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What do you think happens when demand increases and supply stays the same? (prices rise, its called inflation) What is your answer? More highways? Fact remains Oahu has a major problem when it comes to mobility. The mayor has tried to address this with mass transit and bike lanes but what would you do? It is always easy to be so negative and critical but what would you do? I suggest anything you would propose would just maike the situation worse. We really need to just get the system built.
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When I got my car back I noticed they put the right side tires on the left side and vice versa. The ingrates refused to put the tires on the right way again.
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My tolerance for pious drivel has evaporated.....intend to call it out every time I see/hear it from now on....
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Lol speaking of Saudi Arabia. Take a guess who the geniuses at UN just elected to the woman's rights commission. You truly can't make up this ass backwards thinking from these jokes. Calls to Ottawa to prevent this disaster will go unanswered by our prime minister I suspect. Can't get a seat on the UN by standing up to them. I'll be patiently waiting for a g&m report.
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Insurance coverage might be a killer.
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Sorry, but U.S. credibility was shot once our voters elected a clueless, racist, sexist, incompetent, narcissistic reality show host as our president. Nice job Trump voters.
Depending on the situation, you don't have to be mean and rude all the time. Actually, Trump should learn from Clinton or Obama, keep a smiling face while stabbing you at the back. LOL!
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Hillary Clinton: not a terrorist but the #1 choice OF terrorists, Libyan rebels, Iranian Mullahs, ISIS, Big Finance, Big Pharma, Big government and the Political Class, BLM (proven racists), illegal immigrants, and of course the anti-white/male ambiguously guilty self-loathing liberals.
Nations and civilizations have a right to maintain their cultures and belief systems. If the Pope feels so strongly about this issue, then why doesn't he give to the refugees the empty convents, schools, seminaries, and churches, all over Europe, due to the collapse of Christianity, so they can live in dignity. He doesn't do this, does he? The Catholic Church should also have to pay taxes to help support all the unwanted and poor children born because birth control and abortion isn't available in so may places around the world because of the Church. The pope needs to start walking the talk, and stop telling others what they must do.
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The Democratic governor offered to rescind the order if lawmakers agreed to consider the issue when they return in January, but GOP leaders rejected the suggestion.
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How old are you That's Lifer? A cantankerous old man or an ill educated six year old?
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Hope they enjoy being raped in prison themselves.
The avowed White Supremacist gets thrown under the bus by his fellow ideologue. Precious. Time for a Revolution.
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For someone that claims to hold a Masters degree you sure seem pretty dim. Maybe your education was in Libtard feminist studies in the 13th grade equivalent education at UH? LOL Allah is the Arabic word for God, and correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe Christians also believe in God, right? LOL
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Anarchists and communists are hardly representative of the "people"
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Definition: Fear of people who cannot keep their vehicles off pedestrian ways.
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Cannot understand all the fuss, just another Liberal being a Liberal. The corruption and malfeasance endemic to this party are its core values..
I probably don't know enough people to have heard Trump's kind of repulsive boorish talk all that much. Trump's implication that most men (all "real" men?) act this way is among the worst insults I can imagine. Having taught middle school, when I would hear a nasty or derogatory comment about Mexicans or girls or gay people or Asians or even some other student, we'd stop the class and talk. And talk, and talk. About civil rights. About each other. About how we are all different and we need to protect how we treat each other. It has to be very clear that this is not acceptable in our school and society. One point is that getting this straight is more important than covering the class material. Similarly, among adults, when this kind of talk happens, you have to say that's not acceptable, that's an ugly way to think and talk, and then leave the group. This is standing up for what is right.
