2 values
True. Being a farmer is more dangerous.
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Canada can only create government jobs for annoying liberals.
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"Baker said he heard the voice of God telling him to kill the young carnival worker or “die immediately.”" Baker is no different from any other religious person. Would it kill us to respect his religious views?
but John what is a right. what level is a right? A right for totally free, totally unlimited, highest quality of health care? preposterous. A true right can't impose on another person. Your right to speak can't cost me.
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Then why are you on the commentary board if you are over it? Buh-bye.
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After the first jobs report released since Trump took office showed favorable growth, the white house press secretary claimed that the job number “may have been phony in the past, but it’s very real now.” Why not wave the same magic wand over the CBO report to make it legitimate?
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Apparently the ISIL terrorists in Iraq applied some kind of tax but this is not something that has existed in the countries you mention since the 19th century. The more important thing here is that you are using the red herring method to implicitly justify anti-Muslim behaviour. Nobody has said anything about it being "bad to be white or Christian." Whatever you may find that actually takes place anywhere else in this world it give absolutely no justification to treat any law abiding person here in Canada with hatred and prejudice.
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Yes, you have the right to free speech but you cannot force anyone to listen to you as they also have the right to NOT listen to what you want to say. Freedom works both ways.
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there is a reason one would hit something. a smaller, lighter something stops in front of you and you weigh10 times more than that something - it's gonna take much more room to stop. admittedly, trucks don't allow enough room anymore but it's pretty well known in the driving world. trucks need more stopping distance. - how often you run into this on your bike.. dealing with freeway traffic?
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Persons with criminal records are not admissible, so if they schedule their trial for illegal entry before their refugee hearing, fait accompli.
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Lorre is the best!!! We've had her watch our 2 cats and she took really good care of them. We have one that is afraid of most people but he likes her.....that was important to us. We will always have her watch our fur babies when we vacation. Thanks Lorre!!! Debbie and Merv Miller
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pre-Reagan we were the percentage which gave this country the positives to make it great, but that was when America stood a chance of survival, now those days are gone.
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crime pays! wholesale...
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I have a question about the adequacy of community-based institutions and resources to handle mental health patients. How available are these institutions and what is the quality of care they provide? My question is from wanting to know and not as a criticism of anybody. If my memory serves me correctly, when Reagan closed many mental health institutions and turned over their patients to local communities, that was a miserable failure. Of course, it may be because of the lack of funding to the local facilities which never took place. How accurate is my perception?
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The guy is so ugly he needed to drug the women.
I don't mean to hijack this thread. I do think CB should do more on Trump's proposals. They are not normal. On healthcare. From trumps first hundred days. Repeal Obamacare and replace it with health savings accounts. Replace Medicaid with block grants to the states. Repeal state level health insurance regulations. Vouchers for VA health services. So Health savings accounts aren't insurance. For example my stroke cost $100,000. No way I could save that much. Medicaid is one of 2 single payer systems in the US. Block grants destroys it. The VA is the socialized medicine part the healthcare system. He is going to privatize it. The state regulations means first health insurance will be more and more concentrated in a few firms. And that means much higher premiums.. It also would do away with Hawaii's prepaid heathcare act. It would also eliminate state level single payer. Those are state regulations.
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Huh. Doesn't quite top the Endorse-the-CPC-but-not-Harper endorsement. But it's up there.
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It's not the hormones that make US beef juicy - it's the grain feeding that is given at the last phase of the growing process to fatten up the beef and make it tender before they are slaughtered. The chlorine is in our US water and saves lives. If extra chlorine is used in washing chickens, it doesn't absorb. You'd get no more chlorine in your body from eating US chicken than from a swim in a public pool.
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Which part of his statement are you referring to? The only part of his original comment that is debatable is the reference to Trump's appeal to the undereducated. The donor class of the GOP abandoned Trump early in the primary. Trump would be the first to admit he has massive appeal from the undereducated whites in the flyover states, rust belt and the South. "I love the poorly educated" D.T. Feb 24, 2016. The primary numbers don't lie. His strongest demographic was whites with a high school education or less. Fact. That's not were I want to hedge my bet when it comes time to choose who leads the country. Fortunately I'm not too worried as there just isn't that many and he's going to get housed in the general. He's kind of painted himself into a corner when he's got zero support from educated whites, Hispanics, Latinos, Asians, Natives and African Americans.
