2 values
return output ``` Batching Hardware accelerators are optimized for parallelism, and batching — feeding a model multiple inputs in a single step — helps saturate all available capacity, typically resulting in higher throughputs. Excessively high batch sizes, however, can increase latency with minimal improvement in throughputs. Experimenting with different batch sizes helps us identify the sweet spot for our models and hardware accelerator. We run experiments to determine the best batch size for our model size, payload size, and request traffic patterns. The Neuron compiler now supports variable batch sizes. Previously, tracing a model hardcoded the predefined batch size, so we had to pad our data, which can waste compute, slow throughputs, and exacerbate latency. Inferentia is optimized to maximize throughput for small batches, reducing latency by easing the load on the system. Parallelism
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Parallelism Model parallelism on multi-cores also improves throughput and latency, which is crucial for our heavy workloads. Each Inferentia chip contains four NeuronCores that can either run separate models simultaneously or form a pipeline to stream a single model. In our use case, the data parallel configuration offers the highest throughput at the lowest cost, because it scales out concurrent processing requests. Data Parallel: Model Parallel: Monitoring It is critical that we monitor the accuracy of our inferences in production. Models that initially make good predictions can eventually degrade in deployment as they are exposed to a wider variety of data. This phenomenon, called model drift, usually occurs when the input data distributions or the prediction targets change.
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We use SageMaker Model Monitor to track parity between the training and production data. Model Monitor notifies us when predictions in production begin to deviate from the training and validation results. Thanks to this early warning, we can restore accuracy — by retraining the model if necessary — before our advertisers are affected. To track performance in real time, Model Monitor also sends us metrics about the quality of predictions, such as accuracy, F-scores, and the distribution of the predicted classes. To determine if our application needs to scale, TorchServe logs resource utilization metrics for the CPU, Memory, and Disk at regular intervals; it also records the number of requests received versus the number served. For custom metrics, TorchServe offers a Metrics API. A rewarding result
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A rewarding result Our DL models, developed in PyTorch and deployed on Inferentia, sped up our ads analysis while cutting costs. Starting with our first explorations in DL, programming in PyTorch felt natural. Its user-friendly features helped smooth the course from our early experiments to the deployment of our multimodal ensembles. PyTorch lets us prototype and build models quickly, which is vital as our advertising service evolves and expands. For an added benefit, PyTorch works seamlessly with Inferentia and our AWS ML stack. We look forward to building more use cases with PyTorch, so we can continue to serve our clients accurate, real-time results.
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layout: blog_detail title: "Accelerated Generative Diffusion Models with PyTorch 2" author: Grigory Sizov, Michael Gschwind, Hamid Shojanazeri, Driss Guessous, Daniel Haziza, Christian Puhrsch TL;DR: PyTorch 2.0 nightly offers out-of-the-box performance improvement for Generative Diffusion models by using the new torch.compile() compiler and optimized implementations of Multihead Attention integrated with PyTorch 2. Introduction A large part of the recent progress in Generative AI came from denoising diffusion models, which allow producing high quality images and videos from text prompts. This family includes Imagen, DALLE, Latent Diffusion, and others. However, all models in this family share a common drawback: generation is rather slow, due to the iterative nature of the sampling process by which the images are produced. This makes it important to optimize the code running inside the sampling loop.
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We took an open source implementation of a popular text-to-image diffusion model as a starting point and accelerated its generation using two optimizations available in PyTorch 2: compilation and fast attention implementation. Together with a few minor memory processing improvements in the code these optimizations give up to 49% inference speedup relative to the original implementation without xFormers, and 39% inference speedup relative to using the original code with xFormers (excluding the compilation time), depending on the GPU architecture and batch size. Importantly, the speedup comes without a need to install xFormers or any other extra dependencies.
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The table below shows the improvement in runtime between the original implementation with xFormers installed and our optimized version with PyTorch-integrated memory efficient attention (originally developed for and released in the xFormers library) and PyTorch compilation. The compilation time is excluded. Runtime improvement in % compared to original+xFormers See the absolute runtime numbers in section “Benchmarking setup and results summary” GPU Batch size 1 Batch size 2 Batch size 4 P100 (no compilation) -3.8 0.44 5.47 T4 2.12 10.51 14.2
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10.51 14.2 A10 -2.34 8.99 10.57 V100 18.63 6.39 10.43 A100 38.5 20.33 12.17 One can notice the following: * The improvements are significant for powerful GPUs like A100 and V100. For those GPUs the improvement is most pronounced for batch size 1 * For less powerful GPUs we observe smaller speedups (or in two cases slight regressions). The batch size trend is reversed here: improvement is larger for larger batches In the following sections we describe the applied optimizations and provide detailed benchmarking data, comparing the generation time with various optimization features on/off.
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Specifically, we benchmark 5 configurations and the plots below compare their absolute performance for different GPUs and batch sizes. For definitions of these configurations see section “Benchmarking setup and results”. Optimizations
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Optimizations Here we’ll go into more detail about the optimizations introduced into the model code. These optimizations rely on features of PyTorch 2.0 which has been released recently. Optimized Attention One part of the code which we optimized is the scaled dot-product attention. Attention is known to be a heavy operation: naive implementation materializes the attention matrix, leading to time and memory complexity quadratic in sequence length. It is common for diffusion models to use attention (CrossAttention) as part of Transformer blocks in multiple parts of the U-Net. Since the U-Net runs at every sampling step, this becomes a critical point to optimize. Instead of custom attention implementation one can use torch.nn.MultiheadAttention, which in PyTorch 2 has optimized attention implementation is integrated into it. This optimization schematically boils down to the following pseudocode: ``` class CrossAttention(nn.Module): def init(self, ...):
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def init(self, ...): # Create matrices: Q, K, V, out_proj ... def forward(self, x, context=None, mask=None): # Compute out = SoftMax(Q*K/sqrt(d))V # Return out_proj(out) … gets replaced with class CrossAttention(nn.Module): def init(self, ...): self.mha = nn.MultiheadAttention(...) def forward(self, x, context): return self.mha(x, context, context) ```
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return self.mha(x, context, context) ``` The optimized implementation of attention was available already in PyTorch 1.13 (see here) and widely adopted (see e.g. HuggingFace transformers library example). In particular, it integrates memory-efficient attention from the xFormers library and flash attention from https://arxiv.org/abs/2205.14135. PyTorch 2.0 expands this to additional attention functions such as cross attention and custom kernels for further acceleration, making it applicable to diffusion models.
