new york state is located in the northern hemisphere & june is during the summer in the northern hemisphere -> <mask> is during the summer for new york state
new york state is located in the northern hemisphere & june is during the summer in the northern hemisphere -> june is during the <mask> for new york state
new york state is located in the northern hemisphere & june is during the summer in the northern hemisphere -> june is during the summer for new <mask> state
new york state is located in the northern hemisphere & june is during the summer in the northern hemisphere -> june is during the summer for new york <mask>
june is during the summer for new york state & the amount of daylight is greatest in the summer -> new <mask> state has the greatest sunlight during june
june is during the summer for new york state & the amount of daylight is greatest in the summer -> new york <mask> has the greatest sunlight during june
june is during the summer for new york state & the amount of daylight is greatest in the summer -> new york state has the greatest <mask> during june
june is during the summer for new york state & the amount of daylight is greatest in the summer -> new york state has the greatest sunlight during <mask>
earth 's tilt on its rotating axis causes seasons to change / to occur & when the season changes , the amount of daylight will change -> earth's <mask> on its rotating axis causes the amout of daylight to change
earth 's tilt on its rotating axis causes seasons to change / to occur & when the season changes , the amount of daylight will change -> earth's tilt on its <mask> axis causes the amout of daylight to change
earth 's tilt on its rotating axis causes seasons to change / to occur & when the season changes , the amount of daylight will change -> earth's tilt on its rotating <mask> causes the amout of daylight to change
earth 's tilt on its rotating axis causes seasons to change / to occur & when the season changes , the amount of daylight will change -> earth's tilt on its rotating axis <mask> the amout of daylight to change
earth 's tilt on its rotating axis causes seasons to change / to occur & when the season changes , the amount of daylight will change -> earth's tilt on its rotating axis causes the amout of <mask> to change
earth 's tilt on its rotating axis causes seasons to change / to occur & when the season changes , the amount of daylight will change -> earth's tilt on its rotating axis causes the amout of daylight to <mask>
alaska is a state located in the united states of america & united states is located in the northern hemisphere -> <mask> is located in the northern hemisphere
alaska is a state located in the united states of america & united states is located in the northern hemisphere -> alaska is <mask> in the northern hemisphere
alaska is a state located in the united states of america & united states is located in the northern hemisphere -> alaska is located in the <mask> hemisphere
alaska is a state located in the united states of america & united states is located in the northern hemisphere -> alaska is located in the northern <mask>
alaska is located in the northern hemisphere & alaska is in winter season & winter is when a hemisphere is tilted away from the sun -> the <mask> hemisphere is tilted away from the sun when alaska is in winter
alaska is located in the northern hemisphere & alaska is in winter season & winter is when a hemisphere is tilted away from the sun -> the northern <mask> is tilted away from the sun when alaska is in winter
alaska is located in the northern hemisphere & alaska is in winter season & winter is when a hemisphere is tilted away from the sun -> the northern hemisphere is <mask> away from the sun when alaska is in winter
alaska is located in the northern hemisphere & alaska is in winter season & winter is when a hemisphere is tilted away from the sun -> the northern hemisphere is tilted away from the <mask> when alaska is in winter
alaska is located in the northern hemisphere & alaska is in winter season & winter is when a hemisphere is tilted away from the sun -> the northern hemisphere is tilted away from the sun when <mask> is in winter
alaska is located in the northern hemisphere & alaska is in winter season & winter is when a hemisphere is tilted away from the sun -> the northern hemisphere is tilted away from the sun when alaska is in <mask>
when a hemisphere is tilted away from the sun , that hemisphere receives less direct sunlight & winter is when a hemisphere is tilted away from the sun -> a <mask> tilting away from the sun causes the hemisphere to receive less direct sunlight
