20 values
Does anyone have a rear wheel for a PD they'd like to part with? Does anyone know where I might find one salvage? As long as I'm getting the GIVI luggage for Brunnhilde and have the room, I thought I'd carry a spare. Ride Free, Bill ___________________________________________________________________ johnsw@wsuvm1.csc.wsu.edu prez=BIMC KotV KotRR DoD #00314 AMA #580924 SPI = 7.18 WMTC #0002 KotD #0001 Yamabeemer fj100gs1200pdr650 Special and a Volvo. What more could anyone ask?
Let's fill in some winners here:
Pretty much like the people who buy the Mazda MX-5 (Miata) today. Small fun and you can fool yourself (and a lot of other people) that you have the performance of many far superior (and much more expensive) performnace cars.
Greetings fellow motorcycle roadracing enthusiasts! BACKGROUND ---------- The racing listserver (boogie.EBay.sun.com) contains discussions devoted to racing and racing-related topics. This is a pretty broad interest group. Individuals have a variety of backgrounds: motojournalism, roadracing from the perspective of pit crew and racers, engineering, motosports enthusiasts. The size of the list grows weekly. We are currently at a little over one hundred and eighty-five members, with contributors from New Zealand, Australia, Germany, France, England, Canada Finland, Switzerland, and the United States. The list was formed (October 1991) in response to a perceived need to both provide technical discussion of riding at the edge of performance (roadracing) and to improve on the very low signal-to-noise ratio found in rec.motorcycles. Anyone is free to join. Discussion is necessarily limited by the rules of the list to issues related to racing motorcycles and is to be "flame-free". HOW TO GET THE DAILY DISTRIBUTION --------------------------------- You are welcome to subscribe. To subscribe send your request to: race-request@boogie.EBay.Sun.COM Traffic currently runs between five and twenty-five messages per day (depending on the topic). NB: Please do _not_ send your subscription request to the list directly. After you have contacted the list administrator, you will receive an RSVP request. Please respond to this request in a timely manner so that you can be added to the list. The request is generated in order to insure that there is a valid mail pathway to your site. Upon receipt of your RSVP, you will be added to either the daily or digest distribution (as per your initial request). HOW TO GET THE DIGEST DISTRIBUTION ---------------------------------- It is possible to receive the list in 'digest'ed form (ie. a single email message). The RoadRacing Digest is mailed out whenever it contains enough interesting content. Given the frequency of postings this appears to be about every other day. Should you wish to receive the list via digest (once every 30-40K or so), please send a subscription request to: digest-request@boogie.EBay.Sun.COM HOW TO POST TO THE LIST ----------------------- This is an open forum. To post an article to the list, send to: race@boogie.EBay.Sun.COM Depending on how mail is set up at your site you may or may not see the mail that you have posted. If you want to see it (though this isn't necessarily a guarantee that it went out) you can include a "metoo" line in your .mailrc file (on UNIX based mail systems). BOUNCES ------- Because I haven't had the time (or the inclination to replace the list distribution mechanism) we still have a problem with bounces returning to the poster of a message. Occasionally, sites or users go off-line (either leaving their place of employment prematurely or hardware problems) and you will receive bounces from the race list. Check the headers carefully, and if you find that the bounce originated at Sun (from whence I administer this list) contact me through my administration hat (race-request@boogie.EBay.sun.com). If not, ignore the bounce. OTHER LISTS ----------- Two-strokes: 2strokes@microunity.com Harleys: harley-request@thinkage.on.ca or uunet!watmath!thinkage!harley-request European bikes: majordomo@onion.rain.com (in body of message write: subscribe euro-moto) thanks, be seeing you, Rich (race list administrator) rich@boogie.EBay.Sun.COM
The only difference is the time the driver gets loaded. mouse.sys will be loaded during the config.sys and therefor before the command.com. mouse.com will be loaded during autoexec.bat and so after the command.com. mouse.com could be started from the commandline after the booting and it could - perhaps - be unloaded, if no other driver is loaded after it. The working of both drivers is totally the same. When I ran dos, I preferred loading most of the drivers in autoexec.bat, because some programs won't run with some drivers and I could choose the ones I needed during startup. But with DRDOS6, this advantage is gone, because DRDOS lets you choose in config.sys which drivers should be loaded. Michael
reconditioned at a (still Well, sounds like we need some kind of a Lemon Law on the hardware industry. After all it does sound unfair to me for someone that has paid the price of a new drive for a reconditioned one. What do you guys think?
believeing blindly or not. I'm not sure how blindness comes into it. I do > not deny reason, indeed I insist upon it, but reason only draws conclusions > from evidence. If you decide in advance that your reason will act only on > the evidence of the five physical senses, then you cut reason off from any > possibility of reaching a conclusion outside the physical sphere (beyond the > rather provocative, if inconclusive, conclusion that the physical sphere > is not self explanatory). So your are saying to rely on our feelings and experiences (since this is the only other source of information left to us). How can you then convince somebody that your "feelings and experiences" are the correct ones then if you can't show somebody visible and measurable effects? If my experiences say that "there exists no god" and yours says there does, where does that leave us? Since we are only going on experiences, then both of us are correct within our own personal realities. Furthermore, the trouble with "feelings and experiences" is that they can lead you astray, as the tragic outcome of Waco illustrates. I am sure that many of Koresh's followers really believed in him but I think that you and I will agree that they were being misled. Finally, how on earth do you come to the conclusion that the physical sphere is not self-explanatory when you only rely on the five senses? You must be using a definition of "evidence" that I am not familiar with. To me, evidence is something you can show others -unambiguously- that what you are saying is true. However, I agree with you that belief in a diety is a matter of faith. It is not something you can share around - others must experience it independantly. Unfortunately, as I have explained above, this puts belief down to a matter of experience. My impression is that Christians do not have the monopoly on reason, evidence and faith as far as any of these things can go. At the risk of repeating my argument : As I have explained previously, the trouble is that Moslems, Buddhists, Jews, etc will ALL say that THEY claim, with good reason, to be a valid system, possessed of the best evidence, for explaining Gods revelations to man (for Buddhists it should read "for explaining the non-existence of God"). So not only must you "prove" your own case, you have to "disprove" theirs. (alt.messianic is a good place to see people strong in the belief of their own faiths ... and with their own good reasons) I know that ALL people can use reason ... I never claimed that they don't. I just wish to make sure that their arguments are well-founded. It goes without saying that if I make a blunder that I expect people to correct me. Once we have all gone through this process of removing the non-essential and contradictory bits, we should (hopefully) have made some progress towards the truth.
Excerpts from netnews.alt.atheism: 15-Apr-93 Re: thoughts on christians by Dave Fuller@portal.hq.vi I think it'd help if we got a couple good atheists (or even some good, steadfast agnostics) in some high political offices. When was the last time we had an (openly) atheist president? Have we ever? (I don't actually know; these aren't rhetorical questions.) How 'bout some Supreme court justices? One thing that really ticked me off a while ago was an ad for a news program on a local station...The promo said something like "Who are these cults, and why do they prey on the young?" Ahem. EVER HEAR OF BAPTISM AT BIRTH? If that isn't preying on the young, I don't know what is... I used to be (ack, barf) a Catholic, and was even confirmed...Shortly thereafter I decided it was a load of BS. My mom, who really insisted that I continue to go to church, felt it was her duty (!) to bring me up as a believer! That was one of the more presumptuous things I've heard in my life. I suggested we go talk to the priest, and she agreed. The priest was amazingly cool about it...He basically said that if I didn't believe it, there was no good in forcing it on me. Actually, I guess he wasn't amazingly cool about it--His response is what you'd hope for (indeed, expect) from a human being. I s'pose I just _didn't_ expect it... I find it absurd that religion exists; Yet, I can also see its usefulness to people. Facing up to the fact that you're just going to be worm food in a few decades, and that there isn't some cosmic purpose to humanity and the universe, can be pretty difficult for some people. Having a readily-available, pre-digested solution to this is pretty attractive, if you're either a) gullible enough, b) willing to suspend your reasoning abilities for the piece of mind, or c) have had the stuff rammed down your throat for as long as you can remember. Religion in general provides a nice patch for some human weaknesses; Organized religion provides a nice way to keep a population under control. Blech. Chris
Most cars have drain petcocks in the radiators, and I've never seen nor heard of a vandal opening one. I imagine that there would be an even lower risk with an oil plug because you have to crawl furthur under the car to open it. Car vandals are usually real traditional in their methods, and do things that don't get them dirty, like keying your car, dumping sand, sugar or mothballs in the gas tank, TPing it, etc.
The investment was there in the form of huge tax breaks, and employer benfits. You are overlooking the difference that these could have made to any company. Part of the problem was that few industries were interested in political settling, as much as profit. True, which leads to the obvious question, should any investment have been made there at the taxpayer's expense. Obviously, the answer was and still is a resounding no.
Secrecy in Clipper Chip The serial number of the clipper chip is encrypted with the system key and transmitted as one part of a three part message. Presumably the protocol can be recovered (if by nothing else, differential analysis). Postulate if you will, a chip (or logic) sitting between the clipper chip and its communications channel. The purpose of this chip is twofold: 1) Transmit Channel The spoof chip XORs the 30 bit encrypted serial number with a secondary keying variable. This renders the serial number unrecoverable with just the system key 2) Recieve Channel The spoof chip XORs the incoming encrypted serial number with a secondary keying variable (assuming the serial number is necessary for local operation). This has the net result of hiding the serial number. This gets more interesting when the number of serial numbers issued becomes large, making it difficult to distinguish between valid serial numbers and a spoofed serial number. Without knowing the system key, you could lie about the serial number, but risk detection of the lie. IF you had the system key and the encryption algorithm you could successfully lie with a lower probability of detection by emulating the format of your own serial number.
sale item: A brand new Stealth VRAM Hi-Color card w/ 1meg display price : $135 It comes with: install disk Turbo windows 3.x drivers /w 24bit color Halo Desktop Imager (24bit) for windows 3.x Advanced AutoCAD accelerator (includes Big Picture) a complete manual If interested, please e-mail sunbum@cory.berkeley.edu
According to THE FAN here in T.O., Ottawa has won the Daigle e sweepstakes. They didn't mention why, but San Jose had more goals than the Sen-sens, so I have a hunch this is why Ottawa would pick first.....
This is incorrect. Sun has made no such claim regarding Devguide, and as manager of the Devguide engineering group I can state with authority that work on Devguide is continuing apace. We had quite a strong show of interest from the Devguide user community at last week's Solaris Developer's Conference. Devguide is being advocated not only as a valuable future builder tool, but as an important bit of transition technology that will help sustain current customers and facilitate their migration to the COSE Desktop Environment. If you have specific questions about Devguide availability, etc., you can contact Tali Aben, our Devguide Product Marketing person, at (415) 336-3536.