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Flash attention is available on GPUs with compute capability SM 7.5 or SM 8.x - for example, on T4, A10, and A100, which are included in our benchmark (you can check compute capability of each NVIDIA GPU here). However, in our tests on A100 the memory efficient attention performed better than flash attention for the particular case of diffusion models, due to the small number of attention heads and small batch size. PyTorch understands this and in this case chooses memory efficient attention over flash attention when both are available (see the logic here). For full control over the attention backends (memory-efficient attention, flash attention, “vanilla math”, or any future ones), power users can enable and disable them manually with the help of the context manager torch.backends.cuda.sdp_kernel.
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Compilation Compilation is a new feature of PyTorch 2.0, enabling significant speedups with a very simple user experience. To invoke the default behavior, simply wrap a PyTorch module or a function into torch.compile: model = torch.compile(model) PyTorch compiler then turns Python code into a set of instructions which can be executed efficiently without Python overhead. The compilation happens dynamically the first time the code is executed. With the default behavior, under the hood PyTorch utilized TorchDynamo to compile the code and TorchInductor to further optimize it. See this tutorial for more details.
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Although the one-liner above is enough for compilation, certain modifications in the code can squeeze a larger speedup. In particular, one should avoid so-called graph breaks - places in the code which PyTorch can’t compile. As opposed to previous PyTorch compilation approaches (like TorchScript), PyTorch 2 compiler doesn’t break in this case. Instead it falls back on eager execution - so the code runs, but with reduced performance. We introduced a few minor changes to the model code to get rid of graph breaks. This included eliminating functions from libraries not supported by the compiler, such as inspect.isfunction and einops.rearrange. See this doc to learn more about graph breaks and how to eliminate them.
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Theoretically, one can apply torch.compileon the whole diffusion sampling loop. However, in practice it is enough to just compile the U-Net. The reason is that torch.compile doesn’t yet have a loop analyzer and would recompile the code for each iteration of the sampling loop. Moreover, compiled sampler code is likely to generate graph breaks - so one would need to adjust it if one wants to get a good performance from the compiled version. Note that compilation requires GPU compute capability >= SM 7.0 to run in non-eager mode. This covers all GPUs in our benchmarks - T4, V100, A10, A100 - except for P100 (see the full list). Other optimizations
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Other optimizations In addition, we have improved efficiency of GPU memory operations by eliminating some common pitfalls, e.g. creating a tensor on GPU directly rather than creating it on CPU and later moving to GPU. The places where such optimizations were necessary were determined by line-profiling and looking at CPU/GPU traces and Flame Graphs. Benchmarking setup and results summary We have two versions of code to compare: original and optimized. On top of this, several optimization features (xFormers, PyTorch memory efficient attention, compilation) can be turned on/off. Overall, as mentioned in the introduction, we will be benchmarking 5 configurations: * Original code without xFormers * Original code with xFormers * Optimized code with vanilla math attention backend and no compilation * Optimized code with memory-efficient attention backend and no compilation * Optimized code with memory-efficient attention backend and compilation
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As the original version we took the version of the code which uses PyTorch 1.12 and a custom implementation of attention. The optimized version uses nn.MultiheadAttention in CrossAttention and PyTorch 2.0.0.dev20230111+cu117. It also has a few other minor optimizations in PyTorch-related code. The table below shows runtime of each version of the code in seconds, and the percentage improvement compared to the _original with xFormers. _The compilation time is excluded. Runtimes for batch size 1. In parenthesis - relative improvement with respect to the “Original with xFormers” row Configuration P100 T4 A10 V100 A100 Original without xFormers 30.4s (-19.3%) 29.8s (-77.3%)
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29.8s (-77.3%) 13.0s (-83.9%) 10.9s (-33.1%) 8.0s (-19.3%) Original with xFormers 25.5s (0.0%) 16.8s (0.0%) 7.1s (0.0%) 8.2s (0.0%) 6.7s (0.0%) Optimized with vanilla math attention, no compilation 27.3s (-7.0%) 19.9s (-18.7%) 13.2s (-87.2%) 7.5s (8.7%) 5.7s (15.1%) Optimized with mem. efficient attention, no compilation 26.5s (-3.8%) 16.8s (0.2%) 7.1s (-0.8%) 6.9s (16.0%) 5.3s (20.6%) Optimized with mem. efficient attention and compilation -
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- 16.4s (2.1%) 7.2s (-2.3%) 6.6s (18.6%) 4.1s (38.5%) Runtimes for batch size 2 Configuration P100 T4 A10 V100 A100 Original without xFormers 58.0s (-21.6%) 57.6s (-84.0%) 24.4s (-95.2%) 18.6s (-63.0%) 12.0s (-50.6%) Original with xFormers 47.7s (0.0%) 31.3s (0.0%) 12.5s (0.0%) 11.4s (0.0%) 8.0s (0.0%)
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8.0s (0.0%) Optimized with vanilla math attention, no compilation 49.3s (-3.5%) 37.9s (-21.0%) 17.8s (-42.2%) 12.7s (-10.7%) 7.8s (1.8%) Optimized with mem. efficient attention, no compilation 47.5s (0.4%) 31.2s (0.5%) 12.2s (2.6%) 11.5s (-0.7%) 7.0s (12.6%) Optimized with mem. efficient attention and compilation - 28.0s (10.5%) 11.4s (9.0%) 10.7s (6.4%) 6.4s (20.3%) Runtimes for batch size 4 Configuration
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Configuration P100 T4 A10 V100 A100 Original without xFormers 117.9s (-20.0%) 112.4s (-81.8%) 47.2s (-101.7%) 35.8s (-71.9%) 22.8s (-78.9%) Original with xFormers 98.3s (0.0%) 61.8s (0.0%) 23.4s (0.0%) 20.8s (0.0%) 12.7s (0.0%) Optimized with vanilla math attention, no compilation 101.1s (-2.9%) 73.0s (-18.0%) 28.3s (-21.0%) 23.3s (-11.9%) 14.5s (-13.9%)
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14.5s (-13.9%) Optimized with mem. efficient attention, no compilation 92.9s (5.5%) 61.1s (1.2%) 23.9s (-1.9%) 20.8s (-0.1%) 12.8s (-0.9%) Optimized with mem. efficient attention and compilation - 53.1s (14.2%) 20.9s (10.6%) 18.6s (10.4%) 11.2s (12.2%)
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To minimize fluctuations and external influence on the performance of the benchmarked code, we ran each version of the code one after another, and then repeated this sequence 10 times: A, B, C, D, E, A, B, … So the results of a typical run would look like the one in the picture below.. Note that one shouldn’t rely on comparison of absolute run times between different graphs, but comparison of run times_ inside_ one graph is pretty reliable, thanks to our benchmarking setup.
