a magnet will attract the iron nails in the mixture & a magnet will not attract the aluminum nails in the mixture -> a magnet can separate the mixutre of iron nails and <mask> nails
a magnet will attract the iron nails in the mixture & a magnet will not attract the aluminum nails in the mixture -> a magnet can separate the mixutre of iron nails and aluminum <mask>
the floor is a kind of object & a white object reflects all visible light -> a <mask> floor will reflect all visible light
the floor is a kind of object & a white object reflects all visible light -> a white <mask> will reflect all visible light
the floor is a kind of object & a white object reflects all visible light -> a white floor will <mask> all visible light
the floor is a kind of object & a white object reflects all visible light -> a white floor will reflect all visible <mask>
sugar is soluble in water & if something is soluble in something , then that something can be dissolved in something forming a solution -> <mask> dissolves in water when they are combined
sugar is soluble in water & if something is soluble in something , then that something can be dissolved in something forming a solution -> sugar <mask> in water when they are combined
sugar is soluble in water & if something is soluble in something , then that something can be dissolved in something forming a solution -> sugar dissolves in <mask> when they are combined
sugar is soluble in water & if something is soluble in something , then that something can be dissolved in something forming a solution -> sugar dissolves in water when they are <mask>
sugar dissolves in water when they are combined & a solution is made of one substance dissolved in another substance -> <mask> will dissolve in water and form a solution
sugar dissolves in water when they are combined & a solution is made of one substance dissolved in another substance -> sugar will <mask> in water and form a solution
sugar dissolves in water when they are combined & a solution is made of one substance dissolved in another substance -> sugar will dissolve in <mask> and form a solution
sugar dissolves in water when they are combined & a solution is made of one substance dissolved in another substance -> sugar will dissolve in water and <mask> a solution
sugar dissolves in water when they are combined & a solution is made of one substance dissolved in another substance -> sugar will dissolve in water and form a <mask>
tea tastes bitter & sugar causes food to taste sweet -> <mask> can cause tea to taste sweet
tea tastes bitter & sugar causes food to taste sweet -> sugar can <mask> tea to taste sweet
tea tastes bitter & sugar causes food to taste sweet -> sugar can cause <mask> to taste sweet
tea tastes bitter & sugar causes food to taste sweet -> sugar can cause tea to <mask> sweet
tea tastes bitter & sugar causes food to taste sweet -> sugar can cause tea to taste <mask>
sugar can cause tea to taste sweet & taste can be used to distinguish food -> if the <mask> tastes sweet, then there is sugar in the tea
sugar can cause tea to taste sweet & taste can be used to distinguish food -> if the tea <mask> sweet, then there is sugar in the tea
sugar can cause tea to taste sweet & taste can be used to distinguish food -> if the tea tastes sweet, then there is <mask> in the tea
sugar can cause tea to taste sweet & taste can be used to distinguish food -> if the tea tastes sweet, then there is sugar in the <mask>
wood is an thermal insulator & a thermal insulator slows the transfer of heat -> <mask> can slow the transfer of heat
wood is an thermal insulator & a thermal insulator slows the transfer of heat -> wood can <mask> the transfer of heat
wood is an thermal insulator & a thermal insulator slows the transfer of heat -> wood can slow the <mask> of heat
wood is an thermal insulator & a thermal insulator slows the transfer of heat -> wood can slow the transfer of <mask>
if a spoon is used to stir a liquid then that spoon is touching that liquid & if a spoon is used to stir a liquid then that spoon is touching that liquid2 -> if a <mask> is used to stir soup then that spoon is touching that soup
if a spoon is used to stir a liquid then that spoon is touching that liquid & if a spoon is used to stir a liquid then that spoon is touching that liquid2 -> if a spoon is <mask> to stir soup then that spoon is touching that soup
if a spoon is used to stir a liquid then that spoon is touching that liquid & if a spoon is used to stir a liquid then that spoon is touching that liquid2 -> if a spoon is used to <mask> soup then that spoon is touching that soup
if a spoon is used to stir a liquid then that spoon is touching that liquid & if a spoon is used to stir a liquid then that spoon is touching that liquid2 -> if a spoon is used to stir <mask> then that spoon is touching that soup
if a spoon is used to stir a liquid then that spoon is touching that liquid & if a spoon is used to stir a liquid then that spoon is touching that liquid2 -> if a spoon is used to stir soup then that <mask> is touching that soup
if a spoon is used to stir a liquid then that spoon is touching that liquid & if a spoon is used to stir a liquid then that spoon is touching that liquid2 -> if a spoon is used to stir soup then that spoon is <mask> that soup
if a spoon is used to stir a liquid then that spoon is touching that liquid & if a spoon is used to stir a liquid then that spoon is touching that liquid2 -> if a spoon is used to stir soup then that spoon is touching that <mask>
if a spoon is used to stir soup then that spoon is touching that soup & the spoon is used to stir soup -> the <mask> is touching the soup
