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2 classes
U r still so beautiful and I am still watching you babe   Chat with you later my dear and lookin at you rock my world.  Just saying babe
Trump is racist for not letting this brave woman return!!!
True Heavy Metal! True Feeling
Transgenders have to protect each other, not fight each other
Trace, I would ask you to rethink the out of Africa myth. Since the out of Africa theory was proposed, there have been many discoveries that prove modern humans existed in other parts of the world much earlier than what was thought when the OOA theory was proposed. For instance, there have been skeletal remains of humans found in Asia that are many thousands of years older than the oldest found on the African Content. It amazes me that there is so much information out there that shows older humans elsewhere on Earth but people still adhere to the falls narrative that modern humans evolved on the African continent
To say that black lives matter, is not racist statement. But the B.L.M. organization itself is racist group. If they could just quit hating white people and turn that energy towards their own community, the biggest group of black oppressors there is, they might make a difference.
to be honest I am part of the LGBT community and to be in their shoes for a while it hurts you a lot, you want to be treated the same way as other being. they need to see that there is people that are in their church that are in the LGBT community going their. They need to notice them and how they are people like them.
To all the white people that might read this, know that I as a black man, will not criticize you based off the color of your skin. I know that there are good and bad people in all colors. Have a good day and God bless!
This video was super helpful and just very nice ! If you're reading this, please stick with us, alright ? I spent eight years hating myself, to the point of almost killing myself. Key word is almost - because i'm still here, and i'm so glad i stuck around. So take care of yourselves, please, because it's going to get better, and you'll want to be there to see it. All the love to you, Jack and Kati, and everyone out there. <3
This time the tables have turned
This reminds me of me & my husband. I have rheumatoid arthritis & permanent damage in my ankles. I could not walk for 4 days recently AT ALL. My husband is my caregiver when he is home & my RA is so bad I can'€™t walk. I have 2 wheelchairs & my husband often pushes me when we go out when I can'€™t walk. I have canes EVERYWHERE. These 2 are SO CUTE! She is lucky to have him to reassure her. He'€™s lucky to have her to laugh with.
This literally made my emotional bi ass cry
this is my theory on the whole thing, was Michael strange yes , but his circumstances growing up he didn't have a childhood and I believe he was trying to be a child for the first time , I remember at the time it was happening just wondering why the parents would let their kids sleep with Michael . it is strange for an adult to be sleeping with the kids I know I sure wouldn't but then again I didn't grow up like Michael Jackson. these two men have had plenty of time to come out about Michael and they choose tell after he dies , their families were set up the whole time they were staying at Michael's house and I don't believe anything happened and if it did it was the parents fault more than anyone's would you let your kids sleep with Michael for any cost? I just have to take Michael's side on this since he ain't here to defend himself
This is fake u liar bastard. He is ur actor u liar bastard
This is a staged scene there is no license plate on this truck and it is a refrigerated trailer look at the facts people you can't drive a commercial truck down the roads of Texas without a dot cop pulling you over don' be fooled this whole thing doesn’t add up
This guy gets my nerves!!!!  I'm a Christian who is a transgirl. Too bad for him
this doesn’t  represent mental illness correctly at all, it doesn't just randomly appear its always present
This documentary is on point. This helped me through class ty boy
this actually makes me so angry. people are just stupidly looking for attention and want to make themselves feel like the most important human on earth. nobody pretends to have cancer or any dangerous physical illness too so why pretending to be “dEpReSsEd” and “aNxIoUs”. nobody should ever feel this way the way it really feels. He has no mental disorder, that’s a fact.
They must be really suffering if they're throwing food all over the ground for the pigeons.
they could have shot him in the legs no one gets in risk of dying
They are the most calm and patient police ever, also, did the bald police man just get stabbed?
They are forgetting Russell Crowe 's performance in A Beautiful Mind. I know schizophrenia, and it was spot-on.
These were the days!
these videos may already feel long but their responses are cut so short and not given a true voice. I would love if you produced fuller videos so we, the viewers, can really hear what these people have to say because these are all topics that are not common among today’™s people. It'€™s rewarding to hear insight from both sides no matter the topic.
These boys will then grow up with people making fun of them and they will then hate their parents for ruining their lives.
There's not anything to refute because its just a massive cope lol.
There's a lot of confusion about male/female vs. masculine/feminine. They don't always line up. And nobody seems to ask why there are so many more male to female transexuals than female to male?
There isn't too little land, there isn't inefficient land use, there aren't too restrictive land use policies, there are TOO MANY PEOPLE.
There are so many errors XD
Then the same people choosing the same answer
The Veil of Isis is also a great song by The Sword.
The pure misery in these men’s eyes it’s heart breaking. God bless them!
The problem here is that the people don't listen to the people. I feel as if people on both sides would actually listen to one another they would learn something.
The most peaceful religions came from India like Buddhism, jainism etc.
the guy (guessing) in the wheelchair was so sweet awh!!
The girl in the thumbnail looks badass
The girl in the dress reminds me of opal from bird box
The eye contact never lies
the engagement ring story outrages me more than it should have.
The degree of improvement is amazing. My father donated stem cells to my uncle and cured his lymphoma. Stem cells are the future of medicine.
The dark cloud is the side of you that you cannot fully understand but its your alter ego that you need to accept or you’€™ll be deprived of your superpowers.
