2 values
alright so not every australian movie is all that good yes maybe there have actually been very few with much merit take away however is an absolute bomb as one of the worst movies i've ever seen i wanted to like it i figured i'd give it a fair go i've even met one of the screen writers dave so i feel kind of a giving this movie a bad review but the plot is fairly thin i won't bother relating it read the synopsis which i can forgive there are plenty of movies that can cover that up with a few decent jokes unfortunately take jokes cover its plot up like a 2 probably the only laughs that came from the 6 other people in the cinema was at the poor acting and dialogue take away goes down like a week old dim you might understand that joke if you see the film but the not worth it
this low budget film about a writer who goes to work in a london casino has an awful script wooden performances and not much to recommend it of course it will appeal to for whom mainstream is a curse word and who automatically add 20 iq points when they hear a british accent apologies to jeff br br the script is full of holes has he written a book yet or not cliches relationship trouble she works days he works nights and provides so little insight into such as character motivation that it requires a voice over narration just to move the story along br br in an attempt to keep the audience from off it includes a street fight scene that is about as realistic as a high school production of br br if your idea of dialogue is i'll see your ten and raise you twenty then run to see this movie otherwise save your money br br
meek and mild edward g robinson as decides to quit his bank job and do what he wants open a fix it shop behind his house mr robinson is married but he has local resident ted as barry young is an eager assistant and sees robinson as a father figure wife ruth as amy is unhappy with job choice and to return matters to her idea of their lives are further when robinson is br br the war also what might have been an interesting story as character struggles against a unsympathetic wife possibly filmmakers are showing how war can save and positively lives robinson and are a likable team robert mitchum has an bit part the ending trick played by ms and is predictably staged
a nurse travels to a rural psychiatric clinic run by doctor she is upset to learn that the doctor has died leaving his assistant doctor masters in charge she is by the inmates including a crazy judge a shell shocked vietnam vet a and a creepy but is soon by a black man sam she needs all the friends she can get as people are dying all around her don't look in the basement is my first horror film of s f despite its low budget it manages to provide some genuine chills plus a nice amount of cheap gore including a particularly nasty scene with a desk through an the climax of inmates taking control over mental asylum is an intense of wild camera work gore and screams 8 out of 10
one of the other reviewers has mentioned that after watching just 1 oz episode you'll be hooked they are right as this is exactly what happened with me br br the first thing that struck me about oz was its brutality and scenes of violence which set in right from the word go trust me this is not a show for the faint hearted or this show pulls no punches with regards to drugs sex or violence its is hardcore in the classic use of the word br br it is called oz as that is the given to the maximum security state it focuses mainly on city an experimental section of the prison where all the cells have glass and face so is not high on the agenda em city is home to many muslims christians italians irish and more so death stares dodgy and shady are never far away br br i would say the main appeal of the show is due to the fact that it goes where other shows wouldn't dare forget pretty pictures painted for mainstream audiences forget charm forget romance oz doesn't mess around the first episode i ever saw struck me as so nasty it was surreal i couldn't say i was ready for it but as i watched more i developed a taste for oz and got to the high levels of graphic violence not just violence but injustice crooked guards be sold out for a inmates kill on order and get away with it well mannered middle class inmates being turned into prison due to their lack of street skills or prison experience watching oz you may become comfortable with what is uncomfortable viewing thats if you can get in touch with your darker side
i have rarely laughed so hard at a movie notice that i laughed at iron eagle not with it because this is probably the stupidest film i have ever seen with the obvious exception of sci fi monstrosity you should also remember that this film is not a comedy br br even the preposterous plot the idea that a 16 year old could walk into a us air force base steal an f 16 fly to the middle east and kill about a thousand people without anyone is beyond belief the film is full of ridiculous action scenes that make little or no sense for example at various points doug masters uses a machine gun on his plane to shoot a steel a control tower and a all of these things explode in a massive why the enemy aircraft also explode in a strange way reminiscent of a paper being blown up with a br br on the plus side i did actually enjoy this film admittedly not in the way the makers probably wanted it to be enjoyed but all the same i laughed at it and later bought the dvd it's also improved by the awesome presence of david as the evil terrorist leader maybe you'll recall him as detective overall then the film is a laugh and a light hearted alternative to more serious fighter plane movies like top gun even if it is just as subtly erotic check out the man hug between doug and going on between 'em
this is one of the few movies maybe the only that truly haunted me for years it was the first i had ever seen people tortured so much that blood was flowing of their mouths from their teeth and screaming etc it was brutal the worst thing i had ever seen on film br br dr played by joseph is still one of the most evil characters i've ever seen on film and i've viewed thousands he was so sadistic that i would never watch this movie again nor would i recommend it he makes look like mr rogers if seeing people tortured is not your idea of fun then stay away from this film br br i know there are a lot of sick people out there many of them professional film critics who probably enjoyed this sick story it's a b movie anyway with stupid dialog and some wooden acting by charles bronson this is not one of his better efforts even if it was there so many horrendous scenes in here you wouldn't want to watch trust me on this one
this was a really nice surprise i was up late last night and couldn't fall asleep not really thinking twice i turned on my tv and hbo was on and this film was just beginning luckily i saw the whole thing and i am very happy i did because this film was very good the actors were well cast and they did a surprisingly good job kris kristofferson delivered a solid performance there was a lot of substance behind his lines this film made me realize he's a good actor brian keith was great as his father as was wilson playing the colonel this was final role before his death too bad he was a quality actor and seemed like a nice guy williams also did a nice job as american wife as far as the direction i had no idea franklin j was the director until i read the review in leonard movie guide this was the last film he ever made now i understand why this movie was so good also directed a truly great movie i haven't seen his other great film while i was watching welcome home i said to myself this director really knows what he's doing not knowing that had directed it there's one really beautiful scene in a orphan enough to bring tears to my eyes not only was this directed but it was also directed in a very and taut way there is nothing wasted in effort the script was one reason this film is so good the writer doesn't the actors down with too many lines it was written very simply but very effectively it just shows you that a lot can be said with few words this film also made me proud to be an american at the same time that it showed you how beautiful all people are
is a show that you really have to be a certain age to appreciate otherwise it's likely you'll miss the references to 80's cop films and simply think it's a running gag about a walking think it's brainless humor go watch the stallone film and you'll see what i mean this show actually has very subtle humor which says a lot both for a show that aired on adult swim and for a show about a walking ass br br all the standard genre clichés are in place that made movies like dirt harry and so great and for parody is partner who is as per the genre level headed and constantly for his homicidal behavior the police chief is of course a fire breathing hard case who lives to scream i want your on my desk first thing tomorrow morning the over the top and sometimes completely nonsensical manner in which the 1980's film is suits the subject matter well for instance while breaking up a bus robbery one of the criminals stops to ask hey where are you going to which the title character off the one liner i'm going to shoot you br br highly recommended for anybody who loves 80's action movies and has actually viewed enough of them to understand the humor
how can a name not even a real name break your heart here's how there have been few film versions of a celebrated novel that have done better justice to their source material than anthony movie of charles cold mountain if you've read the book you will be able to feel most of the major scenes soul i personally cried numerous times while reading the novel and spent much of the evening watching the film through tears br br astounding scope beautiful words great acting and great music in the interview on the dvd accompanying the film talks about the multiple layers of the story all of them work one of the best films i've seen and an to one of the greatest novels of the last ten years
all i can say about this film is to read the back of the video case and then put it back on he shelf and pick anything else i mean anything a blank video would be better than watching this
fame is one of the best movies i've seen about the performing arts the music and the acting are excellent the screenplay and set design are also excellent my favorite part is when all the students start dancing and making music in the i can see this movie any number of times and never get bored i give it 8 1 2 on 10
this movie is so bad they wouldn't buy it back at my local used cd dvd store i only own it because it came in a box set which i bought for the masterpiece the store bought back the other two movies i was selling from the four disc set but they wouldn't buy back underworld and those other two movies rank so what does that say about this movie so i tried to sell it back to another store that even bought back budget dvds that you could buy for a dollar at a local store but they wouldn't buy back underworld either this movie is bad on every level and is one of those that came out in the post tarantino clone of the mid 90's the only slightly element is dennis telling joe that he's a friend and calls him mister friend that line is so delightfully horrible that i can't help but quote it at least once a week when describing a friend but now that i've you with that quote you don't have to go thru the pain of watching this movie
this movie is a definitive 5 i finally caught it on hbo the other night i remember when it came out in theatres telling a friend that it would never be a hit because americans didn't want movies about history especially movies that were more about ideas than action i don't know if that was the reason didn't do well but now having finally seen it i can add a few observations of my own br br first while dwight has been fine in star trek and the a team as the lead in this movie he is off putting i kept expecting him to shout out jon like i am act ing he and tone of voice sounded like he was trying very had to be an act or on a stage where he had to emphasize strangely various words and phrases br br second i enjoyed the sly of paul character as a who at every turn to herd these cats the scientists along to get to his goal br br third there was some discussion of the moral of creating the a bomb and whether the us should use it probably not enough of this or as in depth as br br finally there seemed to be an awful lot of twists thrown in for dramatic effect i don't know how much of the events in this movie are true to life but things like having the test bomb slip in its chains or having a lab accident caused by a coffee cup and a scientist killed as a result were the of believability maybe that stuff or events that were similar really happened but it sure felt like various scenes were added solely for dramatic effect which the whole tone and purpose of the movie br br was ok i need to read more about the actual events to know if it was over the top or just mostly accurate
wow i truly regret watching this picture funny i agreed to see it just for my wife who endured the torture of seeing it about a half an hour before while i stayed in front of the tv but only to feed the the in me and i because i wanted to know if this movie was so bad in its entirety or if there were some aspects which might the feeling i had of being a stupid for watching this called two girls and a guy br br everything in this picture is wrong totally wrong since the initial absurd premise of two women stupid enough to stay with their common boyfriend until the awful but end not forgetting the horrible acting of the three actors don't believe the rumors the acting is bad and i don't see how graham has made herself a known name within the movie industry br br i wonder why after the producers saved some bucks with just three actors and an only location they didn't hire a person to write the script instead of putting a monkey to do it with his br br at least i felt a little fine when i destroyed the dvd and threw it to the trash anyway i liked somehow and just a little the brunette actress natasha something but that was not enough to beat the incredibly stupid and crazy premise of face off changing faces so two girls and a guy to the bottom goes br br stay away from this
