questions: asking about insect problem in brinjal \n answers: suggested to spray rocket @ 2ml/litre of water
questions: veterinary \n answers: forwarded to the veterinary expert
questions: asking about the how to identify the male/female birds of pigeon. \n answers: suggested to contact the local for identification of male/female pigeons.
questions: asking about the vitamin and calcium in a broiller farm. \n answers: suggested to apply the vimeral syrup @ 2 ml/lit of water and osto-calcium syrup @2ml/lit of water for three consecutive days.
questions: slow growth in broiler \n answers: advice to give 1. ambiplex @ 40ml per 300 birds for 5 days
questions: call related to fishery \n answers: transfered
questions: asking about cultural practices of rice \n answers: explained him in details
questions: rice cultivation \n answers: forwarded to the expert
questions: paddy \n answers: forwarded to the expert
questions: asking about the leaf curling disease in chilli \n answers: application of rogor @ 1.5 ml per litre of water
questions: asking about the rice cultivation practices \n answers: explain in details
questions: asking about the disease in brinjal. \n answers: suggested to apply the malathion 50ec @2ml/lit of water.
questions: greenish diarrhoea in broiler \n answers: advice to give 1.lixen powder @ 5 g per 300 birds with water for 5 days 2. ambiplex @50 ml per 300 birds with water for 5 days
questions: asking about the brinjal fruits and shoot borer \n answers: application of rocket @ 2 ml per litre of water
questions: agriculture related problem. \n answers: transfer to agriculture expert.
questions: asking about the fungal disease problem in braod bean \n answers: applicatio of cuper oxyclorides @ 2 gram per litre of water
questions: agriculture \n answers: forwarded to the expert
questions: asking about the popler preparation cultivation practices \n answers: explain in details
questions: asking cultural practices \n answers: explain briefly
questions: kcc \n answers: explain in detail
questions: asking about downy mildew problem in cucumber \n answers: suggested to spray bavistin @ 2gm/litre of water
questions: vet. related query \n answers: transfered to expert
questions: slow growth rate in broiler \n answers: 1. osimel @ 30 ml per 300 birds with water for 5 days 2. microguard @ 8 g per 300 birds with water for 5 days
questions: asking about kcc loan \n answers: explained details
questions: asking for names of improved varities of couliflower \n answers: advise to use improved japanese, pusa snowball or pusa synthetic
questions: asking about cultural practices of tomato \n answers: explained in details
questions: asking about fruit drop problem \n answers: advice to spray 2,4-d @10ppm
questions: asking about the treatment of poultry \n answers: answer is given in details
questions: protective measure for fungal attack in seedlings of brinjal \n answers: use white polythene after sowing seeds
questions: asking about wilting problem in brinjal \n answers: suggested to soil drenching with bavistin @ 1gm/litre of water
questions: asking about the treatment of baccillery white diarrhoea in a poultry farm. \n answers: suggested to administer lixen pow@1gm/lit of water in the morning time and sulcoprim pow.@1gm/lit of water in the evening time.
questions: asking about pest problem \n answers: advice to spray chlorpyriphos 20 ec@2ml/l water
questions: asking about the how to control weed \n answers: application of 2 4 d @ 3 kg per bigha of land
questions: deseases in brinjal \n answers: adviced to apply bavistin @ 2 gm per liter of water
questions: asking about leaf spot disease \n answers: advice to spray hexakonajol
questions: asking about kcc \n answers: explained details
questions: pest in pumkin \n answers: spray profex super @ 2ml/lit
questions: asking about fruit drop \n answers: spray tracel 2@2ml/l water
questions: asking about cultural practise \n answers: explain details
questions: slow growth of a pig \n answers: advice to give 1. ambiplex @ 25 ml per day for 10 days
questions: asking about soil insect problem in cabbage seed bed \n answers: suggested to soil drenching with tricel-20 @ 2ml/litre of water
questions: asking for disease problem \n answers: suggested to drench the soil with blitox-50 @ 2 gm per litre of water
questions: asking for subsidy scheme of hauler rice mill \n answers: suggested to concern sird, cachar
questions: asking about the brinjal frutis borer \n answers: application of triazophos @ 2 ml per litre of water
questions: asking about the variety of chilli. \n answers: advised him to select np-46,pusajalah etc.
