stringclasses 6
values | input
float64 | output
stringlengths 10
machine learning interview question | null | Can logistic regression be used for classes more than 2? |
machine learning interview question | null | What are the hyperparameters of a logistic regression model? |
machine learning interview question | null | Name a few hyper-parameters of decision trees? |
machine learning interview question | null | How to deal with multicollinearity? |
machine learning interview question | null | What is Heteroscedasticity? |
machine learning interview question | null | Is ARIMA model a good fit for every time series problem? |
machine learning interview question | null | How do you deal with the class imbalance in a classification problem? |
machine learning interview question | null | What is the role of cross-validation? |
machine learning interview question | null | What is a voting model? |
machine learning interview question | null | How to deal with very few data samples? Is it possible to make a model out of it? |
machine learning interview question | null | What are the hyperparameters of an SVM? |
machine learning interview question | null | What is Pandas Profiling? |
machine learning interview question | null | What impact does correlation have on PCA? |
machine learning interview question | null | How is PCA different from LDA? |
machine learning interview question | null | What distance metrics can be used in KNN? |
machine learning interview question | null | Which metrics can be used to measure correlation of categorical data? |
machine learning interview question | null | Which algorithm can be used in value imputation in both categorical and continuous categories of data? |
machine learning interview question | null | When should ridge regression be preferred over lasso? |
machine learning interview question | null | Which algorithms can be used for important variable selection? |
machine learning interview question | null | What ensemble technique is used by Random forests? |
machine learning interview question | null | What ensemble technique is used by gradient boosting trees? |
machine learning interview question | null | If we have a high bias error what does it mean? How to treat it? |
machine learning interview question | null | Which type of sampling is better for a classification model and why? |
machine learning interview question | null | What is a good metric for measuring the level of multicollinearity? |
machine learning interview question | null | When can be a categorical value treated as a continuous variable and what effect does it have when done so? |
machine learning interview question | null | What is the role of maximum likelihood in logistic regression. |
machine learning interview question | null | Which distance do we measure in the case of KNN? |
machine learning interview question | null | What is a pipeline? |
machine learning interview question | null | Which sampling technique is most suitable when working with time-series data? |
machine learning interview question | null | What are the benefits of pruning? |
machine learning interview question | null | What is normal distribution? |
machine learning interview question | null | What is the 68 per cent rule in normal distribution? |
machine learning interview question | null | What is a chi-square test? |
machine learning interview question | null | What is a random variable? |
machine learning interview question | null | What is the degree of freedom? |
machine learning interview question | null | Which kind of recommendation system is used by amazon to recommend similar items? |
machine learning interview question | null | What is a false positive? |
machine learning interview question | null | What is a false negative? |
machine learning interview question | null | What is the error term composed of in regression? |
machine learning interview question | null | Which performance metric is better R2 or adjusted R2? |
machine learning interview question | null | What’s the difference between Type I and Type II error? |
machine learning interview question | null | What do you understand by L1 and L2 regularization? |
machine learning interview question | null | Which one is better, Naive Bayes Algorithm or Decision Trees? |
machine learning interview question | null | What do you mean by the ROC curve? |
machine learning interview question | null | What do you mean by AUC curve? |
machine learning interview question | null | What is log likelihood in logistic regression? |
machine learning interview question | null | How would you evaluate a logistic regression model? |
machine learning interview question | null | What are the advantages of SVM algorithms? |
machine learning interview question | null | Why does XGBoost perform better than SVM? |
machine learning interview question | null | What is the difference between SVM Rank and SVR (Support Vector Regression)? |
machine learning interview question | null | What is the difference between the normal soft margin SVM and SVM with a linear kernel? |
machine learning interview question | null | How is linear classifier relevant to SVM? |
machine learning interview question | null | What are the advantages of using a naive Bayes for classification? |
machine learning interview question | null | Are Gaussian Naive Bayes the same as binomial Naive Bayes? |
machine learning interview question | null | What is the difference between the Naive Bayes Classifier and the Bayes classifier? |
machine learning interview question | null | In what real world applications is Naive Bayes classifier used? |
machine learning interview question | null | In what real world applications is Naive Bayes classifier used? |
machine learning interview question | null | What do you understand by selection bias in Machine Learning? |
machine learning interview question | null | What do you understand by Precision and Recall? |
machine learning interview question | null | What Are the Three Stages of Building a Model in Machine Learning? |
machine learning interview question | null | How Do You Design an Email Spam Filter in Machine Learning? |
machine learning interview question | null | What is the difference between Entropy and Information Gain? |
machine learning interview question | null | What are collinearity and multicollinearity? |
machine learning interview question | null | What is Kernel SVM? |
machine learning interview question | null | What is the process of carrying out a linear regression? |
Web development interview question | null | What skills should a good Web Developer have? |
Web development interview question | null | Are you aware of the roles and responsibilities of a Web Developer? |
Web development interview question | null | What are the added benefits of HTTP/2 compared to HTTP 1.1? |
Web development interview question | null | Can you list a few ways to speed up Page Loading? |
Web development interview question | null | How is XHTML different from HTML? |
Web development interview question | null | Explain Webpack. |
Web development interview question | null | List out newly introduced input types, APIs, form elements, and elements that support media content in HTML5. |
Web development interview question | null | State the difference between span tag and div tag in HTML5. |
Web development interview question | null | Explain HTML5 Web storage. |
Web development interview question | null | Explain DOM |
Web development interview question | null | What do you know about pair programming |
Web development interview question | null | While building a web application, how do you consider SEO, maintainability, UX, performance, and security? |
Web development interview question | null | State the difference between SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) and Canvas. |
Web development interview question | null | What is Type Coercion in JavaScript? |
Web development interview question | null | State the difference between <window.onload> and <onDocumentReady>? |
Web development interview question | null | Describe the different kinds of HTTP requests supported by RESTful Web services. |
Web development interview question | null | How does CORS work? |
Web development interview question | null | What is an Entity Tag? |
Web development interview question | null | Can you define what Long Polling is? |
Web development interview question | null | What is DTD and what is the difference between PCDATA and CDATA in DTD? |
Web development interview question | null | What are the APIs that the HTML5 standard provides? |
Web development interview question | null | What is the best way to integrate different style sheets into a website? |
Web development interview question | null | How do you optimize the loading time of your web application as a Web Developer? |
Web development interview question | null | Define NPM |
Web development interview question | null | What are the different popup boxes that are available in JavaScript? |
Web development interview question | null | Explain the term “Scope” in JavaScript and write its different types. |
Web development interview question | null | Can you explain what AJAX is? |
Web development interview question | null | What do you mean by CDN (Content Delivery Network) in jQuery? |
Web development interview question | null | Explain W3C (World Wide Consortium). |
Web development interview question | null | What do you mean by CSS Selectors? Name a Few. |
Web development interview question | null | In CSS, there are numerous different sorts of selectors. Give some examples. |
Web development interview question | null | How do pseudo-classes work? |
Web development interview question | null | Why are media queries used in CSS? |
Web development interview question | null | State difference between Local Storage and Cookies. |
Web development interview question | null | What is the purpose of Canvas in HTML? |
Subsets and Splits