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Sorry Sen Coghill, I am a stanch Conservitive and I disagree with this bill.. If anything , the cost for crimes committed these days seems to be more like a pat on the rear than punishment....
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I was saying that yesterday, some people didn't like hearing it.
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Amazing how such a simple concept can be so hard for some people to comprehend and deliver on.
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he's a real good guy, I'm glad he got a second chance
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Very gracious.
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The standard three year Enterprise Zone exemption is already in place. It seems a bit much for them to already be asking for two more years.
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Doug Chin attempts to justify wasting Hawaii taxpayer dollars for his own political gain and to feed his ego. He is out of touch with what is happening and important in this State. Don't expect to get many votes when you run for lieutenant governor. Governor Ige definitely will not get my vote this time for allowing Chin to waste our money. Didn't either of them think that Washington state or California, who challenged the first executive order, would challenge this one too? Guess Chin just wanted to get on national TV by filling first knowing that he would eventually get to visit US Supreme Court on Hawaii taxpayer dollars.
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Clerics and Rabbi made the rules speaking for God. Whether they were listening properly when doing so is a very open question and depends on natural law analysis of what they came up with. Unprivileged natural law teaching on homosexuality is not looking good for the Church.
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(cont'd) in security, judging by Comey's decision not to press charges (Justice left the decision to Comey). Now, Comey has a reputation as an ethical, politically neutral attorney and inspector; as acting AG when John Ashcroft was hospitalized, Comey refused to extend Bush's domestic spying mandate, and prevented Chief of Staff Card and Bush W.H Counsel Gonzales from dragging a signature out of the ailing Ashcroft, who lay sick in bed. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/05/15/AR2007051500864.html As a young com site commander in the army, I had a high clearance and was well aware of the serious responsibility it entailed. I trust that Comey made the right decision, and your second-guessing after the fact doesn't impress me. Like you, millions of Americans are screaming for (figuratively and literally) Clinton blood. This is a matter both of the intellect and of the conscience. This is my nation, and I call on all people to inspect their consciences.
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CBC the Red Star Ottawa Citizen and their fellow travelers aren't fake news per say but social engineering through censorship. i.e. they used to control what the public saw. thankfully the internet has severely neutered their ability to continue to form opinions
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Lol! Recorded history is inaccurate! You people are the party of john Wilkes booth, no matter how much you pout and try to deny it.
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Keep listening to it with your kids, TREY. Mine are done with college and grad school and I am proud and grateful for the return I got from being strict and principled about how I wanted MY sons to turn out. Worry about your own - you'll need to with your passive approach and your fondness for GANGSTER RAP. I've seen fathers like you, windows down, forcing that filth on everyone within close proximity. Your kids in the backseat, taking it all in. Wow.
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What an absolute farce, this wood boat school involving themselves in real estate-restaurant deal like this. As strictly not for profit business model, this is very unsound. Look behind this deal and you will most likely find one friend helping another at the expense of sound business practice. This would be OK if it were not for fact that wood boat school is not private enterprise.
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Actually science can tell us BOTH the how and the why. EVERYTHING around you that has been made by humans has science behind it and built into it. It has allowed us to evolve, technologically, from stone age primitivity to today's wireless connectivity in a relatively short period of time. The sun is emphatically NOT warming (it is cooling) - where do you get these "alternative facts?" And the fact that the sun's irradiance has DECREASED over the last 30 years or so while the Earth's temps have increased make all the more remarkable our impact on it. Science CAN predict the future, depending on what you want to predict. The weather is fairly easy, the climate is not so easy. But we also know how long our sun will last and what will happen to it when it "dies" billions of years from now. Not bad, eh?
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It's not a lie. He was incredibly rude.
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Wow that's nice to know. Thank god it was minimal.
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Actually, many Canadians do have a problem with what kinds of immigration, at what levels and in what localities. If 70% of Canadian immigrants are headed to the three biggest cities (constitutionally, they are free to do so), and the public services and "affordable" housing are already maxed out there, that's not good. If the "skills" of points-based immigrants are the same as those of Canadians who are being displaced from the job market, that's not good. If the numbers overall exceed population replacement, that's not good for the environment. If technological change will soon eliminate many current jobs, increasing the numbers of "adults needing training" that isn't good either. If Canada needs a relatively quick shift to an economy less reliant on revenue from oil-extraction and real estate development, how are newcomers supposed to seamlessly shift into well-paying jobs? Immigration economics are changing rapidly in developed countries, and not for the better.
