A group of people are crossing a busy street.
The people are crossing a dangerous street.
The people are crossing a lake.
A young woman in a dress is posing on a golden chair.
The woman in the dress is posing.
The woman in the chair is eating ice cream with her feet.
A little girl and a woman wearing colorful costumes, cross the street with another woman wearing a pink skirt and a t-shirt.
The women wear bright clothes.
There are only two females around.
Pottery and cars are shown in a parking lot with a man in a blue outfit is leaning against the front of his car.
Potter and cars are shown in the parking lot with a man in a blue out fit leaning against the front of his car
The man drives around the parking lot.
A group of four young men and one young woman holding spray paint cans and smiling next to their artwork.
A group of young people have pride in their accomplishments.
The people were playing ball.
A black dog carefully crosses over some water.
A dog is swimming
A dog drowns in the water.
Three little kids on tricycles race downhill.
There are kids outside.
The tree kids are racing their 4x4's down hill.
A woman playing with her dog on a beach.
A woman outside with her dog.
A woman laying on the couch with her cat.
Besides, complains New York 's Mark Stevens, there are more dresses on display than paintings.
Mark Stevens complains that there are more dresses on display than paintings.
Mark Stevens loves how the paintings are vastly outnumbered by dresses on display.
A little girl is laying on her tummy on the floor coloring on a large white sheet of paper.
A child is doing something artistic.
A black sheet covers a dog in a bed.
Three women are riding in a carriage together.
Three women are together in a vehicle.
Six men are at a bar
federal operations at risk of tampering, disruption, and inappropriate disclosure.
There may be tampering in the operations.
There is no risk of inappropriate disclosure.
Several people sit on a crowded subway, while two woman stand in the middle holding the poles.
Two women are standing up while riding the subway.
Two women cook in the kitchen
A little girl in a red and pink floral shirt at an outdoor water fountain.
A red-pinked girl is sitting next to a fountain with a pink shirt on.
The little boys were playing outside hide and seek with a little girl.
A girl in colorful clothes on the beach
She is outside.
She is playing in the snow.
A man with a blue shirt sitting on a bed and another man with a tan colored shirt and glasses laying on a bed.
Two men are wearing shirts.
The two men are sitting at a desk using a computer.
Jon considered keeping San'doro on the watch, later he would regret his choice not to, but they all needed the rest after the fight.
Jon pondered keeping San'doro on watch, but everyone needed rest after the battle.
Jon kept San'doro on watch, as he knew he would regret leaving the camp unprotected.
A man and a woman is standing near a table with cakes one of the cakes are pink with pink and yellow decorations, they have several people in the background.
A man and woman stand near a table of cakes among a crowd of people.
A man swimming with his dog in a lake.
Effectively and efficiently implementing some of these practices could require funding for computer software and hardware, additional staff, and/or training.
Efficiently and effectively implementing some of these practices would require funding for computer hardware and software, as well as additional staff, or/and training.
Some of these practices would not require funding, but most of them would.
There are some times where a man does something unforgivable.
There are occasions when a man can do something that can never be forgiven.
All is forgiven.
A body builder wearing a Nike shirt throws a heavy object.
A person throwing a heavy object.
A body builder drinking a smoothie.
A young boy fishing by himself in a hat, on a sunny day.
a boy is outside
a boy is playing with a rope
Two children run towards the lagoon.
The children are outside.
Two children walk at a lagoon.
There is great peace and dignity in the temple's proportions; the low curved pyramid on the hall of worship and ribbed sikhara dome over the sanctum repeat the classic silhouette of Orissa temples.
The temple has a low curved pyramid on the hall of worship.
The temple does not have a pyramid anywhere in the complex.
A shirtless, bearded and mustached man peers through a home's doorway while a cat sits on the bottom step of the entrance to the home.
a man wears no shirt
The dog is sitting on the bottom step.
The dogs are walking in the desert.
The dogs are on the beach.
The dogs are running in the desert.
That's why I have gone into all the details of this thing whether they seemed to me relevant or not."
I gave all the details whether relevant or not.
I will only givve a few details.
The gentleman is quite well groomed.
The gentleman is clean.
The gentleman is dirty and shows no signs of personal maintenance.
Monday's paper dealt appreciatively with the dead 225 man's career.
The paper on Monday was all about the dead 225 man.
There was no mention of death in Monday's paper.
A young woman is playing pool.
A woman is playing pool on a pool table.
The woman is old and not playing any games.
Then after everyone's gone, stay on to see the marvelous 13th-century sculpted Angel's Pillar (Pilier des Anges) in peace.
The Angel's Pillar is a 13th-century sculptural work.
The Pilier des Anges was sculpted in the 12th century.
Thus, the diversion of bill-paying by mail to other methods of bill-paying is having more impact on single-piece than presort First-Class Mail.
