1 value
entergy louisiana , inc . management's financial discussion and analysis setting any of entergy louisiana's rates . therefore , to the extent entergy louisiana's use of the proceeds would ordinarily have reduced its rate base , no change in rate base shall be reflected for ratemaking purposes . the sec approval for additional return of equity capital is now expired . entergy louisiana's receivables from or ( payables to ) the money pool were as follows as of december 31 for each of the following years: . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>2004</td><td>2003</td><td>2002</td><td>2001</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>( in thousands )</td><td>( in thousands )</td><td>( in thousands )</td><td>( in thousands )</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>$ 40549</td><td>( $ 41317 )</td><td>$ 18854</td><td>$ 3812</td></tr></table> money pool activity used $ 81.9 million of entergy louisiana's operating cash flow in 2004 , provided $ 60.2 million in 2003 , and used $ 15.0 million in 2002 . see note 4 to the domestic utility companies and system energy financial statements for a description of the money pool . investing activities the decrease of $ 25.1 million in net cash used by investing activities in 2004 was primarily due to decreased spending on customer service projects , partially offset by increases in spending on transmission projects and fossil plant projects . the increase of $ 56.0 million in net cash used by investing activities in 2003 was primarily due to increased spending on customer service , transmission , and nuclear projects . financing activities the decrease of $ 404.4 million in net cash used by financing activities in 2004 was primarily due to : 2022 the net issuance of $ 98.0 million of long-term debt in 2004 compared to the retirement of $ 261.0 million in 2022 a principal payment of $ 14.8 million in 2004 for the waterford lease obligation compared to a principal payment of $ 35.4 million in 2003 ; and 2022 a decrease of $ 29.0 million in common stock dividends paid . the decrease of $ 105.5 million in net cash used by financing activities in 2003 was primarily due to : 2022 a decrease of $ 125.9 million in common stock dividends paid ; and 2022 the repurchase of $ 120 million of common stock from entergy corporation in 2002 . the decrease in net cash used in 2003 was partially offset by the following : 2022 the retirement in 2003 of $ 150 million of 8.5% ( 8.5 % ) series first mortgage bonds compared to the net retirement of $ 134.6 million of first mortgage bonds in 2002 ; and 2022 principal payments of $ 35.4 million in 2003 for the waterford 3 lease obligation compared to principal payments of $ 15.9 million in 2002 . see note 5 to the domestic utility companies and system energy financial statements for details of long-term debt . uses of capital entergy louisiana requires capital resources for : 2022 construction and other capital investments ; 2022 debt and preferred stock maturities ; 2022 working capital purposes , including the financing of fuel and purchased power costs ; and 2022 dividend and interest payments. . Question: in 2004, what was the net issuance of long-term debt? Answer: 98.0 Question: and what was the decrease in net cash used by financing activities? Answer: 404.4 Question: how much, then, is that net issuance as a percentage of this decrease?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
f0b7 free cash flow 2013 cash generated by operating activities totaled $ 6.2 billion , reduced by $ 3.6 billion for cash used in investing activities and a 37% ( 37 % ) increase in dividends paid , yielding free cash flow of $ 1.4 billion . free cash flow is defined as cash provided by operating activities ( adjusted for the reclassification of our receivables securitization facility ) , less cash used in investing activities and dividends paid . free cash flow is not considered a financial measure under accounting principles generally accepted in the u.s . ( gaap ) by sec regulation g and item 10 of sec regulation s-k and may not be defined and calculated by other companies in the same manner . we believe free cash flow is important to management and investors in evaluating our financial performance and measures our ability to generate cash without additional external financings . free cash flow should be considered in addition to , rather than as a substitute for , cash provided by operating activities . the following table reconciles cash provided by operating activities ( gaap measure ) to free cash flow ( non-gaap measure ) : millions 2012 2011 2010 . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>millions</td><td>2012</td><td>2011</td><td>2010</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>cash provided by operating activities</td><td>$ 6161</td><td>$ 5873</td><td>$ 4105</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>receivables securitization facility [a]</td><td>-</td><td>-</td><td>400</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>cash provided by operating activities adjusted for the receivables securitizationfacility</td><td>6161</td><td>5873</td><td>4505</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>cash used in investing activities</td><td>-3633 ( 3633 )</td><td>-3119 ( 3119 )</td><td>-2488 ( 2488 )</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>dividends paid</td><td>-1146 ( 1146 )</td><td>-837 ( 837 )</td><td>-602 ( 602 )</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>free cash flow</td><td>$ 1382</td><td>$ 1917</td><td>$ 1415</td></tr></table> [a] effective january 1 , 2010 , a new accounting standard required us to account for receivables transferred under our receivables securitization facility as secured borrowings in our consolidated statements of financial position and as financing activities in our consolidated statements of cash flows . the receivables securitization facility is included in our free cash flow calculation to adjust cash provided by operating activities as though our receivables securitization facility had been accounted for under the new accounting standard for all periods presented . 2013 outlook f0b7 safety 2013 operating a safe railroad benefits our employees , our customers , our shareholders , and the communities we serve . we will continue using a multi-faceted approach to safety , utilizing technology , risk assessment , quality control , training and employee engagement , and targeted capital investments . we will continue using and expanding the deployment of total safety culture throughout our operations , which allows us to identify and implement best practices for employee and operational safety . derailment prevention and the reduction of grade crossing incidents are critical aspects of our safety programs . we will continue our efforts to increase rail defect detection ; improve or close crossings ; and educate the public and law enforcement agencies about crossing safety through a combination of our own programs ( including risk assessment strategies ) , various industry programs and local community activities across our network . f0b7 network operations 2013 we will continue focusing on our six critical initiatives to improve safety , service and productivity during 2013 . we are seeing solid contributions from reducing variability , continuous improvements , and standard work . resource agility allows us to respond quickly to changing market conditions and network disruptions from weather or other events . the railroad continues to benefit from capital investments that allow us to build capacity for growth and harden our infrastructure to reduce failure . f0b7 fuel prices 2013 uncertainty about the economy makes projections of fuel prices difficult . we again could see volatile fuel prices during the year , as they are sensitive to global and u.s . domestic demand , refining capacity , geopolitical events , weather conditions and other factors . to reduce the impact of fuel price on earnings , we will continue seeking cost recovery from our customers through our fuel surcharge programs and expanding our fuel conservation efforts . f0b7 capital plan 2013 in 2013 , we plan to make total capital investments of approximately $ 3.6 billion , including expenditures for positive train control ( ptc ) , which may be revised if business conditions warrant or if new laws or regulations affect our ability to generate sufficient returns on these investments . ( see further discussion in this item 7 under liquidity and capital resources 2013 capital plan. ) . Question: what was the total of the planned 2013 capital investments, in billions? Answer: 3.6 Question: and how much is that in millions? Answer: 3600.0 Question: and what percentage did this total represent in relation to the 2012 free cash flow?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
from time to time , we may elect to use foreign currency forward contracts to reduce the risk from exchange rate fluctuations on intercompany transactions and projected inventory purchases for our european and canadian subsidiaries . in addition , we may elect to enter into foreign currency forward contracts to reduce the risk associated with foreign currency exchange rate fluctuations on pound sterling denominated balance sheet items . we do not enter into derivative financial instruments for speculative or trading purposes . based on the foreign currency forward contracts outstanding as of december 31 , 2011 , we receive u.s . dollars in exchange for canadian dollars at a weighted average contractual forward foreign currency exchange rate of 1.03 cad per $ 1.00 , u.s . dollars in exchange for euros at a weighted average contractual foreign currency exchange rate of 20ac0.77 per $ 1.00 and euros in exchange for pounds sterling at a weighted average contractual foreign currency exchange rate of a30.84 per 20ac1.00 . as of december 31 , 2011 , the notional value of our outstanding foreign currency forward contracts for our canadian subsidiary was $ 51.1 million with contract maturities of 1 month or less , and the notional value of our outstanding foreign currency forward contracts for our european subsidiary was $ 50.0 million with contract maturities of 1 month . as of december 31 , 2011 , the notional value of our outstanding foreign currency forward contract used to mitigate the foreign currency exchange rate fluctuations on pound sterling denominated balance sheet items was 20ac10.5 million , or $ 13.6 million , with a contract maturity of 1 month . the foreign currency forward contracts are not designated as cash flow hedges , and accordingly , changes in their fair value are recorded in other expense , net on the consolidated statements of income . the fair values of our foreign currency forward contracts were liabilities of $ 0.7 million and $ 0.6 million as of december 31 , 2011 and 2010 , respectively , and were included in accrued expenses on the consolidated balance sheet . refer to note 10 to the consolidated financial statements for a discussion of the fair value measurements . included in other expense , net were the following amounts related to changes in foreign currency exchange rates and derivative foreign currency forward contracts: . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>year ended december 31 , ( in thousands )</td><td>year ended december 31 , 2011</td><td>year ended december 31 , 2010</td><td>2009</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>unrealized foreign currency exchange rate gains ( losses )</td><td>$ -4027 ( 4027 )</td><td>$ -1280 ( 1280 )</td><td>$ 5222</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>realized foreign currency exchange rate gains ( losses )</td><td>298</td><td>-2638 ( 2638 )</td><td>-261 ( 261 )</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>unrealized derivative losses</td><td>-31 ( 31 )</td><td>-809 ( 809 )</td><td>-1060 ( 1060 )</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>realized derivative gains ( losses )</td><td>1696</td><td>3549</td><td>-4412 ( 4412 )</td></tr></table> we enter into foreign currency forward contracts with major financial institutions with investment grade credit ratings and are exposed to credit losses in the event of non-performance by these financial institutions . this credit risk is generally limited to the unrealized gains in the foreign currency forward contracts . however , we monitor the credit quality of these financial institutions and consider the risk of counterparty default to be minimal . although we have entered into foreign currency forward contracts to minimize some of the impact of foreign currency exchange rate fluctuations on future cash flows , we cannot be assured that foreign currency exchange rate fluctuations will not have a material adverse impact on our financial condition and results of operations . inflation inflationary factors such as increases in the cost of our product and overhead costs may adversely affect our operating results . although we do not believe that inflation has had a material impact on our financial position or results of operations to date , a high rate of inflation in the future may have an adverse effect on our ability to maintain current levels of gross margin and selling , general and administrative expenses as a percentage of net revenues if the selling prices of our products do not increase with these increased costs. . Question: what is the change in the balance of foreign currency forward contracts liability from 2010 to 2011? Answer: 0.1 Question: what is the balance of foreign currency forward contracts liability in 2010? Answer: 0.6 Question: what percentage change does this represent?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
notes to consolidated financial statements 2014 ( continued ) the following table summarizes the changes in non-vested restricted stock awards for the year ended may 31 , 2009 ( share awards in thousands ) : share awards weighted average grant-date fair value . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>share awards</td><td>weighted average grant-date fair value</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>non-vested at may 31 2007</td><td>278</td><td>$ 37</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>granted</td><td>400</td><td>38</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>vested</td><td>-136 ( 136 )</td><td>30</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>forfeited</td><td>-24 ( 24 )</td><td>40</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>non-vested at may 31 2008</td><td>518</td><td>39</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>granted</td><td>430</td><td>43</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>vested</td><td>-159 ( 159 )</td><td>39</td></tr><tr><td>9</td><td>forfeited</td><td>-27 ( 27 )</td><td>41</td></tr><tr><td>10</td><td>non-vested at may 31 2009</td><td>762</td><td>42</td></tr></table> the weighted average grant-date fair value of share awards granted in the years ended may 31 , 2008 and 2007 was $ 38 and $ 45 , respectively . the total fair value of share awards vested during the years ended may 31 , 2009 , 2008 and 2007 was $ 6.2 million , $ 4.1 million and $ 1.7 million , respectively . we recognized compensation expense for restricted stock of $ 9.0 million , $ 5.7 million , and $ 2.7 million in the years ended may 31 , 2009 , 2008 and 2007 . as of may 31 , 2009 , there was $ 23.5 million of total unrecognized compensation cost related to unvested restricted stock awards that is expected to be recognized over a weighted average period of 2.9 years . employee stock purchase plan we have an employee stock purchase plan under which the sale of 2.4 million shares of our common stock has been authorized . employees may designate up to the lesser of $ 25000 or 20% ( 20 % ) of their annual compensation for the purchase of stock . the price for shares purchased under the plan is 85% ( 85 % ) of the market value on the last day of the quarterly purchase period . as of may 31 , 2009 , 0.8 million shares had been issued under this plan , with 1.6 million shares reserved for future issuance . the weighted average grant-date fair value of each designated share purchased under this plan was $ 6 , $ 6 and $ 8 in the years ended may 31 , 2009 , 2008 and 2007 , respectively . these values represent the fair value of the 15% ( 15 % ) discount . note 12 2014segment information general information during fiscal 2009 , we began assessing our operating performance using a new segment structure . we made this change as a result of our june 30 , 2008 acquisition of 51% ( 51 % ) of hsbc merchant services llp in the united kingdom , in addition to anticipated future international expansion . beginning with the quarter ended august 31 , 2008 , the reportable segments are defined as north america merchant services , international merchant services , and money transfer . the following tables reflect these changes and such reportable segments for fiscal years 2009 , 2008 , and 2007. . Question: what was the value of non-vested shares as of 5/31/08?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
likely than not that some portion or all of the deferred tax assets will not be realized . the accruals for deferred tax assets and liabilities are subject to a significant amount of judgment by management and are reviewed and adjusted routinely based on changes in facts and circumstances . material changes in these accruals may occur in the future , based on the progress of ongoing tax audits , changes in legislation and resolution of pending tax matters . forward-looking estimates we are providing our 2011 forward-looking estimates in this section . these estimates were based on our examination of historical operating trends , the information used to prepare our december 31 , 2010 , reserve reports and other data in our possession or available from third parties . the forward-looking estimates in this report were prepared assuming demand , curtailment , producibility and general market conditions for our oil , gas and ngls during 2011 will be similar to 2010 , unless otherwise noted . we make reference to the 201cdisclosure regarding forward-looking statements 201d at the beginning of this report . amounts related to our canadian operations have been converted to u.s . dollars using an estimated average 2011 exchange rate of $ 0.95 dollar to $ 1.00 canadian dollar . during 2011 , our operations are substantially comprised of our ongoing north america onshore operations . we also have international operations in brazil and angola that we are divesting . we have entered into agreements to sell our assets in brazil for $ 3.2 billion and our assets in angola for $ 70 million , plus contingent consideration . as a result of these divestitures , all revenues , expenses and capital related to our international operations are reported as discontinued operations in our financial statements . additionally , all forward-looking estimates in this document exclude amounts related to our international operations , unless otherwise noted . north america onshore operating items the following 2011 estimates relate only to our north america onshore assets . oil , gas and ngl production set forth below are our estimates of oil , gas and ngl production for 2011 . we estimate that our combined oil , gas and ngl production will total approximately 236 to 240 mmboe . ( mmbbls ) ( mmbbls ) ( mmboe ) . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>oil ( mmbbls )</td><td>gas ( bcf )</td><td>ngls ( mmbbls )</td><td>total ( mmboe )</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>u.s . onshore</td><td>17</td><td>736</td><td>34</td><td>174</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>canada</td><td>28</td><td>199</td><td>3</td><td>64</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>north america onshore</td><td>45</td><td>935</td><td>37</td><td>238</td></tr></table> oil and gas prices we expect our 2011 average prices for the oil and gas production from each of our operating areas to differ from the nymex price as set forth in the following table . the expected ranges for prices are exclusive of the anticipated effects of the financial contracts presented in the 201ccommodity price risk management 201d section below . the nymex price for oil is determined using the monthly average of settled prices on each trading day for benchmark west texas intermediate crude oil delivered at cushing , oklahoma . the nymex price for gas is determined using the first-of-month south louisiana henry hub price index as published monthly in inside . Question: what is the amount of gas supplied from us onshore? Answer: 736.0 Question: what is the total amount of gas that comes from north america onshore? Answer: 935.0 Question: what is the ratio of gas from us onshore? Answer: 0.78717 Question: what is that displayed as a percentage?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
capital resources and liquidity capital resources overview capital is generally generated via earnings from operating businesses . this is augmented through issuance of common stock , convertible preferred stock , preferred stock , subordinated debt , and equity issued through awards under employee benefit plans . capital is used primarily to support assets in the company 2019s businesses and to absorb unexpected market , credit or operational losses . the company 2019s uses of capital , particularly to pay dividends and repurchase common stock , became severely restricted during the latter half of 2008 . see 201cthe company , 201d 201cmanagement 2019s discussion and analysis 2013 events in 2008 , 201d 201ctarp and other regulatory programs , 201d 201crisk factors 201d and 201ccommon equity 201d on pages 2 , 9 , 44 , 47 and 95 , respectively . citigroup 2019s capital management framework is designed to ensure that citigroup and its principal subsidiaries maintain sufficient capital consistent with the company 2019s risk profile , all applicable regulatory standards and guidelines , and external rating agency considerations . the capital management process is centrally overseen by senior management and is reviewed at the consolidated , legal entity , and country level . senior management oversees the capital management process of citigroup and its principal subsidiaries mainly through citigroup 2019s finance and asset and liability committee ( finalco ) . the committee is composed of the senior-most management of citigroup for the purpose of engaging management in decision-making and related discussions on capital and liquidity items . among other things , the committee 2019s responsibilities include : determining the financial structure of citigroup and its principal subsidiaries ; ensuring that citigroup and its regulated entities are adequately capitalized ; determining appropriate asset levels and return hurdles for citigroup and individual businesses ; reviewing the funding and capital markets plan for citigroup ; and monitoring interest-rate risk , corporate and bank liquidity , the impact of currency translation on non-u.s . earnings and capital . the finalco has established capital targets for citigroup and for significant subsidiaries . at december 31 , 2008 , these targets exceeded the regulatory standards . common and preferred stock issuances as discussed under 201cevents in 2008 201d on page 9 , during 2008 , the company issued $ 45 billion in preferred stock and warrants under tarp , $ 12.5 billion of convertible preferred stock in a private offering , $ 11.7 billion of non-convertible preferred stock in public offerings , $ 3.2 billion of convertible preferred stock in public offerings , and $ 4.9 billion of common stock in public offerings . on january 23 , 2009 , pursuant to our prior agreement with the purchasers of the $ 12.5 billion convertible preferred stock issued in the private offering , the conversion price was reset from $ 31.62 per share to $ 26.35 per share . the reset will result in citigroup 2019s issuing approximately 79 million additional common shares if converted . there will be no impact to net income , total stockholders 2019 equity or capital ratios due to the reset . however , the reset will result in a reclassification from retained earnings to additional paid-in capital of $ 1.2 billion to reflect the benefit of the reset to the preferred stockholders . capital ratios citigroup is subject to risk-based capital ratio guidelines issued by the federal reserve board ( frb ) . capital adequacy is measured via two risk- based ratios , tier 1 and total capital ( tier 1 + tier 2 capital ) . tier 1 capital is considered core capital while total capital also includes other items such as subordinated debt and loan loss reserves . both measures of capital are stated as a percentage of risk-weighted assets . risk-weighted assets are measured primarily on their perceived credit risk and include certain off-balance-sheet exposures , such as unfunded loan commitments and letters of credit , and the notional amounts of derivative and foreign- exchange contracts . citigroup is also subject to the leverage ratio requirement , a non-risk-based asset ratio , which is defined as tier 1 capital as a percentage of adjusted average assets . to be 201cwell capitalized 201d under federal bank regulatory agency definitions , a bank holding company must have a tier 1 capital ratio of at least 6% ( 6 % ) , a total capital ratio of at least 10% ( 10 % ) , and a leverage ratio of at least 3% ( 3 % ) , and not be subject to an frb directive to maintain higher capital levels . as noted in the following table , citigroup maintained a 201cwell capitalized 201d position during both 2008 and 2007 . citigroup regulatory capital ratios at year end 2008 2007 . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>at year end</td><td>2008</td><td>2007</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>tier 1 capital</td><td>11.92% ( 11.92 % )</td><td>7.12% ( 7.12 % )</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>total capital ( tier 1 and tier 2 )</td><td>15.70</td><td>10.70</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>leverage ( 1 )</td><td>6.08</td><td>4.03</td></tr></table> leverage ( 1 ) 6.08 4.03 ( 1 ) tier 1 capital divided by adjusted average assets . events occurring during 2008 , including the transactions with the u.s . government , affected citigroup 2019s capital ratios , and any additional u.s . government financial involvement with the company could further impact the company 2019s capital ratios . in addition , future operations will affect capital levels , and changes that the fasb has proposed regarding off-balance-sheet assets , consolidation and sale treatment could also have an impact on capital ratios . see also note 23 to the consolidated financial statements on page 175 , including 201cfunding liquidity facilities and subordinate interests . 201d . Question: what was the conversion price before the reset of convertible preferred stock issued in the private offering? Answer: 31.62 Question: and what became the conversion price with that reset?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
application of specific accounting literature . for the nonconsolidated proprietary tob trusts and qspe tob trusts , the company recognizes only its residual investment on its balance sheet at fair value and the third-party financing raised by the trusts is off-balance sheet . the following table summarizes selected cash flow information related to municipal bond securitizations for the years 2008 , 2007 and 2006 : in billions of dollars 2008 2007 2006 . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>in billions of dollars</td><td>2008</td><td>2007</td><td>2006</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>proceeds from new securitizations</td><td>$ 1.2</td><td>$ 10.5</td><td>2014</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>cash flows received on retained interests and other net cash flows</td><td>0.5</td><td>2014</td><td>2014</td></tr></table> cash flows received on retained interests and other net cash flows 0.5 2014 2014 municipal investments municipal investment transactions represent partnerships that finance the construction and rehabilitation of low-income affordable rental housing . the company generally invests in these partnerships as a limited partner and earns a return primarily through the receipt of tax credits earned from the affordable housing investments made by the partnership . client intermediation client intermediation transactions represent a range of transactions designed to provide investors with specified returns based on the returns of an underlying security , referenced asset or index . these transactions include credit-linked notes and equity-linked notes . in these transactions , the spe typically obtains exposure to the underlying security , referenced asset or index through a derivative instrument , such as a total-return swap or a credit-default swap . in turn the spe issues notes to investors that pay a return based on the specified underlying security , referenced asset or index . the spe invests the proceeds in a financial asset or a guaranteed insurance contract ( gic ) that serves as collateral for the derivative contract over the term of the transaction . the company 2019s involvement in these transactions includes being the counterparty to the spe 2019s derivative instruments and investing in a portion of the notes issued by the spe . in certain transactions , the investor 2019s maximum risk of loss is limited and the company absorbs risk of loss above a specified level . the company 2019s maximum risk of loss in these transactions is defined as the amount invested in notes issued by the spe and the notional amount of any risk of loss absorbed by the company through a separate instrument issued by the spe . the derivative instrument held by the company may generate a receivable from the spe ( for example , where the company purchases credit protection from the spe in connection with the spe 2019s issuance of a credit-linked note ) , which is collateralized by the assets owned by the spe . these derivative instruments are not considered variable interests under fin 46 ( r ) and any associated receivables are not included in the calculation of maximum exposure to the spe . structured investment vehicles structured investment vehicles ( sivs ) are spes that issue junior notes and senior debt ( medium-term notes and short-term commercial paper ) to fund the purchase of high quality assets . the junior notes are subject to the 201cfirst loss 201d risk of the sivs . the sivs provide a variable return to the junior note investors based on the net spread between the cost to issue the senior debt and the return realized by the high quality assets . the company acts as manager for the sivs and , prior to december 13 , 2007 , was not contractually obligated to provide liquidity facilities or guarantees to the sivs . in response to the ratings review of the outstanding senior debt of the sivs for a possible downgrade announced by two ratings agencies and the continued reduction of liquidity in the siv-related asset-backed commercial paper and medium-term note markets , on december 13 , 2007 , citigroup announced its commitment to provide support facilities that would support the sivs 2019 senior debt ratings . as a result of this commitment , citigroup became the sivs 2019 primary beneficiary and began consolidating these entities . on february 12 , 2008 , citigroup finalized the terms of the support facilities , which took the form of a commitment to provide $ 3.5 billion of mezzanine capital to the sivs in the event the market value of their junior notes approaches zero . the mezzanine capital facility was increased by $ 1 billion to $ 4.5 billion , with the additional commitment funded during the fourth quarter of 2008 . the facilities rank senior to the junior notes but junior to the commercial paper and medium-term notes . the facilities were at arm 2019s-length terms . interest was paid on the drawn amount of the facilities and a per annum fee was paid on the unused portion . during the period to november 18 , 2008 , the company wrote down $ 3.3 billion on siv assets . in order to complete the wind-down of the sivs , the company , in a nearly cashless transaction , purchased the remaining assets of the sivs at fair value , with a trade date of november 18 , 2008 . the company funded the purchase of the siv assets by assuming the obligation to pay amounts due under the medium-term notes issued by the sivs , as the medium-term notes mature . the net funding provided by the company to fund the purchase of the siv assets was $ 0.3 billion . as of december 31 , 2008 , the carrying amount of the purchased siv assets was $ 16.6 billion , of which $ 16.5 billion is classified as htm assets . investment funds the company is the investment manager for certain investment funds that invest in various asset classes including private equity , hedge funds , real estate , fixed income and infrastructure . the company earns a management fee , which is a percentage of capital under management , and may earn performance fees . in addition , for some of these funds the company has an ownership interest in the investment funds . the company has also established a number of investment funds as opportunities for qualified employees to invest in private equity investments . the company acts as investment manager to these funds and may provide employees with financing on both a recourse and non-recourse basis for a portion of the employees 2019 investment commitments. . Question: what was the beginning mezzanine capital facility? Answer: 3.5 Question: so what was the change as a percentage?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
investment tax credits have been deferred by the regulated utility subsidiaries and are being amortized to income over the average estimated service lives of the related assets . the company recognizes accrued interest and penalties related to tax positions as a component of income tax expense and accounts for sales tax collected from customers and remitted to taxing authorities on a net basis . see note 14 2014income taxes for additional information . allowance for funds used during construction afudc is a non-cash credit to income with a corresponding charge to utility plant that represents the cost of borrowed funds or a return on equity funds devoted to plant under construction . the regulated utility subsidiaries record afudc to the extent permitted by the pucs . the portion of afudc attributable to borrowed funds is shown as a reduction of interest , net on the consolidated statements of operations . any portion of afudc attributable to equity funds would be included in other , net on the consolidated statements of operations . afudc is provided in the following table for the years ended december 31: . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>2018</td><td>2017</td><td>2016</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>allowance for other funds used during construction</td><td>$ 24</td><td>$ 19</td><td>$ 15</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>allowance for borrowed funds used during construction</td><td>13</td><td>8</td><td>6</td></tr></table> environmental costs the company 2019s water and wastewater operations and the operations of its market-based businesses are subject to u.s . federal , state , local and foreign requirements relating to environmental protection , and as such , the company periodically becomes subject to environmental claims in the normal course of business . environmental expenditures that relate to current operations or provide a future benefit are expensed or capitalized as appropriate . remediation costs that relate to an existing condition caused by past operations are accrued , on an undiscounted basis , when it is probable that these costs will be incurred and can be reasonably estimated . a conservation agreement entered into by a subsidiary of the company with the national oceanic and atmospheric administration in 2010 and amended in 2017 required the subsidiary to , among other provisions , implement certain measures to protect the steelhead trout and its habitat in the carmel river watershed in the state of california . the subsidiary agreed to pay $ 1 million annually commencing in 2010 with the final payment being made in 2021 . remediation costs accrued amounted to $ 4 million and $ 6 million as of december 31 , 2018 and 2017 , respectively . derivative financial instruments the company uses derivative financial instruments for purposes of hedging exposures to fluctuations in interest rates . these derivative contracts are entered into for periods consistent with the related underlying exposures and do not constitute positions independent of those exposures . the company does not enter into derivative contracts for speculative purposes and does not use leveraged instruments . all derivatives are recognized on the balance sheet at fair value . on the date the derivative contract is entered into , the company may designate the derivative as a hedge of the fair value of a recognized asset or liability ( fair-value hedge ) or a hedge of a forecasted transaction or of the variability of cash flows to be received or paid related to a recognized asset or liability ( cash-flow hedge ) . changes in the fair value of a fair-value hedge , along with the gain or loss on the underlying hedged item , are recorded in current-period earnings . the gains and losses on the effective portion of cash-flow hedges are recorded in other comprehensive income , until earnings are affected by the variability of cash flows . any ineffective portion of designated cash-flow hedges is recognized in current-period earnings. . Question: what was the allowance for other funds used during construction in 2018?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
n o t e s t o t h e c o n s o l i d a t e d f i n a n c i a l s t a t e m e n t s ( continued ) ace limited and subsidiaries 20 . statutory financial information the company 2019s insurance and reinsurance subsidiaries are subject to insurance laws and regulations in the jurisdictions in which they operate . these regulations include restrictions that limit the amount of dividends or other distributions , such as loans or cash advances , available to shareholders without prior approval of the insurance regulatory authorities . there are no statutory restrictions on the payment of dividends from retained earnings by any of the bermuda subsidiaries as the minimum statutory capital and surplus requirements are satisfied by the share capital and additional paid-in capital of each of the bermuda subsidiaries . the company 2019s u.s . subsidiaries file financial statements prepared in accordance with statutory accounting practices prescribed or permitted by insurance regulators . statutory accounting differs from gaap in the reporting of certain reinsurance contracts , investments , subsidiaries , acquis- ition expenses , fixed assets , deferred income taxes , and certain other items . the statutory capital and surplus of the u.s . subsidiaries met regulatory requirements for 2009 , 2008 , and 2007 . the amount of dividends available to be paid in 2010 , without prior approval from the state insurance departments , totals $ 733 million . the combined statutory capital and surplus and statutory net income of the bermuda and u.s . subsidiaries as at and for the years ended december 31 , 2009 , 2008 , and 2007 , are as follows: . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>( in millions of u.s . dollars )</td><td>bermuda subsidiaries 2009</td><td>bermuda subsidiaries 2008</td><td>bermuda subsidiaries 2007</td><td>bermuda subsidiaries 2009</td><td>bermuda subsidiaries 2008</td><td>2007</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>statutory capital and surplus</td><td>$ 9299</td><td>$ 6205</td><td>$ 8579</td><td>$ 5801</td><td>$ 5368</td><td>$ 5321</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>statutory net income</td><td>$ 2472</td><td>$ 2196</td><td>$ 1535</td><td>$ 870</td><td>$ 818</td><td>$ 873</td></tr></table> as permitted by the restructuring discussed previously in note 7 , certain of the company 2019s u.s . subsidiaries discount certain a&e liabilities , which increased statutory capital and surplus by approximately $ 215 million , $ 211 million , and $ 140 million at december 31 , 2009 , 2008 , and 2007 , respectively . the company 2019s international subsidiaries prepare statutory financial statements based on local laws and regulations . some jurisdictions impose complex regulatory requirements on insurance companies while other jurisdictions impose fewer requirements . in some countries , the company must obtain licenses issued by governmental authorities to conduct local insurance business . these licenses may be subject to reserves and minimum capital and solvency tests . jurisdictions may impose fines , censure , and/or criminal sanctions for violation of regulatory requirements . 21 . information provided in connection with outstanding debt of subsidiaries the following tables present condensed consolidating financial information at december 31 , 2009 , and december 31 , 2008 , and for the years ended december 31 , 2009 , 2008 , and 2007 , for ace limited ( the parent guarantor ) and its 201csubsidiary issuer 201d , ace ina holdings , inc . the subsidiary issuer is an indirect 100 percent-owned subsidiary of the parent guarantor . investments in subsidiaries are accounted for by the parent guarantor under the equity method for purposes of the supplemental consolidating presentation . earnings of subsidiaries are reflected in the parent guarantor 2019s investment accounts and earnings . the parent guarantor fully and unconditionally guarantees certain of the debt of the subsidiary issuer. . Question: what was the value of statutory capital and surplus due to discount of certain a&e liabilities in 2009? Answer: 215.0 Question: what was the value of statutory capital and surplus due to discount of certain a&e liabilities in 2008? Answer: 211.0 Question: what is the change in value?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
table of contents stock performance graph the following stock performance graph and related information shall not be deemed 201csoliciting material 201d or 201cfiled 201d with the securities and exchange commission , nor shall such information be incorporated by reference into any future filings under the securities act of 1933 or the exchange act , each as amended , except to the extent that we specifically incorporate it by reference into such filing . the following stock performance graph compares our cumulative total shareholder return on an annual basis on our common stock with the cumulative total return on the standard and poor 2019s 500 stock index and the amex airline index from december 9 , 2013 ( the first trading day of aag common stock ) through december 31 , 2014 . the comparison assumes $ 100 was invested on december 9 , 2013 in aag common stock and in each of the foregoing indices and assumes reinvestment of dividends . the stock performance shown on the graph below represents historical stock performance and is not necessarily indicative of future stock price performance. . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>12/9/2013</td><td>12/31/2013</td><td>12/31/2014</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>american airlines group inc .</td><td>$ 100</td><td>$ 103</td><td>$ 219</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>amex airline index</td><td>100</td><td>102</td><td>152</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>s&p 500</td><td>100</td><td>102</td><td>114</td></tr></table> . Question: what was the performance price of the american airlines group inc. in 2014? Answer: 219.0 Question: and what was it in september 2013? Answer: 100.0 Question: what was, then, the variation over the period?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
citigroup 2019s repurchases are primarily from government sponsored entities . the specific representations and warranties made by the company depend on the nature of the transaction and the requirements of the buyer . market conditions and credit-ratings agency requirements may also affect representations and warranties and the other provisions the company may agree to in loan sales . in the event of a breach of the representations and warranties , the company may be required to either repurchase the mortgage loans ( generally at unpaid principal balance plus accrued interest ) with the identified defects or indemnify ( 201cmake-whole 201d ) the investor or insurer . the company has recorded a repurchase reserve that is included in other liabilities in the consolidated balance sheet . in the case of a repurchase , the company will bear any subsequent credit loss on the mortgage loans . the company 2019s representations and warranties are generally not subject to stated limits in amount or time of coverage . however , contractual liability arises only when the representations and warranties are breached and generally only when a loss results from the breach . in the case of a repurchase , the loan is typically considered a credit- impaired loan and accounted for under sop 03-3 , 201caccounting for certain loans and debt securities , acquired in a transfer 201d ( now incorporated into asc 310-30 , receivables 2014loans and debt securities acquired with deteriorated credit quality ) . these repurchases have not had a material impact on nonperforming loan statistics , because credit-impaired purchased sop 03-3 loans are not included in nonaccrual loans . the company estimates its exposure to losses from its obligation to repurchase previously sold loans based on the probability of repurchase or make-whole and an estimated loss given repurchase or make-whole . this estimate is calculated separately by sales vintage ( i.e. , the year the loans were sold ) based on a combination of historical trends and forecasted repurchases and losses considering the : ( 1 ) trends in requests by investors for loan documentation packages to be reviewed ; ( 2 ) trends in recent repurchases and make-wholes ; ( 3 ) historical percentage of claims made as a percentage of loan documentation package requests ; ( 4 ) success rate in appealing claims ; ( 5 ) inventory of unresolved claims ; and ( 6 ) estimated loss given repurchase or make-whole , including the loss of principal , accrued interest , and foreclosure costs . the company does not change its estimation methodology by counterparty , but the historical experience and trends are considered when evaluating the overall reserve . the request for loan documentation packages is an early indicator of a potential claim . during 2009 , loan documentation package requests and the level of outstanding claims increased . in addition , our loss severity estimates increased during 2009 due to the impact of macroeconomic factors and recent experience . these factors contributed to a $ 493 million change in estimate for this reserve in 2009 . as indicated above , the repurchase reserve is calculated by sales vintage . the majority of the repurchases in 2009 were from the 2006 and 2007 sales vintages , which also represent the vintages with the largest loss- given-repurchase . an insignificant percentage of 2009 repurchases were from vintages prior to 2006 , and this is expected to decrease , because those vintages are later in the credit cycle . although early in the credit cycle , the company has experienced improved repurchase and loss-given-repurchase statistics from the 2008 and 2009 vintages . in the case of a repurchase of a credit-impaired sop 03-3 loan ( now incorporated into asc 310-30 ) , the difference between the loan 2019s fair value and unpaid principal balance at the time of the repurchase is recorded as a utilization of the repurchase reserve . payments to make the investor whole are also treated as utilizations and charged directly against the reserve . the provision for estimated probable losses arising from loan sales is recorded as an adjustment to the gain on sale , which is included in other revenue in the consolidated statement of income . a liability for representations and warranties is estimated when the company sells loans and is updated quarterly . any subsequent adjustment to the provision is recorded in other revenue in the consolidated statement of income . the activity in the repurchase reserve for the years ended december 31 , 2009 and 2008 is as follows: . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>in millions of dollars</td><td>2009</td><td>2008</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>balance beginning of the year</td><td>$ 75</td><td>$ 2</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>additions for new sales</td><td>33</td><td>23</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>change in estimate</td><td>493</td><td>59</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>utilizations</td><td>-119 ( 119 )</td><td>-9 ( 9 )</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>balance end of the year</td><td>$ 482</td><td>$ 75</td></tr></table> goodwill goodwill represents an acquired company 2019s acquisition cost over the fair value of net tangible and intangible assets acquired . goodwill is subject to annual impairment tests , whereby goodwill is allocated to the company 2019s reporting units and an impairment is deemed to exist if the carrying value of a reporting unit exceeds its estimated fair value . furthermore , on any business dispositions , goodwill is allocated to the business disposed of based on the ratio of the fair value of the business disposed of to the fair value of the reporting unit . intangible assets intangible assets 2014including core deposit intangibles , present value of future profits , purchased credit card relationships , other customer relationships , and other intangible assets , but excluding msrs 2014are amortized over their estimated useful lives . intangible assets deemed to have indefinite useful lives , primarily certain asset management contracts and trade names , are not amortized and are subject to annual impairment tests . an impairment exists if the carrying value of the indefinite-lived intangible asset exceeds its fair value . for other intangible assets subject to amortization , an impairment is recognized if the carrying amount is not recoverable and exceeds the fair value of the intangible asset . other assets and other liabilities other assets include , among other items , loans held-for-sale , deferred tax assets , equity-method investments , interest and fees receivable , premises and equipment , end-user derivatives in a net receivable position , repossessed assets , and other receivables. . Question: what was the change in additions for new sales from 2008 to 2009, in millions? Answer: 10.0 Question: and what was the total of additions for new sales in the year of 2008, also in millions?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
measurement point december 31 the priceline group nasdaq composite index s&p 500 rdg internet composite . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>measurement pointdecember 31</td><td>the priceline group inc .</td><td>nasdaqcomposite index</td><td>s&p 500index</td><td>rdg internetcomposite</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>2010</td><td>100.00</td><td>100.00</td><td>100.00</td><td>100.00</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>2011</td><td>117.06</td><td>100.53</td><td>102.11</td><td>102.11</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>2012</td><td>155.27</td><td>116.92</td><td>118.45</td><td>122.23</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>2013</td><td>290.93</td><td>166.19</td><td>156.82</td><td>199.42</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>2014</td><td>285.37</td><td>188.78</td><td>178.29</td><td>195.42</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>2015</td><td>319.10</td><td>199.95</td><td>180.75</td><td>267.25</td></tr></table> . Question: what was the difference in the priceline group inc. between 2014 and 2015? Answer: 33.73 Question: and the percentage change?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
table of contents worldwide distribution channels the following table presents the number of doors by geographic location , in which ralph lauren-branded products distributed by our wholesale segment were sold to consumers in our primary channels of distribution as of april 3 , 2010 : number of location doors ( a ) . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>location</td><td>number of doors ( a )</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>united states and canada</td><td>4402</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>europe</td><td>4421</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>japan</td><td>117</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>total</td><td>8940</td></tr></table> ( a ) in asia-pacific , our products are primarily distributed through concessions-based sales arrangements . in addition , american living and chaps-branded products distributed by our wholesale segment were sold domestically through approximately 1700 doors as of april 3 , 2010 . we have five key department-store customers that generate significant sales volume . for fiscal 2010 , these customers in the aggregate accounted for approximately 45% ( 45 % ) of all wholesale revenues , with macy 2019s , inc . representing approximately 18% ( 18 % ) of these revenues . our product brands are sold primarily through their own sales forces . our wholesale segment maintains its primary showrooms in new york city . in addition , we maintain regional showrooms in atlanta , chicago , dallas , milan , paris , london , munich , madrid and stockholm . shop-within-shops . as a critical element of our distribution to department stores , we and our licensing partners utilize shop- within-shops to enhance brand recognition , to permit more complete merchandising of our lines by the department stores and to differentiate the presentation of products . shop-within-shops fixed assets primarily include items such as customized freestanding fixtures , wall cases and components , decorative items and flooring . as of april 3 , 2010 , we had approximately 14000 shop-within-shops dedicated to our ralph lauren-branded wholesale products worldwide . excluding significantly larger shop-within-shops in key department store locations , the size of our shop-within-shops typically ranges from approximately 300 to 6000 square feet . we normally share in the cost of these shop-within-shops with our wholesale customers . basic stock replenishment program . basic products such as knit shirts , chino pants and oxford cloth shirts can be ordered at any time through our basic stock replenishment programs . we generally ship these products within three-to-five days of order receipt . our retail segment as of april 3 , 2010 , our retail segment consisted of 179 full-price retail stores and 171 factory stores worldwide , totaling approximately 2.6 million square feet , 281 concessions-based shop-within-shops and two e-commerce websites . the extension of our direct-to-consumer reach is a primary long-term strategic goal . full-price retail stores our full-price retail stores reinforce the luxury image and distinct sensibility of our brands and feature exclusive lines that are not sold in domestic department stores . we opened 3 new full-price stores and closed 3 full-price stores in fiscal 2010 . in addition , we assumed 16 full-price stores in connection with the asia-pacific . Question: as of april 3, 2010, what was the amount of doors in the wholesale segment in the europe geography?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