questions: asking about the cultivation practices of hybrid chilli \n answers: given in details about the package of practices of chilli
questions: asking about the brinjal leaf curling disease \n answers: application of plantomycin 2 2 ml per litre of water
questions: asking about cultural practices of cabbage \n answers: explained him in details
questions: asking about the brinjal fruit and shoot borer problem \n answers: application of rocket @ 2 ml per litre of water
questions: asking about mosaic virus innfected in bottle gaurd \n answers: advised to spray rogor 2ml/lit of water
questions: asking for cultural practices \n answers: explain in details
questions: query regarding rubber plantation \n answers: expaline details
questions: problem of pod borer in pea. \n answers: advised him to apply malathion 50 ec @ 2 ml / liter of water.
questions: asking about the insects bacterial disease problem in brinjal \n answers: application of plantomycin @ 2 ml per litr of water
questions: asking about wilting of brinjal \n answers: advised to spray streptocyclin 2ml/l
questions: asking for disease problem \n answers: adviced fopr application of blitox 50 @ 2 gm/litre of water
questions: package of practice \n answers: explained in details
questions: fruit drop \n answers: apply borax @ 25 gm /plant in ring method
questions: asking about cultural practices of onion \n answers: explained him in details
questions: asking about cultural practices of tomato \n answers: explain details
questions: asking about broiler \n answers: describe
questions: fungal attack in chillies \n answers: apply captaf @ 2gm/lit
questions: asking about cultural practices of brinjal \n answers: explain details
questions: asking about nutrient management \n answers: explained in details about the proper nutrient application
questions: asking about flower drop problem \n answers: advice to spray tracel 2@2gm/l water
questions: package of practice \n answers: explained in details
questions: query regarding brinjal cultivation \n answers: expalined details
questions: problem of fruit borer in brinjal. \n answers: advised him to apply malathion 50 ec @ 2 ml / liter of water.
questions: asking about cultural practices of potato \n answers: explained him in details
questions: asking about pest problem \n answers: advice to spray malathion 50 ec @2ml/l water
questions: asking about fetilizer dose for potato \n answers: explained details
questions: asking about the kisan call centre \n answers: explain in detail
questions: pest problem in brinjal \n answers: adviced to broadcast phoret
questions: query regarding termite control in spinach \n answers: suggested tricel @ 2ml per litr of water
questions: fertilizer requirment in raddish \n answers: adviced to apply 14 kg urea, 41 kg ssp, 22 kg mop and 3 quintal drien cowdung
questions: asking cultural practices \n answers: explain briefly
questions: flower drop in yard long bean \n answers: adviced to apply aminos @ 2 ml per liter of water
questions: asking about various schemes of agricultural dept. \n answers: given in details about the schemes
questions: asking about fertilizer dose for potato \n answers: adviced to apply urea 12 kg, dap 15 kg and mop 12 kg per bigha
questions: asking about the fertilizer dose for potato \n answers: suggest him the fertilidose for potato
questions: asking about fertilizer dose in potato \n answers: adviced to apply urea 12 kg, dap 15 kg, mop 11 kg per bigha
questions: wanted to know the fertilizer required in one bigha of potato \n answers: explained in detail
questions: asking about the cabbage fungal wilting \n answers: application ridomil mz 72 @ 2 ml per litre of water
questions: asking about hatchery training. \n answers: explain in details and suggested to contact with s.i.r.d. khanapara guwahati-22
questions: asking for growth promoter \n answers: spray tracel-2 @ 2 gm per litre of water at 15 days interval
questions: asked about carp culture \n answers: explained
questions: asking about pmegp loan \n answers: describe
questions: asking about cultural practices of potato \n answers: explained him in details
questions: asking about the brinjal insects pest problem \n answers: explain in details
questions: agriculture \n answers: forwarded to the expert
questions: asking about rainfall data \n answers: explain details acc. to imd report
questions: asking about the insects pest problem in sqaush \n answers: application of malathion 50 ec @ 2 ml per litre of water
questions: asking dose of blitox-50 \n answers: suggested him 2 gm per litre of water
questions: asking about the brinjal fruts and shoot borer \n answers: explain in details
questions: asking about the rajma fungal disease problem \n answers: application of captan @ 2 gram per litre of water
questions: asking about cultural practices of bitter gourd \n answers: explained him in details
questions: leaf eatting pest in cauliflower \n answers: adviced to apply malathion 50 ec @ 2 ml per liter of water
questions: asking for cultural practices \n answers: explain in details
questions: vet. related problem \n answers: transfer to vet. expert
questions: asking about the disease of frence bean \n answers: advised to apply indofil m-45 @ 2ml/litres of water