<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Can any online doctor advise me on the liver function tests ? Patient:What is the stage of disease and condition of liver the following values BILIRUBIN 0.19 mg/dl BILIRUBIN 0.6 mg/dl BILIRUBIN (INDIRECT) CALCULATED 0.41 mg/dl ASPARTATE AMINOTRANSFERASE ( SGOT ) 53.7 U/l ALANINE TRANSAMINASE (SGPT) 65.8 U/l ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE 121.6 U/l GAMMA GLUTAMYL TRANSFERASE (GGT) 30.8 U/l PROTEIN - TOTAL 7.45 gm/dl 6.0 - 8.3 ALBUMIN - SERUM 4.25 gm/dl 3.2 - 5.0 SERUM ALBUMIN/GLOBULIN RATIO 1.33 [/INST] Doctor:hello. welcome to HCM.Your total bilirubin levels are within normal range, as are alkaline phosphatase, gamma GT and total and differential proteins. however, the direct fraction is a bit more than indirect fraction, whereas it should account for nearly one third of total bilirubin. Also, there is a mild elevation of hepatic enzymes- SGOT and SGPT. the cause fro these could be alcohol/ drug related. In case you are asymptomatic, you just need to wait and watch by abstaining from alcohol and discuss with your clinician regarding any medication which you are on. You can get your enzymes and bilirubin tested after a month or so. However, if you are presently or in the past have been symptomatic with jaundice/ previously documented abnormal LFT, you need to have additional investigations (viral markers) and ultrasound of the hepqatobiliary region. Based on results of these, the further course of action will be decided. Hope this helps. take care. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Can Cipralex be taken during pregnancy? Patient:I have been taking cipralex for about 10 years now. I am currently taking 10mg a day. I think I may be pregnant and I am scared of stopping my medication as I suffer from severe anxiety, is there anywhere i can find out some up to date info on cipralrx and pregnancy? [/INST] Doctor:Hello, and I hope I can help you today.Cipralex is a medication that is used to treat a number of disorders including depression and anxiety. It is in a class of medications called SSRIs which overall have been widely studied during pregnancy.Some types of SSRIs have been shown to have a withdrawal effects on newborns when the mother has taken the medication in the last three months of pregnancy. These can include jitteriness, difficulty sleeping, and transient rapid breathing called tachypnea. All SSRIs have been shown to have a risk for this to some degree.However, use of the product during the pregnancy has not shown to be harmful or cause birth defects. You may want to speak of health provider about considering changing her medication or tapering it as your pregnancy progresses. There are other classes of SSRIs, like Prozac, which have been to your meant more widely studied during pregnancy and whose effects are better known.So if you are not yet pregnant, it may be worth having a discussion with your mental health provider about your pregnancy plans and possibly changing to a medication that may have a better known safety profile during pregnancy before you conceive. If you are already pregnant, you do not need to worry about discontinuing the medication in the first trimester, as the only ill effects of SSRIs have been noted with use in late third trimester.I hope that I was able to adequately answer your questions today, and that my advice was helpful.Best wishes,Dr. Brown </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: What causes pus in wound caused by bite of a vaccinated dog? Patient:My 7 years old son was bit by our owners dog, which they say is being vaccinated regularly. yesterday my son has taken 2nd injection of rabipur. Today after bath there seems to be slight puss coming out of the wound. Just wanted to know why is that. [/INST] Doctor:Hello,Welcome to HCM,As your son was bit by a vaccinated dog for which your doctor has advised antirabies vaccine. Rabies is a 100% fatal but it is 100% preventable with proper and adequate treatment.As there is pus from the bite site it may be due to secondary bacterial infection as there is a breach in the skin which has lead to this discharge.I would suggest you to follow1.Complete the course of antirabies vaccine on days 0,3,7,14 and 28, if the dog is healthy you can stop antirabies vaccine after third dose.2.Oral Antibiotics like Tab Augmentin, twice daily for 5 days.3.Topical T Bact ointment over the bite site.4. Inj TT.Thank you. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: What causes pain in the back of the head? Patient:How can I keep the pain in the back of my head/base of skull that comes when I laugh too hard. IT happens at other times also when my spine is in certain positions exercising. IF it is arthritic can I minimize it. If it is neurological can i stop it. [/INST] Doctor:hi,thank-you for providing the brief history of you.A thorough neuromuscular assessment is advised.As the pain comes during certain position that a thorough neuromuscular assessment is advised.As you are getting this pain, little understanding of the biomechanics of the cervical spine is needed.As we grow older, there leads to degenerative changes occuring the bones, muscles, joints, ligament etc. For this understanding the proper biomechanics of the cervical spine is advised. Also, due the position of the head over a longer period there might be a possibility of losing the lordotic curve of the cervical spine.Understanding the proper biomechanics and then undergoing physical therapy should give you outstanding results.RegardsJay Indravadan Patel </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Q. I vomited forcefully and felt a strong burn after that. Why? Patient:Hello doctor, Yesterday I ate some pizza and drank tea at around 9 pm at a party. I had a feel like there was something stuck at my upper stomach and had a little pain. I was ignoring it, but then I got worried it might be something bad. So I forced myself to vomit, and I kept vomiting for half an hour. I am not sure, but maybe there was a bit of blood. I felt a strong burn after that, and it got worse. I felt a sharp pain on the right chest every time I swallow. I am worried. [/INST] Doctor:Hello. 1) Your symptom is suggestive of a small linear esophageal tear due to forceful vomiting. 2) In this condition, linear tear develops on the inner wall of the lowermost part of the esophagus. This is responsible for a small amount of blood in vomit and pain in the chest. 3) You should take semi-solid foods for a few days to promote healing of this tear. Otherwise, no specific treatment is required. 4) If pain is severe, then you can try antacid syrup to smoothen the lower part of the esophagus, which gives relief from pain and also promotes healing. 5) Also, remember, never induce forceful vomiting. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: How long is safe to take Tylenol and alternative treatment for pain? Patient:Hi, I am a 25 year old female and have been diagnosed both at the er and at my family dr with a rotator cuff injury. I was given naproxen for four days at the er. I also received an X-ray which was normal of the shoulder and chest. As I was not able to get an appointment with my family doctor for six days I took Advil extra strength for the last two days and am now continuing with the naproxen. The pain is not limited to my shoulder and extends into my back neck and hand. It is confined to the left side of my body. The pain is intense and has prevented me from going into my classes at university. My family doctor suggested the arm pain may be causes by my also having tennis elbow. Given that these both tend to be caused by repetitive motion and sports injury I am somewhat dubious as I have had no recent injuries, and do not play any sports or engage in any repetitive motions. There is no weakness to the arm or hand, but using it causes an intense almost tearing pain. To manage the pain I have been taking two tylenol 1s with codeine 8 times a day since my injury began. I am concerned that though I am not a heavy drinker and have abstained totally from alcohol while on pain killers that this high dose of tylenol May be damaging to my liver. I wish to know what other potential causes there may be for this pain and for how many weeks it is safe to keep taking the Tylenol 1? Would seeking alternative treatment such a massage or acupuncture be detrimental? [/INST] Doctor:Hi, It isn't a question of how long.. it is how MUCH. Water, sodium, most drugs, and tylenol are very different at usual amounts and at high overdoses. The liver can detoxify tylenol but only up to about 4 grams at a time, higher than that and it is toxic to the liver. Safe is under 4 grams in a day. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards, Dr. Matt Wachsman, Addiction Medicine Specialist </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Can an online doctor clarify if Creatine is fine after having IGA nephropathy ? Patient:I have been diagnosed with having IGA nephropathy . After reading labels of creatine which I was planning to start again I discovered it may not be suitable for people with kidney problems and to consult a doctor . I wanted advice on whether it would be safe, as the label states to consult a doctor If you have kidney problems. Hope you can help thanks Paul [/INST] Doctor:hello welcome to health care magic yes please see your physician soon ,,do not take this medicine without recommmendation as it will double your problem,,drink plenty of water . take care payal mail me at payalrawat16@yahoo.com </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Suggest medication for sciatica & lumbar spine problem Patient:hi sir iam having a sciatica problem and lumber spine problem for this pain i had taken a electro homeopathy treatment in that doctor had given me a electric shock on my left leg main nerve for 3 times and the pain is gone for few days only after that it came again i had taken lot of pills but no cure now my doctor suggest me duzella 30 mg so how much its useful for me pls suggest me some good medicine iam fearing tht any side affects will come because my marriage is thier in a month and iam having high uric acid 9.0 [/INST] Doctor:**1. since the symptoms again came back after taking conservative treatment, thus check with X-ray LS-spine, MRI for any nerve impingement or narrowing [which might be the cause of sciatics pain], thus consider orthopedic surgeon opinion.PS. if there is shooting pain along one leg, initially you may require pelvic traction, epidural injections, myelography studies.2. since you have been diagnosed with the said problem, thus in Ayurveda we treat/manage the disease on the line of 'Gridhrasi' PS. Duzella [duloxetine] is an antidepressant/anti anxiety drug given to alleviate the symptoms, thus is not disease specific but is advised to alleviate moderate to mild stress]3. You can incorporate following prophylactic aspect also:. sleep on hard bed/mattress . wear heavy shoes and warm socks. massage of olive oil is beneficialPS. Acupuncture has been approved by the U.S. FDA as a treatment for back pain, and the National Institutes of Health has recognized acupuncture as effective in relieving back pain, including sciatica.. take 4 tsf holy basil juice 4 tsf ginger juice 4 tsf honey and drink for 1month.4. Prescription medicine which are worth trying is/are: maha rasnadi kwatha, bala arishta, Mahavishgarbh/mahanarayan/mahamash oil5. before advising for high uric acid level, one has to make sure whether it is due to increased production [hyperuricemia] or due to under excretion [gout] where renal function tests are advised, thus ask your doctor about relevant examination and investigations, make sure you avoid high protein diet, alcohol, and take plenty of fluids along with medicines prescribed [if any] </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Suggest treatment for discomfort under my right rib inspite of having lots of stress Patient:Hi, I am having discomfort under my right rib. Had gallbladder 4 yrs ago. I have had it for a few days and its getting worse. I have been drinking a lot of ginger. I have had family trauma and stress this week so I have not been eating much and no appeitite. [/INST] Doctor:HelloDiscomfort under right rib cage may be due to many causes like liver,gall bladder,kidney problem etc.You may need clinical examination and investigations.Investigation include routine hemogram,random blood sugar,liver and renal function test,urine RE/ME,ultrasound of abdomen.Ultrasound is very important and it can exclude many reasons.Proper treatment depend upon findings.Get well soon.Take CareDr.Indu Bhushan </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Q. I am having neck and back pain. What is causing it? Patient:Hello doctor, I have neck pain and back pain. Allopathy says I have disc prolapse and pinched nerve but Ayurvedic doctor said nothing. He has suggested Gorochanadi Guggulu tablet. I am afraid of taking this medicine. Please give me suggestions. [/INST] Doctor:Hi. Neck and back pain mostly occurs due to disc prolapse, disc compression, etc. It happens due to injuries, sitting and laying in the wrong posture. In this condition needs Basti therapy along with oral medicines. Gorochanadi Gutika is mostly used in respiratory disorders. You can take Vatagajankusha Rasa one tablet with Vatavidhwansini Vati one tablet, Prawal Bhasma 500 mg, Bruhat Vata Chintamani Rasa one tablet twice a day with honey after meals. Along with these medicines, you should go for the basti therapy. It helps to resolve your issues. Avoid spicy and fried junk foods. Do regular Kapalbhati, Markatasana. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: What causes redness and tenderness in hand after stab injury? Patient:hello my name is simon.. i,m 31, 6 foot 1 inch and 13 stone two days ago at work while welding the copper coated welding wire pierced the palm of my hand. My hand has obviously been sore since. last night and today hand was very sore and a red patch around puncture seems to be getting larger? was wondering if maybe i should go to doctors incase of infection or poisoning due to the copper? its not really swollen much but very tender and red! any advice would be appreciated [/INST] Doctor:Hi,From history it seems that there might be having secondary bacterial infection producing swelling, induration and pain.You might require one course of antibiotic and anti-inflammatory medicine course for 3-5 days.Clean the wound and do dressing with antibiotic cream.Ok and take care. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: What causes difficulty in stretching hand straight? Patient:Hi my name is Vincent, i don t know what happened but my left hand cannot go straight and it goes max like (0degrees straight) About 30 degrees and 95 degrees if u know what i mean, and it hurts so much hard to sleep when i move and hurts. Is it broken or something? (MY ELBOW) [/INST] Doctor:Hello,Your symptoms could be related to a pinched nerve or local joint inflammation. For this reason, I recommend consulting with your attending physician for a physical exam, a joint X-ray study and inflammation tests (complete blood count, PCR, ESR). Performing nerve conduction studies may be needed.Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards, Dr. Ilir Sharka, Cardiologist </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: What causes severe back pain? Patient:hi, i am suffering from back pain and i got MRI but did not understand what this medical term means 1) intervertebal disc desiccation at L5-S1 level 2) right posterolateral disc extrusion at l5-s1 level causing grade iii thecal sac and right root compression [/INST] Doctor:Hello,Thanks for your query.After going through your query I came to know that you probably are suffering from lumbar disc prolapse. It is already confirmed by MRI scan. Intervertebal disc desiccation at L5-S1 level means disc between L5 and S1 vertibrae is somewhat dry. Right posterolateral disc extrusion at l5-s1 level causing grade iii thecal sac and right root compression means disc between these two level came out of place backwards and outwards and it is compressing spinal cord covering(dura) and right sided nerve root severly.There are two treatment options.First option is Rest in position of relief(generally lateral position with both knee bend),NUROKIND GOLD ONCE DAILY and analgesics (Diclofenac three times a day after meals is effective). Sometimes strong analgesic(such as ultracet three times a day after meals) is required. OMEPRAZOLE before meals prevent acidity caused by analgesics . This method needs patience as it take longer treatment times sometimes up to 6 months.Second option is go for surgical operation(Discectomy). You can discuss with your treating Doctor about it.I do hope that you have found something helpful and I will be glad to answer any further query. Take care. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: UPJ obstruction with cortical thinning, hydronephrosis, pyeloplasty Patient:What is cortical thinning? What does it mean when there is a UPJ obstruction with some cortical thinning? My son (9 months old) has a UPJ obstruction with hydronephrosis , he has cortical thinning according to his last ultrasound and I was wondering what that means. We are faced with waiting 3 months to see if things get better or going into surgery for a pyeloplasty right now so I m trying to weigh our options and make the best decision for him. [/INST] Doctor:Hello Kari.Maki, Welcome to Healthcaremagic.com As I'm sure you know, ureteropelvic junction (UPJ) obstruction is a blockage in the area that connects the renal pelvis (part of the kidney) to one of the tubes (ureters) that moves urine to the bladder. UPJ obstruction generally occurs when a baby is still growing in the womb. This is called a congenital condition (present from birth). Most of the time, the blockage is caused when the connection between the ureter and the renal pelvis narrows. This causes urine to build up, damaging the kidney. The most severe cases of UPJ obstruction may require surgery early in life. However, the majority of cases may not require surgery until later in life, and some cases do not require surgery at all. Early diagnosis and treatment of UPJ obstruction may help preserve future kidney function. UPJ obstruction diagnosed before birth or early after birth may actually improve on its own. Most patients do well with no long-term consequences. Significant kidney damage may occur in those who are diagnosed later in life. Current treatment options provide good long-term outcomes. Pyeloplasty provides the greatest long-term success. A tube called a stent may be placed to drain urine from the kidney until the patient heals. A nephrostomy tube, which is placed in the patient's side to drain urine, may also be needed for a short time after the surgery. This type of tube may also used to treat severe infections before surgery. Cortical thinning indicates that there is ongoing kidney damage. Once this damage occurs, it is irreversible. The cortex of the kidney is the portion that filters the urine. Talk with your nephrologist as to the complications of having the pyeloplasty or waiting to see if your son's condition improves. Be well, Dr. Kimberly </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: The TSH level has been 10.9 for a 2 month old. What it suggest? Patient:we hv been monitoring TSH lever of our 2 months old daughter as level was 13.6 at 7th day of birth. after a month it came down to 9.6 and at end of second month it was 10.9. t3 & t4 levels has been normal. please advise the implications and what should we be doing now. [/INST] Doctor:Hi...you need not be worried. This doesn't mean - that she has hypothyroidism. Only if TSH is morethan 20 we need to be worried. I suggest you need to repeat the test after a month and recheck. if it is not above 20, you can be rest assured.Regards - Dr. Sumanth </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: What is the treatment to increase the sperm motility? Patient:I have married for 3.5 year but till date we do not have baby. As per semen analysis report my sperm is not having motility and some infection in sperm. My urine is having very bad odour. Doctor suggest me tablet like amoxyclav, fertyl 100mg, co Q and fertiflex 1000 mg. Please suggest me solution. [/INST] Doctor:Hi,Thanks for writing to HCM .Sadly medicine has not come with such a drug which have dramatic effect on sperm motility. Multivitamins and zinc combination drugs are used to improve sperm quality.I would suggest you to have your course of antibiotic and other treatment and repeat semen analysis after 2months. I also advice you to get your urine test done. I suggest you some life style modifications which will help in some extent.-reduce weight and do regular excercise- stop smoking and alcohol.- Eat healthy diet and avoid caffeine. - ware loose under garment and avoid stress and work in extreme temperature. Hope I have been helpful .Regards Dr.Deepika Patil </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Suggest remedy to overcome depression and health anxiety Patient:I think I might have depression because I just wrote a suicide note :/ it's not real but I felt like doing it. But I think I probably have health anxiety that's why I am having a day off school. Because I don't feel well ! Please help me I want to be back to normal again! [/INST] Doctor:In my opinion, if you are having ideas of harming yourself, than you must visit the psychiatrist immediately. To get better you have to keep yourself busy. Make a time table (schedule) for yourself, and get up on time, sleep on time. Do some kind of relaxation exercises or Yoga and do some of your hobbies and pleasurable activities. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: What causes a dark bruise on roof of the mouth? Patient:My dentist recently discovered a small dark bruise like patch on the roof of my mouth just behing my top front two teeth. It measures approx 1cm lond by 3-4mm wide and has a dark blue colour. It is in the centre. She has referred me to the Maxillofacial ward of my local hospital. I recently had tonsilitis. I am a 35 year old male in general good health. Can you advise? [/INST] Doctor:Hello,Your dentist has advised you to see a specialist. A biopsy will be taken if the tissue appears suspicious and a pathological study is necessary. Keep watching and monitoring any changes to provide details to your oral surgeon. The greatest concern is to rule out a malignant melanoma which can have a black-blue pigment. Other possibilities include an amalgam tattoo with a blue-grey appearance, a growth of blood vessels or hemangioma appearing dark blue, a bruise from trauma or a lesion with extra melanin. Some viruses can cause a discoloration and is a possibility since you mention a recent illness concerning the ear, nose and throat area. Karposi's sarcoma is a cancer seen on the roof of themouth. It has a purple appearance, often with swelling, and is an agressive vascular cancer seen in immune compromised patients. I recommend that you follow the advice of your dentist and make an appointment with the specialist. Continue to practice good oral hygiene. Avoid irritants to the oral cavity. Thank you for your inquiry. I am glad to answer additional questions if you provide more details. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: What causes trigger finger in the thumb? Patient:I was showering the other morning and my thumb locked up and would not move. It wasn t like a catch or a joint locking up. My arms the night before were numb and tingling. I went to the emergency room and they said I had a seizure. They diagnosed this with out even taking my blood pressure etc. I went to a different doctor, that one said it was an anxiety attack. both are wrong. Not sure what caused this. I m thinking maybe neurological . Thinking I should have a MRI . I m a 24 year old female in excellent health, I work out no less then 3 time a week and I eat very healthy.Jacey [/INST] Doctor:Hi, First of all, let me tell you that blood pressure reading is not required for the diagnosis of seizure. In my opinion, thumb getting locked up was probably Trigger thumb- a condition where swelling at the base of thumb locks up the thumb in flexion. For this, I would suggest painkillers and if it persists then probably you may need a local steroid injection. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: How to conceive despite irregular or no periods? Patient:i am 34 yrs old. i m taking infertility treatment since one and half year. i have a five years old son. my lmp was 2 july. i took letrozole and evecare, ovacare medicines this month. i also took duphaston but only 7 tablets. my periods have not come till now but i took a pregnancy test today morning which came out negative. moreover it is pertinent to mention that my periods are continuing only for a day or two since last one year. what should i do? [/INST] Doctor:Hi, I have gone through your question and understand your concerns. Delayed periods can be due to pregnancy or the duphastone tablets you have taken. Duphastone is progesterone which Is given in infertility to make the uterine environment more favourable for conception.Letrozol is given for ovulation induction, ovacare and evecare is given for assisting conception.I would suggest you to wait for 7-10 days after stopping duphastone tablets for the periods to occur.If the periods do not occur by then, then do consult an OBGYN specialist to get properly examined, investigated ( including hormonal profile) and appropriate treatment.Hope you found the answer helpful.Wishing you good health. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Q. Will Kalarchikai cure multiple ovarian cysts in PCOD? Patient:Hello doctor, I have multiple small cysts in both ovaries (PCOS). Our family friend suggested me to consume Kalarchikai medicine, powdered mixed with pepper and honey to have it for one mandalam (48 days). I have completed nearly 44 days by consuming one small ball of the mixture every morning and before two weeks I got my periods. Then I had checked whether the cysts were dissolved by having an abdomen scan. But still, small multiple follicules have been seen in it with both ovaries enlarged. Kindly suggest me what I can do further. I got married before one and a half years and I am much worried about my pregnancy. I have gallstones as well. [/INST] Doctor:Hello. I just read your query. See Kalarachi Kai choornam is helpful in amenorrhea. As far as small cysts are concerned they are unmatured eggs which failed to induce menstrual cycle previously, as a result, they got collected in the ovary and they will remain in the ovary. Now, you have got your periods you can start trying for conception. But I advise you to do it under the supervision of a nearby gynecologist because egg size is important while conception and that you can know by ovulation study. Ovulation study is performed under the supervision of a gynecologist. For gall stones, surgical intervention is required generally. Medicine is not of much help. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: What causes fever with swollen glands and stomach pain? Patient:Hie I have been diagnosed with periodic fever syndrome. I get ill quite often, in which time I suffer from fever, swollen glands, stomach pains for the past two occurences and generally not feeling too good. I have a loss of apetite and feel tired hence sleep all day. Is there anything I can do to stop this or make it better. I am a motorcross rider and it is very inconvenient that I get ill so often as a week off the bike affects my fitness and races.Thank you [/INST] Doctor:Hi XXXXThanks for your query at HCM!I am Dr. Sheetal Verma an Infectious Disease Specialist answering to your query!I went through your query and understand your concern.The periodic fever syndromes' (also known as autoinflammatory diseases or autoinflammatory syndromes) are a set of disorders characterized by recurrent episodes of systemic and organ-specific inflammation. Take bed rest, anti-inflammatory agents, analgesics and sometimes systemic corticosteroids.Hope I have answered your question. If you would like some more information I will be happy to provide. You can also write a review for me. Wish you good healthTake care! Wish you best of Health.Dr. Sheetal VermaInfectious Disease Specialist </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Pain in lower back, have high BP. Taking Stamlo 5, developed chest pain. Suggestion? Patient:I was diagnosed with high blood presure 3 months back when I went to a doctor for a pain in my lower back on both sides. I was advised to drink more water and told to take a dose of Stamlo 5 one tab every day.After I stared taking the tab my BP came down but I developed pains in my chest which I did not have earlier. Then Stamlo 5 was discontinued and I am on Olmesartan medoxomil 40 mg but still the pains are there.I never had any chest pains before I started taking the blood pressure lowering tabs. Please advise. [/INST] Doctor:Hello,There is always a change of hypotension while you take tablets for hypertension.This may increase the workload of the heart.But persist pain of the chest needed to be evaluated.You may have to consult a Cardiologist because hypertensives are more prone for heart disease the normal people.He may advise you for ECG and ECho to assess you cardiac status and help us diagnosis the cause of the pain and treat it accordingly. