4 values
10 values
I have another review about this item in which I gave it 4 or 5 stars ; I wanted to update but didn 't know how . Anyways , I loved loved loved this item . I used it to chop onions (my biggest fear ) and used it to make tabbouleh , hummus , and baba ghannoush . I literally used it every single day and loved it so much . I am giving it 2 stars now cause it stopped working after one year . So , I 'm returning the item and will write to the company to inform them . I 'm really disappointed .
[('item', 'loved', 'POS'), (-1, 'loved', 'POS'), (-1, 'stopped working after one year', 'NEG'), ('item', 'returning', 'NEG'), (-1, '2 stars', 'NEG')]
I love this t ea kettle , but it is so hard to find . The copper bottom helps the water heat up fast , and it 's easy to pour because it doesn 't have a lid that can fall off , like other kettles - it 's all in one . I 've been using these kettles for years .
[('t ea kettle', 'love', 'POS'), ('ea kettle', 'hard to find', 'NEU'), ('copper bottom', 'helps the water heat up fast', 'POS'), (-1, 'easy to pour', 'POS'), (-1, "doesn 't have a lid that can fall off", 'POS')]
This peeler is unlike others , as it is made in one piece . Others are glued together and trust me , they fall apart while washing .
[('peeler', 'unlike others', 'POS'), ('peeler', 'made in one piece', 'POS')]
Very heavy and refined . I like the oblong shallow shape which makes it easy for me to get the tablespoon into my spice jars . I no longer have to pour the spice out , I can scoop it out this these . They are very well made . I think we need to get another set of these .
[(-1, 'Very heavy', 'POS'), (-1, 'refined', 'POS'), ('oblong shallow shape', 'like', 'POS'), ('made', 'very well', 'POS'), (-1, 'I think we need to get another set', 'POS')]
I feel like one day the handle will come off . It 's just glued . the filter gets very dirty very with tea , and the dirt won 't go away .
[(-1, 'just glued', 'NEG'), ('filter', 'gets very dirty very with tea', 'NEG'), (-1, 'I feel like one day the handle will come off', 'NEG')]
It 's amazing how much we rely on this . This is our second (first one died after total submersion ) . It is easy to use and very accurate . Cooking by temp gets us better results than cooking by feel or cutting something open to check its doneness .
[(-1, 'amazing how much we rely on', 'POS'), (-1, 'easy to use', 'POS'), (-1, 'very accurate', 'POS')]
My favoite way to make popcorn If you use flavoring you need to change the Power Cups quite often . We generally use real butter added after poping so the Power Cups last 6 to 10 uses . With 1200 W microwaves it takes 2 minutes and 53 seconds to make a batch . At 3 minutes popcorn burns !
[(-1, 'My favoite way to make popcorn', 'POS'), ('Power Cups', 'last 6 to 10 uses', 'NEU')]
Purchased for a camper refrigerator /freezer that hasn 't worked in years . We will have it fixed this coming weekend and this thermometer is to make sure it is cooling properly . It is currently in our fridge and very accurate .
[(-1, 'very accurate', 'POS')]
It was nothing to do with the rod (which I liked very much ) . I had measured incorrectly and it was too little for the the area I needed , I admire the customer service in returning the rods . I have not yet had time to reorder new ones !
[('rod', 'liked very much', 'POS'), ('customer service', 'admire', 'POS')]
If you really like espresso this is a nice product . We however used it only once . Works as advertised but after spending the money for the pot and the replacement filters and making the espresso , we were underwhelmed . Why bother ? Maybe we don 't really need another gadget in the house just to make tiny cups of strong coffee . I only post this because if someone would have pointed it out to me I wouldn 't have bought it .
[('product', 'nice', 'POS'), ('Works', 'as advertised', 'POS'), (-1, 'underwhelmed', 'NEG')]
My husband bought this to peel two full bushels of apples . It did the trick quickly and easily . Pretty easy clean up , too , and the kids loved using it when it was their turn . Handy !
[(-1, 'did the trick quickly and easily', 'POS'), ('clean up', 'Pretty easy', 'POS'), (-1, 'loved', 'POS'), (-1, 'Handy', 'POS')]
I had this timer for a while until it got dropped several times . They do lasted quite a while , even with the abuse , so I ordered two more . They are easy to set and they have a clock and stop watch on it so it can be use for many purposes .
[(-1, 'easy to set', 'POS'), (-1, 'lasted quite a while', 'POS')]
Super skillet and you sure cannot be the price ! We tend to dump out Teflon skillet every so often because they just don 't have the staying power . This skillet is not some lightweight cheaply made one . The construction is solid . I was shocked by the weight . While this impressed me , anyone with weak wrists may take that into consideration . The handle did not heat up , it cooks like a dream . This is likely one of the best Teflon skillet I have purchased .
[('skillet', 'Super', 'POS'), ('price', 'cannot be', 'POS'), ('skillet', 'not some lightweight cheaply made', 'POS'), ('construction', 'solid', 'POS'), ('weight', 'shocked', 'POS'), (-1, 'impressed me', 'POS'), ('handle', 'did not heat up', 'POS'), ('cooks', 'like a dream', 'POS'), ('Teflon skillet', 'one of the best', 'POS')]
I purchased many OXO utensils for my elderly parents after reading reviews . My mom had a stroke affecting her dominant side and my father has a tremor on his dominant side . Both found the utensils easy and comfortable to hold .