The blonde lady and the dude in the orange shirt had me quaking
The 100 people that disliked this are just salty that we are stealing your dates.
That's their problem and no one should interfere with their own way of life. If someone is unhappy they can try to escape.
That's Hip Hop. Not the sh***t they bring today. Where are the critical minds of our time. If no one will come out I'll do it myself. Racism, Oppression, Hate still is very much there in 2019.
That's a terrible photo to use.
that song is fucking awesome.
that is the most beautiful right hook ive seen. what a hero!
That hair cut makes you irresistible
That guys chin strap bothers me man....idk why.
Terrorists are not Muslims They are just using name of islam
Terrorism has no religion Terrorism is a cancer need to be wipe out. RIP to all victims
Tell me now "Whose the terrorists again "???
Technically ISIS is a CIA/US creation so...
T-Rex mated with a donkey
Sweden is so cool !
Support gay pride
STOP. DRINKING. COW. MILK.  Do people realize that for a cow to produce milk it has to get pregnant? and for people to have such milk the calf cant consume any of it? Do they realize that puss and blood is found in milk and that the milk at the grocery store is only 5 to 10% milk and the rest is just powder and water?  Gross.
Stop war. Lead, Radiation, chemicals is killing this earth.  Share, care, sympathy, and empathy most of all Love is needed in this world.
Statistics show that if you support don lemon or you agree with him or if you think he'™s intelligent then you'™re overwhelmingly ignorant. Don'™t blame me that'™s just facts
Son, the greatest lesson I can teach you is this: Don't tell your troubles to others. Because if you tell ten people of the problem you are having. Seven of them won't care, two of them will laugh at you behind your back. One of them will tell you to deal with yourself.
Some of the lyrics are wrong
Society is fucked for sure. And that’s everyone’s fault
So when i scroll down to read/leave a comment and scroll back up they blue like thumbs up goes away, it has done this 4 times in a row now. Hmm is it just a glitch or does YouTube remove it when they think you will just leave the video without checking? This happens a lot but only on channels like this.
So sorry about this bombing attack in Manchester. Innocent people just died
So how long have you lived in your mother's basement?
Slow down the cuts between shots. Way too fast.
Short answer: if you are a murderer or child molester that is the natural choice.
She'€™s a really courageous woman! She is one of the most impressive women I'€™ve ever listened to. I appreciate  her film, and I certainly wish her continued success and happiness. She is definitely a cut above both as a filmmaker, and most especially, as a person! She is an incrediblely remarkable woman!
She the one being tense
She is flawless. omfg
Salute to this woman in Hollywood! You are so human, my lady. I love you
Responsibility is something that needs to grow inside of everyone
relax and do something...wink wink. hahahahaha! totally enjoying your videos! you both are super yummy!
Red pill activism should be a thing.
Read this sentence slow
put the speed on 1.5 its so good!
Pokemon is the best game ever
People in 2019 keep it that of racism ???... I'm puertorican, my grandma is native, my grandpa black, my mom is "mulata" , my dad is white. I'm white skin green eyes, flat nose, big lips... Haha What raze should I date??... I gonna tell you something- I love all kind of womens all of shapes, but curvy, Latinas, white, black, asian, arabian. I dnt know but every single raze and person have different type of beauty.  So lets keep racism down in the floor and rise the love for the humanity. And everybody have the personal choose of dating who's more attractive to them.  I choose the mix between white and black. We call mulata...Happy life!!!
people have rights to follow there own religion, if they try to force people not the following there religion then that country running a dictatorship, hopefully soon there will be change in low by the international pressure,
People hate you People think your ugly  People think your a horrible person Well guess what   No ones name is people
People are scared of change and things they don't know or understand! There's good and bad in every race, religion and culture!
People are individuals.  Look at character and behavior, obviously. Race? Meh. That tells you a genetic geographical trait, and that's about it.
Our world should be ashamed, the west should live with the knowledge that we did nothing to stop this until it was far too late.
Omg, Macklemore is iconic and I love him.
Omg that is awesome so much hate but stay positive
OMG Lucas !! Such a great kid, such a big grow
Okay first of all Drag is not a fetish.  It can be but it's not inherently  meant to be.  It's performance art.  Its  a mature form of  performance art.  Its  literally grown ups playing dress up .  But yes it's highly sexualised as with anything catered to an adult audience so i think it's downright disgusting to bring your 5 year old child to a drag convention where literally companies  have booths selling sex toys.  Its not progressive to let your kids perform seductively infront of an audience, its creepy.
Oh god F*CK I’m crying :’)
Not only the politicians are going into the wood chippers but also the police.
No shower for two days? I bet you smell like Doritos, Mountain dew and shameful sweat.
No need to lip sync just get your mic and put it closer to you and you'll sound fine
no fucking way a machine would recognize that shit LOL
No body can change their biological sex, but they can change their gender.
Nice concept, good story but poor act. Try harder next time
Next on your list, pierce your face with a katana.
My sons school had someone in doing a talk for autism awareness he himself was autisic. He made aware that animals can be autisic too and introduced a picture of his pug lola whom is also autisic which I found interesting.  My 10 year old son is autisic
My smile is beaming, my skin is gleaming! YUH
My grandma had a roommate who was a drag queen I had drag queen knwonledge at 11 and what was cool lol