Author Rosemary Sutcliff website has visitors from 50 countries There have been over 700 new visitors to this site so far since early April, from as of today 5o countries. The last two visitors were from Sri Lanka and Hong Kong. I have no idea how this compares with other sites about dead historical novelists and childrens authors, but it pleases me, and I hope it has been useful to you and them! Rosemary Sutcliff The Eagle of the Ninth book, radio play, film, movie Rosemary Sutcliff, The Eagle of the Ninth and the NorthEast of England 2 thoughts on Author Rosemary Sutcliff website has visitors from 50 countries Jane Bloore says I have just watched the trailor for The Eagle and was dismayed to see how radically the makers of the film appeared to have departed from the plot and characterisation of Rosemary Sutcliffs wonderful novel. Frankly it looks like rubbish, and I wont be wasting my money on the price of a cinema ticket to see it. The filmmakers have indeed departed from the story as told by Rosemary
Sutcliff at some points, and significantly in three respects in particular. But I have seen the film and . to my eyes and ears, it was far from rubbish, both as a film and as a representation of the book. A film story is different from a book story, and has different requirements. I choose to think Rosemary would have welcomed the film. She, like almost all authors in all circumstances of novels on which films are based, would probably not have had a right of veto to changes even had she been alive. A Shropshire Lad, XL, by A E Housman, was much loved by Rosemary Sutcliff. It yielded the title of her memoirauto twitter.comiwebstatus1 23 hours ago
The Advantages Of Being An Entrepreneur Are Quizlet Advantages of Being an Entrepreneur The advantages of being an entrepreneur go beyond financial rewards. It can also be emotionally rewarding. You will be your own boss and make all of the decisions. You will be able to choose what clients and employees you will work with and which projects to take on. You will be your own boss, so you will be able to set the pace and decide on your own schedule. You will also be able to create new jobs and ideas for the economy. Another advantage of being an entrepreneur is the fact that you are free to work on ideas that you care about, unlike an employee. As an entrepreneur, you can set your own hours, your own location, and the projects you want to work on. This freedom will help you stay motivated, which is important because the average person spends more time in their jobs than they do on their own ventures. Not only will this increase your satisfaction levels, but you will also be more likely to achieve success. As an
employee, you will be working for a paycheck, which is very limited. Among the other benefits of being an entrepreneur is the freedom to set your own schedule. It also allows you to be flexible with your social and family life. You can do whatever you want, as long as you have a passion for it. Even if it isnt financially rewarding, youll have more control over the company you create. In addition, youll be in charge of your own destiny. You can be your own boss and have as much fun as you want. When you are a sole proprietor, there are many benefits. You can set your own hours, but youll have to be dedicated to it in order to see your business flourish. However, its important to be realistic with your expectations. As a business owner, you should set challenging objectives. You must be able to track your progress toward them. Moreover, you should be willing to put in longer hours to achieve your goals. Being an entrepreneur is advantageous because it allows you to control your schedule and work hours. In fac
t, many individuals dont like the 9to5 routine. Creating your own schedule also allows you to work at your own pace and have more flexibility when it comes to personal goals. By creating your own business, you can enjoy a more fulfilling life. You can start your day early and work late into the night, and you can take a jog in the middle of the afternoon. An entrepreneur must always have a thorough knowledge of their product. They will not only know how to make their product profitable but will be able to make it better. An entrepreneur must know their product well. If they dont, they wont be able to attract potential customers. A wellrun business generates tax revenue for the government, so they are a must for any country. Visit the rest of the site for more useful and informative articles! Uses of Rhododendron NextThe Profit Updates From Wicked One thought on The Advantages Of Being An Entrepreneur Are Quizlet Pingback Major Benefits of Hiring a Tax Professional Royal Pitch
Global models prostitutes visiting Dmitry Arzhanova Who and how blessed Russian energy tycoon Source Rucriminal Probably from this story could laugh it off a phrase from an old joke about Stalin, which reported lyubviobilnym one of his subordinates. The question what shall we do, he snapped envy! But knowing all the details of our history, the people of the prince probably would not have been located so complacent. Several online resources can be found interesting excerpts from the correspondence between the Russian electric power magnate Dmitry Arzhanova and his agent recruiting elite prostitutes. Agent rather agentessa because of herself she says in feminine offers its clients a variety of options for expensive "call girls". As a rule it is wellknown models, winners of various competitions of beauty, the night which, judging from the correspondence, is worth several thousand dollars, or hundreds of thousands of rubles. We decided to find out who these women and tell more about them. Through this corres
pondence, it became known that the entrepreneur interested in highly paid priestesses of love from all over the world Spain, Hungary, Brazil, Ukraine. His agentessa has got for his client a special mailbox at one of the free Internet service and each time threw off a new password when he wanted to get acquainted with the "range". Some are ready to deliver it directly from China, to meet with some of it was not so easy to agree on the time required poradet or a visa. Hardly working. One of the first name in the correspondence appears fairly wellknown model of Mary Korabel'nikova. Her candid photos at one time appeared on the pages of erotic magazines. Itself in an interview she called underwear model. These include women with parameters as close as possible to the classic 906090. Therefore, they look good in the photographs in any underwear. In Mary quite prestigious education she graduated from the journalism faculty of Moscow State University, trained in the newspaper "Moskovsky Komsomolets", but, accordi
ng to her, lost interest in journalism. "I do not want to write nasty things about people, and I will not", she said in the same interview. At the beginning of the fragment, which was made public, agentessa complains that Mary left menu. By the time of the conversation in the list of proposals it was not it took a "hands on" for 50 probably thousands Ed.. "These stars maximum of two week well and take away from the relations ... From the second meeting took it," she laments. However, at the end of the correspondence model name appears again. As if she is ready to fly at a brief meeting much of China. Probably a Woman impressed by the generosity of the client, if it is for the sake of it is ready to move its current schedule and negotiate with someone you need. Another Arzhanova offered some Irina Shark as explained by agentessa known in Ukraine model. Somehow, through search engines Yandex that that Google could not figure out who is this Irina Shark. Links PHOTOS led to one of the world's business m
odel stars of Russian origin Irina Shayk exgirlfriend footballer Cristiano Ronaldo, and in April this year the beloved American actor and hunk Bradley Cooper. Perhaps due to the fact that the difference in the Latin script names of the two models is just one letter Shark and Shayk. Third in the list is the Rodilina Sambrish. The exotic name and last name should not be misleading. This is another Russian model. She also graduated she graduated from the Russian State Humanitarian University, majoring in "Translation and Translation", but chosen business model. In December 2009, Sambrish appeared on the pages of Playboy of course, in a very candid photoshoot. At one time even considered Rodilina girl famous showman Timur Batrutdinova. But, as the press wrote, I left him once met a wealthy oilman who after the first date gave her heaped cars. It lights up in correspondence and winner of World Bikini Model 2010 Natalia Drywall. This Ukrainian model quite titled lady in beauty contests. In 2011, she became th
e winner of the beauty contest Miss American Dream, 2011. As well as its predecessor, it has a higher education she received a master's degree in the specialty "management of organizations" in the Odessa National University of Economics. And in the same year he confirmed its degree at Wayne State University in Michigan in the United States. According to Wikipedia, she gets a second degree in the United States in school catering in Miami and wants to pursue an acting work, which is engaged in the appropriate school in Florida. Drywall as well as Sambrish appeared in a candid photoshoot Playboy magazine though for the Ukrainian version. This happened in 2012. A year earlier, she appeared for the men's magazine Maxim. Now she is married to the president of the company TES Engenering Robert Zeman, works and lives in Miami. By the way, for Drywall agent asks Arzhanova pay number. In the agent had any personal relationship with this model, because it explains to his client that the payment does not include the
interest agencies or intermediaries. "You men customers no manager would never say. I'm friends with Natasha no agency nor my. Leaving them thousands per person for 400 rubles. I think both will be happy " referred to in the correspondence. Apparently, the girl at the time was not one, but with a friend. The correspondence appears and model Nadezhda Ilyina. According agentessy 4 has been the face of the company "Gloria Jeans" and participated in the presentation of Chanel and Dior. According to other data model it was really the face of the company but from 2007 to 2009. Its achievements in the modeling business, however, is more modest than the previous model business priestesses. In 2006, she became only the best model of the South of Russia, and in 2008 a finalist for Miss Russia. Among foreign "strawberries" agentessa Arzhanova clearly calls Miss Hungary 2009, without giving her name. In 2009, the winner of the competition was 21yearold student Orsi Serdult beautiful blonde. However, in fairness it mu
st be said that the business model on the number of prizes raffled is not much different from boxing. World and local champions can be multiple. In 2009, Hungary was held a few beauty contests, which won quite different girl. Crown Miss Universe Hungary received a 21yearold Zsuzsa Budai, one of whose parents is a native of Jamaica. In the contest Miss Earth Hungary won the 18yearold Korinna Kocsis. In the same year in Budapest hosted the finals of the Miss Hungary artificial body, which allowed only those over whose appearance diligently worked plastic surgeons. They won by 22yearold River Urban. What Miss Hungary meant agentessa hard to say without knowing the names. Also in the elite prostitutes list shows some of Andrea, as well as some of Miss Valerie Ibiza and Palma de Mallorca Miss Melody. However, in correspondence indicates that the last two girls met with familiar agentessy. But judging by the fact that in correspondence with Arzhanova she calls them by name, they may be familiar, and our main chara
cter. Wikipedia was able to find mention of a girl named Melody Melody is the world Jimenez, who in 2008 actually became Miss Balerialskih islands. Also, the agent promises to arrange a meeting with some "Brazilian", whose name is Maria Teresa, Julia and Nadia. Last, according to agentessy it was last known model in Russia was part of the star of the "Redstars" agency. This agency was organized in 1989, a leading Russian center of fashion mannequin Tatiana Koltsov and was the first modeling agency in Russia. It lasted about 12 years and was forced to close. These meetings, however, did not prevent Arzhanova correspondence with his girlfriend at the time. While she talks to him about the possibility of meeting and oral sex, our protagonist studies candidature of elite prostitutes with his agent and is preparing to spend huge sums on them. By the way, this is not the only example of the lavish expenditure of energy magnate on a loved one. Last year, online Kompromat.Ru there was a story about how he was four
days removed entirely pyatezvezdochny on the island of Capri, as well as a public beach, which is closed to the locals, several restaurants and street cafes, and near the shore made a miniregatta . Islanders have been angered by the rampant Russian loud music began to rattle in the morning. Local media estimated the cost spree of 2 million euros. But in Russia, it is no surprise. After all, as they say, not only supports Arzhanov very good, almost friendly relations with the relevant officials. His rise has contributed a lot, as they say, even the minister Mikhail Abyzov. Probably, such costs would be easy to close your eyes, because the intimate addiction a private matter of each person. If it were not for one thing. Huge spending on elite prostitutes of people de facto paid for out of the pockets of ordinary Russians. Dmitry Arzhanov heads one of the largest independent power sales companies of Russia PJSC GK "TNSEnergo". This business was invented by the genius of the legendary Anatoly Chubais in the d
ivision of RAO "UES of Russia". Then sector reform meant separation in independent structures of different types of the former energy monopoly businesses generation, transmission and distribution. power supply companies, which themselves produce nothing, but at the same time control the huge cash flow As a result, the class of parasites has been created. And do not forget to regularly raise tariffs. In recent years Arzhanova structure quite significantly raised the cost of electricity this information can be easily found on the Internet. Those in power are constantly explain why the tariffs for housing and communal services may not grow from year to year. In the course there are constant horror stories, which essentially boils down to the fact that if you do not raise prices today you freeze tomorrow. There are words such as inflation, depreciation, civilization, etc. Only for some reason among these words rarely comes across phrases about the need to "restrain their heads aristocratic appetites." Perhaps
that is why even in the fat times of economic growth in the country is gradually reduced. And now, at all there is a serious decline in the level of income and fall of both the state and the population.