[('utensils', 'easy and comfortable to hold', 'POS')]
No rusting when soaked in dish water , cuts cleanly , beautiful design . They are all that I was looking for .
[(-1, 'No rusting when soaked in dish water', 'POS'), ('cuts', 'cleanly', 'POS'), ('design', 'beautiful', 'POS'), (-1, 'all that I was looking for', 'POS')]
These are quiet small and are meant to fit the pot 's handle , not your hand . It feels weird to pick up a heavy pot with these on the handle . I like a glove type better as I feel these could just slip off , , but the y are handy . Five stars because the product is well made and excellent quality for what it is .
[(-1, 'quiet small', 'POS'), ('feels', 'weird', 'NEG'), ('feel', 'could just slip off', 'NEG'), (-1, 'handy', 'POS'), (-1, 'Five stars', 'POS'), ('product', 'well made', 'POS'), ('quality', 'excellent', 'POS')]
Works great . The one I had previously finally died after years of mixing cake and cookie batter . Hopefully this one will last the same
[('Works', 'great', 'POS'), (-1, 'will last the same', 'POS')]
After 4 months of use , it starts spew water all over from the middle when brewing . Do I need to replace a gasket every 3 - 4 months ?
[('middle', 'starts spew water all over', 'NEG')]
This is the way to make coffee ! Simple , straightforward , and probably the most "Green " method out there . 5 total parts - 3 main ones are almost unbreakable , the filter and gasket you may have to replace . . But seldom . Most important it makes great coffee and is usable with a vast array of coffee varieties . One note , grinding the beans specifically for a MOKA pot is important for the best quality brew . I find that grinding beans using the grinders found in most grocery store set to one dot less fine ( 1 click counterclockwise from ) than espresso makes consistently the best coffee .
[(-1, 'Simple', 'POS'), (-1, 'straightforward', 'POS'), (-1, 'way to make coffee', 'POS'), ('3 main ones', 'almost unbreakable', 'POS'), (-1, 'makes great coffee', 'POS'), (-1, 'usable with a vast array of coffee varieties', 'POS')]
Black and Decker used to make a "Sweetheart " waffle iron with the same features . Differences - the B & D broke into 4 hearts instead of 5 , which I think is better - these don 't tear into halves or quarters . The "churp " noise is fine - really everything about this is a quality iron that you will enjoy using other than my comparison to an iron that has 't been made for many years .
[('"churp " noise', 'fine', 'NEU'), ('iron', 'quality', 'POS'), (-1, 'will enjoy using', 'POS')]
It was so banged up that the lid would not open and I could not push it out . I do not think it was the shipping issue since packaging and the box it was in looked perfectly fine . I think the manufacturer placed defective , banged up bread box inside the box . Also , the description extolled its flat top that could be purportedly used to store more stuff on top . No way . It is so flimsy , it seems like even a piece of bread on top of the box will dent it . And it also seems super large in size . I am surprised people say it is a great box for a small kitchen . No way ! It is huge . You can fit two loaves of bread in there and then some .
[(-1, 'so banged up', 'NEG'), ('lid', 'would not open', 'NEG'), ('lid', 'could not push', 'NEG'), ('packaging', 'looked perfectly fine', 'POS'), ('box', 'looked perfectly fine', 'POS'), (-1, 'so flimsy', 'NEG'), ('bread box', 'defective', 'NEG'), ('bread box', 'banged up', 'NEG'), ('size', 'seems super large', 'NEG'), (-1, 'huge', 'NEG')]
I work at a computer several hours a day and use a coffee warmer plate for my coffee . Unfortunatewly , the warmer underperforms and a steaming cup of coffee is reduced to lukewarm in a matter of 10 or 15 minutes . I bought the Nissan Coffee Traveler a few months ago , and voila ! the problem is solved . Coffee stays hot for hours , ouside of the container is cool to the touch , and the lid prevents spills . A perfect solution - - I am now going to buy one for my car !
[('Nissan Coffee Traveler', 'problem is solved', 'POS'), (-1, 'Coffee stays hot for hours', 'POS'), (-1, 'prevents spills', 'POS'), (-1, 'A perfect solution', 'POS')]
Tough little vacuum . Last one I had worked for 15years . Good suction power and light weight to carry around . Tools not very good quality , I replaced with better for and dust brush
[('vacuum', 'Tough little', 'POS'), ('suction power', 'Good', 'POS'), ('weight', 'light', 'POS'), ('Tools', 'not very good quality', 'NEG')]
I have purchased several Amco products and they all are far better than the more well advertised jumk you can get from big box stores . I have yet to be disappointed .
[(-1, 'have yet to be disappointed', 'POS')]
I remember having percolator coffee as a child and decided to order one . The percolator along with light roast coffee is some of the best I have ever had ! Easy cleanup and easy to use . I would highly recommend this .
[('percolator', 'best', 'POS'), ('cleanup', 'Easy', 'POS'), ('use', 'easy', 'POS'), (-1, 'would highly recommend', 'POS')]
These are just great ! Nice weight , comfortable in the hand , great shape . I won 't ever purchase any other kind ! I bought two sets , in case I have a grandchild in the kitchen with me . Love them . Great product at a fair price .