Bill-paying by mail is being separated from other forms of bill-paying.
First-Class mail is being impacted more than single-piece mail.
A man with long hair and a green striped shirt talks to a woman who is listening intently.
Two people are engaged in a conversation.
A man is talking to a dog.
A little girl wearing a life jacket in the ocean watching a whale beside the boat.
A kid looks at a whale.
A kid looks at a giraffe.
An elderly woman wearing a bathing suit is holding a picket sign while participating in a demonstration about immigration.
A senior woman protests about immigration.
A woman enjoys a day on the beach in the water.
Why? Why?
What is the meaning of this?
I have no questions.
led the Britpop movement and may prove the best-selling album in U.K. history.
It may prove to be the UK's best selling album in recorded history.
The album was lost to obscurity, it being a best seller would be impossible.
Three firemen are conversing next to a firetruck.
Three firemen are talking to each other.
Several police officers stand next to a firetruck.
Several hectic days lay behind us.
The past several days had been frantic.
The past several days hade been relaxed and lazy.
A black station wagon with its lights on, partially submerged in water with a wooded area behind it.
A station wagon sits partially submerged in water near the woods.
A station wagon sits in a car dealership parking lot.
A cameraman recording yet another man while he makes a speech.
A man making a speech is being recorded.
The cameraman is sleeping on a hammock.
The contents of the waste-paper-basket are kept and in any case, are sure to be examined.
The waste baskets are looked through.
The baskets are a safe place to throw things away.
Man wearing white shirt does a yo-yo demonstration.
A man yields a yo-yo.
A man protests the act of yo-yoing in public.
A backhoe is on top of a pile of rubble from a demolished building.
A backhoe is outside.
A backhoe sits at the bottom of a swimming pool.
Two women in Renaissance clothing are performing on stage.
Two woman doing a show.
Two woman hugging for a picture by the beach.
A man reaches out to touch a decorative wall light.
A man stretches his arm towards a light on the wall
A red streetlight illuminates a dark street corner
At all costs I must keep her here until " She broke off.
She was not able to finish her words.
She said it completely.
There is a man with a fedora hat and blue dress coat playing an accordion in front of a sign.
A man plays an instument
There is a man with no hat.
A group of people are attempting to live a heavy object on top of a vehicle.
A group of people live on top of a vehicle.
a man watch tv.
From 1943, Chinese communists led the resistance in the Malayan People's Anti-Japanese Army, aided by the British to prepare an Allied return.
The Chinese, Malayan People, and the British were working together.
Communism did not exist in China in 1943.
Outside by the trees, a woman wearing jeans and red jacket throws something for a German shepherd to chase.
A person throwing something for her dog.
A man in a dog costume is staring creepily through a restaurant window.
A picture of a woman with a box and a baby sitting behind her.
A woman and a baby are in a picture.
A picture includes three men.
An oriental man in casual business dress is standing outside.
An Asian person stands outside.
An oriental man sits down in full suit and tie.
A boy is sitting at a table writing in his notebook.
Some kid is sitting
The boy is playing video games.
Children play in a decorative water fountain in the town center.
Some kids are in town
Only adults play in the fountain
Brunette woman in a white bikini pouring a drink into a man's cup.
Brunette woman assisting man with a drink.
The woman is blonde.
Children ride a balloon ride in an amusement park.
Some kids are riding on a balloon ride at the amusement park.
Only one child is on a balloon ride at the amusement park.
Two women and two out of frame people playing a game of Monopoly.
The two woman and two others are playing a board game.
The people are playing volleyball.
A brown boat is packed with goods and people.
There are goods and people in a brown boat.
There is a bus on the boat.
Landslides and small quakes have taken their toll on sites at the Fort, and Giddy House is a perfect example of this.
Natural disasters have taken their toll on sites such as the Fort.
The Fort was perfectly intact despite small quakes and landslides.
A mountaineer in a red parka digs his two ice axes and crampons into a frozen wall of ice.
A man is climbing an ice mountain.
A man is sitting on the beach.
A woman hand washes dishes in a sink.
A woman is doing dishes.
A woman is loading the dishwasher.
Two men sitting at table next to a man holding a beer and talking on a cellphone.
Three men are seated while one talks on his cell phone.
Three women are having coffee
In fact, he once quipped that, now that objectivity is dead, it is no longer necessary to be right.
He once suggested that since objectivity is six feet under, you are no longer required to actually be correct.
He is sure objectivity lives.
Three dogs looking at a cement ledge.
Three dogs looking at a ledge.
A solitary dog is looking at a ledge.
A group of people building a structure are talking.
A group of people building a structure.
A group of people tear down a structure.
A person with a blue helmet on with black boots, who is riding a horse.