5 R's of Reverse Logistics The 5 R's of Reverse Logistics move forward with reverse logistics By Mike Dill Supply Chain, Being smart about your supply chain means optimizing every link from forward to reverse logistics. While most companies are actively working to optimize their forward supply chain, the returns management process remains a black hole a cost center offering little visibility into what products are in the pipeline and whether they should be repaired, repackaged, restocked, recycled, disposed of or be in the reverse channel at all. As a result, returns cost consumer companies billions of dollars every year. The good news? All that is changing. Especially in the automotive, retail, and technology sectors, where recalls and consumer returns are increasing. In an effort to squeeze more efficiencies and cost savings from the supply chain, companies are focusing on reverse logistics the last and most overlooked frontier for supply chain optimization. As they do, theyre streamlining the five Rs of
reverse logistics returns, recalls, repairs, repackaging and recycling. In all actuality, there are more than five Rs to reverse logistics think receiving, recovery, reconditioning, reboxing, resale etc. However, for the sake of discussion, lets group them into five main categories and take a closer look. What is reverse logistics and why does it matter? Traditional forward logistics encompasses the flow of products from factory to consumer. Reverse logistics encompasses recapturing the value of returned products, parts, and materials from the end consumer by getting them back into the marketplace as swiftly as possible or by properly disposing of them. Returns management activities typically include repair, warranty recovery, redistribution, value recovery, product and service contract returns, product recalls, used equipment and replacement parts for refurbishment, resale or sale as raw material. So why does reverse logistics matter? Its impact is significant on two fronts returns impact both the custome
r experience and the bottom line. An Aberdeen study revealed that the average manufacturer spends between 9 and 15 percent of revenues on returns. Hightech companies, especially, can realize significant near and longterm benefits by optimizing their reverse logistics processes. In fact, improving reverse logistics processes in an effort to maximize asset recovery rates and reduce costs can deliver a return of up to 5 percent of total sales. In addition to financial impacts, a welloiled returns process can have a positive impact on the customer experience important when you consider that the average cost of getting a new customer is five times that of keeping one. When you interact with customers effectively during the return experience, you wont just drive repeat orders you improve customer satisfaction and loyalty. For these reasons and more, it pays to improve returns management in five key areas. Returns are typically the first step in the reverse logistics flow. Customers return products for a number o
f reasons. An item may be defective, damaged, seasonal, fails to meet expectations, or simply represents excess inventory. Whatever the reason, the key to handling returns efficiently is having processes in place for receiving, inspecting and testing products, along with return material authorization RMA verification and tracking systems. Some companies find its more efficient to decouple the return and repair processes completely. Another way parts and products are returned is through recalls. A critical reverse logistics category, recalls are more complex than basic returns because they typically involve a product defect or potential hazard and may be subject to government regulations, liability concerns or reporting requirements. Hightech devices are typically recalled because of faulty electronics, construction issues, problems with batteries or potential hazards. The key is to have processes in place to receive, replace, resell or reclaim failed partsproducts and whenever possible salvage revenues and t
urn a potentially negative customer experience into a positive one that builds brand trust. Repair also refurbishment, reuse, or remanufacturing Not all products that are returned go directly to landfills. If the faults are not too severe, manufacturers identify the failure and repair, refurbish or remanufacture the product to likenew condition and return it to stock. Alternately, at end of life, manufacturers may harvest various functional components for reuse. These practices are becoming more common as manufacturers recognize the value of reusing materials from returned goods. This may be to advance sustainability efforts, recoup costs or both. Either way, retail shelves are increasingly stocked with both new and reused or remanufactured products. Without a reverse logistics process in place to streamline the repair, refurbishment andor remanufacturing of these products and inventory management processes to go with them, you may invest too much time and money on repair parts or labor. Visibility and track
ing are essential to ensuring efficiency. Repackaging for restock or resale in secondary channels There are two scenarios where returned parts and products might be remanufactured. Most products are returned because customers are dissatisfied with them in the neighborhood of 95 percent not because theres something wrong with them. When testing reveals no trouble found, these products are typically repackaged and returned to inventory as quickly as possible. Alternately, partsproducts with minor flaws may be repaired, reconditioned and repackaged for resale. This is an area where colocating forward and reverse logistics processes can deliver important returns. With multiline packaging capacity already available for packaging new products, the same facility can be used to repackage returns for resale using secondary channels like overstock.com. Recycling, disposal, and disposition The focus on recycling returned or endoflife parts, components and products is driving more sustainable practices in every industry,
but particularly so in hightech. When products reach the ends of their useful lives and must be scrapped, electronic manufacturers are increasingly finding safe, costeffective and environmentally friendly ways to dispose of them. That might mean engaging thirdparty recycling companies to collectreclaim waste and dispose of assets for them. One area thats seeing a surge in recycling and reclamation efforts is in hightech devices like mobile phones or circuit boards, where companies recover rare earth metals like gold, silver, titanium, palladium or copper. By salvaging, reclaiming and reusing components, companies can reduce costs and minimize waste. Setting up or finetuning reverse logistics processes can be a complex and timeconsuming undertaking. Especially if reverse logistics is not a core competency or you dont have the inhouse resources to devote to it. As a result, many businesses outsource returns management to experienced third parties that can help them improve quality, cost savings, visibility, in
ventory management and the overall customer experience. "A welloiled returns process can have a positive impact on the customer experience." Flexible Truck Capacity Advancing Your Ecommerce Supply Chain
SAARC CHARTER DAY 2020 SAARC Cultural Center observed the 36th SAARC Charter Day on the 8th of December 2020 at the Centre premises in a very charming, yet in an elegant manner to embrace the decisive steps taken by the Heads of Eight Member States to develop South Asias unique identity through its Cooperation towards each member state. This day marks the adoption of SAARC Charter which reckoned the establishment of South Asias Regional Cooperation SAARC at its very first Summit meeting held in Dhaka in 1985 with the inaugural participation of all the Heads of States. As we celebrate the 36th year of commemoration, Member States of the SAARC show cased the reaffirmation of their strong commitment towards fostering the mutual connectivity within the region and stabilizing the regional ties. It recognizes the determination and commitment of the Member States of Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka in furthering the acceleration of socio economic and cultural developm
ent in the region. Through out the past decade, with the establishment of SAARC Cultural Centre in Colombo, Sri Lanka in 2009, with the gracious imagination and the Great Vision and Mission of the former President His Excellency Mahinda Rajapaksha presently the Honourable Prime Minister and the Honourable Minister of Buddha Sasana and Cultural Affairs it has been functioning as the Centre par Excellence in restoring, developing and promoting the culture and its distinctive aspects of the region through a variety of activities and Research to facilitate the cultural development within the region. The Centre has paved the path for many cultural programmes intending to cultivate the mutuality in cultural cooperation. SAARC Charter Day, one of the highlights in the Calendar of Activities of the Centre, marks and symbolizes the utmost commitment and the accomplishment of the Member States in pursuing and attaining its goals. However, the year 2020 witnessed a reception attended by a limited number of officials rep
resenting the SAARC Cultural Centre, due to the prevailing COVID19 Pandemic situation as it affected the activities of proposed by the Center as well. Therefore, the 36th SAARC Charter Day was not grandeur as it was before, and held keeping the health guidelines issued by the respective authorities of the host country and the instructions given by the SAARC Secretariat. Thus, the reception commenced with the Directors welcome of the officials of the SAARC Cultural Centre, and a brief of the History and significance of the SAARC Charter Day. Thereafter, she orated the Message of His Excellency the President of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, Mr. Gotabaya Rajapaksa Click here The President has made a special reference to the recent efforts taken in establishing and moderating SAARC COVID19 emergency fund and its operationalization. Further he has reaffirmed the continuous support and firm commitment to the SAARC process and progress. Following the oration of the His Excellency the President, she