[(-1, 'great', 'POS'), ('weight', 'Nice', 'POS'), (-1, 'comfortable in the hand', 'POS'), ('shape', 'great', 'POS'), (-1, 'Love', 'POS'), ('product', 'Great', 'POS'), ('price', 'fair', 'POS')]
This is basically THE salad spinner to get . Easy to use , easy to clean , lasts nicely . No complaints , we love it .
[('salad spinner', 'to get', 'POS'), (-1, 'Easy to use', 'POS'), (-1, 'easy to clean', 'POS'), (-1, 'lasts nicely', 'POS'), (-1, 'No complaints', 'POS'), (-1, 'love', 'POS')]
I have a larger Presto PC that I can with . This is a nice size for cooking meals for our family of 4 . Presto has been making these for years so parts will be available if needed . If you run any pressure cooker dry you will warp the bottom and have discoloration at the least . Used responsibly `these things can cook some foods faster and better .
[('size', 'nice', 'POS')]
Love my pressure cooker , I bought this product a long time ago and still using it and it is holding up great well built .
[('pressure cooker', 'Love', 'POS'), ('product', 'holding up great', 'POS'), ('built', 'well', 'POS')]
This is ok for when I don 't feel like fussing with my beloved espresso maker . This pot doesn 't come close to a decent home espresso machine , but it makes a good cup of caffe ! Easy to use and clean .
[(-1, 'ok', 'NEU'), ('pot', "doesn 't come close to a decent home espresso machine", 'NEU'), ('pot', 'makes a good cup of caffe', 'POS'), (-1, 'Easy to use', 'POS'), (-1, 'clean', 'POS')]
Purchased this as a gift for someone who wanted a cupcake corer . She said it works great and makes the filling process a lot easier . Definitely recommended !
[('works', 'great', 'POS'), (-1, 'makes the filling process a lot easier', 'POS'), (-1, 'Definitely recommended', 'POS')]
Standard 1 . 25 " wands work fine with my bucket -head vacuum . Extends reach and accessories fit securely . These seem durable enough to last the life of the vacuum .
[('wands', 'work fine', 'POS'), (-1, 'Extends reach', 'POS'), ('accessories', 'fit securely', 'POS'), (-1, 'seem durable enough to last', 'POS')]
French pressed coffee is simply the best way to brew . This coffee press does a great job , though the thin glass walls cause the coffee to cool if left to sit until your second cup . Good thing Bodum sells a coffee sleeve that wraps up the coffee press , extending the "hotness " of your coffee .
[('coffee press', 'does a great job', 'POS'), ('thin glass walls', 'cause the coffee to cool', 'NEG')]
Works very quickly with even heat . Easy to clean and stow . Was exactly what I wanted and was looking for in an electric wok .
[('Works', 'very quickly', 'POS'), (-1, 'Easy to clean and stow', 'POS'), (-1, 'exactly what I wanted', 'POS')]
LOVE THIS ITEM . If you want the best coffee ever , buy this stove top , non electric pot . However , you cannot walk away and expect it to tell you when it is done . There is no ding , Buzz or any electronic alert . Instead , stay close buy and listen for the perking , smell the heady full bodied aroma , look for change of clear water to change from clear to caramel to Amber Brown and you are set to enjoy coffee as it was meant to be . Follow the enclosed directions . < 3
[('ITEM', 'LOVE', 'POS'), ('stove top', 'If you want the best coffee ever', 'POS')]
Works GREAT ! I 've used this on glass plates and cutting boards , and it gets the job done well both ways . Nice rubber easy -grip handles , and very sharp blade (don 't grab it by the blade , my relative cut their finger that way ! ) .
[('Works', 'GREAT', 'POS'), (-1, 'gets the job done well', 'POS'), ('handles', 'Nice rubber', 'POS'), ('handles', 'easy -grip', 'POS'), ('blade', 'very sharp', 'POS')]
These curtain rods worked as expected . They are well made , and were easy to install . The package included the necessary hardware to hand them . They seem fairly well made , and I had no issues hanging my curtains with them .
[('curtain rods', 'worked as expected', 'POS'), ('made', 'well', 'POS'), ('install', 'easy', 'POS'), ('package', 'included the necessary hardware', 'POS'), ('seem', 'fairly well made', 'POS'), (-1, 'had no issues', 'POS')]
A little on the Large Size , unless you like a lot of Salad . However , the thing spins like crazy and the " push -down " mechanism keeps it very stable . It is perfect for a Family of 4 + but I would opt for a Smaller Size for a Couple .
[('spins', 'like crazy', 'POS'), ('push -down " mechanism', 'very stable', 'POS'), (-1, 'perfect for a Family of 4', 'POS')]
I ordered this set as well as a set from another Mfg . This set is much much better . Tuff plastic and you can cut the circle size with the back side of each press . Pick up a set and have fun making all sorts of good eats in pockets . I plan to make my first Philly cheese paddies with Bison loin and chives . If you have a pasta machine you 'll make some excellent boil ready giant ravioli .
