After all the chemo and everything she is so little and fragile looking but is doing tons better then she was last year . Also we had some of Mary Moore 's family staying over the last few days and they left earlier today . They all are so nice .
What may be the reason her health has improved .
She no longer fears she will live a long life .
She is faking her improved health for the doctor .
None of the above choices .
She no longer has the money to pay for treatment .
My brother 's taking German and I was helping him out with pronunciation and saw the name in the book and thought , " Cute ! " So yeah , one name down , many , many , MANY more to go ! * claps*Typical .
What does my bbrother do during the day ?
He works at a dry cleaner
He is a student
None of the above choices .
He works in a foreign country
One of my challenges lately has been coming up with topics for my laptops blog . You see , I wanted my site to stick out and not be the same as the rest of the other computer related blogs that are just rehashing old stuff . I had come up with some good topics that really had not been covered , but I quickly ran out of steam .
What may be the reason I am struggling with the blog ?
I ca n't think of new laptop topics .
I want to blog about something else .
It 's hard to compete with more established blogs .
It costs too much money to run .
These are my newly dyed roses . They were dingy white originally and I was headed to the trash with them and then thought to color them . I had no dye so off to the kitchen to look for food coloring . I found some red and put several drops into a bowl of water and dunked them .
What may happen after they dye the roses ?
They will surprise someone with the roses .
They will put the roses up for display .
They will sell the roses for profit .
They will gift the roses to another person .
These are my newly dyed roses . They were dingy white originally and I was headed to the trash with them and then thought to color them . I had no dye so off to the kitchen to look for food coloring . I found some red and put several drops into a bowl of water and dunked them .
Why did they dye the roses red ?
They wanted them to look prettier .
They like the color red .
None of the above choices .
They were unable to afford real red roses .
These are my newly dyed roses . They were dingy white originally and I was headed to the trash with them and then thought to color them . I had no dye so off to the kitchen to look for food coloring . I found some red and put several drops into a bowl of water and dunked them .
What may happen after they dye the roses ?
They will surprise someone with the roses .
None of the above choices .
They will sell the roses for profit .
They will use them to decorate their home .
These are my newly dyed roses . They were dingy white originally and I was headed to the trash with them and then thought to color them . I had no dye so off to the kitchen to look for food coloring . I found some red and put several drops into a bowl of water and dunked them .
Why did they dye the roses red ?
Someone had asked them for red roses .
They like the color red .
They wanted traditional red roses .
They were unable to afford real red roses .
The Republican Party is unrecognizable . Who are these people ? Heres what we have since they gained control of Congress and the White House . They had the power .... and they blew it .
Which presidency are they most likely referring to ?
Richard Nixon
Barrack Obama
Donald Trump
George Washington
The Republican Party is unrecognizable . Who are these people ? Heres what we have since they gained control of Congress and the White House . They had the power .... and they blew it .
What best describe 's what they blew ?
Funding the Mexican border wall
Hiring Delta Pilot to head the FAA .
Convincing people trickle - down economics is viable
Detaining children at the border
Well that was fun ! ! I just returned from the game this afternoon and I can honestly say I have n't been happier to be an Arizona Cardinals fan . For the first time since 1991 , the Cardinals are 2 - 0 after defeating the Miami Dolphins 31 - 10 this afternoon at University of Phoenix Stadium . I do have to remember the fact that we ' ve beaten San Francisco and Miami , not Dallas and New England .
What may be a reason for their excitement ?
None of the above choices .
They had witnessed their favorite team win a championship .
Their favorite sports team had finally won a game .
Their favorite sports team had won a game .
Well that was fun ! ! I just returned from the game this afternoon and I can honestly say I have n't been happier to be an Arizona Cardinals fan . For the first time since 1991 , the Cardinals are 2 - 0 after defeating the Miami Dolphins 31 - 10 this afternoon at University of Phoenix Stadium . I do have to remember the fact that we ' ve beaten San Francisco and Miami , not Dallas and New England .
What may be a reason for their excitement ?
Their favorite sports team had finally won a game .
They had witnessed their favorite team win a game .
They had witnessed their favorite team win a championship .
None of the above choices .
Well that was fun ! ! I just returned from the game this afternoon and I can honestly say I have n't been happier to be an Arizona Cardinals fan . For the first time since 1991 , the Cardinals are 2 - 0 after defeating the Miami Dolphins 31 - 10 this afternoon at University of Phoenix Stadium . I do have to remember the fact that we ' ve beaten San Francisco and Miami , not Dallas and New England .
What may be a fact about this person ?
They had been rooting for the Cardinals .
They want the Cardinals to come back next season .
None of the above choices .
They are bragging about the Cardinals ' win .
Well that was fun ! ! I just returned from the game this afternoon and I can honestly say I have n't been happier to be an Arizona Cardinals fan . For the first time since 1991 , the Cardinals are 2 - 0 after defeating the Miami Dolphins 31 - 10 this afternoon at University of Phoenix Stadium . I do have to remember the fact that we ' ve beaten San Francisco and Miami , not Dallas and New England .