cash provided by operating activities cash provided by operations is dependent primarily upon the payment terms of our license agreements . to be classified as upfront revenue , we require that 75% ( 75 % ) of a term or perpetual license fee be paid within the first year . conversely , payment terms for tsls are generally extended and the license fee is typically paid either quarterly or annually in even increments over the term of the license . accordingly , we generally receive cash from upfront license revenue much sooner than from time-based licenses revenue . fiscal 2008 to fiscal 2009 . cash from operating activities decreased primarily as a result of a decrease in deferred revenue due to the timing of billings and cash payments from certain customers , increased payments to vendors compared to fiscal 2008 and a tax prepayment for an irs settlement . see note 9 of notes to consolidated financial statements . fiscal 2007 to fiscal 2008 . cash from operating activities decreased primarily due to the timing of billings and cash payments from customers compared to fiscal 2007 , delivering lower cash inflows during fiscal 2008 and also as a result of a litigation settlement of $ 12.5 million received from magma during fiscal 2007 . cash used in investing activities fiscal 2008 to fiscal 2009 . the decrease in cash used primarily relates to a decrease in our purchases of marketable securities and cash paid for acquisitions as compared to fiscal 2008 , offset by the timing of maturities of marketable securities . fiscal 2007 to fiscal 2008 . the decrease in cash used primarily relates to the sale of marketable securities for our acquisition of synplicity , and as a result of lower capital expenditures during fiscal 2008 as compared to fiscal 2007 . cash provided by ( used in ) financing activities fiscal 2008 to fiscal 2009 . the increase in cash provided primarily relates to the absence of common stock repurchases in fiscal 2009 offset by a decrease in the number of options exercised by employees compared to fiscal 2008 . fiscal 2007 to fiscal 2008 . the increase in cash used primarily relates to more common stock repurchases under our stock repurchase program and options exercised by employees compared to fiscal 2007 . see note 7 of notes to consolidated financial statements for details of our stock repurchase program . we hold our cash , cash equivalents and short-term investments in the united states and in foreign accounts , primarily in ireland , bermuda , and japan . as of october 31 , 2009 , we held an aggregate of $ 612.4 million in cash , cash equivalents and short-term investments in the united states and an aggregate of $ 555.9 million in foreign accounts . funds in foreign accounts are generated from revenue outside north america . at present , such foreign funds are considered to be indefinitely reinvested in foreign countries to the extent of indefinitely reinvested foreign earnings as described in note 9 of notes to consolidated financial statements . we expect cash provided by operating activities to fluctuate in future periods as a result of a number of factors , including the timing of our billings and collections , our operating results , the timing and amount of tax and other liability payments and cash used in any future acquisitions . accounts receivable , net october 31 . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>2009</td><td>2008</td><td>$ change</td><td>% ( % ) change</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>( dollars in millions )</td><td>( dollars in millions )</td><td>-</td><td>-</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>$ 127.0</td><td>$ 147.4</td><td>$ -20.4 ( 20.4 )</td><td>( 14 ) % ( % )</td></tr></table> . Question: what was the sum of cash held in the us and foreign accounts? Answer: 1168.3 Question: what was the sum held in foreign accounts? Answer: 555.9 Question: what is that divided by the total?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
note 12 derivative instruments and fair value measurements the company is exposed to certain market risks such as changes in interest rates , foreign currency exchange rates , and commodity prices , which exist as a part of its ongoing business operations . management uses derivative financial and commodity instruments , including futures , options , and swaps , where appropriate , to manage these risks . instruments used as hedges must be effective at reducing the risk associated with the exposure being hedged and must be designated as a hedge at the inception of the contract . the company designates derivatives as cash flow hedges , fair value hedges , net investment hedges , and uses other contracts to reduce volatility in interest rates , foreign currency and commodities . as a matter of policy , the company does not engage in trading or speculative hedging transactions . total notional amounts of the company 2019s derivative instruments as of december 29 , 2012 and december 31 , 2011 were as follows: . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>( millions )</td><td>2012</td><td>2011</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>foreign currency exchange contracts</td><td>$ 570</td><td>$ 1265</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>interest rate contracts</td><td>2150</td><td>600</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>commodity contracts</td><td>136</td><td>175</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>total</td><td>$ 2856</td><td>$ 2040</td></tr></table> following is a description of each category in the fair value hierarchy and the financial assets and liabilities of the company that were included in each category at december 29 , 2012 and december 31 , 2011 , measured on a recurring basis . level 1 2014 financial assets and liabilities whose values are based on unadjusted quoted prices for identical assets or liabilities in an active market . for the company , level 1 financial assets and liabilities consist primarily of commodity derivative contracts . level 2 2014 financial assets and liabilities whose values are based on quoted prices in markets that are not active or model inputs that are observable either directly or indirectly for substantially the full term of the asset or liability . for the company , level 2 financial assets and liabilities consist of interest rate swaps and over-the-counter commodity and currency contracts . the company 2019s calculation of the fair value of interest rate swaps is derived from a discounted cash flow analysis based on the terms of the contract and the interest rate curve . over-the-counter commodity derivatives are valued using an income approach based on the commodity index prices less the contract rate multiplied by the notional amount . foreign currency contracts are valued using an income approach based on forward rates less the contract rate multiplied by the notional amount . the company 2019s calculation of the fair value of level 2 financial assets and liabilities takes into consideration the risk of nonperformance , including counterparty credit risk . level 3 2014 financial assets and liabilities whose values are based on prices or valuation techniques that require inputs that are both unobservable and significant to the overall fair value measurement . these inputs reflect management 2019s own assumptions about the assumptions a market participant would use in pricing the asset or liability . the company did not have any level 3 financial assets or liabilities as of december 29 , 2012 or december 31 , 2011 . the following table presents assets and liabilities that were measured at fair value in the consolidated balance sheet on a recurring basis as of december 29 , 2012 and december 31 , 2011 : derivatives designated as hedging instruments : 2012 2011 ( millions ) level 1 level 2 total level 1 level 2 total assets : foreign currency exchange contracts : other current assets $ 2014 $ 4 $ 4 $ 2014 $ 11 $ 11 interest rate contracts ( a ) : other assets 2014 64 64 2014 23 23 commodity contracts : other current assets 2014 2014 2014 2 2014 2 total assets $ 2014 $ 68 $ 68 $ 2 $ 34 $ 36 liabilities : foreign currency exchange contracts : other current liabilities $ 2014 $ ( 3 ) $ ( 3 ) $ 2014 $ ( 18 ) $ ( 18 ) commodity contracts : other current liabilities 2014 ( 11 ) ( 11 ) ( 4 ) ( 12 ) ( 16 ) other liabilities 2014 ( 27 ) ( 27 ) 2014 ( 34 ) ( 34 ) total liabilities $ 2014 $ ( 41 ) $ ( 41 ) $ ( 4 ) $ ( 64 ) $ ( 68 ) ( a ) the fair value of the related hedged portion of the company 2019s long-term debt , a level 2 liability , was $ 2.3 billion as of december 29 , 2012 and $ 626 million as of december 31 , derivatives not designated as hedging instruments : 2012 2011 ( millions ) level 1 level 2 total level 1 level 2 total assets : commodity contracts : other current assets $ 5 $ 2014 $ 5 $ 2014 $ 2014 $ 2014 total assets $ 5 $ 2014 $ 5 $ 2014 $ 2014 $ 2014 liabilities : commodity contracts : other current liabilities $ ( 3 ) $ 2014 $ ( 3 ) $ 2014 $ 2014 $ 2014 total liabilities $ ( 3 ) $ 2014 $ ( 3 ) $ 2014 $ 2014 $ 2014 . Question: what was the change in the total notional amount of the company's derivatives from 2011 to 2012? Answer: 816.0 Question: and what was that amount in 2011? Answer: 2040.0 Question: how much, then, does that change represent in relation to this 2011 amount, in percentage?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
positions and collateral of the defaulting firm at each respective clearing organization , and taking into account any cross-margining loss sharing payments , any of the participating clearing organizations has a remaining liquidating surplus , and any other participating clearing organization has a remaining liquidating deficit , any additional surplus from the liquidation would be shared with the other clearing house to the extent that it has a remaining liquidating deficit . any remaining surplus funds would be passed to the bankruptcy trustee . mf global bankruptcy trust . the company provided a $ 550.0 million financial guarantee to the bankruptcy trustee of mf global to accelerate the distribution of funds to mf global customers . in the event that the trustee distributed more property in the second or third interim distributions than was permitted by the bankruptcy code and cftc regulations , the company will make a cash payment to the trustee for the amount of the erroneous distribution or distributions up to $ 550.0 million in the aggregate . a payment will only be made after the trustee makes reasonable efforts to collect the property erroneously distributed to the customer ( s ) . if a payment is made by the company , the company may have the right to seek reimbursement of the erroneously distributed property from the applicable customer ( s ) . the guarantee does not cover distributions made by the trustee to customers on the basis of their claims filed in the bankruptcy . because the trustee has now made payments to nearly all customers on the basis of their claims , the company believes that the likelihood of payment to the trustee is very remote . as a result , the guarantee liability is estimated to be immaterial at december 31 , 2012 . family farmer and rancher protection fund . in april 2012 , the company established the family farmer and rancher protection fund ( the fund ) . the fund is designed to provide payments , up to certain maximum levels , to family farmers , ranchers and other agricultural industry participants who use cme group agricultural products and who suffer losses to their segregated account balances due to their cme clearing member becoming insolvent . under the terms of the fund , farmers and ranchers are eligible for up to $ 25000 per participant . farming and ranching cooperatives are eligible for up to $ 100000 per cooperative . the fund has an aggregate maximum payment amount of $ 100.0 million . if payments to participants were to exceed this amount , payments would be pro-rated . clearing members and customers must register in advance with the company and provide certain documentation in order to substantiate their eligibility . peregrine financial group , inc . ( pfg ) filed for bankruptcy protection on july 10 , 2012 . pfg was not one of cme 2019s clearing members and its customers had not registered for the fund . accordingly , they were not technically eligible for payments from the fund . however , because the fund was newly implemented and because pfg 2019s customers included many agricultural industry participants for whom the program was designed , the company decided to waive certain terms and conditions of the fund , solely in connection with the pfg bankruptcy , so that otherwise eligible family farmers , ranchers and agricultural cooperatives could apply for and receive benefits from cme . based on the number of such pfg customers who applied and the estimated size of their claims , the company has recorded a liability in the amount of $ 2.1 million at december 31 , 2012 . 16 . redeemable non-controlling interest the following summarizes the changes in redeemable non-controlling interest for the years presented . non- controlling interests that do not contain redemption features are presented in the statements of equity. . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>( in millions )</td><td>2012</td><td>2011</td><td>2010</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>balance at january 1</td><td>$ 70.3</td><td>$ 68.1</td><td>$ 2014</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>contribution by dow jones</td><td>2014</td><td>2014</td><td>675.0</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>distribution to dow jones</td><td>2014</td><td>2014</td><td>-607.5 ( 607.5 )</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>allocation of stock-based compensation</td><td>2014</td><td>0.1</td><td>2014</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>total comprehensive income attributable to redeemable non-controlling interest</td><td>10.5</td><td>2.1</td><td>0.6</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>balance at december 31</td><td>$ 80.8</td><td>$ 70.3</td><td>$ 68.1</td></tr></table> contribution by dow jones . . . . . . . . . . . 2014 2014 675.0 distribution to dow jones . . . . . . . . . . . 2014 2014 ( 607.5 ) allocation of stock- compensation . . . . 2014 0.1 2014 total comprehensive income attributable to redeemable non- controlling interest . . . . . . . . . . 10.5 2.1 0.6 balance at december 31 . . . . . . . . . $ 80.8 $ 70.3 $ 68.1 . Question: what was the balance of non-controlling interests at the end of 2011? Answer: 70.3 Question: what was the balance of non-controlling interests at the end of 2010? Answer: 68.1 Question: what was the net change? Answer: 2.2 Question: what was the balance of non-controlling interests at the end of 2010? Answer: 68.1 Question: what was the percent change?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
management 2019s discussion and analysis the table below presents the operating results of our institutional client services segment. . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>in millions</td><td>year ended december 2012</td><td>year ended december 2011</td><td>year ended december 2010</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>fixed income currency and commodities client execution</td><td>$ 9914</td><td>$ 9018</td><td>$ 13707</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>equities client execution1</td><td>3171</td><td>3031</td><td>3231</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>commissions and fees</td><td>3053</td><td>3633</td><td>3426</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>securities services</td><td>1986</td><td>1598</td><td>1432</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>total equities</td><td>8210</td><td>8262</td><td>8089</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>total net revenues</td><td>18124</td><td>17280</td><td>21796</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>operating expenses</td><td>12480</td><td>12837</td><td>14994</td></tr><tr><td>9</td><td>pre-tax earnings</td><td>$ 5644</td><td>$ 4443</td><td>$ 6802</td></tr></table> 1 . includes net revenues related to reinsurance of $ 1.08 billion , $ 880 million and $ 827 million for the years ended december 2012 , december 2011 and december 2010 , respectively . 2012 versus 2011 . net revenues in institutional client services were $ 18.12 billion for 2012 , 5% ( 5 % ) higher than 2011 . net revenues in fixed income , currency and commodities client execution were $ 9.91 billion for 2012 , 10% ( 10 % ) higher than 2011 . these results reflected strong net revenues in mortgages , which were significantly higher compared with 2011 . in addition , net revenues in credit products and interest rate products were solid and higher compared with 2011 . these increases were partially offset by significantly lower net revenues in commodities and slightly lower net revenues in currencies . although broad market concerns persisted during 2012 , fixed income , currency and commodities client execution operated in a generally improved environment characterized by tighter credit spreads and less challenging market-making conditions compared with 2011 . net revenues in equities were $ 8.21 billion for 2012 , essentially unchanged compared with 2011 . net revenues in securities services were significantly higher compared with 2011 , reflecting a gain of approximately $ 500 million on the sale of our hedge fund administration business . in addition , equities client execution net revenues were higher than 2011 , primarily reflecting significantly higher results in cash products , principally due to increased levels of client activity . these increases were offset by lower commissions and fees , reflecting lower market volumes . during 2012 , equities operated in an environment generally characterized by an increase in global equity prices and lower volatility levels . the net loss attributable to the impact of changes in our own credit spreads on borrowings for which the fair value option was elected was $ 714 million ( $ 433 million and $ 281 million related to fixed income , currency and commodities client execution and equities client execution , respectively ) for 2012 , compared with a net gain of $ 596 million ( $ 399 million and $ 197 million related to fixed income , currency and commodities client execution and equities client execution , respectively ) for 2011 . during 2012 , institutional client services operated in an environment generally characterized by continued broad market concerns and uncertainties , although positive developments helped to improve market conditions . these developments included certain central bank actions to ease monetary policy and address funding risks for european financial institutions . in addition , the u.s . economy posted stable to improving economic data , including favorable developments in unemployment and housing . these improvements resulted in tighter credit spreads , higher global equity prices and lower levels of volatility . however , concerns about the outlook for the global economy and continued political uncertainty , particularly the political debate in the united states surrounding the fiscal cliff , generally resulted in client risk aversion and lower activity levels . also , uncertainty over financial regulatory reform persisted . if these concerns and uncertainties continue over the long term , net revenues in fixed income , currency and commodities client execution and equities would likely be negatively impacted . operating expenses were $ 12.48 billion for 2012 , 3% ( 3 % ) lower than 2011 , primarily due to lower brokerage , clearing , exchange and distribution fees , and lower impairment charges , partially offset by higher net provisions for litigation and regulatory proceedings . pre-tax earnings were $ 5.64 billion in 2012 , 27% ( 27 % ) higher than 2011 . 2011 versus 2010 . net revenues in institutional client services were $ 17.28 billion for 2011 , 21% ( 21 % ) lower than 2010 . net revenues in fixed income , currency and commodities client execution were $ 9.02 billion for 2011 , 34% ( 34 % ) lower than 2010 . although activity levels during 2011 were generally consistent with 2010 levels , and results were solid during the first quarter of 2011 , the environment during the remainder of 2011 was characterized by broad market concerns and uncertainty , resulting in volatile markets and significantly wider credit spreads , which contributed to difficult market-making conditions and led to reductions in risk by us and our clients . as a result of these conditions , net revenues across the franchise were lower , including significant declines in mortgages and credit products , compared with 2010 . 54 goldman sachs 2012 annual report . Question: what was the value of pre-tax earnings in 2011? Answer: 4443.0 Question: what was the value of pre-tax earnings in 2010? Answer: 6802.0 Question: what was the net change in value? Answer: -2359.0 Question: what is the percent change?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
the income approach indicates value for an asset or liability based on the present value of cash flow projected to be generated over the remaining economic life of the asset or liability being measured . both the amount and the duration of the cash flows are considered from a market participant perspective . our estimates of market participant net cash flows considered historical and projected pricing , remaining developmental effort , operational performance including company- specific synergies , aftermarket retention , product life cycles , material and labor pricing , and other relevant customer , contractual and market factors . where appropriate , the net cash flows are adjusted to reflect the uncertainties associated with the underlying assumptions , as well as the risk profile of the net cash flows utilized in the valuation . the adjusted future cash flows are then discounted to present value using an appropriate discount rate . projected cash flow is discounted at a required rate of return that reflects the relative risk of achieving the cash flows and the time value of money . the market approach is a valuation technique that uses prices and other relevant information generated by market transactions involving identical or comparable assets , liabilities , or a group of assets and liabilities . valuation techniques consistent with the market approach often use market multiples derived from a set of comparables . the cost approach , which estimates value by determining the current cost of replacing an asset with another of equivalent economic utility , was used , as appropriate , for property , plant and equipment . the cost to replace a given asset reflects the estimated reproduction or replacement cost , less an allowance for loss in value due to depreciation . the purchase price allocation resulted in the recognition of $ 2.8 billion of goodwill , all of which is expected to be amortizable for tax purposes . substantially all of the goodwill was assigned to our rms business . the goodwill recognized is attributable to expected revenue synergies generated by the integration of our products and technologies with those of sikorsky , costs synergies resulting from the consolidation or elimination of certain functions , and intangible assets that do not qualify for separate recognition , such as the assembled workforce of sikorsky . determining the fair value of assets acquired and liabilities assumed requires the exercise of significant judgments , including the amount and timing of expected future cash flows , long-term growth rates and discount rates . the cash flows employed in the dcf analyses are based on our best estimate of future sales , earnings and cash flows after considering factors such as general market conditions , customer budgets , existing firm orders , expected future orders , contracts with suppliers , labor agreements , changes in working capital , long term business plans and recent operating performance . use of different estimates and judgments could yield different results . impact to 2015 financial results sikorsky 2019s 2015 financial results have been included in our consolidated financial results only for the period from the november 6 , 2015 acquisition date through december 31 , 2015 . as a result , our consolidated financial results for the year ended december 31 , 2015 do not reflect a full year of sikorsky 2019s results . from the november 6 , 2015 acquisition date through december 31 , 2015 , sikorsky generated net sales of approximately $ 400 million and operating loss of approximately $ 45 million , inclusive of intangible amortization and adjustments required to account for the acquisition . we incurred approximately $ 38 million of non-recoverable transaction costs associated with the sikorsky acquisition in 2015 that were expensed as incurred . these costs are included in other income , net on our consolidated statements of earnings . we also incurred approximately $ 48 million in costs associated with issuing the $ 7.0 billion november 2015 notes used to repay all outstanding borrowings under the 364-day facility used to finance the acquisition . the financing costs were recorded as a reduction of debt and will be amortized to interest expense over the term of the related debt . supplemental pro forma financial information ( unaudited ) the following table presents summarized unaudited pro forma financial information as if sikorsky had been included in our financial results for the entire years in 2015 and 2014 ( in millions ) : . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>2015</td><td>2014</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>net sales</td><td>$ 45366</td><td>$ 47369</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>net earnings</td><td>3534</td><td>3475</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>basic earnings per common share</td><td>11.39</td><td>10.97</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>diluted earnings per common share</td><td>11.23</td><td>10.78</td></tr></table> the unaudited supplemental pro forma financial data above has been calculated after applying our accounting policies and adjusting the historical results of sikorsky with pro forma adjustments , net of tax , that assume the acquisition occurred on january 1 , 2014 . significant pro forma adjustments include the recognition of additional amortization expense related to acquired intangible assets and additional interest expense related to the short-term debt used to finance the acquisition . these . Question: what is the net sales in 2015? Answer: 45366.0 Question: what about in 2014? Answer: 47369.0 Question: what is the net change? Answer: -2003.0 Question: what percentage change does this represent?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
eog utilized average prices per acre from comparable market transactions and estimated discounted cash flows as the basis for determining the fair value of unproved and proved properties , respectively , received in non-cash property exchanges . see note 10 . fair value of debt . at december 31 , 2018 and 2017 , respectively , eog had outstanding $ 6040 million and $ 6390 million aggregate principal amount of senior notes , which had estimated fair values of approximately $ 6027 million and $ 6602 million , respectively . the estimated fair value of debt was based upon quoted market prices and , where such prices were not available , other observable ( level 2 ) inputs regarding interest rates available to eog at year-end . 14 . accounting for certain long-lived assets eog reviews its proved oil and gas properties for impairment purposes by comparing the expected undiscounted future cash flows at a depreciation , depletion and amortization group level to the unamortized capitalized cost of the asset . the carrying values for assets determined to be impaired were adjusted to estimated fair value using the income approach described in the fair value measurement topic of the asc . in certain instances , eog utilizes accepted offers from third-party purchasers as the basis for determining fair value . during 2018 , proved oil and gas properties with a carrying amount of $ 139 million were written down to their fair value of $ 18 million , resulting in pretax impairment charges of $ 121 million . during 2017 , proved oil and gas properties with a carrying amount of $ 370 million were written down to their fair value of $ 146 million , resulting in pretax impairment charges of $ 224 million . impairments in 2018 , 2017 and 2016 included domestic legacy natural gas assets . amortization and impairments of unproved oil and gas property costs , including amortization of capitalized interest , were $ 173 million , $ 211 million and $ 291 million during 2018 , 2017 and 2016 , respectively . 15 . asset retirement obligations the following table presents the reconciliation of the beginning and ending aggregate carrying amounts of short-term and long-term legal obligations associated with the retirement of property , plant and equipment for the years ended december 31 , 2018 and 2017 ( in thousands ) : . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>2018</td><td>2017</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>carrying amount at beginning of period</td><td>$ 946848</td><td>$ 912926</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>liabilities incurred</td><td>79057</td><td>54764</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>liabilities settled ( 1 )</td><td>-70829 ( 70829 )</td><td>-61871 ( 61871 )</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>accretion</td><td>36622</td><td>34708</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>revisions</td><td>-38932 ( 38932 )</td><td>-9818 ( 9818 )</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>foreign currency translations</td><td>1611</td><td>16139</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>carrying amount at end of period</td><td>$ 954377</td><td>$ 946848</td></tr><tr><td>9</td><td>current portion</td><td>$ 26214</td><td>$ 19259</td></tr><tr><td>10</td><td>noncurrent portion</td><td>$ 928163</td><td>$ 927589</td></tr></table> ( 1 ) includes settlements related to asset sales . the current and noncurrent portions of eog's asset retirement obligations are included in current liabilities - other and other liabilities , respectively , on the consolidated balance sheets. . Question: what was the value of the carrying amount at the start of 2017? Answer: 912926.0 Question: what is that value divided by 1000? Answer: 912.926 Question: what was the value of proved oil and gas properties in 2017?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
performance graph the performance graph below shows the five-year cumulative total stockholder return on applied common stock during the period from october 28 , 2012 through october 29 , 2017 . this is compared with the cumulative total return of the standard & poor 2019s 500 stock index and the rdg semiconductor composite index over the same period . the comparison assumes $ 100 was invested on october 28 , 2012 in applied common stock and in each of the foregoing indices and assumes reinvestment of dividends , if any . dollar amounts in the graph are rounded to the nearest whole dollar . the performance shown in the graph represents past performance and should not be considered an indication of future performance . comparison of 5 year cumulative total return* among applied materials , inc. , the s&p 500 index and the rdg semiconductor composite index *assumes $ 100 invested on 10/28/12 in stock or 10/31/12 in index , including reinvestment of dividends . indexes calculated on month-end basis . copyright a9 2017 standard & poor 2019s , a division of s&p global . all rights reserved. . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>10/28/2012</td><td>10/27/2013</td><td>10/26/2014</td><td>10/25/2015</td><td>10/30/2016</td><td>10/29/2017</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>applied materials</td><td>100.00</td><td>171.03</td><td>207.01</td><td>165.34</td><td>293.64</td><td>586.91</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>s&p 500 index</td><td>100.00</td><td>127.18</td><td>149.14</td><td>156.89</td><td>163.97</td><td>202.72</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>rdg semiconductor composite index</td><td>100.00</td><td>131.94</td><td>167.25</td><td>160.80</td><td>193.36</td><td>288.96</td></tr></table> dividends during each of fiscal 2017 , 2016 and 2015 , applied 2019s board of directors declared four quarterly cash dividends in the amount of $ 0.10 per share . applied currently anticipates that cash dividends will continue to be paid on a quarterly basis , although the declaration of any future cash dividend is at the discretion of the board of directors and will depend on applied 2019s financial condition , results of operations , capital requirements , business conditions and other factors , as well as a determination by the board of directors that cash dividends are in the best interests of applied 2019s stockholders . 10/28/12 10/27/13 10/26/14 10/25/15 10/30/16 10/29/17 applied materials , inc . s&p 500 rdg semiconductor composite . Question: what was the price of applied materials in 2015? Answer: 165.34 Question: what was the price less the initial investment of 100? Answer: 65.34 Question: what is the change to investment ratio?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
loan commitments ( unfunded loans and unused lines of credit ) , asset purchase agreements , standby letters of credit and letters of credit are issued to accommodate the financing needs of state street 2019s clients and to provide credit enhancements to special purpose entities . loan commitments are agreements by state street to lend monies at a future date . asset purchase agreements are commitments to purchase receivables or securities , subject to conditions established in the agreements , and at december 31 , 2001 , include $ 8.0 billion outstanding to special purpose entities . standby letters of credit and letters of credit commit state street to make payments on behalf of clients and special purpose entities when certain specified events occur . standby letters of credit outstanding to special purpose entities were $ 608 million at december 31 , 2001 . these loan , asset purchase and letter of credit commitments are subject to the same credit policies and reviews as loans . the amount and nature of collateral are obtained based upon management 2019s assessment of the credit risk . approximately 89% ( 89 % ) of the loan commitments and asset purchase agreements expire within one year from the date of issue . sincemany of the commitments are expected to expire or renewwithout being drawn , the total commitment amounts do not necessarily represent future cash requirements . the following is a summary of the contractual amount of credit-related , off-balance sheet financial instruments at december 31: . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>( dollars in millions )</td><td>2001</td><td>2000</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>indemnified securities on loan</td><td>$ 113047</td><td>$ 101438</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>loan commitments</td><td>12962</td><td>11367</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>asset purchase agreements</td><td>10366</td><td>7112</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>standby letters of credit</td><td>3918</td><td>4028</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>letters of credit</td><td>164</td><td>218</td></tr></table> state street corporation 53 . Question: what was the change in indemnified securities on loan increase from 2000 to 2001? Answer: 11609.0 Question: and how much does this change represent in relation to those indemnified securities in 2000, in percentage?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
measurement point december 31 booking holdings nasdaq composite index s&p 500 rdg internet composite . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>measurement pointdecember 31</td><td>booking holdings inc .</td><td>nasdaqcomposite index</td><td>s&p 500index</td><td>rdg internetcomposite</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>2013</td><td>100.00</td><td>100.00</td><td>100.00</td><td>100.00</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>2014</td><td>98.09</td><td>114.62</td><td>113.69</td><td>96.39</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>2015</td><td>109.68</td><td>122.81</td><td>115.26</td><td>133.20</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>2016</td><td>126.12</td><td>133.19</td><td>129.05</td><td>140.23</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>2017</td><td>149.50</td><td>172.11</td><td>157.22</td><td>202.15</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>2018</td><td>148.18</td><td>165.84</td><td>150.33</td><td>201.16</td></tr></table> . Question: what is the value of booking holdings inc in 2018? Answer: 148.18 Question: what is that less 100? Answer: 48.18 Question: what is the percent change?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
part iii item 10 . directors , executive officers and corporate governance the information required by this item is incorporated by reference to the 201celection of directors 201d section , the 201cdirector selection process 201d section , the 201ccode of conduct 201d section , the 201cprincipal committees of the board of directors 201d section , the 201caudit committee 201d section and the 201csection 16 ( a ) beneficial ownership reporting compliance 201d section of the proxy statement for the annual meeting of stockholders to be held on may 21 , 2015 ( the 201cproxy statement 201d ) , except for the description of our executive officers , which appears in part i of this report on form 10-k under the heading 201cexecutive officers of ipg . 201d new york stock exchange certification in 2014 , our chief executive officer provided the annual ceo certification to the new york stock exchange , as required under section 303a.12 ( a ) of the new york stock exchange listed company manual . item 11 . executive compensation the information required by this item is incorporated by reference to the 201cexecutive compensation 201d section , the 201cnon- management director compensation 201d section , the 201ccompensation discussion and analysis 201d section and the 201ccompensation and leadership talent committee report 201d section of the proxy statement . item 12 . security ownership of certain beneficial owners and management and related stockholder matters the information required by this item is incorporated by reference to the 201coutstanding shares and ownership of common stock 201d section of the proxy statement , except for information regarding the shares of common stock to be issued or which may be issued under our equity compensation plans as of december 31 , 2014 , which is provided in the following table . equity compensation plan information plan category number of shares of common stock to be issued upon exercise of outstanding options , warrants and rights ( a ) 123 weighted-average exercise price of outstanding stock options number of securities remaining available for future issuance under equity compensation plans ( excluding securities reflected in column ( a ) ) equity compensation plans approved by security holders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15563666 9.70 41661517 equity compensation plans not approved by security holders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . none 1 included a total of 5866475 performance-based share awards made under the 2009 and 2014 performance incentive plans representing the target number of shares of common stock to be issued to employees following the completion of the 2012-2014 performance period ( the 201c2014 ltip share awards 201d ) , the 2013-2015 performance period ( the 201c2015 ltip share awards 201d ) and the 2014-2016 performance period ( the 201c2016 ltip share awards 201d ) , respectively . the computation of the weighted-average exercise price in column ( b ) of this table does not take the 2014 ltip share awards , the 2015 ltip share awards or the 2016 ltip share awards into account . 2 included a total of 98877 restricted share units and performance-based awards ( 201cshare unit awards 201d ) which may be settled in shares of common stock or cash . the computation of the weighted-average exercise price in column ( b ) of this table does not take the share unit awards into account . each share unit award actually settled in cash will increase the number of shares of common stock available for issuance shown in column ( c ) . 3 ipg has issued restricted cash awards ( 201cperformance cash awards 201d ) , half of which shall be settled in shares of common stock and half of which shall be settled in cash . using the 2014 closing stock price of $ 20.77 , the awards which shall be settled in shares of common stock represent rights to an additional 2721405 shares . these shares are not included in the table above . 4 included ( i ) 29045044 shares of common stock available for issuance under the 2014 performance incentive plan , ( ii ) 12181214 shares of common stock available for issuance under the employee stock purchase plan ( 2006 ) and ( iii ) 435259 shares of common stock available for issuance under the 2009 non-management directors 2019 stock incentive plan. . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>plan category</td><td>number of shares of common stock to be issued upon exercise of outstanding options warrants and rights ( a ) 123</td><td>weighted-average exercise price of outstanding stock options ( b )</td><td>number of securities remaining available for future issuance under equity compensation plans ( excluding securities reflected in column ( a ) ) ( c ) 4</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>equity compensation plans approved by security holders</td><td>15563666</td><td>9.70</td><td>41661517</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>equity compensation plans not approved by security holders</td><td>none</td><td>-</td><td>-</td></tr></table> part iii item 10 . directors , executive officers and corporate governance the information required by this item is incorporated by reference to the 201celection of directors 201d section , the 201cdirector selection process 201d section , the 201ccode of conduct 201d section , the 201cprincipal committees of the board of directors 201d section , the 201caudit committee 201d section and the 201csection 16 ( a ) beneficial ownership reporting compliance 201d section of the proxy statement for the annual meeting of stockholders to be held on may 21 , 2015 ( the 201cproxy statement 201d ) , except for the description of our executive officers , which appears in part i of this report on form 10-k under the heading 201cexecutive officers of ipg . 201d new york stock exchange certification in 2014 , our chief executive officer provided the annual ceo certification to the new york stock exchange , as required under section 303a.12 ( a ) of the new york stock exchange listed company manual . item 11 . executive compensation the information required by this item is incorporated by reference to the 201cexecutive compensation 201d section , the 201cnon- management director compensation 201d section , the 201ccompensation discussion and analysis 201d section and the 201ccompensation and leadership talent committee report 201d section of the proxy statement . item 12 . security ownership of certain beneficial owners and management and related stockholder matters the information required by this item is incorporated by reference to the 201coutstanding shares and ownership of common stock 201d section of the proxy statement , except for information regarding the shares of common stock to be issued or which may be issued under our equity compensation plans as of december 31 , 2014 , which is provided in the following table . equity compensation plan information plan category number of shares of common stock to be issued upon exercise of outstanding options , warrants and rights ( a ) 123 weighted-average exercise price of outstanding stock options number of securities remaining available for future issuance under equity compensation plans ( excluding securities reflected in column ( a ) ) equity compensation plans approved by security holders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15563666 9.70 41661517 equity compensation plans not approved by security holders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . none 1 included a total of 5866475 performance-based share awards made under the 2009 and 2014 performance incentive plans representing the target number of shares of common stock to be issued to employees following the completion of the 2012-2014 performance period ( the 201c2014 ltip share awards 201d ) , the 2013-2015 performance period ( the 201c2015 ltip share awards 201d ) and the 2014-2016 performance period ( the 201c2016 ltip share awards 201d ) , respectively . the computation of the weighted-average exercise price in column ( b ) of this table does not take the 2014 ltip share awards , the 2015 ltip share awards or the 2016 ltip share awards into account . 2 included a total of 98877 restricted share units and performance-based awards ( 201cshare unit awards 201d ) which may be settled in shares of common stock or cash . the computation of the weighted-average exercise price in column ( b ) of this table does not take the share unit awards into account . each share unit award actually settled in cash will increase the number of shares of common stock available for issuance shown in column ( c ) . 3 ipg has issued restricted cash awards ( 201cperformance cash awards 201d ) , half of which shall be settled in shares of common stock and half of which shall be settled in cash . using the 2014 closing stock price of $ 20.77 , the awards which shall be settled in shares of common stock represent rights to an additional 2721405 shares . these shares are not included in the table above . 4 included ( i ) 29045044 shares of common stock available for issuance under the 2014 performance incentive plan , ( ii ) 12181214 shares of common stock available for issuance under the employee stock purchase plan ( 2006 ) and ( iii ) 435259 shares of common stock available for issuance under the 2009 non-management directors 2019 stock incentive plan. . Question: what was the number of additional shares included in the award? Answer: 2721405.0 Question: and what was the 2014 closing stock price? Answer: 20.77 Question: what was, then, the total value of those shares, considering this 2014 price? Answer: 56523581.85 Question: and how much is that in millions?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
notes to the consolidated financial statements the credit agreement provides that loans will bear interest at rates based , at the company 2019s option , on one of two specified base rates plus a margin based on certain formulas defined in the credit agreement . additionally , the credit agreement contains a commitment fee on the amount of unused commitment under the credit agreement ranging from 0.125% ( 0.125 % ) to 0.625% ( 0.625 % ) per annum . the applicable interest rate and the commitment fee will vary depending on the ratings established by standard & poor 2019s financial services llc and moody 2019s investor service inc . for the company 2019s non-credit enhanced , long- term , senior , unsecured debt . the credit agreement contains usual and customary restrictive covenants for facilities of its type , which include , with specified exceptions , limitations on the company 2019s ability to create liens or other encumbrances , to enter into sale and leaseback transactions and to enter into consolidations , mergers or transfers of all or substantially all of its assets . the credit agreement also requires the company to maintain a ratio of total indebtedness to total capitalization , as defined in the credit agreement , of sixty percent or less . the credit agreement contains customary events of default that would permit the lenders to accelerate the repayment of any loans , including the failure to make timely payments when due under the credit agreement or other material indebtedness , the failure to satisfy covenants contained in the credit agreement , a change in control of the company and specified events of bankruptcy and insolvency . there were no amounts outstanding under the credit agreement at december 31 , on november 12 , 2010 , ppg completed a public offering of $ 250 million in aggregate principal amount of its 1.900% ( 1.900 % ) notes due 2016 ( the 201c2016 notes 201d ) , $ 500 million in aggregate principal amount of its 3.600% ( 3.600 % ) notes due 2020 ( the 201c2020 notes 201d ) and $ 250 million in aggregate principal amount of its 5.500% ( 5.500 % ) notes due 2040 ( the 201c2040 notes 201d ) . these notes were issued pursuant to an indenture dated as of march 18 , 2008 ( the 201coriginal indenture 201d ) between the company and the bank of new york mellon trust company , n.a. , as trustee ( the 201ctrustee 201d ) , as supplemented by a first supplemental indenture dated as of march 18 , 2008 between the company and the trustee ( the 201cfirst supplemental indenture 201d ) and a second supplemental indenture dated as of november 12 , 2010 between the company and the trustee ( the 201csecond supplemental indenture 201d and , together with the original indenture and the first supplemental indenture , the 201cindenture 201d ) . the company may issue additional debt from time to time pursuant to the original indenture . the indenture governing these notes contains covenants that limit the company 2019s ability to , among other things , incur certain liens securing indebtedness , engage in certain sale-leaseback transactions , and enter into certain consolidations , mergers , conveyances , transfers or leases of all or substantially all the company 2019s assets . the terms of these notes also require the company to make an offer to repurchase notes upon a change of control triggering event ( as defined in the second supplemental indenture ) at a price equal to 101% ( 101 % ) of their principal amount plus accrued and unpaid interest . cash proceeds from this notes offering was $ 983 million ( net of discount and issuance costs ) . the discount and issuance costs related to these notes , which totaled $ 17 million , will be amortized to interest expense over the respective terms of the notes . ppg 2019s non-u.s . operations have uncommitted lines of credit totaling $ 791 million of which $ 31 million was used as of december 31 , 2010 . these uncommitted lines of credit are subject to cancellation at any time and are generally not subject to any commitment fees . short-term debt outstanding as of december 31 , 2010 and 2009 , was as follows : ( millions ) 2010 2009 20ac650 million revolving credit facility , 0.8% ( 0.8 % ) as of dec . 31 , 2009 $ 2014 $ 110 other , weighted average 3.39% ( 3.39 % ) as of dec . 31 , 2010 and 2.2% ( 2.2 % ) as of december 31 , 2009 24 158 total $ 24 $ 268 ppg is in compliance with the restrictive covenants under its various credit agreements , loan agreements and indentures . the company 2019s revolving credit agreements include a financial ratio covenant . the covenant requires that the amount of total indebtedness not exceed 60% ( 60 % ) of the company 2019s total capitalization excluding the portion of accumulated other comprehensive income ( loss ) related to pensions and other postretirement benefit adjustments . as of december 31 , 2010 , total indebtedness was 45% ( 45 % ) of the company 2019s total capitalization excluding the portion of accumulated other comprehensive income ( loss ) related to pensions and other postretirement benefit adjustments . additionally , substantially all of the company 2019s debt agreements contain customary cross- default provisions . those provisions generally provide that a default on a debt service payment of $ 10 million or more for longer than the grace period provided ( usually 10 days ) under one agreement may result in an event of default under other agreements . none of the company 2019s primary debt obligations are secured or guaranteed by the company 2019s affiliates . interest payments in 2010 , 2009 and 2008 totaled $ 189 million , $ 201 million and $ 228 million , respectively . 2010 ppg annual report and form 10-k 43 . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>( millions )</td><td>2010</td><td>2009</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>20ac650 million revolving credit facility 0.8% ( 0.8 % ) as of dec . 31 2009</td><td>$ 2014</td><td>$ 110</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>other weighted average 3.39% ( 3.39 % ) as of dec . 31 2010 and 2.2% ( 2.2 % ) as of december 31 2009</td><td>24</td><td>158</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>total</td><td>$ 24</td><td>$ 268</td></tr></table> notes to the consolidated financial statements the credit agreement provides that loans will bear interest at rates based , at the company 2019s option , on one of two specified base rates plus a margin based on certain formulas defined in the credit agreement . additionally , the credit agreement contains a commitment fee on the amount of unused commitment under the credit agreement ranging from 0.125% ( 0.125 % ) to 0.625% ( 0.625 % ) per annum . the applicable interest rate and the commitment fee will vary depending on the ratings established by standard & poor 2019s financial services llc and moody 2019s investor service inc . for the company 2019s non-credit enhanced , long- term , senior , unsecured debt . the credit agreement contains usual and customary restrictive covenants for facilities of its type , which include , with specified exceptions , limitations on the company 2019s ability to create liens or other encumbrances , to enter into sale and leaseback transactions and to enter into consolidations , mergers or transfers of all or substantially all of its assets . the credit agreement also requires the company to maintain a ratio of total indebtedness to total capitalization , as defined in the credit agreement , of sixty percent or less . the credit agreement contains customary events of default that would permit the lenders to accelerate the repayment of any loans , including the failure to make timely payments when due under the credit agreement or other material indebtedness , the failure to satisfy covenants contained in the credit agreement , a change in control of the company and specified events of bankruptcy and insolvency . there were no amounts outstanding under the credit agreement at december 31 , on november 12 , 2010 , ppg completed a public offering of $ 250 million in aggregate principal amount of its 1.900% ( 1.900 % ) notes due 2016 ( the 201c2016 notes 201d ) , $ 500 million in aggregate principal amount of its 3.600% ( 3.600 % ) notes due 2020 ( the 201c2020 notes 201d ) and $ 250 million in aggregate principal amount of its 5.500% ( 5.500 % ) notes due 2040 ( the 201c2040 notes 201d ) . these notes were issued pursuant to an indenture dated as of march 18 , 2008 ( the 201coriginal indenture 201d ) between the company and the bank of new york mellon trust company , n.a. , as trustee ( the 201ctrustee 201d ) , as supplemented by a first supplemental indenture dated as of march 18 , 2008 between the company and the trustee ( the 201cfirst supplemental indenture 201d ) and a second supplemental indenture dated as of november 12 , 2010 between the company and the trustee ( the 201csecond supplemental indenture 201d and , together with the original indenture and the first supplemental indenture , the 201cindenture 201d ) . the company may issue additional debt from time to time pursuant to the original indenture . the indenture governing these notes contains covenants that limit the company 2019s ability to , among other things , incur certain liens securing indebtedness , engage in certain sale-leaseback transactions , and enter into certain consolidations , mergers , conveyances , transfers or leases of all or substantially all the company 2019s assets . the terms of these notes also require the company to make an offer to repurchase notes upon a change of control triggering event ( as defined in the second supplemental indenture ) at a price equal to 101% ( 101 % ) of their principal amount plus accrued and unpaid interest . cash proceeds from this notes offering was $ 983 million ( net of discount and issuance costs ) . the discount and issuance costs related to these notes , which totaled $ 17 million , will be amortized to interest expense over the respective terms of the notes . ppg 2019s non-u.s . operations have uncommitted lines of credit totaling $ 791 million of which $ 31 million was used as of december 31 , 2010 . these uncommitted lines of credit are subject to cancellation at any time and are generally not subject to any commitment fees . short-term debt outstanding as of december 31 , 2010 and 2009 , was as follows : ( millions ) 2010 2009 20ac650 million revolving credit facility , 0.8% ( 0.8 % ) as of dec . 31 , 2009 $ 2014 $ 110 other , weighted average 3.39% ( 3.39 % ) as of dec . 31 , 2010 and 2.2% ( 2.2 % ) as of december 31 , 2009 24 158 total $ 24 $ 268 ppg is in compliance with the restrictive covenants under its various credit agreements , loan agreements and indentures . the company 2019s revolving credit agreements include a financial ratio covenant . the covenant requires that the amount of total indebtedness not exceed 60% ( 60 % ) of the company 2019s total capitalization excluding the portion of accumulated other comprehensive income ( loss ) related to pensions and other postretirement benefit adjustments . as of december 31 , 2010 , total indebtedness was 45% ( 45 % ) of the company 2019s total capitalization excluding the portion of accumulated other comprehensive income ( loss ) related to pensions and other postretirement benefit adjustments . additionally , substantially all of the company 2019s debt agreements contain customary cross- default provisions . those provisions generally provide that a default on a debt service payment of $ 10 million or more for longer than the grace period provided ( usually 10 days ) under one agreement may result in an event of default under other agreements . none of the company 2019s primary debt obligations are secured or guaranteed by the company 2019s affiliates . interest payments in 2010 , 2009 and 2008 totaled $ 189 million , $ 201 million and $ 228 million , respectively . 2010 ppg annual report and form 10-k 43 . Question: what was the total of interest payments in 2009? Answer: 201.0 Question: an what was it in 2008? Answer: 228.0 Question: what was, then, the variation over the year?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
