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1 value
And so this was one of our lower contract bases and was lower than a year ago.
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On the business side, I think we have both pleased with the results.
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And what we're doing on Messenger and on WhatsApp are really making sure that businesses can connect with people, and then in the early stages of testing messaging.
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I mentioned iCloud, and so it all adds up.
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In terms of the other things that we're doing, we have some great capability and great teams in Apple.
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And as I said, we will talk about capital allocation plans when we report at the March quarter and that will include talking about timeframes and pace and so on.
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Under the old methodology we would have had $300 million more of both revenue and operating income in the quarter.
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Right, I would say actually we've also seen some operating income growth in our PBP segment this quarter, up in constant currency, 7% before LinkedIn.
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My hats off to operations team and all the people who worked on that because it was Christmas in July quite frankly, a bigger day than Black Friday, as we've said and orders increased 266% year-over-year.
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There were not any one-time benefits in this quarter that helped us.
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So between both of those and the first time buyers as well, it seems really, really good right now.
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We've rolled out in all countries where we offer Facebook ads.
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We think marketplace is that.
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So I think the fact that we've already gotten 2 million advertisers to move into Stories is because we've gotten better at making it easier.
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Instagram is clearly making a contribution and as is the Audience Network.
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This year, with that in mind and then knowing that our growth rate is actually accelerating on a unit basis, we are – Q2 was 28% unit growth for paid units, but fulfilled by – units Fulfilled by Amazon is much higher than that due to the growth of Prime and FBA.
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a 'premise', offering evidence or reasoning, or a 'claim', asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Return only a single word, either premise or claim
When you see the Dynamics 365 growth or Azure IoT growth, taking every IoT project, it ends up as a field service project, so that's a classic way somebody says, let me sense something, predict something and then actually fix using field service.
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Same thing on server management, we have a new suite called the Operations Management Suite, which also spans all the cloud units as well as on-premise units.
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That tends to have a very good margin profile.
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But overall, I believe this hyperscale plus hybrid architecturally helps us a lot with enterprise customers
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And we think that we're uniquely positioned to show them the direct benefit of their advertising.
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We are matching that with just over 30% increase in square footage, and you're right, that does include some shipping sort centers and things that are incremental and new functions for us, if you will.
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So to me, those high-level services will over time attach in Azure, but also in Dynamics as well as in Office 365.
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We also are incredibly happy to see the highest Android switcher rate that we've observed.
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There are things that remain relatively similar as we launch new products.
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In terms of the strength that we're seeing in the U.S. and Canada on the revenue front, obviously, Instagram is playing a big, big role there and the growth of impressions from Stories is factoring into it.
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We see what products you use within Facebook or Instagram, or Facebook and Instagram, as less important as the best products for the right marketer at the right time to drive their business results.
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So, yeah, you will see more expansion from us.
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I think what’s exciting about those platforms is that they combine the art and the science of both a creative canvas that marketers are excited about and targeting.
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Outlook is the email client for Windows.
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And on the testimony, these are important issues and I think that that was an important moment to be able to go and hear what people were wondering about and just to have a public hearing of answering all of the questions around Cambridge Analytica and what we knew and all the steps that we're taking on data privacy and developers to make sure that this doesn't happen again and to lay out all the different things that we're doing.
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I think this is going to be an exciting year.
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So that's one place where as you know, any AI project first starts with data, and that's one place where we are seeing good traction.
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And so many of those were sold into emerging markets, not all of them, but many of them.
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But along with the bookstores, we also have – you'll see us in pop-up stores and college pickup points.
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There are a number of other things that we're doing too, including creating an external program for independent academics to study how the impact of social media and how foreign governments try to interfere in elections.
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So we decided hey, we're going to put together a team that's going to invest in making this actually good for buying and selling and see how much we can grow that economy.
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And so Pages are a good and free and easy way to have a mobile presence, and that's something we're very focused on growing.
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You can click through or tap through to a message thread, and then you can either get customer support or complete a transaction or do a follow-on transaction.
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Just a lot of things moving -- a lot of moving parts in the fulfillment center world right now and our transport networks.
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So that may be where you're making the statement about the slowdown in growth, but the trajectory was very similar from prior quarters for both of those numbers.
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And as we are more effective at getting direct response into Stories, that should improve, so some opportunity there.
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And so without giving you exact numbers, if we would have the same rate on iPhone 6s that we did iPhone 6, it would be time for a huge party.
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And for example, they would target in the U.S. age 18 and above frequent international travelers living in cities where they had routes or Indian expats living in the U.S. to promote new routes to Mumbai.
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So we're seeing good diversified growth.
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You’re seeing leverage through the P&L and we’ll see a moderating rate in FY’19 even if Q1 is the big quarter.
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Of course, we have done smaller acquisitions, but they add up.
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So in addition to Messenger, which is at 900 million people a month, and WhatsApp, which is at more than 1 billion people a month, Facebook Groups is also at more than 1 billion people a month, which I think represents the increasing diversity of the different types of audiences that people want to share with.
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So that's what we've designed it for.
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And we had things like same-day delivery which we talked about.
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And so that's our focus, and I'm optimistic that – I don't know every play by play that will happen, but over time, I think that view will prevail.