Nonsense. I quite clearly state that it was Greg that made the claim that Gainey never made an error. And he made the claim. Read below. From rec.sport.hockey Thu Apr 15 21:22:49 1993 From: gballent@hudson.UVic.CA (Greg Ballentine) Message-ID: <1993Apr15.160450.27799@sol.UVic.CA> [nonsense deleted] Gainey is the best defensive forward ever. I stand by that assessment. He was a very good player who belongs in the hall of fame. Did you ever watch him play? He never made a technical error. [more nonsense deleted] To knowledgeable observers of the game my meaning is obvious. Your hockey education is not my responsibility. He was just another player. To laud him as anything more I find bothersome. I hated the Habs. I hated Lafleur until I realized that he was likely the most aesthetically pleasing player to ever skate in my lifetime. Why would anyone talk about Gainey? Did he play hockey at a high level? Was he any good? If not, why would you bother to bring JC up? I am talking about hockey players here. If you can't follow the conversation don't follow up. As I said previously, it is not my responsibility to educate you. Sure. Two journeymen. Big deal. Neither one of them is worth discussing. That is an excellent idea and if I decide to waste any more time responding to any of your, or Greg's, postings then I will be sure to implement that very macro. Tarasov claimed that Gainey was a "hockey god." And Greg ate it up. And that is what this thread is all about. If you didn't know that then why are you responding? And as for "blanket disregard for these individuals", I can remember Leaf teams, purely populated by such "individuals", winning four Stanley Cups. Teams. No one ran around telling us that George Armstrong was the best hockey player in the world. Right. I had to get to the end of your posting before I realized you were a complete joke. In the future, if you are going to respond to my postings I would appreciate it if you could present a cogent argument supported by facts gleaned from a version of reality that most of the rest of us would recognize. cordially, as always, rm
I have the ARRL Handbook for the Radio AMateur, and I'm getting the Solid STate Design for the Radio Amateur.
Sorry to put a damper on your plans, but I was there three weeks ago and it wasn't there. Not that I would have known to look for it, of course, but I combed the space exhibits pretty thoroughly and something like that would have caught my attention instantly.
Hi ! I am interested in the source of FEAL encryption algorithm. Does someone of you know where I can get the source from, or where I can find documentation about FEAL. Thanks in advance Ciao Hermann
That's right. Humans have gone somewhat beyond this though. Perhaps our goal is one of self-actualization. Now you are letting an omniscient being give information to me. This was not part of the original premise. Which type of morality are you talking about? In a natural sense, it is not at all immoral to harm another species (as long as it doesn't adversely affect your own, I guess).
taken. Hum, I guess this has some significance as opposed to having an incredible drop during the last days in office. Unfortuantely having a loss in the polls during the last days of office usually means no re-election. Ask George. Good one, Roooster. Thats hard to top.
I have the following items for sale. Buyer pays the shipping costs. Hardware is new and unused unless marked otherwise. All software includes original disks and manuals. No reasonable offers refused. Send offers/questions to cpc3@po.cwru.edu Hardware --------- Hercules Graphics Card - mono graphics and printer ports Hercules Color Card - color graphics and printer ports Teac 1.2MB 5.25" floppy drive - doesn't work, sold as is for reapir or parts IBM ASYNC card - serial card for PC/XT/AT machines, comes with support software Kraft KC10 joystick - works with PC compatibles and Apple II series (not Mac) 360K 5.25" floppy disks - over 200 bulk-grade disks 2 floppy disk storage boxes - each holds 60 5.25" disks, one has a lock on it Software --------- Microsoft Macro Assembler 5.0 and 5.1 update - large manual and tutorial included Sideways 3.0 - rotates wide spreadsheets 90 degrees to print on 1 page Games ------ WolfPack - WWII submarine simultaion Space Station Oblivion - arcade-style game similar to Spectre Demon Stalkers - dungeon game, like Gauntlet Zork II, Moonmist, Ballyhoo - Infocom adventure/mystery games Jack Nicklaus' Unlimited Golf and Course Design - excellent golf game War In Middle Earth - similar to D&D games, based on Tolkien's "The Hobbit" Sargon 4 - excellent chess game, play against someone or against computer Silent Service II - submarine simulation
As quoted from <1993Apr18.000152.2339@gnv.ifas.ufl.edu> by jrm@gnv.ifas.ufl.edu: Kind of sounds like Plessy v. Ferguson, huh? Of course as in that case, things change, huh? No, if your little fantasy comes to pass, the country will have gone TOWARD the KKK. You're of course being a little disengenuous. Violent solutions are never passe FOR THE GOVERNMENT and CRIMINALS (who frequently) cannot be distinguished). "Avoid situations which encourage criminals"? You mean don't be a woman? Don't be Black? Don't be gay? I'm quite certain that having a surfeit of unarmed victims will discourage your beloved KKK from engaging in "violent solutions"....
[ Article crossposted from misc.forsale.computers.pc-clone ] [ Author was Mark Wilson ] [ Posted on Fri, 16 Apr 1993 13:18:42 GMT ] UPDATE ("for sale" items): (All plus shipping) 1. CORE 72Mb Hard drive, model AT72, works fine, 5 1/4" full-height, reduced to $90 2. MFM controller for the above, would like to sell with above, have $15 asking price, but will sell with #1 above for $100 combined. 3. AT-style case $10 (in process of selling) 4. VGA card, 512K, now asking $25 5. 386 Max, version 6.0, now asking $25 Please email mark@ocsmd.ocs.com or use phone #s below. - Mark -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mark Wilson, Online Computer Systems. 1-800-922-9204 or 1-301-601-2215 (Try email address mark@ocsmd.ocs.com....) This file .disclaims everything signed with my .signature, I .mean it! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mark Wilson, Online Computer Systems. 1-800-922-9204 or 1-301-601-2215 (Try email address mark@ocsmd.ocs.com....) This file .disclaims everything signed with my .signature, I .mean it!
People are seeming to be less concerned about Kariya's size as he leads teams to championships (World Junior and US College) and collects awards...everyone is watching with interest as to how he will perform on left wing with Eric Lindros and Mark Recchi at the world championships. 4 months of go...chances were not very good that he would go in the top five...now it has become probable...a great world championship could put him in the top 3 with Daigle and Pronger.
Tennessee, at least, does not require any sort of safety class to get a driver's license. All that is required is one twenty question quiz and to drive a car around the block without crashing. In all probability, no you don't. You are required to be licensed to drive on public roads. A license is not necessary on private property. Most states do not require the registration of cars that are not used on public roads. Those that do (California I know of) do so for tax purposes more than anything else. Many states do not currently require this, and most, again, only make this requirement for public roads. A car sitting unused is not required to have insurance. The two are not the same, as I pointed out above. There are significant difference between making rules for *use on public property* and *making rules for ownership*. The other half of the objection is trust. Similar things to this have been tried in many local jurisdications across the country, and have been abused in far too many cases. Safety classes which are never sheduled, never funded, or only one or two is held a year for a limited number of participants. Registration lists in New York, Chicago, and California have been used for confiscation. *Many* gun owners would, in theory, support these planes. (Although the numbers overwhelmingly show that competence is not the problem, that intentional misuse is). They've simply seen it abused and are leery of the next person who comes down the pike with a "reasonable" suggestion they've already seen abused.
I understand Caddy is working on one, double battery, super high perf engine, more gauges, a bit 'stretched', etc, lots of communication equipment, the works. Color selection is limited though. The problem is that the guy at 1600 Penn. Avenue is about to get it (Pres. Clinton) (Last time it was a Lincoln, this time a Caddy). Not to my knowledge; I know GM does conversion work for things like hot climates (i.e. the Chevy Caprices sold to the Middle East) but things like that are always done by third parties, NOT the manufacturer. Maybe you will need to buy a specific package that has beefed-up everything, perhaps the police cruiser package on the Caprice/Crown Vic and start from there. "And I wuz drivin' along in my armored Seville STS and this punk pulls out of nowhere with an RPG (Rocket Propelled Grenade) but the bulletproof windshield stopped him" :-) Don't think many people on the net have a need for bulletproof cars. Check with local armored service companies/security/bodyguard places. They'd know best. I think your average luxury car dealer will have a coronary if you told them "I'll take the blue Caprice, with options FZ01 (Fuzzy Dice), PR11 (power everything), and AR007 (Armor). I believe an article on the conversion process appeared in the car press within the last few months. Spiros
I am in need of the Driver for the Bernoulli Cartridge on a DataFrame XP60+B. The hard disk on the system got fried and I haven't been able to locate the original disks. If anyone has it or know where I can get this please let me know via e-mail. Thanks in advance. Wayne Lyle --
OK, the small programme that can be used to switch a SunCD drive into 2048 bytes/block mode for use with MSDOS/Adaptec/APSI it now available by 'ftp' from ftp.novell.de ( pub/pc/adaptec/cdblksize.zip
I've been told that Panasonic has uploaded some to Compu$erve, but I don't have a CIS account. I just use the Epson FX-80 driver myself, and it comes out very pretty (if very slowly) on my 1080i.