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There are many voices speaking in favor of legal pot for so many varied reasons: It's medicine. It will relieve prison overcrowding. It's not as bad as alcohol. It's not as bad as cigarettes. It's not as bad as ice. It's not as bad as opiates. It's part of the real world, and those opposing it aren't with the current times. What puzzles me is that the arguments above don't apply to the real reason: Otherwise healthy folks want it legalized so they can get high. Kids are already getting high anyway, and more and more cool parents are okay with that. In fact, every school should have at least one family growing operation whose kid is the main vendor for that entrepreneurial niche. The next generation will be accepting of pot as a healthy life choice, and regularly get high as the new normal. That about right? By the way, I work with teens, and that last paragraph isn't made up--it's the current reality.
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nonsense....fear mongering nonsense..
Clearly this young Bison and it's mother were victims of Global Cooling followed by a clear lack of Obama Care.
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oh yeah? ask if your employer is running at maximum efficiency. Ot if they are heading bankrupt.
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Pieces about women's religious communities always bring out vast crowds of alt-Cath trolls. It must be a Troll holiday today (St Lacie Maniple's Day, maybe) because this has been up a whole hour and not a single troll has shown up. So let me be the first to assert without evidence that no religious community of women is possible that isn't covered in voluminous floppy-sloppy burkha-like habits. Because the point of a burkha, as any Catholic wannabe-Ayatollah will tell you, is to be a walking, talking incarnation of the principle that God thinks women are icky baby-machines. Only nuns who joyfully accept the role of walking effigy of the doctrine of female ickiness can be considered real nuns in the True Catholic Church. St John Paul The Great said so in "Indignitas Mulieris."
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Great idea, Liz, but we Canadians are too polite to ask someone to pay for our security.
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My guess is the ACLU will say that no guns for the mentally ill is discrimination of a protected class. Then the argument comes up from the far left we should just outlaw most guns to be fair. Then nothing happens and crazy people who tells us they are violent and crazy can still be fully armed. We don't let minors buy guns, there must be a way to make this happen.
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Hmmm. Kobayashi says "I just go with what I think is right" in one breath and in the next says, in explanation of her vote in favor of Hoʻopili,"I usually go with the council member of that district." Kobayashi also claims to "never look at who donates to me." Does this sound forthright? Are we to believe the money just falls in their laps? That Kobayashi hasn't actively sought campaign contributions from this developer and others? Meanwhile the other councilmembers in their arrogance decline to respond? Mahalo Natanya, nonetheless, for trying to hold our elected officials accountable.
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This isn't news. It's just further evidence that "El Smarmo" fooled a lot of people in October 2015, including me. Who knew that he was a Tom Flanagan disciple and a practitioner of the philosophy "It doesn't have to be true, it just has to sound plausible". Trudeau has it down pat.
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"Take our Prime Minister...please...." (Sorry, couldn't resist.)
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Harper thought he'd coast to power on a 1-800 line and a magic niqab. Still this article is curious as it will only drive voters from the ndp to liberal. That conservative senate appointment is still a pipe dream for you Yakabakbuski!
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then why do they come America? They pick and choose what they like about America? America is Great because of what it is peace, prosperity and freedom. A "legal" migrant comes to America knowing it's values, society and to add to the American Society. English is the language of the Goverment, Laws written in English if I'm not mistaken. This is a Big problem because of "illegal" immigration, amnesty, etc. Why bend over backwards for these people? America didn't ask them to come to the US "illegally", the US has migration laws! Liberals/Democrats change the immigration Laws if it's wrong! That's why you vote and your Leaders of the Democratic Party told you lies, deceive you, etc. for your votes and did SQUAT for you. I for ONE can say TheDonald doing what he said he'd do for the most part. Rome wasn't built in a day, was it?
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Am I the only one who wonders if Kaepernick would have taken the knee if he was still a starter?
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Gosh, in Hawaii the dress code is, as long as you are wearing...clothes.
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It should be noted that the plaintiffs notified BID of their violations of the Clean Water Act and CFS's intent to sue in April and again in June and BID did nothing. I think that's because there really is no realistic way to remedy their violations. BID needs to shut down.