as ben once observed nothing goes out of style than comedy steve latest offering 'the pink recently opened to bad reviews and dismal box office while mike 'the love seems to have won few br br in 1970 it was jerry turn to feel the pain of ironically his character in this film experiences a funny turn whenever anyone uses that word in his presence when way to the front ' effectively drove him off the big screen for almost a decade br br in this world war two comedy he plays the man in the world who wants to join the army to do his patriotic duty and also because he is bored with being successful but is rejected as he is he then decides to start his own army other 4 br br out with ludicrous uniforms that look like those worn by in they go into training some good visual gags here when they fire rocket they look pleased with themselves until they learn they have just destroyed a oil station wishing to learn german brendan plays a long playing record called to when this army sits down to eat instead of being in a mess hall they are in an room out with a br br john wood is very funny as ever so english butler his best scene is when he a mafia type gangster into teaching to kill br br the script was not by jerry himself but by and dee caruso author of a number of episodes of 'the often has the look and feel of a television sitcom indeed at times you almost expect to hear a laugh track br br where it goes badly wrong is in the last thirty minutes when a top nazi commander and after the germans to from the front gets involved in the plot to kill hitler and tom cruise is nowhere in sight as the commander jerry delivers a performance of such mind numbing as to defy description he gives brian blessed a run for his money in the man stakes it comes as a relief when the end credits appear br br perhaps the timing was just wrong bringing out a war comedy when the vietnam conflict was raging was not a good idea or the public simply had had enough of jerry that beard probably did not help what he needed here was a good producer someone to take him in hand and say that gag stinks throw it out raise the bridge lower the is a masterpiece by comparison with this picture br br as the got the new comedy icons would be woody allen mel brooks and monty python more biting and in allen's case more human styles of comedy replaced brand of slapstick it would not be until 1982 that he would make anything like a successful comeback as the talk show host in martin brilliant 'the king of
probably one of the worst movies ever made i'm still trying to figure if it was meant to be fun but for sure i had no fun at all maybe the movie lost something during the english italian translation for sure i miss the guts to watch it again in original version br br my rate for it 2 10 and i feel like i'm being pretty generous let's say 1 point is for cause she's a nice babe and the other point is for those decent actors that got trapped into a worthless useless and pathetic movie br br take care br br alex
no real plot no character development no level direction but seriously were you really expecting any of this the only thing that matters is that this flick is absolutely hilarious nearly on the same level as sure the ending drags a bit but if cameo didn't crack you up you must be the worst boy in the history of boys baron cohen is possibly the greatest comedian alive and here he gets more laughs than jude law on a nude beach i dare you not to laugh br br if you can pull the ten foot pole out of your behind for an hour and a half and just enjoy some well timed and extremely stupid jokes in a stupid story about a stupid character see this stupid movie you'll be glad you did keep it real
this series and gold were being hyped as the next big thing in sitcoms for nbc well they weren't dennis was terribly miscast as the father in law he just seemed so uncomfortable and out of place here the term private time was supposed to become the catch phrase of the 21st century well it wasn't people were asking then as they still are today when his name comes up who the hell is gold i saw him on an episode of the this evening i mentioned his name and my girlfriend asked who not funny total waste of nbc had really high hopes for this show but it just fell flat
yes indeed we have a winner a winner in best dumb action movie br br the only reason i chose to vote a 10 for this movie is because it's so incredibly bad made that it actually becomes funny br br night hunter is basically about jack cutter a vampire hunter vampire hunters have been in his generation for centuries apparently and his mission being that he has to kill the last remaining vampires br br this movie contains one of the scenes i have ever seen in my life not to mention the really bad gun shooting scenes when people are shot in this movie blood thick as all over the place this makes the movie seem so cheap and lame that you just lose interest a constant shaking of the camera is what me the most during the fight scenes this is i suppose done to create an action effect though in my opinion it gives no effect whatsoever its completely ridiculous br br all stunt scenes are done extremely badly e g a scene where the dead vampire leader gets thrown off a roof when the corpse hits the ground it like a rubber doll a scene where jack the ground getting a vision was so lame it got me laughing hysterically br br lame music cheesy scenes bad acting and plain dumb filming techniques are obviously the functions that make this movie such a to state that this is a good movie would be the same as stating that nuclear bombs are good for humans clearly those of you who say that this is one of the best action movies haven't seen many in your life br br this is basically a b class vampire action movie that deserves 0 10 but which i'll give 10 10 just for its ability being the action movie i have ever seen of making me laugh and because i just can't live without it
i have seen over 2000 studio era sound films including lots of judy garland lena shirley jones and deanna own universal features plus a decent amount of live and studio recorded musical comedy and opera and i assure you no one with singing in front of a camera and or maybe anywhere ever has ever touched solo here soundtrack and crap 1930s and all the kid from canada sings this bit from like she lived and wrote it herself and then happened to show up for a in italy late in her career not like a child who learned it from her music teacher br br if you skip this extra on the dvd or skip ahead to the garland solo you are just yourself since this cheap mgm just happened to capture one of the greatest performances of the
boogie nights was without a doubt the best film of 1997 i could watch this movie over and over and over and still love it i'm in no rush to watch that overblown romance disaster epic titanic again the fact that boogie nights did not even receive a best picture nomination just goes to prove how predictable and narrow minded the academy is only the sweet and robert contact came close to being as great as boogie nights no other filmmaker in recent years has come even remotely close to making a film as good as pulp fiction until now paul thomas anderson rose to the challenge and succeeded just as tarantino gave john career a kick p t anderson has given burt reynolds the kick that his career needs boogie nights will also undoubtedly make stars of don cheadle heather graham and john overall a wonderful film the best since pulp fiction maybe even better
a hugely enjoyable screen version of best selling pot about the trials and and naturally the loves of a group of women involved in one way or another in the new york business directed by jean fairly fresh from the success of three in a and the prototype for the likes of sex and the city except that here the sex all takes place off screen br br the bright young female talents of the day hope lange diane baker parker martha are all nicely cast while joan crawford pops up as a queen bitch of an editor who could probably eat meryl miranda and spit her out with absolutely no effort at all she steals the movie the men include stephen louis if it wasn't it had to be louis robert evans before he decided wisely to go behind the camera and brian there are more on display than you will find in your average but if like me you enjoy desperate not to mention carrie and company then you will probably love this a very guilty pleasure
the movie starts off with reeve and his assistant fighting same vampires this scene is probably the best out of the entire movie the rest of the movie unfortunately is cheesy highly unrealistic and a buffy the vampire ripoff the ending also sucks big time br br some moments such as the scene where gypsy and helen played by popular chinese duo band twins gillian fight over a stuffed teddy bear are particularly the storyline is also lame surely they could have come up with something more scary than a book called day for night br br some good parts though jackie chan and anthony wong make the movie bearable with their comical roles however the good bits just end there gillian from twins have never been able to act well and annoy you to pieces and the friendly but vampire role was unfortunately given to edison who is a talentless pretty boy br br rating 4 10
what the heck is this about kelly jennifer seems to drop all moral behavior as soon as she arrives to the island she finds this juan p existing and exotic though she witnessed when he slapped his ex in the face which he also justify later on in the movie right or wrong these two guys are the first to find each other on the island kelly are totally lost in every sense and the great juan p can fish and built a somewhat house mr they seem to have a great time then billy zane jack characters husband shows up and of course two days without knowing what his wife has been doing this gorgeous juan p he is a little bit jealous billy z is the stereotype rich guy and maybe not the man in the world he juan p for hitting his girlfriend at the who can blame him hes also is arrogant but he paid loads of money to rent that boat and juan p who is the everything cant even him a beer in 20 min wouldn't you be upset yet billy is probably the guy you want to punch in the face if you meet him but at the same time he is not to be blamed for suspicious about the has kelly and billy just lost some dear friends how convenient he just happens to have them no matter what however for some strange reason kelly likes this girl hitting and starts to hate billy for being jealous ok billy is thats for sure but kelly isn't doing much to convince him either she spends more time with juan p and even wants him to sleep with them since hes been so nice and even though at her and calling her things for asking him some intimate questions but kelly is so yeah right and then she starts to have sex with this juan p it should be said that kelly and billy seems to have a working relationship before this island incident at least they have intimate sex on the boat and talks like people do when they like each other now you can think that this scenario is possible but for real is it are you cheating your husband after two days on a island just because hes jealous and acts like a drunk in the bar i wouldn't disagree if there relationship was really bad but the director doesn't give much hints if thats the case for christ sake juan p hasn't really shown himself being a good person catching some fish and built a wood house to get into is that showing a good side not trying to husband in anyway which would be very simple by letting them be alone most of the island time simply be respect he doesn't care about their relationship and kelly cant figure that one out he just want to have sex with kelly character is just not if she was stranded with billy and another attractive girl wouldn't she be upset or what or maybe she is billy zane plays a not very nice person and juan p isn't actually much better if you really think about it and poor kelly is so confused and believes having sex with juan p will solve everything because her husband is so strange and so aggressive towards poor juan p so for all of you who reads this what do you think about it if you where the kelly character would you consider cheating on your husband knowing one day you'll be back in real life and all of a sudden maybe not that horrible person after all hes just too jealous and if you where character what do you say is he totally wrong in his behavior and juan p character what do you guys really think of him one thing is for sure exist ps the voodoo thing is so totally wrong here what the heck was that about seriously anyone tell me
br br of the funniest minutes on celluloid this short parody is at least as much a part of the star wars saga as phantom menace and far more entertaining if you ask me wars was the first in a long line of spoofs which form their own these days i hate to describe it too much it's so short that the premise is just about the whole thing suffice it to say that many of the most popular and familiar aspects of star wars have fun at them household such as and portray and robots the princess anne character wears actual bread rolls on her head instead of the famous of hair and is even more of a than his original if that's possible ernie is one crazy son of a buck he's also the source of now the apocalypse now spoof
the last american virgin along with fast times at high is one the last great teen films ever made it is tender tale of envy and love set in the early eighties much by critics that it was a banal attempt to recreate the magic of fast times at high these same critics fail to recognize that the two films were actually filmed during late 1981 and released at only slight from one another either way the studios would never allow such a bold and portrayal of the issues many male teenagers are confronted with as they reach their sexual maturity especially considering the heart wrenching discovery the protagonist gary is confronted with in the end american pie this is not the story revolves around a trio of male teenagers and their mostly sexual gary is the least successful of the group hence the last american virgin secretly gary after karen who is involved with rick his best friend rick and karen begin having sex and karen gets pregnant only to be dumped by rick who is not interested in the obvious responsibility which lies before him gary into help karen which leads to the aforementioned unexpected conclusion overall as a film i find it was very successful as a comedy as a commentary on the sexual of young men and a remarkable coming of age tale dealing with issues such as envy love and abortion which are just as today as they were over twenty years ago also it has one of the ever made