Configuration of IDE Harddisks ============================== last update: 14.4.1993 collected by Carsten Grammes (ph12hucg@rz.uni-sb.de) and published regularly on comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There is explicitly NO WARRANTY that the given settings are correct or harmless. (I only collect, I do not check for myself!!!). There is always the possibility that the settings may destroy your hardware! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Since I hope however that only well-minded people undergo the effort of posting their settings the chance of applicability exists. If you should agree or disagree with some setting, let me know immediately in order to update the list. If you possess a HD not mentioned here of which you know BIOS and/or jumper settings, please mail them to me for the next update of the list! Only IDE (AT-Bus) Harddisks will be accounted for. If not specified the Landing Zone should be set equal to the number of cylinders. If not specified the 'Write Precompensation' should be set 65535. (There are BIOSes that don't even ask for it). Another statement (maybe right): IDE harddisk don't have Precomp and LZone. The precomp is a built-in parameter and lzone isn't used because most if not every IDE disk has autopark. The jumpers' names are given as printed on the HD's board, often only a jumper number (JP12 means the jumper '12'). A zero means that the jumper is left open, a one means that the jumper is closed. *************************** C O N N E R *************************** Conner Peripherals Drive Geometry IDE/AT Conner drives are low level formatted at the factory. It is only necessary to run SETUP, FDISK, and DOS FORMAT. Model Heads Cylinders Sectors PComp L-Zone Type Table LED CP2034 2 823 38 0 823 *UT 3 N/A CP2064 4 823 38 0 823 *UT 3 N/A CP2084 8 548 38 0 548 *UT 3 N/A CP3184 6 832 33 0 832 *UT 1 A CP3104 8 776 33 0 776 *UT 1 A CP3111 8 833 33 0 833 *UT 1 A(?) CP3204 16 683 38 0 683 *UT 2 B CP30064 4 762 39 0 762 *UT 2 B CP30084 8 526 39 0 526 *UT 2 B CP30104 8 762 39 0 762 *UT 2 B CP30084E 4 903 46 0 903 *UT 3 C CP30174E 8 903 46 0 903 *UT 3 C CP30204 16 683 38 0 683 *UT 3 C CP3304 16 659 63 0 659 *UT 3 D CP3364 16 702 63 0 702 *UT 3 D CP3504 16 987 63 0 987 *UT 3 D CP3554 16 1054 63 0 1054 *UT 3 B Table 1 Table 2 Jumper Settings Jumper Settings Single Drive = Jumper ACT and C/D Single Drive = Jumper C/D Master Drive = Jumper ACT, C/D and DSP Master Drive = Jumper C/D & DSP Slave Drive = No jumpers installed Slave Drive = No jumpers installed Table 3 All Conner 20 Mbyte drives use Jumper Settings Drive type 2. All Conner 40 Mbyte drives use Drive type 17. Single & Master Drive = Jumper C/D Slave Drive = No jumpers installed *UT = Universal translate. Select a drive type that is close to but does not exceed the megabyte capacity of the drive. The drive will translate to the megabyte capacity that you have selected. LED A: B: C: D: J-4 J-5 J-5 J-3 Pin 1 = + Pin 3 = + Pin 3 = - Pin 3 = + Pin 2 = - Pin 4 = - Pin 4 = - Pin 4 = - *************************** F U J I T S U *************************** DETAILS OF FUJITSU DRIVES M261xT (Standard) M2614ET M2613ET M2612ET M2611T Heads (physical) 8 6 4 2 Cyl (physical) 1334 1334 1334 1334 Sec/trk 33 33 33 33 Speed (rpm) 3490 3490 3490 3490 Capacity 180MB 135MB 90MB 45MB +-----------------------------------------------+ | | +--+ | PSU | | CNH-2 | +--+ 1 | 1 | | . LED | | | CNH-1 9 CNH-3 Connector | | | 1 6..1 o o | 40-way | | . | | | IDE | | . | | | . | | | 12 | +--+ | +-----------------------------------------------+ Pin Function Position * 1- 2 Active mode 2- 3 Slave present mode 4- 5 Pin 27=IOCHRDY CNH-1 JUMPERS * 5- 6 Pin 27=RESERVED 7- 8 2 drive system * 8- 9 1 drive system 10-11 Pin 29=IRQ14 : Pin 31=RESERVED * 11-12 Pin 31=IRQ14 : Pin 29=RESERVED Pin Function Position 1- 2 SLAVE drive mode CNH-2 JUMPERS * 4- 5 MASTER drive mode 7- 8 ECC 4 bytes * 8- 9 ECC 7 bytes Pin Function Position 1- 2 Write protect enabled CNH-3 JUMPERS * 2- 3 Write protect disabled 4- 5 -6 Reserved Key: * (I guess!) marks factory default setting for jumper BIOS SETTINGS BIOS setting for the M2614ET in my system is 667 cylinders, 33 sectors and 16 heads. MODEL CYLINDERS HEADS SECTORS CAPACITY (Million bytes) M2622T 1013 10 63 326.75 M2623T 1002 13 63 420.16 M2624T 995 16 63 513.51 There are 6 switches on the switch block on these drives. Only 4 of them have a use that I am aware of (from my M2624T manual): Master/Slave Master (*) SW1-5 OFF Slave SW1-5 ON ECC bytes 4 bytes (*) SW1-4 OFF 7 bytes SW1-4 ON Write Protect Disabled (*) SW1-3 OFF Enabled SW1-3 ON IO Channel Ready Disabled (*) SW1-1 OFF Enabled SW1-1 ON I have no idea about the function of SW1-2 and SW1-6. The values listed with a (*) are the factory default settings. *************************** K A L O K *************************** KALOK KL3100 105 MB BIOS: cyl 979 heads 6 sectors 35 KALOK KL3120 120 MB BIOS: Cyl 981 heads 6 sectors 40 The following jumper settings have been reported for KL3100 but are probably also valid for other Kalok drives. Single HD: o o o o o o o o o-o <-- same row as pin 1 of the IDE connector. Master (disk 1): o o o o o | o o o o o Slave: o o o o o | o o o o o These 5 pairs of pins are at the righthand side of the disk. *************************** M A X T O R *************************** Model Cyls Heads Sectors Precomp Landing Zone ---------- ----- ----- ------- ------- ------------ LXT-200A 816 15 32 0 816 LXT-213A 683 16 38 0 683 LXT-340A 654 16 63 0 654 LXT437A 842 16 63 0 842 LXT535A 1036 16 63 0 1024 Jumpers are as follows: The bottom of the drive looks like this (well, sort of): +[POWER] [IDE CONNECTOR]-----+ Single drive Dual Drive System Pin numbers Jumper System Master Slave ----------- ------ ------------ ------ ----- 1-2 Slave Drive remove remove install 3-4 Activity LED optional optional optional 5-6 Slave Present remove remove optional 7-8 Master Drive remove install remove 9-10 Sync Spindle remove (n/a) optional* remove * only one drive (the master) in an array should have this jumper installed. Maxtor 7060A 16 467 17 62,0 J14 closed, J13 closed Maxtor 7060A 7 1024 17 59,5 J14 open, J13 open Maxtor 7060A 4 762 39 58,0 J14 closed, J13 open Maxtor 7060A 8 925 17 57,9 J14 open, J13 closed Maxtor 7120A 16 936 17 124,3 J14 closed, J13 closed Maxtor 7120A 14 1024 17 119,0 j14 open, J13 open Maxtor 7120A 8 762 39 116,0 J14 closed, J13 open Maxtor 7120A 15 900 17 112,0 J14 open, J13 closed Maxtor 7120A 8 824 33 106,2 J14 Jumpers for the above 2 drives: J11 I/O-channel ready ( open: disabled; close: enabled ) J13 see above J14 see above J15 operation-status ( open: normal; close: factory ) J J J J J 2 1 1 1 1 0 9 8 7 6 Power data-cable J16: Idle mode latch ( open: disabled; close: enabled ) J17: drive model ( open: 7060A; close 7120A ) J18: ECC Bytes ( open: 7 bytes; close: 4 bytes ) Master/Slave: drive is master and alone : J20 closed, J19 closed drive is master of two drives: J20 closed, J19 open drive is slave of two drives : J20 open , J19 closed Maxtor 7213A Default (power-up) AT BIOS Translation Parameters (others possible) Cyl Hds SpT MBytes 683 16 38 212 There are two sets of jumpers. A set of 5 and a set of 4. With the power and IDE connector toward you, the set of 5 is numbered (left to right) J16 - J20 , and the set of 4 is numbered (bottom to top) J22-J25. The only jumper of normal interest is J20. Jumper it for only drive in a single drive system, or master drive in a dual drive system. Remove the jumper J20 for slave drive in a dual drive system. J19 is a dummy and may be used to store the spare shunt if the drive is configured for a slave mode. Jumpers J17, J18, J24, J25 are factory reserved. Abnormal operation may occur if jumpered. Jumper 22 is sync spindle enabled/disabled (open=disabled) Jumper 23 is sync slave/master (open=slave) Jumper 16 is I/O Channel Ready (open=disabled) Maxtor 7245A (245Mb IDE; self-parking; Universal Translate): Drive type : User defineable Cyl Hds WPC LZ S/T 967 16 0 0 31 (WPC and LZ optional) Master(2): J20 closed Slave(2): J20 open (use J19 for shunt storage) Single: J20 closed ********************** M I C R O P O L I S **************************** Drive 2105A 2112A ---------------------------------------- Unformatted MB 647 1220 Formatted MB 560 1050 Platters 5 8 Heads 8 15 Cylinders 1760 1760 ---------------------------------------- Performance (both): Track to track (read) 1.5 msec Track to track (write) 2.5 msec Average 10 msec Max 25 msec Avg Rotational Latency 5.56 msec Rotational speed 5400 rpm (+/- 5%) Data Transfer Rate upto 5Mbytes/sec Internal data rate 24-40 Mbits/sec BIOS Settings: 2105A 1084 cyl 16 heads 63 sectors 2112A* master 1024 cyl 16 heads 63 sectors slave 1010 cyl 16 heads 63 sectors * the 2112A emulates both master and slave Jumpers (labelled J6 on the drive) ---- |oo| W1\ only these 2 are used |oo| W2/ |oo| |oo| |oo| ---- W2 W1 -- -- in in 2112A only - drive emulates both master + slave in out Drive is master, slave is present out in Drive is slave out out Drive is master, no slave present (ie single drive) ********************** M I C R O S C I E N C E **************************** MicroScience Model: 7100-00 Heads: 7 Cylinders: 855 S/T: 35 (?) Size: 105M Model # 8040-00. Size 40M 5hd/17sec/977cyl ********************** M I N I S C R I B E **************************** Miniscribe MODEL AT CAP CYC H RWC WPC ENC RATE ACCESS SPT COMMENTS 8225AT 3.5" 21 745 2 - - 8 28 MS 28 8051AT 3.5" 42 745 4 - - 8 28 MS 28 8450AT 3.5" 42 745 4 - - 8 40 MS 28 Master(2): 5-6 Slave(2): 1-2 Single: 1-3 (shunt storage) *************************** N E C ********************************* NEC D3735, 40 MB BIOS: Cyl 537 Head 4 sect 41 NEC D3755, 105 MB BIOS: Cyl 625 Head 8 sect 41 NEC D3741, 44 MB BIOS: Cyl 423 Head 8 sect 26 WPcom 0 LZone 424 Jumper JP12 JP13 (for all above NEC drives) Single 0 0 Master 1 0 Slave 1 1 There have been reported difficulties in using WD Caviar as Master and NEC drives as slave - the other way it works. *************************** Q U A N T U M ************************* Logical Specs for Quantum AT Drives COMPLIMENTS OF COMPUTER BROKERS OF CANADA Model Cap Avg Acc Cylinders Heads Sectors/Track (MB) (ms) 40AT 42 19 965 5 17 80AT 84 19 965 10 17 120AT 120 15 814 9 32 170AT 168 15 968 10 34 210AT 209 15 873 13 36 425AT 426 14 1021 16 51 LPS 52AT 52 17 751 8 17 LPS 80AT 83 17 611 16 17 LPS 105AT 105 17 755 16 17 LPS 120AT 122 16 901 5 53 LPS 240AT 245 16 723 13 51 ================================================= Legend: 1=Jumper Installed 0=No Jumper ================================================= 40 & 80 AT Jumpers DS SS Meaning 1 0 Single drive configuration 1 1 Master of dual drive 0 0 Slave of dual drive 0 1 Self-Seek Test ======================================================= 120, 170, 210 & 425 AT Jumpers DS SP SS Meaning 0 0 0 Slave when the Master is Quantum PRODRIVE other than 40/80A 0 0 1 Slave in PRODRIVE 40/80A mode 0 1 0 Slave when Master is non Quantum Drive 0 1 1 Not Used 1 0 1 Master drive PDIAG