A person with a blue helmet on with black boots is outdoors
A person with a blue helmet on with black boots is ice skating
Three women are wading in the water
Humans wading.
Nobody is wading.
I'd probably still be fighting, she said.
I would most likely still fight, she admitted.
I would have stopped fighting a long time ago, she said.
Three people knee-deep muddy water are bent over while planting rice
Three adults were planting a garden in a puddle
Three adults were having a picnic outside in the swimming pool
One child holds another child's hand as the second child slides down a blue side face forward.
Two children hold hands while one slides.
Two children slide from an airplane.
A young boy with long brown hair hides behind a cardboard box, peering over the top of the box in an area with green crates of fruits and vegetables.
A little boy hides inside of a box
A red headed girl is in a box.
In other words, Bennett is not adducing a second authority for his assertions but merely falling back on the first via its recycling by another writer.
Bennett didn't find another source, he just used the same one that had been recycled by a different author.
Bennett cited a second author with a fresh argument to back up his claims.
Half a second.
Five hundred milliseconds.
A full second.
A dog with its mouth open is walking on a path on a garden which is next to a lake or a stream.
A dog walks near a garden.
A dog gets hit by a car.
A city market on a street sits in the foreground, with city buildings lay in the background.
The picture shows an urban environment.
There are not any buildings in the picture.
A crowd of people, some with white faces, walk through a hallway while carrying photos and crosses.
A crowd of humans.
Nobody is in the hallway.
quite a bit our golf season will start and then stop due to weather and then start we had a
The weather impacts our golf season.
We play golf inside so we don't have to worry about the weather.
A man in a black and blue checkered hooded sweater is looking at a Levi's advertisement that says, "We Are All Workers."
A man is looking at an advertisement.
Someone is wearing a pink and gray checkered sweatshirt.
A crowd of people are clapping their hands at a concert and some are wearing blue wristbands.
People with wristbands.
A group of people are booing a band offstage
Inside a sunny room, an older woman in a blue shirt is handing a loaf of bread over a pile of bagged bread to a smiling woman with eyes closed, in flower shirt and duster sweater, as a man in a red shirt and glasses stands between them and watches.
An old woman hands a loaf of bread to a woman while a man watches.
An oven catches on fire.
Toddler with milk around his mouth.
The toddler has milk around the corners of his mouth.
Toddler eating milk.
A man uses a hose to clean a plaza.
A person is being hygenic about a place outdoors.
A man cleaning out his garage.
well i'm good i'm glad well thank you you have a good day bye-bye
I'm content.
Have a rotten day.
A woman with a white shirt aims a dart at an off-camera target as several other people holding darts look on beside her.
A white shirted woman plays darts in front of a group.
A women is going to take a shot in a pool game.
There is a man wrapped in a blanket of some sort sliding down a hill that is covered in snow.
A man is outdoors and wrapped.
A man is racing up a green hillside.
An unusually dressed man with his unicycle and his unusually dressed partner.
A man is on a unicycle.
A man is riding a four wheeler.
A man fishes by a tree in the morning mist.
The man is by a tree.
The man caught a zebra.
It eliminates the traditional GAO divisions and strengthens teambased matrix management.
Teambased matrix management is strengthened and it gets rid of the traditional GAO divisions.
Teambased matrix management has been weakened and the traditional GAO division is now a permanent fixture.
Here is a picture of a man kissing his wife at a park and his wife is taking a picture of them kissing.
A man kisses his wife.
A man is kissing his girlfriend.
A woman pushing a baby stroller is holding the hand of a young child with a white backpack.
A person pushing
Nobody is pushing.
women in a black shirt standing with a bottle of water in hand in front of wall with Greek writing on it.
women hold bottles of water
A women is standing in the middle of a fountain
Baby in brown jacket, crying and walking to a boy, by orange car.
A baby in a brown jacket who is upset and crying is walking towards a boy who is next to an orange car.
Two women discuss politics.
A family of three is spending the day at the beach.
A family is at the beach.
A family is at the zoo watching the elephants.
a tractor digging in dirt.
A tractor is on.
A tractor is inside a house.
Gold and white dog catching a tennis ball in its mouth.
There is a man playing with his dog.
A dog drinking from a river.
An Afican American woman standing behind two small African American children.
The children are standing in the front.
There is seven African American women standing behind one African American child.
A young boy in a red "U.S.A." t-shirt plays with a toy circuit board kit.
A boy is playing with a toy.
A boy wearing a blue t-shirt is playing.
A boy and a man work on an upturned bicycle's front wheel.
Two people are working on a bike.
Two people are working on a car.
A man on a cellphone stands outside of a building with pictures of women in black shirts behind him.
there is a man outside
A man sitting on a bench talks on his cell phone.