if a spoon is used to stir soup then that spoon is touching that soup & the spoon is used to stir soup -> the spoon is <mask> the soup
if a spoon is used to stir soup then that spoon is touching that soup & the spoon is used to stir soup -> the spoon is touching the <mask>
if a spoon is used to stir a liquid then that spoon is touching that liquid0 & the soup is cooking on the stove -> <mask> energy is added to the soup
if a spoon is used to stir a liquid then that spoon is touching that liquid0 & the soup is cooking on the stove -> heat <mask> is added to the soup
if a spoon is used to stir a liquid then that spoon is touching that liquid0 & the soup is cooking on the stove -> heat energy is <mask> to the soup
if a spoon is used to stir a liquid then that spoon is touching that liquid0 & the soup is cooking on the stove -> heat energy is added to the <mask>
the spoon is touching the soup & heat energy is added to the soup -> <mask> energy is added to soup that is touching the spoon
the spoon is touching the soup & heat energy is added to the soup -> heat <mask> is added to soup that is touching the spoon
the spoon is touching the soup & heat energy is added to the soup -> heat energy is <mask> to soup that is touching the spoon
the spoon is touching the soup & heat energy is added to the soup -> heat energy is added to <mask> that is touching the spoon
the spoon is touching the soup & heat energy is added to the soup -> heat energy is added to soup that is <mask> the spoon
the spoon is touching the soup & heat energy is added to the soup -> heat energy is added to soup that is touching the <mask>
soup is a kind of thing & a spoon is a kind of thing -> <mask> and a spoon are kinds of things
soup is a kind of thing & a spoon is a kind of thing -> soup and a <mask> are kinds of things
soup is a kind of thing & a spoon is a kind of thing -> soup and a spoon are <mask> of things
soup is a kind of thing & a spoon is a kind of thing -> soup and a spoon are kinds of <mask>
soup and a spoon are kinds of things & if two things are touching then heat energy will be transferred between those things -> if <mask> and a spoon are touching then heat energy will be transferred between the soup and spoon
soup and a spoon are kinds of things & if two things are touching then heat energy will be transferred between those things -> if soup and a <mask> are touching then heat energy will be transferred between the soup and spoon
soup and a spoon are kinds of things & if two things are touching then heat energy will be transferred between those things -> if soup and a spoon are <mask> then heat energy will be transferred between the soup and spoon
soup and a spoon are kinds of things & if two things are touching then heat energy will be transferred between those things -> if soup and a spoon are touching then <mask> energy will be transferred between the soup and spoon
soup and a spoon are kinds of things & if two things are touching then heat energy will be transferred between those things -> if soup and a spoon are touching then heat <mask> will be transferred between the soup and spoon
soup and a spoon are kinds of things & if two things are touching then heat energy will be transferred between those things -> if soup and a spoon are touching then heat energy will be <mask> between the soup and spoon
soup and a spoon are kinds of things & if two things are touching then heat energy will be transferred between those things -> if soup and a spoon are touching then heat energy will be transferred between the <mask> and spoon
soup and a spoon are kinds of things & if two things are touching then heat energy will be transferred between those things -> if soup and a spoon are touching then heat energy will be transferred between the soup and <mask>
heat energy is added to soup that is touching the spoon & if soup and a spoon are touching then heat energy will be transferred between the soup and spoon -> <mask> energy is transferring from the soup to the spoon
heat energy is added to soup that is touching the spoon & if soup and a spoon are touching then heat energy will be transferred between the soup and spoon -> heat <mask> is transferring from the soup to the spoon
heat energy is added to soup that is touching the spoon & if soup and a spoon are touching then heat energy will be transferred between the soup and spoon -> heat energy is <mask> from the soup to the spoon
heat energy is added to soup that is touching the spoon & if soup and a spoon are touching then heat energy will be transferred between the soup and spoon -> heat energy is transferring from the <mask> to the spoon
heat energy is added to soup that is touching the spoon & if soup and a spoon are touching then heat energy will be transferred between the soup and spoon -> heat energy is transferring from the soup to the <mask>
heat energy is transferring from the soup to the spoon & the spoon in the example is made of wood -> <mask> energy is transferring from the soup to wood
heat energy is transferring from the soup to the spoon & the spoon in the example is made of wood -> heat <mask> is transferring from the soup to wood
heat energy is transferring from the soup to the spoon & the spoon in the example is made of wood -> heat energy is <mask> from the soup to wood
heat energy is transferring from the soup to the spoon & the spoon in the example is made of wood -> heat energy is transferring from the <mask> to wood
heat energy is transferring from the soup to the spoon & the spoon in the example is made of wood -> heat energy is transferring from the soup to <mask>