when a hemisphere is tilted away from the sun , that hemisphere receives less direct sunlight & winter is when a hemisphere is tilted away from the sun -> a hemisphere <mask> away from the sun causes the hemisphere to receive less direct sunlight
when a hemisphere is tilted away from the sun , that hemisphere receives less direct sunlight & winter is when a hemisphere is tilted away from the sun -> a hemisphere tilting away from the <mask> causes the hemisphere to receive less direct sunlight
when a hemisphere is tilted away from the sun , that hemisphere receives less direct sunlight & winter is when a hemisphere is tilted away from the sun -> a hemisphere tilting away from the sun <mask> the hemisphere to receive less direct sunlight
when a hemisphere is tilted away from the sun , that hemisphere receives less direct sunlight & winter is when a hemisphere is tilted away from the sun -> a hemisphere tilting away from the sun causes the <mask> to receive less direct sunlight
when a hemisphere is tilted away from the sun , that hemisphere receives less direct sunlight & winter is when a hemisphere is tilted away from the sun -> a hemisphere tilting away from the sun causes the hemisphere to <mask> less direct sunlight
when a hemisphere is tilted away from the sun , that hemisphere receives less direct sunlight & winter is when a hemisphere is tilted away from the sun -> a hemisphere tilting away from the sun causes the hemisphere to receive <mask> direct sunlight
when a hemisphere is tilted away from the sun , that hemisphere receives less direct sunlight & winter is when a hemisphere is tilted away from the sun -> a hemisphere tilting away from the sun causes the hemisphere to receive less <mask> sunlight
when a hemisphere is tilted away from the sun , that hemisphere receives less direct sunlight & winter is when a hemisphere is tilted away from the sun -> a hemisphere tilting away from the sun causes the hemisphere to receive less direct <mask>
the northern hemisphere is tilted away from the sun when alaska is in winter & a hemisphere tilting away from the sun causes the hemisphere to receive less direct sunlight -> the <mask> hemisphere being tilted away from the sun causes alaska to receive less direct sunlight
the northern hemisphere is tilted away from the sun when alaska is in winter & a hemisphere tilting away from the sun causes the hemisphere to receive less direct sunlight -> the northern <mask> being tilted away from the sun causes alaska to receive less direct sunlight
the northern hemisphere is tilted away from the sun when alaska is in winter & a hemisphere tilting away from the sun causes the hemisphere to receive less direct sunlight -> the northern hemisphere being <mask> away from the sun causes alaska to receive less direct sunlight
the northern hemisphere is tilted away from the sun when alaska is in winter & a hemisphere tilting away from the sun causes the hemisphere to receive less direct sunlight -> the northern hemisphere being tilted away from the <mask> causes alaska to receive less direct sunlight
the northern hemisphere is tilted away from the sun when alaska is in winter & a hemisphere tilting away from the sun causes the hemisphere to receive less direct sunlight -> the northern hemisphere being tilted away from the sun <mask> alaska to receive less direct sunlight
the northern hemisphere is tilted away from the sun when alaska is in winter & a hemisphere tilting away from the sun causes the hemisphere to receive less direct sunlight -> the northern hemisphere being tilted away from the sun causes <mask> to receive less direct sunlight
the northern hemisphere is tilted away from the sun when alaska is in winter & a hemisphere tilting away from the sun causes the hemisphere to receive less direct sunlight -> the northern hemisphere being tilted away from the sun causes alaska to <mask> less direct sunlight
the northern hemisphere is tilted away from the sun when alaska is in winter & a hemisphere tilting away from the sun causes the hemisphere to receive less direct sunlight -> the northern hemisphere being tilted away from the sun causes alaska to receive <mask> direct sunlight
the northern hemisphere is tilted away from the sun when alaska is in winter & a hemisphere tilting away from the sun causes the hemisphere to receive less direct sunlight -> the northern hemisphere being tilted away from the sun causes alaska to receive less <mask> sunlight
the northern hemisphere is tilted away from the sun when alaska is in winter & a hemisphere tilting away from the sun causes the hemisphere to receive less direct sunlight -> the northern hemisphere being tilted away from the sun causes alaska to receive less direct <mask>
