a particularly heavy rain storm to fill the Grand Canyon and take a boat across."
"Instruction : \nWhy is strength training important for distance runners?\n\nResponse : \nStrength training is important for distance runners to get faster, and stay injury-free. Running is a high impact activity that puts a lot of stress on the body. Strength training can help the body to deal with this stress, and correct imbalances in the body that can lead to injury over time."
"Instruction : \nIn which year did the Portuguese first arrived in Brazil?\n\nResponse : \nThe Portuguese first arrived in Brazil in the year of 1500."
"Instruction : \nWhat is a remote control used for?\n\nResponse : \nA remote control is used for controlling electronic devices. Some items you can use with a remote are a remote control car, television, stereo receiver, lights, home automation, fans, and kids toys. Using a remote will take batteries or some sort of power source in order to make it operational."
"Instruction : \nTell me if these cities are in the United States or England: New York, Manchester, Bath, San Francisco, Oxford\n\nResponse : \nNew York: United States, Manchester: England, Bath: England, San Francisco: United States, Oxford: England"
"Instruction : \nWhat is the fastest point of sail?\n\nResponse : \nThe fastest point of sail on a traditional sailing vessel is the beam reach."
"Instruction : \nWhat was the cause of MH370 flight's disappearance?\n\nResponse : \nThere are many conspiracy theories surrounding the disposition of the flight, ranging from a military downing, aircraft hijacking, terrorist attack, to a pilot suicide over his deteriorating personal life, but all of these suggestions have not been proven substantially. We will really never know, and will just have to leave this an unsolved mystery."
"Instruction : \nWhat is the experience of Microsoft Office users moving to Google Docs?\n\nResponse : \nMicrosoft Office has been an enterprise software of choice for over 2 decades. Long term users have seen Office evolve from its early days when it was installed on Windows machines to the relatively new Office 365 that is deployed online. The key products in the Microsoft Office suite used by enterprises have been Word, Excel and Powerpoint. Google Docs is also an enterprise offering that consists of Docs, Sheets and Slides - these map to the corresponding Microsoft Office suite products listed. Users who have been on Microsoft Office for many years find the move to Google Docs difficult. This is because the commands across Google Docs are quite different to Office and one needs to spend time searching for MS office equivalent commands. For example, the keyboard shortcut command to insert a freeze pane in windows excel is not the same in Google Sheets. Formulae in cells and data analysis in Sheets is also different in sheets when compared to Excel. While it takes some time to unlearn commands and learn new ones as one moves from Microsoft Office to Google Docs, once one has spent some time working with Google Docs it starts to get easier. And features such as ease of collaboration, never losing any content ever again, being able to work on the go from anywhere become the norm. In summary, a user who has worked on Office for many years may find it difficult in the beginning but users who start with Google Docs will be comfortable from the beginning."
"Instruction : \nWhat is structural genomics?\n\nResponse : \nStructural genomics seeks to describe the 3-dimensional structure of every protein encoded by a given genome. This genome-based approach allows for a high-throughput method of structure determination by a combination of experimental and modeling approaches. The principal difference between structural genomics and traditional structural prediction is that structural genomics attempts to determine the structure of every protein encoded by the genome, rather than focusing on one particular protein. With full-genome sequences available, structure prediction can be done more quickly through a combination of experimental and modeling approaches, especially because the availability of large number of sequenced genomes and previously solved protein structures allows scientists to model protein structure on the structures of previously solved homologs.\n\nBecause protein structure is closely linked with protein function, the structural genomics has the potential to inform knowledge of protein function. In addition to elucidating protein functions, structural genomics can be used to identify novel protein folds and potential targets for drug discovery. Structural genomics involves taking a large number of approaches to structure determination, including experimental methods using genomic sequences or modeling-based approaches based on sequence or structural homology to a protein of known structure or based on chemical and physical principles for a protein with no homology to any known structure.\n\nAs opposed to traditional structural biology, the determination of a protein structure through a structural genomics effort often (but not always) comes before anything is known regarding the protein function. This raises new challenges in structural bioinformatics, i.e. determining protein function from its 3D structure.\n\nStructural genomics emphasizes high throughput determination of protein structures. This is performed in dedicated centers of structural genomics.\n\nWhile most structural biologists pursue structures of individual proteins or protein groups, specialists in structural genomics pursue structures of proteins on a genome wide scale. This implies large-scale cloning, expression and purification. One main advantage of this approach is economy of scale. On the other hand, the scientific value of some resultant structures is at times questioned. A Science article from January 2006 analyzes the structural genomics field.\n\nOne advantage of structural genomics, such as the Protein Structure Initiative, is that the scientific community gets immediate access to new structures, as well as to reagents such as clones and protein. A disadvantage is that many of these structures are of proteins of unknown function and do not have corresponding publications. This requires new ways of communicating this structural information to the broader research community. The Bioinformatics core of the Joint center for structural genomics (JCSG) has recently developed a wiki-based approach namely Open protein structure annotation network (TOPSAN) for annotating protein structures emerging from high-throughput structural genomics centers."