orated the message sent by the Honourable Prime Minister and the Minister of Buddha Sasana and Cultural Affairs of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, Mr. Mahinda Rajapaksa. The speech made the point of placing utmost commitment to make the regional mechanism dynamic and result oriented for the benefit of common progress of the region. Further the message noted Sri Lankas full and firm commitment to taking forward the organisation and its principles Click here.She further orated the message sent by His Excellency the Secretary General of the SAARC. Mr. Esala Ruwan Weerakoon. His message marked the appreciation towards the initiative of SAARC Covid19 emergency fund and commended the continuous efforts of the Member States in mitigating the Covid19 pandemic Click here. Later, the Director invited the Deputy Director for Programmes to read out the message sent by the Honourable Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Dinesh Gunawardena of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka. He made a special ref
erence highlighting Sri Lankas cooperation and firm determination in achieving shared vision of achieving prosperity for the people of the region Click here. Following the oration of the felicitation messages, the reception concluded with serving of refreshments to the officials present. Secretary General SAARC 36th SAARC Charter Day 15 images SAARC Film Festival SAARC Film Festival will be held from 22nd to 26th September 2020 in Sri Lanka. The Festival which is acclaimed for being the platform for regional engagement for the South Asian film fraternity will witness its 10th Edition this year. SCC has been working on the realignment of the festival format and the due precautionary measures to comply to the prevailing challenges. SAARC Exhibition of Paintings 2020 SAARC Exhibition of Paintings 2020 was held at the Senaka Bandaranayake Hall, University of Kelaniya on the 23rd of August 2020. The event was organised by the SAARC Cultural Centre in collaboration with the University of Kelaniya ensuring the heal
th measures in place. The exhibition was a culmination of the SAARC Artist Camp held at the Maldives in 2019. The camp was conceptualized around the theme Oceans, a binding treasure of South Asia and Cultures and Confluences of Creativity. 26 artists from the Member States of Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal and Sri Lanka participated enthusiastically to express themselves through colours and brush strokes. They drew inspiration from the theme and expressed themselves in the form of paintings. These artworks consisted of a variety of genres, techniques and mediums. One can enjoy the vast and multifold appeal of the mother nature delineated through delightful visions. Though the Oceans remains as the binding and common inspiration for the artists yet each artwork entails a narrative of its respective creator. The unspoken is carefully crafted to bring forth the essence, joy and serenity of the ocean. The underline tale of the shared cultural heritage and values are bespoken through seascapes, calligraphy, a
bstract landscapes and figurative visions. Most of the artists have chosen oil as their medium, whereas few paintings made with mixed media and acrylic adds variety to the exposition. SAARC Exhibition of Paintings 78 images SAARC International Womens Day i. Date 8th March 2020 ii. Venue Bangladesh iii. Programme NonParticipatory iv. Theme Women in Handicraft sector of Bangladesh 8th of March is observed as the SAARC International womens Day coinciding with the International Womens Day celebrations held around the globe. This year, the Centre organizes this programme in association with the Ministry of Women and Child affairs of Bangladesh. The 2020 programme aims at recognising Women in Handicraft sector of Bangladesh. Handicrafts of Bangladesh can be traced back to the time immemorial and it includes textile, metal works, jewelry, woodworks, clay, pottery and jute products. Over the time, the handicrafts of Bangladesh have gained much attention and still in the momentum of acquiring recognition around the gl
obe. Women play a predominant role in the handicraft sector of Bangladesh comprising of selfemployed homebased workers. As this years celebrations are taking place in Bangladesh, the role of women in Handicrafts sector of Bangladesh will be highlighted. The focus of the programme is a Forum of discussion titled Expression of Womanhood through Handicrafts. This forum is expected to generate productive outcomes that would be instrumental in the development of Handicrafts sector. Significantly to discuss matters which are more relevant to the handicraft sector in the region of South Asia; like using online platform for marketing, highlighting sustainable materials of the handicrafts, relating crafts and folktales. The programme will acknowledge prominent women personalities from the Handicraft sector of Bangladesh. The key note address will focus on prospective aspects of crafts as the only alternative for sustainable life products. Through this Forum, speakers will be sharing their life journey as artisans the
ir challenges and successes. The SAARC Cultural Centre strongly believes that this interactive platform would facilitate the exchange of experiences and will spark the motivation and confidence among the women aspirants. SAARC Handicraft Exhibition Workshop 2019 Nepal Venue Patan Durbar, Lalitpur Metropolitan City, Nepal Date 8th 12th September 2019 Known for its rich traditional culture, the SAARC member state of Nepal has an exquisite history of handicrafts and has produced several types of artefacts created from various materials such as wood, stone, metal and fabric. Many traditional arts and crafts continue to take place in the present day, including painting, woodwork, weaving, sculpture, handicrafts with silver and other metals and paper crafts. The wooden and stone carvings that appear in abundance in and around popular heritage sights and places of worship, with their intricate work and attention to detail, are excellent examples of the expertise of Nepalese handicraftsmen and women, passed down fr
om generation to generation. The tradition of craftsmanship is still preserved in Nepal, ranging from textilebased handicrafts such as Pashminas, wool, hemp, felt, silk and cotton, to nontextilebased handicrafts such as creations made of wood, stone, metal, leather, bone, horn, ceramics, bamboo and handmade paper products. Traditional Dhaka fabric is widely considered the pride of Nepal. This rich local textile is woven with attractive bright colours with striking combinations which are then fashioned into different garments for men and women in a variety of weaves. These are worn extensively, and with great pride as an identifying craft of the Nepalese people. Woodcraft is perhaps one of the oldest and most popular forms of handicraft in Nepal and is practiced and passed down the generations by the distinguished clan of Newar and still holds pride of place amongst the artistic treasures of Nepal. The SAARC Cultural Centre will celebrate this rich tradition of handicrafts and artistry with the honoured Member
State of Nepal and will conduct the SAARC Handicraft Exhibition and Workshop between the 8th to 12th of September 2019 for a period of 4 days at Lalitpur in Nepal. This Programme will provide a suitable platform for the Exhibition of handmade treasures from the South Asian Region and to provide the creators of these valuable pieces of the Regions Heritage, a forum for discussion, interaction and exchange of valuable tools and knowledge of the trade, within an atmosphere of friendship and Regional Cooperation. The cultural experience of sharing and exploring the handmade treasures of the Region through the SAARC Handicraft Exhibition and Workshop, has been a popular Programme within the SAARC Cultural Centre calendar and has been conducted and received in several SAARC Member States with great enthusiasm. This programme has given emphasis to the creative and clever craftsmen and women, giving them an opportunity to exhibit their products, meet other artisans from the Region and to discuss new trends and techn
iques within the industry. In addition to an Exhibition and the display of crafts, there will also be the additional aim of promoting the exchange of knowledge and technical expertise amongst its artisans and to promote the development of new designs and products which are appropriate and attractive to the demands of the new world market. Lying at crossroads between the arts, business and technology, the creative industries sector comprises a large variety of creative fields, from those heavily industrialised such as advertising and marketing, broadcasting, film industries etc, to those which are less so, like cultural industries. This sector is increasingly important for the benefit of the people of the Region, from the perspective of heritage preservation and economic terms, and the SAARC Cultural Centre is committed to assisting the Region to realise its full potential. In keeping with the Mandate of the SAARC Cultural Centre, cooperation in the field of product development and the promotion of cultural pr
oducts amongst the Member States has been a consistent feature in the Programmes conducted by the Centre. Development of creative cultural enterprises and creative industries, promoting cultural product development, creation of market opportunities, exchange of information and networking arrangements is in accordance with the underlying principal of encouraging better cultural understanding between the SAARC Member States. Through this Programme, the SAARC Cultural Centre hopes to create an opportunity to promote local handicrafts and craftsmen of the Region, facilitate the exchange of techniques and knowhow through workshops and interaction, develop the data base of information for future reference and encourage fellowship and renewed interest in the traditional and innovative handicrafts of the SAARC Region. SAARC Photography Competition Reflections of Tangible and Intangible Cultural Heritage of Dance in South Asia 1. THEME OF THE COMPETITION The theme of the SAARC Photography Competition is Tangible and I
ntangible Heritage of Dance. This includes photographs of classical, folk, ritualistic, regional, etc., dance performances as well as the traditions, beliefs and rituals associated with dance in each Member State of Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Maldives, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. The costumes, jewellery, makeup, accompanied instruments, etc., associated with dance captured as an image will reflect the tangible heritage aspect of dance. 2. OBJECTIVES OF THE COMPETITION 2.1 To record the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Dance of South Asia. 2.2 To form a collection of photographs of South Asian Dance to be used for future SAARC Cultural Centre exhibitions. 2.3 To encourage the development of photography of Intangible Cultural Heritage of the Region. 2.4 To provide an opportunity for the photographers of the SAARC Region to showcase their talents within the Region. 2.5 To maintain a digital archive of the intangible heritage of South Asia at the SAARC Cultural Centre. 2.6 To hold an exhibition wit
