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So, for the video tab, the goal that we have for the product experience is to make it so that when people want to watch videos or they want to keep up to date on what's going on with their favorite show or what's going on with the public figure that they want to follow, that they can come to Facebook and go to a place knowing that that's going to show them all the content that they're interested in.
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a 'premise', offering evidence or reasoning, or a 'claim', asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Return only a single word, either premise or claim
Advertising is going to be the way that the revenue comes in for the foreseeable future, but what we expect is as we build out more commerce-related features around shopping, and Instagram and Marketplace and Facebook and certainly, the private social platform that we’re – that I’ve been talking about I think will lend itself to private interactions around payments and commerce and interacting with businesses in that way, I think what we’re going this is we’re going to build more tools for people to buy things directly through the platform.
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Once you adjust for the fact that Whole Foods, it was purchased in August of last year and that has impacted every quarter since then, Q4 will be the first solid non-Whole Foods comp since before we bought them since Q2 of last year.
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a 'premise', offering evidence or reasoning, or a 'claim', asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Return only a single word, either premise or claim
It can start with some of our devices in the first-line worker.
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The next component which is a change is we have actually launched some of our Office 365 consumer services in Japan, which is a Geo that we had not been in historically.
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a 'premise', offering evidence or reasoning, or a 'claim', asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Return only a single word, either premise or claim
So we are putting more compute behind that.
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a 'premise', offering evidence or reasoning, or a 'claim', asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Return only a single word, either premise or claim
The very best example, frankly, as Satya mentioned in his comments, which is our EMS performance, Enterprise Mobility Suite offerings.
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a 'premise', offering evidence or reasoning, or a 'claim', asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Return only a single word, either premise or claim
Instagram has more heavy usage of Stories, so that's an area of continued growth opportunity because the effective levels of monetization in Stories are lower.
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And so we're working toward those things.
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a 'premise', offering evidence or reasoning, or a 'claim', asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Return only a single word, either premise or claim
It’s not the only market that we are working on obviously.
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a 'premise', offering evidence or reasoning, or a 'claim', asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Return only a single word, either premise or claim
But we've also been innovating over the past several years.
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a 'premise', offering evidence or reasoning, or a 'claim', asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Return only a single word, either premise or claim
And it’s new penetration, so it’s not even a one-for-one replacement, even for the enterprise customer there consumption is going up.
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a 'premise', offering evidence or reasoning, or a 'claim', asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Return only a single word, either premise or claim
So if you look even at our announcements over this quarter, a lot of what we have done with IoT is create an IoT edge.
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a 'premise', offering evidence or reasoning, or a 'claim', asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Return only a single word, either premise or claim
You've got the impact of the opt-outs
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Secondly to provide a bit more color, sales of the Watch did exceed our expectations and they did so despite supply still trailing demand at the end of the quarter.
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a 'premise', offering evidence or reasoning, or a 'claim', asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Return only a single word, either premise or claim
So it's really nothing more than looking at the state of the program, the high benefits it's delivering.
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a 'premise', offering evidence or reasoning, or a 'claim', asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Return only a single word, either premise or claim
This is a decision we made many, many years ago in some sense inception of Azure was built for a future which is much more distributed computing done in a very different way than the client server area.
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Yeah, we are seeing - as you can see in the operating margin, we're seeing a good advertising growth both in North America and also internationally.
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So, we believe customers are starting to notice and take advantage of this.
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And we've got a goal of bringing more than 10 million online by 2025.
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When I talk about the premium services mix, in our Office Commercial 365 business being about 60%, that is what's driving whether that's the mix shift to E3 or ultimately to E5 you will continue to see and have headroom in that number but you are right, we are encouraged by the ARPU growth and the value proposition that has customers choosing the premium SKUs and continuing to choose those premium SKUs over time.
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So, there's a lot of efficiencies that are going on day-to-day around here.
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One is this true distributed hybrid.
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And so the nut of the idea is that I think there's still really, really good business in the developed markets, so I wouldn't want to write those off.
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It is a modern workplace that includes up-to-date Office 365 and it includes EMS.
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As you know the -- gaming is the top category on the App Store.
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In India, we started from scratch and have built a lot of things ourselves.
