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Financial markets are the channel through which our policy affects the economy, and asset prices contain valuable information about investors' expectations for the course of policy, economic activity, and inflation, as well as about the risks around those expectations.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
Although the moderation in the growth of aggregate demand would help limit inflation pressures over time, the Committee judged that some inflation risks remained.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
The Committee will regularly review the size and composition of its securities holdings in light of incoming information and is prepared to adjust those holdings as needed to best foster maximum employment and price stability.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
Some members expressed concern about the longer-run prospects for large federal deficits and their implications for the future performance of the economy.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
These geopolitical events also pose downside risks to growth.
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In addition, the Committee reaffirmed its intention to keep the target federal funds rate at 0 to 1/4 percent and retained its forward guidance that it anticipates that this exceptionally low range for the federal funds rate will be appropriate at least as long as the unemployment rate remains above 6-1/2 percent, inflation between one and two years ahead is projected to be no more than a half percentage point above the Committee's 2 percent longer-run goal, and longer-term inflation expectations continue to be well anchored.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
Perhaps because those asset prices are important to spending, key macroeconomic indicators, such as the unemployment rate, exhibit a similar pattern.
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However, it is not yet clear how high we will need to raise the federal funds rate and how much time will pass before we begin to see inflation moving back down in a consistent and lasting way.
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A third factor underpinning longer-run prospects for growth is the sustained strong uptrend in labor productivity.
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So we do say that risks to the financial system—we say in our longer-run statement of goals and monetary policy strategy that risks to the financial system that could prevent us from achieving our goals are something that we do take into consideration.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
But, by June, prices had risen 4 percent over the previous 12 months, ticked up to 4.2 percent in July, and increased further to 4.3 percent in August.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
U.S. monetary policy responded to these global "headwinds," helping stave off actual contractions of U.S. activity.
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Another clear attempt at political interference emerged in February 1988 when an undersecretary of the Treasury sent a letter to Federal Reserve officials urging them to ease monetary policy.
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Committee Policy Action In their discussion of monetary policy for this meeting, members agreed that the coronavirus outbreak was causing tremendous human and economic hardship across the United States and around the world.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
When the government runs deficits, it siphons off private savings (reducing national saving), leaving less available for capital investment.
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Participants noted that the improved performance of investment suggested that the expansion was becoming more balanced, with strengthening business spending potentially offsetting some moderation in the growth of household spending from the elevated rates of recent years.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
Although the Fed hasn't started raising rates or reducing the balance sheet, interest rates have moved up notably.
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So, as you know, the ultimate focus that we have is on the real economy: maximum employment and price stability.
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Moreover, to the extent that more-rapid growth of productivity shows through to faster gains in nominal wages, there will be fewer instances in which nominal wages will be pressured to fall.
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Many would ask what challenges could monetary policymakers possibly face in the U.S., given the remarkable combination of consistent above-trend growth and declining inflation?
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But before I return to the prospects for 1998 and the challenges for monetary policy, I will offer a retrospective on 1997.
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It was the year of synchronized global growth.
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You’ll never get inflation to 2 percent.” Some of our critics now who say inflation’s too tight—too high were the same ones who were saying, “You’ll never get to 2 percent.” Well, but anyway, that’s what happened.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
In the staff forecast prepared for this meeting, the economy was seen as likely to expand at a pace a little above that of its longer-run potential over this year and next, while hiring was expected to firm some more, resulting in a further decrease in the unemployment rate.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
In particular, we may need additional public communications about the conditions that constitute substantial further progress since December toward our broad and inclusive definition of maximum employment.
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In these circumstances, I believe, it is appropriate to put greater weight on incoming data to determine whether the stance of monetary policy should be changed.
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The more inflation rose, the more people came to expect it to remain high, and they built that belief into wage and pricing decisions.
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core CPI inflation remained low.
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Here in the United States, my colleague Governor Mike Kelley has stated that we are likely to see some disruptions to economic activity because of Year 2000 problems but the effects are likely to be temporary and quickly reversed.