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Each run of text-to-image generation script produces several batches, the number of which is regulated by the CLI parameter --n_iter. In the benchmarks we used n_iter = 2, but introduced an additional “warm-up” iteration, which doesn’t contribute to the run time. This was necessary for the runs with compilation, because compilation happens the first time the code runs, and so the first iteration is much longer than all subsequent. To make comparison fair, we also introduced this additional “warm-up” iteration to all other runs. The numbers in the table above are for number of iterations 2 (plus a “warm-up one”), prompt ”A photo”, seed 1, PLMS sampler, and autocast turned on. Benchmarks were done using P100, V100, A100, A10 and T4 GPUs. The T4 benchmarks were done in Google Colab Pro. The A10 benchmarks were done on g5.4xlarge AWS instances with 1 GPU. Conclusions and next steps
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Conclusions and next steps We have shown that new features of PyTorch 2 - compiler and optimized attention implementation - give performance improvements exceeding or comparable with what previously required installation of an external dependency (xFormers). PyTorch achieved this, in particular, by integrating memory efficient attention from xFormers into its codebase. This is a significant improvement for user experience, given that xFormers, being a state-of-the-art library, in many scenarios requires custom installation process and long builds. There are a few natural directions in which this work can be continued: * The optimizations we implemented and described here are only benchmarked for text-to-image inference so far. It would be interesting to see how they affect training performance. PyTorch compilation can be directly applied to training; enabling training with PyTorch optimized attention is on the roadmap
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We intentionally minimized changes to the original model code. Further profiling and optimization can probably bring more improvements At the moment compilation is applied only to the U-Net model inside the sampler. Since there is a lot happening outside of U-Net (e.g. operations directly in the sampling loop), it would be beneficial to compile the whole sampler. However, this would require analysis of the compilation process to avoid recompilation at every sampling step Current code only applies compilation within the PLMS sampler, but it should be trivial to extend it to other samplers Besides text-to-image generation, diffusion models are also applied to other tasks - image-to-image and inpainting. It would be interesting to measure how their performance improves from PyTorch 2 optimizations See if you can increase performance of open source diffusion models using the methods we described, and share the results! Resources
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Resources PyTorch 2.0 overview, which has a lot of information on torch.compile: https://pytorch.org/get-started/pytorch-2.0/ Tutorial on torch.compile: https://pytorch.org/tutorials/intermediate/torch_compile_tutorial.html General compilation troubleshooting: https://pytorch.org/docs/master/dynamo/troubleshooting.html Details on graph breaks: https://pytorch.org/docs/master/dynamo/faq.html#identifying-the-cause-of-a-graph-break Details on guards: https://pytorch.org/docs/master/dynamo/guards-overview.html Video deep dive on TorchDynamo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=egZB5Uxki0I
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Tutorial on optimized attention in PyTorch 1.12: https://pytorch.org/tutorials/beginner/bettertransformer_tutorial.html Acknowledgements We would like to thank Geeta Chauhan, Natalia Gimelshein, Patrick Labatut, Bert Maher, Mark Saroufim, Michael Voznesensky and Francisco Massa for their valuable advice and early feedback on the text. Special thanks to Yudong Tao initiating the work on using PyTorch native attention in diffusion models.
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layout: blog_detail title: "Performance Debugging of Production PyTorch Models at Meta" author: CK Luk, Lei Tian featured-img: "/assets/images/performance-debugging-of-production-pytorch-models-at-meta-1.png" 1. Meta’s AI Performance Profiling (MAIProf) Figure 1: A simplified illustration of the Meta’s AI performance profiling (MAIProf) infrastructure.
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Figure 1 gives a simplified illustration of the AI performance profiling infrastructure at Meta. ML research and performance engineers submit through the User Portal a profiling request for a training job to the Profiling Service, which subsequently broadcasts the request to all the GPU hosts running the training job. When the Monitoring Daemon on a GPU host receives the profiling request, it will notify the Kineto GPU tracer (built on top of NVIDIA’s libcupti) inside the PyTorch program corresponding to the training job. As a result, Kineto traces will be collected and uploaded to the Object Store asynchronously (in more details: there is one Kineto trace collected for each individual GPU, each is treated and stored as a blob; an example will be given in Section 2). Meanwhile, MAIProf also collects a variety of aggregated performance metrics: the Monitoring Daemon on every GPU host continuously reads performance counters from NVIDIA’s DCGM/NVML and logs them to a Time Series DB.
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Once both trace and metrics collections are completed, the Profiling Service will automatically download traces from the Object Store for trace analysis and performance metrics from the Time Series DB for metric analysis. Finally, an overall profiling report with detailed and insightful analysis is delivered to the user. To serve production uses, we deliberately made the following design choices for MAIProf: - No source-code change required in the PyTorch models: profiling is triggered by sampling the execution of an unmodified model for a user-specified amount of time. - Provide a holistic view of performance: MAIProf performs system-wide analysis that cover both CPU and GPU. Under the hood, it invokes various CPU tools (e.g., Python tracer, Autograd Observer) and GPU tools (e.g., Kineto, DCGM) and correlates their results.