"Instruction : \nMake a list of some popular Japanese animations, I haven't watched yet.\n\nResponse : \nHere are a list of some popular Japanese animations: Death Note, Pokémon, Re:Zero -Starting Life in Another World-, JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Fullmetal Alchemist, One Piece, Clannad, Naruto, and Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba."
"Instruction : \nWhy is March Madness so popular in the United States?\n\nResponse : \nMarch Madness is an annual college basketball tournament played in March. It consists of 68 teams that play in a single elimination tournament until a winner is determined. There are both men's and women's tournaments, though the men's tournament has been taking place for longer, since 1939. Interestingly, the first tournament had only 8 teams.\n\nThe tournament is popular with basketball fans and non-fans alike. Some people enjoy the tournament because their college or university's team is participating in the tournament. Other fans enjoy the unpredictability of the results and cheer for a team that they adopt for the tournament. Many people enjoy rooting for an underdog; a team that is ranked lower overall but can gain a lot of attention by winning against teams ranked higher. This is one reason it is called 'March Madness.'"
"Instruction : \nWhich of these famous football players have never won the Balon D'Or: Messi, Xavi, Zidane, Ronaldinho, Iniesta, Neymar\n\nResponse : \nFrom the list of players provided the ones that have never won the Balon D'Or are Xavi, Iniesta and Neymar. All the other players in the list have won the Balon D'Or at least one time"
"Instruction : \nGive me a list of 3 hobbies that are good for your health and inexpensive\n\nResponse : \n1. Long-distance running - Long-distance running is good for heart health and also mental health.\n\n2. Hiking - Going for a hike can be a great way to clear your head and improve your fitness. Hiking is almost always free, but some parks can have an entry fee.\n\n3. Walking - Not only is walking good for your heart, it can also help you to manage stress"
"Instruction : \nWhich of these words are nouns and which are adjectives. Fridge, wipe, bed, chair, jump, yell, sleep, fruit and talk.\n\nResponse : \nFridge, bed, chair and fruit are words that are nouns. Wipe, jump, yell, sleep and talk are words that are adjectives."
"Instruction : \nWhat is Bart Simpson's graffiti tag?\n\nResponse : \nEl Barto"
"Instruction : \nWhat is the difference between walking and running?\n\nResponse : \nWalking and running involves taking steps to gain velocity, typically on land. The differences come in terms of speed. Walking happens at a slower pace and pace than running. One that traverses longer distances at a faster rate when running versus walking."
"Instruction : \nAbel Prize is given in which field ?\n\nResponse : \nAbel Prize is given in the field of Mathematics"
"Instruction : \nTell me the genre of each of the following books, choosing between science fiction, fantasy, or neither. \n\nThe Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss, The Player of Games by Iain M. Banks, Crying in H Mart by Michelle Zauner, Crime and Punishment by Fyodr Dostoevsky, and Hyperion by Dan Simmons.\n\nResponse : \nThe Player of Games and Hyperion are science fiction, The Name of the Wind is fantasy, and both Crying in H Mart and Crime and Punishment are neither of those genres."