mode checking DASP for slave 1 1 0 Master in PDIAG mode using SP to check if slave present 1 1 1 Master in 40/80A mode using SP to check if slave present 1 0 0 Single drive ======================================================= LPS 52, 80, 105, 120 & 240 AT Jumpers DS SP DM* Meaning 0 0 0 Slave in standard PDIAG mode for compatibility with drives that use PDIAG-line to handle Master/Slave communications 0 0 1 Slave in PRODRIVE 40/80A mode compat. without using PDIAG line 0 1 0 Self Test 0 1 1 Self Test 1 0 0 Master in PDIAG mode using DASP to check for Slave 1 0 1 Master in 40/80A Mode using DASP to check for Slave 1 1 0 Master in PDIAG mode using SP to check for Slave without checking DASP 1 1 1 Master in 40/80A mode using SP to check for Slave without checking DASP ====================================================================== * While my Spec form marked the jumper name DM, it is labeled as CS on my LPS 240AT drive. The QUANTUM ELS series: Model Cap Avg Acc Cylinders Heads Sectors/Track (MB) (ms) ELS42AT 42 - 968 5 17 ELS85AT 85 - 977 10 17 ELS127AT 127 - 919 16 17 ELS170AT 170 - 1011 15 22 Write precomp = 0 for all Quantum drives ( probably no significance) Landing Zone = Cylinders Straps: If an ELS drive is master only, use DS master with slave, DS or, DS and SP in some cases slave, no strap *************************** R O D I M E ********************************* Information for RO 3008A and RO 3009A series hard disk drives: Drive Types Model Cyls Hds Sectors/Trk No. blocks Formatted Cap. ------- ---- --- ----------- ---------- -------------- RO3058A 868 3 34 88,536 45.33 MByets RO3088A 868 5 34 147,560 75.55 MByets RO3095A 923 5 34 156,910 80.33 MByets RO3128A 868 7 34 206,584 105.77 MByets RO3135A 923 7 34 219,674 112.47 MByets RO3059A 217 15 28 91,158 46.67 MByets RO3089A 325 15 28 136,737 70.00 MByets RO3129A 492 15 28 206,645 105.80 MByets RO3139A 523 15 28 219,735 112.50 MByets RO3209A 759 15 28 319,053 163.35 MByets RO3259A 976 15 28 410,211 210.02 MByets Link Options In order to install the Rodime Ro 3000A series drives the dumpers for the single/dual drive and LED operation on the drive need to be set as described in the relevant product specification. I a single drive environment the drive is described as a Master. In a dual drive environment the drives are described as a Master and a Slave. This is due to the protocal the takes place between the two drives when performing diagnostics. There are four links, LK1, LK2, LK4 and LK5, adjacent to the 40 way interface connector. They have the following functions and are described in order as viewed from the end of the drive, with the first jumper described nearest the 40 way interface connector. LK2: LED When fitted, this jumper connects the LED drive to pin 39 of the interface. This allows a LED to be connected to the interface. An external current limiting resistor needs to be fitted in series with the LED when this option is selected. The value of the resistor will be dependant on the LED type chosen but will be in the range of 130 Ohms ot 220 Ohms. LK1: Dual Drives This jumper must be fitted when two drives are attached to a single bus. It fallows communication across the 40 way interface connector, indicating, to the Master drive, the presence of a Slave. LK4: Master When fitted this signifies that the drive jumpered is a Master. If there are two drives connected on a single bus then only one may be jumpered in this way. LK5: IOChRdy When fitted this connects the IOChRdy signal to the drive, it is fitted when the drive is used in host systems that have a higher data transfer rate than the drive i.e. greater than 4 MBytes per second when using 1:1 interleave. This jumper is not normally fitted as most hosts transfer at a lower rate than 4 MBytes per second. There are four possible Master/Slave configurations in which a drive(s) may be jumpered: Master, single drive with LED on interface LK2 & LK4 fitted. Master, single drive without LED on interface LK4 only fitted. Master, dual drive without LED on interface LK4 & LK1 fitted. Slave, dual drive without LED on interface No jumpers fitted. Master, dual drive with LED on interface LK4, LK1 & LK2 fitted. Slave, dual drive with LED on interface LK2 only fitted. The Master drive will delay power-up for approximately two seconds to reduce power surges in applications where dual drives are used. The other connections for a LED will be found close to the 28 way connector at the other end of the drive. This LED driver is not affected by the link options. An internal current limiting resistor is on the drive for this LED driver. Refer to the product specification for further details. *************************** S E A G A T E ************************* There is a list of most Seagate HD (including MFM, SCSI, ESDIand IDE) on every Simtel mirror under /msdos/dskutl/1seagate.zip It contains info about the following drives: st1144a st138a st274a st3283a st1057a st1156a st1400a st280a st351ax st1090a st1162a st1401a st3051a st9051a st1102a st1186a st1480a st3096a st9077a st1111a st1201a st157a st3120a st9096a st1126a st1239a st2274a st3144a st9144a st1133a st125a st2383a st325ax ********************* T E A C ************** Model: SD-3105 Cyls. Heads Sect/T PreCmp LZone Capacity ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ --------- Physical 1282 4 40 - - 105021440 BIOS (AMI) 641 8 40 0 0 105021440 (100.2M) (Award) 926 13 17 0 0 104778752 (99.9M) (Phoenix) 776 8 33 0 0 104890368 (100.0M) Connectors and Jumpers: +----+ 1 Jumper Function |....| +---+ +-------/ /---+ 2 0 0 ON: -ACT selected (ext.LED) | | |...| |::::::/ /::::| :::: OFF: -SLV PRESENT selected +----+ +---+ +-----/ /-----+ 3 1 1 ON: Two HDD's J2 J7 40 J1 ---- OFF: Single HDD Power (Power) Signal Jumpers 2 ON: Master (/Single) OFF: Slave (with 2 units used) 3 ON: -I/O CH RDY not output OFF: -I/O CH RDY is output Master Slave Settings: Jumper no.: 1 2 ----------------------- Single....: 0 1 1, ON = jumpered Master....: 1 1 0, OFF = not jumpered Slave.....: 1 0 ********************* W E S T E R N D I G I T A L ************** Caviar series: Name Size (Mb) Cylinders Heads Sectors ---------------------------------------------------- WDAC140 40.7 980 5 17 WDAC280 81.3 980 10 17 WDAC2120 119.0 1024 14 17 WDAC2170 162.7 1010 6 55 WDAC2200 202.8 989 12 35 WDAC2340 325.4 1010 12 55 Please note that these are the *recommended* CMOS parameters. All the disks support so-called dynamic translation, and should thus be able to work with any parameters having fewer sectors than the total number of sectors on the disk. Now, according to the manual, the jumper settings are as follows: Jumper CP MA SL ------------------------------------------------- Single 0 0 0 Master 0 1 0 Slave 0 0 1 Slave with Conner CP342 or CP3022 1 0 1 Maybe there are 2 kinds of Caviar's floating around: If your jumpers read MA SL and SI then use: Jumper SI MA SL Single 1 0 0 Master 0 1 0 Slave 0 0 1 There have been reported difficulties in using WD Caviar as Master and NEC drives as slave - the other way it works. WD93044-A (40 MB) BIOS-Settings 977 cyln, 5 heads, 17 sect, LZone: 977 ( wenn sie sie braucht ) +-------+ +---+---+---+ 1: drive is master +-------+ +---+---+---+ 3: second drive is a conner-drive No jumper set: this is the only drive. ******************** Useful telephone numbers... ******************** Miniscribe: 303-651-6000 Maxtor: Info/tech support: 800-262-9867 FAX-back: 303-678-2618 BBS: 303-678-2222 They list their 800 number as 1(800)2-MAXTOR. Quantum: 408-894-4000 408-944-0410 (Support) 408-894-3218 (FAX) 408-894-3214 (BBS) Seagate: Info/tech support: 408-438-8222 FAX-back: 408-438-2620 BBS: 408-438-8771 ******************* last but not least ***************** If I could help you with my little collection and if you live in a part of the world far away from me, how about a postcard for my pinboard? I will surely answer!
Where did you hear this? I seem to have missed it. No. Will L.A. burn? No. (Regardless of the verdict.) Count your blessings.
from Dean: Yes, you're right. After going home and reading the paper, I got the full details. That's what I get for making a post based on WDUQ's news. I should know by now they get just about every sports related item wrong.
Nor mine, either of them!
# ## Face it, Clayton, he was not found guilty, and so what if gays sometimes # ## make it consensually with 16 year old boys. There ARE 16 year old gays, you # ## know. And as I recall, the case of the state rested on the testimony of one # ## "victim" who declined to testify, even under threat. I have had teens since # ## I was 40, and so have a lot of people. Face it Clayton, you're just a jerk! # ## -RSW # ## -- # ## * Richard STEVEn Walz rstevew@deeptht.armory.com (408) 429-1200 * # ## * 515 Maple Street #1 * Without safe and free abortion women are * # ## * Santa Cruz, CA 95060 organ-surrogates to unwanted parasites.* * # # # #I am always amazed to see people admit to breaking the law -- and # #putting their address in the signature. Please tell us more about # #this. Were they 13? 14? Would you like to make a statement for # #the district attorney? # # I had sex with a 13 year old boy, it was great, we did *everything*, # well, a hell of a lot. It was fun anyway. Oh, and before you turn # purple with rage I was 12 at the time. # #-- # #Clayton E. Cramer {uunet,pyramid}!optilink!cramer My opinions, all mine! The Walz monster above, however, was past 40 when he molested these kids, as he says above.
Subject says it all. Do any exist? Are they shareware? Where? Phil Trodwell
: Can anyone tell me where to find a MPEG viewer (either DOS or : Windows). : Thanks in advance. : -- : Alan M. Jackson Mail : ajackson@cch.cov.ac.uk : Liverpool Football Club - Simply The Best : "You'll Never Walk Alone" You can find a Windows MPEG viewer at wuarchive.wustl.edu in the mirrors/msdos/windows3 directory. --
Again, Mr. Frank has come to the rescue with his cool headed reason. How about, "One charge per victim?" Of course I'll think about it in a few days and find a case where this doesn't apply either. What the heck, I don't study law, I just hate lawyers. :)
Dynamic RAM is not based on flip-flops; there's basically a single transistor and capacitor to store each bit! Static RAM is based on flip-flops, and is much more expensive and much less dense. And neither has any parts that "move", if electrons and thermal expansion are ignored... Chris
I think, as do the owners, that hockey will do well in Miami since there is a lot of people from the Northeast that spend their winters in Florida every year. As for the coverage, someone will have to come up with some money for that since broadcast rights can be expensive! Just my $0.02! Dale
For a commerical package try WAVE from Precision Visuals 505-530-6563 For a free package try KHOROS from University of New Mexico 508-277-6563 ftp from ptrg.eece.unm.edu Login in anonyomus or ftp with a valid email address as the password cd /pub/khoros/release That will get you to the right place.