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On the upside, recent fiscal policy changes could lead to a greater expansion in economic activity over the next few years than the staff projected.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
November 08, 2021 Flexible Average Inflation Targeting and Prospects for U.S. Monetary Policy Vice Chair Richard H. Clarida At the Symposium on Monetary Policy Frameworks, The Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C. (via webcast) Share Watch Live Outlooks and Outcomes for the U.S. Economy The U.S. economy in the second quarter of this year made the transition from economic recovery to economic expansion.1 Given the catastrophic collapse in U.S. economic activity in the first half of 2020 as a result of the global pandemic and the mitigation efforts put in place to contain it, few forecasters could have expected—or even dared to hope—in the spring of last year that the recovery in gross domestic product (GDP), from the sharpest decline in activity since the Great Depression, would be either so robust or as rapid.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
The economy continued to perform well into 2007, with solid growth through the third quarter and unemployment remaining near recent lows.
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Measures of inflation compensation were little changed on net.
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That projection, along with the path to year-three inflation, should help the public differentiate short-term shocks to price stability from the longer-term price trends it should use for planning purposes.
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It will be a while before we can be sure that a self-sustaining expansion is underway of sufficient strength and persistence to put the economy back on a path toward full employment.
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But I do think that—and I do think also that unemployment insurance benefits will run out in September, so to the extent that’s a factor, which is not clear, it will no longer be a factor fairly soon.
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that longer-term inflation expectations were likely to remain anchored, partly because modest changes in labor costs would constrain inflation trends
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In their discussion of monetary policy for the period ahead, members agreed that it would be appropriate to maintain the existing highly accommodative stance of monetary policy.
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Looking beyond this spring, my views on the appropriate pace of interest rate increases and balance sheet reduction for this year and beyond will depend on how the economy evolves.
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In contrast, some other participants judged that the economy had not yet reached maximum employment.
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But I think that that’s a prudent move, to move in a gradual way to remove Chair Yellen’s Press Conference FINAL accommodation, with unemployment now—and not only, I should say, the unemployment rate, but I think any indicator of labor market performance and tightness that you could look at, whether it’s household perceptions of the availability of jobs, difficulty that firms report in hiring workers, the rate at which workers are quitting their jobs, the rate of job openings, all of these indicators do signal a tight labor market.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
For example, Kozicki and Tinsley (2001) show that it is far easier to make sense of the term structure of Treasury yields if one assumes that expectations about long-run inflation adjust in a reasonable adaptive manner.
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In light of asset market developments over the intermeeting period, which in large part appeared to reflect heightened expectations among investors that the Federal Reserve would undertake additional purchases of longer-term securities, the November forecast was conditioned on lower long-term interest rates, higher stock prices, and a lower foreign exchange value of the dollar than was the staff's previous forecast.
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Largely as a consequence of rapidly expanding "new economy" investments, gains in productivity had occurred at remarkable rates in recent years.
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For these reasons, I have been interested in exploring approaches that expand the space for targeting interest rates in a more continuous fashion as an extension of our conventional policy space and in a way that reinforces forward guidance on the policy rate.18 In particular, there may be advantages to an approach that caps interest rates on Treasury securities at the short-to-medium range of the maturity spectrum—yield curve caps—in tandem with forward guidance that conditions liftoff from the ELB on employment and inflation outcomes.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
The idea is that providing more information about the Committee's views of the economic outlook may allow financial market prices to reflect more accurately the likely future stance of monetary policy.
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The lagged effects of the substantial easing in monetary policy this year and the fiscal stimulus measures already enacted into law were expected to buttress demand and economic recovery over the next year.
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Domestic demand growth has slumped in many foreign economies because of varying combinations of an increase in saving rates and a decline in investment.
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Indicators for China in July pointed to only a modest slowing of output growth from its torrid pace in the first half of the year.
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Balance Sheet Policies and Reserve Demand Taking stock, I note that one approach to the constraints on policy imposed by the current low level of interest rates is to make what were previously unconventional tools—balance sheet policies and forward guidance—as conventional as possible.
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So I don’t have a sense—the Committee doesn’t try to gauge what is the right level of equity prices.