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Provide multiple tools that target a wide range of AI partitioners: At Meta, there are engineers with different backgrounds who may need to tune their AI workload performance. Some of them are AI experts while others are general software engineers. Therefore, MAIProf provides a variety of tools for different levels of performance debugging, from high-level automatic trace comprehension to low-level trace analysis. Support distributed GPU profiling: MAIProf can collect profiling data from multiple hosts, each with multiple GPUs. It then shows a combined view/analysis of the entire system. Highly scalable: MAIProf is built as a service on top of existing infrastructures in Meta data centers such as a scalable storage system called Manifold. Its profiling capability can be easily scaled by adding more machines in the service pool with the increase of workloads. 2. Case Study: Optimizing a Protection PyTorch Model
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To be concrete, we use a case study on a protection PyTorch model used in production. First, we discuss our steps for identifying the performance bottlenecks in the model with MAIProf. Then we describe the corresponding optimizations applied and their impacts. 2.1 Performance Bottlenecks Step 1: Inspect the CPU and GPU utilization on the same timeline, as shown in Figure 2. Figure 2: CPU usage over time (the top) vs. GPU usage over time (the bottom). The first performance anomaly we noticed in Figure 2 is the pattern: “GPU-idle, GPU-active, GPU-idle, GPU-active …” throughout the training. Overall, the GPU is idle for more than half of the training time (this is bad for performance because the GPU is a higher-performance device and so we want it to be utilized as much as possible). Step 2:
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Step 2: Collect a Python function call trace on the CPU with MAIProf while the GPU is idle, which is shown in Figure 3. Figure 3: A Python call trace.
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Figure 3: A Python call trace. The Python trace shows that most of the CPU time is spent inside a Python function sharded_iterrows(). From the source code of the model, we learned that this function processes a big feature table in parallel. The number of worker threads used is controlled by a configurable parameter (num_worker_threads). Also, after investigating how the feature table is generated, we understood the performance anomaly: the training dataset is too large to fit in the CPU memory all at once; it needs to be broken into multiple sub-datasets, each has sufficient data for running 10 epochs. Consequently, a new sub-dataset needs to be read from the disk to memory every 10 epochs, during which the GPU is totally idle. Step 3: Collect GPU performance metrics, which is shown in Figure 4.
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Figure 4: GPU performance metrics in MAIProf. We made the following observations from Figure 4: - The streaming multiprocessor (SM) runs the model’s CUDA kernels. Its utilization [1] is 9.1%, indicating that the parallel compute units on the GPU are not well utilized. - Tensor Core utilization is 0, meaning that Tensor Core (the mixed-precision compute unit on GPU) [2] is not used at all. - Max GPU memory utilization is 47.13%, indicating that half of the GPU memory is left unused. Step 4: Collect a GPU trace (aka Kineto trace) of the training loop as shown in Figure 5. Figure 5: A GPU trace (aka Kineto trace) of the training loop.
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Since commonly used PyTorch functions are already annotated, their names are automatically shown on the trace. With them, we can roughly divide the trace into the four phases in a training iteration: (1) data loading, (2) forward pass, (3) backward pass, (4) gradient optimization (note: In Figure 5, the “optimizer” phase is from the previous batch while the other three phases are from the current batch). 2.2 Optimizations We performed four simple optimizations that target the bottlenecks identified above, each requiring only a change in a config parameter or at most a few source lines. They are listed in Figure 6. | Optimization | Amount of changes | Bottlenecks addressed | | ------------ | ----------------- | --------------------- | |Tune num_worker_threads by trying a few possible values within the number of CPU cores on each host. | 1 source line | GPU totally idle time | | Double the batch sizes | 2 config parameters | GPU memory under-utilization |
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| Use automatic mixed precision in PyTorch | 13 source lines | Zero Tensor Core utilization | | Use mulitensor optimizer in PyTorch | 1 source line | Many small GPU kernels in the optimizer | Figure 6: Four simple optimizations applied. 3. Concluding Remarks Performance tuning for PyTorch in production environments is increasingly important. A capable performance-debugging tool is a key to this process. We demonstrate with a case study on a production model that MAIProf is a powerful infrastructure for identifying optimization opportunities.
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At Meta, MAIProf has been used by 100s of engineers, from performance novices to experts, to identify many more types of bottlenecks. These include slow data loading, small and/or slow GPU kernels, distributed training issues such as load imbalance and excessive communication. MAIProf covers major classes of models, including recommendation, vision, and natural language processing. In summary, it is now an indispensable tool for tuning the performance of production PyTorch workloads. References [1] https://docs.nvidia.com/gameworks/content/developertools/desktop/analysis/report/ cudaexperiments/kernellevel/achievedoccupancy.htm [2] https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/data-center/tensor-cores/
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layout: blog_detail title: 'Everything You Need To Know About Torchvision’s SSD Implementation' author: Vasilis Vryniotis featured-img: 'assets/images/prediction-examples.png' In TorchVision v0.10, we’ve released two new Object Detection models based on the SSD architecture. Our plan is to cover the key implementation details of the algorithms along with information on how they were trained in a two-part article.
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In part 1 of the series, we will focus on the original implementation of the SSD algorithm as described on the Single Shot MultiBox Detector paper. We will briefly give a high-level description of how the algorithm works, then go through its main components, highlight key parts of its code, and finally discuss how we trained the released model. Our goal is to cover all the necessary details to reproduce the model including those optimizations which are not covered on the paper but are part on the original implementation. How Does SSD Work? Reading the aforementioned paper is highly recommended but here is a quick oversimplified refresher. Our target is to detect the locations of objects in an image along with their categories. Here is the Figure 5 from the SSD paper with prediction examples of the model:
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The SSD algorithm uses a CNN backbone, passes the input image through it and takes the convolutional outputs from different levels of the network. The list of these outputs are called feature maps. These feature maps are then passed through the Classification and Regression heads which are responsible for predicting the class and the location of the boxes.
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Since the feature maps of each image contain outputs from different levels of the network, their size varies and thus they can capture objects of different dimensions. On top of each, we tile several default boxes which can be thought as our rough prior guesses. For each default box, we predict whether there is an object (along with its class) and its offset (correction over the original location). During training time, we need to first match the ground truth to the default boxes and then we use those matches to estimate our loss. During inference, similar prediction boxes are combined to estimate the final predictions. The SSD Network Architecture In this section, we will discuss the key components of SSD. Our code follows closely the paper and makes use of many of the undocumented optimizations included in the official implementation. DefaultBoxGenerator
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DefaultBoxGenerator The DefaultBoxGenerator class is responsible for generating the default boxes of SSD and operates similarly to the AnchorGenerator of FasterRCNN (for more info on their differences see pages 4-6 of the paper). It produces a set of predefined boxes of specific width and height which are tiled across the image and serve as the first rough prior guesses of where objects might be located. Here is Figure 1 from the SSD paper with a visualization of ground truths and default boxes:
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The class is parameterized by a set of hyperparameters that control their shape and tiling. The implementation will provide automatically good guesses with the default parameters for those who want to experiment with new backbones/datasets but one can also pass optimized custom values. SSDMatcher
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The SSDMatcher class extends the standard Matcher used by FasterRCNN and it is responsible for matching the default boxes to the ground truth. After estimating the IoUs of all combinations, we use the matcher to find for each default box the best candidate ground truth with overlap higher than the IoU threshold. The SSD version of the matcher has an extra step to ensure that each ground truth is matched with the default box that has the highest overlap. The results of the matcher are used in the loss estimation during the training process of the model.