"Instruction : \nWhy are cats better than dogs in some people's opinion?\n\nResponse : \nThere are couple of reasons that people would prefer cats over dogs. The major one is that cats are lower maintenance than dogs. Most cats are happy indoors and doesn't need walks daily. This becomes a huge advantages as many younger generation people prefers more indoor activities today as well. There are couple other advances: 1. Cats are less likely to cause a true mess of your house than dogs due to their smaller size and weaker strength. 2. Cats are less smelly than dogs. 3. Cats are quieter than dogs as they don't bark or howl."
"Instruction : \nIdentify which instrument is string or percussion: Tan-tan, Ruan\n\nResponse : \nRuan is string, Tan-tan is percussion."
"Instruction : \nIn which European city would you find Orly airport?\n\nResponse : \nParis."
"Instruction : \nClassify each as National Park in Utah or Arizona: Zion National Park, Bryce Canyon, Grand Canyon, Saguaro National Park\n\nResponse : \nNational Parks in Utah: Zion National Park, Bryce Canyon\nNational Parks in Arizona: Grand Canyon, Saguaro National Park"
"Instruction : \nHow to prepare without baking dessert recipe -Banana Pudding?\n\nResponse : \nTake a casserole mold. Layer the mold's base with cookies of your choice. Slice up 1½ - 2 bananas and layer them above the cookies. The pudding mixture can be made by following the instructions on the box. Mix the tub of Cool Whip well before pouring it above the pudding mixture. Pour half of the pudding mix on the first layer of bananas and cookies. Add more bananas and cookies, followed by more pudding mixture. Repeat the process to add more layers. Use cookie crumbs and sprinkle on top. Refrigerate until serving."
"Instruction : \nWrite a short story about a cat named Bistro that is full of adventure.\n\nResponse : \nBistro patiently waited outside his backdoor in the early afternoon. The clouds were starting to clear, revealing the first full sunlight of what had been a dreary spring day in Seattle. As Bistro sat pondering his afternoon plans, he saw something red out of the corner of his eye! a small brown dog with a red collar was sprinting down the alley! \n\nUnable to resist, Bistro leapt to his feet and immediately gave chase. They bounded along together, with Bistro slowly closing the gap. They ran through the neighborhood park, narrowly avoiding the large black lab that plays on the baseball field. After 10 blocks, the small brown dog came to a quick halt. It wagged it's tail and waited patiently outside the front door of a blue house. The owner of the house opened the door, letting both Bistro and the dog inside. Bistro quickly realized he had made a mistake! The dog lived there and now he was far from home and didn't know his way back.\n\nThe next morning, the dog and its owner went for a walk around the neighborhood. They were able to find Bistro family and brought it home safely immediately. Hooray for Bistro!"
"Instruction : \nwhat is elasticsearch?\n\nResponse : \nElasticsearch is a search engine based on the Lucene library. It provides a distributed, multitenant-capable full-text search engine with an HTTP web interface and schema-free JSON documents."
"Instruction : \nTell me which of the following circumstances warrant calling 911: fridge runs out of food, micro kitchen runs out of slacks, someone gets hit by a car, a child is drowning in a public pool, your saving account runs out of money, someone carries assault weapons into campus.\n\nResponse : \nGiven the listed circumstances, you should call 911 immediately when someone gets hit by a car, when a child is drowning in a public pool, or you see someone carrying assault weapons on campus."
"Instruction : \nWhat are some of the popular monuments in India?\n\nResponse : \nSome of the popular monuments in India are:\n\nTaj Mahal : The Taj Mahal is a white marble mausoleum commissioned by Shah Jahan, the fifth Mughal Emperor, in 1631. It was built in memory of, and to house the tomb of his wife, Mumtaz Mahal. It is located on the right bank of the Yamuna River in a vast Mughal garden that encompasses nearly 17 hectares, in the Agra District in Uttar Pradesh.\n\nQutab Minar : The Qutab Minar is a 72.5m tall red sandstone tower located in the south of Delhi. The Minar is surrounded by a complex of gardens, mosques and other buildings like one of the Ashoka pillars."
"Instruction : \nIdentify which instrument is string or percussion: Whip, Waldzither\n\nResponse : \nWaldzither is string, Whip is percussion."
