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Although inflation is ultimately a monetary phenomenon, it seems natural to expect, as others have argued, that these developments would have exerted some downward pressure on inflation in the United States.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
One of the things we’ve learned from our financial crisis and from a series of financial crises in history and around the globe is that, very commonly, when the economy takes a hit and falls into a recession, that productivity doesn’t pick up to pre-recession levels and that there looks like there is a permanent hit to the path of potential output for the economy, which is called “hysteresis.” And I raised the question as to whether or not this might operate in the opposite direction as well.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
The recent strains in financial markets posed additional downside risks to economic growth.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
Fourth, I will discuss the major findings of the review as codified in our new Statement on Longer-Run Goals and Monetary Policy Strategy and highlight some important policy implications that flow from them.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
The staff forecast prepared for this meeting suggested that economic activity likely would start to turn up early in 2002 as inventory liquidation tapered off, and would gather strength only gradually.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
At the conclusion of the discussion, the Committee voted to authorize and direct the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, until it was instructed otherwise, to execute transactions in the System Account in accordance with the following domestic policy directive: "The Federal Open Market Committee seeks monetary and financial conditions that will foster price stability and promote sustainable growth in output.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
We understand that inflation dynamics evolve constantly over time, but they don’t change rapidly.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
Over the medium term, participants expected strong growth in employment, driven by continued progress on vaccinations and an associated rebound of economic activity and of consumer and business confidence, as well as accommodative fiscal and monetary policy.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
The bottom line is that past performance, in several important dimensions, has been extraordinary and that prospects look favorable for continued expansion and relatively low inflation.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
the new statement maintains our definition that the longer-run goal for inflation is 2 percent, it elevates the importance—and the challenge—of keeping inflation expectations well anchored at 2 percent in a world in which an effective-lower-bound constraint is, in downturns, binding on the federal funds rate.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
Although some members noted that a case could be made that the risks to inflation were now somewhat skewed to the upside and those to sustainable economic growth perhaps to the downside, the most likely outcome remained one of stable prices and sustainable growth, and the Committee agreed that it should retain a balanced assessment of risks conditional on appropriate policy.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
Some Reasons for the Decline in Far-Forward Rates Why have the far-forward rates implied by the term structure of interest rates declined in recent years?
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
If you look at core PCE inflation, which is a good measure of where inflation is running now, if you look at it on a 3-, 6-, and 12-month trailing annualized basis, you’ll see that inflation is at 4.8 percent, 4.5 percent, and 4.8 percent.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
Indeed, a number of members saw merit in the staff forecast that some further disinflation was a likely prospect in such circumstances.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
So far this year, payroll employment had expanded at a faster pace than last year and the unemployment rate had declined further, although it remained elevated.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
The changes to the policy statement that we made over the past few FOMC meetings bring our policy guidance in line with the new framework outlined in the revised Statement on Longer-Run Goals and Monetary Policy Strategy that the Committee approved last August.4 In our new framework, we acknowledge that policy decisions going forward will be based on the FOMC's estimates of "shortfalls [emphasis added] of employment from its maximum level"—not "deviations."
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
In conjunction with the FOMC meeting in April, all meeting participants (Federal Reserve Board members and Reserve Bank presidents) provided annual projections for economic growth, the unemployment rate, and inflation for the period 2008 through 2010.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
But this is largely accounted for by a convergence of inflation rates.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
Expansion of these two monetary aggregates was supported by further rapid expansion in the demand for currency and stronger inflows to retail money market funds at a time of weakness in U. S. bond and equity markets.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
As a result, consistent with the policy implication of Bill's 1970 model, the Federal Reserve (like most other central banks) today uses the overnight interbank rate as the principal operating target of monetary policy.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
For example, although a number of features of Brazilian law promote the independence of the nation's central bank, the bank's de facto independence may be limited by the power of the president to remove members of the Monetary Policy Committee.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
The associated declines in wealth could amplify the effects on economic activity, which could have further knock-on effects on financial markets.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
Participants' forecasts for economic growth for 2012 and 2013 were largely unchanged from their January projections and continued to indicate expectations that the recovery will strengthen somewhat over time.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
Productivity accelerated.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
An unexpectedly sharp increase in wages or inflation could tell you that you’re reaching those points.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
While accommodative financial conditions and reduced income tax rates should continue to undergird consumer spending and the data on retail sales for July displayed relatively impressive gains, negative wealth effects from falling stock market prices, declining payrolls, and sluggish income gains--should they persist--might well depress consumer expenditures over coming months.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
The first area is the characterization of good monetary policy in increasingly realistic and complex model environments.