h the best photos received to share the wonder of dance in the SAARC Region. 2.7 To use the photographs in the Cultural Calendar for 2020 of the SAARC Cultural Centre. 3. COMPETITION GUIDELINES 3.1 Only citizens of SAARC Member States can participate. 3.2 The decision of the Panel of Judges and the SAARC Cultural Centre is final. 3.3 Each entrant can submit up to three images for the competition. The photographs will be judged as a single image and not as a series of images. 3.4 Images can reflect either the tangible heritage of dance, intangible heritage of dance or both aspects of dance. 3.5 Each entry must be accompanied by the Registration Form attached here as Annexure 1. 3.6 Each image should be no smaller than 1MB and no larger than 5MB and 300dpi. 3.7 Images should be JPEG files and should be emailed to the SAARC Cultural Centre. Other photo formats will not be accepted or considered for the competition. 3.8 All images must be saved in the RGB colour model. 3.9 The entries should not contain any comme
rcial content or any other products or services. 3.10 Photographs with watermarks or credits will not be accepted. 3.11 No animals should be harmed or manipulated in the making of the image. 3.12 Photographs manipulated using digital software such as photoshop, etc., will not be accepted. 4. OTHER DETAILS 4.1 The SAARC Cultural Centre reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to disqualify and remove any entry that does not comply with the requirements of the SAARC Cultural Centre stated above 3.1 to 3.12. 4.2 The awardwinning photographs will be published in the Cultural Calendar 2020 of the SAARC Cultural Centre and displayed at exhibitions and events of the SAARC Cultural Centre. 4.3 The photographer of the image will retain the copyright of the entry. If the image is used in the activities of SAARC Cultural Centre, the images will carry the name of the photographer. 4.4 SAARC Member States will retain the right to reject photographs if considered inappropriate representation of the Member State. 4.5 The
SAARC Cultural Centre will retain the right to use the images for the activities of the SAARC Cultural Centre Publications, exhibitions, etc.. 5. COMPETITION AWARDS A Panel of Judges will select the 4 best photographs submitted from among all entries received. First Place is a cash prize of US 500 or equivalent in local currency and a certificate. Second Place US 400 or equivalent in local currency and a certificate. Third Place US 300 or equivalent in local currency and a certificate. Fourth Place US 200 or equivalent in local currency and a certificate. Certificates of commendation will be awarded to selected 8 photographs one from each Member State, other than the winners mentioned above. Winners will be informed by email on 30th November 2019. 6. SUBMISSION DETAILS 6.1 All images and Registration Forms should be emailed to sccphotocompgmail.com before 31st October 2019. 6.2 For further queries please contact ddresearchsaarcculture.org SAARC Film Festival 2019 Date 2nd to 7th July 2019 Venue National
Film Corporation Cinema Hall, Sri Lanka SAARC Cultural Centre successfully conducted the Ninth SAARC Film Festival from 2nd to 7th of July 2019 at the National Film Corporation, Sri Lanka. The Festival was held for six consecutive days screening 34 films comprising of 15 Feature Films, 13 Short Films and 6 Master Films from the SAARC Member States of Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. The Film Festival, which was a diverse celebration of cinematic creations through the medium of film, is an annual highlight of the Centres Calendar of activities. This year also the festival became an event for promotion, celebration and enjoyment of some of the best films from the South Asian Region. INAUGURATION CEREMONY 2nd July 2019 at the National Film Corporation Cinema Hall, Colombo, Sri Lanka. Inauguration Ceremony of the Ninth SAARC Film Festival took place at the Cinema Hall of the National Film Corporation, Sri Lanka. The Chief Guest for the event was Hon. Dr. Harsha De
Silva, Minister of Economic Reforms and Public Distribution, Sri Lanka. Distinguished Representatives from the SAARC Member States including film industry professionals from the Member States of Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal and Sri Lanka were amongst the distinguished gathering. Moreover, Dignitaries from multitude of disciplines were present at the ceremony. The Inauguration Ceremony began with the lighting of the traditional oil lamp to the beat of the traditional Sri Lankan drums. The Chief Guest and other distinguished invitees were ceremoniously led to the hall by the traditional drums and dance ensemble. Ms. Renuka Ekanayake, Director of the SAARC Cultural Centre delivering the welcome address emphasized the significance of film making as a globally powerful form of art. She further added that the SAARC Film Festival is one of the most important cultural events keeping in line with the main objectives of SAARC Cultural Centre in promoting cultural cooperation amongst the Member States. Honourable
Minister of Economic Reforms and Public Distribution expressed his views relating to the governments role in supporting the local film industry. A threemember International Jury comprising Mr. Hassan Nazer Iran, Head of the Jury, Ms. Milana Majar Bosnia, and Mr. Emmanuel Dela Cruz Philippines were formally introduced by Mr. Dhanushka Gunathileke, Consultant of the Ninth SAARC Film Festival. The First Film screened of the festival was the Master Film Padmaavat nominated by the honoured Member State of India. 5th July 2019 at the Colombo Film and Television Academy A Master Class was organised to coincide with the Ninth SAARC Film Festival on the 5th July 2019 at the Colombo Film and Television Academy. The topic under discussion was Why do we need funding for independent Cinema. The Master Class was introduced by Mr. Dhanushka Gunathileke, followed by a presentation from Head of the Jury Mr. Hassan Nazer. Mr. Nazer, an awardwinning Film Director as well as a Jury Member at many international film festivals, s
hared his experiences and knowledge related to the theme. Ms. Milana Majar, Jury Member from Bosnia presented her views on the topic sharing her knowledge and experience in funding for Independent Cinema. Ms. Majar is a journalist, screenwriter and a film director with many documentary films to her credit. Mr. Emmanuel Dela Cruz from the Philippines shared his experience of Independent Cinema in Asia. Mr. Dela Cruz is a versatile screenwriter, filmmaker, theater artist, graphic artist and songwriter of international repute. The Master Class provided an opportunity to young filmmakers of Sri Lanka to develop an understanding of the possibilities available for Independent Cinema and learn from experienced Film professionals. An interesting discussion followed the presentations where the international panel was able to share their knowledge of other topics related to cinema. 2nd to 7th July 2019 at the National Film Corporation Cinema Hall, Colombo, Sri Lanka. A total of 34 films comprising of 15 Feature Films,
13 Short Films and 6 Master Films nominated by SAARC Member States took place from 2nd to 7th July 2019 at the Cinema Hall of the National Film Corporation, Sri Lanka. Entrance was free to the public. It was a rare opportunity for audience members to view some of the best films from across the SAARC region. CLOSING AND THE AWARDS CEREMONY 7th July 2019 at the National Film Corporation Cinema Hall, Colombo, Sri Lanka. The Closing and the Awards Ceremony of the Ninth SAARC Film Festival was held on the 7th July 2019 at the Cinema Hall of the National Film Corporation, Sri Lanka. The Chief Guest for the ceremony was Hon. J. C. Alawathuwala, State Minister of Internal Home Affairs and Provincial Councils and Local Government of Sri Lanka. Secretary General of SAARC, H.E. Mr. Amjad Hussain B. Sial was the Guest of Honour. The Secretary General of SAARC in his address stated that the regions films have the potential to showcase facets of the South Asian experience to the outside world, as well as promoting our ric
h cultural heritage and diverse landscapes. Among the distinguished audience at the closing ceremony were Members of Diplomatic Corps of SAARC Member States in Colombo, Professionals from the Film Industry, other industries and film enthusiasts, etc. At the Awards Ceremony the Jury Members explained their collective deliberations on the selection of the winners. The Ceremony featured several cultural items including a traditional dance item and a drum fusion performance. The winning film NAGARKIRTAN was screened after the Awards Ceremony. The Ninth SAARC Film Festival 2019 was a very successful event. This festival featured some of the best and awardwinning films of the Region, enabling the audience to enjoy the creative visual culture depicting social, cultural, political, etc., issues of South Asia portrayed through the cinematic lenses. The SAARC Cultural Centre was able to create a platform for the film industry professionals to learn from each other through the films and the masterclass. The ideas and kn
owledge exchanged and obtained from the international panel of Jury enabled the filmmakers to further develop their craft. The friendships developed during the festival has laid the seeds for future collaborations within the Region. The films also created an awareness the issues of the Region, providing an enriching experience and an understanding of the different countries of the Region. Inauguration 64 images MasterClass 30 images Award Ceremony 121 images SAARC Exhibition of Paintings 2019 Sri Lanka Date 22nd 24th January 2019 Venue Senaka Bandaranayake Hall, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, The SAARC Exhibition of Paintings 2019, was conducted successfully at the Senaka Bandaranayake Hall, University of Kelaniya in Sri Lanka from the 22nd 24th of January 2019. The Exhibition of Paintings displayed the diverse painting and artistic talents of the SAARC Region with a collection of over 50 paintings from the SAARC Member States of Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and S