"Instruction : \nIs the sum of an even number and an odd number even or odd?\n\nResponse : \nIt's an odd number."
"Instruction : \nWhat are some good places to go on a surf trip?\n\nResponse : \nSome favorite spots for a surf trip include:\n-Hawaii\n-Southern California\n-Baja California\n-Bali, Indonesia,\n-Tamarindo, Costa Rica\n-Sydney, Australia"
"Instruction : \nWho is the best soccer player in the world?\n\nResponse : \nThe best player in the world as of 2023 is Lionel Messi. He is also widely regarded as the greatest player to ever grace the game."
"Instruction : \nWrite a rap about work\n\nResponse : \nHard work they say it always pays off\nBut I think that smart work is the way to go\nIt starts by finding and pursuing your passion\nThe money will follow you'll have plenty of cash then\nThis ain't gonna happen overnight\nYou've gotta hustle with grit to do it right\nSurround yourself with the best achievers\nKeep your mind right don't stop believing \nYou'll hit bumps in the road as you go on your journey \nSo you gotta set goals and you gotta keep learning\nIt's true there's more to life than your career\nSo keep your eye on the prize keep your vision clear\nBecause all the early mornings and all the late nights\nThey will fly by without warning so enjoy the great ride"
"Instruction : \nWhat are some low fat snack options?\n\nResponse : \npopcorn, watermelon, low fat cheese sticks, low fat cottage cheese, apples, grapes, carrots, sugar snap peas, edamame"
"Instruction : \nBehind Delta tables is the data stored in Parquet file formats?\n\nResponse : \nYes, they are parquet. Delta API is a protocol and the layer manages the individual parquet files as if they were a larger table. If BQ can consume from the Delta protocol it could work but I would not suggest reading the files inside of a Delta table as just a parquet table - there would likely be too many stale files"
"Instruction : \nIs there any river that doesn’t meet a sea?\n\nResponse : \nThere are several, in fact! The most famous example would be the Okavango River, which - instead of reaching the ocean - peters out into the massive Okavango Delta and evaporates, in the middle of the Kalahari Desert. Some other notable instances include the Onyx River - the longest river in Antarctica, at 32 kilometres in length - which simply flows from one lake to another. And the Omo River, which starts in the Ethiopian Highlands and ends in Lake Turkana, Kenya. But these last two flow into lakes. That’s not unusual for a river, right?\nCertainly not; however, in the vast majority of cases, the river’s water will meet the sea eventually, as almost all lakes are drained by other rivers which reach the ocean. Not so for these lakes. Why? Because they’re in what are known as endorheic basins. In hydrology, a basin is a region in which all precipitation will drain and collect into a common outlet. There are innumerable river basins throughout the world, with dozens in the (contiguous) US alone. If you look closely at the US map, you might notice that not all these river basins enter the sea. They are endorheic basins; closed, self-contained systems where the amount of water flowing in is equal to the amount which evaporates or seeps away.\nYou can theoretically find them in any climate, but they tend to be in very dry areas - e.g. the Kalahari - as where it’s rainier erosion will usually carve pathways to the ocean. They also often have mountains or glaciers blocking their way to the sea. Endorheic basins make up about 18 per cent of the world’s land area - although this map doesn’t show the ones in Antarctica.\nAlso note that 6 of the world’s 25 largest lakes are in endorheic basins - Lakes Turkana, Balkhash, Titicaca, Issyk-kul, and Urmia, and of course the Caspian Sea - the largest lake in all the world."
"Instruction : \nHow long is a marathon?\n\nResponse : \nA marathon is 26.2 miles and 42.195 kilometers"
"Instruction : \nTell if these are grown in trees or bushes: apples, strawberries, bananas, pineapples, coconut, raspberries, blueberries.\n\nResponse : \nApples: trees, strawberries: bushes, bananas: trees, pineapples: bushes, coconuts: trees, raspberries: bushes, blueberries: bushes."