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They saw a three times increase in their online bookings and I think those kind of results are made possible by more vertical-specific products,
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Now, in terms of having support for these different runtimes, you're absolutely right, that's the reason why for example on Azure itself Java is first class.
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So that’s what hopefully gives you a flavor for the IP that we have.
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A good deal of that is tied to the AWS business.
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The better we can do with dealers and with auto manufacturers at measuring all the way through the purchase, the better off we are.
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But generally, just strong usage growth -- usage growth continues to be strong growing at a higher rate than our revenue growth rate, and customers continued to add workloads and expand.
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So it would be early to be talking about large shipment volumes.
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It's a lot lower.
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But I just think that the area that it's currently operating within, it's hard to tell the difference of the consumer level for us.
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In the more temporal bucket this quarter as well as last you saw a bit of it, some geo help in certain geos that may see and be more transactional in nature.
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82% of people who start advertising with us start with our really simple ad products.
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And so our task is to convince people that currently – or have another type of phone to switch, while really taking care of people that have an iPhone so that they choose – when they elect to buy another phone, that they buy another iPhone.
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So I think what you're going to start to see are people interacting with pages, maybe follow a page on Facebook or Instagram.
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So, it really got a lot more traction in this, the third year that we've had it.
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And so I think in this cycle, we've learned that customers want innovative products and we sort of already knew that in other cycles and other points in times, but it just puts an exclamation point by that I believe with looking at the results.
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So particularly pleased with the new customers that we've added and the additional workloads that we've picked up from existing customers.
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We are seeing tremendous growth of Minecraft expansion on mobile platform in China.
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They grew by 21%, which is an acceleration from what we had seen in the previous quarter.
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Even this quarter is a great example.
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So I would not characterize it as a cycle.
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a 'premise', offering evidence or reasoning, or a 'claim', asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Return only a single word, either premise or claim
And so, that has a factor on desktop growth.
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a 'premise', offering evidence or reasoning, or a 'claim', asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Return only a single word, either premise or claim
As people spend more time with News Feed, we get better about understanding what they like and getting the content that they care about in front of them.
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And so we’re really proud of the results there and continue to invest in the country.
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a 'premise', offering evidence or reasoning, or a 'claim', asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Return only a single word, either premise or claim
We opened up a Amazon four-star location in New York City where we're going to test the concept of a highly curated selection of top categories across Amazon.
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This growth rate is going to bounce around.
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a 'premise', offering evidence or reasoning, or a 'claim', asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Return only a single word, either premise or claim
However, that said, I think AR can be huge.
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From a revenue point of view, we had very strong growth there.
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so in the near-term we're investing to grow the community, execute on the existing business, both on the product side and then the advertising and sales force side.
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a 'premise', offering evidence or reasoning, or a 'claim', asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Return only a single word, either premise or claim
And I think, Karl, to your question about how that shows up, it's why you hear us focus more on the all-up KPI between Azure and this transactional or on-premise number,
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We really did see strength across all of them.
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And so we don't enter into those with no experience, although we will enter into them humbly.
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But we're getting good feedback on that upfront.
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a 'premise', offering evidence or reasoning, or a 'claim', asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Return only a single word, either premise or claim
Are we investing in the right types of people, in the right capabilities?
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I think one of the things that's interesting about Instagram is while the ads are really visually appealing and that brings to mind certain verticals like fashion or autos, things where the visual really matters, what we're seeing is that lots of different verticals can use the platform really well.
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I see it every day in my Outlook Mobile.
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So I would say the Prime membership to Prime flywheel, the additional benefits we are adding to Prime, not only in North America but also Internationally, and additional selection both retail and FBA which feeds the Prime flywheel.
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So one area where I'm very proud that we're doing great work is around identifying terrorist content.
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And the cost is also high, as we pointed out especially with shipping options and digital benefits, we continue to see rises in costs.
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Now, this all goes to the balance sheet.
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At least that's what we're seeing in North America.
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So I think that is kind of playing out as we expected.
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We've been operating at scale for over 13 years in this business and we continue to refine our software to run more efficiently on the hardware.