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Point the finger at yourself. You weren't paying attention when they were teaching reading and critical thinking in the 8th grade. Now look at what you've done! 🤤
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General Kelly's central points are not refuted by anyone on this thread. In 1861 a Southerner's primary loyalty was to his state, not to the federal government, especially with respect to an issue such as slavery where the states were clearly in the right legally. Dred Scott & the Constitution provided the legal basis for slavery which Lincoln and his allies simply ignored. Moreover, tariffs, cultural differences, western lands, etc, provided other sources of contention which exacerbated the slavery issue. General Lee was certainly much more honorable than Yanks such as Grant, Sheridan, and Sherman who pursued a policy of ruthless ethnic cleansing against innocent, defenseless women & children from Vicksburg to the Shenandoah to Darien to Atlanta and Charleston. As was the case with their treatment of Plains Indians, Lincoln and his generals simply sought to exterminate Southerners to enable Northern hegemony. By contrast, General Lee fought with honor, not by Total War.
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I am a property owner. I voted for it.
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Insurance...or lack thereof, perhaps?
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I commend you for putting forth a plan. Most folks here (including myself) have not put forth a viable idea for a plan. I actually agree with most of your plan with the exception of part of #3 . The part I do NOT agree with is not responding to emergency calls. I don't know how old you are but will share with you back in the early 1970's, Pipeline days, the State of Alaska DID pay for tickets for people who had been here less then 30 days to return to point of origin. Theory was that to do that it reduced costs to the state for public assistance, medical facilities, strain on churches and non-profits. In my capacity as a employee for a women's shelter I took folks down to the PA office to sign up. The other thing it accomplished was to reduce the burden of too many people needing services by sending them to larger communities where far more services were available. I love your idea of chartering planes to transport to California, especially SF ! You inspired me to come up with ideas!
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I do get what you are saying Elizabeth but don'd think these kind of initiatives are productive or result in anything meaningful.. Would it not in point be more appropriate to condemn "Westaphobia" which is what radical Islam does in the form of bombings and killings and is the root cause of "Islamaphobia" When we see so much violence from radical Islam are you surprised at the fear? I think Trudeau said that we should look at the root cause (radical Islam and Westaphobia) as to why someone does these heinous acts and not just condemn the result (Islamaphobia)?
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"Pithiness"? Do you have a lithp, Sylvia?
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Bernie & Jane Sanders come to Alaska and drill for oil and gas so we can make America great again!!
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Refresh your knowledge of the carbon cycle, then plant an extra tomato this summer. That will do more for atmospheric CO2 reduction than any carbon tax will.
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That would be an optimistic assessment. I think it's more likely that he and Bannon decided Steve should move further back into the shadows.
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Doubt it. More likely he's tired of hearing the police "whine" about illegal activities in Vatican-owned real estate.
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f them with their manned limos "pulled over" in illegal parking situations. tourism is great and all but the pressure to our aging and overtaxed infrastructure is irresponsible. stuck behind a slow driving limo at a scenic stretch? making big money slowing you down. how about wedding mills; another can of worms when they're at churches and historic homes...big business. f them all
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or maybe it was some guy that bought it and realized he really didnt need it and was just gonna give it to some kids?
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Very poor reporting. If one wants to clear the field, then all of the rocks need to be exposed. State the "actual number" of persons receiving paychecks from the State between March 2014 and March 2015, then 2015 to 2016, same time frame. Then do the same for Industry. Anything less is totally irrelevant or a lie.
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Right wing buzzword for taking an ethical stance.
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It's not the education... it's the indoctrination by the left wing educational system. Alternative thoughts are rioted against when they try and vocally express another opinion. Higher education used to mean using one's mind to decipher what each side said. Now, unless you agree with the progressives, you're shut down. That's what is destroying America!
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That Obamacare "wart" as you call it, also known as the Medicaid expansion, has resulted in tens of millions of people nationally and tens of thousands in Oregon having health insurance for the first time. The most the state will ever pay is 10 percent of the cost, a very small price for such a significant benefit. Oh, and while you're at it, why not mention the additional tax on investment income earned by the rich to pay for Obamacare? It's been in place from the start and I haven't noticed that it has crimped the style of the rich one bit. At least the Democrats paid for their big program. Republicans are now considering a multi-trillion dollar tax cut primarily going to the rich. I've heard practically no discussion how they will pay for it outside of the long-discredited baloney that it will increase economic growth and tax revenues will increase. Promises like this go back to Reagan, and not once have they come true.