I heard FASTMicro went out of business. Is this true? They don't answer their 800 number. It's 800-821-9000.
Was the ABC coverage of the Kings/Flames game supposed to be the way it was shown in BC with CBC overriding the ABC coverage? When I flipped to ABC, it was the same commentators, same commercials even. My question is: Was this the real ABC coverage or did CBC just "black out" the ABC coverage for its own? comment: CBC had a great chance for some double headers: Toronto/Detroit and Vancouver/Winnipeg, but today they said that the East gets the Leafs and the West get the Vancouver game. I thought that they would show them both.
The actual algorithm is classified, however, their main thrust here is for cellular phones, and encryption is only over the radio end, not end to end, I think. End to end will come later. And of course you have to identify yourself to the phone company, and since the phone company complies with court orders, they will know the magic number of your chip when they sign out a warrant on you, and then can present the warrant to the key escrow house.
Does it do it to all tapes? Were the two tapes that it unwound of the same type from the same batch? The reason I ask is that I bought some generic tapes that did this and found that the tape markers were not fully punched out and had closed the little marker hole. It was only on a few tapes of a set. Did you open up the tape cartridge and put the tape back on the reels? If you have not yet, open it up by removing the two screws on the bottom of the tape cartridge and snap the plastic shell away from the metal base. As you are pulling the tape through the assembly try not to touch any more than you have to. As you are doing it, look for a couple of little holes in the tape. These are the marker holes which let the tape drive know when it is at the end of the tape. The holes are spaced a couple of inches apart. My best guess is that the drive finds the first marker and then stops on the second marker? Anyhow, If the tape has the holes, then check to see if the mirror on the tape is clean. The function of the mirror is to detect the marker holes. The tape drive shines a light at the mirror and has a pickup in the area where the reflection would come out. When the hole goes by, the pickup detects the light that was allowed to pass and it knows when to stop. If the mirror is dirty or out of alighment (unlikely since it is made into the case) you might have a problem detecting the end of the tape. If the tape drive does it on all tapes and the tapes all look good, then either the pickup or the LED of the sensor system has failed or is dirty. If you open the drive door you will see the sensor assembly to the left of the R/W head assembly. If it looks clean and nothing is in its way, then the drive may need to be serviced. It is possible that the LED is burned out or the sensor is out. If it is still in warranty, you might be able to send it back to CMS for repair. --- Scott Hiles whiles@relay.nswc.navy.mil
Interesting. Does she know you have placed this info request on the net for the world to see? If not, how do you think she would react if she found out? Why would you accept the advice of unknown entities rather than a counselor? See the counselor.
Seeing as Motif has been adopted by Sun, IBM, HP +++ (can't remeber the other members in the recent announcement), I'm sure you'll see it on virtually every workstation (ie. Sun, IBM, HP and DEC must make up the **VAST** majority of all hardware). Ports of Motif to both 386BSD and Linux are available for a fee of about $100. This is cost recovery for the person who bought the rights to redistribute. The activity in both the BSD and Linux news groups pertaining to Motif has been high. I can't see why. If just about every workstation will come with Motif by default and you can buy it for under $100 for the "free" UNIX platforms, I can't see this causing major problems. Side Note : --------- All the X based code I am writing (and will distribute freely when completed) is based on Motif because from a programmatic and also "look and feel" point of view I like it the best (no flames on this one please). bambi
It seems radio reports were overly optimistic. All Clinton wants to cut is $2.5 Billion for community block grants, keeping in summer jobs. Hmmm, well, looks like we need to keep up the pressure on our congresspersons.
Jammer ! Dit is geen fantastische advertentie over nep-rolexen maar een evenzo duidelijke mededeling hieromtrent : Aangezien het alleen al aanbieden van deze horloges onder vermelding van de echte merknaam niet geheel correct is, wil ik met dit bericht duidelijk maken dat ik, Marcel Engelbertink, niet meer zal adverteren met imitatie-horloges van het merk ROLEX. Enig persoon die hierin geiinteresseerd is kan ik jammer genoeg ook niet meer helpen. For all the foreign people who can't even understand dutch ?!? : In spite of earlier mailing about fake-rolex's, I announce that I don't have any information available any longer and I won't use the trade name ROLEX anymore for those fake models. Yours fakefully,
Hi everybody, Can anyone name an anonymous ftp-site where I can find the sources of the PBM-PLUS package (portable bit/gray/pixel map). I would like to compile and run it on a Sun Sparcstation.
Does anyone have some information on the relative fraction of the final cost of each component in an average hard drive? For instance, I'm pretty sure the heads and the platters are the most expensive parts, with the assembly costs running a close third. Cost of the electronics is likely in the noise. Any hard numbers ($$ or percentage)? Thanks. +=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=+ +=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=+
Forgive me if this is a FAQ (I have checked the list but I cant find it). I have a problem with the cursor within Xterm on MONO (not grayscale monitors) The problem is that when I have an character application that displays input fields in reverse video the Xterm text cursor gets lost on the edge of the input field. The solution would appear to be to set the xterm cursor to a line rather than a block, but how do you do this. I can't find any means although various sources seem to indicate it can be done. When the xterm loses the input focus the cursor becomes an outlined block. This would also be preferable but I can't seem to force this to be the default either. Configuration is : Motorola 88K X11R4 Please reply by email if poss. Thank you -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Steve Weet - European Mis - Motorola Cellular Subscriber Group Beechgreen Court, Chineham, Basingstoke, HANTS England. Phone : +44 (0)256 790154 E-Mail stevew@chineham.euro.csg.mot.com Fax : +44 (0)256 817481 Mobile : +44 (0)850 335105 Post : w10075 --
High power assault gun? Why, you must be talking about the 155mm Howitzer. Or did you want to try a 16 incher? Or one of the German railway guns?
Phew! That takes a load off. I don't want to live forever. I wish most Christians held this view. You can't walk across campus in spring without being assailed by fire-and-brimstone preachers. I really think the metaphor should be limited, at least with respect to teaching our children. It's criminal to put these ideas into a young and trusting mind. Besides, why not rely on the positive aspects of your religion to win their faith? -Tim
This appears to be generic calling upon the name of the anti-christ. Just for the hell of it, let's destroy this remark. Let us imagine that the executive branch actually could extract keys from the escrow houses without anyone knowing, or telling. Now what? Dick has 80 bits of data. What the hell's he gonna do with it? 1) Trot around to the telco and say 'we'd like an unauthorised decrypting tap'. Uh huh. 2) Break in to watergate and install his own tap (so his people still do have to break in, neat, huh?) record some noise, then get the Executive Branch Phone Decryption Box (huh? they've got one? Goodness, wait 'til the washington post gets hold of this) and decrypt the noise. 3) More likely, stare at the key, and say 'Oh, hell it's not worth all this bloody hassle' Truth is, even granted *lots* of covert power on the part of the Executive Branch, this system is *more* difficult to tap with than POTS gear. The fact that it is easier to tap than some hypothetical system neither you nor I am going to place on our phones is neither here nor there. The only rational concerns I am seeing raised are: a) is the key really just chopped in half, and not some XOR arrangement? That is, has some egregious technical error been built in to the plan? b) is this is the first step toward strict regulation of strong encryption? This is b), of course. I suspect not. If the government actually wanted to make such regs, they'd just do it. A few hundred people on Usenet yelling about it wouldn't even slow the machine down. Besides, who is this mysterious 'they' who's going to take away all our rights the instant we let our guard down? Congress? That gang of buffoons can't even balance their checkbooks. The FBI? But.. they don't make the laws. The NSA? Ditto. The white house? Bill Clinton is probably still looking for the bathroom. It's a big place, after all. Andrew
Did you miss my post on this topic with the quote from The Indonesian Handbook and Fred Rice's comments about temporary marriages? If so, I will be glad to repost them. Will you accept that it just may be a practice among some Muslims, if I do? Or will you continue to claim that we are all lying and that it is "not practised at all amongst Muslims". I don't think F. Karner has to tell everyone anything. Least of all that he is lying.
: I need to know the Pins to connect to make a loopback connector for a serial : port so I can build one. The loopback connector is used to test the : serial port. : : Thanks for any help. : : : Steve : Me Too!!!!!!! skcgoh@tartarus.uwa.edu.au
That really depends upon where you draw the line while defining these weapons, and also on if you intend the law to be reflective of modern practice five months or five centuries down the road. I'll give you a little hint: see that manure pile in the farmer's field down the road? In the USA, that is a weapon of mass destruction, biological in nature, because if it gets washed into an open well it will contaminate the aquifers that supply thousands of cities with drinking water. So, where do *you* draw the line? In the USA, the EPA has ruled that a pile of scrap iron is illegal. Care to draw a thinner line this time?
This reminds me of the last Graham Kerr cooking show I saw. Today he smoked meat on the stovetop in a big pot! He used a strange technique I'd never seen before. He took a big pot with lid, and placed a tray in it made from aluminum foil. The tray was about the size and shape of a typical coffee-table ash tray, made by crumpling a sheet of foil around the edges. In the tray, he placed a couple spoonfuls of brown sugar, a similar quantity of brown rice (he said any rice will do), the contents of two teabags of Earl Grey tea, and a few cloves. On top of this was placed an ordinary aluminum basket-type steamer, with two chicken breasts in it. The lid was put on, and the whole assembly went on the stovetop at high heat for 10 or 12 minutes. Later, he removed what looked like smoked chicken breasts. What surprises and concerns me are: 1) No wood chips. Where does the smoke flavor come from? 2) About 5 or 10 years ago, I remember hearing that carmel color (obtained by caramelizing sugar -- a common coloring and flavoring agent) had been found to be carcinogenic. I believe they injected it under the skin of rats, or something. If the results were conclusive, caramel color would not be legal in the U.S., yet it is still being used. Was the initial research result found to be incorrect, or what? 3) About 5 or 10 years ago, I remember Earl Grey tea being implicated as carcinogenic, because it contains oil of bergamot (an extract from the skin of a type of citrus fruit). Does anyone know whatever happened with that story? If it were carcinogenic, Earl Grey tea could not have it as an additive, yet it apparently continues to do so. WRT natural wood smoke (I've smoking a duck right now, as it happens), I've noticed that a heavily-smoked food item will have an unpleasant tangy taste when eaten directly out of the smoker if the smoke has only recently stopped flowing. I find the best taste to be had by using dry wood chips, getting lots of smoke right up at the beginning of the cooking process, then slowly barbequing for hours and hours without adding additional wood chips. My theory is that the unpleasant tangy molecules are low-molecular weight stuff, like terpenes, and that the smoky flavor molecules are some sort of larger molecule more similar to tar. The long barbeque time after the initial intensive smoke drives off the low-molecular weight stuff, just leaving the flavor behind. Does anyone know if my theory is correct? I also remember hearing that the combustion products of fat dripping on the charcoal and burning are carcinogenic. For that reason, and because it covers the product with soot and some unpleasant tanginess, I only grill non-drippy meats like prawns directly over hot coals. I do stuff like this duck by indirect heat. I have a long rectangular Weber, and I put the coals at one end and the meat at the other end. The fat drops directly on the floor below the meat, and next time I use the barbeque I make the fire in that end to burn off the fat and help ignite the coals. And yet another reason I've heard not to smoke or barbeque meat is that smoked cured meat, like pork sausage and bacon, contains nitrosamines, which are carcinogenic. I'm pretty sure this claim actually has some standing, don't know about the others.