the earth rotates on its tilted axis & earth is a kind of planet -> <mask> is a planet that rotates on its tilted axis
the earth rotates on its tilted axis & earth is a kind of planet -> earth is a <mask> that rotates on its tilted axis
the earth rotates on its tilted axis & earth is a kind of planet -> earth is a planet that <mask> on its tilted axis
the earth rotates on its tilted axis & earth is a kind of planet -> earth is a planet that rotates on its <mask> axis
the earth rotates on its tilted axis & earth is a kind of planet -> earth is a planet that rotates on its tilted <mask>
earth is a planet that rotates on its tilted axis & a planet rotating causes cycles of day and night on that planet -> <mask> rotating on its axis causes cycles of day and night on earth
earth is a planet that rotates on its tilted axis & a planet rotating causes cycles of day and night on that planet -> earth <mask> on its axis causes cycles of day and night on earth
earth is a planet that rotates on its tilted axis & a planet rotating causes cycles of day and night on that planet -> earth rotating on its <mask> causes cycles of day and night on earth
earth is a planet that rotates on its tilted axis & a planet rotating causes cycles of day and night on that planet -> earth rotating on its axis <mask> cycles of day and night on earth
earth is a planet that rotates on its tilted axis & a planet rotating causes cycles of day and night on that planet -> earth rotating on its axis causes <mask> of day and night on earth
earth is a planet that rotates on its tilted axis & a planet rotating causes cycles of day and night on that planet -> earth rotating on its axis causes cycles of <mask> and night on earth
earth is a planet that rotates on its tilted axis & a planet rotating causes cycles of day and night on that planet -> earth rotating on its axis causes cycles of day and <mask> on earth
earth is a planet that rotates on its tilted axis & a planet rotating causes cycles of day and night on that planet -> earth rotating on its axis causes cycles of day and night on <mask>
a complete rotation of the earth on earth 's axis / itself takes 1 / one day & 1 day is equal to 24 hours -> a <mask> rotation of the earth takes 24 hours
a complete rotation of the earth on earth 's axis / itself takes 1 / one day & 1 day is equal to 24 hours -> a complete <mask> of the earth takes 24 hours
a complete rotation of the earth on earth 's axis / itself takes 1 / one day & 1 day is equal to 24 hours -> a complete rotation of the <mask> takes 24 hours
a complete rotation of the earth on earth 's axis / itself takes 1 / one day & 1 day is equal to 24 hours -> a complete rotation of the earth <mask> 24 hours
a complete rotation of the earth on earth 's axis / itself takes 1 / one day & 1 day is equal to 24 hours -> a complete rotation of the earth takes <mask> hours
a complete rotation of the earth on earth 's axis / itself takes 1 / one day & 1 day is equal to 24 hours -> a complete rotation of the earth takes 24 <mask>
new york state is a state located in the united states of america & when the season changes , the amount of daylight will change -> when the <mask> changes, the amount of daylight in new york state will change
new york state is a state located in the united states of america & when the season changes , the amount of daylight will change -> when the season changes, the <mask> of daylight in new york state will change
new york state is a state located in the united states of america & when the season changes , the amount of daylight will change -> when the season changes, the amount of <mask> in new york state will change
new york state is a state located in the united states of america & when the season changes , the amount of daylight will change -> when the season changes, the amount of daylight in new <mask> state will change
new york state is a state located in the united states of america & when the season changes , the amount of daylight will change -> when the season changes, the amount of daylight in new york <mask> will change
new york state is a state located in the united states of america & when the season changes , the amount of daylight will change -> when the season changes, the amount of daylight in new york state will <mask>
earth is a kind of planet & the earth rotates on its tilted axis -> <mask> is a planet that rotates on its tilted axis
earth is a kind of planet & the earth rotates on its tilted axis -> earth is a <mask> that rotates on its tilted axis