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Classification and Regression Heads The SSDHead class is responsible for initializing the Classification and Regression parts of the network. Here are a few notable details about their code: * Both the Classification and the Regression head inherit from the same class which is responsible for making the predictions for each feature map.
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Each level of the feature map uses a separate 3x3 Convolution to estimate the class logits and box locations. The number of predictions that each head makes per level depends on the number of default boxes and the sizes of the feature maps. Backbone Feature Extractor The feature extractor reconfigures and enhances a standard VGG backbone with extra layers as depicted on the Figure 2 of the SSD paper:
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The class supports all VGG models of TorchVision and one can create a similar extractor class for other types of CNNs (see this example for ResNet). Here are a few implementation details of the class: * Patching the ceil_mode parameter of the 3rd Maxpool layer is necessary to get the same feature map sizes as the paper. This is due to small differences between PyTorch and the original Caffe implementation of the model.
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It adds a series of extra feature layerson top of VGG. If the highres parameter is True during its construction, it will append an extra convolution. This is useful for the SSD512 version of the model. As discussed on section 3 of the paper, the fully connected layers of the original VGG are converted to convolutions with the first one using Atrous. Moreover maxpool5’s stride and kernel size is modified.
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As described on section 3.1, L2 normalization is used on the output of conv4_3 and a set of learnable weights are introduced to control its scaling. SSD Algorithm The final key piece of the implementation is on the SSD class. Here are some notable details:
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The algorithm is parameterized by a set of arguments similar to other detection models. The mandatory parameters are: the backbone which is responsible for estimating the feature maps, the anchor_generator which should be a configured instance of the DefaultBoxGenerator class, the size to which the input images will be resized and the num_classes for classification excluding the background.
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If a head is not provided, the constructor will initialize the default SSDHead. To do so, we need to know the number of output channels for each feature map produced by the backbone. Initially we try to retrieve this information from the backbone but if not available we will dynamically estimate it.
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The algorithm reuses the standard BoxCoder class used by other Detection models. The class is responsible for encoding and decoding the bounding boxes and is configured to use the same prior variances as the original implementation.
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Though we reuse the standard GeneralizedRCNNTransform class to resize and normalize the input images, the SSD algorithm configures it to ensure that the image size will remain fixed. Here are the two core methods of the implementation:
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The compute_loss method estimates the standard Multi-box loss as described on page 5 of the SSD paper. It uses the smooth L1 loss for regression and the standard cross-entropy loss with hard-negative sampling for classification.
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As in all detection models, the forward method currently has different behaviour depending on whether the model is on training or eval mode. It starts by resizing & normalizing the input images and then passes them through the backbone to get the feature maps. The feature maps are then passed through the head to get the predictions and then the method generates the default boxes.
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If the model is on training mode, the forward will estimate the IoUs of the default boxes with the ground truth, use the SSDmatcher to produce matches and finally estimate the losses by calling the compute_loss method.
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If the model is on eval mode, we first select the best detections by keeping only the ones that pass the score threshold, select the most promising boxes and run NMS to clean up and select the best predictions. Finally we postprocess the predictions to resize them to the original image size. The SSD300 VGG16 Model
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The SSD300 VGG16 Model The SSD is a family of models because it can be configured with different backbones and different Head configurations. In this section, we will focus on the provided SSD pre-trained model. We will discuss the details of its configuration and the training process used to reproduce the reported results. Training process The model was trained using the COCO dataset and all of its hyper-parameters and scripts can be found in our references folder. Below we provide details on the most notable aspects of the training process. Paper Hyperparameters
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Paper Hyperparameters In order to achieve the best possible results on COCO, we adopted the hyperparameters described on the section 3 of the paper concerning the optimizer configuration, the weight regularization etc. Moreover we found it useful to adopt the optimizations that appear in the official implementation concerning the tiling configuration of the DefaultBox generator. This optimization was not described in the paper but it was crucial for improving the detection precision of smaller objects. Data Augmentation
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Data Augmentation Implementing the SSD Data Augmentation strategy as described on page 6 and page 12 of the paper was critical to reproducing the results. More specifically the use of random “Zoom In” and “Zoom Out” transformations make the model robust to various input sizes and improve its precision on the small and medium objects. Finally since the VGG16 has quite a few parameters, the photometric distortions included in the augmentations have a regularization effect and help avoid the overfitting. Weight Initialization & Input Scaling
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Another aspect that we found beneficial was to follow the weight initialization scheme proposed by the paper. To do that, we had to adapt our input scaling method by undoing the 0-1 scaling performed by ToTensor() and use pre-trained ImageNet weights fitted with this scaling (shoutout to Max deGroot for providing them in his repo). All the weights of new convolutions were initialized using Xavier and their biases were set to zero. After initialization, the network was trained end-to-end.
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LR Scheme As reported on the paper, after applying aggressive data augmentations it’s necessary to train the models for longer. Our experiments confirm this and we had to tweak the Learning rate, batch sizes and overall steps to achieve the best results. Our proposed learning scheme is configured to be rather on the safe side, showed signs of plateauing between the steps and thus one is likely to be able to train a similar model by doing only 66% of our epochs. Breakdown of Key Accuracy Improvements
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Breakdown of Key Accuracy Improvements It is important to note that implementing a model directly from a paper is an iterative process that circles between coding, training, bug fixing and adapting the configuration until we match the accuracies reported on the paper. Quite often it also involves simplifying the training recipe or enhancing it with more recent methodologies. It is definitely not a linear process where incremental accuracy improvements are achieved by improving a single direction at a time but instead involves exploring different hypothesis, making incremental improvements in different aspects and doing a lot of backtracking. With that in mind, below we try to summarize the optimizations that affected our accuracy the most. We did this by grouping together the various experiments in 4 main groups and attributing the experiment improvements to the closest match. Note that the Y-axis of the graph starts from 18 instead from 0 to make the difference between optimizations more visible:
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Model Configuration mAP delta mAP Baseline with "FasterRCNN-style" Hyperparams - 19.5 + Paper Hyperparams 1.6 21.1 + Data Augmentation 1.8 22.9 + Weight Initialization & Input Scaling 1 23.9 + LR scheme 1.2 25.1 Our final model achieves an mAP of 25.1 and reproduces exactly the COCO results reported on the paper. Here is a detailed breakdown of the accuracy metrics. We hope you found the part 1 of the series interesting. On the part 2, we will focus on the implementation of SSDlite and discuss its differences from SSD. Until then, we are looking forward to your feedback.