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: What causes tightness in chest with pain and breathlessness? Patient:I am 47 female and get tightness in my chest with some pain at rest as will as breathlessness and tiredness when I do a little bit of exercise example house claening or walking down to the shops which is only like 4 blocks away. Can you suggest to me what I should do? [/INST] Doctor:Hello dearWarm welcome to Healthcaremagic.comI have evaluated your query thoroughly.* This seems in relation with cardiac circulation related issue or low levels of hemoglobin .* Recommended to consult your physician for primary check up with basic laboratory tests and EKG .Hope this clears your query .Regards . </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Is severe pain in my knee due to a torn meniscus? Patient:ok,i have no cartligage in my knee . Having severe pain in knee and surrounding area . I Also have torn menicus in the same knee. i also have a pocket of fluid that no ones tending to. I ve been to three different specialists and they not giving anything that will help the bpain or giving me any advice on what to do for now, I have a leg brace that I wear but doesn t seem to be helping. Please oh Please I m going to the next orthopedic surgeon on the 8th of Nov. I can t handle this pain etc. [/INST] Doctor:Hello, The symptoms are probably related to a torn meniscus. I suggest doing an X-ray of the knee to exclude a fracture. To confirm the diagnosis is necessary an MRI. Meanwhile, I suggest using painkillers for the pain such as Ibuprofen. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Regards, Dr Dorina Gurabardhi, General & Family Physician </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Child with nephrotic syndrome taking deltacortil. High albumin levels in the urine. Medicine increased. Advice? Patient:Hello, My son has nephrotic Syndrome and his treatment is going from five months, but yesterday i checked his urine which had one + in albumin and he was 17 KG, the dose is decreased from 4 tablets (Deltacortril) to one a day from two weeks, as doctor saw his result of albumin with one + and still advice to keep one tablet in a day for 10 more days, and after 10 days it will reduce one in every other day for one month. So kindly advice me what to do, cuz of one + albumin [/INST] Doctor:HiThanks for the query.You have not mentioned your son's age.Nephrotic syndrome in childhood often relapses. A relapse is characterized by increase in urine albumin to 3+ or more and requires increase in the dose of medications.Urine albumin of 1+ usually does not indicate a relapse and the pt. can be kept on the same dose of medications. However the urine test has to be repeated frequently to monitor if albumin is increasing.Hope this answers your query.Good luck. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: What causes lump at the base of the skull? Patient:My son is 17. It sounds crazy, but I have been concerned about the shape of his skull lately. The top(more toward the back) part of his head is not flat/round feeling. It has a good size bump there. He also has a lump at the base of his skull by his neck. No head injuries. Any thoughts? Should I have him looked at? And if so, would he be better off seeing a neurologist or GP? [/INST] Doctor:Hi, dearI have gone through your question. I can understand your concern.He may have some occipital or posterior cervical lymphnode enlargement or some benign tumour. You should consult general surgeon. If needed go for fine needle aspiration cytology. Then take treatment accordingly.Hope I have answered your question, if you have any doubts then contact me at bit.ly/Drsanghvihardik, I will be happy to answer you.Thanks for using health care magic.Wish you a very good health </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Met accident, had surgeries, on several pain med, hydrocodone not working properly. Alternative medicine? Patient:hello. I was involved in a vehicle accident 1.5 yrs ago and have had 14 surgeries and on sev pain meds. now iam down to 4 10/500 hydrocodone a day but have been on it for quite some time and think its not really doing its job. going back to my dr and would like to have an alternative to offer up to see what he thinks. I started on morophine and have gotten down this far. but lately seems like skittles as opposed to pain med [/INST] Doctor:Hi, it appears that you have pain due to the surgeris, and on pain medication. I to my patient with such symptoms prescribe, neurotropic injections for 10 consecutive days, and one injection every week. Avoid taking potato, other tubers, tomato, egg, chicken, and sea foods. Thank you. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: What does recurrent pain in the upper abdomen after gallbladder removal mean? Patient:I had my gallbladder taken out and I have these sharp upper stomach pains that come and go. They hit me from out of no where, they take my breath away, very painful, make me double over and they make me sweat they hurt so bad. I never know when it will happen, they last from 1 to 5 minutes. They go away as fast as they hit me. I can go for days without one, or I may have several in a day. I have never had this until my gallbladder was taken out. Do you have any suggestions as to what this might be? Thank you!Christy Pilgrim [/INST] Doctor:Hi, This looks to me like so called postcholecystectomy syndrome which has all these symptoms and this occurs in about 10 percent of patients who undergo cholecystectomy, usually can be transient, and rarely persistent or lifelong. Symptoms include systemic symptoms such as sweating and heat sense but also dyspepsia, nausea, and vomiting, flatulence, bloating, and diarrhea, Persistent pain in the upper right abdomen. Some individuals may benefit from diet modification, such as a reduced fat diet, following cholecystectomy since it may be more difficult for digestion of fatty foods. Postcholecystectomy syndrome treatment depends on the identified violations that led to it. Typically, the patient is recommended dietary restriction table with fatty foods, enzyme preparations, antispasmodics, sometimes oral ursodeoxycholic acid can alleviate the condition. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: What causes inconsistency in blood pressure? Patient:hello...i take beta blockers for my hypertension. when my blood pressure goes high(146/95) i feel dizzy, but at resting my blood pressure goes as low as 101/48 50pulse...i do cardio training 5 times a week mostly jogging but not a hardcore trainer...i m concerned about the diastolic, is it normal? Thanx [/INST] Doctor:Hi, dearI have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. You have hypertension but with beta blockers your diastolic blood pressure becomes very low. You need to change the drug to other group like ace inhibitors losartan or change the dosages. Consult your doctor and take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using health care magic. Wish you a very good health. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Can stress cause black eye? Patient:Can stress cause a black eye? woke up with a black eye I thought it was due to new medication so i stopped it and black eye went away. Now it looks like another black eye is starting on other eye. Involves the eye lid and radiates to outside eye lid to inside near nose. Should i go to an eye doctor? [/INST] Doctor:Hi, it was not due to any medication. u shall consult any ophthalmologist for blacking of eye, eyelid and nose.thank u </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: What causes a protrusion between shoulder blades of a child? Patient:My daughter has an unusual protrusion between her shoulder blades. We just noticed it this past week though I can t imagine it just appeared. She is ten years old, about 100 pounds and 5feet tall. Any thoughts? I am very worried and plan to call her doctor for an appt. in the morning. Thank you. [/INST] Doctor:HiThere can be several reasons for such protrusions or swellings. It depends upon the exact site, consistency, margins, extent, relationships to skin and associated systemic symptoms. So, a clinical evaluation will be useful. Most likely reason can be an abscess, vertebral spine, cyst etc. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: What does this lab report for a femur fracture indicate? Patient:I was told that I have a subchondral fracture of my femur. I m to be non-weight bearing for a month and then if it s not improved that a bone cement type of procedure would need to be done. I have grade 3&4 osteoarthritis in the three compartments of my knee as well as a posterior horn medial meniscus tear with extrusion of the meniscus. What does all this mean? [/INST] Doctor:Dear patient I would like to know your age. If the age is above 60 yrs your mri findings indicate grade 4 osteoarthritis and best treatment is total knee replacement. You have got meniscus tear with extrusion which is the cushion in the knee. Grade 3 and 4 osteoarthritis means there is near complete wear of the cartilage off the bone. Therefore best treatment option is total joint replacement in which worn joint surfaces are replaced with artificial prosthesis with complete relief of pain. Temporary benefit can be obtained by arthroscopic lavage of the joint and removal of torn medial meniscus. please consult knee surgeon around area and discuss about this options. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Q. Please explain the poisonous effect of phenol ingestion. Patient:Hello doctor, My friend aged 30 had two drops of phenol mistaking for milk. He vomited and had lot of salt water. Please advice for any side effect. [/INST] Doctor:Hi. I want to assure you not to worry as everything is going to be fine if proper care and treatment is opted in for. I have thoroughly gone through your case and can well understand your genuine health concerns. 1. No, there is not much problem right now as he vomited and also had a lot of water. It is fine because it was only two drops. 2. We usually do not go for emesis (vomiting) for phenol poisoning cases. Because, it is a volatile compound and causes vapors entering the lungs through the airways. 3. As it was only two drops, I do not think it may cause much trouble. If he feels short of breath contact me back, otherwise fine. 1. He should avoid re-exposure. 2. Rule out if there is some sort of suicidal ideation due to depression or anxiety and take him to a psychiatrist for physical evaluation. For further follow up consult a general practitioner online.---> </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: What does the follicular study indicate regarding chances of pregnancy? Patient:I have PCOD and have irregular periods.Done follicular study as per doctor advice.My follicle ruptured at 18th day with the size 1.4*1.4 cm.will it able to produce fertile egg to develpe a baby,or is there any specific size for the follicle to produce a fertile egg.Please clarify my doubt. [/INST] Doctor:Hi,Size of folicle is 1.4 * 1.4 cm. The size of a mature follicle that is ready to ovulate is about 1.8 to 2.8 cm in diameter. Best quality if egg will be released by 1.8-2.1 mm cm follicle. So you have less size of follicle. So chance of pregnancy is extremely rare. You can use Clomiphene citrate, Metformin and HCG infection and Progesterone pill to become pregnant. Avoid stress, take healthy diet, drink plenty of water, and do regular exercise.Hope this may help you. Contact further if follow up needed.Best regards,Dr. Sagar </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: What can help get rid of the space between the upper front teeth and the lower teeth? Patient:hello..i have got gap between my upper front teeth and lower front teeth...is there any remedy to get rid of tese gaps?..i never had those before but when i went to dentist for routine checkup..he made these two big gaps by cleaning the tarter between teeth...im quite worried as they dont look nice now..and if ill go for braces..ill have to pay some thousands to get rid of these gaps..i mean braces is a long procedure..i wish i wouldn t have gone to the dentist..Can you Please tell me about any remdy [/INST] Doctor:The best "non invasive" procedure is to get braces. Unfortunately the cost involved and timespan of this treatment makes it unpopular with many patients. Your next option is to get veneers for both teeth adjacent to the gap. This can only be done with a fairly small gap, which sounds about right in your case. If the gap is too wide, the veneers will leave you with short fat looking teeth. Depending on existing fillings on teeth etc, your dentist might choose to make full crowns instead of veneers. From a cost point of view 1) Veneers 2) Crowns 3) Braces From a non-invasive point of view 1) Braces 2) Veneers 3) Crowns Lastly, if the aesthetics of the small gap does not bother you, there is no dental reason to close the gap. It it is purely aesthetics, BUT, rather have the gap fixed with one of the above mentioned treatments than allowing tartar to build up and "fill" the gap again. This will lead to soft tissue infection and bone loss around the teeth, which turns into a much bigger problem if left untreated. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Strained gums after cleaning teeth. How can I cure them? Patient:Hello Sir, 6 years back I went to a doctor to clean my tooth s but he used a sharp device to clean my tooth s and he strained my gums. I never paid attention to that because I was very young at that age but now i feel so embarrassed when people say your tooth are dirty. Please let me know is there any solution to get my gums back and how much it cost. [/INST] Doctor:HI APPARENTLY there is no way that gums can get any stain from cleaning procedure. the sharp device used is the ultra sonic scaler which uses vibrations and water to clean teeth and gums. that reason you are seeing your gums dirty is the gap of 6 years you did nt have the cleaning done again. go to the dentist and get the cleaning done. scaling will remove all the plaque and calculus from teeth and gums and you will feel much more clean ,confident and healthy. take care. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Suggest treatment for asthma and heart disease Patient:hi doctor,20 days before my father had admitted for aasthuma problem.now doctor told he may has a problem in heart have to take angiography. and that doctor told my father may had a blog in all three blood tube in heart but the ECG are normal. please clarify my methanks senthil [/INST] Doctor:Dear Senthil,Sometimes ECG in rest is normal, as our heart needs less blood in rest, so even if there are some blockages in the arteries, at rest it may be sufficient, and rest ECG may be normal. During physical activity our organism needs more blood so the heart as well, and in case there are some blockages in the arteries, the patient may have chestpain and ECG changes. Maybe your father has chestpain or other typical symptoms, or positive stress test, abd your doctor wants to perform an angiography to check if there is any problems in his arteries.Take care </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Q. When can I get the level two ultrasound? Patient:Hello doctor, I am a female, and I am primigravida (17 weeks and 6 days). According to my LMP, I am 17 weeks and 6 day pregnant but according to my NT scan (done in 12-13 week )-gestation period showing pregnancy of 18 weeks and 3 days till date. Now I have to go for level two ultrasound, and my doctor gave me the date of next month. Will it be fine by this time to go for an ultrasound or late according to my gestation period? As I heard that it should be done between 18 to 20 weeks. [/INST] Doctor:Hello. The number of weeks will be counted according to your scan date. So according to which your TIFFA (targeted imaging for fetal anomalies) scan will be dated. The TIFFA or anomaly scan, which you have mentioned can be done from 18-24 weeks and will give clear results. So relax and do not worry. You can go for the scan as per your gynecologist. However, if you have a doubt then get back to me. Take care. For more information consult a fetal medicine specialist online --> </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Why do i feel heart pulse in my abdomen ? Patient:Hi, i m 16 years old. Lately, i had felt my pulse on my upper abdomen . It s really weird because i ve never noticed it before. Is there something wrong with me? [/INST] Doctor:Welcome to Healthcare Magic Good Day Hi, The pulse you were feeling could be that of your abdominal aorta. It is usually well appreciated in thin individuals and quite well palpable after a meal or when in excitement. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: What causes an elevation in the BP level after placing a VP shunt? Patient:I have a ventricular shunt due to hydrocephalus I am having problems for the past several months with my blood pressure being too high my family Dr is sending me for several blood tests to rule out other things but I m concerned this may be caused by my shunt [/INST] Doctor:Hi, I understand your concern. The increased blood pressure (bp) you are facing for the last months after placing VP shunt could be due to:- shunt itself- thyroid issues- stress/anxiety- other cardiac issuesYes, you need to run further tests to determine the right cause. Meanwhile, keep monitoring your bp, record the results for future reference. All the best. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: What are the chances of pregnancy if having spotting, mild cramps, dizziness, cravings, milky white discharge? Patient:i dont remember having a period at all last month. I remeber a little spotting at the beginning of it but thats all. For the past couple of weeks i have noticed mind cramping and when i say mild i mean i can barley notice its there, my lower back has been hurting like i have lifted something heavy and strained it and i havent done anything like that. I am more tired and also really emotional. I have also noticed that i have had dizzy spells and cravings and my discharge is like a milky white and thick than normal? Do i need to get a preg test? [/INST] Doctor:Hello dearI understand your concernMild cramps, dizziness, back pain, emotional are variable symptoms of the pregnancy.Thick milk discharge could be due to vaginal yeast infection, pregnancy.I would suggest to consult the gynecologist and undergo examination, urine pregnancy test and or blood HCG, vaginal swab test and USG scan to confirm the cause:Doctor will give following advise for infection:Vaginal suppository of clotrimazole and lactobacillusSingle dose of fluconazoleWash vagina with warm salted water and then apply apple ciadr vinegarMeftal spas for the crampTake healthy diet, proper rest, drink plenty of water and maintain proper pelvic hygiene.Hope this may help youContact HCM for further queryBest regardsDr. Sagar </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: How to get rid of sexual anhedonia? Patient:My name is rohan I m 21 .single. weight is 55 kg and height is 5'10...never had a sexual vaginal or oral inter course....masturbating from 1year and 9 months.earlier I first saw porn when Internet broadband connection was taken at my home on jan 2012 aftr few mnths I first masturbated.i was so amused by the feeling of orgasm that I started doing it daily.sometimes more than 1 time.while watching porn.i got porn addicted. and during watching porn I use to masturbate.times went on.after 3 months the frequency decreased.2 times a week.in may.but during October starting.i got a huge depression in my personal life.so when ever I feel depress I masturbate to feel relief this continued till october this year when I realised its no longer that mental pleasure I used to have its just all physically rubbing of penis to ejaculate.no orgasm.as I got used to it I keep doing it. not enjoying the act anymore.earlier I used to HAVE ORGASM EVERY TIME I EJACULATE ......not having pleasure of orgasm anymore.very worried. plz help.will I be able to enjoy a normal sex life with partner.i read its called. Sexual anhedonia. but plz note I just use to ejaculate only once.even if its still erect.because earlier I used to have orgasm every single time I ejaculate.i also having wet dreams from past fee months.in the begining of my porn masturbation stage in 2012 jan I sometimes used to rub nd stroke my penis hard and give vigorous strokes...plzzz I m very depressed by the thought that I destroyed my sex life because of bad habbit of over and vigorous masturbation.THINGS CAUSE ME DEPRESSION AND MASTURBATION BECAME A WAY TO ESCAPE.I WAS NOT HAVING ANY PRIOR INFORMATION ABOUT IT.ITS TECHNIQUE AND SIDE EFFECT.MY QUESTIONS ARE IS MASTURBATION PRACTISED BY HARD STROKING OF PENIS HARMFUL.MY PENIS FORESKIN BECAME DULL IS IT CURABLE.?HOW I CAN END MY SEXANHEDONIA?WILL I EVER HAVE A NORMAL SEX ?LIFE WITH PARTNER.?had I made a permanent damage.?how can i make bring my penis sensation back?yesterday i watched porn but my penis not having proper erecting and porn was like another video of songs or movie.just a very little arousal.PLZ I M VERY WORRIED SIR..HELP ME PLZ.plz give ur persnal email id I feel suicidal coz of earlier drpression and now this sex thing.also tell me cn masturbation cause me weak body.?can I recover my sex power lost in masturbation and damage caused to penis. [/INST] Doctor:Hi Rohan,I read you problem in detail and can understand what you are going through. Lets start with some basic facts. Masturbation is a normal physiological process and masturbating on a daily basis doesn't lead to any physical, mental or sexual weakness. However, from what you have mentioned, it seems that you are suffering from depression and that is leading to you having a lot of negative thoughts. Your feeling of sexual anhedonia can very well be part of depression. Your situation is highly amenable to treatment. What i would recommend is that you should immediately consult a local psychiatrist. You need to be started on some anti-depressants together with regular supportive therapy sessions. Wishing you speedy recovery. Best wishes. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Is chewing on tongue the symptom of liver cirrhosis and hepatic encephalopathy? Patient:My husband has been diagnosed with liver cirrhosis from fatty infiltration. He has had hepatic encephalopathy with elevated ammonia levels. He now is chewing on his tongue. (He has no teeth, so no injuries, but his tongue is very sore.) He does this unconsciously, even at night and cannot seem to stop. Is this another symptom from this disease process? [/INST] Doctor:Thanks for posting your question on HCM!I really appreciate your concern for your husband.In addition to other signs and symptoms, although less common but abnormal tongue chewing is seen in patients with hepatic encephalopathy.Loss of coordinated movements of the jaw and tongue occurs due to injury to the part of brain that is concerned with the movements of tongue and the jaw.cIn comatose patients, the tongue can become juxtapositioned between the teeth resulting in this chewing reflex.You are advised to take an opinion of a dentist for possible use of acrylic mouth gags to prevent the injuries in oral cavity.Wishing your husband a speedy recovery, Insha allah. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Suggest treatment for feet pain despite taking Allopurinol Patient:yes I was just in the hospital for pnuemonia and sepsis with renal failure. My staff forgot to give me my allipurinol for 2 days and I had a major gout flare up in both feet ankles and hands. Only had 3 - 4 flares before this.... This was 7 weeks ago and my feet are back to normal size - but still have severe pain in my feet. I have been to my primary care physician and she prescribed lasix to reduce the swelling. Am I stuck with this constant pain for life. It affects my daily activities - its about a 7 ...what do you suggest as I am going to get another appt with my doctor [/INST] Doctor:Hi, Consult a rheumatologist and get evaluated. As of now, you can take analgesics like Aceclofenac for pain relief. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards, Dr. Shinas Hussain, General & Family Physician </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Suggest treatment for poor functioning kidneys Patient:my dad is 80 and he only has 25 to 30% of his kidneys working,doesn't want to do anything about it.He has lost 50 pounds in the last 5 months. he went from a 46 inch waist to a 36 inch waist. he does get around and still drives,do we have to be worried about him.thank you. [/INST] Doctor:Such a severe weight loss in a span of 5 months definitely needs further evaluation. Common causes are tuberculosis hyperthyroidism and any cancer. Renal failure induced loss of appetite leading to weight loss is also possible but such a severe weight loss is very rare. Regarding kidney condition ,don't worry. At age 80 with the mentioned Renal function, he can lead the life without dialysis for 2-3 years. I believe that your renal failure and weight loss are related and proper evaluation and treatment may lead to improvement of your Renal function.Consult general physician/nephrologist for further evaluation.All the best. If you have any questions feel free to consult me. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Does homeopathy helps to move kidney stone from lower lobe of kidney? Patient:i have a kidney stone in my lower lobe right side kidney at presently i'm taking Dr.Reckeweg r27 AND Dr.Reckeweg r18 i want to know whether it moves out from lower lobe of kidney .my doctor advice me surgery through whole in my back n they remove tell me homopathy is usefull or not give me suggesion i also gone thro spinal surgery too [/INST] Doctor:HelloThanks for query.You have been detected to have stone in lower calyx of Right Kidney .To be true there are no medication in any medical pathy that can dissolve the stone ..As such stone in lower calyx do not pass down so easily due to dependent position of lower calyx in relation to outlet of renal pelvis and remain there for years together and may gradually increase in size ..Hence we advise to get it removed by endoscopic surgery of Per Cutaneous Nephro Lithotripsy (PCNL).This is a standard modality followed by most of the Urologist all over the world.Dr.Patil. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Q. For how long should I take Kalachikai powder to overcome PCOD problem? Patient:Hello doctor,As I have PCOD problem and also cyst, I take tablets for period. My friend suggested Kalachikai powder. I used it for 30 days continuously, but no use. How many days should I take that powder and how to overcome this problem? [/INST] Doctor:Hello. For PCOD (polycystic ovarian disease), powder Kalachikai has a good effect, but the duration of treatment is long (more than three months). For proper evaluation of disease, please go for USG whole abdomen and other investigations. If the size and number of cysts are more, then I suggest consulting a gynecologist as you may require surgery. If the number and size of cysts are less, you may continue treatment along with syrup Evecare 10 ml BD and Kanchnar Guggulu two BD. For more information consult an ayurveda specialist online --> </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Q. I am a diabetic since 8 years. Will me being diabetic affect my baby? Patient:Hi doctor, I am a 51 year old man and my wife is 28 year old. I would like to have a baby. I have normal sex life. I have been having diabetes for the last 8 years (hereditary). No BP or heart problem. Occasionally, I have kidney stone issue. I do not smoke or drink. I have a few questions: What are the tests to be conducted for checking the quality of sperm for having baby? Any effective medicine for increasing the quality and motility of sperm? Is there any chance that my diabetes will affect my baby? If so, can I have any medicine or treatment by which the diabetes does not affect my baby? Please advise [/INST] Doctor:Hello. Thanks for posting your query. See if you have a normal erection and ejaculating normally, then I do not recommend any tests unless you have been trying for a baby for the past one year and there has been no result. In that case first get semen analysis with culture test and revert back with report. If this test shows abnormality then you need to undergo further tests which I shall recommend if needed. Yes there are effective medications to improve sperm condition but let me see your report first. Diabetes can be due to both hereditary and nonhereditary. Nothing can prevent your child if it gets as hereditary. A good lifestyle can definitely delay the onset of diabetes. Do not worry about that. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Q. I have milky white vaginal discharge with itching. What is my problem? Patient:Hello doctor, I am a 17-year-old female. There is a milky vaginal discharge that I have been experiencing every day for six consecutive months. The first time I went to a doctor was when I was experiencing a cottage cheese like white discharge with super itchy feeling and burning sensation when urinating. The doctor gave me Itraconazole Sporanox and Imiquimod Aldara. It got better. My white discharge started after that. But I did not mind it because it was not accompanied by itching. I went to a different doctor again because I was experiencing a cottage cheese discharge again with itching, she gave me Clotrimazole vaginal tablet. The only problem I have now is I am having a white milky discharge every day. It does not seem normal to me. [/INST] Doctor:Hello. Some amount of vaginal discharge is a normal phenomenon. But if the discharge is thick white like curds and offensive in smell or is associated with itching then it is candida or yeast infection. If you again having the cottage cheese like thick discharge with itching, you start taking Clotrimazole vaginal tablets for seven nights along with a tablet Fluconazole which you need to take by mouth (single tablet). Maintain a good genital hygiene. Try to change your undergarments twice daily. If there is no itching and not a thick curdy white discharge then rest assures it must be a normal vaginal discharge. Check your blood sugars (fasting and Postprandial). Tablet Fluconazole 150 mg by mouth (single dose). Clotrimazole vaginal pessary for seven nights continuously. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Treatment for pulmonary hypertension? Patient:Dear Doctor, how are you? I would like to ask a bout pulmonary hypertension, my doctor said that I have pulmonary hypertension, I have symptoms such as fatigue, shortness of breath, and arrhythmia especially during sleepiness, and when I do heavy work....please how can I treat these symptoms [/INST] Doctor:Hello, Pulmonary hypertension can be treated with a combination of antihypertensive and diuretic drugs. In more severe cases more 'advanced' (and expensive) drugs can be used.The choice of regimen depends on the severity of your condition which is in a large part determined with an ultrasound scan of the heart (echo) but other tests might be needed too.Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease which may coexist has to be treated as well if present.I hope I've helped! Kind regards! </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Will I be able to conceive if I have hepatitis? Patient:hello sir! i have a qury that i m patient of auto immune hepatities. i m taking budosonide +calcium+iron n some times dytor plus. i wish to know can i get pregnant . how much it is risky for me. i m 29 yrs old. in 2006 doctors diagnosed this disease in me. i got married one month before. [/INST] Doctor:in my opinion I don't think that you can't get pregnant with having auto immune hepatitis infection , the only problem which needs to be sorted out is to avoid using teratogenic drugs which can affect your fetus, avoid using these drugs,like the steroid needs special mention, also as it is a high risk pregnancy routine ultrasound is essential </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Suggest treatment for blisters under the tongue Patient:Have blisters on the back of my tongue. Are very hard to see. Have to pull tongue down to see. Had burning sensation on right side of my tongue and also same area on throat when I eat. I believe they have been around for maybe a month but not positive. Looks like pictures of swollen circumvallate papillae. Is that what it is? And what should I do. [/INST] Doctor:Hello, Thank you for consulting with HCM.There can be many reasons for this burning sensation on the tongue, burning sensation can be because of an ulcer known as apthous ulcer present on tongue or throat , can be because of any kind of allergy of throat or an autoimmune disease known as lichen planus.and the blister which you are mentioning can be just a circumvallate papillae.But to get all these confirm you have to visit a good dentist for proper examination and investigations if necessary.Hope it will help you. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: What causes upper back pain upon movement? Patient:Shortly after awakening, i developed sharp stabbing pain upon movement (dull ache at rest ) located in upper left back, near underneath the shoulder blade. But now the pain is extended up into my neck and ear, as if the lymph nodes are effected. I am 71 yrs. old with rheumatoid arthritis, fused neck with serious osteo-porosis. [/INST] Doctor:Hello,You could have cervical spondylosis. Considering your age and dull ache it is the probable cause. You can confirm it by having an x-ray cervical spine.The treatment is physiotherapy for neck muscles strengthening. Tablet Ibuprofen twice daily for 5 days and capsule Omeprazole once daily before food for 5 days.Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.Regards,Dr. Srinivas Bandam </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Suggest remedy for difficulty in getting erection after shunt placement in penis Patient:when i was 12, i had a condition called priapism. during surgery a small shunt was placed in the penis to replace a vein or tissue or something. slowly my ability to get a full erection is getting harder.i was masturbating quite frequently and recently have slowed down tonnes. i can get anywhere from 70-75% any, all time. i hardly ever wake with morning wood. i am extremely stressed about this issue, and having a girlfriend makes this even more urgent. i am desperate for very helpful accurate advice [/INST] Doctor:Hello, In most of the occasions, the shunt surgery does not interfere with erection. However, as you had priapism, you should review your medical documents with doctor to know what was the underlying cause of priapism. If detected, such underlying cause must be treated. At the same time, please do NOT take any treatment for improving erection without doctor's advice, because in such cases the priapism can recur. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Regards, Dr. Sujoy Dasgupta </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Q. Can my gallbladder stones be dissolved without surgery? Patient:Hi doctor, Few soft echogenic calculi with sludge are seen in my gallbladder lumen, one of which measures approximately 14.1 mm. What should I do to dissolve them without surgery? [/INST] Doctor:Hello. For further queries consult an internal medicine physician online --> </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Is there any treatment to make lips thinner and where can I avail it ? Patient:i am 27 years old, single woman.my height is 5 ft and weight is 54 kg.i want to know,is there any kind of treatment or surgery is available in our medical science for making the thick lips thin?if yes,where,in which corner of the world it is available and at what cost? [/INST] Doctor:hi it is possible to convert thick and bulky lips into thin u need to consult plastic surgeon it is possible in metro cities . cost depend upon ur lip size and treatment required DEBULKING SURGERY done over lip and effective. but be firm before doing it as it is permanent method </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: How to treat pimple like sores on penis after having sex? Patient:My boyfriend o six months complains that sometimes after sex he gets pimple like sores on his penis. Sometimes they last a few days, sometimes longer. I have spoken to my gyno and he assures me that I am well and am not nfected with anything. We only have sex with each other. Any ideas what might cause this. [/INST] Doctor:Dear, We understand your concernsI went through your details. The pimples could just be rashes and there could not be anything to worry. Request your boy friend to consult a skin specialist.If you require more of my help in this aspect, please use this URL. Make sure that you include every minute detail possible. Hope this answers your query. Further clarifications are welcome.Good luck. Happy New Year. Take care. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: What is the suggestion for a small bump in the penis? Patient:Hi Doc, I went to a legitimate massage parlor and had a massage. which included bath, sauna then 30 minute massage. no touching of the genital area at all. the next day approximately 12 hours later i noticed a single small pump an inch up from the base of my penis. pump not painful has been 2 days now still here. need advice. [/INST] Doctor:Higreetings. Do you mean a bump ? a small swelling ? Is it increasing in size or change in color ? since there was no genital massage or sex involved in any format it should not be a major problem unless it increases in size or pain .It can be from an infection of a hair follicle to an aberration. If it's a concern then kindly consult a surgeon as you know that difficult to opine without seeing ...hope you are convinced. Regards </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: What supplements can be taken nerve pain, inflammations and pain relief? Patient:I have numerous herniated discs throughout my spine. I also have arthritis and stenosis throughout my spine. I need anti inflammatory nut I have stable gallstones. I take Lyrica, Celebrex, Baclofen for spasms and pain medications. What supplements can I take for nerve pain, inflammations and pain relief? [/INST] Doctor:Hello. I have been through your question and understand you concern.Among the drugs you are taking, there are no anti inflammatory (AINS) drugs, which not necessarily interfere with your gall blader stones. So basically you might need some AINS which you can take for a short period but might not be fully benefitial because your underlying disease is a chronic one with intermittent symptomatologies.Hope this helps. Greetings </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: What causes fever,migraine,back pain during kidney infection? Patient:I went to the Urgent care and they said I had a bad kidney infection. They gave me a shot but nothing has happened I still feel the same. I have the chills, fever, migraine that can't go away, my back hurts bad! The only thing the shot took away was pain when I pee. What's wrong with me [/INST] Doctor:Welcome to Healthcaremagic. I read your question carefully and I understand your concern. From the signs and symptoms you prescribe it is a possibility that you have a Pyelonephritis. That was also the suspicion in the ER. I would like to know if you did any lab or imaging studies or did in the ER prescribe medication for further treatment? I also would like to know your age and if you have any chronic disorders that would complicate the treatment like diabetes, chronic lung or heart diseases). This is important because if your diagnosis is confirmed, in some cases there is a necessity for hospital admission. I recommend to you to do the following workup: urinalysis (with microscopic analysis), urine culture, CBC and ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder. Regarding the therapy, if the diagnosis is confirmed and if you will be selected for outpatient treatment, you require initially a vigorous IV or oral fluids, paracetamol for fever and a dose of parenteral antibiotic. Then you need a antibiotic therapy at least 7 days in uncomplicated cases and the recommended first line therapy is ciprofloxacin. I hope my answer was helpful to you. And I wish to you a fast recovery and a good health. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Q. Please explain the poisonous effect of phenol ingestion. Patient:Hello doctor, My friend aged 30 had two drops of phenol mistaking for milk. He vomited and had lot of salt water. Please advice for any side effect. [/INST] Doctor:Hi. I want to assure you not to worry as everything is going to be fine if proper care and treatment is opted in for. I have thoroughly gone through your case and can well understand your genuine health concerns. 1. No, there is not much problem right now as he vomited and also had a lot of water. It is fine because it was only two drops. 2. We usually do not go for emesis (vomiting) for phenol poisoning cases. Because, it is a volatile compound and causes vapors entering the lungs through the airways. 3. As it was only two drops, I do not think it may cause much trouble. If he feels short of breath contact me back, otherwise fine. 1. He should avoid re-exposure. 2. Rule out if there is some sort of suicidal ideation due to depression or anxiety and take him to a psychiatrist for physical evaluation. For further follow up consult a general practitioner online.