<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: What causes stomach ache and pain under rib cage? Patient:My 9 year old son has ulcerative colitis. Today he has had pain center stomach above the belly button area and now the pain seems to be under his right rib cage. Could this be from the colitis. We haven t had a bout with it since he was very young. [/INST] Doctor:Hello, Good afternoon. Does your child have associated symptoms like diarrhoea blood in stools? How is his appetite? Has he lost weight recently? Does he have tenesmus or pain while passing stools? Does he have a fever? In such cases, it might be a flare up. If there are such symptoms mentioned above better show it to your doctor. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Regards, Dr ASHWIN BALIGA, Pediatrician </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Suggest health supplements for 6 year old Patient:my son is 6 years of age having 15 kgs weight. At present he takes amul pro in milk along with normal food we eat during the day. Is he required to take nutralite protein powder, nutralite calcilum, nutralite vitamin c, nutralite iron and nutralite multi vitamins also. [/INST] Doctor:Hi..a 6 year old weighing 15 kg is definitely less than expected for his age. I would like to know if other causes for his low weight have been ruled out or not. Giving food supplements is not the option without finding out the reason for his low weight.I have a few questions for you - 1. What was his birth weight?2. What about his urination - is it very frequent and as is thirst (excessive)?3. Does he have diarrhea very frequently?4. Does the stools float on the pan?5. Any skin or hair color changes off late?6. How is his achievement of developmental milestones?Kindly get back to us with the above questions.Regards - Dr. Sumanth </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Q. I have work tension and has no interest in sex. How to deal with it? Patient:Hello doctor, I am a 34 years old woman. I have been working in an IT industry for more than 10 years. Earlier I was very confident, proud of my work and job. But now it seems like I am developing negative confidence, building tensions every few seconds, will cry out of tension, will blame myself for why I am still doing IT job but later I cool down by thinking I like IT job and I need to work. My personal life has become hell due to this tension. I used to be proud but now I am afraid. I have recently joined a new job which has offered me a position above my expectations. I am very worried if I can keep up to this new position, I am always in tension. I love my kind of job but getting worried and tension every time thinking if I can meet my manager's expectation. If I can work going beyond my level and work. All my peers are enjoying their job and personal life. I have also messed up my sexual life with no interest in sex and I am not able to. Please help. [/INST] Doctor:Hello. From your description, it appears to me that you are suffering from depression and you require treatment with antidepressants. Other than that, I would suggest some other things which might prove helpful to you: 1. Manage your time. Set up a fixed schedule and work according to that. Initially it might appear difficult but stick to it. 2. Set your goals for the day, that is, short-term goals. Once you start achieving the smaller daily goals, then you can increase your limits slowly. 3. Devote time to yourself. Go for morning walk, yoga, etc. 4. Take proper sleep and eat green vegetables. They increase body serotonin. 5. Share your emotions (happy or sad) with your beloved ones. I hope this helps. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: How does Ovacare tablets work and what are its side effects? Patient:Hi! I am 21 years old. Trying to conceive for 6 months. From the past three months my periods got irregular. So I have consulted a doctor, and she told me that I have PCOS in uterus. I also have Fibroids in both left and right side breasts. My proctoline and thyroid test results are normal. As I m very eager to get pregnant, my doctor suggested Ovacare tablets for me, and Oligocare tablets for my husband. I m asked to take a scan on 11th day of my next periods. Do we really need to use those tablets? What is the use of them? Will there be any side affects? Kindly help me. Thank you. [/INST] Doctor:Hello and Welcome to ‘Ask A Doctor’ service.I have reviewed your query and here is my advice.These are simple vitamins but are specific for quality of eggs and thus will aid in conception and also have no side effects either.In case you have any questions in future you can contact me directly on I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.Regards,Dr. Manisha Jain </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: How can a tear on the penis head be treated? Patient:Hi, so during one of my masturbation sessions (male), i decided i would try sounding. Upon inserting a rod designed for doing so, i felt a slight rip so removed the rod to find that my penis head along the pee hole had slightly torn. The tear is about 2mm long from where my pee hole ends. [/INST] Doctor:Hi, If it is small tear give rest, and use local application of Mucopain gel. Use antibiotics twice a day for five days. Wait for 1-2 weeks, if symptoms not improved or not able to passing urine, not healing the tear then it may need meatoplasty. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards, Dr. Penchila Prasad Kandikattu </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Suggest remedy for spasms Patient:hi i have been having spasms since june, it first started with a droopy eyelid left side i was sent to hospital , where they sent me home later that day and said maybe migraine, i had a few more episodes and it went. then in august i was on holiday when my left side of face drooped it felt like my lip was pulling and felt like i couldnt open my eyes, this happened a few times , when i came back from hols i went to the docs and she referred me to the stroke clinic, inbetween waiting for the appointment i was taking back as had another episode, they did more tests ct , which was fine, and a mri was ordered. i went for mri and they found a pineal gland cyst 12mm and asked me to go back in a week for a one with contrast. i then woke up one morning and my face was pulled to one side and wasnt wearing of i was told to go back to a & e where they put me on a stroke ward i had 3 episodes in there, i was in for 3 days and then discharged as they didnt think it was astroke , i am now waiting to see a nurolgist and am getting maybe 5 - 6 a day now . the 2nd mri was just the same ! could it be hemifacial spasms, i have taking pictures and videod it so i can show the consultant. please help me vikki x [/INST] Doctor:Hello,The symptoms seem to be related to a hemicacial spasm. Hemifacial spasm is a nervous system disorder in which the muscles on one side of your face twitch involuntarily. Hemifacial spasm can be caused:- By a blood vessel touching a facial nerve- By by facial nerve injury- A tumorIt should be evaluated by a neurologist for further evaluation.Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards, Dr. Dorina Gurabardhi, General & Family Physician </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: What causes abdominal pain in a child? Patient:my daughter is 5yrs old and has been toilet trained since she was 3 throught the night, with the odd accident. she has recently started having accidents through the night, she complains of abdomain pain sometimes aswell. she has OFDS , could it be connected [/INST] Doctor:She might have urinary tract infection. If her symptoms are only during night and her urine microscopic examination is normal, then u need not worry. She will get to be fine soon. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: How to reduce the creatinine level? Patient:I am 43 years old. My height is 5' 3"and weight is 50 kg. Two years back my creatinine level was 3.8. Now it has gone upto 5.5. Heamoglobin level is 8. I am advised to have Erithropoitein injection once in a week. Urea level is 72. My urine output is quite normal. I am taking only 3 to 4 gms of salt a day and fluid is restricted to one litre per day. What best i can do to reduce my creatinine level. [/INST] Doctor:Unfortunately you are diagnosed as chronic kidney disease which is irreversible and progressive disease. you can't reduce creatinine now. if you are not having high BP probably your disease is slowly progressive and you should avoid pain killers, pantoprazole like gas medicines, antibiotics homeopathic and herbal medicines . Try to avoid non veg diet and leafy vegetables. I believe that in our country a person die not with kidney disease but with ignorance. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: How can poor diet due to lack of appetite be treated? Patient:Sir my father age 80 years is suffering copd/Lrti/140/Lbbbb/Asmi/pre-removal azotama / Hyponatramia Treatment giving by local doctors.neurocetam-1200,Lanoxin0.25mg, clopitab-A75. My father is not getting hungry he is eating per day only two-Idly or two piece bread. [/INST] Doctor:Thanks for your question on Healthcare Magic.I can understand your concern. Your father is having many diseases involving many organs like lungs, kidney, heart etc.All these diseases suppress appetite. So you can try appetite stimulant in his case. Cyproheptadine is appetite stimulant. It acts on appetite center of brain. Cyproheptadine syrups are commercially available over the counter. Give 1 tea spoon full thrice daily.Also correct Hyponatremia (low sodium).Don't worry, he will be alright with all these. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wishing good health to your father. Thanks. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: How to cure a hair line fracture on hand? Patient:Today my daughter fell over on a hard stone pavement. I heard a crack and her hand started to swell. I immediately put her hand under cold water, but no bruise came out. I am now quite worried as she says her wrist is very painful and sore when she moves it forward it is unbearable. She also cannot stand anyone touching the area around her wrist. My sister has said it may be a hairline fracture. We haven t gone to A&E because if it is just a sprain, I can simply put a padded cast on her wrist and hand a doctors note into her teacher saying that she cannot take part in any strenuous activity. Thank you! [/INST] Doctor:Hello there,after going through your question i might suggest its a fracture as swelling starts to appear and she still feels pain and can not stand simple touch.But few points still remains untouched.when did the injury happened?is the swelling has reduced by then?is there movement loss in her hand?what causing the loss of movement pain or because of fracture? As you have mentioned hand, so which part of hand close to wrist or at elbow?If its near wrist joint, fall on wrist & twisting of wrist could be possible but if she has felt on her elbow than chances of fracture is quite often .So to my opinion do not wait and just go for X-ray else mal-union in fracture cases could lead to further damage to surrounding tissue.Regards </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Q. Will Kalarchikai cure multiple ovarian cysts in PCOD? Patient:Hello doctor, I have multiple small cysts in both ovaries (PCOS). Our family friend suggested me to consume Kalarchikai medicine, powdered mixed with pepper and honey to have it for one mandalam (48 days). I have completed nearly 44 days by consuming one small ball of the mixture every morning and before two weeks I got my periods. Then I had checked whether the cysts were dissolved by having an abdomen scan. But still, small multiple follicules have been seen in it with both ovaries enlarged. Kindly suggest me what I can do further. I got married before one and a half years and I am much worried about my pregnancy. I have gallstones as well. [/INST] Doctor:Hello. I just read your query. See Kalarachi Kai choornam is helpful in amenorrhea. As far as small cysts are concerned they are unmatured eggs which failed to induce menstrual cycle previously, as a result, they got collected in the ovary and they will remain in the ovary. Now, you have got your periods you can start trying for conception. But I advise you to do it under the supervision of a nearby gynecologist because egg size is important while conception and that you can know by ovulation study. Ovulation study is performed under the supervision of a gynecologist. For gall stones, surgical intervention is required generally. Medicine is not of much help. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: What is the treatment for the lump on the shoulder? Patient:GOOD Morning! I have a daughter wherein he had acne first at her right shoulder then she tries to remove it. It became wound in the long run. Last week i consulted a dermatologist and he said it is a s cyst. He recommended an injection for it will be flatened but up to now the wound had little abcess. What will I do? [/INST] Doctor:Hi! Good evening. I am Dr Shareef answering your query. If I were your doctor, I would first advise your daughter not to fiddle with the acne, which might have got secondarily infected due to the squeezing or the like. Also, shoulder area might be not be a preferred region to get a wound which might turn into a keloid, for which your doctor might have advised for a steroid injection into it. However, it could not be done while it was infected. So, the infection had to be controlled first before going for any kind of invasive procedure. As this requires a personal physical examination of the wound, I would recommend you to take her to a surgical OPD in the nearby hospital, where proper diagnosis could be made followed by appropriate treatment before it turns into a keloid.I hope this information would help you in discussing with your family physician/treating doctor in further management of your problem. Please do not hesitate to ask in case of any further doubts.Thanks for choosing health care magic to clear doubts on your health problems. I wish you an early recovery. Dr Shareef. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Does taking birth control at different times affect its effectiveness? Patient:ive recently begun taking taking birth control. im on week 5 on a 3 moth supply. sporadically, ive been taking them within a 5 hour window. my set time to take it is 8:30 but occasionally it gets taken at 10:30. it does get taken everyday, but seemingly different times about 2 or 3 times a week. i have sex every Monday and Friday & my appetite has increased greatly, could i be pregnant? [/INST] Doctor:Hi there,After reading your query, my opinion is that:1) As long as you take birth control pills everyday, it is ok. 2 or 3 hour delay is not going to make a difference.2) It normally does not cause pregnancy if you are taking the pills regularly. 3) However, every form of birth control has its failure rates, and sometimes can fail. Failure rate of birth control pills, if taken regularly without skipping doses, is 0.03%, so is very efficient.4) Just increased appetite is not a cause of worry and is not a sign of pregnancy.5) My suggestion is that you wait for your periods and in case you miss them, you can get a urine pregnancy test done or even a blood test called serum beta HCG.I hope this was helpful,Regards,Dr. Shikha Shah </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Why am I not able to ejaculate during the intercourse? Patient:I do too much masturbation with my hand...I have good erection but I can't satisfy since I can't ejaculate during intercourse...I ejaculate only when I rub my penis with my hand i.e. masturbation. Please help me how can I ejaculate during intercourse? [/INST] Doctor:HelloThanks for your query,based on the facts that you have posted it appears that you are unable to ejaculate during sexual intercourse where as able to ejaculate on masturbation .During masturbation one gets excessive sexual stimulation due to holding the penis tightly with grip of hand which . lacks during intercourse .This is the reason for not getting sexual stimulation enough to get ejaculation.Please spend more time in fore play .You may take Sildenafil (Viagra) as on demand .Please get prescription from your family Physician,Dr.Patil.This will help in getting good hard sustainable erection and ejaculation. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: How to get rid of the soreness and discomfort of my ankle? Patient:10 weeks ago I was diagnosed with a stress fracture on my right fibula down near the ball of my ankle. I went off work for 4 weeks (I m a cable installer and spend the majority of my days on my feet) during which I wore a walking boot and was on and off crutches during this time. I ve been back at work for about 5 weeks now and although the pain from the fracture is completely gone I m still feeling some soreness and discomfort around the ligaments and muscles surrounding my ankle. I ve tried some of the strength and stretching exercises but they seem to make it worse. I regularly wrap my ankle with a heat pad for about 30 minutes every night before going to bed. I m looking for any other recommendations that will help me get back to full health and allow me to enjoy my regular physical activities like running and lower body strength workouts. Thank you! [/INST] Doctor:Hi, i have gone through your question and understanding your concern, it is common to have this kind of soreness and discomfort after stress fracture. If i were your therapist, i would recommended you exercise therapy along with some ligament strengthening exercises, because after fracture the exercises which we do they only strengthen the muscle not ligaments. Ligament only get strength with stabilizing exercises. I would recommend you to go for this therapy program which includes, hot fermentation for 10-15 minutes around the affected area, start with some stretching for ankle muscle (in all movements of ankle)per stretch hold for 7-10 minutes and repeat it 5 times per action, just stretch up to pain starts just stretch in limit. After that go for stabilizing exercise like stand with both hand support and try to balance on affected leg just for 1-2 minute and repeat it for 5 times. Apply ice after every that so it will not cause any pain after treatment. Start this with patience and i hope u will get improvement. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: What does a lump on the inside of the elbow indicate? Patient:About 4 hours ago my right arm started to feel sore when I move it. I just noticed a marble-sized lump on the inside of my elbow. Other than that, my arm looks normal. I have not injured my arm and it doesn t look like an insect bite. wondering if I need to go to urgent care or if it can wait until Monday? [/INST] Doctor:Hello,Possible soft tissue lump as sebaceous cyst or lipoma.It does not warrant an emergency room visit to pay good amount of dollars, rather than just take an appointment with your doctor and have planned consultation.Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.Regards,Dr. Bhagyesh V. Patel </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Pain in the jaw, greenish discharge. Infection? Patient:hey so im 18 right: & i thought my wisthem teeth were about to come out since the left side of my jaw has been killing me all day long! :( but this afternoon my mouth tasted so bad then a few mins later i put a napkin in my mouth & when i took it out there was green fluid on the napkin... it smells really bad and taste really bad as well... i dont know what to do is this normal? or do i like have an infection or something? someone help the green stuff wount stop comming out ! [/INST] Doctor:Hi,Thanks for aksing the query,I would like to tell you that the area of wisdom teeth is difficult to clean and often invites bacterial infection leading to redness, swelling and abscess formation.I would suggest you to visit an Oral Surgeon and get the checkup done take an OPG radiograph and plan for the extraction of the tooth.Take complete course of antibiotics and analgesics.Take lukewarm saline and antiseptic mouthwash rinses.Maintain a good oral hygiene.Take care! </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Can forecox tablets be taken for TB in lymph node? Patient:Hi doctor ten dys back i feel gaanth in neck..i advisd from dr. He said for fnac..in report i found a.f.b stain positv n TB in right lymph node...bt plz tell forecox tablets are safe ..i am 29 yrs old n weight is 51..two .tablets eat before breakfast in empty stomach [/INST] Doctor:welcome to hcm, forecox tablet contains ISONIACID 150 mg, Rifampicin225 mg, Ethambutol 400mg, and pyrazinamide 750 mg, all these drugs are anti tubercular drugs . i want you to continue this drug for the first 2 months and consult with your treating physician.he will change your drug afterwards. if you want a full cure i want you to adhere with the regimen your treating physician is advising for you.you have to continue your treatment for 6-8 months for complete cure hope this explains.with regardsDr.Amarnathfeel free to have any queries to me at </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: What causes prolonged fever in a child? Patient:my grandson is 13 started feeling bad on friday .checked fever on Saturday. has flue like systems and has been running fever for 5 days . took to doctor checked white blood count .(normal ) checked for flue twice (normal ) different days . checked for mono (neg). fever goes away with Tylenol and comes back every 3 to 4 hours . What else could be wrong ? [/INST] Doctor:Hi....Fever of few days without any localizing signs could as well a viral illness. Usually rather than fever, what is more important is the activity of the child, in between 2 fever episodes on the same day. If the kid is active and playing around when there is no fever, it is probably viral illness and it doesn't require antibiotics at all. Once viral fever comes it will there for 4-7 days. So do not worry about duration if the kid is active.Paracetamol can be given in the dose of 15mg/kg/dose (Maximum ceiling dose 500mg per dose) every 4-6th hourly that too only if fever is more than 100F. I suggest not using combination medicines for fever, especially with Paracetamol.Regards - Dr. Sumanth </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: How to get rid of tonsils? Patient:I have very inflamed tonsils and throat so I went to the doctor yesterday and he prescribed me Cefalexin 500mg . At the time I forgot to mention that I had mouth ulcers too and my gums are sore and inflamed too. Should I go back to the doctor and inform him of my mouth problems too or just let the antibiotics run its course first? [/INST] Doctor:HI, thanks for using healthcare magicYou should let the antibiotics run its course especially since you only started the course yesterday.Mouth ulcers can occur in throat infection.The antibiotics would help these ulcers as well as the gum symptoms that you are experiencing.I hope this helps </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Suggest treatment for an eye infection Patient:Hi i have had an eye infection affecting both eyes for 9 months now. It started like conjuctivitis both eyes wer red sore and crusty especially when i wake up in the morning. i saw my gp who prescribed chloramphenicol. this did not help so she said it was like an allergic reation and gave me antihistamines and sodium chromaligiate. she also did swabs which came back clear. however i am still suffering the same symptoms any ideas on what i can do now? [/INST] Doctor:Hi thanks for asking question in HCM.Here swab comes negative so might be viral conjuctivitis or allergic .Here is some suggestion for you.Use lubricant eye drops which help in relieving soreness and stickiness of eye.Whenever you have sticky discharge, don't remove directly with hand.This sticky discharge removed with cotton woll soaked in water.Remove it gently.Do frequent hand washing.Sometime conjuctivitis may be because of rubbing eye with hand or allergy to contact lense.In such case anttihistaminic is to be used,like cetrizine.Take enough rest.I hope my suggestion will help you. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: What causes dizziness and loose motion? Patient:For the past 3 days I've been feeling increasingly dizzy and feeling like i'm about too pass out if i don't stop. I've also been feeling rather down and emotional, my heart rate has also been faster than normal. My ears have also started too feel unusual today. What is causing this? [/INST] Doctor:Hi,I read your query and can understand what you might be going through. Your symptoms can be manifestation of anxiety and depression. It is advisable that you consult a psychiatrist regarding your symptoms. Medications like selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors can be effective in your condition. Since the medications take some time to act, initially benzodiazepines for short term can take care of the symptoms.Hope this information was helpful. Best wishes. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Q. My 20 year old son has gained 18 kg weight in two years. Will there be a thyroid dysfunction? Patient:Hello doctor,My son is of 20 years old. He has gained 18 kg in last two years. Now he weighs 91 kg and height 5'10". We had a blood test, and T3 and T4 are normal. TSH is 0.692. Is there a problem with his thyroid function? [/INST] Doctor:Hello. TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone) levels should be 0.5 to 5 depending on which international unit is used. Kindly check with your lab, whether that is normal for the age. Usually, they will give you a printed report only if it falls within the range, then no need to worry. His BMI (body mass index) is more compared to his height and weight. He needs to reduce his weight to minimum 80 only for his height. Kindly ask him to join a gym or any training programs or yoga. Do some dieting and breathing exercise. Ask him to walk for 30 minutes a day, especially brisk walk. The diet should be strict with no fat, more fruits, and vegetables. I hope this info helps you sort out your problems. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: What causes the pain in the left flank? Patient:I have been having left lower quadrant and left flank pain for 3 weeks. Had a CT of my abdomen and pelvis that only showed an adrenal cyst on my right kidney. I have taken multiple laxatives, mirulax and milk of mag since last Tuesday. Have had diarrhea since Sunday but continue to have the pain. It does not get any better after I have a BM. Any other ideas or do you think it is still from constipation? I have the constipation-dominant IBS and take Amitza twice a day. Thanks [/INST] Doctor:hi thank you asking HCM yes your symptoms are typical to IBS and constipation. If you have done colonoscopy and it is negative you can use butifar to treat IBS. wishing you all the best </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: What causes irregular heartbeat? Patient:why does my heart beat fast at times but it feels like it is barely beating? and sometimes when i walk like at a regular pace it will start to pulse and i can feel it all through my finger tips....? it is almost like a shallow beat...? o yea i have had a ringing in my ears now for about half a year now and it hasnt seemed to have go away....Help!...please. i also have an arachnoid cyst in my head could this be causing any of these abnormalities? [/INST] Doctor:Hello There After going through your medical query I understand your concern and I would like to tell you that hear beat is ever-changing phenomenon depending upon your activity level, stress and physiological changes. Most likely you are facing anxiety which is why tinitis ( ringing in ears) is also there .It's recommended for you to take some anxiolytic for few days to relieve your symptomsHopefully this information will answer your query.Kind RegardsDr Bhanu Partap </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Unbearable pain in teeth, losing bone density. Gums peeling, tongue swollen. Advised biopsy. Pain relief? Patient:The left side of my mouth both the bottom and upper teeth hurts really bad, I cannot talk for two long the pain becomes unbearable. went to the ER they said was sinus infection , however the pain was so bad I went to my dentist , who referred me to a specialist. upon examination i was told that i was losing bone density , the specialist referred me for a biopsy because my gums are peeling and under my tongue is swollen it looks like it has pus. with all that I am still in pain. [/INST] Doctor:Hello, I am Dr.Neha Gupta (dentist) and am glad to address to your query here. Since your gums are swollen,there is chance of periapical infection. Usually x-ray will reveal such infections. If periapical abscess occurs,teeth has to be root-canal treated,the abscess has to be drained out and curetted. Deep scaling and root planning has to be done to prevent gingivitis. maintain good oral hygiene. brush your teeth twice daily using toothbrush. rinse your mouth after every meals. chlorhexidine mouthrinses can prevent plaque accumulation Take care and please keep me informed of your progress at healthcaremagic through my profile directly. Regards </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Can taking amoxicillin for tooth abscess affect menstruation? Patient:hi i was on amoxicillian for 7days for a tooth abcess on the monday i had my root canal done that same day my menstrual should of begain ..on the tuesday i had stomach pains and lower back ache with no menstrul thw stomach pains went but i still had the back ache i eventually got my menstrul on 20/7/11 but i still have mild pain in my lower back and side ...what is causing this [/INST] Doctor:Your back ache and mentrual cycle is not related to amoxycillin intake. Mild alterations in cycle is acceptable. You may also visit your gynecologist. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Can steroids be given for asthma while suffering from cervical radiculopathy? Patient:Hi I have been diagnosed with cervical ridiculopathy and I have already had 1 stroid injection in my spine and am scheduled for 2 more injections. I did have some problems with my neck and arm prior to this and had MRI's that were fine except a bit of minor arteritis. Well I had four months of asthma problems and was taking steroids like 20mg a day on ond off for about 4 weeks along with much other medicine. the asthma has finally gotten better but I was wondering could the cervical ridiculopathy been caused by or worsened by the asthma because I woke up in the morning ant it felt like I was stabbed in the back and it has gone downhill fast since then including in the middle of the night I went to the hospital for the pain and they admitted me and found the problem so I was wondering was it just something that has been lingering in there or was it from the asthma [/INST] Doctor:Asthma has nothing to do with cervical radiculopathy. The nerve compressed at its root while exiting from spinal cord, by various reasons, pains much and causes radiculopathy.Steroids are even used in the treatment of radiculopathy, though rarely.To overcome this, pain management by verbral support and physiotherapy should be adopted. If surgery is indicated it should be the last resort ( no 100% guarantee of cure).Some herbals may support both Asthma and neurological pain but switching should be done with determination to do long term treatment that may even be taken parallel to allopathy which doesn't counteract. Some reasonable gap is however, advised. Some easy yogic exercises, deep breathing ( Pranayam) exercise costs nothing but immensely useful . Try it now. May seek help from any Ayurveda doctor on HCM or one near you.Every pathy is for the benefit of mankind. If one doesn't suit, support from other should be taken unhesitantly.Hope it helps you. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Can drinking smoothie cause seizure to a 8 year old? Patient:My 8 year old, otherwise healthy daughter had a seizure on Tuesday. She had just drank a smoothie for breakfast, which i had made for myself and she wanted it, so I gave it to her.. It had Rice milk, mixed berries, and whey protien in it... Is there a chance that the smoothie caused her seizure? [/INST] Doctor:Hi read ur question No food can provoked convulsionSeizure present any time and any where . is not because of food u have gave her Do her EEG test and consult neurophysician for that and satart appropriat treatment for seizure </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Suggest treatment for a lump in the throat Patient:My friend is with me she is 26 and has smoked meth a couple hours later she felt like her throat had a lump in in and tounge swelling. Than she felt like she was breathing through straw. She drink binadryl and felt better for a few hours. It has been two days seance than and she still complains of a sore full feeling in lower throat and mild tongue swelling were you can see were it presses on her teeth [/INST] Doctor:Hi Dear ,Welcome to HCM.Understanding your concern. As per your query you have lump on throat which could be due to granular pharyngitis, sore throat, enlargement of cervical lymphnode and due to other systemic conditions such as reactive hyperpleasia, lymphoid hyperplasia , any malignant pathology. I would suggest you to visit ENT specialist once and go for examination and ultrasound study to find out extent of lesion. You should go for fine needle aspiration cytology or biopsy of that lump to find out the nature of lesion. You can start treatment after proper diagnosis. Maintain proper oral hygiene. Do warm saline gargles . Avoid excessive cold carbonated drinks. Hope your concern has been resolved.Get Well Soon.Best Wishes,Dr. Harry Maheshwari </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: What causes pain in jaws and red dots while consuming dapoxetine? Patient:i had sex with a married lady. before i used dapoxetine 60mg. two days later i was so tired and later my jaws became painful later i felt mild headach it last for more than twenty five days. during these days i found some red dots on my body it still appear. what would be the reason [/INST] Doctor:Hello,I read carefully your query and understand your concern. Your symptoms seem to be related to a viral infection. I suggest using anti inflammatory medications such as Acetaminophen to relieve the symptoms. I also suggest using Calamine lotion for local application. If the symptoms continue, I suggest to do the STD tests for further evaluation. Hope my answer was helpful.If you have further queries feel free to contact me again.Kind regards! Dr.Dorina Gurabardhi General &Family Physician </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Suggest treatment for distal radius fracture and dislocation Patient:To Whom It May Concern, RE: R distal radius fracture and dislocation with major cartilage damage I write to you in regards to my injury that I received on the 22nd June 2014. I have enclosed copies of the x-rays from before and after surgery where the surgical team at Rotorua Hospital (New Zealand) have inserted a plate and pins…………………………………… I am currently located in New Zealand and As I have private medical insurance I am hoping to return home to the UK for the best possible rehabilitation and recovery, with the hope of finding a wrist specialist that can work with my injury as to consider the prospects of further surgery and possibilities to recover as much function to the wrist and hand. I am only 24 years old, a qualified electrician and passionate about racing motocross as well as a competitive physique athlete that spends a lot of time fitness training. As you can imagine facing the daunting future of limited use of my right arm I wish to consider all the absolute best options for further surgery and innovative possibilities for my wrist so I can perhaps be able to return to doing the things that a young active person like myself, loves and lives for. If you would like more information or to speak to me I would love the opportunity to discuss my injury with you further. My email address is YYYY@YYYY and I would be available to Skype with you if that is a possibility. Alternatively my contact number is +64 21 034 0794. I thank you for your time and consideration of my injury and I look forward to hearing from you if you have any advice or suggestions for how I can proceed, that would be so greatly appreciated. Yours sincerely, [/INST] Doctor:Hi thereit sounds that you had a major injury to your wrist almost 2 years ago. You will need some adjustments to your lifestyle within limits of the best possible function your wrist will allow. at 22 months bony injuries must be healed but cartilaginous injuries need to be followed up. I suggest that you see a orthopaedic hand surgeon for an assessment and follow up plan. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Suggest remedy for bumps on back of tongue Patient:I have bumps on the back of my tongue, after taking malaria pills and I cant swallow pills, so I chewed part of it up and then the taste was so nasty. I drunk some mountain dew to get the taste out of my mouth. The bumps came up real quick and they were burning. [/INST] Doctor:Hi,Bumps on the back of the tongue are usually natural. They are known as papillae and those on the back of the tongue are larger than those on the front.However, if the bumps on the back of the tongue appear to be growing or changing they should be investigated to determine what is wrong.The other causes of bumps are tongue bite or burn,allergy to food or drug,canker sore.oral thrush etc.In most cases the bumps on your tongue are normal and do not require further investigation from a doctor. The bumps may even get larger or become inflamed in the case of infections or injury. If the bumps appear to be discolored, very large or have uneven boarders you should consult ENT specialist. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Suggest treatment for dog bite Patient:My daughter had been bitten by a Stray Dog yesterday in the Calf region, it looked like a laceration, and my Family Physician MD had recommended RABIVAT Injection which was administered immediately within one hour of he bite and the wound was thoroughly cleaned.Pl. recommend if any other injections are required besides this 0,3,7.... sequence. [/INST] Doctor:Hello,Welcome to HCM,Rabies is 100% fatal but it is 100% preventable by proper and adequate treatment.As your daughter was bit by a stray dog in the Calf region which resulted in laceration of the calf muscle and this has led to bleeding from the site of bite. According to WHO categorization it is a Cat III bite which requires1.Wash the wound thoroughly with soap and water2.Active immunization with antirabies vaccine on days 0,3,7,14 and 28.3.Passive immunization with rabies immunoglobulin which is administered in and around the wound.4.Oral Antibiotics like Tab Augmentin, twice daily for 5 days.5. Inj TT, 0.5 ml, IMThese aforementioned treatment helps to protect your daughter from getting the disease.Thank you. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: What diet is advisable for a Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficient infant? Patient:hi! my baby is now 11 months old and he has G6PD syndrome.i had normal delivery by the way and he weighed 2.8 kg. can you give list of right foods, drinks and vitamins for him? can you tell me an example of what foods and vitamins?he is okay as i can see him everyday.but of course there are really such times that he is suffering from cough, flu,headache.i am still worried. thank you. [/INST] Doctor:Hi....in G6PD deficiency individuals sulphites should be avoided. I am here with giving you a list of foods that can contain sulphites. I admitting that I have collected this information for the internet as I feel it my responsibility to guide you through when you are here with a query.Sulphites are often found in: baked items, like cakes and cookies bottled lemon and lime juice frozen or canned fruits and veggies cornmeal and cornstarch crackers sauces like ketchup and mustard processed meat, like hot dogs and sausages dried fruits and veggies (including raisins) dried spices and herbs tea fish and shellfish fresh grapes jams, preserves and fruit pie fillings lettuce fruit and veggie juices prepared potatoes (like frozen fries, dehydrated potato) chips and candy prepared rice and noodle mixes soy products processed tomato (like tomato puree or tomato paste) vinegarRegards - Dr. Sumanth </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Still getting noice on his hear, kindly help us Patient:My elder brother taking treament in nimans from 15 years but still he has problem that he is getting noice on his hear that he thinks everybody knows about him and they are asking him not to do this and do this and he tells you are asking me to die and do not take medicine and throw stone on them etc., he talks, kindly help us, he is 34 years old unmarried, he do not have anybody except my mother, she is very old and poor [/INST] Doctor:your brother is suffering from schernophia. He needs life long treatment.. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: I have blood in the stools with mucus. Patient:i have loose stools since 2 days, doctor has given me the antibiotics for 5 days. but still i have blood and mucus in the stools. doctor said its dysentery. any home based remedies other than electoral powder. Please suggest [/INST] Doctor:This sounds serious, go bak to your doctor and tel him. May be those antibiotics are not working. Other than that, take green big banana everyday and have sago porridge. Make salt and sugar mix to replace electrolyte powder with 1 glass boiled water, a pinch of salt and a spoon of sugar.. take lot of dal water, kanji water, tender coconuts to replace water loss in desentry. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Is HCG diet effective for hodgkins lymphoma? Patient:Hello,I received chemo and radiation treatment in 2003 for Hodgkins lymphoma - had a short period of remission then a reoccurence in 2004. I received a stem cell transplant in June of 2004 and have been in remission since. Due to radiation I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism in April of 2004 and have been on meds since. Prior to this I was one that could manage my weight with proper diet and exercise although I still eat properly and exercise (when my meds are optimum and not tired) I can t maintain a healthy weight. Is the HCG diet an option for me? Thank you. [/INST] Doctor:Hello,I can understand your concern. It is good that you are conscious regarding your weight gain and want to maintain your weight in a healthy way, but I would not advise you to go for HCG diet for several reasons.Firstly, HCG diet is a very low calorie diet which allows intake of as low as 500 calories per day. These calories are very less to provide necessary proteins, vitamins and minerals in a person. Even if doctors recommend very low calorie diets to obese patients, they advise intake of at least 100 calories per day, that too under doctor's observation.Secondly, you are suffering from Hodgkin's Lymphoma. You do need adequate nutritional supplements in order to maintain enough strength in your body to survive the lymphoma itself and the treatment modalities it offers. Deficiency of essential vitamins, minerals and protein will not help and will only raise complications regarding your health. Lastly, HCG diet is not even approved by FDA. It has nothing to do with the HCG hormone associated with pregnancy. I would not advise anyone to follow this diet, especially a person suffering from a disorder as serious as Hodgkin's Lymphoma.Even if it may seem hard to you and requires lot of patience and hard work, I would recommend healthy diet and exercise along with healthy lifestyle changes in order to reduce gained extra weight. There is no good and healthy shortcut for this purpose.I hope this answer guides you well. Thank you for choosing HealthcareMagic. I wish you feel better soon.Best,Dr. Viraj Shah </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Suggested creams for itchy rashes post radiotherapy for mastectomy Patient:Hi I have just finished radiotherapy as I have had a mastetcomy. I finished radiotherapy a month ago but I m now getting a very very itchy rash and it s making me very miserable. Can you suggest any cream I can use. I m using aceous cream thechospital gave me but that seems to make it worse. Many thanks. Wendy [/INST] Doctor:Hi, I would recommend you to apply a topical steroid like Clobetasol Propionate cream on the affected areas twice daily along with frequent and liberal application of a moisturizing cream 2-3 times in a day. For itching take antihistaminic like tablet Cetrizine twice daily for few days. This will resolve your itching. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: What does reticular densities in upper lung in chest x-ray suggest? Patient:Chest x ray PA View: reticular densities are seen in the right upper lung. The heart is not enlarged. The Thoracic aorta is not remarkable. The trachea is at the midline. Both hemidiaphragms and costopheric sulci are intact. The bony thorax is unremarkable. Conclusion: consider an inflammatory process as in koch s infection in the right upper lung. please correlate with other parameters. [/INST] Doctor:Thanks for your question on HCM.Reticular densities in upper lobe suggest infective process mostly pneumonia.And upper lobe lesion is most commonly seen in tuberculosis.Tuberculosis is caused by mycobacterium tuberculosis bacteria. And it has great effinity for oxygen. Upper lobes being more oxygenated, favours more infection with TB bacilli. So upper lobe lesion should be rule out for tuberculosis first.So get done sputum examination for AFB to rule out tuberculosis. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Can a broken tooth cause aching in the limbs? Patient:Had a broken tooth and a filling that had come out. I went to the Dentist on Tuesday and he was able to save my tooth without doing a crown and just filled it with a permanent filling and filed the broken part down a bit. I was having pain in that tooth prior to going in to get it fixed. Now I am all achy (arms and legs) and exhausted. Could it be from my broken tooth? [/INST] Doctor:helloi have gone through your query.i dont thnk your pain in limbs are anywhere connected to the broken tooth.plz mention your age.it can be due to some other reasons like weakness or other medical condition. you sud consult a physician for that.as far as your tooth is concerned you got it filled.if you don have any problem in that then its fine otherwise i wud suggest to have a xray of that tooth and get it checked by a dentist to see the extent of damage that was filled.hope this ans helps.take careRegardsDr. Shesh </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: What causes painful wound on my fingernail even after receiving rabies vaccination? Patient:I have sustained a pinprick-sized wound at the base of my fingernail while playing with my dog. He is up to date with his rabies vaccination while I have received tetanus and anti-rabies shots for a previous larger bite during the last 12 months. The wound has been cleaned and disinfected. Should I still have anti-rabies shots? [/INST] Doctor:Hello,thanks for writing to HCM.as ur pet is fully vaccinated for rabies and as the classification of dog bite ur wound lands in category 1st for which no rabies shot to given if the pet is vaccinated.u can keep a watch over your pet and if he develops any abnormal symptoms than visit a ER.For tetanus there is no need to go for any tetanus vaccine as u have already received in last year.thankswrite back for follow up. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Suggest treatment for muscle tension and joint pain Patient:Hi I am 26 years od and I have severe muscle tension and joint pain in my ankles, wrists, hands, feet, neck and back. What can I do to help it lessen or what foods can I incorporate in my diet that may help? I feel like I have brittle bones...I am only 26 if there is anything I can do to prevent this pain from getting worse I am up to try it. [/INST] Doctor:Hello,I read carefully your query and understand your concern. Your symptoms seem to be related to to rheumatoid arthritis. I suggest to check the rheumatoid factor level for further evaluation. Meanwhile,I suggest using anti inflammatory medications such as Acetominophen to relieve the inflammation. I also suggest using magnesium supplement for muscle relaxation. Hope my answer was helpful.If you have further queries feel free to contact me again.Kind regards! Dr.Dorina Gurabardhi General &Family Physician </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: What does symptoms like swollen lips, eyes and face indicate? Patient:I was sitting in the front of the computer for 20 min and I felt this tingling in left part of my upper lip... within 5-7 min it was swollen like nearly bursting... swelling resolved within 15 hours. Today I woke up with my face swollen -eyes, right part of my face and lip. I eat healthy I am normally fit and my BMI is 26. I used to be asthmatic and I am still allergic to dust and animal's but my usual allergic reaction was rush and upper airway wheeze. My question is -do you recognise these symptoms as some syndrome or maybe know some solution to treat this. [/INST] Doctor:Hello.Thank you for asking at HCM.I went through your history and I would first think of "Angioedema", which can be allergic & non-allergic.As you have had allergies, I would also think you are more prone to develop allergic angioedema.I would like to suggest you as follows:1. If you can find a trigger by recalling foods & environment at the time of angioedema, I would suggest you to avoid that particular food/trigger factor.2. Should you have such symptoms again, I would suggest you to take an antihistamine like hydroxyzine/cetirizine/levocetirizine and montelukast immediately. You may need to repeat the dose if symptoms persist.Hope above answer will be useful to you.Wish you the best of the health.Thank you & Regards. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Can partial dentures replace complete dentures when all the teeth have eroded? Patient:Umm, I am watching the Doctor's segment about the woman who had no teeth and I'm I the same situation. My bottom teeth have given themselves a root canal. By that I mean an infection has completely killed my teeth. it started by one tooth having a cavity and it never broke the enamel and ate downward along the root and went down along the jaw bone then up all the other teeth. I have no nerves and the teeth are just eroding away. Several have the gums grown over them. Several dentist said they are all infected, the calcium is completely depleted, many are just a facade or an empty shell. They want to pull all my teeth. I think I have 11 teeth left, 7 upper and 3 lower that I can still see and 3 under the gum. I'm on Obama care so I can get my teeth pulled for free and have free full dentures but I watched my mom cry so many times after getting full dentures because of the pain she went through and I don't want to have to go through that. I'm praying for help to get "Full Denture Partials". I think that consists of four posts (One on each quadrant) and the dentures snap in. Something like that but I'm so worried that I might not have any bone left to get them. Because it this problem I have developed breathing problems and headaches. I am experiencing heart trouble for which they want to put in a stint, they say I have a portion that is not getting any blood. I'm on housing, food stamps and have no job at this point because I am disabled and was wondering if I could get some help also. What do you think my chances are? [/INST] Doctor:hi ..I understand your query.. There can be one treatment modality that is tooth supported overdenture. In that case, post will be given in your remaining teeth after root canal treatment and then denture will be fabricated on them. These overdentures reduce the instability of complete dentures and maintain alveolar bone.however you should have to take various precautions such as brushing the remaining teeth and go for regular follow up so any caries or periodontal disease can be treated and dentures can be relined.hope it helps. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: What causes cold, cough and wheezing? Patient:My husband frequently gets cold, cough and Wheezing. He was under homoeo medication for the past 2-3 yrs. Can you suggest an allergy specialist for the same as we would like to do Allopathy treatment now. Do you know any good Dr.s at Colombia Asia as we stay close to it. [/INST] Doctor:HelloThank You for contacting HCM.I won't be able to confirm dr. in your area but for sore throat i would suggest you following things:> Take Diphenhydramine + Dextromethorphan for cough.> Take hot water in a cup, add 1 table spoon salt in it. Perform gargles (mouth wash) with it three times a day for at least 3 days. It will give soothing effect.> Take boiling water in a pot, put your head over the steam and cover whole with a sheet. Take deep breaths in it.(Avoid getting closer else it might cause burn). Do this twice a day.> Take montelukast one daily for one month. Research has shown that it decreases the allergic symptoms considerably. Recurrent cold would be due to allergy as wellAVOID:> Chilled water> Drinks> Spicy foodHope this answers your question. If you have additional questions or follow up questions then please do not hesitate in writing to us. Wishing him good health. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Suggest treatment for ankle fracture Patient:I care for a 17 year old girl with Langerhans Cell Hystio, LCH. with DI. A year and half of chemo will end in November. She has broken her ankle 3 time, blown out knee, collar bone scrape and spots on hips, back and in pituitary. Doctors continue to prescribe Oxy. and refused medical marajuana telling her LCH is not on the Washington State list of acceptable diagnosis. The Oxy made her feel confused and just not ok. The Marinol effectiveness is delayed. I don't like her smoking and want advice on other methods of ingestion. [/INST] Doctor:Dear Sir/MadamI have gone through your query and read your symptoms.In my opinion, these regular fractures are a result of week bones, you will need to consult an ortho doctor and get her supplimented for the deficiencies she is having.I hope that answers your query. If your want any more clarification, contact me back.Dr Narender Saini </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Suggest treatment for constant pain in shoulder blade Patient:Yes for about 2 weeks now my shoulder blade was starting to have this burning sensation and nothing would ease the pain n now its been itching n tge pain gets 10xs worse periodically threw the day. Now matter what im doing it constantly hurts. . Please help [/INST] Doctor:Hi Dear,Welcome to HCM.Understanding your concern. As per your query you have constant pain in shoulder blade. Well there can be many reasons for symptoms you mention in query like nerve root compression due to disc protrusion , infection , muscle strain and swelling in joint . Sometimes there is trigger point activation of trapezius muscle which can cause in shoulder blade. I would suggest you to apply warm compresses , do light stretching exercises under expert , start physical therapy and take ibuprofen or acetaminophen for pain . Consult orthopedic surgeon for proper examination . Doctor may order CT scan , MRI or nerve conduction test . Doctor may prescribe methylcobalamin supplements , B12 supplementation anti inflammatory or recommend acupuncture. Also do trapezius muscle stretching under expert . Hope your concern has been resolved.Get Well Soon.Best Wishes,Dr. Harry Maheshwari </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Suggest treatment for my kids speech problem Patient:Hi I have a 3 1/2 yr old son who has developed this almost tic like feature , he sticks out his tongue and his neck goes up , it happens all day everyday probably 50-60 times a day . I have watched him and he doesnt realize he is even doing this. He has recently started speech therapy , which i thought possibly contributed to this behavior , but has not subsided . Should I be concerned ? I have mentioned this to the ped but there are saying its probably from the speech therapy but im not agreeing with this [/INST] Doctor:Hello,If he is not receiving any drug, then it should be evaluated by a neurologist. Please make a short video of the abnormal video and then show to the doctor. I do not think it is due to speech therapy. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.Regards, Dr. Varinder Joshi </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: How to get relief from the back pain permanently? Patient:my age is 36,& hight is 6ft,weight is 90kg..I feel pain in my back bone & as well as feel pain & stiffness in my legs last one year I take pain killer madicens but for the time being medicen relef the pain but not parmanetly..kindly advice me in this regard. Thanks Tanveer Iqbal [/INST] Doctor:Try to reduce ur weight.Do Physiotherapy exercises.Get an ultrasound of abdomen & pelvis done.Avoid lifting heavy weights, particularly dont lift weights while bending in back.Always sit with support to ur lower back. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: What should be done for wound due to puppy's scratch? Patient:Hi, my wife just was scratched by a puppy's nail(we just took it 3 days), very few amount of blood. She already flashed the wound by water and cleaned by betadine. What should we do now? Should we get the rabies injection now or only observe out puppy in the next 10 days without doing others? [/INST] Doctor:Hello,Rabies virus spreads through the salivary secretions of the biting animals. The chances of transmission are very, very rare through scratch wounds. However, since there were some blood drops came out following the bite. The wound might have come in contact with the puppy's mucus, then she should definitely be vaccinated against rabies especially if the puppy's vaccination status is not known.Since this disease is 100% fatal, it is best to give the anti-rabies vaccine on 0,3,7,14 and 28 days. If the puppy is under close observation by a specialist until ten days after the scratch and remains healthy, then you can discontinue the vaccination. Besides she must also receive injection tetanus toxoid.Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.Regards,Dr. Mohammed Taher Ali </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: What to do for premature ejaculation while sex? Patient:Hi sir I got married 9months back I live with my wife 35days only. At that days when i m making sex with her (fuck) my timing like below 50seconds and I feel premature ejaculation. Now i m going to bring her in dubai pls help me sir and she is very interest to make sex with me [/INST] Doctor:DearWelcomem to HCMWe understand your concernsI went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. Sex is divine act and is a meditation. We forget ourself throughout the sexual journey and that is actual meditation. You should not involve in sex if you or your partner is tired, stressed. Sex should not be performed in a hurry and not during unworldly timing. Anxiety and presumptions about sex is also dangerous because they decrease your sexual ability. In most of the cases, prematurre ejaculation is due to psychological problems such as negative thinking, anxiety, stress and lack of sex education. Your case could be either of these.Let your wife come. Why be apprehensive? Why think that the same thing will happen again in future? Sex is not the life. See sex simply as a pleasure and not as essential thing and your problem is cured.You might need sexological counseling. Visit www.psychocure.webs.com for further details.Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications.Good luck. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: What are the treatments for fatty liver and small calculus on kidney? Patient:from few day i was suffering from stomach pain in left side when i make a ultrasound in its report my liver is fatty with focal sparing and small calculas of 3mm seen in left kidney so pls tell me what can do for these problems and advice medicines or diet which i should take or not [/INST] Doctor:Hi, Welcome to Health care magic forum. The pain might be related to the calculus in the kidney. The calculus can't be removed by surgery, or crushing. So medical treatment is preferred. I usually prescribe to my patient with such situation,an Ayurveda preparation,neeri to dissolve the stones, but it will take longer duration. Fatty liver is a precursor of many chronic problems,i advise you to consult a gastroenterologist for diagnosis and treatment. Wishing for a quick and complete recovery. Thank you. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Q. How should I deal my 8 year old sons's wanking habit? Patient:Hi doctor, I have an 8-year-old son. Recently, I came home from work and found him wanking in the living room. He saw me standing there, and he was not embarrassed that I caught him. He continued to do it, so I walked away and left him wanking. I have not spoken to him about that on that day. Since from that day he has been wanking in front of me. I do not care if he does it in front of me and he does not bother me. Should I let him continue with this behavior or is it wrong and should I need to speak to him about it? [/INST] Doctor:Hi. If he is wanking most of the days, in front of you, I do not think this is a healthy child behavior. Abnormal behavior of a child should be addressed at the right time. Your son may or may not understand that it is unusual behavior for his age. A lot of stressors can be a cause for the abnormal action of a child. Try to find out the cause. Yes, you should talk to him more positively. So you will be aware of what is going on in his mind. You can seek an expert opinion as well, clinical psychologist or pediatric psychiatrist for counseling as well as a therapeutic intervention if needed. Behavioral remodeling will help. For more information consult a paediatrician online --> </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Suggest treatment for a painful lump in the vagina Patient:I am a 19 year old female. I have a Large painful lump on the top of my vagina - by top I mean on the hood where the pubic hair grows. At first I thought it to be an ingrown hair, but I don t think that s possible now.. It s more painful under the skins surface. Hurts to wear clothing, or to even touch it. It s red, and a bit large. It seems to have been growing rapidly in size over the course of three days. I m not sure what caused it, how to treat it, or where to go to get seen by a doctor. I m hoping I won t have to, but at the rate the pain is increasing, and with the size enlarging, it s hard for me to walk, sit, or even sleep. - I may just have to go to the doctor. I think it might be a cyst.. does this sound right? Please if you have any diagnosis s or any kind of at-home treatments I can try before going to the doctor, please... PLEASE enlighten me! [/INST] Doctor:Hi,From history it seems that there might be having some ingrown hair follicle infection and now producing forming abscess.Go for one antibiotic medicine course for 5 days.Once pus forming started then it should be excised so before pus formation is there, start antibiotic medicine as soon as possible.Take some anti-inflammatory medicine for 3 days to cut down infection fast.Ok and take care. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Reddish dry patches on the skin which is not exposed to sun. Cause? Patient:I have some sort of skin condition (about 10 years now) basically any part of my body that isn't exposed to sun gets patches of dry red skin all over it. These patches do not itch and seem to be much more concentrated in places that aren't exposed to sun (for example, my arms are always exposed to sun, so they're normal, my belly is rarely exposed, so it just has a few small spots, and my thighs are NEVER exposed and they are completely covered. [/INST] Doctor:Hello,Thanks for the query,The description given by you is typical of mycosis fungoides.It is a premalignant condition.Biopsy needs to be done to confirm diagnosis. for now take some antihistamine tablet.Apply calamine lotion.You will get instant relief.Meet a dermatologist.Let me know if you have any other doubts.you can ask a direct question to me on this forum, following the below link. you good health.Thank you </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Can neck pain caused by trauma be treated without surgery? Patient:Hi doctor. In the past, I have had an accident which caused a neck injury. Afterwards, I often have a stiff neck and consequently when I dropped my head down (especially in the morning), I have difficulties and pain in my neck. Also, I have weakness and tingling in both arms. I had a MRI scan which indicated damages at the spinal cord at C3-C4, C4-C5, C5-C6 and C6-C7. Doctors I consulted said it needs surgery, but I’m afraid. What is the risk of such a surgery? Besides surgery, are there other alternatives? I hope you can provide me with some advice. Sincerely, A neck sufferer [/INST] Doctor:Hello, Although your details are incomplete but it looks that you may be suffering from disc prolapse with compression of multiple nerves at your neck.It also looks that you are feeling weakness at upper limb. This is one of the red flag sign which indicates that you may need surgery.In present era surgical procedures are advanced there are chances ,and they are chances which can be there with every type of surgery. Neck surgeries are associated with respiratory problems,food pipe injuries,diaphragm paralysis,etc.But there is little percentage where these complications can occur. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Regards, Dr. Mukesh Tiwari </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Am I having high systolic pressure due to thyroid problem? Patient:hi!i have ma uterus removed 18 years back!i am 58 years old n hypertension patient. i experience high systolic pressure!!i am really worried about it i am taking regular mediciens with it and anti depressants too. i want to ask is this because of thyroid problem? [/INST] Doctor:Thanks for your question on Health Care Magic. I can understand your concern. Yes, thyroid related diseases especially hyperthyroidism can cause uncontrolled hypertension. So get done thyroid function test (T3,T4,and TSH). Other causes for uncontrolled hypertension are hormonal imbalance after menopause. So so get done female hormone levels (FSH, LH, Estrogen, Progesterone) etc. Sometimes age related atherosclerosis can also cause high BP. So in that situation, you need to take take centrally acting antihypertensive drug like clonidine. Discuss all these with your doctor and plan accordingly. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Q. Will Nano-Leo give permanent solution for erection problem? Patient:Hello doctor, I am 48 years old. I am experiencing weak erection and difficulty in sustaining the same. This condition was observed 10 years back. Also, there is premature ejaculation. Other physical ailments that I have are, I am suffering from hypertension and taking Amlopres-L (Amlodipine and Lisinopril) for the last 10 years, high cholesterol and triglycerides. My cholesterol level is 225 and triglyceride is 200 for the last 12 years. I used to do frequent masturbation in early age. I do have erection during morning hours many times, particularly after sound sleep or if I had long walk previous day. I am having Sildenafil 25 mg or 5 mg Cialis, which is effective enough. But, I wish to get rid of tablet support and live natural way. I consulted urologist today and he prescribed me Nano-Leo capsules and Modula 5 mg for 10 days. I wish to have your second opinion on this. Please guide. [/INST] Doctor:Hi. For further doubts consult a sexologist online --> </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Is it safe to take Citalopram for depression? Patient:Age 22 height 5.3ft weight 8 stones no medical problems , I am currently on citalopram for depression , it s been few months since I notice a very small lump on the left side of my hard palate , painful when I feel it with my tongue other than no pain [/INST] Doctor:Hi,I can understand your concern regarding the lump on your hard palate. It is highly unlikely that it is due to citalopram. Citalopram is not reported to cause any such side effects.Your lump can be purely incidental. You should seek a otorhinolaryngologist (ENT doctor) consultation for evaluation of the lump and initiate treatment accordingly. Simultaneously, you should continue taking citalopram as advised bu your doctor for depression.Hope that answers your query. Best wishes. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: What causes nipple pain and lump under nipple in a 9 year old? Patient:My 9 year old daughter has complained of her left nipple hurting for the past few days. I investigated it tonight and there is a hard lump under the left nipple, but not the other. She shows no sign of puberty and if she follows my lead that will not be for another 7 years. Her other nipple is fine and has no lumps. Any thoughts other than puberty which is far off. She is a skinny minny and not overweight by any means [/INST] Doctor:Hi,Congratulations you think well. Yes could be a sign of menarche, the first thing that change in the woman body is the breast they start to grow. And this could came with pain. Pain relieve can help. It s time to search a GYN. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Sore throat and ear, dizziness. Steroid shot and amox tr-k clv 500-125 mg, no relief. Cancer? Patient:I have had a sore throat and sore ear for couple weeks also im dizzy alot and alway have heart burn . doc gave me a steroid shot and amox tr-k clv 500-125 mg . i took it all and i still have one sore like a blister on back of my throat on right side and still dizzy and sore under my jaw on right side. although ive win feeling my glands so could have been y gland iz sore. im 35 and i do smoke and scared cuz sore wont heal and ear pain and dizziness still there. is is throat cancer? [/INST] Doctor:Hi, If sore throat are not responding to antibiotics for long time, then this condition should be evaluated in detail. Careful otorhinolaryngological examination is mandatory to find out any suspicious lesion. In case of gland enlargement it should be carefully examined whether it is tender or not. Anyway in case of suspicion your ENT specialist can order a tssue diagnosis. Follow your ENT specialist's opinion. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: What are the symptoms of potential pregnancy? Patient:Hi, i am on the pill and on saturday night (i began skipping my sugar tablets so i could skip my period for this month) prior to this i had missed a few pills in the previous week (took them late etc) and on the saturday night the condom broke when i had sex. I then took the morning after pill on sunday morning but on friday found the tip of the broken condom inside me. I am now concerned that i could still be pregnant. Since this i have been taking my pill relatively well and on time each night [/INST] Doctor:Hallow Dear,You had taken your pills very regularly. You had only skipped your sugar pills which do not contain active hormonal ingredients. Hence your pills have acted on your body successfully to prevent the egg release. Your sexual intercourse during which the condom ruptured happened during the phase of sugar pills. Please rest assured that this will not cause pregnancy. Still however, if at all you miss your period, you can get urine pregnancy test performed after a week on the overnight morning first urine sample. Earlier these test may give false negative results. Alternatively, you may opt for Beta hCG test which can give reliable results even before missing a period. And finally before I conclude, a practical advice regarding the use of condom to avoid any further such accident. Usually condom ruptures because the air gets trapped in the tit in front. So when ejaculation takes place, the pressure inside the tit increases resulting into its rupture. Hence, while putting on condom, tit should be pinched in the fingers to expel all the air and then it should be worn on the erected penis while the tit is pinched. I am sure, this will not only solve your query; but help you in future for proper use of condom also. If you are impressed with this information, you consider casting a 'Helpful' vote for this communication. Dr. Nishikant Shrotri </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Suggest medication for sleep apnea Patient:I have sleep apnea and didn't get a good night's rest last night. This morning my blood pressure was 170 over 105 according to my home digital monitor. I did almost vomit, but it was more like that vomit reflex when you smell something rancid. Should staying home from work to get more sleep be enough to level myself out? I'm 38, 5'10" 230lbs. I don't smoke but occasionally I am exposed to second hand smoke. I drink maybe a few times a year. I don't use any illegal drugs, tend to avoid taking medications at all unless I NEED to and haven't used any OTC like Tylenol or aspirin in more than a month maybe. [/INST] Doctor:It is important to get to the root of why you didn't get a good night's sleep. Is it because the CPAP mask does not fit, is it because the pressure is too high or too low? Or is it due to another reason? High blood pressure is a natural response to inefficient sleep, which is what happens in sleep apnea. CPAP can temporarily fix it to allow you to get better quality sleep, and thus improve your blood pressure and make you feel better. Weight loss is crucial as this is the only way to permanently improve the severity of your sleep apnea. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: How to remove the cysts from the head? Patient:My wife has 3-4 cysts on her head. 2 of them are big like peas and other 2 are small. She did Dr Batra's treatment couple of years ago and as a result of which these cysts pop up. Onc has been removed in India 4 yrs ago. That time all other were small. Not 2 have grown big. It pains I she press them [/INST] Doctor:Hi,Thank you for posting your query.I have noted your wife's clinical details.Based on the description, your wife seems to be suffering from sebaceous cysts.These are benign and harmless conditions and can be easily treated.The best treatment is surgical excision of these cysts, which can be done under local anaesthesia as a minor procedure.The surgery is safe and no complications are expected.I hope my answer helps. Please get back if you have any follow up queries or if you require any additional information.Wishing you good health,Dr Sudhir Kumar MD (Internal Medicine), DM (Neurology)Senior Consultant NeurologistApollo Hospitals, Hyderabad, IndiaClick on this link to ask me a DIRECT QUERY: BLOG: </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: What causes low red blood count? Patient:My grandfather had a stroke on May 24. He s been in the hospital since slowly recovering. He was due to have a feeding tube put in tomorrow and today they said his red blood count was low. Was wondering what the possible cause of this could be? He s only been on ivee fluids since the stroke. [/INST] Doctor:Hello and welcome to HCM,Most common cause of low red blood cell count is blood loss.Blood loss can be acute or chronic.Acute blood loss occurs during trauma or injury, Blood loss can be internal i.e. blood is lost in the body cavities or blood loss can be external i.e. outside body.Blood loss can be chronic. Chronic blood loss is loss of small amounts of blood over long period of time.Consult your treating doctor to look for these causes of blood loss.Recovery or treatment of these conditions lead to recovery of red cell mass.Thanks and take careDr Shailja P Wahal </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Suggest treatment for social anxiety and depression Patient:I am needing a nerve medication prescribed to me. I have such chronic social anxiety that it is literally crippling me and not allowing me to lead the life that I want to live. I can not even leave my house because of all the fear that goes along with being around people and can t have many friends because they know how much anxiety I have and to keep from upsetting me they wont even come to see me because don t I need help so bad and I have no where else to turn to. The panic attacks and the chronic social anxiety that I have is not letting me lead the life that I want to live. I am not depressed at all because I have seen depression and WAS depressed a long time ago and that is not what is going on with me now. I am also a mom of three and have a husband that I have feel like also has to suffer as well with my chronic anxiety because I am so irritable and never want to do those little normal things that families do and create those most wonderful thing as a family to me which is memories...happy memories. Please help me. I don t have a lot of money but I would be willing to spend what little money I do have just to feel normal [/INST] Doctor:DearWe understand your concernsI went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. Anxiety is fear of a future event which may or may not happen. These future events are always uncertain. Then why worry? You worry and get anxious about going outside, or in public because, you feel that something embarrassing may happen out there. So what? Let it happen? Why so anxious? Many researches and researchers confirm that medicines alone cannot cure mental disorders. Life style changes, change in thinking pattern, relaxation etc are as essential as medicines. Psychotherapy can help you changing your lifestyle and thinking patterns. Yoga and meditation help you to streamline your metabolism and neurological balance. Please consult a psychologist for further information.If you require more of my help in this aspect, Please post a direct question to me in this website. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. I shall prescribe the needed psychotherapy techniques.Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications.Good luck. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Am I having hiccups all day due to benadryl and corticosteriod for hives? Patient:i broke out into hives yesterday. went to urgent care and they gave me two shots. one was benadryl and the other one was corticosteriod. I woke up fine but the hives came back and i have had hiccups all day. are the two related in some way? i am going to my PCP tomorrow to have an allergy test done. [/INST] Doctor:Hello,It is my pleasure to help you,As you had generalized urticaria your doctor has prescribed the medicines to control your symptoms.The symptoms will improve with completeness of the course prescribed your doctor.The hiccups what you are having will resolve by itself in a short period of time and are rarely a medical emergency. If the hiccups are disturbing your eating or sleeping habits then you have to approach your doctor.To control these hiccups you can follow some home remedies 1.Holding your breath2.Drinking a glass of water quickly3.Pulling hard on your tongue4.Biting on a lemon, gargling with water.A physician may prescribe medications such as chlorpromazine haloperidol and metoclopramide for severe, persistent hiccups.Hope your query is answered.Thank you. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Does normal follicular study result suggest that pregnancy is possible? Patient:Dear Sir/Madam,I took blood test on my Day-2 of my Menstrual Cycle for Checking Follicular Study.My Reports are normal. Then Follicle got ruptured on 12th day and we had Inter Course and Doctor asked me to take Gestofit-200 from 16th day onwards.So I wish to know will become Pregnant with these Symptoms. I have PCOS & I had missed abortion in September 2013.I am 24 years Old & Continuing my one and half year of my Married life.I am badly in need of baby.Kindly reply me please. [/INST] Doctor:HAIWELCOME TO HCMIF YOUR TUBES ARE PATENT IT IS POSSIBLE TO CONCEIVE THIS TIME.TAKE T.FOLIC ACID AND T.ASPIRIN 75MG ALONG WITH GESTOFIT. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Diarrhea, cramps, growth in gallbladder, lymphocytic colitis. Done CT scam, MRI. Why couldn't gallbladder be removed? Patient:Hi, A year ago I was having many GI problems. 14 weeks of diarrhea, pains and cramping. Had CT and MRI and upper GI and colonoscopy with biopsies. Said I had growth on my gallbladder and lymphocystic colitis. A month ago I went into hospital to have gallbladder removed, hiatal hernia fixed, and a fundoplication. Could not find my gallbladder at first. It ended up being further down on my small intestine, with no duct connections, and was the size of a thumb nail, full of stones and a lot of scarring. The Gallbladder could not be removed! I was told it would take a liver specialist! I am 58 yrs old female. I think I need digestive enzymes as my food stays in my stomach for such a long time! How has my body been digesting fat all my life? [/INST] Doctor:Hi and welcome to Healthcare magic. Thank you for your query. It is really rarity such ectopic gallbladder,but it is known anomaly. Gallbaldder is organ important for storage of bile. It doesnt secrete any enzymes and there is no effect on digestion after this is removed because liver produces bile which goes into small intestines. YOu an have only ancreatic enzymes defficiency but it have to be proved by some tests.Wish you good health. Regards </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: How to get rid of hand practice daily before sleeping? Patient:Hi Sir, I am 25 yrs old. I have a bad habit of daily hand practice. I am doing this 2-3 times every day before going to sleep. I don t want to waste my time in doing this. But uncontrollably I am getting thoughts in my mind and doing that every day. I want to avoid this completely, as this is affecting my concentration on preparation for Job interviews. So, please suggest some tips to avoid this completely. Also, I would like to know, is there any physical/mental health problems that i may get due to this? Please help me in this, I would be very Thankful to you. [/INST] Doctor:DearWe understand your concernsI went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. Masturbation is not sin. Masturbation is natural and even animals do masturbate. Masturbation alone cannot be the reason for your loss of concentration and career. Because masturbation is natural. Your lack of knowledge and anxiety about masturbation could be problem. Don't worry about masturbation because it cannot give you health problems or mind problems. Enjoy it as much as you can. Also don't club it with your poor performance. Please post a direct question to me in this website. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. I shall prescribe some psychotherapy techniques which should help you cure your condition.Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications.Good luck. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Suggest remedy for getting pregnant Patient:Hi Doctor, I am 29 yrs married.Having PCOD prob. 9 months before i was pregenant but got miscarried. Now i am trying for pregency but not getting possible. Under doctor consultation i am taking Med. 1) Glyciphase Sr 1gm 2) F-GAM. [/INST] Doctor:Hi, I think you should take some medicines like clomiphene for the growth of your follicles and track your follicles growth by repeated ultrasound. When follicles reach a size more than 17 to 18 mm, take injection for rupturing the follicles. Be in contact with your husband every 2 to 3 days after injection. Take progesterone for next 2 weeks. Do a urine pregnancy test at home after that. You can try like that for 3 to 6 months. If it doesn't work then you can go for IUI. Yasmin is given to treat pco but if you want to get pregnant, there are other options also. Hope I have answered your question. Regards Dr khushboo </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Can cymbalta cause side effects like depression, weight loss, general ill health and lack of motivation in a 80 yr old woman? Patient:Hi, My name is Michele. My mother takes Cymbalta and has recently had a lot of issues like difficulty urinating which she is seeing a urologist for. Frequent bladder infections. My main concern is her recent depression, lack of motivation, weight loss and general ill health. I mentioned to her that she might have some side effects. Is it true that Cymbalta has caused side effects for the elderly? She 80 [/INST] Doctor:HiThanks for using healthcare magicMost of antidepressants have side effects and few are common in all. Same in case of cymbalta. It does not have specific side effects related to old age. Nausea, somnolence, insomnia, and dizziness are the main side effects, reported by about 10% to 20% of patients. Rest side effects depend upon the dose of drug. In higher doses, chances of side effects are more.Thanks </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: What causes left arm pain, sickness and vomiting? Patient:Hi I have pain in my left arm that comes n goes once or twice a day. It happens at anytime, while I m sitting or doing something, even now I was feeling sick n vomitted, after a few minutes I had sharp pain in my left arm. The pain is enough that it makes me grab my arm when it happens.... Can u tell me why? [/INST] Doctor:Hello, I have studied your case.Due to compression of nerve root there can be tingling numbness in your arm and fingers pain associated with it.I will advise you to MRI cervical spine for better diagnosis.It can be due to various causes like sudden jerk to spine, due to facet arthritis, degenerative.For these symptoms analgesic and neurotropic medication can be started.Till time, avoid lifting weights, Sit with support to back. You can consult physiotherapist for help.Physiotherapy like ultrasound and interferential therapy will give quick relief.I will advise to check your vit B12 and vit D3 level.Local injection may help if pain remains persistent.Hope this answers your query. If you have additional questions or follow up queries then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your queries. If you are satisfied with answer do not hesitate to rate this answer at end of discussion. Wishing you good health.Take care. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: How to increase the chances of getting pregnant? Patient:can you give me tips pn getting pregnant? so far i know to do it 3 times a weeek relax and enjoy it dnt be on top dont get up right away let the sperm stay in you also eat right n exersizr regg.. my boyfriend anf i have been trying for three months now si there something wrong with me? [/INST] Doctor:Hi, I think you can try naturally for 6 months to one year. Be in contact with your partner every 2 to 3 days after your periods stop. It will increase chances of your pregnancy. Don't stress too much. Hope I have answered your question. Regards Dr khushboo </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: What could the painful lump causing discomfort be? Patient:in my left armpit,when i raise my arm..just a little below it..not really around my breast...but a little near it,there's a toy pellet gun type of bullet type of lump.. earlier this week, i was having mild pulse like pain in my left breast,sometimes in the right breast.. this would last for 1-3 minutes..then again maybe 6-8 hours,again same pain.. this morning, i was having discomfort in my left armpit itself.. a mild pain.. i noticed this lump few years ago,but back then, i havent expererienced this discomfort..just earlier this week.. what could this be? please help.. thank you [/INST] Doctor:HI,Dear, Thanks for the query from you for your painful bb size armit lumps in both the armpits for 1 wks time,which was existing for few yrs painlessly.1-I feel concerned that you are serious to know why the 2 armpit lumps are painful over last 1 wk or so?2-In my opinion this tender bilateral armpit lumps are the fibroadenosis and the pains since last 1 wk,is most probably a starting cyclical pain,which were not there for few yrs of these lumps.3-As such these armpit lumps are fibrocystic -mastodynia cancers as such,but need suprevision for suspicious cancerous developments in these lumps in few cases.4-I would advise you not to worry as its a cyclical change with the fibrocystic change and needs follow up and is a benign tumour as such-due to hormonal imbalance during the cyclical changes.5-Hope this would solve your worry of the bilateral armpit painful lumps.6-Wellcome to HCM for any more query. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Suggest remedy for difficulty in conceiving Patient:hi am woundering if you can help me myself and partner are trying for children he has a child allready of his own but not with myself i came off the injection september 09 after being on it for 5 years i am having periods and i am ovulating but i still cant get pregnant what can you advise [/INST] Doctor:Hi welcome to healthcare magic.I have gone through your question.As your husband already have child that means his reproductive system is ok.You ovulating means have you done your ovulation profile.?I would advise to do thyroid profile, and histosalpingography HSG to rule out tubal blockage. Then consult gynecologist with these reports.He/she will advise you further.Hope i answered your question.Would be happy to help you further.Take care. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Suggest remedy for chesty cough in 11 month old Patient:My 11 month old daughter has a very bad chesty cough since the past week.She wakes up at night because of cough and cries for 2 hours straight.The doctor refuses to give her any medicine, saying that it will pass on its on.But how can I help the baby in her bad chesty cough? [/INST] Doctor:HiGive baby humidified air either with humidifier or with a hot water bowl. keep a bowl of boiled water in room to keep room humidified. Give saline nasal drops and clear his nose. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: How to treat a calculi of 1.1cms in gallbladder? Patient:HI I am 23 yrs old, have 24.5 BMI..I observed increased bilirubin levels in blood test sometimes 1.5,2.1..etc..but all other enzymes are normal..I went for ultrasound of liver and abdomen and found calculi of 1.1cms in gallbladder..but rest everything was normal.i dont have any acidity or pain symptoms..Is it actually a gallstone? If so..How it can be treated other than laparoscopy? [/INST] Doctor:HIThank for asking to HCMI appreciate your concern if the stone does not cause obstruction and remained silent causing no pain or cholecystitis then no treatment needed, and if it is not silent then this can be treated with the drug "Tab Ursodeoxycholic acid" but the treatment is lengthy and not much promising and having numbers of side effects, so it is better to remove the stone surgically, hope this information helps you have nice day. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Can hole in left venetricle cause chest pain? Patient:My daughter has been complaining of chest pain. She is 13, when she was 3 we were told whe had a 3 mm hole in the left venetricle but have since been told it looks fine. I am concerned something may be wrong or may have been over looked by the cardiologist? [/INST] Doctor:Hi. I can understand your concern. It would be advisable to consult a cardiologist as she will need a detailed evaluation for the same. Don't worry, she will be alright. Hope I have solved your query. Wish you good health. Thanks. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: What causes burning pain near the pelvis? Patient:I am a 34 year old woman who was woken up at 2:00 a.m. with an extreme burning pain near my pelvis. My leg is weak, my pain is still intolerable. My stomache hurts, I m nauseous and I do not feel like eating. Could this be a cyst and if so what should I do? I have taken ibuprofen & pepto bismol and nothing is helping. [/INST] Doctor:hi,as you mentioned about the burning sensation and pain. First to rule out the abdominal and pelvic floor pathology by ultrasonography. Also doing a laboratory test may help to find out if any urinary tract infection is there. based on the signs and symptoms recovered , the medical management will start. so until anything confirms do not think much.with the grace of God I wish you a good health. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Does excessive masturbation cause problem to the testicles? Patient:Dear Dr's, I am 24 years old,Unmarried, Is't excessive masturbation cause a problem to testicles?, I was masturbating from the past 8-9 years, as am addicted for the same from the last few years. But from the last 10 months am feeling a pain in right testicle, looking like a swollen. Is this pain normal or whether this pain is due to masturbation? . The pain will occur only during sexually excited or at the time of masturbation & after masturbation also will continue for further until body gets rest condition. What is reason for the pain? How to come out from addicted thing?, Is't better to stop mastrubuting, if so will i get relief from pain. Pls suggest me howr to come-out from the problem [/INST] Doctor:DearWe understand your concernsI went through your details. Usually masturbation in moderation do not causes any health problems. Moderate masturbation is healthy and natural. You do not have to worry about that angle. The swollen testicle could be another story. You should consult a physician for examination of the affected area for treatment. Take care.If you still need my assistance in this regard, please use this link. Please remember to describe the whole problem with full detail.Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications.Good luck. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Q. How long should my husband and I wait to try for a baby if we did cocaine? Patient:Hello doctor,I am trying to conceive but my husband and I did cocaine a week ago. How long should my husband and I wait to safely continue to try to get pregnant? How long until it is out of our system? How long does cocaine stay in sperm? Thanks in advance. [/INST] Doctor:Hello, Wellcome to iclinq.com. There are few researches/studies on cocaine use by males and its effect on pregnancy. Few suggest that cocaine by itself has limited effects as most of the time it is taken along with other drugs or as a cocktail of alcohol and cigarette (tobacco). So, most of the people take not just cocaine but a combination of drugs. Cocaine narrows blood vessels (vasoconstriction). It can lead to erectile dysfunction. Few studies suggest that it has receptors on testicles and sperm. So, it can degenerate testicular tissues/or sperm quality, transfer from sperm to female egg and can lead to early miscarriage. Cocaine is a very fast acting drug which affects the nervous system and produces short-lived euphoric attitude for 15 minutes to an hour, but causes long-term damage to the body and brain like anxiety, depression, aggression, impairment of logic and critical thinking, heart problem, hypertension and decrease in bone density. Its half-life is an hour. So, it takes about an hour for half of the cocaine consumed to leave the body. But, with long-term use, the drug starts to accumulate in the blood and body tissues allowing certain tests to detect it in the system for an extended period of time. After a single use of cocaine, agents created by its metabolism can be detected in the urine for two to four days, and in chronic users, cocaine can be detected up to 12 days and highly concentrated cocaine can be detected in the urine up to three weeks. It can be detected in the saliva and blood for an average 12-48 hours. In hairs and sweat for an extended period of time, it can be detected. So, after all the above description, I do not know how your husband had cocaine, as a cocktail along with other drugs, or just cocaine? Secondly, how long he has been taking it? For you, have you been on alcohol, cocaine or smoking? If you had taken in the past, better to quit completely. My advice is, try to avoid drugs like cocaine, alcohol, ketamine, and MDMA completely for a couple of months before trying for pregnancy. Because, if the mother has an addiction, it has psychosocial effects on the fetus in addition to the drugs' side effects itself. Best of luck. For more information consult an obstetrician and gynaecologist online --> </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: What causes swelling inankles and feet? Patient:I have recently been placed on blood pressure medication, about 4 months ago. Starting about a month ago my ankles and feet have been swelling by the end of the day, almost double. Sometimes they go down by morning and other times they don t. What could be going on? [/INST] Doctor:Is the anti hypertensive medication a calcium channel blocker like amlodipine? Calcium channel blockers have a side effect of causing pedal edema. If you're using it please consult your physician and consultant will stop the drug and switch to some other medication. Caution to be kept in mind as it is not the only cause of swelling it could be due to hypertensive nephropathy or other diseases affecting kidneys which has to be evaluated. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Q. What are the ways to manage hemoglobin and sugar level in a diabetic patient? Patient:Hello doctor, I am opening up a new subscription under you, so that I can chat more easily. I request you to follow our discussions from previous records. To remind again, this query is for my mother. Age-47, she is on her regular medicines for above mentioned conditions. However, recently her hemoglobin levels fell to 7.8. After consulting a doctor in my local area, she is taking iron pills. The problem is with her fluctuations in Diabetes readings and haemoglobin levels. I am attaching the recent conducted reports below- 1. Blood sugar level + Hb 2. Cbc + Lipid profile 3. Urine culture 4. Thyroid panel My query is to what can be done to improve her diabetes readings and hemoglobin levels. It will be highly helpful if you elaborate the necessary steps to be taken including types of medicines that are to be taken. [/INST] Doctor:Hello. I have seen the medicine list being taken by her (attachment removed to protect patient identity). Of those drugs ROXCEF is an antibiotic to be given for a very limited period may be 5 days or so. BIO D 3 strong is also not needed on continuous basis, unless she has any specific neuropathy problems or any such complaints. Is there a to speak to you so that I can clarify a few things in one go. For her diabetes I feel Glycomet G2 once a day (instead of Voglibose containing tablet) once a day with DYNAGLIPT-M is enough. Rest of the medicines are to be continued. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Q. Could you give your opinion on the medicines prescribed to me? Patient:Hi doctor, I am 40 years old. I am having one 17 years old boy. After my first baby, I had three miscarriages and I did not get pregnant after. Unexpectedly, I got pregnant a few months ago and now I am in week 14. I had all the necessary tests, which came out normal except the anti-TPO. It is high 319, but I have a normal thyroid hormone test. I have a history of psoriatic arthritis and my gynecologist put me on medication for the rest of my pregnancy as follows. Nexium 40 mg once daily till week 36, Aspirin 75 mg one pill daily till week 36, Prednisone 5 mg once daily till week 32, Innohep 0.35 injections once daily till my due date, Folic acid 5 mg, Ferricure 150 mg once daily started from week 13, Omega 3 and Euro D 10,000 once a week. I am too much worried about my baby. Although, I wish to have another baby, I would like to make sure that my baby is healthy. After reading the side effects of Nexium and Prednisone during pregnancy on the baby, I cannot stop thinking that I may be harming my baby instead of giving protection. I really look forward to your opinion in my case. Thank you. [/INST] Doctor:Hi. For further information consult an obstetrician and gynaecologist online --> </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: What does swollen purple blackish feet indicate? Patient:my mother is 90 she has been diagnosed witha water infection but yesterday her feet swelled up, they are purple/black swollen and blotchy. A Dr came out to see her and said it was just bad circulation and to keep her feet raised. Please advise. [/INST] Doctor:Hi.Your doctor has advised right. Feet should be raised. If she can help her do cycling movement of legs on bed itself. She may be helped in short walks too. Warm water dipping of feet is also good. This would help her.Hope it helps you. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Q. I have a consistent hike in my blood sugar. Please suggest. Patient:Hi doctor, I am 46 years old. I am diabetic, and I have a high blood sugar level of 200 mg/dL. I also have a hernia problem. Currently, I am taking allopathic medicines, Glimepiride and Metformin. Please suggest. [/INST] Doctor:Hi. If your blood sugar level is above 200 mg/dL, you may need a change in the dosage of your medication. You might need to increase the dosage of the existing medication, or you may require a new medication. You have not mentioned the exact dosage of Metformin and Glimepiride that you are currently taking. The medication and the dosage are decided by the doctor based on various factors like age, weight, previous medical history, duration of diabetes, other medical conditions, other medications and the condition of your vital organs. It may not be ideal to give you a prescription without doing a clinical examination and evaluation of laboratory parameters. Hence I suggest you meet your diabetologist for proper clinical assessment. For the hernia issue, it is essential to understand the stage of the disease. It helps to determine whether it needs conservative treatment or whether there is a need for surgery. It can be decided only by a qualified surgeon after a detailed clinical examination, and it involves various steps. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Suggest treatment for loose motions in a child Patient:Dear Sir My son age 5 months weight 8 kg havings loose motions for the last 5 days (around 8-9 times a day) giving best renedy without postive results so far he is pasing urine 5-6 times in a day . We are giving him all liqid diets , ors etc as advised by our doctore but there is no relief so far . What to do now . Pls answer on urgent basis i am very tensed. [/INST] Doctor:Hello, As per your history, it may be due to GI tract infection. You can give him syp metronidazole twice a day, econorm satchet twice a day, syp zinc, after detailed medical examination and pediatrician consultation. Watch for dehydration symptoms, dry skin, dizziness. Till then maintain well hydration, using oral rehydration solution, coconut water. Hope I have answered your query, let me know if I can assist you further. Regards, Dr Shyam Kale, Family and General Physician. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: On contraception pills. No period. Why? Pregnant? Patient:My girlfriend is on the contraception pill and she has been on it for 7 months now. Every month she takes a break for her period tho her period always starts before she finishes her strip for the seven day break. This month is different! She has finished her strip and is now into the second day of her break and her period has still not come. Why is this ? Is she pregnant ? [/INST] Doctor:HelloThanks for your query.The chances of getting pregnant while using the contraceptive pill regularly are very very low.Occasionally, while on the pill, a period might be missed.However, as she is very regular, please take a pregnancy test to confirm.Take care. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Abdominal pain, cramps. Taking ciproflaxacin for nephritis. Lupus test shows inflammation. Treatment? Patient:hi i have been experiencing lot of pain in my right abdominal,when this happen my left pain would also pain and cramps . i have been to dr he said it was nephritis , i was put on ciproflaxacin 500mg for two weeks but have gotten no relieve. also i was tested for lupus and he said it wasnt very serious but test results shows that i have inflammation in my body. [/INST] Doctor:hi, i feel you should be investigated with an ultrasound and a urine examination. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Suggest treatment for depression Patient:Hi doc. Am a depressed guy due to relationship instability. Out of depression had taken 60 amalong 5mg. Took tabs yesterday around 5.00pm ist. I wanna change decision taken. Symptoms now heavy vomiting. Heavy sweating. Vomit is frequent.even if I drink water I vomit it immediately. don t want take advice outside. I checked the symptoms. Am changed too and wanna change my life. Life is to live not end..please advice or suggest for home remedy going to suicide centre at this moment is mentally not possible.already vomit a lot aroun 2 litre. All stomach is empty. Even bile juice came with tablet taken and food eaten [/INST] Doctor:Such huge vomiting may lead to dehydration in your body. You must go to a general physician and intravenous fluids and injectable antiemetics. If possible for you, start taking tab domperidone 10 mg twice a day. After you are medically stable, you must take antidepressants. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Overweight, used contraceptive pills, regular period, trying to conceive Patient:hello Doctor... my name is rajni singh..age 30 married... its almost 3 yrs of my married life...i m over weighted...my height is 5 ft 7 inches and my weight is 85 kgs.. i had used the contraceptive pills unwanted 72 for about 20 months after my marriage.. my periods are regular...once i had detected for thyroid but now it is absolutely normal... since the monthe of january 2011.. i hv not used any contraceptive pills... my husband is absolutely fine and have no abnormal life style... his age is 32 yrs and we have normal sexual life..we are trying for a long time like almost a year... i want to get pregnant as i know i m running of my age.. kindly mail me what to do to get pregnant .... thanks [/INST] Doctor:Hello. Thanks for writing to us. For a sucessful conception, you need to have a regular sex on every alternate day during your fertile days- day 9 to day 16 of your cycle. Start taking folic acid supplements. In case you still do not concieve in next six months then consider getting yourself evaluated at an infertility specialist. I hope this information has been both informative and helpful for you. Regards, Dr. Rakhi Tayal drrakhitayal@gmail.com </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: How to stop bleeding after the lanced boil? Patient:Hi, I am a 51 year old male. I had a boil lanced a couple of days ago. The doctor packed it with gauze and told me that the packing should stop the bleeding, unfortunately the bleeding hasn't stopped. And I can tell the packing is totally saturated. Is there something that I can do to stop it from bleeding? [/INST] Doctor:It is not normal that the bleeding has not stopped yet, I would recommend to visit your doctor again to determine the reasons why this is happening. Meanwhile, apply ACE bandage aver the dressing to put some local pressure hopping to stop the bleed. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Q. What does abutment of the nerve root mean? Patient:Hi doctor,I am just wondering what is abutting and abutment of the nerve root means in a back issue. Please explain. What treatment is required for annular bulging and tear? [/INST] Doctor:Hi. I have gone through your query with diligence and would like you to know that I am here to help you. For further information consult a neurologist online --> </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Suggest cream for fair and clear face Patient:Hi doctor this is zubair i am 26years old & i am using lomela & skin lite cream for the past 4 years instead of these cream s can you suggest me some other cream to get a fair & clear face & also to improve my complexion please suggest cream that is available in india (chennai). YYYY@YYYY [/INST] Doctor:Hello and welcome to healthcaremagicThe creams that you have been using (skinlite and lomela) are essentially the same composition of a steroid+tretinoin+hydroquinone. They are not meant for regular use. These creams are prescription products and should never be used without a dermatologist's advice. Dermatologist's commonly prescribe them for facial hyperpigmentation/melasma. However, they should never be used as a regular fairness cream and in any case not for more than 2-3 months since the steroid content of this cream can cause various side effects like acne, photosensitivity, skin thinning and telangiectasia and facial hair growth (hirsutism) which is specially troublesome in females.I would suggest that you use a broad spectrum sunscreen, throughout the day.At night you could use a glycolic acid cream (Glyco -A) Or Kojic acid cream (Kojic cream) to obtain the desired results of brighter complexion and even tone.You could also opt for a few peeling sessions from a dermatologist e.g Yellow peel (Retinol CT peel) Or Glycolic peel Or lactic peel.regards </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: Suggest remedy for lumps in ear Patient:Went to doctor care for lump behind ear ordered us to see ent. ent said it was lump was nothing but ordered mri and found hearing loss 1 year later diagnosed excessive bone loss in mouth need three root canels feel i was mis diagnosed???Have the mri would that show infection and bone loss? [/INST] Doctor:Hi Dear,Welcome to HCM.Understanding your concern.As per your query you have lump inside your ear . Well there can be many reasons for lump in ear like infection also known as otitis externa , cyst , swollen lymph node or hematoma from minor injury . Need not to worry. It could be due to sever infection in tooth as well which is leading to facial space infection. I would suggest you to consult ENT specialist . Doctor will examine with otoscope and order test like CT scan , MRI or x-ray to confirm diagnosis and rule out other causes . Doctor may prescribe antibiotics ( amoxicillin ) for at least 10 days , remove with the help of suction device or remove it surgically . For now keep your ear dry and apply dry warm compresses to external ear . Hope your concern has been resolved.Get Well Soon.Best Wishes,Dr. Harry Maheshwari </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: 8 year old child, suffering from random nose bleeds. History of pneumonia. Cause of concern? Patient:My 8 yr old daughter gets nose bleeds randomly. I have read some on the subject and most seem to say allergies or dry air. Neither of which we have a problem with. She is a fairly healthy child now. When she was a baby, under a year old, she did get pneumonia . Other than that nothing serious. My 5 yr old daughter doesn t have this problem at all. Should I be worried? [/INST] Doctor:HI, Welcome to Healthcaremagic. Its very common in the age around 5 to 10 to get frequent episodes of nasal bleed this is due to weakness in a vascular area in the nose called The Little's area .This over time will develop well and surely will be alright. Need not worry , just take care you follow the norms when your baby is bleeding specially the first one which says bending the head down when it is bleeding to prevent aspiration and pneumonia subsequently. Wish you health. </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: What causes white dot on body when i am diagnosed with hsv 1? Patient:Hi doctor Iam daignosed with hsv1 I have alot of mucel pain I feel very tired but I don't have any an outbreak and any symtomps yet expect one red dot on my penies that little rash has been down there all most for two months iam very scare about HIV I did a test it came negetive but still I have white tonge and start having white dot in my body do you have any idea what. That could be please I need some help [/INST] Doctor:HI, thanks for using healthcare magicIt is understandable to be concerned about any abnormal lesion on the body.There are different types of HIV tests, the window period can vary according to the test done.The window period is the time from exposure to the point where a test can conclusively and definitely say if an infection is present.There are some hiv tests with a window period of 2 to 4 weeks, this means after 4 weeks they can definitely say if HIV is present.The older tests may have longer window period of three months.If you did the HIV test after the window period of that particular test, then it would have given you the true result and you are Not HIV positive.HSV1 is very very common, it causes mouth ulcers/sores.You can screen for the other sexually transmitted infections. If these are negative then the dot may be due to trauma to the area.I hope this helps </s>
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a Bot identify the response from Patient and give medication as a Doctor <</SYS>> Description: How can knots be treated? Patient:I have a fracture on outside middle of foot. Swelling and bruising are gone, but still a knot and tender to the touch. I am 4 wks into the injury and concerned about the knot and if calcium deposits are building. I keep foot wrapped but not sure if it has been tight enough. What else can I do? [/INST] Doctor:Hi You had a fracture in the middle of foot about 4 weeks ago and are feeling painful knot in the foot. This is a normal healing process when the bones unite , unless there is some mal position of fractures . There is formation of lump( callus) around around fracture which slowly disappears over few months for it to disappear. So dont worry about it now , just reassess after a month or so. </s>