shaky hand held cameras this piece was shot for television mind you not film not only keep you utterly conscious of how horrible the cinematography is in this film but make you absolutely unable to become immersed in the story poor miss austen must be rolling in her grave all i can say is if you enjoyed the novel stop there until the bbc creates one of their smart sensible period masterpieces like pride prejudice with colin which speaking for what i imagine in my opinion austen would have the bbc would never dare cheesy and girl over a shot of an historic castle and a loving embrace foster seemed to be often confused that they were editing the music to the if you want austen as you love her look for the bbc
what can i say this movie has it all romance break ups rich kids and this is my all time favorite movie that i can line for line i remember when it first came out i was 14 and couldn't get in so finally got to see it on cable i was hooked wanted to move to california and be a valley girl hey i even remember the song by moon do you tried in vain for years to get the never produced soundtrack now you can find it on records
while this isn't one of miss very worst films it is pretty bad and it's sad that in a fashion recent imdb have deliberately over the scores on some of her films to make up for her being in the past or so it seems for years conventional wisdom has been that davies was a terrible actress and only got the roles she got because her beau william randolph bought her way into hollywood this certainly is the image created in orson welles' citizen kane it is true that did use his considerable wealth and to build career with all this money it's not surprising that she made some excellent films and it isn't surprising that people got due to all the extra attention she got sleeping with the man who your films is bound to get noticed however despite this edge she also made a decent number of bad films and i think we really need balance when it comes to the scores of her movies after all no rational person could believe that as of today 1 5 my heart and two other davies films recently shown on turner classic movies the girl and deserved the exceptionally high scores them higher than such films as high ben the best years of our lives and all quiet on the western front in fact would now rank as the fifth best movie ever according to imdb with a score of 8 8 considering most people out there don't even know who marion davies was and most of her movies were financial disasters this is a serious problem however she was a much better actress than citizen kane implied and initially broke into films before she began sleeping with br br what sets my heart apart from these two other movies is that and the girl were pleasant little films while my heart is in some ways just terrible much of the reason was the terrible of marion while her french accent in was cute in her irish accent just sounded bizarre not particularly irish plus and perhaps i'm mistaken but her use of the word makes her sound like she should be doing shakespeare not a film set in 1933 ireland also there was a bizarre that marion should be the multi talented star so they had her not just act but dance and sing the singing actually fit the scripts in some of her films but here it seemed out of place and seriously from the film it just seemed like you could almost hear shouting out see she is a great actress look at her sing and dance sadly marion just looked uncomfortable and out of place in many of these scenes but for me the biggest problem was the idea of having year old marion playing such a youthful role it was obvious that the character she played at the beginning of the film was supposed to be like the ones mary pickford played in the teens and complete with the pig and attitude miss pickford could carry off these roles even though she too wasn't a girl any more but here marion had put on a bit of weight and looked at least 30 no offense she looked fine for her age but she did not look like a teen br br oddly with the millions that hearts spent on career he never realized that the most important thing he needed to spend his money on was a good script and one that fit talents believe me i have rated several of her films very high i especially adore show people but here she just couldn't help but flop this film was a turkey
the idea behind this movie was great the story of a little girl facing abuse both emotional and physical and trying to deal with it and survive what makes the movie fall apart is the terrible use of voice overs and the corny dialog the actors have to point out the most obvious things over and over again also there is very tedious almost funny of in the voice overs the high point is the acting of the little girl nice try but this one's a stinker
herman has made northern drama his own with little voice and off but the formula in this flat and contrived tale of two teenage trying to get season tickets to see br br smoking and drinking sex teenage abortion school bullying drug abuse substance abuse depression child violence child sex abuse auto violent assault and armed robbery all put in an appearance here none of these issues are explored they merely serve to move the story along from one implausible situation to another the film is not as observed as as poignant as the full monty or as of the times as wonderland from which it shamelessly steals music in an overly manipulative manner i suspect none of the filmmakers are from and have certainly never experienced the social problems the film references i am all for entertainment and track record shows he is aware of the need to balance the social message with laughs and tears quite simply he comes up incredibly short here br br the film has a nice ending but there are far too many flat banal moments to sit through to get there nicely shot not very well acted and ultimately fails on three crucial points script script script
they don't make movies like this anymore – though some may say that's a good thing although this was amongst the first of disney's pg rated films it has more of the feel of the g films their studio turned out in i e freaky friday the world's greatest than the pg films that came out in the early i e watcher in the woods something wicked this way comes because of disney's backing midnight madness obviously had a large budget a huge cast and a ton of diverse locations go to show that but a hunt and spectacular visual style weren't enough to save the film from being an enormous flop a failure at the box office most of us were introduced to the film on hbo in the early back in the days when the same films would be shown times a week oh wait – they still do that essentially hbo did for this film what cbs did for the wizard of oz – they created an enormous cult audience for a sweet mega flop br br the biggest problem that makes this a bad film is that there's too many characters and very few of them are fleshed out – eddie squad don't even have names the blue team although they're the villains are the most endearing and have the most work put into their characters with the exception of the girl who can't act doesn't have enough to do harold perfectly played to the by stephen is really the only one whose character is fully realized in the film the other standout character is goof off played with tons of charm by now director andy although then dr pepper david was supposed to be the star his character often comes off obnoxious particularly when against his brother adam michael j fox while everyone has favorite characters i don't think anyone who loves the movie could disagree that and fox are the only two characters that you really learn anything about br br despite the film's many flaws and bad actors most of whom fell off the face of the earth after this movie it still works because the actors appeared to be having fun and fun on the set equals fun on the screen come on what college jock doesn't dream of floating around in a beer and what girl doesn't dream of stealing the show at the local er i guess it would be at a rave nowadays campy clean fun for anyone who was young in the it's only fitting that this has finally gotten the massive video release that it deserves but where the the widescreen dvd release with the commentary trailer and the full version of the song that plays in the disco
my best guess is this piece of work will come out on dvd sometime before christmas br br this movie was terrible the time line jumps all over the place this wouldn't be so bad if it left some suspense for the end it was entirely predictable bitch girls pick on wants to know why they hate her so much bitch girls die a terrible death girl goes home and looks crazy girl brought evil spirits with her makes neighbors go crazy and kill each other creepy kid understands what's going on oh and the younger sister not being good enough for sick mother sending younger daughter to bring the golden child home br br to be fair there were some great moments here and there first of all sarah michelle character dies in the first few minutes definite plus didn't see that one coming i didn't expect the wife to pour bacon grease on her husband's head either if the movie had kept up those kind of thrills i would have loved it the beginning showed so much promise br br i was disappointed because i enjoyed the first one it made me jump i didn't expect most of what happened and though i some of the movie it was still a fun watch i didn't watch any previews for this the sequel because i wanted to be surprised i was but in the wrong direction
this film was hilarious it provided a somewhat comical view of the british club scene which if you really look at it is a funny thing the characters in this flick were so realistic to those of us who watched here at my place that it was like watching a movie about ourselves br br there were a few pivotal scenes which really made this movie work the getting ready scenes the get me a real doctor scene the white background scene showing each character in a total state of being ending with the infamous line what was i saying and the scenes i have lived these moments myself and found myself laughing hysterically at my own ridiculous behaviour br br i can't give this movie a 10 because it doesn't measure up to groove which i thought was out of this world but it certainly has its moments the en scene and the camera work is superb the special effects are well worth mentioning and the acting is fantastic br br after waiting a long time to see this film i am glad to say that i was not disappointed i hope to see more from the writer director in the future
this was a decent movie for the first half too many cheap boo moments but the tension builds the bad guys are creepy and everything seems to be setting itself up nicely the kids are not particularly deep but hey that works for teens br br then it just gets ridiculous and tries way too hard the why in the world would he they do that moments anyone's capacity for suspension of disbelief the twist involves too many ridiculous and the title comes from a late attempt to some meaning into the film that goes nowhere and is quickly dropped there was laughter in the theater at moments that were in no way supposed to be funny br br great premise but just badly written and doesn't hold together some very nice shots but they're hard to enjoy while you're rolling your eyes
went looking for this movie after i read tom red storm rising novel timeless masterpiece about 13th century russians being by the germans movie was made in 1938 under orders from joseph to warn about hitler and germany battle scenes are wonderfully done showing that you don't need computer animation to make a great fight scene probably greatest work also see any history buff or sci major should watch this movie 10 out of 10
this show is great for many reasons the father and mother can communicate with their kids this day in age its so great to see a real family instead of some overacting family i watched this one time and became hooked it so great to see a black family on tv worth watching this show left too soon but on its way out it dealt with sexy drugs bad dates death etc the best thing about the show was that it dealt with it in a real humorous sort of way great show for the family i cant tell you how many times i have sat up watched this show late at night sometimes and laughed my head off great pg 13 rated show i loved of this show
the cell 2000 rating 8 10 br br the cell like must be watched twice to be appreciated the first time i saw this film i thought it was mediocre but the film had such a lasting impression on me after viewing i decided i had to rent it again i did and i found the film to be much more likeable the cell is not for everyone but it its stories up with quality and is a visually intelligent film that dreams up images and plot ideas that could not be matched the film's script can be clunky at times as can the acting but the visuals are ingenious and bring the engaging story to an exotic and intriguing life the oscar nominated makeup is also daring and careful while the beautiful costumes and utterly brilliant set decoration went who has also directed music videos goes totally crazy with his direction and it results well he has major talent and this film has a lot of potential if you give it a chance overall the cell is a powerful disturbing and avoids being too tacky which makes it a great watch
stay alive has a very similar story to some asian horror films which include technology on the story some of this asian horror films are one missed call and pulse so the idea of stay alive is very clichéd and obvious but the filmmakers behind it did not know how to put something new or interesting to the clichés in stay alive this film is totally crap but a very big crap all the elements of stay alive belong to the worst class of films shallow characters nothing of suspense stupid which makes laugh and light violence it's easy to note that the is incapable to create something original or disturbing i do not wanna loose more time writing about this pathetic film i just give you an advice do not see this film i really hated it