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Private nonfarm payroll employment increased appreciably on balance over September and October.
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The unemployment rate was unchanged over the period between the April and June meetings,
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Over this period, inflation remained above most definitions of price stability, and the Federal Reserve was not actively seeking to reduce it.
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Indeed, financial services firms had already announced layoffs, largely reflecting mortgage market developments, the demand for temporary workers appeared to have softened, and the most recent weakening in construction employment was likely to continue for a while.
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If the outlook for the labor market does not improve substantially, the Committee will continue its purchases of Treasury and agency mortgage-backed securities, and employ its other policy tools as appropriate, until such improvement is achieved in a context of price stability.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
Notwithstanding the shift toward monetary policy committees, each central bank and its institutional structure reflects the politics and culture of the country that it serves (or "countries" in the case of the European Central Bank).
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In fact, it’s already—it’s already understood, I think, that—that there’s more—even though we’re at 3½ percent unemployment, there’s actually more slack out there, in a sense.
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It is again useful to compare estimates of expected inflation derived from breakeven inflation data with estimates of expected inflation obtained from surveys—for example, the expected inflation over the next 5 to 10 years from the University of Michigan Surveys of Consumers.
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I would like to address two aspects of the issue of underemployment of minorities: first, the implications of ignoring the potential that already exists and, second, the need to encourage young people to seek the types of education and training that will meet the demands of work in the twenty-first century.
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On the upside, bottlenecks, supply disruptions, and historically high rates of resource utilization were seen as potential sources of greater-than-expected inflationary pressures, particularly if there were a significant rise in inflation expectations that altered inflation dynamics.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
If we don’t see the improvement that’s projected in the baseline outlook, that the June 18, 2014 opposite would be true and the pace of the timing and pace of interest rate increases would be Chair Yellen’s Press Conference FINAL later and more gradual.
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The labor market improved in August, and the unemployment rate edged down to 5.
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Profit margins have been running a little higher this year than last, aided importantly by strong growth in labor productivity.
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Recent data pointed to little change in underlying inflation trends.
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Job gains had remained solid, and the unemployment rate had stayed near its recent low.
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A few participants also noted that uncertainty about the extent of resource slack in the economy was considerable and that it was quite possible that the economy could soon be operating close to potential, particularly if labor force participation rates did not turn up much while employment continued to register gains.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
Relative to the average episode, commercial real estate prices neither fell much during the recession nor rose a lot during the expansion.
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Although productivity growth had slowed from the extraordinarily rapid pace that prevailed earlier in the expansion, data for the fourth quarter of 2004, as well as preliminary indications for the first quarter of this year, suggested that gains from efficiency remained substantial.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
While numerous contacts reported generally disappointing holiday sales in an environment of atypically large and widespread discounting, a surge in motor vehicle sales in December fostered by aggressive sales incentives and some pickup in retail sales late in the holiday season helped to sustain moderate overall growth in consumer spending through the year-end.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
Over the 1994-2002 period, seven prominent inflation-targeting industrial countries had a mean inflation rate of consumer prices of 2.1 percent per year with a standard deviation of 1.7 percent.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
The review of regional economic developments by the Federal Reserve Bank presidents pointed to moderate expansion in economic activity across much of the nation, though growth was described as modest in a few regions and relatively robust in some others.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
These are, you know, this is—this is the economy at nearly full employment or in the range—in the neighborhood of full employment.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
To provide some evidence for this assertion, as well as some reasons for it, I draw your attention to a speech that Chairman Greenspan made earlier this year, entitled "Risk and Uncertainty in Monetary Policy" (Greenspan, 2004).