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There's a simple reason why airlines are allowed to overbook: the product they're selling- a seat on an aircraft- has no shelf-life. Once the flight departs, the airline can never recover the loss of an empty seat. Unfortunately, a statistically significant number of passengers don't show up for the seats they've reserved. In the meantime the airline may have turned away paying customers for the flight. Worse yet, many of these no-shows aren't due to valid reasons. Passengers themselves will try to hack the system. For example, say you want a whole row to yourself while on a flight. So you book as a family taking up the whole row, and then show up as a person traveling alone. You get to stretch out over all the empty seats, while the airline loses perhaps thousands of dollars of revenue. Or, passengers will book two or more airlines going to the same place, just in case one is delayed. Or, or, or... Over-booking is a fact of life for airlines, and it's not going away.
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"He's lost the respect of every active or retired service member I know" Yeah, except "Rabbie" (Burns?) who not only minces about these pages masquerading as a famous poet, but appears to have suffered at least a few concussions if not more brain damage either during his 'Tours of Duty' in Glaswegian bars on Friday nights or as the principal character in his own version of Rambo. Away yee go ye wee Dylan Thomas. Leave the discussion to those who can discern the difference between firing a gun and shooting off at the mouth.
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Good on this lady. I try to imagine my big gnarly old rig pig hands dealing with fiddly little cups of espresso.............doesn't compute in my mind. No barista job in my future.
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That was a GREAT JOB!! And, alot of work too. The guy doing the rowing sure got his workout for the day. I would agree with the comments here that it would be a hunter first and foremost that would take so much trouble and care for a rescue such as this. I had to chuckle after they turned the moose loose the first time the guy (ranger?) says "Can we get back up on him?" If I'm the guy rowing I would have said; "What do you mean WE? Got a mouse in your pocket?".
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Haven't been in tRump's favorite Sodom & Gomorrah in 20 plus years. I was proposing a more intellectually correct wager but sounds like you're like the rest of tRumpy's witty gang of name calling feelers that are more concerned with hyperbole.
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Could Ontario take just three more prudent steps to expand its laudable pharmacare program to everyone without increasing its costs? The province could contract with or preferably purchase a drug manufacturer to produce basic drugs for Canadians to generate profits to fund pharmacare. The province could cut pharmacy fees currently charged on non-prescription items, ie turning $2 tums into $12 tums, to save tens of millions of dollars. The province could also refuse to pay monthly pharmacy fees on annual prescriptions that do not change year over year. In fact, pharmacy rip-offs and absurd pharmacy fee overcharging, usually coupled with turning annual prescriptions into separate monthly ones to multiple fees by 12, is long overdue for reform. It's time to end the profiteering done only for profit and to gouge government.
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Honestly why does Trudeau even bother.....
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Oh, and ObamaCare serves these people much much better? There is no evidence that Medicaid will be cut for anybody other than those receiving benefits illegally.
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In the addiction treatment community, that kind of move is called "pulling a geographic". It's very common, but it seldom leads to a solution unless someone is still in treatment and/or really committed to overcoming the addiction. Often it leads to worse problems, as loneliness and social isolation in the new area prompts the old addictive behaviours.
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I was just thinking the same thing! I have vague memories of being on flights to london and it was like a high end hotel in the sky- exactly as yu descibe, and the clotted cream and scones- awwh. The good ole days. The last time I headed to Nottingham, the person behind me had his knees in my back and I'm sure mine was in the person in front of me (no leg room), and I'm not THAT tall. And top that off with the fact that people dont seem to understand that if they want to put their seats back (yep, tons of room for that) at least have to courtesy to give the person behind them a heads up so one doesnt end up being thonked in the chest with a tray.
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OMG. I adore the new MUTE feature. And I'm using it. PS. Gas stations masquerading as countries are not going to do so well in a post-petroleum world.
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I will never forget this moment. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Gi7AaO1v0QU
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Just ban children. That will solve the problem too.
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It's not complicated. Women have a right to be aggrieved. Canadian women who work full-time still earn 73.5 cents for every dollar men make. These numbers are even lower for Indigenous and women of colour. https://beta.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/women-still-earning-less-money-than-men-despite-gains-in-education-study/article29044130/?ref=http://www.theglobeandmail.com& What are they supposed to do? Just sit at their desks and accept lower pay for the same work, with a smile on their faces? Even by raising the issue, they get abusive comments from men, as demonstrated by this forum. White, European, heterosexual males still rule the planet. They will not give it up without a fight.
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If it was so good, why didn't the Republicans enact it?
