questions: asking about broiler farm management \n answers: explain in details
questions: asking about the insects pest problem in broccoli \n answers: application of immidachloropid @ 2 ml per litre of water
questions: control measure of late blight \n answers: spray indofil m 45 @ 2.5gm/lit water every after 10 days
questions: asking about some variety of peas \n answers: suggested about the variety like-t-163,arkel,boneville,h-u-p-2
questions: asking that in which field farmers can avail information from kisan call centre \n answers: advised that farmers can avail information in the field of agriculture,veterinary and fishery.
questions: asking about cultivation practices of potato. \n answers: given in details
questions: management of broiler bird \n answers: answer given in details
questions: asking about the age of castration period of a dog. \n answers: suggested to the age of castration period of a dog is 2-3 month of age.
questions: asking about the cultivation practices of bottle gourd and disase problem \n answers: application diethene m-45 @ 2ml per litre of water
questions: asking in other language \n answers: transfer
questions: asking about the control of flower drop in tomato. \n answers: advised to apply green harvest crop booster @ 1.25 gram / litre of water,tracel 1 @ 2.5 gram/litre of water or dk-4 @ 4 ml / litre of water.
questions: asking about fertilizer doses of rose \n answers: explain in details
questions: asking about the control of flower drop problem in tomato. \n answers: advised to apply dk-4 @ 4 ml / 20 litre of water.
questions: management of layer bird \n answers: answer given in details
questions: asking about the vaccination scheduled against viral disease. \n answers: explained in details.
questions: asking about the chilli cultivation \n answers: explain in details
questions: asking about the land preparation of green gram \n answers: explain in details
questions: asking about treatment of weakness in goat. \n answers: suggested to inject tribivet injection @ 3 ml i/mly at every alternate day.
questions: asking about the kcc loan. \n answers: explain in detail.
questions: control measure of late blight disease in potato. \n answers: advised to apply indofil m-45 @ 2.5 gram /litre of water
questions: asking about broiler farming \n answers: answer given in details
questions: asking about kisan call centre and various schemes for agricultural purposes \n answers: answer all in details
questions: asking about winter management in broiler. \n answers: explain in details about broiler management in poultry.
questions: asking for pest problem \n answers: suggested him to spray malathion 50 ec @ 2 ml per litr of water
questions: control measure of late blight \n answers: spray indofil m 45 @ 2.5gm/lit water
questions: asking about the a laon \n answers: explain in details
questions: asking about the to know kisan call centre \n answers: explain in details
questions: askind about the disease of chilli \n answers: spray indofil m-45 @ 2ml/litres of water
questions: asking about kroiler farm management \n answers: answer given in details
questions: asking about flower drop of coconut \n answers: explained in details
questions: asking about agricultural loan. \n answers: explain in detail.
questions: asking about poultry diseases \n answers: answer given in details
questions: package of practice in brijal \n answers: explained in details
questions: cauliflower problem \n answers: apply aminos vitamin
questions: asking for kharif vegetables \n answers: explained him in details
questions: asking about the cultivation practices of wheat . \n answers: answer given in details.
questions: asking for govt. schemes for rice \n answers: replied accordingly
questions: asking for rice schemes of govt. \n answers: replied accordingly
questions: asking about the fertilizer doses of coconut tre. \n answers: explain in details..
questions: askin about semi intensive culture practice \n answers: replied him accordingly
questions: asking about thefertilizer management in bottle gourd \n answers: application of urea 100 grams and borax 50 grams with 3 kg of compost around the base of the plant
questions: asking about the composite fish culture. \n answers: explain in detail.
questions: asling for a laon \n answers: suggested him go to nearest nationalist bank
questions: disconnected \n answers: disconnected
questions: asking about kroiler farming \n answers: answer given in details
questions: asked abt carp culture.. \n answers: explain
questions: asking about the cultivation practices of fish. \n answers: c
questions: asking about the pest attack in brinjal crop \n answers: suggested him to apply rogor
questions: wanted to now about kissan credit card \n answers: explained him in details
questions: asking var. \n answers: suggested him sunbred 212 and sunbred 275
questions: asking about the control measure of late blight disease in tomato. \n answers: advsied to apply indofil m-45 @ 2.5 gram / litre of water.