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It was a "state sponsored riot". The Charlottesville Mayor, police and civic leaders "green lighted" the violent confrontations. They facilitated the riot by the police arraying themselves on three sides and letting the mutual combatants engage in hundreds of cases of felony assaults. Hundreds. The abject lawlessness was designed to serve the most morally bankrupt purposes. To foment public violence as the "Resistance". We also note that virtually no one was arrested. Scores and scores of people engage on the most reprehensible violence and it's just another day in Charlottesville. Or Berkeley, CA. Or Chicago, IL. Now the WN, KKK, et al, had their social media moment. Rather than allowing the nitwits to march, in accordance with the lawful permit, the 1st A, and SCOTUS case law, the political leaders chose violence. If I don't agree with someone's views I can physically assault them? We reap what we sow.
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It just comes pouring out of her and she can never back it up.
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Not Henry Rono, but that's some very solid running.
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In other words, you couldn't.
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If you're looking for cookbooks that "went viral" before the internet, and are still used by millions today, I can think of three others: "The James Beard Cookbook" by James Beard, "The Joy of Cooking" by Julia Child, and of course, "The Escoffier Cookbook..." by Auguste Escoffier
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I missed the pun, but Hydrogen fuel cells are the wave of the future. There is a large investment going in. Toyota and Amazon are two examples. Fuel cells can power homes, farm equipment, and all sorts of specialized machinery.
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"Clark also touted previous promises to eliminate (the) unpopular msp, cap bridge tolls at $500 annually... and create a new tax credit for people living in communities that are dependent on BC Ferries." The Liberals are promising to cap bridge tolls at $500, however they have not said that they may well tax all crossings to make up for the lost revenue. Some pay less, and some pay that never paid before. MSP premiums were raised by the BC Liberals past the point of equitable fairness (considering politicians and public sector workers have their premiums employer paid). The BC Liberals may well eliminate premiums, but no guarantee this will not be made up for by an income tax levy similar to Ontario. Tax credit for islanders dependent on the ferry. Define dependence, will this apply to Vancouver Island or just smaller Islands? And of course tax credits are of little use to the lowest of earners. Don't cast your vote because you think last minute promises will save you money.
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A pathetic and laughable defense. I am a Thomist myself, but Thomas also was against the Immaculate Conception. The question that needs to be answered is, "Are you changing the Church's magisterial teaching on the reception of Communion for those who are not married and engaging in the conjugal act?". There is a Thomist answer for that, but Francis avoids it.
OMG, will the trumpster EVER stop LYING? He is mentally unstable, in a very dangerous way.
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Recognition goes both ways.
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When the moose have just had their calves dogs need to be on leash.
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We have a chance to pass better laws than that.
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But Cassandra, for years you have made it clear that you hated the Conservatives. Are you now saying that if the Conservatives did something that it should be emulated by the Liberals? What happened to Real Change TM? Was it all a big lie?
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That's true but the current influx would have happened even without welfare states. All western countries are facing it regardless of how the welfare system is set up.
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This incident shows how Israel will compromise but the Palestinians are extremely stubborn never move an inch in peace talks even though they are the losers of 3 wars they started in 1948, 1967, 1973 the losers want to dictate terms - since when?
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Whatboutism at it's finest.
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and so it begins..... so many fires burning for the​ Libranos and so little time before the election
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Yes, Kaleo, mindfulness practice, movement-based therapies and progressive increase in activity level over MANY weeks is often necessary before safe and sustainable return to full-functioning following significant injury. Pain is best controlled when tissues are maximally healed. Until then, we need an intact (undisturbed) pain response to guide our activity and sense our tissue limits in real time. Over-riding this with quick-fix narcotics is a prescription for delayed healing. This impatient, short-cut approach often costs health plans and employers far more in the long run due to poorly healed tissues, scarring, increased reliance on expensive health care (Dr. visits, meds, injections, tests, surgeries) lower job performance, intermittent mental clouding, irritable and depressed mood, chronic pain, and addiction. It is a sad reflection on the U.S. medical community that this has become our standard of care and contributed to misery, mortality and exploding health costs. Very Sad.
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Fuel has never been more then 30% of the cost of any of my F series trucks.