note 4 - goodwill and other intangible assets : goodwill the company had approximately $ 93.2 million and $ 94.4 million of goodwill at december 30 , 2017 and december 31 , 2016 , respectively . the changes in the carrying amount of goodwill for the years ended december 30 , 2017 and december 31 , 2016 are as follows ( in thousands ) : . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>2017</td><td>2016</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>balance beginning of year</td><td>$ 94417</td><td>$ 10258</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>goodwill acquired as part of acquisition</td><td>2014</td><td>84159</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>working capital settlement</td><td>-1225 ( 1225 )</td><td>2014</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>impairment loss</td><td>2014</td><td>2014</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>balance end of year</td><td>$ 93192</td><td>$ 94417</td></tr></table> goodwill is allocated to each identified reporting unit , which is defined as an operating segment or one level below the operating segment . goodwill is not amortized , but is evaluated for impairment annually and whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate the carrying value of goodwill may not be recoverable . the company completes its impairment evaluation by performing valuation analyses and considering other publicly available market information , as appropriate . the test used to identify the potential for goodwill impairment compares the fair value of a reporting unit with its carrying value . an impairment charge would be recorded to the company 2019s operations for the amount , if any , in which the carrying value exceeds the fair value . in the fourth quarter of fiscal 2017 , the company completed its annual impairment testing of goodwill and no impairment was identified . the company determined that the fair value of each reporting unit ( including goodwill ) was in excess of the carrying value of the respective reporting unit . in reaching this conclusion , the fair value of each reporting unit was determined based on either a market or an income approach . under the market approach , the fair value is based on observed market data . other intangible assets the company had approximately $ 31.3 million of intangible assets other than goodwill at december 30 , 2017 and december 31 , 2016 . the intangible asset balance represents the estimated fair value of the petsense tradename , which is not subject to amortization as it has an indefinite useful life on the basis that it is expected to contribute cash flows beyond the foreseeable horizon . with respect to intangible assets , we evaluate for impairment annually and whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying value may not be recoverable . we recognize an impairment loss only if the carrying amount is not recoverable through its discounted cash flows and measure the impairment loss based on the difference between the carrying value and fair value . in the fourth quarter of fiscal 2017 , the company completed its annual impairment testing of intangible assets and no impairment was identified. . Question: what is the goodwill acquired as part of acquisition in 2016? Answer: 84159.0 Question: what about the balance of goodwill in 2016?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
prior to its adoption of sfas no . 123 ( r ) , the company recorded compensation expense for restricted stock awards on a straight-line basis over their vesting period . if an employee forfeited the award prior to vesting , the company reversed out the previously expensed amounts in the period of forfeiture . as required upon adoption of sfas no . 123 ( r ) , the company must base its accruals of compensation expense on the estimated number of awards for which the requisite service period is expected to be rendered . actual forfeitures are no longer recorded in the period of forfeiture . in 2005 , the company recorded a pre-tax credit of $ 2.8 million in cumulative effect of accounting change , that represents the amount by which compensation expense would have been reduced in periods prior to adoption of sfas no . 123 ( r ) for restricted stock awards outstanding on july 1 , 2005 that are anticipated to be forfeited . a summary of non-vested restricted stock award and restricted stock unit activity is presented below : shares ( in thousands ) weighted- average date fair . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>shares ( in thousands )</td><td>weighted- average grant date fair value</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>non-vested at december 31 2006:</td><td>2878</td><td>$ 13.01</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>issued</td><td>830</td><td>$ 22.85</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>released ( vested )</td><td>-514 ( 514 )</td><td>$ 15.93</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>canceled</td><td>-1197 ( 1197 )</td><td>$ 13.75</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>non-vested at december 31 2007:</td><td>1997</td><td>$ 15.91</td></tr></table> as of december 31 , 2007 , there was $ 15.3 million of total unrecognized compensation cost related to non-vested awards . this cost is expected to be recognized over a weighted-average period of 1.6 years . the total fair value of restricted shares and restricted stock units vested was $ 11.0 million , $ 7.5 million and $ 4.1 million for the years ended december 31 , 2007 , 2006 and 2005 , respectively . employee stock purchase plan the shareholders of the company previously approved the 2002 employee stock purchase plan ( 201c2002 purchase plan 201d ) , and reserved 5000000 shares of common stock for sale to employees at a price no less than 85% ( 85 % ) of the lower of the fair market value of the common stock at the beginning of the one-year offering period or the end of each of the six-month purchase periods . under sfas no . 123 ( r ) , the 2002 purchase plan was considered compensatory . effective august 1 , 2005 , the company changed the terms of its purchase plan to reduce the discount to 5% ( 5 % ) and discontinued the look-back provision . as a result , the purchase plan was not compensatory beginning august 1 , 2005 . for the year ended december 31 , 2005 , the company recorded $ 0.4 million in compensation expense for its employee stock purchase plan for the period in which the 2002 plan was considered compensatory until the terms were changed august 1 , 2005 . at december 31 , 2007 , 757123 shares were available for purchase under the 2002 purchase plan . 401 ( k ) plan the company has a 401 ( k ) salary deferral program for eligible employees who have met certain service requirements . the company matches certain employee contributions ; additional contributions to this plan are at the discretion of the company . total contribution expense under this plan was $ 5.7 million , $ 5.7 million and $ 5.2 million for the years ended december 31 , 2007 , 2006 and 2005 , respectively. . Question: what was the total contribution expense in 2007?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
properties , plants , and equipment . properties , plants , and equipment are recorded at cost . depreciation is recorded principally on the straight-line method at rates based on the estimated useful lives of the assets . the following table details the weighted-average useful lives of structures and machinery and equipment by reporting segment ( numbers in years ) : . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>segment</td><td>structures</td><td>machinery and equipment</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>global rolled products</td><td>31</td><td>21</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>engineered products and solutions</td><td>29</td><td>17</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>transportation and construction solutions</td><td>27</td><td>19</td></tr></table> gains or losses from the sale of assets are generally recorded in other income , net ( see policy below for assets classified as held for sale and discontinued operations ) . repairs and maintenance are charged to expense as incurred . interest related to the construction of qualifying assets is capitalized as part of the construction costs . properties , plants , and equipment are reviewed for impairment whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount of such assets ( asset group ) may not be recoverable . recoverability of assets is determined by comparing the estimated undiscounted net cash flows of the operations related to the assets ( asset group ) to their carrying amount . an impairment loss would be recognized when the carrying amount of the assets ( asset group ) exceeds the estimated undiscounted net cash flows . the amount of the impairment loss to be recorded is calculated as the excess of the carrying value of the assets ( asset group ) over their fair value , with fair value determined using the best information available , which generally is a discounted cash flow ( dcf ) model . the determination of what constitutes an asset group , the associated estimated undiscounted net cash flows , and the estimated useful lives of assets also require significant judgments . goodwill and other intangible assets . goodwill is not amortized ; instead , it is reviewed for impairment annually ( in the fourth quarter ) or more frequently if indicators of impairment exist or if a decision is made to sell or exit a business . a significant amount of judgment is involved in determining if an indicator of impairment has occurred . such indicators may include deterioration in general economic conditions , negative developments in equity and credit markets , adverse changes in the markets in which an entity operates , increases in input costs that have a negative effect on earnings and cash flows , or a trend of negative or declining cash flows over multiple periods , among others . the fair value that could be realized in an actual transaction may differ from that used to evaluate the impairment of goodwill . goodwill is allocated among and evaluated for impairment at the reporting unit level , which is defined as an operating segment or one level below an operating segment . arconic has eight reporting units , of which four are included in the engineered products and solutions segment , three are included in the transportation and construction solutions segment , and the remaining reporting unit is the global rolled products segment . more than 70% ( 70 % ) of arconic 2019s total goodwill is allocated to two reporting units as follows : arconic fastening systems and rings ( afsr ) ( $ 2200 ) and arconic power and propulsion ( app ) ( $ 1647 ) businesses , both of which are included in the engineered products and solutions segment . these amounts include an allocation of corporate 2019s goodwill . in november 2014 , arconic acquired firth rixson ( see note f ) , and , as a result recognized $ 1801 in goodwill . this amount was allocated between the afsr and arconic forgings and extrusions ( afe ) reporting units , which is part of the engineered products and solutions segment . in march and july 2015 , arconic acquired tital and rti , respectively , ( see note f ) and recognized $ 117 and $ 298 , respectively , in goodwill . the goodwill amount related to tital was allocated to the app reporting unit and the amount related to rti was allocated to arconic titanium and engineered products ( atep ) , a new arconic reporting unit that consists solely of the acquired rti business and is part of the engineered products and solutions segment . in reviewing goodwill for impairment , an entity has the option to first assess qualitative factors to determine whether the existence of events or circumstances leads to a determination that it is more likely than not ( greater than 50% ( 50 % ) ) that the estimated fair value of a reporting unit is less than its carrying amount . if an entity elects to perform a qualitative assessment and determines that an impairment is more likely than not , the entity is then required to perform the . Question: what is the goodwill related to arconic fastening systems and rings? Answer: 2200.0 Question: what about related to arconic power and propulsion? Answer: 1647.0 Question: what is the total value of goodwill? Answer: 3847.0 Question: what is the value of goodwill recognized for arconic acquired firth rixson? Answer: 1801.0 Question: what about for arconic acquired rti?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
aeronautics 2019 operating profit for 2012 increased $ 69 million , or 4% ( 4 % ) , compared to 2011 . the increase was attributable to higher operating profit of approximately $ 105 million from c-130 programs due to an increase in risk retirements ; about $ 50 million from f-16 programs due to higher aircraft deliveries partially offset by a decline in risk retirements ; approximately $ 50 million from f-35 production contracts due to increased production volume and risk retirements ; and about $ 50 million from the completion of purchased intangible asset amortization on certain f-16 contracts . partially offsetting the increases was lower operating profit of about $ 90 million from the f-35 development contract primarily due to the inception-to-date effect of reducing the profit booking rate in the second quarter of 2012 ; approximately $ 50 million from decreased production volume and risk retirements on the f-22 program partially offset by a resolution of a contractual matter in the second quarter of 2012 ; and approximately $ 45 million primarily due to a decrease in risk retirements on other sustainment activities partially offset by various other aeronautics programs due to increased risk retirements and volume . operating profit for c-5 programs was comparable to 2011 . adjustments not related to volume , including net profit booking rate adjustments and other matters described above , were approximately $ 30 million lower for 2012 compared to 2011 . backlog backlog decreased in 2013 compared to 2012 mainly due to lower orders on f-16 , c-5 , and c-130 programs , partially offset by higher orders on the f-35 program . backlog decreased in 2012 compared to 2011 mainly due to lower orders on f-35 and c-130 programs , partially offset by higher orders on f-16 programs . trends we expect aeronautics 2019 net sales to increase in 2014 in the mid-single digit percentage range as compared to 2013 primarily due to an increase in net sales from f-35 production contracts . operating profit is expected to increase slightly from 2013 , resulting in a slight decrease in operating margins between the years due to program mix . information systems & global solutions our is&gs business segment provides advanced technology systems and expertise , integrated information technology solutions , and management services across a broad spectrum of applications for civil , defense , intelligence , and other government customers . is&gs has a portfolio of many smaller contracts as compared to our other business segments . is&gs has been impacted by the continued downturn in federal information technology budgets . is&gs 2019 operating results included the following ( in millions ) : . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>2013</td><td>2012</td><td>2011</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>net sales</td><td>$ 8367</td><td>$ 8846</td><td>$ 9381</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>operating profit</td><td>759</td><td>808</td><td>874</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>operating margins</td><td>9.1% ( 9.1 % )</td><td>9.1% ( 9.1 % )</td><td>9.3% ( 9.3 % )</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>backlog at year-end</td><td>8300</td><td>8700</td><td>9300</td></tr></table> 2013 compared to 2012 is&gs 2019 net sales decreased $ 479 million , or 5% ( 5 % ) , for 2013 compared to 2012 . the decrease was attributable to lower net sales of about $ 495 million due to decreased volume on various programs ( command and control programs for classified customers , ngi , and eram programs ) ; and approximately $ 320 million due to the completion of certain programs ( such as total information processing support services , the transportation worker identification credential ( twic ) , and odin ) . the decrease was partially offset by higher net sales of about $ 340 million due to the start-up of certain programs ( such as the disa gsm-o and the national science foundation antarctic support ) . is&gs 2019 operating profit decreased $ 49 million , or 6% ( 6 % ) , for 2013 compared to 2012 . the decrease was primarily attributable to lower operating profit of about $ 55 million due to certain programs nearing the end of their lifecycles , partially offset by higher operating profit of approximately $ 15 million due to the start-up of certain programs . adjustments not related to volume , including net profit booking rate adjustments and other matters , were comparable for 2013 compared to 2012 compared to 2011 is&gs 2019 net sales for 2012 decreased $ 535 million , or 6% ( 6 % ) , compared to 2011 . the decrease was attributable to lower net sales of approximately $ 485 million due to the substantial completion of various programs during 2011 ( primarily jtrs ; odin ; and u.k . census ) ; and about $ 255 million due to lower volume on numerous other programs ( primarily hanford; . Question: what was the overall total decline in net sales? Answer: 815.0 Question: and what was the offsetting increase to that decline due to the start-up of certain programs?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
u.s . equity securities and international equity securities categorized as level 1 are traded on active national and international exchanges and are valued at their closing prices on the last trading day of the year . for u.s . equity securities and international equity securities not traded on an active exchange , or if the closing price is not available , the trustee obtains indicative quotes from a pricing vendor , broker or investment manager . these securities are categorized as level 2 if the custodian obtains corroborated quotes from a pricing vendor or categorized as level 3 if the custodian obtains uncorroborated quotes from a broker or investment manager . commingled equity funds categorized as level 1 are traded on active national and international exchanges and are valued at their closing prices on the last trading day of the year . for commingled equity funds not traded on an active exchange , or if the closing price is not available , the trustee obtains indicative quotes from a pricing vendor , broker or investment manager . these securities are categorized as level 2 if the custodian obtains corroborated quotes from a pricing vendor . fixed income investments categorized as level 2 are valued by the trustee using pricing models that use verifiable observable market data ( e.g. , interest rates and yield curves observable at commonly quoted intervals and credit spreads ) , bids provided by brokers or dealers or quoted prices of securities with similar characteristics . fixed income investments are categorized at level 3 when valuations using observable inputs are unavailable . the trustee obtains pricing based on indicative quotes or bid evaluations from vendors , brokers or the investment manager . commodities are traded on an active commodity exchange and are valued at their closing prices on the last trading day of the certain commingled equity funds , consisting of equity mutual funds , are valued using the nav.aa thenavaa valuations are based on the underlying investments and typically redeemable within 90 days . private equity funds consist of partnership and co-investment funds . the navaa is based on valuation models of the underlying securities , which includes unobservable inputs that cannot be corroborated using verifiable observable market data . these funds typically have redemption periods between eight and 12 years . real estate funds consist of partnerships , most of which are closed-end funds , for which the navaa is based on valuationmodels and periodic appraisals . these funds typically have redemption periods between eight and 10 years . hedge funds consist of direct hedge funds forwhich thenavaa is generally based on the valuation of the underlying investments . redemptions in hedge funds are based on the specific terms of each fund , and generally range from a minimum of one month to several months . contributions and expected benefit payments the funding of our qualified defined benefit pension plans is determined in accordance with erisa , as amended by the ppa , and in a manner consistent with cas and internal revenue code rules . there were no material contributions to our qualified defined benefit pension plans during 2017 . we will make contributions of $ 5.0 billion to our qualified defined benefit pension plans in 2018 , including required and discretionary contributions.as a result of these contributions , we do not expect any material qualified defined benefit cash funding will be required until 2021.we plan to fund these contributions using a mix of cash on hand and commercial paper . while we do not anticipate a need to do so , our capital structure and resources would allow us to issue new debt if circumstances change . the following table presents estimated future benefit payments , which reflect expected future employee service , as of december 31 , 2017 ( in millions ) : . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>2018</td><td>2019</td><td>2020</td><td>2021</td><td>2022</td><td>2023 2013 2027</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>qualified defined benefit pension plans</td><td>$ 2450</td><td>$ 2480</td><td>$ 2560</td><td>$ 2630</td><td>$ 2700</td><td>$ 14200</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>retiree medical and life insurance plans</td><td>180</td><td>180</td><td>180</td><td>180</td><td>180</td><td>820</td></tr></table> defined contribution plans wemaintain a number of defined contribution plans , most with 401 ( k ) features , that cover substantially all of our employees . under the provisions of our 401 ( k ) plans , wematchmost employees 2019 eligible contributions at rates specified in the plan documents . our contributions were $ 613 million in 2017 , $ 617 million in 2016 and $ 393 million in 2015 , the majority of which were funded using our common stock . our defined contribution plans held approximately 35.5 million and 36.9 million shares of our common stock as of december 31 , 2017 and 2016. . Question: what is the difference in employee total matching contributions in 2016? Answer: 617.0 Question: what about in 2015? Answer: 393.0 Question: what is the difference?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
stock price performance the following graph shows a comparison of the cumulative total return on our common stock , the standard & poor 2019s 500 index and the standard & poor 2019s retail index . the graph assumes that the value of an investment in our common stock and in each such index was $ 100 on december 31 , 2011 , and that any dividends have been reinvested . the comparison in the graph below is based solely on historical data and is not intended to forecast the possible future performance of our common stock . comparison of cumulative total return among advance auto parts , inc. , s&p 500 index and s&p retail index company/index december 31 , december 29 , december 28 , january 3 , january 2 , december 31 . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>company/index</td><td>december 31 2011</td><td>december 29 2012</td><td>december 28 2013</td><td>january 3 2015</td><td>january 2 2016</td><td>december 31 2016</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>advance auto parts</td><td>$ 100.00</td><td>$ 102.87</td><td>$ 158.46</td><td>$ 228.88</td><td>$ 217.49</td><td>$ 244.64</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>s&p 500 index</td><td>100.00</td><td>114.07</td><td>152.98</td><td>174.56</td><td>177.01</td><td>198.18</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>s&p retail index</td><td>100.00</td><td>122.23</td><td>178.55</td><td>196.06</td><td>245.31</td><td>256.69</td></tr></table> . Question: what is the change in value of an investment in advance auto parts from 2015 to 2016? Answer: -11.39 Question: what roi does this represent?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
rental and management operations new site revenue growth . during the year ended december 31 , 2014 , we grew our portfolio of communications real estate through the acquisition and construction of approximately 8450 sites . in a majority of our international markets , the acquisition or construction of new sites results in increased pass-through revenues ( such as ground rent or power and fuel costs ) and expenses . we continue to evaluate opportunities to acquire communications real estate portfolios , both domestically and internationally , to determine whether they meet our risk-adjusted hurdle rates and whether we believe we can effectively integrate them into our existing portfolio. . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>new sites ( acquired or constructed )</td><td>2014</td><td>2013</td><td>2012</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>domestic</td><td>900</td><td>5260</td><td>960</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>international ( 1 )</td><td>7550</td><td>7810</td><td>7850</td></tr></table> ( 1 ) the majority of sites acquired or constructed in 2014 were in brazil , india and mexico ; in 2013 were in brazil , colombia , costa rica , india , mexico and south africa ; and in 2012 were in brazil , germany , india and uganda . rental and management operations expenses . direct operating expenses incurred by our domestic and international rental and management segments include direct site level expenses and consist primarily of ground rent and power and fuel costs , some of which may be passed through to our tenants , as well as property taxes , repairs and maintenance . these segment direct operating expenses exclude all segment and corporate selling , general , administrative and development expenses , which are aggregated into one line item entitled selling , general , administrative and development expense in our consolidated statements of operations . in general , our domestic and international rental and management segments 2019 selling , general , administrative and development expenses do not significantly increase as a result of adding incremental tenants to our legacy sites and typically increase only modestly year-over-year . as a result , leasing additional space to new tenants on our legacy sites provides significant incremental cash flow . we may , however , incur additional segment selling , general , administrative and development expenses as we increase our presence in geographic areas where we have recently launched operations or are focused on expanding our portfolio . our profit margin growth is therefore positively impacted by the addition of new tenants to our legacy sites and can be temporarily diluted by our development activities . network development services segment revenue growth . as we continue to focus on growing our rental and management operations , we anticipate that our network development services revenue will continue to represent a small percentage of our total revenues . non-gaap financial measures included in our analysis of our results of operations are discussions regarding earnings before interest , taxes , depreciation , amortization and accretion , as adjusted ( 201cadjusted ebitda 201d ) , funds from operations , as defined by the national association of real estate investment trusts ( 201cnareit ffo 201d ) and adjusted funds from operations ( 201caffo 201d ) . we define adjusted ebitda as net income before income ( loss ) on discontinued operations , net ; income ( loss ) on equity method investments ; income tax benefit ( provision ) ; other income ( expense ) ; gain ( loss ) on retirement of long-term obligations ; interest expense ; interest income ; other operating income ( expense ) ; depreciation , amortization and accretion ; and stock-based compensation expense . nareit ffo is defined as net income before gains or losses from the sale or disposal of real estate , real estate related impairment charges , real estate related depreciation , amortization and accretion and dividends declared on preferred stock , and including adjustments for ( i ) unconsolidated affiliates and ( ii ) noncontrolling interest. . Question: what was the total of new sites in 2014? Answer: 8450.0 Question: and what was the total of foreign new sites in that year? Answer: 7550.0 Question: how much, then, does this total of foreign new sites represent in relation to the total of new sites?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
accounts receivable , net october 31 , 2006 october 31 , 2005 dollar change change . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>october 31 2006</td><td>october 31 2005</td><td>dollar change</td><td>% ( % ) change</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>( dollars in millions )</td><td>( dollars in millions )</td><td>-</td><td>-</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>$ 122.6</td><td>$ 100.2</td><td>$ 22.4</td><td>22% ( 22 % )</td></tr></table> the increase in accounts receivable was primarily due to the increased billings during the fiscal year ended october 31 , 2006 . days sales outstanding ( dso ) was 39 days at october 31 , 2006 and 36 days at october 31 , 2005 . our accounts receivable and dso are primarily driven by our billing and collections activities . net working capital working capital is comprised of current assets less current liabilities , as shown on our balance sheet . as of october 31 , 2006 , our working capital was $ 23.4 million , compared to $ 130.6 million as of october 31 , 2005 . the decrease in net working capital of $ 107.2 million was primarily due to ( 1 ) a decrease of $ 73.7 million in cash and cash equivalents ; ( 2 ) a decrease of current deferred tax assets of $ 83.2 million , primarily due to a tax accounting method change ; ( 3 ) a decrease in income taxes receivable of $ 5.8 million ; ( 4 ) an increase in income taxes payable of $ 21.5 million ; ( 5 ) an increase in deferred revenue of $ 29.9 million ; and ( 6 ) a net increase of $ 2.8 million in accounts payable and other liabilities which included a reclassification of debt of $ 7.5 million from long term to short term debt . this decrease was partially offset by ( 1 ) an increase in short-term investments of $ 59.9 million ; ( 2 ) an increase in prepaid and other assets of $ 27.4 million , which includes land of $ 23.4 million reclassified from property plant and equipment to asset held for sale within prepaid expense and other assets on our consolidated balance sheet ; and ( 3 ) an increase in accounts receivable of $ 22.4 million . other commitments 2014revolving credit facility on october 20 , 2006 , we entered into a five-year , $ 300.0 million senior unsecured revolving credit facility providing for loans to synopsys and certain of its foreign subsidiaries . the facility replaces our previous $ 250.0 million senior unsecured credit facility , which was terminated effective october 20 , 2006 . the amount of the facility may be increased by up to an additional $ 150.0 million through the fourth year of the facility . the facility contains financial covenants requiring us to maintain a minimum leverage ratio and specified levels of cash , as well as other non-financial covenants . the facility terminates on october 20 , 2011 . borrowings under the facility bear interest at the greater of the administrative agent 2019s prime rate or the federal funds rate plus 0.50% ( 0.50 % ) ; however , we have the option to pay interest based on the outstanding amount at eurodollar rates plus a spread between 0.50% ( 0.50 % ) and 0.70% ( 0.70 % ) based on a pricing grid tied to a financial covenant . in addition , commitment fees are payable on the facility at rates between 0.125% ( 0.125 % ) and 0.175% ( 0.175 % ) per year based on a pricing grid tied to a financial covenant . as of october 31 , 2006 we had no outstanding borrowings under this credit facility and were in compliance with all the covenants . we believe that our current cash , cash equivalents , short-term investments , cash generated from operations , and available credit under our credit facility will satisfy our business requirements for at least the next twelve months. . Question: what is the net change dso from 2005 to 2006? Answer: 3.0 Question: what is the working capital in 2006? Answer: 23.4 Question: what about the balance of accounts receivables in 2006? Answer: 122.6 Question: what portion is working capital?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
38 2015 ppg annual report and form 10-k notes to the consolidated financial statements 1 . summary of significant accounting policies principles of consolidation the accompanying consolidated financial statements include the accounts of ppg industries , inc . ( 201cppg 201d or the 201ccompany 201d ) and all subsidiaries , both u.s . and non-u.s. , that it controls . ppg owns more than 50% ( 50 % ) of the voting stock of most of the subsidiaries that it controls . for those consolidated subsidiaries in which the company 2019s ownership is less than 100% ( 100 % ) , the outside shareholders 2019 interests are shown as noncontrolling interests . investments in companies in which ppg owns 20% ( 20 % ) to 50% ( 50 % ) of the voting stock and has the ability to exercise significant influence over operating and financial policies of the investee are accounted for using the equity method of accounting . as a result , ppg 2019s share of the earnings or losses of such equity affiliates is included in the accompanying consolidated statement of income and ppg 2019s share of these companies 2019 shareholders 2019 equity is included in 201cinvestments 201d in the accompanying consolidated balance sheet . transactions between ppg and its subsidiaries are eliminated in consolidation . use of estimates in the preparation of financial statements the preparation of financial statements in conformity with u.s . generally accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and the disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements , as well as the reported amounts of income and expenses during the reporting period . such estimates also include the fair value of assets acquired and liabilities assumed resulting from the allocation of the purchase price related to business combinations consummated . actual outcomes could differ from those estimates . revenue recognition the company recognizes revenue when the earnings process is complete . revenue from sales is recognized by all operating segments when goods are shipped and title to inventory and risk of loss passes to the customer or when services have been rendered . shipping and handling costs amounts billed to customers for shipping and handling are reported in 201cnet sales 201d in the accompanying consolidated statement of income . shipping and handling costs incurred by the company for the delivery of goods to customers are included in 201ccost of sales , exclusive of depreciation and amortization 201d in the accompanying consolidated statement of income . selling , general and administrative costs amounts presented as 201cselling , general and administrative 201d in the accompanying consolidated statement of income are comprised of selling , customer service , distribution and advertising costs , as well as the costs of providing corporate- wide functional support in such areas as finance , law , human resources and planning . distribution costs pertain to the movement and storage of finished goods inventory at company- owned and leased warehouses , terminals and other distribution facilities . advertising costs advertising costs are expensed as incurred and totaled $ 324 million , $ 297 million and $ 235 million in 2015 , 2014 and 2013 , respectively . research and development research and development costs , which consist primarily of employee related costs , are charged to expense as incurred. . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>( $ in millions )</td><td>2015</td><td>2014</td><td>2013</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>research and development 2013 total</td><td>$ 505</td><td>$ 509</td><td>$ 479</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>less depreciation on research facilities</td><td>19</td><td>17</td><td>16</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>research and development net</td><td>$ 486</td><td>$ 492</td><td>$ 463</td></tr></table> legal costs legal costs , primarily include costs associated with acquisition and divestiture transactions , general litigation , environmental regulation compliance , patent and trademark protection and other general corporate purposes , are charged to expense as incurred . foreign currency translation the functional currency of most significant non-u.s . operations is their local currency . assets and liabilities of those operations are translated into u.s . dollars using year-end exchange rates ; income and expenses are translated using the average exchange rates for the reporting period . unrealized foreign currency translation adjustments are deferred in accumulated other comprehensive loss , a separate component of shareholders 2019 equity . cash equivalents cash equivalents are highly liquid investments ( valued at cost , which approximates fair value ) acquired with an original maturity of three months or less . short-term investments short-term investments are highly liquid , high credit quality investments ( valued at cost plus accrued interest ) that have stated maturities of greater than three months to one year . the purchases and sales of these investments are classified as investing activities in the consolidated statement of cash flows . marketable equity securities the company 2019s investment in marketable equity securities is recorded at fair market value and reported in 201cother current assets 201d and 201cinvestments 201d in the accompanying consolidated balance sheet with changes in fair market value recorded in income for those securities designated as trading securities and in other comprehensive income , net of tax , for those designated as available for sale securities. . Question: what was the total of advertising costs in 2015? Answer: 324.0 Question: and what was it in 2014? Answer: 297.0 Question: what was, then, the total costs for the two years, combined?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
cash and a commitment to fund the capital needs of the business until such time as its cumulative funding is equal to funding that we have provided from inception through the effective date of the transaction . the transaction created a new joint venture which does business as comercia global payments brazil . as a result of the transaction , we deconsolidated global payments brazil , and we apply the equity method of accounting to our retained interest in comercia global payments brazil . we recorded a gain on the transaction of $ 2.1 million which is included in interest and other income in the consolidated statement of income for the fiscal year ended may 31 , 2014 . the results of the brazil operation from inception until the restructuring into a joint venture on september 30 , 2013 were not material to our consolidated results of operations , and the assets and liabilities that we derecognized were not material to our consolidated balance sheet . american express portfolio on october 24 , 2013 , we acquired a merchant portfolio in the czech republic from american express limited for $ 1.9 million . the acquired assets have been classified as customer-related intangible assets and contract-based intangible assets with estimated amortization periods of 10 years . paypros on march 4 , 2014 , we completed the acquisition of 100% ( 100 % ) of the outstanding stock of payment processing , inc . ( 201cpaypros 201d ) for $ 420.0 million in cash plus $ 7.7 million in cash for working capital , subject to adjustment based on a final determination of working capital . we funded the acquisition with a combination of cash on hand and proceeds from our new term loan . paypros , based in california , is a provider of fully-integrated payment solutions for small-to-medium sized merchants in the united states . paypros delivers its products and services through a network of technology-based enterprise software partners to vertical markets that are complementary to the markets served by accelerated payment technologies ( 201capt 201d ) , which we acquired in october 2012 . we acquired paypros to expand our direct distribution capabilities in the united states and to further enhance our existing integrated solutions offerings . this acquisition was recorded as a business combination , and the purchase price was allocated to the assets acquired and liabilities assumed based on their estimated fair values . due to the timing of this transaction , the allocation of the purchase price is preliminary pending final valuation of intangible assets and deferred income taxes as well as resolution of the working capital settlement discussed above . the purchase price of paypros was determined by analyzing the historical and prospective financial statements . acquisition costs associated with this purchase were not material . the following table summarizes the preliminary purchase price allocation ( in thousands ) : . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>goodwill</td><td>$ 271577</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>customer-related intangible assets</td><td>147500</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>contract-based intangible assets</td><td>31000</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>acquired technology</td><td>10700</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>fixed assets</td><td>1680</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>other assets</td><td>4230</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>total assets acquired</td><td>466687</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>deferred income taxes</td><td>-38949 ( 38949 )</td></tr><tr><td>9</td><td>net assets acquired</td><td>$ 427738</td></tr></table> the preliminary purchase price allocation resulted in goodwill , included in the north america merchant services segment , of $ 271.6 million . such goodwill is attributable primarily to synergies with the services offered and markets served by paypros . the goodwill associated with the acquisition is not deductible for tax purposes . the customer-related intangible assets and the contract-based intangible assets have an estimated amortization period of 13 years . the acquired technology has an estimated amortization period of 7 years. . Question: what was the value of acquired technology? Answer: 10700.0 Question: what was the value of contract-based intangible assets? Answer: 31000.0 Question: what is the sum? Answer: 41700.0 Question: what is the total sum, including customer-related intangible assets? Answer: 189200.0 Question: what is the proportion of these assets compared to total assets acquired?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
the aeronautics segment generally includes fewer programs that have much larger sales and operating results than programs included in the other segments . due to the large number of comparatively smaller programs in the remaining segments , the discussion of the results of operations of those business segments focuses on lines of business within the segment rather than on specific programs . the following tables of financial information and related discussion of the results of operations of our business segments are consistent with the presentation of segment information in note 5 to the financial statements . we have a number of programs that are classified by the u.s . government and cannot be specifically described . the operating results of these classified programs are included in our consolidated and business segment results , and are subjected to the same oversight and internal controls as our other programs . aeronautics our aeronautics business segment is engaged in the research , design , development , manufacture , integration , sustainment , support , and upgrade of advanced military aircraft , including combat and air mobility aircraft , unmanned air vehicles , and related technologies . key combat aircraft programs include the f-35 lightning ii , f-16 fighting falcon , and f-22 raptor fighter aircraft . key air mobility programs include the c-130j super hercules and the c-5m super galaxy . aeronautics provides logistics support , sustainment , and upgrade modification services for its aircraft . aeronautics 2019 operating results included the following : ( in millions ) 2010 2009 2008 . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>( in millions )</td><td>2010</td><td>2009</td><td>2008</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>net sales</td><td>$ 13235</td><td>$ 12201</td><td>$ 11473</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>operating profit</td><td>1502</td><td>1577</td><td>1433</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>operating margin</td><td>11.3% ( 11.3 % )</td><td>12.9% ( 12.9 % )</td><td>12.5% ( 12.5 % )</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>backlog at year-end</td><td>27500</td><td>26700</td><td>27200</td></tr></table> net sales for aeronautics increased by 8% ( 8 % ) in 2010 compared to 2009 . sales increased in all three lines of business during the year . the $ 800 million increase in air mobility primarily was attributable to higher volume on c-130 programs , including deliveries and support activities , as well as higher volume on the c-5 reliability enhancement and re-engining program ( rerp ) . there were 25 c-130j deliveries in 2010 compared to 16 in 2009 . the $ 179 million increase in combat aircraft principally was due to higher volume on f-35 production contracts , which partially was offset by lower volume on the f-35 sdd contract and a decline in volume on f-16 , f-22 and other combat aircraft programs . there were 20 f-16 deliveries in 2010 compared to 31 in 2009 . the $ 55 million increase in other aeronautics programs mainly was due to higher volume on p-3 and advanced development programs , which partially were offset by a decline in volume on sustainment activities . net sales for aeronautics increased by 6% ( 6 % ) in 2009 compared to 2008 . during the year , sales increased in all three lines of business . the increase of $ 296 million in air mobility 2019s sales primarily was attributable to higher volume on the c-130 programs , including deliveries and support activities . there were 16 c-130j deliveries in 2009 and 12 in 2008 . combat aircraft sales increased $ 316 million principally due to higher volume on the f-35 program and increases in f-16 deliveries , which partially were offset by lower volume on f-22 and other combat aircraft programs . there were 31 f-16 deliveries in 2009 compared to 28 in 2008 . the $ 116 million increase in other aeronautics programs mainly was due to higher volume on p-3 programs and advanced development programs , which partially were offset by declines in sustainment activities . operating profit for the segment decreased by 5% ( 5 % ) in 2010 compared to 2009 . a decline in operating profit in combat aircraft partially was offset by increases in other aeronautics programs and air mobility . the $ 149 million decrease in combat aircraft 2019s operating profit primarily was due to lower volume and a decrease in the level of favorable performance adjustments on the f-22 program , the f-35 sdd contract and f-16 and other combat aircraft programs in 2010 . these decreases more than offset increased operating profit resulting from higher volume and improved performance on f-35 production contracts in 2010 . the $ 35 million increase in other aeronautics programs mainly was attributable to higher volume and improved performance on p-3 and advanced development programs as well as an increase in the level of favorable performance adjustments on sustainment activities in 2010 . the $ 19 million increase in air mobility operating profit primarily was due to higher volume and improved performance in 2010 on c-130j support activities , which more than offset a decrease in operating profit due to a lower level of favorable performance adjustments on c-130j deliveries in 2010 . the remaining change in operating profit is attributable to an increase in other income , net between the comparable periods . aeronautics 2019 2010 operating margins have decreased when compared to 2009 . the operating margin decrease reflects the life cycles of our significant programs . specifically , aeronautics is performing more development and initial production work on the f-35 program and is performing less work on more mature programs such as the f-22 and f-16 . development and initial production contracts yield lower profits than mature full rate programs . accordingly , while net sales increased in 2010 relative to 2009 , operating profit decreased and consequently operating margins have declined. . Question: what was the total of net sales in 2010?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
special purpose entity ( 201cspe 201d ) . the spe obtained a term loan and revolving loan commitment from a third party lender , secured by liens on the assets of the spe , to finance the purchase of the accounts receivable , which included a $ 275 million term loan and a $ 25 million revolving loan commitment . the revolving loan commitment may be increased by an additional $ 35 million as amounts are repaid under the term loan . quintilesims has guaranteed the performance of the obligations of existing and future subsidiaries that sell and service the accounts receivable under the receivables financing facility . the assets of the spe are not available to satisfy any of our obligations or any obligations of our subsidiaries . as of december 31 , 2016 , the full $ 25 million of revolving loan commitment was available under the receivables financing facility . we used the proceeds from the term loan under the receivables financing facility to repay in full the amount outstanding on the then outstanding revolving credit facility under its then outstanding senior secured credit agreement ( $ 150 million ) , to repay $ 25 million of the then outstanding term loan b-3 , to pay related fees and expenses and the remainder was used for general working capital purposes . restrictive covenants our debt agreements provide for certain covenants and events of default customary for similar instruments , including a covenant not to exceed a specified ratio of consolidated senior secured net indebtedness to consolidated ebitda , as defined in the senior secured credit facility and a covenant to maintain a specified minimum interest coverage ratio . if an event of default occurs under any of the company 2019s or the company 2019s subsidiaries 2019 financing arrangements , the creditors under such financing arrangements will be entitled to take various actions , including the acceleration of amounts due under such arrangements , and in the case of the lenders under the revolving credit facility and new term loans , other actions permitted to be taken by a secured creditor . our long-term debt arrangements contain usual and customary restrictive covenants that , among other things , place limitations on our ability to declare dividends . for additional information regarding these restrictive covenants , see part ii , item 5 201cmarket for registrant 2019s common equity , related stockholder matters and issuer purchases of equity securities 2014dividend policy 201d and note 11 to our audited consolidated financial statements included elsewhere in this annual report on form 10-k . at december 31 , 2016 , the company was in compliance with the financial covenants under the company 2019s financing arrangements . years ended december 31 , 2016 , 2015 and 2014 cash flow from operating activities . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>( in millions )</td><td>year ended december 31 , 2016</td><td>year ended december 31 , 2015</td><td>year ended december 31 , 2014</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>net cash provided by operating activities</td><td>$ 860</td><td>$ 476</td><td>$ 433</td></tr></table> 2016 compared to 2015 cash provided by operating activities increased $ 384 million in 2016 as compared to 2015 . the increase in cash provided by operating activities reflects the increase in net income as adjusted for non-cash items necessary to reconcile net income to cash provided by operating activities . also contributing to the increase were lower payments for income taxes ( $ 15 million ) , and lower cash used in days sales outstanding ( 201cdso 201d ) and accounts payable and accrued expenses . the lower cash used in dso reflects a two-day increase in dso in 2016 compared to a seven-day increase in dso in 2015 . dso can shift significantly at each reporting period depending on the timing of cash receipts under contractual payment terms relative to the recognition of revenue over a project lifecycle. . Question: what is the net change in net cash provided by operating activities from 2015 to 2016? Answer: 384.0 Question: what is the net cash provided by operating activities in 2015? Answer: 476.0 Question: what growth rate does this represent? Answer: 0.80672 Question: what is the net cash provided by operating activities in 2014?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