[('set', 'much much better', 'POS'), ('set', 'have fun making all sorts of good eats in pockets', 'POS')]
If a sugar and creamer set could be called " adorable " this one fits the bill . It is small in size but everything fits so well in the tray and it looks cute on the counter . I got it in the Ivory color to match my dishes - love it . Only complaint is that it seems overpriced but I wasn 't able to find it locally or at a better price .
[(-1, 'fits the bill', 'POS'), ('sugar and creamer set', 'adorable', 'POS'), ('size', 'small', 'NEU'), ('tray', 'everything fits so well', 'POS'), ('looks', 'cute', 'POS'), ('Ivory color', 'love', 'POS'), (-1, 'seems overpriced', 'NEG')]
This double bundt pan is heavy and cooks evenly . The baked cake is approximately 5 - 1 /2 inches by 2 - 1 /4 . I used half of a recipe for a 10 inch bundt cake with enough batter left over for about 3 cupcakes or a 5 inch loaf pan . About 1 -1 /4 cups of batter into each cavity . So far , I really like this pan .
[('double bundt pan', 'heavy', 'POS'), ('cooks', 'evenly', 'POS')]
This is the second unit I have purchased . The first worked like a champ and endured much abuse , running 24 hours a day for nearly three years . I used it for ventilation in a chicken coop . . ! ! ! It finally bit the dust and I quickly ordered another one to replace it . Yeah Baby . . ! And the chickens love it too !
[(-1, 'love', 'POS')]
Functions just as it should . Well made and should last a long time . But it 's much lighter than the ones made in the ' 50s and so it probably won 't last 60 or 70 years . : - )
[(-1, 'Functions', 'POS'), ('made', 'Well', 'POS'), (-1, 'should last a long time', 'POS'), (-1, 'much lighter', 'NEU')]
If you like hot beverages and want to drink it hours after you made it , this is for you . I bought this for my daughter to take her tea in the mornings . She doesn 't normally have time to drink it until her 2nd or 3rd class , and she says it 's always piping hot . So much so that one of her friend 's mothers contacted me to see where I got it !
[(-1, 'always piping hot', 'POS')]
I 've only used this a couple times but it feels good in the hand , easy to clean and is durable . I 'd buy it again . Why buy this over another brand ? I 've rarely been disappointed with any of the OXO products . Buy quality . Buy OXO you won 't be dissapointed . OXO makes some of the best products for the price - I own a lot of them !
[('feels', 'good in the hand', 'POS'), (-1, 'easy to clean', 'POS'), (-1, 'durable', 'POS'), (-1, "I 'd buy it again", 'POS'), ('OXO', 'rarely been disappointed', 'POS'), ('OXO', "you won 't be dissapointed", 'POS'), ('OXO', 'makes some of the best products for the price', 'POS')]
We love it . But the short cooking times are exaggerated . Shorter than any other way , but not as advertised . ( 3 mins etc ) Meat is really tender and can cook a lot in a short time without heating up the kitchen . Cheap cuts come out butter soft .
[(-1, 'love', 'POS'), (-1, 'Cheap cuts come out butter soft', 'POS')]
The cool factor of this single serve coffee maker is excellent . Coffee comes out at 175 , which is darned close to the 'highly recommended ' number of 195 degrees . And they even give you a coffee mug !
[('single serve coffee maker', 'excellent', 'POS')]
The Microplane 40001 zester is amazing . The lemon was completely naked in 10 seconds flat ! Hardly any pressure was needed when zesting . The zester removed every bit of outer skin , and * could not * remove any of the underlying soft white skin . The zest is very fine . Be careful , the screen is sharp , but not seriously dangerous . The zester was easy enough to clean after use . It comes with a durable plastic slide cover to protect its teeth (and your fingers ) during storage .
[('Microplane 40001 zester', 'amazing', 'POS'), (-1, 'Hardly any pressure was needed', 'POS'), ('zester', 'removed every bit of outer skin', 'POS'), (-1, 'zest is very fine', 'POS'), ('screen', 'sharp', 'POS'), ('zester', 'easy enough to clean', 'POS'), ('plastic slide cover', 'durable', 'POS'), ('plastic slide cover', 'protect', 'POS')]
I have had this product for 2 years now . My sister had hers for 4 years . When my last can opener went , she recommended this to me . I would now recommend it to anyone . I even went out and got one for my aunt . I have read reviews about this product that say it is very hard to get onto the can . Once you use it a few times and realize how you should put the opener on the can , you no longer feel like there was ever a problem . I LOVE IT and recommend it to anyone
[(-1, 'would now recommend', 'POS'), (-1, 'LOVE', 'POS'), (-1, 'recommend', 'POS')]
This mixer was highly recommended by America 's Test Kitchen . I have always used them as a guide and they did not disappoint . This is a powerful , little machine . I 'm very happy !
[('mixer', 'highly recommended', 'POS'), ('little machine', 'a powerful', 'POS'), (-1, 'very happy', 'POS')]
This is the ultimate pizza cutter : heavy , strong , powerful , sharp . You will have to buy one for each of your children because it will outlast you and you don 't want them to be squabbling over the pizza cutter .
[('pizza cutter', 'the ultimate', 'POS'), ('pizza cutter', 'heavy', 'POS'), ('pizza cutter', 'strong', 'POS'), ('pizza cutter', 'powerful', 'POS'), ('pizza cutter', 'sharp', 'POS'), ('pizza cutter', 'will outlast you', 'POS')]
This is a good double boiler . Fits on pans easily . My only complaints are that it 's hard to clean and really light weight . I thought it would be thicker and heavier .