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Don't you remember the party of no before they became the party of nocando in the majority? How could you forget? > How immigration reform failed, over and over January 30, 2013 Is the bipartisan immigration reform led by the "Gang of 8" a breakthrough on a seemingly intractable issue -- or deja vu all over again? https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2013/01/30/how-immigration-reform-failed-over-and-over/
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I guess all that "collusion" between the Trump campaign and the Putin didn't buy the Russians a whole lot of support from Trump.
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Not required.
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I loved this article, and the photos that go with it. Excellent.
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sorry Paul ...while I am sure you thought your recitation of history was accurate ... what you recited was liberal democrat history and not US History which doesn't say that all of the racists became republicans ...it says just one did
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"I was pointing out some hypocrisy." It's not polite to point...
Why doesn't (Lyin') Ryan rebuke the nasty little duo for their constant hateful barrage against the President. How about backing our side for a change. Is that too much to ask for. And btw Mr. (Lyin') Ryan, we know who you really work for, and it's not us. Did she really have a face lift? and was there blood? Just askin'.
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"Why would any Protestant organization want to have anything o do with the RC damaged goods...? I see where you are going with this, but do you really think the German CC wants to link up with the German Lutheran Church? I don't think so. We all have damaged goods, believe me! Listen to pastors on both sides of the divide in Germany. Their mutual damaged goods, petty despotisms enforce great lessons. Cardinal Marx wants ecumenical grass roots cooperation, but certainly not organic union. Nor does the UK CC want organic union with the UK Anglican Church. Everyone wants good words, however. It is the easiest obligation. And maybe from those "good words," churches, local religious communities can tackle the horrendous social issues that the people of God are facing, not least among them in the US, basic health care, economic inequality.
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No security Council does not make laws especially through non-binding resolutions, The legal agreements starting from San Remo's convention and all the way to Article 80 of the UN charter, and all the agreements in between are the legal laws and are as valid today as on the day that they were made, since no other legal laws have been passed to supersede them. All legal documents clearly state that Israel has the right to the land up to the Jordan river, and Arabs have their land on the other side of Jordan river in their real country called Jordan. That is why in a non-biased court of law of a democratic country Palestine case would not stand a chance, and had not stood a chance. Nice try blaming Israel and Netanyahu for the iron grip that Hamas holds in Gaza, sorry it's only going to fly with most gullible jehadist like you but not with anyone rational.
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Time to bring back the 'ignore' button for childish posters who can't make an argument without silly name-calling.
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Retailers were really caught out by this completely disastrous move by AirMiles. I stopped going to Metro and Shell because not only were the problems with redemption and expiry, but the value of the points dropped considerably. Aeroplan and PC Points- Optimum offer far better value.
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"Boucher was booked into the Cook County jail Saturday, with bond set at $50,000, jail records showed." Well, he better hope that those in the Cook County jail don't find out what he said, if they do, he's got much bigger problems ahead.
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Doesn't make any difference the ethnicity of the raging criminals. That fact that APD is two steps behind catching the perps is good enough for me. Now all we need if the the judicial system to keep them locked up.
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Hacksolution7ATgmai l .com is a professional hacker that specializes in exposing cheating spouse,and every other hacking related issues. he helps catch cheating spouse by hacking their communications like call, Facebook, text, emails, Skype and many more. i have used this service before and he did a very good job, he gave me every proof i needed to know that my fiancee was cheating. You can contact him on his email Hacksolution7ATgmai l .com to help you catch your cheating spouse, or for any other hacking related problems, he will definitely help you, he has helped a lot of people, contact him and figure out your relationship status. i wish you the best tooDhhjhj
not toxic
....Except that's not how it works. This isn't about "how many Americans are killed by terrorists." it goes deeper than that-- it's a values argument. Muslims are overwhelmingly un-American and do not share the same notions of liberty, freedom, and democracy as we do. Look at Pew Research polls of the Muslim world: The overwhelming majority of them believe Sharia Law is the ONLY law. The majority believe there is only ONE interpretation of Sharia Law, and that it also supersedes any American government writ or law. The majority of Muslims directly support, indirectly support, or at the very last sympathize with the following people: Islamists, Jihadists, Islamist extremists, Conservative sects of Islam, or variations therein. . The Muslim community owes assimilation into our country, not the other way around.
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I don't believe these false claims. Ted Cruz has said that: "If you look at satellite data for the last 18 years, there’s been zero recorded warming. The satellite says it ain’t happening." Am I supposed to believe that Ted Cruz is a monumental liar? Sure his nickname is Lyin' Ted. But I'm pretty sure that's a reference to his penchant for reclining and not to his mendacity.
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