questions: asking about his problems with his ridge gourd. \n answers: answer given in details.
questions: asking about the fertilizer dose of coconut. \n answers: given in details
questions: asked abt carp culture \n answers: explain..
questions: asking about the management preactices in potato \n answers: explain in details
questions: asking about the fertilizer doses of fertilizer \n answers: explain in details
questions: asking about the control measure to control leaf curl disease in chilli \n answers: suggested to spray rogor 35ec@2mililliter/liter of water followed by waiting period for 5-7days
questions: asking about vaccination schedule in poultry \n answers: answer given in details
questions: boron deficiency \n answers: apply borax
questions: asking about varieties of cucumber. \n answers: advised him to select variety like chinese green,aauc-1,2,3 and sedona.
questions: asking about the cultivation practices of ridgh guard and their varieties. \n answers: answer given in details...
questions: asking about the fertilizer doses of bhindi \n answers: explain in details
questions: asking about fertilizer doses of coconut \n answers: explained him in details
questions: asking about the agriculture problem. \n answers: forwarded to the agriculture expert.
questions: asking about management of broiler farm \n answers: answer given in details
questions: asking for spraying of borax \n answers: suggested him properly
questions: asking about the cultivation practices of cauliflower \n answers: explain in details
questions: asking about how to get tractor under subsidy rate. \n answers: explain in detail.
questions: control measure of wasp attack in bottle gourd. \n answers: advised to spray malathion 50 ec @ 2 ml / litre of water mixed with jaggery
questions: asking about the water management of potato \n answers: explain in details
questions: asking about the plant protecting measure of citrus \n answers: explain in details
questions: asking about the control for termite. \n answers: suggested to spray dursban tc (42.8 % chlorpyrifos).
questions: asking about disease in kroiler breed \n answers: answer given in details
questions: insect pest \n answers: apply malathion @2ml/litre of water
questions: asking about the coconut disease problem \n answers: application of bavistin 2 ml per litre of water
questions: asking about the fertilizer doses \n answers: explain in details
questions: asking about cultivation practices of boro rice \n answers: explained him in details
questions: asking about the fertilizer doses of coconut \n answers: explain in details
questions: asking about the control measure of aphids in pea. \n answers: suggested to spray rogor @ 2ml/lt of water.
questions: asking about feeds of kroiler \n answers: answer given in details
questions: asking about the coconut plant fertilizer dose. \n answers: given as urea 750gm, potash 850gm, borax 20gm .
questions: asking about the control measure of fungal wilt in brinjal \n answers: suggested to soil drenching with captaf @ 3 gram/liter of water.
questions: asking about the disease problem in bottle gourd \n answers: application of captaf @ 2ml per litre of water
questions: asking about the govt. scheme \n answers: explain in details
questions: asking about the cultivation practice of bottle gourd. \n answers: explained.
questions: asking cultural practices \n answers: explain in details
questions: agriculture related problem. \n answers: transfer to agriculture expert.
questions: control measure of fruit rot in okra \n answers: advised to apply blitox-50 @ 2.5 gram / litre of water.
questions: asking about the soil condition of citrus \n answers: explain in details
questions: asking about wilt problem of capsicum \n answers: suggested to soil drenching with bavistin @ 1gm/litre of water
questions: asking about brinjal shoot borer problem \n answers: suggested to spray rocket @ 2ml/litre of water
questions: asking about the control measure of rat \n answers: advised to apply mortin rat killer
questions: agriculture related problem. \n answers: transfer to agriculture expert.
questions: asking about how to increase flowering \n answers: explain in details
questions: fruit drop \n answers: explained in details
questions: asking for plant management \n answers: apply miracle vitamin @ 2ml/litre of water
questions: fruit drop \n answers: spray rogor @ 2ml /lit water
questions: asking about the cultivation practices of and pest problem \n answers: application of chloropyriphos @ 2 ml per litre of water
questions: asking about the fish vitamin used in fish culture. \n answers: apply agrimin forte @ 2gm/kg of fish feed.
questions: asking about rat problem in bottle gourd cultivation \n answers: suggested him in details