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layout: blog_detail title: "PyTorch strengthens its governance by joining the Linux Foundation" author: Soumith Chintala featured-img: "/assets/images/pytorch-foundation-blog-image.jpg"
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Today, I am proud to announce that PyTorch is moving to the Linux Foundation (LF) as a top-level project under the name PyTorch Foundation. The core mission of the Linux Foundation is the collaborative development of open source software. With a governing board of leaders from AMD, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud, Meta, Microsoft Azure and NVIDIA, this model aligns with where PyTorch stands today and what it needs to travel forward. The creation of the PyTorch Foundation will ensure business decisions are being made in a transparent and open manner by a diverse group of members for years to come. The technical decisions remain in control of individual maintainers. I’m excited that the Linux Foundation will be our new home as they have notable experience supporting large open-source projects like ours such as Kubernetes and NodeJS. At this pivotal moment, I want to take a look back at how we started, share why we are moving, and what’s ahead.
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This January, PyTorch celebrated its 5 year anniversary! I reflected on what it meant to me in this tweet thread, and this conversation with my colleagues Mike Schroepfer, Lin Qiao, and Yann LeCun. When we started PyTorch development in 2016, it was a collective effort by a band of people from the [Lua]Torch community with a big chunk of people and funding from Meta and individuals contributing from NVIDIA, Twitter and other entities.
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Since 2017, PyTorch has grown far beyond our initial vision. With over 2,400 contributors who have built nearly 154,000 projects using PyTorch as a foundation, PyTorch has become one of the primary platforms for AI research, as well as commercial production use. We’ve seen its impact across industry and academia, from large companies to numerous university courses at Stanford, NYU, EPFL, Oxford, and other academic institutions. As a maintainer of PyTorch, the journey has been extremely fulfilling, with the impact of the project seen in various fields from self-driving cars to healthcare to aerospace.
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As PyTorch grew, many companies have made foundational investments around it. While Meta remains the largest contributor to PyTorch, companies such as AMD, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud, HuggingFace, Lightning AI, Microsoft Azure, Nvidia, and many others have made significant investments, including both technical contributions and community building efforts. They’ve established teams around PyTorch or filled significant voids within the PyTorch community and sent countless contributions to the PyTorch core and to the ecosystem around it — PyTorch is an important part of their future. With PyTorch continuing to grow as a multi-stakeholder project, it’s time to move to a broader open-source foundation.
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The business governance of PyTorch was fairly unstructured for quite some time since launch – we operated like a scrappy startup. Team members at Meta spent the time and energy to structure this properly and organize PyTorch into an organizationally more healthy entity. Meta helped PyTorch with introducing many structures, such as Contributor License Agreements, Branding Guidelines, and Trademark registration. Keeping PyTorch’s organizational health up to check is essential and beneficial for the community. The next stage of our organizational progress is to support the interests of multiple stakeholders, hence moving to a foundation is good. We chose the Linux Foundation as it has vast organization experience hosting large multi-stakeholder open-source projects with the right balance of organizational structure and finding specific solutions for these projects.
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Simultaneously, the technical governance of PyTorch has been a loosely structured community model of open-source development — A set of people maintaining PyTorch by area with their responsibility often tied to their individual identity rather than their employment. While we kept a codified list at the PyTorch - Maintainers page, the technical governance was not formalized nor codified. As PyTorch scales as a community, the next step is to structure and codify. The PyTorch Technical Governance now supports a hierarchical maintainer structure and clear outlining of processes around day to day work and escalations. This doesn’t change how we run things, but it does add discipline and openness that at our scale feels essential and timely.
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It’s been an exciting journey since 2016. I am grateful for the experiences and people I’ve met along the way. PyTorch started with a small group of contributors which have grown and diversified over the years, all bringing in new ideas and innovations that would not have been possible without our community. We want to continue the open-source spirit – for the community and by the community. Thank you to our contributors, maintainers, users, supporters and new foundation members. We look forward to the next chapter of PyTorch with the PyTorch Foundation.
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layout: blog_detail title: 'PyTorch 1.3 adds mobile, privacy, quantization, and named tensors' author: Team PyTorch PyTorch continues to gain momentum because of its focus on meeting the needs of researchers, its streamlined workflow for production use, and most of all because of the enthusiastic support it has received from the AI community. PyTorch citations in papers on ArXiv grew 194 percent in the first half of 2019 alone, as noted by O’Reilly, and the number of contributors to the platform has grown more than 50 percent over the last year, to nearly 1,200. Facebook, Microsoft, Uber, and other organizations across industries are increasingly using it as the foundation for their most important machine learning (ML) research and production workloads.
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We are now advancing the platform further with the release of PyTorch 1.3, which includes experimental support for features such as seamless model deployment to mobile devices, model quantization for better performance at inference time, and front-end improvements, like the ability to name tensors and create clearer code with less need for inline comments. We’re also launching a number of additional tools and libraries to support model interpretability and bringing multimodal research to production.