ri Lanka. The paintings on display formed a stunning array of artistic talents and creative vision by representatives from the participating member states, consisting of artists young and mature, traditional and contemporary, male and female, the famous and the undiscovered. These meaningful and vibrant works of art, showcasing the beauty of our diverse Region, were immortalised on canvas by representatives of the SAARC Member States. The paintings on display were the result of a consolidated effort over the years to bring together painters from the Region, to create such works of art, under the auspices of the SAARC Artists Camp. The respective Host Member State provided beautiful and inspiring surroundings in which to conduct these SAARC Artists Camps, and where possible, the input and guidance of modernday Masters. A majority of the paintings on display for this Exhibition were the results of the SAARC Artists Camp and Exhibition of Paintings 2018, conducted in Sri Lanka, under the themes, South Asian Sple
ndour and Vibrant Tranquillity. The sceneries brought to life by our SAARC Artists, display their creative inspirations which flourish at this annual event organised by the SAARC Cultural Centre Honoured dignitaries from the SAARC Member States of Nepal and Pakistan and the Foreign Ministry of Sri Lanka, learned academics, Chairperson of the National Craft Council and other distinguished invitees, were welcomed onto the premises of the University in a traditional Sri Lankan manner. The inauguration ceremony commenced with the traditional lighting of the oil lamp led by the Director of the SAARC Cultural Centre, Ms. Renuka Ekanayake and the Vice Chancellor of the University of Kelaniya, Professor D.M. Semasinghe, followed by Mr. Intisar Sulhery, Press Attach of the High Commission of Pakistan in Sri Lanka, Ms. Dhana Kumari Joshi, First Secretary of the Embassy of Nepal in Sri Lanka, Ms. Thiloma Abayajeewa, Acting Deputy Director from SAARC Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Sri Lanka, Deputy Vice C
hancellor, Senior Professor Lakshman Senevirathne, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities, Professor Patrick Rathnayake, Professor Anura Manatunga, Senior professor in Archaeology, the Head of the Department of Fine Arts Prof. Prashanthi Narangoda, Chairperson of the National Craft Council, Ms. Heshani Bogollagama, Librarian of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Dr. Nayana Wijayasundara, Additional Secretary to the Ministry of Cultural Affairs, Mr. Vijitha Nandakumara, Director, National Research Council, the Deputy Director Programmes of the SAARC Cultural Centre, Mrs. Kishani Jayasinghe Wijayasekara, the Deputy Director for Research Ms. Bindu Urugodawatte, the Culture Specialist for Programmes, Dr. Soumya Chavan and other distinguished guests. The Director of the SAARC Cultural Centre, addressed the audience with a welcome speech, followed by the address of the Vice Chancellor of the University of Kelaniya. This was followed by a traditional dance, presented by the students of the Fine Arts department. The
first segment of formalities ended with the vote of thanks delivered by the Deputy Director of Programmes. The distinguished guests were then invited to proceed to the main entrance of the Senaka Bandaranayake Hall, where the participating officials from the SAARC Member States and other relevant guests officially declared open the 2019 SAARC Exhibition of Paintings. Thereafter, the honoured guests enjoyed the vibrant and diverse displays of art from the SAARC Member States. A commemorative brochure was produced for the Programme, which was distributed to all distinguished guests present. ART THERAPY WORKSHOPS Creative and Expressive Art The Centre conducted several auxiliary events to enhance the appreciation of art and the overall productivity of the SAARC Exhibition of Paintings 2019. The events consisted of Art Therapy Workshops on the 23rd of January 2019, and Lectures on Paintings and Art followed by discussions on the 24th of January 2019. The Art Therapy Workshops were conducted by professional art t
herapist, Ms. Shimali Perera on the 23rd of January, titled Creative and Expressive Art. The Event was attended by Mr. Mohammad Hazrat Ali Khan, Counsellor, Embassy of Bangladesh in Sri Lanka. There were three sessions which promoted creative selfexpression at a symbolic and metaphoric level. This was achieved through innovative use of art media, leading to a greater understanding of self. The underlying objective of the workshops, was to create a space where participants were given an opportunity to creatively express themselves and to provide an introspective selfawareness through the creative use of art media. The workshops were conducted using an informal approach, and designed to encourage exploring ones inner strengths through the creative use of art and imagination. These workshops were organised with a variety of participants in mind, with a particular focus on art students and the youth. The sessions brought about a positive outcome which left the participants with an increased sense of confidence, e
steem and awareness. The lectures and discussions on painting and art took place on the 24th of January, and were conducted by Professor Patrick Rathnayake, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Professor Anura Manatunga, senior professor of Archaeology, both from the University of Kelaniya. The lectures were valuable and addressed relevant and interesting subject matter relating to art, culture and the overall effect it has on life, learning and success. The SAARC Exhibition of Paintings 2019, was concluded in a successful manner, achieving its objectives and displaying positive outcomes. The Centre was able to promote regional unity through the medium of art, showcase inherent aspects of the heritage of the SAARC Member States and to promote and protect South Asias culture through art. It was a fitting tribute to the celebration of South Asian art and artists and achieved its objective of spreading unity, culture and greater understanding through art and culture. Workshop on Creative and Expressive Art Ther
apy 95 images Lecture Discussion on Paintings and Art 56 images Ninth SAARC Film Festival Award Winners Ninth SAARC Film Festival 2019 AWARD WINNERS AND CITATIONS 1. BEST FEATURE FILM NAGARKIRTAN INDIA For its most sensitive and delicate employment of the emphatic power of cinema, not just in depicting truth but understanding beyond prejudice, cultural, religious and gender borders. 2. BEST SHORT FILM NA BOLE WO HARAM INDIA For its playful yet vital depiction of the young generation, searching within the deep cultural bias, and finally finding balance in understanding the moral code of right and wrong. 3. BEST DIRECTOR MR. KAUSHIK GANGULY for the film NAGARKIRTAN INDIA For taking full reins in giving humanity, nuance, colour, exigency, impetus and form to a narrative of beautiful sexual identity and selfcreation, beyond the tragedies of social prejudices. 4. BEST SCREENPLAY Mr. AZIZ DEILDAR for the film LETTER TO THE PRESIDENT AFGHANISTAN For its courage to finally speak the truth about real events b
ehind closed doors, the complex and corrosive relationship between government law and customary law and the unspoken but systemic depiction of injustice against a woman in Afghanistan 5. BEST ACTOR MR. RIDDHI SEN in the film NAGARKIRTAN INDIA For his sharply measured yet intricately beguiling portrayal of the inner life and outer transformations of a young boy coming out painstakingly from of its own constricting chrysalis into the light and embrace of selfacceptance as a woman. 6.BEST ACTRESS MS. ANOMA JANADARI in the film DAVENA VIHAGUN SRI LANKA For her stoic but powerful, silent and blistering portrayal of mother courage in facing countless brutal degradation, and humiliation in carrying the double burden of being the centre and periphery of boundless, selfless parental love. 7. BEST CINEMATOGRAPHER MR. ENAMUL HOQUE SOHEL for the film FAGUN HAOAY BANGLADESH For cinematically depicting the milieu, scope and period of historical significance, making each frame vital not just in pushing the narrative,
but highlighting the culture, identity and aspirations of a collective mass of people. 8. BEST EDITOR AJITH RAMANAYAKE KATHARINA WARTENA for the film DAVENA VIHAGUN SRI LANKA For creating an immersive and riveting experience, by combining the push and flow of slow takes, and precise cuts, weaving a tragic tale of inevitability unto its bleakest end. 9. BEST SOUND DESIGNER MR. RIPON NATH for the film FAGUN HAOAY BANGLADESH For creating a tumultuous aural tapestry of the native spoken languages of a country and its people, in their everyday struggle and escalating conviction against a powerhungry and repressive foreign regime. 10. BEST ORIGINAL SCORE MR. PRABUDDHA BANERJEE for the film NAGARKIRTAN INDIA For musically rendering the arrestingly soft, intoxicating and painstaking beauty of a unique kind of love between a musician and a young paramour, against the harsh realities of social judgement and prejudice. 11. Special Jury Award PERFORMANCE MS. SWASTIMA KHADKA for the film BULBUL NEPAL For fully
committing and brilliantly bringing out the pain and agony, and still imbibing indefatigable courage, balancing mental, emotional and physical turmoil authentically, in a performance both fully transformed and transformative. 12. SPECIAL JURY DIRECTION AND STORY MR. PRAVEEN MORCHHALE For the film WALKING WITH THE WIND INDIA For mightily depicting a moving story of childhood innocence and singleminded purpose, and for its definitive direction and selfassured telling of its simple but joyful story. NB ADDITIONAL AWARDS PRESENTED AT THE DISCRETION OF THE JURY 13. SPECIAL JURY RECOGNITION Certificate only TRADITION SRI LANKA for strong FEMALE PERSPECTIVE For courageously depicting the struggles of a young woman in reconciling personal relationships with gender politics and cultural bias, by giving light into her inner life and emotional nakedness. TATTINI Moon is Bright Tonight NEPAL For its picturesque and encompassing view of societal tradition and norm, in a story of a womans continued fight for marital o
wnership, acceptance and respect.
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Every parishioner is encouraged to consider the parish, other Catholic causes and general community needs when preparing or updating a final will and testament. Often people cannot be as generous during their lifetime as they would choose. However, they can make provisions, even small ones, in their wills. Please consider remembering Saint Agnes Parish, Saint Agnes School, or the Msgr. John F. Murphy School Endowment Fund in your will. Remember, if you dont make a will designating your wishes regarding your estate, the State of Kentucky supplies one, which may or may not be in accord with your wishes. Remembering our parish in your will is an excellent way to leave a legacy with our parish. Saint Agnes Parish and School has benefited in the past from bequests.