how can so many decisions can be made all that waste of resources its an idiotic story to begin with but no need to make it worse a loose interpretation are you kidding it my regard for voight and coburn i hope they were paid well
right so you have a tons of water that seems to flow really really slowly and a small town that happens to be right underneath the path of destruction throw in a an apparently mentally unstable and disgruntled architect and his son and then to spice things up you add a weak plot and bad acting all in all when you have a look at this film from a paying customers point of view i would feel extremely off if this was a pay per view film if you want a laugh then you really need to watch this film
this movie bombed at the box office and in the voting here but i loved it one measure of a movie's worth is how much of it you can still remember after 25 years i won't bore you with a list but there are dozens of deeply comic scenes also a good story and great casting the inept robbers are a hoot see it and judge if it ever gets on tcm
the most obvious flaw horrible horrible script this movie had a potentially good story but it was ruined with bad dialogue continuity problems things that were never explained sub plots that went nowhere and just plain stupidity not to mention the awful cliched directing of sandra locke not even two great performances could've saved this movie so it didn't matter that and arquette give horrific performances the thing is they're better actors than this movie would have you believe the best of the arquette after hours desperately seeking susan has some fine moments like a great scene in the beginning when she painfully pulls her off but gives an overall weak performance by her standards and dick when fade and the brilliant my so called life is much worse acting with no conviction or emotion what so ever but i won't lay blame on the actors who have been good in other roles the script is awful and the bad direction doesn't help do me a favor avoid this movie
for me late was interesting not only because it was my first film of i completely enjoyed but because it was technically as modern and innovative as his 30s work i've seen this doesn't mean innovative editing in the way godard would introduce it with breathless in 1959 but quite the opposite br br the editing was as as in the best of hollywood films from the 30s 40s but at the same time incredibly fitting regarding the way he was telling his story unlike them it never anything or tried to make itself invisible but together with the cinematography made me feel like i was traveling on a gentle stream constantly feeling the waves beneath me like a gentle stroke of the hand or the almost of a cradle in this sense the film was comparable to and work but somehow even more subtle br br what was so modern was the fact that the editing seemed almost a character in itself similar to the remarkable camera work in 1954 or 1943 which is revealing us a deeper understanding of the film and its characters rather than simply showing them to us br br i feel that editing and cinematography are the most interesting aspects of his films the stories significance beyond the obvious the wonderful sets and settings shouldn't be forgotten either i found the story itself to be rather conventional br br the narrative and its characters were introduced in a very interesting way and i thought that the first half of the film was setting up a ingenious spectrum of emotions and unfortunately the second half of the film and its resolution were rather and and formulaic compared to the set up though by itself it would have been perfectly fitting in any other less complex film somehow i felt that he failed a bit in trying to the many layers he had woven maybe he should have kept them intact this criticism might seem a bit harsh to a viewer of this film especially since the is again reminiscent to the way dealt with the plot in his films unfortunately i haven't yet the feeling that was able to elevate the story and its characters in his conclusions in a similarly sublime fashion the best efforts i have seen to date floating clouds 1955 and scattered clouds 1967 the energy he had built throughout the narrative while delivering poignant and endings br br this is already more than most director's are able to do and in my opinion the basis for a real of the cinematic medium in this regard and considering the of the last two films i've seen by him he may have already become one of my favorites br br the only problem i have at the moment is where i'm going to see more of his films on the big screen
this show was incredible i've seen all three and this is the best this movie has suspense a bit of romance stunts that will blow your mind go great characters and amazing locations where was this filmed will there be more i really liked the story line with her brother looking forward to 4 and to see how the world is saved yet again
you can't take it realistically sheets br br zombie bloodbath 2 is a world all of its own i've really never seen anything like it the only thing i can think to compare it to is psychedelic drugs forgive the don't simply mean that it's incoherent and absurd though occasionally it is i mean that it takes you through such a broad range of intense experiences and unexpected emotions so quickly as to you and when it's over you find that it's all happened while you were sitting on the couch br br it is worth noting that it's extremely low budget as a to those who after seeing shaun of the dead consider themselves fans of underground zombie films also of note is that it is much more brutal than you'd expect children get and someone a teenage girl before shooting her in the her corpse is subsequently raped these are certainly not flaws and indeed i feel it is to the film's credit but if it doesn't sound like your kind of movie don't waste your time br br i don't mean to over hype it regarding brutality don't go in expecting inside or something i hesitate to give away any of the plot because it's really full of surprises even the opening scene which has nothing to do with zombies is at once a classic horror scene and something quite original br br man i'm three in and i've hardly said anything at all here's why i thought the movie was awesome 1 it's big and it keeps moving at one point you expect it to turn into another clone a board up the windows movie where everyone stays in a and with one another by the end of the film however the scenes will seem like a distant dream there are also a number of urban scenes these are rare in low budget zombie films br br 2 the makeup gore is much better than more convincing and more creative something kind of funny the early zombies look really lame then halfway through they suddenly look really good with and everything some of them look like fulci zombies some are reminiscent of mr tongue from day of the dead and it's got big scenes of dozens of zombies around never gets old br br 3 there's something oddly emotional about it one character that heaven exists and that our dead undead protagonists are now in heaven in the context of the film we believe it to be true though the characters behave with typical horror film stupidity they genuinely seem to care about each other and i found myself caring about them br br 4 the pacing is great there's hardly a dull moment br br my only observation that borders on criticism is that todd sheets comes up with the most bizarre dialog i've ever heard i personally feel it adds to the experience but i don't think he does it on purpose so i can't fairly give the film a perfect rating example when a car breaks down the owner yells at the passengers then he says something to the effect of sorry i at you guys you don't know what it's like to have your dad standing over you with a straight razor when you're five years old wtf at the very end it gets to be more than i can handle involves a montage with bill and then some preachy end credits explaining the zombie metaphor really by this point i was firmly re living my drug experiences br br highly recommended 7 10
who is seldom a favorite of mine said that everyone should see this film as it is something that can help the world br br it is one of the most poignant movies i have seen and delivers on comments i have read many comments and while they range from good to average to comments on the choice of actors the fact is that it deals with one of the most extra ordinary events in our world the truth and for the first time a country has to air it's horrific history to find a way forward and to create a way for people to br br while the movie starts out with the white policeman being offered a chance to himself for brutal crimes and the black guy is trying to ensure that he does not get away with it it into the humanity of the people and the enormous need for healing that we all need br br definitely a thumbs up to everyone involved once again i am proud to be a south african br br an interesting comment can be found here http www community com article
this movie is still alive and kicking today thanks to the presence of alan this is good in one way because the movie has some interesting things to say but bad in another because everyone who watches it expecting that tough guy is going to through his usual is going to be mighty disappointed without or introduction is suddenly introduced in the third reel true his role is a key one but it's small and likely to get lost in the there are many key roles in former martin screenplay which hits out at all political and quite candidates it's the lovely and extremely talented joan who ties the various of the wide ranging story together unlike the usual hollywood production the plot actually proceeds in a series of jumps much like the films later turned out by the french new wave though easier to follow here especially if you are aware that the film's original title was paper bullets nonetheless some of the film's narrative and character switches are a little particularly in the role played by jack who has wisely elected to act the part in a strangely non way one of jack's best acting jobs ever but no one is likely to notice alas
i didn't think this movie was very good at all basically they took a bunch of one liners from various shirley temple movies threw them together and had act like shirley temple acted on screen oh my goodness was said quite a number of times if you are familiar with shirley temple movies you will recognize several lines direct from her movies the trouble is they have saying these in everyday life in the end what we get is a of re created shirley temple movies instead of any sort of real look into shirley life save yourself the trouble and rent shirley temple movies it's a lot better than watching try and recreate acting style
you've seen the same tired worn out clichéd sit com stories characters stories of times this excels at sucking more than others first and foremost there isn't a single character in this show that's even remotely likable in particular michael dave gold is by far one of the biggest ever to grace a television screen ever comes to mind if in real life a father was this unlikable cruel and just generally to parent would be your only option to call the remaining characters stereotypes would be too if these characters ended up on life support the line to pull the plug would be light years long how this show finished one complete season much less 2 is a mystery fox arrested development and keeps this on the air you tell me the terrorists aren't winning
these days writers directors and producers are relying more and more on the surprise ending the old art of bringing a movie to closure taking all of the information we have learned through out the movie and bringing it to a nice complete ending has been lost now what we have is a movie that no matter how complex detailed or can be wrapped up in 5 minutes it was all in his her head that explanation is the director's safety net if all else fails or if the writing wasn't that good or if we ran out of money to complete the movie we can always say it was all in his her head and end the movie that way the audience will buy it because well none of us are and none of us are suffering from not that we know about so we take the story and believe it after all the mind is a powerful thing some movies have pulled it off but those movies are the reason why we are getting more and more of these crap endings every director writer now thinks they can pull it off because well fight club did it and it made a lot of money so we get movies like the secret window identity and this movie just to name a few
they give you the set up then bore you to death with a constant cat and mouse chase the main characters are involved in one constant stand off where they each other every five minutes or less and i'd like to see the police force that would let one of their cops pull off the a garcia bit it's like some local cop walking charlie out of prison to go get a cup of coffee get real
does anyone else think that is basically a ripoff of just look at the characters from the two families and the blonde elder daughter connor and hart who's married to a moron mark and van the sarcastic brunette younger daughter connor and hart the little brother dj connor and jake hart and the quirky relative jackie connor and barbara jean booker hart br br and then of course there is the biggest similarity hart and connor tried to copy the sarcastic and tough love style mom without giving her the same lovable qualities as had or perhaps they made her too lovable for hart seems to between being mean and scary hence line to his wife i'm not afraid of you i'm afraid of your mother and being sweet and caring with little transition in between at least managed to get it across that she was being cruel to be kind since she was always mean and sarcastic and whenever she tried to open up it was hard for her as inconsistent as character is it's hard for her to be believable br br but even if the characters weren't completely ripped off of nothing could've saved the show from being sub par in the plot area the writers try to give the show substance but they really can't lay off the corny jokes long enough to give any impact and you'd better believe the jokes are corny it's as if they were written by a twelve year old who thinks that any joke is hilarious while occasionally they come out with something that's funny i don't pretend that i didn't laugh at a few episodes these gems are too few and far between to make witty br br overall is a very mediocre show with obvious of sub par plots and sub sub par humor and let's face it terrible acting the show might be a bit better actually if they replaced all the actors especially herself who is more community theater quality than prime time sitcom quality br br i give it a 3 out of 10 just to be fair to the good jokes that make it in