earth is a kind of planet & the earth rotates on its tilted axis -> earth is a planet that <mask> on its tilted axis
earth is a kind of planet & the earth rotates on its tilted axis -> earth is a planet that rotates on its <mask> axis
earth is a kind of planet & the earth rotates on its tilted axis -> earth is a planet that rotates on its tilted <mask>
earth is a planet that rotates on its tilted axis & a planet rotating causes cycles of day and night on that planet -> <mask> rotating on its axis causes the cycle of day and night on earth
earth is a planet that rotates on its tilted axis & a planet rotating causes cycles of day and night on that planet -> earth <mask> on its axis causes the cycle of day and night on earth
earth is a planet that rotates on its tilted axis & a planet rotating causes cycles of day and night on that planet -> earth rotating on its <mask> causes the cycle of day and night on earth
earth is a planet that rotates on its tilted axis & a planet rotating causes cycles of day and night on that planet -> earth rotating on its axis <mask> the cycle of day and night on earth
earth is a planet that rotates on its tilted axis & a planet rotating causes cycles of day and night on that planet -> earth rotating on its axis causes the <mask> of day and night on earth
earth is a planet that rotates on its tilted axis & a planet rotating causes cycles of day and night on that planet -> earth rotating on its axis causes the cycle of <mask> and night on earth
earth is a planet that rotates on its tilted axis & a planet rotating causes cycles of day and night on that planet -> earth rotating on its axis causes the cycle of day and <mask> on earth
earth is a planet that rotates on its tilted axis & a planet rotating causes cycles of day and night on that planet -> earth rotating on its axis causes the cycle of day and night on <mask>
summer is when a hemisphere is tilted towards the sun & the south pole is tilted toward the sun -> it is <mask> in south pole
summer is when a hemisphere is tilted towards the sun & the south pole is tilted toward the sun -> it is summer in <mask> pole
summer is when a hemisphere is tilted towards the sun & the south pole is tilted toward the sun -> it is summer in south <mask>
it is summer in south pole & the south pole is located in the southern hemisphere -> it is <mask> in southern hemisphere
it is summer in south pole & the south pole is located in the southern hemisphere -> it is summer in southern <mask>
it is summer in southern hemisphere & the winter in the northern hemisphere is during the summer in the southern hemisphere -> it is <mask> in the northern hemisphere
it is summer in southern hemisphere & the winter in the northern hemisphere is during the summer in the southern hemisphere -> it is winter in the <mask> hemisphere
it is summer in southern hemisphere & the winter in the northern hemisphere is during the summer in the southern hemisphere -> it is winter in the northern <mask>
florida is a state located in the united states of america & united states is located in the northern hemisphere -> <mask> is located in the northern hemisphere
florida is a state located in the united states of america & united states is located in the northern hemisphere -> florida is <mask> in the northern hemisphere
florida is a state located in the united states of america & united states is located in the northern hemisphere -> florida is located in the <mask> hemisphere
florida is a state located in the united states of america & united states is located in the northern hemisphere -> florida is located in the northern <mask>
it is winter in the northern hemisphere & florida is located in the northern hemisphere -> it is <mask> in florida
it is winter in the northern hemisphere & florida is located in the northern hemisphere -> it is winter in <mask>
earth is a kind of planet & the sun is a kind of star & the earth revolves around the sun -> <mask> revolving the sun is an example of a planet revolving around its star
earth is a kind of planet & the sun is a kind of star & the earth revolves around the sun -> earth <mask> the sun is an example of a planet revolving around its star
earth is a kind of planet & the sun is a kind of star & the earth revolves around the sun -> earth revolving the <mask> is an example of a planet revolving around its star
earth is a kind of planet & the sun is a kind of star & the earth revolves around the sun -> earth revolving the sun is an <mask> of a planet revolving around its star
earth is a kind of planet & the sun is a kind of star & the earth revolves around the sun -> earth revolving the sun is an example of a <mask> revolving around its star