notes to consolidated financial statements ( continued ) 17 . pension plans and postretirement health care and life insurance benefit plans ( continued ) benefit payments the following table sets forth amounts of benefits expected to be paid over the next ten years from the company 2019s pension and postretirement plans as of december 31 , 2004: . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>pension benefits</td><td>other postretirement benefits</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>2005</td><td>$ 125</td><td>$ 30</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>2006</td><td>132</td><td>31</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>2007</td><td>143</td><td>31</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>2008</td><td>154</td><td>33</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>2009</td><td>166</td><td>34</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>2010-2014</td><td>1052</td><td>193</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>total</td><td>$ 1772</td><td>$ 352</td></tr></table> 18 . stock compensation plans on may 18 , 2000 , the shareholders of the hartford approved the hartford incentive stock plan ( the 201c2000 plan 201d ) , which replaced the hartford 1995 incentive stock plan ( the 201c1995 plan 201d ) . the terms of the 2000 plan were substantially similar to the terms of the 1995 plan except that the 1995 plan had an annual award limit and a higher maximum award limit . under the 2000 plan , awards may be granted in the form of non-qualified or incentive stock options qualifying under section 422a of the internal revenue code , performance shares or restricted stock , or any combination of the foregoing . in addition , stock appreciation rights may be granted in connection with all or part of any stock options granted under the 2000 plan . in december 2004 , the 2000 plan was amended to allow for grants of restricted stock units effective as of january 1 , 2005 . the aggregate number of shares of stock , which may be awarded , is subject to a maximum limit of 17211837 shares applicable to all awards for the ten-year duration of the 2000 plan . all options granted have an exercise price equal to the market price of the company 2019s common stock on the date of grant , and an option 2019s maximum term is ten years and two days . certain options become exercisable over a three year period commencing one year from the date of grant , while certain other options become exercisable upon the attainment of specified market price appreciation of the company 2019s common shares . for any year , no individual employee may receive an award of options for more than 1000000 shares . as of december 31 , 2004 , the hartford had not issued any incentive stock options under the 2000 plan . performance awards of common stock granted under the 2000 plan become payable upon the attainment of specific performance goals achieved over a period of not less than one nor more than five years , and the restricted stock granted is subject to a restriction period . on a cumulative basis , no more than 20% ( 20 % ) of the aggregate number of shares which may be awarded under the 2000 plan are available for performance shares and restricted stock awards . also , the maximum award of performance shares for any individual employee in any year is 200000 shares . in 2004 , 2003 and 2002 , the company granted shares of common stock of 315452 , 333712 and 40852 with weighted average prices of $ 64.93 , $ 38.13 and $ 62.28 , respectively , related to performance share and restricted stock awards . in 1996 , the company established the hartford employee stock purchase plan ( 201cespp 201d ) . under this plan , eligible employees of the hartford may purchase common stock of the company at a 15% ( 15 % ) discount from the lower of the closing market price at the beginning or end of the quarterly offering period . the company may sell up to 5400000 shares of stock to eligible employees under the espp . in 2004 , 2003 and 2002 , 345262 , 443467 and 408304 shares were sold , respectively . the per share weighted average fair value of the discount under the espp was $ 9.31 , $ 11.96 , and $ 11.70 in 2004 , 2003 and 2002 , respectively . additionally , during 1997 , the hartford established employee stock purchase plans for certain employees of the company 2019s international subsidiaries . under these plans , participants may purchase common stock of the hartford at a fixed price at the end of a three-year period . the activity under these programs is not material. . Question: what was the total of pension benefits in 2007? Answer: 143.0 Question: and what was the total of other postretirement benefits in that same year? Answer: 31.0 Question: what was, then, the combined total of pension benefits and other postretirement benefits in that year? Answer: 174.0 Question: and what was the combined total of pension benefit and other postretirement benefits in all the years?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
american tower corporation and subsidiaries notes to consolidated financial statements 2014 ( continued ) operations , net , in the accompanying consolidated statements of operations for the year ended december 31 , 2003 . ( see note 9. ) other transactions 2014in august 2003 , the company consummated the sale of galaxy engineering ( galaxy ) , a radio frequency engineering , network design and tower-related consulting business ( previously included in the company 2019s network development services segment ) . the purchase price of approximately $ 3.5 million included $ 2.0 million in cash , which the company received at closing , and an additional $ 1.5 million payable on january 15 , 2008 , or at an earlier date based on the future revenues of galaxy . the company received $ 0.5 million of this amount in january 2005 . pursuant to this transaction , the company recorded a net loss on disposal of approximately $ 2.4 million in the accompanying consolidated statement of operations for the year ended december 31 , 2003 . in may 2003 , the company consummated the sale of an office building in westwood , massachusetts ( previously held primarily as rental property and included in the company 2019s rental and management segment ) for a purchase price of approximately $ 18.5 million , including $ 2.4 million of cash proceeds and the buyer 2019s assumption of $ 16.1 million of related mortgage notes . pursuant to this transaction , the company recorded a net loss on disposal of approximately $ 3.6 million in the accompanying consolidated statement of operations for the year ended december 31 , 2003 . in january 2003 , the company consummated the sale of flash technologies , its remaining components business ( previously included in the company 2019s network development services segment ) for approximately $ 35.5 million in cash and has recorded a net gain on disposal of approximately $ 0.1 million in the accompanying consolidated statement of operations for the year ended december 31 , 2003 . in march 2003 , the company consummated the sale of an office building in schaumburg , illinois ( previously held primarily as rental property and included in the company 2019s rental and management segment ) for net proceeds of approximately $ 10.3 million in cash and recorded a net loss on disposal of $ 0.1 million in the accompanying consolidated statement of operations for the year ended december 31 , 2003 . 4 . property and equipment property and equipment ( including assets held under capital leases ) consist of the following as of december 31 , ( in thousands ) : . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>2005</td><td>2004</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>towers</td><td>$ 4134155</td><td>$ 2788162</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>equipment</td><td>167504</td><td>115244</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>buildings and improvements</td><td>184951</td><td>162120</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>land and improvements</td><td>215974</td><td>176937</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>construction-in-progress</td><td>36991</td><td>27866</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>total</td><td>4739575</td><td>3270329</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>less accumulated depreciation and amortization</td><td>-1279049 ( 1279049 )</td><td>-996973 ( 996973 )</td></tr><tr><td>9</td><td>property and equipment net</td><td>$ 3460526</td><td>$ 2273356</td></tr></table> 5 . goodwill and other intangible assets the company 2019s net carrying amount of goodwill was approximately $ 2.1 billion as of december 312005 and $ 592.7 million as of december 31 , 2004 , all of which related to its rental and management segment . the increase in the carrying value was as a result of the goodwill of $ 1.5 billion acquired in the merger with spectrasite , inc . ( see note 2. ) . Question: what was the net change in total property and equipment from 2004 to 2005?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
shareowner return performance graph the following performance graph and related information shall not be deemed 201csoliciting material 201d or to be 201cfiled 201d with the securities and exchange commission , nor shall such information be incorporated by reference into any future filing under the securities act of 1933 or securities exchange act of 1934 , each as amended , except to the extent that the company specifically incorporates such information by reference into such filing . the following graph shows a five year comparison of cumulative total shareowners 2019 returns for our class b common stock , the standard & poor 2019s 500 index , and the dow jones transportation average . the comparison of the total cumulative return on investment , which is the change in the quarterly stock price plus reinvested dividends for each of the quarterly periods , assumes that $ 100 was invested on december 31 , 2005 in the standard & poor 2019s 500 index , the dow jones transportation average , and our class b common stock . comparison of five year cumulative total return $ 40.00 $ 60.00 $ 80.00 $ 100.00 $ 120.00 $ 140.00 $ 160.00 201020092008200720062005 s&p 500 ups dj transport . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>12/31/05</td><td>12/31/06</td><td>12/31/07</td><td>12/31/08</td><td>12/31/09</td><td>12/31/10</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>united parcel service inc .</td><td>$ 100.00</td><td>$ 101.76</td><td>$ 98.20</td><td>$ 78.76</td><td>$ 84.87</td><td>$ 110.57</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>standard & poor 2019s 500 index</td><td>$ 100.00</td><td>$ 115.79</td><td>$ 122.16</td><td>$ 76.96</td><td>$ 97.33</td><td>$ 111.99</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>dow jones transportation average</td><td>$ 100.00</td><td>$ 109.82</td><td>$ 111.38</td><td>$ 87.52</td><td>$ 103.79</td><td>$ 131.59</td></tr></table> . Question: what was the performance value of the united parcel service inc . in 2010? Answer: 110.57 Question: and what was the change in this performance from 2005 to 2010? Answer: 10.57 Question: what is, then, the return on that stock, or how much does this change represent in relation to that performance value in 2005, in percentage? Answer: 0.1057 Question: what was the change in the performance value of the standard & poor 2019s 500 index from 2005 to 2010? Answer: 11.99 Question: what was, then, the return on that stock for that period, in percentage?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
31 , 2015 , the price was r$ 218/mwh . after the expiration of contract with eletropaulo , tiet ea's strategy is to contract most of its physical guarantee , as described in regulatory framework section below , and sell the remaining portion in the spot market . tiet ea's strategy is reassessed from time to time according to changes in market conditions , hydrology and other factors . tiet ea has been continuously selling its available energy from 2016 forward through medium-term bilateral contracts of three to five years . as of december 31 , 2016 , tiet ea's contracted portfolio position is 95% ( 95 % ) and 88% ( 88 % ) with average prices of r$ 157/ mwh and r$ 159/mwh ( inflation adjusted until december 2016 ) for 2016 and 2017 , respectively . as brazil is mostly a hydro-based country with energy prices highly tied to the hydrological situation , the deterioration of the hydrology since the beginning of 2014 caused an increase in energy prices going forward . tiet ea is closely monitoring and analyzing system supply conditions to support energy commercialization decisions . under the concession agreement , tiet ea has an obligation to increase its capacity by 15% ( 15 % ) . tiet ea , as well as other concession generators , have not yet met this requirement due to regulatory , environmental , hydrological and fuel constraints . the state of s e3o paulo does not have a sufficient potential for wind power and only has a small remaining potential for hydro projects . as such , the capacity increases in the state will mostly be derived from thermal gas capacity projects . due to the highly complex process to obtain an environmental license for coal projects , tiet ea decided to fulfill its obligation with gas-fired projects in line with the federal government plans . petrobras refuses to supply natural gas and to offer capacity in its pipelines and regasification terminals . therefore , there are no regulations for natural gas swaps in place , and it is unfeasible to bring natural gas to aes tiet ea . a legal case has been initiated by the state of s e3o paulo requiring the investment to be performed . tiet ea is in the process of analyzing options to meet the obligation . uruguaiana is a 640 mw gas-fired combined cycle power plant located in the town of uruguaiana in the state of rio grande do sul , commissioned in december 2000 . aes manages and has a 46% ( 46 % ) economic interest in the plant with the remaining interest held by bndes . the plant's operations were suspended in april 2009 due to the unavailability of gas . aes has evaluated several alternatives to bring gas supply on a competitive basis to uruguaiana . one of the challenges is the capacity restrictions on the argentinean pipeline , especially during the winter season when gas demand in argentina is very high . the plant operated on a short-term basis during february and march 2013 , march through may 2014 , and february through may 2015 due to the short-term supply of lng for the facility . the plant did not operate in 2016 . uruguaiana continues to work toward securing gas on a long-term basis . market structure 2014 brazil has installed capacity of 150136 mw , which is 65% ( 65 % ) hydroelectric , 19% ( 19 % ) thermal and 16% ( 16 % ) renewable ( biomass and wind ) . brazil's national grid is divided into four subsystems . tiet ea is in the southeast and uruguaiana is in the south subsystems of the national grid . regulatory framework 2014 in brazil , the ministry of mines and energy determines the maximum amount of energy that a plant can sell , called physical guarantee , which represents the long-term average expected energy production of the plant . under current rules , physical guarantee can be sold to distribution companies through long- term regulated auctions or under unregulated bilateral contracts with large consumers or energy trading companies . the national system operator ( "ons" ) is responsible for coordinating and controlling the operation of the national grid . the ons dispatches generators based on hydrological conditions , reservoir levels , electricity demand and the prices of fuel and thermal generation . given the importance of hydro generation in the country , the ons sometimes reduces dispatch of hydro facilities and increases dispatch of thermal facilities to protect reservoir levels in the system . in brazil , the system operator controls all hydroelectric generation dispatch and reservoir levels . a mechanism known as the energy reallocation mechanism ( "mre" ) was created to share hydrological risk across mre hydro generators . if the hydro plants generate less than the total mre physical guarantee , the hydro generators may need to purchase energy in the short-term market to fulfill their contract obligations . when total hydro generation is higher than the total mre physical guarantee , the surplus is proportionally shared among its participants and they are able to make extra revenue selling the excess energy on the spot market . the consequences of unfavorable hydrology are ( i ) thermal plants more expensive to the system being dispatched , ( ii ) lower hydropower generation with deficits in the mre and ( iii ) high spot prices . aneel defines the spot price cap for electricity in the brazilian market . the spot price caps as defined by aneel and average spot prices by calendar year are as follows ( r$ / . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>year</td><td>2017</td><td>2016</td><td>2015</td><td>2014</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>spot price cap as defined by aneel</td><td>534</td><td>423</td><td>388</td><td>822</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>average spot rate</td><td>-</td><td>94</td><td>287</td><td>689</td></tr></table> . Question: what was the difference in the average spot rate between 2015 and 2016? Answer: -193.0 Question: what was the average spot rate in 2015? Answer: 287.0 Question: what was the percent change?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
tax benefits recognized for stock-based compensation during the years ended december 31 , 2011 , 2010 and 2009 , were $ 16 million , $ 6 million and $ 5 million , respectively . the amount of northrop grumman shares issued before the spin-off to satisfy stock-based compensation awards are recorded by northrop grumman and , accordingly , are not reflected in hii 2019s consolidated financial statements . the company realized tax benefits during the year ended december 31 , 2011 , of $ 2 million from the exercise of stock options and $ 10 million from the issuance of stock in settlement of rpsrs and rsrs . unrecognized compensation expense at december 31 , 2011 there was $ 1 million of unrecognized compensation expense related to unvested stock option awards , which will be recognized over a weighted average period of 1.1 years . in addition , at december 31 , 2011 , there was $ 19 million of unrecognized compensation expense associated with the 2011 rsrs , which will be recognized over a period of 2.2 years ; $ 10 million of unrecognized compensation expense associated with the rpsrs converted as part of the spin-off , which will be recognized over a weighted average period of one year ; and $ 18 million of unrecognized compensation expense associated with the 2011 rpsrs which will be recognized over a period of 2.0 years . stock options the compensation expense for the outstanding converted stock options was determined at the time of grant by northrop grumman . there were no additional options granted during the year ended december 31 , 2011 . the fair value of the stock option awards is expensed on a straight-line basis over the vesting period of the options . the fair value of each of the stock option award was estimated on the date of grant using a black-scholes option pricing model based on the following assumptions : dividend yield 2014the dividend yield was based on northrop grumman 2019s historical dividend yield level . volatility 2014expected volatility was based on the average of the implied volatility from traded options and the historical volatility of northrop grumman 2019s stock . risk-free interest rate 2014the risk-free rate for periods within the contractual life of the stock option award was based on the yield curve of a zero-coupon u.s . treasury bond on the date the award was granted with a maturity equal to the expected term of the award . expected term 2014the expected term of awards granted was derived from historical experience and represents the period of time that awards granted are expected to be outstanding . a stratification of expected terms based on employee populations ( executive and non-executive ) was considered in the analysis . the following significant weighted-average assumptions were used to value stock options granted during the years ended december 31 , 2010 and 2009: . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>2010</td><td>2009</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>dividend yield</td><td>2.9% ( 2.9 % )</td><td>3.6% ( 3.6 % )</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>volatility rate</td><td>25% ( 25 % )</td><td>25% ( 25 % )</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>risk-free interest rate</td><td>2.3% ( 2.3 % )</td><td>1.7% ( 1.7 % )</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>expected option life ( years )</td><td>6</td><td>5 & 6</td></tr></table> the weighted-average grant date fair value of stock options granted during the years ended december 31 , 2010 and 2009 , was $ 11 and $ 7 , per share , respectively. . Question: what was the weighted-average grant date fair value of stock options in 2010? Answer: 11.0 Question: and what was it in 2009? Answer: 7.0 Question: what was, then, the change over the year? Answer: 4.0 Question: and what was this change as a portion of the 2009 fair value?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
f0b7 financial expectations 2013 we are cautious about the economic environment , but , assuming that industrial production grows approximately 3% ( 3 % ) as projected , volume should exceed 2013 levels . even with no volume growth , we expect earnings to exceed 2013 earnings , generated by core pricing gains , on-going network improvements and productivity initiatives . we expect that free cash flow for 2014 will be lower than 2013 as higher cash from operations will be more than offset by additional cash of approximately $ 400 million that will be used to pay income taxes that were previously deferred through bonus depreciation , increased capital spend and higher dividend payments . results of operations operating revenues millions 2013 2012 2011 % ( % ) change 2013 v 2012 % ( % ) change 2012 v 2011 . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>millions</td><td>2013</td><td>2012</td><td>2011</td><td>% ( % ) change 2013 v 2012</td><td>% ( % ) change 2012 v 2011</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>freight revenues</td><td>$ 20684</td><td>$ 19686</td><td>$ 18508</td><td>5% ( 5 % )</td><td>6% ( 6 % )</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>other revenues</td><td>1279</td><td>1240</td><td>1049</td><td>3</td><td>18</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>total</td><td>$ 21963</td><td>$ 20926</td><td>$ 19557</td><td>5% ( 5 % )</td><td>7% ( 7 % )</td></tr></table> we generate freight revenues by transporting freight or other materials from our six commodity groups . freight revenues vary with volume ( carloads ) and arc . changes in price , traffic mix and fuel surcharges drive arc . we provide some of our customers with contractual incentives for meeting or exceeding specified cumulative volumes or shipping to and from specific locations , which we record as reductions to freight revenues based on the actual or projected future shipments . we recognize freight revenues as shipments move from origin to destination . we allocate freight revenues between reporting periods based on the relative transit time in each reporting period and recognize expenses as we incur them . other revenues include revenues earned by our subsidiaries , revenues from our commuter rail operations , and accessorial revenues , which we earn when customers retain equipment owned or controlled by us or when we perform additional services such as switching or storage . we recognize other revenues as we perform services or meet contractual obligations . freight revenues from five of our six commodity groups increased during 2013 compared to 2012 . revenue from agricultural products was down slightly compared to 2012 . arc increased 5% ( 5 % ) , driven by core pricing gains , shifts in business mix and an automotive logistics management arrangement . volume was essentially flat year over year as growth in automotives , frac sand , crude oil and domestic intermodal offset declines in coal , international intermodal and grain shipments . freight revenues from four of our six commodity groups increased during 2012 compared to 2011 . revenues from coal and agricultural products declined during the year . our franchise diversity allowed us to take advantage of growth from shale-related markets ( crude oil , frac sand and pipe ) and strong automotive manufacturing , which offset volume declines from coal and agricultural products . arc increased 7% ( 7 % ) , driven by core pricing gains and higher fuel cost recoveries . improved fuel recovery provisions and higher fuel prices , including the lag effect of our programs ( surcharges trail fluctuations in fuel price by approximately two months ) , combined to increase revenues from fuel surcharges . our fuel surcharge programs generated freight revenues of $ 2.6 billion , $ 2.6 billion , and $ 2.2 billion in 2013 , 2012 , and 2011 , respectively . fuel surcharge in 2013 was essentially flat versus 2012 as lower fuel price offset improved fuel recovery provisions and the lag effect of our programs ( surcharges trail fluctuations in fuel price by approximately two months ) . rising fuel prices and more shipments subject to fuel surcharges drove the increase from 2011 to 2012 . in 2013 , other revenue increased from 2012 due primarily to miscellaneous contract revenue and higher revenues at our subsidiaries that broker intermodal and automotive services . in 2012 , other revenues increased from 2011 due primarily to higher revenues at our subsidiaries that broker intermodal and automotive services . assessorial revenues also increased in 2012 due to container revenue related to an increase in intermodal shipments. . Question: what was the fuel surcharge revenue in 2013?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
in summary , our cash flows for each period were as follows: . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>( in millions )</td><td>2013</td><td>2012</td><td>2011</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>net cash provided by operating activities</td><td>$ 20776</td><td>$ 18884</td><td>$ 20963</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>net cash used for investing activities</td><td>-18073 ( 18073 )</td><td>-14060 ( 14060 )</td><td>-10301 ( 10301 )</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>net cash used for financing activities</td><td>-5498 ( 5498 )</td><td>-1408 ( 1408 )</td><td>-11100 ( 11100 )</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>effect of exchange rate fluctuations on cash and cash equivalents</td><td>-9 ( 9 )</td><td>-3 ( 3 )</td><td>5</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>net increase ( decrease ) in cash and cash equivalents</td><td>$ -2804 ( 2804 )</td><td>$ 3413</td><td>$ -433 ( 433 )</td></tr></table> operating activities cash provided by operating activities is net income adjusted for certain non-cash items and changes in certain assets and liabilities . for 2013 compared to 2012 , the $ 1.9 billion increase in cash provided by operating activities was due to changes in working capital , partially offset by lower net income in 2013 . income taxes paid , net of refunds , in 2013 compared to 2012 were $ 1.1 billion lower due to lower income before taxes in 2013 and 2012 income tax overpayments . changes in assets and liabilities as of december 28 , 2013 , compared to december 29 , 2012 , included lower income taxes payable and receivable resulting from a reduction in taxes due in 2013 , and lower inventories due to the sell-through of older-generation products , partially offset by the ramp of 4th generation intel core processor family products . for 2013 , our three largest customers accounted for 44% ( 44 % ) of our net revenue ( 43% ( 43 % ) in 2012 and 2011 ) , with hewlett- packard company accounting for 17% ( 17 % ) of our net revenue ( 18% ( 18 % ) in 2012 and 19% ( 19 % ) in 2011 ) , dell accounting for 15% ( 15 % ) of our net revenue ( 14% ( 14 % ) in 2012 and 15% ( 15 % ) in 2011 ) , and lenovo accounting for 12% ( 12 % ) of our net revenue ( 11% ( 11 % ) in 2012 and 9% ( 9 % ) in 2011 ) . these three customers accounted for 34% ( 34 % ) of our accounts receivable as of december 28 , 2013 ( 33% ( 33 % ) as of december 29 , 2012 ) . for 2012 compared to 2011 , the $ 2.1 billion decrease in cash provided by operating activities was due to lower net income and changes in our working capital , partially offset by adjustments for non-cash items . the adjustments for noncash items were higher due primarily to higher depreciation in 2012 compared to 2011 , partially offset by increases in non-acquisition-related deferred tax liabilities as of december 31 , 2011 . investing activities investing cash flows consist primarily of capital expenditures ; investment purchases , sales , maturities , and disposals ; as well as cash used for acquisitions . the increase in cash used for investing activities in 2013 compared to 2012 was primarily due to an increase in purchases of available-for-sale investments and a decrease in maturities and sales of trading assets , partially offset by an increase in maturities and sales of available-for-sale investments and a decrease in purchases of licensed technology and patents . our capital expenditures were $ 10.7 billion in 2013 ( $ 11.0 billion in 2012 and $ 10.8 billion in 2011 ) . cash used for investing activities increased in 2012 compared to 2011 primarily due to net purchases of available- for-sale investments and trading assets in 2012 , as compared to net maturities and sales of available-for-sale investments and trading assets in 2011 , partially offset by a decrease in cash paid for acquisitions . net purchases of available-for-sale investments in 2012 included our purchase of $ 3.2 billion of equity securities in asml in q3 2012 . financing activities financing cash flows consist primarily of repurchases of common stock , payment of dividends to stockholders , issuance and repayment of long-term debt , and proceeds from the sale of shares through employee equity incentive plans . table of contents management 2019s discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of operations ( continued ) . Question: what was the net change in net cash provided by operating activities between 2011 and 2012? Answer: -2079.0 Question: what was the value of cash provided by operating activities in 2011?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
part ii item 5 . market for registrant 2019s common equity , related stockholder matters and issuer purchases of equity securities at january 25 , 2019 , we had 26812 holders of record of our common stock , par value $ 1 per share . our common stock is traded on the new york stock exchange ( nyse ) under the symbol lmt . information concerning dividends paid on lockheed martin common stock during the past two years is as follows : common stock - dividends paid per share . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>quarter</td><td>dividends paid per share 2018</td><td>dividends paid per share 2017</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>first</td><td>$ 2.00</td><td>$ 1.82</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>second</td><td>2.00</td><td>1.82</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>third</td><td>2.00</td><td>1.82</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>fourth</td><td>2.20</td><td>2.00</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>year</td><td>$ 8.20</td><td>$ 7.46</td></tr></table> stockholder return performance graph the following graph compares the total return on a cumulative basis of $ 100 invested in lockheed martin common stock on december 31 , 2013 to the standard and poor 2019s ( s&p ) 500 index and the s&p aerospace & defense index . the s&p aerospace & defense index comprises arconic inc. , general dynamics corporation , harris corporation , huntington ingalls industries , l3 technologies , inc. , lockheed martin corporation , northrop grumman corporation , raytheon company , textron inc. , the boeing company , transdigm group inc. , and united technologies corporation . the stockholder return performance indicated on the graph is not a guarantee of future performance. . Question: what was the net change in dividends paid per share for the years ended 2017 and 2018? Answer: 0.74 Question: what was the amount of dividends paid per share for the year ended 2017?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
vertex pharmaceuticals incorporated notes to consolidated financial statements ( continued ) o . significant revenue arrangements ( continued ) $ 7 million of development and commercialization milestone payments . additionally , kissei agreed to reimburse the company for certain development costs , including a portion of costs for phase 2 trials of vx-702 . research funding ended under this program in june 2000 , and the company has received the full amount of research funding specified under the agreement . kissei has exclusive rights to develop and commercialize vx-702 in japan and certain far east countries and co-exclusive rights in china , taiwan and south korea . the company retains exclusive marketing rights outside the far east and co-exclusive rights in china , taiwan and south korea . in addition , the company will have the right to supply bulk drug material to kissei for sale in its territory and will receive royalties or drug supply payments on future product sales , if any . in 2006 , 2005 and 2004 , approximately $ 6.4 million , $ 7.3 million and $ 3.5 million , respectively , was recognized as revenue under this agreement . the $ 7.3 million of revenue recognized in 2005 includes a $ 2.5 million milestone paid upon kissei 2019s completion of regulatory filings in preparation for phase 1 clinical development of vx-702 in japan . p . employee benefits the company has a 401 ( k ) retirement plan ( the 201cvertex 401 ( k ) plan 201d ) in which substantially all of its permanent employees are eligible to participate . participants may contribute up to 60% ( 60 % ) of their annual compensation to the vertex 401 ( k ) plan , subject to statutory limitations . the company may declare discretionary matching contributions to the vertex 401 ( k ) plan that are payable in the form of vertex common stock . the match is paid in the form of fully vested interests in a vertex common stock fund . employees have the ability to transfer funds from the company stock fund as they choose . the company declared matching contributions to the vertex 401 ( k ) plan as follows ( in thousands ) : q . related party transactions as of december 31 , 2006 , 2005 and 2004 , the company had a loan outstanding to a former officer of the company in the amount of $ 36000 , $ 36000 , $ 97000 , respectively , which was initially advanced in april 2002 . the loan balance is included in other assets on the consolidated balance sheets . in 2001 , the company entered into a four year consulting agreement with a director of the company for the provision of part-time consulting services over a period of four years , at the rate of $ 80000 per year commencing in january 2002 . the consulting agreement terminated in january 2006 . r . contingencies the company has certain contingent liabilities that arise in the ordinary course of its business activities . the company accrues a reserve for contingent liabilities when it is probable that future expenditures will be made and such expenditures can be reasonably estimated. . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>2006</td><td>2005</td><td>2004</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>discretionary matching contributions during the year ended december 31,</td><td>$ 3341</td><td>$ 2894</td><td>$ 2492</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>shares issued during the year ended december 31,</td><td>91</td><td>215</td><td>239</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>shares issuable as of the year ended december 31,</td><td>28</td><td>19</td><td>57</td></tr></table> discretionary matching contributions during the year ended december 31 , $ 3341 $ 2894 $ 2492 shares issued during the year ended december 31 , 91 215 239 shares issuable as of the year ended december 31 , 28 19 57 . Question: what was the change in revenue recognized under the agreement from 2004 to 2005, in millions? Answer: 3.8 Question: how much, in percentage, does that change represent in relation to the total revenue recognized under the agreement in 2004, counted in millions?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
in summary , our cash flows for each period were as follows : years ended ( in millions ) dec 30 , dec 31 , dec 26 . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>years ended ( in millions )</td><td>dec 302017</td><td>dec 312016</td><td>dec 262015</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>net cash provided by operating activities</td><td>$ 22110</td><td>$ 21808</td><td>$ 19018</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>net cash used for investing activities</td><td>-15762 ( 15762 )</td><td>-25817 ( 25817 )</td><td>-8183 ( 8183 )</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>net cash provided by ( used for ) financing activities</td><td>-8475 ( 8475 )</td><td>-5739 ( 5739 )</td><td>1912</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>net increase ( decrease ) in cash and cash equivalents</td><td>$ -2127 ( 2127 )</td><td>$ -9748 ( 9748 )</td><td>$ 12747</td></tr></table> operating activities cash provided by operating activities is net income adjusted for certain non-cash items and changes in assets and liabilities . for 2017 compared to 2016 , the $ 302 million increase in cash provided by operating activities was due to changes to working capital partially offset by adjustments for non-cash items and lower net income . tax reform did not have an impact on our 2017 cash provided by operating activities . the increase in cash provided by operating activities was driven by increased income before taxes and $ 1.0 billion receipts of customer deposits . these increases were partially offset by increased inventory and accounts receivable . income taxes paid , net of refunds , in 2017 compared to 2016 were $ 2.9 billion higher due to higher income before taxes , taxable gains on sales of asml , and taxes on the isecg divestiture . we expect approximately $ 2.0 billion of additional customer deposits in 2018 . for 2016 compared to 2015 , the $ 2.8 billion increase in cash provided by operating activities was due to adjustments for non-cash items and changes in working capital , partially offset by lower net income . the adjustments for non-cash items were higher in 2016 primarily due to restructuring and other charges and the change in deferred taxes , partially offset by lower depreciation . investing activities investing cash flows consist primarily of capital expenditures ; investment purchases , sales , maturities , and disposals ; and proceeds from divestitures and cash used for acquisitions . our capital expenditures were $ 11.8 billion in 2017 ( $ 9.6 billion in 2016 and $ 7.3 billion in 2015 ) . the decrease in cash used for investing activities in 2017 compared to 2016 was primarily due to higher net activity of available-for sale-investments in 2017 , proceeds from our divestiture of isecg in 2017 , and higher maturities and sales of trading assets in 2017 . this activity was partially offset by higher capital expenditures in 2017 . the increase in cash used for investing activities in 2016 compared to 2015 was primarily due to our completed acquisition of altera , net purchases of trading assets in 2016 compared to net sales of trading assets in 2015 , and higher capital expenditures in 2016 . this increase was partially offset by lower investments in non-marketable equity investments . financing activities financing cash flows consist primarily of repurchases of common stock , payment of dividends to stockholders , issuance and repayment of short-term and long-term debt , and proceeds from the sale of shares of common stock through employee equity incentive plans . the increase in cash used for financing activities in 2017 compared to 2016 was primarily due to net long-term debt activity , which was a use of cash in 2017 compared to a source of cash in 2016 . during 2017 , we repurchased $ 3.6 billion of common stock under our authorized common stock repurchase program , compared to $ 2.6 billion in 2016 . as of december 30 , 2017 , $ 13.2 billion remained available for repurchasing common stock under the existing repurchase authorization limit . we base our level of common stock repurchases on internal cash management decisions , and this level may fluctuate . proceeds from the sale of common stock through employee equity incentive plans totaled $ 770 million in 2017 compared to $ 1.1 billion in 2016 . our total dividend payments were $ 5.1 billion in 2017 compared to $ 4.9 billion in 2016 . we have paid a cash dividend in each of the past 101 quarters . in january 2018 , our board of directors approved an increase to our cash dividend to $ 1.20 per share on an annual basis . the board has declared a quarterly cash dividend of $ 0.30 per share of common stock for q1 2018 . the dividend is payable on march 1 , 2018 to stockholders of record on february 7 , 2018 . cash was used for financing activities in 2016 compared to cash provided by financing activities in 2015 , primarily due to fewer debt issuances and the repayment of debt in 2016 . this activity was partially offset by repayment of commercial paper in 2015 and fewer common stock repurchases in 2016 . md&a - results of operations consolidated results and analysis 37 . Question: what was the change in net cash provided by operating activities from 2015 to 2016? Answer: 2790.0 Question: and what was that net cash in 2015? Answer: 19018.0 Question: what percentage, then, does that change represent in relation to this 2015 amount? Answer: 0.1467 Question: and throughout the subsequent year, what was the increase in the total of capital expenditures?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
marathon oil corporation notes to consolidated financial statements equivalent to the exchangeable shares at the acquisition date as discussed below . additional shares of voting preferred stock will be issued as necessary to adjust the number of votes to account for changes in the exchange ratio . preferred shares 2013 in connection with the acquisition of western discussed in note 6 , the board of directors authorized a class of voting preferred stock consisting of 6 million shares . upon completion of the acquisition , we issued 5 million shares of this voting preferred stock to a trustee , who holds the shares for the benefit of the holders of the exchangeable shares discussed above . each share of voting preferred stock is entitled to one vote on all matters submitted to the holders of marathon common stock . each holder of exchangeable shares may direct the trustee to vote the number of shares of voting preferred stock equal to the number of shares of marathon common stock issuable upon the exchange of the exchangeable shares held by that holder . in no event will the aggregate number of votes entitled to be cast by the trustee with respect to the outstanding shares of voting preferred stock exceed the number of votes entitled to be cast with respect to the outstanding exchangeable shares . except as otherwise provided in our restated certificate of incorporation or by applicable law , the common stock and the voting preferred stock will vote together as a single class in the election of directors of marathon and on all other matters submitted to a vote of stockholders of marathon generally . the voting preferred stock will have no other voting rights except as required by law . other than dividends payable solely in shares of voting preferred stock , no dividend or other distribution , will be paid or payable to the holder of the voting preferred stock . in the event of any liquidation , dissolution or winding up of marathon , the holder of shares of the voting preferred stock will not be entitled to receive any assets of marathon available for distribution to its stockholders . the voting preferred stock is not convertible into any other class or series of the capital stock of marathon or into cash , property or other rights , and may not be redeemed . 25 . leases we lease a wide variety of facilities and equipment under operating leases , including land and building space , office equipment , production facilities and transportation equipment . most long-term leases include renewal options and , in certain leases , purchase options . future minimum commitments for capital lease obligations ( including sale-leasebacks accounted for as financings ) and for operating lease obligations having initial or remaining noncancelable lease terms in excess of one year are as follows : ( in millions ) capital lease obligations ( a ) operating obligations . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>( in millions )</td><td>capital lease obligations ( a )</td><td>operating lease obligations</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>2010</td><td>$ 46</td><td>$ 165</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>2011</td><td>45</td><td>140</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>2012</td><td>58</td><td>121</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>2013</td><td>44</td><td>102</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>2014</td><td>44</td><td>84</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>later years</td><td>466</td><td>313</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>sublease rentals</td><td>-</td><td>-16 ( 16 )</td></tr><tr><td>9</td><td>total minimum lease payments</td><td>$ 703</td><td>$ 909</td></tr><tr><td>10</td><td>less imputed interest costs</td><td>-257 ( 257 )</td><td>-</td></tr><tr><td>11</td><td>present value of net minimum lease payments</td><td>$ 446</td><td>-</td></tr></table> ( a ) capital lease obligations include $ 164 million related to assets under construction as of december 31 , 2009 . these leases are currently reported in long-term debt based on percentage of construction completed at $ 36 million . in connection with past sales of various plants and operations , we assigned and the purchasers assumed certain leases of major equipment used in the divested plants and operations of united states steel . in the event of a default by any of the purchasers , united states steel has assumed these obligations ; however , we remain primarily obligated for payments under these leases . minimum lease payments under these operating lease obligations of $ 16 million have been included above and an equal amount has been reported as sublease rentals. . Question: what percentage of the total minimum lease payments related to operating lease obligations are due in 2010? Answer: 0.18152 Question: and what were those total minimum lease payments related to capital lease obligations? Answer: 703.0 Question: what amount from these total payments are not due to assets under construction, in millions?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
part ii item 5 . market for registrant 2019s common equity and related stockholder matters market information our common stock has been traded on the new york stock exchange ( 2018 2018nyse 2019 2019 ) under the symbol 2018 2018exr 2019 2019 since our ipo on august 17 , 2004 . prior to that time there was no public market for our common stock . the following table sets forth , for the periods indicated , the high and low bid price for our common stock as reported by the nyse and the per share dividends declared : dividends high low declared . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>high</td><td>low</td><td>dividends declared</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>period from august 17 2004 to september 30 2004</td><td>$ 14.38</td><td>$ 12.50</td><td>$ 0.1113</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>quarter ended december 31 2004</td><td>14.55</td><td>12.60</td><td>0.2275</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>quarter ended march 31 2005</td><td>14.30</td><td>12.55</td><td>0.2275</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>quarter ended june 30 2005</td><td>14.75</td><td>12.19</td><td>0.2275</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>quarter ended september 30 2005</td><td>16.71</td><td>14.32</td><td>0.2275</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>quarter ended december 31 2005</td><td>15.90</td><td>13.00</td><td>0.2275</td></tr></table> on february 28 , 2006 , the closing price of our common stock as reported by the nyse was $ 15.00 . at february 28 , 2006 , we had 166 holders of record of our common stock . holders of shares of common stock are entitled to receive distributions when declared by our board of directors out of any assets legally available for that purpose . as a reit , we are required to distribute at least 90% ( 90 % ) of our 2018 2018reit taxable income 2019 2019 is generally equivalent to our net taxable ordinary income , determined without regard to the deduction for dividends paid , to our stockholders annually in order to maintain our reit qualifications for u.s . federal income tax purposes . unregistered sales of equity securities and use of proceeds on june 20 , 2005 , we completed the sale of 6200000 shares of our common stock , $ .01 par value , for $ 83514 , which we reported in a current report on form 8-k filed with the securities and exchange commission on june 24 , 2005 . we used the proceeds for general corporate purposes , including debt repayment . the shares were issued pursuant to an exemption from registration under the securities act of 1933 , as amended. . Question: what was the dividends declared from 8/17/04 to 9/30/04? Answer: 0.2275 Question: and the yearly dividend declared? Answer: 0.91 Question: and the high for the quarter ended 3/31/05? Answer: 14.3 Question: so what was the yearly dividend as a percentage of the quarterly high?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
is&gs 2019 operating profit decreased $ 60 million , or 8% ( 8 % ) , for 2014 compared to 2013 . the decrease was primarily attributable to the activities mentioned above for sales , lower risk retirements and reserves recorded on an international program , partially offset by severance recoveries related to the restructuring announced in november 2013 of approximately $ 20 million for 2014 . adjustments not related to volume , including net profit booking rate adjustments , were approximately $ 30 million lower for 2014 compared to 2013 . 2013 compared to 2012 is&gs 2019 net sales decreased $ 479 million , or 5% ( 5 % ) , for 2013 compared to 2012 . the decrease was attributable to lower net sales of about $ 495 million due to decreased volume on various programs ( command and control programs for classified customers , ngi and eram programs ) ; and approximately $ 320 million due to the completion of certain programs ( such as total information processing support services , the transportation worker identification credential and the outsourcing desktop initiative for nasa ) . the decrease was partially offset by higher net sales of about $ 340 million due to the start-up of certain programs ( such as the disa gsm-o and the national science foundation antarctic support ) . is&gs 2019 operating profit decreased $ 49 million , or 6% ( 6 % ) , for 2013 compared to 2012 . the decrease was primarily attributable to lower operating profit of about $ 55 million due to certain programs nearing the end of their life cycles , partially offset by higher operating profit of approximately $ 15 million due to the start-up of certain programs . adjustments not related to volume , including net profit booking rate adjustments and other matters , were comparable for 2013 compared to 2012 . backlog backlog increased in 2014 compared to 2013 primarily due to several multi-year international awards and various u.s . multi-year extensions . this increase was partially offset by declining activities on various direct warfighter support and command and control programs impacted by defense budget reductions . backlog decreased in 2013 compared to 2012 primarily due to lower orders on several programs ( such as eram and ngi ) , higher sales on certain programs ( the national science foundation antarctic support and the disa gsm-o ) and declining activities on several smaller programs primarily due to the continued downturn in federal information technology budgets . trends we expect is&gs 2019 net sales to decline in 2015 in the low to mid single digit percentage range as compared to 2014 , primarily driven by the continued downturn in federal information technology budgets , an increasingly competitive environment , including the disaggregation of existing contracts , and new contract award delays , partially offset by increased sales resulting from acquisitions that occurred during the year . operating profit is expected to decline in the low double digit percentage range in 2015 primarily driven by volume and an increase in intangible amortization from 2014 acquisition activity , resulting in 2015 margins that are lower than 2014 results . missiles and fire control our mfc business segment provides air and missile defense systems ; tactical missiles and air-to-ground precision strike weapon systems ; logistics and other technical services ; fire control systems ; mission operations support , readiness , engineering support and integration services ; and manned and unmanned ground vehicles . mfc 2019s major programs include pac-3 , thaad , multiple launch rocket system , hellfire , jassm , javelin , apache , sniper ae , low altitude navigation and targeting infrared for night ( lantirn ae ) and sof clss . mfc 2019s operating results included the following ( in millions ) : . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>2014</td><td>2013</td><td>2012</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>net sales</td><td>$ 7680</td><td>$ 7757</td><td>$ 7457</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>operating profit</td><td>1358</td><td>1431</td><td>1256</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>operating margins</td><td>17.7% ( 17.7 % )</td><td>18.4% ( 18.4 % )</td><td>16.8% ( 16.8 % )</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>backlog at year-end</td><td>$ 13600</td><td>$ 15000</td><td>$ 14700</td></tr></table> 2014 compared to 2013 mfc 2019s net sales for 2014 decreased $ 77 million , or 1% ( 1 % ) , compared to 2013 . the decrease was primarily attributable to lower net sales of approximately $ 385 million for technical services programs due to decreased volume reflecting market pressures ; and about $ 115 million for tactical missile programs due to fewer deliveries ( primarily high mobility artillery . Question: what was the difference in net sales from 2012 to 2013? Answer: 300.0 Question: what were net sales in 2012?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
operating expenses operating expenses were $ 2.9 billion , an increase of 8% ( 8 % ) over 2000 . adjusted for the formation of citistreet , operating expenses grew 10% ( 10 % ) . expense growth in 2001 of 10% ( 10 % ) is significantly lower than the comparable 20% ( 20 % ) expense growth for 2000 compared to 1999 . state street successfully reduced the growth rate of expenses as revenue growth slowed during the latter half of 2000 and early 2001 . the expense growth in 2001 reflects higher expenses for salaries and employee benefits , as well as information systems and communications . o p e r a t i n g e x p e n s e s ( dollars in millions ) 2001 2000 1999 change adjusted change 00-01 ( 1 ) . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>( dollars in millions )</td><td>2001</td><td>2000</td><td>1999</td><td>change 00-01</td><td>adjusted change 00-01 ( 1 )</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>salaries and employee benefits</td><td>$ 1663</td><td>$ 1524</td><td>$ 1313</td><td>9% ( 9 % )</td><td>11% ( 11 % )</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>information systems and communications</td><td>365</td><td>305</td><td>287</td><td>20</td><td>22</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>transaction processing services</td><td>247</td><td>268</td><td>237</td><td>-8 ( 8 )</td><td>-7 ( 7 )</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>occupancy</td><td>229</td><td>201</td><td>188</td><td>15</td><td>16</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>other</td><td>363</td><td>346</td><td>311</td><td>5</td><td>7</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>total operating expenses</td><td>$ 2867</td><td>$ 2644</td><td>$ 2336</td><td>8</td><td>10</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>number of employees</td><td>19753</td><td>17604</td><td>17213</td><td>12</td><td>-</td></tr></table> ( 1 ) 2000 results adjusted for the formation of citistreet expenses related to salaries and employee benefits increased $ 139million in 2001 , or $ 163millionwhen adjusted for the formation of citistreet . the adjusted increase reflects more than 2100 additional staff to support the large client wins and new business from existing clients and acquisitions . this expense increase was partially offset by lower incentive-based compensation . information systems and communications expense was $ 365 million in 2001 , up 20% ( 20 % ) from the prior year . adjusted for the formation of citistreet , information systems and communications expense increased 22% ( 22 % ) . this growth reflects both continuing investment in software and hardware , aswell as the technology costs associated with increased staffing levels . expenses related to transaction processing services were $ 247 million , down $ 21 million , or 8% ( 8 % ) . these expenses are volume related and include external contract services , subcustodian fees , brokerage services and fees related to securities settlement . lower mutual fund shareholder activities , and lower subcustodian fees resulting from both the decline in asset values and lower transaction volumes , drove the decline . occupancy expensewas $ 229million , up 15% ( 15 % ) . the increase is due to expenses necessary to support state street 2019s global growth , and expenses incurred for leasehold improvements and other operational costs . other expenses were $ 363 million , up $ 17 million , or 5% ( 5 % ) . these expenses include professional services , advertising and sales promotion , and internal operational expenses . the increase over prior year is due to a $ 21 million increase in the amortization of goodwill , primarily from acquisitions in 2001 . in accordance with recent accounting pronouncements , goodwill amortization expense will be eliminated in 2002 . state street recorded approximately $ 38 million , or $ .08 per share after tax , of goodwill amortization expense in 2001 . state street 2019s cost containment efforts , which reduced discretionary spending , partially offset the increase in other expenses . state street corporation 9 . Question: what is the change in the number of employees between 1999 and 2000?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