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I mean we think it'll be good for the business over the long-term, but this is what people are telling us is what they want on the product.
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I think in the last quarter, you saw in health care, in retail, in financial services.
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As Luca mentioned earlier, our revenues are up 14% year-over-year on iPhone and that's a combination of single digit unit growth and ASP growth that is mainly driven by iPhone X.
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But overall, I mean the reason why we’re interested in this as the social company is that we think that this is going to be a new way that people interact.
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And then, financial leases for infrastructure, which are good proxy for capital investment and infrastructure, after growing 69% in 2017, grew 10%.
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a 'premise', offering evidence or reasoning, or a 'claim', asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Return only a single word, either premise or claim
And so on occasion what that does, even with the negative currency impact on C&B, is have a bit of lumpiness over time.
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I have to say that it's been remarkable.
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We've talked a bit about our Prime launch in India, and alluded to the fact that we'll be having video soon in India, but local content and also Amazon Originals.
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And that's -- everything is already very tightly integrated kind of below the surface, in a way that people using these apps may not feel.
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We're also continuing to focus on the enterprise market.
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a 'premise', offering evidence or reasoning, or a 'claim', asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Return only a single word, either premise or claim
And then the other element was the fact that we've reduced more than 4 million units of channel inventory on the high end.
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a 'premise', offering evidence or reasoning, or a 'claim', asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Return only a single word, either premise or claim
So you're coming up against a bigger business last year than we had in the past.
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One of them recently was LEGO.
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So there's a big mix going on, and we like the new innovation that we're bringing to the capabilities, but that ramp still stays about consistent as it was.
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I mean this whole trend is much newer than the trend with News Feed and feeds overall and it continues to grow incredibly quickly.
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They were the first part of the community to get access to these new features.
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I don't have the percentage of exactly how many customers are working on this type of measurement with us.
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A lot of the work that we end up doing goes towards making it easier for small businesses to be able to -- without a big technology shop, be able to use the same tools, get access to payments, set up storefronts easily, being able to measure the effectiveness of ads.
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a 'premise', offering evidence or reasoning, or a 'claim', asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Return only a single word, either premise or claim
One group was customers who had visited the restaurant web page or engaged with previous video ads.
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We're able to do more business objectives, all of which can use the same targeting as we have on Facebook and all of which are increasingly tapping into our measurement capabilities.
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a 'premise', offering evidence or reasoning, or a 'claim', asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Return only a single word, either premise or claim
So our success in building - continuing to build good advertising products for our e-commerce clients on the advertising side will be a more important contributor to revenue in the foreseeable future than the new area.
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So we are really pleased with the customer response to our growing one-day offering.
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We're very happy with all the customers we have but particularly the Prime customers that we have.
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a 'premise', offering evidence or reasoning, or a 'claim', asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Return only a single word, either premise or claim
One of those is the video content investment.
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a 'premise', offering evidence or reasoning, or a 'claim', asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Return only a single word, either premise or claim
First, we're continuing to add our AWS sales and marketing teams.
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And I will just add that we're also making pretty significant changes in just the very workflow of our engineering teams and that also leads to us getting more out of our current investments.
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a 'premise', offering evidence or reasoning, or a 'claim', asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Return only a single word, either premise or claim
And so what that shows is our growth is being driven by the ability of us to do this broad-based consumer media advertising but do it in a more targeted way.
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a 'premise', offering evidence or reasoning, or a 'claim', asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Return only a single word, either premise or claim
And so, if we start to focus on one number or the other, I think we're missing the fact that our customer method and go-to-market is actually through the overall product portfolio.
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a 'premise', offering evidence or reasoning, or a 'claim', asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Return only a single word, either premise or claim
There was an internet shutdown in Ethiopia that contributed a little bit to that.
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a 'premise', offering evidence or reasoning, or a 'claim', asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Return only a single word, either premise or claim
So really the units are driven by very similar trends to what Brian described.
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a 'premise', offering evidence or reasoning, or a 'claim', asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Return only a single word, either premise or claim
because when people spend time viewing more posts because they're interacting with family and friends and they're not involved in longer post.
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a 'premise', offering evidence or reasoning, or a 'claim', asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Return only a single word, either premise or claim