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Additionally, we’ve collaborated with Google and Salesforce to add broad support for Cloud Tensor Processing Units, providing a significantly accelerated option for training large-scale deep neural networks. Alibaba Cloud also joins Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud as supported cloud platforms for PyTorch users. You can get started now at pytorch.org. PyTorch 1.3 The 1.3 release of PyTorch brings significant new features, including experimental support for mobile device deployment, eager mode quantization at 8-bit integer, and the ability to name tensors. With each of these enhancements, we look forward to additional contributions and improvements from the PyTorch community. Named tensors (experimental)
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Named tensors (experimental) Cornell University’s Sasha Rush has argued that, despite its ubiquity in deep learning, the traditional implementation of tensors has significant shortcomings, such as exposing private dimensions, broadcasting based on absolute position, and keeping type information in documentation. He proposed named tensors as an alternative approach. Today, we name and access dimensions by comment: # Tensor[N, C, H, W] images = torch.randn(32, 3, 56, 56) images.sum(dim=1) images.select(dim=1, index=0) But naming explicitly leads to more readable and maintainable code: NCHW = [‘N’, ‘C’, ‘H’, ‘W’] images = torch.randn(32, 3, 56, 56, names=NCHW) images.sum('C') images.select('C', index=0) Quantization (experimental)
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``` Quantization (experimental) It’s important to make efficient use of both server-side and on-device compute resources when developing ML applications. To support more efficient deployment on servers and edge devices, PyTorch 1.3 now supports 8-bit model quantization using the familiar eager mode Python API. Quantization refers to techniques used to perform computation and storage at reduced precision, such as 8-bit integer. This currently experimental feature includes support for post-training quantization, dynamic quantization, and quantization-aware training. It leverages the FBGEMM and QNNPACK state-of-the-art quantized kernel back ends, for x86 and ARM CPUs, respectively, which are integrated with PyTorch and now share a common API.
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To learn more about the design and architecture, check out the API docs here, and get started with any of the supported techniques using the tutorials available here. PyTorch mobile (experimental) Running ML on edge devices is growing in importance as applications continue to demand lower latency. It is also a foundational element for privacy-preserving techniques such as federated learning. To enable more efficient on-device ML, PyTorch 1.3 now supports an end-to-end workflow from Python to deployment on iOS and Android. This is an early, experimental release, optimized for end-to-end development. Coming releases will focus on: * Optimization for size: Build level optimization and selective compilation depending on the operators needed for user applications (i.e., you pay binary size for only the operators you need) * Performance: Further improvements to performance and coverage on mobile CPUs and GPUs
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High level API: Extend mobile native APIs to cover common preprocessing and integration tasks needed for incorporating ML in mobile applications. e.g. Computer vision and NLP Learn more or get started on Android or iOS here. New tools for model interpretability and privacy Captum As models become ever more complex, it is increasingly important to develop new methods for model interpretability. To help address this need, we’re launching Captum, a tool to help developers working in PyTorch understand why their model generates a specific output. Captum provides state-of-the-art tools to understand how the importance of specific neurons and layers and affect predictions made by the models. Captum’s algorithms include integrated gradients, conductance, SmoothGrad and VarGrad, and DeepLift. The example below shows how to apply model interpretability algorithms on a pretrained ResNet model and then visualize the attributions for each pixel by overlaying them on the image.
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noise_tunnel = NoiseTunnel(integrated_gradients) attributions_ig_nt, delta = noise_tunnel.attribute(input, n_samples=10, nt_type='smoothgrad_sq', target=pred_label_idx) _ = viz.visualize_image_attr_multiple(["original_image", "heat_map"], ["all", "positive"], np.transpose(attributions_ig_nt.squeeze().cpu().detach().numpy(), (1,2,0)), np.transpose(transformed_img.squeeze().cpu().detach().numpy(), (1,2,0)), cmap=default_cmap, show_colorbar=True) Learn more about Captum at captum.ai. CrypTen
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CrypTen Practical applications of ML via cloud-based or machine-learning-as-a-service (MLaaS) platforms pose a range of security and privacy challenges. In particular, users of these platforms may not want or be able to share unencrypted data, which prevents them from taking full advantage of ML tools. To address these challenges, the ML community is exploring a number of technical approaches, at various levels of maturity. These include homomorphic encryption, secure multiparty computation, trusted execution environments, on-device computation, and differential privacy. To provide a better understanding of how some of these technologies can be applied, we are releasing CrypTen, a new community-based research platform for taking the field of privacy-preserving ML forward. Learn more about CrypTen here. It is available on GitHub here.
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Tools for multimodal AI systems Digital content is often made up of several modalities, such as text, images, audio, and video. For example, a single public post might contain an image, body text, a title, a video, and a landing page. Even one particular component may have more than one modality, such as a video that contains both visual and audio signals, or a landing page that is composed of images, text, and HTML sources. The ecosystem of tools and libraries that work with PyTorch offer enhanced ways to address the challenges of building multimodal ML systems. Here are some of the latest libraries launching today: Detectron2
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Detectron2 Object detection and segmentation are used for tasks ranging from autonomous vehicles to content understanding for platform integrity. To advance this work, Facebook AI Research (FAIR) is releasing Detectron2, an object detection library now implemented in PyTorch. Detectron2 provides support for the latest models and tasks, increased flexibility to aid computer vision research, and improvements in maintainability and scalability to support production use cases. Detectron2 is available here and you can learn more here. Speech extensions to fairseq
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Speech extensions to fairseq Language translation and audio processing are critical components in systems and applications such as search, translation, speech, and assistants. There has been tremendous progress in these fields recently thanks to the development of new architectures like transformers, as well as large-scale pretraining methods. We’ve extended fairseq, a framework for sequence-to-sequence applications such as language translation, to include support for end-to-end learning for speech and audio recognition tasks.These extensions to fairseq enable faster exploration and prototyping of new speech research ideas while offering a clear path to production. Get started with fairseq here. Cloud provider and hardware ecosystem support
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Cloud provider and hardware ecosystem support Cloud providers such as Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud provide extensive support for anyone looking to develop ML on PyTorch and deploy in production. We’re excited to share the general availability of Google Cloud TPU support and a newly launched integration with Alibaba Cloud. We’re also expanding hardware ecosystem support.
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Google Cloud TPU support now broadly available. To accelerate the largest-scale machine learning (ML) applications deployed today and enable rapid development of the ML applications of tomorrow, Google created custom silicon chips called Tensor Processing Units (TPUs). When assembled into multi-rack ML supercomputers called Cloud TPU Pods, these TPUs can complete ML workloads in minutes or hours that previously took days or weeks on other systems. Engineers from Facebook, Google, and Salesforce worked together to enable and pilot Cloud TPU support in PyTorch, including experimental support for Cloud TPU Pods. PyTorch support for Cloud TPUs is also available in Colab. Learn more about how to get started with PyTorch on Cloud TPUs here.