What may be a fact about this person ?
They are bragging about the Cardinals ' win .
They want the Cardinals to keep winning .
None of the above choices .
They want the Cardinals to come back next season .
Have finally gotten my accommodation notice . Its in the most expensive hostel in the Uni . But its also en suite , so not so many complaints here . Problem is my hostel is right along the path , so hopefully drunk ang mohs do n't interrupt my sleep by chatting at high volumes right ourside my room after being dropped off .
What possible problems will arise at the hostel ?
I might talk too loudly after drinking .
The hostel will be too far from the path .
Drunk people might talk too loudly .
The hostel will be too cheap .
My first mile was 12:30 . I think all of them prior to mile 10 were less than 14 minutes . And even when I slowed down in the last 3.5 miles ( we 'll get to that soon - grr ) , I kept every single mile under 15 minutes .
What may be the reason I am posting my times ?
I using these numbers to try to get a few other people to step it up .
I am trying to figure out what kind of gas mileage I 'm getting with my car .
None of the above choices .
I am happy that I am able to keep my time down during a long distance run .
Now I ' m not renowned for my emotional side but this really gets to me , for some reason . Likewise , when driving up here yesterday , I saw a man whose car had broken down trying to push it over the kerb and onto the sidewalk out of the road . As he was having difficulty getting it over the kerb , another man rushed across the road , quick as a flash , and lent a hand . These people had never met before but had joined together in a common goal , without words being exchanged and without any bargaining taking place beforehand .
Why has this series of events led to an activation of the speaker 's hypoactive emotional side ?
The display of basic human kindness was something they had never seen before , but they liked it
They were angry because they knew the man being helped was a corrupt local politician
They were frustrated and irritable because they needed to get to work , and these people were in their way
None of the above choices .
Now I ' m not renowned for my emotional side but this really gets to me , for some reason . Likewise , when driving up here yesterday , I saw a man whose car had broken down trying to push it over the kerb and onto the sidewalk out of the road . As he was having difficulty getting it over the kerb , another man rushed across the road , quick as a flash , and lent a hand . These people had never met before but had joined together in a common goal , without words being exchanged and without any bargaining taking place beforehand .
Why has this series of events led to an activation of the speaker 's hypoactive emotional side ?
None of the above choices .
They were angry because they knew the man being helped was a corrupt local politician
They were frustrated and irritable because they needed to get to work , and these people were in their way
The show of profound altruism was really quite nice , and they could n't help but be touched
Going to be looking for some new plants to put on the porch at my new apartment . I unfortunately lost most of my flowers on my way back to college ( they were in the bed of my truck . ) I was able to keep my one new plant though , that I love so much . I was growing three sunflowers , but they were part of the group that I lost .
What kind of vehicle might they be driving
None of the above choices .
Honda Civic
Ford F150
Suburu Outback
It was one of the more bizarre things I ' ve seen at a gig , though I accept it 's probably not right up there in the top eschelons of bizarreness at gigs . It 's not quite in the same league as Aerosmith running off stage to do hard drugs in between songs , but close . I do n't think he washed his hands though .
What genre of music may they play ?
None of the above choices .
You know how sometimes you get these strong cravings for this ONE thing and wo n't settle for less . I asked a bunch of strangers , people in booths , people on the street . Everyone was telling me different things .
Why was the narrator seemingly so confused ?
People were telling them many things .
None of the above choices .
The streets were blocked .
Strangers kept talking to them .
You know how sometimes you get these strong cravings for this ONE thing and wo n't settle for less . I asked a bunch of strangers , people in booths , people on the street . Everyone was telling me different things .
Why was the narrator seemingly so confused ?
None of the above choices .
Strangers kept talking to them .
Strangers gave conflicting answers .
The streets were blocked .
The Yankees jumped out to a 3 - 0 lead with some small ball and shotty Baltimore fielding and there was a young couple in front of me and a man with his son next to me , both wearing Orioles hats . The son , probably two or three years younger than myself , asked his Dad if Baltimore had scored yet ( this was around the seventh inning ) . Feeling the vibe of the crowd and the atmosphere , I responded first with a cheerful and loud , " NOPE ! " .
Where is this event most likely taking place ?
outside of a baseball stadium .
In Baltimore .
In the stands of a baseball stadium .
None of the above choices .
The Yankees jumped out to a 3 - 0 lead with some small ball and shotty Baltimore fielding and there was a young couple in front of me and a man with his son next to me , both wearing Orioles hats . The son , probably two or three years younger than myself , asked his Dad if Baltimore had scored yet ( this was around the seventh inning ) . Feeling the vibe of the crowd and the atmosphere , I responded first with a cheerful and loud , " NOPE ! " .
Where is this event most likely taking place ?
outside of a baseball stadium .
None of the above choices .
At a baseball game .
In Baltimore .