Church Mysteries The Sacraments of the Orthodox Church, like the Church Herself, can be said to possess a double character, for they are at the same time inward and outward, visible and invisible. They combine in themselves both an outward visible sign with an inward spiritual grace. For example, in the Holy Eucharist, we eat the Body and Blood of Christ, although visibly they appear to be bread and wine. Likewise, in Holy Baptism there is an outward washing with water, but simultaneously an inward cleansing of sins. Thus, we often speak of the Sacraments as being mysteries, for, in the sense outlined above, what we see is not what we believe. In most of the Sacraments, the Holy Church takes things that are material, e.g., bread, wine, water, and oil, and make them vehicles of the Holy Spirit, in imitation of our Lord's Incarnation, when, as the Second Person of the Trinity, He took material flesh and made it a vehicle of the Holy Spirit. We also note here another characteristic of the Sacraments, in that the
y are personal. That is, the grace of God is given to every Christian individually. Therefore, in most of the Sacraments, the Priest pronounces the Christian name of each person as the Sacrament is administered. Thus, for example, at the Holy Eucharist, when giving Holy Communion, the Priest says, the Servant or Handmaid of God Name partakes.... Customarily, in the Orthodox Church we speak of Seven Sacraments, although we must note that this was not fixed until about the 17th Century. The Fathers themselves disagreed as to the actual number some said two, some six, some ten, and there were even those who said seven, but differed among themselves as to what constituted that seven. Many other sacramental acts, such as the Blessing of Waters at Theophany, the Monastic Tonsure, the Burial Service, and the Blessing of Any Object, for example, possess the same criteria as the earlier definition of sacrament. In any case, the number seven has no absolute dogmatic significance in our Orthodox theology, but is used on
ly for teaching convenience. The Sacraments, as they are traditionally numbered, are 1. Holy Baptism 2. Holy Chrismation 3. The Holy Eucharist 4. Repentance Penance, Confession 5. Holy Orders 6. Holy Matrimony 7. The Anointing of the Sick
DOGS RALLY FALLS JUST SHORT AGAINST SIOUX CITY LINCOLN, Nebraska Justin Byrd went 2for3 with a solo homer, Keenan Bartlett tossed his third quality start of the year, but a late Lincoln 2123 rally fell short in a 32 loss to the Sioux City Explorers 2817 at Haymarket Park on Wednesday night. Byrd had his first multihit game since June 19th, and hit a solo homer in the 7th to cut Sioux Citys lead to 31. Yanio Perez drove in another run with an RBI single in the 8th, before the Dogs put the tying run at second in the 9th. Forrestt Allday grounded out to end the game, and Matt Pobereyko earned his leaguebest 14th save. Keenan Bartlett allowed just two runs over six innings both coming in the 3rd on Jose Sermos 17th homer this year. The Xs added another run on Blake Tiberis basesloaded walk in the 7th, and the Xs held on for their second win of the series. Carter Hope allowed his first run since June 13th, while Logan Lombana pitched a scoreless 8th and Josh Norwood pitched a scorless 9th. Perez went 2for3 with
a double and an RBI, and David Vidal went 1for3 with a walk. The Dogs have a chance to split the fourgame set on Thursday. First pitch time is scheduled for 705 p.m. and pregame coverage begins at 635 on ESPN Lincoln 101.5 FM1480 AM. The Saltdogs are celebrating their 20th season at Haymarket Park this season! All ticket and promotional information can be viewed at saltdogs.com.
Archive April 2014 GOOD INTENTIONS! Do you ever get mixed up on the days? Perhaps you think its Wednesday, and its Thursday or you date something with the month that just passed, and youre suddenly feeling, Where is time going!?? Its not just a seniormoment thing, its an every age, busy thing! We cram so much into our days that were living 36hours in twentyfour. All that to say it seems as though I just wrote, but here it is, almost two weeks! Two weeks, and I have to ask myself, what have I done for my Lord in the past two weeks besides go to church? Has anyone been impacted in a positive way for Christ? How about a negative way? Possiblyalthough I hate to admit it. Life is going by at the speed of light, and each second that ticks away on the clock behind me is one second Im closer to eternity. How about you? Does it effect you like that? I get up and mean to make the day count, but work interferes. Have you found that it stops you from doing a lot of things youd like to do? But were locked into it, and no
thing except time or catastrophe will end the work life of most people. And the familywhen work is over, you have to spend time with the family, right? Thats a chunk of time. You start cutting the pie clock into slices, and see that there isnt much left when all the priorities are cut. And again we have to ask, what was done for Christ? Unless youre in fulltime ministry, theres little time to make an impact on someones life. Weve lived for eleven years in this house; except for taking Christmas cookies one time to the next door neighbors, thats the extent of our knowledge of them. They never pull out of their driveways for church, so that probably means they are unbelievers, or at the least, backslidden. Ill probably have to answer for that in Heaven, and I doubt busyness will be an excuse. Whats the remedy? I dont know. We all are caught up in our job, whether its 40 or 60 hours a week mine is 60, trying to run a home, interact with the familywhether they are still at home or living nearby with grandchildren
and do the errands that all that entails. Is there an answer? Are we in such a fastpaced world that time has gotten completely away from us? Perhaps. But there is an urgency in the air now, one that says we cant keep on with such an ungodly society, with such withdrawl from those we dont know that we are not even a testimony to those around us. Why would my neighbors think I care about them, when I dont even make time for them? Not much encouragement here, is there? But if you are breathing, its not too late! We can start, and that start can begin NOW. Im not sure howjust a note that takes 5 minutes to tell someone thank you, Im sorry, or encourage them in some way. Gods mercies are new every morning Lamentations 322,23, and we have a fresh startlets use it today to make a difference! This entry was posted on April 28, 2014, in DISCIPLINE, HOLY LIVING, MERCY, RIGHTEOUSNESS, Uncategorized, VALLEYS. Leave a comment TO SIN OR NOT TO SINTHAT IS THE QUESTION! Memories keep events alive in our minds, dont they? Fla
shbacks will come if the right terminology, situation, person or thing passes your vision or ear! This morning as I was reading in 1 John 1, he writes in verse 8 that if we say we do not sin we tell a lie you cant get much plainer than that. However, it reminded me of several years ago I was talking to my thenpastor, and made the comment, Theres never a day goes by that I dont manage to commit several sins! He looked totally horrified. What?! he exclaimed, as if he himself would never do that, nor even think of doing that! I sat quite stunned, wondering where he was spiritually. Just this morning, deep in work and concentration, my phone rang. My husband was calling just to say hi; he was driving to an appointment, and decided that was a great thing to do with his time on the road we wont go into the logistics of cell phones here! After we hung up, I was upset. Thats a womans word for furious, but sounds much nicer. Did he not realize I would be trying to take advantage of every second of the morning to get c
omputer work donework that is not only necessary but time consuming, mentally challenging, and with tons of deadlines? How could he be so thoughtless! BOOM! God lowered the conviction and I breathed deeply, as my mind quoted James, the anger of man does NOT achieve the righteousness of God! 120. My husband did not sin when he called me, but I certainly did by imploding anger after the call was finished. Repentance, forgiveness, a new start, in that order. Cleansed. But how long will it be before something else happens? Probably as soon as I get behind the wheel of my car! Dont turn up your noseyoure right there with me. We are not perfected yet, despite the standard the world wants to hold us to which, of course, does not apply to them. We are justified just as if weve never sinned, we are being sanctified every day set apart from the world and having a daily cleansing, but we are not yet glorified present with Jesus and with our new heart! Oh, that we were already perfect! Like the bumper sticker says, Im no
t perfect, just forgiven! If your day is not spent letting the Holy Spirit convict you of activities, thoughts, attitudes, or reactions that cause a blemish on your soul, do some selfexamining and make sure youre on the right path! It doesnt take much just ask God to reveal any sin that needs confessing, and needs to be dealt with. He will! It will flash in your mind instantly! If nothing does, then sing a song of praise, and keep on keeping on! This entry was posted on April 16, 2014, in DISCIPLINE, FAITH, FORGIVENESS, GRACE, HOLY LIVING, MERCY, REPENTANCE, RIGHTEOUSNESS. Leave a comment STANDING ALONE! This poor tree, with a tiny one in its shadow! What an analogy to the modern day Christian! The strong one doesnt blend in with all the other trees in the background, but somehowwhether by intention or reactionit became a loner from the group, with only one weak follower, and was outsted from the others! Not only is it by itself except for that weak little one that it is shielding, but as you can see, all the
other trees are dressed in gorgeous colors, while our poor Christian tree looks rather plain, having lost all its beauty! There isnt much room for hope, is there? It is stuck where it is, and only time will renew its strength and the fruit of leaves! Do you ever feel like that? I doubt youre a teenager reading this, who is trying to walk with Christ in school, but you may have one, and they can probably relate very well; or possibly even a college student in a Philosophy class, as in the nowpopular movie that has made a Christian into a hero rather than shown as a ridiculed moron! But adults can relate as well! How? Well, walk into a class at the church, where all the faces are unfamiliar, and you feel like you are standing on stage, with everyone looking at you! Walk into a Bible Study, where everyone seems to know each other, and you wait, as you look for a table where someone not only meets your eye, but smiles a welcome. Standing alone makes you feel everyone is looking at you, judging you! Sit in the wa
iting room with a dozen others, while the appointment time gets more and more behind this happened recently and everyone was cursing loudly enough for the secretary to hear and understand their anger at losing time; I finally spoke up, Now isnt the time to say I only read Christian fiction, is it? The room got quiet, the cursing stopped, but I felt like the tree! Standing alone is what God means when He says that we are to be set apart from the world. We are to dress modestly in a world where the females dress to attract the most attention; keep our language clean in environments where the females as well as the males no longer have any embarrassment about using profanity. When I was growing up, no gentleman would curse in front of a woman . . . we could go on and on. Gods idea of a living sacrifice is to give up the things that are not good for your spiritual walk, and put your hand in His. Are you willing to do that? Are you willing to stand alone? It takes courage. It takes strength. It takes the Holy Spir