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I think we're just finally getting into the early innings of what is true hybrid computing and it's good to sort of see those in last quarter's results as well.
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If you look at it on a geographic basis, the top three selling phones in urban China were iPhone, where iPhone X was number one and has been for a couple of quarters, and iPhones make up three of the top five smartphones in the U.S., UK and Japan.
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IoT, for example, was not a workload on the old server world, whereas it's one of the big workloads for us.
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But some of – the vast majority of the content that's consumed on Facebook just talking about video right now is people browsing through feed.
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We've had a really nice program in extra internships where we're taking people who are not yet majoring in computer science but we think have the ability, and teaching them for a summer and seeing them return, to the work we're doing with our female engineers to make sure that all forms of bias are surfaced and eliminated.
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And then in terms of payments, there's multiple approaches that we're taking there.
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The overall commercial cloud revenue mix, but I would also say the directionality of the Azure gross margin for example which recent significantly improved we expect to continue.
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So we think about this part more holistically, and same thing with Dynamics.
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So there's a lot of room to expand that and that's just a big opportunity for the Internet overall and for India over the next decade and we hope to play a role in that.
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On robotics first, we don't have any new numbers to share with you, but we're super excited with the progress of that business.
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And this is something that they've always focused on.
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And from an India point of view, if you look at India, and each country has a different story a bit, but the things that have held not only us back perhaps but some others as well is that the LTE rollout with India just really began this year,
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And continually again AWS is being chosen as a partner to many companies because of our leadership position both in technology, our vibrant partner ecosystem, and also the stronger security that we offer.
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By running across Facebook Stories and Instagram Stories, they drove 20% more leads than our other digital campaigns.
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And so, by the time you move all of that out of the comparison group, you really get back to very similar trends in our D&C licensing business that we saw this quarter for what I think was a component to you are focused on which is OEM Pro and OEM non-Pro, which we expect to really resemble the results we saw this quarter and marry -- and to matched up PC business dynamics overall.
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Along with that, goes the advertising opportunities.
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In terms of larger developers, if you step back and look at the value proposition for people from the App Store, there are two key constituencies in that equation.
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And there can be timing, quarter-to-quarter, the operating margin and levels of investment can fluctuate, but certainly continue to expand.
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because these two factors that I just mentioned are not going to repeat.
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And the other one is the on-premises server number which is very good in terms of hybrid demand this quarter also with high margin.
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I view that as strategic relevance long term inside of digital accounts.
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On head count, I would just point out that our payroll growth tends to lag head count growth, because head count is an end-of-period number, so the acceleration that we're seeing in 2017 will obviously play out in 2018 as well.
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And I think as Brian mentioned, India is a country that we're doubling down on based on the success we've seen there so far.
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We think there's a lot of opportunity for people to have commercial intent, if not have it when they start, but develop it because they see things they're interested in, in both.
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So that is great.
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So we're still very full in our fulfillment centers.
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And so there's no doubt about that.
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It's been double-digit consistent growth.
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Obviously, those results would have been higher without some of the FX headwinds that Luca mentioned earlier.
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I mean we have -- we are pleased with the engagement that we're seeing on the Facebook app broadly.
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And it's the fact that last year we had this award for a patent infringement of $548 million.
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We've seen great response from customers.
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We do not manage this company quarter to quarter.
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So we're very pleased with our customer engagement this year.
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It can be someone coming from Azure, Dynamics, EMS.
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So we think that's all foundational.
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So within that context, we're not breaking out specific cohorts, but we remain a great place for advertisers to reach Millennials.
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Overall, we continue to expect each service is going to get better and better.
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I think you'll continue to see us take a balanced approach, but I don't think of those as being related.
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On Millennials, we were really pleased –
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We've made significant changes in how we've allocated our own organic dollars, both in R&D as well as in sales and marketing.
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But our approach frankly is not changing over time.
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And we think more and more people will do that, particularly as we do a better job of combining the interfaces.
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Now our objective for the quarter wasn't primarily sales.
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a 'premise', offering evidence or reasoning, or a 'claim', asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Return only a single word, either premise or claim
The team is doing a terrific job in terms of working on behalf of customers to pass on savings as they see it.
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a 'premise', offering evidence or reasoning, or a 'claim', asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Return only a single word, either premise or claim
We’re obviously -- we're just in the U.S. right now and so there's tons of countries to go to and there is not a day that goes by that I don’t get notes from many businesses outside U.S. running Apple Pay and banks and merchants.
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a 'premise', offering evidence or reasoning, or a 'claim', asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Return only a single word, either premise or claim
And so that's what, that and our new products give us great confidence headed into this holiday season that this is going to be the best holiday season yet.
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a 'premise', offering evidence or reasoning, or a 'claim', asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Return only a single word, either premise or claim
So on AI, I think that there's a very big shift in how we're going to think about content moderation on the platform.
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a 'premise', offering evidence or reasoning, or a 'claim', asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Return only a single word, either premise or claim
And we think that there's a lot more connecting in community that people want there.
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a 'premise', offering evidence or reasoning, or a 'claim', asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Return only a single word, either premise or claim