[('double boiler', 'good', 'POS'), ('Fits', 'easily', 'POS'), (-1, 'hard to clean', 'NEG'), (-1, 'really light weight', 'NEG')]
I dented my origional mixer bowl by dropping it on my tile kitchen floor . It was no longer usable , so I had to buy a new one . The outside of this has a mirror finish instead of the brushed stainless steal . I don 't like it as good , but as far as functionality it works just like the origional .
[('outside', 'has a mirror finish', 'NEU'), (-1, "I don 't like", 'NEG'), ('functionality', 'works just like the origional', 'POS')]
We have used this brand for over 49 years . Bought a new oe as the old one (more than 15 years of daily use ) is wearing out . The new one arrived on time . Yet to use it .
[('arrived', 'on time', 'POS'), (-1, 'Yet to use', 'NEU')]
I had a blender just like this one for several years and it finally died . I liked that Waring was a trusted brand , so I bought a new one (the Professional Quality one ) in mid - April and this new one did not even last 2 months . Note : I only used this unit 1 -2x a week to make smoothies . Yesterday , it gave up and quit in a blaze of glory .with the requisite smoke billowing out of the base . When I first started using it , it would heat up while I blended , which I thought was a little strange , and the speed would adjust up and down . It also took over 5 minutes to make a smoothie for my kids = not efficient . Overall , I am very disappointed with the quality of my unit . I think I will be moving on to a different brand of blender .
[('Waring', 'trusted brand', 'POS'), (-1, 'not even last 2 months', 'NEG'), (-1, 'gave up and quit in a blaze of glory', 'NEG'), (-1, 'would heat up while I blended', 'NEG'), ('speed', 'would adjust up and down', 'NEG'), (-1, 'not efficient', 'NEG'), ('quality', 'very disappointed', 'NEG'), ('brand', 'will be moving on to a different', 'NEG')]
Nice sturdy flat whisk . I plan on using it for stirring my bread -making ingredients but I 'm sure I 'll find many more uses as well .
[('flat whisk', 'Nice', 'POS'), ('flat whisk', 'sturdy', 'POS')]
Spray was thick , not a mist by any stretch of the imagination . After running the first batch of EVOO through it wouldn 't spray at all . Tried all the tricks people suggested with no luck . Finally threw it away and went back to greasing pans by hand .
[('Spray', 'thick', 'NEG'), ('Spray', 'not a mist', 'NEG'), (-1, "wouldn 't spray at all", 'NEG')]
Bigger than I pictured it would be . Was trying to find one that looked like I spreading knife I used to have . I like OXO products for their durability and comfortable grips and this is no exception . Would like to have one just a little smaller though , but that 's just personal preference .
[('durability and comfortable grips', 'like', 'POS')]
What a breeze . Lightweight . A snap to use . Came with extra bag & filter . Great job on hard floor surfaces . No excuse to vacuum up small mess or quick touch up . This is my "dustbuster " type vac BUT with all the attachments of heavy duty vac . Haven 't tried on carpeted stairs yet . 5 stars .
[(-1, 'What a breeze', 'POS'), (-1, 'Lightweight', 'POS'), (-1, 'A snap to use', 'POS'), ('extra bag', 'Came with', 'POS'), ('filter', 'Came with', 'POS'), (-1, 'Great job', 'POS'), ('vac', 'my "dustbuster " type', 'NEU'), ('attachments', 'of heavy duty vac', 'POS'), (-1, '5 stars', 'POS')]
After I install it to wall , it is very difficult to ajust it . The outside lookes very rough , price is very high compaired with other stand or table top fans . I retuned it .
[(-1, 'very difficult to ajust', 'NEG'), ('outside', 'lookes very rough', 'NEG'), ('price', 'very high', 'POS'), (-1, 'retuned', 'NEG')]
You cant kill this coffee maker . It is idiot proof and cheap cheap cheap and just keeps on going . Throw the reusable filter in the dishwasher and go again .
[('coffee maker', 'You cant kill', 'POS'), (-1, 'idiot proof', 'NEU'), (-1, 'cheap cheap cheap', 'POS'), (-1, 'keeps on going', 'POS'), ('filter', 'reusable', 'POS')]
Got this to make homemade applesauce for canning . It simmered for about an hour . Applesauce was burned on bottom of pan . I was surprised as I expected performance similar to a piece of All Clad I am proud to own . My bad - - there is a reason it 's cheap . Also , I agree with other reviewers : the welded -on handles are a little disconcerting when picking up 11 quarts of boiling applesauce .
[(-1, 'simmered for about an hour', 'NEG'), ('pan', 'Applesauce was burned on bottom', 'NEG'), (-1, 'surprised', 'NEG'), ('welded -on handles', 'little disconcerting when picking up 11 quarts of boiling applesauce', 'NEG')]
Easy to push together , comes apart for compact storage , this little rack is the ideal place to drape everything from lasagna noodles to angel hair .