it standing alongside you! This week, be alert to situations where you can stand alone and shine for Christ! Pray He gives you opportunity to not be ashamed of Him in public! Father, thank You for giving us salvation! It was a gift that cost You everything, and we often treat it so lightly. Forgive us, Lord, and let us take our lights from under our baskets this week, so that the world can see that we glow for You! Amen This entry was posted on April 14, 2014, in ANXIOUSNESS, ENCOURAGEMENT, FAITH, HOLY LIVING, RIGHTEOUSNESS, TRUST, Uncategorized. Leave a comment YouThe Only Christian Someone May Know! The man in the pew in front of me, and slightly to the left, opened his Bible when the pastor announced the Scripture he would be using as the basis of his message. I knew him to be a sweetheart of an older man, always with a kind word for everyoneor a teasing joke. He also was the chairman of the deacons. As he looked for the passage in the Old Testament, he eventually turned back to the index, found the page,
turned to it, and then turned his attention to the sermon. Have you ever had to go to the index, especially if the pastor tells you to turn to, perhaps, one of the Minor prophets? When my husband and I walked out of the service and headed home, we both felt the weight of discouragement that had come to us as we watched someone who was a pillar in that church show his unfamiliarity with his Bible. We did not judge his salvation, but his testimony to us, although unseen by others, definitely was tarnished that Sunday! Its a common quote in the church to hear someone tell you that You may be the only Bible some people read! Have you ever realized that old sayings become old sayings because there is so much truth in them? Mr. Phillips may not have realized anyone sitting near him would notice his insecurity in finding Habakkuk, but to not know your Bible possibly leaves open the question, How well do you know your God? There are few who are in love who would destroy a letter that has come from their soul mate. Pe
rhaps we dont destroy the Bible, but if we leave it on the shelf or in the car, and pick it up on Sunday, we are losing the relationship that our God wants with us. Read Isaiah 1, and youll read a modernday exegesis on America! As well as the world! God tells Israel please excuse the loose paraphrase, Your sacrifice going to church on Sunday in order to satisfy your debt to me sickens me! You act so holy and righteous outwardly when at heart you are nothing but sinful people who would rather fit in with the world than know me! As you read Isaiah 1, you will see God has nailed on the head the cities in America in this new millennium! If I stand near the door of my church and watch people flow in, I see the world coming in the doorwhere are the parents who check out their children before leaving home? Are slips no longer part of attire? How far down can a tee shirt go before it hits the navel? Skirts, pants, tops that look as though they are painted on! We have lost our shame. But there is hope! God tells Israe
las He tells Americabeginning in verse 16, to put away the things that divide the relationship with Him! Repent of the sins and let Him cleanse you! There is so much hope for the backslider or the person who once loved God with all their heart, but who now plays with the Smartphone during the service! Anything that you love more than you love God needs to be tossed aside, until He fills you with joy in the morning, hope throughout the day, and blessed rest at night! Remember as you go about your day, that truly your actions will be watched by someone who wants to know if you are real, or if you are just like them they can justify their lives if they see you, who calls yourself a Christian, doing the things they do. Set yourself apart, and stand alone. Show the love of Christ to them, dont use the words they use, nor flirt with the world, but keep yourself holyfor HE is holy! This entry was posted on April 11, 2014, in FAITH, FORGIVENESS, GRACE, HOLY LIVING, HOPE, MERCY, REPENTANCE, RIGHTEOUSNESS, SALVATION. L
eave a comment PRAYERYOUR FIRST OR LAST OPTION? Sitting by the bedside of her only child, my friend stated in grief, Theres nothing left to do except pray! I heard what she was saying, and I knew she already had been praying, but what she was really saying was Its totally out of my control, the doctors dont know what else to do, and God alone is my only hope. Theres nothing wrong with that! In fact, thats where we should have been every day since the birth of any of the ones that God has given into our hands! Yes, sometimes we mess upsometimes we make mistakes and theres no going back because none of us are perfect, or even goodbut we keep on giving them into the hands of the Savior. But when it has come to the point where no one can help, we turn to God in a different way, dont we? We pray with an intensity that is fervent and yet we all know that God still sometimes says No. Have you read the book of Nehemiah lately? His life of prayer gives us so many insights into his character! He had gone to Jerusalem a
fter the captivity of Babylon, and was going to oversee having the wall rebuilt, but there were many enemies! Now turn that into your own life youve had a difficult time going through a valley, and you start trying to rebuild maybe a relationship, a life that was almost destroyed.. it can be almost anything! But when you start to rebuild, you find there are many enemies. These may be in the form of discouraging words from family members, friends that turn away, Satans devices to use obstacles that seem so terrifying, and you have a decision do you keep on rebuilding or give up? Nehemiah didnt give up; he gave us a set of steps, and if we can use them, it might turn our valleys into mountaintops. First, he assessed the situation. He really wanted to know what was involved in the rebuilding, but the enemies were so many that he took only a couple of men and in the quiet of the night took a tour around Jerusalem to see what needed to be done. Secondly, he prepared a plan. He didnt tackle this on his ownhis narra
tive is filled with the prayers he prayed continually, asking Gods help, but he also involved the people. Not just any people! The people who had a mind to work! Surround yourself with friends who will encourage you, no matter how small the number, and who will be praying. Thirdly, while they were praying, they also worked in fact, you will see if you read Nehemiah that the enemies were so great that while some worked, others were on guard with weapons! Choose friends, pastors or others whom you know who will be praying a hedge of protection about you and your friends as you rebuild! Do not be afraid of them the enemies; remember the Lord, great and awesome, and fight for your family! 414b. Let others help you! Delegate the problem to those whom you can trust. And lastly, some of the workers worked with one hand, and held weapons with the other! Just because you have done your homework, gotten people to pray and help you, you cant relax your vigilance while you are rebuilding your life, your relationship, or
whatever you are trying to repairespecially if it is going to bring glory to God in the endyou have to remember that Satan will try to attack in every way he can. So have your guard up, dont be afraid, put your faith in Christ and Christ alone, and know you are fighting a spiritual battle at the same time you are reconstructing! Read Nehemiah sometime! His is a story that is a definite guide to walking so closely with the Lord that his life gives us a guide to follow. Father, if someone reads this and is trying to get a broken marriage back together, restore a child to the family, or rebuild a relationship for your glory, please give them wisdom, send friends who will intercede and fight on their behalf for victory, and shield them from the power of the enemy. Put a hedge of protection around them, and let them enjoy the days that You have made! In Christ, Amen This entry was posted on April 7, 2014, in ANXIOUSNESS, ENCOURAGEMENT, FAITH, HOPE, PATIENCE, PEACE, RIGHTEOUSNESS, VALLEYS, VICTORY. Leave a comment
SpringA New Beginning! Saturday Its a beautiful sunny morning, with a temperature warm enough to get outside and work! What joy that spring is finally here! Sunday Heading for church 845. Chilly, but no big deal, since its early, but suddenly I think my eyes catch something pass my vision. Turning to my husband I ask, Is there a winter mix advisory, by any chance? NO! Thirty seconds later.. Did I just see a snowflake? he asks. End of story. Of course he hadthats why I asked about the advisory!! For the next couple of hours it poured down! This has been the craziest winter I can remember; how about you? Maybe youre still plowing through it! Pun intended! As we do, we have to remember that nothing here on earth is certain exceptas the old saying goesdeath and taxes! Weather forecasters and Farmers Almanac may try, but ultimately, unless they have a word from the Lord, they just hope they are right! But all the uncertainty teaches us one thing lean on God for everything, trust Him for everything, and let Him wa
lk with you today, whether its sunny, snowing, or a day of frustration! Take comfort that everything that happens comes to pass, and I always hope that passing means it will go on down the road and be a forgotten memory! Have a great day, thank God for life, and ask Him what He wants of you today! Pray for Him to put someone in your path today who needs a smile, a word of encouragement, or look at their eyes and see if they need prayer. You may be the only one who has a tender heart toward them today! Now go out into the mission fieldbut dont get stained! This entry was posted on April 4, 2014, in ENCOURAGEMENT, FAITH, HOPE, TRUST. Leave a comment Stains? The beautiful yellow pillow was perfectly centered in front of the shams on the bed. The entire set had a gorgeous vintage look, and some bold accessories were going to make a lovely bedroom! As I, as seller, was packing the set for mailing to a buyer, I picked up the pillow to put it into plastic. Suddenly it toppled backwardone of those wish I could undo i
t moments, because it landed right on the butter dish, sitting on the dining room table! Yes, I spent hours whipping myself that I had not moved the butter! I grabbed everything I could find in the next hour, trying to get the stain out; I googled; I prayed; I worked, used elbow grease, and every suggestion that anyone made! Finally, after it had had time to set for a day or so, it was about 98 perfect. Were so like that!! We go where we shouldnt, or pass something we shouldnt, and all of a sudden a worldly stain gets on us! Nothing the world can do will take it awayonly by repentance, crying out to the Savior, will we be cleansed from anything unrighteous 1 John 19. James tells us for this is pure and undefiled religion in the sight of God and man to visit the widows and orphans in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the sins of the world! James 127, loosely quoted. And Ezra, many years before, had said the children of Israel who had returned from the captivity ate together with all who had sepa