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While more moderate growth in consumer spending for durable goods seemed likely after an extended period of robust expansion, these favorable factors suggested that the risks of a different outcome were tilted in the direction of faster-than-projected expansion.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
Econometric methods were also refined to improve estimation and to accommodate more-complex dynamics in money demand equations.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
Most participants remarked that the standard of "substantial further progress" had been met with regard to the Committee's price-stability goal or that it was likely to be met soon.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
Spreads on risky private-sector debt reached very low levels, and damaging spillovers to the nonfinancial sector occurred in the form of unduly high real estate prices and excessive leverage by borrowers in the housing market.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
I look forward, as always, to my conversation with Tim, but first, please allow me to offer a few remarks on the economic outlook, Federal Reserve monetary policy, and our new monetary policy framework.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
In July, the range for M3 had been raised by two percentage points to reflect developments that seemed to be fostering a return to the historical pattern of somewhat faster growth in M3 than in M2.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
Strong fundamentals, including low interest rates, wide profit margins, and a high level of liquid assets, were seen as supporting expenditures on software and equipment going forward.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
Members agreed that the Federal Reserve was committed to using its full range of tools to support the U. S. economy in this challenging time, thereby promoting its maximum-employment and price-stability goals.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
Members expected to maintain an accommodative stance of monetary policy until those outcomes were achieved.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
May 26, 2021 The Economic Outlook and Monetary Policy Vice Chair for Supervision Randal K. Quarles At the Hutchins Center on Fiscal and Monetary Policy, The Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C. (via webcast) Share Watch Live Thank you, David, and thank you to Brookings and the Hutchins Center for the opportunity to lead things off and be part of this very distinguished panel.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
The staff's outlook for inflation was broadly unchanged.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
So let me start with the question pertaining to exchange rates.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
The staff's near-term forecast for inflation was revised up a little, as recent data showed somewhat faster-than-anticipated increases that were judged to be only partly transitory.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
The members concluded that retaining a risk statement weighted toward more inflation pressures would best represent their current thinking, but they believed it was desirable to provide some recognition of the emergence of increased downside risks to the economic expansion in the statement to be released after this meeting.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
Meeting Participants' Views and Committee Policy ActionIn conjunction with this FOMC meeting, all meeting participants-the four members of the Board of Governors and the presidents of the twelve Federal Reserve Banks-provided projections for economic growth, the unemployment rate, and consumer price inflation for each year from 2009 through 2011.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
In terms of the, you know, inflation, a couple things—your second question.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
However, in the view of at least some members, recent developments had reduced the unwelcome prospect of substantial additional disinflation.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
He was concerned that the flattening yield curve was partly due to falling longer-term inflation expectations or a lower neutral real rate of interest.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
In their discussion of prices, participants indicated that data over the intermeeting period, including measures of inflation expectations, suggested that underlying inflation was not in the process of moving higher.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
Between the end of July and the FOMC's September meeting, we will get two employment and CPI reports with data for July and August.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
continued to anticipate a moderate strengthening of the expansion in 2011 as well as a further pickup in economic growth in 2012.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
However, in this framework, the current period appears to be an outlier.4 That is, even after factoring in the current-cycle dynamics of strong profit growth and relatively modest investment, a good part of the rise in liquid assets remains unaccounted for--as much as one half of the total rise in cash-to-assets--according to Federal Reserve staff estimates.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
Risks to the inflation projection also were seen as balanced.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
"6 In the second half of the 1990s, this measurement puzzle was at the heart of monetary policymaking.7 Chairman Alan Greenspan famously argued that the United States was experiencing the dawn of a new economy, and that potential and actual output were likely understated in official statistics.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
Our tools work on demand.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
The effect of a productivity slowdown on employment growth is likewise ambiguous in the medium term.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
In a virtuous circle, stable inflation expectations help the central bank to keep inflation low even as it retains substantial freedom to respond to disturbances to the broader economy.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
While recognizing the value of smoothing, I still feel that in the interest rate targeting regime the Fed now uses, we should at times be ready to change interest rates quite quickly in response to economic conditions.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
And then we’ll look to have that just running in the background and have—and have the interest rates, again, be the active tool of monetary policy.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
This action was taken against the backdrop of heightened concerns and uncertainty created by the recent terrorist attacks and their potentially adverse effects on asset prices and the performance of the economy.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
The unemployment rate declined in May and , 2020 June but, at 11.1 percent, remains far above its level before the outbreak and greater than the Chair Powell’s Press Conference FINAL peak during the Global Financial Crisis.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
M3 growth slowed less than that of M2 in November, in part because of stepped-up issuance of large time deposits as banks reduced their reliance on funding from overseas offices.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
Less uncertainty about future inflation could lower the risk premiums on nominal Treasury bonds, lowering the risk-free interest rate.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
That central bank independence promotes lower inflation in developed countries is well-established by the economic literature.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
The economy is continuing to make progress toward the FOMC’s objective of maximum sustainable employment.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
But in terms of just targeting growth, you know, I think—I actually think our dual mandate works very well, which is maximum employment and stable prices.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
It was a question of not getting inflation up to our target on a robust, symmetric kind of a way.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) has been responsible for monetary policy decisions in the United States since it was established by the Banking Act of 1935, two decades after the founding of the Fed itself.2 The movement toward committees reflects the advantages of committees in aggregating a wide range of information, perspectives, and models.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