The Yankees jumped out to a 3 - 0 lead with some small ball and shotty Baltimore fielding and there was a young couple in front of me and a man with his son next to me , both wearing Orioles hats . The son , probably two or three years younger than myself , asked his Dad if Baltimore had scored yet ( this was around the seventh inning ) . Feeling the vibe of the crowd and the atmosphere , I responded first with a cheerful and loud , " NOPE ! " .
Who is the narrator a fan of , if anyone ?
Baltimore Orioles
None of the above choices .
He just wants a good game .
The Yankees jumped out to a 3 - 0 lead with some small ball and shotty Baltimore fielding and there was a young couple in front of me and a man with his son next to me , both wearing Orioles hats . The son , probably two or three years younger than myself , asked his Dad if Baltimore had scored yet ( this was around the seventh inning ) . Feeling the vibe of the crowd and the atmosphere , I responded first with a cheerful and loud , " NOPE ! " .
Who is the narrator a fan of , if anyone ?
None of the above choices .
Baltimore Orioles
New York Yankees
He just wants a good game .
Not to mention the fact that my older aunt conveniently forgets the fact that I have warned her twice that the Met is so big that you can not go over it in one day . She wanted to go through the entire museum in one day . We did n't even get to the second floor or the basement with the costumes ; the kids were whining and complaining so much and we were all tired .
Why was the aunt trying to achieve such a large task in one day ?
She is a lover of the arts and spends this much time and museums everyday .
She was on vacation and wanted to see as much as she could in her little bit of time .
None of the above choices .
She wanted to make sure she had enough costumes for all of the kids with her .
Even though I tried to give this fire oxygen and let the fire begin I pushed it to the limit of regret . I fed the fire with everything I had turning it againts me and I let it burn me . Still thank you for being a friend for me , and am thinking of the times when I told you how I felt and I now tell you i feel lost with no way and like the doors are closing in together . This time it really is hurting to say good bye , and deep inside am loosing grip of who I have been ... this time i m feeling like even tho it cuts me in like a knife there wo n't be much to let out .
What kind of medicine would help me the most ?
Even though I tried to give this fire oxygen and let the fire begin I pushed it to the limit of regret . I fed the fire with everything I had turning it againts me and I let it burn me . Still thank you for being a friend for me , and am thinking of the times when I told you how I felt and I now tell you i feel lost with no way and like the doors are closing in together . This time it really is hurting to say good bye , and deep inside am loosing grip of who I have been ... this time i m feeling like even tho it cuts me in like a knife there wo n't be much to let out .
How do I feel ?
None of the above choices .
I feel terrible .
I feel motivated .
I feel sleepy .
And , I have a new fav on my food list .. crispy duck @ Social . It 's a must have ! ! Wonder where is our next dinner going to be at .. hmmm .. NYUM ! ! ! Ca n't wait ..
What city may I currently be living in ?
New York City
None of the above choices .
I remember also my mother taking me to the bathroom and cleaning me up . Despite my extreme humiliation and embarrassment , she was tender and let me know it was o.k . A proud moment to combat this perhaps ... um ... ok , when I helped on old lady cross the street . It really is helpful to do things like that . I find that birthdays are a great time for reflection on one 's life ...
What emotion may I be feeling ?
Argue with your mother or miss Sunday Mass , and you had better see a priest before your soul wilts and blackens . If you curse the next time you stub your toe or tell your boss a white lie when you call in sick ( I ' m sorry sir , I ' m not feeling well . No , this has nothing to do with the Nine Inch Nails concert last night ) , you had better start saying Hail Marys for the salvation of your soul .
What best describes the OP 's religious background ?
Argue with your mother or miss Sunday Mass , and you had better see a priest before your soul wilts and blackens . If you curse the next time you stub your toe or tell your boss a white lie when you call in sick ( I ' m sorry sir , I ' m not feeling well . No , this has nothing to do with the Nine Inch Nails concert last night ) , you had better start saying Hail Marys for the salvation of your soul .
What must the OP do to remedy their situation
Make a sacrifice
Confess their sins
Do missionary work
None of the above choices .
He asked me if I wanted to come over and after a whole bunch of shit , he finally came to pick me up . It was around 9 pm when we left and we went swimming and then just talked for a while . Got home kinda late but it was all good . Hubert called me today around noon asking if I wanted to have lunch so we went to Chipotle and then to The Coffee Bean afterward .
What may be the way we were talking when he asked if I wanted to come over ?
We were talking by telephone before he drove over to get me .
None of the above choices .
We were having a cup of coffee at the Coffee Bean .
We were at Chipotle 's having something to eat .
There before us was a telephone pole emblazoned with the yellow triangles of the Mass Midstate Trail . They were pointing left when looked at from the angle that we chose to look at them . Therein lies the problem .
What can we infer happened after discovering the trail marker ?
None of the above choices .
The group went the right way .
The group followed the yellow circles .
The group went the wrong way .
There before us was a telephone pole emblazoned with the yellow triangles of the Mass Midstate Trail . They were pointing left when looked at from the angle that we chose to look at them . Therein lies the problem .