rated themselves from the filth of the nations of the land in order to seek the Lord God of Israel. A holy life is the desire of Gods heart for believers who are living in the world! Have you prayed today that your hours would be filled with His will, and that His protection would keep your life from getting stained today? If you havent yet, its not too late! This entry was posted on April 3, 2014, in DISCIPLINE, ENCOURAGEMENT, FAITH, FORGIVENESS, HOLY LIVING, REPENTANCE, RIGHTEOUSNESS, Uncategorized. Leave a comment Tunnels!! The bridge between St. Peterburg, FL going south toward Sarasota was long and very high when we lived there. One day, going across the bridge, I glanced over at my husband only to see his eyes shut! He has a phobia about heightsand tunnels! Going through Baltimores tunnels, I have to keep an eye on him, hoping hes not freaking out while driving! Thats how this year has been for mehow about you? As you could see, I had this grand plan for a sequel book, when our lives became one very lon
g tunnel, filled with a few bridges in betweenand they definitely were not mountaintops! But out of all of that, God has worked miracles, and more importantly, taught us more of His daily love, that He is beside us through every valley or tunnel or bridge! Out of it has come three more books that are in the writing mode, so Im excited about that! So if you were looking for more Love Notes, dont give up on metheyre still coming! Also, I have been part of the writing team for Thomas Roads daily devotional, MY TIME, which is not only a smartphone app, but can also be accessed online. You can have this free added devotional by going to httpwww.mytrbc.mobi. Proverbs 169 tells us that a mans heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his paths. Definitely I have learned that no matter how much I think Im fulfilling His will, He may have plans that are very different from mine! He had things to teach me this year, which hopefully will make the next books more applicable to those of you who are in valleys! Thank you f
or hanging in there with me! If, by chance, you read Am I Missing Love Notes From God?, would you take just a couple of minutes and go to Amazon httpwww.amazon.com or Barnes Noble httpwww.barnesandnoble.com and write a one or two sentence review as to whether you were touched by itor not!so that I can move forward on the next book? It would be greatly appreciated! Father, thank you for the faithfulness Youve shown this past year as life has been going so fast, with so many detours that seemed insurmountable! Thank you for holding our hands through the tunnels and valleys, and breathing new life into us! In Your Name and Your Sons Name, Amen! This entry was posted on April 2, 2014, in ANXIOUSNESS, FAITH, GRACE, LOVE, PATIENCE, VALLEYS. 1 Comment
Uncomfortable Information On Just Add Light and Stir, in February 2022, I posted this Controversial topic When a family stays together, and when the marriage is improved and solidified, it's not just good for the children. It's good for the grown children, and grandchildren. It's better for holidays and family events, for estate planning and inheritance. It's better for being able to leave photo albums out, and photos of children with their parents still out on the wall, without trying to revise history to keep from offending new wife, new husband, girlfriend, boyfriend. It's better for casual stories like "Remember when we went to White Sands?" It's less likely that a story will need to be abandoned midway or trailed away from because someone who was there, and fun, is now estranged from the family. I didn't know, years ago, that unschooling could strengthen a marriage. I did know that a good marriage would strengthen unschooling. SandraDodd.compositivity photo by a waiter, with my camera, 2011 P.S. Why is t
hat controversial? I have been criticized, over the years, for encouraging people to be kind and compassionate to partners or spouses. I have also been thanked by people whose marriages became stronger because of those ideas, or by the use of unschooling principes in general. Although I am sympathetic to people whose marriages have failed for reasons beyond their control, there are divorces that could have been avoided, and there are relationships still in the future that could benefit by being bathed in sweetness and patience, humor and positivity. Three days later, this came up in Facebook Memories, from my own fb page in 2013 I was being discussed on someone else's page, without being named, but now someone's named me, so I want to clarify a few things. I do remember seeing something about divorce and unschooling not working a few years ago on Always Learning and it was one of the threads that turned me off of forums. However I know personally a few single parents by choice or who have lost a partner to de
ath and they make unschooling work beautifully. I wonder if the same attitudes are toward them? Single parents can make unschooling work. Sometimes divorced parents can make unschooling work. Widowed parents very often can make unschooling work, and if they were unschooling before, it can be one of their greatest comforts. Sometimes a divorce happens because of unschooling. Sometimes in a divorce, from spite, one parent will prevent the other parent from homeschooling in ANY way. If the parents can't find a workable compromise, then a judge gets to say what will happen with the children. All the positive regard of all the unschoolers in the world isn't going to keep a judge from making the decision he wants to make. Once the courts get involved, unschooling is not as likely to be an option. That's what I've seen many times. I have seen it work a few times unschooling after divorce. I have seen it fail to remain an option many more times. I've never asked someone to shush for saying "I'm divorced." I have aske
d people not to encourage divorce, and not to shush me on my own forum when I'm stating that it is in the possibletolikely range than an antagonistic divorce will not lead to peaceful unschooling. People don't need encouragement to endanger their marriages. They can use encouragement to find ways to make their families more peaceful in all kinds of ways. end of that quote It's here February 22, 2013 with 61 "likes"mostly unschoolers, but not all. A friend without children shared it, and wrote this I gave your books to a lady from church who had to send her kids to regular schools after the divorce. She was so sad. I'll let her know she's not alone in this. Some of the comments there in those days And your support and words have made me see how by me nurturing my marriage turned my family, marriage and home in a much sweeter and peaceful unschooling life! by a foreigner, Alex P. I wish I had known things like peaceful partnerships and Languages of Love and had sought more information 4 years ago before my h
usband decided to walk out. Unschooling has been a huge sticking point for us and I've been trying to find a middle ground between unschooling and his way which is almost 180 opposite. It's been more than difficult than not and a constant struggle here with threats being made on his part. I encourage people to work towards a peaceful partnership. I am divorced. We were unschooling before my divorce. When my ex tried to make it an issue during the proceedings, the judge saw it for the ploy it was and would not allow him to do that. I fully realize how lucky I was in this regard however. At first I had a typo on "endanger", and someone wrote I like the word 'enanger'. "People don't need encouragement to enanger their marriages" So true. My response to that You're right. Even though I had meant to try to write "endanger," it did end up being a pretty useful and workable word "People don't need encouragement to enanger their marriages." People Please stop enangering marriages. It's a danger to them. Sandra your
thoughtful stance on marriage and peace within families has been invaluable to my family. It is in the thoughtfulness of making small choices of being kind and moving in a positive direction within relationships that brings peaceful lives. I grew up in a large family with separated parents and lived thru siblings with dissolved marriages. I experienced too much loss and I wasn't even the child. I agree that if people can choose to work things through thoughtfully it may prove better. It does require thoughtfulness. Some further clarifications from me, there Another sort of question from the other discussion that I can respond to The part I don't understand in any of this is, what part of "homeschool support group" has anything to do with unsolicited marital counseling? My groups and we had a few since the military moved us often didn't touch that area with a 10 ft pole. But we didn't stay long in fundamentalist groups. Maybe that's the difference? It's not about fundamentalism. It's about the kind of environm
ent that helps learning happen. Over the years, in those discussions, many people have said that the same skills they were learning about making careful decisions, and patience, and compassion, helped them be better parents AND better partners. It's not "unsolicited marital counseling." It's encouragement to maintain a peaceful nest. sandradodd.comnest Most of those writings, and these below, aren't mine, but I've saved them and shared them back out. sandradodd.comspouses sandradodd.comparentingpeacefully If I care more about the peace of children and the potential of unschooling than I do about "supporting" divorce, I don't think I should apologize for that. There are billions of people in the world. Not one of them is dependent solely on me, not even my kids, not even my husband. If the day comes that nobody wants to discuss unschooling with me anymore, I'll surely find something else to do with my time. If people DO want to talk about unschooling, in a serious indepth way, whose permission should I need t
o ask to continue to do that, as I have been doing since Kirby was four years old? I have three grown kids now. I don't think I owe anyone an apology for sharing what I've learned, and am still learning, in all these years of discussions. Someone did name me right out, but it was also a misrepresentation The idea that divorce will mean a loss of unschooling is an idea I've seen advanced by Sandra Dodd. I have never said "WILL MEAN A LOSS." I have said "can prevent." I have said that it might not be possible to unschool after a divorce, and that's because I have seen families in which unschooling did not survive after the divorce, for various reasons. I've said that if a family can remain intact, it will be better for unschooling. The idea that divorce will NOT in any way risk a loss of unschooling is a cruel falsehood. To tell someone "Don't worry; you can unschool after a divorce; divorce is no problem" is just not true in any way. Even if the personnel didn't change, just remained the divorced couple and no
body else, the noncustodial parent still has a say in education. But personnel multiplies. There can be a judge. There can be social workers, there can be the mom's new boyfriend or husband, and the dad's new girlfriend or wife. It's not over when it's first declared "over." Although I am being accused of "shushing" people because I have two or three times asked someone not to be cavalier about divorcenot to encourage someone to be negative about her husband in a discussion, I think of that as maintaining a positive tone for the sake of those who have come there to discuss unschooling. Encouragement of ANYthing that can prevent the heathy growth of understanding of unschooling is off topic on Always Learning. Meanwhile, though, it does seem that there are people shaming and trying to shush me. There are people writing things that make it seem they believe that Always Learning a yahoogroups list created in November 2001 shouldn't exist. If it didn't have any members writing, it wouldn't exist. There was critic