part a0ii item a05 . market for registrant 2019s common equity , related stockholder matters and issuer purchases of equity securities our common stock is listed on the new york stock exchange under the symbol 201ctfx . 201d as of february 19 , 2019 , we had 473 holders of record of our common stock . a substantially greater number of holders of our common stock are beneficial owners whose shares are held by brokers and other financial institutions for the accounts of beneficial owners . stock performance graph the following graph provides a comparison of five year cumulative total stockholder returns of teleflex common stock , the standard a0& poor 2019s ( s&p ) 500 stock index and the s&p 500 healthcare equipment & supply index . the annual changes for the five-year period shown on the graph are based on the assumption that $ 100 had been invested in teleflex common stock and each index on december a031 , 2013 and that all dividends were reinvested . market performance . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>company / index</td><td>2013</td><td>2014</td><td>2015</td><td>2016</td><td>2017</td><td>2018</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>teleflex incorporated</td><td>100</td><td>124</td><td>143</td><td>177</td><td>275</td><td>288</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>s&p 500 index</td><td>100</td><td>114</td><td>115</td><td>129</td><td>157</td><td>150</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>s&p 500 healthcare equipment & supply index</td><td>100</td><td>126</td><td>134</td><td>142</td><td>186</td><td>213</td></tr></table> s&p 500 healthcare equipment & supply index 100 126 134 142 186 213 . Question: what was the price of teleflex in 2014?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
analog devices , inc . notes to consolidated financial statements 2014 ( continued ) a summary of the company 2019s restricted stock unit award activity as of october 31 , 2015 and changes during the fiscal year then ended is presented below : restricted stock units outstanding ( in thousands ) weighted- average grant- date fair value per share . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>restrictedstock unitsoutstanding ( in thousands )</td><td>weighted-average grant-date fair valueper share</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>restricted stock units outstanding at november 1 2014</td><td>3188</td><td>$ 43.46</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>units granted</td><td>818</td><td>$ 52.25</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>restrictions lapsed</td><td>-1151 ( 1151 )</td><td>$ 39.72</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>forfeited</td><td>-157 ( 157 )</td><td>$ 45.80</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>restricted stock units outstanding at october 31 2015</td><td>2698</td><td>$ 47.59</td></tr></table> as of october 31 , 2015 , there was $ 108.8 million of total unrecognized compensation cost related to unvested share- based awards comprised of stock options and restricted stock units . that cost is expected to be recognized over a weighted- average period of 1.3 years . the total grant-date fair value of shares that vested during fiscal 2015 , 2014 and 2013 was approximately $ 65.6 million , $ 57.4 million and $ 63.9 million , respectively . common stock repurchase program the company 2019s common stock repurchase program has been in place since august 2004 . in the aggregate , the board of directors have authorized the company to repurchase $ 5.6 billion of the company 2019s common stock under the program . under the program , the company may repurchase outstanding shares of its common stock from time to time in the open market and through privately negotiated transactions . unless terminated earlier by resolution of the company 2019s board of directors , the repurchase program will expire when the company has repurchased all shares authorized under the program . as of october 31 , 2015 , the company had repurchased a total of approximately 140.7 million shares of its common stock for approximately $ 5.0 billion under this program . an additional $ 544.5 million remains available for repurchase of shares under the current authorized program . the repurchased shares are held as authorized but unissued shares of common stock . the company also , from time to time , repurchases shares in settlement of employee minimum tax withholding obligations due upon the vesting of restricted stock units or the exercise of stock options . the withholding amount is based on the employees minimum statutory withholding requirement . any future common stock repurchases will be dependent upon several factors , including the company's financial performance , outlook , liquidity and the amount of cash the company has available in the united states . preferred stock the company has 471934 authorized shares of $ 1.00 par value preferred stock , none of which is issued or outstanding . the board of directors is authorized to fix designations , relative rights , preferences and limitations on the preferred stock at the time of issuance . 4 . industry , segment and geographic information the company operates and tracks its results in one reportable segment based on the aggregation of six operating segments . the company designs , develops , manufactures and markets a broad range of integrated circuits ( ics ) . the chief executive officer has been identified as the company's chief operating decision maker . the company has determined that all of the company's operating segments share the following similar economic characteristics , and therefore meet the criteria established for operating segments to be aggregated into one reportable segment , namely : 2022 the primary source of revenue for each operating segment is the sale of integrated circuits . 2022 the integrated circuits sold by each of the company's operating segments are manufactured using similar semiconductor manufacturing processes and raw materials in either the company 2019s own production facilities or by third-party wafer fabricators using proprietary processes . 2022 the company sells its products to tens of thousands of customers worldwide . many of these customers use products spanning all operating segments in a wide range of applications . 2022 the integrated circuits marketed by each of the company's operating segments are sold globally through a direct sales force , third-party distributors , independent sales representatives and via our website to the same types of customers . all of the company's operating segments share a similar long-term financial model as they have similar economic characteristics . the causes for variation in operating and financial performance are the same among the company's operating segments and include factors such as ( i ) life cycle and price and cost fluctuations , ( ii ) number of competitors , ( iii ) product . Question: what was the number of restricted stock units outstanding on november 1, 2014? Answer: 3188.0 Question: what was the price per share? Answer: 43.46 Question: what is the total value of restricted stock units outstanding at the end of 2014? Answer: 138550.48 Question: what was the total value of the restricted stock units at the end of 2015? Answer: 128397.82 Question: what is the difference?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
in september 2006 , the fasb issued sfas 158 , 201cemployers 2019 accounting for defined benefit pension and other postretirement plans , an amendment of fasb statements no . 87 , 88 , 106 , and 132 ( r ) . 201d sfas 158 requires companies to recognize the over-funded and under-funded status of defined benefit pension and other postretire- ment plans as assets or liabilities on their balance sheets . in addition , changes in the funded status must be recognized through other comprehensive income in shareholders 2019 equity in the year in which the changes occur . we adopted sfas 158 on september 28 , 2007 . in accordance with the transition rules in sfas 158 , this standard is being adopted on a prospective basis . the adoption of sfas 158 resulted in an immaterial adjustment to our balance sheet , and had no impact on our net earnings or cash flows . comprehensive income ( loss ) the company accounts for comprehensive income ( loss ) in accordance with the provisions of sfas no . 130 , 201creporting comprehensive income 201d ( 201csfas no . 130 201d ) . sfas no . 130 is a financial statement presentation standard that requires the company to disclose non-owner changes included in equity but not included in net income or loss . accumulated comprehensive loss presented in the financial statements consists of adjustments to the company 2019s minimum pension liability as follows ( in thousands ) : pension adjustments accumulated comprehensive . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>pension adjustments</td><td>accumulated other comprehensive loss</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>balance as of september 30 2005</td><td>-1137 ( 1137 )</td><td>-1137 ( 1137 )</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>change in period</td><td>538</td><td>538</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>balance as of september 29 2006</td><td>$ -599 ( 599 )</td><td>$ -599 ( 599 )</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>pension adjustment</td><td>159</td><td>159</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>adjustment to initially apply sfas 158</td><td>226</td><td>226</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>balance as of september 28 2007</td><td>$ -214 ( 214 )</td><td>$ -214 ( 214 )</td></tr></table> recently issued accounting pronouncements fin 48 in july 2006 , the fasb issued fasb interpretation no . 48 , 201caccounting for uncertainty in income taxes 2014 an interpretation of fasb statement no . 109 201d ( fin 48 ) , which clarifies the accounting and disclosure for uncertainty in tax positions , as defined . fin 48 seeks to reduce the diversity in practice associated with certain aspects of the recognition and measurement related to accounting for income taxes . this interpretation is effective for fiscal years beginning after december 15 , 2006 , and is therefore effective for the company in fiscal year 2008 . we are currently evaluating the impact that adopting fin 48 will have on the company 2019s financial position and results of operations , however at this time the company does not expect the impact to materially affect its results from operations or financial position . sfas 157 in september 2006 , the fasb issued sfas no . 157 , 201cfair value measurements 201d ( 201csfas 157 201d ) which defines fair value , establishes a framework for measuring fair value in generally accepted accounting principles and expands disclosures about fair value measurements . sfas 157 is effective for financial statements issued for fiscal years beginning after november 15 , 2007 and interim periods within those fiscal years . the company has not yet determined the impact that sfas 157 will have on its results from operations or financial position . sab 108 in september 2006 , the securities and exchange commission issued staff accounting bulletin no . 108 , 201cconsidering the effects of prior year misstatements when quantifying misstatements in current year financial statements 201d ( 201csab 108 201d ) , which provides interpretive guidance on how the effects of the carryover or reversal of skyworks solutions , inc . 2007 annual report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . notes to consolidated financial statements 2014 ( continued ) . Question: what is the net change in the balance of pension liability from september 2005 to 2007?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
sales of unregistered securities not applicable . repurchases of equity securities the following table provides information regarding our purchases of our equity securities during the period from october 1 , 2017 to december 31 , 2017 . total number of shares ( or units ) purchased 1 average price paid per share ( or unit ) 2 total number of shares ( or units ) purchased as part of publicly announced plans or programs 3 maximum number ( or approximate dollar value ) of shares ( or units ) that may yet be purchased under the plans or programs 3 . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>total number ofshares ( or units ) purchased1</td><td>average price paidper share ( or unit ) 2</td><td>total number ofshares ( or units ) purchased as part ofpublicly announcedplans or programs3</td><td>maximum number ( orapproximate dollar value ) of shares ( or units ) that may yet be purchasedunder the plans orprograms3</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>october 1 - 31</td><td>1231868</td><td>$ 20.74</td><td>1230394</td><td>$ 214001430</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>november 1 - 30</td><td>1723139</td><td>$ 18.89</td><td>1722246</td><td>$ 181474975</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>december 1 - 31</td><td>1295639</td><td>$ 20.25</td><td>1285000</td><td>$ 155459545</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>total</td><td>4250646</td><td>$ 19.84</td><td>4237640</td><td>-</td></tr></table> 1 included shares of our common stock , par value $ 0.10 per share , withheld under the terms of grants under employee stock-based compensation plans to offset tax withholding obligations that occurred upon vesting and release of restricted shares ( the 201cwithheld shares 201d ) . we repurchased 1474 withheld shares in october 2017 , 893 withheld shares in november 2017 and 10639 withheld shares in december 2017 , for a total of 13006 withheld shares during the three-month period . 2 the average price per share for each of the months in the fiscal quarter and for the three-month period was calculated by dividing the sum of the applicable period of the aggregate value of the tax withholding obligations and the aggregate amount we paid for shares acquired under our share repurchase program , described in note 5 to the consolidated financial statements , by the sum of the number of withheld shares and the number of shares acquired in our share repurchase program . 3 in february 2017 , the board authorized a share repurchase program to repurchase from time to time up to $ 300.0 million , excluding fees , of our common stock ( the 201c2017 share repurchase program 201d ) . on february 14 , 2018 , we announced that our board had approved a new share repurchase program to repurchase from time to time up to $ 300.0 million , excluding fees , of our common stock . the new authorization is in addition to any amounts remaining for repurchase under the 2017 share repurchase program . there is no expiration date associated with the share repurchase programs. . Question: what is the value of the total shares repurchased by the average price? Answer: 84332816.64 Question: what is that number simplified?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
the long term . in addition , we have focused on building relationships with large multinational carriers such as airtel , telef f3nica s.a . and vodafone group plc . we believe that consistent carrier investments in their networks across our international markets position us to generate meaningful organic revenue growth going forward . in emerging markets , such as ghana , india , nigeria and uganda , wireless networks tend to be significantly less advanced than those in the united states , and initial voice networks continue to be deployed in underdeveloped areas . a majority of consumers in these markets still utilize basic wireless services , predominantly on feature phones , while advanced device penetration remains low . in more developed urban locations within these markets , early-stage data network deployments are underway . carriers are focused on completing voice network build-outs while also investing in initial data networks as wireless data usage and smartphone penetration within their customer bases begin to accelerate . in markets with rapidly evolving network technology , such as south africa and most of the countries in latin america where we do business , initial voice networks , for the most part , have already been built out , and carriers are focused on 3g network build outs , with select investments in 4g technology . consumers in these regions are increasingly adopting smartphones and other advanced devices , and as a result , the usage of bandwidth-intensive mobile applications is growing materially . recent spectrum auctions in these rapidly evolving markets have allowed incumbent carriers to accelerate their data network deployments and have also enabled new entrants to begin initial investments in data networks . smartphone penetration and wireless data usage in these markets are growing rapidly , which typically requires that carriers continue to invest in their networks in order to maintain and augment their quality of service . finally , in markets with more mature network technology , such as germany , carriers are focused on deploying 4g data networks to account for rapidly increasing wireless data usage amongst their customer base . with higher smartphone and advanced device penetration and significantly higher per capita data usage , carrier investment in networks is focused on 4g coverage and capacity . we believe that the network technology migration we have seen in the united states , which has led to significantly denser networks and meaningful new business commencements for us over a number of years , will ultimately be replicated in our less advanced international markets . as a result , we expect to be able to leverage our extensive international portfolio of approximately 60190 communications sites and the relationships we have built with our carrier customers to drive sustainable , long-term growth . we have holistic master lease agreements with certain of our tenants that provide for consistent , long-term revenue and a reduction in the likelihood of churn . our holistic master lease agreements build and augment strong strategic partnerships with our tenants and have significantly reduced collocation cycle times , thereby providing our tenants with the ability to rapidly and efficiently deploy equipment on our sites . property operations new site revenue growth . during the year ended december 31 , 2015 , we grew our portfolio of communications real estate through the acquisition and construction of approximately 25370 sites . in a majority of our asia , emea and latin america markets , the acquisition or construction of new sites resulted in increases in both tenant and pass- through revenues ( such as ground rent or power and fuel costs ) and expenses . we continue to evaluate opportunities to acquire communications real estate portfolios , both domestically and internationally , to determine whether they meet our risk-adjusted hurdle rates and whether we believe we can effectively integrate them into our existing portfolio. . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>new sites ( acquired or constructed )</td><td>2015</td><td>2014</td><td>2013</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>u.s .</td><td>11595</td><td>900</td><td>5260</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>asia</td><td>2330</td><td>1560</td><td>1260</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>emea</td><td>4910</td><td>190</td><td>485</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>latin america</td><td>6535</td><td>5800</td><td>6065</td></tr></table> property operations expenses . direct operating expenses incurred by our property segments include direct site level expenses and consist primarily of ground rent and power and fuel costs , some or all of which may be passed through to our tenants , as well as property taxes , repairs and maintenance . these segment direct operating expenses exclude all segment and corporate selling , general , administrative and development expenses , which are aggregated into one line item entitled selling , general , administrative and development expense in our consolidated statements of operations . in general , our property segments 2019 selling , general , administrative and development expenses do not significantly increase as a result of adding incremental tenants to our legacy sites and typically increase only modestly year-over-year . as a result , leasing additional space to new tenants on our legacy sites provides significant incremental cash flow . we may , however , incur additional segment . Question: what is the sum of new sites acquired or constructed in the u.s. and asia in 2015? Answer: 13925.0 Question: what is the sum including emea? Answer: 18835.0 Question: what is the total sum including latin america?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
for the valuation of the 4199466 performance-based options granted in 2005 : the risk free interest rate was 4.2% ( 4.2 % ) , the volatility factor for the expected market price of the common stock was 44% ( 44 % ) , the expected dividend yield was zero and the objective time to exercise was 4.7 years with an objective in the money assumption of 2.95 years . it was also expected that the initial public offering assumption would occur within a 9 month period from grant date . the fair value of the performance-based options was calculated to be $ 5.85 . the fair value for fis options granted in 2006 was estimated at the date of grant using a black-scholes option- pricing model with the following weighted average assumptions . the risk free interest rates used in the calculation are the rate that corresponds to the weighted average expected life of an option . the risk free interest rate used for options granted during 2006 was 4.9% ( 4.9 % ) . a volatility factor for the expected market price of the common stock of 30% ( 30 % ) was used for options granted in 2006 . the expected dividend yield used for 2006 was 0.5% ( 0.5 % ) . a weighted average expected life of 6.4 years was used for 2006 . the weighted average fair value of each option granted during 2006 was $ 15.52 . at december 31 , 2006 , the total unrecognized compensation cost related to non-vested stock option grants is $ 86.1 million , which is expected to be recognized in pre-tax income over a weighted average period of 1.9 years . the company intends to limit dilution caused by option exercises , including anticipated exercises , by repurchasing shares on the open market or in privately negotiated transactions . during 2006 , the company repurchased 4261200 shares at an average price of $ 37.60 . on october 25 , 2006 , the company 2019s board of directors approved a plan authorizing the repurchase of up to an additional $ 200 million worth of the company 2019s common stock . defined benefit plans certegy pension plan in connection with the certegy merger , the company announced that it will terminate and settle the certegy u.s . retirement income plan ( usrip ) . the estimated impact of this settlement was reflected in the purchase price allocation as an increase in the pension liability , less the fair value of the pension plan assets , based on estimates of the total cost to settle the liability through the purchase of annuity contracts or lump sum settlements to the beneficiaries . the final settlement will not occur until after an irs determination has been obtained , which is expected to be received in 2007 . in addition to the net pension plan obligation of $ 21.6 million , the company assumed liabilities of $ 8.0 million for certegy 2019s supplemental executive retirement plan ( 201cserp 201d ) and $ 3.0 mil- lion for a postretirement benefit plan . a reconciliation of the changes in the fair value of plan assets of the usrip for the period from february 1 , 2006 through december 31 , 2006 is as follows ( in thousands ) : . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>2006</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>fair value of plan assets at acquisition date</td><td>$ 57369</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>actual return on plan assets</td><td>8200</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>benefits paid</td><td>-797 ( 797 )</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>fair value of plan assets at end of year</td><td>$ 64772</td></tr></table> benefits paid in the above table include only those amounts paid directly from plan assets . as of december 31 , 2006 and for 2007 through the pay out of the pension liability , the assets are being invested in u.s . treasury bonds due to the short duration until final payment . fidelity national information services , inc . and subsidiaries and affiliates consolidated and combined financial statements notes to consolidated and combined financial statements 2014 ( continued ) . Question: what was the fair value of plan assets at the end of the year? Answer: 64772.0 Question: what was the value at acquisition date? Answer: 57369.0 Question: what was the net change? Answer: 7403.0 Question: what was the percent change?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
92 | 2017 form 10-k finite-lived intangible assets are amortized over their estimated useful lives and tested for impairment if events or changes in circumstances indicate that the asset may be impaired . in 2016 , gross customer relationship intangibles of $ 96 million and related accumulated amortization of $ 27 million as well as gross intellectual property intangibles of $ 111 million and related accumulated amortization of $ 48 million from the resource industries segment were impaired . the fair value of these intangibles was determined to be insignificant based on an income approach using expected cash flows . the fair value determination is categorized as level 3 in the fair value hierarchy due to its use of internal projections and unobservable measurement inputs . the total impairment of $ 132 million was a result of restructuring activities and is included in other operating ( income ) expense in statement 1 . see note 25 for information on restructuring costs . amortization expense related to intangible assets was $ 323 million , $ 326 million and $ 337 million for 2017 , 2016 and 2015 , respectively . as of december 31 , 2017 , amortization expense related to intangible assets is expected to be : ( millions of dollars ) . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>2018</td><td>2019</td><td>2020</td><td>2021</td><td>2022</td><td>thereafter</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>$ 322</td><td>$ 316</td><td>$ 305</td><td>$ 287</td><td>$ 268</td><td>$ 613</td></tr></table> b . goodwill there were no goodwill impairments during 2017 or 2015 . our annual impairment tests completed in the fourth quarter of 2016 indicated the fair value of each reporting unit was substantially above its respective carrying value , including goodwill , with the exception of our surface mining & technology reporting unit . the surface mining & technology reporting unit , which primarily serves the mining industry , is a part of our resource industries segment . the goodwill assigned to this reporting unit is largely from our acquisition of bucyrus international , inc . in 2011 . its product portfolio includes large mining trucks , electric rope shovels , draglines , hydraulic shovels and related parts . in addition to equipment , surface mining & technology also develops and sells technology products and services to provide customer fleet management , equipment management analytics and autonomous machine capabilities . the annual impairment test completed in the fourth quarter of 2016 indicated that the fair value of surface mining & technology was below its carrying value requiring the second step of the goodwill impairment test process . the fair value of surface mining & technology was determined primarily using an income approach based on a discounted ten year cash flow . we assigned the fair value to surface mining & technology 2019s assets and liabilities using various valuation techniques that required assumptions about royalty rates , dealer attrition , technological obsolescence and discount rates . the resulting implied fair value of goodwill was below the carrying value . accordingly , we recognized a goodwill impairment charge of $ 595 million , which resulted in goodwill of $ 629 million remaining for surface mining & technology as of october 1 , 2016 . the fair value determination is categorized as level 3 in the fair value hierarchy due to its use of internal projections and unobservable measurement inputs . there was a $ 17 million tax benefit associated with this impairment charge. . Question: what was the change in amortization expense related to intangible assets from 2017 to 2018, in millions? Answer: -1.0 Question: and how much does this change represent in relation to the total amortization expense related to intangible assets in 2017?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
supplemental pro forma financial information ( unaudited ) the following table presents summarized unaudited pro forma financial information as if sikorsky had been included in our financial results for the entire year in 2015 ( in millions ) : . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>net sales</td><td>$ 45366</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>net earnings</td><td>3534</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>basic earnings per common share</td><td>11.39</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>diluted earnings per common share</td><td>11.23</td></tr></table> the unaudited supplemental pro forma financial data above has been calculated after applying our accounting policies and adjusting the historical results of sikorskywith pro forma adjustments , net of tax , that assume the acquisition occurred on january 1 , 2015 . significant pro forma adjustments include the recognition of additional amortization expense related to acquired intangible assets and additional interest expense related to the short-term debt used to finance the acquisition . these adjustments assume the application of fair value adjustments to intangibles and the debt issuance occurred on january 1 , 2015 and are approximated as follows : amortization expense of $ 125million and interest expense of $ 40million . in addition , significant nonrecurring adjustments include the elimination of a $ 72million pension curtailment loss , net of tax , recognized in 2015 and the elimination of a $ 58 million income tax charge related to historic earnings of foreign subsidiaries recognized by sikorsky in 2015 . the unaudited supplemental pro forma financial information also reflects an increase in interest expense , net of tax , of approximately $ 110 million in 2015 . the increase in interest expense is the result of assuming the november 2015 notes were issued on january 1 , 2015 . proceeds of the november 2015 notes were used to repay all outstanding borrowings under the 364- day facility used to finance a portion of the purchase price of sikorsky , as contemplated at the date of acquisition . the unaudited supplemental pro forma financial information does not reflect the realization of any expected ongoing cost or revenue synergies relating to the integration of the two companies . further , the pro forma data should not be considered indicative of the results that would have occurred if the acquisition , related financing and associated notes issuance and repayment of the 364-day facility had been consummated on january 1 , 2015 , nor are they indicative of future results . consolidation of awemanagement limited on august 24 , 2016 , we increased our ownership interest in the awe joint venture , which operates the united kingdom 2019s nuclear deterrent program , from 33% ( 33 % ) to 51% ( 51 % ) . at which time , we began consolidating awe . consequently , our operating results include 100% ( 100 % ) of awe 2019s sales and 51% ( 51 % ) of its operating profit . prior to increasing our ownership interest , we accounted for our investment inawe using the equity method of accounting . under the equity method , we recognized only 33% ( 33 % ) ofawe 2019s earnings or losses and no sales.accordingly , prior toaugust 24 , 2016 , the date we obtained control , we recorded 33%ofawe 2019s net earnings in our operating results and subsequent to august 24 , 2016 , we recognized 100% ( 100 % ) of awe 2019s sales and 51% ( 51 % ) of its operating profit . we accounted for this transaction as a 201cstep acquisition 201d ( as defined by u.s . gaap ) , which requires us to consolidate and record the assets and liabilities ofawe at fair value.accordingly , we recorded intangible assets of $ 243million related to customer relationships , $ 32 million of net liabilities , and noncontrolling interests of $ 107 million . the intangible assets are being amortized over a period of eight years in accordance with the underlying pattern of economic benefit reflected by the future net cash flows . in 2016we recognized a non-cash net gain of $ 104million associatedwith obtaining a controlling interest inawewhich consisted of a $ 127 million pretax gain recognized in the operating results of our space business segment and $ 23 million of tax-related items at our corporate office . the gain represents the fair value of our 51% ( 51 % ) interest inawe , less the carrying value of our previously held investment inawe and deferred taxes . the gainwas recorded in other income , net on our consolidated statements of earnings . the fair value ofawe ( including the intangible assets ) , our controlling interest , and the noncontrolling interests were determined using the income approach . divestiture of the information systems & global solutions business onaugust 16 , 2016wedivested our former is&gsbusinesswhichmergedwithleidos , in areversemorristrust transactionrr ( the 201ctransaction 201d ) . the transaction was completed in a multi-step process pursuant to which we initially contributed the is&gs business to abacus innovations corporation ( abacus ) , a wholly owned subsidiary of lockheed martin created to facilitate the transaction , and the common stock ofabacus was distributed to participating lockheedmartin stockholders through an exchange offer . under the terms of the exchange offer , lockheedmartin stockholders had the option to exchange shares of lockheedmartin common stock for shares of abacus common stock . at the conclusion of the exchange offer , all shares of abacus common stock were exchanged for 9369694 shares of lockheed martin common stock held by lockheed martin stockholders that elected to participate in the exchange.the shares of lockheedmartin common stock thatwere exchanged and acceptedwere retired , reducing the number of shares of our common stock outstanding by approximately 3% ( 3 % ) . following the exchange offer , abacus merged with . Question: what is the net earnings in 2015? Answer: 3534.0 Question: what about the total sales? Answer: 45366.0 Question: what net margin does this represent?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
the discount rate assumption was determined for the pension and postretirement benefit plans independently . at year-end 2011 , the company began using an approach that approximates the process of settlement of obligations tailored to the plans 2019 expected cash flows by matching the plans 2019 cash flows to the coupons and expected maturity values of individually selected bonds . the yield curve was developed for a universe containing the majority of u.s.-issued aa-graded corporate bonds , all of which were non callable ( or callable with make-whole provisions ) . historically , for each plan , the discount rate was developed as the level equivalent rate that would produce the same present value as that using spot rates aligned with the projected benefit payments . the expected long-term rate of return on plan assets is based on historical and projected rates of return , prior to administrative and investment management fees , for current and planned asset classes in the plans 2019 investment portfolios . assumed projected rates of return for each of the plans 2019 projected asset classes were selected after analyzing historical experience and future expectations of the returns and volatility of the various asset classes . based on the target asset allocation for each asset class , the overall expected rate of return for the portfolio was developed , adjusted for historical and expected experience of active portfolio management results compared to the benchmark returns and for the effect of expenses paid from plan assets . the company 2019s pension expense increases as the expected return on assets decreases . in the determination of year end 2014 projected benefit plan obligations , the company adopted a new table based on the society of actuaries rp 2014 mortality table including a generational bb-2d projection scale . the adoption resulted in a significant increase to pension and other postretirement benefit plans 2019 projected benefit obligations . assumed health care cost trend rates have a significant effect on the amounts reported for the other postretirement benefit plans . the health care cost trend rate is based on historical rates and expected market conditions . a one-percentage-point change in assumed health care cost trend rates would have the following effects : one-percentage-point increase one-percentage-point decrease effect on total of service and interest cost components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 5943 $ ( 4887 ) effect on other postretirement benefit obligation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 105967 $ ( 86179 ) . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>one-percentage-point increase</td><td>one-percentage-point decrease</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>effect on total of service and interest cost components</td><td>$ 5943</td><td>$ -4887 ( 4887 )</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>effect on other postretirement benefit obligation</td><td>$ 105967</td><td>$ -86179 ( 86179 )</td></tr></table> the discount rate assumption was determined for the pension and postretirement benefit plans independently . at year-end 2011 , the company began using an approach that approximates the process of settlement of obligations tailored to the plans 2019 expected cash flows by matching the plans 2019 cash flows to the coupons and expected maturity values of individually selected bonds . the yield curve was developed for a universe containing the majority of u.s.-issued aa-graded corporate bonds , all of which were non callable ( or callable with make-whole provisions ) . historically , for each plan , the discount rate was developed as the level equivalent rate that would produce the same present value as that using spot rates aligned with the projected benefit payments . the expected long-term rate of return on plan assets is based on historical and projected rates of return , prior to administrative and investment management fees , for current and planned asset classes in the plans 2019 investment portfolios . assumed projected rates of return for each of the plans 2019 projected asset classes were selected after analyzing historical experience and future expectations of the returns and volatility of the various asset classes . based on the target asset allocation for each asset class , the overall expected rate of return for the portfolio was developed , adjusted for historical and expected experience of active portfolio management results compared to the benchmark returns and for the effect of expenses paid from plan assets . the company 2019s pension expense increases as the expected return on assets decreases . in the determination of year end 2014 projected benefit plan obligations , the company adopted a new table based on the society of actuaries rp 2014 mortality table including a generational bb-2d projection scale . the adoption resulted in a significant increase to pension and other postretirement benefit plans 2019 projected benefit obligations . assumed health care cost trend rates have a significant effect on the amounts reported for the other postretirement benefit plans . the health care cost trend rate is based on historical rates and expected market conditions . a one-percentage-point change in assumed health care cost trend rates would have the following effects : one-percentage-point increase one-percentage-point decrease effect on total of service and interest cost components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 5943 $ ( 4887 ) effect on other postretirement benefit obligation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 105967 $ ( 86179 ) . Question: what was the net effect of the one percentage point change on the other post retirement benefit obligations combined?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
z i m m e r h o l d i n g s , i n c . a n d s u b s i d i a r i e s 2 0 0 4 f o r m 1 0 - k notes to consolidated financial statements ( continued ) the company and implex had been operating since 2000 , the following table summarizes the estimated fair values relating to the development and distribution of reconstructive of the assets acquired and liabilities assumed at the date of implant and trauma products incorporating trabecular metal the implex acquisition : ( in millions ) technology . as ofthe merger agreement contains provisions for additional april 23 , 2004annual cash earn-out payments that are based on year-over- current assets $ 23.1year sales growth through 2006 of certain products that . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>as of april 23 2004</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>current assets</td><td>$ 23.1</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>property plant and equipment</td><td>4.5</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>intangible assets subject to amortization:</td><td>-</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>core technology ( 30 year useful life )</td><td>3.6</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>developed technology ( 30 year useful life )</td><td>103.9</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>other assets</td><td>14.4</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>goodwill</td><td>61.0</td></tr><tr><td>9</td><td>total assets acquired</td><td>210.5</td></tr><tr><td>10</td><td>current liabilities</td><td>14.1</td></tr><tr><td>11</td><td>deferred taxes</td><td>43.3</td></tr><tr><td>12</td><td>total liabilities assumed</td><td>57.4</td></tr><tr><td>13</td><td>net assets acquired</td><td>$ 153.1</td></tr></table> estimates total earn-out payments , including payments core technology ( 30 year useful life ) 3.6 already made , to be in a range from $ 120 to $ 160 million . developed technology ( 30 year useful life ) 103.9 other assets 14.4these earn-out payments represent contingent consideration goodwill 61.0and , in accordance with sfas no . 141 and eitf 95-8 2018 2018accounting for contingent consideration paid to the total assets acquired 210.5 shareholders of an acquired enterprise in a purchase current liabilities 14.1 deferred taxes 43.3business combination 2019 2019 , are recorded as an additional cost of the transaction upon resolution of the contingency and total liabilities assumed 57.4 therefore increase goodwill . net assets acquired $ 153.1the implex acquisition was accounted for under the purchase method of accounting pursuant to sfas no . 141 . 4 . change in accounting principle accordingly , implex results of operations have been included in the company 2019s consolidated results of operations instruments are hand held devices used by orthopaedic subsequent to april 23 , 2004 , and its respective assets and surgeons during total joint replacement and other surgical liabilities have been recorded at their estimated fair values in procedures . effective january 1 , 2003 , instruments are the company 2019s consolidated statement of financial position as recognized as long-lived assets and are included in property , of april 23 , 2004 , with the excess purchase price being plant and equipment . undeployed instruments are carried at allocated to goodwill . pro forma financial information has not cost , net of allowances for obsolescence . instruments in the been included as the acquisition did not have a material field are carried at cost less accumulated depreciation . impact upon the company 2019s financial position , results of depreciation is computed using the straight-line method operations or cash flows . based on average estimated useful lives , determined the company completed the preliminary purchase price principally in reference to associated product life cycles , allocation in accordance with u.s . generally accepted primarily five years . in accordance with sfas no . 144 , the accounting principles . the process included interviews with company reviews instruments for impairment whenever management , review of the economic and competitive events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying environment and examination of assets including historical value of an asset may not be recoverable . an impairment loss performance and future prospects . the preliminary purchase would be recognized when estimated future cash flows price allocation was based on information currently available relating to the asset are less than its carrying amount . to the company , and expectations and assumptions deemed depreciation of instruments is recognized as selling , general reasonable by the company 2019s management . no assurance can and administrative expense , consistent with the classification be given , however , that the underlying assumptions used to of instrument cost in periods prior to january 1 , 2003 . estimate expected technology based product revenues , prior to january 1 , 2003 , undeployed instruments were development costs or profitability , or the events associated carried as a prepaid expense at cost , net of allowances for with such technology , will occur as projected . the final obsolescence ( $ 54.8 million , net , at december 31 , 2002 ) , and purchase price allocation may vary from the preliminary recognized in selling , general and administrative expense in purchase price allocation . the final valuation and associated the year in which the instruments were placed into service . purchase price allocation is expected to be completed as the new method of accounting for instruments was adopted soon as possible , but no later than one year from the date of to recognize the cost of these important assets of the acquisition . to the extent that the estimates need to be company 2019s business within the consolidated balance sheet adjusted , the company will do so . and meaningfully allocate the cost of these assets over the periods benefited , typically five years . the effect of the change during the year ended december 31 , 2003 was to increase earnings before cumulative effect of change in accounting principle by $ 26.8 million ( $ 17.8 million net of tax ) , or $ 0.08 per diluted share . the cumulative effect adjustment of $ 55.1 million ( net of income taxes of $ 34.0 million ) to retroactively apply the . Question: what was the amount of total assets acquired? Answer: 210.5 Question: and what was the total of net assets acquired?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
performance graph this graph compares the return on lilly stock with that of the standard & poor 2019s 500 stock index and our peer group for the years 2014 through 2018 . the graph assumes that , on december 31 , 2013 , a person invested $ 100 each in lilly stock , the s&p 500 stock index , and the peer groups' common stock . the graph measures total shareholder return , which takes into account both stock price and dividends . it assumes that dividends paid by a company are reinvested in that company 2019s stock . value of $ 100 invested on last business day of 2013 comparison of five-year cumulative total return among lilly , s&p 500 stock index , peer group ( 1 ) . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>lilly</td><td>peer group</td><td>s&p 500</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>dec-13</td><td>$ 100.00</td><td>$ 100.00</td><td>$ 100.00</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>dec-14</td><td>$ 139.75</td><td>$ 114.39</td><td>$ 113.69</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>dec-15</td><td>$ 175.21</td><td>$ 116.56</td><td>$ 115.26</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>dec-16</td><td>$ 157.03</td><td>$ 112.80</td><td>$ 129.05</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>dec-17</td><td>$ 185.04</td><td>$ 128.90</td><td>$ 157.22</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>dec-18</td><td>$ 259.88</td><td>$ 136.56</td><td>$ 150.33</td></tr></table> ( 1 ) we constructed the peer group as the industry index for this graph . it comprises the companies in the pharmaceutical and biotech industries that we used to benchmark the compensation of our executive officers for 2018 : abbvie inc. ; amgen inc. ; astrazeneca plc ; baxter international inc. ; biogen idec inc. ; bristol-myers squibb company ; celgene corporation ; gilead sciences inc. ; glaxosmithkline plc ; johnson & johnson ; medtronic plc ; merck & co. , inc. ; novartis ag. ; pfizer inc. ; roche holdings ag ; sanofi ; and shire plc. . Question: what was the price of lilly in 2018? Answer: 259.88 Question: what was the net change assuming a $100 initial investment?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
table of contents notes to consolidated financial statements of american airlines , inc . the asset . projected cash flows are discounted at a required market rate of return that reflects the relative risk of achieving the cash flows and the time value of money . the cost approach , which estimates value by determining the current cost of replacing an asset with another of equivalent economic utility , was used , as appropriate , for certain assets for which the market and income approaches could not be applied due to the nature of the asset . the cost to replace a given asset reflects the estimated reproduction or replacement cost for the asset , less an allowance for loss in value due to depreciation . the fair value of us airways 2019 dividend miles loyalty program liability was determined based on the weighted average equivalent ticket value of outstanding miles which were expected to be redeemed for future travel at december 9 , 2013 . the weighted average equivalent ticket value contemplates differing classes of service , domestic and international itineraries and the carrier providing the award travel . pro-forma impact of the merger american 2019s unaudited pro-forma results presented below include the effects of the merger as if it had been consummated as of january 1 , 2012 . the pro- forma results include the depreciation and amortization associated with the acquired tangible and intangible assets , lease and debt fair value adjustments , the elimination of any deferred gains or losses , adjustments relating to reflecting the fair value of the loyalty program liability and the impact of income changes on profit sharing expense , among others . in addition , the pro-forma results below reflect the impact of higher wage rates related to memorandums of understanding with us airways 2019 pilots that became effective upon closing of the merger , as well as the elimination of american 2019s reorganization items , net and merger transition costs . however , the pro-forma results do not include any anticipated synergies or other expected benefits of the merger . accordingly , the unaudited pro-forma financial information below is not necessarily indicative of either future results of operations or results that might have been achieved had the acquisition been consummated as of january 1 , 2012 . december 31 , ( in millions ) . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>december 31 2013 ( in millions )</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>revenue</td><td>$ 40782</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>net income</td><td>2707</td></tr></table> 5 . basis of presentation and summary of significant accounting policies ( a ) basis of presentation on december 30 , 2015 , us airways merged with and into american , which is reflected in american 2019s consolidated financial statements as though the transaction had occurred on december 9 , 2013 , when a subsidiary of amr merged with and into us airways group . thus , the full years of 2015 and 2014 and the period from december 9 , 2013 to december 31 , 2013 are comprised of the consolidated financial data of american and us airways . for the periods prior to december 9 , 2013 , the financial data reflects the results of american only . for financial reporting purposes , the transaction constituted a transfer of assets between entities under common control and was accounted for in a manner similar to the pooling of interests method of accounting . under this method , the carrying amount of net assets recognized in the balance sheets of each combining entity are carried forward to the balance sheet of the combined entity and no other assets or liabilities are recognized . the preparation of financial statements in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the united states ( gaap ) requires management to make certain estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities , revenues and expenses , and the disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements . actual results could differ from those estimates . the most significant areas of judgment relate to passenger revenue recognition , impairment of goodwill , impairment of long-lived and . Question: what is the net income in 2013? Answer: 2707.0 Question: what is the total revenue?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