God CAN be seen: "And I will take away my hand, and thou shalt see my backparts." (Ex. 33:23) "And the Lord spake to Moses face to face, as a man speaketh to his friend." (Ex. 33:11) "For I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved." (Gen. 32:30) God CANNOT be seen: "No man hath seen God at any time." (John 1:18) "And he said, Thou canst not see my face; for there shall no man see me and live." (Ex. 33:20) "Whom no man hath seen nor can see." (1 Tim. 6:16)
Woah...The context is about God's calling out a special people (the Jews) to carry the "promise." To read the meaning as literal people is to miss Paul's entire point. I'd be glad to send anyone more detailed explanations of this passage if interested.
I should probably re-post this with another title, so that the guys on the other thread would see that this is a practical use of "temporary orbits..." Another possible temporary orbit:
I've acquired an old Logitech Series 7 (3-button) mouse, and I'm told that this is a bus mouse. Does anyone want to unload an old (pc-clone) bus-card for this mouse? email replies to: bobmon@cs.indiana.edu
Can someone send me ticket ordering information for the following teams: Baltimore, Philadelphia and Boston. Also, if you have a home schedule available - can you tell me the dates for all home games between July26-Aug6 and between Aug30-Sept10 and if any of these games are promotion nights or special discount nights? Thanks !!! Ron PS: and also who the opponents are for these games :-) Do NOT reply to this account, please reply to: ronc@vnet.ibm.com
I need a device (either an ISA board or a subsystem) which will take two RGB video signals and combine them according to a template. The template can be as simple as a rectangular window with signal one being used for the interior and signal two for the exterior. But I beleive fancier harware may also exist which I do not want to exclude from my search. I know this sort of hardware exists for NTSC, etc. but I need it for RGB. Please email and or post any leads....
[Stuff deleted] Check with the local fire department. My buddy is a firefighter and they have these small map books which are Amazing! They are compact, easy to use (no folding). They even have a cross reference section in which you match your current cross streets with the cross streets you want to go to and it details the quickest route. They gave me an extra they had laying around. But then again I know all those people I'm not really sure if they are supposed to give/sell them. (The police may also have something similar). -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ..vela.acs.oakland.edu!psgi!todd | '88 RM125 The only bike sold without Todd Doolittle | a red-line. Troy, MI | '88 EX500 DoD #0832 |
Saku isn't that small any longer I guess I heard he is 177cm tall at the moment and will still grow 6-8cm.
Archive-name: atheism/resources Alt-atheism-archive-name: resources Last-modified: 11 December 1992 Version: 1.0 Atheist Resources Addresses of Atheist Organizations USA FREEDOM FROM RELIGION FOUNDATION Darwin fish bumper stickers and assorted other atheist paraphernalia are available from the Freedom From Religion Foundation in the US. Write to: FFRF, P.O. Box 750, Madison, WI 53701. Telephone: (608) 256-8900 EVOLUTION DESIGNS Evolution Designs sell the "Darwin fish". It's a fish symbol, like the ones Christians stick on their cars, but with feet and the word "Darwin" written inside. The deluxe moulded 3D plastic fish is $4.95 postpaid in the US. Write to: Evolution Designs, 7119 Laurel Canyon #4, North Hollywood, CA 91605. People in the San Francisco Bay area can get Darwin Fish from Lynn Gold -- try mailing <figmo@netcom.com>. For net people who go to Lynn directly, the price is $4.95 per fish. AMERICAN ATHEIST PRESS AAP publish various atheist books -- critiques of the Bible, lists of Biblical contradictions, and so on. One such book is: "The Bible Handbook" by W.P. Ball and G.W. Foote. American Atheist Press. 372 pp. ISBN 0-910309-26-4, 2nd edition, 1986. Bible contradictions, absurdities, atrocities, immoralities... contains Ball, Foote: "The Bible Contradicts Itself", AAP. Based on the King James version of the Bible. Write to: American Atheist Press, P.O. Box 140195, Austin, TX 78714-0195. or: 7215 Cameron Road, Austin, TX 78752-2973. Telephone: (512) 458-1244 Fax: (512) 467-9525 PROMETHEUS BOOKS Sell books including Haught's "Holy Horrors" (see below). Write to: 700 East Amherst Street, Buffalo, New York 14215. Telephone: (716) 837-2475. An alternate address (which may be newer or older) is: Prometheus Books, 59 Glenn Drive, Buffalo, NY 14228-2197. AFRICAN-AMERICANS FOR HUMANISM An organization promoting black secular humanism and uncovering the history of black freethought. They publish a quarterly newsletter, AAH EXAMINER. Write to: Norm R. Allen, Jr., African Americans for Humanism, P.O. Box 664, Buffalo, NY 14226. United Kingdom Rationalist Press Association National Secular Society 88 Islington High Street 702 Holloway Road London N1 8EW London N19 3NL 071 226 7251 071 272 1266 British Humanist Association South Place Ethical Society 14 Lamb's Conduit Passage Conway Hall London WC1R 4RH Red Lion Square 071 430 0908 London WC1R 4RL fax 071 430 1271 071 831 7723 The National Secular Society publish "The Freethinker", a monthly magazine founded in 1881. Germany IBKA e.V. Internationaler Bund der Konfessionslosen und Atheisten Postfach 880, D-1000 Berlin 41. Germany. IBKA publish a journal: MIZ. (Materialien und Informationen zur Zeit. Politisches Journal der Konfessionslosesn und Atheisten. Hrsg. IBKA e.V.) MIZ-Vertrieb, Postfach 880, D-1000 Berlin 41. Germany. For atheist books, write to: IBDK, Internationaler B"ucherdienst der Konfessionslosen Postfach 3005, D-3000 Hannover 1. Germany. Telephone: 0511/211216 Books -- Fiction THOMAS M. DISCH "The Santa Claus Compromise" Short story. The ultimate proof that Santa exists. All characters and events are fictitious. Any similarity to living or dead gods -- uh, well... WALTER M. MILLER, JR "A Canticle for Leibowitz" One gem in this post atomic doomsday novel is the monks who spent their lives copying blueprints from "Saint Leibowitz", filling the sheets of paper with ink and leaving white lines and letters. EDGAR PANGBORN "Davy" Post atomic doomsday novel set in clerical states. The church, for example, forbids that anyone "produce, describe or use any substance containing... atoms". PHILIP K. DICK Philip K. Dick Dick wrote many philosophical and thought-provoking short stories and novels. His stories are bizarre at times, but very approachable. He wrote mainly SF, but he wrote about people, truth and religion rather than technology. Although he often believed that he had met some sort of God, he remained sceptical. Amongst his novels, the following are of some relevance: "Galactic Pot-Healer" A fallible alien deity summons a group of Earth craftsmen and women to a remote planet to raise a giant cathedral from beneath the oceans. When the deity begins to demand faith from the earthers, pot-healer Joe Fernwright is unable to comply. A polished, ironic and amusing novel. "A Maze of Death" Noteworthy for its description of a technology-based religion. "VALIS" The schizophrenic hero searches for the hidden mysteries of Gnostic Christianity after reality is fired into his brain by a pink laser beam of unknown but possibly divine origin. He is accompanied by his dogmatic and dismissively atheist friend and assorted other odd characters. "The Divine Invasion" God invades Earth by making a young woman pregnant as she returns from another star system. Unfortunately she is terminally ill, and must be assisted by a dead man whose brain is wired to 24-hour easy listening music. MARGARET ATWOOD "The Handmaid's Tale" A story based on the premise that the US Congress is mysteriously assassinated, and fundamentalists quickly take charge of the nation to set it "right" again. The book is the diary of a woman's life as she tries to live under the new Christian theocracy. Women's right to own property is revoked, and their bank accounts are closed; sinful luxuries are outlawed, and the radio is only used for readings from the Bible. Crimes are punished retroactively: doctors who performed legal abortions in the "old world" are hunted down and hanged. Atwood's writing style is difficult to get used to at first, but the tale grows more and more chilling as it goes on. VARIOUS AUTHORS "The Bible" This somewhat dull and rambling work has often been criticized. However, it is probably worth reading, if only so that you'll know what all the fuss is about. It exists in many different versions, so make sure you get the one true version. Books -- Non-fiction PETER DE ROSA "Vicars of Christ", Bantam Press, 1988 Although de Rosa seems to be Christian or even Catholic this is a very enlighting history of papal immoralities, adulteries, fallacies etc. (German translation: "Gottes erste Diener. Die dunkle Seite des Papsttums", Droemer-Knaur, 1989) MICHAEL MARTIN "Atheism: A Philosophical Justification", Temple University Press, Philadelphia, USA. A detailed and scholarly justification of atheism. Contains an outstanding appendix defining terminology and usage in this (necessarily) tendentious area. Argues both for "negative atheism" (i.e. the "non-belief in the existence of god(s)") and also for "positive atheism" ("the belief in the non-existence of god(s)"). Includes great refutations of the most challenging arguments for god; particular attention is paid to refuting contempory theists such as Platinga and Swinburne. 541 pages. ISBN 0-87722-642-3 (hardcover; paperback also available) "The Case Against Christianity", Temple University Press A comprehensive critique of Christianity, in which he considers the best contemporary defences of Christianity and (ultimately) demonstrates that they are unsupportable and/or incoherent. 273 pages. ISBN 0-87722-767-5 JAMES TURNER "Without God, Without Creed", The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD, USA Subtitled "The Origins of Unbelief in America". Examines the way in which unbelief (whether agnostic or atheistic) became a mainstream alternative world-view. Focusses on the period 1770-1900, and while considering France and Britain the emphasis is on American, and particularly New England developments. "Neither a religious history of secularization or atheism, Without God, Without Creed is, rather, the intellectual history of the fate of a single idea, the belief that God exists." 316 pages. ISBN (hardcover) 0-8018-2494-X (paper) 0-8018-3407-4 GEORGE SELDES (Editor) "The great thoughts", Ballantine Books, New York, USA A "dictionary of quotations" of a different kind, concentrating on statements and writings which, explicitly or implicitly, present the person's philosophy and world-view. Includes obscure (and often suppressed) opinions from many people. For some popular observations, traces the way in which various people expressed and twisted the idea over the centuries. Quite a number of the quotations are derived from Cardiff's "What Great Men Think of Religion" and Noyes' "Views of Religion". 490 pages. ISBN (paper) 0-345-29887-X. RICHARD SWINBURNE "The Existence of God (Revised Edition)", Clarendon Paperbacks, Oxford This book is the second volume in a trilogy that began with "The Coherence of Theism" (1977) and was concluded with "Faith and Reason" (1981). In this work, Swinburne attempts to construct a series of inductive arguments for the existence of God. His arguments, which are somewhat tendentious and rely upon the imputation of late 20th century western Christian values and aesthetics to a God which is supposedly as simple as can be conceived, were decisively rejected in Mackie's "The Miracle of Theism". In the revised edition of "The Existence of God", Swinburne includes an Appendix in which he makes a somewhat incoherent attempt to rebut Mackie. J. L. MACKIE "The Miracle of Theism", Oxford This (posthumous) volume contains a comprehensive review of the principal arguments for and against the existence of God. It ranges from the classical philosophical positions of Descartes, Anselm, Berkeley, Hume et al, through the moral arguments of Newman, Kant and Sidgwick, to the recent restatements of the classical theses by Plantinga and Swinburne. It also addresses those positions which push the concept of God beyond the realm of the rational, such as those of Kierkegaard, Kung and Philips, as well as "replacements for God" such as Lelie's axiarchism. The book is a delight to read - less formalistic and better written than Martin's works, and refreshingly direct when compared with the hand-waving of Swinburne. JAMES A. HAUGHT "Holy Horrors: An Illustrated History of Religious Murder and Madness", Prometheus Books Looks at religious persecution from ancient times to the present day -- and not only by Christians. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 89-64079. 1990. NORM R. ALLEN, JR. "African American Humanism: an Anthology" See the listing for African Americans for Humanism above. GORDON STEIN "An Anthology of Atheism and Rationalism", Prometheus Books An anthology covering a wide range of subjects, including 'The Devil, Evil and Morality' and 'The History of Freethought'. Comprehensive bibliography. EDMUND D. COHEN "The Mind of The Bible-Believer", Prometheus Books A study of why people become Christian fundamentalists, and what effect it has on them. Net Resources There's a small mail-based archive server at mantis.co.uk which carries archives of old alt.atheism.moderated articles and assorted other files. For more information, send mail to archive-server@mantis.co.uk saying help send atheism/index and it will mail back a reply.