while both this movie and the signature car chase have been shown a lack of respect by many critics both are way above average roy does an excellent job playing his best type a tough courageous cop who works hard to get the job done in spite of the desk drivers and politicians who should be supporting him rather than he played a version of this same role as the tourist town police chief in jaws not nearly as gritty but the same get the job done despite the politicians and approach if a man who can't swim and is terrified of everything in the water going out on an old boat with an and a nerd to confront a huge killer shark isn't then tell me what is br br tony lo is good as a surprisingly complex villain most of the villains in fact have some depth and complexity this is one of those movies that gets better with repeated viewings overall it captures the atmosphere of parts of ny city gritty often dangerous but filled with energy the story is spare tight and subtle it gets the job done without elements it may not be one of the all time but it is an exceptionally good movie br br everyone has an opinion about car chases mine is that this one is right up there with the vs dodge chase in the chevy was similar to the in being a car with up suspension and a powerful small block stuffed into an engine bay meant for an insipid 6 the got little respect off the drag strip but with the proper suspension they made performance cars that could handle on both the road and the track the of those as they wind up is music to the ear i've heard this chase criticized for imitating the chase the truth is that they are two works by the same master bill who also choreographed and drove for the french connection chase besides driving most of the car chase scenes he created a brooding presence and a good match with richard lynch as a pair of evil killers br br yes the chase has realism errors often noted like the use of 3 different ny roads to represent the the ending of the chase in a crash with an 18 on a for passenger vehicles only and the timing that allows all to escape harm that's beside the point let's face it movie car chases are unreal by nature in the french connection and the seven ups however bill and phillip crafted chases far more realistic and therefore more exciting than the flying rolling exploding vehicle fantasy chases so common in recent films
i love pop culture but i was a little when i first heard about this then i seen an episode and i love it i was a little upset when i found out that christopher would no longer be playing doctor who he was probably the best one they've had he fits the character so well it's sad to see him go i really don't think that the new guy is going to pull off the doctor as well as br br i think everyone can overlook the cheesy effects in some spots and the creatures such as the the story lines and characters can more than make up for that i'm currently waiting for season two and i will review that as well in case for any reason quality goes down br br anyways i think everyone should try to see one episode i did and i have been loving it ever since well written well casted and well produced this show is worth the hour of viewing doctor who gets a 10 10
william shakespeare probably didn't as a gay doctor antonio as a wife or as a with a but the had worse done to his good work over time and might even enjoy the of life that is his as re by paul and co writer leon br br this time is philip john a manhattan based architect tired of atlantic city for the especially after discovering is carrying on an affair with wife gena rowlands along with daughter miranda molly philip escapes to a remote greek island with miranda and his new mistress susan sarandon a nice catholic girl who struggles with lifestyle will a sudden storm bring all right in the end br br here's a thought on the career of how many other actors could make a film so confused into something so riveting a darling of film critics for his earlier work often with his real life wife rowlands he presents a central character who really suffers for his art here but seems to enjoy himself and makes us enjoy him too it's not but something rich and strange that makes for a terrific sea change all his own br br it's all here he tells one of his faithful companions dog beauty magic inspiration and that it is london to 1982 manhattan and finds some nice in life show me the magic he calls out to a storm tossed city and version by donald sterling cinematography of purple and naturally sun greek landscapes does just that br br it's not a perfect movie by any means in fact the big finale which is the only part of the movie that follows shakespeare's storyline to any faithful extent is a mess character is hard to care much for in this film and after meeting sarandon in all her glory it's hard to understand continuing concern for his wife let alone his left field desire to make an unhappy sacrifice in order to the natural order of things br br but there's a lot to love about in addition to cassavetes there's film debut as his loyal but restless daughter here as in the play an object of desire for the primitive julia here is very much the same of that would inspire john hughes but with an emotional depth those later hughes films didn't delve into and julia never got any oscar attention but they both would win golden for their playful work here he tries to woo her in her island isolation with his tv reruns of in greek tempted by her 15 year old body br br i want to you with my johnny declares getting shoved aside but winning our sympathy anyway especially after performing new york new york with a chorus of when hit the screens julia was the of broadway as the lead in nine br br it's show even if it feels at times that cassavetes is running things with line and emotional philip introduces himself to by telling her i'm right in the middle of a nervous breakdown he plays his character as an obsessive seeking to his happiness by building an theater in his otherwise island br br adding to the enjoyment is rich performance as the other man who is as completely as julia while telling a youth obsessed philip boys don't have half as much as we have they're nervous and they make love in the back of an old sports car despite being overlong and pretentious in spots like so many art films is entertaining in its and a trip very much like shakespeare intended even if his dreams didn't involve smoking pot at a go concert
recently released on british dvd this is a good movie as long as you have an attention span and iq of more than a fruit fly not as depressing as it could have been this is kitchen sink at its most dirty is great in it the music is sweet carol white is very as the single mum who can't stop loving criminals br br my favourite scene is where carol and her friend who works in the pub with her the one with the enormous which comes down over one eye sit and about all the men who walk past br br the only thing that marred this was the acting of first husband but if you can get past that you're ok and provides some of the most bittersweet lyrics to come out of the 60s
this is what happens when a franchise gets lazy and no one can think of a new twist to add remember what happened to the play series the first three were played as horror films with genuine scares albeit predictable that held true to the theme of the movie then they ran out of folks for the doll to stalk and decided to play it for laughs with the next two being black comedies br br well that s what happened here but i think it was not meant to be like that kind of like saying i wanted to make for i did this on purpose when your accidentally flat but the milk was and it had some value in the theaters as a goof br br when the floor ripped out from under the passenger seats i sort of expected the passengers to their legs through the hole start running style to safely land the plane in the i did it would have fit into the silly campy theme of the rest of the show br br instead of pointing out the obvious physical of the film what about the social like having george character react to the news that his date was a whore even back in 1979 a man would not easily accept the notion that he has just his heart out to a paid companion he supposedly felt he made a connection with a spirit who is subsequently shown to be a sex worker with a come on line who wouldn't feel cheated by the experience and yet he and his arms around his as they off what a cheap wrap up of a sleazy scene br br i had an for and got served insipid cliché and no you did not do it on purpose
was a show that used to be on during the last hour or so before it was time to sleep about ten or so years ago it was a contrast to a lot of the kid type of animation i was watching at the time i was still a minor for disney and looney tunes stuff and most saturday morning cartoons were still on the run off of the peak from the days of ninja and batman but also around this time i began to recognize that the more raunchy mature surreal obscene and though i didn't know the term at the time satirical cartoon shows were more creative than the stuff i was used to around the time of and butt head and and even the were hitting tv sets via mtv usa put out two shows one of them was weird science and the other was i've always remembered a few key bits from the show and some of the lines are very to those who haven't forgotten it completely luckily i found a tape recently with about six episodes i taped long ago and the jokes stayed very fresh and the delivery of the jokes are rapid fire a lot of the time in the better episodes br br in the voice department the choices in talent are top notch for the story lines which are usually just an excuse for crude fascinating parodies of pop culture politics movies and tv shows music detective mysteries and the dysfunctional family unit jason alexander is a wonderful choice for and his performance is a comedic from his days on seinfeld even if there might be some similar characteristics here and there also the voices of as the and deadpan as the hilariously inept and nancy travis as the sex obnoxious sister in law all contribute in a full amount along with some great writing even when a joke isn't sure fire the wit behind it the animation style while a far cry from some of the computer enhanced product of today is inventive and often abstract it has that home made gritty quality that and butt head or south park would later have and like those shows if you're a little kid i mean little as in younger than i was watching the show you may not understand most of the jokes i e there are enough stripper and references to fill two shows sometimes but it's inventive to catch if it's on tv late at night and it functions rather well in that time one can only hope for a dvd box set br br so to no one who's barely or even never heard of this program here's a general note think of this show as if met up with walt disney and decided to go to part of vegas with a free mini bar and make a collaboration in the vein of luis and the simpsons combined not to mention it's by the group that did strong a
try to look for another movie that is such a trip without having a story or plot and you'll be hard pressed head is a masterpiece of non linear non structure and in less than 90 minutes it manages to be not only a time capsule of an era but also a full length experimental feature that defies time space and convention in a way that only underground films of the sixties could head is a reflection of those films no matter how one feels about the this is a film every filmmaker should see because it cracks wide open the endless possibilities of film as an art medium had it not been for the film's ad campaign and the fact that by the time it came out the so the media that the public had become weary of them and every critic was ready to on them this could have had a much greater impact studying how the film was edited is much more important and exciting than what's actually in the film and yet there are some great things in it great songs great cinematography etc should be seen after midnight for maximum effect because of it's overall feel 1968 was a time of social and a call for change thus the film's working title changes and head perfectly mirrors that time
the original australian kim is brilliant why do american producers need to remake ruin yet another classic show remember the original version of the office with ricky it was an absolute masterpiece and there was no need to remake it the producers said that the british humour from the office and the australian humour from kim would not translate to an american audience what so basically they are saying that americans are too dumb and stupid to understand the jokes so they need to remake the shows with over the top childish gags so that the americans can understand the humour the original australian version of kim is fantastic and very funny avoid the american version like the plague
a really awful movie about a 30 long shark bad story bad discussions bad characters bad plot even a confusing ending a complete a of time in my point of view i thought it was a tv movie but then i saw it was not i cant imagine having paid to see this load of crap please avoid this movie at any cost even if u liked jaws which i did don't see it even if you have interests in don't see it even if you like corny movies with corny actors corny plots during corny tv time do humanity a favor and do not i repeat do not your mind with this ridiculous excuse for a sci fi animal thriller still some people gave it a ten don't know if they were serious or not but sincerely expect they weren't