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Why do you need to bring your racist bent here? NOT COOL!
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Fake News - Vets have come out w/they do not approve.
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The same in principle would also apply with driving a car to work. There are definite risks involved any time we get into our cars and out in traffic. People die every single day from all kinds of automobile accidents. Still, it does not stop us from using our cars to go out wherever and whenever we wish. We all recognize that the benefits of using our automobiles far outweigh those risks, even though there are indeed definite risks. Blood transfusions are absolutely no different! Yes there are risks, there is no denying that. But when a human being finds himself in the position of needing one, at that point in his life, most likely the slight risks involved are far outweighed by the benefits. In many cases, it even means life and death.
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Tom, I have deep relationships with several charismatic Catholics who bring a very special gift to the Church. My faith is more important to me than my politics and I find support for my political beliefs from my faith, just as you do. Faith is the more important thing, though. I disagree with you strenuously when you write that liberals don't vote on moral issues; we do, taking health care away from millions of people, some of them little babies, is anti-life and the repeal of Alabama Senator William Steagall's significant legislative accomplishment (Glass-Steagall), which came about because people's well being was threatened by Great Depression, was a terrible assault on hard working Americans,which Mrs. Clinton was complicit with. Liberals are generally moral and we vote on moral issues, just as our conservative brethren are generally moral and vote on moral issues. And your perspective is valued and unique. We are blessed to have it and better for it.
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there are a few Lib apologist's on the board defending this foolishness. they probably work for the civil service using all their sick days and retiring on a not so well deserved pension.
“It is amusing, the degree to which the teacher in the photo appears out of her league,” That’s the basis for your “opinion”? What is that some sort of scientific methodology?
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Mayor Moonbeam doesn't get anything. Any more than he "got" the real estate problem caused by foreign ownership.
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I'd prefer the death penalty but life in prison is the next best thing.
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That's hilarious!
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I'm not surprised. The 8 is barely a 7s and given the price differences and how good the 7 still is there is little reason for consumers on budgets to pick the 8 over the 7. Re the X, I'm not so sure this will work out for Apple. besides the fact their production and availability numbers this year won't be up to whatever mythical demand they are anticipating, the cost just seems too high, and the incremental technology just seems to little, for them to make up the difference in new X handset sales. I've been a fast upgrader since the first colour blackberry, but in this case don't see any reason to update to the 8 or X from the 7 even though I have a carrier credit available (particularly since even with that credit it will still cost like 1k to get into the X with enough memory.)
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Not surprising that you would feel SFI was "on the right track" here... LOL
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Another irrelevant hypothetical.
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No quibbling from me about whatever shortcomings there might have been with Peter Mansbridge. Overall, he has always been a consummate professional . The National has always been the best TV newscast in North America ( and also the UK from what I have seen) in terms of presentation and reporting. However Mansbridge's retirement is likely the end of an era. The major evening news format has become outdated. No-one wants to wait for a set time each day to find out from one figurehead person what is going on at home and around the world. The 24/7 News channels are much more relevant to people now. So kudo's to the CBC for looking at a different way of delivering the daily news. I hope that includes seeing the CBC break more stories that matter to all Canadians.. The taxpayers deserve it. Right now it seems like the Globe and Mail is doing most of the work in that department. Enjoy your retirement Peter! You deserve it. You have served all of us very well.
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"Anti-nuclear friends of mine remind me that several simultaneous melt downs could release enough radiation to dramatically reduce human birth rates and populations." Problem solved. Malthus wins after all!
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Yes good points on the back up catcher. But the fact that the Jays had a revolving door of back ups that ranged from horrid to terrible to garbage shows they knew they had an issue which they failed to address. They signed Salty, got rid of him, brought him back and then dumped him again. On the injuries thing, this team got off to a garbage start with a full and healthy line up. Once the injuries started, they had an excuse for the lousiness. But the order of events is important.