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Alibaba adds support for PyTorch in Alibaba Cloud. The initial integration involves a one-click solution for PyTorch 1.x, Data Science Workshop notebook service, distributed training with Gloo/NCCL, as well as seamless integration with Alibaba IaaS such as OSS, ODPS, and NAS. Together with the toolchain provided by Alibaba, we look forward to significantly reducing the overhead necessary for adoption, as well as helping Alibaba Cloud’s global customer base leverage PyTorch to develop new AI applications. ML hardware ecosystem expands. In addition to key GPU and CPU partners, the PyTorch ecosystem has also enabled support for dedicated ML accelerators. Updates from Intel and Habana showcase how PyTorch, connected to the Glow optimizing compiler, enables developers to utilize these market-specific solutions. Growth in the PyTorch community
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Growth in the PyTorch community As an open source, community-driven project, PyTorch benefits from wide range of contributors bringing new capabilities to the ecosystem. Here are some recent examples: * Mila SpeechBrain aims to provide an open source, all-in-one speech toolkit based on PyTorch. The goal is to develop a single, flexible, user-friendly toolkit that can be used to easily develop state-of-the-art systems for speech recognition (both end to end and HMM-DNN), speaker recognition, speech separation, multi-microphone signal processing (e.g., beamforming), self-supervised learning, and many others. Learn more
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SpaCy is a new wrapping library with consistent and easy-to-use interfaces to several models, in order to extract features to power NLP pipelines. Support is provided for via spaCy’s standard training API. The library also calculates an alignment so the transformer features can be related back to actual words instead of just wordpieces. Learn more HuggingFace PyTorch-Transformers (formerly known as pytorch-pretrained-bert is a library of state-of-the-art pretrained models for Natural Language Processing (NLP). The library currently contains PyTorch implementations, pretrained model weights, usage scripts, and conversion utilities for models such as BERT, GPT-2, RoBERTa, and DistilBERT. It has also grown quickly, with more than 13,000 GitHub stars and a broad set of users. Learn more
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PyTorch Lightning is a Keras-like ML library for PyTorch. It leaves core training and validation logic to you and automates the rest. Reproducibility is a crucial requirement for many fields of research, including those based on ML techniques. As the number of research papers submitted to arXiv and conferences skyrockets into the tens of thousands, scaling reproducibility becomes difficult. Learn more. We recently held the first online Global PyTorch Summer Hackathon, where researchers and developers around the world were invited to build innovative new projects with PyTorch. Nearly 1,500 developers participated, submitting projects ranging from livestock disease detection to AI-powered financial assistants. The winning projects were:
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Torchmeta, which provides extensions for PyTorch to simplify the development of meta-learning algorithms in PyTorch. It features a unified interface inspired by TorchVision for both few-shot classification and regression problems, to allow easy benchmarking on multiple data sets to aid with reproducibility. Open-Unmix, a system for end-to-end music demixing with PyTorch. Demixing separates the individual instruments or vocal track from any stereo recording. Endless AI-Generated Tees, a store featuring AI-generated T-shirt designs that can be purchased and delivered worldwide. The system uses a state-of-the-art generative model (StyleGAN) that was built with PyTorch and then trained on modern art. Visit pytorch.org to learn more and get started with PyTorch 1.3 and the latest libraries and ecosystem projects. We look forward to the contributions, exciting research advancements, and real-world applications that the community builds with PyTorch.
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We’d like to thank the entire PyTorch team and the community for all their contributions to this work.
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layout: blog_detail title: "Deprecation of CUDA 11.6 and Python 3.7 Support" For the upcoming PyTorch 2.0 feature release (target March 2023), we will target CUDA 11.7 as the stable version and CUDA 11.8 as the experimental version of CUDA and Python >=3.8, <=3.11. If you are still using or depending on CUDA 11.6 or Python 3.7 builds, we strongly recommend moving to at least CUDA 11.7 and Python 3.8, as it would be the minimum versions required for PyTorch 2.0. Please note that as of Feb 1, CUDA 11.6 and Python 3.7 are no longer included in the nightlies Please refer to the Release Compatibility Matrix for PyTorch releases: PyTorch Version Python Stable CUDA Experimental CUDA 2.0 >=3.8, <=3.11 CUDA 11.7, CUDNN CUDA 11.8, CUDNN
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1.13 >=3.7, <=3.10 CUDA 11.6, CUDNN CUDA 11.7, CUDNN 1.12 >=3.7, <=3.10 CUDA 11.3, CUDNN CUDA 11.6, CUDNN As of 2/1/2023 For more information on PyTorch releases, updated compatibility matrix and release policies, please see (and bookmark) Readme.
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layout: blog_detail title: "Straggler Mitigation On PyTorch DDP By Hierarchical SGD" author: Yi Wang (Cruise AI), Rohan Varma (Meta AI) PyTorch DDP has been widely adopted across the industry for distributed training, which by default runs synchronous SGD to synchronize gradients across model replicas at every step. The performance of this technique is critical for fast iteration during model exploration as well as resource and cost saving. The performance is critical for fast iteration and cost saving of model development and exploration. To resolve a ubiquitous performance bottleneck introduced by slow nodes in large-scale training, Cruise and Meta co-developed a solution based on the Hierarchical SGD algorithm to significantly accelerate training in the presence of these stragglers. The Need For Straggler Mitigation
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The Need For Straggler Mitigation In DDP setup, a straggler problem can occur when one or more processes run much slower ("stragglers") than other processes. When this happens, all the processes have to wait for the stragglers before synchronizing gradients and completing the communication, which essentially bottlenecks distributed performance to the slowest worker.As a result, even for the cases of training relatively small models, the communication cost can still be a major performance bottleneck. Potential Causes of Stragglers Severe straggler issues are usually caused by workload imbalance before synchronization, and many factors can contribute to this imbalance. For instance, some data loader workers in the distributed environment can become stragglers, because some input examples can be outliers in terms of the data size, or the data transfer of some examples can be drastically slowed down due to unstable network I/O, or the on-the-fly data transformation costs can have a high variance.
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Besides data loading, other phases before gradient synchronization can also cause stragglers, such as unbalanced workloads of embedding table lookup during the forward pass in recommendation systems. The Appearance of Stragglers If we profile DDP training jobs that have stragglers, we can find that some processes may have much higher gradient synchronization costs (a.k.a., allreducing gradients) than other processes at a certain step. As a result, the distributed performance can be dominated by the communication cost even if the model size is very small. In this case, some processes run faster than the straggler(s) at a step, and hence they have to wait for the stragglers and spend a much longer time on allreduce. The below shows screenshots of two trace files output by PyTorch profiler in a use case. Each screenshot profiles 3 steps.
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