What can we infer happened after discovering the trail marker ?
None of the above choices .
The group went the right way .
The group took a wrong turn .
The group followed the yellow circles .
There before us was a telephone pole emblazoned with the yellow triangles of the Mass Midstate Trail . They were pointing left when looked at from the angle that we chose to look at them . Therein lies the problem .
What can we deduce about the yellow triangles ?
None of the above choices .
They appear to be pointing to the left .
Someone has changed their direction .
They are not very confusing .
There before us was a telephone pole emblazoned with the yellow triangles of the Mass Midstate Trail . They were pointing left when looked at from the angle that we chose to look at them . Therein lies the problem .
What can we deduce about the yellow triangles ?
They look like they are pointing left .
None of the above choices .
Someone has changed their direction .
They are not very confusing .
No more school meant plenty of time to drive at our leisure and see more of this beautifull country . But guess who 's coming to visit the Sunshine State this week ? Hanna , Ike , and Josephine !
Where will Hannah , Josephine , and I stay while they visit the Sunshine state ?
None of the above choices .
They will stay with the narrator as this is probably a family trip .
They want to relax or they will stay in a beautiful Country Inn .
They are on a Leisure trip , so they will stay near the golf course where they packed practice their drive .
On the lighter side , I would just like to share something that happened yesterday . Those who know me in person / closely know that I am non - fatally , but hilariously clumsy , at times . Yesterday , I was in rare form . Coming out of the stand - alone ATM building , I had my wallet in one hand , and my purse on my arm . In the other hand , I had the 6 twenties that I had gotten out of the machine , because I ' m the primary money - getter in our family , and I get the money out and give Ed his share .
Why would she be in charge of getting cash for the family ?
Because she is the most responsible with money .
None of the above choices .
Because her husband is too lazy .
Because the rest of her family is poor .
He goes to school , goes to work and goes home to sleep or play video games . He does n't do much in the way of chores , he does n't have many things to do and he has friends that come and see him all the time . What the hell is he complaining about ? !
Does he have a good life ?
He is forced to complete chores all day .
He has a difficult life full of work .
He has very little to complain about .
None of the above choices .
He got all defensive and he raised his voice at me . He said he was n't doing that to her but other passengers . I said ' I mean .. ' and he interrupted ' I mean .. what ?
What may be the reason he interrupted her ?
He was in a good mood and just joking .
He wanted to make her start crying .
He was starting to get very annoyed .
He wanted to calm his bad nerves .
He got all defensive and he raised his voice at me . He said he was n't doing that to her but other passengers . I said ' I mean .. ' and he interrupted ' I mean .. what ?
what could be said of the location of this event ?
It could be that they 're in a transport vessel with shoppers .
it could be that they 're in a transport vessel with passengers
it could be that they 're in a restaurant with customers .
it could be that they 're in a transport vessel with dealers .
I was annoyed . How could anyone talk to a fragile , vulnerable old lady like this ? I approached the bus driver and told him in a nice tone .
What is the narrator likely to do to the bus driver after seeing this ?
The narrator is likely to report the driver .
None of the above choices .
The narrator is likely to seek to promote the driver .
The narrator is likely to give the driver a pass .
I was annoyed . How could anyone talk to a fragile , vulnerable old lady like this ? I approached the bus driver and told him in a nice tone .
What is the narrator likely to do to the bus driver after seeing this ?
The narrator is likely to give the driver a pass .
None of the above choices .
The narrator is likely to seek to promote the driver .
The narrator is likely to demand an explanation from the driver .
I was annoyed . How could anyone talk to a fragile , vulnerable old lady like this ? I approached the bus driver and told him in a nice tone .
what annoyed me ?
The bus driver treated an elderly person poorly
Someone hit the lady
None of the above choices .
there were too many children on the bus
I was annoyed . How could anyone talk to a fragile , vulnerable old lady like this ? I approached the bus driver and told him in a nice tone .
what annoyed me ?
Someone on the bus talked badly to the elderly lady .
Someone hit the lady
there were too many children on the bus
None of the above choices .
He got all defensive and he raised his voice at me . He said he was n't doing that to her but other passengers . I said ' I mean .. ' and he interrupted ' I mean .. what ?
Why would the man be raising his voice at the narrator ?
The man feels the narrator is being kind .
The man feels he is being accused of something .
The man feels the narrator is passive .
The man feels the narrator is vulnerable .
He got all defensive and he raised his voice at me . He said he was n't doing that to her but other passengers . I said ' I mean .. ' and he interrupted ' I mean .. what ?
Why would the man be raising his voice at the narrator ?
The man feels the narrator is passive .
The man feels the narrator is vulnerable .
The man feels the narrator is being kind .
The man feels he is being challenged by the narrator .
I HATE THEM ( Only when they 're rude and horrible and evil ) Here 's the story of the day : I was at Edgware Road today . Church Street bus stop , to be more specific . I just finished grocery shopping and the bus took ages to arrive . I saw a number 16 and hopped on .