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The Alaska pipeline traverses a wilderness lacking in people. The environmental costs continue to mount from both ends. The EXXON-VALDEX in one event literally destroyed an ecosystem for the short term and continues to destroy many species. The pipeline was monitored throughout the building to require the safest possible construction by government oversight and environmental activists. Government monitoring provided more jobs than the pipeline. Many spills including the explosion of one station occurred soon after startup and continue to occur as more workers are jettisoned to monitor. One rifle slug punched a hole in it. The DAPL is accessible throughout by roads and in highly populated areas. Rich farmlands abound and all depend on water. One spill could be disastrous as none of the safety factors built into the AK pipeline exist in lower 48 pipelines. Multiple spills and blowouts have occurred as safety is secondary to profit. ND oil is toxic and highly flammable.
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If the criteria for Cooperstown was perseverance and hard work, Rusty Staub would have been a first ballot Hall of Famer, but I stand corrected, he is in the Canadian Baseball Hall of Fame only - not Cooperstown. Believe Carter wanted to go in the Hall as a Met. Dawson definitely wanted to go in as a Cub. Raines should probably ask to go in with the Yankees or ChiSox.
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Would the jesus allow the souls of the corrupt politicians, who are bribed to cause suffering to the less fortunate, in order to bring continued richness to the well monied, to go to their paradise in their heaven? How about the souls of the people who support the corrupt politicians? What kind of christianity do the evangelicals believe in if their beliefs are completely 180 degrees opposite of what their icon jesus, believed in? What kind of heaven do they go to when they die?
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The city was never "financially stable" with you at the helm, Dan, and I see you're as delusional out of office as in. But hey, nice to see you lowering yourself into the mud with us comment pigs 👍🏻
Not since the days of Jean Belliveau have the Canadiens had a centreman of Matthews ilk.
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Why Ed Bailey, are we cross? I commented on the topic of Radical Islamic Terrorism and Muslims in a very civil manner and you chime in with a vicious, nasty attack on my person. I'll say a prayer for your hate filled soul, eric.
Perhaps you mean counties surrounding Denver? Denver proper is in full speed ahead development mode.
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It is not in America's, or Canada's, interest in providing drug cartels, who now essentially run Mexico, easy access across the border.
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"Some half baked and completely false conspiracy that had nothing to do with any actual John Podesta email that had been released?" You were given a citation that demonstrates to the otherwise and yet you continue to maintain that the two are not connect or "nothing to do with?" "I expanded on Joe Smith's point about the hysteria of the left." Let me see if I understand you correctly. You admit that what you said is not _directly_ related or "does not derive from" what Joe Smith raised but is related and thus is not a straw man argument even if, it is at best, tangential to his point? I'm sorry. I cannot take you seriously as it seems you 1) continue to try to maintain a position that you have been presented record evidence is unmaintainable; and 2) You continue to raise irrelevant arguments like "Obama's administration lack of concern." You seem eager to discuss any manner of tangential issue but the ones raised, ie. you have every intention of not staying topical.
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Far and away the most expensive government program in Canada is health care. The Canadian system is costly, inefficient and performs poorly. Many other countries, including Germany, have better systems because they permit the private sector to provide primary health care, while in Canada it is illegal. Why not an article about how the German health care system is better than Canada's, and what Canada can do to catch up with Germany?
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JoeC: In this case, the management of the Board of Game, is handcuffs. Protection is a kind warning.
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Maybe rather than moving to plug leaks, T-rump & Company could concentrate on not doing/saying anything 'leak-worthy'. I won't be holding my breath. It's not in his/their nature to do so.