a thermal insulator slows the transfer of heat & wood is an thermal insulator -> <mask> can slow the transferring of the heat
a thermal insulator slows the transfer of heat & wood is an thermal insulator -> wood can <mask> the transferring of the heat
a thermal insulator slows the transfer of heat & wood is an thermal insulator -> wood can slow the <mask> of the heat
a thermal insulator slows the transfer of heat & wood is an thermal insulator -> wood can slow the transferring of the <mask>
heat energy is transferring from the soup to wood & wood can slow the transferring of the heat -> if a <mask> is used to stir soup then that spoon is touching that soup0: the transferring of heat energy from soup to wood is slowed down
heat energy is transferring from the soup to wood & wood can slow the transferring of the heat -> if a spoon is <mask> to stir soup then that spoon is touching that soup0: the transferring of heat energy from soup to wood is slowed down
heat energy is transferring from the soup to wood & wood can slow the transferring of the heat -> if a spoon is used to <mask> soup then that spoon is touching that soup0: the transferring of heat energy from soup to wood is slowed down
heat energy is transferring from the soup to wood & wood can slow the transferring of the heat -> if a spoon is used to stir <mask> then that spoon is touching that soup0: the transferring of heat energy from soup to wood is slowed down
heat energy is transferring from the soup to wood & wood can slow the transferring of the heat -> if a spoon is used to stir soup then that <mask> is touching that soup0: the transferring of heat energy from soup to wood is slowed down
heat energy is transferring from the soup to wood & wood can slow the transferring of the heat -> if a spoon is used to stir soup then that spoon is <mask> that soup0: the transferring of heat energy from soup to wood is slowed down
heat energy is transferring from the soup to wood & wood can slow the transferring of the heat -> if a spoon is used to stir soup then that spoon is touching that soup0: the <mask> of heat energy from soup to wood is slowed down
heat energy is transferring from the soup to wood & wood can slow the transferring of the heat -> if a spoon is used to stir soup then that spoon is touching that soup0: the transferring of <mask> energy from soup to wood is slowed down
heat energy is transferring from the soup to wood & wood can slow the transferring of the heat -> if a spoon is used to stir soup then that spoon is touching that soup0: the transferring of heat <mask> from soup to wood is slowed down
heat energy is transferring from the soup to wood & wood can slow the transferring of the heat -> if a spoon is used to stir soup then that spoon is touching that soup0: the transferring of heat energy from <mask> to wood is slowed down
heat energy is transferring from the soup to wood & wood can slow the transferring of the heat -> if a spoon is used to stir soup then that spoon is touching that soup0: the transferring of heat energy from soup to <mask> is slowed down
heat energy is transferring from the soup to wood & wood can slow the transferring of the heat -> if a spoon is used to stir soup then that spoon is touching that soup0: the transferring of heat energy from soup to wood is <mask> down
if a spoon is used to stir soup then that spoon is touching that soup0 & if a spoon is used to stir a liquid then that spoon is touching that liquid1 -> the <mask> will increase temperature slower
if a spoon is used to stir soup then that spoon is touching that soup0 & if a spoon is used to stir a liquid then that spoon is touching that liquid1 -> the wood will <mask> temperature slower
if a spoon is used to stir soup then that spoon is touching that soup0 & if a spoon is used to stir a liquid then that spoon is touching that liquid1 -> the wood will increase <mask> slower
sleeping bags are designed to keep people warm & insulated material can be used for keeping warm -> <mask> bags usually are made of insulated materials
sleeping bags are designed to keep people warm & insulated material can be used for keeping warm -> sleeping <mask> usually are made of insulated materials
sleeping bags are designed to keep people warm & insulated material can be used for keeping warm -> sleeping bags usually are <mask> of insulated materials
sleeping bags are designed to keep people warm & insulated material can be used for keeping warm -> sleeping bags usually are made of <mask> materials
sleeping bags are designed to keep people warm & insulated material can be used for keeping warm -> sleeping bags usually are made of insulated <mask>
sleeping bags usually are made of insulated materials & down feathers are a thermal insulator -> down <mask> can be used to make sleeping bags
sleeping bags usually are made of insulated materials & down feathers are a thermal insulator -> down feathers can be <mask> to make sleeping bags
sleeping bags usually are made of insulated materials & down feathers are a thermal insulator -> down feathers can be used to <mask> sleeping bags
sleeping bags usually are made of insulated materials & down feathers are a thermal insulator -> down feathers can be used to make <mask> bags
sleeping bags usually are made of insulated materials & down feathers are a thermal insulator -> down feathers can be used to make sleeping <mask>
cookware is used for cooking & cooking food requires adding heat energy to the food -> <mask> food requires adding heat energy to the food using cookware