What hast to happen before this ?
They have to eat something
None of the above choices .
They have to go to the store
They have to have to get the bus
I HATE THEM ( Only when they 're rude and horrible and evil ) Here 's the story of the day : I was at Edgware Road today . Church Street bus stop , to be more specific . I just finished grocery shopping and the bus took ages to arrive . I saw a number 16 and hopped on .
What hast to happen before this ?
They have to eat something
None of the above choices .
They have to pay for their items
They have to have to get the bus
I HATE THEM ( Only when they 're rude and horrible and evil ) Here 's the story of the day : I was at Edgware Road today . Church Street bus stop , to be more specific . I just finished grocery shopping and the bus took ages to arrive . I saw a number 16 and hopped on .
How is the narrator in their relations with other people ?
The narrator can be peaceful .
The narrator can be friendly .
None of the above choices .
The narrator can be difficult .
I HATE THEM ( Only when they 're rude and horrible and evil ) Here 's the story of the day : I was at Edgware Road today . Church Street bus stop , to be more specific . I just finished grocery shopping and the bus took ages to arrive . I saw a number 16 and hopped on .
How is the narrator in their relations with other people ?
The narrator can be peaceful .
The narrator can be friendly .
None of the above choices .
The narrator can be unfriendly .
I HATE THEM ( Only when they 're rude and horrible and evil ) Here 's the story of the day : I was at Edgware Road today . Church Street bus stop , to be more specific . I just finished grocery shopping and the bus took ages to arrive . I saw a number 16 and hopped on .
To whom do I refer when I say " I hate them " ?
Bus drivers
None of the above choices .
I HATE THEM ( Only when they 're rude and horrible and evil ) Here 's the story of the day : I was at Edgware Road today . Church Street bus stop , to be more specific . I just finished grocery shopping and the bus took ages to arrive . I saw a number 16 and hopped on .
To whom do I refer when I say " I hate them " ?
Transit employees
None of the above choices .
I was annoyed . How could anyone talk to a fragile , vulnerable old lady like this ? I approached the bus driver and told him in a nice tone .
What may have the bus driver done ?
He was trying to kick the lady off the bus .
None of the above choices .
He was yelling for the lady to dance for him .
He was helping an old lady get on the bus .
On top of it we had to use low tide to gain extra space . I still see myself standing on deck looking up to the bridge and thinking that there is no way our ship will fit . We got closer and closer and some of my comrades got ready to duck down since we all were convinced we would hit the bridge . Over 200 guys started screaming when we were passing underneath it .
What may happen if we can not go under ?
We will crash our car
We will crash our bike
We will crash our boat
None of the above choices .
. so I am not looking for a hook up , and please do not think that if you do n't like the picture that I will automatically go out with you . I am not desperate . :-) I have healthy self esteem and do not have problems hearing I am beautiful from some men and women .
Where might this have taken place on ?
Over the course of the Olympic Games there are 20 exciting Going for Gold events taking place at bet365 where players can compete for both cash prizes and medals . The more medals that you win , the higher up the leaderboard you are placed and greater your chance of winning the top prizes . In each event , the top 100 players will each win a medal .
How many Going for Gold events are held in the Olympic Games .
None of the above choices .
There are 20 Olympic Game events that are part of the Going for Gold competition .
The Going for Gold competition consists of 100 events for 20 players .
The are 365 players competing in 100 events for 20 medals .
Over the course of the Olympic Games there are 20 exciting Going for Gold events taking place at bet365 where players can compete for both cash prizes and medals . The more medals that you win , the higher up the leaderboard you are placed and greater your chance of winning the top prizes . In each event , the top 100 players will each win a medal .
What can the players compete for ?
The top 20 players can win a medal in the Olympic games .
The players compete to win and get higher on the leader board
The players can can go to bet365 and win the Olympic games .
None of the above choices .
Over the course of the Olympic Games there are 20 exciting Going for Gold events taking place at bet365 where players can compete for both cash prizes and medals . The more medals that you win , the higher up the leaderboard you are placed and greater your chance of winning the top prizes . In each event , the top 100 players will each win a medal .
How many Going for Gold events are held in the Olympic Games .
The are 365 players competing in 100 events for 20 medals .
None of the above choices .
The Going for Gold takes place at bet365 for 20 Olympic Games .
The Going for Gold competition consists of 100 events for 20 players .
Over the course of the Olympic Games there are 20 exciting Going for Gold events taking place at bet365 where players can compete for both cash prizes and medals . The more medals that you win , the higher up the leaderboard you are placed and greater your chance of winning the top prizes . In each event , the top 100 players will each win a medal .
What can the players compete for ?
The top 20 players can win a medal in the Olympic games .
None of the above choices .
The top 20 players can compete in 100 Olympic events .
The players can can go to bet365 and win the Olympic games .