[(-1, 'Easy to push together', 'POS'), (-1, 'comes apart for compact storage', 'POS'), ('rack', 'little', 'NEU'), ('rack', 'ideal place to drape everything', 'POS')]
I have 3 cats , 2 ferrets , all hardwood or tile floors , and there was a dust storm last week . I love this vacuum . I love the way it cleaned my floors and I love the way I was able to dust the ceiling fan over the bed and not one piece of dust or crud fell onto the dark bedspread . I wish it came with an upholstery attachment that was a little more robust , but I bet there 's one sold separately and at this price , who can complain about that . This is exactly what I needed .
[('vacuum', 'love', 'POS'), (-1, 'love the way', 'POS'), ('upholstery attachment', 'a little more robust', 'NEU'), ('price', 'who can complain', 'POS')]
This tool is the very best for fine grating such as lemon or lime zest . It is easy to clean . I just bought another as a Christmas gift !
[(-1, 'easy to clean', 'POS'), (-1, 'I just bought another', 'POS')]
I bought this for my best friend for her birthday , and she and her husband love it . Easy to use , easy access for cleaning if necessary , beautiful brushed SST finish , very durable and very pleasing appearance .
[(-1, 'love', 'POS'), ('use', 'Easy', 'POS'), ('SST finish', 'beautiful', 'POS'), ('SST finish', 'brushed', 'POS'), (-1, 'very durable', 'POS'), ('appearance', 'very pleasing', 'POS'), ('cleaning', 'easy access for', 'POS')]
I love this waffle maker ! I had never made waffles before and was a bit nervous about trying them out . This waffle maker is so easy to use and I love the simplicity of it . You just plug it in , wait for the light to go off , and you 're ready to go ! I used a Betty Crocker waffle recipe and they were so delicious ! Highly recommend this waffle maker !
[('waffle maker', 'love', 'POS'), ('waffle maker', 'easy to use', 'POS'), ('simplicity', 'love', 'POS'), ('waffle maker', 'Highly recommend', 'POS')]
Exactly as described . Even sturdier , more attractive & more functional than expected . Endless uses ! Coffee , tea , cocoa , morning whole grains , sunflower seeds sealing & portioning , any /all powders / products that need sealing & measured spooning out . Seems like it will last a lifetime & be handed down . Ingenious , simple , endless uses !
[(-1, 'Exactly as described', 'POS'), (-1, 'Even sturdier', 'POS'), (-1, 'more attractive', 'POS'), (-1, 'more functional than expected', 'POS'), (-1, 'Endless uses', 'POS'), (-1, 'will last a lifetime', 'POS'), (-1, 'Ingenious', 'POS'), (-1, 'simple', 'POS'), (-1, 'endless uses', 'POS')]
I previously purchased the All - Clad Stainless 9 -Piece Cookware Set . It comes with a 10 fry pan . I love that set but needed a larger frying pan . The 12 inch frying pan is wonderful . Someday I am planning on getting the 14 pan ! !
[('12 inch frying pan', 'wonderful', 'POS')]
Very nice set of cutting boards . They are somewhat soft and easily scarred by sharp knives but the sizes and weight are great and I 'd buy these again next year if we decided they were getting too shabby and cut up .
[('set', 'Very nice', 'POS'), (-1, 'somewhat soft', 'POS'), (-1, 'easily scarred by sharp knives', 'NEG'), ('sizes and weight', 'great', 'POS'), (-1, 'buy', 'POS')]
Very vice pie server . Lightweight , serrated edge on one side helps to cut through the pie and crust .
[('pie server', 'Very vice', 'POS'), (-1, 'Lightweight', 'POS'), ('serrated edge', 'helps to cut through the pie and crust', 'POS')]
It is a wonderful grill for 1 or 2 people , if you don 't have a fancy cooktop or range that comes with a grill . I used it to make salmon teriyaki and the salmon came out real tender on the inside , with a nice grilled flavor . Cleaning is not too bad either as the nonstick surface seems to be permanently in tact . The only thing I wondered about this grill is why the drip pan was a flimsy white plastic and not aluminum or stainless steel . Although oil cools fast , I found myself worrying that the plastic would melt as soon as the oil dripped onto it . But of course it didn 't and the drip pan cleaned well , so I can 't give minus points for this one . . . !
[('grill', 'wonderful', 'POS'), ('Cleaning', 'not too bad', 'POS'), ('nonstick surface', 'permanently in tact', 'POS'), ('drip pan', 'flimsy white plastic', 'NEG'), ('drip pan', 'cleaned well', 'POS')]
I was excited when it arrived . Nice display . fit in my drawer well . I was slightly disappointed with the operations of it . But it did do it 's job , just the blades worked slower . Easy to clean . I do like the special safety features on the product as it may prevent accidents .
[('display', 'Nice', 'POS'), (-1, 'fit in my drawer well', 'POS'), ('operations', 'slightly disappointed', 'NEG'), ('blades', 'worked slower', 'NEG'), (-1, 'Easy to clean', 'POS'), ('special safety features', 'like', 'POS')]
I purchased these scoops , which are available from Norpro in five sizes , to use for a variety of kitchen tasks : ice cream scooping , portion serving , meatball shaping , and , most importantly , cookie baking ! In my opinion , no kitchen should be without a set of these . They appear to be nicely made and seem to be of sufficient sturdiness that they will last a long time . My only complaint is that Norpro doesn 't offer them in more sizes , although these five sizes should have most uses covered .