boom boom is a rip off from the movie i personally rate as one of my favorites not only because it is about music which is my favorite subject but also because it tells us the real story of a musical genius who is not only remembered for the works of beautiful music he produced during his life time but for his own self destructive nature and his tragic death at a young age of 35 being virtually during his life time because of the politics played by some people particularly the italian composer who was jealous of him br br personally i was shocked to see as the director has cut most of the scenes from the movie i see the worst kind of in this movie and am about the kind of movies bollywood keeps on day by day the movie is a disaster the two musicians in the movie don't give you any feeling of being realistic the film is tasteless meaningless and total failure on every count the only person who makes an impact is bobby who at least knows how to act otherwise the whole cast looks like a bunch of amateurs br br the irony is that while watching the movie the first screen in the movie says that all characters in this movie are and that any resemblance with anyone is purely which is a blatant lie because all are very much clear and they are very much intended i wish i could take and co to court not only for but also for a beautiful work of art
the main problem with company 9 is that it is not sure whether it wants to be saving private ryan or full metal jacket the attempts at spielberg are embarrassing such as the sergeant crying in a field of red flowers the training sequences have none of intensity or realism that kubrick gave them in his masterpiece br br a further bone of is that the fighters are called ghosts because they strike and are hardly ever seen here they attack a russian strong hold almost in with no attempt to use cover i am sure tactics have move on since br br every scene in this film has been seen before in other war movies and done considerably better br br i have to ask why do all talented need to chew on a match br br finally i am always suspicious of a film that starts with no narration yet needs to qualify the end br br we won no you didn't
ray appeals to viewers of all ages and backgrounds or seasoned veterans you'll be with a presentation of yet time efficient up with her unique brand of and most importantly this hip keeps her audience drawn in by stimulating all five senses let me explain her program provides enlightenment to your visual sense sense and sense of feeling through a rich backdrop light hearted casual yet engaging topics eye pleasing wrenching and her smile and laugh which will down anyone's nerves sense of smell and taste are rewarded when you test out the in your own kitchen and among your own family and friends check out her show guys
a walt disney mickey mouse cartoon br br willie a mischievous little his and his way into cinematic history br br on 18 november a struggling young genius the world's first successful cartoon with sound there would be no looking back for either walt disney or his alter ego mickey mouse financial struggles would remain but essentially the world was their bed and mickey would eventually rival chaplin as the most recognizable cultural icon of the century br br as entertainment willie is still fun to watch featuring fine work by animator and showing a mickey with all the passions indifference of a small child he must deal with a pete without his leg he had been appearing in disney cartoons since of a parrot in a few years it would be a duck and a cute little mouse named together the two rather make music on the live bodies of a goat cat cow a of all of whom happened to be conveniently on board the audiences for more and the pattern was set for the subsequent mouse cartoons of the next few years br br br br walt disney 1966 was always intrigued by pictures drawings as a in he farm animals on of paper later as an driver in france during the first world war he drew comic figures on the sides of his vehicle back in kansas city along with artist walt developed a primitive animation studio that provided animated commercials and tiny cartoons for the local movie theaters always the his alice in series broke ground in placing a live figure in a cartoon universe business sent disney to hollywood in where older brother roy became his business manager when a mildly successful series with the lucky rabbit was away by the the character of mickey mouse into imagination disney's the happy arrival of sound technology made screen debut willie a tremendous audience success with its use of music the silly soon appeared and growing crew of talented animators were quickly new territory with full color of depth and radical in personality development an in which genius was naughty behavior had captured millions of fans but he was soon to be joined by other animated companions donald duck intellectually challenged goofy and energetic all this was in for dream feature length animated films against a of walt and over the next decades delighted children of all ages with the adventures of snow white peter pan walt never forgot that his were all started by a mouse or that simplicity of message and lots of hard work always pay off
douglas women's picture for universal based on a preachy novel by the lloyd c douglas author of that other beloved piece of crap the rock hudson in the role that him to stardom plays bob a drunken playboy worth millions who is more interested in chasing and racing than in finishing his medical degree in the first scene he his boat on a photographed lake the accident nearly kills and thus he requires a rather mysterious machine to keep him alive meanwhile across town beloved surgeon dr phillips finally drops dead from a heart condition since the local hospital can maintain only one at a time phillips dies so that the may live when learns of this he tries to make to family especially to the widow jane and in but indeed anyone and everyone who knew the surgeon at like a of one doctor on the hospital staff even calls it a total waste that the playboy lived instead of the christ like surgeon might have had something to say about that br br these early scenes are where you'll find the typical the director our faces so much in the of middle class mid century america that one finds rooting for the playboy to put under the of these moral but alas no the plot of the novel must proceed and soon finds himself getting converted by god in the of otto an artist who claims that phillips made him a better man and even a better painter why don't we see any of this amazing art we learn that the dr phillips would often refuse for medical services rendered though who exactly for these magnificent is never made clear this is supposed to provide our hero with a whole new on life and an example of personal conduct even tries to make it all sound very exciting once you start this thing there's no way out of it it's an obsession a magnificent obsession so tries it out by again the widow with but he somehow causes her to get hit by a car she loses her apparently will have several more stations of the cross to past before he can be a decent fellow br br but sirk continues to sneak in his even as the movie grows more and more preachy the most obvious bit has to be the presence of as the head hospital nurse and friend and lesbian lover note the disappointment on face when finally redeemed as a doctor shows up to save life near the end own homosexuality an open secret in hollywood at the time is also used to great ironic effect he and and fifteen years older generate absolutely zero erotic heat in their scenes together which by the way are few presumably because any more scenes between the stars would hopelessly expose this whole enterprise one thing we feel certain of if rock hudson was obsessed by anything it certainly wasn't jane it's a case of tea and sympathy sirk seemed to enjoy everyone's by having this gay actor who was attractive to the innocent ladies of the era drift through these colored women's pictures in fact the director worked with hudson 6 or 7 more times to best effect in the follow up to this film all that heaven allows which re teamed hudson with but was also accompanied by a realistic plot in obsession meanwhile we must endure god down from an observation window onto and his medical team as they prepare to save life in with a musical score of from a cheesy hollywood choir br br but to see why sirk is considered an auteur check out the scene explains to her grown daughter that she can in fact tell the difference from night and day the entire frame is here the daughter is barely visible and face is against a faint light she goes on to say that she hates the night because i know that dawn will never come again a great chilling moment that deserves a much better movie than magnificent obsession br br 4 stars out of 10
my age 13 br br played by damon wayans and played by adam sandler are the best of friends and have been for a year what doesn't know is that is really jack carter an undercover cop who is waiting for the right time to bust and frank a major criminal who is involved with when and find out that is a cop wants to kill but he gets away after shooting carter in the head which does not kill carter is found by the cops and is taken for proof of but when the cops including carter are about to him across the country on a plane all the other cops are killed and and carter are alone in the desert carter has to stay alive as well as take in br br a fairly average action comedy has a fair plot but a lot of the film is just plain stupid for a comedy i found most of the jokes entirely unfunny but as an action movie it has a few fairly good action scenes not being a good fan of either adam sandler or damon wayans i found the acting and therefore the characters well below par the climax isn't really great and the film is so unrealistic it is not entirely bad but also not too good and it is far too short running below 85 minutes i though there was another 15 minutes left before it ended but there wasn't and the film felt too short overall not a complete waste of time but i still wouldn't recommend br br australian ma 15 medium level violence sexual references medium level coarse language br br rating out of 100
is an exploration of reality and virtual reality characters run from realm to realm landscape to landscape trying to beat a game they know not the goal of or exactly where it's leading them within that virtual reality game is more layers of virtual reality games calling into question which reality they arrive from is the real one br br of course it's not spectacular at hiding the fact that it's not going to reasonably answer to a true reality instead the idea of whether it's real or a video game into question even up to the end i'm not even sure pretends that twist won't be there it's so incredibly obvious in a sense it's kind of br br the problem with this film though is its base nature in a sense is questioning reality and game play yet the same things that he uses to criticize game play makes him in it the violence the the lack of focus and in a sense the even if there isn't such in the film i have once heard someone state that violence is actually a criticism of in media but he hides that well with the fact that he such incredible pleasure in ripping new into humans animals and of br br what is brilliantly written and done about this movie is the use of video game not being able to say exactly what you want to say during cut scenes relative lack of surroundings or surroundings that don't make sense only a few people around where it feels there should be many and vice versa all of that stuff along with the of it definitely the video game reality in a way that's nauseating and absurd but it does it even better by replacing video game with literal of matter that and shift and are frankly disgusting to the one of the most horrifying degrees for what it's worth this film causes a reaction in you br br but what for it virtual reality but it's a movie it is its own virtual reality it seems to criticize the of video game plot lines and character design yet it maintains that it definitely seems to worry over whether killing a video game character is more okay than killing an actual human being and how video games can be confused with reality and cause people to not think about the consequences of their actions in real life and yet i say again it the pleasure from ripping people objects things and into bloody br br so whereas it has a key focus of angst it doesn't really do anything with it not really only what it does do is present that angst in such an original way it can't really be denied its own moment of br br in a sense it'd be much easier to just hate this movie for being gory and violent because there's no good reason i can see for loving it and yet i can't disregard it as mediocre or bad it'd be easier to simply not be able to take it but since i can there's nothing i can really do with it i do believe it is a little excessive it really didn't need to go as far as it went but intentions are so mixed up and confused i don't know if that was flaw or point and i don't think there's really any way to figure it out except maybe ask him directly br br
terrible direction from an awful script even the dvd looked and out of focus laughable accents all over the map unlike most of the other i had no idea this was about boys in love in the mud but that fact became immediately obvious from the opening scene and all the lovingly drawn out shots of nude or scantily clad young men usually wet or with sweat looking at each other
dennis patrick plays a man who accidentally kills his daughter's boyfriend and then reveals his secret at a local bar joe peter boyle a who is getting drunk there at first takes it as a joke but then the story is confirmed on the evening news instead of calling the cops or the like joe decides that since the guy killed a hippie they must be spirits he the man into becoming his pal at first the film seemed harsh and but as it revealed itself it actually became quite a complex portrait of the current society yes i think it does a bit but in amusing ways that don't really detract from the power of its messages susan sarandon in this film and it's a shock to see how pretty she was around 23 well worth seeing