Wednesday 24th of September 2008 was quite an emotional day for us all . The final day of our high school careers . This day means the last of school periods and lessons that we would ever had to endure , except it was n't one of those lessons that you wish you could die and wake up once it ended .
What may happen after Wednesday ?
None of the above choices .
I may do some 10th grade math homework .
I may feel very relieved .
Many of us may study hard to take the GED test .
Wednesday 24th of September 2008 was quite an emotional day for us all . The final day of our high school careers . This day means the last of school periods and lessons that we would ever had to endure , except it was n't one of those lessons that you wish you could die and wake up once it ended .
What may happen after Wednesday ?
None of the above choices .
My classmates and I may go to college .
Many of us may study hard to take the GED test .
I may do some 10th grade math homework .
Today we moved the RV home . His dad pisses me off most of the time I have to be in his company . It 's in the backyard , no help to me because the fever took over and I felt really really unbalanced and needed to lay down then and there . Anyways , need to go read a bit out in the RV .
Where is the RV located ?
It 's in front of the house .
It 's to the side of the house .
None of the above choices .
It is behind the house .
Today we moved the RV home . His dad pisses me off most of the time I have to be in his company . It 's in the backyard , no help to me because the fever took over and I felt really really unbalanced and needed to lay down then and there . Anyways , need to go read a bit out in the RV .
What is wrong with the author ?
None of the above choices .
He 's feeling scared .
He is feeling unwell .
He 's feeling nervous .
Today we moved the RV home . His dad pisses me off most of the time I have to be in his company . It 's in the backyard , no help to me because the fever took over and I felt really really unbalanced and needed to lay down then and there . Anyways , need to go read a bit out in the RV .
What is wrong with the author ?
He is running a temperature .
He 's feeling scared .
He 's feeling nervous .
None of the above choices .
The Holy Martyrs Saint Sophia and her Daughters Faith , Hope and Love were born in Italy . Their mother was a pious Christian widow who named her daughters for the three Christian virtues . Faith was twelve , Hope was ten , and Love was nine .
What may happen before the kids were born ?
The kids knows both their parents
Saint Sophia is conversant with just three spirit fruits
The kids exhibits traits synonymous to their appellation
The parent is very religious
That took some time as the back yard had gotten way outta control . I ' ve been spreading the lawn clippings from the tame lawn over the glacial till of a back yard and mowing over it all . Now the tame grass has been seeding the glacial till and actually taking over the wild weeds . But it 's getting damn tall !
What may be a plausible fact about me ?
I was exercising in my yard .
I was working in my yard .
I was playing in my yard .
I was running in my yard .
That took some time as the back yard had gotten way outta control . I ' ve been spreading the lawn clippings from the tame lawn over the glacial till of a back yard and mowing over it all . Now the tame grass has been seeding the glacial till and actually taking over the wild weeds . But it 's getting damn tall !
What may be a plausible fact about me ?
I was exercising in my yard .
I was landscaping in my yard .
I was running in my yard .
I was playing in my yard .
I just got back from helping Freshmen move in . I was wondering if it was going to be like in high school where as soon as you ' ve moved on from your own freshman year , all the freshmen of the next years just seem so young and naive and immature . It was n't like that .
Where may I be currently employed ?
A hospital
A high school
None of the above choices .
That was so very kind and he 'll enjoy reading them many times over ( me too ) . Have a great day .... see ya :) p.s . Ribbon Shares were supposed to end yesterday but I forgot to remind you .... so I 'll extend it one day . Tonight at midnight is the deadline to participate on this round of Ribbon Shares .
What will happen in two days for the narrator ?
None of the above choices .
Ribbon Shares will be extended .
Ribbon Shares will be started .
Ribbon Shares will end .
That was so very kind and he 'll enjoy reading them many times over ( me too ) . Have a great day .... see ya :) p.s . Ribbon Shares were supposed to end yesterday but I forgot to remind you .... so I 'll extend it one day . Tonight at midnight is the deadline to participate on this round of Ribbon Shares .
What will happen in two days for the narrator ?
None of the above choices .
Ribbon Shares will be over .
Ribbon Shares will be extended .
Ribbon Shares will be started .
Also check out my list of favourite websites - I have links to a few good vintage websites ! ! Secondly , what to expect ? Well , the best tips I can give are:"Expect the unexpected"I've often gone thrifting for specific items or a lot of the time a general browse and came home with something that was n't even on my radar .
What can be said of y taste in things ?
I must dislike vintage things but value antiques .
I must love vintage things but dislike antiques .
I must despise all things vintage and antique .
I must love vintage things and value antiques .
Also check out my list of favourite websites - I have links to a few good vintage websites ! ! Secondly , what to expect ? Well , the best tips I can give are:"Expect the unexpected"I've often gone thrifting for specific items or a lot of the time a general browse and came home with something that was n't even on my radar .
What is the person going to use these quotes for ?
They are going to be for a book .
They are going to be for a paper .
They are going to be inspired .
They are going to be for a card .