long-term product offerings include alpha-seeking active and index strategies . our alpha-seeking active strategies seek to earn attractive returns in excess of a market benchmark or performance hurdle while maintaining an appropriate risk profile , and leverage fundamental research and quantitative models to drive portfolio construction . in contrast , index strategies seek to closely track the returns of a corresponding index , generally by investing in substantially the same underlying securities within the index or in a subset of those securities selected to approximate a similar risk and return profile of the index . index strategies include both our non-etf index products and ishares etfs . although many clients use both alpha-seeking active and index strategies , the application of these strategies may differ . for example , clients may use index products to gain exposure to a market or asset class , or may use a combination of index strategies to target active returns . in addition , institutional non-etf index assignments tend to be very large ( multi-billion dollars ) and typically reflect low fee rates . net flows in institutional index products generally have a small impact on blackrock 2019s revenues and earnings . equity year-end 2017 equity aum totaled $ 3.372 trillion , reflecting net inflows of $ 130.1 billion . net inflows included $ 174.4 billion into ishares etfs , driven by net inflows into core funds and broad developed and emerging market equities , partially offset by non-etf index and active net outflows of $ 25.7 billion and $ 18.5 billion , respectively . blackrock 2019s effective fee rates fluctuate due to changes in aum mix . approximately half of blackrock 2019s equity aum is tied to international markets , including emerging markets , which tend to have higher fee rates than u.s . equity strategies . accordingly , fluctuations in international equity markets , which may not consistently move in tandem with u.s . markets , have a greater impact on blackrock 2019s equity revenues and effective fee rate . fixed income fixed income aum ended 2017 at $ 1.855 trillion , reflecting net inflows of $ 178.8 billion . in 2017 , active net inflows of $ 21.5 billion were diversified across fixed income offerings , and included strong inflows into municipal , unconstrained and total return bond funds . ishares etfs net inflows of $ 67.5 billion were led by flows into core , corporate and treasury bond funds . non-etf index net inflows of $ 89.8 billion were driven by demand for liability-driven investment solutions . multi-asset blackrock 2019s multi-asset team manages a variety of balanced funds and bespoke mandates for a diversified client base that leverages our broad investment expertise in global equities , bonds , currencies and commodities , and our extensive risk management capabilities . investment solutions might include a combination of long-only portfolios and alternative investments as well as tactical asset allocation overlays . component changes in multi-asset aum for 2017 are presented below . ( in millions ) december 31 , net inflows ( outflows ) market change impact december 31 . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>( in millions )</td><td>december 312016</td><td>net inflows ( outflows )</td><td>marketchange</td><td>fximpact</td><td>december 312017</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>asset allocation and balanced</td><td>$ 176675</td><td>$ -2502 ( 2502 )</td><td>$ 17387</td><td>$ 4985</td><td>$ 196545</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>target date/risk</td><td>149432</td><td>23925</td><td>24532</td><td>1577</td><td>199466</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>fiduciary</td><td>68395</td><td>-1047 ( 1047 )</td><td>7522</td><td>8819</td><td>83689</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>futureadvisor ( 1 )</td><td>505</td><td>-46 ( 46 )</td><td>119</td><td>2014</td><td>578</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>total</td><td>$ 395007</td><td>$ 20330</td><td>$ 49560</td><td>$ 15381</td><td>$ 480278</td></tr></table> ( 1 ) futureadvisor amounts do not include aum held in ishares etfs . multi-asset net inflows reflected ongoing institutional demand for our solutions-based advice with $ 18.9 billion of net inflows coming from institutional clients . defined contribution plans of institutional clients remained a significant driver of flows , and contributed $ 20.8 billion to institutional multi-asset net inflows in 2017 , primarily into target date and target risk product offerings . retail net inflows of $ 1.1 billion reflected demand for our multi-asset income fund family , which raised $ 5.8 billion in 2017 . the company 2019s multi-asset strategies include the following : 2022 asset allocation and balanced products represented 41% ( 41 % ) of multi-asset aum at year-end . these strategies combine equity , fixed income and alternative components for investors seeking a tailored solution relative to a specific benchmark and within a risk budget . in certain cases , these strategies seek to minimize downside risk through diversification , derivatives strategies and tactical asset allocation decisions . flagship products in this category include our global allocation and multi-asset income fund families . 2022 target date and target risk products grew 16% ( 16 % ) organically in 2017 , with net inflows of $ 23.9 billion . institutional investors represented 93% ( 93 % ) of target date and target risk aum , with defined contribution plans accounting for 87% ( 87 % ) of aum . flows were driven by defined contribution investments in our lifepath offerings . lifepath products utilize a proprietary active asset allocation overlay model that seeks to balance risk and return over an investment horizon based on the investor 2019s expected retirement timing . underlying investments are primarily index products . 2022 fiduciary management services are complex mandates in which pension plan sponsors or endowments and foundations retain blackrock to assume responsibility for some or all aspects of investment management . these customized services require strong partnership with the clients 2019 investment staff and trustees in order to tailor investment strategies to meet client-specific risk budgets and return objectives. . Question: what was the value of target date/risk in 2017? Answer: 199466.0 Question: what was the value in 2016? Answer: 149432.0 Question: what is the net change in value? Answer: 50034.0 Question: what is the percent change?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
notes to consolidated financial statements 2013 ( continued ) ( amounts in millions , except per share amounts ) guarantees we have guaranteed certain obligations of our subsidiaries relating principally to operating leases and uncommitted lines of credit of certain subsidiaries . as of december 31 , 2018 and 2017 , the amount of parent company guarantees on lease obligations was $ 824.5 and $ 829.2 , respectively , the amount of parent company guarantees primarily relating to uncommitted lines of credit was $ 349.1 and $ 308.8 , respectively , and the amount of parent company guarantees related to daylight overdrafts , primarily utilized to manage intra-day overdrafts due to timing of transactions under cash pooling arrangements without resulting in incremental borrowings , was $ 207.8 and $ 182.2 , respectively . in the event of non-payment by the applicable subsidiary of the obligations covered by a guarantee , we would be obligated to pay the amounts covered by that guarantee . as of december 31 , 2018 , there were no material assets pledged as security for such parent company guarantees . contingent acquisition obligations the following table details the estimated future contingent acquisition obligations payable in cash as of december 31 . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>2019</td><td>2020</td><td>2021</td><td>2022</td><td>2023</td><td>thereafter</td><td>total</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>deferred acquisition payments</td><td>$ 65.7</td><td>$ 20.0</td><td>$ 23.6</td><td>$ 4.7</td><td>$ 10.2</td><td>$ 2.7</td><td>$ 126.9</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>redeemable noncontrolling interests and call options with affiliates1</td><td>30.1</td><td>30.6</td><td>42.9</td><td>5.7</td><td>3.5</td><td>2.5</td><td>115.3</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>total contingent acquisition payments</td><td>$ 95.8</td><td>$ 50.6</td><td>$ 66.5</td><td>$ 10.4</td><td>$ 13.7</td><td>$ 5.2</td><td>$ 242.2</td></tr></table> 1 we have entered into certain acquisitions that contain both redeemable noncontrolling interests and call options with similar terms and conditions . the estimated amounts listed would be paid in the event of exercise at the earliest exercise date . we have certain redeemable noncontrolling interests that are exercisable at the discretion of the noncontrolling equity owners as of december 31 , 2018 . these estimated payments of $ 24.9 are included within the total payments expected to be made in 2019 , and will continue to be carried forward into 2020 or beyond until exercised or expired . redeemable noncontrolling interests are included in the table at current exercise price payable in cash , not at applicable redemption value , in accordance with the authoritative guidance for classification and measurement of redeemable securities . the majority of these payments are contingent upon achieving projected operating performance targets and satisfying other conditions specified in the related agreements and are subject to revision in accordance with the terms of the respective agreements . see note 5 for further information relating to the payment structure of our acquisitions . legal matters we are involved in various legal proceedings , and subject to investigations , inspections , audits , inquiries and similar actions by governmental authorities arising in the normal course of business . the types of allegations that arise in connection with such legal proceedings vary in nature , but can include claims related to contract , employment , tax and intellectual property matters . we evaluate all cases each reporting period and record liabilities for losses from legal proceedings when we determine that it is probable that the outcome in a legal proceeding will be unfavorable and the amount , or potential range , of loss can be reasonably estimated . in certain cases , we cannot reasonably estimate the potential loss because , for example , the litigation is in its early stages . while any outcome related to litigation or such governmental proceedings in which we are involved cannot be predicted with certainty , management believes that the outcome of these matters , individually and in the aggregate , will not have a material adverse effect on our financial condition , results of operations or cash flows . as previously disclosed , on april 10 , 2015 , a federal judge in brazil authorized the search of the records of an agency 2019s offices in s e3o paulo and brasilia , in connection with an ongoing investigation by brazilian authorities involving payments potentially connected to local government contracts . the company had previously investigated the matter and taken a number of remedial and disciplinary actions . the company has been in the process of concluding a settlement related to these matters with government agencies , and that settlement was fully executed in april 2018 . the company has previously provided for such settlement in its consolidated financial statements. . Question: what was the change in redeemable noncontrolling interests and call options with affiliates from 2021 to 2022? Answer: 37.2 Question: and what was the total of redeemable noncontrolling interests and call options with affiliates in 2021? Answer: 42.9 Question: how much, then, does that change represent in relation to this 2021 total? Answer: 0.86713 Question: and how much is that in percentage?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
although many clients use both active and passive strategies , the application of these strategies differs greatly . for example , clients may use index products to gain exposure to a market or asset class pending reallocation to an active manager . this has the effect of increasing turnover of index aum . in addition , institutional non-etp index assignments tend to be very large ( multi- billion dollars ) and typically reflect low fee rates . this has the potential to exaggerate the significance of net flows in institutional index products on blackrock 2019s revenues and earnings . equity year-end 2012 equity aum of $ 1.845 trillion increased by $ 285.4 billion , or 18% ( 18 % ) , from the end of 2011 , largely due to flows into regional , country-specific and global mandates and the effect of higher market valuations . equity aum growth included $ 54.0 billion in net new business and $ 3.6 billion in new assets related to the acquisition of claymore . net new business of $ 54.0 billion was driven by net inflows of $ 53.0 billion and $ 19.1 billion into ishares and non-etp index accounts , respectively . passive inflows were offset by active net outflows of $ 18.1 billion , with net outflows of $ 10.0 billion and $ 8.1 billion from fundamental and scientific active equity products , respectively . passive strategies represented 84% ( 84 % ) of equity aum with the remaining 16% ( 16 % ) in active mandates . institutional investors represented 62% ( 62 % ) of equity aum , while ishares , and retail and hnw represented 29% ( 29 % ) and 9% ( 9 % ) , respectively . at year-end 2012 , 63% ( 63 % ) of equity aum was managed for clients in the americas ( defined as the united states , caribbean , canada , latin america and iberia ) compared with 28% ( 28 % ) and 9% ( 9 % ) managed for clients in emea and asia-pacific , respectively . blackrock 2019s effective fee rates fluctuate due to changes in aum mix . approximately half of blackrock 2019s equity aum is tied to international markets , including emerging markets , which tend to have higher fee rates than similar u.s . equity strategies . accordingly , fluctuations in international equity markets , which do not consistently move in tandem with u.s . markets , may have a greater impact on blackrock 2019s effective equity fee rates and revenues . fixed income fixed income aum ended 2012 at $ 1.259 trillion , rising $ 11.6 billion , or 1% ( 1 % ) , relative to december 31 , 2011 . growth in aum reflected $ 43.3 billion in net new business , excluding the two large previously mentioned low-fee outflows , $ 75.4 billion in market and foreign exchange gains and $ 3.0 billion in new assets related to claymore . net new business was led by flows into domestic specialty and global bond mandates , with net inflows of $ 28.8 billion , $ 13.6 billion and $ 3.1 billion into ishares , non-etp index and model-based products , respectively , partially offset by net outflows of $ 2.2 billion from fundamental strategies . fixed income aum was split between passive and active strategies with 48% ( 48 % ) and 52% ( 52 % ) , respectively . institutional investors represented 74% ( 74 % ) of fixed income aum while ishares and retail and hnw represented 15% ( 15 % ) and 11% ( 11 % ) , respectively . at year-end 2012 , 59% ( 59 % ) of fixed income aum was managed for clients in the americas compared with 33% ( 33 % ) and 8% ( 8 % ) managed for clients in emea and asia- pacific , respectively . multi-asset class component changes in multi-asset class aum ( dollar amounts in millions ) 12/31/2011 net new business acquired market /fx app ( dep ) 12/31/2012 . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>( dollar amounts in millions )</td><td>12/31/2011</td><td>net new business</td><td>net acquired</td><td>market /fx app ( dep )</td><td>12/31/2012</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>asset allocation</td><td>$ 126067</td><td>$ 1575</td><td>$ 78</td><td>$ 12440</td><td>$ 140160</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>target date/risk</td><td>49063</td><td>14526</td><td>2014</td><td>6295</td><td>69884</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>fiduciary</td><td>50040</td><td>-284 ( 284 )</td><td>2014</td><td>7948</td><td>57704</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>multi-asset</td><td>$ 225170</td><td>$ 15817</td><td>$ 78</td><td>$ 26683</td><td>$ 267748</td></tr></table> multi-asset class aum totaled $ 267.7 billion at year-end 2012 , up 19% ( 19 % ) , or $ 42.6 billion , reflecting $ 15.8 billion in net new business and $ 26.7 billion in portfolio valuation gains . blackrock 2019s multi-asset class team manages a variety of bespoke mandates for a diversified client base that leverages our broad investment expertise in global equities , currencies , bonds and commodities , and our extensive risk management capabilities . investment solutions might include a combination of long-only portfolios and alternative investments as well as tactical asset allocation overlays . at december 31 , 2012 , institutional investors represented 66% ( 66 % ) of multi-asset class aum , while retail and hnw accounted for the remaining aum . additionally , 58% ( 58 % ) of multi-asset class aum is managed for clients based in the americas with 37% ( 37 % ) and 5% ( 5 % ) managed for clients in emea and asia-pacific , respectively . flows reflected ongoing institutional demand for our advice in an increasingly . Question: what was the multi-asset value in 2012? Answer: 267748.0 Question: what was the value in 2011? Answer: 225170.0 Question: what is the net change in value? Answer: 42578.0 Question: what was the 2011 value?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
92 | 2017 form 10-k finite-lived intangible assets are amortized over their estimated useful lives and tested for impairment if events or changes in circumstances indicate that the asset may be impaired . in 2016 , gross customer relationship intangibles of $ 96 million and related accumulated amortization of $ 27 million as well as gross intellectual property intangibles of $ 111 million and related accumulated amortization of $ 48 million from the resource industries segment were impaired . the fair value of these intangibles was determined to be insignificant based on an income approach using expected cash flows . the fair value determination is categorized as level 3 in the fair value hierarchy due to its use of internal projections and unobservable measurement inputs . the total impairment of $ 132 million was a result of restructuring activities and is included in other operating ( income ) expense in statement 1 . see note 25 for information on restructuring costs . amortization expense related to intangible assets was $ 323 million , $ 326 million and $ 337 million for 2017 , 2016 and 2015 , respectively . as of december 31 , 2017 , amortization expense related to intangible assets is expected to be : ( millions of dollars ) . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>2018</td><td>2019</td><td>2020</td><td>2021</td><td>2022</td><td>thereafter</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>$ 322</td><td>$ 316</td><td>$ 305</td><td>$ 287</td><td>$ 268</td><td>$ 613</td></tr></table> b . goodwill there were no goodwill impairments during 2017 or 2015 . our annual impairment tests completed in the fourth quarter of 2016 indicated the fair value of each reporting unit was substantially above its respective carrying value , including goodwill , with the exception of our surface mining & technology reporting unit . the surface mining & technology reporting unit , which primarily serves the mining industry , is a part of our resource industries segment . the goodwill assigned to this reporting unit is largely from our acquisition of bucyrus international , inc . in 2011 . its product portfolio includes large mining trucks , electric rope shovels , draglines , hydraulic shovels and related parts . in addition to equipment , surface mining & technology also develops and sells technology products and services to provide customer fleet management , equipment management analytics and autonomous machine capabilities . the annual impairment test completed in the fourth quarter of 2016 indicated that the fair value of surface mining & technology was below its carrying value requiring the second step of the goodwill impairment test process . the fair value of surface mining & technology was determined primarily using an income approach based on a discounted ten year cash flow . we assigned the fair value to surface mining & technology 2019s assets and liabilities using various valuation techniques that required assumptions about royalty rates , dealer attrition , technological obsolescence and discount rates . the resulting implied fair value of goodwill was below the carrying value . accordingly , we recognized a goodwill impairment charge of $ 595 million , which resulted in goodwill of $ 629 million remaining for surface mining & technology as of october 1 , 2016 . the fair value determination is categorized as level 3 in the fair value hierarchy due to its use of internal projections and unobservable measurement inputs . there was a $ 17 million tax benefit associated with this impairment charge. . Question: what was the expected amortization expense in 2019? Answer: 316.0 Question: what was it in 2018? Answer: 322.0 Question: what is the difference of 2019 less 2018? Answer: -6.0 Question: what is that difference over the 2018 value?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
notes to the consolidated financial statements at a price equal to 101% ( 101 % ) of their principal amount plus accrued and unpaid interest . cash proceeds from the sale of these notes was $ 983 million ( net of discount and issuance costs ) . the discount and issuance costs related to these notes , which totaled $ 17 million , will be amortized to interest expense over the respective terms of the notes . in august 2010 , ppg entered into a three-year credit agreement with several banks and financial institutions ( the 201ccredit agreement 201d ) . the credit agreement provides for a $ 1.2 billion unsecured revolving credit facility . in connection with entering into this credit agreement , the company terminated its 20ac650 million and its $ 1 billion revolving credit facilities that were each set to expire in 2011 . there were no outstanding amounts due under either revolving facility at the times of their termination . the company has the ability to increase the size of the credit agreement by up to an additional $ 300 million , subject to the receipt of lender commitments and other conditions . the credit agreement will terminate and all amounts outstanding will be due and payable on august 5 , 2013 . the credit agreement provides that loans will bear interest at rates based , at the company 2019s option , on one of two specified base rates plus a margin based on certain formulas defined in the credit agreement . additionally , the credit agreement contains a commitment fee on the amount of unused commitment under the credit agreement ranging from 0.125% ( 0.125 % ) to 0.625% ( 0.625 % ) per annum . the applicable interest rate and the fee will vary depending on the ratings established by standard & poor 2019s financial services llc and moody 2019s investor service inc . for the company 2019s non-credit enhanced , long- term , senior , unsecured debt . there were no amounts outstanding under the credit agreement at december 31 , 2011 ; however , the available borrowing rate on a one month , u.s . dollar denominated borrowing would have been 1.05 percent . the credit agreement contains usual and customary restrictive covenants for facilities of its type , which include , with specified exceptions , limitations on the company 2019s ability to create liens or other encumbrances , to enter into sale and leaseback transactions and to enter into consolidations , mergers or transfers of all or substantially all of its assets . the credit agreement also requires the company to maintain a ratio of total indebtedness to total capitalization , as defined in the credit agreement , of 60 percent or less . the credit agreement contains customary events of default that would permit the lenders to accelerate the repayment of any loans , including the failure to make timely payments when due under the credit agreement or other material indebtedness , the failure to satisfy covenants contained in the credit agreement , a change in control of the company and specified events of bankruptcy and insolvency . ppg 2019s non-u.s . operations have uncommitted lines of credit totaling $ 679 million of which $ 36 million was used as of december 31 , 2011 . these uncommitted lines of credit are subject to cancellation at any time and are generally not subject to any commitment fees . short-term debt outstanding as of december 31 , 2011 and 2010 , was as follows : ( millions ) 2011 2010 other , weighted average 3.72% ( 3.72 % ) as of dec . 31 , 2011 and 3.39% ( 3.39 % ) as of december 31 , 2010 33 24 total $ 33 $ 24 ppg is in compliance with the restrictive covenants under its various credit agreements , loan agreements and indentures . the company 2019s revolving credit agreements include a financial ratio covenant . the covenant requires that the amount of total indebtedness not exceed 60% ( 60 % ) of the company 2019s total capitalization excluding the portion of accumulated other comprehensive income ( loss ) related to pensions and other postretirement benefit adjustments . as of december 31 , 2011 , total indebtedness was 43 percent of the company 2019s total capitalization excluding the portion of accumulated other comprehensive income ( loss ) related to pensions and other postretirement benefit adjustments . additionally , substantially all of the company 2019s debt agreements contain customary cross-default provisions . those provisions generally provide that a default on a debt service payment of $ 10 million or more for longer than the grace period provided ( usually 10 days ) under one agreement may result in an event of default under other agreements . none of the company 2019s primary debt obligations are secured or guaranteed by the company 2019s affiliates . interest payments in 2011 , 2010 and 2009 totaled $ 212 million , $ 189 million and $ 201 million , respectively . in october 2009 , the company entered into an agreement with a counterparty to repurchase up to 1.2 million shares of the company 2019s stock of which 1.1 million shares were purchased in the open market ( 465006 of these shares were purchased as of december 31 , 2009 at a weighted average price of $ 56.66 per share ) . the counterparty held the shares until september of 2010 when the company paid $ 65 million and took possession of these shares . in december 2008 , the company entered into an agreement with a counterparty to repurchase 1.5 million 44 2011 ppg annual report and form 10-k . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>( millions )</td><td>2011</td><td>2010</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>other weighted average 3.72% ( 3.72 % ) as of dec . 31 2011 and 3.39% ( 3.39 % ) as of december 31 2010</td><td>33</td><td>24</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>total</td><td>$ 33</td><td>$ 24</td></tr></table> notes to the consolidated financial statements at a price equal to 101% ( 101 % ) of their principal amount plus accrued and unpaid interest . cash proceeds from the sale of these notes was $ 983 million ( net of discount and issuance costs ) . the discount and issuance costs related to these notes , which totaled $ 17 million , will be amortized to interest expense over the respective terms of the notes . in august 2010 , ppg entered into a three-year credit agreement with several banks and financial institutions ( the 201ccredit agreement 201d ) . the credit agreement provides for a $ 1.2 billion unsecured revolving credit facility . in connection with entering into this credit agreement , the company terminated its 20ac650 million and its $ 1 billion revolving credit facilities that were each set to expire in 2011 . there were no outstanding amounts due under either revolving facility at the times of their termination . the company has the ability to increase the size of the credit agreement by up to an additional $ 300 million , subject to the receipt of lender commitments and other conditions . the credit agreement will terminate and all amounts outstanding will be due and payable on august 5 , 2013 . the credit agreement provides that loans will bear interest at rates based , at the company 2019s option , on one of two specified base rates plus a margin based on certain formulas defined in the credit agreement . additionally , the credit agreement contains a commitment fee on the amount of unused commitment under the credit agreement ranging from 0.125% ( 0.125 % ) to 0.625% ( 0.625 % ) per annum . the applicable interest rate and the fee will vary depending on the ratings established by standard & poor 2019s financial services llc and moody 2019s investor service inc . for the company 2019s non-credit enhanced , long- term , senior , unsecured debt . there were no amounts outstanding under the credit agreement at december 31 , 2011 ; however , the available borrowing rate on a one month , u.s . dollar denominated borrowing would have been 1.05 percent . the credit agreement contains usual and customary restrictive covenants for facilities of its type , which include , with specified exceptions , limitations on the company 2019s ability to create liens or other encumbrances , to enter into sale and leaseback transactions and to enter into consolidations , mergers or transfers of all or substantially all of its assets . the credit agreement also requires the company to maintain a ratio of total indebtedness to total capitalization , as defined in the credit agreement , of 60 percent or less . the credit agreement contains customary events of default that would permit the lenders to accelerate the repayment of any loans , including the failure to make timely payments when due under the credit agreement or other material indebtedness , the failure to satisfy covenants contained in the credit agreement , a change in control of the company and specified events of bankruptcy and insolvency . ppg 2019s non-u.s . operations have uncommitted lines of credit totaling $ 679 million of which $ 36 million was used as of december 31 , 2011 . these uncommitted lines of credit are subject to cancellation at any time and are generally not subject to any commitment fees . short-term debt outstanding as of december 31 , 2011 and 2010 , was as follows : ( millions ) 2011 2010 other , weighted average 3.72% ( 3.72 % ) as of dec . 31 , 2011 and 3.39% ( 3.39 % ) as of december 31 , 2010 33 24 total $ 33 $ 24 ppg is in compliance with the restrictive covenants under its various credit agreements , loan agreements and indentures . the company 2019s revolving credit agreements include a financial ratio covenant . the covenant requires that the amount of total indebtedness not exceed 60% ( 60 % ) of the company 2019s total capitalization excluding the portion of accumulated other comprehensive income ( loss ) related to pensions and other postretirement benefit adjustments . as of december 31 , 2011 , total indebtedness was 43 percent of the company 2019s total capitalization excluding the portion of accumulated other comprehensive income ( loss ) related to pensions and other postretirement benefit adjustments . additionally , substantially all of the company 2019s debt agreements contain customary cross-default provisions . those provisions generally provide that a default on a debt service payment of $ 10 million or more for longer than the grace period provided ( usually 10 days ) under one agreement may result in an event of default under other agreements . none of the company 2019s primary debt obligations are secured or guaranteed by the company 2019s affiliates . interest payments in 2011 , 2010 and 2009 totaled $ 212 million , $ 189 million and $ 201 million , respectively . in october 2009 , the company entered into an agreement with a counterparty to repurchase up to 1.2 million shares of the company 2019s stock of which 1.1 million shares were purchased in the open market ( 465006 of these shares were purchased as of december 31 , 2009 at a weighted average price of $ 56.66 per share ) . the counterparty held the shares until september of 2010 when the company paid $ 65 million and took possession of these shares . in december 2008 , the company entered into an agreement with a counterparty to repurchase 1.5 million 44 2011 ppg annual report and form 10-k . Question: what were total interest payments in 2010? Answer: 189.0 Question: what were they in 2009?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
stock performance graph : the graph below shows the cumulative total shareholder return assuming the investment of $ 100 , on december 31 , 2012 , and the reinvestment of dividends thereafter , if any , in the company 2019s common stock versus the standard and poor 2019s s&p 500 retail index ( 201cs&p 500 retail index 201d ) and the standard and poor 2019s s&p 500 index ( 201cs&p 500 201d ) . . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>company/index</td><td>december 31 , 2012</td><td>december 31 , 2013</td><td>december 31 , 2014</td><td>december 31 , 2015</td><td>december 31 , 2016</td><td>december 31 , 2017</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>o 2019reilly automotive inc .</td><td>$ 100</td><td>$ 144</td><td>$ 215</td><td>$ 283</td><td>$ 311</td><td>$ 269</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>s&p 500 retail index</td><td>100</td><td>144</td><td>158</td><td>197</td><td>206</td><td>265</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>s&p 500</td><td>$ 100</td><td>$ 130</td><td>$ 144</td><td>$ 143</td><td>$ 157</td><td>$ 187</td></tr></table> . Question: what is the change in value of an investment in s&p500 from 2016 to 2017?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
liquidity and capital resources as of december 31 , 2006 , our principal sources of liquidity included cash , cash equivalents , the sale of receivables , and our revolving credit facilities , as well as the availability of commercial paper and other sources of financing through the capital markets . we had $ 2 billion of committed credit facilities available , of which there were no borrowings outstanding as of december 31 , 2006 , and we did not make any short-term borrowings under these facilities during the year . the value of the outstanding undivided interest held by investors under the sale of receivables program was $ 600 million as of december 31 , 2006 . the sale of receivables program is subject to certain requirements , including the maintenance of an investment grade bond rating . if our bond rating were to deteriorate , it could have an adverse impact on our liquidity . access to commercial paper is dependent on market conditions . deterioration of our operating results or financial condition due to internal or external factors could negatively impact our ability to utilize commercial paper as a source of liquidity . liquidity through the capital markets is also dependent on our financial stability . at both december 31 , 2006 and 2005 , we had a working capital deficit of approximately $ 1.1 billion . a working capital deficit is common in our industry and does not indicate a lack of liquidity . we maintain adequate resources to meet our daily cash requirements , and we have sufficient financial capacity to satisfy our current liabilities . financial condition cash flows millions of dollars 2006 2005 2004 . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>cash flowsmillions of dollars</td><td>2006</td><td>2005</td><td>2004</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>cash provided by operating activities</td><td>$ 2880</td><td>$ 2595</td><td>$ 2257</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>cash used in investing activities</td><td>-2042 ( 2042 )</td><td>-2047 ( 2047 )</td><td>-1732 ( 1732 )</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>cash used in financing activities</td><td>-784 ( 784 )</td><td>-752 ( 752 )</td><td>-75 ( 75 )</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>net change in cash and cash equivalents</td><td>$ 54</td><td>$ -204 ( 204 )</td><td>$ 450</td></tr></table> cash provided by operating activities 2013 higher income in 2006 generated the increased cash provided by operating activities , which was partially offset by higher income tax payments , $ 150 million in voluntary pension contributions , higher material and supply inventories , and higher management incentive payments in 2006 . higher income , lower management incentive payments in 2005 ( executive bonuses , which would have been paid to individuals in 2005 , were not awarded based on company performance in 2004 and bonuses for the professional workforce that were paid out in 2005 were significantly reduced ) , and working capital performance generated higher cash from operating activities in 2005 . a voluntary pension contribution of $ 100 million in 2004 also augmented the positive year-over-year variance in 2005 as no pension contribution was made in 2005 . this improvement was partially offset by cash received in 2004 for income tax refunds . cash used in investing activities 2013 an insurance settlement for the 2005 january west coast storm and lower balances for work in process decreased the amount of cash used in investing activities in 2006 . higher capital investments and lower proceeds from asset sales partially offset this decrease . increased capital spending , partially offset by higher proceeds from asset sales , increased the amount of cash used in investing activities in 2005 compared to 2004 . cash used in financing activities 2013 the increase in cash used in financing activities primarily resulted from lower net proceeds from equity compensation plans ( $ 189 million in 2006 compared to $ 262 million in 2005 ) . the increase in 2005 results from debt issuances in 2004 and higher debt repayments in 2005 . we did not issue debt in 2005 versus $ 745 million of debt issuances in 2004 , and we repaid $ 699 million of debt in 2005 compared to $ 588 million in 2004 . the higher outflows in 2005 were partially offset by higher net proceeds from equity compensation plans ( $ 262 million in 2005 compared to $ 80 million in 2004 ) . . Question: what was the value of cash provided by operating activities in 2005?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
liquidity and capital resources we maintained a strong financial position throughout 2018 and as of 30 september 2018 our consolidated balance sheet included cash and cash items of $ 2791.3 . we continue to have consistent access to commercial paper markets , and cash flows from operating and financing activities are expected to meet liquidity needs for the foreseeable future . as of 30 september 2018 , we had $ 995.1 of foreign cash and cash items compared to a total amount of cash and cash items of $ 2791.3 . as a result of the tax act , we currently do not expect that a significant portion of the earnings of our foreign subsidiaries and affiliates will be subject to u.s . income tax upon subsequent repatriation to the united states . depending on the country in which the subsidiaries and affiliates reside , the repatriation of these earnings may be subject to foreign withholding and other taxes . however , since we have significant current investment plans outside the u.s. , it is our intent to permanently reinvest the majority of our foreign cash and cash items that would be subject to additional taxes outside the u.s . refer to note 22 , income taxes , for additional information . our cash flows from operating , investing , and financing activities from continuing operations , as reflected in the consolidated statements of cash flows , are summarized in the following table: . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>cash provided by ( used for )</td><td>2018</td><td>2017</td><td>2016</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>operating activities</td><td>$ 2554.7</td><td>$ 2534.1</td><td>$ 2258.8</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>investing activities</td><td>-1649.1 ( 1649.1 )</td><td>-1417.7 ( 1417.7 )</td><td>-864.8 ( 864.8 )</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>financing activities</td><td>-1359.8 ( 1359.8 )</td><td>-2040.9 ( 2040.9 )</td><td>-860.2 ( 860.2 )</td></tr></table> operating activities for the year ended 2018 , cash provided by operating activities was $ 2554.7 . income from continuing operations of $ 1455.6 was adjusted for items including depreciation and amortization , deferred income taxes , impacts from the tax act , undistributed earnings of unconsolidated affiliates , share-based compensation , and noncurrent capital lease receivables . other adjustments of $ 131.6 include a $ 54.9 net impact from the remeasurement of intercompany transactions . the related hedging instruments that eliminate the earnings impact are included as a working capital adjustment in other receivables or payables and accrued liabilities . in addition , other adjustments were impacted by cash received from the early termination of a cross currency swap of $ 54.4 , as well as the excess of pension expense over pension contributions of $ 23.5 . the working capital accounts were a use of cash of $ 265.4 , primarily driven by payables and accrued liabilities , inventories , and trade receivables , partially offset by other receivables . the use of cash in payables and accrued liabilities of $ 277.7 includes a decrease in customer advances of $ 145.7 primarily related to sale of equipment activity and $ 67.1 for maturities of forward exchange contracts that hedged foreign currency exposures . the use of cash in inventories primarily resulted from the purchase of helium molecules . in addition , inventories reflect the noncash impact of our change in accounting for u.s . inventories from lifo to fifo . the source of cash from other receivables of $ 123.6 was primarily due to the maturities of forward exchange contracts that hedged foreign currency exposures for the year ended 2017 , cash provided by operating activities was $ 2534.1 . income from continuing operations of $ 1134.4 included a goodwill and intangible asset impairment charge of $ 162.1 , an equity method investment impairment charge of $ 79.5 , and a write-down of long-lived assets associated with restructuring of $ 69.2 . refer to note 5 , cost reduction and asset actions ; note 8 , summarized financial information of equity affiliates ; note 10 , goodwill ; and note 11 , intangible assets , of the consolidated financial statements for additional information on these charges . other adjustments of $ 165.4 included changes in uncertain tax positions and the fair value of foreign exchange contracts that hedge intercompany loans as well as pension contributions and expense . the working capital accounts were a source of cash of $ 48.0 that were primarily driven by payables and accrued liabilities and other receivables , partially offset by other working capital and trade receivables . the increase in payables and accrued liabilities of $ 163.8 was primarily due to timing differences related to payables and accrued liabilities and an increase in customer advances of $ 52.8 primarily related to sale of equipment activity . the source of cash from other receivables of $ 124.7 was primarily due to the maturities of forward exchange contracts that hedged foreign currency exposures . other working capital was a use of cash of $ 154.0 , primarily driven by payments for income taxes . trade receivables was a use of cash of $ 73.6 which is primarily due to timing differences. . Question: what was the net cash from operating and investing activities in 2016?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
and $ 19 million of these expenses in 2011 and 2010 , respectively , with the remaining expense unallocated . the company financed the acquisition with the proceeds from a $ 1.0 billion three-year term loan credit facility , $ 1.5 billion in unsecured notes , and the issuance of 61 million shares of aon common stock . in addition , as part of the consideration , certain outstanding hewitt stock options were converted into options to purchase 4.5 million shares of aon common stock . these items are detailed further in note 8 2018 2018debt 2019 2019 and note 11 2018 2018stockholders 2019 equity 2019 2019 . the transaction has been accounted for using the acquisition method of accounting which requires , among other things , that most assets acquired and liabilities assumed be recognized at their fair values as of the acquisition date . the following table summarizes the amounts recognized for assets acquired and liabilities assumed as of the acquisition date ( in millions ) : amounts recorded as of the acquisition . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>amountsrecorded as ofthe acquisitiondate</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>working capital ( 1 )</td><td>$ 348</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>property equipment and capitalized software</td><td>297</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>identifiable intangible assets:</td><td>-</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>customer relationships</td><td>1800</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>trademarks</td><td>890</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>technology</td><td>215</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>other noncurrent assets ( 2 )</td><td>344</td></tr><tr><td>9</td><td>long-term debt</td><td>346</td></tr><tr><td>10</td><td>other noncurrent liabilities ( 3 )</td><td>360</td></tr><tr><td>11</td><td>net deferred tax liability ( 4 )</td><td>1021</td></tr><tr><td>12</td><td>net assets acquired</td><td>2167</td></tr><tr><td>13</td><td>goodwill</td><td>2765</td></tr><tr><td>14</td><td>total consideration transferred</td><td>$ 4932</td></tr></table> ( 1 ) includes cash and cash equivalents , short-term investments , client receivables , other current assets , accounts payable and other current liabilities . ( 2 ) includes primarily deferred contract costs and long-term investments . ( 3 ) includes primarily unfavorable lease obligations and deferred contract revenues . ( 4 ) included in other current assets ( $ 31 million ) , deferred tax assets ( $ 30 million ) , other current liabilities ( $ 7 million ) and deferred tax liabilities ( $ 1.1 billion ) in the company 2019s consolidated statements of financial position . the acquired customer relationships are being amortized over a weighted average life of 12 years . the technology asset is being amortized over 7 years and trademarks have been determined to have indefinite useful lives . goodwill is calculated as the excess of the acquisition cost over the fair value of the net assets acquired and represents the synergies and other benefits that are expected to arise from combining the operations of hewitt with the operations of aon , and the future economic benefits arising from other assets acquired that could not be individually identified and separately recognized . goodwill is not amortized and is not deductible for tax purposes . a single estimate of fair value results from a complex series of the company 2019s judgments about future events and uncertainties and relies heavily on estimates and assumptions . the company 2019s . Question: what was the value of customer relationships? Answer: 1800.0 Question: what was the value of trademarks?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
our refineries processed 944 mbpd of crude oil and 207 mbpd of other charge and blend stocks . the table below sets forth the location and daily crude oil refining capacity of each of our refineries as of december 31 , 2008 . crude oil refining capacity ( thousands of barrels per day ) 2008 . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>( thousands of barrels per day )</td><td>2008</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>garyville louisiana</td><td>256</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>catlettsburg kentucky</td><td>226</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>robinson illinois</td><td>204</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>detroit michigan</td><td>102</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>canton ohio</td><td>78</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>texas city texas</td><td>76</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>st . paul park minnesota</td><td>74</td></tr><tr><td>9</td><td>total</td><td>1016</td></tr></table> our refineries include crude oil atmospheric and vacuum distillation , fluid catalytic cracking , catalytic reforming , desulfurization and sulfur recovery units . the refineries process a wide variety of crude oils and produce numerous refined products , ranging from transportation fuels , such as reformulated gasolines , blend- grade gasolines intended for blending with fuel ethanol and ultra-low sulfur diesel fuel , to heavy fuel oil and asphalt . additionally , we manufacture aromatics , cumene , propane , propylene , sulfur and maleic anhydride . our refineries are integrated with each other via pipelines , terminals and barges to maximize operating efficiency . the transportation links that connect our refineries allow the movement of intermediate products between refineries to optimize operations , produce higher margin products and utilize our processing capacity efficiently . our garyville , louisiana , refinery is located along the mississippi river in southeastern louisiana . the garyville refinery processes heavy sour crude oil into products such as gasoline , distillates , sulfur , asphalt , propane , polymer grade propylene , isobutane and coke . in 2006 , we approved an expansion of our garyville refinery by 180 mbpd to 436 mbpd , with a currently projected cost of $ 3.35 billion ( excluding capitalized interest ) . construction commenced in early 2007 and is continuing on schedule . we estimate that , as of december 31 , 2008 , this project is approximately 75 percent complete . we expect to complete the expansion in late 2009 . our catlettsburg , kentucky , refinery is located in northeastern kentucky on the western bank of the big sandy river , near the confluence with the ohio river . the catlettsburg refinery processes sweet and sour crude oils into products such as gasoline , asphalt , diesel , jet fuel , petrochemicals , propane , propylene and sulfur . our robinson , illinois , refinery is located in the southeastern illinois town of robinson . the robinson refinery processes sweet and sour crude oils into products such as multiple grades of gasoline , jet fuel , kerosene , diesel fuel , propane , propylene , sulfur and anode-grade coke . our detroit , michigan , refinery is located near interstate 75 in southwest detroit . the detroit refinery processes light sweet and heavy sour crude oils , including canadian crude oils , into products such as gasoline , diesel , asphalt , slurry , propane , chemical grade propylene and sulfur . in 2007 , we approved a heavy oil upgrading and expansion project at our detroit , michigan , refinery , with a current projected cost of $ 2.2 billion ( excluding capitalized interest ) . this project will enable the refinery to process additional heavy sour crude oils , including canadian bitumen blends , and will increase its crude oil refining capacity by about 15 percent . construction began in the first half of 2008 and is presently expected to be complete in mid-2012 . our canton , ohio , refinery is located approximately 60 miles southeast of cleveland , ohio . the canton refinery processes sweet and sour crude oils into products such as gasoline , diesel fuels , kerosene , propane , sulfur , asphalt , roofing flux , home heating oil and no . 6 industrial fuel oil . our texas city , texas , refinery is located on the texas gulf coast approximately 30 miles south of houston , texas . the refinery processes sweet crude oil into products such as gasoline , propane , chemical grade propylene , slurry , sulfur and aromatics . our st . paul park , minnesota , refinery is located in st . paul park , a suburb of minneapolis-st . paul . the st . paul park refinery processes predominantly canadian crude oils into products such as gasoline , diesel , jet fuel , kerosene , asphalt , propane , propylene and sulfur. . Question: as of december 31, 2008, what was the amount of the crude oil refining capacity that was located in detroit michigan? Answer: 102.0 Question: and what was that crude oil refining capacity? Answer: 1016.0 Question: what percentage, then, did that amount represent in relation to this capacity value? Answer: 0.10039 Question: and concerning the garyville refinery, what was its capacity in 2006, with the approved expansion? Answer: 436.0 Question: what was it before the expansion? Answer: 180.0 Question: what was, then, the impact of that expansion in the capacity of that refinery?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
n o t e s t o t h e c o n s o l i d a t e d f i n a n c i a l s t a t e m e n t s ( continued ) ace limited and subsidiaries 20 . statutory financial information the company 2019s insurance and reinsurance subsidiaries are subject to insurance laws and regulations in the jurisdictions in which they operate . these regulations include restrictions that limit the amount of dividends or other distributions , such as loans or cash advances , available to shareholders without prior approval of the insurance regulatory authorities . there are no statutory restrictions on the payment of dividends from retained earnings by any of the bermuda subsidiaries as the minimum statutory capital and surplus requirements are satisfied by the share capital and additional paid-in capital of each of the bermuda subsidiaries . the company 2019s u.s . subsidiaries file financial statements prepared in accordance with statutory accounting practices prescribed or permitted by insurance regulators . statutory accounting differs from gaap in the reporting of certain reinsurance contracts , investments , subsidiaries , acquis- ition expenses , fixed assets , deferred income taxes , and certain other items . the statutory capital and surplus of the u.s . subsidiaries met regulatory requirements for 2009 , 2008 , and 2007 . the amount of dividends available to be paid in 2010 , without prior approval from the state insurance departments , totals $ 733 million . the combined statutory capital and surplus and statutory net income of the bermuda and u.s . subsidiaries as at and for the years ended december 31 , 2009 , 2008 , and 2007 , are as follows: . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>( in millions of u.s . dollars )</td><td>bermuda subsidiaries 2009</td><td>bermuda subsidiaries 2008</td><td>bermuda subsidiaries 2007</td><td>bermuda subsidiaries 2009</td><td>bermuda subsidiaries 2008</td><td>2007</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>statutory capital and surplus</td><td>$ 9299</td><td>$ 6205</td><td>$ 8579</td><td>$ 5801</td><td>$ 5368</td><td>$ 5321</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>statutory net income</td><td>$ 2472</td><td>$ 2196</td><td>$ 1535</td><td>$ 870</td><td>$ 818</td><td>$ 873</td></tr></table> as permitted by the restructuring discussed previously in note 7 , certain of the company 2019s u.s . subsidiaries discount certain a&e liabilities , which increased statutory capital and surplus by approximately $ 215 million , $ 211 million , and $ 140 million at december 31 , 2009 , 2008 , and 2007 , respectively . the company 2019s international subsidiaries prepare statutory financial statements based on local laws and regulations . some jurisdictions impose complex regulatory requirements on insurance companies while other jurisdictions impose fewer requirements . in some countries , the company must obtain licenses issued by governmental authorities to conduct local insurance business . these licenses may be subject to reserves and minimum capital and solvency tests . jurisdictions may impose fines , censure , and/or criminal sanctions for violation of regulatory requirements . 21 . information provided in connection with outstanding debt of subsidiaries the following tables present condensed consolidating financial information at december 31 , 2009 , and december 31 , 2008 , and for the years ended december 31 , 2009 , 2008 , and 2007 , for ace limited ( the parent guarantor ) and its 201csubsidiary issuer 201d , ace ina holdings , inc . the subsidiary issuer is an indirect 100 percent-owned subsidiary of the parent guarantor . investments in subsidiaries are accounted for by the parent guarantor under the equity method for purposes of the supplemental consolidating presentation . earnings of subsidiaries are reflected in the parent guarantor 2019s investment accounts and earnings . the parent guarantor fully and unconditionally guarantees certain of the debt of the subsidiary issuer. . Question: what is the ratio of statutory capital and surplus to statutory net income in 2009? Answer: 3.76173 Question: what is the statutory net income in 2009? Answer: 2472.0 Question: what about in 2008? Answer: 2196.0 Question: what is the net change? Answer: 276.0 Question: what growth rate does this represent?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