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And from Anchorage, Alaska: 1953 Warranty Deed "Abstract: Another deed which outlines property ownership and dwelling rights in Alaska. This Warranty Deed applies to a tract in the Turnagain Heights Subdivision and article 5 clearly declines any ownership or dwelling to those non-whites except in the case of servants employed by the owners." John Tetpon, 9 minutes ago From Jim Wilke 26 minutes ago I grew up in Nome in the '50s. I never saw any such signs. From me: 1953. I never forgot that sign in a Front Street restaurant window/front door. I never will. Dad was a Corrections Officer at the old Federal Prison with Bonn Davis and Jim Oksoktaurak. I was 10-years old. And we weren't allowed in the Nomerama Theater either. You must have a selective memory about the racism and bigotry there, the worst I ever seen in my life.
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yup...no surplus at all..just massive state debt
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Why don't we let Ms. Clark say what she will about herself? She stated publicly on a radio program that she considered it a compliment to be referred to by a crude, vulgar acronym for a mother who is considered to be carnally interesting. Couth she is not.
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You want to block the people who don't belong here from coming in?? So does most of the U.S. and Europe.
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Big BS on this comment. There most certainly ARE fractivists involved in writing and getting this on the ballot. They show up all over the north metro area regularly spewing lies and trying to scare communities into banning oil and gas. Quit lying and trying to present this as anything other than what it clearly is. It is yet another illegal attempt to ban fracking and oil and gas operations by a small group of activists.
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These numbers are fake news. Trump told us so last year more than once. If you can't believe President Trump who can you believe.(sarcasm)
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I'm glad the police are taking that stuff out of circulation. That is some nasty weed.
1. The bus stops at the next stop when you pull the cord. 2. The bus driver goes the speed limit in my experience. 3. Cash slows things down. I'm glad the driver doesn't have to try to count out change for everyone who gets on the bus with a $20 bill. 4. People Mover doesn't hand out bus passes at Beans Cafe. And finally, the bus system is a good back up if your car ever breaks down or if you ever get tired of trying to find parking downtown. Kill the system and no one has any alternatives and has to drive. Then we get to listen to you complain about traffic. No pleasing some people.
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Not too long ago a number like that would rattle the markets, but what's $20B for the printing press these days?
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He forgot to thank the guy who found his ball on the 13th. :-)
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Glad it all worked our.
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They don't have to continue to support them. Just stop buying tickets and paying for cable TV.
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Ah, a juvenile ad hominem attack! You're really elevating your game. Perhaps your most impressive post to-date.
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But you voted for Trudeau who is racking up larger deficits faster and not during a recession and besides Harper had a minority and the deficit spending was also voted on by Iggy and Layton who also wanted even more spending during the recession. So what is Trudeau's reason for his non recession spending. Chris, project for example Trudeau's $30 billion 1 year deficit over 9 years (how long Harper was PM) and you are up at $210 billion with no balancing of the books until sometime in the 2050s. Harper deficits through a world recession are bad but of course Trudeau's deficits not during a recession are good, too funny!
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"probably" being the operative word. Gun owners are a special class.
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When you make a claim and don't back it up with proof, it is absolutely necessary. Apparently this is too hard for you, so we'll assume you're just making stuff up.
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Yikes! I only know about it from NYT articles and my older brother But it is used as an example, and who doesn't know about Bill mazeroski
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I would rather see the "average period of enjoyable living" life expectancy. Canada is the worst in the OECD for degenerative disease rates, and this would pull down the "average period of enjoyable living" number, but not the "life expectancy" number. I'm into seeing people who are alive enjoying their lives as much as possible. Improving our approach to degenerative disease prevention and management would play a big role in that.
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Frank Colitivito, I agree with you on many things. I was against SB 21 and offered the 77/ 7 plan that Ken Alper liked! What will help the smaller oil competitors? HB 247 is like the baby and the water, save the baby! The CBC is smart! The oil glut is “a real emergency” and that is why the oil companies provided most the Constitutional budget to protect the state’s main income getter from emergencies like this Saudi market & price manipulation! Use this CBR fund to save the oil and gas Indusrty that HB 247 is trying to kill! It will kill Alaska’s economy and shut down TAPS and cause the people to lose all the Permanent fund in a few short years! Not one Alaskan or smaller company has found and sold oil at a profit, do you see a problem with that? Help Alaskans and smaller oil companies fairly compete and stop the big three monopoly & the CBC! The DNR increase leases terms 8,000% to keep the smaller competitors out for the majors, what can we do?