I think I may have found something . After posting my sample , I decided to test it using just the sample ( instead of the whole file ) and found that I no longer had the problem . The resulting video was correctly encoded as anamorphic wide screen . I then tested the whole file and again no problem .
What kind of file are they testing ?
A music file .
A video file .
A coded file .
A legal file .
He even asked to sign my guestbook and put something stupid in it . Since last September , I have n't said one word to him . Do I want to ? Yes . However , I ca n't , really .
What may be the reason he wanted to write in my guestbook ?
None of the above choices .
He was trying to tell me to leave him alone .
He wanted to maintain a small connection with me .
He was trying to make someone else jealous .
but man , he looks old ! both he and rain looks so weird with the hair all gelled up and looking like they gon na dance to some disco song or something.also , why did kelly chan kept sidling up against rain ? ? iris was like , ' is n't she married or something ? ? ' i mean , seriously , just because people is some famous dude , does n't mean that you have to be so flirtatious until forget about your lover back home right ? ?
What may happened after Kelly left >
Her boyfriend got mad at how she acted .
She went for a run .
She went out to eat ,
She went to a second party .
I played in the water , and tried to ride the waves . I ' m not sure if that 's the right phrase to describe trying to sit on the wave , and ride it as it crashes onto the shore . There was a slight undertow , and so it was a bit scary . and i went under and got salt water in my mouth and nose .
What was I doing when I got the salt water in my nose and mouth ?
I was trying to get my catamaran to sit upright after it flipped .
I was attempting to surf in the ocean without really knowing how .
None of the above choices .
I was on a seadoo alone when it crashed onto the shore .
There definitely is a weakness of the body which reflects in various ailments but it is compounded by a lack of urgency . I am not sure whether its a general way of thinking or not but so far I have never heard anyone reminding me of death . Should nt we be talking more about it ?
What will happen if you do n't seek help ?
None of the above choices .
You will die .
You will gain energy .
You may die .
There definitely is a weakness of the body which reflects in various ailments but it is compounded by a lack of urgency . I am not sure whether its a general way of thinking or not but so far I have never heard anyone reminding me of death . Should nt we be talking more about it ?
What will happen if you do n't seek help ?
None of the above choices .
Things could result in major bodily harm .
You will die .
You will gain energy .
Well , I am in the city that never sleeps ! I ' m very excited ! We got here yesterday and have been doing all the tourist - y stuff while we can .
What am I doing on my trip ?
Not being excited to be a tourist
Getting a lot of sleep
Seeing the sights in NYC
Trying to see things that other people do not see
Detectives said the arrest followed allegations made to them in May and June . " Two male joggers said they had observed a man molesting the sheep in a field at Botany Bay Lane , Chislehurst , " police said in a statement . " A similar incident was reported to police by a stables employee in the area . " Media reports said the man had been barred from visiting farmland while officers carried out their investigation .
What might happen after the man is arrested ?
None of the above choices .
He will be tried and convicted .
He will be acquitted of all charges .
People will be more watchful over their sheep .
I want to stay home and play WoW. Yes . But I need the time to really reflect on the upcoming months , and to reconnect with myself , with my lover , and with the energy that makes me feel whole and powerful .
What may be the reason why they ca n't do all the things they want to do and play WoW ?
They are placing importance on the game instead of personal care .
They got lost in the game and there would be no time for anything else .
None of the above choices .
They have too many chores to do so they would n't have time for all of it .
He had noticed that sketched into the table was a drawing that read : Learn to love . He traced it with his finger really affecting him . Sitting there we talked more about our lives and at one point he grabbed my braclet and looked at making comments about him liking it .
Why was the narrator moved by how the man acted ?
The man gave her a drawing .
None of the above choices .
The man gave her a necklace .
The man acted very romantic .
He had noticed that sketched into the table was a drawing that read : Learn to love . He traced it with his finger really affecting him . Sitting there we talked more about our lives and at one point he grabbed my braclet and looked at making comments about him liking it .
Why was the narrator moved by how the man acted ?
The man acted very lovingly .
The man gave her a necklace .
None of the above choices .
The man gave her a drawing .
They are a bit anal there , and do n't like people buying codeine products and try to get you to buy some alternative or go see your doctor . It 's the only thing that works on my headaches , so that 's what I buy . However , I let them talk me into buying vitamin B tablets .
Which of the following is true of the narrator ?
They are annoyed by different regulations .
None of the above choices .
They are a bit anal and do n't like buying codeine .
They are helped by vitamin tablets .
I think I ' m getting my groove back . If you remember , I lost 4.8 pounds my very first week on Weight Watchers . So this 4.6 pounds is exactly what the doctor ordered to get me up and running again .
Why is the narrator so amped up ?
They are heavier .
None of the above choices .
They are thinner .
They are gaining weight .
I think I ' m getting my groove back . If you remember , I lost 4.8 pounds my very first week on Weight Watchers . So this 4.6 pounds is exactly what the doctor ordered to get me up and running again .
Why is the narrator so amped up ?
