he kissed my neck as he pulled my nightgown up and over my head .
that familiar stirring presented itself and i decided to ride it out one last time before i told nick about the baby .
three years together and he could still make me scream his name .
he was the best husband ever .
we lay silent in the dark and he was rubbing his hand back and forth over my belly so i decided that was my sign to tell him .
`` i admire the way you have been such a diligent student in your baby making studies , mr. hawke , but there comes a time in every student 's life when he must fail or graduate . ''
`` are you telling me i 'm getting an 'f ' in your class ? ''
`` no , you 're definitely not getting an 'f . '
you 're graduating with a 4.0 .
and honors . ''
`` what are we talking about ? ''
`` mr. hawke , you 've mastered your craft .
you can no longer practice putting a baby in me because you 've successfully done it already . ''
i cringed as i waited for his response .
i felt the bed shift as he reached over to turn on the lamp .
our bedroom was dimly lit and he spun around to look at me and then to my naked belly .
he scooted over next to me and curiously reached his hand out to place it over the spot where our baby currently resided .
`` everything i 've ever done to get a rush does n't even come close to comparing to the one i 'm feeling right now . ''
he put his mouth on my stomach and kissed it .
`` our baby is inside you right there . ''
he gazed up at me .
`` god , i love you .
you 're the best wife ever . ''
he crawled up my body to kiss me .
`` and you 're the best husband ever .
now , make me scream your name again . ''
no regrets in love .
ever .