system energy resources , inc . management 2019s financial discussion and analysis sources of capital system energy 2019s sources to meet its capital requirements include : internally generated funds ; cash on hand ; debt issuances ; and bank financing under new or existing facilities . system energy may refinance , redeem , or otherwise retire debt prior to maturity , to the extent market conditions and interest and dividend rates are favorable . all debt and common stock issuances by system energy require prior regulatory approval . debt issuances are also subject to issuance tests set forth in its bond indentures and other agreements . system energy has sufficient capacity under these tests to meet its foreseeable capital needs . in february 2012 , system energy vie issued $ 50 million of 4.02% ( 4.02 % ) series h notes due february 2017 . system energy used the proceeds to purchase additional nuclear fuel . system energy has obtained a short-term borrowing authorization from the ferc under which it may borrow , through october 2013 , up to the aggregate amount , at any one time outstanding , of $ 200 million . see note 4 to the financial statements for further discussion of system energy 2019s short-term borrowing limits . system energy has also obtained an order from the ferc authorizing long-term securities issuances . the current long-term authorization extends through july 2013 . system energy 2019s receivables from the money pool were as follows as of december 31 for each of the following years: . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>2011</td><td>2010</td><td>2009</td><td>2008</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>( in thousands )</td><td>( in thousands )</td><td>( in thousands )</td><td>( in thousands )</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>$ 120424</td><td>$ 97948</td><td>$ 90507</td><td>$ 42915</td></tr></table> see note 4 to the financial statements for a description of the money pool . nuclear matters system energy owns and operates grand gulf . system energy is , therefore , subject to the risks related to owning and operating a nuclear plant . these include risks from the use , storage , handling and disposal of high- level and low-level radioactive materials , regulatory requirement changes , including changes resulting from events at other plants , limitations on the amounts and types of insurance commercially available for losses in connection with nuclear operations , and technological and financial uncertainties related to decommissioning nuclear plants at the end of their licensed lives , including the sufficiency of funds in decommissioning trusts . in the event of an unanticipated early shutdown of grand gulf , system energy may be required to provide additional funds or credit support to satisfy regulatory requirements for decommissioning . after the nuclear incident in japan resulting from the march 2011 earthquake and tsunami , the nrc established a task force to conduct a review of processes and regulations relating to nuclear facilities in the united states . the task force issued a near term ( 90-day ) report in july 2011 that has made recommendations , which are currently being evaluated by the nrc . it is anticipated that the nrc will issue certain orders and requests for information to nuclear plant licensees by the end of the first quarter 2012 that will begin to implement the task force 2019s recommendations . these orders may require u.s . nuclear operators , including entergy , to undertake plant modifications or perform additional analyses that could , among other things , result in increased costs and capital requirements associated with operating entergy 2019s nuclear plants. . Question: what is the system energy 2019s receivables from the money pool in 2011?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
the following details the impairment charge resulting from our review ( in thousands ) : . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>year ended may 31 2009</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>goodwill</td><td>$ 136800</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>trademark</td><td>10000</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>other long-lived assets</td><td>864</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>total</td><td>$ 147664</td></tr></table> net income attributable to noncontrolling interests , net of tax noncontrolling interest , net of tax increased $ 28.9 million from $ 8.1 million fiscal 2008 . the increase was primarily related to our acquisition of a 51% ( 51 % ) majority interest in hsbc merchant services , llp on june 30 , net income attributable to global payments and diluted earnings per share during fiscal 2009 we reported net income of $ 37.2 million ( $ 0.46 diluted earnings per share ) . liquidity and capital resources a significant portion of our liquidity comes from operating cash flows , which are generally sufficient to fund operations , planned capital expenditures , debt service and various strategic investments in our business . cash flow from operations is used to make planned capital investments in our business , to pursue acquisitions that meet our corporate objectives , to pay dividends , and to pay off debt and repurchase our shares at the discretion of our board of directors . accumulated cash balances are invested in high-quality and marketable short term instruments . our capital plan objectives are to support the company 2019s operational needs and strategic plan for long term growth while maintaining a low cost of capital . lines of credit are used in certain of our markets to fund settlement and as a source of working capital and , along with other bank financing , to fund acquisitions . we regularly evaluate our liquidity and capital position relative to cash requirements , and we may elect to raise additional funds in the future , either through the issuance of debt , equity or otherwise . at may 31 , 2010 , we had cash and cash equivalents totaling $ 769.9 million . of this amount , we consider $ 268.1 million to be available cash , which generally excludes settlement related and merchant reserve cash balances . settlement related cash balances represent surplus funds that we hold on behalf of our member sponsors when the incoming amount from the card networks precedes the member sponsors 2019 funding obligation to the merchant . merchant reserve cash balances represent funds collected from our merchants that serve as collateral ( 201cmerchant reserves 201d ) to minimize contingent liabilities associated with any losses that may occur under the merchant agreement . at may 31 , 2010 , our cash and cash equivalents included $ 199.4 million related to merchant reserves . while this cash is not restricted in its use , we believe that designating this cash to collateralize merchant reserves strengthens our fiduciary standing with our member sponsors and is in accordance with the guidelines set by the card networks . see cash and cash equivalents and settlement processing assets and obligations under note 1 in the notes to the consolidated financial statements for additional details . net cash provided by operating activities increased $ 82.8 million to $ 465.8 million for fiscal 2010 from the prior year . income from continuing operations increased $ 16.0 million and we had cash provided by changes in working capital of $ 60.2 million . the working capital change was primarily due to the change in net settlement processing assets and obligations of $ 80.3 million and the change in accounts receivable of $ 13.4 million , partially offset by the change . Question: as of may 31, 2009, how much did the goodwill amount represent in relation to the total impairment charge? Answer: 0.92643 Question: and in that year, what was the net income attributable to noncontrolling interests , net of tax noncontrolling interest , net of tax? Answer: 28.9 Question: what was it in 2008? Answer: 8.1 Question: what was, then, the change over the year? Answer: 20.8 Question: and what is this change as a percentage of the 2008 net income?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
table of contents interest expense , net of capitalized interest increased $ 64 million , or 9.8% ( 9.8 % ) , to $ 710 million in 2013 from $ 646 million in 2012 primarily due to special charges of $ 92 million to recognize post-petition interest expense on unsecured obligations pursuant to the plan and penalty interest related to 10.5% ( 10.5 % ) secured notes and 7.50% ( 7.50 % ) senior secured notes . other nonoperating expense , net of $ 84 million in 2013 consists principally of net foreign currency losses of $ 55 million and early debt extinguishment charges of $ 48 million . other nonoperating income in 2012 consisted principally of a $ 280 million special credit related to the settlement of a commercial dispute partially offset by net foreign currency losses . reorganization items , net reorganization items refer to revenues , expenses ( including professional fees ) , realized gains and losses and provisions for losses that are realized or incurred as a direct result of the chapter 11 cases . the following table summarizes the components included in reorganization items , net on american 2019s consolidated statements of operations for the years ended december 31 , 2013 and 2012 ( in millions ) : . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>2013</td><td>2012</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>pension and postretirement benefits</td><td>$ 2014</td><td>$ -66 ( 66 )</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>labor-related deemed claim ( 1 )</td><td>1733</td><td>2014</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>aircraft and facility financing renegotiations and rejections ( 2 ) ( 3 )</td><td>320</td><td>1951</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>fair value of conversion discount ( 4 )</td><td>218</td><td>2014</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>professional fees</td><td>199</td><td>227</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>other</td><td>170</td><td>67</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>total reorganization items net</td><td>$ 2640</td><td>$ 2179</td></tr></table> ( 1 ) in exchange for employees 2019 contributions to the successful reorganization , including agreeing to reductions in pay and benefits , american agreed in the plan to provide each employee group a deemed claim , which was used to provide a distribution of a portion of the equity of the reorganized entity to those employees . each employee group received a deemed claim amount based upon a portion of the value of cost savings provided by that group through reductions to pay and benefits as well as through certain work rule changes . the total value of this deemed claim was approximately $ 1.7 billion . ( 2 ) amounts include allowed claims ( claims approved by the bankruptcy court ) and estimated allowed claims relating to ( i ) the rejection or modification of financings related to aircraft and ( ii ) entry of orders treated as unsecured claims with respect to facility agreements supporting certain issuances of special facility revenue bonds . the debtors recorded an estimated claim associated with the rejection or modification of a financing or facility agreement when the applicable motion was filed with the bankruptcy court to reject or modify such financing or facility agreement and the debtors believed that it was probable the motion would be approved , and there was sufficient information to estimate the claim . see note 2 to american 2019s consolidated financial statements in part ii , item 8b for further information . ( 3 ) pursuant to the plan , the debtors agreed to allow certain post-petition unsecured claims on obligations . as a result , during the year ended december 31 , 2013 , american recorded reorganization charges to adjust estimated allowed claim amounts previously recorded on rejected special facility revenue bonds of $ 180 million , allowed general unsecured claims related to the 1990 and 1994 series of special facility revenue bonds that financed certain improvements at jfk , and rejected bonds that financed certain improvements at ord , which are included in the table above . ( 4 ) the plan allowed unsecured creditors receiving aag series a preferred stock a conversion discount of 3.5% ( 3.5 % ) . accordingly , american recorded the fair value of such discount upon the confirmation of the plan by the bankruptcy court. . Question: what was the difference in aircraft and facility financing re-negotiations and rejections from 2012 to 2013? Answer: -1631.0 Question: what was the value of aircraft and facility financing re-negotiations and rejections in 2012? Answer: 1951.0 Question: what was the percent change?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
performance graph the table below compares the cumulative total shareholder return on our common stock with the cumulative total return of ( i ) the standard & poor 2019s 500 composite stock index ( 201cs&p 500 index 201d ) , ( ii ) the standard & poor 2019s industrials index ( 201cs&p industrials index 201d ) and ( iii ) the standard & poor 2019s consumer durables & apparel index ( 201cs&p consumer durables & apparel index 201d ) , from december 31 , 2005 through december 31 , 2010 , when the closing price of our common stock was $ 12.66 . the graph assumes investments of $ 100 on december 31 , 2005 in our common stock and in each of the three indices and the reinvestment of dividends . performance graph 201020092008200720062005 s&p 500 index s&p industrials index s&p consumer durables & apparel index the table below sets forth the value , as of december 31 for each of the years indicated , of a $ 100 investment made on december 31 , 2005 in each of our common stock , the s&p 500 index , the s&p industrials index and the s&p consumer durables & apparel index and includes the reinvestment of dividends. . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>2006</td><td>2007</td><td>2008</td><td>2009</td><td>2010</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>masco</td><td>$ 101.79</td><td>$ 76.74</td><td>$ 42.81</td><td>$ 54.89</td><td>$ 51.51</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>s&p 500 index</td><td>$ 115.61</td><td>$ 121.95</td><td>$ 77.38</td><td>$ 97.44</td><td>$ 111.89</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>s&p industrials index</td><td>$ 113.16</td><td>$ 126.72</td><td>$ 76.79</td><td>$ 92.30</td><td>$ 116.64</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>s&p consumer durables & apparel index</td><td>$ 106.16</td><td>$ 84.50</td><td>$ 56.13</td><td>$ 76.51</td><td>$ 99.87</td></tr></table> in july 2007 , our board of directors authorized the purchase of up to 50 million shares of our common stock in open-market transactions or otherwise . at december 31 , 2010 , we had remaining authorization to repurchase up to 27 million shares . during 2010 , we repurchased and retired three million shares of our common stock , for cash aggregating $ 45 million to offset the dilutive impact of the 2010 grant of three million shares of long-term stock awards . we did not purchase any shares during the three months ended december 31 , 2010. . Question: what was the difference between the price of masco in 2010 and the starting value as of 12/31/05? Answer: -48.49 Question: so what was the percentage growth during that time? Answer: -0.4849 Question: what was the difference between the price of the s&p 500 in 2010 and the starting value as of 12/31/05? Answer: 11.89 Question: and the original investment again? Answer: 100.0 Question: so what was the growth rate of s&p 500 during this time?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
the analysis of our depreciation studies . changes in the estimated service lives of our assets and their related depreciation rates are implemented prospectively . under group depreciation , the historical cost ( net of salvage ) of depreciable property that is retired or replaced in the ordinary course of business is charged to accumulated depreciation and no gain or loss is recognized . the historical cost of certain track assets is estimated using ( i ) inflation indices published by the bureau of labor statistics and ( ii ) the estimated useful lives of the assets as determined by our depreciation studies . the indices were selected because they closely correlate with the major costs of the properties comprising the applicable track asset classes . because of the number of estimates inherent in the depreciation and retirement processes and because it is impossible to precisely estimate each of these variables until a group of property is completely retired , we continually monitor the estimated service lives of our assets and the accumulated depreciation associated with each asset class to ensure our depreciation rates are appropriate . in addition , we determine if the recorded amount of accumulated depreciation is deficient ( or in excess ) of the amount indicated by our depreciation studies . any deficiency ( or excess ) is amortized as a component of depreciation expense over the remaining service lives of the applicable classes of assets . for retirements of depreciable railroad properties that do not occur in the normal course of business , a gain or loss may be recognized if the retirement meets each of the following three conditions : ( i ) is unusual , ( ii ) is material in amount , and ( iii ) varies significantly from the retirement profile identified through our depreciation studies . a gain or loss is recognized in other income when we sell land or dispose of assets that are not part of our railroad operations . when we purchase an asset , we capitalize all costs necessary to make the asset ready for its intended use . however , many of our assets are self-constructed . a large portion of our capital expenditures is for replacement of existing track assets and other road properties , which is typically performed by our employees , and for track line expansion and other capacity projects . costs that are directly attributable to capital projects ( including overhead costs ) are capitalized . direct costs that are capitalized as part of self- constructed assets include material , labor , and work equipment . indirect costs are capitalized if they clearly relate to the construction of the asset . general and administrative expenditures are expensed as incurred . normal repairs and maintenance are also expensed as incurred , while costs incurred that extend the useful life of an asset , improve the safety of our operations or improve operating efficiency are capitalized . these costs are allocated using appropriate statistical bases . total expense for repairs and maintenance incurred was $ 2.3 billion for 2013 , $ 2.1 billion for 2012 , and $ 2.2 billion for 2011 . assets held under capital leases are recorded at the lower of the net present value of the minimum lease payments or the fair value of the leased asset at the inception of the lease . amortization expense is computed using the straight-line method over the shorter of the estimated useful lives of the assets or the period of the related lease . 12 . accounts payable and other current liabilities dec . 31 , dec . 31 , millions 2013 2012 . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>millions</td><td>dec . 31 2013</td><td>dec . 312012</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>accounts payable</td><td>$ 803</td><td>$ 825</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>income and other taxes payable</td><td>491</td><td>368</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>accrued wages and vacation</td><td>385</td><td>376</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>dividends payable</td><td>356</td><td>318</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>accrued casualty costs</td><td>207</td><td>213</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>interest payable</td><td>169</td><td>172</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>equipment rents payable</td><td>96</td><td>95</td></tr><tr><td>9</td><td>other</td><td>579</td><td>556</td></tr><tr><td>10</td><td>total accounts payable and othercurrent liabilities</td><td>$ 3086</td><td>$ 2923</td></tr></table> . Question: what was the value of total accounts payable and other current liabilities in 2013?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
management 2019s discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of operations 2013 ( continued ) ( amounts in millions , except per share amounts ) financing activities net cash used in financing activities during 2015 primarily related to the repurchase of our common stock and payment of dividends . we repurchased 13.6 shares of our common stock for an aggregate cost of $ 285.2 , including fees , and made dividend payments of $ 195.5 on our common stock . net cash used in financing activities during 2014 primarily related to the purchase of long-term debt , the repurchase of our common stock and payment of dividends . we redeemed all $ 350.0 in aggregate principal amount of our 6.25% ( 6.25 % ) notes , repurchased 14.9 shares of our common stock for an aggregate cost of $ 275.1 , including fees , and made dividend payments of $ 159.0 on our common stock . this was offset by the issuance of $ 500.0 in aggregate principal amount of our 4.20% ( 4.20 % ) notes . foreign exchange rate changes the effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents included in the consolidated statements of cash flows resulted in a decrease of $ 156.1 in 2015 . the decrease was primarily a result of the u.s . dollar being stronger than several foreign currencies , including the australian dollar , brazilian real , canadian dollar , euro and south african rand as of december 31 , 2015 compared to december 31 , 2014 . the effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents included in the consolidated statements of cash flows resulted in a decrease of $ 101.0 in 2014 . the decrease was primarily a result of the u.s . dollar being stronger than several foreign currencies , including the australian dollar , brazilian real , canadian dollar and euro as of december 31 , 2014 compared to december 31 , 2013. . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>balance sheet data</td><td>december 31 , 2015</td><td>december 31 , 2014</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>cash cash equivalents and marketable securities</td><td>$ 1509.7</td><td>$ 1667.2</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>short-term borrowings</td><td>$ 150.1</td><td>$ 107.2</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>current portion of long-term debt</td><td>1.9</td><td>2.1</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>long-term debt</td><td>1610.3</td><td>1612.9</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>total debt</td><td>$ 1762.3</td><td>$ 1722.2</td></tr></table> liquidity outlook we expect our cash flow from operations , cash and cash equivalents to be sufficient to meet our anticipated operating requirements at a minimum for the next twelve months . we also have a committed corporate credit facility as well as uncommitted facilities available to support our operating needs . we continue to maintain a disciplined approach to managing liquidity , with flexibility over significant uses of cash , including our capital expenditures , cash used for new acquisitions , our common stock repurchase program and our common stock dividends . from time to time , we evaluate market conditions and financing alternatives for opportunities to raise additional funds or otherwise improve our liquidity profile , enhance our financial flexibility and manage market risk . our ability to access the capital markets depends on a number of factors , which include those specific to us , such as our credit rating , and those related to the financial markets , such as the amount or terms of available credit . there can be no guarantee that we would be able to access new sources of liquidity on commercially reasonable terms , or at all . funding requirements our most significant funding requirements include our operations , non-cancelable operating lease obligations , capital expenditures , acquisitions , common stock dividends , taxes , debt service and contributions to pension and postretirement plans . additionally , we may be required to make payments to minority shareholders in certain subsidiaries if they exercise their options to sell us their equity interests. . Question: what was the value of dividends paid for the year?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
the years ended december 31 , 2008 , 2007 and 2006 , due to ineffectiveness and amounts excluded from the assessment of hedge effectiveness , was not significant . for contracts outstanding at december 31 , 2008 , we have an obligation to purchase u.s . dollars and sell euros , japanese yen , british pounds , canadian dollars , australian dollars and korean won and purchase swiss francs and sell u.s . dollars at set maturity dates ranging from january 2009 through june 2011 . the notional amounts of outstanding forward contracts entered into with third parties to purchase u.s . dollars at december 31 , 2008 were $ 1343.0 million . the notional amounts of outstanding forward contracts entered into with third parties to purchase swiss francs at december 31 , 2008 were $ 207.5 million . the fair value of outstanding derivative instruments recorded on the balance sheet at december 31 , 2008 , together with settled derivatives where the hedged item has not yet affected earnings , was a net unrealized gain of $ 32.7 million , or $ 33.0 million net of taxes , which is deferred in other comprehensive income , of which $ 16.4 million , or $ 17.9 million , net of taxes , is expected to be reclassified to earnings over the next twelve months . we also enter into foreign currency forward exchange contracts with terms of one month to manage currency exposures for assets and liabilities denominated in a currency other than an entity 2019s functional currency . as a result , any foreign currency remeasurement gains/losses recognized in earnings under sfas no . 52 , 201cforeign currency translation , 201d are generally offset with gains/losses on the foreign currency forward exchange contracts in the same reporting period . other comprehensive income 2013 other comprehensive income refers to revenues , expenses , gains and losses that under generally accepted accounting principles are included in comprehensive income but are excluded from net earnings as these amounts are recorded directly as an adjustment to stockholders 2019 equity . other comprehensive income is comprised of foreign currency translation adjustments , unrealized foreign currency hedge gains and losses , unrealized gains and losses on available-for-sale securities and amortization of prior service costs and unrecognized gains and losses in actuarial assumptions . in 2006 we adopted sfas 158 , 201cemployers 2019 accounting for defined benefit pension and other postretirement plans 2013 an amendment of fasb statements no . 87 , 88 , 106 and 132 ( r ) . 201d this statement required recognition of the funded status of our benefit plans in the statement of financial position and recognition of certain deferred gains or losses in other comprehensive income . we recorded an unrealized loss of $ 35.4 million in other comprehensive income during 2006 related to the adoption of sfas 158 . the components of accumulated other comprehensive income are as follows ( in millions ) : balance at december 31 , comprehensive income ( loss ) balance at december 31 . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>balance at december 31 2007</td><td>other comprehensive income ( loss )</td><td>balance at december 31 2008</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>foreign currency translation</td><td>$ 368.8</td><td>$ -49.4 ( 49.4 )</td><td>$ 319.4</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>foreign currency hedges</td><td>-45.4 ( 45.4 )</td><td>78.4</td><td>33.0</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>unrealized gain/ ( loss ) on securities</td><td>-1.9 ( 1.9 )</td><td>0.6</td><td>-1.3 ( 1.3 )</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>unrecognized prior service cost and unrecognized gain/ ( loss ) in actuarial assumptions</td><td>-31.2 ( 31.2 )</td><td>-79.9 ( 79.9 )</td><td>-111.1 ( 111.1 )</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>accumulated other comprehensive income</td><td>$ 290.3</td><td>$ -50.3 ( 50.3 )</td><td>$ 240.0</td></tr></table> during 2008 , we reclassified an investment previously accounted for under the equity method to an available-for-sale investment as we no longer exercised significant influence over the third-party investee . the investment was marked-to- market in accordance with sfas 115 , 201caccounting for certain investments in debt and equity securities , 201d resulting in a net unrealized gain of $ 23.8 million recorded in other comprehensive income for 2008 . this unrealized gain was reclassified to the income statement when we sold this investment in 2008 for total proceeds of $ 54.9 million and a gross realized gain of $ 38.8 million included in interest and other income . the basis of these securities was determined based on the consideration paid at the time of acquisition . treasury stock 2013 we account for repurchases of common stock under the cost method and present treasury stock as a reduction of shareholders equity . we may reissue common stock held in treasury only for limited purposes . accounting pronouncements 2013 in september 2006 , the fasb issued sfas no . 157 , 201cfair value measurements , 201d which defines fair value , establishes a framework for measuring fair value in generally accepted accounting principles and expands disclosures about fair value measurements . this statement does not require any new fair value measurements , but provides guidance on how to measure fair value by providing a fair value hierarchy used to classify the source of the information . sfas no . 157 is effective for financial statements issued for fiscal years beginning after november 15 , 2007 and interim periods within those fiscal years . in february 2008 , the fasb issued fasb staff position ( fsp ) no . sfas 157-2 , which delays the effective date of certain provisions of sfas no . 157 relating to non-financial assets and liabilities measured at fair value on a non-recurring basis until fiscal years beginning after november 15 , 2008 . the full adoption of sfas no . 157 is not expected to have a material impact on our consolidated financial statements or results of operations . z i m m e r h o l d i n g s , i n c . 2 0 0 8 f o r m 1 0 - k a n n u a l r e p o r t notes to consolidated financial statements ( continued ) %%transmsg*** transmitting job : c48761 pcn : 046000000 ***%%pcmsg|46 |00009|yes|no|02/24/2009 19:24|0|0|page is valid , no graphics -- color : d| . Question: in 2008, without the reclassification of an investment previously accounted for under the equity method to an available-for-sale investment, what would have been the unrealized gain/ ( loss ) on securities, in millions? Answer: -25.1 Question: and in that same year, what would be the accumulated other comprehensive income without the unrecognized losses/costs?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
entergy corporation and subsidiaries management's financial discussion and analysis net revenue 2004 compared to 2003 net revenue , which is entergy's measure of gross margin , consists of operating revenues net of : 1 ) fuel , fuel-related , and purchased power expenses and 2 ) other regulatory credits . following is an analysis of the change in net revenue comparing 2004 to 2003. . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>( in millions )</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>2003 net revenue</td><td>$ 4214.5</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>volume/weather</td><td>68.3</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>summer capacity charges</td><td>17.4</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>base rates</td><td>10.6</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>deferred fuel cost revisions</td><td>-46.3 ( 46.3 )</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>price applied to unbilled sales</td><td>-19.3 ( 19.3 )</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>other</td><td>-1.2 ( 1.2 )</td></tr><tr><td>9</td><td>2004 net revenue</td><td>$ 4244.0</td></tr></table> the volume/weather variance resulted primarily from increased usage , partially offset by the effect of milder weather on sales during 2004 compared to 2003 . billed usage increased a total of 2261 gwh in the industrial and commercial sectors . the summer capacity charges variance was due to the amortization in 2003 at entergy gulf states and entergy louisiana of deferred capacity charges for the summer of 2001 . entergy gulf states' amortization began in june 2002 and ended in may 2003 . entergy louisiana's amortization began in august 2002 and ended in july 2003 . base rates increased net revenue due to a base rate increase at entergy new orleans that became effective in june 2003 . the deferred fuel cost revisions variance resulted primarily from a revision in 2003 to an unbilled sales pricing estimate to more closely align the fuel component of that pricing with expected recoverable fuel costs at entergy louisiana . deferred fuel cost revisions also decreased net revenue due to a revision in 2004 to the estimate of fuel costs filed for recovery at entergy arkansas in the march 2004 energy cost recovery rider . the price applied to unbilled sales variance resulted from a decrease in fuel price in 2004 caused primarily by the effect of nuclear plant outages in 2003 on average fuel costs . gross operating revenues and regulatory credits gross operating revenues include an increase in fuel cost recovery revenues of $ 475 million and $ 18 million in electric and gas sales , respectively , primarily due to higher fuel rates in 2004 resulting from increases in the market prices of purchased power and natural gas . as such , this revenue increase is offset by increased fuel and purchased power expenses . other regulatory credits increased primarily due to the following : 2022 cessation of the grand gulf accelerated recovery tariff that was suspended in july 2003 ; 2022 the amortization in 2003 of deferred capacity charges for summer 2001 power purchases at entergy gulf states and entergy louisiana ; 2022 the deferral in 2004 of $ 14.3 million of capacity charges related to generation resource planning as allowed by the lpsc ; 2022 the deferral in 2004 by entergy louisiana of $ 11.4 million related to the voluntary severance program , in accordance with a proposed stipulation entered into with the lpsc staff ; and . Question: what is the net change in net revenue from 2003 to 2004?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
management 2019s discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of operations state street corporation | 90 table 30 : total deposits average balance december 31 years ended december 31 . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>( in millions )</td><td>december 31 2017</td><td>december 31 2016</td><td>december 31 2017</td><td>2016</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>client deposits</td><td>$ 180149</td><td>$ 176693</td><td>$ 158996</td><td>$ 156029</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>wholesale cds</td><td>4747</td><td>10470</td><td>4812</td><td>14456</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>total deposits</td><td>$ 184896</td><td>$ 187163</td><td>$ 163808</td><td>$ 170485</td></tr></table> short-term funding our on-balance sheet liquid assets are also an integral component of our liquidity management strategy . these assets provide liquidity through maturities of the assets , but more importantly , they provide us with the ability to raise funds by pledging the securities as collateral for borrowings or through outright sales . in addition , our access to the global capital markets gives us the ability to source incremental funding at reasonable rates of interest from wholesale investors . as discussed earlier under 201casset liquidity , 201d state street bank's membership in the fhlb allows for advances of liquidity with varying terms against high-quality collateral . short-term secured funding also comes in the form of securities lent or sold under agreements to repurchase . these transactions are short-term in nature , generally overnight , and are collateralized by high-quality investment securities . these balances were $ 2.84 billion and $ 4.40 billion as of december 31 , 2017 and december 31 , 2016 , respectively . state street bank currently maintains a line of credit with a financial institution of cad 1.40 billion , or approximately $ 1.11 billion as of december 31 , 2017 , to support its canadian securities processing operations . the line of credit has no stated termination date and is cancelable by either party with prior notice . as of december 31 , 2017 , there was no balance outstanding on this line of credit . long-term funding we have the ability to issue debt and equity securities under our current universal shelf registration to meet current commitments and business needs , including accommodating the transaction and cash management needs of our clients . in addition , state street bank , a wholly owned subsidiary of the parent company , also has authorization to issue up to $ 5 billion in unsecured senior debt and an additional $ 500 million of subordinated debt . agency credit ratings our ability to maintain consistent access to liquidity is fostered by the maintenance of high investment-grade ratings as measured by the major independent credit rating agencies . factors essential to maintaining high credit ratings include : 2022 diverse and stable core earnings ; 2022 relative market position ; 2022 strong risk management ; 2022 strong capital ratios ; 2022 diverse liquidity sources , including the global capital markets and client deposits ; 2022 strong liquidity monitoring procedures ; and 2022 preparedness for current or future regulatory developments . high ratings limit borrowing costs and enhance our liquidity by : 2022 providing assurance for unsecured funding and depositors ; 2022 increasing the potential market for our debt and improving our ability to offer products ; 2022 serving markets ; and 2022 engaging in transactions in which clients value high credit ratings . a downgrade or reduction of our credit ratings could have a material adverse effect on our liquidity by restricting our ability to access the capital markets , which could increase the related cost of funds . in turn , this could cause the sudden and large-scale withdrawal of unsecured deposits by our clients , which could lead to draw-downs of unfunded commitments to extend credit or trigger requirements under securities purchase commitments ; or require additional collateral or force terminations of certain trading derivative contracts . a majority of our derivative contracts have been entered into under bilateral agreements with counterparties who may require us to post collateral or terminate the transactions based on changes in our credit ratings . we assess the impact of these arrangements by determining the collateral that would be required assuming a downgrade by all rating agencies . the additional collateral or termination payments related to our net derivative liabilities under these arrangements that could have been called by counterparties in the event of a downgrade in our credit ratings below levels specified in the agreements is disclosed in note 10 to the consolidated financial statements included under item 8 , financial statements and supplementary data , of this form 10-k . other funding sources , such as secured financing transactions and other margin requirements , for which there are no explicit triggers , could also be adversely affected. . Question: what was the balance of collateral in the form of high-quality investment securities in 2016? Answer: 4.4 Question: and what was it in 2017? Answer: 2.84 Question: what is, then, the difference between the 2016 balance and the 2017 one?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
part i item 1 . business our company founded in 1886 , american water works company , inc. , ( the 201ccompany , 201d 201camerican water 201d or 201caww 201d ) is a delaware holding company . american water is the most geographically diversified , as well as the largest publicly-traded , united states water and wastewater utility company , as measured by both operating revenues and population served . as a holding company , we conduct substantially all of our business operations through our subsidiaries . our approximately 6400 employees provide an estimated 15 million people with drinking water , wastewater and/or other water-related services in 47 states and one canadian province . operating segments we report our results of operations in two operating segments : the regulated businesses and the market- based operations . additional information with respect to our operating segment results is included in the section entitled 201citem 7 2014management 2019s discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of operations , 201d and note 18 of the consolidated financial statements . regulated businesses our primary business involves the ownership of subsidiaries that provide water and wastewater utility services to residential , commercial , industrial and other customers , including sale for resale and public authority customers . we report the results of this business in our regulated businesses segment . our subsidiaries that provide these services are generally subject to economic regulation by certain state commissions or other entities engaged in economic regulation , hereafter referred to as public utility commissions , or 201cpucs , 201d of the states in which we operate . the federal and state governments also regulate environmental , health and safety , and water quality matters . our regulated businesses segment operating revenues were $ 2674.3 million for 2014 , $ 2539.9 for 2013 , $ 2564.4 million for 2012 , accounting for 88.8% ( 88.8 % ) , 90.1% ( 90.1 % ) and 89.9% ( 89.9 % ) , respectively , of total operating revenues for the same periods . the following table sets forth our regulated businesses operating revenues , number of customers and an estimate of population served as of december 31 , 2014 : operating revenues ( in millions ) % ( % ) of total number of customers % ( % ) of total estimated population served ( in millions ) % ( % ) of total . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>new jersey</td><td>operatingrevenues ( in millions ) $ 652.3</td><td>% ( % ) of total 24.5% ( 24.5 % )</td><td>number ofcustomers 648066</td><td>% ( % ) of total 20.2% ( 20.2 % )</td><td>estimatedpopulationserved ( in millions ) 2.7</td><td>% ( % ) of total 22.7% ( 22.7 % )</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>pennsylvania</td><td>605.4</td><td>22.6% ( 22.6 % )</td><td>666415</td><td>20.7% ( 20.7 % )</td><td>2.2</td><td>18.5% ( 18.5 % )</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>missouri</td><td>270.2</td><td>10.1% ( 10.1 % )</td><td>464498</td><td>14.4% ( 14.4 % )</td><td>1.5</td><td>12.7% ( 12.7 % )</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>illinois ( a )</td><td>262.3</td><td>9.8% ( 9.8 % )</td><td>312017</td><td>9.7% ( 9.7 % )</td><td>1.3</td><td>10.9% ( 10.9 % )</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>california</td><td>209.8</td><td>7.8% ( 7.8 % )</td><td>174198</td><td>5.4% ( 5.4 % )</td><td>0.6</td><td>5.0% ( 5.0 % )</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>indiana</td><td>200.6</td><td>7.5% ( 7.5 % )</td><td>293666</td><td>9.1% ( 9.1 % )</td><td>1.2</td><td>10.1% ( 10.1 % )</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>west virginia ( b )</td><td>127.0</td><td>4.7% ( 4.7 % )</td><td>170371</td><td>5.3% ( 5.3 % )</td><td>0.6</td><td>5.0% ( 5.0 % )</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>subtotal ( top seven states )</td><td>2327.6</td><td>87.0% ( 87.0 % )</td><td>2729231</td><td>84.8% ( 84.8 % )</td><td>10.1</td><td>84.9% ( 84.9 % )</td></tr><tr><td>9</td><td>other ( c )</td><td>346.7</td><td>13.0% ( 13.0 % )</td><td>489961</td><td>15.2% ( 15.2 % )</td><td>1.8</td><td>15.1% ( 15.1 % )</td></tr><tr><td>10</td><td>total regulated businesses</td><td>$ 2674.3</td><td>100.0% ( 100.0 % )</td><td>3219192</td><td>100.0% ( 100.0 % )</td><td>11.9</td><td>100.0% ( 100.0 % )</td></tr></table> ( a ) includes illinois-american water company , which we refer to as ilawc and american lake water company , also a regulated subsidiary in illinois. . Question: what is the estimated pennsylvania population?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
sl green realty corp . it happens here 2012 annual report 85 | 85 in april a02011 , we purchased sitq immobilier , a subsid- iary of caisse de depot et placement du quebec , or sitq 2019s , 31.5% ( 31.5 % ) economic interest in 1515 a0 broadway , thereby consoli- dating full ownership of the 1750000 a0square foot ( unaudited ) building . the transaction valued the consolidated interests at $ 1.23 a0 billion . this valuation was based on a negotiated sales agreement and took into consideration such factors as whether this was a distressed sale and whether a minority dis- count was warranted . we acquired the interest subject to the $ 458.8 a0million mortgage encumbering the property . we rec- ognized a purchase price fair value adjustment of $ 475.1 a0mil- lion upon the closing of this transaction . this property , which we initially acquired in may a02002 , was previously accounted for as an investment in unconsolidated joint ventures . in january a0 2011 , we purchased city investment fund , or cif 2019s , 49.9% ( 49.9 % ) a0interest in 521 a0fifth avenue , thereby assum- ing full ownership of the 460000 a0 square foot ( unaudited ) building . the transaction valued the consolidated interests at approximately $ 245.7 a0 million , excluding $ 4.5 a0 million of cash and other assets acquired . we acquired the interest subject to the $ 140.0 a0 million mortgage encumbering the property . we recognized a purchase price fair value adjust- ment of $ 13.8 a0million upon the closing of this transaction . in april a02011 , we refinanced the property with a new $ 150.0 a0mil- lion 2-year mortgage which carries a floating rate of interest of 200 a0basis points over the 30-day libor . in connection with that refinancing , we acquired the fee interest in the property for $ 15.0 a0million . the following summarizes our allocation of the purchase price of the assets acquired and liabilities assumed upon the closing of these 2011 acquisitions ( amounts in thousands ) : 51 east 180 110 east 1515 521 fifth 42nd street maiden lane 42nd street broadway avenue land fffd$ 44095 $ 191523 $ 34000 $ 2002 2008462700 $ 110100 . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>51 east 42nd street</td><td>180 maiden lane</td><td>110 east 42nd street</td><td>1515 broadway</td><td>521 fifth avenue</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>land</td><td>$ 44095</td><td>$ 191523</td><td>$ 34000</td><td>$ 462700</td><td>$ 110100</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>building</td><td>33470</td><td>233230</td><td>46411</td><td>707938</td><td>146686</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>above market lease value</td><td>5616</td><td>7944</td><td>823</td><td>18298</td><td>3318</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>acquired in-place leases</td><td>4333</td><td>29948</td><td>5396</td><td>98661</td><td>23016</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>other assets net of other liabilities</td><td>2014</td><td>2014</td><td>2014</td><td>27127</td><td>2014</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>assets acquired</td><td>87514</td><td>462645</td><td>86630</td><td>1314724</td><td>283120</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>fair value adjustment to mortgage note payable</td><td>2014</td><td>2014</td><td>2014</td><td>-3693 ( 3693 )</td><td>2014</td></tr><tr><td>9</td><td>below market lease value</td><td>7514</td><td>20320</td><td>2326</td><td>84417</td><td>25977</td></tr><tr><td>10</td><td>liabilities assumed</td><td>7514</td><td>20320</td><td>2326</td><td>80724</td><td>25977</td></tr><tr><td>11</td><td>purchase price allocation</td><td>$ 80000</td><td>$ 442325</td><td>$ 84304</td><td>$ 1234000</td><td>$ 257143</td></tr><tr><td>12</td><td>net consideration funded by us at closing</td><td>$ 81632</td><td>$ 81835</td><td>$ 2744</td><td>$ 259228</td><td>$ 70000</td></tr><tr><td>13</td><td>equity and/or debt investment held</td><td>2014</td><td>2014</td><td>$ 16000</td><td>$ 40942</td><td>$ 41432</td></tr><tr><td>14</td><td>debt assumed</td><td>$ 2014</td><td>$ 2014</td><td>$ 65000</td><td>$ 458767</td><td>$ 140000</td></tr></table> net consideration funded by us at closing fffd$ 81632 $ 200281835 $ 20022744 $ 2002 2008259228 $ 200270000 equity and/or debt investment held fffd 2014 2014 $ 16000 $ 2002 2002 200840942 $ 200241432 debt assumed fffd$ 2002 2002 2002 2002 2008 2014 $ 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2008 2014 $ 65000 $ 2002 2008458767 $ 140000 2010 acquisitions | in january 2010 , we became the sole owner of 100 a0church street , a 1.05 a0million square foot ( unau- dited ) office tower located in downtown manhattan , following the successful foreclosure of the senior mezzanine loan at the property . our initial investment totaled $ 40.9 a0million , which was comprised of a 50% ( 50 % ) a0interest in the senior mezzanine loan and two other mezzanine loans at 100 a0 church street , which we acquired from gramercy capital corp . ( nyse : a0gkk ) , or gramercy , in the summer of a0 2007 . at closing of the foreclo- sure , we funded an additional $ 15.0 a0million of capital into the project as part of our agreement with wachovia bank , n.a . to extend and restructure the existing financing . gramercy declined to fund its share of this capital and instead trans- ferred its interests in the investment to us at closing . the restructured $ 139.7 a0million mortgage carries an interest rate of 350 a0basis points over the 30-day libor . the restructured mortgage , which was scheduled to mature in january a0 2013 , was repaid in march a02011 . in august a0 2010 , we acquired 125 a0 park avenue , a manhattan office tower , for $ 330 a0million . in connection with the acquisition , we assumed $ 146.25 a0million of in-place financ- ing . the 5.748% ( 5.748 % ) interest-only loan matures in october a02014 . in december a02010 , we completed the acquisition of various investments from gramercy . this acquisition included ( 1 ) a0the remaining 45% ( 45 % ) a0interest in the leased fee at 885 a0third avenue for approximately $ 39.3 a0 million plus assumed mortgage debt of approximately $ 120.4 a0million , ( 2 ) a0the remaining 45% ( 45 % ) interest in the leased fee at 2 a0 herald square for approxi- mately $ 25.6 a0 million plus assumed mortgage debt of approximately $ 86.1 a0 million and , ( 3 ) a0 the entire leased fee interest in 292 a0madison avenue for approximately $ 19.2 a0mil- lion plus assumed mortgage debt of approximately $ 59.1 a0million . these assets are all leased to third a0party operators. . Question: what was the value of the consolidated interests? Answer: 245.7 Question: what was the interest rate of cifs?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
table of contents stock performance graph the following stock performance graph and related information shall not be deemed 201csoliciting material 201d or 201cfiled 201d with the securities and exchange commission , nor shall such information be incorporated by reference into any future filings under the securities act of 1933 or the exchange act , each as amended , except to the extent that we specifically incorporate it by reference into such filing . the following stock performance graph compares our cumulative total shareholder return on an annual basis on our common stock with the cumulative total return on the standard and poor 2019s 500 stock index and the amex airline index from december 9 , 2013 ( the first trading day of aag common stock ) through december 31 , 2014 . the comparison assumes $ 100 was invested on december 9 , 2013 in aag common stock and in each of the foregoing indices and assumes reinvestment of dividends . the stock performance shown on the graph below represents historical stock performance and is not necessarily indicative of future stock price performance. . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>12/9/2013</td><td>12/31/2013</td><td>12/31/2014</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>american airlines group inc .</td><td>$ 100</td><td>$ 103</td><td>$ 219</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>amex airline index</td><td>100</td><td>102</td><td>152</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>s&p 500</td><td>100</td><td>102</td><td>114</td></tr></table> . Question: what was the performance price of the american airlines group inc. in 2014? Answer: 219.0 Question: and what was it in september 2013?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
abiomed , inc . and subsidiaries notes to consolidated financial statements 2014 ( continued ) evidence of an arrangement exists , ( 2 ) delivery has occurred or services have been rendered , ( 3 ) the seller 2019s price to the buyer is fixed or determinable , and ( 4 ) collectibility is reasonably assured . further , sab 104 requires that both title and the risks and rewards of ownership be transferred to the buyer before revenue can be recognized . in addition to sab 104 , we follow the guidance of eitf 00-21 , revenue arrangements with multiple deliverables . we derive our revenues primarily from product sales , including maintenance service agreements . the great majority of our product revenues are derived from shipments of our ab5000 and bvs 5000 product lines to fulfill customer orders for a specified number of consoles and/or blood pumps for a specified price . we recognize revenues and record costs related to such sales upon product shipment . maintenance and service support contract revenues are recognized ratably over the term of the service contracts based upon the elapsed term of the service contract . government-sponsored research and development contracts and grants generally provide for payment on a cost-plus-fixed-fee basis . revenues from these contracts and grants are recognized as work is performed , provided the government has appropriated sufficient funds for the work . under contracts in which the company elects to spend significantly more on the development project during the term of the contract than the total contract amount , the company prospectively recognizes revenue on such contracts ratably over the term of the contract as it incurs related research and development costs , provided the government has appropriated sufficient funds for the work . ( d ) translation of foreign currencies all assets and liabilities of the company 2019s non-u.s . subsidiaries are translated at year-end exchange rates , and revenues and expenses are translated at average exchange rates for the year in accordance with sfas no . 52 , foreign currency translation . resulting translation adjustments are reflected in the accumulated other comprehensive loss component of shareholders 2019 equity . currency transaction gains and losses are included in the accompanying statement of income and are not material for the three years presented . ( e ) warranties the company routinely accrues for estimated future warranty costs on its product sales at the time of sale . our products are subject to rigorous regulation and quality standards . warranty costs are included in cost of product revenues within the consolidated statements of operations . the following table summarizes the activities in the warranty reserve for the two fiscal years ended march 31 , 2006 ( in thousands ) . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>2005</td><td>2006</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>balance at the beginning of the year</td><td>$ 245</td><td>$ 231</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>accrual for warranties</td><td>198</td><td>193</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>warranty expense incurred for the year</td><td>-212 ( 212 )</td><td>-257 ( 257 )</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>balance at the end of the year</td><td>$ 231</td><td>$ 167</td></tr></table> . Question: what was the balance of warranty reserves at the end of 2006? Answer: 167.0 Question: what was the balance end the end of 2005? Answer: 231.0 Question: what is the net difference?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