[(-1, 'appear to be nicely made', 'POS'), (-1, 'seem to be of sufficient sturdiness', 'POS'), ('Norpro', "doesn 't offer them in more sizes", 'NEG'), (-1, 'no kitchen should be without a set', 'POS')]
I don 't have pets but this vacuum cleaner works well on my wall to wall carpets , floors , and furniture . The floor attachment is a little awkward to move around (especially in corners ) and it only has a small opening , but the suction power is very good . The blower feature is not what I expected . Using it requires detaching the hose and the HEPA filter and reattaching the hose to the back of the unit . After all that it doesn 't expel enough power to dust or do anything significant . I like the adjustable rod and the 20ft cord length . Its lightweight and compact so its easy to store . Overall I am pleased with this purchase .
[('works', 'well', 'POS'), ('floor attachment', 'a little awkward to move around', 'NEG'), ('floor attachment', 'only has a small opening', 'NEG'), ('suction power', 'very good', 'POS'), ('blower feature', 'not what I expected', 'NEG'), (-1, "doesn 't expel enough power", 'NEG'), ('adjustable rod', 'like', 'POS'), (-1, 'lightweight', 'POS'), (-1, 'compact', 'POS'), ('purchase', 'pleased with', 'POS'), ('store', 'easy', 'POS')]
We use these to hold chickens that we dry -age . They hold a 5 or 6 pound bird (largest we do ) and the drain pan is a plus . Solid construction . Will buy more .
[('construction', 'Solid', 'POS'), (-1, 'Will buy more', 'POS')]
I have 2 of these brew and go machines and use them everyday . I love tea and am able to make the best cup of tea , ok I use 3 tea bags as I love it strong . . .but it really is perfect every single time I use it ! No fuss no mess , just a great hot cup of tea . Suprisingly the travel mug keeps it nice and hot for a good period of time . Coffee would be super simple too as the permanent filter is a sweet plus . Make a great college gift or for a person who only has a cup or 2 of coffee or tea at a time . I love this machine !
[(-1, 'am able to make the best cup of tea', 'POS'), (-1, 'perfect every single time I use', 'POS'), (-1, 'No fuss', 'POS'), (-1, 'no mess', 'POS'), ('travel mug', 'nice and hot for a good period of time', 'POS'), (-1, 'Coffee would be super simple', 'POS'), ('permanent filter', 'sweet plus', 'POS'), (-1, 'Make a great college gift', 'POS'), ('machine', 'I love', 'POS')]
It totally works . A lot of people complained about this product in their reviews but I think they simply over -wound it and broke it . Make sure you stop winding once you feel the resistance . As long as you don 't force it , it should last a long time . When you place some weight on it , if it does not turn , try to push it down gently and it should start rotating . That 's how it 's supposed to work .
[('works', 'totally', 'POS'), (-1, 'should last a long time', 'POS')]
Works great . Had a silicon head one that when flipping meat in the pan the meat would slip out from the oil . This one holds on tight and feels great in the hand . grippers on the handle really help when your hands get slippery .
[('Works', 'great', 'POS'), (-1, 'holds on tight', 'POS'), ('feels', 'great', 'POS'), ('grippers', 'really help', 'POS')]
Great little processer . I use it ( ONLY ) for mixing and blending polymer clays . It 's PERFECT and the price is just RIGHT
[('processer', 'Great', 'POS'), ('processer', 'little', 'POS'), (-1, 'PERFECT', 'POS'), ('price', 'just RIGHT', 'POS')]
Works great , and is a necessity if you want your vacuum to work . It 's great to have a couple on hand .
[('Works', 'great', 'POS'), (-1, 'great to have a couple on hand', 'POS')]
That applies here . Product was pretty flimsy except for the bowl and the guides and blades didn 't work very well . These type of slicers can be very useful , but I would spend a little more and get a better one .
[('Product', 'pretty flimsy', 'NEG'), ('guides', "didn 't work very well", 'NEG'), ('blades', "didn 't work very well", 'NEG')]
I love Calphalon to begin with and this is just another great pan available . It is heavy but it is built solid and for use . Heats evenly and handle stays cool to the touch . Great pan to finish off items in the oven . I think this is a great pan for doing egg crepes .
[('Calphalon', 'love', 'POS'), ('pan', 'great', 'POS'), (-1, 'heavy', 'NEU'), ('built', 'solid', 'POS'), ('Heats', 'evenly', 'POS'), ('handle', 'stays cool', 'POS'), ('pan', 'Great', 'POS'), ('pan', 'great', 'POS')]
I bought this bundt pan for my wife for Christmas and she loves it . There 's no problem with sticking , like our old pan had and the cake cooks through evenly . Well worth the extra cost .
[('bundt pan', 'loves', 'POS'), (-1, 'no problem with sticking', 'POS'), (-1, 'Well worth the extra cost', 'POS'), (-1, 'cake cooks through evenly', 'POS')]
seems like a decent knife . I got tired of using cheap knives . It has worked so far for me . Feels good in my large hand . I don 't have a hone though . These are supposed to be honed regularly .