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
Although members generally saw little risk that maintaining very low short-term interest rates could raise inflation expectations or create instability in asset markets, they noted that it was important to remain alert to these risks.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
Reserve market conditions associated with this directive had been expected to be consistent with some moderation in the growth of M2 and M3 over coming months.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
A substantial increase in lending to nonprime borrowers contributed to the bulge in residential investment in 2004 and 2005, and the tightening of credit conditions for these borrowers likely accounts for some of the continued softening in demand we have seen this year.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
It would have been difficult for the Committee to put forward a 7 percent unemployment goal when the current program started and unemployment was 8.1 percent; this would have involved a lot of uncertainty about the magnitude of asset purchases required to reach this goal.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
China has eased some of its most stringent COVID containment measures but recently revived travel restrictions in some areas, and its approach to the pandemic remains an upside risk for inflation.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
Indeed, such hearings used to be a regular feature in the weeks leading up to semiannual monetary policy hearings.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
In short, rising commodity prices are a better signal of strengthening economic activity than of inflation at the consumer level.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
Broad equity price indexes were higher over the intermeeting period, amid heightened volatility.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
The staff expected the 12-month change in PCE prices to gradually move down in coming months, reflecting, importantly, the fading of base effects along with smaller expected monthly price increases,
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
At the conclusion of the discussion, the Committee voted to authorize and direct the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, until it was instructed otherwise, to execute transactions in the System Account in accordance with the following domestic policy directive: "The Federal Open Market Committee seeks monetary and financial conditions that will foster price stability and promote sustainable growth in output.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
With the economic outlook held constant, changes in the net demand for long-term securities have their largest effect on the term premium.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
In a paper presented at a recent conference at the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, Kozicki and Tinsley (2003) develop an empirical model of the economy under the assumptions that the Fed's implicit inflation target is subject to permanent shocks and that the public learns about the Fed's target over time.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
At the conclusion of the discussion, the Committee voted to authorize and direct the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, until it was instructed otherwise, to execute transactions in the SOMA in accordance with the following domestic policy directive: "Consistent with its statutory mandate, the Federal Open Market Committee seeks monetary and financial conditions that will foster maximum employment and price stability.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
Through this channel, the decline in inflation volatility should be reflected in a smaller inflation risk premium in nominal bond yields, which is exactly what is estimated in the Kim, Walsh, and Wei (2019) yield curve model (figure 4, "Term Premium Decomposition").
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
The dual mandate seems proper and fitting, given that economic costs are incurred both by having inflation stray from its long-run goal and by having output deviate from the economy's potential to produce
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
Inflation had been subdued of late,
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
So I think, through all of those channels, monetary policy works.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
In any event, it was clear that forecasts in recent years typically had overstated the rise in inflation, and a great deal of uncertainty surrounded the extent to which productivity gains and other factors, some unspecified, might continue to hold down inflation in a period of robust economic growth and relatively tight labor markets.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
survey-based measures of longer-term inflation expectations were little changed.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
The risk of higher inflation in this environment has two dimensions.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
Though labor markets were expected to remain relatively tight for some time, the members saw little prospect that inflation would gather significant momentum in coming quarters.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
In addition, contacts reported that softer export sales, weaker economic activity abroad, and elevated levels of uncertainty regarding the global outlook were weighing on business sentiment and leading firms to reassess plans for investment spending.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
This term has been interpreted by many observers to mean that the Committee's reaction function aimed to be symmetric on either side of the 2 percent inflation goal, and that the FOMC set policy with the (ex ante) aim that the 2 percent goal should represent an inflation ceiling in economic expansions following economic downturns in which inflation falls below target.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
A commonly used analogy takes the U.S. economy to be an automobile, the FOMC to be the driver, and monetary policy actions to be taps on the accelerator or brake.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
Looking ahead, some growth in overall consumer spending appeared likely in association with the now more firmly entrenched economic expansion.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.
We also expect it will be appropriate to maintain the current target range for the federal funds rate at 0 to 1/4 percent until labor market conditions have reached levels consistent with the Committee's assessments of maximum employment, until inflation has risen to 2 percent, and until inflation is on track to moderately exceed 2 percent for some time.
You are an expert financial analyst. Classify the following sentence from FOMC into ‘HAWKISH’, ‘DOVISH’, or ‘NEUTRAL’ class. Label HAWKISH if it is corresponding to tightening of the monetary policy, DOVISH if it is corresponding to easing of the monetary policy, or NEUTRAL if the stance is neutral.