hologic , inc . notes to consolidated financial statements ( continued ) ( in thousands , except per share data ) the company has considered the provision of eitf issue no . 95-8 , accounting for contingent consideration paid to the shareholders of and acquired enterprise in a purchase business combination , and concluded that this contingent consideration represents additional purchase price . during the fourth quarter of fiscal 2007 the company paid approximately $ 19000 to former suros shareholders for the first annual earn-out period resulting in an increase to goodwill for the same amount . goodwill will be increased by the amount of the additional consideration , if any , when it becomes due and payable for the second annual earn-out . in addition to the earn-out discussed above , the company increased goodwill related to the suros acquisition in the amount of $ 210 during the year ended september 29 , 2007 . the increase was primarily related to recording a liability of approximately $ 550 in accordance with eitf 95-3 related to the termination of certain employees who have ceased all services for the company . approximately $ 400 of this liability was paid during the year ended september 29 , 2007 and the balance is expected to be paid by the end of the second quarter of fiscal 2008 . this increase was partially offset by a decrease to goodwill as a result of a change in the valuation of certain assets and liabilities acquired based on information received during the year ended september 29 , 2007 . there have been no other material changes to purchase price allocations as disclosed in the company 2019s form 10-k for the year ended september 30 , 2006 . as part of the purchase price allocation , all intangible assets that were a part of the acquisition were identified and valued . it was determined that only customer relationship , trade name , developed technology and know how and in-process research and development had separately identifiable values . customer relationship represents suros large installed base that are expected to purchase disposable products on a regular basis . trade name represent the suros product names that the company intends to continue to use . developed technology and know how represents currently marketable purchased products that the company continues to resell as well as utilize to enhance and incorporate into the company 2019s existing products . the estimated $ 4900 of purchase price allocated to in-process research and development projects primarily related to suros 2019 disposable products . the projects were at various stages of completion and include next generation handpiece and site marker technologies . the company has continued to work on these projects and expects they will be completed during fiscal 2008 . the deferred income tax liability relates to the tax effect of acquired identifiable intangible assets , and fair value adjustments to acquired inventory as such amounts are not deductible for tax purposes , partially offset by acquired net operating loss carry forwards that the company believes are realizable . for all of the acquisitions discussed above , goodwill represents the excess of the purchase price over the net identifiable tangible and intangible assets acquired . the company determined that the acquisition of each aeg , biolucent , r2 and suros resulted in the recognition of goodwill primarily because of synergies unique to the company and the strength of its acquired workforce . supplemental unaudited pro-forma information the following unaudited pro forma information presents the consolidated results of operations of the company , r2 and suros as if the acquisitions had occurred at the beginning of fiscal 2006 , with pro forma adjustments to give effect to amortization of intangible assets , an increase in interest expense on acquisition financing and certain other adjustments together with related tax effects: . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>2006</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>net revenue</td><td>$ 524340</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>net income</td><td>28649</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>net income per share 2014basic</td><td>$ 0.55</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>net income per share 2014assuming dilution</td><td>$ 0.33</td></tr></table> . Question: if the acquisitions had occurred at the beginning of fiscal 2006, how much would the net income have represented in relation to the net revenue in that year?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
shareowner return performance graph the following performance graph and related information shall not be deemed 201csoliciting material 201d or to be 201cfiled 201d with the sec , nor shall such information be incorporated by reference into any future filing under the securities act of 1933 or securities exchange act of 1934 , each as amended , except to the extent that the company specifically incorporates such information by reference into such filing . the following graph shows a five year comparison of cumulative total shareowners 2019 returns for our class b common stock , the standard & poor 2019s 500 index , and the dow jones transportation average . the comparison of the total cumulative return on investment , which is the change in the quarterly stock price plus reinvested dividends for each of the quarterly periods , assumes that $ 100 was invested on december 31 , 2008 in the standard & poor 2019s 500 index , the dow jones transportation average , and our class b common stock. . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>12/31/2008</td><td>12/31/2009</td><td>12/31/2010</td><td>12/31/2011</td><td>12/31/2012</td><td>12/31/2013</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>united parcel service inc .</td><td>$ 100.00</td><td>$ 107.75</td><td>$ 140.39</td><td>$ 145.84</td><td>$ 151.44</td><td>$ 221.91</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>standard & poor 2019s 500 index</td><td>$ 100.00</td><td>$ 126.45</td><td>$ 145.49</td><td>$ 148.55</td><td>$ 172.30</td><td>$ 228.09</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>dow jones transportation average</td><td>$ 100.00</td><td>$ 118.59</td><td>$ 150.30</td><td>$ 150.31</td><td>$ 161.56</td><td>$ 228.42</td></tr></table> . Question: what was the value of united parcel service inc . in the year of 2013? Answer: 221.91 Question: and what is the difference between that value and the original investment made in 2008? Answer: 121.91 Question: how much does that difference represent, in percentage, in relation to the original investment?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
included in selling , general and administrative expense was rent expense of $ 83.0 million , $ 59.0 million and $ 41.8 million for the years ended december 31 , 2015 , 2014 and 2013 , respectively , under non-cancelable operating lease agreements . included in these amounts was contingent rent expense of $ 11.0 million , $ 11.0 million and $ 7.8 million for the years ended december 31 , 2015 , 2014 and 2013 , respectively . sports marketing and other commitments within the normal course of business , the company enters into contractual commitments in order to promote the company 2019s brand and products . these commitments include sponsorship agreements with teams and athletes on the collegiate and professional levels , official supplier agreements , athletic event sponsorships and other marketing commitments . the following is a schedule of the company 2019s future minimum payments under its sponsorship and other marketing agreements as of december 31 , 2015 , as well as significant sponsorship and other marketing agreements entered into during the period after december 31 , 2015 through the date of this report : ( in thousands ) . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>2016</td><td>$ 126488</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>2017</td><td>138607</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>2018</td><td>137591</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>2019</td><td>98486</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>2020</td><td>67997</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>2021 and thereafter</td><td>289374</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>total future minimum sponsorship and other payments</td><td>$ 858543</td></tr></table> the amounts listed above are the minimum compensation obligations and guaranteed royalty fees required to be paid under the company 2019s sponsorship and other marketing agreements . the amounts listed above do not include additional performance incentives and product supply obligations provided under certain agreements . it is not possible to determine how much the company will spend on product supply obligations on an annual basis as contracts generally do not stipulate specific cash amounts to be spent on products . the amount of product provided to the sponsorships depends on many factors including general playing conditions , the number of sporting events in which they participate and the company 2019s decisions regarding product and marketing initiatives . in addition , the costs to design , develop , source and purchase the products furnished to the endorsers are incurred over a period of time and are not necessarily tracked separately from similar costs incurred for products sold to customers . in connection with various contracts and agreements , the company has agreed to indemnify counterparties against certain third party claims relating to the infringement of intellectual property rights and other items . generally , such indemnification obligations do not apply in situations in which the counterparties are grossly negligent , engage in willful misconduct , or act in bad faith . based on the company 2019s historical experience and the estimated probability of future loss , the company has determined that the fair value of such indemnifications is not material to its consolidated financial position or results of operations . from time to time , the company is involved in litigation and other proceedings , including matters related to commercial and intellectual property disputes , as well as trade , regulatory and other claims related to its business . the company believes that all current proceedings are routine in nature and incidental to the conduct of its business , and that the ultimate resolution of any such proceedings will not have a material adverse effect on its consolidated financial position , results of operations or cash flows . following the company 2019s announcement of the creation of a new class of common stock , referred to as the class c common stock , par value $ 0.0003 1/3 per share , four purported class action lawsuits were brought . Question: as of december 31, 2015, what was the amount of the future minimum payments due in 2016? Answer: 126488.0 Question: and what was the total of those payments? Answer: 858543.0 Question: what percentage, then, of this total did that amount represent?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
. <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>contractual obligations</td><td>2015</td><td>2016</td><td>2017</td><td>2018</td><td>2019</td><td>thereafter</td><td>total</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>long-term obligations excluding capital leases</td><td>888810</td><td>753045</td><td>700608</td><td>1787451</td><td>3159286</td><td>7188751</td><td>14477951</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>cash interest expense</td><td>550000</td><td>517000</td><td>485000</td><td>399000</td><td>315000</td><td>654000</td><td>2920000</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>capital lease payments ( including interest )</td><td>15589</td><td>14049</td><td>12905</td><td>12456</td><td>10760</td><td>173313</td><td>239072</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>total debt service obligations</td><td>1454399</td><td>1284094</td><td>1198513</td><td>2198907</td><td>3485046</td><td>8016064</td><td>17637023</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>operating lease payments ( 11 )</td><td>574438</td><td>553864</td><td>538405</td><td>519034</td><td>502847</td><td>4214600</td><td>6903188</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>other non-current liabilities ( 12 ) ( 13 )</td><td>11082</td><td>20480</td><td>5705</td><td>13911</td><td>4186</td><td>1860071</td><td>1915435</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>total</td><td>$ 2039919</td><td>$ 1858438</td><td>$ 1742623</td><td>$ 2731852</td><td>$ 3992079</td><td>$ 14090735</td><td>$ 26455646</td></tr></table> ( 1 ) represents anticipated repayment date ; final legal maturity date is march 15 , 2043 . ( 2 ) represents anticipated repayment date ; final legal maturity date is march 15 , 2048 . ( 3 ) in connection with our acquisition of mipt on october 1 , 2013 , we assumed approximately $ 1.49 billion aggregate principal amount of secured notes , $ 250.0 million of which we repaid in august 2014 . the gtp notes have anticipated repayment dates beginning june 15 , 2016 . ( 4 ) assumed in connection with our acquisition of br towers and denominated in brl . the br towers debenture amortizes through october 2023 . the br towers credit facility amortizes through january 15 , ( 5 ) assumed by us in connection with the unison acquisition , and have anticipated repayment dates of april 15 , 2017 , april 15 , 2020 and april 15 , 2020 , respectively , and a final maturity date of april 15 , 2040 . ( 6 ) denominated in mxn . ( 7 ) denominated in zar and amortizes through march 31 , 2020 . ( 8 ) denominated in cop and amortizes through april 24 , 2021 . ( 9 ) reflects balances owed to our joint venture partners in ghana and uganda . the ghana loan is denominated in ghs and the uganda loan is denominated in usd . ( 10 ) on february 11 , 2015 , we redeemed all of the outstanding 4.625% ( 4.625 % ) notes in accordance with the terms thereof . ( 11 ) includes payments under non-cancellable initial terms , as well as payments for certain renewal periods at our option , which we expect to renew because failure to renew could result in a loss of the applicable communications sites and related revenues from tenant leases . ( 12 ) primarily represents our asset retirement obligations and excludes certain other non-current liabilities included in our consolidated balance sheet , primarily our straight-line rent liability for which cash payments are included in operating lease payments and unearned revenue that is not payable in cash . ( 13 ) excludes $ 26.6 million of liabilities for unrecognized tax positions and $ 24.9 million of accrued income tax related interest and penalties included in our consolidated balance sheet as we are uncertain as to when and if the amounts may be settled . settlement of such amounts could require the use of cash flows generated from operations . we expect the unrecognized tax benefits to change over the next 12 months if certain tax matters ultimately settle with the applicable taxing jurisdiction during this timeframe . however , based on the status of these items and the amount of uncertainty associated with the outcome and timing of audit settlements , we are currently unable to estimate the impact of the amount of such changes , if any , to previously recorded uncertain tax positions . off-balance sheet arrangements . we have no material off-balance sheet arrangements as defined in item 303 ( a ) ( 4 ) ( ii ) of sec regulation s-k . interest rate swap agreements . we have entered into interest rate swap agreements to manage our exposure to variability in interest rates on debt in colombia and south africa . all of our interest rate swap agreements have been designated as cash flow hedges and have an aggregate notional amount of $ 79.9 million , interest rates ranging from 5.74% ( 5.74 % ) to 7.83% ( 7.83 % ) and expiration dates through april 2021 . in february 2014 , we repaid the costa rica loan and subsequently terminated the associated interest rate swap agreements . additionally , in connection with entering into the colombian credit facility in october 2014 , we terminated our pre-existing interest rate . Question: what was the sum of the minimum and the maximum interest rates? Answer: 13.57 Question: and what is the average between those two interest rates?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
page 20 of 100 segment sales were $ 100.7 million lower in 2009 than in 2008 , primarily as a result of the impact of lower aluminum prices partially offset by an increase in sales volumes . the higher sales volumes in 2009 were the result of incremental volumes from the four plants purchased from ab inbev , partially offset by certain plant closures and lower sales volumes in the existing business . segment earnings in 2010 were $ 122.3 million higher than in 2009 primarily due to a net $ 85 million impact related to the higher sales volumes and $ 45 million of product mix and improved manufacturing performance associated with higher production . also adding to the 2010 improvement was the effect of a $ 7 million out-of-period inventory charge in 2009 . the details of the out-of-period adjustment are included in note 7 to the consolidated financial statements included within item 8 of this report . segment earnings in 2009 were higher than in 2008 due to $ 12 million of earnings contribution from the four acquired plants and approximately $ 21 million of savings associated with plant closures . partially offsetting these favorable impacts were lower carbonated soft drink and beer can sales volumes ( excluding the newly acquired plants ) and approximately $ 25 million related to higher cost inventories in the first half of 2009 . metal beverage packaging , europe . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>( $ in millions )</td><td>2010</td><td>2009</td><td>2008</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>net sales</td><td>$ 1697.6</td><td>$ 1739.5</td><td>$ 1868.7</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>segment earnings</td><td>$ 212.9</td><td>$ 214.8</td><td>$ 230.9</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>business consolidation costs ( a )</td><td>-3.2 ( 3.2 )</td><td>2212</td><td>2212</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>total segment earnings</td><td>$ 209.7</td><td>$ 214.8</td><td>$ 230.9</td></tr></table> ( a ) further details of these items are included in note 5 to the consolidated financial statements within item 8 of this report . the metal beverage packaging , europe , segment includes metal beverage packaging products manufactured in europe . ball packaging europe has manufacturing plants located in germany , the united kingdom , france , the netherlands , poland and serbia , and is the second largest metal beverage container business in europe . segment sales in 2010 decreased $ 41.9 million compared to 2009 , primarily due to unfavorable foreign exchange effects of $ 93 million and price and mix changes , partially offset by higher sales volumes . segment sales in 2009 as compared to 2008 were $ 129.2 million lower due to $ 110 million of unfavorable foreign exchange effects , partially offset by better commercial terms . sales volumes in 2009 were essentially flat compared to those in the prior year . segment earnings in 2010 decreased $ 1.9 million compared to 2009 , primarily the result of a $ 28 million increase related to higher sales volumes , offset by $ 18 million of negative effects from foreign currency translation and $ 12 million of higher inventory and other costs . while 2009 sales volumes were consistent with the prior year , the adverse effects of foreign currency translation , both within europe and on the conversion of the euro to the u.s . dollar , reduced segment earnings by $ 8 million . also contributing to lower segment earnings were higher cost inventory carried into 2009 and a change in sales mix , partially offset by better commercial terms in some of our contracts . on january 18 , 2011 , ball acquired aerocan s.a.s . ( aerocan ) , a leading european supplier of aluminum aerosol cans and bottles , for 20ac222.4 million ( approximately $ 300 million ) in cash and assumed debt . aerocan manufactures extruded aluminum aerosol cans and bottles , and the aluminum slugs used to make them , for customers in the personal care , pharmaceutical , beverage and food industries . it operates three aerosol can manufacturing plants 2013 one each in the czech republic , france and the united kingdom 2013 and is a 51 percent owner of a joint venture aluminum slug plant in france . the four plants employ approximately 560 people . the acquisition of aerocan will allow ball to enter a growing part of the metal packaging industry and to broaden the company 2019s market development efforts into a new customer base. . Question: what was the increase in the segment earnings in 2010, in millions? Answer: 122.3 Question: and what amount from this increase was due to higher sales volumes? Answer: 85.0 Question: what, then, would have been that increase without this amount, in millions? Answer: 37.3 Question: in that same year, what was the total of the net sales?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
changes in the benchmark index component of the 10-year treasury yield . the company def signated these derivatives as cash flow hedges . on october 13 , 2015 , in conjunction with the pricing of the $ 4.5 billion senior notes , the companyr terminated these treasury lock contracts for a cash settlement payment of $ 16 million , which was recorded as a component of other comprehensive earnings and will be reclassified as an adjustment to interest expense over the ten years during which the related interest payments that were hedged will be recognized in income . foreign currency risk we are exposed to foreign currency risks that arise from normal business operations . these risks include the translation of local currency balances of foreign subsidiaries , transaction gains and losses associated with intercompany loans with foreign subsidiaries and transactions denominated in currencies other than a location's functional currency . we manage the exposure to these risks through a combination of normal operating activities and the use of foreign currency forward contracts . contracts are denominated in currtt encies of major industrial countries . our exposure to foreign currency exchange risks generally arises from our non-u.s . operations , to the extent they are conducted ind local currency . changes in foreign currency exchange rates affect translations of revenues denominated in currencies other than the u.s . dollar . during the years ended december 31 , 2016 , 2015 and 2014 , we generated approximately $ 1909 million , $ 1336 million and $ 1229 million , respectively , in revenues denominated in currencies other than the u.s . dollar . the major currencies to which our revenues are exposed are the brazilian real , the euro , the british pound sterling and the indian rupee . a 10% ( 10 % ) move in average exchange rates for these currencies ( assuming a simultaneous and immediate 10% ( 10 % ) change in all of such rates for the relevant period ) would have resulted in the following increase or ( decrease ) in our reported revenues for the years ended december 31 , 2016 , 2015 and 2014 ( in millions ) : . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>currency</td><td>2016</td><td>2015</td><td>2014</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>pound sterling</td><td>$ 47</td><td>$ 34</td><td>$ 31</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>euro</td><td>38</td><td>33</td><td>30</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>real</td><td>32</td><td>29</td><td>38</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>indian rupee</td><td>12</td><td>10</td><td>8</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>total impact</td><td>$ 129</td><td>$ 106</td><td>$ 107</td></tr></table> while our results of operations have been impacted by the effects of currency fluctuations , our international operations' revenues and expenses are generally denominated in local currency , which reduces our economic exposure to foreign exchange risk in those jurisdictions . revenues included $ 100 million and $ 243 million and net earnings included $ 10 million , anrr d $ 31 million , respectively , of unfavorable foreign currency impact during 2016 and 2015 resulting from a stronger u.s . dollar during these years compared to thet preceding year . in 2017 , we expect continued unfavorable foreign currency impact on our operating income resulting from the continued strengthening of the u.s . dollar vs . other currencies . our foreign exchange risk management policy permits the use of derivative instruments , such as forward contracts and options , to reduce volatility in our results of operations and/or cash flows resulting from foreign exchange rate fluctuations . we do not enter into foreign currency derivative instruments for trading purposes or to engage in speculative activitr y . we do periodically enter inttt o foreign currency forward exchange contracts to hedge foreign currency exposure to intercompany loans . as of december 31 , 2016 , the notional amount of these derivatives was approximately $ 143 million and the fair value was nominal . these derivatives are intended to hedge the foreign exchange risks related to intercompany loans but have not been designated as hedges for accounting purposes . we also use currency forward contracts to manage our exposure to fluctuations in costs caused by variations in indian rupee ( "inr" ) exchange rates . as of december 31 , 2016 , the notional amount of these derivatives was approximately $ 7 million and the fair value was ll less than $ 1 million . these inr forward contracts are designated as cash flow hedges . the fair value of these currency forward contracts is determined using currency exchange market rates , obtained from reliable , independent , third m party banks , at the balance sheet date . the fair value of forward contracts is subject to changes in currency exchange rates . the company has no ineffectiveness related to its use of currency forward contracts in connection with inr cash flow hedges . in conjunction with entering into the definitive agreement to acquire clear2pay in september 2014 , we initiated a foreign currency forward contract to purchase euros and sell u.s . dollars to manage the risk arising from fluctuations in exchange rates until the closing because the purchase price was stated in euros . as this derivative did not qualify for hedge accounting , we recorded a charge of $ 16 million in other income ( expense ) , net during the third quarter of 2014 . this forward contract was settled on october 1 , 2014. . Question: what is the total impact of currency exchange in revenue in 2015?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
entergy mississippi , inc . management's financial discussion and analysis results of operations net income 2008 compared to 2007 net income decreased $ 12.4 million primarily due to higher other operation and maintenance expenses , lower other income , and higher depreciation and amortization expenses , partially offset by higher net revenue . 2007 compared to 2006 net income increased $ 19.8 million primarily due to higher net revenue , lower other operation and maintenance expenses , higher other income , and lower interest expense , partially offset by higher depreciation and amortization expenses . net revenue 2008 compared to 2007 net revenue consists of operating revenues net of : 1 ) fuel , fuel-related expenses , and gas purchased for resale , 2 ) purchased power expenses , and 3 ) other regulatory charges . following is an analysis of the change in net revenue comparing 2008 to 2007 . amount ( in millions ) . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>amount ( in millions )</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>2007 net revenue</td><td>$ 486.9</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>attala costs</td><td>9.9</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>rider revenue</td><td>6.0</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>base revenue</td><td>5.1</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>reserve equalization</td><td>-2.4 ( 2.4 )</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>net wholesale revenue</td><td>-4.0 ( 4.0 )</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>other</td><td>-2.7 ( 2.7 )</td></tr><tr><td>9</td><td>2008 net revenue</td><td>$ 498.8</td></tr></table> the attala costs variance is primarily due to an increase in the attala power plant costs that are recovered through the power management rider . the net income effect of this recovery in limited to a portion representing an allowed return on equity with the remainder offset by attala power plant costs in other operation and maintenance expenses , depreciation expenses , and taxes other than income taxes . the recovery of attala power plant costs is discussed further in "liquidity and capital resources - uses of capital" below . the rider revenue variance is the result of a storm damage rider that became effective in october 2007 . the establishment of this rider results in an increase in rider revenue and a corresponding increase in other operation and maintenance expense for the storm reserve with no effect on net income . the base revenue variance is primarily due to a formula rate plan increase effective july 2007 . the formula rate plan filing is discussed further in "state and local rate regulation" below . the reserve equalization variance is primarily due to changes in the entergy system generation mix compared to the same period in 2007. . Question: what were net revenues in 2008? Answer: 498.8 Question: what was net revenues in 2007? Answer: 486.9 Question: what is the net difference? Answer: 11.9 Question: what is 6 divided by the net difference?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
celanese purchases of its equity securities information regarding repurchases of our common stock during the three months ended december 31 , 2014 is as follows : period number of shares purchased ( 1 ) average price paid per share total number of shares purchased as part of publicly announced program approximate dollar value of shares remaining that may be purchased under the program ( 2 ) . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>period</td><td>totalnumberof sharespurchased ( 1 )</td><td>averageprice paidper share</td><td>total numberof sharespurchased aspart of publiclyannounced program</td><td>approximatedollarvalue of sharesremaining thatmay bepurchased underthe program ( 2 )</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>october 1 - 31 2014</td><td>192580</td><td>$ 58.02</td><td>164800</td><td>$ 490000000</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>november 1 - 30 2014</td><td>468128</td><td>$ 59.25</td><td>468128</td><td>$ 463000000</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>december 1 - 31 2014</td><td>199796</td><td>$ 60.78</td><td>190259</td><td>$ 451000000</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>total</td><td>860504</td><td>-</td><td>823187</td><td>-</td></tr></table> ___________________________ ( 1 ) includes 27780 and 9537 for october and december 2014 , respectively , related to shares withheld from employees to cover their statutory minimum withholding requirements for personal income taxes related to the vesting of restricted stock units . ( 2 ) our board of directors has authorized the aggregate repurchase of $ 1.4 billion of our common stock since february 2008 . see note 17 - stockholders' equity in the accompanying consolidated financial statements for further information . performance graph the following performance graph and related information shall not be deemed "soliciting material" or to be "filed" with the securities and exchange commission , nor shall such information be incorporated by reference into any future filing under the securities act of 1933 or securities exchange act of 1934 , each as amended , except to the extent that we specifically incorporate it by reference into such filing . comparison of cumulative total return . Question: what was the total number of shares withheld from employees to cover their statutory minimum withholding requirements for personal income taxes in october?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
hologic , inc . notes to consolidated financial statements 2014 ( continued ) ( in thousands , except per share data ) future minimum lease payments under all the company 2019s operating leases are approximately as follows: . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>fiscal years ending</td><td>amount</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>september 24 2005</td><td>$ 4848</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>september 30 2006</td><td>4672</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>september 29 2007</td><td>3680</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>september 27 2008</td><td>3237</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>september 26 2009</td><td>3158</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>thereafter</td><td>40764</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>total ( not reduced by minimum sublease rentals of $ 165 )</td><td>$ 60359</td></tr></table> the company subleases a portion of its bedford facility and has received rental income of $ 277 , $ 410 and $ 682 for fiscal years 2004 , 2003 and 2002 , respectively , which has been recorded as an offset to rent expense in the accompanying statements of income . rental expense , net of sublease income , was approximately $ 4660 , $ 4963 , and $ 2462 for fiscal 2004 , 2003 and 2002 , respectively . 9 . business segments and geographic information the company reports segment information in accordance with sfas no . 131 , disclosures about segments of an enterprise and related information . operating segments are identified as components of an enterprise about which separate , discrete financial information is available for evaluation by the chief operating decision maker , or decision-making group , in making decisions how to allocate resources and assess performance . the company 2019s chief decision-maker , as defined under sfas no . 131 , is the chief executive officer . to date , the company has viewed its operations and manages its business as four principal operating segments : the manufacture and sale of mammography products , osteoporosis assessment products , digital detectors and other products . as a result of the company 2019s implementation of a company wide integrated software application in fiscal 2003 , identifiable assets for the four principal operating segments only consist of inventories , intangible assets , and property and equipment . the company has presented all other assets as corporate assets . prior periods have been restated to conform to this presentation . intersegment sales and transfers are not significant. . Question: what was the rental expense in 2003? Answer: 4963.0 Question: and what was it in 2002? Answer: 2462.0 Question: what was, then, the change over the year? Answer: 2501.0 Question: and what is this change as a percentage of the 2002 expense?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
m . employee retirement plans 2013 ( continued ) of equities and fixed-income investments , and would be less liquid than financial instruments that trade on public markets . potential events or circumstances that could have a negative effect on estimated fair value include the risks of inadequate diversification and other operating risks . to mitigate these risks , investments are diversified across and within asset classes in support of investment objectives . policies and practices to address operating risks include ongoing manager oversight , plan and asset class investment guidelines and instructions that are communicated to managers , and periodic compliance and audit reviews to ensure adherence to these policies . in addition , the company periodically seeks the input of its independent advisor to ensure the investment policy is appropriate . the company sponsors certain post-retirement benefit plans that provide medical , dental and life insurance coverage for eligible retirees and dependents in the united states based upon age and length of service . the aggregate present value of the unfunded accumulated post-retirement benefit obligation was $ 13 million at both december 31 , 2010 and 2009 . cash flows at december 31 , 2010 , the company expected to contribute approximately $ 30 million to $ 35 million to its qualified defined-benefit pension plans to meet erisa requirements in 2011 . the company also expected to pay benefits of $ 3 million and $ 10 million to participants of its unfunded foreign and non-qualified ( domestic ) defined-benefit pension plans , respectively , in 2011 . at december 31 , 2010 , the benefits expected to be paid in each of the next five years , and in aggregate for the five years thereafter , relating to the company 2019s defined-benefit pension plans , were as follows , in millions : qualified non-qualified . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>qualified plans</td><td>non-qualified plans</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>2011</td><td>$ 38</td><td>$ 10</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>2012</td><td>$ 40</td><td>$ 11</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>2013</td><td>$ 41</td><td>$ 11</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>2014</td><td>$ 41</td><td>$ 12</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>2015</td><td>$ 43</td><td>$ 12</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>2016-2020</td><td>$ 235</td><td>$ 59</td></tr></table> n . shareholders 2019 equity in july 2007 , the company 2019s board of directors authorized the repurchase for retirement of up to 50 million shares of the company 2019s common stock in open-market transactions or otherwise . at december 31 , 2010 , the company had remaining authorization to repurchase up to 27 million shares . during 2010 , the company repurchased and retired three million shares of company common stock , for cash aggregating $ 45 million to offset the dilutive impact of the 2010 grant of three million shares of long-term stock awards . the company repurchased and retired two million common shares in 2009 and nine million common shares in 2008 for cash aggregating $ 11 million and $ 160 million in 2009 and 2008 , respectively . on the basis of amounts paid ( declared ) , cash dividends per common share were $ .30 ( $ .30 ) in 2010 , $ .46 ( $ .30 ) in 2009 and $ .925 ( $ .93 ) in 2008 , respectively . in 2009 , the company decreased its quarterly cash dividend to $ .075 per common share from $ .235 per common share . masco corporation notes to consolidated financial statements 2014 ( continued ) . Question: what portion of the authorized repurchase of shares for retirement remains to be purchased as of december 31, 2010? Answer: 0.54 Question: what is the amount of qualified plans in 2015? Answer: 43.0 Question: what about the non-qualified? Answer: 12.0 Question: what is the ratio of qualified to non-qualified?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
american tower corporation and subsidiaries notes to consolidated financial statements 2014 ( continued ) sfas no . 148 . in accordance with apb no . 25 , the company recognizes compensation expense based on the excess , if any , of the quoted stock price at the grant date of the award or other measurement date over the amount an employee must pay to acquire the stock . the company 2019s stock option plans are more fully described in note 14 . in december 2004 , the fasb issued sfas no . 123 ( revised 2004 ) , 201cshare-based payment 201d ( sfas 123r ) , as further described below . during the year ended december 31 , 2005 , the company reevaluated the assumptions used to estimate the fair value of stock options issued to employees . as a result , the company lowered its expected volatility assumption for options granted after july 1 , 2005 to approximately 30% ( 30 % ) and increased the expected life of option grants to 6.25 years using the simplified method permitted by sec sab no . 107 , 201dshare-based payment 201d ( sab no . 107 ) . the company made this change based on a number of factors , including the company 2019s execution of its strategic plans to sell non-core businesses , reduce leverage and refinance its debt , and its recent merger with spectrasite , inc . ( see note 2. ) management had previously based its volatility assumptions on historical volatility since inception , which included periods when the company 2019s capital structure was more highly leveraged than current levels and expected levels for the foreseeable future . management 2019s estimate of future volatility is based on its consideration of all available information , including historical volatility , implied volatility of publicly traded options , the company 2019s current capital structure and its publicly announced future business plans . for comparative purposes , a 10% ( 10 % ) change in the volatility assumption would change pro forma stock option expense and pro forma net loss by approximately $ 0.1 million for the year ended december 31 , 2005 . ( see note 14. ) the following table illustrates the effect on net loss and net loss per common share if the company had applied the fair value recognition provisions of sfas no . 123 ( as amended ) to stock-based compensation . the estimated fair value of each option is calculated using the black-scholes option-pricing model ( in thousands , except per share amounts ) : . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>2005</td><td>2004</td><td>2003</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>net loss as reported</td><td>$ -171590 ( 171590 )</td><td>$ -247587 ( 247587 )</td><td>$ -325321 ( 325321 )</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>add : stock-based employee compensation expense net of related tax effect included in net loss as reported</td><td>7104</td><td>2297</td><td>2077</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>less : total stock-based employee compensation expense determined under fair value based method for all awards net of related taxeffect</td><td>-22238 ( 22238 )</td><td>-23906 ( 23906 )</td><td>-31156 ( 31156 )</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>pro-forma net loss</td><td>$ -186724 ( 186724 )</td><td>$ -269196 ( 269196 )</td><td>$ -354400 ( 354400 )</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>basic and diluted net loss per share as reported</td><td>$ -0.57 ( 0.57 )</td><td>$ -1.10 ( 1.10 )</td><td>$ -1.56 ( 1.56 )</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>basic and diluted net loss per share pro-forma</td><td>$ -0.62 ( 0.62 )</td><td>$ -1.20 ( 1.20 )</td><td>$ -1.70 ( 1.70 )</td></tr></table> the company has modified certain option awards to revise vesting and exercise terms for certain terminated employees and recognized charges of $ 7.0 million , $ 3.0 million and $ 2.3 million for the years ended december 31 , 2005 , 2004 and 2003 , respectively . in addition , the stock-based employee compensation amounts above for the year ended december 31 , 2005 , include approximately $ 2.4 million of unearned compensation amortization related to unvested stock options assumed in the merger with spectrasite , inc . such charges are reflected in impairments , net loss on sale of long-lived assets , restructuring and merger related expense with corresponding adjustments to additional paid-in capital and unearned compensation in the accompanying consolidated financial statements . recent accounting pronouncements 2014in december 2004 , the fasb issued sfas 123r , which supersedes apb no . 25 , and amends sfas no . 95 , 201cstatement of cash flows . 201d this statement addressed the accounting for share-based payments to employees , including grants of employee stock options . under the new standard . Question: what is the total pro-forma net loss in 2004, in millions? Answer: 269196.0 Question: what about in total dollars?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
table of contents adobe inc . notes to consolidated financial statements ( continued ) goodwill , purchased intangibles and other long-lived assets goodwill is assigned to one or more reporting segments on the date of acquisition . we review our goodwill for impairment annually during our second quarter of each fiscal year and between annual tests if an event occurs or circumstances change that would more likely than not reduce the fair value of any one of our reporting units below its respective carrying amount . in performing our goodwill impairment test , we first perform a qualitative assessment , which requires that we consider events or circumstances including macroeconomic conditions , industry and market considerations , cost factors , overall financial performance , changes in management or key personnel , changes in strategy , changes in customers , changes in the composition or carrying amount of a reporting segment 2019s net assets and changes in our stock price . if , after assessing the totality of events or circumstances , we determine that it is more likely than not that the fair values of our reporting segments are greater than the carrying amounts , then the quantitative goodwill impairment test is not performed . if the qualitative assessment indicates that the quantitative analysis should be performed , we then evaluate goodwill for impairment by comparing the fair value of each of our reporting segments to its carrying value , including the associated goodwill . to determine the fair values , we use the equal weighting of the market approach based on comparable publicly traded companies in similar lines of businesses and the income approach based on estimated discounted future cash flows . our cash flow assumptions consider historical and forecasted revenue , operating costs and other relevant factors . we completed our annual goodwill impairment test in the second quarter of fiscal 2018 . we determined , after performing a qualitative review of each reporting segment , that it is more likely than not that the fair value of each of our reporting segments substantially exceeds the respective carrying amounts . accordingly , there was no indication of impairment and the quantitative goodwill impairment test was not performed . we did not identify any events or changes in circumstances since the performance of our annual goodwill impairment test that would require us to perform another goodwill impairment test during the fiscal year . we amortize intangible assets with finite lives over their estimated useful lives and review them for impairment whenever an impairment indicator exists . we continually monitor events and changes in circumstances that could indicate carrying amounts of our long-lived assets , including our intangible assets may not be recoverable . when such events or changes in circumstances occur , we assess recoverability by determining whether the carrying value of such assets will be recovered through the undiscounted expected future cash flows . if the future undiscounted cash flows are less than the carrying amount of these assets , we recognize an impairment loss based on any excess of the carrying amount over the fair value of the assets . we did not recognize any intangible asset impairment charges in fiscal 2018 , 2017 or 2016 . during fiscal 2018 , our intangible assets were amortized over their estimated useful lives ranging from 1 to 14 years . amortization is based on the pattern in which the economic benefits of the intangible asset will be consumed or on a straight-line basis when the consumption pattern is not apparent . the weighted average useful lives of our intangible assets were as follows : weighted average useful life ( years ) . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>weighted averageuseful life ( years )</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>purchased technology</td><td>6</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>customer contracts and relationships</td><td>9</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>trademarks</td><td>9</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>acquired rights to use technology</td><td>10</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>backlog</td><td>2</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>other intangibles</td><td>4</td></tr></table> income taxes we use the asset and liability method of accounting for income taxes . under this method , income tax expense is recognized for the amount of taxes payable or refundable for the current year . in addition , deferred tax assets and liabilities are recognized for expected future tax consequences of temporary differences between the financial reporting and tax bases of assets and liabilities , and for operating losses and tax credit carryforwards . we record a valuation allowance to reduce deferred tax assets to an amount for which realization is more likely than not. . Question: what was the weighted average useful life for purchased technology, in years? Answer: 6.0 Question: and what was it for customer contracts and relationships, also in years? Answer: 9.0 Question: what was, then, the total of years in weighted average useful life for both of those intangible assets? Answer: 15.0 Question: and what is the average between them?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
interest expense , net was $ 26.4 million , $ 14.6 million , and $ 5.3 million for the years ended december 31 , 2016 , 2015 and 2014 , respectively . interest expense includes the amortization of deferred financing costs , bank fees , capital and built-to-suit lease interest and interest expense under the credit and other long term debt facilities . amortization of deferred financing costs was $ 1.2 million , $ 0.8 million , and $ 0.6 million for the years ended december 31 , 2016 , 2015 and 2014 , respectively . the company monitors the financial health and stability of its lenders under the credit and other long term debt facilities , however during any period of significant instability in the credit markets lenders could be negatively impacted in their ability to perform under these facilities . 6 . commitments and contingencies obligations under operating leases the company leases warehouse space , office facilities , space for its brand and factory house stores and certain equipment under non-cancelable operating leases . the leases expire at various dates through 2033 , excluding extensions at the company 2019s option , and include provisions for rental adjustments . the table below includes executed lease agreements for brand and factory house stores that the company did not yet occupy as of december 31 , 2016 and does not include contingent rent the company may incur at its stores based on future sales above a specified minimum or payments made for maintenance , insurance and real estate taxes . the following is a schedule of future minimum lease payments for non-cancelable real property operating leases as of december 31 , 2016 as well as significant operating lease agreements entered into during the period after december 31 , 2016 through the date of this report : ( in thousands ) . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>2017</td><td>$ 114857</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>2018</td><td>127504</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>2019</td><td>136040</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>2020</td><td>133092</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>2021</td><td>122753</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>2022 and thereafter</td><td>788180</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>total future minimum lease payments</td><td>$ 1422426</td></tr></table> included in selling , general and administrative expense was rent expense of $ 109.0 million , $ 83.0 million and $ 59.0 million for the years ended december 31 , 2016 , 2015 and 2014 , respectively , under non-cancelable operating lease agreements . included in these amounts was contingent rent expense of $ 13.0 million , $ 11.0 million and $ 11.0 million for the years ended december 31 , 2016 , 2015 and 2014 , respectively . sports marketing and other commitments within the normal course of business , the company enters into contractual commitments in order to promote the company 2019s brand and products . these commitments include sponsorship agreements with teams and athletes on the collegiate and professional levels , official supplier agreements , athletic event sponsorships and other marketing commitments . the following is a schedule of the company 2019s future minimum payments under its sponsorship and other marketing agreements as of december 31 . Question: what is the interest expense in 2016? Answer: 26.4 Question: what about in 2015? Answer: 14.6 Question: what is the net change?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.
american tower corporation and subsidiaries notes to consolidated financial statements 2014 ( continued ) of certain of its assets and liabilities under its interest rate swap agreements held as of december 31 , 2006 and entered into during the first half of 2007 . in addition , the company paid $ 8.0 million related to a treasury rate lock agreement entered into and settled during the year ended december 31 , 2008 . the cost of the treasury rate lock is being recognized as additional interest expense over the 10-year term of the 7.00% ( 7.00 % ) notes . during the year ended december 31 , 2007 , the company also received $ 3.1 million in cash upon settlement of the assets and liabilities under ten forward starting interest rate swap agreements with an aggregate notional amount of $ 1.4 billion , which were designated as cash flow hedges to manage exposure to variability in cash flows relating to forecasted interest payments in connection with the certificates issued in the securitization in may 2007 . the settlement is being recognized as a reduction in interest expense over the five-year period for which the interest rate swaps were designated as hedges . the company also received $ 17.0 million in cash upon settlement of the assets and liabilities under thirteen additional interest rate swap agreements with an aggregate notional amount of $ 850.0 million that managed exposure to variability of interest rates under the credit facilities but were not considered cash flow hedges for accounting purposes . this gain is included in other income in the accompanying consolidated statement of operations for the year ended december 31 , 2007 . as of december 31 , 2008 and 2007 , other comprehensive ( loss ) income included the following items related to derivative financial instruments ( in thousands ) : . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>2008</td><td>2007</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>deferred loss on the settlement of the treasury rate lock net of tax</td><td>$ -4332 ( 4332 )</td><td>$ -4901 ( 4901 )</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>deferred gain on the settlement of interest rate swap agreements entered into in connection with the securitization net oftax</td><td>1238</td><td>1636</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>unrealized losses related to interest rate swap agreements net of tax</td><td>-16349 ( 16349 )</td><td>-486 ( 486 )</td></tr></table> during the years ended december 31 , 2008 and 2007 , the company recorded an aggregate net unrealized loss of approximately $ 15.8 million and $ 3.2 million , respectively ( net of a tax provision of approximately $ 10.2 million and $ 2.0 million , respectively ) in other comprehensive loss for the change in fair value of interest rate swaps designated as cash flow hedges and reclassified an aggregate of $ 0.1 million and $ 6.2 million , respectively ( net of an income tax provision of $ 2.0 million and an income tax benefit of $ 3.3 million , respectively ) into results of operations . 9 . fair valuemeasurements the company determines the fair market values of its financial instruments based on the fair value hierarchy established in sfas no . 157 , which requires an entity to maximize the use of observable inputs and minimize the use of unobservable inputs when measuring fair value . the standard describes three levels of inputs that may be used to measure fair value . level 1 quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities that the company has the ability to access at the measurement date . the company 2019s level 1 assets consist of available-for-sale securities traded on active markets as well as certain brazilian treasury securities that are highly liquid and are actively traded in over-the-counter markets . level 2 observable inputs other than level 1 prices , such as quoted prices for similar assets or liabilities ; quoted prices in markets that are not active ; or other inputs that are observable or can be corroborated by observable market data for substantially the full term of the assets or liabilities. . Question: in the year of 2008, what was the aggregate net unrealized loss, including the net of a tax provision?
Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided. Organize your response with headings for the answer and reasons.