If I am not mistaken, the Jewish family names Cohen, Kahn, etc. are considered to be legitimate indicators of descent from Aaron. The family names Levi, Levene, etc. are considered to be legitimate indicators of descent from Levi. The main legal issue is the purification of the priesthood, which is supposed to involve finding the ashes of of the red heifer last used for this purpose 2000 years ago. _______________________________________________________________________________
I don't think this is the case, at least not on all jetskis. On my friend's jetski, bars turn left to go left. Anyway, all you're doing there is changing the yaw of the jets, so the relationship between the handlbars and the rear-mounted jets is completely arbitrary (simple linkage could make it work either way). It seems to me that jetskis are even more irrelevant to this discussion than snow skis. But it *has* been an amusing digression. Hey Ed, how do you explain the fact that you pull on a horse's reins left to go left? :-) Or am I confusing two threads here?
@ From: Kayhan Havai # 1026 @ -------------------------- @ @ o Dr. Namaki, deputy minister of health stated that infant @ mortality (under one year old) in Iran went down from 120 @ per thousand before the revolution to 33 per thousand at @ the end of 1371 (last month). @ @ o Dr Namaki also stated that before the revolution only @ 254f children received vaccinations to protect them @ from various deseases but this figure reached 93at @ the end of 1371. Something funny happens to the percent sign. In paragraph above, the vaccination rate went from 25 percent to 93 percent. - Farzin
Does anyone know the phone and fax number of the Asymetrix Corporation. I am also interested in their e-mail address. I would also like to know what the current status of their product Toolbook is. I received the last update 1.5 about 1.5 year ago. Are their any new developments or is Toolbook slowly dying? Regards, Rob de Winter.
How about: The Holocaust The Spanish Inquisition Jonestown (just to name a few) ? Authorities sometimes tell people to do evil things. People who "just follow orders" have tortured and killed others in very large numbers, and protest their innocence afterwards. When your authority starts telling you to do things, you should ask questions. Except for situations of pressing need ("I said shut the hatch because the submarine is filling with water!"), any reasonable authority should be able to give at least some justification that you can understand. Just be sure to listen when authority answers. (If anybody is interested in questions of psychological pressure and following orders, you might want to read about a study done by Solomon Ashe in 1951 on conformity, and another done by Stanley Milgram in 1963 on obedience. Both should be in any good book on psychology/sociology. The results are both fascinating and terrifying.)
yeah, just like we have here in the US. --
You'd have to purify the river water first. I'm not sure how practical that is with the Mississippi. You'd better check with health agencies along the way to see if there are toxic chemicals in the river. If it is just microorganisms, those can be filtered or killed, but you may need activated charcoal or other means to purify from chemicals. Better be same than sorry. Obviously, drinking the river without processing it is likely to make you sick from bacteria and parasites. -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gordon Banks N3JXP | "Skepticism is the chastity of the intellect, and geb@cadre.dsl.pitt.edu | it is shameful to surrender it too soon."
This sounds like another of Ali AbuTaha's 57 different "real causes" of the Challenger accident. As far as I know, there has never been the slightest shred of evidence for a "harmonic resonance" having occurred. The windshear-induced maneuvering probably *did* contribute to opening up the leak path in the SRB joint again -- it seems to have sealed itself after the puffs of smoke during liftoff -- but the existing explanation of this and related events seems to account for the evidence adequately.
A new alternative to Scouting for those "unacceptable to BSA" for reasons of religious or sexual preference: From: "BOYD R. CRITZ, III" <71611.365@CompuServe.COM> Subject: EnviroLeague "Birth Announcement" on March 7, 1993, from EARTH Forum, CompuServe Information Service =================================================================== FORMAL ANNOUNCEMENT ------------------- (SM) EnviroLeague A new youth movement,"EnviroLeague," was recently born, according to its founder, Boyd R. Critz, III (CIS ID# 71611,365), of Peoria, Illinois. EnviroLeague exists for the education of youth, both male and female, in matters concerning their values related to and responsibility for our environment. Incorporated as an Illinois not-for-profit corporation, its Articles and initial applications for a service mark have now been filed. According to Critz, its draft Bylaws contain the following statement of Mission and Objectives: MISSION It is the Mission of EnviroLeague and its adult members to foster and implement the improved education of young people in the need to conduct their lives as Stewards of The Earth, to leave The Earth in a better condition than they found it, and to otherwise act as responsible, moral and ethical users of their environment. To pursue the accomplishment of this Mission, EnviroLeague shall seek to serve as a catalyst, focusing in common cause the separate efforts of all groups desiring the preservation, improvement, and responsible use of the environment in which we must all live. OBJECTIVES In pursuit of the Mission of EnviroLeague, its primary objectives shall be: (1) To establish a Movement involving as many environmentally concerned organizations as possible, said Movement having as its primary focus the education and participatory involvement of young people in appropriate areas of environmental concern; (2) To develop and provide to such organizations and their branches a full complement of program materials for their use, including suitable uniforms, insignia and other badges, written ideas, syllabi and information, literature and other items as shall seem appropriate and desirable; (3) To serve as a "clearing house" for the exchange of program ideas, materials and information among said organizations; and (4) To assist environmentally concerned organizations to recruit and train the necessary adult leadership for their youth programs. EnviroLeague will operate through three "Program Divisions" serving youth in the elementary, middle and high school grades, respectively. Service shall be through formation of "EnviroLeague Teams," either by EnviroLeague itself or by environmentally conscious organizations (or their local branches) wishing a charter to use programs developed by EnviroLeague. EnviroLeague, as it develops, will be controlled by the actual adult leaders of each local Team, and will have no nationally imposed obstacles to membership or adult leadership status not based upon relevant improper conduct. Organizations accepting a charter may, however, impose certain additional standards for their own use of the program material. Should such organizations do so, EnviroLeague will commit itself to forming, as soon as possible, new nearby Teams having no such restrictions, particularly as to youth membership. EnviroLeague will operate on the principle that youth will have much to contribute to developing its programs. Thus, the top youth leaders of its Teams for middle and high school youth may become involved in governing any local administrative groups, and those for its high school youth may be involved in similar functions at the national level. Program materials are in development at this time. Copies of the "draft" portions of the Mentor's Manual (manual for adult leadership) will be in the EARTH Forum, Library 17. These files will be updated as development takes place. CompuServe is particularly proud that EnviroLeague's founder chose this electronic medium to make the first public announcement of its formation. This announcement is being made simultaneously in both the OUTDOOR and EARTH Forums. The electronic home of EnviroLeague is in CompuServe's Earth Forum - GO EARTH - message and library areas 17, both named "EnviroLeague." ============================================================================ Subsequently, EnviroLeague's Initial Governance Council has held its first meeting. Boyd Critz was elected as the first EnviroLeague Chief Guardian (equivalent to Chairman of the Board or CEO). He can be reached at home (309) 675-4483 in case of real need. Also, mail can be addressed to: EnviroLeague P.O. Box 418 Peoria, IL 61651-0418 Those interested in starting an EnviroLeague Team might just establish contact, to receive a diskette (IBM DOS, ASCII) with initial information. --
And some of us call them murderous bastards, but what's in a name. Just a damn minute! What history books did you read? I seem to recall that there were a few British, Canadian, American, and Commonwealth soldiers in France about that time. Perhaps you believe they were taking a vacation trip? Sure, the Lebanese want to get all foreigners out of the country so they can go back to killing each other off. REB
{rest deleted} Can the Father possibly not hear the words of His children. Of course He hears all your prayers. Whether you are a sinner or a saint, no questions. The real question you should be asking is: "Does sin block OUR hearing His answer?" And the answer to that question is a resounding YES. To paraphrase the gospel "Many are called but few choose to listen" and so it is with prayer. In Christ, James -- _____________________________________________________________________________ James Hale Lincoln School of Health Sciences Computing Unit La Trobe University,Bundoora, AUSTRALIA James.Hale@Latrobe.Edu.Au
They aren't functions, they are character arrays. The standard strings are either defined as string constants or character pointers into XtShellStrings and XtStrings determined by XTSTRINGDEFINES. Your libraries were compiled with this defined and your application with it undefined so simply recompile one or the other. It is probably worth adding -DXTSTRINGDEFINES to your CFLAGS. -- Michael Salmon #include <standard.disclaimer> #include <witty.saying> #include <fancy.pseudo.graphics>
The lengthy article you quote doesn't imply this. It only states that it is somehow POSSIBLE, not that it is in any way likely. This is akin to an article saying that it is POSSIBLE that the USAF has several captured UFOs, without supporting the liklihood of such an assertion. In other words, they were telling a pesky reporter to keep guessing. Israel maintains this same attitude about nuclear weapons it may or may not have. The US maintains the same attitude about the presence of nuclear weapons on specific naval craft. By refusing to acknowledge the existence of such weapons on specific ships, US warships have, I believe, become unwelcome in New Zealand, which has declared itself a nuclear-free-zone. The USAF has never officially admitted to having any UFOs, either. This is stated as a fact without supporting evidence. It would've been more convincing if your reporter had come up with just one name of someone who is sitting in jail, lost to the world, as he suggests. Maybe Elvis, or JFK, somebody. Let's put it this way: If Israel has put people away without publicizing their arrests or the legal proceedings against them, how has their disappearance been explained? People have relatives, friends and colleagues, you know. Israel is not known as a place where people are made to vanish. Would you care to give us a list of people whose whereabouts are unknown? People who are presumed to be imprisoned? This whole conspiracy story isn't something that we've come to associate with Yigal Arens before. Perhaps from now on, we should.