They are more svelte .
They are gaining weight .
None of the above choices .
They are heavier .
My brother called another friend , one that knows about cars , and he said that I should open the windows and put the heat on so that the heat from the engine filters out , and that would help us get back home . Of course , as soon as we heard this supposed - to - be - relieving advice , it started raining like crazy . My luck is so retarded .
What may be the reason for them thinking they have bad luck ?
It started raining when they are supposed to open the windows .
They do n't like the rain at all .
They had an outdoor event planned .
None of the above choices .
So I got a new bed this week ... not really , though . It 's actually a memory foam mattress topper for the bed I already have , but it 's really like having a new bed . The fact that I got this " new " bed is really TM 's fault . When we lived together , he bought a 4-inch memory foam and it transformed our sleeping experience . It was the most comfortable thing ever !
Why would the narrator have a resentment to Tim over this narrative ?
Tim took a beloved apartment from them .
None of the above choices .
Tim took a beloved pet from them .
Tim took a beloved bed from them .
So I got a new bed this week ... not really , though . It 's actually a memory foam mattress topper for the bed I already have , but it 's really like having a new bed . The fact that I got this " new " bed is really TM 's fault . When we lived together , he bought a 4-inch memory foam and it transformed our sleeping experience . It was the most comfortable thing ever !
Why would the narrator have a resentment to Tim over this narrative ?
None of the above choices .
Tim took a beloved mattress from them .
Tim took a beloved pet from them .
Tim took a beloved apartment from them .
I bet the guy from the manicure stand could make his mortgage payment after one day of selling Kirbys . Maybe I ' m rationalizing here , but . . .Let me rephrase .
What may happen if I win the bet ?
None of the above choices .
I will get a facial .
I will get a manicure .
I will get a pedicure .
The weather has been all over the place recently , but every now and then it remembers that it 's still summer and throws up a cracking day like this one , when I grabbed the chance to get up high and do the Indian Ridge horse - shoe . Mt Robson is the highest peak in the Rockies and on a clear day you can see it from here , but even with the fantastic summer we ' ve had the haze has ruined the view . So I was totally made up to see it sticking up , head and shoulders above everything around it , gleaming white in the sun and making all the surrounding peaks look small and grey in comparison .
What time of year is it for the hiker .
It is the season before Summer .
None of the above choices .
It is the season after Fall .
It is the season after Spring .
The weather has been all over the place recently , but every now and then it remembers that it 's still summer and throws up a cracking day like this one , when I grabbed the chance to get up high and do the Indian Ridge horse - shoe . Mt Robson is the highest peak in the Rockies and on a clear day you can see it from here , but even with the fantastic summer we ' ve had the haze has ruined the view . So I was totally made up to see it sticking up , head and shoulders above everything around it , gleaming white in the sun and making all the surrounding peaks look small and grey in comparison .
What time of year is it for the hiker .
It is season before Fall .
It is the season after Fall .
It is the season before Summer .
None of the above choices .
Then he would suddenly be a tall , dark handsome 19yo and leave on a full scholarship to Harvard , having totally bypassed the lanky , awkward and parent - distaining years . That was how I pictured it , anyway . I don;t remember signing up for ten .
What city may be soon be living ?
None of the above choices .
New York City
It was n't just the start of her singing career , but of something that she 'd never been searching for . Something that was much grander than anything she 'd ever known . " But this is your first show .
Why is this her first show ?
This is due to a sheltered life .
She has never been to a concert before .
This is the beginning of her career .
She has sung for years but never toured .
I got a pleasant surprise at dinner tonight . My friend passed me my CD sleeve ... and I thought it was weird . When I turned it over , my heart melted and I saw a message written by Jason Mraz on it .
What did my friend do to surprize me .
He had an artist autograph my tablecloth .
He had an artist autograph my plate .
He had an artist autograph my shirt .
He had an artist autograph my cd .
I got a pleasant surprise at dinner tonight . My friend passed me my CD sleeve ... and I thought it was weird . When I turned it over , my heart melted and I saw a message written by Jason Mraz on it .
What what was the reason their heart melted ?
There was a picture of herself drawn outside .
There was a touching message written inside .
There was nothing inside just blank pages .
They were stuck by lightening in the heart .
I got a pleasant surprise at dinner tonight . My friend passed me my CD sleeve ... and I thought it was weird . When I turned it over , my heart melted and I saw a message written by Jason Mraz on it .
What is a CD sleeve ?
None of the above choices .
it is a container for holding paper Certificates of Deposit details .
It is a Central Detective folder on a case I have been following .
It is a organizer for holding Compact Discs .
I got a pleasant surprise at dinner tonight . My friend passed me my CD sleeve ... and I thought it was weird . When I turned it over , my heart melted and I saw a message written by Jason Mraz on it .
What is the reason my heart melted ?
None of the above choices .
I was happy to get my CDs .
I got a special desert and it was my favorite .
I saw the message from Jason Mraz who is a vocal artist and is somewhat famous .