This is yet another concerningly high reading, and it set another 40-year record high despite the expectation of many forecasters that inflation had peaked earlier in the year.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
It is important to note, however, that although sound policy undoubtedly helped create the conditions for growth, macroeconomic policy cannot create growth itself.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
The Federal Reserve takes into account the spillovers of higher interest rates, a stronger dollar, and weaker demand from foreign economies into the United States, as well as in the reverse direction.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
Labor force participation isn't growing as much as one would expect with the hot job market, but apparently it's growing enough to keep the job creation machine humming.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
I mean, we—the—again, the relationship between slack in the economy and inflation is weak, has been weak.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
While these developments were positive, participants noted several factors that likely would continue to restrain the expansion in economic activity.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
Weekly data for March, however, indicated that gasoline prices rose sharply.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
If episodic recurrences of ruptured confidence are integral to the way our economy and our financial markets work now and in the future, it has significant implications for risk management and, by implication, macroeconomic modeling and monetary policy.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
For example, households have been able with increasing ease to extract equity from their homes, and this doubtless has helped support consumer spending in recent years, complementing the traditional effects of monetary policy.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
Most participants remarked that the standard of "substantial further progress" had been met with regard to the Committee's price-stability goal or that it was likely to be met soon.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
The expansion of M2 had declined substantially since late spring, apparently in part as a result of the widening opportunity costs of holding assets in M2 stemming from higher market interest rates and possibly also from slackening growth in household incomes.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
We must keep in mind that, difficult as the problem seems, consistently measured prices do exist in principle.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
Participants also noted that unemployment insurance claims continued to run at a historically elevated level, but the proportion of laid-off workers who expected to be recalled was unusually large.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
The fundamental price of an asset typically is defined in terms of the discounted present value of the income stream or equivalent services that the asset is expected to provide over time.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
Participants marked up their inflation projections, as they assessed that supply constraints in product and labor markets were larger and likely to be longer lasting than previously anticipated.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
A couple of participants indicated that they would not favor adopting a restrictive policy stance in the absence of clear signs of an overheating economy and rising inflation.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
Therefore, even in the case of personal computers, where we have made such great strides in measuring quality changes, I suspect that important phenomena still may not be adequately captured by our published price indexes.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
how long before it becomes a factor driving inflation?
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
In keeping with the practice at meetings when the Committee establishes its long-run ranges for growth of the money and debt aggregates, the members of the Committee and the Federal Reserve Bank presidents not currently serving as members had prepared individual projections of economic activity, the rate of unemployment, and inflation for the year 1996.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
Long-term government bond yields declined and headline equity indexes increased, on net, in most of these countries, with bank stock prices in the euro area rising more than broader indexes.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
The jobs picture continues to be strong, with the unemployment rate near historic lows and with stronger wage gains.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
As you said, falling oil prices pull down inflation.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
Participants' Views and Committee Policy ActionIn conjunction with this FOMC meeting, all meeting participants--the five members of the Board of Governors and the presidents of the 12 Federal Reserve Banks--provided projections for economic growth, the unemployment rate, and consumer price inflation for each year from 2009 through 2011 and over a longer horizon.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
Monetary policy clearly can do little about the first-round effects of a permanent rise in energy prices, which include both its direct impact on the energy component of overall consumer prices and the pass-through of higher energy costs into prices of non-energy goods and services.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
The staff still expected that the pace of economic activity through 2011 would be sufficient to reduce the existing margins of economic slack,
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
The absence of further large gains in stock prices, should recent trends persist, would remove this stimulus and probably induce some moderation in the growth of consumer spending.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
Remarkably, 30-year Treasury yields were only slightly lower than 10-year yields throughout the episode, implying that the markets had no confidence that inflation would ever return to 1950s or 1960s levels.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
In addition, the median estimate of the longer-run normal unemployment rate moved down a tenth to 4.6 percent.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
However, the dollar partially retraced these increases following the much weaker-than-expected U. S. employment report for May, finishing the period a bit stronger against the currencies of the AFEs and about 3 percent higher against EME currencies.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
Mr. Kocherlakota dissented because, in his view, the new forward guidance in the fifth paragraph of the statement would weaken the credibility of the Committee's commitment to its inflation goal by failing to communicate purposeful steps to more rapidly increase inflation to the 2 percent target and by suggesting that the Committee views inflation persistently below 2 percent as an acceptable outcome.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
Palmer was a professor at Wharton, a fellow of the American Statistical Association, a worldwide expert on manpower and labor mobility, and a consultant with the Office of Statistical Standards.5 She argued that "a single figure of unemployment, regardless of how it is defined or derived, is inadequate as a basis for selection among [policy] programs.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
And what we—it looks like we’re seeing a slowdown in the rate of growth.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
By the same token, the rate of price inflation was lower than had been reported, consistent with the findings of a number of studies of distortions in published price data.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
There are also asymmetric price effects from cost shocks—prices go up very quickly but often tend to come down more slowly, as consumers slowly learn that the bottlenecks have gone away.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
The Decline in Long-Term Interest Rates and the Role of Monetary Policy One of the most remarkable and fundamental changes in the global financial landscape over the past three decades has been the steady and significant decline in global sovereign bond yields.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.