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Really? Well I believe that Ukraine is an independent country and should remain one. I believe that most Canadians would agree with that. Where I disagree with Freeland, and the current and former federal governments is in their steadfast support of the current bogus Ukrainian government and its unwillingness to embrace its Russian-speaking population in the East and South. At the very least, our government should be making its support contingent on a more inclusive approach by the Kyiv government. As to Crimea, forget it, it will stay with Russia of which it was a part until Khrushchev moved it from one SSR to another for purely political reasons internal to the USSR. Nobody is going to fight a war with Russia to get Crimea back into Ukraine, it's just posturing.
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".... lifts the veil of secrecy from these political events, requiring them to be transparent, open to public scrutiny and reported to Canadian..." . . Sounds like something that should be implemented for all the grants for fn's, so the members of the tribe can find out where their money is going and why their services are falling apart.. oh, wait.....
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You and Trump have a lot in common.
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Sorry sport, but I had nothing to do with the tragedy in Vegas and, as such, have no reason to "fork out some compensation". You want to blame someone?
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Depends on weather and what face of the mountain one is on vs. nearby signals mainly from ski resorts and towns. Yosemite Valley had 4 bar reception last time I was there 12 years ago.
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This situation points out the inefficiency inherent in the Initiative Process. White the right to petition the government is an essential right, the initiative process has been compared to adjusting a wristwatch with a sledgehammer. It is woefully unable to deal with complex social issues such as this which should be addressed in a deliberative process which was provided to Alaskans by their Constitution. Seldom do groups or individuals resort to the Initiative process when there exists a functioning legislature; however when you have a "do-nothing" legislature (like guess where) that refuses to deal with the public's business in an open forum of debate leading to a final resolution of an issue, you can expect more of this.
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I read that the charges go back to 2012 and 2013 regarding tax and money laundry issues. I’m not surprised when you can go back to unrelated events if you are given such a wide latitude. Mueller should be fired not focusing on the Russian issue and wasting taxpayers money. So far, nothing on Russian collusion.
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Columbus was basically 'lost' in the largest sense. His accomplishment would be more 'monumental' if he had had more of a clue as to where he was! And he was continuing the European conquest of the non-European world which had been going on for several centuries by that time. Holding him to our more effete standards of behavior some 500 years later is ludicrous in the extreme. History is history. People like Selina Taylor need to learn from it and get over it!
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"If, however, the Liberals pick up one or more seats in recounts, that will render the almost 60 per cent of B.C. voters who did not pick the Liberals irrelevant, with 40-some per cent of those who cast ballots holding 100 per cent of the legislative power. First-past-the-post has got to go." Exactly. Add the 44% who could not honestly hold their nose and vote for the least of the corrupt corporate parties, and you have some 80% of BCers who did not want the illiberal "Liberals". Add the underage ineligible to vote but who predominantly would not have voted for "Liberals" and you get about 90% of British Columbians who want the "Liberals" out of government. We are the largest discounted oppressed majority in Canada.
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It is actually Ohio that has the water problem with toxic algae blooms
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Wake up! You've missed a couple of decades.
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Good. So we shouldn't have US Catholic dioceses praising religious bigotry. You agree with that, yes?
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IRTValleyIsle57, they must stand at "attention". Nothing to do with the military and all to do with respect, for some 2 minutes and 15 seconds, as the National Anthem is presented. Imua.
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Sarcasm right? If not, do you seriously believe that this sad breathtakingly puerile “I hate Trump” tantrum is what passes for journalism?
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