so is in it so automatically we compare this film to aside the fact that this film is also wartime and her appearance is these films are totally different br br the actors work well i think one good thing is there is no memorable person they are a team br br if you want a film where things happen then id advise another as the story of this film is about human interaction and their damaged by their experiences and how their lives are br br this film have genuine interaction perfect pause moments that make you hold your breath no its not exciting but it is gripping if you can with these characters at moments i wondered if this film may have been better as a theatrical play rather than a movie we expect a lot from movies as everything is possible and yet with theatre we allow for interaction and rely on belief br br there are things wrong with it if your looking for a blockbuster if you look for nothing and allow the film to take you in move you allow yourself to forget these stars and not to judge them as actors but let them become people you will truly yourself moved br br go on give it a go
obviously this is not the directed by joe and produced by roger corman it wasn't so obvious when i bought the dvd for only 2 95 as the dvd cover art matched that of the corman produced comedy horror even the dvd menu no features of course matched the cover half way through watching this odd movie my girlfriend and i started thinking where are the once the movie reached the climax we realised that we must have been watching the wrong movie as we had seen the trailer which had completely different footage the on the back of the dvd did not match the story we were watching and the credits actors producer director were also completely different instead we got some jungle melodrama about a a girl and two guys who go searching for and end up confronting a vicious animal hunter this tame exploitation thriller is boring and pointless and is only mildly amusing for old school camp value strange that a dvd can be with the wrong film in but i suppose it is an easy mistake to make seeing as though they are both b grade movies of the same name made in the 70's reading other made on this film i noticed that i'm not the only one with the wrong movie on the dvd how could this be an international error is there perhaps some sort of dvd where films try to get recognition by being put on the wrong dvds what is going on
when i borrowed this movie i wasn't expecting a high quality performance but this was just sad br br most of the acting was so unbelievably bad that you couldn't easily get into this movie if you tried there's nothing quite like seeing a kid things like oh no my dad is invisible or i wonder what this does in the same that one might traffic over the radio with there are some good actors but they are wasted on smaller parts br br the story is decent though it would be fairly easy to guess considering that there aren't too many real plot changes lots of holes too for example the dad is invisible and the figures out what part is needed to make him visible again so the boy goes and steals the part from an store couldn't he just ask his dad for the cash br br this shows up in the comedy category but most of the comedy in this movie was fairly dumb like the invisible dad taking off his clothes while invisible and then almost naked during a meeting or walking around with his head covered at all times funny at first but it gets old br br 2 5 because it is watchable and it's one of those movies that are funny in their own way like the of lines
an army training camp comedy starring bill murray and directed by is a favourite of mine a summer camp starring bill murray and directed by is a complete waste of time it takes a considerable effort for four screenwriters to produce a movie the word a work with as witless and boring as this br br murray evidently reached the same conclusion during filming but his usually reliable powers of escape him and his attempts to life into proceedings just add to the embarrassment the it really doesn't matter scene is excruciating it doesn't help that the supporting cast is of talent the funniest thing about them is their hair but then was made in 1979 and introducing chris as the opening credits no not the chris br br mercifully his mistake two years later for is so much funnier when he's around with the likes of john candy warren and john this and watch that
when i saw this movie the first thing that jumped at me was the acting of kelly a young and and coming star actress that i saw for the first time totally blew me away she is amazing on screen and i'm really looking forward to see what the future brings her br br the movie it self was good in the sense that it let kelly do her stuff and take the for a ride not much new tho i had the feeling that i had seen it all before but a good experience i would recommend this movie if only to see kelly this stage actor takes the screen by storm i give this movie a vote of 7 5 for the acting performance and 2 for the rest of the movie br br and on a last note sorry about my bad english if this is for you p ignore me
to experience head you really need to understand where the were when they filmed it br br this was as their series was coming to a close and the group was near break up their inventive and comedic series sort of an american idol of their day took four unknown actors and formed a around them br br this is their take on their image and status as the 2nd beatles they always felt they were in a box trapped and unable to find credibility despite their talents br br it is also a hell of a musical inventive i have the soundtrack and full of surprises br br see it with an open mind
the only way i can feel good about having handed over these precious minutes of my life is everyday telling someone how awful it was and even if i say it once a day every day for the rest of my life i will not fully get my point across just dumb br br there's a difference in movies like this and movies like elephant or fat guy goes two of my other least favorite movies the latter two were terrible yes but that was that almighty takes a strong cast and attempts to kill them all sykes hill john goodman and steve why god why all these people have much better talent now every time i see any of them i will think of this terrible movie br br the only reason i gave this a 2 instead of a 1 was when i saw the movie there was a mentally challenged elderly woman who thought the of bird and getting hurt by tools while building jokes were so funny that she didn't stop laughing the entire time nearly out at several times
if you think about it it's nearly unbelievable that a film could be made about the death penalty one of the world's most controversial topics that neither those for nor against it's a testament to tim extraordinary intelligence and sensitivity traits that can be seen in his acting roles as well redemption ladder br br this film in fact hints at a subtle compromise between the for and against camps so subtle that it can't be put into words subtle to the point of yet one gets the sense after watching the picture that a compromise is possible that somehow it can be worked out if only we look deeply enough
i stumbled on to this site while looking for a video or dvd of the 1959 version and with sammy davis as life if anyone finds this on a home movie format please let me know i talk to my daughters all the time about things that they think are new which actually have already been done we went to see a live theater of version a couple of years ago and all i could talk about was this film sadly my daughters cannot remember seeing sammy davis jr in any production although they have heard of him needless to say they're not familiar with the other great actors in the film it is a major not to have this classic film because of the cast on a home movie format for and for future generations anyway in my opinion this version was the best
a few years ago while i was renting some movies i came across 4 ended up watching it and actually kind of liking it we need a good vampire gore flick that doesn't hold back but when i went back to the video store they said they didn't have any other videos unfortunately the same went for any other video store i checked out i gave up until someone on youtube actually posted all the films and i got to watch them all last night and i'm hooked i am now a fan of the full moon series i think because this was the type of horror film i have been looking for i've been looking for a good cheesy scare for a long time and filled that spot is one of the coolest vampires on screen and almost gives a run for his br br is an evil vampire who is after his blood stone his birth the stone contains some blood that is absolutely incredible and gives him strength three american girls who are studying romanian history and culture into a man who offers to help they stay at castle where we find out that is brother and turns two of the girls but falls for one of the girls michelle and will do anything to protect her br br is a fun series despite the cheesy effects it makes it in some ways more likable plus was a perfect villain as was the perfect angel like romantic vampire the story is chilling and i think this was a fun vampire movie this was also the first in the series the best part is the sequels are just as fun i would recommend this for a scary movie night watch it in the dark is sure to send down your spine or even your neck ok cheesy joke couldn't resist br br 7 10
san 1 out of 10 so you want to make a serial killer movie but your budget is non existent your camera equipment is elderly and your stars are joe martin younger brother and a in really bad movies and todd bridges from different there are probably ways to pull of at least a watchable film the brothers have no clue br br first of all much of the cast seems to have been chosen in a desperate attempt to make bridges and look like oscar caliber really how hard is it to play a priest or an overbearing mother certainly a city the size of san francisco has a few professional actors willing to work for a few bucks and a screen credit clearly chris and bonnie who play these roles have other talents such as or waitress they ought to be fine br br joe as the killer yes the serial killer is simply known as the killer is also pretty awful in a mentally ill method kind of way but i am almost willing to give him the benefit of the doubt as his character is written with zero style or personality a boring almost laughable serial killer is a problem for a serial killer movie br br in addition the brothers seem to have originally planned this as an abc family movie of the week there is no nudity or violence to speak of and the r rating clearly is for the adult style pacing this move like an 85 year old woman driving with and her turn on the only occasional horror comes from lighting face with a that makes it look like his lower jaw was removed br br i wasn't expecting a great film when i rented san but i wasn't expecting mind numbing boredom either
it is sad to have to say that a film is truly awful and one tries to find ways around saying this however this is a dreadful film gene hackman wastes time and one suspects many dollars on re playing his most famous and role as gene hackman otherwise television actors are given the chance to become film stars and successfully resist the temptation patrick has a minor part and went on to greater things for which he must be thankful br br i watched this film as a result of someone else's review and i felt that another point of view was you may not agree with my review but now at least you have been warned
nice movie at the i thought it's a detective kind hi fi movie but the ending totally surprised me i guess the whole movie covers too many subjects each of them can be the main subject e g avenge friendship and dream but it mixed all of them without focusing on any of them i think it'd be a great movie if it's built around the ending from the very br br
duck has signs hanging from every inch of every available tree that it's rabbit season but you guessed it it's really duck season elmer appears he's the only hunter dumb enough to fall for the gag br br he's even dumber than that when bugs bunny up to him and asks how the rabbit hunting is going elmer admits that he hasn't seen a rabbit yet this is more than can stand he emerges from his hiding place and immediately points to a rabbit bugs bunny shoot him now screams you be quiet says bugs he doesn't have to shoot you now insists that he does br br after returns his off to his head he is doomed to more arguments infected with trouble which all have the same result later bugs dresses as a sexy woman and asks elmer for a duck dinner will get the last laugh ha ha very funny ha ha ha br br what's funny about this classic cartoon bug in fright as screams in his face bugs bunny says yes while dripping with self satisfaction duck stands on demanding to be shot elmer that he can't wait any sees bugs in women's clothes and makes that little noise with his tongue carl plays you must have been a beautiful baby during drag act demands sheer honesty out of bugs plays home sweet home at an appropriate moment tells bugs he's br br in five words every detail of this film br br note this short is available on looney tunes golden collection volume one disc 1
the kid was born retarded it pulls in a half dozen directions features dialog and action lifted from much older and better known and might be funny if only the writers knew what funny is br br disney stuff has gotten a lot better in the last couple of decades but don't let that fool you they should have given the kid a wide sang it a then ran the train into a mercy killing
this movie was so bad it was funny for awhile there i thought i was actually watching a parody of a bad movie a la for your consideration the cliffhanger scene at the end had me laughing until my hurt the script was dreadful enough but coupled with sean terrible acting especially while she explains the entire plot in great detail complete with flashbacks while off a cliff makes it a truly bad movie worth watching in fact the shots in this scene reminded me of an ed wood movie i still can't believe how this thing got made first of all how did such a bad script get the green light how did star actors get attached were they at low points in their careers questions questions