---> </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Can surgery ease the pain and immobility of hand? Patient:6 years ego my right neckhumourous was broken by an accdient then it was not setting by doctor .now i feel very pain and no movement of my hand , some doctor advice me to operation , how can i do in vellore hospital now i am 45 years , biood group a+ , my waight approx 78-80kgs [/INST] Doctor:Hello, thanks for writing in.(I am not sure of your pregnancy status, as this question has been posted in this section and you have not given any details about it).I would suggest you consult an orthopedic surgeon at the earliest, as you need a clinical examination, and investigations (xray/MRI) to evaluate the status of the fracture and development of complications.Proximal humeral neck fractures are prone to complications especially damage to blood vessels/nerves to the arm.Further management i.e. need for surgery, can be decided once your doctor evaluates your case.Hope this is helpful.Thank you and take care. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Suggest treatment for cholelithiasis Patient:Im sure I have gallstones or cholelithiasis. Long history of bloating/gas pains and frequent bowel movements .3 week history of persistent GERD not relieved by Pepcid/zantac , salty taste in mouth.Taking a PPI recently. No real abdo pain.1 episode of pre syncopal/ became light headed tachycardic and pale.post lunch taken to ER with Neg workup 6 days ago. last few days grayish stools. [/INST] Doctor:Hello Medicines are usually not helpful in gall badder calculus.You should go for definitive treatment of gall bladder calculus.Definitive treatment of gall bladder calculus is surgical removal of gall bladder(cholecystectomy).Gall bladder calculus is prone to infection and obstruction,so it is advised to get rid of calculus early.Your may also need upper GI endoscopy.GERD need proper evaluation.You may need biopsy and more medicines for GERD.Get well soon.Take CareDr.Indu Bhushan </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Suggest remedy for swelling in nipple Patient:Please answer my question I don t have android or ios cell phone so I can t download your free app I had old model black berry.send answer on my email I d. I am 22 male Actually my problem is. when my body is at normal temperature or warm my nipples look like that there is air in them and right nipple look bigger than the other I can t take my shirt off infront of any other people but when their is cool breez going on or I felt cold they get small and tight please if there is cure tell me to get permanentaly small tight nipples.I can t take my shirt off at gym,beach or other places. [/INST] Doctor:Thanks for asking in healthcaremagic forum The size of nipple varies from individual to individual though rudimentary in males. Like other skin it is sensitive to temperature and may react to it by pilorection causing tightening of skin. Please visit a doctor if you have gynaecomastia (enlargement of breast in males) for help. All the best. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: What causes lump on neck with inflammation? Patient:hi,i have a question about my husband.he has an inflammation in his right neck.and i found found a little lump like a pinched nerve or vein.he says that part does not heart but the back of the neck and shoulders hurts.i am really worried plz help me. [/INST] Doctor:HI.Lump in the neck are usually lymph nodes; pinched nerves can not be felt at all. The problem of a pain in the neck and and shoulders is due to spasm of muscles or Cervical Spondilitis IT is best to go for MRI of the Cervical spine if the problem is old to get a diagnosis of Cervical disc syndrome.The treatment will be according to the findings. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Q. When I went for uterus examination, why did the nurse question about cancer medication? Patient:Hi doctor, I am a 50 year old female. My symptoms are blood and urine discharge after menopause, severe lower back pain and hemorrhoid. These symptoms have been happening for weeks now. Also, recently I had problems with my kidneys, but it is good now. I went for uterus examination today, and the nurse asked me if I had taken any cancer medication in the past, specifically, Arsenic trioxide. I got immediately worried as I did not see the correlation between my examination and cancer. Is there any medical reason for her question? [/INST] Doctor:Hi. For further information consult an internal medicine physician online --> </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: What causes late period after taking althea pills? Patient:I started taking althea even I haven't have my menstruation yet. Because I read in the paper inside the box of althea pills that its ok to take during the menstruation or any other time. I haven't finish all the tablet so I don't have may menstruation for almost 1month more. Am i safe?I'm worried about it. [/INST] Doctor:Hi,Althea pills are usually taken starting from day one of the menstrual cycle, but they can also be taken at any time, the only precaution being that pregnancy has been excluded before taking them in such a manner and follow up with condoms is done for first seven days. In the current scenario, you should go for n estimation of the serum beta-hCG titres, if you do not see a period within the seven days of pill break. A trans-vaginal sonogram and a clinical evaluation by an expert are also needed. Take care. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: What causes pain in the mouth? Patient:In 45 and confused about the pain in having in my mouth in not sure if it's my tooth or my tongue my tongue feels very sore i feel like I have a sore on the side of my tongue and it just me when I say or even talk then my tooth is hurting me to i think my filling came out it hurts when air gets into it but I don't understand are they connected or 2 separate issues the pain is also felt in my ear [/INST] Doctor:Hello and Welcome to ‘Ask A Doctor’ service. I have reviewed your query and here is my advice. If the filling is lost then the pain is most probably originating from the tooth and causing radiating pain in ear and tongue.So my suggestion is to first of all consult an Oral Physician and get evaluated.A clinical examination and investigations like x ray can be done to rule out the exact cause.If it is due to toothache and the nerve is exposed then Root canal treatment can be done followed by capping of the tooth.If tooth is fine with no nerve exposure then filling can be re-done.Also you can take anti inflammatory painkiller like Ibuprofen and do warm saline gargles.Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards, Dr. Honey Arora </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Acute sciatic pain. MRI shows lmbar spondyolosis, diffuse disc bulges at L4-L5, L5-S1, secondary canal stenosis. Suggestions? Patient:I am suffering from an acute sciatric pain.. Plz guide me about the treatment that i shoud go for...following are the results of my mri report. Lumbar spondyolosis with diffuse disc desiccation , diffuse disc bulge with posterocentral protrusion with annual tear at l4-l5 level causing bilateral foraminal narrowing widout definite nerve root compression, diffuse disc bulge with central and left paracentral protrusion at l5-s1 level causing bilateral foraminal narrowing with compression upon bilateral traversing nerve root (l greater than r) and secondary canal stenosis [/INST] Doctor:Hello, The MRI report of yours shows that there is disc protrusion and compression over the nerve roots. Your symptoms are explained by this compression. The treatment options include medications, surgery and physiotherapy. Physiotherapy is necessary in all patients. If there are no definite deficits (like sensory loss or weakness) then trial of medications with bed rest can help most of the patients. If medications are not helping or if there are deficits, then surgery is recommended. You neurologist/ neurosurgeon/ spine surgeon can guide you on this. Good luck. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: What causes unresolved fever at night and lump in the neck? Patient:dear Dr my daughte is 22 yrs old she has a lump on nack from last 1 mont now from last one mont regulerly she is having feaver at night and morning we went to villege dr he tak xray and tell us this is t b lumps her fever is not recovering please help me what to do [/INST] Doctor:YOUR DAUGHTER NEEDS BIOSY OF NECK LUMP AND SEND IT FOR HISTOPATHOLOGICAL EXAMINATION FOR CONFIRMATION SO THAT ANTITUBERCULOUS TREATMENT IS REQUIRED FOR 9 MONTHS AND THEN SHE WILL GET CURED COMPLETELY </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: What causes reduced hardness while on erection? Patient:Hello,I am 21 and physically very fit.I have two questions, firstly my forearm is giving my trouble since a month not specially when i do biscep curls at the gym. I was asked by a couple of trainers to not work on it for a week and a few said it can be tendonitis. I hope it's not something very severe because my diet is very good.Secondly, I don't think that the erection i get is very hard. I have had trouble in the past during sex but at times it was perfectly alright. I don't smoke, drink or do any drugs and lead a very healthy life. Can you please help me out on these two things.Regards. [/INST] Doctor:Hello, At your age of 21, the loss of erection has to be due to psychological reasons like stress, anxiety or fear. Therefore, I suggest counseling for you. Take care. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards, Dr. K. V. Anand, Psychologist </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: What causes red honeycomb shaped rashes on the thigh? Patient:My daughter noticed a long red honeycomb mottled rash on her thigh today that was warm to the touch even though her calve & her other leg were cool. It is less noticeable now but she says it was bright red and the splotches were honeycomb shaped. Is this something of concern ? [/INST] Doctor:Hello and Welcome to ‘Ask A Doctor’ service. I have reviewed your query and here is my advice.In my opinion, it could be Erythema ab igne. Are you keeping laptop or any hot objects on thigh. If so please avoid keeping hot objects on thigh. Apply Calamine lotion on lesion. If you do not get any relief, do consult your Dermatologist.Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: What causes leg cramps and enlarged liver in teens? Patient:my teen son plays football for his high school. The past two games he has had to be pulled out of the game due to severe leg cramps. i took him to the doctor today and she told us he has an enlarged liver. tomorrow we need to go back for more test. what could this be a sign of? [/INST] Doctor:HiThanks for writing to healthcare magic.There could be multiple causes for enlarged liver.Some i think are trauma, fat, infections viral/bacterial/parasiticNeeds further test to identify the causeDo check for calcium and vitamin d levels tooWishing your child speedy recoveryRegardsDr Arun </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: What is the treatment for vibration in the groin? Patient:47 yr. old male, and I have been feeling a very fast, intermittent vibration in my lower groin area--similar to a cell phone, I suppose. No pain--just an annoying sensation. I found many people w/ same complaint (mostly groin, some shoulders, etc.) on many websites, but no answers. Sure is a strange, scary feeling. Pinched nerve of some kind? [/INST] Doctor:Hi, Neuropathic pain can some times mimic vibratory feeling. Check your blood sugar, blood pressure. Any spinal injury? Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards, Dr. S. R. Raveendran, Sexologist </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: What has caused painful mass under the chip wear which is swollen? Patient:Yes, Please!, Good Morning, My husband has developed a mass under his chip wear it makes a v like shape, he complains about the pain and it being swollen, .. it seems as if it is getting more swollen each day ..He barley tried clod conpressions for less than 5 mins ..Do you know what this might be? [/INST] Doctor:Hi.Thank for your information about a mass that has developed under the chip wear of your husband. The pain, increasing in size indicates that there is an infection going on in the area and your husband needs to take an antibiotic and anti-inflammatory medicines to get the infection contained. If the problem is more than 3 days it is likely to develop into an abscess and then will need incision and drainage . For getting a clinical evaluation, getting a prescription and an opinion whether to give medical treatment or to give an incision, it is better to consult a General Surgeon. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Am i taking the right treatment for TB ? Patient:Dear Doctor my age 28 yearsheight 6 fitweight 58 kg i have TB in my past Presently iam healthy seminal report is quantity 20mlcolour milky whiteconsistency thick liquidreaction alkalnePH 70 total cout of sperms 10 million Dear Doctor my age 28 years,height-6 fit,weight 58 kg, i have TB in my past Presently iam healthy seminal report is quantity 2.0ml,colour-milky white,consistency-thick liquid,reaction-alkalne,P.H-7.0, total cout of sperms 10 million/ml of semen Motality after 1/2 hours total motile-10% active motile-10%,moderatelymotile-10%,sluggeshly motile-20% ,non motile-60% after 1hour total motile-8% active motile-5%,moderatelymotile-10%,sluggeshly motile-25% ,non motile-60% after 4hour total motile-2% active motile-00%,moderatelymotile-5%,sluggeshly motile-15% ,non motile-80% micro scopic morphology-10 to15% immature forms 08 to 10% tail less-02 to 04 %,pin head 01 to02%,W.B.C-4-6/hpf,R.B.C-no found, epithelial cell-not found,trichmonous-not found so pls tell sir i can be a fatheror not if not treatments are avilable for me. and duration as per abnomality which shows in my report. so taking medicine after showing doctor he gave me siphene-m and carnisure 500mg tablet and advice it to take two months so tell sir/mam it is right treatment for me and i will be father or not if yes how much time it will take. [/INST] Doctor:Hello. Thanks for writing to us. Your semen report shows that your sperms are less motile. The history of T.B. might be the cause.The best way to become a father for you is to let your wife go for IUI with your sperm concentrate.Tab. Siphene might help in improving the motility. The time taken for becoming father depends on multiple factors and cannot be assessed based on this report only. I hope this information has been both informative and helpful for you. drtayalrakhi@gmail.com </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: What is the required sperm count to father a child? Patient:i am Sri Lankan, 36 years old my wife is 34 years, we need a child, But my rapid progressive motility rate is 6.3%, my slow progressive motility rate is 28.8% and progressively motile sperm concentration (a) is 4 millions, progressively motile sperm concentration (b) is 18.2 millions can we have chance to get Baby,,? how we can treat it..? have any drugs for fix this problem...? how Alcohol Effect for this problem...? please ripely to me [/INST] Doctor:HI, I can understand your concern for your symptoms, the sperm count must be more than 50 million and the active motility must be more than 40 %. I Hope I have answered your query. If you have further doubts , I would be happy to help you. Happy day </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: What are the symptoms and effects of epstein-barr virus? Patient:my friend drank from a cup, and that I unknowingly drank from afterwards. Later on she casually told me she tested positive for the epstein-barr virus, which can be transmitted through saliva. What are the chances that I could contract this virus? Also what are the main symptoms and dangers of this virus? [/INST] Doctor:Hello and thanks for your question. While you are unlikely to get EBV after one casual exposure, it is possible. The most common syndrome from EBV is mononucleosis with fever, swollen lymph nodes and sore throat. Very rarely EBV is implicated in development of some more serious diseases. I think you are provably safe. See your doctor if you develop fevers. Please advise your friend that she should not be sharing drinks/food wit others. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Have pain near the belly button and back pain also. Have haital hernia. What to do? Patient:My doctor told me that I have a haital hernia. Recently Ive been having more pain on my left side above my bellybutton and then pain towards my left side of my back....Should I just call my doctor? I thought this would be a free site didnt know I would have to pay....I guess I will just call my doc. tomorrow....Have a good night. [/INST] Doctor:Hi welcome to Health care magic forum. Thanks for calling H.C.M.Forum. Your doctor told that you have haital hernia. Recently you had more pain on the left side, above the bellybutton, and left side of your back. Could the pain be related to the hernia. As you are thinking it could be due to effect of the haital hernia. Other causes could be gastric irritation, due to ulcer, or diet habbitsof menu. or untimely diet habbits. When there is a possibility if haital hernia it is always better to consult a gastroenterologist for diagnosis and treatment,You may need to have M.R.I., gastroscopy, besides other routine tests for confirmation. I also advise you to avoid spices, junk foods, and oily foods. Wishing for a quick and complete recovery. Best regards. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: What causes cramps in c-section area? Patient:Dear Doc, I was done a c-section five years back but i over-bleed and taken back to theatre and i suppose another operation was performed. The following day after both surgeries I woke with a red patch in my right lower stomach area like I was internally bleeding. It faded away though but afer five months i felt a slight cramp in the area where i had red patch just before my perids. The cramps always come ever time i am about to be in my periods.....please help [/INST] Doctor:This may be due to a condition called Endometriosis. Consult a Gynecologist or a General Surgeon and this operated. The lesion has to be excised in toto to get a good clearance from the surrounding tissues. You may request for histo-patho examination o confirm the diagnosis. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Q. How long should my husband and I wait to try for a baby if we did cocaine? Patient:Hello doctor,I am trying to conceive but my husband and I did cocaine a week ago. How long should my husband and I wait to safely continue to try to get pregnant? How long until it is out of our system? How long does cocaine stay in sperm? Thanks in advance. [/INST] Doctor:Hello, Wellcome to iclinq.com. There are few researches/studies on cocaine use by males and its effect on pregnancy. Few suggest that cocaine by itself has limited effects as most of the time it is taken along with other drugs or as a cocktail of alcohol and cigarette (tobacco). So, most of the people take not just cocaine but a combination of drugs. Cocaine narrows blood vessels (vasoconstriction). It can lead to erectile dysfunction. Few studies suggest that it has receptors on testicles and sperm. So, it can degenerate testicular tissues/or sperm quality, transfer from sperm to female egg and can lead to early miscarriage. Cocaine is a very fast acting drug which affects the nervous system and produces short-lived euphoric attitude for 15 minutes to an hour, but causes long-term damage to the body and brain like anxiety, depression, aggression, impairment of logic and critical thinking, heart problem, hypertension and decrease in bone density. Its half-life is an hour. So, it takes about an hour for half of the cocaine consumed to leave the body. But, with long-term use, the drug starts to accumulate in the blood and body tissues allowing certain tests to detect it in the system for an extended period of time. After a single use of cocaine, agents created by its metabolism can be detected in the urine for two to four days, and in chronic users, cocaine can be detected up to 12 days and highly concentrated cocaine can be detected in the urine up to three weeks. It can be detected in the saliva and blood for an average 12-48 hours. In hairs and sweat for an extended period of time, it can be detected. So, after all the above description, I do not know how your husband had cocaine, as a cocktail along with other drugs, or just cocaine? Secondly, how long he has been taking it? For you, have you been on alcohol, cocaine or smoking? If you had taken in the past, better to quit completely. My advice is, try to avoid drugs like cocaine, alcohol, ketamine, and MDMA completely for a couple of months before trying for pregnancy. Because, if the mother has an addiction, it has psychosocial effects on the fetus in addition to the drugs' side effects itself. Best of luck. For more information consult an obstetrician and gynaecologist online --> </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Suffering from rhinitis allergy and asthma from childhood. Using seretide discus, nasal spray. Suggest effective medication? Patient:Hello, my name is sony. i am 34 year old. i have rhinnitis allergic and asthma since 4 years old until now. i regularly using seretide discus and avamyst nasal spray to control my disease. is there effective medication for this dissease? what is effective medication and uptodate medication for my problems? Thanks for your heping. [/INST] Doctor:Hello dear,Asthma is caused due to broncho-constriction (obstruction of smaller airway passages) which is indicative of Hyper-responsiveness of air passages (seasonal allergy or asthma)Management consists of:1. Asthalin inhaler- provide symptomatic relief by causing broncho-dilation (dilating the smaller airway passages, relieving the obstruction & increasing airflow to lungs)So, you can use it whenever you are having an acute attack.2. Montelukast preparations- used as a maintenance therapy to relieve symptoms of seasonal allergies & asthma.3. Antihistamines can also be used to provide symptomatic relief.4. Protect yourself from exposure to cold, dust or other allergens.If symptoms still persist, it will be better to consult a Pulmonologist & get a proper physical examination done.So that appropriate management steps could be taken.Wishing you a Good Health.Thanks & take care. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: How can painful shingles be treated? Patient:My 21 year old son has shingles. The rash is from his back all the way around to his stomach. Huge blisters and a lot of pain. Is there any home remedy that can help with the excruciating pain? He has tylenol with codeine, but it doesn t help at all, and he can t sleep. [/INST] Doctor:I've had shingles so I know how awful it can be. He should also be on an oral antiviral medication such as acyclovir or Valcyclovir at least at the beginning of the outbreak. If he can't sleep even with the Tylenol with codeine, consider talking with his doctor for nerve pain management such as with gabapentin or amitriptyline. The latter is also quite sedating. Usually gabapentin or amitriptyline is used after the rash has gone if there is residual pain. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Q. I have Braxton Hicks at 27 weeks. Could I be in preterm? Patient:Hello doctor, I am 27 weeks pregnant and have had Braxton Hicks steady for two days with my back cramping and pressure in my bum and vagina. Could I be in preterm? [/INST] Doctor:Hello. You have not mentioned your gynecological, obstetrics, menstrual and drug history. Have you previously had a normal delivery? If no, then the body prepares itself for normal vaginal delivery in the third trimester. In the first time mother, this process is long as it is happening for the first time. So, it takes more time than mothers who already had labor and normal delivery. Everyone's threshold for pain and body's reaction to late perineal changes in the third trimester and labor are different. Only mild cramps without severe contractions episodic going towards lower pelvis from the back are Braxton Hicks and it does not show labor changes in the cervix. Pressure symptoms, bladder heaviness, and recurrent urine are usual symptoms in the third trimester as the baby is mostly in cephalic presentation and growing size creates pressure in neighboring organs naturally. But precautions are necessary. It is better to differentiate between just Braxton Hicks and labor pains with cervical changes. Preterm delivery having lots of factors like infection, fetal, and maternal anomalies and diseases, rupture membranes, etc. Pain threshold relation to cervical changes is different for everyone. I cannot rule out that back cramping, the pressure in bum and vagina cannot lead to preterm delivery but there are factors behind that also that need to sort out. Otherwise, backache, pressure symptoms, mild labor like pains are normal symptoms in most of the women in late pregnancy. I hope you get my point. If there is a pain in the third trimester, we need to check with baby monitoring and mother's cervical changes with the strength of contractions. I hope u get my point. In case of labor-like frequent contractions, rupture of membranes and reduced fetal movements, you need to report to the hospital for monitoring and examination. For more information consult an obstetrician and gynaecologist online --> </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: What is the cause and remedy for hard and painful lump inside the mouth towards the cheek ? Patient:I have a strange lump in my mouth on the upper right side. It is above the gumline towards my cheek . It hurts and feels hard. My dentist took an xray and it was not an infected tooth. Do you have any thoughts on what it could be and if it needs treatment. I am on Kelex right now for my cold and flu symptoms. [/INST] Doctor:Hello there , Thanks for writing your query, Lumps seen in the oral cavity can be of various types . They can be infective lesions related to tooth like periodontal abscess or gingival abscess draining in the oral cavity. lumps are also formed due to bening or malignant swellings of the jaws . cysts of the jaws , related to tooth or bone may also lead to swelling . parotitis or parorid gland swelling may also form lump behind the upper jaw line. exact diagnosis can be made only after clinical examination and evaluation by taking radiographs. i would suggest you to get and OPG radiograph done which will help in diagnosis and accordingly treatment can be planned . consult an oral surgeon and get the examination done. i hope this helps , take care. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: What can be the cause of spiral pain in my left leg above knee? Patient:Hi good evening , I have spiral pain in my left leg above knee so I am not able to stand is I sit but when pain is over I found my leg have no power. At present I can walk but I cannot run and I cannot use my left leg while I am climbing stair case . [/INST] Doctor:Hello, As I would like to ask is what is your age? above 50? any symptoms of high BP or BGL? Then it can be related to OA or Varicose veins. If you are in your not in the above age then this should be related to some other pathology than the above mentioned. If the pain in radial in nature, tingling, numbing and weakening than you should check out for the other pathologies like the neuropathy, fatigue, weakness, ligament injuries etc. In most cases, it is related to muscle weakness and less physical activity. I will recommend you to take hot water fermentation and do some basic knee strengthening exercise if this does help you then its a muscular issue. Which can be corrected by simple exercise. Try for 7 days. In case if it does not get relief any better please get it checked once by an orthopedist as physical examination can help make understanding better. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards, Jay Indravadan Patel, Physical Therapist or Physiotherapist </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: unprotected sex, chances for pregnancy Patient:me and my partner had unprotected sex on the a couple of hours after my period had finished what are the chance of me becoming pregnant? I have just recently came off norethisterone and my period was extremely light and and only lasted 3 days and i normally have a 7 day heavy cycle and have never been light before could i be pregnant? [/INST] Doctor:hello,Unprotected sex just after period over is quite safe and here chance of being pregnant is almost nil literally.Taking norethisterone tab may cause hormonal imbalance and leads to light period. You have nothing to worry.Take healthy diet with iron supplement, drink more fluid, maintain genital hygiene, avoid mental stress/ anxiety. Practice safe sex in future.Good luck. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: What is the medicine for gastritis symptoms? Patient:I am 36 years old healthy woman. I am suffering with Gastric problem for the last 15 days. If my stomach is empty, immediately I felt gas with sounds.. Everyday I am facing this problem around 3.30 p.m. Sometimes there is no problem if I take a tea and at times it remains as it is. Earlier I never faced like this. It is embarrassing in my office. Kindly advise any suitable medicine which gives immediate relief. [/INST] Doctor:Hi, Good for your description of the problem. We could think of two conditions as of now. One is peptic ulcer in which relieves on taking the meal. The Other is you might be swallowing too much air voluntarily or anxiously. Speaking while eating, carbonated drinks, irregular meals, chewing gum etc can cause such problems. We would suggest you to see a Gastroenterologist for an endoscopy and better treatment. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Have asthma, dust mite allergy. Having persistent cough, breathing problems, blood shot eyes. Suggestions? Patient:Hi, i m 39 years old, i have asthma and take seretide 500 for it. i m a swimming teacher and have felt awfall for the last 10months. i have a house dust mite allergy so also use nasonex everyday and have to have anti allergy bedding and keep dust around the house low. for the last 10 months i have a persestant cough that produces clear phelm. i have started to notice that the day after i have been to work i feel awfall, i strugggle to breathe, my eyes are blood shot and have very dark circles under them, i feel so exhausted i dont feel like i can go in to work the next day. so i have a coule of days off start to feel a little better go back to work and feel the same all over again. is it possible that it is my job or is this just a coincidence. [/INST] Doctor:hi your asthmatic treatment not enough to control your symptoms so you have to review treatment by your doctor then your problem will be solved asthma is not a stable condition ,it may flare up or decline with or without medication so you need specialist openian THANKS </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Suggest ways of conceiving a baby Patient:I have undergone IVF treament last sep.it failed.they said,its due to poor egg qlty.for me,if they give injections for ovulation,it didnt respond.i have high FSH,I.E LIKE 12.08 last june,before i did ivf.however,it was reduced by taking many tablets. for me 4 iui,and ivf failed...they r asking to go for egg donor... kindly sugest as wht can i do. [/INST] Doctor:Hi.In my opinion, if you don't mind being more patient with having a child then you can try a few more times, but if you do not and if your doctor thinks it would not be wise, then I would also suggest an egg donor, why don't you talk to some one close? That way it stays in the family, if you are fine with that i.e.?Best wishes. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Suggest remedy for lump on the wrist Patient:I hurt my wrist 4-5 years ago and was told I damaged my ligaments and tendons, I was given a wrist splint but not told how long to wear it for or given a follow up appointment. It has never been right since and I can injure it very easily and get a lump on my wrist under my thumb and I can t bend it forward and struggle to touch my little finger. Can you suggest what I have done or what is wrong? [/INST] Doctor:Hi!Good evening. I am Dr Shareef answering your query. Although it needs a personal physical examination to diagnose the condition, to me it looks like a benign cyst like a ganglion which is common in the wrist specially with a history of trauma. This might be getting inflamed in between resulting in the pain or discomfort for you. Ganglion is a harmless condition, but if it creates too much pain and discomfort, it needs to be surgically removed. For this, I would advise you to take appointment with a orthopedic surgeon for a clinical assessment and any related investigation. Till then, you could go for an anti inflammatory drug along with a proton pump inhibitor and a wrist support.I hope this information would help you in discussing with your family physician/treating doctor in further management of your problem. Please do not hesitate to ask in case of any further doubts.Thanks for choosing health care magic to clear doubts on your health problems. I wish you an early recovery. Dr Shareef. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: What causes elevated TPR and left ventricular hypertrophy? Patient:5â??6â??, 210 lb., 66-year-old male History: BP was >180/115 on three separate days. Examination showed normal to low plasma rennin activity, elevated total peripheral resistance (TPR), cardiac output (CO) of 7.2 L/min, x-rays showed evidence of left ventricular hypertrophy, retinal hemorrhages, and mild polyuria. Recommended therapy was weight reduction to his ideal weight, a low salt diet ( What is the diagnosis for this individual? [/INST] Doctor:Hello and Welcome to ‘Ask A Doctor’ service. I have reviewed your query and here is my advice. Elevated TPR might be from an essential hypertension or secondary hypertension. Normal renin levels suggest that a secondary cause, like renal artery stenosis is excluded. Ventricular hypertrophy, retinal hemorrhage and proteinuria are caused from an untreated hypertension for a long time. I suggest you to do an ECG, a cardiac sonography, a 24 hour blood pressure monitor Holter, a renal sonography and some routine blood tests to see renal function. After doing this, you might need treatment for high blood pressure. All the best! </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: How to treat pain in the lower back and buttock? Patient:I injured my lower back 2 weeks ago. The pain went into the inner thigh and now extends in part down the inner leg to the foot. I am unable to properly bend the leg, and a dull ache remains in lower back and buttock. Most noticable thing however is swelling of leg and foot and what feels like muscle knots in places where the most intense pain is. Age 40, Average weight/height. [/INST] Doctor:HiWelcome to healthcaremagicI have gone through your query and understand your concern.At present you need analgesic such as ibuprofen for pain relief. Physiotherapy will be helpful. You are also advised to get your vitamin D3 done and if found low you can get vitamin D3 supplements. You can further investigate the case by doing MRI of lumbar spine. Swelling of both foot can be also due to heart related condition so you can get your heart condition examined. You can discuss with your treating Doctor about it.Hope I have answered your query.If you have any further questions then don't hesitate to writing to us . I will be happy to help you.Wishing you good health.Take care. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Could i be pregnant if i had my period after intercourse ? Patient:hi .. i had unprotected sex today morn and my periods started in the evening ... r there any chances of me getting pregnant? do i need to take an ipill to avoid prenancy [/INST] Doctor:If her periods are regular then there is almost nil chance of pregnancy.I suggest you use a more long term method of contraception.You have a variety of choices.See your doctor. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Q. My baby is unable to sleep due to colic pain. Please help. Patient:Hi doctor, My daughter is 26 days old and suffering from colic pain. She is unable to sleep properly due to this and she will wake up in between sleep and struggle a lot to release gas. She used to sleep peacefully for 5 to 6 hours at a stretch, but now could not sleep even for 1 hour properly. Our pediatrician advised to give Colpep 8 drops day and night, but we did not see any difference in one week. So, he said to give Neopeptine 8 drops day and night 10 minutes after giving Colpep. We are giving this for the 2 days. Still baby is suffering and I am very worried due to this. How long it will take for this to cure? Is it correct to give Colpep and Neopeptine together as both look similar? Also, our pediatrician told to give Neopeptine and Colpep after feeding the baby wherein on Colpep bottle it has written to give 15 minutes before feeding. I am very confused with this. We are also burping our baby after every breastfeed. Please advise if we are giving correct medicine. Also, should I give Colpep before or after a feed? Our pediatrician suggested to give Zincovit drops to baby, which contains vitamin D3. But, we have a separate Vitamin D3 drops. Should we give both or Zincovit is sufficient? Please help and advice to reduce the colic pain and gas trouble. My baby is suffering a lot and I am not able to see her suffering like this. Also, her motion comes in small quantities every time and she releases gas. Is this normal? [/INST] Doctor:Hello. For further information consult an internal medicine physician online --> </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: How to get rid of bump on the inside of the right buttcheek? Patient:Hello there, Things are like this, About 3 days ago i noticed an internal bump on my right buttcheek(excuse me if this word isnt so appropriate, English is not my native language) - and i didnt pay much attention to it. With time, it started growing bigger i could tell, and today i started feeling pain when i tried to get up or even to sit, and when i saw it, it had grown bigger, it was red, and warm to the touch. Now for some more info, im shooting up steroids, DECA-DURABOLIN in patricular, right on the buttcheeks, different one each saturday. And of course, because this steroid is of an estera nature, as far as i know, it stays there for some time untill the body drains it all. So after the shots, its natural to have a small(as always) non hurting small bump Or it could (given the syptoms) ah infection (after the shot). But the thing is, that the bump i currently have i on my right buttcheek whichni shooted 3 WEEKS AGO!!! So how could this be an infection? and if it is, would you suggest me to wait to see if it heals by itself? Thank you for the suggestions and for your time in advance, what you do in this page is angel-like. I trust you are an open minded person and treat the matter how it should. Thank you sir. [/INST] Doctor:Hi,From history it seems that you might behaving forming abscess over the injection site.Due to oily nature of steroid injection there might be having irritation producing lump is common.But as there is throbbing pain, warm and size increases, it is likely that there might be forming abscess.Go for one antibiotic and anti-inflammatory medicine course for 5 days.Ok and take care. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Suggest treatment for conception while having irregular periods Patient:29 yrs old female,163cm ,73kg Dr, Three years back i had an ectopic pregnancy.periods irregular,so Dr prescribed duphaston tablets for three months.first month period was regular.but this month period is due for 3 days.on the same day of missed period,i took a pregnancy test and it was negative.pregnancy test after how many days of missed period?we r desperately trying for a baby now.pls answer me [/INST] Doctor:Hello,Fourteen days after fertilization you can look for UPT means 1 day after missed period if cycle is regular in your case. If you don't conceive this month go for follicular study after Clomiphene from day 2 till follicle size increases to 18 mm then rupture and then IUI for early results.Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.Regards,Dr. Sheetal Agarwal </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Can applying sudocream help in removing rash on abdomen and thighs which is spreading? Patient:I have what appears to be a rash of sorts where it is on my lower abdomen and top of my thighs, they appear to be red blemishes which some hurt to touch but when I apply pressure they go away. They aren't obsessively itchy. It is not a dense rash it is quite sparingly spread and it is only on my front. Is it a sweat rash or something? And would sudocrem help ? [/INST] Doctor:HiThank you for asking HCMI have gone through your query. Your problem is most likely fungal infection called tinea corporis. Sudocream is a nappy rash cream which has contents that can act also against fungus. But it is mild and suited for babies. I usually treat my patients with antifungal ointments like miconazole or clotrimazole. I also give fluconazole tablet weekly once to stop recurrence of it. It is also advised to keep the areas dry and sweat free.Hope this may help you.Let me know if you have any further query. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Cold and wheezing, asthmatic, collapsed. Causes and treatment? Patient:Hi my daughter has a cold & was wheezing this morning (she is asthmatic & on preventer) i told how important it was to manage her asthma with the preventer because she has not been taking it. I went to work & got phone call from her & she was very distressed, she said that she got out of bed & collapsed and felt shaky. I phoned a neighbour & she went to her assistance. The neighbour said her heart rate was very fast. Not sure if ventolin can cause her to collapse? She also may have had to much ventolin. [/INST] Doctor:Hi and thanks for the query, It would be as a second consideration to actually conclude she collapsed because of ventoline. Getting an idea of the quantity she actually used is very important. taken over dose, it can cause excessive tarchycardia, abnormal heart rhythm and could cause her to fall. However, its good to know the approximate amount used. While waiting, insisting on the fact she needs to use her drugs all the time to avoid such episodes, avoid conditions that might trigger asthmatic crises, and seeking the opinion of a pulmonologist for proper long term care is my advice. Thanks and best regards, Luchuo, MD. </s>