"Instruction : \nWhat are a couple of simple tricks to make a simple wood carving look more polished and professional?\n\nResponse : \nOkay the first obvious point to make here is that the thing that will make any piece of art - including a wood carving - look more professional is the quality of the art! That means the skill and the artistic quality that goes into it, specifically. But there are a couple things you can do to dress it up a bit - think about your school days and sliding that english paper into a fresh new folder with a carefully penned title on the front. So back to wood carving. What can you do? Let's say you've carved yourself a nice salmon complete with fens and gill lines. Well here are three ways to dress it up. First and most obvious - paint it. You can go for detail paint or you can use more of a water color approach that will give the wood a colored wash. The sky is really the limit here. Second, you mount it on a stand so it floats about the ground. Drill a small whole in the bottom of the fish, do the same in a wood block you've sanded up and you have s stand. Third and a bit more out there - consider if there are simple additions you can add. I made an angler fish and used a drive flower with stem as the attached antenna. Look around and think about what you can add to your project. Last and most basic, put a coat of varnish on it to seal it up - and if you choose give it a bit of shine. All these ideas will give a little bit of extra finish and pop to your project."
"Instruction : \nIs Dirty picture a movie?\n\nResponse : \nYes. The Dirty Picture is a 2011 Indian Hindi-language biographical musical drama film inspired by the life of Silk Smitha, an Indian actress. It is a real life story."
"Instruction : \nWho is the greatest basketball player of all time?\n\nResponse : \nWhile this question continues to be debated by sports fans and pundits around the globe nearly every single day, usually the answer comes down to one of a handful of players: Michael Jordan, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, LeBron James, or Bill Russell.\n\nMichael Jordan is the most common answer to this question. He won 6 championship rings, 5 MVP's and never lost an NBA Finals series. If he didn't take a two year hiatus from the NBA to play baseball, there is a good chance that he would have won 8 NBA championships in a row. Michael was a fantastic defender, and arguably the most relentless competitor that the NBA has ever seen. He was notorious for gambling on almost anything, and his iconic Air Jordan shoe is largely responsible for Nike's success as a global brand.\n\nKareem Abdul-Jabbar was, until recently, the NBA's all time leading scorer. He played 20 seasons in the NBA, was a 19-time All-Star, 6-time MVP, and a 6-time NBA champion. He was incredibly consistent throughout his entire career, and transcended the NBA as a civil rights activist, author and even an actor.\n\nLeBron James is the greatest NBA player of this generation. He is a five-time NBA champion, four-time MVP, and recently surpassed Kareem Abdul-Jabbar as the NBA's all time leading scorer. No player came in to the NBA with greater expectations, and somehow, LeBron surpassed them all. LeBron first made headlines at age 15, and many of his high school games were nationally televised. \n\nBill Russell was the ultimate teammate. In 13 seasons in the NBA he won 11 titles, all as a member of the Boston Celtics. During his last two seasons, he won the title as a Player/Coach, also becoming the first black coach to win an NBA title. Russell was a five-time MVP and 12-time NBA All Star, and is widely respected as the best defensive player of his era. He had a well-publicized rivalry with Wilt Chamberlain, but while Wilt chased stats, Bill made sure his team won. \n\nIn addition to these four, there have been many other amazing basketball players over the years, including modern stars like Stephen Curry, Kevin Durant, the late Kobe Bryant, Magic Johnson, Larry Bird and more. Debating who is the best player ever is part of what makes basketball so entertaining. So while most people may say that Michael Jordan is the greatest player ever, this debate will rage on for years to come as more and more stars enter the league and build their careers."
"Instruction : \nWho was the original singer of Static-X?\n\nResponse : \nThe original singer of metal band, Static-X, was Wayne Static."
"Instruction : \nWhat medicinal plants should I grow in my Mid-Atlantic garden?\n\nResponse : \nEchinacea\nElder\nBee balm\nLemon balm\nMullein\nBurdock\nYarrow\nWood Betony"
"Instruction : \nWhere did Alexander Digeon fought\n\nResponse : \nAlexander Elisabeth Michel vicomte Digeon, (27 June 1771 – 2 August 1826) fought in the French Revolutionary Wars in the cavalry. He became a general officer during the Napoleonic Wars, fighting in a number of important battles. After 1814, he gave his loyalty to the Bourbon Restoration and briefly served as Minister of War."