it's one of my favorites tv series a wonderful cast great screenplay and a out plot br br watching the routine of the kyle family is of great moments of humor and great comedy performers let's see damon wayans no he's one of the today se has a perfect timing and always get the point of the joke br br campbell paranoid and sentimental jay is just wonderful to see br br george o gore ii perfect for the paper it's impossible to imagine someone else as the adorable and dumb junior br br jennifer nicole freeman the claire found the perfect actress beautiful talented br br parker posey impossible to not fall in love for her br br grey this boy have future i'm sure of it br br i get very sad when it ends but this show will be in my mind forever michael jay claire junior we love you
when i was engaged my and i would frequent the adult he would look for his favorite and on occasion a video that caught the eye as much as i enjoyed the one on one with him that the media caused there was never a video that i really enjoyed i had seen only one other movie way back when there was a satellite channel called it dealt with a private eye a case that actually had a proper plot and was enjoyable all the others were and and blowing and there's only so many times you can watch a blonde bimbo br br this movie caught my eye and i to it allowing him to wander the shop he noticed how hard was it not too i was actually interested in something lol in the video section and came over buying the slightly used copy for me we took it home and i loved it here was a porno with a plot i wasn't sure it even classified as porno but i use the word loosely br br the was a character i could identify with alice rejected her advances she was not comfortable with her own sexuality and in her comments bill went away and she continued to check in books the white rabbit ran through the library one book if you notice closely i believe it's been ten years since i saw the movie was by lewis c and alice for that same reason that teenagers to run into the woods when a chainsaw wielding maniac is behind them rather than towards populated areas follows it's the best way to get the plot forward alice finds herself in wonderland br br i barely recall all the details but i do remember clearly the swim in the lake and how she was off i liked how they got up again the mad size of member being on his hat to wear it proudly and the brother sister team of and dee which did me slightly then again they could have been husband wife but i never could tell no matter how many times i watched it the woman on the knight who told alice go away and find your own knight what's a a nice girl like you doing on a knight like this br br the part that really caught my attention when i watched it about a year or so later was one of the cards 3 of hearts i think who my current wife exactly we couldn't help but her about being in the movie the king of hearts was interesting and the queen was even more so due to the of the forum i can't go into details just say it was orgy based and we'll leave it at that br br when we split up i was allowed to take the video he knew i liked it but in the time since it's been lost in someday i'll find another copy br br btw if anyone could tell me what scene was cut from the amazon version i'd really appreciate it br br i recommend this movie for the over 18 crowd it was soft sweet and really 70's but i liked it immensely br br out of 5 d
after slightly over 50 years of avid film watching i've come up with some simple rules for making good movies br br 1 introduce your main characters early certainly within the first half hour 2 keep your characters to a minimum if adapting a novel combine characteristics and actions of minor characters br br into one person 3 make sure your characters actions have credibility if necessary create additional scenes to establish motivation 4 keep the action clear violence does not have to be explicit but it must not be confusing either 5 get the best music money can buy frequently it matters more than acting photography etc 6 usually if a movie isn't very good within the first 10 minutes it's not going to get any better br br cannon for is a example of what happens when these simple rules are not followed elmer score is one of the worst i've ever heard in a budgeted movie this is altogether surprising considering man with the golden arm ' the magnificent seven ' the great escape ' sons of katie paul direction is lackluster and confusing performances from very good don gordon peter duel to terrible giovanna with the usually reliable george falling somewhere in the middle this should not be surprising considering the mediocre direction and amateurish script which breaks rules 1 2 and 3 br br don't waste your time i give cannon for a
there's nothing new in this movie nothing you haven't thought about before nothing you haven't heard before the story of a gay man who is brutally murdered in a small town and the reaction of people can be in many ways and this movie has chosen the most and one one of the biggest flaws in this movie is that it isn't neither a movie nor a documentary the director has used the of the original interviews and made the actors play them as if it was a movie the result is weird and finally i read in previous comments that stated that people who don't like this movie are anti gay i'm pretty sure this comments come from people who consider themselves but don't tolerate that other people don't like this movie this is a funny world
other than john this movie was absolutely terrible the and andrew love story was as clichéd as possible full of unbelievably bad lines about how her parents wouldn't ever let them be together and super hammy longing looks none of the emotion had any depth or reality whatsoever the two characters dean as rupert and whoever it was playing the gun expert once they saw how bad the accents were couldn't they have decided to just drop them and rewrite a couple of lines to avoid giving the audience apparently not i don't even know where to start with the editing particularly the sound editing if you hate obvious over dubbing as much as i do don't watch this that being said was great off the bat i'll admit that i'm a huge office fan and that's why i rented this but he's quite entertaining as the off the wall friend with crazy ideas he's got a clichéd role but he still manages to make it as entertaining as possible the ending was awful just flat out terrible the idea of the robbery gone awry had potential but around after being shot all the way to his studio to fall of a painting of which looks nothing like her is the most cringe worthy scene
i'm sure there is a documentary amongst the ruins of this yawn fest somewhere given enough time maybe the producers could find it i do not connect with any of the characters this is a problem for a documentary that soon into a complete on although because of the poor story flow i'm not really sure what is happening to them and what are the consequences of whatever it is they are trying to do the story and faces jump around so quickly it is very hard to completely understand what is going on the 3rd that takes them for is introduced so late into the film and tom have to to explain oh yeah this guy created the idea too and just when i thought i had a slight grasp on who all the characters were some crazy woman in about getting a puppy what's up with that also did tom really have to give all those awkward speeches to the staff i can only imagine the boredom they felt when it was really happening actually i think i feel for them
who are the people that star in this thing never heard of them but this is one of the funniest comedies i have run across it should win the prize for parody the absurd starts with dr his and turning into a sex fiend he is pursued by driven nurse early in the movie in one of the funniest scenes of the movie pay attention to the hospital system in the background rather like the system in mash the final scene with hyde accepting the award has had me laughing for years oh and the nurse is peterson who went on to become elvira mistress of the dark br br if you liked the mel brooks classic movies blazing etc i suspect you'd like this one br br damn shame you can't get it on dvd anywhere br br it's available on dvd now good thing dvds don't wear out from use
i have not read the novel from which the film is based on so i cannot comment on what is missing or if there were changes made br br as i stated above i had a wonderful experience watching the runner i find that when i see films about other cultures than here in the usa i learn how other peoples live exist br br the actors in this movie are from afghanistan other countries in that area there are 3 young children in this near epic movie in there first roles they were marvelous br br the scenes that was supposedly in were shot in various parts of china i assume that the area is similar to the actual places in the book br br mark foster directed he did finding he has created the same magic here br br all aspects of production are first rate br br i found this a better movie than those nominated won oscars br br the film is sub titled it is very clear to read it has a proper pg 13 rating spoiler alert the child rape scene is very well handled br br i cannot however give this a 4 star rating as the general plot story line we have seen many many times non the less this is a very worthwhile movie to watch br br ratings 1 2 out of 4 95 points out of 100 imdb 9 out of 10
i'm a next generation person i've never saw the original doctor who but i have heard about the series that a great fan base in the past and still making its mark in the century the new doctor who started in 2005 but for those that live here in the states like myself we pretty much see it as new episodes on sci fi channel or bbc america from season one we are introduce to a new player rose tyler and a pretty cool new doctor played by christopher last name sorry these two go on some many amazing and very extremely dangerous missions to save the world every now and then they have companions from ex boyfriend mickey to the now ever present jack who can now be seen on the spin off from season one to season two the pace is just about right the stories can be from the weird to the most action packed paced driven but either way its one ride from the start of the theme song which is very catchy br br in season two he becomes different and changes and now the new doctor david continues the fight to save the world with rose and from this point there can be some that say some of the season wasn't as good but i have to disagree and it was sad to see rose and the doctor part ways but it leaves the opening companion role to martha played by the very sexy who helps continue the fight to save mankind season three now is more on the action adventure level and sometimes on the emotional but not as much as the first two seasons here the relationship between the doctor and martha is fitting but the can be rushed into at times and the comes into play that she's not rose tyler being that you experienced her company in the first two seasons and not in the third season it can be a bit awkward it was for me cause you get use to rose and her ways and now to see someone who at times don't really question the doctor on an emotional level but all the same makes the pace very exciting for viewers which keeps you at the edge of your seat br br all in all this is one thrill ride of a television show i would give it more but there are some flaws to this show as well that i can't mention cause its sometimes hard to pick up but just one does which is the doctor and relationship is rushed and not on the get to know you base i've seen good shows on british tv but this is by far one of the coolest sci fi adventures for the old and new generation to experience but you don't have to take my world for it step into the and join the adventure
the best bond game made of all systems it was made of the best bond movie of all time if you don't have the game you should rent it and if you don't have the movie you should rent it also to better understand the game the best bond game of all
okay i had reasonably high expectations for this the controversial subject matter was a good concept as a horror fan i admit i was fascinated and very excited about this br br it turns out they had a great idea but it was terribly executed let's see this movie seems to run in 3 happy sex and dark the problem is that the movie never decides what it wants to be the happy parts i believe were meant to contrast with the dark parts but it doesn't work the soundtrack is one of the reasons br br the movie transitions between these 3 very badly i can't even begin to say how much the directing and editing suck there's sex in the most unappealing and way i'm not complaining but even for horror standards they were unnecessary and filler br br the characters are all unlikeable with the exception of paula her friend from is a slut and possibly one of the most annoying characters in movies i've come across recently br br there's a bit of plot which i won't go into detail it's not stupid and in more talented hands would make a good movie there's even a nice twist and a cool conspiracy going on don't try to understand everything because there are giant plot holes here br br it's all so done that you don't care for the victims the anyone and to think this could have been great i can say one good thing about it which is the movie shed some light on today's medical with and controversial this could have been a great philosophical film that raises and these questions but you won't find that here just a series of scenes loosely together with people and things that you don't care about br br skip this and go watch instead you're welcome br br 3 10
an awesome made for the sci fi channel movie which by far surpasses many of the poor previous efforts they've out bruce campbell is on superb form as a possible who gets caught up in a bizarre experiment led by a delirious professor and his half wit assistance ted the film is pure b movie gold and its great to see and ram up on screen with bruce and the fact that a lot of the film works purely on comic slapstick acting is what make it hilarious and makes me ask the question why isn't this guy getting more of his scripts it indeed a sick world definitely worth a watch