[('knife', 'seems like a decent', 'POS'), (-1, 'worked so far', 'POS'), ('Feels', 'good', 'POS')]
These are very attractive and work well for keeping our hands from getting burned on our cookware , but we didn 't realize how flammable they were . We have a gas stove top and both have caught fire and singed , so we wait until the burners are turned off to apply the holders now .
[(-1, 'very attractive', 'POS'), ('work', 'well', 'POS'), (-1, 'flammable', 'NEG'), ('both', 'have caught fire and singed', 'NEG')]
The product came with enamel missing in places . But I needed to use it for thanksgiving so I kept it . I purchased another smaller one and it was fine .
[('product', 'enamel missing in places', 'POS'), ('smaller one', 'fine', 'POS')]
I love these . I threw out all of our old (cheap ) ones because these are so stinking awesome . Get a pair in every length just because you can .
[(-1, 'love', 'POS'), (-1, 'so stinking awesome', 'POS'), (-1, 'Get a pair in every length', 'NEU')]
This side assembly bag is very easy to hook onto the chute and has two zipper closures at the base of the bag for easy emptiying of the bag . Very well designed and easy to use .
[('designed', 'Very well', 'POS'), ('use', 'easy', 'POS'), ('hook', 'very easy', 'POS'), ('emptiying', 'easy', 'POS')]
Not for me . Water start coming out while not hot enough . Therefore I am not satisfied with the taste . Good design concept though . Has some sediment .
[(-1, 'Not for me', 'NEG'), (-1, 'Water start coming out while not hot enough', 'NEG'), ('taste', 'not satisfied', 'NEG'), ('design concept', 'Good', 'POS'), (-1, 'Has some sediment', 'NEG')]
used this to cut home made sour dough very tough stuff , if cutting a whole loaf it gets a bit warm , smells hot but cuts well , also works great for carving holiday prime rib nice straight cuts .
[('stuff', 'very tough', 'POS'), ('smells', 'hot', 'NEU'), ('cuts', 'well', 'POS'), ('works', 'great', 'POS'), ('straight cuts', 'nice', 'POS')]
it 's solid as a rock it doesn 't chip or brake and really gets a lot of use in my kitchen I wouldn 't throw it on the floor though it is made out of glass after all
[(-1, 'solid as a rock', 'POS'), (-1, "doesn 't chip or brake", 'POS'), (-1, 'really gets a lot of use in my kitchen', 'POS')]
We love these knifes . I use them everyday and they still work great after years of everyday use . We use the Wusthof sharpener - sharpening after each use is recommended .
[('knifes', 'love', 'POS'), ('work', 'great', 'POS')]
This filter was 1 / 4 taller than our older one , however , we are still able to make it work . Could not find a replacement anywhere .
[(-1, 'still able to make', 'POS'), ('filter', '1 / 4 taller than our older one', 'NEG')]
Yes ! Such a great dish to store my beloved butter discreetly on my counter top . I love the color , quality , and design .
[('dish', 'great', 'POS'), ('color', 'love', 'POS'), ('quality', 'love', 'POS'), ('design', 'love', 'POS')]
Bought these in multiple sizes . The 9 " and 12 " versions are usually all that are needed . I thought that the 16 " version would get more usage on the grill but unless I 've got the whole grill going strong I usually don 't need the extra length . Gives a good positive grip on the food , has not rusted in the years I 've had them . Better than the cheaper alternatives . Good choice for grills and frying pans that don 't have a non -stick coating .
[(-1, 'Gives a good positive grip on the food', 'POS'), (-1, 'has not rusted', 'POS'), (-1, 'Better than the cheaper alternatives', 'POS'), (-1, 'Good choice for grills and frying pans', 'POS'), (-1, "don 't have a non -stick coating", 'POS')]
Perfect reusable martini picks that can be used for drinks or to hold sandwiches and /or make small skewered appetizers . Well made and look classier than the wooden and /or plastic picks .
[('martini picks', 'reusable', 'POS'), ('martini picks', 'Perfect', 'POS'), ('made', 'Well', 'POS'), ('look', 'classier', 'POS')]
I use this for measuring mash temperatures in my mash tun . It 's kind of cheaply built , but works ok . I water proofed the probe with a silicone aquarium air hose , a couple of O rings , and some keg lube (thanks Bobby M ) . It does work , it 's just a little on the flimsy side , and I 'm worried the one off switch will break at some point .
[('built', 'cheaply', 'NEG'), ('works', 'ok', 'POS'), ('does', 'does work', 'POS'), (-1, 'just a little on the flimsy side', 'NEG'), ('one off switch', 'will break at some point', 'NEG')]
Works great for straining everything that needs a fine mesh . It 's wonderful to be able to make Greek yogurt with this . I don 't know how I cooked in the kitchen with only a regular mesh strainer in the past .
[('Works', 'Works great for straining everything that needs a fine mesh', 'POS'), (-1, 'wonderful to be able to make Greek yogurt with', 'POS')]
Much better product design than the other with a round bottom base . This one is nice and sturdy . We eat a lot of salad . This makes it very easy to wash and rehydrate the lettuce . We also use it to separate the slimy guts from the tomatoes . Works like a charm .
[('design', 'Much better', 'POS'), (-1, 'nice', 'POS'), (-1, 'sturdy', 'POS'), (-1, 'very easy to wash and rehydrate the lettuce', 'POS'), ('Works', 'like a charm', 'POS')]