In <1993Apr16.140953.5025@vax.cns..edu>, jbrown@vax.cns.muskingum.edu writes... I would appreciate it if you would not refer to Mr. Maynard by his initials. Thanks, see you in the Norris finals. Ron
True 914 enthusiasts will be able to give you a better answer then this but I'll dump my impressions. I've wanted to own a 914 for about 10 years now; came close once but I ended up buying a Fiero instead (biggest mistake of my life!) Anyway, for $4000 you should be able to get a nice car but your also set in the price range to get taken by a nice looker that is a pile of shit. The most common total failure for the car would be frame rust between the engine and passenger compartment. Also look for chassis welded together here. Oh yeah, the price range you are talking about must be the 4 banger; a 6 (if you could find one) would be mucho more bucks. Parts for the engine are pretty easy to come by (for an old car) and you can even locate crude in the JC Whitney catalog if you have too. The machine itself is pretty simple (they use the spare tire for windshild washer instead of a pump fer chris sake!) so getting it fixed by a good bug/porsche mechanic would be easy. Since it is mid-engine you may spend more on labor for any mechanical work.
I have the local bus card also, and don't have any such problems with it now, but this is the second card I've gotten - the first card didn't work in VGA mode correctly. Maybe they still have some quality control problems. I would suggest checking with ATI (I went through the vendor I bought the card from since the problem showed up immediately). I never was able to get through to ATI's technical support number. I sure like the way the card performs though. I have the 2MB ATI ultra pro - local bus, and it is fast even in 1024x768x16bpp mode. Cheers, Phil
And they're more like 1024x1024x8 charging & discharging capacitors in a DRAM SIMM =-)
Sorry Len, this is exactly how he suffered from being rushed to the bigs. Being overweight and having no work ethic, leading to being injury prone with nothing to loose, might have been corrected in Richmond. (Did you intend a smiley after your comment?) This brings back the long suffering memories of pre-chop Braves fans who kept being promised the Bob Horner - Dale Murphy back to back power slam. Who could stop that? Guess we'll never know. P.S. - Rocky fans (are there any yet?) Is Dale getting any playing time out there? I plan to be at the game on June 28th, they'll have to play him then.
The HGA isn't all that reflective in the wavelengths that might "cook the focal elements", nor is its figure good on those scales--the problem is that the antenna _itself_ could not be exposed to Venus-level sunlight, lest like Icarus' wings it melt. (I think it was glues and such, as well as electronics, that they were worried about.) Thus it had to remain furled and the axis _always_ pointed near the sun, so that the small sunshade at the tip of the antenna mast would shadow the folded HGA. (A larger sunshade beneath the antenna shielded the spacecraft bus.)
All of this is fine. I never said that Murray was a bad GM. I merely said that he isn't the best GM in hockey- or even a contender for that honor. If Murray is as great as you claim- the Wings would have won the Stanley Cup by now- probably more than once. If he was as great a GM as you claim and he was as poor a coach as you claim- he would have been intelligent enough to hire the coach to push the team to the next level of success. But Murray is an average (unspectacular) NHL coach and a pretty good GM so none of this is true anyway.
I think the Manta is the European name for the "GT." I'm pretty sure that the only Kadett's sold here were/are the Pontiac LeMans. I think the GT is just an early '70s to mid '70s Manta.
I have a Diamond Speedstar 24X board that I want to program for 24 bit 640x480 graphics, or possibly 800x600 16 bit color. Does anybody have any libraries supporting these modes on this board? Even somes simple routines to set the graphics mode and plot individual pixels would be a great help. I plan to use the routines with djgp. Thanks in advance. Please respond also via e-mail.
Apple has really confused people with this whole thing. I think we'll be answering this question for about the next year or so. There is no "option" to get an FPU on a C650. What you have is a choice of CPUs: there is the 68LC040 that does not have an integrated FPU like the full '040 and is only present in the base 4/80 model of the C650 (AppleUSA). And there is the full '040 which you get when you order anything other than the base 4/80 configuration. Therefore, since you have ordered one of the 8MB versions with on-board Ethernet models you will not be getting the LC040. But even if you wanted to have the LC040 you wouldn't be able to order a C650 with 8MB RAM, on-board Ethernet and an LC040. It's not an "option." Also, a note to people out there that have 4/80 C650s and C610s thinking that there is an optional FPU, the '040 class chip cannot recognize an external FPU, so there is no socket on the motherboard for a FPU chip and you cannot go out and purchase an FPU on a PDS card or something like that. The only way to get an FPU in these machines is to replace the LC040 with a full '040. And if you have a C610, you will not need to worry about a heat sink if you do replace the LC040 with the full '040, but if you have a 4/80 C650 you do need to have a heat sink.
The federal government has mandated that all passenger cars by model year '95 return to the floor mounted dimmer switch. A study by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has found that an unacceptable percentage of after dusk collisions were the direct result of unskilled drivers getting their left foot stuck in the steering wheel :-) -- Ron Gaskins c23reg@koptsw21.delcoelect.com Automotive Electronic Systems Delco Electronics GM Hughes Electronics, Kokomo, IN 46904
If I hear someone screwing with my car (ie, setting off the alarm) and taunting me to come out, you can be damn sure that my Colt Delta Elite will also be coming with me. It's not the screwing with the car that'd get them shot, it's the potential physical danger. If they're taunting like that, it's very possible that they also intend to rob me and/or do other physically harmful things. If they're just screwing around, no harm done. If they're bent on mayhem, they will receive the cure for their lead deficiency; a 180gr. injection @1200 fps...there's no telling what today's violent criminals will do. Death may be the most pleasant outcome... James
The following is posted for a friend. You can send replies to this email address or call him at 503-752-1499. (Glen) I have a CITIZEN OVERTURE 110 Laser printer for sale. It is in excellent condition. It has been used less than one year on this drum. I am asking $500, but all offers will be considered. Below are some specs on it. Toner lifespan: 2500 pages Drum lifespan: 15,000 pages Resolution: 300 DPI Memory: 512K Emulation: Epson FX286 IBM ProPrinter Diablo 635 Printing Capacity: Quad-density graphics Tray capacity: 250 sheets Reason for sale: Financial--I need to pay tuition. Thanks, -Glen Anderson
Well, I'm a Wings fan and I think the FIRST thing that you should do is to get the opponent's line combinations correct before you try to match up anyone with them. There is no Yzerman-Fedorov-Probert line, except for maybe on a powerplay. These three players usually play on three different lines. Which would mean that Toronto's checking line would have to pull a triple shift. The Wings' lines usually look like this: Gallant-Yzerman-Ciccarelli Kozlov-Fedorov-Drake Kennedy-Burr-Probert Ysebaert-Primeau-Sheppard Oh by the way: Start praying! : )
I never thought I'd contribute to a Gateway thread, either pro or con, but my spleen could use a little venting. The scenario: 1 - Ordered a DX2/50 w/ Ultrastor 34F Local Bus HD controller 2 - Receive system 10 days after ordering (Happy) 3 - Discover Ultrastor 14F ISA HD Controller inside (unhappy) 4 - Call Gateway, receive the correct controller in 5 days (getting happier) 5 - New controller doesn't work (unhappy again) 6 - Call Gateway again, get another controller in 5 more days (cooling off, the end is in sight) 7 - This controller doesn't work either, motherboard is bad (VERY unhappy) Gateway's solution: They will order me a new motherboard (5 more days) and have on-site service install it for me. BUT, I have to take a day off of work because the service people only work 9-5 M-f. I say, no way I've already blown about 20 hours with this, about 10 of them on hold and I don't have the time or $$ to take a day off work. Also, my 30 day return period is almost over and I've only been able to use the thin for about 10 minutes. So, the whole thing is going back. I was extremely upset when I began this post because the support rep told me that I would have to pay shipping not only for the returned system, but also the two hard drive controllers they had sent me. Fortunately, I just spoke to customer service and they are going to have UPS come and pick everything up gratis. The only downside is that now I have to order another computer. I would really like to try Gateway again, I'm just very turned off by the prospect of having to try and get through to Customer Service or Tech Support again... I think their products are great for the most part, but I'm beginning to wonder if the savings are worth the potential aggravation. Are other mail order companies as difficult to contact? I know Gateway is booming, and for good reason, but I don't know if I can take it again. Oh well, I feel better now...
Hello, I am having a small problem with my sound blaster pro and a game. Is there a utility out there that would tell me what DMA's my system is using?
After reading some of the reports of possible NHL moves to Milwaukee or that Milwaukee should have an NHL team, I thought I'd pass along a story I heard recently. This is second hand, so I don't know how true it is, but I have no reason to doubt it either. Bradley Center in Milwaukee is home to the Milwaukee Admirals minor leauge hockey team. The owner of the Admirals (sorry, I can't remember his name) either owns or at least shelled out the majority of the funds to build the Bradley Center. Supposedly he was approached by the NHL about an expansion franchise, but turned it down because he thought the franchise fee of $50 million was too high. Like I said, I don't know whether this story is true or just a rumor, but if it's true, don't look for an NHL team in Milwaukee anytime soon. The Admirals aren't going to be forced out of the building and you won't see an NHL club and a minor league club in the same building, especially since the NBA's Milwaukee Bucks play there as well.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I've heard many Turks say this and it surpises me that they don't read about it.Remember the Treaty of Sevres-as a consequence of being in the Axis powers in WWI.The Turks UNDER INTERNATIONAL LAW were supposed to look after their minorities ie. Greeks,Armenians,Kurds(I must say Turk-Kurd relations are improving slightly with time) and not pose a threat to Turkey's neighbours. The Turks blatantly rejected this treaty(the Germans grudgingly accepted Versailles which was a million times worse for the health and pride of the German people).The Greeks who had an army there,were there with BRITISH and FRENCH backing to enforce Sevres. In possibly the first example of appeasement the Young Turk government managed screwed the Treaty of Laussane out of the weak allies,this was after the Greek forces were were destroyed at Smyrna.When this occurred incidently, FRENCH warships were in the harbour and many Greeks trying escape swam to the FRENCH warships and climbed aboard only to get their arms cut off by the FRENCH as they clawed they're way up the sides of the ships. Libertae,egalitae,fraternatae.